r€^ ^ Given By U. S. SUPT. OF DQCUMENTg ~^ 3" UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 1959 South Dakota :^*«?f^* COUNTIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE POREAU OF THE CENSUS \ U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Report — Vol. I— Part 19— Counties FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES South Dakota COUNTIES Prepared under the supervision of RAY HURLEY, Chief Agriculture Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director (From May 4, 1967) Robert W. Burgess, Director (To March 3, 7 961 ) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director (From May 4, 1961) ROBERT W. BURGESS, Director (To March 3. 1961) A. Ross ECKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Daly, Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A. W. VON Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chiej y^ , — ^ Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief P^/n/._A3/M^ Orvin L. WiLHiTE, Assistant Chief ^ WW -J-'OC Field Division — ^"2 \ 1 Jefferson D. McPike, Chief I ' Ivan G. Munro, Assistant Chief ^_ ■ f. n \ i Machine Tabulation Division^ / O I o I I C. F. Van Aken, Chief Henry A. Bloom, Assistant Chief \J n[' \ Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chief TT" ) M I • o c 3 o -% s i I INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OP AGRICULTURE Hictory of the Census. — The 1959 Census is the 17th nationwide agricultural census. The first agricultural census was taken In 1840, at the same time as the Sixth Decennial Census of Popu- lation. From 1850 to 1920, an agricultural census was taken every 10 years. With increased application of scientific findings and the growing use of mechanization in agriculture, farming practices were changing so rapidly that facts collected at 10-year Intervals were no longer adequate. Aware of the need for more accurate and timely information, the Congress in 1909 (36 stat. 10, sec. 31, provided for a census to be taken in 1915 and every 10 years thereafter which was to be in addition to the census of agriculture to be taken at the time of the decennial census of population. The 1915 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every 6 years. Legal Basis for the Census.— The 1950 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 18, United States Code-Census," codified In August 1954, and amended in August 1057 and September 1960, Is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 1050, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agriculture, provided that the censuses directed to be taken In October 1969 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken instead In conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 196B Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the eflective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test Each version contained questions appropriate to the tyi)e of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major atpects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use undei conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted In the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 1959 census, the staff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every per- son hired to do work in connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his Job. Staff mem- bers of the Washington and Regional Offices of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and supervised approximately 30,000 enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program included filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November 18, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of December 1959 and January 1960 ; and In Alaska, during April 1960. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1054 are given in State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 1959 census for each county is given in county table 6. Data for Inventory items — land in farms, machinery and equip- ment, livestock, and poultry — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 1959, regardless of whether and when they were sold while data for sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year 1959. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1959, special emphasis was placed upon the Inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the period from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization.— Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used In the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title." The Agriculture Questionnaire. — The questionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and experience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability 603128—60 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following: Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting .recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 316 questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately oiie-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important cro{)s grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money in taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed^ to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy ajid, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. e. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. . d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhousfe products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in' the tabulations for farms. During the office processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition ot a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1954 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED'S," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 19o4 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of I'opulation and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without running any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Group I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,7."J1 ED's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Group II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed in the Enumerator's Record Book, The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwi.se account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, he was instructed to ask at each of these places if there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, antf, if so, to add them to his list and enumerate them. There wete ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's in 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised incorporated places or that were within an incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form included in Enumerator's Record Book.)' The lines on the listing form were numbered in consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living in his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an important aid to the enumerator in securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural operations within his area. At the same time, it helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Maps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or, in a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area in accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place in his Record Book, he indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms. — Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "special and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock Inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to be specializing In such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or State. The enu- merator was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 1959 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use in checking enumeratioil coverage. Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire. — As in several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questionnaire was used in some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. Its purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator waa required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By checking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that it was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties in the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties in 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators — that is, by persons who do not live on the land they oi)erate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, in addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which it was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and in selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work.— In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of Interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tlonnairea, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator efficiency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING Vse of Bampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of operator. Description of the Sample.— The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of $100,000 or more in 1959, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of $100,000 or more, were included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the Information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. ■ The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for inclusion in the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure: As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to it, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required in each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample. — An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres .'ind with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purirase of this adjustment was to improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties in a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms in the sample for each of 10 slze-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 slze-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres, 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, 180 to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each slze-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms in those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was in the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sanu)le. — For the items included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV ) , estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, Item-by- Item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed in italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates. — The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estimates, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some instances, be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of items, together with a figure for each item indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2% times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 23, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 19,'J9. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be used to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differences in Sata Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — Many of the figures in the detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tables. For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals even when such totals were available, nor were slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeration. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the i)ortfolio to the Agriculture Processing OflSce at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of Questionnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded before the Information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the specific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage comjjared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested In relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales In relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more eflSciently and eco- nomically during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or suijervised the correction of) the questionnaires either on the basis of information reported for other farms of similar tyi)e in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in response to letters directed to the farm operators. Coding of Questionnaires. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basis of irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports an(J verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report. — This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United States" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island pos.sessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling methods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic cla.ss of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Ulnor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again in 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration I)eriod was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained in the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a r^sum^ of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operations", see p. X.) Control may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the .i-ear amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be exjiected to produce agricultural products in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give eniunerators the defini- INTRODUCTION XV tlon of a farm. Instead, enumerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to fill questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censu.ses, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during office process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been expected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes in price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error and those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only if at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease in the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms in 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms if the criteria had been the same as in earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products in 1959 was used resulted in the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect. The reduction in the number of farms due to change in definition, 1954 to 1959, is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 1959, but which would have been included in 1954, are shown in State table 10. The change in farm definition made in 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms I in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the niunber of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is u.sed to de.sigi)ate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is consideretl as operator only of the land which he retains for his own operation. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Beporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or operators reiKirting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,465 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were intended to be ob- tained for all farms; for example, residence of farm operator. State table 4. The number not reperator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Tear Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, if the year was 1958 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm in 1959. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the operator's household did any work off the farm ; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated ; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all types of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 1959 are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about specified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farms. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual nimiber were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment in 1959 : (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking com, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations; Jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be Included If they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Yes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items: (1) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (in six States only — Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all Items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time ( electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road. — The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his d.^elling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An operator was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family. If they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily because of differences in tlie period to which they relate. In 1954, the data were purposely related to either one of two calendar weeks, depending in part on the starting date set for the enumeration and in part on which week represented a period of peak employment within a given State. For the majority of States, the period specified was the week of September 26-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm operator was asked to report the number of persons employed during a specified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the specifled week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect reporting. Kegular and Seasonal Workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the office processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each class except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1954, the data include office estimates for farms submitting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for wliich complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by wliom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on the questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the same land was used for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop. If the same crop was fertilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tilizer used in 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted in 1958 or by crops to be harvested in 1960. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liquefied gases. Lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purposes of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely in the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures. — The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and poultry, (3) machine hire, (4) hired labor, (5) seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, and (6) gaso- line and other petroleum fuel and oil. With the exception of items (2) and (5), exactly the same questions were asked in 1954. For each item specified, the total expenditures made for the farm in 1959 were to be reported, whether made by the farm operator, his landlord, or both. A farm operator who rented part of his land to others was to report only the ex- penditures for the land he operated himself. Enumerators were instructed to ask respondents who had difl5culty estimating their expenses for the period between enumeration and the end of the year to estimate them on the basis of current costs. Feed. — The report on feed purchased for livestock and poultry was to include expenditures for grain, hay, millfeeds, pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements as well as for the grinding and mixing of feed. The estimated cost of items furnished by a landlord, contractor, or other owner for feeding poultry and livestock kept on the farm was also to be included. Payments made by a tenant to his land- lord for feed grown on the tenant farm were to be excluded. livestock anl Poultry. — The cost of baby chicks and turkey poults was to fe included in the expenditures made for the purchase of livestock and poultry. Enumerators were in- structed to ask the farm operator to include the cost or esti- mated purchase value of poultry and livestock provided by others and cared for by the operator under a contract feeding arrangement. The cost of livestock purchased for resale within 30 days was not to be included. A short-term transaction of that nature was considered to be a dealer operation, not an agricultural one. Data on the purchase of livestock and poultry were not ob- tained in 1954. The instructions for the 1950 census specified that expenditures for domestic rabbits, fur-bearing animals kept in captivity, and bees were to be included. Any lack of comparability in the 1950 and 1959 data resulting from inclu- sion or exclusion of rabbits, fur-bearing animals, or bees is considered to be so slight as to be insignificant Machine Hire. — Expenditures for machine hire relate to cus- tom machine work, such as tractor hire, threshing, grain or seed combining, silo filling, baling, cotton picking, cotton gin- ning, corn picking, plowing, vegetable harvesting, fruit pick- ing, spraying, and dusting. Any amount spent for the labor included in the cost of machine hire was to be considered as part of the total expenditure. The cost of freight or trucking and exchange work without pay were to be omitted. Hired Labor. — Expenditures for hired labor were to include total cash payments made in 1959 to family members and to others for farm labor. Payments to persons supplied by a con- tractor or a cooperative organization and paid directly by them or by the crew boss were also to be included. Payments for the following types of work were to be excluded : house- work, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by persons spe- cifically employed for such work. Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil. — Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to relate only to the products used in the farm business. Enumerators were instructed to exclude the cost of petroleum products used for the family automobile when operated for other than farm business purposes and of products used in the farmhouse for beating, cooking, and lighting. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, and Trees. — Expenditures were to repre- sent the total amount spent for seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees to be used on the farm operated. The value of seed grown on the farm was to be excluded. For nurseries and greenhouses, the cost of products purchased for immediate resale was also to be excluded. This item of expenditure was not included in the 1954 Census. The data are comparable with those for 1950, however. Crops Crops Harvested. — The 1959 agriculture questionnaire was simi- lar to the questionnaire used in several previous censuses in that it provided for the collection of detailed data for all crops harvested on each individual farm. The variation in the crops listed on the questionnaires used in different States made pos- sible the separate reporting of all Important crops grown in a given area. All versions of the questionnaire contained several "All other crops" questions where crops not specifically listed In separate questions were to be reported. Acreage of Crops Harvested.— In most instances, the acreage reported for individual crops represents the area harvested during 1959. The area harvested is often less than the area planted. For fruit orchards and groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, the acreage reported represents the total area in both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines as of the date of enumeration — usually a date in October, November, or Decem- ber 1959. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acreage grown for all purposes was reported as well as the acreage har- vested for specific purposes. For velvet beans, only the acreage grown was reported. As the enumeration was about to begin in South Florida (those counties in which the enumeration was begun on October 7), an instruction was issued to the effect that the data for vegetables and potato crops should relate to a full year, beginning on October 1, 1958, and ending Sep- tember 30, 1959. Quantity of Crops Harvested. — Except for citrus fruits, olives, avocados, and for vegetable and potato crops in South Florida (see preceding paragraph) data for quantity harvested relate to the calendar year 1059. For citrus fruits, the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the 1958-59 marketing season was to be reported. For olives, the crop harvested in 1959 was to be reported for all States except California and Arizona. Enumerators in those two States were instructed to report olives harvested from the bloom of 1958 during the 1958- 59 harvest season (September 15, 1958, to February 28, 1959). In the case of avocados, the data for California were to relate to the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the marketing season that extended from October 1, 1958 to Sep- tember 30, 1959; the data for Florida were to relate to the crop harvested for the marketing season that extended from July 1, 1959, to February 28, 1960. Respondents were to estimate quantities not yet harvested at the time of enumeration. Unit of Measure. — The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported has varied for some crops, not only from State to State, but also from census to census. The aim has been to permit reporting in the units of measure currently in use. In the State and county tables, the quantities harvested for each crop are usually expressed in the unit of measure given on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire. In 1959, for corn and Irish potatoes, a choice between two units in which to report the production was given in some States. (See the discussion for those crops.) To provide readily comparable information, data published in earlier reports in different units of measure generally have been converted to the units used in 1959. Corn. — In the 1959 census, detailed questions regarding the purpose for which corn was harvested were asked in all States. For most States, bushels was the only unit specified for com XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 for grain. In some areas, however, where farmers were not accustomed to using bushels as the unit of measure, the question- naire contained a provision for the quantity of corn for grain to be reported either in bushels (shelled basis) or in baskets of ear corn. As in former censuses, some reports were received in units of measure other than bushels or baskets. Prior to tabulation, all reports were converted to bushels (shelled basis) on the basis of the following factors: 70 pounds of ear corn, 2 baskets of ears, or 56 pounds of shelled corn equal one bushel. A barrel of ear com was usually considered equal to 5 bushels of shelled corn. Annual Legumes. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively ; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all these crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blackeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres of land from which hay was cut exclude the acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and I)eanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions In the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage in harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1959, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating ; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses; small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay, including alfalfa hay for dehydrating. Is given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was converted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported in terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass, or Junegrass seed, was to be reported In terms of green seed for Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported In the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be reported for each crop In all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only in cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent Ln terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire). This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes harvested on small plots for home use. Essen- tially the same procedure was followed in both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetix)tatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used in a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or 100-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are In terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related specifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New England States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were Instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when It amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearlng areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as In 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearlng trees and vines were to be Included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1954 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any sigrnificant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are in small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards comprise a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and nonbearlng trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 were to be reported separately for each fruit and nut crop. (Ex- ceptions in the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) Tlie unit of measure in whicli quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing on the 1959 questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. c. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published in volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or income for a county or State. The questions Included on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fuelwood, fence posts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested represents the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1959. It includes the value of quantities consumed on farms as food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. Farmers were not asked to report values of crops harvested ; the values were calculated in the Processing Office. For individ- ual crops, the quantity harvested was multiplied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of farmers and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used In the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of sales of croiM to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. Ibrioation Definition of Irrigated Land. — Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water jieriods was to be included as Irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for irrigated farms, are presented in county table la for these States. Statistics on the irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1959 Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms. — All farms reporting any land irrigated in 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms. — Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage in these farms, in- cluding land that was not irrigated. Land Irrigated.— Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested. — The data for Irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops were harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily irrigated cropland not harvested and irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land Irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and Irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Pbactioes Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland in Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. LrVESTOCK AND POULTKT Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the person who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Milked, Milk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. These figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be Included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and coimty tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 1959 cen.sus, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported in the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold 'was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents prob'ems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same in 1959 as in 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. Classification of Farms Scope of Classification. — Data for land in farms, and for crop- laud harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farms. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms in the sample. The farm classifications by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing office on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classifica- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm is essentially an operating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to crojipers or other tenants, the land a.ssigned to each cropper or tenant is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholdlng as one unit in respect to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 1959, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recognized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Farms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhite" includes primarily Negro and Indian oi)erators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent Farms by Tenure of Operator. — The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for land owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classification was used in 1959 as in 1954. For 19.59, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a fuU owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to indicate the kind of tenant. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. FuU Owners operate only land tliey own. h. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from olhers. c. Managers operate land for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm r)perator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a .second farm. If, however, he managed land for two or more employers, all the managed land was considered to be o!ie farm. d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements in regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay cash rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent in cash .Tnd part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Livestock-Share Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not qualify for inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassifications. They may have had the use of land rent-free or in return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Unspecifled Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not reported. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 1959. In 1945, however, the enumerator was a.sked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas in other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used in 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar in characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors: (1) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- lationship of income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." xxrv UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chiclfens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used in 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2,500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not worli off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Class of Farm Products sold I $40,000 and over 11 $20,000 to $39,999 III $10,000 to $19,999 IV $5,000 to $9,999 V $2,500 to $4,999 VI* $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 65 years of age, and — (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as follows : a. Class VH, Part-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIII, Part-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 65 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. c. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates based on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farm had to have sales of a particular product or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows : Type of Farm Source of Cash Income (Products with sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Cash-grain Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco Tobacco. Cotton Cotton. Other field-crop Peanuts, potatoes (Irish and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries, other small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Poultry Chickens, chicken eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Dairy Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than 30 percent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of total cows and — (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calvee sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Ranches- General- Miscellaneous. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- vested. Field seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other tyjw. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and IK>nies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. INTRODUCTION XXV The type classifications were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco fanns and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was in- cluded as one of the crops used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and poultry" in 1954 without regard to the acreage in pasture. Value of Farm Products Bold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 1959 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 1959 census provided for farm operators to report value of sales for the following products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream ucts Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the o£Bce processing. The State average prices used for calculating the value of farm products sold were fur- nished to the Bureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data on quantities sold were obtained during enumeration, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the quantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berries and small fruits ' Hogs and pigs Firewood and fuelwood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids ' Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedure : Cotton Popcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomcorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco Wool Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cuUage as indicated by data obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procedures were used in both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was considered as sold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and iwultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. All sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops harvested during the crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considered as sold. Enumerators were instructed to record gross values of quanti- ties sold, with no deductions for feed, seed, fertilizer, water, labor, or marketing costs. For some products, however, net values may have been reported. In the case of milk, particularly, some farm operators may have reported the payments they received as the gross value of sales, even though the buyer had deducted handling and hauling charges before making payment. Adjustments were made in the data reported only in cases of obvious error. o Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (1) SOUTH DAKOTA State Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 I^Data on value of land and builclinf!? for 195^, 1954. and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of fanTjs. See textj 3 (For denniLions and explanations. se« text) ensus of— 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Not.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (Januai^ 1) 55,727 62,520 66,452 68,705 72,454 83,303 83,157 79,537 74,637 48,881,920 48,983,040 48,983,040 48,983,040 48,983,040 49,195,520 49,195,520 49,195,520 49,195,520 91.8 91.8 91.4 87.9 80.6 75.4 74.1 65.1 70.4 44,850,666 44,949,473 44,785,529 43,031,964 39,473,584 37,101,871 36,470,083 32,017,986 34,636,491 804.8 719.0 674.0 626.3 544.8 445.4 438.6 402.6 464.1 41,369 28,683 20,740 11,124 6,976 8,305 15,455 18,071 33,132 51.55 38.99 31.40 17.76 12.80 18.65 35.24 44.89 71.40 52,161 59,804 63,553 66, 2U 67,022 55,556 81,039 NA Na • 14,236,384 17,759,947 17,527,8931 16,524,613 12,297,291 4,863,886 17,856,178 15,792,987 'U,655,llfi 466 705 992 1,210 NA NA NA NA NA 641 609 771 844 NA MA NA NA NA 633 523 635 830 NA NA NA HA NA 1,349 1,169 1,403 1,597 NA NA NA NA NA 4,403 4,195 4,905 6,285 NA NA NA lU NA U,387 16,594 18,982 21,169 NA NA NA NA NA 30,282 36,009 35,865 34,276 NA NA NA NA NA 24,779 28,040 28,525 28,566 NA, NA NA NA NA 4,770 6,670 6,261 5,023 NA NA NA NA NA 733 1,299 1,079 687 NA NA NA NA NA 14,645 13,276 13,880 15,391 43,521 43,448 53,991 54,302 NA 1,184,218 721,844 816,112 641,357 6,246,650 4,354,751 5,705,998 6,148,511 NA 23,796 16,303 18,414 HA NA NA NA NA NA 3,744,157 1,146,703 1,477,687 1,337,291 4,625,355 12,552,978 1,1A6,533 647,759 NA 9,457 10,479 7,964 NA NA NA NA NA NA 992,889 709,176 446,627 lU NA NA NA NA NA 6,598 NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA 953,420 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15,529 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 1,797,848 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 2,981 3,719 4,672 2,411 NA 8,316 7,438 5,572 NA 262,627 328,477 437,9.U 194,460 NA 532,898 394,627 267,661 NA 5,926 6,406 6,388 5,440 NA 6,131 4,660 5,359 Nt 90,201 112,490 U3,211 79,008 NA 102,811 95,930 112,393 NA 44,062 49,522 52,188 56,989 NA 49,846 45,189 37,588 NA 24,065,398 23,553,569 22,913,148 22,491,520 NA 13,558,457 9,815,115 7,350,951 NA 3,035 3,278 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 199,948 151,855 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 60,036 63,449 67,282 NA 81,316 72,650 NA NA 1,267,661 1,326,443 1,469,567 1,763,715 NA 1,136,088 1,454,702 1,667,724 NA 53,347 60,192 54,199 66,823 71,266 NA NA NA NA 19,164,759 19,628,494 19,821,692 18,503,261 23,169,296 21,771,617 24,709,709 22,589,257 NA 50,575 56,762 60,392 64,449 NA NA NA NA NA 25,512,243 24,603,890 24,167,171 23,327,337 NA 18,446,106 15,916,740 13,797,123 HA 8,253 9,439 10,280 7,551 12,942 NA NA HA NA 352,828 440,967 581,122 273,468 340,399 635,709 490,557 400,054 536,183 1,002 923 807 708 967 NA NA NA 1,198 115,629 90,371 '78,069 52,895 54,073 NA NA NA NA 972 879 761 NA 912 974 '763 NA NA 102,302 78,236 66,926 NA 49,740 56,565 '59,361 NA NA Farms number . Approximate land area (see text) acres . . Proportion in farms percent . . Land in farms ncres . . Average size of fann acres.. Value of land and buildings ; Average per farm dotlarB . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested famis repoctinp . . acre.*}. . 1 lo 9 acres fnims reporting . . 10 to 19 acrea : farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 lo 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 or more acres farms repotting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture' farms reporting . . aia-es . . Cropluid not harvested and not pastured. . . .farms reporting. . acres. . Cultivated summer fallow _ farms reporting.. acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes . . .farms reporting. acres. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reportinq. acres. Woodland pastured fanns reporting. acres. Woodland not pastured farms reportjng . acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)' farms reporting. acres. Improved pasture farms reporting . acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) .farms reporting . acres. Cropland, total* farms reporting. acres , Land pastured, total farms reporting . ncros , Woodland, total farms rcportinp . acres. Irrigated land in farms fnmis reporting. acres . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . NA Not available. ^For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, in the Census year; for all other Censuses, in the calendar year preceding the Census. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. Not fully con^iarable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. ^Includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. 'Acreage of irrigated ci^Dps; acreage counted more than once where two or more crops were harvested frcm the seme land. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DatA for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See tejrtj (For derinUions and explanations, see text) Census of — - 1959 (Oct Ncjv.) 1954 (Oot.-Kov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) All fafms number Under 10 acres number I'ndef 3 acres number 1 acre or less number 2 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 3 acres number i acres number 5 acres number fi acres number 7 acres numljer 6 acres numoer 9 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres ^ number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number , 1,000 or more acres number - 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . land in farms acres Average size of fsim acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 49 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acix^s .30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 lo 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 959 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or more acres acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 2,000 or more acres acres Land in farms according to use; ' Cropland barvested farms reporting acres Under 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 lo 49 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 act^s farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reporting acres 100 to 139 acres farms reporting acres 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 5(XI to 999 acres farms reporting acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 lo 1.999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms reporting 55,496 677 277 182 95 400 59 57 138 37 33 39 37 1,774 1,061 713 465 1,241 1,092 5,565 1,996 3,822 18,140 U,209 9,515 5,432 4,083 44,794,401 807.2 2,619 41,070 26,770 101,098 129,177 887,739 396,345 910,091 6,666,498 7,903,834 27,729,160 7,499,137 20,230,023 51,876 14,246,000 55 180 586 10,923 NA NA NA NA 325 U,165 1,090 59,235 952 72,692 5,229 576,000 1,926 269,604 3,762 650,649 17,789 4,211,961 11,004 3,729,374 9,158 4,654,217 5,292 2,402,532 3,866 2,251,685 62,520 1,421 706 KA NA 715 KA NA NA 1,775 931 844 535 1,472 1,359 7,442 2,559 4,711 20,515 11,557 9,174 NA HA 44,949,473 719.0 4,730 47,552 15,094 32,458 30,924 119,377 160,493 1,183,589 508,388 1,123,040 7,485,612 8,096,395 26,184,373 NA 'Ak 59,804 17,759,947 280 960 1,044 18,365 449 4,598 595 13,767 412 U,129 1,363 76,881 1,283 107,223 7,338 849,674 2,533 364,567 4,681 815,293 20,414 5,151,669 U,459 4,662,602 8,992 5,693,579 NA NA NA NA 66, 331 1,350 340 NA NA 1,010 2,U8 1,196 922 560 1,593 1,527 3,750 2,972 4,988 21,979 11,781 8,713 !1A NA 44,586,538 672.2 6,190 55,318 19,545 35,773 32,660 131,272 181,249 1,396,526 589,055 1,193,176 8,066,314 8,231,912 24,702,366 DA MA 63,539 17,629,326 380 1,275 1,287 18,685 590 5,630 697 13,055 435 14,140 1,462 80,668 1,416 118,130 3,594 985,348 2,917 426,000 4,933 880,550 21,324 5,461,949 11,666 4,605,666 8,575 5,036,915 NA NA NA 68,705 1,299 310 989 NA NA NA NA NA 2,149 1,199 950 478 1,679 1,442 10,130 3,047 4,943 23,243 11,997 3,298 NA NA 43,031,964 626.3 5,410 56,419 19,660 36,759 27,674 135,887 170,461 1,616,267 603,708 1,179,821 8,515,611 8,408,542 22,312,164 HA NA 66,211 16,524,613 527 1,445 1,381 21,595 689 6,635 692 14,960 391 12,936 1,533 80,143 1,393 109,950 9,377 1,055,500 3,017 4U,641 4,911 811,127 23,076 5,453,330 11,903 4,369,110 8,202 4,192,786 NA NA NA NA 72,454 1,269 .130 KA NA 1,139 NA NA NA NA NA MA NA "2,404 1,220 1,184 508 2,162 1,691 13,725 2,935 5,055 24,170 11,380 7,155 NA NA 39,473,584 544.8 6,034 65,988 20,153 45,835 29,417 174,259 199,817 2,189,065 532,715 1.205,196 3,347,532 7,937,607 18,185,954 Hk 67,022 12,297,291 520 1,439 1,492 23,422 673 6,279 814 17,143 392 12,290 1,920 96,237 1,544 113,757 12,813 1,237,795 2,855 351,029 4,941 731,579 23,348 4,527,177 10,797 2,984,061 6,400 2,213,505 83,303 1,823 406 NA NA 1,417 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,645 1,369 1,276 565 2,575 1,996 18,037 3,685 5,885 28,678 11,864 5,550 NA NA 37,101, 871' 445.4 7,815 71,339 22,311 49,528 33,022 207,920 235,100 2,877,303 730,854 1,403,710 10,444,536 3,261,310 12,828,407 NA NA 55,556 4,363,888 NA 1,328 NA 18,501 NA 5,805 NA 12,696 10,739 NA 76,163 NA 95,069 NA 839,015 NA 260,161 NA 463,260 NA 1,962,310 NA 720,904 NA 416,418 NA NA NA NA 83,157 976 189 NA NA 737 NA NA NA NA NA 2,187 NA NA 28,773 29,559 13,401 5,223 NA NA 36,470,083 438.6 4,473 62,148 NA NA 235,171 5,168,366 10,766,891 9,276,867 10,956,167 NA NA 81,039 17,356,178 1,539 NA 30,714 NA NA NA NA NA ^151,384 NA '3,533,448 6,317,553 NA 4,717,139 NA 2,6(X,396 NA NA NA NA 79,537 770 63 NA NA 707 NA 1,961 ■ NA 3,119 28,776 11,549 3,831 NA NA 32,017,986 402.6 3,900 55,224 NA NA 10,417,334 7,956,029 8,073,997 NA NA 15,792,987 NA 1,673 NA 33,119 NA NA NA NA NA '163,078 NA NA NA *3,653,371 6,592,635 NA 3,808,437 NA 1,535,674 NA HA NA HA 74,637 425 64 NA NA 361 NA NA 1,334 KA NA 27,767 U,641 5,050 HA NA 34,636,491 464.1 1,923 39,264 NA NA 183,120 4,664,048 10,105,195 3,124,359 11,518,082 NA ■^14,655,116 KA NA NA KA KA NA NA NA KA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA HA KA See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH DAKOTA State Table Z-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [DalA for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For deRnitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (J^rll 1) 1945 (Jamiary 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (Jaimary 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Utld in farms aCCOtditlg to use '-Continued Cropland, total farms reportinp acres Under 10 acres farms reportinc acres 10 to 49 acres , . r farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres faims reportinc acres 100 (o 139 acres farms reporting actps 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acivs farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting aCTes 2.000 or more acres farms reportjng acres Land pastured, total farms reporting ect«s I'nder 10 acres farms refnrting acres 10 to 49 acres farms importing acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reportjng acres 100 to 139 acres fattns repotting acres 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms repotting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reporting acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Under 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reportin|! acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 1.19 acres farms reporting acres 140 to 179 acres farris reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reportinc acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 53,120 19,197,052 90 385 756 15,093 340 13,290 1,161 71,168 1,022 87,807 5,490 685,652 1,966 302,785 3,817 735,183 18,050 5,070,772 U,129 5,112,480 9,299 7,102,437 5,367 3,622,336 3,932 3,480,101 50,543 25,464,421 185 655 1,136 18,590 365 12,185 816 24,368 837 34,890 4,689 180,897 1,806 36,291 3,497 159,711 16,998 1,502,821 10,853 2,753,170 9,361 20,690,343 5,314 3,895,552 4,047 16,794,791 938 107,436 10 25 17 152 5 120 20 1,025 25 1,515 70 5,125 20 1,515 35 3,715 227 26,135 181 26,924 328 41,175 98 10,293 230 30,382 60,192 19,628,494 320 1,161 1,154 21,363 431 16,288 1,383 83,409 1,310 116,996 7,375 922,551 2,540 392,833 4,694 384,760 20,453 5,533,752 11,496 5,107,752 9,036 6,547,129 NA NA NA NA 56,762 24,603,890 247 393 1,U5 18,839 387 12,112 1,035 29,879 1,029 38,340 6,430 229,575 2,324 101,992 4,558 223,677 19,348 1,688,885 U,217 2,791,180 9,042 19,468,518 NA NA NA NA 923 90,371 33 195 48 580 9 202 34 1,597 19 786 81 6,553 33 2,426 51 5,746 181 22,684 139 16,270 295 33,332 NA NA NA NA 64,004 19,877,600 490 1,795 1,447 22,990 450 16,250 1,477 88,333 1,422 127,740 8,650 1,070,340 2,927 461,270 4,983 942,777 21,859 5,933,221 U,706 5,195,569 8,593 6,016,765 NA NA NA NA 60,903 23,935,564 415 1,535 1,595 24,385 450 13,815 1,213 35,554 1,192 47,460 7,679 231,850 2,672 109,870 4,668 212,337 20,974 1,359,721 11,450 2,842,787 8,595 18,505,750 NA NA NA NA 851 «76,817 30 120 75 980 10 360 25 375 30 1,585 70 4,930 5 700 55 4,540 206 20,313 141 13,755 204 28,659 NA NA NA NA 66,823 18,503,261 626 1,897 1,572 26,517 408 14,884 1,575 90,944 1,411 123,122 9,962 1,190,175 3,030 457,348 4,929 902,556 23,U2 6,036,407 11,933 4,327,966 3,230 4,331,445 NA NA NA NA 64,449 23,327,337 470 1,395 1,549 23,280 366 10,386 1,346 37,734 1,186 38,901 9,250 359,238 2,873 119,723 4,732 225,876 22,549 2,064,100 11,855 3,233,8U 8,273 17,212,840 NA NA NA NA 708 52,395 NA NA NA NA 71,266 23,169,296 NA 3,068 NA 42,597 NA 20,662 NA 135,302 NA 157,821 NA 1,758,594 NA 474,206 NA 990,489 NA 6,964,430 NA 5,603,402 NA 7,013,725 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 967 54,073 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA '1,771,617 3,645 NA 44,280 NA 22,680 NA 156,203 NA 183,787 NA 2,253,861 NA 587,426 NA 1,142,669 NA 7,977,523 NA 5,228,668 NA 4,170,375 NA NA NA NA NA 18,446,106 NA NA NA HA NA HA "974 '56,565 NA NA 24,709,709 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA 15,916,740 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '763 '59,361 21 NA HA NA '355 NA NA 22,589,257 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA HA Ak NA NA NA NA HA HA HA NA NA NA NA 13,797,123 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hot available. ^For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, in the Ceitsiis year; for all other Censuses, in the calendar year preceding the Census. Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. '50 to 99 acres. *100 to 259 acres. 'Not fully conqiarable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of crtjpland used cjnly for pasture. 'imrigated cropland harvested catly. 'Acreage of Irrigated crops including some duplication trtiere two or more crops were harvested from the same land. ^Includes irrigated croplsno not harvested and not pastured, ^50 to 259 acres. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data fcr 1959 and 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 {January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) ALL FARM OPERATORS AI I farm operators number . . Full owners number . . Part owners number . . Managers number . . All tenants number . . Proportion of tenantry percent . . Cash tenants number . . Share-cash tenants number . . Crop-share tenants number . . Livestock-share tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number.. All land in farms acres.. Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Crop-share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . All cropland harvested acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Crop-share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . ALL WHITE FARM OPERATORS White farm operators number . . Full owners number . . Part owners number . . Managers number . . All tenants number.. Proportion of tenancy percent. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number.. Other and unspecified tenants number.. Land in farms acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share.cash tenants acres . . Crop-share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . Cropland harvested acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres.. Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Crop-share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . ALL NONWHITE FARM OPERATORS Nonwhite farm operators number . . Full owners number . . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number . . Profnrtion of tenancy k percent. . Cash tenants number . . Share-cash tenants number . . Crop-ehare tenants number . . Livestock-share tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number . . Land in farms acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . , Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . Crop-share tenants acres . Livestock-share tenants acres . Other and unspecified tenants acres. Cropland harvested acres . Full owners acres . Part owners acres . Managers acres . All tenants acres . Cash tenants acres . Share-cash tenants acres . Crop-share tenants acres . Livestock-share tenants acres . Other and unspecified tenants acres . 55,496 17,625 23,153 220 14,493 26.1 1,048 8,832 2,838 1,041 734 44,794,401 7,451,972 23,761,957 1,249,474 7,330,998 1,139,506 3,313,564 1,024,465 959, 575 338,888 14,246,000 2,309,033 7,852,993 116,039 3,467,935 157,327 2,269,224 616,729 334,568 90,087 55,003 17,566 22,364 2U 14,362 26.1 986 8,301 2,333 1,041 701 43,356,030 7,426,088 27,779,567 1,115,877 7,034,498 964,644 3,735,754 1,022,765 959, 575 301,760 14,156,606 2,804,793 7,789,069 113,669 3,449,070 149,652 2,261,864 616,604 334,568 86,382 493 59 294 9 131 26.6 62 31 33 1,438,371 25,834 982,390 133,597 296,500 174,362 32,810 1,700 37,128 39,394 4,235 63,924 2,370 13,865 7,675 7,360 125 3,705 62,350 19,714 2A,288 197 18,151 29.1 1,299 10,622 3,863 1,426 941 44,979,163 7,522,102 28,253,030 1,062,181 8,141,850 1,166,165 4,204,623 1,429,160 1,026,328 315,574 17,777,332 3,607,646 9,514,214 121,010 4,534,462 207,929 2,768,489 933,582 468,563 155,899 61,765 19,555 24,013 187 18,010 29.2 1,190 10,605 3,857 1,426 932 43,723,949 7,424,969 27,421,512 939,046 7,938,422 984,907 4,194,923 1,424,340 1,026,328 307,424 17,667,342 3,590,220 9,447,583 110,071 4,519,468 197,607 2,766,629 931, 562 468,563 155,107 585 159 275 10 141 24.1 109 17 1,255,214 97,133 831,518 123,135 203,428 181,258 9,700 4,320 8,150 109,990 17,426 66,631 10,939 14,994 10,322 1,860 2,020 792 66,452 20,697 25,334 224 20,197 30.4 1,639 U,729 4,289 1,366 1,124 44,785,529 7,551,334 27,438,111 1,762,595 8,033,489 971,897 4,316,636 1,506,046 340,036 398,774 17,527,393 3,533,208 9,173,375 153, U4 4,662,696 256,109 2,844,077 964,906 417,642 179,962 65,237 20,163 24,818 205 20,051 30.7 1,597 11,719 4,232 1,365 1,088 42,722,903 7,309,622 26,411,417 1,093,287 7,908,577 353,344 4,312,557 1,503,786 339,586 394,304 17,373,531 3,508,766 9,038,321 129, 740 4,646,704 245,272 2,842,036 963,569 417, 592 178,235 1,215 534 516 19 146 12.0 92 10 7 1 36 2,062,626 241,712 1,026,694 669,308 124,912 113,553 4,129 2,260 500 4,470 154,362 24,442 90,554 23,374 15,992 10,837 2,041 1,337 50 1,727 63,705 17,329 24,898 312 26,166 38.1 2,319 10,551 11,895 901 43,031,964 5,091,333 26,579,349 1,363,095 9,998,187 1,603,913 4,036,875 4,017,406 339,993 16,524,613 2,503,167 8,411,336 153,814 5,456,296 330,759 2,397,112 2,558,599 169,826 67,156 16,436 24,478 304 25,938 38.6 2,651 10,537 11,872 878 41,883,994 4,823,461 25,936,175 1,287,259 9,837,099 1,458,753 4,033,943 4,013,170 331,233 16,434,005 2,473,132 8,364,616 149,404 5,441,353 319,793 2,395,5% 2,557,220 1,549 393 420 8 228 14.7 168 14 23 23 1,147,970 267,872 643,174 75,336 161,088 145,160 2,932 4,236 3,760 90,603 25,035 46,720 4,410 14,443 10,961 1,516 1,379 537 72,454 15,053 13,750 253 38,398 53.0 5,243 22,565 9,219 1,371 39,473,584 4,012,130 19,542,173 641,536 15,277,745 2,316,756 8,837,705 3,102,760 520,524 12,297,291 1,613,154 4,424,404 88,039 6,171,694 463,787 4,074,252 1,478,538 155,117 70,713 13,811 18,553 247 38,102 53.9 5,118 22,537 9,176 1,271 38,761,533 3, 728 , 789 19,238,250 612,863 15,181,631 2,752,796 8,827,619 3,096,380, 504,836 12,232,213 1,584,261 4,404,054 85,339 6,158,559 457,019 4,071,904 1,476,652 152,984 1,741 1,2*2 197 6 296 17.0 125 28 43 100 712,051 233,341 303,923 28,673 96,114 63,960 10,086 6,380 15,688 65,073 28,893 20,350 2,700 13,135 6,768 2,348 1,386 2,133 83,303 21,425 21,027 374 40,477 48.6 M NA NA NA 37,101,371 S, 324,225 16,284,215 1,108,700 13,884,731 NA NA NA NA 4,863,838 1,041,703 1,532,105 36,215 2,253,865 NA NA NA NA 80,805 19,585 20,854 370 39,996 49.5 NA NA NA NA 36,459,516 5,417,633 16,172,687 1,096,198 13,772,998 NA NA HA NA 4,847,501 1,032,644 1,528,720 35,382 2,250,755 NA NA NA NA 2,493 1,840 173 4 481 19.3 NA NA NA 33,157 22,372 23,237 454 37,094 44.6 6,606 NA NA NA 36,470,083 6,513,167 15,%0,478 961,501 13,034,937 2,471,222 NA NA NA 17,856,178 3,167,041 6,955,420 142,505 7,591,212 942,408 NA NA NA 80,417 20,302 23,021 447 36,647 ■45.6 6,479 NA NA NA 35,679,522 5,985,503 15,317,282 936,951 12,939,786 2,436,338 NA NA NA 17,706,890 3,077,401 6,921,049 141,583 7,566,852 934,763 NA NA NA 2,740 2,070 216 7 447 .6.3 127 NA NA 642,355 790,561 406,592 527,664 Ul,528 143,1% 12,502 24,550 111,733 95,151 NA 34,884 NA NA 16,387 149,288 9,059 89,640 3,385 34,371 833 917 3,U0 24,360 NA 7,645 NA HA 79,537 24,768 21,392 331 33,046 41.5 4,475 NA NA NA 32,017,986 7,454,767 13,482,236 771,176 10,309,807 1,426,300 NA NA NA 15,792,937 3,587,048 5,623,916 109,066 6,472,957 624,061 NA NA NA 74,637 27,253 20,562 781 26,041 34.9 ^5,328 7,891 12,269 553 34,636,491 9,007,959 15,161,413 339,717 9,577,397 ■■2,497,063 2,569,013 4,322,962 188,354 ^14,655,U6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 73,025 25,913 20,437 771 25,904 35.5 ^5,278 7,888 12,209 529 33,786,349 8,372,172 14,992,706 333,213 9,538,253 ■2,484,344 2,568,670 4,307,511 177,733 NA NA 1,612 1,340 125 10 137 8.5 150 3 60 24 850,142 635,737 168,712 6,504 39,139 '12,719 348 15,451 10,621 NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. 'For 1920, standing renters (renters paying a fixed quantity of products) were included with cash tenants. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvestetj for grain. SOUTH DAKOTA state Table 4.-FAKM OPERATORS BY COLOR. AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [^Dala in italics ore based on repocts For only a sample of fanns. See textj (For derinitions and explanations, sec text) Census of— 1959 (Oct. -Nov. ) 1954 (Oct. -Nov. ) 1950 (J^irll 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (Januaiy 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) FARM OPERATORS By colon While numbef . Negro number . Other nonwhile number . By age: Under 25 years operators reporting . 25 to .14 years operators reporting . 35 to 44 years operators repotting . 45 to 54 years operators reporting . 55 to 64 years operators reporting . 65 or more years operators reporting . Average a^e years . Operators not repcrting age number . By resilience: Residing on farm operated operators reporting . Not resitting on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number . By off-farm worlt: Woriting off their fnmis, total operators repcrting. 1 to 49 days operators reporting. 50 to 99 days operators reporting . 100 or inore days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . -"00 or more days operators reporting . Operators not working off their faiTn or not reporting as to wortt off their farm number. By Other income: With otiier inronie of family exceeding value of agricultural pioducls sold operators repeating. SPECIFIED EQinPMENT AND FACILITIES AND lOND OF ROAD Grain combines .farms reporting. number. Cotn piciters farms reporting. number . Pick-up balers farms reporting . number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortnicks faims reporting. number. Tractors fanns reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractrjr farms reporting . 2 Iractcrs farms reporting . 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms repotting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting . Wheel tractors farms reporting . number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Autrfnobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine fanns reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier {ftr grain, forage, or other crops). . .farms repotting. Power-operated elevatw, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Faims by kind of toad on ivliich located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road. . farms reporting, 1 or more miles to a hard surface road fantts reporting, 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms repotting. 4 miles farms reporting , 5 or more miles farms reporting. 55,247 21 459 1,103 9. OH IS, 930 IS, SIS 11,100 l,9IH i7.l 49,316 4,529 1,882 H,S13 7, Sit t,OSS S,1SS 1,770 3, SSI iO,9iS SI, 699 ss,ioe 31, SIS St, ISO II, 911 13,117 9,999 10, 196 39, 096 6S, 178 60, 96! US, SOS 60, 769 116, 639 11, 396 tl, 986 It, lOi J, 6*7 1,617 60, 661 113,666 1,806 l,97i 1,616 1,669 61, 761, e6,i7l 63, 81,0 io, est Si, 836 11,301 3,676 768 19, eei 7,196 3S, 763 S, 7« 1,087 7,707 983 1,730 5,47 +.M7 61,953 26 541 1,391 11,917 16, 116 n, 310 II, 710 7,111, iS.S 783 56,785 4,866 869 17, 091 10,7iS t,OIO i,S33 t,6U 1,789 31, 739 33, m 31, 119 31, 697 9,S0i 9,891 6,9iS 6,996 38, 788 i7, 7tt {?, 03 1 111,369 66, 861 109, lis to, IIS 16, 6U S,t6i t.OSi SIS 66, 798 107, 785 l,tSt 1,398 8,177 !,tS6 66, 9H 7i, 067 60, 176 37, 376 SI, Si9 8.876 65,237 31 1,184 £.567 13, 161 16, 337 li, 761 11,667 e,0!i i6.6 S.SSi 60,355 4,818 1,279 16, 71t S,S9t 1,936 i,S86 1,639 3, tie 60, 619 i,699 to, isa 11,811 16, 706 !6,160 1,936 S, 006 KA KA 31, 668 J7, 7tO J6, 867 88, I7i «, 937 86, 931 31, 77i 19, 101 6,061 66, 777 86,986 867 9i6 1,171 I.SiS 68, 687 77. 193 68, 947 36, S60 6,136 6,731, 6. HO 38, 06 1 to, 096 HA NA NA HA HA NA 67,156 1,549 2,541 12,295 16,226 17,273 13,415 6,374 46.5 581 64,209 3,933 563 7,823 4,271 1,014 2,538 970 1,568 10, tlO 10, 831 HA KA NA NA KA KA 20,487 22,230 52,070 62,772 '52,070 68, 061 '42,737 '8,228 '1,105 NA 6t, 660 KA 601 HA 59,752 68,717 63,146 31,145 NA HA HA KA '38,702 '28,190 '20,630 7,560 70,713 27 1,714 2,684 12,715 16,865 18,441 12,957 6,285 46.1 2,507 64,434 4,970 3,050 15,401 9,464 1,914 4,023 1,737 2,286 NA HA NA KA KA NA HA NA 13,472 14,269 39,948 44,154 NA 62,512 72,675 KA 24,821 HA 3,534 26,676 39,339 NA NA NA NA NA 80,805 2,498 50,106 26,322 16,083 7,701 5,907 1,794 NA 80,417 40 2,700 3,336 17,824 23,658 18,868 11,097 5,564 NA 2,810 15,715 10,492 2,014 3,209 1,450 1,759 67,442 HA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA 14,485 14,816 30,972 33,837 NA NA NA NA NA HA KA KA NA NA NA NA NA 71,965 81,923 KA 44,608 NA NA NA KA ^85 'U,349 68,049 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16,373 17,426 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '62 '4,197 72,872 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. 'Figures for 1945 are for all tractors. ^Concrete, brick, asphalt, and macadam. ^Concrete or brick and inacadani. Asphalt was not included. ^Includes sand-clay. 'Gravel. 'Distance to all-weather road. See text. 8 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data in italics arc based on reports for only a sample ol farms. See toxtj (For dermilions and explanations, see t«xt) Census of- 1959 (Oct.-Nov.) 1954 (Oct-NOT.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) SPEnFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Feed for livestock and poultiy fanns reporting , . dollars . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars. . Machine hire farms reporting . . dollars. .. Farms classified by amount of expenditure- $1 to $199 farms reporting . . ?200toS199 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 to 52, 499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4.999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 or more farms repotting. . Hired labor" farms reporting . . dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expeiiditui«- $1 to $199 farms reporting . . $200to$499 farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting . . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reputing . . $10,000 to $19.999 farms reporting . . $20,000 or more farms reporting . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil' for the farm business farms reporting . . dollars.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms reporting . . tons. . dollars . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting . . tons. . dollars. . FARM LABOR Farm woikets for specified week:' Family and/or hired workers farms reportltig. . persons . . .\verage per farm reporting persons . . Family ^wlrkers. including operators farms reporting. . persona . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms ropating. . persons . . Hired workers farms reporting . . perstjns.. Wcckers hired by month farms reporting. . perstns . . Workers hired by week farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by day farms reporting. . persons . , Workers hired by hour farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired on piece-work basis . . farms reporting. . persons , . No report as to basis of paymenL . . . farms reporting . . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker - farms reporting . . 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers farms reporting . persons . Farms by kind of woikefs during specified week: No workers reported farms . Family workers only farms . Operator only farms . Operator and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms . Family workers and hired workers farms . Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms . Members of operator's family and hired wc*kers . . . .farms . Hired workers only farms . Regular farm workers only farms . Seasonal farm workers only farms , is, SI I 7i, lie, 70S S7, 919 SO, !79, 707 31, lie 9, in, 960 IB, sse 10, 816 },tO! 1,130 191 36 to IS, B9S 17, OiS, 013 lS,iOO e,en 3, 309 3, 117 l.ltS 316 69 16 SJ, 9i7 1,3, SOe, 736 36, e09 9, 661, 19t 9,1,6! iJ, 317 HA 61, 339 93, 700 US 60, 993 Si, 831 eo,ts7 e3,i66 Si, 6U e,i(i9 s,se9 3,186 t,!97 690 919 i.eis 1, 963 1,018 i,ses 169 set 3,8il 5,067 3,131 6ie 138 3,033 3,811 i,ll7 U,9S0 Si, 131 SO, 188 en 6,063 3,ioe l,66S 96 31,6 S07 111 63, 083 U, 18!, !1! m NA il, e!9 i3,oie,eos NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S3, !i6 18, 707, sis 16, 679 8,16! i,!09 3,868 1,099 161 69 18 68, 96! iO, 893, m NA NA I0,i6i 38, i90 3, HI, 190 11! esi f, 73/ 69, !16 ISO, 699 !.0 68, 691 101, 398 67, 811 19, leo U,68e 11, HO IS, 301 i,917 6,ue SSI 1,106 3,67! i,736 1,639 i,Sl! 676 1,701 6,il8 7,163 i,l93 836 111 69 10 6,770 11,138 3,136 iS,076 H, 166 !S, 119 701 10, 616 6,376 5, »6S 178 5H NA NA 66, SS6 37, 706, 69! St, 398 60, 301, 679 i6,69i 13, iSi, OSS NA NA NA NA NA is, 7S0 16, 766, 018 19, les 11, 633 7,037 S,36i l.SiS 69, Sf 7 SS,l!3,8i8 iS, 9Si It, 709, 89S NA NA NA NA NA NA 60,811 113,396 1.9 60, 139 101, 819^ 68, 367 f 7, 907 iS,i61 8,i91 11, 576 6,707 7,067 i!9 678 i,eie 1,089 693 1,071 S!7 il9 197 SSI 6,611 8,376 6,1,86 103 38 S,S06 3, SOI S.SIO 6!, 319 17, 398 13, 171 1,660 7,910 i,93i s,7ei lit S7t NA NA 57,908 24,724,056 51, 91S 31, 169, 798 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47,027 20,351,469 21,270 13,422 7,210 4,282 843 NA NA 39, i90 6, OSS, 976 339 NA It, i6S in NA 6, ill 64,871 109,644 1.7 64,540 103,464 63,669 28,428 39,795 4,873 6,180 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA UA 3,834 59,998 33,537 25,662 799 4,542 2,575 1,895 72 331 NA 40,826 7,343,148 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 30,861 5,948,414 NA NA NA NA NA NA 56,709 :, 379, 348 NA NA 253 272 13,255 46 54 316 63,345 108,727 1.7 62,251 97,440 NA NA 7,932 11,287 5,910 7,534 '2,153 '3,033 (') (') '459 '720 (') (') 8,609 55,913 NA NA NA 6,338 NA NA NA 1,594 NA NA 80,832 127,465 1.6 80,200 119,256 NA NA 6,833 8,209 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA 2,471 73,999 NA NA NA 6,201 NA NA 632 NA 40,527 12,435,826 NA HA NA NA ilA HA NA HA NA NA NA 48,762 14,647,192 103 133 NA 30,411 8,737,496 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49,540 15,492,334 37,966 16,689,237 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49,653 24,121,602 NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 175 NA 34,466 NA NA NA NA NA Nt. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not availatle. 'For Censuses of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier Censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. Cash payments for farm labor; housework not Included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. 'census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of September 26-October 2. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. 'See text for differences in definition °f /»™ workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. 'Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis, ftuestionnaire called for other hired labor Including piecework and contract labor. SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DatA for number of livestock nol fully comr'arabje for the several Censuses. See lextj It«m see text) Census of— (Far derinitions and explanalions 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (Janviary 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Total value of specified classes of livestock and poultry dollars... 549,434,105 47,401 419,469,513 364,750,026 238,949,078 62,382 104,138,212 63,126,585 186,606,130 145,771,801 NA 236,120,822 67,964 Caule uid calves .farms reporting... 55,200 58,438 63,640 74,187 73,961 number,,. 3,321,517 3,440,208 2,513,016 2,544,020 1,496,261 1,632,274 1,974,050 2,022,189 2,348,157 value, dollars,.. 459,301,475 311,635,014 304,416,937 166,099,068 65,495,123 26,315,061 102,373,407 61,290,180 119,980,683 Cowa, including heifera that have calved . , farms reporting, , , 44,809 53,744 57,477 61,322 62,601 73,647 NA NA NA number .. . 1,453,454 1,476,758 1,127,280 1,155,259 737,415 848,436 765,312 835,964 910,481 value, dollars, ,, 239,819,910 165,396,896 199,639,795 96,059,523 40,296,959 17,817,156 56,704,071 35,835,070 58,612,783 Milk cows , forms reporting, , , 31, 332 42,136 50,820 NA NA 60,530 NA NA 66,827 487,651 29,880 43,406 number, ,, 242,581 289,558 344,552 456,214 243,336 336,892 value, dollars . . . 47,545,876 NA NA NA 25,443,620 NA 36,738,363 12,363/055 22,U6,640 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting . . , 43,516 52,180 HA NA HA NA NA NA NA number . , , 930,864 985,262 NA NA HA NA NA HA HA value, dollars . . . 111,703,680 67,983,078 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves .farms reporting.. . 43,592 51,733 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA number . . . 937,199 978,188 NA NA NA NA NA KA HA value, ddlars,,. 107,777,885 78,255,040 NA NA NA NA NA NA Hi Horses and/or mules , farms reporting,,. 16,050 24,890 43,884 NA 61,136 73,156 76,662 76,457 NA number,,. 61,023 82,481 173,771 310,831 342,076 461,490 640,511 741,409 832,151 value, dollars .. . 5,492,070 3,629,164 5,400,374 11,656,984 19,112,450 26,459,239 32,969,071 34,389,907 58,687,508 Horses and colts, including pomes . farms reporting . . . Hi. NA 43,528 58,199 60,778 72,814 NA KA 72,156 number . . . NA NA 171,311 306,921 336,544 450,465 621,343 720,060 817,058 value, dollars.. . HA NA 5,301,358 11,419,664 18,736,879 25,680,294 31,779,921 33,165,015 57,051,132 Mules and mule colls -fftims reporting.. . NA NA 936 1,422 2,254 4,592 HA NA 5,814 number... NA NA 2,460 3,910 5,532 11,025 19,168 21,349 15,093 value, dollars... NA NA 99,016 237,320 375,571 778,945 1,189,150 1,224,892 1,636,376 Hogs and pigs . .farms reporting . . . 33,021 37,859 43,749 4«,564 49,806 56,432 65,568 66,317 62,174 number,,. 2,042,482 1,900,235 1,365,372 1,249,563 552,546 543,900 2,637,188 2,599,568 1,953,826 value, dollars,.. 44,966,998 73,297,860 31,474,783 36,772,624 5,705,924 2,719,500 35,U6,747 37,570,256 42,997,699 Bcm since June 1 ..farms reporting.,. 16,595 15,440 19,582 NA NA NA 31,847 NA HA number... 727,144 515,624 734,924 NA HA NA 1,137,778 NA HA value, dollars ,, , 9,452,872 12,374,976 10,442,272 NA HA NA NA NA NA Bom before June 1 ..farms reporting... 28,436 33,094 42,904 NA 49,806 NA NA NA NA number . . . 1,315,338 1,384,6U 630,448 HA 552,546 NA 1,499,410 NA NA value, dollars. .. 35,514,126 60,922,884 21,032,5U NA 5,705,924 NA NA NA HA . . farms repcrti ng . . . 14,094 11,948 9,622 17,387 1,771,415 20,558 18,438 1,319,537 13,339 7,401 8,094 number... 1,934,966 1,394,791 888,610 1,370,201 1,150,346 643,555 843,696 value, dollars... 32,550,462 23,210,338 16,585,741 14,969,885 10,540,897 5,146,194 9,423,140 6,476,157 10,635,258 Lambs under 1 year old , , farms reporting . . . 10,295 9,403 6,099 HA NA NA NA HA 5,000 number... 714,607 606,362 230,102 NA NA NA 212,500 181,188 227,289 value, dollars,.. 11,433,712 10,308,154 3,153,987 NA NA NA NA NA 2,170,482 Sheep 1 year old and over ..farms reporting.. . 13,372 11,274 9,450 HA 20,558 HA. NA NA NA number.. . 1,220,359 788,429 658,508 NA 1,370,201 NA 937,846 462,367 616,407 value, dollars . . . 21,116,750 12,902,184 13,431,754 NA 10,540,897 NA 8,506,026 NA 8,464,776 Ewes ..farms reporting... 13,215 11,134 9,348 16,481 19,545 17,060 HA HA 6,884 number. . . 1,179,176 759,697 624,176 1,297,293 1,256,605 998,242 888,811 444,904 587,597 value, dollars... 20,045,992 12,155,152 12,733,847 9,909,239 9,804,240 3,743,408 8,062,555 HA 7,865,769 ftams and wethers . .farms reputing . . . 8,941 6,674 5,021 NA HA NA HA NA NA number . . . 41,183 28,732 34,332 HA 113,596 NA 49,035 17,463 28,810 value, dollars . . . 1,070,758 747,032 697,907 NA 736,657 NA 443,471 NA 599,007 Chickens 4 months old and over . .farms reporting... 41,001 49,965 54,024 60,548 63,818 72,339 74,780 71,473 67,687 number... 8,932,412 9,004,508 7,203,972 8,513,183 6,233,291 5,524,342 8,545,755 7,905,661 6,641,572 value, dollars... 7,056,605 7,653,832 6,781,927 9,450,517 2,881,541 2,154,493 6,693,765 6,045,301 5,559,307 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting . . . 1,754 1,676 2,647 NA 24,085 20,996 NA NA 13,071 number.. . 17,732 11,798 21,333 NA 238,947 161,999 NA NA 83,866 value, dollars. .. 66,495 43,305 90,264 NA 402,277 332,098 NA HA 260,367 NA Not available. 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 7.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 for livestock sold alive ard daily products sold are estimates based on refxjrts for only a sample of faims. See textj (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Census of- 1959 (Oct. -Not.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products dollars . Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses end mules, hogs, and sheep) farms reptfting. value of sales, dollars. Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars . Poultry and poultry products farms reporting. value of sales, dollars . LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms repoiting . number. dollars . Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting . number . dollars . Calves farms reporting. number. dollars . Horses and/or mules sold alive farms reporting . number. dollars . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . number. dollars . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . number. dollars. SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL Sheep and/or lambs shorn farms reporting . number shorn . pounds of wool . value, dollars. Lambs shorn farms repcfting. number shorn . pounds of wool . Other sheep shcm farms reporting. number sham . pounds of wool . LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting. number of litters . June 2 to November 30 farms repotting . number of litters . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of litters . POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODtKTS SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting . number . dollars . Broilers sold farms reporting . number. dollars . Other chickens sold farms repcrting . number. dollars . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. Turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry and their eggs sold farms reporting . . dollars. . Turkeys raised farms reporting . . number. , Ducks sold farms refxirting. . number . , Geese sold farms repotting. . number. Guineas sold farms reporting . number. DAIRY PRODUCTS Any whole milk or cream sold ftirms reporting. dollars , , Average sales per farm reporting dollars . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting. pounds . dollars. Cream sold farms repotting. pounds of butterfat . dollars . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting . dollirs- 50,714 376,735,299 37,161 20,503,150 46,525 1,711,336 278,729,572 37,200, 940,840 186,904,955 30,999 770,496 .91,824,617 1,797 7,144 725,640 32,491 2,511,017 75,330,510 13,138 1,688,429 21,949,577 13,716 1,467,941 13,556,703 5,964,947 650 157,499 770,378 13,554 1,310,442 12,786,325 30,685 395,660 14,796 106,421 27,664 289,239 32,554 4,736,703 1,337,347 13 50,341 25,171 32,551 4,686,362 1,312,176 36,061 74,224,099 16,329,303 2,583 2,836,530 2,172 780,522 1,093 35,508 1,485 38,996 28 346 25,081 28,295,984 1,128 5,383 495,492,849 15,447,812 20,252 21,875,061 12,848,172 275,619,371 55,830 232,307,844 45,744 18,797,447 52,341 1,365,248 147,269,383 43,858 840,802 110,896,393 33,054 524,446 36,372,990 2,329 6,938 351,574 36,591 1,708,662 71,074,600 10,877 901,283 13,612,287 11,325 878,159 8,031,302 4,256,587 NA NA NA NA NA NA 34,605 356,234 13,230 76,794 30,870 279,440 32,908 4,558,241 2,830,067 29 168,191 138,858 32,887 4,390,050 2,691,209 43,078 55,374,665 14,047,372 5,350 1,920,008 2,581 378,051 NA NA NA NA NA NA 33,120 20,257,493 2,321 160,727,972 5,534,493 30,799 26,860,119 14,723,000 307,516,852 59,358 258,738,383 24,515,402 50,087 24,263,067 54,901 1,159,518 163,469,083 47,130 816,206 133,502,683 29,488 343,312 29,966,400 5,936 18,840 525,230 45,714 2,020,870 80,763,025 9,353 789,393 13,981,045 8,987 681,833 5,669,845 2,781,784 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39,093 376,309 38,056 5,280,622 4,747,816 NA NA NA NA NA NA 47,373 51,347,372 17,676,170 5,597 1,839,081 2,488 275,229 NA NA NA NA NA ■■40,708 '21,385,915 3,506 138,048,005 5,296,318 37,842 26,605,338 16,068,467 98 21,130 185,434,515 NA ■ 161,073,107 57,620 24,361,408 52,350 826,629 75,586,775 NA NA NA NA NA .NA NA NA NA 49,268 2,067,184 66,6*8,083 14,488 1,293,624 U, 752,886 16,597 NA 11,784,773 5,076,918 NA NA NA NA NA NA '49,954 '19,863,232 3,002 113,677,480 ^2,957,019 47, 534 33,398,014 '16,885,547 '158 '20,716 NA 56,489,839 56,021 6,730,284 47,361 ^45,321 24,464,752 39,356 405,819 21,134,055 19,528 139,502 3,330,697 NA NA NA 40,837 1,264,729 16,932,264 13,516 331,795 5,448,872 17,208 1,058,976 9,260,353 2,072,670 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 41,633 43,342 347,055 267,390 NA 43,194 NA 4,017,012 NA 1,859,002 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7,201 20,305 353,369 1,120,206 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '51,456 '10,266,151 '200 3,241 99,493,159 '2,609,101 48,482 34,703,175 '7,560,278 -'1,776 '96,772 16,903 1,234,934 10,022,224 2,004,445 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36,249 144,864 139,500,421 10,314 796,935 6,564,273 1,862,053 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 58,515 574,306 54,838 5,864,365 4,458,262 NA NA NA NA NA NA 62,947 36,786,186 9,349,471 NA NA 15,813 460,106 NA NA NA NA NA NA '61,586 '25,114,160 '408 2,717 32,474,310 2,212,971 NA NA 22, 580, 506 '2,718 '320,683 NA 533,335 4,174,615 1,539,269 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 630,396 NA NA NA NA 44,247,765 HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5,361 699,773 5,112,798 2,760,911 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA 51,617 545,725 29,598 1,846,268 1,477,500 NA NA NA NA NA NA 52,180 17,427,479 5,809,376 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA KA NA NA '12,222,562 NA 1,602 23,198,%4 342,421 NA HA 10,609,402 -•11,020 '770,739 NA Not available. 'All dairy products sold. 'Published values for 1945 and 1940 were computed on the basis of average prices, products sold. 'Butter sold. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy SOUTH DAKOTA 11 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (For deriniUons find explanations, see W\L) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 195i (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) All farms number' Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Total value of crops harvested, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars . Total value of crops sold, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars. Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres. value, dollars. Harvested for grain. .. .farms reporting. acres. bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels, dollars . Cut for si lage farms reporting . acres. tons, green weight. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder. . .farms reporting. acres. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . acres, value, dollars. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels, dollars. Cut for silage farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting. acres, tons, cut. Sales farms reporting. tons. dollars . Harvested for sirup. .. .farms reporting. acres. gallons. Sales farms reporting . dollars . Small grains harvested: Winter wheat farms reporting. acres. bushels . value, dollars. Sales f ariDS reporting . bushels, dollars . Spring wheat f anDS reporting . acres. bushels. value, dollars. Sales farms reporting . bushels, dollars. Durum wheat farms reporting . acres. bushels . value, dollars. Sales farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Other spring wheat farms reporting. acres. bushels, value, dollars. Sales farms rejorting . bushels . dollars. Oats farms reporting. acres . bushels . value, dollars . Sales farms reporting. bushels . dollars. Barley farms reporting. acres. bushels . value, dollars. Sales farms reporting . bushels, dollars . Rye farms reporting . acres. bushels. value, dollars. Sales farms reporting. bushels . dollars . See footnotes at end of table. 55,727 52,161 14,236,384 251,989,618 82,376,279 41,063 4,100,526 99,104,414 30,262 2,456,485 61,633,909 15,000 24,979,582 24,979,582 24,453 1,070,001 3,465,294 11,414 574,040 8,446 277,390 6,189,060 4,138 139,542 3,174,005 1,439 1,239,500 991,602 2,228 46,477 221,189 3,446 91,371 92,953 NA 7,528 135,504 3,503 412,808 6,313,569 11,364,424 3,271 5,906,128 10,631,031 NA 1,462,020 10,926,525 20,831,471 HA 8,783,502 16,743,843 1,656 60,158 473,822 971,335 1,255 367,912 754,220 18,967 1,401,862 10,452,703 19,860,136 16,108 8,415,590 15,989,623 33,006 2,018,538 39,751,143 23,055,663 12,611 9,986,727 5,792,300 9,907 428,820 5,643,705 4,627,838 4,609 2,723,455 2,233,236 2,364 99,736 1,237,501 1,126,126 2,004 1,035,595 942,392 62,520 59,804 17,759,947 398,020,214 160,381,333 50,029 4,013,857 156,141,644 45,253 3,352,791 101,497,750 24,974 38,510,683 50,063,887 14,501 318,528 1,596,875 9,864 342,538 5,626 141,599 2,690,381 NA NA NA NA KA °538,075 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,613 319,711 4,453,506 9,441,433 2,277 3,909,705 8,288,579 NA 2,274,414 20,612,463 46,412,602 NA 16,605,008 37,359,765 1,570 70,976 438,049 1,423,659 1,162 324,110 1,053,363 21,832 2,203,438 20,174,414 44,988,943 19,558 16,280,898 36,306,402 50,482 3,896,009 104,058,694 65,556,977 29,997 35,689,877 22,484,623 10,921 472,948 8,528,534 8,869,675 6,747 4,594,102 4,777,370 3,534 166,617 2,509,502 3,262,353 3,063 2,054,890 2,671,354 66,452 63,553 17,527,893 290,154,442 122,883,015 50,411 4,014,879 99,142,604 43,660 3,261,955 76,149,324 '23,200 29,037,637 '32,237,158 7,865 131,132 702,807 17,564 621,792 7,222 147,516 1,857,395 660 19,400 236,693 '394 NA '187,592 206 3,071 12,957 6,608 125,045 137,859 (') NA (') NA NA NA NA NA 2,412 244,502 3,143,265 5,810,180 2,136 2,763,988 NA 35,559 3,683,073 27,319,305 52,979,633 NA 20,978,440 NA 6,206 378,318 3,487,999 6,657,165 5,356 2,682,823 NA 29,353 3,304,755 23,831,306 46,322,468 25,465 18,295,617 HA 48,066 2,827,436 62,578,547 36,920,571 19,919 16,149,130 NA 23,079 1,056,295 12,687,508 13,331,563 13,889 6,431,193 NA 6,935 263,133 3,072,516 3,523,344 5,783 2,357,505 NA 68,705 66,211 16,524,613 288,433,919 100,972,424 55,139 3,839,307 113,753,006 51,396 3,457,716 118,581,194 NA NA NA NA NA NA 20,595 481,885 4,768,584 2,581 81,572 1,245,493 NA NA NA NA NA NA 18,323 355,548 601,899 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,261 238,993 2,259,508 3,115,699 NA NA NA NA 2,798,855 34,442,380 48,407,086 HA HA NA 3,160 154,053 1,653,551 2,294,853 NA HA NA 33,559 2,644,802 32,783,829 46,112,233 NA NA NA 53,057 2,856,120 85,007,674 48,777,983 NA NA HA 34,083 1,693,673 24,979,403 24,513,754 HA NA NA 10,039 374,501 3,783,935 3,600,649 NA NA NA 72,454 67,022 12,297,291 32,972,093 52,700 2,684,166 24,260,912 41,020 1,964,554 40,755,611 NA NA NA 5,303 105,451 363,598 20,636 614,161 38,984 1,071,898 4,314,830 5,640 150,924 1,289,827 NA NA NA 1,394 31,84? 65,322 36,603 889, 129 1,067,840 NA NA NA 4 3 117 NA NA 1,988 89,468 945,389 641,456 HA NA NA 39,443 2,008,814 16,647,338 11,682,214 NA NA HA 11,364 446,436 5,085,969 3,421,532 NA NA HA 30,991 1,562,378 11,561,369 8,260,632 NA NA NA 42,470 1,598,402 43,101,900 10,615,128 HA NA NA 36,980 1,407,183 22,731,308 7,308,426 NA HA HA 19,303 623, 510 5,233,741 1,933,743 NA NA NA 83,303 55,556 4,863,888 39,285 2,238,934 NA 11,608 509,828 5,568,288 NA KA HA NA 472,890 3,053,936 261 3,714 28,558 NA HA HA NA 720 40,515 182,267 164,040 HA HA NA 3,660 113,063 542,427 504,457 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,342 262,744 2,527,651 1,289,102 HA HA HA 8,014 203,344 1,669,256 1,163,479 HA HA NA 951 21,166 74,073 49,632 NA NA HA 83,157 81,039 17,856,178 72,138,310 72,162 5,094,809 NA 57,414 3,493,279 84,569,812 NA HA NA 3,022 56,691 310,254 NA 1,544,839 '1,235 15,657 156,464 39 386 4,587 HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 2 135 1,533 32,646 1,170,639 1,151,306 NA NA NA NA 3,456,674 32,874,336 32,384,726 NA HA NA 18,023 1,458,726 13,523,487 li,034,359 NA NA NA 25,167 1,997,948 19,350,849 20,350,367 NA HA NA 55,876 2,271,399 62,480,531 21,751,311 HA NA HA 48,465 2,061,136 35,652,875 16,297,346 NA HA HA 5,759 229,753 2,704,646 2,083,020 HA HA HA 79,537 NA 15,792,937 KA 70,898 4,815,162 NA 58,190 3,460,120 71,197,907 NA KA NA 2,653 54,061 307,711 NA 1,300,981 NA 10,746 NA NA 1,647 22,401 NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,860 105,170 1,687,737 2,104,504 NA NA NA 30,885 2,259,277 31,982,176 41,U8,529 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 58,909 2,799,488 98,508,576 37,810,313 NA NA HA 25,624 738,600 18,698,992 12,166,762 NA NA NA 7,149 235,620 3,294,722 3,199,155 HA NA NA 74,637 NA '14,655,116 NA NA NA NA 54,602 2,756,2X 69,060,782 20,353 20,018,300 26,023,790 NA NA HA '23,856 *435,861 HA 25,941 752,096 •29 162 2,174 HA NA HA HA NA HA 2,374 25,745 53,274 HA KA NA 24 34 1,733 • NA NA 2,617 125,747 1,168,404 2,605,541 NA NA NA 48,422 3,765,721 29,918,591 66,718,455 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49,921 1,839,089 51,091,904 38,318,937 17,917 13,615,620 10,211,715 25,435 754,929 12,815,768 15,378,922 13,341 6,197,002 7,436,402 10,677 463,132 4,111,543 5,961,741 NA NA NA 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued IU!m (For definitions and expla Census of — nauons. see u^xt) 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1 ) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Small graijis harvested— Con tinued . farms reportinH . . . 10,155 16,260 14,684 10,108 6,088 725 14,026 14,410 6,274 159,234 acres... 547,983 949,903 676,232 291,098 146,363 13,756 669,319 543,236 bushels . . . 3,211,237 5,487,802 4,334,117 2,397,809 1,304,809 33,879 3,110,707 4,542,158 1,109,303 value , dollars . . . 9,794,273 16,737,796 15,386,666 6,879,141 1,889,714 54,834 8,724,090 10,387,443 4,880,931 Sales . farms reporting . . . 9,2S1 15,368 13,675 HA NA NA NA HA HA bushels . . . 2,744,692 4,756,470 3,731,933 HA NA NA NA HA NA dollars. . . 8,371,304 14,507,234 NA HA HA NA HA HA NA Qumer and spelt .fanas reporting. . . 472 1,157 1,007 NA 1,306 NA 7,080 NA 4,809 acres. . . 8,405 21,367 16,775 HA 19,602 NA 150,603 NA 79,688 bushels. . . 106,140 384,931 a4,919 HA 427,630 NA 2,993,490 NA 1,451,018 value, dollars... 85,973 307,945 160, 7ai NA 169,207 NA 1,142,299 NA 1,886,327 Sales .farms reporting-.. 18 183 146 HA HA NA HA NA NA bushels . . . 3,479 51,120 31,155 NA HA NA HA NA NA dollars . . . 2,820 40,894 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA Proso millet .farms reporting... 1,297 2,862 NA NA HA HA HA NA NA acres. . . 27,022 51,627 NA NA HA HA HA NA NA b»jshels . . . 297,607 814,911 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 247,014 896,402 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Sales .farms reportijog . . . 155 748 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 49,015 277,296 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA dollars . . . 40,682 305,025 NA HA NA NA HA NA NA Safflower -farms reporting... 24 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 1,415 60 NA NA NA NA NA NA pounds — 547,475 12,160 HA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars.. . 16,424 638 HA NA NA NA NA NA Sales . farms reporting . . . 23 6 HA NA NA NA HA NA pounds . . . 547,410 • NA HA NA NA NA HA NA dollars . . . 16,423 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA Other grains .farms reporting... 174 NA NA 1,054 NA 205 NA 480 NA acres... 5,806 39,053 84,241 34,968 27,062 4,511 124,724 9,913 11,352 bushels . . . 110,983 818,998 1,238,074 736,600 529,302 41,709 2,317,903 107,900 193,744 value , dollars . . . 94,336 777,248 1,154,210 596,270 213,436 31,282 1,233,401 118,691 241,146 Sales . farms reporting . . . 26 HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA buahels . . . 9,984 110,243 240,540 HA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 8,490 104,408 NA HA NA NA NA HA NA Aimual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes .farms reporting... 3,981 6,535 1,723 671 179 33 177 NA NA acres... 130,607 166,019 32,173 7,657 1,483 391 2,169 NA NA Harvested for beans . . .farms reporting... 3,913 6,437 1,607 526 30 16 NA NA acres. .. 127,733 164,590 30,384 6,618 385 NA NA NA biifihels... 1,510,924 2,933,649 386,845 111,902 5,369 1,046 419 HA value, dollars... 2,825,428 7,040,758 818,308 229,400 5,369 1,987 1,017 HA Sales..... dollars... 2,629,005 6,618,312 NA NA HA NA NA HA Cut for hay'? .faims reporting... 41 38 116 135 66 24 107 HA 289 acres... 533 328 949 896 534 308 1,449 404 4,777 tons. . . 392 344 1,000 1,258 569 260 1,598 NA 4,928 value, dollars. .. 6,272 5,504 14,498 7,922 2,256 3,848 15,344 NA 88,704 Sales dollars . . . 503 329 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed or cut for silage . farms reporting . . . 62 46 32 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres.. . 1,104 574 335 NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 15,456 17,220 6,700 NA NA NA NA HA NA Plowed under for green . f anus reporting . . . 66 47 34 NA NA NA NA NA HA acres... 1,237 527 505 NA NA NA NA NA NA Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans .farms reportijig. . . 47 50 32 21 lljj ,,21 ,, 382 367 547 acres... 1,475 1,061 373 148 "27 12,7 "'l,769 920 816 lOO-lb. bags... 18,056 10,759 9,232 629 120 145 3,686 HA 2,732 value, dollars... 104,725 71,724 55,393 4,196 500 723 25,454 HA 23,450 Sales dollars... 99,490 70,290 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hay crops (see text): Land from which hay was cut'^ acres. . . 4,659,388 5,201,188 ^'4,415,566 "3,680,675 1*2,479, 9U "1,442,318 "3,549,595 "4,073,238 4,551,862 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating .farms reporting... 41,051 44,371 28,273 20,396 12,865 14,026 40, 574 36,051 26,320 acres . . . 2,059,553 1,747,665 573,795 348,817 183,547 250,055 379,190 709,578 462,231 tons . . . 1,846,466 2,567,352 757,490 632,471 203,871 185,636 1,083,100 NA 763,316 value, dollars... 42,468,718 42,361,308 15,765,661 8,029,366 1,431,781 3,638,466 11,200,831 NA 16,411,312 Sales . farms reporting . . . 3,140 4,463 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA tons... 144,268 203,884 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 3,318,164 3,364,088 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay . farms reporting . , . 972 2,503 1,269 1,068 354 542 NA NA NA acres . . . 33,745 62,940 32,563 24,161 6,468 13,677 71,958 174,314 196,617 tons... 27,326 67,698 31,312 27,817 5,030 7,522 70,653 NA 238,059 value, dollars... 464,542 1,015,470 563,426 271,004 32,115 130,883 602,742 NA 3,775,019 Sales .farms reporting... 58 145 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons . . . 1,314 2,726 NA HA HA NA NA HA NA dollars . . . 22,338 40,890 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Data, wheat, barley, rye or other small grains cut for hay .farms reporting... 10,715 3,103 NA HA "* NA NA "* 5,397 acres . . . 480,183 94,393 "213,726 "61,073 "181,930 "349,012 "141,347 "80,363 109,107 tons. .. 253,187 74,177 ,, 91,131 23,509 36,546 164,433 55,953 NA 75,422 value, dollars... 3,797,805 1,075,566 "1,939,166 "742,910 "589,398 1,677,217 417,144 NA 1,244,431 Sales . farms reporting . . . 234 66 NA NA NA HA NA HA NA tons. . . 6,469 1,475 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 97,035 21,383 HA HA NA NA NA NA HA »Ild hay cut .farms reporting... 25,279 34,322 36,698 39,743 32,668 NA 44,358 NA 49,745 acres . . . 1,958,847 3,141,642 3,366,183 3,049,705 1,781,336 HA 2,340,049 2,940,312 3,689,150 tons . . . 1,041,390 1,963,609 1,904,383 2,681,641 1,083,375 NA 1,314,430 NA 2,720,413 value, dollars... 19,265,715 24,607,612 29,218,022 15,434,328 3,819,710 NA 8,990,239 NA 35,365,369 Sales .farms reporting... 1,563 2,546 HA NA NA NA HA NA HA tons 58,432 104,469 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA dollars. . . 1,081,006 1,305,861 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other hay cut . farms reporting . . . 4,363 5,982 8,129 9,681 NA NA NA HA NA acres . . . 123,962 153,690 255,814 196,919 321,391 829,574 117,051 168,671 94,757 tons... 91,306 134,299 180,836 226,593 342,429 416,801 119,538 NA 115,121 value, dollars 1,597,855 1,611,588 2,725,233 1,722,046 1,329,923 6,315,272 903,089 NA 1,669,265 Sales .farms reporting. . . 202 276 NA HA NA NA NA HA NA tons . . . 5,048 6,627 NA HA NA NA NA HA NA dollars . . . 88,348 79,524 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH DAKOTA 13 state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hay crops (see text) — Continued Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or snail grains f ajnus reporting . acres, tone, green weight, value, dollars. Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed farms reporting. . acres . . pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . Blrdafoot trefoil seea... -farais reporting.. pounds., value , dollars . . Sales dollars. . Bluegiass (Junegrass) seed farms reporting.. acres. . pounds, green weight.. value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . BromegrasB seed farms reporting. . acres. . pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . Clover seed: Red clover seed fanne reporting.. acres . . pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Sweetclover seed farms reporting. . acres. . pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Fescue seed farms reporting. . acres. . pounds. . value, dollars,. Sales dollars . . Gramagrass seed farms reporting. . acres. . pounds.. value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . (fillet seed farms reporting. . acres.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars. . Ryegrass seed farms reporting. . acres. . pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars.. Sudangrass seed farms reporting. . acres.. pounds.. value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Timothy seed farms reporting.. acres. . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . WheatgrasE seed farms reporting. . acres. . pounds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Crested wheatgrass seed farms reporting. . acres. . poimds. . value, dollars.. Sales dollsYs . . Other than crested wheatgrass seed farms reporting. . acres . . pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . . Other field seed crops acres . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 103 3,098 13,060 78,360 2,387 7-4,888 i, 367,710 1,091,928 873,542 2,100 1,680 1,200 6 391 44,300 1,772 1,772 279 5,471 547,747 82,162 60,255 42 747 92,095 23,945 22,852 446 U,805 3,003,990 240,319 210,284 1 30 1,170 176 158 1 80 8,000 3,360 3,360 2 41 1,820 109 109 1 35 1,350 122 11 3,100 124 92 8 246 11,330 1,246 1,175 121 4,290 240,593 52,444 44,797 106 3,423 197,348 39,470 33,553 15 867 43,245 12,974 11,244 116 960 8M 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 14 858 4,460 28,990 7,692 194,294 15,260,220 4,730,668 4,021,067 4 77 6,826 5,120 4,608 381 24,996 1,828,904 219,468 197,521 308 4,608 578,476 52,063 46,855 468 7,341 424,301 190,935 152,748 1,042 24,358 4,103,760 369,338 317,633 3 40 2,672 427 385 KA 11 235 163,200 6,528 5,548 Hi 4 23 12,400 992 893 9 228 40,610 6,904 5,868 86 1,831 121,252 22,165 19,951 55 1,407 94,012 16,922 15,232 31 424 27,240 5,243 4,719 172 3,304 1950 (April 1) 63 1,142 3,803 36,131 6,348 125,931 9,811,560 4,027,450 ,NA 76 3,578 261,616 26,162 NA 323 3,443 386,577 108,241 NA 91 1,237 70,247 28,098 NA 698 12,139 1,882,380 273,320 NA 1 5 300 90 NA 15 213 143,500 2,870 NA 3 49 2,800 420 MA 5 64 15,600 936 NA 21 210 19,682 3,150 NA 139 3,031 190,624 47,659 NA 23 440 NA 1945 (January 1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1940 (April 1) NA "12 NA l»189 NA "651 NA "2 .043 1,404 812 24,324 IC ,229 042,320 767,820 374,456 123 ,066 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 'n 1,622 1 '143 142,920 1'15 900 42,876 162 120 NA NA NA 2 503 NA 46,985 NA 7,079 220 NA 210 669 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 209,287 NA 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 ,590 NA 99 056 NA 8,077 ,380 NA 1,569 024 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA KA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA "2,822 NA 1'60 233 NA "15,496,320 NA ''730 155 NA HA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA HA HA HA HA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA HA HA NA "217 HA ,. "3 320 NA "2.253 '*30 900 NA 947 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA 240 NA 5,075 NA 574,740 NA 25,810 NA NA 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) HA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA KA NA HA HA HA HA KA 133 HA 118,800 53,460 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA HA NA "646 HA '5,550,350 '*277,529 NA HA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 1,074 HA NA NA 2,925,540 NA 341,319 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale fajms reporting. . . acres*'. btishels . . . value, dollars... Sales. . dollars . Popcorn fanns reporting. . acres . . pounds of ear com. . value, dollATs.. Sales dollars . . Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than com, sorghums, and soybeans., .f aims reporting., acres. . value, dollars. . Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . value, dollars.. Sales dollnre . . Sunflower seed farms reporting . . acres. . buBhels . . value, dollAra.. Sales dollars.. All other field crops acres.. value , dollars . . Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars... Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars . . . Vegetables for home use and for aale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes); Vegetables harvested for home use^* farms reporting... value , dollars . . . Vegetables harvested for sale*' farms reporting — acres. . . Sales dollars . . . Cabbage farms reporting. . . acres... Cantaloups and musionelons farms reporting... acres. . . Carrots farms reporting. . . acres. . . Com, sweet farms reporting . . . acres.. . Cucumbers and pickles, .farms reporting... acres... Onions, green farms reporting. . . acres. . . Rhubarb farms reporting. . . acres. . . Squash fanns reporting. . . acres. .. Tomatoes famia reporting. . . acres. . . Watermelons farms reporting. .. acres. .. Other vegetables acres .. . Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale:'^ Strawberries farms reporting. . . acres. . . quarts . . . value, dollars... Other berries and small fruits acres... value, dollars... 1,960 5,721 688,655 826,386 495,830 24 294 479,571 9,591 9,579 2 77 1,386 133 6,028 88,570 1,089,4U 1,089,411 1 16 128 288 250,589,301 81,040,638 16,652 NA 261 1,363 172,936 IB 37 31 116 189 427 41 39 169 133 53 477 13,597 3,263 10 2,958 14,419 9,352 1,349,529 1,430,501 911,816 47 556 692,267 20,768 20,768 NA NA NA 1A7 5,669 70,262 744,777 744,777 6 243 3,227 4,840 4,598 86 28,792 28,600 159,128,905 33,447 NA 309 1,464 136,413 21 34 48 149 170 669 50 301 151 43 29,712 8,911 10 3,253 12,339 11,744 1,105,148 1,882,251 NA 73 325 382,700 12,390 NA 440 3,779 NA 122 3,627 49,065 554,434 KA 1 8 80 120 91 °702,557 2=289,086,154 '"121,936,667 286 50 57,755 19,391 14 4,412 22,996 26,556 2,243,686 3,051,679 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 207 5,282 39,208 407,764 NA 1,374 284,736,493 100,252,813 28,574 NA 50,610 2,897,989 322 1,223 151,827 813 2,593 227,043 43 55 111 81 52 196 NA NA 25 20 NA NA 194 374 293 990 62 57 NA NA 17 18 NA NA 8 5 NA NA 23 16 NA NA 172 1A3 342 223 60 258 NA NA 536 83 50,518 16,037 38 6,86', 22,337 24,477 1,905,265 1,036,208 NA 294 577 520,300 13,747 NA 462 17,572 NA 322 6,920 60,211 285,968 NA NA NA NA NA NA 69,310 72,697,536 29,959 615,634 795 3,367 186,310 94 96 179 265 121 40 273 638 269 140 46 50 446 375 304 1,389 191 46 39,919 5,044 22,461 39,805 1,167,873 1,004,371 NA NA NA NA NA 56 14 3,821 611 NA NA 52,716 55,940 4,169,943 4,690,403 NA 96 1,392 1,844,700 46,500 NA NA 48 NA 616 NA NA 404 355 9,980 11 ,333 83,477 120 ,993 435,750 846,951 NA NA NA 3 NA 13 NA 129 NA 155 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10,022 49 ,713 14,763 1,713 ,002 HA 1 ,251 2,337 2 ,541 NA 244 ,905 152 317 161 191 NA 117 NA 154 NA 41 NA 14 220 290 478 316 NA 306 NA 125 NA 2 NA 1 NA 5 NA 1 NA 9 NA 4 212 404 166 152 223 295 618 781 1 075 152 84 934 18 190 102 10 238 40,492 53,189 4,025,091 1,925,602 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 63 2,051 16,913 118,391 NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA 472 554 162 136 560 660 270 lAl 461 658 213 115 NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH DAKOTA 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definilions and explanaLions, 3ee text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov. ) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 19i5 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January i) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tree frulte, nuts, and grapes:^* Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees famis reporting. acres. Apples fanns reporting. . Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number. . Quantity harvested fanns reporting.. bushels., value, dollars.. Cherries farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds. . value , dollars . . Grapes fanns reporting. . Vines of all ages number. . Vines not of bearing age fanns reporting.. number.. Vines of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Plums and prunes farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . value, dollars.. Other tree fruits and nuts value , dollars . . Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested. .. .dollars, . Value of fruits. Including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars.. 503 718 UO 15,984 211 6,484 372 9,500 203 6,845 15,406 X19 2,815 53 850 89 1,965 43 8,377 842 53 2,616 25 762 34 1,854 6 2,988 149 265 6,698 109 2,396 203 4,302 69 786 2,044 103 24,765 24,765 1,300 1,659 1,260 31,859 742 12,821 941 19,038 728 15,574 38,940 300 4,968 163 2,785 197 2,183 U8 12,655 1,643 135 2,673 52 1,423 94 1,250 61 2,307 113 971 36,026 472 13,599 712 22,427 402 2,621 6,555 60,138 12,565 ^'2,959 10,190 93,849 4,966 38,621 7,103 55,228 5,878 67,460 134,920 1,842 16,388 1,004 6,819 950 9,569 485 9,313 635 458 6,353 200 2,174 260 4,179 167 4,985 399 6,150 89,652 2,470 26,430 4,190 63,222 3,077 16,388 17,917 1,153 179,027 57,087 541 648 6,U9 57,874 NA NA NA NA NA 58,877 U7,754 1,506 9,822 HA KA NA NA NA U,765 1,179 535 4,880 NA NA NA NA NA 23,262 1,855 2,432 31,060 KA KA NA NA KA 4,021 7,990 1,078 152,757 72,931 810 862 3,567 47,193 1,056 12,552 2,909 34,641 1,896 20,071 23,683 1,069 11,007 420 3,384 712 7,623 *73 68,925 3,446 299 4,206 91 800 216 3,406 151 U,311 571 2,039 27,983 591 6,846 1,599 21,137 1,175 7,542 8,077 26,930 4,230 3,292 12,459 144,926 NA 18,042 NA 126,884 NA 24,799 44,638 3,162 18,023 NA 4,093 KA 13,930 NA 40,376 2,163 1,021 15,376 NA 2,860 NA 12,516 KA 10,709 450 4,961 53,748 NA 6,404 KA 47,344 NA 2,605 3,647 KA 7,108 5,796 15,731 244,823 KA 53,487 NA 191,336 KA 161,269 243,538 4,354 32,509 N* 10,687 NA 21,822 NA 303,296 24,326 1,898 33,314 NA 12,551 NA 20,753 NA 94,871 5,197 8,902 129,501 NA 29,316 KA 100,185 KA 35,847 53,442 NA KA 16,427 292,663 NA 79,560 NA 213,103 NA 124,955 176,521 NA NA NA KA KA NA KA NA KA 2,216 33,418 NA KA KA KA NA NA NA 10,064 176,093 NA KA KA KA KA NA NA NA NA NA 391,719 6,983 136,082 13,114 255,637 NA 168,256 353,335 KA 61,929 3,301 29,563 3,782 32,365 NA 228,704 11,843 KA 17,310 450 7,332 416 9,978 NA 24,209 2,178 NA 177,470 4,171 59,793 5,989 117,677 NA 11,861 24,?10 NA Not available. Z Reported in small fractions. ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified cropa relate to the crop years 1959, 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929 1924, and 1919. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^Value of com and other com products sold. ^Com cut for forage. 'Farms reporting sorghums for all purposes, except sirup. Farms reporting only sorghums for seed. ''Value of sorghums sold for hay or forage Included in value of sorghums sold for grain or seed. ^Value of sorghums sold. ''The 1944 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. The 1944 figures are for affres grown alone. ^'^For 1944, soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. ^^Excludes reports for farms reporting acreage grown for all purposes with no production. Acres harvested for beans not available. ^^Includes acres grown alone and acres grown with other crops for all purposes. Acres harvested fop beans not available. ^^For all Censuses, except 1950, obtained by adding the Individual hay crops. ^^Includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed. ^'silage crops other than com and sorghums. ^*Clover seed, except sweetclover. ^''Clover seed. Including sweetclover. ^^Includes proso millet. ^^For 1959 and 1954, does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. ^"Includes receipts frcin sale of pasture and grazing privileges. ^Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for the 1920 Census which Included potatoes for heme use only. '^Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. 23irnr. roTicicao prior to 1950, imBll fruits harvested for home use or for sale. ^*For 19*=" — -* ^"" -* --^ ' — ^ ■'- '-^- "— " *-■ > " — ■ 'Does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (For dermiLions and explanations, sve te^l) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursery and greenhouse jroducts, (lower and vegetable seeds and plants. Rowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting . . dollars. . On farms with sales of $2,000 or more farms reporting . . dollars. . Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting. . acres. . Sales dollars . , Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and "bedding plants farms reporting. . Grown under glass. farms reporting. . square feet . . Grown in the open farms reporting, . acres . , Sales dollars . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting.. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting . . square feet . . Grown in the open fanns reporting.. acres. . Sales dollars . . Any forest products cut and/or sold fums reporting . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting . . dollars. . Sales of standing timber farms reporting . . dollars . . Sales of all other forest products farms reporting . . dollars . . Sales of Firewood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting . . dollars. . Sales of other miscellaneous products farms rer>orting . . dollars. . Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting . . cords (4" x4' x8') .. Sales farms reporting. . cords (4' X 4' x8').. Fence posts cuL farms reporting. . number. . ..fanns reporting, number . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting. thousands of boani foft . Sales forms reporting. thousands of board feet . Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 83 1,018,445 A5 977,920 23 368 334,166 51 48 376,197 10 5 6A9,533 31 27 64,013 7 13 34,746 851 12A 119,495 66 51,843 81 67,652 72 60,629 14 7,023 703 7,280 34 2,495 181 59,873 27 24,848 30 1,293 20 1,170 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1,000,493 51 478 383,986 38 333 355,iSZ 327<,861 18 '23 10 320 586,452 3281,676 37 32 A8,637 7 18 30,055 HA 93 55,384 NA NA 1,334 12,371 505 134,147 1950 (April 1) NA 637,122 NA NA 47 562 321,420 342 33 27 25,966 10 10 34,026 NA NA 100,312 55 43,665 NA 56,647 112 55,199 13 1,448 2,335 19,103 NA NA 775 199,034 NA NA ItK 4,719 NA NA 1945 (January 1) '76 "■ 365,841 HA NA NA NA NA NA , ■'36 NA *417,250 NA NA NA NA NA '149,241 282 53,796 1940 (April 1) 54 396,210 NA HA 23 528 205,314 NA NA NA '18 '96 '41,655 NA 795 64,917 NA NA NA NA 1935 (January 1) NA ^56 NA NA HA =79,152 NA NA NA '41 NA HA NA NA NA NA MA '221,192 1930 (April 1) 0,32! NA NA NA NA HA NA NA MA HA NA NA HA NA 7,730 '871 1,525 '37,350 206,925 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7,243 NA 65,492 NA NA NA NA NA 1,881 NA 387,277 NA NA NA NA NA 133 NA 3,433 1925 (January 1) 5,280 42,812 1920 (January 1) NA NA 10 475 212,101 "32 '224,444 NA NA '186,432 NA NA NA NA NA »28,294 2,498 220 66,459 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Nat available. 'Excludes data for farms unclaflsifled as to type. ^Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. ^Flowers and flowering plants growix for sale. *Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mushrooms. 'Flowers, plBnts, and vegetables grown under glass; and flowers grown In the open. 'Total square feet under glass . 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. ^Value of vegetables and vegetable plants . 'Not strictly comparable with other years as figures probably include some reports of firewood used on farms. SOUTH DAKOTA 17 State Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (Kor JeFinilions aiid explan&liony, seo text) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 1954-1959 number. acres in place. Croptand harvest«ii places reporting . acres. Undor 10 acres places reporting . 10 or more acres places repcrting . Operators by tenure: Full owners numboc. Part owners and managers number . Tenants number. Operators by colcr; White number . Nonwhite number. OpentofB by year began operation of present place: 1059 npo-atofs reporting . 1056 operutoru reporting . 1957 opefRtors reporting . 1956 operators reporting. 1951-195.^ operators roporting. 1950 or earlier operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 55 years operittors reporting . 55 to 04 years operacor.t reporting. 65 or more years operators reporting. Operators not repcrting age number . 517 15,8A1 ^9 268 45 A (■►Ol 14 102 511 6 44 35 37 31 77 286 239 79 193 6 Item (For definitiona and etiplanalions, see text) Operators by days of work off place in 1959: No days operators reporting . . 1 to 49 days opemtors reporting.. 50 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operatnrs reporting.. 200 or TTure days operators reporting.. Operators not reporting number. . Operator.^) reporting other income of family exceeding value nf farm products sold operators repotting. . Cattle and calves of all ages places reporting. . number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting . . number. . Hogs and pigs places reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over places reporting . . numbor . . Cam harvested for all purposes , , , , places reporting . . acres.. Hay harvested places rqxrting.. acres.. 212 18 22 20 239 6 194 405 169 212 81 388 34S 30,54a 14 75 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Census of 1959 Census atarting date— October 14; October 21 South Dakota CenauB of 1954 Census atarting date— October 11; October 25 South Dakota Oct. 25-Oct. 31 Penrnt 7 9 18 24 16 15 8 2 1 (Z) (2) Hov 1-Nov 6 October I to 10 October ItoO Perceni 2 5 14 23 16 15 13 6 October 11 to 17 October 10 to 16 . , November 21 to 27 December 10 to .11 (Z) Z Less than 0.5. 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for cattle and calves on hand, cows on hand, milk oows on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj lt«m (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sute total 1959 1954 47,437 55,606 3,318,149 3,459,896 349 435 1,476 1,522 2,011 2,421 22,923 29,992 5,844 HA 17,079 NA 11,981 12,886 8,697 8,350 5,778 NA 2,508 NA 411 NA 44,980 54,220 1,449,982 1,484,798 1,377 1,368 1,250 1,329 1,964 2,809 5,924 9,536 7,026 9,738 5,095 6,550 7,690 8,475 6,998 7,427 3,473 3,263 1,580 1,454 2,012 1,755 543 468 48 48 32,044 42,571 240,604 292,778 4,647 5,577 3,818 4,888 5,096 7,724 9,151 13,753 5,372 6,751 2,208 2,258 1,249 1,246 394 326 85 35 19 " 4 1 1 } 37,200 44,273 943, X9 849,166 10,960 13, U7 6,775 10,438 7,517 9,850 4,093 4,115 2,010 2,255 1,372 1,147 2,707 2,153 1,185 794 561 384 30,991 33,467 768,730 532,776 4,745 10,033 5,741 7,819 6,172 7,488 4,379 3,417 2,337 1,604 1,571 913 2,949 1,679 1,097 509 868 NA 209 NA 33,021 37,859 2,042,482 1,900,235 4,284 NA 5,393 NA 7,139 NA 9,678 NA 5,361 NA 1,118 NA 42 NA 6 NA 30,685 34,605 1,226 NA 1,527 NA 1,265 NA 1,573 NA 1,528 NA 1,837 NA 1,348 NA 2,092 NA 1,183 NA 17,106 NA 11,342 NA 4,958 NA 652 NA 96 NA 58 NA (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle and calves of all ages on hand famis reporting. . number.. . 1 farms teoortine. . , 2to4 famis reportinp . . 5to9 fanns reportinp.. 10 to 49 (anns reponmp . . 10 to 19 farms reporting . . 20 U) 49 farms reporting . . 50 to 99 fBzms reporting.. 100 or more fanns reporting.. 100 to 199 fann.s reporting . . 200 to 499 farms reporting . , 500 or more farms reporting. . Cows on hand, including heifers that have calved farms reporting . . number . . 1 farms reporting. . 2 farms reporting . . 3 Of 4 forms reporting.. 5U)9 farms reporting . . 10 to 14 farms reporting. . 15 to 19 farms reporting. . 20 to 29 farms reporting . . 30 to 49 faf"i3 reporting . . 50 to 74 fwrng reporting . . 75 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 499 *. farms reporting.. 500 or more fanns reporting . . Milk COWS on hand fams reporting . . number.. 1 farms reporting . . 2 farms reporting . . 3or4 farms reporting . . 5 to 9 (Arms reporting. . 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting. . 20 to 29 farins reporting . . 30 to 49 fanris reporting . . 50 to 74 farms reporting.. 75 to 99 fanris reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 to 499 farms retorting . . 500 or more farms reporting . . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting.. number. . lto4 farms reporting . , 5to9 farms reporting . . 10 to 19 farms reporting . . 20 to 29 (ams reporting.. 30 to 39 f«nr.s reporting. . 40 to 49 tarms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting . . 200 or more farms reporting . . Calves sold alive fanns reporting . . number.. lto4 farms reporting . . 5lo9 faniis reporting . . 10 to 19 fanris reporting . . 20to29 farms reporting . . 30 to 39 farnis reporting . . 40 to 49 farms reportinc . . 50 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 or more farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 or more fanns reporting . . Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand farms reporting.. number . . lto9 farms reporting . . 10 to 24 (wms re[)orting.. 25 to 49 fa^9 reporting . . 50 to 99 farms reporti ng . . 100 to 199 fa"n-'' roportine . . 200 to 499 fan"S reporting. 500 to 999 fanns reportint: . 1.000 or more farms reporting., Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year, to November 30, Census year farms reporting . 1 farms reporting . 2 farms reporting. , 3 farms reporting . 4 farms reporting . 5 farms reporting, g farms reporting . Y farms reporting . g farms reporting. g farms reporting . 10 or more fa^s reporting . 10 to 19 farms reporting . 20 to 39 fft™5 re()orting . 40 to 69 farms reporting . 70 to 99 fanns reporting . 100 or more farms reporting. Hogs and pigs sold alive 1 to4 5to9 10 to 19 , 20 to 29 .10 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 99 , 100 to 199 , 2O0 or more 200to499 500 lo 999 1,000 or more Sheep and lambs of all ages on hand — Under 25 25 to 99 100 to 299 300 to 999 1,000 to 1,999 2,000 to 4,999 5,000 or iTrore Wool shorn (excluding lambs wool) Under 1,000 pounds 1,000 to 2.499 pounds 2,500 Ui 4.999 pounds 5.000 to 9,999 pounds lO.OOd li> 19,999 pounds 20.000 lo 19. 999 pounds 50,00(1 or more oounds Chickens 4 months old anil over on hand Under 50 50 to 99 100 to 399 400 to 799 &00lo 1,599 l,600to 3.199 :*.200 or more 1^.200 to 6, .399 6,400 or more Broilers (chickens) sold t 'nder 2,000 2,000 lo 3.999 4. OIK) lo 7.999 S,0O0 lo 15,999 ir.noo to 29,999 30,000 to 59,999 00,000 to 90.999 100.000 or more Chickens {other than broilers) sold Under .'.0 50 to 99 100 lo 399 400 lo 799 800 lo 1.599 1.600 to 3, 199 3,200 to fi, 399 MOO to 9,999 10.000 or more Chicken eggs sold Under 100 dozens 100 to 399 dozens 400 to 799 dozens 8O0 to 1,.W9 dozens l.fiOO lo 1,999 liozens 2.000 to 1.999 dozens 5 .000 or more dozens 5.000 to 9,999 dozens 10,000 to 19,999 dozens 20.000 to 49,999 dozens 50.000 or more dozens Turkeys raised Under 50 50 to 399 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 or more 1,600 lo 3,199 3,200 to 9.999 10,000 or more !'amis reporting. . number . . anns reporting. . 'arms reporti nn . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporti ng . . 'arms reporti ng . . "arms reporting. . arms reportinc. - 'arms reportinp . . "arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . number. . 'arms reporting. . farms reporting. . 'amiB reporting. . 'arms reporting. . ami.s reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . 'arms reportinr. . pounds . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arTTiS reporting . . amis reporting.. Farms reporting. , 9 reporting. , number. reporting. . reporting. , reporting . reporting. , reporting. . reporting . . reporting, . reporting. , arms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms report inj-. . farms reporting. . farms reporting . , arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. , arms reportinp. . reportinp. . number. . reporting. . reporting. , reportinc . . reporting., reportine. . reporting. . rofxsrling. . repticting. . reportinc - . farms reportinp. , dozens. , 'amis reporting. . nrnis reporting. , i reporting. . farms repiirting. . S rewrting. , s reporting. . s reporting. . s reporting . . s reportinc. . .= rejtirtinc.. arms reportinc - farm^ rcpnrlinc. , arms reiwrtmc. 'amis reporting. . arms reporting. , ■irms reporting. , "arms reporting. . arms reporting. , arms reporting., arms reporting. , 32,512 2,512,519 675 1,350 3,059 2,958 2,7'i3 2,576 10,236 6,772 l,9i3 1,828 110 5 U,094 1,93A,966 3,937 5,771 2,961 1,122 224 70 9 13,554 12,786,325 10, 673 1,897 577 263 104 35 5 41,001 8,932,412 6,506 5,434 23,295 4,822 798 108 38 31 7 13 50,341 7 2 3 32,551 4,686,362 5,756 8,440 16,768 1,294 237 40 10 36,061 74,224,099 1,909 5,573 5,054 9,253 1,610 9,912 2,750 2,136 466 125 23 2,172 780,522 1,946 151 12 16 47 12 19 16 36,963 1,723,254 2,337 2,877 5,402 5,212 4,391 3,539 9,274 3,415 516 NA HA NA 11,948 1,394,791 NA NA NA NA HA 49,965 9,004,508 6,969 7,469 31,632 3,617 252 17 9 NA NA 29 168,191 Hk NA HA HA NA NA 32,887 4,390,050 NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 43,078 55,374,665 2,358 8,287 8,591 12,834 2,128 8,051 829 NA NA HA HA 2,581 378,051 HA NA NA NA NA NA HA SOUTH DAKOTA 19 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data For all crops except com, Irish potatoes, apples, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of fatms. See text^ Item (For dcnnitions and explanations, see text) (lor (Icftnitions and explanaUons, see text) CORN Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting., acres . . Under 5 acres f anns reporting . . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. , 10 acres .farms reporting., 11 to 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting. 20 to 2A acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting . 30 to ^9 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 1A9 acres farms reporting . 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . , 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting, 500 or more acres farms reporting , , Actes harvested for groin farms reporting,, acres., bushels . , Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres - farms reporting. 10 acres farms reporting , 11 to 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. , 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 74 acres fanns reporting., 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . , 100 to 149 acres farms reporting,, 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. , 200 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. , 400 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 or mo:.-e acres farms reporting.. Com sold farms reporting . , bushels. , Under 100 bushels fanns reporting. , 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . , 500 to 999 bushels faniis reporting. , 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels forms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. , SORGHUMS Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting., acres - , Under 3 acres farms reporting., 3 or 4 acres, farms reporting., 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. , 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. , 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. , 20 to 24 acres fanns reporting., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 74 acres farms reporting,, 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . , 100 to 149 acres fanns reporting. , 150 to 199 acres farms reporting . , 200 to 299 acres fanns reporting., 300 to 399 acres farms reporting . 400 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 or more acres farms reporting. Acres harvested for grain or seed....famis reporting. acres, , bushels . , Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting . 5 to 10 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres fanns reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres fanns reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres fanns reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. Ciaantity sold farms reporting. b^hels. See footnotes at end of table. 41,063 49,671 4,100,526 3,976,990 100 350 316 266 } 1,082 662 1,037 396 673 1,132 1,706 945 5,515 } 10,617 8,045 12,032 6,528 8,668 9,529 9,198 4,094 2,441 2,606 1,535 594 317 197 117 138 98 30,262 45,116 2,456,485 3,324,096 61,633,909 100,596,015 168 301 547 584 } 1,459 639 1,255 332 674 1,325 1,765 974 1,484 5,109 8,798 6,479 11,101 4,634 7,478 5,780 7,495 2,030 1,876 1,141 1,U1 224 178 66 57 30 54 15,000 24,780 24,979,582 37,785,653 220 196 2,900 4,004 3,085 5,346 2,654 4,979 1,545 3,055 2,136 3,958 1,591 2,411 752 780 117 49 8,475 5,607 279,893 144,469 86 219 263 362 1,938 1,686 996 733 373 175 1,093 618 2,199 1,111 763 357 248 U6 310 142 92 37 79 35 23 11 8 3 4 2 4,238 M 142,545 NA 3,199,507 NA 40 NA 99 HA 674 NA 549 NA 243 NA 521 NA 1,140 NA 368 NA 142 NA 157 NA 41 NA 47 NA 10 NA 5 NA 2 NA 1,523 NA 1,326,687 NA fflNTER WHEAT Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres ...fanns reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting,. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting,, 200 to 249 acres farms reporting, . 250 to 299 acres fanns reporting, . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting., ftiantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 20 bushels farms reporting. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels fanns reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. C^iantity sold farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels fanns reporting . 25 to 49 tushels farms reporting, 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting, 100 to 499 bushels farms rep(M^lng. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting, 1,000 to 1,499 bushels fanns reporting, 1,500 to 1,999 bushels ..farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels fanns reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. DUHUM WHEAT Acres harvested farms ireporting,, acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting, , 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. , 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting , , 25 to 29 acres fanos reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . , 200 to 249 acres farms reporting., 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. , 3(X) to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 or more acres t... farms reporting., (iiantlty harvested farms reporting. , bushels , , Under 20 bushels farms reporting . , 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting., 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting, , 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting., 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels fanns reporting.. 5,000 or more bushels farms reporting. . ^antlty sold farms reporting, , bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting,. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting,. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. 3,473 2,447 412,262 3U,617 25 20 92 80 176 173 70 ■ 314 162 J 136 524 } 446 811 577 664 553 ia6 123 } 190 215 1B3 104 68 10 16 3,473 2,447 6,234,955 } 4,382,381 10 12 19 70 41 1B3 126 309 715 } 759 641 451 365 258 273 170 296 209 266 182 239 160 92 72 3,255 2,1A8 5,835,291 3,886,401 29 3 36 31 UO 99 1,010 670 630 411 362 217 240 165 294 192 236 159 224 140 84 61 1,684 1,703 60,721 83,441 32 25 79 91 235 1 233 59 } 512 170 ) 164 366 ) 496 255 372 69 168 ID 4 ) 21 7 16 1 2 1,684 1,703 468,013 507, 6U 36 25 } 113 152 205 326 300 369 532 } 773 160 234 36 32 25 IS 15 25 6 1 2 1,313 1,304 379,071 376,625 53 56 102 124 220 207 742 718 126 138 35 30 24 23 7 6 4 2 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except corn, Irish potatoes, apples, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texl^ (For dcrmitions and expl anakjons, see text) OTHER SPRING WHEAT Acres hfli"/ested farms reporting. . acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to lA acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 2^ acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to A9 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . ftiantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels . . Under 20 bushelB farms reporting.. 20 to 24 "bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 "bushels farms reporting. . 50 to 99 b-jshels farms reporting. . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels fanns reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. . 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more "bushels farms reporting.. ^antity sold faims reporting. . bushels . . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 "bushels fairos reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels faims reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting,. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. . OATS Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to K acres farms reporting. . 15 acres farms reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting,. 250 to 299 acres fanns reporting , . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Oiontity harvested farms reporting.. bushels.. Under 20 bushels farms reporting.. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting,. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting., 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting., 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . , 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting , , 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting,, 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting,, 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. Quantity sold farms reporting.. "bushels . Under 25 "bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting . 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 18,936 21,697 1,386,149 2,166,291 lAB 138 585 463 2,247 ^ 1,879 516 3,351 1,034 J 908 3,500 \ 4,512 3,640 5,521 3,012 5,051 612 331 \ 1,600 41S 789 138 241 IB 31 18,986 21,697 10,295,860 19,942,917 165 184 1 102 968 313 2,271 1,023 3,993 5,677 } 3,42A 2,909 5,292 1,227 2,700 666 1,4U 459 1,302 315 828 134 264 18 40 16,239 19,371 8,340,470 16,035,205 309 70 764 265 1,766 941 8,790 3,301 2,367 4,652 1,070 2,212 465 1,082 363 1,063 233 576 99 180 13 29 33,181 50,557 2,017,753 3,896,167 149 103 460 368 1,023 ^ 668 578 > 3,583 1,978 J 1,497 8,569 \ 11,285 13,204 21,722 4,637 12,069 260 66 } 1.114 64 261 19 44 4 8 33,131 50,557 39,864,399 104,412,955 43 29 } 205 102 603 264 1,863 6,459 } 3,909 7,999 7,535 5,687 8,604 3,775 7,613 4,094 10,908 2,071 9,046 326 2,355 22 187 12,4U 29,964 9,730,078 35,564,288 23 6 82 62 364 253 4,541 6,675 3,798 8,831 1,923 6,024 669 2,947 688 3,059 285 1,542 38 503 3 57 (I'or deriniUons (uid explanations, see U-Kt) BAHLEy Acres harvested faims reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporti'ng. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres famis reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting, 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting. Quantity harvested fanes reporting. taisfaels . Under 20 tnishels fanns reporting. 20 to 24 bushels fanns reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels fanns reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels fanns reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bxishels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels fanns reporting. 10,000 or more bushels fanns reporting. RYE Acres harvested fanns reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting, 10 to 14 acres fanns reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. (ixantity harvested farms reporting, bushels . Under 20 bushels farms reporting. 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels fanns reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 biishels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels fanns reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 b\ishels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting , 50O to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels fanns reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels fanns reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting. 10,153 440,370 140 477 780 483 346 1,287 859 2,794 2,257 595 78 16 23 11 2 10,153 5,781,454 43 73 287 962 1,604 3,235 2,314 851 337 264 143 29 6 4,835 2,340,841 42 94 373 2,333 1,171 413 134 126 64 22 3 2,408 100,529 32 39 233 104 128 289 238 676 452 128 18 4 U 2 1 2,408 1,292,733 6 12 52 206 423 856 521 167 87 43 27 7 1 2,026 1,085,142 1 69 129 1,034 499 115 60 41 21 6 1 11,109 435,979 58 332 3,301 2,405 710 33 3 1 11,109 8,694,948 111 315 4,473 3,417 1,327 620 490 239 80 6,872 4,646,685 26 93 300 2,953 2,113 743 264 240 93 43 4 3,523 166,144 77 166 737 254 32 6 1 3,523 2,541,927 31 73 149 1,568 960 381 126 125 80 26 4 3,103 2,083,884 10 52 144 1,545 795 272 103 93 64 21 4 SOUTH DAKOTA 21 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, yUANTlTY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS; CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [^Dala for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, apples, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms, See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) (Tor definitions and explanations, see text) FLAXSEED Acres harvested,.,.. .farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting, 5 to 9 acres farms reporting, 10 to 14 acres farms reporting, 15 acres fanns reporting, 16 to 19 acres ., farms reporting, 20 to 24 acres farms reporting, 25 to 29 acres farms reporting, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting, 100 to 199 acres farms reporting, 200 to 249 acres farms reporting , 250 to 299 acres f anus reporting , "300 to 499 acres farms reporting, 500 or more acres farms reporting. (Jiantlty harvested farms reporting. tiushels. Under 20 bushels farms reporting. 20 to 24 bvishels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting . 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting. (^entity sold fanns reporting. bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels fanns reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels fairos reporting. 1,5(XI to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 or more bushels farms reporting. ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAY AND FOR DEHyDSATING Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 13 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres fanns reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting. 200 to 249 acres fanns reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. (^lantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons faims reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting, 50 to 99 tons fanns reporting , 100 to 199 tons farms reporting , 200 to 499 tons farms reporting, 500 to 999 tons farms reporting , 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting, 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting, 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting, 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold fanns reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farins reporting. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 10,334 558,672 67 396 753 348 424 380 667 2,616 2,736 1,211 121 63 47 5 10,334 3,248,877 242 167 709 1,375 2,265 3,629 1,468 305 123 43 9,502 2,794,246 339 607 1,414 5,498 1,283 236 104 14 7 41,016 2,057,272 648 2,614 4,523 1,844 1,668 4,968 2,683 8,758 8,207 3,688 652 242 428 SO 13 41,016 1,857,344 14,539 4,247 10,224 7,305 3,389 1,187 106 17 1 3,001 131,684 1,511 695 467 313 15 16,238 944,306 123 652 4,501 1,914 350 175 26 16,238 5,467,435 468 8U 1,381 9,795 2,443 523 183 89 37 15,333 4,740,885 450 766 1,892 9,551 2,023 422 154 52 23 44,842 1,760,915 1,673 5,427 15,711 ,104 3,018 227 42 6 44,842 2,604,002 15,079 11,974 10,334 7,255 173 . 14 6 2 4,634 207,808 2,096 1,229 795 505 CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND MDCTUIIES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting, 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres.. faz^ns reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting.. 30 to 49 acres fanns reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting,, 100 to 199 acres farms reporting,, 200 to 249 acres fanns reporting.. 250 to 299 acres fajTns reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres farms reporting.. (Juantity harvested farms reporting. . tons., Under 20 tons fanns reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting, 25 to 49 toDB farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting, 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or more tons farms reporting. ftiantlty sold farms reporting, tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. SO to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 or more tons farms reporting. OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE, OR OTHER aiALL GRAINS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting,. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting. . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 or more acres fanns reporting,. Oiantity harvested fanns reporting. . tons.. Under 20 tons farms reporting,, 20 to 24 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting, 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. . 500 or more tons farms reporting.. Quantity sold farms reporting, . tons. . Under 25 tons fanns reporting. . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tcjns farms reporting., 100 or more tons farms reporting. , 999 35,972 61 104 127 69 43 143 45 171 152 71 5 3 3 2 999 27,702 560 129 150 116 32 10 2 56 1,075 42 12 1 1 10,997 491,886 207 617 1,092 612 265 1,193 624 2,727 2,591 941 78 22 26 2 10,997 261,141 6,068 1,347 2,293 940 298 49 247 7,065 163 47 22 15 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, apples, antj forest products are based on repotts for only a sample of fanns, See lextj (For dcHnitions and explanations, see text) Item (I'cr dennitjons and explanations, see text) WILD HAY CUT Acres harvested fanns reporting.. acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting . . 10 to lA acres fanns reporting . . 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres fanns reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres fanns reporting.. 300 to 499 acres fanns reporting.. 500 to 999 acres fanns reporting. . 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting. . (iiantity harvested farms reporting. tans. Under 20 tons fanns reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons fanns reporting. 100 to 199 tons fanns reporting. 200 to 499 tons fanns reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons fanns reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold fanns reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or msre tons fanns reporting. OTHZR HAY CUT Acres harvested farms reporting.. acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 13 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres fanns reporting. 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting, 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres fanns reporting. 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting. C^iautlty harvested farms reporting. Under 20 tons fanns reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons fams reporting. 50 to 99 tons fanns reporting. 100 to 199 tons fanns reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons fanns reporting. 1,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold fanns reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons fanns reporting . 50 to 99 tons fanns reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 or more tons farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 25,056 1,939,304 840 1,562 2,148 1,173 440 2,107 992 4,526 3,727 939 270 783 266 71 25,056 1,017,348 U,207 2,351 5,266 3,723 1,735 677 83 9 3 1 1 1,513 52,389 887 31B 204 100 4 4,984 127,320 537 834 945 378 198 480 240 811 391 122 23 2 2 3 4,984 89,963 3,5U 440 672 273 61 20 3 1 275 6,098 210 31 19 34,380 3,152,601 1,310 2,374 7,376 7,016 5,376 1,887 1,436 633 196 34,380 1,990,811 13,278 8,195 7,480 5,154 220 35 9 2,546 104,603 1,203 664 436 235 6,104 155,708 701 1,393 991 480 177 25 18 6 6 6,104 135,647 4,548 982 389 178 7 301 7,658 209 59 21 IRISH POTAiaES Acres harvested for home use or for sale. fanns reporting.. acres^. bushels.. Under 1 acre fanns reporting.. acres . . bushgla. . 1.0 to 1.9 acres fanns reporting.. acres., bushels . . 2.0 to 2,9 acres farms reporting,. acres., bushels.. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels.. 5.0 to 9,9 acres fanns reporting., acres.. bushelB.. 10,0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting., acres., bushels . . 25.0 to 49.9 acres fanns reporting.. acres*, bushels . . 50 or more acres fanns reporting. . acres., bushels . . VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irtsh and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $20 fanns reporting. . $20 to $24 fanns reporting.. $25 to $49 farms reporting.. $50 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 fanns reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $1,499 fanns reporting. . $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting., $2,000 to $2,999 fanns reporting.. $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 or more farms reporting., LAND IN BEAKINO AND NONBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLAJfTED NUT TREES^ Acres in orchards fanns reporting.. Under 0.5 acre fanns reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acre fanns reporting.. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting.. 1.5 acres farms reporting.. 1.6 to 1,9 acres fanns reporting.. 2.0 to 2.4 acres fanns reporting.. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. 3.0 to 4,9 acres farms reporting.. 5,0 to 9,9 acres fanns reporting.. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20,0 to 24,9 acres farms reporting.. 25.0 to 29.9 acres fanns reporting.. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. 50.0 or more acres ,, fanns reporting.. 1,960 5,721 688,655 1,657 1X2 22,208 111 115 7,197 39 79 6,567 29 102 6,827 37 233 21,830 42 641 60,035 U 420 54,843 31 4,019 509,098 223 122,883 40 9 30 39 14 33 32 13 1 5 7 537 675 IBS 129 LL4 26 26 2 34 16 2 2 SOUTH DAKOTA 23 state Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued {patA for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, apples, ajid forest pmducts are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text3 (For dcnnilions and explanations, see text) lion (Tor (lorinitions and explanations. APPLES^ Any apples • faims reporting* . Trees of all ages number., Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number, , Trees of bearing age faxms reporting., numtber. , Quairtity harvested fanna reporting.. bushels., Fanns classified by number of trees of bearing age: No trees of bearing age fauna reporting., Nonhearlng trees number. , Less than 20 trees of bearing age.... farms reporting., Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting,, ntmiber. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number. , Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels., 20 to 99 trees of bearing age farms reporting., Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels.. 100 to 199 trees of bearing age fanns reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number., Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number. . Quantity harvested fajns reporting.. bushels . . 200 to 499 trees of bearing age fanns reporting.. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. , C^iantlty harvested farms reporting.. bushels., 500 or more trees of bearing age farms reporting.. Trees of all ages farms reporting.. Trees not of bearing age fanns reporting., number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number.. Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels. i40 15,984 211 6,484 372 9,500 203 6,845 68 1,682 221 2,853 107 847 221 2,006 109 835 137 4,586 30 640 137 3,946 82 1,785 6 910 3 225 6 665 4 1,332 6 4,770 3 3,090 6 1,680 6 730 2 1,183 2 1,183 2 2,163 1,260 31,859 742 12,821 941 19,038 728 15,574 FOREST PHODUCTS Sales of standing timber farms reporting. dollars . Under $25 farms reporting. $25 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $299 fanns reporting . $300 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,999 fanns reporting. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting, $5,000 or more fanns reporting. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting, cords (4'x4'x3')- Under 25 cords farms reporting. 25 to 49 cords farms reporting . 50 to 99 cords farms reporting. 100 to 499 cords farms reporting . 500 or more cords fanns reporting. Sales farms reporting. cords (4'x4'x8'). Fence posts cut farms reporting. . number. Under 100 fence posts farms reporting. , 100 to 499 fence posts farms reporting., 500 to 999 fence posts fanns reporting., 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts farms reporting, 5,000 or more fence posts farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. number. Sawlogs and veneer logs sold farms reporting, thousands of board feet. Under 1,000 board feet farms reporting. 1,000 to 2,499 board feet farms reporting. 2,500 to 4,999 board feet farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 board feet farms reporting. 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting,. 20,000 to 49,999 board feet farms reporting.. 50,000 to 99,999 board feet fanns reporting. 100,000 or more board feet fanns reporting.. 66 51,843 NA NA 2 6 M NA 16 21 NA NA 15 5 NA NA 1 NA 703 7,280 1,334 12,371 662 33 3 NA NA NA 2 3 NA NA 34 2,495 NA NA IBl 59,873 505 134,147 59 91 NA NA IS 11 2 NA NA NA 27 24,848 NA KA 20 1,170 NA NA 1 NA HA 1 2 NA NA 2 5 NA NA 4 4 NA NA NA Not available. ^Doea not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with leas than 20 trees and grapevines. 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wa^e ral«9 are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total alt farms Economic class, 1959 Commercial farms Hired iWorkefS fanns reporting . . persons , . 1 hired woilcer farms reporting.. 2 hired workers famjs reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers -. farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers fanrs reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporung. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting . . Paid on 3 monttlly basis farms reporting . . persons . . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per month dollars.. Under $50 per month farms reporting.. $50 to $S4 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting.. S130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . 5170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. 5215 lo $274 per month farms reporting.. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting.. $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. . $375 and over per month farms reporting.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons . . Average hours wcrked per person per week hours.. •Average wage rate per person per week dollars. . Under $12 per week farms reporting.. $12 lo $24 per week farms reprting.. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting.. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting.. $40 to $49 pet week farms reporting.. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting . . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting.. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting.. $80 to $89 per week farms reporting.. 590 and over per week farms reporting. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. . persons . . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . Average wage rate per person per day dollars . . Under $4 per day farms reporting.. $4 per day farms reporting. . $5 per day farms reporting . . $6 per day. farms reporting. . S7 per day farms reporting . . $8 per day farms reporting . . $9 per day farms reporting. . $10 per day farms reporting . . $11 per day farms reporting. . S12 and over per day farms reporting. . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. persons . . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars. . Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. , .$0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. . S0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour -farms reporting.. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. farms reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting.. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. . $1..30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting.. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting.. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting., persons . . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting., persona . Average earnings per person dollars . KA Not available. 6,409 8,869 4,837 1,156 335 62 19 3,842 5,057 3,132 526 138 35 11 3,033 3,812 2,432 486 107 7 1 3,376 466 2,567 3,285 4,297 212 164 52 201 368 331 980 967 265 77 31 13 690 929 48 40 14 93 37 192 203 91 34 19 1,618 1,953 8.8 6.58 50 52 476 344 255 249 27 133 32 1,018 1,328 1.03 1 14 10 7 109 21 699 105 6 46 259 362 138 171 9.05 11, 140 18,301 7,683 2,152 933 299 73 5,418 7,163 4,293 835 221 59 10 6,770 11,138 4,868 1,105 573 163 61 4,370 1,048 5,722 4,927 6,446 239 149 2 319 802 913 1,678 981 151 74 882 1,106 56 37 27 88 88 308 180 145 32 13 1 3,572 4,735 9.5 6.73 145 147 937 799 530 417 71 526 2,539 4,312 1.05 7 25 29 28 193 59 1,791 247 11 149 576 1,702 NA NA NA 6,250 8,602 4,717 1,135 321 60 17 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 9 2,918 3,664 2,347 459 104 7 1 3,332 457 2,461 3,233 4,177 213 164 47 190 368 326 980 955 257 72 26 12 674 909 48 40 14 93 37 186 203 86 34 19 1,579 1,912 8.3 6.57 45 51 476 339 254 228 27 127 32 962 1,261 1.02 1 14 10 7 104 20 672 92 6 36 247 343 132 165 9.24 757 1,593 388 209 106 42 12 653 1,252 402 144 71 27 9 249 341 189 43 15 1 1 508 145 104 556 1,009 228 196 24 21 26 133 228 82 30 7 5 113 247 51 48 1 1 6 19 46 21 3 127 185 9.0 6.68 1 4 19 37 26 19 87 137 1.03 1,370 1,912 987 279 94 10 1,078 1,363 859 179 35 420 549 329 64 24 3 950 128 292 936 1,217 213 170 7 21 65 65 317 332 81 30 13 5 154 180 50 42 ii 9 44 53 18 16 1 245 309 8.8 6.48 3 3 77 71 40 W 5 22 140 171 1.04 1 1 U 1 99 17 1 9 28 35 26 33 U.61 SOUTH DAKOTA 25 State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ETONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on rqiorts for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class, 1959-Continued Commercial farms-Continued Part-time Part-retirement 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular W3ri(ers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . Hired workers .farms reporting. . persons . . ^arms reporting . . farms reporting . . farms reporting. . 'arms reporting., farms reporting. . farms reporting . . persons . . farms reporting . . arms reporting. . 'aims reporting. . 'arms reporting . . fanns reporting . . arms reporting . . persons., 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting . . "arms reporting . , arms reporting. . farms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis. farms reporting. . persons. , Average hours worked per person per month hours . . \verage wage rate per person per month dollars . . Under $50 per month farms reporting.. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. , $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. , $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 to $274 per month farms reporting., $275 to $324 per month farms reporting., $325 to $374 per month fanns reporting., $375 and over per month farms reporting.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under $12 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $24 per week farms reporting.. $25 to 529 per week farms reporting. . .$30 t«$39 per week farms reporting., $40 to $49 per week farms reporting . , $50 to P59 per week farms reporting. . $60 to S69 per week farms reprwting.. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting . , $90 to $89 per week farms reporting . , $90 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms 57 per day farms 58 per day farms $9 pet day farms SIO per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms reporting. . persons . . . . . hours . . ..dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reptvting. . reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. persons. . Average wage rale per person p& hour dollars . . Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. farms reporting., $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms rejxirting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting.. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting . , $0.85 lo $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting . . $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting.. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting.. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting.. Paid on a piecework basts farms reporting. . persrms. . Persons wofking Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. , pctsons . . Average earnings per person dollars . . 1,718 1,178 187 46 3 621 697 561 48 11 1 829 1,021 673 128 27 1 585 36 793 534 575 206 132 18 71 99 93 134 87 29 3 136 164 45 31 10 34 9 37 31 434 499 8.7 6.72 22 19 107 84 73 81 7 18 23 268 356 1.01 1 29 6 201 17 81 124 42 59 7.97 472 602 362 91 14 180 198 162 18 317 404 249 54 14 155 25 292 133 Ul 185 129 7 19 19 12 45 30 1 165 206 8.4 6.66 6 5 46 31 22 35 20 115 162 1.02 6 12.67 106 124 99 1 6 16 16 140 134 29 9.0 6.41 42 58 1.10 159 267 120 21 14 2 2 53 U9 42 U5 148 85 27 3 44 9 106 52 120 185 186 5 11 39 41 7.9 7.27 5 1 56 67 1.21 6 3.83 84 111 63 15 6 25 59 26 41 153 177 6 6 8.0 8.33 37 39 1.13 10 15 5 5 3.00 57 64 51 5 1 11 11 53 40 15 151 127 30 30 7.7 7.17 5 5 15 11 16 1.64 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of wockefs uid wage rates are for hired persons worldng the week freceding Uie enumeration. Dau are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Iton (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired workers farms 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more liired wockera . Regiilar workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers, . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting persons reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting, persons reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting. reprxting. persons. hours . . .dollars, reporting, retorting, reporting, report! ng . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons. hours . dollars. .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting. Average hours worked per person per month . Average wage rate per person per month Under $50 per month $50 to $84 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month $130 to $1R9 per rronth $170 to S2 14 per monUi $215 to $274 per month $275 to $324 per month $325 to $.374 per month $375 and over per month Average hours worked per person per week * Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week $12 to $24 per week $25 to $29 per week $30 to $.39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 to $59 per week $60 to $69 per week $70 to $79 per week $80 to $89 per week $90 and over per week Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms $4 per day. farms $5 per day farms 56 per day , farms 57 per day farms S6 per day farms S9 per day farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate per person per hour Under .$0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour. farms $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. farms $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms $1.15 to $1.29 per hour. farms $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms $1.45 and over per hour farms Paid on a piece-work basis... farms reporting. persons. Per-ions working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting . Average earnings per person reporting, persons . . . . hours . . .dollars. report ing . reporting, reporting, reporting, report! ng . report! ng . reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting. reporting, persons. . .dollars . reporting . report! ng . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. persons, .dollars. Total all farms 6,409 8,869 4,837 1,156 335 62 19 3,842 5,057 3,132 526 138 35 11 3,033 3,812 2,432 486 107 7 1 3,376 466 2,567 3,285 4,297 212 164 52 201 368 331 980 967 265 77 31 13 690 929 48 40 14 98 37 192 203 91 34 1,618 1,953 8.8 6.58 50 52 476 344 255 249 27 133 133 ( '32 J 1,018 1,328 1.03 1 14 10 7 109 21 699 105 6 46 259 362 138 171 9.05 11,140 18,301 7,683 2,152 933 299 73 5,418 7,163 4,293 835 221 59 10 6,770 11,138 4,868 1,105 573 163 61 4,370 1,048 5,722 4,927 6,446 239 149 2 319 802 913 1,678 981 151 74 882 1,106 56 37 27 308 180 145 32 13 3,572 4,735 9.5 6.73 145 147 937 799 530 417 71 526 2,539 4,312 1.05 7 25 29 28 193 59 1,791 247 11 149 576 1,702 HA NA Type of farm 665 852 526 103 27 4 5 294 350 253 23 13 407 502 331 258 36 371 228 270 2U 179 2 1 9 31 67 74 35 6 1 2 34 38 41 39 1 6 1 3 17 240 281 8.9 6.93 2 1 57 41 49 68 3 12 169 196 1.04 127 13 15 20 10.25 Other Tield-crop 9 2 20 7 12 227 200 20 40 9.4 7.63 4 20 1.03 NA Not available. SOUTH DAKOTA 27 State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ^Figures on number of trarkers and wage rates are for hired persona working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. S«e texO (For definitions and explanatiooa, see text) Type of fann-Contjnued Fruitrand-nut Poultry Dairy Livestock ranches Livestock famts other tlian poultry and daily farms and livestock ranches Miscellaneous and unclassiTied Hired trorkefS. faima reporting. persons. 1 hired worker 2 hitwi workers 3 or 4 hired t^orkers 6 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed ISO or nure days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers ......... 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 . regular ami seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . I'nder ?50 per month . $50 to $84 per month. .?85 to $109 per month $110 to $12*1 per month. . . $130 to $169 per month. . . $170 to $214 per month... $215 to $274 per montji. . . $275 to $.124 per month. . . $325 to $374 per month. . . S375 and over per month. . ..farms reporting. . .fortns reporting. . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. .farms reporting. . farms reporting . . farms reporting . .forms reporting. Paid on 3 weekly basis farms reporting. persons. Average hours worked per person per week hours . Average wage rate per person per week dollars I'nder $12 per week. . $12 to $24 t>er week . . . S25 to $20 per week . . . S.30 to $39 per week . . . .$40 to $49 per week . . . .$50 to $59 per week . . . $60 to $69 per week . . . $70 to $79 per week . . . $80 to $89 per week . . . $90 and over per week . . .farms reptrting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting, .farms reporting. .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting. .farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms r Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms 54 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day forms $7 per doy farms $6 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 per doy forms $11 per day forms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an tlOUft)r basis farms reporting. rting. persons. . . . hours . ..dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. re[xxting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reftirting. Average wa^ rate per perstyi per hour dollars . I'nder $0.45 per hour. farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. farms reporting. .S0.55 to .S0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 lo $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 lo $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour forms reptrting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour ..forms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration forms reporting. persons. Average earnings per person dollors . 15 3 6 U n 183 6 6 8.0 8.00 9 19 0.96 294 i29 209 34 29 2 192 253 149 33 9 1 138 176 110 IS 10 156 36 102 150 216 217 155 10 23 11 45 44 8 1 7 1 41 53 51 44 53 54 9.4 7.37 6 65 90 1.09 30 ID 5 10 16 16 15 15 10.00 581 941 386 126 48 17 4 416 643 287 88 29 10 2 225 298 181 30 U 2 1 356 60 165 459 705 221 177 1 12 47 40 150 139 55 11 3 1 20 29 47 41 i 2 6 5 3 1 2 106 151 8.3 6.25 2 47 19 16 11 1 10 23 30 1.02 13 17 10.29 4,281 5,705 3,284 772 191 28 6 2,670 3,326 2,241 336 73 15 5 1,924 2,379 1,557 307 56 2,357 313 1,611 2,260 2,830 213 160 34 170 261 225 686 658 155 49 14 497 615 49 38 13 60 34 142 157 63 21 6 1,053 1,253 8.9 6.45 27 47 328 236 174 121 18 87 15 611 793 1.00 4 82 14 425 57 159 214 79 93 8.55 353 453 273 66 167 201 135 31 193 252 150 32 160 7 186 112 126 172 151 7 23 19 24 33 1 5 101 127 8.5 6.57 10 1 29 28 16 5 12 76 108 1.02 10 20 10.00 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM. CENSUS OF 1959 [^Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) TotAi all farms Under 10 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres Hired workers farms 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 ID 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed leas than 150 days). . reporting persons . reporting, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting, persons , reporting, reporting, reporting, porting, report! ng , reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting , persons, ... hours , ..dollars. s reporting. 5 reporting. s reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting, 9 reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers, and no regular hired workers . . Average hours worked per person per month . Average wage rale per person per month Under 550 r>er month $50 to $84 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month $130 to $169 per month $170 to $214 per month $215 lo $274 per month $275 to $.324 per month $325 to $374 per month $375 and over per month arms r "arms r 'arms r arms r< arms r 'arms r arms n 'arms r, arms r Paid on a weekl)r basis farms reporting. persons . . . . hours . . .dollars. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. 3 reporting. 9 reporting, a reporting. reporting. 9 roporti ng . 9 reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting. Average hours worked per person pet week. . Average wage rat* per person per week Under $12 per week. $12 to $24 per week $25 lo $2« per week $30 to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 lo $59 per week $60 to $fl9 per week $70 to $79 per week $80 to $89 per week $90 and over per week arms r arms n arms r 'arms n arms n arms ri arms n arms n arms r Paid on a datl)( basis ..farms Average hours svorked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day ^ farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms $7 per day farms $8 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 r>er day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms reporting, persons . . . . hours . ..dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. report i ng . reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting . persons , Average wage rate per person per hour dollars , Under $0.45 per hour farm-s reporting. 10.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 lo$0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 Uj $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to3».99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00to$l,14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting, $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per htMir farms reporting. Paid on 3 piece-work basis farms reporting. ()ersons. Persons working Friddy week preceding enumeration farms reporting . persons. Average earnings per person dollars . MA No-t available. 6,409 8,869 4,837 1,156 335 62 19 3,342 5,057 3,132 526 138 35 11 3,033 3,812 2,432 486 107 7 1 3,376 466 2,567 3,285 4,297 212 164 52 201 368 331 980 967 265 77 31 13 690 929 48 40 14 98 37 192 203 91 34 19 1,618 1,953 8.8 6.58 50 52 476 344 255 249 27 133 32 1,013 1,328 14 10 7 109 21 699 105 6 46 259 362 138 171 9.05 11,140 18,301 7,683 2,152 933 299 73 5,418 7,163 4,293 835 221 59 10 6,770 11,138 4,868 1,105 573 163 61 4,370 1,048 5,722 4,927 6,446 239 149 2 319 802 913 1,678 981 151 74 832 1,106 56 37 27 308 180 145 32 13 3,572 4,735 9.5 6.73 145 147 937 799 530 417 71 526 2,539 4,312 1.05 7 25 29 28 193 59 1,791 247 11 149 576 1,702 20 1 15 1 1 240 250 21 29 1.29 16 1 30 16 16 144 120 5 5 10 5 5 3.00 5 10.0 7.00 241 314 15 15 7.3 7.00 5 5 5 1.00 SOUTH DAKOTA 29 state Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued £Figyres on number of workers and wa^ rales are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumerauon. Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of farm-Continued ISO to 219 acres to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 (o 999 acres 1,000 to 1 .999 acres 2,000 or more acres Hired i#Of kets farms reporting . persons. 1 hired wiwker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 (o 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 (o 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . arms reporting. 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting . persons, 'arms reporting, i reporting, arms reporting, 'arms reporting, arms reporting. 'arms reporting, persons . 'arms reporting. i reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. persons. .\verBge hours worked per person per month hours . Average wage rate per person per nionth dollars . 1 hired worker S hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . Under S50 per month . .«50 to $64 per nonth SS5 to $109 per month 5110 to 5129 per month. .. S130 to 5169 per nionth. . . ?170 to $214 per month. . . $215 to $274 per month. . . 5275 to $.324 per nonth. . . $325 to $374 per month. . . $375 and over per month. . .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farm.'s reporting, .farms reporting, .forms reporting, .farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis. farms reporting. persons. . . . hours . , .dollars . 9 reporting . 9 reporting. i reporting. a reporting. s reporting, s reporting. 9 reporting. 9 reporting. s reporting. ■eporting . Average hours worked per person per week. . Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week $12 lo $24 per week $25 to $29 per week $30 to $39 per week $40 lo $49 per week $50 to $59 per week $60 to 569 per week 570 to $79 per week $80 to $89 per week $90 and over jier week 'arms r 'arm9 r Farms r 'arm9 r 'arms r 'arms r 'arms r 'arms r rarm9 r Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day \verage wage rate per person per day Under 54 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms $7 per day .farms $8 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average w age rale per person per hour Under $0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms S0.55 to W. 64 per hour farm9 $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms $0.75 to 50.84 per hour .farms 50.85 to $0.99 per hour farms Sl.OO to 51.14 per hour farms $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms 51.30 to $1.44 per hour farms 51.45 and over per hour farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons. Average earnings per person dollars. reporting, persons. . . . hours . . .dollars . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, persons. ..dollars, reporting . reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . 217 281 166 45 5 1 87 115 61 25 1 141 166 116 25 76 11 130 67 90 175 142 5 15 16 10 5 11 56 61 8.9 7.85 110 1.07 20 20 258 140 20 25 1.00 176 221 136 35 5 86 111 66 15 5 90 110 70 20 66 76 195 131 5 10 5 10 15 16 5 35 45 9.4 6.67 50 60 1.00 5 5 17.00 1,482 1,812 1,219 222 40 1 715 783 658 51 5 318 1,029 548 150 20 664 51 767 568 646 196 139 25 50 105 55 190 107 10 10 11 5 145 155 45 32 5 50 10 40 30 5 5 373 439 9.0 6.80 10 95 71 81 76 10 25 355 462 1.00 5 5 255 25 85 110 50 55 8.00 1,550 2,061 1,207 281 51 3 8 861 1,049 763 87 6 2 3 806 1,012 642 132 32 744 117 689 662 799 206 158 61 85 75 a6 163 47 8 6 228 313 50 40 20 11 76 92 12 17 480 542 8.6 6.17 35 26 152 121 45 45 6 35 15 223 281 1.04 25 11 151 15 5 81 126 35 45 9.11 1,131 1,512 882 179 61 8 1 766 965 644 97 20 4 1 446 547 373 50 21 2 685 81 365 641 796 218 166 9 26 51 64 206 206 63 11 2 3 131 161 45 40 3 14 9 31 38 24 279 327 9.1 6.67 127 183 0.96 1 1 4 5 11 2 90 10 19 29 9.28 1,607 2,669 1,020 367 168 42 10 1,236 1,901 867 244 96 22 7 570 768 437 94 33 5 1 1,037 199 371 1,232 1,836 221 177 3 34 96 117 343 449 138 36 12 4 108 182 50 43 I 4 7 35 27 24 4 6 334 478 8.3 6.52 3 12 108 67 62 42 7 96 132 1.09 2 1 2 32 41 24 32 10.28 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FAKMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See toxtj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Faftns^. P^cent distribution Land in farms Percent distribution Average size of farm Value of lantj and buildings: Average per farm ■ Average per acre Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 or more acres farms Cropland used onI,v for pasture farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Cultivated summer fallow farms .number percent . . acres percent . . acres .dollars, .dollars . reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting, reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms leporting. acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Ciopland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acrea Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control , farms reportrng System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 2S years number.. 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FAH.M WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- working off their farms, total operators reporting . . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . , 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family worlting off farm operators reporting. . With income flom sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With other income of flmiily exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting, FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 atjres number . 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or mere acres number. See footnotes at end of table. 55,496 100.0 44,794,401 100.0 807.2 41,369 51.55 51,876 14,246,000 370 565 514 1,330 4,286 M,495 24,858 4,725 733 15,390 1,212,344 24,128 3,738,708 9,433 980,661 6,715 940,643 15,925 1,817,404 2,978 250,828 6,181 88,005 43,597 24,001,249 3,288 211,451 938 107,426 920 93,730 2,916 150,423 2,762 255,057 3,073 641,599 1,525 133,997 55,054 1,103 9,021 13,930 13,816 11,200 5,984 47.5 14,553 9,401 1,770 3,382 3,131 6,322 3,887 40,943 3,982 9,848 1,767 677 1,774 465 1,241 1,092 5,565 1,996 3,822 18,140 11,209 5,432 4,083 49,681 89.5 43,256,083 96.6 870.7 43,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 39,937 23,237,488 3,113 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 146,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128,177 49,294 935 8,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 11,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,272 4,656 1,577 38,108 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 10,804 5,329 4,041 1,131 2.0 6,167,961 13.8 5,453.5 160,625 31.18 1,091 777,555 2 10 29 88 444 293 225 325 56,701 442 208,033 245 86,001 128 31,111 256 90,921 98 21,200 145 3,852 902 5,018,423 103 24,063 100 18,945 99 16,973 61 7,749 108 17,150 96 38,553 99 12,211 1,105 7 160 330 321 206 81 46.9 205 .155 21 29 29 926 59 244 12 3 5 6 5 12 26 32 213 155 133 529 3,429 6.2 7,147,841 16.0 2,084.5 85,645 42.30 3,353 1,631,356 1 1 8 lA 57 398 1,657 935 282 1,110 181,446 1,703 429,437 926 187,981 411 65,676 1,030 175,780 170 28,184 458 U,071 2,869 4,723,612 254 30,895 190 26,966 188 25,184 249 18,326 298 38,723 390 124,297 204 21,428 3,397 34 593 1,052 904 554 260 45.9 592 479 53 60 102 2,837 264 647 5 5 5 5 10 95 40 130 676 692 684 1,082 10,484 18.9 11,714,375 26.2 1,117.4 57,332 51.35 10,346 3,785,550 4 17 15 82 238 1,470 6,338 2,018 164 3,536 353,141 4,760 901,923 2,238 289,033 1,209 189,207 3,166 423,683 694 86,228 1,404 21,459 8,690 6,272,408 848 70,007 221 29,397 218 24 861 835 40,737 793 82,968 936 219,016 399 32,416 10,427 134 1,954 3,259 2,784 1,758 538 45.1 2,211 1,822 174 215 339 959 8,273 743 1,673 20 15 5 35 15 280 230 485 3,370 2,525 2,027 1,477 SOUTH DAKOTA 31 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on n^torta for only a sample of fafms. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . Percent distribution percent . Land in farms acres . Percent distribution percent.. Average si ze of farm acres . , Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . , 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms repps farmed on the contour farms reporting. . acres.. Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting.. acres. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . acres. . FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age number . . I'nder SS years number . . 25 til M years number . . S5 to 44 years number . . 4S to 54 years number . . 65 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off tlieir farms, total operators reporting . 1 to 99 days or>erators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days or>etators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . ^ith income from sources other than farm Operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operat«-s not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms. operators reporting . . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . , With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators repcrting . . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reforting.. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . . 10 to 49 acres number. . . 50 to 69 acres number . . . 70 to 99 acres number . . . 100 to 139 acres number . . . 140 to 179 acres number . . . ISO to 219 acres number... 220 to 259 acres number... 260 to 499 acres number . . . 500 to 999 acres number . . . 1 ,000 to 1,999 acres number . . . 2,000 or more acres number . , . See footnotes at end of table. Economic class-Continued Commercial farms— Continued 17,95A 32.4 11,364,351 25.4 633.0 37,707 60.23 17,638 4,775,815 2 41 56 182 735 4,915 10,454 1,208 45 5,790 380,305 7,697 1,030,297 3,118 238,996 1,937 242,114 5,184 549,187 914 48,557 2,252 26,224 14,628 4,731,730 1,178 51,471 215 19,008 210 16,872 1,071 49,182 995 83,553 1,045 182,787 503 47,691 17,867 304 3,396 5,075 4,944 3,212 936 45.3 4,074 3,328 343 403 832 1,556 335 13,880 1,383 2,612 15 55 15 100 120 1,335 640 1,515 6,927 4,706 1,829 697 12,443 22.4 5,431,760 12.1 436.5 27,264 62. U5 11,894 2,371,367 36 111 84 242 1,274 5,095 4,812 234 6 3,101 163,698 5,384 625,606 1,764 UO,308 1,466 183,990 3,721 331,308 615 35,918 1,277 15,831 9,931 2,006,309 626 24,697 129 10,007 128 7,628 524 24,975 389 28,480 411 52,474 199 10,093 12,365 255 1,916 2,794 3,074 2,944 1,382 48.4 3,350 1,904 547 899 753 1,323 970 9,093 1,000 1,989 60 210 ■ -80 270 370 1,901 640 1,170 4,727 2,269 537 209 4,240 7.6 1,429,295 3.2 337.1 20,832 61.04 3,804 547,345 35 87 96 263 851 1,606 838 28 740 39,806 2,023 281,722 562 35,420 614 96,477 1,441 149,825 203 11,170 303 4,126 2,967 485,006 104 3,612 12 1,398 12 1,043 105 5,469 92 8,161 83 9,349 57 4,333 4,133 201 504 663 1,051 1,714 48.5 1,141 1,141 197 419 3,099 297 568 200 95 235 151 951 240 325 1,340 457 119 47 2,972 5.4 662,522 1.5 222.9 14,270 58.72 1,989 183,083 150 156 133 270 566 514 198 2 418 21,692 1,154 155,948 345 20,550 498 69,999 652 65,399 166 U,676 155 3,160 1,816 255,046 58 1,609 32 784 26 355 38 2,135 30 2,232 87 12,978 34 1,575 2,945 168 496 745 733 803 45.0 N, 2,609 331 587 1,691 793 1,343 2,093 363 132 281 255 595 120 335 211 440 120 75 517 230 59 2,786 5.0 527,299 1.2 189.3 13,213 64.61 1,711 138,977 140 152 122 267 525 394 111 364 12,027 933 97,905 221 9,608 438 61,381 459 26,916 115 4,835 178 2,104 1,763 241,427 U5 4,975 31 645 31 555 25 1,365 51 3,690 24 2,095 30 4,245 2,786 2,786 70.5 365 239 45 81 65 320 215 2,421 103 1,834 230 690 UO 250 210 535 60 35 360 175 39 12 57 0.1 348,497 0.8 6,114.0 137,140 28.23, 50 34,952 11 15 6 7 11 6 3,528 32 7,837 14 2,764 lA 688 16 4,385 3 60 9 178 31 267,288 2 122 3 276 6 100 1 SO 29 2 12 5 9 1 48.1 51 1 5 16 5 10 5 16 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See lext] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all faims Economic class Commercial fanns FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full o*Tiers number . . Part owners number. . Ail tenants number.. Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number.. Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number , . Other and unspecified tenants number. . White faim operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number . . All tenants number. . Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number . . Part owners number . . All tenants number. . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number. . Tobacco farms number.. Cotton farms number. . Other field-crop farms number.. Vegetable farms number . . Fruit-and-nut farms number. . Poultry farms number . . Dairy farms number . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number.. Livestock ranches number.. General farms number.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting . . number.. Com pickers farms reporting. . number.. Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number.. Vfelortrucks farms reporting. . number.. Tractors farms reporting.. number.. Tractors other than Eiarden farms reporting.. number. . 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or more tractors farms reporting . . Wheel tractors farms reporting . . number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Automobiles farms reporting. . number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks , farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler - - .farms reporting. . Crop drier (for Grain, forase. or other crops) farms reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of load on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. , Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting , . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting, . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting., 4 miles farms reporting , . 5 or more miles farms reporting . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting , , persons , , Regular hired workers (employed 150 or mere days) farms reporting.. persons . . Farms reporting by number of re.iiular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. , 2 hired workers farms reporting,. 3 or t hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting , , RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators i ortin" . , Not residing on farm operated operators 'eporting . Operators not reporting residence number, , See footnotes at end of table. 17,625 23,158 1*,493 1,048 8,932 2,838 1,041 734 17,566 22,864 14,362 59 294 131 53 10 334 2,606 33,757 2,342 4,218 5,871 31,599 33,206 31,323 32,230 12,981 13, U7 9,999 10,195 39,095 52,278 50,952 118,308 50,759 115,639 U,396 21,985 12,104 3,647 1,627 50,562 113,665 1,805 1,974 2,516 2,669 51,754 66,471 53,840 40,032 34,835 11,301 3,576 768 29,664 7,196 38,753 8,794 1,087 7,707 983 1,730 547 4,447 6,409 8,869 3,842 5,057 3,132 526 138 35 11 49,658 4,176 1,662 13,750 22,267 13,513 835 8,672 2,506 1,014 486 13,731 22,001 13,414 19 266 99 6,305 334 2,606 33,757 2,342 4,218 56 30,5L4 32,053 30,386 31,268 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,481 47,105 112,636 46,988 110,186 8,882 20,987 11,916 3,614 1,589 46,823 108,320 1,702 1,866 2,306 2,450 47,110 60,911 48,811 36,238 32,359 11,100 3,528 760 28,607 5,982 35,287 7,855 887 6,968 858 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 8,602 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 9 45,150 3,137 1,394 202 706 179 11 78 40 43 7 202 703 179 864 209 4 12 651 800 635 695 528 572 584 624 1,077 2,551 1,109 4,572 1,102 4,452 47 184 301 240 330 1,096 4,210 206 242 110 120 1,085 1,856 1,128 933 959 95 46 67 776 191 676 247 14 233 18 34 757 1,593 653 1,252 402 144 71 27 9 695 2,053 655 74 326 32 160 13 690 2,038 654 5 15 1 960 126 45 3 137 2,660 370 55 2,281 2,561 2,157 2,262 1,361 1,380 1,492 1,514 3,165 5,675 3,352 U,065 3,345 10,707 181 898 i,m 713 442 3,334 10,368 309 339 330 358 3,318 4,962 3,404 2,855 2,812 568 283 129 2,440 454 2,193 763 58 705 60 142 46 457 1,370 1,912 1,078 1,363 859 179 35 5 3,123 212 94 2,044 5,956 2,437 163 1,560 352 237 75 2,044 5,929 2,430 27 7 16 5 36 486 7,841 632 503 12 7,182 7,600 6,997 7,233 3,592 3,634 3,332 3,392 8,971 12,703 10,194 27,685 10,185 26,994 9U 4,050 3,531 1,254 439 10,142 26,510 441 484 670 691 10,164 13,788 10,405 8,522 8,067 2,661 1,219 254 7,054 1,259 7,300 1,869 182 1,687 141 351 141 1,054 2,131 2,653 1,218 1,388 1,068 136 13 1 9,793 456 235 SOUTH DAKOTA 33 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ore based on reports for only a sample of farms. Se? LextJ (For dermitions and explanalions, seo text) Economic class— Continued Commercial farms— Continued Part-retirement FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number . , Part owners number. . All tenants number. . Cajih tenants number , . Share-cash tenants number. . Crop-shnre tonnnts number , . Livesto('k'>^hnre tennnts number. . Other and unspocifiod tonnnis number., White famt operators: Full awTters number. , Pari owners number . , -Ml tenants number. . Nonwhite fami operators: Full owners number. , Part owTiers number. , ■ All tenants number. . FARMS BY T\TE OF FARM Ca5h-{!rBin farms number. . Tobacco farms number . . Cotton farms number.. Other fieid-crop farm^ number.. Vri;plnble femis number , . Fruit-.iniJ>nut fnnns number, . Poultry fnrms number.. Dnir\' farms number . . Livestock faryis other than poultr)' And dairy fam>s and livesinclv ranche^i number,. Livestock rnnrhes number. , Henernl farms nuriber . , ^lisrellnneous nnd unclassified farms number., SPECIFIED EQt'lPMENT AND FAHLITIES VND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporlinj; . . number . . Com pickers farms reporting.. number . , Pick-up balers farms re|x)rtint:.. number. , Field for.ipe harveslers farms reporting. . number.. Motortrucks farms roporlinR,. number.. Tractors farms Trnctors other than cardon farms 1 tractor farms 2 tractors farms 3 tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or more tractors farms Wheel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Oarden tractors farms \uioniobilps farms XuLontobiles and/or motortrucks farms Telephone farms Hnme freezer .farms Milking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for gr"'". fcraiie, or other crops) famis Priwer-opernfed i'li'\.Trnr. con\evor, or blower farms Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard siirf;>ce farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms Loss than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms 1 or more mi les to a hard surface road farms 1 mile farms 2 or .1 miles farms i miles farms 5 or more miles farms FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENL'MERATION Hired workers farms i tlepJJar hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reportinp,. number. , reporting.. number., report) np. , reporting., reportinjt.. reporting., reportinp. , reporting., number., reportinp., number., reporting., number.. reporting., number., reporting., reportinp. , reporting., reporting,, reporting. , reporting.. reporting. , reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , reportinp.. reporting., reportinp. reporting. . reportinp. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers n or 4 hired workers 5 (o 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR ..farms ..farms ..farms ..farms , .farms persons. . reportinp. . persons . . reporting., reporting. , reporting, . reporting, , reporting,. 8,13-4 5,273 222 3,770 790 3^5 1*16 4,526 8,039 5,239 2 95 3A. Residing on farm operated operators reportinp. , Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Operators not report ing residence .number . . See footnotes at end of table. 52 968 12,A44 645 1,778 U 11,782 12,212 11,893 12,214 4,527 4,540 3,205 3,249 13,354 16, 591 17,330 39,894 17,282 39,114 2,844 8,713 4,445 996 284 17,235 38,715 378 399 716 780 17,309 21,911 17,776 13,687 12,203 5,130 1,504 210 11,506 1,917 13,199 2,685 305 2,380 343 520 157 1,360 1,414 1,718 621 697 561 48 11 1 16,839 722 393 4,369 4,325 3,735 288 2,415 763 131 138 4,364 4,247 3,703 5 78 32 1,989 61 676 7,958 358 1,386 10 6,724 6,932 6,880 7,014 2,180 2,187 1,108 1,133 7,879 9,197 11,508 23,032 11,472 22,608 3,307 5,705 2,064 321 75 11,426 22,287 293 321 404 424 U,540 14,061 12,146 8,161 6,749 2,372 441 82 5,308 1,521 9,047 1,701 252 1,449 195 375 97 782 472 602 180 198 162 18 11,021 993 429 1,912 1,093 1,234 77 523 479 48 107 1,905 1,045 1,209 7 48 25 1,113 177 334 1,990 128 492 6 1,894 1,948 1,824 1,850 483 488 203 207 2,301 2,764 3,612 6,388 3,602 6,311 1,592 1,437 464 90 19 3,590 6,230 75 81 76 77 3,694 4,333 3,952 2,080 1,569 274 30 18 1,523 640 2,872 590 76 514 101 119 57 237 106 124 39 40 38 1 3,414 628 198 1,673 504 789 177 120 277 22 193 1,653 490 767 20 14 22 2,972 597 621 447 457 181 186 41 41 1,409 1,700 1,985 3,049 1,940 2,939 1,187 577 135 20 21 1,919 2,869 65 70 105 110 2,438 3,070 2,625 1,943 1,288 137 35 1 451 664 ,682 523 116 407 66 100 21 220 84 111 25 35 2,202 387 191 36 40 55 5 55 2,182 373 181 20 14 10 470 496 470 475 108 108 21 21 915 1,0U 1,832 2,438 1,801 2,348 1,327 414 48 U 1 1,790 2,320 28 28 89 90 2,185 2,433 2,373 1,814 1,162 50 1 589 530 1,764 412 83 329 58 89 12 170 18 36 20 30 a 22 13 14 24 86 30 185 30 166 7 5 2 16 30 156 10 10 16 19 21 57 31 37 26 14 13 6 17 20 20 4 1 3 1 18 92 17 73 2,070 772 130 2,406 266 114 32 1 24 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are basH on reports Tor only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class Commercial farms USE OF COMMERCUL FERTILIZER AND LPIF. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizinp materials used during the year Dry matenals Liquid materials.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . [>>' materials. ,, Liquid materials Other pasture {not cropland) Dri' materials Liquid maleriats Com rr\ materials Liquid materials Wheat Dry materials Liquid materials Irish potatoes Dry' materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during the year. . Any of the following specified expenditures . Feed for livestock and poultry I nder SlOO SlOO to S!)99 ?l,000toSl.n09. ??,(X»to?4.999. PS.OOOor more Purchase of livestock and poultry . I'nderSl.OOf) S1.000to?J,l99.. «2,,5(Wto?4,909.. S5,000to?a,999.. SlO.fXH) or more. . , Machine hire. rnderS20O .=i200 lo S999 . . . ^I.OOflor more.. I'nder S200 S200to?499 5500 to «099 Sl,0n0to.«2,499.... >2.r»00 10*4,999 ?.=i.nOOtoW),999.., •^In.OOO Eo^sl9,999. S20,non 10-^9,999. iN50,0Of) or more SPECTFIED FARM EXPENDITmES Seetis, bulbs, plants, and trees . I'nder ?10O «l(10tnfM99... r^noo loS999 ... er. Bom before June 1 farms repeating. number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over tarms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number . dollars . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. pounds dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars . See footnotes at end of table. 512,464,344 9,234 81,134,437 79,539,917 122,883 14,359 1,457,278 431,329,907 19,914,949 28,294,059 383,120,899 47,437 3,318,149 44,980 1,449,982 32,044 240,604 43,667 926,022 43,812 942,145 349 1,476 2,011 5,844 17,079 U,981 8,286 411 1,377 9,138 12,121 7,690 6,998 3,473 1,580 2,603 4,647 13,065 7,580 1,249 394 85 19 5 15,963 60,610 33,139 2,103,693 17,224 759,785 28,669 1,343,908 14,137 1,927,647 10,451 699,737 13,399 1,227,910 13,232 1,186,089 9,269 41,821 41,342 9,046,616 46,523 1,712,079 279,114,010 32,512 2,512,519 75,375,570 13,188 1,688,319 21,948,147 25,119 1,151,592,379 28,294,059 33,134 1,309,939 36,575 74,273,015 16,340,063 504,390,302 10,153 79,405,083 77,872,567 99,253 6,799 1,426,464 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 378,954,571 44,275 3,263,893 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 U,882 8,270 407 1,058 7,401 11,465 7,531 6,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 4,193 16,826 7,475 1,247 388 80 17 5 14,868 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27,509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 680,473 12,247 1,188,540 12,085 1,148,344 8,615 40,196 38,068 8,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,478,008 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,980 1,128,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,528 15,552,797 83,766,334 74,064 5,993,029 4,970,654 2,920 675 1,018,770 77,773,305 1,364,560 502,260 75,906,485 1,042 407,198 766 127,421 585 3,383 821 111,232 976 168,545 16 9 5 17 33 99 595 263 58 128 34 23 57 lA 29 393 151 365 40 11 7 7 637 8,017 613 82,518 326 28,648 530 53,370 264 287,663 205 151,620 220 136,043 218 131,701 166 4,342 662 179,502 1,085 319,387 65,332,877 614 125,574 3,767,220 262 444,851 5,783,063 224 16,528,005 502,260 426 25,454 482 1,769,962 389,393 92,104,605 26,860 11,772,268 U, 624, 130 7,939 349 139,850 80,332,337 1,534,437 3,432,153 75,365,747 3,202 550,322 2,758 224,389 1,911 17,791 2,861 157,040 2,992 168,893 44 45 52 307 779 1,349 118 94 316 251 205 325 399 247 921 406 1,008 249 91 71 68 17 1,657 8,513 2,155 244, 525 1,288 99,379 1,863 145,146 876 360,405 640 147,235 801 213,170 779 205,976 592 7,194 2,442 654,008 3,299 336,771 60,067,123 2,147 329,429 9,882,870 820 326,456 4,243,928 1,089 106,101,045 3,432,153 1,804 101,416 2,005 5,754,381 1,265,963 142,947,609 13,635 24,031,019 23,816,095 53,439 2,125 159,360 118,916,590 4,603,979 8,137,390 106,170,221 9,852 962,747 9,248 431,645 6,564 55,968 9,189 268,061 9,443 263,041 49 157 105 262 2,222 3,461 3,573 23 226 818 1,359 1,484 2,103 1,429 799 1,030 1,078 3,237 1,462 542 240 5 4,113 14,806 7,116 590,711 4,016 222,532 6,353 368,179 2,771 470,790 2,098 148,989 2,620 321,801 2,594 311,279 1,907 10,522 a, 116 2,077,923 9,901 476,545 75,871,785 7,139 794,621 23,833,630 2,648 367,763 4,780,919 4,904 304,389,152 8,137,390 6,611 308,838 7,209 13,622,855 4,097,029 SOUTH DAKOTA 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF.1959-Continuecl [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xl] (For dcrmilions nnil pxplnnations, ^ee toxt) Economic class— Continued Cormiercia] fatms-Continued Part-retiremenl ESTIMATED V^LIIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE Alt farm products sold toial, dollars averajic per farm, dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vejietables and fruits and nuts, sold , . . , dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dol lars PoullrY and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cowg, including heifers thai have calved. . Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls mcludinc steer and bull calves. . 'arms reporting . . number., 15 reporting., number, 'arms reporting, number. 'arms reporting., number, 'arms reporting . , number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 Ui 4 head farms reporting . 5 to 9 head. farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 5(XI or more head farms reporting . Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 heed farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head. farms reporting. 50 to 74 head. farms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reportang. Hofses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting . number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms lOpcrting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting . number. Hams and wethers farms reporting . number. Chickens 4 months old and ovei farms reporting . number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting , number . dollars. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. pounds dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold famis reporting. dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 131,083,882 7,301 25,154,751 25,090,361 U.llO 1,089 49,191 105,929,131 6,869,546 10,907,368 88,152,217 16,625 906,789 16,156 431,004 12,080 96,538 15,803 250,103 15,742 225,682 236 367 1,368 7,278 5,339 1,946 3 295 2,094 4,877 3,679 3,205 1,357 423 226 1,441 6,403 3,636 530 70 4,940 15,494 12,795 783,007 6,770 277,694 11,281 505,313 4,941 4B5,382 3,731 151,432 4,751 333,900 4,686 322,522 3,455 11,378 14,664 3,438,206 16,542 394,364 55,205,184 12,774 898,087 26,942,610 4,699 332,573 4,323,449 10,214 472,640,932 10,907,368 12,376 496,019 13,417 28,552,704 6,281,590 47,875,348 3,848 10,480,774 10,408,302 20,250 2,494 49,728 37,394,574 3,318,820 4,179,065 29,896,689 10,714 375,932 10,389 180,815 7,296 50,308 10,016 105,108 9,973 90,009 42 275 460 2,148 5,457 2,040 292 269 2,627 4,136 1,859 1,181 230 70 17 895 4,388 1,940 73 2,791 8,084 7,464 318,181 3,505 102,686 6,269 215,495 3,174 215,795 2,279 65,054 3,040 150,741 3,013 145,314 1,983 5,427 9,581 1,825,108 10,462 146,576 18,150,442 7,266 300,934 9,028,020 2,910 151,426 1,968,538 6,1U 199,093,552 4,179,065 7,762 259,087 8,545 13,564,440 2,984,180 6,612,524 1,560 1,973,242 1,963,015 595 67 9,565 4,639,282 594,621 581,449 3,463,212 2,840 60,905 2,723 29,124 1,795 9,133 2,418 18,457 2,310 13,324 52 197 385 970 1,057 164 15 116 1,418 808 281 80 11 7 2 222 1,425 148 730 2,333 1,560 45,019 705 15,115 1,213 29,904 870 48,978 628 16,093 815 32,885 795 31,552 512 1,333 2,603 393,777 2,552 18,096 2,072,322 1,371 29,363 880,890 708 27,028 351,364 1,405 29,248,344 581,449 1,895 50,257 2,283 2,430,186 534,542 3,117,299 1,049 896,213 889,937 5,075 ZL7 984 2,221,086 247,816 203,358 1,769,912 1,633 24,792 1,482 11,405 997 3,807 1,344 8,000 1,222 5,387 52 281 328 531 395 45 1 178 861 330 87 23 2 239 708 50 650 1,942 810 15,484 351 5,056 667 10,428 713 29,288 499 8,718 661 20,570 656 19,520 377 1,050 1,409 177,387 1,353 8,332 984,453 657 13,497 404,910 661 19,754 256,802 601 9,552,427 '503,358 887 27,872 1,051 936,615 217,055 2,983,665 1,071 691,141 673,739 6,510 842 10,050 2,292,524 473,479 203,041 1,616,004 1,499 22,312 1,428 10,946 791 2,875 1,185 6,139 1,124 5,227 42 277 316 496 315 52 1 136 876 321 71 23 210 526 55 423 1,305 599 13,228 244 3,680 466 9,548 516 26,408 364 9,896 485 16,512 485 16,002 272 510 1,835 248,530 1,300 8,472 1,011,536 513 10,293 308,790 474 16,297 211,861 518 9,264,297 203,041 1,345 34,593 1,555 1,955,712 430,256 1,973,078 34,615 142,000 103,674 12,045 6,501 19,780 1,831,078 902,691 147,975 730,412 30 7,152 30 3,233 25 801 30 1,882 30 2,037 10 2 U 4 5 1 1 1 4 13 17 116 27 11,020 19 4,995 27 6,025 7 2,938 7 650 6 2,288 6 2,223 5 65 30 52,175 29 3,036 418,283 26 10,721 321,630 6 2,171 28,223 20 4,774,625 147,975 28 6,398 23 636,160 139,955 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farnis. See text] Total all farms Economic class Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms Total Class 1 Class n Class HI LIVESTOCK Wm LIVESTOCK PRODlICTS-ConUnued Litters (arrowed December 1, 1958, to NovemtMr 30, 1959 famis repotting... number of litters... J or 5 litters farms reporting... 30,913 405,709 2,660 10,747 11,463 5,195 699 149 15,032 108,690 28,070 297,019 29,798 398,702 2,242 10,213 11,333 5,175 697 138 14,576 106,509 27,169 292,193 504 14,152 27 ni 104 W7 88 27 275 4,215 459 9,937 1,967 44,552 87 297 596 708 243 36 1,129 13,221 1,810 31,331 6,790 116,145 307 3 to 9 litters ...................................... farms reiiorting. . . 1,450 10 to 19 litters farms reporting... 2,718 2,024 20 to 39 litters farms reporting. .. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting. . . 236 70 or more litters ,.... farms reporting... 55 June 2 to November .^i farms reiiorting. . . 3,705 number of litters... December 1 tojune 1 farms reiiorting . . . 31,823 6,326 84,322 number of litters... spEaFiED cnops harvested Com for all purposes farms reporting... 41,093 4,097,975 598 2,154 6,500 7,896 6,797 17,148 30,475 2,468,376 61,575,465 14,780 24,518,584 39,445 4,025,738 383 1,740 5,947 7,626 6,711 17,038 29,239 2^421,844 60,733,103 14,147 24,148,974 793 190,674 6 8 30 38 62 649 531 93,397 3,126,596 195 927,290 2,602 426,770 10 27 151 178 287 1,949 1,799 220,510 6,709,076 771 2,456,892 8,655 acres... Under 11 acres farms reporting. . ■ 1,114,543 22 11 to 24 acres farms reporting... 163 "s lo 49 Acres faiTns reiiortinir . . . 605 ^•1 lu li. a\-t CO................................... ....iipj. w,.u. »...^ ... 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . . . 1,121 75 to 99 acres. .................................. farms reiMrting ... 1,326 5,418 Harvested for grain .................................. farms reporting. . . 6,186 acres . . . bushels... 640,396 17,980,873 3,104 bushels... 7,522,637 Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. . . 8,475 279,893 8,237 271,825 249 22,245 796 43,899 2,056 73,746 4,238 4,061 93 303 919 142,545 135,722 6,691 16,192 34,606 buBhelB... 3,199,507 3,042,624 215,994 394,291 818,975 Sales farms reporting. . . 1,523 1,326,687 1,440 1,282,368 23 79,069 97 148,980 309 336,520 Winter wheat harvested farms reporting. . . 3,473 3,323 166 529 1,026 412,262 405,895 47,144 105,995 128,892 bushels... 6,234,955 6,192,654 940,812 1,924,941 1,904,368 Sales farms reporting. . . 3,255 5,835,291 3,131 5,801,434 165 899,776 513 1,843,063 961 bushels... 1,767,341 Durum wheat harvested farms reporting.. . 1,684 1,636 31 102 363 acres.. . 60,721 59,646 2,364 5,829 17,070 Sales f aims reporting. . . bushels. . . 488,013 1,313 379,071 480,698 1,291 375,161 19,072 26 14,649 54,514 93 48,707 158,274 304 129,688 18,986 18,113 305 1,U9 3,990 1,386,149 1,347,892 63,031 161,193 381,933 bushels . . . 10,295,860 10,080,978 572,337 1,519,356 3,W7,048 Sales farms reporting. . . 16,239 8,340,470 15,533 8,174,222 275 493,386 1,076 1,312,546 3,548 2,618,161 33,181 31,916 561 1,845 6,783 2,017,753 1,969,663 60,500 144,102 464,681 bushels . . . 39,864,399 39,162,783 1,441,446 3,527,297 10,560,933 Sales farms reporting. . . 12,414 9,780,078 U,813 9,498,848 176 319,605 541 741,686 2,451 bushels.. . 2,545,592 Barley harvested farms reporting... 10,153 9,678 225 701 2,252 440,370 424,964 24,987 43,836 114,299 bushels. .. 5,781,454 5,630,258 394,922 750,432 1,775,276 Sales farms reporting . . . 4,835 2,840,841 4,529 2,752,850 116 212,167 294 360,926 1,120 bushels . . . 904,423 Rye harvested. farms reporting. . . 2,408 2,270 38 120 486 acres... 100,529 94,657 6,850 9,250 22,679 bushels . . . 1,292,733 1,236,431 92,762 143,815 327,654 Sales farms reporting . . . 2,026 1,085,142 1,910 1,041,071 30 71,492 113 129,756 415 bushels . , . 277,746 Flaxseed harvested farms reporting. . . 10,334 9,880 120 531 1,929 acres. . . 558,672 539,525 U,241 37,216 135,366 bushels . . . 3,248,877 3,170,448 64,292 259,583 900,010 Sales farms reporting... bushels... 9,502 2,794,246 9,103 2,732,292 110 58,966 511 234,570 1,814 794,364 3,820 3,675 61 180 861 acres. . . 124,487 122,147 2,120 7,693 33,831 bushels. . . See footnotes at end of table. 1,449,784 1,429,599 37,900 132,643 475,205 SOUTH DAKOTA 39 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Oala ue based on rcfiorts for only a sample of farms. S«e text] (For Horinitions and explanation?, ape text) LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters lairowed December 1, 1958, to Novemtier 30, 1959 'aims renoninB. . mimber of liuers, . 1 or 2 litters famis renortinc .1 to 9 litters faims reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms rervirlinc.. 20 to 19 litters farms repotting. . 40 to R9 litters farms rinottinc.. 70 or more litters , farms reporting.. June 2 to Movember W .. ..;,,.. farms reporting.. number of litters., December 1 to June I farms reporting. . number of litters, , SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms Under 11 acres 11 to 21 acres. . . , 2.") to 19 acres ... . .W to 7 1 acres 7.'> to 99 acres . . . . 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain , . . , farms . farms . farms .farms . farms . farms . farms reporting.. acres . . refwrting.. rctv)rting.. reporting, reporting, reporting, repotting. reTX)rting. acres . bushels, reporting. bushels. Sorghums for all purposes fanns reporting.. acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . acres. . btishels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Winter wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. btishels. . Dunim wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . btishels . . Other spring wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . , Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Rye harvested farms reporting . . acres . . btishels . . Sales farais reporting. . bushels.. Flaxseed harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . See footnotes at end of table. Economic class— Continued Commercial farms-Continued i2,a4a 152,913 753 4,055 5,426 1,894 100 20 6,044 40,536 U,293 112,377 15,120 1,439,017 72 434 2,216 3,015 3,009 6,324 11,386 909,536 22,202,781 5,692 9,054,878 3,145 85,512 1,626 49,605 1,061,673 611 395,304 1,002 83,294 1,025,275 954 923,453 691 22,835 177,492 547 135,072 6,981 462,474 3,220,893 5,993 2,552,789 12,560 779,569 15,119,020 4,792 3,690,914 3,625 144,263 1,743,500 1,673 826,888 869 31,888 337,674 717 321,866 3,966 209,513 1,275,071 3,664 1,090,732 1,551 51,739 562,479 6,973 63,102 756 3,509 2,291 392 25 2,921 14,757 6,179 48,345 9,622 696,463 147 728 2,139 2,645 1,691 2,272 7,369 460,231 9,167,728 3,434 3,566,513 1,577 37,127 870 22,809 456,446 294 281,265 454 33,311 343,772 424 316,002 366 8,622 57,800 253 38,614 4,266 219,801 1,307,189 3,568 991,803 8,057 427,416 7,219,287 2,982 1,797,121 2,208 73,325 776,604 1,031 365,953 562 17,558 218,281 478 184,646 2,605 116,273 561,505 2,412 470,206 861 23,397 200,915 1,316 7,838 312 791 198 10 502 1,957 1,102 5,881 2,653 158,271 126 330 806 629 336 426 1,968 97,774 1,546,044 901 620,764 414 9,296 250 5,819 95,045 106 41,230 146 7,259 53,436 114 46,799 83 2,926 13,546 68 8,431 1,422 59,460 314,155 1,068 205,537 2,110 93,395 1,294,800 871 403,930 667 24,254 139,524 295 82,493 195 6,432 66,245 157 55,565 729 29,916 109,987 592 83,454 161 3,367 20,457 628 2,847 269 279 70 10 273 823 501 2,024 828 36,985 120 157 282 160 36 73 530 21,330 399,105 335 215,730 U9 3,679 92 3,139 85,110 56 34,855 76 3,408 22,135 66 19,345 21 470 2,725 15 2,130 516 23,458 125,564 442 97,775 617 23,567 327,950 354 168,290 262 8,225 77,791 195 52,911 2,515 20,875 65 16,950 242 11,845 42,140 207 32,755 1,180 1,275 Part^retirement 460 2,380 148 247 55 10 164 557 373 1,823 781 26,946 90 257 261 100 50 23 617 19,702 351,045 282 144,015 105 1,760 75 1,325 17,050 25 8,500 68 2,946 19,962 53 14,372 25 400 2,900 5 500 337 12,549 71,255 245 53,790 624 19,169 274,380 247 112,940 193 5,115 52,685 101 31,950 52 1,890 16,843 46 14,080 205 6,385 27,155 13."^ 20,305 65 1,160 11,910 27 1,780 1 2 11 19 801 27 979 39 8,306 5 io 10 14 39 5,500 92,212 16 9,865 14 2,629 10 2,359 54,723 6 13 204 5 140 2 205 1,690 2 1,280 20 2,250 18,063 19 14,683 24 5,354 99,286 20 2,066 20,720 10 3,130 6 1,467 18,584 5 13,041 7 917 9,134 7 8,894 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fflnns. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fanns Economic class Commercial faims SPEOnED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales f alios reporting. . tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Oats, wheat, harley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres. . tons, green weight.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fame reporting. . acres^. bushels. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars. . Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut ti«es-^ farms reporting. . acres. . 41,016 2,057,272 l,857,3ii 3,001 131,684 999 35,972 27,702 56 1,075 10,997 491,886 261,141 247 7,065 25,056 1,939,304 1,017,348 1,513 52,389 4,984 127,320 89,963 275 6,093 50 1,742 8,046 2,108 4,864 505,335 122,883 537 675 4,515,978 39,126 1,998,244 1,808,840 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10, 592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,880,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 483,995 478 511 339,863 934 147, 592 148,238 89 10,734 14 1,640 1,755 255 21,537 16,395 4 163 528 158,588 81,408 18 1,811 76 9,459 5,697 29 1,047 5,066 41 1,842 247,550 634,874 3,028 299,974 285,967 253 23,576 53 3,613 2,972 1 50 850 54,440 34,286 11 573 1,629 260,206 135,796 32 6,758 350 16,141 11,348 15 649 10 50O 2,000 117 508 52,131 21 7,939 1,272,094 9,102 573,558 527,877 759 33,936 217 9,659 7,586 1 150 2,660 137,084 71,536 56 1,825 5,235 512,617 267,159 286 12,469 1,204 34,161 24,229 64 1,765 442 1,195 92,983 28 53,439 154 211 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Inclucie acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH DAKOTA 41 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on raporta for only a sample of Tanns, See text] (For definitions and explanations, aoe text) Economic class— Continued Commercial forme-Continued Part-retirement SPEaFIED CROPS HABVESTED-Continued Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting.. acres., tons.. Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons.. Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faims reporting. . acr«s.. tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Wild hay cut faims reporting. . acres., tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting.. acres. . tons.. Sales fanna reporting. . tons.. Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . . acres. .. tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting... acres^. . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . . Sales dollars. . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres. . . 14,946 628,415 561,889 851 29,093 350 10,415 7,696 11 160 3,965 163,887 85,195 57 1,392 9,022 582,893 312,545 410 13,797 1,715 36,917 28,198 94 1,340 5 75 625 750 520 57,829 64 14,110 175 159 8,891 284,184 242,064 606 18,280 216 6,906 5,338 12 240 2,326 87,964 40,784 58 1,837 5,769 299,393 157,898 279 7,777 1,125 20,030 14,236 70 1,809 5 105 315 447 382 28,135 37 20,250 U7,963 2,175 59,5a 42,805 112 2,106 57 1,456 1,082 5 40 536 16,665 8,428 21 780 1,579 66,786 32,966 196 4,121 251 3,535 2,500 2 80 125 118 5,317 15 595 919 28,524 20,878 158 3,275 65 1,285 860 25 395 220 4,755 2,039 20 150 659 28,322 14,178 131 2,522 135 3,570 1,775 10 350 82 19 1,153 20 5,075 59,905 938 25,125 22,200 172 5,280 26 990 400 1 40 179 4,797 2,247 20 345 609 25,790 13,053 111 3,134 123 3,203 1,735 20 105 91 30 4,665 25 6,510 11,157 33 5,379 5,426 1 404 1 8 13 6 757 181 26 4,709 2,345 5 304 245 13 250 15,522 12,045 9 120 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 5.-Cash-gram farms [Dua are based on reporui lor oniy a sivnple or taima. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all commennal faims Economic class FAHMS. ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number., . Percent distribution percent . . . LaniJ in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent . . . Average size of farm acres . . . Value of land antj buildings: Average per farm » dollars... Average per acre dollars. .. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . . acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 lores farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pBstuied farms reporting. . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporung- . acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured fnrms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting , . acres. . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres. . Irrigated land in farms , farms reporting.. acres. . Irrigated cropland harvested farms tepcxting.. acres. . I^and use practices: Cropland in cover crops. farms reporting . . acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres. . Land in strip-cropping systoms for soil-erosion control farms reporting.. acres. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . acres.. FAKM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age , number.. Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number. . 55 to 64 years number. . 85 cr more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opefators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days. operators reptrting . . With other members of famjly working off farm operators repcrting. . With income fronsources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other incline of family exceeding value of agricultural produi^ sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to wtrk off their farms operators repcrting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . , With income fron sources otjier than farm operated. . .operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural pn>ducts sold operators reporting . FARkE BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1 ,999 acres number . 2.000 or more acres ; number. See footnotes at end cf table. 49,681 XXX 43,256,083 i3,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 39,987 23,237,488 3,113 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 U6,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128,177 49,294 935 8,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 11,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,272 4,656 1,577 38,108 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 10,804 5,329 4,041 6,305 100.0 3,481,540 100.0 552.2 43,285 76. 2A 6,305 1,967,596 20 6 55 413 1,707 3,154 805 U5 1,353 72,750 2,775 594,484 1,674 334,543 664 90,013 1,479 169,928 354 12,997 719 8,349 3,806 689,223 306 11,413 46 3,372 46 3,092 '390 18,643 314 44,911 457 153,923 134 14,662 6,255 216 989 1,524 1,605 1,498 423 46.7 1,984 1,443 277 264 351 823 243 4,321 424 1,081 35 40 200 175 825 255 535 2,225 1,252 542 221 27 0.4 86,316 2.5 3,196.9 205,073 54.81 27 34,592 10 17 5 396 21 18,835 20 16,904 2 349 6 1,582 1 40 2 35 19 31,050 2 85 5 1,610 5 3,140 5 1,055 27 6 3 13 3 2 45.9 188 3.0 363,096 10.4 1,931.4 119,588 63.18 188 158,498 26 109 52 49 13,310 138 83,834 126 68,668 33 5,577 54 9,589 3 920 19 929 135 94,050 13 963 5 400 5 400 9 520 27 9,766 44 32,766 18 2,814 150 8 46 953 15.1 847,727 24.3 889.5 71,139 78.17 953 469,179 10 579 312 52 309 17,971 427 144,875 309 104,453 110 16,139 178 24,283 110 1,916 95 883 590 185,974 50 2,845 13 1,322 13 1,322 76 3,658 14,875 133 54,276 20 2,980 936 18 175 310 263 138 32 43.7 257 206 32 19 34 117 13 696 66 168 20 410 230 198 90 2,035 32.3 1,064,199 30.6 522.9 44,708 84.33 2,035 662,975 5 15 390 1,336 270 19 514 20,728 782 134,512 501 73,384 183 22,897 374 38,231 107 4,302 306 3,196 1,350 194,127 119 4,020 12 975 12 695 180 8,330 115 12,026 140 39,668 54 5,888 2,023 50 337 601 537 398 100 45.5 663 489 99 75 104 1,372 U3 323 5 25 165 90 205 880 471 170 24 1,989 31.5 752,023 21.6 378.1 30,308 76.13 1,989 449,534 10 192 837 863 82 5 378 14,217 796 121,390 449 49,456 224 26,816 411 45,118 103 2,139 204 2,602 1,170 127,084 106 2,915 16 675 16 675 3,630 66 5,504 95 18,014 27 1,600 1,983 57 268 371 502 501 284 49.7 676 369 141 166 146 268 184 1,313 160 356 15 95 105 430 100 250 565 336 79 14 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5.-Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See tevt ] 43 lUn, (For ili?riniLions and explanations, sop (cxl) Total all commercial fanns Eoonomic dass FARSe BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators; Full nnners number,,, Pan owners number, , All tenants number, , Cash tenants number , . Share-cash tenants number.,. Crop-share tenants number . , . Livestock-share tenants number , , Other and unspeciried tenants number.. White farm operators: Full owners number.,. Part owners number , . Alt tenanUs number, , Nonwhite farm operators Full owners numbtf ., Part owners number,. All tenants number , , SPEaFTED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reintinj*., number,. Com pickers farms refortini;,, nunitier.. Pick-up balers farms rvporunp,,. numtter. , Field forage harvesters fam.s reporting.. number,, Motoftnicks farms reporting . . number.. TVactcrs farms reporting . . number. . Tractors other than ^anlen farms reportinj;. . number., 1 tractor farms repDrtin}> , . 2 tractors famis reporting., 3 tractors farms reporting.. i tmct/rs farms n.[vrunf . . 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors farms reporting . . number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting , . number, , Garden tncUMS farms reporting , , number , . Automobiles farms reporting , . number. , Automobiles and. or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting,. Crop drier (for pram, forage, (jr other crops) farms reporting , . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms t)y kind of toad on wtijcti loi:ated: Harrl surface farms reporting , , Gravel, shall, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved. forms reporting . . Loss than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting,, 2 or 3 miles farms reporting,, 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARIK LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired wtvkers farms reporting , , persons,. Regular hired wcrkers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting , , persons,. Farms reporting tiy number of regular hired workers-. 1 hired worker farms importing.. 2 hirw) workers farms reporting.. 3 or 1 hired wtirkers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reptirting.. Operators not reporting residence. number. . See footnotes at end of table. 13,750 22,267 13,513 835 8,672 2,506 1,0U 486 13,731 22,001 13,Ali 19 266 99 30,514 32,053 30,386 31,268 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,481 47,105 112,636 46,988 110,186 8,882 20,987 11,916 3,614 1,589 46,823 108,320 1,702 1,866 2,306 2,450 ' 47,110 60,911 48,811 36,238 32,359 U,100 3,528 760 28,607 5,982 35,287 7,855 887 6,968 858 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 8,602 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 45,150 3,137 1,394 1,677 2,277 2,332 37 1,237 880 81 97 1,677 2,274 2,332 4,300 4,718 3,699 3,787 1,133 1,U1 468 484 4,250 6,064 5,796 12,813 5,786 12,526 1,460 2,653 1,195 300 178 5,774 12,290 222 236 271 287 5,846 7,407 6,056 4,299 3,468 623 193 182 3,788 995 4,400 823 137 636 97 177 66 346 665 852 294 350 253 28 13 4,951 1,161 193 25 50 12 13 12 13 12 13 27 115 26 130 26 122 2 7 3 14 26 U4 6 16 145 26 16 145 26 155 218 91 95 55 56 32 33 181 479 183 681 183 660 4 43 43 52 41 183 618 35 42 17 21 182 279 188 160 170 11 24 168 91 133 160 24 4 109 501 336 6 191 111 19 9 109 500 336 811 895 662 691 290 292 152 155 802 1,301 917 2,510 917 2,460 90 334 331 121 41 916 2,397 62 63 49 50 925 1,239 939 785 7U 159 82 74 718 121 660 161 25 136 9 27 15 85 265 333 109 126 835 98 20 469 772 789 15 543 178 36 17 469 770 789 1,516 1,646 1,342 1,361 403 406 125 132 1,461 1,874 1,939 4,312 1,934 4,200 372 1,018 438 60 46 1,929 4,136 62 64 107 U2 1,958 2,520 2,003 1,506 1,251 269 76 43 1,355 302 1,448 268 44 22A 39 64 18 103 204 249 1,800 184 709 532 742 15 383 305 19 20 709 532 742 1,189 1,272 1,098 1,123 246 247 95 98 1,163 1,473 1,773 3,410 1,768 3,335 593 881 228 42 24 1,762 3,308 25 27 70 75 1,831 2,218 1,897 1,345 947 148 20 28 1,044 321 1,453 193 34 159 13 31 17 98 1,465 458 66 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5.— Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ) {For dofinilion? and explanations, scf text) ToUl all commercial farms Economic class USE OF COKfMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIVE rommercin! fertilizer and Fcrtilizinc malerials used durinc the year farrr.s reporting.. acres on which used. . tons. . Dr\' materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid maUTials ., ,, , farms reporting. , tons.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture funis reporting. , acres . , Dry materials famis reporting. . tons. , Liquid materials farms reportini;. . tons.. Other pasture (not croplaml) farms reporting . , acres . . Dry materials farms reportinc,. tons., Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Com farms reporting., acres . . Dry matehais ramy materials farm." reportinc. > tons . . Liquid materials farms rcnorlini!. . tons. . Lime or liming materials used durim! the year .fam)s reporting. . acres limed. , SPEHFIED FARM EXPENDITl'RES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting, Feed for livestock and poultry fanfn reporting. dollars. Under SlOO farms reportins- SlOO toS999 fami-s rfporting. $1,000 to SI ,99fl famif: roporunfi , «2,000 to $4,99S farms retxirting . $5,000 or more farms reporting. Purchase of livestock and poultry ., ,, farms rcportim-. dollars , Under ?].000 farms reporting. 51,000 toSi?,49!l farn^s repnrtinp. SG,500 to S4,999 farms reporting. ?5,000 to $ft.999 farms rerwrting . $10,000 or nnre , farms reporting , Machine hire farms reporting . dollars , Under S200 farms reporting. S200 to S990 farms rerxjrting. !f 1,000 or nwre farnis reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars, Under SSOO farms reportini^. S200 to $4fl9 farms reporting . 5500 to ?999 farms reporting. 51,000 to S'->.49ft farms reporting. 52,500 to ?-l,999 farms reporting. SS.OOO to S9,9n9 farms reporting . 510,000 to 519.939 farms reporting,. $20,000 to S49,999 farms reporting, 550,000 or more farms roportinr . Seeds, bulbs, planLs, and trees farms reportinc- dollars. Under 5100 fanus reporting. '^lOO toS490 farms reporting. ?500 to 5999 farrr.s reporting . 51,000 or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fann business farms reporting. dollars. Under ^100 farms reporting. SlOO to5-(99 :..... .farms reporting. 5500 to $999 farms reporting. 51,000 to 51,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more fanr,s reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 9,207 770,384 <12,725 8,876 il,G26 535 1,699 2,427 75,036 2,420 5,340 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5,548 375,872 5,219 20,888 486 1,443 2,126 113,907 2,067 4,456 61 150 43 1,746 43 235 3,555 194,211 3,496 9,477 61 83 1,298 131,619 6,500 1,242 6,223 91 277 193 7,155 193 441 23 675 23 32 810 63,478 759 3,298 84 247 390 24,102 383 869 8 25 1 30 1 1 536 36,179 531 1,582 5 5 49,664 6,305 44,985 3,898 72 318,155 2,578,939 3,139 554 22,358 2,593 8,402 460 8,019 232 3,067 59 35,567 2,802 89 360,603 2,474,285 24,010 2,256 4,953 289 2,654 142 1,985 88 1,965 27 29,621 3,726 9 160,258 1,627,777 14,694 1,488 13,560 1,866 1,367 372 25,433 2,907 16 586,448 1,630,161 11,585 1,332 6,023 706 3,246 384 3,075 348 1,101 105 322 30 67 2 8 6 33,485 4,258 9 241,214 1,381,884 6,771 706 22,297 2,790 3,518 546 899 216 49,159 6,237 42 676,423 5,083,857 1,160 138 11,039 1,748 20,985 2,594 15,830 1,738 145 19 6 1,540 94 6 94 3 500 3 20 2 330 2 13 27 19 23,980 1 9 4 4 1 18 152,618 25 55,201 2 10 13 26 78,886 18 13,917 5 27 99,815 62 14,795 543 50 480 18 63 4 380 4 17 49 6,678 36 204 18 53 28 3,559 27 113 1 10 28 ,158 28 144 188 128 219,990 7 63 12 32 14 99 274,833 48 16 10 21 4 140 232,968 16 49 75 178 323,193 20 27 16 65 37 12 1 144 99,111 17 41 51 35 187 383,224 3 23 152 9 339 44,080 2,174 316 2,060 36 114 83 2,945 83 226 150 5 10 243 26,053 225 1,233 31 104 76 5,631 71 208 102 9,301 97 383 5 684 3U,875 47 389 160 953 1,127,673 49 382 520 2 429 37,436 1,800 419 1,749 16 51 51 2,085 51 95 6 120 6 6 276 17,852 266 960 15 47 107 6,249 107 221 188 11,100 138 466 1,378 445,838 148 1,034 164 32 2,013 1,734,189 22 421 907 661 2 328 26,077 1,460 322 1,421 16 39 55 1,745 55 103 10 375 10 13 181 10,000 176 654 15 33 127 5,957 126 227 1 6 140 8,000 140 424 953 2,035 1,989 736 1,522 1,140 839,967 896,328 479,413 55 160 245 394 1,086 789 145 193 91 108 73 15 X 10 541 1,072 856 693,058 820,963 444,427 371 898 726 63 105 97 66 28 32 30 34 1 11 7 643 1,277 1,194 416,475 448,795 362,695 181 560 502 322 637 645 140 30 47 712 1,058 663 516,570 421,996 222,081 238 499 423 162 297 139 144 137 56 125 109 29 37 15 11 5 1 5 1,375 331,375 291 921 130 33 1,964 1,185,423 66 766 853 278 1 134 7,691 429 129 419 5 10 60 2,195 55 187 5 10 49 2,206 49 80 76 3,290 76 152 1,113 353 119,261 36 252 15 216 83,386 205 5 447 111,643 227 203 17 270 67,435 152 75 29 W 659 146,763 198 399 38 24 1,093 553,533 50 508 423 112 state Table 18. SOUTH DAKOTA -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5. -Cash-grain farms [Dal* are baaed on reports for only a san^le of fajmB. See text] 45 {For definitio Item ' and explanations, see text) Total all commefcial fajms Boonoriic class ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODllt^R SOLD BV SOURCE All farm prOtluCtS sold t^lal, dollars. averaRe per farm, dollars . All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other tlian vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars , Fruits and nuts sold dollars . Forest ptwiucts and horticultural specialty products sold dollars , All livestock and livestock products sold dollars , Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars , Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS . Cattle anil calves Cows, including heifers that have calved . Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls includini; steer and bull calve? , arms reporting, number . anus reporting, number. 'arms reporting, number. 'arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule and cnives- 1 head farm.! reporting. 2 to 4 head farms re|«irting. 5 to 9 head farms reiiijrting. 10 to 19 head faniis repiirting. 20 to 49 head farms rf|«>rting. 50 to 99 head farms rcfurling. 100 to 499 head farms re|wrling. 500 or more head fnrms rejiorting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 heail farm? report ing. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head fartns reporting. SO to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms r.-porting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 heail fnrms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 heail farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses antl/of mules farms reporting. number . Hogs ant] pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. Bom befcxe June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep anti lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting , numlier . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number . Ewes farms reporting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. numtier. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Bogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. dollars . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars . Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. pounds dollars . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting, dozens, dol 1 BTS , See footnotes at end of labia 504,390,302 10,153 79,405,083 77,872,567 99,253 6,799 1,426,4M 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 378,954,571 44,275 3,263,893 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 11,882 8,270 407 1,058 7,401 11,465 7,531 5,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 4,193 16,826 7,475 1,247 388 80 17 14,868 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27,509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 eB0,473 12,247 1,188,540 12,085 1,148,344 8,615 40,196 38,0tS 8,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,478,008 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,980 1,128,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,528 15,552,797 41,708,486 6,615 30,681,912 30,668,720 12,585 307 300 11,026,574 1,072,718 1,029,250 8,924,606 3,535 120,046 3,367 52,817 2,072 12,172 3,249 36,107 3,058 31,122 56 214 354 763 1,498 481 168 174 1,302 1,066 398 280 91 31 25 348 1,328 351 30 15 825 2,303 2,206 101,155 1,063 36,975 1,873 64,180 1,044 73,595 776 25,819 989 47,776 964 46,320 563 1,456 3,375 607,004 3,158 39,£fi5 5,394,359 2,053 88,168 2,645,040 836 50,354 654,602 1,572 46,355,287 1,029,250 2,600 91,504 2,892 4,338,994 954,582 1,383,265 51,232 1,096,715 1,096,715 286,550 682 1,859 284,009 21 3,916 21 1,424 12 49 18 987 19 1,505 16 51 11 1,515 8 619 11 896 3 343 3 132 3 211 3 204 3 7 15 1,331 20 1,534 241,834 13 1,278 38,340 3 225 2,925 4 90,600 1,859 6 113 9 2,585 569 4,892,810 26,026 3,740,695 3,735,646 5,000 1,152,115 22,653 21,453 139 12,593 125 5,487 68 296 124 4,123 129 2,983 74 196 74 6,747 46 3,102 59 3,645 27 5,219 17 1,430 24 3,789 24 3,714 15 75 93 12,222 122 5,532 779,197 69 8,462 253,660 19 4,234 55,042 31 990,950 21,453 46 1,782 60 86,210 18,967 12,378,302 12,989 8,994,921 8,993,828 1,000 93 3,383,381 203,570 345,462 2,834,329 677 34,169 666 15,571 399 3,057 618 9,851 626 8,747 13 40 24 48 289 191 71 27 148 175 125 120 48 16 7 57 216 93 198 507 425 25,593 221 10,065 363 15,528 236 23,371 164 8,828 216 U,543 211 14,002 114 541 560 105,559 661 12,377 1,753,428 434 26,210 766,300 205 17,725 230,425 313 13,870,461 X5,482 430 17,958 469 824,532 181,398 14,265,106 7,010 10,127,896 10,121,253 6,330 13 300 4,137,210 467,463 443,037 3,226,710 1,386 42,578 1,329 19,038 874 5,239 1,291 12,291 1,207 11,249 107 278 701 187 24 53 450 525 183 103 12 2 1 155 529 179 11 298 901 963 45,079 461 16,169 857 28,910 403 25,352 305 8,551 397 16,801 387 16,364 237 437 1,303 266,101 1,260 13,751 1,824,514 885 36,705 1,101,150 340 16,671 216,723 671 20,890,700 443,037 1,017 38,675 1,120 1,942,058 427,252 7,221,863 3,631 5,399,188 5,399,091 5 92 1,322,675 319,741 193,749 998 21,847 933 9,229 562 2,949 927 7,228 840 5,390 12 72 123 342 388 65 486 290 59 28 5 84 409 67 2 162 405 597 16,679 271 5,809 462 12,870 299 15,725 241 5,748 278 9,977 273 9,671 143 306 1,052 177,515 880 5,778 710,171 552 13,966 419,040 224 10,014 130,182 463 9,319,146 193,749 847 25,590 930 1,250,782 275,173 I 1,567,140 1,408 1,322,497 1,322,187 250 60 244,643 58,609 23,670 314 4,943 293 2,068 157 582 271 1,627 237 1,248 11 31 86 90 27 192 63 .37 120 77 243 136 3,542 56 1,211 121 2,331 76 3,585 46 1,130 71 2,455 66 2,365 51 90 352 44,276 215 713 85,215 100 1,545 46,350 45 1,485 19,305 90 1,193,430 23,670 254 7,386 304 232,827 51,223 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5. -Cash-grain farms Q)ata are based on reports tor only ft sample of turns. See text] (For definitions and ex^danations, see text) U\'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Gontinued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30. 1959. . . .farms reporting number of iiUers 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 lo 19 litters 20 Lo 39 litters 40 lo69 litters 70 or more litters. . June 2 to November 3 r&mts reporting Farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting fanns reporting farms reporting number of litters December 1 to June 1 farms reporting number of litters SPECTFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres. . Under 11 acres, .. 11 to 24 acres ... S5 to 49 acres . . . 50 to T4 acres . . . 75 lo 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for gram... farms reporting . . arms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. ■ 'ann« reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting . , acres .. bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. . acres . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . acres. . bushe Is . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Winter irtieat harvested farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . Sales ■ farms reporting . . bushels. . Durum wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Other spring wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bushels.. Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Oats narvested for grain farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporliing . . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushela. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Flaxseed harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bxishels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms Economic class 29,798 1,926 398,702 18,397 2,2i2 270 10,213 9X U,333 542 5,175 156 697 16 138 6 14,576 850 106,509 5,345 27,169 1,687 292,193 13,052 39,445 5,043 4,025,738 547,769 383 25 1,740 119 5,947 712 7,626 1,002 6,711 841 17,038 2,344 29,239 4,668 2,421,844 480,471 60,733,103 14,631,115 14,147 4,248 24,148,974 11,119,119 8,237 725 271,825 32,726 4,061 583 U5,722 26,955 3,042,624 755,034 1,440 450 1,282,368 638,162 3,323 867 405,895 178,326 6,192,654 3,054,857 3,131 851 5,801,434 2,919,420 1,636 263 59,646 12,509 480,698 143,859 1,291 231 375,161 127,566 18,113 3,107 1,347,892 290,807 10,080,978 2,821,888 15,533 2,956 8,174,222 2,491,509 31,916 4,621 1,969,663 289,355 39,162,783 6,684,681 11, 8U 3,279 9,498,848 3,507,420 9,678 1,968 424,964 112,422 5,630,258 1,728,787 4,529 1,559 2,752,850 1,265,326 2,270 524 94,657 30,346 1,236,431 432,009 1,910 513 1,041,071 400,808 9,880 2,127 539,525 161,125 3,170,448 1,076,244 9,103 2,060 2,732,292 974,838 3,675 644 122,147 26,291 1,429,599 461,870 10 206 2 2 3 1 2 7 66 10 140 17 4,840 2 1 14 10 2,795 131,400 7 127,000 755 5 555 32,695 2 30,945 19 12,517 335,814 19 330,122 9 3,389 72,860 9 69,388 15 2,056 45,210 6 22,500 19 4,906 120,150 15 88,065 3 480 .8,800 3 7,000 6,132 1 65 1,112 1 27 10 25 1 1 42 402 48 710 114 25,126 5 96 89 18,880 790,700 70 653,470 31 2,512 11 1,310 27,203 8 25,673 112 43,116 959,084 112 936,628 17 1,180 18,231 17 17,731 91 28,895 389,879 91 355,941 110 11,730 332,444 65 177,800 81 9,938 194,792 58 147,446 34 3,698 69,877 34 65,367 47 6,276 44,514 47 42,658 30 2,045 44,675 394 5,540 33 128 151 67 10 5 206 1,796 352 3,744 781 130,972 8 22 49 69 633 719 116,073 4,092,388 667 3,241,660 134 7,971 111 6,656 238,645 87 221,020 227 60,076 1,028,515 222 971,940 70 4,126 53,087 65 48,789 462 66,158 763,431 455 696,480 722 54,638 1,589,020 518 796,982 401 26,869 521,796 344 383,657 106 6,541 112,884 106 108,284 315 38,361 302,742 307 278,501 153 8,451 159,560 852 7,526 98 433 273 48 384 2,205 761 5,321 1,765 204,044 27 172 239 332 995 1,641 184,351 5,912,418 1,513 4,375,925 279 11,662 245 10,314 284,452 206 226,615 231 35,422 458,540 230 428,109 U7 5,213 55,846 101 46,951 1,008 91,582 883,307 992 783,857 1,613 105,860 2,558,463 1,141 1,329,617 632 33,851 489,879 528 369,893 149 9,191 107,203 148 96,067 743 55,527 423,612 734 387,934 300 11,290 198,385 509 3,276 100 294 100 15 175 745 440 2,531 1,592 125,283 5 43 326 498 314 406 1,518 114,653 3,016,940 1,367 2,204,445 182 7,680 139 6,530 142,239 101 107,509 190 22,092 235,390 185 218,322 32 1,050 11,950 26 10,500 944 68,862 535,866 908 457,268 1,480 80,981 1,686,759 1,082 904,721 544 23,848 297,550 441 217,575 136 6,476 86,340 131 81,380 692 42,962 230,944 682 205,904 145 4,050 53,450 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5.— Cash-grain farms [DaU a«j based on reports for only & sample of fanns. See U»«t . 47 [lom ^ and explanations, see Lextl SPECinED CROPS HARVESTED-Conlinued Hay crops: Land from which bay was cut acres. . . AlfalTa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . . acres. . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sal^a farms reporting . . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres., tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres. . tons, green weight.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^. hushels. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . I^nd in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ farms reporting . . acres. . Total all comnKjrci at fsrms 39,126 1,998, aw l,808,8iO 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,i29 30 640 10,592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,880,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 2A5 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 483,995 99,253 478 511 Economic class 3,605 124,410 146,389 689 30,065 87 1,257 1,004 5 90 307 9,002 5,093 30 812 1,999 101,073 60,409 359 10,857 513 8,993 7,471 87 1,330 168 153 14,473 22 12,585 50 42 20 3,009 5,885 6 4,090 2 155 195 13 1,880 1,213 2 100 2 51 40 120 11,003 10,630 23 1,588 12 580 464 60 9,111 5,040 12 1,892 12 483 408 2 11 9 (Z) 77 1 5,000 57,495 718 33,387 46,379 170 9,998 12 302 204 34 1,508 844 287 20,042 13,703 53 2,287 93 2,256 2,183 15 310 20 1 201 1 1,000 69 61 4,055 10 6,330 54,185 1,397 42,200 51,013 967 25,461 26,126 255 8,645 197 5,286 33 535 405 36 380 330 5 90 ... 113 3,062 1,881 90 2,192 1,309 12 525 18 287 738 33,409 21,201 592 23,845 13,516 108 2,841 116 2,300 176 3,006 2,227 169 2,307 1,998 46 585 23 374 55 87 9,890 5 5 24,541 383 9,350 6,356 38 458 5 10 35 56 1,505 400 309 12,786 5,736 1,437 61 890 615 1 50 15 4 250 5 250 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes miljc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms [Data are based on raports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial faims Economic class FAIiHe, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms , number . . Percent distribution percent . . Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent . . Average size of farm acres . . Value of land and twildjncs: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for r«sture farms [Sporting . . acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . ncres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops fflnns reporting. . acres . . Cropland used for grain or row Cfope farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres.. Land in strip-cropping systams for soil-ecDsion control farms reporting. . acres. . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number . . 55to64years number . . 65 cr more years number.. Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fanu operators- Working off their farms, total operators refiorting. . I to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reptlting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income frtm sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural producte sold operators reporting . . Operators not wfxking off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operatrrs reporting . . With income fron sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARUE BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . lOto 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 lo 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number . , 140 lo 179 acres number . , 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 50O to 999 acres number . 1 ,000 to 1 ,999 acres i number . 2,000 or more acres number . Sea footiiotos at end d table. 49,581 ]acx 43,256,083 XXX 870.7 ■43,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 39,987 23,237,488 3,113 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 146,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128, 177 49,294 935 8,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 11,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,2^2 4,656 1,577 38,103 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 a0,804 5,329 4,041 2,606 100.0 994,403 100.0 381.6 32,428 85.53 2,534 530,964 10 35 80 220 939 1,203 43 4 1,009 43,139 1,072 98,772 262 10,257 294 33,462 791 55,053 187 18,191 314 2,931 2,103 »2,514 189 5,391 27 2,667 27 2,387 101 5,602 151 11,845 37 12,823 79 4,948 2,586 52 559 757 702 438 78 44.0 539 458 16 65 111 211 60 2,067 226 393 10 25 50 30 35 315 185 315 ,165 403 57 16 5 0.2 12,347 1.2 2,469.4 151,480 61.34 5 4,383 2 3 452 2 1,400 1 840 2 560 3 1,161 4 4,706 2 240 2 240 1 1,300 137 5.3 U2,956 11.4 824.5 65,126 39.22 137 42,577 28 93 7 2 82 5,123 56 6,463 12 1,355 13 1,432 41 3,676 19 2,002 23 263 121 52,941 18 435 18 1,654 18 1,374 5 100 1 700 12 990 9 328 137 23 63 24 20 7 43.6 109 14 14 486 963 18.6 37.1 215,117 357,154 21.6 35.9 442.6 369.0 43,414 33,366 98.16 90.97 486 963 119,282 209,900 5 10 20 11 56 141 361 303 512 21 9 247 430 10,064 17,195 145 390 12,213 37,636 31 126 1,521 4,503 32 132 4,505 14,572 96 280 6,137 18,561 57 62 8,842 2,461 52 112 731 1,087 381 738 53,799 ri,477 46 65 1,236 1,860 ,2 5 143 630 2 5 143 630 35 40 1,425 1,565 75 55 5,025 4,670 11 38 2,373 6,300 30 30 2,405 1,940 481 953 2 15 100 279 170 238 129 248 74 93 6 30 43.7 41.6 82 66 6 10 10 15 10 404 43 86 5 25 15 55 285 82 17 2 192 162 5 25 46 60 15 776 66 162 5 5 130 60 120 455 130 12 1 676 25.9 211,335 21.3 312.6 22,572 72.40 630 116,677 20 85 277 238 5 181 7,025 314 27,130 67 1,548 72 8,788 247 16,794 30 2,420 97 740 561 45,378 35 910 5 1,420 15 900 20 1,700 5 100 676 25 121 175 178 142 Jl 45.4 131 96 5 30 20 50 35 545 76 106 5 15 15 15 10 95 85 90 265 75 6 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ) 49 lu-n. (For (Ipfinitions and explanations, sop tcM) Total all cwnmerciftl farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURF. OF OPERATOR All farm operators; Full ()»niTs number. [*art owners number, Ml tennnLs number. Cash lenanls number , Share-cnsh tenanti^ number. Crop-shnre tenants number. LivesLock-share tenants .number . Other and unsperirietl tenants number. White Farm operalors: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Nonwhite farm o|)crator5 Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ANO KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fnmis reportinj;. number. Com pickers farms reportmi; . Pick-up balers fanns reportmc. number. Field forage harvesters fiim.s reportinfi. numlier. Motortrucks farms reporlint^. numbw. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than :^arilpn fnrms ro|iorlinK. numher. 1 tractor farms roportinf . 2 tractors fanxs retxirlinl'. 3 tractors farms reportinf:. 4 trnctors forms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reportinir. Wheel tractors fanns reportinf*. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Ganjen tractors fanns reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/ or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms refMxting . Rome freezer farms reporting . Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler fanns reporting. Crop drier (for pram, fora^, or other crops) farms report! ne. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting . Farms by kinij of roatl on which locateiJ: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting , 2 or 3 miles fanns reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired wrrkers. falms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days> farms reporting . persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hir«d worker farms reporting . 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms repeating. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on form operated operalors reporting , Not residing on farm operated operators reporting . Operators not reporting residence number , See f(»tnotes at end of table. 13,750 22,267 13,513 835 8,672 2,506 1,0M iS6 13,731 22,001 13,4W 266 99 30,514 32,053 30,386 31,263 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,481 47,105 112,636 46,988 110,186 8,882 20,987 11,916 3,614 1,589 46,823 108,320 1,702 1,866 2,306 2,450 47,110 60,911 48,811 36,238 32,359 11,100 3,528 760 28,607 5,982 35,287 7,855 887 6,968 858 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 8,602 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 45,150 3,137 1,394 790 962 854 57 584 123 50 40 790 962 854 1,577 1,603 1,517 1,532 833 833 729 751 1,840 2,201 2,519 5,613 2,514 5,495 536 1,206 614 134 24 2,499 5,409 81 86 113 118 2,489 3,W1 2,581 2,031 1,623 2,105 1,327 27 1,493 358 2,078 U9 29 lie 23 37 6 39 294 429 192 253 149 33 9 2,520 32 54 137 238 132 476 132 461 6 26 53 23 19 132 454 7 7 15 15 131 202 137 131 114 132 132 1 84 28 106 2 91 160 163 181 142 15 36 16 15 10 163 131 142 310 315 307 307 246 246 230 250 375 436 481 1,219 476 1,163 37 226 178 35 476 1,151 12 12 51 56 476 652 481 464 359 474 431 15 336 385 8 1 7 5 2 89 111 221 411 336 5 251 50 20 10 221 411 336 663 674 654 664 314 314 283 233 663 771 938 2,061 938 2,031 182 470 235 51 933 2,016 15 15 30 30 948 1,133 958 847 665 897 569 130 1 6 460 16 10 10 621 116 790 30 105 947 5 16 221 203 247 26 165 36 221 203 247 390 390 325 330 151 151 110 110 456 503 646 1,300 646 1,285 170 328 133 15 636 1,239 41 46 15 15 635 752 676 414 359 521 180 76 558 32 5 27 6 20 660 5 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5. -Dairy farms [Data are based on refwrts for only a sample of Farms. Seo text ] (l-'or Jofinilions and pKptanations, scf texl) ToIaI all oommercia] tarms Economic class USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Tommercial fertilizer and fortilizin^ material? used riurinc the yci\r fanr.s reporting, . acres on which used. . tons. . Dr\ nialerials * farms reportinR.. tons.. Liquid mat.. acres . . Dr> matpnalfi farms reportinc.. tons.. Liquid niaienaU farms reporting. . tons.. Other pAsture (not err ol and) farms reporting.. Dr>' mat^nnl? farms reportins.. tons.. Liquid materials , , , farm.-i reporting . . tons.. Com farms reporting.. acres, , Dry materials .^... famis reporting, , tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons. . Wheat ■ farms repiif ting . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials ....,..,,,.. farms reporting,. Ions.. Irish potatoes i farms reponiny. , acrm.. Dry materials lorms reporting., tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons. . All other crops farms reporting,. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms renortine.. tons.. Lime or liminf materials used durine the year farms reyiorting , . nrres limed, , tons ,. SPEariED F\RM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specifieiJ expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry ..fnrn's reporting.. dollars . . Under SlOO fnrt»>s r.-portinf... $100 to S99ft fnmis reporting. , Sl.OOO to Sl,999 foniK reporlin.-^. . A2,000 to $4,099 farm" ronorting, . .S5,000or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry . , , farms rcportini; . . dollars,. Under ?l,000 fnms reporting. . 51,000 toS2,499 fwn.s rcpnrtinp.. S2,5(X) to :*4,999 farms reporting,. ?5,000 to 59,999 famis reporting.. ?10,000 or n»re farms reporting.. Machine hire farm^ reporting. . dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting, , S200 to «9ft9 rarms reporting.. $1,000 or more, ....farms reporting,. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars. , Under S200 farms reporting. . S20O to $499 firms reporting . . 5500 lo?n9!) farms reporting,. $1,000 to S'2,499 fanns reporting., $2,500 to !n1,999 farms reporting. . S5,000 toSg.SM farms reporting,, $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting, . $20,000 to ^9,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms rcporti ng . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. , dollers., Under SlOO farms reporlinp.. •^100 to S499 farms reporting . . .«500 to ^999. farrr.s reporting , . ^1,000 or ntore farms reporting. , Ga.soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting., dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting,. SlOO to 1^199 ■. farms reporting.. S500 lo$9!)9 ■,,., farms reporting., 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting,. 55,000 or more farms reporting, , See footnotes at end of table. 9,207 770,38'i ^2,725 8,876 41,026 535 1,699 2,427 75,036 2,420 5,340 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5 5 5,548 375,872 5,219 20,888 486 1,443 2,126 113,907 2,067 4,456 61 150 43 1,746 43 235 3,555 194, 211 3,496 9,477 61 83 631 38,404 2,086 606 2,042 30 44 290 9,404 290 674 35 1,100 35 96 312 15,194 2fl2 752 30 44 no 3,730 110 150 201 ,901 201 355 .49,664 2,606 44,985 2,561 72 318,155 4,235,729 3,U9 78 22,358 1,167 8,402 541 8,019 566 3,067 209 35,567 1,846 89 360,603 1,640,072 24,010 1,376 4,953 285 2,654 147 1,985 31 1,965 7 29,621 1,666 9 160,258 375,620 14,694 896 13,560 741 1,367 29 25,433 1,182 16 586,448 731,436 11,585 585 6,023 256 3,246 124 3,075 166 1,101 32 322 16 67 3 8 6 33,485 1,860 9 241,214 428,117 6,771 420 22,297 1,245 3,518 163 899 32 49,159 2,581 i2 676,423 2,002,356 1,160 61 11,039 654 20,985 1,174 15,830 690 145 2 3 191 12 3 12 3 140 3 5 5 40,000 2 6,650 2 1,100 4 35,400 3,884 1 1 5 19,000 58 4,748 349 58 349 22 1,544 22 158 32 2,284 32 118 25 845 25 58 137 137 809,874 12 41 84 lU 309, M9 59 15 25 11 42,749 33 46 9 121 288,951 5 11 16 57 16 15 101 44,504 12 66 18 5 137 215,144 185 13,980 769 170 729 20 40 80 2,390 80 151 15 360 15 28 120 7,490 100 387 20 40 30 1,405 30 64 40 2,335 40 99 486 486 1,347,353 86 81 249 70 354 482,628 215 90 31 12 6 332 106,627 126 191 15 290 200,295 95 69 57 59 10 386 124,158 41 268 57 20 486 456,994 275 13,530 672 265 668 10 4 140 3,830 140 273 15 190 15 29 95 3,155 85 138 10 4 60 1,965 60 70 34 101 60 210 210 115 4,390 115 158 968 968 1,389,820 1 404 307 206 50 742 549,403 547 133 61 1 672 131,999 350 322 497 153,160 315 106 26 45 5 720 159,565 119 543 53 5 963 760,370 10 220 480 253 100 5,155 239 100 239 40 1,375 40 81 65 2,265 65 109 15 235 15 13 20 1,280 20 36 676 661 541,311 42 423 126 70 430 234,594 359 35 30 6 422 77,305 267 150 5 205 39,390 130 50 20 5 439 74,156 122 287 30 661 420,133 10 192 352 107 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famw. See texl] 51 Item (For definitions and pxplonations, ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODllCH; SOLD BV SOURCE All latin piOdUClS SOltl toUI. dollars/ ai'ora^e ppr fana, rlollars. All crops sold dollars. Fitild crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . Vegetables sold dollars . Fruit£ and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty prt)ducts sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Foultr> and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold lollors. LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. number . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting., number. Milk cows forms reporting.. number., Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. , number., Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule end calves- 1 head farms reporting. , 2 to 4 head faniis reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms ri-|H]rting . . 10 lo 19 head farms re|iurtmg., 20 to 49 head farms ri>porling.. 50 to 99 head farms nfurting.. 100 to 499 head farms re|»rting.. 500 or more head fnmis reponing. , Cows, including heifers that have colved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms rep()rting.. Milk 0OW5- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting.. HofSes and/ot mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Bom before Juno 1 farms reporting . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting.. number. . Riuns and wethers forms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reforting.. number. . Livestock and livestock proilucts sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. numbor. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting., dollars,. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens . . dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial forms 504,390,302 10,153 79,405,033 77,872,567 99,253 6,799 1,426,464 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 378,954,571 44,275 3,263,893 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 11,882 8,270 407 1,058 7,401 11,465 7,531 6,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 41,93 16,826 7,475 1,247 388 80 17 5 14,368 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27,509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 680,473 12,247 1,188,540 12,035 1,148,344 8,615 40,196 38,068 8,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,473,008 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,930 ,128,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,523 15,552,797 F^nnomic doss 20,239,196 7,766 1,707,276 1,700,939 515 397 5,425 18,531,920 811,451 10,417,170 7,303,299 2,595 109,750 2,595 55,050 2,580 47,488 2,473 34,366 2,357 20,334 5 70 303 1,495 617 104 1 5 236 1,217 650 318 79 22 18 10 449 1,272 537 225 65 17 5 612 1,620 1,675 71,318 939 32,132 1,357 39,136 646 21,162 432 6,327 609 14,835 599 14,384 324 451 1,950 415,616 2,597 37,773 4,469,114 1,609 84,877 2,546,310 556 15,593 202,709 2,606 340,717,487 10,417,170 1,660 60,253 1,808 3,345,481 736,007 272,804 54,561 25,462 25,462 247,342 375 190,643 56,324 5 1,152 5 593 5 483 5 449 5 110 3 15 2 117 1 115 1 2 2 632 1 250 2 382 2 370 1 12 3 240 5 372 45,670 1 128 3,840 2 390 5,070 5 4,353,030 190,643 1 45 2 1,500 330 3,515,350 25,659 212,672 211,936 225 11 500 3,302,678 48,912 2,185,055 1,068,7U 137 15,544 137 8,611 137 7,250 132 4,630 131 2,303 5 15 40 59 17 1 52 172 73 3,611 57 5,499 58 3,112 16 843 10 188 16 655 16 639 9 16 96 21,325 137 5.336 645,363 72 U,804 414,120 4 481 6,253 6,298,252 12,959 527,257 522,006 386 4,865 5,770,995 241,014 3,327,611 2,202,370 431 27,269 481 13,394 481 12,128 470 8,905 ///, 4,970 217 243 21 81 222 154 12 6 1 5 11 90 229 141 5 113 334 XI9 18,183 193 8,438 268 9,745 39 3,186 48 615 83 2,571 83 2,502 38 69 320 104,435 486 10,793 1,377,486 303 25,454 763,620 84 3,152 40,976 137 486 7,623,033 99,091,558 2,185,055 3,327,611 82 296 2,599 17,083 34 311 210,380 1,005,725 46,283 221,260 7,019,387 7,252 692,374 692,354 20 6,327,513 330,030 3,326,975 2,670,508 963 39,039 963 18,791 963 16,482 938 12,246 888 8,002 5 50 656 245 7 20 511 332 98 2 45 631 243 44 201 404 661 28,759 391 13,403 561 15,356 267 8,726 191 2,844 257 5,832 247 5,718 141 164 706 166,010 964 12,993 1,553,636 670 33,012 990,360 259 7,058 91,754 963 117,055,941 3,326,975 663 24,811 666 1,354,666 293,027 2,528,609 3,741 209,527 209,527 2,319,082 144,207 1,132,421 1,042,454 676 19,942 676 10,092 676 3,571 661 6,112 611 3,738 20 111 481 m 467 66 27 5 5 167 454 50 150 353 454 12,206 231 3,821 343 8,385 201 6,360 136 1,900 196 4,460 196 4,295 115 165 546 81,857 667 6,218 660,099 433 10,109 303,270 172 4,112 53,456 604,294 1,309 39,984 39,654 270 60 564,310 46,913 254,465 262,932 333 6,804 333 3,569 318 2,569 267 2,024 278 1,211 5 45 142 136 5 155 153 20 5 226 92 93 342 176 3,442 66 906 126 2,536 71 1,415 46 530 55 885 55 860 20 25 279 41,249 338 2,061 181,860 130 2,370 71,100 35 400 5,200 676 334 0,056,971 12,536,954 1,132,421 254,465 423 195 10,775 4,940 495 250 591,650 181,560 130,164 39,943 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms See footnotes at end of table. [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample ot farms. See text] Itein Total all commefCial farms Economic class (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total OassI a ass II Class in Class IV Class V Class VI LI\'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODl)CT&-Conlinued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fams reponinR. . . number of litters... 1 or 2 litters farms reporting . . . 29,798 398,702 2,ai2 10,213 11,333 5,175 697 138 li,576 106,509 27,169 292,193 1,523 14,947 169 697 508 138 11 791 4,614 1,299 10,333 1 13 1 1 13 67 1,408 6 6 17 27 11 47 456 67 952 287 3,876 20 72 139 56 177 1,322 245 2,554 629 6,426 41 277 256 55 356 2,058 558 4,368 414 2,614 62 267 85 170 640 339 1,974 125 610 40 3 to 9 littors farms roporting. . . 75 10 to 19 litters farms reporting . . . 10 on In It tidore .faima renortinE . . • 40 to 69 litters farms reporting ... 70 or more litters farms reporting... June 2 to November 30 farms reporting... '46 number of litters... December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . . . 125 90 LnrViClUWA X *MJ VUJIC Am . ' . . . ■ . ... ■ ............. .... .. . - ....'..^ .1.^... -. -^ number of litters... 485 SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com fat all purposes farms reporting. . . 39,445 4,025,738 383 1,740 5,947 7,626 6,711 17,038 29,239 2,421,844 60,733,103 14,147 24,148,974 2,246 173,459 16 174 502 535 423 596 1,562 89,613 2,119,695 598 542,210 4 814 1 "i 2 116 15,781 1 1 13 10 14 77 68 7,260 273,915 42 86,980 454 43,841 "e 51 105 116 176 322 22,223 641,655 166 206,565 909 70,258 46 192 228 212 231 671 38,607 839,435 275 201,690 543 33,145 10 61 155 167 65 85 361 16,678 279,240 95 38,075 220 acres . . . 9,620 5 11 lo 24 acres farms reporting. . . 60 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. ,. 90 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . . . 25 75 to 99 acres farms reporting... 15 100 or more acres farms reporting. .. 25 Harvested for crain farms reporting . . . 140 bushels... Sales farms reporting.. . 4,845 85,450 20 8,900 acres . . . acres. .. Sales farms reporting. .. 8,237 271,825 4,061 135,722 3,042,624 1,440 1,282,368 328 7,004 145 2,865 55,695 55 15,295 1 30 41 1,380 15 130 7,000 81 1,564 30 500 10,775 5 1,625 130 2,705 60 1,635 24,045 35 9,170 45 920 30 490 10,875 10 4,000 30 405 10 110 3,000 5 500 3,323 31 1 7 12 11 acres. . . 405,895 1,720 100 837 143 640 bushels. . . 6,192,654 28,544 1,000 16,757 2,487 8,300 Sales farms reporting. . . 3,131 26 1 7 7 11 Imshels . . . 5,801,434 26,734 1,000 16,647 2,127 6,960 Durum wheat harvested farms reporting. . . 1,636 93 6 11 31 40 10 acres. . . 59,646 1,968 160 108 675 920 105 bushels . . . 480,698 9,557 800 442 4,050 3,395 870 Sales farms reporting. . . 1,291 67 6 6 25 30 375,161 6,002 675 262 3,560 1,505 Other spring wheat harvested farms reporting. . . 16,113 876 2 19 136 364 264 91 1,347,892 31,607 1,060 1,356 6,692 11,668 8,084 2,747 bushels . . . 10,080,978 189,541 9,600 7,327 62,558 64,569 34,257 11,230 Sales farms reporting... 15,533 699 2 13 126 309 198 51 bushels . . . 8,174,222 147,326 8,160 5,237 54,005 50,383 24,346 5,195 Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 31,916 1,951 4 71 381 805 514 176 1,969,663 101,784 490 5,264 22,735 41,690 24,475 7,130 39,162,783 1,965,758 8,008 164,790 507,625 814,000 382,950 88,385 11,813 563 20 131 236 141 35 bushels . . . 9,498,848 282,010 15,300 94,560 108,775 46,875 14,500 Barley harvested farms reporting... 9,678 421 11 54 185 126 45 acres... 424,964 14,193 389 2,525 5,985 3,874 1,420 5,530,258 144,065 4,500 28,500 75,605 27,710 7,750 Sales. ............................... .farms reporting. 4,529 2,752,850 169 56,030 6 1,850 32 19,200 86 24,940 bushels. . . 45 10,040 Rye harvested .feims reporting. . . 2,270 71 1 'mO 20 IC acres . . . 94,657 1,687 7 1,135 345 200 bushels... 1,236,431 24,655 240 17,550 5,750 1,115 Sales ................................. farms reportins ... 1,910 5^ 1 30 11,605 20 3,100 bushels . . . 1,041,071 14,931 226 Flaxseed harvested farms reporting . . . 9,880 849 33,656 1 170 17^ 1,080 108 5,376 395 16,615 263 9,150 539,525 65 1,265 biishels . . . 3,170,448 170,850 510 10, 580 31,627 94,363 30,555 3,215 Sales .... TBTms ■rPTiiTr+ ir\cr 9,103 720 1 17 96 330 231 -.-.-■—'-.- ... .. ..... ......■...■.•.....••fl.B^ OAUia A c^ux ^±ji^ • . 4 45 bushels. .. Soybeans harvested for beans fanns reporting. 2.732.292 3,675 133,598 216 510 9,200 10 28,475 60 71,683 100 21,275 46 2,45: .acres. . . bushels . . . 122, 147 1,429,599 5,877 50,595 190 3,400 2,050 21,240 2,730 21,250 907 4,705 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5. -Dairy farms [Data are bftsed on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 53 Item (For (IpftnitiCTis and pxplanations, see text) Total all commercial farms F.conomic clasfl SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Cortiniied Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres... Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting. . . acres . . . tcjns. . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons. . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons . . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons . . . Wild hay cut faims reporting... acres . . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons. . . Other hay cut farms reporting . . . acres. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons . . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . acres . . . tons, green weight. . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . . acres^ . . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbeerlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' fanos reporting. .. acres. . . 39,126 1,998,2« 1,803,840 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10,592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,880,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 i83,995 99,253 478 511 156,139 2,221 81,860 82,693 70 725 35 775 490 728 23,790 13,507 5 40 1,123 44,791 27,799 47 655 311 4,823 3,411 5 50 100 400 74 84 14,989 1,661 5 1,455 1,970 2 96 130 16,282 U2 12,987 16,587 5 100 26 1,610 801 22 1,450 1,055 16 135 145 5 100 400 5 75 14,000 478 20,239 22,536 15 290 10 225 190 186 5,714 3,368 5 40 145 6,553 3,799 7 215 71 1,335 737 17 (Z) 3 51 54,635 878 28,932 27,647 35 270 15 190 140 288 8,445 5,774 440 15,280 9,653 10 115 106 1,788 1,X7 5 50 30 6 565 5 20 535 12,922 10,139 5 25 10 360 160 151 5,595 2,249 354 14,495 9,350 15 145 86 1,060 760 16 1 156 193 5,325 3,314 10 40 75 2,330 1,185 161 6,953 3,912 15 180 31 455 382 6 2 117 5 270 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are baaed on repoits for only a sample of faims. See textj Item (For dennitiona and explanaliona, see text) Total all oommercial fanns Economic class FAIiMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . . Percent di stxibution percent . . . Land in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent . . . Average size of farm acres. .. Value of land and buildiniis; Average per farm dollars . . , Average per acre dollars . . . Land in farms according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting. . . acres . . , 1 to 9 acres farms reporting... 10 to 19 acres farms reporung . . , 20 U) 29 acres farms reporting . . , 30 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 ••cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Woodland not pastured forms reporting.. acres. . Other pasture (not cropland and not miodlanil) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . acres , . IiTigaled cropland harvested farms reputing. . acres. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crape fanned on the contour farms reporting.. acres.. Land in slnr>-crapplng systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres.. System of terraces on crop and [lasture land farms leporting . . acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opetators- Wtrting off their falma, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income frcm sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other incone of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold ofwrators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators repcrting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income frcm sources other than farm operated. . ,or>eTaUTS reporting . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . , SO to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . , 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres i number. 2,000 of more acres number . See footnotes at end d table. 49,681 43,256,083 zxx 870.7 43,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 *,987 23,237,458 3,103 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 U6,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128,177 49,294 935 8,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 U,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,272 4,656 1,577 38,108 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 10,804 5,329 4,041 33,757 100.0 25,200,653 100.0 746.5 43,209 57.14 32,947 9,869,021 55 136 119 451 1,999 8,934 17,226 3,508 519 10,318 792,328 15,679 2,419,203 5,926 525,606 4,104 568,625 U,045 1,324,972 1,822 109,892 4,226 56,684 28,318 U,2W,691 2,292 141,050 521 62,849 514 55,540 1,977 104,108 1,836 172,362 2,057 400,313 1,061 88,855 33,571 567 5,744 9,163 8,959 6,940 2,198 46.4 7,400 5,672 686 1,042 1,473 2,986 1,035 26,357 2,532 5,132 864 2.6 2,337,734 9.3 2,705.7 129,746 46.83 362 623,761 5 18 60 368 236 175 278 41,409 333 155,317 179 58,763 103 24,975 205 71,579 81 13,799 136 3,393 664 1,466,253 93 8,000 54 9,177 53 8,554 54 6,702 97 14,448 71 26,608 85 9,620 856 3 127 275 252 149 50 46.2 167 135 14 18 19 55 20 697 47 187 101 1 365 115 5 326 6 386 5 2,764 12 1,161 26 2,177 32 1,831 213 8,240 148 4,135 119 2,1-56 297 2,660 7.9 3,959,512 15.7 1,488.5 77,280 52.09 2,646 1,310,649 6 18 295 1,342 766 219 881 99,762 1,327 304,818 690 105,915 333 53,965 827 144^31 121 13,865 385 6,879 2,212 2,132,843 201 19,691 108 16,604 108 15,662 225 16,605 239 25,227 283 83,432 153 16,110 2,636 32 474 806 717 417 190 45.7 465 389 40 36 72 246 34 2,195 210 499 5 5 5 80 40 120 606 557 575 662 7,841 23.2 7,535,255 29.9 961.0 55,075 57.44 7,800 2,897,788 6 6 41 131 1,081 4,845 1,587 103 2,618 247,469 3,749 661,642 1,680 159,995 955 147,622 2,642 354,025 474 35,336 1,154 16,969 6,665 3,471,592 683 58,401 113 17,042 U7 14,198 645 31,496 539 54,738 704 145,560 297 22,292 7,819 99 1,420 2,461 2,091 1,347 401 45.2 1,668 1,394 113 156 260 761 6,173 514 1,217 12,444 36.9 7,496,237 29.7 602.4 36,410 59.97 J2,289 3,325,485 20 31 93 508 3,499 7,314 803 21 4,015 270,429 5,730 764,942 2,143 140,300 1,426 173,387 4,038 451,255 641 24,960 1,612 18,827 10,494 2,841,070 842 34,012 146 12,969 141 11,594 669 30,608 643 52,366 727 115,997 351 31,577 12,396 181 2,291 3,506 3,476 2,269 673 45.5 2,626 2,194 191 241 586 996 227 9,818 938 1,725 7,958 23.6 3,274,944 13.0 411.5 26,309 61.79 7,596 1,475,755 30 85 51 173 870 3,226 3,049 111 1 2,067 109,685 3,661 406,651 1,033 49,687 980 121,290 2,673 235,674 394 19,107 803 9,506 6,769 1,120,594 418 19,431 85 6,187 35 4,677 332 16,897 255 19,585 240 26,041 139 6,538 7,910 161 1,208 1,801 1,932 1,924 834 48.6 1,998 1,084 323 591 451 791 601 5,960 644 1,259 5 10 50 15 50 180 5 15 50 30 75 135 10 70 220 245 880 1,086 20O 410 350 375 905 595 2,335 4,697 3,325 2,103 3,629 1,597 1,684 1,403 315 834 300 55 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are ba^^ on rpports for only a sample of farms. Seo textl 55 (For itcfinition-< nnd cxplanntions, = Tola) all commercial faims Economic class FMiM"; Bv roix)n *.nd tfatre of operator All farm operatofs: Full (mni-rv number.. P.-ifl nwnor< number.. Ml (ennnts number. , Cnsh len.tnls number,, Shnro-m.^h lennnt^ number. . Crop-shnre tennnLs number, . I.ivestuck-.-'hare tonanrs number. , Other And unsiMVifieil lennnLs number., WhiU" farm operauirs: Full ownerf= number.. . Part owner;' number , , , All tenant;, number. , . Nonwhite farm opcrnlor Full owners nunibtr,,. Part QHni^rs number All tenant.^ numb'r , Porn picker^ ftrnis repjrtin;',. nun lii^r,, Pick. up baierii larm^ r<-|i>rtinL'.. Ficlil forage har%ester;' ,,fnr - re|i>rtinf ., numlier.. Muturlruek? fnmi^ repcrtint;.. Tractors farms reporting* , , Tractors other than i-nnien farms reixirtini:.. 1 tractor farms ro[nnin]>., '2 tractors faniis reporlini:., 3 tractors farms refxirtine . . 4 trnctors farms reportinp.. 5 or nwre tractors fami.s reportintt.. \*^eel tractors farms reportinp . . nuiiib<,r.. Crawler tractors farms ri-portin;; . . number. , Garden tractors faniis reportinj;.. numlier . . Automobiles farms reportinc number . . Automobiles and, or motonrucbs farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Eloctnc milk cooler farms reporting. . Crop dner (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting,, Power^>peratod elevator, conveyor, or blower farms n^portinp.. Farms by kinij of foaiJ on which locateij: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting . . Less than 1 mile to a hair] surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles lo a hard surface load farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms rcponing.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENl'MERATION Hired workers. farms reporting,.. persons... Regular hired workers (employed 150 or nore days) farms repotting... persons . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hirc^J workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 lo 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR ..farms reporting.. . .farms reporting. ,, farms reporting.. ..farms reporting. , , farms reporting. Residing on farm operated operators re(x»ting... Not residing on farm operated j operators reporting . . . Operators not reporting residence number . . . See footnotes at end of table. 13,750 22,267 13,513 835 8,672 2,506 1,0U 436 13,731 22, (Ml 13,41"! 19 266 99 30,514 32,053 30,386 31,268 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,481 47,105 112,636 46,988 110,186 8,832 20,987 11,916 3,614 1,589 46,323 108,320 1,702 1,866 2,306 2,450 47,110 60, 9U 43,811 36,238 32,359 11,100 3,528 760 28,607 5,932 35,287 7,855 887 6,968 858 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 3,602 3,739 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 45,150 3,137 1,394 9,741 15,792 8,153 534 5,420 1,163 802 234 9,740 15,706 3,130 21,311 22,304 21,980 22,645 9,196 9,279 7,869 7,982 25,619 34,292 32,406 79,982 32,333 73,307 5,240 14,304 8,771 2,316 1,202 32,219 77,131 1,075 1,176 1,568 1,675 32,356 42,123 33,343 25,531 22,900 6,561 1,376 435 20,354 3,807 24,509 5,123 566 4,557 609 1,049 349 2,550 4,281 5,705 2,670 3,326 2,241 336 73 31,367 1,506 884 182 504 167 5 75 40 41 6 182 502 167 559 664 600 657 413 440 536 570 817 1,760 852 3,488 346 3,405 18 146 253 2CX) 229 841 3,249 135 156 74 33 837 1,378 862 764 735 82 39 57 665 153 579 124 6 118 13 19 10 76 548 1,000 476 777 334 90 33 752 89 23 580 1,525 538 272 62 580 ,516 538 1,917 2,113 1,912 2,008 1,067 1,079 1,287 1,303 2,429 4,135 2,617 8,643 2,611 3,382 125 683 903 552 343 2,602 3,176 200 206 243 266 2,596 3,372 2,639 2,314 2,179 379 125 95 2,051 333 1,840- 475 43 432 37 96 28 271 982 1,330 757 941 614 121 13 1,604 4,541 1,669 100 1,114 195 224 36 1,604 4,532 1,668 5,489 5,801 5,567 5,750 2,664 2,697 2,714 2,746 6,754 9,516 7,651 21,098 7,648 20,617 622 2,953 2,710 987 371 7,614 20,289 296 328 470 481 7,636 10,444 7,792 6,497 6,053 1,710 518 152 5,490 921 5,619 1,272 116 1,156 111 265 105 675 1,491 1,859 877 998 771 96 9 3,435 5,771 3,229 167 2,239 428 261 84 3,435 5,741 3,214 3,196 3,467 8,499 3,725 3,284 3,239 2,443 2,473 9,423 U,708 12,091 28,589 12,063 28,055 1,677 6,113 3,258 805 215 12,036 27,305 235 250 486 534 12,063 15,268 12,345 9,565 8,661 3,010 543 138 8,337 1,221 9,291 1,325 200 1,625 242 365 104 914 934 1,U9 2,449 151 60 7,397 277 167 445 493 409 27 11,741 425 278 2,918 2,934 2,100 181 1,436 311 93 74 2,918 2,914 2,096 4,275 4,368 4,525 4,618 1,504 1,510 781 732 5,079 5,356 7,424 15,050 7,399 14,737 2,016 3,712 1,405 224 42 7,375 14,584 182 203 243 263 7,411 9,019 7,799 5,336 4,461 1,267 141 33 3,105 906 5,800 1,142 179 963 155 241 67 50O 262 316 99 101 7,288 401 269 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms I Data are based on reports for only a safnpl e of farms. See text j (I-'of (jofinitions and explanations, se^* text) Total all conunercial farms Eoonomic class USE OF COKIMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME roniniefcial fertilizer and fertililin!: material? used dunnc the year famis reportinp . . , acres on which used , . , tons. .. Dry materials farms reportinR. . . tohs . . , Liquid malttinls farms reporting. .. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... acres . . Dry materials farms reportinc. . tons . . Liquid niatefials farms repoftini;. ., Urns.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reportinp . . acres . . Dry mntenals farms reportinp. . tons . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons . . Com f"^s reportinp. . acres . . Dry materials fani>s reportinp.. tons. . Liquid materials farms reportinp. . tons. . Wheat. .............< ...••*.•<•••••>. .farms retxirting.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons . . Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Irish potatoes f,am.s reportint;. . acres . . Di) materials lom.s reporting.. Ions . . Liquid materials firms reporting . . tons . . All other crops farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials farms repcftinc . . Ions.. Liquid materials farms rer farms reporting, , dollars, , Under $200 farms reporting , , $200 to 5999 farms renorting, , 51,000 or more fanm reporting.. Hired labor farms reporung., dollars,.. Under 5200 farms reporting, , 5200 lo 5499 farms reporung., S500 to 5990 farms reporting. . $1,000 Id $-2,499 farms reporting,, 52,500 lo M,999 farms reporung,. 55,0{)0 lo «9,999 farms reporting,, $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting, , $20,000 lo 549,999 farms reporting, , 550,000 or nxire farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, planLs, and trees farms reporting. . dol lars . , Under 5100 fan.is reporting.. "5100 lo 5499 farms reporting.. 5500 to 5999 farTr,s reptrling. , 11,000 or nmre farms reporting, , Gasoline and other pctrt>leum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting,, dollars,. Under $100 farms reporting.. SIQO to .5499 farms reporting. . S500 to $999 , farms repnrting, , 51,000 to 51,999 farms reporting,. 55,000 or more farms reporting,. 9,207 770, 38i 42,725 8,876 il,026 535 1,699 2,427 75,036 2,420 5,340 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5 5 5,548 375,872 5,219 20,868 486 1,443 2,126 113,907 2,067 4,456 61 150 43 1,746 43 235 3,555 194,211 3,496 9,477 61 83 49,664 44,985 72,318,155 3,139 22,358 8,402 8,019 3,067 35,567 89,360,603 24,010 4,953 2,654 1,985 1,965 29,621 9,160,258 14,694 13,560 1,367 25,433 16,586,448 11,585 6,023 3,246 3,075 1,101 322 67 33,485 9,241,214 6,771 22,297 3,518 899 49,159 42,676,423 1,160 11,039 20,985 15,830 145 6,296 525,600 29,792 6,067 28,537 363 1,255 1,607 49,397 1,601 3,681 6 11 272 7,100 267 472 5 5 3,818 263,312 3,591 14,914 326 1,046 1,460 78,736 1,413 3,164 48 120 12 56 12 3 2,441 126,999 2,392 6,303 51 73 33,752 32,113 55,854,199 1,955 15,355 6,172 6,138 2,493 26,202 74,952,431 16,929 3,729 2,109 1,682 1,753 20,460 5,909,929 10,343 9,329 783 17,966 10,945,670 8,311 4,231 2,330 2,121 745 188 31 6 3 23,429 6,362,314 4,663 15,702 2,507 557 33,475 30,242,962 649 6,882 14,219 11,625 100 376 74,780 4,757 347 4,306 40 451 125 8,533 125 612 715 14 4S 302 45,707 270 2,642 40 401 60 7,839 57 257 3 42 126 11,986 125 747 864 849 9,595,658 8 64 49 172 556 775 27,965,592 38 46 47 59 585 550 508,185 124 291 135 792 2,401,580 47 76 104 241 188 102 25 6 3 617 389,417 54 279 175 109 864 1,865,556 22 176 607 57 866 98,306 5,873 825 5,587 86 286 210 6,583 2(B 529 1 1 30 825 25 48 5 5 654 57,223 609 3,284 75 250 181 12,610 173 550 9 18 334 21,065 329 1,176 7 12 2,660 2,591 10,523,140 25 447 434 834 851 2,258 17,308,536 500 332 169 464 773 1,735 840,948 549 969 217 2,120 2,794,313 370 414 378 576 316 61 5 1,990 836,087 165 1,251 422 152 2,651 3,953,396 2 116 640 1,868 25 2,055 179,051 9,546 1,990 9,215 122 331 503 14,754 503 933 77 2,330 77 143 1,311 90,196 1,242 4,855 120 293 472 27,341 465 1,107 7 25 797 44,419 791 2,176 6 13 7,841 7,636 15,373,421 165 2,634 1,625 2,307 705 6,603 15,874,094 3,291 1,278 933 815 266 5,140 1,673,711 2,155 2,745 240 5,227 3,169,535 1,799 1,472 928 821 184 22 1 5,744 1,880,619 710 3,960 912 162 7,805 8,447,855 39 685 3,116 3,951 12 2,114 132,476 7,348 2,050 7,221 80 127 525 13,762 525 1,087 101 2,495 101 183 1,178 56,261 1,117 3,302 66 74 528 23,150 509 977 19 25 662 36,808 835 1,672 27 26 12,444 12,049 14,467,264 643 6,258 2,594 2,173 381 9,949 9,889,068 7,437 1,461 702 272 77 7,806 1,907,744 4,190 3,475 141 6,354 1,908,425 3,715 1,528 657 403 46 8,870 2,149,385 1,736 6,310 719 105 12,401 10,332,813 106 2,210 6,278 3,601 6 780 36,057 1,905 755 1,867 30 38 229 5,400 224 463 5 10 35 550 35 37 328 12,465 313 637 20 24 194 6,846 189 251 5 2 272 10,756 267 478 5 2 7,958 7,352 5,166,624 767 4,877 1,116 592 5,577 3,412,630 4,758 517 203 67 32 4,440 827,549 2,793 1,608 39 2,939 558,064 2,018 623 232 63 3 5,081 929,159 1,521 3,325 213 22 7,831 4,788,408 279 2,946 3,342 1,264 See footnotes at end of tahle. SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms {palA are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj 57 (For definitions and oxplnnations, spp text) Total id I comniBTcial fanns Economic class ESTIMATED VALUE OK PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars. a^oroKe per Tarm. dollars. All crops sold dollars . Field crops, other than vcf;elablt>s and Truits and nuts, sold dollars. Wcclables sold dollars . Fruil.5 and nuts sold dollars. Forest product? and horticultural .specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars . Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. nantbet. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head fiirms reponing. 2 lo 4 head fnmis reporting . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head forms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms re{x>rting. 50 to 99 head farms re{ioning. 100 to 490 head farms re|»ning. 500 or more head farms reporting . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 lo 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 heail forms re(iorting . 50 to 74 head forms reporting . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk cows— 1 head forms reporting . 2 lo 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 lo 49 head farms reporting. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head forms reporting. 100 or nnre head forms reporting. HofSeS and/or mules farms reporting . number . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. Bom since June 1 forms reporting. number. Bom befrxe June 1 fanns reporting . number. Stieep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 yeor old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old ond over forms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number . Rams and wethers forms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and ovei forms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cottle ond colves sold abve forms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep ond lombs sold alive forms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. pounds dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold forms repioiting. dozens . dollars. See footnotes ot end of tobla 504,390,302 10,153 79,405,033 77,872,567 99,253 6,799 1,426,464 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 378,954,571 44,275 3,263,393 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 11,862 8,270 407 1,056 7,401 11,465 7,531 6,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 4,193 16,826 7,475 1,247 388 60 17 5 14,868 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27,509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 680,473 12,247 1,188,540 12,085 1,148,344 6,615 40,196 38,068 6,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,478,008 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,980 1,128,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,528 15,552,797 368,865,619 10,927 34,110,816 34,054,754 14,355 3,362 38,325 334,754,803 12,274,699 12,448,017 310,032,087 31,998 2,437,832 30,069 1,027,203 21,013 139,697 29,684 679,138 30,307 731,491 144 501 727 2,906 10,948 9,842 6,703 227 731 4,400 7,413 5,858 5,600 2,954 1,214 1,699 3,193 12,485 4,674 527 119 15 10,761 33,403 24,402 1,737,202 12,917 620,288 21,437 1,116,914 9,468 1,267,848 7,165 524,062 9,007 743,786 6,696 717,780 6,521 26,006 27,389 6,220,061 32,156 1,328,943 226,193,166 24,315 2,138,280 64,148,400 9,075 1,203,339 15,643,407 16,247 580,097,102 12,448,017 22,563 697,968 24,746 50,311,079 11,068,433 62,760,066 72,639 3,231,559 3,226,124 2,320 540 575 59,528,507 441,767 289,092 58,797,646 820 260,725 557 66,381 439 2,424 632 70,966 767 123,378 4 2 14 36 90 501 157 54 110 32 20 49 33 20 239 U5 265 37 10 6 6 419 2,738 558 78,245 291 26,669 466 51,576 194 156,636 155 114,518 153 42,118 151 40,911 101 1,207 538 167,118 652 229,557 50,214,266 570 119,938 3,598,140 192 348,908 4,535,804 164 11,293,595 289,032 396 24,154 428 1,739,131 382,610 71,441,532 26,853 6,660,468 6,651,185 1,U4 199 7,970 64,781,064 1,245,066 996,436 62,539,562 2,515 409,647 2,100 153,545 1,448 8,848 2,227 118,650 2,330 137,452 8 37 31 32 249 6U 1,492 55 259 220 155 230 298 202 647 320 818 216 58 27 9 1,175 5,158 1,869 222,642 1,126 68,433 1,639 134,209 683 213,062 521 113,348 615 99,734 596 96,174 444 3,560 1,995 570,681 2,630 267,091 50,320,338 1,899 298,759 8,962,770 655 205,701 2,674,113 830 40,644,447 996,436 1,585 90,429 1,743 4,856,750 1,068,464 107,920,537 1J,764 11,373,974 11,357,238 1,599 862 14,275 96,546,563 3,429,953 3,639,975 89,476,635 7,559 753,108 6,993 327,438 4,852 34,649 7,040 210,121 7,292 215,549 20 104 53 159 1,456 2,794 2,956 13 180 534 915 1,005 1,721 1,266 676 676 847 2,575 1,121 236 73 3,119 9,744 5,665 515,979 3,314 191,780 5,298 324,199 2,119 327,022 1,665 113,673 2,009 213,349 1,990 206,347 1,516 7,002 6,383 1,625,203 7,630 365,925 63,950,007 5,909 702,873 21,086,340 2,046 256,303 3,331,939 3,568 160,741,176 3,639,975 5,325 239,561 5,766 14,198,462 3,153,660 92,142,231 7,405 9,630,951 9,609,568 7,727 641 13,015 82,511,280 4,763,003 5,226,128 72,522,149 11,967 698,948 11,566 329,067 8,436 58,901 11,372 191,331 11,479 178,550 55 122 216 784 4,703 4,523 1,562 2 197 1,174 2,971 2,890 2,761 1,176 290 127 1,092 4,966 2,158 207 13 3,674 9,984 9,602 632,313 5,157 221,355 8,513 410,958 3,659 370,817 2,794 121,261 3,545 249,556 3,506 240,724 2,646 8,832 10,602 2,448,192 12,040 316,496 45,614,341 9,646 745,897 22,376,910 3,557 254,469 3,308,097 7,032 252,605,610 5,226,128 9,003 349,478 9,820 19,709,565 4,336,100 31,178,893 3,918 2,904,712 2,899,569 1,520 1,133 2,490 28,274,181 2,105,915 2,079,263 24,089,003 7,436 276,856 7,208 132,482 4,844 30,345 6,918 76,216 7,037 68,158 25 138 234 1,314 3,835 1,706 182 156 1,503 2,793 1,588 981 155 23 9 673 3,048 1,107 16 2,026 4,944 5,454 255,158 2,554 81,568 4,692 173,590 2,240 161,950 1,608 48,492 2,133 U3,458 2,112 109,116 1,462 4,342 6,436 1,209,201 7,415 115,203 14,569,276 5,359 247,961 7,438,830 2,113 116,413 1,513,369 3,914 103,673,604 2,079,263 5,262 169,569 5,782 6,622,492 1,696,949 3,422,360 1,720 309,152 3(»,070 75 7 3,113,208 268,995 217,123 2,607,090 1,701 38,546 1,625 16,290 994 4,530 1,495 11,854 1,402 8,404 20 96 191 603 667 U.6 8 55 820 482 200 56 6 3 1 L46 813 35 366 635 1,034 32,365 475 10,483 809 22,382 573 38,341 422 12,770 552 25,571 542 24,508 340 1,063 1,385 199,666 1,539 12,671 1,524,940 932 22,847 685,410 512 21,545 280,085 719 11,138,470 217,123 992 24,757 1,209 1,184,679 260,630 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DMA are baaed on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] (For definiticns and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Conlinued Litters latrowed Oecemlier 1. 1958, to Novemlier 30, 1959. . . .farms reportmc. number of Utters. 1 cr 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 httere 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more liUers June 2 to November 30. December I to Jut 1. . . . .farms reporting . . . .farms reporting . , , . -farms reportinp., .. .farms reporting. . . . . farms reporting . . . .farms reporting . . . , .farms reporting . number of litters. . . . farms reporting . number of litters . SPEaFIED CROPS HABVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Total all commercial farms Under 11 acres. . , 11 to 24 acres ... 25 to 49 acres . . . SO to 74 acres . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . loo or more acres Harvested for grain arms reporting . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporti ng . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reportinp. . ; reporting . . 'arms reporting . . acres , . bushels.. Sales farms reportinp . . bushels. . Soi^hums for all purposes farms reporting.. acres . . Harvested for grain or seed fanas reporting,, acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting., bushels , , Winter wheat harvested f arois reporting , . acres,, bushels , , Sales • farms reporting. . bushels . , Durum wheat harvested farms reporting , . acres. . bushels . , Sales farms reporting. . bushels , . Other spring wheat harvested fanns reporting.. acres. . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting , , bushels, . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . I^e harvested farms reporting,. acres . . bushels . . Sales faims reporting. . bushels . . Flajcseed harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels , , Sales fanns reporting . . bushels , , Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting , , acres, , bushels . , See footnotes at end of table. 29,798 398,702 2,242 10,213 11,333 5,175 697 138 U,576 106,509 27,169 292,193 39,U5 4,025,738 383 1,740 5,947 7,626 6,711 17,038 29,239 2,421,84i 60,733,103 14,147 24,148,974 8,237 271,825 4,061 135,722 3,042,624 1,440 1,282,368 3,323 405,895 6,192,654 3,131 5,801,434 1,636 59,646 480,698 1,291 375,161 18,11.3 1,347,892 10,080,978 15,533 8,174,222 31,916 1,969,663 39,162,783 11,813 9,498,848 9,678 424,964 5,630,258 4,529 2,752,850 2,270 94,657 1,236,431 1,910 1,041,071 9,680 539,525 3,170,4,48 9,103 2,732,292 3,675 122,147 1,429,599 Economic class 23,222 335,416 1,437 7,148 9,231 4,621 661 124 11,479 88,099 21,4A9 247,317 27,917 2,935,873 274 1,189 3,990 5,198 4,671 12,595 19,527 1,576,509 36,647,143 6,848 8,960,395 6,632 215,999 3,054 98,601 2,010,208 781 508,366 2,U8 203,728 2,738,040 1,984 2,504,127 1,012 37,866 260,344 776 186,865 12,138 896,722 6,072,699 10,081 4,712,371 21,371 1,336,056 25,039,625 5,861 4,039,967 6,135 251,715 3,110,458 2,102 1,069,467 1,381 52,862 641,903 1,091 505,123 5,354 256,884 1,373,987 4,799 1,143,385 1,511 41,361 482,615 463 13,402 20 93 96 143 86 25 252 3,987 424 9,415 731 178,785 5 7 20 36 55 608 510 89,344 2,954,061 184 776,790 224 19,105 85 5,506 157,635 20 28,660 125 30,633 523,688 124 490,794 26 1,927 15,142 22 11,439 260 51,393 422,333 231 357,136 501 53,309 1,286,448 159 255,990 190 17,477 241,987 93 104,032 32 5,694 79,022 24 60,466 109 8,670 48,750 99 43,524 60 2,040 36,300 1,751 40,950 63 236 553 6X 231 34 987 12,013 1,622 28,937 2,268 373,168 8 20 111 151 258 1,720 1,583 186,374 5,374,801 611 1,535,717 677 37,719 264 14,063 323,950 77 88,707 366 57,691 866,685 352 810,075 72 4,270 31,983 63 27,001 972 124,727 1,063,609 910 898,332 1,582 121,901 2,921,413 436 527,246 568 31,059 505,010 206 179, U5 82 5,252 69,323 75 60,409 445 28,551 197,724 425 176,617 114 4,148 65,878 5,639 100,835 204 1,106 2,246 1,813 225 45 3,056 26,892 5,324 73,943 6,818 872,659 10 123 455 912 1,058 4,260 4,699 452,808 11,577,855 1,920 3,146,632 1,746 60,283 739 25,946 537,395 197 103,475 710 62,408 759,572 662 686,339 237 11,060 83,660 200 62,502 3,094 282,164 2,048,837 2,704 1,638,702 5,136 352,481 7,493,173 1,550 1,353,944 1,611 77,233 1,072,365 626 412,481 329 14,264 192,280 264 150,542 1,312 78,944 461,303 1,219 393,380 457 14,182 189,477 9,293 123,664 498 2,753 4,259 1,669 94 20 4,619 31,898 8,649 91,766 10,633 994,572 62 353 1,609 2,172 2,067 4,370 7,483 552,796 11,742,608 2,700 2,714,133 2,538 67,522 1,233 36,043 701,176 314 137,118 680 42,567 489,680 639 429,582 428 14,071 92,883 324 63,678 4,811 307,600 1,881,507 3,948 1,389,523 8,405 517,168 8,968,443 2,375 1,357,367 2,314 85,034 917,406 753 288,794 576 18,356 203,727 446 159,475 2,075 92,748 462,603 1,859 375,598 585 15,276 144,750 5,167 50,990 474 2,397 1,919 352 25 2,226 11,927 4,633 39,063 6,205 447,560 109 519 1,386 1,624 1,077 1,490 4,402 253,382 4,410,173 1,313 749,318 1,191 25,025 590 13,149 230,732 118 136,076 202 8,859 84,245 188 75,637 223 5,212 31,495 141 19,309 2,476 114,075 574,228 1,943 384,906 4,819 253,034 3,838,898 1,110 478,330 1,233 35,325 323,349 368 77,755 304 7,834 88,106 242 68,481 1,171 39,956 176,485 1,031 135,421 245 4,820 40,380 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms I Data are bdsed nn reports for only a sample of fanns. Sep text J 59 (For tlrfinilmns anil i'\pli TnUl all cwnmofcml fapns SPECIFIED CROrS H*R\^'!TED-ronlinu.-.l Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. , . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting. . . acres... tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons . . , Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting... acres... tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons , . . Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay fauns reporting... acres . . . tons . . . Sales famis reporting . . . tons . . . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . . acres . . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons . . . Other hay cut farms reporting. . . acres . . . tons . . . Sales farms reporting.. . tons . . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting... acres... tons , green weight . . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting... Bcres^ . . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees ^ fanns reporting . . . acres.. . 4,515,978 39,126 1,993,244 1,808,840 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10,592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,860,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 483,995 169 99,253 478 511 3,559,141 28,302 1,529,805 1,326,866 1,290 50,581 652 26,626 20,679 14 330 8,765 417,124 218,991 109 2,703 17,547 1,496,980 756,938 518 19,151 3,293 86,964 62,106 112 3,264 45 1,642 7,646 1,322 809 56,330 14,355 336 398 251,144 795 104,400 105,807 77 6,093 12 1,190 1,360 215 18,489 14,515 1 8 406 120,472 60,531 13 1,648 58 5,546 3,482 29 1,047 5,066 31 45 3,756 3 2,320 20 33 514,779 2,457 233,222 219,024 187 11,601 37 2,338 1,962 1 50 748 48,598 30,664 10 553 1,358 218,014 m,175 63 3,578 279 12,207 8,514 13 638 5 400 1,600 87 31 2,538 9 1,114 1,052,908 6,978 457,557 392,042 443 16,444 173 8,135 6,523 1 150 2,273 122,667 62,887 45 1,360 4,272 437,122 219,812 178 6,862 956 27,412 19,402 42 1,231 336 192 12,191 13 1,599 114 172 1,137,175 10,717 487,437 411,159 356 11,499 266 8,737 6,206 5 50 3,293 143,852 72,058 38 557 6,758 470,258 241,470 182 5,550 1,197 26,816 20,787 31 485 5 75 625 525 178 17,833 48 7,727 133 135 519,434 6,118 210,715 172,552 212 4,684 124 5,121 3,938 2 40 1,900 73,128 33,421 15 225 3,961 216,887 107,592 66 1,198 697 13,478 8,861 26 910 5 105 315 268 260 15,457 11 1,520 1,237 36,474 26,282 15 260 40 1,105 690 5 40 336 10,390 5,446 792 34,227 16,358 16 315 111 1,505 1,060 75 103 4,555 5 75 (Z) 2 Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 5.— Livestock ranches [Data are bused on repoiis for only a sample of Taims. See text) (For definitions and enplanations. see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class FAI»6, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.-. Forcfnt distribution percent. . . Land in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent... Averflge si re of farm acres . . , Value of land and bujidincs; Averace per farm dollars .. . Average per acre dollars. .. Land in farms according to use: Cropland hftr^ested farms reporting... acres . . . 1 Lo 9 acres farms reporting. . , in to 19 acres farms reporting ._. , 20 In 29 acres ...''. farms rcportiDP . . , 30 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 t£t 99 acres farms reporting. . . 100 lo 199 -cres farms reporting . . 200 lo 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting... 1.000 or more acres farms reporting. . , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . , acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms rer>orting^ . acres . . . Cultivated summer fallo* farms reporting. . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting- . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland pastured forms reporting. . acres . . Woodland not pastured f.imis reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) forms report ing . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops lorms reporting.. ocres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres . . Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number.. 35 lo 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 lo 64 years number . . 65 or more years number . . Averaee age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opefators- Working off their farms, total opernlors reporting. . 1 to 99 doys operators reporting. . 100 lo 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reprrting. . With other members of family working off farm operators repwting. . With income fran sources other than form operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other incane of family exceeding value of agricultural producla sold operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to w»k off their forms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than form operated. . .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 160 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 2«0 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end rf table. 49,681 XXX 43,256,033 XXX 870.7 43,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 39,987 23,237,488 3,113 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 146,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128,177 49,294 935 8,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 11,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,272 4,656 1,577 38,108 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 10,804 5,329 4,041 2,342 100.0 11,633,912 100.0 4,967.5 91,992 19.07 1,852 376,975 14 65 69 141 338 539 557 IQO 29 453 206,317 839 176,243 330 31,020 267 57,712 470 87,511 161 82,330 66 5,752 2,258 10,636,813 76 38,780 190 23,477 185 20,359 39 2,995 77 8,106 135 20,036 96 10,210 2,306 29 322 541 595 480 339 49.3 472 294 68 110 95 199 77 1,370 194 378 15 40 101 177 419 1,590 209 8.9 3,682,648 31.7 17,620.3 307,643 17.58 184 95,534 1 5 11 27 74 41 25 35 13,746 78 28,911 38 7,116 20 4,705 42 17,090 13 6,200 4 374 207 3,492,241 8 15,978 43 9,525 43 8,176 5 805 17 4,805 7 1,356 203 3 26 47 51 48 26 49.6 19 7 177 5 204 370 15.8 2,653,827 22.8 7,172.5 142,602 19.98 308 87,804 1 1 3 8 32 69 153 37 4 67 61,847 144 30,396 77 9,879 28 4,087 86 16,430 21 9,672 19 1,805 358 2,427,391 20 9,326 43 5,188 41 4,676 14 1,020 41 5,230 13 1,336 367 1 41 89 110 68 58 50.3 57 29 8 20 12 31 12 313 27 62 15 18 332 632 27.0 2,781,210 23.9 4,400.6 82,761 19.12 550 102,757 4 11 9 31 90 172 215 18 132 68,220 250 51,601 98 8,184 71 14,024 151 29,393 41 37,574 23 906 617 2,481,877 21 5,879 57 5,765 55 4,978 13 938 29 3,316 41 5,550 36 3,664 624 5 97 169 152 125 76 48.5 535 67 78 529 645 27.5 ,665,420 14.3 2,582.0 50,038 20.15 " 501 64,134 2 21 20 64 120 180 90 133 40,861 213 38,266 81 3,941 72 18,355 114 15,970 39 15,707 9 1,225 627 1,483,247 18 6,719 35 2,075 35 1,994 10 328 21 2,631 25 3,022 21 1,886 634 13 98 139 170 120 94 48.8 161 115 21 25 39 65 19 484 59 89 13 20 76 176 363 358 15.3 668,793 5.7 1,868.2 35,723 20.39 237 22,099 6 21 23 29 58 76 24 70 17,384 123 22,598 28 1,692 62 13,504 65 7,402 32 10,687 8 385 334 588,282 6 386 11 524 10 475 1 20 10 1,374 11 1,388 355 2 48 72 76 74 83 51.1 257 24 62 41 66 105 131 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5. -Livestock ranches [DaU are based on rpfrerts for only a sample of farms. See lexL 1 61 Ileni (For liefinitions and oxplannlions, ^oe li>\t) FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full ()»nor< nurrbor.. Part nw ners number . . VII Iennn(5 number.. Cash tenants number.. i^hnre-cnsh tenants number. . Crop-?hare tonanb. number.. I.ivestook-share tenants; number.. Other and unspocifirxl tenants numl)er. . Wbit« form operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number. . ' Al I tenants number. . Nonwhite farm operator^ Full owners number. . Part owners number . . All tenants number . . SPF.OFTCD FXjmPMENT AND FArn.lTIF^ AND KtND OF ROAD Grain combines farms n-prflinc. . number, . Corn pickers farms rcportinj^ . . nuniber.. Pii-k-up balers farms reportint:.. numlier , . Field forage bar\ esters fiunis reporting. . numlHY, . Motortrucks farms roptirlinft . . number . . Tractrrs farms reporting.. number.. Tractors other than t^anlen farms reportinc.. numlier. . 1 tractor farms reportin," . . 'J tractors famis reportini;. . 3 tractors farms retturtine . . 4 tractors farms reportinp. . .1 of more tractors farms refiortinit . . Wheel tractors farms repurtinp . . number.. Oawler tractors. farms reponinft.. Garden tractors farms returting.. number. . Automobiles farms rcfwrtinc.. number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks forms rvfiortjng.. Telephone. farms reporting.. Home freeeer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler fatms reporting.. Oop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting.. PoweTKiperated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of toad on which located: Hard surface. farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale fnrns reporting.. Dirt or unin^iroved. farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface rood farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad. farms rcpixting.. Imile.... farms reporting . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 er mere miles farms refurting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers. farms reporting. . peraons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or ir^ire days) farms reporting.. persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hirsd wortiera: 1 hir<>d worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. S to 9 hired workers farms repcrting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated.. operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated..... operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence....................... See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial forms 13,750 22,267 13,513 835 8,672 2,506 1,0U ^^6 13,731 22,001 13,A14 19 266 99 30,514 32,053 30,386 31,268 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,431 47,105 112,636 46,988 110,186 8,882 20,987 11,916 3,614 1,589 46,823 108,320 1,702 1,866 2,306 2,450 47,110 60,911 48,811 36,238 32,359 11,100 3,528 760 28,607 5,982 35,287 7,855 887 6,968 358 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 8,602 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 9 45,150 3,137 1,394 Economic class 445 1,546 306 161 42 16 439 1,371 236 6 175 70 475 512 194 197 528 551 170 188 2,050 3,231 2,057 4,916 2,051 4,788 572 786 401 158 U4 2,033 4,525 227 263 125 128 1,990 2,638 2,283 1,002 1,469 36 7 5 365 174 751 1,387 90 1,297 89 189 67 952 581 941 416 643 2,036 193 113 168 12 U 167 12 54 61 17 17 95 110 28 33 204 577 200 832 200 820 18 31 40 36 75 199 746 62 74 12 194 387 208 122 175 6 1 21 79 107 5 102 2 12 6 82 162 402 138 311 49 271 42 23 7 5 3 4 49 265 41 86 97 28 28 120 126 52 57 359 667 346 1,010 345 976 40 129 83 52 36 343 898 60 78 33 34 335 497 366 183 276 15 3 29 125 213 204 12 26 12 154 164 223 142 175 112 27 3 312 36 22 85 462 72 32 5 2 18 15 85 445 66 152 159 64 67 176 178 54 59 579 856 593 1,463 593 1,417 98 263 162 53 17 590 1,355 57 62 45 46 579 732 626 282 477 27 2 1 111 46 222 358 22 336 16 49 17 254 149 190 86 102 128 424 128 361 125 136 56 56 86 86 IB 20 560 731 563 1,070 559 1,051 194 263 83 15 554 1,023 27 23 18 19 528 613 630 265 365 19 1 1 78 191 404 33 371 34 55 20 262 531 35 29 124 169 64 46 1 119 112 41 275 316 293 454 292 440 130 82 26 2 2 286 423 271 321 345 116 145 24 103 225 IS 207 19 41 10 137 296 40 22 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5.— Livestock ranches IDala are biLsetl on reporUi for only a sample of farm's. S**- leu ', (lor .lofinilit Itpm i and pxplai ilion.s, •spc Irtt) Total all oommorcial fanns Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZEI! AND UME Commprrial fi>rtili?pr anil fcrtilizinc maUTials used dunnf! the >enr fam.s reportinp . . . acres on which used. .. tons . . , Dr> malorials farms rrportinc. . . tons... Liqui.l iTiat.TinIs farms reixxting... Icins. .. Crops on whirh used— Hay and cropland pjislur.' farms reportinR... acres . . . Dry malenats farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons.. . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting... acres . . . Dr> materials fanns re[jortinc... t«ns... Liquid materials farms reporting... Ions . . . Com farms reporting... acrts . . . Dry materials farT..s reporting. . . tons... Liquid materials farms repnrtinc... Wheat farms reixrling... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting... Ions... Liquid materials farms repcrting... tons... IlTish potatoes fam.s reporting.. . acres. ., Dry materials fum.s reporting, . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... All other cnips fnrms reporting. . , Dry materials farms repoctmg. . . Ions . . , Liquid materials farms rpncftinc . . . Irtns... Lime or liming materials used durinc the year farms reporting. . , acres limed. ., tons . . SPECIFIED F4RM EXPENDITL'RES Any of the folloiving specified expenditures farms reporting. . Fee 500 or more head fami- nisininu Cows, including heifors that have calved— 1 head fimiis rcfiortin;! . 0 to 9 head farms rcfMirtiiii.'. 10 to 19 heiul farms re|srtini> 20 to 29 head farms ro|iirtini! . no to 49 head fanns reportinf: 50 to 74 hciul farms rc|Mininit 75 to 99 head famis reportini;. 100 or more head fanns reiwimn!;. Milk cows- 1 head famis re|H]rtinL' 2 to 9 head farms report mi:. 10 to 19 head farm- reportini;. 20 to 29 head fanii- repiinine SO to 19 head fanns rei»iriin;t 50 lo 74 head fanns reponinj;. 75 to 99 heail fanes re(i>rtini:. 100 or more head fartns re|M>nini! HofSes and, or mules farms n-pon mc Hogs and pigs fanns reininini:. numU-r Bom since June 1 farms reporting nuniher Bom hefore June 1 farms reportini: Sheep and iambs farms o'lmrtmi: Lambs under 1 year old fanns rcixirtiag numlier Sheep 1 year old and over farms reportiai: numlier Ewes farms reportiai> nuniher Rams and wethers farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and ovet fanns repirtmc. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reportini: number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting numlier dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms re|iortini> nunitier ikilLars Milk and cream sold farms reporting jNiunds dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms ri.]iorting ilor.ens dollars See footnotes at end of tabla 50i,390,3O2 10,153 79,405,083 77,872,567 99,253 6,799 1,426, 464 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 373,954,571 44,275 3,263,393 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 11,882 8,270 407 1,058 7,401 11,465 7,531 6,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 4,193 16,826 7,475 1,247 338 17 14,868 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27, 509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 680,473 12,247 1,138,540 12,085 1,148,344 8,615 40,196 38,068 8,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,478,008 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,980 1,128,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,528 15,552,797 42,710,540 18,237 851,440 811,878 1,773 575 37,214 41,859,100 112,515 202,718 41,543,867 2,216 471,221 2,169 232,831 1,249 4,079 2,012 124,331 2,114 114,059 13 43 35 89 233 394 1,231 178 49 146 135 122 270 311 301 835 449 733 56 1,902 16,963 465 13,586 247 5,023 349 8,563 681 431,218 424 96,393 658 334,825 651 324,176 529 10,649 1,396 84,464 2,233 242,541 34,701,762 368 21,403 642,240 652 337,423 4,386,499 414 9,264,213 202,718 381 8,566 625 435,397 95,787 16,843,590 80,591 244,497 231,862 135 12,500 16,599,093 3,993 17,914 16,577,136 190 139,974 177 58,157 125 376 161 38,615 179 43,202 4 2 2 2 5 69 106 5 5 142 193 4,992 39 1,799 23 326 29 973 63 128,958 44 36,310 60 92,648 60 89,551 49 3,097 102 4,607 200 86,952 14,690,207 28 3,418 102,540 63 94,438 1,227,694 27 686,380 17,914 20 421 40 13,646 3,002 10,428,168 28,184 271,805 265,135 200 90 6,380 10,156,363 27,447 48,526 10,080,390 347 108,292 342 55,221 212 729 319 28,397 .338 24,674 5 1 5 14 28 232 62 27 19 19 2U, 74 123 12 1 2 339 2,959 67 2,510 33 1,120 57 1,390 134 134,653 81 29,029 130 105,624 125 102,244 113 3,380 210 13,030 352 56,728 7,931,471 57 4,261 127,330 131 113,073 1,469,949 50 2,004,135 .'.8,526 56 1,438 82 113,811 25,038 9,172,756 14,514 207,333 205,405 1,340 158 430 8,965,423 29,634 46,747 8,889,042 613 123,168 596 64,508 388 1,206 568 32,060 597 26,600 5 3 7 14 32 56 437 24 18 15 30 63 95 343 145 227 15 1 559 3,876 137 4,700 68 1,354 110 3,346 198 98,422 124 19,461 195 78,961 193 76,332 153 2,629 390 25,335 609 56,867 7,202,400 105 7,565 226,950 167 79,667 1,035,671 132 2,564,389 46,747 114 2,014 192 115,584 25,429 4,712,245 7,306 103,049 87,049 33 91 15,876 4,609,196 31,934 68,850 4,508,412 613 71,177 608 33,826 331 1,179 569 17,917 536 14,434 7 9 7 20 71 152 346 15 30 35 31 110 159 131 97 122 IBS 18 6 437 3,234 151 3,434 85 1,315 103 2,119 169 51,664 110 3,056 160 43,603 160 42,379 139 1,229 399 24,895 614 30,838 3,685,137 108 4,178 125,340 159 37,343 435,524 142 3,013.419 68,850 105 2,411 180 128,157 28,194 1,366,425 3,817 21,427 20,598 200 101 528 1,344,998 11,793 19,420 1,313,735 334 24,218 332 U,311 150 432 298 5,999 318 4,403 12 12 28 58 134 236 1,360 49 843 25 293 35 550 32 15,309 46 3,079 81 12,230 81 11,976 49 254 223 12,483 346 9,780 1,054,562 58 1,803 54,240 81 11,229 145,977 57 911,290 19,420 61 1,732 104 41,781 9,192 187,356 1,464 3,329 1,829 1,500 134,027 7,714 1,261 175,052 119 4,392 114 2,303 43 107 97 1,343 96 741 1 10 6 20 56 19 7 9 29 35 20 11 5 18 24 1 542 22 300 13 115 15 185 35 2 ,212 19 458 32 1 ,754 32 1 694 21 60 72 4 114 112 1 ,376 137,985 12 178 5 ,340 31 1 668 21 634 6 77 550 1 261 25 550 27 22 418 4 932 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5.— Livestock ranches [Data are based on mpona for only a sample of fanns. See LeyLl) (For dormilions and cxplnnntions, see text) Total all commercial faims LIYESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODllCTS-Continued Litters farrowed Oecemlier 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. .. .farms rcpottlnc... numlier of litters . . . 1 of -2 litters farms reporting . . . .3 to 9 litters farms repottinp . . . 10 lo la litters farms rppottinc . . . 20 to 39 litters farms reportine... 40 to 69 litters farms reporlinR .. 70 or more litters farms reporting... June 'J [o November 30 farms reporting... number of litters.., December 1 Lo June 1 farms rcpottine . . . number of litters, . . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . . . acres . . . I'nder 11 acres farms reporting . . . 11 to 24 acres farms reporting . . . 25 to 49 ncres farms reporting , . . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting... 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 or more acres farms reporting... Harvested for grain farms reporting . . . acres . . . bushels... Sales farms reporting.. , bushels... Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . . acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . Sales fains reporting. . bushels. . Winter wheat harvested faTins reporting.. acres. . btishels.. Sales fanns reporting.. bushels.. Durujt wheat harvested fanns reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Other spring wheat harvested farms reportit^g.. acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Barley harvested fanns reporting . , acres., bushels . , Sales farms reporting . . bushels.. Rye harvested faims reporting. . acres., bushels . , Sales farms reporting;., btishels . , ?laxseed harvested... farms reporting. acres . , bushels . Sales fanns reportirig. bushels. See footnotes at end of table. 29,798 398,702 2,2i2 10,213 11,333 5,175 697 138 l-i,576 106,509 27,169 292,193 39,445 4,025,738 383 1,740 5,947 7,626 6,711 17,038 29,239 2,421,844 60,733,103 14,147 24,148,974 8,237 271,825 4,061 135,722 3,042,624 1,440 1,282,368 3,323 405,895 6,192,654 3,131 5,801,434 1,636 59,646 480,698 1,291 375,161 18,113 1,347,892 10,080,978 15,533 8,174,222 31,916 1,969,663 39,162,783 11,813 9,498,848 9,678 424,964 5,630,258 4,529 2,752,850 2,270 94,657 1,236,431 1,910 1,041,071 9,880 539,525 3,170,448 9,103 2,732,292 348 2,897 117 132 63 27 7 2 176 841 274 2,056 268 15,564 27 33 94 46 27 41 31 974 33,050 4 3,030 118 6,040 5 475 20,524 1 19,464 140 9,405 172,007 129 163,372 6 109 922 3 517 190 14,649 120,254 146 103,257 216 8,664 138,295 19 8,705 64 2,561 35,100 7 3,185 13 429 6,693 10 5,503 10 570 2,450 10 2,350 28 367 13 67 23 300 33 4,525 253 12,935 14 2,005 1 300 19,464 1 19,464 1 29 218 35 335 42 2,534 1 5 16 7 6 204 11,200 2 1,450 23 1,182 19 37 2,844 3,351 51,810 65,850 19 36 49,360 64,316 1 1 7 60 70 400 1 400 27 39 4,457 3,626 37,434 27,891 26 35 33,132 25,311 26 44 2,010 2,007 33,480 28,050 5 3 3,675 1,040 9 10 799 325 6,485 7,575 2 1 1,250 85 3 190 3,720 3 3,280 1 2 50 250 200 1,000 1 2 100 1,000 108 382 32 41 23 11 1 'so 183 89 699 92 4,863 6 14 27 23 10 12 10 302 4,430 1 280 45 1,839 4 175 1,060 34 1,787 34,425 32 32,414 2 21 260 1 100 68 4,009 37, 561 50 31,946 64 2,379 39,580 5 2,150 25 827 14,105 1 350 5 156 1,700 4 1,U0 2 60 250 2 250 113 847 50 31 23 3 6 '58 326 61 2,582 5 7 29 11 7 2 8 180 3,805 1 1,300 28 812 31 1,023 16,938 30 15,225 2 21 192 1 17 41 2,115 14,115 28 10,676 57 1,613 27,550 2 970 14 508 6,165 3 1,500 1 30 823 1 823 5 210 1,000 5 1,000 40 211 11 21 33 31 178 27 942 3 1 2 35 680 7 182 153 1,989 6 1,752 14 428 3,203 7 2,192 22 598 8,795 3 820 53 450 2 290 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5. -Livestock ranches |DatA are hdsed nn reports for only a siamplp nf fami'5, Spi^ ipkI [ 65 id rxplnniition!:, sco tPM) TnUI all commcrciftl fann^ F.conomic class SPEriFlED CROPS lUmtirrED-ronlirunl Hay crops: Land froiD which hay was cut acres... Alfalfa and alfalfa mirtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . acres... tons.. . Sales farms reporting. . . tons . . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting... acres. . . tons... Sales f anus reporting. . . tons . . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . . acres. . . tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons. . . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons... Sales farms reporting . . . tons... Other hay cut farms reporting . . . acres. . . tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons . . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... acres.. . tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for home xise or for sale farms reporting... acres^.. bushels ... Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchar-is, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres. . . 39,126 1,998,244 1,808,840 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10,592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,880,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 483,995 99,253 478 511 317,838 1,296 U3,316 109,275 42 2,236 42 3,331 2,746 321 15,315 8,577 9 135 975 145,155 79,929 15 1,621 141 10,721 5,890 48 28 1,476 7 1,773 24 31 156 37,015 32,934 5 351 2 450 395 34 2,727 1,495 2 125 102 33,781 18,255 3 63 14 3,662 1,935 4 394 74,585 250 37,219 25,455 10 1,220 975 3,024 1,587 1 20 171 30,026 16,969 4 1,118 35 3,096 1,856 5 2 66 1 200 421 42,254 30,230 13 988 12 902 559 109 5,250 2,819 275 36,331 20,085 1 100 39 1,853 900 13 9 398 1,340 55,275 328 20,971 16,410 15 345 10 513 625 3,601 2,221 259 28,665 14,698 38 1,525 ?01 17 10 521 19,697 112 4,842 3,234 6 155 85 28 607 387 5 30 131 13,518 8,115 1 10 575 290 1 200 29 1,015 1,012 2 91 107 3 106 68 1 10 37 2,834 1,807 2 40 1 10 1 1 15 Z Reported in small fractions. Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 5 of 5 .—General farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample or Taims, See text ] (For definitions and explanations, see t»xt) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number... Pofc,-nl distribution percent . . . Land in farms acres... Porcont dislribulion percent . . . Verage ^tr.e of farm acres. ., Value of lanrl and buildings; A^erace per fann dollars... Average per acre dollars . . . Land in farms according to use: Crqiland hnrve.slEHi '""ns reporting. . . acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms refcning... 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . . 20 lo^ acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . . 100 to 199 --cres farms reporting . . . 200 to W9 acres farms reporting... 500 to 999 acres fanas reporting... 1,000 or more acres fafms reporting . . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . . acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . . acres . . . CultivBled summer fallow farms reporting... acres . . . &il-imprr)vpment grasses and legumes farms reporting. . , Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms icporting.. acres . . Woodland pastured fBnt,.s reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured fami--^ rtTwrting . . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not *t>odl and) farms reporting.. acres . . Improved pasture fan'is neiwrting . . acres . . Iiiigaled land in farms fa™s reporting . . acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms repcxting . . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres. . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-otosion control farms reporting . . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARIil OPERATORS BY ARE Operators reporling age number . . t'nder 25 years number.. 25 to 34 years number.. 35 loM years number.. 45 to 54 years number . . 55 U> 64 years number.. 65 or more years numlier . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their fams, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . 200 or more days operators rep<»ting . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income fron sources other than farm operated and off-form work operatxxs reporting . With other incane of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operates reporting . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operatars reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With intxime fron sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural prwlucls sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 lo 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 U) 179 acres number . 180 txi 219 acres number . 220 Ici 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres """!»' • 1,000 to 1 ,999 acres ' number . 2,000 or more acres number , See footnotes at end of Uble. Total all commercial farms 49,681 XXX 43,256,083 XXX 870.7 43,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 39,987 23,237,488 3,113 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 146,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128,177 49,294 935 3,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 11,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,272 4,656 1,577 38,108 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 10,804 5,329 4,041 Economic class 4,218 100.0 1,811,201 100.0 429.4 35, 563 83.25 4, is; 1,085,025 10 u 10 46 170 1,354 2,309 252 22 1,387 56,346 1,472 163,887 636 44,500 374 47,249 903 72,138 159 5,307 487 6,277 3,223 410,713 243 7,811 45 6,641 45 5,373 308 14, 175 286 20,611 211 35,326 81 9,232 4,160 65 872 1,119 1,097 876 131 45.1 1,076 896 80 100 227 391 131 3,142 337 680 65 45 565 210 590 1,826 700 162 50 0.1 33,541 1.9 8,385.3 313,025 37.33 4 10,141 4 1 50 4 2,350 4 1,970 1 380 20,750 1 200 2 330 1 700 2 180 55 1.3 43,910 2.4 798.4 78,434 108.20 55 25,725 5 32 14 4 24 1,079 19 2,771 13 1,892 3 439 9 440 6 1,725 10 1,165 29 10, 199 1 460 6 225 6 177 1 211 1,410 1,239 6 840 503 11.9 309,847 17.1 616.0 53,529 84.55 503 186,466 40 375 79 9 208 8,263 161 27,895 113 14,097 35 5,697 72 8,101 11 60 79 470 393 74,782 47 1,446 15 2,460 15 2,060 56 3,050 4,589 46 10,937 1,075 498 10 146 148 119 58 17 42.3 406 38 94 5 10 20 300 lOO 48 20 1,778 42.2 751,061 41.5 422.4 37,376 88.76 1,777 493, li9 20 465 1,165 122 5 673 29,567 544 49,546 260 16,518 123 12,106 345 20,922 60 1,102 207 1,814 1,346 134, 599, 134 4,860 6 1,207 6 1,207 167 8,251 160 11,770 114 17,705 42 6,200 1,777 40 381 540 431 X2 33 43.7 417 358 27 32 77 160 30 1,361 171 307 5 10 155 80 275 840 340 1,386 32.9 509,050 28.1 367.3 28,850 81.62 1,381 298,612 63 659 623 36 395 15,082 474 46,508 187 7,925 117 12,373 315 26,210 56 1,565 165 2,598 1,061 120,870 56 975 17 2,621 17 1,801 77 2,363 47 2,157 41 4,345 12 397 1,365 10 266 345 365 298 81 46.4 409 301 46 62 115 977 91 191 20 20 260 105 230 516 195 32 492 11.7 163,792 9.0 332.9 21,499 63.68 464 65,952 10 11 10 46 87 185 114 86 2,305 270 34,817 59 2,098 95 16,254 162 16,465 26 855 25 210 390 49,513 5 70 1 128 1 123 6 100 7 355 5 400 3 540 66 63 121 211 149 149 18 55 343 36 73 40 15 140 15 60 155 45 14 3 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5. -General farms [Data arc based on reports for only a sanifile of farms. See loxl ] 67 (For ilprinitions and etplanntions, ?pr tpxt) Tola] all commercial famis FARMS BY COLOR \SD TF.NIIRF OF OPF.RATOR All larm operators; Full o\vni>r< numlicr.. Pan ounrrs number . Ml lonnnLA number. Cash tenants nunit>cf . ;«hftrc-ca':tt tenants number. Crop-share tenants number . Livestock-share lonanis number. Other nnd unspocirietl tenant-s numlier,. White rami operators: Full ouners numlwr. Pa/1 ouTiers number . All tenants numlier. Nonwhite Farm operator- Full on-ncrs niinilii-r . Part owners numlier. All tenants number. Gram combine Corn pickers. Pick-up baler; SPEOFIED FflUlPMENT AND FACILITIF..* ANfl KIND OF ROAD arms tt>|iortin(% Field forage har\ esters . Uotcftrucks Tractors Tractors other than garden. , 1 tractor 2 tractors 3 Iracirirs 4 traclixs 5 or more uaclors . B^col Iraclcirs . - . Crawler tractors. . Garden l/aclors . . . . Automobiles Automobiles and/or motortrucks Telephone Home freezer Milking machine Elect/ic milk cooler . Crop drier {for prain, forage, or other crops), . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower Farms by kintj of roarl on which locatei]; Hartl surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than I mile to a hard surface rtMd , 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad. . 1 mile '2 or 3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles ';im,s reporting. numlier. amis reporting. number. anas reporting. number, 'arms re[)orting. numlier, 'arms refortin;', amis renorting. IS reeorling. 'amis rei»>rtinc. 'amis reporlintt. 'amis reporlinf-. amis reporting, number. nmis reporting, number, arms reportiag. 'arms reporting, 'amis reporting, amis reporting, 'amis reporting, arms rejiorting, arms reporting. amis reporting , , 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting . . farms reporting., 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . FAR.M LABOR, (VEEK PRECEDING ENUMERA'nON Hired workers farms reporting. . persons, , Regular hired workers (employed ino or nriirc days) farms reporting. , persons . i Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers in or more hired workers ,, forms reporting, . , farms reporting , ,, farms reporting, ..farms reporting. , , farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Not residing on faim operatod operators reporting,. Operators not reporting residence number,. See footnotes at end of table. 13,750 22,267 13,513 835 8,672 2,506 1,0U 486 13,731 22,001 13,414 19 266 99 30,514 32,053 30,386 31,268 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,481 47,105 112,636 46,988 110, 186 8,882 20,987 11,916 3,6U 1,589 46,823 108,320 1,702 1,366 2,306 2,450 47,110 60,911 48,811 36,238 32,359 11,100 3,528 760 28,607 5,982 35,287 7,855 887 6,968 858 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 8,602 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 45,150 3,137 1,394 867 1,569 1,781 31 1,364 302 38 46 855 1,568 1,775 2,691 2,745 2,821 2,926 944 955 646 671 2,743 3,322 3,991 8,561 3,969 8,362 966 1,905 874 1S4 40 3,963 8,269 85 93 186 199 4,019 5,080 4,120 3,043 2,623 1,673 610 54 2,443 555 3,230 364 55 309 35 33 25 161 353 453 167 201 135 31 1 3,870 226 122 45 46 45 50 29 29 25 25 40 63 55 166 55 154 5 17 19 12 2 55 149 5 5 12 12 55 34 55 54 54 30 28 48 249 206 159 26 48 249 206 392 402 371 337 211 216 177 177 407 517 498 1,267 497 1,214 58 237 139 53 10 492 1,195 14 19 50 53 480 627 498 441 423 275 181 12 367 67 372 59 112 130 475 16 12 238 719 321 667 121 236 719 821 1,230 1,242 1,285 1,351 429 434 320 325 1,183 1,429 1,721 3,696 1,705 3,611 399 821 401 65 19 1,705 3,574 34 37 75 85 1,738 2,233 1,761 1,436 1,198 920 305 18 1,077 207 1,425 141 21 120 17 25 15 63 111 136 1,686 73 357 461 567 15 422 110 5 15 357 460 562 796 822 874 885 238 238 99 119 365 998 1,301 2,676 1,296 2,629 318 671 267 38 2 1,296 2,601 28 28 47 47 1,316 1,645 1,353 905 781 407 95 16 766 183 1,068 109 16 93 2 42 2 47 96 144 1,256 79 51 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5. -General farms [DaLa are based on reports for only a sample of fanir^. Sec tPKt j I ten I [Tor ilcfinilion.-i nnd cxplnnnlions, Total all commercial farms Economic cl&ss USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Comniwrial fertilizer ami roniliimu mali-rinl^ used dunn*! the >car. fanr.s reporting.. . acres on which used. .. tons. .. Dr> materials farms rcportinR. . . toivs... Liquid mM.finIs farms repotting. . . tons . . . Crops on which used— Hay nnd croplnnd pasture famis reporting... acres . . . Dr> iiiatcnaU farms reportinj; . . . tons. .. Liquid material? farms reporting. .. tons . . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms roportinp... acres . . . Dr^ material? farms rnportmc.. . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . . tons... Com farms reporting. • • acres. .. Dr> materials fani^s reportinj;. . . tons.,. Liquid materials firms reporiinc. .. tons. .. Wheat fami'; r<^niirling. . . acres . . . Dry nmlerials farms roportinp... tons... Liquid materials famis reporting... tons... Irish potatoes fam.s repcrtmy. . . Dry materials forn,s report ing . . . iin= . . , Liquid mat^-iais farms reporting... tons . . , All other crops f^rms reporting. . . acres . . , r>\ material?) fanii> reportinc-.. Liquid materials farnis renorlinc . . . Lime or liminf materials used durinT the year farms repeating. . , ntTp': limed. ., SPECIFIED F\RM EXPENDITURES Any of the follomnp specified expenditures farms repcrting... Feed for livestock and poulir\ fnm-'^ reporting.. dolhrs.. Under ?100 fnm-* reporting . . S100lo$909 farms rpporlmf^.. $1,000 to M,999 ''ami^ rrportirifl . . S2,OOOloS4,9!' reporting.. Si.iiOO lo '^,999 farms reporting.. ?5,000 to 59,999 far"'S renorting.. ?10,000 or nmre farms reporting.. ^1achine hire farms reporting . . dollars.. Under J200 farm? reporting. . S200 toS999 famis renorting.. Sl.OOOormore fanns reportmc.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars. . Under 5200 farms reforiing.. S200 to S4n!) farms reporting. . $500 to 5999 farms reporting.. 51,000 to S'2,499 farms reporlinq . . 52,500 to !>-l,999 farms reporting.. W),000 LOS9.999 farms reporting.. 510,000 to "=.19,999 farms reporting.. . 520,000 lo M9.999 farms reporting.. 550,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees firms reporting. • dollars.. Under *;iOO fan.is reporting. . ■^100 to S499 farms reporlinp. . :^500 to'=;9fl9 fanr.s reportine.. «l,000or more vfarms reportmc.. Ga.soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms reporting., dollars. . Under JlOO farms reporting.. SlOO U)M99 t... farms reporting. . S500 lo $999 farms reportinr. , St.OOO to 51,999 farms reporting., 55,000 oc more fanr.s reTorting... See footAotes aL end of table. 9,207 770,38^ 42,725 8,876 41,026 535 1,699 2,427 75,036 2,420 5,340 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5 5 5,548 375,872 5,219 20,888 486 1,443 2,126 113,907 2,067 4,456 61 150 43 1,746 43 235 3,555 194,211 3,496 9,477 61 83 49,664 4,208 «,985 3,818 72,318,155 3,841,645 3,139 365 22,358 2,171 8,402 686 8,019 552 3,067 44 35,567 3,120 89,360,603 2,212,532 24,010 2,557 4,953 360 2,654 136 1,985 59 1,965 8 29,621 2,636 9,160,258 649,803 14,694 1,516 13,560 1,076 1,367 44 25,433 1,860 16,586,448 607,561 11,585 1,033 6,023 522 3,246 171 3,075 105 1,101 25 322 4 67 a 6 33,485 2,961 9,241,214 714,139 6,771 609 22,297 2,077 3,518 236 899 39 49, 159 4,169 42,676,423 3,072,778 1,160 81 11,039 998 20,985 2,146 15,830 940 145 4 863 62,445 3,352 842 3,232 46 120 294 7,050 293 414 1 7 32 537 32 24 550 30,910 534 1,749 41 103 156 6,369 151 241 5 5 15 312 17,389 307 780 5 5 1 200 10 1 10 1 200 1 10 4 3 72,814 2 3 48,400 1 2 4,200 4 16,700 4 29,600 32 4,725 306 26 273 6 33 31 2,495 25 153 6 21 5 50 5 5 10 180 10 21 20 1,370 15 67 5 5 55 55 140,535 17 13 19 6 48 119,828 23 12 6 2 5 44 20,650 7 35 2 48 52,025 11 11 7 14 5 43 21,682 5 20 12 6 55 76,050 198 16,602 904 198 882 15 22 67 2,425 67 129 16 322 16 14 142 8,675 142 511 15 22 27 635 27 28 73 4,535 73 197 503 493 831,970 9 230 95 LM 15 393 552,559 247 75 39 30 2 332 113,789 125 189 18 358 209,041 124 128 44 47 13 2 395 125,449 33 281 66 10 503 523,377 46 204 253 439 28,039 1,536 424 1,471 25 65 140 2,720 140 167 215 16 10 282 15,420 272 832 20 60 78 3,124 73 123 5 5 146 6,560 146 339 1,778 1,692 1,852,086 91 927 380 273 21 1,397 918,784 1,149 177 51 20 1,185 308,112 683 491 11 799 188, 945 481 208 85 19 6 1,264 319,652 199 946 112 7 173 12,129 571 173 571 70 1,225 70 87 90 4,240 90 249 30 1,970 30 64 68 4,694 68 171 1,386 1,249 809,425 167 809 168 105 1,004 507,495 878 81 40 5 871 172,393 557 303 11 520 127,450 306 156 35 23 965 190,961 252 670 38 5 1,772 1,370 1,367,929 871,820 15 22 287 426 1,038 744 432 178 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5. -General farms [DaU are baaed on rcfiorts for only a sample of (armB. See l«xt] 69 (For definilions and px|)laniiLicins, Sep text) ToUl ail nl farms ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCre SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold tout, dollars avprnce prr farm, dollars All crops sold iollars FiWd rrofs, other than vegeuibles and Truils and nuts, sold dollars VepelAbles t:old dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specially producta sold dollars AH livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock producLs, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including; steer and bull cahi ^arms reporting. numbw. 'arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. 'arms reporting. number, 'arms refiorting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farm.: reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting . A to 9 head ..farms reixirting. 10 to 19 head faniis reporting . 20 to 49 head farms rcpirling . 50 lo 99 head farm'' re|x>rling. 100 to 499 head fanns reiurting. 500 or more head rnrnis re|iortine. Cowa, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . n to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 lo 29 head farms reporting. .30 to 49 head farms reporting , 50 to T4 head farms reporting. 75 lo 99 hend fnmis reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 U> 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 lo 49 head farms reporting. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head fnnv.s reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reiiorting . numbor. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Dom since June 1 farms reporting . number. Bora before June 1 farms reporting. number. Slie6p and lambs farms repoiting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting . numbrr. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. numlier. dollars. Milk and cream sold ., farms reporting. pounds dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chickea eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of labia 504,390,302 10,153 79,405,083 77,872,567 99,253 6,799 1,426,464 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 378,954,571 4i,275 3,263,893 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 11,882 8,270 407 1,053 7,401 11,465 7,531 6,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 4,193 16,826 7,475 1,247 388 80 17 14,868 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27,509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 680,473 12,247 1,188,540 12,085 1,148,344 8,615 40,196 38,058 8,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,478,008 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,980 1,128,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,528 15,552,797 26,374,853 6,253 9,765,364 9,732,921 9,425 2,138 20,880 16, 609,489 2,360,901 3,577,594 10,670,994 3,707 118,621 3,626 53,878 3,150 28,911 3,497 34,409 3,412 30,334 32 119 150 726 2,112 510 58 73 1,175 1,582 481 264 33 7 11 158 1,720 1,101 145 26 704 2,393 2,861 137,421 1,391 50,060 2,424 87,361 974 62,305 716 22,289 912 40,016 901 38,634 636 1,382 3,589 1,016,527 3,543 41,459 5,679,202 2,890 143,035 4,291,050 880 37,029 481,377 3,017 149,054,613 3,577,594 3,351 154,406 3,523 9,597,123 2,U1,368 278,132 69,533 106,623 106,023 600 171,509 24,643 2,536 3 853 3 569 3 37 3 196 205 2 812 2 410 2 402 1 335 1 60 1 275 1 265 1 10 3 6,200 692 101,400 2 812 24,360 1 490 6,370 3 91,600 2,536 3 721 3 13,100 2,332 1,365,533 24,828 583,085 566,685 1,400 15,000 782,448 131,079 176,733 474,636 50 3,704 40 1,258 38 628 45 1,107 50 1,339 17 28 45 3,946 24 1,198 43 2,748 10 250 5 20 10 230 10 225 5 29 23,090 50 1,850 346,574 45 4,128 123,840 5 200 2,600 35 4,632,480 176,733 27 3,043 23 331,980 73,036 6,323,581 12,572 2,526,971 2,519,345 7,000 626 3,796,610 396,363 761,950 2,638,297 478 23,556 468 10,080 412 4,750 450 6,756 441 6,720 U 10 15 36 205 165 36 96 159 101 78 19 6 3 19 185 137 60 11 118 270 369 25,561 210 10,370 308 15,191 113 15,091 86 5,034 102 10,057 102 9,826 69 231 420 158,250 481 10,023 1,510,021 377 32,279 963,370 116 8,816 U4,608 383 27,536,580 761, 950 414 26,143 434 1,679,163 369,416 12,405,774 6,977 4,413,324 4,412,980 344 7,992,450 1,094,679 1,819,618 5,078,153 1,634 53,234 1,613 24,556 1,425 14,485 1,581 15,779 1,525 12,899 1 26 32 236 1,107 225 7 20 415 800 238 132 7 57 652 640 63 267 588 1,393 72,282 671 25,407 1,227 46,875 418 27,623 311 10,470 372 17,153 366 16,462 277 691 1,582 465,098 1,622 18,252 2,454,481 1,445 77,070 2,312,100 373 16,340 212,420 1,361 78,075,662 1,319,618 1,526 73,875 1,564 4,621,333 1,016,694 5,285,807 3,814 1,849,357 1,847,764 425 1,168 3,436,450 603,303 738,062 1,229 31,781 1,199 14,736 1,029 7,801 1,171 9,230 1,136 7,815 43 61 348 689 78 5 32 475 543 97 47 5 71 654 299 212 1,017 890 30,400 409 10,605 717 19,795 332 15,911 233 5,695 332 10,216 332 9,866 204 350 1,213 299,002 1,123 9,432 1,131,829 849 26,488 794,640 310 9,403 122,239 1,009 34,627,851 738,062 1,108 43,241 1,173 2,486,935 547, 126 716,026 1,455 286,004 280, 124 5,880 430,022 U0,834 78, 695 240,493 313 5,493 303 2,679 243 1,210 248 1,449 257 1,365 15 40 42 100 105 15 177 75 30 11 212 20 87 285 162 4,420 75 2,070 127 2,350 100 3,095 80 1,010 95 2,085 90 1,990 80 95 342 64,887 263 1,205 134,897 172 2,258 67,740 75 1,780 23,140 226 .,090,440 78,695 273 7,383 321 464,612 102,214 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5.— General farms [pBtA Are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definttions and explanations, see l«xt) TotAl all commercial fanns Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters fafrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fams reportinp. numbcf or lilters. 1 cr 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 lo 19 titters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters. .. June 2 to November 30 arms reporting. , 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting, . I reporting . . ! reportinfi , arms reporting. . 'arms reporting.. numbcf of litters . • December 1 to June 1 Carms reporting.. number of hllers.. SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Qjm for all purposes fanns reporUng.. acres.. Under 11 acres.. . . 11 to 24 aires 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . . arms reporting . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting, . i reporting., h reporting. . * reporting . . < reporting, acres . . bushels. . I reporting, , bushels . . Sor^ums for all purposes farms reporting. . acres . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Winter irtieat harvested farms reporting,. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Durum wheat harvested farms reporting . . acre.s . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Other spring iirtieat harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels , , Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . , Flaxseed harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels.. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres . bushels . See footnotes at end of table. 29,798 2,702 398,702 26,461 2,242 223 10,213 1,281 11,333 959 5,175 233 697 ... 138 6 li, 576 1,244 106,509 7,418 27,169 2,399 292,193 19,043 39,445 3,743 4,025,736 335,652 383 30 1,740 173 5,947 603 7,626 820 6,711 728 17,038 1,389 29,239 3,278 2,421,844 263,672 60,733,103 7,037,425 14,147 2,379 24,148,974 3,423,295 8,237 412 271,825 9,597 4,061 263 135,722 6,742 3,012,624 199, 100 1,440 153 1,282,368 101,081 3,323 166 405,895 12,636 6,192,654 196,886 3,131 140 5,801,434 187,621 1,636 228 59,646 6,370 480,698 58,306 1,291 195 375,161 47,851 18,113 1,715 1,347,892 109,924 10,080,973 849,415 15,533 1,601 8,174,222 699,309 31,916 3,571 1,969,663 223,763 39,162,783 5,C72,024 11,813 2,025 9,498,848 1,583,040 9,678 1,006 424,964 40,443 5,630,258 556,950 4,529 649 2,752,850 321,709 2,270 275 94,657 9,014 1,236,431 128,071 1,910 244 1,041,071 112,506 9,880 1,508 539,525 84,578 3,170,448 532,807 9,103 1,483 2,732,292 464,691 3,675 660 122, U7 19,418 1,429,599 195,573 2 164 3 660 3 1 225 1,700 3 350 2 330 6,200 2 1,050 28,500 2 28, 500 1 200 1,600 1 1,200 2 2,000 21,500 2 17,500 3 1,315 26,200 1 4,400 1 700 7,000 1 50O 2,500 1 1,600 1 60 300 1 300 39 527 5 11 11 12 23 130 38 397 1 6 1 46 51 7,442 255,260 45 177,275 17 857 12 685 36,100 12 34,600 7 1,000 16,565 6 15,397 25 2,071 27,350 25 24,925 32 3,168 80,075 17 20,300 24 1,605 31,280 22 23,400 110 390 1 700 18 800 4,315 13 4,065 16 400 6,890 351 4,905 18 97 154 77 211 1,555 310 3,350 468 59,111 5 7 30 32 73 321 411 47,025 1,604,550 335 905,500 50 2,089 35 1,329 31,100 20 10,400 42 4,398 79,049 37 74,361 38 1,680 19,725 27 16,935 227 22,232 230,995 210 194,678 448 30,879 354,695 226 278,290 146 6,545 133,935 107 86,320 46 1,718 20,790 41 17,810 187 12,350 101,938 185 91,608 109 4,423 58,553 1,341 14,245 66 551 605 119 627 4,049 1,217 10, 196 1,694 162,10f7 45 204 360 385 700 1,532 130,072 3,601,565 1,178 1,719,080 160 2,756 83 1,608 52,175 56 22,401 49 3,642 51,817 44 48,577 108 2,655 24,121 96 20,366 731 48,709 374,195 711 317,420 1,629 109,958 2,676,564 1,023 882,935 450 17,745 233,945 283 131,081 103 3,176 58,371 92 53,396 743 44,113 292,743 731 253,767 330 9,975 95,895 323 5,366 99 530 169 25 321 1,337 716 4,529 1,205 85,833 20 85 253 342 230 275 1,041 67,728 1,399,245 694 565,425 147 3,165 106 2,565 70,600 65 33,680 55 2,207 22,148 45 20,291 66 1,400 10,810 56 7,300 553 27,712 154,460 497 113,916 1,177 66,243 1,254,200 636 354,025 295 10,106 121,615 177 60,563 96 2,650 37,635 83 31,395 469 24,020 122,571 458 106,656 160 3,655 29,115 SOUTH DAKOTA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5. -General farms |Dal« are hik.sed nn reports for only & aumplp of farms. S<»e text ] 71 (For (Winitions and oxplanBlions, spp lc\L) ToUl all commprciBl farrn^ SPECIRED CROPS H4RVESTED-ronlinuod Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . acres . . . tons. .. Sales farms reporting . . . tons. .. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting... acres. .. tons . . . Sales farms reporting . . . tons. .. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reportini'.. acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acrea . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Other hay cut farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres. . tons , green weight . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres^. . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . . Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres. . . 4,515,978 39,126 1,998, aw 1,808,840 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10,592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,880,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 483,995 99,253 478 5U 3,497 HI, Oil 134,182 552 37,575 86 1,685 1,500 11 220 436 U,646 9,281 54 2,830 2,026 88,489 60, 510 322 14,359 451 8,457 6,988 41 999 255 975 83,057 16 9,425 3,130 4 1,190 1,250 1 200 2 70 60 1 30 3 1,870 1,180 1 15 2,000 1 600 5,696 50 4,123 11,326 28 8,825 143 50 16 1,185 1,250 3 170 8 220 325 10 180 17,500 5 1,400 38,456 458 23,047 33,717 112 11,153 5 80 100 44 673 53,040 5 7,000 90,085 1,564 46,880 54,125 180 8,034 26 440 320 53 180 1,820 4,927 1,618 3,261 6 7 425 310 244 816 2,264 34,131 9,390 25,198 42 106 2,965 5,001 44 193 1,245 3,707 995 2,906 7 12 224 220 94 71 1,090 69,314 1,124 29,449 29,123 132 8,015 40 890 825 10 200 V.7 6,157 3,318 20 1,295 715 30,208 13,934 81 4,124 159 2,610 2,327 21 525 95 31 2,350 17,607 297 6,322 4,641 49 1,348 10 250 250 51 1,529 974 20 770 232 8,831 4,558 90 2,099 47 675 435 1 30 11 (Z) Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 72 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Dftta are basMi on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Connnerclal farms by type of farm CaBh-gra±n farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number... Percent distribution percent . . . Lantl in farms ^r«3 ■ ■ ■ Percent distribution '■ percent. . . Average si ze of faim acres . . . Value of land ant] buildings: Average per farm dollars... Average per acre dollars . . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting... acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting... 10 to 19 acres farms reporting... 20 to 29 acres fnrtns reporting. . . 30 to 49 acres farms repotting- . . !)0 to99 acres farms reporting... 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 200 to 499 acres farms reporting... 500 to 9D9 acres farms reporting... 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . . acres .. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting... acres... Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . . acres . . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . . acres... Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting... acres... WoodI and pastured farms reporting. . , Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. Otiier pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres.. Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms repotting.. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting. . acres.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting.. acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number. . 25 to 14 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number . . Average age years. . OFF-F.UiM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm worlt operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Operators not svorking off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting.. With income from sources other than farm operated,, .operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. , FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number. 50 to fi9 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of table. 55,496 XXX 44,794,401 XXX 807.2 41,369 51.55 51,876 14,246,000 370 565 514 1,330 4,286 14,495 24,858 4,725 733 15,390 1,212,344 24,128 3,738,708 9,433 980, 661 6,715 940,543 15,925 1,817,404 2,973 250,828 6,181 83,005 43,597 24,001,249 3,288 211,451 938 107,426 920 93,730 2,916 150,423 2,762 265,057 3,073 641,599 1,525 133,997 55,054 1,103 9,021 13,930 13,816 11,200 5,984 47.5 14,553 9,401 1,770 3,382 3,131 6,322 3,887 40,943 3,982 9,848 1,767 677 1,774 465 1,241 1,092 5,565 1,996 3,822 18,140 11,209 5,432 4,083 49,681 100.0 43,256,083 100.0 870.7 43,977 51.42 48,126 13,888,988 80 257 259 793 3,184 13,572 24,543 4,716 722 14,602 1,175,097 22,009 3,477,018 8,853 947,739 5,765 808,575 14,798 1,720,704 2,694 231,257 5,839 82,563 39,987 23,237,483 3,113 204,745 867 105,721 855 92,561 2,845 146,438 2,675 259,035 2,961 626,476 1,461 128,177 49,294 935 8,523 13,173 13,078 10,388 3,197 46.4 11,573 8,829 1,138 1,606 2,272 4,656 1,577 38,108 3,746 7,733 192 488 205 651 671 4,574 1,816 3,657 17,253 10,804 5,329 4,041 6,305 12.7 3,481,540 8.0 552.2 43,285 76.24 6,305 1,967,596 20 6 55 413 1,707 3,154 805 145 1,353 72,750 2,775 594,484 1,674 334,543 664 90,013 1,479 169,928 354 12,997 719 8,349 3,806 689,223 306 11,413 46 3,372 46 3,092 390 18,643 314 44,911 457 153,923 134 14,662 6,255 216 989 1,524 1,605 1,498 423 46.7 1,984 1,443 277 264 351 823 4,321 42i 1,081 35 40 200 175 825 255 535 2,225 1,252 542 221 53 0.1 32,613 0.1 615.3 52,987 83.68 53 18,577 6 21 20 3 3 16 510 31 3,731 4 620 3 1,499 27 1,612 3 43 49 7,374 37 6,712 37 5,807 10 200 1 600 2,540 53 5 10 10 16 6 6 44.7 10 (Z) 465 (Z) 46.5 15,540 740.00 10 400 5 55 5 55 SOUTH DAKOTA 73 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaoH on reports fbr only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Comaercial farms by type of farm — Continued Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Miscellaneous farms F4RMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. . Percent distribution percent . . Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. Average si ze of farm acres . . Value of land and buildings; Averajje per fann dollars. . Average per acre dollars. . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested , famis reporting. . acres.. 1 to 9 acres .farms retiorting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . .10 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms refwrting.. acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . acres. . Soil-imorovement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other cropland [idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland pastured fams reporting. . acres.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture [not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. acres. . Improved pasture farms reporting.. acres. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. act«3. . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . acres.. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms retiorting. . acres.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres. . F\R« OPERATORS BV \GE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number. . 25 to M years number.. 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number.. Average age years . . OFF.F\RM IVORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. . With other members of family worlting off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm work operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold .operators repotting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated,, .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . , 10 to 49 acres number., 50 to fiS acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number., 100 to U9 acres number . , 140 to 179 acres number . , 180 to 219 acres number . , 220 to 259 acres number., 260 to 499 acres number., 500 to 999 acres number., 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of table. 33i 0.7 82,924 0.2 248.3 27,097 84.86 226 37,245 54 2,673 125 18,135 15 705 58 9,345 73 8,085 10 40 23 1,022 221 19,955 6 100 20 715 11 600 7 1,415 10 270 308 1 22 48 99 118 20 51.8 257 25 55 2,606 5.2 994,403 2.3 381.6 32,428 85.53 2,534 530,964 10 35 80 220 939 1,203 43 4 1,009 43,139 1,072 98,772 262 10,257 294 33,462 791 55,053 187 18,191 314 2,931 2,103 252, 514 139 5,391 27 2,667 27 2,387 101 5,602 151 11,845 87 12,823 79 4,948 2,536 52 559 757 702 438 78 44.0 539 458 16 65 111 211 60 2,067 226 393 46 10 101 42 25 365 50 115 25 30 326 15 35 386 m 315 2,764 5 135 1,161 30 315 2,177 90 1,165 11,331 11 403 3,240 7 57 4,135 3 16 2,156 33,757 67.9 25,200,653 58.3 746.5 43,209 57.14 32,947 9,869,021 55 136 119 451 1,999 8,934 17,226 3,508 519 10,318 792, 328 15,679 2,419,203 5,926 525,606 4,104 563,625 11,045 1,324,972 1,822 109,392 4,226 56,684 23, 318 11,214,691 2,292 141,050 521 62,849 514 55,540 1,977 104,103 1,835 172,362 2,057 400,313 1,061 38,355 33,571 567 5,744 9,163 3,959 6,940 2,198 46.4 7,400 5,672 636 1,042 1,473 2,936 1,0.15 26,357 2,532 5,132 11,633,912 26.9 4,967.5 91,992 19.07 1,852 376,975 14 65 69 141 338 539 557 lOO 29 453 206,317 839 176,243 330 31,020 267 57,712 470 87,511 161 82,330 66 5,752 2,258 10,636,813 76 38,780 190 23,477 185 20, 359 39 2,995 8,106 135 20,036 96 10,210 2,306 29 322 541 595 430 339 49.3 472 294 68 110 95 199 77 1,870 194 373 101 177 419 1,590 1,811,201 4.2 429.4 35,563 83.25 4,184 1,085,025 10 11 10 46 170 1,354 2,309 252 22 1,387 56,346 1,472 163,387 636 44,500 374 47,249 903 72,138 159 5,307 487 6,277 3,223 410,713 243 7,811 45 6,641 45 5,373 308 14,175 286 20, 611 211 35,326 81 9,232 4,160 65 872 1,119 1,097 876 131 45.1 1,076 396 80 100 227 391 3,142 337 680 65 45 565 210 590 1,826 700 162 50 56 0.1 18,372 (2) 328.1 27,223 104.47 15 3,185 1 6 1 12 1,034 11 2,508 6 488 1 670 5 1,350 1 2,500 1 1,500 9 6,205 1 200 1 3 1 3 5 100 5 11 27 2 52.5 15 15 36 1 5 30 16 74 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text^ Commercial farms by type of farm (For Hefinitions and eKolanations, see text) Total all farms Cash-grain farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number.. Part oftners number.. All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number.. Crop-share lenanLs number,. Livestock-share tenants number.. Other and unspecified tenants number,. White faim operators; Full owners numbef ,, Part owners number.. .All tenants number.. N'onwhite Tarm oneralors: Full owners number.. Part owners number . . Ail tenants number.. FARMS BY FXXJNOMIC CL.4SS Commercial farms number.. Class 1 number.. Class 11 J number,. Class HI number.. Class IV number . . Class V number . . Class VI number . . SPEaFIED EQUIPMEKT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD firain combines ..,.,,.,. Farms reporting.. number.. Com pickers farms reporting.. number.. Pick-un balers farms reporting.. number.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number.-. Motortrucks farms repotting. , number,. Tractors farms reporting,. number. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number.. 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting. . a tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors fanns reporting, , .•> or more tractors farms reporting.. Wlieel tractors farms reooning. . number . . Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number.. Garden trnclors farms reporting.. number.. Aulomobilos farms reporting.. number. . \utomohiles and, or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting.. F,lectric milk cooler fanns reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crans) farms reporting. . Power-opprated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting, . Farms by knd of road on itfhicti located: Hard surface farms renorting,. firavel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hand surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting.. 3or .1 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting., 5 or more miles farms reporting . , FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired worl,share tenants number . Liveatock-shnre tenants numbw. Other and unspecified tenants number. White fami operators: Ful I owners number . Part owners number. All tenants number. Vonwhite fann operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial fanns ntimbor. Class I number. Class n number. Gass in number . Class IV number . Class V number . Class VT number . SPEOnED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Qrain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers faims reporting. number. Pick-uD balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. n tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms repotting. .5 or more tractors farms reporting . Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Garrlen tractors farms rcporti ng . number. Autrynobilos farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone ., farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms renorting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crons) .fanns reporting. Power-operated elpvalor, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms refwrting . Gravel, shell, or shale famis reporting. Dirt or unimproved famis rep' products sold dollars. .. Dairy products sold dollars .. . Livestock and livestock products, otiier than poultry and dairy, sold dollars... LIVESTOCK VND LIVESTOCK PRODt'CTS Cattle and calves 'arms repotting... number.. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting... number. . . Milk cows farms reporting . , . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. , number.. , Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves farms rcfxjrting. . , number. . , Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting.., 2 lo 4 head farrrs reporting. . , 5 lo9 head farms reporting... 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. SO to 99 head farms reporting. . IDO to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 lo 29 head farms reporting.. W to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head fanns reporting.. W lo 49 head tarnis reporting.. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. loo or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules .farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs - . -farms reporting. . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Born before June 1 famis report! ng . . number . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number. . Ewes farms reporting. . number.. Rams and wetbera farms reporting. . number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive famis reporting.. number.. dollars., (togs and pigs .sold alive farms reporting.. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold ^ farms reporting. pounds dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reoorting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold fapnjs reporting. dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 512,464,344 9,234 81,134,437 79,539,917 122,833 14,359 1,457,278 431,329,907 19,914,949 28,294,059 383,120,899 47,437 3,318,149 4A,9SO 1,449,982 32,044 240,604 43,667 926,022 43,812 942,145 349 1,476 2,011 5,84* 17,079 11,981 8,236 411 1,377 9,138 12,121 7,690 6,993 3,473 1,580 2,603 4,647 18,065 7,580 1,249 394 85 19 5 15,963 60,610 33,139 2,103,693 17,224 759,785 28,669 1,343,908 14,137 1,927,647 10,451 699,737 13,399 1,227,910 13,232 1,136,089 9,269 41,321 41,342 9,046,616 46,523 1,712,079 279,114,010 32,512 2,512,519 75,375,570 13,138 1,688,319 21,948,147 25,119 ,151,592,379 28,294,059 33,134 1,309,939 36, 575 74,273,015 16,340,063 504,390,302 10,153 79,405,083 77,372,567 99,253 6,799 1,426,464 424,985,219 18,290,963 27,739,685 378,954,571 44,275 3,263,393 42,040 1,424,398 30,231 233,121 41,108 910,001 41,436 929,494 255 918 1,367 4,817 16,359 11,382 8,270 407 1,058 7,401 11,465 7,531 6,951 3,470 1,575 2,589 4,193 16,826 7,475 1,247 388 80 17 14,868 57,247 31,703 2,063,961 16,610 746,054 27, 509 1,317,907 12,896 1,869,013 9,581 680,473 12,247 1,188,540 12,035 1,148,344 8,615 40,196 38,063 8,568,524 43,841 1,692,239 276,699,733 31,311 2,473,003 74,340,240 12,047 1,650,097 21,451,261 23,930 1,123,001,030 27,739,685 30,874 1,241,071 33,941 70,694,528 15,552,797 41,708,486 6,615 30,681,912 30,668,720 12,585 307 300 11,026,574 1,072,718 1,029,250 8,924,606 3,535 120,046 3,367 52,317 2,072 12,172 3,249 36,107 3,058 31,122 56 214 354 763 1,493 481 168 1 174 1,302 1,066 398 280 91 31 25 348 1,328 351 30 15 825 2,303 2,206 101,155 1,063 36,975 1,373 64,180 1,044 73,595 776 25,819 989 47,776 964 46, 320 563 1,456 3,375 607,004 3,158 39,635 5,394,359 2,053 88,163 2,645,040 836 50,354 654, 602 1,572 46,355,287 1,029,250 2,600 91,504 2,392 4,338,994 954, 582 935,182 17,645 724,578 724,578 210,604 2,310 12,797 39 1,531 39 640 31 143 34 433 39 508 6 10 21 596 11 90 16 506 30 10,290 25 4,805 25 5,435 25 5,345 20 140 42 3,295 28 632 94,960 15 415 12,450 20 4,955 64,415 21 519,933 12,797 22 434 27 8,299 1,826 73,150 7,315 73,150 7,200 60,500 5,450 SOUTH DAKOTA state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 79 \patA an based on i«fx>rts for only a sample of fanns. See text^ [For derinitions and explanations, see text) ESTIM 4TED V/VLUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All tarn products sold total, dollars. average per farm, dollars. All crops sold .dollars. Field CTop.s, oUier than vegetables and fhiita and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars., Fryits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest omducta and horticultural specialty pntducts sold dollars.. ,\ll livestock and livestock products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVESTXJCK ,VND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting, . number. . Ste«rs and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number. . Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head 2 to 4 head 5 to 9 head 10 to 19 head 20 to 49 head 50 to 99 head 100 to 499 head 500 or more head . farms reporting., .farms reporting. . .farms reporting.. . farms reoorti ng . . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporti ng . . . farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved- Iheod 2 to 9 head 10tol9head 20to29head 30 to 49 head 50 to 74 head 75 to 99 head 100 or more head .farms reporting. , .farms reporting., .farms reporting., .farms repotting., .farms reporting. . .fanns reporting.. . farms reporting,, .farms reporting.. Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/OI mules farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom sine* June 1 farms reporting. . number . . Boni before lune 1 , farms reporting. . number . . Sheep and lambs Lambs under 1 year old . . . Sheep 1 year old and over . Ewes Rams and lAothers , .farms reoortlng., number.. , .farms reporting. number. . .farms reporting.. number., . .farms reporting., number.. , .farms reporting. . number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. , number. , Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and cal\es sold alive farms reporting., number. , dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive .- farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars. . Milk and cream sold^ , farms reporting. . pounds . dollafs.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reoorting.. /dollars.. Chicken eggs sold fanns reporting. . dozens. . dol I ars . . See footnotes at end of table. Ccmnnercial fanne by type of farm — Cmtliiued Poultry faniis 2,093,030 6,267 154,401 154,401 1,938,629 1,655,599 51,139 173 4,554 163 1,797 131 621 143 1,175 138 1,582 29 71 73 2,683 42 1,436 53 1,247 52 2,592 42 775 47 1,817 47 1,705 22 112 315 220,866 119 1,054 151,988 61 1,825 54,750 28 1,404 18,252 98 1,938,390 51,139 297 27,890 313 2,654,655 584,024 20,239,196 7,766 1,707,276 1,700,939 515 397 5,425. 18,531,920 811,451 10,417,170 7,303,299 2,595 109,750 2,595 55,050 2,580 47,488 2,473 34,366 2,357 20,334 5 70 303 1,495 617 104 1 5 236 i,a7 650 318 79 22 18 10 449 1,272 537 225 65 17 5 612 1,620 1,675 71,318 939 32,182 1,357 39,136 646 21,162 432 6,327 609 14,835 599 14,384 324 451 1,950 415,616 2,597 37,773 4,469,114 l,6fl9 84,877 2,546,310 556 15,593 202,709 2,606 340,717,487 10,417,170 1,660 60,253 1,808 3,345,481 736,007 Livestock fazns otb£r than poultry and dairy farms and llvestocii ranches 368,865,619 10,927 34,110,816 34,054,754 14,355 3,382 38,325 334,754,803 12,274,699 12,448,017 310,032,087 31,998 2,437,832 30,069 1,027,203 21,013 139,697 29,684 679,138 30,307 731,491 144 501 727 2,906 10,943 9,842 6,703 227 731 4,400 7,413 5,858 5,800 2,954 1,214 1,699 3,193 12,485 4,674 527 119 15 10,781 33,403 24,402 1,737,202 12,917 620,288 21,437 1,116,914 9,468 1,267,848 7,165 524,062 9,007 743,786 8,893 717,780 6,521 26,006 27,389 6,220,061 32,156 1,328,943 226,193,168 24,315 2,138,280 64,148,400 9,075 1,203,339 15,643,407 16,247 580,097,102 12,448,017 22,563 897,968 24,748 50,311,079 11,063,433 Livestoclt ranches 42,710,540 18,237 851,440 811,878 1,773 575 37,214 41,859,100 112,515 202,718 41,543,367 2,216 471,221 2,169 232,831 1,249 4,079 2,012 124,331 2,114 114,059 13 43 35 89 233 394 1,231 178 49 146 135 122 270 311 301 835 449 733 56 1,902 16,963 465 13,536 247 5,023 349 3,563 681 431,218 424 96,393 658 334,325 651 324,176 529 10,549 1,396 84,464 2,233 242,541 34,701,762 368 21,408 642,240 652 337,423 4,386,499 414 9,264,213 202,718 381 8,566 625 435,397 95,787 General farms 26,374,853 6,253 9,765,364 9,732,921 9,425 2,138 20,880 16,609,489 2,360,901 3,577,594 10,670,994 3,707 118,621 3,626 53,878 3,150 28,911 3,497 34,409 3,412 30,334 32 119 150 726 2,112 510 58 73 1,175 1,582 481 264 33 7 11 158 1,720 1,101 145 26 704 2,393 2,861 137,421 1,391 50,060 2,424 37,361 974 62,305 716 22,239 912 40,016 901 38,634 636 1,382 3", 589 1,016,527 3,543 41,459 5,679,202 2,390 143,035 4,291,050 880 37,029 481,377 3,017 149,054,613 3,577,594 3,351 154,406 3,523 9,597,123 2,111,368 Miscellaneous 1,390,246 24,326 1,336,146 17,176 100 1,318,870 54,100 770 1,000 52,330 12 288 12 182 5 5 U 42 11 64 9 484 12 691 7 152 15,130 5 54,000 1,000 5 3,500 770 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all faz^ns LI\'ESTOCK AKD LIVESTOCK PRODUCTTS-Continued Litters fartowed December 1, 1958, to Novemljer 30, 1959 f«™s reportin?. . number of litters.. lor 2 litters farms retorting.. 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 IO-19 litters 40 IOR9 litters 70 or more litters June 2 to November 30 December 1 to Jul '1 . . . .farms repotting.. . ..fatnis reporting.. , . .farms reporting. . . . .farms reporting. . . , , farms reporting. . . , .farms repotting. . number of litters., . , .farms reporting.. number of litters. . SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fatms Under 11 acres . . ., 11 to 24 acres .... 25 lo 49 acres 50 to 74 acres .... 75 to 99 acres .... 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . .farms .farms .farms .farms .farms , .farms reporting... acres . . . reporting... refcrting reporting... reporting. . . reporting... retrarting. . . reporting.. . acres . . . bushel s Sales farms reoorting. .. bushels. .. Sorghums for all ptirpoaee farms reporting... acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . btishels. . Winter wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms importing. . bushels . . Durtjm wheat harvested ^ farms reporting. . acres. . btishels . . Sales farms reportiivg. . bushels. . Other spring wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels.. Sales farms reporting., bushels, . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. , acres, . bushels. . Siles farms reporting, , bushels,. Barley harvested -farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales fame reporting. . btishels. . Rye harvested farms reporting. . aci^s . . btishels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels, . Flaxseed harvested farms repotting . acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels , Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres. bushels . See footnotes at end of table. Commercial farms by type of farm 30,913 405,709 2,660 10,747 11,463 5,195 699 149 15,032 108,690 28,070 297,019 41,093 4,097,975 598 2,154 6,500 7,896 6,797 17,148 30,475 2,468,376 61,575,465 14,780 24,518,584 8,475 279,893 4,238 142,545 3,199,507 1,523 1,326,687 3,473 412,262 6,234,955 3,255 5,835,291 1,684 60,721 488,013 1,313 379,071 18,986 1,386,149 10,295,860 16,239 8, 340,470 33,181 2,017,753 39,864,399 12,414 9,780,078 10,153 440,370 5,731,454 4,835 2,840,841 2,408 100, 529 1,292,733 2,026 1,085,142 10,334 558,672 3,248,377 9,502 2,794,246 3,820 124,487 1,449,784 Cash-grain farms 29,798 398,702 2,242 10,213 11,333 5,175 697 133 14,576 106,509 27,169 292,193 39,445 4,025,733 333 1,740 5,947 7,626 6,711 17,033 29,239 2,421,844 60,733,103 14,147 24,148,974 8,237 271,825 4,061 135,722 3,042,624 1,440 1,282,368 3,323 405,895 6,192,654 3,131 5,801,434 1,636 59,646 480,698 1,291 375,161 13,113 1,347,892 10,080,978 15,533 8,174,222 31,916 1,969,663 39,162,783 11,813 9,498,348 9,678 424,964 5,630,253 4,529 2,752,350 2,270 94,657 1,236,431 1,910 1,041,071 9,880 539, 525 3,170,448 9,103 2,732,292 3,675 122,147 1,429,599 Other field-crop farms 1,926 18,397 270 934 542 156 13 6 850 5,345 1,687 13,052 5,043 547,769 25 119 712 1,002 841 2,344 4,668 430,471 14,631,115 4,248 11,119,119 725 32,726 583 26,955 755,034 450 638,162 367 178,326 3,054,857 851 2,919,420 263 12, 509 143,859 231 127,566 3,107 290,807 2,821,838 2,956 2,491,509 4,621 289,355 6,684,681 3,279 3,507,420 1,968 112,422 1,728,787 1,559 1,265,326 524 30,346 432,009 513 400,808 2,127 161,125 1,076,244 2,060 974,838 1,278 55,391 699,866 42 2,771 1 12 11 5 5 8 30 1,795 44,750 14 22,250 6 89 1 4 38 Vegetable farms 9 389 5,360 9 4,910 16 1,022 10,280 16 9,280 26 1,744 57,440 9 33,290 31 1,980 33, 375 16 23,480 1 169 2,200 1 2,200 9 1,829 9,700 9 9,600 SOUTH DAKOTA 81 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of forms. See lextj (For derinitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK \m> LIVESTOCK PRODllCTS-Continued Litteis farrowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reponinq.. number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting. . 10 to 19 I i Iters farms reporting.. •X to 39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to "is titters farms reporting. . 70 tir more litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting. . number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters. . spEanED CHOPS harvested Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres . . Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres faims reporting. . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 or more acres farms refwrti ng . . Harvested for grain farms reporting.. BCies . . bushels.. Sales fiums reoorting.. bushels.. SorghuiDB for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting . . acres. , bushels. . Sales farma reporting. , bushels . . Winter wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales f ariDS reporting . . bushels. . Durum wheat harvested farms reporting. . . acres. . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . . Other spring wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms repoirting . . bushels. . Date harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres., bus^ls. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Flaxseed harvested fanm reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres.. bushels. . See footnotes at end of table. Commercial farms by type of farm — Continued Poultry farms 66 512 25 11 30 35 190 51 322 180 14,310 10 35 35 20 16 CA U2 8,470 207,925 55 66,675 16 370 10 80 2,025 160 15 235 1,950 10 1,450 75 2,833 15,100 33 9,575 158 8,187 202,560 55 42,150 52 1,605 19,923 26 12,133 5 150 900 23 383 4,410 22 3,830 10 100 950 Dairy farms 1,523 14,947 169 697 508 138 11 791 4,614 1,299 10,333 2,246 173,459 16 174 502 535 423 596 1,562 89,613 2,119,695 598 542,210 323 7,004 145 2,865 55,695 55 15,295 31 1,720 23,544 26 26,734 1,968 9,557 67 6,002 876 31,607 139,541 699 147,326 1,951 101,784 1,965,758 563 282,010 421 14,193 144,065 169 56,030 71 1,687 24,655 51 14,931 849 33,656 170,850 720 133,598 216 5,377 50,595 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy f arifi and livestock ranches 23,222 335,416 1,437 7,148 9,231 4,621 661 124 11,479 88,099 21,449 247,317 27,917 2,935,873 274 1,189 3,990 5,198 4,671 12,595 19,527 1,576,509 36,547,143 6,848 8,960,395 6,632 215,999 3,054 98,601 2,010,208 781 508,366 2,118 203,728 2,738,040 1,984 2,504,127 1,012 37,866 260,344 776 186,865 12,133 896,647 6,072,579 10,076 4,712,251 21,371 1,336,056 25,039,625 5,361 4,039,967 6,135 251,715 3,110,458 2,102 1,076,017 1,381 52,862 641,903 1,091 505,123 5,354 256,384 1,373,987 4,799 1,143,385 1,511 41,361 482,615 Livestock ranches 348 2,897 117 132 63 27 7 2 176 841 274 2,056 268 15,564 27 33 94 46 27 41 31 974 33,050 4 3,030 118 6,040 5 475 20,524 1 19,464 140 9,405 172,007 129 163,372 6 109 922 3 517 190 14,649 120,254 146 103,257 216 8,664 138,295 19 8,705 64 2,561 35,100 7 3,185 13 429 6,693 10 5,503 10 570 2,450 10 2,350 General farms 2,702 26,461 223 1,281 959 233 6 1,244 7,413 2,399 19,043 3,748 335,652 30 173 603 820 728 1,389 3,278 263,672 7,037,425 2,379 3,423,295 412 9,597 263 6,742 199,100 153 101,081 166 12,636 198,886 140 187,6a 223 6,370 53,306 195 47,851 1,715 109,924 849,415 1,601 699,809 3,571 223,763 5,072,024 2,025 1,533,040 1,006 40,448 556,950 649 315,159 275 9,014 128,071 244 112.506 1,508 84,578 532,307 1,483 464,691 660 19,413 195,573 Miscellaneous farms 1 340 1 1 340 12,000 1 12,000 5 200 400 1 353 1,921 1 1,215 2 UO 2,400 2 2,266 1 40 1,600 1 1,520 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanntiona, sec text) Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Cash-grain farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms SPECIFIED CROPS HARVE^TED-Continued Hay crops : Land from which hay was cut acres . . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixturee cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . . acr^s... tons. .. Sales farms reporting . . . tons.. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons. . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons. ■ . Sales farms reporting. . . tons. . . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons. .. Sales farms reporting . . . tons. . . Other hay cut farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons — Sales farms reporting. . . tons. .. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . acres. .. tons, green wel^t — Irish potatoes harvested for home xiae or for sale farms reporting . . . acres^. . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars... Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres. . . 4,653,496 4,515,978 41,016 2,057,272 1,857,344 3,001 131,684 39,126 1,993,244 1,303,840 2,670 122,725 999 35,972 27,702 56 1,075 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10,997 491,886 261,141 10,592 481,577 256,674 247 7,065 207 6,570 25,056 1,939,304 1,017,348 23,762 1,380,483 987,772 1,513 52,389 1,271 46,733 4,984 127,320 89,963 4,721 120,243 36,208 275 6,098 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 50 1,742 8,046 2,108 4,864 505,335 1,922 4,565 433,995 537 675 99,253 473 511 244,735 3,605 124,410 146,389 689 30,065 87 1,257 1,004 5 90 307 9,002 5,093 30 812 1,999 101,073 60,409 359 10,857 513 8,993 7,471 87 1,330 168 153 14,473 22 12, 585 3,935 49 3,095 5,700 16 1,340 5 485 720 2 255 42 1 150 200 17 2,231 283,065 125 10,000 10 60,500 2 Leaa than 0.05 percent; or reported In email fractlcHia." ^Includea nllic equivalent of cream and butterfat Bold. ^Does not include acreage for fame with leas than 20 buahela harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with leaa than 20 treea and grapevines. SOUTH DAKOTA 83 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] — [lem (For Hermitions and explanations, see text) Ccmnnercial farms by type of farm — Continued Poultry fanoB Dairy farms Livestock fanna other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Miscellaneous farms SPECITTED CROPS HAKVESTED-Contjnued Ray crops : Land from which hay was cut acrea ■ . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. ■ Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting.. tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acres., tons.. Sales farms reporting. , tons.. Other hay cut farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Graas silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . . acres.. . tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres^.. buslKls. . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars — Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . . acres. . . 7,968 lA^ 3,978 3,517 10 190 5 15 10 30 1,215 505 83 2,625 1,835 10 90 6 135 42 31 160 15,593 156,139 2,221 81,860 82,693 70 725 35 775 490 728 23,790 13,507 5 ■40 1,123 ^,791 27,799 47 655 311 4,823 3,411 5 50 5 100 400 74 84 14,989 15 515 3,559,141 317,838 28,302 1,529,805 1,326,866 1,290 50,581 1,296 143,316 109,275 42 2,236 652 26,626 20,679 14 330 42 3,331 2,746 8,765 417,124 218,991 321 15,315 8,577 109 2,703 9 185 17,547 1,496,980 756,938 975 145,155 79,929 518 19,151 15 1,621 3,298 86,964 62,206 141 10,721 5,890 112 3,264 45 1,642 7,646 1,322 809 56,330 48 28 1,476 89 7 14,355 1,773 336 398 24 31 224,238 3,497 111,011 134,182 552 37,575 86 1,685 1,500 11 220 436 14,646 9,231 54 2,830 2,026 88,489 60,510 322 14,359 451 8,457 6,988 41 999 255 975 83,057 16 9,425 1,884 12 769 218 1 13 1,115 310 (Z) 12 10 100 84 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FA RMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENvSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See lextj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tola] all faims 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.. Percent distribution percent.. Land in farms acres . . Percent distribution percent.. Average size of farm acres. . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres.. 1 to 9 acres faims reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. .30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 to 499 acres farms refx)rting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. acres.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). farms reporting. . acres , . Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. . acres.. irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. . acres. . Cropland used for grain or tow crops farmed on the countour .farms reflorting. . acres.. Land in strip-crapping systems for soii.erosion control farms reporting. . System of terraces on crop and pasrure land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number.. 25 to :'4 years .number . . 35 to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years ,. .number.. Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCO^^E Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 or more days operators reporti ng . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off.farm work operators reporting . . Witji other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting OS to work off their forms operators reporting. . With other members of fomily working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . See footnotes at end of table. 55,496 100.0 44,794,401 lOO.O 807.2 41,369 51.55 51,876 14,246,000 370 565 5U 1,330 4,286 1A,495 24,858 4,725 733 15,390 1,212,344 24,128 3,738,708 9,433 930,661 6,715 940,643 15,925 1,817,404 2,978 250,828 6,181 83,005 43,59*7 24,001,249 3,288 211,451 938 107,426 920 93,730 2,916 150,423 2,762 265,057 3,073 641,599 1,525 133,997 55,054 1,103 9,021 13,930 13,816 11,200 5,984 47.5 14,553 9,401 1,770 3,382 3,U1 6,322 3,887 40,943 3,982 9,343 1,767 677 1.2 2,619 (Z) 3.9 5,978 1,533.86 55 130 55 45 205 10 10 UO 450 5 ■ 5 10 25 10 25 642 35 60 91 90 106 260 341 36 35 270 36 225 300 336 20 215 1,774 3.2 41,070 0.1 23.2 7,200 243.76 586 10,923 166 165 no 145 220 3,100 80 1,070 15 120 15 410 50 540 35 210 65 460 926 15,280 66 1,084 17 152 16 143 5 200 5 100 5 100 1,753 36 210 172 220 340 730 57.3 791 155 125 511 190 461 596 465 0.8 26,770 0.1 57.6 3,618 120.06 325 11,165 20 55 50 125 75 75 1,560 35 565 10 140 10 215 20 210 30 625 35 1/W 300 10,000 60 1,695 5 120 5 120 10 300 10 300 10 190 460 15 20 50 105 70 200 220 60 45 115 80 120 150 245 15 170 1,241 2.2 101,093 0.2 81.5 11,205 151.69 1,090 59,235 20 85 60 215 710 216 3,423 230 3,510 35 365 UO 4,980 100 2,665 95 1,025 65 320 600 20,420 45 510 20 1,025 15 585 30 1,425 40 1,300 15 1,030 20 475 1,220 45 90 215 185 37D 315 53.8 550 215 80 255 130 290 325 691 65 320 1,092 2.0 129,177 0.3 118.3 15,353 131.16 952 72,692 15 50 37 115 450 285 170 4,040 285 11,075 45 1,005 95 5,705 165 4,365 111 2,185 120 1,615 706 28,665 75 1,645 25 1,515 25 925 30 755 35 750 30 865 1,087 35 75 Ul 180 371 285 55.0 461 180 65 216 90 246 230 631 66 325 SOUTH DAKOTA 85 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ] Size of farm-Continued Item (For definiUone and explanaUons, se« text) 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 lo 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number... 5,565 1,996 3,822 18,140 11,209 5,432 4,083 Percent disttibution percent... 10.0 3.6 6.9 32.7 20.2 9.8 7.4 Land in farms acree... 887,739 396,345 910,091 6,666,498 7,903,834 7,499,137 20,230,023 Percent diathbutjon fiercent . . . 2.0 159.5 0.9 198.6 2.0 238.1 14.9 367.5 17.6 705.1 16.7 1,380.5 45.2 Averajje 3i ze of fann acres . . . 4,954.7 Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars... 19,977 25,964 31,7W 35,835 42,092 58,54« 118,949 Average per acre dollars... 124.73 130.42 132.71 96.90 59.75 42.59 24.84 Land in farms according to use: Cropland iiarvested fams reporting... 5,229 1,926 3,762 17,789 11,004 5,292 3,866 acres... 576,000 269,604 650,649 4,211,961 3,729,374 2,402,532 2,251,685 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . . 50 10 5 10 10 1 8 10 to 19 acree farms reporting... 50 20 15 66 20 19 20 20 to 29 acres .farms reporting 75 5 15 75 35 25 27 . ao to 49 acres farms reporting... 180 50 55 221 116 46 62 50 to 99 acres farms reporting... 1,082 225 155 737 463 207 182 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 3,792 1,581 2,437 3,999 1,347 583 471 200 to 499 acres farms reporting... 35 1,080 12,681 7,466 2,298 1,298 60O lo 999 acres farms repotting... 1,547 1,960 1,216 1,000 or more acres farms reporting... 153 580 Cropland used only for pasture farms reportirig... 1,527 656 1,401 5,832 3,099 1,336 813 acres... 39,512 16,216 38,304 259,229 268,710 224,476 353,569 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting... 1,426 390 885 6,859 7,552 4,0(X 2,382 acres... 70,140 16,965 46,230 599,582 1,114,396 995,328 874,847 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting... 255 70 140 1,821 3,132 2,315 1,595 acres... 6,835 1,380 2,945 72,165 207,153 309,866 378,187 Soil'implovenient grasses and lef^mes farms reporting... 465 115 305 1,772 2,217 1,037 574 acres... 34,310 8,600 20,755 186,441 328,642 214,268 136,317 Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting... 851 245 570 4,833 5,126 2,617 1,346 acres . . . 28,995 6,985 22,530 340,976 578,601 471,194 360,343 Woodland pasliired farms reporting... 301 145 215 1,031 28,405 548 265 202 acres... 6,345 3,410 3,U5 38,176 53,640 113,692 Woodland not pastured farms reporting... 431 210 460 2,422 1,589 552 222 acres. .. 4,115 1,500 2,605 21,588 24,130 16,625 14,897 Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting... 3,554 1,415 2,562 14,235 10,079 5,122 3,958 acres... 135,040 66,665 118,292 1,215,187 2,446,284 3,617,436 16,327,530 Improved pasture farms repirtjng. . . 420 115 186 1,218 690 254 154 acres... 8,695 2,615 4,893 43,797 51,076 33,410 62,026 Iffigaled land in farms farms reporting... 70 20 35 227 181 98 230 acres... 5,125 1,515 3,715 26,135 26,924 10,293 30,882 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting... 70 20 35 227 176 97 224 acres... 4,175 1,235 3,370 22,613 23,490 9,442 27,602 Land use practices; ODpland in cover crops farms reporting. . . 245 110 295 1,116 677 259 139 acres... 10,255 5,215 10,880 53,788 32,655 19,618 15,332 Cropland used for grain or tow oops farmed on the contour farms repotting... 255 175 286 918 493 318 227 acres... 16,750 11,315 17,720 83,666 52,111 44,269 36,276 Land in strip-mpping systems for soiUerosion control farms reporting. . . 85 30 96 526 811 773 717 scree... 6,810 2,020 6,415 65,480 132,396 193,752 232,716 System of terraces on crsp and pealure land farms reporting... 90 65 96 457 287 231 239 acres... 4,250 1,920 4,965 28,643 29,396 27,207 36,086 FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age jiumber. . . 5,509 1,976 3,807 18,018 11,157 5,393 4,027 Under 26 years number... 145 61 105 375 140 66 45 25to34 years number 746 991 310 475 651 891 3,250 4,978 2,103 3,360 918 1,526 588 35 to 44 years number... 1,040 45 to 54 years number... 1,161 425 1,,060 840 260 46.7 4,994 3,289 1,132 45.7 2,869 1,433 1,094 55 to 64 years number. .. 1,516 950 50.8 525 180 47.9 1,996 689 45.5 1,005 445 46.5 772 05 or more years number... 438 Average age years... 48.2 OFF-FARM K)RK AND OTHER [NCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total . operators reporting 1,8L2 620 910 4,228 2,730 1,159 731 lto99 days . operalors reporting... 1,051 445 710 3,176 2,011 859 503 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . . 290 40 105 466 300 135 84 900 or more days operators reporting... 471 1J5 95 586 419 165 144 With other members of family woridng off farm operators reporting. . . 431 125 120 956 531 243 149 With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . . 831 295 370 1,657 1,041 466 320 With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold . operators reporting. . . 636 105 130 786 393 146 90 Operators not woriting off their farms or not reporting as to work off tjieir farms operators retx>rting . . . operators reporting. . . 3,753 365 1,376 145 2,912 355 13,912 1,366 8,479 872 4,273 386 3,352 With other members of family wrjrking off farm 271 With income from sources other than farm operated . or>emtors reporting. . . 1,130 355 570 2,839 1,638 654 712 With other income of family exceeding value ojwrators reporti ng 265 60 80 326 140 66 45 Sm rootnot«9 St end of L&ble. 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D&IA are basod on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms 10 to 49 acres FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full ow-Tiers number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Crofvshare tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Other and unspecifieH tenants number. rfhite farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners number.. All tenants number. Nonwhite fatm operators: Full owners number. , Part owners number, . All tenants number,, FARMS BV TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number. , Tobacco farms number. , Cotton farms number.. Other field-ciDp farms number.. Vegetable farms number.. Fnjit-and-nut farms number.. Poultry farms number,. Oair^' farms „ number, , Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number, . Livestock ranches number, . General farms number. . Miscellaneous farms number,, SPEanED EQUIPMENT A-VD FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Oain combines farms reixxting., number,, Com pickers farms reporting,, number, , Pick-up balers farms reporting.. number,. Field forage harvesters farms reporting,, number,. ^teto^tr^Jcks farms refiorting, . number, . Tractors farms Tractors other than garden farms 1 tractor farms 2 tractors farms 3 tractors .' farms ( tractors farms h or more tractors farms ^Vheel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors , farms Automobiles .,■,,,. farms Vutomobiles and/or motorlrtirks farms Telephone farms Home freezer fntms Milking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other cnaps) farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms Farms by kind of road on which located: Haid surface farms Cirnvel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved fatms Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms 1 mile farms 2 or ,1 miles farms 4 miles farms 5 or mote miles farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting, persons. Regular hired workers (employed 1,50 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers reporting,, number, , reporting. , numtwr, , leporttng, , tef»rting.. reporting,, reporting,, reporting,, reporting,, number,, reporting,, number . . reporting.. number. . reporting., number., reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting,, reporting., reporting, , reporting, , reporting., report! ng . , reporting,, reporting., reporting, . reporting,, reoorting, , reporting., reporting. . arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. ; reporting. RE-SIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated , . operators reporting. , Sol residing on fatm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number.. See footnotes at end of table. 17,625 23,158 U,493 1,048 8,832 2,838 1,041 734 17,566 22,864 14,362 59 294 131 6,305 53 10 334 2,606 33,757 2,342 4,218 56 31,599 33,206 31,323 32,230 12,981 13,117 9,999 10,195 39,095 52,278 50,952 118,308 50,759 115,639 11,396 21,985 12,104 3,647 1,627 50,562 113,665 1,805 1,974 2,516 2,669 51,754 66,471 53, 840 40,032 34,835 U,301 3,576 768 29,664 7,196 38,753 8,794 1,087 7,707 983 1,730 547 4,4A7 6,409 8,869 3,842 5,057 3,132 526 138 35 11 49,658 4,176 1,662 507 20 uo 55 502 20 140 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10, 176 216 167 243 152 203 101 51 147 193 10 10 40 40 467 582 497 502 321 15 10 186 420 36 20 16 10 6 607 25 45 1,377 121 275 85 5 65 10 110 1,367 121 270 10 5 110 110 145 US 60 65 25 25 *93 590 993 1,249 972 1,168 816 121 30 5 957 I.IAS 20 20 81 81 1,458 1,701 1,514 1,359 843 65 35 181 450 1,121 UO 50 80 10 15 30 25 1,524 160 90 325 45 95 20 15 20 5 35 325 45 90 50 115 80 80 120 120 25 25 15 15 175 195 360 515 355 505 250 75 20 5 5 355 500 5 5 10 10 425 505 440 355 240 45 5 lAO 290 20 5 15 850 70 315 75 60 150 10 20 840 70 305 326 65 150 150 415 420 70 70 55 55 516 561 946 1,343 946 1,323 625 280 31 5 5 941 1,307 16 16 20 20 980 1,085 1,081 746 450 75 20 5 311 210 905 90 40 50 15 20 405 40 20 865 285 91 SOUTH DAKOTA 87 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued (^DkIa Bfe based on reports for only a sample of fa/nis. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of fann— Continued 140 to 179 acres 5fXI to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number, . Part owners number. . All tenants number.. Cash tenants number.. Share-cash tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestoclt-share tenante number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. White fann operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number.. All tenants number. . Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners number. . Part owners number. . All tenants number. . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number.. Tobacco farms number.. Cotton farms number.. Other rield.crop farms number.. Vegetable farms number., Fruit-and-nut farms number.. Poultry farms number. , Dairy farms number,. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number, , Livestock ranches number,. General farms number . , Miscellaneous farms number,, SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAnLITIE.S VJD KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com pickers forms reporting,. number,. Pick-up balers farms reporting.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number.. Motortrucks farms rerorting. . number.. Tractors farms Tractors other than garden , .farms 1 tractor farms 2 tractors farms a tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or more tractors farms Wheel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors farms Automobiles farms Automobiles and/or motortrucka farms Telephone farms Home freezer farms Milking machine farms Electric milk cooler farms Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms Power.operated elevator, conveyor, or blo«Tr farms Farms by kintj of roai] on which locatetJ: Hard surface farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms Din or unimproved farms Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms 1 mile farms 2 or .1 miles farms 4 miles farms 5 or more miles farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION reporting, . number,, reporting., number. . reporting. , refiorting.. reporting. . reporting., reporting. . reporting.. number. . reporting. , number. . reporting. , number. , refxirting., number., reporting., repotting. . reporting. , reporting. , reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting,, reporting, . reporting,, reporting., reporting. , Ibred workers farms reporting Regular hired workers (employed IfiO or persons. Hays) farms repotting, persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. .farms reporting. farms reporting. 1 hired worker. C hired workers ^ or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired worlters. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting,. Operators not reporting residence number, . See footnotes at end of table. 3,333 435 1,761 U5 940 551 75 100 3,318 435 1,776 15 5 60 315 2,754 40 565 2,111 2,131 3,042 3,082 6U 611 321 321 2,594 2,839 4,854 8,266 4,819 8,036 2,163 2,160 451 35 10 4,779 7,916 115 120 210 230 5,060 6,036 5,3CO 3,704 2,677 975 360 30 2,375 906 4,056 517 75 442 80 175 30 157 217 281 87 115 61 25 4,724 650 191 635 595 761 65 470 156 45 25 635 595 761 5 185 1,161 210 995 1,000 1,260 1,275 295 295 256 261 1,156 1,246 1,876 3,563 1,866 3,483 605 945 276 40 1,851 3,443 35 40 70 80 1,861 2,221 l,91i 1,341 1,106 535 195 15 901 315 1,556 105 35 70 10 25 15 20 1,166 1,195 1,456 66 1,050 240 60 40 1,166 1,195 1,456 1,791 150 55 30 315 2,177 590 2,082 2,092 2,737 2,792 731 731 500 505 2,217 2,397 3,632 7,344 3,617 7,179 941 1,910 655 95 15 3,607 7,104 65 75 140 155 3,685 4,547 3,772 3,001 2,297 1,095 405 41 2,095 520 2,975 175 55 120 30 30 60 176 221 3,562 165 95 4,913 7,254 5,943 170 4,231 1,085 312 145 4,908 7,249 5,928 5 15 15 90 1,155 11,831 101 1,826 12,085 12,360 12,347 12,617 4,715 4,731 3,554 3,720 12,726 14,452 17,341 38,264 17,301 37,558 3,254 8,998 4,090 821 138 17,260 37,159 363 399 691 706 17,333 21,763 17,829 13,743 11,461 4,978 1,756 235 10,534 2,202 14,150 1,507 276 1,331 266 345 100 620 1,482 1,812 715 783 653 51 5 1 16,699 1,070 371 2,353 6,430 2,393 115 1,575 356 256 81 2,343 6,399 2,383 10 31 10 11 403 8,240 177 700 6 8,153 8,548 7,003 7,260 3,279 3,299 2,731 2,751 9,639 12,972 10,755 27,647 10,750 27,107 1,218 4,482 3,712 1,056 232 10,729 25,789 303 318 520 540 10,678 14,019 11,059 8,493 7,840 2,338 502 133 7,428 1,099 8,030 1,923 211 1,712 215 429 120 947 1,550 2,061 361 1,049 763 87 5 2 3 10,235 642 332 1,023 3,663 707 125 300 98 154 30 1,026 3,609 687 2 54 20 7 57 4,135 419 162 1 3,591 4,144 2,755 2,916 1,705 1,730 1,497 1,525 5,068 8,361 5,206 15,360 5,192 14,987 482 1,638 1,729 900 443 5,174 14,686 274 301 341 373 5,107 7,083 5,377 3,815 4,002 797 107 153 3,444 499 2,972 1,911 172 1,739 179 363 131 1,066 1,131 1,512 766 955 644 97 20 4 1 4,815 432 184 451 3,130 412 152 91 17 104 48 449 2,936 351 2 194 61 3 16 2,156 1,590 50 3 1,887 2,336 1,069 1,193 1,404 1,475 895 965 3,885 7,954 3,912 13,099 3,904 12,710 451 1,015 1,034 680 724 3,877 12,050 569 650 358 389 3,712 5,707 4,033 2,325 3,113 297 56 106 1,863 304 1,546 2,190 118 2,072 137 302 121 1,512 1,607 2,669 1,236 1,901 867 244 96 22 7 3,559 362 162 88 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^Data are based on reports for only a sample of Fanns. See IBXt] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Under 10 acres USE OF COMMEROAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and Fertilizing mpterials used during the year Dry materials ... Liquid materials. arms reporting., on which used.. tons.. > reporting. . tons., ^arms reporting.. tons.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture 'arms reporting., acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Ions., Litpiid materials iarms reporting. , tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Lit{uid materials C}om Dry materials Liquid materials iBheat Dry materials Liquid materials Irish potatoes Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops .... Dry materials ,, . Liquid materials. Lime or liming materials used during the y 'arms reporting., , acres . . . 'arms reporting... tons... arms reporting. . . tons.. . arms reporting... 'arms reporting, . . Ions... farms reporting... tons... 'arms reporting... acres... 'arms reporting... tons... farms reporting. . . tons.,, ^ reporting.. . 'arms reporting.,. Ions... 'aims reporting. . , tons . . , 'arms reporting... acres... 'arms reporting,,, tons... 'arms reporting.,. Ions,., .farms reporting,., acres limed... tons , . , SPECIFIED F4RM EXPFJJDITURES Any of tJie following speciTied expenditjjres Feed for liveslock and poultry Under SlOO 5100 1O J999 ?1,000 to 51,999 $2,000 to S4.999 $5,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry Under $1,000 $l,t»0 to $2,499 $2„'i00 to $4,999 $5,000 ro $9,999 $10,000 or more Machine hire Under .$200 $200 to $999 $1,000 or more Hired labor Under $200 $200 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 lo $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $49,999 $.■^0,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees ,. Under $100 $100 to $499 $.'>00toM99 $1,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under $100 $100 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or more See footjiotes at end of tAble, arms reporting., arms report! ng , . dollars,, 'arms repcxting. . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . reporting,, dollars,, reporting. , reporting, . reporting, . reporting, , reporting., reporting., dollars.. s reporting.. s reporting.. 3 reporting.. 5 reporting., dollars,, s reporting., s reporting., s reporting;, 9 reporting,, 3 reporting. , 3 reporting, , 3 reporting.. 3 reporting. , 3 reporting.. 3 reporting. . dollars. . 3 reporting, . Importing,, reporting. . reporting.. 3 reporting,, dollars., 3 reporting,, 3 reporting,, 3 reporting. , 9 reporting. . 3 reporting. . arms farms 'arms 'arms 'arms farms 'arms Farms 'arms 9,A52 781,155 43,327 9,106 41,621 550 1,706 2,477 76,085 2,470 5,428 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5 5 5,652 379,855 5,308 21,078 501 1,450 2,198 116,445 2,139 4,551 61 150 45 1,842 45 24« 3,640 197,316 3,581 9,688 61 83 55,135 48,811 74,152,703 4,LL5 24,923 8,581 8,108 3,084 37,919 90,279,707 26,159 5,102 2,689 1,998 1,971 31,256 9,427,050 15,856 14,017 1,383 26,598 17,W>8,013 12,400 6,224 3,309 3,127 1,128 325 69 9 7 35,609 9,551,192 8,009 23,072 3,600 928 53,947 43,806,735 2,943 13,426 21,503 15,921 154 642 577 371,132 145 350 45 30 7 402 378,015 370 15 10 "7 90 7,640 35 5 111 144,974 85 5 5 5 6 5 100 79,905 75 15 io 372 57,980 230 115 20 7 50 835 48 30 35 20 13 25 355 20 22 5 10 25 1? 11 15 3 1,674 1,357 771,625 270 920 120 45 2 827 544,945 730 45 35 5 12 325 28,850 300 25 333 162,435 245 45 30 5 421 37,590 360 50 1,379 144,090 876 480 21 2 35 1,075 92 35 92 10 270 10 23 25 730 25 64 465 370 255,690 80 230 25 30 5 270 408,315 210 30 20 16 140 20,605 110 30 55 15,635 35 10 200 15,655 140 60 440 66,285 190 240 5 5 3,225 209 10 225 10 19 5 150 5 10 60 1,965 60 152 5 350 5 13 5 125 15 410 1,216 806 1,001,429 125 495 75 95 16 556 2,786,658 435 70 30 10 11 575 93,430 380 190 5 281 86,611 225 40 10 660 50,795 475 185 i,m 242,365 250 775 81 5 ■ SOUTH DAKOTA 89 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA ore based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of farm— Continued 140 to 179 acres 160 to 219 acres ) to 259 acres ■SOO to 999 acres 1,000 U) 1,99D acres 2,000 acres and over USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year fanrs reporting.. acres on which used. . tons.. Dry raatonals farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials faims reporting.. tons.. Cttips on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Dry matoriala farms reporting.. Ions.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. acres.. Drj' materials farms reporting.. Ions.. Liquid materials famis reporting.. Ions.. (^om farms reporting.. acres. . Dry material s farms reporting, . tons,. Liquid materials farms reporting,, tons.. Wheat • farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting,, tons.. Liquid materials farms importing,. Ions,. Irish potatoes farms reporting. . acres . . Dry mateiials forms reporting., tons. . Liquid materials farms [enorting.. tons.. All other crops farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials , farms reporting. . tons. . Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting,. acres limed., tons.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting,. dollars.. Under ^100 farms reporting.. $100 to 3999 forms reporting. . $1,000 to ?:i,999 farms reporting, . S2,000 to J4,999 farms reporting. . S.'i.OOO or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. 310,000 or more fanns reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars,. Under $200 .farms reporting.. $200 to $999 farms reporting.. S1,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . .«200 to $199 farms reporting.. .$500 to $999 (arms reporting.. $1,000 to .$2,499 fanrs reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to ^,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms retxirting.. $500 to $899 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $899 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999.. farms rejxirting., $5,000 or more farms reporting,, See footnotes at end of table. 905 AO.ttO 2,967 865 2,819 75 US 270 4,845 270 417 65 1,260 65 72 560 21,660 515 1,525 65 136 80 1,740 75 82 5 1 5 5 5 1 375 10,910 360 722 15 U 5,510 4,520 4,957,285 470 2,578 740 580 152 3,488 5,159,963 2,731 355 180 120 102 3,101 591,655 1,925 1,141 35 1,739 389,105 1,275 306 85 41 31 3,657 525,310 1,231 2,386 25 15 5,369 2,121,186 430 3,295 1,4S2 162 411 18,180 1,100 371 1,016 50 84 131 3,325 131 256 20 525 20 21 231 9,395 196 512 45 76 45 1,210 40 41 5 5 135 3,725 130 1S6 5 3 1,991 1,716 2,474,960 120 865 280 345 106 1,426 2,806,660 1,040 185 50 80 71 1,115 201,495 680 435 821 160,320 555 200 20 46 1,311 216,210 345 931 35 1,961 955,405 80 945 830 106 915 46,655 2,991 875 2,908 50 83 265 4,805 265 337 50 995 45 69 5 5 625 26,500 590 1,797 45 43 85 2,250 70 64 15 19 285 12,105 275 641 10 16 3,817 3,537 5,284,600 175 1,770 725 670 197 2,917 4,928,667 2,080 380 175 160 122 2,596 641,990 1,535 1,001 60 1,712 426,205 1,180 336 105 71 15 5 2,755 554,445 470 2,200 75 10 3,802 2,308,570 70 1,185 2,180 367 4,259 309,581 18,295 4,144 17,641 212 654 1,164 32,332 1,164 2,521 UO 3,445 130 198 2,621 163,576 2,490 9,432 207 644 840 27,240 835 1,262 5 5 5 10 5 3 1,672 82,978 1,668 4,225 5 5 18,085 16,237 25,333,170 1,145 7,878 3,110 3,037 1,067 12,925 27,069,102 9,197 1,490 925 670 643 11,208 2,680,800 5,960 5,071 177 8,665 2,775,810 5,012 2,046 929 566 99 12 1 12,715 3,319,690 1,977 9,391 1,211 136 17,959 13,763,186 363 3,347 9,733 4,499 17 1,893 213,001 10,539 1,828 10,199 97 340 427 19,535 427 1,181 71 2,080 71 190 1,066 94,078 1,006 4,687 87 280 731 41,140 716 1,550 15 38 15 270 15 46 812 55,898 792 2,545 20 22 11,174 10,130 14,803,507 866 5,402 1,649 1,583 630 3,206 17,194,634 5,594 1,198 601 455 358 6,411 1,843,657 3,020 3,152 239 6,203 3,588,519 2,406 1,830 957 746 213 48 2 7,691 2,406,645 1,496 4,685 1,273 237 11,099 10,951,898 143 1,389 4,568 4,987 12 593 95,546 4,290 571 4,121 34 169 89 6,172 87 379 2 8 13 717 13 40 289 38,169 270 1,598 26 113 317 27,441 308 1,086 10 25 7 452 7 63 257 22,595 253 955 5 23 5,425 4,927 7,789,981 400 2,548 878 747 354 3,717 10,942,384 2,210 662 331 265 249 2,999 1,332,242 1,067 1,627 305 3,378 3,198,567 818 850 648 771 233 50 6 1 1 3,472 1,341,568 660 1,890 646 276 5,390 6,640,094 72 569 1,481 3,250 18 206 49,472 2,393 202 2,178 12 215 46 3,386 46 208 4 315 4 23 105 21,737 101 1,007 11 155 85 U,899 80 443 6 57 3 955 3 130 64 8,180 63 367 1 3 4,074 3,854 10,456,884 204 1,417 849 871 513 2,615 17,436,389 1,107 602 307 233 366 2,166 1,375,486 484 1,130 552 2,995 6,038,662 339 501 500 866 532 192 54 7 4 2,032 931,539 495 979 325 233 4,043 6,256,916 47 461 917 2,511 107 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fDeta are based on repoits for only a sample of fenns. See textj [For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all faims 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE At! farm products sold total, dollars avera^ per farm, dollars All crops sold .dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fmits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuls sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars -All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other tjian poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms repotting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 Co 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farma reporting. 20 to 29 head farms leporting. .^0 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farm? reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 lo 49 head farms reporting. 50 lo 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farm? reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number . Rom before lune 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old , , .farms reporting. number . Sheep 1 year old and over (arms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporti ng . number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. , dollars. Milk and cream sold .farms reporting, pounds dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold j .' farms reporting . dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 512, 46.4, 3« 9,234 81,134,437 79,539,917 122,883 14,359 1,457,278 431,329,907 19,9U,949 28,294,059 383,120,899 47,437 3,318,149 44,980 1,449,982 32,044 240,604 43,667 926,022 43,812 942,145 349 1,476 2,011 5,844 17,079 11,981 8,286 411 1,377 9,138 12,121 7,690 6,998 3,473 1,580 2,603 4,647 18,065 7,580 1,249 394 85 19 5 15,963 60,610 33,139 2,103,693 17,224 759,785 28,669 1,343,908 14,137 1,927,647 10,451 699,737 13,399 1,227,910 13,232 1,186,089 9,269 41,821 41,342 9,046,616 46,523 1,712,079 279,114,010 32,512 2,512,519 75,375,570 13,188 1,688,319 21,948,147 25, U9 1,151,592,379 28,294,059 33,134 l,3(»,939r 36,575 : 74,273,01511 16,340,063 II 2,044,856 3,020 779,682 3,793 4,470 144 771,275 1,265,174 327,134 36,805 901,235 271 2,057 210 705 165 515 156 737 155 615 20 105 85 40 80 115 15 65 110 191 4,940 90 2,265 146 2,675 SO 1,535 40 330 75 1,205 75 1,155 30 50 470 86,020 226 3,492 589,365 161 7,295 218,850 90 6,580 85,540 95 1,171,351 36,805 370 15,381 415 732,400 161,128 3,086,384 1,740 492,801 149,616 22,925 320,260 2,593,583 794,818 158,170 1,640,595 883 12,521 783 4,777 563 2,026 687 3,637 652 4,107 31 180 235 265 136 25 U 525 80 16 5 10 167 361 35 232 6U 556 15,967 206 4,530 441 11,437 482 18,131 301 5,808 446 12,323 446 11,795 251 528 1,151 180,290 720 6,665 969,590 495 13,895 416,850 436 13,590 176,670 360 6,978,671 158,170 826 23,919 946 1,398,565 3Cf7,684 1,369,895 2,946 118,070 117,808 262 1,251,825 110,235 107,210 1,034,380 325 6,465 285 2,235 170 995 265 1,425 270 2,805 130 80 20 200 45 15 15 130 20 5 65 110 165 5,970 70 1,285 130 4,685 105 6,015 95 2,515 105 3,500 105 3,425 65 75 325 59,260 290 3,730 742,855 155 6,990 2(»,700 105 4,945 64,285 120 4,737,905 107,210 260 8,742 275 453,350 99,738 5,306,599 4,276 810,899 765,233 42,810 56 2,800 4,495,700 245,944 173,260 4,076,496 727 13,982 641 4,395 396 2,043 561 4,935 557 4,652 30 110 110 280 165 15 16 1 45 450 125 15 5 1 25 326 40 5 L4S 590 U5 15,845 250 6,760 350 9,085 226 21,256 136 U,786 205 6,470 200 6,155 130 315 648 115,089 658 9,410 1,663,455 432 19,307 579,210 192 130,821 1,700,673 321 8,272,817 173,260 501 15,915 571 1,022,590 224,969 3,593,128 3,290 756,901 756,901 2,836,227 269,527 299,960 2,266,740 657 13,274 617 5,409 391 2,071 570 4,305 565 3,560 11 60 105 226 200 55 71 335 161 40 10 106 240 30 15 156 318 446 23,864 220 10,110 386 13,754 180 14,455 130 4,490 175 9,965 175 9,730 120 235 726 139,170 666 7,755 1,266,405 440 26,195 785,850 190 12,550 163,150 270 10,436,916 299,960 585 23,431 640 1,113,910 245,061 SOUTH DAKOTA 91 state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [^DatA are b&sed on reports for only a sampl? of famis. See t«nj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of faim-Continued 140 to 171 acres S60 to 4B9 acres 1,000 (o 1,999 acres !,000 acres and over ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All farm pfodocts sold total, dollars average per fann, dollars All crops sold dDllars Field crops, other than vegetables and fniits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars FVuita and nuts sold dollars Forest oroducls and horticultural specialty products sold dollar? All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry pn>ducts sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have oalvod Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Sioers and bulls including steer and bull calves . Fanna refwrting by number on hand; Cattle and caives- Ihead 2to 4 head 5 to 9 head 10 to 19 head 90 to 49 head 50 to 99 head 100 to499 head 500 or more head ..farms reporting.. number.. ..farms reporting,, num))er.. ..farms reporting. . number.. . .farms reporting. . number., ..farms reporting,. number.. , .farms reporting.. ..farms reporting,. .farms reporting,. ..farms teoorting. , , .farms reporting. . . .farms refvtrting. , .farms reporting.. .farms reporting.. Cows including heifers that have calveti— 1 head farms reporting, 2 to 9 head faims reporting, 10 to 19 head Jarms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms repotting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting, 50 to 74 head , farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms repotting. lot) or more head farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms 2 to 9 head farms 10 to 19 head farms 20 to 29 head farms 30 to 49 head farms 50 to 74 head farms 75 to 99 head fanns 100 or more head farms Hofses and/or tnules farms Hogs and pigs farms Bom since June 1 farms Bom before June 1 farms Sheep and lambs Lambs under 1 year old . . . Sheep 1 year old and over . Ewes Rams and wethers Chickens 4 monttis old and over farms refiorting., repofUng., reporting. , rei»rting.. reoorting,. reporting,, reoorting., reporting., reporting,. number., reporting,. number., reporting. , number., reporting. number . . s reporting. number. s reoorting. . number . 9 reporting., number., B reporting. number. 5 reporting. numlwr . repotting, number . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms Hogs and pigs sold alive farms Sheep and lambs sold alive farms Milks «sold ..farms Chickens including broilers sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms See footnotes at end ol table. reporting. number. dollars, reporting, number. dollars, reporting. number. dollars, reporting. pounds dollars, reporti ng . dollars, reporting. dozens. dollars. 4,7U 4,713,929 4,699,696 12,180 313 1,740 21,500,720 1,986,840 2,119,805 17,394,075 4,243 103,439 3,842 37,849 2,811 19,154 3,723 31,897 3,708 33,693 55 261 385 1,350 1,870 285 37 180 1,896 1,455 235 65 5 340 1,736 680 40 15 598 1,598 3,124 181,142 1,793 69,220 2,624 111,922 1,285 76,920 940 34,440 1,225 42,480 1,200 40,425 735 2,055 3,942 881,099 4,072 60,906 10,553,509 3,124 197,452 5,923,560 1,156 54,796 712,348 2,376 91,271,920 2,119,805 3,386 130,921 3,681 7,833,150 1,723,294 12,885,896 6,456 2,127,086 2,125,875 U. 1,200 10,758,810 666,597 1,181,370 8,910,643 1,607 50,103 1,486 18,544 1,156 9,402 1,467 15,634 1,412 15,925 15 45 80 375 875 185 32 55 490 725 185 25 5 1 85 671 345 50 5 290 545 1,315 85,225 705 35,510 1,165 49,715 425 45,825 300 27,410 385 18,415 385 17,995 245 420 1,491 328,760 1,601 29,500 5,486,785 1,275 93,820 2,964,600 375 26,815 348,595 1,050 49,196,487 1,181,370 1,246 49,592 1,371 2,790,700 613,955 27,896,896 7,299 4,933,670 4,931,507 925 1,063 175 22,963,226 1,718,534 2,677,265 18,567,427 3,347 107,713 3,131 38,626 2,441 20,036 3,091 33,609 3,027 35,478 20 90 140 730 1,845 465 57 96 1,145 1,410 405 TO 216 1,430 685 75 30 450 1,355 2,792 181,164 1,505 62,110 2,527 U9,054 795 49,960 560 22,465 755 27,495 740 26,360 425 1,135 3,106 816,180 3,247 63,722 11,729,986 2,785 204,751 6,142,530 752 43,307 562,991 2,216 104,655,598 2,677,265 2,8U 116,605 2,976 6,912,090 1,520,659 U9,246,186 8,227 26,616,824 26,582,535 14,045 2,920 17,324 122,629,362 7,565,602 11,922,757 103,U1,003 16,173 697,922 15,223 276,263 U,113 94,384 15,022 205,553 15,005 216,106 95 360 491 1,825 8,197 4,504 696 5 382 2,817 5,949 3,907 1,917 221 15 15 1,163 5,898 3,307 565 165 15 3,404 7,298 12,617 832,636 6,968 318,323 11,059 514,313 4,451 383,269 3,330 174,421 4,198 208,848 4,148 202,161 2,873 6,687 U,094 3,665,120 15,999 374,249 66,949,970 12,568 1,010,407 X, 312, 210 4,144 365,598 4,752,774 9,760 486,630,581 11,922,757 12,543 553,296 13,313 31,213,580 6,866,986 108,006,472 9,636 17,830,054 17,560,114. 1,625 1,420 266,895 90,176,418 3,619,059 6,476, U7 80,081,242 10,245 691,241 9,978 306,850 7,037 56,945 9,686 189,663 9,768 194,728 40 155 205 460 3,052 4,491 1,834 191 772 1,815 2,337 3,394 1,198 205 66 1,031 3,795 1,697 355 108 40 11 3,956 10,459 7,225 464,602 3,410 155,433 6,269 309,169 3,457 399,878 2,612 147,192 3,305 252,686 3,265 243,177 2,394 9,509 8,806 1,805,459 10,151 352,608 57,773,719 7,116 563,408 16,902,240 3,219 320,087 4,161,131 5,459 263,294,864 6,476,117 7,037 251,826 7,840 13,851,491 3,047,328 71,943,833 13,244 11,470,889 11,436,042 13,269 2,701 18,877 60,472,944 1,124,360 2,102,646 57,245,938 5,076 591,163 4,962 273,255 3,299 21,314 4,781 159,099 4,904 158,809 21 59 63 108 494 1,579 2,731 21 70 254 257 440 1,240 1,503 726 472 752 1,829 550 105 45 12 3 3 3,153 10,167 2,907 194,559 1,339 60,017 2,468 134,542 1,595 294,315 1,235 97,699 1,512 196,616 1,498 190,824 1,180 5,792 3,910 633,219 5,015 299,576 45,789,888 2,776 242,935 7,288,050 1,535 239,736 3,116,563 2,093 87,470,454 2,102,646 2,461 84,398 3,015 4,432,930 975,245 100,869,550 24,705 10,483,632 10,410,797 10,634 5,469 56,732 90,385,918 1,486,299 1,038,694 87,860,925 3,833 1,028,269 3,822 481,074 2,502 U,719 3,658 275,528 3,789 271,667 6 36 32 55 150 371 2,857 376 41 139 84 95 267 530 624 2,042 687 1,559 176 34 26 18 3,446 27,446 1,356 97,779 668 34,222 1,104 63,557 1,056 616,088 772 168,181 1,013 447,907 995 432,887 821 15,020 2,673 336,950 3,878 500,456 75,598,483 1,185 121,064 3,631,920 994 469,494 6,103,422 999 37,474,815 1,038,694 1,108 35,913 1,532 2,518,259 554,016 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fData are based on reports for only a sample of famis. Sec textj Total all farms Size of farm [For dennitions anH explanations, see text) Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres TO to 99 acre.s 100 to 139 acrea LIVESTOCK AND LIVtKKJCK PRODL'CTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to NovemlMr 30. 1959 . . . .rams ccnorung. . . number of litters. .. t or 2 litters farms renortinfi 30,913 405,709 2,660 10,747 11,463 5,195 699 149 15,032 108,690 28,070 297,019 130 471 645 2,964 60 175 50 220 15 55 5 15 5 1 45 181 285 662 95 371 360 2,302 140 945 20 90 20 10 'so 200 125 745 380 2,965 90 190 75 20 5 200 835 305 2,130 390 4,105 60 3 to 9 litters fanns reponine... 10 to 19 liUers famis reporting... 20 to 39 litters farms reporting... 40 to ()9 litters farms reporting... 70 or more litters farms reporting. .. 170 110 45 5 June 2 to November 30 ; farms reporting... number of litters. . . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting... number of litters... 165 1,300 37D 2,805 spEnnED CROPS harvested Com for all purposes farms reporting. . . acres . . . Under 11 acres farms reporting... 41,093 4,(B7,975 598 2,154 6,500 7,896 6,797 17,143 30,475 2,468,376 61,575,465 14,780 24,516,584 25 290 115 4,935 25 UO 110 70 25 240 115 4,405 4,715 121,190 10 UO 3,750 82,900 165 4,045 20 65 70 10 150 3,625 116,375 90 80,160 745 27,555 15 180 380 145 25 675 23,900 749,275 460 496,235 640 30,185 35 1 1 to 24 acres farms reporting 65 25 to 49 acres farms refKjrting.. . 245 50 to 74 acres farms reporting... 210 7-i to 99 acres farms reporting.. . 45 100 or more acres farms reporting 40 Harvested for grain fnims reporting. . . 565 Sales ■_ farms reporting. . . 26,500 810,250 300 456,915 6,475 279,893 45 25 60 40 460 270 1,255 865 4,238 142,545 35 10 55 20 acres . . . 415 130 1,150 365 bushels . , . 3,199,507 15,325 3,700 40,290 12,000 Sales farms reporting . . . 1,523 25 5 35 10 bushels. . . 1,326,687 14,300 2,500 20,865 9,500 3,473 5 10 10 5 acres.. . 412,262 75 150 175 75 bushels . . . 6,234,955 930 4,500 1,750 900 Sales farms reporting . . . 3,255 5 10 10 5 bushels . . . 5,335,291 930 4,100 1,500 900 1,684 20 acres . . . 60,721 ... 290 bushels . . . 488,013 ... 2,400 Sales farms reporting . . . 1,313 5 bushels . . . 379,071 625 Other spring wheat harvested fanns reporting . . . 18,986 45 15 95 115 1,386,U9 585 180 1,940 2,265 bushels . . . 10,295,860 5,905 1,750 13,045 21,770 Sales farms reporting. . , 16,239 35 5 80 UO bushels . . . 8,340,470 4,900 1,200 12,115 20,530 Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting. . . 33,181 60 85 475 495 acres . . . 2,017,753 840 1,465 11,370 U,450 bushels... 39,864,399 19,920 36,725 278,035 357,290 12,414 40 35 245 220 bushels . . . 9,780,078 15,025 11,100 130,270 119,225 Barley harvested farms reporting . . . 10,153 30 5 70 85 acres . . . 440,370 385 60 1,565 2,175 bushels . . . 5,781,454 6,200 565 28,765 30,410 Sales farms reporting . . . 4,835 15 5 45 65 bvishels . . . 2,840,841 3,550 565 19,965 23,055 Rye harvested farms reporting. . . 2,408 5 10 25 acres . . . 100,529 ,. 115 300 510 bushels . . . 1,292,733 2,250 4,900 10,225 Sales farms reporting . . . 2,026 5 10 20 bushels... 1,085,142 2,000 3,900 9,750 n.axseed harvested fanns reporting... 10,334 25 80 115 acres . , . 558,672 160 ... 1,785 3,455 3,248,877 770 13,230 22,645 Sales farms reporting... 9,502 20 75 110 btishels . . . 2,794,246 650 12,805 19,840 Soybeans harvested for beans fanns reporting... 3,820 15 15 65 65 acres . . . 124,487 180 175 1,130 1,225 1,449,784 2,450 2,875 U,015 17,170 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH DAKOTA 93 state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only ft sample of fainis. See le«J [tetn (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Size of faiTn— Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 2Ifl acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2.000 acres and over Under 11 acres . 11 to 24 acres . . 2B to « acres . . GO to 74 acres . . 75 to 09 acres . . 100 or more acrei Harvested For grain . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PBODlICT^Contitmed Litters farrowetj Decemtiei 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 . . . .farms reporting. . numtjer of litters.. 1 or Slitters forms reporting.. 8 to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 30 to 39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting.. 70 t>r more litters farms reporting.. June 2 to November .10 farms re|X)rting. . number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters. . SPEX3FIED CROPS EURVESTED Com for ail puiposes farms repotting. . acres.. arms repotting. . arms reporting. . farms reporting. . 'armH reporti ng . . 3 reporting. . 'aims reporting.. 'arms reporting.. acres.. bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels., SorghviaB for all purpoees farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . acres . . btishels . . Sales faziQS reporting. . bushels . . Winter wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres., bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. IXiruiD wheat harvestetS farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels . . Other spring wheat harvested fajins reporting.. acres. . btishels.. Sales , farms reporting. . bushels.. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels.. Sales farms reporting. , bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bushels. . farms reporting. . bushels. . Rye harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Flajiseed harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . bushels.. See footnotes at end of table. 2,897 32,981 280 1,146 1,096 340 25 10 1,537 9,744 2,581 23,237 4,473 258,255 60 355 1,U0 1,870 836 242 3,973 210,315 6,399,335 2,056 2,719,035 465 • 7,190 310 5,095 185,155 155 78,680 95 2,690 29,030 85 26,375 65 1,120 8,840 45 5,930 950 18,865 165,735 775 138,160 3,686 136,280 3,490,625 1,495 939,860 560 14,280 194,370 260 100,210 80 2,340 32,050 75 30,000 695 17,785 123,805 635 109,305 500 11,040 150,875 1,275 16,445 130 390 510 220 25 645 4,880 1,190 11,565 1,686 120,270 45 65 285 490 461 340 1,500 96,725 3,021,605 800 1,228,280 291 5,725 165 3,665 96,730 85 39,065 20 630 4,500 15 3,790 20 340 1,525 15 575 385 7,250 80,530 335 71,710 1,435 63,380 1,642,825 60O 461,820 195 4,775 93,415 105 46,385 50 1,305 16,885 35 11,905 280 8,555 56,180 250 50,250 175 4,050 56,620 2,621 33,410 160 890 1,120 400 46 5 1,305 8,945 2,401 24,465 3,468 296,474 20 116 310 750 1,091 1,181 3,197 236,915 6,907,010 1,785 2,658,985 466 8,176 280 6,005 175,725 140 89,685 45 1,225 15,485 40 U,485 70 1,240 12,885 60 9,495 900 I 22,055 227,440 770 174,435 3,086 160,933 4,015,152 1,420 1,025,010 510 14,100 256,830 300 123,325 U5 2,135 33,890 100 29,540 660 21,155 150,475 615 136,970 490 12,935 188,330 12,063 166,132 660 3,962 4,856 2,247 288 50 6,327 46,519 11,096 119,613 15,716 1,613,864 150 591 1,936 2,254 2,631 8,154 12,725 1,123,123 29,562,990 6,795 12,116,980 3,301 81,256 1,827 50,482 1,287,445 661 609,775 455 17,115 205,985 425 192,345 630 14,475 123,680 505 99,620 6,382 223,362 1,705,845 5,291 1,344,687 13,447 360,174 17,871,395 5,715 4,691,550 4,008 137,135 1,966,310 2,147 1,069,635 880 26,520 338,345 725 292,685 4,490 212,600 1,385,010 4,150 1,206,645 1,982 66,853 772,785 6,800 90,190 515 2,423 2,505 1,177 148 32 2,950 21,584 6,243 68,606 8,834 1,006,5U 70 377 1,415 1,425 1,128 4,419 5,515 520,965 10,373,247 1,940 3,809,305 2,000 65, 521 905 33,758 637,355 237 189,105 919 71,082 1,014,934 828 945,020 602 21,635 172,640 461 133,310 5,966 459,128 3,094,642 5,165 2,452,132 6,871 481,573 8,012,930 2,060 1,712,695 2,983 140,348 1,725,505 1,368 363,565 776 30,113 394,880 656 323,231 2,982 200,808 1,066,754 2,752 902,844 466 24,230 225,655 2,638 36, 591 307 855 846 514 93 18 1,U9 8,712 2,341 27,379 3,487 473,491 31 160 449 520 402 1,925 1,512 165,313 2,614,293 335 727,988 1,079 53,818 433 24,540 438,858 121 172,744 1,000 129,295 1,944,021 943 1,828,138 202 12,909 106,463 165 83,448 2,798 382,667 2,851,719 2,467 2,321,629 2,438 191,580 2,752,183 451 479,035 1,191 78,710 901,302 412 391,723 333 20,367 264,901 283 227,092 801 70,421 336,775 715 276,500 43 2,414 17,489 1,108 18,336 203 361 255 202 54 33 508 5,024 952 13,312 1,564 262,275 17 70 230 222 178 847 393 56,475 895,180 69 138,051 703 55,357 198 16,940 306,924 49 100,468 909 189,750 3,012,920 889 2,317,708 75 8,662 59, 580 57 46,018 1,335 267,352 2,127,479 1,206 1,798,972 1,103 95,708 1,387,319 133 194,488 516 46,337 577,282 113 198,863 134 16,824 194,407 117 155,039 206 21,948 93,233 180 78,437 4 255 1,520 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See texlj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Hay crops: Land from ?Alch hay was cut. Alfalfa and alfalfa mlxtuTeE cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting... acres . . . tons... Sales ..farms reporting... tons... Clover, tljnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres... tons . . . Sales f anns reporting . . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting... acres . , . tons. .. Sales farms reporting... tons... Wild hay cut f anus reporting . . . acres... tons... Sales f amts reporting. , . tons . . . Other hay cut farms reporting. . . acres... tons. .. Sales farms reporting... tons. .. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... acres . . . tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale f anns reporting .'. . acres*. . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars , . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... acres. .. ■4,653,496 41,016 2,057,272 1,857,344 3,001 131,684 999 35,972 27,702 56 1,075 10,997 491,886 261, Ul 247 7,065 25,056 1,939,304 1,017,348 1,513 52,389 4,984 127,320 89,963 275 6,098 50 1,742 8,046 2,108 4,864 505,335 537 675 I'nder 10 acres 5 (z) 60 25 4,470 2,900 225 1,910 2,785 35 930 5 135 35 30 265 185 5 75 40 420 245 5 30 35 170 130 10 40 60 13 3,680 30 22,925 200 2,480 3,190 30 490 5 100 100 30 215 115 5 5 95 1,290 1,140 5 30 70 to 99 acres 10 5 275 ICO to 139 acres 12,160 460 6,410 8,055 70 1,400 20 295 305 55 790 605 15 245 190 4,245 2,760 45 1,070 55 420 400 5 10 55 138 10,925 15 42,810 482 7,272 9,980 51 660 20 530 315 10 50 90 2,210 1,535 5 10 255 5,600 3,870 30 950 45 740 735 16 79 3,696 Z Less than 0.05 percent; or reported in small fractions. ^Includes milli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH DAKOTA 95 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are baaed on repona for only a sample of famis. See teKlJ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Site of faim— Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 3% to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres !,000 acsea and over SPEaFTED CROPS BABVESTED-Continued Hay crops: Land from which hay nas cut acres... Alfalfa and alfalfa ndxtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting... acres, . . tons , . . Sales farms reporting. .. tons.. . Clover, tlBothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay faims reporting... acres... tons . . . Sales f anus reporting . . . tons... Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting... acres... tons. .. Sales farms reporting... tons... Wild hay cut fajms reporting... acres... tons. . . Sales farms reporting... tons... Ot^er hay cut farms reporting... acres . . . tons... Sales faims reporting. . . tons... Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... acres... tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for hoane use or for sale faims reporting... acres^ . . bushels... Vegetables hnrvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars... Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ fanns reporting... acres... 3,676 66,355 92,120 345 10,350 80 2,015 1,820 560 12,385 8,045 10 185 1,186 20,900 13,010 86 1,970 455 4,465 4,045 25 680 10 315 465 255 120 9,740 35 12,180 52,834 1,441 30,237 41,322 130 4,855 55 970 750 5 40 185 4,500 2,945 575 13,840 9,185 35 635 180 3,270 2,740 10 350 12 1,175 3,047 64,150 87,725 270 7,310 55 740 535 15 190 515 U,255 7,255 10 120 1,285 26,250 16,550 U5 1,190 295 4,030 3,165 35 720 6 165 500 165 260 29,820 10 925 922,004 14,709 464,033 519,649 1,191 47,218 395 10,270 7,470 15 420 3,770 135,471 74,275 85 3,255 8,113 280,875 159,615 555 11,275 1,785 30,500 23,955 110 1,835 20 855 4,615 680 1,120 83,230 35 14,045 200 166 1,197,190 9,134 501,639 438,459 589 37,060 188 7,700 5,615 5 75 3,215 160,343 81,470 86 1,955 7,053 494,634 261,143 382 13,015 1,2(» 32,499 22,622 55 1,150 12 375 2,375 521 654 67,027 36 1,625 112 230 968,125 4,485 406,268 301,524 209 14,597 95 5,617 4,945 6 300 1,509 88,060 45,003 16 719 3,581 445,826 229,645 163 11,452 539 22,339 U,948 21 1,121 143 927 130,765 13 13,269 55 105 1,264,681 3,142 506,483 352,485 81 6,814 81 7,600 5,762 1,038 76,392 39,708 10 496 2,678 645,409 320,170 92 10,772 371 28,797 17, U3 4 192 118 1,536 164,942 24 10,634 40 81 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [^DatA ue basod on reports for only a sample of farms. See textt (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Conjnercial farms by tenure of operator Part owners Martagers All tenants FARMS, ACBEAOE, AND VALUE Fanns jiumber.. Percent distribution percent.. Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. Average si ze of fam acres . . Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars. . , Average per acre .dollars.., Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested ierms reporting, acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting ID to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 39 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Croplnnd not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes .farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured terms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not crooland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture i . . . . , farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting, acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting acres Land use practices; Oopland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators tepofting age jiumber. . Under 25 years .number . . 25 to M years .number.. 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years jiumber.. 55 to 64 years number. . 65 or more years number. . Averageage years.. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opeiators- Worl farms reporting. acres. Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. tons. See footnotes at end of table. 31,599 33,206 31,323 32,230 12,981 13,117 9,999 10,195 39,095 52,278 50,952 113,308 50,759 115,639 11,396 21,985 12, 10* 3,647 1,627 50,562 113,665 1,805 1,974 2,516 2,669 51,754 66,471 53,840 40,032 34,835 11,301 3,576 768 29,664' 7,196 38,753 8,794 1,087 7,707 983 1,730 547 4,447 6,409 8,869 3,842 5,057 3,132 526 138 35 U 49,658 4,176 1,662 9,452 781,155 43,327 9,106 41,621 550 1,706 2,477 76,085 2,470 5,428 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5 5 5,652 379,855 5,308 21,078 501 1,450 30,514 32,053 30,386 31,268 12,671 12,801 9,924 10,119 36,747 49,481 47,105 112,636 46,988 110,136 8,882 20,987 11,916 3,614 1,589 46,323 103,320 1,702 1,866 2,306 2,450 47,110 60, 9U 48,811 36,238 32,359 11,100 3,528 760 23,607 5,982 35,287 7,855 387 6,968 353 1,541 514 4,055 6,250 8,602 3,789 4,938 3,090 526 130 34 9 45,150 3,137 1,394 9,207 770,384 42,725 8,876 41,026 535 1,699 2,427 75,036 2,420 5,340 7 18 363 9,612 358 630 5 5 5,548 375,872 5,219 20,888 486 1,443 7,356 7,645 7,578 7,737 3,053 3,065 2,304 2,332 9,475 11,658 12,673 23,209 12,633 27,424 3,098 5,792 2,711 729 303 12,579 26,954 430 470 729 785 12,779 16,256 13,368 9,907 8,561 2,271 732 207 7,536 1,956 9,747 1,821 239 1,582 227 361 130 864 1,398 1,81B 834 998 699 119 13 3 12,266 943 541 2,552 183,332 11,189 2,484 10,947 117 242 728 21,738 722 2,016 6 11 122 3,860 122 237 1,452 85,324 1,425 5,314 95 189 15,197 16,184 13,823 14,266 6,663 6,750 5,584 5,722 18,595 27,061 21,545 56,827 21,505 55,579 2,604 9,014 6,524 2,279 1,084 21,415 54,489 972 1,090 1,179 1,248 21,312 28,768 22,033 16,819 16,038 4,846 1,389 433 13,957 2,297 15,413 4,397 404 3,993 428 792 232 2,491 3,740 5,237 2,397 3,122 1,932 344 98 18 5 20,688 1,038 491 4,121 388,109 20,039 3,986 19,127 206 912 1,046 34,177 1,045 2,150 140 3,067 135 216 2,443 187,194 2,312 9,567 189 731 39 51 49 57 54 61 29 31 139 264 138 448 137 423 34 28 43 11 21 136 401 19 22 24 25 123 174 U5 92 100 11 8 10 50 31 281 68 254 107 U 30 21 9,099 651 20 636 1 15 16 3,904 15 299 1 15 SOUTH DAKOTA 99 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continue(l [Datft are based on repofts tor only a sample of rarms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Li vestoc k- share tenants Other and unspecified tenants SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Qrain combines farms reporting. . number.. Cora pickers famia reporting.. number.. Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number. . Field forage harvesters fanns reporting.. number.. MolortAicks farms reporting., number.. Tractors , farms reporting. , number,. Tractors other than garden famis reporti ng . . number. . 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or tnore tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors farms reporting . . number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Automobiles farms reporting.. number., Autontobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. . Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale ; farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or nvire miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINfi ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more days) farms reporting. . persons . , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms ref LtME-Continued Commercial rertilizer and fertilizing matenols used during the year- Continued Crops on which used-Continued ¥11681: farms reporting. . . 16 620 269 U,926 99 5,360 29 2,210 16 acres... 1,333 Dry materials farms reporting.,. 16 30 259 465 94 215 29 92 16 tons. .. 39 Liquid materials farms reporting. .. ... 10 5 ... (ons... ... 10 2 ... ... Irish potatoes farms reporung... ■ *■ 10 ... ... ... acres . . . ... 195 ... ... ... Dry materials farms reporting... ... 10 tons . . . .>• 21 ... ... ... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . , ... ... ... ... • All other crops farms reporting... 38 1,407 640 32,535 164 3,952 68 3,224 28 acres... 1,525 Dry materials .farms reporting.. . 38 640 159 68 23 tons... 117 1,5U 552 197 58 Liquid materials farms refwrting... ... 5 ... 5 tons... ... 5 ... 5 Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting... ... ... ... ..• acres limed... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... SPEanED FARM EXPENDITURES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . . 835 8,672 2,506 1,009 486 807 8,144 1,866 934 404 dollars... 1,164,624 U,240,433 2,416,573 1,351,451 432,527 Under ^ilOO farms reporting... 3g 158 423 4,130 1,619 135 951 321 30 472 149 32 SlOO to $009 farms reporting... 247 $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting... 44 $2,000 to 34,999 farms repordrg. . . 175 1,608 312 184 77 55,000 or more farms reporting . . . 40 364 97 99 4 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting,, , 584 6,715 1,465 718 259 dollars... 1,518,573 11,397,657 3,080,067 3,210,061 331,858 356 4,680 1,037 406 196 Sl.OOn to $2.199 farms reporting.,. IDl 930 172 105 35 $2,500 to.S4,999 ". farms reporting. .. 33 523 101 61 17 $5,000 to $9,999 forms reporting. . . 59 312 96 66 7 $10,000 or more farms reporting... 35 270 59 80 4 Machine hire -. farms reporting... 322 5,620 1,310 594 223 dollars... 76,162 1,312,938 318,823 199,342 75,250 187 128 2,989 2,527 710 565 238 333 137 $200 to $999 farms reporting... 64 $1,000 or more farms reporting... 7 104 35 23 22 ffired labor farms reoorting... 323 3,981 916 532 168 dollars... 198,537 1,150,293 353,404 329,158 85,525 134 2,383 527 227 81 $900 to S499 farms reporting,,. 90 967 199 127 42 S500 to$999 faims reporting,,. 44 352 108 70 18 $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting,.. 37 248 63 83 IS $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,.. 15 24 X4 15 7 $5,000 to SO, 999 farms reporting... 2 6 5 10 2 $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting . . , 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $50,000 or more farms reporting... ... ... ... Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees .farms reporting... 376 6,222 1,591 630 227 dollars.,. 65,945 1,581,860 385,997 169,851 43,321 Under $100 famis reporting... 140 801 339 86 58 $100 to $499 farms reporting... 211 4,834 1,086 477 160 $500 to $999 farms reporting. . . 24 513 133 54 3 Sl.OOO or more farms reporting... 1 69 28 13 1 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. .. 793 8,637 2,476 1,008 474 dollars,,. 476,048 6,990,059 1,704,766 953,010 256,989 Under $100 farms reporting , . . 65 296 55 1,631 51 748 172 69 SlOO to $499 farms reporting. . . 160 S500 to$999 farms reporting... 308 4,596 1,102 462 159 51,000 to $4.999 farms reporting... 124 2,348 573 374 86 $5,000 or more farms reporting. . . 7 2 ... ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars... 7,949,022 71,536,209 18,456,008 14,201,522 3,394,769 average per farm, dollars,.. 9,520 3,249 7,365 14,005 6,985 698,499 15,577,331 5,767,260 1,531,640 546,734 Field crops, other than vegeubles and fruits and nuts, sold dollars... 697,332 15,434,679 5,746,673 1,531,597 546,639 33 12,105 250 20 Fruits and nuta sold dollars., , 56 17 87 23 45 1,028 131,030 20,250 100 7,250,523 55,958,373 12,638,748 12,669,882 2,347,985 Poultry and poultry products sold dollars,.. 168,590 3,268,499 735,733 265,511 114,823 442,160 6,359,521 1,172,304 589,564 273,984 Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars... 6,639,773 46,330,353 10,730,711 11,314,807 2,459,173 See footnotes at end of table. 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Contiiiued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xt] (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants LIVESTOCK AND UVEfTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms renorUng. . number. . Cows, includini: heifers that have calved fanns reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting.. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms renorting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves ,.....,., .farms reoorting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. . 3 to 4 head farms renortins.. fi to3 head farms reportlnt?.. 10 to 19 bead farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. W to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 lo 49P head farms reporting. 530 or more head farms reporti ng . . Cows, including heifers that hnve calved- 1 head farms renorting.. 2 to 9 head , farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head ►. farms reporting. . "W to 49 head farm= reporting.. SO to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head fnrns reponint?.. 100 or more head farms renorting.. Vfilk COW&- 1 head farms refx>rtinr;.. 2 to 9 head farms renorti ng . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 30 to 09 head farms reporting.. 13 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms renorting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reoortifig.. Horses and or mules farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs. farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 fanns reporting.. number., ifem before June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number. . Sheeo 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporti nc. number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock pioducts sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars. . Ilogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number, , dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. . pounds , dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold famis reporting. . dollars. , Chicken eggs sold farms reporting,. dozens.. dol I ars . . Littefs farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting., number of litters., 1 or 'J litters farms reporting. . S to 9 litters farms reporting., 10 to 19 litters farms reporting., 20 to 19 litters farms reporting., 40 to fi9 litters farms reporting. , 70 or more litters farms reporting., June 2 to November W farms reporting,, number of litters., December 1 to June I farms reporting. , number of Utters., See footnotes at end of table. ,17,437 44,275 3,312,149 3 263,893 «,980 42,040 1,449,982 1 424,398 32,044 30,231 240,604 233,121 43,667 41,108 926,022 910,001 43,812 41,436 942,145 929,494 349 255 1,476 918 2,011 1,367 5,844 4,817 17,079 16,359 U,981 11,882 8,286 8,270 411 407 1,377 1,058 9,138 7,401 12,121 11,465 7,690 7,531 6,998 6,951 3,473 3,470 1,580 1,575 2,603 2,589 4,647 4,193 18,065 16,826 7,580 7,475 1,249 1,247 394 388 85 80 19 17 5 5 15,963 U,868 60,610 57,247 33,139 31,703 2,103,693 2 063,961 17,224 16,610 759,785 746,054 28,669 27,509 1,343,908 1,317,907 14,137 12,396 1,927,647 1,869,013 10,451 9,581 699,737 680,473 13,399 12,247 1,227,910 1 188,540 13,232 12,085 1,186,089 1 148,344 9,269 8,615 41,821 40,196 41,342 38,068 9,046,616 8 568,524 46,523 43,841 1,712,079 1 692,239 279,114,010 276 699,733 32,512 31,311 2,512,519 2,478,008 75,375,570 74 340,240 13, IBS 12,047 1,688,319 1 650,097 21,948,147 21 451,261 25,119 23,980 1,151,592,379 1,128 ,001,030 28,294,059 27 ,739,685 33,134 30,874 1,309,939 1 ,241,071 36,575 33,941 74,273,015 70 ,694,528 16,340,063 15 ,552,797 30,913 29,798 405,709 398,702 2,660 2,242 10,747 10,213 12,463 11,333 5,195 5,175 699 697 149 138 15,032 14,576 108,690 106,509 28,070 27,169 297,019 292,193 11,593 669,291 10,840 281,223 7,145 52,989 10,423 185,757 10,738 202,311 112 340 420 1,637 4,331 3,104 1,564 35 376 2,287 3,U6 2,007 1,752 698 271 333 1,121 4,063 1,481 353 3,455 10,794 7,680 490,220 3,929 170,023 6,505 320,197 3,407 387,605 2,550 153,452 3,201 234,153 3,162 226,694 2,278 7,459 10,251 2,378,178 U,561 366,609 62,365,835 7,577 576,729 17,301,870 3,186 318,304 4,137,952 5,702 257,442,446 6,333,977 8,403 339,325 9,256 20,192,450 4,442,340 7,131 90,065 659 2,589 2,619 1,074 167 23 3,238 23,373 6,450 66,692 20,758 1,966,8U 19,998 875,667 14,290 107,992 19,581 546,355 19,748 544,292 68 284 426 1,358 6,559 6,212 5,535 316 400 2,259 4,386 3,659 4,000 2,262 1,076 1,956 2,280 7,758 3,387 600 201 4« 12 4 8,624 38,078 U,337 950,928 7,300 339,7U 12,519 611,214 6,261 1,132,540 4,771 381,610 5,996 750,930 5,922 724,767 4,351 26,163 17,476 3,844,584 20, 522 987, 51A 158,933,850 14,037 1,151,394 34,541,820 5,933 895,103 11,636,339 10,613 506,U5,211 12,516,502 13,624 548,471 15,202 31,765,099 6,988,322 13,387 183,713 1,074 4,442 5,000 2,419 371 81 6,364 48,149 12,225 135,564 124 51,557 117 18,923 85 528 m 12,460 117 20,174 103 834 49 4,859 21 1,644 42 3,215 41 35,040 25 19,024 36 16,016 35 15,554 21 462 78 8,634 122 25,847 4,506,132 44 5,943 178,290 36 140,971 1,832,623 43 1,849,860 51,673 36 1,510 47 66,685 14,670 39 812 8 7 6 U 6 1 22 217 31 595 SOUTH DAKOTA 103 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DKtA are bssed on reports for only a SBjnpIe of farms. S«e tojrtj (For definiljons and explanations, soe («xt) Conunercial rsrms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified tenants LrVfSTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves faims reporting. , number., Cbws, including heifers that have cajved farms reporting., number.. Milk cows farms reporting. , number . . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. , number . , Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting., number.. Farms reporting hy number on hand: CatUe and calves- 1 head farms reporting. , 2 to 4 head faims reporting.. 5 to 9 head .farms reporting. , 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. , loo to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting. . Cows, including heifers that have calved* 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . SO to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting., 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. . ,^ to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farmi^ reporting.. 75 to 99 head , farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms report! ng . . Hoises and or mules farms reporting., number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since .June 1 farmp reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. . number.. Sheep and iambs farms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number . . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Ctiickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive fnmis reporting. . number . . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollnrs. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dol 1 ars . . Milk and cream sold forms reporting.. fxjunds . dollars.. Chickens including bnsilers sold forms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozen.e . . dollars. . Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms r»|K>rting . . number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting. . 3 to 9 liUers farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to 39 liuers farms reporting.. 40 to li9 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting.. June 2 to No\ ember 30 farms reporting.. number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 757 63,098 715 31,722 530 3,855 677 16,923 680 L4,453 1 28 38 79 245 183 172 U 18 172 137 83 123 59 44 79 94 306 97 17 15 1 397 1,868 472 24,687 256 9,533 393 15,154 222 44,917 164 11,940 216 32,977 211 32,231 U4 746 580 90,228 758 34,400 5,051,560 462 33,149 994,470 193 34,372 446,836 364 16,235,392 442,160 370 13,606 417 694,219 152,727 423 5,208 49 164 lAl 52 12 5 2U 1,516 333 3,692 8,032 334,992 7,545 140,966 6,041 51,796 7,535 98,166 7,417 95,860 43 171 314 1,274 4,001 1,769 456 4 174 1,906 2,933 1,403 752 266 60 51 456 3,307 2,042 187 42 6 1,473 3,227 6,71S 427,348 3,760 165,224 5,908 262,124 2,120 163,281 1,489 60,670 2,005 102,611 1,979 99,324 1,249 3,237 7,090 1,670,011 7,910 172,568 28,507,667 6,835 520,427 15,612,810 1,911 132,097 1,717,261 5,477 263,709,536 6,359,521 6,255 251,965 6,677 13,268,261 2,919,017 6,529 86,340 309 2,259 2,739 1,108 92 22 3,511 24,013 5,978 62,327 1,681 65,583 1,612 26,132 1,218 9,353 1,533 20,567 1,500 18,884 21 94 93 362 730 251 130 66 534 605 211 130 26 26 14 116 717 321 48 15 1 329 750 1,438 87,988 767 31,978 1,262 56,010 447 44,845 324 25,331 420 19,514 420 18,959 295 555 1,501 365,983 1,537 39,849 6,768,212 1,391 106,746 3,202,380 433 51,734 672,542 1,058 48,922,946 1,172,304 1,329 52,954 1,399 3,169,406 697,270 1,344 18,278 67 507 451 288 31 711 5,U3 1,246 13,135 960 90,571 372 39,290 691 4,570 857 23,224 897 28,057 29 58 284 277 288 14 22 134 180 136 140 108 61 91 93 467 95 21 15 344 1,058 759 64,954 438 23,589 679 41,365 297 50,173 216 27,280 272 22,893 265 22,120 201 773 734 154,150 955 52,562 8,727,357 734 69,983 2,099,490 264 64,334 836,342 526 23,287,993 589,554 594 23,292 675 1,078,535 237,278 71A 11,997 44 157 287 202 IS 6 396 3,557 657 8,440 370 21,987 341 10,475 231 1,938 326 6,049 339 5,463 46 46 151 58 68 1 102 104 22 36 38 23 16 11 160 44 16 143 638 250 12,977 139 4,349 201 8,528 101 10,612 42 1,166 101 9,446 91 8,695 86 751 308 56,756 375 12,890 1,839,120 231 13,637 409,110 91 13,182 171,366 197 10,437,646 273,984 253 9,948 268 459,873 101,173 231 2,239 32 83 90 21 120 541 1B9 1,748 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Item {For definitions and explanations Total Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes .fanns reporting... 41,093 39,445 9,896 17,435 71 12,043 acres... 4,097,975 4,025,738 782,395 1,976,319 14,531 1,252,493 Under U acres .farms reporting... 598 383 172 146 65 11 "to 24 acres .fanns reporting... .famis reporting... .farms reporting... 2,154 6,500 7,896 1,740 5,947 7,626 710 2,213 2,538 672 2,329 2,927 15 3 358 25 "to 49 acres 1,390 50 to 74 acres 2,158 75 to 99 acres .farms reporting... 6,797 6,711 1,691 2,637 12 2,371 100 or more acres .farms reporting... 17,148 17,038 2,572 3,724 41 5,701 Harvested for grain. .farms reporting... 30,475 29,239 7,401 472,467 11,746 1,040,627 50 10,042 acres... 2,468,376 2,421,844 7,750 901,000 bushels . . . 61,575,465 60,733,103 12,321,476 23,626,093 206,680 24,078,354 Sales .farms reporting... 14,780 24,518,584 14,147 24,148,974 2,613 5,115 19 6,400 bushels... 4,826,030 6,367,319 94,050 10,861,575 Sorghums for all purposes .farms reporting... 3,475 8,237 1,363 4,147 12 2,215 acres . . . 279,893 271,825 47,768 159,223 1,264 63,565 Harvested for grain or seed .farms reporting... 4,238 142,545 4,061 135,722 796 1,926 3 1,336 40,423 acres .. . 18,137 76,536 626 bushels... 3,199,507 3,042,624 434,152 1,648,874 6,500 953,098 Sales .farms reporting... 1,523 1,440 213 534 643 bushels... 1,326,687 1,282,368 261,130 578,200 442,938 Winter wheat harvested . farms reporting . . . 3,473 3,323 719 2,043 7 554 acres . . . 412,262 405,895 65,719 281,516 1,113 57,547 bushels... 6,234,955 6,192,654 981,576 4,393,430 21,572 796,076 Sales . fanns reporting . . . 3,255 3,131 673 1,941 4,119,069 7 510 bushels... 5,835,291 5,801,434. 921,234 20,527 740,604 Durum wheat harvested .farms reporting... 1,684 1,636 389 352 4 391 acres... 60,721 59,646 13,035 35,383 277 10,451 bushels... 488,013 480,696 98,634 291,579 2,765 87,720 Sales .farms reporting... 1,313 1,291 230 669 4 338 bushels... 379,071 375,161 69,745 229,822 2,315 73,279 Other spring wheat harvested .farms reporting... 18,986 18,113 3,702 9,794 24 4,593 acres... 1,386,149 1,347,892 217,140 867,396 3,973 258,883 bushels . . . 10,295,860 10,080,978 1,717,676 6,485,311 31,195 1,346,796 .farms reporting... 16,239 15,533 2,968 8,453 21 4,086 bushels... 8,340,470 8,174,222 1,408,033 5,223,446 28,291 1,514,452 Oats harvested for grain .farms reporting... 33,181 31,916 7,746 14,016 53 10,101 acres... 2,017,753 1,969,663 336,647 937,243 4,336 640,937 bushels . . . 39,864,399 39,162,783 8,142,167 17,428,497 92,472 13,499,647 Sales .farms reporting... 12,414 11,813 1,778 4,561 19 5,455 bushels . . . 9,730,078 9,498,848 1,662,540 3,587,110 40,040 4,209,153 Barley haz^ested •.......•.•••...••..••• .farms reporting... 10,153 9,673 424,964 2,074 4,900 13 2,691 acres... 440,370 75,996 241,033 1,348 106,532 bushels... 5,781,454 5,630,253 997,499 3,071,351 9,480 1,551,923 Sales . farms reporting . . . 4,335 4,529 743 2,042 3 1,741 bushels . . . 2,840,641 2,752,350 442,789 1,402,368 5,420 901,773 Rye harvested ...••••>•.••.•.••••..■•>>. •farms reporting... acres . . . 2,408 100,529 2,270 94,657 439 16,284 1,275 56,071 3 1,551 548 20,751 bushels . . . 1,292,733 1,236,431 242,351 727,577 13,200 252,803 Sales .farms reporting... 2,026 1,910 389 1,039 7 475 bushels... 1,035,142 1,041,071 207,717 603,813 9,610 219,931 Flaxseed harvested ............•.•••■••• .farms reporting... acres... 10,334 558,672 9,880 539,525 2,335 104,256 4,833 300,931 16 1,766 2,696 132,572 bushels . . . 3,248,877 3,170,448 619,277 1,697,741 9,740 843,690 Sales .farms reporting... bushels... 9,502 2,794,246 9,103 2,732,292 2,077 519,328 4,431 1,446,902 16 9,030 2,579 757,032 Soybeans harvested for heans ...•...•••• . . fanns reporting. . . 3,820 124,487 3,675 739 1,481 1,455 acres... 122,147 20,920 53,117 48,110 bushels... 1,449,784 1,429,599 254,505 559,740 615,354 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH DAKOTA 105 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [balB are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text J Commercial farms by tenure of operate r — Continued Item (For deHnitions and exptenalions, seo text) Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified tenants spEanED CHOPS harvested Com for all piirposes ................... ,f aims reporting. . . 449 8,206 2,221 859 308 acres... 36,698 872,178 220,684 96,412 26,321 Under 11 acres farais reporting. . . 5 32 11 10 7 11 to 24 acres fanns reporting... 26 99 225 785 59 365 20 101 28 25 to 49 acres farms reporting... 40 50 to 74 acres farms reporting... 89 1,424 424 122 99 75 to 99 acres........ .....faims reporting... 111 119 1,620 4,120 421 941 179 427 40 100 or more acres fanns reporting... 94 Harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 312 6,975 1,895 622 238 acres . . . 23,656 637,721 169,711 53,043 16,864 bushels . . . 683,755 16,812,878 4,501,606 1,675,190 405,425 Sales fanns reporting... 159 4,603 1,292 213 133 bushels... 293,970 7,457,230 2,409,570 496,905 203,900 100 1,528 331 218 38 acres., . 3,605 39,91B 12,732 6,445 865 Harvested for grain or seed fanns reporting... 55 930 234 95 22 acres . . . 1,778 26,499 9,050 2,706 390 busbels... 39,205 591,588 253,565 59,290 9,450 14 478 130 15 6 bushels... 15,268 237,435 180,945 6,000 3,340 26 323 129 63 13 acres... 2,141 28,017 18,175 7,783 1,431 31,539 379,540 263,089 99,193 22,715 Sales.. farms reporting , . . 25 28,333 294 346,309 118 249,138 60 94,399 13 bushels . . . 22,425 Durum wheat harvested .farms reporting. . . 5 286 76 23 1 acres... 45 7,737 1,861 733 25 bushels... 495 63,095 18,397 5,645 83 Sales farms reporting. . . 5 239 71 23 bushels... 495 52,433 16,026 4,325 Other spring wheat harvested farms reporting... 131 3,001 994 358 109 acres... 9,151 153,395 58,886 32,174 5,277 bushels... 63,047 1,028,116 477,697 244,541 33,395 Sales farms reporting. . . 114 2,721 862 291 98 bushels... 50,404 318,312 414,271 201,570 29,395 Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 315 7,122 1,725 680 259 acres .. . IB, 791 461,944 104,937 41,952 13,313 bushels... 428,455 9,637,060 2,282,349 902,003 249,280 Sales farms reporting. . . 89 4,027 1,060 150 129 bushels... 96,650 2,894,060 924,688 179,335 114,375 Barley harvested .fanns reporting ... 50 1,763 67,566 618 203 57 acres... 1,624 23,991 10,310 3,091 bushels... 17,312 1,01B,341 334,324 145,156 36,795 Sales farms reporting. . . 22 1,176 433 81 29 bushels... 6,737 595,471 232,650 54,500 12,415 Rye harvested farms reporting... 14 363 128 31 7 acres... 300 13,150 5,578 1,223 500 bushels... 3,060 151,447 81,326 9,910 7,060 Sales... fanns reporting . . . e 2,115 326 130,162 121 74,584 13 6,770 7 bushels . . . 6,300 Flaxseed harvested fanns reporting... 61 1,844 541 168 82 acres .. . 2,153 90,634 26,737 9,547 3,501 11,110 575,514 137,657 52,025 17,384 Sales farms reporting. . . 56 1,771 519 151 82 bushels . . . 9,675 517,862 168,468 45,113 15,914 Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting... 30 1,094 250 65 16 acres... 810 35,894 9,200 1,455 751 bushels . . . 12,335 464,024 101,615 24,600 12,780 See footnotes at end of table. i 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DftU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definibons and explanations, see text) SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres.,. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons... Sales farms reporting... tons . . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons... Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres... tons. .. Sales farms reporting. . . tons.. . Wild hay cut fanns reporting... acres . . . tons . . . Sales ; farms reporting . . . tons. . . Other hay cut farms reporting. .. acres. . . tons.. . Sales fanns reporting... tons... Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting... acres. . . tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . . acres^.. bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . . acres. . . Total all farms 4,653,496 41,016 2,057,272 1,857,34A 3,001 131,684 999 35,792 27,702 56 1,075 10,997 491,886 261,141 247 7,065 25,056 1,939,304 1,017,348 1,513 52,389 4,934 127,320 89,963 275 6,098 50 1,742 8,046 2,108 4,864 505,335 122,883 537 675 Commercial farms by tenure of operator 39,126 1,998,244 1,808,840 2,670 122,725 907 33,689 26,429 30 640 10,592 481,577 256,674 207 6,570 23,762 1,880,483 987,772 1,271 46,733 4,721 120,243 86,208 245 5,643 50 1,742 8,046 1,922 4,565 483,995 169 99,253 478 511 Ftill owners 887,938 10,199 453,627 435,549 605 36,783 248 8,530 6,172 16 315 2,729 109,315 58,307 69 2,880 5,170 286,454 156,435 284 10,954 1,325 29,747 22,142 91 2,659 7 265 1,025 602 559 50,003 68 11,930 166 121 Part owners ^Includes mllli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. Does not inclutie data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 2,794,634 18,604 1,170,549 974,505 1,049 48,917 460 21,194 17,352 5,686 281,484 151,938 59 1,949 12,727 1,249,865 648,033 567 23,347 2,308 70,327 48,655 30 2,279 31 1,215 6,215 933 1,944 221,668 76 73,415 259 354 Managers 107 19,466 17,585 2 120 100 100 17 1,232 800 77 26,017 11,650 5 710 14 619 474 4 1,305 150,212 1 1,500 785,957 10,216 354,602 381,201 1,0U 36,905 198 3,865 2,805 6 55 2,160 39,546 45,629 79 1,741 5,783 318, U7 171,654 415 11,722 1,074 19,550 14,937 74 705 U 247 766 383 757 62,112 24 12,408 51 25 SOUTH DAKOTA 107 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sanple of fanns. See texlj (For derinitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED CROPS BARVESTED-Continued Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting... acres... tons... Sales fanns reporting... tons . . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting... acres . . . ton£... Sales fanns reporting... tons... -Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting... acres... tons... Sales farms reporting... tons... Wild hay cut f araiB reporting. . . acres.. . tons... Sales farms reporting... tons . . . Other hay cut farms reporting. . . acres... tons... Sales farms reporting... tons . . . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains..... .fanns reporting,, . acres . . . tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres^ . . bushels... Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ fanns reporting. . . acres... Commercial farms by tenure of operator— Continued Cash tenants 77,0iO 547 29,162 27,<«3 <6 1,915 7 260 225 1 30 129 3,924 1,962 390 42,469 24,100 10 1,706 54 1,205 8S2 Share-cash tenants 22 9 263 1 33 462,633 7,008 207,544 228,751 64S 19,689 112 2,260 1,523 1,430 57,982 26,786 57 876 3,952 182,913 99,163 267 6,940 699 11,809 9,279 52 510 5 125 400 287 643 56,794 17 12,105 Crop-share tenants 1,530 49,070 62,158 213 11,561 48 633 650 317 12,232 6,957 12 665 795 30,937 16,911 95 1,744 164 2,690 1,921 20 120 6 122 366 18 40 2,160 5 250 Livestock-share tenants 122,633 362 58,607 54,194 65 2,440 25 580 345 216 11,273 7,202 5 150 470 48,745 24,750 30 877 137 3,428 2,643 1 60 41 12 645 1 20 Other and unspecified tenants 249 10,219 8,615 42 1,300 112 62 5 25 68 4,135 2,722 5 30 181 13,033 6,730 13 455 20 418 212 1 15 15 53 2,050 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM- CENSUS OF 1959 [Data Bre based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For (iefinitions and explanations, see text) Commercial fanns Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) CVimmercial farms CASH TENANTS All cash tenants number Land owned operators reporting acres Land rented from others operators reporting acres Land rented to others operators reporting acres Land in farms of cash tenants \verage size of farrrj . . , Value of land end buildings: Average per farm Average per acre Proportion of cash tenants reporting value Cropland harvestofl . acres . acres ..dollars . .dollars percent , .fntms reporting acres Cash tenants reporting both value of [and an:! buildings and amount of cash fent paid number. Proportion of ali cash tenants percent. All land rented from others acres. Average per operator acres, Value of land and buildingsr Average per operator dollars . Average per acre dollars. Cash rent paid: Average per operator . . .dollars, Average per acre . . . .dol 1 nrs . Average per ^100 of value of land and buildings dollars. 1,048 39 14,4ao 1,048 1, WO, 766 56 15,740 1,139,506 1,087.3 37,991 33.76 82.5 799 157,327 837 79.9 942,452 1,126.0 36,220 32.17 1,204 1.07 835 28 11,930 835 1,099,995 42 13,130 1,098,795 1,315.9 43,574 33.36 86.1 712 151,404 706 84.6 908,311 1,286.6 40,802 31.71 1,350 1.05 213 11 2,550 213 40,771 16 2,610 40,711 191.1 10,496 44.47 68.5 87 5,923 131 61.5 34,141 260.6 11,530 44.24 419 1.61 SHARE-CASH TENANTS Alt share-cash tenants number Landowned operators reporting acres Land rented from others operators reporting acres Land rented to otjiers operators reporting acres Land in farms of shafe-cash tenants acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Proportion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent Cmpland harvested iaims reporting acres Share-cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of all share-cash tenants percent All land rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \v6rage per operator dollars Average per acre , dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per ?100 of value of land and buildings dollars 6,832 232 55,940 3,832 3,821,864 292 59,240 3,818,564 432.4 37,413 86.22 89.7 8,795 2,269,224 7,661 86.7 3,328,665 16,451 37.86 373 0.86 8,672 222 52,770 8,672 3,778,679 282 56,070 3,775,379 435.4 37,798 86.43 89.7 8,645 2,249,184 7,54^ 87,0 3,295,995 437,1 16,429 37.59 376 0.86 160 10 3,170 160 43,185 10 3,170 43,185 269.9 15,996 65.13 87.5 150 20,040 120 75.0 32,670 272.3 17,829 65.49 209 0.77 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting Is — Ther; the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for 4II fanos by less than — I^vel 1' Level 2 If the estijnated niimtjer of farms reporting Is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabvilation of the items for all farms by less than — Level 1' Level 2 Level 3 25..., 50..., 100... 250.., 500.., 1,000. 2,500. 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 30 21 9.6 5,000.. 10,000, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 250,000 2.8 2.0 1.3 0,9 0.6 0.4 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 3.0 2.1 1.5 1.0 ^l£vel 1 should be used in determining the sampling reliability of estimated niimber of fanus and farms reporting. The level for all other items should be obtained from State Table 24. If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms Jji the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by imiltiplylng the percent given In the table as follows : 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farmsj multiply the percent error by 0.30, 3- When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error t)y 0.20. SOUTH DAKOTA 109 State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To detemiine the somnling reliability for an il«m, usp this table tn determine which of the 4 levels of somfilinc reliability to use in Slate Table 93. To use State Table 23, it is necessary to refer also to cnunty or State table to obtain the number of farms renorting for the itemj (For dermitions and explanations, see text) Siz»of-fann group TenureKjf- faim- opcrator ;joun Economioclass-of-rarm group Type-of-farm group S S ii5 Farms and farm characteristics: LanJ in forrtis Value of land and buildings per fann Cropland harvested Total cropland Total pa^tureland Imcated land in farms Commercial fertilizer: Land on which commercial fertiliser was used Farm latwr: Regular hired workers employed 150 or more days Specified farm expenditures: Feed for livestock and poultry Purchase of livestock and poultry Machine hire Hired labor Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . Livestock and livestock products: Cattle and calves on hand Cows, including heifers that have calved, on hand , . Hogs and pigs on hand Sheep and lambs on hand Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand Calves sold alive Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive Hogs and pigs sold alive Sheep and lambs sold alivo Horses sold Broilers sold Other chickens sold Chicken eggs sold >, Value of milk and cream sold Specified crops harvested: Com for all purposes Harvested for grain acres dollars acres . persons dollars . dollars . dollars . . .dollars . . .dollars . . dollars . number number . number . . .number . .number . . .number . , .number . . .number . . .number . . .number . . number . .dozens . .dollars . . . .acres. — acres, bushels . Winter wheat harvested. ...acres, bushels. Durum wheat harvested Other spring wheat harvested. Oats harvested . . . acres . bushels . . . .acres. bushels . . . . acres . bushels . Flaxseed harvested. . . -acres, bushels . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay. .acres, tons. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay .acres, tons. Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay .acres, tons-. Wild hay cut Other hay cut Value of vegetables harvested for sale. . acres . tons. .acres, tons. Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (111) 112 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based o (For definitions and explanations, see text) FAHMS, ACBEAGE. AND VALUE Farms nuniljer 1950 . 1M4. Decrease in famis due to chanpe in fami definition lfl54 to 195!) number . Approximate land area acres 1959 . Proportion in fanns percent 1959 . . Land in famis acres 1959 . , 195) . . Averapc size of farm acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Value of land and buildings: Average per fnrm Average jjer acre Proport.ion of farms repornru/ value . dotlara 1959 . 191!,. . jlaltam 19S9 . 1911, . ..percerU 1959. I95i. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954 . 'ani,.s reporting 1059 . 1954. 1 to 9 acres. . . . 10 to 19 acres. . 20 to 29 acres. . 50 to 49 acres. . 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 or mere acres . 'ancs reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting 1959. 1954. 'arms reporting 19.59 . 1951 . Farms reporting 1959. 1951. 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954. 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 'arms reporting 19.59 . 1954. Cropland used onlv for pasture famis reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . acres 19.59 . . 1954 . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes. farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1953.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 19.59. . 1954 . . farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1 9.59 . . 1954,. Woodland not pastured ^'her pasture (not cropland and not ^loodland) , . . farm Improved pasture (see toxt) farm: Other land (house lots, roads, wasleland. clc.) Cropland, total , . Land (BsCuied, total Woodland, total Imgateil land in fame ■ reporting 1959. 1954. ncres 1959 . 1954. reporting 19.59. 1954 . acres 1959. 1951. . . . . acres 1959. 1964. = reporting 1959 . 1954. s repcrting 1 959 . 1954. s reporting 1959 . 1954. s reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Land-use practices: Croplarvf in rover crops farms CroplaruJ asnl for ^ain or roiv crops lormctl on t/ie contour farms Land in atrip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms System of terraces on crop and pasttjre land farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . reporting 1959 . acres 1959. reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 55,727 62,520 517 48,881,920 91.8 44,850,666 44,949,473 804.8 719.0 41,407 28,700 51.62 39.13 84 52,161 59,804 14,236,384 17,759,947 466 705 641 609 633 523 1,349 1,169 4,403 4,195 14,387 16,594 24,779 28,040 4,770 6,670 733 1,299 14,645 13,276 1,184,218 721,844 23,796 16,303 3,744,157 1,146,703 9,457 10,479 992,889 709,176 6,598 953,420 15,529 1,797,848 2,981 3,719 262,627 328,477 5,926 6,406 90,201 112,490 44,062 49,522 24,065,398 23,553,569 3,035 3,278 199,948 151,855 1,267,681 1,326,443 53,347 60,192 50,575 56,762 8,253 9,439 1,002 923 115,629 90,371 2,926 150,423 2,762 289,957 3,073 581,599 1,525 133,997 728 817 1 455,040 93.6 425,716 443,862 584.8 543.3 32,361 22,412 58.17 39.66 88 77 696 782 188,360 265,656 5 7 3 14 6 42 25 164 135 403 473 49 118 7 10 193 65 16,080 2,718 423 209 52,749 9,941 70 150 4,839 6,898 84 12,835 363 35,075 10 18 69 132 44 177 709 1,203 641 741 151,684 144,033 20 72 1,022 3,563 16,065 20,179 706 784 692 755 50 190 26 2,270 60 7 870 10 1,050 1,376 1,518 13 807,040 95.6 771,745 767,181 560.9 505.4 31,196 20,775 54.94 40.79 94 93 1,242 1,449 390,945 494,824 6 6 10 7 17 6 20 17 98 63 263 237 646 834 162 209 20 20 301 177 25,533 9,697 747 249 99,533 9,218 157 115 11,287 4,273 314 46,760 469 41,486 78 75 1,251 1,181 203 330 2,037 3,542 1,158 1,362 225,522 213,141 49 135 4,594 6,393 26,924 35,578 1,300 1,451 1,254 1,404 270 392 19 7 3,395 469 3,745 875 31 4,365 19 3,775 331 386 1 759,680 88.3 670,887 707,448 2,026.8 1,832.8 83,718 46,065 40.55 22.59 84 319 373 131,681 150,707 31 27 49 75 136 148 76 93 17 16 53 35 14,938 3,798 217 210 63,359 52,424 201 193 53,560 45,234 26 2,613 70 7,186 4 89 2,094 455 98 282 327 447,258 487,687 14 11 2,307 1,574 13,107 10,640 320 377 298 341 10 Bon Homme Brookiiigs 295 873 17 1,073 47 11,199 39 10,143 32 5,773 1,273 1,368 16 361,600 97.3 352,009 356,169 276.5 260.4 34,539 25,065 124. U 97.10 84 84 1,217 1,299 248,743 245,105 29 29 19 14 13 14 17 31 81 86 437 591 608 523 12 10 1 363 445 11,336 15,631 99 217 4,446 6,733 22 36 679 581 51 2,736 32 1,031 72 78 633 2,874 183 135 991 1,701 1,003 968 69,275 68,698 106 61 4,301 1,619 16,585 15,427 1,231 1,312 1,174 1,256 243 200 9 3 545 177 73 2,410 11 330 5 160 33 933 1,692 1,841 14 512,640 97.5 499,797 489,174 295.4 265.7 35,257 26,787 114.28 98.38 83 86 1,569 1,764 353,221 351,908 16 21 19 19 16 22 27 28 107 121 537 783 785 738 62 31 576 542 25,183 18,253 261 208 18,967 4,944 46 77 1,136 1,304 138 15,339 IM 2,492 148 162 1,731 2,281 293 270 2,363 2,262 1,116 1,322 67,939 76,440 86 104 2,965 2,774 30,393 33,086 1,604 1,768 1,523 1,664 401 395 10 6 568 201 66 2,449 119 9,745 66 6,710 28 2,017 1,647 1,846 1 ^« 1,073,280 100.4 '1,077,193 1,069,970 654.0 579.6 46,102 29,477 69.76 50.03 84 1,549 1,781 571,371 745,808 11 11 U 11 13 3 30 15 99 36 264 216 760 994 300 424 58 71 477 404 43,013 26,318 1,260 833 231,862 46,839 460 612 28,624 29,483 320 54,987 1,076 148,251 120 164 4,087 4,711 344 355 6,738 5,146 1,174 1,372 182,657 195,102 161 138 9,878 7,291 37,465 43,546 1,572 1,788 1,401 1,592 413 458 2 7 4 147 32 3,680 163 40,852 63 5,845 620 711 3 522,380 97.1 507,431 511,193 818.5 719.0 42,517 27,963 51.19 38.93 76 87 593 679 211,217 283,049 4 7 2 3 2 5 11 7 38 25 78 79 347 342 99 189 12 22 145 37 18,088 2,393 357 141 53,114 7,200 123 73 9,690 3,341 94 9,880 240 33,544 6 5 131 1,149 46 75 620 509 576 660 207,820 195,492 23 33 2,069 1,751 16,491 21,401 598 680 600 667 50 78 2 50 2,132 31 3,201 1,691 37 4,151 ^The excess of farm acreage over approximate land area is due to the fact that the entire acreage of even though a part of the farm may be situated In an adjoining county. a farm Is tabulated as in the county in which the headquarters is located, SOUTH DAKOTA 113 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only a sample of farms. SeetextJ Butte Cajnpbell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codll^ton Corson CuBter rtevlson Day Deuel Dewey Douglas 563 571 1,426 1,177 984 1,023 638 355 755 1,429 1,072 493 821 1 651 636 1,567 1,298 1,153 1,073 777 330 392 1,600 1,203 494 383 2 7 2 17 7 7 19 3 7 U 3 8 2 U 3 1,M0,640 488,320 706,560 624,640 257,920 442,240 1,616,000 993,280 276,480 678,400 407,040 1,543,040 '278,400 4 98.1 99.3 97.2 94.1 96.5 94.0 89.9 64.7 98.5 94.1 92.1 32.9 102.2 5 1,^12,967 485,030 636,669 587,936 248,788 415,574 1,452,751 642,492 272,295 638,207 375,037 1,279,356 '234,629 6 1,288,063 481,535 630,929 587,009 252,254 405,210 1,517,180 684,354 270,731 636, 132 ■- 380,510 1,416,347 1279,034 7 2,509.7 849.5 481.5 499.5 252.8 404.3 2,277.0 1,809.8 360.7 446.6 349.3 2,596.1 346.7 8 1,978.6 757.1 434.5 452.2 218.8 375.9 1,952.6 1,800.9 303.5 597.6 315.0 2,868.1 316.0 9 57,401 37,264 37,335 27,778 46,577 27, U6 48,282 51,013 32,730 23,164 30,031 52,324 30,208 10 30,974 22,773 28,841 20,193 39,524 21,090 31,758 28,033 25,199 13,035 24,480 35,128 26,052 11 23.69 42.61 74.61 56.73 131.31 63.59 24.24 22.51 89.25 52.88 83.21 21.12 91.79 12 17.78 32.00 63.52 44.32 172.95 56.41 16.86 16.67 81.44 45.29 71.93 15.45 74.44 13 78 93 83 85 74 83 83 53 85 83 34 62 97 14 90 75 S3 87 35 87 92 36 31 91 87 87 94 15 500 563 1,349 1,084 912 933 602 306 708 1,352 1,026 451 774 16 610 625 1,495 1,265 1,061 1,053 753 293 829 1,547 1,171 469 355 17 32,716 225,731 370,568 310,265 198,798 224,336 266,239 37,281 163,600 285,429 239,166 157,095 192,479 18 115,544 244,013 423,687 382,693 184,365 286,215 336,937 27,195 136,892 418,845 254,775 209,400 199,453 19 11 9 6 U 7 2 10 10 10 6 8 20 18 19 5 23 5 3 24 29 16 5 21 21 14 1 11 10 10 15 3 15 9 23 13 10 22 15 2 14 7 17 9 7 32 18 10 13 1 16 23 12 6 12 9 5 13 2 21 12 39 10 3 5 24 22 1 15 5 13 12 7 27 13 5 12. 6 5 25 30 7 34 33 21 23 13 46 19 64 25 5 8 2« 38 5 29 13 29 12 17 39 26 24 17 11 16 27 116 18 104 98 84 86 46 78 67 199 76 33 31 28 119 13 103 54 143 51 46 75 55 93 79 28 39 29 193 43 319 248 333 261 78 82 21S 4U 322 120 208 30 217 61 326 236 475 240 92 63 224 407 459 71 249 31 109 346 740 553 4U 483 249 49 340 539 537 182 475 32 141 404 850 742 342 655 315 24 428 855 558 204 481 33 10 131 109 115 33 42 169 4 30 60 34 94 27 34 30 132 126 136 19 65 221 2 34 126 26 m 26 35 5 11 11 12 2 3 40 1 3 4 3 14 2 36 10 7 13 12 4 45 2 2 6 2 37 2 37 200 182 376 3U 245 298 102 101 238 344 277 77 162 38 183 33 353 276 379 263 44 145 144 304 244 34 146 39 23,646 41,533 21,443 21,284 7,341 15,107 12,080 17,413 11,217 15,112 11,573 47,914 5,281 40 12,231 1,759 16,399 14,184 3,353 10,993 6,535 16,831 6,941 10,503 8,845 23,077 4,760 41 171 397 636 671 94 728 442 90 291 1,185 240 228 162 42 139 335 330 442 393 399 347 171 103 581 239 173 32 43 15,527 35,495 52,535 87,847 5,347 78,914 94,542 7,451 20,574 174,595 17,602 73,056 8,356 44 U,075 17,857 19,029 16,948 23,946 12,784 41,233 16,297 2,919 13,466 5,592 22,351 2,127 45 71 324 163 196 1 230 265 41 11 376 67 117 21 46 84 312 171 284 30 308 295 52 40 526 145 126 51 47 7,753 19,676 9,059 8,524 15 7,323 37,064 1,963 449 15,352 1,354 22,407 696 48 7,437 15,503 9,672 9,192 1,293 8,274 28,234 2,778 1,198 14,348 2,306 15,353 1,358 49 26 74 109 205 66 204 113 24 69 292 110 53 38 50 1,614 10,763 11,698 35,709 4,462 29,370 26,937 2,307 5,832 38,976 12,701 15,136 2,325 51 112 100 545 474 31 544 261 53 235 1,014 105 155 112 52 6,160 5,056 31,778 43,614 870 42,221 30,541 3,181 U,293 120,267 3,547 35,513 5,335 53 42 20 39 53 54 63 19 172 44 102 58 9 19 54 45 15 23 85 103 79 19 167 43 99 71 44 32 55 7,622 2,411 1,241 743 1,747 705 2,751 48,133 378 1,154 1,015 4,232 153 56 2,320 1,381 956 718 3,879 1,353 6,447 46,088 482 1,723 993 4,272 174 57 11 80 91 232 73 211 41 42 135 292 146 8 90 58 7 34 72 308 77 221 8 21 215 352 148 14 104 59 712 727 764 2,232 2,302 1,845 858 6,765 1,347 2,441 1,112 951 649 60 88 710 1,023 2,360 1,713 1,906 791 7,308 2,119 2,483 1,117 384 955 61 514 466 1,162 949 540 749 587 309 639 1,223 883 451 736 62 609 584 1,308 1,089 568 850 713 320 634 1,352 936 463 778 63 1,259,539 166,552 216,331 131,263 13,693 73,357 1,054,779 498,650 63,321 120,535 80,392 986,971 62,255 64 1,127,252 202,139 193,113 U7,923 17,452 65,853 1,101,332 565,904 53,335 117,314 81,060 1,147,604 56,997 65 54 5 79 68 51 45 7 21 26 72 77 3 97 66 108 8 89 130 99 52 21 12 79 109 52 7 46 67 3,197 477 3,531 3,772 2,169 2,053 1,516 2,238 1,089 2,879 3,595 1,000 2,806 68 4,421 191 3,191 5,714 3,101 1,591 2,372 1,955 2,553 3,328 1,508 645 1,026 69 23,205 12,626 23,787 34,252 14,560 20,310 21,502 26,799 11,858 33,891 24,177 9,637 15,456 70 19,553 13,176 26,217 51,683 12,546 26,101 23,355 4,731 12,493 66,348 23,123 9,259 14,568 71 509 564 1,369 1,122 929 974 613 331 720 1,334 1,036 465 778 72 614 625 1,498 1,271 1,077 1,057 755 355 833 1,551 1,174 469 857 73 551 533 1,295 1,056 742 396 594 344 703 1,296 936 474 2" 74 631 593 1,410 1,180 931 991 718 373 757 1,437 1,127 472 829 75 50 97 121 262 112 256 58 178 164 353 137 14 105 76 50 43 92 366 166 269 25 180 250 418 205 56 131 77 391 13 1 12 2 1 39 5 2 78 413 2 1 24 5 "1 1 2 79 52,793 1,974 40 1,124 30 'is 4,930 266 260 80 50,856 666 32 2,510 49 265 10 62 81 1 27 99 96 45 66 71 11 8 70 78 76 7 40 82 1,054 4,407 5,932 3,621 2,340 2,540 815 345 5,170 3,275 2,730 745 2,795 83 19 23 70 61 10 22 53 15 10 82 120 6 84 3,092 1,275 5,933 10,820 385 2,292 3,599 1,042 390 9,390 10,685 395 85 28 139 39 22 15 232 16 5 53 45 63 66 9,816 18,738 6,179 5,350 1,925 72,561 1,727 340 6,575 2,755 19,390 87 16 25 54 5 23 20 26 12 25 20 9 "5 88 ] 1,027 1 1,673 6,902 2,500 3,372 1,370 2,098 1,481 1,350 2,965 1,223 200 89 114 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County" Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: LDnta Tor items shown in iUIirs are based on (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Gregory FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms nuniiwr 1950 . 1D51. necrease in farms due to change in fami definition 1954 to 1959 number . Approximate land area acres 1959 . Proportion in farms percent 1959. Land in farms acres 1959 . 19.54 . Averace size of farm acres 1959 . 1954. Value of land and buildings: Avffoi^e per /ortn dollars 1959 . Average j/fr acre dollars 1959 . 1951, . Proprtrtion of forma reporting value ftereenL ffl59 . !95i. Land in farms accofding to use; Cropland harvested farms reptrting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 19.59.. 19.54. 1 to 9 acres farnvs reporting 1959 . 19.54 . 10 to 19 acres fan'.s reporting 1959 . 1954 . '20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. 'arms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . 'arms reporting 1959. , " 1954., 'arm.s reporting 1959 . 1954 . 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954 . 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954 . 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954 . TO to 49 acres. . 50 to 99 acres ino to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres BOO to 999 acres 1,000 or more acres . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . , Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 , . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes fanns reporting 19.59 . . acres 19.59 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 19.54 . . acres 1959 , . 1954.. ''^ther pasture (not cropland and not wo<«llamJi . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. , 1954.. Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . ncres 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland, total fitrnis rep^rlin;^ 1959. . " 1954.. Land pastured, total famis reptxting 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Irrigated land in forms farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Land-use practices; Cropland in cover crops forma reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. Cropland used for grain or rati' crops farmed on Uie contovr fixtma reporting 1959 . acres 1959.. Land in »tfij>-cropj»ng systems for soil-erosion control fanrs reporting 1959 . acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pattvre land farroa reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, r 791 978 3 94.6 697,933 707,110 882.3 7i3.0 37,885 20,574 40.37 28.38 85 77 m, 955 340,304 413,993 1 2 3 3 1 26 30 81 83 418 545 213 251 27 33 115 87 10,282 8,602 604 491 99,070 38,272 319 354 22,620 17,867 146 21,846 436 54,604 4 2 480 208 35 20 342 4,708 732 862 221,442 217, 209 V. 19 3,019 1,253 26,018 24,118 783 955 738 894 37 22 1 1,903 19 3,878 2 90 399 415 1,113,600 74.0 824,614 812,176 2,066.7 1,957.1 46,829 29,078 22.22 15.67 73 85 334 366 55,261 72,999 5 5 14 5 24 18 16 25 60 58 106 111 99 124 10 18 120 79 15,153 8,580 215 212 26,242 23,613 153 141 16,012 13,308 32 1,871 99 8,359 26 36 26,045 18,913 9 8 453 278 374 378 634,105 679,117 31 18 3,988 4,281 17,355 8,676 363 337 391 398 34 44 94 94 11,420 8,965 22 616 29 2,761 70 8,565 23 4,157 602 711 2 638,080 94.8 604,802 615,151 1,004.7 865,2 42,970 27,351 42,25 31.21 92 86 567 688 218,762 342,130 3 3 3 1 2 1 10 7 33 16 86 62 288 319 122 228 20 51 203 78 24,162 5,689 496 334 IU.,126 26,103 270 269 28,476 13,141 129 27,659 368 54,991 3 2 272 10 19 49 382 318 548 625 227,299 217,965 23 18 3,262 1,966 22,799 22,386 581 691 568 638 22 49 3 362 265 10 1,340 6 185 1,142 1,264 6 437,760 95.0 415,862 409,198 364.2 323.7 30,890 20,659 81.02 61.49 83 87 1,035 1,216 260,313 280,012 12 5 n 5 13 12 15 15 77 76 332 452 562 602 62 44 1 5 320 247 10,813 6,176 534 473 37,510 13,908 140 337 4,536 8,348 149 20,536 348 12,383 56 65 1,032 1,371 162 179 1,829 1,618 897 1,059 83,774 83,342 53 63 1,956 1,417 20,586 22,271 1,105 1,219 1,052 1,164 199 232 1 1 100 75 76 4,425 1,060 26 1,610 996 1,086 11 '639,360 98.7 630,372 '643, 694 633.4 597.3 32,132 21,607 49.15 36.31 77 95 940 1,053 253,385 283,851 5 7 14 4 9 8 32 22 73 82 252 286 454 545 91 38 10 11 131 127 10,893 10,963 223 135 20, ISO 6,250 108 30 7,362 4,292 77 3,085 96 4,733 15 44 5,330 11,643 32 46 1,343 3,807 915 941 323,772 306,362 39 52 2,405 2,314 15,969 20,813 954 1,059 945 1,020 45 86 70 4,383 62 3,124 26 3,455 43 4,385 385 431 1,161,600 98.9 1,149,388 1,144,651 2,935.4 2,655.3 59,363 39,850 21.86 15.85 85 93 359 417 135,164 163,047 1 3 1 3 6 4 13 12 27 34 71 61 155 195 65 33 20 22 49 49 13,523 16,130 227 247 40,603 34,128 203 178 29,999 21,218 21 3,618 56 6,986 66 2,200 5,324 1 20 10 703 370 414 950,311 917,861 1 20 25 2,597 7,077 6,953 364 421 376 413 1,140 58 13,160 15 1,165 901 1,023 9 332,800 93.5 311,092 317,614 345.3 310.5 30,940 22,128 84.38 69.80 71 86 336 958 214,811 234,110 4 7 4 3 6 5 10 14 51 69 202 272 514 535 44 47 1 1 249 214 10,129 7,776 361 275 24,247 7,763 118 186 3,220 4,338 116 12,308 197 8,719 70 37 550 902 257 203 1,794 1,633 • 651 768 33,239 39,952 55 65 2,093 1,711 21,322 25,473 856 962 801 906 296 267 26 900 51 2,435 10 1,400 15 900 962 1,093 5 919,040 99.1 910,724 383,964 946.7 813.3 42,723 26,002 41.99 31.11 90 95 830 1,060 242,990 473,378 1 11 10 5 12 4 27 7 94 29 215 93 410 561 105 303 6 42 182 120 17,730 U,367 778 362 172,902 24,713 224 292 22,165 19,875 203 39,374 656 111,363 15 21 691 457 215 143 2,684 1,173 893 %9 454,255 354,853 43 42 5,150 3,641 19,472 23,018 923 1,061 916 1,000 226 160 2 2 245 165 34 ,513 11 720 31 5,309 The excesB of farm acreage over approximate land area la due to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm is tabulated as in the county in v/hich the headquarters la located, even thotjgh a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. SOUTH DAKOTA 115 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only B simipio or Tanns, SmteO} Harding Hughes Sfie Jaclfsctn Jerauld Jonea Kliigslwry Lake Lawrence Lincoln Xjnoan, UcCook UcPbersan 360 313 1,585 325 172 551 262 1,234 1,172 301 1,602 555 1,226 9U 1 40S 327 1,683 395 219 633 289 1,392 1,252 339 1,734 636 1,324 1,104 2 ... 4 3 3 10 12 16 19 3 20 6 a 1,717,120 480,000 520,960 556,1*0 517,760 '337,920 622,720 524,160 365,440 512,000 368,640 1,066,880 369,280 736,640 4 97.1 94.4 99.5 93.0 73.4 93.9 99.9 97.8 94.3 43.6 96.3 87.3 93.3 %.3 5 1,666,738 452,971 518,505 517,180 380,035 317,266 621,965 512,555 344,785 248,998 354,988 937,675 363,080 709,379 « 1,57-1,291 477,729 518,501 516,587 401,459 '333,343 597,715 505,433 345,908 232,468 361,332 990,799 360,787 719,014 7 4,629.8 1,447.2 327.1 1,591.3 2,209.5 575.3 2,373.9 415.4 294.2 327.2 221.6 1,633.4 296.2 778.7 8 3,858.6 1,460.9 303.1 1,307.8 1,833.1 534.5 2,068.2 363.1 276.3 635.7 208.4 1,557.9 272.5 651.3 9 78,908 52,435 42,077 51,312 63,709 30,112 59,352 37,295 40,649 31,431 49,541 64,070 35,171 29,995 10 47,613 43,307 32,138 32,318 32,372 19,059 38,023 23,258 27,546 23,203 39,867 40,606 29,053 19,019 11 18.10 36.83 124.03 30.65 27.52 49.30 25.94 86.29 131.90 48.68 217 J38 34.74 121.02 37.25 12 13.00 28.97 104.83 23.35 16.27 35.67 20.32 59.50 93.33 43.95 132.23 25.93 102.55 26.22 13 87 73 82 88 87 94 32 82 34 68 85 S3 39 85 14 93 82 88 93 100 89 94 94 81 86 72 83 30 61 15 326 285 1,523 312 163 505 242 1,151 1,0% 262 1,511 521 1,168 880 le 401 316 1,627 380 203 612 278 1,329 1,206 302 1,663 613 1,280 1,083 17 106,735 114,156 361,482 117,041 52,309 116,766 109,561 329,225 251,853 31,677 283,118 204,715 255,716 310,338 18 150,241 130,283 372,932 217,699 59,374 191,099 155,619 353,793 251,066 - ,362 283,770 353,722 258,237 387,465 19 2 3 11 1 4 10 13 U 30 1 17 2 20 2 17 2 2 6 1 6 20 34 30 1 22 4 21 3 6 11 7 1 9 3 11 11 11 18 5 19 2 22 2 13 1 2 7 3 U 19 12 8 17 3 23 3 "7 9 .*. 1 7 "i 6 5 V. 8 6 U 5 24 4 4 9 1 2 2 ... 8 6 9 7 4 10 2 2S 8 13 29 7 4 13 3 22 15 35 28 21 25 12 X 7 2 25 3 9 9 4 IS 17 34 32 7 27 5 27 31 24 77 23 8 54 20 63 60 64 116 45 76 39 28 38 16 81 12 25 27 10 65 65 63 180 31 94 29 29 81 38 455 50 42 137 45 256 377 79 716 91 366 103 30 79 42 508 33 45 105 31 383 500 85 861 65 475 118 31 140 122 898 U5 78 258 92 673 569 45 576 208 623 572 32 170 115 947 142 86 378 122 748 561 47 529 222 624 750 33 47 50 29 70 26 22 61 103 42 3 19 110 28 140 34 89 94 24 142 28 74 76 83 22 11 12 185 11 161 35 11 22 4 9 3 1 17 7 4 ... ... 34 5 36 12 41 3 44 4 4 34 10 4 ... 90 11 37 54 83 461 69 20 134 51 428 425 96 672 96 298 104 38 41 43 392 33 23 83 42 480 469 67 745 51 358 45 39 22,246 22,901 16,038 19, 7U 6,123 9,470 10,816 20,000 16,014 16,506 15,530 17,707 12,448 7,977 40 7,723 5,747 12,302 3,853 1,750 3,902 9,152 19,171 18,547 7,137 19,221 8,051 14,006 2,227 41 176 188 211 221 % 356 199 330 152 83 166 464 185 649 42 189 75 153 85 99 201 161 352 161 53 131 294 121 381 43 28,011 54,182 15,110 42,610 14,920 54,070 57,858 43,275 10,224 6,191 8,343 154,340 12,435 89,389 44 20,418 9,397 3,267 8,978 12,391 7,773 29,171 12,162 3,770 3,100 3,495 33,464 5,334 16,092 45 123 86 23 54 36 82 160 134 17 32 12 328 7 347 46 160 49 74 51 67 136 116 197 41 35 23 199 25 268 47 14,0% 20,000 1,496 4,922 12,081 5,464 32,239 6,157 428 2,066 642 70,465 146 17,096 48 13,428 7,012 1,529 4,480 7,016 5,763 15,513 6,556 1,028 2,026 824 25,500 481 3,720 49 45 45 71 57 9 149 39 166 76 14 75 78 60 134 50 8,706 8,569 7,562 8,867 1,534 24,508 4,080 32,353 7,432 625 6,778 11,152 5,279 19,114 51 41 142 122 174 19 259 126 101 67 50 83 381 125 441 52 5,209 25,613 6,052 28,821 1,305 24,098 21, 539 4,765 2,364 3,500 923 72,723 7,010 53,179 53 3 20 71 1 4 20 8 99 92 134 64 28 68 6 54 2 8 66 3 13 36 12 137 U8 140 60 37 65 3 55 480 3,018 920 10 1,625 265 680 956 1,011 35,866 2,157 6,043 661 112 56 790 782 1,096 1,401 2,LU 314 1,849 1,493 1,251 48,454 2,041 4,148 1,011 16 57 5 16 71 5 3 100 I 240 144 17 105 10 97 92 58 6 15 77 40 4 103 3 306 129 U 74 25 134 23 59 16 1,519 414 290 321 821 10 1,991 1,233 2,030 1,068 1,171 699 637 60 709 1,692 685 339 165 862 336 2,634 967 2,299 700 3,561 1,074 1,068 61 350 258 1,346 307 170 502 235 817 •794 205 793 469 1,000 848 62 405 283 1,433 358 208 577 255 923 316 191 909 540 1,013 1,018 63 1,481,512 249,921 106,125 328,893 295,344 123,820 436,358 33,021 42,526 154,294 24,363 532,820 61,634 230,869 64 1,386,962 262,277 103,535 275,780 319,644 120, 747 394,854 75,275 41,093 130,713 30,236 570,670 53,151 284,280 65 9 3 64 1 6 27 2 67 77 10 144 12 117 12 66 28 6 70 5 3 27 6 116 76 11 48 3 116 22 67 2,537 125 2,666 30 4,877 2,279 105 3,314 2,314 1,345 3,626 3,111 3,905 1,092 68 3,619 390 2,002 5U 450 1,188 665 5,527 1,997 262 1,071 480 3,095 1,474 69 27,738 7,274 18,416 8,625 8,393 12,054 6,682 34,087 21,924 2,384 19,904 20,274 19,487 20,057 70 7,448 17,551 19,684 8,537 6,021 13,64l 6,234 40,905 29,214 2,403 21,919 12,183 '2.974 27,866 71 334 296 1,536 315 163 522 251 1,181 1,114 270 1,546 543 1,177 893 72 402 318 1,630 380 205 612 280 1,334 1,211 316 1,681 614 1,291 1,085 73 353 276 1,473 314 172 520 242 1,076 1,053 285 1,344 493 1,125 861 74 407 293 1,565 364 209 599 265 1,208 1,1X5 '317 1,550 553 1,237 1,022 75 8 35 131 6 7 114 9 310 217 137 162 38 153 97 76 3 23 133 42 20 129 13 406 224 146 127 57 184 26 77 26 5 5 2 9 1 2 4 2 52 4 2 78 16 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 75 1 1 "i 79 3,841 213 220 124 817 '35 321 129 181 3,530 354 62 80 1,033 40 35 40 461 41 152 3 3,316 105 415 125 81 13 10 96 10 4 9 3 115 65 9 151 15 66 24 82 1,043 835 3,670 393 1,406 1,252 273 5,136 1,930 301 8,263 1,717 2,640 2,193 83 15 6 30 XL 11 21 3 66 133 25 137 36 41 10 84 1,377 500 3,170 728 914 1,347 1,128 5,520 13,641 1,561 11,566 5,540 2,973 420 85 97 11 10 21 27 14 10 31 30 13 41 107 20 38 86 19,052 1,580 1,600 2,149 5,695 2,239 3,020 3,395 3,720 1,472 3,245 39,052 1,295 5,029 87 22 8 10 10 15 6 2 12 36 43 37 28 35 1 88 2,038 1,537 1,035 870 1,421 470 84 295 720 2,881 1,523 5,676 355 50 89 116 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Moody Pennington Perkins FAKMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fnrms,. . nunibar 1959 . 1954 . Decrease in farms duo to chnn^ in fami definition 1954 to 1959 Approximate land area rrorortion in farms Land in farms Average size of farm. , , . , , . ..number. . . .acres 1959 . ..percent 1959. , . acres 1959 . 1954 . . . acres 1959 . 1954 . Value of lanti and buildings: Average per /arm Average per acre Proportion of farms reporting value . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farnis 10 to 19 acres frirrns 20 to 29 acres farms TO to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 lo 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 or more acres farms , dollars 1959. 1951,. ..dollars 1959. 1951, . . .percenl 1959. 1951,. reporting 1959.. 1954 . . acres 19.59 . . 19.'.4.. reporting 1955 . . 1954 . . reporting 1959.. 1954 . . reporting 1959 . . 1954.. reporting 1959.. 1954 . . reporting 1959 . . 1954.. reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . reporting 1959 . . 1951 . . reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland used onlv for pasture fflmiF reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954 . Cropland not harvested and not pastured fnims reporting 1959 . U54. acres 1959 . 1954. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 3 reporting 1959 . acres 1959. i reporting 1959. acres 1959. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms r Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms r 1959.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959 . . 19.54 . . 1969 . , 1954., I Other r>asture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . forms reporting 1959 . 1954 . 1959. 1954. 19.59. 1954. acres 19.59 . 1954. Other land (house lots, roads. wnstelamJ, etc.) acres 1959. 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Improved pasture (see text) farms refxirting 1 Cropland, total farms reporting Land fastured, t^rtnl farms repeating Woodland, total farms roportmg Imgaleil Innd in farms farms reporting aci«3 1959. 19.54 . 1959. 1954. 19.59. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops forms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on tlie coniovr farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Land in strip-cropping systems for soit-eroston control farms reporting 1 959 . acres 1359 . Si/Stem of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959 . 877 1,024 U 560,000 95.4 534,185 516,623 609.1 504.5 33,1B4 19,821 54.96 37.23 90 36 835 972 278,239 337,315 4 7 8 3 13 3 23 10 77 55 179 200 401 525 107 151 23 18 163 152 10,894 10,058 546 396 79,590 16,897 169 315 9,692 10,280 256 39,097 271 30,801 55 94 4,788 3,420 116 213 2,101 3,677 718 827 135,351 121,567 41 49 1,974 2,478 23,222 23,689 856 977 794 908 150 274 25 630 6 960 36 9,236 12 305 S57 1,(K9 12,218,240 96.6 2,143,180 ^2,231,645 2,500.8 2,127.4 57,920 33,867 23.57 15.10 78 90 772 1,005 203,822 297,678 6 14 9 12 13 13 31 26 103 110 195 248 314 409 91 151 10 22 192 176 48,971 19,644 422 326 65,811 30,259 290 238 34,953 19,337 63 9,670 198 21,188 76 77 16,824 28,339 37 39 3,939 3,619 823 980 1,775,922 1,825,572 27 32 10,815 2,936 27,891 26,534 807 1,014 844 1,011 108 114 41 39 3,400 3,974 1,908 38 3,129 190 48,129 45 4,375 302 350 '835, 840 95.8 801,020 1840,244 2,652.4 2,400.7 83,508 47,628 29.88 18.29 83 97 277 331 88,221 132,125 1 41 41 64 59 97 125 49 67 9 24 44 17 8,029 1,733 198 107 39,303 13,948 126 89 19,792 11,864 14 2,293 136 17,218 5 6 235 5,216 868 7,222 289 339 654,827 673,882 7 1 660 2,000 9,537 6,118 284 333 294 341 13 14 2 1 155 5 6 314 18 2,088 35 7,882 10 662 834 1,007 365,4-',0 94.8 346,258 346,912 391.7 344.5 28,817 22,571 70.63 63.51 82 93 832 977 198,476 234,432 5 4 10 2 10 11 14 23 76 65 227 268 453 566 33 35 4 3 237 206 13,369 10,580 321 148 30,577 4,609 36 68 1,174 1,882 118 18,024 202 11,379 51 34 683 632 139 108 1,042 2,127 762 867 '84,238 74,780 34 48 2,129 2,145 17,823 19,702 851 979 829 927 180 132 30 2,440 5 275 10 150 2,041 2,320 26 521,600 94.2 491,584 502,115 240.9 216.4 49,945 34,763 191.67 155 .72 72 87 1,894 2,152 361,802 370,491 39 56 38 34 33 25 39 43 174 244 773 1,020 766 710 30 19 2 667 701 21,081 22,317 258 200 15,910 6,801 18 27 615 514 141 11,426 113 3,369 L23 182 1,937 4,041 208 135 1,405 1,082 1,343 1,572 63,372 67,399 196 143 6,061 3,720 26,077 29,934 1,935 2,175 1,772 2,063 305 344 14 7 1,235 162 225 12,665 276 20,545 50 4,815 136 5,900 1,184 1,295 334,720 96.6 323,323 318,995 273.1 246.3 48,070 35,744 176.17 140.69 91 83 1,124 1,240 248,907 242,641 10 18 14 12 4 9 21 .27 60 86 413 524 575 546 27 18 304 460 3,999 13,379 33 65 4,203 1,623 6 20 139 340 36 2,904 44 1,110 70 106 1,016 939 119 140 901 1,030 835 841 40,978 40,711 88 61 2,687 1,665 13,319 18,167 1,138 1,247 1,043 1,167 177 230 4 3 405 124 40 1,195 115 9,740 55 6,550 50 3,595 698 795 11 1,776,000 59.6 1,053,232 1,097,543 1,516.1 1,360.6 43,461 34,264 29.72 22.46 76 77 634 698 141,622 160,300 21 26 24 34 24 24 36 51 36 98 167 159 216 226 54 69 6 11 160 248 39,754 24,914 321 242 54,436 24,796 233 156 32,651 13,313 49 8,840 152 22,995 117 152 34,168 48,712 32 32 3,766 2,223 605 649 755,613 823,121 43 56 4,400 6,554 18,823 13,477 659 730 661 740 133 172 79 84 8,714 7,155 3 70 48 4,499 119 25,194 19 2,623 741 356 1,329,120 93.4 1,799,685 1,675,294 2,428.7 1,957.1 59,005 33,705 26.95 17.37 31 85 715 842 278,041 360,616 2 5 4 11 6 16 18 50 50 126 129 314 382 153 201 33 52 136 79 34,884 20,031 476 462 99,330 55,990 362 405 60,343 43,118 91 15,581 213 22,951 12 9 6,758 2,785 23 24 210 3,363 691 313 1,358,355 1,217,575 23 21 11,011 1,252 22,057 14,384 721 842 707 323 35 29 13 13 987 1,086 22 912 27 23,546 240 10,919 17 7,720 ^The excess of fann acreage over approxamate land area ie due to the fact that the entire acreage of a fann is tabulated as in the county in which the headquarters Is located, even thotjgh a part of the fann may be situated in an adjoining county. SOUTH DAKOTA 117 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reporta for only a sample of tuims See textj Roberts Sanborn Sbannon Splni Stanley Siilly Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworti Washabaugh Yankton Zlebaoh 1,776 698 189 1,325 202 381 X7 1,028 1,663 1,236 509 168 i,a7 329 1 1,9U 819 240 1,557 216 419 412 1,194 1,866 1,366 579 173 1,360 344 2 17 5 4 9 2 1 2 15 31 3 23 1 3 711,040 365,440 1,344,000 963,340 949,120 669,440 838,320 11,036,800 391,040 290,560 '471,630 679, oio 333,440 "1,268,480 4 94.5 93.0 68.5 95.6 92.6 98.4 92.6 100.3 98.4 94.7 99.9 36.2 92.3 103.3 5 671,761 339,791 921,218 921,614 879,244 658,553 822,356 "1,045,316 384,851 275,265 471,422 585,580 307,880 "1,373,324 6 664,415 352,545 973,447 932,833 912,715 664,910 843,715 "1,040, 632 336,399 267,562 "472,407 551,792 317,665 1,205,571 7 378.2 486.8 4,874.2 695.6 4,352.7 1,728.5 2,371.3 1,016.8 231.4 222.7 925.2 3,485.6 253.0 4,175.8 8 X7.7 430.5 4,076.9 599.1 4,225.5 1,586.9 2,047.9 871.6 207.1 195.9 815.9 3,189.5 233.6 3,504.5 9 28,990 31,242 U4,056 43,376 105,017 75,246 72,841 47,292 39,033 42,367 43,606 77,840 35,395 75,794 10 21,386 20,658 43,346 26,967 69,855 54,676 42,955 27,494 30,655 35,634 27,283 42,159 29,934 44,333 11 72.34 64.51 18.72 59.52 23.22 44.59 30.66 46.92 167.24 185.26 46.63 21.85 134.54 16.30 12 58.06 46.21 11.02 50.83 18.10 33.36 20.68 31.83 142 .81 174.75 32.08 12.33 120.55 12.55 13 89 94 73 94 37 97 87 88 72 30 93 91 31 31 14 80 82 93 91 93 36 91 94 30 82 92 100 75 88 15 1,683 658 157 1,231 130 352 322 976 1,570 1,166 490 163 1,140 266 16 1,343 777 215 1,508 211 415 401 1,146 1,761 1,300 563 157 1,310 327 n 423,254 168,549 55,305 373,383 92,646 147,566 155,639 375,169 296,531 a4,735 203,297 52,917 218,446 73,955 16 457,130 217,423 68,146 659,610 138,313 340,334 '11,040 463,756 296,022 204,412 234,063 64,061 219,475 128,507 19 7 1 4 4 1 1 1 3 12 16 1 17 1 20 10 7 5 9 1 5 39 19 3 "3 31 21 17 11 5 13 "i 3 6 12 14 19 3 18 7 16 4 20 4 1 2 6 21 21 2 33 1 23 20 6 9 15 "3 5 3 7 15 10 6 2 18 4 24 11 7 3 11 1 5 13 25 2 2 19 3 25 53 16 11 51 "i "5 U 20 40 32 15 7 31 15 26 22 9 16 13 2 1 7 13 41 48 7 5 42 16 27 US 53 22 123 16 34 19 74 129 155 31 17 107 41 28 120 44 45 33 9 3 27 84 154 185 14 15 193 23 29 475 196 27 258 24 65 50 157 719 507 47 39 463 73 30 568 194 31 163 20 21 53 229 957 679 62 23 577 62 31 876 324 41 580 68 141 130 435 624 407 237 70 471 87 32 1,000 446 46 776 73 113 159 488 516 316 312 33 395 128 33 114 45 26 174 41 73 74 215 17 20 141 19 13 28 34 89 58 28 450 66 175 105 248 10 7 145 25 13 75 35 3 6 12 13 25 25 23 43 12 6 2 10 36 7 8 16 49 41 '95 42 68 15 10 2 19 37 407 184 23 450 24 81 55 120 535 533 72 14 378 44 38 441 U5 13 275 54 31 27 95 836 480 45 9 429 32 39 13,654 13,789 29,035 53,253 5,673 24,216 12,127 15,542 15,870 13,135 5,221 9,417 12,094 3,256 40 15,212 6,521 1,764 16,488 25,341 8,196 4,941 11,909 23,092 10,070 4,657 6,492 12,178 13,485 41 820 343 33 1,126 143 310 197 585 157 128 369 109 119 166 42 596 94 83 542 111 107 89 342 132 244 373 85 247 150 43 62,255 39,264 32,087 285,698 42,397 128,278 31,229 95,130 7,417 5,222 54,581 20,435 6,479 43,379 44 20,271 2,876 29,144 42,485 18,212 20,058 7,339 33,351 2,510 9,221 35,173 13,827 12,153 25,367 45 286 32 75 438 106 91 66 401 23 17 290 96 11 89 46 438 34 69 492 79 34 39 250 23 38 278 75 33 116 47 8,640 2,432 26,737 39,529 21,595 25,936 7,559 57,930 685 484 27,206 17,292 394 13,445 4S 12,562 981 23,524 31,563 11,029 16,954 4,439 25,375 542 1,655 21,327 12,217 1,012 17,414 49 278 164 15 334 20 33 54 108 78 72 59 3 75 51 50 35,928 25,932 1,312 57,204 3,414 8,473 9,327 10,100 5,284 3,44.5 7,946 117 4,829 15,202 51 458 208 27 998 81 285 U3 329 65 43 163 40 45 108 52 17,687 10,850 4,038 138,965 17,383 93,869 14,333 27,100 1,448 1,293 19,429 3,026 1,256 15,231 53 48 29 3 59 27 3 7 18 64 105 26 5 75 6 54 94 43 12 71 9 4 21 40 59 115 7 15 95 31 55 1,505 629 150 2,641 3,549 410 365 711 539 6,636 969 2,566 2,916 717 56 3,047 1,054 2,265 2,671 11,735 635 1,913 2,824 709 5,027 157 1,462 3,648 2,252 57 126 77 2 140 7 20 28 36 118 U6 55 7 90 9 58 133 144 4 127 3 5 37 47 112 130 25 5 122 3 59 1,520 922 23 3,098 140 668 413 1,983 690 2,699 375 75 1,562 1,071 60 2,009 1,672 932 1,531 107 56 1,273 1,286 706 2,104 674 970 2,295 38 61 1,280 618 164 1,019 191 319 338 950 1,U0 540 442 160 768 321 62 1,421 706 225 1,205 162 364 402 1,087 i;m5 762 496 166 859 324 63 130,073 102,975 798,277 175,049 727,184 345,545 615,456 525,485 42,259 17,697 190,824 490,852 51,382 1,205,347 64 121,367 103,211 369,677 171,851 708,893 230,113 611,932 496,376 41,U3 22,541 181,659 455,021 52,888 1,020,363 65 74 48 5 75 9 12 41 34 153 13 10 73 3 66 88 35 6 77 9 9 54 109 108 21 5 50 14 67 2,614 3,337 755 5,274 4,351 13,612 4,091 2,035 4,258 900 932 2,753 235 6S 2,407 2,038 663 4,056 1,294 1,053 4,290 2,237 2,251 649 895 1,318 2,305 69 39,500 13,663 5,841 23,492 7,655 11,875 7,577 31,195 21,545 15,091 16,155 9,317 14,901 40,599 70 45,379 19,738 6,519 38,147 10,114 15,468 5,277 30,630 22,242 14,187 16,019 9,959 15,023 15,559 71 1,715 681 160 1,272 183 379 337 989 1,585 1,192 495 154 1,158 289 72 1,851 780 218 1,512 212 415 403 1,146 1,773 1,309 564 168 1,317 330 73 1,503 661 172 1,166 194 323 342 979 1,497 1,003 455 163 1,047 326 74 1,683 743 228 1,320 203 371 406 1,122 1,694 1,159 513 159 1,162 331 75 161 103 4 188 34 22 33 50 169 205 74 12 151 15 76 209 176 15 184 12 3 58 79 150 225 31 19 195 34 77 3 3 5 18 2 5 4 36 25 3 1 15 1 79 2 13 15 1 6 6 3 10 3 6 3 4 79 121 180 726 2,392 580 408 259 4,373 1,826 59 395 842 30 80 46 1,022 1,377 80 920 210 164 330 130 419 53 445 81 86 32 9 65 1 1 8 87 91 140 30 3 46 8 82 3,858 1,417 530 4,030 62 25 595 4,722 2,510 6,935 1,503 100 2,070 497 83 32 26 43 7 10 8 59 90 306 18 20 65 3 84 3,205 6,402 4,768 1,823 1,298 490 6,139 4,870 25,385 2,133 3,500 4,130 701 85 30 1 22 50 9 33 50 180 20 35 54 40 21 46 86 1,765 170 5,094 8,007 1,758 11,755 9,812 43,953 705 2,705 11,699 7,268 2,630 10,132 87 6 37 17 7 2 10 15 12 40 111 14 10 55 6 88 200 3,000 2,370 445 330 1,113 540 548 2,230 4,855 1,993 1,425 2,475 391 89 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For derinitions and expluiations, Brookings IlTigated fflmis number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of all farms percent 1959 . 1954. Land in irrigated farms . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Averaire size of farm acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Ufiil in Iffigaled fsfms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Ctxipland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 , . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Woodland, total farms ropcrting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Irrigated by sprinklers farms refcrting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Sprinklers only ■.v*? trnms reporting 1959.. acres 1959 . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Farms irNgateil, by numliei of acres Inigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting 1959 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . l-and irritated, by source of water; Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm .,,,,1,,, "•,,,,, farms reporting 1959. . acres 19.59 . . Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms repcrting 1959 . acres 1959 . , Both irrigation organization and farm ^ound water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Irrigation organization 1,002 923 1.8 1.5 2,243,966 1,851,303 2,239.5 2,005.8 990 917 241 , 582 227,131 41 53 20 25 19 24 41 46 140 137 324 290 316 240 68 74 21 23 336 267 43,468 20,934 372 264 156 14,224 18,000 92 7,963 218 23,281 820 811 1,839,890 1,525,405 131 193 13,606 13,794 142 108 37,373 23,618 115,629 90,371 239 20,906 194 18,032 972 879 102, X2 73,236 13,327 68 53 46 111 246 312 159 191 18,959 168 17,056 300 24,424 252 21,947 571 72,246 523 65,823 11 1,582 48 9,221 1.4 0.5 17,596 8,365 926.1 1,195.0 19 7 9,226 4,661 17 3,250 17 3,250 2 145 3 6 0.9 1.6 5,393 29,613 1,797.7 4,935.5 3 6 877 6,222 1 2 1 2 50 730 600 3 1 519 80 5 140 16 3 7 4 6,130 3,642 3,297 21,949 6 1 2 1 1,249 80 45. 999 5 1 1 78 15 324 3,395 295 469 873 17 2 3,165 55 15 2 3,015 55 19 2 7 4 3,236 270 424 513 159 25 2 55 2 55 1 240 1 240 3 0.7 0.2 5,269 968 585.4 322.7 9 3 2,524 .752 3 1 2,543 100 545 177 7 423 4 186 9 1 545 120 35 4 35 5 510 5 510 10 6 0.6 0.3 3,506 1,528 350.6 254.7 10 5 2,362 1,051 1 6 3 269 102 3 1 2 8 30 3 173 3 336 216 1 1 72 10 5 2 71 20 568 201 10 4 533 145 35 10 553 9 465 1 103 0.1 0.4 52 4,170 26.0 595.7 36 3,294 1 5 485 1 32 2 54 4 147 1 3 1 3 4 115 2 0.3 2,544 1,272.0 2 424 2 2 291 1 449 2 1,297 SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 119 391 413 69.4 63.4 565,030 452,027 1,445.1 1,094.5 383 412 64,103 76,190 S 10 7 10 7 12 22 25 81 164 164 86 86 6 19 169 149 20,574 6,940 137 96 48 4,195 4,791 23 1,512 92 4,591 346 385 454,101 349,081 44 102 2,762 3,836 41 34 4,831 1,X7 52,793 50,856 11 563 5 351 383 410 45,346 44,976 7,447 11 14 4 31 98 151 81 1 9 418 2 4 50 3,312 22 2,094 366 49,063 333 43,936 1 13 33 6,746 Campbell Charles Mix 13 0.9 18,262 1, 40418 13 6,863 4 1 6 105 4 365 1 15 6 16S 11 10,400 1 15 2 14 9 1,378 7 1,188 13 1,974 5 686 5 686 3 1,288 8 1,288 1 2 0.1 0.2 4,300 277.0 2,150.0 1 2 90 2,249 Clay 1 469 1 1 302 1 97 1 1 80 1,120 40 666 1 40 1 40 1 2 40 666 Codington 5,028 41916 12 3,744 9 798 2 230 3 92 1,124 6 484 4 324 12 1,124 10 1,010 10 1,010 2 114 2 114 2 1 0.2 0.1 1,206 500 603.0 50O.0 2 1 490 288 1 100 2 270 2 1 260 182 1 6.2 3,209 3,209!6 1 99 39 24 11.0 6.3 200,211 179,602 5,133.6 7,483.4 39 24 8,815 4,391 1 1 1 1 3,095 13 6 12 7 2 2 1 13 7 3,051 1,841 13 11 6 576 355 5 1,041 6 866 36 23 183,768 170,709 3 4 180 1,230 3 6 785 945 4,930 2,510 3 109 3 109 38 23 4,692 2,450 238 21 2,224 20 2,125 19 2,666 18 2,625 1 180 5 5 0.7 0.6 3,073 312 614.6 62.4 5 5 1,620 133 1 3 Day 1 15 4 194 3 2 1,078 134 1 20 266 49 4 265 4 265 266 49 2 125 2 125 3 141 3 141 1 0.1 920 920.0 Dewey 1 0.2 80O 800.0 1 267 275 i 265 Douglas 1 583 2 1 2 2 0.2 a 0.2 4 680 5 335 1 340.0 7 167.5 8 2 9 2 10 601 11 145 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 20 21 22 23 1 24 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2 62 1 63 260 64 60 66 66 67 68 69 70 1 71 72 i 73 74 75 2 76 260 77 2 78 260 -9 41 42 43 1 44 2 45 57 46 186 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 260 56 62 57 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED Item (For definitions and explanaUons, see text) Irrigated fanns number 1959... 1954... Proportion of all farms percent 1959 . . . 1954... Land in irrigated farms acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Average siEe of farm acres 1959 .. . 1954... Land in Irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting ig.'ig . . . 1954 .. . acres 1959 . . . 1954... 1 to 9 acres fanns reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . ■'0 to 29 acres. farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 100 to 199 acres farms repccting 1959 . . 1954. . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959... 1954... 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . , 1954.. 1/100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Soi|.im|*ovement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland, toUi farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Sprinitlers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Imgated cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . (^■^ 1954 . . g4 j acres 1959 . . Oil 1954.. Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Faiiiis irrigated, by numlKr of acres irrigated: 1 lo 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 70 .W lo 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 50 to 9!) acres farms reporting 1959 . . 72 100 lo 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 200 to 499 acres forms reporting 1959 . . 74 500 to 999 acres ■ farms reporting 1959 . . 1,000 cr more acres farms reporting 1959. . Land irrigated, l)y source of water: round water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . 77 acres 1959 . . Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . 79 acres 1959 . . Surface sources on form farms reporting 1959 . . gl acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . g3 acres 1959 . . Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . . Irrigation orgamzation sources only farms reporting 1959 . , acres 1959 . . Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Both irrigation organization and farm ^ound water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 1 0.1 1,120 1,120.0 1 530 1 122 1 400 23.6 22.7 235,868 208,656 2,509.2 2,219.7 94 93 15,295 18,632 1 2 3 A 2 2 6 17 18 39 36 26 21 2 7 1 43 21 2,976 2,238 44 59 29 1,855 3,543 9 453 21 1,450 87 83 198,673 178,881 14 13 1,034 939 3 4 10,100 528 11,420 8,965 4 187 94 92 10,074 8,125 1,346 3 255 1 140 32 2,368 28 2,188 64 8,797 60 3,255 1 170 2 0.3 2,526 1,263.0 1,418 1 1 0.1 0.1 760 760 760.0 760.0 499 462 1 1 140 127 1 1 108 140 1 100 75 1 100 1 100 1 1 100 75 100 1 100 Gregtuy 1 0.1 5,800 5,800.0 1 312 1 5,473 275 1 275 275 1 275 5 1.2 21,160 4,232.0 5 2,465 5 18,153 "4 910 3 106 1 0.1 465 465.0 1 440 2 2 0.2 0.2 1,700 1,420 850.0 710.0 2 2 730 985 1 1 100 17 65 2 190 2 215 1 2 430 322 245 165 2 245 2 245 2 2 195 165 50 1 140 1 140 1 105 1 105 SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 121 Harding,, Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Lake lawrence Lincoln I^man McCook McPherson ~ 26 5 5 2 9 1 2 4 2 52 4 2 1 16 1 1 1 8 2 3 2 75 1 1 "i 2 7.2 1.6 0.3 0.6 5.2 6!2 0.8 0.3 0.2 17.3 0.2 0.4 3 3.9 0.3 0.1 0.3 3.7 0.7 0.2 0.2 22.1 0.1 0.2 o!i 4 305,466 5,968 10,711 2,280 28,915 810 17,700 2,127 321 89,219 1,390 6,110 5 17-;, 152 194 320 1,500 25,652 5,947 1,543 36 68,186 105 450 608 B U,74S.7 1,193.6 2,142.2 1,140.0 3,212.8 810 lo 8,850.0 531.8 160.5 1,715.8 347.5 3,055.0 7 10,884.5 194.0 320.0 1,500.0 3,206.5 2,973.5 514.3 18.0 • 909.1 105.0. 450. 0 608.0 8 26 5 5 2 9 1 2 4 2 51 4 2 9 16 1 1 1 8 2 3 2 73 "i 10 7,704 1,439 6,577 1,162 3,317 520 1,856 1,287 186 6,887 901 1,715 11 5,739 95 237 1,138 1,572 1,009 927 8 1 2 9,066 8 25 85 115 435 12 13 14 "i ' i 1 15 5 ::: 16 "i "i 1 2 17 19 "i 4 3 19 20 1 11 21 1 1 1 6 22 5 1 "3 1 1 12 23 4 3 U 24 13 "2 "2 "i 4 "i "2 lA "3 25 7 1 5 ' -1 1 14 26 4 1 "i 2 1 1 27 4 "2 1 'i 1 1 "4 ... 26 29 30 e 2 1 2 2 25 31 1 1 '"i 1 1 9 1 32 1,188 iio 20 476 205 5,071 io '60 33 105 48 '90 127 30 ... 842 65 34 10 4 3 2 5 1 2 1 23 35 7 1 2 9 36 6 "i 3 4 1 7 37 225 80 345 478 450 549 60 36 345 21 ... Wl 39 5 "i "2 1 6 40 877 63 164 65 259 22 41 2 3 "i "2 3 1 2 13 42 226 157 550 155 153 100 884 \\\ 547 40 35 43 26 4 5 2 9 1 2 1 1 41 44 16 1 1 1 7 2 3 1 57 45 289,548 4,031 2,924 889 22,874 170 U,643 395 125 63,385 232 4,193 46 166,787 90 17 342 22,657 4,574 536 20 41,958 20 315 17 6 3 "i 1 4 48 6 "i 2 2 6 49 2,237 120 'so 395 1,074 '76 50 1,145 '40 75 113 175 300 51 3 2 1 1 3 6 1 2 2 2 12 9 52 53 89 26 10 "s 936 1,203 147 162 16 14 11,977 U,835 147 54 55 3,841 213 220 124 817 35 321 129 181 3,530 354 62 56 1,033 40 35 40 461 41 152 3 3,316 105 415 125 57 7 2 5 2 3 1 2 2 18 3 1 58 562 190 220 124 230 35 49 181 1,112 254 1 59 4 2 5 2 2 1 2 2 9 3 60 358 190 220 124 220 35 49 181 844 254 61 24 5 5 2 9 1 2 4 2 50 3 2 62 15 1 1 8 2 3 2 73 1 1 63 2,319 lis 197 114 692 '35 241 129 181 3,344 334 62 64 893 30 40 456 41 152 3 2,952 85 115 125 65 1,522 '96 23 10 125 80 186 20 66 1 2 2 1 11 67 4 1 "3 6 "\ 68 3 "i 1 "2 2 69 4 "i 1 1 9 "i 70 2 1 1 1 "2 1 1 10 1 1 71 3 1 1 ... "i 10 2 72 8 "3 "i 4 73 74 "i 75 2 2 1 2 1 10 1 1 76 140 • .. 124 35 49 180 773 160 50 77 1 ... 2 1 2 1 7 1 1 78 130 124 35 49 180 210 160 50 79 26 4 5 9 2 1 19 3 1 SO 3,841 73 220 817 321 50 1,026 194 12 81 26 3 5 9 2 1 15 3 1 82 3,841 69 1 220 817 321 50 1 30 1 30 1 1 1 1 788 30 1,731 23 1,118 194 12 83 84 85 86 87 88 14 •■•I 89 7 30 ::: 1,414 ^ 122 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations, see text) Imeated farms number 1959... 1951 .. . Proportion of all farms percent 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Land in irrigated farms acres 1959 . . . 1954... Average size of farm acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Land in irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . acres 1959 .. . 1954... 13 1 to 9 acres - farms reporting 1959 , . . 14 1954 . . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 - . . 16 1954... 17 '0 to 29 acres fanns repeating 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 30 to 49 act«s ; farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 23 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 24 1954 . . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 500 to 999 acres " farms reporting 1959 . . . 28 1954... 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 30 1964... Cropland used only for paatiffe farms repeating 1959 . . . 1954 . . . acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 35 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 37 Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 .. . acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . , Soil-improvement grasses and legumes. farms reporting 1959 . . . acres 1959 . . . Other cropland (idle and cibp failure) farms reporting 1959 .. , acres 1959 . . , Other picture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 45 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 47 1954 . . Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . 52l ft'oodland, total farms reputing 1959.. 53' 1951.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 . . 19.54 . . Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Sprinklers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 82 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954.. 64 j acres 1959 . . 1954.. her irriKated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Farms irrigated, tiy number of acres irrigated: 67 lto9acres farms reporting 1959 . . 68 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . .30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 72 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 73 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 74 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 19.59 . . Land irrigated, liy source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . 77 acres 1959 . . 78 Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . 79 acres 1959 , . Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Irrigation organization sources farms repcrting 1959 . acres 1959 . Irrigation organization sources only farms repcrting 1959. acres 1959. Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 19.59 . Both irrigation organization and farm ^ound water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 1 6.1 760 760.0 ■41 39 4.8 3.7 99,845 99,081 2,435.2 2,540.5 40 39 9,906 12,108 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 16 9 14 19 2 5 1 1 17 5 1,504 1,969 23 13 18 1,968 493 3 150 8 379 36 35 84,765 80,645 4 3 956 143 2 4 324 584 3,400 3,974 2 95 2 95 39 38 3,204 3,806 196 10 933 9 918 28 2,446 27 2,358 1 103 2 1 0.7 0.3 9,440 4,320 4,720.0 4,320.0 2 1 714 1,022 2 1 8,106 1 200 155 5 1 55 1 55 2 1 145 5 10 2 155 2 155 2 0.2 760 380.6 14 7 0.7 0.3 10,582 1,678 755.9 239.7 13 7 8,009 1,104 3 1 4 2 1,128 174 4 1 2 14 5 1 287 1 10 7 6 679 230 4 4 185 62 3 1 30 1,235 162 12 1,167 11 1,092 13 5 1,177 96 58 6 728 5 651 9 507 Moody 3 0.3 0.2 1,226 926 306.5 308.7 4 3 937 674 1 16 1 50 2 2 161 157 1 20 405 124 3 335 2 325 4 2 405 99 2 205 3 200 2 80 1 160 Pennington 79 34 11.3 10.6 184,235 1,505.1 2,193.3 78 83 13,617 12,366 8 6 3 7 2 2 2 5 13 13 23 25 22 24 5 1 15 30 2,354 4,114 11 17 3 194 235 1 40 8 284 62 71 95,286 163,128 16 10 1,119 700 13 14 3,618 2,340 8,714 7,155 10 308 8 188 75 82 7,970 6,187 744 2 4 2 4 20 1,380 19 1,374 58 7,330 57 7,328 13 13 1.8 1.5 69,920 79,420 5,378.5 6,109.2 13 13 4,307 6,383 7 1 5 425 6 1 75 2 522 12 13 63,712 72,651 2 6 586 306 987 1,086 4 474 3 1A6 12 10 825 830 162 2 381 1 380 12 606 11 555 SOUTH DAKOTA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 123 Roberts Sanborn Shannon Spink Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Dhlon Walworth Washabaugh YanJcton Ziebach 3 3 5 18 2 5 4 36 25 3 1 15 1 1 2 13 15 1 6 6 3 10 3 6 3 4 0.2 oii 2.6 1.4 1.0 1.4 0.4 2.2 2.0 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.3 3 0.1 5.4 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.5 3.5 0.2 1.2 t 800 2,310 206,638 22,793 35,530 42,875 8,351 13,914 10,111 2,251 2,954 7,077 20,560 5 333 170,987 20,894 11,800 18,859 8,294 972 2,823 1,956 26,878 730 5,810 fj 266.7 TVoio 41,327.6 1,266.3 17,765.0 8,575.0 2,087.8 386.5 404.4 750.3 2,954.0 471.8 20,560.0 7 166.5 13,152.8 1,392.9 U,800.0 3,143.2 1,382.3 324.0 282.3 652.0 4,479.7 243.3 1,452.5 e 3 3 5 18 2 5 4 36 25 1 15 1 9 2 13 15 1 6 6 3 10 6 3 4 10 255 749 3,848 9,700 1,510 7,166 1,143 11,220 6,779 1,427 395 4,503 682 11 183 12,437 13,586 1,390 1 5,445 1,665 2 802 2,010 1,144 2,444 523 1 1,178 12 13 14 15 16 1 4 "i "1 1 1 1 1 1 17 18 19 20 21 ' i 1 1 "2 22 2 "i 3 "i 7 6 3 23 1 "i 2 "2 1 2 4 "i 1 24 "2 2 6 2 3 23 14 1 8 25 3 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 26 2 4 2 5 3 1 27 4 6 1 1 3 28 1 1 1 1 "'i 29 5 4 1 2 . 30 2 1 3 1 2 2 16 14 1 7 31 3 6 1 1 7 1 1 "i 32 297 20 125 iio 132 123 574 270 200 114 33 245 396 64 15 153 140 4 4 '50 34 2 3 3 16 1 3 2 \ 1 4 1 35 1 10 9 1 2 3 1 4 36 1 3 4 1 2 1 37 35 245 4,669 570 377 250 250 222 90 330 290 38 39 2 2 1 6 "2 2 40 151 166 35 1,077 173 23 95 41 2 15 1 "i 2 1 2 42 65 5,357 3,330 32 140 45 266 43 1 3 5 15 2 5 4 16 6 2 1 9 1 44 2 12 U 1 6 4 2 3 2 6 1 4 45 98 1,000 202,342 4,784 29,627 35,124 6,825 1,067 109 770 2,304 1,845 19,518 46 129 152,898 5,149 10,130 13,004 6,381 84 128 108 23,106 175 4,159 47 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 48 3 4 '3 1 1 1 1 2 49 50 249 92 85 14 180 30 50 605 335 268 160 84 93 40 60 294 51 2 1 1 7 2 1 1 4 3 3 52 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 53 52 18 18 430 624 21 60 156 2,5U 23 102 54 100 66 22 40 172 160 600 3 55 121 180 726 2,392 580 408 259 4,373 1,826 59 395 842 80 58 46 ■,*^ 1,022 1,377 80 920 210 164 380 130 419 53 445 57 3 '2 2 10 1 5 2 36 7 1 7 1 58 m. 145 24 1,286 20 408 119 4,238 393 50 385 80 59 ' 3 2 2 8 1 5 2 34 6 1 6 1 60 121 145 24 1,141 20 408 119 3,888 348 50 290 80 61 3 3 5 18 5 4 36 22 3 1 15 1 62 2 12 15 1 6 5 1 7 2 5 2 3 63 112 180 726 2,384 550 360 259 4,084 1,751 59 395 740 80 64 46 697 1,312 80 890 50 80 207 30 415 23 151 65 9 1 8 1 30 48 ... 289 75 1 2 102 2 1 66 67 68 ' 1 "i 1 1 1 1 1 3 69 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 "5 3 70 1 2 7 2 1 12 15 1 3 1 71 1 4 4 1 1 13 4 4 1 3 72 73 "i 1 74 75 1 1 10 1 2 1 36 23 1 9 76 60 95 1,921 20 149 39 4,283 1,656 198 514 77 1 1 10 1 1 1 35 23 8 78 60 95 1,921 20 40 89 4,193 1,656 391 ... 79 2 2 4 8 1 4 3 1 2 3 1 6 1 60 61 85 566 471 560 259 170 90 170 59 197 319 80 •81 2 2 4 8 1 3 3 2 3 5 1 82 61 85 566 1 160 1 160 471 560 170 1 198 170 1 180 170 59 1 395 255 1 9 1 9 1 187 go ■83 84 85 86 87 88 S9 90 91 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS. LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) Brookings Farms: \U farms number 1059 . 1954. I'nder 10 acres number 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . , 1954. 160 to 219 acres number 1959 . 1054 . 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . 1954 . , 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres number 1959.. 1954.. 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . . 1954 . , 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 1959.. Land in farms: \ll land in forms acres 1959 . . 1954.. Under 10 acres acres 1959 . . 1954.. 10 to 49 acres .icres 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 139 icres acres 1959 . . 1954.. 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . . 1954.. 290 Io259 acres acres 1959.. 1954 . . 260 to 499 acres .- acres 1959 . . 1954.. 500 to 999 acreji acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959.. Cropland harvested: ■\ny crop! and harvested farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. acres 1 959 . . 1954 . . I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 19.59 , . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 10 to 49 acres" farms reportinjr 1959 . . 1954.. ncre s 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 69 acres fam)s reportinp 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954.. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 1:19 acres farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . acres 1 959 . . 1954.. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. ;tcres 1959 . . 1954.. ISO to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 220 to 259 acres fann.^ reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . acres 19.59 . . 1954 . . 280 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . , 50O to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1,000 or more acres , , farms reprrtinp 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 55,727 62,520 689 1,855 1,775 i80 535 1,282 1,472 1,123 1,359 5,582 7,442 2,023 2,559 3,822 4,711 18,137 20,515 11,219 11,557 9,515 9,174 5,434 44,850,666 44,949,473 2,670 4,730 45,386 47,552 27,662 30,924 103,899 119,377 132,990 160,493 890,775 1,138,539 402,054 508,388 912,836 1,123,040 6,665,616 7,485,612 7,945,163 8,096,395 27,721,615 26,184,373 7,490,2U 52,161 59,804 14,236,384 17,759,947 97 280 288 960 729 1,044 13,112 18,365 326 412 10,343 14,129 1,109 1,363 59,862 76,881 989 1,288 76,388 107,223 5,273 7,338 580,342 349,674 1,955 2,533 270,804 364,567 3,752 4,681 640,966 815,298 17,769 20,414 4,168,497 5,151,669 11,005 11,459 3,762,106 4,662,602 9,157 8,992 4,653,676 5,698,579 5,294 2,404,454 728 817 6 22 16 17 3 4 10 6 11 10 38 60 U 16 25 17 288 327 237 264 81 74 67 425,716 443,862 15 42 281 424 180 237 791 483 1,360 1,239 6,115 9,791 2,546 3,209 6,082 3,979 111,186 125,007 169,769 184,497 127,391 114,954 86,000 696 782 188,360 265,656 2 4 11 60 159 1 2 7 82 9 2 296 55 11 9 684 735 36 59 3,318 6,898 13 16 1,448 2,075 25 17 3,642 2,645 284 326 59,764 83,356 236 264 75,058 114,050 77 74 44,083 55,599 64 33,007 1,376 1,518 29 36 35 28 14 8 21 20 22 23 114 108 30 31 35 47 485 657 447 457 144 103 122 771,745 767,181 103 120 894 662 799 470 1,785 1,623 2,550 2,678 18,096 17,200 6,022 6,197 3,390 11,148 187,907 252,671 318,868 313,771 226,331 160,641 154,241 1,242 1,449 390,945 494,824 2 1 9 1 11 14 227 247 5 1 142 36 13 15 761 803 11 20 720 1,301 90 107 7,958 11,562 27 30 3,189 4,072 31 46 4,647 8,005 466 655 101,419 172,549 444 457 170,712 205,463 142 103 101,161 90,785 120 70,675 331 386 1 6 4 3 33 60 87 96 183 199 90 670,887 707,448 1 90 124 170 233 120 3,217 2,871 370 751 12,632 22,007 68,580 71,640 586,135 609,394 129,379 319 373 131,681 150,707 87 2 1 75 105 18 17 1,461 1,257 391 33 57 5,352 9,750 87 96 25,572 26,884 178 194 99,220 Ul,954 87 39,124 1,273 1,368 21 55 61 49 20 21 40 42 36 32 161 234 100 117 213 222 551 530 57 56 13 10 11 352,009 356,169 103 209 1,421 1,194 1,157 1,218 3,266 3,4L4 4,302 3,800 25,672 37,368 19,897 23,309 50,746 53,005 190,706 178,887 33, 6U 33,323 21,128 20,442 14,756 1,217 1,299 248,743 245,105 6 15 18 48 39 29 491 429 17 16 506 543 35 41 2,027 2,242 34 32 2,866 2,706 155 232 18,131 27,052 99 116 15,047 17,292 2U 222 38,589 39,331 550 530 141,352 129,164 56 56 21,561 20,497 13 10 7,655 5,301 11 5,469 1,692 1,841 33 39 82 70 18 23 53 52 48 54 273 396 85 112 196 239 728 736 162 108 lA 7 14 499,797 489,174 155 142 2,276 1,721 978 1,647 4,250 4,219 5,635 6,455 43,675 63,063 17,073 22,439 46,802 56,888 258,441 253,859 104,907 70,384 15,605 8,357 15,605 1,569 1,764 353,221 351,908 4 U 12 36 31 36 773 639 9 19 261 678 40 48 2,135 2,547 41 53 3,041 4,505 266 395 30, 618 47,173 35 112 12,091 16, 565 195 239 34,622 41,314 722 736 189,719 186,469 162 108 72,426 47,016 14 7 7,523 4,866 14 7,523 1,647 1,846 21 41 68 39 9 7 17 12 6 9 87 119 13 16 44 51 503 715 631 629 248 208 205 1,077,193 1,069,970 51 106 1,285 919 509 403 1,308 977 694 1,035 13,860 19,006 2,573 3,140 10,402 ■ 12,175 196,352 275,145 452,859 439,014 397,300 318,000 275,072 1,549 1,781 571,371 745,303 1 4 1 14 16 20 281 305 4 5 83 1A9 15 11 712 700 5 7 291 668 82 U3 7,317 13,327 11 16 1,336 2,375 42 51 5,526 9,215 499 715 110, 517 203,718 626 626 250,824 314,103 248 203 194,433 200,734 205 142,764 620 7U 3 17 9 11 2 5 4 6 6 12 32 27 11 9 15 24 105 168 282 281 151 151 121 507,481 511,193 16 54 191 304 100 290 330 470 644 1,351 5,115 4,293 2,192 1,320 3,898 5,712 42,161 65,638 207,987 200,136 244,847 231,120 162,221 593 679 211,217 233,049 2 5 5 21 2 4 38 55 1 3 3 116 2 5 84 203 82 489 28 27 2,560 2,767 9 7 623 901 15 24 2,125 3,913 101 165 20,888 41,660 230 280 98,233 123,072 151 151 36, 571 109,852 121 63,167 SOUTH DAKOTA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 125 Butte Caii?)bell Charles Ktix Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Dsy Deuel Dewey Douglas 563 571 1,426 1,177 984 1,028 638 355 755 1,429 1,072 493 821 1 651 636 1,567 1,298 1,153 1,078 777 380 892 1,600 1,208 494 883 2 5 2 16 20 29 17 5 10 12 9 28 3 14 8 44 12 58 13 4 3 55 33 16 24 4 23 7 56 45 60 43 4 13 36 41 33 "i 22 5 38 2 56 23 60 31 4 12 53 37 32 30 C 2 13 7 11 8 9 16 12 10 "i 4 7 13 2 20 11 24 6 "2 5 24 8 14 1 12 8 21 6 39 18 59 19 2 8 20 26 26 16 9 33 2 49 22 72 17 6 6 25 31 31 21 10 17 4 33 15 53 12 16 12 24 22 3 12 U 15 7 37 13 62 13 2 13 22 28 30 3 15 12 45 15 86 90 174 96 25 17 86 U3 106 12 75 13 62 23 112 121 262 90 25 30 102 136 168 16 37 U 18 2 64 23 75 26 5 11 18 55 57 2 41 15 17 8 75 34 100 38 5 13 27 63 62 3 56 16 21 9 91 54 130 61 7 5 57 84 118 2 51 17 34 7 111 84 166 92 10 10 64 139 161 1 88 18 123 90 594 485 329 475 74 51 363 628 518 31 449 19 137 139 663 590 308 562 100 66 412 748 559 63 447 20 85 297 335 328 57 246 123 61 122 369 160 79 117 21 89 313 305 312 38 194 172 59 99 335 123 119 98 22 203 139 99 92 7 25 393 154 15 65 13 362 6 23 199 125 95 76 3 17 447 163 9 42 12 288 5 24 48 U9 73 82 7 23 132 71 13 58 11 133 5 25 1,412,967 485,080 686,669 587,936 248,788 415,574 1,452,751 642,492 272,295 633,207 375,037 1,279,856 284,629 26 1,288,063 481,535 680,929 587,009 252,254 405,210 1,517,180 634,354 270,731 636,182 330,510 1,416,847 279,034 27 26 10 60 78 104 50 12 44 39 34 92 28 61 12 133 27 147 32 9 3 159 99 77 79 29 634 232 1,369 1,030 1,363 307 107 548 910 1,000 864 17 455 30 1,054 67 1,576 602 1,444 924 140 341 1,410 799 853 306 31 123 726 412 640 454 530 930 715 570 65 240 32 732 U5 1,137 607 1,406 340 114 296 1,399 452 843 58 671 33 1,728 469 3,140 1,461 4,793 1,576 150 664 1,610 2,104 2,138 1,318 34 2,676 145 3,971 1,776 5,793 1,393 490 480 2,052 2,542 2,465 1,676 35 2,034 476 3,783 1,745 6,315 1,422 1,945 1,448 2,9U 2,651 357 1,425 36 1,775 836 4,376 1,473 7,259 2,172 240 1,523 2,576 3,357 3,629 370 1,805 37 7,211 2,409 13,675 U,290 27,678 15,286 3,994 2,680 13,650 18,047 16,972 1,915 12,014 38 9,896 3,731 17,931 19,354 41,568 14,435 3,970 4,708 16,308 21,645 27,083 2,559 13,955 39 3,557 393 12,713 4,519 14,705 5,073 1,006 2,201 3,565 10,959 11,360 360 8,237 40 3,334 1,621 14,800 6,820 19,640 7,593 990 2,649 5,380 12,523 12,398 545 11,131 41 5,007 2,149 21,821 12,934 30,975 14,594 1,686 1,171 13,628 20,116 28,242 480 12,409 42 8,054 1,660 26,378 20,072 39,559 21,858 2,413 2,387 15,383 33,056 38;395 230 20,905 43 46,014 38,098 220,147 188,166 116,156 130,179 29,023 19,264 135,649 238,340 187,215 12,729 164,822 44 50,832 56,466 243,373 223,367 105,190 207,308 39,328 23,580 150,060 278,307 198,085 24,767 160,996 45 56,190 221,916 229,498 226,468 37,205 161,318 96,012 44,491 79,400 250,123 104,877 59,998 74,323 46 60, 528 221,333 202,654 208,860 25,320 124,843 133,864 45,353 54,543 223,569 78,587 90,352 60,740 47 1,290,443 218,928 179,737 136,833 8,854 34,810 1,320,773 563,936 21,461 93,850 20,114 1,203,935 3,794 48 1,149,121 195,549 164,600 104,051 4,928 24,257 1,335,622 603,029 11,461 59,833 18,095 1,297,966 6,270 49 67,387 153,851 96,042 111,134 8,854 29,020 264,928 101,953 15,848 70,893 15,414 191,794 6,504 50 500 563 1,349 1,084 912 933 602 306 703 1,352 1,026 451 774 51 610 625 1,495 1,265 1,061 1,053 753 293 829 1,547 1,171 469 855 52 82,716 225,731 370,568 310,265 198,798 224,336 266,239 37,281 163,600 285,429 239,166 157,095 192,479 53 115,544 244,013 423,687 382,693 184,365 286,215 336,937 27,195 186,892 413,345 254,775 209,400 199,453 54 3 7 1 3 2 2 55 4 8 "2 9 2 "i 16 "e 1 9 56 7 23 1 9 3 2 57 11 19 7 32 3 1 39 21 3 25 58 12 "5 25 15 25 11 2 9 16 13 12 10 59 29 2 34 11 36 21 3 7 40 19 16 22 60 171 111 431 343 493 U2 14 124 315 256 201 119 61 378 48 642 239 608 382 110 74 739 303 249 313 62 2 8 4 11 5 8 11 8 7 3 63 12 "2 16 8 19 5 2 4 17 6 12 1 9 64 72 324 132 512 155 198 239 250 295 78 65 319 U5 632 271 777 192 "79 77 546 259 337 45 165 66 17 3 35 14 55 12 2 7 16 22 23 14 67 31 2 47 19 67 17 5 4 22 31 29 20 68 734 147 1,883 661 3,699 620 110 122 752 883 1,172 658 69 1,370 105 2,686 969 4,183 984 202 85 1,412 1,525 1,438 845 70 15 3 30 13 49 9 16 10 23 20 3 10 71 14 4 37 12 51 17 2 9 21 27 29 3 14 72 594 273 2,367 360 4,726 687 501 593 1,531 1,523 149 730 73 769 396 3,132 910 5,561 1,404 230 256 1,643 2,048 2,598 201 1,088 74 41 15 78 84 170 SO 19 14 84 103 104 7 73 75 60 23 108 121 258 90 22 24 102 135 167 15 87 76 3,417 1,550 7,735 7,895 22,547 6,553 1,420 881 8,244 8,135 11,3U 521 7,935 77 5,140 2,572 12,399 13,791 32,280 10,549 1,997 693 11,546 14,209 19,124 1,271 ■9,915 78 16 2 63 22 73 25 5 9 16 52 57 1 40 79 17 8 74 34 100 38 5 10 27 60 62 3 56 SO 1,540 178 8,128 2,687 12,137 2,921 264 530 1,900 4,945 7,389 180 5,932 81 1,774 1,155 10,737 4,717 14,907 5,6W 522 347 3,882 8,008 3,829 362 8,197 82 20 9 89 53 130 57 6 4 57 81 117 1 51 83 33 7 111 83 164 92 10 8 64 139 161 1 86 S4 2,750 1,265 U,145 7,513 26,082 8,265 839 399 8,882 9,244 19,329 180 8,330 85 4,280 997 19,427 13,996 29,801 16,081 1,843 266 U,392 21,752 27,370 210 15,447 86 121 90 588 465 329 466 70 45 360 614 512 28 448 87 134 139 662 589 306 560 99 . 54 412 747 559 60 447 88 17,013 22,064 142,109 107,556 94,251 103,892 13,882 3,219 84, 519 109,748 124,736 4,560 114, 598 89 20,660 34,755 175,174 153,965 76,852 149,524 22,691 2,931 105,450 137,920 136,892 13,423 117,131 90 85 297 335 323 57 242 113 57 120 367 159 71 117 91 87 313 305 310 38 194 167 41 99 335 123 115 98 92 15,942 112,876 126, 579 113,156 29,574 84,550 34,991 5,568 46,117 114,838 64,071 15,722 48,606 93 17,352 120,352 128,212 133,063 17,500 86,077 58,928 3,691 42,732 146,896 48,909 39,870 42,053 94 168 139 98 91 6 25 385 137 15 64 13 340 6 95 189 125 93 76 3 17 437 132 9 42 12 271 5 96 40,421 87,267 66,867 64,460 4,749 16,550 214,719 25,689 12,030 35,594 9,133 135,783 5,491 97 63,491 83,518 70,627 60,765 1,864 15,405 250,334 18,775 7,511 35,904 8,976 154,018 4,274 98 43 119 73 82 6 23 175 59 13 57 11 121 5 99 B,85i 70,502 39,506 55,693 4,749 13,296 75,301 8,663 8,935 27,530 7,733 49,502 4,366 100 126 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms; All fams number ICSS . 1954. I'ndcr 10 acres number 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959. 1954. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . 1954. 140 to 170 acres number 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . 1954. 500 (o 999 act«s number 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . 1954. l.nOO to 1,999 acres number 1959 . Land in farms: Alt land in Tanns acres 1059 . 1954 . Under 10 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 10 lo 49 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres acres 19.59 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . 1954 . 100 to 139 seres acres 1959 . 1954 . 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres ; acres 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . 1954 . 1,000 or more acres .■ acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959. Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . 1954. nct^s 1959 . 1954. Vnder 10 acres farms report inp 1959. 1954. acres 19.59 . 1951 . 10 to 49 acres farms repottine 1969 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. SO to 69 acres farms reportinc^ 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 19.54 . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 100 to n9 acres farms reporting 1959. 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. 140 to 179 acres farms reptrting 19.59 . 1954. acres 1059 . 1954. 180 lo 219 acres fanns reporting 1959. 1954 . acres 1950. 1954 . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 260 to 499 acres farms repotting 1959 , 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 500 lo 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 lo 1,999 acres farms repcrtinp 1959 . acres 1959 . 791 978 2 13 4 13 3 2 19 39 I, 6 11 20 12A 233 372 466 238 173 206 697,938 707,110 14 31 67 426 176 118 573 406 813 965 3,026 6,181 785 1,176 2,670 4,776 50,216 96,942 276,040 335,583 363,558 260,506 277,516 776 955 340,304 413,993 1 237 2 1 60 270 304 7 468 779 18 37 1,901 3,876 515 778 11 20 1,643 3,152 122 232 27,434 62,387 371 466 143,062 203,986 236 173 164,946 138,444 205 130,872 399 415 4 1 10 6 5 12 19 7 11 7 9 44 42 70 73 232 243 101 824,614 812,176 16 6 262 189 104 402 313 706 571 1,942 3,123 1,407 2,210 1,752 2,212 15,921 16,478 51,139 53,947 750,963 733,127 146,599 334 366 55,261 72,999 3 195 74 2 3 128 108 10 15 593 1,450 6 10 589 948 7 8 756 727 41 39 4,973 4,476 61 67 7,903 10,595 201 220 40,101 54,615 91 15,683 602 711 3 11 10 9 2 2 7 7 4 5 13 27 3 3 4 7 93 160 243 288 220 192 173 604,802 615,151 3 30 148 273 120 116 584 564 500 559 2,077 4,320 565 583 940 1,626 37,457 64,405 181,701 2W,844 380,707 327,831 238,794 218,762 342,180 163 1 2 15 80 4 6 155 400 3 4 178 292 11 25 707 3,214 3 2 190 82 3 7 155 1,118 86 159 15,431 41,627 240 285 77,165 130,324 216 192 124,766 164,880 170 34,235 1,142 1,264 7 22 30 38 21 9 18 19 26 35 127 177 59 84 126 150 514 570 190 142 24 18 21 415,862 409,198 17 46 815 1,201 1,199 524 1,473 1,530 3,046 4,165 20,207 28,316 11,815 16,751 30,016 35,580 184,289 202,778 126,255 90,913 36,730 27,394 26,330 1,085 l,a6 260,318 280,012 15 22 172 513 14 5 397 218 12 17 653 986 23 32 1,696 2,658 124 176 13,750 20,265 56 84 7,841 11,781 119 150 20,099 25,841 511 570 125,681 144,377 187 142 73,471 58,711 24 18 16,558 14,662 21 14,523 996 1,086 10 10 27 32 7 4 22 21 17 16 88 101 18 30 45 67 377 408 241 262 144 135 102 630,872 648,694 50 36 802 845 415 218 1,734 1,710 2,010 1,869 13,948 16,115 3,566 5,917 10,673 16,047 144,296 154,935 168,94^ 182,055 284,4X 268,947 135,835 940 1,053 253,385 288,851 3 1 8 2 11 16 227 317 3 2 154 56 18 19 965 945 U 14 963 982 81 101 7,669 10,636 17 30 2,171 4,062 43 66 5,908 9,357 369 408 79,974 93,670 237 262 76,899 91,228 144 134 78,447 77,596 102 46,976 385 431 2 5 2 1 2 5 29 38 49 77 290 294 109 1,149,388 1,144,651 13 175 50 120 102 1,286 1,742 195 465 1,200 11,252 14,604 36,183 59,928 1,099,827 1,066,817 157,650 359 417 135,164 163,047 10 477 921 75 2 5 51 387 23 34 2,833 4,428 45 75 9,258 16,237 280 291 122,514 140,912 107 30,856 J_ 901 1,023 13 31 28 44 10 10 28 37 13 22 115 127 23 47 61 99 461 484 143 117 311,092 317,614 33 92 684 1,184 555 554 2,264 2,986 1,544 2,650 18,240 20,291 4,593 9,470 14,590 23,661 168,759 175,735 92,885 74,771 6,945 6,220 6,945 836 958 214,811 234,110 5 2 17 17 296 6 6 195 132 23 33 1,217 2,137 11 22 886 1,791 105 127 11,994 14,663 23 46 3,162 6,749 59 99 10,234 17,556 459 484 119,899 131,752 142 117 63,311 54,695 3,896 4,334 962 1,093 4 30 32 11 8 8 4 9 3 4 25 36 14 10 12 16 168 240 378 458 314 271 236 910,724 888,964 10 53 613 357 462 460 315 709 354 470 3,957 5,739 2,759 1,937 2,860 3,791 68,051 95,611 261,329 338,334 550,014 441,453 322,609 1,060 242,990 473,378 13 4 6 51 113 5 6 110 257 4 8 228 329 3 4 193 266 17 33 994 3,397 13 9 1,113 1,452 10 16 893 2,960 152 238 21,520 60,128 365 458 86,289 199,817 307 271 131,599 204,641 231 86,670 SOUTH DAKOTA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 127 Harding Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Laie Lawrence Lincoln I^man McCook Mcpherson 360 313 1,585 325 172 551 262 1,234 1,172 301 1,602 555 1,226 911 1 Aoa 327 1,683 395 219 633 289 1,392 1,252 339 1,734 636 1,324 1,104 2 7 18 1 3 21 21 14 34 1 17 2 3 4 42 7 4 9 40 19 28 55 14 31 16 4 i 4 50 6 1 24 49 60 20 87 7 46 14 5 37 6 3 16 30 49 39 59 13 36 9 e 11 1 8 3 9 21 18 1 7 16 3 3 15 12 10 17 "3 17 4 8 i 2 37 2 2 4 33 29 12 77 5 35 3 9 1 4 42 4 2 9 29 31 13 97 2 42 5 10 7 32 1 7 12 29 15 62 5 33 5 11 5 34 2 U 22 25 11 71 5 32 14 12 4 12' 132 4 2 41 120 202 32 461 10 188 24 13 13 15 158 10 5 45 167 263 34 604 24 260 30 14 1 4 96 1 1 12 38 49 17 101 6 53 3 15 2 3 115 2 1 14 49 67 9 124 4 63 16 16 1 2 188 3 13 2 95 151 19 237 3 121 11 17 3 5 235 8 2 13 1 138 172 20 238 6 161 23 18 S2 35 832 26 10 195 30 569 ■^23 53 487 50 594 180 19 26 45 843 41 17 257 28 663 538 65 449 69 613 289 20 46 81 179 73 27 192 54 221 91 47 35 142 113 466 21 57 80 153 100 48 203 70 190 70 55 20 163 66 552 22 278 159 10 207 129 60 164 68 9 63 321 3 197 23 306 166 8 212 137 50 173 49 6 55 333 3 U6 24 69 85 7 132 58 53 77 62 7 36 177 3 175 25 1,666,738 452,971 518,505 517,180 330,035 317,266 621,965 512,555 344,785 248,993 354,988 937,075 363,080 709,379 26 1,574,291 477,729 518,501 516,587 401,459 333,343 597,715 505,433 345,908 232,468 361,382 990,799 360,787 719,014 27 20 73 1 11 6 66 79 69 164 4 73 3 28 10 148 10 '12 29 7 152 69 142 326 24 113 40 29 97 83 1,228 88 40 560 20 1,194 1,510 468 2,052 173 1,143 210 30 1,099 99 59 310 62 912 1,014 1,006 1,524 401 941 231 31 631 50 125 482 472 540 1,214 1,021 60 32 938 165 170 860 697 583 1,000 185 978 243 33 314 160 3,012 160 169 305 2,707 2,392 970 6,216 393 2,843 250 34 90 324 3,458 333 160 763 173 2,396 2,498 1,093 7,746 160 3,396 410 35 835 3,769 120 883 328 1,449 3,383 1,703 7,409 569 4,443 590 36 582 3,962 240 1,556 100 2,633 2,832 1,213 8,452 616 3,346 1,645 37 630 1,951 21,102 640 312 6,529 640 19,105 32,282 5,092 73,343 1,616 29,943 3,358 38 2,076 2,405 25,255 1,606 787 7,188 1,100 26,674 42,157 5,364 96,291 3,851 41,500 4,805 39 217 803 19,245 200 180 2,374 200 7,424 9,704 3,274 20,167 1,177 10,506 1,560 40 390 594 22,754 400 20O 2,731 200 9,700 13,236 1,765 24,536 838 12,467 3,117 41 240 470 44,875 730 ... 3,112 440 22,754 36,257 4,516 56,399 1,899 23,816 2,600 42 680 1,174 56,086 1,924 475 3,065 245 32,985 41,073 4,776 56,773 1,431 38,437 5,414 43 8,775 13,925 292,013 10,435 3,553 76,273 11,964 211,229 183,779 19,259 165,737 20,185 210,311 72,374 44 9,467 18,614 291,858 15,770 6,296 97,688 10,428 239,249 186,454 23,341 151,547 28,324 215,175 116,948 45 41,501 63,742 110,355 55,701 21,136 137,061 41,397 149,159 59,767 33,009 22,287 107,743 70,776 336,986 46 42,286 59,031 92,918 77,135 37,101 142,391 54,092 122,587 44,463 38,647 13,187 124,044 40,744 383,506 47 1,614,964 370,982 22,202 449,055 354,645 90,158 566,845 96,986 15,160 180,098 303,311 3,200 290,888 48 1,519,302 394,995 20,025 418,900 356,369 82,402 531j308 67,285 11,310 154,538 830,925 3,135 202,655 49 98,209 123,786 8,910 188,482 87,525 69,725 109,557 79,471 9,480 49,554 256,389 3,200 220,444 50 326 285 1,523 312 163 505 242 1,151 1,096 262 1,511 521 1,168 880 51 401 316 1,627 380 203 612 278 1,329 1,206 302 1,663 613 1,280 1,083 52 106,735 114,156 361,482 117,041 52,809 116,766 109,561 329,225 251,853 31,677 283,118 204,715 255,716 310,338 53 150,241 180,283 372,932 1 217,699 59,374 191,099 155,619 353,793 2 251,066 2 38,362 5 283,770 5 353,722 258,237 3 387,465 54 55 2 6 3 1 1 3 12 7 5 21 18 10 16 1 10 13 3 56 57 7 15 5 4 18 16 68 117 9 39 16 58 2 21 2 6 18 24 11 48 1 19 2 59 22 4 1 10 1 15 22 31 40 9 22 5 60 45 383 27 79 296 425 204 730 20 313 39 61 303 45 5 122 '32 353 277 422 610 170 383 115 62 10 1 4 3 6 13 15 63 14 3 ' i 11 12 8 15 3 13 4 64 342 10 161 98 117 426 356 65 605 155 20 363 359 215 528 117 340 211 66 1 3 2 34 1 1 3 32 28 11 76 4 33 2 67 1 3 41 4 2 8 ' 2 27 29 3 96 2 39 5 68 25 59 2,039 45 30 170 1,754 1,539 385 4,508 193 1,499 162 69 12 135 2,275 257 120 340 135 1,563 1,499 357 5,862 37 1,875 337 70 5 31 1 4 1 7 27 13 60 3 33 4 71 4 34 2 11 20 24 9 71 5 32 13 72 194 2,371 15 290 13 560 2,544 611 5,559 112 2,305 206 73 296 2,783 164 812 1,971 2,035 374 6,637 265 2,567 1,174 74 3 12 130 4 34 2 115 199 29 455 9 183 21 75 13 14 157 8 4 45 6 167 260 29 601 23 259 29 76 213 706 15,040 363 2,798 154 13,289 24,276 1,888 59,087 438 20,019 1,915 77 919 1,463 18,554 1,150 283 4,810 548 19,589 31,546 2,157 74,577 2,208 29,498 3,770 78 1 3 94 1 10 1 37 49 14 100 5 53 7 79 2 3 115 2 1 14 1 48 67 7 124 4 63 16 80 101 166 13,945 70 1,241 88 5,060 7,011 1,026 15,765 403 7,472 907 81 241 303 16,945 272 50 1,921 200 7,026 10,083 489 19,216 518 8,507 2,337 82 2 186 3 13 1 91 151 17 236 5 120 11 83 "s 4 234 8 2 13 138 171 19 237 6 161 23 84 115 32,206 364 1,315 98 16,628 27,334 1,370 46,340 319 21,217 1,255 85 406 630 42,799 1,254 311 2,011 24,509 30,693 1,636 45,583 923 28,176 3,731 86 21 29 828 23 10 190 25 560 513 51 433 44 593 175 87 26 43 343 33 14 256 28 661 538 61 449 68 612 289 88 3,301 4,432 210,208 2,367 1,595 35,480 3,386 150,603 135,292 5,311 132,557 6,112 153,813 35,555 89 3,336 10,246 215,422 8,759 1,731 64,981 5,042 174,235 136,185 6,948 119,883 15,030 157,350 70,129 SO 45 72 178 71 26 187 51 217 91 45 35 136 113 462 91 57 80 153 100 43 203 68 190 70 54 20 160 66 551 92 11,041 20,431 72,414 15,941 4,458 50,448 11,568 93,007 44,062 6,535 18,130 30,856 46,385 167,464 93 15,099 29,936 61,598 37,986 7,049 81,901 22,754 84,655 31,324 8,206 10,702 63,980 27,378 214,794 94 253 158 10 206 126 58 160 63 9 60 3U 3 196 95 299 163 8 211 135 50 172 49 6 55 332 3 145 96 92,054 88,008 12,531 97,849 46,726 24,945 94,244 47,855 8,717 14,212 166,257 1,824 102,835 97 130,228 137,267 11,633 167,657 49,820 34,177 126,908 39,511 7,049 17,490 270,365 2,124 90,851 98 64 84 7 132 56 51 76 62 7 34 174 3 174 99 20,156 35,543 4,977 48,419 16,598 20,520 31,047 41,223 6,399 6,149 65,821 1,824 87,855 100 128 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Item (For definilions ard explanations, see text) Farms: All faims number 10S9 . . . 1954... I'nder 10 acres. number 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 10 to 49 acres number 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 100 to 139 ao-es number 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 180 to 219 acres number 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 500 to 999 acres numberl959... 1954 . . . 1,000 or more acres number 1950 . . . 1954 . . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 1959... Land in farms: All land in farms acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . Under 10 acres ^ acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . SO to 69 acres acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 100 to 139 acres acres 1959... 1954 .. . 140 to 179 acres acres 1959... 1954 . , . ISO to 219 acres acres 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 220 to 259 acres acres 1959 .. . 1964 . . . 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 500 to 999 acres acres 1959... 1954... 1.000 or more acres acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959 . . . Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested rarnis reporting 1959 .. . 1954 .. . acres 1959 .. . 1954... I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . acres 1959 .. . 1954 . . , 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . . 1954... 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 1959 .. , 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . -« I 1954.. acres 1959 . . 70 1954.. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 19.54 . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . IbO to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1,000 or niore acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 19.54 . . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . , acres 1959., err 1,02* 39 21 13 6 1 14 8 U 19 24 34 31 44 308 438 301 286 104 71 87 534,185 516,623 "53 380 381 350 60 1,116 638 1,609 2,213 . 8,564 11,369 4,801 6,807 7,361 10,499 115,453 164,302 209,825 194,996 184,726 125,300 109,864 835 972 278,239 337,315 7 73 lU 4 1 153 55 9 6 393 282 12 15 771 1,222 51 70 4,354 7,367 22 ■v^34 2,723 4,4«1 30 43 3,831 6,502 299 436 62,651 112,126 300 284 110,764 128 ,'684 104 71 92,526 76,476 37 56,633 857 1,049 4 12 16 25 5 3 10 13 7 10 22 36 4 10 9 16 72 114 144 211 564 599 210 2,143,180 2,231,645 19 46 354 609 300 184 792 1,112 847 1,1S5 3,528 5,806 820 1,973 2,135 3,793 28,437 42,593 108,396 157,214 1,997,552 2,017,130 k 305,595 772 1,005 203,822 297,678 1 2 4 6 2 12 12 141 4 2 91 34 5 10 145 445 5 9 125 500 17 34 1,175 2,656 3 10 230 640 8 15 795 1,591 64 UO 6,930 13,976 134 204 22,655 42,4^7 529 597 171,660 235,042 201 51,615 302 350 27 41 54 77 201 210 76 801,020 840,244 4 30 m 57 170 33 230 375 1,753 1,099 200 596 465 460 9,864 15,443 42,727 53,063 745,581 763,953 U0,546 277 331 88,221 132,125 116 6 7 502 329 1 3 21 127 2 2 106 181 26 37 2,504 5,036 51 72 7,877 14,782 190 206 77,141 111,494 73 19,033 884 1,007 4 U 25 20 U 5 14 31 22 21 87 144 24 30 53 77 453 524 176 132 15 9 11 346,258 346,912 19 51 655 660 652 307 1,098 2,437 2,514 2,412 13,834 22,946 4,355 6,01s 12,625 13,319 169,230 191,523 116,386 86,189 24,390 16,050 W,530 832 977 198,476 234,432 1 6 12 117 300 175 149 11 27 413 1,402 18 "2G 1,313 1,387 80 U3 7,664 15,769 24 30 3,174 4,352 53 77 7,902 12,902 442 523 104,131 132,625 174 132 61,284 55,823 15 9 12,249 9,718 11 7,025 I 2,041 2,320 61 122 126 143 39 38 98 103 83 104 408 568 L46 203 281 308 707 668 67 61 5 2 4 491,584 502,115 258 477 3,366 3,346 2,220 2,156 7,905 8,321 9,921 12,234 65,196 90,551 29,073 40,191 67,068 73,661 243,899 223,727 53,343 36,711 9,335 5,240 4,573 1,694 2,152 361,602 370,491 13 32 36 100 62 76 1,038 1,470 31 35 943 1,092 91 99 5,007 6,031 79 103 6,953 9,151 401 566 47,621 66,839 144 203 21,430 29,479 280 307 51,084 55,500 702 668 132,421 170,342 66 61 36,088 26,700 5 2 7,179 3,787 Moody 1,184 1,295 12 28 55 57 14 16 37 57 35 35 2U 316 57 79 141 157 517 497 69 50 3 1 3 323,323 316,995 43 72 1,402 1,444 830 925 2,986 4,604 4,155 4,121 38,996 50,926 11,423 15,736 33,729 37,427 161,368 170,787 44,111 31,783 3,780 1,120 3,760 1,124 1,240 246,907 242,641 2 3 3 5 22 35 398 571 10 11 304 389 33 54 1,843 3,102 33 35 2,908 3,151 239 313 29,967 39,127 56 79 3,953 12,250 Ul 157 26,424 28,720 516 497 141,569 131,161 69 50 33,976 23,270 3 1 2,562 395 3 2,562 Pennington 698 795 17 34 18 28 3 6 13 IS 17 21 41 42 14. 12 11 19 83 99 136 175 345 341 194 1,053,232 1,097,543 48 151 466 698 176 329 1,075 1,427 2,097 2,414 6,543 6,674 2,739 2,405 2,651 4,537 30,901 36,497 100,745 128,121 910,791 912,290 273,648 634 696 141,622 160,300 11 13 18 46 U 13 178 118 2 4 41 59 12 14 361 500 16 15 669 406 33 30 2,1B2 1,589 12 10 803 643 9 15 ' 652 911 73 91 7,629 11,674 127 163 23,156 31,694 325 330 105,933 112,458 179 45,711 741 656 "4 5 3 2 2 "i 2 15 31 2 6 5 13 47 67 135 178 528 551 236 1,799,685 1,675,294 "is 90 66 122 120 '80 240 2,422 4,959 390 1,196 1,160 3,096 19,063 25,947 103,366 132,450 1,672,612 1,507,365 336,931 715 842 278,041 360,616 80 1 85 12 31 909 2,551 2 5 104 397 4 12 456 1,419 45 66 6,115 10,718 131 178 33,453 53,671 517 546 236,842 291,697 233 90,356 HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: SOUTH DAKOTA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 129 698 819 3 22 U 17 3 5 9 14 10 12 86 82 17 32 31 44 298 369 iB2 185 48 37 39 339,791 352,545 11 83 280 408 163 280 715 1,179 1,222 1,339 13,790 13,095 3,389 6,404 7,444 10,518 112,649 134,645 127,705 128,522 72,423 56,072 49,123 658 777 168,549 217,423 15 8 10 185 189 12 103 564 683 566 75 78 7,319 8,514 17 30 2,109 4,134 28 43 4,504 7,105 288 368 64,062 90,621 182 185 58,169 75,961 4« 37 31,415 29,660 39 22,596 189 240 1 5 1 2 1 14 15 18 32 125 178 26 SpinJc 921,218 978,447 5 400 240 260 243 1,910 1,270 962 200 470 225 5,289 5,988 13,397 25,077 898,325 945,204 37,374 157 215 55,805 68, U6 15 2 166 4 2 135 27 4 234 76 3 1 143 15 2 1 175 75 9 11 852 1,242 16 29 3,648 6,078 115 165 50,503 60,581 25 9,948 1,325 1,557 19 33 27 25 7 9 9 U 8 13 67 94 20 22 20 30 340 498 564 639 244 ISO 222 921, 6U 932,833 68 99 626 630 426 532 683 1,108 887 1,518 10,704 15,028 3,930 4,307 4,821 7,109 135, 6U 195,698 405,620 447,587 358,235 259,217 289,260 1,231 1,508 373,383 659,610 5 13 140 276 4 6 167 244 4 13 155 619 4 12 257 1,017 54 93 3,992 11,138 19 22 1,549 3,286 19 29 2,373 5,315 322 497 54,276 145,586 558 639 169,809 323,908 242 180 140,665 168,207 220 113,698 Stanley 202 216 1 3 1 16 9 IB 23 156 179 46 879,244 912,715 4 66 40 120 1,120 320 190 210 6,048 2,970 U,187 18,370 357,665 890,685 66,779 180 211 92,646 138,313 Sully 381 419 119 5 2 320 193 1 1 65 52 13 9 1,799 1,490 16 22 3,339 6,322 145 175 87,123 130,104 42 15,594 1 1 4 2 39 46 99 110 222 244 137 658,558 664,910 80 323 2,090 1,280 202 210 988 480 14,870 17,537 78,623 86,173 561,630 558,903 200,023 352 415 147,566 340,334 1 1 6 1 20 3 193 497 657 190 2 2 159 234 29 46 4,533 12,719 92 no 21,499 54,095 219 244 120,852 272,235 135 52,004 347 412 1 3 2 1 13 16 4 4 2 5 25 54 99 113 196 215 86 Tripp 822,856 843,715 240 207 120 2,097 2,585 821 800 480 1,216 9,777 21,014 76,163 86,603 733,146 731,127 122,338 322 401 155,689 211,040 1 1 37 37 2 1 35 10 8 15 361 1,143 2 4 169 318 2 5 109 455 19 53 2,571 10,258 96 110 22,607 39,919 191 211 129,785 158,890 82 31,855 1,028 1,194 6 8 23 21 3 6 6 lA 7 14 61 91 15 23 19 35 219 300 326 368 343 314 231 1,045,316 1,040,632 14 U 540 626 185 337 482 1,165 847 1,725 9,763 U,536 2,950 4,594 4,550 8,317 84,494 116,918 237,291 266,173 704,200 626,227 320,654 976 1,1A6 375,169 463,756 2 1 2 1 6 6 132 96 1 6 45 240 4 9 91 447 13 323 1,220 54 86 4,428 8,302 13 21 1,161 2,508 17 31 1,669 4,052 215 296 39,184 64,161 316 366 103,677 139,664 342 311 224,457 243,065 231 124,840 1,663 1,866 29 70 85 99 24 28 84 98 56 79 373 515 145 179 299 326 5U 435 54 35 384,851 386,399 124 294 2,230 2,871 1,362 1,591 6,855 7,983 6,603 9,372 59,946 81,991 28,779 35,297 71,167 77,796 174,425 145,523 33,360 20,586 3,095 1,570 1,761 296,531 296,022 18 64 37 57 790 1,025 19 21 621 746 81 94 4,785 5,711 54 79 4,823 7,149 369 515 46,120 54,064 144 179 22,721 27,842 299 326 56,039 51,057 513 435 135,816 111,493 54 35 24,816 15,518 1,353 1,236 1,366 24 41 82 87 17 13 97 108 82 101 248 374 136 165 169 172 329 272 47 32 5 1 4 275,265 267,562 95 125 2,200 2,466 944 755 7,855 8,815 9,762 12,050 39,700 59,8U 27,058 32,788 40,264 40,918 131,249 90,041 28,635 18,793 7,503 1,000 4,343 1,165 1,300 214,735 204,412 4 5 16 U 44 60 885 1,181 15 11 533 356 94 108 5,043 6,653 81 100 7,425 9,306 244 374 31,051 46,739 135 165 21,679 25,355 169 172 32,002 31,656 328 272 89,493 59,735 47 32 22,130 13,217 5 1 3,378 190 4 2,580 509 579 2 10 11 76 126 222 239 162 150 135 471,422 472,407 6 37 327 159 256 179 677 431 100 212 1,741 2,581 1,358 1,778 1,188 2,639 29,751 50,162 163,847 171,909 272,171 242,320 181,919 490 563 203,297 234,053 1 1 1 3 134 34 4 3 217 102 7 5 361 285 1 2 54 191 10 16 796 1,737 7 9 736 1,134 5 11 498 1,742 73 125 14,306 31,217 217 238 82,676 93,559 161 149 103,518 99,059 134 80,357 Washabaugh 168 173 2 1 17 15 IS 35 121 116 33 585,580 551,792 1,L42 813 200 476 240 6,647 5,517 14,294 27,860 562,607 517,307 57,691 163 167 52,917 64,061 2 174 6 5 526 263 2 1 190 128 16 15 1,789 2,403 18 34 2,814 7,364 118 47,309 53,373 38 10,519 1,217 1,360 27 35 68 96 26 24 55 54 65 97 130 252 111 140 181 190 437 395 58 62 9 307,830 317,665 124 142 1,748 2,833 1,504 1,445 4,416 5,153 7,799 11,535 23,539 40,208 21,983 27,859 43,025 45,193 149,161 134,317 35,874 38,012 13,607 10,963 9,807 1,140 1,310 213,446 219,475 5 12 18 50 33 80 637 1,519 21 IS 735 665 51 62 2,990 3,871 60 96 4,926 8,096 177 252 21,619 29,185 110 140 16,425 20,654 180 190 32,272 32,500 437 394 108,776 93,034 57 62 22,997 23,733 9 4 7,051 6,068 8 5,048 329 344 2 1 1 3 7 3 1 3 1 15 24 49 55 251 254 72 1,373,824 1,205,571 5 50 167 80 120 357 1,118 480 200 597 240 6,675 9,257 37,584 42,735 1,328,270 1,152,060 109,215 265 327 73,955 128,507 3 140 174 178 1 23 1,263 3,153 37 53 5,557 12,575 215 243 56,315 112,200 63 14, 5U 87 130 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY TENURE (For (leritiitions end explAnations, see text) Farms: All fanti nfxTntors nunihcr 1959 . 1954 . Full o«TlCfs number 1959. 1954. Pnrt owner? number 1959. 1954. ManAcer? nu-iher 1959 . 1954. All terantf nun-lier 1959 . 1954. Proportion or Ipnnncy percent J 959. 1954. Land in rarms; All fartii opprators Bcr^s 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Port owners acres 1959 . 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All rami operators farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1954. Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Pan owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers. . farms reporting 1959. 1954. act«s 1959. 1954. . fanns importing 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 55,727 62,520 17,841 19,654 22,716 24,137 208 193 14,962 13,536 26.8 29.6 44,850,666 44,949,473 7,604,623 7,446,575 28,607,820 28,213,631 1,243,939 1,068,349 7,394,284 8,220,418 52,161 59,804 14,236,384 17,759,947 15,346 17,634 2,841,924 3,543,933 22,294 23, 913 7,795,372 9,497,466 189 178 114,144 122, 302 14,332 13,029 3,484,444 4,596,246 728 817 212 208 305 341 1 210 263 28.8 32.8 425,716 443,362 39,596 76,589 236,324 245,951 1,603 93,188 121,322 696 782 188,360 265,656 189 179 35,744 42, 372 300 341 99,739 140, U8 685 206 262 52,192 83,166 1,376 1,518 444 434 556 582 3 6 373 496 27.1 32.7 771,745 767,181 174,523 145,360 426,615 336,752 1,650 17,563 163,952 217,006 1,242 1,449 390,945 494,824 353 339 73, 531 34,407 551 531 220,932 249,644 3 6 1,203 11,919 335 473 95,279 143,854 331 336 75 86 200 213 3 56 79 16.9 20.5 670,887 707,448 55,943 51,441 531,466 552,146 10,680 83,473 93,181 319 373 131,681 150,707 70 79 15,161 16,673 197 216 97,637 108,114 743 52 75 18,883 25,177 1,273 1,368 404 442 456 469 3 2 410 455 32.2 33.3 352,009 356,169 79,138 39,447 152,268 145, 297 4,060 6,105 116, 543 115, 320 1,217 1,299 243,743 245,105 353 388 50,082 56,455 455 466 109,091 102,510 3 2 1,612 2,092 406 443 87,958 84,043 1,692 1,641 707 747 460 462 522 627 30.9 34.1 499,797 439,174 157,244 157,133 182,276 156,526 2,498 3,149 157,779 172,366 1,569 1,764 353,221 351,903 599 631 100,998 107,703 457 461 130,410 113,361 3 5 1,692 1,810 510 617 120,121 129,034 1,647 1,346 543 624 773 793 3 3 328 421 19.9 22.3 1,077,193 1,069,970 226,738 249,937 667,901 600,841 892 2,020 181,662 217,122 1,549 1,781 571,371 745,808 458 577 110,753 173,149 771 798 351,610 414,263 3 3 569 1,428 317 403 108,439 156,968 620 711 204 202 281 318 3 3 132 188 21.3 26.4 507,481 511,193 125,937 99,703 237,873 301,316 3,634 2,400 90,037 107,774 593 679 211,217 283,049 186 173 47,171 49,577 277 318 119,360 165,129 3 3 351 1,151 127 185 43,835 67,192 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gregory Farms: AH farm operators number 1959. 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Manar*ers number 1959 . 1954 . All tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Proportion of tenancs percent 1959 . 1954. Land In farms: .Ml farm operators acres 1959 . 1954. lull ow s^iir. -, acres 1 959 . 1954 . Pan owners acres 1959 . 19.'i4 . Managers acres 1959 . 1954 . All tenants acres 1959. 1954 . Cropland harvested: All fnnri operators farms -cpoomg 1959 . ^ 1954 . acres 19.59. 1954 . Full owners fnrm.s rer^ning 1959. 19.54 . acres 1959. 1954 . Part owners farms reporting 19.59 . 19.51 . acres 19.59. 1954 . Managers farms roportine 1959. 19.54 . acres J959. 1954 . All tenants farms reporting 19.59 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . 399 415 143 148 210 213 2 3 44 51 11.0 12.3 824,614 812,175 147,583 167,420 606,022 576,120 12,120 11,200 53,384 57,436 334 366 55,261 72,999 114 127 12, 313 16,214 183 193 36,091 47,676 1 2 358 637 36 44 6,499 8,472 602 711 183 186 325 374 5 93 146 15.4 20.5 604,802 615,151 117,545 97,344 411,159 399,458 2,800 20,160 73,293 97,689 567 688 218,762 342,180 161 170 45,115 57,158 320 371 141,971 216,704 5,522 86 143 31,676 62,796 1,142 1,264 415 470 383 380 344 414 30.1 32.8 415,362 409,193 121,255 126,742 182,106 157,500 112, 501 124,956 1,085 1,216 260, 313 280,012 370 427 66,478 81,471 379 379 114,456 107,740 336 410 79,334 90,301 996 1,086 349 342 355 387 4 3 288 354 28.9 32.6 630,872 648,694 148,916 149,333 303,553 305,437 13,002 17,380 165,396 176,039 940 1,053 253,385 238,851 309 321 57,873 63,286 348 385 121,752 136,891 3 1,930 1,069 279 344 71,830 87,605 335 431 119 120 225 264 3 5 38 42 9.9 9.7 1,149,383 1,144,651 150,144 136,033 889,040 909,713 50,345 38,480 59,859 60,425 359 417 135,164 163,047 102 111 22,247 27,329 220 262 99,000 121,378 3,355 1,330 34 40 10,062 12,460 901 1,023 294 347 315 355 2 2 290 319 32.2 31.2 311,092 317,614 75,644 72,361 138,413 144,552 976 1,440 96,059 98,761 836 958 214,811 234,110 247 291 46,995 50,461 315 355 93,402 107,622 2 2 610 1,027 272 310 63,804 75,000 962 ,093 306 290 450 533 198 270 20.6 24.7 910,724 883,954 203,574 175,172 542,792 542,584 17,390 146,958 171,208 880 1,050 242,990 473,378 253 251 51,949 85,980 440 532 144,758 283,133 7 4,143 ISO 257 42,140 104,265 743 830 201 241 214 217 326 372 43.9 44.3 259,885 267,992 51,391 54,889 95,563 104,346 10,440 102,491 108,757 694 799 140,279 189,982 163 215 24,229 35,660 212 217 50,785 70,955 5,417 317 367 59,847 83,367 SOUTH DAKOTA 131 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Butte Campbell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey Douglas Edjmonds 563 571 1,426 1,177 934 1,023 638 355 755 1,429 1,072 493 821 791 1 651 636 1,567 1,298 1,153 1,073 777 380 392 1,600 1,203 494 833 973 2 244 161 374 403 312 433 123 142 275 593 403 81 230 153 3 282 153 386 396 369 395 113 177 328 647 473 105 257 183 4 231 290 616 477 270 346 414 177 232 543 362 323 312 500 5 236 312 663 536 267 378 493 165 261 579 358 299 293 528 6 7 2 3 5 2 5 4 5 3 1 3 1 1 2 7 4 1 2 2 2 3 4 8 2 4 14 1 2 S 81 118 433 292 400 239 97 31 245 287 304 38 273 136 9 129 170 516 364 517 303 168 34 295 372 373 76 332 260 10 U.4 20.7 30.4 24.8 40.7 23.2 15.2 8.7 32.5 20.1 28.4 17.8 33.9 17.2 n 19.8 26.7 32.9 28.0 44.8 28.1 a. 6 8.9 33.1 23.2 30.9 15.4 37.6 26.6 12 1,412,967 485,080 636,669 537,936 248,788 415,574 1,452,751 642,492 272,295 638,207 375,037 1,279,856 234,629 697,938 13 1,288,063 481,535 630,929 537,009 252,254 405,210 1,517,180 684,354 270,731 636,132 330,510 1,416,347 279,034 707,110 14 134,555 104,248 132,613 143,925 49,400 136,257 96,251 135,683 74,758 196,672 111,062 74,792 56, 528 95,285 15 128,004 86,763 113,871 135,307 55,399 122,221 75,343 133,423 74,043 197,166 121,791 91,131 62,352 87,137 It 1,139,663 271,949 384,793 316,133 87,574 133,329 1,215,606 440,432 112,673 325,372 158,622 983,797 136,929 501,542 17 969, 505 281,637 384,665 311,956 79,419 177, 356 1,225,432 472,297 111,684 298,031 141,115 900,441 115,549 472,766 IB 30,460 21,800 3,566 6,013 260 4,194 4,090 35,554 1,900 1,120 2,728 5,840 104 6,130 19 47,980 800 2,550 1,120 200 5,640 48,475 2,213 1,430 2,300 267,086 370 2,380 20 108,289 87,033 165,687 121,865 l111,554 91,294 136,304 30,323 32,964 115,043 102,625 215,427 91,068 94,981 21 142,574 112,335 179,843 138,626 116,936 105,433 210,765 30,154 32,791 139,505 114,804 158,139 100,763 144,327 22 500 563 1,349 1,084 912 933 602 306 708 1,352 1,026 451 774 776 23 610 625 1,495 1,265 1,061 1,053 753 293 829 1,547 1,171 469 355 955 24 82,716 225,731 370,568 310,265 198,798 224,336 266,239 37,231 163,600 285,429 239,166 157,095 192,479 340,304 25 115,544 244,013 423,637 382,693 184,365 286,215 336,937 27,195 186,892 418,845 254,775 209,400 199,453 413,993 26 219 156 315 333 250 359 107 117 237 535 362 66 194 143 27 256 144 333 369 300 379 107 129 279 602 443 101 233 170 28 25,265 50,254 59,314 66,623 37,236 66,681 25,307 11,316 38,513 83,046 61,549 15,817 34,896 45,121 29 31,175 43,813 64,964 84,514 36,817 81,414 29,282 7,966 45,421 126,625 75,975 27,324 41,135 50,630 30 200 290 611 472 269 341 403 161 230 545 361 308 311 493 31 227 311 661 535 266 377 484 135 260 579 358 239 292 527 32 42,223 131,807 202,494 167,433 70,936 100,155 205,322 21,303 69,467 148,039 104,170 113,169 92,214 241,102 33 61,086 139,523 230,358 200,142 60,043 127,953 249,050 15,276 79,259 197, 335 97,764 149,750 32,208 269,142 3t 6 2 3 5 1 5 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 35 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 8 2 4 8 1 2 36 1,392 861 1,287 3,263 258 3,321 1,033 1,236 1,185 555 1,569 500 100 3,508 37 1,764 239 1,370 710 107 303 1,356 1,071 1,211 1,491 4,980 365 2,059 as 75 115 420 274 392 228 89 25 238 271 300 76 268 133 39 124 169 499 359 495 295 160 25 282 364 366 71 329 256 40 13,336 42,809 107,473 72,941 90,368 54,179 34,577 2,876 54,430 53,789 71,878 22,609 65,269 50,573 41 21,519 60,388 126,995 97,327 87,505 76,741 53,302 2,597 61,141 93,674 79,545 27,346 75,745 92,162 42 Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Lake Lawrence Lincoln Lyman McCook MoPhereon Marshall 313 1,585 325 172 551 262 1,234 1,172 301 1,602 555 1,226 911 377 1 327 1,683 395 219 633 289 1,392 1,252 339 1,734 636 1,324 1,104 1,024 2 39 431 65 71 193 85 434 389 173 538 136 360 253 271 3 88 439 88 38 190 84 463 426 200 601 150 416 274 343 4 157 729 203 85 219 132 432 344 82 363 301 392 519 450 5 161 743 231 103 260 151 453 346 86 321 346 370 584 492 6 2 5 2 5 1 3 1 3 5 7 2 7 4 5 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 5 2 "i 8 65 420 50 16 134 44 365 433 43 696 111 474 137 156 9 74 496 75 26 179 54 475 479 51 809 135 538 244 138 10 20.8 26.5 15.4 9.3 24.3 16.8 29.6 37.4 14.3 43.4 20.0 38.7 15.0 17.8 11 22.6 29.5 19.0 11.9 28.3 18.7 34.1 38.3 15.0 46.7 21.2 40.6 22.1 13.4 12 452,971 518,505 517,180 330,035 317,266 621,965 512,555 344,785 243,998 354,988 937,075 363,080 709,379 534,185 13 477,729 513,501 516,587 401,459 333,343 597,715 505,433 345,908 232,468 361, 382 990,799 360,787 719,014 516,623 14 67,067 107,017 63,195 122,236 79,226 116,060 130, OCK 80,840 87,441 37,334 132,199 73,588 140,113 105,123 15 80,629 102,598 70,823 95,383 75,646 92,283 129,915 87,391 70,461 92,927 111,312 83,617 132,620 115,259 19 304,338 268,613 387,073 223,722 163,855 405,315 250,236 134,942 135,977 108,671 643,419 152,635 467,019 354,338 17 310,079 262,276 372,836 273,955 178,405 418,632 216,980 123,936 139,736 91,706 685,173 132,646 445,242 316,774 IS 12,280 14,352 6,477 10,345 28,800 2,060 3,000 1,544 995 25,440 7,740 19 4,824 15,947 5,200 4,455 13,240 1,400 320 2,980 880 46,675 4,240 520 20 69,286 128,523 60,435 34,077 63,840 71,290 130,255 126,003 24,036 157,438 136,017 136,807 94,507 74,669 21 32,197 137,680 67,673 27,161 71,052 86,800 157,138 134,261 19,241 175,369 147,139 144,524 136,912 84,070 22 285 1,523 312 163 505 242 1,151 1,096 262 1,511 521 1,163 880 835 23 316 1,627 330 203 612 278 1,329 1,206 302 1,663 613 1,230 1,033 972 24 U4,156 361,432 117,041 52,309 116,766 109,561 329,225 251,853 31,677 233,118 204,715 255,716 310,333 278,239 25 130,233 372,932 217,699 59,374 191,099 155,619 353,793 251,066 38,362 283,770 353,722 253,237 387,465 337,315 26 76 373 60 63 160 74 370 326 149 466 117 315 234 239 27 83 394 31 76 173 78 416 390 163 539 131 381 256 299 28 16,077 68,283 14,177 13,249 26,606 22,703 74,977 53,032 14,652 65,047 28,238 46,424 61,152 47,115 29 31,567 67,977 30,374 15,596 40,367 27,581 87,606 60,377 15,641 68,939 41,993 53,803 73,869 74,047 30 154 727 203 84 218 123 427 344 79 361 290 391 515 446 31 158 743 223 101 257 149 452 346 84 320 344 368 531 491 32 76,809 191,784 85,784 30,360 61,393 71,344 158,488 100,732 12,624 87,636 137,306 108,241 204,181 183,423 33 111,065 190,972 148,723 37,204 100,737 105,340 147,940 90,261 18,173 73,346 246,391 96,524 236,818 202,2'/l 34 2 5 2 3 1 3 1 2 5 7 2 35 4 5 1 "2 4 1 1 2 3 5 2 36 860 3,146 1,235 1,150 1,366 1,280 1,335 316 683 4,184 1,508 37 1,297 9,748 2,733 367 3,035 1,125 200 271 697 5,054 112 3S 53 413 47 16 124 39 351 425 32 679 107 462 129 150 39 71 485 70 24 178 51 460 469 48 301 133 531 244 132 40 20,410 93,269 15,845 4,200 27, 617 14,143 94,480 96,654 4,085 129,752 34,937 101,051 43,497 42,701 41 36,354 104,235 35,364 5,707 46,910 22, 698 117,122 100,223 4,277 140,783 60,284 107,910 76,666 60,997 42 132 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Ifeade Mellette Miner Minnehaha Moody Pennington Perkins Potter Roberts Fatms: All fami operators number Full owners , number Pnrt owner? number Ktanacers nur.iber All tenant? numlier Proportion of tenfncy percent LantJ in farms; All fami operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres ^lanagcrs acres All tenants acres Ctoplanil harvested: All farm operators . . ,'. farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting Managers fomis reporting acres All tenants farms repcrting acres 1959. li)54. 1959. 1954. 19.59 . 1951. 19.59 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19.59 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19.59 . 1954. 857 1,049 340 392 420 505 14 5 83 147 9.7 14.0 2,143,180 2,231,645 429,797 382,405 1,419,499 1,573,635 106,890 44,780 186,994 230,825 772 1,005 203,822 297,673 292 365 61,448 74,094 394 494 123,139 185,439 14 5 4,567 1,952 72 141 14,668 36,193 302 350 38 42 209 244 7 1 48 63 15.9 18.0 801,020 840,244 37,304 30,621 647,575 724,978 21,529 2,320 94,612 32,325 277 331 38,221 132,125 33 35 4,955 5,736 200 236 73,568 106,268 7 1 2,166 380 37 59 7,532 19,741 834 1,007 236 345 345 313 253 349 23.6 34.7 346,258 346,912 81,594 97,042 173,376 139, Ul 91,288 110,759 832 977 198,476 234,432 242 321 40,790 60,700 345 3U 99,159 94,427 245 345 58,527 79,305 2,041 2,320 723 811 476 439 13 13 829 1,007 40.6 43.4 491,584 502,115 121,814 116,902 154,011 143,733 7,911 7,626 207,348 233,804 1,394 2,152 361,802 370,491 610 676 32,228 82,408 469 ise 113,672 107,261 10 12 5,957 5,467 805 978 159,945 175,355 1,184 1,295 391 471 314 301 2 479 521 40.5 40.2 323,323 318,995 76,192 36,072 111,210 96,369 960 135,921 135,594 1,124 1,240 248,907 242,641 343 430 54,280 62,161 310 301 36,094 73,841 656 471 507 108,533 105,983 698 795 312 337 286 359 4 4 96 95 13.8 11.9 1,058,232 1,097,543 318,384 276,377 586,264 723,192 33,401 14,400 120,183 33,574 634 698 141,622 160,300 273 270 43,334 43,484 271 339 80,576 96,736 4 4 1,610 1,074 36 85 16,102 19,006 741 356 229 282 434 476 6 3 72 95 9.7 11.1 1,799,685 1,675,294 303,623 310,054 1,176,385 1,198,574 192,387 27,378 126,790 139,288 715 842 278,041 360,616 215 274 63,783 82,579 427 474 186,841 239,557 5 2 1,345 430 68 92 26,072 38,050 465 544 116 130 267 306 1 1 81 107 17.4 19.7 554,133 549,562 71,413 90,580 404,956 382,775 5,600 1,930 72,169 74,227 435 537 179,668 306,371 94 126 24,922 52,790 262 305 126,053 206,327 1 1 900 1,244 78 105 27,793 46,010 1,776 1,911 551 607 747 769 2 5 476 530 26.8 27.7 671,761 664,415 144,996 146,796 369,642 351,813 770 4,580 156,353 161,226 1,633 1,843 423,254 457,130 493 559 86,517 100,423 734 768 225,647 234,578 1 5 243 2,871 455 511 110,847 119,258 SOUTH DAKOTA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 133 Sanborn Shajinon Spink Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth Waahabaugh Yanlctan Ziebach 698 189 1,325 202 381 347 1,028 1,663 1,236 509 168 1,217 329 1 819 240 1,557 216 419 412 1,194 1,866 1,366 579 173 1,360 344 2 259 37 338 57 69 57 303 529 423 lU 25 460 62 3 297 27 398 43 83 51 352 661 462 105 28 512 79 4 257 110 618 121 234 228 538 508 273 286 120 359 212 5 271 138 686 143 243 276 559 474 261 321 115 365 215 6 3 2 4 1 1 5 3 3 2 3 5 7 1 7 5 1 1 4 "i 2 3 3 7 8 179 40 365 23 77 57 184 626 537 112 21 395 50 9 250 63 468 29 92 31 273 730 641 150 30 480 43 10 25.6 21.2 27.5 11.4 20.2 16.4 17.9 37.6 43.4 22.0 12.5 32.5 15.2 11 30.5 28.3 30.1 13.4 22.0 19.7 22.9 39.1 46.9 25.9 17.3 35.3 12.5 12 339,791 921,218 921,614 879,244 658,558 822,856 1,045,316 384,851 275,265 471,422 585,580 307,880 1,373,824 13 352,5*5 978,447 932,833 912,715 664,910 843,715 1,010,632 386,399 267,562 472,407 551,792 317,665 1,205,571 » 98,595 14,244 162,211 85,134 65,975 42,233 173,495 86,523 65,383 73,389 16,254 83,868 77,561 15 109,729 20,138 170,153 71,020 37,444 29,410 171,475 100,390 64,998 50,294 16,425 86,145 117,406 16 163,717 716,094 533,723 692,193 508,239 610,539 743,569 148,023 83,130 315,094 533,892 119,711 362,323 17 153,607 641,673 519, 547 743,173 469,961 658,106 713,236 127,515 66,448 314,899 474,030 114,791 818,334 18 3,760 12,213 11,900 27,000 503 42,470 6,440 400 3,400 6,003 242,337 IS 760 84,900 6,365 9,000 1,920 54,959 160 335 8,080 7,953 137,211 20 73,719 178,662 213,730 74,367 83,841 127,614 121,812 150,305 126,302 82,939 32,034 93,293 191,603 21 88,449 231,736 236,768 39,522 105,585 101,240 155,921 158,334 135,781 99,134 61,337 108,776 132,620 22 658 157 1,231 180 352 322 976 1,570 1,166 490 163 1,140 266 23 777 215 1,508 211 415 401 1,146 1,761 1,300 563 167 1,310 327 24 168,549 55,805 373,333 92,646 U7,566 155,689 375,169 296,531 214,735 203,297 52,917 218,446 73,955 ■25 217,423 68,146 659,610 138,313 340,334 211,040 463,756 296,022 201,412 234,063 64,061 219,475 128,507 26 227 22 278 47 58 44 274 452 362 93 24 389 40 27 267 19 365 42 82 48 329 575 409 93 28 471 74 28 43,694 2,569 55,239 16,647 18,135 11,745 65,468 61,501 47,348 28,234 3,418 53,521 11,072 23 61,518 2,941 112,259 17, 575 50,052 10,826 75,969 72,362 46,517 25,854 4,722 54,634 19,910 30 255 ICH 607 113 226 221 526 506 271 283 119 358 187 31 269- 129 636 140 243 273 566 472 260 319 111 363 205 32 82,265 46,462 219,071 64,449 106,126 123,182 257,849 115,476 65,315 135,931 45,073 86,016 52,011 33 96,129 47,186 363,156 105,587 223,851 157,273 302,398 97,763 51,654 151,539 52,556 80, 520 39,111 34 3 2 4 1 1 5 3 3 2 3 4 35 1 6 5 1 1 4 1 2 3 3 7 36 1,755 1,013 7,283 3,050 220 3,841 3,261 328 220 3,759 4,455 37 290 5,302 3,484 250 1,040 10,617 120 256 1,200 5,100 5,243 3S 173 29 342 19 67 52 173 612 530 109 'is 390 35 39 240 61 452 28 89 76 251 713 629 148 23 473 41 40 40,835 5,761 91,790 8,500 23,085 16,921 48,591 119,554 101,744 39,132 4,201 75,150 6,417 41 59,486 12,717 180,711 14,901 L ^'^'^ 32,324 85,389 125,777 105,985 55,470 6,783 79,221 U,243 42 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are hased on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Bennett Bon Homme Brookings Farms, acreage, and value; All comniercinl farms number. I.and in farms acres . Average size of farm acres . Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Oopland harvested farms reporting. acres . Farm operators: Working off their farms, (owl numbtr. inO or more days number . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. . By tenure: Full owners number.. Part owners number . . Managers number . . All tcnnnt.= number. . Specified equipment and facilities: Grain combines farms reporting. . number.. Com pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number.. Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Traclors other than garden farms reforting. . number . . \utonK)hiles farms reportinc. . number. . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Fleclric milk cooler farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Grave! , shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimiToved farms reporting.. Farm latwr, week preceding enumeration: Family and, or hired workers farms reporting . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. . Operators worki ng 1 of nxire hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . . Regular lured workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms repartinp. . persons.. Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting. . numl)or. . Milk cows farms reporting . . number . . Hofses and 'or mules farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . . Chickens, 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. . number. . Calves sold alive farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs sold alive fams reporting. . numlier. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . . number. , Chickens including broilers sold farms re|iorting. . number . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting. , dollars . . Wool farms reporting . . pounds , . Specified farm expenditures: Any spccirieil farm expenditures farms reporting. . dollars . . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars. . Machine hire dollars . . Hired lah,jr dollars , . Gasoline ant] other petroleum fuel and oil for the fami business ilollars. . Seeds. Iiulhs, plants, and trees dollars. . Crops harvested: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . , acres. . Winter wheat fArms reporting. . acres. . bushels.. Spring wheat other than durum and macaroni wheat farms repcrting. . acres. . bushels. . Oats farms reporting. , acres . . bushels , . Flaxseed farms reporting. . ^ acres . . bushels. . Lend frcm which hay was cut acres. . 49,681 «, 256,938 870.7 43,803 51.27 48,142 13,890,042 11,564 2,734 2,225 13,750 22,268 151 13,512 30,514 32,053 30,390 31,272 12,671 12,801 36,745 49,487 47,003 110,193 47,115 60,904 36,245 32,369 11,100 3,523 5,993 35,279 7,855 47,039 46,724 46,158 22,313 33,025 3,775 4,943 44,256 3,262,232 30,206 232,738 14,851 57,662 31,680 2,063,765 38,073 8,571,819 35,673 934,782 28,999 756,709 31,290 2,476,506 12,047 1,650,207 30,874 4,428,782 33,483 70,697,877 23,938 27,703,060 12, 594 13,215,650 49,669 239,158,635 72,275,949 89,122,308 9,160,258 16,664,627 42,686,585 9,248,908 39,540 4,032,261 3,311 405,120 6,179,417 18,133 1,347,377 10,078,206 31,946 1,970,270 39,189,273 9,885 538,622 3,167,163 4,517,963 656 398,648 607.7 33 ,979 57.72 647 179,723 85 156 325 175 369 370 514 538 83 83 451 515 639 1,539 639 810 454 361 119 14 17 596 28 625 624 618 260 389 55 74 605 45,180 418 2,555 172 527 522 37,520 544 107,015 497 13,339 429 9,805 523 39,278 130 10,861 435 53,373 505 707,555 320 249,885 132 94,509 656 2,867,531 998,221 943,851 87,336 157,750 581,243 99,130 580 66,525 34 2,328 14,286 169 5,674 39,505 235 16,770 159,805 6 120 640 72,893 1,208 723,906 599.3 33,716 54.91 1,147 369,581 332 91 327 524 357 785 831 801 844 208 210 831 1,068 1,111 2,663 1,143 1,447 875 759 187 70 156 ,030 1,143 1,137 1,120 547 838 58 74 1,104 77,234 700 4,475 257 861 793 46,798 995 252,077 842 15,098 896 21,978 795 57,211 315 26,450 322 109,460 919 1,963,607 547 430,801 305 214,790 1,208 4,367,679 1,261,616 1,422,155 149,398 260,090 1,060,732 213,688 1,020 107,887 31 2,014 25,068 668 44,826 294,798 723 54,182 681,017 14 540 2,962 121,817 328 676,374 2,062.1 85,400 40.61 318 135,390 99 21 67 214 149 176 73 74 90 94 307 580 311 878 288 406 179 252 17 36 16 268 293 235 281 139 203 55 71 283 45,943 210 1,017 219 917 126 6,796 240 12,272 229 10,214 190 10,582 108 8,778 48 7,699 43 2,386 110 57,596 118 59,765 55 34,632 328 1,970,180 337,355 680,406 185,902 309,317 410,674 46,026 124 10,582 198 43,221 1,115,837 3 201 2,240 134 3,480 165,337 1 90 800 57,378 1,153 334,913 290,5 36,381 123.79 1,138 238,978 246 294 445 414 684 695 954 931 244 244 761 833 1,103 2,420 1,138 1,458 907 710 160 35 202 944 1 1,133 1,133 1,123 709 1,011 42 53 1,073 40,486 778 5,703 137 252 939 65,465 1,063 313,580 361 15,686 624 5,755 926 80,949 127 5,005 1,035 156,855 1,067 2,674,273 687 489,890 123 38,935 1,153 5,003,490 1,751,946 1,864,246 179,288 167,072 847,785 193,153 1,112 118,602 36 315 3,905 219 3,515 45,658 1,027 65,544 1,506,790 5 180 450 33,948 1,534 486,196 316.9 37,072 114.05 1,474 338,488 373 100 599 436 1 498 942 947 1,188 1,224 475 475 381 1,001 1,453 3,107 1,499 1,964 1,232 898 518 240 155 1,303 61 1,464 1,454 1,434 643 873 92 99 1,304 60,346 321 8,385 161 351 1,086 75,804 1,184 373,125 1,149 20,033 689 7,985 1,115 90, 566 464 30,437 1,137 224,109 1,153 3,120,615 757 1,301,875 479 253,368 1,534 6,537,355 2,481,976 2,105,932 236,930 312,578 1,065,649 334,240 1,4M 141,575 5 30 300 521 9,596 104,575 1,336 79,852 1,897,595 810 31,237 250,090 55,107 1,475 1,044,632 708.2 50,514 70.03 1,414 556,779 272 82 417 785 1 272 1,249 1,411 991 1,042 442 443 1,321 2,160 1,394 3,541 1,402 1,847 1,210 1,087 369 86 258 1,165 41 1,383 1,379 1,363 552 318 173 248 1,213 75,327 725 5,399 385 1,129 376 62,389 990 260,979 989 24,260 837 18,243 375 68,609 461 61,245 347 136,707 902 2,137,076 513 727,671 481 401,035 1,475 7,568,514 2,103,927 2,309,905 180,918 389,102 1,630,986 453,676 1,172 138,026 2 240 1,325 1,163 112,007 646,240 1,052 75,371 1,013,686 530 34,085 125,958 139,751 557 492,817 884.3 45,552 51.15 542 207,422 70 26 159 280 6 112 333 350 490 520 123 123 431 616 531 1,334 533 701 380 374 39 6 32 429 74 541 539 528 274 424 44 53 517 54,756 377 1,770 213 661 446 42,435 499 101,472 431 12,141 342 10,820 437 48,375 157 11,090 414 41,116 457 728,273 210 133,458 155 103,120 557 2,580,858 924,730 751,107 101,155 168,946 504,094 130,326 507 91,185 65 4,630 69,166 122 6,500 39,650 168 11,528 93,725 1 40 210 84,566 SOUTH DAKOTA 135 FARMS. CENSUS OF 1959 a sample lit toims See text] Butte Canpbell Charles mx Clark Clay Cotllngtcm Corson Ctister Davison Day Deuel Deney Douglas 488 489 1,269 1,018 366 897 550 254 670 1,239 934 422 715 1 1,396,763 443,288 666,295 546,657 231,196 408,874 1,419,733 617,569 265,496 595,805 356,434 1,233,506 268,4U 2 2,862.2 906.5 525.1 537.0 267.0 455.8 2,531.4 2,431.4 396.3 480.9 372.4 2,923.0 374.9 3 63,594 38,749 39,812 29,929 49,322 28,163 54,055 52,961 34,999 25,165 31,506 56,028 32,670 4 22.94 42.54 74.26 55.74 179.93 62.48 23.97 22.44 38.71 52.73 83.40 21.04 91.22 5 455 489 1,244 992 845 887 532 233 640 1,203 974 404 7U 6 75,873 202,212 359,140 296,550 187,282 226,732 251,543 34,224 163,155 270,294 245,283 153,222 179,271 7 156 107 242 221 172 254 141 64 166 223 227 106 197 S 81 12 53 51 35 46 47 34 37 52 40 53 30 9 50 8 33 53 30 50 30 25 47 50 61 27 31 10 189 Ul 289 262 227 304 112 86 199 493 285 42 186 11 236 264 570 511 266 358 336 135 273 503 400 310 310 12 4 1 2 1 7 2 3 1 1 1 1 IS 59 83 408 244 373 223 50 30 197 242 298 69 220 14 136 358 643 8U 587 699 355 42 353 919 678 U7 381 15 142 390 659 854 598 715 402 43 369 963 693 169 382 16 35 213 985 710 692 370 136 U 453 384 737 77 546 17 40 213 1,012 725 702 375 135 13 436 393 763 73 547 18 U7 68 241 377 127 375 205 28 129 288 369 102 124 19 U9 73 243 382 127 377 209 23 129 290 379 104 124 20 442 419 828 768 519 755 510 230 405 997 579 368 4U 21 770 635 1,010 1,037 550 931 860 375 448 1,215 643 566 437 22 456 474 1,213 973 303 856 497 229 630 1,186 929 373 556 23 1,071 1,225 2,822 2,239 1,792 1,881 1,273 454 1,406 2,643 2,089 795 1,527 24 445 472 1,205 946 825 859 486 207 644 1,168 926 337 711 25 598 648 1,539 1,191 1,037 1,110 609 257 845 1,426 1,240 408 944 26 332 352 957 638 702 555 188 150 520 341 597 67 606 27 311 383 724 560 575 540 344 202 493 741 492 223 455 28 36 98 U9 196 95 314 95 21 W9 509 377 33 191 29 9 7 16 32 40 117 2 17 42 55 126 70 30 38 24 161 96 219 U3 34 25 38 136 101 43 60 31 346 231 1,004 854 615 741 U3 U2 572 919 800 21 536 32 93 224 S3 62 30 36 350 87 10 Ul 83 347 20 33 466 456 1,254 908 815 862 507 243 649 1,129 954 376 701 34 455 450 1,252 905 808 861 497 240 549 1,127 949 371 701 35 438 444 1,231 394 797 861 495 239 644 1,127 939 362 696 36 221 273 589 333 325 369 237 116 292 575 524 152 470 37 293 429 899 578 432 594 4U 153 377 833 777 245 757 38 77 48 67 53 39 50 53 25 32 55 35 41 8 39 111 55 83 71 44 67 83 48 44 53 43- 46 9 40 396 442 1,231 881 605 789 481 243 609 1,087 888 393 686 41 31,409 37,858 77,280 43,092 30,530 32,763 58,173 35,570 32,387 35,421 33,192 49,971 32,924 42 313 346 877 552 349 623 328 175 395 826 707 135 514 43 1,351 3,223 5,544 4,057 2,051 5,746 2,486 1,218 2,910 8,742 7,231 1,097 4,693 44 278 234 407 239 75 190 370 200 124 383 255 335 43 45 1,168 711 873 841 192 370 2,042 774 703 963 610 2,934 56 46 126 3L2 1,038 569 534 475 265 53 520 765 576 156 619 47 2,277 16,013 77,781 26,588 52,764 U,877 12,342 1,144 37,571 24,094 27,067 5,711 43,293 48 329 399 1,091 740 577 653 390 159 538 859 764 257 530 40 20,120 70,900 254,754 170,618 134,742 150,210 28,435 10,954 152,855 189,150 195,153 18,381 180,960 30 294 402 957 573 463 689 395 205 467 945 713 274 551 51 10,153 9,424 22,523 7,589 24,885 9,400 10,855 8,762 9,072 10,301 9,533 6,740 8,727 52 286 363 788 653 144 609 428 201 394 858 479 313 453 53 9,534 11,150 13,845 14,439 2,975 8,771 21,831 9,275 7,056 10,668 5,881 14,268 6,742 54 70 325 1,028 539 605 475 264 28 557 724 586 136 655 55 1,725 19,377 86,604 31,867 56,336 28,190 19,799 719 50,898 37,710 24,885 6,873 58,952 56 371 67 95 405 77 372 96 38 134 350 398 113 37 57 245,447 4,456 4,734 24,639 6,183 21,732 26,966 5,656 9,382 14,075 16,880 20,280 4,083 56 99 319 985 652 493 591 149 38 492 796 681 94 574 59 6,731 22,558 110,026 99,518 69,327 92,325 10,345 2,484 77,900 108,102 97,820 8,535 81,180 60 189 365 1,028 703 510 5U 244 93 513 337 726 137 620 61 104,414 445,640 1,979,825 1,348,167 1,203,435 1,540,840 112,779 81,682 1,203,453 1,572,876 1,687,090 55,372 1,580,132 62 171 327 740 449 296 533 216 89 325 815 671 102 463 63 177,295 348,522 427,760 347,001 234,725 816,2U 190,707 289,251 333,499 1,033,933 899,995 62,662 499,965 64 340 76 90 442 81 391 101 39 129 383 418 114 97 65 2,006,290 46,697 52,520 281,602 23,680 195,011 260,317 68,571 77,595 147,854 164,545 221,622 44,060 66 488 489 1,269 1,018 866 897 545 254 665 1,239 984 421 716 67 3,302,727 1,929,102 5,269,409 2,691,288 7,063,267 3,580,564 2,654,334 1,052,733 2,477,991 3,215,131 2,735,983 1,202,321 2,612,304 68 895,518 298,472 2,079,269 772,272 1,858,960 1,460,122 540,146 320,037 973,650 1,129,617 792,190 267,011 1,172,081 69 1,330,191 677,735 1,298,221 509,878 4,082,234 876,331 1,001,519 404,482 591,955 553,009 718,989 292,635 505,924 70 151,052 138,307 220,932 93,492 157,353 108,606 106,254 28,753 95,960 127,544 143,613 91,024 U4,170 71 428,174 199,743 338,102 256,569 184,425 202,240 317,186 130,806 169,790 262,483 185,009 168,090 94,342 72 443,971 523,567 1,CK8,547 858,788 618,511 775,554 585,055 158,470 531,421 952,853 747,327 337,970 559,290 73 53,821 91,278 284,338 200,289 161,774 157,701 ' 103,074 10,220 115,205 189,615 148,855 45,591 146,497 74 215 417 1,195 904 840 733 324 38 605 817 935 143 576 75 7,265 32,537 148,038 65,022 103,420 39,809 30,329 1,341 72,470 36,457 65,338 14,552 75,433 76 21 27 204 4 U 20 12 10 1 5 29 38 77 4,784 1,131 U,684 405 434 2,092 713 610 136 75 3,438 1,635 78 58,963 19,920 116,238 6,690 2,500 28,211 8,702 3,750 1,178 800 34,507 13,580 79 86 458 462 719 L43 469 406 35 38 832 265 133 242 80 4,338 69,470 14,001 34,318 3,872 15,504 75,492 360 726 31,276 4,623 34,746 6,045 81 40,073 705,899 108,484 235,572 70,745 91,439 506,670 10,195 6,920 174,366 49,530 220,655 36,665 82 101 420 736 794 633 625 253 67 317 855 910 99 510 83 2,758 23,706 43,753 42,649 34,315 35,362 13,547 2,0U 27,695 34,500 52,960 7,447 32,955 84 60,820 472,711 520,640 652,135 1,219,350 521,873 158,472 39,428 242,545 364,097 1,389,140 92,302 335,670 65 210 452 5 727 142 803 835 11 20 86 13,305 27,348 90 50,869 13,228 45,188 47,945 468 550 87 71,272 147,415 1,000 222,586 44,787 146,561 416,960 1,300 1,520 88 45,790 55,238 99,031 86,440 17,804 59,602 106,153 27,259 48,158 91,942 58,181 88,942 52,868 8' 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are ba^ed on reports for only (For detmilions and explanations, see text) Gregory Farms, acreage, and value: All coniniercinl famis number. Land in famis acres . Averace size of farm acres. Value of land and buildinf:s average per raim, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Cropland harvested farms reporting . acres . Farm operators: \\ort;inc off their fanns, total number. ion or mi-re days number . . With other income of family exceeding value of a;2riciiltural products sold number.. By tenure: Full owners numb^ . . Part ovMiers number . , Managers number . . Ml tenants number . . Specjfjeil equipment and facilities: Grain combines farms reporting. . number . . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number . . Picti-up balers farms reporting. . number . . Motortnicleds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars . Crops harvested: Core for all purposes farms reportltig. . . acres . . , Winter wheat farms reporting. . , acres.-, tmshels . . . Spring wheat other than durvjm and macaroni vheat farms reporting. . . acres . . , bushels. ., lOats farms reporting. , , acres. . , bushels.. , Pxcutseed farms reporting. . . acres. . . bushels . . , 'Land from which hay was cut acres. . , 757 501,391 662.3 35,652 55.06 752 268,070 190 40 173 453 131 593 649 370 396 187 191 630 875 735 1,885 715 903 524 447 186 13 51 634 66 716 705 693 307 523 60 118 686 43,502 481 4,133 363 939 464 21,605 561 88,534 536 13,727 477 8,383 446 27,435 221 21,549 386 36,742 483 549,148 421 368,926 221 174,653 757 3,217,360 787,283 969,361 122,750 399,175 771,988 146,803 534 48,192 544 34,174 269,383 506 27,165 474,165 455 28,461 151,513 87,137 772 2,103,789 2,725.1 62,439 23.15 727 201,145 166 39 289 395 13 299 317 97 98 114 117 652 959 728 1,755 694 903 371 510 81 42 50 392 314 750 741 724 352 547 110 147 720 103,421 497 3,569 597 2,%5 195 3,666 491 49,627 587 19,740 592 32,052 154 5,252 208 66,242 191 20,143 304 414,215 255 694,172 205 738,960 772 3,298,349 1,090,940 852,586 160,674 463,931 684,057 46,161 251 14,157 165 17,421 336,529 237 17,540 150,844 a4 8,457 110,267 2 66 250 134,625 271 792,636 2,924.9 88,948 29.85 250 86,034 53 24 27 205 6 33 133 151 82 242 450 254 712 255 368 107 166 23 40 222 250 248 242 96 156 53 76 250 49,906 176 870 193 1,262 114 6,041 138 15,281 215 12,174 177 12,800 102 6,263 44 9,844 79 5,305 109 74,904 93 41,781 40 109,201 271 1,877,882 517,617 699,228 86,684 256,110 280,094 38,149 57 5,500 106 13,091 235,981 28 2,900 26,305 33 2,143 17,950 3 73 295 50,655 770 321,760 417.9 30,191 70.70 750 133,259 222 70 196 320 254 466 477 563 579 203 204 409 457 725 1,562 754 946 570 493 167 106 87 638 35 740 740 739 296 436 32 35 738 38,328 432 2,942 145 310 463 27,730 607 144,205 569 8,294 534 9,477 499 33,271 254 16,575 526 79,864 587 1,285,095 354 401,740 229 132,928 770 2,433,147 334,620 718,815 111,500 102,050 548,627 117,535 630 64,175 90 2,916 24,855 530 33,461 423,545 42 1,265 7,265 60,292 1,796 475,216 264.6 52,650 190.24 1,725 354,439 351 116 648 368 27 753 1,348 1,366 538 543 1,116 1,279 1,706 3,863 1,759 2,243 1,626 1,225 614 429 330 1,395 45 1,726 1,719 1,689 814 1,242 208 302 1,525 82,559 690 11,226 199 586 1,291 127,674 1,347 422,975 1,309 47,043 513 7,031 1,316 144,230 391 142,006 1,260 272,925 1,300 3,929,790 758 1,999,580 432 353,765 1,796 16,643,749 5,232,234 8,504,885 313,260 910,291 1,275,191 407,888 1,690 199,392 15 270 5,375 1,505 85,665 2,781,067 65 1,315 16,980 50,405 1,080 317,340 293.3 51,690 174.50 1,080 248,715 230 55 296 374 410 633 639 899 936 267 267 725 820 1,040 2,329 1,055 1,328 875 709 310 120 111 949 10 1,030 1,025 1,020 512 689 103 119 930 40,439 538 4,634 126 228 303 61,375 898 312,850 710 24,359 376 4,776 309 69,965 313 55,322 883 176,665 898 3,066,465 451 616,070 302 193,615 1,080 8,366,467 2,371,015 4,460,137 175,390 232,485 313,430 294,010 1,078 136,650 20 420 5,405 965 58,020 1,762,390 256 7,305 72,060 30,722 558 1,014,423 1,813.0 50,157 26.48 518 135,233 178 206 267 3 62 230 245 109 UO 148 146 497 760 504 1,098 515 697 443 423 61 28 92 299 166 543 530 520 250 346 69 87 545 65,799 354 2,274 401 1,456 170 5,566 401 36,365 387 11,550 471 13,413 136 5,373 89 18,681 183 16,406 254 237,575 213 344,740 106 164,774 558 2,165,407 542,193 742,499 132,340 279,954 424,081 44,340 164 10,997 203 23,980 476,977 163 13,893 133,819 201 8,713 121,093 1 3 20 71,763 654 1,590,455 2,431.9 63,402 26.92 640 269,725 166 42 169 430 5 50 327 371 69 69 129 130 599 990 621 1,521 565 728 249 493 51 53 249 349 582 576 567 267 443 71 79 556 72,344 372 1,714 379 1,631 183 6,842 428 20,293 426 11,010 489 25,668 142 9,257 219 61,264 119 5,714 204 65,647 190 116,666 217 721,733 554 2,679,440 709,482 629,999 245,344 310,272 577,233 107,110 295 24,693 37 4,800 74,226 458 98,678 890,047 242 10,407 164,649 55 2,153 9,807 121,100 SOUTH DAKOTA 139 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of fftrms. Soc lexl^ Roberta Sanborn Shannon Spink Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth Wanhabaugh Yankton Ziebach 1,555 629 146 1,164 190 351 330 925 3^504 1,104 491 155 1,074 273 1 666,925 325,158 899,360 883,645 862,720 652,635 799,801 1,001,207 366,322 265,788 474,876 535,232 290,185 1,229,998 2 428.9 516.9 6,160.0 759.1 4,540.6 1,859.4 2,423.6 1,082.4 243.6 240.8 967.2 3,776.0 270.2 4,505.5 3 31,737 33,162 116,486 45,613 112,619 83,056 76,518 49,124 40,320 45,640 45,144 80,853 36,952 85,344 4 73.11 63.97 18.74 59.10 23.29 44.43 30.75 46.78 166.90 184.77 46.37 a. 84 133.06 17.44 5 1,534 614 131 1,112 174 343 310 889 1,474 1,099 485 147 1,034 225 6 423,273 164,565 52,400 367,233 92,167 146,262 155,550 366,167 283,505 213,611 204,348 52,854 212,012 70,263 7 346 98 27 ~306 51 68 76 189 395 255 127 55 195 55 9 33 21 3 57 14 8 24 58 75 65 40 18 70 24 9 51 25 4 39 7 15 U 56 40 70 19 7 35 17 10 402 207 12 258 44 67 40 235 400 331 80 19 386 27 11 774 291 101 588 124 234 236 493 493 301 284 120 281 196 12 5 2 1 1 6 3 1 1 4 IS 374 129 32 318 a 'so 48 194 6U 472 127 15 406 46 » 1,067 418 31 924 78 219 127 560 8n 664 358 73 616 75 15 1,139 420 42 1,056 86 253 135 629 883 687 389 92 617 82 16 900 477 13 755 24 241 139 538 1,148 897 244 22 888 30 17 924 484 13 807 24 259 141 561 1,209 924 244 22 896 31 18 429 122 40 300 74 108 55 156 387 178 112 48 220 66 19 438 124 42 304 79 108 57 158 387 178 U4 51 220 71 20 1,308 427 U8 992 183 337 279 770 969 663 458 141 589 239 SI 1,638 502 229 1,624 349 677 391 1,226 1,076 777 703 259 647 377 22 1,482 591 114 1,089 173 347 303 855 1,414 1,014 475 144 988 257 23 3,490 1,372 286 2,833 491 994 839 2,214 2,883 2,228 1,182 350 2,224 584 94 1,508 559 115 1,100 166 334 308 878 1,474 1,079 483 132 1,038 190 25 1,925 695 157 1,343 242 484 390 1,133 1,864 1,352 640 190 1,308 234 26 1,168 538 34 982 65 295 131 686 1,234 1,009 384 60 809 60 ?7 955 429 74 767 134 246 234 584 1,064 703 377 93 713 142 26 548 101 1 190 8 35 55 27 590 225 161 3 197 9 29 139 30 38 1 2 205 110 5 100 30 157 77 30 168 13 6 38 43 237 1B6 50 10 353 16 n 1,322 535 17 951 60 313 34 143 1,222 846 329 12 671 n 32 70 16 94 38 117 31 256 739 35 51 112 U3 50 232 33 1,483 564 129 1,063 179 332 319 890 1,444 1,034 448 146 1,024 2« 34 1,475 552 127 1,055 177 325 308 880 1,439 1,029 .^48 142 1,019 240 35 1,460 537 125 1,049 177 314 304 878 1,434 1,019 442 132 1,009 236 36 714 223 47 355 58 123 135 359 813 417 276 70 575 100 37 923 305 67 501 73 181 245 553 1,094 521 413 91 787 148 38 91 43 35 98 45 43 49 131 59 69 41 30 51 30 39 111 57 59 115 79 73 67 137 73 76 44 '' 112 54 40 1,292 589 130 969 180 315 315 862 1,334 894 424 147 923 264 41 52,839 41,122 29,554 58,193 50,264 43,760 57,191 95,692 50,405 39,935 36,748 27,922 42,928 50,806 42 987 361 60 533 122 210 231 651 981 615 317 lU 645 135 43 9,127 1,991 198 3,355 429 867 1,872 3,085 8,162 4,U0 2,784 419 4,598 496 44 379 167 117 197 141 177 251 463 176 108 222 143 117 215 45 1,331 370 1,459 459 1,799 1,211 1,317 1,281 286 280 718 2,357 193 1,812 4fi 873 514 44 676 56 183 196 528 1,186 832 330 57 863 63 47 37,972 45,311 1,636 48,023 1,812 13,191 9,594 35,982 88,806 80,111 19,332 2,zn 72,611 1,155 46 1,139 541 85 839 107 271 252 724 1,277 794 392 117 878 167 49 207,518 124,904 3,5U 255,195 8, XI 31,361 17,294 78,019 395,660 162,320 62,926 8,058 229,570 8,685 50 1,074 417 105 812 163 273 260 651 954 621 366 129 707 200 51 13,751 13,896 5,839 11,402 14,799 11,649 12,852 21,929 24,720 23,836 12,124 5,853 22,086 10,803 52 919 352 116 836 126 254 265 680 495 319 305 114 405 232 53 11,491 8,314 6,999 20,929 7,703 12,017 15,094 25,353 5,010 6,678 8,605 6,530 4,740 13,865 54 367 524 30 724 40 202 191 494 1,178 833 316 48 823 38 55 47,795 43,357 1,492 55,150 1,403 21,192 14,237 39,090 101,866 80,950 24, U3 3,400 70,779 1,730 56 358 189 14 422 8 79 39 126 338 110 83 14 Ul 73 57 17,929 25,635 2,766 23,961 511 23,145 6,957 11,986 55,522 18,215 9,589 2,085 5,595 24,108 56 890 508 18 712 50 153 118 416 1,235 674 293 31 821 57 59 115,450 95,675 1,360 103,818 4,114 14,135 7,968 32,241 188,095 97,357 29,851 2,288 U7,012 2,790 60 1,010 520 22 786 61 204 139 554 1,262 719 366 50 827 81 61 1,492,192 1,083,190 12,294 2,011,124 41,363 178,958 73,477 457,657 3,798,990 1,375,130 399,677 34,504 2,179,806 25,684 62 936 220 14 373 30 125 174 375 835 490 301 46 557 50 63 1,185,995 181,872 3,849 395,383 14,013 75,837 156,327 161,677 1,081,330 505,460 286,077 16,345 490,422 32,979 64 414 209 14 440 8 84 42 138 362 115 92 20 125 87 65 a2,147 132,005 31,906 264,032 5,513 250,790 91,869 122,307 167,905 72,570 33,432 16,751 34,663 328,840 66 1,555 634 146 1,164 190 351 330 925 1,504 1,099 491 155 1,074 273 67 4,332,623 2,734,037 907,315 4,106,133 1,937,601 2,477,840 1,546,540 4,836,124 8,425,924 7,533,526 2,848,036 751,799 7,109,369 1,585,005 66 1,308,608 350,910 194,566 1,275,035 294,240 480,847 483,415 1,108,054 3,045,496 2,395,925 538,441 149,718 1,932,315 368,335 69 875.436 961,123 265,098 794,192 1,059,553 975,435 439,449 2,027,603 3,657,971 3,820,280 lj374,340 241,903 3,535,995 634,992 70 214,513 83,665 102,762 163,794 87,496 176,246 58,975 2U,412 227,939 197,755 49,390 225,000 73,021 71 362,248 194,413 174,695 347,704 245,915 260,932 244,453 415,692 249,063 281,015 176,384 142,654 442,319 205,774 72 1,291,374 530,620 160,680 1,248,456 218,441 446,868 305,715 925,324 1,041,870 678,920 494,145 158,209 757,220 252,172 73 280,439 113,306 9,514 276,902 31,956 137,512 14,533 148,034 203,535 159,631 101,741 9,925 216,520 35,711 74 1,299 551 28 925 37 131 129 585 1,459 1,089 382 31 1,011 78 75 88,452 65,835 3,197 109,732 3,852 36,686 12,657 56,279 147,051 119,227 33,816 1,989 109,967 5,196 76 67 2 64 34 58 400 5 62 51 98 20 14 77 16,951 35 12,148 8,379 5,922 57,491 125 1,629 2,954 12,855 185 1,729 7S 394,026 290 210,386 90,563 91,534 551,971 2,400 25,125 51,556 287,371 2,550 15,139 79 1,003 73 I 4 836 69 185 32 151 210 177 421 10 121 90 801 39,317 1,994 120 99,453 8,706 1 34,254 1,049 6,484 4,090 5,042 68,945 201 2,837 12,985 SI 291,450 10,410 1 1,208 465,466 1 126, %7 ' 180,310 9,095 51,054 75,535 117,007 694,134 1,590 45,145 88,960 83 1,314 362 38 ! 381 53 41 85 574 1,341 859 358 44 392 29 83 74,579 1,539,652 1,119 57,437 21,561 243,615 10 375 3,258 71,585 24,817 1 200,409 1 65 1 3,393 3,357 62,700 7 1.031 2,359 22,235 11 892 5,118 50,980 8 287 34,198 377,327 13 583 32,410 2,350,845 5 100 41,555 1,480,075 5 55 22,622 433,032 181 13,467 1,941 27,835 8 380 54,884 1,579,720 1 8 1,209 11,556 11 411 64 85 86 87 408,453 1,115 i 9,710 5,939 2,100 1,030 2,600 600 330 66,003 1,265 112 829 8ft 99,318 60,178 22,254 1 j 102,113 57,286 59,024 126,329 167,649 36,409 20,603 55,673 28,339 32,085 47,108 89 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dau for 1959 are base*! on reports (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Estinialod number of famis lO.SO , lOM. Farm operators by age: OpefMjor^ reporting age number 1959. . Under 25 yeftrs number 1959 . . ■25 to :V} years number 1959 . . 35 to 44 years number 1959 . . 45 to 54 years number 1959.. 55 to fi4 years number 1959 . . 65 or more years, number 1959 . . \verape a^e years 1959 , . Off-fariD work and other income: Farrri operators— Workinc off their farms operators reporting 1959 . . 1954.. lOO (jr more days operauirs reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . With other income of family exceedine value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959 . . 1954.. Part owners number 1959 . . 1954.. Managers number 1959 . . 1954.. .All tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954.. Share-cash tenants number 1959.. 1954.. Crop-share tenants number 1959. . 1054.. Livestock-share tenants ...... number 1959. . 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959.. 1954 . . Farms by type of farm: Field-crop famis other than vegeisble and fruit-and-nut .. number 1959. . Cash-grftin ■. number 1959. . Tobacco number 1959.. Cotton number 1959. . Other Tield-crop number 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . Fruit-aUiJ-nul farms numbiv 1959. . Poultry farms numStr 1959 . . Daily farms number 1959 . . Livestock farms oUier than poultry and dairy forms number 1959. . Livestock ranches number 1959 . . General fam.s number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959. . Class I number 1959 . . Class 11 number 1959 . . Class III number 1959.. Class IV number 1959.. Cla,ss V number 1959 . . Class VI number 1959.. Other farms number 1959 . . Pan- lime number 1959. . Part-retirement number 1959. . Abnormal number 1959 . . Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1959 . . 19.54 . . average per farm, dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . All crojw sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Field craps, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . . 19.54 . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . All livestock and livestr>ck producUs sold dollars 1959. . 1954 . . Poultry and poultry [roilucts sold dollars 19.59 . . 19.54 . . Dairy products sold dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Livestock anil livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. 55,496 62,345 55, 128 1,302 9,217 13,658 13,735 11,093 6,123 47.4 14,589 17,107 5,430 4,338 6,077 3,683 17,635 19,654 23,158 24,137 205 193 14,498 18,536 1,044 1,381 8,831 10,700 2,851 3,901 1,037 1,515 735 1,039 6,353 6,295 339 2,617 36,093 2,334 4,213 5,871 49,681 1,156 3,430 10,475 17,938 12,444 4,238 5,815 2,972 2,786 57 513,875,689 436,000,704 9,260 6,993 82,376,279 160,381,333 81,040,638 159,128,905 172,936 136,413 24,765 60,138 1,137,940 1,055,877 431,499,410 275,619,371 20,503,180 18,797,447 28,295,984 20,257,493 332,700,246 236,564,431 712 799 712 16 146 176 162 137 151 172 46 47 186 208 345 341 180 266 30 21 123 193 7 36 5 7 15 11 586 7 13 57 656 12 51 140 191 177 85 56 25 30 6,188,311 5,290,007 8,691 6,621 229,056 1,403,038 226,907 1,402,184 149 465 2,000 300 5,959,255 3,886,969 199,971 256,631 259,170 165,235 5,500,114 3,465,103 1,404 1,484 1,369 37 236 343 317 278 158 47.2 420 449 180 85 185 81 483 434 534 582 387 496 20 12 244 322 82 85 16 48 25 29 20 31 1,011 16 63 196 1,208 18 56 157 438 393 146 196 110 86 9,989,014 8,974,088 7,115 6,047 1,098,733 3,117,437 1,064,949 3,110,490 5,944 433 514 7,840 6,000 8,390,281 5,856,651 667,871 555,623 438,231 436,917 7,784,179 4,864,111 334 369 325 6 52 82 75 71 39 47.9 92 117 39 54 68 86 214 218 104 104 212 50 328 22 76 107 79 43 1 5,876,747 3,986,003 17,595 10,802 2,231,109 2,093,272 2,230,949 2,093,125 33 125 127 22 3,645,638 1,892,731 10, 568 25,352 60,055 58,190 3,575,015 1,809,189 1,289 1,460 1,270 45 223 313 317 238 134 46.7 274 252 78 55 110 30 424 442 445 469 1 2 419 455 18 311 320 96 79 12 19 172 172 155 136 1,153 9 59 198 522 265 100 136 50 9,754,993 8,379,996 7,568 5,740 1,776,157 2,988,707 1,764,987 2,979,130 4,976 1,665 5,429 5,962 765 1,950 7,978,836 5, 391, 289 610,623 511,530 523,410 287, 804 6,844,803 4,591,955 Brookings 1,690 1,967 1,676 33 260 391 416 371 205 48.3 411 543 140 86 168 116 724 747 441 462 2 5 523 627 25 43 378 423 65 86 25 48 30 27 216 216 15 180 205 166 78 332 595 440 156 55 100 1 13,706,750 11,241,063 8,111 5,715 2, 536, 202 3,105,678 2, 566, 570 3,093,535 1,205 1,870 521 1,273 17,906 9,000 11,120,548 8,135,390 833,969 954,114 1,343,145 791,728 8,943,434 6,389,548 1,676 1,813 1,634 45 261 413 420 336 159 47.1 453 451 200 113 219 96 558 624 835 798 1 3 282 421 20 120 171 90 120 36 59 36 51 237 237 28 72 1,049 5 83 207 1,475 27 113 225 505 421 184 201 131 70 13,758.523 16,402,503 8,209 9,047 2,213,605 9,054,752 2,047,239 8,696,749 2,638 3; 166 28 765 163,700 354,072 11,544,918 7,347,756 706,991 479,447 737,726 695,350 10,100,201 6,172,959 612 686 611 17 96 160 132 131 75 47.7 116 145 39 21 214 202 280 318 6 3 112 188 5 13 90 125 9 29 557 12 65 150 186 112 32 55 20 30 5 6,476,657 4,997,590 10, 583 7,235 337,863 1.359,322 337,367 1,358,875 443 300 53 147 500 6,133,794 3,637,763 181,307 181,766 133,853 54,170 5,818,634 3,401,832 147 155 139 4 24 34 36 26 15 47.0 129 22 1 15 2,663,326 2,139,677 13, 118 13,304 38,454 191,919 38,454 189,675 2,000 2,624,872 1,947,758 25,859 28,312 25,528 23,126 2,573,485 1,896,320 SOUTH DAKOTA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE: AND 1954 141 f« only a sftmplo of InimB. See text" Butte Campbell Charles Mli Olorli Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey Douglas 566 534 1,435 1,183 971 1,052 629 339 755 1,450 1,069 487 801 1 71i 620 1,509 1,331 1,168 1,067 792 383 879 1,572 1,117 488 860 2 556 567 1,417 1,164 960 1,009 632 350 750 1,412 1,064 487 819 3 12 17 36 36 18 27 11 3 28 31 28 14 30 4 74 123 256 172 137 161 121 29 144 221 163 102 179 5 151 157 323 312 252 256 160 78 172 291 281 122 206 e 156 138 354 276 233 245 161 93 160 349 277 124 201 7 104 110 296 232 186 218 104 86 156 340 207 82 141 s 59 22 152 136 134 102 75 61 90 180 108 43 62 9 47.9 44.4 47.2 47.4 48.5 47.5 46.9 51.9 46.9 48.8 47.2 45.6 45.0 10 184 137 318 281 260 330 182 143 216 397 258 156 196 11 292 145 319 519 395 460 263 158 254 465 262 133 122 12 95 47 92 89 101 138 75 96 73 139 71 88 57 13 109 59 87 153 125 92 61 83 66 102 45 39 20 14 94 39 130 134 103 175 64 120 104 179 97 63 94 15 99 31 121 87 85 77 57 74 116 92 30 30 30 It 250 171 370 357 312 424 158 106 244 633 350 77 236 17 282 153 386 396 369 395 113 177 328 647 473 105 257 IS 241 264 595 536 271 373 403 193 278 544 410 330 320 IS 236 312 663 536 267 378 493 165 261 579 358 299 293 20 4 I 2 6 7 2 4 6 1 1 1 21 4 1 2 2 2 3 4 8 2 4 14 1 22 71 98 468 284 388 248 66 36 227 272 308 79 245 23 129 170 516 364 517 303 168 34 295 372 373 76 332 24 20 11 10 15 11 5 25 27 21 10 10 39 20 25 32 7 34 6 14 16 42 15 20 13 16 22 18 26 19 40 332 137 187 156 21 2 U6 154 215 10 195 27 16 89 343 223 212 189 60 6 183 188 254 13 262 28 13 24 76 90 116 56 11 50 67 61 3 20 29 4S 37 91 102 167 62 52 5 66 119 50 25 33 30 7 18 40 6 66 16 7 2 5 16 17 3 .11 23 31 27 21 98 26 10 3 13 34 17 3 8 32 12 5 10 36 8 15 2 5 15 25 5 24 10 .13 10 6 21 12 26 10 4 5 13 18 36 13 11 34 39 70 33 61 378 104 75 2 41 87 231 35 5 35 3 70 33 58 378 98 75 1 ... 36 87 231 35 5 36 37 36 3 6 1 5 38 39 40 41 42 10 10 12 5 25 15 7 11 20 36 15 101 10 24 25 260 110 10 43 418 326 1,151 742 393 555 447 219 578 754 393 376 651 44 165 1 5 6 1 85 120 1 1 161 45 24 82 65 169 70 125 18 8 16 113 250 11 '35 46 78 45 166 165 105 155 79 86 90 211 85 65 85 47 488 489 1,269 1,018 86« 897 550 254 670 1,239 984 422 716 48 32 4 15 5 42 11 20 9 2 2 1 6 2 49 99 51 69 35 92 24 45 23 23 10 27 28 5 50 144 169 250 104 222 106 159 53 120 82 153 74 149 51 94 140 431 339 260 340 196 84 288 436 443 155 310 52 101 104 363 375 215 275 85 67 181 437 305 126 180 53 18 21 141 160 35 141 45 18 56 272 55 33 70 54 78 45 166 165 105 155 79 85 85 211 85 65 85 55 53 45 80 70 50 75 35 60 45 86 25 44 40 56 25 36 90 5 55 80 44 24 1 35 5 125 60 21 45 57 58 8,885,655 5,940,516 11,337,606 6,970,059 11,684,711 6,992,000 6,858,936 3,186,582 5,410,103 6,764,940 6,973,884 3,781,763 5,446,900 59 6,435,613 3,471,293 11,198,028 7,296,795 10,899,161 6,322,299 6,180,452 1,849,553 5,328,654 7,535,374 5,748,271 3,534,786 5,825,479 60 15,699 11,125 7,901 5,892 12,034 6,646 10,905 9,400 7,166 4,665 6,524 7,765 6,800 61 9,013 5,599 7,421 5,482 9,331 5,925 7,304 4,829 6,062 4,793 5,146 7,243 6,774 62 1,563,6.- 1,629,529 879,559 1,623,276 3,296,599 1,067,212 1,140,464 188,090 228,055 774,399 2,076,923 468,948 127,065 63 1,205,603 1,529,263 4,782,750 3,816,000 3,477,802 3,142,014 2,809,988 68,565 2,095,167 3,373,092 2,230,966 1,221,851 2,418,904 64 1,545,614 1,629,173 878, 533 1,623,U4 3,257,273 1,045,673 1,130,295 164,256 196,161 771,537 2,076,104 468,848 127,029 65 1,197,829 1,528,766 4,780,685 3,814,569 3,464,692 3,109,774 2,797,104 55,054 2,074,334 3,372,095 2,229,902 1,221,314 2,418,696 ee 2,250 930 50 16,764 230 323 16,680 268 67 2,998 552 305 6,659 1,100 11,609 300 145 200 63 2,332 166 96 112 166 48 15 613 1,276 62 351 36 69 4,051 222 1,113 526 1,039 190 139 152 1,354 197 386 37 208 70 13,448 190 22,396 21,261 10,154 22,898 13,938 2,800 200 100 71 725 275 400 600 5,412 32,050 12,745 12,259 7,870 500 533 300 72 7,322,011 4,310,987 10,458,047 5,346,783 8,388,112 5,924,788 5,718,522 2,998,492 5,182,048 5,990,541 4,896,961 3,312,815 5,319,835 73 5,230,010 1,942,030 6,415,278 3,480,795 7,421,359 3,180,285 3,370,464 1,780,988 3,233,487 4,162,282 3,517,305 2,312,935 3,406,575 74 34,624 111,471 492,692 354,060 292,677 1,029,888 36,886 18,818 279,405 449,647 450,842 17,404 390,926 75 54,891 81,711 411,456 333,105 319,802 607,590 44,122 28,370 256,881 431,708 446,434 24,008 326,831 76 182,665 356,537 438,750 351,661 235,475 831,011 193,982 294,676 335,794 1,070,078 904,896 62,662 507,090 77 2^,519 309,061 203, 529 344,621 234,484 574, 241 206,911 126,112 228,124 811,965 544,369 71,521 351,090 78 7,104,722 3,842,979 9,526,605 4,641,062 7,859,960 4,063,889 5,487,654 2,684,998 4,566,849 4,470,816 3,541,223 3,232,749 4,421,819 79 4,878,600 1,551,258 5,800,293 2,303,069 6,867,073 1,998,454 3,119,431 1,626,506 2,748,482 2,918,609 2,526,502 2,217,406 2,728,654 80 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 1959 are basele and fruit-and-nul . . number 1959 . . Cash.gram number 1959. . Tobacco number 1959.. Cotton number 1959.. Other field-crop number 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . Fruit.and.nut fanns number 1959 . . Poultry farms number 1959 . . Dairy farms number 1959 . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . Livestock ranches number 1959 . . General farms number 1959.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959.. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959.. Class I number 1959 . . Class H number 1959 . . Class in number 1959.. Class IV number 1959.. Class V number 1 959 . . Class VI number 1959 . . Other farms number 1959.. Part-lime number 1959. . Part-retirement number 1959. . Abnormal number 1959 . . Value of proilucts sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1959.. 1954 . . nverngr per farm, dollars 1959 . . 1954.. All crops sold dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1959.. 1954.. Ve(;elflbles solil dollars 1959.. 1954.. Fruits and nuLs sold dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Forest proilucts and horticultural specialty products .sold dollars 1959.. 1954.. All livestock and livestock products .sold dollars 1959. 1954 . , Poullrv and poultrv [Toilucts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Dairy products sold dollars 1959 . 1954 . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. 687 5 34 167 284 147 50 36 20 15 1 6,054,547 5,059,283 3,374 5,200 995,615 2,488,803 995,561 2,488,497 50 146 4 160 5,058,932 2,570,480 269,944 176,861 400, 669 455,573 4,338,319 1,938,046 280 152 12 46 326 12 37 73 133 62 4,099,483 2,789,54! 11,020 6,442 719,291 733,792 711,265 724,172 2,390 2,955 1,126 6,625 4,510 40 3,330,192 2,055,749 40,377 49,652 47,694 88,146 3,292,121 1,917,951 590 752 593 13 116 136 128 124 81 47.6 168 257 47 84 172 136 338 374 5 79 146 6 6 43 80 12 35 13 20 5 5 483 3 23 51 540 7 36 117 227 116 37 50 35 15 4,992,200 5,586,702 8,461 7,429 518,466 2,583,865 518,410 2,583,172 50 424 6 269 4,773,734 3,002,337 224,524 187,105 151,068 141,583 4,398,142 2,674,149 1,165 1,218 1,129 36 194 260 283 237 119 47.4 258 295 76 55 370 470 373 380 422 414 36 16 266 258 90 95 5 32 25 13 139 139 15 276 464 1 176 95 1,075 13 29 182 381 355 115 90 55 35 8,074,559 6,453, 590 6,931 5,299 1,337,933 2,866,474 1,303,155 2,829,086 3,358 16, 262 412 1,026 26,003 20,100 6,736,626 3,587,116 321,115 331,475 1,667,970 343,735 4,747,541 2,411,906 1,024 1,020 985 25 157 237 267 207 92 47.2 249 362 85 109 31 348 342 379 387 2 3 295 354 36 36 178 227 53 66 18 15 10 10 737 1 41 125 899 10 36 122 381 270 SO 125 45 80 7,435,116 5,385,124 7,261 5,280 955,193 2,019,291 954,569 2,018,416 47 30 437 715 90 130 6,479,923 3,365,833 163,397 203,123 420,043 221,303 5,396,483 2,941,407 335 424 377 5 110 152 46 34 122 120 225 264 3 5 35 42 6 13 9 9 10 11 5 5 5 4 283 100 15 43 342 21 47 94 115 33 27 43 27 16 5,530,426 3,654,382 14,365 8,619 1,018,127 1,014,165 1,017,968 1,013,799 150 159 56 160 4,512,299 2,640,217 23,236 36,977 32,936 40,029 4,456,127 2,563,211 902 1,055 141 229 234 179 251 297 72 65 59 100 274 347 342 355 2 286 319 20 16 181 233 35 53 161 161 832 6 26 198 302 230 70 70 30 40 7,151,727 5,748,347 7,929 5,449 1,573,566 2,441,157 1,573,462 2,440,237 250 104 620 5,573,161 3,307,190 431,629 431,982 750, 235 422,842 4,391,297 2,452,366 924 1,066 957 21 156 244 230 200 106 47.5 263 246 87 73 109 59 279 290 423 533 216 270 23 13 120 164 33 57 5 13 799 48 6 69 355 14 97 223 258 175 9,648,672 7,811,316 10,442 7,328 312,543 2,166,092 312,457 2,165,666 84 240 7 186 9,336,124 5,645,224 299,181 290,728 312,218 239,238 8,724,725 5,115,253 SOUTH DAKOTA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 143 Fcr only ft sample of famis. See text j Harding Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Ulie Lawrence Lincoln Lyman MoOook McPherson 36i 304 1,592 312 169 570 244 1,234 1,181 233 1,631 508 1,223 897 1 416 346 1,688 384 196 640 306 1,409 1,341 360 1,530 633 1,343 1,106 2 356 306 1,577 325 172 541 258 1,215 1,159 297 1,586 541 1,221 907 » 6 2 49 1 4 14 2 35 37 1 44 9 32 22 t 52 52 333 53 25 89 38 220 189 27 261 78 234 135 5 76 72 395 72 33 134 67 304 282 65 416 133 297 293 « 90 70 411 101 54 135 76 262 297 82 413 153 285 200 7 74 64 285 61 35 97 58 277 230 66 305 95 239 153 » 58 46 104 37 21 72 17 117 124 56 147 73 134 54 i 50.2 48.9 43.0 48.2 43.6 ;7.7 47.5 47.0 47.2 51.6 46.8 43.4 46.7 44.5 10 75 111 329 71 67 138 35 342 254 131 426 144 272 247 11 98 92 362 97 99 137 97 468 347 156 305 199 351 355 12 25 53 38 27 28 49 40 111 78 39 148 64 82 82 13 29 18 90 47 36 47 13 111 55 87 40 46 50 47 14 IS 72 105 31 25 67 29 U6 39 91 163 63 131 36 15 29 22 45 40 20 40 36 126 50 30 15 41 65 35 1< Si 67 447 67 66 182 79 409 422 165 598 SO 375 245 17 97 88 439 38 38 190 34 463 426 200 601 150 416 274 IS 265 168 762 206 84 257 130 462 311 69 417 297 393 510 U 288 161 743 231 103 260 151 453 346 86 321 346 370 534 20 6 1 3 2 3 1 6 1 5 7 6 21 4 5 1 "2 4 1 1 2 "3 5 2 22 9 68 380 37 19 123 34 357 447 49 616 124 460 136 23 23 74 496 75 26 179 54 475 479 51 809 135 538 244 24 3 26 3 5 4 16 15 11 35 23 10 2 23 2 13 11 13 3 3 10 19 25 30 34 16 19 10 26 1 26 255 21 4 98 17 213 311 3 446 55 330 37 27 4 31 357 28 6 133 13 276 312 3 464 56 378 159 28 2 5 105 2 2 23 3 107 90 1 65 32 95 21 20 10 17 87 16 3 20 16 137 97 7 136 29 101 49 30 1 5 4 3 2 4 11 26 3 60 12 15 11 31 5 5 20 6 3 13 7 29 18 2 125 26 23 17 32 2 6 20 2 5 1 10 5 26 10 2 10 15 33 2 8 21 7 6 "5 3 14 27 4 50 8 17 9 34 32 25 55 2 8 36 )6 341 213 2 250 47 100 69 35 32 25 55 2 3 36 36 334 7 213 2 250 .!! 100 69 36 37 38 39 "i 10 "i 15 '15 ... 10 5 «0 41 42 1 125 1 10 55 31 50 5 60 61 43 286 231 1,199 280 144 464 166 635 727 153 1,021 386 313 530 44 166 19 15 36 21 11 25 37 10 45 7 6 ioo 3 5 15 4 143 105 6 170 11 115 101 46 39 40 103 27 11 55 37 105 61 96 125 59 125 31 47 325 264 1,489 235 158 515 207 1,129 1,120 192 1,511 449 1,103 316 4S 26 13 3 13 4 3 12 25 31 7 56 18 10 6 49 54 32 31 24 20 27 31 94 68 21 140 50 27 17 50 105 78 287 115 63 107 71 297 240 38 370 147 191 153 51 101 75 583 98 38 191 67 446 500 53 495 154 515 337 52 20 49 435 34 23 132 19 207 2U 45 370 64 280 236 53 19 17 150 1 5 55 7 60 70 28 30 16 80 62 54 39 40 103 27 11 55 37 105 61 96 120 59 125 31 55 18 20 45 16 1 5 21 40 20 61 60 52 70 51 56 21 20 55 3 10 1 10 50 16 60 5 40 1 35 60 7 55 25 5 57 58 5,755,898 3,423,856 11,824,670 4,906,917 2,181,872 4,437,419 3,976,003 12,461,228 12,151,662 2,265,701 18,559,452 5,934,204 8,949,317 6,689,417 59 3,870,502 2,705,161 12,429,127 2,868,845 1,304,917 3,866,655 2,439,374 8,525,083 3,552,193 1,503,108 15,623,716 5,832,070 7,408,295 4,668,187 60 15,813 11,263 7,428 15,727 12,910 7,785 16,295 10,093 10,289 7,867 11,379 11,682 7,288 7,458 61 9,304 7,818 7,363 7,471 6,658 6,042 7,972 6,050 6,377 4,175 10,212 9,141 5,516 4,221 62 605,592 444,620 554,972 31,521 310,366 249,194 740,912 3,827,336 2,3a, 273 168,688 3,236,351 923,568 1,153,118 1,187,185 63 646,368 1,124,216 5,547,278 518,375 329,123 1,180,636 971,019 3,728,546 2,970,351 258,091 3,816,602 2,731,359 2,812,063 1,831,784 64 605,445 407,335 542,330 81,496 310,346 249,194 740,712 3,826,945 2,305,325 122,323 3,215,312 928,438 1,153,041 1,187,137 65 645,835 1,060,765 5,544,636 518,312 328,857 1,130,238 970,994 3,725,453 2,933,566 234,847 3,815,760 2,731,331 2,811,537 1,331,535 66 140 2,185 2,300 25 200 300 95 7,160 131 130 67 500 2,700 965 234 ioo 25 1,300 274 8,707 390 'io «8 7 82 91 83 2,895 233 77 48 69 33 '67 35,100 40,684 1,522 10,260 105 63 12 20 20 248 1,533 200 1,411 55,770 35,100 3,609 36,310 10,928 442 20,625 10 28 526 189 70 71 72 5,150,306 2,979,236 11,269,698 4,825,396 1,371,506 4,138,225 3,235,091 8,633,892 9,790,389 2,097,013 15,323,101 5,005,636 7,796,199 5,502,232 73 3,224,134 1,580,945 6,881,849 2,350,470 975,794 2,636,019 1,468,355 4,796,537 5,531,847 1,245,017 11,307,114 3,100,711 4,596,232 2,836,403 74 11,114 74,009 1,477,887 56,338 8,581 137,097 32,690 394,164 661,503 32,530 388,793 32,457 719,278 192,047 75 16,045 40,424 938,088 76,017 17,265 145,407 38,225 450,456 643,896 34,392 665,914 111,983 652,598 164,996 76 34,934 52,798 1,124,015 75,419 43,657 173,974 30,013 460,641 635,033 352,400 882,115 65,577 785,160 633,301 n 39,644 55,909 659,851 82,352 34,839 133,561 33,408 243,272 371,203 301,747 637,129 45,437 406,183 637,944 78 5,104,258 2,852,429 8,667,796 4,693,639 1,819,268 3,877,154 3,172,338 7,779,037 8,493,303 1,712,033 13,552,193 4,857,602 6,291,761 4,676,884 79 3,168,445 1,484,612 5,283,910 2,192,101 923,690 2,407,051 1,396,722 4,102,809 4,566,748 908,878 10,504,071 2,943,241 3,537,451 1,983,463 80 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 1953 are baswi on reports (For definitions and explanations, see lextl Moody Pennington Estimated number of farms 1950 . 10S4. Farm operators by age: Operators reporting age number 19S9. Under 35 years number 1959 . ■25 lo ^4 years number 1959. 35 lo 44 years number 1959 . 45 lo 5 1 years number 1959 . 55 lo Ii4 years number 1959 . f 5 or more years number 1959 . \vcrape age years lfJ5? . Off-farm work and other income: Farm operoUjrs— Workinc off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or nwire days operators reporting 1959 . ' 1954. With other income of family exceedinji value of farm products sold opera(ors reportine 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners .^ number 1959 . 1954 . Managers number 1959 . . 1954. 411 tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954.. Crop-share tenants number 1959.. 1954 . Livestock-share tenants number 1959. 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetJlble and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959. Cash-grain ■- number 1959. Tobacco number 1959 . . Cotton number 1959. Other Tield-crop number 1959. Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruil-anil-nitt farms number 1959 . Poultry farms number 19.59 . Dair> farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry' and dairy farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassifietl farms number 1959 . Farms by economic class; Commercial farms number 1959. C lass 1 number 1959. Class 11 number 1950 . Class in number 1959 . Class IV number 1939. Class V numlier 1959 . Class VI numl>er 1959 . Other farms Part-lime Part-retirement. , Abnonnal Value of prorjucts sold by source: All farm products sold totAl, . aumber 1950. . number 1959. . number 1959 . . number 1959. average per farm. All crops ^old. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Vegetables sold Fruils and nuts sold . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold All livestock and livestock prxlucLs sold . Poullry and poultry products sold Dairy prwlucLs sold Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 , 1954. dollars 1959 . 1054. . dollars 1950 . 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1950. 1054. . dollars 1950. 1954. .dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. .dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. 8-19 1,067 871 18 141 211 215 189 97 47.9 210 209 71 101 243 343 460 492 146 188 12 12 74 82 40 61 10 21 10 12 105 105 528 6 64 92 30 118 225 247 120 92 51 41 6,814,219 6,159,143 8,026 5,772 1,241,251 2,860,890 1,240,965 2,857,932 25 95 95 363 166 2,500 5,572,968 3,298,253 244,166 248,733 372,746 377,485 4,956,056 2,672,035 874 1,039 839 8 114 191 228 155 143 49.9 210 331 99 138 363 392 412 505 5 85 147 32 41 13 27 4 34 23 27 13 18 2 37 697 239 13 102 772 32 114 205 240 137 102 50 10,354,546 7,127,169 11,847 6,860 1,072,210 1,647,956 1,048,4*3 1,631,955 3,866 640 1,554 842 18,347 14,519 9,282,336 5,479,213 110,939 189,086 705,623 437,315 8,465,774 4,852,812 301 325 298 3 46 78 71 58 42 48.5 32 42 224 244 233 98 271 17 52 57 89 54 2 4,497,842 2,941,63? 14,943 9,051 482,832 851,201 482,652 350,761 86 180 74 260 20 4,015,010 2,090,436 23,132 34,315 42,317 52,710 3,949,511 2,003,411 355 979 876 15 134 212 221 175 119 48.5 240 320 68 60 246 345 325 313 284 349 10 20 205 221 30 77 45 599 770 2 19 143 281 250 75 85 25 55 5 5,657,425 5,985,537 6,617 6,114 584,808 2,474,173 584,735 2,473,985 63 10 178 10 5,072,617 3,511,364 331,453 317,716 401,740 199,134 4,339,424 2,994,514 2,022 2,427 2,004 52 298 508 511 406 229 47.3 525 590 223 230 222 215 811 393 489 23 13 793 1,007 86 116 591 672 60 123 30 68 26 23 200 200 10 151 1,160 260 236 1,796 53 173 540 630 275 120 226 95 130 1 24,823,837 19,025,612 12,277 7,339 4,073,528 4,513,512 3,789,618 4,346,136 41,462 22,198 1,581 4,268 240,867 140,910 20,750,309 14,512,100 1,031,132 1,257,985 2,064,955 1,591,254 17,654,222 11,662,861 1,180 1,321 ,177 27 202 282 321 226 119 238 305 70 376 471 389 301 2 415 521 10 31 305 373 90 50 5 34 5 155 155 165 100 ,080 42 138 260 385 210 45 13,441,923 10,318,249 11,391 7,811 2,455,379 2,761,249 2,463,173 2,777,613 1,510 913 56 1,533 1,140 1,185 10,976, OU 7,537,000 729,221 634,390 619,270 424,075 9,627,553 6,478,535 720 751 689 17 84 161 202 120 105 271 303 151 149 148 109 298 337 300 359 114 95 29 31 23 21 11 24 23 12 28 411 117 41 162 558 12 52 139 173 136 46 162 106 56 6,174,343 4,356,750 3,575 5,301 1,313,433 738,223 1,232,833 706,678 8,751 12,413 186 568 71.713 18,564 4,860,860 3,618,527 80,197 142,661 347,485 322,070 4,433,173 3,153,796 718 852 726 5 100 217 189 126 89 48.0 190 190 69 28 214 282 443 476 6 3 50 95 107 107 526 143 13 654 19 68 234 220 8,122,664 6,311,440 11,313 7,408 1,888,722 2,995,591 1,337,991 2,938,701 645 3,555 86 295 3,040 6,233,942 3,315,649 22,794 33,615 118,266 93,160 6,092,682 3,164,074 449 511 464 12 76 105 117 99 140 141 64 39 124 130 244 306 1 1 80 107 11 3 37 48 13 32 9 16 5 3 363 12 1 44 405 20 44 119 90 101 31 5,426,038 5,080,860 12,085 9,943 595,293 2,168,307 587,813 2,166,761 4,000 1,100 320 446 3,160 4,830,745 2,912,553 97,973 78,780 82,100 105,896 4,650,672 2,727,877 SOUTH DAKOTA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a samplp of fanTis. See lext^ 145 Roberts Sanborn Shannon Splni Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth Washabaugh Yankton Ziebach 1,785 704 160 1,314 206 396 362 995 1,659 1,274 517 161 1,181 317 I 1,862 812 233 1,585 224 394 410 1,219 1,847 1,306 580 161 1,409 344 2 1,765 688 182 1,311 199 380 344 1,016 1,641 1,215 505 167 1,205 322 3 52 6 2 41 6 4 7 16 33 37 9 1 23 6 4 291 113 28 236 29 73 43 140 318 197 95 22 217 66 5 389 162 40 342 50 84 94 264 391 304 136 38 293 90 « 474 156 48 285 48 73 74 267 418 273 143 39 306 67 7 384 167 40 258 30 96 71 178 343 261 89 40 239 53 8 175 84 24 149 36 50 50 151 138 143 33 27 127 38 9 47.5 48.7 49.3 46.9 48.6 48.5 48.5 48.8 46.6 47.5 46.0 50.3 47.4 46.3 10 518 147 52 419 55 107 85 238 425 349 142 56 260 36 11 487 213 73 456 73 106 85 327 535 335 141 45 291 127 12 171 63 26 140 29 37 35 94 125 167 56 22 109 46 IS 87 38 .23 149 24 13 10 92 125 65 42 8 51 42 U 228 83 19 176 22 49 42 100 116 142 55 14 117 41 IS 51 30 9 66 7 14 19 72 95 50 26 5 45 19 16 497 267 22 349 46 97 60 290 515 476 96 24 471 46 17 607 297 27 398 43 83 51 352 661 462 105 23 512 79 le 834 296 104 600 133 241 240 503 508 301 284 121 286 213 19 769 271 138 686 143 243 276 569 474 261 321 115 365 215 20 5 2 2 2 1 9 3 1 3 5 21 5 1 7 5 I "i 4 "i "2 '3 3 7 22 449 139 32 363 26 60 53 199 635 497 137 15 421 48 23 530 250 68 468 29 92 81 273 730 641 150 30 480 43 24 35 5 17 5 13 4 26 10 15 15 6 11 20 19 25 40 14 53 7 6 4 38 30 30 41 5 21 21 15 26 244 97 6 189 5 18 23 76 405 351 81 3 205 9 27 248 152 10 226 7 31 25 131 443 350 95 3 236 6 28 115 30 6 101 7 14 39 186 30 39 175 4 29 157 61 4 153 7 34 12 55 140 128 36 3 145 11 30 40 2 1 56 22 3 58 20 85 4 5 3 31 35 13 1 60 5 17 2 28 39 83 11 "2 37 7 32 15 5 2 10 1 2 1 16 10 15 5 1 16 13 33 50 10 22 4 6 4 29 78 39 3 1 41 4 34 421 15 26 124 28 34 12 115 195 419 124 21 145 12 35 421 15 26 124 28 34 12 115 195 419 124 21 145 12 3« 37 38 39 2 22 "i 15 '5 '10 40 41 42 170 30 40 11 5 85 35 5 50 1 43 739 568 118 901 160 295 304 786 944 585 327 130 727 256 44 5 92 12 3 30 30 17 ... 8 53 167 45 223 16 1 77 1 6 9 19 265 60 35 4 141 4 46 230 75 15 150 16 52 32 75 155 170 26 6 108 44 47 1,555 629 146 1,164 190 351 330 925 1,504 1,104 491 155 1,074 273 48 8 15 13 6 24 22 24 27 49 65 20 12 49 18 49 22 39 31 43 38 50 39 88 75 37 59 33 69 20 50 198 128 35 208 51 107 76 208 240 301 130 45 200 72 51 572 287 30 419 48 106 117 308 560 411 178 43 355 76 52 603 125 16 313 18 50 48 242 435 205 83 22 295 62 53 152 35 21 175 11 16 26 52 125 35 21 106 25 54 230 75 14 150 16 47 32 70 155 170 26 6 107 44 55 175 35 6 107 10 41 20 20 75 60 21 5 45 28 56 55 40 7 1 41 2 6 6 10 2 50 80 110 5 1 60 2 15 1 57 56 10,151,922 6,513,089 2,681,481 6,935,183 4,180,927 5,691,054 5,023,074 11,124,338 14,781,211 14,930,406 6,452,033 2,510,513 11,456,164 3,850,192 59 10,573,267 5,192,722 2,158,669 14,123,670 3,275,646 6,610,845 3,764,713 7,457,769 13,144,755 12,298,731 3,680,129 1,544,581 9,701,200 2,860,781 60 5,687 9,252 16,759 6,800 20,296 14,299 13,876 11,180 8,910 11,719 12,480 15,593 9,700 12,146 61 5,681 6,395 9,265 8,911 14,623 16,779 9,182 6,116 7,117 9,417 6,345 9,594 6,885 8,316 62 2,902,001 394,862 877,679 1,023,157 658,158 492,995 235,171 1,627,514 2,252,039 4,483,565 1,566,362 598,651 2,339,440 205,840 63 5,246,205 1,261,236 1,012,336 8,666,580 669,874 2,941,317 669,413 2,822,465 3,859,016 4,363,502 1,704,449 504,876 2,477,394 619,214 64 2,889,222 385,531 874,938 1,010,021 658,147 492,965 234,661 1,600,002 2,250,133 4,473,973 1,562,305 593,621 2,074,136 195,940 65 5,241,971 1,257,095 1,011,136 8,653,833 668,950 2,939,886 668,055 2,816,782 3,856,633 4,357,472 1,698,415 502,539 2,168,822 613,306 66 839 9,331 2,222 9,225 100 1,920 1,722 6,435 3,600 32 3,624 67 793 4,021 1,000 6,421 120 1,000 328 248 4,620 4,317 155 1,830 208 68 1,112 17 11 10 210 92 134 95 307 78 1,485 69 3,101 120 2,376 224 111 58 555 1,745 1,410 917 182 1,498 '40 70 10,828 519 3,894 25,500 50 3,082 150 120 260,195 9,900 71 340 200 3,950 700 1,200 300 4,800 390 800 2,000 305,244 160 72 7,249,921 6,118,227 1,803,802 7,912,026 3,522,769 5,198,059 4,787,903 9,196,624 12,529,172 10,446,321 4,885,671 1,911,662 9,115,724 3,644,352 73 5,332,062 3,931,486 1,146,333 5,457,090 2,605,772 3,669,528 3,075,300 4,635,304 9,285,739 7,935,229 1,975,680 1,039,705 7,223,306 2,241,567 74 593,785 217,214 4,712 597,936 31,836 78,894 26,192 185,141 957,680 322,791 107,385 7,355 642,070 10,040 75 544,119 246,555 5,325 391,474 16,009 125,194 38,952 274,992 378,570 360,648 36,400 6,502 466,159 14,355 76 1,221,690 186,772 11,849 415,633 14,013 75,837 156,327 162,687 1,086,175 507,450 236,577 16,345 532,742 33,069 77 853,823 96,419 13,686 366,118 4,240 46,967 98,384 179,660 760,996 393,571 212,430 19,149 313,591 31,986 78 5,434,446 5,714,241 1,767,241 6,398,457 3,476,920 5,043,328 4,605,384 8,848,996 10,485,317 9,616,530 4,491,709 1,667,962 7,941,912 3,601,243 79 3,934,120 3,588,512 1,127,322 4,699,498 2,585,523 3,497,367 2,937,964 4,180,652 7,646,173 7,176,010 1,676,350 1,014,054 6,4i4,056 2,195,226 80 146 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator are based (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Brooltiogs Estimated number of fnrms. , ,.1*1.'.!). SPEaFED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLlTlEP Grain combines famis reponing 1959 . . 1054.. number 1050.. 1954 . . Com pickers farms repnrting 1950 . . ID54 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Pick-up balefs famig repcrting 1959 . . 1954 . . numlier 1950 . . 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Tractors f-irmg reptwting 1959 . . 19.54 . . number 1959 . . 1054.. Tractors other than careen farms reporting 1950 . . number 1959 . . 1 tractor '. farms reporting 1959 . . 2 of mere tractors farms reporting 1959 . . Wheel (ractcrs farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Garden tractors farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . number 19.59 . . 1954 . . Automobiles '. farms reporting 1950 . . 1954 . . number 1959. . 1954 . . Telephone farms reporting 1950 . . 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . . 19.54 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . 1054 . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1950 . . Crop drier (for grnin, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 . . Fafms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface famts reptJrting 1959 . . 1950 . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959.. 1950 . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1950 . . 19.50.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road fnrms reporting 19.59 . . 1 or more miles to a hanl surface road farms reporting 1959 . . 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 19.59 . . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average date of enumerahon .1950 . . FARM LABOR, IVEEK PRECEDING ENLIMERATION ' Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959 . . 1054 . . persons 1059 . . 1954.. Operatrrs wotlting 1 or mrre hours persons 19.59 . . 19.54 . . 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . 15 or more hours persons 10.59 . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1950 . . persons 1050., Hired workers farms roprrting 10.59 . . 1054 . , persons 1950 . , 1054 . , Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . . farms repotting 1950 . 1954 . por.sons 1959 . 1954 . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired wt^rker fnrms reporting 1959 . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 19.59 . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operatcrs reporting 1959 . 1954. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . .- 1954. 55,496 62,345 31,599 31,707 33,206 33,198 31,327 32,120 32,234 32,707 12,981 9,803 13,117 9,391 9,999 5,945 10,195 5,996 39,087 38,485 52,284 47,720 50,961 57,025 11B,320 111,398 50,774 115,651 11,396 39,378 50, 572 56,796 113,677 107,740 1,804 1,288 1,974 1,423 2,515 2,177 2,669 2,235 51,759 56,917 66,539 74,075 40,119 37,394 34,843 21,850 11,301 8,891 3,576 768 29,628 7,207 6,436 33,745 38,046 8,799 20,127 1,087 7,712 3,260 4,452 10/25.10/31 50,993 59,166 34,831 102,365 50,287 57,800 10,803 39,484 23,456 34,544 6,409 11,177 3,885 18,333 3,828 5,337 5,062 7,162 3,122 706 49,316 56,735 4,529 4,866 712 799 369 315 370 324 520 553 545 570 83 60 33 60 193 44 195 46 467 426 535 479 680 733 1,611 1,521 675 1,584 152 523 670 733 1,559 1,459 25 19 25 19 27 43 27 43 635 733 857 937 490 481 387 223 120 73 15 9 430 33 43 636 631 28 186 10 18 6 12 11/8-11/14 664 779 1,057 1,403 658 771 119 539 265 399 89 109 116 189 55 32 74 43 42 13 658 759 37 1,404 1,484 815 870 861 920 841 979 884 1,005 213 206 215 206 310 246 312 248 897 609 1,149 1,077 1,227 1,398 2,873 2,728 1,226 2,823 299 927 1,221 1,393 2,772 2,642 40 28 51 23 49 58 50 58 1,293 1,353 1,632 1,768 1,035 940 849 541 197 123 70 26 708 221 212 1,140 1,138 38 206 2 36 30 6 10/25-10/31 1,278 1,427 2,154 2,642 1,261 1,422 384 877 592 393 100 193 125 319 58 57 74 95 1,258 1,437 115 334 369 149 158 176 187 78 77 79 78 90 65 94 20 9 313 321 536 501 316 330 907 770 316 833 61 255 315 330 857 735 23 19 26 20 20 15 24 15 239 303 407 396 179 136 252 137 17 23 10 182 36 55 16 14 274 338 37 237 114 123 11/1-11/7 291 341 495 573 287 336 34 253 139 203 73 102 95 168 55 70 71 93 41 14 279 330 37 1,289 1,460 695 567 707 573 990 1,094 1,018 1,120 245 260 245 260 201 99 201 99 787 612 361 671 1,199 1,309 2,622 2,464 1,134 2,526 261 923 1,179 1,304 2,504 2,406 22 17 22 17 66 41 96 41 1,253 1,374 1,598 1,810 1,018 1,074 776 574 161 116 36 20 722 262 125 1,020 862 1 222 10/25-10/31 1,229 1,365 2,285 2,597 1,219 1,360 215 1,004 755 1,066 119 222 163 361 42 94 53 110 1,169 1,301 56 50 1,690 1,967 943 861 953 876 1,214 1,207 1,250 1,232 476 327 477 332 386 301 388 301 902 982 1,032 1,087 1,554 1,302 3,320 3,311 1,549 3,229 395 1,154 1,549 1,797 3,213 3,246 16 20 16 25 36 40 91 40 1,615 1,334 2,115 2,436 1,373 1,204 959 539 518 492 240 22 975 196 315 1,403 1,586 76 75 5 71 46 25 10/25-10/31 1,575 1,897 2,463 3,174 1,545 1,872 430 1,115 673 913 180 277 244 436 93 137 111 130 1,542 1,703 90 111 1,676 1,813 1,340 1,485 1,507 1,624 1,031 948 1,032 959 467 370 463 371 385 217 391 218 1,452 1,569 2,327 2,156 1,566 1,727 3,874 3,874 1,560 3,774 322 1,238 1,560 1,722 3,735 3,718 36 47 39 53 100 92 100 103 1,533 1,704 2,073 2,363 1,356 1,060 1,193 779 384 359 303 221 1,301 1,139 56 580 16 40 40 11/1-11/7 1,539 1,683 2,381 2,784 1,513 1,664 260 1,253 602 868 249 459 389 740 178 260 253 369 136 42 612 636 343 360 360 362 515 590 545 606 123 123 123 123 119 4a 119 48 446 495 631 602 566 645 1,427 1,315 566 1,384 99 467 565 640 1,377 1,240 6 13 7 18 43 57 43 57 563 644 746 337 410 331 384 210 39 14 6 11 410 32 46 479 183 74 500 3 66 24 42 1,454 1,671 155 V,5 10/25-10/31 539 674 1,032 1,415 563 667 102 466 299 464 68 117 84 169 44 57 53 65 38 6 582 664 25 36 147 155 61 76 65 84 89 103 90 104 37 38 38 38 29 24 30 24 136 119 186 151 137 151 415 347 137 402 12 125 136 151 392 335 9 6 10 7 12 5 13 5 132 150 186 216 80 67 39 40 14 10 2 127 77 15 91 10/25-10/31 141 147 231 303 139 145 135 143 3 5 ^For 1954, -data relate to week of September 26-October 2. SOUTH DAKOTA 147 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on reports for onh A sample of farms See text] Butte Campbell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey Douglas 566 534 1,435 1,183 971 1,052 629 339 755 1,450 1,069 487 801 1 714 620 1,509 1,331 1,168 1,067 792 383 879 1,572 1,117 483 860 2 136 373 673 874 587 759 376 53 373 990 698 149 381 S 248 431 701 898 583 692 457 55 334 967 612 193 425 4 142 405 689 914 593 780 423 54 384 1,044 713 171 382 5 255 450 717 945 583 710 509 55 340 1,004 612 a6 426 e 40 218 1,010 745 707 390 136 13 493 399 757 77 561 7 54 161 1,090 595 793 381 93 1 589 412 697 64 610 8 45 218 1,037 760 717 395 136 13 516 408 733 78 562 9 54 162 1,119 596 804 381 93 1 616 423 708 65 625 10 152 63 246 387 127 390 210 28 129 303 379 102 129 11 119 91 159 261 143 293 159 16 120 201 315 81 138 12 154 73 24B 392 127 392 214 23 129 310 389 104 129 13 123 92 160 261 143 293 161 17 120 203 320 81 133 14 65 145 241 214 159 183 128 14 150 211 203 39 195 15 93 94 38 95 163 162 89 5 79 182 171 24 56 le 65 146 245 221 169 183 131 15 151 232 208 40 196 17 93 95 38 95 163 162 89 5 79 132 171 24 56 18 494 449 879 813 549 830 568 290 420 1,073 604 390 426 18 60S 445 798 925 543 736 634 236 404 1,036 585 336 385 20 832 670 1,062 1,082 530 1,026 924 450 473 1,302 668 589 452 21 832 618 936 1,146 609 839 914 355 429 1,230 616 480 397 22 506 514 1,304 1,083 863 931 550 238 685 1,322 989 398 711 23 644 585 1,357 1,231 1,068 992 637 303 789 1,452 1,042 379 815 24 1,180 1,296 2,971 2,400 1,884 2,087 1,404 553 1,512 2,349 2,215 340 1,612 25 1,193 1,147 2,663 2,273 2,060 1,875 1,340 450 1,512 2,668 1,990 717 1,375 26 501 509 1,299 1,083 868 931 550 288 680 1,322 934 393 711 27 1,131 1,231 2,929 2,379 1,857 2,061 1,371 529 1,461 2,337 2,169 825 1,587 28 141 70 351 241 206 271 114 116 170 316 132 156 125 29 360 439 948 842 662 710 436 172 510 1,006 302 242 536 30 500 509 1,289 1,077 367 981 548 236 630 1,322 934 396 711 31 629 583 1,357 1,231 1,048 992 687 302 784 1,452 1,042 379 305 32 1,087 1,279 2,892 2,352 1,848 2,023 1,342 493 1,454 2,820 2,149 800 1,572 33 1,135 1,125 2,581 2,234 1,977 1,853 1,285 412 1,480 2,640 1,970 696 1,354 34 39 2 33 27 9 33 25 23 7 12 19 25 10 35 22 4 22 21 15 11 24 16 1 10 3 15 36 44 2 37 27 9 38 29 36 7 17 20 25 15 37 25 5 23 23 15 11 26 18 1 10 3 15 3S 49 15 42 21 22 26 33 23 51 12 41 15 25 39 38 17 64 21 68 11 29 20 31 18 17 6 16 40 49 15 42 21 27 26 33 24 51 12 46 15 25 41 38 17 64 21 68 11 29 20 31 13 17 6 21 42 511 507 1,326 1,071 920 934 550 266 714 1,344 991 371 776 43 603 583 1,394 1,220 1,073 1,032 603 298 814 1,446 1,062 359 820 44 684 688 1,666 1,326 1,132 1,260 673 324 936 1,643 1,315 444 1,009 45 774 739 1,809 1,505 1,454 1,371 770 375 975 1,815 1,386 460 1,010 4« 404 372 1,028 753 772 660 239 201 590 957 647 73 676 47 378 229 1,061 737 773 706 153 185 658 353 420 95 680 48 363 403 779 605 636 615 370 242 538 817 522 230 500 49 193 231 409 411 428 400 216 175 254 416 283 123 339 50 41 93 154 196 95 319 95 26 154 529 377 43 191 51 57 75 66 129 136 222 43 31 142 350 260 31 125 52 9 7 16 32 40 117 2 22 42 55 126 70 53 1 8 6 13 11 2 3 11 9 11 1 1 54 98 345 737 576 436 512 327 25 383 693 630 Ml 491 55 54 39 136 126 234 128 54 30 103 171 126 49 90 56 52 10 100 68 114 197 35 51 120 110 105 16 75 57 396 236 1,124 974 705 861 158 183 637 1,080 360 26 686 58 334 125 394 960 930 661 39 89 681 1,143 799 126 632 59 94 249 104 77 30 51 404 125 10 151 83 391 20 60 254 519 615 367 70 286 6U 260 25 396 280 436 145 61 24 9 25 20 10 37 26 10 31 16 25 5 62 70 240 79 57 20 51 367 99 120 67 366 15 63 30 69 48 42 20 26 116 55 73 41 152 10 64 40 171 31 15 25 251 44 47 26 214 5 65 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 ll/l-U/7 U/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 11/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 11/1-11/7 66 527 475 1,362 990 893 986 536 319 719 1,298 1,024 397 731 67 679 572 1,453 1,270 1,093 1,016 728 329 804 1,506 1,047 460 310 68 823 898 2,265 1,572 1,329 1,640 960 507 1,116 2,136 1,316 640 1,553 69 1,154 1,333 2,739 2,149 1,606 2,020 1,464 529 1,285 2,540 1,937 797 1,405 70 505 469 1,336 974 882 986 534 318 714 1,238 1,014 386 776 71 662 569 1,442 1,260 1,068 971 723 321 779 1,491 1,017 456 300 72 107 62 277 268 195 224 65 90 131 329 231 121 175 73 398 407 1,059 706 687 762 469 228 533 959 783 265 601 74 241 273 609 403 340 409 249 147 317 630 539 161 490 76 318 429 929 598 447 654 426 139 402 898 802 254 777 76 129 35 115 86 121 74 109 32 57 103 31 79 18 77 234 156 379 173 14« 215 148 47 149 277 150 140 107 78 209 125 141 117 140 115 156 60 70 123 114 98 26 79 523 222 575 979 261 373 293 66 226 469 210 245 129 BO 77 48 67 53 44 50 63 25 32 60 35 41 8 61 127 55 145 30 88 86 73 30 104 113 80 67 37 82 111 55 83 71 49 67 83 48 44 68 43 46 9 83 170 80 198 108 137 130 108 35 120 147 89 88 42 84 49 43 54 42 39 46 51 16 23 57 33 37 7 85 28 5 13 11 5 4 12 9 4 3 2 4 1 86 507 478 1,327 1,024 856 914 472 301 703 1,214 1,005 405 774 87 604 599 1,469 1,182 1,040 993 636 317 796 1,420 1,113 415 839 88 31 78 73 113 106 67 113 33 42 179 54 74 42 89 43 31 85 108 103 81 136 39 82 165 66 66 41 »0 148 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [\ll data except residence of operator are based IU?m (For definitions and explanations, see text) Edmunds FaU River Fault Grant Gregory Haakon Hamlin Hand Hanson 1 Estimated number of farms 1959. . . 723 372 590 1,165 1,024 385 902 924 753 " 1054 . . . SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES 973 433 752 1,218 1,020 424 1,055 1,066 810 3 Grain combines farms reporting 1959 .. . 606 111 455 711 502 179 660 548 456 4 1954.. . 688 142 496 703 427 190 620 606 370 5 numlier 1059 . . . 661 117 478 739 516 194 6S5 584 460 6 1954.. . 725 149 525 717 436 200 621 629 373 7 Com piclop drier (for CTain. forage, or other cro|)s) farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 2 13 26 9 3 12 16 6 55 Powcr-operatod elevator, conveyor, or blower farms re|iortinc 19.59 . . . Fafins by kind of road on which located: 443 98 448 612 497 135 514 502 375 56 Hard surface fanns reporting 1059 . . . 54 40 59 125 85 34 137 75 96 57 1050 .. . 77 94 64 161 71 23 71 113 46 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms re|«rting 1059. . . 483 114 468 979 554 51 725 730 632 59 1950 .. . X7 86 480 937 350 40 895 481 715 60 Dirt or unimproverj farms reporting 1059 . . . 151 208 53 56 373 293 40 112 20 61 1950 . . . 597 252 203 195 754 418 45 506 46 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road fnrms reportinit 1959 . . . 6 27 12 15 83 11 5 6 10 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road forms reporting 10,59 . . . 145 181 46 41 290 282 35 106 10 64 1 to 4 miles fnrms reporting 1959 . . . 74 114 40 31 150 81 25 54 10 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION 71 67 6 10 140 201 10 52 66 Approximate averaoe dale of onurnerat ion , . . . . .1!1!50 . . . 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 11/1-11/7 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' 67 Family workers, including operalxirs fnrms reporting 1959 . . . 630 335 553 1,123 978 329 852 858 663 68 1954 . . . 905 415 680 1,173 991 372 1,015 1,004 744 69 1,340 484 813 1,835 1,760 485 1,347 1,399 1,099 70 1954 . . . 1,815 632 1,153 1,961 1,741 643 1,810 1,751 1,273 71 Operatcrs working 1 or more hours per.sons 10.59.. . 627 903 331 394 546 673 1,118 1,158 951 983 319 359 322 1,000 838 979 658 727 72 19.54... 73 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . . 78 83 120 257 227 63 180 136 183 74 549 248 426 861 724 256 642 702 475 75 Unpaid menihors of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1050 . . . 437 124 181 468 501 123 350 332 311 76 persons 1050... 713 153 267 717 809 166 525 561 4^1 77 Hired workers famKs reporting 1050 . , , 55 41 49 127 117 82 104 91 69 78 1054 .. . 215 60 171 154 183 36 U9 179 94 79 persons 1050. .. 70 58 64 161 158 127 119 119 82 80 105t . . . 328 95 256 173 238 134 292 243 136 SI Regular workers {emplnyeil 150 or more davs) . . . farms reporting 1950 .. . 36 23 42 85 62 53 54 69 33 82 10.54... 46 40 96 56 80 48 34 93 64 83 persons 1059... 42 33 53 111 75 91 59 88 41 84 1054 . . . Fnrms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 30 50 136 59 105 72 42 107 77 85 1 hired worker farms rcjiortinR 1950 . . . 31 24 32 64 55 42 49 55 27 86 2 or more hired workers fanns reporting 1959 . . . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 5 4 10 21 7 16 5 14 6 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1950 . . . 654 350 527 1,038 832 330 794 875 663 88 1954.,, 827 367 620 1,174 1,013 376 961 1,027 759 89 Not residing on farm operated operators, reporting 1959.. . 97 29 50 61 106 41 70 72 49 90 1954 . . . 113 V, 87 75 63 50 60 58 60 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. SOUTH DAKOTA 149 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on reports for only a sample of rarms. Seetext] Hording Hughes Hutchinson Hyde JackBon Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Lake Lawrence Lincoln Lyman McCook McPheraon 364 304 1,592 312 169 570 244 1,234 1,181 238 1,631 508 1,228 897 1 416 346 1,683 384 196 640 306 1,409 1,341 360 1,530 638 1,343 1,106 2 146 145 839 155 58 330 114 936 752 57 874 245 586 702 3 153 149 727 192 55 292 172 923 803 71 650 354 602 735 4 158 163 848 161 66 333 134 966 764 58 874 231 596 720 5 163 168 736 206 75 292 206 955 309 72 650 399 613 770 C 28 107 1,102 151 16 417 51 921 924 16 1,234 190 873 283 7 27 97 1,233 167 21 405 69 353 970 25 1,055 252 1,003 150 8 23 112 1,134 155 16 429 55 936 961 16 1,249 193 889 283 9 27 102 1,269 169 21 406 70 865 985 25 1,060 255 1,039 150 10 77 61 364 107 31 106 76 347 368 73 250 116 342 222 11 61 44 260 82 21 53 45 268 269 62 125 119 178 158 12 77 63 364 111 31 106 79 349 368 73 250 118 342 222 13 61 45 260 85 21 53 46 269 269 63 125 128 178 158 14 59 54 470 52 3 95 23 290 187 31 288 61 202 152 15 36 25 177 24 2 39 12 215 110 33 145 52 82 127 16 62 55 470 55 3 95 24 318 188 31 288 62 202 153 17 36 25 182 25 2 39 12 217 110 33 150 53 82 128 IB 340 249 991 231 143 373 220 793 756 207 986 470 638 743 19 349 255 823 318 157 350 251 776 716 271 780 545 683 783 20 586 444 1,099 477 209 415 436 1,013 872 303 1,049 798 683 932 21 434 379 896 478 200 404 426 915 779 343 810 883 723 879 22 335 286 1,492 295 139 546 223 1,141 1,091 231 1,510 481 1,123 853 23 361 318 1,588 375 135 595 236 1,319 1,231 270 1,405 593 1,218 1,060 24 819 696 3,357 889 356 1,268 644 2,643 2,452 450 3,166 1,241 2,296 1,996 25 775 681 3,138 869 333 1,117 637 2,649 2,466 448 2,755 1,314 2,324 1,910 28 334 286 1,487 294 139 546 223 1,141 1,036 231 1,510 480 1,123 347 27 783 630 3,319 876 348 1,250 639 2,605 2,381 420 3,091 1,214 2,261 1,976 2S 78 88 300 25 22 116 31 210 275 110 356 96 295 125 29 256 198 1,137 269 117 430 192 931 8U 121 1,154 384 828 722 30 332 286 1,487 293 139 546 222 1,136 1,066 225 1,510 478 1,123 847 31 356 317 1,573 374 184 595 285 1,319 1,281 240 1,400 591 1,208 1,060 32 745 661 3,236 857 327 1,249 596 2,583 2,317 400 3,051 1,176 2,256 1,971 33 726 650 3,041 826 3L4 1,104 582 2,597 2,410 376 2,695 1,248 2,249 1,892 34 35 13 28 18 19 1 38 22 64 20 30 35 5 3 35 29 9 28 13 12 6 45 21 8 25 10 36 10 4 36 33 19 33 19 21 1 43 22 64 20 40 38 5 5 37 34 13 29 18 13 6 52 26 9 26 10 43 25 6 36 32 15 38 12 8 18 4 38 71 30 75 25 35 17 39 14 17 68 23 6 7 3 26 47 46 50 23 45 12 40 36 16 38 13 3 18 5 38 71 30 75 27 35 20 41 15 18 68 25 6 7 3 26 47 46 50 23 50 12 42 311 275 1,531 237 145 536 222 1,173 1,095 233 1,565 481 1,193 839 43 330 303 1,632 342 174 595 252 1,329 1,271 288 1,480 568 1,243 1,034 44 428 377 1,992 386 188 687 309 1,542 1,402 316 1,991 627 1,472 1,085 45 439 414 2,122 469 224 799 377 1,709 1,587 364 1,960 785 1,599 1,345 4« 256 200 1,191 276 113 423 101 969 965 233 1,395 315 917 557 47 181 111 1,183 95 93 406 94 1,042 1,011 203 1,250 355 952 533 48 239 183 1,207 225 113 310 148 761 805 145 979 289 763 713 49 181 120 873 132 58 107 84 439 590 100 620 141 533 419 50 7 24 436 42 12 68 18 193 321 27 417 26 330 213 51 4 12 348 40 10 70 16 191 302 33 330 8 200 171 52 1 1 138 1 1 29 107 156 24 140 150 19 S3 1 5 23 1 1 6 4 8 31 1 36 10 20 54 124 131 967 128 42 329 79 869 666 36 930 239 753 561 55 12 16 280 6 17 59 32 142 122 79 320 51 140 92 5S 1 52 200 11 36 10 52 137 182 100 166 62 165 40 67 116 244 1,262 194 32 502 16 1,020 966 159 1,264 89 1,048 563 58 42 252 1,463 180 20 423 24 1,115 1,102 187 1,546 78 1,116 433 59 230 32 35 111 110 9 193 52 35 39 20 357 25 231 60 382 123 90 190 197 151 247 135 50 110 30 503 30 593 61 9 7 10 16 23 10 21 5 12 20 15 48 62 221 25 25 95 87 "9 133 31 30 27 '20 337 10 133 63 28 10 20 42 34 6 50 11 20 14 20 148 10 79 64 193 15 5 53 53 3 133 20 10 13 189 104 65 10/25- 10,'31 lVl-a'7 10/25-10/31 10/25- 10/31 10/13-10/24 11-1- in 10/25- 10/31 10/25-10/31 11/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 10/25-10/31 11/1-11/7 10/25-10/31 66 324 259 1,431 310 149 544 203 1,135 1,036 224 1,561 446 1,188 803 67 352 307 1,598 369 192 615 280 1,353 1,271 290 1,385 1,119 1,253 1,017 68 538 440 3,015 498 249 936 313 1,724 1,752 384 2,471 724 2,153 1,521 69 624 498 3,280 753 321 1,033 503 2,187 2,071 461 2,205 1,113 2,239 2,141 70 310 251 1,461 307 144 543 194 1,130 1,081 223 1,541 444 1,183 792 71 352 299 1,593 363 138 585 277 1,348 1,261 239 1,365 605 1,223 1,011 72 37 42 202 52 32 116 42 235 317 66 305 92 200 115 73 273 209 1,259 255 112 427 152 395 764 157 1,236 352 983 677 74 154 124 1,020 142 70 249 79 431 456 108 605 193 638 448 75 223 189 1,554 191 105 393 119 594 671 161 930 280 970 729 76 74 50 51 53 34 47 57 175 102 30 168 119 71 92 77 32 100 149 58 27 73 75 198 254 46 250 195 200 163 78 107 67 71 93 51 73 80 215 127 41 208 161 81 134 79 120 138 230 90 40 92 108 448 471 65 380 308 300 267 80 49 33 30 40 25 24 35 100 42 19 103 72 21 44 81 61 61 32 33 15 39 45 32 109 30 145 103 55 44 82 65 46 35 65 30 27 48 110 54 27 113 91 21 47 83 31 97 33 50 18 50 58 124 163 34 130 153 55 50 84 36 26 25 29 21 21 26 93 33 13 88 60 21 41 85 13 7 5 11 4 3 9 7 9 6 15 12 3 86 325 252 1,454 295 149 499 202 1,064 1,061 279 1,454 453 1,136 791 87 370 281 1,582 351 192 580 238 1,250 1,139 316 1,576 556 1,237 941 88 21 52 84 20 14 42 57 112 69 18 93 32 71 104 89 35 42 33 42 26 51 44 138 79 18 75 70 66 153 90 150 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [AJl data except residence of operator are based (For definitions and explanations, see text) Moody Petmington Estimated number of farms. . . .1959 . 1954. SPECFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAaLITIES &&in combines farms repotting number Com picl 89 10 104 9,044 104 334 '2 230 2 4 4 1,6' IC 8 234 ■0 14,071 8 234 7 442 151 10,724 151 437 '96 3,908 96 164 50 51 52 53 54 3 10 55 56 '"i "io 1 57 58 120 16 5 59 60 30 16 — 61 '10 62 565 504 645 910,163 688,943 346 534 472 516 302,722 283,416 418 1,424 1,313 1,364 2,103,934 996,410 1,049 1,166 971 1,085 806,382 395,494 618 951 753 963 1,871,105 1,187,861 570 1,037 910 919 1,503,832 646,721 673 688,576 531 724 119,671 199,350 279 252 495 581 208,695 268,569 452 519 31 50 12 12 9 3 624 551 584 547,006 140,196 379 1,002,339 251 416 115,169 184,807 78 144 29 380 394 327,931 306,348 270 X8 78 54 32 32 22 10 339 306 325 333,081 296,799 74 66 73 1,000,39 464,91 5 1,450 9 1,275 4 1,294 5 1,157,022 827,001 1,064 932 965 814,390 699,715 464 400 346 280, 9U 165,519 791 766 824 1,189,921 620,525 63 64 65 66 67 1,337,096 312 467 153,967 179,680 83 192 37 305 427 430, 674 511,795 194 261 53 95 58 71 35 23 678,985 387 421 141,322 143,366 147 212 28 3U 340 201,643 177,383 249 272 40 55 22 13 21 1 1,313,141 906 1,103 224,437 343,205 486 399 21 689 783 338,717 422,235 594 669 64 81 31 33 24 7 514,723 442 903 97,147 237,092 248 187 7 492 679 258, 624 424,918 434 592 38 56 20 31 16 4 4,092,384 548 752 164,303 230,225 236 283 29 395 513 184,425 335,258 344 410 37 75 14 28 12 2 183 430,877 109 110 29,803 27,097 72 27 10 134 105 137,421 103,981 102 76 18 23 14 6 7 7 55 595,751 43 62 99,52( 136,37, 24' IS 33' 48^ 172, 54C 191,91C 30C 416 23 61 14 8 10 4 5 900 3 573,364 3 754 5 994 3 133,939 216,336 r 492 > 265 > 7 634 760 278,373 305,536 564 693 63 53 7 14 6 1 743 742,489 623 744 146,113 156,255 337 271 15 500 560 186,609 183,143 446 509 48 49 6 2 5 1 191 294,685 154 239 91,174 145,300 36 93 25 217 235 169, 555 236,060 163 161 37 52 17 22 15 2 681 527,224 531 629 136,675 154,405 291 223 17 376 374 96,892 104,125 357 343 12 30 7 1 6 1 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 563 670 451,591 470,277 263 54,146 519 605 536,617 483,447 374 97,953 1,399 1,348 1,073,352 996,506 1,116 299,763 1,113 1,281 880,023 869,238 664 204,859 881 1,088 624,216 632,700 567 163,164 1,012 1,042 812,934 740,460 586 166,711 615 708 604,135 586,217 357 110,229 332 336 170,524 134,610 122 11,125 715 774 546,496 483,823 447 116,415 1,445 1,497 1,015,003 914,734 826 201,845 1,014 1,056 753,817 601,157 667 151,240 436 452 345,504 334,609 146 46,991 751 820 572, 860 531,230 531 146,012 89 90 91 92 93 >4 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND £nata are based on rooorta for only lUtn (For dcfinitiors ftml pxplanations see (eitl) Edmunds Fall River Faulk Grant Gregory Haakon Hamlin Hand Hanson 1 I'SE OF COMMF.Rnil, FFRTUIZER U "otinnTcinl fertilizer ^nd fertilizint: 'D LIKE , farms reporting 1959 .. - 1954... s on which used 1959 .. . 1954... tons 1959 .. . 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... . fanns reporting 1959 .. . 1954 .. . acres 1959. .. 1954 . . . . farms reporung 1959 .. . tons 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 ,. . Ions 1959 . . . . fajms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... acres 1959 . . . 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 .. . acres 1959... 1954 .. . . farms rc^rting 1959. . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . acres 1959... 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954... . farms reporting 1959. . . t7( 3 60 9,466 3 21,371 4,035 ,12 5,570 80 1,825 348 6,907 27,410 39,347 L6( 3 25 24,160 450 4 1,«3 276 32 991 14 27 16 362 811 2,541 41 3 2 655 5 1,225 243 18 296 83 9 254 2,126 3,632 3 2 1,658 24 6 377 68 7 166 3 7 86 188 438 1 7 2 164 7 1,451 27b 32 943 20 16 362 811 2,324 4J 3 2 625 8 5 26 2 72 L 1 10 9 2 48 14 7 217 z (Z) 30 10 134 16 1 18 4 56 87 57 n 125 12 3 13 3 "2 8 240 251 164 12 4,246 995 16 2,175 130 1,885 2,495 '10 1,078 13 3,382 680 86 626 88 '23 285 5,035 4,127 4,531 14 134 16 1 18 4 56 87 52 15 235 53 1 161 14 118 240 78 5 10 1« 17 IK 5 10 10 "2 '16 '16 10 la 10 16 1 30 51 40 20 200 150 850 140 260 470 125 21 80 215 'is 825 830 530 22 5 10 10 2 10 11 10 23 5 13 55 8 15 ... 21 5 5 8 24 2S 2« 183 '26 '3 84 "i 6 '31 128 368 119 27 203 55 1 78 17 2 65 346 505 271 28 11,369 1,725 ;96 4,869 370 200 615 1,947 6,495 18,376 Jl 6,182 29 9,390 1,990 80 1,903 615 170 3,818 14,150 20,800 16< 11,464 "so 30 178 26 3 71 1 6 31 128 311 119 .11 516 115 13 205 6 15 95 585 1,506 1. 388 32 5 14 62 5 33 2 21 14 197 z 20 34 144 2 124 5 1 '36 36 10 35 66 "1 2 31 13 46 36 15 36 5,873 30 9,408 642 27 2,222 1,345 26 1 'so UO 37 3,479 120 162 1,898 'so 786 1,718 620 2 305 290 IS 144 2 116 3 1 36 31 10 39 238 2 456 8 18 1 ... 14 2 7 1 102 91 5 5 1 (Z) 10 6 ... 40 41 42 43 NA NA MA NA 30 NA 'na NA NA NA NA Hi i NA NA 81 NA 44 45 MA HA NA NA 1 1 NA 'na NA NA NA NA NJ I NA NA 6 8 'na , 713 169 1,310 172 324 320 997 1,717 1,146 .9' 7 141 1,294 238 65 1,343,248 862,440 196, 716 1,336,041 294,965 482,092 488,425 1,117,029 3,090,176 2,445,920 540, >4 L 150,018 2,082,010 379,363 66 1, 103, 309 511,821 110, 249 742,289 133,333 240,059 242,429 575,649 1,737,940 1,766,700 187, 3]. 3 75,303 1,657,534 178,917 67 1,077 534 72 803 116 241 193 664 1,329 803 .2 96 905 136 66 392,446 963,198 270, 132 878,597 1,059,903 976,095 445,947 2,031, 573 3,676,046 3,837,360 1,380^ SL 5 242,138 3,567,850 638,038 69 1,107 376 72 667 97 180 123 545 1,112 725 96( ) 91 663 119 70 1,256 513 90 1,068 142 310 185 634 1,547 961 J3 ! 87 972 174 71 237,728 84,765 102, 937 168,014 69,201 177,879 59,535 216,122 234,349 200,975 166, )1- 5 50,265 230,810 78,281 72 266,776 133,617 131, 813 475,4^2 108,775 424,656 55,704 292,029 337,239 229, 569 133, ^L 3 37,803 195,790 99,028 73 647 205 28 316 12 60 48 249 641 331 13 L 33 355 42 74 444 168 13 338 59 31 64 236 466 363 L9 S 43 298 54 75 16 5 31 13 26 39 U 60 5 31 3 . 15 10 23 76 943 344 100 646 113 168 192 438 624 668 !6 3 116 528 156 77 1,116 451 106 951 121 247 224 578 1,067 741 >9 3 102 799 170 78 379,393 196,013 183, 995 369,957 245,998 270,625 257,003 426,942 250,293 284,990 177, >2' 142,684 520,484 207,944 79 401,338 186,556 198, 710 562,721 238,907 332,316 265,142 417,904 269,440 298,806 174, 14 > 101,774 319,780 179,314 80 845 290 43 533 47 111 131 293 760 603 L9 ) 77 460 116 61 1,021 412 53 782 50 159 157 427 1,020 651 >4 L 71 7U ue B! S4 31 29 85 40 45 30 90 46 31 5( 3 22 46 19 83 81 26 30 123 38 53 40 110 36 75 3 ! 22 70 33 84 14 23 28 28 26 32 31 55 18 34 1' 17 22 19 85 14 13 23 46 33 35 27 41 11 15 1 ) 9 16 19 86 10 IS 21 24 14 22 19 45 15 27 1< 12 13 12 87 4 7 4 12 10 12 10 3 7 5 9 7 88 1,745 699 141 1,309 205 393 355 985 1,624 1,223 pl. 155 1,141 290 89 1,747 787 201 1,505 222 384 397 1,136 1,727 1,2U )4. 3 143 1,294 333 90 1,340,494 544,325 164, 160 1,291,052 224,019 457,579 314,245 942,499 1,066,260 697,905 501, Lie 3 161,009 790,151 265,222 91 1,174,544 521,764 133, 750 1,341,762 203,364 492,093 282,738 955,159 855,475 662,000 419, W ) 116,014 756,222 211,733 92 1,249 422 46 818 93 304 152 649 1,064 731 ' .0 7 70 866 107 93 290,564 114,166 10, 014 290,370 32,506 146,746 15,174 148,894 206,530 162,876 116, 2< > 9,925 223,971 40,165 94 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item The State Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Homne Brooliliigs Brovm Bnile Buffalo (For definitions and explanations , see text) -1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1059. . . i7,401 661 1,213 285 1,134 1,379 1,254 575 134 2 1954 . . . 55,200 750 1,386 338 1,262 1,602 1,530 651 148 3 number 1959 . . . 3,321,517 46,750 77,844 44,296 42,930 61,234 74,009 57,345 27,057 4 1954 . . . 3,UO,208 49,337 30,866 42,778 43,918 63,890 76,357 53,030 27,957 5 Ccnvs. including hcifors ihal hole calv«j .farms reponing 1959... 4 nuuilier of shi^-p and lambs- 19.54 . . . 28,732 275 373 172 201 557 784 236 103 92 Under 25 .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 3,937 37 101 15 53 157 115 21 6 83 25 to 299 .farms reporting 1059 . . . 8,732 137 270 24 85 335 364 91 52 84 .300 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,425 19 20 9 7 32 47 12 4 95 Chickens 1 months old and over .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 41,001 589 1,097 220 1,142 1,275 1,067 519 106 96 1951 . . . 49,965 704 1,312 275 1,276 1,533 1,344 637 125 87 number 1959. .. 8,932,412 122,567 273,232 12,398 302,905 367,997 275,840 110,700 15,483 89 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 month 1954 .. . s old and ovr?r— 9,004,503 143,449 260,071 20,342 236,719 379,707 199,729 121,314 19,777 89 Under 50 .farms reporting 19.59. . . 6,506 58 131 136 57 85 154 61 19 90 50 to 399 .farms reporting 1959. . . 28,729 466 799 81 873 907 757 389 80 91 400 to 799 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4,822 59 136 3 184 237 98 61 7 92 800 to 1,599 .farms repcrting 1959 .. . 798 6 27 ... 20 43 37 8 93 1,60010 3.199 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 103 1 3 2 13 94 3,200 or more . .farms reporting 1959.. . 33 3 ... 1 8 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,754 19 50 22 5 7 69 21 la 96 1954... 1,676 30 46 28 1 11 69 29 10 97 number 1959 .. . 17,732 131 282 m 26 230 1,973 130 107 98 1954.. 11,798 150 251 164 1 220 329 156 86 SOUTH DAKOTA 159 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Butte Campbell Charles Mix Clark Clay Ccxllngton Coraon Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey Douglas 435 505 1,279 964 685 801 521 305 668 1,162 930 445 748 1 556 571 1,425 1,141 902 937 629 339 763 1,368 1,079 414 836 2 31,469 39,558 77,566 47,261 33,672 33,087 59,982 35,987 35,169 36,790 39,634 51,623 33,419 .1 40,703 36,500 79,706 49,135 29,432 33,493 63,916 30,823 33,418 45,823 40,426 53,707 34,565 t 425 495 1,257 938 523 767 515 294 648 1,123 900 441 735 5 543 567 1,411 1,124 797 918 622 329 748 1,346 1,064 410 831 6 14,743 17,623 34,099 22,492 4,523 15,542 31,592 16,501 14,848 18,409 17,059 23,496 15,106 7 17,630 16,523 33,884 21,245 6,452 14,386 29,821 16,301 14,110 20,187 16,979 26, U2 14,697 8 335 388 843 615 404 582 358 191 434 854 715 199 585 9 446 507 1,013 915 659 783 490 231 567 1,131 910 240 715 1(1 1,939 3,677 5,212 4,405 2,222 5,838 2,518 1,094 3,421 8,474 6,843 1,130 5,241 11 2,502 4,652 4,910 5,842 3,325 6,960 3,542 1,009 3,608 10,856 7,897 1,476 5,371 12 375 481 1,197 900 558 718 474 268 622 1,056 359 412 714 13 504 559 1,363 1,086 763 897 608 284 723 1,328 1,034 390 801 14 8,941 9,853 21,350 12,183 11,632 9,193 15,077 12,303 10,527 10,730 11,281 13,158 9,452 15 10,843 10,347 22,613 14,423 9,064 10,314 16,953 7,135 9,971 14,082 12,496 14,100 10,321 16 374 486 1,202 888 595 7U 491 273 614 1,001 863 419 704 17 406 556 1,352 1,072 792 859 595 304 705 1,273 1,024 396 781 18 7,785 12,082 22,117 12,586 17,517 8,352 13,313 7,183 9,794 7,651 11,294 9,%9 8,861 19 12,230 9,630 23,209 13,467 13,916 3,793 17, 142 7,387 9,337 11,554 10,951 13,495 9,547 20 13 1 6 6 9 11 4 2 7 8 6 4 3 21 46 6 35 31 57 33 12 15 12 49 29 11 IS 22 55 9 56 62 67 42 18 19 37 91 33 12 24 23 71 27 148 137 140 132 19 25 89 237 140 23 89 24 90 133 502 409 218 364 116 76 275 584 459 82 357 25 62 204 354 213 121 177 153 70 176 173 204 108 212 26 98 125 178 106 73 42 199 93 72 20 59 205 45 27 43 7 20 13 63 26 12 8 20 27 34 10 12 28 156 34 221 193 297 159 37 51 137 296 206 41 121 29 56 77 360 296 109 263 62 44 173 460 333 46 254 30 38 103 279 192 35 157 77 31 149 225 181 48 201 31 38 163 219 U9 15 115 108 50 118 96 102 76 124 32 34 77 90 57 3 31 90 39 37 19 37 56 18 33 14 23 33 9 1 7 52 29 3 3 3 80 4 34 46 U 35 24 4 77 42 6 2 4 84 1 35 76 19 108 73 36 60 65 66 76 50 61 47 53 36 215 199 570 373 264 264 198 102 223 394 334 113 301 37 25 145 143 145 39 186 76 11 92 343 266 35 191 38 6 20 19 17 9 56 16 2 27 56 39 4 29 39 10 5 3 6 5 12 2 6 9 10 13 11 40 3 1 1 4 1 4 2 1 2 ... ... 41 293 241 375 279 113 202 367 260 154 384 282 362 82 42 341 402 698 463 195 413 507 285 239 769 501 340 199 43 1,180 841 782 735 205 421 2,190 1,067 447 998 694 3,175 143 44 1,121 1,173 1,647 1,187 376 973 2,454 1,112 632 1,888 1,265 2,441 387 45 124 355 1,051 616 657 473 286 66 517 747 613 164 663 46 179 424 1,121 746 743 580 333 62 605 938 697 137 715 47 1,900 15,81B 78,912 25,542 59,113 15,497 11,104 969 36,614 22,293 29,483 6,451 43,148 4S 2,221 12,819 64,194 25,558 59,333 17,824 10,725 299 33,536 26,937 23,836 6,49; 40,884 49 79 110 542 245 346 208 127 a 294 283 325 70 390 50 100 72 443 261 333 198 106 27 267 256 292 89 305 51 1,049 4,101 24,566 7,677 20,219 6,319 3,595 628 14,038 6,658 11,643 1,545 18,092 5? 1,069 1,460 15,974 6,175 15,876 4,550 2,134 143 9,509 5,296 7,099 2,139 10, 3U 53 84 307 921 509 599 367 244 46 451 608 532 135 584 54 134 386 977 624 627 475 294 43 539 809 589 146 659 55 851 11,717 54,346 17,865 38,894 9,178 7,509 341 22,576 15,635 17,345 4,906 25,056 56 1,152 11,359 48,220 19,333 43,457 13,274 8,591 156 24,027 21,691 16,787 4,354 30,573 57 76 83 76 94 28 104 83 45 36 234 75 52 38 58 24 83 126 166 67 143 72 10 59 200 113 36 114 59 21 143 554 306 309 201 102 9 301 277 367 60 391 60 3 46 295 50 253 25 29 2 121 36 63 16 120 61 397 98 U7 508 151 411 95 50 132 357 429 111 105 62 380 73 87 454 96 376 65 35 109 379 441 68 63 63 262,317 7,231 7,960 39,365 11,627 29,783 35,635 9,283 10,373 18,629 33,725 27,211 5,436 64 245,327 5,430 5,181 25,342 9,375 21,849 23,138 4,248 5,647 16,713 27,944 10,768 3,099 65 290 69 87 354 121 289 77 30 78 221 318 86 65 66 315 51 74 361 77 310 53 25 79 287 343 56 48 67 89,857 2,091 3,042 U,3S3 7,524 10,494 U,681 2,117 4,140 5,384 14,328 6,316 1,803 68 127,906 2,125 2,431 9,068 3,004 8,507 4,921 620 2,080 5,697 10,939 4,275 1,353 69 369 94 103 499 129 402 34 45 126 349 413 105 100 70 326 72 84 442 79 360 58 32 102 372 429 49 60 71 172,460 5,140 4,918 27,982 4,103 19,289 23,954 7,166 6,233 13,245 19,397 20,395 3,628 72 117,4a 3,305 2,750 16,274 1,871 13,342 18,217 3,628 3,567 11,016 17,005 6,493 1,746 73 364 90 100 495 124 397 82 44 126 344 415 103 100 74 325 72 81 437 77 359 57 32 99 367 428 49 59 75 168,738 4,963 4,751 27,149 3,884 18,604 22,932 6,952 6,070 12,797 18,382 19,716 3,524 76 114,189 3,211 2,639 15,714 1,481 12,857 17,723 3,492 3,452 10,453 16,532 6,292 1,648 77 279 57 70 359 65 266 68 32 79 222 269 34 65 78 244 32 45 272 33 218 38 22 50 233 232 26 27 79 3,722 177 167 833 219 685 1,022 214 163 448 515 679 104 60 3,232 94 111 560 390 485 494 136 115 563 473 201 98 81 28 40 37 110 61 108 21 17 38 120 113 24 49 82 136 54 77 384 80 292 50 25 89 232 303 43 55 S3 233 4 3 14 10 U 24 3 5 5 13 39 1 84 374 434 1,185 838 636 671 403 220 606 930 823 274 702 65 528 533 1,362 1,019 906 826 541 246 749 1,197 977 234 796 86 26,581 72,020 261,763 181,695 148,930 132,236 29,759 11,930 148,046 208,308 216,153 20,164 185,909 8T 35,898 64,227 268,805 186,902 173,175 152,153 42,416 14,472 143,033 186,918 194,831 23,988 137,055 88 218 61 100 87 56 85 176 160 41 120 78 U8 33 89 145 347 948 642 479 522 221 58 460 683 589 153 541 9C 10 22 125 95 82 55 5 1 91 93 126 3 116 91 1 2 11 14 19 7 1 13 25 26 11 92 2 "i ... 2 "i 1 7 2 2 2 1 93 94 27 23 21 58 30 38 22 14 28 10 65 11 95 47 19 17 47 1 24 63 18 11 34 7 56 5 96 123 63 70 291 4,926 , 207 79 53 109 33 401 69 97 158 75 84 262 1 817 339 62 293 605 42 311 26 98 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item Edmunds FaU River Fauli Grant Gregoiy Haakon Hamlin Hand Hanson (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Cattle and calves . .farms reporting 1959. . . 693 356 530 974 924 340 738 861 675 5 1954 . . . 868 369 6U 1,134 1,022 389 885 1,000 762 :t number 1959 .. . 53,475 35,044 42,968 37,205 72,921 64,772 28,807 33,324 29,593 4 1954 . . . 56,624 38,333 47,939 38,504 71,007 67,957 28,991 83,761 30,912 5 Co^^s. including heifers that have calved .farms reporting 1959... 684 350 523 953 912 334 705 837 658 c 1954 .. . 863 365 605 1,116 1,018 383 864 983 755 7 number 1959 . . . 26,512 17,790 21,298 16,905 33,121 29,007 12,031 37,896 13,709 8 1954 . . . 25,519 17,899 21,975 15,876 32,311 28,737 11,860 42,139 13,707 0 Milk cons .farms reporting 1959 . . . 531 225 341 783 725 211 475 593 477 10 1954 .. . 740 270 462 953 340 287 715 752 620 11 number 1959 . . . 5,539 875 1,814 9,631 4,696 768 4,515 3,573 3,825 IS 1951... 7,965 1,186 2,618 9,120 4,969 1,229 5,155 4,132 4,241 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 660 324 493 398 879 317 674 804 629 14 1954 . . . 835 340 595 1,030 998 373 852 950 737 15 number 1959... 14,504 9,549 11,304 11,159 19,530 17,551 8,415 23,170 3,414 16 1954 . . . 17,919 10,117 13,. ■■37 12,319 19,510 18,567 9,153 24,945 9,294 17 Steers and bulls, incliidiny ^aeeran.1 bull calves. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 665 325 481 837 332 326 657 305 618 18 1954 . . . 304 335 582 1,027 993 376 320 958 719 19 number 1959 . . . 12,459 7,705 10,366 9,U1 20,270 18,214 3,361 22,753 7,470 50 Farms reporting bv number oo hand: Cattle and colve..^- 1954... 13,186 10,317 12,427 10,309 19,186 20,653 7,978 21,677 7,911 21 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 4 3 2 2 10 5 3 22 2to4 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 11 26 11 20 23 6 25 25 13 23 5to9 .famis reporting 1959 .. . 14 IS 22 56 38 9 47 34 34 24 lOIo in .farms reporting 1959 .. . 33 37 36 192 81 11 no 53 89 25 20 to 49 .farms reporting 1959. . . 173 79 135 490 296 36 348 163 340 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . , 285 70 190 158 286 64 172 265 157 27 100 or more Cows, including heifers that have calved- .farms reporting 1959 .. . 172 125 132 55 198 212 26 316 39 28 I .farms reporting 1959. . . 5 16 10 18 10 6 30 21 9 20 21o9....r .farms reporting 1959 .. . 57 64 55 235 148 31 178 100 127 30 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . , 83 38 92 425 201 12 253 109 236 •11 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 134 40 86 145 166 32 153 101 164 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 225 59 132 94 200 53 76 227 92 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 126 44 81 26 100 69 10 135 23 34 75 to 99 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 30 32 39 3 36 44 5 60 1 35 lOO or more Milk cows— .farms reporting 1959 .. . 24 57 28 7 51 37 84 6 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 43 85 71 24 94 72 62 95 46 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959. . - 219 124 220 280 476 122 208 377 276 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 212 11 41 375 134 15 154 105 127 39 20 to 29 .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 44 2 5 81 20 1 43 10 21 40 30 lo 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 11 1 4 18 1 1 8 5 6 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 2 2 5 1 1 42 Horses and.'ot mules .farms reporting 1959 . . . 250 260 169 218 392 276 106 376 111 43 19.54 . . . 512 278 285 450 553 323 285 557 239 44 number 1959 . . . 655 837 489 519 1,082 1,307 261 1,117 214 45 1954,.. 1,409 1,031 762 1,030 1,468 1,559 607 1,677 543 46 Hogs and pies,,,.,,.,..,...,,,,....,,..,,.. .farms reporting 19.i9. . . 471 111 320 603 640 92 555 575 552 47 1954 . . . 576 84 385 743 689 147 641 685 616 48 number 1959... 17,125 3,097 18,222 24,704 39,047 3,113 29,451 35,510 28,849 49 1954... 15,695 1,736 17,903 27,655 32,361 3,517 23,627 37, 132 31,746 50 Bom since June I .farms reporlin:: 1959... 174 57 134 270 354 48 294 274 263 51 1954... 140 49 116 319 314 64 274 296 229 52 number 1959 .. . 5,314 1,310 5,052 8,844 14,522 1,357 11,416 11,502 11,072 53 1954 .. . 2,164 824 3,714 8,673 9,760 343 7,271 9,693 9,596 54 Born before June 1 408 91 273 512 539 64 472 491 483 55 1954 .. . 522 59 349 611 590 127 547 618 573 56 number 1959 . . . 11,811 1,787 13,170 15,860 24,525 1,756 18,035 24,008 17,777 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954 . . . 13,531 912 14,189 18,982 23,101 2,674 16,356 27,439 22,150 58 llndeclO .farms reporting 1959. , . 116 42 55 109 64 39 53 84 68 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 19,59 . . . 122 25 62 132 104 19 99 110 108 60 25 to 99 .farms reporting 1959... 203 38 U5 315 340 25 333 263 307 61 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . 25 ' 58 47 132 9 70 118 69 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 1959 . . . 185 137 249 229 109 97 262 397 136 63 191)4 . . . 201 92 230 223 52 72 251 330 169 64 number 1959... 15,113 51,324 31,977 16,711 11,009 35,346 17,129 53,149 13,918 65 1954... 9,406 33,156 26,898 12,243 4,076 16,364 13,205 31,785 9,723 66 I .arnbs under I year old , farms reporting 19.59 . . . 150 107 178 188 86 30 196 284 131 67 1951... 167 73 191 178 40 51 201 258 119 66 number 19.59 . . . 5,491 18,478 11,246 6,702 3,764 10,735 5,795 15,605 5,167 69 1954 . . . 3,891 12,865 10,179 4,961 1,722 3,730 5,351 10,356 3,890 70 Sheep 1 VI. ar old and over .farms reporting 1959 . . . 179 134 233 220 104 92 258 382 178 71 1954 . . . 191 85 224 217 48 67 238 320 160 72 number 1959... 9,622 32,846 20,731 10,009 7,245 24,611 11,334 37,544 8,751 7.1 1954 . . - 5,515 20,291 16,719 7,282 2,354 12,634 7,854 21,429 5,838 74 Ewes .farms reporting 1959 . . . 178 133 228 220 104 92 253 331 175 75 1954... 190 35 223 215 48 65 235 317 158 76 nuiibor 1959 .. . 9,372 31,436 19,983 9,537 7,005 23,845 10,961 36,531 3,475 77 19.54 . . . 5,084 19,439 16,304 7,030 2,266 12,103 7,490 20,827 5,604 78 Ram.1 and wether^ .farms reputing 1959. . . 119 102 173 139 73 71 151 300 114 79 1954 . . . 93 72 159 113 30 44 143 229 83 80 nitnilier 1959... 250 1,410 748 422 240 766 373 1,013 276 SI Farms reporting bv nuiiilH-r of shci-p and bmhs- 19.54 . . . 431 852 415 252 88 531 364 602 234 82 Under 2.1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 65 18 39 75 28 18 68 57 77 83 25 to ii99 . .farms reporting 19.59 . . - 112 74 138 147 76 46 190 300 102 84 .300 or more .farms reporting 1959 .. . 8 45 22 7 5 33 4 40 7 85 Chickens A months old and over .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1951 . . . 636 776 265 269 452 551 753 956 769 900 247 334 662 823 727 912 606 709 86 87 number 1959... 135,555 21,291 111,553 152,100 108,963 18,640 187,376 155,296 130,272 88 I-nmis reporting by number of chickens I month 1954 .. . s old and over- 124,207 22,043 93,013 154,015 150,480 27,388 182,239 154,197 139,307 89 finder 50 . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 51 156 54 103 135 127 47 117 47 90 50 to 399 ..farms reporting 1959... 511 107 333 563 606 115 469 509 '88 91 400 to 799 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 59 1 51 67 27 5 119 76 65 92 800 to 1,599 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 9 10 17 1 24 20 5 93 1,600 10 3.199 . , farms repotting 1959 .. . 6 2 3 3 3 1 94 3,200 c« more . .farms reporting 1959 , . , 1 2 2 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reforting 19.59 . . . 57 19 39 23 23 19 11 53 9 99 1954 . . . 67 20 39 11 11 28 16 60 11 97 number 1959... 225 127 181 103 130 49 40 251 37 98 1954... 452 89 212 64 350 111 74 370 49 SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 161 Harding Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury LaJie Lawrence Lincoln Lyman McCook McPherson 316 245 1,455 307 160 508 218 985 968 263 1,330 468 1,084 303 1 360 282 1,597 362 194 584 258 1,179 1,110 297 1,557 540 1,234 976 2 58,620 33,708 68,490 52,120 25,746 32,777 36,851 52,092 41,657 17,345 55,132 70, 167 45,963 57,321 3 64,170 39,271 70,359 50,346 27,711 38,563 39,308 50,332 41,801 19,407 54,963 74,006 45,144 50,292 4 316 237 1,425 299 157 492 217 906 875 254 1,065 459 1,023 737 5 358 280 1,580 358 188 572 252 1,131 1,070 287 1,429 533 1,209 970 6 27,819 16,491 30,430 22,715 11,847 15,123 17,319 19,7o2 14,472 8,657 U,592 32,320 13,540 27,929 7 29,223 19,861 29,888 24,509 11,726 16,662 17,698 19,751 15,244 8,904 15,056 33,347 13,519 24,181 6 225 160 1,030 220 107 354 146 505 561 167 331 239 715 659 e 280 197 1,335 280 146 443 184 312 817 219 1,139 375 927 901 10 815 1,047 10,043 1,230 477 2,191 588 3,757 5,149 1,530 6,716 1,U0 5,836 7,273 n 1,058 1,054 11,473 1,522 635 2,520 794 4,524 5,970 1,639 7,525 1,383 6,302 11,814 12 296 225 1,392 297 151 432 203 909 891 225 1,131 441 1,013 776 13 3A6 267 1,547 342 189 559 249 1,115 1,051 258 1,397 516 1,182 947 14 16,737 9,483 18,594 13,974 7,061 8,402 9,511 15,584 12,996 4,459 17,624 19,086 13,174 15,893 '15 19,346 10,614 20,860 13,831 7,149 10,903 10,934 14,585 13,539 5,331 14,864 20,673 13,510 15,093 16 300' 225 1,391 299 153 481 202 893 378 230 1,167 446 1,016 783 17 345 271 1,529 347 190 562 249 1,106 1,046 242 1,429 512 1,165 942 18 14,064 7,734 19,466 15,431 6,838 9,252 10,021 16,746 14,139 4,229 25,916 13,761 14,249 U,494 19 15,601 8,796 19,611 12,006 3,836 10,993 10,676 16,046 13,018 5,172 25,043 19,486 13, U5 U,01B 20 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 10 5 9 3 6 1 21 6 6 23 "5 2 13 4 29 30 19 60 8 30 7 22 15 3 34 3 22 3 40 39 21 95 4 49 18 S3 20 11 142 9 "a 45 10 120 147 39 268 24 150 24 24 49 42 745 33 18 158 46 425 483 75 565 68 518 265 25 63 47 409 61 26 171 41 250 199 57 240 107 278 343 26 161 133 98 196 105 97 111 113 60 47 93 254 53 150 27 2 7 11 4 5 9 4 35 41 19 62 12 20 6 28 40 19 192 20 3 79 13 187 216 62 504 37 240 48 29 29 23 545 18 8 107 30 293 368 44 359 32 363 120 30 32 26 389 18 9 94 16 184 150 26 93 42 243 133 31 52 38 230 51 22 114 40 133 76 49 37 87 135 273 32 36 31 46 76 31 59 37 40 16 24 8 95 16 113 33 31 34 6 39 27 19 18 18 3 8 1 46 3 19 34 94 59 6 73 47 11 59 U 5 22 1 108 3 20 35 61 34 87 40 28 50 41 31 57 51 86 90 80 17 36 152 91 553 150 72 238 89 271 264 77 477 ISO 378 265 37 10 30 344 26 5 57 15 125 200 11 220 17 206 315 38 2 3 73 3 1 5 1 20 30 4 33 2 40 49 39 21 3 7 9 20 12 10 13 40 "2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 41 258 167 197 179 132 188 155 167 149 174 194 317 140 371 42 308 213 460 272 167 317 198 299 266 202 308 419 336 723 43 1,681 983 414 698 637 462 905 ^21 279 549 393 1,266 308 1,158 44 1,994 1,025 1,027 1,070 716 869 917 646 513 669 616 1,559 720 2,312 45 83 134 1,198 176 35 364 87 720 875 47 1,203 219 917 554 46 140 146 1,325 194 47 424 99 324 922 70 1,309 252 970 712 47 2,108 5,409 68,588 5,287 512 13,744 2,728 51,357 68,653 477 95,074 9,962 59,023 12,637 46 2,840 4,963 66,508 6,817 722 20,275 3,069 42,585 56,471 1,046 91,841 9,844 45,793 11,536 49 30 55 610 46 21 143 43 389 508 24 692 117 543 137 50 55 64 538 47 23 190 44 304 439 35 598 115 406 143 51 526 1,394 25,271 1,141 289 4,793 839 19,202 27,226 181 37, 670 4,176 25,076 2,692 52 987 1,634 16,409 705 334 5,530 1,046 11,194 16,892 414 24,976 3,274 12,913 2,064 53 69 113 1,073 161 26 311 72 625 757 32 1,058 139 822 500 54 110 121 1,206 173 40 366 89 729 812 51 1,135 216 883 635 55 1,582 4,015 43,317 4,146 223 13,951 1,889 32,155 41,427 296 57,404 5,786 33,947 9,945 56 1,853 3,329 50,099 6,112 388 14,745 2,023 31,391 39,579 632 66,365 6,570 32,835 9,522 57 39 34 110 52 17 54 27 49 36 35 52 45 61 231 58 19 27 208 47 12 56 29 84 89 8 149 43 130 163 59 21 61 717 69 6 215 26 421 506 3 643 108 547 142 60 4 12 163 8 39 5 166 244 1 359 23 179 18 61 165 88 322 138 24 180 47 393 387 59 336 111 290 195 62 154 56 278 121 19 137 23 295 319 39 285 67 261 174 63 91,763 19,033 14,121 21,153 3,949 22,482 7,693 35,373 44,607 13,052 26,032 19,015 13,841 10,777 64 67,225 11,913 9,680 11,801 2,001 11,349 4,588 22,756 20,186 11,416 21,217 10,097 9,375 6,886 65 119 68 230 118 17 127 32 299 273 40 261 36 202 147 66 123 46 209 92 19 107 17 229 251 35 219 62 180 132 67 17,579 7,310 4,340 5,896 1,030 8,711 1,352 13,976 28,482 5,091 15,826 6,342 4,903 3,474 66 19,464 5,472 3,301 4,506 629 4,027 1,353 10,783 11,565 6,605 13,SB7 4,279 3,711 2,561 69 162 80 313 133 19 176 45 385 362 52 302 96 282 191 70 150 52 271 114 17 133 20 285 301 34 270 57 251 170 71 74,184 11,723 9,781 14,257 2,919 13,771 6,341 21,397 16,125 7,961 10,206 12,673 8,938 7,303 72 47,761 6,441 6,379 7,295 1,372 7,322 3,235 11,973 8,621 4,811 7,650 5,818 5,664 4,325 73 162 80 308 131 19 176 44 332 361 52 294 94 279 '188 74 147 50 267 107 17 132 20 284 300 32 265 54 246 166,, 75 71,653 11,470 9,298 13,752 2,329 13,333 6,117 20,854 15,534 7,687 9,838 12,137 8,529 6,951 76 46,562 6,213 6,034 6,848 1,327 7,091 3,154 11,436 8,388 4,533 7,27?. 5,543 5,433 4,140 77 140 55 214 103 16 133 33 215 189 37 148 74 187 127 78 123 45 185 82 15 91 12 182 140 27 116 40 119 84 79 2,531 253 483 505 90 438 224 543 591 274 368 536 409 352 60 1,199 228 345 447 45 231 81 537 233 278 371 270 231 185 81 11 19 129 19 6 37 12 95 137 22 134 28 126 94 62 63 49 190 99 12 126 28 279 233 27 187 63 161 97 S3 91 20 3 20 6 17 7 19 17 10 15 20 3 4 64 254 188 1,350 249 117 432 168 361 925 179 1,214 356 1,019 694 85 306 191 1,491 312 176 545 205 1,115 1,052 230 1,387 445 1,172 905 86 13,270 19,818 405,175 32,227 8,500 73,397 12,573 206,034 295,642 U,251 365,917 54,100 319,310 99,162 87 18,133 24,515 356,249 43,265 14,564 86,955 22,395 236,470 274,748 15,614 308,367 72,017 292,239 100,152 88 152 81 43 65 46 37 76 65 36 123 77 87 37 82 89 101 100 1,019 173 71 367 89 655 636 53 835 245 734 533 90 1 5 242 9 27 3 127 210 2 246 20 203 28 91 1 44 1 1 14 33 1 45 2 41 1 92 1 1 1 1 4 1 '.'.'. 10 1 2 4 93 94 38 16 8 43 13 21 17 28 5 14 2 36 6 54 95 45 18 4 32 11 25 14 22 6 9 38 6 47 96 164 96 34 162 55 101 105 191 34 56 14 152 29 225 97 230 161 25 135 35 117 37 120 25 47 212 111 205 98 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle and calves farms reporting 195D . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. C»vs, including hoifprs that have calved farms repotting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . . 1954 . . Milk co*-3 farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954.. Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959. . 1954.. r»l bull calves. . . farms lepjrting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954.. Steers and bulls, including steer i Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves- 1 farms re|iirting 1959 . 2 to 4 farms reporting 1959 . 5 to 9 farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 19 farne reporting 1959 . 90 to 49 fam.s reporting 1959 . 50 to 99 , farms reporting 1959 . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . , Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 farms reporting 1959. . 2 to 9 .' farms reporting 1959., 10 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . , 20 to 29 farms njporting 1959 . . 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 . . 50 to 74 farms repcrting 1959 . , 75 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . . Milk ixms- 1 farms reporting 1959.. 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959.. 10 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 farms repcrting 1959 . . 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 . . 50 or more farms reporting 1959. . [iorses and.'or mules. . .farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Hogs and pigs farms reporling number Bom since June 1 farms report ms aumbry Bom before June 1 farms reporting number Farms reporting by number of hogs and pigs- Under 10 farms reporting 10 to 24 farms reporting 25 to 99 farms reporting 100 or mot« farms reporting Sheep and lambs farms reporting number Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting number Sheep I year old and over farms reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Hams and wethers farms leptrting Farms reporting by nuiulier of sheep and lambs— Under 25 .farms reporting 25 to 299 farms roportini! .^00 or iiKire farms reporting Chickens t months old anil r .farms repixting numlier Farms reporting by numbv of chickens 4 months old and over- I'nder .50 farms n*porting 50 to .399 farms reporting 400 to 799 farms reporting fiOO to 1.599 farms reporting l.fiOO to 3,199 farms repcrUng 3,200 or more farms reporting Turkey hens kept for breeding farms reporting 19.59 . 1954. 1959., 1951 . . 1959.. 1954 . . 1950.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959.. 19.59 . . 1959.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1954 . , 1959.. 1954 . . 1959 . . 1951.. 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959.. 1954 . . 1959.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959.. 1954 . . 1959., 1951 , 1959 , . 1959 . . 1959 . . 19.59.. 1951., 1959.. 1954 . . 1959.. 1959.. 19,59., 1959 , , 1959,, 1959,. 743 893 43,939 44,198 722 882 20,082 19,509 493 706 4,079 6,169 679 847 U,537 13,037 681 324 12,320 11,652 5 25 38 102 291 175 107 12 143 202 149 129 49 12 26 44 266 159 367 541 1,001 1,4S1 519 598 24,396 24,773 213 169 7,686 4,416 427 516 16,710 20,357 103 112 241 63 273 269 33,584 22,168 199 223 13,060 9,664 265 255 20,524 12,504 263 251 19,755 12,113 193 154 769 391 74 186 13 578 761 89,630 115,659 127 403 42 4 2 1,863 1,118 798 974 104,146 116,160 780 960 53,898 54,015 552 740 3,527 3,790 729 920 27,860 32,723 744 918 22,388 29,422 4 27 22 52 126 198 369 21 87 67 66 145 139 79 176 159 312 41 15 15 10 632 801 2,795 3,573 202 335 4,042 6,343 96 177 1,477 2,707 160 273 2,565 3,636 103 42 52 5 247 202 37,616 63,725 159 161 17,249 18,683 226 132 70,367 45,042 223 130 67,822 42,806 173 123 2,545 2,236 38 129 547 831 53,310 76,994 259 264 18 6 245 392 Miner Mlimehaha 280 799 331 918 50,123 36,587 56,099 40,112 279 779 327 905 24,2a 17,809 22, 5U 17,897 204 463 251 650 1,064 3,127 1,243 3,440 260 740 322 883 13,303 10,683 15,211 11,842 253 759 316 870 12,599 10,095 13,377 10,373 1 2 11 19 7 27 22 111 29 343 60 237 150 60 6 15 27 143 23 240 28 194 44 132 33 33 18 15 100 7 37 137 27 2 1 228 239 1,431 1,723 132 137 6,606 4,136 66 76 2,252 1,445 106 107 4,354 2,691 40 30 45 17 57 49 15,136 9,338 41 43 4,696 2,585 49 40 10,440 6,753 49 40 9,782 6,455 36 27 658 298 14 25 18 221 276 18,164 28,553 94 123 4 41 12 300 78 260 109 U 5 153 305 338 656 565 687 30,454 28,863 271 274 U,123 7,842 503 604 19,331 21,021 70 103 313 79 305 238 19,833 10,214 229 153 6,311 3,227 291 232 13,522 6,987 288 229 13,083 6,782 205 141 439 205 93 203 9 689 827 163,848 159,513 60 527 89 12 1 26 13 109 83 1,682 1,999 87,318 82,968 1,419 1,866 24,715 27,419 1,003 1,453 12,831 14,031 1,524 1,375 29,866 27,133 1,512 1,871 32,737 28,366 16 44 69 182 749 452 170 62 352 552 263 146 32 4 115 354 334 119 67 14 272 480 327 1,175 1,446 1,673 125,735 118,847 896 859 49,529 39,453 1,287 1,484 76,206 79,394 55 138 756 497 536 481 46,469 35,923 394 363 26,153 21,683 503 449 20,316 14,240 496 446 19,212 13,793 300 197 1,104 447 222 298 16 1,503 1,932 452,581 456,186 103 1,038 238 63 10 1 4 4 50 36 Moody 959 1,123 42,174 44,484 781 1,045 11,653 14, 515 544 818 4,970 5,520 859 1,069 15,135 15,800 847 1,033 15,386 14,169 5 30 39 149 429 245 62 40 243 294 126 64 12 2 63 271 157 40 11 2 178 259 427 565 857 953 66,268 61,862 515 462 27,671 13,840 751 847 38,597 43,022 31 38 487 251 358 346 54,005 31,574 264 279 39,890 18,687 313 323 14,115 12,887 310 319 13,668 12,296 178 159 447 591 109 20O 49 922 1,090 295,182 273,447 42 612 227 36 4 1 2 3 12 10 Peimltigton 626 716 68,144 74,752 614 706 33,386 36,760 395 524 2,474 2,320 578 652 18,251 19,884 569 648 16,507 18,108 9 21 37 51 94 181 233 a 100 53 70 122 108 47 93 116 224 29 11 458 548 1,757 2,190 180 258 5,002 6,412 91 117 1,937 2,081 129 211 3,065 4,331 95 30 43 12 117 97 22,691 16,859 89 33 7,374 5,728 m 87 15,317 11,131 110 84 14,812 10,640 86 64 505 491 29 66 22 448 588 33,117 69,042 209 229 35 44 115 179 614 723 74,685 82,737 604 716 38,437 38,014 4U 534 1,761 2,080 573 696 19,966 23,877 564 632 16,232 20,846 5 23 18 40 93 143 292 15 65 47 64 112 104 72 125 104 265 38 2 1 1 416 552 1,719 2,405 213 289 7,196 3,302 37 95 1,936 2,121 167 248 5,260 6,181 83 44 72 14 211 185 73,648 56,394 154 157 16,610 13,787 200 172 62,038 42,607 199 170 59,540 41,280 173 141 2,398 1,327 19 96 96 462 597 22,692 36,175 293 168 1 50 99 255 417 SOUTH DAKOTA FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 163 Roberts Sanborn Shannon Spini Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth Washabaugh Yankton Ziebach 1,385 622 152 1,037 179 307 321 943 1,447 941 451 155 1,000 296 1 1,631 74i 224 1,289 193 350 334 1,091 1,668 1,153 504 166 1,171 304 2 51,821 42,239 30,114 60,709 49,121 43,277 58,140 101,302 54,592 38,102 39,479 27,301 43,468 50,743 3 54,751 42,712 37,526 67,008 54,037 50,439 57,124 100,033 52,019 39,671 35,699 28,891 39,943 48,652 4 1,345 598 147 1,004 173 292 313 928 1,296 775 429 154 860 292 5 1,604 723 221 1,254 191 338 332 1,030 1,602 1,063 495 166 1,093 301 6 24,108 17,386 17,116 23,747 19,U5 19,723 28,655 45,379 16,173 8,150 17,184 13,338 10,933 26,603 7 23,432 17,224 17,499 29,309 22,193 20,451 26,476 44,180 18,076 11,025 15,397 12,767 12,624 22,737 S 1,022 330 70 526 109 139 221 658 986 597 320 113 657 150 9 1,380 477 99 895 132 245 238 860 1,366 826 418 126 893 203 10 9,265 1,494 263 3,022 372 812 1,594 3,674 8,275 4,257 2,544 402 4,633 577 U 11,926 1,956 374 4,334 387 1,065 1,842 4,601 9,510 5,207 3,152 530 5,540 371 12 1,272 570 U4 944 165 281 303 901 1,307 781 422 142 851 269 l:. 1,524 719 219 1,200 180 338 365 1,049 1,566 1,000 481 158 1,019 282 14 15,154 11,967 7,248 16,550 13,816 11,150 15,352 27,966 17,924 10,382 10,940 6,831 12,297 12,669 15 16,463 12,741 10,329 18,814 12,540 U,981 15,198 27,941 15,620 10,370 10,361 7,722 9,914 13,565 16 1,225 566 132 950 173 291 303 906 1,316 841 432 142 903 276 17 1,485 701 218 1,192 187 336 368 1,047 1,586 1,067 482 158 1,079 288 19 12,549 12,836 5,750 15,412 16,190 12,404 14,133 27,957 20,495 19,570 11,355 7,132 20,238 11,471 10 14,856 12,747 9,693 18,385 19,299 15,007 15,450 27,967 18,323 18,275 9,941 8,402 17,405 12,350 20 14 3 1 9 1 2 1 2 13 U 1 1 4 2 21 61 13 5 42 1 11 3 U 51 55 7 8 35 3 22 103 19 6 44 2 10 3 21 85 82 11 1 71 7 23 282 66 8 106 5 18 15 61 290 185 30 5 192 20 24 640 199 24 363 25 36 41 ao 694 377 109 13 403 51 25 196 204 25 303 20 77 85 279 248 162 156 32 206 62 26 84 118 83 160 125 153 168 361 66 69 137 90 39 151 27 41 10 3 36 2 13 2 13 50 66 8 3 52 6 28 388 99 14 155 9 31 18 93 532 390 50 12 357 23 29 498 141 17 220 10 21 32 la 495 ao 60 5 301 31 30 210 123 11 225 16 17 23 144 144 75 80 9 92 29 31 143 128 9 222 20 71 72 211 63 25 Ul 31 43 35 32 39 63 19 94 25 46 52 153 12 8 71 25 8 38 33 16 20 12 24 13 33 23 81 1 29 19 4 53 34 10 14 62 23 78 60 91 107 " 20 49 3 75 .3S 89 94 23 132 23 48 35 U5 84 82 29 36 90 51 36 504 198 43 313 80 123 125 429 572 332 177 68 401 86 37 355 31 3 59 4 16 i6 96 274 93 93 8 143 12 38 61 5 ... 11 2 1 12 15 42 26 16 1 15 1 39 10 2 1 6 2 3 12 12 6 40 3 ... 5 ... 1 1 2 2 2 41 405 155 142 248 154 167 254 520 185 112 223 Ul 145 245 42 681 299 206 365 183 226 3a • 7a 389 259 305 154 290 273 43 1,146 327 1,666 607 1,9a 987 1,321 1,420 343 263 676 2,317 423 1,958 44 1,747 676 2,265 824 1,862 1,048 1,756 2,094 793 552 893 1,047 573 2,471 45 935 509 56 726 48 188 191 595 1,234 839 319 62 891 79 40 1,090 585 36 363 46 237 226 662 1,374 952 329 72 988 105 47 34,335 37,394 2,131 50,310 1,953 14,612 8,893 40,603 85,955 74,651 13,992 2,034 72,333 1,283 48 38,066 39,172 1,347 47,706 1,001 17,003 8,608 30,920 80,437 68,602 13,014 1,774 59,012 2,266 49 401 245 38 317 35 77 93 345 796 533 107 45 522 30 50 405 237 a 329 17 67 105 316 661 461 75 43 468 45 51 11,510 11,565 889 15,174 949 3,835 3,463 15,522 35,079 30,925 4,708 i,oa 27,511 533 52 9,576 9,94A 302 12,196 185 2,815 3,030 9,313 23,072 21,772 1,677 793 20,053 730 53 769 440 38 636 34 166 155 492 1,125 734 291 52 796 53 54 933 525 29 746 33 222 178 577 1,239 357 294 69 881 85 55 22,825 25,329 1,242 35,636 1,004 10,727 5,425 25,081 50,876 43,725 14,284 1,013 45,372 700 56 28,490 29,228 1,045 35,510 816 14,188 5,578 21,602 57,365 46,830 11,337 981 48,959 1,536 57 206 40 18 62 17 28 42 72 71 40 47 22 33 47 5S 208 53 13 111 12 42 41 37 149 36 61 16 99 16 59 467 287 19 334 13 67 34 306 731 404 149 13 491 13 60 54 124 6 169 6 51 24 130 283 309 62 6 268 3 61 460 240 15 451 3 35 38 152 389 130 80 21 133 102 62 390 142 8 418 5 76 30 82 289 106 48 12 95 83 63 32,609 25,417 5,197 34,966 991 30, ai 8,567 18,889 35,062 10,155 7,487 3,037 8,408 36,773 64 24,696 8,545 3,289 31,732 1,512 39,599 7,339 3,053 36,707 5,498 1,916 313 7,310 38, a4 65 333 170 11 323 7 69 23 119 277 92 53 19 88 64 66 305 110 6 341 5 67 26 68 227 82 34 8 70 64 67 10,880 11,301 2,712 11,251 390 14,320 2,884 7,510 21,087 6,745 3,519 1,284 4,473 7,080 68 9,033 3,623 1,299 13,471 386 28,740 2,552 4,038 30,336 2,726 406 275 5,276 9,779 69 447 219 11 437 7 79 35 140 357 121 72 19 127 98 70 377 137 6 397 5 65 28 72 266 93 47 U 78 72 71 21,729 13,616 2,485 23,715 601 15,391 5,683 U,379 13,975 3,410 3,968 1,803 3,935 29,693 72 15,663 4,922 1,990 18,261 1,126 10,859 5,287 4,015 6,371 2,772 1,510 538 2,034 28,435 73 439 215 11 431 7 78 35 139 366 119 70 13 122 94 74 370 136 6 394 5 65 28 71 261 93 46 10 75 70 75 20,558 13,162 2,400 22,319 568 14,913 5,537 10,895 13,570 3,310 3,850 1,711 3,706 23,572 76 14,777 4,828 1,925 17,480 1,017 10, 546 5,090 3,827 5,956 2,639 1,432 511 1,941 27,403 77 302 140 10 287 5 54 26 103 a4 60 44 13 73 84 78 245 57 5 242 4 47 17 39 U5 41 30 8 35 63 79 1,171 454 85 896 33 478 146 484 405 100 113 92 229 i,ia 80 886 94 65 731 109 313 197 188 415 133 78 27 93 1,027 81 140 58 5 98 3 16 9 37 169 68 35 7 71 14 82 307 163 6 338 4 47 24 99 205 55 41 11 55 56 83 13 19 4 15 1 22 5 16 15 7 4 3 7 32 84 1,166 547 112 907 99 258 253 775 1,373 877 383 116 996 203 85 1,413 706 79 1,181 130 296 314 965 1,625 1,049 458 136 1,136 226 86 208,843 115,183 5,276 268,067 7,890 30,644 17,247 104,328 409,402 168,316 64,084 7,324 253,679 10,354 87 245,223 140,446 6,184 207,500 11,701 39,277 29,495 142,542 391,984 169,088 57,655 9,334 248,222 14,243 88 206 47 77 99 52 86 129 190 39 148 51 57 73 125 89 341 445 34 613 45 157 122 551 990 640 304 48 744 77 90 104 50 1 150 1 14 2 29 310 75 25 1 156 1 91 14 4 34 1 1 1 31 13 2 20 92 1 1 5 6 3 1 3 1 "i 2 1 93 94 17 30 8 73 8 34 31 44 2 1 32 17 3 59 95 15 20 3 59 4 24 13 32 24 12 4 36 96 75 151 29 406 46 217 149 218 9 "s 200 105 567 440 97 84 95 3 349 52 165 68 199 143 60 58 207 08 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most dala for 1959 ore based on reports Item (For definitions and expltuiations , see text) The State Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Houme Brookings Brown Brule Buffalo 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including daify products: dollars 1950... "i.31,/i99,410 5,959,255 3^890,281 3,645,633 7,978,836 11,120,548 11,544,913 6,138,794 2,624,372 2 1954... 275,619,371 3,886,969 5,856,651 1,892,731 5,391,239 8,135,390 7,347,756 3,637,768 1,947,758 3 Any livestock sold alive (entile, horses and mules, hons. and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 . . . 50,714 661 1,291 296 1,209 1,560 1,472 583 146 4 1954 .. . 55,830 766 1,402 332 1,246 1,672 1,566 661 150 5 value of sates, dollars 1059... 376,735,299 5,436,118 7,683,715 3,551,421 6,817,939 3,325,717 9,914,591 5,777,602 2,544,389 6 1954... 232,307,844 3,415,788 4,804,854 1,794,977 4,570,249 6,238,573 6,068,951 3,377,795 1,878,187 7 Poultry and poultry products . farms reporting 1959... 37,161 557 1,044 117 1,115 1,253 1,004 474 90 S 1954 .. . 45,744 687 1,277 157 1,244 1,503 1,192 591 97 C| value of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 20,503,180 199,971 667, 871 10, 568 610,623 833,969 706,991 181,307 25,359 10 19.54... 18,797,447 256,631 555,623 25,352 511,530 954,114 479,447 181,766 28,312 11 Livestock products other than poulljy and poulln products value of sales, dollars 1953... 34,260,931 323,166 538,695 83,649 550,274 1,460,862 923,336 179,385 54,624 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 1954... 24,514,080 2W,550 496,174 72,402 309, 510 392,698 799,358 78,207 41,259 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 46,525 644 1,210 272 1,134 1,390 1,291 547 145 U 1954... 52,341 732 1,332 325 1,166 1,559 1,440 639 145 15 number 1959... 1,711,336 23,283 37,976 20,306 22,156 28,803 43,058 23,096 14,492 16 1954... 1,365,248 16,808 28,050 16,949 18,337 25,310 30, 176 13,024 12,175 17 dollars 1959 .. . 278,729,572 4,083,159 5,566,710 3,181,001 4,263,094 5,658,407 7,007,397 4,147,004 2,236,431 16 1954... 147,269,383 1,862,323 2,741,040 1,601,102 2,379,337 3,273,069 3,436,879 2,178,934 1,622,013 10 Cattle, not counting calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 37,200 513 908 230 397 1,180 1,044 441 124 20 1954 . . . 43,858 603 1,034 258 920 1,339 1,220 523 120 21 number 1959... 940,840 13,338 15,288 10,224 15,841 20,353 24,425 12,186 9,193 25 1954... 840,302 10,602 14,853 9,134 12,415 19,387 19,075 10,926 7,969 23 dollars 1959... 186,904,955 2,718,479 2,795,794 1,923,989 3,546,133 4,648,982 4,893,446 2,561,425 1,618,650 24 Farms repotting by number of cattle sold- 1954 . . . UO, 896, 393 1,415,667 1,826,242 1,046,048 1,936,948 2,799,632 2,679,674 1,637,759 1,341,682 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 10,965 138 390 42 340 376 342 107 22 26 .5tolO . farms reporting 1959. . . 14,292 176 313 36 327 501 385 136 54 2T 20 10 09 . farms reporting 1959. . . 10,180 170 182 69 211 283 274 177 34 2S lOO or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,763 29 23 33 19 15 43 21 14 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959. . . 30,999 454 992 190 680 710 907 367 108 30 1954.. 33,054 462 960 233 736 315 912 379 107 31 number 1959... 770,496 9,895 22,688 10,532 6,315 8,450 18,633 10,910 5,294 32 1954... 524,446 6,206 13,197 7,815 5,922 5,923 11,101 7,093 4,206 33 dollars 1959... 91,824,617 1,364,680 2,770,916 1,257,012 716,961 1,009,425 2,113,951 1,585,579 617,831 34 1954 . . . 36,372,990 446,656 914,798 555,054 442,389 473,437 757,205 541,175 230,336 35 Horses ajid/or mulea sold alive . farms reporting 1059 .. . 1,797 9 32 33 5 26 28 19 5 36 1954 . . . 2,329 25 39 24 33 41 49 37 11 37 number 1959... 7,144 79 115 71 5 51 132 64 45 38 1954... 6,938 119 81 71 64 204 105 76 26 39 dollars 1959... 725,640 7,701 16,115 6,993 550 9,650 10,894 10,803 4,330 40 1054... 351,574 2,894 3,927 3,670 3,580 9,681 6,335 4,304 1,132 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...................... ..farms reporting 1959. . . 32,491 534 840 108 962 1,131 910 472 91 42 1954 .. . 36,591 618 975 L28 1,010 1,261 1,040 494 98 43 number 1959... 2,511,017 39,843 57,996 3,773 32,489 91,146 69,044 49,025 7,944 44 1954... 1,708,662 32,307 41,737 3,904 52,633 59,327 56,923 25,530 4,993 45 dollars 1959... 75,330,510 1,195,290 1,739,880 263,340 2,474,670 2,734,330 2,071,320 1,470,750 236,320 46 1954... 71,074,600 1,402,817 1,709,343 142,941 2,113,940 2,658,216 2,301,147 1,129,676 205,937 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . fanns reporting 1959. . . 13,188 145 375 48 153 525 516 162 53 46 1954 . . . 10,877 144 286 31 135 440 385 36 34 49 number 1959... 1,688,429 11,536 27,770 7,699 6,125 32,560 63,460 11,465 5,016 50 1054 .. . 901,283 8,955 19,717 2,895 4,625 20,697 19,099 4,296 3,518 51 dollars 1959 .. . 21,949,577 149,968 361,010 100,087 79,625 423,280 824,980 149,045 65,203 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954... 13,612,287 147,754 350, 544 47,264 73,392 347,612 324, 590 64,881 49,100 53 Sheep and/Of iambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 13,716 180 385 42 141 520 505 124 63 54 1954 .. . 11,325 155 311 32 147 469 404 94 39 55 number shorn 1959... 1,467,941 15,786 23,543 5,784 6,427 32,441 48,481 9,507 6,713 56 1954 . . . 878,189 10,252 13,556 2,724 4,572 22,646 20, 888 4,377 3,894 57 pounds of wool 1059.. . 13,556,703 145,444 228, 327 53,623 61,054 267,540 421,341 93,254 66,127 56 1954... 8,031,302 93,047 1U,805 26,316 40,954 190, 509 196, 241 45,353 34,213 59 Lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . number shorn 1959 .. . 650 157,499 9 1,325 17 510 5 443 6 341 39 6,793 27 14,061 5 79 2 77 60 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 770, 378 5,899 2,658 1,622 1,515 29, 103 30,324 388 361 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 13, 554 180 380 42 141 514 496 123 63 6.1 number shcrn 1959... 1,310,442 14,461 23,033 5,341 6,086 25,648 34,420 9,428 6,636 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 12,786,325 139,545 225,669 52,001 59, 539 233,437 341,517 92,366 65,766 65 Litters lattowed, December I, previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 30,685 534 791 95 925 1,086 879 464 70 66 1954... 34,605 596 910 116 941 1,154 933 476 90 67 number of litters 1959... 395,660 7,579 9,837 896 12,988 14, 185 11,526 7,262 1,055 66 Farms reportine by numtier of litters fan-owed December 1, 1956, to November 30, 1959- 1954 . . . 356,234 7,040 9,183 340 11,607 12,080 10, 622 6,070 1,006 60 1 or 2 litlers . farms reporting 1959 . . . 2,753 32 76 18 61 66 76 25 4 70 . farms rejorting 1959. . . 10,826 155 300 39 290 391 297 119 25 71 10 to 19 litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 11, 342 237 291 28 363 430 330 192 23 72 20 ro .10 litters . farms reporting 1950 . . . 4,958 95 102 9 189 172 150 109 14 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1059. .. 652 11 14 1 18 24 24 17 3 74 70 or more litlers . farms reporting 1 059 . . . 154 4 8 4 3 2 2 1 75 ,Iune 2 to November .30 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 14,796 198 359 64 455 604 303 209 31 76 1054... 13,230 199, 340 57 386 518 249 169 35 77 number of litters 1059 . . . 106,421 1,474 2,380 376 3,350 4,681 2,497 1,584 238 7fi 1954... 76,794 1,208 1,947 240 2,351 3,230 1,683 1,107 244 70 December llo .lune 1 . farms reporting 1050... 27,664 496 717 70 879 939 788 423 64 80 1954... 30,870 522 813 94 364 959 873 421 77 61 number of litters 1959. .. 289,239 6,105 7,457 520 9,638 9,504 9,029 5,678 817 82 19S4... 279,440 5,832 7,236 600 9,256 8,850 8,939 4,963 762 ^ND LITTERS FARROWED: or onlyn sample of farms. See text] SOUTH DAKOTA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 165 Butte Cai^ibell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Coraon CUBter Davison Day Deu«l Dewey Douglas T 7,322,011 4,310,987 10,458,047 5,346,783 6,388,112 5,924,786 5,718,522 2,998,492 5,182,043 5,990,541 4,396,961 3,517,305 3,312,815 5,319,335 3,406,575 1 5,230,010 1,942,030 6,415,278 3,480,795 7,421,359 3,160,285 3,370,464 1,780,988 3,233,487 4,162,282 2,312,935 2 531 471 1,357 975 770 945 533 3U 699 1,301 1,004 453 731 823 4,405,004 3 589 6,227,896 571 3,816,810 1,424 9,504,395 1,156 4, 515, 865 936 7,836,785 957 3,974,746 641 5,372,876 320 2,654,526 766 4,536,203 1,359 4,407,603 1,097 3,458,355 414 3,137,342 4 5 4,203,772 201 1,535,582 407 5,785,964 1,125 2,720,437 799 6,856,741 584 1,931,266 644 3,033,893 290 1,605,438 115 2,732,453 532 2,861,328 9U 2,447,908 789 2,181,157 161 2,719,402 696 6 7 343 34,624 498 111,471 1,274 492,692 984 354,060 842 292,677 805 1,029,888 379 36,886 161 18,818 696 279,405 1,143 449,647 943 450,842 196 17,404 793 390,926 S 9 54,891 81,711 4U,456 333,105 319,802 607,590 44,122 28,370 256,881 431,708 446,434 24,008 326,831 10 1,059,491 971,347 382,706 324,737 460,960 217,858 476,858 427,253 258,650 244,816 920,154 641,429 308,760 292,449 325,148 147,180 366,440 244,153 1,133,291 869,246 987,764 622,963 158,069 107,770 523,905 360,342 U 12 383 483 19,780 18,503 2,933,900 1,751,245 466 1,302 880 550 844 506 301 644 1,221 919 438 751 13 563 20,634 1,347 36,673 1,089 22,358 727 28,050 881 18,381 629 32,747 314 18,342 712 16,343 1,304 21,769 1,045 15,634 399 21,368 21,618 2,642,369 785 15,859 14 15 12, 826 3,161,842 27, 536 6,774,293 17,044 3,207,678 22,782 6,046,706 12,145 2,801,430 28,028 4,394,420 17,135 2,538,668 12,041 2,855,652 17,829 3,051,413 13,811 2,462,270 11,523 2,560,420 l,a0,544 16 17 1,084,995 3,236,873 1,613,989 4,153,795 1, 151, 104 2,505,739 1,559,983 1,430,294 1,737,937 1,400,580 1,894,233 IS 310 404 407 997 513 478 719 406 223 487 1,020 723 293 576 19 461 1,117 903 672 742 493 257 568 1,177 901 313 618 20 10,201 9,439 22,578 7,769 25,020 9,505 10,878 3,388 9,107 10, 516 9,548 6,816 8,792 21 11, 149 1,784,013 1,253,802 6,909 1,781,360 674,971 17, 143 4, 837, 892 2,431,408 10,178 1,448,964 1,150,354 21,622 5,594,041 4,065,145 7,785 1,760,556 890,526 14,269 1,851,623 1,546,406 7,475 1,537,633 938,192 7,769 1,913,942 1,076,348 11,654 1,875,972 1,369,970 3,842 1,790,019 1,053,621 11,565 1,083,543 1,257,513 6,622 1,746,260 317,757 22 23 24 109 91 87 23 296 325 9,579 7,354 1,149,887 497,443 120 343 255 145 268 93 35 135 380 226 84 216 25 163 117 7 373 400 11,195 5,917 1,380,482 410,024 275 348 31 823 827 14,095 10,393 1,936,401 805,465 233 116 9 683 697 14,589 6,866 1,758,714 463,635 121 161 51 164 348 3,030 1,160 452,665 88,650 329 113 9 634 542 8,876 4,360 1,040,874 260,578 167 121 20 442 511 21,869 13,759 2,542,797 959,333 93 79 16 244 272 9,454 9,660 1,001,035 621,791 183 166 3 434 473 7,241 4,272 941,710 353,946 521 116 3 938 817 11,253 6,175 1,175,441 367,967 344 152 1 5U 661 6,036 4,969 672,251 341,959 115 S4 10 353 306 14,552 10,053 1,553,826 636,720 195 163 2 513 500 7,067 4,901 814,160 392,787 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 13 23 71 42 10,850 2,401 80 98 1,780 1,690 53,400 55,451 63 65 131 135 15,430 7,748 330 392 19,387 11,179 581,610 405,351 35 47 146 123 11,940 6,822 1,118 1,107 66,489 57,745 2,654,670 2,496,84S 53 50 85 107 9,200 5,492 564 734 32,302 23,335 969,060 902,554 7 "i3 937 635 743 56, 886 60,509 1,706,580 2,580,367 11 30 17 59 1,760 2,976 510 549 28,625 15,647 858,750 607,291 51 78 298 219 27,878 12,250 274 263 19,979 3,411 599,370 325,612 40 18 117 48 2,335 1,613 33 30 729 351 21,370 8,149 16 23 21 175 2,390 14,530 582 609 51,663 28,841 1,549,890 1,228,161 69 90 112 244 10,760 12,583 749 887 37,975 25,078 1,139,250 974,022 37 43 64 34 6,500 4,202 596 675 25,145 20,326 754,350 8U,178 35 36 286 233 19,223 9,534 141 162 6,923 5,666 207,690 205,906 5 12 100 21 9,000 1,152 685 720 59,367 35,751 1,781,010 1,431,560 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 418 380 248,442 159,432 3,229,746 2,394,675 67 60 4,456 2,654 57,928 37,466 100 80 4,884 2,527 63,492 45,421 430 424 25,379 14,036 329,927 198,402 87 76 6,423 6,504 83,499 121,642 422 367 24,062 11,933 312,806 169,895 97 57 27,016 14,992 351,208 190,242 53 26 6,281 3,144 81,653 35,693 154 92 9,867 3,653 128,271 59,466 405 348 15,360 9,386 206,180 136,781 443 403 18,095 15,317 235,235 228,948 119 51 20,620 5,440 268,060 71,479 92 50 4,198 1,723 54,574 26, U6 47 48 49 50 51 52 382 331 197,858 131,097 1,992,785 1,273,260 22 5,035 29,845 376 192,823 1,962,940 93 65 6,093 3,444 59,476 29,578 2 21 103 93 6,072 59,373 106 81 5,733 3,007 50,477 27,036 9 542 2,143 105 5,191 48,334 504 4/46 30,621 16,946 284,538 155,910 14 868 3,372 504 29,753 281,166 128 77 6,262 2,274 52,669 19,495 14 1,849 6,283 124 4,413 46,386 406 375 23,033 14,139 202,593 126,770 18 2,152 7,312 404 20,381 195,286 90 55 26,433 17,356 260,860 161,392 7 359 2,134 87 26,074 258,726 42 28 7,163 4,093 69,255 39,750 1 4 20 42 7,159 69,235 134 97 7,108 3,648 69,651 30,244 134 7,103 69,651 369 375 14,867 11,451 143,666 108,077 11 200 1,461 368 14,667 142,205 418 436 22,880 17,698 133,336 143,291 16 3,211 14,736 411 19,669 173,600 109 48 21,863 7,689 216,834 68,395 3 96 722 107 21,772 216,112 104 58 4,007 1,909 33,217 17,456 3 100 430 104 3,907 37,787 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 94 304 318 351 367 3,500 2,329 1,018 1,049 14,762 12,023 587 696 5,132 5,053 649 699 10,135 9,948 443 514 3,831 3,557 253 279 2,413 1,768 33 13 198 34 511 573 7,329 6,545 694 822 5,545 5,320 573 618 5,211 4,260 138 157 1,210 1,291 653 678 9,570 7,996 65 66 67 68 32 22 10 1 49 147 113 39 2 1 50 316 417 203 27 5 65 303 161 33 5 37 190 238 163 15 6 55 236 121 28 2 1 44 115 58 33 3 16 10 4 3 23 140 230 102 13 3 122 372 159 35 4 2 64 233 180 40 1 28 68 30 10 1 1 19 161 331 128 13 1 69 70 71 72 73 74 36 59 123 174 97 498 210 329 168 99 23 275 219 289 50 369 75 43 627 379 3,682 200 1,051 308 3,017 147 943 86 565 5 104 259 2,128 180 1,057 215 1,579 72 221 273 2,608 76 77 213 2,416 902 2,388 679 295 11 1,578 657 902 351 1,573 78 53 52 181 144 324 345 2,873 2,116 940 939 11,080 9,607 501 608 4,081 4,151 593 613 7,U8 7,560 380 438 2,888 2,878 213 244 1,848 1,473 22 10 94 23 476 521 5,701 4,967 619 746 4,488 4,663 506 537 3,632 3,358 118 141 989 940 606 622 6,962 6,423 79 80 81 82 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [\te9t data for 1959 are based on reports lUsn Edmunds Fall River Fatilk Grant Gregory Haahon Hamlin Hand Hanson (For dennitions and explanations see text) 1 Value of sales ot livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products' dollars 1959 .. . 5,058,932 3,380,192 4,773,734 6,736,626 6,479,923 4,512,299 5,573,161 9,336,124 4,938,651 2 1954 . . . 2,570,'i80 2,055,749 3,002,837 3,587,116 3,365,833 2,640,217 3,307,190 5,645,224 2,933,297 3 Any livpstocls sold alivp (entile, iiotsos and mules, tioiis, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959. . . 659 359 548 1,048 969 347 847 878 703 4 1954... 871 362 630 1,139 1,017 390 921 1,016 767 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... •t,3«,507 3,143,910 4,283,998 4,705,209 5,862,184 4,360,349 4,339,138 8,554,878 4,227,186 6 1954... 1,912,944 1,810,809 2,592,603 2,380,319 2,928,794 2,498,148 2,415,371 5,015,902 2,312,949 7 Poultry and poultry products . farms reporting 1959. . . 612 156 425 705 679 146 653 687 594 fi 1954,,, 744 218 508 875 830 237 812 838 671 9 value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 269,944 40,377 224,524 321,115 163,397 23,236 431,629 299,181 310,702 10 1954 ,, , 176,861 49,652 187,105 331,475 203,123 36,977 431,982 290,728 336,619 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars 1959 ,, , 444,481 195,905 265,212 1,710,302 454,342 128,714 105,092 802,394 482,065 450,763 283,729 12 1954... 480,675 195,288 223,129 875,322 233,916 459,837 338,594 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVK 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 63B 328 531 983 928 340 792 799 663 U 1954... 862 345 611 1,058 990 381 865 987 721 15 number 1959... 25,371 18,493 21,218 21,240 28,771 25,994 15,359 44,478 16,799 16 1954... 17,721 16,854 19,295 13,446 21,828 23,201 11,090 35,345 10,359 IT dollars 1959 .. . 3,540,864 2,558,477 3,211,939 3,472,512 4,501,669 4,002,144 2,945,548 6,556,349 2,675,641 18 1954... 1,438,689 1,571,790 1,792,263 1,395,056 1,931,568 2,287,879 1,244,412 3,361,657 975,167 10 Cattle, not counting calves , farms reporting 1959 , , , 534 266 444 791 705 290 675 603 517 20 1954 , , , 649 280 511 913 758 323 761 756 560 21 number 1959 . , . 9,535 8,559 8,056 12,708 13,395 15,940 10,237 18,224 10,596 22 1954... 8,543 8,300 8,933 9,310 10,353 13,630 8,546 15,040 5,043 23 dollars 1959 . . . 1,596,480 1,491,189 1,444,552 2,619,733 2,571,831 2,816,036 2,323,384 3,268,774 1,953,016 n Farms reporting by number of cattle sold— 1954... 845,066 1,014,455 1,075,443 1,165,207 1,224,134 1,630,039 1,058,299 1,834,922 586,500 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 101 84 119 275 265 69 215 135 155 26 ,1 to 19 . farms reporting 1959 . , - 301 78 213 396 261 83 323 236 226 27 20 to 99 , farms reporting 1959 .. - 123 82 102 112 159 97 131 198 123 28 100 or mere . farms reporting 1959. . . 9 22 10 8 20 41 6 34 13 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 549 254 429 718 634 227 405 635 463 30 1954-. 659 284 467 679 716 249 362 748 544 31 number 1959 . . . 15,836 9,934 13,160 8,532 15,376 10,054 5,122 26,254 6,203 32 1954... 9,178 8,554 10,362 4,136 11,475 9,571 2,544 20,305 5,316 33 dollars 1959 , , , 1,944,384 1,067,288 1,767,387 852,779 1,929,838 1,186,108 617,164 3,287,575 722,625 34 1954 ,, , 593,623 557,335 716,820 229,849 707,434 657,840 186,113 1,526,735 383,667 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive , farms reporting 1959. , . 40 20 22 21 32 24 31 34 10 36 1954.., 38 12 15 32 50 33 22 57 25 37 number 1959,,, 74 49 101 47 56 203 61 65 10 38 1954 ,, , 75 82 27 54 92 130 44 119 46 39 dollars 1959,,, 6,187 5,742 15,067 3,850 6,357 9,979 12,550 7,637 700 40 1954.,, 4,252 3,156 1,667 2,869 4,650 5,231 2,248 6,430 2,597 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive ,, farms reporting 1959,,, 436 77 307 658 663 56 598 558 570 42 1954 ,, , 517 63 383 714 669 118 648 655 624 43 number 1959... 21,823 3,668 23,293 35,918 42,796 2,498 41,866 46,714 43,156 44 1954... 10,906 1,431 13,765 22,255 25,516 2,865 27,803 32,780 29,900 45 dollars 1959 . , , 654,690 110,040 698,790 1,077,540 1,283,880 74,940 1,255,980 1,401,420 1,294,630 46 1954... 404,562 47,943 574,954 894,948 961,359 101,294 1,049,600 1,345,331 1,250,356 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive , farms reporting 1959 ,, , 181 139 239 212 61 106 248 397 193 46 1954 . . . 181 85 219 197 32 68 227 315 148 49 number 1959 .. . 10,982 36,127 27,554 11,639 5,406 21,022 9,620 45,344 19,705 50 1954 . . . 4,468 14,559 14,544 6,152 1,973 9,536 7,728 18,673 5,323 51 dollars 1959... 142,766 469,651 358,202 151,307 70,278 273,286 125,060 589,472 256,165 52 SHEEP SHORN AND TOOL 1954 . . . 65,441 137,920 223,719 87,446 31,217 103,744 119,111 302,484 34,829 53 Stieep and/or lambs stiorn . farms reporting 1959. , . 182 140 238 223 106 93 267 397 189 54 1954... 199 83 231 205 42 68 237 322 161 55 number shorn 1959.,, 10,431 36,276 26,311 12,370 8,216 26, 583 12,693 39,361 9,902 56 1954 . . . 5,470 19,890 17,176 7,284 2,318 13,530 8,325 20,611 5,272 57 pounds of wool 1959... 99,573 336,844 259,418 96,210 77,954 217,677 118,543 386,016 90,369 58 1954 , . . 47,362 202,155 153,860 59,599 23,799 122,761 69,801 187,465 47,925 59 Lambs shorn . farms repwting 1959. . . 1 17 9 18 18 3 4 12 12 60 number shorn 1959. . . 80 3,465 1,472 2,448 678 1,751 290 870 790 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 560 21,305 6,195 8,659 2,937 9,272 1,040 4,182 3,135 62 fither sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959, , , 182 136 238 217 103 93 267 397 188 63 number shcm 1959 ,. . 10,351 32,811 24,839 9,922 7,538 24,832 12,403 38,491 9,112 64 littek; farrowed pounds of wool 1959. . . 99,013 315,539 253,223 87,551 75,017 208,405 117,503 381,834 87,234 65 Litters fariovred, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year , farms reporting 1959 .. . 440 77 304 563 559 62 534 563 523 66 1954 . . . 504 55 383 691 634 107 609 657 607 67 number of litters 1959 . . . 4,012 557 3,473 5,266 6,597 517 5,938 7,268 6,929 68 Farms reporting by number of litters farTowe4 . . . 248,733 189,036 34,315 317,716 1,257,935 634,390 142,661 38,615 78,780 11 Livestock products other than poultry and Kiultr\' products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 469,294 440,271 1,041,409 673,355 94,349 86,301 463,838 241,450 2,237,974 1,675,304 692,602 491,936 416,936 383,829 416,425 331,878 145,833 156,181 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 693 797 271 770 1,646 907 647 575 384 14 1954 .. . 322 923 320 905 1,365 1,061 675 678 435 15 number 1959... 22,250 52,443 25,101 17,936 54,609 29,780 30,665 37,096 20,668 16 1954... 15,532 44,112 18,159 16,559 46,595 23,684 32,353 23,170 14,032 17 dollars 1959... 3,739,031 7,082,791 3,563,413 3,002,041 11,219,450 6,694,965 3,931,560 4,700,778 3,530,439 16 1954... 1,631,693 3,994,986 1,813,918 1,747,046 6,442,023 3,493,741 2,711,941 2,357,769 1,482,049 10 Cattle, not countint; calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 551 636 231 584 1,345 730 443 446 318 20 1954 . . . 676 775 284 734 1,690 950 561 548 385 21 number 1959 . . . 13,732 19,914 12,223 8,344 47,198 24,954 U,721 11,135 11,224 1954... 10,481 22,092 11,484 10,276 40,614 20,421 14,314 11,332 9,020 S3 dollars 1959 . . . 2,333,476 3,402,170 2,193,984 1,308,291 10,454,520 5,979,750 1,374,598 1,760,884 2,292,561 24 Farms reporting by number of caule sold- 1951... 1,303,289 2,499,898 1,368,263 1,276,839 5,970,623 3,216,659 1,552,924 1,247,655 1,133,929 25 1 to4 '. . farms reporting 1959 . . . 163 134 31 171 215 165 127 99 40 26 5to 19 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 221 270 90 266 500 235 168 172 143 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 143 173 81 144 524 257 124 159 107 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 .. . 24 59 29 3 106 73 24 16 28 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 497 646 194 564 563 391 571 521 290 30 1954- ■• 556 693 222 601 760 446 554 515 244 31 number 1959 .. . 8,468 32,534 12,878 9,592 7,411 4,826 18,944 25,961 9,444 32 1954 . . . 5,051 22,020 6,675 6,283 5,981 3,263 18,039 16,733 5,012 33 dollars 1959... 905,555 3,680,621 1,369,429 1,193,750 764,930 715,215 2,056,962 2,939,894 1,237,878 34 1954 . . . 323,404 1,495,038 445,655 470,207 471,405 232,082 1,159,017 1,110,114 348,120 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 28 62 32 10 30 20 46 53 20 36 1954... 25 59 33 44 56 15 47 55 29 37 number 1959... 56 193 88 330 210 40 106 229 57 38 1954... 33 178 93 37 172 66 180 172 61 39 dollars 1959... 6,725 19,211 10,963 37,375 11,905 4,075 10,264 19,303 7,488 40 1954... 1,795 8,114 3,773 4,601 9,818 2,467 7,044 7,558 3,249 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959. ., 473 161 103 539 1,357 829 143 142 289 42 1954 .. . 541 235 122 636 1,630 959 204 222 351 43 number 1959... 27,590 5,466 6,287 33,876 145,891 70,500 5,418 9,257 30,242 44 1954 ., . 19,559 5,764 3,146 25,562 111,066 56,909 6,197 5,931 24,839 45 dollars 1959... 827,700 163,930 188,610 1,016,230 4,376,730 2,115,000 162,540 277,710 907,260 46 1954... 796,697 177,678 107,189 1,060,633 4,695,491 2,465,643 221,618 212,320 1,069,894 47 . farms reporting 1959. . . 236 219 45 269 466 343 115 219 84 48 1954 . . . 234 183 38 237 444 332 80 170 98 49 number 1959... 22,004 66,462 9,961 17,010 14^., 086 56,937 19,951 61,264 10,904 50 1951 . . . 11,577 36,726 4,086 8,695 31,192 23,669 11,959 33,948 8,163 51 dollars 1959... 286,052 864,006 129,493 221,130 1,873,118 740,181 259,363 796,432 141,752 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1951 . . . 179,064 435,494 44,935 139,913 431,474 443,823 151,434 367,709 122,400 53 Sheep and/or Iambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 273 230 52 304 510 328 112 212 120 54 1951 . . . 257 173 39 244 459 329 32 171 101 55 number shorn 1959... 25,079 78,496 12,317 15,204 59,724 22,434 16,551 68,775 13,248 56 1954 . . . 13,583 46,995 6,952 9,083 20,235 16,545 11,803 46,788 10,190 67 pounds of wool 1959... 219,427 763,150 118,254 141,130 393,225 166,663 157,344 677,634 144,848 58 1951... 118,464 446,302 63,379 79,841 153,535 128,039 116,527 450,411 94,878 59 Lambs shorn . farms reportine 1959. . . 12 1 3 5 39 20 6 1 6 60 number shorn 1959... 2,371 46 1,035 315 40,424 8,150 220 2 132 61 pounils of wool 1959 .. . 11,927 350 6,480 1,074 215,172 27,745 1,055 6 384 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 270 230 50 304 492 318 112 212 120 63 number shorn 1959.. . 22,708 76,450 11,782 14,889 19,300 14,284 16,331 63,773 13,116 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1 959 . . . 207,500 762,800 111,774 140,056 178,053 138,913 156,789 677,628 14i,464 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 472 140 111 543 1,322 793 112 170 291 66 1954... 516 221 116 672 1,623 917 169 225 339 67 number of liUers 1959 . . . 5,059 864 1,020 6,315 22,317 12,153 820 1,447 5,203 68 Farms reportinEt by number of litters falTowed December 1, 1956, to November 30, 1959- 1954... 4,290 1,138 789 6,330 22,503 11,826 1,294 1,409 4,620 69 1 or 2 litlera . farms reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 64 204 50 69 22 51 42 206 66 281 26 215 33 53 32 78 14 68 70 71 10 to 19 liUers . farms reporting 1959 . . . 141 12 22 209 580 340 18 51 114 72 20 to .W litters . farms reporting 19.59 . . . 53 9 15 77 326 188 7 6 77 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 8 1 9 58 20 1 3 13 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . . forms reporting 1959 . . . 2 132 72 49 241 11 815 4 454 63 55 5 88 75 June 2 to November 30 76 1951... 115 106 63 273 775 425 73 71 105 77 number of liUers 1959 . . , 1,111 302 265 1,635 7,011 3,839 294 246 875 78 1951 . . . 678 413 246 1,367 5,641 2,845 398 271 599 79 December i to ,rune 1 . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 409 464 112 181 97 95 497 625 1,177 1,435 714 818 96 140 152 185 265 305 80 81 number of litters 1959. . . 3,948 562 755 4,680 15,306 8,314 526 1,201 4,328 82 1954... 3,612 775 543 4,963 16,862 3,981 896 1,138 4,021 SOUTH DAKOTA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only a sample of famis. See textj 169 7,249,921 5,332,062 1,550 1,6&4 5,343,071 3,852,827 1,057 1,303 593,785 544,119 1,313,065 935,116 1,433 1,527 25,907 19,236 3,633,462 1,990,106 1,169 1,306 14,066 12,926 2,420,502 1,635,227 473 469 222 5 1,004 917 11,841 6,310 1,212,960 354,879 62 78 129 165 14,687 7,699 907 1,066 48,375 40,792 1,451,250 1,656,052 408 374 18,744 13,464 243,672 198,970 455 384 22,950 16,583 207,672 153,383 17 328 4,387 454 22,122 203,285 Sanborn 879 1,017 7,789 7,877 133 429 248 62 5 2 335 336 1,821 1,432 779 920 5,968 6,445 6,118,227 3,931,486 684 755 5,653,587 3,564,277 522 668 217,214 246,555 247,426 120,654 624 717 22,435 18,042 3,980,547 2,118,782 427 562 13,911 11,603 2,7J4,337 1,600,972 100 134 162 31 382 502 8,524 6,439 1,186,210 517,810 10 23 30 47 1,750 2,438 554 581 44,287 32,127 1,323,610 1,354,586 219 121 26,360 5,389 342,680 88,471 218 141 16,866 5,150 137,851 45,727 15 3,289 13,951 212 13,577 123,900 493 560 6,750 6,747 30 156 207 91 7 2 223 206 1,855 1,415 437 502 4,895 5,332 1,803,802 1,146,333 136 218 1,774,255 1,118,461 33 38 4,712 5,325 24,835 22,547 134 214 12,932 12,717 1,666,183 1,056,345 109 144 5,871 4,252 921,925 502,973 15 34 43 17 120 184 7,061 8,465 744,258 553,372 16 16 253 151 24,984 5,382 32 25 1,571 847 47,130 31,332 14 5 2,766 1,452 35,958 25,402 13 5 3,374 1,831 29,514 16,718 1 300 600 13 3,074 28,914 39 28 293 222 202 177 7,912,026 5,457,090 1,162 1,320 6,776,877 4,603,064 838 1,102 597,936 391,474 537,2U 462,552 1,060 1,2U 33,013 25,588 4,735,602 2,611,238 839 936 11,694 12,872 2,219,496 1,653,138 297 400 127 15 882 872 21,319 12,716 2,516,106 953,100 32 36 66 71 8,767 3,554 775 855 56,975 42,709 1,709,250 1,718,161 454 393 24,866 17,315 323,258 270, Ul 459 400 25,698 18,942 276,318 131,951 7 266 1,361 457 25,432 274,957 698 806 10,158 3,759 46 205 291 131 289 277 2,372 1,856 638 720 7,786 6,903 Stanley 3,522,769 2,605,772 190 199 3,474,446 2,580,960 56 103 31,836 16,009 16,487 8,803 187 197 22,620 24,113 3,391,326 2,547,209 165 174 14,802 17,991 2,558,962 2,U2,547 13 46 66 35 132 108 7,818 6,122 832,364 404,662 14 10 237 137 33,749 6,471 41 29 1,413 680 42,390 20,582 7 537 697 6,981 6,698 6 638 1,173 5,623 8,610 Sully 6 638 5,623 40 30 343 161 23 22 204 125 5,198,059 3,669,528 342 353 4,947,396 3,435,576 214 262 78,894 125,194 171,769 108,758 320 333 23,741 19,975 3,957,456 2,193,397 283 298 11,694 U,009 2,531,241 1,764,007 53 106 39 35 259 171 12,047 5,966 1,426,215 429,390 29 29 278 1B2 53,100 14,279 202 229 21,192 17,267 635,760 836,658 84 65 23,160 24,790 301,080 391,242 82 66 22,629 12,147 218,026 116,586 3 829 3,436 81 21,800 214,590 184 209 3,341 2,319 23 48 54 43 10 6 69 53 585 450 160 188 2,756 2,369 4,787,903 3,075,300 344 382 4,576,327 2,906,856 157 216 26,192 38,952 185,384 129,492 343 376 28,713 24,387 4,044,534 2,500,207 277 308 13,267 14,791 2,185,566 1,848,987 67 89 85 36 231 269 15,451 9,596 1,853,968 651,220 24 35 71 140 9,757 6,910 191 208 14,237 8,691 427,110 334,623 49 28 7,302 5,354 94,926 65,111 38 26 6,731 6,071 66,039 58,695 4 32 192 37 6,699 65,347 157 186 1,803 1,702 464 431 133 156 1,339 1,221 Tripp 9,196,824 4,635,304 937 1,073 8,796,921 4,160,102 624 851 185,U1 274,992 214,762 200,210 912 1,039 47,702 33,543 7,433,530 3,204,536 676 793 21,969 17,044 4,343,118 2,043,941 170 221 241 44 725 768 25,733 16,499 3,085,462 1,160,645 61 76 195 176 16,743 8,202 504 eu 39,580 23,191 1,137,400 899,230 136 66 12,246 3,733 159,198 48,084 147 66 14,237 4,196 U8,352 38,773 15 2,363 11,033 143 U,374 107, 3U 512 539 6,510 5,407 58 182 171 81 18 2 301 310 2,216 1,634 432 482 4,294 3,773 12,529,172 9,235,739 1,504- 1,699 10,409,211 7,543,679 1,373 1,619 957,680 878,570 1,162,281 858,490 1,289 1,588 29,950 23,693 6,454,590 3,407,659 974 1,393 24,775 19,164 5,668,790 3,053,828 260 405 245 64 540 786 5,175 4,529 785,800 353,331 5 23 110 47 3,000 2,789 1,213 1,380 102,641 70,442 3,079,230 3,074,275 358 262 67,107 52,145 372,391 1,063,956 380 275 23,126 22,129 172,969 183,951 28 9,794 52,900 368 13,332 120,069 1,175 1,291 16,516 14,524 66 355 518 206 24 6 756 595 5,384 3,289 1,074 1,139 11,132 11,235 10,446,821 7,935,229 1,074 1,170 9,590,460 7,162,144 763 954 322,791 360,648 533,570 412,437 393 1,029 30,884 23,202 6,891,015 4,266,509 641 932 23,911 20,511 5,674,270 4,055,986 95 276 207 63 349 447 6,973 2,691 1,216,745 210,523 5 20 25 39 2,500 2,437 383 957 82,005 62,298 2,460,150 2,810,379 UO 99 18,215 4,612 236,795 82,819 120 94 10,389 3,051 59,363 26,163 16 6,501 26,715 113 3,888 32,648 303 394 12,593 12,303 48 227 289 206 30 3 503 407 4,221 3,033 718 819 8,372 9,770 4,885,671 1,975,680 470 502 4,476,379 1,669,275 363 427 107,385 86,400 301,907 220,005 447 487 20,744 12,827 3,617,862 1,271,665 371 407 12,139 7,135 2,597,363 876,522 104 107 127 33 305 337 8,605 5,692 1,020,499 395, U3 43 44 97 73 9,170 4,154 316 318 24,113 10,095 723,390 377,340 41 9,689 1,296 125,957 15,916 80 45 3,821 1,603 34,840 14,293 1 11 33 80 3,810 34,307 Wasbabaugh 300 294 3,753 2,177 38 96 112 45 7 2 98 52 743 231 284 269 ,010 1,911,662 1,039,705 154 165 1,880,126 1,011,265 66 74 7,355 6,502 24,181 21,933 148 163 12,393 9,180 1,736,227 952,627 129 138 5,363 5,442 1,000,927 636,899 19 48 44 18 UA 121 6,530 3,738 735,300 265,728 22 15 101 65 8,944 2,360 54 59 3,595 1,592 107,850 49,042 14 12 2,085 636 27,105 7,236 18 12 2,216 529 17,810 5,263 2 368 1,960 13 1,848 15,850 51 45 447 304 39 31 186 121 41 37 261 133 9,U6,724 7,223,806 1,060 1,195 7,921,323 6,425,774 940 1,095 642,070 466,159 553,331 331,873 945 1,051 27,262 23,807 5,543,903 3,466,295 733 875 22,156 19,817 5,038,373 3,132,106 181 245 253 54 448 550 5,106 3,990 605,530 334,139 11 23 27 74 4,175 6,140 370 979 73,281 66,133 2,198,430 2,786,102 116 81 5,755 8,539 74,815 167,237 130 74 5,995 3,838 46,793 34,495 13 2,083 9,740 123 3,912 37,053 831 917 13,597 12,802 32 218 351 183 37 10 486 401 4,084 2,991 792 870 9,513 9,811 3,644,352 2,241,567 289 294 3,451,193 2,050,541 116 142 10,040 14,355 183,119 176,671 276 237 24,823 20,011 3,044,630 1,693,505 207 255 10,815 10,325 1,498,677 1,097,909 56 62 66 23 245 208 U,008 9,636 1,545,953 595,596 46 43 390 258 29,453 11,421 43 81 2,075 1,711 62,250 67,281 76 74 2-4,220 22,935 314,860 278,334 99 70 32,383 30,190 341,023 272,990 99 32,383 341,023 48 65 76 «6 196 67 377 es 24 69 18 70 6 71 72 73 74 19 7S 29 76 48 77 106 78 38 7» 62 «0 143 81 271 tn 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are basH Item Tile State Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Honnoe Brookings Brown Brule Buffalo (For definitions uid explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk or cream sold foniia reporting 1959... 25,081 346 582 123 718 773 543 215 57 2 1954 33,120 419 752 142 794 1,062 858 214 67 S dollars 1959... 28,295,984 259,170 438,231 60,055 523,410 1,343,145 737,726 138,853 25,528 4 1954 . . . 20,257,493 165,235 436,917 58,190 287,304 791,728 695,350 54,170 23,126 5 Average sales per Tann reporting dollars 1959 .. . 1,128 749 753 4«8 729 1,738 1,359 646 443 6 Milk sold as whole milk famm leportinp 1969 . . . 5,383 29 151 8 51 311 76 6 4 7 1954 . . . 2,321 10 56 3 30 34 90 12 2 8 pounds 1959... 495,492,849 2,925,090 7,572,459 222,009 2,919,625 29,601,208 10,330,379 876,950 113,040 9 1954 . . . 160,727,972 188,973 5,718,626 176,752 531,558 3,172,010 3,117,390 212,686 116,886 10 Oeam sold Tarms repccting 1959 . . . 20,252 327 466 115 672 477 467 209 55 11 1954 .. . 30,799 409 696 134 764 1,028 768 202 65 12 pounds of butlerfat 1959 . . . 21,875,061 309,505 367,626 92,170 734,990 595,325 573,372 199,972 36,130 13 1954 .. . POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 26,860,119 303,061 427,608 94,012 511,791 1,212,659 660,673 88,076 36,873 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farms reportins 1959 .. . 37,161 557 1,044 117 1,115 1,253 1,004 474 90 15 1954... 45,7U 687 1,277 157 1,244 1,508 1,192 591 97 16 20,503,180 199,971 667,871 10,568 610,623 833,969 706,991 181,307 25,859 17 1954... 18,797,447 256,631 555,623 25,352 511,530 954,114 479,447 181,766 28,312 18 Chickens sold fanns reporting 1959.. . 32,554 32,908 500 506 931 1,007 49 71 1,052 1,035 1,193 1,234 893 789 423 417 72 69 19 1954... 20 number 1959 ... 4,736,703 63,611 125,813 3,778 139,611 249,745 179,010 44,326 7,737 21 1954... 4,558,241 58,695 138,383 6,928 123,324 217,893 101,113 50,839 3,057 22 Broilers sold farms repnting 1959 .. . 13 2 3 23 1954 .. . 29 1 24 number 1?59.. . 50,341 1,600 4,100 25 1954... 168, 191 1,200 26 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959.. . 32,551 500 931 49 1,052 1,193 891 423 72 27 1954... 32,887 506 1,007 71 1,035 1,233 789 417 69 28 number 1959 .. . 4,686,362 63, 6U 125,813 3,778 133,011 249,745 174,910 44,326 7,737 29 1951... 4,390,050 58,695 138,383 6,928 123,324 216,693 101,113 50,339 3,057 80 Chicken eggs sold farms repotting 1959 .. . 36,061 552 1,023 103 1,110 1,232 954 468 36 31 1954... 43,078 675 1,204 133 1,201 1,467 1,069 570 91 32 dozens 1959 . . . 74,224,099 798,987 2,284,030 38,775 2,548,251 3,345,912 2,314,982 758,981 103,577 33 1954 .. . 55,374,665 882,634 1,583,762 59,545 1,735,219 2,673,037 1,073,204 642,986 90,600 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 2,583 30 100 15 85 49 93 22 11 35 1954... 5,350 53 280 19 209 108 156 62 12 36 dollars 1959... 2,836,530 6,383 130,156 979 10,565 27,939 146,670 1,920 906 57 1954 . . . 1,920,008 9,420 94,538 2,939 26,448 81,492 148,028 5,339 2,002 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1059.., 2,172 22 58 29 7 19 84 25 20 39 1954 . . . 2,581 36 56 33 7 32 103 37 13 40 number 1959.. . 730,522 309 37,363 471 100 6,180 35,025 262 344 41 1954... Farms repotting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 378,051 1,739 17,130 729 1,522 17,803 22,421 1,139 365 42 UndaSO farms repcrting 1959... 1,946 21 48 27 6 13 78 24 19 43 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959.. . 151 1 5 2 1 2 4 1 1 44 400 or more farms reporting 19,59. .. 75 5 4 2 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Fall Hlver Fauli Grant Gregory Haakon HanOln Hand Hans(3n Hai-ding DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk or cream sold farms repcrunp 1959... 101 245 311 665 64 448 389 407 103 2 1954... 124 329 943 632 120 619 540 505 130 3 47,694 151,068 1,667,970 420,043 32,936 750,235 312, 213 4U,001 34,934 4 1064... 83,146 141,533 843,735 221,303 40,029 422,842 239,233 253,329 39,644 5 .Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 .. . 472 617 2,057 632 515 1,675 803 1,010 339 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms repotting 1959 .. . 11 12 546 53 5 195 19 107 13 7 1954 .. . 23 10 316 7 2 16 18 34 6 8 pounds 1959 .. . 584,792 453,080 51,570,737 2,492,068 3,913 18,934,170 2,827,319 6,445,989 48,848 9 1954 . . . 1,435,435 188,764 16,210,406 93,023 13,760 771,419 1,327,362 1,814,793 51,293 10 Cream sold farms reporUnp 1959 .. . 90 238 310 617 59 283 382 320 96 11 1954 .. . 101 319 627 625 118 603 522 471 124 12 pounds of butterfat 1959 .. . 41,949 234,643 425,530 596,021 56,339 294,645 405,382 330,600 55,994 13 1954... POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 48,153 245,590 768,643 441,996 61,369 694,013 356,536 377,678 64,287 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959. . . 156 425 705 679 146 653 687 594 140 15 1954... 218 508 875 830 237 312 833 671 178 16 dollars 1959 . . . 40,377 224,524 321,115 163,397 23,236 431,629 299,181 310,702 11,114 17 1954 . . . 49,652 187,105 331,475 203,123 36,977 431,982 290,723 336,619 16,045 18 Chickens sold farms reporting 1959. . . 74 385 592 563 85 619 579 547 66 19 1954... 104 432 584 493 102 620 577 531 61 20 number 1959 . , . 9,163 56,488 36,696 47,016 3,268 110,473 87,855 75,074 3,637 21 19.54... 11,606 52,037 83,296 58,012 9,053 96,855 72,441 68,805 3,389 22 Broilers sold farms repcrting liB9. . . 1 23 1954 . . . 1 1 24 number 1959 . . . 1,524 25 1954 . . . 1,500 10,000 26 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 74 385 592 563 '85 619 579 547 66 27 1954... 104 432 583 493 102 620 577 531 61 28 number 1959 . . . 9,163 56,488 85,172 47,016 8,263 110,473 87,855 75,074 3,687 29 1954 . . . .0,106 52,037 73,296 58,012 9,053 96,855 72,4/41 68,805 3,389 30 Chicken eggs sold farms ft?portinB 1959... 141 415 681 666 137 635 667 584 120 31 1954... 196 474 329 805 203 786 779 637 148 82 dozens 1959 . . , 158,629 857,136 1,300,430 673,257 92,657 1,795,063 1,169,431 1,124,761 36,934 83 1951... 93,891 509,842 965,959 772,890 90,399 1,340,053 832,793 937,771 43,426 84 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 19 49 54 22 11 34 76 27 19 35 1954 .. . 21 87 80 76 39 57 143 61 28 36 dollars 1959 . . . 2,913 20,137 10,410 2,116 536 5,733 17,296 42,234 1,946 37 1954... 6,300 40,259 12,273 6,484 6,052 16,241 42,933 48,897 2,709 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farma reporting 1959 .. . 31 42 36 23 26 23 61 16 37 39 1954 .. . 38 51 26 20 52 28 93 16 65 40 number 1959 .. . 841 4,803 2,265 434 284 909 3,272 10,217 630 41 1954 .. . Farms reporting by numbw of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 1,291 9,131 1,918 1,142 1,854 3,291 7,784 10, 179 952 42 Und« 50 farma reporting 1959 .. . 28 2 38 1 31 4 26 2 26 19 4 53 6 14 36 1 43 50 to 399 farms repcrting 1959 . . . 4^ 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 3 1 2 2 SOUTH DAKOTA 171 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on reoorts for only a sample of farms. Soe textj Butte Campbell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison D«y Deuel Dewey Douglas Edmunds 186 342 750 479 306 573 222 109 340 895 681 102 483 397 1 286 488 639 802 479 7U 362 106 453 1,075 326 147 625 572 2 182,665 356,537 438,750 351,661 235,475 831,011 193,982 294,676 335,794 1,070,078. 904,696 62,662 507,090 400,669 3 296,519 309,061 203,529 344,621 2X,484 574,241 206,911 126,112 228,124 6U,965 544,369 71,521 351,090 455,573 4 982 1,043 585 734 770 1,450 874 2,703 988 1,196 1,329 614 1,039 1,009 S 21 7 77 58 50 a2 1 45 62 102 221 2 40 5 6 37 8 16 22 62 42 9 30 67 35 20 5 10 10 7 2,394,176 2,263,060 3,174,141 3,512,482 3,652,547 19,374,251 150,000 5,861,624 5,041,440 9,972,360 19,941,739 27,247 3,375,130 1,055,604 8 4,791,594 464,849 392,773 563,270 3,491,232 4,045,073 62,345 2,255,776 2,934,805 2,541,939 1,045,355 9,248 529,327 763,299 9 172 335 704 437 261 371 221 75 283 798 470 100 463 394 10 249 480 673 780 417 669 353 76 386 1,040 808 142 615 662 11 117,246 446,742 657,275 373,644 196,305 405,846 286,771 38,927 317,334 1,283,576 716,599 96,128 604,515 503,966 12 172,841 521,209 363,586 590,295 205,918 797,320 331,170 46,765 260,817 1,285,735 881,499 129,303 624,327 798,429 13 201 407 1,125 799 584 644 290 115 582 914 789 161 696 612 14 343 498 1,274 934 342 805 379 161 696 1,148 943 196 793 744 15 34,624 111,471 492,692 354,060 292,677 1,029,386 36,836 18,318 279,405 449,647 450,842 17,404 390,926 269,944 U 54,391 81,711 411,456 333,105 319,802 607,590 44,122 28,370 256,381 431,708 446,434 24,006 326,831 175,861 IT 109 333 1,034 733 546 579 159 48 526 812 738 95 656 536 IS 140 277 970 696 601 536 157 76 529 707 693 97 661 435 19 9,950 27,073 110,776 104,955 69,972 75,116 11,425 3,603 68,140 U4,847 129,980 9,030 85,118 56,997 20 9,393 21,837 108,069 94,945 80,941 78,502 12,283 6,510 68,628 1 1 97,884 102,953 6,359 83,682 45,192 21 1 1 "4 1 22 23 1,500 24 5,000 2,160 1,008 5,410 1,000 25 109 333 1,034 738 546 579 159 48 526 612 738 95 556 536 26 140 277 970 695 601 535 157 76 528 704 692 97 561 435 27 9,950 27,073 110,776 104,955 69,972 75, U6 11,425 3,603 66,640 114,847 129,980 9, OX 86,118 56,997 28 9,393 21,837 108,069 39,945 80,941 76,402 12,233 6,510 67,620 92,474 101,963 8,359 83,682 45,192 29 184 399 1,109 776 573 606 253 102 573 871 773 132 591 600 30 312 483 1,228 946 784 752 331 129 662 1,063 692 158 770 704 31 131,192 462,045 2,081,239 1,449,264 1,239,958 1,173,161 128,906 77,320 1,165,068 1,811,610 1,853,792 59,205 1,654,993 1,008,757 32 126,833 303,305 1,497,009 1,130,553 1,020,070 1,040,642 116,247 51,886 836,755 1,206,822 1,343,053 62,703 1,195,329 580,313 33 16 30 53 48 11 67 55 16 25 99 37 30 . 31 99 34 49 61 146 91 42 98 91 18 67 168 94 45 51 145 35 2,976 2,241 3,802 5,835 294 750,761 5,327 799 3,681 18,936 6,614 1,851 2,713 32,058 3« 7,372 3,701 7,627 16,385 13,827 295,076 8,023 1,873 4,122 68,774 5,627 3,851 12,152 18,151 37 38 31 28 63 54 45 33 21 46 17 73 47 59 38 71 27 25 76 4 58 98 40 21 77 14 63 8 84 3> 669 291 565 1,829 223,621 1,126 436 289 5,072 1,571 914 415 4,233 W 1,585 473 604 3,278 2,504 79,032 2,250 610 401 17,535 159 1,250 2,226 3,194 41 36 31 24 63 40 41 32 21 37 14 71 46 57 42 2 4 4 1 4 10 4 1 7 2 2 1 2 1 9 3 U 44 Hughes Hutchinson Ifrde Jackson Jerauld Jones Klngshury laTra lawrence Lincoln I^nnan McCook UcPherson Marshall 73 1,003 144 55 335 78 409 423 85 791 140 647 631 441 105 1,195 193 81 358 112 685 694 128 920 160 781 900 615 52,798 1,124,015 75,419 43,657 173,974 30,013 460,641 635,083 352,400 832,115 65,577 785,160 633,301 372,745 55,909 659,851 82,352 34,839 133,561 33,408 243,272 371,203 301,747 637,129 45,487 406,183 687,944 377,485 723 1,121 524 794 519 385 1,126 1,501 4,146 1,115 468 1,214 1,004 645 4 136 1 54 198 196 30 170 1 165 13 1 3 72 "5 5 7 "4 7 20 46 93 3 40 11 16 53,520 18,689,324 504,000 1,850,406 13,640,439 16,644,401 7,107,892 17,171,966 1,720 16,153,305 1,156,739 174,000 415,590 3,173,856 587,290 340,728 50,994 160,967 143,210 987,304 6,765,370 7,741,375 72,111 2,287,300 348,857 259,487 ■71 827 144 54 307 78 212 232 55 641 140 497 622 440 102 1,123 188 76 351 106 676 674 82 827 157 741 839 599 73,161 1,023,371 126,913 35,276 238,955 43,769 152,692 299,764 53,461 614,650 117,518 513,340 1,020,374 595,878 12 69,568 1,053,405 118,804 35,717 248,610 46,025 456,808 632,546 73,475 651,415 74,314 602,255 1,259,061 659,651 13 106 1,X2 219 31 407 154 834 90S 95 1,173 289 1,013 689 503 14 152 1,464 289 126 510 168 1,063 1,043 157 1,355 376 1,170 851 664 15 74,009 1,477,837 56,338 8,531 137,097 32,690 394,164 661,503 32,530 836,793 82,457 719,278 192,047 244,166 16 40,424 938,088 76,017 17,265 145,407 38,225 450,456 643,396 34,392 665,914 111,983 652,593 164,995 248,733 17 83 1,290 166 43 372 137 756 670 42 1,117 216 976 570 389 18 80 1,381 195 55 348 98 856 982 76 1,100 248 931 481 416 19 10,225 193,407 17,419 3,053 40,384 7,994 115,260 170,658 3,135 191,180 32,353 131,158 39,888 55,165 20 10,239 182,025 19,211 4,520 39,444 10,014 148,093 1 15,000 171,226 4,975 161,363 30,722 1 5,066 154,160 31,669 51,530 1 3,500 21 23 24 25 33 1,290 166 48 372 137 756 870 42 1,117 216 978 570 389 2« 80 1,381 195 55 348 98 855 962 76 1,100 348 931 481 418 27 10, 225 193,407 17,419 3,058 40,384 7,994 115,260 170,858 3,U5 191,180 27,353 161,153 39,888 51,665 28 10,239 182,025 19,211 4,520 39,444 10,014 133,093 171,226 4,975 161,363 30,722 154,160 31,669 51,530 29 97 1,323 210 75 400 150 821 896 83 1,154 278 1,007 671 482 30 136 1,423 275 103 481 145 1,049 993 140 1,299 336 1,115 820 596 31 150,333 3,755,386 229,771 33,200 551,863 70,520 1,611,701 2,737,624 61,259 3,267,564 321,330 2,968,996 772,077 575,591 32 88,058 2,846,395 244,824 50,521 496,494 71,867 1,443,833 1,886,965 64,443 2,048,954 347,697 2,133,937 584,403 511,057 33 7 139 18 8 35 14 35 32 5 28 24 40 101 31 34 22 331 41 19 77 27 73 91 16 60 42 112 190 63 35 38,073 597,543 911 421 4,379 14,938 7,317 11,342 18,175 116,399 1,605 15,375 11,021 101,073 3< 11,751 157,202 10,032 912 6,320 13,020 4,591 31,776 6,384 16,396 13,284 13,571 14,469 79,716 37 19 20 45 14 23 20 28 9 12 4 32 11 70 33 38 21 14 45 17 35 23 24 21 19 3 40 6 57 37 39 7,737 190,262 470 173 825 3,969 450 2,613 5,318 20,037 417 2,531 1,865 32,707 40 2,238 16,151 2,001 266 1,187 2,533 755 6,7X 1,344 2,059 3,339 1,447 1,751 16,605 41 17 13 45 14 22 16 26 7 11 2 31 9 59 25 42 1 2 3 2 1 1 10 5 43 1 5 1 1 "2 1 1 2 1 3 44 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for dairy products sold for 1959 are based Item (For dermitions and explanations, see text) Moody Pennington DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold famis reporting dollars Average sales per farm reporting dollars Milk said as whole milk faims reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat POliLTRY AND POULTKY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold rarms reporting dollars Chickens sold , farms reporting number Bioilers sold farms rep. 1,302 7 35 3,761 40 35,622 46,858 ... 107,803 14,768 10 36 31,834 102 65 56,148 93,844 398,016 20 5 21,649 35 37 2 ... ... 1 1 ... 38 ! ... 1 17 2 ... 2 ... 10 20 2 1 1 39 40 5 K 23 23 20 15 10 15 5 41 42 5 4 38 14 16 3 15 3 43 44 1 49 2 1 1 ... 24 1 45 46 5 2 2 48 25 1 20 16 1 6 15 3 2 6 ... 2 22 3 i 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Stub items continued 188 Part 3 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Marshall Meade Mellette Miner Minnehaha Moody Pennington Perkins Potter Small grains harvested — Continued 15 2 16 7 5 1 1 Emmer and spelt farms reporting 1959 . . . 2 1954. . . 57 9 4 30 3 5 10 9 3 acres 1959... 212 39 316 107 170 8 •4 1954... 879 144 119 514 37 150 190 156 5 biishels 1959... 3,075 740 4,285 970 2,020 160 6 1954... 18,828 2,020 1,850 13,320 573 1,580 4,645 2,340 7 Sales bushels 1959 . . . 1,883 ::: 2,400 243 80 175 S 1954... 9 Proso millet farms reporting 1959. . . 138 4 2 5 3 4 4 1 ... 10 1954. . . 234 9 4 13 4 4 2 9 in 3,74« 52 179 39 52 47 81 23 12 1954... 5,283 93 154 120 26 21 9 124 13 bushels 1959... 37,666 470 1,100 665 1,236 630 490 460 14 1954... 118,182 500 3,350 2,279 415 200 .45 2,390 15 Sales bushels 1959 . . . 8,433 53,168 150 ... 1,180 115 20 16 1954. . . 17 Safflower farms reporting 1959... ... 1 2 18 acres 1959... 8 98 ... 19 pounds 1959... ... 3,200 23,720 ... 20 Sales pounds 1959. . . ... ... 3,200 23,720 ... ... 21 Other grains farms reporting 1959... 6 8 5 3 1 2 22 acres 1959... 228 330 174 252 40 30 ... 23 507 1,4^5 145 511 758 389 1,185 1,174 115 24 bushels 1959... 1,815 6,400 5,954 4,360 600 450 25 1954... 13,493 17,175 1,360 12,614 25,373 12,820 8,942 13,001 1,510 26 Sales bushels 1959 . . . 130 230 27 608 600 479 1,200 2,550 3,892 2,900 2S Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes....... .farms reporting 1959... 50 1 11 262 248 29 1954... 44 40 337 257 3 3 2 30 acres 1959... 1,837 20 208 7,268 7,386 31 1954... 1,017 592 6,763 5,619 35 27 47 32 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 48 1 11 261 247 33 1954... 44 39 337 254 1 2 2 34 acres 1959... 1,811 5 208 7,260 7,371 35 1954... 1,017 589 6,763 5,598 5 7 47 36 bushels 1959... 9,752 20 2,388 136,420 112,873 ... 37 1954... 9,255 9,044 120,006 101,949 25 12 470 38 Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 1 39 1954... 1 40 acres 1959... 20 5 4 41 1954... 4 42 tons 1959... 17 3 7 ... ... 43 1954... 6 44 Hogged or grazed or cut for silage farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 ... . . . ... ... ... 45 1954... 1 3 2 1 46 acres 1959... 10 ... 47 3 17 30 20 48 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959... 1 1 1 49 1954... 50 acres 1959... 6 4 15 51 1954... 52 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1959... 1 53 1954. . . 54 55 acres 1959 .. . 1954... 1 56 57 100- lb. bags 1959... 1954... 2 SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continue(l 189 Part 3 of 5 Roberts Sanborn Shannon Splni Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth WashBbaugh Yajiiton Ziebach 23 2 9 5 38 1 4 4 8 6 19 4 4 1 12 24 2 5 1 3 1 2 199 318 110 187 ... 118 988 12 86 136 246 160 4W 73 33 25 139 397 34 6 60 3 4 3,371 7,455 340 4,590 830 20,982 200 1,450 1,715 2,780 2,422 5,666 2,U0 794 200 1,365 5,569 450 3,950 50 480 5 6 350 810 388 ... 5,890 ... 1,119 120 200 115 ... 250 7 8 119 US 5 6 2 90 253 3 4 1 5 6 8 3 7 ... 8 21 2 4 3 1 9 10 1,969 1,862 123 71 21 3,246 6,407 ... 170 300 90 U5 66 103 21 49 ... 356 464 35 97 116 5 11 12 20,214 33,477 2,175 1,210 275 32,175 98,757 1,250 3,580 1,200 2,380 685 1,185 430 775 ... 1,865 6,718 300 1,068 2,128 100 13 14 1,626 10,755 33 11 627 308,320 308,820 10,598 53,466 ... 1,100 2,600 300 SO 100 ... 4,460 250 275 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 1 1 ... 2 3 8 4 ... 6 21 64 1,298 653 50 75 25 2,237 177 842 45 262 68 2,487 272 776 155 323 287 U 98 518 425 22 23 930 28,795 17,515 1,000 1,100 450 50,363 2,600 10,374 650 4,630 791 58,261 8,000 22,199 7,145 10,095 5,445 200 1,660 8,715 5,650 24 25 8,153 1,000 400 3,475 800 1,333 14,017 1,305 3,771 1,600 400 ... 1,000 26 27 837 620 2 25 1 48 2 1 3 149 303 414 736 9 2 71 185 1 28 29 36,604 18,205 85 274 ... 40 772 80 1 25 3,475 6,117 17,479 29,991 193 13 1,897 4,456 2 30 31 828 615 2 23 1 47 ::: 1 1 1 149 302 412 736 5 1 69 181 32 33 35,976 18", 08^ 85 260 ... ■40 754 65 1 10 3,458 6,075 17,408 29,944 57 9 1,862 4,361 34 35 245,376 243,360 1,060 3,065 ... 120 5,409 ... 240 15 50 47,510 119,367 350,541 670,675 315 40 34,873 89,931 36 37 9 3 1 ... ... ... ::: 1 ::: 2 3 1 38 39 99 IS 10 ... ::: 2 ... 3 56 5 40 41 66 22 11 ... 1 ... 5 65 10 42 43 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 45 221 55 2 ... 11 15 ... 10 10 30 80 10 3 46 47 11 3 1 ... 1 ... ... 1 2 2 1 2 ... 1 1 5 1 48 49 308 44 2 1 8 7 1 1 6 35 ... "2 122 3 3 3 17 32 1 10 41 44 4 3 7 25 87 2 50 51 52 53 54 55 20 60 30O '.'.'. 740 .11 60 8 56 57 Stub Items continued 190 Part 4 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) The State Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Homme Brookings Brown Brule Buffalo 1 2 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 — 1954. . . 4,659,388 5,201,188 77,011 82,323 126,688 120,456 58,914 71,583 36,227 34,977 59,258 56,442 140,399 146,752 87,566 98,545 32,653 66,300 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 41,051 44,371 583 571 977 1,030 213 220 992 1,001 1,273 1,342 1,198 1,454 465 439 106 109 5 6 acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 2,059,553 1,747,665 28,568 21,521 52,547 40,945 22,040 16,724 20,604 16,979 37,126 32,495 70,198 78,709 25,685 15,689 10,850 6,925 7 8 tons 1959... 1954. . . 1,846,466 2,567,352 21,580 44,154 43,043 57,541 22,883 21,250 28,146 32,125 40,536 52,109 57,840 104,537 23,108 26,335 6,276 9,543 9 10 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 3,140 4,463 16 61 53 64 23 22 75 56 116 137 121 245 16 20 2 4 1954... 11 12 tons 1959... 1954. . . 144,268 203,884 512 3,377 2,055 2,360 1,478 1,394 1,554 1,567 3,170 3,742 4,149 11,744 748 1,139 40 304 13 U 15 16 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 3,405 12,875 11,494 3,094 5,183 32 133 187 168 63 32 219 317 280 129 8 22 47 55 81 199 522 210 52 9 129 544 422 151 27 35 224 381 376 182 30 94 126 144 71 3 11 17 43 32 17 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 — 18 19 Clover, tilQOthy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 972 2,503 12 5 7 7 12 9 12 14 43 188 17 17 6 6 1 20 21 acres 1959... 1954... 33,745 62,940 327 81 225 114 2,100 2,355 170 235 674 3,312 412 629 299 137 20 22 23 tons 1959... 1954. . . 27,326 67, 698 252 71 178 97 2,450 2,673 125 284 548 3,588 283 711 154 159 10 24 25 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 58 145 1 1 1 1 12 26 27 tons 1959. . , 1954. . . 1,314 2,726 6 12 20 7 301 28 29 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small 1954... 10,715 3,103 296 23 354 50 30 47 61 37 213 11 257 27 297 22 58 10 30 31 acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 480,183 94,393 15,886 662 20,167 833 1,272 2,039 1,091 543 4,572 67 12,746 414 20,051 614 4,795 451 32 33 tons 1959... 1954. . . 253,187 74,177 7,409 488 9,301 704 1,164 1,529 931 511 4,128 94 6,753 403 9,933 552 1,999 575 34 35 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954... 234 66 6 10 1 1 3 1 6 7 12 1 2 36 37 tons 1959... 1954. . . 6,469 1,475 256 311 3 23 31 1 79 315 346 27 60 38 39 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 25,279 34,322 412 642 740 1,039 153 216 574 673 603 720 730 995 396 588 83 140 40 41 acres 1959. . . 1954... 1,958,847 3,141,642 31,044 58,371 49,383 73,864 32,481 49,128 13,419 16,221 13,734 16,533 51,713 64,602 39,840 30,612 16,855 53,444 42 43 tons 1959. . . 1954. . . 1,041,390 1,968,609 10,543 37,351 22,497 39,706 25,623 35,493 7,679 16,042 10,000 16,906 29,973 42,759 14,592 46,454 5,811 23,239 44 45 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 1,563 2j546 14 46 34 48 23 25 23 27 50 81 62 71 16 48 2 13 46 47 tons 1959... 1954... 58,432 104,469 460 1,692 1,059 1,333 2,479 1,474 170 419 864 1,900 1,808 2,674 888 2,721 40 1,330 48 49 50 51 52 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 2,523 5,821 5,457 5,293 6,185 9 68 97 136 102 36 124 209 218 153 3 10 19 26 95 121 242 165 37 9 185 216 131 58 13 35 141 207 196 151 4 31 72 126 163 "6 8 19 55 53 54 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 4,863 5,982 37 49 149 190 15 21 80 103 227 305 177 108 43 43 7 14 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 123,962 153,690 1,186 1,188 4,366 4,700 1,021 1,337 943 999 3,093 4,035 5,330 2,348 1,691 1,478 153 460 57 58 tons 1959... 1954. . . 91,306 134,299 650 948 3,570 3,421 762 789 876 1,052 2,386 4,366 3,819 2,125 1,077 1,133 103 397 59 202 276 1 1 4 3 3 4 13 27 10 4 60 1954... 61 62 tons 1959. . . 1954 .. . 5,048 6,627 75 35 113 iio 160 47 263 493 328 35 63 64 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 103 14 2 1 1 65 66 acres 1959... 1954. . . 3,098 858 59 'so 15 67 68 tone, green v/eight 1959... 1954. . . 13,060 4,460 280 300 ■75 SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 191 Part 4 of 5 Butte CsMpbell Charles Mli Clark Clay Codljigtan Goraon Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey Douglae 49,475 69, 282 61,442 60,117 98,914 88,932 89,900 87,138 20,838 17,825 59,585 55,913 108,362 96,109 29,503 21,954 49,266 33,135 95^416 94,395 59,415 61,132 93,616 93,699 55,988 36,871 1 2 449 512 485 483 1,113 1,074 837 1,051 628 668 671 824 434 469 224 193 610 651 917 1,255 847 909 246 263 679 707 3 4 35,851 33,943 26,535 21,192 42,315 31,993 40,132 49,287 17,221 13,267 23,807 27,438 41, 395 30,816 19,755 11,758 22,220 17,336 30,041 44,358 26,680 22,360 23,051 21,303 18,881 15,123 5 6 61,773 67,207 21,115 29,715 39,892 61,029 28,572 66,530 40,613 32,833 13,814 41,639 21,042 36,445 20,105 7,446 15,647 35,984 15,959 53,722 25,873 37,154 14,416 23,682 14,731 30,931 7 8 128 110 22 19 67 78 43 160 210 174 29 139 27 61 31 10 19 95 35 108 41 78 11 40 9 33 9 10 12,629 9,444 831 849 2,614 2,950 1,509 7,071 17,235 10,280 447 4,716 833 4,434 1,202 500 305 3,364 503 5,029 929 2,158 313 3,570 173 1,050 11 12 16 56 84 157 136 16 90 152 170 57 112 381 340 211 69 30 218 271 227 91 99 3U 141 52 25 29 229 259 132 22 10 63 73 137 151 13 28 43 56 74 51 180 252 93 29 73 342 309 176 17 77 339 236 124 21 22 42 70 112 91 276 220 79 13 13 14 15 16 17 13 28 12 30 14 23 21 38 2 16 20 60 6 20 43 42 8 14 33 32 43 143 1 12 8 9 18 19 492 861 480 679 238 508 580 685 13 253 447. 892 482 864 1,563 1,544 260 267 803 492 1,094 2,417 , 20 382 232 170 20 21 261 952 352 800 261 658 438 723 16 394 317 1,029 271 880 1,285 643 217 434 454 635 852 2,815 6 297 151 219 22 23 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 10 2 1 1 2 12 24 25 35 10 38 20 20 65 1 115 22 13 20 9 239 26 27 112 98 95 34 412 46 361 47 20 17 314 14 177 87 67 80 307 21 326 18 109 10 64 37 428 9 28 29 3,354 2,542 2,618 475 16,336 1,279 15,778 632 581 334 10,617 215 9,720 2,588 2,075 2,792 17,052 334 12,539 169 2,210 146 3,730 1,338 20,506 131 30 31 2,655 2,212 1,674 494 8,141 1,063 9,014 471 1,240 383 5,236 225 4,336 2,085 1,379 1,054 7,231 523 5,156 161 1,773 113 1,726 1,122 8,796 247 32 33 4 5 1 10 1 13 1 2 1 3 8 3 6 2 11 ... 2 1 2 1 5 34 35 165 66 10 164 10 486 12 44 20 30 148 72 53 24 532 18 15 36 200 32 36 37 79 220 457 522 763 995 558 664 65 98 491 6U 396 522 91 66 235 383 1,039 1,166 700 357 348 374 469 601 38 39 9,065 29,787 31,096 36,269 36,722 52,189 27,011 31,137 2,023 3,044 20,547 25,010 55,363 59,193 4,955 4,700 9,133 13,256 48,170 47,091 26,901 33,818 60,322 70,139 15,672 20,934 40 41 4,811 16,169 19,543 26,235 15,872 46, U7 15,979 22,681 2,121 3,268 11,927 20,705 27,041 39,674 3,256 2,380 2,325 11,436 30,920 42,284 15,506 29,864 33,013 39,466 5,102 19,169 42 43 5 25 24 9 30 76 25 59 18 23 34 78 25 29 12 1 9 35 39 85 47 85 13 29 6 19 U 45 166 1,562 840 209 742 2,493 565 1,406 576 855 1,126 2,721 1,202 2,568 124 3 38 948 2,044 2,231 1,527 3,181 663 1,677 76 493 46 47 5 15 13 16 30 10 62 103 179 103 50 208 257 157 91 45 169 155 121 68 18 33 5 5 4 61 152 145 81 52 7 26 61 98 204 9 23 26 18 15 20 30 72 52 11 83 232 306 242 126 111 253 177 103 51 4 19 27 43 250 42 153 173 32 14 48 49 50 51 52 22 58 37 57 118 137 273 182 37 55 215 137 47 59 35 32 37 96 137 138 134 156 22 14 45 45 53 54 713 2,149 713 1,502 3,303 2,761 6,399 5,397 473 840 4,167 2,358 1,902 2,548 1,155 1,160 551 1,942 3,863 2,285 2,424 1,891 993 487 697 513 55 56 461 2,028 554 1,648 2,227 2,713 6,079 3,997 545 1,261 3,506 2,570 935 _2,120 673 455 431 2,080 2,925 2,246 2,365 1,989 582 401 643 678 57 58 1 4 5 7 11 10 8 11 8 9 1 1 4 2 6 2 8 10 8 1 "2 59 60 30 97 101 215 1 202 358 166 93 246 14 1 527 87 78 155 5 1 51 31 188 1 50 10 135 196 140 5 106 30 9 61 62 63 64 65 66 814 2,556 750 ... 200 ... 270 67 68 Stub Items continued 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Edmunds Fall River Fauli Grant Gregory Haakon Hamlin Hand Hanson 1 2 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 — 1954... 121,452 110,847 26,849 30,463 97,097 122,172 69,440 66, 373 96,525 109,823 33,548 98,252 35,540 33,479 132,953 213,205 31,726 29,324 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa nilxtureB cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954... 579 572 285 230 476 547 373 974 360 937 230 260 672 781 751 381 566 617 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 32,163 21,392 21,372 14,812 40,465 41,354 27,692 24,139 59,438 56,791 36,381 22,139 20,913 20,692 54,219 60,702 16,700 16,487 7 8 tons 1959... 1954... 21,080 24,817 22,554 13,717 21,738 49,087 21,300 43,634 61,789 81,774 23,368 16,536 16,331 33,876 35,040 74,070 11,485 33,657 17 17 32 18 13 46 50 129 84 144 21 16 38 109 35 54 21 71 10 1954. . . 11 12 tons 1959... 1954... 973 527 2,226 859 904 2,565 1,044 3,324 3,880 7,203 1,791 854 734 3,762 1,436 2,541 254 3,506 13 14 15 16 17 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay; Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 100 or more acres fame reporting 1959. . . 31 132 166 171 79 11 52 69 73 80 9 43 104 163 152 67 359 295 127 25 33 144 232 269 182 6 11 52 65 146 47 240 278 97 10 14 68 171 263 235 75 205 204 67 15 18 19 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 3 21 9 7 3 5 30 50 8 8 5 21 21 47 2 10 11 23 20 21 acres 1959... 1954. . . 100 653 248 «129 143 843 526 834 171 310 347 1,378 355 675 50 344 235 416 22 23 tons 1959... 1954... 132 769 122 127 87 722 408 1,047 209 238 235 1,033 193 833 35 307 136 657 24 25 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 1 4_ 1 2 "5 1 5 26 27 tons 1959... 1954. . . '60 20 ■57 40 75 87 8 99 28 29 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 229 63 67 126 243 31 264 22 100 20 59 79 132 4 249 77 212 23 30 31 acres 1959... 1954. . . 14,270 1,055 1,816 4,470 16,722 631 7,253 339 3,572 585 2,347 3,649 3,157 16 15,121 2,431 9,587 306 32 33 tons 1959... 1954. . . 7,220 939 1,439 2,822 6,366 599 3,760 294 2,517 561 1,613 2,166 1,811 24 6,977 2,416 3,810 433 34 35 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 7 2 2 7 1 5 1 36 37 tons 1959... 1954... 435 60 30 30 55 20 28 9 84 255 21 172 75 31 6 38 39 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 673 793 56 131 383 577 626 759 484 677 212 296 337 447 493 895 190 409 40 41 acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 73,512 85,717 2,595 8,298 38,587 78,402 31,674 33,773 32,272 50,145 42,044 65,141 3,576 10,406 51,741 144,026 4,835 11,177 42 43 tons 1959... 1954. . . 45,107 62,414 1,360 5,451 17,298 49,924 16,019 31,033 19,233 37,335 20,017 30,693 6,594 11,432 24,622 68,249 2,156 10,974 44 45 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954... 33 30 3 6 16 33 50 95 25 X 15 26 15 49 35 45 5 34 46 47 tons 1959... 1954. . . 2,187 1,623 53 235 970 1,383 1,611 3,196 921 885 1,542 2,715 396 1,217 1,527 1,942 56 584 48 49 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 5 51 90 207 320 6 18 12 13 7 5 55 75 104 83 183 123 133 99 37 112 121 125 89 1 16 20 46 129 77 131 88 33 8 4 74 86 139 190 39 79 47 22 3 51 52 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 53 54 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 43 66 24 64 39 41 155 148 41 69 16 56 175 136 58 117 28 65 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 1,407 2,025 818 2,754 1,180 942 2,295 2,233 1,072 1,997 1,929 5,945 2,494 1,690 1,822 5,702 369 938 57 58 tons 1959... 1954... 1,067 1,660 589 1,785 582 859 1,717 2,532 930 1,646 1,067 4,929 2,224 1,933 1,190 3,743 198 1,071 59 60 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 2 1 1 5 1 5 3 1 4 14 3 6 2 61 62 tons 1959... 1954. . . 140 6 80 188 3 91 33 20 66 183 69 138 46 63 64 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 1 65 66 acres 1959... 1954. . . 45 67 68 tons, green weight 1959... 1954. . . 100 SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 193 Part 4 of 5 Harding Hughes HutchljiBon Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Lake Lawrence Iflucolii I^nan McCook McPherson 54,636 73,606 56,314 90,104 74,601 54,603 87,401 144,117 35,319 36,913 57,128 67,248 62,683 71,453 57,707 62,872 31,238 32,899 25,218 23,735 28,4U 25,914 108,117 150,581 43,197 34,099 113,734 126,192 1 2 221 223 177 189 1,289 1,263 257 244 143 135 407 474 189 157 927 1,064 836 978 191 229 1,205 1,238 339 325 975 1,016 721 763 3 4 18,685 12,4U 13,634 10,612 33,801 25,227 25,254 16,765 16,855 10,424 22,159 17,337 27,134 15,465 34,003 36,382 22,771 22,958 16,987 16,298 22,742 18,221 31,456 21,725 24,340 20,672 29,755 24,169 5 6 13,750 12,523 9,064 14,152 27,861 51,120 12,532 19,798 10,529 8,266 17,561 28,053 13,957 16,460 44,959 65,674 32,786 46,661 16,156 25,382 43,862 41,033 17,851 26,109 25,867 40,931 21,184 30,170 7 8 11 5 12 10 31 55 3 16 3 6 24 52 13 7 87 183 44 81 25 33 133 91 11 36 51 58 21 37 9 10 828 211 506 1,230 742 2,635 200 595 361 555 846 1,841 592 333 3,861 7,755 1,481 2,893 1,392 3,132 4,596 2,753 404 2,464 1,036 1,415 532 1,818 11 12 11 29 41 77 63 8 27 41 57 44 132 615 423 99 20 8 17 57 89 86 1 13 16 45 68 24 72 136 113 62 2 12 24 63 88 60 321 317 188 41 93 429 280 74 10 9 20 69 268 627 257 50 3 6 45 69 91 128 134 437 304 91 9 52 210 260 152 47 13 14 15 16 17 25 30 4 29 18 1 10 7 25 6 2 3 12 43 74 26 135 67 60 12 144 6 6 16 36 7 58 18 19 1,942 1,823 175 490 356 85 411 434 1,334 218 32 133 567 741 1,236 359 2,219 4,188 3,394 247 2,157 465 223 347 502 350 1,064 20 21 1,260 1,330 150 597 534 40 416 203 943 128 38 83 397 679 1,514 388 2,893 3,048 2,529 248 2,933 242 235 304 805 247 1,261 22 23 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 5 11 1 1 6 1 6 1 24 25 40 20 38 30 !;; 40 186 10 47 382 23 5 105 10 133 15 26 27 134 149 63 28 476 44 141 97 24 50 196 26 43 64 71 13 103 20 84 62 74 19 109 81 269 19 140 42 28 29 7,352 8,292 3,671 1,285 21,637 539 3,758 3,381 1,146 2,064 9,443 414 2,525 3,259 1,754 130 2,218 187 2,124 1,065 1,330 142 6,142 2,666 10,104 180 6,266 624 30 31 4,712 5,032 1,729 1,048 11,726 573 3,628 3,720 7D7 1,490 4,854 324 1,116 2,214 1,408 195 1,914 311 1,336 973 2,539 251 2,871 2,222 5,648 155 2,879 592 32 33 4 2 1 2 1 6 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 8 1 2 4 1 4 1 34 35 75 45 20 43 60 86 1 45 224 10 120 49 10 106 6 132 54 30 15 30 36 37 201 291 170 238 720 1,047 249 342 U9 151 324 481 168 232 396 475 . 204 301 23 74 219 309 362 497 411 560 774 963 38 39 22,561 45,881 36,412 76,212 17,793 27,023 51,767 119,600 16,528 21,537 24,025 47,498 32,520 50,970 18,003 20,922 4,018 5,363 1,215 2,645 2,314 3,830 68,660 122,270 7,540 11,000 76,650 99,233 40 41 9,093 21,882 12,502 34,492 8,366 23,422 20,342 46,820 7,594 9,579 12,100 30,868 14,066 23,594 12,964 17,523 3,876 7,281 960 2,127 2,172 4,199 32,003 62,930 3,971 11,606 61,733 70,091 42 43 6 12 8 26 9 37 4 25 7 7 8 31 14 15 41 50 10 22 3 4 25 18 15 23 13 29 41 63 44 45 167 312 309 1,770 191 779 224 1,748 374 365 655 1,067 1,105 955 1,577 1,695 172 565 29 234 203 283 1,390 2,090 97 443 2,043 2,806 46 47 3 25 36 41 96 3 14 34 119 129 319 200 61 11 14 16 43 176 1 6 16 26 70 11 55 78 95 85 4 11 20 31 102 54 124 94 78 46 65 86 38 9 6 2 13 3 6 4 123 78 13 4 1 3 20 40 74 225 128 176 83 22 2 4 50 96 281 343 48 49 50 51 52 72 93 23 28 70 121 33 58 16 25 59 77 11 29 181 241 120 137 18 14 77 116 43 57 79 132 27 68 53 54 4,096 5,196 2,597 1,320 830 1,458 1,537 3,460 856 1,504 1,233 1,967 321 1,192 3,206 4,202 1,352 1,672 704 333 849 1,296 1,394 3,697 866 1,745 713 1,094 55 56 1,940 3,882 999 936 665 1,779 637 2,202 413 777 1,052 1,461 137 1,000 3,374 4,707 1,934 1,992 537 405 1,052 1,670 792 2,828 732 1,961 722 971 57 58 2 3 2 2 2 2 "2 "i 11 22 3 1 3 1 9 9 1 2 3 "3 59 60 38 122 190 73 30 41 36 'io ... 179 379 32 13 2 70 200 155 10 206 313 32 2 929 268 4,317 1,324 8 54 40 75 "i "3 '90 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Stub Items continued 194 Part 4 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item Marshall Meade Mellette Miner Minnehsha Moody Pennington Perkins Potter 1 2 Hay crops: Land from wMch hay waa cut acres 1959. . . 1954... 95,683 100,817 134,223 177,611 54,076 69,218 62,842 52,252 53,526 52,366 30,888 30,468 78,975 71,318 119,560 130,621 62,976 92,558 3 i. Alfalfa and alfalfa nEbttupes cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954... 549 752 708 820 239 242 701 759 1,617 1,771 882 904 496 507 602 614 280 351 5 6 acres 1959. . . 1954... 30,767 39,426 98,460 84,142 32,221 19,991 27,297 24,078 42,008 38,184 21,237 17,379 51,074 34,782 62,618 43,928 19,619 20,926 7 8 tons 1959... 1954... 25,750 55,066 64,601 89,073 15,577 19,824 24,095 44,065 90,183 92,940 30,268 33,083 47,676 30,067 33,479 56,400 10,727 23,296 9 10 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 29 85 50 85 10 7 26 61 195 183 64 59 65 48 36 37 8 23 U 12 tons 1959... 1954... 691 3,445 3,939 5,636 530 400 510 2,531 8,081 6,906 1,605 2,430 5,912 3,211 1,334 2,094 127 1,186 13 14 15 16 17 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 — 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 26 136 a3 125 49 8 39 95 181 385 1 19 38 60 121 38 208 261 159 35 139 803 458 144 23 132 419 253 66 12 11 58 79 145 203 10 52 101 179 260 5 44 88 86 57 18 19 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 21 25 9 59 1 13 5 19 33 173 38 211 64 66 15 49 4 5 20 21 acres 1959... 1954. . . 681 689 361 3,042 25 362 153 345 512 2,553 502 3,738 3,910 3,368 1,003 2,762 160 275 22 23 tons 1959... 1954... 726 725 261 2,555 10 464 140 411 720 4,341 588 4,705 3,551 2,277 598 2,620 80 461 24 25 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 1 1 1 1 1 10 2 14 10 2 2 1 26 27 tons 1959... 1954... 20 50 25 'so 25 166 38 254 360 30 'so "a 28 29 grains cut for hay farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . Ul 11 182 165 65 40 320 14 98 24 71 6 111 182 243 169 186 59 30 31 acres 1959... 1954... 3,377 207 6,716 5,255 3,093 1,720 13,240 158 1,557 218 1,534 48 3,422 6,436 10,711 5,468 12,918 2,033 32 33 tons 1959... 1954. . . 1,789 285 3,850 4,256 1,446 1,304 7,831 215 2,402 324 2,212 50 2,557 2,994 5,750 4,778 5,329 1,887 V^ 2 2 6 2 1 2 1 9 3 2 6 1 35 1954. . . 36 37 tons 1959... 1954... 8 24 147 25 6 25 6 75 26 54 177 30 38 39 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 565 675 259 607 143 260 469 593 559 774 362 483 196 245 382 559 242 404 40 41 acres 1959... 1954. . . 56,132 57,675 25,938 80,714 18,223 45,843 20,318 26,088 7,440 10,199 6,251 7,648 17,118 23,134 39,744 72,964 29,438 67,293 42 43 tons 1959. . . 1954. . . 37,509 49,944 12,054 48,841 8,429 23,200 9,474 21,196 8,397 13,622 5,092 8,056 9,789 10,171 17,239 42,355 14,054 34,851 44 45 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 57 50 9 55 8 5 23 39 48 70 23 38 16 14 26 30 14 14 46 47 tons 1959... 1954... 3,076 1,881 356 4,353 589 . 169 575 1,009 827 1,230 193 687 778 472 1,162 1,831 700 643 48 49 50 51 52 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 18 81 107 168 191 7 35 52 61 104 2 9 23 28 81 49 136 137 107 40 267 217 61 12 2 121 159 65 15 2 4 40 36 46 70 11 47 67 115 142 2 23 47 61 104 53 54 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . 129 111 57 100 12 18 82 85 114 132 95 128 63 30 101 140 25 64 55 56 acres 1959... 1954... 4,226 2,820 2,748 4,458 514 1,302 1,834 1,583 1,511 1,712 1,039 1,585 3,451 3,598 5,479 5,499 841 2,031 57 58 tons 1959. . . 1954... 3,240 3,269 1,360 3,222 231 1,439 1,319 1,527 1,658 1,933 1,072 1,626 2,247 2,260 3,118 5,131 386 1,459 59 60 1954. . . 5 6 1 5 1 3 12 5 2 6 2 3 9 5 4 61 62 tons 1959... 1954. . . 357 341 8 218 13 60 331 32 12 94 75 245 150 142 63 64 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1954... 19 7 2 65 66 acres 1959. . . 1954... 498 275 70 67 68 tons, green weight 1959... 1954... 2,565 530 137 SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 195 Part 4 of 5 Roberts Sanborn Shannon Splnll Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth • Wasbabaugh Yanlrton Ziebach 108,078 112,815 65,052 65,053 23,514 31,753 102,817 116,062 57,701 89,773 56,091 110,058 125,479 149,202 179,109 198,367 36,467 33,748 18,671 18,084 57,431 55,582 23,610 33,221 34,714 31,762 50,585 70,765 1 2 1,063 1,317 554 650 93 61 362 1,083 U8 83 208 188 281 272 862 948 1,330 1,326 774 831 393 390 132 99 932 933 159 143 3 4 29,581 34,868 30,788 29,855 6,293 3,317 48,368 49,940 10,097 5,168 13,407 10,146 39,859 24,152 80,412 71,832 26,360 19,416 15,263 12,122 20,875 14,912 13,310 7,179 22,654 16,144 17,014 7,940 5 6 25,i24 50,607 28,271 46,877 8,609 4,935 32,416 74,667 5,950 5,812 7,489 12,789 29, 695 ■ 26,364 77,310 85,846 50,092 46,195 34,492 26,993 17,917 19,876 10,103 7,111 47,732 32,139 8,437 8,916 7 8 69 120 58 108 8 6 54 140 5 3 1 11 9 19 64 129 142 99 109 86 21 36 5 1 212 118 11 11 9 10 1,928 3,353 2,596 7,185 354 616 1,609 6,712 269 102 8 816 448 720 3,588 6,630 5,017 2,127 5,171 2,487 1,007 2,095 231 100 14,843 6,169 522 615 11 12 123 469 330 108 28 23 125 167 160 79 7 20 24 20 22 27 152 275 301 107 1 19 22 40 36 3 40 57 64 44 2 25 35 64 155 14 84 169 287 308 254 747 259 64 6 160 414 159 37 4 19 75 123 131 45 5 20 16 34 57 148 460 226 82 16 3 15 30 53 58 13 14 15 16 17 a* 55 7 8 1 2 10 14 1 10 1 2 12 16 25 22 m 7 60 1 11 2 5 5 30 1 14 IS 19 630 1,112 264 164 200 95 479 859 60 509 35 55 388 723 479 301 1,584 183 1,142 15 315 210 278 128 460 100 409 20 21 «3 1,240 181 206 200 77 361 699 30 548 '36 32 363 636 475 417 2,681 236 1,424 8 421 130 234 63 515 20 443 22 23 5 1 1? 1' 2 1 1 24 25 48 30 19 161 20 51 5 17 26 27 236 23 182 25 21 26 350 38 23 35 107 40 57 16 173 56 77 44 34 18 97 63 25 42 47 45 59 58 28 29 7,222 445 8,699 594 1,350 1,801 17,025 653 1,282 2,168 8,233 1,865 3,663 464 8,484 1,694 1,114 414 567 196 3,994 1,518 823 1,540 992 805 3,656 1,835 30 31 4,761 367 4,843 490 1,205 1,353 7,717 682 688 1,582 2,736 1,819 1,250 397 4,506 1,608 1,707 504 1,539 172 2,405 1,091 577 1,165 1,880 1,028 1,497 1,458 32 33 9 3 1 8 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 34 35 315 19 9 223 30 10 37 72 82 2 142 23 6 100 100 36 37 1,071 1,212 357 492 89 173 596 945 137 183 207 327 218 331 716 922 410 580- 108 171 353 436 80 131 395 510 179 267 38 39 65,587 72,636 24,582 33,360 13,494 26,119 33,926 61,055 45,863 80,370 33,332 95,392 79,143 121,027 87,449 120,234 7,408 10,559 1,969 2,868 31,717 37,266 13,249 27,662 10,012 12,912 28,723 57,158 40 41 37,683 54, 9X 12,093 25,170 9,885 15,100 15,563 41,566 20,128 40,363 13,433 44,972 39,798 66,332 47,307 73,510 5,892 12,104 2,120 4,451 18,978 24,834 6,493 12,983 7,230 13,029 13,318 30,607 42 43 97 117 27 63 10 11 35 85 14 16 9 17 8 27 32 96 40 63 15 16 17 13 6 2 53 65 9 13 44 45 2,699 3,937 626 2,620 1,208 649 935 3,152 1,960 2,146 1,454 1,420 1,075 4,610 1,416 4,339 513 1,429 170 312 860 715 217 125 1,297 2,078 430 1,310 46 47 93 304 271 210 193 22 72 83 92 88 2 9 11 20 47 21 129 186 155 105 3 6 18 110 1 13 25 44 124 2 3 21 28 159 8 73 112 207 316 130 179 80 19 2 31 58 17 1 1 6 34 69 123 121 "3 16 16 45 83 148 113 48 3 1 14 15 49 100 4« 49 50 51 52 254 190 39 47 6 9 115 139 7 5 19 44 33 50 59 102 118 200 35 116 33 81 16 25 71 110 23 49 53 54 5,058 3,754 719 1,080 2,177 421 3,019 3,555 399 1,553 1,119 2,620 2,759 3,171 2,041 4,123 1,123 1,775 459 1,598 830 1,571 1,018 1,562 780 1,441 1,092 3,423 55 56 3,844 3,665 626 882 1,161 394 1,993 3,233 175 1,561 440 2,049 1,682 2,155 1,427 2,956 1,357 2,079 488 1,687 726 1,647 535 1,008 840 1,500 557 2,366 57 53 16 8 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 11 13 1 9 2 2 1 3 4. 1 1 59 60 285 87 8 54 70 840 26 40 40 144 224 6 161 602 60 97 10 5 230 158 827 970 260 25 42 26 78 4 148 613 6 30 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Stub Itema continued 196 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Field seed crops harvested; Alfalfa seed farms reporting 1959.,. acres 1959.,, 1954,., pounds 1959,., 1954.., Sweetclover seed farms reporting 1959.., 1954.., acres 1959.., 1954,., pounds 1959.., 1954.., Bromegrass seed farms reporting 1959.., 1954.., acres 1959.., 1954. , , pounds 1959,., 1954.., Bluegxass (Junegrass) seed... farms reporting 1959,., 1954.., acres 1959.., 1954. . pounds, green weight 1959.., 1954, , Crested irtieatgrass seed farms reporting 1959,,, 1954, . acres 1959,, 1954. . pounds 1959.. 1954., Other field crops harvested; Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting 1959,, 1954,. acres 1959^. 1954'. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Siigar beets for sugar faims reporting 1959,. 1954.. acres 1959., 1954. , tons 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables for home use or for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . Vegetables harvested for sale f anns reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Sales dollars 1959. , 1954., Tomatoes fanns reporting 1959,, acres 1959.. Sweet com farms reporting 1959,. acres 1959,, Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1959,, 1954,, acres 1959,, 1954, , quarts 1959,, 1954.. Raspberries farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959., quarts 1959.. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ Land in bearing and nonbearing f niit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959. , 1954. . Apples fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959,, 1954,, Quantity harvested bushels 1959,. 1954, , Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959., 1954,, Trees of all ages 1959,, 1954, , Trees not of bearing age 1959,, 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959,. 1954, , 2,387 7,692 74,888 194,294 4,367,710 15,260,220 446 1,042 11,805 24,358 3,003,990 4,103,760 279 308 5,471 4,608 547,747 578,476 6 381 391 24,996 44,300 1,828,904 106 55 3,423 1,407 197,348 94,012 1,960 14,419 5,721 9,352 688,655 1,349,529 133 147 6,028 5,669 88,570 70,262 16,652 33,447 261 309 1,363 1,464 172,936 136,413 169 133 189 427 23 151 28 43 13,597 29,712 15 5,890 503 1,300 718 1,659 440 1,260 15,984 31,859 6,484 12,821 9,500 19,038 6,845 15,574 265 971 6,698 36,026 2,396 13,599 4,302 22,427 786 2,621 10 38 199 718 8,380 58,380 3 10 94 254 33,100 33,840 4 2 47 28 5,600 1,700 3 90 4,700 1 3 300 21 210 1 23 313 3,655 95 455 6 2 2 U9 465 3 (z) 3 2 1 (Z) 15 123 94 29 15 7 152 22 130 12 28 130 638 2,157 26,575 182,460 142 157 24,520 12,360 18 IS 427 314 2A,450 34,816 57,455 5 3- 55 51 2,510 2,700 27 328 26 23 3,321 3,801 367 822 4 40 3 5,944 433 2 (Z) 600 13 19 219 17 153 2 41 2 21 15 878 15 464 61 102 3,246 5,042 •277,666 ■411,300 2 3 39 90 4,000 11,700 1 50 1,500 1 3 5 440 200 21,277 'l 15 1,500 54 2 31 153 ,175 164 190 1 1 (Z) 1 33 125 1 (Z) 7 6 4 3 7 5 74 83 20 51 54 32 34 4 5 6 45 166 10 117 35 49 7 16 21 238 300 10,600 21,000 15 24 316 403 80,470 70,500 15 11 157 131 15,180 17,660 1 20 3,600 22 6 1,600 640 75 464 11 30 1,372 5,790 656 773 12 6 63 14 4,976 1,665 6 2 7 14 4 1 395 14 33 56 67 12 40 1,470 2,720 420 318 1,050 2,402 2,401 2,199 5 22 216 313 202 71 14 242 3 115 Brookings 39 92 558 863 25,850 68,340 50 107 1,266 2,578 316,470 490,620 9 14 133 212 19,000 29,625 7 182 12,965 2 32 5,725 52 256 62 150 5,082 13,662 803 1,069 6 10 17 1,205 1,870 6 3 5 7 1 7 (Z) 4 400 1,575 (2) 365 20 37 81 51 18 41 3,638 1,150 2,978 506 660 644 96 249 10 23 96 1,066 30 229 66 837 9 32 95 517 2,860 14,375 150,788 741,360 160,800 7 13 176 189 5,900 20,610 35,269 2 3 107 49 7,700 5,900 70 383 7 79 751 7,240 297 908 5 7 1 i 2,633 3,166 ■ 2 1 3 6 1 (Z) 3 40 1 51 3 24 95 432 45 276 50 156 10 76 37 3,918 1,322 2,596 21 57 553 1,187 27,935 126,420 2 2 33 12 3,440 1,030 2 12 1,800 1 4 30 100 1,570 7,000 25 155 4 13 470 2,585 193 402 5 2 6 3 443 300 3 1 4 2 89 227 45 86 44 141 13 43 3 9 32 220 6 84 26 136 Z Reported in small fractions, ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 197 Part 5 of 5 Butte Cainpbell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey Douglas 3 7 36 29 42 46 33 32 4 76 7 15 6 1 9 S 228 51 251 "3 109 204 39 22 372 41 100 16 2 75 ? 744 595 833 620 732 1,247 99 1,1B8 58 254 77 3 1,95 3 4,527 855 4,996 'is 1,789 6,495 1,508 371 5,540 353 3,428 173 4 53,85 5 40,820 19,585 44,990 30,818 29,105 86,572 4,765 33,627 3,290 8,870 3,770 5 234,0a 5 309,240 60,180 417,180 1,380 57,420 366,060 101,760 32,100 369,960 11,580 168,360 11,340 6 2 1 20 1 3 1 1 10 . . . 25 6 7 J 10 21 9 4 19 1 13 71 65 ... 12 8 L > 20 655 23 38 8 ... '46 361 510 116 9 3 3 229 472 150 58 367 40 293 1,759 1,491 ... 224 10 l.iB J 1,200 103,926 6,000 10,300 1,600 2,400 67,679 ... 134,010 25,523 11 3,3(X ) 13,200 75,120 27,660 11,040 59,820 3,600 33,480 256,260 273,840 ... 41,280 12 • • • 8 6 25 1 1 ... ... 2 1 1 3 13 2 11 10 17 2 ... ... 4 4 3 1 5 14 > •* 242 84 365 22 20 ... ... 27 23 20 124 15 21 137 176 212 45 ... ... 21 21 12 20 63 16 ... 7,700 6,700 46,680 300 2,000 ... ... 1,500 3,500 400 17,500 17 1,400 20,500 16,007 "6 210 19,100 50,950 2,100 "'i '25 5,606 ... ... 2,250 "2 130 9,500 3,825 '31 716 54,181 1,200 "i '36 3,610 1,600 15,460 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 L 1 5 ... 1 ... 4 2 ... ... ... 3 25 ... 2 1 ... ... ... 2 • t. ... ... 1 26 1( ) 20 92 ... "t ... 134 47 ... ... ... 55 . .. 27 1 J ... 23 10 ... 17 ... . . * ... 10 28 60C ) 1,000 4,600 ... 600 ... 16,800 1,990 ... ... 2,500 ... 29 30( ) 4,400 300 ... ... 1,400 ... •■• ... 3,300 30 2< ) 50 56 47 11 51 9 26 16 36 27 9 23 31 8 > 393 616 175 222 170 242 35 232 549 122 119 348 32 11< 2 3 2,183 10 1,363 (Z) U 1 27 125 1 2 33 6 24 69 3,307 20 2,186 48 IB 25 122 205 12 31 34 15,29 > 488 575 271,349 1,073 120,130 77 1,689 131 1,604 9,298 115 306 35 9,26 L 4,479 9,756 474,205 3,536 294,762 6,297 2,525 3,520 12,267 23,318 1,735 5,775 36 IC ... . .. ... 2 ... ... ... 37 12 ... ... ... ... ... • .. . .. 38 <,9i ... 43 ... ... ... 39 5,00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 73,57! ... 599 ... ... ... 41 62,36( ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 21 1 230 384 328 282 297 169 120 150 236 444 26 244 43 36< ) 444 893 737 512 701 437 126 523 889 692 170 631 44 1/ 4 1 9 3 7 8 ... 3 ... ... 45 Ij ... 6 5 U ... 5 16 2 3 1 ... 46 1 6 (z) 113 2 10 250 3 ... 47 1( ) '.'.'. 7 4 105 ... 9 160 11 1 "5 ... 48 2,25 ) 930 50 16,764 230 323 16,680 268 ... 49 2,99 ... 552 305 6,659 1,100 11,609 300 145 200 ... 50 L 4 1 7 "'i 2 6' 3 ... ... 51 1 (Z) 6 (Z) (z> 10 ... 1 ... . .. 52 1. L 3 1 6 2 5 3 3 ... 53 1 ) 2 (z) 12 1 2 7 2 11 1 2 1 ;;; 1 54 55 5 1 "i "3 1 15 "2 1 (Z) ... 1 (Z) 56 57 ) ... 1 120 (z) 2,040 12 5,000 (Z) (Z) 400 (Z) 150 58 59 1,05 ) '.'.'. ••• "• 847 "36 ••'• 3,000 112 20 ... 50 60 61 62 63 1 7 4 7 5 10 6 2 4 11 6 11 1 4 64 A 5 4 28 13 34 17 15 5 22 23 IB 4 4 65 1 ) 5 5 14 13 6 1 4 31 6 10 (Z) 3 66 4 7 3 32 17 34 20 13 16 37 IB 25 2 3 67 1 a 1 6 3 10 4 2 4 6 5 ID 1 2 68 M 3 4 31 17 37 11 12 5 23 ■ IB ■ 17 3 9 69 43 3 15 120 32 343 94 27 56 162 67 t69 8 28 70 1,31 7 92 554 364 976 183 247 39 4U 280 419 36 111 71 12 2 8 50 23 45 50 4 6 15 5 69 4 23 72 49 2 18 227 m 213 107 178 27 142 192 127 15 57 73 31 1 7 70 9 298 44 23 50 147 62 100 4 5 74 32 5 74 327 253 763 76 69 62 269 88 292 21 54 75 SC 3 10 40 14 56 19 6 51 32 24 111 ... ... 76 1,4L 2 73 383 137 148 37 24 61 120 42 149 12 74 77 9 2 4 3 4 4 1 2 5 3 6 1 4 78 2 1 5 16 13 25 9 15 3 17 IB 6 4 3 79 15 3 92 29 121 17 198 9 8 35 74 62 6 17 30 23 6 95 418 752 183 353 558 19 992 959 54 58 22 81 Z 3 3 9 15 12 20 4 ... 5 2 46 3 9 82 8 D 6 136 115 42 44 197 16 106 434 17 34 7 83 12 7 89 20 106 5 178 5 3 30 72 16 3 8 84 15 6 89 282 637 Ul 309 361 3 886 525 37 24 15 85 19 4 54 2 22 2 2 1 3 2 ... ... 36 6 8 16 33 21 47 23 '27 ... '46 - ... 2 3 87 198 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed Sweetclover seed. .fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. - pounds 1959. 1954.. .fanns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959, 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Bluegrase (Junegrass) seed... farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds, green weight 1959. 1954. Bromegrass seed. Crested nfaeatgrass seed. .fanns reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954. . pounds 1959. 1954. . Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for hcane use or for sale farms reporting buBhels Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. 1959' . 1954'. 1959.. 1954. . 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959., 1954. . tons 1959., 1954, , Vegetables for home use or for sale (other than Irtsh and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use ..farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959.. 1954. . Sales dollars 1959. . 1954.. TcBUfltoes farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959., Sweet com farms reporting 1959,, acres 1959,, Berries and cfther qmnn fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1959,, 1954,, acres 1959,, 1954, , quarts 1959,, 1954, , Raspberries fanns reporting 1959,, acres 1959,, quarts 1959,, Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes;^ Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees faims reporting 1959,. 1954,. acres 1959.. 1954.. Apples farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Plums and prunes fanns reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. (^entity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. 12 169 209 2,784 16,067 245,880 4 46 3,720 I 27 1,080 1 "4 150 1 '30 1,200 19 382 13 30 974 4,483 178 442 1 1 (Z) (Z) 50 146 1 (Z) 1 10 15 18 6 iij 15 97 37 1 10 100 922 100 690 232 '27 101 130 5,054 5 395 599 1 1 35 10 2,400 1,000 11 16 42 45 3,542 6,464 21 19 937 495 13,223 6,207 121 140 10 11 18 20 2,390 2,955 5 2 7 5 1 1 1 (Z) 200 200 2 2 1,500 16 10 47 7 16 346 1,375 35 82 3U 1,293 132 2,559 6 9 92 490 28 13 64 477 11 47 33 326 1,071 11,656 55,010 354,700 6 179 12,360 "2 17 2,150 'il 1,177 1 1 30 9 900 666 9 134 10 10 1,094 2,064 Grant Gregory 48 3U 4 1 2 50 424 1 (Z) 1 1 3 (Z) 254 1 18 1 55 1 12 12 171 2 26 10 145 2 15 1 16 40 1,894 15 410 25 1,484 17 10 46 87 573 2,820 38,880 50 174 1,539 4,242 320,867 706,620 2 10 1,900 1 26 300 26 219 41 49 3,435 12,022 382 645 18 88 452 3,358 16,262 3 1 8 87 1 2 (Z) (Z) 100 60 1 1 700 7 24 6 18 6 33 172 480 65 187 107 293 11 315 4 17 116 227 8 126 108 101 5 29 283 238 10,697 7,4«5 565,799 6U,520 45 23 1,477 490 553,430 138,000 13 6 136 52 7,555 6,500 1 1 10 20 500 1,000 2 2 11 32 1,450 2,600 86 463 21 69 2,251 8,787 348 766 2 3 (Z) (Z) 47 30 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 12 16 13 11 10 17 223 337 91 95 132 242 187 263 i 10 51 73 33 38 18 35 23 2 86 97 2,537 2,233 166,953 280,140 1 188 4 105 120 7,600 8,425 2 38 CZ) 1 11 306 (Z) iio 1 1 (z) (z) 60 100 1 (z) 20 29 98 423 1,256 16,940 67,800 6 24 103 578 25,495 96,300 67 80 6,000 11,400 1 5 500 24 131 299 516 29,219 74,346 313 608 1 (Z) 250 (Z) (Z) 100 6 19 2 16 4 IB 70 317 42 163 28 154 21 154 3 12 83 410 78 348 5 62 2 17 30 270 933 6,919 55,678 457,020 79 20,760 1 2 15 17 2,000 1,800 7,124 3 82 31 10,744 2,481 U 162 6 16 131 1,986 152 493 3 2 1 6 84 240 1 (Z) 2 1 1 (Z) 128 1 23 (Z) 30 1 12 8 92 4 69 4 23 3 23 1 28 35 3,104 35 1,058 2,046 31 67 372 1,631 30,060 167 45 20,770 6,120 1 3 7 46 100 7,500 48 1,340 14 285 6 56 362 8,506 159 439 2 7 11 28 1,900 2,704 2 1 2 2 (Z) 395 19 14 72 7 23 141 427 20 108 121 319 277 6 14 306 331 151 . 65 155 266 Z Reported in small fractions. 'Does not include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Doea not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 199 Part 5 of 5 Hardljig Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld Jones KingBbury Lake Lawrence Lincoln L^nan McCook McPherson 10 7 2 13 47 11 21 76 17 28 1 33 2 48 1 77 23 U 51 50 54 16 235 72 67 5 77 29 260 2 180 168 22 372 2,128 289 1,215 1,278 200 613 3 1,786 15 744 3 2,«53 590 141 1,104 1,807 1,294 827 4,711 810 1,696 27 2,837 381 3,275 4 10,550 8,330 440 14,640 U3,783 10,150 68,550 77,534 10,235 61,057 500 77,480 225 31,965 5 2Z3,1«) 93,540 18,540 39,340 245,940 191,640 97,980 218,220 106,380 163,620 2,580 306,900 17,760 185,580 5 11 1 32 12 1 4 3 11 1 7 "i 22 "3 "2 3 105 20 2 13 3 12 2 8 281 ... ... 40 ... 948 191 8 162 55 267 4 9 "ii 403 110 25 53 ... 2,7U 24« 35 171 132 353 8 10 ... 47,225 ... 16,000 ... 310,780 68,600 800 26,850 7,400 85,000 840 11 2,220 62,740 2 12,000 3,900 3,420 1 ... 650,520 43 25,500 6 1,980 23,580 15 9,480 48,540 360 12 13 ... 2 1 3 ... 46 8 "i 6 "2 "2 "i 14 ... '40 U ... ... ID ... 963 139 ... 301 15 ... 15 20 ... 16 ... 753 58 4 131 '24 '24 "3 16 ... 900 1,000 ... 100 ... 117,085 8,550 . .. 46,242 ... 17 ... 2,360 2,606 ... 1,550 82,258 8,620 200 25,600 1,250 1,900 366 18 '2 "7 26 ::: 41 •■• ::: ::: ::: 1 4 19 20 21 ... '26 980 ... 961 ... 2,687 ... ... ... '36 '73 22 23 2,900 33,136 102,261 138,395 ... ... ... 7,666 3,875 24 3 4 ... 4 4 ... 2 1 2 2 3 ... 1 25 26 230 185 ... 252 130 ... ... '32 '36 ... ii 55 170 50 27 28 5,700 10,900 ::: 18,300 7,400 ::: ::: 5,400 1,350 ... 650 1,900 3,500 •••" 10,000 29 30 29 2 52 1 3 21 1 31 36 16 55 4 51 80 31 127 19 647 63 U 134 9 108 160 59 272 63 408 693 32 4 (Z) 27 (Z) (z) 1 (Z) 496 89 16 3 1 5 2 33 17 15 82 10 ... 15 1 353 24 36 24 8 62 48 34 551 15 1,823 9 16 215 6 107,698 4,674 2,493 585 100 700 855 35 2,093 1,525 U,513 789 56 1,563 133 68,278 3,520 5,038 "1 'ii ii6 4,322 832 8,750 9,1A3 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 66 15 588 50 21 165 15 504 520 69 513 60 544 383 43 157 70 1,253 207 60 426 55 802 799 195 887 131 765 863 44 2 5 6 1 ... 1 1 4 10 4 1 45 1 7 3 3 1 1 3 3 20 1 ... ... 1 46 2 23 29 ""i ... (Z) 6 2 34 1 5 47 3 25 13 ... 1 (Z) 2 22 7 43 2 (2) 48 lAO 2,185 2,300 25 ... 200 300 95 7,160 181 iio ... 49 50O 2,700 965 234 100 25 1,300 274 8,707 390 ... ... 10 50 1 4 5 ... ... ... 1 1 7 1 1 ... ... 51 (Z) 7 3 ... ... (2) ... (z) 10 (2) 1 !!! 52 2 2 4 1 ... ... 1 ... 3 8 4 1 ... 53 1 9 6 1 1 ■;; (2) 2 2 20 1 4 ... 54 55 1 1 (Z) 1 1 3 (2) 4 4 is "s 56 57 (Z) (Z) 15 (Z) ... (Z) ... 1 220 1 "2 2 1 58 59 1 ::: 'so 600 1 (Z) 10 '56 'io 1,410 964 270 5 3 2,555 625 794 60 61 52 63 4 24 7 5 14 17 13 5 17 4 54 6 4 44 '16 "6 11 21 32 34 30 2 30 7 65 7 27 4 8 12 25 11 6 13 7 66 10 2 44 29 5 7 ... 33 38 36 27 2 24 16 67 4 19 ... 5 ... 5 11 16 12 5 17 2 68 4 2 46 6 6 8 ... IB 43 34 32 2 28 6 69 134 554 122 308 207 537 233 U9 377 69 70 58 16 391 140 122 93 ... 776 951 1,090 554 8 450 936 71 84 140 12 223 56 198 23 61 31 6 72 45 406 140 59 28 ... 460 296 172 317 2 275 905 73 50 414 110 85 151 389 210 58 346 63 74 13 16 485 63 65 ... 316 655 91B 237 6 175 31 75 3 30 U 37 717 30 33 20 76 11 7 338 5 '78 326 407 930 62 3 67 35 77 3 12 ... 4 4 4 4 7 4 10 2 73 3 4 37 "9 4 7 18 29 12 23 2 20 7 79 54 144 229 354 21 87 56 94 246 56 80 38 150 463 1,266 174 121 835 577 128 171 34 331 324 81 54 35 95 204 10 3 7 4 16 50 82 38 lis 187 9U 130 65 561 144 47 42 10 99 200 83 109 134 150 11 84 49 90 230 6 84 "37 276 2 295 44 56 324 5 433 81 1 129 60 24 232 124 85 85 'io 48 "3 4 55 28 29 16 "i '2i ■u 87 200 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions snd explanations, see text) Moody Pennington Perkins Field seed crops harvested; Alfalfa seed Sweetclover seed. Bromegrass seed. ..fanns reporting 1959,. 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954. . pounds 1959.. 1954.. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954. . pounds 1959.. 1954.. .faiTDS reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954. . pounds 1959.. 1954. . Bluegrass (Junegiass) seed. ..farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954. . pounds, green weight 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954. . 1959.. 1954. . 1959.. 1954. . Crested wheatgrass seed farms reporting acres pounds Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale fanns reporting acres bushels Sugar beets for sugar fanns reporting 1959.. 1954. . 1959^. 1954' . 1959.. 1954. . 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959 . . 1954. . tons 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables for home use or for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use fanns reporting 1959. . 1954. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954.. Sales dollars 1959. . 1954.. Tomatoes farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959.. Sweet com farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959,. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries fanns reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. quarts 1959.. 1954. . Raspberries farms reporting 1959., acres 1959.. quarts 1959,. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes;^ Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954. . Apples fanns reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959 . . 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959,. 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954.. 26 171 610 3,692 20,490 317,460 3 7 28 156 4,800 12,780 1 2 6 22 100 2,700 19 1,827 169,556 29 253 46 118 5,458 19,217 207 533 1 3 (Z) (Z) 25 95 1 (Z) 18 16 35 21 16 16 199 183 38 81 161 102 24 107 11 12 501 220 124 45 377 175 156 491 6,978 17,500 409,162 1,777,740 2 3 40 8 2,100 900 1 3 10 58 300 1,600 3 1 406 20 5,198 350 13 131 3 19 200 1,935 3 6 103 153 1,170 1,545 181 404 5 11 15 8 3,866 640 4 3 3 11 11 14 11 8 11 19 331 379 89 151 242 228 687 323 2 7 22 73 17 55 5 12 1 61 109 2,443 3,590 130,590 459,420 3 3 43 50 2,100 5,700 1 n 250 1 70 3,000 4 26 2 (M 59 202 36 131 1 4 (Z) 1 86 180 1 (Z) 1 1 (z) (Z) 150 584 3 16 4 10 31 211 6 199 75 12 17 32 2 5 9 228 4 168 5 60 108 179 1,724 7,880 102,360 18 30 482 672 82,269 118,440 11 15 588 592 36,545 82,780 1 31 300 2,552 35,000 133,711 2 20 1,626 23 155 16 34 1,679 3,214 290 616 5 26 62 290 9,700 36,420 6 5 66 58 16,800 6,360 7 7 187 73 29,890 10,500 470 44,870 934 1,334 19 13 202 134 41,462 22,198 14 30 16 74 5 22 5 9 4,530 8,489 3 2 640 27 74 28 113 26 59 863 1,721 235 997 628 724 54 406 11 33 59 549 5 233 54 316 11 135 11 9 129 96 4,308 4,080 6 7 189 192 34,428 16,740 5 3 52 46 5,300 11,700 30 1,100 120 51 647 180 124 105 201 167 23,036 17,895 36,733 40,484 585 809 6 3 5 11 1,510 913 5 1 6 1 1,355 19 39 18 44 19 38 570 863 129 261 441 602 16 387 14 30 274 822 46 210 228 612 1 26 66 132 2,5U 3,695 136,530 385,020 1 30 25 3,450 13 64 7 6 377 708 114 242 5 12 27 35 8,751 12,413 4 4 3 17 2 2 (Z) (2) 52 127 6 33 4 45 7 34 96 1,062 31 441 65 621 56 130 3 21 68 308 60 85 8 223 4 47 34 341 975 9,693 55,170 325,360 180 2 135 9,900 6 1 234 10 11,500 500 48 314 23 42 1,836 4,938 147 388 3 3 22 16 645 1,555 2 1 2 15 187 253 109 32 78 171 25 66 6 12 143 723 109 162 34 561 10 49 Z Reported in small fractions. 'Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested, ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. SOUTH DAKOTA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 201 Part 5 0 f5 Roberts Sanborn ShBimon Splni Stanley Sully Todd Irtpp Turner Union Walworth Washabaugh Yanlrton Ziebach 2A 17 32 51 3 4 37 212 3 5 13 59 7 4 1 236 6S 17 260 8 16 108 369 6 3 92 61 4 36 2 367 416 1,605 1,492 55 212 1,873 6,561 16. 72 236 2,015 99 85 3 3,401 1,941 704 7,260 357 210 5,391 10,598 58 17 1,383 2,284 43 766 4 13,225 25,780 217,460 77,337 3,320 12,100 70,102 321,224 1,360 8,600 10,560 133,159 3,640 3,060 5 113, 640 216,780 6 89,460 2 386,580 54,240 35,040 266,760 693,060 21 3,780 3 780 42 112,800 248,160 3,240 5 59,530 6 7 26 6 195 '50 31 5 20 571 8 55 21 1,057 "3 "2 7 74 "i 8 9 453 105 39,500 9,150 1,335 109 568 205,366 U5 4,940 387 272,882 '35 '19 111 28,175 '80 IC 11 58,140 15,600 154,740 16,620 107,820 18,900 104,940 2,220 1,740 20,100 9,666 12 3 2 4 . .. 5 8 17 2 . . . 23 . . . 13 10 8 8 ... 9 7 9 9 U 39 120 54 . . . 84 48 259 "48 389 . . . 15 94 110 133 ... 164 58 81 ... 97 16 1,100 36,500 2,260 8,380 6,200 31,332 2,000 40,630 . . . 17 9,275 11,670 "2 'so 4,900 ::: 8,000 1 44 26 3,007 3,500 165,830 ... 17,610 "3 "iS 8,605 5,450 1 1 30 10 1,500 1,225 6,920 "i '26 2,880 •" 19,320 "i 20 1,727 ::: 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 3 3 3 9 2 1 1 25 2 1 2 1 2 11 ... ... 26 37 ... 62 97 183 264 '26 '76 ... '16 27 43 20 40 70 75 391 ... ... ... 28 3,415 ... 3,200 3,770 4,950 16,550 1,950 3,550 ... 100 29 3,270 500 2,500 U,000 3,600 20,180 ... 30 86 12 14 12 3 12 24 69 64 18 4 65 14 31 386 247 23 191 62 71 332 605 190 262 43 246 82 32 102 1 32 50 (Z) 4 22 31 4 4 4 94 1 33 136 16 48 190 (z) 3 83 54 53 21 30 3 100 2 34 1A,128 124 3,417 3,523 28 395 2,775 9,759 1,122 547 160 7,530 120 35 22,668 3,022 5,4«9 26,612 • '25 706 ... 9,745 6,334 ... 8,538 3,239 4,192 601 15,343 792 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 525 154 68 118 17 44 128 223 636' 458 175 68 477 27 A3 952 490 73 7U 7 155 206 658 1,220 641 306 90 650 U7 44 6 10 4 6 ... 1 3 3 11 5 2 11 ... 45 9 9 2 5 1 12 9 5 4 2 4 2 46 6 102 19 41 . • • 1 10 25 53 17 3 29 47 9 ■ 51 7 49 (Z) 12 6 11 38 27 3 49 "2 48 839 9,331 2,222 9,225 100 1,920 1,722 6,435 3,600 32 3,624 49 793 4,021 1,000 6,421 120 1,000 328 248 4,620 4,317 155 1,830 268 50 4 7 2 4 ... 1 1 7 3 1 7 51 3 1 2 12 ... . . . (Z) 2 5 2 (Z) 5 52 5 7 2 6 ... 1 1 3 9 5 1 6 53 2 3 4 13 ... 1 1 6 26 12 3 4 1 . .. 54 55 7 "i 1 "i "7 5 2 5 5 2 1 56 57 (Z) (z) ... 1 ... (zi (Z) 2 "i (2) "i 1 60 (Z) 58 59 690 20 807. 200 '56 i,7i4 182 400 293 795 166 60 61 62 ... '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. ... ... 63 21 1 1 4 3 2 4 10 28 6 13 3 7 64 50 15 42 4 10 5 22 80 29 21 3 20 '4 65 29 (z) (Z) 4 1 6 5 11 20 5 17 1 27 66 56 7 50 4 16 6 27 62 36 28 1 56 "i 67 20 1 1 4 3 1 3 9 27 6 10 3 7 68 52 10 ... 20 4 4 9 22 87 39 15 4 26 4 69 863 5 10 51 28 6 33 198 432 87 313 59 843 70 1,349 96 663 40 71 132 633 1,683 1,105 258 44 1,057 48 71 341 2 'io 29 12 6 10 30 75 ... 123 33 93 72 396 30 469 24 56 65 156- 613 633 131 4 528 35 73 522 3 22 16 ... 23 168 357 87 195 26 750 74 953 66 ... 194 16 15 67 477 1,070 472 127 40 529 "13 75 493 6 5 ... 1 33 52 34 88 32 196 76 956 '26 ... 156 50 3 10 165 373 398 130 30 338 1 77 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 21 4 U 1 4 78 '31 15 40 3 8 5 16 60 32 21 22 2 79 20 'io 26 26 340 300 29 240 12 491 "3 497 ... 80 1,207 446 2,219 43 1,278 327 531 557. 404 1,112 ... 753 48 81 'io 10 300 100 12 56 ... 140 ... 23 ... 82 499 208 983 8 550 35 228 173 109 "569 143 30 S3 20 26 16 40 200 17 134 12 351 3 474 84 708 238 ... 1,236 35 728 292 303 384 295 543 610 'is 85 ... 1 ... 4 80 1 4 7 26 "2 213 86 103 '24 ... 571 34 17 5 IB 59 45 140 U9 '2 87 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Homme Brookings Brown Brule Buffalo 1 2 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . . acres... CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIOATED 972 102,302 19 3,236 2 270 9 545 10 533 2 4 2 11 1 50 3 Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting... 309 3 1 3 i acres... 13,415 190 30 62 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 193 3 1 3 ... 6 acres. . . 8,388 170 30 54 7 bushels . . . 466,402 9,350 900 2,950 ... 8 Com sold .bushels. . . 191, 957 1,500 5 1,200 1 9 Hay: Alfalfa and alfalfa mirtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 495 1 10 acres. . . 35,708 237 70 80 11 tons... 81,093 330 140 134 12 tons sold. .. 16,246 60 13 Wild hay cut farms reporting... 22 U acres... 1,612 15 tens.. . 1,076 16 tons sold. . . 155 ... 17 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets harvested for sugar. . .farms reporting... 133 18 acres... 6,023 19 tons 88,570 20 Vegetables harvested for sale acres . . . CROPS FOR WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED 421 1 4 21 Hay: Alfalfa and alfalfa mirtures cut for hay and for dehytirating farms reporting 231 5 2 4 72 acres.. . 13,612 195 58 105 ... ... 23 Wild hay cut. .................... .faz^u importing. . . 21 1 240 24 acres. .. 1,182 It«ii (For definitions Qnd explmifttions. sec text) Edmuiuls Fall River Fauli Grant Gregory Haakon Hamlin Hand Hanson 1 2 Irrigated cropland harvested faims reporting... acres .. . CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED 1 20 94 10,074 1 100 1 275 2 195 2 62 3 Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting 48 1 1 4 acres. .. 2,740 150 50 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 46 1 1 6 acres... 2,233 90 50 7 bushels... 131,270 6,000 2,000 8 Com sold bushels . . . 64,776 72 1,500 1 9 Hay: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures out for hay end for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 10 acres. . . 4,175 50 11 tons... 9,547 120 12 ttjns sold . . . 2,093 90 13 Wild hay cut. .................... .famu reportlnE. . . U acres. .. 15 tons.. . 16 tons sold. . . 17 Miscellaneous crops: Sugar beets harvested for sugar ... farms reporting... 21 18 acres. . . 937 19 tons . . . 13,223 20 Vegetables harvested for sale acres. . . 11 3 CROPS FOR WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Hay: 21 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 1 15 1 1 1 22 acres. . . 20 620 53 125 7 23 wild hay cut ............. ......... farms reportinE • . . 24 acres... ;:: Z Heported In small fractions. SOUTH DAKOTA HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959 203 Butte Caii5)bell Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Day Deuel Douglas 383 45,346 13 1,974 1 40 12 1,124 2 30 1 18 38 4,692 4 266 2 260 1 2 187 1 1 11 3 6,289 130 40 623 4 98 1 7 5 2,854 100 519 6 158,172 7,000 30,010 7 59, 676 21,000 8 291 3 1 15 9 19,794 125 100 956 10 44,123 340 450 1,665 U 10,218 44 80 200 12 11 1 13 887 25 K 502 25 15 20 16 107 2 17 4,945 43 18 73,578 599 19 6 7 1 67 20 68 3 1 17 21 4,356 85 28 1,879 22 6 1 1 23 390 50 40 24 Harding Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jaclcson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury LaJse Lawrence Lincoln Lyman McCook McPherson 24 2,319 5 123 5 197 2 114 9 692 1 35 2 241 1 4 129 1 2 181 1 50 3,344 13 3 334 1 2 62 1 2 3 40 24 1 13 650 130 1 100 6,000 2,400 333 7 113 5,710 275 145 1 145 6,800 6,800 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 2 1 1 17 1 1 9 625 40 36 350 130 10 1,293 11 50 10 670 30 170 100 700 130 15 3,371 275 42 60 11 12 1 13 36 ... 30 14 56 20 15 35 16 17 18 19 3 13 (Z) 32 20 12 2 5 1 1 20 21 873 17 262 30 10 935 22 4 1 ... 23 221 50 ... 24 204 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Marshall Meade Mellette Miner Minnehaha Moody Pennington Perkins Potter 1 2 Irrigated cropland harveated famis reportli]^. . . ... 39 3,204 2 145 13 1,177 4 405 75 7,970 12 825 acrea... CROPS FOB WHICH EHTIRE ACBEAGE WAS IRRIGATED 3 Com: Com for all pitrpoeea farms reporting. . . 7 1 2 4 1 1, acres... 284 36 36 88 11 5 Harveated for grain farms reporting. . . 4 2 1 1 6 acres. .. 110 11 32 11 7 bushels . . . 4,950 740 1,920 420 8 Com sold busbelB. . . 200 420 9 Hay: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for bay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 11 38 3 10 acres.. . 1,051 4,914 214 11 tons . . . ... 1,395 12,234 461 12 tons sold... 180 2,385 81 13 Wild hay cut farms reporting. . ■ 4 l-i acres... 430 15 tons... 405 16 tons sold. .. 100 17 Miscellaneous crops : Sugar beets harvested for sugar. . -farms reporting... 3 18 acres. .. 103 19 ttms. . . 1,170 20 Vegetables harvested for sale acres. . . CROPS FOR WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED 14 76 27 22 21 Hay: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 22 1 3 1 19 5 22 acres... 1,032 19 400 10 1,367 116 23 Wild hay cut farms reporting. . . 3 3 24 acres... 97 90 SOUTH DAKOTA HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 205 Roberts Sanborn Shannon Spink Stanley Sully Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth Waahabaugh Yaniton 21ebach 3 U2 3 180 5 726 18 2,384 550 5 360 4 259 36 4,034 22 1,751 3 59 1 395 15 740 1 80 1 2 1 6 1 9 1 2 3 18 871 40 788 95 172 4 1 6 9 1 • • ■ • 2 5 18 788 737 95 115 6 360 29,200 44,000 8,000 10,000 7 360 16,350 6,500 8,000 ... 1,000 8 1 5 1 1 1 10 1 3 9 30 154 300 70 30 551 200 52 10 90 415 180 800 200 60 1,891 30 150 310 180 U 12 1 1 13 4 150 14 3 ... ... 65 15 16 17 18 19 7 38 9 24 39 8 3 20 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 21 50 35 174 170 196 120 60 10 50 45 1 100 22 23 4 24 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For definitions and explanations, see text) Brookings Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale; Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bullJs sold farms reporting 1059,, dollars I?,™., 1954 , . On farms with sales of <2.000 or more farms reporting 1959, , dollars 1959., Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc,) farms reporting 1959 , , 1954 , , acres used for grtjwing 1959, , 1954,, Sales dollBrs 1959 , , 1954 , , Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reprxting 1959 . . 1954,. Grown under glass farms reporting 1959 , , 1954 , , square feet 19,59 , , 1954 , , Grown in the open fanns repotting 1959 . , 1954 , . acres used for growing 1959 , , 1954 , , Sales dollars 1959,, 1954,, Vegetables iJown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 , , , 1954 , , , Ctrown under glass a in house. farms reporting 1959, , , 1954,,, square feet 1959 . , , 1954 , , , Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 , , . 1954 ., . acres used for powing 1959 , , . 1954 , , , Sales dollars 1959 . , . 1954 ., , Any forest products cut and/or sold , , farms reporting 1959 , . , Sales of any forest products forms reporting 1959 . , , dollars 1959,.. 1954 .. . Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . . . dollars 1959.,, Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959, . . dollars 1959 .. . Sales of firewt»d, fence posts, and sawloga . , , farms repcfting 1959 . , . dollars 1959 ., , Sales of other miscellaneous products fanns reporting 1959,, , dollars 1959 , , . Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1959. .. 1954 . . , cords (1' X 1" xf^')1959,,, 1954 ,. . Sales farms reporting 1959, ,, COrtIs ()• X 4' X 6') 1959 , . , "■^nce posts cut farms reporting 1959 , , , 1954 , , , number 1959 . , . 1954,,, Sales famis reporting 19.'»9,, . number 1959 , , , Sftwloi's nnd venoor logs cut farms reporting 19,^9 , thousands of board feet 1959, Sales farms reporting 1959. . , thousands of Innrd feet 1959 . . . S3 l,013,s sold farms reporting 1059 . . dollars lP5fl.. 1954 . . On farms with sales of ■=2.nOO or ntore farms reporting 1959 . . dollars IMO.. Nursery products {trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for growin;; 1950. . 1954.. Sales ,. dollars 1959. . 1954 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 105it.. lfB4.. Grown under glass fanr^s reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . square feet 19.59 . . 1954.. Grosvn in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for growng 195!). . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959.. 1854.. Vegetables grown under glass, fiov/et seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms fanns reporting 19,59 . . 1954 . . Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. square feel 1959.. 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres \ised for growing 1959 . . 1951 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1054.. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting inso . . of any forest products. , farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1D59.. 1954 . . Sales of standing limber farms reporting 1950 . . dollars 1959.. Sales of all oLher forest products farms reprting 1959.. dollars 1959.. Sales of firewood, fence posts, and sawlogs - . farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1959 . . Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1959.. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms re|)ortinc 1959. . 1954.. cofds (4* X 1' X 8')19r.9.. 1954.. Sales farms reporting 1959.. cords(l'x4'xS')l».iO.. ""nee po.>t6 cut farma reporting 1959 . . 1954.. numlier 1959.. I9r.4 . Silica farms reporting 19.'i9. . number 1859 . . wloi'S and voneer logs cut . , . farms reporting 1959 . , Ibousnmis of Ixiard fet-l 1959. . SakF farms roportinf It^.'iO . . thousnnd? of lonrd feel 1!)59., 2 CD) 25 1 (D) (D) 1 1 1 1 2,580 60 (D) 25 6 .32 47 229 1 1 3 n 224 950 1 1 50 100 26 008 20 100 2 25 025 3 2 20 20 22 508 16 300 2 1 2,100 2,500 3,300 3,500 1 1 1 1 500 2,500 200 300 81 197 2 11 17 2,700 4,265 6 31 iS 262 2 16 500 3,925 1 (Z) 12 7 103 79 150 25 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. SOUTH DAKOTA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 209 Hughes HutcbinsOQ Itsrde Jackson Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Lake iBwreuce Uaooln I^man XlcOook IfcPherson Marshall 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 (D) (D) 20 (D) (D) (B) ... !!! 2 40,000 15 266 35,100 3,540 .*• ... ... 2,500 3 1 2 1 1 2 ... 4 (D) (D) 1 1 5 (Z) (B) 15 ••• 1 (D) "i (z) iflo (B) 1 1 4 1,^ (D) 1 (Z) (B) •" :;: 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 1 1 1 ■1 2 12 1 i 1 3 ... ... "i 13 1 1 1 ) 2 . . . H 1 1 2 ... 1 15 12,000 5,666 20,000 3,000 6,600 ... . . . ... 16 11,000 ... 12,000 1 1,200 ... 2,200 17 18 "i "i 1 (z) "2 ... ... 1 19 20 (zi "i (z) "i ... '"i 21 (dS (D) ... (b) (B) (D) 22 «0,000 1 "i 6 '26 200 34,000 1 "i 1,666 1,666 1,540 1 1 I 1 1,000 1,000 (B) 500 2 "2 ... 1,025 (B) ::: ::: ... 2,666 "i "i 866 506 23 24 25 26 27 28 2« 30 81 32 33 34 35 12 24 1 2 1 5 40 16 2 16 ... u 36 3 2 ... . . . 1 22 1 . . . ... 2 37 680 250 ... ... 120 19,017 200 ... 166 38 68i 90 '26 ... ... 7,388 10 ... ... 39 1 ... ... ... 17 ... ... 1 40 200 ... ... 11,049 ... . . . 6 41 3 2 1 9 "1 ... 1 42 HO 250 120 7,968 200 ... 160 43 3 2 1 5 1 44 440 250 120 4,952 ... ... . .. 160 4S 1 ... ... 5 1 ... ... 4« 40 3,016 200 ... ... ... 47 10 23 1 2 1 3 17 14 2 U 7 48 13 30 12 7 9 22 56 32 9 7 3 16 49 158 309 i 5 1 10 154 63 7 81 ... 31 60 207 261 UO 23 '16 36 82 566 188 74 40 25 61 51 2 2 1 1 ... ... ... ... 52 11 25 12 2 ... ... ... ... 53 8 1 13 1 ... 2 ... 9 54 11 1 2 3 31 7 3 4 2 8 55 2,050 20 50 7,769 50 45 2,350 56 3,471 50 1,275 200 io7 25 18,581 2 5,400 1,120 300 295 35 1,360 1 400 57 58 S9 1 4 ... ... ... ... to 50 ... 142 ... ... ... ... 61 1 2 62 15 126 ... 1 ... j ... 63 210 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For deFinilions ami explanations, see text) Moody Peiuiln^on Nursery and greenhouse prtxlucls, flowers, vegetable seeds and plartts, and bulbs, grown for sale; Nursery and greenhouse [vodiicts. flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowefs. and bullis sold farms reporting 1059 . dollars 1959. 1954. On farms with sales of S2.0II0 or more fatTns reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, cmamenlals. etc.) farms reportinp 1959. 1954. acres used fof growinj: 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist ^eens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Grown under glass fanr-s repotting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Gnswn in the open farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres used for growing 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Vegetables ffxivn under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bultis, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms repotting 1959 . 1954. acres used for |9T>wing 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1934 . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms refortinc 1959 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. 1954. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. Sales of firewood, fence posts. and sawlogs farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959 . Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms repcrtini! 1959. 1954. cords (4' X f'x *.')1959. 1964. Sal(^s farms reporting 1959 . cordsfl' xJ'xS') 1959. Fonce posts cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. numlier 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . number 1959 . .Sn«lo(>s and veneer logs cut farms reportinp 1959 . thousands nf lioard feet 1950 . Sales farms reporting 1959 . thousands of Ixiord feet 1959 . 1 6,850 5,500 1 6,850 I 2 1 1 3,000 2,500 1 2 (Z) 1 6,850 4,500 1 i 2,503 1 2 1,000 28 8 U,497 9,019 7 5,697 J, 5,800 i 5,800 20 70 657 1,765 3 51i 7 40 1,450 8,304 6 6 129 52 1 10 1,700 1,700 19 240,807 138,700 10 217,242 4 6 112 173 24,800 50,800 13 6 12 6 101,510 83,110 1 2 3 2 203,482 78,700 49,860 2,900 12,525 9,200 2 60 2,210 27 55 148 380 2 6 3 9 84 412 7 960 57,084 285 16,850 5 56,784 2 1 4 1 8,2U 250 150 2 5 4 5 4 240 25,305 9,355 1 (Z) (Z) 900 48,573 8,650 1 3 1 3 2,000 22,100 (z) (Z) 60 300 35 3,050 24 59 2 17 180 14,629 900 1,714 12 9,800 2 6 180 4,329 2 5 180 2,172 2 2,657 23 39 46 84 104 443 1,156 740 2 2 18 40 1 22 5 31 10 3,970 145 7,705 2 3,000 3,040 2 26 600 6,925 3,160 1 3,160 1 3,160 1 2 40 22 1 40 1 2 300 200 1 300 1 120 1 120 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. SOUTH DAKOTA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 211 Sanborn Shannon Splni Stanley Sully Todd TTlpp Turner Union Wilworth Washabaugh Yankton Ziebach 1 1 2 1 3 1 300 (D) 25,500 150 (D) 2Q0 3,800 1 (D) 1,200 360 4,800 1 25,000 396 800 304,001 2 (D) 1 3 4 5 6 ... ... 2 4 179 7 8 ... ... ... "2 205 (D) 1 10 ... '96 300,001 11 1 2 2 12 1 1 2 2 IS 1 1 2 14 1 2 . . . 2 15 570 10,000 5,400 16 1,200 2,820 6,600 17 1 "i 1 1 18 19 "i "2 (Z) (Z) 20 21 (i) 25,566 (6) 22 3,800 1,200 2,800 ... 3,500 23 1 1 1 24 1 1 2 1 1 1 25 1 ... 1 26 1 1 "2 1 1 27 300 . . ■ 180 28 100 • ' 3,500 3,420 456 20 1 6 1 1 5 2 ;; 2« 30 SI 32 33 300 . . * 150 (D) 34 200 -. 300 2,666 300 300 500 35 1 8 8 2 3 15 17 89 2 51 1 36 2 1 2 6 1 5 1 37 219 U, 150 7 00 50 3,082 120 2,000 1,935 1,243 9,900 160 .IS 39 1 4 3 40 99 2,650 1,147 41 1 1 "2 2 "i 4 1 42 120 AA 50 432 120 738 9,900 43 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 44 120 V, 50 432 120 138 9,900 45 1 ...i « .. ... ... ... ... 600 47 1 A 7 1 1 15 17 82 ... 1 47 1 48 9 U U 9 7 20 71 50 2 24 40 n 49 1 31 38 10 1 192 93 633 1 290 800 50 79 125 65 1 Ul is 82 105 304 2 415 '5 201 319 2 66 1 51 52 2 ... 5 10 750 53 5 1 1 3 5 8 ... 2 7 1 54 2 7 1 6 8 U "7 4 1 20 13 10 55 1,200 60 MO 725 1,200 2,192 350 495 8,000 56 L50 2,100 1 300 160 1 60 7,800 2,166 2,830 1,122 493 330 2 1,080 2 13 356 8,356 1 300 2,385 2 4 2 .4 2,630 1 6,000 57 58 59 eo 61 62 63 " " APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (213) 214 THE QUESTIONNAIRE Tbli cenauB la aulhorfxed by Acl o( Congreaa, Unt(«d SUIcs Code. Title 13. Secllona 5, 9, 142. 221-4. re<]ulrln| that ihe Inquiries be anawered completely and accurately, and fuaranlceing thai Ibc Informallon rurnlahed be accorded confldenlial trealmenl. The cenaua report cannot be uaed for purpoue* of taxation, incettigation. or regulation. a No. iX'tm NORTH DAKOTA ANO SOUTH DAKOTA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE— fiURLAU OF THE CCRSUS PARSONS. KANSAS A % CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 4 QCQ *** QUESTIONNAIRE: X^^^ A1 No. Section I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE (If • member of the family or anyone else flila Ihla queelionnaire for the person In charfc. be aure thai all the Information Is given for ihe person In ch&r|e.) 1. What la your name (person in charge)? (.MMdletnltlal) 2. What is your mail addrcsn? Seclion II.— OWNERSHIP ornct USE only \ [|UNi:iJ LAN]>: Include all land and tracU of land owned, regardteaa of where located even though Iheae are eonaldered aeparalc unlta; also cropland, pasturoland. woodland, and wasteland. 3. How many acn-8 do you OwnT None D (// no land tn owned, mark X m tht tquart for "Nont.") LAND HKNTKM MANAf;i:[) FuR OTHKRS: t5] Iluw I II opirnii- for olhiTs as a hired manager? r und uddnss of eniploytr undtr ttui-Mtic I.AM) UKNTKD OR LKASKD To OTHKRS: Include any separate flelda and hay land rented to others Include land worked on shares by others. Do not Include land leased la the Government under Ihe Soil Dank. 6. How many arrcM do you rent to othersT , , , . None Q (U'-None.- mark X and »kip to queslwn [71) (a) Of th<- acri'M nntid to others, how many are owned by youT , . ... None Q Acres ACRES IN THIS PLACE: [7] Adding acres owned and acres rented from others, then subtracting acres rented to others, we gel ((Jiii'-Iino 3 plus qiK'^tion 4 lu^ q>i<'Htioii 6; if ii>uiiiiK>'d, i|ii<'»l Thla la all the land operated by you even though part of it may be located elsewhere or in other counties. The remaining gueallons of this report refer to the total acrea of land reported for this question. LOCATION OF LAM): 8. Iwany of this land locatrd in another county? .... No D Ve» Q (// "So." mark X and »kip lo queaUon [SJ.) (a) How many acn-a nre in your county? Acres _ (b) Give names of ether counties and acres located in each: ofwuniyl (Aerri) (Same of county) (Acrci) Section III. -CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR, 1959 Report all crops harvested or to be harvaaled thla year from these (read answer for <|ueBtIon 7) acres. If you rent or work land for others on sharaa Include landlord's share. CORN: (Include the landlord's share aa nold if (iiki-ii from this |>lacc.) [9J Was any corn harvented for any purpose thiM year? No Q Yes Q (// "No," Ptark X and »kip to qutstxon [11]. ) lAnaioer theie que§lion», i/ " I'«.")^^^"* 10. Corn for all purposes? (Do not include sweet corn or popcorn.) (a) Corn for grain? (70 lb. ear corn or 56 lb. shelled corit = (b) Corn for allage? (c) Corn hogged or grated, or cut for green or dry fodder (esfH not huxked or Knapped)? (1) How many acren were or will bo horvested? (2) How much was or will be harvested? Utmh <»ISM) (3) How much of thi» year's crop was or will be sold? (The lotnl uf the acres for quent und (c) must equn! the ucres for ions (a), (b). question 10.) SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN" OR FnRAGK: (Include the landlords Nliiire as sold if liikrn from this pluce ) tHj \\'eri- nnv forghums li;irvi"*ti'd for any purjio-ie thia gear? . No Q Ves □ (// "No." mark X and iikip lo gumlion C'^J t (.1 nswrr Ike/if qiifuliaim, if " J'cit,") ^^^^ 12. Sorghums for all purposes? (Include sorfthums for Knitn, siliiKe, fornRe, nnd pa.sture.) (■) Sorghums for grain or seed? . . (b) Sorghums fur silage? (e) Sorghums cut for dry forage or hay, or hogged or grazed? ... (t) How many iicres were or Hill he hurvesled? (2) How much will be harvested? (3) How much of thia gear' a crop was or wilt be sold? Acrw * Ati«a B«. B«. A«a wriahi) *«t«* Tawcal Tom (The total of the acres for questions (a), (b). and (c) must equal the acres for question 12.) SOVBKANS: [13J Were any soybeaniT grown for any purpose thia gear? No □ Yes Q (// "No," mark X and skip to question [Z2J.) {.\nK\DtT thest quetttona, if "Yet.") ~ 14. Soybeans for all purposes? (a) Soybeans for beana? . (b) Soybeans for hay? (c) Soybeans hogged or grased, or cut for allage? (d) Soybeans plowed under for green manure, not grazed or otherwise harvested? (1) How many acres wen- grown? (2) How mud wa.s or will bo (The total of the acres for questions (a), (b), (c), and (d) must equal the acres for question 14,) ftMALL GRAINS: (Include (he limdlord's share as sold if taken fnun thi^ place.) (Aniwer these quesUon; i/ " J>»,")™ Were any of the following frain cropa arvested thia year — [22] Winter wheat? 24. Durum wheal? . . . 25. Other spring wheal? 28. Oats for grain? . . 29. Barley? 30. Rye? 31. Plaiaeed? . . 33. Cmmer and apelt? . 34. ProBO millet? . , 36. Safflower? 38. Other gralna? Mixed grains? How many acres were combined? How much was harvested? (3) How much of thla year'a crop WHS or will be sold? HAY CROPS: (If Iwo or more euttings, count the acres only once but give tolul product ion of all cuttings. Include the landlords share j lold if taken from this place.) [Answer these questions, if " Were any of Ihe following hay crops harvealed thla year — 39. Alfalfa mid alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating? , . 42. Clover. Ilmolhy, and mlitures of clover and grasses for hay? . . 45. Gala, wheat, barley, rye. or other small grains cut for hay? . , , (Include oatx cut when ripe or nearly ripe for ferduig untlireuhed.) 46. Wild hay (pruirie, range, or marsh grass) cut for hay? . . . . 47. Any other hay? (Include brnmegrass, millet, old meadows, Sudsngrass. sweelclover, nheatgrass.) D D (1) How many acres were (2) How many tons were harvested? Ton* (3) How much of thla gear't crop was or will be Bold? SOUTH DAKOTA 215 ALFALFA SKDD. CLOVER HEED, ORASS SEED. AND OTHER FIKLI) SKKDH: 49. Wrre any tlUltm m*«d, clover «ecd. fru* «eed or othar 8rM •««!■ harvoHU- gue«(t0n [149].) iAnawtr thw ^ucaliont, 1/ ")>• ■*)— (1) Acres harvMtedT (Report tenths of N. \m •cres) 7o7. 1 108. S HI. C , D D D a a a Acns * TsMks /to wecl corn? * /lO )lbert (3c« li« btlow.) * Gb.M* ;io Gin MB* * ;io GIMMB* * /lO Were any ol the following Tegelable crops harvcated IM» year — (If two or more platitiiiKH of the aame crop were made, either on the Hainc land or on difTiTi-nt land, report the tottil harvcHlpd acres of the several plantinK" ) 142. WhiU wiLH the value of all vegetablea aold thit year? S— (Ini-lndr lundhircl'.i ^harr Do not include the valur of Irinh potatoes.) BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [143] Were any berrlea or other small fruTu harvested rAia iraar for aale? . No Q Ves Q (// "No." mark X and sk,p to qutxtion [1521} (Antwer the»e queitiona, if " >'«. ')^^ Were any of the following berry crops harvested I hit year — 144. StrawberrleaT . 145. RaspberrleaT . 151. Olher berrleiT CurranLtT laNsw (1) Acres harVRstedT (Report tentha of acree) /lO (2) Quarta harvested? TREE FRUITS, NUTS. AND GRAPES: [152] la there a lolal of 20 fruit and not trees and grapcvlnea on this place? No Q Yea □ (// "So," mark X and tktp to aueaUon [IMl.) (// "Yea," ofMwer guettiont IM llirough IOT!) 153. How much land is in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vlneyarda. and planted nut treea? . . ■ (AnawfT iKese guealiona, if *'K«.")- Were any of the following kinds of fruit and nut trees on this place — 154. Apples? 165. Pluma and praneaT . . . 197. Other fruits and nnia? ■ . Apricots? Cherries? foiiaa Grapes? Peaches? Pears? Planted black walnuts? (I) How many trees (or vines) are NOT of bearing age? (2) How many trees (or vines) are of bearing age? (3) How much was harvested thIt yearT NURSERV AM) GRLLNHOUSE PRuDUCTS. FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS. AND BULBS: [198] Were any nursery or greenhouse products, flower or vegetable seeds or planta. Sowers, or bulba grown for sale tMt yearf No G ^^ O (// "So." mark X and »kip to quetlton [202] ) (An T thtte qut9tion», if "I'm.")" 199. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vin< ornametitnls)? ... 200. Cul flowera. iwtled slants, florist greens, and bedding plants for sale? . 201. Vegetables grown under glasfl. flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, mushrooms? . (•) Ib optnf (b) Under gl»MT. (b) Under glass (I) How much area was used for growing? (2) What will be the value of aalea fn 19S9T i /loj a OTHER CHOPS: [202] Are there anv other crops that wore or will be harvested thU year on this place? PopcMst daaflowcr a««d? Nu O Y*^ Q ( f/ •■}■«,•■ antwtt for tach crop.) CROPLAND: 204. How many acres of land were in fields and tracts from which crops were harvested (inehidlnft hny cntl (>i/> yearT ... (ThiM ana may be obtKinrd by adding the acrr-R in the fields or traclH from which onf or more crop^ were harvenled or hay WHS cut thl» year; acres iii nonbearing and bearing planted fruit trees, nuts, and k'»P<''*' o»<1 acres in nursery and gnH-nhniiHc products ) D r THIS SHADED SKCTION IS TO BE FILLED BY CEN8U1 KWUMKRATQH (a) Add acm of all crope (wUA '* m Sec. lU) and enter total here ib) From how many i harveatad eW* y*arP (r> Subtract dm $ differvr\ce here — ., I for lb} from e received thie year from the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolls, and mine timbersT . {Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, fence posts, and sawlogs.) None sold Q S_ None sold Q J_ iAnswer Ihttt queattons. if " J'r*.")" (Do not report below any products sold on the stump. Products sold nn the stump should be included in question 226.) Were any of the following forest products cut thia year fo/ home use or for sale — 228. Firewood and fueiwood? 230. Fence posts? 231. Sawlogs and veneer logs? (1) w much Cord»(4'>4'Br) (2) How much was or will be sold in 1959? Card! ^I^_P01XTRY AND LIVESTOCK NOW ON THIS PLACE AND LIVESTOCK ~ ' .PRODI'CTION THIS YEAR. 1959 Include all poultry and animals on this place owned by you, by your landlord, by your employees, and by others. Include livestock grazing on lan'l used under a Government grazing permit. POULTRY: 236. Are Ihei any chickena. turkeys, or other poultry on this place? No Q Yes Q were there any on this place any time thia year? No Q Yes □ 237. If (// "No" for both gueaiions 236 and 237. mark X and aktp to quettion [246].) 238. How many chickens (hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 4 months old and over are now on this place? None Q Number , 239. How many broilers were or will be sold thia year? None Q Number . (Report all broilers sold and those grown for others under contracl.) 240. How many bens, roosters, pullets, cockerels, and other chickens were or will be sold this year? . None Q Number . 241. How many dozens of chicken eggs were or will be sold thia year? None □ Dozens _ 242. How many turkeys and turkey fryers were raised thia year? None Q Number , (Include those raised from poults hatched, poults bought, and those raised for others under contract.) 243. How many turkey hens now on hand are you keeping for breeding thia year? .... None Q Number . 244. How many ducks, geese. and other poultry (not counting chickens and turkeys) Give were sold (his tfeor? None Q name -. Number. 245. How much was or will be received thia year from tht> sale of turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs? . None sold □ Value of sales S SHEi;P AND LAMBS: [246] How many ewes, rams, wethers, and lambs of all ages are on thia place? . . , , None Q Number (// "Nonr,' mark X and nkip to gueetton [247].) Of this total, how many are - (a) Lambs under 1 year old?- Number . must equal the number for question 246.) SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR, 1959; 251. Were any sheep or lambs shorn this year? (// "No," mark X and skip to question [254] ) (Answer these questions, if "Yet.")' . No n Yes D 252. Were any lambs shorn in 1959? 263. Were any sheep shorn in 1959? No (1) How many were shorn? (2) How much No Vw shorn? n n D D Number Lb. Number Ll>. HOGS AND PIGS: [254] How many hogs and pigs of all ages, including sows and boars, are on this place? ... None Q Number - (// "None," mark X and skip to question [255].) s June I, thia year? Number _ Of this total, how many were born- r(a) Since June I. thia b \{b) Before June 1. this year? Number _ (The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [255] How mai were farrowed since June 1. thia year or will farrow before December /.' None Q litters 256. How many litters w^re farrowed between December 1. last year, and June I. this year? . Number of None D litters CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and bi-ef, on this place.) 257. How many cattle and calves of all ages are on this place? . . . None O Number (// ".None," mark X and skip to question [262].) or this total, how many are- (a) Cows? Number, (Include heifers that have calved.) (b) Heifers and heifer calves? Number . (l>o not include any heifers that have calved.) (c) Bulls, bull calves, steers, and steer ealvesT Number _ (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) r equal the number for question 257.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY: 258. How many cows and heifers v HORSES AND MULES: [247] How many horses, mules, colls, and ponies are on this place? None D Number 259. How many milk cows were on this place yesterday? ■ ■ (Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved ) 260. How many gallons of milk were produced yesterday? milked yesterday? ... None Q Number . None D Number . These questions are to be answered by CENSUS ENUMERATOR (a) Does Al number end m 2 or 77 _ No □ Yes □ (6) Are acres in question 7, 1,000 or more? No □ Yea Q Section IX.— DAIRY PRODl'CTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THLS YEAR. 1959 [262] Was any milk or cream sold thia year. 1959? No Q \ .-. O (// "-Vo." w'lrk X and skip to question [265].) Report all sales from this place whether made by you or by others. Rep9rt dairy products sold for your landlord. Be sure to include dairy products which you will sell by December 31. thia year. 263. How much whole milk was or will be sold in 1959? None D (Report ill poiinils of milk, gallons of milk, or pounds of butterfat.) 264. How much cream wus or will be sold in 1959? None Q (If crram was sold by the giillun, miilli|>lv the number of giillons by 2'j In mt pounds of biutcrful ) »■ (I) Quantity sold or to be sold in 1959.* (2) How much was or will be the value of sates in 1959? (1) Lb. of milk \ or (U Gallona or milk h. m or (3) Lb. or bollcrfBl 1 s /nil Section X.— ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 Report all sales from this place whether made by you or by others. Report all animals turned over to or sold for your landlord, and animals fed under contract for others. Be sure to report animals which you will sell by December 31, this year. (.4n»uier these questions, if "Ye Were any of the following animals sold or will any be sold this year (1959) — [265] Calves? . . . 266. Cattle, not counting calves? 267. Horses, mules, colls, and ponies? .... 268. Hogs and pigs? How many have been sold (Ait year? (2) How many more will be sold between now and Dec. J/7 (3) How much was or will be the value of sales in 1959? SOUTH DAKOTA 217 Section Xl— FERTILIZER AND LIME Include all ferlilizer and lime used on this pl«<-e during 19i9. whether purchased by you or by your landlord. 271. On how manv acros weri- commercial fertilizer and ferUllzIng materials us.-d in 1959? None Q Acrea (// ■•None." mark X anri skip to queation [272j.) (Angtivr these queattona, if "»».■')■ Was fertilizer used thia year on any of the following crops— (a) Hay and cropland pasture? . . (b) Other pasture (not cropland)? . . . . piecework biisis 289. How many hired persons piiid worked on this place last Friday? (// ••\otir,- wnrk X and skip to quenUon [2911) 290. Ho« much roduct, upkeep of land and buildings, payment of taxes, keep of 'landli>r(l, rent free, etc )? No Q Yes Q [3141 About how much would the land and the buildings sell for — lai Land and buildings owned by you? (Copy jicn-s from qitestHin 3 I ibi Land and buildings rented from others' I Copy ncn-- from quc.Ntion 4 I (J) h4M- jt diu iimv ihi\ wjr— Doe. this C'er yoor SD? (») Does this person have agricultural operations where he lives? (10) Any live. aitKlt^ (hogi? rattle.' hortet? •heep' goatt.' etc.) «) 20 t>r more chiclteni? turkeyt? H) Any crop.? (com? oat».> tobacco.* other heM crops?) (6) 20 or more ^it tree.? grape- vine.* nut tree.? fat aale? berrie«? nuncrr Of grccn- houie <8> I z i 4 No Yn No Yei No |Ye. No Ye. No : Ye. No : Y« : No SYes No 1 Yes : i i I i : e 7 g 9 10 No: Ye. . i No 1 Ye. No 1 Ye. No Ye. No 1 Ye. No |Ye. No 1 Ye. No I Yes 1 : i : 11 „ 1) M No! Yea No : Ye. No! Ye. No Ye. No ; Ye. No ; Ye. No! Yes No ' Ye. i 1 i 1 : i i 1 1 1 i i 1 16 17 18 19 20 No 1 Yes No| Ye. No : Ye. No ; Ye. No ; Ye. No I Yes No i Yes No ; Ye. i i i 1 (i> (J) (» (4) (1) («) <') (») (9) (10) ■ ■Tilt ftOA^ • (4>lumni >-H: II Nt> ■■> ,///— lumiix. U.ip i.. ,.Ju ...li.mii V tkir '■■ iEn Al >Air>i....ilumn 14 jtoUiiKT nuilioK -»(■>"-<« ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 219 At (II) PART IV -RECORD Or t.OMHLhTION OF ENUMKRATION 1 Doei person work ifiy land on (W> Callback rcquiird TuriKd ovrr lo crew leader Rcmarki (IM Oair com- plned (161 Rcmindrrs (Whnii>jK (141 Al Nm \o : Vt^ Ckiu Ra.e i i 1 T 1 ; 1 Al No, No ; Vt^ Date Dale Al No No ; V« Dare Dale Al No STi, 1 Ye» Oa.c Dale f) (II) (12) (1)1 (.4, (I'l 1161 • Column 11 Auinn Al numhcr -hi.. v.Ki .l«cfminc •Column II. If Y«, hll A\ i.h l«iJl..rJ inj Al t..f •Column 16 hnief Jjtc.mlv jHch.hi hj.i- jin»..rc.l KM. 1 Inr fhc Mtond «« tcfunt 220 INDEX TO TABLES County Abnormal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples Apricots Area, approximate land Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas Average size of farm Avocados Barley Beans Beets (table ) Berries, specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green coivpeas Blueberries (tame or wild) Boysenberries Broccoli Broilers sold Broomcom Buckwheat Butter, butteimili, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons , etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm ]^bor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cauliflower Celery Change in definition of farms Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits, specified Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cuwpeas Cows Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified Crops harvested from Irrigated land Crops harvested , spec if led Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Dates Days worked off farm Definition of farms, change in Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks sold Durum wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold Electric milk cooler Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower. Emmer and spelt English or Persian walnuts Equipment and facilities, specified Escarole, endive, and chickory 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 -1,17,18,19,20,21 S 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 8 7,12 5 U 11 11 10a 9,10a 11 11 U 1 11 4,6 11 1,1a 11 11 11 11 n 11 11 11 11 u 10 11 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 13,17,18,19,20 5 3, 17, 1£, 19,20,21, 22 5 5,U,15,16 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 '•i'^ 8 11 8 11 10 1 8 11 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,8 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 9 12 8 U 8 11 8 '^ 3 11 8 11 3,4,17,18,19,20 3 14,17,18,19,21 4,5 5 17,18,19,20,21 7 8 11 1,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8,15 11 15,17,18,19,20 5 8 11 6,12,17,1^,19,20,21 4,8 7,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 1,2,3 1,1a, 2, 3 1,2,3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,4 3,17,18,19,20 3 1>2 la 3,17,18,19,20,21 3 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 17,18,19,20,21 1 17,18,19,20,21 1 3,17,18,19,20,21 5 3,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 7 1,17,18,19,20,21 la, 11a S,U,17,18,19,20,21 4,11 8,13,17,18,19,20,21 5,11 8 11 1,17,18,19,20,21 1,1a 9 12 15,17,18,19,20 5 7 10 7,17,13,19,20,21 5,9 11 6 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 5 10 1 8 11 8 11 8 11 7 10 8 11 14,17,18,19 5 8 11 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 8 11 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8 11 Ewes , Expenditures, fann. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified , Farm labor , Farm operators: By age ^ color ^ residence ^ tenure E^ off-farm work and other income , Farm products , value of Farm property , value of Farms , number , By color of operator , ^ economic class ^ kind of road on which located , By kind of workers During specified week , By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of fann By value of products sold. _ Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for. Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Frult-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts , specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain combines Grains Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green 1 ima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and lieif er calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews Hops Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes , Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land in farms By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats ladino seed Land and buildings, value of Land area, approximate Lai^d from which hay was cut Land in farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 4,17, 3,4, 4,17, 3,4,17, 4,17, 1,17, 1,2,17, 3, 4,17, 5,17, 1,17, 2,16, 3, 17, 5,17, 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 17,18,19 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 5 16,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 1 18,19,20,21 9 5 18,19,20,21 8 8 15,17,19,20 8 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 8 9 8 9 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 17,16,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 1,2 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 221 Land in Irrigated farms. Land In strip-cropping systems for soil eros ion control Dand irrigated by source of water land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed l£ttuce and romaine Lima beans T.4, and amended in August 1957 and September 1960, is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- suses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 1959, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agriculture, provided that the censuses directed to be taken in October 1959 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken Instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each dec-ennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13, the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planneer of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresi>oading estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may he observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1959. Therefore, State tables 2.'? and 24 may al.so be u.sed to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differences in Data Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — Many of the figures in tlie detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only (he sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data In the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tables. For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals even when such totals were available, nor were slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeration. — As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing Ofllce at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of ftnestionnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded before the information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the specific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested in relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales in relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efl[icieiitly and eco- nomically during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or sui)ervised the correction of) the questionnaires either on the basis of information reported for other farms of similar tyfie in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived In response to letters directed to the farm operators. Coding of Questionnaires. — Most of the numerical Information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that tlie inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch cards or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basi.s of irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure Inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the Initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report. — This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United States" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations In this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling methods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data. — The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Minor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checking the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again in 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained In the census contains the designation of the minor civil division In which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Althougb the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a rdsumfi of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire in the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked in the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which ^. agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural operation.?", see p. X.) Control may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres In 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $."50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be expected to produce agricultural products in suflScient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the deflnl- INTRODUCTION XV tion of a farm. Instead, enumerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operations", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to till questionnaires on the same basis as In 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuses, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during office process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms If the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been exjjected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes in price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error and those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only if at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease in the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms In 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms If the criteria had been the same as in earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products in 1959 was used resulted in the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The Increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect. The reduction in the number of farms due to change in definition, 1954 to 1959, is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 1959, but which would have been included in 1954, are shown in State table 10. The change in farm definition made in 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is used to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as operator only of the land which he retains for his own oi)eration. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or oiierators reiM>rting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,405 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were intended to be ol)- tained for all farms ; for example, residence of farm operator. State table 4. The number not reporting, as compared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incompleteness of the reporting of the data for the item. Land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 is, in general, the same as that re- ported for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes in boundaries or actual changes in land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land In Farms. — Except for managed farms, the land to be in- cluded in each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censuses, enumerators were in- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 merators were instiucted to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, the figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated in the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land — that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as land in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unless the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was u.sed for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 1954. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States ) , if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land In farms provided the place of which It was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for conducting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservations that was not reported by individual Indians and that was not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooperative group that used the land. In some instances, an entire Indian reservation was re- ported as one farm. Land owned. — All land that the operator and/or his wife held under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as heir or trustee of an undivided estate at the time of enumeration is considered as owned. Land Rented from Others. — This item Includes not only land that the operator rented or leased from others but also land he worked on shares for others and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not included. Land Rented to Others. — This Item includes all land rented or leased to others, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sharecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Uanaged. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others In performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crop.s were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use cla.ssific.ition. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator was instructed to check t"he figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the office processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for crops without additional improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land pastured before or after hay or other crops were harvested from it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censu.ses are not entirely comparable with those for the last three censuses. For 1945, the figures Include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with those for 1959, 1954, and 19.50, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve moisture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 1959 cen- sus, land used only for cover crops to control erosion or to be jilowed under for green manure is tabulated .separately from 'Other cropland". After the establishment of the Soil Bank, land that would normally have been used for other I)urposes was frequently planted to soil-improvement crops. In counties where large acreages were placed in the Soil Bank, the total of land used for soil-improvement crops plus "other cropland" may be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This classification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 19.59. The Instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts ; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise definition than the corresponding instruction contained on the 1954 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 1959, including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil Bank and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timberland that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms when it was evident that such laud was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classitication refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1951). It includes noncrop open or brush pasture and cutover or deforested land that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1940 include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceding seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the classification may be somewhat less inclusive becau.se land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowable pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture.— This subclass refers to that portion of "other pasture" on which one or more of the following prac- tices had been used: liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 1954. when the question on improved pasture was asked for the first time. Other Land. — This classification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 1959 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reporting this item. Value of Land and Buildings. — Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre are presented in this report. They are estimates based on data obtained for sample farms. Estimates of the total value of land and buildings by States, geographic divisions, and the United States, are presented in volimie II. The enumerator was instructed to record the market value of the land and the buildings on that land. Market value was defined as the price which the farm operator would expect to receive for the land and buildings if he were to sell them on the day of entuneration. More problems and difficulties arise in the enumeration of farm- real-estate values than in the enumeration of most other agri- cultural items. Most of the items enumerated require the re- spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year is based on actual transactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a specific time. Reports concerning the value of land and buildings, however, are estimates based almost entirely on opinion. The majority of farms have not changed hands for many years and are not currently for sale. For such farms, the operators are not likely to have any clear basis for estimating the value. To make an intelligent and objective estimate, a respond- ent first needs to make an estimate of the prevailing average market value of farms in his community. Then, he must either add to or subtract from that estimate to allow for the different characteristics of his own farm. In many cases, an operator who would not sell his farm under any circumstances may report an unreasonably high market value. In other cases, a farm operator who acquired his real estate during a period of relatively low prices may estimate an unrealistically low value by current stand- ards. Because of the extent of variation that is known to exist in real estate values, it is diflScult to devise checking procedures that will identify inaccurate estimates. Age of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was derived from the sum of the ages of all farm operators reporting age divided by the number reporting. The number of farm operators 65 or more years of age is an actual count based on the operators reporting age. Residence of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by resi- dence according to whether or not they lived on the farms they were operating. Some of those who did not live on the farms they operated themselves lived on farms operated by others. In cases where all the land was rented from others or worked on shares for others, the operator was considered to live on the farm operated provided the dwelling he occupied was included in the rental agreement. The dwelling, in such cases, was not neces- sarily on the land being operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence Indicate the extent of under-reporting. Year Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators wore in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, if the year was 1908 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Parm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm in 1959. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of tht operator's household did any work off the farm; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for i)ay as well as all types of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 1959 are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other income whereaa those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about specified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farn>s. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual number were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment in 1959 : (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking corn, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations ; jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Yes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items : ( 1 ) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (in six States only — Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road. — The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few Instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An operator was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours ; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily because of differences in the period to which they relate. In 1954, the data were purposely related to either one of two calendar weeks, depending in part on the starting date set for the enumeration and in part on which week represented a period of peak employment within a given State. For the majority of States, the period specified was the week of September 26-October 2 ; for other States, the week of October 24-30. In 1950, as in 1959, the data related to the week preceding the actual enumeration. Unlike 1959, however, enumeration starting dates were identical for all States in 1950 (April 1) but since several weeks were required to complete the enumeration, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not identical for all farms. In 1945 and 1935, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January and, in 1940, to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equiv- alent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, an additional specification limited the workers to those 14 years old and over. Experience gained from earlier censuses indicates that farm labor data are often unsatisfactorily reported unless the week specified is the week immediately preceding the actual enumer- ation. When a farm operator was asked to report the number of persons employed during a specified week that was several weeks prior to enumeration, he often reported the highest number of persons employed during the year. Obviously incorrect reports were adjusted to make the data reflect more nearly the situation known to exist during the specified week. The farm labor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect reporting. Regular and Seasonal Workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or exi)ected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the oflSce processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed cash rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each class except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1954, the data include oflice estimates for farms submitting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for which complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities used in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by wliom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on the questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer. — The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the same land was used for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop, if the same crop was feriilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tilizer used In 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted in 1958 or by crops to be barvested in 1960. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liquefied gases. lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purjwses of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely in the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures. — The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and poultry, (3) machine hire, (4) hired labor, (5) seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, and (6) gaso- line and other petroleum fuel and oil. With the exception of items (2) and (5), exactly the same questions were asked in 1954. For each item specified, the total expenditures made for the farm in 1959 were to be reported, whether made by the farm operator, his landlord, or both. A farm operator who rented part of his land to others was to report only the ex- penditures for the land he operated himself. Enumerators were instructed to ask respondents who had difficulty estimating their expenses for the period between enumeration and the end of the year to estimate them on the basis of current costs. Feed. — The report on feed purchased for livestock and poultry was to include expenditures for grain, hay, millfeeds, pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements as well as for the grinding and mixing of feed. The estimated cost of items furnished by a landlord, contractor, or other owner for feeding poultry and livestock kept on the farm was also to be included. Payments made by a tenant to his land- lord for feed grown on the tenant farm were to be excluded. livestock and Poultry .^The cost of baby chicks and turkey poults was to be included in the expenditures made for the purchase of livestock and poultry. Enumerators were in- structed to ask the farm operator to include the cost or esti- mated purchase value of poultry and livestock provided by others and cared for by the operator under a contract feeding arrangement. The cost of livestock iiurchased for resale within 30 days was not to be included. A short-term transaction of that nature was considered to be a dealer operation, not an agricultural one. Data on the purchase of livestock and poultry were not ob- tained in 1954. The instructions for the 1950 census specified that expenditures for domestic rabbits, fur-bearing animals kept in captivity, and bees were to be included. Any lack of comparability in the 1950 and 1959 data resulting from inclu- sion or exclusion of rabbits, fur-bearing animals, or bees is considered to be so slight as to be insignificant Uachine Hire. — Expenditures for machine hire relate to cus- tom machine work, such as tractor hire, threshing, grain or seed combining, silo filling, baling, cotton picking, cotton gin- ning, corn picking, plowing, vegetable harvesting, fruit pick- ing, spraying, and dusting. Any amount spent for the labor Included in the cost of machine hire was to be considered as part of the total expenditure. The cost of freight or trucking and exchange work without pay were to be omitted. Hired labor. — Expenditures for hired labor were to include total cash payments made in 1959 to family members and to others for farm labor. Payments to persons supplied by a con- tractor or a cooperative organization and paid directly by them or by the crew boss were also to be included. Payments for the following types of work were to be excluded: house- work, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair. Installation, or construction work done by persons spe- cifically employed for such work. Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil. — Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to relate only to the products used in the farm business. Enumerators were instructed to exclude the cost of petroleum products used for the family automobile when operated for other than farm business purposes and of products used in the farmhouse for heating, cooking, and lighting. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, and Trees. — Expenditures were to repre- sent the total amount spent for seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees to be used on the farm operated. The value of seed grown on the farm was to be excluded. For nurseries and greenhouses, the cost of products purchased for immediate resale was also to be excluded. This item of expenditure was not included In the 1954 Census. The data are comparable with those for 1950, however. Cbops Crops Harvested. — The 1959 agriculture questionnaire was simi- lar to the questionnaire used in several previous censuses In that it provided for the collection of detailed data for all crops harvested on each Individual farm. The variation In the crops listed on the questionnaires used In different States made pos- sible the separate reporting of all important crops grown In a given area. All versions of the questionnaire contained several "All other crops" questions where crops not specifically listed In separate questions were to be reported. Acreage of Crops Harvested.— In most instances, the acreage reported for individual crops represents the area harvested during 1959. The area harvested Is often less than the area planted. For fruit orchards and groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, the acreage reported represents the total area in both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines as of the date of enumeration— usually a date in October, November, or Decem- ber 1959. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acreage grown for all purposes was reported as well as the acreage har- vested for specific purposes. For velvet beans, only the acreage grown was reported. As the enumeration was about to begin in South Florida (those counties in which the enumeration was begun on October 7), an instruction was issued to the effect that the data for vegetables and potato crops should relate to a full year, beginning on October 1, 1958, and ending Sep- tember 30, 1959. Quantity of Crops Harvested. — Except for citrus fruits, olives, avocados, and for vegetable and iwtato crops in South Florida (see preceding paragraph) data for quantity harvested relate to the calendar year 19.59. For citrus fruits, the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the 1958-59 marketing season was to be reported. For olives, the crop harvested in 1959 was to be reported for all States except California and Arizona. Enumerators in those two States were instructed to report olives harvested from the bloom of 1958 during the 1958- 59 harvest season (September 15, 1958, to February 28, 1959). In the case of avocados, the data for California were to relate to the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the marketing season that extended from October 1, 1958 to Sep- tember 30, 1959; the data for Florida were to relate to the crop harvested for the marketing season that extended from July 1, 1959, to February 28, 1960. Respondents were to estimate quantities not yet harvested at the time of enumeration. Unit of Measure. — The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported has varied for some crops, not only from State to State, but also from census to census. The aim has been to permit reporting in the units of measure currently in use. In the State and county tables, the quantities harvested for each crop are usually expressed in the unit of measure given on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire. In 1959, for corn and Irish potatoes, a choice between two units in which to report the production was given in some States. (See the discussion for those crops.) To provide readily comparable information, data published in earlier reports in different units of measure generally have been converted to the units used in 1959. Com. — In the 1959 census, detailed questions regarding the purpose for which corn was harvested were asked In all States. For most States, bushels was the only unit si)ecifled for com XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 for grain. In some areas, however, where farmers were not accustomed to using bushels as the unit of measure, the question- naire contained a provision for the quantity of corn for grain to be reported either in bushels (shelled basis) or in baskets of ear corn. As in former censuses, some reports were received In units of measure other than bushels or baskets. Prior to tabulation, all reports were converted to bushels (shelled basis) on the basis of the following factors: 70 pounds of ear corn, 2 baskets of ears, or 56 pounds of shelled corn equal one bushel. A barrel of ear corn was usually considered equal to 5 bushels of shelled corn. Annual Legumes. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively ; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all these crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blackeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres of land from which hay was cut exclude the. acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions in the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage in harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1959, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating ; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses ; small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay, including alfalfa hay for dehydrating, Is given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was converted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage Is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported In terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass, or Junegrass seed, was to be reported in terms of green seed for Iowa, Kanisas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported in the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be reported for each crop in all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only In cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent in terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire). This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes harvested on small plots for home use. Essen- tially the same procedure was followed in both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used In a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or l(X)-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are in terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related specifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New England States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when it amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearing areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Qrapes. — In 1959, as In 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines were to be included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change In enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 1&54 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any significant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are in small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards comprise a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and nonbearing trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 were to be reported separately for each fruit and nut crop. ( Ex- ceptions in the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) The unit of measure in whicli quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing ou the 1959 questionnaire used In the State. Nursery and Greenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. e. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published in volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data in this report do not represent the total forestry output or income for a county or State. The questions included oh the 19.">9 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and f uelwood, fence jwsts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of crops harvested represents the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1959. It includes the value of quantities consumed on farms as food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. Farmers were not asked to report values of crops harvested ; the values were calculated in the Processing Office. For individ- ual crops, the quantity harvested was multiplied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of farmers and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used in the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. Ibeioation Definition of Irrigated Land.— Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The deflnltion of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was a.sked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question Includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States. Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklei-s, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for Irrigated farms, are presented in county table la for these States. Statistics on the irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1959 Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms. — All farms reporting any land irrigated in 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage in these farms, in- cluding land that was not irrigated. Land Irrigated. — Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested. — The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops were harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land Irrigated. It represents primarily irrigated cropland not harvested and irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during ofBce processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Peactices Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-off of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland in Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or ehannel-tyi)e terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. LrVESTOCK AND POULTET Inventories.— Data for livestock and poultry on fanns relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing In national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the i)erson who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of data by age has been affected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Milked, Milk Produced, and Butter. — Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not given in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. These figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be Included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the unit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 1959 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked in all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for Iambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb Inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey.^No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were Instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported in the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents problems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the effect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During office processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same in 1959 as in 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown between light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. Classification of Fabms Scope of Clasaiflcation. — Data for land in farms, and for crop- land harvested in farms classified by size, by color of operator and by tenure of operator were tabulated for all farms. However, most of the detailed data by size of farm, by color of operator, by tenure of operator, by economic class, and by type of farm are estimates based on farms in the sample. The farm classifications by size of farm, color of operator, tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made in the processing office on the basis of data reported on each questionnaire. Farms by Size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area established for each farm. The same classifica- tion was used for all States. According to definition, a farm is essentially an ojwrating unit, not an ownership tract. All land operated by one person or partnership represents one farm. In the case of a landlord who has assigned land to croppers or other tenants, the land assigned to each cropper or tenant is considered a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire landholding as one unit in respect to supervision, equipment, rota- tion practice, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South, a special Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire was used to assure an accurate enumeration of each unit within a multiple-unit operation. A change was made in the size classifica- tion for 1959, as contrasted with several preceding years, by sub- dividing the 1,000-acre-and-over group and by combining two previously recc^nized groups, viz., 10 to 29 acres and 30 to 49 acres. Farms by Color of Operator. — Farms were classified by color of operator into two groups, "white" and "nonwhite." "Nonwhite" includes primarily Negro and Indian oi>erators but also some of other racial origin. Enumerators were instructed to report the race on the basis of their own observation whenever possible rather than by asking the respondent. Farms by Tenure of Operator.— The classification of farms by tenure of operator was based on data reported for land owned, land rented from others or worked for others on shares, land managed for others, and land rented to others or worked on shares by others. The same basis of classification was used in 1959 as in 1954. For 1959, each questionnaire was coded, during the editing proc- ess, to indicate whether it represented a farm operated by a full owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. The sample question- naires for tenants were given a code to Indicate the kind of tenant. The various classifications of tenure, as used for the 1959 census, are defined below : a. Full Owners operate only land they own. b. Part Owners operate land they own and also land rented from others. c. Managers operate land for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as care- takers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own ac- count was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If, however, he managed land for two or more employers, all the managed land was considered to be one farm. d. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. They are further classified, as de- scribed below, on the basis of rental arrangements In regard to the payment of cash rent, sharing of crops, sharing of livestock or livestock products, and the furnishing of work power by the landlord. (1) Cash Tenants pay cash rent, either on a per-acre basis or for the farm as a whole. (2) Share-Cash Tenants pay part of the rent in cash and part in a share of the crops and/or of the livestock and livestock products. (3) Crop-Share Tenants pay a share of the crops but not of the livestock or livestock products. (4) Livestock-Share Tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. (5) Croppers are tenants whose landlords furnished all the work animals or tractor power. They usually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents, or other farm operators. Also, the land assigned to them is often merely a part of a multi-unit operation. Croppers may or may not also pay cash rent or a share of crops, livestock, or livestock products. Data for croppers are available for only 16 southern States and Missouri. (6) Other Tenants are those who did not qualify for inclusion in any of the foregoing subclassifications. They may have had the use of land rent-free or in return for a fixed quantity of products, payment of taxes, maintenance of buildings, etc. (7) Tlnspecifled Tenants are those for whom the rental arrange- ment was not reported. The definition of each subclass of tenant was essentially the same for earlier censuses as for 1959. In 1945, however, the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants whereas in other censuses all classifications were made during the processing of questionnaires on the basis of the data reported. The procedure used in 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, especially for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by Economic Class. — The totals for farms by economic class are estimates for all farms made on the basis of data re- ported only for the sample farms. The economic classifications represent groupings of farms that are similar in characteristics and size of operation. The economic classes were established on the basis of one or more of four factors: (1) total value of all farm products sold, (2) number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, (3) the age of the farm operator, and (4) the re- lationship of income received by the operator and members of his household from nonfarm sources to the value of all farm products sold. Institutional farms, Indian reservations, agricultural ex- periment stations, and grazing associations were always classified as "abnormal." XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 The total value of farm products sold was obtained by addi- tion of the reported or estimated values for all products sold from the farm. The value of cattle and calves, horses and mules, dairy products, some poultry products, vegetables, nursery and green- house products, standing timber, and miscellaneous forest prod- ucts was obtained from the farm operator during the enumera- tion. The quantity sold was obtained during enumeration for corn, sorghums, small grains, hay, small fruits, some of the for- est products, chickens and chicken eggs, hogs, sheep, and goats. To obtain the value of sales of these products, the quantity sold was multiplied by State average prices. For each of the other products, the entire production was mul- tiplied by the State average price. If the resulting value amount- ed to $100 or more, the entire quantity produced was considered as sold. This procedure was followed only in establishing the economic class and the type of farm but was not used in estab- lishing the total value of products sold from the farm. (See p. XXV.) Farms were grouped into two major categories, commercial farms and other farms, mainly on the basis of total value of prod- ucts sold. The 1959 class intervals and some of the criteria for determination of a given class are different from those used in 1954 and in 1950. In general, for 1959, all farms with a value of sales amounting to $2,500 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 were classified as com- mercial if the farm operator was under 65 years of age and (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days during the year and (2) the income received by the operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with a value of sales of $50 to $2,499 and institutional farms and Indian reservations were included in one of the groups of "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six economic classes on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : Value of Farm Class of Farm Products sold I $40,000 and over II $20,000 to $39,999 III $10,000 to $19,999 IV $5,000 to $9,999 V $2,500 to $4,999 VI* $50 to $2,499 •Provided the farm operator was under 65 years of age, and — (1) he did not work off the farm 100 or more days, and (2) the In- come that he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. Other farms were divided into three economic classes as f oUovi's : a. Class VXI, Part-time. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part-time" if the operator was under 65 years of age and he either worked off the farm 100 or more days or the income he and members of his household received from nonfarm sources was greater than the total value of farm products sold. b. Class VIII, Part-retirement. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $50 to $2,499 were classified as "part- retirement" if the farm operator was 65 years old or over. Many of these are farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others are residential, subsistence, or marginal farms. In previous censuses, the age of the farm operator was not a criterion for grouping farms by economic class. Since the number of elderly people in our population has been steadily increasing during recent years, a separate classification for farms operated on a part-retirement basis was considered important for an adequate analysis of the agricultural structure of a county or State. c. Class IX, Abnormal. — All institutional farms and Indian reservations were classified as "abnormal," regardless of the value of sales. Institutional farms include those operated by hospitals, penitentiaries, schools, grazing associations, government agencies, etc. Farms by Type. — The data for farms by type are estimates based on data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The type represents a description of the major source of income from farm sales. To be classified as a particular type, a farm had to have sales of a particular product or group of products amounting in value to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm prod- ucts sold during the year. The types of farms, together with the products on which type classification is based, are as follows : Type of Farm Source of Cash Income (Products with sales value representing 50% or more of total value of all farm products sold) Cash-grain Corn, sorghums, small grains, soybeans for beans, cowpeas for peas, dry field and seed beans and peas. Tobacco Tobacco. Cotton Cotton. Other field-crop Peanuts, potatoes (Iri.sh and sweet), sugarcane for sugar or sirup, sweet sorghums for sirup, broomcorn, pop- corn, sugar beets, mint, hops, and sugar beet seed. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries, other small fruits, tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Poultry Chickens, chicken eggs, turkey.s, and other poultry products. Dairy Milk and cream. The criterion of 50 percent of total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm hav- ing value of sales of dairy products amounting to less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm, if — (a) Milk and cream sold accounted for more than 30 iwrcent of the total value of products sold and — (b) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of total cows and — (c) The value of milk and cream sold plus the value of cattle and calves sold amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of all farm products sold. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool and mohair except for farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Florida that qualified as livestock ranches. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisi- ana, and Florida were classified as livestock ranches if the sales of live- stock, wool, and mohair represented 50 percent or more of the total value of iarm products sold and if pasture- land or grazing land amounted to 100 or more acres and was 10 or more times the acreage of cropland har- vested. Field seed crops, hay, silage. A farm was classified as general also if it had cash Income from three or more sources and did not meet the criteria for any other type. Nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, mules, horses, colts and ponies. Also all institutional farms and Indian reservations. Livestock other than dairy and poultry Livestock Ranches. General- Miscellaneous- INTRODUCTION XXV The type classiflcations were essentially the same for the 1959 as for the 1954 census except that tobacco farms and livestock ranches were not separately classified in 1954. Tobacco was In- cluded as one of the crops used in the classification of "other field crop" farms in 1954. The farms classified as livestock ranches in 1959 would have been classified as "livestock other than dairy and poultry" in 1954 without regard to the acreage In Iiasture. Value of Farm Products Sold. — Data for the value of farm prod- ucts sold in 1959 were obtained by enumeration for some prod- ucts and by estimation for others. The questionnaire used for the 1959 census provided for farm operators to reiwrt value of sales for the following products : Vegetables Miscellaneous poultry products Nursery and greenhouse prod- Milk and cream ucts Cattle Standing timber Calves Miscellaneous forest products Horses, mules, colts, and ponies For all other agricultural products, the value of sales was esti- mated during the oflBce processing. The State average prices used for calculating the value of farm products sold were fur- nished to the Bureau by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of three following pro- cedures was used. (1) For the products for which data on quantities sold were obtained during enumeration, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the county totals of the quantities reported as sold or the quantities reported as produced for sale. The following prod- ucts were covered by this procedure : Corn for grain Fence posts Sorghums for grain, seed, sirup, Sawlogs and veneer logs or dry forage Christmas trees All .small grains Chickens (broilers and others) Hay crops Chicken eggs All berries and small fruits * Hogs and pigs Firewood and f uelwood Sheep and lambs Pulpwood Goats and kids > Adjustment made for cranberries based on Cranberry Payment Program. (2) For most of the agricultural products which are cus- tomarily raised for sale, the entire quantity produced was considered to be sold. The State average prices were, accordingly, multiplied by the county total of production. The following crops were covered by this procedure : Cotton Sugarcane for sugar Popcorn Tobacco Sugar beets for sugar Wool Broomcorn Mohair (3) For all other crops, the State average prices were mul- tiplied by the quantities sold as estimated on the basis of crop- disposition data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service, data reported in questions for "other crops" on the 1959 question- naire, or data obtained from earlier censuses. For all tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, the entire quantity pro- duced was considered as sold, except for apples, apricots, sour and sweet cherries, peaches, plums, prunes, avocados, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit in States where a portion of the crop was not harvested or was subjected to excess cuUage as Indicated by data obtaineil from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 since essentially the same procedures were used In both censuses for estimating quantities and values of farm products sold. In 1959, as in 1954, data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared the receipts. For tenant-operated farms, the landlord's share of agricultural products was considered as sold provided the products were moved off the tenant farm. All crops, livestock, and poultry raised under a contract arrangement were considered as sold from the farm where they were raised. For Institutional farms, all agricultural items produced on land operated by the institu- tion and consumed by the inmates were to be reported as sold. All sales data relate to one year's farm operations. Crop sales are for crops harvested during the crop year, whether the crops were actually sold immediately after harvest or placed in storage for later sale. Sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year, regardless of when the livestock or prod- ucts were raised or produced. All wool and mohair reported as shorn or clipped was considered as sold. Enumerators were instructed to record gross values of quanti- ties sold, with no deductions for feed, seed, fertilizer, water, labor, or marketing costs. For some products, however, net values may have been reported. In the case of mUk, particularly, some farm operators may have reported the payments they received as the gross value of sales, even though the buyer had deducted handling and hauling charges before making payment. Adjustments were made in the data reported only in cases of obvious error. o Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (1) NEBRASKA state Table 1. -FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data on value of land and buiMinc^ for 1953, 1954. and 1950 are based on refwrts for onl> a sample of fanr*. See textj (I'or derinilions and explanations, see text) FamS number Approximate land area {see text) acres Proportion in famis percent Land in farms ikxob Average sir.e of farm ncrcs Value ol land and buildings : Average per fam dollars Average per acre dollars (.and in farms acccKding to use: ' Criipland harvested farms reporting acres 1 Ir) 9 acres famis reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms repotting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting IfW to 199 acres renns reporting 200 or more acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporung 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only ftir pasture^ farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . .farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes . . .farms reporting Other cropland (idle and crop failure) . . . .farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture ( not cropland and not woodland)-^ farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting Other land (house lots, mads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting Oopland, total ' farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms rcfnrting acres Irrigated land m farms fnmis leporting acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 (Oct. -Nov. ) 90,475 49,031,680 97.4 47,755,708 527.8 47,750 88.28 34,105 13,057,090 1,535 1,439 1,171 2,532 10,737 32,562 >l,129 29,892 3,330 907 24,768 1,309,492 38,378 3,461,403 23,896 2,312,900 12,435 655,323 12,842 493,180 6,457 369,742 7,143 151,552 62,712 22,346,585 6,133 362,267 NA 1,559,744 85,744 22,827,985 78,395 24,525,819 12,189 521,394 18,936 2,077,926 18,804 2,021,858 1954 (Oct. -Nov. ) 100,846 49,064,320 96.8 47,486,580 470.9 34,395 70.78 94,580 18,374,341 2,372 1,428 1,251 2,670 12,912 40,654 33,293 29,370 2,998 925 29,272 1,116,793 36,639 2,876,380 23,030 2,128,822 NA HA NA NA 8,297 430,441 8,452 192,064 70,586 22,542,465 7,833 283,527 96,9U 1,454,096 95,570 22,367,51A 89,303 24,089,699 15,071 622,505 12,500 1,171,369 12,378 1,131,344 1950 (April 1) 107,183 49,064,320 96.7 47,466,828 442.9 25,939 57.58 100,984 19,406,990 3,302 1,856 1,457 3,003 14,777 43,265 33,324 29,308 3,129 887 33,447 1,399,626 39,396 2,969,854 19,620 1,948,942 NA KA NA NA 9,514 602,899 9,377 216,706 71,057 21,415,000 NA NA 102,557 1,455,753 102,525 23,776,470 94,678 23,417,525 17,015 819,605 9,680 876,259 9,576 '837,811 1945 (January 1) 111,756 49,058,560 97.3 47,752,941 427.3 15,205 35.58 106,013 19,596,324 3,579 1,837 1,553 3,519 15,820 45,538 33,167 29,153 3,230 774 43,U5 942,301 NA 2,889,894 KA NA NA HA IIA »A 7,430 377,651 9,613 133,295 78,254 22,184,950 NA NA 109,917 1,628,525 107,746 23,428,519 101,029 23,504,902 15,855 510,947 7,156 631,762 NA NA 1940 (April 1) 121,052 49,057,920 96.5 47,343,981 391.1 9,399 24.03 115,202 17,304,802 NA NA NA HA HA HA HA NA NA HA 67,582 3,735,689 NA 4,374,369 »A HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA 119,019 25,414,860 NA HA 23,467 550,100 6,913 473,775 6,839 462,905 1935 (January 1) 133,616 49,157,120 94.8 46,615,752 348.9 11,696 33.53 112,843 12,194,715 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 61,305 2,652,622 NA 10,5U,300 NA HA NA NA NA NA 19,334 790,782 12,706 U3,455 75,319 18,941,671 NA NA 131,521 1,378,215 NA 25,361,638 NA 22,385,075 NA 934,237 NA NA 5,140 345,417 1930 (April 1) 129,458 49,157,120 91.0 44,708,555 345.4 19,274 55.81 126,419 21,399,340 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71,475 4,160,254 NA 944,272 NA NA NA NA NA NA 17,577 798,141 3,109 143,078 67,123 15,839,636 NA NA U5,274 1,423,844 HA 26,503,856 NA 20,798,031 NA 941,219 NA NA '4,602 '404,481 1925 (January 1) 127,734 49,157,120 85.5 42,024,775 329.0 19,760 60.06 HA 19,810,352 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 68,357 4,381,148 NA 887,735 NA NA NA NA NA NA 15,272 657,020 8,908 226,248 59,514 14,455,777 NA NA NA 1,606,484 HA 25,079,246 HA 19,493,945 NA 883,268 NA NA NA NA 1920 (January 1) NA ^18,936,108 NA Not available. For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, in the Cenijus year; for all other Censuses, in the calendar year preceding the Censtis. ^Total acreage of crops for which figtires are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^Not fully coigjarable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. 'Acreage of irrigated crcjps; acreage counted more than once where two or more crops were harvested from the same land. 'includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Date for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov. ) 195i (Oct. -Nov. ) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) All farms number , Under 10 acres number , I'ndef 3 acres nunibef, 1 acre or less number . 2 acres number. 3 to 9 acres number. 3 acres number . 4 acres number. 5 acres number . ft acres number . 7 acres numlier . 8 acres number. 9 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acre!' number. 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres nunjjer , 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 or more acres number. . 1,000 to 1,999 acres ". number.. 2,000 or more acres number. Land in farms acres . Avera^ sire of farm acres. I'nder 10 acres acres . . 10 to 49 acres acre.s . 10 to 29 acres acres . . .30 to 49 acres acres . 50 to 69 acres acre.*: . 70 to 99 acres acres , , 100 to 139 acres acres . . 140 to 179 acres acres.. 180 to 219 acres acres . , 220 to 259 acres acres . , 260 to 499 acres acres . . 500 to 999 acres acres . . 1,000 or mote acres acres . . 1,0(X) to 1,999 acres acres, , 2,000 or more acres acres . . Lanif in farms accortling to use: ' Cropland harvested fanns reporting. . acres.. Under 10 acres farms reporting. . acres. . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . . acres. . 10 to 29 acT«s farms reporting . . acres.. 30 to 49 acres farms reportit^.. acres. . 50 to 69 acres fa/ma reporting . . acres. . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. . acres. . 100 to 139 acres farms repoting . . aci«s. . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . acres. . 160 to 219 acres farms reporting.. aaes.. 220 to 259 acres firms reporting. . acres. . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . acres. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . acres. . 1,000 or man acres farms reporting . . acres. . 1,000 to 1,996 acres farms reporting.. acres. . 2,000 or mcve acres f«ms reporting. . acres. . 90 f 223 2,422 917 500 417 1,505 288 177 497 155 154 153 81 4,673 2,868 1,805 1,069 3,930 3,582 13,415 5,802 9,350 26,678 11,263 8,039 4,813 3,226 47,774,823 529.5 9,382 118,483 HA 63,032 318,018 424,994 2,138,325 1,148,196 2,230,167 9,539,805 7,821,573 23,962,848 6,586,112 17,376,736 84,425 18,190,771 541 1,762 2,647 44,299 NA HA NA NA 816 29,242 3,649 202,339 3,410 277,099 U,103 1,457,906 5,736 em, em 9,235 1,553,042 26,312 5,842,064 11,112 3,379,343 7,864 4,595,796 4,719 1,921,298 3,145 2,674,498 100,846 4,325 1,804 HA HA 2,521 HA HA HA HA HA NA HA 4,704 2,837 1,867 1,136 4,610 4,577 17,835 7,463 10,858 27,042 10,685 7,6U HA 47,486,580 470.9 15,344 118,762 47,074 71,688 66,106 374,478 541,214 2,842,763 1,481, 196 2,587,069 9, 570, 133 7,418,053 22,471,462 NA 94,580 18,874,341 1,194 3,672 2,904 47,581 1,561 16,267 1,343 31, 3U 894 31,351 4,348 240,153 4,436 365,454 17,668 1,974,397 7,390 1,040,660 10,815 1,801,153 26,887 5,787,385 10,566 3,1*1,323 7,478 4,421,212 NA NA NA HA 107,174 4,507 1,119 HA NA 3,388 NA 5,628 3,388 2,240 1,341 5,599 5,297 20,774 7,849 11,441 26,933 10,580 7,225 NA 47,330,568 441.6 19,978 142,144 56, 162 85,982 78,357 458,409 626,683 3,320,116 1,552,837 2,726,774 9,571,792 7,300,303 21,533,175 101, 127 19,387,069 1,633 5,539 3,733 58,899 2,107 20,444 1,626 38,455 1,131 37, 565 5,346 299,040 5,176 430, 198 20,550 2,340,747 7,779 1,095,280 11, 386 1,9U,882 26,727 5,775,028 10,494 3,134,921 7,172 4,297,970 NA NA NA NA _L 111,756 4,602 740 HA HA 3,862 NA HA HA HA HA HA 5,987 3,737 2,250 1,268 5,801 5,638 22,678 8,257 11,423 28,083 10,805 7,214 HA HA 47,752,941 427.3 20,741 147,131 60, 5U 86,617 73,916 469,943 666,874 3,615,441 1,631,793 2,722,535 9,952,984 7,473,650 20,977,933 NA 106,013 19,596,324 1,903 6,425 4,207 68,197 2,404 24,443 1,803 43,754 1,067 38,177 5,565 309,376 5,512 446,642 22,455 2,480,986 8,190 1,125,506 11,376 1,866,120 27,929 5,944,007 10,707 3,220,196 7,102 4,090,692 HA HA HA NA 121,062 4,327 353 HA HA 3,974 HA HA NA NA HA NA NA 6,393 3,856 2,537 1,391 7,917 7,079 29,497 7,928 11,354 27,909 10,570 6,697 HA HA 47,343,981 391.1 21,202 160, 863 63, 182 97,681 80,847 639,926 838,569 4,700,052 1,568,069 2,705,504 9,916,810 7,290,571 19,421,568 NA NA 115,202 17,304,802 2,428 7,238 4,668 72,282 2,641 25,765 2,027 46,517 1,207 43,706 7,560 402,564 6,927 532,904 29,051 2,921,783 7,841 972,105 11,251 1,650,552 27,494 5,099,793 10,312 2,583,203 6,463 3,018,672 NA HA HA NA 133,616 5,301 262 NA NA 5,039 NA HA HA NA HA HA HA 7,853 4,804 3,049 1,780 8,987 8,687 33,617 9,805 12,156 28,616 10,490 6,324 HA 46,615,762 348.9 26,396 196,094 78,583 117,511 103,614 727,434 1,027,697 5,354,918 1,935,994 2,895,574 10,086,092 7,241,437 17,020,512 HA HA 112,843 12,194,716 HA 5,517 HA 64,597 HA 23,511 NA 41,086 HA 38,486 HA 327,524 HA 476,301 HA 2,161,885 NA 793,241 NA 1,115,463 NA 3,250,243 HA 1,727,461 NA 2,233,998 NA NA HA 129,458 3,740 505 NA HA 3,235 NA HA NA NA HA 6,490 HA 28,135 10,260 5,974 NA 44,708,565 345.4 18,139 170,650 NA NA 9,907,007 7,080,686 126,419 21,399,340 NA 7,994 NA 92,3U NA NA HA NA =553,805 NA *8, 213, 124 HA HA NA 6,287,426 HA 3,154,649 NA 3,090,028 HA HA NA NA 127,734 2,931 170 NA HA 2,761 NA NA NA NA 6,227 NA 10,977 66,230 26,500 9,489 5,380 NA 42,024,775 329.0 164,061 NA 847,930 9,293,143 6,529,105 13,735,101 HA HA HA 19,810,362 HA 7,156 NA 96, 5U HA NA NA HA HA '616,829 NA HA NA *8,301,453 NA NA NA HA NA HA NA 5,696,164 NA 2,568,929 NA 2,523,320 NA NA HA NA 124,417 1,783 139 HA NA NA NA NA NA ,279 NA 64,650 25,884 9,744 5,914 NA 42,225,475 339.4 9,237 145,763 868,651 9,097,154 6,679,959 14,236,906 NA NA NA ^18,936,108 NA HA NA HA HA NA HA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA See footootes at end of taUe. NEBRASKA State Table Z-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [Data for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Land in farms according to use '-Continued Cropland, total farms reporting acres Under 10 acres farms reportinir acres 10 to 49 acres farms reportmc 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reportinc ncres 100 to 139 acres farms reportinp acres 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 160 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reportinc acres 360 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reporting acres 1,000 or more acrea farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 2,000 or more acres farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Under 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres faims reporting acres 100 to 139 acres farms reporting acres 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms repcrting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms repcrting acr«s Inigated land in farms farms reporting acres Under 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acT^S farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reporting acrvs 100 to 139 acr^s farms repcrting acres 140 to 179 acr«s farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 2S0 to 499 act^s farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms repcxtjnc acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms reporung acnes Census of— 1959 (Oct. -Nov. ) 85,917 22,970,431 731 2,612 3,043 58,149 867 36,322 3,775 238,477 3,475 318,848 13,304 1,667,513 5,772 909, 194 9,305 1,759,715 26, 538 6,977,897 11,187 4,589,452 7,920 6,412,252 4,758 2,906,383 3,162 3,505,369 78,658 24,457,454 690 2,425 3,204 47,990 716 22,780 2,695 66,986 2,8W 91,969 11,325 418,734 5,171 221,063 8,551 426,336 24,880 2,432,121 10,772 3,147,916 7,840 17,579,134 4,660 3,697,304 3,180 13,881,830 19,188 2,097,256 140 545 362 5,662 111 4,377 655 37,285 686 47,250 2,690 237,326 1,188 108,755 2,218 225,582 6,484 749,425 2,953 395,418 1,701 285,631 1,078 165,184 623 120,447 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 95,570 22,867,514 1,446 4,964 3,275 60,009 957 37,870 4,408 272,490 4,472 408,237 17,723 2,212,013 7,407 1,153,781 10,829 2,015,826 26,936 6,779,063 10,605 4,179,884 7,512 5,743,377 NA NA NA NA 89,303 24,089,699 1,056 3,418 3,218 46,878 853 25,733 3,505 90,235 3,811 120,555 16,052 577,308 6,963 304,413 10,267 530,551 25,866 2,656,137 10,269 3,172,625 7,443 16,561,846 NA NA NA NA 12,500 1,171,369 153 480 348 5,970 127 5,112 789 44,090 652 46,408 2,160 186,796 890 73,691 1,312 120,244 3,470 352,884 1,528 179,260 1,071 156,434 NA NA NA NA 1950 (April 1) 102,775 23,740,755 2,268 8,714 4,297 78,776 1,201 48,390 5,438 345,574 5,206 483,596 20,649 2,644,900 7,809 1,232,901 11,396 2, 149, 162 26,827 6,848,995 10,499 4,176,263 7,185 5,723,484 NA NA NA NA 95,288 23,291,756 1,655 5,460 4,015 55,457 1,081 30,135 4,201 102,430 4,466 128,515 18,790 633,231 7,279 296,499 10,854 532,158 25,703 2,600,173 10,201 3,057,324 7,043 15,850,374 NA NA NA NA 9,941 '904,492 170 580 350 6,240 100 4,695 855 50,855 682 51,520 1,969 169, 158 790 67,180 953 95,248 2,439 245,665 940 111,465 693 101,876 NA NA NA NA 1945 (January 1) 107,746 23,428,519 2,514 9,064 4,873 86,546 1,119 46,244 5,667 360,148 5,546 516,310 22,559 2,862,825 8,213 1,286,927 11,397 2,145,920 27, 995 7,024,346 10,738 4,044,434 7,125 5,045,755 .NA NA NA NA 101,029 23,504,902 1,569 4,870 3,982 49,153 930 24,445 4,577 97,054 4,983 U8,133 21,079 701,504 7,903 320,188 10,964 533,764 27,308 2,693,688 10,608 3,254,159 7,126 15,687,939 NA NA NA NA 7,156 631,762 NA NA NA NA 1940 (April 1) 119,019 25,414,860 112,447 NA 60,934 NA 526,316 NA 696,653 NA 3,912,850 NA 1,288,716 NA 2,211,424 NA 7,385,230 NA 4,182,169 NA 5,025,184 NA NA NA NA 6,913 473,775 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1935 (January 1) NA 25,361,638 NA 15,269 NA 132,350 NA 74,720 NA 586,730 NA 839, 866 NA 4,372,039 NA 1,557,590 NA 2,320,795 NA 7,335,878 3,971,850 NA 4,154,551 NA NA NA NA NA 22,385,075 NA NA NA '5,140 '345,417 NA NA NA 1930 (April 1) 26,503,866 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '4,602 '404,481 102 NA 240 NA »3,093 NA NA NA 674 NA 1925 (January 1) 25,079,246 NA NA NA 19,493,945 NA NA NA NA 1920 (January 1) NA Not available. 'For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, In the Census year; for all other Censuses, In the calendar year precedli^ the Census. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as toost of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^50 to 99 acres. 100 to 259 acres. 'Not fully ccoqjarable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cnjpland used only for pasture. 'irrigated croplaai harvested only. 'Acreage of irrigated crcjps including some duplication where two or more crops were harvested from the same land. and not pastured. '50 to 259 acres. Includes irrigated cropland not harvested STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 and 1954 are based on repofls for only a sample of fanns. See text J Item (For definitions and explanalioi 1959 (Oct.-Mov.) 195 numlicr. Negro number . . Other nonwhile nnnihcr. By age: Vlndor 2!> yi'nrs opiTnU»s rojxTling. 25 to .14 years oporalors rpfiortinE . 35 to 14 years operators repofting . 45 to 54 years operators reportinc . 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 or more years operaltrs reporting. Average age years . Operators not rpp<»ting age number. By residence: Residing on fan" operated operattrs repi^ting. Not residing on fann operated operators reporting. Operators not rejTOrting residence numlier . By oft-farm work: Worl*ing off their fnrriis, total operators refwftmg. 1 to4fi days operators reporting. 50 U) 9!1 days operators rerwrtiae . 100 or nore days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators reportiag. . 200 or mort? days operators reporting . . Operators not siorfcing off their fann or not reporting as to worlr off their farm number . By Other Income: With other inenme of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. SPEnnED EQltlPMENT AND FAntmES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines Com pickers Pick-up balers Field forage harvesters . ^k,(o^t^lCks arms reporting. number, 'arms rejxjrting. number, 'arms repcrting. number. 'arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. Tractors fanrs teprxting . numlier. Tractors other than garden .farms reportiag. number. 1 tractor farms tefxirting . 2 tractors farms reporting. 3 trtictcrs farms tepcrting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more t/actors farms reporting. wheel tractors farms reporting . number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. (laiden tractors farms refntting . number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Autaiiobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms repotting . Home freezer farms re^xvting. Milking machine farms reporting . Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, cr other crops). . .farms repotting. Poweroperated elevator, conveyor. or blower farms reporting. Farms by kintl of road on which lo<:ated: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road. 1 or more miles to a hard surface mad, , . 1 mile 2 or 3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles arms repotting 'arms reporting arms reporting 'arms reimrting arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting IS reporting 'arms reporting Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 90,366 17 92 f , ess 13, set so, 316 ts, les IK, S77 1(1,313 iS.t 59(1 78,642 7,4«7 i,346 IS, 69 1 It, 3l,S 3,iie t, 730 7, lis f i. S3t 50. ess SS. Si3 se, ns SS, lie IS, in IS, esi 10. 7t3 11. est n, iss S3, i3l SI, 913 ISO, 0S7 51, at I7S, tSi ts, tos SS,i9t IS, iSS i,6t9 e,ssB SI. 17t 17 1, OS 3 t, 7SS 3. 191 i,Si7 i,SS3 Si,9S7 110,317 SS, tS7 7t, iSt 57, 007 IS, SIS 3,9S0 3, en SCiOO 9, 177 69, S9t SO, 0*6 3,SSi ie,ste t,i66 i,i76 1, 399 s, ist 19X (Oct. -Nov.) 100,7«) 24 82 S. ilO If. US ti. SCS S3, SCI 19,317 ll,il7 i7.1 oer 92,435 7,131 1,280 £9, S«f le, .»5« i.sto 9.SI0 s.sei iS. 16t SI. OSS SS. 66S 69, S7t It. us It, 607 7,e7S 7, 777 60, SS7 7t, 196 S9, StS 163, 196 S9, 16i 169,977 37,906 SS, 071 1,611 t, 196 1, 370 S9, 0i7 1S7, ei6 t. 06i S, SSt 3. t6t 3.319 9!. 705 111. 117 97.099 73, 161 J7, 60S IS, 9 IS NA NA 1950 (April 1) 107,049 25 109 i.lll 19, 660 ti, as ts. 7it 19. let 9.996 i6.9 6,1,61 98,047 6,749 2,387 ts, OtI 13.901 I.S97 1, Its t. 106 6,067 36, OtS 37. 036 il,399 H,9S9 h 116 i, 163 SA NA i«, 796 6i. 193 S7. 676 It7, m S7, 063 116, OSS 47,06; n. m S6, StO Its, i61 I.i67 1,611 1,930 1,071 9i,iSt I to, 9^7 100, 6i7 69,iSi 11,063 9.iSt 8 S70 i6 676 iS 031 NA NA NA llA KA NA 1945 (January 1) 111,547 209 3,335 19,199 27,261 28,461 21,396 11,426 46.9 678 105,439 5,767 550 18,201 10,568 2,133 5,500 1,840 3,660 93,555 19, its SO, 691 NA NA KA NA NA NA 30,792 33,761 81,448 96,203 '81,448 97, 637 '69,018 '10,767 '1,663 NA 96, SSI NA 746 NA <«7 100,928 118,572 104,768 63,195 NA S,6I! NA NA NA NA '60,240 '50,664 '40,077 10,587 1940 (April 1) NA Not available. 'Figures for 1945 are for all tractors. Concrete, brick, asphalt, and macadam. ^Concrete or brick and macadajn. Asphalt was not included. ^Includes sand-clay. 'Gravel. 'Distance to all-weather road. See text. 120,779 25 258 4,615 22,178 28,033 30,031 21,037 11,773 46.2 3,395 109,454 7,854 3,754 31 ,888 20,445 4,084 7,359 2,948 4,4U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA 22,504 24,090 64,593 70,761 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 107,484 126,269 NA 52,349 NA NA NA NA 6,527 38,600 72,964 NA NA NA NA .NA 1935 (January 1) 133,347 269 36,392 26,445 3,910 6,037 2,599 3,438 1930 (April 1) 129,188 38 232 1925 (January 1) 6,288 28,808 35,688 28,299 17,671 8,787 KA 3,917 22,859 15,030 2,594 5,235 1,934 3,301 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25,176 NA 26,045 KA 37,955 NA 40,729 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA ,NA NA NA KA NA NA NA 118,860 NA 141,144 NA NA NA 93,888 NA NA NA NA NA NA ^906 '15,807 107,943 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17,728 18,765 NA '525 '2,254 122,294 1920 (Januar-y 1) 124,033 63 321 7,218 34,956 33,503 25,439 15,786 6,000 NA 1,515 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ;1A NA HA NA HA 6,333 6,548 10,342 11,100 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 94,004 104,453 NA 93,050 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data in italics arc based on reports for only a sample of farms. Soc text ; (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (Janviary 1) 1920 (January 1) SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting , . dollars . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms repcrting . . dollars.. Machine hire (arms repotting . , dollars.. Farms classified by amount of expenditure- 51 to $199 farms importing . , S200 to $499 farms reporting . . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting . . $2,500 to .$4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to ,$9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor^ farms reporting . . dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expenditure- Si to $199 farms reporting . . 5200 to$499 farms rept^ng.. S500 to $999 farms reporting , . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting . , $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reputing , , 510,000 to $19,999 farms repcrting , 520,000 or more farms importing , . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. dollars , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. dollars . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms reporting . Ions . dollars . Lime and linung materials farms reporting . tons, (kiUars, F«ai LABOR Farm workers for specifietl week: Family and or hired ^w)rker^ farms Average per farm reporting Family workers, including operators farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms Hired workers farms Workers hired by month farms Workers hired by week farms Workers hired by day , farms reporting.. persons . . .persons . . reporting. . persons . . .persons.. reporting. persons . . reporting . persons . reporting . persons . reporting . persons . reporting. persons , Workers hired by hour farms reporting , persons. Worlters hired on piece-work basis . . farms reporting, (lersons. No report as to basis of payment. . , , farms reporting . fiersons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting, persons . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting . 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . Seasonal hired workers farms importing , persons. Farms by kinti of workers (luring specified week: No worker? repon..d. Family workers only Operator only Operator and members of his family Members of operator's family only Family workers and hired workers Operator and hired workers Operator, members of his family, and hired workers Members of operator's family and hired workers. Hired workers only Regular farm workers only Seasonal farm workers only arms. :arm3. farms, 'arms, farms. arms, "aims . 'arms, 'arms. 71?, inn i6i, sss, eii 62, f£f :9i, lee, as 5i, see so, ins, 7S5 li, in 7, 9£7 J, w no us 40 u. in S3, m, 328 St, Slfi 9,316 i,a90 4,738 S.SiO SOi S5S 93 ss, eu 13, as, ssi 60, S31 13, nts, eis 1,0, US SH, us HA l,S7t IS, SS8 NA S3, OSS ISi, SSI, 1.9 SS, sill 137, US 81, S6$ 38, SSI, SS, 916 10, 903 17, 07S i,676 6, 7iO 931 1,190 S, OlS S,SSS 3, 763 S.iiS 6U 1,1 OS S,SU 8, S09 J,, 61,3 S7S SS3 Si SS 6, ISO S,S63 7,161, 7S, 156 38, oei, S3, 313 773 10,361, S,6SS 4,667 165 H9 366 lU 89, 160 130, 880, S67 NA NA 67, 774 18, 639, SOS NA NA NA HA NA NA 49, 4S6 30, 877, 736 S6, 899 10, iSS s,oes 6,138 1,976 6S1 171 63 93, US ss, 383, 967 NA NA 4S, i(16 lis, 0S7 SI, 43!, 603 6, 906 SSS, OSS 1, SSO, SSI, 95, 666 1SS,8S4 1.9 Si, SSO 157, 831 33, 636 43, 039 64,196 13, 789 S6, 533 5,937 8,199 1, OSS i.ios 3, 339 4, i75 3, 9SS 6,608 1,057 6, SOS 6, 793 9, SC4 5,401 9(17 SiS 103 34 8,SS7 6,178 81, 7U6 U, 6S7 36, 070 1,065 IS, 154 7.164 6,684 !16 635 NA NA 9!. S77 9S, leS, 106 85, 608 146, 783, SOS 75, 8S9 13,360, 0S7 NA NA KA NA NA NA NA 66, SSi 36, 780, S70 33, 996 14, 887 7,731, 6, 7S3 s,sn 93, 363 i7,i7S,6i6 SS, 103 16, 077, 368 NA NA NA NA MA NA 97. iS9 183, 69S 1.9 96, SSS 167, 056 3i,0S3 i7, 563 73, on 11, Sit 16, 636 7,370 5, 700 816 1,114 S.SSO S, 570 l.iSi S,136 SIS 365 S6i S6S 8,899 IS, OSt 7,304 1, 080 366 Its 31 s,esi 4,6(5 9, 745 86, 688 it, 669 40, 655 S, 364 11,007 6,073 i,73S SOS 834 NA NA 100,385 70,081,061 91, 988 81,601,639 NA NA NA HA 69,359 32,143,129 34,992 17,291 8,862 6,254 1,970 107,690 197,757 1.3 107,260 134,705 106,273 57,017 73-437 9,579 13,052 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4,066 98,111 45,963 51,296 852 9,149 4,280 4,739 130 430 NA NA 83,982 26,450,887 NA NA NA NA :iA NA NA 46,887 11,413,515 NA 102,570 NA 14,243,518 SO, 098 ■r'A 41,505 ■,tk I.IU 1,082 HA 1,636 05, 349 74,233 437 62 NA 684 16, its 1,509 112,439 179,262 1.6 109,684 153,831 NA NA NA U,122 20,431 10,207 13,533 '4,151 '5,751 (') ( = ) '737 '1,147 (') (') 8,573 98,367 NA NA NA 11,317 NA NA NA 2,805 NA 79,355 42,286,136 132,727 215,599 1.6 131,906 195,299 NA NA NA 16,103 20,300 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 889 U.6,624 NA NA NA 15,282 NA KA NA 821 NA NA 71,092 34,3C»,338 NA NA .:a NA NA IIA tlA NA NA HA NA ilA NA NA tlA NA HA NA HA HA IIA NA NA 76,806 74,950 NA 25,356,051 22,560,194 KA HA i!A NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA 428 732 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^For Censuses of 1959 and 1954, expenditures during Census year; for earlier CenBUBee, expenditures diirlng the preceding calendar year. ^Caah payinents for fann labor; housework not Included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not Include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor in- cluded in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was Included. ^Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration; Census of 1954, week of September 26- October 2. Census of 1950, week preceding eniimeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. *See text for differences in definition of farm workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. "Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. 5uestianiiai>e called for other hired labor including piecework and contract labor. NEBRASKA State Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS, NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Datn for number of livostock not fully comparable for tho several Censuses. Sec lext] Item see tout) Census of— (par dermilions and explanalions 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (January 1) (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) Total value of specified classes of livestock and poultry dollars... 748,150,364 585,061,736 495,179,724 357,208,432 160,573,895 125,756,195 288,514,235 237,916,871 335,630,697 Cattle ud calves . .fanns reporting... 75,866 89,983 94,536 101,898 107,755 122,702 119,151 NA 113,851 number... 4,981,973 4,899,380 3,629,475 3,979,298 2,559,136 3,231,598 3,150,187 3,282,690 3,154,265 value, dollars... 654,720,233 451,792,726 421,738,641 252,822,599 112,549,770 58,997,745 166,271,751 102,370,717 163,683,769 CowB, including heifers that have calved . ..farms reporting... 67,871 85,845 92,393 99,857 106,051 121,753 NA NA NA number... 1,730,921 1,900,761 1,448,236 1,685,683 1,256,484 1,521,202 1,157,200 1,355,660 1,267,312 value, dollars... 285,601,965 220,488,276 252,686,914 140,225,783 67,955,990 36,508,848 84,463,184 53,427.789 80,385,320 Milk cows .farms reporting... 48,725 71,718 85,183 NA 103,857 NA 106,790 42, .38 80,470 number... 318,577 422,738 459,781 NA 609,459 NA 575,639 229,461 438,459 value, dollars.. . 60,529,630 NA HA NA 34,298,766 NA 44,361,731 12,265,901 29,953,940 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting. .. 66,956 81,582 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA number .- . . 1,475,360 1,352,379 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars.. . 175,567,840 94,666,530 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA Steer!4 and bulla, including steer and bull calves .farms reporting... 67,7(K 81,593 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA number . . . 1,775,692 1,646,240 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA value, dollars . . . 193,550,428 136,637,920 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Horses and/or mules .farms reporting... 23,641 36,259 65,437 NA 98,980 118,271 118,221 121,521 NA number. .. 68,281 99,760 216,759 439,472 510,468 725,465 853,269 982,330 1,061,243 value, dollars... 7,237,786 4,588,960 7,061,533 20,239,139 29,830,431 47,973,217 47,137,713 55,841,360 83,996,885 Horses and colts, including pomes .farms reporting. .. UX NA 64,258 91,281 95,524 115,422 NA NA 118,764 number.. . NA NA 209,773 413,018 468,004 650,669 754,296 862,333 961,396 value, dollars... HA NA 6,759,575 18,403,005 26,621,389 41,905,287 39,927,472 47,214,389 72,306,803 Mules and mule colts .farms reporting... NA NA 3,088 11,137 17,169 27,397 NA NA 37,142 number... NA NA 6,986 26,454 42,464 74,796 98,973 119,997 99,847 value, dollars... HA NA 301,958 1,836,134 3,209,042 6,067,930 7,210,241 8,626,971 11,690,082 Ilogs and pigs .farms reporting... 52,656 59,311 71,340 78,816 82,655 102,851 l&i,471 106,764 106,282 number... 3,245,237 2,861,364 2,359,699 2,144,498 1,067,293 1,905,111 4,679,161 4,235,638 3,435,690 value, dollars... 67,566,536 108,209,833 51,913,019 59,664,830 10,061,157 11,049,644 61,316,256 62,330,706 72,071,506 Bom since June 1 .farms reporting... 36,024 32,833 35,320 NA NA NA 56,846 NA NA number . . . 1,553,340 1,050,971 1,231,086 NA NA MA 1,999,087 NA NA value, dollars... 20,193,420 23,121,362 18,797,499 NA HA NA NA NA HA Bom before .June 1 .farms reporting... 44,156 50,439 68,212 NA 32,655 NA HA HA NA number... 1,691,897 1,810,393 1,128,613 HA 1,067,293 NA 2,680,074 NA NA value, dollars... 47,373,116 85,088,471 33,115,520 HA 10,061,157 NA NA NA NJ Sheep and lambs .farms reporting... 7,328 5,428 3,457 6,565 9,733 7,307 6,884 4,217 5,902 number . . . 755,922 692,171 313,932 931,001 510,324 689,376 496,411 646,783 573,217 value, dollars... 11,477,745 10,731,509 5,403,653 8,621,859 3, 1^8,320 2,964,317 3,453,381 6,771,652 5,926,861 Lamba under 1 year old .farms reporting. . . 5,363 3,930 2,613 NA NA NA NA NA 3,558 number. .. 463,083 490,069 87,576 NA NA NA 134,230 506,971 348,638 value, dollars... 6,946,245 7,841,104 1,284,836 NA NA NA NA NA 3,196,836 Sheep 1 year old and over .farms reporting . . . 6,546 4,596 3,247 MA 9,733 NA NA NA NA number . . . 292,839 202,102 226,356 NA 510,324 NA 362,181 139,812 224,579 value, dollars... 4,531,500 2,890,405 4,118,817 HA 3,128,320 NA 2,825,233 NA 2,730,025 Ewes •farms reporting. .. 6,388 4,488 3,153 5,471 8,798 6,343 NA NA 4,680 number . . . 277,40; 193,391 158,728 252,645 302,091 216,650 239,751 131,003 213,541 value, dollars... 4,161,060 2,707,474 2,907,510 2,007,150 1,741,477 844,935 1,826,079 HA 2,544,307 Rams and wethers .farms reporting... 4,496 2,875 1,784 NA HA NA NA NA NA number 15,435 8,711 67,628 NA 208,233 NA 122,430 8,809 11,038 value, dollars... 370,440 182,931 1,211,307 NA 1,386,843 NA 999, 154 NA 185,718 Chickms 4 months old and over .farms reporting.. . 64,002 81,813 88,999 101,353 108,786 121,630 120,457 118, 116 116,083 number. . . 10,485,148 12,074,233 10,569,233 14,654,743 10,568,129 11,453,882 13,317,733 13,499,515 11,615,257 value, dollars... 7,025, 0;9 9,659,365 9,024,112 15,860,005 4,792,232 4,581,553 10,335,134 10,602,436 9,810,988 Turkey hens kept for breeding . farms reporting . . . 455 426 737 NA NA 12,210 141,998 11,184 108,411 NA NA NA HA 8,385 48,345 number... 27,958 19,255 11,727 value, dollars .. . 123,01? 79,322 38,766 NA 211,985 189,719 NA NA 140,683 NA Not available. 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1969 for livestock 3oId alive and dairj' products sold are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For dennitionp and explanations, see text) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products dollars .. , \ny livcsttrk sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, hops, and sheep) farms reportins, , value of sales, dollars . . . Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars .. . PoullT) and poultry products farms re(Torling,. , value of sales, dollars . . , li\t:?T(X-k sold iu\T Cattle and of calves sold alive farms reporting . . number . . dollars . . CatUe. not counting calves farms reporting.. number . , dollars . . Calves farms reporting.. number . . dollars . . Horses and or mules sold alive farms reporting. . number, . dollars, , Hogs and pigs sold alive, , farms reporting, , number, , dollars . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . . number . . dollars . . SHEEP SHORN VNDIVOOL Sheep and or lambs shorn , farms reporting, , number shorn , , pounds of wool . , value, dollars. . Lambs shorn farms reporting., number shorn , , pounds of wtjo! . , Other sheep shorn farms reporting,, number shorn . . pounds of wool . . LinT.RS F VRROl'.'ED Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms repcrting, . number of litXCTS . . June 2 to November 30 farms repxting. . number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters . . POULTRY V.T) POl'LTRV PRODl'CTS SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting.. number . , dollars.. Bnailers sold farms reporting. . number . . dollars . . Other chickens sold farms reporting. . number. , dollars . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens . , dollars, , Turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry and their eggs sold farms reporting, . dollars. . Turkeys raised farms reporting.. number . . Ducks sold farms reporting. . number . . Geese sold farms reporting . . number. . Guineas sold farms reporting . . number. . DAIRY PRODl'CTS Any whole milk or cream sold ..., farms reporting, , dollars . , Average sales per farm reporting dollars , . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting , . pounds , . dollars, . Gleam sold farms reporting,. pounds of butterfat. . dollars. . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting, dollars 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 804,194,001 79,340 735,631,546 41,572,556 54,260 26,989,899 73,541 3,138,906 605,961,328 58,280 2,325,590 504,336,943 38,827 813,316 101,624,385 1,681 5,051 954,018 51,843 3,732,296 115,701,176 6,562 813,439 13,015,024 6,772 600,799 4,363,864 1,701,912 793 273,185 1,216,761 6,527 327,614 3,147,103 44,353 593,241 30,593 224,347 38,393 368,894 43,193 6,751,225 2,519,965 45 1,390,750 751,005 43,167 5,360,475 1,768,960 52,424 87,779,831 20,U9,362 2,040 4,280,572 1,076 931,730 1,804 35,782 921 10,755 72 1,467 39,201 39,870,644 1,017 5,626 550,027,094 20,226,949 34,201 33,391,396 19,643,695 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 572,247,069 88,028 506,306,523 72,199 28,613,459 83,228 2,652,087 368,050,410 68,595 1,907,674 310,366,811 48,270 744,413 57,683,599 3,400 8,308 439,980 57,895 2,886,270 121,778,231 4,590 844,427 15,987,902 4,452 351,501 2,926,477 1,404,708 HA KA MA NA NA NA 50,676 556,836 26,846 155, 51B 45,024 401,318 44,696 7,424,404 4,940,984 124 2,534,102 1,793,270 44,609 4,890,302 3,147,714 68,033 81,880,929 19,650,663 5,267 4,021,842 1,267 731,617 NA NA NA NA NA 56,980 35,922,349 5,827 393,641,478 13,881,927 51,153 40,664,789 22,040,422 1950 (April 1) 517,027,594 93,150 441,337,374 81,679 40,391,023 84,635 1,935,601 304,712,753 67,924 1,474,074 260,460,740 45,042 461,527 44,252,023 7,94« 23,600 867,561 71,840 3,106,186 123,332,081 3,013 591,993 12,424,969 2,705 209,845 1,705,593 716,649 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59,663 555,160 61,093 7,849,627 7,123,536 NA NA NA NA NA NA 77,901 84,061,110 28,885,777 3,539 ,381,710 1,085 698,427 NA NA '69,263 '34,047,886 '492 10,118 327,435,738 11,892,531 60,353 38,093,842 22,132,995 142 22,360 1945 (January 1) 349,674,422 NA 306,266,134 96,994 43,408,288 85,790 1,804,082 169,543,688 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 83,075 3,637,302 U4, 909, 909 4,997 949,770 10,529,880 5,275 NA 2,481,009 924,731 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 57,546 466,236 NA NA 2,885 702,081 NA NA NA NA NA NA '86,732 '33,105,221 '382 10,064 327,919,126 ^8,799,028 73,132 4S, 618, 255 ^24,269,278 1940 (April 1) ■•270 ^36,915 130,512,498 118,056,580 98,819 12,455,918 78,602 1,330,100 58,480,062 58,536 974,336 49,931,305 42,126 355,764 8,548,757 NA NA NA 73,245 2,409,272 30,525,700 4,940 1,011,536 6,836,313 7,003 282,556 2,425,831 452,562 NA NA NA NA NA !1A NA NA 62,399 339,612 81,793 8,130,491 3,527,885 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11,662 853,425 NA NA .NA NA NA NA '90,937 '15,978,396 '176 10,149 254,625,048 ^5,8U,237 82,023 48,813,124 ^10,015,809 '2,919 '147,350 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 269,027,766 6,312 310,717 2,585,321 465,358 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 61,141 348,450 4,383 333,550 2,466,689 697,703 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37,686 781,021 90,720 9,942,134 7,750,911 NA NA NA NA NA NA 104,735 60,753,083 15,298,348 NA NA 8,699 250,000 NA NA NA '96,977 '30,400,089 9,482 257,411,380 6,278,427 23,437,758 1925 (January 1) '6,773 '683,894 1920 (January 1) NA 251,008 1,832,320 640,271 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 310,143 NA 119,332,129 NA Not available. 'All dairy products sold. ^Published values for 1945 and 1940 were computed on the basis of average prices, products sold, 'Butter sold. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy NEBRASKA 11 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 (For deriniticm^ and explanations, : Census of — 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (J^rll 1) (January 1) (January 1) 90,475 100,846 107,183 111,756 121,062 133,616 129,458 127,734 124,417 84,105 94,580 100,984 106,013 115,202 112,843 126,419 NA NA 18,057,090 18)874,341 19,406,990 19,596,324 17,304,802 12,194,716 21,399,340 19,810,362 '18,936,108 565,241,017 631,505,817 527,408,667 440,258,146 118,040,376 NA NA NA KA 393,307,151 308,594,901 260,613,695 193,541,562 61,526,483 NA 128,474,896 NA NA 71,409 83,577 88,551 97,288 101,779 75,611 116,982 116,329 NA 6,693,922 6,732,181 7,400,947 8,650,668 6,304,968 4,515,528 9,516,194 8,717,542 NA 338,630,746 283,794,386 275,496,074 269,208,671 44,379,352 NA NA NA KA 70,120 81,824 87,235 96,274 89,230 22,865 113,938 112,639 111,970 6,455,174 6,381,589 7,207,493 8,446,242 5,054,703 999, 3C7 8,589,965 7,979,871 6,699,450 310,218,560 184,619,574 224,259,108 280,878,692 71,886,032 6,145,770 216,020,274 169,377,327 162,391,314 52,944 51,929 '58,479 NA NA NA NA NA 50,838 134,529,378 84,739,972 110,393,606 NA NA NA NA NA 48,297,859 193,755,850 122,872,960 '126,030,740 NA NA NA NA NA 65,202,110 7,607 11,884 4,212 NA 14,UA NA 4,163 2,135 NA U9,192 219,815 59,465 NA 352,339 NA 69,474 35,708 NA 1,254,526 1,192,683 371,575 NA 737,345 NA 341,812 200,622 NA 3,869 6,192 7,099 NA 27,555 NA NA NA *20,982 89,556 130,777 133,989 NA 897,926 HA 856,755 701,963 *273,586 35,291 25,215 U,805 '38,345 75,496 NA 15,144 NA NA 1,551,480 758,988 299,133 '666,170 1,561,174 483,258 138,005 172,662 290,999 54,464,650 25,437,978 5,912,837 '9,445,522 8,794,759 3,579,842 1,310,854 KA 5,844,184 31,455 16,740 4,514 6,640 21,338 737 647 NA NA 1,393,083 517,959 106,958 113,315 355,605 7,224 3,692 7,880 6,259 59,935,320 14,U0,499 2,529,071 2,517,884 3,605,973 42,144 43,349 93,292 83,856 22,097 10,587 '2,874 NA NA NA NA KA NA 40,883,507 9,039,315 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA 32,706,803 11,027,960 '1,867,471 KA NA NA NA KA NA 4,725 5,155 1,183 NA 8,962 NA NA NA NA 64,830 59,443 U,814 HA 125,752 NA NA NA NA 618,199 483,041 82,217 NA 563,386 KA NA NA NA 4,599 8,569 10,806 33,733 64,784 NA NA KA 27,843 93,565 181,561 180,360 526,017 1,079,559 NA NA KA 284,076 158,388 273,233 416,365 1,034,102 1,499,717 KA NA KA 596,455 NA 555 (') NA NA KA KA KA NA 11,380 17,817 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA U2,274 204,897 (') NA NA NA KA NA NA 1 2 1 NA 85 NA 50 NA 377 2 25 1 NA 258 NA L43 518 664 100 612 50 NA 15,009 NA 8,514 NA 34,609 1 NA NA NA NA KA NA NA 225 1,308 ... NA NA NA NA KA NA 46,191 45,986 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,993,879 2,972,436 3,902,764 2,611,766 3,144,171 2,250,269 3,699,967 3,007,217 4,294,156 64,921,062 56,641,557 52,599,446 32,888,468 34,676,159 17,467,113 53,867,855 55,687,684 57,843,598 114,910,280 122,345,763 98,629,230 46,165,284 23,263,565 14,646,788 53,629,850 69,321,632 124,363,735 45,201 43,679 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 61,176,403 51,166,529 46,492,982 NA NA NA NA NA NA 108,282,233 110,519,701 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38,366 59,113 59,784 60,282 54,081 24,822 79,499 77,069 77,510 1,259,059 2,202,924 2,097,297 1,903,794 1,235,075 722,571 2,317,266 2,287,941 2,029,740 30,996,174 60,900,473 42,290,850 31,985,135 18,225,518 5,343,826 70,733,080 61,003,610 59,819,545 19,527,590 42,021,326 26,846,112 21,704,170 5,935,466 2,832,228 26,854,833 30,434,118 44,864,671 11,384 23,420 16,309 NA NA NA NA NA 22,424 6,678,921 14,427,LU 7,291,199 NA NA NA NA NA U,629,834 4,207,726 9,954,706 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8,722,376 10,937 7,342 10,144 22,016 42,188 8,820 23,569 11,951 15,328 307,612 211,143 299,051 729,317 1,030,277 208,107 643,156 235,600 2U,242 6,621,074 3,696,839 5,619,942 8,382,442 13,306,728 1,806,791 15,264,262 4,138,210 4,405,323 4,965,806 3,881,681 4,971,010 8,088,200 5,180,894 1,804,075 7,462,713 2,860,992 4,845,864 4,017 2,502 3,303 NA NA NA NA NA 3,437 2,575,933 1,202,369 1,719,746 NA NA NA NA NA 1,535,730 1,931,960 1,262,490 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,689,303 5,005 4,790 5,639 11,636 15,932 4,298 7,670 5,6U 12,951 148,044 U8,697 202,166 363,500 380,092 121,531 244,043 158,538 3W,926 1,992.6U 1,305,206 1,463,051 3,294,314 3,526,231 529,726 2,746,587 1,563,250 3,259,390 1,793,353 1,409,622 1,642,777 3,137,117 1,453,395 413,186 2,137,067 1,520,861 4,563,143 3,574 2,922 2,905 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,580,493 838,902 766,245 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,422,446 906,008 NA KA NA NA NA NA NA 17 HA 28 33 6 252 58 31 911 NA 368 642 163 19,719 2,840 1,344 8,301 NA 1,541 3,484 807 132,427 9,152 3,757 25,318 NA 4,139 5,024 1,267 362,222 21,415 16,530 15 NA NA KA NA NA NA NA 7,265 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22,159 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 NA NA 142 NA 848 NA 673 1,075 ... NA NA 1,926 NA 23,475 NA U,251 20,204 . . . NA NA 23,764 NA 444,638 NA 160,485 16,163 NA NA 10,091 NA 213,867 NA 240,738 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,390 NA NA NA KA NA KA NA 1,112 ... NA NA NA NA NA KA NA All f armfi number. . Cropland harvested farme reporting.. acres . . Total value of crops harvested, including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars.. Total value of crops sold. Including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars.. Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . value, dollars.. Harvested for grain. .. .farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels . . dollars . . Cut for silage farms reporting.. acres . . tons, green wel^t.. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder. . .farms reporting.. acres . . Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . . acres. . value, dollars.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting,. bushels . . dollars . . Cut for silage farms reporting.. acres. , tons , green weight . . Hogged or grazed, or cut for diy forage or hay farms reporting.. acres. . tons cut. . Sales . . ■ fauns reporting . . tons.. dollars . . Harvested for sirup. .. .farms reporting.. acres.. gallons.. Sales fauns reporting.. dollars. . Small grains harvested: Wheat f anne reporting . . acres. . bushels . . value, dollars . . Sales f aims reporting . , bushels., dollars.. Oats farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . value , dollars . . Sales farms reporting., bushels., dollars . , Barl^ farms reporting., acres. , bushels . , value, dollars,, Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . dollars . . I^e farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . value, dollars.. Sales farms reporting,. biishels . , dollars . , flaxseed farms reporting . , acres . , bushels . , value, dollars.. Sales farms reporting . , bushels . , dollars . Eimier and spelt farms reporting.. acres. bushels. value, dollars. Sales farms reporting . bushels . dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For dennitiors and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Small giains harvested-Continued Proso millet .faims reporting. . . 297 22,058 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres... HA bushels . . . 480,586 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA value , dollars . . . 408,498 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Sales farms reporting . . . 189 297,995 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . NA dollars... 253,297 ... NA NA NA NA NA HA NA Safflower faims reporting. . . 379 25,456 3 56 210 2,947 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA acres .. . NA pounds . . . 14,155,212 16,086 2,928,954 NA NA NA HA NA NA value, dollars... 424,656 575 103,853 NA HA NA HA NA NA Sales .farms reporting . . . 377 13,857,208 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA pounds... NA dollars . . . 415,717 575 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA Other grains farms reporting. . . 281 KA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA acres... 11,686 66,647 212,661 43,802 59,077 13,629 96,998 864 17,828 bushels . . . 21A,757 1,142,192 3,459,396 637,221 620,264 88,775 2,883,426 6,485 466,268 225,495 1,753,659 4,565,306 594,592 266,018 72,796 1,552,305 6,809 480,215 Sales farms reporting... 126 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA busheLs... 115,329 402,121 942,819 NA KA NA NA NA NA dollnrs... 121,098 632,723 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all pnrposes* fanns reporting . . . 5,250 7,922 1,019 1,528 1,363 819 301 NA NA 145,676 185,461 19,429 18,885 10,076 7,403 2,595 NA NA Harvested for beans — farms reporting... 5,232 7,839 990 1,377 310 60 NA HA 62 acres 144,789 133,519 19,020 17,300 2,306 NA NA NA 163 bushels . . . 3,431,626 3,890,048 421,961 320,115 20,566 1,941 1,785 NA 1,184 value, dollars... 6,417,141 9,336,115 903,934 616,210 19,587 3,591 4,235 NA 5,332 Sales dollars . . . 6,211,246 8,869,310 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Cut for hay^ farms reporting. . . 2 48 12 135 740 1,050 254 NA 592 14 368 81 375 5,249 10,714 2,330 536 7,735 tons. . . 14 459 102 1,082 6,116 7,097 3,205 NA 3,714 value, dollars . . . 140 6,835 1,428 10,242 31,281 100,068 29, 569 NA 113,282 Sales dollars . . . 20 893 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage fams reporting. . . 11 44 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 123 468 101 NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars . . . 3,813 15,912 2,629 NA NA NA HA NA NA manure fauns reporting. . . 46 96 24 NA HA HA NA NA HA acres . . . 750 1,106 227 NA NA NA NA NA NA Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans fanns reporting . . . 1,749 2,033 2,337 1,940 '1,187 735 626 647 450 acres . . . 70,165 72,117 84,286 47,864 '15,216 l°9,134 l°6,873 3,163 930 100-lb. bags... 1,254,863 1,086,540 1,217,852 604,349 226,807 39,024 31,444 NA 3,476 value, dollars . . . 7,780,151 7,714,434 7,063,541 3,447,412 756,344 168,454 168,040 NA 27,303 7,780,151 7,323,713 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hay crops (see text): Land from which hay was cut^^ acres... 4,688,802 5,423,488 "4,756,703 '^4,389,116 "3,315,809 "3,649,660 "4,391,069 '^5,015,721 4,790,628 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting... 59,313 70,038 62,753 53,123 35,105 54,510 70,406 75,408 74,359 acres... 1,738,032 1,979,548 1,226,228 877,632 501,906 903,062 1,139,085 1,364,946 1,214,649 tons... 3,830,6U 3,791,476 2,421,804 1,962,149 644,158 1,009,316 2,089,045 NA 2,219,549 57,459,195 72,038,044 39,936,954 29,044,529 5,583,034 19,177,004 22,953,052 NA 42,171,431 Sales farms reporting... 12,448 13,257 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 314,200 729,959 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA dollars . . . 12,213,000 13,869,221 NA NA NA HA HA NA NA Clover, tljnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting . . . 3,035 8,201 4,081 2,394 268 1,540 HA NA NA acres . . . 97,719 168,939 35,925 32,884 4,073 35,959 175,762 266,079 187,407 tons... 116,266 188,533 91,587 36,785 3,683 23,245 212,586 NA 257,478 value, dollars . . . 1,743,990 2,827,995 1,299,160 394,791 21,744 411,436 1,632,829 NA 4,317,166 Sales fanns reporting. . . 255 801 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA tons... 8,264 13,320 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1^3,960 199,800 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting... 3,101 5,369 NA NA NA NA NA HA 4,954 acres... 74,437 125,799 "125,320 "187,629 "219,261 "416,963 1^110,364 "82,747 80,037 tons... 70,756 100,957 54,433 40,119 70,370 107,984 37,735 HA 81,537 value, dollars... 707,560 1,413,398 "1,656,323 "2,049,773 1^303,598 1,047,445 287,169 HA 1,059,981 Sales fanns reporting... 112 232 NA NA NA NA HA HA NA tons... 2,790 4,029 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 27,900 56,406 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Wild hay cut.... ....farms reporting... 20,711 2,683,302 25,932 2,972,207 30,255 3,134,928 32,551 3,182,414 30,230 2,432,885 NA NA 47,740 2,790,010 NA 3,001,063 55,908 acres... 3,156,451 tons , . . 1,947,583 2,005,896 2,3U,834 2,497,662 1,576,520 HA 2,028,901 NA 2,532,717 value, dollars . . . 31,161,328 34,100,232 28,479,429 20,957,740 6,284,593 NA 12,093,257 NA 34,191,703 Sales .fanns reporting . . . 2,778 132,927 3,077 123,427 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons . . . NA dollars . . . 2,126,832 2,098,259 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other hay cut farms reporting. . . 3,224 NA 8,438 NA NA NA 3,488 NA 16,089 acres... 72,121 152,023 204,604 108,557 157,364 2,293,676 175,848 300,886 150,034 tons . . . 75,715 132,485 193,587 133,350 148,431 1,081,024 203,055 NA 207,725 value, dollars . . . 934,295 2,251,469 2,792,889 L, 326,986 805,348 16,424,290 1,499,635 NA 2,596,533 Sales farms reporting... 174 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 4,756 9,272 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 61,828 157,562 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting... 852 1,045 199 NA "19 NA KA NA HA acres . . . 23,191 24,972 2,356 NA "320 HA NA NA NA tons, green weight... 120,821 105,709 12,059 NA "474 HA NA NA NA value , dollnrs . . . 724,926 810,788 114,561 NA "1,446 NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. NEBRASKA 13 state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitions and oxplannUons, se« lexl) Census of — 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov. ) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) 4,766 5,257 5,728 3,813 6,168 NA 2,328 NA NA 90,601 94,495 102,625 47,906 72,291 NA 35, 5U NA NA 5,738,930 8,799,060 8,610,840 2,521,800 4,898,760 NA 3,238,900 NA NA 1,262,565 2,639,718 3,432,255 882,023 759,658 NA 589,966 NA NA 1,L47,787 2,058,977 m NA NA NA HA NA KA VI 198 432 NA NA NA NA NA NA '.,ca.7 10,006 44,970 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2W,912 582,541 4,494,829 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10,747 87,381 539,139 NA NA NA NA HA NA 10,747 78,643 NA NA NA NA NA .tA NA 16 9 2 NA NA KA HA NA NA 351 181 70 NA NA NA NA NA HA 39,200 6,100 2,695 NA NA NA HA NA HA 31,360 3,660 943 NA NA NA NA NA NA 31,360 3,294 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 543 1,910 2,504 NA NA NA NA HA NA 6,873 20,880 27,249 NA NA NA NA NA NA 814,992 4,001,054 3,377,776 NA NA NA HA NA NA 130,399 480,126 776,884 NA NA NA HA NA HA 89,654 432,110 NA NA NA NA HA HA HA 3 1 NA NA NA NA NA HA 95 12 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,670 ... 2,200 NA NA NA NA HA NA 1,335 1,100 NA NA NA NA HA NA 1,335 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 1 3 1 NA NA HA NA NA HA 10 28 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA 600 4,320 105 NA NA NA NA NA NA 96 1,080 42 NA NA NA NA NA HA 88 918 NA NA KA NA NA NA HA 1,404 1,389 1,517 1,105 1*99 NA "4,158 NA 752 18,651 16,748 20,095 13,226 l«929 NA "57,462 NA NA 1,172,210 920,460 765,300 854,460 "56,820 NA "6,194,880 "370,893 NA 518,940 293,053 358,979 301,021 260,813 "7,878 NA NA 224,874 175,836 215,387 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA 1,U5 1,734 1,817 NA 2,789 NA NA NA NA 15,533 20,839 25,386 NA 35,874 NA NA KA NA 3,583,643 4,279,920 3,574,500 NA 3,370,560 NA HA NA NA 286,691 427,992 537,548 NA 106,965 NA NA NA NA 215,021 320,993 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9 6 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA 120 74 570 NA NA NA KA NA NA 7,420 5,950 23,150 NA NA NA HA NA NA 3,116 2,678 6,945 NA NA NA HA NA NA 3,il6 2,410 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 41 4 NA 3 NA HA NA NA 21 542 26 NA 42 NA HA NA NA 2,450 78,394 2,850 NA 8,080 NA NA NA NA 196 12,543 142 NA 521 NA HA NA HA 148 10,035 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16 48 73 NA NA NA "85 NA "553 236 530 721 NA NA NA "999 HA HA 127,960 243,055 385,926 NA NA NA "625,750 HA "4,850,250 ''194,010 6,398 9,722 15,438 NA NA NA "11,497 NA 6,079 8,265 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 1 1 NA NA NA HA NA HA 12 7 NA NA NA NA HA NA 1,000 700 NA NA NA NA NA HA 230 196 NA NA NA HA NA NA 207 176 "flk NA NA NA HA NA NA 15 49 6 NA NA NA HA KA NA 698 1,321 69 NA NA NA HA KA NA 52,730 90,359 4,440 NA NA NA NA NA NA 14,237 49,697 1,776 NA NA NA HA KA HA 13,912 42,242 NA NA NA NA HA KA NA 45 174 182 NA NA NA NA KA HA 496 6,740 3,044 NA NA NA NA KA NA 185,995 1,990,253 831,286 NA NA NA NA HA NA 7,440 159,220 50,610 NA NA NA HA NA HA 5,580 143,301 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 28 13 NA NA NA 69 NA 317 708 254 92 NA NA NA 1,005 NA NA 52,655 33,865 9,065 NA NA NA 81,540 HA 397,710 5,792 6,096 1,391 NA NA NA 4,L48 NA 55,242 5,477 5,182 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 164 258 NA NA NA NA HA 7,301 10,581 NA NA NA HA HA 717,054 781,326 NA NA NA HA NA 64,535 78,133 NA NA NA NA KA NA 58,679 66,412 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 172 197 380 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6,961 2,646 18,270 NA NA NA NA NA NA 445,056 228,123 1,529,370 NA NA NA HA HA HA 133,517 3<3,771 397,635 NA NA NA HA NA KA 102,365 35,797 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 1,805 1,010 176 NA NA NA NA KA 41,695 18,893 8,499 31,707 NA NA NA NA 39,234 16,641 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed farms reporting . . acres , , pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . . Bluegrass (Junegrass) seed farne reporting., acres,. pounds, green weight. . value, dollars. . Sales dollars.. Hluestem seed farms reporting. . acres.. pounds . . value , dollars . , Sales dollars . . ■Brcmegraes seed farms reporting.. acres.. pounds . . value , dollars . . Sales dollars . , CanaiTgrass seed farms reporting., acres. , pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars.. Clover seed: Alslke clover seed. ... farms reporting,, acres.. pounds . . value, dollars . . Sales dollars . . Red clover seed fanna reporting.. acres., poimds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars,. Sweetclover seed farms reporting.. acres . . pounds . . value , dollars , . Sales dollars. . Graioagrass seed faims reporting.. acres.. pounds . , value , dollars , . Sales dollars., Lespedeza seed farms reporting., acres. , pounds . , value , dollars . , Sales dollars. , Millet seed farms reporting.. acres., pounds . . value, dollars., Sales dollars.. Orcbardgrass seed. ....... farms reporting.. acres., pounds. . value, dollars., Sales dollars., Redtop seed farms reporting . , acres . , pounds . , value, dollars., Sales dollars . . Sudangrass seed farms reporting., acres . , pounds . . value, dollars.. Sales dollars . Timothy seed farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Vetch seed farms reporting. acres . pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Iheatgrass seed farms reporting . acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field seed crops,. .farms reporting. value , dollars . Sales dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8. -FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For dennilions and explanations, see lexl) Census of — 1959 (Oot.-Ncw.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 («>rll 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting . . , acres^'. biishels . . , value, dollars . . . Sales dollars... ftjpccm faiTDs reportii^g . . . acres . . . pounds (ear com)... value, dollars . . . Sales dollars . . . Sugar beets for sugar fams reporting... acres. .. tons. .. value , dollars . . . Sales dollars. . . Sweetpotatoes farms reporting, . . acres^'. bushels . . . value, dollars... Sales dollars . . . Other field crops acres . . , value, dollars . . . Sales dollars... Value of specified CKjps harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars... Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. .. Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes ) : Vegetables harvested for home use^' fenns reporting... value, dollars... Vegetables harvested for sale^*^ farms reporting. .. acres... Sales dollars . . . Asparagus farms reporting... acres... Beans, snap (bush and pole types ) f anus reporting . . . acres. . . Beets (table) farms reporting... acres... Cabbage fanus reporting . . . acres . . . Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting... acres . . , Carrots fanns reporting. . . acres . . . Com, sweet farms reporting... acres .. . Cucumbers and pickles, .farms reporting... acres . . . Onions, diy farms reporting... acres... Onions, green farms reporting... acres... Peas, green farms reporting... acres. . . Peppers, sweet farms reporting, ,. acres . . . PtimpTHTiR ............... farms reporting . . • acres. .. Radishes farms reporting... acres . . . Spinach farms reporting... acres . . . Squash fauns reporting... acres. . . Tomatoes farms reporting... acres . . . Turnips farms reporting... acres. .. Watexmelons farms reporting... acres . . . Other vegetables acres. .. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale:^^ Raspberries farms reporting . . . acres. . , quarts . . . value, dollars . . . Strawberries farms reporting... acres... quarts . . , value, dollars . . . Other berries and small fruits acres... value, dollars . . . See footnotes at end of table. 8,187 13,448 3,971,154 3,812,317 3,216,640 667 11,309 20,470,256 409,406 409,406 1,654 63,437 1,070,724 12,848,688 12,848,688 88 106 6,208 12,726 10,1A3 661,751,633 390,199,339 44,790 HA 721 2,723 427,701 41 270 26 67 13 24 42 85 148 179 12 14 604 807 91 55 U 33 23 27 6 63 16 23 12 12 17 42 5 21 25 53 476 341 11 40 204 522 45 62 15 5,122 2,311 376 52 36,770 9,932 6 653 18,409 19,078 4,608,661 4,332,141 3,556,932 667 10,168 12,91A,534 387,433 387,433 1,725 59,578 787,114 8,343,4(» 8,343,409 44 93 7,169 17,922 16,135 211 4,003 1,900 628,621,055 53,460 NA 621 2,901 412,374 48 354 23 21 12 11 40 77 103 267 U 14 249 662 63 54 29 78 26 28 9 28 32 34 16 26 16 41 4 5 27 55 272 274 15 22 155 467 383 98 22 13,163 5,267 190 38 24,581 9,832 4 1,039 23,323 35,511 8,086,149 9,645,139 NA 971 5,704 8,150,000 277,717 NA 1,496 38,032 565,241 5,963,989 NA 15 51 4,840 6,914 NA 1,508 '1,566,143 NA 1*524,004,367 =257,653,437 28,930 57,133 3,367,236 10,919,393 KA NA NA NA NA NA 1,869 44,650 484,631 4,964,811 NA 450 208 15,213 37,933 NA 191,342,795 47,128 71,964 10,570,179 6,551,213 NA 1,510 1,564 1,438,700 40,055 NA 2,604 67,999 795,959 3,500,933 NA 587 490 45,94« 54,627 NA 33,718 142,506 NA 114,792,112 62,001 89 ,332 64,923 NA 4.566 ,339 1,190,721 863 1 ,993 2,415 5,116 6 ,909 8,704 507,856 748,813 410,685 66 KA 182 250 NA 232 155 183 224 117 380 158 17 NA 77 13 NA 30 132 247 254 116 428 323 142 NA 287 180 NA 386 22 NA 235 13 NA 93 535 732 806 2,459 2 ,499 3,136 91 NA 652 90 NA 326 35 NA 243 68 NA 230 29 NA 22 33 NA 15 154 146 144 714 309 125 36 NA 50 32 NA 27 19 NA 9 30 NA 7 24 NA 52 33 NA 61 5 NA 50 8 NA 43 24 NA 32 34 NA 39 430 970 1,254 349 1 075 1,146 30 NA 40 45 NA 41 204 NA 614 411 NA 1,367 121 NA 419 117 351 335 47 85 137 27,416 30 546 73,308 10,968 10 667 11,524 802 2 179 813 153 323 158 160,291 170 566 128,046 50,053 47 761 16,490 10 11 15 3,366 1 872 1,233 30,670 95,059 4,644,875 4,041,041 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,078 58,697 545,159 2,676,731 NA 387 249 12,939 20,055 NA NA NA NA 91,173 100,903 9,350,327 10,349,U7 NA 478 8,549 7,649,900 139,523 NA 2,167 83,926 983,523 6,884,661 NA 700 256 30,658 54,116 NA NA KA NA 20,035 88,246 281,900 3,471,714 NA 3,566 6,664 11,954 NA 836,841 NA 281 NA 223 264 363 231 717 NA 32 NA 20 441 888 727 571 NA 435 NA 481 NA 77 NA 42 468 1,208 1,227 5,358 NA 576 NA 2U NA 729 NA 404 NA 11 NA 7 NA 145 NA 56 NA "28 NA "13 NA 24 NA 60 NA 5 NA 3 NA 61 NA 42 NA 33 NA 390 581 1,619 559 987 NA 12 NA 17 631 786 1,580 1,544 NA 808 NA 1,111 NA 316 NA 198,137 NA 45,776 370 5,555 126 812 63,748 810,476 3,925 126,797 NA 122 NA 11,909 71,426 81,329 6,301,677 4,525,336 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,540 61,590 716,476 5,359,783 NA 514 420 29,237 49,712 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 623 533 426 398 NA NA 1,732 5,U0 NA NA 482 336 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 924 734 NA NA 839 1,455 NA 660 382 NA NA NA NA NEBRASKA 15 state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued {For derinitiors and explanations, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees faims reporting... acres — Apples farms reporting... Trees of all ages number. . , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting... nuniber. . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting... number. . . Quantity harvested farms reporting... bushels . . , value , dollars . . , Apricots farms reporting. ., Trees of wn ages number. . , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting... nuniber. . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . . number.. Quantity harvested faraiB reporting.. bushels . . value, dollars.. Cherries farms reporting.. Trees of all ages nimber. . Trees not of bearing age fEirms reporting.. number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds. . value, dollars.. Grapes farms reporting. . Vines of nil ages number, . Vines not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Vines of bearing age farms reporting . . number.. Quantity harvested farms reporting . . pounds. . value, dollars.. Peaches farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age fams reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . value , dollars . . Pears farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting . , bushels . . value , dollars . . Plums and prunes farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number. , Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . value, dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 2,628 3,261 2,548 64,310 1,352 15,662 2,U7 46,648 1,702 92,220 207,506 1,352 8,098 664 2,973 936 5,125 406 2,670 5,340 1,966 12,992 926 4,309 i,5oe 8,683 894 96,268 9,637 1,247 53,448 508 9,472 1954 {Oct. -Nov.) 3,961 4,315 3,733 85,128 2,197 28,868 2,904 56,260 2,138 56,372 180,389 712 6,266 324 1,727 470 4,539 211 2,901 7,253 2,914 18,134 1,401 7,125 2,114 U,009 1,531 162,585 21,140 2,088 91,523 755 12,917 1950 (April 1) 946 43,976 1,608 78,606 608 184,963 U,098 1,099 407,419 24,444 1,838 25,001 3,033 47,680 1,089 9,252 1,369 11,704 1,332 15, 7-19 2,489 35,976 389 2,928 7,332 2,065 24,007 54,014 1,705 8,083 2,437 11,902 806 2,928 1,185 4,628 1,232 5,155 1,701 7,274 675 4,211 6,335 1,074 7,189 12,579 1,245 8,100 2,050 16,182 558 3,288 896 5,740 900 4,812 1,462 10,442 369 1,659 4,169 619 3,507 8,764 1945 (January 1) 31,646 "6,;o6 22,688 186,790 12,590 91,126 14,430 95,664 U,331 182,318 358,786 7,192 32,900 3,317 11,113 4,379 21,787 2,584 11,826 23,652 19,089 88,897 9,639 38,872 11,463 50,025 7,593 388,066 38,763 8,441 287,824 3,139 35,596 5,633 252,228 4,655 1,034,709 49,207 15,374 152,220 6,362 39,256 10,798 112,964 8,704 106,062 143,913 9,324 31,429 4,659 12,248 5,406 19,181 3,742 24,075 31,409 9,944 51,913 4,388 18,339 6,276 33,574 3,930 16,976 26,860 8,779 6,602 17,834 169,897 NA 144,316 345,083 4,803 30,741 NA HA NA NA NA 227 681 13,852 76,750 1940 (April 1) 254,452 21,071 7,278 400,378 1,104,932 60,977 9,981 167,190 940 3,302 6,849 26,811 NA 5,363 15,075 7,771 59,535 NA NA NA 6,632 15,989 1935 (January 1) 5,979 10,422 16,147 315,560 5,551 69,457 12,550 246,103 7,264 431,450 410,871 3,758 19,877 1,505 8,341 2,499 11,536 1,448 7,050 8,285 15,641 114,771 5,272 37,096 U,857 77,675 9,028 1,542,715 72,692 4,0U 489,821 1,178 46,446 3,034 443,375 2,261 2,766,470 55,388 6,828 137,584 3,425 76,139 4,299 61,445 2,997 28,199 32,108 4,963 27,635 1,770 8,163 3,493 19,472 2,079 23,967 24,356 6,828 52,307 2,479 16,134 4,767 36,173 3,061 17,188 15,891 29,593 26,082 42,825 773,542 NA 181,168 NA 592,374 NA 288,866 366,860 39,768 276,482 NA 57,219 NA 219,263 2,252,712 80,454 15,316 1,068,973 63,931 NA 1,005,042 NA 3,498,966 111,968 15,170 187,564 NA 55,522 NA 132,042 NA 17,420 21,775 15,656 62,646 1930 (April 1) 1925 {January 1) 28,612 29,143 44,843 915,802 345,453 NA 570,349 NA 633,598 763,079 1,896 12,162 NA 4,927 KA 7,235 NA 4,330 7,438 37,210 309,112 NA 101,882 NA 207,230 NA 5,058,032 315,298 15,666 1,062,624 HA 146,315 NA 916,309 NA 5,834,904 184,080 15,369 192,453 NA 118,924 NA 51,873 84,716 14,207 66,352 NA 14,761 NA 23,627 NA 47,835 NA 42,725 NA 27,461 30,207 NA 53,230 68,733 17,755 130,783 20,680 172,449 NA 26,426 HA 54,316 HA 104,357 NA 118,133 NA 15,649 21,909 NA 55,304 33,173 NA NA 48,255 1,028,417 NA 330,460 NA 697,957 NA 927,785 1,061,756 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA 17,658 963,317 1920 (January 1) NA NA NA NA NA KA NA 10,376 136,493 NA NA NA NA NA 2,100 4,433 13,337 67,240 18,505 180,055 NA NA NA 1,363,101 19,344 401,788 40,539 961,313 NA 907,224 1,905,175 NA 950 39 224 78 726 NA 344 861 KA 409,415 14,878 120,194 33,540 2«,221 NA 6,992,832 362,133 NA 565,478 3,947 126,765 8,528 438,713 NA 2,404,035 168,282 NA 135,747 3,178 40,118 4,694 95,629 HA 11,461 33,813 65,937 5,579 29,0U 7,042 36,926 NA 24,617 55,398 NA 148,969 6,360 62,786 6,923 86,183 NA U,537 26,540 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Item Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tree fruits, nuts, and papes "-Continued Walnuts, black (planted) .. .f aims reporting... Trees of all ages number. . . Trees not of bearing 420 5,070 160 1,504 327 3,566 207 27,432 1,098 131 265,542 265,542 416 10,803 193 5,124 288 5,679 150 6,605 260 2 324,933 324,983 847 11,533 279 3,477 625 8,056 458 11,616 2,312 90 739,384 295,342 NA NA m NA NA NA NA NA NA 522,478 290,289 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 648,345 389,287 NA NA NA NA m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA number.. . Trees of bearing NA NA number. . . Quantity harvested f aiTOS reporting — pounds — value, dollars... Other tree fruits and NA NA NA NA NA Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested dollars... Value of fruits. Including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars... NA HA KA Hot available. ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 195'!, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^Value of com and other com products sold. *Com cut for forage. 'Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup. *T^alue of aorghume sold for hay or forage included in . lue of sorghums sold for grain or seed. ''The 1944 and 1939 Xlgures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. The 1944 figures are for acres grown alone. ^For 1944, soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. 'Excludes reports for fanns reporting acreage grown for all purposes with no production. Acres harvested for beans not available. '■^Includes acres grown alone and acres grown with other crops for all p\irposes . Acres harvested for beans not available. ^'■For all Censtises except 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops . ^^Includes oats cut for feeding unthreshed . ^'silage crops other than com and sorghums . ^*Clover seed, except sweetclover. '■'clover seed, including sweetclover. ^^Includes proso millet. ''For 1959 and 1954, does not include acreage for faims with less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not Include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. '^Includes receipts fron sale of pasture and grazing privileges. "Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for 1920 Censxis irtilch Included potatoes for home use only. *°Excludea Irish and sweet potatoes . *'■ Includes green lima beans. ^^Includes hot peppers. *^For Censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for hone use or for sale. ^*Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. See text. ^'Docb not Include acreage for fanns reporting less than l/2 acre. See text. NEBRASKA state Table 9.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 17 (For definhions and explanations, soo toxl) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (jajiuary 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (Jajniary 1) 1920 (January 1) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown tor sale: Nursery and j^penhouse (roduct^, Rower end veger^le seeds and plants, Rowers. and bulbs sold taimn reporting. . dollars.. On farms with sales of $2,0(X1 or more farms reporting.. dollars. . Nursery products (frees, shrubs, vines, cmamentals, et*;.) fanns reporting . . acres. . Sales dollars . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting Cirown under gla.ss farms reporting square feet Grown in the open farms reporting acres Sales dollars Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting. . Grown under glass or in house faims rejnrtjng . . square feel . . Grown in the open funis reporting. . acres. . Salo.s dollars . . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting . . dollars . . Sales of standing timber .- farms importing. .. dollars . Sales of all other forest products farms reporting . dollars. Sales of firewood, fence posts, sawlogs, and veneer logs farms reporting. dollars. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting coHs (4' X 4" X 8') Sales,. farms reporting cords (4' X 4' X 8') Fence posts cut. farms repotting number Sales farms reporting number Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting thousands of boattl feet Sales farms reporting . . thousands of board feet . 215 2,323,026 99 2,211,081 73 983 1,208,708 145 113 915,026 56 45 1,054,933 59 41 48,752 22 43 59,385 3,792 357 91,543 153 29,702 223 61,841 216 59,339 10 2,502 3,339 35,969 135 3,813 762 160,935 75 40,731 100 352 26 115 lU 2,078,741 HA NA 109 783 1,057,207 137 111 804,087 64 83 876,802 91 64 128,641 33 52 144,732 KA 250 68,664 NA NA NA HA NA NA 6,790 64,593 NA NA 2,824 526,738 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA 2,098,234 NA NA U9 720 726,240 '150 'U7 '857,310 '81 '123 '1,220,359 120 93 232,280 36 56 151,635 HA NA 58,826 93 22,972 35,854 157 34,184 18 1,670 6,656 63,039 NA NA 2,480 368,794 NA HA 309 1,718 '223 U,101,154 371 58, 5U !IA HA 222 854,932 NA NA 62 650 326,699 NA *150 *1,060,053 NA NA '470,684 NA NA '100 '199 '57,549 2,295 143,081 NA NA NA NA '2,710 '135,525 294 1,077,572 NA '186 NA NA NA ^458,630 NA HA HA '168 NA HA NA NA HA NA NA '618,942 23,387 1,846 355,627 21,846 205,203 7,297 1,222,582 468 5,040 NA Not available. 'Excludes data for farms unclassified as to type. ^Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds: and tulbs, 'Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. *Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mishrocms . 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass: and flowers grown in the open. ^Total square feet under glass. 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. *Value of flower and vegetable seeds; and vegetables and vegetable plants. 'Not strictly con^iarable with other years as figures probably Include sane reports of firewood \iaed on farms. NA NA 20,773 178,322 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 718,729 NA NA 30 235 98,400 NA '95 '1,041,665 NA NA '524,132 NA NA NA NA NA '96,197 9,517 1,271 194,211 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (Kor iJerinitions and explanations, see te)ct) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 19M-1959 number acres in place Cropland harvested places reporting Under 10 acres places reporting 10 nr more acrea places repcrting Operat farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms repotting . 15 acres fanns reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting . 20 to 24 toita farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 or more tons farms reporting. ftiantity sold farms reporting . tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 or more tons farms reporting . VflLD HAY CUT Acres harvested farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms report iitg. 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres f amis reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farnE reporting. liiantlty harvested farms reporting. tcsna. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. lOO to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 tons farms reporting. 10, 000 or more tons farms reporting . Quantity sold farms reporting . tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 or more tons farms reporting. 3,179 72,006 293 617 622 232 148 319 203 446 225 53 6 3 2 5 3,179 68,271 2,084 323 459 213 85 12 3 125 3,784 77 24 21,159 2,685,196 1,963 3,254 2,826 874 505 1,613 857 2,340 2,261 1,644 545 205 975 725 572 21,159 1,951,397 9,645 1,686 3,414 2,614 1,603 1,370 481 171 77 51 28 11 3 2,990 141,372 1,695 553 377 335 24 NEBRASKA 23 state Table 13. -FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued I Data for all crops except com, Irish polaloos, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of forms. See text^ (For dcfinitktns and explanations, see text) (I'nr (lerinttions Mid explanations, noo Irxt) OTHER KAY CUT Acres harvested faring reporting . acres . Itader 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to li acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to -49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons faxnis reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 or more tons '. farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons faiTiis reporting . 25 to 49 tans farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 or more tcais farms reporting. GRASS SIUGE MADK FRCM GRASSES, AI^ALFA, CLOVER, OR SMALL GRAIMS Acres harvested f anus reporting . acres. Ifader 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . 500 or more acres . .farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting . tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting . 20 to 24 terns farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1 , 500 or more tons farms reporting . 3,414 6,974 75,621 156,032 668 1,487 735 1,682 635 ] 230 87 2,536 263 ^ 112 392 747 180 311 82 99 12 5 ) " 4 49 6 24 3 5 3,4U 6,974 77,155 137,297 2,186 401 5,790 501 632 208 318 84 28 1 163 3 17 2 4 174 446 ,478 10,695 126 334 27 61 11 23 10 27 1 838 1 ,081 22,001 26 ,297 27 41 90 201 168 85 33 • 484 114 85 134 } 260 74 67 27 25 1 } 1 1 1 838 1 ,081 118,643 113 ,090 39 26 } 234 118 173 246 280 232 134 } 366 36 25 5 2 2 1 AL.'^'ALFA SEED Acres harvested farms reporting. . acres . , Under 5 acres farms reporting . . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. . 15 acres farms reporting . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . , 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. . 300 or more acres farms reporting. , Quantity harvested farms reporting . . pounds. . Under 20 pounds farms reporting . , 20 to 24 pounds fanns reporting . . 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting . . 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting . . 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting.. 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting . . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. 1 , 500 to 1 , 999 pounds farms reporting . 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting. brqmd:}RAss seed Acres harvested farms reporting . acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds. Under 20 pounds farms reporting . 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting . 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting. 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting . 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting . 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting. RED CLOVER SEED Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 or more acres farms reporting. ^lantlty harvested farms reporting. pounds. Under 20 pounds farms reporting . 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting . 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting. 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting . 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting. 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting. 5,000 or more pounds farms reporting. 5,027 95,326 668 1,097 1,108 392 126 465 245 554 2e4 7J 12 3 5,027 5,968,550 } 11 103 584 1,469 1,171 501 321 406 267 140 53 646 7,969 187 156 129 17 5 44 40 49 18 1 646 929,107 6 47 159 151 106 31 36 73 31 6 1,554 20,658 130 492 388 U7 86 162 67 100 12 1,554 1,300,490 30 15 5 30 U5 412 493 242 113 50 5,434 98,295 1,021 1,272 318 84 29 4 5,434 9,150,900 lU NA lU NA N/L NA 1,910 20,880 NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,910 4,001,054 NA NA KA KA KA KA NA NA NA NA NA 1,408 18,317 136 362 102 31 1,408 950,100 NA NA See footnotes at end of table. 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued iDatn for ail crops except com, Irish potatoes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text"] (For dpfinition? nnd explanalinns. see text) (Tor dorinilions and cxplannlions, s SWEETCLOVER SEED Acres hai'/ested farms reporting . acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14- acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 2A acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 or more acres farms reporting . Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds.. Ifader 20 pounds farms reporting. 20 to 2<4 pounds farms reporting . 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting . 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting . . 100 to 199 pounds farms reporting. 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting. . 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting. . 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting. . IRISH POTATOES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres^, bushels., Under 1 acre farms reporting. - acres . . bushels. . 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting. , acres. . bushels. , 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. , acres . . bushels. . 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. , acres . . bushels. . 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting,. acres . . bushels . . 10. 0 to 24 . 9 acres farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . 50 or more acres farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . See footnotes at end of table. 1,236 1 707 17,004 19 916 221 383 272 470 304 ~ 61 70 701 112 J 80 83 } 114 33 39 1,236 1 707 3,842,791 4,301 100 5 m NA 5 HA 10 NA 15 NA 131 NA 212 NA 168 NA 107 NA 133 NA 223 NA 135 NA 92 NA 8,187 13,4^ 3,971,164 7,487 541 116,398 157 167 16,069 31 63 7,251 23 83 14,062 69 483 111,630 252 3,909 1,336,704 114 3,849 1,122,388 54 4,353 1,246,662 18,409 19,073 4,608,661 17,147 850 207,693 303 316 20,956 58 116 7,543 59 204 25,191 135 1,315 326,869 453 6,924 1,397,154 139 4,496 1,137,977 60 4,857 935,278 SUGAR BKETS FOR SUGAR Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres fanns reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . 200 or more acres farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting . 20 to 24 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 199 tons farms reporting . 200 to 499 tons farms reporting . 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tens farms reporting. 2,000 £o 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 or more tons farms reporting. VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting . dollars . Under $20 farms reporting. $20 to $24 farms reporting. $25 to $49 farms reporting . $50 to $99 farms reporting . $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting. $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to $2,999 farms reporting. $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 or more farms reporting. LAND IN BEARING AND NONBEAHING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES. VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES^ Acres in orchards farms reporting . acres . Under 0.5 acre farms reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting. 1 . 5 acres farms reporting . 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting. 2.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 or more acres farms reporting. 1,636 59,631 135 33 107 264 185 543 311 29 3 1,636 1,006,039 15 109 584 653 187 38 18 1 833 621,578 146 35 33 173 133 30 73 30 11 15 15 13 21 2,995 3,745 1,072 772 596 59 XI 218 10 129 74 33 a NEBRASKA 25 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crons exceot com, Irish potatoes, &n<) forest products are based on reports for only r samfrieof farms. See text} Item ^^tc total Item (for tlcrinitjons and explanations, see text) state total (For donntlions and explanations, see text) 1959 19S4 -.959 19M FOHESr PRODUCTS Sales of stajiding timber farms reporting... dollars . . . Under $25 farms reporting. . . 153 29,702 10 55 56 30 1 1 3,339 35,969 3,104 155 57 13 5 135 3,813 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6,790 64,593 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA FOREST PRODUCTS— Continued 762 160,935 259 427 53 22 1 75 40,731 2t 115 6 7 5 4 4 number.. Under 100 fence posts farms reporting . . 100 to 499 fence posts farms reportii.g. . . 500 to 999 fence posts farms reporting . . . 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts farms reporting — 5,000 or more fence posts farms reporting. . . Sales farms reporting . . . number.. . Sawlogs and veneer logs sold farms reporting... thousands of board feet... 526,738 NA $100 to $299 farms reporting. . . NA NA $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting... $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting... $5,000 or more farms reporting... Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting... cords (4'x4'x8' )• • • NA NA NA NA NA NA Under 25 cords farms reporting . . . 25 to 49 cords farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 cords farms reporting . . . 100 to 499 cords farms reporting. . . 500 or more cords farms reporting . . . Sales farms reporting . . . 1,000 to 2,499 board feet farms reporting... 2,500 to 4,999 board feet farms reporting... 5,000 to 9,999 board feet farms reporting... 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting... 20,000 to 49,999 board feet farms reporting... 50,000 to 99,999 btjard feet farms reporting... NA NA NA NA NA NA 100,000 or more board feet farms reporting. . . NA HA Not available. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^J)oesj\ot include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 (^Figures on number of workers and wa^e rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. DatA aie based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class, 1959 Commercial farms Htretl workers fanns 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 ac n»re hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired wwher 3 hired woriters 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or nx)re hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days), . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired wtjrkers, . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired wtjrkers . . reporting, persons, reforting. reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. PaitJ on a monthly basis farms reporting, persons. Average hours worked per person per rronth hours . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . Under $50 per month $50 to $84 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month $130 to $169 per month $170 to $214 per month $216 to $274 per month $275 to $324 per month $325 to $374 per month $375 and over per month 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, 'aims reporting, 'arms reporting 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting, 'arms replying. PaitI on a weekly basis farms reporting, persons. Average hours worked per person per week hours . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . Under $12 per week. . $12 to $24 per week . . . $25 to $29 per week . . . $30 to $39 per week . . . $40 to $49 per week . . . $50 to $59 per week . . . $60 to $69 per week . . . $70 to $79 per week . . . $80 to $89 per week . . . $90 and over per week . .farms reporting. .farms reporting ..farms reporting ..farms reporting ..farms reporting. , .farms reporting . .farms reporting. ..farms reporting. ..farms reporting. ..farms reporting. Paiil on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms 57 per day fanr.s $8 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 per day farms .$11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate per person per hour Under $0.45 per hixir farms .$0.45 to S0.54 per hour farms $0.55 to ?B.64 per hour farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms $1.00 to $1.14 f^r hour farms $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms $1.45 and over per hour farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting . persons. Persons working Friday week preceding enumeratiofi farms reporting . persons . Average earnings per person dollars. NA Not available. reporting, persona. . , , hours , , dollars, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting reporting reporting, reporting. reporting, persons. ..tlollars. reporting, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting , reporti ng . reporting. Importing, reporting. 10,903 17,072 7,803 1,980 784 269 67 5,844 8,509 4,543 872 293 84 52 6,120 8,563 4,821 824 324 138 13 4,783 1,061 5,059 4,676 6,740 216 193 100 167 367 247 962 1,530 932 277 65 29 932 1,190 48 48 28 34 55 156 197 243 144 41 2,012 2,588 15 353 262 289 400 69 459 18 106 3,763 5,449 1.09 U 10 12 135 70 2,711 627 24 163 644 1,105 301 434 10.63 13,789 25,993 9,559 2,302 1,171 503 254 6,793 9,564 5,401 907 342 109 34 8,227 16,429 5,830 1,203 652 335 207 5,562 1,231 6,996 5,937 8,199 239 163 75 260 606 700 2,025 1,712 447 99 13 1,028 1,402 53 40 36 102 89 260 256 185 67 32 3,399 4,575 9.1 7.25 156 95 790 616 448 559 83 652 3,923 6,608 1.02 10 38 35 51 345 123 2,787 344 12 178 1,057 5,209 NA NA NA 10,753 16,686 7,703 1,955 772 263 60 5,809 8,331 4,528 862 291 83 45 6,002 8,355 4,735 809 313 133 12 4,751 1,058 4,944 4,631 6,563 217 192 100 157 362 247 957 1,520 920 275 64 29 927 1,185 48 48 28 34 55 151 197 243 144 41 14 20 1,977 2,523 9.0 7.90 36 15 348 257 289 390 69 454 18 101 3,711 5,358 1.09 11 10 12 135 70 2,660 626 24 163 623 1,057 295 426 10.54 2,276 5,123 1,160 619 305 143 49 1,859 3,605 1,093 452 195 74 35 871 1,518 623 136 67 33 12 1,405 454 417 1,634 3,080 227 214 2 14 42 14 277 579 496 150 43 17 287 423 54 56 1 1 7 19 58 104 60 24 4 9 257 399 9.4 8.70 2 1 22 26 50 S8 15 52 6" 25 552 1,025 1.11 2 22 366 93 16 39 55 196 39 62 12.35 2,967 4,392 2,127 563 211 55 11 1,387 2,422 1,565 244 59 9 10 1,419 1,970 1,115 191 68 45 1,548 339 1,080 1,406 1,754 214 189 16 27 83 38 291 530 272 76 18 301 379 47 48 5 16 13 10 6 430 589 8.9 7.97 1 1 56 77 44 97 19 109 2 24 1,003 1,480 1.10 13 733 178 2 32 124 190 66 78 13.79 NEBRASKA 27 state Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of wofkera and wage rates are for hired pefsons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports For only a sample of fanns. See l«xtj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gconomic class, 1959— Continued Commercial farms-Continued Port-retirement Hired workers farms reporting. , persons., 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting., 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or mtHe hired wtjrkers farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . farms ivfMrting. . . persons. .. 1 hired worker farms refxirting. . . 2 hired workers 'arms reporting . . . a or 4 hired workers farms reporung. . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting... persons . . . 1 hired worker farms reporting . . . 2 hired workers fam^s reoorting. .. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . . 10 or more hired workers , farms reporting. .. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting . . . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. . Paid on a mortlhly basis farms reporting... persons . . . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . . . I'nder $50 per month farms reporting... $50 lo$fi4 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting.. $110 to S129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms tvporting,. $215 to $274 per month ■; fsrms reporting.. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting.. $325 to $374 per month fsrms reporting. . $375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons . . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under $12 per week farms reporting. . $12 to S24 per week farms reporting.. $25 to $29 per week farms rerwrting.. S30to $39 per week farms reporting.. 540 to $49 per week farms reporting . . $60 to $59 per week farms reporting . . $80 to $69 per week farms reporting.. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting . . $S0 to $89 per week farms reporting. . $90 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. . persons. . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . Average wage rate per person (lor day dollars . . Under $4 p« day farms repoting . . $4 per day farms reporting. . $5 per day farms reporting . . $6 per day farms reporting . . $7 per day farms reporting.. $8 per day farms reporting.. $9 per day farms r^iorting. . $10 per day farms reporting . . $11 per day farms repotting. . $12 and over per day. farms repotting . . Paid on an lioiirly basis farms reporting. . persons.. .\verage wage rate per person per hour dollars . . Under $0.45 per hour farms reporting . . 30.45 to $0.54 per hour. farms reporting. . $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. . $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. . $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting.. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. . $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting . . $1.45 and over per hour farms reportrng. . Paid on a piece-WOrIt basis farms reporting.. persons. . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. . persons. . Average earnings per person dollars . . 1,535 1,985 1,230 195 105 5 459 521 412 37 10 1,134 1,464 905 153 71 5 401 58 1,076 313 346 187 U5 20 24 66 35 72 73 11 447 483 S.6 7.35 20 1 120 42 53 68 10 113 5 15 625 818 1.11 5 20 U 450 93 1 45 177 273 57 83 9.19 510 751 385 79 26 20 181 213 159 17 5 344 538 251 57 16 20 166 15 329 127 133 202 159 5 25 37 10 11 25 59 36 65 36 42 45 42 38 5 5 15 U 10 10 6 23 114 162 9.7 9.27 5 30 6 30 22 21 198 X3 1.16 15 5 133 30 52 77 16 16 6.44 1 1 240 150 17 18 7.8 5.39 5 21 47 1.13 150 386 100 25 12 35 178 15 10 2 118 208 36 15 U 5 1 32 3 115 45 177 177 229 10 5 5 10 12 2 1 35 65 7.6 8.15 5 5 5 52 91 1.10 50 100 30 5 10 5 5 5 5 150 150 15 15 1.00 80 95 15 20 10 5 65 75 15 65 20 25 152 89 10 5 20 20 5.8 7.00 10 15 5 5 12.00 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working tlie week preceding the enumeration. Data are l>ased on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Other field-crop Vegetable Hired workers farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms repcrting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired wtarkers .farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. , 10 or n^ore hired workers farms reporting. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms refxirting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers ; farms lepcrting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and sea.sonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . PaiiJon a monthly basis farms reporting.. persons. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . . Under $50 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms refxjrting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting . . $215 to $274 per monlil farms reporting. . $275 to $324 per montji farms reporting.. $.325 to $374 per month farms reporting.. $375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting . . persons. . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars. . Under $12 per week farms reporting . . $12 to S24 per week farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting.. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting.. S40to S49 per week farms reporting. . $50 to S59 per week farms reporting. . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting.. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. . S80 to $89 per week farms reporting. . $90 and over per week farms reporting. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. . persons . . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . Average waj;e rate tier iierson tier day dollars. .. Under $4 per day farms reporting. . , $4 per day farms reporting. . . $5 per day farms reporting. . . $6 per day farms reporting. . . $7 per day farms reporting . . . $8 per day farms reporting. . . $9 per day farms reporting. . . $10 per day farms reporting. . . $11 per day - farms reporting. . . $12 and over per day farms reporting. . . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. . . persons. . . Average wage rate r>er person per hour dollars . . . Under $0.45 fier hour farms reporting. . . $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. . . $0.55 to $0.64 per hour ....farms reporting. .. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting... $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting... $0.B5 to $0.99 per hour farms rejwrting... $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. . . $1.15 to $1.29 per hour. farms reporting. . . $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. . . $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. . . Paid on a piece-work basis fanns reporting. . . persons . . . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting . . . persons . . . Average earriings per person dollars. . . NA Not available . 10,903 17,072 7,803 1,980 78i 269 57 5,8« 8,509 pe of fami-ConUnued Poultry Dairy Livesl^ick ranches Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livesl£ick ranches Miscellaneous and unclassified Hireil workers fami; 1 hired worker 2 hired workers S or 4 hired workers 5 In 9 hired workers - . . . 1(J or more hired workers Regular svorkers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 bit«d worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than I.'iO days). . 1 hited worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or nore hired ivorkers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired worlters Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . reporting., persons. . reportrng.. reporting. . repcrting. . reporting. . i«pcrting. . reporting., persons . . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . persons. . reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting., repotting..' reporting., reporting. . re(x*ling.. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. . persons. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per month (tollars . . Under $50 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $«4 per month farms reporting. . S85 to SI09 per month farms repotting . . $110 to S129 per month farms reporting. . $1.V) [o $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month '. farms reporting.. $215 to $274 per month farms rejxirting. . $275 to $■524 per month farms reporting. . $125 to $374 per month ...farms reporting.. $375 and over per month farms reporting. . Paid 00 a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons. . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . lender $12 per week farrjia reporting . . $12 to $24 ner week fanns refxirting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting . . $.30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 p« week farms reprvting. . .^0 to $59 per week farms reporting.. $fiO to $C9 per week farms reporting. . $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. . $»0 to $ti9 per week farms reporting.. $90 and over per week farms reportinK. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. persons. . Average hours worked per person per da> hours . . \verage wage rate per [person per day dollars . . I'nder $4 per day farms reporting. . $4 per day fams reporting. . 55 per day farms reporting. . 56 per day farms reporting . . ^ per day farms reporting. . $8 per day farms reporting. . S9 per day farms TVporljng . . $10 per day farms reporting. . $11 per day farms reporting. . $12 and over per day farms reporting. . Paid on an hourly basis farms ttiporting.. pecsons.. Average wage rale per person per hour dollars . . I'nder $0.45 per hour farms reporting.. $0.45 lo $0.54 per hour .farms reporting. . $0,55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting . . .«0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 [ler hour farms reporting.. $1.00to$1.14 per hour farms reporting. . SI. 15 to $1.29 per hour farms repoting. . $1.30 lo $1.44 per hour farms reporting.. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. persons. . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting.. persons. . Average earnings per person dollars . . 10 35 1.00 47 131 22 12 6 6 1 32 76 17 7 6 1 1 25 55 15 5 5 22 10 15 15 20 192 223 5 5 7.0 5.00 21 70 0.98 310 503 189 30 31 10 190 298 124 40 21 5 140 205 105 20 10 5 170 20 120 158 241 238 203 5 5 U 15 5 63 31 23 30 35 8.1 6.86 5 100 150 1.08 402 866 231 94 47 21 9 321 693 183 80 36 U 9 129 173 100 20 7 2 273 48 81 333 729 223 200 3 22 14 66 122 81 22 3 12 13 51 44 43 68 8.3 8.13 1 "8 7 4 17 1 3 27 36 1.01 16 20 6 7 2.71 5,550 8,445 4,040 980 358 144 28 3,355 4,745 2,634 485 161 53 22 2,770 3,700 2,266 318 119 62 5 2,780 575 2,195 2,841 4,006 218 188 52 113 247 165 672 396 501 142 37 16 524 674 49 48 13 17 34 88 114 140 78 27 1,007 1,214 9.0 7.51 12 4 206 165 162 181 43 189 13 32 1,526 2,174 1.09 11 5 1 79 45 1,122 178 17 68 273 377 144 193 9.10 710 1,116 540 105 47 12 6 336 40.5 285 43 438 7U 347 55 19 12 5 272 66 372 248 290 196 174 20 22 27 6 25 70 60 169 223 9.2 3.23 10 5 32 27 15 27 10 23 5 10 228 294 1.03 10 6 200 7 79 230 40 60 11.00 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Ftpjres on number of workers and wa^e rales are for hired persons working the week pre<'oding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms 50 to 69 acres 100 to 139 Acrea Hired workers farms 1 hire,! worker 2 hired wjilters 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . reporting persons reporting reporting reporting reporting, reporting reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, persons, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a monthljr basis farms reporting, persons, . . . hours . .dollars. s reporting. s reporting. ? reporting. s reporti ng . s reporting. s reporting. 5 reporting. s reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hire,] workers 10 or more hired worliers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . Average hours worked per person per month . ,\verage wage rate per perssn per month Under $50 per month $50 to S84 per month S85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month $130 to $169 per month $170 to $214 per month $215 to $274 per month $275 to S324 per month $325 to $374 per month $875 and over per month arms e arms n 'arms n 'arms r a/ms r 'arms r arms faims n farms n farms r Paid on a iweekly basis farms reporting, persons, . . . hours . . .dollars. 3 reporting , 3 reporting , 5 reporting. 3 reforting. 3 reporting. a reporting. 3 reporting. 5 reporting. 3 reporting. 3 reporting. Average hours worked per person per week. . Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week. $12 to $24 per week $25 to $29 per week $30 to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 to $59 per week $60 to $69 per week $70 to $79 per week $80 to $S9 per week $90 and over per week Farms r 'arms r 'arms r 'arms n 'arms arms r 'arms n 'arms n Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked per person per day Average wage rate per person per day Under $4 per day farms $4 per day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day. farms $7 per day ^ farms $8 per day farms $9 per day. farms $10 per day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over (ler day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate [«r person per hour Under $0.45 per hour farms S0.45 to $0.54 per hour. farms $0.55 to $0.64 per hour. farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. farms ■$0.85 to S0.99 per hour farms $1.00 to $1.14 per hour. -farms $1.15 to $1,29 per hour, farms $]..30 to $1.44 per hour farm^ $1,15 and over per hour farms Paid on a pieCe-WOfk basis farms reporting, persons . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons . Avenge earnings per person dollars . HA Not available. reporting, pwsrjns. hours. . .dollnrs. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, rept^ting. reporti ng . rep(*ting. reporting, reporting. rerxxting. persons. ..dollars, reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, rejiorting , reporting. 10,903 17,072 7,S03 1,980 78i 269 67 5,844 8,509 4,543 872 293 84 52 6,120 8,563 4,821 824 324 138 13 4,783 1,061 5,059 4,676 6,740 216 193 100 167 367 247 962 1,530 932 277 65 29 932 1,190 48 48 28 34 55 156 197 243 X44 41 14 20 2,012 2,588 8.9 7.90 41 15 353 262 289 4O0 69 459 Ifi 106 3,763 5,449 1.09 ii 10 12 135 70 2,711 627 24 163 644 1,105 301 434 10.63 13,789 25,993 9,559 2,302 1,171 503 254 6,793 9,564 5,401 907 342 109 34 8,227 16,429 5,830 1,203 652 335 207 5,562 1,231 6,996 5,937 8,199 239 163 75 260 606 700 2,025 1,712 447 99 13 1,028 1,402 53 40 36 102 89 260 256 1^5 67 32 3,399 4,575 9.1 7.25 156 95 790 616 448 559 83 652 3,923 6,608 1.02 10 38 35 51 345 123 2,787 344 12 178 1,057 5,209 70 170 40 10 15 45 130 20 10 10 35 10 25 25 55 177 199 5 10 10 10 6.0 6.00 5 20 55 1.00 108 253 59 24 11 62 167 34 L4 1 7 6 58 36 41 6 11 50 12 46 39 76 173 208 5 10 46 103 1.27 IS 219 256 10 10 9.0 9.00 25 60 1.00 5 5 12.00 116 201 86 46 68 36 3 5 2 71 133 50 5 6 10 45 1 70 38 48 203 139 5 10 5 26 56 8.2 9.48 1 50 85 1.11 NEBRASKA 31 state Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are hased on reports for only a sample of farms. See t«xt] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Size of farm-Continued 141^ ts 500 to 999 act«s 1.000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 or more acres Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or nxire hired workers . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hirexl workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to he employeil less than 150 days). . 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired woflters. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers . . farms reporting. . [arms reporting. . Farms reporting. , Farms reporting. . Farms reporting. . n»p(»ting. . perscns. . reporting . . teporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting., persons . , reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting, reporting . reporting, reporting . reporting. PaitI on a monthly basis farms reporting. prisons . \verage hours worked per person per month hours . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . I'ndef $50 per month farms repotting. S50 to $84 per nxinth farms reporting . S85 to 5109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per nonlh farms te|x>rting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. .$215 to $274 per nonti- farms reporUng. $275 to $.324 per nonth farms reporting . $325 to $374 per month .-. farms reporting . $375 and over per month turns reporting . Paid on a weekly basis farms Avemge hours worked per person per week Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week farms $12 to 524 per week farms $25 to $29 per week farms $30 to .$,39 per week farms $40 to $49 per week farms $50 to $59 per week farms $60 to $69 per week farms $70 to $79 per week farms $80 to $89 p« week farms $90 and over per week farms Paid on a dai ly basis farms Avemge hours workeii per person per day \verage wage rate per person per day I'nder $4 per day farms $4 r>er day farms $5 per day farms $6 per day farms $7 per day farms $8 per day farms $9 per day farms $10 r>er day farms $11 per day farms $12 and over per day farms Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. reporting. . persons , . . . . hours . . ..dollars. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting., lefxirting.. reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . persons. . . . . hours . . . .dollan . . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting., reporting., reporting. . reporting, . Average wage rate per person per hour dollars . . I'nder $0.45 per hour farms reporting . . $0.45 io $0.54 per hour farms reporting.. S0.55 to $0-64 per hour farms repcrting.. $0,65 to W.74 per hour farms reporting,, $0,75 to $0,M4 per hour farms reporting, . $0,85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting, , $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting, , ,^1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms renotting. . $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting . . persons. . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. . persons. . Average earnings per person dollars . . 813 1,144 618 123 55 16 1 228 274 213 615 870 455 105 40 15 198 30 585 162 189 206 160 20 16 20 5 15 190 210 8.4 7.64 5 5 45 20 25 30 5 30 10 15 385 590 l.U 10 290 30 35 9.57 357 609 283 32 32 5 5 142 157 129 12 242 452 187 20 25 5 5 115 27 215 91 94 202 171 1 15 10 'io 21 33 1 70 85 9.2 7.82 5 20 5 176 251 1.16 131 30 30 150 5 12.00 747 1,004 574 127 40 6 256 297 224 26 516 707 400 76 35 5 231 25 491 193 228 180 155 15 10 25 10 43 56 33 1 165 235 9.5 8.77 287 376 1.10 192 70 65 95 20 25 9,60 3,517 4,753 2,744 533 193 45 2 1,429 1,669 1,229 172 26 1 1 2,370 3,084 1,949 272 117 32 1,147 282 2,088 1,055 1,241 216 176 35 55 U6 75 246 305 150 51 15 282 309 47 43 15 20 20 65 55 756 926 8.8 7.76 15 130 90 m 175 20 170 5 40 1,482 1,922 1.04 10 55 31 1,113 228 10 30 235 355 140 215 2,179 3,275 1,528 471 129 45 6 1,352 1,767 1,111 181 48 6 6 1,100 1,508 873 165 25 36 1 1,079 273 827 983 1,252 220 194 15 15 56 55 222 350 198 56 16 237 300 49 46 10 1 20 21 63 75 34 2 11 349 446 9.1 7.56 5 5 65 50 57 70 18 73 1,042 1.09 25 10 572 136 5 36 135 235 60 95 10.26 1,220 1,821 859 247 83 22 4 886 1,179 731 115 3" 10 1 492 642 389 77 23 2 1 728 158 334 731 937 218 201 44 148 261 142 49 127 156 50 46 2 21 37 37 11 6 1 1 227 294 9.1 8.34 2 3 32 32 43 40 6 57 2 10 253 350 1.09 177 36 7 12 52 84 22 30 8.73 1,578 3,413 875 382 200 89 32 1,341 2,649 809 303 147 56 26 465 764 332 82 32 13 6 1,113 228 237 1,324 2,573 220 203 5 16 65 58 257 473 326 88 24 12 87 156 49 53 1 1 1 9 19 28 19 7 1 1 177 274 8.9 7.62 3 2 31 35 32 40 5 23 1 5 160 360 1.11 6 96 32 1 15 36 50 18 23 13.70 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a mple of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . , Percent distribution percent . . Land in farms acres . . Percent distribution percent. , Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars. . Land in (arms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. l.OrW or more acres farms reporting . . Cit>pland used only for pasture farms reporting . . acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legtimes farms reporting. . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres . . Land in strip<:Topping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting. . System of teiraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting, . acres . . FIRM OPERATORS BV WE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number. . 35 to 44 years number. . 45 to 54 years number.. 55 to 64 years number . . 65 or more years number. . Average age years . . OFFFAKM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting . . 1 [o 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting. , With other members of family working off faim operators reporting,. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting , . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated. . operators reporting. . With other income of family excetMling value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BV SIZE Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number . . 140 to 179 acres number. . 180 to 219 acres number . . 220 to 259 acres number . . 260 to 499 acres number . . 500 to 999 acres number . . 1.000 to 1,999 acres number.. 2,000 or more acres number. . See footnotes at end of table. 90,223 100.0 100.0 529.5 ^7,750 88.28 84,-125 18,190,771 1,613 1,5<8 1,047 2,543 10,364 32,736 30,389 3,278 907 26,152 1,350,266 38,422 3,429,394 23,954 2,308,289 12,609 644,545 12,862 476,560 6,749 368,085 7,739 153,073 62,103 22,739,103 6,609 367,393 19,188 2,097,256 19,049 2,037,036 6,964 253,360 19,503 1,752,506 5,189 1,049,415 19,860 2,003,520 89,233 2,238 13,622 20,315 23,168 18,977 10,913 48.2 25,691 15,843 2,730 7,118 6,114 10,568 6,768 64,532 6,908 16,247 2,934 2,422 4,673 1,069 3,930 3,582 13,415 5,802 9,350 26, 678 11,263 4,813 3,226 80,847 89.6 46,978,575 98.3 581.1 51,032 87.50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358,588 18, 559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247, 188 ' 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19, OU 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,533 4,723 7,383 2,883 60,167 6,477 13,033 1,236 597 1,430 569 2,650 3,022 12,440 5,622 9,160 26,203 11,128 4,804 3,222 3,741 4.1 10,761,283 22.5 2,876.6 158,730 55.66 3,629 2,270,709 14 11 17 28 62 539 1,682 7U 562 1,242 187,640 1,325 342,485 853 267, 557 361 42,439 439 32,489 256 38,934 286 8,857 2,646 7,713,141 442 92,187 1,539 349,760 1,535 337,169 234 18,856 703 100,768 233 121,294 811 148,588 3,694 60 613 1,211 1,011 555 244 45.4 604 390 37 177 95 320 90 3,137 196 841 12 54 14 34 25 190 106 244 944 700 430 9,033 10.0 8,780,047 18.4 972.0 83,161 87.98 8,898 3,128,245 30 15 11 49 169 1,948 5,099 1,355 222 2,936 255,769 3,958 640,497 2,742 496,109 1,104 75,206 1,305 69,182 581 46,324 871 27,118 6,091 4,453,925 852 61,435 3,934 593,045 3,920 580,713 835 36,526 2,030 258,475 677 257,629 2,261 337,326 8,961 154 1,768 2,817 2,336 1,427 449 44.6 1,878 1,484 134 260 345 764 163 7,155 627 1,531 50 50 15 56 36 565 445 685 3,135 1,735 1,157 1,054 22,803 25.3 13,017,978 27.2 570.8 58,122 101.07 22,554 5,780,106 16 33 39 78 870 7,240 13,225 944 104 7,391 394,429 10,679 1,088,471 7,258 809,919 3,181 142,549 3,303 136,003 1,620 96,668 2,196 45,877 16,108 5,173,728 2,017 104, 529 7,333 752,347 7,308 733,508 2,078 77,390 5,323 615,057 1,577 345, 6U 6,003 655,925 22,624 533 4,199 6,575 6,383 3,845 1,089 44.9 5,379 4,423 398 558 1,109 2,102 357 17,429 2,156 3,484 50 110 50 280 305 2,005 1,160 2,601 9,061 4,378 1,921 887 NEBRASKA 33 state Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are bosod or reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Economic class— Continued Commercia] fanns-Continued Part-retirement FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average ."ize of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Averago per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reportinf! acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 900 to 499 acres farms reporting 600 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting ' Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . acres . Cultivated summer fallow. farms reporting. acres. Soil- improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting . acres. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . acres. Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting . acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . Improved pasture. farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . acres. Land use practices: Cn:)pland in rover crops farms reporting . acres . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres. Land in slrip-oropping systems for soil-erosion control farms repotting. acres System of terrace?) on crop and pasture land farms reptrting . acres. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . Under 25 years number . 25 lo 34 years numb« . 36 lo 44 years number , 45 to 54 years number. 55 to 64 years number. 65 or more years number . Average age years , OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their Farms, total operators reporting, 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators reporti ng . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural producLs sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms ot not reporting as lo work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . . operator? reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number SO to eg acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 lo 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 lo 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 lo 499 acres number 500 lo 999 acres number 1.000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres vnnber See footnotes al end of table. . 26,485 29.4 9,754,447 20.4 368.3 37,441 100.68 26,109 4,722,713 73 87 78 344 2,328 W,297 8,660 227 15 8,423 329,795 12, 165 795,740 7,755 497,285 4,069 179,450 3,980 U9,005 2,179 97,543 2,359 41,512 19, 115 3,372,942 2,013 71,449 4,322 310,777 4,307 301,024 2,270 71,749 6,632 532,357 1,587 213,939 6,569 587,276 26,223 652 4,230 5,902 7,373 5,975 2,091 47.2 90 210 110 490 946 4,660 2,546 3,860 9,206 3,154 985 228 15,263 16.9 3,976,297 8.3 260.5 24,987 93.62 14,451 1,793,241 103 242 181 663 4,232 7,454 1,547 28 1 4,017 132,257 6,662 366,217 3,782 182,020 2,410 107,520 2,424 76,677 1,302 60,479 1,335 19,192 10,843 1,419,246 782 26,858 1,271 68,813 1,255 65,384 1,151 35,062 3,162 202,114 781 83,494 2,965 215,041 15,109 523 1,865 2,332 3,662 4,305 2,422 50.8 6,836 5,033 700 1,103 1,543 5,110 2,839 786 1,485 1,318 2,375 2,001 839 1,429 19,649 2,220 4,127 10,153 1,042 2,623 190 556 260 • 1,285 1,260 4,150 1,175 1,580 3,432 1,066 261 48 3,517 3.9 688, 523 1.4 195.8 16,947 79.65 2,893 250,113 141 165 91 294 1,248 603 137 8 1 673 19,574 1,305 66,412 540 19,669 479 29,615 562 17,128 283 13,382 268 4,075 2,388 297,390 111 2,130 160 6,990 U5 6,685 195 7,605 406 16,789 157 11,632 402 18,485 3,392 160 262 407 871 1,692 50.9 873 873 213 321 2,644 236 427 205 450 120 505 400 870 190 190 425 95 50 17 4,711 5.2 368, 595 0.8 78.2 13,007 151.41 3,055 115,925 740 550 300 520 720 215 10 771 16,525 1,190 68,675 530 17,660 580 38,440 425 12,575 275 5,175 180 2,555 2,335 132,795 235 4,845 415 8,885 390 7,260 120 4,785 445 15,200 90 6,615 485 25,235 4,596 U5 685 1,071 1,525 1,170 46.2 4,255 280 595 3,380 1,275 2,050 3,465 456 150 291 4,618 5.1 401,818 0.8 87.0 12,181 120.62 2,790 120,464 496 435 330 567 715 230 17 682 12,687 1,118 58,406 475 16,120 417 29,086 421 13,200 253 9,580 241 3,836 2,552 165, 547 151 3,285 205 4,415 180 3,410 1,380 290 10,755 81 7,648 350 13,350 4,618 70.8 756 521 80 155 116 635 420 3,862 275 2,920 1,287 ,085 740 ,671 1,567 165 330 575 70O 260 295 445 530 75 100 115 75 275 195 45 80 47 0.1 25,835 0.1 549.7 144,773 221.12 it, 9,255 20 5 12 2 2 15 1,590 20 2,491 19 1,950 240 3 301 3 51 25 10,389 6 675 9 2,224 9 1,883 7 991 6 1,520 14 2,294 16 1 47 6 3 5 10 4 3 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Pnla are based on reports for only ft swnple of farms. (Fof dofinilions and explnnalions, Fconomic class Commercial farms F^RKIS BY COLOR AND TEMHE OF OPERAinR All farm operators; FuUoonas number... Part ownera number . . . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number . . , Share-cash tenanU number. . . Crof».share tenants number. , , Livestock.shaTe tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number... White farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number. . All tenants number . . Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. , Part owners number. . All tenants number. . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain farms number . . Tobacco farms number . . Cotton farms number. . (Xher field-crop farms number. . Vegetable farms number.. Fruit-and-nut farms number . . Poultry farr.3 number . . Dairy farms num.ber . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number. . Livestock ranches number . , General farms - number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES .AND KIND OF ROAD Drain combines lanr'S reporting . . number . . Com pickers tarms reporting. . number. . Pick-up balers fanns reporting . . number. . Field forage har%estefs farms reporting. . number.. \fetortrucks farms reporting. . number.. Tractors ^trms reporting.. number . . IVactors other than gartlen farms reporting. . number., 1 tractor larms reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors famis reporting. . 4 tractors farms reporting. . 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors f«™= reporting. . number.. crawler tractors farms reporting . . number. . Garden Iractors farms reporting . . number . , Automobiles farms reporting,. number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting. . Home freezer farms repcrUng . . Milking machine farms reportin-:. , Electric milk cooler farms reporting. . Crop drier (for erain, forage, or other cropsl farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting, . Farms by kind of roail on itfhich located: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. , 1 or more miles to a herd surface itjad farms reporting, . 1 mile farms reporting , . 2 or 3 miles falms reporting, , 4 miles farms reporting, , 5 or more miles farms reporting . . FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers fanris reporting. . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . persons . , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker ,' farms reporting . , 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. , 10 or more hii«d workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operatcrs reporting . . Not residing on farm operated operators repcrting . . Operators not reporting residence number . . See footnotes at end of table. 31,181 27,436 31,281 2,241 16,555 8,011 2,711 1,763 31,161 27,420 31,245 20 16 36 30,828 436 55 25 413 2,350 36,864 1,649 6,071 9,532 50,696 53,343 56,179 58,546 18,414 18,684 10,723 11,234 64,158 83,439 81,913 180,087 81,442 175,254 23,208 35,492 15,458 4,629 2,655 81,172 172,063 2,753 3,191 4,547 4,833 84,957 U0,317 88,237 72,552 57,007 15,513 3,980 3,634 50,400 9,177 59,892 20,046 3,524 16,522 2,466 4,475 1,399 8,182 10,903 17,072 5,844 8,509 4,543 872 293 34 52 79,721 6,979 3,523 24,423 26, 596 29, 555 1,726 16,235 7,561 2,656 1,377 24,403 26,580 29,529 30,828 436 55 25 413 2,350 36,864 1,649 8,071 156 49,375 51,963 54,654 57,004 18,039 18,297 10, 628 11,133 60,507 79,380 76,072 172,231 75,852 168,070 18,868 34,447 15,303 4,604 2,630 75,587 164, 958 2,700 3,112 3,911 4,161 76,978 100,717 79,813 65,571 52,838 15,228 3,950 3,596 49,075 7,468 54,157 18,301 2,949 15,352 2,149 4,200 1,299 7,704 10,753 16,686 5,809 8,331 4,528 862 291 83 45 72,034 5,892 2,921 790 1,976 864 89 276 213 232 54 790 1,967 358 56 28 2,910 246 92 7 1,974 2,292 2,259 2,536 1,281 1,363 1,699 1,896 3,476 7,804 3,632 14,832 3,630 14,499 134 785 978 742 991 3,623 13,833 542 666 291 333 3,642 6,426 3,715 3,575 3,105 415 131 469 2,668 468 2,403 797 100 697 101 197 49 350 2,276 5,123 1,859 3,605 1,093 462 195 74 35 3,138 441 162 1,743 4,072 3,178 194 1,448 340 560 136 1,743 4,065 3,168 10 30 206 5,319 282 486 40 5,360 6,341 6,342 6,541 2,652 2,676 2,446 2,536 8,025 12,903 3,732 25,572 8,716 24,395 634 3,287 2,749 1,277 769 8,693 24,302 500 593 630 677 8,794 12,662 8,962 8,291 7,193 1,762 521 946 6,593 999 6,069 1,841 252 1,589 163 425 159 842 2,967 4,392 1,887 2,422 1,565 244 59 9 10 8,138 572 323 4,974 8,772 8,997 402 5,342 2,148 851 254 4,969 8,772 8,987 5 10 9,222 5 47 864 10,297 371 1,811 20 15,612 16,459 16,749 17,586 6,003 6,057 3,614 3,734 19,110 24,946 22,121 53,214 22,035 51,973 3,286 10,600 6,111 1,532 556 22,029 51,237 655 736 1,229 1,241 22,203 29,527 22,676 19,893 16,846 5,848 1,749 1,474 16,093 2,073 15,833 4,673 723 3,955 562 1,024 314 2,055 3,420 4,358 1,422 1,569 1,298 102 22 20,835 1,237 736 NEBRASKA 35 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ar© basod on reports for only a sample of farms. See l«xt ] {For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic cldss— Continued Commercial farms— Continued Part-retirement FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number . . Part owners number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number . . Share-cash tenants nuniher . . Crof^share tenants nunilter . . Livestock- share tenants number . . Other and unspecifiod tenants number, , White farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number . . All tenants number . . Nonwhile farm operators: Full owners number. . Part owners number., All tenanlfi number. . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash'Crain farms , numlxr.. Tobacco farms , numtxT. , Cotton farms number . . Other neiil-rrop Farms , number . . Vegetable fanns numln^r . . Fruit-ond-nul farms number . . Poullry farms number.. DaiPr' fnxms. number . . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestoclk ranches number. . Livestock ranches numlier. . GenGTAl farms nunbor . . Miscellaneous and unrlassifiiid forms numtnY. . SPECIFIED EQriPMFJrr AND FAdLITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines • fanna reportinc. . number . . Com pickers farms reponint;.. number.. Pick-up balers farms repcrlmc , . numlior . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number.. Motortrucks farms roportinK' • number. . reporting.. numb«. . 9 report] np . , number . . reporting. , rcpurtinR. . roporting, . reporting. . reporting., rppirting. . number. . reporting. . nunilKT . . repiirtinc. . Automobiles... farms reporting. . number. . Vutomobiles and or motortrucks farms reporting ■- Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting.. Eleclric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for gram, fofHge, or other crops) farms reporting. . Power- op era ted eleval/ir, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Less than I mile to a hard surface load farms reporting. , 1 or more miles to a hard surface ideuI farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting. . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting , . 5 or more miles farms reporting . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms Regular hired woAers (emplt^ed 150 or more days) farms Tractors farms Tractors other than ganler 1 tractor farms 2 tractors farms .1 tractors farms 4 tractors fam\s 5 or more tractors farms Wheel tractors farms Oawler tractors farms Garden (ractors farms Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers reporting.. persons. , reporting. . persons. . reporting., reporting, reporting., reporting., reporting.. 7,835 8,276 10,351 537 6,210 2,450 674 460 7,825 8,276 10,351 U,306 7,023 3,085 5,124 421 2,547 1,554 299 303 7,018 3,085 5,124 105 15 30 20 5 5 40 80 577 453 10, 9U 6,118 306 335 3,171 2,042 31 15 17,167 7,513 17,763 7,818 18,990 8,874 19,656 9,105 5,684 2,108 5,735 2,155 2,140 679 2,207 710 19,225 9,050 22,018 9,982 25,224 13,740 51,206 23,511 25,128 13,680 49,994 22,909 6,788 6,455 13,194 5,674 4,092 1,248 831 212 223 91 25,025 13, 6U 49,259 22,583 677 275 735 326 1,123 547 1,212 602 25,248 U,061 31,405 17,156 26,265 U,878 21,109 10,691 16,820 7,505 5,359 1,735 1,243 291 565 121 16,048 6,736 1,994 1,602 18,110 9,651 6,U9 3,850 960 735 5,159 3,115 703 498 1,371 904 419 301 2,666 1,412 1,535 510 1,985 751 459 181 521 213 412 159 37 17 10 5 2,058 415 1,041 83 412 356 40 150 2,058 415 1,041 1,203 160 222 1,306 109 469 43 1,249 1,290 1,440 1,480 311 311 50 50 1,621 1,727 2,623 3,896 2,613 3,800 1,571 907 125 10 2,603 3,744 51 56 91 96 3,030 3,541 3,317 2,012 1,369 109 15 21 937 332 2,086 1,016 179 837 122 279 57 379 2,906 485 1,315 405 220 335 35 320 2,906 485 1,305 4,711 670 700 750 765 230 240 40 40 2,246 2,511 3,111 4,236 2,975 3,845 2,250 610 95 10 10 2,970 3,780 40 65 371 391 4,216 5,527 4,396 3,551 2,456 155 15 15 515 1,005 2,746 865 290 575 160 155 35 225 50 100 5 5 3,852 355 411 110 100 115 20 66 3,852 355 411 RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm oparaU>d operators reporting. Not residing on fann operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence. number. See footnotea at end of table. 23,884 1,700 901 13,074 1,602 587 2,965 340 212 3,641 740 330 4,618 637 662 766 766 126 126 45 45 1,385 1,445 2,709 3,474 2,594 3,209 2,084 430 60 15 5 2,594 3,199 10 10 255 265 3,747 4,022 4,007 3,409 1,699 115 10 20 795 680 2,971 880 285 595 157 120 65 253 4,033 330 255 U 18 9 U 19 21 10 16 20 103 21 146 21 130 6 5 10 21 126 3 4 10 16 16 51 21 21 14 15 5 3 15 24 18 20 191 15 153 13 17 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class Commercial farms USE OF rOMMERCUL FESTILIZER W.TI LPfE Commercial fertilizer and fenilirin? materials used durini; the year farms reporting. . acres on which used., tons.. Dr>' materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. CnDps on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) fanris reporting.. acres . . IM' materials farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting. . tons.. Com farms reporting . . acres . . f^' materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid matenals farms reporting. . tons.. Wheat .farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Oats .farms reporting.. acres . . Dry matenals farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. All other crops farms reporting . . acres . . Dry matenals farms reporting. . tons . . Liquid matenals farms reporting. . tons . . Lime or liming materials useo during the year farms rep. .. .farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,000 forms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting . . dollars . . Under $200 farms reporting . . $200 to $999 farms reporting . . $1,000 or more farms reporting . . Hired labor, farms repcrtipg , , dollars.. Under $200. farms reporting . . $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $5(X) to S999 farms reporting . . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting . . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting . . $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or mxe farms repvting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting., dollars . . Under $100 farms repcrting . . $100 to $499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting , . $1,000 or more farms reporting . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100to$499 farms reporting , . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 or more. farms reporting . . See footnoies at end of table. 11,956 765, 154 53,598 8,575 34,262 5,103 19,336 1,063 23,784 945 1,511 138 239 503 8,482 423 568 85 193 9,160 509,661 5,548 20,172 4,446 15,806 3,808 107,949 3,064 5,803 814 1,114 2,044 44,084 1,818 2,693 236 220 2,416 71,194 1,545 3,515 981 1,764 384 10,150 16,956 26,482 23,756 24,060,307 1,491 13,803 4,650 3,402 410 19,202 17,426,647 U,472 2,606 1,459 590 75 17,080 4,806,821 8,032 8,595 453 11,908 2,816,U1 7,687 2,7% 928 418 73 6 18,959 3,313,769 4,802 13,658 473 26 26,325 16,463,279 434 9,822 12,141 3,866 62 4,302 191,372 12,671 3,252 9,053 1,423 3,618 327 6,450 307 511 20 13 116 2,615 91 138 25 21 3,044 124,719 2,084 5,368 1,153 2,913 1,392 29,245 1,137 1,588 280 321 576 9,460 536 597 45 54 751 18,883 521 851 245 296 195 3,630 6,386 15,260 12,638 8,240,059 1,422 8,470 1,864 824 58 9,683 5,198,844 8,328 887 361 105 2 8,977 2,054,065 5,009 3,831 137 5,186 1,CX37,322 3,851 928 232 143 22 10 10, 179 1,272,615 4,851 5,180 126 22 15,046 6,311,325 1,209 8,726 4,318 792 1 490 16,842 1,103 414 856 96 247 17 217 17 12 15 115 10 4 5 1 347 11,625 287 606 70 186 131 2,630 95 99 36 46 65 1,U0 65 74 65 1,115 55 61 15 14 16 420 705 3,509 2,627 992,815 594 1,820 178 35 1,835 522,374 1,703 112 20 1,496 259,525 1,089 387 20 671 73,045 574 72 18 6 1 1,983 205,622 1,283 664 20 16 3,393 948,453 802 2,009 526 56 610 14,865 1,404 485 1,122 150 282 55 510 50 49 5 6 60 715 40 37 20 17 330 6,850 250 679 100 172 160 2,945 125 167 35 35 25 260 25 32 130 3,585 100 158 30 52 25 430 830 4,616 3,351 1,183,995 681 2,445 215 10 2,285 759,065 2,105 155 15 10 1,555 232,725 1,090 455 10 715 90,255 600 65 40 5 5 1,965 137,855 1,590 345 25 5 4,296 579,080 2,395 1,706 175 20 416 10,974 949 296 643 140 306 61 554 41 40 20 8 30 550 25 26 5 2 230 6,220 145 322 100 241 95 1,290 75 109 20 20 70 855 65 84 10 4 65 1,505 50 62 15 31 15 215 480 4,473 3,225 968,350 926 2,144 135 20 2,197 454,138 2,086 96 15 1,667 251,495 1,261 401 5 882 83,295 777 75 25 5 1,831 117,752 . 1,556 250 25 4,082 495,960 2,368 1,609 100 5 21 3,326 366 21 325 2 41 4 179 3 11 1 1 1 110 1 26 18 1,610 17 184 2 18 3 155 3 10 1 21 1 1 9 1,251 9 93 1 22 2 491 225 31 20 409,582 10 144,576 3 19 22,662 21 437,282 5 1 6 2 19 17,580 5 5 1 21 33,541 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products soli] total, dollars.. average per farm, dollars . , All ciDps sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fuiits and nuts, sold dollars. Vefietables sold dollars . . Ftuits and nuts sold dollars . , Forest producLs and horticultural specialty ptxxlucts sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultrv and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock product*, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVESTtXTv AND Lr\-ESTOCK PSODIICTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting,. number . . Milk cows farms reporting.. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 heax) farms reporting . , 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. S to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head. farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . 500 or nwre head. farms reporting . , Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head. farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms report! ng . . 30to49head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head. farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head famr.s reporting, , 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head. farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head fanr.s reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head. farms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and/or mules farms reporting . . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting . . number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting . . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over fanrs reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting . . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting . . number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars . . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number, . ■ dollars . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds . . dol Inrs . . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens . . dollars.. See footnotes at end of t^ble. 1,199,223,371 13,292 394,382,758 390,703,915 621,578 458, 188 2,599,077 804,845,613 27,690,457 39,876,414 737,278,742 76,374 4,990,448 68,453 1,743,323 49,719 321,727 67,360 1,481,078 68,503 1,766,047 709 3,546 5,410 12,643 27,817 15,652 9,611 986 3,487 24,892 17,885 8,353 6,589 3,087 1,355 2,805 8,149 31,769 7,542 1,401 670 L36 44 23,473 65,936 52,842 3,329,976 36,435 1,594,752 44,665 1,735,224 7,414 756,590 5,482 454,740 6,554 301,850 6,428 287,679 4,660 14, 171 64,983 10,758,298 73,534 3, 137, 997 605,990,193 51,849 3,732,421 115,705,051 6,562 813,439 13,015,024 39,199 1,498,318,267 39,876,414 44,184 2,365,494 53, 838 91,841,474 21,123,539 Economic class Commercial farms 1,187,825,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,911,349 437,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,668 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,8« 64,520 1,749,985 488 2,321 3,740 11,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29,514 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 7 22,098 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602, 867, 870 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 38,857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 357,681,443 95,611 40,990,166 39,864,631 12,090 5,172 1,108,273 316,691,277 4,889,738 2,393,624 309,407,915 3,493 1,404,760 2,231 331,485 1,680 12,059 2,689 420,767 3,162 652,508 11 44 39 23 194 544 1,851 787 236 608 145 112 142 155 108 725 406 1,043 UO 28 41 28 19 5 1,940 13,189 1,975 226,119 1,319 113,607 1,626 112,512 384 276,610 285 244,464 271 32,146 265 31,136 188 1,010 2,122 514,368 3,532 1,305,029 292,250,531 1,985 325,864 10,101,784 346 400,078 6,401,248 855 71,754,524 2,393,624 1,281 609,717 1,483 4,997,395 1,149,402 244,857,684 27, 107 86,733,509 85,585,834 23, 510 194, 519 929,646 158,124,175 3,336,770 5,750,280 149,037,125 8,158 939,129 6,240 305,247 4,448 32,604 6,641 234,634 7,289 349,248 49 195 180 351 1,545 2,672 2,996 170 484 1,572 946 535 808 601 287 1,007 985 2,529 533 187 139 57 16 2 3,549 11,287 5,296 515,658 3,857 257,479 4,628 258, 179 791 122,288 581 72,821 695 49,467 672 46,895 528 2,572 6,019 1,133,438 8,282 643,188 125,692,467 5,402 662,095 20,524,945 799 146,918 2,270,688 2,948 184,007,577 5,750,280 3,977 202,663 4,563 10,686,993 2,458,009 321,151,775 14,081 143,802,860 143,376,256 93,329 79,536 253,739 177,348,915 7,226,404 15,485,749 154,636,762 20,322 1,274,601 18,331 506,398 13,571 104,807 18,296 371,698 18,788 396,505 165 442 664 2,062 7,371 6,231 3,365 22 820 4,726 4,476 2,816 2,687 1,290 636 380 2,117 7,822 2,462 697 428 44 1 6,952 16,629 14,801 1,137,516 10,624 540,425 13,104 597,091 1,939 159,525 1,551 69,726 1,773 89,799 1,729 85,942 1,347 3,857 16,743 3,092,359 20,127 648,092 110,435,239 U,389 1,340,821 41,565,451 1,786 127,495 2,039,920 10,867 540, 633, 562 15,485,749 11,781 541, 281 13,933 28,180,081 6,481,412 NEBRASKA 39 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refxirts for only a sample of Fanns. See text] (For dcrinilionp nnd pxplnnntions, soe tcxtl Eonnofnir class— Continued Commepcial Tanns-Ojnti nued Part-retirement ESTIMATCD V\H'E OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCF. All (afm pfoduCtS sold l«tal. dollnrs . . . avcrafic per fatm, dollars . . . All crops sold dollafs,.. Field crops, other than vcpotahlcs and fruits and nuts, sold ,.,, dollars... \ CReUbles sold dollars . . . FruiL-" and nuts sold • • > • dollars . . . Forest produclji and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . . . \11 livestock and livestock ffoducts sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.., Dairy product sold dollars.., Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms roportme . . numb<"r. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms repcTtinp. . number. . Milk cows farms rpportinp . . number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reportinjr . . number . . Steers and bulls includint; steer and bull calves farms reportinjj. . number.. Farms reportine by nun.ber on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting.. ■J to 4 head farm? reporting.. SloOhead. farms reporting , . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. .SO to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. ^ 500 or mot» head farms reporting.. Cows including heifers that have calvod- Ihead farms reporting . . 2 lo 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. .W lo 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms repxling . . 75 U) 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. ^0 (o 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head. farms reporting.. 75 lo 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/or mules farms reporting . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number,. Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . number . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . . number.. Fwes farms reporting . . number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . . number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: CaUle and calves sold alive farms reporting., number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number,. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number,. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds . , dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting , dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 198,660,5a; 7,501 90,415,720 89,901,863 248,706 88,077 177,074 108,244,864 7,436,050 11,048,064 89,760,750 23,362 919,221 22,109 395,447 16,349 106,686 21,560 269,124 21,832 254,650 117 693 1,165 4,171 U,283 4,720 1,209 4 683 7,317 7,291 3,342 2,174 857 276 169 2,173 10,603 3,079 427 61 6 5,892 12,522 17,338 996,037 11,993 460,965 14, 856 535,072 2,192 123,104 1,601 39,885 2,021 83,219 1,994 78,694 1,399 4,525 20, 593 3,479,862 22,762 377,653 56,103,660 17,238 1,024,476 31,758,756 1,945 90,389 1,446,224 13,738 470,131,497 11,048,064 U,972 605,133 17,847 29,219,463 6,720,480 59,742,730 3,914 26,038,194 25,847,964 105,874 48,720 35,636 33,704,536 3, 137, 572 3,705,505 26,861,459 12,733 349,784 12,072 158,383 8,557 47,270 11,409 102,701 U,398 88,700 105 642 1,134 3,423 5,789 1,457 182 1 447 5,465 3,746 1,415 753 183 42 21 1,234 6,047 1,213 62 1 3,115 6,938 8,700 347,265 5,683 166,812 7,027 180,453 1,076 45,085 771 15,675 963 29,410 948 28,258 655 1,152 11,301 1,623,917 12,023 127,142 16,919,185 8,265 298,277 9,246,587 869 32,208 515,328 7,185 169,226,668 3,705,505 7,600 259,077 9,599 12,402,705 2,852,621 5,731,525 1,630 2,381,540 2,334,801 3,750 3,479 39,510 3,349,985 454,615 474,717 2,420,653 2,631 38,173 2,481 17,877 1,808 7,576 2,321 11,922 2,051 8,374 41 305 558 1,012 709 6 101 1,739 586 45 10 253 1,470 85 650 1,814 1,732 47,045 969 21,357 1,359 25,688 232 5,949 170 1,630 192 4,319 191 3,960 156 359 2,423 281,214 2,252 12,447 1,466,788 1,525 28,138 872,278 182 3,336 53,376 1,391 23,475,481 474,717 1,432 41,248 1,953 1,736,668 399,437 5,013,759 1,0&4 1,914,915 1,862,844 19,060 10, 761 22,250 3,098,844 367,211 285,130 2,446,503 2,805 29,125 2,320 11,895 1,600 4,710 2,170 9,655 1,930 7,575 155 635 885 685 435 10 460 1,535 280 30 15 535 1,030 35 755 1,920 1,835 33,585 1,255 20,460 1,275 13,125 545 17,380 405 7,500 4«0 9,880 455 9,355 285 525 5,142,237 1,114 1,867,298 1,793,273 U,425 27,405 32,195 3,274,9j9 724,00; 355,640 2,195,294 2,849 31,964 2,648 15,464 1,685 5,135 2,254 9,460 2,038 7,040 65 590 785 9U 491 7 255 1,925 410 58 440 1,220 25 610 1,596 1,150 23,285 720 10,995 780 12,290 202 5,404 116 2,081 177 3,323 172 3,163 100 160 2,435 3,328 14 230,995 376, 526 25,619 2,180 2,356 20 10,925 U,977 1,544 1,318,880 1,492,317 311,126 1,510 1,020 15 27,690 19,240 5,820 858,390 596,440 180,420 460 172 3 12,745 4,297 973 203,920 68,752 15,568 990 1,210 15 13,332,600 16,695,723 9,060,635 285,130 355,640 377,705 1,096 2,031 34,492 62,698 9,185 1,625 2,821 U 1,390,555 2,862,805 3&v,809 319,829 658,442 83,907 1,246,634 26,524 238,556 136,449 100,834 519 754 1,008,078 118,092 377,705 512,281 21 3,691 21 1,127 21 880 20 1,117 15 1,447 10 41 15 3,466 15 2,652 10 814 3 1,245 2 958 2 287 2 276 2 11 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued (Daw are based on reports For only a sample of faims. See t«xtj (For definitions and explanations, see text) LUT.^TOr:< iND LINE.'WICK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, lo NovemlKr 30, 1959 f"-"'-" 'eooitmL-. . number of litters.. 1 or ■: litters fninis reportinc. .1 toEl litters farms reportine.. 10 lo 19 litters farms reportini!.. 20 to .W liners ^'^^"^ reporting.. 40 lo 69 litters fsms reporting.. 70ornx?re litters fanns reporting.. June-: to No\emIier .W fam-.s reporting.. number of I liters.. December 1 lo June 1 farms reporting.. num.ber of litters.. SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes. . f'nder 11 acres,. ,. 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres. . Harvested for grain . . . . ; reporting., acres . . ; reporting. . Farms reporting.. 'arms reportini;. . arms reporting., aniis reporting., 'arms reporting., arms reporting . . acres . . bushels.. galeg farms reporting.. bushel 5 . , Sorghtims for all purposes except sirup .. .farms reportliig.. acres. . Harvested for grain. or seed farms reporting, , acres., bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels., Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Ifye harvested farms reporting . . acres., bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Scybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . bushels.. Hay crtjps: Land from which hay was cut acres. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . acres. . tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons.. Clover, tlmo'thy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. , acres, , tons, , Sales farms reporting, . tons, , Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting, acres, , tons. Sales farms reporting , tons. Wild hay cut farms reporting, acres, tons. Sales farms reporting, tons. Other hay cut farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms repotting. acres, tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 4^,749 606, 106 4,766 15,500 14,278 8,519 1,418 268 31,049 229,333 38,954 376,773 71,551 6,742,064 2,053 4,036 11,001 14,876 11,940 27,645 70, 3U 6,502,604 313,979,429 52,039 184,100,316 36,022 1,563,391 32,022 1,401,506 60,661,488 22,334 40,361,098 46,672 3,015,580 65,629,741 45,803 61,869,226 39,187 1,279,666 31,700,324 11,638 6,763,004 U,190 314,414 6,948,767 4,197 2,723,071 5,300 153,358 2,066,554 3,787 1,608,533 5,237 U2,348 3,425,854 4,699,854 60,209 1,742,351 3,884,792 13,080 810,941 3,320 102, 679 123,675 242 7,402 3,179 72,006 68,271 125 3,784 21,159 2,685,196 1,951,397 2,990 Ul,372 3,414 75,621 77,155 174 4,478 838 22,001 118,643 Economic class Commercial farms 42,724 596,936 3,9U 14,555 14,078 8,498 1,«17 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371, 575 67, 993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14,520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,683 1,539,726 30,828 1,380,714 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38,114 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6)680,589 10,972 310, 979 6,894,931 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,644 57,480 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,068 71,041 66,816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 821 21,571 114,233 1,522 40,843 97 229 390 489 234 83 1,078 15,303 1,329 25,540 2,869 562,621 25 56 177 200 226 2,185 2,709 507,954 32,352,956 1,425 14,950,788 1,195 101,242 824 80, U7 4,225,494 500 2,767,676 1,423 283,663 7,072,793 1,406 6,685,670 1,282 65,479 2,036,590 305 309,080 514 31,435 795,948 168 321,823 200 12,076 177,947 163 153,992 220 9,461 250,322 1,156,551 2,669 188,212 520,443 493 145,238 164 30,015 33, 195 3 480 227 9,738 12,560 4 340 1,063 907,613 697, 174 82 9,442 168 12,151 13,130 6 544 207 8,822 52,309 4,561 94, 529 299 940 1,342 1,447 436 97 3,385 36, 573 4,064 57,956 7,572 1,088,897 48 188 532 716 846 5,242 7,394 1,040,774 61,683,403 5,326 38, 582, 546 3,707 246,315 3,138 220,070 11,057,743. 2,203 7,862,221 4,940 586, 530 14,204,268 4,895 13,523,539 3,749 153,016 4,658,871 1,087 928, 597 1,486 61,751 1,440,102 497 577,587 617 24,588 374, 520 507 320,098 647 22,553 586,047 859,864 6,540 266,628 662,977 1,669 160,922 293 U,084 16,727 29 1,080 438 15,043 15,119 25 730 2,215 545,561 391,195 295 33,447 345 12,512 U,009 22 392 212 5,836 27,099 NEBRASKA 41 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I Data ore based on reports for only a sample of famia. See textj (For definilions and explanations, see lexl) Economic class— Continued Commercial farms— Continued Part-retirement LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conli noed Littefs fatrowed December 1. 1958, 10 Novembet 30, 1959 farms reportinfi. numlier of liucrs. , 1 or 2 lilterg farms renortint!.. .1 too littefs fi»rms reoortinc.. 10 to 19 litters farms renortini;., 20 to ^9 litters farms reoorting.. « tofil) litt^s farms rpnortinc. 70 or more litters farms renorting.. June 2 to Movemher .10 farms reportinf;.. number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms renorting.. number of litters. SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fnrms reportinE. acres . Under 11 acres .. 11 to 24 acres. . . '2h to 49 acres . . . 50 to 74 acres . , . 75 to 99 acres . , . 100 or more acres Harvested for pram . , arms rcrwrting.. 'arms ronortinR. . "arms reporting., "arms reporting., 'aims reporting., 'anus reporting., "arms reporting.. acl«s.. bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Sorghums for all purposes except sirup ... farms reporting.. acres.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . acres. . bushels.. Sales farnis reportlj^.. bushels.. Wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres., bushels.. Sales farms reporting, . bushels.-. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting, . acres. , bushels,. Sales farms reporting. , bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres, . bushels. . Sales farms reporting,. bushels, , Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels, , Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Soybeans harvested for beans f anns reporting. . acres, , btishels, , Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres, , Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting, , acres, . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres., tons,. Sales farms reporting. , tons,. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hey farms reporting,. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons, . Wild hay cut farms reporting, , acres. . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons. , Otlier hay out farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres. . tons, green weight. . See footnotes at end of table. 15,102 179,825 1,355 5,571 5,528 2,*78 160 10 10,472 67,112 13,404 U2,713 23,232 1,933,328 268 889 3,209 6,152 5,194 7,520 22,927 1,886,505 78,768,808 17,747 45,233,684 12,057 459,577 U,068 419,048 16,297,509 7,786 10,383,107 15,427 743,545 U, 694, 364 15,216 13,783,322 13,977 438,648 10,067,450 4,448 2,277,926 3,601 76,288 1,592,861 1,399 535,066 1,754 44,127 559,861 1,200 425,284 1,890 43,505 990,040 19,600 488,379 991,103 4,108 164,360 7,199 62,557 962 3,708 2,032 467 30 4,632 24,448 5,964 38,109 12,165 720,429 310 1,069 3,508 3,939 1,936 1,403 U,993 701,960 25,002,695 8,432 12,360,325 6,092 159,944 5,532 153,693 5,177,969 3,450 3,028,603 8,098 273,085 4,737,138 7,828 4,325,590 6,882 165,914 3,294,345 1,728 625,830 1,544 28,324 521,592 539 169,972 841 17,934 206,005 536 137,792 715 12,505 271,180 393,481 9,977 199,701 380,509 1,666 57,703 1,131 601 85 19,725 8,415 850 26,612 11,280 1,300 110 35 1,735 410 896 472 77 16,489 7,471 1,202 13,038 5,360 875 17 11 5 335 166 50 7,038 3,893 669 389,992 168,724 26,619 274,024 118,480 15,412 1,037 517 83 32,693 14,220 2,080 1,165 594 70 18,741 8,670 945 18,261 8,120 790 42 30 5 811 445 225 127 35 10 1,964 500 275 8,274 2,750 1,610 1,267 8,414 283 702 252 25 5 751 3,049 995 5,365 2,332 106,521 155 325 911 640 190 lU 2,311 103,360 3,057,755 1,440 1,168,105 924 17,767 823 16,102 460,220 491 243,240 1,300 31,044 407,502 1,215 343,462 1,269 28,890 497,230 315 93,975 159 2,285 37,140 44 14,675 141 1,940 21,665 81 12,665 75 995 18,615 59,581 1,834 29,690 48,235 279 5,955 1,205 4,790 555 535 110 5 800 2,300 770 2,490 1,840 42,940 640 440 535 195 15 15 1,790 41,210 1,451,505 1,095 781,475 756 11,945 666 10,670 349,900 420 224,280 1,010 20,130 320,435 965 297,015 405 5,260 98,675 105 22,620 100 2,120 30,915 55 18,225 90 1,775 23,005 60 17,350 45 1,105 16,480 815 3,955 300 410 90 15 470 1,460 570 2,495 1,683 44,376 421 481 590 155 30 5 1,543 42,951 1,351,367 1,047 763,412 555 10,330 515 9,415 278,535 355 211,690 1,031 23,122 410,905 976 316,780 650 9,555 172,150 240 57,445 111 1,148 19,146 61 11,631 71 2,U5 19,350 51 13,475 20 290 5,655 28,272 1,296 1,412 17,128 17,055 38,846 29,359 320 316 11,125 7,181 55 66 1,670 345 1,700 540 5 90 41 70 330 635 190 1,265 10 1,000 330 458 8,535 8,965 6,660 5,865 80 90 2,510 1,775 65 96 685 1,222 970 1,152 15 5 215 725 5 5 40 50 500 500 5 425 1 1 3 5 212 5 213 35 2,758 10 10 6 9 35 2,398 129,042 15 22,250 18 1,390 13 707 37,083 6 5,521 10 937 25,443 10 25,061 18 340 11,200 7 2,350 7 167 3,775 6 3,075 1 5 100 2 49 1,075 21 1,124 2,843 6 75 3 539 639 291 320 7 340 3,360 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t^xtj Total all fajms Economic class Hem {For Hennilions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms Total Class 1 Class 11 Class III SPEanED CROPS HUtVESrED-Cominued Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting, . , acres^, , bushels... Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting... acres. . . tons... Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars. . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . , acres, ,. 8,695 14,986 4,584,905 1,636 59,631 1,006,089 833 621,578 2,995 3,745 7,942 14,647 4,527,575 1,635 59,596 1,005,429 639 487,259 2,572 3,247 286 4,747 1,706,594 243 15,349 263,439 23 12,090 95 112 801 5,602 1,895,798 538 a, 885 383,644 72 23,510 291 683 2,050 3,299 700,633 588 17,376 288,486 179 93,329 646 815 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Doee not include acreage for farms with less than 20 tiuehels harvested. ^Does not include data for fannE with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NEBRASKA 43 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY PX'ONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ore based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj Economic class-Continued (For dpRnitions and explanations, ee* t«xl) Commercial fanns-CoRliniied Other rams OasslV nass V aassVI Part-Ume Pait.re^remen( Vbnofmal SPEaFTED CROPS HARVESTEIKContinued Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . . acres*.. IniBhels. . . Sugar beets harvested for sugar fanuE reporting... acres... tans.. . Vegetahles harvested for sale farms reportlj^. . . 2,892 654 U7,977 230 4,580 6-1,870 189 248,706 924 845 1,537 326 82,258 36 406 4,990 151 105,124 486 694 376 19 4,315 25 4,500 130 98 305 57 6,550 125 19,060 205 218 431 148 15,130 55 14,425 210 257 17 134 34,650 1 35 660 14 100,834 8 23 Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and acres. . . 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 5 .—Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sajnple of raims. See t«xtj (For definilions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms mimber.. Percent di stribution percent . . Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution percent . . Verage si Ee or rarm acres . . Value of land and bujldint^: Average per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting . . acres . . 1 to 9 aci^s farrns reporting . . 10 U) 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 lo 99 acres fanns reporting . . 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting . . 900 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1.000 or more acres farms rep«tmg . - Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Ciopland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not wtxxlland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms rer«>rting . . acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres . . Land use practices; Cropland in cover crops farms refiorting. . acres. . Cropland used for grain or row crt>ps farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres . . Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil.eiO0ion control farms reporting. . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25I0 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years numlier . . 45 to 54 years number . , 55 to 64 years number . . 65 cr more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INOOME Farm ofwrators- Wcwking off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporung . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operator? reptrling . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income fron sources other than farm Gfierated and off-farm work operaixirs reporting . . With other incone of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reputing . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to wrrk off their farms operatcrs reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operates reporting . . With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operalrrs reporting . . With other income of fainily exceeding value of agricultural pioducts sold operators reporting. , FAR116 BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 1 39 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1 ,000 to 1 ,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number. See feoliwles at end of table. 80,847 XXX 46,978,575 XXX 581.1 51,032 87.50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358,588 18,559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247,188 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19,011 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,583 4,723 7,883 2,883 60,167 6,477 13,033 597 1,430 569 2,650 3,022 12,440 5,622 9,160 26,203 11,128 4,804 3,222 30,828 100.0 12,650,103 100.0 410.3 53,574 129.25 30,828 7,182,647 5 25 35 267 2,969 11,982 14,026 1,361 158 8,795 321,181 17,502 1,940,908 12,607 1,581,236 4,559 166,386 5,137 193,286 1,928 76,631 2,742 58,347 19,863 2,533,025 1,885 67,988 9,219 1,044,639 9,206 1,025,929 2,205 70,780 7,402 714,557 1,936 620,546 7,325 817,370 30,506 1,012 5,113 7,225 8,167 6,677 2,312 46.6 9,395 6,917 1,049 1,429 2,199 3,677 1,169 21,433 2,410 5,098 121 165 1,040 1,170 4,675 2,176 3,830 11,247 4,555 1,475 374 383 1.2 680,562 5.4 1,776.9 207,006 121.84 383 334,128 16 86 163 118 113 9,477 272 171,030 228 153,818 30 6,576 94 10,636 23 3,411 27 1,768 259 140,602 28 3,188 242 72,443 241 70,372 U 940 37 9,765 67 78,412 85 22,779 379 5 69 150 90 54 11 43.3 96 73 6 17 12 53 5 287 19 102 26 140 2,534 8.2 2,082,804 16.5 821.9 108,137 130.32 2,534 1,119,774 1,691 723 35 709 47,076 1,591 388,698 1,333 343,015 324 19,419 411 26,264 115 11,358 234 8,131 1,572 436, 505 192 11,513 1,616 297,887 1,615 292,197 159 6,468 466 72,245 256 173,626 662 120,890 2,516 50 525 823 654 375 89 43.8 642 549 35 58 92 265 27 1,892 157 528 25 20 90 955 780 493 166 9,222 29.9 4,600,290 36.4 498.8 67,588 133.71 9,222 2,625,101 50 1,914 6,833 421 4 2,775 107,594 5,605 725,754 4,469 611 ,885 1,211 48,734 1,540 65,135 459 18,681 769 19,482 5,959 919,123 660 24,303 4,181 451,256 4,180 443,740 643 22,302 2,265 267,747 599 205,697 2,376 237,831 9,126 268 1,707 2,767 2,577 1,433 374 44.3 2,579 2,155 209 215 571 1,071 140 6,643 S28 1,467 30 40 445 395 1,080 4,320 2,145 692 70 11,306 36.7 3,668,597 29.0 324.5 41,780 127.96 11,306 2,184,350 545 6,030 4,688 42 1 3,416 111,950 6,163 445,209 4,324 334,156 1,808 60,276 1,793 50,777 768 22,859 1,0U 18,335 7,520 716,736 700 20,769 2,488 183,033 2,483 180,585 828 27,860 2,909 251,741 634 114,035 2,792 277,007 11,178 302 1,873 2,451 3,143 2,540 869 47.1 3,356 2,473 407 476 780 1,212 330 7,950 934 1,833 15 135 355 1,870 1,126 1,965 4,461 1,180 161 13 6,180 20.0 1,423,178 11.3 230.3 28,294 122.09 6,180 810,609 10 107 1,820 3,550 687 6 1,551 40,959 3,309 185,710 2,161 125,450 1,041 27,046 1,035 33,214 473 15,777 583 9,241 3,857 280,416 270 7,735 632 36,595 627 35,610 491 11,705 1,549 105,850 303 42,249 1,264 100,948 6,139 287 812 912 1,396 1,763 969 50.3 2,324 1,269 392 663 638 930 3,856 421 1,053 61 85 585 625 1,935 550 630 1,370 295 42 2 NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5 .—Cash-grain farms (Dkta arfi b&sed on reports for only a sample of farms. See Icvt ] 45 (For (lt^finition~; Bnd explanntinns, TotA] all oommercjal fums Eoonoinic class KARVe BY COIOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All lam operators; lull .rniKT- numlw... P^rt nun tenants numlier . . , Otiior and unsp<>rifin(i l<*nant£ number,., White farm operat^st Full owners number, .. Pari osvners number . . . All tenants number. ., Nonwhite farm operators Full owners numbiY. ., Part owners number,,. All tenants number , . , .SPFXIFIED FflUIPMENT AND FACn.ITTF,S AND KCTD OF ROAD (train combines famis re|«»tinf . , . numb\plftnatic Total all commercial fa/ms Eoonomic dasa USE OF COMMERCIAL FKHTTLIZEIi AND LME Comnierrial fertilizcf aad fcrtiluinc materials useO durinc the jear. fanr.s rcportinp. acres on which used , tons. Drt malefials Tatms reporting.. tons. Liquid mat.Tials Farros reporting., tons.. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture. faniis reporting.. acres.. Dry materials Tanns reportint;. . tons. Liquid materials farms rvportin^. ums.. Other pasture (not cropland) Tanns reporting . . acres.. Dr>' materials ■ farms reporting . . torts.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Com /aims rY>pcrting.. Dry materials fan>.s reporting.. t«is.. Liquid materials farms reporting , , flbeat /amis reiwrting.. acres. . Dry materials farms rt>poning,. Liquid materials farms ivpcrting., tons., Oats Jainis rcpcftin^. , Oy materials fam,.s reporting., Irtis., Liquid materials farms reporting. , tons.. All other crops farms reporting,. acres. , Dry materials farms reporting.. tons , , Liquid materials farms rerxvtine.. tons.. Lime or liming materials used durini? the year farms reporting.. acres limed. . SPEQFIED FARM EXPENDITORES Any of the following specified oxponditures farms Feed for livestock and pmillry fams Under !i;iOO $100 to $999 $1,000 to Sl,999 . $2,000 to $4,999 . 55,000 or more... Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under $1,000 ... . $1,000 to $2,499 . S2,500 to $4,999 . $5,000 to 59,999 . $10,000 or more . . Machine hire. . Under $200 $200 to$999.... $1,000 or more.. Under S200 S200to$199 $500to$999 $1,000 to $2,499... $2,500 to $4,999 ... $5,000 to $9,999 . . . $10,000 to $19,999 . $20,000 to $49,999 . $50,000 or more .... Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees.. Under $100 $100 to $499. . . , $500 to $999. . . , $1,000 or more.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under JlOO Sl(« to $499 S500 to $999 $1,000 to $4,999. $5,000 or n«re... reporting, reporting., dollajs., reporti ng , reporti nf; . , rcpcclinfl. reporting . reporting. , reporting., ifollars., reporting. , reporting., reporting . , reporting., reporting. , reporting. , dollars, reporting., renorting. , reporting., reporting., dollars., reporting., reporting., reporting., reportine., reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting,, s r(?porting., s reporting., dollars,, 5 reporting., 5 reporting. , s reporting,, s reporting., s reporting. , dollars., reporting., reporting. , reporting. , reporting., reporti ng. , 39,265 3,864,632 291,723 27,366 156,999 19,810 134,72i 4,4S1 139,355 3,983 9,867 605 1,679 1,759 i6,021 1,410 2,831 366 705 31,943 2,606,830 18,220 95,324 17,919 110,695 12,749 487,330 9,274 20,337 3,777 7,944 6,341 154,984 5,559 9,769 835 1,199 10,038 430,112 5,853 18,871 4,812 12,502 1,530 40,730 74,023 80,833 71,512 152,423,684 4,365 35,023 13,090 12,883 6,151 58,336 288,808,464 X,904 7,169 5,431 4,875 5,957 51,625 19,895,843 21,778 26,055 3,792 42,557 33,210,496 20,463 9,175 4,825 4,721 2,235 799 254 71 W 56,416 13,552,425 U,268 36,811 4,233 1,104 80,245 62,440,243 2,642 25,483 31,220 20,571 329 17,108 1,965,863 141,960 10,643 64,251 10,275 77,709 1,008 23,371 832 1,628 199 408 587 11,361 440 607 147 145 14,511 1,356,269 7,146 42,391 9,354 63,753 7,183 304,833 4,871 11,087 2,489 5,204 1,802 38,826 1,507 2,300 312 298 5,046 231,203 2,226 6,238 3,112 7,901 556 14,680 27,105 30,828 23,600 18,585,898 2,537 15,040 3,496 2,258 269 18,671 19,570,898 1^,384 2,103 1,201 745 238 20,874 9,578,498 7,267 11,517 2,090 15,963 8,137,847 8,356 3,594 1,764 1,552 535 135 21 6 21,624 5,423,074 4,768 14,462 1,993 401 30,654 24,189,381 49* 9,812 12,105 8,179 64 291 122,686 10,508 168 3,380 236 7,128 22 1,075 15 32 9 33 6 141 5 5 1 (Z) 271 79,361 130 2,420 223 5,769 142 23,101 76 525 78 517 21 994 U 65 7 12 145 18,014 53 333 no 797 5 150 385 383 301 791,096 13 110 58 71 49 245 2,138,894 59 33 22 49 82 285 610,827 36 92 157 366 1,431,008 19 22 23 87 121 68 20 6 280 313,359 22 47 88 123 383 1,063,101 1 6 28 313 35 2,009 458,843 34,901 1,201 14,542 1,499 20,359 188 5,392 133 366 55 141 68 1,535 58 122 10 9 1,880 320,613 897 10,528 1,410 16,570 974 65,984 498 1,696 493 1,357 183 5,002 141 285 42 31 820 60,317 298 1,545 590 2,251 71 1,830 3,450 2,534 2,028 2,973,000 122 904 393 531 78 1,657 5,023,907 814 201 233 293 116 1,849 1,658,272 259 1,018 572 2,212 2,544,148 348 479 456 640 241 47 1 1,843 936,917 127 818 759 139 2,529 3,836,752 2 103 524 1,884 16 6,426 826,992 57,910 3,523 22,898 4,687 35,012 436 9,189 357 724 95 166 278 5,455 197 274 81 45 5,806 579,431 2,343 U,903 4,392 28,863 2,829 124,615 1,780 4,362 1,127 2,237 627 13,413 4«6 750 158 169 2,176 94,889 775 1,885 1,537 3,532 210 5,770 U,065 9,222 7,301 6,948,009 446 4,391 1,366 1,016 82 5,806 7,199,324 3,942 889 640 295 40 6,507 3,424,665 1,826 3,737 944 5,801 2,591,188 2,737 1,489 794 634 137 10 6,392 1,996,845 687 4,729 870 106 9,180 8,960,677 20 1,173 4,115 3,860 12 5,975 443,328 31,217 4,027 18,348 2,965 12,869 272 6,330 237 368 40 68 200 3,655 155 175 45 85 4,810 301,928 2,644 11,479 2,602 10,642 2,314 70,355 1,784 3,458 580 856 751 16,062 661 94S 90 77 1,398 44,998 778 1,920 680 1,141 155 4,405 7,575 11,306 9,110 5,851,643 968 6,302 1,257 533 50 7,179 3,922,013 6,093 759 241 86 7,466 2,600,296 2,796 4,349 321 5,151 1,122,893 3,426 1,157 404 133 26 5 8,064 1,547,961 1,555 6,267 221 21 11,251 7,290,466 96 3,984 5,412 1,759 2,171 104,589 6,795 1,534 4,627 827 2,168 90 1,385 90 138 25 510 20 30 5 5 1,594 68,841 1,017 2,751 682 1,777 838 18,783 673 973 185 211 185 2,720 170 206 15 9 467 12,350 292 529 180 166 lOO 2,145 3,965 6,180 4,174 1,808,695 788 2,892 377 107 ID 3,258 1,161,511 2,985 191 60 22 4,140 1,142,753 1,933 2,121 86 2,179 418,695 1,616 416 76 57 9 5 4,243 550,397 1,852 2,329 55 7 6,123 2,646,805 245 3,736 1,816 325 1 See footnotes at end of table. NEBRASKA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5. -Cash-grain farms [Data are baaod on reports for only a sample of faintB. See texlj 47 (For df>rinitions and (^xplanatiofis, spp U-xl) ToUl »]l rommorcial fanns Rconomic clafu ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars.'.. avprafip por rami, dollars . . . All rro|v. sold lollars... Fk'lil rrope, other than vpgctiibles and fniil^ and nutd, sold dollars... \p^i>tAb]es sold dollars. .. Fruits and nut3 sold dollars... Forest producti; and horticultural specially products sold dollars... All livestock and livestock products sold lollnrs... Poultry and poultry [Toducis sold dollars... Dairy products sold dollars... Liveatcch and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars,, . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle anti Olves farms repoflme , . . number . . . Cows, indudinp heifers that have calved fanns reporting. .. nunib«^. .. Milk cows farms reporting... number . . . Heifers and heifer calves farms ri>porting,.. number... Steers and bulls including stocr and bull calves farms reiKVtmg . . . number... Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head. farms reporting.., 2 to 4 head farms reporting . . . 5 to 9 head farms retH^ing... 10 to 19 head farms refxting. .. 20 to 49 head farms n^irting. .. 50 to 99 head., farms ro|ijrting... 100 to 499 head faims re|xirting.. . ."iOO or more head fnnns reptvting. .. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms retmrtinp , , , 2 to 9 head farms repiAing , . . 10 to 19 head farms reptrtinp . . . 20 to 29 head farms rerurting.,, 30 to 49 head farms reporttng . . , 50 to 74 head famis reporting . . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.., 100 or more head farms reporting... Milk ODWS- 1 head farms refuwting . . , 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. .. 20 to 29 head farms repotting . . . 30 trj 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms re[»irting. ., 100 or more head farms reporting... Horses anl'or mules farms reporting . . Hogs ant] pigs farms reporting. . numb.«.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting., Bcm befcre June 1 farms reporting,, number , . Stieep and lamttS farms reporting.. number . . Lambs under 1 year old ., farms reporting , . number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting,. number . . Ewes farms reporting.. number,. Rams and wethers farms reporting . . number.. Ctiicketis 4 months old and over farms rernrtmg., number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting., number,, dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive fanns reporting. . number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. pounds . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens.. dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,187,825,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,911,349 487,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481, U9 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,668 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,846 64,520 1,749,985 4S8 2,321 3,740 11,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29, 5U 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 7 22,098 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 '>44,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602,867,870 49,304 3,679,671 U4, 069, 801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 38,857,939 41,043 2,259,U9 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 325,839,050 10,570 250,408,085 250,288,461 26,090 77,730 15,804 75,430,965 5,868,064 6,304,594 63,258,307 23,390 710,747 21,849 293,199 14,289 68,750 20,652 209,174 20,827 208,374 315 1,493 2,516 5,850 9,458 2,982 772 1,246 10,028 5,236 2,182 1,514 418 125 100 2,833 9,976 1,256 175 37 12 5,172 10,455 14,159 548,852 9,011 273,146 11,523 275,706 2,272 128,302 1,698 54,934 2,028 73,368 1,986 69,277 1,348 4,091 20,511 2,929,537 21,587 285,552 44,466,854 13,734 544,613 16,883,003 1,928 95,279 1,524,464 10,601 262,551,085 6,304,594 13,372 456,000 16, 612 23,123,535 5,318,411 20,257,918 52,893 15,819,774 15,819,124 100 150 400 4,438,144 135,766 139,626 4,162,752 283 32,047 213 8,964 124 922 225 10,103 242 12,980 5 18 17 4 49 73 113 158 455 157 12,365 90 6,064 129 6,301 33 15,950 28 10,613 27 5,337 27 5,179 16 158 147 57,888 272 19,437 3,484,179 158 13,055 404,705 44 15,536 24B,576 41 4,357,353 139,626 77 13,323 96 478,604 110,079 65,383,503 25,802 50,497, 520 50,488,134 6,080 3,226 80 14,885,983 560,022 737,061 13,588,900 1,935 115,201 1,690 45,691 959 5,241 1,633 32,537 1,763 36,873 27 34 lOO 206 526 554 338 118 437 337 209 316 155 57 61 245 573 81 37 22 741 1,895 1,115 70,577 770 35,392 972 35,185 224 13,553 149 4,612 209 8,941 202 8,059 141 882 1,505 234,377 1,963 61,429 10,776,810 1,181 82,541 2,558,771 200 12,181 194,896 585 25,042,453 737,061 913 42,082 1,087 2,242,850 515,855 128,822,336 13,969 99,669,849 99,641,949 3,290 19,275 5,335 29,152,487 1,928,314 2,345,664 24,878,509 7,352 258,486 6,814 107,783 4,442 23,124 6,473 74,415 6,599 76,288 108 315 533 1,417 3,274 1,426 279 385 2,455 2,0U 948 764 186 49 16 2,899 552 92 10 1,928 3,683 4,661 214,569 3,063 108,720 3,959 105,949 778 49,053 627 22,896 682 26,167 657 24,584 479 1,583 6,193 937,662 6,991 107,758 16,780,607 4,688 238,589 7,396,259 681 34,778 556,448 3,280 95,691,852 2,345,664 4,053 158,425 4,914 7,555,980 1,737,873 84,777,599 7,498 63,698,364 63,631,955 9,200 49,720 7,489 21,079,235 2,306,235 2,383,565 16,389,435 8,902 222,977 8,445 94,318 5,768 27,455 8,064 66,998 8,084 61,661 75 526 873 2,489 4,114 790 35 402 4,015 2,815 826 347 38 2 1,071 4,195 452 45 1,527 2,906 5,513 185,957 3,525 90,472 4,417 95,485 846 36,465 60i 11,443 781 25,022 771 23,858 514 1,164 8,084 1,157,169 8,275 74,914 10,699,291 5,358 156,743 5,169,033 710 25,579 409,264 4,490 104,722,850 2,383,565 5,462 186,324 6,751 9,169,388 2,108,960 24,413,551 3,950 18,998,949 18,984,949 7,170 4,330 2,500 5,414.602 844,990 534 ,.'.58 3,935,144 4,227 74,583 4,041 33,056 2,550 10,578 3,551 22,617 3,548 19,000 75 425 773 1,498 1,310 139 7 266 2,551 984 171 63 6 488 1,902 160 691 1,297 2,306 56,532 1,337 27,568 1,745 28,964 341 12,376 245 5,175 294 7,201 294 6,922 178 279 3,866 464,175 3,629 20,238 2,541,055 2,038 40,132 1,244,092 258 5,875 110,000 1,925 29,320,924 534,468 2,472 75,055 3,219 3,324,078 764,537 2,184,143 1,816 1,723,529 1,722,350 250 1,029 450, 514 92,737 64,210 591 7,353 646 3,377 446 1,430 606 2,40^ 491 1,572 25 125 220 236 85 50 525 65 5 90 351 127 219 406 8,752 226 4,930 301 3,822 50 895 45 195 35 700 35 675 20 25 715 78,255 457 1,776 184,911 301 3,553 U0,143 35 330 5,280 280 3,415,653 64,210 395 10,780 545 352,635 81,107 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5. -Cash-grain farms [Dbu are based on refnrts for only a sample ot Taims. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see l^xt) Total all commereial fanns Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters farrowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fams number 1 or 2 liU*^s 3 to 9 litters 10 U) 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more liliers June 2 to November 30 . December 1 Xo Jul 1. . number . . . lamns number SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com tat all purposes farms Under 1 1 acres 1 1 U) 24 acres . . , . 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres . . . . 75 to 99 acres . . , . 100 or more acres . Harvested for gram . . , . .farms , farms .farms ..farms ..farms , .farms • farms reporting . . of litters . . reporting, reporting . . reporting. . reporting. , reporting . reporting. . reporting. . of Utters., reporting. . of litters.. reporting. . reporting., reporting, reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting . acres . . bushels., reporting.. bushels . . Sorghiims for all purposes except sirtip. . .farms reporting.. acres. . Harvested for grainor seed farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bttshels. . wheat harvested.; farms reporting.. acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . acres. . tons , . Sales farms reporting. . tons , . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting.. tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons. , Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting., acres. . tons, green weight.. See footnotes at end of table. 42,724 596,936 3,911 14,555 14,078 3,498 1,417 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371,575 67,993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14,520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,683 1,539,726 30,828 1,380,714 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38,114 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6,680,589 10,972 310,979 6,894,931 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,644 57,4«0 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,068 71,041 66,816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 821 21,571 114,283 11,533 100,171 1,933 5,592 3,061 863 73 11 7,313 39,095 9,591 61,076 26,998 2,914,770 222 759 3,095 5,520 4,683 12,719 26,751 2,874,162 147,417,458 25,877 123,191,282 17,34« 917,604 16,423 871,859 39,504,285 14,410 31,892,326 24,853 2,046,493 46,427,491 24,648 44,079,968 12,578 343,491 7,883,870 5,170 3,158,505 5,051 168,168 3,751,659 2,706 2,147,684 1,991 62,912 989,615 1,594 846,875 2,834 86,997 2,112,557 18,673 378,627 919,951 5,273 260,729 954 12,812 19,038 127 1,942 859 16,153 14,598 52 1,574 4,852 110,834 106,239 828 16,706 1,225 21,242 21,011 77 1,219 107 1,395 8,795 129 2,024 18 21 51 28 10 1 77 843 100 1,181 301 95,597 2 9 7 17 11 255 283 93,299 6,804,095 279 6,385,965 238 36,054 215 33,664 1,776,923 192 1,579,533 355 152,372 3,973,971 355 3,745,043 71 4,413 102,960 32 36,800 102 13,510 314,755 59 209,614 39 3,880 67,384 36 62,302 32 1,780 61,282 201 9,315 25,362 69 13,352 1 40 20 27 1,236 1,220 3 100 40 4,348 4,397 3 676 24 1,326 1,093 4 210 11 150 1,000 973 12,798 109 336 316 189 18 5 653 4,946 835 7,852 2,110 415,376 3 23 53 65 70 1,896 2,071 406,807 27,818,695 2,027 24,439,388 1,555 136,952 1,446 130,638 6,974,743 1,305 6,141,271 2,205 396,800 9,992,768 2,205 9,542,045 684 21,743 582,611 217 249,136 516 33,181 756,580 262 456,081 221 11,490 200,992 201 184,135 225 10,092 280,230 65,793 1,437 43,052 124,344 574 50,378 43 530 782 11 105 124 3,787 3,407 6 275 387 14,370 13,046 55 1,626 98 3,826 3,088 3 228 14 228 1,780 3,931 39,706 505 1,597 1,388 401 35 5 2,572 15,267 3,385 24,439 8,033 1,062,946 48 93 367 723 1,184 5,618 7,933 1,047,757 57,559,804 7,699 49,574,806 5,797 353,471 5,424 333,385 16,118,588 4,849 12,952,122 7,770 775,707 18,076,748 7,720 17,242,596 3,180 100,612 2,525,833 1,310 1,074,367 1,880 66,559 1,522,729 1,004 898,824 625 19,628 327,896 496 278,943 847 33, 585 829,925 5,681 130,821 330,197 1,812 105,931 243 4,102 6,151 11 147 295 5,466 5,378 22 843 1,125 29,388 27,913 162 4,375 347 6,04S 6,485 19 350 4,514 34,262 762 2,463 1,069 210 10 2,849 13,389 3,749 20,873 10,163 936,810 88 217 959 2,450 2,317 4,132 10,100 927,538 40,822,994 9,826 32,472,638 6,298 283,613 6,048 271,544 11,077,430 5,317 8,538,327 8,979 512,019 10,629,883 6,944 10,079,710 5,343 146,489 3,331,871 2,327 1,306,482 1,743 39,847 861,399 954 426,393 747 19,380 280,658 584 234,906 1,170 30,995 712,105 7,226 135,514 315,325 1,896 69,307 416 5,525 7,925 75 1,285 268 3,343 2,864 10 190 2,028 42,040 41,207 392 7,651 521 6,914 7,180 31 321 32 397 2,295 35 355 1,700 1,695 10,055 424 1,019 217 35 982 3,965 1,336 6,090 5,365 352,811 56 307 1,258 1,965 1,021 758 5,338 348,071 12,858,120 5,096 9,416,950 3,023 98,114 2,868 93,668 3,290,761 2,401 2,484,668 4,786 188,363 3,463,054 4,701 3,212,037 2,765 58,599 1,132,775 1,049 412,955 717 13,891 275,986 389 143,777 314 7,474 101,030 237 78,309 505 9,740 215,005 3,501 51,425 109,007 797 19,376 226 2,390 3,735 30 405 125 1,896 1,389 11 166 1,090 18,563 17,641 186 2,258 210 2,728 2,855 15 110 10 65 520 NEBRASKA 49 state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 5 .-Cash-grain farms I DaU are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text (For iterinitiotT^ and i-xplanations, Total all cammefciaj farms Kconomic class SPECinED CROPS HARVESTED-ronlinuCTl Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . acres . btishels. . Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres — 7,942 14,647 4,527,575 1,635 59,596 1,005,429 639 4B7,259 2,572 3,247 2,012 1,931 459,662 261 6,635 99,037 212 26,090 846 822 11 499 196,752 324 4,611 1 100 90 484 111,705 60 2,174 31,741 384 674 91,315 102 2,737 44,565 3,290 221 288 900 166 29,585 75 1,230 16,310 82 9,200 350 337 492 101 28,490 15 170 1,810 45 6,-;20 177 131 135 7 1,815 10 1,000 40 20 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes miUt equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 2 of 5.— Dairy farms [Data are based on repotts for only a sample of fanns. See text ] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total nil oommercial fanns Economic class FAHJiG, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number . - P.Tcent distribution percent. . Land in farms acres . . Percent distribution , percent. . Average si le of farm BCTes . . Value of lanil anil buildincs: Averace per farm. dollars.. Average per acre dollars . . Und in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres. . 1 to 9 aa»s farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . , 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting . . acres. . CTropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . acres.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . acres.. Soil-impmvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres.. OUier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms repoting . . acres.. Woodland pastured fam-.s reporting . . acres.. Woodlaad not pastured rarms reporting.. acres. . OtJier pasture (not ciopland and not w»dland) faims reporting. . acres. . Improved pasture farms reporting . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . acres. . liTigated ciopland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . acres. . Cropland used fcr grain or row crops farmed on the contour. farms reporting.. acres. . Land ia stnp.cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms repeating. . acres. . System of tertuces on crop and pasture land farms repoting. . acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY ACIE Operators repotting a|t number.. Under 25 years numbf*.. 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years nianber , . 55 to 64 years number.. 55 or more years number . . Avenge a^ years . . OFF-FAm WORK AND OTHER INODME Faa opentors- Worittng off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporljng . . 100 to 199 days operators repcrting . . 200 or mwe days operators reporting . . With other members of family wcrtang off farm. operatrrs refxTting . . With income from sources other than farm ofierated and orf-farm worlt operatcrs lefxvting . . With other incane of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not wcriting off their farms or not reporting as to work off thoir farms operators reprrtjng . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income fron sources other than farm operated. ..operalxrs reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of apicultural products sold operators reporting.. FARhG BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number . . IBO to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 2«0 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number.. 2,000 a more acres number. . See footnotes at end ttf table. 80,847 XXX 46,978,575 TTT 581.1 51,032 87.50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358, 588 18, 559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247,188 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19,011 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,583 4,723 7,883 2,883 60,167 6,477 13,033 597 1,430 569 2,650 3,022 12,440 5,622 9,160 26,203 11,128 4,804 3,222 2,350 100.0 629,390 100.0 267.8 40,535 143.37 2,244 341,360 50 30 30 60 481 1,070 5U 12 1,110 45,699 818 38,260 360 14,648 394 12,834 357 10,778 228 7,482 190 2,355 1,705 160,825 318 13,795 416 36,373 406 34,267 208 4,784 733 65,300 122 12,005 818 73,341 2,340 33 399 627 735 455 91 45.8 536 374 56 106 132 192 71 1,814 277 331 30 105 5 115 145 465 240 335 715 166 25 4- 28 1.2 22,179 3.5 792.1 145,077 109.79 28 8,348 17 1,792 13 2,380 3 1,011 7 775 6 594 5 165 22 9,020 17 3,025 13 1,6a 13 1,322 15 560 2 1,350 17 3,740 79,209 12.6 384.5 85,336 223.94 206 52,999 10 60 130 6 149 8,533 45 1,734 19 1,034 15 215 28 485 25 1,265 15 360 105 10,535 36 1,150 98 12,470 98 11,668 26 934 5 800 67 6,320 201 5 22 62 65 42 5 45.6 5 5 5 5 196 25 37 364 36.8 247,330 39.3 286.3 49,383 169.70 864 150,226 125 476 261 2 517 19,445 346 15,223 U5 6,559 195 4,175 143 4,489 71 1,300 50 330 583 47,367 150 5,855 209 16,312 204 15,537 31 1,295 416 37,480 55 6,700 389 43,041 864 12 181 280 279 97 130 109 16 5 27 734 121 150 15 45 135 35 180 340 56 577 24.6 157,597 25.0 273.1 31,844 114.31 567 78, 167 5 10 5 20 121 322 83 1 271 8,260 209 11,143 118 4,404 92 3,854 80 2,885 56 1,151 60 945 446 49,929 75 2,775 76 4,755 71 4,525 66 1,785 170 10,925 30 2,125 230 14,375 577 96 151 193 116 21 46.8 135 105 5 25 45 55 30 442 66 73 5 10 20 50 130 105 60 145 45 6 1 453 19.3 92,130 14.6 203.4 19,744 89.66 407 40,650 20 5 10 25 150 176 20 125 5,230 140 6,085 60 1,300 60 3,090 70 1,695 50 1,675 40 445 368 32,444 25 655 15 1,190 15 1,190 15 175 100 4,910 20 800 100 5,465 453 16 65 92 140 90 50 48.0 191 95 30 66 50 71 31 262 50 50 10 40 55 20 130 45 35 105 10 2 1 NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms I DaU are based on reports for only a sample of fanna. See text 1 51 ■ (iofinitions Hnd explanations. TotaJ nil commercial famts FARMS BY COIOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators; Full ii\Mii'rs numlKT. Part imntf p nunilHY . All trnnnl^ numlHT. Cash lennnLS numtwr. Sharc-cnsh tenants number. . Crop-ahare tcnantji number . . Llvosloek-share lenanU number , . Other and unspenfied tenants number,. White fami operators: Full owners number.. Pan owners number , . All tenants number, . Nonwhite farm operatora Full owners numbir, . Part owners number.. All tenants number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAPILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Gram combines ramis refavtint;.. numbei^.. Com pickers lamis reponini; . . nunilH^r . . Pick-up balers Tarm-s reinrtinc.. number.. Field forage harvesters fnrn.s reponinf, , numlier. . Motcnrucks fanns reporti nit . . number,. Tractors farms reportinf:.. number.. Tractors other than ^rarilen farms rtilKirtini; . . 1 tractor farms nifvrtinj' . . 2 tractors fam.s reporting.. .3 tractors farms rifxvting.. 4 tractors farms re|x)rtiniT.. .'> or more tractors farms n^purtin!;. . Wheel tractors fainis nifiartinf>.. number.. Crawler tractors famis reporting. , number. . Goitjen tractors farms reporting.. number.. Automobiles fnmis reporting., number.. Automobiles and. or motortrucks farms reflecting.. Telephone farms reporting,. Home freezer farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting, . Electric milk cooler farms reporting,. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms refwirtinc, . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms rvjwrting. . Farms by kind of road on wtiich located; Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface rood farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting. 5 or 3 miles farms reporting. . 4 miks farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 1,^0 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hir«d worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers , 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers ,, farms reporting, ..farms reporting, . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. 26, 596 29,555 1,726 16,235 7,561 2,656 1,377 2'i,403 26, 580 29,529 RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence. number. See footnotes at end of table. 49,375 51,963 5i,654 57,004 18,039 18,297 10,628 11,133 60,507 79,380 76,072 172,231 75,852 168,070 18,868 34,447 15,303 4,6(X 2,630 75,587 164,958 2,700 3,lli 3,911 4,161 76,978 100,717 79,8U 65,571 52,838 15,228 3,950 3,596 49,075 7,468 54,157 18,301 2,949 15,352 2,149 4,200 1,299 7,704 10,753 16,686 5,809 8,331 4,528 862 291 83 45 72,034 5,892 2,921 903 671 764 62 470 96 76 60 898 670 764 1,245 1,272 1,550 1,595 796 811 833 878 1,602 1,861 2,158 4,878 2,138 4,758 462 1,009 488 109 70 2,138 4,681 67 77 120 120 2,238 3,046 2,325 2,085 1,696 1,8S4 1,562 73 1,341 240 1,749 351 77 274 61 71 32 110 310 503 190 298 124 40 21 2,223 51 76 11 12 16 21 16 16 23 26 23 58 23 106 23 106 5 6 12 23 101 5 5 32 103 71 10 21 32 102 71 153 153 193 198 123 123 164 174 176 263 206 687 201 662 41 92 36 32 201 640 22 22 25 25 206 391 206 206 180 201 206 32 176 40 155 11 5 98 168 78 U3 190 10 6 202 324 328 10 238 40 202 324 328 550 565 633 648 389 389 464 484 694 810 844 2,038 839 1,978 96 426 255 46 16 839 1,963 15 15 60 60 853 1,127 859 837 727 843 830 36 628 91 692 76 26 50 21 15 1 13 148 188 848 16 259 146 172 25 105 31 6 5 254 146 172 336 337 397 407 167 172 142 147 382 398 541 1,108 541 1,088 111 324 95 11 541 1,068 15 20 20 20 542 722 562 496 404 535 393 51 446 80 11 69 5 20 21 23 537 15 25 255 70 127 12 80 20 255 70 127 170 180 261 271 95 105 40 45 246 261 402 739 392 724 165 172 35 10 10 392 719 5 5 15 15 433 538 453 367 271 267 100 46 295 107 25 82 25 10 5 42 433 5 15 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5. -Dairy farms [Dala are baswl on report? for only a sample of famis. See texl ] (I'or ili'finiuons and explanation?, see text) Total all cxKnmercial fanns USE OF COKIMERCIAL FF.RTILIZEIi AND LIME Comniemal fertilizer anil fiTlilizini: mat.Tial? used durin" the >enr. fam.s reportinp. . . acres on which used . . . tons, ,, Dri n«t«nals farms reporting.., tons., , Liquid mati-rials farms reporting.,. tons.,. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture famis reporfing,,, acres . , , Dry materials farms reporlinf; , . . tons... Liquid malenals fanns reportinc... Ions , , . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reportinp,,. Dry materials farms refwrtinc,,, tons,,. Liquid materials farms reporting.., tons . , , Com farms reptrlins. , . acres , , . Dry materials fani.s reportinc, , , t^ns . . I Liquid matenals farms reimrlini; , , , tons . , , Wheat fa^'^ repiirting,,. acres . . , Dry materials farms reporting. . , tons... Liquid materials farms reporting.., tons.., Oats fare's repcrtin«.., acres . . Dr> materials fnrri.s reporting. . Liquid materials farms importing . . , All other crops farms reporting. , acres . , Dry materials farms reiiorlinc, , Liquid materials farms renorline , . tons,. Lime or liniinp materials used durinc the year farms repotting,, acres limed. . tons ,, SPEGFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry fams reporting., dollars,. Under SlOO farms reporting.. $100 to $999 famis reporting. . $1,000 to $1,999 farms riTXTtmR, , $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting , , $5,000 or more ., farms reporting, , Purchase of livestock and poultry farms report inp, , dollars.. Under $1,000 fan-is reporting, , $1,000 to $2,499 fam;s reporting,, 52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,, $,5,000 to $9,999 fam.s reporting , , $ 10,000 or nK>re farms reporting , , Machine hire farms reportinp , , dollars, , Under $200 farms reporting , , $200 U> $990 farms reporting, , $1,000 or more farma reporting , , Hired labor farms repeating , , dollars, , Under 5200 farms repnrli ng , , $200 to $499 farms reporting,, $500 to $999 farms reporting, , 51,000 to $2,499 farms reportini?, , $2,500 to $-1,999 fatms reporting,, 55.000 to $9,999 fatms reporting, , $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting., $20,000 to $49.999 farms reporting, , 550,000 or more farms reporting , , Seeds, bulbs, planU, and trees farms reporting , , dollars, , Under $100 fafi'is reporting, . $100 to 5499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999. fanr.s reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business farms rejxirling.. di'llars.. Under |100 farms reporting. . SlOO to $199 ; fanns reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting. . 39,265 3,864,632 291,723 27,366 156,999 19,810 134,724 4,481 139,355 3,983 9,867 605 1,679 1,759 46,021 1,410 2,831 366 705 31,943 2,606,830 18,220 95,324 17,919 110,695 12,749 487,330 9,274 20,337 3,777 7,944 6,341 154,984 5,559 9,769 835 1,199 10,038 430,112 5,853 18,871 4,812 12,502 1,530 40,730 74,023 80,833 71,512 152,423,684 4,365 35,023 13,090 12,883 6,151 56,336 288,808,464 34,904 7,169 5,431 4,875 5,957 51,625 19,895,843 21,778 26,055 3,792 42, 557 33,210,496 20,463 9,175 4,825 4,721 2,235 799 254 71 14 56,416 13,552,425 14,268 36,811 4,233 1,104 80,245 62,440,243 2,642 25,483 31,220 20, 571 329 1,201 86,433 7,094 858 4,117 569 2,977 272 6,137 217 679 60 60 140 3,515 105 180 45 126 917 53,868 534 1,957 504 2,263 402 11,698 302 622 115 235 231 4,520 196 303 35 70 203 6,695 107 376 106 218 101 2,080 4,095 2,350 2,345 5,479,305 110 805 430 694 306 1,716 1,752,079 1,218 288 153 45 12 1,518 405, 531 739 721 53 1,281 891,239 667 277 152 75 63 31 11 1,700 364,072 456 1,145 79 20 2,345 1,607,076 145 786 922 487 5 17 4,282 446 11 212 11 234 150 5 15 10 675 5 25 17 2,212 11 83 11 151 10 275 10 5 23 16 695 11 36 5 15 10 215 560 28 28 433,700 27 18 38,482 5 11 23 a,019 1 20 7 28 141,350 5 13 U,925 2 6 5 28 57,862 175 20,860 1,922 109 1.053 106 869 51 1,522 41 350 10 7 35 1,030 35 76 153 13,760 72 320 101 741 62 2,343 42 34 20 43 30 775 20 54 10 6 42 1,430 16 169 26 64 10 255 500 206 206 1,107,750 5 18 87 96 159 342,912 81 31 32 5 10 154 56,100 65 73 16 166 383,420 36 21 25 13 41 25 5 154 60,083 16 117 16 5 206 256,816 5 87 109 5 652 45,470 3,645 437 1,982 366 1,663 165 3,650 125 252 45 49 90 1,680 60 71 35 73 496 23,275 251 1,077 326 1,254 220 6,625 160 278 75 169 136 2,525 116 188 20 41 95 2,715 50 116 50 77 65 1,460 2,715 864 864 2,615,020 157 140 389 178 655 323,819 401 150 81 23 648 201,438 256 362 30 636 292,085 292 176 96 51 21 675 157,350 35 534 51 5 864 734, 590 227 11,046 754 186 624 66 130 41 750 41 60 166 431 267 171 6,831 125 305 61 109 70 1,655 60 166 10 9 40 655 40 33 45 1,155 30 55 20 12 6 70 195 577 577 889,615 15 222 162 173 5 461 303,575 355 75 25 6 387 88,134 191 191 5 284 57,800 177 75 26 6 446 70, 594 133 312 1 572 333,710 10 238 267 57 100 4,015 285 85 204 20 31 10 65 5 2 5 4 5 130 5 55 2,080 50 128 5 13 35 750 25 43 10 14 20 290 20 23 5 700 453 453 368,375 30 283 95 45 313 207,391 276 11 15 11 216 23,920 156 60 126 13,504 116 316 55,450 166 145 453 179, 143 50 257 116 30 See footnotes at end of table. NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms [DaU are bsaed on report.^ for only a sample of farms. So© lext] 53 (For deriniLions and explanations, se^ toxl) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold uiui. doiiare.'.. avt-roflp per farm, ilollars.,. All cropt. sold dollars . . . Field cmpe, other than vpgetablps ond froils and nuts, sold dollars . . , VeceUhles sold dollars . . . Fruita and nuls sold dollars . . . Forest products and hortirultural specially faoducls sold dollars... All livestock and livestock products sold dollars... Poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Dairy F'oducts sold dollars . . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . . LIV^TtXK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms roportinc. . . numbor... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting... number. .. ■ Milk cows forms reporting... number... Heifers and heifer cal\es farms reporting... number... Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reiK^ting... number. .. Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . . :? to 4 head farms reporting. .. 5 to 9 head forms rejiorting... 10 to 19 head farms reimrting . . . 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 bead famis re[xining. .. 100 to 499 head farms reporting . . . 500 or more head farms reporting. .. Cows, including heifers that hove calved— 1 head farms reporting. . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . . 10 to 19 head farms rep»«ing . . . 20 to 29 head forms re|»)rting . . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . , 50 to 74 head forms reporting . . . 75 to 99 bead forms reporting... 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows— 1 bead forms reporting . . 2 to 9 bead forms reporting . . 10 to 19 bead farms reporting . . 20 to 29 bead farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 lo 74 head forms reporting.. 75 to 99 head forms reporting.. 100 or more head forms reporting.. Horses and/or mutes farms reporting . . number . . Hogs and pigs forms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number . . Bom berore June 1 fonns reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs forms reporting.. number. . Lombs under 1 year old farms reporting . . number.. Sbeep 1 year old and over forms reporting . . number.. Ewes forms reporting.. numb».. Rams ond wethers forms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over forms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cottle ond calves sold obve farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold olive farms reporting . . number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold forms reporting.. pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollors.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens . . dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. Totol all commercial farms 1,187,825,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,911,349 487,259 419, 503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,668 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,846 64,520 1,749,985 2,321 3,740 11,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29,514 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 7 22,098 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602,867,870 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 38, 857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 Economic doss 26,431,282 11,247 5,275,873 5,270,480 2,020 1,585 1,738 21,155,409 591,270 14,391,818 6,172,321 2,340 118,123 2,340 58,024 2,330 53,767 2,238 39,940 2,062 20,159 50 46 181 1,048 815 200 15 286 693 643 520 142 26 15 20 357 715 611 481 111 29 6 604 1,007 1,253 53,729 836 27,636 1,031 26,093 163 8,807 128 2,297 153 6,510 153 6,246 108 264 1,725 261,732 2,314 37,507 4,323,628 1,246 55, 531 1,7a, 461 137 5,995 95,920 2,350 393,495,934 14,391,813 1,181 50,319 1,400 2,324,426 534,621 1,579,032 56,394 123,603 123,603 1,455,429 7,417 1,103,408 344,604 28 4,420 28 2,456 28 2,391 28 1,586 23 378 11 12 5 8 14 10 1,640 10 905 10 735 12 4,115 23 1,436 262, 578 11 2,646 82,026 28 27,002,535 1,103,408 11 776 11 23,870 6,641 5,463,007 26, 519 1,253,814 1,253,589 225 85,117 3,021,887 1,102,189 206 18,958 206 9,369 206 8,999 201 7,315 186 2,274 20 121 65 5 41 87 56 16 1 71 136 71 6,286 65 3,215 61 3,071 26 1,797 21 389 26 1,403 26 1,345 26 63 123 23,371 206 7,056 822,995 80 8,250 255,750 26 1,155 18,480 206 77,491,131 3,021,887 106 5,306 112 342,090 78,681 12,584,919 14, 566 2,467,966 2,467,044 520 402 10,116,953 255,227 7,203,578 2,658,148 859 54, 160 859 26,470 859 25, 378 854 18,565 759 9,125 270 491 93 100 326 371 54 116 332 362 43 1 239 372 390 18,671 260 10,023 345 8,648 30 2,170 30 1,385 30 785 30 750 25 35 588 104,621 864 16,832 1,934,132 405 22,309 691,579 40 1,705 27,280 364 135,313,464 7,203,573 430 20,916 481 1,009,571 232,201 4,815,189 8,345 1,215,996 1,215,549 447 3,599,193 136,705 2,189,870 1,272,618 577 24,355 577 12,068 577 10,414 566 7,520 525 4,767 20 376 163 13 5 15 261 216 62 17 1 5 40 292 207 32 1 116 186 329 13,269 233 6,498 272 6,771 ■ 51 4,200 36 275 51 3,925 51 3,815 41 110 430 62,545 572 7,348 301,093 328 13,126 406,906 46 2,940 47,040 577 63,277,554 2,189,370 293 12,528 344 523, 505 121,557 1,657,094 3,658 186,242 183,863 1,500 511 363 1,470,852 3t,247 730 630 653,975 448 13,327 448 6,146 438 5,290 423 4,125 403 3,056 71 331 40 1 110 271 60 7 135 272 31 123 209 322 11,353 237 6,066 262 5,287 41 350 36 203 31 147 31 136 407 48,885 332,041 1,496 28, 252 26,827 1,425 303,789 20,557 142,445 140,787 222 2,903 222 1,515 222 1,295 161 829 166 559 35 46 90 51 5 161 56 10 182 30 47 90 131 2,510 81 929 31 1,581 15 290 5 45 15 245 15 200 165 13,195 447 197 3,319 1,016 399,645 103,135 321 101 8,060 1,140 249,860 35,340 15 10 120 75 1,920 1,200 453 222 28,919,391 6,491,759 730,630 142,445 261 80 9,289 1,504 322 130 333,425 81,965 76,688 16,853 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.— Dairy farms [DM e baaed on repotts for only a sample of farms, See text^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all al faims Economic class Ln'ESTOCK A.ND LU'ESTOCK PRODl'CTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 — fams reponinp. numher of liuors , farms reporting , farms reporting , farms refiortmE , farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting. number of litters, December 1 to June 1 ■ farms reporting , number of litters. SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters June 2 to November 30 . Under 1 1 acres. . . ]llo24acres.., 25 to 49 acres . . , 50 lo 74 acres . . . 75 lo 99 acres . , , 100 or more acres Harvested for grain , . . larms reporting . . Farms reporting. . Tarms reporting. , 1 reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . , Stjrghums for all parpoBee except slnip.,.fannfi reporting., acres. Harvested for grain or seed faims reporting. acres, bvishels. Sales faiTDs reporting. bushels. Wheat harvested farms reporting. acres. . biishel^. Sales farms reporting. . btishels. , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres, bushels. . Sales farms reporting. , bti£hel£. , Barley harvested farms reporting. , acres, , bushels. . Sales farms reporting., bushels, . Rye harvested farms reporting, , acres, . bushels, , Sales farms reporting, . bushels, , Stjybeans harvested for beans farms reporting, , acres, . bushels , , Hay crops: Land frcn which hay was cut acres. , Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. , acres. , tons, , Sales farms reporting. . tons. , Cltjver, tltnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres.. tons.. Sales farms reporting. , Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faims reporting. . acres., tons. . Sales farms reptjrting. . tons. . Wild hay cut faims repotting.. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tODB, , Other hay cut farms reporting, , acres, , tons, , Sales farms reporting, , tons, , Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres. . tons, green weight.. See ftxjtnotes at end of table. «,724 596,936 3,911 14,555 14,078 8,498 1,417 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371, 575 67,993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14,520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,633 1,539,726 30,828 1,380,714 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38, U4 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6,680,589 10,972 310,979 6,894,931 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,644 57,480 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,068 71,041 66,816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 1,055 10,126 162 439 338 111 734 4,203 2,048 143,780 50 166 451 627 312 442 1,981 133,127 6,025,960 1,251 3,218,260 1,184 36,348 842 25,459 1,036,365 448 383,570 1,068 37,639 676,551 1,038 636, 590 1,105 27,025 665,745 155 73,690 173 3,152 77,305 28 16, 550 98 1,991 23,990 42 12,080 110 2,725 69,025 2,028 62,620 168,362 206 8,165 92 1,285 1,855 5 180 100 1,332 1,398 5 20 468 19,793 16,795 82 1,643 36 630 480 5 5 16 210 10 240 23 2,750 1 6 16 23 1,862 134,300 11 27,500 21 1,235 6 310 17,150 18 - 1,877 42,871 18 40,984 6 288 10,250 1 40 1,000 1 920 23 1,596 7,040 1,155 5 20 30 25 60 460 70 695 204 24, 510 5 1 10 30 20 138 199 22,395 1,251,410 162 819,425 134 4,889 78 3,048 167,300 46 72,030 122 5,037 100,250 122 94,745 116 3,915 114,870 30 27,500 22 345 11,950 1 800 5 100 3,250 5 3,250 30 1,615 40,040 196 10,218 29,512 30 2,960 321 21,571 114,283 120 2,625 16,700 10 685 5,125 6 100 130 44 1,445 1,723 10 125 10 250 135 40 685 4,375 350 3,884 60 98 132 60 250 1,684 300 2,200 345 65,814 5 50 126 290 161 213 824 60,509 2,947,200 633 1,461,570 494 15,254 318 10, 556 439,690 227 188,095 476 19,812 357,675 471 338,461 492 11,608 332, 525 65 30,290 61 1,337 31, 545 17 13,500 37 381 5,630 11 1,860 50 785 20,880 817 27,901 31,935 101 3,640 36 680 970 61 787 383 5 20 130 4,617 4,580 46 968 6 55 80 60 1,035 6,050 258 2,348 41 105 96 16 187 001 217 1,447 504 30,486 15 30 147 161 86 65 478 28,791 1,171,850 315 317,565 315 9,520 250 6,960 271,460 125 97,930 287 7,858 131,280 282 123,180 261 6,059 119,655 45 13,900 45 795 20,150 5 1,500 25 775 3,550 15 4,050 20 175 4,130 529 13,025 32, 180 60 1,435 41 460 565 22 325 315 164 8,019 5,282 25 500 15 310 250 10 220 1,150 277 1,894 36 166 70 5 172 828 231 1,066 346 15,835 15 50 126 105 40 10 336 15,360 410,700 100 74,200 195 4,930 165 4,095 131,290 45 25,265 135 2,795 42,355 120 38,095 190 4,230 72,995 10 1,500 40 600 12,785 5 750 20 535 4,500 10 2,000 5 85 1,700 327 7,895 14,705 5 100 15 145 320 82 3,075 3,300 NEBRASKA 55 state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 5.-Dairy farms I DaU are based c n reports for only a sample of farms. See texlj hem Total alt oommerciaj terms EconoDic class {For iloriniLion>h and fxplArmtions, see U?xl) Total Class 1 Class 11 a ass III Class IV Class V Class \1 SPECIFIED CROPS H\RVESTEI>-Cor.linij«J Irish potatoes harvested for heme 7,9« 14,6<7 i, 527, 575 1,635 59, 596 1,005,429 639 237 73 29,251 5 100 2,020 20 2,020 70 44 1 60 26,000 21 4 356 5 100 2,020 10 1 90 8 1,830 15 520 20 11 65 1 590 25 22 50 (z) 410 5 1,500 15 10 10 acres . . (Z) 65 acres... tons. .. 437,259 Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 2,572 3,247 acres. .. Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and hutterfat sold. ^Doee not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushelfl harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DatA are based on repoits For only a sample of Farms. See text] (For derinilions and explanations, see lexl) Total all oommercial farms FMIHS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number., . Percent distribution percent. . . Lantl in farms acres . . . Percent distribution percent. . . Averajie ?ize of Farm acres . . . Value of land antl bulltlini!s; Averace per Farm dollars. . . Average per acre dollars .. . Land In farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reportins. . . acres . . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting .. , 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes Farms importing. . actfs . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) Farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres.. Inigated land in fams farms reporting. . acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms rejiorting.. acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crope farmed on the contour farms loportlng.. acres. . Land in stnp-cropping systems for soil-erosion control fanns reporting, . acres.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number.. 45to54year9... number.. 55to 64 years number . . 65 a more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opefators- WcTking off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators repcrting . . 200 or more days operator? repfrting . . With other members of family working off faro operators reporting. . With income fron sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . . With other incane of family exceeding value of ogncultural jroducta sold operators reporting . . Operatcrs not working off their farms or not reporting as to wcrk off their farms opetaKrs reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . . With income fron sources other thim farm operated. . .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of a^cultura] products sold operators reporting. . FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number. 10 lo 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number . 500to^99acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes al end d table. 80,847 3DC]C 46,978,575 XXX 581.1 51,032 87.50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358,588 18,559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247,188 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19,011 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,583 4,723 7,883 2,883 60,167 6,477 13,033 36,864 100.0 24,167,505 100.0 655.6 49,817 75.90 35,446 3,499,247 178 336 241 336 4,008 14,587 12,391 1,711 658 11,767 746,216 13,493 1,054,455 7,571 552,772 4,984 309,002 4,899 192,681 3,314 209,014 3,467 68,299 27,827 12,898,089 3,185 174,131 6,319 700,695 6,278 677,334 3,359 134,520 8,255 740,336 2,302 314,726 8,530 344,363 36,501 315 5,924 8,902 9,745 8,183 2,932 47.1 7,955 5,726 709 1,520 1,692 2,986 28,909 2,882 5,840 597 347 1,430 984 569 352 2,650 1,015 3,022 1,171 12,440 5,422 5,622 2,381 9,160 3,659 26,203 11,311 11,128 5,384 4,804 2,811 3,222 2,027 2,910 7.9 6,392,875 26.5 2,196.9 136,033 63.07 2,846 1,669,763 8 6 6 18 47 462 1,447 475 377 1,034 131,063 936 146,395 562 100,916 291 27,492 297 17,987 211 23,886 232 6,493 2,033 4,284,971 366 . 29,536 1,099 230,634 1,098 223,716 138 15,947 641 87,863 151 36,690 676 115,189 2,875 53 477 944 807 419 175 45.2 414 265 29 120 61 2,496 164 626 12 29 7 29 U 162 91 223 360 533 323 627 5,319 14.4 5,014,734 20.7 942.8 70,826 77.70 5,245 1,720,574 5 10 35 107 1,490 2,866 557 175 1,866 159,216 2,016 222,013 1,243 137,101 653 48,381 738 36,531 413 30,630 577 17,641 3,821 2,740,538 549 36,533 1,629 191,227 1,618 137,554 573 26,337 1,386 161,299 349 73,030 1,385 188,241 5,279 91 1,076 1,632 1,343 858 279 44.6 1,014 797 71 146 213 405 4,305 371 819 10,297 27.9 6,385,834 26.4 620.2 51,097 81.86 10, 152 2,499,744 15 25 30 50 508 3,929 5,016 487 92 3,410 220,172 3,717 275,365 2,123 154,336 1,413 63,659 1,239 52,370 942 63,010 1,174 22,893 7,899 3,109,952 992 60,221 1,992 180,525 1,979 174,027 1,098 42,855 2,629 254,147 790 108,776 2,665 269,021 10,217 205 1,819 2,872 2,856 1,927 538 45.6 2,046 1,653 134 259 398 758 8,251 997 1,509 20 30 50 45 100 160 15 40 80 41 165 255 61 140 406 400 1,155 2,050 365 540 925 470 1,051 1,200 1,835 3,611 3,365 825 1,311 1,604 579 1,064 686 663 590 133 10,914 29.6 4,454,460 18.4 408.1 33,907 82.07 10,673 1,852,763 45 40 50 276 1,312 5,906 2,860 171 13 3,507 166,482 4,130 259,151 2,362 116,447 1,556 91,999 1,496 50,705 1,093 59,344 831 14,353 8,369 1,942,532 895 34,600 1,157 76,534 1,157 71,931 931 31,659 2,433 174,622 627 64,052 2,506 189,510 10,812 261 1,752 2,363 2,913 2,612 911 47.5 2,477 1,795 211 471 559 833 3,437 821 1,671 6,118 16.6 1,692,261 7.0 276.6 22,525 77.35 5,569 676,039 50 175 115 397 1,619 2,541 651 20 1 1,630 62,978 2,277 127,366 1,121 39,337 386 53,156 962 29,873 534 28,133 497 5,549 4,714 722,070 343 12,491 397 19,775 386 18,301 424 12,742 1,014 55,885 330 28,138 1,128 74,332 6,062 160 717 922 1,504 1,730 1,029 51.3 1,742 954 264 524 400 686 531 4,376 428 1,058 130 410 165 425 405 1,385 400 620 1,450 566 150 12 NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms (Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See lext | 57 (For iloriniLions and explanations, sw Iput) Total all commercial famis Economic class FARMS BV COLOR AND TE3JIIRE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full iistni-rs numbrr,, P;irt ..wners numli.T.. \ll tcnnnlf number,. Cash tenants number . , Share-ens*' tenants number, , Crop-share tenants number , , Livesloeli-share tenants number , , Other and unspeciTied tenants numlier,. White farm operators; Full owners numlier,. , Part owners numlier, . , All tenants number. ,, Nonwhile farm operators Full owners nuriilxv . , . Part owners number.,. All U>nants number , . . SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Cirain combines farms report) nf% Pick-up balers ..farms re^mrtint*-. numlier. . Field forage harvesters fam,^ re^Nirti nf . . numlK-r . . Moterlnicks farms reportinc . . number . . Tractors farms reportinc.. Tractors other than ^anlen farms report] nf;. . numlier . . 1 tractor farms roportinp . . '2 tracurs farms reporlinK. . 3 tractors farms reportinfi. . 4 trncmrs farms reporlmir. . 5 or more tractdrs fanns reportinn.. , Wheel tractors farms reporting . . number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting . . number. . Gaitlen tractors farms reporting.. number.. AuUimobiles farms reporting. . number.. Automobiles and/or molortrucks farms reportinf;. . Telephone farms reportinf'.. Home freerer farms reporting. . Milking machine. farms reporting.. Flecuic milk cooler farms reporting.. CiT>p drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reportinc. Powor-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting , . Farnis by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting , . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting,. Dirt or unimproved. farms reporting.. Leas than 1 mile to a hatrl surface road farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface mad farms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Rired workers fanns reporting.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired wotlters; 1 hired wofl reporting.. anx reportin)^ . . arms reporting . . I reporting. . arms reportin)'. . dollars.. 'arms rcforting . . amis reporting.. Farms reporting.. fam.s reporting . . Farms reporting.. -^ reporting . , dollars . . arms reporting.. 1 reporting.. Fatma reporting. . ; reporting., dollars. . ; reporting. . i reporting.. I reporting.. I reportin?.. ; reporting. . 1 reporting . . I reporting. . I reporting.. 1 reporting.. a reporting. . dollars.. 5 reporting.. s reporting. . 5 reporting.. s reporting.. 5 reporting., dollars.. ^ reporting.. 5 reporting., s reporting. . s reporting.. s reporting. . 39,265 3,864,632 291,723 27,366 156,999 19,810 134,724 4,481 139,355 3,983 9,867 605 1,679 1,759 46,021 1,410 2,831 366 705 31,943 2,606,830 IB, 220 95,324 17,919 110,695 12,749 487,330 9,274 20,337 3,777 7,944 6,341 154,984 5,559 9,769 835 1,199 10,038 430,112 5,853 18,871 4,81J2 12,502 1,530 40,730 74,023 80,833 71,512 152,423,684 4,365 35,023 13,090 12,883 6,151 58,336 288,808,464 34,904 7,169 5,431 4,875 5,957 51,625 19,895,843 21,778 26,055 3,792 42,557 33,210,496 20,463 9,175 4,825 4,721 2,235 799 254 71 14 56,416 13,552,425 U,26e 36,811 4,233 1,104 80,245 62,440,243 2,542 25,483 31,220 20,571 329 16,390 1,473,852 112,947 12,390 69,139 7,022 43,608 2,599 90,123 2,387 6,233 284 992 868 27,215 717 1,786 153 358 13,057 993,417 8,387 42,023 6,358 36,795 3,974 138,411 3,123 6,523 939 1,895 3,593 98,002 3,198 6,280 431 762 3,191 126,684 2,225 6,294 1,153 3,006 708 17,598 32,698 36,855 35,741 111,374,770 1,162 U,079 7,203 8,280 5,017 29,762 247,649,835 13,632 3,814 3,442 3,607 5,267 22,661 7,580,720 10,743 10,656 1,262 19,878 17,997,463 8,931 4,3U 2,290 2,419 1,273 458 141 46 9 25,965 5,690,873 7,034 16,819 1,653 459 36,560 28,961,469 1,390 11,267 U,261 9,421 221 1,985 369,750 30,238 1,399 15,885 1,139 14,353 462 25,710 428 1,863 51 259 108 9,260 90 556 20 139 1,720 255,561 1,004 10,068 1,065 11,935 406 26,925 231 856 198 664 304 U,656 251 668 53 173 560 38,618 354 1,854 258 • 1,183 88 4,189 7,675 2,910 2,892 49,770,073 6 113 185 685 1,903 2,715 155,237,270 101 70 108 1A3 2,293 1,913 1,767,624 359 1,056 496 2,690 9,199,647 301 287 283 641 653 342 128 46 9 2,076 1,181,335 179 1,085 546 266 2,902 5,366,485 8 U5 662 1,943 144 3,352 396,666 31,534 2,475 18,051 1,758 13,483 589 24,279 521 1,590 91 466 209 5,446 152 312 57 92 2,693 266,786 1,720 11,109 1,635 11,116 942 38,197 701 1,634 260 633 811 23,271 688 1,540 138 213 917 38,887 597 1,666 371 953 141 4,270 3,333 5,319 5,254 20,971,953 31 789 1,050 1,786 1,598 4,741 47,967,251 564 305 390 1,219 2,243 3,482 1,567,085 1,104 2,001 377 4,263 4,384,688 1,126 990 684 949 425 75 13 3,827 1,249,625 450 2,760 516 99 5,3U 5,770,914 17 584 2,045 2,653 15 5,331 423,515 31,854 4,039 21,204 2,264 10,650 769 24,717 756 1,705 55 171 256 6,986 227 510 31 74 4,336 284,248 2,770 12,677 2,104 9,207 1,342 41,465 1,100 2,312 253 375 1,279 36,453 1,166 2,428 99 222 943 29,646 679 1,572 313 601 292 6,154 11,069 10,297 10,139 22,335,856 144 3,238 2,422 3,153 1,182 8,679 30,031,939 3,167 1,480 1,637 1,736 659 6,690 2,049,639 2,966 3,442 262 5,666 2,830,784 2,790 1,448 846 577 169 36 7,532 1,700,650 1,385 5,701 367 79 10,284 8,470,432 78 2,263 4,916 3,001 6 4,146 221,628 15,252 3,194 10,761 1,441 4,491 569 11,947 507 783 72 87 232 3,673 202 329 30 41 3,037 146,154 2,080 6,192 1,244 3,846 915 22,797 782 1,308 143 168 938 21,602 637 1,382 111 109 578 15,255 427 767 181 240 112 1,660 3,741 10,911 10,619 13,557,782 402 5,279 2,457 2,180 301 8,616 11,108,585 5,663 1,374 1,060 446 71 6,792 1,516,972 3,793 2,909 90 4,800 1,150,180 3,033 1,192 358 197 20 7,633 1,226,730 2,490 5,167 171 5 10,835 6,578,631 250 4,276 4,746 1,505 56 1,410 57,303 3,767 1,137 2,973 375 794 175 3,380 160 266 15 9 56 1,600 41 76 15 12 950 37,256 707 1,786 295 674 329 6,442 279 390 55 35 236 4,565 211 237 30 45 178 4,058 153 218 35 19 75 1,105 1,880 6,117 5,733 4,257,214 4U 3,822 1,018 446 33 4,291 3,055,200 3,458 529 242 61 1 3,261 604,568 2,109 1,122 30 2,002 408,174 1,460 359 U8 55 5 5 3,986 458,898 2,069 1,866 46 5 5,984 2,434,022 681 3,296 1,699 306 NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5.— Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Dftta afp based on reports for only a sainple of fanrtfl. So« t»x[ ] 59 (For (lofinitions mid oxpinnations, Toul bII commflTcial turns KcoRomic cl&5M ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE All fann products sold uiiaI, dollar!^.'.. avOTaKt* p«T fann, ikiliar?... All cropn sold dollam . . . Field cropti, other iKan vogotAbies and fnjite and nuta, sold dollars. .. VppoUbles wld dollars . . . FVuits and nut£ sold dollars . , . Forest pnyluit^ and horticultural specialty products sold dollttrs . . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars... Poultry and puullry fxviducts sold dollars . . . Dairy products sold dollars . , , Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars... LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reponmK . . number . . , Cows, including heifers that have calved fanns reporting... number.. Milk cows farms reportint;... number.., Heifers and heifer calves farms rt^poittng. . numbrr.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms repcrtinf;. . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and cnlvcs- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting... 5 to 9 head farms reimrting.. 10 to 19 head faniis refsvling. . 20 to 19 head farms n>|«>rting. . 50 lo 99 head farm-- r»-)wning.. 100 to 499 head farms ri>portinK.. 500 or more head farms reporting.. Oows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms r.*porting . . 3 to 9 head farms repcrtine . . 10 to 19 head farms reptvting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. SO to 74 head farms reporting,. 75 to 99 head fnrnis reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reptirting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. .^Oto 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms re|nrljng. . 100 or more head farms repeating.. Horses andj'or mules farms reporting.. numbrv . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number., Bofn since June 1 farms reporting.. numbw . . Bern before June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number. . Sheep I year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Rams and wethers f&rms reporting . . Chickens 4 months old and over fanns repirting.. number . . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold aUve , farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . . numlier.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. numlier. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms refxirting.. pounds . . dollars,. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold ; farms reporting. . itorens . . dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,187,625,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,911,349 487,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,666 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 3U,0O2 62,916 1,460,846 54,520 1,749,985 486 2,321 3,740 U,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29,514 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 7 22.098 62,379 49,842 3,269.640 34,445 l,560,o45 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 66,978 3,113,551 602,867,870 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 36,857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 706,126,721 19,155 87,134,916 86,957,155 70,001 52,029 55,731 61B,991,805 10,301,886 12,425,833 596,264,086 35,454 3,374,239 30,325 1,058,725 22,563 136,156 31,254 1,002,993 32,935 1,312,521 121 551 720 3,274 12,166 10,198 7,659 765 1,266 6,04S 7,433 4,365 3,866 2,205 1,036 2,102 3,680 U,443 3,869 429 105 11 13,359 38,392 27,875 2,357,734 20,120 l,m,U7 24,497 1,246,617 3,432 507,307 2,527 343,873 3,026 163,434 2,968 156,357 2,327 6,577 28,508 4,929,274 35,732 2,444,136 499,729,074 27,913 2,753,665 85,369,615 3,157 606,984 9,711,744 17,771 559,734,275 12,425,833 20,102 844,450 24,149 40,328,587 9,275,575 303,056,351 104,143 19,473,619 19,459,042 5,240 5,022 4,515 283,582,532 747,360 996,988 281,838,154 2,635 1,117,136 1,711 223,532 1,322 7,594 2,136 339,969 2,560 553,637 6 20 10 18 122 438 1,598 623 202 528 102 86 112 91 76 323 835 97 23 30 9 5 1,523 8,804 1,719 205,095 1,159 103,298 1,415 101,797 304 239,537 221 218,073 213 21,464 207 20,706 154 756 1,760 326,654 2,880 1,153,884 266,304,336 1,741 301,553 9,348,143 261 353,709 5,659,344 716 35,748,908 996,988 1,137 61,729 1,314 2,971,091 683,351 148,170,469 27,657 23,257,426 23,225,825 16,125 6,440 9,036 124,913,043 1,916,241 1,611,046 121,365,756 5,200 681,982 3,738 198,626 2,882 15,631 4,146 205,457 4,662 277,899 7 79 64 109 760 1,770 2,284 127 292 1,056 532 262 343 326 186 741 623 1,756 389 97 15 1 2,307 7,1B9 3,774 420,957 2,619 209,682 3,325 211,275 446 83,343 336 52,109 362 31,234 371 29,922 300 1,312 3,860 788,200 5,277 503,540 102,466,762 3,842 546,939 16,955,109 486 106,192 1,699,072 1,954 63,719,741 1,611,046 2,743 143,096 3,062 7,378,267 1,697,002 146,743,836 14,251 26,792,306 26,745,244 8,369 14,979 23,714 119,951,530 3,325,691 4,252,781 112,373,058 9,973 811,661 8,677 304,790 6,704 43,311 8,986 236,884 9,346 269,987 46 91 84 455 2,979 3,694 2,610 U 378 1,881 1,835 1,163 1,260 939 509 692 1,061 4,053 1,365 lfi8 36 1 4,069 10,073 8,213 809,961 6,193 375,443 7,438 434,513 960 86,701 725 39,656 652 47,045 838 45,329 697 1,716 8,116 1,542,220 10,130 451,776 60,912,937 6,267 967,262 29,985,122 659 72,517 1,160,272 5,369 192,485,648 4,252,781 5,992 263,869 7,046 13,092,501 3,0U,274 82,143,721 7,526 14,203,028 14,158,677 17,138 15,149 12,064 67,940,693 3,044,644 3,980,210 60,915,639 10,506 544,643 9,779 232,628 7,161 46,328 9,731 157,110 10,008 155,105 37 116 165 1,061 4,833 3,233 1,040 1 224 2,227 2,632 1,653 1,560 706 236 U9 928 4,645 1,464 120 24 3,411 7,612 8,793 664,638 6,355 301,516 7,650 363,122 1,043 66,757 763 23,777 968 42,980 957 41,124 715 1,856 6,942 1,521,647 10,590 245,753 37,777,310 6,826 712,179 22,077,549 963 50,705 6U,280 6,069 187,445,069 3,980,210 6,604 261,553 7,875 11,952,041 2,748,970 23,896,712 3,906 3,169,736 3,134,957 19,879 9.74B 5,152 20,726,976 1,135,009 1,450,110 1£, 141, 857 5,769 199,025 5,334 89,971 3,792 20,414 5,211 57,715 5,360 51,339 15 145 205 1,151 3,067 1,059 127 U5 1,678 1,794 964 565 Ul 31 16 619 2,613 539 21 1,756 3,914 4,477 227,326 3,063 107,972 3,745 119,356 540 27,195 387 9,243 494 17,952 479 17,276 355 676 4,891 656,956 5,744 61,786 11,332,459 4,369 205,793 6,379,583 471 21,625 346,000 3,169 68,828,534 1,450,110 3,131 101,932 4,099 4,418,687 1,016,298 2,115,632 1,620 238,601 233,410 3,250 691 1,250 1,677,031 132,941 134,698 1,609,392 1,171 19,590 1,086 9,176 682 2,678 1,040 5,858 979 4,554 10 100 192 460 405 25 678 338 37 106 541 35 293 600 899 29,755 531 13,206 724 16,549 137 3,774 95 1,015 117 2,759 116 2,500 106 259 937 93,597 1,111 7,395 935,268 868 20,139 624,309 U7 2,236 35,776 494 6,506,175 134,698 495 12,271 733 516,000 118,680 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on refiorta for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For derinitiufis and explannlioos, see wxl) Total all commercial farms Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODlICTS-ConUnijed LiKeis (ariowei) Decembei 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . 1 or 2 liUfTs 3 to 9 littors 10 to 10 litters 20 to 39 liuers to to 69 litters 70 or mor? litters. . . June 2 to November 30 Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres .. .. 25 to 49 acres . . . . 50 to 74 acres . . . . 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain . • farms reporlinp. . lumber of litters., 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting. . arms reporli ng . . 'aims reporting., 'arms reporting . . arms reporting., 'arms reporting . . number of litters.. December 1 to June I farms reporting . . number of litters. . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com ftr all purposes , farms reporting. . acres . . farms reporting . . arms reporting. . arms reporting . . s reporting. . s reporting. . 5 reporting. . 3 reporting . . acres . , bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . SoTghians for all purposes except slTixp. . .farms reporting.. acres.. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Wheat harvested farms repoi^-ing.. acres., bushels.. Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Barley harvested farms repoi-ting.. acres. . bushels.. Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farais reporting.. bushels.. Sciybeans harvested for beans fams reporting.. acres., bushels . . Hay crops: Land frcin which hay was cut acres,. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting.. acres., tons,. Sales farms reporting.. tons,. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. acres, , tons.. Sales fanns reporting, , tons,, Oats, fldteat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting., aares., tons.. Sales f anns reporting . . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons.. f)ther hay cut farms reporting,. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Grass silage ntade from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres. . tons, green weight.. 42,724 596,936 3,911 14,555 14,078 8,498 1,417 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371,575 67,993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14,520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,683 1,539,726 30,328 1,380,7U 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38,114 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6,680,589 10,972 310,979 6,894,931 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,644 4,640,900 57,480 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,068 71,041 66,816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 821 21,571 114,283 24,709 428,585 1,288 6,016 9,019 6,845 1,303 238 18,038 160, 530 22,335 268,055 30,720 2,953,895 491 1,598 4,629 6,386 5,436 12,130 30,001 2,736,446 129,395,550 15,829 40,465,017 12,382 452,507 10,109 365,863 14,951,563 4,471 5,494,297 13,903 690,987 14,041,808 13,480 13,039,586 19,339 743,717 19,358,139 4,286 2,594,172 4,431 113,238 2,475,228 962 377,922 2,428 66,951 807,533 1,594 577,807 1,716 40,822 964,482 3,358,897 28,719 1,008,263 2,087,826 4,438 254,571 1,770 72,459 84,225 71 3,065 1,763 45,803 43,401 31 845 12,056 2,174,210 1,486,536 1,297 67,884 1,618 41,719 41,885 39 1,264 537 16,443 83,306 1,331 37,288 69 201 316 450 219 76 946 13,306 1,170 23,482 2,381 448,576 17 33 115 152 207 1,857 2,251 399,000 24,402,801 1,037 7,397,448 874 59,245 560 42,675 2,258,042 283 1,046,444 979 121,134 2,875,872 962 2,724,469 1,162 59,777 1,873,394 , 252 253,350 365 16,575 431,462 93 83,445 150 7,446 100,545 118 83,572 175 7,096 169,465 925,670 2,239 146,657 409,317 371 86,422 U6 24,583 26,765 3 480 182 6,901 9,538 1 240 832 731,477 533,443 68 7,421 126 8,369 3,641 2 334 181 7,683 44,772 3,281 77,664 149 495 951 1,182 412 92 2,515 29,921 2,965 47,743 4,575 586,342 17 93 299 521 696 2,949 4,463 552,838 28,933,027 2,664 10,885,333 1,821 92,576 1,463 77,109 3,543,540 751 1,408,304 2,325 166,624 3,683,375 2,286 3,484,040 2,735 121,577 3,786,305 777 614,126 309 24,352 582,887 190 97,289 350 n,745 155,298 275 121,232 376 10,626 261,427 4,256 180,419 403,455 359 53,131 218 11,703 13,568 12 500 258 10,245 10,331 3 295 1,557 469,030 315, 529 200 14,517 202 7,267 7,650 8 69 153 4,733 20,194 7,475 148,725 242 1,314 2,525 2,832 507 55 5,650 55,251 6,962 93,474 8,958 919,179 32 302 8U 1,574 1,775 4,414 3,803 379,376 40,316,125 5,433 13,443,936 3,530 135,540 2,954 111,904 4,692,730 1,474 1,779,448 4,107 199,766 4,110,343 4,034 3,834,275 6,162 259,852 6,933,226 1,566 1,023,824 1,322 33,799 742,942 292 109,198 778 24,121 295,898 570 206,376 565 13,075 319,900 897,465 8,453 306,558 621,042 1,575 69,114 559 18,783 21,090 36 1,930 531 12,802 11,652 16 215 3,619 544,832 365,304 473 29,380 483 11,397 12,343 24 676 127 2,588 13,141 8,022 118,820 377 1,927 3,583 1,985 140 10 5,842 43,650 7,381 75,170 9,460 717,832 127 472 1,636 2,677 2,074 2,424 9,270 686,023 26,766,882 4,846 6,851,995 3,887 113,145 3,257 91,753 3,216,173 1,366 983,236 4,208 147,802 2,575,431 4,074 2,327,413 6,180 219,614 5,161,950 1,343 606,827 1,323 26, 592 529,252 277 65,330 736 16,784 187,662 428 127,089 470 8,525 183,820 592,403 8,806 260,637 465,006 1,203 35,882 537 11,970 15,957 15 150 490 10,923 3,453 6 95 3,790 293,130 190,903 384 11,746 476 9,624 9,047 61 1,119 4,169 3,888 40,517 341 1,693 1,448 376 25 2,653 15,897 3,230 24,620 4,559 247,716 173 573 1,452 1,252 659 450 4,442 236,939 8,038,340 1,654 1,236,280 1,969 46,969 1,649 38,315 1,134,418 537 259,215 1,984 50,206 722,977 1,854 621,334 2,674 72,032 1,424,329 328 92,645 572 10,720 176,685 110 17,610 363 6,420 64,125 137 37, 593 115 1,375 27,540 236,813 4,293 101,993 171,906 390 9,132 280 5,140 6,470 5 272 4,497 3,062 1,962 120,506 75,760 162 4,275 311 4,402 4,074 5 185 15 270 1,030 See ftxjtnotes at end of table. NEBRASKA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 5.— Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms 61 Dala are huswl r n report? for cinls a amplp if farms. See text Item Tolal all commorcial farms Economic cl«ss (For lirrimlionB and i-xplRnotions, set* toxt) Tolnl riMs I O.ss 11 nms in Class IV Class V Class VI SPEnnED CROPS HARVESTED-roniinu^l Irish potatoes harvested for home 7,942 U,647 4,527,575 1,635 59,596 1,005,429 639 487,259 2,572 3,247 4,170 3,209 853,065 446 18,269 311,453 232 70,001 1,227 1,254 204 1,595 461,951 157 9,545 164,983 16 5,240 88 108 518 948 261,066 172 5,382 97,021 30 16,125 195 205 1,293 402 81,078 101 2,981 45,674 71 8,369 324 300 1,377 179 35,080 10 290 2,985 54 17,138 411 340 663 83 12,605 6 71 790 51 19,. 179 l&l 279 115 acres^.. bushels . . . 2 1,285 acres... tons . . . 3,250 40 22 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... acres... ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 5. -Livestock ranches [Data are based on reports for only a sample at fums. See t«xtj (For dertnitions and evplaliations, see text) FAIttfS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average =ize of fnnn acres Value of land and buildiniis: Averace per farm dollars Avefftpe per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Crtipland hnr^esled fanns reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. acres Other cnapland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured fanris reprrting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not wndland) farms reporting Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Irrigate cropland harvested farms reporting acres Land use practices' Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Crtjpland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-eroeion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting ai^res FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number Under 25 years numtwr 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number 45 to 54 years number 55 to 64 years number S5 at more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER IN<»ME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reptrling 200 or more days operators reputing With other members of family working off farm operators reportjng With income froti sources other than farm operated and off- farm work operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agncullural products sold operators reporting Operators not wtrking off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms .operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income frtm sources other than farm operated. . .operalrrs reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agncultunU products sold .operators reporting FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 to 1.999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number See frxitnotes at end d table. Total all commercial farms 80,&47 XXX 46,978,575 XXX 581.1 51,032 87.50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358,538 18,559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247,188 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19,011 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,583 4,723 7,883 2,883 60, 167 6,477 13,033 597 1,430 569 2,650 3,022 12,440 5,622 9,160 26,203 11,128 4,804 3,222 Economic class 1,649 100.0 6,699,839 100.0 4,063.0 118,979 28.07 1,171 351,296 33 66 65 126 153 288 283 91 66 185 96,747 552 84,238 243 21,174 311 45,675 164 17,389 122 33,645 73 2,676 1,607 6,050,502 93 77,234 235 28,403 221 24,748 47 3,967 30 3,255 63 10,361 177 23,735 1,615 10 158 242 405 436 364 53.6 428 188 41 199 144 241 134 1,221 97 453 25 66 35 30 217 215 301 760 246 14.9 3,557,963 53.1 14,463.3 405,287 26.38 216 200,639 23 70 52 58 30 42,232 54 15,525 31 6,040 29 7,351 19 2,134 12 10,992 11 442 240 3,243,704 24 55,766 62 13,763 60 11,574 6 934 3 305 3,962 239 1 26 59 54 50 49 51.4 23 12 207 7 62 9 226 282 17.1 1,286,930 19.2 4,563.6 131,573 29.04 236 63,309 5 11 9 22 52 105 28 4 47 14,962 75 10,517 29 3,506 37 4,615 32 2,396 15 2,043 19 563 278 1,181,736 14 9,099 60 6,266 58 5,871 16 432 12 1,780 17 1,840 26 5,935 274 3 24 56 66 84 41 51.7 35 13 226 13 72 39 208 371 306 22.5 13.6 998,839 452,624 14.9 6.3 2,692.3 1,479.2 87,631 48,391 30.85 30.63 297 211 52,082 19,622 1 8 8 22 9 18 23 32 47 45 109 68 88 16 9 2 3 35 28 22,486 7,592 155 123 22,214 13,471 71 67 5,207 2,647 73 65 12,123 7,724 43 35 4,884 3,100 24 17 7,840 5,401 10 12 258 194 358 300 383,116 399,793 19 22 7,597 3,520 66 27 6,034 1,887 61 22 5,516 1,364 10 10 445 356 15 1,865 49 4,534 369 3 48 58 95 36 79 52.3 294 32 104 10 10 5 10 40 81 215 5 265 21 2,187 48 4,272 304 3 20 42 82 69 212 21 OaasV nassVl 335 109 20.3 6.6 283,752 119,731 4.2 1.3 847.0 1,093.4 24,911 37,415 30.12 30.20 171 40 8,570 7,074 13 5 31 5 21 5 54 4 20 12 29 7 3 1 1 39 6 6,950 2,525 122 23 17,831 4,680 34 1 3,737 37 85 17 10,332 3,530 25 5 3,762 1,113 48 6 7,239 130 14 7 689 530 323 108 238,964 103,139 13 1 1,192 60 15 5 443 10 15 5 413 10 5 1,800 2 230 2 5 372 135 39 1 4,284 60 323 106 38 2 24 3 81 27 73 74 107 55.8 57.5 147 15 47 15 3 92 53 5 82 3 65 188 94 21 3 103 24 40 10 10 5 15 5 10 10 117 25 110 15 53 22 25 12 NEBRASKA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5. -Livestock ranches [Data are based on rforts for only a sample of farms, Seo lc\t i 63 (For definitions nnd cxplannlions, Tolal QJI iwmmercial famis Eoonomic class FAmiS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All (aitn operators: Full owners nutrtHT... Pan owners number . . . VM tenants number . . , CnsK tenants nitnilier . . . Share-cnstt tenants number . . . Crop-share tenants number . . . I.ivesloek-share tenants number , . , ntlier and unsjierifietl tenants number . . . While fami operators: Ful 1 owners nunilHT . . . Part owners numbttr . . . All tenants number. . . Nonwhite farm operators Full owners number.. Part owners number... All tenants number . . SPEOFIED FXJUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Gram (»mbines fnmis re(KTtin^. . number.. Com pickers farms refwrtmi; . . nunitH.r . . Pi rk-up balers fa/ms re(Kirtini:. . numlMv . . Field forage harvesters fam.s reptrting . . numlie*.. Motartnieks farms reportinR. . number . . Tractors farms n'pnrtinp . . nunjber. . Tractors other than ;'nnlen farms rvportinj;.. 1 tractor farms reportinf . . 2 tractors fanits reportinc.. 3 tractors farms reportinR . . 4 Ijactors farms re|iorlinp. . 5 or more tractors farms reportint;.. Wheel tractors farms reportinp . . numl>er.. Crawler Uaetors fam.s refiortinR. . number.. Garden tractors fanr.s reportinR.. number.. Automobiles farms reportinR . . numt>er.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms rrportinR. . Telephtwe. farms reixirtinR . . Home freezer farms reportinR.. Milking machine. ' famis reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reportinR.. Crtjp drier (for Rrain. forage, or other crops) farms reportinR.. PowerK>perated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms rvporting . . Farms by kind of road on which located: liai\i surface farms reportinR . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reportinp.. Dirt or unimproved forms reporung. . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface toad farms reporting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface poad farms reporting . . 1 mile farms reportinR.. 2 or n miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reponing. . 5 or more miles farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired wcrkers farms reporting. , persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting., 5 lo 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting . Not residing on farm operated operators re[iortinR. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 24,423 26,596 29,555 1,726 16,235 7,561 2,656 1,377 24,403 26,580 29,529 49,375 51,963 54,654 57,004 18,039 18,297 10,628 11,133 60,507 79,380 76,072 172,231 75,852 168,070 18,863 34,447 15,303 4,604 2,630 75,587 164,958 2,700 3,112 3,911 4,161 76,978 100,717 79,813 65,571 52,838 15,228 3,950 3,596 49,075 7,468 54,157 18,301 2,949 15,352 2,149 4,200 1,299 7,704 10,753 16,686 5,809 8,331 ,528 862 291 83 45 72,034 5,892 2,921 751 649 196 103 13 17 44 19 751 649 196 247 261 202 217 339 361 126 130 1,364 2,209 1,420 3,990 1,408 3,891 426 416 254 111 201 1,405 3,685 176 206 80 99 1,474 2,172 1,573 1,253 1,053 98 5 8 248 169 563 394 107 787 90 157 76 464 402 866 321 693 183 80 36 13 9 1,293 253 103 54 151 18 13 3 54 151 18 29 30 222 646 230 1,254 230 1,241 25 23 33 29 120 229 1,133 82 108 13 13 235 519 243 213 196 9 1 33 61 150 18 132 14 30 5 83 179 561 166 487 179 47 20 82 150 40 82 150 40 50 52 35 37 66 70 27 28 260 4*7 267 861 262 830 48 55 62 49 48 262 791 36 39 21 31 264 418 279 226 200 29 1 71 167 156 14 30 20 92 108 158 89 126 218 44 20 146 165 146 165 53 53 58 69 75 96 96 30 31 325 447 333 819 332 798 83 112 92 20 25 330 762 35 36 18 21 342 453 366 234 254 28 2 7 68 37 131 199 13 186 18 30 11 127 78 100 296 50 25 165 112 28 10 1 5 9 3 165 112 28 63 68 32 32 64 66 23 23 261 328 266 543 265 531 97 105 43 12 265 514 17 17 11 12 266 338 293 243 205 24 1 1 51 32 121 148 32 213 63 49 213 63 49 54 54 37 42 30 30 17 18 243 286 278 448 273 431 139 Ul 22 1 273 426 5 5 12 17 301 370 307 217 165 24 147 159 26 116 133 13 23 20 29 11 18 72 63 21 13 29 14 8 5 12 5 250 37 19 272 52 11 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18 -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5.-Livestock ranches [DaU are b&^ed on reports for onl> a sample of farms. See text ; ^ (I'or .lefinitions and explanations, see u?x[) USE OF COMMERCIAL FT.RTIUZF.R AND LIME Comnieteial fertilizer anj fertilizinc malecials useJ Hur.ne the )car. farn.s report, nf .. . acres on which used . , . Drx materials farms reportin,;... loos . . . Linu.d mal.Ti«ls farms reporting.. . tons . . . Crops on which used— Ilav and cropland pasture 'arms reporting. . . acres . . . Or% matenals farms reportinc .. tons . . . Liomd materials tanns reponinc .. tons . . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reportinR. . . I»matrnals farms ro|««inc. .. tons — Liquid materials farms rei««ing... Uins... Corn '"™» reportins.. . acres . . . Drvmatenals f«n.-s rep.«tin|:... tons... Liquid materials farms re|«irtini.. . . tons... Iheat '"'" "^"'"S--- acres . . . Drvmatenals famis r<.porting. . . tons . . . Liquid mat^ials farms reporting. .. tons... Oats fat^'^ repCTtin);. . . acres . . . Dry materials forn.s reporting... Ions . . . Liquid materials <""s n-l^rtine. • . Ions . . . All Other crops farms reporting .. . acres . . . nrv materials farms reporting. . . Ions . , . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons , . . Lime or liniinr materials used durine the year farms reporting... acres limed. . . tons . . . SPEaFTED FARM F.XPENDITVIRF-S Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting . . , Feed for livestock and poultry fam-s rep«*ling... dollars... Under SlOO farms reporting... $100loS909 farms reporting.. 11,000 to S1,9M '""'" repertinR.. S2,000 to $4.999 ^'^^'^ reporting,. SS.OOOormore farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . (bllorfi . . I'nder 51,000 fati-is re|Ortinp. . 51,000 to S2,499 firn.s rcnorting. . 52, 5W to <4,999 f"""^ reporting. . M.OOO to 59,999 fam.s renorUng.. .«10,000 or more 'an.is reporting . . Machine hire fams reporUng. . dollars.. Under S200 farms reporting.. S200 loS;999 ''^^'^ reporting.. Sl.OnOormore farm reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under S200 farms reporting. . S20O to S499 f''""^ reporting. . S500t«$999 'i*™^ reporting.. SI.OOO to $2.499 '™"s reporting. . $2,S00 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 f""'^ reporting,. $10,000 to $19,999 '»™' reporting. . $20,000 to $49,999 '»™» reporting. . 550,000 or more farms reporting. , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees 'arms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 tamis re[iortin).., $100 to $499 f"™' reporting. $500 to $999 '^^'^ reporting. $l,Ono or more farms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fanii liusiness farms reporting. dollars. llndcr JlOO ''^' "r"'"'»i- SlOO to $499 farms reporting. S500 to $999 <"^^ reportinp. 51,000 to $4,999 f"™^ reporting. $5,000 or iT«)re fam.s reporting. See footnotes at end of table. TotAl all ctxnmercial farms 39,265 3,86i,632 291,723 27,366 156,999 19,810 134,72'i 4,481 139,355 3,983 9,867 605 1,679 1,759 46,021 1,410 2,831 366 705 31,943 2,606,830 18,220, 95,324 17,919 110,695 12,749 487,330 9,274 20,337 3,777 7,944 6,341 154,984 5,559 9,769 835 1,199 10,038 430,112 5,853 18,871 4,812 12,502 1,530 40,730 74,023 80,833 71,512 152,423,684 4,365 35,023 13,090 12,883 6,151 58,336 288,808,464 34,904 7,169 5,431 4,875 5,957 51,625 19,895,643 21,778 26,055 3,792 42,557 33,210,496 20,463 9,175 4,825 4,721 2,235 799 254 71 14 56,416 13,552,425 14,268 36,811 4,233 1,104 80,245 62,440,243 2,642 25,483 31,220 20,571 329 200 12,675 1,067 162 820 50 247 91 5,314 87 385 6 95 18 1,223 17 72 1 (Z) 92 4,306 61 240 34 139 20 597 15 24 5 3 6 157 5 7 1 1 28 1,078 24 92 4 9 2 67 64 1,647 1,565 4,490,871 87 575 347 319 237 1,009 9,728,516 307 231 122 109 240 616 413,478 257 275 84 914 2,348,388 214 144 121 176 140 74 28 14 3 549 109,299 268 226 37 18 1,623 1,399,527 190 543 387 479 24 44 5,2K 371 37 322 11 49 24 2,598 22 136 2 12 8 1,059 17 994 11 48 1 lOO 1 4 246 246 2,358,989 3 25 23 53 142 194 6,122,444 10 18 19 21 126 117 245,538 14 50 53 233 1,573,898 17 45 65 48 26 14 3 80 23,782 22 37 14 7 243 550,246 20 43 157 23 I 54 3,144 342 45 230 15 112 25 1,250 23 102 3 82 31 1,369 22 91 10 25 4 75 4 4 109 3 4 1 1 12 341 11 25 1 4 282 279 888,649 1 48 56 112 62 208 1,696,397 38 46 33 22 69 126 55,671 45 65 16 223 455,046 29 23 38 65 45 21 117 15,923 71 38 6 2 282 311,443 54 76 151 1 52 2,058 143 41 111 13 32 26 812 26 53 1 1 80 3 6 1 (Z) 25 946 15 37 11 29 2 115 2 4 371 359 676,355 2 137 109 32 29 251 1,298,833 87 48 35 41 40 145 59,188 67 68 10 216 194,530 59 52 45 39 17 4 135 26,662 64 60 369 283,489 26 83 141 119 31 ,177 114 25 110 6 4 152 4 12 507 11 58 13 307 306 294 301,687 24 146 79 41 4 196 441,719 76 74 23 19 4 120 28,684 68 iS 4 135 84,211 52 37 17 22 126 19,502 73 44 305 135,798 27 169 80 29 16 805 85 11 35 5 50 10 375 10 30 380 1 (Z) 5 50 333 304 244,488 24 171 78 31 330 107,033 99 162 46 23 3 12 2 127 2 6 1 110 1 6 1 40 40 109 83 20,703 33 48 2 132 28 42,123 27,000 79 17 39 7 6 1 97 11 23,614 783 53 10 43 1 94 13 38,343 2,360 56 11 23 3 5 7 ... 67 24 9,178 9,252 22 16 45 2 94 11,518 38 55 1 NEBRASKA state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5.-Livestock ranches [Data are based on reports for only a sample of rarms. See text] 65 (For derinitionn and explanations, sfw u>xt) Toul all oommercial famns Rconomic class ESnmTED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOIIRCF. All farm pioducts sold toul, dollars., aviTaflc per fam, dollars . . All crops sold dollars . . Field crops, other than vepelAblos and fruits and nuls, sold dollars, . Vegetables sold dollars , , Fruits and nuUt sold dollars.. Forest proiloeLs and htxticultural specialty pmducts sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars,. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars , , Dairy F'odurts sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold lollars . . LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves famis roiwning. , number,. Cows, including heifers that have ralvcil farm'. re|>orting., number, , Milk ctrMS farms reporting . . number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms repottin)^.. nunilHT , . Steers and hulh includini! steer and bull calves farms reiwrtinE. . number.. Farms reporting by numb^T on hand: Catile and calves- 1 head farms rcportini;.. '2 to 4 head faniin r^-ptxrtin^. . 5 to 9 head farms re|Mirtini;. . 10 to 19 head fanns report inc. . 20 to 49 head famis rejsirlinj:.. 50 to 99 head fann^ tcjvrtinK.. 100 to 499 head fanns reiKinine . . 500 or more head faims rv-|Nirtini!. . Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head fanss n'jiortin); , . 2 to 9 head forms rei^irtirii, . . 10 U) 19 head farms rcpurtinc . . 20 to 29 head fantis r,[»,r1inj; . . .10 to 49 head farms r<>|airtin];.. 50 to 74 head famis rcptirlini;.. 75 In 99 head farms rc|Hinini; . . 100 or more head farms re|iorlinjt. . Milk rows- 1 heatl farms reporting.. 2 to 9 bead farms repottinf;.. 10 to 19 head farms reportint!.. 20 to 29 head farms repoftinp . , 30 to 49 head fanns reptirtinf; . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reportmc.. 100 or more head farms n-porting.. HolSeS and/Of miltes farms reponini;. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting,, numW, , Bom since June 1 farms repertinp.. niimher . . Born befcre June I farms report inc. . number.. Sheep and lambs farms reportmc . . Lambs under 1 year old forms repcrtinc.. Sheep 1 year old ond over farms reporting.. numh<«r . . Ewes farms reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting , . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number . . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting,, number.. dollars. . Hofts and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number . . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reparting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds.. dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting . . dollars . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dorens. . dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,187,825,741 U,b'i2 390,361,989 386,911,349 487,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,668 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,846 64,520 1,749,985 488 2,321 3,740 11,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29,514 7,482 1,401 570 135 36 7 22,098 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602,867,870 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 38,857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,376 87,223,305 20,061,361 37,460,286 22,717 640,188 638,670 348 765 405 36,820,098 117,481 242,516 36,460,101 1,554 442,416 1,456 196,632 816 3,523 1,412 118,415 1,448 127,369 2 16 39 47 244 307 686 213 26 103 152 138 172 180 118 567 168 572 62 10 3 1 1,193 6,267 459 13,669 295 7,054 341 6,615 153 24,633 104 6,755 147 17,878 141 16,826 122 1,052 917 55,004 1,596 226,308 35,270,430 366 20,207 626,417 139 22,348 357,568 402 10,669,326 242,516 264 7,892 487 343,507 79,009 20,947,105 85,151 205,270 205,270 20,741,835 35,182 43,885 239 239,229 209 94,037 159 681 206 64,033 230 81,159 70 158 4 172 27 122 5 3 1 1 218 3,784 41 2,015 26 479 29 1,536 15 2,892 11 1,185 11 1,707 11 1,658 10 49 133 5,655 246 121,939 20,431,988 30 1,968 61,008 15 5,365 85,840 49 1,706,344 43,885 16 766 34 25,829 5,941 7,667,788 27,191 158,341 158,183 20 108 30 7,509,447 10,618 50,698 7,448,131 273 88,875 248 42,669 150 701 245 25,004 266 21,202 1 1 5 18 205 43 3 10 1 14 10 13 197 26 107 11 5 1 244 1,601 67 2,399 43 1,214 46 1,185 12 4,435 10 705 12 3,730 12 3,579 12 151 152 7,337 282 45,998 7,140,597 49 6,402 198,462 12 4,136 66,176 64 2,112,226 50,696 36 1,331 67 35,291 8,117 5,273,828 14,215 178,183 177,676 210 297 5,095,545 23,636 55,048 5,016,961 351 66,609 3M 34,407 192 738 332 16,812 344 15,390 15 43 279 1 13 9 14 19 53 56 155 56 120 14 2 278 1,426 100 2,642 57 1,250 75 1,392 43 10,244 32 3,064 42 7,180 42 7,014 34 166 201 11,870 369 35,162 4,731,952 80 3,316 102,796 44 8,726 139,616 89 2,531,357 55,048 57 2,024 109 93,157 21,427 2,212,527 7,230 55,816 65,963 118 360 375 2,145,711 21,210 46,459 2,078,042 287 28,595 270 15,002 142 642 256 7,603 262 5,990 11 10 45 116 102 3 202 723 92 2,985 71 2,027 78 ■958 50 5,886 44 1,544 49 4,342 43 3,701 41 641 182 12,063 268 14,515 1,893,516 88 3,384 104,904 45 3,224 51,584 81 2,127,672 46,459 60 1,873 120 81,745 13,802 1,241,912 3,707 23,514 23,514 1,218,398 22,.'05 38, 537 1,157,556 323 17,505 318 9,619 136 621 300 4,522 287 3,364 10 10 16 135 120 30 1 15 108 12 196 623 134 3,440 88 1,972 95 1,468 23 5U 2 7 23 504 23 474 15 30 189 13,838 325 8,048 991,178 114 4,935 153,016 13 447 7,152 89 1,831,275 33,537 76 1,433 117 90,137 20,732 6Q STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5.— Livestock ranches [DaU are based on rapotta tot only a sample of raims. See text] (For deHnitions and explanations, soe text) LI\'ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PKODHCTS-Continued Liners farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 — fanns reporting. number of litters. 1 cr 2 litters farms reporting . 3 to 9 litters .forms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting. . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting . 70 or mere litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting.. number of litters., Decembef 1 to June 1 forms reporting. . number of litters . . SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . Total all txxnmerciol farms Under 1] acres. . .. 11 to 24 aires 25 to 49 acres . . , . 50 to 74 acres . . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . . loo or more acres . Harvested for grain . . . . Sales farms reporting . , reporting, reporting, reporting. . reporting. . reporting.. bushels. . report] ng . . bushels. . Sorghums for all purposes except sLnip, . .farms reporting.. acres. , Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. , acres . , bushels . , Sales farms reporting. , bushels . . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested fanns reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . t^e harvested farms reporting.. acree . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Hay crops: Land frcni which hay was cut acres.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. acres. . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Other hay cut f airos reportiitg . . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres . . tons, green weight.. See footnotes at end of table. 42,724 596,936 3,911 14, 555 14,078 8,498 1,417 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371,575 67,993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14,520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,683 1,539,726 30,828 1,380,714 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38,114 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6,680,589 10,972 310,979 6,894,931 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,644 4,640,900 57,480 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,068 71,041 66,816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 821 21,571 114,283 Economic class 298 2,754 84 99 85 24 5 1 216 1,037 227 1,717 256 11,996 35 46 86 46 10 33 192 7,930 342,442 30 49,955 156 6,101 41 1,428 30,725 4 4,285 177 9,751 213,597 172 201,988 85 2,757 68,503 7 2,100 46 1,349 29,927 9 10,695 59 1,555 15,388 31 10,029 317 ,427 629 42 304 69 648 25 1 888 55 7,724 8 644 1 30 120 4 456 4 628 1 50 772 258 146 230 789 30 1 687 74 4 508 5 999 2 100 4 289 1 387 20 307 8 2 6 3 16 72 18 235 37 2,875 10 8 1 13 27 1,600 92,532 3 9,575 22 1,386 4 243 6,180 1 3,450 21 2,927 67,252 21 64,147 7 230 7,380 3 1,300 255 5,626 5 510 3,868 4 2,888 192,278 93 13,880 23,846 5 593 17 5,392 6,410 1,480 1,606 178 168,883 157,111 16 2,379 3,266 3 264 1,312 36 334 7 15 27 133 29 201 3,089 8 10 16 12 3 10 46 1,990 100,635 6 21,900 38 1,974 10 333 6,700 1 500 38 2,250 44,258 37 39,566 20 676 20,850 9 218 4,830 3 1,595 21 482 5,925 11 3,608 123 8,983 17,297 6 500 10 1,195 1,329 571 829 159 43,051 38,933 3 210 17 884 1,824 1 30 64 460 14 29 18 3 36 156 48 304 3,685 4 17 22 22 5 7 58 2,721 102,470 9 13,050 30 1,142 6 146 3,880 62 2,987 69,706 60 66,882 27 1,130 27,238 1 200 22 725 16,871 6 9,100 17 320 3,455 9 2,388 179 11,237 17,955 13 785 595 1 30 38 1,445 1,502 209 27,841 23,208 2 90 20 827 669 1 70 73 665 22 18 27 6 '59 308 61 357 38 1 ,307 6 12 14 2 1 2 3C 881 29 ,920 5 2 ,655 51 1 ,278 19 661 13 ,065 41 1 ,193 24 ,579 39 24 ,064 18 491 8 280 3 600 6 116 2 220 9 148 1 465 6 1 005 14,962 114 5,386 6,594 1 60 10 192 185 28 670 446 1 50 114 8,346 5,977 7 174 14 343 199 101 971 30 35 25 6 5 74 359 69 612 32 614 1 19 328 8,610 2 1,600 14 311 2 45 900 2 335 13 342 6,702 13 6,579 11 130 3,355 2 35 380 675 1 140 6,916 91 2,523 3,466 3 215 13 243 195 4,075 2,452 7 220 NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 5. -Livestock ranches I Data are bused on fepocts for onl) a sample of farms. Seelexlj 67 (For il<>rinitions and cxplAnalions, sop lo\l) ToUU all QomTnetcial fapns RcoiKKnic cin.is SPEnnED CROPS H*RVE.TED-r.in(i. lit Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale f amis reporting . acres^ bushels . Sugar beets harvested for sugar fanns reporting. acres . tons. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting. Sales dollars . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ fanns reporting. acres . 7,942 K,647 4,527,575 1,635 59,595 1,005,429 639 487,259 2,572 3,247 47 26 5,701 7 229 4,271 6 348 3 144 2,466 8 15 4,305 3 70 1,565 1 20 11 1 150 1 15 240 2 210 11 9 972 3 118 1 (Z) 8 11 (Z) 85 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes millc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 68 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 5 of 5. -General farms [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all al fnnns FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number . . Porr.,nt distribution percent . . Landin farms acres . . Percent dif^tribution f^rcent . . \vcrBcc size of farm acres. . Value of land and buJIdinRs: A\eracc per farm dollars.. AverftiiP per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use* Cropland harvested farms reporting . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 19 acres farms reportinp . . 20 to 29 acres farms reportinp . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reportinp . . 100 to 199 ^cres farms reportinp . . 200 to 499 acres farms reportinp . . 500 to 999 acres farms reportinp . . 1,000 or more ncres farms reportinp . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reportinp . . acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms repcrtinp . . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reportinp.. acres.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . ncres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting,. acres . . )Voodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Other pasture (not cmpland and not woodland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reriorting . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reportinp. . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour famis reporting . acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for aoil-erosion control farms reporting , . acres, . System of t«TTaces on crop and pasture land farms reporting, . acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Opefators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . 35 to 44 years number . . 45 lo 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators repcrting . . 200 or more days operators repear. Dn material.': ... Liquitl maliTinls Clops on which iiseil— HaV and croplnnil pasture. . Dr^ materials Liqiiiil materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Drj materials Liquid materials Com Dr> materials . . . . Liquid materials . Wheat [V> materials . . . . Liquid materials . Oats Dr\ materi a] s . . . . Liquid materials . All other crops. . . . Dry materials. .. Liquid materials Lime or limine materials used durinc the year. SPEanED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following speciHed expenditures. . Feed for livestock and poull^ I'nder SlOO $100 txj S999 $1,000 to $1,999 . S2,000 to $4,999 . $5,000 or more... Purchase of livesuick and poultry . Vnder $1,000 $1,000 to $2,499 . $2,500 to $4,999 . $5,000 to $9,999 . $10,000 or more.. Under $200 $200 to $999 $1,000 or more. Under $200 $200 to $499 S500 to $999 51,000 to $2,499 . . . $2,500 10 $4, 999... $5,000 to $9,999 . . . $10,000 to $19,999 . $20,000 to =49,999 . $.'50,000 or nxire Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees. . Under $100 $100 to $499.... $500 lo $999. . . , $1,000 or more., Gasoline and other pelrolei and oil for the fanii liusint arti'S reporting., on which used. . Ions. , 'arms reporting., tons., arms reporting,, Ions.. amis reporting., acres . . farms reporting.. tons., farms retiorting. , tons., ^arms reporting . . acres.. 'arms reporting . . tons., 'arms reporting.. Ions., 'arms (*>poftinj;., acres . . 'ani.s reporting. . Ions. , 'arms reporting. . tons.. reixrting.. acres . , 'arms tx*porting. . tons., 'amis reporting.. Ions.. 'am,s reportinj;. . acres . . arn.s reporting. , Uins.. IS reporting.. Ions,. arms reporting. . acres . . reporting.. Ions., 'arms reporting.. Ions.. 'arms reoorting. . ncres limed. . arms reporting. i reporting., dol lars . . am-is reporting., ' reporting., 'amis reporting. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting. , 'arms reporting, ibllars., ' reporting, 'arn.s reporting. 'arms reporting., amis reporting., 'amis reporting., 'arms reporting, dollars, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. , I reporting., arms Under JlOO 5100 lo'M99 S50O lo 5999 51,000 to 54,999 . $5,000 or more... eporting. . dollars. . arms reporting. . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. reporting . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting. . reporting. , ^arnis reporting. . 'arms reporting., dollars., 'anus reporting,, farms reporting. , 'arti'S reporting., 'arms reporting, , famis reporting, dollars, farms reporting, amis reporting, 'arms reporting . < reporting. 'am.s reporting. , 39,265 3,864,632 291, 723 27,366 156,999 19,810 13.4,724 4,481 139,355 3,983 9,867 605 1,679 1,759 46,021 1,410 2,831 366 705 31,943 2,606,830 18,220 95,324 17,919 110,695 12,749 487,330 9,274 20,337 3,777 7,944 6,341 154,984 5,559 9,769 835 1,199 10,038 430,112 5,853 18,871 4,812 12,502 1,530 40,730 74,023 80,833 71,512 152,423,684 4,365 35,023 13,090 12,883 6,151 58,336 288,808,464 34,904 7,169 5,431 4,875 5,957 51,625 19,895,843 21,778 26,055 3,792 42,557 33,210,4% 20,463 9,175 4,825 4,721 2,235 799 254 71 14 56,416 13,552,425 14,268 36,811 4,233 1,104 80,245 62,440,243 2,642 25,483 31,220 20,571 329 3,821 283,706 23,930 2,823 14,795 1,730 9,135 448 12,369 397 807 56 124 131 2,377 121 166 15 71 3,013 183,064 1,814 7,782 1,556 7,382 1,127 30,666 925 2,008 224 602 672 12,710 616 835 56 68 1,133 42,520 884 3,197 336 888 143 5,395 8,015 8,071 7,559 8,875,175 399 4,L72 1,524 "1,255 209 6,627 8,692,486 5,053 641 467 297 169 5,449 1,650,131 2,579 2,655 215 3,871 2,029,869 2,200 757 402 350 96 44 20 2 5,921 1,288,317 1,570 3,882 369 100 8,001 5,489,715 218 2,836 3,268 1,671 86 18,902 1,637 76 1,288 31 349 11 1,719 11 93 78 ;,177 62 570 30 282 9 585 8 53 1 1 6 101 6 12 76 8,320 69 560 18 66 2 830 1,660 92 83 391,466 17 19 9 38 75 1,184,775 1 12 13 49 77 142,688 1 52 24 91 508,604 7 3 14 17 29 19 2 71 84,852 1 11 35 24 91 203,668 433 52,678 5,004 330 2,421 253 2,583 71 1,275 61 84 10 15 15 500 15 30 369 35,429 205 1,168 235 2,269 80 3,390 48 101 33 100 40 1,020 29 47 U 24 245 11,064 218 991 57 175 15 505 260 486 460 917,453 17 164 110 109 60 383 2,625,505 90 14 51 133 95 383 240,855 37 277 69 402 646,423 48 50 64 166 58 15 1 360 208,200 7 185 117 51 485 655,255 5 26 91 362 1 1,235 104, 516 10,030 374 5,994 675 4,036 157 3,850 137 281 20 25 21 632 21 55 1,032 69,952 565 3,292 617 3,276 357 10,836 284 826 84 362 176 3,989 166 322 10 10 435 15,257 295 1,218 176 363 15 265 650 1,811 1,709 2,720,204 43 699 409 502 56 1,544 2,640,777 936 206 262 115 25 1,341 454,723 499 773 69 1,150 481,749 502 297 222 115 14 1,368 375,251 174 1,028 141 25 1,800 1,601,196 15 217 896 672 1,452 82,625 5,505 1,048 3,852 580 1,653 172 4,380 151 277 26 84 70 920 65 62 10 67 1,070 52,736 648 2,000 508 1,161 491 12,585 425 846 76 78 315 5,765 280 325 35 34 286 6,239 231 342 65 229 111 3,795 5,445 3,171 3,056 3,298,060 77 1,799 680 460 40 2,670 1,594,130 2,220 314 105 31 2,230 547,135 1,154 1,043 33 1,392 279,797 969 290 88 39 2,370 418,752 511 1,813 46 3,151 1,986,379 26 1,083 1,596 440 580 23,990 1,697 465 1,185 186 512 37 1,145 37 72 25 325 20 19 5 4 434 16,045 309 703 161 392 190 3,270 160 182 30 61 130 1,785 130 126 86 1,420 66 83 20 55 2,042 1,879 1,404,497 161 1,257 276 170 15 1,614 580,534 1,475 102 32 5 1,208 237,030 ne 475 15 745 104,446 593 115 20 16 1 1,482 173,722 702 760 20 2,026 904,967 99 1,220 601 106 See footnotes at end of tjtble. NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued , Part 5 of 5.— General farms [Dala ve based on reports for only a sample of fams. See l«xt] 71 Item (For dpfinitions and oxplanalions, see u>Kt) ESTIIiUTED VALIIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOIIROE All farm products sold lotai, dollars. avcrnce prr farm, dollars All rro|ri ^^\d dollars. Fiold crr)F»«. othpf Ihan vegolAbles and fruiLS and nuts, sold dollars \>j:otahles sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest proilucLs and htvticultural specialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and live.stock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . LIVESTOCK A,VD LI\TyrfXTC PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms roportine. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved fanns repnrtinf!. number. Milk cows farms reprrtin^, numbrf . Heifers and heifer calves fann.H mportmc. numbi». Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reftcrting, number. Farms reponmp by numb*>r on hand: Cattle and catves- 1 head foniLs reporting , 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms rc|Hrtin(;, 10 to 19 head fanns rifKjrtinf!, •20 to 49 head fam.s rc|virtini:. 50 to 99 head farms ri-i«>rtint:. 100 to 499 head farms rcjvirline, 500 or more head fiums n'pdninc. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms repairtini; . 2 to 9 head farms repcrtiiig, 10 to 19 head fanns rcpivtinf. 20 to 29 head farms reiiining. 30 to 49 head fann- rt-purtinf;. 50 to 74 head farms rc)Mirtini;, 75 to 99 head fanns n-[K«ini;. 100 or more head farms report ini:. Milk cows— 1 head farms reponmi:. 2 to 9 head fanns reporting. 10 to 19 head farms repivtini:. 20 to 29 head farms reponing, .10 to 49 head farms reponing. 50 to 74 head farms repoding, 75 to 99 head farms refnrting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses antt'or mules famis reporting . number . Hogs and pigs farms re[tining. numb,.r. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. Bern befcre June I farms reporting , Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number, Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes fanns reporting. number, Rams and wethers farms reporting, number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number, dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. dollars. Chickens including bcoilers sold farms reponing. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 1,187,825,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,911,349 487,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,663 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,846 64,520 1,749,985 4S8 2,321 3,740 U,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,16a 29,514 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 7 22,098 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602,867,870 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 38,857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 Economic cla.ss 74,099,987 9,181 36,728,258 36,676,998 13,295 20,434 17,531 37,371,729 4,067,236 5,351,028 27,953,465 7,503 265,523 7,114 104,070 6,132 47,573 6,963 83,596 6,919 77,857 35 145 343 1,615 3,848 1,267 248 2 163 2,780 2,590 917 479 129 40 16 391 3,976 1,549 176 39 1,631 3,616 5,827 282,136 3,981 134,465 4,974 147,671 566 49,980 434 25,653 498 24,327 493 22,981 331 1,346 6,982 1,609,262 7,380 112,926 17,859,355 5,811 292,215 9,058,665 503 56,483 903,728 5,721 228,277,438 5,351,028 5,756 298,140 6,346 16,230,804 3,733,084 5,271,1% 57,2% 3,262,201 3,262,201 2,008,995 10,861 34,767 1,%3,367 9,416 50 1,863 28 189 65 4,255 62 3,298 17 107 31 921 22 544 26 377 29 16,869 22 13,449 17 3,420 17 3,380 6 40 41 6,170 73 6,891 1,503,714 27 1,652 51,212 24 24,423 390,848 14 925,898 34,767 22 925 16 43,201 9,936 12,459,165 25,636 7,471,234 7,470,499 445 290 4,987,951 161,177 293,388 4,533,386 423 28,837 287 7,823 206 1,612 320 11,031 331 9,983 10 21 10 16 99 179 88 155 332 217 12,211 145 6,711 173 5,500 51 9,285 40 6,341 46 2,944 46 2,815 39 129 313 70,870 438 21,595 3,874,128 204 14,363 445,253 55 12,434 198,944 114 9,539,816 293,388 162 10,435 199 654,445 150, 522 24,3%, 232 13,471 12,199,342 12,192,108 350 2,734 4,650 12,196,390 1,265,285 1,620,803 1,684 80,267 1,558 31,872 1,306 12,059 1,561 23,492 1,557 24,903 5 16 32 17D 807 556 98 31 347 496 360 242 57 22 3 61 712 410 103 20 420 987 1,366 39,069 1,011 43,769 1,221 45,300 148 9,527 107 1,905 137 7,622 132 7,315 97 307 1,536 421,076 1,694 35,290 5,840,151 1,384 106,455 3,300,105 132 8,619 137,904 1,224 64,238,632 1,620,803 1,194 81,128 1,322 5,030,401 1,156,992 23,165,589 7,305 10,034,286 10,025,026 500 2,750 6,010 13,131,303 1,709,679 2,433,945 8,987,679 3,004 %,585 2,957 40,697 2,620 21,583 2,857 29,241 2,873 26,647 5 36 95 556 1,885 408 19 40 997 1,337 418 146 15 2 2 122 1,587 851 55 5 625 1,066 2,526 126,623 1,749 58,817 2,174 67,806 187 9,321 144 2,786 162 6,535 162 5,836 78 699 2,854 684,453 2,977 34,603 4,860,030 2,568 127,774 3,%0,994 171 7,656 122,4% 2,495 106,989,566 2,433,945 2,498 136,512 2,697 6,319,684 1,563,527 8,040,603 3,938 3,453,061 3,420,634 11,750 13,806 6,?71 4,587,1^42 828, 71.5 848,575 2,910,202 1,911 44,369 1,876 19,1% 1,606 10,267 1,779 13,4A2 1,775 U,731 10 42 141 672 930 99 17 21 1,064 624 116 44 92 1,274 230 10 309 635 1,431 47,637 938 22,564 1,155 25,123 131 4,653 101 1,047 121 3,606 121 3,450 % 156 1,853 369,753 1,842 13,063 1,632,282 1,408 38,936 1,207,016 m 3,101 49,616 1,539 40,199,312 848, 575 1,580 59,057 1,762 3,332,223 766,411 767, 1B2 1,636 307,634 306,530 250 854 459, 548 91,469 119,550 248,529 401 6,049 336 2,619 366 1,858 381 2,135 321 1,295 25 60 200 m 10 311 65 35 316 15 105 489 256 5,625 U6 2,060 225 3,565 20 325 20 125 15 200 15 185 15 15 385 56,940 356 1,484 149,050 220 3,035 94,085 10 245 3,920 335 6,384,214 119,550 300 10,0«3 350 350,350 80,6% 72 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY , ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5.-General farms [Data are based on repona Tor only a sample oF fanns. See t«xt3 (For derinilions and explanalions, soe text) LI\'ESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Conlinued Litters larroweil December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. ...fanns repoitmc.. number of litters. , 1 or 2 litters farms reporting . 3 to 9 litters farms reporlinp . . 10 to 19 litters farms reportine.. 20 to .19 liUers farms reporting . . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting . 70 or more litters farms reporting., June 2 to November 30 farms reporting.. number of litters., December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters. . SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes .farms reporting . acres . . Total all commercial farms I'nder 11 acres.. . 11 to 24 acres ... 25 to 49 acres . , , SO to 74 acres . . . 75 to 99 acres . . . 100 or more acres Harvested for grain . . . I reporting. . arms reporting. 'arms reporting, 'aims reporting . 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting . acres . bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels . Sorghums for all purposes except sirup... farms reporting. acres . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting., acres . bushels . , Sales farms reporting . bushels . , Wheat harvested farms reporting . acres . , bushels . Sales farms reporting . , bushels . , Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . , bushels . , Sales farms reporting. bushels . , Barley harvested farms reporting. acres . bvishels . Sales farms reporting. bushels . Rye harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels . Sales farms reporting. bushels . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . acres . bushels. Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . , acres. , tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and greases cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons, Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. acres . tons. Sales , farms reporting. tons. Wild hay cut farms reporting. acres, tons . Sales farms reporting . tons. Other hay cut farms reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. See ftxitnotes at end of table. i2, 724 596,936 3,911 14,555 14,078 8,498 1,417 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371,575 67,993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14, 520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,683 1,539,726 30,828 1,380,714 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38,114 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6,680,589 10,972 310,979 6,894,931 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,644 57,480 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,068 71,041 66,816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 821 21,571 114,283 Economic class 4,925 53,116 362 2,344 1,559 619 31 10 3,355 19, 530 4,405 33,586 7,391 602,608 94 421 1,438 1,845 1,347 2,246 7,342 590,719 26,476,940 6,460 14,816,605 3,509 123,518 3,314 112,542 4,330,907 2,172 2,085,924 4,424 181,706 3,425,076 4,333 3,188,803 4,794 143,607 3,321,672 1,556 7%, 932 1,165 23,072 492,652 345 116,719 556 16,004 187,173 414 130,567 494 10,180 251,455 6,994 205,361 542,812 2,362 260,392 313 6,274 7,508 33 2,095 200 3,022 2,286 21 220 2,147 101,859 94,441 576 48,257 291 5,307 5,318 36 955 52 799 4,045 19 222 5 12 2 17 81 19 141 84 9,565 10 23 16 6 29 83 9,220 739,650 61 499,300 16 2,559 15 2,462 131,659 11 112,809 24 4,553 93,582 24 92,382 30 651 39,406 12 14,430 35 835 31,440 11 13,764 4 185 4,800 3 3,%0 7 445 15,200 84 15,812 52,053 39 43,696 7 2,543 1,890 3 640 1 60 120 150 2,096 14 59 36 35 119 933 124 1,163 468 50,947 36 118 58 27 229 459 48,486 3,059,176 367 2,146,U5 139 9,179 121 8,197 323,560 90 222,716 195 14,599 351,002 190 337,228 133 3,522 100,005 28 14,200 94 2,595 58, 560 26 12,752 15 766 9,005 15 7,873 16 220 6,350 422 21,229 80,974 190 52,813 17 606 973 21 250 247 11 160 53 17,345 21,699 27 16,969 18 285 312 5 65 5 140 750 1,213 17,603 84 347 471 286 15 10 918 6,363 1,123 11,240 1,729 131,020 12 91 148 229 357 892 1,713 177,999 8,787,847 1,582 5,469,619 842 39,169 791 35,398 1,505,147 568 714,195 983 54,672 1,131,731 972 1,075,883 1,033 38,391 1,009,436 420 298,275 343 7,741 171,151 104 38,895 128 4,318 51,222 103 38,310 161 4,440 113.735 81,716 1,594 54,997 152,538 671 76,192 69 3,195 3,500 7 1,320 28 573 374 5 10 389 21,220 19,118 116 9,432 47 1,577 1,816 5 25 11 154 755 2,165 23,345 108 1,048 743 256 10 1,490 8,654 1,951 14,691 2,947 243,498 17 113 363 841 716 897 2,929 239,952 9,830,112 2,665 5,018,481 1,491 51,261 1,419 47,370 1,699,581 968 760,149 1,877 73,203 1,313,671 1,352 1,210,435 2,135 65,410 1,427,084 705 340,637 464 8,543 172,315 163 41,793 237 7,040 81, 526 167 58,234 220 3,770 89,235 109,090 2,814 71,672 166,133 127 1,578 1,930 20 300 78 1,108 785 932 32,937 30,135 224 12,172 139 1,550 1,585 20 245 1,180 1,208 8,795 121 780 272 35 731 3,269 1,028 5,526 1,828 102,463 45 121 651 611 216 184 1,823 100,272 3,646,550 1,555 1,561,845 366 18,575 823 16,600 592,940 455 247,120 1,145 30,669 491,335 1,105 438,580 1,217 30,373 651,716 336 118,080 208 3,028 55,131 35 7,835 137 3,410 35,675 101 19,750 90 1,305 26,935 1,720 35,135 80,075 466 28,775 80 740 755 57 760 664 651 22,155 18,852 162 7,467 66 1,465 1,150 10 150 10 165 1,200 NEBRASKA State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 5.-General farms I Dftta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text ] 73 (For (lofinitions and i^Kplanalions, sop Loxl) ToUl all comnieifial fapn^ Kconomic class SPECIFIED CROPS HARVEfTED-ronimuivl Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^. bushels.. Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting.. acres . . tons.. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting.. acres . . 7,942 14,647 4,527,575 1,635 59, 596 1,035,429 639 487,259 2,572 3,247 1,258 3,595 1,148,056 571 19,428 336,348 62 13,295 328 312 52 1,451 561,710 61 3,842 68,120 84 1,429 430,791 197 8,238 147,066 12 4i5 212 555 110,590 243 6,308 105,722 15 350 524 124 37,400 60 960 14,625 5 500 311 27 6,745 10 60 815 25 11,750 105 124 75 9 820 5 250 35 46 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . 74 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) F4RMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Percent distribution percent. Land in farms acres. Percent distribution percent. \verai:e size of farm acres. Value of land and buildings: \veraRe per fajm dol I ars . Average oer acre dollars. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reoorting. acres . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. •20 to 29 acres farms reporting. ?0 to 45 acres fairr.s reoorting. 50 to 99 acres faims reoorting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 lo 499 acres farms reoorting. *^)0 to 999 acres farms reoorting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acr«s. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. acres. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. acres. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. acT^s. Woodland pastured farms reoorting. acres. "■'oodland not pastured farms reporting. acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reoorting. acres. Improved nasture farms reporting. acres. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres. Im gated cronland harvested farms reporting. acres. Land use practices: Crooland in cover crops farms repotting. acres. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contnur farms renorttng. acres. Land in strin-crooping systems for soil-erosion control farms reoorting. acres. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reoorting. acres. FARM OPERATORS BV AGE Operators reporting age number . Ilnder 2.^ years number. 25 lo "^4 years number. 35 lo 44 years number. 45 lo 54 years number. 55 lo R I years number. 155 or more years number. \verage age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. lOO to 199 days or>eralors reporting. 200 or more days operalrirs reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricuIUiral products sold operators reporting. Operators not worliing off their farms of not reoorting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricuIUiral products sold operators reporting. FARMS BV SIZE L'nder 10 acres number . 10 to 49 acres number. 50 to f)9 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to Its acres number . 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 2.59 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 lo 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of labl e. Total all farme 90,223 XXX 47,774,823 xxx 529.5 47,750 86.28 84,425 18,190,771 1,613 1,548 1,047 2,543 10,364 32,736 30,389 3,278 907 26, 152 1,350,266 38,422 3,429,394 23,954 2,308,289 12,609 644,545 12,862 476,560 6,749 368,085 7,739 153,073 62,103 22,739,103 6,609 367,393 19,188 2,097,256 19,Cki9 2,037,036 6,964 253,360 19,503 1,752,506 5,189 1,049,415 19,860 2,003,520 89,233 2,238 13,622 20,315 23,168 18,977 10,913 48.2 25,691 15,343 2,730 7,118 6,114 10,568 64,532 6,908 16,247 2,422 4,673 1,069 3,930 3,582 13,415 5,802 9,350 26,678 11,263 4,813 3,226 Coramercial famiE by type of farm 80,847 100.0 46,978,575 100.0 581.1 51,032 87.50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358,588 18,559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247,188 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19, OU 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,583 4,723 7,883 2,883 60,167 6,477 13,033 1,236 597 1,430 569 2,650 3,022 12,440 5,622 9,160 26,203 11,128 4,804 3,222 Cash-grain farms 30,828 38.1 12,650,103 26.9 410.3 53,574 129.25 30,828 7,182,647 5 25 35 267 2,969 11,982 14,026 1,361 158 8,795 321,181 17,502 1,940,908 12,807 1,581,236 4,559 166,386 5,137 193,286 1,928 76,631 2,742 58,347 19,863 2,533,025 1,885 67,988 9,219 1,044,639 9,206 1,025,929 2,205 70,780 7,402 714,557 1,936 620, 546 7,325 817,370 30,506 1,012 5,113 7,225 8,167 6,677 2,312 46.6 9,395 6,917 1,049 1,429 2,199 3,677 1,169 21,433 2,410 5,098 405 121 165 1,040 1,170 4,675 2,176 3,830 11,247 4,555 1,475 374 Other field-crop farms 436 0.5 94,515 0.2 216.8 43,809 211.83 436 62,706 5 10 10 86 246 78 1 52 557 112 5,420 71 2,245 21 855 66 2,320 5 15 181 20,535 25 1,080 436 61,694 436 59,103 42 1,019 10 845 55 4,520 10 850 436 20 113 115 136 37 15 42.3 101 76 335 30 37 5 15 45 65 125 45 30 92 10 3 1 Vegetable farms 55 0.1 5,045 (Z) 91.7 63,125 552.52 55 2,920 15 10 10 15 5 5 20 35 1,030 10 185 15 770 15 75 ■ 15 315 5 340 5 105 15 355 15 245 5 70 10 150 55 5 io 35 5 57.8 Fniit-and-nut farms NEBRASKA State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on fefiorts for only a sample of farms. See text] 75 (For derinitiona Mid e\pl ftnations, see u?xt) Ccmnerclal faimB by type of fann — Continued Poultry farma Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General faims Uiscellaneous farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND V»LUE Farms number.. Perconl distribution percent.. Land in (arms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. AiPTOKe size of farm acres.. Value of lanij antj builfjings; \verftj^e per faim dollars.. Vvpragc per acre .' dollars.. Land in fartns according to use; Cropland harvested fams reporting . . acres.. 1 to 9 acres faims reporting.. 10 to 19 iwres farms rerortine. . %to 2fl acres farm.s ri-porling.. 30 to 49 acres farms reoorting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 1[)0 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 'iJOO to 499 acres farms reporting.. Sif) to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms refiorting. . Owiland used only for pasture farms refiorting.. acres.. (Upland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . actvs., Soil-imoIDvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. , acres. . Woodland pastured farms reoorting.. acTws. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acrvs . . Other pasture ( not cropi and and not woodi and) fams reoorti ng . . acres.. Incmved oasture farms reporting.. acres. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigaled crooland harvested farms reporting. . acres.. Land use practices: rronland in cover crops farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland used for grain or row clops farmed on the contour farms reporting.. acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reoorting. . acr^s.. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reoorting. . acres. . FARM OPERATORS BY *GE Operators reporting age numiier. . t'nder 25 years number. . 25 to 14 years number.. .■is to 44 years number.. 45 to 54 years numbw.. 55 to 6 1 years numl>er.. 65 or more years number.. \vorage age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators rqiorting. . 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operalors reporting. . With other income of family enceeding value of agricultural products sold orierators reporting.. 'Iperators not wortiing off their farms or not I«x>rting as to work off their farms operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm ooepators reporting. , With income from sources other than farm operated. , .operators reporting. , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. , FARM'S BV SIZE Under 10 acres numoer . 10 to 19 acres number. 50 to 19 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 119 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number. IBO to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acr«s number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of ubia 413 0.5 52,757 0.1 127.7 25,036 164.39 215 18,666 15 40 15 21 37 64 22 1 87 3,585 113 6,750 25 425 56 5,025 42 1,300 16 690 37 469 203 17,710 15 235 31 1,370 21 1,260 55 4,180 1 150 61 5,365 383 5 31 50 133 139 25 51.8 127 56 5 66 20 60 51 286 52 99 100 85 17 45 26 47 15 21 45 9 2 1 2,350 2.9 629,390 1.3 267.8 40,535 143.37 2,244 341,360 50 30 30 60 481 1,070 511 12 1,110 45,699 818 38,260 360 14,648 394 12,834 357 10,778 228 7,482 190 2,355 1,705 160,825 318 13,795 416 36,373 406 34,267 208 4,784 783 65,300 122 12,005 818 73,341 2,340 33 399 627 735 455 91 45.8 536 374 56 106 132 1,814 277 331 36,864 45.6 24,167,505 51.4 655.6 49,817 75.90 35,446 8,499,247 178 336 241 836 4,008 14,587 12,891 1,711 658 11,767 746,216 13,498 1,054,455 7,571 552,772 4,984 309,002 4,899 192,681 3,314 209,014 3,467 68,299 27,827 12,898,089 3,185 174,131 6,319 700,695 6,278 677,334 3,359 134,520 8,255 740,336 2,302 314,726 8,530 844,363 36,501 815 5,924 8,902 9,745 8,183 2,932 47.1 7,955 5,726 709 1,520 1,692 2,986 1,274 28,909 2,882 5,840 30 347 105 984 5 352 115 1,015 145 1,171 465 5,422 240 2,381 335 3,659 715 11,311 166 5,384 25 2,8U 4 2,027 1,649 2.0 6,699,839 14.3 4,063.0 118,979 28.07 1,171 351,296 33 66 o5 126 153 2S8 233 91 66 185 96,747 552 84,238 243 21,174 311 45,675 164 17,389 122 33,645 73 2,676 1,607 6,050,502 93 77,234 235 28,403 221 24,748 47 3,967 30 3,255 68 10,361 177 23,735 1,615 10 158 242 405 436 364 53.6 428 188 41 199 144 1,221 97 453 25 66 35 30 217 215 301 760 8,071 10.0 2,661,476 5.7 329.8 38,945 121.96 8,026 1,481,260 26 26 11 125 1,145 4,039 2,533 98 23 2,673 105,044 3,437 168,101 1,841 99,809 1,253 35,742 1,313 32,550 602 25,558 781 14,095 5,756 738,721 676 23,750 1,851 207,698 1,850 201,092 896 32,033 2,205 194,737 528 71,324 2,069 195,452 7,997 192 1,184 2,047 2,249 1,792 533 46.9 2,082 1,689 180 213 506 656 149 5,989 694 1,123 15 70 25 360 405 1,630 725 1,250 2,565 788 184 54 156 0.2 13,665 (Z) 87.6 34,064 343.50 2,005 65 5 10 1 5 27 660 2 65 11 490 20 105 6 35 5 60 34 10,375 10 70 32 430 32 430 1 15 6 890 6 890 145 5 10 26 46 45 13 50.8 41 16 5 20 10 115 25 27 100 25 5 10 76 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ore based on reports for only a sample oT fanns. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see t*xl) Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm Cash-grain farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable fanns Fruit-and-nut farms FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. .All tenants number. Cash t«-nants number . Share-cash tenants numbw . Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants numbw. Other and unspeci Tied tenants number. WTiite farm onerators: Full owTiers numb«. Part owTjers number. All tenants numbe». N'onwhite fann operators: Full owners number . Part owners number. .All tenants number. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS CommenjiaJ farms number. a ass I number. Class n number. Class in numbw . anssIV number. Class V number. aass VI number. SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIE.S AND KIND OF BOAD Grain combines farms repotting. number. Com pidrcfs farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Moloilnicks farms reporting. number. Tractors fanns rerorting . number. Tractors other than gairien farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. S tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms r^ipoiting. numlxT. Crarden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortnidts farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms refMrljng. Crop drier [for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which lot:ated: Hard surface farms reporting. Ciravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. (lersons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by numtier of regular hired workws: 1 hired worirer farms reporting. 2 hired worirers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired wortters farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on faim operated operators rejiorting. Not residing on farm operated orierators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 31,181 27,-136 31,281 2,241 15,555 8,011 2,711 1,763 31,161 27,420 31,245 20 16 36 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 50,696 53,343 56,179 58,546 18,414 18,684 10,723 11,234 64,158 83,439 81,913 130,087 81,442 175,254 23,208 35,492 15,458 4,629 2,655 81,172 172,063 2,753 3,191 4,547 4,833 84,957 110,317 88,237 72,552 57,007 15,513 3,980 3,634 50,400 9,177 59,892 20,046 3,524 16,522 2,466 4,475 1,399 8,182 10,903 17,072 5,844 8,509 4,543 872 293 84 79,721 6,979 3,523 24,423 26,596 29,555 1,726 16,235 7,561 2,656 1,377 24,403 26,580 29,529 80,847 3,741 9,033 22,808 26,485 15,263 3,517 49,375 51,963 54,654 57,0CK 18,039 18,297 10,628 11,133 60,507 79,380 76,072 172,231 75,852 168,010 18,868 34,447 15,303 4,604 2,630 75,587 164,958 2,700 3,112 3,911 4,161 76,978 100,717 79,813 65,571 52,838 15,228 3,950 3,596 49,075 7,468 54,157 18,301 2,949 15,352 2,149 4,200 1,299 7,7tK 10,753 16,686 5,809 8,331 4,528 362 291 83 45 72,034 5,892 2,921 6,614 10,933 13,249 332 7,174 4,501 696 546 6,609 10,931 13,249 5 2 30,828 383 2,534 9,222 11,306 6,180 1,203 21,342 23,473 21,975 23,031 5,981 6,030 2,512 2,627 23,433 31, 570 29,277 62,596 29,210 60,884 8,174 13,550 5,391 1,463 632 29,103 59,828 901 1,056 1,614 1,712 29,427 38,257 30,346 24,378 19,076 4,211 2,322 20,942 2,902 22,554 5,058 345 4,213 629 1,202 381 2,001 3,526 4,997 1,446 1,753 1,222 177 42 26,409 3,286 1,133 100 84 252 5 35 180 26 6 95 73 237 5 6 15 436 19 126 166 105 15 5 168 168 148 153 28 28 78 78 401 897 391 1,192 386 1,167 45 100 123 80 38 386 1,161 6 6 25 25 401 531 411 326 279 36 10 105 194 136 40 96 20 51 5 20 150 310 84 125 380 46 10 50 75 55 170 55 140 20 15 5 15 55 130 10 10 20 30 45 60 55 55 20 NEBRASKA state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 77 (For Hpfinidons and explanations, see text) FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners , number. Pari dwnors number. Al I tenants number . Cash tfinonts number , Share-cash tenants number . Crop-share lenants number. Livestnck-shnre tenants , number. Other and unspecified tenants numbor. White rarm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. \l\ tenants number. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. FARMS BV FCOMOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II .number. CI ass III number . ClassIV number. Class V number. Class VI number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD firain combines fanns reporting, number. Com pickers farms reDOcting, number. Pick-un balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters faims reporting. number. Motortrucks fams repotting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden fafms reporting, number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors fanns reporting, .1 tractors farms reporting . 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors fams reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reoorting. numt)CT. Garden tractors farms reporting . number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting . Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface nsad farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles Farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired woriters farms reoorting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worlter farms reporting. 2 hired wor1y materials farnis reporting... tons.. , Liquid materials f arms reporti ng . . . tons. .. Oops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... acres.. . Dry materials farms reporting... tons. .. Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting... tons.. . Liquid materials farms reoortine. . . tons Com farms reporting... acres . . . nry materials farms reporting... trms... Liquid materials farms reporting... Wheat farms reporting. . . Dry materials farms rept»rting... tons... Liquid materials farms r^x>rting... tons... Oats farms reporting... acres.. . Dry materials farms reporting... tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... All other crops farms reporting... acres Dry materials farms reporting... Ions... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . Lime or liming materials used during tile year farms reporting. . . acres limed. . . tons... SPEnnED FARM FJtPENDlTURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting... Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting... dollars... Under JlOO farms reporting... SlOO to«B99 fsims reporting.. $1,000 to ?1,999 farms reporting.., .$2,000 to $4,999 farms reoorting.. $5,000 or more faims reoortjng.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. tinder $1,000 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 fanns reporting.. .$2,500 to $4,999 fanns reporting.. .$5,000 to $9,999 farms rervirting.. 510,000 or more farms refyirting.. Machine hire farms remirting. . dollars.. Under $-200 farms reporting. . $200 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more faims reporting.. Hired labor farms reeorting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 - faims reporting.. $1,000 to 52,499 farms reporting. . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reoorting.. $5,000 to «9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 faims reporting.. $20,000 to $49,999 faims reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reoorting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $.500 to $999 farms renorting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for tjie farm business farms reporting . dol i ars . . Under $100 farms reporting . . $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 fanns reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 farms refxirting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting. . See footnotes at end of table. Camnercial faimfl by type of farm — Contlnueti Poijltry farms 77 4,947 389 67 283 16 106 10 150 10 52 3,295 47 159 11 100 26 652 36 48 10 150 10 9 20 70O 15 59 5 6 10 500 1,315 413 408 3,448,300 25 170 35 55 113 343 860,795 200 57 30 41 15 126 36,970 63 51 12 136 253,455 60 21 11 22 12 1 8 194 22,030 107 393 153,115 145 134 77 37 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches 1,201 86,433 7,094 858 4,117 569 2,977 272 6,137 217 679 60 60 140 3,515 105 ISO 45 126 917 53,868 534 1,957 504 2,268 402 11,698 302 622 115 235 231 4,520 196 303 35 70 203 6,695 107 376 106 218 101 2,080 4,095 2,350 2,345 5,479,305 110 805 430 694 306 1,716 1,752,079 1,218 288 153 45 12 1,518 405,531 739 721 58 1,281 891,239 567 277 152 75 68 31 11 1,700 354,072 456 1,145 79 20 2,345 1,507,076 145 786 922 487 5 Livestock ranches 16,390 1,473,852 112,947 12,390 69,139 7,022 43,808 2,599 90,123 2,387 6,233 284 992 858 27,215 717 1,786 153 358 13,057 993,417 8,387 42,023 5,358 35,795 3,974 138,411 3,123 6,523 939 1,895 3,593 98,002 3,198 6,280 431 762 3 A 91 126,684 2,225 5,294 1,158 3,006 708 17,598 32,698 35,855 35,741 111,374,770 1,162 14,079 7,203 8,280 5,017 29,752 247,649,835 13,632 3,814 3,442 3,607 5,267 22,661 7,580,720 10,743 10,655 1,262 19,878 17,997,463 8,931 4,311 2,290 2,419 1,273 458 141 46 9 25,965 5,890,873 7,034 16,819 1,653 459 35,580 28,951,469 1,390 11,267 14,281 9,421 221 General fenis 200 12,675 1,067 152 820 50 247 91 5,3W 87 385 6 95 18 1,223 17 72 1 (Z) 92 4,306 61 240 34 139 20 597 15 24 5 3 6 157 5 7 1 1 28 1,078 24 92 4 9 2 67 64 1,647 1,565 4,490,871 87 575 347 319 237 1,009 9,728,516 307 231 122 109 240 615 413,478 257 275 84 914 2,348 388 214 144 121 176 140 74 28 14 3 549 109,299 268 226 37 18 1,623 1,399,527 190 543 387 479 24 3,821 283,706 23,930 2,323 14,795 1,730 9,135 448 12,369 397 8Cf? 56 124 131 2,377 121 166 15 71 3,013 183,064 1,814 7,782 1,556 7,382 1,127 30,556 925 2,008 224 602 672 12,710 616 835 56 68 1,U3 42,520 8S4 3,197 336 888 143 5,395 8,015 8,071 7,559 8,875,175 399 4,172 1,524 1,255 209 5,527 8,692,486 5,053 541 457 297 169 5,449 1,550,131 2,579 2,555 215 3,871 2,029,869 2,200 757 402 350 96 44 20 2 5,921 1,288,317 1,570 3,882 359 100 8,001 5,489,715 218 2,836 3,268 1,671 Miscellaneous farms 27 465 83 27 73 1 10 6 120 6 U 1 30 1 3 21 315 21 59 1 10 5 20O 400 153 25 17,725 10 10 77,000 5 36 22,080 20 6 10 93 551,760 10 5 5 31 15 5 20 1 1 117 238,935 30 31 10 47 U8 62,185 45 30 40 23 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DfttA are based on refwrts for only a sanple of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Comniercial farms by type of farm Cash-grain farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms Fruit-and-nut farms ESTPIATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products SOltl totai, dollars average per faim, dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and Ihiils and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars FYnits and nuts sold dollars Forest [products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livesloclt products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Daily products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LR'ESTOCK Mm LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. number . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. SGlIt cows farms reporting. number. Reifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hajid: CaKle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting. 500 or mor« head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms tepoiting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms leporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Mjik C0W9- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 he«l farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. numbs. Bora since June 1 .farms reporting. number. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms renorting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chicicens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calv^ sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reputing. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold^ , farms reporting. pounds. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms rerouting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dorens. Mlars. See footnotes at end of tablei 1,199,228,371 13,292 394,382,758 390,703,915 621,578 458,188 2,599,077 80i,845,613 27,690,457 39,876,414 737,278,742 76,374 4,990,448 68,453 1,743,323 49,719 321,727 67,360 1,481,078 68,503 1,766,047 709 3,546 5,410 12,643 27,817 15,652 9,611 3,487 24,892 17,885 8,353 6,589 3,087 1,355 2,805 8,149 31,769 7,542 1,401 670 136 44 23,473 65,936 52,842 3,329,976 36,435 1,594,752 44,665 1,735,224 7,414 756,590 5,482 454,740 6,554 301,850 6,428 287,679 4,660 U,171 64,983 10,758,298 73,534 3,137,997 605,990,193 51,849 3,732,421 115,705,051 6,562 813,439 13,015,024 39,199 1,498,318,267 39,876,414 44,184 2,365,494 53,838 91,841,474 21,123,539 1,187,825,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,9U,349 487,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 38,857,939 732,124,664 70,699 4,925,668 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,846 64,520 1,749,985 488 2,321 3,740 11,042 26,391 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29,5U 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 22,093 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274,835 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602,367,370 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,301 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,934 1,459,229,309 38,857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 325,839,050 10, 570 250,408,085 250,283,461 26,090 77,730 15,804 75,430,965 5,868,064 6,304,594 63,258,307 23,390 710,747 21,849 293,199 14,289 68,750 20,652 209,174 20,327 208,374 315 1,493 2,516 5,850 9,458 2,982 772 4 1,246 10,028 6,236 2,132 1,514 418 125 100 2,833 9,976 1,256 175 37 12 5,172 10,455 14,159 543,852 9,011 273,146 11,523 275,706 2,272 128,302 1,698 54,934 2,028 73,368 1,986 69,277 1,348 4,091 20,511 2,929,537 21,587 235,552 44,466,854 13,734 544,613 16,883,003 1,928 95,279 1,524,464 10,601 262,551,085 6,304,594 13,372 486,000 16,612 23,123,535 5,318,411 7,782,224 17,849 6,621,421 6,612,882 8,465 74 1,160,803 12,994 76,835 1,070,974 250 10,274 189 2,748 143 640 219 5,240 189 2,236 50 176 173 4,631 97 1,387 153 2,744 50 10,160 45 9,180 40 980 40 895 15 85 208 11,798 192 4,924 867,064 112 3,135 97,185 41 6,320 101, 120 61 2,213,782 76,335 46 1,405 62 48,425 U,139 381,651 6,939 3&l,756 21,691 341,790 1,275 16,895 406,153 16,246 367,273 85,931 17,000 264,342 38,380 38,880 130 5 50 5 75 5 5 5 10 475 5 235 10 240 5 100 5 100 5 25 5 20 5 5 5 375 10 545 16,895 10 200 37,000 5 60 1,860 NEBRASKA 81 state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [patA are based on reports for only a aanple of fanns. See (extj ;For definitions and explanations, see text) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold tola], dollars . . average per fann, dollars.. Ml cnaps sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fnjits and nata, sold dollars . . Vegetables sold dollars.. Fnjils and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products tind horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livpstock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock pioducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTD(T< PRODI It^TS Cattle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Cows, inclurling heifers that have calved farms repotting. . number . . Milk cows farms reporting.. number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number.. Steers and hulls including steer and bull (jalves farms reporting. . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 5tW or more head farms reporting. . Ctows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reoorting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head (arms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Hoises and/or mules farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Bom before lune 1 farms reporting.. number . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . numtier. . Ewes farms reporting. . number . . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting.. pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . (killars., Chitiken eggs sold farms reporting.. dotens. . dollars.. See footnotes at end of tabl& Comnercial farms by type of farm — Continued Poultry farms 6,563,707 15,893 329,599 328,343 750 506 6,234,108 5,522,173 65,090 197 4,180 185 1,385 139 589 167 1,381 135 1,414 20 125 36 25 113 54 105 81 3,314 50 5,105 66 3,209 23 3,347 18 1,489 18 1,858 18 1,803 17 55 339 327,876 167 1,998 314,465 87 9,500 294,500 22 2,015 32,240 77 2,276,221 65,090 322 570,913 322 4,324,021 1, 109, 522 Dairy farms 26,431,282 11,247 5,275,873 5,270,480 2,020 1,585 1,788 21,155,409 591,270 14,391,818 6,172,321 2,340 118,123 2,340 53,024 2,330 53,767 2,238 39,940 2,062 20,159 50 46 181 ,048 815 200 15 286 693 643 520 142 26 15 20 357 715 611 481 111 29 604 1,007 1,253 53,729 886 27,636 1,031 26,093 163 8,807 128 2,297 153 6,510 153 6,246 108 264 1,725 261,732 2,314 37,507 4,323,628 1,246 55,531 1,721,461 137 5,995 95,920 2,350 393,495,934 14,391,818 1,181 50,319 1,400 2,324,426 534,621 Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches 706,126,721 19,155 87,134,916 86,957,155 70,001 52,029 55,731 618,991,805 10,301,886 12,425,833 596,264,086 35,454 3,374,239 30,325 1,058,725 22,563 136,156 31,254 1,002,993 32,935 1,312,521 121 551 720 3,274 12,166 10, 198 7,659 765 1,266 8,048 7,433 4,365 3,868 2,205 1,038 2,102 3,680 14,443 3,889 429 105 11 5 1 13,359 38,392 27,875 2,357,734 20,120 1,111,117 24,497 1,246,617 3,432 507,307 2,527 343,873 3,026 163,434 2,968 156,857 2,327 6,577 28,508 4,929,274 35,732 2,444,136 499,729,C74 27,913 2,753,865 85,369,815 3,157 606,984 9,711,744 17,771 559,734,275 12,425,333 20,102 844,450 24, 149 40,328,587 9,275,575 Livestock ranches 37,460,286 22,717 . 540,188 638,670 348 765 405 36,820,098 117,481 242,516 36,460,101 1,554 442,416 1,456 196,632 316 3,523 1,4LJ 118,415 1,448 127,369 2 16 39 47 244 3Cf7 686 213 26 103 152 138 172 180 U8 567 168 572 62 10 3 1 1,193 8,267 459 13,669 295 7,054 341 5,615 153 24,633 104 6,755 147 17,878 141 16,825 122 1,052 917 55,004 1,596 226,308 35,270,430 386 20,207 626,417 139 22,348 357,568 402 10,559,326 242,516 254 7,892 487 343,507 79,009 General farms 74,099,987 9,181 36,728,258 36,676,998 13,295 20,434 17,531 37,371,729 4,067,236 5,351,023 27,953,465 7,503 255,523 7,114 104,070 6,132 47,573 5,963 83,595 6,919 77,857 35 145 343 1,615 3,848 1,257 248 2 163 2,780 2,590 917 479 129 40 16 391 3,976 1,549 175 39 1,531 3,616 5,827 282,135 3,981 134,455 4,974 147,671 566 49,980 434 25,653 498 24,327 493 22,981 331 1,346 6,982 1,609,262 7,380 112,926 17,359,355 5,8U 292,215 9,058,665 503 56,483 903,728 5,721 228,277,438 5,351,028 5,756 298,140 6,345 15,230,804 3,733,084 Miscellaneous farms 2,734,680 17,530 2,491,620 30,733 7,500 763 2,452,619 243,060 45 225 242,790 5 36 1 4 1 4 6 32 30 356 11 300 1 6,248 225 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farnia. Sep text ] (For definitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK «rt) LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Cootinued Litters farrowed December 1, 19S8, to November 30, 1959 farms wporttng.. number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters fanns renorting.. 3 to 9 litters f"^® reporting.. 10 to 19 liltere farnis reporting.. 90 toS9 litters tBtms reporting.. 40 to 69 litters fa™s reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting.. June 2 to November 30 f«™s reporting. . number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of liu«rs.. a»EaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes , , Under 1 1 acres . . . . 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain q reporting. . acres., farms reporting., farms reporting., arms reporting. . arms reporting., farms reporting. ■ 'arms reoorting. . •' reporting., acres., bufihels., i renorting., bushes. , Sor^nims for all purpoeea except sirup. ..farmB repenting... acres . . - HarreBted for grain or seed farms reporting... acres . . . busbels. . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Wheat harvested farms reporting . . , acres . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting-., bushels . . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting.., acres . . . bushels . . . S^es farms reporting . . bushels . . . Barley harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . , bushels. . I^e harvested f aims reporting . . acres . . biishels. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres . . bushels.. Hay crops: Land froni irtiich hay was ciit acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Clover, timothy, and nilxtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tens.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Other hay cut farms reporting., acres . , tcois.. Sales farms reporting . . tons.. Grass eilage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres . . tons, green weight., See footnotes at end of table. Total all farms Commercial farms by type of farm 44,749 42,724 606,106 596,936 4,766 3,911 15,500 14,555 14,278 14,078 8,519 8,498 1,418 1,417 268 265 31, (K9 29,774 229,333 225,361 38,954 37,609 376,773 371,575 71,551 67,993 6,742,064 6,651,990 2,053 982 4,036 3,115 11,001 9,866 14,876 14,520 11,940 11,895 27,645 27,615 70,314 66,346 6,502,604 6,416,045 313,979,429 3U,047,415 52,039 49,882 184,100,316 182,533,179 36,022 34,683 1,563,391 1,539,726 32,022 30,828 1,401,506 1,380,714 60,661,488 59,995,970 22,334 21,553 40,361,098 39,919,607 46,672 44,621 3,015,580 2,971,391 65,629,741 64,872,958 45,803 43,852 61,869,226 61,230,370 39,187 38,114 1,279,666 1,264, 5qi 31,700,324 31,418,299 11,638 11,286 6,763,004 6,680,589 11,190 10,972 314,414 310,979 6,948,767 6,894,931 4,197 4,075 2,723,071 2,690,140 5,300 5,138 153,358 149,433 2,066,554 2,024,099 3,787 3,676 1,608,533 1,577,708 5,237 5,170 142,348 140,904 3,425,854 3,402, 6« 4,699,854 4,640,900 60,209 57,480 1,742,351 1,707,044 3,8»4,792 3,813,744 13,080 12,438 810,941 792,560 3,320 3,199 102,679 100,664 123,675 121,435 242 237 7,402 7,312 3,179 3,068 72,006 71,041 68,271 66,816 125 115 3,784 2,784 21,159 20,368 2,685,196 2,667,157 1,951,397 1,937,233 2,990 2,816 141,372 136,627 3,414 3,245 75,621 73,423 77,155 74,703 174 154 4,478 3,538 838 821 22,001 21,571 118,643 114,283 Cash-grain farms 11,533 100,171 1,933 5,592 3,061 863 73 11 7,313 39,095 9,591 61,076 26,998 2,914,770 222 759 3,095 5,520 4,683 12,719 26,751 2,874,162 147,417,458 25,877 123,191,282 17,348 917,604 16,423 871,859 39,504,285 14,410 31,392,326 24,853 2,046,493 46,427,491 24,648 44,079,968 12,578 343,491 7,833,870 5,170 3,158,505 5,051 168,168 3,751,659 2,706 2,147,684 1,991 62,912 989,615 1,594 846,875 2,834 86,997 2,112,557 541,063 18,673 378,627 919,951 5,273 260,729 954 12,812 19,038 127 1,942 859 16, 153 1>4,598 52 1,574 4,852 110,334 106,239 323 16,706 1,225 21,242 21,011 77 1,219 107 1,395 8,795 Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms 118 638 66 35 6 11 73 256 92 382 391 15,281 50 105 U7 70 27 22 390 14,226 958,615 303 531,385 1 28 1 28 940 1 940 67 1,808 31,560 57 29,260 127 2,039 78,615 91 49,055 91 1,840 65,160 25 20,570 6 20 400 1 350 8,667 3U 7,070 18,765 112 5,255 26 275 505 5 75 37 1,322 1,597 5 450 10 215 5 30 10 185 10 270 10 270 11,250 10 6,250 5 65 900 5 900 Fruit-and-nut fanns 5 35 105 5 105 10 5 5 10 20 1,265 5 5 5 5 20 1,265 66,050 20 60,050 5 220 5 220 15,400 5 15,400 15 170 2,875 5 210 7,000 15 400 1,050 5 400 NEBRASKA State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 83 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text | (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cotraiercial fanns by type of farm — Continued Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General faims Miscellaneous farms LIVT^TOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters latfowed December 1, 1958. to November 30, 1959 '«™» reportini;. . . number of Iitl«rs.., 1 or 2 litters .1 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters . ., 20 t« :19 litters ... 40 to 19 litters ., . 70 or more litters . June 2 to Moverflber 31 December 1 to lune 1 , . .farms reporting.., . . .farms reporting... . . .farms repotting.. . . .farms reporting.. . . .farms reporting. . . . .farms reporting. . . . .farms reporting. . number of titlers.. . . .farms reporting.. number of litters.. .SPEaFIEO CROPS iURVfSTED Com for all purposes farms (Sporting. . acres.. Under 11 acres . 11 to 24 acres.. 25 to 49 acres. . 50 to 74 acres .. 75 to 96 acres . . 100 or more acre Harvested for grain . I reporting,. . arms refxjrting... 'arms reporting. . . I reporting. . . farnis reporting... 'arms reporting . . . 'arms reporting... acres... bushels... Sales farms reporting,.. bushels... Sorghums for all purposes except sirup. . .farms reporting.., acres . . , Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. . , acres . . , bushels . . , Sales farms reporting . . , bushels... Wheat harvested farms reporting. . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reptarting.. bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting.. bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels.. Rye harvested farms reporting, . acres . . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres . . bushels.. Hay crops; Land f ran i^ich hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . acres , , tens, , Sales farms reporting . . tons.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fajms reporting. . acres . . texts. . Sales farms reporting. , tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut fca* hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting., tons.. Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales farms repc^rting. . tons.. Other hay cut farms reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. . acres . . tons, green weight.. 71 1,321 11 30 5 20 5 40 680 56 641 153 7,935 30 15 45 21 25 17 153 7,710 340,150 181,375 87 3,(>;0 82 3,005 111,625 36 30,865 93 2,577 50,650 93 48,250 76 1,640 34,455 21 6,135 15 160 3,000 125 3,750 95 2,219 4,955 12 1,055 15 no 165 31 958 801 1 20 50 1,055 10,126 162 439 338 111 5 ■734 4,203 888 5,923 2,048 143,780 50 166 451 627 312 442 1,981 133,127 6,025,960 1,251 3,218,260 1,184 36,348 842 25,459 1,036,365 443 383,570 1,068 37,639 676,551 1,038 636,590 1,105 27,025 665,745 155 73,690 173 3,152 77,305 28 16,550 98 1,991 23,990 42 12,080 110 2,725 69,025 88,285 2,028 62,620 168,362 206 8,165 92 1,285 1,855 5 180 100 1,332 1,398 5 20 468 19,793 16,795 82 1,643 36 630 480 120 2,625 16,700 24,709 428,585 1,288 6,016 9,019 6,845 1,303 238 18,038 160,530 22,335 268,055 30,720 2,953,895 491 1,598 4,629 6,386 5,486 12,130 30,001 2,786,446 129,395,550 15,829 40,465,017 12,382 452,507 10,109 365,863 14,951,563 4,471 5,494,297 13,908 690,987 U,(>;i,808 13,480 13,039,586 19,339 743,717 19,358,139 4,286 2,594,172 4,431 113,238 2,475,228 962 377,922 2,428 66,951 807, 533 1,594 577,807 1,716 40,822 964,482 3,358,897 28,719 1,008,263 2,087,826 4,438 254,571 1,770 72,459 34,225 71 3,065 1,763 45,803 43,401 31 845 12,056 2,174,210 1,486,536 1,297 67,884 1,618 41, 719 41,885 39 1,264 537 16,443 83,306 298 2,754 84 99 35 24 5 1 216 1,037 227 1,717 256 11,996 35 46 86 46 10 33 192 7,930 342,442 30 49,955 156 6,101 41 1,428 30,725 4 4,285 177 9,751 213,597 172 201,938 85 2,757 68,503 7 2,100 46 1,349 29,927 9 10,695 59 1,555 15,388 31 10,029 629 42,304 69,648 25 1,888 55 7,724 8,644 1 30 120 4,456 4,628 1 50 772 258,146 230,789 30 1,687 74 4,508 5,999 2 100 289 ,337 4,925 53,116 362 2,344 1,559 619 31 10 3,355 19,530 4,405 33,586 7,391 602,608 94 421 1,438 1,845 1,347 2,246 7,342 590,719 26,476,940 6,460 14,316,605 3,509 123,518 3,314 112,542 4,330,907 2,172 2,085,924 4,424 181,706 3,425,076 4,333 3,188,803 4,794 143,607 3,321,672 1,556 796,932 1,165 23,072 492,652 345 116,719 556 16,004 187,173 414 130,567 494 10,180 251,455 322,622 6,994 205,361 542,812 2,362 260,392 313 6,274 7,508 33 2,095 200 3,022 2,286 21 220 2,147 101,859 94,441 576 48,257 291 5,307 5,313 36 955 52 799 4,045 6 190 5 1 6 190 13,000 6 13,000 11 360 11 310 14,160 6 12,000 11 195 2,450 11 2,450 5 15 300 11 55 1,375 U 145 270 5 35 35 See footnotes at end of table. 84 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I^Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Total all farms Conunercial farms by type of farm Item (For Herinitions iinti oxplannllons, sec uxl) Total Cash- grain f arras Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms Fruit-and-nut farms SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Conlinued Irish potatoes harvested for hone 8,695 14,986 4,584,905 1,636 59,631 1,006,089 833 621,578 2,995 3,745 7,942 14,647 4,527,575 1,635 59,596 1,005,429 639 487,259 2,572 3,247 2,012 1,931 459,662 261 6,635 99,037 212 26,090 846 322 168 5,782 2,028,000 345 14,935 252,300 32 8,465 5 10 10 30 3,500 55 341,790 15 90 acres^ . . bushels . , . Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting... acres tons . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . , Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting... acres . . . 10 17,000 25 655 Z Less than 0.05 percent; or reported in sioall fractions. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ■'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NEBRASKA 85 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Commercial farms by type of f aim— Continued llan (For Hefiiiitions and explanations, see text) Poultry farms Dairy farms Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Miscellaneous farms SPEaPTED CROPS HAKVESTED-Qjntinued Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale farms reporting . . . acres^ .. bushels . . . Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting... acres . . . tons . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... 35 1 265 5 750 15 12 237 73 29,251 5 100 2,020 20 2,020 70 44 4,170 3,209 853,065 446 18,269 311,453 232 70,001 1,227 1,254 47 26 5,701 7 229 4,271 6 348 31 44 1,258 3,595 1,148,056 571 19,428 336,348 62 13,295 328 312 5 (Z) 75 5 7,500 10 4 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and acres — 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [DaU are based on reporlp for only a sampli> of famis. See l«xl ] [For definilinna and pxplanalions, see text) FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number.. Percent distribution percent.. Land infatms acres.. Percent distribution percent.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fams reporting.. acres . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. aoto 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres fatms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms wiporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres.. Other cropland (idle and cmp failure) farms reporting.. acres.. Woodland pastured farms reporting. . aci«9.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . arras. . Other pasture (not cropland and not wtxxlland). farms reporting. . acres. , Improved pasture farms reporting. . acres.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres.. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres.. Land use practices: Cropland in cover clops farms reporting. . acres.. Crootand used for grain or row crops farmed on the countour farms reporting. . acres.. Land in strip-cropping systona for soil-erosion contnt farms rer>orting. . acres.. System of tertaces on crop and pasture land farms reporting.. acres . . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years jiumber.. 25 to 34 years nuir.ljer.. 35 to 44 years jiumber. . 45 to 54 years number. . 55 tii64 years number.. 65 or more years number.. Average age years . , OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operators reporting.. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. , Wilh income from sources other than farm Ofiorated and off-farm woHt operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold. operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm .,,,.. operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. Total all farms 90,223 100.0 47,774,823 100.0 529.5 47,750 88.28 84,425 18,190,771 1,613 1,54« 1,047 2,543 10,364 32,736 30,389 3,278 907 26,152 1,350,266 38,422 3,429,394 23,954 2,308,289 12,609 644,545 12,862 476,560 6,749 368,085 7,739 153,073 62,103 22,739,103 6,609 367,393 19,188 2,097,256 19,049 2,037,036 6,964 253,360 19,503 1,752,506 5,189 1,049,415 19,860 2,003,520 89,233 2,238 13,622 20,315 23,168 18,977 10,9U 48.2 25,691 15,843 2,730 7,118 6,114 10,568 6,768 64,532 6,908 16,247 2,984 2,422 2.7 9,382 (Z) 3.9 8,412 2,333.77 541 1,762 531 225 765 35 85 15 30 5 25 15 30 35 135 455 1,525 60 170 140 545 llB 445 2,357 90 285 251 446 450 835 54.5 1,410 225 105 1,080 380 785 1,150 1,012 105 630 4,673 5.2 118,483 0.2 25.4 10,781 410.94 2,647 44,299 838 921 406 492 851 9,785 350 4,065 105 1,340 75 990 190 1,735 175 2,070 145 1,105 2,348 36,135 196 2,465 362 5,662 322 4,627 40 410 195 3,835 20 575 215 4,020 4,609 116 306 620 833 876 1,858 56.7 2,360 476 230 1,654 650 1,316 1,717 2,313 216 1,496 1,069 1.2 63,032 0.1 59.0 14,890 249.03 816 29,242 50 145 no 280 231 226 4,545 155 2,535 60 780 50 725 60 1,030 HI 2,300 80 1,085 480 15,935 35 1,085 Ul 4,377 106 4,127 20 190 140 4,080 25 475 170 5,345 1,039 35 90 96 132 241 445 57.6 442 115 60 267 76 251 262 627 20 415 3,930 4.4 318,018 0.7 80.9 16,841 206.48 3,649 202,339 70 150 170 756 2,503 1,002 15,618 1,051 20, 520 375 6,150 401 8,735 390 5,635 230 3,855 190 2,220 1,793 47,513 211 4,060 655 37,285 655 35,970 200 3,280 621 22,565 85 3,660 525 19,055 3,839 135 316 400 689 1,087 1,212 55.5 1,571 590 220 761 361 686 715 2,359 2U 1,063 100 to 139 acres NEBRASKA 87 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on repoits for only a sample of famis, Soe text (For definitions and explanations, see text) Siee of fafm-Continued 140 to 179 acres ISO to 219 acres 2'Si to 2f>9 acres '360 to 199 acres WO lo 999 acres !,000 acres and over FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FafmS number.. Percent distribution percent.. Land in farms acres.. Percent distribution penwnt.. \verago si ze of farm act eB . . Value Of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. . Average per acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reportine 10 to 19 acres farms r«portinf! 20 to 29 acres farms reportinft 110 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 900 lo 499 acres farms reivrting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-impnavanent grasses and legumes farms leportjng Otjier cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting iu;res Itfigated land in farms farms reporting acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms repotting acres Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms repotting ai:re8 Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acr^s System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age jiumber.. Under 25 years number. . 25 to S4 years number.. 35 to 44 years number. . 45 lo 54 years number.. 55 lo 64 years numtrer. . 65 or more years numtier.. Average age years. . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER [NCOME Farm operators- Working off ibeir farms, total operators reporting,, 1 to 99 days operators retorting.. IflO to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or morfl days operators reporting. . Willi other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators repotting. . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting , . With other members of family working off farm ...... operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. , See footnotes at end of table. 13,^15 14.9 2,138,325 4.5 159.4 28,039 175.58 13,103 1,457,906 30 65 35 306 3,258 9,359 4,319 93,538 4,198 U6,069 1,925 45,585 1,647 46,109 1,506 24,375 960 18,020 985 9,180 8,165 307,176 1,109 25,042 2,690 237,326 2,680 230,160 1,171 38,385 2,692 156,605 455 33,435 2,373 137,549 13,279 476 1,974 2,429 3,156 3,563 1,681 49.2 3,879 2,280 617 982 901 1,519 971 9,536 1,161 2,176 5,802 6.4 1,148,196 2.4 197.9 36,746 185.69 5,736 807,879 25 20 35 55 480 5,071 50 2,205 55,015 1,706 46,300 706 17,905 630 16,430 660 11,965 545 U,410 460 5,805 3,617 154,638 547 13,4Ca 1,188 108,755 1,183 105,940 556 15,912 1,422 99,755 245 22,460 1,257 83,280 5,757 165 878 1,443 1,520 1,321 430 46.9 1,418 1,051 165 202 395 533 202 4,384 535 998 9,350 10.4 2,230,167 4.7 238.5 40,345 169.11 9,235 1,553,042 35 25 65 544 6,223 2,343 3,477 91,400 3,567 115,273 1,840 44,575 1,370 42,460 1,222 28,238 685 17,405 348 8,891 6,265 317,531 903 25,150 2,218 225,582 2,208 220,132 902 27,077 2,695 205,842 316 22,667 2,428 186,472 9,265 280 1,738 2,425 2,569 1,717 536 45.3 2,328 1,832 200 296 596 772 216 7,022 696 1,364 26,678 29.6 9,539,805 20.0 357.6 48,891 136.44 26,312 5,842,064 26 90 80 165 865 8,419 16,667 8,962 380,943 13,894 754,890 8,552 426,447 4,740 194,760 4,667 133,683 2,196 86,573 2,784 51,112 19,794 1,964,605 2,226 96,002 6,484 749,425 6,479 732,775 2,643 97,519 7,489 704,726 1,491 170,947 7,419 709,416 26,456 556 4,821 7,223 7,408 4,846 1,602 45.6 6,472 5,158 586 728 1,483 2,261 682 20,206 2,349 3,751 11,263 12.5 7,821,573 16.4 694.4 62,827 90.58 11,112 3,379,343 10 30 25 106 297 1,966 7,819 859 2,544 226,599 7,786 983,510 6,155 712,021 2,103 154,388 2,275 U7,101 995 81, OU 1,301 36,602 9,713 2,840,303 661 50,993 2,953 395,415 2,938 383,591 801 40,171 2,683 345,747 1,211 237,501 3,311 462,909 U,172 155 1,729 2,927 3,274 2,290 797 47.0 2,920 2,296 212 412 634 1,204 8,343 872 2,011 4,813 5.3 6,586,112 13.8 1,368.4 83,569 61.77 4,719 1,921,298 6 5 8 39 123 556 2,596 1,322 64 903 176,315 3,333 809,270 2,829 633,090 781 91,567 1,006 84,613 344 67,675 383 16,259 4,406 3,453,314 251 44,838 1,078 165,184 1,073 159,940 244 14,626 729 133,673 822 296,778 1,207 252,447 4,750 72 663 1,275 1,371 929 440 47.5 1,079 830 92 157 200 455 91 3,734 332 903 3,226 3.6 17,376,736 36.4 5,386.5 184,409 34.80 3,145 2,674,498 2 2 3 23 47 214 914 1,097 343 397 277,129 1,391 553,742 1,067 414,106 437 77,546 475 62,090 192 70,193 278 18,209 3,090 13,534,506 150 99,695 623 120,447 OA 115,859 131 8,989 197 45,563 434 255,812 420 118,202 3,183 23 386 799 887 667 421 49.5 507 360 48 99 93 256 41 2,719 176 697 88 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See l«xl | (For definilions and exptanadons, see text) tinder 10 acrea 70 to 99 acres F\RMS SV COLOR \ND TENllRE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owner? Fart owners , ,, number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Crorvshare tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners number. \ll tenants number. Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash'^ain famis number. Tobacco faims number. Cotton farms number. Other field- crop faims number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit.and-nut faims number. Poultry farms number. Dairy farms number. Livestock farms other tban poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number. Livestock ranches number. General farms : number. Miscellaneous farms number. SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AUD KINO OF ROAD Grain combines farms renortine. number. Com pitrkers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms renortine. number. Field forage harvesters farms reportine. number. Motortrucks farms renorting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reoorting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 5 tractors farms re.vorting. a tractors farms retx>rting. i tractors farms reporti ng . .T or more tractors farms retx>rting. Wheel tractors farms repotting. number. Crawler tractors faims reporting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting. Teleohone .farms reporting. Home freezer farms reoorting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler , farms reporting. Cttip drier (for grain, forage, or other crx}ps) farms reporting. Power-onerated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Fafflis by kinij of road on which locatetl: Hard surface farms reporting. Ijravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms r(?porting. 1 mile farms reporting . 2 or 3 miles farms reoorting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. persons . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reoorting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting, 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reoorting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 31,1S1 27,A36 31,281 2,241 16,555 8,011 2,711 1,763 31,161 27,420 31,245 20 16 36 436 55 25 413 2,350 36,864 1,649 8,071 156 50,696 53,343 56,179 58,546 18,414 18,684 10,723 U,234 64,158 83,439 81,913 180,087 81,442 175,254 23,206 35,492 15,458 4,629 2,655 81,172 172,063 2,753 3,191 4,547 4,833 84,957 110,317 88,237 72,552 57,007 15,513 3,980 3,634 50,400 9,177 59,392 20,046 3,524 16,522 2,466 4,475 1,399 8,182 10,903 17,072 5,844 8,509 4,543 372 293 84 52 79,721 6,979 3,523 1,802 75 545 260 15 25 5 240 1,802 75 545 100 30 15 100 65 90 60 60 40 40 5 5 921 1,021 762 987 622 672 577 40 5 612 652 15 20 200 235 1,957 2,362 2,092 1,952 1,206 50 15 10 82 687 1,375 320 135 185 55 25 15 90 70 170 45 130 20 10 10 2,026 211 185 3,559 366 738 221 30 181 25 231 3,559 366 728 15 20 5 85 105 375 385 440 440 112 122 56 56 1,712 1,978 2,719 3,496 2,573 3,095 2,139 361 63 5 5 2,563 3,067 28 28 371 4(a 3,973 4,735 4,186 3,723 2,314 200 50 10 580 825 3,028 680 310 370 110 120 10 130 108 253 691 165 202 36 30 100 691 165 202 5 17 5 352 25 90 90 225 235 25 25 11 11 487 527 779 1,043 779 1,008 587 166 15 11 774 993 15 15 35 35 839 1,038 969 818 452 70 25 5 248 272 635 152 61 91 20 40 1 30 3,876 508 289 316 153 100 2,607 270 1,036 111 220 565 55 85 2,607 270 1,036 1,040 45 20 5 45 115 360 5 1,125 1,155 1,431 1,451 245 245 152 152 1,939 2,209 3,338 4,901 3,303 4,706 2,156 933 138 10 16 3,293 4,648 53 58 190 195 3,523 4,209 3,764 2,880 1,722 286 71 25 1,338 623 2,684 551 180 371 70 140 40 121 116 201 46 68 36 3 5 2 3,151 563 216 NEBRASKA state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faniis. See textj 89 (For definitjons anil explanalions, see text) Size of faim— Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres .W) to 999 acres 1.000 to 1.999 acres 2,000 acres and over F \ms BY COLOR A.TO TENURE OF OPERATOR Atl tarm operatois: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants numtier. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number.. Crofv- share tenants number. Livesti)Cl(-shafo tenants number.. Other and unspecified tenants number. , White farm operalors: Full owners number. , Part owners number . , All tenants number.. Nonwhite Farm operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number.. FARHS BY TYPE OF FARM . Cash-grain farms number. . Tobacco farms number . . Cotton farms number., Other field-crop farms number. , Vegetable farms number., Fruit-and-niit farms number.. Poultry' farms number. , Dairy farms number.. Livestock farms other than poultry tuid dairy fanns and livestock ranches number. , Livestock ranches number. , Genera] farms , numlMr., Miscellaneous farms number., SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT A.ND FACILmES AND KIND OF ROAD Oain combines farms reporting.. number.. Com pickers farms reporting. , number.. Pick-up balers farms reporting. , number. , Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . number . , Motortrucks farnis reporting. . nufnber. . reporting.. number.. r«porting. , numlwr.. reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , number. , reporting. , number. . reporting. , number.. Tractors farms Tractors other than garden farms 1 traclor farms 2 tractors farms ■^ tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or more tractors farms Wheel tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Garden tractors . . .' farms Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and. or motortrucks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine ftitms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms re(xjrting. Crop drier (for grain, rora/;e. or other taops) farms reportini-. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms rejKjrting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less thanlmiletoahard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface lt>ad farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 1 miles ,, .farms reporting. 4 miles .farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Ilired workers farms Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or t hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers reporting. persons, reporting. persons. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporti ng , RE.SIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not refiortjng residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 6,168 1,584 5,652 350 2,970 1,675 323 334 6,158 1,584 5,642 4,675 125 5 47 465 5,422 66 1,630 5 7,045 7,190 8,887 9,107 2,023 2,058 986 1,017 8,013 9,086 12,409 22,192 12,374 a,661 5,191 5,542 1,258 308 75 12,323 21,352 264 309 476 531 12,523 15,288 13,180 10,249 7,612 2,175 615 225 7,303 1,355 9,806 2,090 520 1,570 340 575 155 500 813 1,144 228 274 213 11,624 1,240 551 1,685 1,688 2,424 116 1,316 736 201 55 1,680 1,688 2,414 5 10 2,176 45 ■15 240 2,381 35 725 5 3,763 3,823 4,438 4,558 1,194 1,204 618 625 3,916 4,368 5,522 10,976 5,502 10,730 1,532 2,940 853 131 46 5,442 10,594 121 136 231 246 5,547 6,820 5,742 4,652 3,614 1,180 395 140 3,574 548 4,334 865 195 670 160 215 50 245 357 609 142 157 129 12 1 5,265 347 190 2,245 2,791 4,308 170 2,729 986 290 133 2,240 2,791 4,308 3,830 30 5 21 335 3,659 30 1,250 6,401 6,561 7,289 7,529 2,140 2,150 1,139 1,170 6,663 7,545 8,990 18,334 8,970 17,987 2,223 4,905 1,490 286 66 8,950 17,771 201 216 337 347 8,970 11,153 9,255 7,673 5,919 2,091 725 411 6,002 711 7,119 1,455 340 1,115 230 375 75 435 747 1,004 256 297 224 26 5 1 8,609 476 265 5,934 10,013 10,682 366 6,631 2,356 989 340 5,934 10,001 10,676 11,247 10 45 715 11,311 217 2,565 1 18,724 19,421 20,792 21,695 6,843 6,898 3,988 4,213 20,912 25,395 25,576 57,482 25,536 56,155 4,909 12,947 5,972 1,290 418 25,470 55,475 600 680 1,294 1,327 25,702 33,574 26, 362 21,875 18,153 5,754 1,517 1,486 17,863 2,105 18,786 5,549 919 4,630 666 1,368 436 2,160 3,517 4,753 1,429 1,669 1,229 172 26 24,300 1,462 916 2,568 5,554 3,10-. 1J6 1,673 719 416 103 2,568 5,554 3,107 9 166 5,384 215 788 1 7,593 8,173 7,464 7,939 2,790 2,821 2,140 2,222 10,034 14,510 10,884 28,464 10,878 27,778 1,606 4,312 3,210 1,192 558 10,863 27,198 465 580 657 636 10,849 15,208 11,156 9,285 7,880 2,190 315 828 7,668 879 6,556 3,659 353 3,306 412 775 293 1,826 2,179 3,275 1,352 1,767 1,111 131 48 10,131 336 296 1,251 2,517 994 135 392 209 206 52 l,25j 2,516 994 2 25 2,8U 301 134 3 2,850 3,401 2,332 2,548 1,357 1,391 956 1,004 4,482 7,661 4,655 13,703 4,646 13,326 528 1,527 1,428 732 431 4,638 12,990 297 336 355 377 4,559 6,525 4,776 4,010 3,629 789 77 335 2,941 340 2,164 2,246 196 2,050 180 366 171 1,333 1,220 1,821 701 135 39 10 1 ,228 393 192 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF F'ARM: CENSUS < )F 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See Lext | (For definitions and expl ajiations, see lext) Total all farms 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing raptecials used during the year farms repotting.. acres on which used. . tons.. Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons. , Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials fanns reporting., tons.. Liquid materials iarms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Com farms repotting. . Dty materials famis reporting.. cons., Liquid materials farms reporting. , tons.. mieat 'ar^s reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Oats farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons. . All other crops farms reporting. . acres. . Dty materials farms reporting. , tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. , tons, , Lime or liming materials used during tjie year farms reporting. . acres limed., tons.. SPEaFIED FARM E.XPENDITIIRES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting. . $100 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to ?1.999 farms reporting. . $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more .farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 lo $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting.. $200 to $099 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting. . Hired labor farms refxirting. . dollare. . Under $200 farms reporting. . $900 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $099 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,5t» to $4,099 farms reporting.. $5,000 lo $9.990 fanns reporting.. $10,000 to $19,000 farms reporting.. $20,000 lo $40,000 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting . . Seeds, bulbs, plante, and trees farms repotting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting. . $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $099 Earma reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. (jasotine and oUier petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 lo $499 fanns reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. *0,312 3,893,797 294,442 28,168 159,089 20,102 135,353 4,601 140,598 4,077 9,967 631 1,694 1,850 47,396 1,476 2,920 391 724 32,521 2,621,510 18,632 96,509 18,121 111,126 13,007 491,720 9,477 20,623 3,832 7,999 6,437 156,120 5,650 9,886 845 1,203 10,242 436,453 6,012 19,184 4,858 12,607 1,572 41,866 75,558 89,953 78,108 154,985,611 5,972 39,622 13,440 12,913 6,161 62,828 290,166,243 39,095 7,427 5,461 4,885 5,960 54,866 20,402,725 24,134 26,919 3,813 44,175 33,871,328 21,840 9,315 4,890 4,738 2,240 804 255 77 16 60,231 13,825,612 17,419 37,411 4,284 1,117 88,644 63,548,824 7,405 28,809 31,495 20,604 331 90 540 88 65 74 25 14 15 35 10 6 5 3 10 60 5 3 35 345 25 22 10 5 5 30 5 3 2,367 1,972 1,540,705 345 1,270 215 105 37 1,427 2,019,090 1,225 100 40 30 32 285 38,580 265 5 15 257 322,370 150 15 21 40 15 6 10 570 161,895 445 75 15 35 2,007 192,405 1,595 302 90 20 579 10,287 938 408 647 176 291 56 408 46 31 10 2 86 925 61 54 25 12 352 6,314 222 329 135 245 35 990 50 86 35 26 25 370 20 25 5 3 86 1,280 80 122 10 115 180 4,558 3,560 5,528,463 751 2,231 245 200 133 2,384 8,857,647 1,860 221 145 40 118 1,443 171,295 1,191 246 6 824 496, 757 600 106 45 41 16 1 11 1 741 125 465 1 570 156 5 10 4 172 413 043 2 882 1 199 57 34 251 7,922 792 216 645 55 147 30 430 20 22 10 9 5 50 5 5 186 5,458 151 461 50 133 45 485 40 30 5 2 15 175 15 16 56 1,324 51 111 5 3 15 215 400 1,054 739 2,016,615 125 435 80 65 34 554 3,271,945 430 45 35 25 19 436 94,545 290 140 6 324 196,145 245 40 15 15 2 1 606 44,400 490 106 10 994 183,040 440 490 45 18 1,362 48,695 4,239 946 2,703 586 1,536 160 2,165 135 166 30 17 81 1,330 60 72 21 54 907 29,995 551 1,370 461 1,246 300 4,750 235 271 65 63 115 1,640 115 125 10 2 340 8,815 260 699 115 154 35 560 735 3,910 2,695 4,302,009 395 1,691 330 180 99 2,099 9,643,438 1,605 175 140 UO 69 2,264 513,550 1,371 867 26 1,299 391,912 900 208 115 66 6 2 2 2,587 282,170 1,606 931 40 10 3,325 999,699 775 2,592 377 80 1 NEBRASKA 91 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of famks. See texlj (por definitions and explanations, see text) USE OF COMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Cofnmerx-ial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting... acres on which used... tons... Dry materials farms reporting. .. Ions . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms repotting... acres... Dry materials farms reporting... tons... Liquid materials fatms reporting... tons.. . Other pasture (not cropland). farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materi al s farms reporting . . . tons... Liquid materials farms reporting.. . tons . . . Com fums reporting... acres... Dry matenals farms repotting... tons... Liciuid materials farms reporting. . . tons.. , Wheat fifma reporting. . . acres.. . Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting.,, tons.., Oats farms reporting. . . acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting.., tons... Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons . . All other crops farms reporting.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons. . Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting. . acres limed . . tons. . SPEaFlED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms repotting. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars. . Under SlOO fanns reporting.. SlOO to $990 farms reporting.. $1,0(KI to .$1.999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more farms reporting,. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars. . Under $1,0)0 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,490 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. . $.5,000 to a»,999 farms reportjng.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $200 fanns reporting.. $200 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more forms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to$499.,. farms reporting. . $500 to $900 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting . . $5,000 to 9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,909 farms reporting.. $20,000 to $40,000 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms repotting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollers. . Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to ^90 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel a.nd oil for the farm business farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to W99 farms reporting.. $500 to S«99 farms refwrting.. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or mote farms reporting,. See footnotes al end of table. Size of farm-Continued 140 to 179 acres 5,708 337,367 26,635 4,055 15,970 2,493 10,665 626 12,355 550 875 36 120 262 4,797 207 277 55 72 4,582 237,810 2,336 9,621 2,226 9,078 1,285 24,300 1,020 1,247 275 312 950 16,205 830 1,059 125 121 1,368 41,400 937 2,891 506 962 180 4,625 6,865 13,390 U,325 15,916,509 1,010 6,180 1,880 1,625 630 9,234 23,870,627 6,425 940 710 661 498 8,779 2,203,875 4,632 3,959 188 5,400 1,902,396 3,601 937 4U 294 123 30 9,638 1,510,071 3,491 5,895 170 82 13,240 6,319,523 525 7,617 4,052 1,046 3,022 201,291 15,695 2,215 9,256 1,382 6,439 392 8,598 347 473 55 139 165 3,540 130 186 35 67 2,480 140,518 1,513 5,861 1,242 5,422 895 20,250 710 1,003 205 233 525 10,555 490 677 40 67 640 17,820 400 1,056 275 461 150 2,815 5,690 5,797 5,131 8,734,520 295 2,570 980 865 421 4,386 13,403,922 2,905 475 350 260 396 3,886 930,164 2,044 1,772 70 2,754 979,718 1,365 517 150 132 56 32 2 4,122 767,978 971 2,991 130 30 5,767 3,475,001 105 2,347 2,627 683 5 220 to 250 acres 5,243 429,394 32,528 3,581 17,450 2,753 15,078 529 9,716 464 787 70 45 242 4,352 187 255 60 81 4,423 304,042 2,360 10,554 2,578 12,772 1,736 49,031 1,281 2,473 510 612 907 19,990 787 1,293 130 183 1,253 42,263 707 2,088 641 1,385 266 6,381 11,907 9,350 8,390 14,949,596 440 4,151 1,585 1,590 624 6,925 22,945,959 4,370 761 615 605 574 6,304 1,852,140 2,323 3,245 236 4,657 1,653,395 2,347 1,016 367 305 101 20 1 6,757 1,390,174 1,191 5,229 332 5 9,320 6,197,618 156 2,937 4,710 1,517 2fiO to 400 acres 14,977 1,612,567 121,283 10,307 63,207 3,174 58,076 1,615 44,266 1,443 3,374 222 776 719 17,583 593 1,231 136 261 12,388 1,088,202 6,734 38,074 7,479 47,750 5,880 222,587 4,237 9,752 1,798 3,629 2,841 71,763 2,475 4,666 371 510 3,951 168,166 1,980 6,110 2,186 5,150 563 18,330 35,989 25,553 24,043 46,759,224 1,305 11,533 4,476 4,713 2,016 20,102 85,901,840 12,012 2,400 1,896 1,735 2,059 17,723 6,099,408 7,062 9,721 940 U,661 7,455,006 7,534 3,566 1,580 1,378 421 148 28 19,405 5,083,503 3,508 13,828 1,809 260 25,562 21,638,738 365 6,162 12,267 7,737 31 5(n to 999 acres 5,343 777,153 56,727 3,647 29,396 2,856 27,331 531 19,680 460 1,485 82 243 151 4,711 129 251 23 46 4,419 527,705 2,514 19,098 2,573 22,087 1,857 108,424 1,242 3,751 645 2,051 701 23,969 594 1,298 127 262 1,573 92,664 922 3,513 759 2,542 153 4,723 7,370 11,253 10,021 21,884,781 720 5,195 1,637 1,598 871 7,928 47,939,903 4,433 1,091 696 686 1,022 7,138 3,488,313 2,225 3,984 929 6,731 6,157,581 2,279 1,550 1,109 1,033 501 108 43 7 1 7,858 2,473,072 1,675 4,798 1,058 327 11,217 11,429,732 141 1,887 4,300 4,808 81 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over 1,697 265,506 19,966 1,163 10,391 875 9,575 271 13,947 245 832 34 125 40 2,720 31 114 9 22 1,266 171,288 750 6,475 745 7,792 498 36,295 324 1,212 190 661 186 6,638 164 383 25 40 453 34,618 284 1,375 203 935 28 1,419 1,723 4,308 4,349 13,593,512 208 2,033 922 755 431 3,327 34,319,546 1,596 550 343 308 530 2,869 2,123,796 733 1,424 712 3,325 4,492,639 711 771 600 724 355 115 24 14 3,053 1,030,362 305 1,596 460 192 4,791 5,887,978 50 578 1,517 2,483 63 748 141,906 10,601 599 6,053 265 4,548 286 27,003 272 1,818 22 155 29 6,618 23 435 7 92 421 65,709 276 2,560 210 3,201 146 19,498 103 513 49 360 62 2,935 50 186 12 15 171 19,143 110 541 67 725 12 1,808 3,484 3,221 3,076 15,593,437 47 717 635 922 755 2,326 31,309,441 599 499 351 304 573 1,562 2,282,034 323 634 505 2,552 9,323,319 243 294 375 638. 605 325 128 43 U 1,555 639,502 537 669 194 156 3,212 5,501,852 1 20' 262 ; 752 2,029 149 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DhU are based on reports fducts sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars., Livestock and livestock pttxlucts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars.. LivEsrrocK and livestock products Cattle anil calves Cows, including heifers that have calved Milk (30WS Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves . . . 'arms reporting.. number., 'arms reporting., number, 'anns reporti ng . number . 'arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reoorting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head forms reporting . . 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms rsporting. . Cows including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms importing.. 10 to 19 head Jarms repotting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 80 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. . 75 to 99 head farms reporting. . lot) or more head farms reporting. . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 30 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. . 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms r«t]oTting.. 100 or more hear! farms reporting,. Horses and; or mules farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pi|5 farms reporting. . number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting. . number . . Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lamtK farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reDt>rting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number. . Ewes farms reporting. , number . . Rait\s and wethers farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number,. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. , number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number. dollars.. Milk and cteam sold farms reporting. pounds . . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting., dozens.. dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. U0,648,682 S,2AB 39,125,924 38,991,914 77,855 49,989 6,166 71,522,758 3,995,924 5,868,660 61,658,174 11,018 325,615 9,819 94,529 7,222 46,411 9,699 102,392 9,757 128,694 90 545 1,020 3,125 4,880 1,130 221 7 575 5,366 3,026 590 216 36 10 1,005 4,827 1,150 140 85 IS 1,675 3,649 8,272 503,414 5,649 233,840 7,096 269,574 893 98,346 663 72,935 761 25,411 756 24,315 531 1,096 9,781 1,779,070 10,470 218,431 43,063,932 8,086 536,550 16,633,050 768 102,335 1,637,360 6,091 226,045,733 5,868,660 7,295 299, U9 8,529 15,347,760 3,529,985 60,988,788 10,512 21,128, 9U 21,095,033 7,535 7,687 18,656 39,859,377 1,810,539 3,113,125 34,936,213 4,975 170,552 4,388 47,818 3,318 23,668 4,347 55,226 4,479 67,508 55 165 300 1,180 2,330 745 175 5 222 2,071 1,575 370 110 35 5 442 2,086 625 105 45 15 794 1,517 3,861 246,019 2,644 116,377 3,386 129,642 507 34,960 376 18,460 451 16,500 446 15,379 286 1,121 4,642 833,370 4,786 126,549 25,746,460 3,807 276,219 8,562,789 426 33,760 540,160 2,801 113,547,904 3,113,125 3,559 142,198 4,049 7,185,3U 1,652,621 106,507,772 U,391 40,626,698 40,589,929 16,890 15,598 4,281 65,881,074 3,637,816 5,721,815 56,521,443 8,346 300,654 7,457 85,943 5,751 40,804 7,411 96,422 7,562 117,289 60 305 490 1,705 4,047 1,426 307 6 392 3,360 2,515 860 265 50 10 5 869 3,632 895 235 95 20 5 1,385 2,639 6,276 414,750 4,437 200,465 5,499 214,285 681 60,120 516 36,650 606 23,470 601 22,325 450 1,145 7,176 1,333,456 7,945 197,672 40,678,949 6,253 466,322 14,455,982 641 77, UO 1,233,760 4,796 206,156,546 5,721,815 5,505 249,793 6,334 12,167,011 2,798,413 378,479,582 14,187 143,674,572 143,092,813 31,165 224,521 326,073 234,805,010 8,546,775 14,325,463 211,932,772 24,235 1,200,131 22,017 350,309 16,081 113,027 21,856 375,086 22,409 474,736 110 576 886 3,220 11,042 6,412 1,926 63 937 5,742 7,476 4,103 2,279 411 57 12 2,341 9,996 2,852 555 267 40 10 6,697 12,669 18,075 1,243,598 12,688 593,570 15,624 650,028 2,339 180,755 1,712 92,693 2,U4 88,062 2,064 83,580 1,5U 4,482 20,516 3,709,318 23,867 795,730 165,372,478 18,042 1,398,142 43,342,402 2,071 172,944 2,767,104 13,281 539,028,316 14,325,463 15,164 639,290 17,890 31,6U,145 7,270,563 201,786,357 17,916 76,186,619 75,563,231 96,450 11,789 515,149 125,599,738 3,122,829 5,543,716 116,933,193 10,226 826,043 9,439 289,433 6,508 45,809 9,196 238,280 9,647 298,330 72 160 260 521 2,668 4,086 2,394 55 255 1,280 1,741 1,844 2,648 1,183 331 157 1,120 3,942 1,086 196 113 30 16 5 4,953 10,507 6,710 471,929 4,698 223,717 5,659 248,212 1,022 144,358 758 93,471 923 50,887 832 48,583 680 2,304 7,934 1,148,487 10,092 516,370 98,153,962 6,682 530,810 16,455,110 911 124,730 1,995,680 5,023 209,561,052 5,543,716 4,489 187,284 6,122 8,987,915 2,067,220 U8,623,668 24,647 35,171,494 35,118,093 35,073 3,345 14,983 83,452,174 699, or,' 1,581,227 81,171,870 4,395 607,606 4,136 238,600 2,806 16,724 4,036 169,150 4,206 199,856 18 49 49 97 459 1,195 2,455 63 81 300 267 312 864 1,107 626 579 568 1,712 416 69 24 12 3 2 3,226 9,397 2,356 142,866 1,571 71,926 1,885 70,940 508 65,083 374 29,843 472 35,240 464 33,818 344 1,422 3,189 334,989 4,425 399,359 74,350,784 2,283 176,090 5,458,790 475 65,318 1,045,088 1,903 64,378,828 1,581,227 1,413 56,283 2,087 2,327,597 535,347 136,399,912 42,281 19,333,474 19,326,213 1,580 1,967 3,714 117,066,438 244,848 752,038 U6, 069, 552 3,079 1,337,991 2,969 580,758 2,085 10,040 2,911 375,108 3,000 382,125 3 16 15 U 60 191 2,021 759 29 118 39 54 120 259 311 2,039 439 1,413 183 31 10 4 5 1 2,797 21,034 1,006 53,705 658 26,427 738 27,278 262 51,393 201 16,571 245 34,822 243 33,560 189 1,262 1,867 119,668 3,098 667,658 112,775,674 884 68,715 2,130,165 254 46,643 746,288 961 30,271,932 752,038 482 16,498 83i 629,1311 144,70(5 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND P^ARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued TData sre based on reports for only a sample of faniis. See text Itefn (For definitions and explanations, see text) Under 10 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOtTi PRODUCTS-Continued Littets fartoweiJ December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 . . . .farms reporting. . numli«r of litters.. 1 or '2 liuers famis reporting.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to ^9 litters .farms reporting.. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting. . June 2 to November 30 farms reporting. . number of litters. , December 1 to June 1 .farms reporting.. number of litters.. SPEariED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms Under 11 acres . .. 11 to 24 acres .... 25 to 49 acres ... . 50 to 74 acres .... 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres , Harvested for grain . . . retorting. , acres., reporting. , report! ng . . retKirting., reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting. . acres . . bushels. . reporting., bushels. , Sorghums for all ptjrposes except a imp. . .f aims reporting.. acres . . Harvested for grain or seed faims reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . btishels . . Wheat harvested f anns reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales f ajins reporting . . bushels . . Cists harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales f aims reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bttshels . . Sales faims reporting . . bushels . . I^ harvested .....farms reporting.. acres . . btishels . . Sales fauns reporting. . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans f aims reporting . . acres . . btishels . . Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating f aims reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hsy farms reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales faims reporting . . tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faims reporting.. acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . ttms. . Other hay cut farms reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Qrass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains faims reporting . . acres . . toits, green weight.. See footnotes at end of table. 44,749 606,106 4,766 15,500 14,278 3,519 1,418 268 31,049 229,333 38,954 376,773 71,551 6,742,064 2,053 4,036 11, oca 14,876 n,940 27,645 70,314 6,502,604 313,979,429 52,039 184,100,316 36,022 1,563,391 32,022 1,401,506 60,661,488 22,334 40,361,098 46,672 3,015,580 65,629,741 45,803 61,869,226 39,187 1,279,666 31,700,324 11,638 6,763,004 11,190 314,414 6,948,767 4,197 2,723,071 5,300 153,358 2,066,554 3,787 1,608,533 5,237 142,348 3,425,854 60,209 1,742,351 3,884,792 13,080 810,941 3,320 102,679 123,675 242 7,402 3,179 72,006 68,271 125 3,784 21,159 2,685,196 1,951,397 2,990 141,372 3,414 75,621 77,155 174 4,478 838 22,001 118,643 625 3,540 255 270 70 30 405 1,560 450 1,980 230 725 230 215 655 38,110 80 22,450 10 30 5 25 1,500 5 1,500 30 140 3,345 30 3,345 10 30 1,400 5 400 1,096 9,946 375 440 130 101 40 10 720 4,145 761 5,801 1,424 19,618 712 465 247 1,383 18,984 859,672 826 545,977 302 3,170 265 2,845 118,275 185 92,045 510 6,575 146,890 505 142,545 186 2,090 51,245 56 14,815 15 105 3,635 10 2,135 20 145 1,350 15 940 45 620 15,840 10,238 110 971 280 8,183 605 20,660 20 300 270 9,270 35 175 220 5 90 5 35 5 225 5 1,035 ... 10 1,000 5 120 20 1,335 35 1,465 5 35 20 440 20 35 50 280 55 425 10 15 276 3,710 60 110 85 15 6 181 1,245 211 2,465 546 15,633 75 155 246 70 540 14,955 696,660 400 485,900 171 2,394 145 2,040 74,780 85 52,450 221 3,529 83,510 221 77,460 130 1,950 50,655 55 16,020 16 115 3,375 10 2,275 5 45 255 5 255 30 400 12,510 5,120 5 40 500 1,246 12, 967 170 555 40O 86 30 5 806 5,046 1,026 7,921 2,903 100,303 180 630 1,546 462 85 2,858 98,178 4,823,600 2,025 3,020,065 791 12,785 740 11,760 530,970 485 380,650 1,505 24,355 467,365 1,415 431,075 1,201 16,967 425,245 380 131,720 170 1,945 48,410 75 19,600 55 785 11,460 35 5,615 205 2,840 75,160 31,079 341 2 ,017 4,080 26 ,094 8,975 71 ,183 130 470 3,755 25 ,155 30 60 220 765 350 1 ,265 15 360 6 55 115 360 115 380 5 50 66 270 630 3 ,245 775 3 ,500 5 50 10 765 20 75 75 490 50 585 10 215 5 125 500 NEBRASKA 95 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data B/e ba<>ed on reports for only a sample of famis. See leKl J (For deriniUons and explanations, see text) Size of farm-Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 290 to 259 acres -^fiO to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODCCTS-ContinusKl Littefs fallowed Decembn 1, 1958, to Novembei 30, 1959 . 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litt«rs 10 to 10 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 69 liners 70 or more litters . , June 2 to November 30 Under 11 acres . 1 1 to 24 acres . , 25 to 49 acr«s . . 50 to 74 acres . . 75 to 99 acres . . 100 or more acr» Harvested for grain . ..(anns reporting.. number of litters.. I reporting.. 'arms reporting. . 'anna reporting.. lanns reporting.. larms reporting.. farms reporting. . arms reporting., number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters. . spEanED CROPS harvested Com for all purposes farms reporting.. acres.. 9 reporting.. farms reporting. . farms reporting.. farms reporting.. 'aims reporting. . farms reporting.. farms reporting.. acres.. bushels.. Sates farms reporting.. bushels. . Sorghums for all purposes except sirup. . .fanns reporting.. acres . . Harvested for grain or seed faims reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Wheat harvested farms reporting. . acres . . btishels . . Sales faims reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain fanns reptjrtlng. . acres . . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Barley harvested fams reporting.. acres . . btishels . . Sales fanns reporting. . btishels . . Itye harvested fanns reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales f azns reporting . . btishels . . Soybeans harvested for beans ... .famis reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Hay crops: l^nd fran which ha^ was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mlxttires cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting . . tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales fanns reporting . . tons . . Oats, irtieat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons. . Wild hay cut fanns reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales fanns reporting . . tons.. Other hay cut fanns reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting . . acres. . tons , green weight . . See footnotes at end of table. 7,290 91,783 705 2,597 2,592 1,250 105 41 4,943 34,051 6,344 57,732 12,163 753,779 210 726 2,661 4,750 2,662 1,154 12,053 739,429 37,245,315 8,946 20,772,565 4,483 104,862 4,171 98,785 4,507,825 2,865 3,193,325 6,106 142,550 2,838,315 5,916 2,606,810 7,347 179,629 4,534,370 2,175 918,465 995 15,575 395,915 330 118,575 330 4,035 63,135 175 43,585 910 17,630 428,235 200,806 9,687 162,491 416,587 2,196 105,260 605 6,745 9,475 35 420 276 2,750 3,710 10 160 1,681 24,350 26,710 290 6,210 315 2,695 3,830 15 400 101 1,775 10,750! 3,450 46,434 325 1,163 1,105 742 105 5 2,3U 17, Ul 3,105 29,293 5,446 426,497 30 WO 716 1,538 1,610 1,412 5,410 418,466 21,481,775 4,298 12,540,492 2,263 53,741 2,106 50,475 2,407,475 1,406 1,618,740 2,913 77,827 1,458,499 2,833 1,356,208 3,653 102,655 2,661,088 1,140 634,340 470 6,910 173,020 130 43,485 ISO 2,130 27,880 85 17,500 690 16,655 389,660 4,559 83,179 219,819 1,082 46,630 277 2,999 4,206 25 280 85 1,045 905 5 75 1,060 14,810 17,715 195 3,790 125 1,725 2,035 10 950 5,550 77,404 380 1,871 1,946 1,188 150 15 3,934 28,235 5,010 49,169 8,744 801,029 55 195 896 1,657 2,053 3,888 8,700 786,571 40,002,100 7,137 24,219,370 4,376 137,728 4,077 130,913 6,413,875 2,961 4,388,565 5,347 181,225 3,451,215 5,272 3,240,705 5,518 173,240 4,413,740 1,886 944,845 861 14,628 341,910 330 U0,790 325 5,150 66,750 200 48,045 81 1,835 9,290 911 25,905 623,865 191,380 7,466 151,879 392,888 1,821 79,535 346 4,513 6,585 60 970 162 2,496 2,975 5 60 1,647 28,810 30,470 246 4,550 261 1,957 2,085 10 30 124 1,725 8,035 15,767 226,971 1,359 5,115 5,267 3,378 569 79 U,204 86,566 14,004 140,405 24,152 2,704,701 205 696 2,129 3,722 3,733 13,667 23,974 2,644,302 130,382,824 18,584 78,351,475 13,926 633,296 12,740 595,505 27,164,270 9,520 18,290,030 17,005 909,325 18,432,246 16,773 17,353,738 14,169 535,567 U,391,086 4,355 2,960,650 4,145 87,485 2,066,320 1,664 680,556 1,716 36,725 486,160 1,176 362,405 1,755 54,479 1,292,865 816,713 20,580 557,008 1,315,226 4,572 256,370 1,210 22,861 32,424 60 1,925 826 12,900 12,220 15 160 7,222 201,242 192,525 1,150 31,570 959 14,580 16,550 40 365 305 8,122 41,450 5,510 84,131 582 1,819 1,595 1,14B 298 68 3,927 32,542 4,767 51,489 8,864 1,199,387 146 370 873 1,044 1,116 5,315 8,610 1,142,373 50,979,770 5,980 29,899,410 6,026 380,816 5,112 337,079 13,215,495 3,340 8,672,075 7,556 774,311 17,624,052 7,466 16,717,599 3,841 163,271 3,783,625 905 738,475 2,684 85,635 1,833,950 950 778,500 1,439 46,819 587,240 1,087 438,676 332 15,612 387,005 668,486 7,772 330,386 656,018 1,486 U6,326 346 11,955 15,849 25 640 714 13,434 12,275 50 1,020 4,036 291,947 224,843 587 35,495 855 16,891 16,460 40 490 114 3,873 21,766 1,788 25,249 256 631 500 300 75 26 1,215 9,732 1,500 15,467 2,997 411,375 78 188 410 430 284 1,607 2,725 365,738 15,002,463 1,394 7,883,671 2,050 152,110 1,419 114,852 3,941,546 752 2,240,483 2,974 537,169 12,730,325 2,951 12,044,833 1,123 51,240 1,125,152 197 189,379 1,255 64,479 1,311,370 4«1 635,218 772 33,441 482,493 630 407,331 30 2,203 58,172 634,656 2,958 191,429 343,632 395 62,678 137 9,562 8,722 U 2,020 609 17,564 15,715 16 454 2,298 399,038 257,660 211 24,370 435 15,119 14,512 18 738 45 1,944 10,134 676 9,366 124 239 158 m 31 13 445 3,415 551 5,951 1,094 166,897 37 90 1B6 157 87 537 879 133,046 5,407,352 263 2,233,026 663 64,459 336 39,962 1,443,372 129 800,360 1,050 330,419 7,847,939 1,041 7,382,063 432 23,987 542,358 58 56,540 404 35,052 706,612 147 303,122 378 22,753 323,791 314 272,996 4 199 6,102 1,996,314 1,615 196,193 355,319 106 79,567 159 41,839 43,099 6 697 356 20,347 18,236 9 805 2,339 1,714,999 1,190,904 141 33,497 239 20,969 19,603 li 1,050 33 1,917 11,043 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dots are based on reports For only a sample of ramis. See text] Totnl all farms Size of farm Itan (For definitionB and explanations, see text) Under 10 acres 10 to W acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acref? 100 to 139 acres SPEaFIED CHOPS HARVESTED-ConUnued Irish potatoes harvested for hone use or for sale faims reporting. . . acres^ . . bushels . . . Sugar beets harvested for sugar fanns reporting. . . acres . . . tOME... Vegetables harvested for sale fauns reporting . . . 8,695 14,986 4,584,905 1,636 59,631 1,006,089 833 621,578 2,995 3,745 225 50 13,125 75 23,360 130 96 335 99 24,065 5 185 2,240 120 133,650 251 369 65 34 7,780 20 360 4,515 25 31,250 50 211 421 351 134,311 180 3,635 65,095 65 147,055 170 265 380 1,686 458,315 141 4,195 70,751 45 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut treea^ fanns reporting... acres . . . 150 139 Z Lesa than 0.05 percent. ^Includes mlli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for fauna with leas than 20 bushels harvested. ^Doea not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . NEBRASKA 97 state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued e based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lexlj Sie of fwin-Continuod llem (For definitions and explanations, see text) 140 to 179 acres ISO lo 21S acres 220 to 259 acres 360 U) 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over SPEaFIED CROPS BARVESTED-Continued Irish potatoes harvested for hone 1,725 3,206 1,104,045 475 16,130 275,750 90 77,855 355 332 781 957 313,410 130 5,145 92,065 55 7,535 226 182 1,115 910 323,225 225 8,040 134,055 60 16,390 370 336 2,596 3,127 1,030,541 288 U,816 229,177 182 31,165 919 1,327 710 2,842 798,335 116 5,291 86,329 65 96,450 221 252 231 1,248 295,490 35 1,790 29,256 38 35,0^3 113 159 111 acres . . bushels . . . Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting... acres . . . tons.. . Vegetables harvested for sale fauns reporting... 476 82,263 21 1,044 16,856 13 1,580 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 40 acres . . . 77 98 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text1 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms l)y teralre of operator Full owners Part owners All tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FsraiS jiumber. Percent distribution percent. Lantl in (arms acres, Percent distribuLion percent. Average si re of faim , acres . Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre .dollars. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farma reporting 10 to 19 acres fanns reporting 20 to 29 acres fanns repotting 30 to 49 acres farms rep(}rting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting, 20O to 499 acres fanns reporting aw to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting Cttjpland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres OUtivated summer fallow farms reporting acres. Soil-imptDvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres. Woodland pastured farms reporting. acres Woodland not pastured .farms reporting OUier pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres. Improved pasture farms reporting. acres. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres Irrigated cropland harvested fanns reporting. arres Land use practices Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. acres cropland used for grain or row crops fanned on the contour farms reporting ai:res Land in strip-cropping systems for soil'Orosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farma reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Opeiatofs reporting age jiumber Under 2.S years number 25 to ^4 years number 35 lo 44 years number 45 to 54 years jiumber 55 to 64 years Jiumber 65 or more years number Average age years OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fam) operators- Working off their farms, total operatnrs reporting 1 lo 99 days operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting 200 or more days operators r«porti ng Witii other members of family worldng off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting tifith other inoome of family exceeding value of agnculUirai products sold operators reporting Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With otjier members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated , . operators reporting WiUi oUier income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting See footnotes at end of table. 90,223 47,774,823 XXX 529,5 47,750 88.28 84,425 18,190,771 1,613 1,548 1,047 2,543 10,364 32,736 30,389 3,278 907 26,152 1,350,266 38,422 3,429,394 23,954 2,308,289 12,609 644,545 12,862 476, 560 6,749 368,085 7,739 153,073 62,103 22,739,103 6,£09 367,393 19,188 2,097,256 19,049 2,037,036 6,964 253,360 19,503 1,752,506 5,189 1,049,415 19,860 2,003,520 89,233 2,238 13,622 20,315 23,168 18,977 10,913 48.2 25,691 15,843 2,730 7,118 6,114 10,568 6,768 80,847 100.0 46,978,575 100.0 581.1 51,032 87-50 78,534 17,945,127 377 558 417 1,456 8,909 32,286 30,350 3,276 905 24,684 1,319,464 36,094 3,299,822 22,930 2,272,559 11,604 576,779 12,013 450,484 6,221 353,330 7,315 146,631 57,191 22,430,372 6,217 358,588 18,559 2,081,732 18,470 2,024,483 6,763 247,188 18,761 1,725,560 5,012 1,033,632 19,011 1,962,641 80,003 2,092 12,937 19,244 21,636 17,799 6,295 47.0 20,680 15,042 2,055 3,583 4,723 7,883 2,883 64,532 6,908 16,247 60,167 6,477 13,033 24,423 30.2 10,603,429 22.6 434.2 37,468 83.27 22,682 3,800,089 291 400 287 996 5,053 10,098 4,854 549 154 7,150 348,916 9,222 636,729 5,030 342,630 3,381 191,752 3,008 102,347 2,106 105,112 2,266 39,294 17,504 5,325,805 1,901 91,563 4,513 403,138 4,459 386,096 1,746 61,208 4,691 360,239 1,265 166, 677 5,062 426,092 23,984 111 948 3,078 6,899 8,961 3,987 54.8 5,120 3,167 501 1,452 1,245 2,278 1,192 19,303 1,986 5,608 26, W6 32.9 22,950,377 43.9 862.9 66,723 76.91 26,421 7,819,199 34 77 64 202 1,278 8,732 13,382 2,061 591 8,695 566,542 14,463 1,751,811 9,920 1,270,715 4,664 259,003 4,706 222,093 2,121 144,200 2,722 63,166 20,389 11,982,842 2,182 181,581 6,855 853,523 6,833 828,904 2,327 94,260 7,120 721,335 2,094 552,081 7,397 882,352 26,430 118 2,688 7,352 8,863 5,871 1,538 48.0 6,430 5,060 572 798 1,590 2,476 539 20,166 2,333 4,229 273 0.3 2,009,743 4.3 7,361.7 265,194 36.91 247 279,440 1 13 19 85 43 69 63 26,553 91 23,841 55 14,700 34 6,521 35 2,620 11 1,323 14 798 204 1,635,273 8 4,070 61 16,322 60 15,411 13 2,105 23 3,852 2,938 42 10,533 251 15 74 69 53 207 13 31 NEBRASKA 99 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau sn based on repoKs for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explenalions, see text) Conmerclal fanns by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock -share tenants Other and unspecified tenants FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent di^Iribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution f»ercent Average si ze of fajm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm .rjollara Average per acre dollars Land in taims according to use: Cropland harvested farms re^rtine acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting SO to 29 acres farms reporting SO to 49 act«s farms reportjng 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres .farms reporting Croplajld used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured fanns reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Oilier pasture [not cropland and not woodlanl]) farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms. farms reporting, acres lirigaled cropland harvested farms reporting acres Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops funis reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crt^ and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BV AOE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years number. 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number. 45 to 54 years number 55 to 114 years number, 65 or more years number. Average age years. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fami operators- Worlang off their farms, tola] operators reportang. 1 to 99 days Ofierators reporting, 100 to 199 days operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting. Wlh other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated , , operators retmrting, With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural pnsducts sold ooerators reporting. See footootos at end of table. 1,726 2.1 1,267,437 2.7 734.3 46,190 60.91 1,589 339,091 16 30 20 52 242 693 448 52 36 396 38,604 484 32,071 229 14,503 195 12,521 200 5,047 151 14,630 143 1,523 1,245 812,354 143 12,659 247 21,610 246 21,007 124 4,522 282 21,682 103 13,036 242 22,196 1,719 120 419 486 383 242 69 42.1 551 296 93 162 126 213 IM 1,175 no 199 16,235 20.1 5,654,665 12.0 348.3 45,257 129.45 16,224 3,380,452 10 20 5 65 7,763 7,232 233 16 5,381 183,075 7,063 422,351 4,506 300,813 2,094 58,486 2,415 63,052 1,166 49,124 1,370 24,152 11,546 1,337,317 1,242 39,290 3,274 337,640 3,274 331,156 1,645 53,803 4,408 397,956 913 140,677 4,036 390,359 16,158 775 4,974 4,345 3,404 1,769 391 40.5 4,571 3,805 404 362 913 1,513 380 11,664 1,183 1,916 7,561 9.4 2,405,970 5.1 313.2 45,949 143 .78 7,561 1,474,886 15 15 20 81 1,018 3,459 2,765 176 12 1,650 55,542 3,247 303, »6 2,261 244,311 785 27,777 1,093 36,218 360 13,561 524 12,015 3,639 435,156 408 15,680 2,454 302,793 2,443 298,541 532 16,709 1,332 127,569 428 122, 6U 1,303 130,179 7,505 620 2,479 2,190 1,404 621 191 33.9 2,849 1,920 373 555 642 1,043 472 4,712 483 677 2,656 3.3 1,572,445 3.3 592.0 61,251 100.33 2,603 634,506 10 15 181 1,012 1,226 140 19 957 77,019 1,087 87,829 673 62,720 317 10,903 387 14,201 244 23,595 193 3,3X 1,773 688,631 273 12,550 919 119,275 919 116,654 324 13,011 701 76,712 164 31,470 746 84,504 2,646 207 934 852 436 167 50 37.8 689 523 74 92 103 184 57 1,967 258 252 1,377 1.7 514,509 1.1 373.6 38,853 91.09 1,207 217,464 10 16 11 28 244 510 358 22 392 23,213 437 36,884 256 22,167 134 9,811 169 4,906 62 1,785 83 2,3^ 841 212,944 55 1,195 236 27,431 236 26,714 52 1,570 204 16,215 33 4,140 183 16,426 1,310 126 421 372 194 144 53 39.1 404 234 37 133 93 141 94 973 106 121 100 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are ba^ed on reports for only a sample of fanns. See texQ (For definiLions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Ftill oimers Managers All tenants SPECIFIED EtJtIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines fanns reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. TVactors farms reporting. number. TVactors other than garden farms renocting. number. 1 I/actor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. 1 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors farms reporting. 5 or mor« tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Garden I/actors farms reporting. number. \utomobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortncks ,, farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milh cooler farms reporting . f^p drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Powef.operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kint] of roatl on which locatetl: Hard surface rarms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms retorting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than I mile to a hard surface road farms renorting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms refiotting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators repotting. Operators not reporting residence /lumber. USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year operators reporting. acres on which used, tons. Dry materi al s .farms report! ng . Ions. Litluid materials farms reporting. tons. Oops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. acres . Dry materials , farms refwrting. tons. Liquid materials farms reporting. Ions. Otjier pasture (not crtjpland) farms reporting. acres . Dry materials farms reporting. tons. Li(]uid matenais farms reporting. tons.. Com farms reporting. acres. Dry materiids farms reporting. tons.. Liquid materials farms repotting., tons.. See footnotes at end of table. 50,696 53,343 56,179 58,546 16,414 18,684 10,723 11,234 64,158 83,439 81,913 180,087 81,442 175,254 23,208 35,492 15,458 4,629 2,655 81,172 172,063 2,753 3,191 4,i47 4,833 84,957 110,317 88,237 72,552 57,007 15,513 3,980 3,634 50,400 9,177 59,892 20,046 3,524 16,522 2,466 4,475 1,399 8,182 10,903 17,072 5,844 8,509 4,543 872 293 84 52 79,721 6,979 3,523 40,312 3,893,797 294,442 28,168 159,089 20,102 135,353 4,601 140,598 4,077 9,967 631 1,694 1,850 47,396 1,476 2,920 391 724 32,521 2,621,510 13,632 96,509 18,121 111,126 49,375 51,963 54,654 57,004 18,039 18,297 10,628 11,133 60,507 79,380 76,072 172,231 75, 852 168,070 18,868 34,447 15, X3 4,604 2,630 75,587 164,958 2,700 3,112 3,911 4,161 76,978 100,717 79,813 65,571 52,838 15,228 3,950 3,596 49,075 7,463 54,157 13,301 2,949 15,352 2,149 4,*X) 1,299 7,704 10,753 16,686 5,809 8,331 4,528 862 291 83 45 72,034 5,892 2,921 39,265 3,864,632 291,723 27,366 156j999 19,810 134,724 4,481 139,355 3,983 9,867 605 1,679 1,759 46,021 1,410 2,831 366 705 31,943 2,606,830 18,220 95,324 17,919 110,695 12,430 12,943 14,227 14, 696 4,583 4,647 2,723 2,841 17,133 20,805 22,159 46,421 22,045 45,073 7,219 9,413 3,706 1,143 564 21,944 44,113 367 960 1,227 1,348 22,729 29,219 23,964 19,560 15,267 3,362 991 704 13,066 2,437 15,795 5,843 931 4,912 747 1,298 408 2,459 2,449 3,353 1,342 1,917 1,059 190 64 16 13 21,483 1,875 1,065 9,469 721,175 58,533 6,962 34,017 4,032 24,521 1,221 39,624 1,087 2,700 176 408 482 14,182 413 681 70 277 7,335 477,745 4,613 20,360 3,516 20,283 18,526 19,789 19,106 20,109 7,366 7,493 4,695 4,904 22,334 31,302 25,738 66,260 25,741 64,613 3,974 11,560 6,491 2,267 1,449 25,679 63,203 1,205 1,410 1,585 1,647 25,712 35,926 26,428 22,601 19,256 5,455 1,490 1,311 18,318 2,431 17,757 6,136 870 5,266 680 1,353 440 2,793 5,100 7,976 3,057 4,402 2,322 508 161 47 19 24,323 1,488 785 14,285 1,659,264 122,976 10,067 65,620 7,463 57,356 1,731 59,207 1,525 4,281 247 597 656 20,254 504 1,336 163 272 11,774 1,099,430 6,708 40,805 6,760 46,565 50 64 69 32 69 81 40 49 221 530 257 1,062 252 1,024 45 63 45 26 73 250 947 53 77 19 38 236 424 262 215 167 28 10 10 95 32 114 121 15 106 6 18 6 147 616 131 491 213 28 32 73 21,093 1,441 61 867 33 574 17 1,911 17 152 140 1 5 1 1 59 13,399 43 566 30 439 NEBRASKA 101 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dm« are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Ccmaierclal farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop -share tenants Lives tock -share tenants Other and unspecified tenants SPEXIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines Com piclfers Picl(-up balers Field forage harvesters , Motortrucks arms reportjng. .. number. ., 'aims reporting... number 'arms reportj ng number. . . 'aims reporti ng . . . number... 'arms reporting ntimbfr Tractors farms reporting . . . number... Tractors other than garden farms reporting... number. .. 1 tractor farms reporting. .. 2 tractors farms reportj ng . . . 3 tractors farms reporting. .. 4 tractors farms reporting. .. 5 or more tractors farms reporting... Wheel tractors farms reporting... number... Oawler tractors farms reporting... number... Garden tractors farms reporting number . . , Automobiles farms reporting. .. number . . . Automobiles ard'or motortrucks farms reporting. .. Telephone farms repotting... Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting... Electric milk cc»ler farms reporting... Cmp drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) fams reporting. . . PowerK)petatod elevator, conveyor, or blower /arms reporting. . . Farms by kind of road on which locatetl: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road , 1 or more miles to a hard surface road . , 1 mile 2 or 3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles arms reporting., 'arms reportj ng.. 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting., arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. I reporting., 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired wotlters farms reporting... persons Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. . . persons . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired wtjrkers 10 or more hired workers. ..farms reporting. . .farms refiorting. ..farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . .farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERA'TOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting... Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. . . Operators not reporting residence number USE OF COMMERQAL FEBTIUZER AND LIME tDommercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting.. acres on which used. . Ions. . Dry materials ..farms reporting.. Ions.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Clops on which used- Hay and cnapland pasture farms reporting. . . acres... Dry materials farms reporting tons... Liquid materials farms reporting tons Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. .. acres. .. Dry materials farms reporting tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... Com farms reporting... acres... Dry materials farms reporting tons. .. Liritiid materials farms reporting. . . tons . . . See footnotes at end of table. 696 712 880 909 378 382 159 191 1,222 1,570 1,513 3,366 1,508 3,273 A27 676 269 73 63 1,506 3,196 70 77 88 93 1,605 2,017 1,656 1,274 1,098 360 79 39 715 201 1,024 484 78 406 20 131 25 230 249 401 132 170 107 19 4 2 1,508 165 53 609 50,943 4,260 434 2,625 242 1,635 108 4,733 106 256 2 18 33 800 27 34 6 6 484 30,648 342 1,589 226 1,010 11,168 11,595 12,909 13,427 3,560 3,597 1,704 1,762 11,401 13,323 15,707 32,113 15,691 31,578 4,096 8,204 2,774 444 173 15,666 31,325 201 253 525 535 15,771 19,310 16,187 12,896 10,183 4,397 1,022 554 10,435 1,131 11,821 3,197 580 2,617 341 746 264 1,266 1,513 1,964 548 518 489 51 8 15,058 720 457 8,729 784,659 54,246 5,677 27,775 4,705 26,471 765 17,735 661 1,175 117 262 379 6,234 304 486 75 90 7,137 543,725 3,724 16,881 4,320 21,823 4,364 4,652 4,719 4,945 1,038 1,049 638 680 5,255 7,542 6,975 14,561 6,949 14,243 2,283 2,345 1,245 409 167 6,889 14,037 179 206 301 318 7,060 8,948 7,339 5,587 4,279 9U 183 329 4,043 791 5,145 1,545 301 1,244 209 433 101 501 739 1,U8 331 402 281 34 16 5,972 1,289 300 4,078 411, 562 32,681 2,764 16,931 2,239 15,750 331 7,982 321 747 20 275 70 1,365 50 78 20 12 3,438 231,060 1,873 9,309 2,055 13,239 1,493 1,549 1,990 2,069 774 782 554 590 2,058 2,693 2,530 6,332 2,579 6,206 398 1,216 651 210 104 2,568 6,099 107 107 U9 126 2,573 3,279 2,640 2,367 1,820 505 122 122 1,835 307 1,673 643 106 537 102 138 44 253 444 579 215 230 201 13 1 2,422 122 112 1,601 176,871 14,739 1,039 7,251 908 7,488 264 6,806 223 447 42 118 115 2,583 94 190 26 37 1,363 131,844 697 4,586 846 6,512 643 659 754 767 266 266 115 116 883 1,115 1,093 2,116 1,087 2,060 426 470 122 32 37 1,085 2,038 18 22 47 56 1,292 1,594 1,337 1,071 768 210 53 27 568 138 828 332 68 264 44 83 11 126 112 179 53 101 20 22 10 1 1,055 205 117 421 39,065 2,842 312 1,913 188 929 44 1,357 43 109 1 1 22 413 17 21 5 10 353 28,979 220 1,228 166 824 102 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] [For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants USE OF OOMMERa 4L FERTILIZER WD LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizinE materials used rlunng the year— Conli nued Crops on which used— Continued V.'heat farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials faitns reporting. . tons . . Oats fanns reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms tBporting. . tons.. Lit|uid materials , farms reporting.. tons.. Ml other crops farms reportinp.. acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. tons. . Liquid materials farms reporting. . ton?. . Lime or liming material? used during the year farms reporting. . acres limed., tons., SPEanED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expendituies farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and r«ultry farms reporting. . dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. .<100 to $899 farms reporting.. $1,000 to ^1,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reoorting.. .$.'i,000 or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms refxirtinc.. dollars.. Under $1,(00 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. S.'i.noo to S9,999 fan^s reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars. . Under $2C0 farms reporting. . $2(10 to ?999 farms reporting. . $1,000 or more farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars.. Under 5200 farms reporting. . $2C0 to $499 farms reporting.. $■100 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 faims reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $.5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms renortine,. $20,ntlo to $49,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms rerxirting.. dol I ars . , Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 ...farms reporting.. $1,000 or more famvs reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $4,999 , ..., farms reporting.. $5,000 or more % farms reporting.. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars., average per farm, dollars.. ,MI crops sold dollars., Field crops, other than vegetables and frtjits and nuts, sold dollars, , Vefretables sold tlollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars., Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock ptoducts sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than rxjultry and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of tabi e. 13,(X)7 491,720 9,477 20,623 3,832 7,999 6,437 156,120 5,650 9,886 845 1,203 10,242 436,453 6,012 19,184 4,853 12,607 1,572 41,866 75,558 89,953 78,108 154,985,611 5,972 39,622 13,440 12,913 6,161 62,828 290,166,243 39,095 7,427 5,461 4,885 5,960 54,866 20,402,725 24,134 26,919 3,813 44,175 33, 871, 328 21,840 9,315 4,890 4,738 2,240 804 255 77 16 60,231 13,825,612 17,419 37,411 4,284 1,117 88,644 63,548,824 7,405 28,809 31,495 20,604 331 1,199,228,371 13,292 394,382,758 390,703,915 621,578 458,188 2,599,077 804,845,613 27,690,457 39,876,414 737,278,742 12,749 487,330 9,274 20,337 3,777 7,944 6,341 154,984 5,559 9,769 835 1,199 10,038 430,112 5,853 18,871 4,812 12,502 1,530 40,730 74,023 80,833 71,512 152,423,684 4,365 35,023 13,090 12,883 6,151 58,336 288,808,464 34,904 7,169 5,431 4,875 5,957 51,aC5 19,895,843 21,778 26,055 3,792 42,557 33,210,496 20,463 9,175 4,825 4,721 2,235 799 254 71 14 56,416 13,552,425 14,268 36,811 4,233 1,104 80,245 62,440,243 2,642 25,483 31,220 20,571 329 1,187,825,741 14,692 390,361,989 386,911,349 487,259 419,503 2,543,878 797,463,752 26,481,149 33,357,939 732,124,654 2,617 80,152 2,054 3,^0 611 1,144 1,648 39,368 1,513 2,613 150 210 2,058 70,104 1,343 3,773 830 2,199 414 11,523 20,098 24,416 21,375 43,402,439 1,606 11,133 3,729 3,287 1,620 16,750 80,273,068 10,623 1,999 1,500 1,182 1,446 14,667 4,858,814 7,038 6,824 805 11,098 7,340,628 5,610 2,340 1,082 1,096 527 178 51 13 1 16,193 2,984,059 6,150 9,164 688 191 24,051 14,338,787 1,870 10,524 7,639 3,984 34 291,429,583 11,933 66,568,884 65,044,471 229,997 161,072 1,133,344 224,860,699 8,437,418 10,100,336 206,322,945 5,268 235,574 3,732 8,756 1,653 3,947 2,441 63,405 2,073 3,816 395 659 3,816 181,394 2,053 6,626 1,987 5,316 545 13,299 24,898 26,590 24,177 53,111,129 1,230 11,085 4,397 4,841 2,624 20,163 109,501,063 11,508 2,560 1,908 1,672 2,515 17,934 8,384,065 6,445 9,609 1,880 16,283 16,289,457 6,554 3,526 2,157 2,201 1,234 431 147 26 7 19,164 5,491,513 3,794 12,706 2,091 573 26,540 26,003,464 213 5,790 10,695 9,609 233 476,851,885 17,929 161,993,356 160,754,592 188,909 39,136 1,010,719 314,858,529 9,534,439 13,916,918 291,357,172 7 1,243 4 24 3 32 8 223 13 4,177 11 107 3 102 5 100 300 273 239 6,287,729 4 65 20 54 96 178 18,344,639 43 18 U 34 72 110 276,833 16 49 45 198 2,016,012 8 17 17 35 23 37 28 27 6 98 88,226 31 48 6 13 266 494,655 6 53 62 117 28 36,343,892 133,128 1,908,770 1,605,759 11 303,000 34,435,122 219,147 134,673 34,031,102 NEBRASKA 103 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DftiA we based oo raf»ft« for only » sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop-share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified tenants USE OF C»MVlERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing matenals used during the year— Continued Oops on which used-Continued \'/heat '"">» leoorting. . acres,. Dry materials farms reporting., tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Oats farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting., tons.. Liquid matenals , farms reporting.. Ions,. All other croos farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Ions,. Liquid matenals farms reiiorting.. Ions.. Lime or limine matenals used during the year farms reporting.. acres limed.. SPEanED FARM EXPENDmiRES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms repotting. dollars. Under 5100 farms reporting. SlOO to S0O9 farms repotting. $1,000 to ?1,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to ?4,999 farms reporting. S5,000 or more farms reporting. PurtJiase of livestock end poultry farms reporting. dollars. Under St.OOf. farms reporting. $1,000 to S'2. 199 farms reporting. 52,500 to $4,999 faims reporting. $-1,000 to 99,999 farms reporting. $10,000 or more farms reptirting. Machine hire farms raporting. dollars. Under $2f)0 farms ret»rting. $300 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. Hired lafaor farms lepotting. dollars, Under $200 faims reporting, $200 lo 5499 farms reporting. S500 to $999 faims reporting, $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to 39,999 farms reporting. 510,000 lo $19,999 farms reporting. $20,000 to $(9,999 farms reporting. $50,000 or more farms reporting. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 U) $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more faims reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 lo $499 farms reporting. 5.100 to 5999 farms re(»rtjng. 51,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting, ESTIMATED VAI.UE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BV SOURCE \ll faim pnsducts sold Jotal, dollars . average per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural snecialty products sold dollars. All livestock and livestock pitjducts sold dollars. Poultry and poultry pnxlucts sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultrv' and dairy, sold dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 120 4,7X Si 238 36 86 123 2,678 113 142 10 29 136 7,354 88 366 59 486 36 1,660 3,245 1,726 1,577 4,772,398 95 663 317 316 186 1,238 10,378,229 625 137 157 122 197 315,997 429 413 43 777 752,954 313 176 103 109 42 25 7 2 978 213,342 419 508 35 16 1,706 1,159,077 112 603 624 364 3 30,782,830 17,835 4,436,073 4,322,346 41,183 74,544 26,344,757 519,829 944,362 24,880,066 3,073 107,082 2,177 4,801 969 1,760 1,354 33,156 1,181 2,095 178 193 1,990 76,677 965 2,337 1,105 2,343 326 7,310 13,860 16,235 15,093 24,025,172 720 7,383 3,026 2,986 978 12,744 32,984,162 7,861 1,657 1,262 1,228 736 11,171 3,367,775 5,187 5,523 461 8,476 2,323,201 5,190 1,906 713 507 125 26 12,090 2,699,074 2,191 9,165 626 108 16,220 12,015,301 70 4,741 7,734 3,649 26 189,201,881 11,654 82,137,974 81,983,625 10,800 125,924 17,625 107,063,907 5,091,673 9,593,198 92,379,036 1,136 42,135 785 1,859 392 734 486 10,513 441 729 45 45 1,512 68,457 1,046 4,209 594 1,445 140 4,420 8,115 7,561 5,439 7,613,579 521 2,978 923 735 282 4,398 15,336,244 2,760 478 342 415 403 4,592 1,816,744 1,777 2,441 374 3,681 2,350,167 1,702 756 513 490 162 52 6 5,280 1,387,970 1,112 3,473 548 142 7,481 5,454,654 170 2,501 2,990 1,820 91,860,226 12,149 53,869,148 53,345,899 3,065 15,184 37,991,078 1,819,951 1,850,009 411 13,489 321 585 103 223 236 4,765 195 315 42 41 391 17,384 256 1,128 188 557 64 1,918 3,507 2,655 2,493 5,945,685 107 1,094 529 496 267 2,062 16,793,727 953 255 189 170 495 1,763 661,684 690 927 146 1,624 1,162,358 687 369 198 253 82 32 3 1,878 497,093 380 1,268 198 32 2,641 2,268,415 46 690 1,054 847 53,141,307 20,008 14,174,236 14,166,003 655 3,538 4,040 38,967,071 529,916 1,467,399 117 2,875 117 184 10 18 45 876 30 46 15 22 117 4,565 91 325 41 54 1,377 1,119 2,265,553 82 622 149 168 98 803 5,197,282 531 65 62 52 93 503 213,381 196 269 38 420 475,219 199 85 42 30 40 13 3 735 191,1A8 191 474 41 29 1,340 705,690 155 581 422 la 1 13,214,137 13,227 5,271,548 5,188,654 7,650 94 75,150 12,942,589 278,776 300,344 11,863,469 104 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers ttiat have calved Vlilk cows Hei fers and hei fer ca] ves Steers and hulls includinf steer and bull calves . , .farms retxjrting.. number., .fanns reportinE.. number.. . .fanns reporting.. number. . .fanns renorting. . number . . . fanns renortj nE . . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head 2 to 4 head S to 9 head 10 to 19 head 20 lo 49 head W to 99 head 10(i lo 499 head 500 or more head ..farms renortjng. . .farms renorting. . .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. .farms reporting. , .fanns reporting. , farms reporting. Co. s, including heifers that have calved- 1 head 2 to 9 head ICto 19 head Cn to -29 head 101049 head ,W to 74 head 75 to 99 head 100 or more head .farms reoorting .farms reporting ..farms reporting ..farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting . fanns reporti ng ..fanns reporting ^•ilk cows- 1 head •3 to 9 head 10 to 19 head 3) to 29 head . . . . 30 lo 49 head 50 to 74 head 75 lo 99 head 100 or more head . arms rfloorti ng . . s reporting. . 'arms reporting.. arms reporting.. 'aPTis reporting., "arms reporting. . "arms reporting.. 'arms reporting.. Horses and/or mules fanns reporting. . number., Hogs and pigs fanns Bom since June 1 farms rfem before June 1 farms Sheep and lambs Lambs under 1 year old ... . Sheeo 1 year old and over Ewes Rams and wethers Chickens 4 months old and over fanns reporting. . number. . reporting.. number. . reporting. . number. . retiorti ng . . number., reporting.. number. . reporting.. number . . refwrting. . number. . reporting. . number. , repotting. , number. . Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms flogs and nigs sold alive farms Sheep and lambs sold alive farms Milk and cream sold^ farms Chickens including broilers sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. number. dollars, reporting. number. dollars, reporting. number. dollars. reporting. pounds. dollars, reporting. dollars, reporting. dozens. dol I ars . Litteis latrowed Oecember 1. 1958. to November 30, 1959 fanns reporting. number of litters. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting. S to 9 litters farms renorting. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. 20 to 39 litlers farms reporting. 40 to l>9 litters farms reporting. 70 or more litters farms recorting. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting. number of litters. December 1 lo June 1 farms reporting. number of litters. See footnotes at end of table. 76,374 4,990,US 68,453 1,743,323 49,719 321,727 67,360 1,481,078 68,503 1,766,047 709 3,546 5,410 12,643 27,817 15,652 9,611 986 3,487 24,892 17,885 8,353 6,589 3,087 1,355 2,805 8,149 31,769 7,542 1,401 670 136 44 23,473 65,936 52,842 3,329,976 36,435 1,594,752 44,665 1,735,224 7,414 756,590 5,482 454,740 6,554 301,850 6,428 287,679 4,660 14,171 64,983 10,758,298 73,534 3,137,997 605,990,193 51,849 3,732,421 115,705,051 6,562 813,439 13,015,024 39,199 1,498,318,267 39,876,414 44,184 2,365,494 53,838 91,841,474 21,123,539 44,749 606,106 4,766 15,500 14,278 8,519 1,418 268 31,049 229,333 38,954 376,773 70,699 4,925,668 63,464 1,714,837 46,413 311,002 62,916 1,460,846 64,520 1,749,985 483 2,321 3,740 U,042 26,891 15,630 9,603 984 2,771 21,427 17,190 8,265 6,574 3,086 1,349 2,802 7,168 29,514 7,482 1,401 670 135 36 7 22,098 62,379 49,842 3,269,640 34,445 1,560,645 42,600 1,708,995 6,664 732,561 4,959 444,201 5,915 288,360 5,799 274, 885 4,273 13,475 59,206 10,125,158 68,978 3,113,551 602,867,870 49,304 3,679,671 114,069,801 5,927 795,424 12,726,784 36,984 1,459,229,309 38,857,939 41,043 2,259,119 49,378 87,223,305 20,061,361 42,724 596,936 3,911 14,555 14,078 8,498 1,417 265 29,774 225,361 37,609 371,575 20,901 1,322,077 18,593 4&4,717 12,744 82,189 18,4X 375,336 18,977 482,024 139 725 1,241 3,477 7,835 4,595 2,677 212 800 6,133 4,803 2,687 1,997 1,034 416 723 2,217 8,072 1,867 343 186 54 5 6,776 19,026 13, 866 901,179 9,056 420,502 11,690 480,677 1,745 143,356 1,261 72,422 1,570 70,934 1,528 67,491 1,132 3,443 17, 556 3,015,194 20,564 880,410 171,812,113 13,566 999,257 30,976,967 1,537 185,521 2,968,336 9,939 378,362,475 10,100,336 12,135 623,133 14,735 26,619,359 6,122,451 11,726 159,841 1,101 4,104 3,873 2,249 335 64 7,683 57,839 10,171 101,952 24,102 2,192,953 21,883 789,552 15,903 108,337 21,677 644,375 22,490 759,036 120 588 901 2,827 6,580 5,836 4,659 591 774 5,900 5,807 3,023 2,815 1,358 633 1,573 2,513 9,947 2,531 572 259 58 16 7 8,842 27,111 16,383 1,133,624 11,424 536,992 13,947 596,632 2,405 271, 317 1,847 149,334 2,176 121,983 2,144 116,271 1,620 5,712 20,017 3,512,245 23,676 1,305,893 246,452,547 16,231 1,289,384 39,970,904 2,166 253,959 4,063,344 11,159 505,092,509 13,916,918 13,634 6U,034 16,633 30,125,646 6,928,899 13,934 207,065 1,225 4,613 4,447 2,892 632 125 9,808 78,533 12,395 123,532 252 188,417 223 62,552 179 1,232 224 57,068 225 68,797 36 2 11 29 17 12 108 22 120 20 7 10 167 2,841 116 8,247 67 4,328 92 3,919 20 72,128 18 71,808 9 320 8 X8 7 12 116 53,150 236 144,035 31, 303, 500 31 12,060 373,860 13 131,522 2,104,352 107 5,646,210 184,873 55 16,010 65 882,513 202,979 73 1,893 13 18 20 9 3 10 45 593 61 1,300 NEBRASKA 105 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are b&sed on repotta for only a sample of faims. See ten] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure c.f operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop -share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and tmspeclfled tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves fanns reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. . numbfv.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reportjng. . number.. Farms reporting by number on hand; CatUe and calves— 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to fl head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head , farms reporting.. 3n to 10 head faims reporting.. 50 to 119 head farms reporting.. lOO to 190 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 0 head farms reporting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 30 to 29 head farms reporting.. W to 49 head farms reporting.. iW to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. -TO to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farm" reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting. . Horses and oi mules fwms reporting.. number, . Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Rom since June I farms reporting.. number.. Bom before .June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs farms renoning.. number . . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers farms njponing.. number.. Chickens 4 months old and over famis repotting.. number.. Livestock and livestock proijucts sold; rallle nnd rnhes sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream soldi farms reporting.. pounds . dol I ars . . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold , , farms reporting.. dozens . . dollars.. Litters faifowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting.. number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting.. 3 to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting.. 20 to S9 litters farms reporting.. 40 to 69 litters farms reporting.. 70 or more litters farms renorting.. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting.. number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting.. number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 1,555 151,513 1,383 54,853 1,064 7,494 1,338 39,472 1,426 57,188 52 46 197 501 387 340 32 77 417 282 119 188 97 62 141 157 681 171 32 18 622 1,983 985 56,981 633 27,258 830 29,723 165 18,633 126 8,121 153 10,512 153 10,149 115 363 1,2U1 195,146 1,552 110,504 22,294,393 997 66,802 2,070,862 165 14,805 236,880 846 38,188,389 944,862 768 36,151 954 1,659,900 381,777 311 10,950 75 296 270 138 26 6 551 4,314 680 6,636 15,096 605,350 13,939 200,882 11,129 78,425 U,787 195,732 13,824 208,686 85 414 832 2,980 6,944 3,000 827 14 595 5,922 4,420 1,668 881 289 76 1,280 7,200 2,193 330 120 1 5 3,318 6,444 11,984 761,941 8,851 378,486 10,463 383,455 1,336 92,837 984 41,929 1,195 50,908 1,175 48,709 879 2,199 12,993 2,227,929 14,553 341,969 64,360,099 12,023 8y7,385 26,578,935 1,202 72,106 1,153,696 9,753 332,995,330 9,593,198 9,713 392,938 11,300 19,184,058 4,412,333 10,620 145,849 915 3,564 3,593 :,226 234 38 7,848 56,511 9,535 89,338 5,172 181,U9 4,295 52, 883 3,104 17,861 4,285 63,585 4,321 64,651 112 454 514 1,U5 1,910 823 240 4 373 2,066 1,112 373 242 79 31 19 600 2,015 381 72 30 6 1,104 2,017 3,870 209, US 2,556 100,488 3,282 108,630 640 72,976 470 54,387 508 18,589 488 17,418 315 1,171 4,488 714,069 4,816 130,525 26,104,484 3,799 222,881 6,909,311 542 75,246 1,203,936 2,379 72,525,023 1,850,009 2,822 510,250 3,416 5,562,558 1,279,389 3,247 35,567 432 1,247 1,085 446 31 6 2,242 14,592 2,688 20,975 2,498 213,546 2,124 68,601 1,581 10,486 2,190 64,310 2,283 80,135 43 102 218 731 741 634 29 81 560 463 270 366 159 93 127 277 1,027 177 44 46 10 990 2,254 1,840 152,691 1,289 69,653 1,642 83,038 246 51,139 198 42,496 209 8,643 208 8,304 140 339 2,000 278,286 2,475 148,143 M,637,575 1,847 175,169 5,430,239 217 52,271 836,336 1,227 51,220,882 1,467,399 1,301 45,240 1,557 2,086,410 479,375 1,646 27,632 74 455 600 403 95 14 1,138 9,845 1,484 17,787 1,123 70,683 1,024 20,797 709 4,978 981 20,418 974 29,468 25 40 91 214 386 213 140 14 63 393 301 114 56 53 9 35 102 452 142 1 1 6 5 279 703 798 45,859 569 22,938 654 22,921 107 10,175 55 3,704 95 6,471 95 6,235 65 236 335 129,139 1,106 52,072 9,898,159 760 56,733 1,758,723 85 9,994 159,904 574 ■!5,198,486 800,344 565 24,363 668 1,102,861 253,658 667 8,139 76 258 190 130 11 2 459 3,084 595 3,055 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data ar^ based on repofts Tor only a saimile of farms. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants SPECinF.D CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres . . Under 11 acres farms reporting . . 11 to 2A acres farms reporting . . 25 to i9 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 7A acres farms reporting . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or more acres farms reporting . . Harvested for grain farms reporting. , acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Sorghums for all purposes except sirup. . .farms reporting.. acres . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Wheat harvested farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain fenns reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales .' farms reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Rye harvested farms reptn^ing . . acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Scybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mlxtttres cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Clover, titnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tens . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, tn" other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Wild hay cut farms reporting . . acres . . tons.. Sales farms repotting . . tons.. Other hay cut farms reporting . . acres . . tens. . Sales farms reporting . . tons .. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clcwer, or small grains farms reporting . . acres . . tons , green weight . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres^ . bushels . . Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms repealing . . Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees-' farms reptjrting. . 71,551 6,742,064 2,053 4,036 11,001 14,876 11,940 27,645 70,314 6,502,604 313,979,429 52,039 184,100,316 36,022 1,563,391 32,022 1,401,506 60,661,488 22,334 40,361,098 46,672 3,015,580 65,629,741 45,803 61,869,226 39,187 1,279,666 31,700,324 11,638 6,763,004 11,190 314,414 6,948,767 4,197 2,723,071 5,300 153,358 2,066,554 3,787 1,608,533 5,237 14^ 343 3.425,854 4,699,854 60,209 1,742,351 3,884,TO2 13,080 310,941 3,320 102,679 123,675 242 7,402 3,179 72,006 68,271 125 3,784 21,159 2,685,196 1,951,397 2,990 141,372 3,414 75,621 77,155 174 4,478 833 22,001 118,643 8,695 14,936 4,534,905 1,636 59,631 1,006,089 833 621,578 2,995 3,745 67,993 6,651,990 982 3,115 9,866 14,520 11,895 27,615 66,846 6,416,045 311,047,415 49,882 182,533,179 34,683 1,539,726 30,828 1,330,714 59,995,970 21,553 39,919,607 44,621 2,971,391 64,872,958 43,852 61,230,370 38,114 1,264,501 31,418,299 11,286 6,680,595 10,972 310,979 6,894,93i 4,075 2,690,140 5,138 149,433 2,024,099 3,676 1,577,708 5,170 140,904 3,402,64* 57,4.80 1,707,044 3,813,744 12,438 792,560 3,199 100,664 121,435 237 7,312 3,063 71,041 66, 816 115 2,784 20,368 2,667,157 1,937,233 2,818 136,627 3,245 73,423 74,703 154 3,538 821 21,571 114,283 7,942 14,647 4,527,575 1,635 59,596 1,005,429 639 487,259 2,572 3,247 18,440 1,356,449 432 1,351 4,499 5,041 2,880 4,187 18,014 1,294,927 62,036,851 10,937 31,226,935 8,182 261,127 6,933 218,942 9,408,255 3,743 5,712,570 10,741 487,317 10,542,936 10,418 9,951,521 10,216 293,526 7,468,063 1,823 1,236,171 2,194 53,034 1,166,223 632 394,219 1,466 33,307 453,035 940 334,592 1,061 23,600 570.375 1,242,244 16,392 471,595 932,002 2,382 167,253 969 26,500 33,310 52 2,566 1,136 23,504 21,534 21 455 6,184 693,810 476,476 604 33, 369 997 21,787 21,334 41 1,716 178 5,048 26,536 2,504 2,641 749,690 296 9,080 145,370 195 229,997 1,019 1,318 22,633 2,592,327 231 796 2,447 3,878 3,639 11,642 22,176 2,485,520 119,648,705 16,627 69,611,346 13,118 692,663 11,602 616,227 26,328,946 8,175 17,293,899 17,114 1,520,497 33,639,108 16,866 31,838,264 12,533 440,356 10,775,750 3,208 1,994,271 4,669 157,247 3,446,831 1,613 1,402,045 2,241 77,915 1,048,218 1,654 843,444 1,6U 47,841 1,143,332 2,195,068 19,633 692,996 1,536,972 3,780 289,143 1,096 50,229 58,543 68 2,34i 1,212 32,334 30,637 30 1,128 3,105 1,375,322 991,105 924 57,543 1,451 34,219 37,296 43 1,127 382 9,968 53,135 2,508 5,143 1,605,905 355 13,784 229,568 260 183,909 976 313 95 21,582 2 4 12 11 6 60 83 19,335 1,066,380 42 537,865 56 7,051 28 5,507 224,344 12 126,019 64 12,816 275, 578 64 253,598 63 2,223 46,305 8 8,338 20 1,882 41,072 15 20,636 11 811 5,822 7 5,340 25 1,000 233,229 129 15,729 41,241 31 20,355 18 2,592 2,870 1 275 1,150 803 146 211,003 170,851 11 6,223 8 2,480 1,669 275 1,025 (Z) 115 1 59 ,525 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Includes milk eqttivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines . ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not NEBRASKA 107 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued I^Dala Bj-p t)a.sa(i nn raport-s for only a sanple of fanns. See textj (Fnr riniUor>? and explanations, see text) spEnFiED rnnps harvtstep Com far all pvirpoees farms reporting . . . acres . . . I'nder U acres farms reporting . . . 11 to 2^ acres farms reporting . . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . . . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. .. 75 to 99 acres farms report ing . . . 100 or more acres farms reporting . . . Harvested for grain farms report ing . . . acres . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Sorghums for all purposes except 3lrup...f arras reporting... acres . . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting... acres . . . bushels . . . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels . . . Wheat harvested farms reporting . . . acres . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . . acres . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . . acres . , . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Rye harvested farms reporting. . . acres . . . bushels . . . Sales farms reporting . . . bushels . . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . . acres . . . bushels . . . Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres . . . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting... acres . . . tons . . . Seles farms reporting . . . tons — Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . acres . . . tons.. . Sales farms reporting . . . tons . . . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons . . Wild hay cut farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting . . tons .. Other hay cut farms reporting . . acres . . tons . . Sales farms reporting. . tons . . Grass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa, clover , or small grains farms reporting . . acres . . tons , green weight . . Irlah potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres'' . bushels . . Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting.. acres . . tons.. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves , vineyards , and planted nut trees^ farms reporting . . acres . . Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants 1,218 94, U6 34 109 242 256 248 329 1,178 90,387 4,406,458 757 2,263,999 514 18,023 438 15,366 682,825 250 429,800 562 21,352 452,426 537 309,029 687 20,849 539,064 138 82,780 144 3,177 65,255 34 15,135 72 1,700 21,418 50 14,387 60 995 22,865 1,072 42,186 93,333 199 30,930 78 3,945 3,787 Share-cash tenants 57 1,757 1,193 602 118,114 80,219 90 4,203 55 2,773 1,484 37 1,383 7,395 167 641 242,830 5 145 2,500 27 41,183 51 379 Crop-share tenants 15,493 1,589,051 80 292 1,338 3,219 3,409 7,155 15,417 1,559,134 74,161,222 13,416 46,163,447 7,943 347,021 7,469 327,988 14,640,442 6,058 9,828,970 9,712 513,181 10,540,806 9,630 9,958,591 9,789 350,059 8,555,486 4,511 2,388,661 2,344 52,879 1,208,199 1,069 389,027 831 20,447 270,485 617 192,243 1,495 41,907 992, 352 436,027 12,835 288, 522 669,488 3,908 145,487 673 9,916 13,824 74 1,670 308 5,236 5,079 28 169 3,417 122,407 112,720 8a 22,813 465 7,159 7,409 49 410 125 2,787 14,097 1,780 1,257 256,833 112 3,826 59,396 93 10,800 310 487 Livestock-share tenants 6,675 637,459 112 390 965 1,452 1,142 2,614 6,614 624,032 31,581,360 5,699 22,768,442 3,287 153,116 3,052 145,439 6,396,083 2,506 5,080,222 4,479 305,327 6,908,015 4,434 6,563,118 3,055 96,350 2,434,454 1,244 764,953 1,120 30,629 669,607 581 372,840 332 9,894 147,692 262 123,545 686 20,625 521,735 146,117 4,463 102,134 265,772 1,438 93,043 174 2,762 3,212 31 282 192 2,897 2,228 30 667 1,003 35,177 31,227 213 6,436 146 2,687 3,263 16 285 18 460 3,020 561 3,422 1,157,820 748 27,710 482,111 36 8,065 112 156 2,416 272,805 23 96 203 397 421 1,276 2,359 258,241 13,916,974 1,612 7,402,844 1,1X 44,807 924 36,997 1,736,230 546 1,052,995 1,341 80,207 1,782,751 1,310 1,708,334 1,239 45,172 1,210,817 227 137,880 340 9,558 230,064 71 64,795 138 4,481 62,179 114 50,758 163 3,564 94,600 162,623 2,192 74,444 180,154 521 34,322 135 4,020 4,419 127 3,692 4,730 1 240 663 77,859 53,978 61 4,780 77 1,383 1,485 Other and unspecified tenants 54 1,225 6,790 283 1,065 350,364 88 3,823 63,855 16 655 1,023 88,171 18 77 160 266 150 352 1,005 84,469 4,229,465 742 2, 558, XI 449 15,913 377 14,248 578,845 263 395,132 608 30,694 681,338 593 642,915 532 15,966 388,360 122 67,535 141 2,573 67,675 60 31,443 47 878 15,250 32 13,399 93 2,347 56,385 774 19,438 44,782 189 12,022 56 700 970 10 55 22 471 612 5 125 248 33,465 20,657 34 1,260 46 935 763 19 425 2 285 131 478 164 018 30 1 169 21 104 12 7 650 5 3 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM- CENSUS OF 1959 [DaU are baserf on rpportp for only a sample or fanns. See text] (For dermitions and explanations, see text) Commerci a] faims [tern (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms CASH TENANTS All cash tenants number Land owned operators reporti ng Land rented from others operators reporti nn acres Land rented to others operators reporti np acres Land in larms of cash tenants acres Average si 2e of fann acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre riollars Proportion of cash tenants reporting value percent Crop! and harvested farms reporting acres Cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number Proportion of ali cash tenants percent ,AI 1 I and rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per .^100 of value of land and buildings , dollars 2,241 131 67,436 2,241 1,303,431 178 77,015 1,293,352 577.4 37,707 62.17 79.4 1,779 345,221 1,692 75.5 1.055,039 623.5 37,763 60.56 1,459 2.34 1,726 91 54,801 1,726 1,274,516 123 61,880 1,267,437 734.3 46,190 60.91 1,589 339,091 1,317 76.3 1,033,179 784.5 46,473 59.24 1,751 2.23 515 40 12 ,635 515 28,915 55 15,135 26,415 51.3 6,992 122.70 74.8 190 6,130 375 72.8 21,360 58.3 7,177 123.12 433 7.42 SHABE-CASH TENANTS Al I share-cash tenants , . , number. Land owned operators reporting acres Land rented Irom others operators reporting acres Land rented to others operators repotting acres Land in farms of share-cash tenants acres Average size of farm acr«s Value of land and buildings: \verage per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Proportion of share-cash tenants reporting value percent Cropland harvested /arms reporting acres Share-cash tenants reporting both value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of all share-cash lenanLs percent Al I I and rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per ofierator dollars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Average per SIDO of value of land and buildings dollars 16,555 ■ 541 94,640 16,555 5,703,393 650 107,348 5,690,685 343.7 44,747 129.46 83.9 16, 519 3,401,307 13,630 82.3 4,702,394 345.0 44,415 128.74 0.99 0.77 16,235 536 94,375 16,235 5,666,858 635 106,568 5,654,665 348.3 45,257 129.45 84.1 16,224 3,380,452 13,405 82.6 4,075,739 348.8 44,893 128.71 X5 0.99 320 5 265 320 36,535 15 760 36,020 112.6 15,690 131.19 75.0 295 20,655 225 70.3 26,655 118.5 15,936 134.52 160 1.35 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estliQated ntontier of fanns repoi-ting Is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estljnated total would differ frcm the results of a complete tabitlation of the items for all fanns by less than — If the estimated number of fanns reporting is— Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all fanns by less then- Level 1' Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level ll Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 25 Percent 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 Percent 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 68 48 30 21 15 9.6 Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 50 10,000 4.8 100 250 50,000 2.1 100,000 1.5 250,000 1.0 ^Level 1 should be used in determining the sainpllng reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting. The level for all other items should be obtained from State Table 2^,, If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting conetltutes more than 75 percent of all farms In the imlverse, a better approximatlcai to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the table as follows : 1. When the number of farms or fanns reporting Is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the niimber of farms or farms reporting le 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting Is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.20. NEBRASKA 109 State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To lielemiin** the smuDlinR reliability for an item, use this table to determine which of the 4 levels of samplinc reliability to use in SUte Table 23. To us© Stale Table 23, it is necessary to refer also to county or State table to obtain the number of farms rerwrting for ih© item] (For definitjons and explanations, see t«xt) Pire-of-farm group 1 i TenurfMjf- fapn- oporator group Economic-class-or-faim f^^up Type-of-farm RToup S.S I* m Farms and farm characteristics: Land in fiuins acres Value jf land and buildings per farm dollars Cropland harvested acres Total cropland acres Total pastureland acres Imitated land in (anns acres Commercial fertilizer: Land on which commercial fertiluer was used acres Farm labor Regular hired workers employed 150 or more days persons Specified farm expenditures: Feed for livestock and poull/y dollars Purchase of livestock and poult/> dollars Machine hire dollars , Hired labor dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars Gasoline and other perroleum fud and oil for the farm business dollars Livestock and livestock products: Cattle and calves on hand number Cows, including heifers that have calved, on hand number . Hogs and pigs on hand number Sheep and lambs on hand number . Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number Calves sold alive number Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive number . Hogs and pigs sold alive number Sheep and lambs sold alive ., number Horses sold . number Bmilers sold number Other chickens sold number Chicken eggs sold dotens Value of milk and cream sold dollars Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes acres. Harvested for grain acres . bushels. Wheat harvested acres. bushels. Oats harvested acres, bushels. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay acres. tons. Clover, timothy, and mlxttires of clover and grasses cat for hay acres.. tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay acres.. tons. Wild hay cut acres. . tons . . Other hay cut acres. tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains acres. tons. Value of vegetables harvested for sale dollars. Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (111) 112 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Dola for items shown in iUlics are tnsed on (For dcrinilions and explanations, see text) Antelope FARKB. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fmtis - number 1051 . . 1054.. Derreaae in fnmis iluc to chanpe in faninlefinition 1054 to 10.50 number.. Approxitiiate Inml ire:* acres 1959 . . Proportion in famis percent 1059 . . Land in farms nctx's 1050 . . 1954.. Verapp "^ir-c of fnmi acres 1959, . 1954 . . Value Of land and buildings: Ax'frngr per jtirm . . Mlara I95S.. ISSi.. Average frer acre - dollars 1%9. . imi, . . Proportion oj farms reporliruj value percent 1H59 . . '9Si.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1054.. acres 1050. . 1054.. ; reporting 1033, . 1 U> 9 acres. . . . 10 to 19 acres. . 20 to 20 acres. . TO to 49 acres. . 50 to 99 acres lOO to 109 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 to 009 acres 1,000 or more acres . Cropland used only for pasture. . 19.54 . reporting 19.50. 10.54 . 'arms repcrting 1050 , 1054. ■pms reporting 1950 . 1054 . arms reporting 19.59. 1054. 'arms reporting 1950 . 1954. 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954. nrms reporting 1950 . 1954. arms reporting 1959 . 1954. .... fanTiS reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1054.. Cropland not harvested and not poslured farms reporting 1050. , 1954 . acres 10.59. . 1054 . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1950.. 1954 . . Soil-improverrent grasses and legumes farms reporting 1950 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. IVoodlnnd pastured farms reporting 1959. 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and noi woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Improved pasture (see text) farms repcrting 1059 . . 1954.. acres 1059 . . 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Land fuslured, total farms reporting 1059 . . 1954.. Woodland, lotal farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Imgate-I lan.l in farms farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954 . . Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops fams reporting 1969 . ■ acres 1959. Croptorul tiseil for yrain or row crops farmed on the contovr /arm« reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting /fl59- acres 19.^9. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. 90,475 100,846 1,292 49,031,680 97.4 47,755,708 47,486,580 527.8 470.9 47,756 34,494 88.28 71.10 78 83 84,105 94,580 18,057,090 18,874,341 1,535 2,372 1,439 1,428 1,171 1,251 2,532 2,670 10,737 12,912 32,562 40,654 29,892 29,370 3,3X 2,998 907 925 24,762 29,272 1,309,492 1,116,793 38,378 36,639 3,461,403 2,876,380 23,896 23,030 2,312,900 2,128,822 12,435 655,323 12,842 493,180 6,457 3,297 369,742 430,441 7,143 8,452 151,652 192,064 62,712 70,586 22,846,585 22,542,465 6,U3 7,833 362,267 283,527 1,559,744 1,454,096 85,744 95,570 78,395 89,303 12,189 15,071 18,936 12,500 2,077,926 1,171,369 6,965 253,510 19,498 1,753,407 5,189 1,049,415 19,866 1,904,715 1,136 1,271 14 359,680 98.8 355,385 358,806 312.8 282.3 46,423 32,512 143.99 105 .35 77 83 1,085 1,139 227,255 232,448 15 21 13 e 17 11 33 29 147 139 372 517 453 437 32 25 3 2 289 463 6,806 10,319 317 383 44,750 37,673 770 810 39,041 33,554 76 1,394 167 4,315 30 34 801 906 59 33 727 983 804 842 61,448 61,355 39 39 1,762 815 13,598 14,622 1,094 1,214 943 1,097 83 114 466 220 50,436 18,205 21 405 144 6,909 10 410 275 12,714 1,563 1,758 20 545,920 97.8 533,929 538,540 341.6 306.3 32,952 24,901 93.05 78.19 37 91 1,402 1,632 293,010 314,738 14 40 17 22 25 25 40 53 132 177 536 672 579 595 56 46 3 522 751 17,907 22,019 343 , 364 18,959 3,345 60 95 1,690 1,337 191 10,715 143 6,554- 183 307 5,495 7,643 359 620 5,126 7,813 1,153 1,275 163,418 151,122 148 199 7,489 6,466 25,014 26,310 1,445 1,659 1,430 1,629 476 805 121 25 11,185 1,160 213 11,060 118 8,739 383 67,807 172 8,458 101 107 2 '451,840 114.3 '513,561 441,856 5,134.3 4,129.5 134,638 75,010 26.43 18.88 96 95 95 104 62,418 37,353 1,199 292 15 37 2,679 2,028 2 2 172 92 9 1,507 7 1,000 1 2 5 35 99 106 447,575 338,105 7 2,400 4,685 14,043 95 104 100 106 1 2 5 4 832 362 5 322 249 254 472,320 93.1 439,946 447,725 1,766.9 1,762.7 88,429 61,109 48.61 35.93 38 36 238 239 97,536 91,565 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 15 17 33 46 120 117 53 43 10 10 37 12 6,694 1,155 232 233 31,407 34,305 228 230 74,106 70,749 23 1,904 63 5,397 2 870 100 8 2 145 43 207 217 245,045 265,463 7 4 4,961 194 8,249 5,094 239 240 217 213 11 4 31 22 3,535 2,507 14 1,445 173 115,200 40 7,189 154 1,341 178 1,531 12 '455,040 '437,120 103.2 105.3 '469,482 '460,411 '455,736 '439,187 3,048.6 343.3 2,560.6 286.9 92, U7 35,254 52,320 24,017 29.98 93.91 20. U 80.09 96 64 93 79 142 1,222 165 1,449 109,325 244,882 121,257 263,540 1 12 4 16 2 20 1 13 1 20 1 16 1 23 3 24 5 125 8 154 12 493 17 696 56 497 53 511 31 24 39 16 33 3 39 3 26 482 10 408 15,044 24,733 2,712 17,752 23 301 40 295 1,903 18,255 2,340 8,407 3 89 5 53 100 3,003 175 1,255 14 142 1,477 11,372 9 122 326 3,380 9 33 17 37 194 489 440 839 17 68 45 94 527 873 719 962 147 941 170 1,217 333,462 151,622 325,614 127,801 2 47 1 122 43 3,196 8 5,314 4,027 19,502 2,704 19,886 142 1,256 166 1,457 153 1,223 173 1,426 23 95 56 122 9 252 7 UO 528 22,012 484 6,992 6 91 315 2,640 258 16,775 4 32 285 3,085 1 261 30 16,435 ^The excess of fann acreage over approximate land area Is due to the fact that the entire acreage of a fami Is tabxolated as In the county in irtiich the headquarters is located, even though part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. NEBRASKA 113 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only n sample of fHrms. See text] Boyd Broim Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chaiie Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer DaJwta fAb 450 1,814 1,179 1,501 1,430 1,807 534 754 897 1,012 1,228 1,783 2,249 532 1 703 518 2,000 1,321 1,685 1,597 1,948 612 812 953 1,079 1,313 1,801 2,625 683 2 6 6 45 14 27 39 17 2 2 3 15 19 10 34 24 3 344,320 779,520 609,280 309,760 372,430 354,560 475,520 570,240 3,323,480 '759,040 364,800 259,200 365,440 '1,539,680 153,200 4 95.7 87.2 98.9 96.9 97.6 92.5 97.2 96.8 96.4 105.7 94.2 96.6 98.6 98.3 94.9 5 329,604 679,779 602,435 300,066 363,397 327,920 462,005 551,903 3,689,084 '802,164 343,692 250,469 360,331 1,5U,967 154,945 e 317,767 692,674 602,280 293,662 361,127 329,256 461,912 555,426 3,717,075 '793,702 335,705 254,783 350,505 '1,665,1811 151,383 7 510.2 1,510.6 332.1 254.5 242.1 229.3 255.7 1,033.5 4,892.7 894.3 339.6 204. 0 202.1 715.7 245.2 8 452.0 1,337.2 301.1 222.3 214.3 206.2 237.1 907.6 4,577.7 332.8 311.1 194.0 194.6 534.4 220.0 9 28,931 56,545 42,539 59,289 43,562 48,135 35,335 65,810 153,6U 36,635 52,962 42,113 48,321 36,475 40,641 10 24,302 38,383 27,483 45,119 37,842 38,100 30,314 44,428 32,950 64,277 36,383 37,413 46,338 26,301 28,396 11 57.92 36.14 123 .07 220.84 174.38 210.52 139.14 63.59 30.58 94.47 159.03 199.83 232.37 52.69 162.68 12 52.04 26.37 87.08 183.51 169.64 166.34 126.72 55.84 19.54 76.04 121 .49 188.86 224.58 41.41 131.22 13 84 79 74 73 75 72 78 78 85 82 71 53 93 t: 87 14 87 82 75 86 79 82 88 85 92 89 75 79 74 85 76 IS 594 394 1,644 1,110 1,428 1,330 1,687 498 706 372 963 1,147 1,650 2,065 583 16 680 489 1,868 1,244 1,573 1,501 1,346 558 781 901 1,040 1,246 1,711 2,469 663 17 130,825 156,882 287,675 225,367 260,913 223,771 304,318 157,690 532,079 299,923 247,247 188,408 262,601 428,864 101,742 IS 147,643 213,360 324,034 223,650 263,972 224,761 317,022 171,627 610,369 279,945 239,138 193,828 254,053 505,229 107,721 19 7 5 41 21 U 38 21 8 5 2 15 19 25 36 20 20 12 10 35 19 41 59 31 8 5 3 18 35 25 84 40 21 9 7 43 12 16 44 22 3 3 5 14 16 19 51 16 22 8 U 32 9 18 33 20 5 3 2 15 18 18 39 11 23 4 7 27 10 10 28 17 4 2 5 14 13 10 41 12 24 7 3 39 9 12 35 16 4 5 3 4 20 19 33 10 25 14 16 61 26 22 47 33 8 12 10 14 28 34 93 32 2« 14 11 57 28 29 65 32 15 5 10 21 26 36 72 27 27 64 35 271 146 181 205 133 43 25 69 76 173 224 275 74 28 74 37 3U 198 194 220 148 44 24 83 79 173 280 324 81 29 203 84 652 460 667 523 843 37 69 133 281 578 943 738 242 30 235 92 799 589 793 712 1,016 UO 76 211 393 687 1,013 937 297 31 263 146 516 393 504 429 606 274 233 424 494 312 384 732 174 .12 306 186 560 363 476 369 569 300 279 447 475 276 311 882 186 33 23 61 30 38 16 16 6 64 177 143 50 7 10 79 10 34 23 88 33 24 9 8 14 65 184 117 30 5 3 74 11 35 33 3 4 1 1 7 180 26 5 1 1 19 3 3« 1 51 2 5 1 7 200 20 5 1 1 24 37 87 35 275 555 429 585 559 118 44 132 273 396 555 374 188 38 97 24 356 667 546 667 847 U7 61 150 265 422 754 440 275 39 5,446 10,908 15,740 19,326 12,058 15,905 19,337 6,556 63,526 9,390 10,989 11,358 18,110 46,540 5,952 40 6,011 3,400 15,012 18,120 13,421 17,737 29,639 6,679 19,473 7,355 6,110 10,340 27,254 23,345 8,485 41 140 120 981 222 511 644 223 460 U8 853 638 174 144 1,251 139 42 114 74 842 134 449 638 173 484 43 869 737 62 82 1,074 89 43 14,994 11,303 56,328 U,362 14,919 19,395 12,361 102,426 19,380 246,331 27,751 5,429 7,619 93,749 10,303 44 4,093 3,664 32,062 3,650 9,149 15,693 3,486 86,622 5,633 253,965 27,748 1,166 1,915 59,542 2,799 45 17 33 816 22 253 133 13 438 18 849 551 26 40 948 7 46 16 15 625 20 200 104 29 460 19 862 662 15 25 736 18 47 1,573 1,454 36,645 590 6,405 2,678 886 86,451 2,408 234,457 21,200 824 1,565 51,908 150 48 738 847 21,054 656 3,890 2,116 734 78,173 1,483 233,188 23,035 387 609 38,854 918 49 47 69 190 78 187 455 140 80 63 50 69 42 76 353 105 50 4,135 7,083 8,120 5,077 4,103 11,305 8,796 9,741 10,238 3,289 1,411 1,378 5,590 27,804 9,138 51 90 42 302 142 184 227 81 94 53 153 173 U8 33 350 35 52 9,286 2,771 11,563 5,695 4,411 5,412 3,179 6,234 6,734 3,635 5,140 3,227 464 14,037 1,015 S3 90 44 60 94 132 347 119 3 82 6 26 32 32 91 105 54 96 51 79 106 112 460 130 8 66 6 27 30 67 113 129 55 4,712 6,209 3,486 5,422 3,447 14,000 12,239 122 24,002 955 2,922 929 3,186 3,252 7,464 56 5,096 9,369 2,640 5,331 3,256 21,088 7,681 293 17,315 398 1,605 963 2,943 2,532 8,175 57 42 40 79 94 109 228 151 10 64 9 29 42 117 176 77 58 44 67 102 105 126 200 169 15 69 10 49 47 78 250 58 59 1,272 619 1,811 2,917 1,577 7,041 1,375 352 1,971 151 259 421 1,331 4,725 4,457 60 2,153 2,497 2,402 4,772 1,471 4,290 1,950 315 3,181 731 1,412 726 1,370 13,600 2,409 61 602 399 1,314 475 1,032 674 1,292 402 703 600 661 771 1,189 1,998 304 6! 645 460 1,458 554 1,127 816 1,200 445 754 633 785 877 1,085 2,327 305 63 163,358 483,132 214,225 15,027 50,150 21,783 89,771 273,970 2,981,057 226,580 38,655 29,674 46,512 999,290 15,483 64 143,919 448,218 203,757 19,758 51,589 23,682 79,352 276,835 3,020,417 232,270 41,923 33,849 44,125 1,028,952 13,339 65 41 13 68 202 113 168 166 36 17 49 37 78 225 85 33 66 68 16 101 206 105 191 255 47 21 72 62 115 113 211 18 67 2,022 4,998 4,696 . 5,453 3,162 3,798 6,536 6,759 12,526 2,371 1,476 2,409 5,578 8,331 954 68 4,152 2,505 3,692 5,671 2,668 4,000 8,500 2,798 4,115 3,615 1,105 2,226 3,026 11,903 559 69 3,997 10,721 23,170 20,645 20,333 26,025 21,604 10,787 62,069 18,784 15,869 14,250 20,972 35,537 9,539 70 8,352 12,166 22,373 18,381 18,269 22,005 22,782 13,055 40,187 19,038 17,769 33,911 18,845 31,981 1 7,955 71 614 411 1,672 1,134 1,436 1,359 1,725 507 720 873 973 1,151 1,677 2,122 615 72 684 491 1,379 1,256 1,586 1,517 1,876 561 785 905 1,048 1,252 1,724 2,483 666 73 621 426 1,449 972 1,321 1,196 1,674 432 741 662 819 1,081 1,617 2,101 499 74 677 482 1,638 1,151 1,473 1,436 1,835 493 804 706 920 1,195 1,687 2,409 579 75 119 74 126 176 213 498 232 12 137 15 52 68 184 251 163 76 128 m 167 195 215 580 273 21 125 15 71 70 135 333 182 77 67 900 34 232 9 36 111 37 93 554 155 41 558 13 78 4 40 724 11 43 4 3 68 23 33 217 95 10 326 1 79 295 5,762 103,464 3,361 23,146 601 2,711 13,284 3,677 10,673 71,754 8,266 2,585 46,380 1,082 80 269 3,424 74,037 595 2,278 133 45 7,736 2,857 10,101 20,085 3,953 441 24,107 188 81 78 27 68 141 77 208 66 16 11 33 31 81 210 94 36 82 3,700 3,232 2,051 7,335 1,956 4,362 5,455 684 415 1,560 765 4,240 8,102 3,478 2,330 63 60 11 206 386 307 693 319 31 U 78 82 190 217 287 163 84 3,807 1,215 10,010 40,317 18,1-n 74,042 26,373 3,959 900 16,714 4,950 13,475 14,533 15,015 14,132 85 5 24 47 31 4A 50 20 118 26 180 5 22 49 49 S« 400 2,300 4,900 2,035 4,230 3,380 1,700 21,006 3,293 72,323 350 855 4,085 3,935 87 33 21 282 238 213 653 288 40 11 152 107 81 152 523 133 e» 2,139 585 12,827 18,841 11,735 77,490 18,260 3,439 1,680 31,609 4,005 5,540 13,309 23,999 16,905 »» 114 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for it«ins shown in iUJic<« are baaed o (For dcnnilions and explanations, see text) Douglas FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Panie number 105^ . . 1054 , . Ppcrease in farms due to chnnpe in fami definition 1954 to 1050 numlier . . Approxiniate land nrori acres 1959. . Pronortion in fanrs percent 1059 . Lond in farTr.? «cres 1050 . . 1954.. AverajK* ^\?.f of farm acres 1059 . . 1954.. Value of land and buildings: Avenge per /ann dollars 1959 . . 19Si.. Average per acre dollars 1959 . . 195/f . . Proportion of farr.s reportiru; viitur percent 1959 . . I95i . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 101)9. . 1054.. 1 to 9 acres farnfi reporting 1059 . . 19S4 . . 10 to 19 acres ■■ fnn-s roporting 1950. , lO.-H . . 20 to 2^ acres ■ t'\m\< roprrting 1 050 , , 1054, Wl to 49 acre? f.-'mi? rr-pnrtinK 1959. , 1054,. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1059 . , ns t . 100 to 109 acres farn^s reporting 1050 . . 1954., 900 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 , , 500 to 009 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 19.59 , . 1954 . . Oopland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 , , 1951.. acres 1959 , , 1954 , . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reportinE 1950 . . 1954 . - acres 1050. , 1954.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . , acres 1950 . . 1954 . . Soil-improvement grBsses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. , Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reportinp 1959 . . acres 1059. . Woodland pastured i farms reporting 1959, 1054 , . acres 1050 , . 1954 . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1951 . , acres 1959. . 19M.. Other pasture (no* tropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. fjcre^; 1959, . 1954,, Improved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1059 , . 10.54 . . ncrea 1950 . . 1951 . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) Bfres 1959.. 1954 . . Cropland, total farms reporting 1050 . . 1054 . , Laml fBstured, total farDis reporting 1059 . , 1954 . Woodland, total . farms reporting 1059, 1954 . , IfTigate.1 lami in forms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 , , acres 1959.. 1954. Land-use practices: CroploTuI in cover crops farms reporting !9S9 . . acres 1059 . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contovr forma reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Land in slrip-cropping systems /of soil-ernswn control fam\s reporting 1959 . acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 589 1,532 bib 1,759 b 23 888,960 1626,560 92. i 108.0 821,017 > 676, 505 878,815 ^664,922 1,393.9 441.6 1,300.0 378.0 55,242 66,819 37,631 48,944 41.56 153.41 26.29 129.72 91 73 72 77 549 1,425 647 1,640 124,834 282,640 \i5,yi-i 294,445 7 20 9 30 11 10 6 23 12 26 15 23 26 50 19 52 59 188 66 245 186 567 220 696 210 515 264 541 35 43 44 25 3 6 4 5 109 317 55 353 5,771 40,023 4,847 17,957 476 580 453 633 65,219 39,637 50,470 32,559 444 370 428 427 46,283 16,279 44,437 21,057 62 157 7,423 12,237 153 215 11,513 11,121 88 40 106 40 40,166 5,711 34,068 1,154 S 34 23 48 156 450 8,547 1,940 527 856 593 1,057 575,010 288,157 618,009 297,918 39 31 22 102 3,114 6,960 1,980 3,252 9,861 19,887 7,501 18,949 564 1,453 649 1,655 567 1,080 623 1,257 94 68 125 85 88 1,127 90 1,116 10,595 152,863 12,472 124,923 46 28 971 7,425 69 83 6,311 4,790 172 11 26,776 921 145 169 16,508 11,568 366 411 '278,400 102.9 '286,474 '298,720 732.7 726.8 91,063 58,407 110.00 87.70 67 95 346 384 104,863 112,914 2 1 3 3 33 49 73 90 •161 169 47 46 7 9 84 62 5,706 4,111 327 '352 95,309 89,285 320 346 83,220 86,918 15 263 125 11,326 5 1 27 10 229 295 74,325 86,072 17 28 1,183 1,097 6,236 6,328 352 387 265 310 7,205 7,285 16 445 20 2,236 19 3,435 69 8,170 1,181 1,321 14 307,200 92.6 234,347 235,242 240.8 215.9 32,956 27,228 138.05 124.98 90 90 1,068 1,253 134,960 195,312 17 29 21 21 16 18 37 33 109 168 508 670 350 307 10 6 580 654 19,798 21,152 216 173 18,351 3,573 11 27 638 762 168 15,903 60 2,310 117 153 7,144 7,323 72 78 1,967 1,239 620 697 34,722 40,103 92 156 3,383 5,492 16,905 16,535 1,131 1,270 1,063 1,231 167 207 9 486 125 6,075 371 41,490 51 5,467 333 35,647 1,525 1,641 27 338,560 96.5 326,619 323,677 214.2 197.2 55,267 46,575 256.70 226.50 91 70 1,444 1,530 255,482 255,020 34 57 19 23 14 12 40 27 187 203 667 765 455 426 27 16 717 487 17,877 11,299 264 86 7,859 1,857 48 15 1,806 861 42 1,087 188 4,966 89 131 3,891 5,354 90 96 1,649 2,339 660 973 20,195 29,806 149 353 4,096 9,433 19,666 18,002 1,470 1,554 1,236 1,410 165 206 155 30 9,849 4,114 85 2,095 193 9,130 1,935 102 4,373 1,044 1,432 53 213,120 72.6 154,657 165,225 148.1 115.4 75,878 32,366 533.81 306.94 78 84 913 1,273 114,252 121,471 97 263 76 105 42 69 58 82 162 211 286 402 182 129 10 12 325 589 7,505 13,596 186 133 5,205 2,319 20 26 704 560 77 2,151 110 2,350 107 205 3,363 5,010 81 91 1,594 2,005 347 368 10,313 7,843 96 94 2,566 1,337 12,425 12,981 946 1,317 683 995 175 273 37 13 1,748 303 62 2,160 414 38,020 11 267 234 21,360 475 527 589,440 97.8 576,277 564,451 1,213.2 1,071.1 55,124 46,271 44.31 38.81 30 80 430 479 136,130 146,826 2 3 8 2 5 4 9 9 30 38 81 97 224 263 67 56 102 107 7,829 13,171 374 353 57,249 47,478 299 237 35,472 30,150 114 14,384 151 7,393 U 13 1,042 1,675 24 16 783 1,028 407 440 362,217 344,001 19 22 4,093 6,257 11,027 10,272 442 486 422 471 34 28 94 66 10,976 6,601 19 715 38 3,194 66 14,657 1,243 1,377 11 369,230 96.4 356,024 356,599 286.4 259.0 47,402 35,002 155.88 127.50 61 68 1,191 1,298 267,531 264,469 7 12 13 9 7 6 19 19 124 118 405 573 566 524 46 34 4 3 384 573 10,771 15,621 627 685 19,252 19,413 490 497 13,029 12,192 90 1,694 190 4,529 29 40 1,180 1,495 26 39 418 865 779 862 36,295 37,489 51 33 1,259 927 20,577 17,247 1,199 1,303 1,043 1,225 53 73 466 142 55,294 10,646 40 950 106 4,825 11 1,025 104 8,120 'The excess of farm acreage over approxljnate land area is due to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm is tabulated as In the county in which the headquarters is located, even thou^ part of the farm may be situated In an adjoining county. NEBRASKA 115 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued rpptirts for only n sample of fHrms. See text] Frcantler Furnas Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker 739 840 2,192 481 340 511 78 669 1,261 1,284 695 417 624 1,715 58 1 873 1,003 2,274 528 371 559 70 80O 1,386 1,343 764 436 683 1,873 78 2 1 8 46 7 3 2 6 36 3 3 1 3 24 1 .3 618,240 462,080 549,120 1,078,400 '364,800 295,680 '487,630 364,800 345,600 346,240 354,560 455,040 456,960 1,541,120 462,080 4 97.2 92.5 98.2 96.6 102.9 95.6 176.3 90.9 95.5 93.6 99.4 96.4 97.2 101.4 57.0 5 60C,753 427,311 539,124 1,041,243 '375,479 282,548 '859,659 331,723 330,061 341,412 352,266 438,607 444,388 "1,562,379 | 253,218 6 609,056 449,118 528,365 1,039,357 '368,597 274,283 '883,384 343,933 316,293 327,264 334,164 432,252 426,479 1,481,781 252,072 7 812.9 508.7 246.0 2,164.7 1,104.4 552.9 11,021.3 495.8 261.7 265.9 506.9 1,051.8 712.2 910.8 4,538.2 8 697.7 447.8 232.4 1,968.5 993.5 490.7 12,619.8 436.2 223.2 243.7 437.4 991.4 624.4 791.1 3,231.7 9 42,645 37,558 33,508 93,530 46,568 60,184 391,009 29, X3 53,453 54,661 41,324 53,329 52,905 43,394 134,042 10 26,649 28,301 27,293 57,791 34,673 31,724 263,794 22,467 33,922 37,142 34,621 47,681 35,104 27,513 75,950 11 50.58 73.19 136.91 37.06 42.96 93.26 29.99 60.04 205.31 200.98 77.24 47.12 68.97 4 7.74 29.15 12 38.42 62.05 114.17 29.43 30.76 66.20 20.81 52.96 152.05 143.23 73.81 49.69 56.70 34 92 18.51 1.1 73 84 95 75 91 72 84 85 77 78 31 77 79 82 83 14 93 78 87 92 84 91 30 90 86 77 75 79 71 86 98 15 705 793 1,982 446 313 490 76 623 1,171 1,235 653 404 593 1,557 54 16 833 927 2,171 4«8 345 542 68 753 1,290 1,296 729 427 532 1,764 69 17 169,766 165,670 334,411 146,806 107,423 109,279 65,768 125,992 209,487 260,393 143,482 121,810 139,158 546,345 20,108 18 184,691 184,006 339,712 169,479 119,134 109,777 69,213 161,633 205,208 245,447 142,983 127,803 136,320 572,917 22,359 19 10 14 67 8 6 3 3 37 20 7 1 6 25 20 14 21 49 8 7 3 18 75 16 18 1 13 25 3 21 9 15 41 7 5 2 11 27 9 10 1 7 23 2 22 13 12 29 9 9 6 8 30 9 10 3 5 22 2 23 3 24 32 8 10 3 2 6 19 10 7 5 6 22 24 9 19 24 8 4 3 7 18 11 14 1 7 22 1 25 13 29 57 22 10 7 3 13 55 23 18 9 20 39 2 26 18 25 61 18 10 11 1 17 49 23 21 9 9 40 5 27 73 96 261 64 41 56 5 90 195 101 77 32 62 155 2 28 79 119 314 81 49 51 5 83 219 105 81 23 73 163 5 29 176 263 859 122 101 166 12 227 457 456 193 91 190 369 12 30 277 354 1,158 139 92 221 7 267 538 615 264 109 210 465 13 31 382 324 647 170 82 235 21 247 356 592 314 215 267 650 19 32 390 345 524 171 115 233 16 317 346 500 305 223 295 755 23 33 37 24 17 29 33 18 10 19 23 21 25 47 34 202 12 34 30 30 12 37 37 14 16 33 14 17 16 54 20 200 14 35 2 4 1 16 25 23 2 2 3 2 3 1 72 5 36 3 2 17 22 23 3 1 4 71 3 .17 103 120 508 78 46 67 3 128 303 442 139 84 102 235 2 38 108 200 602 102 44 69 1 126 362 643 118 96 91 228 4 39 11,206 5,784 14,001 12,811 10,026 2,680 260 7,925 12,072 10,394 15,701 3,980 4,859 63,058 58 40 5,776 8,923 17,780 11,768 4,012 2,840 515 5,101 10,358 14,692 6,566 7,314 6,648 28,611 600 41 663 705 1,090 325 59 452 305 435 493 599 373 537 331 11 42 744 785 950 301 43 480 201 363 636 629 363 554 343 10 43 75,174 77,694 38,493 80,953 3,536 37,357 25,313 16,467 14,421 60,483 61,294 37,484 29,368 1,445 44 69,468 72,390 22,116 59,056 1,739 34,538 6,837 8,394 16,822 55,074 53,713 30,760 15,009 555 45 642 680 X3 286 16 445 146 249 365 593 352 517 39 1 46 710 747 305 275 18 476 109 239 468 616 338 531 92 1 47 62,911 65,525 7,341 60,398 358 32,490 6,224 7,475 9,721 55,241 52,232 30,395 2,656 130 48 61,615 64,458 5,192 53,620 482 31,886 3,728 5,797 12,000 49,142 45,362 70, U7 4,344 3 49 64 90 723 61 34 45 125 78 96 66 45 38 190 5 50 3,227 5,666 23,418 6,167 2,192 1,845 11,380 2,605 2,102 1,761 5,208 1,811 19,971 848 51 153 165 359 133 26 88 132 214 125 96 91 126 136 7 52 9,036 6,503 7,734 U,388 986 3,022 7,709 6,387 2,598 3,481 3,854 5,278 6,741 467 53 23 74 239 1 U 6 1 21 33 21 38 8 15 212 4 54 14 70 294 7 20 4 23 32 63 26 9 24 222 1 55 859 2,912 7,542 1 328 U5 160 221 552 635 1,013 296 1,718 14,236 91 56 743 3,194 11,395 163 1,181 55 547 485 1,815 2,013 803 1,779 U,710 1 57 21 74 243 5 27 5 37 46 39 33 10 24 298 9 58 33 87 172 16 35 11 1 46 62 46 42 13 27 571 3 59 641 2,475 5,004 388 801 1,696 507 628 427 1,391 233 590 6,703 239 60 1,111 3,378 3,836 595 504 513 5 723 546 450 1,457 384 1,095 9,584 65 61 675 700 1,785 377 296 451 76 582 720 725 555 385 540 1,450 57 62 815 790 1,867 431 326 491 69 709 898 793 635 390 564 1,663 72 63 327,929 332,357 152,010 104,311 786,575 246,187 120,635 772,393 160,739 75,289 36,952 114,913 240,416 198,524 869,033 235,156 64 155,641 101,750 779,566 237,146 114,873 812,226 163,976 76,349 34,313 111,779 233,994 188,573 311,878 223,575 65 66 67 14 14 150 20 11 11 30 55 87 12 7 11 54 24 37 157 32 13 5 i 71 78 lOO 17 17 12 109 1 1,602 1,356 5,937 958 1,642 394 3,641 1,761 2,361 1,042 1,282 1,389 13,892 66 3,523 1,127 4,454 1,185 984 313 45 3,155 1,396 1,921 811 1,646 1,687 8,376 1,150 69 15,176 20,766 35,362 13,709 7,178 10,766 21,073 11,026 15,566 18,190 14,283 10,578 12,055 34,076 6,121 70 14,910 21,586 31,776 18,730 4,881 11,687 1,425 10,166 14,453 13,725 14,287 8,241 11,299 29,072 4,796 71 713 807 2,023 458 315 493 76 649 1,194 1,241 662 406 599 1,589 55 72 835 936 2,187 498 350 545 68 755 1,304 1,301 731 429 639 1,777 69 73 704 740 1,996 426 316 476 76 624 952 1,024 629 393 566 1,620 58 74 823 870 2,139 466 346 506 70 736 1,093 1,203 684 409 599 1,786 72 75 40 135 425 6 33 11 1 56 73 56 63 14 37 427 12 76 43 141 413 20 50 15 1 63 88 105 63 21 46 697 4 77 100 245 124 96 84 171 7 130 888 881 175 61 134 112 4 78 39 174 17 119 68 124 6 71 800 405 72 45 143 16 7 79 9,507 22,020 8,728 9,618 6,136 22,117 358 11,720 112,798 107,366 15,155 4,930 21,351 14,036 391 80 2,973 9,674 967 10,958 4,513 12,505 264 4,596 69,755 37,349 4,696 3,731 14,759 1,293 307 61 13 23 322 6 37 34 55 35 25 17 12 55 82 586 595 7,835 1,495 767 949 1,035 440 1,571 676 844 1,644 83 369 407 1,087 17 15 238 133 35 156 326 50 193 30 84 85 61,386 58,324 95,815 1,537 375 26,823 7,792 1,460 8,125 53,783 5,332 34,272 1,062 44 37 70 65 15 20 26 16 25 26 69 73 216 1 86 5,306 4,200 5,585 13,048 505 3,110 2,351 1,228 1,975 3,170 11,429 13,996 22,304 65 87 531 521 1,123 41 47 261 123 41 218 340 119 204 42 1 88 iai,7i8 98,221 12,055 4,792 1,997 40,600 5,112 1,450 13,965 60,243 14,720 45,043 2,281 160 89 116 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Cbunty Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: I Data fof it^ms sho*Ti jn italic:; ore based o (For (iorinitions and explanations, see text) Kearney Keya Palia Kimball FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE pRfms number 1050 . I?5t . Dcrrease in fantis due to chanpe in fani> definition 1954 to lO.I!! number. Appm\in,atr land nro.T acres 1959. Pronortion in fanns f*rc!ent 1959 . Land in famis acres 1059 . 1954, Averace 9. 1954 , f inns reporting 1959. 1951. f.->rnis repcTtin" 1959. 1954. 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres.. 20 to 29 acres. . TO to 49 acres. . 50 to 99 acres. . frirnis reixininj; 1059 . 1051. 100 to 109 acres farn.s reporting 1959 . 1954. 200 to 499 acres .'. farms reporting 1959. 1954. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or mere acres fanns reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1951. 1059. 1954. 19.59. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19.59 . 1954 . 1959. 19,59. 1959 . 19.59. 1959. 1954 . 19.59 . 1954 . 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 19.54 . Other pasture (not cropland and not wfmllnmll . f.arms reporting 1059, 1954. .acres 1959. 1954. . farms repiTting 1959. 1954 . acres 1959. 1951. Cropland used only for pasture fam.s reporting acrtis Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pa.stured farms reporting Improved pasture (see text) . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) . Cropland, total Land pastured, total . . Woodland, i^tal Irrigate.! land in farms firms reptjrling farms reptrting farms reporting . farms reporting ^ 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19.59. 1954. 19,59. 1954, 1959, 1954. 1959. 1954. Land-use pfactices; Cropland tn cover crops farms reporting acres Croplantl useil for ijrain or row crop-t faririeil on l!,t conio\tr farms reporting LanA in strip-Cropping systems for soil-erosion control , farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959.. 1959. 19.59 . 1959. 1959. 1959 . 1959.. 1959. 1,035 1,201 12 362,240 89.4 323, 669 338,380 312.7 281.7 27,611 20,320 83.38 69.79 75 81 947 1,121 145,038 169,416 13 30 10 16 15 14 37 33 180 216 450 554 238 251 4 7 213 267 8,458 10,936 596 534 30,876 16,642 444 421 14,154 11,832 172 11,466 188 5,256 40 124 1,357 5,599 82 173 1,217 1,918 885 996 123,585 121,348 39 64 1,916 2,234 13,138 12,021 ■970 1,128 950 1,106 111 267 214 97 15,091 5,098 57 1,155 195 13,890 63 4,970 192 13,285 1,227 1,357 20 369,280 95.4 352,414 348,478 287.2 256.8 37,076 26,922 122.68 100.99 77 1,116 1,277 202,539 210,215 25 36 21 24 25 20 42 55 157 207 431 559 398 364 15 10 2 2 225 375 6,959 16,395 582 648 21,693 18,330 263 241 6,654 4,886 301 9,570 245 5,469 131 150 4,200 5,055 138 130 3,107 3,309 1,044 1,017 94,867 79, 228 222 121 10,418 3,048 19,049 15,946 1,133 1,293 1,133 1,231 235 236 121 6 8,483 462 104 5,315 431 37,355 35 2,655 399 35,369 944 1,042 17 241,280 93.0 224,475 230,961 237.8 221.7 28,353 23,895 113.20 98.15 72 78 846 962 121,415 128,560 15 19 10 21 11 22 42 51 166 195 444 505 157 147 1 885 958 9 '327,680 100.7 '329,813 325,074 372.7 339.3 57, 105 41,024 149.63 124.45 96 88 855 926 191,265 192,524 12 6 9 9 7 5 25 17 81 98 285 353 411 417 22 20 3 1 295 190 371 308 1A,140 4,515 15,242 10, 524 440 649 534 676 15,124 47,184 15,174 42,570 87 607 109 637 2,371 42,218 2,729 38,604 305 41 8,900 1,250 181 120 3,853 3,716 189 26 240 46 5,841 348 7,207 547 108 60 121 76 2,393 480 2,022 571 713 639 771 673 49,337 73,647 46,321 68,261 87 29 58 74 3,298 558 1,902 3,401 16,225 12,374 16,435 10,077 868 857 977 933 862 710 980 825 264 83 308 115 16 529 2 402 937 73,502 30 46,622 U4 46 6,873 681 408 31 32,605 935 21 30 1,100 2,810 517 51 55,846 4,650 517 594 2 686,080 92.0 630,995 672,877 1,220.5 1,13^.8 97,352 66,250 82.94 56.24 68 91 490 546 157,693 173,061 5 6 6 3 4 6 14 23 50 50 124 132 202 241 65 69 20 16 93 105 19,502 7,181 407 427 93,713 89,011 379 388 81,402 83,031 45 3,211 114 9,100 6 6 749 1,219 12 4 627 7,417 381 436 349,203 334,910 31 27 1,843 1,337 9,508 10,078 497 550 433 476 17 10 170 177 25,928 24,707 9 230 1,360 38 5,873 46 3,588 324 377 1 492, 160 94.9 466,999 474, 518 1,441.4 1,258.7 51,056 33,587 35.85 24.09 85 82 308 363 123,355 145,289 3 3 4 6 2 2 6 9 25 32 63 73 121 140 70 75 14 23 27 36 11,279 5,211 67 49 8,029 3,423 6 12 389 1,201 34 5,413 34 2,227 16 54 1,232 14,222 33 42 2,177 656 307 348 313,250 300,484 10 14 626 818 7,677 5,233 310 363 318 368 41 89 8 2 571 75 7 342 12 510 11 1,125 19 3,773 439 463 5 '609,920 104.9 '639,946 591,555 1,457.7 1,277.7 83,678 62,112 54.16 45.00 85 84 417 380 188,929 100,862 1 4 3 3 1 12 9 23 32 59 58 97 160 128 123 43 30 11 74 62 6,855 10, 515 404 415 188,637 294,328 397 400 164,473 179,204 64 11,334 130 12,830 285 5 1 117 298 295 327 230,172 173,396 29 59 3,258 5,316 25,236 11,871 421 430 309 341 5 5 63 75 9,859 8,158 10 352 16 2,905 328 247,726 99 32,533 1,923 2,074 16 707,200 96.6 683,119 683,825 355.2 329.7 30,446 24,686 86.33 76.49 82 1,784 1,961 336,842 363,336 30 27 33 26 24 17 35 34 163 206 807 940 650 677 42 33 490 510 31,624 24,759 291 211 22,956 7,014 32 50 1,991 2,198 190 17,315 103 3,650 130 178 6,127 12,176 220 185 2,438 4,211 1,542 1,620 254,476 244,127 294 218 13,762 9,905 28,656 28,202 1,835 1,973 1,832 1,934 318 336 35 10 2,280 681 169 7,918 161 9,930 78 5,213 148 6,803 '^e excess of farm acreage over approximate land area la due to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm Is tabiilated as In the ctjunty In which the headquarters Is located, even though part of the farm may be eltuated Iji an adjoining counly. NEBRASKA 117 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only ft sample of fiirms. See te\[] Lincoln Logan Loup Mcpherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce l,i30 182 212 148 1,462 1,054 751 764 1,033 1,001 1,626 905 660 387 1,339 1 1,596 211 224 166 1,731 1,130 854 890 1,178 1,172 1,833 1,024 635 998 1,491 17 3 1 43 23 10 16 18 8 20 12 3 7 18 -I 1,614,720 '364, 800 367,360 547,200 366,080 293,830 397,920 280,320 255,360 370,560 394,830 277,120 566,400 348,800 356,720 < 97.3 100.5 89.2 81.5 97.2 96.5 89.3 93.1 98.7 96.4 96.8 39.9 99.0 97.6 94.1 5 1,57-% 031 1366,476 327,584 445,990 355,758 283,375 801,952 260,979 252,095 357,148 382,368 243,994 560,749 341,170 345,231 6 1,599,272 '409, 559 332, 856 438,168 359,409 292,459 800,040 269,254 244,033 354,052 387,364 252,416 559,952 341,828 349,854 7 1,098.6 2,013.6 1,545.2 3,013.4 243.3 273.5 1,067.3 341.6 242.9 356.8 235.2 275.1 849.6 384.6 257.8 H 1,002.1 1,941.0 1,486.0 2,639.6 207.6 25B.8 936.8 302.5 207.2 302.1 211.3 246.5 817.4 342.5 234.6 9 60,400 67,374 61,373 73,264 38,013 47,297 49,404 33,974 43,932 34,269 39,213 31,974 80,539 59.778 34,564 10 34,793 55,035 37,480 58,539 28,373 32,919 29,831 22,939 37,793 24,497 29,094 22,955 60,206 42,406 26,847 11 54.19 35.05 38.24 25.23 154.53 165.97 53.36 94.35 167.99 96.89 158.37 1U.13 95.01 152.18 129.75 12 35.36 25.43 23.97 20.58 137.27 133.32 32.28 71.85 173.05 77.12 131.80 88.09 74.94 123.17 110.02 IS 91 90 95 90 87 68 67 70 72 71 82 79 82 61 88 1< 78 80 80 98 82 86 37 83 32 84 80 80 88 3'/ 87 IS 1,291 165 200 138 1,340 969 670 714 935 938 1,492 829 625 356 1,250 16 1,467 190 2U 152 1,582 1,078 796 839 1,072 1,071 1,695 949 656 958 1,389 17 . 340,299 72,506 80,532 80,062 236,336 176,354 174, 196 141,830 152,381 189,826 240,507 118,943 226,726 193,451 219,344 16 347,553 91,582 76,717 74,321 250, U9 182,888 175,477 156,474 151,056 199,934 253,672 118,906 233,375 199,376 225,206 19 49 2 1 46 21 13 17 30 14 43 14 2 8 16 20 61 2 4 55 41 19 23 36 31 61 21 8 15 22 21 28 3 2 39 26 14 12 21 17 31 24 2 8 20 K 31 3 1 2 35 19 14 13 22 18 36 27 10 15 23 30 1 3 25 11 15 5 20 12 23 23 4 10 11 24 30 2 1 "3 34 17 14 9 15 19 27 21 2 7 17 25 47 7 8 1 39 36 25 9 38 19 53 53 7 16 28 26 74 1 5 2 45 33 43 11 62 28 51 63 9 22 34 27 163 13 18 7 151 138 131 83 149 104 242 189 33 61 112 28 203 16 18 10 165 155 182 109 217 107 278 281 27 82 167 29 341 40 52 13 539 404 238 282 403 346 657 331 132 309 635 30 422 44 58 17 795 483 295 334 508 449 848 410 132 369 760 31 479 64 80 56 479 311 171 285 260 399 429 193 305 415 416 32 500 76 88 65 441 309 175 329 205 397 387 122 363 405 360 33 133 26 21 34 22 18 45 21 U 25 13 2 125 23 11 M 121 28 26 33 12 18 37 11 6 22 6 4 105 24 12 35 21 9 17 25 4 18 2 1 15 5 1 36 25 18 13 20 3 17 1 1 20 4 2 37 232 18 17 20 531 237 118 195 358 247 532 208 174 160 402 .38 273 26 19 22 565 288 119 205 410 349 611 287 159 256 356 39 28,433 2,042 2,393 15,680 16,382 7,868 15,963 11,643 11,625 3,115 21,848 12,909 10,066 5,713 16,154 40 43,499 2,750 4,407 1,838 17,522 6,688 4,325 10,621 13,916 10,500 18,946 12, 7U 9,579 9,092 11,277 41 675 99 34 43 264 3M 315 315 487 677 934 389 620 654 215 42 748 87 29 64 183 232 371 267 492 672 781 503 650 7U 259 43 85,523 11,507 2,481 5,349 16,589 9,550 56,130 18,331 18,030 34,849 32,363 16,812 178,557 48,226 12,445 44 79, 132 6,926 1,648 5,720 5,030 6,345 48,510 9,013 14,246 22,754 22,335 14,184 172,427 44,632 7,345 45 538 66 13 9 29 120 232 181 51 528 175 79 613 603 25 46 489 39 8 6 41 161 249 103 73 450 118 91 641 656 26 47 59,525 5,709 451 806 890 2,751 33,352 6,060 1,135 18,555 3,642 2,528 163, 570 41,741 718 48 51,106 3,461 273 208 1,075 3,577 35,906 3,133 1,616 12,369 4,793 1,503 157, 869 40,509 431 49 178 28 13 24 158 49 94 103 346 293 670 253 72 67 130 50 18,002 4,138 1,797 3,095 13,057 1,533 9,323 6,288 10,645 10,614 20,879 10,036 5,443 1,666 3,982 51 188 38 13 14 105 191 143 122 2U 210 402 155 151 152 79 52 7,996 1,660 233 1,446 2,642 5,266 7,955 5,933 6,250 5,660 7,842 4,248 9,544 4,819 2,745 53 64 7 U 4 107 59 11 60 247 52 247 154 7 16 79 54 39 U 11 11 117 74 16 78 351 94 385 196 4 17 92 55 3,723 163 91 1,433 1,982 1,253 361 2,931 10,272 2,572 9,265 6,268 420 1,672 1,367 56 3,169 278 88 1D6 2,739 1,363 671 4,419 13,091 6,764 13,192 7,827 162 547 1,025 57 71 22 56 10 197 87 63 33 167 60 220 109 13 42 268 58 41 47 37 44 203 151 58 60 159 74 244 168 14 45 288 59 1,087 354 1,876 228 2,685 1,284 774 736 4,523 1,624 3,973 2,569 272 379 2,747 60 677 1,525 373 441 2,371 1,982 855 1,279 3,558 2,270 4,999 3,321 4U 465 2,606 «I 1,135 166 204 U3 938 768 567 598 684 331 1,036 744 429 669 %1 62 1,244 187 213 161 1,128 851 681 706 721 914 1,266 852 4*5 746 1,208 63 1,089,870 274,572 237, 163 338,964 63,039 79,241 538,035 74,327 33,931 104,780 42,168 75,643 129,228 75,556 75, 595 64 1,101,633 301,867 244,552 349,044 63,373 31,594 555,679 75,271 29,595 96,408 47,757 78,002 129,516 71,488 82,164 65 53 7 4 1 117 48 49 55 127 57 151 33 26 36 71 66 96 5 6 2 226 70 82 140 130 40 234 73 38 76 95 67 6,252 2,462 73 2,000 3,757 2,411 2,387 4,613 6,208 4,091 4,266 6,217 3,092 1,331 2,917 68 3,753 140 78 950 5,101 2,356 3,338 5,851 3,909 1,445 5,392 2,366 1,462 1,635 2,716 69 22,096 5,332 3,048 4,274 18,745 12,325 16,493 11,179 21,333 15,362 32,244 15,850 15,480 16,171 17,079 70 23,559 4,631 5,071 6,698 18,225 11, 599 14,023 12,177 18,571 15,372 26,463 17,463 14,459 16,228 20,211 71 1,323 170 200 140 1,381 973 685 732 959 944 1,524 851 632 859 1,279 72 1,488 192 214 153 1,598 1,084 803 643 1,079 1,073 1,711 956 673 961 1,395 73 1,229 170 207 146 1,313 836 609 704 913 910 1,445 844 489 741 1,242 74 1,367 188 217 161 1,588 977 719 815 1,045 1,037 1,659 970 536 854 1,385 75 127 27 64 13 272 U6 72 86 353 105 399 240 20 57 319 76 75 59 44 4« 293 204 70 126 452 156 549 310 18 60 350 77 491 29 48 3 111 713 479 121 5 242 7 1 46 524 56 78 498 8 43 1 25 622 539 45 1 U7 2 2 26 573 9 79 59,062 3,097 4,034 338 7,808 72,682 63, 199 8,243 199 23,721 320 15 6,146 88,275 5,372 80 51,634 632 3,293 40 1,215 41,600 57,504 2,352 15 9,363 32 33 3,061 63,982 602 81 60 7 9 8 133 101 71 72 195 77 315 31 16 32 146 82 2,374 169 144 602 5,360 2,467 1,774 2,785 4,280 2,035 8,520 2,115 380 619 7,158 83 96 7 7 67 19 163 623 320 878 445 39 68 140 84 7,542 220 761 2,470 1,422 13,213 65,361 21,834 86,665 40,760 4,886 3,590 8,220 85 181 12 1 7 133 37 116 11 41 11 60 10 181 2 133 86 32,288 1,313 50 504 10,198 2,520 26,359 1,060 2,550 605 5,205 110 47,740 450 21,445 87 124 9 70 5 25 124 552 236 829 455 37 71 122 88 12,391 202 1,535 35 2,132 8,418 65,766 22,760 88,938 45,800 5,280 5,235 6,372 89 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: I DaU for items shown in italics are based on (For dofinitions and explanations, see text) Sarpy FARklS. ACREAOE. AND VALUE Pnrms nunitjer 1050 . 1054. Perrpnse in farms Jup t« chnnpe in fanu definition 1054 to 1050 nunilier ApproMn.nIp land area acres 1950. Profxjrtion in fame percent 1059. Land in farms acres 1050. 1054. Averaco si?e of f.irm acreslOSO. 1054. Value of latid aoij buililings: Aiieragf ii*r jarm Averaye jtrr ftcTe Proportton ol jam.s reportiiii/ vtittii LaniJ in fatms accoriling to use: Cropland harvested 43 1 Ui 9 acres. . . . 10 to 19 acres. . 20 to 20 acTe.=. . W to 49 acres. . . dolUvs I>t59. l9Si. ..doUtirsllM. 1951. . .ptrcenl 1 9.5,9 . t95i. . farms reportinp 1959 . 1954. acres 1059. 10.54. , fani,s reporting 10.53. 10.54 . fan s rejiorting 10.59. 10.5.1 , farms repcrting 1950. . 1954 . . frrnis reporting 1959.. 1054.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1050 . . 1954 . . 100 to 109 acres farn.s reporlins 195ff. . 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms rc|)orting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 909 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . 40 i acres 1959.. 41 1954.. 42 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reportmc 1050 . . it 1954.. acres 1050 . , 1954 . . Cultivated summw fallow farms reputing 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1950 . . 1054 . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1950 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms re|iorting 1959 . . acres 10.59.. Woodland pastured . Woodland not pastured. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) Improved pasture (see text) . . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1950 . 1054. . farms reporting 1059 . 19.54 . acres 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. I9S4. . farms reporting 1059 . 1054. acres 1050 . 1951. . . acres 1959 . 1954. farms reporting 1059 . 1054. farms repcrting 1059 . 1954. , farms reporting 1959 . 1954. . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1059. 1954. Land-use ptactices: Cropland in cover crops forma reporting 1959 ■ acres 1959 . '■Toptanit uat'l lor ijram or rov crr.p\ jarmed on the contovr larms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Land in atrip-cropping syatema for iotl-eroston corurol famis reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959 . acrea 1959 . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, elr.l Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total IfTigalcil land in farms 1,708 1,892 13 430,030 94.0 404,301 410,771 236.7 217.1 41,625 35,471 170.79 163.69 71 81 1,623 1,793 289, 562 299,839 13 23 17 11 12 16 37 23 179 198 784 1,005 574 512 6 5 1 735 1,055 23,741 30,247 344 160 11,994 3,397 126 31 2,832 1,061 116 4,205 156 4,957 90 100 3,380 3,532 95 129 1,089 1,374 945 921 55,997 53,915 101 81 3,264 2,620 18,538 18,4«7 1,644 1,822 1,503 1,738 173 210 324 123 23,757 6,003 171 6,755 391 24,410 15 925 336 19,235 1,098 1,242 17 '277,120 102.6 '■284,272 267,365 258.9 215.3 49,719 36,232 174.28 163.49 80 35 1,052 1,196 201,587 199,106 U 17 11 17 12 4 20 11 no 160 446 626 419 357 19 397 670 11,040 19,250 370 298 11,179 5,665 223 182 5,215 3,133 84 3,675 119 2,289 36 81 497 1,357 84 108 934 362 623 568 46,700 28,524 60 65 2,422 1,466 12,335 12,101 1,063 1,203 877 1,039 113 176 489 134 48, UO 9,584 52 1,070 U6 11,140 25 1,425 123 6,700 764 323 13 453,240 97.3 448,277 452,512 586.8 546.5 50,938 33,032 75.67 57.00 78 83 699 759 154,132 164,687 12 17 16 11 15 9 26 19 65 84 229 262 299 320 34 34 3 3 137 214 6,952 7,309 609 6»2 88,894 80,043 597 633 78,431 74,261 52 1,549 168 8,914 55 33 2,172 1,415 42 42 1,035 3,000 601 658 173,646 174,680 20 17 1,065 551 21,446 21,373 709 772 644 717 83 68 187 104 16,127 7,144 7 138 234 42,752 26 3,420 377 84,848 1,366 1,562 20 350,720 93.1 326, 599 330,100 239.1 211.3 43,631 30,866 173.95 137.93 65 78 1,251 1,435 193,233 199,302 34 24 30 28 20 40 60 74 267 322 528 726 290 205 19 15 3 1 589 621 21,642 21,048 514 302 21,272 7,173 60 60 1,373 1,173 302 10,627 270 9,272 317 398 15,038 14,601 204 206 6,063 5,601 817 1,052 45,175 57,605 135 203 5,322 8,074 24,126 24,770 1,276 1,453 1,212 1,430 453 527 2 1 45 37 187 4,546 646 62,422 46 2,878 580 56,970 319 397 '647,680 101.2 '655,505 '664,917 2,054.9 1,674.9 34,686 45,148 33.26 27.47 52 82 301 374 170, 565 195,456 14 20 46 63 105 148 82 80 45 46 48 50 45,079 18,066 54 65 8,106 6,140 7 12 259 429 26 3,414 29 4,433 17 39 3,174 8,184 32 66 5,964 1,950 277 351 416,129 425,125 2 5 1,275 79 6,433 9,996 304 380 310 334 44 94 8 3 535 200 10 1,047 1,507 1,644 39 368,000 96.6 355,533 345,770 235.9 210.3 41,930 30,705 163.13 139.48 70 81 1,441 1,568 244,950 238,113 26 38 17 22 13 15 35 40 199 232 691 354 453 364 7 3 432 466 11,678 10,565 684 786 16, 8W 18,021 423 374 7,756 6,577 246 3,633 252 5,425 225 292 7,654 10,035 212 208 4,287 3,702 1,042 1,201 50,716 49,771 91 131 2,180 2,137 19,434 15,563 1,447 1,570 1,335 1,503 375 429 261 85 17,718 3,323 70 1,080 352 19,536 15 625 332 23,268 648 801 13 151,040 85.0 128,361 134,219 198.1 167.6 62,642 34,670 297.68 219.03 62 79 722 95,679 98,418 22 53 IS 22 12 18 28 33 99 124 243 308 176 155 6 4 303 437 7,370 9,742 155 86 4,742 1,923 18 16 508 566 72 1,476 79 2,758 92 147 4,882 6,582 64 73 1,849 2,293 147 192 4,338 5,349 50 48 1,432 1,233 9,501 9,912 622 754 449 641 141 195 9 9 523 492 106 3,550 334 37,888 15 1,300 299 23,500 2,062 2,203 29 483,840 95.3 461,104 444,636 223.6 201.8 46,522 27,228 196.94 182.23 79 87 1,953 2,092 340,266 333,267 21 37 31 11 10 19 58 36 307 310 935 1,165 565 505 27 8 4 1 323 307 19,219 17,834 737 625 22,281 12,690 220 U6 5,847 2,346 397 10,656 285 5,778 174 172 6,386 4,538 127 145 2,748 1,778 1,068 1,393 39,448 47,853 171 232 4,381 4,063 30,756 26,626 1,983 2,103 1,690 1,940 269 291 69 14 4,154 819 280 6,178 603 45,180 55 3,730 362 33,190 The excess of farm acreage over approxiinate land area Is due to the fact that the entire acreage of even though part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. a farm is tabulated as in the county in which the beadtjuartera is located. NEBRASKA 119 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only n amnle of fnrms. M.«> lesl] Seward Sberldan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler York 1,5^9 942 913 494 1,044 1,182 86 845 853 1,184 1,265 880 231 1,388 I 1,674 1,018 1,021 525 1,150 1,369 123 914 1,038 1,309 1,393 1,013 272 1,563 23 6 9 3 9 19 19 11 18 14 3 16 3 366,080 11,578,240 364,800 1,320,320 275,840 369,280 458,240 248,320 ^364,800 247,680 283,520 368,000 368,640 369,280 4 97.6 U1.9 94.2 86.0 96.0 98.1 83.4 87.5 100.9 96.5 97.1 92.5 91.7 96.9 5 357,246 ll,765,P?l 343,646 1,135,465 264,815 362,162 382,302 217,281 ^368,249 239,042 275,176 340,463 338,213 357,835 6 X9,U1 1,576,552 343,919 1,081,943 263,323 356,936 384,891 213,264 ^377,156 230,959 282,941 343,470 351,924 352,536 7 230.6 1,874.6 376.4 2,298.5 253.7 306.4 4,445.4 257.1 431.7 201.9 217.5 386.9 1,464.1 257.8 8 208.6 1,548.7 336.8 2,060.8 229.0 260.8 3,129.2 233.3 363.3 176.4 203.1 339.1 1,293.8 225.6 9 40,880 79,840 23,591 59,255 37,867 39,079 118,099 41,649 30,561 45,923 40,324 26,278 56,703 51,412 10 36,589 44,593 18,602 42,806 32,947 26,315 67,735 32,414 22,212 34,599 35,613 19,300 42,556 38,019 11 172.17 43.08 64.33 26.60 U7.92 122.16 23.64 161.46 71.78 232.22 179.29 64.18 45.30 207.53 12 168.66 29.68 52.05 19.35 137.90 95.32 18.13 138.54 60.00 186.55 163.89 55.33 35.47 161.85 IS 73 80 89 92 91 69 74 83 94 83 89 62 78 57 14 85 90 35 86 87 76 91 92 87 78 78 86 89 34 15 1,467 394 856 431 938 1,107 81 776 786 1,U1 1,174 830 209 1,329 16 1,591 970 983 473 1,089 1,264 115 879 961 1,250 1,322 956 248 1,478 17 256,328 326,974 139,193 80,144 168,190 224,733 53,342 151,788 139,332 175,785 204,744 U5,235 97,026 258,845 16 251,228 359,163 163,652 79,631 174,013 223,291 59,827 162,454 166,262 171,359 212,284 166,166 99,016 261,231 19 27 6 19 2 12 14 3 9 14 24 IS 8 1 12 50 38 7 15 3 16 38 3 16 35 33 25 23 5 19 21 18 13 U 11 11 19 1 8 18 23 23 22 1 15 22 22 10 16 9 9 18 4 12 14 26 U 14 4 16 2S 16 5 13 3 15 10 2 • 16 15 20 10 15 3 U 24 15 S 13 16 4 17 1 10 U 23 u 8 16 25 43 20 37 23 22 28 2 32 38 36 u 33 "2 25 26 37 16 29 33 19 29 4 32 29 39 18 25 5 27 27 173 79 159 112 126 115 5 85 124 212 106 129 14 139 28 219 93 184 134 141 186 10 96 157 277 135 150 14 165 29 631 227 354 147 500 4U 15 275 308 556 581 329 40 545 30 835 226 417 139 636 538 LL 356 404 665 758 410 54 741 31 500 376 249 104 296 473 25 336 252 224 419 286 93 558 32 421 425 301 115 258 4U 40 350 291 177 358 314 113 477 33 7 119 11 19 5 32 16 15 16 23 6 8 40 19 34 4 130 3 23 5 24 24 7 13 10 3 12 34 17 35 2 49 55 5 1 1 1 12 18 1 4 3 15 19 3 36 37 566 108 229 73 239 246 8 390 137 550 815 209 23 567 38 499 139 180 104 351 400 1 463 172 691 520 236 40 785 39 15,946 22,934 9,565 7,114 10,122 9,252 6,469 13,434 5,321 15,679 29,306 14,608 3,930 17,183 40 L2,483 9,820 7,287 6,061 16,928 15,295 74 16,371 5,458 16,611 17,877 U,366 6,660 20,869 41 580 571 541 168 166 642 6 245 416 293 136 705 53 571 42 599 451 405 171 68 702 8 78 273 U3 38 756 71 677 43 14,849 73,753 27,665 17,049 9,1A6 24,5« 265 21,022 23,899 8,167 7,603 51,449 4,162 14,872 44 14,178 51,322 12,722 U,327 1,270 21,411 396 1,661 7,282 2,566 753 39,824 2,402 15,434 45 334 536 389 95 18 490 1 17 220 48 6 582 12 310 46 217 415 270 82 19 409 12 150 17 7 606 8 425 47 7,695 60, U2 11,945 7,076 456 15,250 60 984 8,013 1,755 456 30,394 282 6,558 48 3,643 45,139 7,111 5,692 256 9,969 307 4,029 442 238 24,335 569 8,134 49 228 70 192 32 85 189 2 178 161 U7 38 239 28 147 50 4,528 6,166 9,9LL 2,878 7,223 4,207 58 16, OU 10,680 3,402 6,369 14,614 2,865 2,574 51 153 94 173 76 35 195 5 75 174 153 46 200 28 253 52 2,626 7,445 5,809 7,095 1,467 5,112 147 4,027 5,206 3,010 778 6,441 1,015 5,740 53 151 81 24 31 57 68 2 66 19 177 23 37 15 40 54 192 116 63 37 63 129 2 110 28 184 27 53 36 79 55 4,130 17,462 687 20, 525 2,504 2,729 25 3,550 306 6,307 215 1,683 187 1,656 56 5,513 22,015 1,685 22,653 3,583 5,242 292 4,790 312 6,643 507 1,983 608 2,U7 57 131 57 47 9 95 105 3 67 39 159 57 45 58 78 58 131 46 71 4 137 105 9 61 45 150 61 53 80 85 59 1,788 2,289 461 886 1,105 2,1V 150 2,115 1,091 3,444 308 1,344 966 717 60 1,652 3,036 676 657 2,751 2,230 904 1,816 806 3,061 355 2jl46 3,224 656 61 976 834 822 410 812 961 82 294 745 433 423 725 2U 813 62 l,li5 835 899 418 732 972 120 335 862 533 397 854 240 829 63 44,371 1,282,134 153,427 995,938 53,832 32,243 319,429 U,471 186,396 U,920 18,574 111,332 226,628 46,919 64 46,176 1,096,506 144,514 949,130 48,337 71,520 322,138 13,170 184,680 14,754 35,392 107,850 232,470 35,207 65 138 28 41 34 153 56 37 47 100 80 59 17 76 66 105 65 79 26 159 48 78 49 77 75 55 8 122 67 3,820 35,337 2,363 13,028 6,037 3,176 1,226 3,902 2,275 2,333 4,273 1,093 2,775 68 2,312 4,490 3,114 1,156 4,353 1,304 3,271 2,664 1,948 2,573 2,126 442 3,416 69 19,ac34 40,335 12,648 13,309 14,866 16,484 2,622 13,901 U,404 17,740 14,426 14,812 5,319 17,643 70 17,911 34,690 13,383 12,434 16,441 17,997 1,260 13,002 12,356 15,965 15,773 1A,135 7,544 17,022 71 1,485 903 878 452 1,010 1,110 81 824 804 1,146 1,226 844 210 1,341 72 1,601 971 988 485 1,096 1,279 115 888 969 1,269 1,342 966 255 1,504 73 1,379 873 868 433 965 1,050 85 672 770 955 1,166 823 224 1,196 74 1,537 931 956 463 1,064 1,218 120 818 912 1,166 1,311 929 256 1,401 75 243 126 67 38 UO 153 5 U.9 56 287 75 74 66 112 76 289 154 121 38 187 204 10 148 67 296 84 97 99 148 77 319 152 201 227 50 395 7 16 300 12 16 141 11 748 78 72 129 143 240 15 94 4 1 260 3 2 46 5 272 79 27,638 18,187 14,234 30,051 2,623 35,253 197 741 30,875 1,347 818 10,013 1,058 81,296 80 3,952 13,244 8,426 24,428 973 6,951 159 20 18,922 109 65 3,036 166 20,050 81 140 33 112 32 130 42 1 161 59 129 186 40 25 25 82 2,325 1,490 5,522 737 6,495 955 12 11,495 1,330 4,550 8,325 2,418 949 325 83 491 46 169 23 239 371 1 407 162 677 443 316 17 247 84 33,805 6,341 9,985 2,419 24,327 27,075 20 44,835 9,982 62,190 42,630 23,843 589 10,250 S5 35 82 28 69 61 25 2 45 15 75 36 31 60 30 86 855 18,362 1,830 9,983 4,545 1,605 290 4,420 1,278 5,305 3,125 1,685 8,452 1,620 87 456 106 213 35 194 342 282 202 545 357 417 9 259 88 39,710 8,776 13,260 2,868 16,225 24,190 34,480 9,127 44,665 35,572 44,575 455 10,322 89 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations, see text) Antelope Irrigated Fanns number Proportion of all farma percent Land in irri^ed farms acres Average size of farm acres Land in Irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting acres 1 to 9 acres fanns reporting 10 to 19 acres fanns reporting JO to i^ acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres fanns reporting 50 to 99 acres fanns repeating 100 to 199 acres fanns reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres , farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture ................ farms reporting acres CW)pland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow .,...,.. farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not wcx>jland) . . . farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms leporting acres Woodland, total , farms reporting acres Land irrigated in Census year acres Irrigaled by sprinklers farms reporting acres Sprinklers only farms reporting acres ItTigated cropland harvested farms reporting acres Other irrigated land (not cmpland harvested) acres Farms irrigated, by number ot acfes irrigated: 1 lo 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting .30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 lo 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more uires farms reporting Izni irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting acres Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting acres Surface sources on farm farms reporting acres Surface sources on farm only farms reporting acres Imgation organization sources farms reporting acres Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting acres Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting acres Both imgation organization and farm ^und water or farm surface sources farms reporting acres 959. 954. .959 . .954. 959. 954 . 959. .954 . . 959. 954. .959 . .954,. 959.. .954,. ,959.. .954.. 959.. 954.. 959 . . 954.. 959.. 954 . . 1959.. 954.. 959.. 18,936 12,500 20.9 12. A 10,519,045 6,5i3,570 555.5 523.5 18,854 12,'4i3 . 13 131 26 9 6 26 6 SI 11 13 31 11 5 7 119 16 6 3 24 1 S2 92 '20 85 42 37 42 46 49 372 315 44 20 63 25 S3 37 9 71 8 41 31 43 32 349 176 17 22 53 5 24 113 68 107 64 26 17 102 56 316 513 101 31 73 53 S5 49 22 70 3 24 12 61 ; 28 252 200 40 14 59 9 se 9 7 16 5 4 4 13 7 20 20 14 3 9 20 27 7 5 8 1 8 2 11 2 11 10 5 2 5 1 28 1 4 1 1 2 > 1 2 3 1 1 4 29 1 2 1 2 1 30 35 16 49 41 15 13 33 34 237 343 55 26 54 38 31 25 11 49 7 42 14 22 16 248 216 17 15 28 2 32 1,200 2,470 2,175 1,643 838 1,077 1,058 3,261 9,568 8,423 9,030 629 3,333 5,414 33 837 285 1,201 110 1,613 729 967 584 5,792 5,048 789 446 1,062 225 34 187 90 196 53 57 14 149 , 40 292 344 147 54 144 26 35 70 33 131 8 41 7 95 6 195 209 57 33 96 4 36 169 87 186 20 43 6 146 23 162 250 144 51 132 3 37 10,152 9,120 18,189 435 3,546 90 11,058 1,215 4,715 6,072 14,744 5,414 16,146 105 38 2,779 4,013 11,025 33 3,370 69 6,409 114 2,836 3,502 4,274 2,738 3,600 90 39 37 10 29 25 14 6 12 16 50 63 17 7 9 11 40 3,236 260 1,504 1,099 562 488 502 1,246 1,580 1,015 758 439 129 1,037 41 33 21 38 19 20 9 25 10 146 89 27 9 38 15 42 962 1,242 1,397 515 1,643 404 796 . 727 4,269 1,483 723 318 1,156 495 43 225 93 197 99 83 71 146 ( J 110 491 501 135 58 146 86 44 100 38 127 14 95 57 104 ) 65 506 238 59 44 117 13 45 60,364 67,154 56,507 7,741 180,996 35,582 49,611 46, >r r 34,520 55,947 26,343 38,460 53,233 60,714 55,373 46 33,021 28,015 31,655 816 191,625 20,013 29,109 26, >4, > 14,589 36,001 10,045 15,291 54,630 38,128 3,358 47 9 2 7 21 9 5 3 9 50 74 3 7 12 46 10 2 17 6 15 7 2 6 56 38 4 "s 4 6 49 131 247 712 1,150 183 1,249 172 . 1,247 1,630 2,117 60 1,027 950 50 727 26 377 149 462 249 13 4 250 990 749 398 318 759 235 51 40 10 60 36 1 11 4 14 57 42 X 4 20 29 52 27 6 41 9 6 11 5 , 8 43 44 11 6 15 3 53 1,037 315 3,061 1,460 1 252 1,793 129 1,033 308 1,557 73 1,063 2,024 54 893 326 2,896 269 148 87 57 169 539 966 712 169 948 157 55 22,686 9,507 22,020 8,728 9,618 6,186 22,117 i5f 11,720 112,793 107,366 15,155 4,930 21,361 14,036 56 8,290 2,973 9,674 967 10,958 4,513 12,505 6^ 4,596 69,755 37,349 4,696 3,731 14,759 1,293 57 30 37 47 71 16 19 12 ;■ 48 53 66 55 36 56 96 58 981 1,640 1,720 3,242 613 383 274 i5« 2,470 1,913 2,284 2,047 2,433 3,532 11,741 59 5 13 17 49 8 8 r 19 12 16 13 20 25 96 60 280 914 770 2,332 393 404 J5S 1,457 597 1,278 604 1,605 2,078 11,741 61 244 100 245 124 v. 33 171 r 130 334 830 175 61 133 109 K 109 39 172 16 116 67 124 = 71 797 404 71 44 142 15 63 22,365 9,074 21,599 8,694 9,053 6,055 21,653 32 i 11, 636 111,291 106,940 14,776 4,549 19,805 13,477 64 8,223 2,792 9,593 940 10,032 4,362 12,448 J6< 4,477 69,031 37,443 4,282 3,539 14,514 1,046 65 321 433 421 34 565 131 464 3( 3 84 1,507 426 379 331 1,556 559 66 4 1 9 4 6 4 2 2 20 1 6 4 7 67 17 3 10 7 3 4 2 3 20 5 5 "3 3 7 68 10 5 22 8 5 2 13 4 21 17 13 6 7 3 69 27 15 47 26 13 24 7 1 12 90 52 17 3 23 16 70 98 32 77 56 26 27 49 L 63 271 334 68 31 49 38 71 72 36 59 20 34 22 69 I 40 311 361 54 8 77 20 72 16 8 20 3 9 1 26 6 147 107 6 5 20 10 73 1 1 3 7 1 4 1 1 5 1 74 75 160 84 109 76 37 48 96 5 U5 886 878 130 41 98 96 76 14,808 8,333 7,496 5,861 2,873 2,304 12,160 27 3 9,976 112,306 106,725 10,336 3,755 9,609 12,985 77 143 74 84 66 16 36 73 104 873 850 109 35 64 94 78 13,663 7,745 5,751 4,792 1,146 2,325 10,099 M J 9,421 111,394 102,961 9,424 3,390 6,337 12,603 79 19 23 22 58 9 4 3 3 19 9 31 20 24 10 13 80 778 899 305 2,867 704 114 90 8 5 1,177 338 641 1,130 1,096 389 1,051 81 10 15 13 43 3 1 1 2 10 1 3 13 19 6 16 82 322 682 543 2,423 610 10 20 61 3 736 32 63 864 856 227 963 83 86 3 142 71 45 90 9 1 47 2 111 84 7,100 275 13,719 6,036 3,268 9,867 567 154 ... 3,139 79 11,363 85 73 1 120 51 35 74 4 1 31 1 79 86 6,381 160 10,376 4,762 2,817 3,437 262 154 ... 2,335 40 8,426 87 6 3 6 10 2 2 1 7 3 23 6 5 3 2 8S 874 705 289 1,508 160 200 5 3 783 1,218 4,342 755 579 291 470 89 13 2 22 21 10 16 5 16 1 32 90 1,446 215 5,061 3,100 874 3,361 518 1,777 65 5,530 91 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For Hefinitions and explanations, see text) Kearney Keya Paha Iirigated fnnns number 1953 . 1954 . Proportion of all rnrnia percent 1959 . 1954 . Land in im^ated fanns. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Average ai ze of farm acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Und In Iffigaled farms accofilifiE to use: Cropland harvested farms reportinp 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1 to 9 acres farms repoftine 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . L'L> to 29 acres '. . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . l/WO or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . acr^s 1959 . . 1954.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 19.59 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Improved pastwe farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year. acres 19.59 . . 19,54 . . Irrigated by sprinklers faims reporting 1959.. acr«s 1959 . . Sprinklers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. lmgateft9 acre? Land in farms: number 1959... 5 12 11 8 23 99 91 134 78 26 All land in Tarms ftcre'i 1959 . . . 263,218 323,669 352,414 224,475 230,961 329,813 630,995 466,999 474,518 639,946 683,119 683,825 27 1954. . . 252,072 338,380 348,478 325,074 672,377 591,555 2fi Under 10 acres acres 1959... 110 189 112 90 33 3 12 156 29 1954 . . . 26 149 202 152 84 114 15 34 182 30 10 Ui 49 acrp= Acres 1959 . . . 35 1,207 1,716 1,532 728 346 158 213 1,906 31 li)5t... 88 1,085 1,646 1,532 646 455 222 229 1,886 32 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . . 'm 491 925 1,392 951 967 1,064 484 644 171 394 52 119 136 1,675 776 33 1954... 34 70 to 99 acres acres 1959... 3,097 4,814 4,241 2,007 485 323 422 4,2a 35 1954... 70 4,156 5,028 5,241 2,216 680 164 433 5,329 36 100 lo 139 teres ^crcs 19.59... 4,429 5,183 5,935 2,061 929 117 616 4,911 37 1954... 363 7,294 5,824 6,116 3,416 910 116 254 6,073 38 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . . . 310 25,176 28,076 26,982 18,255 6,860 1,120 3,032 55,045 39 1954... 33,112 42,127 36,858 23,423 6,681 1,588 2,399 69,394 40 180 lo 219 acres , , , , acres 1959 . . . 13,148 16,419 17,043 20,466 6,682 3,714 1,403 1,152 1,005 780 19 602 41 1954 . . . 16,940 23,174 1,565 978 22^369 49 920 to 259 acres acres 1959... 27,515 35,322 32,563 23,602 2,912 2,151 1,214 55,674 43 1954... 240 35,509 43,671 38,536 27,248 2,346 1,399 1,705 64,147 44 260 to 499 acres acres 1959... 865 644 143,943 143,137 163,988 165,597 103,653 94,495 132,070 140,189 42,398 54,117 17, 146 22,062 13,329 19,249 233,909 238,512 45 1954 . . . 46 500 to 99!) acres acres 1959... 3,998 87,407 71,128 21,549 102,509 103,963 61,737 79,791 131,358 17 1954 . . . 8,187 79,685 41,459 22,568 32,163 107,361 77,510 83,641 160,674 4S 1 ,000 or more acres acres 19S9 . . . 258,010 242,394 17,146 16,388 24,187 18,799 12,450 9,898 3,933 41,325 36,331 471,495 498,667 383,239 369,325 535,418 477,442 124,162 113,983 19 1954... 50 1.0(10 to l.Oiifl acres acres 1959... 7,363 14,906 9,898 30,183 137,730 131,117 192,763 101,196 Cropland harvested: 51 Any cropland harvested , - farms reportinc 1 959 . . , 54 947 1,116 846 855 490 303 417 1,784 52 1954.,. 69 1,121 1,277 962 926 546 363 380 1,961 53 acres 1 959 . . , 20,108 145,038 202,539 121,415 191,265 157,693 123,355 138,929 336,342 54 55 I'ndcr 10 acres , , . 1954 . . . farms rerKXtinE 1959 22,369 169,416 9 210,215 9 128, 560 5 192,524 5 173,061 1 145,289 100,362 363,336 10 56 1554 . . . 1 15 17 4 5 6 1 1 4 57 acres 19S!) . . . 39 24 16 11 1 47 58 1954... 5 50 43 21 14 16 "i "3 9 59 in to 40 acres famis reportjnp 1959 .. . 17 32 17 20 8 1 3 39 fiO 1954... 1 23 40 29 15 11 5 2 41 61 «cresl9S9... 327 454 342 351 164 14 48 531 62 1954 .. . "7 320 685 427 333 303 50 34 635 63 50 to 69 acres tonns reporting 1959 .. . 2 14 11 7 3 1 22 64 1954... 12 13 14 10 5 "i 1 12 65 ncres 1959... 93 423 222 296 121 58 729 66 1954... 373 383 308 505 226 39 27 340 67 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 .. . 29 47 43 25 6 3 3 40 as 1954... 1 45 59 60 26 8 2 4 60 69 acres 1959... 1,525 2,016 2,120 1,314 325 90 145 1,831 70 1954 . . . 12 2,187 2,594 2,618 1,459 451 75 171 3,090 71 100 to 139 acres farms roportinc 1959 .. . 32 40 43 18 8 1 5 36 72 1951... "2 57 46 45 29 3 1 2 48 73 acres 1959... 2,147 2,842 2,866 1,466 572 35 389 2,941 74 1954 .. . 52 3,976 3,220 3,092 2,615 534 40 145 3,393 75 HO lo 179 acres farms reportinc 19.59 . . . 2 153 173 164 113 38 5 18 323 76 1954 . . . 203 259 230 147 40 10 10 430 77 acres 1959 .. . 94 13,857 16,962 15,481 12,086 3,581 305 1,200 36,499 78 1954 . . . 19,301 26,115 21,584 16,797 3,333 496 603 48,725 79 180 to 219 acres farms roportine 1 959 . . . 64 82 86 33 7 5 2 94 80 1954 . . . 82 117 104 44 6 7 3 113 81 acres 1959... 7,4U 10,271 10,423 4,394 859 467 227 12,161 82 1954... 10,421 14,656 12,647 6,055 802 725 189 14,239 63 220 lo L'59 acres farm..* repcrting 1959. . . 113 144 135 99 11 8 4 224 84 1954 . . . "i 149 131 162 114 10 8 6 269 85 acres 1959... 14,829 21,631 18,794 16,269 1,564 822 332 36,401 86 1954... 'so 20,787 28,250 22,440 13,907 1,331 735 571 44,474 87 260 to 499 a45 29,282 45,543 98,278 58,537 23,333 76,617 27,018 43,213 187,783 90,385 47 19,004 1,194,352 310,390 268,313 421,t 99 11,852 26,461 627,115 28,654 8,790 35,941 6,243 13,506 309,124 53,237 48 16,317 1,182,066 349,069 270,091 405,] 39 8,588 29,558 602,870 21,442 5,079 25,820 10,503 11,290 280,167 37,974 49 14,353 312,171 44,066 58,026 58, 15 11,852 20,206 118,137 25,584 3,591 28,851 4,093 10,706 191,799 31,317 50 1,880 1,291 165 200 ] 38 1,340 969 670 714 935 938 1,492 829 625 856 51 2,146 1,467 190 214 ] 52 1,582 1,073 796 339 1,072 1,071 1,695 949 666 953 52 317,330 340,299 72,506 80,532 80,( )62 236,336 176,354 174,196 141,330 152,381 139,826 240,507 113,943 226,726 193,451 53 322,617 347,553 91, 582 76,717 74, )21 250,149 182,888 175,477 156,474 151,056 199,984 253,672 U3,908 233,375 199,376 54 23 18 13 9 1 6 11 8 9 2 55 51 37 "2 24 26 6 14 15 16 29 4 4 4 56 81 61 34 48 2 20 44 26 34 3 57 152 108 'li 74 84 16 40 44 60 95 15 "li 11 58 95 59 1 i 80 42 10 22 33 21 65 23 3 21 59 117 63 3 2 1 87 48 19 19 33 39 63 24 4 13 60 1,477 916 5 ,• • 15 1,208 695 111 303 530 343 960 439 36 385 61 1,713 1,080 23 50 19 1,351 791 330 227 450 636 915 282 47 292 62 24 15 1 13 13 8 2 21 9 20 11 3 5 63 29 14 1 1 24 11 9 5 22 5 23 13 2 10 64 334 555 66 299 562 322 108 565 281 545 247 91 104 65 940 644 15 65 853 440 395 175 561 98 661 405 65 305 66 167 49 3 1 43 53 46 13 55 22 84 53 4 20 67 181 50 3 2 61 56 58 15 91 34 95 67 2 30 68 7,948 2,987 148 48 2,329 3,037 2,323 655 2,539 1,143 4,053 2,153 201 1,200 69 8,357 3,078 169 36 3,237 3,096 3,104 632 4,211 1,625 5,091 2,601 83 1,348 70 104 38 1 6 1 53 42 41 15 56 19 54 47 2 20 71 138 48 4 1 32 64 48 26 79 25 98 61 1 22 72 7,710 3,134 'l7 325 12 4,113 3,366 3,173 1,335 3,938 1,251 3,373 2,898 153 1,413 73 10,569 3,713 201 13 7,059 5,121 3,680 2,014 5,670 1,690 6,957 3,571 64 1,389 74 341 91 10 9 300 161 97 136 139 95 307 145 20 121 75 467 113 7 11 395 199 132 175 221 130 400 210 22 155 76 35,815 9,959 1,139 716 34,920 17,871 10,144 14,108 14,027 9,115 30,894 12,352 1,506 14,149 n 50,105 11,618 620 1,038 47,129 22,959 13, 690 13,272 22,793 13,171 42,490 17,727 1,737 17,431 78 117 35 3 3 i 103 87 35 35 89 50 119 57 4 30 79 196 44 3 3 1 167 117 46 36 128 59 175 83 4 35 80 15,063 4,000 421 382 no 14,950 11,693 4,239 4,354 11,589 6,256 16,076 6,039 342 4,209 81 26,552 4,331 478 376 no 24,790 16,875 5,569 4,922 16,696 7,498 24,233 8,573 566 5,022 82 234 43 4 4 206 141 44 59 145 99 217 37 4 93 83 324 45 4 7 288 146 44 89 162 127 290 109 3 127 84 38,661 6,023 499 591 37,388 23,372 6,612 8,873 a, 942 14,377 34,295 10,809 233 14,674 85 53,656 6,261 655 1,114 53,131 24,262 5,680 13,761 24,273 18,552 47,189 13,788 994 20,345 86 648 259 38 38 3 437 309 87 296 313 423 543 319 155 359 87 558 302 49 42 5 400 323 111 355 231 500 470 300 203 400 88 153,616 50,133 6,292 5,721 377 105,924 71,032 14, 301 65,620 69,734 88,110 120,200 60, U3 28,364 83,390 89 131,832 52,843 9,105 6,635 598 92,738 72,294 16,636 77,737 59,575 106,156 105,166 50,916 40,029 92,025 90 114 290 47 58 27 S3 95 120 110 63 166 70 76 247 154 91 73 340 52 57 39 47 71 131 90 37 117 44 69 248 132 92 46,527 78,229 14,379 12,696 7, 584 30,762 34,704 23,602 36,474 24,064 53,393 25,492 21,115 82,301 53,233 93 30,164 33,343 16,312 14,321 8, 570 16,524 25,672 24,383 31,236 14,176 39,260 15,297 17, 176 85,367 46,045 94 13 394 58 80 L05 9 17 131 20 5 26 4 9 183 33 95 12 411 68 33 105 7 17 192 15 3 19 3 9 163 25 96 9,598 184,297 49,606 59,937 71, 964 4,409 9,974 109,367 9,975 3,409 15,526 4,085 2,770 113,449 20,194 97 8,077 179,979 64,205 52,370 64, 911 3,263 11,294 101,994 7,408 2,602 11,233 5,578 3,854 104,404 14,663 96 11 209 29 42 37 9 15 82 20 3 23 3 8 143 26 99 7,392 70,438 12,920 17,658 14, 998 4,409 8,140 23,625 9,975 2,371 12,898 2,455 2,356 78,480 13,465 100 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sarpy Farms: All fanns. number lf>r>fl . . 1!)M.. Under 10 acres number 1 959 . . 1954.. 10 to 49 acre? number 1959 . . 1954.. 50 U, 69 acres number 1959 . . 1954.. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to no acres number 1959. . 1954.. 140 to 179 acres number 1959.. 1954.. 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . . 1954.. 'J20 to :'39 acres number 1959 . . 1954.. 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . . 1954 . . 300 to 999 acres number 1959 . . 19.54.. l.OtXi or more acres number 1959.. 1954.. I.IHIO to 1,999 acres number 1959 . . Land in farms: Ml land in farms . . -icres 1959. . 1954 . . Under 10 Bct«s acres 1959.. 1954 . . 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 50 to 69 acres ' acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 1.19 ncres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 140 to 179 acres acres 1959.. 1954 . . 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 220 to 259 acres acres 1959. . 1954 . . 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . .500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . , 1,000 or more acres acres 1959.. 1954 . . 1 ,000 u. 1 ,999 acres acres 1959 . . Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . aci^s 1959.. 1954 . . I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 19,54 . . acres 19.59 . . 1954.. .50 to 69 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 19,54 . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 1:19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954.. 140 to 179 acres farms reprrting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 180 to 219 acres rarms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954.. 220 to 259 acres fami.H reporting 1959 . , 1964 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 260 to 499 acres Tarms reporting 1959, . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 19S9 . . 1954.. 1,000 or more acres farms repcrting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1969 . , 1954,. 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 1,339 1,491 28 69 72 6i 10 11 36 49 41 34 356 481 91 129 172 178 460 404 61 57 12 15 10 345,231 349,854 lis 273 1,827 1,702 589 657 2,865 4,000 4,821 4,036 1,708 1,892 43 67 67 73 18 15 69 81 95 130 308 437 215 281 293 305 538 457 59 42 3 404,301 410,771 150 229 1,784 1,824 1,047 884 5,652 6,574 11,329 15,465 56,821 49,061 76,874 69,575 18,043 42,561 25,484 55,557 41,105 69,865 42,513 72,807 159,066 181,412 136,821 153,835 40,196 35,796 35,343 27,337 19,780 5,644 22,151 6,684 U,820 3,010 1,250 1,623 1,389 1,793 219,844 289,562 225,206 299,839 2 5 7 10 7 15 22 26 30 43 31 39 437 947 419 725 9 12 9 12 211 529 298 490 35 64 46 79 1,768 3,963 1,975 4,921 38 93 33 129 2,875 8,300 2,402 U,578 348 302 481 436 40,410 37,152 54,475 53,801 91 214 129 280 12,797 32,470 17,932 42,974 170 292 177 305 29,536 53,279 29,868 57,089 454 537 404 457 103,958 131,852 90,870 U2,426 61 58 57 42 22,169 19,216 19,142 13,651 12 3 15 4 5,676 1,839 7,803 2,158 10 2 3,813 1,391 1,098 1,242 15 38 55 36 11 8 55 73 54 81 185 294 U6 158 193 226 364 301 44 26 6 1 4 284,272 267,365 70 141 1,349 800 614 473 4,439 5,904 6,339 9,604 29,493 46,987 22,818 31,309 45,973 53,755 125,900 101,271 28,189 15,835 19,088 1,286 4:868 1,052 1,196 201,587 199,106 4 14 22 30 31 22 573 331 8 7 263 245 51 72 3,213 4,668 53 80 4,688 7,418 183 290 23,014 36,611 115 157 17,563 24,279 193 226 36,131 41,572 364 301 93,713 73,823 44 26 18,328 9,554 6 1 4,079 575 4 2,439 764 828 39 43 38 42 8 2 19 21 14 11 42 52 17 18 27 42 196 245 242 236 122 U6 107 448,277 452,512 124 146 957 1,155 462 111 1,579 1,743 1,658 1,261 6,723 8,313 3,322 3,493 6,424 9,952 75,123 94,857 172,739 165,530 179,166 165,951 136,150 699 759 154,132 164,687 7 10 38 31 24 20 433 406 8 2 306 79 15 17 680 870 10 9 527 547 37 51 3,162 4,227 16 16 1,359 1,942 26 41 3,347 4,976 194 242 31,576 39,201 240 235 59,783 59,538 122 116 52,921 52,870 107 42,035 1,366 1,562 39 82 97 92 33 28 127 131 93 120 217 336 131 184 179 218 353 296 82 62 15 U 13 326,599 330,100 187 250 2,642 2,771 1,912 1,588 10,176 10,568 U,122 14,241 34,649 53,696 25,777 36,148 42,570 51,862 121,168 100,827 52,907 38,977 23,489 19,172 18,150 1,251 1,435 193,283 199,302 8 10 21 36 49 55 731 1,062 24 21 769 574 120 124 5,996 6,147 87 119 6,436 9,224 2U 335 22,209 34,723 131 184 15,859 23,642 176 218 27,037 32,903 349 295 75,052 60,918 81 61 28,741 21,386 15 13 10,432 8,687 13 7,525 319 397 13 41 60 58 93 187 182 85 655,505 664,917 11 90 255 110 225 236 230 100 250 1,771 2,731 614 1,794 2,168 3,131 15,483 23,540 44,559 68,559 590,374 564,191 121,945 301 374 170,565 195,456 40 1 3 35 38 1 3 80 112 20 9 13 775 991 2 9 8 11 870 1,083 38 59 5,961 U,025 56 92 16,399 29,105 186 182 146,365 152,154 85 38,794 1,507 1,644 36 67 62 66 24 19 83 93 74 92 297 386 133 176 238 280 508 443 51 22 1 355,533 345,770 129 227 1,575 1,727 1,408 1,135 6,724 7,528 8,679 10,964 47,432 61,667 26,277 34,911 56,615 66,949 173,498 146,933 32,043 13,729 1,153 1,153 1,441 1,568 244,950 238,113 8 21 17 54 37 41 548 680 16 17 408 596 81 91 4,456 4,806 74 91 6,047 7,320 294 386 32,514 43,047 133 176 18,765 24,919 238 280 40,560 46,770 508 443 120,273 101,156 51 22 20,529 8,765 1 833 648 801 16 68 66 105 20 20 62 67 52 70 124 171 56 65 87 95 147 U8 16 21 2 1 2 128,361 134,219 64 330 1,676 2,544 1,146 1,129 5,004 5,411 6,196 8,164 19,810 27,074 11,076 12,979 20,716 22,529 50,258 39,284 10,032 13,337 2,381 1,438 2,381 604 722 95,679 98,418 7 33 23 105 45 68 803 1,067 16 17 686 634 57 65 3,492 4,043 50 69 4,286 6,091 122 171 15,210 21,083 56 65 8,641 9,707 87 95 16,922 17,963 146 117 37,631 28,895 16 21 6,775 8,616 2 1 1,210 214 2 1,210 NEBRASKA HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 135 Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Vfheeler York 1,555 1,549 942 913 494 1,044 1,182 86 845 853 1,184 1,265 380 231 1,388 1 1,741 1,674 1,018 1,021 525 1,150 1,369 1 23 914 1,038 1,309 1,393 1,013 272 1,563 2 84 » 6 17 1 17 37 16 25 40 31 19 3 21 3 117 41 26 32 8 41 76 '2 20 60 51 56 30 11 66 4 76 94 33 36 7 43 59 3 54 41 77 65 26 5 67 5 98 96 25 29 4 39 74 3 50 61 84 43 39 10 60 e 35 20 9 13 6 10 12 9 8 16 n 7 1 19 7 X 32 3 10 6 U 13 17 8 15 19 18 4 15 8 206 79 13 23 44 51 39 'i 41 25 98 63 24 5 80 9 298 88 30 25 46 45 49 2 58 28 1C» 68 29 3 82 10 136 72 20 22 18 40 29 1 35 24 144 44 21 3 44 11 199 94 28 32 17 53 41 2 53 31 210 59 22 2 63 12 381 303 36 126 40 275 168 m 106 248 355 103 12 255 13 427 431 50 171 53 354 243 133 144 316 467 119 12 347 U 119 123 19 44 8 102 64 86 32 173 108 24 3 115 15 109 161 17 54 12 102 97 105 74 196 107 60 3 147 16 139 275 18 58 20 152 127 107 61 U5 204 67 245 17 115 284 17 76 24 180 171 134 76 138 238 104 5 298 18 221 495 176 385 46 286 505 '2 332 295 198 360 401 50 484 19 200 415 186 437 46 270 507 8 309 342 163 318 431 62 441 20 81 47 229 160 46 59 125 6 52 177 37 23 156 60 54 21 69 32 273 131 53 46 89 16 34 170 25 18 135 70 39 22 77 1 383 29 258 9 17 73 2 59 8 1 32 87 4 23 75 363 24 256 6 9 90 1 44 2 26 90 5 24 43 "i 181 24 104 7 17 12 2 50 7 1 30 44 1 25 534,706 357,246 1,765,881 343,646 1,135,465 264,815 362,162 382,3 02 217,281 368,249 239,042 275,176 340,463 338,218 357,835 26 532,582 349,141 1,576,552 343,919 1,081,943 263,323 356,986 384,8 91 213,264 377,156 230,959 282,941 343,470 351,924 352,536 27 320 186 26 78 4 60 180 ., 62 114 156 UA 78 5 94 28 421 201 57 91 8 141 269 10 71 221 191 241 87 39 200 29 1,813 2,599 800 946 168 1,030 1,365 85 1,666 1,107 2,188 1,580 570 125 1,599 30 2,462 2,398 601 743 160 1,0U 1,883 90 1,446 1,477 2,390 1,035 917 183 1,680 31 2,107 1,U4 527 779 365 566 719 .. 545 459 936 628 428 65 1,087 32 2,052 1,777 174 575 360 814 756 1,004 469 878 1,079 1,039 242 866 33 16,678 6,370 1,090 1,853 3,494 4,104 3,196 98 3,303 1,963 8,016 5,058 1,961 415 6,523 34 24,379 7,100 2,666 2,007 3,687 3,693 4,032 1 75 4,677 2,270 8,836 5,422 2,306 250 6,699 3S 16,023 8,680 2,461 2,684 2,156 4,897 3,440 1 07 4,103 2,707 17,160 5,136 2,463 360 5,182 36 23,207 U,218 3,263 3,857 2,066 6,241 4,936 2 27 6,350 3,692 24,824 6,990 2,610 210 7,416 37 60,272 48,368 5,712 20,006 6,332 43,866 26,855 17,607 16,891 39,406 56,650 16,428 1,907 40,851 38 67,839 68,680 7,974 27,298 8,399 56,480 38,682 21,140 22,954 50,140 74,558 19,049 1,894 55,480 39 23,370 24,506 3,727 8,717 1,552 20,307 12,748 17,103 6,412 34,126 21,440 4,775 610 22,824 40 21,244 32,027 3,291 10,596 2,317 20,123 19,197 20,845 14,621 38,468 21,102 U,929 614 29,188 41 32,841 66,050 4,325 13,717 4,764 36,142 30,378 25,528 14,378 34,469 48,749 16,242 480 58,572 42 27,334 67,919 4,095 18,142 5,650 42,920 40,848 ., 31,849 18,046 32,777 56,684 24,775 1,165 71,062 43 76,561 169,780 67,625 140,950 16,199 100,329 180,864 G 65 113,394 IW 273 65,090 120,295 151,145 19,131 166,247 44 69,350 139,347 70,543 157,656 16,567 90,695 177,855 2,7 51 104,200 127,088 53,129 104,642 158,212 23,165 U9,171 45 54,438 27,273 168,694 108,343 33,305 38,123 81,492 4,2 60 31,950 123,411 24,791 14,526 101,000 43,944 34,980 46 46,248 18,474 197,586 87,031 39,731 30,074 57,530 11,7 22 20,522 U6,303 16,326 11,188 87,644 52,341 24,252 47 250,283 2,320 1,510,894 45,573 1,067,106 15,391 20,925 376,8 87 2,020 91,534 12,704 1,000 45,373 271,176 19,876 48 248,046 1,286,292 35,923 1,002,998 11,128 10,998 369,9 16 1,160 70,015 3,000 34,902 271,821 6,522 49 62,413 2,320 252,955 31,727 150,016 9,231 20,925 16, e 35 2,020 64,749 10,204 1,666 39,833 62,811 1,400 50 1,390 1,467 894 856 431 988 1,107 81 776 786 1,121 1,174 830 209 1,329 51 1,539 1,591 970 983 473 1,089 1,264 1 J.5 879 961 1,250 1,322 956 248 1,478 52 194,683 256,328 326,974 139,193 80,144 168,190 224,733 53,3 142 151,788 139,332 175,785 204,744 145,235 97,026 258,845 53 188,896 251,228 359,163 163,652 79,631 174,013 223,291 59,8 27 162,454 166,262 171,359 212,284 166,166 99,016 261,231 54 21 12 1 4 ... 3 4 ,. 1 4 6 7 4 6 55 26 11 4 7 ... 9 15 1 7 21 16 15 8 2 7 56 75 44 2 21 ... W 12 2 19 19 19 18 27 57 95 X 13 23 22 AS 6 26 65 47 51 29 4 22 58 38 50 16 26 "2 22 32 2 27 30 57 28 14 1 31 59 53 55 15 25 2 18 40 1 32 37 66 22 22 4 41 60 674 920 246 408 28 399 541 12 613 536 1,017 433 229 17 635 61 940 791 314 476 43 323 528 12 670 619 1,193 329 279 46 748 62 25 14 4 7 4 6 8 9 7 16 8 5 1 16 63 29 25 3 8 5 9 8 15 7 13 17 9 2 13 64 1,109 563 192 247 103 186 286 334 304 604 249 189 22 666 65 1,288 703 85 315 174 407 218 509 285 455 493 317 93 442 66 195 79 10 21 41 45 37 37 16 96 54 16 1 79 67 283 87 27 24 44 44 46 57 25 109 65 23 1 81 68 12,043 4,383 473 913 2,367 2,424 1,881 2,182 917 5,685 2,964 654 80 4,694 69 18,371 4,978 1,997 998 2,366 2,457 2,442 3,216 1,540 6,467 3,711 1,084 6 4,797 70 131 72 20 18 17 40 23 1 32 21 142 43 20 2 43 71 184 93 27 30 16 53 41 2 53 29 209 58 21 2 62 72 12,090 6,323 1,818 1,325 1,353 3,200 1,771 27 2,651 1,525 13,075 3,535 979 148 3,734 73 15,641 8,145 2,307 2,121 1,151 4,774 3,144 76 4,711 2,265 18,923 4,849 1,396 U5 5,432 74 374 301 33 118 39 268 166 106 102 245 342 97 12 253 75 419 429 48 171 52 354 242 132 144 315 467 118 11 346 76 46,686 34,967 3,229 9,274 4,094 31,517 17,097 11,944 9,264 29,611 41,432 7,782 949 29,814 77 49,628 49,941 4,773 15,217 4,731 41,676 24,121 15,988 i4,446 38,114 57,032 10,403 844 41,260 78 116 123 19 41 8 100 64 82 30 172 108 23 3 114 79 105 161 16 52 12 100 96 105 70 196 105 59 2 147 80 17,005 17,268 2,367 4,392 1,027 14,305 8,630 12,198 3,407 25,756 17,042 2,180 201 17,250 81 13,894 23,584 2,102 5,878 1,331 14, lU 12,061 16,500 8,841 30,022 16,204 6,503 244 22,614 82 137 274 17 55 19 152 127 104 54 145 203 67 245 83 112 283 17 75 23 180 171 134 75 138 237 104 5 298 84 22,367 50,191 2,506 6,871 2,365 26,074 20,049 19,372 7,089 26,242 38,062 8,396 45,179 8S 17,505 49,618 2,649 10,077 3,007 30,933 26,758 25,082 10,778 25,267 43,340 13,112 383 54,156 86 212 494 168 377 45 284 504 2 324 288 197 357 397 44 484 87 198 415 134 436 44 270 507 7 309 340 161 318 431 60 440 88 41,725 122,125 29,357 64,713 6,250 66,678 116,509 95 80,761 49 ,915 47,622 91,144 70,887 7,834 126,898 8S 34,902 100,632 35,534 81,593 4,788 59,806 113,505 50 80,444 63,104 38,200 79,174 81,668 10,398 110,498 90 75 46 228 160 35 59 125 6 52 175 37 23 155 58 54 91 63 32 268 131 48 46 89 16 34 169 25 18 135 70 38 92 17,132 17,930 64,291 40,564 4,642 19,000 47,745 e 50 20,554 42,813 18,361 9,145 41,308 16,468 24,651 93 14,144 12,800 80,629 37,546 7,579 15,772 34,141 2,( 57 14,698 44,087 11,791 7,101 39,035 21,685 17,827 94 66 2 378 29 221 9 17 70 2 59 8 1 32 87 4 95 67 361 24 227 6 9 88 1 44 2 26 89 5 96 23,773 1,614 222,493 10,465 57,915 4,393 10,212 52,. 58 1,177 23,543 7,793 719 12,613 71,307 5,297 97 22,488 228,760 9,408 54,461 3,732 6,325 56,' rZ6 610 20,232 880 12,340 65,178 3,435 9i 37 2 178 24 89 7 17 11 2 50 7 1 30 V, 1 99 12,430 1,614 64,735 7,582 15,413 2,858 10,212 2,e 52 1,177 13,139 6,003 719 11,469 20,891 877 100 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY TENURE (Far JoTinitiofis and explanations, see text) The State Adams Antelope Arthur Banner Boone Box Butte Farms: All farm ciprratiir? nunihor 1950 . 10.S4 . Full onTitTs nunilKT lOSfl., mm.. Part o«Tipr« number lO.W. 195J . . hlanacefs nur.tlKY lOiin.. 1!>5I.. All tennnL^ aumlier 1!)!>9 . . 1054 . . Pro(iortion of H'nnncy percent 1059 . . 1954.. Land in farms: All fanri OfVTatorp acres 1959. . 1954.. Ful 1 owners , , acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Pari owners acres 1059 . . 1954.. Alana^iers acres 1959 . . 1954 . . All tenants acres 1959.. 1954 . . Croplanil harvested: All Taim operators farms repcrtinc 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . Full owners farms repoflinp 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . Part owners farms reportinc 1959 . . ' 19.54 . . as 1959 . 1954 . 1,339 1,491 502 568 265 246 1 2 571 675 42.6 45.3 345,231 349,854 107,871 110,260 96,190 84,673 156 480 141,014 154,441 1,250 1,389 219,844 225,206 438 492 59,747 63,449 263 245 58,998 53,079 1 2 140 324 548 650 100,959 108,354 1,708 1,892 535 631 475 478 695 783 40.7 41.4 404,301 410,771 99,693 107,712 139,706 130,525 653 164,249 172,534 1,623 1,793 289,562 299,839 472 547 64,272 72,268 473 478 101,263 94,753 675 768 123,691 132,818 1,098 1,242 304 348 320 304 472 588 43.0 47.3 284,272 267,365 55,218 57,462 108,511 82,609 1,979 610 118,564 126,684 1,052 1,196 201,587 199,106 271 310 35,691 38,111 318 300 74,730 61,422 2 2 725 382 461 584 90,441 99,191 764 828 245 282 299 273 218 272 28.5 32.9 448,277 452,512 96,080 U5,286 230,405 192,622 4,500 1,360 117,292 143,244 699 759 154,132 164,687 193 232 30,167 39,029 297 272 79,192 71,602 2 1 512 490 207 254 44,241 53,566 1,366 1,562 478 532 317 337 2 2 569 691 41.7 44.2 326,599 330,100 80,759 77,735 105,523 99,774 1,327 2,280 138,990 150,311 1,251 1,435 193,283 199,302 384 425 42,577 41,179 315 331 61 808 60,455 2 2 523 1,118 550 677 88,375 96,550 319 397 116 155 134 128 1 18 68 96 21.3 24.2 655,505 664,917 166,800 170,813 386,427 343,953 1,600 49,699 100,678 100,452 301 374 170,565 195,456 106 142 45,221 53,105 132 127 97,400 91,539 1 18 270 15,670 62 87 27,674 35,142 1,507 1,644 475 554 480 456 1 1 551 633 36.6 38.5 355,533 345,770 77,576 81,947 145,607 122,870 320 80 132,030 140,873 1,441 1,568 244,950 238,113 422 483 50,232 53,488 479 454 100,803 85,468 215 539 626 93,700 99,157 648 801 245 317 122 U2 2 2 279 340 43.1 42.4 128,361 134,219 30,608 31,326 32,165 36,826 97 58 65,491 66,009 604 722 95,679 98,418 207 251 20,705 21,683 121 140 24,338 26,557 40 275 331 50,5% 50,178 NEBRASKA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 139 :irjuat«r T._ -.-■_ _--^ Uncoir U)gan Loup McPherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pannee Perkins Phelps 2,067 1 If, 351 1 1.430 182 212 148 1,462 1,054 751 764 1,038 1,001 1,626 905 660 887 1 1,5* 211 224 166 1,731 1,130 854 890 1,178 1,172 1,833 1,024 685 998 2 811; 554 ' 62 39 66 498 375 241 269 352 289 509 381 150 196 3 950 1 647 80 102 78 593 397 284 320 394 344 560 440 140 217 4 532 I 481 , 64 64 52 409 283 220 183 284 356 408 261 306 239 5 525 470 1 60 56 61 404 280 219 171 298 353 428 259 311 302 6 16 IJ 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 7 16 ini ... 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 ... 1 2 8 708 384; 55 57 28 552 392 286 311 400 355 705 262 201 401 9 860 469 71 61 23 730 449 348 396 485 475 844 325 232 479 10 34.3 26.9 30.2 26.9 18.9 37.8 37.2 38.1 40.7 36.5 35.5 43.4 29.0 30.5 45.2 11 36.6 29.4 33.6 27.2 13.9 42.2 39.7 40.7 44.5 41.2 40.5 46.0 31.7 33.9 48.0 12 i88,617 j 1,571,031 366,476 327,584 445,990 355,753 283,375 801,952 260,979 252,095 357,148 382,368 248,994 560,749 341,170 13 48i,313 1,599,272 409,559 332,856 438,168 359,409 292,459 800,040 269,254 244,033 354,052 387,364 252,416 559,'.'52 341,828 14 119,778 1 412,340 59,819 131,490 169,770 79,574 76,188 176,268 61,590 54,619 73,384 78,340 75,178 94,760 52,246 15 128.160 1 511,112 90,047 101 ,740 152,920 87,478 74,332 166,531 72,818 55,976 67,817 81,175 84,779 77,465 48,6% le 172,800 i 900,281 242,917 133,425 212,181 138,912 107,962 399,347 88,163 94,316 166,628 123,096 95,864 332,623 148,378 17 153,275 744,806 252,769 97,904 243,611 114,548 103,530 432,296 73,900 82,287 147,737 118,354 89,157 325,954 143,547 18 10,544 31.092 7,680 5,650 10,535 2,y?5 1,482 30,951 3,070 636 3 2,932 1,120 4,670 737 19 10,190 56,771 60,735 20,675 2,165 6,119 5,852 5,077 160 ... 1,253 ... 2,445 20 185,495 227,318 56,060 57,019 53,504 134,697 102,743 195,386 106,156 102,524 117,133 173,000 76,832 128,696 139,809 21 192,688 286,583 66,743 72,477 20,962 155,218 108,478 193,359 U7,459 105,610 138,498 186,582 78,470 154,088 149,585 22 1,880 1,291 165 200 138 1,340 %9 670 714 935 938 1,492 829 625 856 23 2,146 1,467 190 214 152 1,532 1,078 796 839 1,072 1,071 1,695 949 666 956 24 317,330 340,299 72,506 80,532 80,062 236,336 176,354 174,196 141,830 152,381 189,326 240,507 118,943 226,726 193,451 25 322,617 347,553 91,582 76,717 74,321 250,149 182,888 175,477 156,474 151,056 199,934 253,672 118,908 233,375 199,376 28 653 457 51 83 62 396 306 195 227 262 234 404 313 129 170 27 777 554 68 95 66 480 356 243 232 312 265 453 376 131 134 2S 68,620 74,718 14,055 32,779 31,623 44,354 38,601 37,021 29,850 28,476 35,185 43,516 29,356 31,737 25,726 29 76,654 97,657 19,224 25,530 29,475 54,090 41,745 33,433 39,636 30,768 33,930 47,290 35,537 29,596 24,209 30 528 471 60 63 51 404 281 208 180 283 353 403 260 303 288 31 524 462 59 56 61 398 280 213 171 295 350 425 257 308 302 32 115,506 179,216 42,062 33,663 35,872 90,065 67,137 77,417 46,136 57,654 86,231 82,523 47,324 137,300 79,503 33 104,820 149,962 50,668 23,478 35,453 77,633 64,171 80,968 41,100 50,901 81,555 77,950 41,673 134,099 80,836 3t 13 10 1 2 2 3 3 3 .. . 2 1 4 1 1 1 35 15 9 > . • 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 36 5,690 5,770 640 1,166 1,600 1,285 412 3,117 436 "2 1,9a 380 780 381 37 5,543 4,566 • ■• 9,290 4,173 1,345 1,703 2,550 1,166 135 957 ... 674 36 681 353 53 52 23 537 379 264 307 388 350 681 255 192 397 39 830 442 63 59 21 700 438 337 383 464 456 816 316 225 472 40 127,514 80,595 15,749 12,924 10,967 100,632 70,204 56,641 65,844 65,815 68,358 112,547 41,383 56,909 87,841 41 135,600 95,368 21,690 18,419 5,220 117,081 75,269 58,526 74,772 59,252 84,499 127,475 41,598 68,606 94,329 42 Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Slovuc Stanton Thayer Thcmas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler York 1,555 1,549 942 913 494 1,044 1,182 66 845 853 1,184 1,265 330 231 1,386 1 1,741 1,674 1,013 1,021 525 1,150 1,369 123 914 1,038 1,309 1,393 1,013 272 1,563 2 512 510 345 399 218 383 395 30 183 353 498 384 295 107 385 3 605 543 424 454 215 415 459 59 192 420 541 434 329 138 429 4 271 420 351 227 177 247 373 45 299 238 253 218 305 82 431 S 224 409 331 225 166 233 368 38 305 257 228 218 317 74 431 6 14 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 5 3 4 7 10 3 13 2 4 "i ... 3 1 2 2 4 B 758 618 238 236 96 409 414 8 362 262 431 658 280 39 568 9 902 719 250 340 140 501 542 23 416 361 540 739 357 58 699 10 48.7 39.9 25.3 31.3 19.4 39.2 35.0 9.3 42.8 30.7 36.4 52.0 31,8 15.9 40.9 11 51.8 43.0 24.6 33.3 26.7 43.6 39.6 13.7 45.5 34.8 41.3 53.1 36.2 21.3 44.7 12 534,706 357,246 1,765,881 343,646 1,135,465 264,815 362,162 382,302 217,281 368,249 239,042 275,176 340,463 338,218 357,835 13 532,582 349,141 1,576,552 343,919 1,081,943 263,323 356,986 334,891 213,264 377,156 2X,959 282,941 343,470 351,924 352,536 14 127,572 80,639 333,311 121,612 256,999 31,096 86,162 87,379 27,759 121,408 74,738 59,565 75,222 105,446 59,875 15 178,740 79,454 480,184 130,257 277,181 85,576 85,659 121,856 27,961 124,462 76,571 66,439 76,572 115,943 63,484 16 230,332 127,188 879,690 118,361 747,193 86,407 133,580 213,519 97,905 146,852 70,977 65,453 156,508 188,205 146,321 17 165,977 109,824 756,347 101,750 642,891 71,174 130,108 181,212 86,028 143,733 52,074 60,155 142,949 169,439 127,348 18 8,612 480 283,672 960 32,840 53,290 65 1,465 847 11,408 3,336 19 26,763 133 102,424 3,215 12,780 233 18,350 373 81 9,400 1,134 20 168,190 148,939 259,208 102,713 96,433 97,312 125,420 23,114 91,552 99,989 91,862 149,311 108,733 33,159 148,253 21 161,102 159,730 237,597 106,697 149,091 105,335 141,219 63,473 98,902 108,961 102,314 156,256 123,949 57,142 160,570 22 1,390 1,467 894 856 431 938 1,107 31 776 786 1,121 1,174 830 209 1,329 23 1,539 1,591 970 933 473 1,089 1,264 115 879 961 1,250 1,322 956 243 1,476 24 194,683 256,328 326,974 139,193 80,144 168,190 224,733 53,342 151,788 139,332 175,785 204,744 145,235 97,026 258,845 25 188,896 251,228 359,163 163,652 79,631 174,013 223,291 59,327 162,454 166,262 171,359 212,284 166,166 99,016 261,231 2« 391 441 309 352 183 338 330 28 131 299 447 310 255 93 331 21 449 480 392 424 188 375 375 52 162 366 494 383 231 119 361 28 37,302 53,496 67,459 43,105 23,556 43,799 43,010 12,789 16,939 39,546 51,608 37,710 28,653 32,943 41,346 29 42,536 52,959 100,294 57,004 24,973 52,090 48,452 20,057 19,504 47,303 53,892 45,558 34,139 37,531 44,239 30 256 419 349 226 157 246 371 42 291 237 251 216 302 78 430 31 216 408 330 225 152 233 367 38 305 255 227 217 316 74 429 S2 50,909 91,087 166,972 47,801 42,468 53,515 94,857 23,431 63,906 54,617 52,323 48,107 64,023 50,634 102,521 33 38,786 80,203 163,582 48,503 34,984 45,324 83,298 30,653 64,593 60,334 39,706 43,539 67,901 39,356 94,762 34 11 1 8 1 3 3 1 2 5 3 4 35 9 1 13 2 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 36 4,414 433 22,353 30 1,140 ... 14,970 65 1,024 660 2,980 2,140 37 2,405 65 16,588 750 344 106 1,590 264 60 1,920 939 ^ 730 606 228 277 88 404 406 8 353 250 421 643 273 35 564 39 865 702 235 332 129 480 522 22 411 340 529 721 359 53 635 40 102,058 111,312 70,190 48,257 12,980 70,876 81,366 2,152 70,878 45,169 70,830 118,267 52,559 10,464 112,838 41 105,169 116,001 78,699 57,395 18,830 75,993 91,541 7,527 73,088 58,625 77,761 123,127 64,076 20,159 121,271 42 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [DaUi are based on reports fcr only Ilem (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Antelope Farms, acreage, anri value: All coniniPTcia! famis number. . Land in fami-^ acres , . Average ?ire of farm acres . . Value of land and building average per farm, dollars . , average per acre, dollars . . Cropland harvested farms reportinp . . Bcr«s . . Farm operators: ttorkinc off their farms. toUl number,. 100 or mrre days number . . tVjth other income of family exceeding value of acricultural fxoducts sold number . , By tenure: Full owner? number.. Part o*ners number . . (»lanaeers number.. Ml tenant? number . . Specified equipment ant) facilities: Gram omiliines farms reporting,, number , , Com pickers farms repoctine,. number , , Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number, , Kkitonrticks farms reporting, , number , . Tractors other than Harden farms reporting , , numtier , . Automobiles farms reportinp , , number , . Telephone farms reporting , , Home freezer farms reporting, , Milking machine farms repwting , . Electric milk cooler , , , farms reporting , , Farms by kintj o( roatl on wtiicti located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimfToved farms reporting.. Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Family and or hired workers farms reporting, , Family workers, including operator farms refWrting. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons , . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting . , persons , , Regular hired wtrkers (employed 150 or more days) , , farms reportinf , , persons . , Livestock and poultry on farms: Catlleand calves farms reporting . , number , , Milk cows farms reporting , , number.. Horses and or mules farms reporting. , number , , Hogs and pigs farms reporting , , number , , Chickens . 4 months old and over faims reporting. , number . , Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting., nuniher.. Calves sold alive farms re[X>rting , . number , . Hogs and pigs sold alive farTT,3 lefiorting. . numiier , . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting, . number. Chickens including broilers sold farms repaling. number . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repating , dozens , Milk and cream sold farms reporting . dollars , Wool farms reporting , pounds , Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting , dollars , Feed for liveslytck and poultry dollars. Purchase of livestock and |x>ullry tlollars , Machine hire dollars , Hired labor dollars. Gasoline and other (letroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. Seeds, hiilhs, plants, and trees dollars. Crops harvested: Ccsrn for all purposes faims reporting. acres. Wheat. .farms reporting. acres . bushels. .farms reporting. acres . bushels . Land from which hay was cut acres . . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. dollars . 80,850 46,979,419 581.1 51,030 87.50 78,531 17,938,462 20,687 5,638 4,143 24,418 26,592 273 29,567 49,380 51,961 54,656 57,1X10 18,039 18,297 60,317 79,378 75,847 168,058 77,074 100,724 65,578 52,843 15,228 3,950 7,468 54,161 18,300 76,043 75,522 74,823 36,373 53,514 5,808 8,328 70,692 4,925,715 46,413 3U,005 22,095 63,216 49,349 3,268,856 59,301 10,125,333 55,698 2,316,232 35,691 798,143 49,291 3,679,266 5,927 795,424 41,022 6,232,428 49,364 87,245,143 36,984 38,844,744 6,214 4,0U,715 80,836 570,311,397 152,393,094 238,812,128 19,896,963 33,210,936 62,423,701 13,575,070 67,901 6,652,125 44,524 2,971,989 64,893,974 38, 116 1,264,771 31,418,761 4,640,081 639 491,544 992 338,132 340.9 49,109 143.10 992 225,147 276 50 262 312 1 417 685 714 659 715 123 123 832 1,265 951 1,906 951 1,158 816 660 165 50 117 824 21 912 907 902 389 581 47 51 825 23,130 535 2,799 143 216 421 16,088 694 93,739 508 5,476 502 4,834 421 18,242 73 2,700 438 52,015 564 764,975 387 332,690 94 38,447 992 3,146,006 707,917 344,094 362,674 238,610 837,378 155,333 839 69,411 961 85,669 1,751,020 116 1,435 22,775 1,421 518,749 365.1 35,063 96.59 1,365 294,259 377 63 560 394 467 848 875 1,088 1,125 146 147 782 349 1,358 2,766 1,394 1,715 1,088 936 388 25 121 952 343 1,391 1,389 1,386 629 899 74 83 1,350 66,592 945 '6,294 332 679 1,106 75,023 1,079 238,821 1,134 32,206 516 18,577 1,098 93,239 78 10,225 871 113,159 998 1,823,234 884 792,239 77 66,758 1,421 8,030,623 2,237,416 4,131,904 211,950 320,352 910,517 218,439 1,319 147,447 196 4,299 75,430 868 31,414 755,928 74,314 102 517,786 5,076.3 134,638 26.43 95 61,799 35 8 20 22 94 148 94 346 87 124 68 70 9 90 38 86 30 48 25 55 96 35,042 64 276 93 678 20 144 63 2,483 89 7,300 79 3,243 11 275 2 274 13 993 30 8,435 36 12,525 2 2,940 102 1,164,638 522,499 328, 104 22,842 172,959 115,947 2,237 5 155 60, 534 222 428,461 1,930.0 94,421 48.82 217 91,516 63 17 63 124 139 180 19 19 91 99 214 565 211 587 216 326 183 185 14 150 56 191 179 174 56 86 39 66 171 22,424 94 280 121 418 55 1,463 112 8,154 158 5,798 142 6,148 41 1,930 16 807 43 3,660 50 31,987 29 13,613 18 14,120 222 1, 523,716 227,623 496,196 203,563 282,546 284,311 29,477 67 4,293 204 54,100 1,459,745 35 4,036 78,520 129 457,045 3,543.0 99,137 29.90 121 105,535 33 14 52 53 5 19 19 19 19 19 34 36 UO 158 115 323 127 179 101 105 20 11 54 64 126 124 123 41 62 21 33 125 37,280 99 556 110 620 43 759 72 3,601 104 8,330 108 6,574 37 1,102 2 137 17 973 43 16,251 70 40,656 2 2,530 127 1,309,974 653,041 409,129 17,218 114,497 103,843 7,246 19 725 6 120 1,900 1«,060 1,229 451,119 367.1 35,671 93.28 1,188 245,620 270 50 454 339 436 734 742 941 970 203 203 716 804 1,118 2,310 1,173 1,520 952 775 445 25 75 861 282 1,146 1,140 1,139 563 843 44 68 1,133 62,640 834 7,178 316 605 1,011 73,305 987 163,605 820 22,784 553 8,231 1,007 80,884 36 1,630 780 79,791 911 1,249,916 797 734,141 41 14,769 1,229 5,396,315 1,381,720 2,469,126 176, 535 286,711 375,141 207,082 1,132 125,475 240 5,378 90,835 875 37,057 868,050 5 500 10 1,525 50,541 20 1,500 NEBRASKA 141 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959 • sainplo oT farma. See taxt]] Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Daiota 615 374 1,609 1,048 1,429 1,186 1,706 468 693 857 896 1,139 1,544 2,031 527 1 138,136 666,623 610, 593 287,351 370,741 314,120 452,525 541,262 3,669,201 798,349 331,791 245,717 355,850 1,591,734 150,748 2 V.9 . 8 1,782.4 379.5 274.2 259.4 264.9 265.3 1,156.5 5,294.7 931.6 370.3 215.7 217.1 783.7 286.0 3 29,979 64,081 46,612 61,581 44,956 54,274 37,237 72,371 158,362 89,789 56,331 44,2a; 50,319 38,944 45,430 4 57.39 35. S7 122.43 220.61 174.73 208.52 138.92 63.03 30.56 94.22 159.17 199.79 231.50 52.22 150.51 5 '.90 362 1,554 993 1,419 1,186 1,626 454 562 847 881 1,109 1,507 1,938 497 6 13;,911 156,863 293,955 213,775 266,151 217,603 295,604 157,208 524,058 305,934 239,530 188,692 266,311 440,099 98,687 7 ue 140 437 247 323 402 306 144 139 322 237 131 200 457 147 8 27 49 96 91 86 U26 131 22 53 101 65 36 75 117 60 9 :■ 28 83 46 46 96 75 30 35 48 35 38 91 102 35 10 ;-.o 157 439 325 423 373 545 103 242 171 165 353 525 721 194 11 IQO 132 567 281 430 332 394 240 332 372 373 360 470 655 131 12 ] 6 6 1 ... 2 32 10 ... 8 1 13 13- 79 597 441 576 461 667 123 87 3(K 353 426 549 647 201 U 342 53 871 677 1,052 845 872 313 115 612 525 805 1,097 855 309 15 348 53 917 702 1,081 871 899 367 119 830 665 331 1,103 9J. 310 1< 437 142 1,166 837 1,182 924 1,321 218 112 85 623 862 1,360 1,304 421 17 454 162 1,241 874 1,229 960 1,373 223 112 88 579 900 1,414 1,377 424 18 87 79 289 255 360 389 267 35 168 134 124 310 311 401 76 It 88 82 289 262 360 394 267 86 180 141 126 315 312 410 82 20 381 320 1,210 736 939 875 944 439 659 788 751 694 998 1,534 367 21 433 399 1,484 865 1,065 968 998 730 1,156 1,654 1,122 773 1,134 1,819 431 22 589 354 1,516 %3 1,359 1,116 1,606 443 664 776 856 1,059 1,573 1,392 492 28 1,348 889 3,508 2,252 2,662 2,251 3,085 989 2,748 1,700 1,795 2,132 3,469 4,201 1,105 24 573 325 1,569 1,013 1,364 1,131 1,646 437 649 321 855 1,104 1,510 1,375 507 95 755 411 1,942 1,344 1,885 1,409 2,155 605 1,083 1,108 1,103 1,456 2,229 2,444 697 28 426 274 1,215 981 964 1,046 1,426 389 553 729 704 953 1,599 1,551 462 27 335 212 971 636 927 855 1,191 377 563 649 521 828 1,343 1,233 391 28 83 302 262 150 200 588 101 63 56 76 161 375 387 50 29 11 14 26 46 50 60 92 6 3 15 40 85 25 25 SO 30 32 113 137 86 155 165 40 75 65 78 125 123 94 27 81 339 ei 1,346 837 1,207 940 1,088 107 75 719 782 978 1,479 1,041 369 32 241 250 123 57 131 86 448 315 536 66 30 25 21 867 131 33 600 341 1,445 1,007 1,378 1,116 1,670 419 672 683 330 1,104 1,625 1,914 507 34 599 339 1,440 1,002 1,378 1,105 1,665 415 541 678 319 1,093 1,617 1,891 507 35 593 331 1,430 1,002 1,337 1,095 1,660 413 632 671 8U 1,093 1,602 1,867 507 38 325 181 686 475 765 488 874 199 224 171 394 541 880 940 255 37 478 254 1,022 619 1,137 618 1,3(K 298 330 251 512 783 1,233 1,333 351 38 24 32 146 102 49 73 85 47 251 53 57 34 113 175 81 39 24 38 214 140 64 84 88 61 453 62 97 39 153 254 102 40 605 354 1,399 880 1,268 1,010 1,641 384 685 524 682 972 1,523 1,953 430 41 41,643 51,456 78,617 53,866 34,883 32,970 82,415 28,058 294,238 27,336 31,073 41,178 130, 180 194, 575 25,804 42 443 247 398 494 798 592 1,385 257 558 295 387 562 1,007 1,373 316 43 2,942 1,878 5,815 3,800 3,988 3,158 11,789 1,248 2,544 1,007 1,392 3,529 7,395 8,594 1,956 44 257 230 448 188 284 164 406 202 616 196 116 147 278 1,114 139 45 480 857 977 403 571 244 1,121 680 5,823 447 323 316 451 2,960 217 48 459 173 950 754 885 639 1,533 241 218 140 405 890 1,367 1,301 413 47 33,575 5,845 55,371 71,073 38,584 33,455 170,329 7,596 5,665 4,294 22,302 67,480 149,935 71,383 46,942 48 544 238 1,122 735 1,162 328 1,466 299 448 436 592 944 1,415 1,579 400 49 81,573 17,699 181,267 174, 899 185,685 U2,575 332,174 23,772 22,770 37,128 73,607 275,845 325,551 180,379 78, 2U 50 493 305 953 865 897 745 1,341 245 544 335 571 328 1,301 1,500 380 51 10,573 14,416 23,621 50,871 17,851 18,627 41,471 10,827 95,598 13,541 12,321 34,184 161,448 47,554 20,227 52 362 261 776 302 478 350 537 318 418 328 355 3U 332 1,432 121 53 7,322 13,634 18,084 5,430 3,355 4,725 6,428 8,118 37,339 6,677 3,091 2,805 4,20i 48,255 1,699 54 459 145 946 787 809 624 1,527 244 157 122 365 845 1,390 1,287 429 55 33,868 6,441 66,674 93,828 44,171 39,240 189,443 11,295 8,098 5,212 21,001 72,769 166,485 77,505 46,194 56 19 44 190 98 141 85 55 40 25 61 45 85 79 176 40 57 795 17,437 11,923 23,417 17,481 2,200 9,125 1,957 1,737 2,165 1,820 2,300 7,167 9,248 925 58 391 38 754 607 897 533 1,280 125 79 181 389 829 1,254 803 288 59 23,294 7,440 92,103 98,639 84,085 81,326 157,705 9,564 10,710 16,172 43,540 149,320 172,723 85,829 33,615 80 489 135 910 659 1,022 713 1,377 177 170 234 430 874 1,351 1,211 333 81 502,485 96,515 1,236,953 1,566,945 1,289,465 1,033,010 2,672,904 119,943 88,960 232,479 613,405 2,255,350 3,380,831 1,310,722 533,680 82 359 187 767 337 581 415 1,292 175 293 205 250 407 882 1,133 242 88 206,238 185,840 674,229 499,630 332,675 433,910 1,310,614 100,628 142,346 65,021 145,095 551,580 1,017,555 738,502 315,329 84 31 42 233 88 180 97 55 42 23 59 60 90 99 194 30 85 U,624 39,496 107,673 71,795 U0,1S6 22,255 43,480 17,544 15,119 23,716 19,350 20,965 51,560 95,598 3,805 88 615 374 1,609 1,048 1,429 1,186 1,706 463 692 357 896 1,139 1,644 2,030 527 87 1,835,031 2,194,203 8,387,565 13,295,673 5,913,140 5,854,431 9,910,711 2,766,962 8,383,465 3,889,474 4,507,240 7,740,391 39,413,382 9,700,024 5,629,965 88 683,658 596,6X 2,097,270 3,088,620 1,578,140 1,834,064 3,376,359 529,444 2,409,905 523,626 960,290 2,251,718 U,340,151 2,186,940 1,508,530 89 494,573 1,039,624 3,526,407 8,332,967 2,530,605 2,438,569 4,682,056 1,131,872 3,129,592 1,570,781 1,622,659 4,206,467 25,528,501 4,519,882 3,059,563 70 71,856 31,903 387,144 284,762 272,235 234,897 284,298 241,583 245,591 441,188 417,418 155,509 259,106 458,496 122,253 71 103,861 194,425 682,939 537,446 235,905 306,002 307,990 242,734 1,666,513 459,982 488,775 182,613 704,395 719,532 337,498 72 408,251 306,702 1,326,182 302,164 1,064,875 823,810 1,021,469 495,027 902,080 769,327 796,950 801,300 1,267,253 1,522,664 359,453 73 72,832 24,915 367,623 249,714 231,380 217,089 238,539 76,302 29,785 124,570 221,138 U9,784 319,376 282,510 142,658 74 509 170 1,466 988 1,234 1,151 1,586 319 113 130 765 1,094 1,581 1,756 432 75 48,909 22,685 143,289 134,224 151,272 126,822 160,028 44,197 8,169 10,121 76,856 104,862 159,774 176,536 57,693 76 39 37 861 234 1,198 1,058 6 425 19 822 831 274 91 1,152 15 77 1,097 1,520 37,063 8,853 38,208 30,187 109 73,445 1,840 185,793 71,833 3,223 989 54,924 180 78 13,860 22,260 705,410 147,850 706,055 561,660 1,645 1,653,547 45,378 5,158,618 1,575,895 151,723 25,713 1,395,557 3,600 79 4(X 54 353 684 989 632 1,469 18 54 210 141 906 1,379 554 401 30 20,605 2,725 6,294 26,321 24,399 13,482 80,654 396 2,537 6,374 2,435 34,800 56,393 12,637 19,568 81 293,160 38,767 102,608 839,585 572,400 253,670 2,596,935 5,250 34,420 117,740 58,580 346,235 1,645,941 244,443 580,655 82 53,740 127,076 62,495 20,631 23,620 16,915 44,442 13,280 505,408 12,721 19,701 20,186 38,314 151,985 13,319 83 1 31 12 5 10 15 10 1 1 5 5 12 5 si 20 8,275 775 380 575 900 450 50 45 50 10 305 14,000 8? 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on rpports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Dcxlge Douglas Dundy Farms, acreage, and value: All comniorcial fnniis number. . Land in farms acres. . Avornce «i7.e of farm acr«s . . Vnlue of Innd and buildinps average p« farm, dollars . . average per acr^, dollars . . Cropland harvested farms reportinp . . acres. . Fafm operators: HorkintT off their fams, lotal _ number.. ion or nii-ri- days number . . iVjih other ini-onie of family exceeding value of acricultural fxoducta sold number. . By tenure: Full o«-ners number . . Pan owners number . . Mannirers number . . \n tennni? number.. Specified equipment and facilities: Grain combines farms reporting. , number . . Com pickers farms reporting.. number. . Pick-up oalws farms reporting. . number . . hlotormcks ; farms reporting. . number . . Tractors other than parden farms refnrting. . number . . .Xutonnbites farms reporting. . number. . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting. . \iilking machine farms reporting . . Electric milk cooler farms reporting . . Fafms by kind of foad on which located: Hard surface i fanna refxvling . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimiroved firms reporting.. Farm latiof. week preceding enumeration: Family and./or hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons. . Regular hired wrrkers {employed 150 or more days) . . farms reporting . . persons.. Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms rcp8 775,579 494,617 225,126 651 73,890 313 6,118 113,320 428 11,288 374,330 10,357 65 262,400 464 602,970 1,299.5 57,365 44.21 452 150,207 164 49 109 207 7 141 287 346 305 350 37 37 426 659 428 1,008 446 615 300 310 63 47 47 370 435 427 418 179 297 46 63 390 34,967 254 1,238 214 515 257 10,950 314 26,037 334 15,991 244 7,986 247 13,774 19 857 113 7,682 182 146,648 193 99, 673 18 4,626 464 2,957,310 557,432 1,519,011 148, 374 243,996 390,238 98,159 375 74,286 376 37,123 997,827 1 30 600 1,138 351,455 308.8 47,908 156.12 1,128 264,406 254 53 302 453 383 903 960 859 886 271 271 923 1,185 1,057 2,073 1,116 1,437 767 626 147 15 57 999 82 1,053 1,052 1,042 528 721 38 53 900 32,402 448 2,280 131 448 643 28,909 863 150,524 555 23,075 456 5,129 644 35,596 106 5,385 705 78,430 762 1,522,460 326 157,850 106 27,190 1,138 7,355,138 1,937,933 3,597,895 309,117 295,910 967, 163 197,120 1,011 90,558 1,107 81,703 1,602,131 503 9,064 133,090 16,208 10 1,875 723 335,606 464.2 40,508 89.82 708 132,969 261 91 205 305 213 434 436 440 446 123 123 540 669 672 1,279 681 804 602 385 82 6 82 515 108 681 680 675 304 424 53 64 635 34,655 400 2,592 195 372 442 16,704 520 57,841 478 6,548 492 7,521 449 20,659 17 1,417 295 29,782 469 515,312 386 238,740 15 2,775 723 2,092,380 567, 567 587,241 172,314 153,541 502,310 109,407 546 38,763 616 42,558 791,313 41 395 6,475 10 425 NEBRASKA 143 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ft simple of fums. See t«xt] Frontier Furnas Gage Garden Garfield Goeper Grant Greeley HaU Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Iblt Hooker 692 716 1,876 435 304 466 74 626 1,065 1,154 659 391 506 1,502 57 1 601,826 408,636 514,807 1,030,543 377,831 284,573 856,806 318,123 323,967 325,648 353,087 439,932 408,308 1,533,560 265,475 2 869.7 570.7 274.4 2,369.1 1,242.9 610.7 11,573.5 508.2 304.2 282.2 535.8 1,125.1 806.9 1,021.0 4,657.5 s 44,964 40,806 37,398 97,758 50,306 60,184 391,009 30,913 58,834 57,542 43,495 54,618 56,243 47,473 134,042 4 50.56 72.81 135.47 36.71 42.53 93.26 29.99 59.73 202.36 200.61 77.68 47.03 69.15 47.26 29.15 5 691 696 1,810 426 293 456 63 605 1,039 1,134 528 383 500 1,435 55 8 178,152 158,876 330,937 149,772 107,974 113,769 65,097 125,362 213,688 247,246 150,788 121,120 126,192 535,230 20,192 7 190 219 554 138 90 148 19 68 281 365 192 92 157 352 27 8 42 59 142 49 22 36 6 11 62 65 13 20 44 104 9 • 25 51 112 25 18 19 15 86 35 33 7 21 97 2 10 127 168 547 152 100 89 23 227 198 212 157 84 119 710 25 11 330 331 523 160 94 159 37 201 365 390 296 151 202 525 25 12 1 3 7 4 6 5 7 2 11 1 19 235 217 805 120 103 218 10 192 497 552 206 149 183 256 5 U 492 419 1,429 194 40 314 318 587 772 436 244 383 451 U 15 516 457 1,456 219 40 340 327 623 793 452 259 455 464 11 1< 480 397 1,331 51 141 299 475 816 889 428 263 232 75.< 7 IT 518 453 1,357 51 145 318 481 846 908 464 275 239 778 7 18 132 114 758 71 30 139 11 52 105 185 138 52 76 194 21 U 137 114 763 80 35 140 11 62 116 186 139 53 78 213 22 20 594 58S 1,391 382 252 409 56 416 855 949 572 357 474 1,136 56 21 799 832 1,506 705 309 549 157 449 1,194 1,183 716 530 779 1,386 114 22 659 655 1,786 400 275 446 65 580 1,015 1,099 593 377 494 1,410 56 2S 1,373 1,508 3,298 1,143 727 930 391 1,248 2,520 2,297 1,322 855 1,108 3,893 129 2« 652 660 1 , 305 417 282 454 57 570 1,018 1,134 586 360 498 1,418 56 25 S02 863 .^,265 515 382 533 153 677 1,348 1,488 760 454 703 1,849 98 2< 561 591 1,666 317 256 430 48 430 867 1,094 577 272 474 1,158 26 27 43t^ 335 1,033 334 160 287 61 337 759 734 404 255 351 996 40 28 129 115 436 39 30 69 6 145 232 355 127 55 71 410 3 29 1 6 300 ... ... 5 71 85 30 5 1 23 30 22 98 203 55 22 17 12 35 197 75 49 13 26 102 13 31 259 335 1,587 83 121 293 3 309 337 1,054 347 51 205 492 9 32 405 283 80 291 160 145 53 272 21 20 263 311 255 885 30 83 656 651 1,835 365 3 30,808 16,389 460,875 5,338 11,400 22,038 1,124 33,027 65,615 55,520 19,118 10,373 11,693 58,810 225 <0 410 392 1,430 104 167 259 11 403 536 607 358 184 242 833 10 81 398, 692 412,521 3,986,940 66,379 115,472 327,968 12,661 6<>;,271 1,032,540 997,085 354,270 156,423 200,854 809,822 4,155 82 367 319 1,101 86 224 223 22 370 443 465 314 151 220 977 25 e> 164,a7 224,307 1,926,240 29,531 177,127 127,971 13,101 319,329 577,557 603,890 237,741 123,769 147,937 925,310 7,928 •4 21 46 55 45 55 11 35 92 82 48 20 4 55 1 85 6,372 7,518 12,775 76,527 17,773 2,257 ... 10,394 65, U2 35,270 11,566 5,441 2,185 23,324 57 88 692 716 1,876 435 304 466 73 626 1,065 1,154 659 391 505 1,502 57 81 2,509,360 5,642,808 9,378,656 2,902,445 1,867,524 2,551,232 1,632,863 3,445,396 10,399,189 6,789,700 2,407,849 1,686,010 2,396,063 7,309,958 751,255 88 613,676 1,299,347 3,395,634 581,548 613,951 643,946 540,927 1,024,770 2,170,022 1,544,215 591,679 339,845 362,628 2,741,553 205,222 89 832,511 3,173,157 3,892,013 1,097,424 844,076 1,080,322 424,282 1,513,791 5,101,466 2,959,900 847,781 562,565 1,131,625 2,469,462 387,742 70 202,658 253,109 335,501 208,516 25,606 142,359 34,959 120,636 257,155 370, 9U 161,097 170, 537 159,551 253,359 13,130 71 158,832 272,762 320,426 560,203 109,274 152, 327 463,342 174,782 521,500 497,320 217,183 158,859 205,605 650,004 82,168 72 600,135 538,846 1,175,775 421,554 254,160 449,519 157,293 525,397 1,074,362 1,039,131 499,972 337,702 437,308 1,085,331 59,163 73 101,543 105,587 259,307 33,200 20,457 82,759 2,050 85,970 274,184 277,7a 90,132 66,401 89,336 109,749 3,840 74 586 585 1,692 100 202 372 557 1,002 1,074 539 315 375 930 20 75 64,152 52,413 128,334 6,449 10,993 37,533 ... 57,803 ia,295 123,840 44,728 49,089 36,835 63,603 449 76 640 645 1,719 304 18 411 179 550 1,028 610 341 449 132 77 53,559 48,994 74,318 44,706 153 30,181 ... 4,341 27,580 51,343 54,515 41,211 63,842 4,557 78 1,305,380 1,032,009 1,349,934 1,055,379 3,800 694,116 ... 76,757 574,997 1,090,375 1,092,092 1,027,480 1,668,767 75,659 79 69 14 1,193 45 59 68 270 233 362 29 24 16 445 SO 1,305 204 25,240 1,220 1,618 1,570 8,220 4,280 6,144 475 384 261 17,531 81 22,355 4,010 323,815 18,526 23,045 19,243 174,600 154,995 150,380 7,880 6,280 3,995 256, 695 82 19,660 12,129 44,526 77,261 93,540 10,896 65,097 41,046 27,516 14,372 14,236 9,341 5,025 429,983 19,000 S3 30 10 1 25 10 1 3 1 13 1 34 910 3,540 60 2,740 240 35 130 70 397 50 85 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Kearney Keys Pais Kimball Farms, acreage, and value: AH coniniefcinl ramis number . Land in ramis acres, Averace isize of farm acres . Value of land and buildintzs average per fann. dollars . averaee per acre, dollars , Cropland harvested farms reporting , acres. Farm operators: IWkini! off their farms, total t number. 100 or nuTc days number . With other inconie of family exceeding value of aitricultural products sold number. By tenure: Full owners number . Part owTtcrs number. Managers number . Ml tenant? number . Specified equipment and facilities; Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up iiaters farms reporting. number . Molorlmclts farms reporting . number. Tractors other than garden farms repxling . , number. . .Automobiles farms reporting. , number . , Telephone , farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting . . Flectric milk cooler. farms rerxjrting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface , farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimrroved farms reporting. . Farm latiof, week precedinn enumeration: Family and,'or hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours fnims reporting. . persons.. Regular hired wducls sold num'oer. By tenure; Full owner? number , Part otiners number. Managers number . \11 tenant? number . Specified equipment and facilities: Grain one, bine? farms repotting. number, rem pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers rarms repotting . number . Motortrucks farms reporting. number . Tractors other than garden farms repwting . number. AuConiohi les farms reporting . . number. Telephone t... farms reporting. . Ifonie freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms repc«ting . . Flectric milk crxjler farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on wliicli located: Hard surface ^ fanns reporting . , (rravel . shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimjroved farms reporting,. Farm later, week preceding enumeration: Family and or hired workers farms reporting, , Family workers, including operator farms reporting, , Operators wt>rking 1 or more hours persons, , I'npaid members of operalcr's family working 15 or more hours farm,"* repotting. . fwrsons, . Regular hired wtrkers (employed 150 or more days). . farms relBrtinp. . persons, , Livestock and poultry on farms: CsUle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Milk cows , farms reporting , . number . . Horses and 'or mules farms reporting . . number. . Hogs andpigs farms reporting . , number , , farms repotting. . number. . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms repotting, , number , , Calves sold alive farms reporting , . number . . Hogs and pigs sold alive fam^ reporting , . number. . ^eep and lambs sold alive farms n?norting, , number , , Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting, , number,. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicktsn eggs sold farms repcjting . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting . . dollars . . Wool , farms reporting , . pounds . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms refcrting.. dollars . , Feed for livestock and poultry dollars , . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . . Machine hire dollars . . Hired labor dollars . , Gasoline anil other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars , , Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars,. Crops harvested: Com for all purposes fanns reporting . . acres , . ISheat fanns reporting . . acres . . bushels . , Oats fanns reporting . , acres . . bushels . . Land frcm vhich hay was cut acres . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting.. dollars . . Chickens, 4 months old and over. 1,624 405,163 249.5 42,682 170.50 1,574 294,138 282 92 550 463 5 606 1,099 1,134 1,312 1,378 408 408 924 1,069 1,494 3,116 1,554 2,068 1,308 1,175 450 90 179 1,344 96 1,444 1,443 1,433 685 1,106 72 84 1,484 67,036 1,012 8,222 216 407 1,236 36,274 1,363 304,043 1,334 40,357 600 7,760 1,236 102,205 125 8,040 1,196 156,095 1,251 2,830,670 905 1,045,535 125 71,285 1,624 9,713,567 3,090,062 4,722,010 249,135 288,170 1,126,766 237,374 1,553 171,015 439 8,794 152,125 1,288 48,685 1,260,005 1,020 288,802 283,1 50,851 174,56 1,018 203,479 233 46 241 314 1 464 731 764 811 866 224 224 763 928 930 1,930 970 1,255 860 731 190 105 82 882 50 995 994 989 425 607 28 40 869 35,495 617 3,173 133 214 672 38,967 644 104,667 659 25,998 386 4,245 643 44,656 101 11,688 457 42,910 521 754,451 446 410,230 105 35,440 1,020 7,402,993 1,969,846 4,043,457 254,810 177,337 807,188 150,355 963 105,420 896 34,580 795,079 387 7,408 2Ck4,405 20,983 627 431,111 687.6 55,611 75.71 607 149,436 187 184 256 2 185 376 407 370 378 91 92 555 822 536 1,228 597 766 540 368 106 12 75 343 208 603 601 600 336 434 41 51 528 36,597 319 1,T24 206 333 320 13,259 438 46,374 417 13,079 338 6,533 361 13,637 19 644 201 17,075 297 333,253 258 168,777 15 3,586 627 3,659,636 766,561 1,753,326 221,121 250,887 544,239 123,502 479 53,188 478 50,034 1,157,345 24 313 7,500 8,163 1,254 333,036 265.6 47,017 173.39 1,209 200,108 355 135 417 340 1 496 909 925 968 1,013 411 411 338 960 1,179 2,445 1,183 1,479 1,135 875 246 135 110 920 203 1,203 1,192 1,182 582 913 84 106 1,103 45,535 688 4,806 211 357 798 68,203 919 157,800 856 24,560 611 5,902 818 87,561 140 5,820 649 77,071 796 1,472,225 556 724,575 145 65,130 1,254 6,737,325 1,878,895 3,211,306 267,280 373,647 812,015 194,182 1,174 113,863 1,008 29,953 562,600 774 17,230 372,172 298 651,774 2,187.2 87,227 38.34 291 170,905 44 126 115 34 40 41 135 139 270 428 271 862 271 359 253 186 ■ 60 16 46 186 244 242 240 123 166 41 60 287 65,090 203 1,535 225 820 106 2,282 166 8,647 253 20,448 190 11,085 87 3,264 18 1,521 30 3,380 64 29,220 150 131,479 20 13,031 298 2,136,057 557,846 931,171 26,893 306,424 294,608 19,115 30 1,176 21,650 1,346 346,195 257.2 43,698 168.94 1,336 246,370 287 70 375 551 420 1,146 1,228 1,060 1,081 481 481 1,091 1,238 1,275 2,625 1,271 1,720 916 8a 145 90 65 1,066 200 1,276 1,276 1,266 854 1,176 19 20 1,161 32,926 651 3,777 158 210 773 39,068 1,110 224,373 801 17,439 566 4,955 748 41,287 115 8,525 947 107,165 1,044 2,115,495 455 459,920 121 68,055 1,346 6,387,106 2,135,776 2,747,706 245,752 173,849 902,515 181,506 1,260 90,890 1,311 71,036 1,166,410 882 16,199 255,630 Sarpy 592 132,841 224.4 66,354 298.02 573 102,374 193 73 174 132 1 285 379 384 444 460 169 169 375 439 545 1,173 563 747 542 374 100 105 39 522 25 572 564 559 264 390 36 72 457 31,558 260 2,335 146 277 292 19,090 401 72, 525 382 45,381 149 1,993 287 19,445 41 21,570 312 35,514 340 615,795 155 518,695 51 66,215 592 12,359,797 3,704,615 7,757,850 130,392 250,470 402,580 113,390 568 65,092 383 7,545 138,845 418 15,515 404,070 9,233 10 6,010 1,878 457,625 243.7 48,801 195.98 1,843 332,486 552 166 458 646 1 773 1,513 1,560 1,657 1,755 429 430 1,268 1,418 1,748 3,626 1,808 2,285 1,241 1,123 227 193 132 1,636 110 1,758 1,752 905 1,223 58 78 1,541 49,045 919 5,675 261 512 1,098 51,616 1,395 242,214 1,171 26,732 751 7,028 1,072 54,939 138 5,839 1,032 813,385 1,227 1,820,355 567 902,485 143 51,970 1,373 8,332,547 2,370,728 3,789,837 250,855 400,313 1,233,327 287,437 1,825 184,530 1,512 37,240 698,436 1,267 28,990 662,090 35,778 NEBRASKA 147 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a sample of fomis See text] Seirard Sheridan Stierman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thonas Thurston VaUey Waahlngton Wayne Weteter Wheeler York 1,357 817 804 444 938 1,032 78 756 770 1,056 1,195 697 211 1,283 1 347,020 1,737,950 331,933 1,L29,966 251,564 345,390 379,537 213,982 354,110 236,158 273,990 313,078 330,366 354,276 2 255.7 2,127.2 412.9 2,545.0 268.2 334.7 4,865.9 283.0 459.9 223.6 229.3 449.2 1,555.7 275.1 3 43,725 83,802 25,819 64,712 39,926 42,220 118,099 45,356 32,934 49,089 41,522 23,399 53,252 53,744 4 172.63 42.96 63.67 26.46 148.09 122.15 23.64 162.41 71.77 233.33 179.26 64.03 45.25 207.30 5 1,337 791 789 402 918 1,022 75 736 730 1,045 1,130 682 211 1,273 e 247,4«4 317, 590 138,130 79,021 163,150 211,457 53,058 152,057 140,742 172,487 207,245 141,883 98,162 257,259 7 420 226 165 117 178 249 32 166 203 265 159 225 43 313 e 105 57 28 36 28 46 17 46 51 110 40 36 2 86 e 60 27 28 31 15 40 2 30 26 75 35 18 45 10 426 250 303 186 309 276 26 135 309 395 275 128 90 271 11 401 364 215 161 249 359 43 311 261 276 231 327 36 530 12 7 5 3 3 1 3 1 13 530 196 281 94 380 397 6 310 200 384 539 242 32 486 14 1,076 410 378 156 511 741 9 528 322 770 727 541 8r 936 15 1,127 449 388 162 516 783 9 540 328 787 727 582 83 959 18 1,096 309 612 80 736 683 9 579 556 849 990 467 106 1,029 17 1,156 320 639 80 778 639 9 615 568 868 1,045 473 114 1,052 le 425 196 90 116 172 295 31 135 99 437 255 199 36 308 19 425 199 91 116 172 296 31 140 100 437 260 200 38 303 20 1,007 768 515 402 605 872 74 486 532 760 809 540 170 973 21 1,098 1,292 588 647 682 1,038 120 536 637 860 839 652 237 1,107 22 1,267 791 758 414 867 957 71 700 729 1,026 1,110 675 206 1,213 23 2,613 2,316 1,517 1,027 1,912 1,928 184 1,464 1,593 2,128 24,15 1,316 629 2,419 24 1,312 775 748 407 898 982 70 725 740 1,011 1,155 654 201 1,258 25 1,754 1,116 950 568 1,175 1,302 89 962 897 1,31* 14,52 859 279 1,557 26 1,131 716 419 311 812 750 56 594 549 1,001 1,120 534 158 1,158 27 861 633 410 249 697 539 53 534 434 795 823 352 137 836 28 340 71 196 39 229 217 2 125 173 188 370 69 82 370 2D 145 5 23 6 21 47 20 1 116 36 10 3 150 30 120 112 52 73 62 95 11 31 33 91 79 64 14 81 31 1,112 247 304 86 639 790 18 454 561 903 828 270 62 1,137 32 115 458 447 281 237 137 49 225 171 46 283 361 135 35 33 1,276 777 789 402 897 942 77 695 754 1,015 1,150 676 205 1,168 34 1,276 751 788 395 894 942 76 695 754 1,013 1,153 674 204 1,163 35 1,271 738 788 388 889 926 75 680 754 987 1,138 664 203 1,148 38 675 282 520 167 436 507 35 343 396 430 650 315 133 574 37 910 370 848 244 679 662 60 513 623 512 951 511 192 767 38 21 145 22 79 81 24 21 73 71 58 63 29 34 80 39 31 238 27 101 97 36 37 90 86 125 72 36 52 107 40 1,131 761 783 381 878 883 75 685 714 880 1,125 656 210 1,102 41 36,175 139,808 46,125 57,605 62,827 36,118 25,926 31,789 47,809 48,583 70,724 30,854 39,755 40,591 42 685 528 617 277 629 576 56 417 484 436 854 405 171 641 43 4,980 2,428 5,559 1,339 4,194 3,745 160 2,247 3,371 4,597 5,478 2,695 1,699 4,586 44 200 523 259 256 153 181 64 90 308 166 228 220 119 159 45 490 2,999 548 1,012 317 283 595 159 601 251 514 583 449 378 46 710 414 632 174 793 569 17 579 539 718 1,050 442 139 726 47 28,990 30,612 37,711 4,549 67,312 24,311 194 51,112 35,185 53,788 U3,856 17,413 7,839 38,664 48 936 532 672 232 817 814 52 584 661 774 1,020 523 169 1,048 49 177,260 44,295 100,992 12,040 168,685 177,450 1,939 124,310 103,952 221,854 245,545 74,315 15,175 148,600 50 886 620 616 327 768 627 74 591 584 663 1,075 425 138 942 51 19,943 43,564 13,448 26,822 54,865 14,087 10,780 21,932 17,527 30,645 54,803 5,321 10,587 28,416 52 470 469 410 197 185 563 43 171 376 274 285 529 158 325 53 3,505 23,526 7,443 8,636 6,397 6,286 3,037 3,239 9,056 7,833 1,950 9,050 5,595 2,930 54 675 381 641 119 783 538 12 588 532 714 1,065 416 121 711 55 34,760 33,295 38,829 3,263 73,367 26,576 408 59,145 35,408 67,679 126,569 20,309 7,749 38,954 56 100 117 31 66 61 99 2 15 72 148 82 32 9 55 57 4,250 11,312 4,292 12,870 2,265 5,875 345 1,200 2,980 36,107 13,120 1,352 285 1,240 58 731 159 527 41 719 704 5 453 418 659 930 384 81 650 59 92,320 14,162 42,530 3,790 85,815 101,453 300 58,153 58,211 151,875 155,970 32,407 5,695 87,570 60 831 347 656 95 786 764 19 533 570 700 1,000 454 136 761 61 1,721,670 243,958 748,289 50,480 1,339,785 1,843,754 3,939 1,103,370 815,674 2,153,655 2,399,013 704,567 111,514 1,319,110 62 540 346 587 Ul 513 454 20 316 391 303 795 373 146 575 83 801,785 183,722 532,281 135,018 465,528 412,532 7,524 205,630 331,991 1,195,490 715,271 238,408 145,409 923,706 84 100 109 51 58 51 104 3 20 83 143 92 34 16 65 65 32,875 104,781 20,005 80,681 17,685 55,247 1,856 9,490 35,326 147,905 45,210 9,222 2,506 15,555 68 1,357 817 804 444 938 1,032 77 756 765 1,056 1,195 697 211 1,288 87 6,665,143 5,575,520 3.320,110 3,466,093 13,059,374 4,794,448 1,045,7U 5,727,773 4,583,696 9,887,529 16,279,779 1,807,572 1,423,540 7,888,137 88 1,397,' 38 1,125,105 1,038,413 568,317 3,773,322 1,238,515 314,314 1,481,707 1,121,569 3,164,689 4,535,143 515,248 427,017 1,817,589 89 3,289,319 2,262,485 1,350,857 1,939,553 7,992,980 2,079,157 545,588 3,247,472 2,348,647 5,163,119 10,235,104 518,886 611,197 3,862,802 70 261, 573 309,862 124,440 148,773 161,815 307,375 9,782 100,845 157,024 177,273 210,690 120,269 22,856 409,080 71 160,847 912,867 153,977 327,247 279,480 187,531 101,346 216,665 243,537 455,330 245,082 108,102 151,659 558,564 72 885,255 878,830 502,921 419,440 674,258 816,825 70,803 530,974 581,130 764,304 753,556 474,557 193,458 941,214 73 170,711 86,371 149,502 62,763 177,519 165,045 3,378 150,110 131,739 162,814 199,101 70,610 17,343 298,788 74 1,266 509 755 203 908 339 17 735 682 1,011 1,120 519 153 1,248 75 129,045 45,010 58,597 8,670 95,934 52,357 933 88,726 66,822 100,750 115,797 32,699 10,544 156,940 75 1,277 480 400 118 32 986 20 258 458 10 634 1,167 77 56,169 49,002 11,377 6,434 639 64,701 325 10,693 10,458 120 39,154 43,493 78 1,138,785 1,161,130 205,395 150,402 9,960 1,343,400 ... 4,150 134,400 212,901 1,800 806,702 1,023,795 79 872 450 413 149 775 337 1 642 225 824 1,000 60 69 537 80 17,705 27,842 9,259 3,761 36,897 5,733 20 39,985 5,107 25,937 55,173 723 2,492 8,482 81 397,155 580,782 171,065 94,724 901,655 97,795 700 1,184,740 35,855 318,475 1,678,926 14,035 45,295 234,930 32 20,120 171,783 38,356 50,143 25,353 20,153 51,663 14,056 38,309 20, 573 27,710 21,820 79,578 18,473 83 10 2 15 5 3 5 5 1 5 84 550 99 3,350 500 213 100 250 70 250 85 148 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND F'ARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dale for 19!i!l are baseil on reports {For derinitionF and ctplanatione. see lexl) Antelope Estimated number of faniip 10S9 . lOH. Farm operators by age Opemlors rppnTlin^ age numlier 19Sfl. Under ■is years number 1959 . ■25 to -ir years number 1959 . 15 to H years number 1959 . 45 to 5 1 years numlier 1959 . 55 to *H years aumbei 1959 . fi5 or nsire years number 1959 . \verape ace years 1959 . Off-farm work and other income: Fanrj operal^xs— Workinii off their farms operators reporting 1959 . 1954 . 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954. With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . . 1954. 411 tenants number 1959 - 1954 . Cash tenants number 1959. 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959. 1954. Liveslock.share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop f.irms other than vegetable and fniil-and-nut . . number 1959. Cash-grain number 1959. Tobacco number 1959. CoUon number 1959. Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Fruit.and.nul farms number 1959 . Poultry fam!S number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 19B9 . Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959 . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . t lass 1 number 1959. Class 11 number 19.59 . Class III number 1959 . Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959. ParlrreUrement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . Value of prorlucts sold by source: All rami pT(.lucLs sold Ir)tal, dollars 19.59 . 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959 . 1954 . All cTDfv^ sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Field croris. other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Vegetables sold Fruits and nuts sold . . dollars 1959. 1954. .dollars 1959. 19,54 . . dollars 1959. 1954. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold .dollar 1959. 1954. All livestock and livestock products sold. Poultry and poultry frwlucts sold Dairy fToducLs sold Livestock and livestock [Toducts, other tlian poultry and dairy, .sold . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959 . 19.54 . . dollars 1959. 1954. .dollars 1959. 19.54. 90,226 100,695 69,278 2,441 14,140 20,470 22,496 18,551 11,170 48.1 25,500 29,893 10,167 9,195 10,228 8,507 31,181 35,151 27,432 26,464 325 352 31,288 38,879 2,237 2,814 16,562 20,992 8,017 9,998 2,710 3,095 1,762 1,980 31,267 30,831 436 55 25 418 2,350 38, 506 1,634 8,073 9,532 80,850 3,758 9,002 22,817 26,502 15,258 3,513 9,376 4,716 4,613 47 1,197,501,152 880,841,970 13,272 8,748 393,307,151 308,594,901 390,199,339 305,710,139 427,701 412,374 265,542 324,983 2,414,569 2,147,405 804,194,001 572,247,069 26,989,899 28,613,489 39,870,644 35,922,349 737,333,458 507,711,231 1,138 1,289 1,124 24 165 261 310 221 143 48.4 333 436 128 155 144 180 383 375 312 368 2 437 526 2 23 250 296 125 167 15 20 45 20 862 862 35 151 992 17 116 298 340 181 40 11,835,570 8,888,039 10,400 6,895 8,724,582 6,422,054 8,614,693 6,345,933 16,709 16,085 720 1,336 92,460 58,700 3,110,988 2,465,985 202,881 299,832 535,455 396,255 2,372,652 1,769,898 1,601 1,738 1,549 51 259 347 364 333 195 47.9 416 491 140 140 164 160 720 655 404 418 477 681 24 46 307 410 81 145 267 267 894 10 215 ISO 1,421 43 116 410 490 312 50 180 60 120 17,133,214 12,238,209 10,702 7,042 4,115,693 3,255,120 4,106,632 3,248,329 3,805 2,654 1,810 3,837 3,446 30O 13,017,521 8,983,089 504,271 517,506 809,789 578,862 11,703,461 7,885,721 102 108 100 2 12 24 26 17 19 50.5 102 20 26 19 18 16 2,523,808 1,759,447 24,743 15,291 18,982 30,799 18,963 30,799 2,504,826 1,728,648 53,957 55,775 12,525 17,265 2,438,344 1,655,508 242 275 246 6 33 66 67 44 30 47.7 83 56 124 112 128 128 222 21 61 72 41 27 4,685,191 3,388,423 19,360 12,322 2,798,658 1,983,354 2,798,524 1,983,234 120 34 1,886,533 1,405,069 8,210 20,954 13,618 23,133 1,864,705 1,360,982 139 172 10 116 129 11 21 39 35 2,809,288 1,922,047 20,211 11,175 11,080 16,509 10,701 16,429 240 2,798,208 1,905,538 474,888 155,254 43,881 42,393 2,279,439 1,707,881 1,314 1,617 1,329 37 231 310 298 291 162 47.8 257 284 95 56 519 572 349 329 446 625 6 29 253 382 140 146 26 34 21 35 337 337 25 596 171 85 109 365 402 285 60 85 35 50 13,832,431 10,462,851 10,527 6,471 4,027,521 2,124,649 4,026,695 2,124,197 400 20 225 387 200 45 9,804,910 8,338,202 325,749 313,227 741,341 636,529 8,737,320 7,388,345 607 732 622 15 92 141 170 119 85 48.4 185 260 71 83 159 213 249 268 197 220 4 13 33 52 108 117 32 23 20 15 323 292 177 21 35 65 542 52 98 189 125 55 22 65 40 25 11,018,673 8,747,304 18,153 11,950 6,192,894 5,974,513 6,152,298 5,923,560 6,855 170 41 33 33,700 50,750 4,825,779 2,772,791 33,859 88,902 144,987 209,408 4,646,933 2,474,481 NEBRASKA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE: AND 1954 for only b samplo of famis. See text] 149 Buffalo Burt Cbase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming 514 446 10 55 92 130 91 68 50. C. 175 190 87 48 192 225 132 144 314 21 374 26 41 88 109 84 5,247 026 3,663,683 12,523 7,128 360,754 721,985 357,262 719,977 2,004 415 9 313 1,479 1,280 4,886,272 2,941,698 23,798 49,422 190,315 148,138 4,672,159 2,744,138 1,874 1,949 1,798 52 278 365 425 412 266 49.0 509 654 248 196 275 193 624 758 592 511 652 728 37 26 316 372 185 243 702 697 1 26 676 59 204 265 191 437 502 333 265 120 145 20,664,499 14,277,884 11,027 7,326 9,742,807 6,902,600 9,683,973 6,851,580 9,216 4,311 5,037 2,499 44,581 4^,210 10,921,692 7,375,284 492,786 495,014 681,244 511,864 9,747,662 6,368,406 1,143 1,268 1,155 26 197 260 290 242 140 47.7 312 292 109 81 390 386 291 240 461 692 20 47 250 360 80 109 67 141 44 35 273 273 665 6 90 95 1,048 106 221 305 251 150 15 95 45 50 23,087,674 16,250,158 20, 199 12,816 5,758,795 4,442,056 5,746,990 4,422,282 1,925 222 3,423 7,087 6,457 12,465 17,328,879 11,808,102 328,165 385,772 504,625 605,272 16,496,089 10,817,058 1,519 1,634 1,478 36 268 339 395 298 142 47.0 349 502 121 116 89 101 493 599 440 390 586 693 30 29 255 422 196 161 50 45 55 36 994 994 304 10 111 90 1,429 26 92 446 485 305 75 15,509,447 11,122,249 10,210 6,605 8,627,653 6,232,019 8,617,581 6,216,294 103 796 3,624 4,089 6,345 10,840 6,881,794 4,890,230 431,997 566,939 337,150 406,719 6,112,547 3,916,572 1,431 1,500 1,405 28 199 302 364 265 247 49.7 514 550 253 130 241 120 563 548 362 375 506 670 10 31 300 369 131 165 40 80 25 25 776 776 60 245 ,186 40 101 330 445 225 45 245 140 105 14,485,098 10,532,256 10,122 7,022 7,149,119 4,129,286 7,130,349 4,106,800 337 2,505 16,298 13,935 2,135 6,046 7,335,979 6,402,970 319,134 393,511 451,255 508,624 6,565,590 5,500,835 1,851 1,953 1,793 52 357 434 409 361 180 46.5 376 440 154 100 125 95 755 725 399 392 697 830 75 30 421 582 115 126 45 68 41 24 131 131 5 35 1,340 6 195 145 1,706 57 123 531 680 270 45 145 70 75 21,520,615 18,135,558 11,626 9,286 3,382,910 3,210,495 3,376,620 3,205,946 615 70 1,304 3,814 4,371 665 18,137,705 14,925,063 693,905 511,473 1,323,759 723,097 16,120,041 13,690,493 533 623 528 17 82 129 113 107 174 224 52 67 148 180 240 212 7 2 138 218 12 16 32 50 77 99 16 18 1 35 254 254 191 19 18 65 468 21 65 147 143 82 10 65 45 20 6,936,664 6,200,672 13,014 9,953 3,380,742 3,485,893 3,379,487 3,485,832 890 53 365 8 3,555,922 2,714,779 44,565 70,681 101,353 112,115 3,410,004 2,531,983 713 809 746 4 81 167 227 160 107 50.4 164 162 74 52 262 304 332 360 32 28 87 120 57 60 9 16 2 13 14 15 5 16 677 137 693 178 167 163 113 59 13 20 10 10 22,832,293 13,874,215 32,023 17,150 146,090 297,319 145,900 295,621 50 674 50 63 90 961 22,686,203 13,576,896 31,392 87,028 144,426 122,043 22,510,385 13,367,825 907 954 881 14 143 232 198 184 110 48.0 352 405 137 148 191 245 387 388 15 2 314 318 22 22 70 71 182 184 18 20 22 21 721 721 123 3 131 356 222 89 10 13,936,540 10,861,141 15,366 11,385 10,002,827 8,927,150 9,996,141 8,924,950 159 6,450 2,200 3,933,713 1,933,991 67,284 120,473 65,021 117,043 3,801,408 1,696,475 1,011 1,121 993 27 164 227 252 191 132 48.0 277 441 93 121 235 255 398 388 1 378 435 10 10 227 261 106 141 786 786 5 115 896 28 117 356 230 125 40 115 55 60 14,235,986 9,309,579 14,081 8,305 10,063,233 6,503,500 10,060,574 6,502,422 70 439 1,078 2,150 4,172,753 2,806,079 200,411 243,280 149,570 257,963 3,822,772 2,304,836 1,229 1,754 2,221 1,231 1,762 2,581 1,213 1,775 2,209 41 53 60 193 338 325 274 424 438 320 443 574 259 345 467 126 172 345 47.4 46.5 49.4 186 323 58.1 195 265 71V 65 151 227 65 85 242 75 178 245 45 50 227 408 625 866 473 707 1,089 360 475 665 358 381 653 8 9 9 461 654 682 482 704 874 15 111 97 31 130 74 260 396 346 298 385 492 140 96 111 107 95 176 6 37 72 22 68 80 40 14 56 24 26 52 336 175 458 336 175 458 668 110 1,139 34 90 230 405 285 95 14,675,132 10,025,912 11,941 8,145 3,357,850 2,349,080 3,345,499 2,338,148 8,285 2,100 1,194 1,832 2,872 7,000 11,317,282 7,676,832 613,325 480,980 556,980 358,880 10,146,977 6,836,972 1,329 6 1,644 229 220 500 460 185 50 110 70 50,445,433 33,597,876 28,760 19,068 3,540,334 2,410,020 3,526,630 2,386,864 167 348 8,704 5,508 4,833 17,300 46,905,099 31,187,856 770,512 693,260 1,025,370 702,847 45,109,217 29,791,749 6 19 1,408 145 135 195 2,031 60 167 618 700 354 132 190 115 24,714,355 17,254,732 11,128 6,685 5,989,545 3,851,192 5,982,163 3,845,751 585 1,530 777 625 6,020 3,286 18,724,810 13,403,540 488, 503 579,399 795,012 871,000 17,441,295 11,953,141 637 686 630 15 88 159 167 147 54 47.6 215 176 129 105 139 70 279 259 Ul 155 226 273 20 30 121 153 20 45 40 36 25 9 142 137 31 110 527 19 57 175 155 110 85 9,178,290 6,546,878 14,409 9 544 2,202^121 1,793,777 2,193,984 1,787,226 5,301 2,885 1,643 2,179 1,193 1,487 6,976,169 4,753,101 123,342 118,752 321,044 212,299 6,531,283 4,422,050 150 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most data for 195ft ar^ bascvl on repots Iteni (For definitions and explanations, see textl Dodge Douglas Esliniatoil number of fami? 1050.. 10.54.. Farm operators by age: Operalors reporting B^ number 1950 . . Under 2.5 years number 10.59 - . ■25 to S4 yenrs number 1050 . . 15 to 44 veors number 1950 . . IS to 5 1 yeais number 1959 . . 55 to ii4 years number 1959 . . 65 or more years number 1959 . . Average atie years 1059 . . Off-farm wortt and other income: Farm operauxs- Worlsinc off their fnrm? operators reporting 1950 . . 1954 . . 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . . 1954.. With other income of family exceeding value of fanr products sold operators reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Farms by tenure of operatot: Full owners numbef 1959 . . 1954.. Part owners number 1959 . . 1954.. Managers - number 1959 . . 1954.. ,\11 tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Share-cash tenants numbef 1959 . . 1954 . . Croi>-share tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . . 1954.. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959. . Cash-gram number 1959 . . Tobacco number 1959 . . Cotton number 1959 . . Other field-crop number 1959 . . Vegeuble farms number 1959 . . Fruil-and-nut farms number 1959. . Poull/v farms numbwl959.. Dairy farms """ll"" 1'=' ■ • Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . Livestock ranches numbw 1959 . . General farms numb« 1959.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . . C lass I. number 1959 . . Class II number 1959.. Class in number 1959. . Class IV number 1959 . . Class V number 1959 . . Class VI number 1059 . . Other farms number 1959.. Pan-time number 1959 . . Part.retirement number 1959.. Abnormal number 1959.. Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1959.. 1954 . , average per farm, dollars 1959.. 19.54 . All crof^* sold dollars 1959. 1954. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruils and nuts sold dollars 1959. 1954. Forest products and horticultural specially products sold - dollars 1959. 1954. 567 M3 110 164 122 86 49.7 206 142 65 34 216 258 203 246 146 168 39 27 56 51 13 59 28 27 10 4 393 32 42 50 522 14 60 14e 1S2 93 25 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Poultry and poultry fro.lucts sold dollars 1959 . 19.54 . Dairy woducts sold dollars 1959. 1954. Livestock and livestock fnxlucts, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959. 1954. 6,558,646 5,345,899 11,567 8,314 1,623,770 2,070,495 1,618,023 2,052,641 470 351 257 25 5,020 17,478 4,934,876 3,275,404 70,427 101,325 93,963 116,669 4,770,436 3,057,410 1,587 1,812 1,448 30 211 353 373 306 175 4S.1 462 605 189 199 187 182 666 661 455 42S 449 662 21 28 175 205 160 324 53 57 40 48 434 409 11 5 665 30 312 160 1,427 143 209 509 343 177 46 160 75 85 35,227,061 34,953,915 22,197 19,290 10,864,958 9,576,611 10,831,039 9,560,461 3,105 2,175 1,475 385 29,339 13,590 24,362,103 25,377,304 298,167 359,272 254,245 291,498 23,309,691 24,726,534 372 420 350 9 39 96 98 55 53 48.6 162 165 71 59 134 125 149 158 89 128 6 6 15 22 50 33 250 245 342 33 49 121 33 46 10 30 20 10 5,939,731 5,527,126 15,967 13,160 3,376,309 3,637,209 3,371,717 3,636,110 950 75 117 24 3,525 1,000 2,563,422 1,339,917 54,316 130,905 25,447 37,315 2,433,659 1,721,697 1,193 1,278 1,173 29 185 275 307 236 141 47.3 241 326 lU 85 439 544 298 252 406 525 40 38 251 305 55 107 50 51 10 24 136 136 822 15 115 95 1,098 66 116 281 400 195 40 95 15,327,395 11,492,423 13,267 8,993 2,547,552 2,025,435 2,541,931 2,022,493 185 259 1,203 1,948 4,233 735 13,280,343 9,466,988 405,433 344,195 492,412 344,530 12,332,498 3,778,213 1,523 1,684 1,517 43 235 346 455 143 47.1 515 156 165 156 135 458 527 359 374 2 4 704 736 36 54 406 446 141 138 81 64 40 34 542 542 160 121 1,403 121 167 390 465 225 40 115 70 26,631,795 19,500,816 17,519 11,580 6,794,007 5,787,978 6,337,566 5,473,053 4,578 13,540 2,507 4,455 449,356 296,930 19,837,783 13,712,838 709,271 544,169 335,450 868,785 18,293,067 12,299,334 1,115 1,490 1,025 23 134 213 288 223 144 49.4 444 f)80 318 475 349 365 490 749 232 227 377 444 82 83 126 189 105 94 285 285 40 365 785 60 125 210 205 175 10 330 230 95 5 29,154,007 22,446,036 26,147 15,064 3,642,149 3,087,721 3,131,389 2,547,610 163,836 176,5% 35,904 50,849 310,520 312,666 25,511.858 19,358,315 354,959 552,543 566,820 1,238,504 24,590,079 17,517,263 504 506 79 103 123 82 65 47.9 167 165 144 168 207 171 7 146 181 2 9 34 53 69 258 248 175 43 26 40 464 27 63 123 165 70 11 40 30 10 7,033,071 4,180,702 13,955 8,262 2,365,448 1,569,153 2,363,337 1,568,981 118 88 143 39 4,667,623 2,611,544 49,042 76,238 103,063 111,325 4,515,518 2,423,981 1,223 1,329 1,215 31 198 234 273 252 177 43.3 273 77 57 372 368 458 398 3 393 608 5 21 291 438 75 113 15 15 7 21 795 795 1,138 55 128 265 425 200 65 16,830,454 11,389,426 13,762 3,570 8,509,613 6,023,940 3,491,925 6,005,063 570 370 539 1,657 16,534 16,850 3,320,836 5,365,486 508,526 578,011 160,290 295,723 7,652,020 4,491,752 NEBRASKA TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 151 fcr only B ^omplo of fnnM^. Soc U> *'.( FroDtler Furnas Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hl-chcock Holt 767 806 2,206 465 329 486 74 686 1,237 1,219 699 421 561 1,708 1 887 1,039 2,374 488 341 571 74 767 1,443 1,266 756 445 729 1,908 2 731 830 2,179 476 338 506 75 651 1,252 1,256 689 410 617 1,691 .1 25 ?1 77 10 15 13 20 38 40 19 15 10 35 4 132 119 354 64 45 89 7 92 197 239 107 67 94 249 5 145 168 483 101 74 uo 17 136 284 330 155 105 159 378 6 195 185 557 133 87 129 13 151 315 293 170 100 139 427 7 li:> 199 404 100 81 110 17 156 265 225 152 84 152 347 8 89 138 304 68 36 55 21 96 153 139 86 39 63 255 9 47.3 49.8 48.0 49.2 48.2 47.7 53.4 49.2 48.1 46.4 48.3 46.8 .^8.2 49.2 10 208 301 739 157 117 152 22 119 399 410 215 101 252 509 11 289 450 697 174 122 176 21 133 458 430 253 113 168 650 1" *- 61 94 325 62 45 41 8 41 177 104 54 31 97 218 13 76 165 146 56 49 42 5 56 195 75 58 14 42 235 14 62 103 358 58 41 41 7 46 212 97 52 15 60 215 15 85 155 171 22 59 30 6 25 216 55 81 11 46 199 le 182 228 792 172 120 104 23 267 315 262 187 84 144 845 17 245 314 721 222 143 151 20 325 459 296 204 118 208 819 18 345 341 548 165 94 164 37 201 385 395 301 155 217 555 u 325 357 538 165 105 191 34 232 307 394 285 154 238 551 30 1 3 7 4 6 5 ... 7 2 16 51 "i 1 5 9 1 7 2 6 2 20 22 240 237 865 125 108 21B 10 212 532 562 211 174 198 291 93 303 331 1,014 136 114 216 9 241 614 553 275 162 237 483 24 1 5 70 35 17 ... 3 16 37 20 10 7 1 90 25 12 8 94 19 25 2 4 14 58 18 15 12 12 147 26 143 120 565 22 25 129 106 237 340 122 82 65 104 27 167 163 691 25 30 115 134 324 420 154 68 75 181 28 69 77 125 53 27 50 62 192 115 41 49 98 24 2> 82 121 133 54 22 83 2 57 171 139 81 55 100 78 ao 23 34 50 10 31 14 2 11 20 72 23 20 22 35 .11 31 23 49 12 22 9 3 15 31 51 18 21 21 26 3S 4 1 55 5 8 25 5 17 46 15 15 15 U 38 S3 11 16 47 16 15 7 21 30 15 7 5 29 51 34 348 364 598 194 5 275 46 538 894 376 205 352 35 35 348 3l>4 'io 598 31 194 5 275 5 46 538 "5 5 894 376 206 362 35 12 3e 37 36 39 40 41 42 11 165 5 5 5 16 60 '20 14 "5 '16 68 43 302 282 641 230 285 134 74 509 341 195 208 155 105 1,250 44 15 49 13 1 42 6 5 5 2 15 2 17 45 42 49 436 6 9 47 55 116 45 61 25 29 122 46 75 90 335 30 25 20 ... 60 172 65 40 30 55 211 47 692 716 1,876 435 304 466 74 626 1,065 1,154 659 391 506 1,502 48 6 31 21 28 18 21 32 27 68 38 10 12 12 52 49 49 79 118 60 25 41 19 69 200 2U 45 43 77 134 SO 230 196 432 99 64 138 9 118 371 510 166 158 192 398 51 260 229 675 130 102 179 12 196 255 315 271 100 130 449 52 142 136 515 96 79 72 2 181 125 75 126 70 44 405 53 5 45 115 22 16 15 35 45 5 40 8 1 64 54 75 90 330 30 25 20 60 172 65 40 30 55 205 55 15 30 150 15 10 15 96 50 5 25 55 100 56 60 60 180 15 15 20 ... 45 76 15 35 5 101 5 57 58 7,128,304 11,338,309 18,543,753 6,673,047 4,095,325 5,291,831 4,092,717 7,227,002 20,567,370 19,738,243 6,835,772 5,175,330 7,637,088 18,494,979 59 5,735,793 8,259,311 15,808,474 6,201,180 2,282,044 5,082,585 2,823,551 5,562,273 15,255,647 12,938,904 6,071,151 3,451,802 4,174,507 11,548,355 60 9,294 14,067 8,406 14,351 12,448 12,946 55,307 10,535 16,627 16,192 9,779 12,293 13,613 10,828 61 6,467 7,949 6,659 12 707 6,692 8,901 38,156 7,252 10,572 10,220 3,031 7,757 5,725 6,053 62 3,064,447 3,928,998 6,334,125 2,124,394 314,861 3,022,081 1,709 1,032,300 8,365,972 12,246,360 3,270,666 2,440,659 4,348,481 1,589,869 63 2,704,700 4,051,195 6,811,463 2,766,962 236,365 2,410,915 22,438 677,441 5,812,683 7,200,486 3,835,239 1,535,745 1,871,919 1,731,177 64 3,064,188 3,927,597 6,233,406 2,118,477 313,206 3,021,813 1,709 1,031,559 8,291,149 12,242,101 3,256,491 2,439,594 4,348,025 1,684,470 65 2,704,624 4,050,038 6,791,433 2,762,264 235,718 2,410,750 22,358 672,574 5,756,639 7,195,358 3,832,052 1,535,591 1,871,829 1,724,454 66 5 165 8,537 5,800 1,183 60 115 2,220 670 458 9 715 372 944 67 401 269 4,000 269 ... 150 4,922 1,045 15 135 625 66 254 961 2,643 117 382 208 626 6,184 1,728 217 350 84 1,045 69 76 457 5,551 198 378 165 80 507 2,781 1,883 2,382 19 40 2,936 70 275 89,539 90 66,419 1,861 3,500 3,410 71 299 14,210 500 4,210 38,341 2,200 790 50 3,162 72 4,063,857 7,409,311 12,209,628 4,548,653 3,780,464 3,269,750 4,091,008 6,194,702 12,201,398 7,491,883 3,565,106 2,734,671 3,288,607 16,805,110 73 3,031,093 4,208,116 8,997,011 3,434,218 2,045,679 2,671,670 2,801,113 4,884,632 9,442,964 5,738,416 2,235,912 1,916,057 2,302,588 9,817,178 74 113,455 545,273 1,161,753 105,299 37,938 129,637 3,398 141,898 379,166 401,525 142,205 36,485 51,441 557,848 75 145,508 490,573 1,010,627 110,795 46,603 131,836 1,594 159,927 812,140 400,956 135,674 54,010 92,642 683,317 76 166,197 226,797 1,959,740 33,426 179,377 132,426 13,101 329,799 584,587 605,960 289,851 126,129 161,252 947,750 Tt 186,366 275,625 1,337,656 80,386 151,733 125,322 14,693 262,847 641,584 631,604 216,952 93,898 176,276 573,882 n 3,784,195 6,637,241 9,088,135 4,409,928 3,563,149 3,007,687 4,074,509 5,723,005 U, 237,645 6,484,398 3,133.050 2,572,057 3,075,914 15,289,512 n 2,699,219 3,441,918 6,648,726 3,243,037 1,847,343 2,414,512 2,784,826 4,462,058 7,989,240 4,705,858 1,883,286 1,768,149 2,033,670 8,554,979 80 152 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dau for 1953 are basei! on n^parts (For definiUonP and explanation':, see text) Kearney Ef=timatcxl numhrf of famis ,.,,.,.....,........ 1059. 1054. Farm operators by age: O[»rnlor< reporting age number 19.50. Under 25 year? number 1959 . ■25 to ;ij years number 1059. 35 to 14 years number 1959 . 45 to 5 ( years number 1959 . 55 to 64 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . \vcraf!e age years 1959 . Off-tarm work and other income: Farrri operators— Workinc off their farms operators refvxtinp 1959. 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Witb other income of family exceedinc value of farm products sold operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managefs number 1959 . . 1954. .All tenants * number 1959 . 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants i number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants numberl959. 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959 . 1954 Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959. Cash-gram number 1959. Tobacco number 1959. Cotton number 1959. Other field-crop number 1959 . Vegetable faons number 1959 . Fruit-and-nut farms number 1959 . Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1059 . General famis number 1959. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . C lass I number 1959. Class n number 1959 - Class in number 1959 . Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1959 . Other farms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959. Part-retirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 - Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1950. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959 . 1954. All crops sold. . Field crops, other than vegetables pjid fniils and nuts, sold Vegetables sold A . Fruits and nuts sold Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold All livestock and livestock products sold. Poultry and poultry pcrxlucts sold Dairy products sold Livestock am! livestock (#oducts, other than poultry and dairy, sold . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. .dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. .dollars 1959. 1954. .dollars 19.59 . 1054 . . dollars 1959. 1964. . dollars 1959. 1954. 53 i 13 16 15 10 52.5 1,535,060 960,252 26,931 15,742 15,903 4,276 15,853 4.276 50 1,519,157 955,976 38,140 61,609 7,928 8,658 1,473,089 885,709 1,044 1,247 1,021 33 160 207 254 229 138 48.5 253 382 100 70 86 115 384 485 274 303 10 3 376 410 30 26 205 249 80 92 21 23 40 20 218 218 556 1 115 110 934 4 58 147 429 241 55 110 40 65 5 8,240,787 6,535,125 7,893 5,241 2,044,305 1,330,184 2,028,656 1,318,886 9,249 5,377 2,377 871 4,023 5,050 6,196,482 5,204,941 299,829 308,503 612,460 588,464 5,284,193 4,307,974 1,190 1,381 1,220 32 170 295 308 252 163 48.6 429 412 185 112 210 91 462 476 373 351 3 3 352 527 30 17 246 361 60 89 402 402 357 11 196 165 1,030 9 66 249 386 250 70 160 85 75 11,584,079 8,075,047 9,735 5,847 4,233,288 3,541,318 4,215,686 3,495,240 1,710 1,130 2,833 4,079 13,059 40,869 7,350,791 4,533,729 522,862 516,497 1,027,887 708,093 5,800,042 3,309,139 963 1,128 931 37 132 190 248 191 133 48.7 303 357 110 102 147 116 377 371 230 256 1 356 414 25 17 221 268 75 84 15 13 20 27 247 247 375 11 121 130 783 2 43 97 336 230 75 180 75 105 6,276,651 5,768,105 6,518 5,114 2,210,375 2,524,476 2,204,585 2,520,080 240 20 1,813 2,851 3,737 1,525 4,066,276 3,243,629 273,120 328,856 489,890 323,210 3,303,266 2,591,563 855 1,010 883 28 143 232 185 168 127 47.9 227 364 56 126 221 234 279 327 2 354 395 5 12 193 214 93 109 53 54 10 6 576 571 5 157 300 50 124 276 230 105 15 55 15 40 12,787,546 9,477,757 14,956 9,334 7,122,930 5,631,832 7,101,411 5,623,706 16,745 6,733 958 1,393 3,316 5,664,616 3,345,925 221, lU 255,402 121,316 221,079 480 556 502 12 74 122 122 117 55 48.2 180 168 70 198 220 6 151 180 14 13 47 62 78 39 263 258 ,321,689 ,369,444 150 27 465 42 36 147 135 45 10 10,245,090 7,518,957 21,344 13,523 4,103,146 3,580,904 4,099,937 3,577,801 2,250 380 309 223 650 2,000 6,141,944 3,933,053 44,234 65,844 113,217 159,414 5,979,443 3,712,795 311 355 320 9 37 73 84 69 48 49-7 85 103 19 12 161 164 90 130 20 281 39 105 3,939,512 2,587,233 12,668 7,238 105,857 251,838 104,533 250,941 163 109 82 333 1,069 450 3,833,755 2,335,445 31,330 42,637 121,339 93,323 3,680,986 2,199,435 420 448 433 20 76 104 115 70 48 46.2 220 195 114 67 90 180 210 172 163 6 10 34 25 113 99 6 5 13 24 297 297 375 36 100 121 65 46 7 45 30 15 7,965,285 2,555,254 19,013 5,704 5,710,844 1,338,806 5,710,774 1,338,731 10 75 60 2,274,441 1,215,448 29,542 54,308 37,951 97,632 2,155,948 1,064,508 20,545,084 14,975,163 10,758 7,266 2,457,842 2,445,2U 13,077,242 12,529,952 708,720 575,297 874,065 539,939 16,494,457 11,364,666 NEBRASKA 153 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. for only a sample of famia, Seo U»xt] Ifliicaster Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nemaha Nuckolls Pawnee Perkins Phelps 2,091 1,372 2,262 1,603 2,042 1,418 48 20 263 199 470 316 462 375 475 297 324 2U 49.7 49.5 806 507 831 483 418 248 285 250 443 253 366 225 770 579 950 647 622 449 525 470 9 13 16 10 690 331 860 469 55 69 50 68 360 125 541 147 185 53 170 162 45 60 63 51 45 24 36 41 858 335 858 313 31 175 216 374 1,732 39 100 407 601 490 95 359 210 146 16,938,557 14,253,037 8,101 6,301 7,819,471 7,015,073 7,551,741 6,692,946 60,074 54,175 3,451 6,931 204,205 260,971 9,119,036 7,237,964 1,085,588 1,025,284 1,689,725 1,548,724 652 120 1,111 84 138 351 318 196 24 261 165 90 6 19,166,034 12,602,684 13,969 7,862 6,028,993 3,756,231 6,004,429 3,727,535 2,375 4,571 1,471 1,325 20,718 22,800 13,137,041 8,846,453 226,577 316,329 532,369 605,712 6,343,773 12,378,095 4,663,956 7,924,412 178 229 180 3 20 38 54 32 23 49.4 148 14 17 37 43 15 22 30 25 2,482,909 2,074,242 13,949 9,058 575,666 283,006 574,954 282,480 150 562 526 1,907,243 1,791,236 13, 7U 25,004 56,913 57,345 1,336,614 1,708,837 187 220 212 4 26 49 59 47 27 49.5 79 102 176 11 5 5 182 16 36 59 51 14 6 3,333,122 1,812,6a 17,824 8,239 203,809 184,919 203 ,392 184,371 300 117 48 3,129,313 1,627,702 32,667 36,570 70,065 79,828 3,026,531 1,511,304 140 149 146 17 34 46 37 12 49.2 127 19 2 10 130 10 16 44 42 7 11 2,147,765 1,428,674 15,341 9,588 33,162 36,185 33,156 36,063 6 122 2,114,603 1,392,489 66,463 50,434 29,720 32,370 2,018,420 1,309,685 1,483 1,702 1,452 43 252 332 370 303 147 46.9 354 477 152 161 160 180 546 593 410 404 521 730 25 46 346 450 125 164 5 33 20 37 316 316 200 190 1,298 25 131 362 490 215 75 185 16,398,547 11,950,351 U,058 7,021 3,789,763 2,460,549 3,716,420 2,409,568 25,171 27,875 11,673 12,994 36,499 10,112 12,608,784 9,489,302 492,546 541,605 323,188 769,897 11,293,050 3,173,300 1,059 1,112 1,034 24 173 249 265 193 125 47.5 292 386 118 96 117 70 324 397 310 280 423 449 30 26 231 294 115 89 21 16 26 24 419 a.9 333 5 Ul 120 939 44 128 242 315 180 30 120 75 45 13,491,321 11,483,790 12,740 10,327 5,112,546 3,658,800 5,096,218 3,642,040 4,715 4,654 2,295 1,466 9,318 10,640 3,378,775 7,824,990 509,416 331,770 904,739 705,775 6,964,620 6,787,445 732 861 745 23 130 175 194 136 87 47.1 263 387 112 160 108 113 231 234 219 219 3 3 280 348 13 25 66 71 169 216 U 27 21 9 266 184 295 53 94 77 555 23 127 249 179 71 6 77 70 7 10,350,824 3,343,948 14,140 9,691 4,909,390 4,057,428 4,908,484 4,056,653 526 285 357 190 23 300 5,441,434 4,286,520 73,570 143,630 70,623 160,376 5,297,241 3,981,964 772 855 756 20 139 153 185 171 179 212 59 272 320 226 171 3 273 396 10 9 192 258 38 83 23 25 10 21 368 368 107 51 7a 10 41 163 287 135 30 51 20 30 1 7,049,549 5,546,063 9,132 6,487 3,239,690 1,804,448 3,237,527 1,801,733 403 475 760 833 1,000 1,352 3,809,859 3,741,615 224,397 248,632 414,068 371,959 3,17i,394 3,ia,024 1,075 1,253 1,024 31 132 209 280 219 153 49.5 354 412 123 126 150 155 382 394 286 298 407 485 20 33 200 238 110 115 57 72 20 27 391 391 5 10 339 5 85 195 55 206 300 250 65 190 100 90 8,672,640 7,988,003 8,068 6,375 3,967,923 3,303,916 3,940,251 3,259,383 2,227 654 14,637 25,054 10,808 18,825 4,704,717 4,684,087 312,290 305,937 223,920 214,105 4,168,507 4,163,995 1,003 1,194 982 26 174 225 248 198 lU 47.5 274 411 129 135 132 155 294 344 352 353 357 475 30 64 150 275 120 104 27 19 30 13 472 472 136 110 893 21 90 212 350 130 40 110 75 35 12,056,266 9,036,286 12,020 7,610 4,716,462 4,205,235 4,670,a5 4,159,366 3,939 1,521 594 3,848 41,714 40,500 7,339,804 4,881,051 463,863 399,476 347,628 299,312 6,528,313 4,182,263 1,636 1,823 1,608 45 246 373 394 338 212 48.4 510 652 206 171 225 230 556 560 448 428 7 1 625 844 50 47 365 535 U5 166 25 72 40 24 637 637 a5 210 1,431 16 80 315 595 320 105 205 80 125 13,786,992 12,040,453 8,427 6,605 5,644,526 5,633,054 5,549,327 5,595,689 1,318 490 53,075 56,764 40,306 30,111 8,142,466 6,357,399 579,041 729,430 820,920 558,017 6,742,505 5,069,952 889 31 123 197 204 203 126 49.0 289 402 112 86 93 140 379 440 273 259 227 325 6 13 125 193 55 62 36 40 5 12 290 290 5 20 374 6 90 101 779 2 57 108 321 241 50 101 40 60 1 6,479,419 5,a5,721 7,363 4,902 2,249,372 1,968,989 2,241,002 1,960,577 450 494 2,430 3,734 5,990 4,134 4,229,547 3,246,732 288,391 284,843 234,940 316,392 3,656,216 2,644,997 666 927 713 945 655 863 13 31 89 150 172 194 156 203 138 191 82 94 .7.9 47.3 26; 245 iUC 306 116 77 101 86 71 70 78 65 161 175 140 217 325 328 311 302 1 2 179 424 232 479 6 12 56 233 94 278 88 147 115 141 24 33 14 42 11 11 3 6 504 565 504 565 616 15 61 227 138 99 9,211,737 7,684,562 13,831 10,778 5,873,174 5,422,794 5,372,607 5,422,633 415 83 152 78 3,338,563 2,261,768 103,557 128,333 182,950 151,325 3,052,056 1,982,U0 67 75 357 57 178 327 190 85 20 70 35 35 16,673,405 10,6Z7fl45 17,936 11,246 7,436,166 6,03^410 7,3m,?!7 6,034,096 1,715 2,250 684 524 42,190 1,550 9,241,239 4,5ffl,635 249,745 241,742 140,410 233,767 8,851,084 4,113,126 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Mosl dala for 1953 are base-l on reports (For derinition? and e'tplanations, see text) Red Willow Sarpy Esliniatoil number of famip . 1050. 1054. Farm opetators by age; OpernLor-i reporting nge nuniljer 1050. Under '25 venr^ number 1059 . 25 to .H vears number 1050 . ^5 to 14 >ears number 1950. 45 to 5 1 yearfi number 1959 . 55 to tiA years number 1950 . 65 or more years number 1950 . Average age years 1059 . Off-fafm work and other income: Fanr. operators— Workinc off their farms operators reporting 1950 . 1954. 100 or more days operators reporting 1959. 1954. tVitb other income of family exct value of farm products sold. . . . operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . . 1051. Alt tenants number 1959 . 1954 . Cash tenants - number 1959 - . 1954 . Share-cash tenants ... number 1959 . 1954. Crop-share tenants number 1959. 1954 . Livestock-Share tenants number 1959. 1954 . (Xber ami unspecified tenants number 1959. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop r.trms other than vegetable and fniil-aml-nul number 1959. . Cash-t^ain number 1959. . Tobacco number 1959 . . Cotton number 1959. . Cither field-crop number 1959 . . Vegetable farms number 1959 . . Fniit-3n.)-nut fan^s . . . number 1959 . . Poultry farms . . number 1959. . Dairy :arrr.s number 1959.. Livestock rarms other than poultry and dairy forms ..... number 1959. . Livestock ranches number 1959 . . General farms , numtwr 1959. . Miscellaneous and unclassifiwl farms number 1959. , Farms by economic class: Commercial farms. ., number 1959 . . Class I. number 1959- . Class II : number 1959 . Class HI number 1959.. Class IV number 1959. Class V '. number 1059 . . Class VI number 1959.. Other farms Parl-liine Part-retirement. . Abnormal Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total . number 1959.. . number 1959. . . number 1059 . number 1959.. All crops soM Field crops, other than vegeubles and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1059. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959 . 1954. dollars 1950 . 1954. Vegetables sold Fruils and nuts sold , Forest profiucts and horticultunti specialty products sold All livestock and livestock products sold. Poullry and poultry (mxlucts sold Dairy products sold Livestock and livcsl^ick products, other than poultry and dairy, sold . dollars 19.59. 1054 . . dollars 1950. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. . dollars 10.50, 1954. . dollars 1059 . 1954. . dollars 1959. 1954. 1,355 1,580 1,329 2i3 299 355 269 118 46.5 267 284 498 563 255 246 2 602 675 40 50 426 467 90 98 36 32 10 28 165 165 220 95 1,260 31 107 261 541 235 35 95 25 70 13,750,917 10,458,695 10,143 6,619 2,533,253 2,290,557 2,529,783 2,282,113 1,079 651 2,239 1,745 6,200 11,217,659 3,163,U3 544,365 5U,186 957,023 674,859 9,716,271 6,982,093 1,719 1,854 1,659 45 339 424 397 303 151 45.8 301 356 114 81 620 631 468 478 626 783 45 40 375 446 135 210 50 60 21 27 540 540 165 95 1,624 63 151 510 615 225 60 95 35 60 22,279,714 14,046,973 12,961 7,577 6,138,705 3,415,143 6,127,723 3,397,304 62 720 2,060 2,254 8,360 14,865 16,141,009 10,631,830 735, 537 704,157 1,050,910 1,024,429 14,354,562 8,903,244 1,090 1,221 1,034 35 176 260 283 210 120 47.3 262 405 71 105 281 348 324 304 1 2 434 583 30 15 266 354 143 162 30 40 15 17 628 628 30 271 1,020 68 116 420 211 170 35 70 40 .30 17,021,533 9,212,672 15,616 7,545 3,128,754 4,429,530 8,126,071 4,428,359 1,105 330 1,222 841 356 8,892,779 4,733,142 275,274 257,468 412,645 452,437 8,204,860 4,073,237 732 716 758 23 112 136 204 179 104 49.3 279 239 120 68 254 282 266 273 2 1 ao 272 11 12 94 125 72 33 23 30 10 22 287 287 41 105 627 21 78 169 213 131 105 45 5,130,167 6,424,604 11,107 8,973 3,489,106 3, 341, '111 3,467,b80 3,327,255 3,660 7,770 1,391 167 16,375 6,619 4,641,061 3,082,793 100, 393 160,904 171,732 228,703 4,368,936 2,693,186 1,384 1,533 1,341 49 177 291 342 295 187 49.0 379 420 167 120 207 150 537 532 345 337 2 501 691 20 44 240 315 115 162 91 147 35 23 434 484 5 65 585 10 115 130 1,254 23 77 393 481 195 35 130 ",0 14,842,779 12,575,927 10,725 «,203 4,895,998 4,41d,893 4,874,523 4,399,677 120 825 7,056 7,727 14,294 10,664 9,946,781 8,157,034 282, '182 376,350 740,950 557,679 8,922,949 7,223,005 303 402 316 4 53 63 33 71 42 49.2 64 125 22 48 131 155 115 123 276 5 11 5 298 JO 50 107 63 36 12 5,635,84] 3,094,821 18,600 7,699 304, 597 260,800 303,665 260,323 72 50 15 282 345 145 5,331,244 2,834,021 11,771 30,808 131,479 94,740 5,187,994 2,708,473 1,496 1,600 1,493 45 221 334 373 343 177 48.4 367 395 131 65 151 95 485 554 571 456 1 440 633 10 29 305 435 105 126 10 22 10 21 700 700 150 155 1,346 31 60 305 505 340 105 150 50 100 12,859,802 9,452,155 3,596 5,908 5,394,731 4,776,658 5,373,103 4,762,344 760 481 3,760 4,240 12,108 8,993 7,465,071 4,675,497 569,705 607,346 462,585 409,408 6,432,781 3,658,743 672 756 634 17 81 141 171 149 75 43.5 210 260 126 120 123 90 224 317 142 142 305 340 15 30 161 195 307 307 35 210 40 592 30 67 190 170 125 10 15,810,015 11,510,827 Z3, 527 15.226 2,752,532 1,921,419 2,744,396 1,887,636 1,462 11,745 794 5,288 5,880 16,700 13,057,483 9,589,408 130,375 213,831 522,580 561,508 12,404,028 8,309,069 2,083 2,055 2,055 51 355 459 529 442 219 47.6 653 582 257 161 217 115 618 716 661 616 803 370 37 42 400 418 310 329 1,138 1,133 156 205 1,878 38 109 416 700 500 115 205 95 110 19,708,095 14,167,364 9,461 6,894 9,635,382 7,801,736 9,616,072 7,767,189 605 2,310 3,518 6,312 15,187 25,925 10,072,713 6,365,628 549,215 522,776 917,555 798,389 8,605,943 5,044,463 NEBRASKA 155 TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. I(x only K sample of fumis. See Uixl J Scotts Bluff Valley Washington Wa^e 1,567 1,716 1,534 54 281 iX 415 229 119 45.2 474 539 242 242 250 243 491 605 295 224 7 10 774 902 32 22 53 65 576 722 64 36 49 57 404 238 166 100 65 36,483,355 25,817,968 23,282 15,045 15,920,868 12,593,216 15,852,908 12,553,628 9,955 15,370 440 1,368 57,565 ^,850 20,562,487 13,219,752 58,032 94, J61 314, 319 383,967 20,190,136 12,740,824 1,572 1,740 1,535 51 246 353 376 314 193 47.9 483 590 183 120 147 145 571 543 416 409 3 585 719 15 27 405 495 130 129 15 40 20 28 ^56 856 525 56 316 432 115 171 215 ,401 1,357 201 26 458 110 447 326 168 495 37 325 40 75 215 85 130 15,369,720 12,198,032 9,777 7,010 8,009,639 6,162,554 8,004,577 6,155,824 2,065 620 2,561 2,685 436 3,425 7,360,081 6,035,478 597,430 783,471 810,380 1,035,741 5,952,271 4,216,266 867 1,034 927 17 128 249 218 184 131 48.6 281 302 82 84 285 424 364 331 U 211 250 15 37 72 65 39 68 61 57 24 23 145 110 633 91 33 51 163 259 155 141 8 50 35 15 15,811,630 10,677,732 18,237 10,327 3,682,712 3,345,327 3,674,283 3,341,417 258 354 678 79 7,493 3,477 12,128,918 7,332,405 59,457 182,876 184,762 281,521 11,884,699 6,868,008 919 979 908 22 130 204 236 194 122 48.8 226 253 82 77 378 454 230 225 5 2 306 340 30 25 188 204 41 70 32 23 15 18 128 128 520 31 116 U5 804 30 47 99 332 .'.66 U5 35 80 7,375,803 4,651,964 8,026 4,752 1,555,039 1,066,918 1,549,246 1,064,359 914 720 4,326 1,408 1,153 431 5,820,164 3,585,046 220,408 214,624 543,846 494,626 5,055,910 2,875,796 499 541 489 10 59 104 127 106 83 50.1 141 150 63 53 226 215 166 166 104 140 19 30 11 U 56 72 16 16 2 345 161 17 444 50 46 116 IW 77 41 55 " I 20 I 1,008 1,201 1,040 41 190 251 250 216 92 46.4 196 216 68 61 7,946,031 5,395,927 15,924 9,974 1,617,002 1,058,103 1,614,397 1,056,703 50 8 90 14 1,965 1,378 6,329,029 4,337.324 17,347 56,690 138,393 111,188 6,173,289 4,169,946 364 415 259 233 1 385 501 11 43 261 320 70 80 27 29 16 29 135 135 938 90 72 270 321 I/O 45 70 20 50 19,556,289 14,659,544 19,401 12,206 2,067,071 1,469,728 2,056,989 1,465,042 8,055 2,750 1,809 1,586 218 350 17,489,218 13,189,816 541,474 437,054 470,763 377,295 16,476,931 12,375,467 1,202 1,339 1,166 27 173 282 285 238 161 48.5 336 473 113 186 124 155 376 459 374 363 452 542 20 9 347 380 60 100 5 32 20 21 608 608 10 15 241 5 153 175 1,032 14 95 303 335 250 35 170 90 30 12,163,834 8,714,294 10,120 6,274 6,357,049 4,432,219 6,344,196 4,407,097 369 539 1,306 3,883 U,178 20,650 5,306,785 4,282,075 480,760 470,817 425.227 371,393 4,900,798 3,439,865 78 100 84 1 8 29 17 16 13 49.5 13 I 1 2,126,047 1,327,790 27.257 13,278 5,377 8,965 4,631 8,884 213 81 483 2,120,670 1,318,825 2,222 3,369 7,524 16,610 2,110,924 1,296,846 856 946 331 21 182 197 177 177 77 46.2 152 180 66 75 175 192 321 305 5 1 355 416 35 72 220 233 55 75 10 24 35 12 302 302 60 100 756 44 62 235 270 105 40 100 65 30 5 10,672,496 8,571,344 12,468 9,061 2,796,035 2,272,860 2,790,460 2,269,935 1,122 1,075 1,719 4,500 84 7,876,461 6,298,484 237,136 201,429 208,635 207,564 7,430,690 5,889,491 860 1,075 I 850 21 137 183 203 179 127 48.8 253 308 81 87 112 96 379 420 266 257 215 361 16 20 106 201 52 82 26 29 15 29 123 108 5 26 494 17 U7 95 770 32 51 144 295 208 40 90 30 60 8,337,205 7,224,989 9,694 6,721 1,813,093 1,632,280 1,3U,521 1,629,582 282 1,932 1,290 766 6,524,112 5,592,709 205,8U 222,061 344,826 393,834 5,973,472 4,976,814 1,191 1,317 1,174 21 168 254 331 276 124 48.6 350 340 168 85 155 75 495 541 281 228 414 540 57 89 235 256 279 279 80 136 1,056 68 127 316 375 155 15 135 60 75 17,211/629 12,161,382 1A,451 9,234 4,816,404 4,343,377 4,279,396 3,780,163 3,017 6,684 19,508 17,299 514,483 539,231 12,394,825 7,818,005 623,221 513,431 1,205,045 794,428 10,566,559 6,510,146 1,260 1,390 1,260 39 255 292 295 262 117 46.3 183 245 63 90 340 434 231 218 689 I 739 55 44. 460 531 70 83 67 55 37 26 150 75 1,195 U9 191 325 370 165 25 23,581,294 17,326,932 18,715 12,465 2,572,322 2,127,170 2,531,795 2,085,937 250 77 2,247 2,166 38,030 38,990 21,008,972 15,199,762 496,643 426,320 720,776 632,657 19,791,553 14,140,785 332 1,036 853 21 111 206 203 173 134 49.3 274 357 100 I 108 78 55 ! I I 203 329 372 317 ! 257 367 I 1 1 3 186 I 209 i 32 . 100 I 23 I 15 1 21 I 294 294 IB 25 72 135 31 162 250 200 46 135 60 75 6,068,526 5,421,073 7,294 5,233 2,784,729 2,867,657 2,783,587 2,865,351 549 72 593 2,184 50 3,233,797 2,553,416 196,655 434,066 245, 503 222,186 2,841,639 1,897,164 232 300 225 4 33 53 61 45 29 48.5 101 138 91 74 ^1 37 I 58 7 11 17 10 i " I 8 I 16 1 I 3 I 17 1 I '■^ i 22 { 21 I I 211 ' 14 I 46 I " I 43 51 20 21 15 6 3,504,450 2C)238,379 2,334,992 (12^28,736 15,105 I 14,529 1,393 1,605 1,329 49 206 324 331 246 173 47.6 362 521 100 125 76 110 361 429 535 431 6 4 491 699 15 17 280 446 85 133 76 74 35 29 391 891 282 5 75 UO 1,288 47 235 486 400 UO 10 105 55 45 5 9,450 236,026 173,707 234,091 171,522 190 40 245 1,125 1,500 1,020 3,268,424 2,661,285 28,939 36,944 151,359 93,955 3,088,126 2,530,386 3,055 11,130,623 6,829,542 11,073,691 6,798,382 296 2,070 2,076 2,342 54,560 26,248 9,107,756 6,099,194 351,559 596,966 931,246 746,178 7,824,951 4,756,050 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [mi data except residence of operator are based llem Tbc State Adams Antelope Arthur Banner Blaine Boone Box Butte Boyd (For derinitioTip and expUnalions. sec tpxl) 1 Esli mated number of farms , Ifl.lO . . , 90,226 100,695 1,138 1,289 1,601 1,738 102 108 242 275 139 172 1,314 1,617 607 732 656 707 1054... SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FAHLITIES 3 Grain combines farms reporting 1959 . . . 50,701 720 858 5 149 24 739 275 357 4 1054... 49,148 793 811 6 167 29 693 331 284 5 number 1059 . . . 53,341 749 835 6 190 24 747 328 363 6 1951... 51,095 834 822 7 214 29 704 388 285 7 Com pickors farms rcjiTrting 1950 . . . 56,183 689 1,118 4 19 24 966 110 457 e 1954 . . . 58,558 737 1,134 1 6 22 1,107 71 473 9 nunib«- 1959 . . . 58,542 745 1,155 4 19 24 995 112 474 10 1D54 . . . 59,567 744 1,139 1 7 22 1,124 71 478 11 Pick-up balers famis reporting 1959 . . . 18,414 128 146 20 96 34 208 140 92 12 1954... 12,413 94 91 11 66 32 88 93 43 13 number 1950. .. 18,684 128 147 22 104 36 208 142 93 14 1954... 12,507 94 91 11 68 32 83 96 43 15 Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1950 . . . 10,898 121 126 1 40 2 141 83 60 16 1954 . . . 7,685 75 62 1 19 92 111 1 17 number 1959... 11,239 128 136 1 43 "2 141 85 60 18 1954... 7,807 75 62 1 20 92 112 1 19 Motortrucks farms reportinc 1959 . . . 63,933 912 322 94 229 115 746 536 396 20 60,239 874 670 87 246 139 669 623 309 21 number 1D59... 83,437 1,375 889 148 535 163 839 1,117 453 1954 . . . 72,175 1,122 716 123 518 181 701 1,044 318 23 Tractors farms reporting 1959 , . . 81,908 1,081 1,448 94 222 121 1,173 568 620 24 1954 . . . 89,509 1,154 1,507 103 253 148 1,467 666 637 25 number 1959... 180,075 2,141 2,910 360 619 344 2,416 1,632 1,420 26 1954 . . . 163,284 2,004 2,591 263 610 324 2,404 1,542 1,050 27 Tractors other than carden farms reporting 1050 . . . 81,437 1,066 1,438 94 2a 120 1,163 568 619 28 number 1959... 175,242 2,081 2,856 346 597 328 2,375 1,607 1,388 29 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . . , 23,200 390 465 2 46 23 370 98 131 30 2 or more tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 58,237 676 973 92 175 92 793 470 488 31 Wheel tractors famis reporting 1959 . . . 81,172 1,056 1,428 94 221 119 1,163 557 619 32 1954 . . . 89,033 1,154 1,502 103 252 148 1,462 659 637 33 mimher 1959... 172,051 2,061 2,327 336 577 320 2,348 1,542 1,371 34 1951 . . . 157,638 1,961 2,501 251 567 310 2,373 1,457 1,020 35 2,753 20 29 8 19 8 21 53 17 36 1954 . . . 2,064 9 34 5 16 7 15 52 11 37 number 1059.. . 3,191 20 29 10 20 8 27 65 17 38 1951 . . . 2,332 U 34 7 20 7 26 65 11 39 GairJen tractors farms reporting 1059. . . 4,547 3,247 55 32 54 56 9 5 21 22 9 7 31 5 25 20 32 19 40 1954... 41 number 1959.. . 4,833 60 54 14 22 16 41 25 32 42 1954 . . . 3,314 32 56 5 23 7 5 20 19 43 Automobiles farms reporting 1959 85,093 92,681 1,087 1,234 1,559 1,677 87 85 231 255 137 141 1,248 1,501 566 666 613 657 44 45 number 1959... 110,324 1,329 1,895 124 346 189 1,600 785 800 46 1954... 121,110 1,520 2,070 147 404 220 1,310 960 775 47 Telephone farms reporting 1959 . . . 72,559 73,132 927 994 1,228 i;^14 68 65 138 195 106 114 1,012 1,124 502 549 447 464 48 1954... 49 Home freezer farms reporting 19.59 . . . 57,012 725 1,041 70 200 105 315 380 351 50 1954 . . . 37,488 440 594 37 206 67 595 257 190 51 15,513 13,918 170 156 393 299 9 3 19 31 20 3 445 295 40 49 54 31 52 1954... 53 F.lectric milk cooler farms reportinc 1959. . . 3,980 3,634 50 130 25 12 '12 25 53 11 3 11 11 54 Crop drier {for irain. forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . . 55 Po*vef -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 , . . Farms by kind of road on which located: 50,400 694 992 "5 174 8 803 345 374 5fi Hard surface farms reporting 1959. . , 9,177 8,961 157 152 166 145 23 6 5 29 16 7 85 100 114 75 35 35 57 1950 . . . 56 Gravel, shell, or shale fanns reporting 1959 .. . 59,891 914 1,057 4 160 54 916 95 369 59 1950 . . . 45,545 876 597 5 68 26 498 111 247 60 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . . 20,046 36 373 75 66 69 302 392 247 61 1950... 48,066 250 1,007 109 172 143 885 534 376 62 Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . . 3,524 5 43 10 9 10 61 49 27 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms rcportini; 1959 . . . 16,522 31 330 65 57 59 241 343 220 64 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 . . . 8,340 8,132 30 1 231 99 36 29 18 39 19 40 77 164 229 114 67 153 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION 66 A nr^Vkv imatck nuarnina i\tttft nf t*n 1 1 rrif^rnt lltn ....... .1959 . . . 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/a 11/8-11/14 11/8-11/14 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 /^pprOAirrmi* iivt^ngt? uaiA^ ui ^^"um^iui<*^ii .*..".■ . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' 67 Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959. .. 1954 . . . 82,510 1,003 1,544 88 184 134 1,190 537 634 68 69 94,872 1,223 1,687 103 251 166 1,547 664 692 persons 1959. .. 137,482 1,594 2,475 134 270 195 2,062 827 1,111 70 •1954... 157,765 2,073 2,722 217 354 278 2,431 1,004 1,262 71 Operators working 1 or mere hours persons 1959 . . . 81,566 998 1,531 86 179 133 1,139 530 623 72 1954 . . , 93,582 1,203 1,672 101 245 159 1,517 653 682 73 I to 14 hours - persons 1959 . . . 18,026 63,540 259 739 446 1,085 11 75 53 126 22 111 191 998 145 385 157 471 74 15 or ntfre hours persons 19.59 . . . 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1959.,. 38,824 404 674 30 61 41 593 226 330 76 persons 1959. . , 55,916 596 944 48 91 62 873 297 483 77 Hired workers famis reporting 1959 . . . 10,903 13,772 133 108 136 195 30 33 58 65 29 33 99 163 132 207 48 146 78 105<... 79 prTsons IftS?)... 17,072 231 197 68 98 49 173 222 59 80 10S4 . . . 26,031 219 297 63 199 55 210 535 163 81 Reeular Mirkers (emploved 150 or more .lays) . . farms rpporting 1959 .. . 5,843 52 74 25 39 21 44 103 24 62 1954... 7,137 32 105 27 47 23 66 143 45 83 persons 1959, .. 8,506 121 83 55 66 33 68 144 24 84 1954 . . . Farms repiirtinK by mimber of reevilar hired ««)rkers: 10,117 116 113 50 80 33 76 223 46 85 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959 . . . 4,536 45 67 12 29 14 35 71 24 86 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 1,307 7 7 13 10 7 9 32 87 88 89 90 Residing on farm operated operalcrs reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 78,642 92,435 976 1,157 1,403 1,664 76 101 211 232 129 164 1,173 1,419 526 623 536 664 Not residing on farm operated opa-alws repeating 1959 .. . 1954... 7,487 7,131 122 110 107 92 7 6 37 22 13 11 90 93 76 81 43 32 ^For 195A, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. NEBRASKA 157 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on rpports for onl ' a swiifilo rtf farm s. Sep text 1 Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Ciimlng Custer Dakota il9 1,874 1,143 1,519 1,431 1,851 533 713 907 1,011 1,229 1,754 2,221 637 1 514 1,949 1,268 1,684 1,500 1,953 623 809 954 1,121 1,231 1,762 2,581 686 2 58 896 687 1,067 860 877 333 115 612 640 310 1,102 870 309 77 784 580 963 870 762 382 133 629 665 676 905 746 290 58 942 712 1,096 886 904 387 119 830 680 836 1,108 929 310 77 821 584 968 895 767 455 140 788 686 677 905 773 290 U7 1,196 857 1,197 984 1,331 228 112 85 633 367 1,380 1,329 436 150 1,182 883 1,178 1,000 1,399 232 152 34 705 381 1,361 1,422 451 167 1,271 894 1,244 1,020 1,383 233 112 88 684 905 1,434 1,402 439 157 1,206 928 1,188 1,030 1,420 233 152 34 722 386 1,372 1,452 462 84 289 255 365 399 267 35 173 134 129 310 3U 411 81 78 158 124 269 270 162 64 84 79 88 261 231 349 46 37 289 262 365 404 267 86 185 141 131 315 312 ^0 87 81 161 125 269 270 162 67 90 80 88 261 231 250 46 33 248 248 133 180 218 30 10 84 103 117 345 21' 103 8 87 158 89 155 179 32 8 29 155 101 246 178 77 33 254 251 133 183 218 32 13 87 115 120 358 219 106 8 87 164 89 155 179 33 9 30 157 102 248 178 77 345 1,290 766 969 975 994 489 664 808 816 709 1,028 1,629 412 332 1,086 788 889 870 953 458 710 867 815 606 867 1,529 346 20 424 1,564 895 1,095 1,078 1,048 780 1,161 1,699 1,177 793 1,164 1,914 436 21 379 1,328 900 1,003 975 998 638 1,010 1,509 980 651 935 1,744 391 22 380 1,671 1,033 1,409 1,271 1,686 488 679 801 926 1,109 1,633 2,027 572 23 440 1,738 1,133 1,489 1,335 1,828 512 734 882 1,015 1,126 1,646 2,174 641 24 936 3,799 2,379 2,817 2,508 3,226 1,068 2,311 1,793 1,903 2,252 3,644 4,471 1,225 25 923 3,244 2,271 2,480 2,245 3,028 1,038 2,367 1,675 1,843 2,111 3,U7 3,715 1,157 26 379 1,671 1,023 1,399 1,271 1,686 483 674 796 921 1,104 1,623 2,022 572 27 914 3,698 2,322 2,717 2,436 3,180 1,044 2,758 1,720 1,860 2,182 3,554 4,366 1,220 2« 129 479 240 420 475 490 Ul 57 271 325 345 317 562 165 29 250 1,192 783 979 796 1,196 352 617 525 596 759 1,306 1,460 407 30 379 1,666 1,018 1,384 1,266 1,681 482 672 796 921 1,104 1,617 2,022 572 31 440 1,733 1,133 1,474 1,330 1,828 507 733 877 1,015 1,126 1,641 2,159 635 32 904 3,667 2,281 2,671 2,394 3,168 1,020 2,596 1,687 1,818 2,164 3,507 4,334 1,177 33 894 3,161 2,193 2,399 2,190 2,931 956 2,221 1,571 1,795 2,006 3,057 3,631 1,124 34 10 31 38 41 42 11 22 136 26 32 18 47 27 36 35 10 32 40 11 15 16 35 105 36 15 30 15 27 14 36 10 31 41 46 42 12 24 162 33 42 18 47 32 43 37 10 37 43 11 20 16 33 128 40 15 35 15 27 14 36 22 96 57 80 67 41 24 43 70 43 65 70 100 5 30 19 46 35 70 35 31 44 17 64 32 70 45 57 16 40 22 101 57 100 72 46 24 53 73 43 70 90 105 5 41 19 46 35 70 35 31 44 18 64 33 70 45 57 19 42 365 1,784 1,083 1,429 1,361 1,731 492 659 856 955 1,169 1,700 2,030 607 43 462 1,736 1,167 1,554 1,315 1,863 540 712 902 1,055 1,181 1,677 2,263 606 41 461 2,182 1,424 1,965 1,674 2,320 675 1,093 1,148 1,223 1,526 2,339 2,639 332 15 657 2,320 1,547 1,991 1,585 2,453 760 1,211 1,259 1,299 1,573 2,214 2,782 309 4< 309 1,415 1,051 1,034 1,246 1,526 419 563 764 789 1,003 1,694 1,691 542 41 335 1,181 1,122 1,033 1,160 1,493 420 564 765 639 941 1,612 1,810 433 43 237 1,091 666 967 990 1,246 407 578 674 571 903 1,393 1,378 451 19 85 569 454 714 740 842 274 337 505 338 640 1,046 710 251 50 83 307 267 150 210 588 101 63 56 76 166 380 392 60 51 66 226 250 156 165 313 81 36 120 127 100 355 323 66 52 14 26 46 50 65 92 6 3 15 40 85 25 25 53 17 82 32 64 96 11 24 25 162 28 30 63 6 54 78 941 765 857 841 1,106 307 61 708 624 734 1,248 903 422 55 42 128 152 91 200 185 45 80 70 93 155 128 104 42 56 12 141 87 100 136 90 30 85 59 86 85 113 144 75 57 104 1,581 882 1,277 1,110 1,168 122 81 759 877 1,028 1,579 1,136 424 58 73 1,330 1,014 781 746 572 69 32 663 716 972 1,346 749 215 59 265 128 72 146 116 493 355 546 66 30 35 26 952 166 60 443 456 261 661 717 1,397 506 680 317 347 240 366 1,345 336 61 36 22 31 20 55 55 17 45 4 20 5 139 45 6° 229 106 41 126 61 438 336 501 62 10 30 26 8U 121 63 116 73 41 66 56 303 140 198 13 10 25 16 246 71 64 113 33 60 5 135 198 303 49 5 10 567 50 65 11/22-11/28 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 U/l-U/7 n/15-11/21 11/3-U/14 11A5-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 66 369 1,595 1,072 1,453 1,300 1,780 450 656 703 389 1,158 1,712 2,041 587 67 487 1,782 1,187 1,628 1,400 1,913 553 755 818 1,040 1,175 1,706 2,526 636 6B 625 2,642 1,701 2,599 2,018 3,104 746 977 947 1,411 1,976 2,950 3,440 948 69 955 2,963 1,615 2,945 2,180 3,407 388 1,231 1,265 1,698 2,240 2,891 4,190 883 70 361 1,575 1,067 1,412 1,280 1,770 448 547 696 874 1,143 1,697 2,012 587 71 486 1,745 1,172 1,608 1,360 1,898 541 740 813 1,020 1,125 1,686 2,514 626 72 61 357 204 260 325 335 84 84 219 162 321 266 387 31 73 300 1,218 863 1,152 955 1,435 364 563 477 712 827 1,431 1 625 506 74 191 731 490 800 568 899 199 224 171 414 576 895 975 260 75 264 1,067 634 1,187 738 1,334 298 330 251 537 828 1,253 1,423 361 76 47 242 239 150 159 197 71 292 86 197 35 250 304 127 77 72 293 207 139 140 226 108 233 119 109 86 322 380 131 78 63 375 333 208 181 252 99 573 110 328 121 315 432 211 7» 121 457 342 225 195 268 190 619 210 197 96 453 569 198 80 32 146 107 49 73 85 47 251 53 57 34 118 180 81 81 45 123 107 64 70 145 46 243 75 34 36 216 169 75 82 38 214 150 64 84 88 61 453 62 97 39 158 259 102 83 64 149 160 84 70 173 56 468 97 63 36 280 251 95 84 28 101 82 41 62 82 35 145 45 41 31 94 134 69 85 4 45 25 8 11 3 12 106 8 16 3 24 46 12 8t 376 1,519 1,029 1,234 1,245 1,646 4U 653 645 815 1,126 1,650 1,945 562 87 476 1,757 1,263 1,563 1,500 1,875 514 755 762 921 1,206 1,692 2,426 638 88 32 207 85 96 93 66 83 64 198 134 72 114 170 36 89 38 222 49 87 79 52 72 52 181 145 77 83 176 37 90 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND (A]I data except residence of operator are based !tpm Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodge Douglas Dundy Flllnore Franklin {For definitions and explanalions. seo ipxt) 1 Eslimaled number of fnnn« IS'-'iO . . . 567 643 1,587 1,812 372 420 1,193 1,278 1,523 1,684 1,115 1,490 504 506 1,223 1,329 838 354 1054 . . . SPEOnED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES 3 Grain combine?: fwn's reporting 1959 , . 263 382 241 648 1,015 408 292 913 454 4 1054... 281 391 252 493 1,009 403 262 969 420 5 number 1050 . . . 280 395 340 649 1,048 413 351 970 456 6 1954... 297 397 326 494 1,017 414 326 1,021 431 7 Com pickers farms reporting 1950 . . . 75 95 1,131 1,171 48 76 863 903 1,164 1,224 552 609 305 237 874 943 450 454 8 1954... g number 1!)50 . . . 75 1,205 54 915 1,211 593 350 901 456 10 1054 . . . 96 1,189 76 924 1,247 639 243 955 454 11 Tick-up balers fnmis reporiinB 1059 . . , 215 173 314 138 48 13 231 152 417 221 231 237 37 53 281 212 123 63 12 1954 . . . 13 217 323 64 231 417 231 37 281 123 14 1954 . . . 179 190 13 153 221 237 53 217 64 IS Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1950 . . . 55 251 44 193 251 156 36 141 91 16 1954 . . . 30 191 53 83 177 129 42 162 32 17 number 1950 . . . 55 256 50 193 257 158 36 147 91 16 1954... 30 200 54 83 177 129 42 162 32 19 Molorti-ucks farms reportinj; 1959 . . . 488 1,268 330 678 997 716 446 953 570 20 1954 . . . 553 1,261 350 678 1,019 748 414 824 512 21 716 1,748 598 761 1,165 830 679 1,215 704 22 1954 .. . 735 1,555 556 713 1,113 850 587 946 541 23 Tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 524 1,395 339 1,083 1,423 958 453 1,112 758 24 19.54... 603 1,571 374 1,153 1,499 1,170 475 1,184 769 95 number 1959 . . . 1,1« 3,499 721 2,244 3,134 1,381 1,057 2,248 1,393 26 1951... 1,105 3,220 710 1,927 2,724 1,347 1,009 2,014 1,241 27 Tractors other than caf'Jen farms repcrting 1050 . . . 524 1,125 1,379 3,391 339 667 1,078 2,208 1,418 3,036 933 1,774 453 1,038 1,102 2,123 757 1,384 28 number 1050.. . 29 1 Iractor farms reporting 1959 . . . 160 295 U5 276 321 379 140 355 293 30 2 or mere tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 364 1,034 224 802 1,097 554 313 747 464 31 Wheel trectws ,. farms reporting 1950 , . . 524 1,379 338 1,063 1,416 933 452 1,102 757 32 1954... 538 1,569 374 1,148 1,489 1,110 475 1,174 769 33 number 1959 . . . 1,085 3,348 661 2,147 3,013 1,716 1,003 2,115 1,376 34 1954 . . . 1,006 3,105 680 1,879 2,642 1,663 974 1,954 i,a3 35 Crawler tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 36 35 38 35 5 3 51 18 18 17 58 37 30 23 8 10 8 4 36 37 number 1959.., 40 43 6 61 23 53 35 3 8 38 1954 . . . 53 40 3 18 17 37 23 10 6 39 Garden iracUrs farms reporting 10.'>9 . . . 39 108 53 31 87 102 19 90 14 40 1954... 46 65 27 30 65 136 12 50 22 41 number 1950 . . . 39 108 54 36 98 107 19 125 14 42 1954... 46 75 27 30 65 147 12 50 22 43 4utoniobiles farms reporting 1959 . . . 512 1,462 336 1,088 1,476 1,039 431 1,181 791 44 1954... 552 1,655 370 1,138 1,623 1,334 436 1,269 303 45 number 1959... 696 1,932 474 1,397 1,965 1,439 655 1,502 929 46 1954 . . . 778 2,237 527 1,517 2,101 1,660 661 1,672 1,008 47 Telephone farms reporting 1959 . . 19S4... 487 1,366 ,311 991 1,319 1,044 330 822 692 48 489 1,444 '352 927 1,474 1,290 329 833 632 49 Home freezer farms reporting 1959.. , 354 236 1,026 698 288 212 732 477 1,125 896 311 662 330 190 641 417 440 191 50 1954 , . 51 Milking machine farms reporting 1959, . . 62 35 181 121 25 45 203 170 261 340 151 316 68 62 152 131 82 51 52 53 Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1959 . . . 9 27 45 156 106 20 6 54 Crop drier (for srain. forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 82 'is 6 65 25 11 142 55 55 Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 . . . Farms by kind of road on which located: 241 905 280 761 991 553 277 796 389 5fi Hard surface fanns reporting 1959 . . . 73 99 48 160 147 659 62 57 102 57 1950 .. . 106 111 31 90 198 656 70 130 40 58 Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 . . . 159 1,328 303 454 1,323 431 52 1,064 605 59 67 992 263 285 1,395 727 45 675 310 60 Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . . 330 116 21 559 41 21 390 97 113 61 1950... 506 418 58 1,006 60 90 456 640 652 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface roaJ farms reporting 1959 . . . 39 31 7 115 25 20 34 41 15 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . . 291 85 14 444 16 1 356 56 98 64 1 Ui 4 miles farms reporting 1959. . . 101 190 55 30 9 5 337 107 11 5 1 135 221 41 15 55 43 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 19ri9 . - . DATE OF ENUMERATION 66 Approximate average date of enumeration 1959 . . . FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENllfMERATION ' 11/8-11/14 ii/15-ii/a 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/3-11/14 11/22-11/28 67 509 1,387 274 1,133 1,436 978 457 1,097 765 68 1954 . . . 594 1,606 349 1,203 1,619 1,378 463 1,213 772 69 persons 1959... 711 2,165 387 1,890 2,414 1,514 755 1,833 1,199 70 1954... 964 2,322 507 2,138 2,655 1,988 745 1,926 1,245 71 Operatrrs working 1 or mere hours persons 1050 . . 493 1,354 263 1,122 1,421 953 448 1,087 760 75 1954... 587 1,583 344 1,183 1,579 1,363 465 1,208 766 73 74 I ui 14 hours persons IMO . . . 131 362 342 1,012 61 207 326 796 245 1,176 221 737 66 382 283 804 193 567 15 oc (iKTe hours persons 19511 , . . 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reportinR 1!)50 . . . 153 572 84 515 673 379 189 543 319 76 persons 1!)50. . . 218 811 119 768 993 556 307 746 439 77 Hired workers farms reporting 195!) .. . 84 116 328 405 50 88 146 168 171 263 130 185 79 135 111 112 94 97 78 1054... 79 prTS<»lS 1050... 122 568 84 168 279 323 120 188 121 80 1054... 201 736 141 201 353 443 227 177 223 81 82 Reeuiiir workers (employed 1.50 or more days) . . . farms reporting 1950 . . . 1954 . . . 52 76 162 235 34 42 65 67 75 163 115 110 46 63 38 37 53 37 83 por.sons 1050 .. . 74 233 40 65 150 263 63 53 64 84 1054 . . . Farms reporting by number of recular hired workers: 109 344 56 72 206 193 91 54 43 85 1 hired worker farms reporting 1959... 44 122 28 65 56 61 35 27 43 66 2 or more hired worlterB farms reporting 1959 .. . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 8 40 6 19 54 11 11 10 87 68 Residing on farm operated operatcrs repcrting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 523 603 1,273 1,511 274 305 1,080 1,265 1,355 1,534 949 1,318 388 459 1,055 1,241 709 311 89 Not residing on fum operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 47 179 79 60 113 38 69 107 103 87 90 1954... 66 223 103 52 39 93 51 91 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2, NEBRASKA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 159 n rofiorl;- for only h sample of farms. See texlj Frontier Furnas Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt 767 806 2,206 465 329 486 74 686 1,237 1,219 699 4a 561 1,708 1 887 1,039 2,374 488 341 571 74 767 1,443 1,266 756 445 729 1,908 2 517 454 1,484 209 40 314 328 603 772 441 249 408 456 3 586 516 1,579 198 50 344 253 607 866 460 240 445 355 4 5*1 502 1,516 234 40 340 337 639 793 467 264 475 469 i 610 545 1,595 223 51 356 255 618 866 493 256 476 371 < ^5 422 1,401 51 141 299 500 837 889 433 268 232 785 7 523 527 1,559 84 120 332 533 930 956 436 256 316 787 8 523 478 1,427 51 145 313 ... 506 867 908 469 280 239 808 9 525 547 1,559 84 121 340 540 969 971 454 265 319 795 10 137 114 768 71 30 139 11 67 106 191 138 52 76 204 11 31 111 474 26 37 61 46 U6 95 104 34 85 128 12 U2 114 778 80 35 140 U 67 117 191 139 53 ■V 233 13 81 111 479 27 40 62 46 116 95 104 34 t5 135 14 105 113 182 19 35 36 95 104 161 116 60 9b 74 16 100 37 108 17 13 78 50 90 145 88 48 75 9 16 103 114 192 19 35 36 95 113 166 116 60 101 78 17 100 88 108 17 13 83 50 91 145 83 49 75 9 16 629 623 1,501 402 267 419 66 426 942 969 597 372 509 1,212 19 675 676 1,324 404 197 403 69 322 948 856 523 346 590 1,084 20 83* 867 1,626 725 324 559 157 459 1,281 1,208 741 545 319 1,482 21 743 799 1,378 593 232 470 134 336 1,151 941 620 438 774 1,238 2! 709 725 1,976 4a 290 456 66 625 1,157 1,144 623 392 529 1,523 23 795 909 2,074 413 284 536 65 677 1,298 1,201 701 418 607 1,682 24 1,462 1,615 3,606 1,218 770 948 396 1,340 2,754 2,393 1,391 390 1,212 4,085 2S 1,409 1,564 3,254 960 564 903 309 1,234 2,748 2,163 1,201 786 1,104 3,533 26 709 725 1,971 420 290 456 65 620 1,146 1,124 623 392 529 1,501 27 1,423 1,533 3,513 1,178 747 940 391 1,308 2,676 2,322 1,352 375 1,158 3,999 w 237 251 756 U7 31 138 179 293 295 172 34 125 355 2a 472 474 1,215 303 259 318 65 441 853 329 451 308 404 1,146 30 709 720 1,966 420 290 456 65 619 1,146 1,124 623 392 524 1,436 31 794 904 2,064 413 278 536 64 677 1,292 1,196 700 418 602 1,673 3! 1,413 1,521 3,461 1,071 732 933 363 1,286 2,642 2,304 1,314 864 1,145 3,886 33 1,363 1,494 3,141 387 534 397 289 1,224 2,644 2,093 1,167 756 1,052 3,390 34 13 51 42 59 12 7 22 12 29 18 37 6 13 101 33 12 40 46 42 16 5 15 5 27 20 28 9 24 83 3« 15 67 52 107 15 7 23 22 34 18 38 11 13 113 31 12 46 56 51 16 5 19 5 27 25 29 9 24 96 St 33 25 88 35 17 3 4 17 78 71 39 15 54 71 39 33 24 57 22 14 1 1 5 76 45 5 21 28 47 4C 34 27 93 40 23 8 5 32 78 71 39 15 54 86 4 34 24 57 22 14 1 1 5 77 45 5 21 28 47 4' 727 735 2,075 442 297 474 67 630 1,170 1,199 a6 390 543 1,594 4 773 913 2,259 435 293 540 71 724 1,341 1,2a 719 399 619 1,676 4 887 948 2,570 540 397 608 163 747 1,536 1,558 790 499 773 2,070 ( 998 1,126 2,840 600 381 731 181 931 1,322 1,5a 966 543 804 2,188 l« 611 661 1,941 327 271 445 48 465 1,008 1,144 602 287 524 1,309 4 693 689 1,989 246 191 447 56 505 937 1,100 624 318 624 1,182 4t 483 370 1,163 344 165 287 61 357 850 769 419 270 366 1,077 4 297 238 668 210 69 179 38 213 683 405 2a 130 a3 497 H 139 ii 491 39 80 69 6 145 232 366 127 70 76 . 415 3 124 460 60 41 53 5 U6 238 355 98 47 95 203 5< 1 6 300 ... 6 71 85 30 5 1 23 5. 54 58 65 "s ... 16 3 91 176 60 17 19 9 H 421 451 1,225 257 90 293 379 689 324 418 292 396 442 55 27 103 273 55 27 17 12 35 267 80 49 23 36 162 5 5 86 165 62 6 3 20 321 105 60 40 81 152 5 294 395 1,842 38 141 303 3 344 939 1,104 372 61 205 532 5 125 159 1,322 128 117 192 5 247 966 911 89 46 130 289 3 440 303 85 316 160 155 54 297 21 30 273 331 310 936 e 741 770 796 366 250 360 50 527 20 410 637 414 506 1,484 6 30 64 40 52 11 17 9 39 1 15 31 19 38 108 6 410 239 45 264 149 133 45 258 20 15 247 312 272 328 « 113 129 45 85 44 43 33 128 20 15 143 31 114 410 6 297 110 179 105 95 12 130 ... ... 104 231 158 418 8 11/8-11/14 11/3-U/14 11/22-11/28 11/3-11/14 11/1-11/7 11/15-u/a U/8-II/IA U/l-U/7 11/22-11/28 u/is-ii/n 11/8-11/14 11/8-11/14 U/8-11/14 U/3-11/14 6 711 714 2,099 379 315 462 59 634 1,106 1,144 651 394 514 1,585 6 861 999 2,303 440 331 549 68 730 1,343 1,206 706 410 630 1,849 6 1,070 1,125 3,777 589 598 701 78 1,161 1,906 1,956 1,092 538 356 2,912 6 1,452 1,492 4,223 6U 610 956 109 1,325 2,363 1,936 1,110 664 1,045 3,261 71 709 705 2,084 373 308 462 53 626 1,081 1,134 651 394 507 1,568 7 850 998 2,238 439 330 533 67 720 1,333 1,191 686 403 625 1,337 7 223 186 510 90 53 53 10 89 208 240 130 83 137 283 7 486 519 1,574 283 250 409 43 537 873 894 5a 311 370 1,285 7 236 284 1,182 148 185 228 19 340 549 554 271 132 246 922 7 361 420 1,693 a6 290 329 25 535 825 822 441 194 349 1,344 7 63 117 132 76 30 56 45 57 227 138 74 67 65 193 T 65 152 193 95 39 76 60 89 225 136 176 107 98 247 7 80 208 193 177 50 84 177 68 340 228 86 78 99 301 T 87 237 306 269 80 123 226 135 592 191 322 145 127 415 S 32 50 55 62 16 34 42 31 136 56 60 40 24 107 8 21 74 88 55 23 28 40 44 130 56 54 64 43 136 6 32 64 69 131 23 40 168 36 181 73 65 46 31 163 a 22 94 106 145 33 37 146 51 205 66 73 87 56 197 » 32 41 48 43 12 28 11 23 110 41 55 36 21 79 6 9 7 19 4 6 31 3 26 15 5 4 3 28 6 641 711 2,022 363 319 435 61 601 1,076 1,152 550 351 509 1,520 8 799 882 2,086 460 353 493 56 749 1,253 1,259 687 393 596 1,741 8 48 122 132 79 15 62 11 53 110 85 76 38 93 124 e 72 113 125 61 16 59 12 43 128 72 67 30 67 109 > 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All dal& exc^t residence of operator are baaed E^li mated number of fftrms. . Item (For dermition? and explanalic ..in:.9.. 1054.. SPEaFrED EQUIPMENT AND FAHLITIES Grain conibines fnmis reporting 1958 . . irjr.4... number 1050. .. I9S4... Com pickers farms repnrting 1050, . , 19r>4 . . . number 1950.. . l')54 . . . Pick-up balers farms reporting 1059 . . . 1954 . . . number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Field forape harvesters farms reporting 1950 . . . 1954... number 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Motortrucks farms reportinc 1050 . . . 1054 . . . number 1950 . . . 1954 . . . TtHClors farms reporting 1959 . . . 19.54 . . . number 1959 . . . 195)... Tractors other than carden fnrms reporting 1050 . . . numlter 1959... 1 tfaclor farms reporting 1959 , . . 2 or nrore tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . Wheel tractors ^ farms reporting 1950 . . . 19.54 . . . number 1059... 1954... Crawler tractors. farms rerxirtirg 1959 . . . 1954... number 1959. .. 1954... Garden tractors farms reporting 1959 . . . 1054... number 1950 . . . 1954 . . . Automobiles famis reporting 1959 . . . 1954... number 1959... 1954... Telephone farms reportinc 1950... 1954... Home freezer farms re port inR 1959... 1954... Milking machine farms reportinc 1959... 1054... Electric milk cooler farms reporting 1959.. . Crop drier (for ■,Tftin, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959 . . . Farms by kind ot road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting 1959 . . . 1950 . . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1959 .. . 1950 . . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . . 1950 . . . Less than 1 mile lo a hard surface road farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 19.50 . . . 1 to 4 miles farms repnrtini; 1050 . . . 5 or more miles farms reporting 1950 . . . DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average dale of enufneration 1959 . . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' Family workers, including operators farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... persons 1959 . . . 1954 . . . OperattTS working 1 or mere hours persons 1950 . . . 19.54... 73 1 lo 14 hours persons 1959 , . . 15 or more hours persons 19.50. . 75 Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting 1050 . . . persons 1050. .. 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1050 . . . 78 1054 . . . 79 persons 1050 . . . 80 13.14... 81 Recular wjrkors (emplnved IfiO nf morf ilav?) . . . fanns refxTtine 1959 .. . 1954... persons 1959 . . . 1054... Farms reporting by number of recular bireO workers: 1 hired worker fanns repoftinf* 1959 .. . 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 .. . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 56 54 UA 83 56 54 U5 111 56 129 24 32 56 54 119 99 10 9 10 9 6 3 6 3 56 50 98 78 26 23 40 12 3 1 11/15-11/21 1,044 1,247 615 498 636 509 704 795 719 796 150 58 155 58 109 74 109 74 654 577 712 604 924 1,087 1,872 1,763 914 1,816 297 617 909 1,082 1,791 1,717 25 16 25 21 56 25 56 25 974 1,121 1,249 1,441 787 692 723 481 234 191 48 30 536 100 95 636 361 248 317 46 202 95 107 11/15-11/21 954 1,181 1,745 2,255 949 1,171 172 777 562 796 100 76 144 94 24 30 24 31 917 1,105 59 63 1,190 1,381 326 324 863 846 674 664 696 666 385 281 391 287 122 91 122 92 855 770 972 828 1,060 1,181 2,116 1,953 1,045 2,030 312 733 1,045 1,171 2,011 1,880 18 5 19 7 86 66 1,150 1,261 1,548 1,596 ,955 953 701 450 237 281 86 62 697 128 65 878 622 172 695 75 97 66 31 11/8-11/14 1,107 1,301 1,832 2,281 1,107 1,275 251 856 566 775 135 138 178 227 51 56 31 85 39 12 1,110 1,232 963 1,123 571 610 577 610 535 627 621 627 301 221 301 221 92 66 92 66 535 563 579 614 342 933 1,529 1,477 827 1,473 340 487 827 928 1,462 1,447 11 5 16 5 46 25 51 25 693 948 1,077 1,213 783 918 497 336 110 65 40 15 406 420 346 448 691 97 351 300 51 11/15-11/21 817 1,018 1,402 1,803 312 993 233 579 405 590 43 022 68 283 2 57 3 68 1 1 799 952 93 73 855 1,010 530 590 618 597 546 704 686 707 78 53 78 53 103 132 107 132 749 703 1,076 903 300 950 2,066 1,924 795 1,998 160 635 795 945 1,968 1,853 20 21 30 45 834 910 1,058 1,184 764 791 544 349 79 104 15 143 614 59 40 765 602 16 2U 5 U 1 10 11/15-11/21 770 890 1,109 1,375 770 885 203 562 267 339 138 153 199 196 70 93 84 107 60 10 751 828 126 122 480 556 287 333 347 379 161 141 164 144 113 81 115 83 74 55 79 61 438 469 843 791 451 513 1,223 1,162 451 1,166 117 334 451 513 1,136 1,069 24 23 30 29 56 62 57 64 457 538 635 794 452 471 359 315 50 93 10 40 292 37 51 315 383 105 137 1 104 41 63 Keya Paha 11/8-11/14 437 489 680 344 429 484 84 345 173 251 127 85 209 179 97 65 148 119 78 19 415 512 76 73 311 355 98 74 100 75 99 101 105 107 57 44 58 45 13 3 14 3 268 242 355 293 301 323 832 722 301 825 62 239 301 323 815 702 8 10 10 12 7 281 327 378 433 193 206 203 141 40 19 1 34 30 219 314 2 217 40 177 11/15-11/21 296 340 533 692 294 334 46 248 166 239 40 67 52 94 28 36 35 41 279 354 27 17 420 448 246 265 341 375 11 33 58 39 58 46 21 52 22 377 396 958 735 399 393 922 872 399 892 136 263 399 393 872 841 19 19 20 19 30 12 30 12 394 388 543 564 337 219 291 141 39 65 5 5 342 64 67 126 105 221 261 13 208 97 111 11/15-11/21 284 333 370 434 275 334 80 195 59 99 79 475 60 125 293 341 124 115 1,908 2,061 763 918 764 1,344 1,437 1,373 1,453 214 171 214 171 166 91 168 91 1,107 981 1,213 1,021 1,722 1,853 3,568 3,097 1,722 3,504 510 1,212 1,721 1,843 3,450 3,060 48 11 54 11 64 26 64 26 1,771 1,954 2,091 2,450 1,403 1,374 1,115 674 298 186 21 22 1,079 U7 125 1,156 912 614 1,033 105 509 133 326 11/15-11/21 1,779 1,955 3,286 3,673 1,763 1,935 231 1,532 1,004 1,523 199 261 259 354 88 137 101 152 76 12 1,744 1,982 84 65 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. NEBRASKA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 161 on reports for i>nly a sjimfilc of famis. See Lext | Phelps 2,091 2,262 l,il2 1,2K 1,481 1,250 1,347 1,400 1,419 1,441 656 502 658 506 257 103 278 104 1,530 1,202 1,894 1,331 1,895 1,987 3,738 3,317 1,870 3,592 667 1,203 1,870 1,962 3,558 3,205 28 4 34 4 131 104 146 108 2,000 2,116 2,572 2,677 1,855 1,922 1,222 728 370 429 350 170 1,128 250 362 1,738 1,550 86 630 21 65 35 30 llA 5-11/21 1,922 2,126 2,889 3,468 1,897 2,101 496 1,401 716 992 210 324 389 620 83 109 202 215 68 15 1,834 2,184 158 131 1,372 1,603 519 551 544 579 633 627 653 641 322 217 329 219 185 190 196 199 1,087 1,113 1,544 1,416 1,229 1,360 2,919 2,705 1,218 2,824 392 826 1,214 1,352 2,715 2,563 97 81 109 90 91 52 95 52 1,269 1,427 1,730 1,965 1,017 1,046 927 662 192. 213 68 60 573 129 214 806 564 430 899 58 372 147 225 IIA5-IV2I 1,269 1,488 1,906 2,406 1,256 1,470 298 958 460 650 255 344 450 673 161 174 271 295 144 37 178 229 63 73 74 82 81 63 83 64 48 24 53 26 6 13 6 14 135 185 228 250 150 193 377 430 144 358 51 93 144 193 348 400 10 12 10 13 18 17 19 17 159 190 216 265 138 195 100 100 29 22 17 6 59 42 102 170 25 77 40 37 IIA8-II/I4 1,285 1,414 126 119 169 210 287 410 164 197 44 120 81 123 25 48 49 82 20 28 34 53 17 3 163 191 187 220 43 44 43 44 102 114 102 114 46 26 46 26 11 2 11 2 137 138 166 152 176 211 399 422 176 396 176 211 392 411 3 3 8 3 8 174 204 221 275 166 89 75 34 29 24 83 110 87 130 5 82 18 64 11/8-11/14 172 219 312 423 167 216 91 145 41 28 54 53 22 13 29 22 191 211 140 149 40 40 41 40 34 32 36 33 47 24 49 24 2 1 2 1 115 130 157 165 124 135 328 283 124 319 31 93 124 135 312 274 6 129 117 165 183 U8 116 95 60 15 47 50 U 32 122 26 56 36 20 11/15-11/21 135 148 217 240 135 146 139 155 6 9 1,483 1,702 767 728 777 734 1,143 1,125 1,194 1,131 255 168 255 168 125 99 127 99 922 846 1,016 901 1,338 1,487 2,811 2,536 1,323 2,740 375 94B 1,303 1,482 2,599 2,484 36 11 41 11 66 41 71 41 1,400 1,601 1,763 2,035 1,127 1,226 1,015 826 395 349 56 26 373 141 157 1,282 1,420 50 24S 50 30 20 II/15-1V21 1,357 1,527 2,180 2,833 1,347 1,602 333 1,014 587 833 109 272 133 328 53 117 71 158 40 13 1,331 1,619 1,059 1,112 437 436 450 460 658 758 667 774 74 74 34 74 145 134 157 139 724 595 906 799 958 992 2,357 2,070 958 2,300 241 717 958 992 2,267 2,019 27 18 33 20 57 31 57 31 978 1,006 1,252 1,342 364 765 578 425 256 244 95 93 603 93 UO 828 a36 133 246 67 66 50 16 11/15-11^1 957 1,065 1,516 1,819 952 1,050 2A6 706 405 564 170 180 262 315 124 120 192 155 93 31 934 1,057 732 861 357 388 380 400 257 132 251 132 123 32 130 32 90 51 90 52 690 740 1,221 1,039 685 772 1,908 1,520 636 1,836 96 590 636 767 1,846 1,565 34 26 40 32 22 23 22 23 710 756 951 1,009 453 427 487 281 53 75 1 16 255 100 107 315 167 305 523 61 244 139 105 U/8-llfiA 683 809 1,080 1,335 671 790 133 518 Til. 409 132 159 227 594 78 94 141 178 48 30 504 784 63 65 772 855 524 452 547 488 569 590 590 603 64 44 54 44 112 65 113 66 476 395 516 467 690 755 1,433 1,313 690 1,421 190 500 690 755 1,410 1,284 6 13 11 v. 12 20 12 20 731 804 883 983 541 559 560 323 242 104 30 20 485 57 15 653 370 47 430 11/15-11/21 756 319 1,347 1,504 755 8U 162 593 427 592 91 77 163 36 32 52 46 61 26 5 687 826 35 1,075 1,253 520 693 540 719 694 748 7U 765 319 206 319 206 104 122 105 127 655 643 708 713 940 1,078 1,930 1,342 935 1,850 290 645 930 1,073 1,799 1,757 45 10 51 10 80 75 30 75 1,000 1,113 1,203 1,476 920 1,038 539 432 50 55 10 51 545 70 145 613 281 372 782 160 212 192 20 11/8- I1A4 970 1,173 1,579 1,858 938 1,153 250 633 408 541 77 182 95 248 42 102 54 117 36 6 1,003 1,194 589 662 719 672 563 698 590 721 196 156 195 155 98 77 105 77 748 704 905 817 918 1,014 1,770 1,695 908 1,745 335 572 903 1,014 1,714 1,525 31 42 31 42 25 28 25 28 963 1,034 1,171 1,336 706 701 585 352 123 142 12 35 541 110 65 667 402 221 640 40 181 95 35 11/8-11/14 926 1,124 1,638 1,820 920 1,104 209 7U 477 718 78 156 113 259 41 72 49 103 866 1,090 870 1,061 1,636 1,823 1,124 1,128 1,184 1,203 1,146 1,243 1,199 1,254 590 352 595 352 214 163 214 184 1,056 1,023 1,186 1,131 1,435 1,583 2,900 2,718 1,431 2,782 445 936 1,431 1,568 2,767 2,514 13 22 15 22 118 77 118 82 1,575 1,673 1,938 2,276 1,455 1,528 912 563 225 215 90 77 1,011 166 145 1,069 859 381 852 160 221 131 40 ll/a.ll/14 1,484 1,712 2,509 2,810 1,449 1,687 401 1,043 756 1,060 120 172 169 328 40 92 52 147 33 7 1,426 1,666 139 U2 554 591 569 591 596 638 616 548 318 218 323 223 59 46 64 46 518 4S4 627 520 799 909 1,565 1,572 799 1,555 271 528 789 904 1,533 1,500 32 15 32 22 105 50 100 50 780 973 982 1,252 690 824 488 331 101 71 41 37 463 146 50 415 435 314 600 71 243 173 70 ll/15-ll/tl 795 1,013 1,335 1,827 780 1,013 221 559 363 555 60 91 113 111 29 45 35 742 947 71 68 566 713 445 529 574 643 207 290 230 293 70 73 76 74 53 38 59 39 535 614 1,014 960 577 641 1,102 1,177 577 1,048 244 333 577 636 1,030 1,099 18 29 18 31 53 45 54 47 627 553 844. 844 497 449 521 435 117 130 18 11 495 65 39 391 210 210 465 9 201 95 106 11/15-13/21 474 590 694 914 473 582 141 332 171 221 73 110 100 150 38 52 536 564 U7 119 927 945 582 547 631 579 723 672 753 690 112 83 112 83 185 UO 197 Ul 840 664 1,131 783 867 869 2,259 1,752 867 2,201 205 662 867 869 2,159 1,595 32 34 35 17 3« 42 37 22 a« 53 3!) 45 40 58 41 45 4! 891 43 335 44 1,250 4S 1,194 4< 835 47 843 48 592 48 330 50 75 51 35 52 11 53 72 54 652 55 48 5« 25 57 743 58 624 59 30 «0 422 61 20 63 10 83 5 64 5 65 11/641/14 66 819 67 908 68 1,284 69 1,270 70 319 71 897 72 210 73 609 74 322 75 465 76 125 n 141 78 178 79 235 80 53 81 54 82 65 83 90 84 47 88 6 86 ,'66 81 879 88 89 89 109 90 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND £A1I data oxcept rosidonce of operator aro baset* {For definitionF and explaniujons. SPc tpxl) Pierce Platte Polk Red Willow Rlchanlson Rock Saline Sarpy Satmders 1 Estimated number of frvms 10:i9. .. 1,355 1,580 1,719 1,854 1,090 1,221 732 716 1,384 1,533 303 402 1.496 1,600 9.. . 210 413 224 91 411 135 491 174 444 ! l'esters farms reporting 1959 . . . 84 272 170 140 191 7 149 135 267 16 1954... 62 151 50 123 130 90 105 153 17 number 1959 .. . 85 297 172 142 199 "s 149 140 277 18 1954 . . 63 151 50 123 136 95 105 158 1« MoWftrucV? . .farms reportinc 1959... 777 949 803 605 873 270 1,161 410 1,323 20 1954... 652 844 741 548 783 243 1,160 376 1,110 l!l number 1959. . . 828 1,099 968 877 1,005 428 1,318 489 1,473 M 1954. . 668 936 808 738 881 327 1,255 436 1,175 53 Tracl/ws farms reporting 1959. . . 1,265 1,569 985 6?? 1,284 276 1,360 615 1,873 54 1954... 1,409 1,724 1,131 636 1,348 333 1,460 636 1,875 25 number 1959 . . . 2,511 3,313 2,031 1,359 2,692 331 2,810 1,298 3,637 26 195)... 2,313 2,992 1,838 1,197 2,426 759 2,445 1,U2 3,225 27 Tractors other (lian canJeri farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,255 1,564 980 646 1,274 276 1,350 605 1,868 26 number 1959.. . 2,475 3,206 1,980 1,293 2,560 867 2,740 1,248 3,791 29 1 tractor . farms reporting 1959 .. . 330 425 291 230 405 18 340 148 495 80 2 Of mere tractors . . ... farms reporting 1959 ,. . 925 1,139 689 416 869 258 1,010 457 1,373 31 Wheel tracters farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,250 1,559 980 646 1,269 276 1,340 600 1,848 32 1954... 1,404 1,714 1,116 635 1,343 333 1,450 626 1,860 S3 number 1959... 2,444 3,143 1,946 1,269 2,519 833 2,695 1,227 3,709 34 1954 . . . 2,259 2,902 1,808 1,143 2,303 717 2,375 1,057 3,131 35 Crawler tractor.'* farms renortirg 1959 . . . 26 53 28 18 40 33 40 21 71 36 1954... 27 15 12 31 29 20 15 17 37 number 1959 . . . 31 63 34 24 41 34 45 21 82 38 1954... 27 15 14 42 31 20 30 13 39 Garden traders farms reporting 1959. . . 36 107 'si 62 127 14 70 50 46 40 1954... 27 75 30 40 71 11 45 45 71 41 number 1959 .. . 36 107 51 66 132 14 70 50 46 42 1954... 27 75 30 40 81 11 50 45 76 43 \uloniobile5 fam's reporting 1959 .. . 1,299 1,439 1,649 1,759 1,040 1,146 682 654 1,348 1,403 276 345 1,386 1,460 638 686 1,983 1,995 44 1954... 45 number 1959. .. 1,650 2,188 1,335 856 1,619 364 1,870 837 2,510 46 1954... 1,832 2,262 1,373 823 1,776 460 1,350 891 2,592 47 Telephone farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,073 1,373 915 610 1,250 258 986 607 1.376 48 1954... 1,172 1,379 •941 572 1,276 270 975 636 1,278 49 Home freorer ... farms reporting 1959 .. . 902 1,220 771 383 935 186 861 409 1,213 50 1954... 656 942 526 261 784 137 585 311 728 51 Millong machine farms reporting 1959 . . . 395 243 455 480 200 230 106 101 256 187 60 22 145 110 100 120 227 287 52 1954 . . . 53 Electric milk cooler .....•«•■• fiinns reporting 1 959 . . . 110 90 105 12 135 16 90 105 193 54 Crop drier (for Krnin, forage, or other crops) farma reporting 1959... 17 41 105 17 55 76 15 48 55 Power .operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting 1959... Fams by kind ot foai) on wnich located: 852 1,086 654 476 762 49 1,015 488 1,396 56 Hard surface farms reporting 1959 . . . 121 162 194 U5 82 105 105 68 145 205 12 11 70 135 54 65 167 226 57 1950 .. . 58 Gravel, shell, or .shale.. . farms reporting 1959... 1,060 1,424 952 403 1,000 46 1,191 577 1,796 59 1950 .. . 476 1,293 785 263 543 42 1,265 700 1,270 60 Dirt or unimproved fnnits rejiorting 1959 .. . 134 96 50 223 218 186 215 25 120 61 1950... 816 405 330 451 883 331 570 131 850 62 Less than 1 mile to a hard surface roB.i farms reporting 1 959 . . . 21 61 10 46 115 18 95 15 25 63 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms repcrtinc 1959 .. . lU 35 40 177 103 168 120 10 95 64 I to 4 miles farms reporting 1959 .. . 60 20 15 81 82 69 75 5 65 65 5 or more miles farms reporting 1959 . . . DATEOFEOTJMERATION 53 15 25 96 21 99 45 5 30 66 Approximate average dale of enumeration 1959 . . . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/8-11/14 11/3-11/14 11/3-11/14 11/15-11/21 67 Family workers, including operalcrs farms reporung 1959 . . . 1,290 1,508 1,054 681 1,297 242 1,406 629 1,907 68 1954 . . . 1,534 1,789 1,156 680 1,487 388 1,560 711 1,945 69 persons 1959 - . . 2,414 2,629 1,676 1,154 2,235 406 2,617 1,024 3,160 TO 1954... 3,082 2,857 1,588 1,119 2,454 656 2,615 1,091 3,072 71 Operattrs worlting 1 or m<»e hours persons 1959 .. . 1,290 1,498 1,049 680 1,287 240 1,386 624 1,902 72 1954 , . , 1,524 1,774 1,146 658 1,457 381 1,535 706 1,945 73 1 to 14 hours , persons 1959. .. 272 240 251 64 276 47 336 198 486 74 15 cr mere hours persons 19.59... 1,018 1,258 798 616 1,011 193 1,050 426 1,416 75 Unpaid members of operalw's family working 15 tr more hours farms reporting 1959. . . 734 705 440 376 617 123 894 274 930 76 persons 1959... 1,124 1,131 627 474 948 166 1,231 400 1,253 77 Hired workers farms reporting 1959 . . 134 127 116 66 141 54 100 66 139 78 1954... 203 194 95 121 227 56 100 76 144 79 persons 1959, .. 175 142 174 105 205 34 156 115 202 80 1954 , , , 318 282 135 172 351 UO 175 117 192 81 Regular workers fomploved 150 or more d. s) , , - farms repeating 1959 .. . 56 72 28 41 84 41 19 36 58 82 1954 . . . 70 99 30 57 102 35 40 35 113 8.1 persons 1959. , , 69 84 40 51 106 60 20 72 73 84 1954 . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 82 117 50 65 140 55 50 40 127 85 1 hired wcrker farms reporting 1959 ,. . 52 62 21 33 73 28 18 23 42 8« 2 or more hired workers farms reporting 1959 . , . FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 4 10 7 8 11 13 1 13 16 87 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959 . . . 1,216 1,391 964 639 1,164 263 1,233 559 1,358 88 1954 . . . 1,408 1,802 1,145 721 1,421 366 1,518 762 2,062 89 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1959... 64 75 78 110 124 24 131 35 167 10 1954... 72 73 80 95 116 21 112 30 131 *^For 195-1, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. NEBRASKA FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 163 on reports for o K ft ^nmnlcof fwms. Sep u?xl Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Kayne Webster Wheeler York 1,567 1,572 867 919 499 1,008 1,202 78 856 860 1,191 1,260 832 232 1,393 , 1,716 1,740 1,034 979 541 1,201 1,389 100 946 1,075 1,317 1,390 1,036 300 1,605 2 603 1,131 420 378 161 521 791 9 538 337 790 737 561 82 951 J 753 1,175 481 302 183 569 828 15 425 430 751 555 568 97 1,085 4 624 1,182 459 388 167 526 833 9 550 343 807 737 502 83 974 S 8CK 1,220 504 317 187 579 864 15 425 442 761 560 586 98 1,106 6 495 1,166 319 642 85 766 718 9 604 566 879 1,005 487 111 1,034 7 188 1,280 379 604 33 886 787 18 656 663 941 1,000 616 136 1,225 8 510 1,226 330 669 85 808 719 9 540 578 898 1,060 493 119 1,057 a 188 1,295 380 604 33 914 792 18 661 668 956 1,040 623 135 1,258 10 U2 435 201 95 121 182 305 31 140 99 452 260 204 36 313 11 48 320 140 54 69 188 172 18 60 84 • 330 150 100 20 198 IS 142 435 204 96 121 182 306 31 145 100 452 265 205 38 313 13 48 320 142 54 70 188 172 18 60 86 330 150 100 20 198 14 325 186 87 118 57 189 152 1 108 120 188 302 54 19 140 U 268 120 42 59 47 119 124 56 76 U6 160 38 15 U3 U 333 191 94 120 58 204 163 2 108 121 194 303 55 2vl 142 17 268 120 43 60 47 124 124 56 75 121 160 38 15 139 16 1,401 1,092 813 555 437 640 932 74 516 552 810 329 565 176 988 U 1,412 945 879 440 484 6a 829 91 551 540 672 725 537 196 1,010 SO 3,007 1,188 1,342 638 692 717 1,103 120 571 657 920 914 577 248 1,127 SI 2,379 970 1,130 483 692 667 924 119 592 597 738 770 583 232 1,102 ss 1,395 1,392 816 818 469 917 1,072 71 736 779 1,106 1,150 752 212 1,298 23 1,473 1,565 914 884 486 1,U6 1,189 91 821 904 1,212 1,285 899 263 1,495 S4 3,964 2,863 2,417 1,626 1,140 2,042 2,105 185 1,535 1,685 2,284 2,502 1,485 641 2,610 a 3,574 2,610 1,970 1,474 987 2,084 1,954 167 1,529 1,575 2,101 2,340 1,420 555 2,538 « 1,380 1,392 816 818 469 912 1,047 71 735 774 1,105 1,150 751 212 1,293 27 3,900 2,783 2,356 1,592 1,122 1,997 2,043 184 1,5U 1,548 2,233 2,465 1,471 535 2,504 !« 210 391 138 261 U4 162 345 18 210 230 360 225 265 38 415 sg 1,170 1,001 678 557 355 750 702 53 525 544 745 925 496 174 878 30 1,370 1,382 812 813 459 912 1,047 71 735 774 1,105 1,150 755 212 1,293 31 1,462 1,565 913 874 434 1,116 1,179 91 816 899 1,212 1,270 899 262 1,490 32 3,841 2,742 2,250 1,558 1,080 1,970 2,028 181 1,508 1,632 2,148 2,459 1,420 618 2,489 33 3,522 2,505 1,878 1,433 952 2,056 1,914 152 1,499 1,546 2,010 2,295 1,365 520 2,457 34 54 41 92 33 39 21 15 3 6 16 66 6 31 16 15 33 33 30 62 27 23 12 14 2 10 3 51 15 35 25 15 36 59 41 106 34 42 27 15 3 6 16 85 5 51 17 15 37 34 30 68 28 24 13 14 2 10 3 61 15 45 27 25 3fi 60 80 53 34 17 45 57 1 21 32 44 37 13 5 106 39 18 75 24 13 10 15 26 3 20 21 30 30 10 8 56 40 64 80 61 34 18 45 62 1 21 37 51 37 14 6 106 41 18 75 24 13 11 15 26 3 20 26 30 30 10 8 56 4° 1,444 1,497 820 843 462 968 1,127 70 795 805 1,101 1,200 754 222 1,343 43 1,563 1,655 953 884 477 1,166 1,258 80 856 995 1,232 1,335 974 245 1,510 44 1,968 1,934 1,166 1,065 628 1,260 1,472 89 1,042 967 1,419 1,502 1,004 300 1,652 4S 2,252 2,145 1.356 1,113 659 1,577 1,681 110 1,121 1,250 1,591 1,845 1,219 346 1,896 4< 1,190 1,306 761 484 341 872 885 56 654 609 1,106 1,175 624 183 1,253 47 999 1,290 83b 437 325 916 792 48 636 641 1,182 1,225 838 200 1,285 48 1,008 941 678 440 279 747 614 53 579 469 845 848 392 137 865 49 664 660 426 216 140 599 374 36 415 275 721 600 158 100 452 90 81 345 71 201 44 234 222 2 125 173 138 375 74 87 370 SI 122 425 71 153 29 121 210 13 120 79 305 180 65 72 331 52 17 145 5 23 6 21 47 20 1 116 36 10 3 155 S3 6 81 3 4 1 27 60 51 15 49 7 10 103 51 342 1,016 336 365 70 666 682 4 504 432 855 883 378 50 392 55 393 140 132 62 78 82 120 U 51 43 106 84 89 14 91 96 247 155 101 75 62 138 145 37 46 55 151 70 85 31 155 S7 941 1,287 252 349 106 664 915 18 M4 516 1,023 873 330 82 1,222 56 1,066 795 162 280 51 343 591 9 217 370 955 388 215 62 971 59 225 135 483 507 311 262 157 49 250 196 46 296 406 136 35 60 460 850 811 635 510 753 560 87 636 611 315 976 306 173 490 61 52 30 50 67 30 65 25 12 45 31 5 36 52 18 10 62 173 105 433 440 281 197 132 37 205 165 41 262 344 118 25 63 168 85 210 196 99 U5 92 27 115 48 41 180 193 29 15 64 5 20 223 244 182 82 40 10 90 117 82 151 89 10 65 11/8-11/14 ll/iS-ll/21 11/6- 11/14 11/8-U/14 11/8-11/14 11/8-11/14 U/15-11/21 11/22-11/28 11/15-11/21 11/8-11/14 11/15-11/21 U/8-11/14 n/is-u/a 11/3-11/14 iaA5-u/2i 6< 1,430 1,426 791 893 450 949 1,077 75 780 824 1,123 1,198 769 225 1,218 67 1,581 1,650 1,004 913 518 1,161 1,248 96 881 1,038 1,262 1,305 977 291 1,530 68 2,265 2,376 1,173 1,751 717 1,638 1,758 135 1,283 1,467 1,744 2,144 1,330 421 1,995 69 2,358 2,485 1,553 1,848 753 1,900 2,148 152 1,M2 1,632 2,017 2,240 1,687 679 2,538 70 1,402 1,416 778 888 443 944 1,056 75 750 824 1,087 1,183 754 224 1,203 71 1,560 1,630 986 903 506 1,141 1,228 95 881 998 1,242 1,295 971 285 1,490 72 268 350 163 177 46 194 233 10 212 235 263 209 158 20 216 T8 1,134 1,066 615 711 397 750 823 55 538 589 824 974 596 204 987 T4 605 715 307 535 192 451 547 35 363 416 450 660 360 138 594 76 863 950 395 863 274 694 702 60 533 543 637 961 576 197 792 76 354 111 200 45 106 107 80 24 169 128 124 139 73 39 166 77 541 135 228 115 118 140 156 34 161 131 117 200 50 52 164 76 738 136 393 53 149 177 121 41 236 201 264 184 115 72 243 T> 3,284 205 351 183 566 210 219 53 237 171 176 230 59 36 244 80 253 21 145 22 79 81 24 21 73 71 58 63 29 34 85 61 316 50 152 32 84 90 61 25 85 73 56 35 28 27 47 8! 330 31 238 27 101 97 36 37 90 86 126 72 36 52 117 63 448 50 216 43 109 140 73 31 117 79 77 95 31 48 68 84 208 15 108 18 61 70 17 13 56 57 27 54 23 24 61 85 45 6 37 4 18 11 7 8 17 14 31 9 6 10 24 86 1,394 1,347 809 820 410 968 1,017 55 689 769 1,102 1,194 745 215 1,191 87 1,620 1,599 929 964 487 1,094 1,222 102 852 940 1,220 1,336 913 262 1,449 68 91 89 91 70 38 71 115 4 68 72 60 44 103 13 88 88 110 63 86 54 36 51 128 21 45 71 61 47 84 9 93 90 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on rooorts for only U<>ni (Koc (ipfmnion? (imt rxiilanalions see text) The State Adaiis Antelope Arthur Bajmer Blaine Bcx>ne Box Butte Boyd ! .t 4 5 6 7 ISF, OF rOMHF.Iinil. FFRTILIZER Ah ConuiH-rrinl fertilizer ami fertilizinc iiinlennis used dunnt! the year ftcre D LIME farms repotting 1959 .. . 1054... s on which used 1959 .. . 1954... Ions 1959 .. . 1954 . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959 .. . tons 1959... farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 .. . acres 1959... 1954 . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959... farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959 .. . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 .. . acres 1959... 1954 . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . Ions 1959... farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... acres 1959 .. . 1954... farms reporting 1959... tons 19,59... farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 .. . acres 1959... 1954 .. . farms reporting 1959 . . . tons 1959... farms reporting 1959 .. . tons 1959... . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acres 1059... 1954... farms reporting 1959 .. . tms 1959... farms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... farms reporting 1959... tons 1959... fanns reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... farms reporting 1 959 . . . 1954... acres limed 1959 . . . 1954... tons 1959... 1954 .. . S . farms reporting 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . ilillars 1959 . . . 1954... . farms reporting 1959 .. . dollars 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . dollars 1959 . . . la54 . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 .. . dollars 1959... 1954 .. . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... . farms reporting 1 959 . . . 1954 . . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... . farms reporting 1959. . . . farm.s reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... dollars 1959. . . 1954... . farms reporting 1959. . . dollars 1959... 40,350 42,407 3,896,816 2,985,087 294,738 218,018 28,230 159,285 20,121 135,453 4,616 8,550 141,108 198,814 4,092 10,035 631 1,701 1,852 3,528 47,441 65,041 1,433 2,930 391 728 32,541 32,391 2,523,549 1,833,442 18,635 96,655 18,143 Ul,174 13,029 11,192 492,616 393,549 9,499 20,657 3,837 8,021 6,442 NA 156,200 NA 5,655 9,898 845 1,208 10,234 435,902 6,012 19,110 4,863 12,621 1,557 5,904 40,201 159,952 74,058 287,893 89,951 78,119 89,102 154,955,021 130,435,157 62,834 290,169,907 54,882 67,022 20,403,850 18,622,254 24,140 26,929 3,813 4.1,176 49,381 33,871,763 30,812,952 36,039 41,460 4,738 5,091 3,399 2,830 2,251 1,148 88,546 93,391 63,532,282 55,356,415 60,252 13,848,257 695 503 88,728 38,693 5,973 2,507 391 2,569 484 3,404 21 61 1,000 1,150 20 58 1 23 11 5 150 50 11 15 572 349 46,623 18,918 209 1,294 437 2,484 409 274 21,470 15,305 254 612 160 293 25 NA 415 NA 25 39 371 19,070 130 551 251 504 "20 585 1,140 1,138 905 1,040 882,597 691,620 706 859,549 855 972 378,049 264,277 307 455 83 521 503 449,615 309,485 443 558 54 29 14 15 7 7 1,133 1,244 863,103 706,450 710 166,998 776 899 91,543 77,520 6,298 4,798 642 4,474 275 1,824 103 153 5,190 3,483 83 298 30 115 50 80 1,250 2,405 39 59 11 33 682 723 72,057 54,859 543 3,284 255 1,457 59 57 1,353 1,688 53 65 6 24 280 NA 7,872 NA 243 556 •37 86 114 3,921 101 212 18 49 58 135 1,135 2,720 2,136 3,411 1,501 1,526 1,658 2,292,366 1,947,995 1,207 4,162,524 1,068 1,165 221,230 221,302 529 425 14 766 306 322,457 314,842 690 720 47 64 29 22 .'5 4 1,586 1,573 924,732 832,598 1,170 221,819 9 2 548 11 56 1 9 55 9 648 9 56 102 101 108 522,499 208,631 74 328,104 37 73 22,842 26,161 19 13 5 72 73 172,959 147,995 40 40 11 15 21 18 12 9 102 108 115,947 83,896 18 2,287 28 6 1,471 1, 452 181 45 24 171 7 10 6 2 210 1, 222 6 52 14 631 10 30 6 8 12 3 446 100 12 66 6 NA 144 NA 4 23 2 1 1 40 1 1 237 1 163 1 205 ] 230,498 559,1 208,080 297,' 121 497,921 409,; 137 177 204,573 17,. 136,252 12, C 5 56 76 139 169 282,546 114,.: 291,937 102,1 64 104 43 40 32 25 25 7 237 1 265 ] 287,686 104,: 298,595 103,: 115 29,477 7,; ^ 2 36 79 11 6 2. LI 1 )6 J2 1 6 1 .5 12 1 2 Ht L2C n; ( u 2 3 ( L3' L3' 7C L4] 4' 9] 2= 3£ 5: "o: )4: r IE 7- 8£ 9' 5: 4' 6C 1; If 1. IC IC J' 51 9; 2] 45 U i 521 2 718 L 43,800 > 44,083 3 3,071 2 3,102 J 255 1 1,501 323 1,570 ) 45 i 116 , 1,320 5 2,525 ) 40 ) 110 5 3 32 L 71 1,085 ) 1,310 26 42 7 25 1 446 595 ) 36,075 31,079 L 170 !■ 1,101 302 1,486 35 46 660 979 30 42 ■ 5 4 . 63 I NA 1,975 I NA 53 84 10 4 91 2,685 56 122 40 48 6 13 148 441 297 > 563 1,309 1,234 1,486 1,905,155 1,791,011 996 2,474,006 829 1,150 179,205 251,071 471 345 13 522 683 287,161 234,231 471 628 31 46 20 9 15 5 1,284 1,521 888,366 853,314 851 208,702 144 101 14,779 5,417 1,201 609 115 1,119 39 82 9 5 327 95 7 19 2 3 6 135 "5 7 91 20 5,070 482 58 237 34 59 30 9 1,965 572 27 83 3 3 31 NA 984 HA 26 50 10 4 31 5,298 75 673 12 125 31 6,853 4,485 383 137 125 383 6 165 'si 35 2,938 1,830 61 176 6 80 6 4 96 NA 3,560 NA 96 190 10 275 10 13 « 10 11 12 13 14 Crops on which used- 16 18 19 20 21 Other fmsture (nd cropland) 24 26 "1 28 29 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 10 41 42 Liquid materials Oats 44 45 46 17 48 50 52 54 56 57 58 59 SO 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Lime or liming mMeriaU useil during the year SPFriFIED FARM EXPENDITURE \ny of the following specified expenditures Feed for iiveslcck and poultry I'urchase of livestock and poultry 13 507 445 574 514,941 445,746 353 1,964,838 420 556 619 655 693,033 679,975 471 495,523 412 71 72 73 71 I'ndef'lSOO 561 447,241 433,096 74 201 U5 381 489 738,834 740,794 224 292 64 94 93 103 43 50 597 693 596,587 652,359 348 489 73,256 89,924 277 134 1 334 338 104,186 117,193 311 309 23 22 "7 645 662 412,801 322,057 464 76 SI. (XX) or more 78 79 80 82 84 85 86 69 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 90 91 92 94 88,219 73,257 NA Nat available. 2 Reported in small fractions. NEBRASKA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 B swnplft of farnis. See t«xl] 165 Brcnm Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Oolfajt Cuming Custer Dakota 98 942 624 778 871 456 210 62 98 694 456 527 815 220 1 80 831 747 1,033 1,055 914 108 57 47 599 665 816 581 430 2 15,062 99,917 70,368 79,693 88,367 20,622 1«,355 5,281 7,332 114,409 32,677 32,897 65,483 U,976 3 8,*62 59,030 72,997 77,726 89,710 53,005 7,281 3,390 1,371 55,849 43,955 45,082 28,009 33,365 4 685 9,730 4,811 4,955 5,471 1,994 1,404 378 548 7,7U 2,714 2,626 5,274 1,541 5 401 4,873 6,202 5,074 6,056 4,153 460 216 180 3,485 3,006 3,348 1,723 2,962 6 61 499 310 540 61B 446 160 62 69 245 344 435 460 161 7 413 4,080 2,305 2,757 3,019 1,881 1,062 378 327 1,224 1,447 2,008 1,811 845 9 50 644 430 396 415 31 62 44 638 213 160 573 86 9 272 5,650 2,506 2,198 2,452 113 342 ... 221 6,490 1,267 613 3,463 696 10 20 52 34 45 90 167 16 55 12 31 37 67 44 42 11 21 86 166 127 190 266 21 49 10 53 170 231 46 165 12 2,942 1,868 780 1,205 2,580 3,615 629 4,420 559 1,145 525 2,205 1,250 1,145 1.1 1,509 2,310 4,780 4,135 3,715 5,005 1,288 3,154 211 845 2,850 6,447 8i2 3,335 14 19 37 29 45 70 167 16 55 12 5 32 61 31 36 ir. 146 121 45 74 123 384 29 294 29 6 36 166 103 125 IC 1 20 5 5 20 ... ... 1 26 5 6 14 6 IT 8 78 5 13 56 ... ... ... 6 97 5 8 8 9 Ik 5 26 67 40 85 20 1 3 5 25 25 49 16 10 W 15 80 126 160 105 1 1 1 20 150 70 1 25 20 40 775 1,635 810 1,385 485 30 85 108 495 425 964 1,215 215 21 400 1,330 2,662 2,745 1,550 100 10 10 275 2,160 1,620 20 330 22 5 26 36 35 80 20 1 3 4 10 20 39 10 10 23 2 57 90 52 107 39 1 7 9 3 17 71 56 23 24 31 5 5 ... 1 15 5 10 6 ... 25 ... 57 1 7 ... ... ... (Z) 20 4 21 3 ... 21! 65 885 559 728 706 283 123 9 50 598 410 447 728 160 27 49 737 692 923 1,010 574 60 5 20 414 505 606 501 295 2e 9,308 34,610 58,320 59,432 57,672 11,885 9,961 675 3,543 60,815 24,545 24,607 55,064 10,874 29 5,404 46,936 49,843 49,935 67,710 23,467 3,688 99 429 27,222 26,195 24,300 23,402 19,070 30 26 438 244 450 387 263 92 9 35 127 263 333 253 105 31 165 3,338 1,857 2,038 1,713 1,080 717 71 167 692 993 1,434 1,364 496 32 48 624 390 366 354 31 39 ... 26 562 203 150 539 71 33 244 5,071 2,219 1,895 1,812 113 214 ... U3 4,484 1,138 526 3,269 637 34 11 93 55 310 566 ... U6 1 30 376 86 20 157 35 16 116 52 508 240 10 42 1 6 389 175 30 56 36 965 4,068 2,298 9,527 14,680 ... 5,374 15 1,082 25,101 3,127 255 5,3U ... 37 390 3,724 3,445 U,789 6,730 145 1,707 10 152 21,913 4,500 575 1,892 18 11 76 16 226 416 90 1 16 133 71 20 115 ... 39 49 216 27 374 681 ... 226 1 19 408 198 18 217 ... 40 17 39 94 170 ... 27 ... 14 259 15 44 ... 11 39 93 123 332 65 ... 18 669 20 74 . . . 42 42 22 110 130 161 127 3 1 11 30 85 157 16 76 43 m NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA HA 44 1,612 305 2,975 2,790 3,355 3,877 53 10 217 625 2,615 4,531 373 2,252 45 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA to 26 22 80 110 126 127 3 1 9 20 85 137 13 65 47 35 22 131 127 181 309 5 1 17 22 159 289 22 168 4S 16 35 20 35 2 10 ... 20 3 11 19 20 36 16 37 ... ... ... 2 13 ... 41 6 25 50 4 217 99 133 191 25 60 3 42 454 40 9 88 17 51 195 8,291 4,360 5,929 8,695 760 2,308 76 1,823 26,228 1,440 335 2,270 490 52 4 110 66 61 100 25 50 3 29 46 15 8 43 7 53 16 326 155 92 214 69 84 4 86 88 44 30 49 28 54 ... 145 38 77 96 ... 11 ... 13 419 25 2 51 10 55 ... 462 91 150 208 ... 63 ... 52 1,207 50 22 103 25 56 1 5 46 25 60 ... ... ... 5 15 64 8 57 1 ... 107 135 360 ... ... 1 ... 69 40 171 2 ... 58 25 100 2,670 635 2,125 ... ... ... ... 60 430 1,106 204 59 80 3,590 3,830 10,275 ... ... 1 1,525 1,270 6,432 26 60 50 100 5,220 1,010 3,605 ... ... 75 1,010 1,890 351 SI 80 5,912 6,555 20,295 ... ... 1 2,555 1,325 8,870 53 ... «» 419 1,854 1,143 1,519 1,421 1,851 533 707 907 1,011 1,229 1,754 2,215 637 33 368 1,591 1,012 1,387 1,140 1,721 440 688 562 733 1,099 1,679 2,002 570 64 487 1,568 1,136 1,504 1,360 1,873 472 756 636 1,000 1,130 1,696 2,317 590 65 605,094 2,137,075 3,115,010 1,604,515 1,880,924 3,407,159 532,429 2,410,770 524,626 977,115 2,235,123 11,422,176 2,232,160 1,629,130 66 562,066 1,525,866 3,046,665 1,556,478 1,430,385 2,910,510 726,428 1,916,786 556,612 744,796 2,525,375 7,645,870 2,465,900 656,285 67 290 1,232 810 1,141 935 1,531 364 480 408 557 929 1,554 1,591 475 66 1,044,029 3,565,937 8,335,772 2,533,570 2,470,869 4,688,846 1,185,057 3,131,592 1,576,071 1,633,114 4,220,687 25,626,961 4,565,397 3,087,173 69 118 1,096 685 973 909 1,303 321 184 622 737 647 1,120 1,277 416 70 211 1,297 859 1,U7 1,090 1,482 403 209 666 915 826 1,306 1,617 443 71 31,903 395,834 289,262 272,985 246,732 288,728 253,098 245,591 457,698 424,788 157,399 260,181 470,271 128,563 72 49,503 302,547 237,282 251,255 264,865 321,488 206,244 201,236 503,944 340,488 167,202 299,310 406,752 97,485 73 54 454 243 465 411 742 63 80 154 206 355 581 539 220 74 59 576 399 482 476 548 173 46 287 398 285 513 656 1£4 75 5 66 43 26 22 13 85 58 181 133 7 26 32 12 76 188 833 673 703 721 874 294 496 533 565 477 815 967 342 77 254 923 613 774 725 987 368 543 610 611 441 822 1,203 356 78 194,425 684,329 547,761 236,405 308,807 309,395 242,809 1,666,513 461,032 489,325 182,763 708,495 730,317 338,938 79 216,822 478,922 434,510 258,840 275,160 372,438 281,806 1,442,100 471,973 325,020 170,660 641,931 636,010 246,890 m 130 699 503 649 640 816 237 182 405 450 432 630 749 240 81 192 826 506 715 645 871 292 250 465 556 385 590 1,025 270 92 31 69 132 40 48 34 37 97 77 75 30 93 128 46 63 41 52 62 31 65 102 48 102 103 32 45 175 97 73 84 27 65 43 U 33 24 20 217 51 40 15 92 90 56 85 21 45 45 28 15 14 28 191 42 23 11 57 81 13 86 20 44 35 6 28 21 12 103 34 23 U 73 75 47 87 7 21 8 8 5 3 8 114 17 17 4 19 15 9 88 419 1,818 1,127 1,499 1,406 1,811 523 701 872 1,001 1,204 1,739 2,183 627 89 489 1,804 1,202 1,524 1,405 1,848 560 779 898 1,066 1,176 1,672 2,345 616 90 314,907 1,349,187 812,614 1,075,600 845,610 1,038,764 503,357 902,440 773,657 806,030 810,500 1,235,273 1,536,104 373,213 9! 285,291 1,028,236 700,505 873,113 694,855 945,400 492,284 740,809 735,694 735,473 694,770 1,026,335 1,376,032 325,615 92 141 1,169 801 1,081 1,046 1,215 336 270 508 649 723 1,415 1,495 501 93 25,340 371,603 252,434 232,140 221,369 241,319 80,302 30,540 126,270 222,763 141,399 326,441 290,145 144,753 94 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data an* hnsed on ronnltf for only (For donnition^ nnil explanations, see text) Douglas rsE OF COMMEIinM. ITRTIUZEB AND UME CooiiniTrinl fertilizer .ind fertiliiinf "i.ilerinls uped duriniT the year Dry mntiTials . . . . liquid inaterials. . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture {not cropland). , Dry materials . . . . Liriuid materials. . Com Dry materials . . . . Liquid materials. . Wheat Dry materials Liquid material.". . Oats farms reporting 1959. . 1054. i on which used 19S9. 1954., tons 1959.. 1954.. farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. farms reportine 1959. . tons 1959.. farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959.. 1954 . . farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. farms reporting 1959.. tons 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . BCre^ 1959.. 1954 . . farms reporting 1959.. tons 1959.. farms reporting 1959. . tons 1959 . . farms reporting 1 959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959 . . farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. farms reporting 1959. . 19.54.. acres 1 959 . . 1954 . . farms reporting 1959.. tois 1959. . farms reporting 1959. . tons 1959. . farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959. . farms reporting 1959 . . tons 1959.. farms repcrting 1969. . tons 1959.. farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres limed 1959. . 1954.. tons 1959.. 1954 . . SPEOPIED FARM EXPENDITURES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting 1950.. Feed fcr livestock and poull/y farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Purchase of livestock and F»ultr>' farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. dollars 1959 . . 1954.. I'nder .'^SOO farms reporting 1959.. .520010 5999 farms reporting 1959.. SI. 000 or more farms reporting 1959.. Hired labor fanr.s reporting 1959. . 1954.. dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Under Sl.OOO farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. Sl.OOO to S2.498 farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . $2,500 or more farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. .^2.500 to 54.999 farms reporting 1959.. 55.000 of more farms r«ii>rting 1959 . . Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Lif^uid materials Lime or liming materials us«l during the yei 33 46 1,322 2,272 204 135 31 116 5 14 17 687 356 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . . farms reprjrting 1959 . 1964. dollars 1959. 1954. . farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. 16 153 190 2 7 2 2 4 7 338 466 3 10 1 3 4 NA 107 NA 3 3 1 2 15 537 15 60 2 1 567 520 515 421,756 366,717 359 1,126,622 315 457 160,428 203,806 100 175 40 318 402 301,178 338,776 232 317 50 48 36 37 29 7 551 614 411,095 386,244 255 41,188 1,060 866 123,497 72,444 9,629 4,790 415 2,742 892 6,887 104 91 3,570 1,895 72 228 37 72 12 5 196 25 11 24 6 5 1,005 822 108,936 65,939 309 1,721 870 6,584 135 29 4,891 1,805 86 255 49 106 13 NA 263 NA 13 11 95 5,641 77 503 42 120 io 55 95 1,582 1,252 1,437 4,222,919 5,653,038 987 12,328,313 979 1,167 -39,690 450,567 347 549 83 837 990 987,521 1,130,123 624 697 95 175 118 118 69 49 1,550 1,604 1,312,543 1,284,060 957 305,280 65 56 7,545 3,844 586 292 56 299 35 287 12 7 380 242 7 25 10 14 1 35 36 32 4,920 1,750 28 169 29 233 20 15 1,175 565 9 35 12 U NA 40 1,070 33 70 22 27 372 259 337 295,315 484,668 157 1,097,622 230 286 232,931 224,984 44 94 92 245 253 251,083 299,288 176 183 31 31 38 39 29 9 357 399 282,919 327,173 206 56,901 496 703 X,722 4*,923 2,861 3,832 456 2,528 96 333 172 352 4,745 7,020 167 425 5 1 55 30 1,385 525 40 70 15 42 314 443 17,925 20,338 259 1,252 80 278 6 100 230 NA 9,677 NA 224 717 6 12 35 990 35 64 . 15 60 160 35 155 1,193 1,118 1,148 2,489,530 1,854,970 1,013 4,920,995 624 801 138,904 133,785 371 243 10 568 633 254,727 213,655 482 580 60 52 26 1 20 6 1,183 1,198 648,670 598,950 352 174,570 759 989 76,546 97, UO 6,485 7,924 490 3,087 435 3,398 65 216 1,785 5,640 40 38 25 29 41 172 586 3,250 26 33 15 -30 702 873 a, 364 54,115 417 2,259 409 3,036 192 338 6,155 U,929 156 313 51 180 145 NA 3,935 NA 141 242 10 42 38 2,721 53 147 41 81 20 141 735 4,800 1,410 8,415 1,513 1,337 1,504 4,172,752 2,805,499 1,162 8,921,119 848 1,274 248,463 299,156 411 413 19 743 748 442,832 392,130 673 620 47 105 23 23 3 20 1,513 1,564 1,039,356 935,797 1,105 301,497 534 803 44,114 58,079 3,976 4,663 416 2,233 200 1,743 57 217 845 4,435 56 70 1 5 21 145 405 2,025 16 16 5 10 437 668 J7,234 41,954 305 1,648 178 1,590 111 51 2,080 1,220 76 104 40 95 90 NA 2,080 NA 60 105 30 35 67 1,470 65 290 2 3 16 31 382 968 549 1,770 1,100 850 1,219 4,946,231 4,213,675 739 15,014,979 507 326 149,938 210,230 257 225 25 510 490 793,999 545,230 347 375 94 65 69 50 26 43 1,070 1,310 525,387 496,805 692 230,791 223 97 38,601 11,529 2,303 594 195 1,573 61 730 27 21 2,464 1,207 21 96 7 47 1 1 350 20 1 13 162 68 28,131 7,363 141 1,061 50 623 32 11 3,520 646 71 174 13 37 NA 83 4,086 69 229 14 23 504 406 445 565,862 591,398 325 1,521,491 307 286 149,899 103,027 112 153 42 300 292 245,296 307,116 239 194 26 49 35 49 27 493 474 392,563 362,432 318 i00,134 756 657 106,935 61,828 7,923 3,901 453 3,053 535 4,870 28 75 1,105 1,510 28 126 10 75 11 10 230 415 5 3 11 7 568 455 53,510 26,090 201 1,731 439 3,366 581 467 35,430 27,675 330 853 287 741 45 NA 830 NA 35 33 10 10 320 15,780 119 307 206 671 6 180 205 5,170 350 9,575 1,223 1,034 1,199 2,013,403 1,636,358 824 3,601,625 822 948 315,622 240,541 300 455 67 638 694 299,380 209,656 621 657 30 20 37 17 27 10 1,193 1,284 975,258 693,240 327 199,065 NA Not available. Z Reported in small fractlone. NEBRASKA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued B sample of famia. Soe lextj 167 Prontier Fumas Gage Garden Garfield Goaper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt 161 281 1,198 135 104 239 5 247 897 989 286 126 157 529 1 100 24B 1,144 35 90 141 4 204 892 866 206 40 92 336 15,4B5 25,476 97,343 8,971 5,353 24,646 344 17,412 127,071 144,741 24,923 10,814 16,162 48,360 3 4,765 15,115 73,065 2,974 3,880 11,175 115 12,793 73,133 84,885 13,161 2,635 6,615 13,513 < 881 1,567 5,610 640 491 1,548 39 1,697 11,374 3,920 1,885 635 1,476 3,772 5 261 1,117 4,930 173 253 1,053 14 941 6,300 5,488 831 234 607 1,209 6 96 133 885 128 98 101 5 176 513 336 158 101 108 506 7 395 621 3,370 560 427 469 39 1,340 4,400 1,497 805 470 819 3,238 8 88 205 514 7 17 173 87 687 383 174 41 36 93 9 486 946 2,240 80 64 1,079 357 6,974 7,423 1,080 165 657 534 10 23 67 31 26 5 5 8 60 76 14 15 13 152 11 16 43 217 3 20 16 4 27 86 101 14 22 41 89 12 78 811 1,545 715 490 50 344 357 2,224 1,620 588 257 291 7,860 n 239 640 3,745 95 298 247 115 890 2,195 2,780 430 1,032 1,624 3,917 H 22 57 31 26 5 5 7 54 36 14 13 12 150 ir, 57 91 41 24 5 39 20 146 61 41 13 24 528 16 1 6 15 1 6 40 1 2 1 2 n 1 5 9 U 24 25 10 5 2 9 i*> 1 52 1 10 60 5 1 12 1ft 56 6 10 100 5 1 "5 17 50 25 1,160 10 70 1,395 20 66 3,557 21 1,290 160 100 1,125 50 70 '25 226 22 1 41 "i 10 20 5 1 11 23 2 128 11 9 ... 3 5 30 40 42 2 5 ;;: 319 1 10 24 25 2« 113 222 765 61 82 181 223 844 919 235 67 140 389 27 50 227 758 57 70 124 183 841 755 126 20 87 175 28 9,666 13,033 40,459 3,622 4,344 18,324 14,921 102,802 101,647 17,368 5,408 14,178 27,551 29 2,466 11,212 33,785 1,708 3,040 8,749 9,446 57,461 55,985 7,128 1,060 4,482 9,195 30 48 79 468 55 76 51 162 430 174 96 39 96 361 31 252 367 1,067 332 377 328 1,042 3,746 923 579 244 764 1,770 32 73 163 367 6 12 142 81 647 808 167 31 73 92 33 333 321 1,229 77 59 922 337 6,129 5,915 877 108 619 423 34 84 77 772 63 67 25 167 401 81 75 22 U 35 48 43 693 13 5 43 22 138 405 130 16 8 17 36 3,308 3,504 30,605 3,945 2,282 848 8,435 19,658 2,914 4,170 897 369 37 1,693 2,308 23,810 374 10 1,200 1,175 5,472 15,020 4,531 390 349 706 38 56 54 579 67 29 24 91 142 46 69 U 10 39 89 106 1,263 151 49 107 155 276 101 182 20 23 40 29 29 ' 198 1 39 1 76 269 36 7 U 1 41 53 50 448 3 49 1 168 501 68 22 13 1 42 13 6 447 7 22 17 22 35 76 7 1 87 43 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 14 349 44 3,775 123 347 560 452 700 1,034 180 15 4,149 45 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16 12 5 361 7 17 10 22 35 41 2 1 86 47 18 3 453 6 16 13 119 51 29 3 1 263 48 1 1 86 5 12 35 5 7 1ft 2 (Z) 101 5 12 23 5 51 .50 49 74 340 15 16 73 29 285 411 100 17 22 61 51 2,059 3,084 14,799 566 172 3,430 824 12,840 19,387 3,853 898 796 4,874 52 23 25 188 15 16 24 24 74 97 31 9 7 60 53 32 88 368 30 10 74 49 297 178 79 25 11 335 54 27 60 182 55 5 237 335 54 8 15 5 55 97 70 444 96 8 653 917 120 30 23 40 56 100 "i 5 20 17 57 477 U 1 28 65 10 58 2,280 "io 70 220 485 59 11,940 135 13 1,207 2,820 377 60 5,000 "12 140 315 484 61 24,785 215 12 1,520 5,175 259 61? 767 806 2,201 465 329 486 73 636 1,237 1,219 699 421 561 1,703 63 727 667 1,950 372 305 422 72 638 1,000 1,047 604 387 472 1,606 64 758 902 2,229 427 294 475 73 667 1,226 1,151 659 332 572 1,775 65 626,976 1,307,037 3,524,314 583,848 617,476 669,261 540,927 1,012,495 2,195,947 1,668,355 598,039 353,720 383,178 2,779,558 66 597,462 1,102,863 3,440,745 557,818 395,699 532,734 439,922 757,666 2,458,005 1,149,565 489,665 425,217 568,791 2,131,946 67 546 541 1,659 237 255 345 52 462 8U 770 442 321 365 1,109 68 837,586 3,176,352 3,925,813 1,097,424 856,151 1,083,577 424,282 1,519,221 6,119,071 2,969,315 348,971 565,546 1,146,520 2,497,117 69 505 550 1,461 270 148 318 18 450 715 943 449 233 354 738 70 570 667 1,671 281 177 466 14 479 998 1,036 533 262 422 969 71 205,258 257,799 369,716 210,271 25,606 143,684 34,969 124,986 269,380 374,123 164,612 171,277 173,951 261,024 72 153,622 263,CH3 407,030 143,273 30,063 135,981 25,825 100,183 271,683 275,630 200,918 97,507 111,469 265,591 73 192 137 768 39 108 104 4 260 260 295 167 76 92 423 74 268 358 647 148 37 175 9 174 405 585 253 157 223 260 75 45 55 46 33 3 39 5 16 50 63 29 55 39 55 76 384 4B0 1,005 252 161 243 56 303 601 719 307 249 339 827 77 429 566 1,184 233 137 252 66 371 721 666 416 - 243 434 903 78 159,442 274,847 328,676 561,203 109,449 152,527 463,342 176,882 525,375 497,945 217,553 158,389 205,605 669,854 79 126,283 286,210 332,805 493,444 97,068 130,263 266,337 172,720 639,375 243,495 233,105 145,416 209,503 636,740 80 353 407 920 176 141 199 7 258 470 550 234 192 235 658 ei 401 491 1,106 197 110 221 30 318 552 625 345 200 378 754 92 16 52 65 25 13 25 12 27 72 127 44 45 34 112 83 22 51 56 49 20 13 9 39 87 26 38 38 38 97 84 15 21 20 51 7 19 37 18 59 42 29 12 20 57 85 6 24 22 37 7 13 27 14 32 15 33 10 18 52 8« 14 15 18 24 3 14 15 14 44 30 25 n 19 33 87 1 6 2 27 4 5 22 4 15 12 4 1 1 24 88 752 776 2,136 464 329 436 73 681 1,217 1,219 683 415 556 1,697 89 852 958 2,193 443 309 551 71 722 1,346 1,181 730 433 655 1,737 90 608,895 552,321 1,212,975 427, 90i 254,735 451,219 167,293 538,847 1,095,517 1,043,801 504,962 391,222 452,298 1,103,941 91 552,127 602,046 1,061,180 313,093 155,491 407,834 130,315 460,865 939,378 767,360 431,358 352,226 441,843 939,594 99 535 591 1,577 211 187 356 16 478 875 915 470 281 401 878 93 105,378 lll,(>t7 275,647 34,475 20,607 82,309 2,050 90,155 278,779 273,501 91,532 66,946 92,601 112,349 9< 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND Data are ba.sed on rooorts for only iK'ru (For ilcriniiion;: ftml oxplanBtion? see text) Itoolter Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keya Paha Kimball Knox rSF OF COMMF.RnAl. FFItTlLIZER AND LIXfE 1 CoHuiHTrinl fertilizer Md r and cropland p»i?ture farms reporting 1959... 1 25 30 40 86 41 12 9 87 12 1954 . . . 1 53 80 106 93 11 17 1 283 13 acres 1959.. . 20 420 350 585 3,237 1,688 582 133 1,817 14 1954 . . . 31 952 1,115 1,645 2,896 1,063 703 23 5,441 15 Dr\ materials farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 25 25 40 75 36 12 9 87 16 tons 1959... 1 34 25 57 223 112 71 13 111 17 I.i<]uid maLeriftls farms reporting 1959. . . 5 16 7 18 tons 1959 . . . 5 9 7 19 ruher pasture (not cropland) farms reporting 1959. . . 10 6 30 10 6 1 37 20 1954... 6 45 21 20 2 30 21 acres 1959... 350 95 290 195 230 320 1,117 22 19.i4 . . . 271 455 280 275 127 1,550 53 Dr\ niaierials ftrms reporting 1959. . . tons 1959... 10 5 4 30 25 10 5 1 37 105 04 20 10 16 40 25 Liquid materials farms reporting 1959. . . 1 26 tons 1959 .. . 1 27 .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 352 295 330 311 260 427 573 450 126 64 12 14 12 1 313 299 28 1954... 2 29 acres 1959... 10 22,981 15,819 11,763 64,555 13,614 600 494 13,904 TO 1954 .. . 110 14,208 13,080 18,590 38,154 3,802 603 40 13,738 31 Dry malerials farms reporting 1 959 . . . 1 300 1,639 233 959 179 638 237 1,983 88 423 12 50 12 50 258 936 32 tons 19.59 . . . 1 33 Liquid materials farms reporting 1959 . . . 113 112 91 455 77 80 34 tons 1959 .. . 591 352 211 3,710 571 240 35 ((flieat . farms reporting 1959 . . . 97 78 347 236 233 176 208 174 58 24 1 3 1 2 24 21 36 1954 .. . 37 acres 1959... 1,715 16,609 5,934 9,349 2,272 15 20 360 38 1954... 1,521 8,531 4,587 8,289 756 50 220 238 39 Dry malerials farms reporting 1959. . . 76 315 233 133 41 1 1 24 40 tons 1959... 129 937 497 294 78 1 1 18 41 Liquid malwiftis . farms reportinp 1959 . . . 21 43 76 17 42 tons 1959... 28 149 96 14 43 44 Oats . farms reporting 1959. . . 41 147 172 10 2 3 1 269 1954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 45 .ores 1959 .. . 508 2,602 2,638 170 120 68 20 10,175 46 1954 . . . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47 Dr\' malerials . farms repinine 1959. . . tens 1959... 41 54 137 181 172 243 10 15 1 1 3 4 1 1 283 768 4ft 49 Liquid materials • . farms reporting 1959. . . 10 1 6 50 Ions 1959... 9 2 15 51 All other crops - 1 68 241 77 303 87 2 7 30 52 acres 1959... 10 1,506 11,774 1,601 13,111 5,812 95 335 730 53 Dr) materiaig farms reporting 1959. . . 1 63 173 62 106 67 2 7 30 54 Ions 1959... (2) 148 488 IW 405 432 12 29 68 55 Liouid materials . farms reporting 1959. . . 10 73 15 230 30 56 tons 1959... 14 316 25 603 66 57 Lime or liming materials used during the year . farms reporting 1959 . - . 10 51 75 12 58 1954... 40 207 181 11 1 5 59 acres limed 19.59 .. . 235 1,040 1,310 615 60 1954... 770 4,645 3,423 309 'io 100 Rl tons 19.59... 435 1,825 3,965 730 62 1954... 1,285 9,525 6,829 309 a 60 63 Any of the following specified expenditures . farms reporting 1959 . . . 57 1,044 1,185 963 855 480 311 420 1,893 64 Feed for livestock and poultry . farms reporting 1959. . . 56 909 1,038 803 664 355 295. 203 1,777 65 1954 .. . 60 1,171 1,280 1,002 834 436 318 282 1,903 66 dollars 1959 . . . 205,222 1,181,000 1,743,502 1,049,071 1,084,167 1,085,057 427, 3U 229,685 3,770,529 C7 1954... 199,055 1,160,990 1,282,228 1,140,725 844,233 1,053,964 229,946 208,723 2,219,307 G8 Purchase of livestock and pouIUy . farms reporting 1959 . . . 48 716 818 631 510 282 220 160 1,547 69 dollars 1959 . . . 387,742 1,718,324 2,169,080 728,814 2,753,980 2,151,080 604,172 912,399 4,967,600 70 Machine hire . farms reporting 1959 .. . 22 638 700 567 599 284 115 314 1,140 71 1954... 18 778 1,006 607 601 309 132 224 1,314 72 dollars 1959... 13,130 151,520 216,333 120,481 303,792 250,654 28,496 491,499 231,483 73 1954... 4,174 125,017 233,595 226,545 250,937 207,708 29,219 135,699 276,256 74 T'nder S20O . farms reperting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959. . . 12 8 332 291 282 384 345 214 200 324 53 156 69 42 28 115 673 446 75 S200to?999 76 SI .000 or more . farms reporting 1959. . . 2 15 34 8 75 75 4 171 21 77 Hired labor . farms reporting 1959. . . 37 406 535 371 471 284 113 256 914 78 19.54 . . . 32 506 585 518 664 353 164 248 910 79 dollars 1959... 82,168 143,276 284,462 61,888 327,834 493,781 103,288 379,760 322,448 80 1954... 51,019 99,882 230,515 238,055 324,509 426,498 115,968 388,809 353,336 81 Under 51,000 . farms reporting 1959. .. 15 365 501 367 377 153 82 150 344 82 1954... 19 495 548 475 575 250 126 150 805 83 $1,000 to $2.499 . farms reporting 1959. . . 9 37 18 2 72 63 18 62 55 84 1954 . . . 6 7 22 20 72 62 27 60 76 65 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 13 4 16 2 22 68 13 44 15 86 1954... 7 3 15 23 17 41 11 38 29 87 S2,500 to 54,999 . farms reporting 1959. . . 8 3 7 1 16 52 11 34 12 88 W,000 or more . farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 1 9 1 6 16 2 10 3 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 57 56 1,029 1,137 1,175 1,226 938 1,003 355 969 470 529 310 340 414 411 1,873 1,913 90 91 dollars 1959. . . 59,163 662,371 754,682 460,946 762,650 555,598 211, 74i 431,700 1,094,565 92 1954... 54,635 509,439 591,200 451,325 630,870 493,648 216,982 394,680 1,037,762 93 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . farms reporting 1959. , . 33 760 755 565 656 279 131 253 1,420 94 dollars 1959... 3,840 114,725 126,595 85,631 203,262 87,738 18,296 82,252 243,383 MA Not available. Z Reported In small fractions. NEBRASKA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued a sunple of famis. See t«xl} 169 Lancaster Lincoln Lagan Loup Mcpherson 1 Madison Merrick Morrill Nance Nemana Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps 1,071 571 3 3 71 19 460 784 405 350 480 462 311 442 172 649 1 991 438 2 ) 50 22 677 666 300 359 692 512 953 575 34 565 106,813 59,285 3, J2 3 3,703 1,203 33,629 94,677 27,905 40,040 38,963 46,845 67,159 35,037 13,289 92,301 3 75,993 29,818 36( ) 2,173 1,003 43,993 55,020 14,001 28,606 52,600 40,125 57,272 34,926 4,662 42,217 4 7,061 4,280 31 2 256 41 2,574 9,883 2,862 2,851 2,611 4,336 5,242 2,841 762 6,848 5 4,754 2,670 9 ) 106 59 3,290 4,536 1,359 1,657 4,076 2,804 4,328 3,096 273 3,255 6 864 438 2 I 47 18 318 697 370 245 412 377 730 366 120 294 7 4,268 2,453 21 L 99 36 1,250 6,008 2,568 1,582 2,067 2,608 3,812 1,883 439 1,846 8 410 316 1 ) 40 2 237 346 55 165 114 208 258 162 71 531 9 2,793 1,827 LO I 157 5 1,324 3,875 294 1,269 544 1,728 1,430 958 323 5,002 10 138 156 J 9 6 46 91 88 18 65 37 132 66 14 23 U 133 160 1 I 9 6 182 159 46 43 196 30 191 127 14 39 12 3,134 8,054 7 ) 187 392 705 1,775 2,261 415 1,010 1,490 3,100 1,190 445 311 13 2,294 7,177 S3 > 195 174 3,705 3,260 818 1,902 4,355 655 3,935 2,565 318 1,111 14 113 149 J 9 5 41 81 88 11 55 37 132 51 LI 23 IS 224 573 7 13 13 49 360 169 15 72 122 213 80 .'9 25 16 25 16 2 10 10 7 15 5 10 15 3 1 17 56 82 5 22 15 11 11 200 33 27 3 1 IS 94 17 20 15 11 57 6 110 26 6 W 162 2 "2 1 60 35 2 30 80 15 156 51 2 20 . 2,270 305 215 990 220 3,080 90 2,205 915 62 21 3,380 510 740 40 845 600 55 715 2,110 375 2,685 890 24 88 17 15 15 10 55 6 100 11 5 23 192 22 10 66 7 103 5 124 27 3 24 6 5 1 2 15 15 1 25 12 3 3 83 17 28 1 211 760 451 i 61 13 410 732 347 328 380 294 596 293 41 617 27 819 325 7 36 12 537 610 133 309 587 308 743 443 22 506 29 52,819 40,389 2, 57 3 3,129 663 28,153 77,237 13,692 30,193 22,775 22,745 33,141 17,055 2,979 77,414 29 48,780 15,694 9 7 927 417 28,386 41,971 3,212 20,301 32,905 17,936 33,640 19,054 915 35,013 30 451 309 2 3 33 13 238 620 301 200 287 179 420 198 19 251 31 1,977 1,453 12 2 68 13 947 4,571 1,129 1,124 1,196 1,334 1,694 758 90 1,501 32 345 270 1 ) 34 287 340 55 154 99 150 238 116 29 516 33 1,656 1,551 9 s 152 1,227 3,528 146 1,082 384 848 1,195 593 164 4,568 34 672 166 2 1 56 190 4 132 232 190 497 286 98 121 35 449 41 1 21 116 10 97 192 341 426 304 58 111 36 25,723 5,745 J9 14 908 5,996 20s 4,478 7,078 9,060 13,555 8,192 5,448 5,299 37 16,240 933 4( 3 5 570 3,230 225 2,631 7,815 15,227 10,055 8,027 2,718 3,453 38 511 106 2 "i 51 158 4 110 211 173 461 225 70 52 39 1,201 157 4< 1 63 285 12 301 388 679 1,201 509 127 109 40 186 66 5 32 27 21 27 56 61 29 75 41 515 121 3 152 48 52 295 79 206 65 126 42 143 14 10 107 98 44 76 105 68 186 126 10 26 43 NA NA Nj t NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4) 2,061 161 14 3 177 2,680 1,526 1,086 1,784 2,490 1,135 4,413 2,400 242 380 45 NA NA N 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA t6 122 14 10 92 83 39 55 105 68 176 111 2 21 47 134 9 2 I 14 132 114 53 85 176 87 239 179 1 16 48 21 5 25 15 5 21 15 15 8 5 to 20 1 36 U 2 37 U 26 11 5 50 400 95 e 14 4 41 206 291 79 86 241 156 138 82 206 31 20,811 4,631 4 210 134 968 7,153 10,658 2,950 2,530 12,325 5,745 5,285 4,110 8,897 52 233 75 12 4 41 171 266 37 80 152 101 113 49 56 53 540 239 1 7 4 4 49 512 1,205 50 132 381 341 330 189 195 54 179 32 7 10 73 30 47 11 100 60 41 34 165 55 534 72 5 33 169 146 83 14 385 93 78 79 302 56 109 1 40 47 21 85 150 32 57 198 6 41 128 42 331 'si 381 294 58 2,811 27 820 1,242 615 2,190 4,080 1,240 50 3,716 ioi 675 4,502 1,585 7,025 3,365 9,500 6,920 60 5,006 24 1,395 1,502 1,010 4,150 8,130 1,754 61 7,327 36 1,410 6,853 2,490 13,570 4,990 18,670 14,255 62 2,091 1,357 L7 7 187 139 1,463 1,054 732 771 1,070 1,003 1,631 855 661 927 63 1,753 1,224 L5( ) 182 132 1,348 924 626 729 935 398 1,391 728 506 721 64 2,047 1,379 M ) 201 139 1,567 1,011 680 775 1,128 1,003 1,627 1,004 502 814 65 2,663,559 1,932,006 257, )9 L 350,764 340,016 2,483,521 1,906,728 890, 599 734,233 1,184,635 1,657,411 1,761,785 1,086,497 706,326 1,226,299 66 2,362,801 1,865,324 292, L3 7 199,844 259,602 2,265,275 1,408,038 633,813 656,748 1,178,430 1,337,897 2,224,388 826,972 603,923 1,128,281 67 1,255 386 LI 3 146 90 1,052 700 429 537 724 774 1,105 593 389 552 68 2,120,160 3,354,981 332, LOf ! 592,147 197,317 4,301,349 3,346,358 1,477,519 884,385 1,066,486 2,893,505 2,243,668 787,940 1,431,916 4,373,336 69 1,218 696 9 L 103 44 818 681 426 464 612 658 994 533 427 665 70 1,538 849 12 ) 113 50 1,124 778 500 596 323 553 1,388 794 444 725 71 353,491 369,406 50,' .9 L 21,425 12,284 183,972 218,248 272,885 121,910 169,330 229,976 269,415 116,564 381,944 362,107 72 332,243 257,583 41, >6 5 18,369 13,194 211,275 166,167 168,346 108,235 228,610 232,566 349,207 130,519 283,441 269,475 73 562 24« 3 L 75 16 473 290 125 233 260 269 456 306 102 134 74 M2 347 4^ 24 25 328 351 214 224 341 349 502 215 221 440 75 14 101 1 3 4 3 17 40 87 7 11 40 36 12 104 91 76 947 667 8 7 119 51 609 483 482 311 510 458 711 339 318 525 77 947 815 12. 75 71 747 561 512 350 643 543 913 447 434 626 78 654,259 1,005,435 134, 24 5 97,524 53,729 273,819 554,807 638,203 147,629 216,410 185,148 275,505 104,458 254,839 483,775 79 550,197 826,396 117, 38 5 69,063 55,083 325,650 379,838 581,874 151,762 312,910 388,520 269,017 U2,625 285,984 276,798 80 865 445 6 5 92 36 545 348 320 272 451 416 676 304 257 369 81 858 535 9 5 61 54 666 455 332 303 545 473 871 412 349 544 92 49 96 1. L 11 5 55 63 107 32 46 25 16 32 33 104 93 52 Ul 1 7 6 11 69 63 121 40 70 40 25 28 52 64 94 33 126 1 1 16 10 9 72 55 7 13 17 19 3 28 52 95 37 99 1 2 8 6 12 43 59 7 23 35 17 7 33 18 86 13 86 5 13 9 2 54 28 1 11 9 5 2 19 39 97 20 40 b 3 1 7 18 27 6 2 8 14 1 9 13 98 2,056 1,310 L7 L 187 139 1,443 1,039 722 761 1,025 983 1,621 850 645 922 89 2,037 1,389 22 3 219 147 1,512 1,016 805 785 1,138 1,114 1,683 958 692 899 90 1,115,871 1,110,305 133, 24 7 120,133 99,326 920,490 776,346 743,974 522,575 532,735 668,667 912,720 479,327 569,323 904,207 91 967,779 993,805 144, 31 3 133,811 74,860 800,460 722,767 533,627 456,263 521,190 646,703 779,667 420,290 596,322 624,524 92 1,328 841 11 2 131 77 1,081 767 388 517 800 727 1,175 522 480 551 93 299,435 232,407 23, 63 7 16,525 8,266 218,012 191,402 141,087 109,535 164,600 158,754 229,081 89,268 98,691 198,338 94 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [D&t3 BT^ based on ronorts for only {For ilpfinitlonp nml o^planations, see texl) Red Willow Richardson Sarpy I'SK OF C0MMF.RO4I. FTRTILIZER AND LUfE CaninMTrinl fertilizer and reftilizinp malrfials used durini? the year farms reporting acT^S on which used Ions Dtn nmlenals . . . liquid nial«hal9. rrop« on which used— Ha\ and cropland pnsture. Dry mal^nals Liquid rnal«ha]s Other pasture (not cropland). . Dry materials Liquid materials. . Com arms reportinf; tons 'arms reportinE tons arms reporting 'aims reporting tons 'arms repjrting tons Farms reporting acres arms reporting tons farms reporting tons anna reporting aci«s Dry materials . . . -. farms reporting tons Liquid mat^ials farms reporting tons Wheat Jarms reporting Dry materials . . . Liquid materials. Oats I>y materials Liquid materials \U other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during the year . acres Farms repotting tons I reporting tons 'arms reporting farms reporting tois farms reporting tons farms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons 'arms repwting tons 'arms reporting 1959.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1951., 1959. 1954., 1959 . , 1959 . , 1959., 1959., 1959. 1D54. 1959., 1954., 1959., 1959., 1969., 1959 . , 1959.. 1954 . . 1959.. 1954 . . 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959., 1959.. 1954., 1959 . , 1954,, 1959.. 1959 . . 1959., 1959.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1959.. 1959 . . 1959.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1959.. 19.59.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1 1959 . . 1954.. ! 1959.. 1954.. SPEOFIED FAKIll EXPENDITURES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Machine hire fatms I'nder S20O farms S200U) $999 farms SI, 000 or more farms Hired labor farms L'nder $1,000 farms $1,000 to $2.499 farms $2,500 or mere farms S2,50n to $4,999 farms $5,000 or more farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1959., reporting 1959, 1954 . , dollars 1959 . 1954., aporting 1959 , , dollars 1959., repotting 1959. . 19.54 . dollars 1959 . . 19.54 . , repcrting 1959. reporting 1959., reporting 1959., reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. repcrting 1959. 1954 . , reporting 1959., 1954., reporting 1959. , reporting 1959. , reporting 1959 . , 1954., dollars 1959.. 1954., reporting 1959. , dollars 1959., 518 520 32,051 29,454 2,163 2,237 417 1,600 177 563 72 162 2,535 3,170 72 172 25 90 540 1,815 25 32 388 403 23,903 14, U6 262 1,134 167 526 16 15 360 405 16 21 157 HA 3,923 NA 132 196 25 35 27 790 27 45 5 2 30 56 600 1,165 495 1,795 1,355 1,269 1,490 2,173,395 1,861,298 1,093 2,793,461 870 1,095 151,195 179,343 572 297 1 617 645 239,4% 231,075 558 563 39 69 20 8 12 1,355 1,470 835,733 743,447 995 198,358 687 357 46,879 50,230 3,701 3,978 464 2,167 324 1,534 101 131 2,965 3,005 71 139 30 54 45 90 930 1,295 35 112 10 1 562 722 36,310 32,660 324 1,557 304 1,364 106 167 2,009 3,885 91 134 21 29 131 NA 2,675 NA 116 178 15 20 78 1,940 32 47 46 66 40 150 585 6,170 1,030 7,900 1,719 1,504 1,769 3,114,432 2,350,175 1,194 4,726,430 987 1,437 254,710 266,395 512 463 U 629 814 288,260 303,900 555 705 58 96 16 13 1 15 1,699 1,764 1,140,366 1,020,535 1,016 238,604 732 825 88,186 60,270 5,666 3,800 387 2,736 525 2,930 67 150 1,405 2,560 52 101 15 12 45 105 595 1,755 20 33 25 16 692 730 67,424 41,550 287 1,966 509 2,471 284 310 9,101 9,020 143 349 146 195 90 NA 1,475 KA 75 77 I 15 6 188 8,186 83 210 112 230 15 110 445 5,635 835 9,230 1,090 872 1,056 1,979,391 1,062,505 717 4,049,482 705 881 258,895 177,165 240 421 44 505 581 177,932 131,930 465 540 27 36 13 5 7 6 1,090 1,156 813,738 566,925 611 151,050 182 173 14,900 6,187 920 568 98 315 104 605 19 41 625 1,215 17 35 3 15 157 lis 11,222 4,121 64 172 101 536 39 10 1,365 215 31 78 13 37 1,688 23 30 19 41 722 605 623 787,736 757,296 504 1,757,001 480 447 228,446 156,161 171 270 39 414 457 251,692 224,451 343 393 49 44 22 20 U 707 671 558,824 503,310 605 126,797 685 811 44,716 53,602 3,462 4,5X 567 2,854 162 608 66 162 1,320 2,950 60 92 6 26 46 57 870 980 41 53 5 10 555 675 29,795 34,680 437 1,750 146 468 282 313 6,647 8,620 251 482 31 57 149 NA 2,893 NA 128 225 21 16 102 3,191 77 252 25 31 58 387 1,135 9,615 2,375 20,350 1,384 1,213 1,373 1,902,005 1,755,865 988 3,220,866 903 1,100 273,435 317,560 415 446 42 898 375,267 410,930 724 781 43 81 41 36 30 11 1,374 1,418 824,290 724,735 1,006 196,607 33 86 1,976 2,410 166 156 33 166 25 47 1,694 946 25 142 6 19 192 594 100 8 303 293 382 557,846 423,525 181 931,171 51 117 26,893 40,891 29 15 7 151 230 306,424 233,153 59 178 64 30 28 22 19 9 301 384 295,108 263,900 104 19,115 805 710 71,400 44,875 4,795 3,131 543 2,459 429 2,336 25 115 720 1,665 20 58 5 11 55 50 1,010 745 40 55 15 29 564 530 37,645 21,205 236 757 363 1,826 500 470 21,706 15,585 363 1,017 152 261 175 NA 2,735 NA 160 183 15 22 224 7,584 115 389 1X3 187 35 160 720 4,020 1,455 9,160 1,496 1,301 1,450 2,161,601 1,565,155 1,211 2,768,458 954 1,255 250,602 251,015 490 447 17 676 660 178,024 116,300 647 640 20 20 9 "6 3 1,461 1,510 920,320 761,705 i,m 182,916 387 431 31,235 35,590 2,210 2,073 274 1,485 144 725 67 120 1,435 2,575 56 96 11 7 5 65 30 1,U5 5 2 351 396 25,170 27,910 238 1,111 133 638 126 25 2,620 730 105 131 21 30 60 NA 1,290 NA 60 86 35 690 35 59 20 25 910 420 1,540 840 672 537 645 3,717,680 1,383,920 446 7,760,600 409 5U 134,477 137,210 115 281 13 317 326 255,720 108,735 271 301 26 15 20 10 7 13 667 626 412,120 307,600 546 120,6'TO NA Not available. NEBRASKA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 171 a saxppio of farms. Son texlj ScOttS P.illff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thorns Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler York " 1,12^ 796 188 236 141 380 686 8 305 340 647 453 299 110 1,017 1,082 1,030 176 163 163 709 538 9 471 357 836 670 251 123 914 3i,3U 89,114 13,147 15,792 7,189 23,863 70,774 400 19,185 32,103 58,333 26,039 19,784 9,810 135, 910 -■,9,590 94,345 8,007 7,777 5,936 43,286 35,637 208 26,605 19,838 60,965 34,020 12,493 6,529 75,661 e,053 5,823 1,014 1,212 703 1,666 5,232 31 1,828 2,528 5,222 2,136 1,287 608 10,363 5,123 5,517 634 639 604 2,977 2,632 17 2,219 1,510 4,692 3,070 678 403 4,862 1,044 540 153 140 119 292 518 8 234 194 487 391 210 107 566 7,023 3,222 867 766 601 1,272 2,713 29 1,267 986 2,708 1,614 577 590 3,868 384 431 64 136 46 154 352 1 96 221 223 151 149 4 760 1,030 2,601 147 446 107 394 2,519 2 561 1,542 2,514 522 710 18 6,495 184 60 64 28 25 88 52 5 71 23 103 165 3 16 81 116 230 40 16 17 208 121 8 250 37 265 285 13 7 152 4,276 2,100 2,659 605 1,199 2,645 1,195 100 1,260 795 2,407 2,866 107 1,319 1,385 2,535 4,295 2,216 334 533 4,146 2,155 143 5,355 695 6,755 6,395 330 258 3,471 182 50 42 27 24 83 46 5 71 18 92 145 3 ]6 55 327 82 185 37 97 214 103 15 109 80 197 223 9 64 110 2 10 2 1 1 6 6 5 11 25 1 26 1 103 4 4 10 17 5 . . * 1 24 34 1 24 11 55 8 5 2 22 35 "i 50 11 67 44 3 "3 41 U 150 ... 1 ... 122 30 1 45 ... 160 80 1 86 175 885 195 20 104 415 535 20 1,185 250 1,830 923 30 106 1,330 140 2,505 16 3,030 255 5 645 3,090 1,595 . . . 10 1,200 6 50 "b 5 2 22 20 1 40 6 46 37 3 3 35 11 65 21 1 7 26 22 2 74 9 53 83 4 8 85 5 5 ... 15 ... 10 6 21 7 11 5 1 9 ... 18 6 73 21 10 26 856 636 91 230 123 308 442 3 225 316 567 325 159 91 961 57 425 905 19 168 58 574 277 296 287 711 405 144 100 743 ■28 36,326 60,300 4,410 13,622 3,377 15,673 29,187 170 13,425 25,236 43,665 16,133 9,482 7,007 108,335 29 9,065 54,195 681 6,892 1,043 26,603 9,695 13,705 15,384 36,355 17,625 6,5U 5,070 50,780 30 673 330 47 124 95 207 238 "2 154 170 396 252 66 88 361 31 2,634 1,962 207 622 281 744 1,060 4 849 691 1,906 696 266 431 2,809 32 310 401 49 135 44 148 285 1 86 214 217 U4 92 4 735 33 777 2,126 84 430 95 354 1,509 2 440 1,332 2,179 379 441 38 5,958 34 42 506 25 27 1 20 432 5 50 186 150 ... 498 35 32 670 75 6 5 25 363 ... 10 80 90 10 135 396 36 1,285 18,289 1,037 382 30 265 20,m ... 150 2,854 4,706 4,227 ... 16,790 37 690 24,625 z.rn 75 85 435 15,402 .. . 130 2,410 2,005 195 4,160 12,615 39 41 3tf5 24 27 1 20 339 5 30 163 ... 117 ... 312 39 65 850 54 33 5 22 821 ... IS 103 236 ... 179 ... 636 40 1 161 1 ... ... 93 ... ... 25 23 ... 39 . . . 206 tl 10 226 3 ... 259 . .■ 59 63 ... 50 ... 247 42 113 101 34 '28 7 102 113 . .. 90 U 162 163 U 32 71 43 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 44 1,642 1,650 1,527 578 149 4,135 1,880 2,580 130 3,615 5,660 173 1,146 1,U5 45 m NA NA NA NA )U NA 'na NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16 108 80 33 23 7 96 103 65 6 137 132 U 32 55 47 123 98 91 34 11 221 14i 180 5 244 364 7 65 63 48 5 21 6 5 6 10 25 5 25 36 1 16 lO 5 8 U 8 ... 23 5 88 1 41 63 1 12 50 925 155 68 32 52 25 368 2 16 63 49 26 143 18 208 51 37,607 5,890 3,319 585 1,830 730 17,866 110 585 2,836 1,910 450 5,765 230 6,955 52 893 85 56 22 51 25 169 2 11 26 32 16 75 18 61 53 3,663 165 309 39 200 45 563 8 37 93 72 26 no 22 165 5< 145 35 13 10 1 ... 204 5 49 22 10 68 142 55 232 137 45 • 4 2 732 15 141 134 5 217 ... 244 56 ... 70 ... '26 25 ... 1 11 n 7 45 57 ... 225 ... 138 213 3jO 75 20 ... 9 175 5S 1,310 250 600 'is 205 186 ... 80 670 5!1 5,375 4,894 5,335 1,100 1,220 400 ... 148 3,875 60 2,600 495 1,450 'so 410 512 81 1,140 61 11,270 7,206 10,105 ... 1,150 ... 2,225 505 ... 303 7,515 62 1,561 1,557 867 914 499 1,008 1,202 77 841 650 1,191 1,260 832 232 1,383 63 1,209 1,271 750 858 409 968 1,047 76 741 783 1,U0 1,215 724 231 1,153 64 1,354 1,600 896 852 494 1,146 1,233 96 791 959 1,172 1,335 875 283 1,429 65 3,734,440 1,926,428 1,135,500 1,062,078 581,007 3,783,777 1,230,755 314,314 1,507,397 1,136,829 3,212,969 4,651,213 532,103 430,117 1,834,679 66 2,753,327 1,802,910 787,810 605,724 702,936 5,434,930 1,362,947 222,660 1,007,785 1,568,087 1,660,725 4,187,470 566,835 394,491 1,136,520 67 1,004 1,056 585 714 275 863 855 58 621 635 968 1,090 539 171 932 m 11,824,307 3,312,449 2,268,545 1,369,687 1,945,968 7,997,375 2,093,897 545,588 3,257,802 2,354,822 5,204,509 10,257,109 536,536 615,772 3,872,207 69 1,079 956 487 571 248 662 827 23 437 503 714 654 454 63 1,076 70 1,158 1,290 595 608 277 756 978 35 635 654 876 1,065 755 130 1,350 71 757,622 272,653 310, 597 128,170 152,698 163,905 320,765 9,782 105,835 160,514 182,663 212,310 131,569 22,856 420,555 72 509,486 266,130 325,702 156,866 82,758 145,990 250,575 8,964 142,345 130,596 195,723 179,810 157,752 24,572 336,775 73 202 406 138 311 93 396 300 5 255 239 391 540 221 44 346 74 669 530 276 253 125 251 485 16 177 249 304 287 210 35 636 75 208 20 73 7 30 15 42 2 5 15 19 27 23 4 94 76 1,098 711 545 387 237 472 567 45 470 388 551 667 3U 106 762 77 1,258 720 652 416 304 496 678 58 486 474 522 680 362 127 829 78 2,145,596 162,742 913,732 155,602 327,697 280,445 189,351 101,346 220,915 244,292 458,660 248,142 113,892 151,769 585,929 79 2,075,966 170,705 738,556 137,964 413,703 342,480 205,525 66,334 265,140 213,390 213,835 286,460 127,731 133,074 263,785 80 483 675 339 349 140 385 533 22 396 305 453 563 269 70 607 81 623 690 454 392 172 415 638 34 415 407 481 585 326 90 770 82 336 30 33 26 47 58 17 8 60 63 57 74 13 13 91 83 362 25 122 18 79 48 31 13 50 54 25 80 20 27 41 84 279 6 123 12 50 29 17 15 14 20 41 10 9 23 64 85 273 5 76 6 53 33 9 11 21 13 16 15 14 10 18 86 176 5 36 6 37 23 16 9 13 17 27 8 4 19 50 87 103 1 37 4 13 6 1 6 1 3 14 2 5 4 14 88 1,545 1,527 861 904 499 993 1,202 77 821 835 1,171 1,245 812 231 1,373 89 1,533 1,635 1,001 893 528 1,146 1,259 97 371 965 1,247 1,305 951 278 1,509 90 1,673,418 911,225 888,255 514,486 436,695 634,733 847,915 70,803 547,699 587,995 778,674 759,011 489,322 195,733 953,174 91 1,479,124 769,570 750,409 426,246 368,985 745,040 618,361 69,724 517,745 529,396 621,366 715,955 462,140 190,219 770,960 92 1,072 98C 372 765 251 332 784 32 528 645 748 1,024 524 138 953 93 605,817 173,216 86,721 153,117 64,763 180,089 170,450 3,378 151,820 134,439 169,869 200,079 86,410 17,445 302,043 94 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item (For dcrinitions and explanations, see text) Antelope Cattle and calves foms R-ponine number Cows, incluJin^ heifers that have cnlvGxJ fanns reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting number Steers and hulls, incimiing ; number or hand: Cattle and calve— 1 2to4 5lo!l 10 to la 20 to 40 50 to 99 100 or more Cows, including heifers that have ealved— 1. , 2 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 29 30to49. .:.. 50 to T4 75 to 99 100 or more. . Milk cows— 'arms reporting amis reporting eporting arms reporting reporting reporting arms reporting farms reporting 'arms reporting arrris reporting 'arms reporting farms reporting 'arms reprrting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting farms reportiag 'arms reporting 'arms reprrting farms reporting 'arms reporting .farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Bom since June 1 farms repprtinn 2 to 9 10 to 19. , . . 20 to 29. . . . 30 to 49. . . . 50 or more. . Horses and/or mules. . Bom before June 1 . farms reporting number Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- t'nder 10 farms rt-porting 10 to 24 farms n'porting 25 to 99 farms n-pnrting 100 or more farms reporting Sheep and lambs farms reporting number l.ambs under 1 year old farms reporting numbrr Sheep I year old and over farms reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Rams and wethers farms repcrting numlier Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs- Undcr 2!i farms reporting 25 to 29!) farms reporting 300 or more farms reporting Chickens 4 months.old and over. .farms repcrting number Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over— farms leporting farms reptrlmg farms repcrting farms reporting farms repeating farms reporting tinder 50. 50 to .399 400 to 799 800 to 1,599... 1,600 to 3,199 . 3,200 or more . , Tuiltey hens kept for breeding farms reporting 75,866 89,983 4,981,973 4,899,380 67,871 85,845 1,730,921 1,900,761 48,725 71,713 318,577 422,738 66,956 81,582 1,475,360 1,352,379 67,704 81,593 1,775,692 1,646,240 723 3,369 5,529 12,824 27,588 15,004 10,829 3,277 24,773 18,080 7,993 6,536 3,099 1,304 2,809 7,658 30,997 7,995 1,292 599 184 23,641 36,259 68,281 99,760 52,656 59,311 3,245,237 2,861,364 36,024 32,833 1,553,340 1,050,971 44,156 50,439 1,691,897 1,810,393 7,228 9,746 25,007 10,675 7,328 5,428 755,922 692,171 5,363 3,930 463,083 490,069 6,546 4,596 292,839 202,102 6,388 4,488 277,404 193,391 4,496 2,875 15,435 8,711 3,365 3,517 446 64,002 81,813 10,485,148 12,074,233 14,656 44,866 3,750 558 131 41 455 426 27,958 19,255 877 1,093 26,266 26,618 825 1,058 10,114 10,835 512 869 2,662 4,596 794 988 7,413 7,911 778 949 8,739 7,872 57 92 241 362 89 31 35 400 258 75 35 17 3 2 102 340 56 11 1 2 166 238 320 AS2 440 525 16,042 12,846 290 263 8,796 5,639 336 411 7,246 7,207 99 120 189 32 94 63 4,171 2,325 71 50 1,331 1,030 90 55 2,840 1,295 87 53 2,396 1,160 53 34 444 135 50 42 2 729 1,007 98,347 141,932 165 537 24 2 1,417 1,629 70,954 66,481 1,284 1,558 22,159 24,034 1,006 1,352 7,589 7,563 1,282 1,498 22,580 19,230 1,282 1,481 26,215 23,217 48 79 224 567 327 164 41 475 369 194 WO 47 6 12 94 652 216 28 11 363 646 707 1,441 1,129 1,267 78,f43 68,232 808 638 39,446 23,961 929 1,098 38,997 44,271 104 167 581 277 97 65 5,723 6,011 66 48 1,911 3,856 82 59 3,812 2,155 80 57 3,623 2,102 58 37 189 53 47 47 3 1,135 1,502 217,361 246,576 162 874 86 10 1 2 3 3 25 13 96 105 34,870 33,164 94 104 17,643 15,791 67 84 278 384 91 99 8,910 8,723 93 101 8,317 8,650 100 671 931 22 38 190 306 13 24 100 204 17 26 90 102 4 3 305 14 1 1 5 4 4 3 300 10 3 3 234 9 4 1 16 1 3 1 2,300 4,260 1 1 500 5 175 211 22,188 21,810 165 210 9,598 11,630 100 156 312 502 149 188 6,630 5,492 159 192 5,960 4,688 128 145 448 535 60 65 1,458 1,423 39 45 889 724 43 39 569 699 27 15 15 3 27 25 1,282 1,731 16 19 440 352 26 22 842 1,379 24 21 781 1,289 18 11 61 90 12 14 1 124 188 7,892 13,906 69 54 149 174 38,676 34,212 147 172 18,884 19,139 115 133 542 803 141 164 10,846 8,417 146 159 8,946 6,656 4 2 16 21 105 1 9 7 9 18 23 12 68 13 83 17 2 126 U7 673 888 54 64 1,016 793 33 36 612 358 43 45 404 435 24 16 13 1 5 9 293 490 3 7 58 167 4 7 235 323 4 7 215 314 4 2 20 9 2 3 93 131 4,094 7,499 65 28 6 2,204 1,623 1,213 1,441 62,364 58,947 1,129 1,398 17,707 20,802 909 1,230 7,500 8,581 1,115 1,376 19,713 16,789 1,128 1,372 24,944 21,356 4 29 76 203 545 258 24 433 396 145 94 26 5 6 59 575 221 33 17 4 330 611 625 1,307 1,057 1,279 71,647 72,659 729 661 31,899 23,432 891 1,124 39,748 49,227 71 153 599 234 65 46 2,932 1,599 49 29 866 289 62 41 2,066 1,310 58 41 1,854 1,257 37 32 212 53 1,010 1,304 161,019 192,985 153 804 48 5 476 578 42,098 40,916 424 554 16,290 18,303 256 428 1,071 2,066 413 509 11,903 11,040 412 523 13,905 11,573 5 29 42 79 116 99 106 122 79 50 50 37 13 40 84 155 10 1 5 1 204 250 593 194 204 6,456 5,977 124 116 3,249 2,435 U2 151 3,207 3,542 59 56 62 17 109 71 12,407 6,003 72 50 2,931 2,614 105 69 9,476 3,389 103 68 9,077 3,260 89 46 399 129 29 69 11 352 541 25,132 48,119 167 182 3 NEBRASKA 173 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Cbase Cheny Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota 4U 1.422 916 1,271 1,139 1,682 410 735 528 776 1,046 1,598 2,072 483 1 489 1,6l4 1 .153 1,538 1,455 1,840 505 801 650 915 1,192 1,683 2,459 574 52.487 73. 'V;:' 55,853 34,063 36.446 82.90 5 27,116 295,658 28,636 28,382 44,318 130,838 191,681 27,969 3 56,tj53 70.' "38 "■1.4.,3 39,195 41,951 75,933 29,118 235,296 27,511 26,609 39,869 116,082 182,502 21,974 4 395 1,31" 6813 1,158 1,014 1,560 386 724 468 714 895 1,223 1,985 411 .5 48] i,M. 1,054 1,478 1,397 1,784 493 792 622 883 1,112 1,536 2,410 533 e 25,4'>3 ,3'.,7*-'8 6.902 11,435 10,262 22,771 11,805 135,974 10,658 8,593 8,966 12,568 83,900 4,587 T ^'J,Z'i:: 2''..'3'3!i 10.381 l.;,816 13,472 24,614 13,428 133,409 12,331 9,269 11,902 16,528 89,232 5,507 B zm ri(,3 517 773 627 1,380 277 586 310 437 659 1,036 1,435 319 9 409 1 .281. Qio 1,185 1,135 1,638 410 681 468 734 881 1,348 2,041 462 10 1,929 ...'-'38 i,d<-'' 4,317 3,206 11,596 1,308 2,692 1,054 1,763 3,806 7,426 9,163 1,934 11 2,264 n,9n 5.. .94 6,355 5,403 11,355 1,981 3,038 1,817 3,337 4,443 8,516 12,106 2,614 12 363 l,31u 744 1,118 990 1,559 340 703 443 702 859 1,301 1,889 396 1:3 457 1,535 1,000 1,394 1,313 1,727 426 763 545 832 1,061 1,421 2,244 505 14 14,159 22,099 15,579 9,508 13,025 22 ,498 6,925 85,655 8,315 7,405 11,593 48,079 51,440 8,513 15 14,827 19,442 12,728 11,437 13,304 22,631 7,029 75,079 7,610 7,010 11,057 26,890 45,858 6,430 16 364 1,239 833 1,119 966 1,532 350 704 458 698 929 1,376 1,9,3 428 17 455 1,495 1,065 1,378 1,266 1,731 420 771 554 826 1,074 1,587 2,263 521 Ifi 12,865 24,815 33,377 13,120 13,159 37,636 8,386 74,029 9,663 12,384 23,759 70,191 56,341 14,869 19 12,314 21,661 28,834 12,942 15,175 28,688 8,661 76,808 7,570 10,330 16,910 72,664 47,412 10,037 20 4 15 4 18 23 9 8 3 7 15 12 6 12 7 21 18 70 44 82 81 40 26 16 44 47 43 49 57 38 22 25 113 63 156 U4 59 37 8 63 87 94 78 102 47 23 38 229 132 394 295 218 62 19 85 186 246 220 171 70 24 86 510 349 472 418 780 U5 50 150 322 425 602 538 139 25 83 308 189 112 144 434 77 108 88 87 162 355 580 84 2fi 157 177 135 37 44 142 85 531 86 32 64 288 612 48 27 17 55 67 57 83 48 20 11 35 42 65 72 48 47 28 74 421 374 652 529 569 124 34 174 343 486 628 331 201 29 61 373 149 327 284 588 64 36 89 227 256 378 341 89 30 36 201 54 81 76 201 50 24 48 62 48 88 320 42 31 53 156 22 35 32 117 51 70 56 29 27 50 393 26 32 47 67 9 6 7 31 36 72 29 7 10 6 263 4 3-3 25 27 3 1 3 16 65 18 1 2 1 U5 34 82 19 2 2 3 25 412 19 3 1 174 2 35 51 128 94 142 156 104 54 93 87 U8 129 101 178 62 3fi 159 593 328 509 394 783 195 436 210 290 426 668 962 204 37 54 124 67 105 48 427 22 51 10 25 85 222 251 39 38 11 10 15 15 16 52 6 5 3 3 9 29 27 9 39 4 8 9 1 12 11 1 1 6 15 15 3 40 1 4 1 1 3 4 1 2 2 41 254 432 182 221 242 368 199 653 191 142 151 288 1,212 U4 42 349 700 340 477 381 691 253 721 219 200 327 518 1,731 170 43 993 1,001 383 441 565 718 558 5,862 488 308 304 776 3,308 222 44 1,363 1,514 679 ] ,069 738 1,435 672 7,488 496 383 647 1,190 4,979 334 45 180 989 817 885 757 1,582 263 241 170 446 913 1,411 1,355 477 46 223 1,U50 999 1,069 950 1,725 281 275 157 481 1,004 1,488 1,569 548 47 5,649 50.730 83,077 36,166 39,054 162 ,420 8,915 8,017 5,095 20,191 68,313 139,444 67,838 47,091 48 5,637 35.591 39.213 33,834 38, ',"99 155,694 6,591 8,268 3,248 13,804 64,596 133,045 53,082 44,447 19 137 707 r 1,552 1,366 2,554 530 6,612 1,665 1,703 2,612 3,992 808 77 3c 133 63 93 60 37 21 21 47 48 53 88 169 25 76 20 73 35 59 46 28 22 16 24 30 31 62 84 20 79 189 54 5 186 510 103 94 59 59 172 155 86 227 536 37 60 105 167 76 183 76 51 44 29 100 56 85 231 267 34 61 13 122 51 54 62 33 19 19 26 32 37 70 119 22 82 30 106 82 41 32 18 15 38 41 43 55 141 24 83 3 10 3 3 1 8 3 1 4 1 5 9 84 281 1,134 800 1,186 946 1,534 329 497 445 676 1,025 1,454 1,632 454 65 380 1,477 1,103 1,493 1,315 1,741 430 638 578 840 1,169 1,585 2,158 532 66 18,251 166,440 153,330 202,690 128,906 328,334 28,074 25,841 38,501 96,733 261, 70i 328,897 184,413 71,534 87 29.341 199.33 3 192,412 239,657 176,313 298,206 41,716 39,666 54,085 122,621 256,275 312,276 251,493 73,870 88 152 297 120 1»9 266 150 164 362 2U 129 aii 117 506 118 89 127 840 608 9o3 628 1,225 153 129 222 524 m 1,159 1,080 303 90 1 39 61 66 46 127 5 3 10 17 150 156 39 23 91 1 5 7 7 5 21 1 3 2 6 11 18 7 10 92 3 4 1 1 10 1 1 1 9 3 1 93 94 22 5 4 1 10 18 4 1 11 95 13 9 1 4 2 10 19 3 "2 2 2 12 96 162 2,315 1,045 3 39 75 89 9 2 459 97 62 1,322 250 1,565 ui " 74 10 "21 6 52 931 98 174 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item Dawes Dairson Deuel Dixon Dodge DOUglHS Dundy Fillmore Franklin (For derinitions and explanations , see text) 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1959 . , . 525 1,121 234 1,072 1,153 679 387 981 730 .) 1954 . . . 600 1,402 236 1,215 1,386 1,0a 462 1,193 832 3 number 1959 . . - 47,492 122,912 13,742 50,099 64,328 63,013 34,097 36,135 35,952 1 1954... 53,931 112,828 14,296 47,415 57,694 73,927 32,006 36,640 37,268 5 Cows, including heifers thai have calved .... . .farms reporting 1959. . . 507 968 188 932 798 435 361 822 711 6 195) . . . 585 1,300 261 1,155 1,209 821 446 1,128 321 7 number 1959 . . . 24,876 30,121 3,825 10,993 8,716 5,133 13,325 8,260 16,179 8 19.54 . . . 27,350 33,644 5,351 12,310 13,870 8,716 15,194 10,674 16,713 g Milk co«s .farms reporting 1959 . . . 336 618 107 759 558 337 260 476 457 10 1954 . . . iA7 1,027 201 1,062 971 704 377 855 649 11 number 1959 . . . 1,494 2,740 318 4,955 4,296 3,597 1,224 2,423 2,546 12 1954 . . . 1,313 4,460 659 6,446 6,319 6,300 1,947 4,415 3,664 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 471 960 196 928 920 493 331 829 662 U 1954 . . . 541 1,200 229 1,086 1,186 763 414 1,093 773 a number 1959... 11,973 42,754 4,738 12,587 22,336 14,150 10,934 9,951 9,637 16 1954... 14,316 33,819 4,404 11,821 17,373 9,716 8,949 10,554 10,262 17 Steers and bulls, inciwling steer ami hull calvrs. . farms reporting 1959 . . . 476 991 191 989 998 518 338 869 673 18 1954 . . . 552 1,211 255 1,151 1,230 726 404 1,101 771 19 number 1959... 10,643 50,037 5,179 26,519 33,276 48,735 9,838 17,924 10,136 20 Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1954... 12,265 45,365 4,541 23,284 26,451 55,495 7,863 15,412 10,293 21 1 .farm* repxting 1959... 4 12 5 11 11 26 6 12 4 22 2to4 .farms reprjting 1959 . . . 16 71 18 35 64 62 24 59 22 23 5to9 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . .famis reprcting 1959. . . 24 42 138 73 115 268 21 42 62 68 198 440 99 198 415 83 134 221 29 51 99 103 217 426 39 133 294 24 10 to 19 25 20 to 49 28 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 153 270 50 223 207 79 87 113 160 27 100 or more Cows, including; heifers thst have calverl- .farms reporting 1959. . . 148 312 36 97 159 74 91 51 78 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 14 67 13 38 73 81 27 59 17 29 2 to 9 .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 60 265 77 469 409 134 90 412 134 30 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 , . . 65 168 36 276 191 83 74 268 216 31 20 to 29. , ^ .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 82 102 128 156 16 30 88 44 76 38 41 34 38 47 54 25 127 94 32 .TO to 49 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 81 89 8 13 9 7 34 3 47 34 75 to 99 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 55 46 3 4 3 14 13 35 100 or more Milk cows- 48 49 5 2 2 37 1 13 3< 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 80 176 44 72 101 73 61 95 58 37 2 to 9 .farms reporting 1959. . . 227 372 59 517 327 150 164 325 328 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 24 63 4 152 78 49 31 51 63 39 20 to 29 .farms repating 1959 , . . 2 2 15 30 32 4 3 6 40 30to49 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959. . . 3 2 3 3 21 1 24 9 1 1 1 1 41 50 or more 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1959 . . , 385 479 59 208 214 229 222 145 238 43 1954 . , , 446 689 99 361 377 334 313 253 336 44 number 1959... 1,242 1,111 212 375 491 761 668 449 564 45 1954... 1,461 1,577 200 666 672 818 1,012 510 676 46 Hogs and pigs .farms reporting 1959. . . 236 845 74 1,018 924 372 256 660 442 47 in.'it... 262 868 85 1,133 1,025 475 289 717 493 48 number 1959... 8,219 59,846 2,860 107,686 71,652 20,135 10,141 32,249 15,027 49 1954... 9,265 42,118 1,534 99,290 69,198 20,711 3,252 23,428 12,133 50 Bom since June 1 .farms re|x>rlin^ 1959. . . 137 605 61 688 616 203 196 452 293 51 1954... 160 520 49 626 519 241 178 366 235 52 number 1959 .. . 3,973 30,805 1,768 43,220 31,011 9,473 5,660 17,526 3,440 S3 1954 . , . 3,728 17,034 813 29,026 22,865 8,740 4,560 8,305 5,357 54 Bom before .lune 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 183 706 53 898 823 309 202 545 315 55 19.54... 192 707 57 1,032 925 360 223 601 412 5S number 1959 .. . 4,246 29,041 1,092 64,466 40,641 10,712 4,481 14,723 6,537 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies- 1954 . . . 5,537 25,084 721 70,264 46,333 11,971 3,692 15,123 6,776 58 Undd 10 .farms reporting 1959... 82 99 24 40 61 68 46 85 116 59 10 to 24 .farms reporting 19r>9 . . . .farms reporting 1959... 56 79 170 377 17 24 30 431 138 467 86 166 72 120 170 316 125 177 60 25 to 99 61 100 or more .farms reprxting 1959. . . 19 199 9 467 258 52 18 89 24 62 Sheep and lambs .farms reporting 1959 .. . 182 194 37 80 121 94 16 113 28 63 1954... 145 159 34 61 73 55 20 70 7 64 number 1959... 32,426 31,358 3,027 8,108 10,219 14,576 314 6,705 852 65 1954... 22,005 56,195 5,357 6,434 4,856 5,517 936 3,020 282 66 I.ambs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 . . . 128 144 25 60 95 70 11 91 19 67 1951 . . . 93 113 22 45 47 36 14 54 5 68 number 1959 . , . 9,251 24,868 1,287 5,721 5,189 10,372 193 3,517 235 69 1954 . . . 6,683 52,403 3,871 4,494 2,993 4,637 192 1,369 95 70 Sheep 1 year old ami over .rarms reporting 1959. .. 173 173 34 66 112 60 16 105 25 71 1954... 134 122 28 42 60 35 17 62 6 72 number 1959... 23,175 6,490 1,740 2,387 5,030 3,704 621 3,188 617 7.1 19.54 . - . 15,322 3,792 1,486 1,940 1,363 880 794 1,651 187 74 Ewes .farms reportinji 19.59 . . . 171 170 34 64 110 66 16 103 25 75 1954... 132 114 27 41 60 34 15 62 6 76 number 1959 .. . 22,387 6,235 1,681 2,271 4,324 2,646 590 3,043 530 77 1954... 14,687 3,629 1,443 1,786 1,306 857 650 1,594 131 78 Rams and welher= .fams reprrting 1959. . . 138 112 27 37 90 44 11 71 9 79 1954 . . . 89 76 19 24 33 14 15 37 4 SO number 1959... 788 255 59 116 206 1,058 31 140 37 81 Farms reporting by number of sbwp and lambs- 19.54 . . , 635 163 43 154 57 23 144 57 6 82 Undd ?.r, .farms reporting 1959 . . . 40 99 15 39 47 48 7 56 17 S3 25 to 291) .farms reporting 1959 . . . 111 88 18 30 65 38 9 53 11 84 ,300 or more .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 31 7 4 11 9, 8 4 85 Chicken.^ i months old and nyir .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 423 826 149 966 1,132 599 322 905 572 86 1951... 480 1,179 230 1,172 1,397 1,010 414 1,135 696 87 number 1959... 40,542 94,056 23,345 195,299 307,513 117,067 30,783 171,676 64,576 88 1954 , . . 48,063 141,619 31,941 195,015 257,580 125,030 35,599 219,280 95,243 Farms rr^porting by number of chickens 4 months old and over— 89 Under 50 .farms leporting 1959 . . . 227 280 53 85 118 186 160 103 132 90 50 to 399 .farms reprrling 1959 .. . 186 525 86 781 825 373 155 740 434 91 400 to 799 .farms reporting 19.59 . . , . farms repirting 1 959 . . 6 3 16 3 8 90 3 150 31 30 5 3 2 57 4 6 92 800 lo 1,599 93 1,600 to 3,199 .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 1 2 2 4 1 1 94 3,200 or more .farms reporting 1959 ,. - "i 1 4 4 1 1 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding .farms reporting 19.59 , . 12 3 3 2 1 4 1 96 1954... 30 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 97 number 1959... 42 9 15 44 2 9 315 98 1954... 323 15 "4 3 5 33 14 1,154 NEBRASKA 175 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Frontier Pumas Cage Garden Garfield Gosper Gran t Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hi telle ock Holt 660 673 1,890 381 327 459 76 605 925 987 585 364 485 1,601 1 810 863 2,136 461 353 497 68 756 1,132 1,194 683 408 582 1,809 45,766 40,025 59,810 68,563 41,257 29,288 65, 309 44,924 56,444 36,618 32,122 27,643 24,697 185,923 3 51,650 42,033 64,744 70,955 35,544 27,776 66, 305 46,494 52,611 35,189 31,850 27,469 28,547 176,414 4 641 650 1,695 360 310 437 76 570 784 827 562 346 439 1,549 5 794 844 2,057 450 349 484 63 ■723 1,061 1,123 667 396 565 1,783 6 22,079 14,242 18,8X 35,198 19,103 11,482 27, 546 16,611 11,449 9,220 13,302 12,772 10,260 87,499 7 25,966 16,874 21,729 36,253 17,974 12,339 25, 859 18,579 14,030 11,114 13,068 14,325 13,834 86,601 e 434 437 1,238 222 233 306 57 409 538 539 358 246 273 1,202 9 642 683 1,337 336 306 403 58 604 391 956 516 320 430 1,511 10 2,14? 2,450 10,662 761 1,794 1,503 288 2,982 4,202 3,565 2,238 1,157 1,420 9,883 3,090 3,635 13,553 1,434 2,243 1,939 329 3,699 5,923 5,887 2,842 1,462 2,304 9,966 12 616 629 1,638 328 311 434 73 549 780 853 527 327 425 1,510 V, 74« 783 1,93- 410 332 463 68 686 1,029 1,093 631 368 524 1,691 14 12,180 11,064 19,579 17,793 11,680 9,163 16, 350 12,923 a, 377 12,036 8,655 6,787 6,486 51,534 15 13,635 12,303 19,562 19,235 10,295 8,355 18, 021 12,606 18,356 10,568 3,786 6,387 7,113 48,964 le 606 622 1,675 347 307 429 76 569 801 355 540 345 441 1,468 17 754 778 1,956 398 326 457 66 705 1,002 1,089 631 374 5:0 1,672 IS 11,507 14,719 21,401 15,577 10,474 3,643 21, 413 15,390 23,618 15,362 10,165 8,034 7,95: 46,890 19 12,049 12,856 23,453 15,417 7,275 7,082 22, 425 15,309 20,225 13,507 9,996 6,757 7,600 40,849 20 3 8 18 3 1 3 14 18 5 2 3 6 21 14 27 92 15 10 10 1 12 59 66 22 7 13 33 22 25 32 169 24 13 30 18 104 120 32 12 38 51 23 rjj 103 463 43 24 64 1 43 172 203 76 42 69 127 24 2 '.14 250 833 93 72 169 1 195 306 386 242 122 166 378 25 ;io 163 255 78 100 124 4 192 149 133 130 100 139 433 26 144 90 60 125 107 59 69 145 121 61 78 79 57 573 27 13 26 95 13 8 5 1 11 52 58 12 6 8 22 28 104 155 836 73 44 103 1 85 359 413 134 68 126 220 29 93 200 529 46 56 IDS 1 149 198 238 174 69 100 249 30 117 110 141 43 33 91 108 83 66 105 53 77 206 31 179 105 ?*; 59 66 86 6 123 55 36 31 74 90 304 32 76 36 14 39 38 27 5 63 a 10 36 37 23 230 33 35 9 4 19 20 6 3 14 9 5 10 17 9 HI 34 24 9 ' 63 45 11 59 17 7 1 10 22 6 207 35 73 66 122 75 29 ■n 4 34 80 75 64 52 42 109 3fl 305 303 815 136 132 233 48 260 323 374 237 164 198 672 37 49 58 248 11 63 31 2 102 95 63 40 25 24 353 38 5 5 65 7 1 3 9 22 14 11 4 7 56 39 2 5 31 7 ..! 4 11 7 7 6 2 4 1 1 1 10 2 40 41 369 212 336 232 213 165 72 264 232 234 201 207 215 853 42 559 382 507 29C 273 239 67 433 342 250 306 252 297 1,226 43 767 373 60. 1,209 797 289 1, 355 5a 620 453 524 469 408 2,865 44 1,316 750 1,015 1,651 1,142 579 1, 469 936 761 465 614 624 626 3,961 45 380 458 1,377 116 189 290 10 507 649 690 345 250 302 1,042 46 415 493 1,555 151 212 302 14 637 692 764 335 247 307 1,094 47 14,408 16,945 67,652 4,251 8,396 10,392 93 38,675 37,382 36,363 12,948 13,806 13,435 50,148 48 9,939 13,855 58,404 3,562 6,452 8,364 92 36,887 29,482 29,404 9,U7 10,203 8,870 34,989 49 249 310 965 74 141 197 5 330 467 417 240 166 210 732 50 240 303 375 96 157 192 5 378 429 385 a8 145 186 644 51 7,579 8,635 38, a2 2,124 4,659 5,613 65 17; 381 20,213 17,267 6,399 5,993 7,137 26,679 52 4,127 6,523 25,071 1,566 3,477 4,673 45 13,027 13,390 10, 592 3,917 4,9a 3,929 15,850 53 31.15 357 1,1'09 33 148 244 6 436 535 607 255 223 231 845 54 324 383 1,320 96 171 230 11 557 570 659 300 202 a8 863 55 6,.-^2'J 8,310 29,440 2,127 3,737 4,779 28 a, 294 17, 169 19,096 6,549 7,813 6,298 23,469 56 ■•,312 7,332 33,333 1,996 2,975 3,691 47 23,860 16,092 18,812 5,200 5,282 4,941 19,139 57 9<. 111 216 47 42 75 8 27 82 109 75 36 81 207 58 \'y. 113 338 25 37 67 1 74 151 150 95 56 73 226 S9 143 207 656 33 89 133 1 274 302 332 146 U5 111 469 60 34 27 167 11 21 15 132 114 99 29 43 37 140 El 4 J 50 99 58 37 22 30 134 122 35 17 17 98 62 21 17 77 44 20 4 20 94 92 26 12 24 81 63 2,173 2,649 4,801 7,810 1,450 589 2,034 12,153 17,029 1,804 2,262 1,763 5,893 64 374 1,517 4,384 8,264 SOi 56 794 3,488 13,828 1,892 2,883 2,066 4,346 65 36 37 73 44 26 18 26 87 93 28 15 11 65 66 in 14 52 26 12 3 16 66 67 18 9 16 59 67 721 996 1,348 3,424 511 178 917 5,027 13,238 925 688 350 1,592 6S 49 962 2,055 3,548 118 20 252 5,448 9,739 1,008 1,295 964 1,481 69 41 48 95 51 31 19 23 123 109 31 14 12 89 70 16 14 67 35 18 3 17 79 86 24 8 19 79 71 1,452 1,653 3,453 4,386 939 411 1,117 7,126 3,791 379 1,574 1,413 4,306 72 325 555 2,329 4,716 386 36 542 3,040 4,089 884 1,588 1,102 2,865 73 41 47 92 50 31 19 23 121 106 31 14 11 88 74 14 14 66 35 18 3 17 77 ^2 24 6 17 78 75 1,390 1,511 3,319 4,256 881 392 1,039 6,269 3,495 855 1,548 1,372 4,135 76 302 524 2,228 4,645 365 34 526 2,933 3,901 835 1,170 1,079 2,723 77 28 27 70 35 20 13 13 75 70 16 9 10 60 78 11 13 51 14 13 2 10 39 59 15 7 10 45 79 62 142 134 130 58 19 23 857 296 24 26 41 171 80. 23 31 101 71 a 2 16 107 188 49 418 23 142 81 23 25 52 23 23 12 11 63 61 23 6 7 35 82 19 24 45 24 14 10 13 60 51 11 9 8 62 83 1 1 2 n 1 11 10 1 2 2 1 64 558 567 1,531 299 260 367 49 4S3 339 329 427 303 391 1,236 85 703 "^74 1.933 3m 230 426 53 631 1,033 1,082 571 348 430 1,526 86 62,125 67,380 331,375 19,734 23,545 43,761 2, 10 73,815 120,914 118,226 46,390 24,692 32,138 134,679 87 79,263 3-, 542 380,lhl 28,563 26,536 52,177 2,1 83 86,143 139,233 \bl,ii2. 64,633 34,790 50,105 166,839 88 167 200 132 191 107 94 40 97 185 184 132 143 166 452 89 370 350 1,140 105 147 265 8 365 616 601 278 154 220 751 90 17 10 216 2 6 8 17 30 41 16 5 4 28 91 4 5 32 10 1 1 1 3 "i 7 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 92 93, 94 5 4 3 7 3 3 1 1 4 2 7 36 95 1 2 4 11 4 1 1 2 2 3 26 9« 24 3,525 123 21 12 4 "4 600 1,273 4 38 1,677 97 4 2,201 "' 42 13 5 8 103 3 3 316 se 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item (For ilerinilions and explanations, see text) Hooker Hotiard Jefferson Jobnsoit Kearney Keith Keya Paha Kimball Knox 1 CaHle and calves . .farms importing 1959 . . . 55 925 1,072 334 685 385 315 245 1,734 ■J 1954 . . . 71 1,102 1,226 990 337 471 370 286 1,971 3 number 1959 . . . 17,121 45,095 40,002 25,383 37,319 52,306 44,882 16,186 103,937 ( 1954 . . . 18,059 47,462 40,994 29,157 33,706 52,849 47,416 13,386 93,117 5 Co>\s, incluilinj; heifers that have calved . .farms reporting 1959. . . 54 885 990 800 578 345 306 224 1,675 6 1951... 70 1,069 1,184 972 786 442 367 270 1,933 7 number 1959 . . 7,510 15,545 13,220 10, XI 9,233 19,103 22,804 6,284 36,920 8 1954.. . 8,352 17,906 15,708 11,539 11,616 22,024 25,157 5,549 36,945 <1 Milk cows . .farms reporting 1059 . . . 43 689 773 583 331 185 250 138 1,357 10 1054 . . . 59 936 1,044 333 613 319 315 195 1,656 U number 1950 . . . 154 5,912 5,697 3,402 1,411 1,168 1,736 671 9,291 12 1954 . . . 270 7,519 7,212 4,387 2,681 1,521 1,869 888 9,709 13 Heifers and heifer calves . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 50 856 943 760 582 320 299 209 1,632 U 1954 . . . 64 1,017 1,131 933 764 421 360 244 1,831 15 number 1950... 4,971 14,668 12,886 7,277 10,236 15,891 12,263 4,861 28,667 16 1954 .. . 4,421 13,921 11,693 8,315 9,611 14,139 12,632 3,880 26,199 17 Steers and hulls, including steer ami bull csjves. . farms reforting 1959 . . . 52 873 961 748 610 336 302 210 1,673 18 1954 . . . 64 1,030 1,137 916 753 415 351 248 1,863 19 number 1959 . . . 4,640 14,882 13,896 8,265 18,350 17,312 9,815 5,041 43,350 20 Fanns reporting bv number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1954 .. . 5,286 15,635 13,593 9,303 12,479 16,686 9,627 3,957 X,973 21 1 . .famis reporting 1959 . . . 3 9 8 6 6 7 10 22 2 to 4 . .farms reporting 1959 24 51 37 43 18 3 23 26 23 5 to 9 . .farms reporting 1959. . . 49 92 79 55 25 8 15 64 24 10 to 19 , .farms reporting 1959 . . , . .famis reporting 1959. . . 142 399 228 474 216 365 110 250 46 96 11 53 34 70 194 720 25 20 to 49 26 50 to 99 11 216 172 102 118 78 73 55 496 27 100 or more . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 38 92 46 27 103 116 167 41 274 Cows, including heifers thit have calved- 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . 26 42 26 43 14 1 25 25 20 2 to 9 .farms rerxating 1050 . 5 242 427 354 212 89 25 67 475 30 10 to 19 .farTr.s reptvljng 1959 . 334 336 285 162 72 29 46 513 ^1 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . 141 109 79 78 38 20 25 266 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . , 9 107 55 39 50 39 50 29 252 33 50 to 74 .farms reptrling 1959. . 6 24 U 13 22 31 59 15 77 34 75 to 99 ■ • farms reportiiifi 1959 . . . 6 7 5 1 8 15 44 5 31 35 100 or more 28 4 2 3 3 47 78 12 36 Milk cows- 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 . 6 53 81 80 98 4S 26 59 120 37 2to9 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 37 406 525 418 205 112 159 66 919 38 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 188 123 66 22 13 55 8 286 39 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 25 23 9 2 3 8 1 30 40 30 to 49 • farms reporting 1959 . . , 14 18 7 3 6 1 2 2 41 50 or more • farms repotting 1959 .. . 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 42 Horses and or mules .farms reporting 1050... 49 254 259 155 155 205 245 119 587 43 1054 . . . 63 517 410 286 187 259 307 122 996 44 number 1959 •.. 370 443 621 270 327 651 709 331 1,101 45 1054 . . . 435 1,086 846 615 354 888 1,043 312 2,256 46 Hogs and pies .farms reporting 1959. . . 16 721 648 600 392 141 152 67 1,579 47 1954.. 22 800 755 713 461 174 199 64 1,733 48 number 1959... 183 35,881 25,429 21,048 30,955 19,395 6,009 6,419 1,582 138,828 49 1954... 110 29,651 29,475 18,843 4,285 6,855 860 133,680 50 Bom since June 1 • fanrw reportins 1959. , . 8 529 464 429 264 98 UO 47 1,103 51 1954 . . . 11 483 464 394 232 115 114 39 922 52 number 19.59 . . . 114 19,986 14,334 15,509 9,985 3,234 3,136 939 57,520 53 1054 . . . 37 13,315 10,649 11,131 7,896 2,131 2,640 500 33,301 54 Bom before June 1 .farms reporting 1950 .. . 13 603 513 495 317 110 111 37 1,382 55 19.54... 13 683 627 637 378 115 161 38 1,580 56 number 1959 . . . 69 15,895 11,095 15,446 9,410 2,725 3,283 593 81,308 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pi^ES- 1954 . . , 73 16,336 10,399 18,344 10,947 2,154 4,215 360 94,379 58 I'nder 10 • farms reporting 1950... 9 90 123 81 59 32 38 32 63 59 10 to 24 • farms reporting 10.59 . . . 4 163 164 119 92 44 35 19 132 60 25 to 99 • farms reporting 1959. . . 3 377 322 320 191 45 64 12 805 61 100 or more • farms reporting 1959 .. . 91 39 80 50 20 15 4 579 62 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 58 68 66 82 42 60 45 92 63 1954 . - 1 33 41 81 51 42 47 38 63 64 number 1959. . . 10 2,244 2,997 2,436 9,805 3,831 6,324 12,526 6,812 65 1954... 22 1,352 1,851 2,119 2,655 4,303 2,582 9,962 16,649 66 I-ambs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 .. . 41 4B 45 64 28 46 39 60 67 19.54 . . . 27 30 55 37 29 38 28 47 68 number 19.59 . . . 516 891 726 7,434 1,986 1,982 4,774 4,637 69 1954 . . . 225 730 737 1,830 2,378 321 2,453 14,947 70 Sheep 1 year old and over .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 55 66 62 66 40 53 33 32 71 19.54 . . . 28 37 76 44 26 42 31 54 72 number 1959. . . 10 1,728 2,106 1,710 2,371 1,845 4,342 7,752 2,175 73 1954 . - . 22 1,127 1,121 1,382 825 1,930 1,761 7,509 1,702 74 Ewes • farms reporting 1959 . . . 55 65 62 66 40 56 38 80 75 1954 .. . 27 ' 37 76 44 25 41 29 54 76 number 1950 ,, . 1,639 1,954 1,627 2,279 1,803 4,132 7,478 2,027 77 1954 . . . 22 1,100 1,082 1,299 746 1,900 1,668 6,955 1,635 78 Rams and wethers .farms reprrting 1950. .. 37 50 49 41 23 43 26 58 79 1054 . . . 16 22 61 25 20 31 19 28 80 number 1959 . , 89 152 83 92 42 160 274 W8 81 Farms reporting by numb« of sheep and kunbs- 1954 . . . 27 39 83 79 30 93 554 67 B2 Undcr 2.1 .farms reporting 1059 . . 28 32 34 37 18 18 13 46 83 25 to 299 • farms reporting 1959 . . , 30 35 31 42 21 40 20 41 84 300 or more • farms repcrting 1959 .. . 1 1 3, 3 2 12 5 en Chickens 4 months old and over .farms repcrting 1050 . . . 40 828 917 702 519 281 250 202 1,620 86 1054 . . . 48 1,036 1,136 908 711 417 325 279 1,893 87 number 1959... 1,332 143,079 184,015 125,197 72,270 28,263 20,646 15,152 327,676 88 L954 . . . 2,131 156,890 211,886 156,147 107,533 35,478 28,355 25,097 340,043 Farms rcportinp by numbw of chickens 4 months old and over- 89 llndcfSO .farms reporting 1959.. . 35 118 138 90 141 128 105 126 139 00 50 to 309 .farms reporting 1959. . . 662 663 572 355 143 143 71 1,322 01 400 to 799 41 102 32 17 8 2 3 133 92 800 to 1,599 .farms repcrting 1959 . 6 12 8 5 1 18 93 1,600 to 3,190 .farms repcrting 1959. , . 2 1 2 1 2 94 3,200 or more .farms reporting 1959 . 1 1 95 Tllfkey hens kept for breeding • farms reporting 19.59 . . . 3 1 1 2 2 19 7 1 9« 1954 .. . 4 4 3 3 1 8 9 2 97 number 1959 .. . 14 12 3 1,104 7 65 28 2 98 1054 .. . 505 19 60 15 1,002 3 37 31 4 NEBRASKA 177 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Lancaster Lincoln Logan loup Mcpherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nance NemnhR Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps 1,659 1,197 160 209 143 1,291 884 630 686 875 861 1,395 794 441 709 I 2,049 1,432 193 218 159 1,586 997 763 822 1,064 1,033 1,634 952 526 865 48,139 137,954 26,846 29,528 30,259 53,154 48,239 64,626 31,073 27,270 41,412 44,881 28,790 21,592 45,729 3 58,090 137,430 28,909 26,446 26,009 55,383 51,681 66,136 35,330 31,038 43,130 46,725 33,212 22,138 41,528 4 1,488 1,146 156 204 139 1,150 809 566 660 823 774 1,301 750 419 647 5 1,951 1,375 190 216 157 1,497 959 742 805 1,034 985 1,566 934 514 829 6 17,7i:k 63,987 13,713 13,580 15,623 13,914 16,007 29,976 11,736 9,200 U,072 15,216 12,046 3,980 12,809 7 22,421 67,994 16,881 14,328 15,406 17,534 17,393 31,595 13,942 10,829 15,399 16,988 14,820 10,339 14,099 8 970 760 110 167 111 923 605 356 509 561 539 866 510 269 397 9 1 . 59' . 1,077 153 187 128 1,318 833 590 703 855 835 1,288 759 411 644 10 :?,14J 4,361 646 1,064 570 6,577 5,259 1,307 3,616 2,303 3,199 4,855 2,742 1,368 1,824 11 11,01 < 6,134 949 1,237 587 8,451 6,313 2,713 4,632 3,710 4,298 6,569 4,075 1,896 2,751 12 1,449 1,053 149 197 135 1,111 812 544 650 786 752 1,267 717 383 633 1.3 1,837 1,273 176 204 153 1,452 926 696 765 977 948 1,513 888 471 807 14 15,068 40,043 7,512 8,153 8,985 20,031 13,145 17,558 9,400 7,336 10,198 13,627 7,928 7,122 13,763 1.5 17,683 34,374 6,771 6,150 6,625 16,578 15,457 17,912 10,161 8,132 11,354 14,559 3,903 6,459 11,886 16 1,419 1,041 153 203 138 1,152 815 555 638 784 785 1,242 635 3'12 657 17 1,817 1,270 172 209 150 1,440 925 686 777 957 955 1,478 832 473 810 19 15,367 33,924 5,621 7,795 5,651 24,209 19,087 17,092 9,937 10,734 18,142 16,038 3,316 5,49C 19,152 19 17,986 35,062 5,257 5,968 3,978 21,271 18,831 16,629 11,227 12,077 16,377 15,178 9,439 5,340 15,543 ■20 28 1 2 10 4 11 4 10 5 12 5 4 5 21 l.:5 53 6 3 1 56 44 40 15 66 40 63 42 31 30 22 .-■'1.1 61 13 2 1 88 55 37 39 76 50 115 63 33 34 23 419 91 19 12 5 260 140 63 102 189 142 348 179 30 101 24 t. 5 5 285 39 34 12 524 342 161 322 389 341 628 338 176 263 25 177 285 28 63 35 249 210 140 144 121 203 192 129 75 163 26 52 394 54 95 87 104 89 178 60 24 80 37 38 42 108 27 1!.14 60 7 2 1 60 33 43 13 46 33 58 26 21 29 28 7'M') 198 35 19 4 554 252 124 200 380 264 586 262 141 198 29 ..24 162 23 27 8 349 221 80 230 276 242 452 260 106 200 30 132 150 17 20 8 106 157 71 116 82 120 144 108 49 98 31 i.p. 194 22 35 23 59 98 85 64 34 78 49 66 63 78 32 1' 144 14 41 21 U 28 59 28 3 27 8 17 21 30 31 ,j s-t 9 22 18 4 9 27 5 1 4 2 7 9 9 34 p. I','' 29 38 56 4 11 77 4 1 6 2 4 9 5 35 197 175 18 22 18 104 74 111 35 133 89 163 92 68 91 36 5.10 471 77 102 79 608 360 218 350 383 359 584 337 167 266 37 140 81 11 43 12 176 119 23 107 42 75 80 77 25 29 38 50 11 2 2 23 27 4 13 3 12 21 4 5 7 39 17 IS 4 ■^ 8 17 8 4 2 2 16 2 4 2 2 40 41 385 781 101 147 126 228 202 346 203 186 248 321 181 196 176 42 553 '■'74 136 170 144 425 308 438 352 318 397 468 409 229 283 43 877 2. Ill 501 395 607 495 394 1,265 409 685 582 735 361 480 313 44 1,194 J,''7'. 748 557 901 912 657 1,552 708 689 809 896 888 502 517 45 908 6o5 102 118 70 1,168 661 312 554 682 606 959 564 240 422 46 1,043 653 113 126 82 1,358 696 284 643 806 669 1,138 670 254 496 47 40,568 30,751 4,565 5,508 1,722 104,657 35,999 7,240 30,205 42,124 32,051 45,787 34,523 7,552 20,889 48 32,677 18,960 3,450 3,687 1,161 87,495 27,006 3,932 26,665 41,970 23,817 43,352 30,702 5,585 19,732 49 558 456 56 75 44 849 488 203 383 486 440 582 417 172 260 50 576 395 70 78 47 735 425 183 361 453 400 553 433 148 262 51 21,916 15,514 1,913 2,539 708 51,159 18,708 3,977 14,502 19,758 13,096 22,070 18,224 4,292 9,233 52 14.876 9, ^'31 1,418 1,786 585 32,728 12,332 2,280 10,016 15, M5 10,431 15,559 13,570 2,801 7,362 53 778 5 31 86 103 55 1,036 550 219 480 597 492 798 471 183 355 54 846 471 86 97 62 1,217 580 196 545 714 575 986 588 195 425 55 18,b52 15,237 2,652 2,969 1,014 53,498 17,291 3,263 15,703 22,366 13,955 23,717 16,299 3,260 11,656 56 17,801 9,729 2,032 1,901 576 54,767 14,674 1,652 16,649 26,325 13,386 27,793 17,132 2,784 12,370 57 174 lo3 26 20 31 53 85 137 61 62 93 140 78 61 62 58 220 U.O 30 29 17 120 139 94 107 126 123 227 91 72 97 59 431 259 31 52 19 577 338 66 297 359 306 488 235 95 199 60 83 77 15 17 3 418 99 15 89 135 84 104 110 12 64 61 191 143 18 26 9 122 107 78 47 67 84 117 75 67 64 62 144 69 9 10 6 65 68 88 43 48 53 98 75 52 31 63 7,080 10,638 1,135 1,057 390 10,692 10,162 7,929 2,055 1,998 4,232 4,036 3,736 6,485 2,981 64 5,182 6,469 313 396 207 5,071 24,179 14,169 1,492 1,179 2,253 2,268 2,775 5,114 1,962 65 142 105 15 21 5 98 83 58 30 51 60 82 54 56 48 66 99 53 9 8 6 54 52 64 30 37 36 71 54 33 25 67 2,123 3,877 297 363 44 6,879 5,853 5,717 712 689 2,111 1,027 1,009 2,552 1,100 68 2,344 1,717 108 145 22 3,496 20,985 11,114 538 395 1,216 657 1,314 1,459 1,064 69 182 133 18 23 9 102 101 69 44 64 78 109 74 59 57 70 136 59 9 9 4 54 58 73 36 44 45 96 69 44 29 71 4, '357 6,761 838 694 346 3,813 4,309 2,212 1,343 1,309 2,121 3,009 2,727 3,933 1,881 72 2.8.38 4,752 705 251 185 1,575 3,194 3,055 954 784 1,037 1,611 1,461 3,655 898 73 178 126 18 23 8 97 98 67 43 63 76 104 73 57 57 74 131 57 9 9 3 53 57 72 33 44 43 94 68 43 28 75 4.7I.K 6,537 788 664 331 3,672 4,156 2,116 1,296 1,245 1,906 2,849 2,578 3,735 1,722 76 2,70b 4,615 683 233 178 1,523 3,029 2,988 918 746 980 1,528 1,391 3,557 767 77 129 88 16 20 6 64 61 43 28 43 51 74 57 45 35 78 96 40 7 4 2 35 36 37 25 26 34 63 50 29 13 79 253 224 50 30 15 141 153 96 47 64 215 160 149 198 159 80 132 137 22 13 7 52 165 67 36 38 57 S3 70 98 131 81 103 72 4 11 5 54 54 40 24 37 45 69 31 17 37 82 87 65 13 15 4 58 48 35 23 30 38 47 43 47 25 83 1 6 1 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 2 84 1,308 962 133 177 112 1,171 727 458 615 736 718 1,155 617 394 513 85 1,822 1,177 163 192 134 1,509 942 666 753 986 940 1,580 858 449 720 86 256,064 75,908 8,844 17,684 6,072 224,538 178,150 25,382 100,589 118,204 126,135 242,648 108,131 55,986 31,927 87 302,281 111,455 14,017 21,328 9,553 251,522 149,609 41,437 111,282 143,940 149,117 283,363 135,277 52,463 98,260 6S 291 449 67 74 71 176 134 289 77 180 115 164 95 167 150 89 385 497 66 100 41 891 550 167 499 502 557 866 432 206 346 90 92 12 3 81 37 2 32 43 36 99 35 12 16 91 27 4 15 4 6 3 3 20 4 6 3 92 11 6 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 93 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 94 6 39 1 2 2 3 2 14 1 3 4 4 1 6 2 95 6 16 3 3 4 1 4 9 2 2 1 2 2 96 4,763 152 2 6 505 10 5 75 4 107 300 59 1 23 403 97 1,758 490 17 18 14 ' 29 30 252 1 4 3 395 96 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item Pierce Platte Poli Red Willow Richardson Hock Saline Sarpy Sattnders (For (Icrinilions and explanftlions see text) 1 Cattle and calves .rnrms n-portinp 19.'>0 , - . 1,236 1,514 865 602 1,143 299 1,235 432 1,635 l9^t^ , , . l,39i 1,770 1,073 705 1,440 381 1,438 666 1,937 1 nuniljcr 19,i!> . . , 59,699 63,437 34,590 40,590 44,379 61,344 33,840 33,353 49,203 1 19.54 , . , 56,S59 64,323 30,840 36,435 51,785 60,388 35,772 40,499 50,217 s Govts, incluiling hrifcr-: (hal hatcraheij .fanii..i reporting 19,59 . . , 1,146 1,355 731 518 1,045 292 1,095 369 1,404 IJ 19.51 , . , 1,349 1,710 1,028 676 1,374 378 1,343 575 1,835 number 19.59 . , , 17,691 17,984 8,233 13,902 13,138 27,278 10,401 4,356 13,983 ^ 1951 . 20,157 22,082 10,840 15,000 16,103 30,207 12,551 6,740 17,856 r, \1ilkro«s .farm^ reportinc 1959 . . . 988 1,024 548 323 708 220 683 245 901 10 1951... 1,203 1,515 894 533 1,119 315 1,012 488 1,380 u nuniher 1959 .. . 8,427 7,948 2,691 1,622 4,495 1,705 3,730 2,288 5,130 IJ 1954... 8,342 11,139 4,837 2,702 6,035 1,872 5,757 3,509 3,359 14 M^iforc trul VtpiTpf rtkivt*Q .r(\nr> reporting 1959 , . . 1,120 1,329 709 517 1,001 280 1,074 369 1,417 inrtivir* aim in'iin \,fn*v^., . ' ' - - 1954... 1,303 1,657 969 603 1,286 351 1,230 566 1,710 15 number 1959. . . 17,015 19,220 7,911 10,147 11,528 16,501 10,342 10,124 15,866 16 1954 , . . 16,273 17,609 3,330 9,415 15,269 15,322 10,515 10,873 13,939 17 Steers and hulls. incli*liny ^tcer ami Iwll calves. . farni? reportinR 1959 , . . 1,146 1,350 750 534 987 283 1,070 380 1,378 1% 1954 . . . 1,323 1,648 966 633 1,283 362 1,295 519 1,716 19 number 1959... 24,993 26,233 18,446 16,541 20,213 18,065 12,597 18,873 19,354 20 Forms rpport'ig b". numlitT on band: Calllp amJ cnlvr-^- 1954... 20,429 24,632 11,670 12,070 20,413 15,359 12,706 22,336 18,422 21 1 .farm-s re[t)rting 1959 , . . .fanii? reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . .rnmis reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 23 52 196 530 260 7 57 101 289 659 310 9 57 98 215 305 125 8 22 34 64 189 175 7 67 103 237 432 132 2 2 9 10 45 54 16 71 136 362 511 109 12 40 52 94 166 77 23 104 226 455 592 183 2 to 4... 23 5 to «» ,... ■2i 25 20 to 49 26 50 to 19 27 inOorrrore Cows, includinp heifer^ ihni have fal\e number of shwp an.1 lambs 1954 , . . 43 54 70 20 100 24 65 43 93 82 Undw iJ5 . .farms reporting 1059 . . . 26 19 5 1,1U 1,337 41 56 2 1,408 1,656 40 38 5 699 952 15 U 430 622 62 57 2 938 1,283 14 16 1 180 270 63 62 3 1,136 1,441 26 30 9 409 645 60 36 S3 25 to 29!) . .farms n'porting 1950 . . . S4 . .farms reporting 19.59 . . . 10 85 Phir4rBnii i nnnth-a rilil And nvOT. . ........ . .farms reprwling 1959 . . . 1,488 86 \ Iive.-lock sold ali%p {ranle, horses and mules, hoils. and sheepl famis reportine 1959 .. . 79,340 901 1,511 96 204 136 1,244 478 634 4 1954... 88,023 1,039 1,609 106 203 167 1,445 553 665 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... 735,631,546 2,360,809 11,687,729 2,437,174 1,358,261 2,278,132 3,728,165 4,607,771 4,060,193 6 1954... 506,306,523 1,762,309 7,377,183 1,655,548 1,346,931 1,706,095 7,331,733 2,448,363 2,734,306 7 Poulln anil poultr\ prtxIucLs famis reportinr 1959 .. . 54,260 641 1,037 31 53 55 911 217 488 R 1954 . . . 72,199 896 1,406 57 120 86 1,173 392 592 fl value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 26,989,899 202,381 504,271 53,957 8,210 474,888 325,749 33,859 141,433 10 1954 . . . 28,613,489 299,832 517,506 55,775 20,954 155,264 313,227 33,902 139,506 n Livestock products other than poultry and poultr\ products value of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 41,572,556 547,298 825,521 13,695 20,062 45,188 750,996 643,242 184,149 235,526 213,665 140,130 1! 1954 .. . 37,327,057 403,844 588,400 17,325 37,184 44,179 lh-estock sold alint: 13 Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting 1959... 73,541 835 1,451 96 203 131 1,149 425 624 14 1954... 83,228 988 1,519 106 202 164 1,389 528 639 15 number 1959... 3,133,906 10,957 51,223 15,543 U,991 14,954 31,135 25,579 18,030 16 1954... 2,652,087 10,747 33,146 15,597 12,682 16,793 28,453 20,339 14,435 17 dollars 1959... 605,961,328 1,677,612 8,546,295 2,416,719 1,782,747 2,231,952 6,180,531 4,259,786 2,983,655 18 1954... 368,050,410 1,169,935 4,800,302 1,638,547 1,229,106 1,663,962 4,356,705 2,079,264 1,719,405 1!> Cattle, not counlini: calves farms repotting 1959 .. . 58,280 549 1,184 89 168 109 360 348 518 ■30 1954... 68,595 321 1,264 97 169 147 1,216 433 493 21 number 19.59 . . . 2,325,590 5,748 32,411 7,300 5,833 8,335 22,354 16,805 10,638 22 1954... 1,907,674 6,569 24,663 10,909 6,614 8,524 21,682 10,774 8,073 23 dollars 1959 . . . 504,336,943 1,146,386 6,893,959 1,266,654 989,833 1,401,806 4,946,554 3,260,360 2,127,677 24 1954... Farms reporting by number of catlle sold— 310,366,811 876,496 4,059,920 1,292,001 734,271 1,0U,489 3,820,558 1,364,576 1,155,922 25 lto4 farms reporting 1959 . . . 16,669 243 291 6 34 16 296 120 186 26 5tol9 farms reporting 1959 . . . 20,358 231 428 40 67 30 289 90 124 27 20 to 99 farms reporting 1959... 16,726 70 405 26 54 42 257 99 195 28 100 or more farms reporting 1959. ., 4,527 60 17 13 21 18 39 13 20 Calves '. farms reporting 1959 .. . 38,827 547 586 79 147 lU 578 289 372 30 1954 ■ 48,270 640 301 67 144 137 697 385 409 31 number 1959... 313,316 5,209 18,317 8,243 6,158 6,619 8,331 8,774 7,392 32 19.54 . . . 744,413 4,178 3,483 4,688 6,068 8,269 6,771 9,565 6,412 33 dollars 1959... 101,624,385 531,226 1,652,336 1,150,065 792,914 830,146 1,233,977 999,426 355,978 34 19.54 . . . 57,683,599 293,439 740,382 346,546 444,335 652,473 536,147 714,688 563,483 35 Horses and or mules sold alive farms reporting 1959... 1,631 11 18 16 7 9 13 10 24 36 1954... 3,400 25 70 14 17 13 58 12 25 37 number 1959... 5,051 33 83 51 15 54 34 57 34 38 1954 . . . 8,308 46 134 92 32 48 173 27 63 39 dollars 1959... 954,018 3,995 22,375 7,546 2,772 5,176 3,300 9,747 3,530 40 1954 . . . 489,980 2,800 7,847 6,925 2,097 1,887 10,361 1,746 3,048 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1959... 51,843 436 1,163 11 41 47 1,037 166 469 42 19.54 . . . 57,895 493 1,273 21 44 43 1,279 135 525 43 number 1959... 3,732,296 20,462 95,069 275 1,930 1,252 81,234 5,122 34,203 44 1954... 2,336,270 13,631 •J2,073 433 1,755 902 69,155 6,415 25,239 45 dollars 1959... 115,701,176 634,322 2,947,139 8,525 59,830 38,812 2,518,254 158,782 1,060,293 46 1954... 121,778,231 563,761 3,002,148 10,066 78,956 35,102 2,978,053 268,554 1,004,273 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive farms repming 1959. .. 6,562 73 88 2 16 2 36 97 19 48 1954 . . . 4,590 50 53 1 19 8 50 56 16 49 numb« 1959... 813,439 2,305 10,745 274 807 137 1,630 11,216 795 50 19.54 . . . 844,427 1,624 3,752 2 2,845 414 2,350 5,521 430 51 dollars 1959... 13,015,024 44,380 171,920 4,384 L2,912 2,192 26,080 179,456 12,720 52 1954... SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 15,987,902 25,813 66,886 10 36,772 5,W4 36,614 98,799 7,580 S3 Stieep and/or lambs shorn farms repeating 1959. . . 6,772 89 85 3 26 6 59 105 33 54 1954 . . . 4,452 55 52 3 20 3 41 68 19 55 number shom 1959... 600,799 3,083 4,187 293 1,539 309 2,476 9,779 1,360 56 1954 . . . 351,501 1,500 2,280 14 2,566 423 1,497 6,481 531 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 4,363,364 30,356 40,339 3,000 16,523 3,351 23,474 100,417 12,478 58 1954 . . . 2,926,477 15,810 19,871 126 29,273 3,720 13,778 54,412 4,922 59 Lambs shorn farms reporting 1959 .. - 793 8 8 1 4 4 3 60 number shorn 1959 273,185 404 64 2 96 395 150 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 1,216,761 2,013 411 15 386 1,070 735 62 Other sheep shom farms reptrting 1959 .. . 6,527 89 80 3 26 "6 58 105 33 63 number shorn 1959 .. . 327,614 2,679 4,123 298 1,587 309 2,380 9,384 1,210 64 pounds or wool 1959... LITTERS FARROWED 3,147,103 23,353 39,928 3,000 16,508 3,351 23,088 99,347 11,743 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous 44,353 332 990 11 36 37 945 118 459 66 1954 . . . 50,676 407 1,163 19 31 39 1,179 139 508 67 number of litters 1959... 593,241 2,924 14,673 29 285 226 12,787 915 5,197 68 1954 . . . Docembor 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 556,836 2,834 13,407 79 358 196 14,207 1,079 5,052 69 1 or 2 liUers farms reporting 1959... 4,882 59 61 7 15 9 69 31 33 70 3 to 9 liUers farms reporting 1959... 15,394 164 280 4 9 21 304 5.4 180 71 10 to 19 litters farms reporting 1959. .. U,432 70 401 8 6 392 21 189 72 20 to .39 litters farms reporting 1959 . . . 8,049 36 205 3 1 146 11 55 73 40 to 69 litters farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,280 3 39 1 30 1 2 74 70 or more litters farms reporting 1959 .. . 316 4 4 75 June 2 to November 30 farms reporting 1959. . . 30,593 221 689 7 25 23 659 78 270 76 1954 . . . 26,346 187 547 15 20 23 572 81 217 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 224,347 1,234 5,658 10 136 83 4,318 352 1,702 78 1954... 155,518 870 3,378 37 136 81 3,644 376 1,239 79 December 1 to ,Iune 1 farms reporting 1959, , , 38,393 275 865 9 28 33 797 86 417 80 1954,,. 45,024 365 1,057 15 24 23 1,054 105 439 81 number of litters 1959. .. 368,894 1,690 9,015 19 149 138 7,969 563 3,495 82 1954... 401,318 1,964 10,029 42 222 115 10,563 703 3,313 NEBRASKA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 tor only a sample of fanns. See text] 181 cherry Clay Cuming 4,886,272 2,941,698 4CV1 4,656,701 2,721,045 170 287 23,798 49,422 205,773 171,231 384 465 28,270 26,192 4,144,378 2,404,677 310 385 14,461 11,711 2,517,312 1,226,406 56 123 90 41 281 371 13,809 14,481 1,627,066 1,178,271 24 54 73 113 8,890 6,778 170 211 7,031 5,632 217,961 191,974 59 23 17,842 7,353 285,472 117,616 58 25 4,081 7,820 39,634 4«,110 4 97 450 58 3,984 39,184 -17 155 1,096 1,121 83 69 481 344 89 139 615 777 10,921,692 7,375,28f 1,551 1,650 9,687,267 6,322,832 1,005 1,261 492,786 495,0W 741,639 557,438 1,460 1,550 42,340 35,997 7,394,479 4,455,940 1,018 1,230 23,796 21,539 4,955,713 3,253,266 366 371 248 33 866 957 18,544 14,458 2,438,766 1,202,674 33 71 41 123 5,196 7,128 981 1,049 67,224 36,295 2,083,944 1,539,543 205 130 12,728 19,853 203,648 320,221 220 121 18,751 11,690 154,860 94,945 30 5,267 23, U8 210 13,484 131,742 17,328,879 11,808,102 1,041 1,176 16,466,429 10,794,055 722 1,035 328,165 385,772 534,285 628,275 950 1,077 56,461 37,078 13,153,984 6,944,489 390 958 50,956 34,382 L2, 515, 539 6,746,059 180 251 336 123 322 313 5,505 2,696 638,445 198,430 5 20 10 43 500 6,950 827 1,003 94,743 85,100 2,937,033 3,632,017 103 65 23,432 10,649 374,912 210,599 106 63 12,895 8,798 76,052 47,923 17 9,415 44,683 99 3,480 31,369 788 784 918 931 9,360 16,710 7,028 17,559 100 38 324 153 237 231 101 273 19 75 7 14 571 575 565 529 3,607 6,218 2,471 4,758 663 696 742 884 5,753 10,492 4,557 12,801 6,881,794 4,890,230 1,354 1,490 6,088,033 3,902,794 1,066 1,391 431,997 566,939 361,714 420,497 1,203 1,405 21,416 17,844 4,422,121 2,447,775 907 1,131 17,876 13,163 4,031,531 2,127,941 291 396 212 8 518 772 3,540 4,681 390,590 319,834 16 36 33 65 7,510 4,818 829 991 44,476 32, 537 1,378,756 1,377,282 141 94 17,481 4,078 279,696 72,919 141 93 8,197 3,296 62,983 28,704 18 1,810 6,927 139 6,387 56,056 766 906 6,735 6,654 146 365 175 72 6 2 492 396 2,601 1,758 668 839 4,134 4,896 7,335,979 6,402,970 1,135 1,382 6,556,941 5,493,413 763 1,151 319,U4 393,511 459,904 516,046 1,005 1,289 23,717 23,607 5,255,366 3,780,105 320 1,027 18,822 19,403 4,474,006 3,470,852 250 385 145 40 390 702 4,895 4,204 781,360 309,253 21 28 36 59 12,315 3,560 689 923 40,420 37,695 1,253,020 1,675,435 95 66 2,265 2,026 36,240 34,313 98 63 2,591 1,681 22,179 15,463 11 481 2,101 95 2,110 20,078 18,137,705 14,925,063 1,761 1,863 16,107,035 13,678,679 1,423 1,661 693,905 511,473 1,336,765 734,911 1,651 1,757 48,189 41,429 10,041,610 6,9U,282 1,356 1,538 41,506 • 36,627 9,257,710 6,477,617 280 470 534 72 582 589 6,683 4,802 783,900 436,665 26 65 47 112 5,927 5,777 1,587 1,728 190,758 151,431 5,913,498 6,678,507 55 64 9,125 4,409 146,000 80,113 60 62 6,663 2,834 33,348 24,612 12 4,931 18,445 54 1,732 14,903 627 1,488 841 1,641 6,693 29,002 7,692 27,793 96 42 262 236 173 575 84 543 11 72 1 15 411 1,119 414 950 2,508 10,575 2,235 7,015 535 1,365 739 1,538 4,185 18,427 5,457 20,778 3,555,922 2,714,779 432 478 3,403,306 2,520,944 213 331 44,565 70,681 108,051 123,154 402 457 19,055 19,534 2,995,643 2,181,280 255 347 10,867 11,703 2,040,843 1,638,988 73 79 77 26 328 353 8,188 7,831 954,800 542,292 18 25 30 51 U,016 7,636 264 272 U,785 8,094 365,335 301,474 40 36 1,957 2,081 31,312 30,554 36 31 2,028 2,056 17,174 22,997 4 494 2,347 35 1,534 14,327 166 180 1,555 1,318 U9 120 690 497 134 130 865 821 22,686,203 13,576,896 697 793 22,503,452 13,364,808 221 308 31,392 87,023 151,359 125,060 696 739 133,047 115,016 22,156,247 13,042,125 649 717 95,613 82,913 17,126,024 10,221,321 41 117 209 282 433 488 37,434 32,103 5,030,223 2,820,304 103 100 456 388 66,825 22,085 163 215 8,148 7,256 252,588 292,902 25 16 1,737 537 27,792 7,696 32 19 2,019 580 17,775 6,285 2 37 140 32 1,982 17,635 151 173 1,470 1,546 31 59 39 19 2 1 83 87 454 394 123 152 1,016 1,152 3,933,713 1,933,991 538 580 3,783,500 1,652,487 302 425 67,284 120,473 82,929 161,031 499 551 20,279 15,037 3,582,323 1,442,192 340 396 13,601 6,971 2,625,583 857,114 93 109 101 32 329 408 6,678 8,066 956,740 585,078 9 11 16 31 4,965 1,561 122 117 5,212 3,342 161,572 102,173 61 56 2,165 7,016 34,640 106,561 70 58 4,559 9,051 45,918 91,641 7 ?75 3,141 68 3,984 42,777 95 79 939 621 438 314 70 57 501 307 4,172,753 2,806,079 733 869 3,812,750 2,298,613 590 773 200,411 243,280 159,592 264,186 697 827 15,487 U,541 3,125,004 1,568,981 581 697 12,336 8,897 2,781,054 1,382,389 295 165 106 15 370 417 3,151 2,644 343,950 186,592 15 31 1,820 380 498 21,246 16,507 658,626 704,385 46 39 1,320 1,475 29,120 23,427 67 44 2,634 1,301 25,696 12,964 3 338 1,422 66 2,296 24,274 348 406 3,705 3,170 57 147 96 40 6 2 207 172 1,279 739 310 369 2,426 2,431 U, 317, 232 7,676,832 1,094 1,200 10,137,606 6,830,426 991 1,132 613,325 480,980 566,351 365,426 969 1,098 37,119 23,864 7,331,272 4,197,096 853 966 34,239 21,042 7,503,037 3,974,869 260 320 240 33 336 450 2,880 2,822 328,235 222,227 15 17 35 30 3,775 2,181 875 1,000 73,089 61,460 2,265,759 2,603,590 85 44 2,300 1,517 36,800 27,559 77 51 2,924 1,604 24,028 13,638 6 580 2,115 73 2,344 21,913 861 941 13,131 12,810 57 211 351 222 16 4 602 470 4,744 2,836 780 837 3,387 9,974 46,905,099 31,187,856 1,678 1,702 45,086,469 29,763,620 1,378 1,522 770,512 693,260 1,048,118 730,976 1,571 1,600 166,037 116,541 39,764,017 23,630,402 1,336 1,475 161,693 111,848 39,215,017 23,267,530 75 375 575 311 402 567 4,344 4,693 549,000 362,872 6 39 6 91 755 5,925 1,420 1,504 167,375 133,205 5,183,625 5,733,348 94 92 3,317 23,710 133,072 393,945 124 95 9,647 11,054 58,327 58,603 23 6,0U 24,146 117 3,633 34,131 1,317 1,360 26,699 25,635 56 215 487 446 93 20 930 742 9,330 6,022 1,194 1,296 17,319 19,613 18,724,810 13,403,540 2,111 2,428 17,395,663 11,931,779 1,260 1,821 488,503 579,399 840,644 392,362 2,050 2,344 96,499 87,606 14,792,123 9,689,645 1,560 1,774 47,779 42,935 9,194,134 6,157,360 450 563 448 99 1,517 1,809 48,720 44,671 5,597,989 3,532,235 95 211 215 450 27,672 28,726 1,342 1,571 78,100 54,597 2,421,100 2,142,103 201 121 9,673 4,537 154,768 71,305 252 134 12,827 4,654 117,005 44,505 38 1,907 9,226 240 10,920 107,779 1,074 1,297 11,688 10,663 153 449 327 124 738 718 4,669 3,573 888 1,087 7,019 7,090 6,976,169 4,753,101 530 593 6,525,691 4,417,330 363 465 123,842 118,752 326,636 216,969 440 497 21,976 15,419 5,063,757 2,767,553 395 441 20,247 14,056 4,820,402 2,664,146 30 lU 171 33 136 178 1,729 1,363 243,355 103,/,07 5 16 500 786 469 542 46, 6U 36,842 1,445,034 1,622,801 45 32 1,025 1,385 16,400 26,240 43 30 2,569 1,133 14,338 9,729 3 1,4U 4,937 40 1,155 9,351 439 509 8,304 7,982 29 100 145 131 26 8 294 249 2,700 1,801 389 474 5,604 6,181 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS {Most data Ibr 1959 are based on reports Item (For definilions and explanations, see text) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products dollars An> livi'slock .-old alive (cattle. horse< and Miul(*s. hoits. and sheep) fanns reporting value of sales, dollars Po*jilr> and poultry proiluccs famis reportinr value of salens, dollars Livestock products othcf than poultry and poultr> rroducts value of sales, dollars I.I\'ESTnCK SOLD ALI\'E Dcaiglas Dundy IPSO. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Cattle and/or calves sold alive. . Cattle, not countrnj! calves . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954., number 1959., 1954,, dollars 1959,, 1954., farms reporting 1959 . , 1954 . , number 1959., 1954,, dollars 1959.. 1954., Farms reporting b> number of cattle sold- llol farms reporting 1959. . 5 to 19 farms reporting 1959 . , 50 to 99 ■ fams reporting 1959 , , 100 or more farms reporting 1959 , , Calves » farms reporting 1959, 1954- number 1959, 1954, dollars 1959 , 1954, Horses and or mules sold alive. . Hogs and pigs sold alive. Sheep and lambs sold alive , SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL , farms reflating 1959, , 1954., number 1959, , 1954,, dollars 1959,, 1954,, ..farms reporting 1959. , 1954 , number 1959 , , 1954, dollars 1959, 1954. . farms repoting 1959. 1954 . number 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959 . 1954. Sheep and/or lambs stiorn , Lambs shorn , Other sheep shorn , , farms reporting 1959, 1954, number ahoni 1959. 1954, pounds of wool 1959, 1954 , , farms reporting 1959. number shorn 1959 . pounds of wool 1959 , . farms reporting 1959. number shan 1959 . pounds of wool 1959 . LITTERS FARROWED Litters farrowed. December 1. previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number of litters 1959. 1954. Farms rerwrting by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to Novonber 30, 1959- 1 or 2 litters farms reporting 1959 . ^ to 9 litters farms reporting 1 959 . 10 to 19 litt«rs farms reixrting 1959. 20 to .19 litters farms reporting 19.59 . 4fr to 69 litl«rs farms reporting 1959 . 70 or more litters farms reporting 1959. June 1 to November .10 farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number of littera 1959 . 1954. December 1 lo June 1 farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number of litters 1959. 1954, 4,934,876 3,275,404 548 592 4,652,185 2,986,010 280 358 70,427 101,325 212,264 188,069 507 563 25,237 24,416 3,753,383 2,4iA,691 406 437 10,920 12,282 2,074,324 1,552,379 115 167 104 20 406 456 14,317 12,134 1,679,059 892,312 47 28 398 55 185,028 3,085 255 235 8,866 9,422 274,846 348,075 178 130 27,433 14, 166 438,928 190,159 190 133 29, U6 14,420 303,334 148,750 11 1,769 9,166 188 27,347 294,168 162 194 1,418 1,733 103 110 592 542 125 153 826 1,191 24,362,103 25,377,304 1,318 1,388 23,771,362 24,478,805 608 988 298,167 359,272 292,574 539,227 1,162 1,247 92,679 83,892 21,224,547 16,301,043 842 946 75,958 66,746 19,075,760 14,922,950 195 235 272 140 694 826 16,721 17,146 2,148,787 1,378,093 41 56 235 131 24,544 6,746 872 862 64,257 44,071 1,991,967 1,815,473 192 135 33,14.4 281,054 530,304 6,355,543 176 129 14,724 70,981 98,280 516,103 29 7,832 34,420 169 6,842 63,860 684 672 10,803 8,112 81 214 185 153 37 14 5U 368, 4,478 2,474 594 584 6,325 5,638 2,563,422 1,889,917 247 292 2,475,601 1,710,279 109 189 54,316 130,905 33,505 48,733 224 273 12,384 11,881 2,320,417 1,519,447 1S6 189 3,950 8,176 1,848,639 1,202,221 51 58 45 32 146 179 3,434 3,705 471,778 317,226 4 30 19 U,000 800 75 87 3,734 2,480 li7,304 100,766 36 27 1,680 4,613 26,880 89,266 34 29 2,221 3,046 20,661 23,787 5 422 1,935 33 1,799 18,726 57 51 494 308 48 33 239 129 48 36 255 179 13,280,343 9,466,988 1,123 1,241 12,368,406 8,769,758 897 1,086 -05,433 344,195 506,504 353,035 1,068 1,148 37,329 27,201 8,456,454 4,404,442 953 1,021 33,114 24 ,"533 7,910,419 4,197,910 220 365 287 81 460 300 4,215 2,668 546,035 206,532 16 31 66 102 9,000 5,256 1,017 1,133 121,992 102,625 3,781,752 4,287,007 41 56 7,575 4,447 121,200 73,053 72 46 6,286 2,036 36,134 17,615 16 3,757 15,597 65 2,529 20,537 945 1,081 17,854 18,013 32 182 340 332 51 640 590 6,237 4,617 828 987 11,617 13,396 19,887,788 13,712,838 1,282 1,390 18,271,489 12,290,816 1,061 1,307 709,271 544,169 907,028 877,853 1,102 1,233 67,827 49,491 15,894,452 9,169,450 962 1,101 62,132 45,542 15,176,426 8,854,495 220 325 271 145 434 548 5,695 3,949 718,026 314,955 20 29 35 49 3,550 2,786 943 1,019 74,657 73,035 2,314,367 3,045,344 66 64 3,695 4,103 59,120 73,236 127 62 6,400 2,500 55,326 18,892 14 1,353 7,322 119 5,047 48,004 345 939 13,703 13,734 56 227 304 216 33 9 564 455 4,694 3,249 761 876 9,009 10,485 25,511,858 19,358,315 820 912 24,539,801 17,513,017 429 780 354,959 552,543 617,098 1,292,755 683 801 97,294 87,123 22,742,287 16,253,433 561 666 84, 535 83,538 19,742,776 16,106,601 165 145 160 91 273 456 12,759 3,585 2,999,511 146,832 20 18 175 4i 22,750 4,210 393 434 30,820 23,608 955,420 971,427 95 40 51,209 15,306 819,344 283,947 73 27 22,408 1,007 128,919 8,857 16 18,617 93,977 67 3,791 34,942 294 366 3,197 4,138 50 124 88 19 10 3 158 184 1,042 1,330 252 313 2,155 2,808 4,667, 2,611, 4,512, 2,419, 105,774 115,485 406 438 24,072 19,532 4,057,561 2,033,733 344 358 16,021 11,590 3,075,126 1,481,440 81 118 105 40 264 321 8,051 7,942 982,435 552,293 31 47 58 95 9,890 6,827 267 264 13,924 8,588 431,644 367,797 19 18 857 836 13,712 11,464 16 15 678 874 6,950 8,667 1 8 64 16 670 193 199 1,847 1,667 145 139 759 304 153 155 1,083 8,320,836 5,365,486 980 1,133 7,640,296 4,482,433 839 1,084 503,526 578,011 172,014 305,042 885 1,059 28,309 20,597 6,431,980 3,413,425 575 921 23,140 17,139 5,627,195 3,152,102 185 210 128 52 471 566 5,169 3,458 804,785 261,323 15 10 15 15 1,625 920 669 676 36,141 23,576 1,120,371 1,034,378 111 65 5,395 2,372 86,320 33,710 102 69 3,509 1,906 30,061 19,415 7 481 2,180 100 3,028 27,881 558 597 6,293 4,638 83 232 156 66 16 5 378 291 2,646 1,270 481 521 3,647 3,368 NEBRASKA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued te only ft simple of finna. See textj 183 Gosper Greeley Hayes 4,063,857 3,031,093 725 801 3,778,760 2,697,539 459 521 103,465 U5,50S 171,632 188, 0<6 698 785 21,121 22,6';2 3,201,759 2,243,768 509 583 9,888 9,531 1,894,457 1,251,944 178 162 155 13 504 629 11,233 13,131 1,307,302 991,824 41 63 72 110 9,470 5,243 366 401 17,781 10,799 551,211 445,004 27 14 1,020 244 16,320 3,524 40 15 1,639 328 13,935 3,501 8 287 1,651 37 1,352 12,274 279 356 2,631 2,053 62 119 64 29 189 193 971 659 246 278 1,660 1,394 7,409,311 4,208,116 711 836 6,630,370 3,439,831 463 o47 545,273 490,573 233,568 277,712 701 801 29,662 20,737 5,972,975 2,781,106 569 626 22,586 13,600 5,091,822 2,183,489 195 U3 149 42 379 567 7,075 7,U7 881,153 597,617 U 27 29 82 2,780 3,705 429 490 20,185 14,993 525,735 639,541 40 17 1,605 1,001 28,880 15,479 50 14 2,110 522 17,618 4,348 9 227 972 50 1,883 15,545 333 366 3,250 2,557 71 132 95 29 234 215 1,320 951 258 298 1,930 1,606 12,209,528 8,997,011 1,985 2,0TO 9,075,611 5,637,885 1,522 1,877 1,151,753 1,010,627 1,972,254 1,348,499 1,855 1,962 33,733 29,545 6,198,816 3,837,358 1,505 1,659 26,353 21,660 5,525,455 3,242,573 575 576 324 30 921 1,127 7,370 7,685 673,360 594,785 10 38 25 155 2,625 8,939 1,335 1,538 92,150 63,994 2,656,650 2,730,072 80 70 1,095 3,397 17,520 61,516 95 68 4,025 2,482 32,115 22,589 14 671 3,396 88 3,354 28,719 1,115 1,242 13,369 12,161 117 483 339 135 25 11 749 559 5,213 3,658 953 1,131 8,156 8,503 4,548,553 3,434,218 373 453 4,385,748 3,228,747 146 225 105,299 110,795 56,606 94,676 355 438 30,484 32,565 4,074,791 2,974,543 256 310 17,128 19,134 2,500,751 2,014,283 62 89 76 29 275 332 13,355 13,381 1, 574,040 960,250 11 20 63 113 9,137 4,331 97 140 4,620 3,649 143,220 143,571 43 37 9,975 6,955 159,600 106, M2 51 31 6,358 3,250 59,436 29,771 6 1,212 5,532 50 5,146 53,904 72 104 639 615 60 310 235 379 330 3,780,464 2,045,679 313 350 3,559,217 1,844,799 202 233 37,938 45,603 183,309 154,277 313 343 20,163 15,639 3,083,538 1,530,040 226 291 11,350 7,697 1,986,898 891,389 44 67 82 33 247 276 8,813 8,942 1,096,640 688,151 25 35 82 90 15,160 5,730 215 203 14,033 6,301 435,023 246,676 54 13 1,531 577 24,496 10,353 32 19 1,114 572 10,082 5,299 1 100 204 32 1,014 9,878 152 155 1,791 1,343 116 113 773 554 132 135 1,018 789 3,269,750 2,571,670 429 493 3,005,838 2,414,349 316 392 129,637 131,836 134,275 125,435 409 477 14,341 15,564 2,484,651 2,077,144 276 353 7,599 9,223 1,677,116 1,575,515 U7 95 49 15 314 353 6,742 6,441 807,555 500,628 17 17 27 27 3,600 1,511 286 301 16,557 8,339 513,267 335,097 U 2 270 40 4,320 597 19 2 438 35 4,742 340 4 48 234 19 440 4,503 233 250 2,044 1,697 40 111 66 14 1 157 153 802 714 196 199 1,242 983 4,091,008 2,801,113 73 58 4,074,509 2,784,825 14 16 3,398 1,594 13,101 14,693 73 67 24,545 22,966 4,059,138 2,781,426 70 66 20,494 20,693 3,503,247 2,607,548 16 45 29 25 4,051 2,273 560,891 173,878 5 17 44 2,209 1,460 102 63 3,162 1,940 6,194,702 4,384,832 755 5,718,364 4,459,869 415 556 141,898 159,927 334,440 265,036 625 719 24,320 21,421 4,157,065 2,876,818 515 598 13,873 15,283 2,381,771 2,392,197 2U 148 124 32 440 375 10,447 5,138 1,275,294 484,521 6 45 12 84 1,200 3,953 528 545 49,529 35,853 1,538,499 36 14 1,350 413 21,600 7,012 23 16 1,482 564 11,899 4,560 3 374 1,089 23 1,103 10,810 460 536 6,900 6,490 28 145 170 89 23 305 300 2,535 1,768 396 483 4,355 4,722 12,201,393 9,442,954 975 1,119 U, 204,701 7,967,419 718 959 379,166 812,140 617, 531 653,405 840 1,017 42,303 40,197 9,723,036 6,316,089 704 900 39,380 35,439 9,388,832 5,044,494 165 232 236 71 265 456 2,923 3,758 334,204 271,595 5 34 15 89 1,500 6,964 693 694 42,475 41,278 1,316,725 1,491,470 98 37 10,215 9,232 163,440 152,896 125 73 9,456 5,416 84,471 45,461 20 1,444 6,846 121 8,022 77,625 516 558 6,711 5,622 70 193 145 75 22 6 375 31B 2,835 1,915 432 501 3,876 3,707 7,491,883 5,738,418 1,043 1,174 6,460,034 4,690,222 735 1,033 401,525 400,956 530,274 547,240 921 1,095 23,330 21,046 5,U0,165 3,233,955 771 927 20,495 17,303 4,701,385 2,931,172 165 355 227 24 290 513 2,835 3,743 408,780 302,793 10 24 15 34 2,365 1,590 692 782 38,158 32,088 1,182,898 1,350,493 87 78 10,291 5,224 164,656 104,174 115 75 8,930 3,766 62,343 32,575 9 5,018 23,955 110 3,912 38,387 512 656 7,067 6,227 79 253 186 66 9 384 314 2,633 1,591 5U 591 4,434 4,636 3,565,106 2,235,912 639 575 3,129,413 1,879,754 354 465 142,205 135,574 293,488 220,474 529 550 16,014 12,722 2,683,254 1,458,704 457 519 9,204 7,223 1,866,589 1,029,622 165 163 117 12 477 463 6,810 5,499 816,665 429,082 11 19 30 34 3,725 1,495 372 375 13,310 9,520 412,610 382,035 50 18 1,864 1,907 29,824 37,530 33 19 1,053 736 9,325 7,337 1 1 5 33 1,052 9,320 234 325 2,174 1,931 35 120 52 24 2 1 155 187 846 647 192 266 1,323 1,284 2,734,671 1,916,057 398 401 2,567,171 1,753,995 194 280 36,485 54,010 131,015 103,052 353 336 13,763 13,789 2,023,273 1,338,008 285 270 5,177 5,916 1,015,586 731,329 97 135 45 8 313 325 8,586 7,873 1,007,687 606,679 11 21 15 47 1,770 2,174 249 235 17,083 10,282 529,728 392,685 13 U 775 1,618 12,400 25,128 15 8 1,278 1,879 12,527 19,071 15 1,278 12,527 189 183 2,421 2,045 20 73 63 26 5 1 132 101 876 773 155 151 1,545 1,272 3,283,607 2,302,588 477 571 3,070,009 2,023,987 231 411 51,441 92,642 167,157 185,959 4;'6 547 15,163 15,800 2,555,823 1,576,902 340 406 9,515 7,775 1,903,961 1,025,248 117 104 91 28 366 440 5,548 8,025 651,862 551,654 5 20 11 32 1,272 1,511 281 299 16,446 10, 552 509,826 411,965 13 193 2,169 3,088 33,609 17 18 1,545 2,555 15,142 20,173 17 1,546 15,142 204 187 2,454 1,651 U5 108 999 584 164 150 1,455 1,077 16,805,110 9,817,178 1,635 1,779 15,274,335 3,543,171 948 1,269 567,848 683,317 962,927 590,690 1,594 1,741 86,036 73,064 13,154,482 7,147,638 1,244 1,299 43,513 32,795 7,970,302 4,091,052 352 383 415 94 1,178 1,400 42,523 40,269 5,184,180 3,056,636 63 142 278 338 80,246 19,215 1,018 1,022 54,505 38,331 1,999,655 1,340,560 76 79 2,497 2,412 39,952 35,508 94 79 4,735 2,933 33,915 24,501 8 452 1,636 94 4,274 37,279 871 908 9,500 7,435 129 357 255 115 14 1 618 465 3,824 2,207 733 794 5,676 5,278 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Mo, t data for 1959 are based on reports Uc™ Hooker Howani Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keya Paha Kijnball Knox (For derinilions and explanations . see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy pfoducts; dollars 195!).. . 1,519,157 6,196,482 7,350,791 4,066,276 5,664,616 6,141,944 3,833,755 2,274,441 18,077,242 2 1954... 955,976 5,204,941 4,533,729 3,243,629 3,845,925 3,938,053 2,335,445 1,216,448 12,529,952 H An>- hxi-slock sold nlivr (entile, horses and niulos. hoiip. and sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 57 954 1,038 353 694 390 306 238 1,803 4 1954... 68 1,099 1,172 954 800 454 362 276 1,973 5 ^alue of sales, dollars 1959... l,i73,063 5,277,942 5,791,898 3,297,238 5,300,337 5,967,066 3,660,327 2,123,380 16,483,769 i; 1954... 885,6U 4,303,635 3,303,011 2,584,877 3,365,075 3,703,181 2,191,840 1,023,430 11,356,385 7 Poullr\ and poultry producLs . famis rer«rtine 1959. . . 19 749 850 654 431 161 207 106 1,565 K 1954 .. . Zi, 942 1,077 858 662 300 264 203 1,790 4c)9t data for 1959 uv based on nporta (pnf tlofinidons and explRnotionE . see text) Pierce Platte Poli Red tlllow Ricbardsac Rock Kallne Sarpy Saunders I Value Of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products; dollars 1959 .. . 11,217,659 16,141,009 8,892,779 4,641,061 9,946,781 5,331,244 7,465,071 13,057,483 10,072,713 2 1954... 8,163,138 10,631,830 j4, 783,142 3,082,793 8,157,034 2,834,021 4,675,497 9,589,408 6,365,628 3 Any livo«Iock sold ali^p (rnttle. horsps and niulps. hn^s. nnd sheep) . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,295 1,574 929 650 1,258 298 1,256 532 1,697 4 1954... 1,405 1,746 1,057 687 1,373 380 1,400 626 1,878 5 value of snies, dollars 1959... 9,711,970 14,341,842 8,191,127 4,363,916 8,908,322 5,181,373 6,416,146 12,366,556 8,580,289 6 1954 .. . 6,976,676 8,893,704 4,063,909 2,690,374 7,213,049 2,706,549 3,648,900 8,790,113 5,035,452 7 PouItI> and poultry producLs . farms reportinc 1959 .. . 1,075 1,301 592 364 797 107 1,128 353 1,327 fi 1954... 1,292 1,592 841 516 1,145 193 1,388 541 1,724 9 value of sales, dollars 1959 . . . 544,365 735,537 275,274 100,393 282,882 11,771 569,705 130,875 549,215 10 1954 .. . 5U,186 704,157 257,468 160,904 376,350 30,808 607,346 218,831 522,776 11 Livestock products oilier than poultry and poultn products value of sales, dollars laifl . . . 961,324 1,063,630 426,378 176,752 755,577 138,100 479,220 560,052 943,209 15 L^XS-mCK SOLD ALIVE 1954... 680,276 1,033,969 461,765 231,515 567,635 96,664 419,251 580,464 807,400 13 rattle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,210 1,484 829 605 1,143 293 1,156 477 1,552 14 1954 .. . 1,309 1,658 958 656 1,292 376 1,341 558 1,774 IS number 1959... 30,942 48,242 30,433 19,957 30,832 31,533 22,799 47,519 34,075 16 1954... 26,418 31,261 17,600 19,267 31,121 25,936 16,875 42,426 23,990 IT dollars 1959... 6,622,939 11,014,082 6,608,418 3,751,670 6,088,781 5,044,890 4,981,439 U,414,441 6,763,626 18 1954... 3,707,692 5,080,716 2,517,189 2,160,258 4,756,546 2,613,782 2,476,356 7,662,119 3,196,900 in Cattle, not counting calves . fanns reporting 1959 . . . 930 1,344 694 442 906 253 831 412 1,231 30 ' 1954 . . . 1,138 1,465 772 525 1,026 306 1,147 474 1,421 21 number 1959... 24,833 40,367 26,088 13,214 24,715 20,448 17,544 45,491 26,902 22 1954... 20,263 26,321 13,089 11,770 25,065 15,858 13,183 40,056 18,488 28 dollars 1959 . . . 5,762,964 10,033,377 6,093,233 2,910,779 5,317,104 3,513,967 4,389,304 11,241,046 5,908,761 24 Farms reporting by number of cattle sold— 1954... 3,227,967 4,725,585 2,176,996 1,586,839 4,229,840 1,837,480 2,242,030 7,555,246 2,836,520 23 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 201 255 275 121 270 9 265 80 535 26 5tol9 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 426 580 220 168 355 a. 335 170 430 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 249 450 148 126 250 117 210 123 213 28 100 or more * . farms reporting 1959 . . . 54 59 51 27 31 66 21 39 53 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 474 615 401 383 676 190 606 169 786 30 1954 • 651 755 548 459 689 272 732 290 957 31 number 1959... 6,109 7,875 4,345 6,743 6,117 11,085 5,255 2,028 7,173 32 1954 .. . 6,155 4,940 4,511 7,497 6,056 10,078 3,692 2,370 5,502 33 dollars 1959... 859,975 980,705 515,185 850,891 771,677 1,530,923 592,135 173,395 854,865 34 1954 . . . 479,725 355,131 340,193 573,419 526,706 776,302 234,326 106,873 360,380 35 Horses and, or mules sold alive . farms reporting 19.59. . . 15 30 25 3 15 21 1 5 ... 36 1954... 70 34 19 24 29 44 40 25 40 37 number 1959 .. . 30 70 40 3 40 28 1 5 ... 38 1954... 253 65 31 46 62 91 74 82 75 39 dollars 1959... 5,075 12,475 4,825 525 4,625 3,213 100 325 40 1954 . . . 13,866 3,4«4 2,064 2,457 3,614 4,583 4,032 10,357 6,369 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959. . . 1,122 1,261 648 386 828 92 763 292 1,112 42 19.54... 1,243 1,514 778 379 1,006 106 795 360 1,099 43 number 1959... 97,580 102,795 44,756 19,047 37,756 3,514 41,537 19,570 55,529 44 1954... 74,157 86,776 3^,763 12,421 56,377 2,898 26,930 17,478 41,578 45 dollars 1959... 3,024,980 3,186,645 1,387,436 590,457 2,720,06 108,934 1,287,647 606,670 1,721,399 46 1954... 3,151,027 3,768,016 1,507,347 520,549 2,419,888 83,574 1,124,535 761,372 1,790,216 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms repcrting 1959. .. 52 125 116 24 145 18 125 41 148 48 1954 . . . 46 64 54 13 85 13 71 45 83 49 number 1959 .. . 3,686 8,040 U,903 704 5,905 1,521 9,185 21,570 5,954 50 19.54 . . . 5,108 2,404 2,272 429 2,026 397 2,428 17,736 2,601 51 dollars 1959... 58,976 128,640 190,448 11,264 94,480 24,336 146,960 345,120 95,264 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954... 104,091 41,488 37,309 7,110 33,001 4,610 43,977 356,265 41,967 S3 Stieep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 45 92 80 29 113 26 U9 61 148 54 1954... 42 63 58 14 93 16 77 35 75 55 number shorn 1959. . 1,495 3,656 5,080 1,215 4,635 1,915 4,739 15,547 9,924 56 1954 . . , 1,391 2,308 2,195 553 2,267 432 2,212 5,825 2,135 S7 pounds of wool 1959... 11,030 32,615 35,212 12,871 37,503 16,978 42,654 96,083 65,781 5S 1954 .. . 11,286 19,875 19,434 5,859 20,741 4,008 20,506 39,491 18,773 59 Lambs shorn - . farms reporting 1959. , . 3 8 11 1 18 1 7 13 21 60 number shom 1959.. . 330 361 1,693 135 1,204 1 779 12,109 4,066 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 1,316 2,058 6,395 600 5,094 5 3,918 63,465 15,090 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959 .. . 43 39 75 29 109 26 U6 53 140 63 number shorn 1959... 1,165 3,295 3,387 1,080 3,431 1,914 3,960 3,438 5,858 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1 959 . . . 9,714 30,557 28,817 12,271 32,409 16,973 38,736 32,618 50,691 65 Litters farrowed. Decemlier 1, previous year to Novemtwf 30. Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,008 1,204 597 251 761 61 616 237 894 66 1954 .. . 1,145 1,467 732 248 851 86 664 318 1,017 67 number of IiU«rs 1959 , . . 16,914 17,828 6,888 2,999 10,903 503 5,797 3,013 9,030 68 Farms reporting by number of titters farrowed 1954 .. . 15,014 18,185 6,672 2,113 10,447 555 4,951 2,968 8,492 69 1 or 2 Iiu*rs . farms reporting 1959 . . . 29 69 57 32 87 11 UO 28 129 70 3 tn 9 liuers . farms reporting 1959 .. . 242 340 250 106 239 29 298 90 413 71 10 to 19 litters . farms repcrting 19.59 . . . 429 483 194 72 255 18 147 76 234 72 20 to 3!) litters . farms repcrting 1959 . . . 262 274 84 32 142 3 55 37 loe 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 , . . 37 34 11 6 33 2 1 7 74 70 or more litters . farms repating 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 9 714 4 875 1 382 3 173 5 583 49 4 407 5 142 3 488 75 June 2 1o November 30 76 1954 ,. . 583 722. 315 129 550 51 320 149 374 77 number of litters 1959 . - . 6,186 6,829 2,615 1,216 4,464 235 2,305 1,069 2,949 78 1954... 3,710 4,521 1,629 703 3,678 196 1,417 829 1,801 79 December 1 to .lune 1 . farms reporting 1959. . . 921 1,049 527 215 665 53 521 206 782 eo 1954... 1,059 1,363 659 207 742 73 600 281 939 81 number of litters 1959... 10,728 10,999 4,273 1,783 6,439 268 3,492 1,944 6,081 82 1954 .. . U,304 13,664 5,043 1,410 6,769 359 3,534 2,139 6,691 NEBRASKA AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only a aantple of farms. See text] 187 Scotts Bluff Thayer Washington 20,562,487 13,219,752 1,281 1,289 19,946,490 12,578,034 320 610 58,032 94,961 557,965 546,757 1,039 1,164 77,232 62,335 15,814,817 9,514,273 930 994 65,346 53,016 14,091,666 8,729,215 72 173 510 175 336 555 11,886 9,319 1,723,151 785,058 16 26 102 51 11,633 3,231 440 253 17,688 3,972 548,328 141,543 216 239 223,232 168,078 3,571,712 ,918,987 149 148 134,917 44,472 624,734 339,145 25 128,676 566,260 133 6,241 58,474 283 140 2,533 724 100 97 52 26 5 3 234 100 1,330 352 205 91 1,253 372 7,360,081 6,035,478 1,296 1,489 5,937,015 4,207,223 965 1,379 597,430 783,471 825,636 1,044,784 1,211 1,423 23,798 20,020 4,771,030 2,803,498 926 1,204 20,063 15,414 4,400,475 2,496,708 285 455 145 41 550 827 3,735 4,606 370,555 306,790 15 34 30 80 3,220 5,878 720 908 35,315 30,920 1,094,765 1,274,640 100 76 4,250 10,534 68,000 123,207 116 76 4,909 1,945 39,116 13,840 13 1,259 4,366 109 3,650 34,250 633 306 6,135 6,146 99 282 133 62 7 434 456 2,541 2,000 549 721 3,594 4,146 12,128,918 7,332,405 803 932 11,842,076 6,829,250 418 600 59,457 182,876 227,385 320,279 771 903 67,360 55,386 10,576,979 5,915,332 645 732 43,624 33,373 7,534,066 4,210,533 133 136 257 119 490 614 23,736 21,513 3,042,913 1,704,799 51 65 211 252 32,925 12,749 386 471 33,620 19,048 1,042,220 751,194 137 125 11,872 9,739 189,952 149,975 143 130 U,490 7,802 109,239 80,746 13 1,547 5,566 142 9,943 103,723 343 477 4,209 4,174 44 132 112 43 210 266 1,591 1,425 275 357 2,613 2,749 5,820,164 3,585,046 873 938 5,047,350 2,871,556 709 829 220,408 214, o24 552,406 498,866 853 912 21,241 17,031 3,748,264 1,789,568 651 722 13,503 10,409 2,851,886 1,260,740 197 262 168 24 480 545 7,738 6,622 896,378 528,828 134 6,747 681 711 39,634 25,163 1,223,654 1,048,542 41 33 4,402 1,757 70,432 26,699 52 36 2,574 977 21,949 8,334 6 556 3,161 49 2,013 18,738 559 605 6,323 5,320 64 221 201 62 3 406 341 2,495 1,643 494 546 3,828 3,672 6,329,029 4,337,824 446 490 6,135,073 4,137,205 112 252 17,347 56,690 176,609 143,929 413 463 35,764 33,574 5,765,833 3,620,365 355 392 26,917 22,999 4,720,575 2,849,645 41 110 U4 90 226 320 8,347 10,575 1,045,258 770,720 20 30 69 64 41,372 3,845 160 135 3,908 2,845 121,148 89,246 71 74 12,920 23,824 206,720 423,749 84 64 10,352 6,491 97,991 68,211 5 311 1,667 33 10,041 96,324 102 U9 670 534 17,489,218 13,189,816 968 1,077 16,471,260 12,372,015 824 975 541,474 437,054 476,484 330,747 1,023 61,512 45,394 14,126,138 8,756,357 788 953 54,950 43,228 13,162,043 3,575,332 126 250 302 UO 210 270 6,562 2,166 964,095 181,525 6 33 12 55 2,155 2,840 823 942 74,377 82,214 2,305,687 3,578,650 66 31 2,330 1,853 37,280 33,668 54 34 1,833 846 14,669 7,191 5 289 767 54 1,544 13,902 81 69 353 229 70 82 312 305 733 382 13,249 14, 185 40 172 310 217 37 555 459 4,658 3,377 701 823 8,591 10,808 5,806,785 4,282,075 1,041 1,1S4 4,883,785 3,433,454 853 1,059 430,760 470,317 437,240 377,304 976 1,124 20,928 19,464 3,945,229 2,546,055 702 913 14,287 13,469 3,137,147 2,084,700 301 238 144 19 633 756 6,641 5,995 753,082 461,355 20 42 80 68 15,500 3,812 558 633 26,776 19,802 830,056 352,869 109 56 6,125 1,740 98,000 30,713 31 59 3,438 1,467 30,8(>t 13,357 4 106 467 81 3,332 30,337 465 508 4,235 3,462 230 123 35 324 267 1,804 1,087 401 449 2,431 2,375 2,120,670 1,318,825 77 117 2,109,960 1,294,019 20 34 2,222 3,369 8,488 21,437 77 116 13,817 12,108 2,083,968 1,263,459 74 110 10,780 7,997 1,729,294 945,716 2 16 25 31 43 80 3,037 4,111 354,674 317,743 18 22 57 40 7,824 2,360 12 31 403 528 12,548 20,895 345 429 5,520 7,305 5 7 326 573 2,471 5,839 326 2,471 7,876,461 6,298,484 766 815 7,426,691 5,884,506 555 676 237,136 201,429 212,634 212,549 681 742 25,396 22,328 5,549,351 3,551,122 606 666 22,032 20,349 5,025,511 3,391,083 206 185 166 49 191 342 3,354 1,979 523,840 160,039 21 1,245 638 726 59,940 53,681 1,858,140 2,259,836 15 19 1,200 4,163 19,200 72,303 29 U 1,315 1,217 10,253 10,386 4 312 1,374 29 1,003 8,879 586 693 10,238 10,935 46 117 215 166 40 2 424 379 3,963 2,889 501 635 6,270 3,046 6,524,112 5,592,709 800 921 5,949,452 4,953,794 592 785 205,814 222,061 368,846 4U,854 750 882 26,673 27,115 4,782,339 3,675,510 599 736 17,557 18,643 3,669,317 3,023,972 200 197 166 36 406 559 9,116 8,472 1,113,022 651,533 10 62 15 513 1,580 26,460 572 671 36,003 28,623 1,116,093 1,170,639 77 52 3,090 5,748 49,440 36,185 83 45 8,958 3,530 61,590 37,541 25 4,533 18,607 77 4,425 42,983 468 646 5,833 5,696 52 133 152 64 13 4 306 342 2,207 1,712 405 541 3,626 3,984 12,394,825 7,818,005 995 1,148 10,531,283 6,490,866 796 1,021 623,221 513,431 1,240,321 813,703 855 1,037 38,713 24,486 7,331,027 4,154,676 683 869 30,705 20,162 6,731,787 3,781,932 no 230 262 31 294 543 8,008 4,324 1,099,240 372,744 21 11 29 1,900 1,845 749 842 68,124 49,940 2,111,844 2,165,342 158 69 36,657 10,117 586,512 169,003 104 58 15,590 5,271 90,451 40,167 20 11,425 48,907 92 4,165 41,544 745 832 11,857 10,959 40 195 298 182 22 499 446 4,393 3,005 663 752 7,464 7,954 21,008,972 15,199,762 1,220 1,326 19,763,109 14,129,312 1,005 1,204 496,643 426,320 749,220 644,130 1,150 1,255 66,908 51,804 15,593,U5 9,732,523 1,U0 1,175 64,948 49,615 15,339,450 9,591,511 270 270 405 165 295 352 1,960 2,189 253,685 141,017 10 50 20 134 1,850 7,066 1,100 1,214 127,684 93,924 3,953,204 4,307,091 32 53 13,120 4,395 209,920 82,627 87 48 12,744 2,990 72,932 23,903 14 7,917 29,697 80 4,327 43,235 987 1,127 13,556 18,458 24 180 406 309 60 695 637 6,383 4,698 917 1,048 12,173 13,760 3,283, 2,553, 2,835, 1,893, 196 434, 251,472 225,691 741 360 14,396 12,786 153,084 1,331,581 475 663 5,461 6,379 994,958 877,157 222 173 77 3 609 616 9,435 5,907 1,158,126 454,424 5 37 15 68 2,025 3,601 461 477 21,199 12,827 657,169 548,221 47 24 1,462 742 23,392 10,256 50 27 1,842 844 15,307 7,303 6 174 832 49 1,668 14,475 345 377 2,827 2,355 90 154 70 233 213 1,223 339 234 303 1,604 1,516 3,268,424 2,661,285 227 267 3,036,901 2,528,687 125 183 28,939 36,944 152,584 95,654 227 260 17,3;2 16,814 2,831,636 2,139,483 149 221 10,612 11,881 2,004,665 1,731,225 32 42 47 28 168 179 6,720 4,933 826,971 408,258 31 29 UO 8,610 5,980 131 191 7,809 9,390 242,079 377,721 9 14 286 377 4,576 5,503 12 14 323 394 3,141 3,540 12 323 3,141 125 175 1,503 1,995 23 45 28 26 2 83 85 640 682 107 157 863 1,313 9,107,756 6,099,194 1,183 1,369 7,815,032 4,743,419 814 1,134 351,559 596,966 941,165 753,809 1,112 1,281 31,576 20,927 6,570,763 3,038,601 967 1,068 28,576 16,623 6,314,298 2,714,954 225 440 265 37 350 632 3,000 4,299 256,465 323,637 25 11 55 14 5,515 890 721 928 39,134 33,823 1,213,154 1,648,564 70 63 1,600 3,092 25,600 55,364 89 61 2,673 2,662 25,432 26,314 17 540 2,735 83 2,133 22,697 664 782 7,986 7,357 66 69 270 TO 216 71 94 72 15 73 3 74 465 75 377 711 2,974 ■n 1,364 78 603 7» 739 80 5,012 81 5,493 82 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [PaJa for daip,' products sold for 1959 are based on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Antelope DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream StjItJ farms reporting dollars Average sales per farm reportinp dollars Milk sold as whole milk farms renorlinp pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of buUerfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry ant] poultry prOtjUCtS SOltl farms reporting dollars CKickens sold farrns reporting number Broilers sold , , farms repcrting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold. farms reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raisetJ farms reporting number Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised— Unda 50 farms reporting 50 to .199 faims reporting 400 or more farms reporting 1559. 1951 . 1959. 1951. 1959. 1959. 1951. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959, 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 39,201 56,980 39,870,6i4 35,922,349 1,017 5,626 5,827 550,027,094 393,641,478 34,201 51,153 33,391,396 40,664,789 54,260 72,199 26,989,899 28,613,489 43,193 44,696 6,751,225 7,424,404 45 124 1,390,750 2,534,102 43,167 44,609 5,360,475 4,890,302 52,424 68,033 87,779,831 81,880,929 2,040 5,267 4,280,572 4,021,842 1,076 1,267 931,730 781,617 804 147 125 407 70O 535,455 396,255 1,316 76 32 10,247,187 5,788,275 341 618 230,055 421,033 641 896 202,881 299,832 472 552 59,038 60,898 472 552 59 ,038 60,898 627 848 792,946 1,053,932 14 31 1,020 7,728 182 1,764 934 1,198 809,789 578,862 867 55 20 4,800,395 898,598 879 1,178 1,059,296 961,963 1,037 1,406 504,271 517,506 881 958 112,843 115,567 1,000 881 958 112,843 114,567 1,014 1,353 1,752,690 1,473,235 22 55 63,914 72,245 7 7 13,755 15,460 36 50 12,525 17,265 348 3,612 35 50 18,519 30,888 31 57 53,957 55,775 14 28 1,002 20,573 17,500 14 27 1,002 3,073 25 44 7,940 10,409 2 13 51,800 37,308 6 13 10,602 6,960 29 63 13,618 23,133 470 1 1 10,320 15,480 29 62 23,366 42,311 58 120 8,210 20,954 37 51 3,029 3,534 37 51 3,029 3,534 51 104 28,146 55,217 736 386 3 12 102 169 76 103 43,881 42,393 577 62,252 76 100 84,255 75,920 55 86 474,888 155,264 20 39 1,201 4,876 2,700 20 38 1,201 2,176 48 74 17,935 39,945 7 470,367 141,580 7 7 72,145 24,049 827 1,111 741,841 636,629 897 55 52 6,400,538 3,873,018 777 1,059 874,780 898,049 911 1,173 325,749 313,227 745 717 82,650 77,331 1 2,400 745 717 80,250 77,331 896 1,106 1,286,413 1,236,111 16 24 2,095 7,337 2 5 24 1,493 137 267 144,987 209,408. 1,058 24 30 2,545,120 3,003,799 113 237 63,513 132,831 217 392 33,859 88,902 110 202 8,538 17,203 3,500 no 200 8,538 13,703 198 351 122,613 231,232 20 46 2,840 6,315 28 47 636 1,532 24 4 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Dodge Douglas Dundy DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reputing dollars Average sales per farm reporting dollars Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfal POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms reporting number (Xher chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold , farms reporting dozens Turlteya, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number Farms reforting by number - products sold for 1959 are based on Item (For derinitions and explajialions, see text) Kearney Keya Paha DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold fam.s reporting dollars Average sales per farm reporting dollars Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat POILTRV AND POl'LTKV PRODl'CTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporune dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms reporting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reponine dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting rloUars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised— Unda 50 farms repcrting 50 to 399 farms reporung 400 or more. farms reporting 1959. 1951. 1959. 1954 . 1959- 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954- 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19S9. 1954. 1959- 1954- 1959 . 1954. 1959 1954 1959 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959- 1954- 1959. 1954. 1959- 1959. 19.59. 25 23 7,928 8,658 317 22 13,211 15,690 19 24 38,140 61,609 7 9 157 538 7 9 157 538 16 20 3,383 7,200 3 2 37,310 59,000 6 3 9,561 11,305 584 866 612,460 588,464 1,049 127 45 7,304,387 3,713,625 472 821 568,990 849,163 749 942 299,829 308,503 624 519 83,629 56,943 1 1 13,000 6,000 623 518 70,629 50,943 733 911 1,158,329 1,031,736 22 % 3,085 12,741 7 15 428 1,675 4 3 648 922 1,027,887 708 ,093 1,586 136 104 19,080,551 8,505,511 537 818 493,402 784,600 850 1,077 522,862 516,497 714 723 233,214 176,110 3 6 l."!6,000 90,800 711 718 97,214 85,310 824 1,036 1,804,211 1,679,608 19 55 2,372 11,945 383 2,453 537 712 «89,890 323,210 912 70 39 8,058,325 2,290,972 472 673 333,940 466,031 654 858 273,120 328,856 565 580 77,465 62,885 1,000 565 579 77,465 61,885 644 828 1,068,857 1,104,040 7 48 1,720 31,636 3 9 501 5,452 169 450 121,816 221,079 721 5 40 1,075,000 2,455,024 164 410 132,519 218,671 431 662 221,111 255,402 327 411 40,214 43,478 1 1 2,000 2,988 327 410 38,214 40,490 417 646 614,576 790,845 16 26 66,068 38,922 16,742 9,897 95 193 118,217 159,414 1,231 10 20 1,593,540 2,555,286 86 173 99,848 115,833 161 300 44,284 65,844 129 158 13,019 13 .895 129 158 13,019 13,895 147 261 170,755 164,274 11 26 714 12,195 9 6 122 1,893 186 246 121,389 93,323 653 54,541 35,494 185 243 203,631 175,342 207 264 31,380 42,687 110 149 10,791 9,747 110 149 10,791 9,747 192 239 114,351 146,022 18 13 1,518 791 28 18 378 248 49 142 87,951 97,632 1,795 5 17 1,315,725 991,893 44 125 39,248 90,892 106 203 29,542 54,308 64 106 6,381 9,491 64 106 6,381 9,491 101 183 117,666 141,101 13 373 ,130 120 182 1,144 1,364 874,065 589,989 764 35 27 1,814,587 496, OU 1,119 1,337 1,321,857 1,078,506 1,565 1,790 708 ,720 575,297 1,340 1,082 162,384 116,517 1,340 1,082 162,384 116,517 1,545 1,723 2,829,197 2,192,027 39 139 4,413 9,294 580 165 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sarpy DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms reporting dollars -Average sales per farm reporting dollars Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting pounds Cream sold farms reporung pounds of butterfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Potlitry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Brt}ilers sold farms reporting number fXher chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Tultteys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and tufttey ftycis raised farms reporting number Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raiaed- Undw 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reputing 400 or more farms reporting 1959- 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959- 1964- 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19S9. 1954 1959- 1954- 1959- 1954- 1959- 1954- 1959- 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959- 1954- 195B 1954- 1959 1954 1969 1954 1959 1959 1959 943 1,135 957,023 674,859 1,015 135 65 10,280,415 3,333,424 833 1,070 1,114,584 1,044,058 1,075 1,292 544,365 511,186 962 906 124,638 114,424 1 1,650 962 906 124,638 112,774 1,055 1,260 2,153,027 1,924,497 34 121 8,038 6,863 5 5 1,029 193 920 1,357 1,050,910 1,024,429 1,142 155 100 15,812,515 8,872,317 765 1,257 909,035 1,265,999 1,301 1,592 735,537 704,157 1,180 1,063 184,638 219,080 3 1 34,900 100,000 1,179 1,062 149,738 119,080 1,282 1,551 2,381,838 2,457,856 35 74 4,454 3,630 9 3 752 35 5 3 1 456 730 412,545 452,437 905 135 U5 8,204,493 6,142,351 326 615 211,366 459,576 592 341 275,274 257,468 448 506 42,976 51,054 1,420 448 506 42,976 49,634 553 791 715,539 809,022 21 39 96,288 41,521 6 4 15,138 10,028 278 398 171,732 226,703 618 10 24 520,000 2,079,653 278 374 238,961 283,925 364 516 100,393 160,904 232 270 20,017 69,328 42,793 232 270 20,017 26,535 349 438 358,220 429,601 11 8 11,396 1,024 16 4 2,848 141 14 1 1 586 856 740,950 557,679 1,264 235 143 17,324,574 6,754,886 366 713 287,445 558,292 797 1,145 282,382 376,350 604 581 68,955 72,408 604 681 68,955 72,408 770 1,089 ,102,955 23 41 6,447 44,359 9 20 1,746 11,216 6 2 1 150 218 131,479 94,740 877 658,498 100,700 144 210 184,895 170,025 107 193 11,771 30,308 47 109 3,771 9,541 47 109 3,771 9,541 98 161 39,307 88,010 12 20 1,486 2,155 16 13 332 394 15 1 475 722 462,585 409,408 974 155 208 8,736,251 7,337,272 320 514 260,940 364,835 1,128 1,388 569,705 607,346 971 910 101,322 112,404 9,200 971 908 101,822 103,204 1,113 1,325 2,056,189 2,039,923 93 327 63,131 54,306 16 17 9,023 7,144 10 3 3 170 313 522,580 561,508 3,074 105 156 13,439,529 12,673,753 70 157 65,295 122,795 353 541 130,875 218,831 290 309 30,752 39,173 2,000 290 308 30,752 37,173 342 504 514,633 660,723 19 65 2,361 6,165 4 5 225 394 607 853 917, 555 798,389 1,512 197 284 21,987,878 18,532,974 420 569 219,260 278,031 1,327 1,724 549,215 522,776 1,113 1,141 272,783 121,115 1 3 140,000 4,300 1,112 1,140 132,783 116,815 1,300 1,633 1,349,998 1,816,794 94 250 4,297 31,528 7 13 165 3,610 5 2 NEBRASKA 191 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Lancaster Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson Madison Merrick Ifcrrlll Nance Nemaha NuckollB Otoe Pamee Perkins Phelps 699 505 86 117 66 867 521 161 492 450 520 746 386 185 293 I 1,309 748 132 164 107 1,189 732 3a 631 653 579 1,065 625 309 472 2 1,689,725 532,369 56,918 70,065 29,720 823,188 904,739 70,623 414,068 223,920 347,628 820,920 284,940 132,950 140,410 S 1,548,72* 605,712 57,345 79,828 32,370 769,897 705,775 160,876 371,959 214,105 299,312 558,017 316,892 151,325 233,767 4 2,417 1,054 662 599 450 949 1,737 439 842 498 569 1,100 738 989 479 5 369 58 n 81 100 16 a 25 47 80 61 23 20 e 521 93 2 2 103 68 24 13 15 36 88 54 17 28 7 38,786,535 8,906,347 76,250 8,237,939 16,574,265 118,450 1,460,600 774,190 2,448,491 13,721,820 3,0a,925 2,506,950 907,568 8 33,019,747 10,123,894 7,361 5,224 5,463,789 9,135,643 1,410,436 934,505 197,293 1,227,396 7,246,285 1,816,553 1,160,216 2,700,211 9 345 453 85 117 66 801 4a 145 471 435 484 671 335 163 273 10 788 655 130 164 105 1,086 664 297 618 637 543 977 771 292 444 11 269,040 317,024 88,392 114,628 47,923 973,879 424,768 114,376 602,379 336, 7X 419,973 555,065 286,220 109,321 200,510 12 610,767 453,369 107,122 150,152 58,962 1,039,827 675,307 189,962 622,331 394,909 493,363 631,239 477,611 185,312 254,580 13 1,137 682 84 134 71 1,057 636 a7 553 646 660 1,058 562 245 4a 11 1,651 862 134 157 U7 1,394 858 361 675 869 387 1,477 785 373 660 15 1,085,588 226,577 13, 7U 32,667 66,463 492,545 509,416 73,570 224,397 312,290 453,863 579,041 288,391 103,557 249,745 16 1,025,284 316,329 25,004 36,570 50,434 541,605 331,770 143,680 248,632 305,987 399,475 729,430 284,843 128,333 241,742 17 922 397 45 91 26 894 5a 114 447 484 537 896 461 171 319 18 1,076 423 61 80 67 854 527 141 410 602 555 1,043 509 206 387 19 166,413 39,328 4,325 8,419 1,611 124,323 201,124 10,503 47,351 63,213 2a,701 163,138 69,420 23,655 82,677 20 155,668 88,321 5,145 9,377 5,427 133,009 70,881 3,927 39,647 64,526 131,801 278,068 58,758 20,677 86,738 21 2 1 1 1 4 ... 4 2 2 22 7 3 1 1 1 1 4 7 1 4 23 5,000 2,000 1,600 1,800 99,700 154,000 29,300 39,000 24 19,900 47,000 2,500 1,500 28,000 1,500 76,700 135,000 3,400 43,935 2S 922 396 "45 90 26 894 518 114 447 484 533 895 461 171 318 2« 1,071 4a 61 80 56 863 526 141 410 602 552 1,040 509 206 366 27 161,413 37,328 4,325 6,819 1,611 122,523 101 ,424 10,503 47,351 63,213 67,701 153,838 69,420 23,655 43,677 28 135,768 41,3a 5,145 6,857 3,927 105,009 69,381 8,927 39,547 54,525 55,101 142,068 58,756 17,277 42,803 29 1,081 632 77 129 65 1.028 616 175 542 627 644 1,035 552 224 399 30 1,539 761 122 133 100 1,314 821 301 650 822 849 1,426 753 343 620 31 2,293,004 454,004 49,252 127,238 24,955 1,898,969 1,631,702 83,423 774,493 1,192,494 1,173,710 2,221,541 1,032,079 4U,706 793,902 32 2,332,840 606,186 76,767 122,974 50,385 1,595,369 1,140,987 133,604 756,268 1,006,676 1,135,005 2,125,458 991,016 337,598 713,123 33 48 40 3 3 7 35 19 18 14 18 15 13 13 10 7 84 129 69 7 5 9 59 68 45 33 37 56 87 42 23 33 39 502,231 108,758 956 288 60,1B9 14,378 46,817 50,917 X,638 17,156 88,409 1,498 28,104 1,059 31,575 36 326,577 88,906 689 1,070 33,350 46,925 27,372 96,400 47,170 19,385 53,454 20,313 16,974 13,108 U,823 37 15 59 2 5 6 13 6 16 5 5 9 10 5 15 5 38 37 30 3 6 10 11 12 41 7 7 8 13 4 5 4 39 118,018 24,260 151 S8 11,089 2,027 10,516 10,150 9,330 3,051 25,051 252 5,454 294 6,566 40 73,508 15,838 131 222 6,U0 7,048 5,235 20,424 9,139 3,242 11,895 3,107 4,361 3,547 2,202 41 5 52 1 4 1 9 4 14 2 4 4 8 2 13 2 42 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 43 9 2 4 2 2 1 2 "i 5 2 3 44 Scotte Bluff Sevrard Sheridan Sberman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thcnas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler York 202 585 356 527 146 533 499 20 326 431 343 820 413 151 591 1 443 1,068 514 776 227 717 808 49 539 658 632 1,070 607 183 954 2 314,319 810,380 184,762 543,846 138,393 470,763 425,227 7,524 208,635 344,826 1,205,045 720,776 245,503 151,359 931,246 3 383,967 1,035,741 281,521 494,626 111,188 377,295 371,393 18,510 207,564 393,834 794,428 632,657 222,185 93,955 746,178 4 1,556 1,385 519 867 948 883 852 376 640 800 3,513 879 594 1,002 1,776 5 57 170 13 34 8 26 34 2 40 100 121 55 15 3 205 6 64 277 36 33 11 18 35 4 7 95 201 35 33 3 a5 7 5,730,850 15,668,777 1,670,966 3,151,630 1,588,122 3,843,500 6,080,242 54,060 2,037,570 4,888,084 31,292,488 3,419,952 1,660,130 459,000 aD/74yS91 8 7,339,870 20,423,757 2,955,896 2,839,567 1,068,934 1,173,049 1,425,371 97,384 147,538 3,662,607 18,116,930 1,988,555 753,523 8,603 \2f32!2b 9 160 420 344 598 138 512 422 18 286 341 232 809 398 149 4U 10 379 791 478 743 216 699 773 45 532 572 431 1,034 574 180 739 11 90,544 321,980 204,309 723,830 138,186 568,778 375,661 7,495 232,200 333,969 194,505 1,032,370 320,954 250,174 360,915 12 183,269 580,053 284,686 735,394 119,957 587,055 632,691 24,989 374,975 545,614 3»,705 1,014,280 385,269 182,690 677,100 13 320 965 418 709 112 824 853 20 555 592 796 1,005 569 125 814 14 610 1,379 600 829 252 975 1,059 34 676 785 1,021 1,204 760 183 1,134 15 58,032 597,430 59,457 220,408 17,347 541,474 480,760 2,222 237,136 205,314 523,221 496,543 196,655 23,939 351,559 11 94,961 783,471 182,876 214,624 56,690 437,054 470,817 3,369 201,429 222,061 513,431 425,320 434,065 35,944 5%, 966 17 159 817 201 547 54 722 767 9 480 467 714 907 431 82 676 18 277 894 296 435 130 719 695 a 448 478 715 821 438 91 825 19 17,364 103,605 17,624 52,a5 5,054 87,674 120,755 550 68,063 50,663 134,635 U8,853 42,124 7,455 113,992 20 22,192 140,619 100,772 37,714 24,335 91,253 108,507 1 1 855 52,115 1 1 46,264 97,500 95,719 114,412 7,709 202,198 2 21 1 6 "i "3 "i 3 23 6,300 18,000 1,000 26,500 24 38,500 78,000 14,200 ... 25,000 1,400 70,000 100,300 25 159 817 201 547 54 722 767 9 479 467 714 907 431 82 675 26 277 890 295 435 127 719 695 a 447 478 715 821 437 91 825 27 17,364 97,305 17,624 52,215 5,054 87,674 102,755 560 67,053 50,663 134,635 118,858 42,124 7,455 37,492 28 22,192 102,119 22,772 37,714 10,135 91,253 83,507 855 50,715 46,264 97,500 95,719 44,412 7,709 101,398 29 259 930 389 702 101 815 839 19 540 574 783 998 547 la 791 30 489 1,309 524 802 225 935 1,038 28 631 750 964 1,152 734 172 1,117 31 204,341 1,747,854 211,003 877,864 59,139 1,514,212 1,896,718 5,U7 925,692 813,355 2,174,603 1,972,446 725,790 113,753 1,330,028 32 213,600 1,639,185 223,053 794,799 105,586 1,297,1J0 1,694,488 11,294 693,489 790,695 1,573,831 1,493,316 805,497 140,485 1,897,298 33 28 52 39 27 13 44 15 1 17 24 17 30 16 6 27 34 64 70 69 92 27 122 53 2 26 85 63 53 32 9 65 35 5,304 159,911 5,110 1,268 2,077 164,273 886 860 1,556 2,023 73,632 3,757 15,822 316 2,471 36 4,823 307,208 a,663 4,560 3,315 91,313 2,619 206 2,331 4,321 34,913 3,622 115,136 355 17,559 37 30 16 51 14 19 6 4 3 4 5 3 4 10 7 9 38 34 17 98 9 38 8 5 1 7 2 12 5 7 3 8 39 1,255 33,568 1,425 183 539 31,069 191 241 193 305 24,480 522 3,992 95 200 40 586 63,019 2,525 124 821 21,641 253 50 237 21 6,141 53 22,024 13 3,356 *\ 25 5 44 14 15 3 2 2 3 4 3 8 7 7 <■% 4 5 7 4 1 2 1 1 1 "i 2 43 1 6 2 2 "i 2 44 192 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY kern (For derinitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Antelope Arthur Banner Blaine Boone Box Butte 1 Corn; Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 71,409 923 1,342 6 77 21 1,171 274 2 1954... 83,577 1,101 1,555 15 49 46 1,404 374 3 acres 1959... 6,693,922 71,269 150,828 180 4,749 830 125,470 13,289 4 1954. . . 6,732,181 76,933 142,283 778 2,577 2,397 129,100 23,249 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959... 70,120 921 1,335 5 30 20 1,165 215 6 1954. . . 81,824 1,094 1,551 12 13 44 1,395 195 7 acres 1959. . . 6,455,174 70,379 148,851 155 1,212 725 123,128 7,987 8 1954... 6,381,589 74,139 138,632 648 865 2,752 122,061 8,317 9 bushels 1959... 310,218,560 4,327,686 6,393,411 3,950 36,274 15,950 5,647,849 296,468 Ifl 1954... 184,619,574 2,067,808 4,060,649 9,065 16,560 43,195 2,880,400 95,113 11 Sales farms reporting 1959... 52,944 850 1,075 10 1 941 92 12 1954... 51,929 919 1,002 1 6 5 777 61 13 bushels 1959... 184,529,378 3,537,411 2,976,865 18,664 150 3,015,742 102,412 14 1954. . . 84,739,972 1,440,835 1,541,706 2,500 4,250 2,450 930,174 25,526 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 7,607 98 95 55 2 145 84 16 1954... 11,884 216 165 1 31 2 318 143 17 acres 1959... 149,192 778 1,438 2,930 30 1,796 3,117 IS 1954. . . 219,815 2,211 2,435 30 1,324 55 5,701 7,232 19 tons, green weight 1959... 1,254,526 8,039 14,638 14,827 200 17,181 23,983 20 1954. . . 1,192,683 10,043 16,078 210 6,685 230 23,360 23,633 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 3,869 18 57 1 30 3 52 70 22 1954. . . 6,192 48 91 3 12 3 86 160 23 acres 1959. . . 89,556 112 539 25 607 75 546 2,185 24 1954. . . 130,777 533 1,216 100 388 90 1,338 7,700 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 2,109 26 1 25 1 2 2 14 12 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 2,122 32 17 1 3 2 23 29 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 13,146 245 129 3 37 12 119 130 28 15,081 211 226 16 3 237 57 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 11,726 155 251 1 3 1 183 24 30 31 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... Soighums: Sorghums for all purposes except sirup farms reporting 1959... 27,225 35,290 254 911 694 235 11 16 49 1 8 595 485 22 101 32 acres 1959... 1,551,478 53,809 5,704 352 2,315 175 15,183 3,159 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. . . 31,455 895 200 11 5 459 12 34 1954... 16,740 737 67 25 6 145 23 35 acres 1959... 1,393,083 52,573 5,013 441 64 14,397 664 36 1954. . . 517,959 25,304 970 1,184 153 2,646 1,072 37 bushels 1959... 59,935,320 2,788,180 267,318 7,405 1,054 601,172 18,155 38 1954... 14,110,499 895,602 22,866 17,246 2,197 65,734 9,898 39 Sales farms reporting 1959... 22,097 825 102 5 317 4 40 bushels 1959... 40,883,507 2,381,123 126,600 1,585 340,259 3,590 41 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 4,725 111 48 3 66 11 42 1954. . . 5,155 140 33 1 3 1 48 27 43 acres 1959 64,830 824 669 305 724 383 44 1954. . . 59,443 1,246 385 10 45 4 510 674 45 tons, green weight 1959... 618,199 6,488 0,724 940 8,495 1,912 46 1954... 483,041 8,154 2,708 50 160 35 3,896 2,579 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 4,599 71 5 11 39 5 8 78 48 acres 1959. .. 93,565 412 22 352 1,569 111 62 2,112 49 tons cut 1959... 158,388 1,075 77 580 1,799 106 188 2,598 50 Sales tons 1959. .. 11,380 161 395 8 194 NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 193 Part 1 of 5 Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar 1 Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota 524 198 1,465 1,082 1,390 1,250 1,631 349 146 184 811 1,112 1,612 1,760 564 1 635 264 1,731 1,224 1,535 1,459 1,807 394 234 136 978 1,210 1,674 2,213 639 2 48,546 22,710 138,743 142,571 149,663 127,928 168,164 45,154 11,841 10,321 79,960 105,073 157,787 164,828 61,813 3 52,267 26,872 151,383 118,688 128,427 130,331 155,322 43,424 17,726 6,301 81,490 93,694 134,608 194,218 57,514 4 496 172 1,452 1,081 1,388 1,244 1,626 327 125 125 810 1,110 1,593 1,731 562 5 635 256 1,718 1,223 1,529 1,451 1,797 379 223 97 965 1,197 1,658 2,149 637 6 41,308 19,083 135,456 139,819 149,135 126,706 162,239 40,185 8,800 5,452 79,001 103,763 151,053 159,372 59,757 7 51,929 26,340 144,603 115,594 125,490 125,843 149,929 40,248 16,126 3,483 77,483 86,970 130,156 182,346 55,657 8 636,700 423,122 8,020,168 8,093,U7 7,961,296 6,048,257 7,560,271 833,166 100,901 235,709 5,263,160 4,729,280 8,224,762 6,388,10.'> 3,050,921 9 1,800,697 630,900 4,403,745 4,772,340 3,730,355 3,136,010 5,609,891 688,174 303,750 87,120 2,056,585 2,245,383 4,816,033 3,767,994 2,094,970 10 152 82 1,157 867 1,330 1,110 1,048 229 8 59 751 793 1,002 1,034 440 11 435 160 1,124 798 1,303 1,100 1,087 230 62 27 785 621 666 1,122 390 12 145,706 225,018 5,923,948 4,276,694 5,929,896 4,438,445 2,583,410 507,401 6,400 102,833 4,413,313 2,113,509 2,600,702 3,023,544 1,603,148 13 745,911 342,669 2,531,232 2,061,514 2,400,302 1,818,935 1,665,315 367,197 67,529 31,910 1,315,806 690,394 1,073,592 1,433,611 881,014 14 167 26 132 89 42 35 425 46 9 118 95 44 111 181 68 15 9 8 225 130 174 198 305 32 6 57 265 281 196 257 50 16 4,348 815 2,051 1,510 413 663 4,876 1,715 445 4,618 852 873 1,992 2,933 1,659 17 111 179 3,891 2,420 2,347 3,459 3,585 913 150 2,414 3,330 5,356 3,878 5,603 1,243 18 13,466 4,433 20,820 13,740 4,014 5,790 40,520 9,274 2,495 32,300 8,323 7,500 20,521 27,555 14,585 19 620 1,207 19,720 17,135 11,317 19,201 24,577 5,133 540 10,641 14,034 21,868 23,479 24,150 9,954 20 85 45 60 60 17 51 97 68 57 13 17 34 139 129 42 21 19 16 129 74 47 % 140 58 33 18 51 111 76 307 53 22 2,890 2,312 1,236 1,242 115 559 1,049 3,254 2,596 251 107 437 4,742 2,523 397 23 227 353 2,889 674 590 1,029 1,808 2,263 1,450 404 677 1,368 574 6,269 614 24 15 7 54 20 19 41 18 7 8 12 19 32 21 49 18 25 14 10 39 9 14 22 9 10 8 11 22 11 9 47 17 25 89 45 247 108 137 154 141 48 40 73 127 131 177 379 73 27 109 28 334 179 238 234 352 48 30 44 162 267 406 383 105 28 83 14 247 169 281 201 370 36 13 16 171 231 363 269 101 29 214 94 544 597 681 598 741 200 47 28 310 440 636 533 250 30 173 38 933 226 523 487 203 286 20 325 841 317 104 922 98 31 4,853 686 32,596 8,806 17,579 20,059 3,701 14,232 569 17,932 68,263 6,828 1,708 24,748 2,396 32 147 15 875 193 507 463 143 170 6 250 833 290 65 644 58 33 39 367 26 84 207 28 195 1 120 784 31 7 211 10 34 4,244 221 29,899 8,229 17,165 19,418 2,632 8,296 158 14,009 67,334 6,409 887 15,149 1,518 35 589 8,532 625 1,293 3,624 263 6,601 2 4,965 35,355 308 52 3,646 126 35 102,483 4,670 1,318,545 396,644 1,005,642 1,170,642 122,419 144,931 1,160 297,107 3,569,899 311,698 52,777 564,888 59,730 37 14,950 178,444 24,801 45,254 131,279 6,650 107,998 U 109,746 1,183,951 10,245 1,525 63,871 3,170 38 26 5 588 107 432 362 56 83 139 784 189 21 213 31 39 16,481 2,450 840,592 243,508 816,210 979,873 36,223 64,831 185,513 2,982,459 196,479 10,581 195,125 25,130 40 15 9 102 43 38 43 88 14 1 35 90 45 42 96 42 41 2 6 64 43 36 123 37 18 2 25 122 39 21 112 16 42 202 135 1,270 577 365 492 1,011 309 30 1,157 872 408 726 1,353 764 43 21 110 698 846 306 1,102 241 518 41 580 884 423 204 1,380 188 44 1,072 719 12,853 7,647 5,472 6,365 9,874 2,868 90 4,238 8,153 5,266 9,093 13,553 12,658 45 230 280 4,460 13,842 3,461 13,204 1,754 2,332 410 1,903 6,395 4,628 2,027 8,199 2,105 46 24 16 74 5 10 8 183 14 100 16 2 5 362 2 47 407 330 1,427 49 149 58 5,627 381 2,766 57 11 95 8,236 14 48 654 471 130 3,403 631 18 61 55 6,535 1,068 296 3,536 314 158 37 60 48 16,348 862 27 49 50 Stub items continued 194 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (Ffir derinilions and fxplartation?, see text) Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodge Douglas Dundy Flllinore FranhUn 1 Com Com for all purposes ..farms reporting 1959... 266 1,239 95 1,038 1,395 786 351 1,072 571 2 1954... 382 1,477 95 1,219 1,487 1,062 403 l,-237 763 3 acres 1959... 12,152 146,172 6,896 110,032 145,330 75,452 65,989 95,797 33,952 ^ 1954. . . 20,152 139,740 5,211 102,013 124,922 68,423 63,646 98,263 51,496 5 Harvested for grain .farms reporting 1959... 138 1,226 76 1,031 1,391 776 343 1,068 566 6 1954. . . 212 1,460 72 1,209 1,481 1,056 383 1,222 752 7 acres 1959... 4,550 140,045 5,747 107,102 142,598 73,330 60,893 94,100 37,889 S 1954. . . 7,832 131,975 3,609 99,736 119,142 65,146 59,791 93,134 49,310 9 bushels 1959... 90,435 9,136,079 345,255 5,128,154 7,054,105 3,632,107 1,049,767 5,210,134 1,881,377 10 1954. . . 112,917 5,808,711 123,040 3,545,169 3,718,929 2,172,508 598,352 2,247,121 1,036,271 u Sales . farms reporting 1959. . . 37 979 47 801 1,055 644 232 955 418 12 1954... 49 972 38 690 904 731 225 918 412 13 bushels 1959... 19,177 5,876,200 189,533 2,110,532 3,748,802 2,361,364 694,556 3,859,475 1,307,735 1* 1954. . . 20,207 3,288,342 59,133 1,075,344 1,548,120 1,227,880 303,305 1,225,336 463,935 15 Cut for silage .farms reporting 1959... 69 190 32 131 129 71 37 113 61 16 1954... 76 245 32 88 262 144 38 308 93 17 acres 1959. . . 2,426 5,005 1,054 1,749 2,183 1,747 1,312 1,253 983 IB 1954. . . 2,761 5,575 1,130 1,271 4,879 2,648 1,713 3,934 1,634 19 tons . green weight 1959. . . 9,771 68,242 6,410 16,298 21,539 18,030 8,344 12,755 8,125 20 1954... 9,140 48,159 5,855 7,414 28,978 18,831 6,545 14,662 8,010 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut green or dry fodder. . . . for .farms reporting 1959... 141 53 7 108 58 22 52 31 12 22 1954. . . 230 118 22 112 73 44 56 74 40 23 acres 1959... 5,176 1,122 95 1,181 549 375 3,784 444 30 24 1954. . . 9,559 2,190 472 1,006 901 629 2,142 1,145 552 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acrea farms reporting 1959... 20 23 • 3 20 31 76 7 20 32 26 11 to 19 acres. . .. .farms reporting 1959... .farms reporting 1959... .farms reporting 1959... 30 119 52 27 154 192 5 43 15 14 103 192 17 167 277 29 141 122 7 39 37 27 231 252 36 190 119 27 20 to 49 acrea .... 28 50 to 74 acres 29 75 to 99 acres .farms reporting 1959. . . 16 192 4 190 271 114 26 178 39 30 31 Sor^ums for all purposes ftffTff "ii niD ........••••■. .farms reporting 1959... .fame reporting 1959... 29 95 651 447 25 218 519 110 632 372 304 161 235 275 364 1,004 105 624 32 CA^Ht^O Oi* U|^ •••-■•••■■*■-■ acres 1959. . . 2,786 14,344 14,238 1,666 10,553 3,211 13,869 65,646 32,909 33 Harvested for grain or seed .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 31 15 357 194 177 144 74 17 311 22 123 49 154 198 983 690 584 601 34 35 acres 1959. . . 723 10,705 11,257 1,205 9,247 2,471 7,553 64,572 30,053 36 1954. . . 316 4,978 6,616 151 702 820 11,055 24,266 23,941 37 bushels 1959. . . 13,999 469,038 2%, 659 54,765 459,134 122,467 142,864 3,042,530 1,040,789 38 1954. . . 2,546 102,127 96,574 4,475 24,982 33,554 146,346 832,841 610,170 39 Sales .farms reporting 1959... 5 220 125 22 228 87 72 859 423 40 bushels 1959... 4,545 285,072 181,921 16,985 356,787 85,662 71,628 2,255,686 668,017 41 Cut for silage .farms reporting 1959... 4 68 20 39 85 52 21 116 59 42 1954. . . 8 75 17 10 60 47 27 132 106 43 acres 1959. . . 50 1,000 597 443 1,291 720 486 1,006 686 44 1954... 207 938 631 197 638 453 814 1,447 1,331 45 tons , green weight 1959. . . 164 14,527 3,438 4,965 16,518 8,337 3,483 10,440 5,060 46 1954... 552 7,997 2,590 1,453 7,565 5,105 2,701 13,075 8,346 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut dry forage or hay for ..farms reporting 1959... 69 120 84 3 4 3 192 15 201 48 acres 1959. . . 2,013 2,639 2,384 18 15 20 5,830 68 2,165 49 tons cut 1959. . . 2,190 6,077 5,104 36 65 245 6,627 113 4,593 50 Sales _ . tnriH 1959. . . 96 98 526 ... 926 14 137 NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 -Continued 195 Part 1 of 5 Frontier Fumafl Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Itolt Itooker r- 600 643 1,801 136 217 406 574 1,083 1,152 532 343 430 1,0U 14 1 764 854 2,091 187 252 501 723 1,183 1,267 676 394 520 1,233 15 2 61,715 55,904 130,158 8,451 11,483 37,502 57,489 120,606 130,977 43,013 51,836 40,350 66,950 330 3 77,316 77,380 140,180 8,896 12,347 46,077 70,887 99,793 108,108 56,500 64,894 50,267 74,544 523 4 589 619 1,795 121 214 399 567 1,061 1,151 517 330 409 995 10 5 745 835 2,084 171 252 501 716 1,177 1,257 671 375 468 1,222 16 6 53,479 50,855 128,800 6,954 11,065 36,686 54,250 116,183 129,690 39,636 47,006 37,184 64,060 248 7 69,913 70,154 137,728 8,274 U,964 45,183 66,628 97,681 104,057 53,400 58,497 40,855 72,802 623 8 1,348,084 1,986,497 4,781,898 340,259 496,603 1,883,545 2,013,435 7,388,406 9,125,550 1,400,967 877,800 1,421,740 2,317,841 4,070 9 807,101 1,407,217 3,997,547 270,454 347,866 1,071,201 1,332,807 4,017,406 3,828,683 1,117,256 671,234 682,737 1,886,508 9,555 10 383 454 1,423 66 81 325 279 916 1,100 364 222 309 299 U 438 y?9 1,443 63 84 381 254 957 1,090 428 212 263 416 12 790,713 1,380,265 2,747,625 207,865 152,929 1,402,064 701,145 5,581,824 7,787,270 930,771 518,543 1,018,716 709,288 13 382,931 775,529 1,834,566 99,292 92,052 642,327 281,028 2,475,385 2,651,733 571,827 357,297 370,126 449,727 14 84 130 67 14 22 21 124 159 US 138 72 91 91 15 US 183 96 12 21 40 155 98 274 139 62 127 53 16 2,085 3,587 708 yn 2?? 516 2,637 3,894 1,157 2,754 2,397 2,105 2,038 17 4,517 4,584 1,446 256 283 625 3,473 1,462 2,838 2,794 1,953 4,349 795 18 10,212 23,098 5,141 4,965 3,150 5,953 16,526 43,245 12,111 14,014 1J,918 12,064 13,539 19 11,451 22,303 8,146 2 190 1,819 2,843 13,433 10,484 14,946 11,963 10,254 13,036 4,916 20 61 61 47 27 13 15 34 27 22 32 64 41 43 5 21 109 77 70 23 10 23 52 55 66 28 82 124 62 22 1,151 1,462 650 926 161 300 602 529 130 623 2,433 1,061 852 82 23 2,886 2,642 1,006 366 100 269 786 650 1,213 306 4,444 5,063 947 24 11 25 55 13 19 10 10 32 18 14 5 11 97 3 25 9 31 60 13 17 10 9 19 14 15 6 11 92 1 26 103 155 465 41 74 107 95 148 125 U5 35 105 331 10 27 U7 144 470 28 53 66 107 220 200 129 41 85 155 28 79 74 316 12 33 54 90 149 214 79 44 46 115 29 281 214 435 29 21 159 263 515 581 160 212 172 212 30 532 603 1,370 207 61 394 282 642 946 508 232 349 173 31 28,245 37,913 54,967 13,585 845 27,152 9,904 25,675 49,604 30,415 9,826 16,315 4,568 32 381 564 1,331 158 44 352 246 612 930 466 86 222 112 33 341 553 510 104 4 326 66 287 790 311 129 319 66 34 19,785 34,056 52,679 10,492 533 24,646 8,507 24,865 49,058 26,971 3,547 U,031 3,540 35 11,615 24,109 8,134 4,569 H. 13,163 1,227 8,092 24,535 8,742 5,454 19,505 1,127 36 481,797 914,389 2,336,468 296,181 19,361 750,866 287,127 1,362,680 3,012,184 798,247 78,014 256,479 101,754 37 211,440 y?5,664 260,050 78,888 815 306,965 20,145 280,405 950,495 221,732 75, m 256,777 18,253 38 220 405 901 104 6 280 91 493 869 312 31 U5 26 39 212,835 545,599 1,231,447 209,566 2,484 510,771 79,424 1,083,170 2,473,016 466,778 28,060 136,171 42,878 40 66 95 181 7 13 49 60 49 78 112 30 43 37 41 72 94 174 17 8 36 43 50 147 92 34 52 23 42 1,175 1,631 2,148 250 168 498 934 732 519 1,834 560 846 607 43 1,287 1,533 1,732 380 87 592 419 426 926 1,407 869 1,190 361 44 6,997 12,232 21,885 1,160 1,750 3,452 7,006 10,672 6,683 12,5?7 3,513 4,524 4,479 45 5,435 10,294 20,371 1,192 412 3,600 1,610 4,162 9,118 9,238 2,578 3,602 1,471 46 304 168 16 92 10 155 26 11 7 122 174 212 36 47 7,285 2,226 140 2,843 144 2,008 463 78 27 1,610 5,719 4,438 521 48 15,464 3,618 817 3,627 209 3,327 1,419 408 70 2,608 8,844 7,013 1,314 49 421 61 245 25 142 74 10 9 150 801 293 47 50 Stub Items contlnijed 196 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Ilem (For dennitions nnd explanations, see text) Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keys Palia Kimball Knox Tfincaster Com: 1 Com for all purposes fariDe reporting 1959... 887 942 806 744 210 140 73 1,689 1,627 2 1954. . . 1,069 1,172 921 862 328 176 46 1,391 1,998 3 acres 1959. , . 62,885 52,768 55,690 81,017 20,264 7,794 3,322 146,320 130,877 4 1954... 76,623 70,043 58,965 71,679 24,872 9,818 1,540 150,062 146,925 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959 — 882 936 303 739 201 116 30 1,680 1,624 6 1954. . . 1,057 1,165 917 655 287 172 16 1,886 1,986 7 acres 1959... 61,662 52,059 55,242 79,746 17,372 5,260 1,022 142,882 129,418 8 1954. . . 72,693 67,633 58,147 69,241 13,367 9,373 394 146,914 143,163 9 bushels 1959... 2,471,905 1,917,767 2,099,931 5,047,003 957,342 93,487 34,515 6,125,795 4,941,657 10 1954... 1,660,372 1,436,531 2,016,484 2,600,898 491,310 217,029 6,587 4,822,470 3,739,989 11 Sales farms reporting 1959... 555 719 644 681 140 13 12 836 1,349 12 1954. . . 509 633 665 680 163 44 5 892 1,553 13 bushels 1959... 1,069,758 1,170,206 1,227,754 3,436,750 616,492 6,987 14,660 1,660,931 3,433,043 U 1954... 526,047 590,480 999,076 1,504,783 265,578 40,758 4,480 1,207,971 2,169,553 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 82 45 13 90 42 24 45 191 74 16 1954. . . 216 146 37 157 96 1 19 107 161 17 acres 1959. . . 1,091 574 137 1,037 2,262 722 1,756 2,971 1,242 18 1954... 2,8T. 1,902 354 1,963 5,193 4 580 1,579 2,947 19 tons, green weight 1959... 10,205 5,730 889 12,502 26,227 4,080 17,162 23,197 9,127 20 1954. . . 10,624 7,325 2,690 12,673 30,329 8 3,965 9,929 18,719 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 13 16 42 15 9 43 16 65 32 22 1954... 81 35 43 42 36 17 15 107 77 23 acres 1959, . . 132 U5 311 234 130 1,792 544 967 217 2i 1954. . . Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes; 1,053 508 464 475 812 441 566 1,569 815 25 Under 11 acres fanns reporting 1959,.. 22 44 21 17 6 12 9 45 60 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 27 63 20 7 12 12 8 37 54 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 230 339 217 U6 41 53 29 276 389 28 255 266 241 124 44 27 17 442 377 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 162 123 145 129 34 15 7 262 253 30 SorEflums" ^°° °^ "^^ acres ... farms reporting 1959... Sorghums for all purposes 191 107 162 351 73 21 3 607 494 31 except sirup f anoB reporting 1959. . . 493 909 491 607 244 41 44 338 1,269 32 acres 1959.. . 13,623 48,746 12,779 29,256 18,824 1,519 1,469 5,542 61,415 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. . . 463 890 471 536 213 26 li 251 1,242 34 1954... 151 379 105 474 65 4 44 77 594 35 acres 1959. . . 12,626 46,820 12,240 28,249 16,442 444 423 4,041 59,317 36 1954... 2,245 7,497 1,233 14,554 3,929 50 2,918 976 13,034 37 bushels 1959... 519,424 1,941,255 533,418 1,512,401 479,567 9,125 10,600 175,762 2,652,735 38 1954... 51,953 228,527 41,094 449,608 77,340 1,025 20,760 19,143 479,170 39 Sales f ariDS reporting 1959. . . 207 665 293 496 148 7 63 1,014 «) bushels 1959.,, 137,713 1,196,260 309,063 1,129,543 302, 562 7,400 41,425 2,048,973 41 Cut for silage farms repotting 1959. . . 78 117 36 73 16 10 6 68 124 42 1954. . . 72 190 42 93 22 4 7 17 227 43 acres 1959. , . 817 1,660 458 675 971 671 202 813 1,981 44 1954... 682 1,589 530 1,147 620 49 173 97 2,595 45 tons, green weight 1959.,, 7,952 18,037 4,539 8,136 5,970 1,815 622 6,477 20,270 46 1954,.. 4,497 15,296 6,350 9,498 3,703 155 465 680 31,289 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 20 40 7 36 53 17 30 53 12 48 acres 1959. . . 180 266 81 332 1,411 404 844 668 117 49 tons cut 1959. . . 457 534 110 935 2,911 549 959 1,995 246 50 Sales tons 1959. . , 73 89 9 537 62 138 19 21 NEBRASKA 197 OF CROPS HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954- Continued Part 1 of 5 Lincoln lagan Loup McPherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce 95b 115 149 64 1,262 913 463 685 879 702 1,410 756 260 783 1,213 1 1,137 145 166 89 1,529 1,038 527 817 1,031 998 1,622 904 414 896 1,346 2 94,376 14,690 10,101 4,748 139,391 93 ,695 18,280 68,855 85,434 48,718 125,669 54,831 23,528 99,004 120,048 3 110,147 20,671 9,147 6,414 129,578 91,659 20,255 81,024 79,269 70,417 131,016 56,513 45,036 39,891 112,263 4 925 111 144 64 1,255 907 435 684 375 696 1,405 751 229 775 1,210 5 1,073 140 165 83 1,526 1,030 481 813 1,029 983 1,616 903 387 391 1,343 6 89,222 14,301 9,824 4,520 U6,456 96,022 16,159 68,046 84,796 47,618 124,606 54,195 21,553 95,335 118,415 7 99,417 13,598 8,916 6,067 125,755 87,388 16,579 77,018 77, 528 67,583 128,769 55,680 42,136 85,4T.' 110,258 8 3,948,436 372,464 447,705 62,590 6,402,800 5,257,431 907,942 2,996,292 4,011,611 2,286,249 5,249,300 2,263,893 429,176 5,607,197 5,391,125 9 2,194,762 238,634 291,068 64,610 3,746,497 3,172,759 535,412 1,575,075 2,625,398 1,601,018 3,736,721 1,315,328 568,463 3,109,765 r, 766,867 10 631 79 69 6 950 762 252 599 720 503 1,250 533 158 712 823 11 616 69 47 21 831 783 196 546 683 602 1,330 556 274 720 348 12 2;517,681 218,954 139,832 11,150 2,877,568 3,676,765 372,875 1,856,733 2,670,451 1,532,468 3,589,137 1,285,082 305,769 4,168,534 2,010,183 13 1,144,284 98,178 78,090 12,890 1,148,110 1,688,903 131,627 704,319 1,273,477 309,634 2,228,814 310,673 346,717 1,825,957 1,225,383 14 145 9 124 107 66 47 7 45 31 9 64 171 85 15 236 16 7 ... 248 211 109 193 42 91 106 28 73 213 116 16 3,214 243 2,321 2,235 1,502 611 184 674 508 93 1,648 2,470 1,323 17 7,063 509 166 3,166 3,733 2,028 3,394 638 1,843 1,521 373 1,391 3,850 1,601 18 32,182 2, IOC 21,892 24,247 11,635 6,257 2,265 5,149 4,271 503 7,776 26,203 12,041 19 47,761 1,610 840 16,798 25,976 14", 340 12,697 3,448 7,128 9,053 2,201 7,065 24,671 9,936 20 67 10 4 5 50 24 26 17 57 35 52 39 17 29 41 21 124 32 2 12 75 X 56 53 105 68 98 53 34 34 55 22 1,940 389 34 228 614 438 619 193 454 426 555 538 327 1,199 305 23 3,667 1,564 65 347 657 538 1,648 612 1,103 991 726 465 1,009 564 404 24 51 2 6 2 33 32 50 14 21 30 35 27 15 9 17 25 39 1 7 1 26 20 71 12 17 43 32 33 10 10 15 26 209 15 49 24 107 108 216 88 158 216 230 196 61 62 120 27 160 12 31 12 213 181 70 157 204 166 341 189 43 115 3Cf7 28 94 15 20 9 226 158 31 U9 144 85 245 131 37 132 241 29 403 70 36 16 657 414 25 295 335 162 527 130 39 455 513 30 477 24 39 6 270 xa 77 429 386 848 621 475 412 591 93 31 20,685 697 903 143 5,913 17,729 3,027 16,423 11,339 65,028 18,264 15,063 32,370 26,387 1,593 32 334 12 32 1 231 469 28 407 378 331 603 456 351 546 72 33 207 15 4 3 53 192 25 95 60 771 127 171 240 362 16 34 15,035 450 606 45 5,172 16,529 911 15,481 11,139 62,187 17,773 14,606 26,893 24,630 1,297 35 8,585 330 39 90 593 4,363 654 1,692 944 26,556 2,766 2,012 12,182 10,7^7 150 36 403,489 12,639 22,045 225 267,500 767,313 17,410 734,601 551,004 2,377,348 735,727 633,432 600,660 1,373,%2 53,775 37 156,821 3,825 900 540 15,745 129,606 7,385 38,696 40,531 794,745 97,316 49,367 177,979 353,465 5,262 38 158 7 3 139 315 8 304 260 665 448 272 251 467 23 39 198,924 8,032 710 150,060 524,292 5,120 675,634 335,180 1,390,451 546,398 423,668 396,722 983,039 15,426 40 72 3 2 1 57 74 9 76 16 130 38 49 43 128 29 41 109 5 6 23 122 29 55 13 122 124 95 43 123 26 42 1,551 72 60 3 728 1,161 260 832 176 2,135 481 432 836 1,330 293 43 2,220 152 94 231 1,395 702 655 107 1,520 1,002 855 1,353 1,382 274 44 13,420 295 500 9 7,625 15,948 1,040 9,633 1,924 13,045 5,210 4,134 3,804 15,483 2,443 45 13,741 804 761 2,363 15,034 2,909 5,311 1,048 12,884 12,161 8,239 4,190 12,562 2,072 46 188 11 8 4 2 9 54 8 3 77 1 8 176 49 1 47 4,099 175 237 95 13 39 1,856 60 24 706 10 25 4,591 427 3 48 6,380 302 538 40 50 56 1,884 26 13 1,202 152 6,826 976 49 304 130 20 14 88 433 31 50 Stub Items continued 198 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY n Ilem (For definitions and explannlions, see text) Platte Polk Red Willow Richardson Rock .Saline Sarpy SauBders Scotts Bluff i Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 1,594 1,007 538 1,194 85 1,331 584 1,902 1,236 2 1954... 1,758 1,177 650 1,391 141 1,505 701 2,050 1,208 3 acres 1959. . . 173,609 106,071 52,120 109,133 3,752 90,454 61,572 187,307 51,865 i. 1954. . . 149,553 102,756 58,647 107,438 5,819 91,907 58,150 174,054 28,753 5 Harvested for grain fanas reporting 1959... 1,591 1,005 509 1,193 82 1,329 577 1,900 1,204 6 1954... 1,752 1,171 593 1,386 141 1,501 687 2,047 1,061 7 acres 1959. . . 172,056 105,343 46,331 107,706 3,402 89,746 60,808 186,115 45,450 8 1954.. 143,002 99,378 45,847 104,549 5,772 89,417 55,581 170,133 21,417 9 bushels 1959... 8,703,699 6,839,266 1,475,344 5,444,453 78,486 3,618,658 3,083,117 8,170,898 3,320,936 10 1954. . . 3,791,480 2,917,058 719,598 3,874,335 117,366 2,002,766 1,622,705 4,667,283 1,329,465 U Sales fanus reporting 1959... 1,361 953 352 969 17 1,133 498 1,713 809 12 1954. . . 1,003 900 293 958 21 1,092 505 1,682 484 13 bu^els 1959... 4,674,312 5,023,971 932,485 3,250,158 14,880 2,428,201 2,133,539 6,012,103 1,550,350 14 1954. . . 1,298,216 1,681,950 298,641 1,884,274 17,372 1,029,710 965,173 2,893,124 498,304 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 109 40 157 47 4 38 31 58 321 15 1954. . . 388 164 199 139 2 163 120 236 380 17 acres 1959 1,246 480 4,734 727 115 372 637 948 5,052 18 1954... 5,480 2,167 7,369 1,909 22 1,987 2,332 3,295 6,405 19 tons . green weight 1959. . . 12,851 4,475 27,189 6,394 550 2,765 7,207 7,682 87,962 20 1954. . . 24,056 13,041 21,047 14,489 107 8,416 15,782 18,404 85,281 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry f OiSder f aims reporting 1959. . . 26 23 43 63 5 21 15 38 40 22 1954... 77 84 151 96 3 53 31 68 73 23 acres 1959. . . 307 248 1,055 700 235 336 127 243 363 24 1954. . . 1,071 1,211 5,431 980 25 503 237 625 931 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under U acres farms reporting 1959... 21 16 12 42 14 36 21 30 83 26 11 to 19 acres fanns reporting 1959... 14 9 19 29 11 53 16 21 193 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 137 US 109 223 33 377 87 245 517 28 269 188 107 267 16 381 89 420 222 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 306 193 67 200 3 232 92 376 62 30 31 - j| 100 or more acres. ..faims reporting 1959, ., Sorghums for all purposes except sirup farms reporting 1959... 847 624 483 739 224 484 433 454 8 14 252 965 279 129 810 514 59 14 32 acres 1959. . . 14,678 33,165 32,913 12,678 288 36,977 2,494 14,699 217 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959.. . 553 727 376 430 10 948 101 571 10 34 1954. . . 67 225 318 99 2 248 35 144 16 35 acres 1959. . . 13,483 32,567 26,430 11,957 96 36,402 2,017 13,131 157 36 1954... 801 4,109 11,974 1,185 2S 3,691 515 2,349 290 37 bushels 1959... 718,628 2,007,838 760,714 664,820 3,235 1,495,939 104,563 627,649 3,043 38 1954... 26,980 160,310 215,760 38, 577 810 120,641 18,765 84,297 4,868 39 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 389 674 252 269 1 766 70 350 2 40 bushels 1959. . . 458,251 1,683,319 402,448 349,879 100 1,025,423 64,877 375,399 950 41 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 124 44 94 64 3 67 36 75 1 42 1954. . . 62 45 71 139 1 84 34 62 1 43 acres 1959. . . 1,120 548 1,937 681 152 512 476 1,423 30 44 1954... 403 331 1,419 1,237 12 532 429 473 75 45 tons, green weight 1959... 15,159 5,687 12,922 7,027 698 4,872 6,623 15,144 300 46 1954. . . 3,617 2,892 8,515 15,785 75 4,773 6,372 5,196 425 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 7 4 241 3 3 12 1 11 4 48 acres 1959... 75 50 4,546 40 38 63 1 145 30 49 tons cut 1959... 243 48 8,898 28 30 137 6 532 36 50 Sales tons 1959. . . 374 65 NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 199 Part 1 of 5 Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Wetister Wheeler York 1,391 568 802 232 968 872 17 763 730 1,076 1,133 600 140 1,269 1 1,541 702 944 272 1,083 1,075 30 864 916 1,222 1,283 855 177 1,442 2 134,297 46,238 58,910 9,272 99,445 52,690 933 90,753 65,329 101,317 116,636 33,880 10,249 155,032 3 116,563 58,279 68,924 9,597 90,565 58,552 1,664 81,628 75,605 85,591 107,293 55,760 12,956 136,535 4 1,391 420 793 200 963 864 13 760 727 1,072 1,129 591 134 1,266 5 1,540 581 933 184 1,078 1,050 30 861 902 1,217 1,276 845 172 1,437 6 132,663 25,921 57,064 6,792 96,353 51,823 832 89,785 61,469 99,402 112,828 32,744 9,677 153,696 7 114,332 40,719 64,957 4,583 86,954 56,137 1,664 80,536 71,282 83,253 103,365 53,388 12,229 132,405 8 6,512,295 575,085 2,136,996 397,340 4,805,904 2,849,369 14,960 4,486,755 2,355,619 5,584,572 5,727,178 1,119,661 384,065 9,994,333 9 3,378,866 803,683 1,383,575 157,147 2,794,174 1,101,121 25,010 2,971,295 2,000,988 3,435,092 3,660,794 905,530 292,085 4,486,284 10 1,283 142 495 120 666 695 629 401 839 808 389 39 1,207 11 1,316 221 394 60 544 573 575 485 809 736 442 46 1,241 12 5,065,464 159,423 909,539 189,825 1,728,002 2,104,961 2,254,772 1,045,092 2,883,248 2,042,837 717,017 85,147 7,812,536 13 2,113,305 225,630 361,253 55,215 723,4«8 472,144 1,191,450 685,491 1,54«,824 1,056,720 407,957 41,181 2,833,824 14 104 153 102 50 120 80 1 42 149 74 174 52 16 131 15 159 90 156 64 138 149 41 146 125 183 89 29 322 16 1,334 6,132 1,413 1,192 2,551 710 5 551 2,699 1,090 2,669 719 527 1,191 17 1,892 2,471 2,791 1,295 2,830 1,909 640 3,087 1,712 2,984 1,254 513 3,459 18 13,256 28,165 9,253 11,817 28,457 5,703 50 4,743 20,066 9,407 24,854 5,934 4,665 13,677 19 11,415 14,292 12,506 8,540 16,390 7,819 4,y74 16,102 13,406 20,029 4,794 2,812 19,892 20 25 268 39 39 49 20 5 42 66 57 79 19 6 14 a 44 291 93 98 89 41 48 83 52 91 53 21 57 22 300 14,185 433 1,288 541 157 96 417 1,161 825 1,139 417 45 145 23 339 15,089 1,176 3,719 781 506 452 1,236 626 944 1,118 214 671 24 26 10 21 18 18 46 1 12 19 27 9 46 9 15 25 2- 18 33 36 11 54 2 IS 26 12 12 57 7 12 26 206 159 194 109 100 288 6 7* 124 177 89 211 38 114 27 303 143 221 46 225 234 3 94 172 289 267 130 30 193 28 244 74 144 14 187 121 1 135 128 219 236 74 21 192 29 588 164 189 9 427 129 4 428 261 352 520 82 35 743 30 672 35 523 20 77 1,013 6 101 328 273 156 725 25 711 31 19,555 1,081 13,642 469 1,228 70,098 99 2,193 9,807 5,552 2,54« 46,295 653 27,423 32 635 9 478 3 47 1,001 1 81 294 231 85 705 14 682 33 151 7 196 2 16 915 7 42 43 18 725 361 34 18,546 113 11,697 91 781 68,542 11 1,782 8,853 4,633 1,508 43,564 223 26,820 35 1,886 354 3,211 54 170 32,595 95 677 533 279 27,108 7,368 36 970,506 1,490 4U,730 1,335 34,651 2,849,548 125 82,845 322,958 251,428 79,769 1,283,747 6,580 1,603,451 37 67,105 4,451 57,520 340 3,705 1,012,181 2,010 15,516 19,320 7,725 683,3U 269,607 38 492 1 210 1 17 842 29 114 99 26 514 1 582 39 '!:i'},1-ib 250 135,787 400 10,274 1,995,124 28,013 149,953 116,247 14,926 779,354 400 1,263,558 40 105 6 93 1 32 132 31 52 53 90 64 8 69 41 122 9 53 1 11 183 13 37 71 22 87 3 177 42 924 320 1,149 4 411 1,166 406 635 860 1,018 664 386 543 43 942 171 493 5 78 1,556 161 373 611 216 841 13 1,367 44 10,680 1,380 10,360 40 4,774 11,417 5,587 5,760 10,665 12,597 4,356 3,695 6,688 45 10,565 867 3,496 8 690 13,694 1,400 2,734 8,153 2,207 5,424 70 14,790 46 11 23 60 17 2 59 5 1 38 6 6 143 6 7 47 85 648 796 374 36 390 88 5 319 59 22 2,067 44 60 48 171 770 2,177 401 3eB 1,141 180 641 20 115 3,166 153 50 49 100 28 60 345 15 10 485 50 200 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY {Fof derimlionp and explanation?, see tent) Antelope Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959 . 195«. acres 1959 . 195i. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959 . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres Xarms reporting 1959 . 100 or more acres J'arms reporting 1959 . Oats . . .' farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres faj-ms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Barley farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Rye farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Saf flower farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. pounds 1959. Sales pounds 1959 . Proso millet farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959 . Annual legumes; Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 19 54. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for hay farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage fani]s reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 100 -lb. bags 1959. 1954. 46,191 45,986 2,993,879 2,972,436 64,921,062 56,641,557 61,176,403 51,166,529 1,684 12,889 13,470 10,605 7,543 38,366 59,113 1,259,059 2,202,924 30,996,174 60,900,473 6,678,921 14,427,113 3,408 14,753 12,303 6,611 1,291 10,937 7,342 307,612 211,143 6,621,074 3,696,839 2,575,933 1,202,369 5,005 4,790 148,044 136,697 1,992,614 1,305,206 1,580,493 838,902 379 25,456 14,155,212 13,857,208 297 22,058 480, 586 297,995 5,250 7,922 145,676 185,461 5,232 7,639 144,789 183,519 3,431,626 3,890,046 2 48 14 368 14 459 123 468 96 750 1,106 1,749 2,033 70,165 72,117 1,254,863 1,086,540 1,020 1,054 64,390 69,139 1,748,492 1,586,732 1,636,403 1,459,167 14 92 228 402 284 126 623 1,589 12,406 26,774 294,508 2,631 73,015 119 124 1,635 2,406 45,455 49,834 14,743 20,105 18 14 161 92 2,781 1,413 1,881 762 23 82 378 4 23 62 374 2,650 6,769 2 3 5 172 246 3,723 4,879 66,360 46,661 56,333 39,604 39 81 36 14 2 903 1,220 33,300 50,009 750,961 1,229,353 161,411 293,751 59 299 315 191 39 94 49 2,190 963 56,720 19,252 12,702 4,710 480 656 23,954 35,200 197,800 262,462 153,156 3,81,922 300 300 46 62 1 153 921 46 62 1 152 921 26 016 16 661 3 46 744 13 12 346 473 3,633 4,687 1,966 3,603 228 221 57,748 56,309 1,521,819 907, 599 1,449,677 850,773 4 14 26 164 94 90 4,337 5,174 91,847 60,196 24,228 13,560 114 86 7,900 4,609 131,062 52,830 73,401 16,199 53 22 3,276 1,633 55,609 22,471 49,410 20,080 20 1,312 564,592 552,592 5 4 315 230 1,159 1,516 105 210 55 125 650 1,421 1 20 500 14 16 459 623 3,148 4,449 1,498 2,522 1 90 5 240 24 206 249 4,338 5,206 75,713 61,250 70,698 43,172 32 120 42 13 1 895 1,263 38,912 67,496 947,624 1,593,207 268,460 361,298 25 230 339 242 59 328 115 6,066 2,224 199,639 46,719 52,978 11,344 50 44 827 682 15,234 7,626 12,689 4,404 14 108 389 1,700 14 105 379 1,642 8,363 22,917 1 2 10 11 10 35 Z Reported in small fractions . NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 201 Part 2 of 5 Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Cuflter Daiota 45 40 824 257 1,172 1,082 16 448 26 834 906 268 87 1,154 6 1 43 45 815 218 1,371 782 31 455 20 859 968 523 117 689 21 2 1,120 1,400 34,013 7,781 39,169 32,030 273 73,968 1,589 184,395 74,935 7,783 1,206 51,277 162 3 1,249 2,247 35,149 8,730 48,846 21,936 649 72,313 1,397 206,600 82,166 17,445 1,725 30,873 983 4 14,775 29,213 625,238 139,454 753,215 625,350 4,884 1,632,488 34,903 5,127,062 1,542,796 156,499 21,533 1,296,568 2,560 5 8,212 22,627 576,981 126,684 988,902 341,733 6,613 1,357,129 13,616 4,278,476 1,524,551 358,902 31,240 551,171 24,921 6 11,394 28,062 586,493 132,270 699,878 595,619 4,116 1,503,825 32,766 4,376,309 1,476,149 146,674 16,458 1,202,972 2,300 7 4,858 21,145 505,450 105,263 899,881 310,047 3,799 1,220,804 12,747 3,781,742 1,397,640 325,290 16,305 480,13J 12,646 8 4 3 37 25 52 52 6 2 1 3 15 18 23 41 1 9 26 17 280 U6 433 491 8 32 12 14 75 132 54 466 3 10 10 U 263 47 481 397 1 47 7 49 194 85 10 302 1 11 4 6 197 28 182 121 1 105 128 386 27 2^0 1 12 1 3 47 11 24 21 262 6 640 236 6 115 13 402 53 377 767 947 665 1,470 23 58 223 139 918 1,357 547 399 14 550 135 884 1,112 1,384 1,085 1,691 43 103 274 568 1,102 1,578 1,103 529 15 20,155 1,981 7,401 30,626 23,087 14,630 80,800 559 2,985 6,186 2,126 35,462 55,570 12, 753 19,135 16 35,235 6,492 23,168 58,461 44,603 30,339 113,167 1,047 5,326 9,218 13,214 48,818 75,034 35,778 31,667 17 269,768 27,687 114,417 982,553 535,376 285,741 2,486,197 10,484 40,163 124,302 43,774 817,727 1,607,907 240,862 569,187 18 932,815 150,017 408,725 1,772,713 1,297,274 949,972 3,162,351 15,463 89,417 165,495 373,317 1,517,236 2,541,889 566,358 892,270 19 22,626 7,557 21,125 234,395 164,325 56,155 561,810 500 5,970 28,408 9,425 211,077 248,153 25,827 192,228 20 258,787 58,065 67,300 472 ,777 389,256 231,886 695,252 5,871 7,516 57,418 95,462 311,920 401,338 95,517 223,630 21 6 1 61 20 58 78 12 2 1 15 36 25 36 57 11 22 63 15 220 210 485 346 160 10 11 106 84 243 297 295 71 23 154 24 79 320 344 211 521 9 19 75 17 396 632 153 148 24 138 11 16 190 58 30 626 2 21 21 2 239 342 37 140 25 41 2 1 27 2 151 6 6 15 50 5 29 26 80 1 254 99 159 93 60 136 18 480 85 78 107 351 16 27 27 9 183 39 39 57 20 71 28 373 47 34 24 328 7 28 2,617 50 4,784 2,345 2,875 1,648 1,354 5,832 1,045 29,605 1,478 1,581 2,327 8,277 408 29 716 254 3,785 806 534 806 . 429 3,302 1,436 19,586 763 411 338 7,786 166 30 38,214 600 88,547 57,001 71,250 36,850 36,035 117,512 16,145 613,362 39,274 33,765 63,158 166,662 13,600 31 14,520 5,635 62,627 22,520 13,604 21,476 9,930 38,527 20,555 309,188 17,112 10,595 11,359 113,451 3,885 32 3,643 26,328 12,474 31,305 10,245 9,965 60,432 4,600 376,834 18,984 10,461 6,591 26,722 5,000 33 6,715 1,600 17,746 5,731 4,422 2,455 3,430 18,760 2,170 171,171 3,130 1,944 2,130 21,987 1,200 34 8 17 77 5 56 22 2 103 15 34 20 20 11 370 35 10 35 73 7 40 13 17 59 41 37 17 23 27 177 4 36 182 429 1,177 51 488 180 5 3,043 1,067 1,449 257 229 193 8,752 ... 37 191 904 1,189 54 410 129 211 2,248 1,751 1,848 218 222 311 4,095 22 38 2,390 4,145 13,919 1,250 7,778 3,351 105 34,592 10,067 20,343 3,474 4,145 2,125 176,076 39 1,815 6,715 14,039 825 6,821 2,425 3,195 18,979 13,416 19,319 2,676 3,337 4,395 45,898 543 40 1,233 2,896 8,400 1,040 5, WO 2,388 25,977 7,953 16,366 2,325 3,487 1,290 142,034 41 1,155 3,396 7,831 575 5,135 1,604 2,115 13,139 4 307 3,508 1,028 8,452 1 18 21,000 21,000 16,389 159 11,651 7,874,884 7,631,958 214 17,397 408,957 260,872 1,148 1,845 1,945 30,244 1 3 50 223 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 7 169 323 226 276 97 2 317 238 4 127 51 50 1 386 357 343 392 162 "17 208 211 8 149 52 121 4,991 11,405 4,891 8,513 2,121 22 8,301 5,500 82 3,865 53 823 ' 4 12,693 9,730 6,611 9,963 2,945 316 4,227 4,417 108 3,452 54 7 169 323 226 276 97 2 317 238 4 127 55 50 381 356 343 383 159 17 208 210 8 148 56 121 4,991 11,405 4,885 8,498 2,121 22 8,276 5,500 82 3,865 57 823 12,598 9,702 6,603 9,647 2,912 316 4,a4 4,386 108 3,397 58 1,362 152,320 256,462 114,469 227,005 46,009 420 193,460 136,892 1,299 90,574 59 16,904 280,721 245,437 130,305 169,659 55,168 5,088 78,147 105,411 2,542 82,120 60 1 9 3 1 61 62 63 8 99 23 ... "a 64 65 4 114 37 16 66 1 "3 1 4 "i ;;; ... '3 67 68 69 4 '50 3 45 1 '16 1 'is 1 53 1 10 15 164 1 '16 1 25 1 1 25 5 1 31 10 "i 55 70 71 72 73 74 75 3 2 10 1 15 4 2 1 27 1,227 3 30 6 323 76 77 1 1 120 '16 150 111 2 15 1,027 18,939 27 590 ... 12 2,844 78 79 10 5 170 1,078 25 17,367 56 61 80 Stub Items continued 202 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (Fof definitions nnd explanations, «ee text) Dixon Dodge Dottglas Dundy Fllltnore Franklin Small grains harvesleil: V,"heat farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. « Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . Oats farms reportijlg 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959 . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reportirig 1959 . Barley farms reporting 1999 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Rye farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Saf flower farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. pounds 1959 . Sales pounds 1959 . Proso millet farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959 . Annual legumes; Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959 . 1954. Cut for hay farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1959.. 1954., acres 1959 . , 1954., 100- lb. bags 1959., 1954., 413 467 33,385 41,930 743,275 755,032 709,232 670,256 75 94 127 110 293 388 13,995 18,066 329,301 369,209 62,756 55,811 12 76 104 73 28 149 236 5,656 10,202 95,769 176,107 26,466 55,917 45 24 1,131 596 22,892 9,115 19,948 6,003 39 1,487 790,110 790,110 1 20 200 11 165 179 1,112 1,357 373 243 18,134 13,396 403,752 203,237 381, 818 179,116 29 164 61 70 49 91 212 1,611 5,107 31,754 90, 363 2,740 21,576 82 1,606 1,665 27,874 26,930 6,555 8,682 50 16 1,005 243 16,157 3,550 12,120 1,441 1 8 300 95 690 6 30 95 665 2,773 13,743 313 353 64,420 76,316 1,640,673 1,652,497 1,558,693 1,491,935 2 19 18 46 228 43 90 1,172 3,233 21,416 53,509 4,513 20,788 174 195 10,445 9,325 210,318 137,189 100,730 63,316 15 5 267 275 5,745 3,455 3,915 3S130 12 659 555,436 554,586 6 420 13,260 13,260 16 246 448 3,565 6,863 8 19 209 351 5,905 5,923 3,552 4,074 866 1,117 44,883 65,646 1,400,490 1,728,565 256,712 372,613 11 120 323 335 77 37 7 706 62 18,502 1,010 1,996 3 13 80 211 1,210 3,390 1,120 2,825 64 122 1,434 2,150 64 122 1,423 2,150 28,816 46,821 632 769 17,503 24,877 299,020 530,332 277,511 479,262 66 317 162 72 15 1,003 1,307 30,021 48,557 790,088 ,690,139 162,625 477,844 48 400 406 143 6 33 14 541 244 16,585 7,562 6,065 1,725 23 29 200 267 4,194 5,091 3,201 4,015 802 839 30,596 29,619 802 838 30,549 29,598 712,789 707,239 307 121 5,790 2,158 109,777 50,152 104,737 44,721 33 209 60 2 3 418 715 11,802 25,328 365,725 829,805 122,913 318,182 35 181 150 47 5 17 4 133 52 4,626 2,040 572 40 11 11 107 163 1,607 2,541 1,101 1,791 1 150 50,000 50,000 163 210 4,049 4,359 163 209 4,049 4,331 98,996 93,909 323 197 33,796 24,141 853,282 405,754 806,425 363,193 4 65 59 69 126 1,175 94 14 2,470 801 51,809 7,760 10,959 3,711 109 38 3,879 1,370 44,411 7,936 33,506 4,815 1,149 1,237 79,227 86,096 1,545,881 1,641,721 1,4X,900 1,487,040 4 84 360 501 200 435 1,023 8,316 24,335 130,698 730,753 16,500 187,225 84 296 99 6 126 50 1,845 845 49,246 19,670 12,882 5,186 15 23 241 273 6,623 3,921 4,390 1,854 1,183 '74 1,171 19,049 Z Reported in small fractions . NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 203 Part 2 of 5 Frontier Furnas Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hainllton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker W5 692 1,810 279 25 424 174 551 1,101 611 354 518 119 1 1 636 •698 1,953 291 8 429 154 576 1,103 627 273 416 106 2 50, 302 51,554 76,799 38,566 397 27,680 5,208 25,232 55,388 51,473 41,179 70, 398 5,655 100 3 46,668 53,688 31,968 46,478 104 24,870 5,704 27,765 57,871 53,525 26, 531 41,397 4,786 4 1,212,384 1,079,694 1,346,520 929,927 6,U4 613,786 81,137 501,355 1,100,738 1,068,550 1,041,786 1,789,102 84,991 6,400 • 5 935,974 1,144,710 1,841,548 1,174,179 1,233 559,291 64,346 441,218 1,009,321 1,349,277 457,916 563,048 44,236 6 1,128,875 1,032,453 1,236,204 874,078 5,582 590,367 73,745 48 J, 773 1,013,077 1,013,497 1,004,655 1,723,134 74,788 6,400 7 867,386 1,041,997 1,639,078 1,094,569 659 506,617 51,209 399,843 913,298 1,271,901 422,532 505,865 28,580 8 4 15 37 8 9 2 17 25 17 6 2 7 15 9 66 119 442 36 U 66 83 208 208 71 31 43 52 10 151 168 796 35 1 126 55 134 415 108 49 45 28 11 267 220 466 71 154 12 U6 362 237 108 m U 12 157 170 69 129 "i 76 7 68 99 189 164 312 13 "i 13 71 20 1,184 45 65 77 305 222 344 30 21 21 461 W 139 84 1,748 99 133 147 563 780 1,001 128 23 58 783 1 15 1,240 357 24,758 1,086 1,464 1,429 9,720 3,735 5,574 427 389 329 19,930 16 2,821 1,318 40,137 2,462 3,710 3,561 25,890 21,531 26,601 2,013 394 1,098 33,070 'x 17 23,420 6,350 310,055 21,386 22,473 22,319 193,352 84,268 126,634 7,476 6,346 5,055 292,667 ... 18 50,608 29,242 1,224,612 49,584 64,419 80,373 459,103 634,706 902,673 51,021 7,160 15,174 757,385 600 .19 620 1,010 30,575 6,082 1,256 2,631 10,368 16,271 30,715 739 220 150 33,700 20 7,971 5,984 207,960 10,684 8,193 21,479 43,857 203,357 298,248 7,393 900 2,095 160,906 ... 21 16 8 130 4 7 16 13 46 61 9 3 10 36 22 37 7 673 24 36 39 U7 136 222 18 13 9 148 23 17 4 344 13 16 19 U5 33 56 2 5 1 149 ... 24 1 1 36 1 4 6 3 57 3 7 5 1 '.'.'. "i 94 34 ... 25 26 239 248 100 65 21 152 146 57 105 226 128 169 54 27 68 86 76 107 26 50 62 67 30 92 29 59 74 28 6,094 5,724 1,273 3,134 353 2,890 3,872 1,029 1,470 4,088 3,498 5,187 2,513 ... 29 1,563 1,778 1,005 3,967 410 864 1,424 1,475 491 1,628 780 1,560 1,722 . . . 30 143,954 131,501 X,289 57,365 5,141 66,094 68,148 21,900 42,680 109,477 94,852 137,295 53,044 ... 31 19,228 32,320 24,867 71,586 9,149 15,585 27,021 31,926 13,245 37,282 10,159 17,974 31,340 ... 32 33,190 52,163 10,606 34,634 755 17,507 7,643 9,559 18,099 36,316 20,452 61,019 37,849 33 3,110 9,603 5,291 32,329 1,174 5,548 3,641 15,171 4,072 7,720 1,806 5,234 9,438 ... 34 82 77 41 64 11 16 38 14 17 50 136 49 226 7 35 34 25 51 7) 17 15 48 28 20 25 38 14 262 5 36 1,602 2,037 380 1,598 121 574 649 184 181 1,101 5,377 1,647 8,321 300 37 659 405 452 2,021 372 289 683 290 141 374 1,124 187 9,321 310 38 22,403 30,012 7,384 24,147 1,066 6,560 11,648 2,236 3,067 21,518 58,787 29,874 77,206 2,812 39 6,922 5,963 6,227 26,186 3,195 4,435 7,254 4,408 2,100 6,585 a, 515 1,X1 67,743 2,020 40 17,455 23,854 5,010 20,216 346 5,780 8,682 1,696 2,359 17,978 54,509 26,895 54,731 1,970 41 4,669 2,130 2,691 20,826 1,905 2,862 2,922 2,648 1,023 5,404 4,455 662 38,352 1,210 42 1 2 1 43 114 62 15 44 28,500 41,770 8,484 45 28,272 41,770 5 217 2,260 400 " * 8,484 1 60 "3 ••• 46 47 48 49 50 1 1 6 1 3 71 8 2 ... 51 3 1 16 1 7 29 217 71 52 10 4 70 5 87 1,706 210 35 53 29 30 243 42 U8 868 6,367 1,371 27 54 1 1 6 1 3 71 8 ... 55 2 1 16 1 7 28 216 71 56 10 4 70 5 87 1,706 210 '35 57 24 X 243 42 98 845 6,348 1,371 27 58 350 30 1,345 80 870 49,205 4,975 350 59 SO 300 3,666 750 1,924 9,522 1 3 3 139,655 1 3 6 29,753 330 60 61 62 63 54 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1 2 72 73 5 6 4 180 214 2,430 1,042 15 20 20 '16 1 1 40 5 57 26 ••• 1 (Z) 1 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Stub Items ccmtinued 204 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinition;; Rnd explanations, see text) Kearney Keya Paha Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959 . 195i. acres 19 59 . 195*. bushels 1959. 195i. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres famis reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Oats farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by acres harvested; Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or imDre acres farms reporting 1959. Barley farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Rye farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959 . 1954. Saf flower farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. pounds 1959. Sales poinds 1959 . Proso millet farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . bushels 1959. Sales bushels 1959 . Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. bushels 1959 . . 1954 . . Cut for hay farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. tons 1959.. 1954.. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Plowed iinder for green manure farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954 . . 100-lb. bags 1959.. 1954.. 672 477 20,089 12,765 359,929 183,755 333,289 153,140 61 300 211 82 18 469 833 9,116 24,662 200,973 573,788 20,454 88,531 58 288 106 17 253 71 4,969 1,326 115,489 26,620 21,128 2,804 85 163 1,070 3,017 15,787 37,234 10,154 19,277 15 18,900 18,900 2 11 42 198 2 11 42 198 900 2,477 1,013 1,134 55,803 62,639 1,126,078 1,128,775 1,046,459 1,016,885 19 156 373 365 100 570 921 10,484 22,394 153,417 710,990 17,530 147,723 108 311 137 14 144 48 3,098 561 88,354 15,429 42,054 4,609 21 22 146 194 2,447 2,876 1,423 1,603 1 30 1,600 5X 25 17 1 2 25 15 1,000 215 745 767 22,436 24,973 355,216 505,690 328,929 432,269 25 X5 335 74 6 558 748 10,212 15,674 190,813 430,060 20,721 66,032 99 327 117 15 51 37 697 406 21,404 8,227 4,201 1,177 19 9 119 58 2,490 805 1,485 J92 708 714 64,847 66,049 1,233,346 1,300,661 1,195,838 1,179,631 U 88 Ul 221 257 69 408 1,271 9,078 25,202 221,370 6,717 64,203 60 63 1,111 1,714 30,657 39,118 12,162 10,832 17 26 323 423 4,857 4,735 4,180 2,521 3 13 21 94 59 324 262 2,383 3 13 20 90 59 324 249 2,333 1,465 10,396 4,212 46,098 397 396 66,531 79,162 1,593,094 1,344,856 1,535,550 1,254,183 3 46 37 66 245 23 80 732 2,383 10,300 34,600 5,570 3,309 7 3 1 154 123 8,002 4,737 139,397 55,553 100,909 25,771 47 42 1,475 1,710 23,079 16,428 20,018 12,230 12 647 567, 882 567, 882 2 324 5,500 3,800 100 125 14 14 681 919 9,018 11,160 7,943 9,825 5 5 2 2 72 86 2,342 4,007 31,881 94,714 1,882 14,020 6 21 33 9 3 6 16 198 569 2,155 9,710 5 85 126 875 795 660 90 1 5 100 396 260 139,040 62,147 3,175,392 470,228 2,927,153 389,715 3 9 16 37 331 76 38 2,507 1,350 44,764 10,164 13,316 3,902 5 25 33 11 2 157 97 11, 503 5,543 158,804 41,014 92,792 18,671 77 24 4,926 1,371 68,705 6,912 61,296 5,522 65 6,380 2,475,386 2,470,386 29 2,044 29,831 10, 533 1 32 "i 32 916 115 37 950 198 23 29 1,694 1,858 27,182 27,095 73 98 1,830 2,159 33,660 24,076 29,086 16,215 1,447 1,727 78,387 110,257 2,166,065 2,877,223 432,662 511,219 16 200 513 559 1» 83 43 2,058 680 56,030 17,393 11,537 3,642 41 76 730 1,774 9,232 14,736 7,022 7,390 21 57 515 744 21 53 515 710 12,210 12,142 Z Reported In small fractions . NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 205 Part 2 of 5 LLncoln logon Loup Mcpherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perltlns Phelps Pierce 626 103 12 10 147 640 240 508 722 854 1,285 616 602 674 49 1 348 46 5 326 649 258 497 707 927 1,248 610 615 671 160 2 55,201 7,371 210 168 2,906 21,270 30,506 16,757 24,227 46,140 40,327 15,781 133,780 49, 206 862 3 29,170 3,585 116 5,568 24,361 30,544 15,835 25,076 48,220 40,865 15,527 134,050 54,851 2,455 4 1,210,936 149,403 3,695 2,597 59,787 377,704 769,793 339,872 402,226 1,107,894 640,188 281,763 2,963,631 1,068,003 16,334 5 U"il) Dodge Douglas Hay crops. Land from which hay was cut acres 1959. 1954. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Clover, tijnothy, and mixtijres of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay.... farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Wild hay out. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .famis reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . Other hay cut farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. tons 1959. 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959. 1954. 51,993 58,718 467 510 32,749 28,304 37,862 35,626 57 57 3,092 3,346 23 61 123 156 104 21 25 633 764 483 778 138 163 3,661 5,488 3,360 4,308 5 2 105 57 178 280 13,270 20,823 9,382 13,912 15 19 1,129 2,326 40 1,651 3,339 1,417 2,276 97,064 118,289 1,205 1,433 85,396 102,794 288,515 305,426 833 915 214,094 200,619 38 185 348 378 256 10 13 219 270 434 209 27 81 453 1,994 464 1,732 202 202 10,155 11,452 10,178 8,428 41 52 2,523 1,948 43 807 1,096 1,327 1,523 3 27 34 683 225 2,244 5,261 5,891 47 58 1,701 2,067 4,601 5,206 17 22 991 1,077 42 97 1,015 2,156 1,044 2,029 10 108 306 17 20 1,446 1,306 1,579 913 2 4 47 118 34 936 140 1,289 172 103 137 390 600 25,423 24,481 696 1,005 21,310 18,302 51,718 39,042 124 94 4,710 2,781 120 458 237 71 10 14 55 197 874 249 1,016 20 101 364 516 516 508 147 227 2,542 3,841 2,640 4,232 23 33 275 456 21 195 781 241 754 21,569 24,963 965 1,001 17,855 15,984 57,969 44,769 260 170 13,149 8,056 234 517 174 32 101 333 1,278 4,826 2,064 5,621 35 62 491 27 36 429 449 809 551 815 167 ,890 507 90 152 1,194 1,918 1,878 2,384 14 20 273 411 20 153 1,079 217 1,387 2 11 156 29 33 660 70r7 2,723 2,291 12,299 18,438 524 818 10,178 15,109 31,764 39,689 194 248 7,433 9,290 141 244 109 311 798 459 863 14 22 223 200 400 292 52 79 1,120 1,305 1,497 1,574 19 23 572 607 7 61 373 121 414 13 27 406 653 2,305 4,303 16,011 28,561 203 307 9,478 20,572 17,296 22,277 42 48 2,121 2,773 3 2 310 75 311 255 14 10 232 140 282 136 69 78 5,480 5,213 4,844 3,200 470 132 20 371 2,021 474 1,787 2 6 140 540 800 2,382 16,931 26,293 840 1,030 13,459 19,590 34,183 39,386 126 153 3,781 3,844 205 492 129 13 1 16 145 195 3 27 4 40 43 366 32 346 263 431 2,965 4,987 3,167 4,899 27 40 566 349 128 no 23 2 25 250 1,048 308 952 2 16 217 12 U 214 157 986 645 OF CROPS HARVESTED: NEBRASKA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 211 Part 3 of 5 Frontier Fumes Gage Garden Garfield Goaper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker 20,543 27,955 12,248 18,495 45,438 64,828 78,145 94,779 88,447 101,475 12,174 15,889 65,768 69,093 38,640 53,068 29,580 36,783 15,068 23,891 12,711 16,575 9,893 16,156 5,333 10,581 439,440 445,879 19,324 21,572 1 2 407 540 10,227 15,844 14,707 17,823 468 608 11,242 15,333 26,595 37,227 1,687 2,029 37,279 51,252 81,032 108,901 153 161 6,119 6,254 12,996 14,836 222 247 10,348 11,688 17,472 17,242 324 319 8,520 8,971 15,702 16,557 12 9 779 616 1,901 2,137 534 676 23,210 30,856 35,640 34,259 675 888 19,851 23,643 53,360 55,839 801 1,018 13,196 19,339 36,694 40,688 391 474 9,420 11,680 18,821 23,228 147 225 5,605 11,106 9,759 12,958 164 263 3,960 7,750 10,887 16,517 1,007 1,043 60,576 49,731 91,666 63,058 7 8 423 223 1,167 718 3 4 5 6 7 8 27 44 669 1,568 133 147 6,888 8,898 196 360 5,620 10,176 38 44 1,952 2,878 39 43 3,551 2,132 74 56 4,659 4,020 ::: 59 78 1,716 1,632 234 329 22,914 16,659 225 240 7,751 6,809 78 80 4,689 3,286 17 23 1,033 1,006 43 59 2,484 3,735 97 103 4,615 3,976 1 1 80 150 9 10 U 12 75 159 123 46 4 82 2CK 132 45 5 212 909 476 83 7 20 39 48 33 13 22 49 60 68 23 76 126 79 32 11 6 1 2 3 22 133 203 141 35 104 317 183 60 11 181 477 120 21 2 77 176 93 36 9 10 60 40 26 11 28 75 43 17 1 80 218 282 252 175 13 14 15 16 17 4 23 70 294 75 263 n 134 136 62 298 727 3,758 1,090 4,419 16 17 828 717 451 i.au 11 11 1,006 1,706 1,163 1,478 "s 123 131 3 2 1,345 200 1,275 215 1 4 50 113 35 77 3 U 152 151 135 US 9 75 111 1,049 144 1,190 6 6 53 45 74 53 4 4 82 75 42 85 4 13 65 297 144 264 97 83 10,517 8,936 U,515 9,182 2 2 185 256 160 260 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 12 10 180 1 25 2 2 140 35 ::: 1 3 5 12 54 210 1 "3 1 4 18 10 2,213 746 24 25 26 27 42 67 470 1,144 416 764 8 24 51 340 63 299 22 19 222 M2 222 186 46 81 1,001 1,943 817 1,843 39 48 715 899 612 639 17 27 164 363 123 275 33 86 664 1,853 487 1,309 20 48 300 725 437 559 10 25 141 343 233 341 13 41 138 413 135 507 20 28 346 450 453 255 33 60 362 1,179 469 827 70 70 1,468 1,459 1,344 1,325 8 10 530 739 319 405 28 29 30 31 32 33 2 7 2 1 18 4 1 1 6 30 1 22 1 5 'i 4 4 1 183 3 2 3 19 13 1 10 ... 1 3 4 26 1 'io 34 35 36 37 230 303 8,390 8,988 7,275 5,671 33 53 466 921 420 690 616 798 6,589 8,097 9,191 10,059 168 174 68,087 85,039 51,745 51,963 213 253 75,408 85,187 47,947 42,457 119 183 2,764 4,697 2,521 3,448 72 68 63,594 68,277 66,925 67,774 229 315 14,331 19,063 9,881 9,499 210 280 8,476 11,105 9,358 10,687 69 123 1,136 2,074 1,426 1,992 98 150 2,597 2,947 2,146 2,123 59 61 2,847 2,942 2,079 1,431 12 18 431 266 446 188 1,253 1,432 363,057 379,183 275,775 283,284 51 65 18,131 20, 054 8,238 8,527 38 39 40 41 42 43 8 8 165 252 2 3 112 10 52 93 770 1,111 19 18 980 928 23 19 3,498 597 7 8 95 218 3 4 103 1,225 23 25 727 387 63 70 2,428 2,200 20 13 291 206 9 8 100 51 '2 '36 2 3 258 329 30,853 35,333 2 1 80 7 44 45 46 47 39 109 81 37 14 15 15 1 1 1 335 243 31 6 1 9 13 24 30 92 6 19 22 39 127 23 58 24 11 3 "2 4 4 62 24 50 63 54 38 24 68 67 37 14 27 29 7 6 31 34 22 10 1 7 19 15 9 9 4 5 2 "1 9 49 103 247 845 2 4 3 42 48 49 50 51 52 ST 1,323 1,614 2,237 1,541 46 469 1,676 6U 2,342 50 471 1,062 473 1,189 66 2,020 655 2,226 695 15 909 1,995 709 1,127 83 714 1,700 918 1,991 1 50 106 14 223 1,133 391 773 18 225 597 303 459 19 285 543 518 524 50 454 1,342 483 1,743 61 1,003 1,573 1,121 1,684 26 422 l,Oi4 626 1,200 59 3,705 6,405 2,899 5,150 2 55 300 85 75 53 54 55 56 57 2 8 25 30 3 36 107 2 19 46 1 306 87 3 28 53 10 34 61 2 5 52 2 6 7 1 20 2 34 726 58 59 60 4 3 63 71 128 440 2 3 20 91 130 646 10 23 150 517 737 2,393 1 5 90 171 450 577 3 61 336 1 2 12 30 UO 260 5 3 162 50 332 300 19 16 576 562 4,203 2,985 13 23 199 543 894 2,831 2 9 49 148 275 643 1 1 10 10 120 15 3 2 93 45 263 130 5 5 117 165 1,039 421 61 62 63 64 65 66 Stub Items ccmtinued 212 Part 3 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keys Paha KimbaU Knox Lancaster (For dermitions and exptanalions, see texl) 1 Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959 . . . 32,831 31,241 18,695 12,473 38,871 112,450 14,016 97,960 38,638 2 1954... 44,837 43,373 26,312 22,248 48, 157 129,334 15,979 91,425 56,191 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtiires cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 790 955 676 445 187 258 57 1,549 1,407 4 1954... 969 1,147 814 623 214 322 58 1,670 1,767 5 acres 1959... 22,085 24,966 13,221 10,309 8,526 28,073 2,974 55,757 29,495 6 1954... 29,873 33,455 14,852 17,610 11,602 31,322 2,321 46, 533 39,727 7 tons 1959... 44,037 54,390 29,436 30,243 24,70i 28,095 7,236 107,731 74,776 8 1954... 48,120 65,829 30,507 41,854 30,552 38,096 5,570 83,956 84,996 9 Sales farms reporting 1959... 143 M3 65 154 61 16 11 263 263 10 1954... 175 231 65 164 83 26 21 212 360 11 tons 1959... 4,910 4,719 1,754 11,232 6,779 917 658 10,750 8,532 12 1954... Farms reporting hy acres cut for hay: 4,233 7,189 1,381 10,378 8,946 1,681 1,570 4,683 10,453 U Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 82 100 153 94 10 6 5 114 271 U 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 315 448 351 211 61 19 18 603 729 15 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 283 312 136 101 63 49 16 457 324 16 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 104 85 35 28 33 73 7 246 74 17 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 10 1 11 20 m 11 99 9 18 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 15 6 143 2 12 4 26 72 19 1954 . . . 3 25 423 6 3 7 4 59 348 20 acres 1959... 437 55 1,891 25 1,241 565 775 779 21 1954... 98 439 6,755 63 25 582 204 777 4,909 22 tons 1959... 563 77 2,501 70 1,155 695 985 1,095 23 1954... 136 609 8,268 "si 18 702 188 1,006 5,246 24 Sales farms reporting 1959... 2 7 1 1 8 25 1954... 50 1 3 38 26 tons 1959... 54 105 '46 10 91 27 1954 . . . 6U '69 29 519 28 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay.... farms reporting 1959... 23 7 8 21 30 38 107 40 12 29 1954... 89 27 13 81 114 23 79 28 44 30 acres 1959.. . 305 71 82 141 574 1,736 3,738 821 115 31 1954 .. . 1,391 225 85 1,008 3,089 625 2,870 573 407 32 tons 1959... 293 86 98 200 519 871 3,117 940 103 33 1954 . . . 1,080 187 83 795 3,079 582 1,597 5U 423 34 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 2 10 1 35 1954... 1 * .. . 4 11 1 12 36 tons 1959... 6 12 644 "i 37 1954... 5 30 360 50 235 38 Wild hay cut , farms reporting 1959 . . . 316 423 276 95 123 244 26 703 525 39 1954 . . . 429 559 348 145 125 302 14 815 646 40 acres 1959... 9,457 5,766 3,266 1,714 28,563 80,898 1,578 37,652 7,037 41 1954... 12,616 8,206 4,121 2,676 31,423 95,890 958 40,884 7,869 42 tons 1959... 9,582 7,052 4,592 1,151 21,451 43,297 1,218 29,152 8,970 43 1954... 11,000 8,968 5,484 1,839 20,166 55,782 658 35,094 9,542 44 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 46 50 22 7 19 10 3 31 97 113 45 1954 . . . 51 59 29 11 20 22 2 112 46 tons 1959... 1,266 772 241 67 1,148 383 108 2,610 1,698 47 1954... Farms reporting by acres cut for hay: 933 807 321 215 905 1,474 17 2,134 1,516 48 Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 67 198 147 36 5 2 6 86 261 49 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 115 172 100 39 16 5 8 178 206 50 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 74 40 24 17 22 22 3 171 43 51 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 48 11 5 1 20 31 4 160 11 52 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 12 2 2 60 184 5 108 4 53 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959 . . . 23 32 16 29 45 13 97 78 61 54 acres 1959... 375 294 128 270 1,052 302 5,121 1,696 909 55 1954... 731 809 X9 673 1,983 897 9,626 2,409 2,086 56 tons 1959... 467 398 277 385 1,635 221 3,122 2,125 1,201 57 1954 . . . 769 846 407 992 2,049 763 5,813 2,653 2,845 58 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 2 1 1 3 8 4 7 59 95 2 4 347 227 153 101 60 1954... 4 55 15 31 1,111 56 629 61 Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains f aims reporting 1959 .. . 8 7 3 3 3 3 1 29 12 62 1954 . . . 8 14 11 8 2 1 14 44 63 acres 1959... 172 89 107 39 131 200 40 1,259 303 64 1954 . . . 128 239 150 218 35 18 249 1,193 65 tons, green weight 1959... 929 555 246 143 350 770 200 5,861 1,830 66 1954 . . . 539 1,068 675 702 95 35 1,303 5,438 NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continuecl 213 Part 3 of 5 Lincoln LDgan Loup McPherson MadlBon Merrick MorrlU Nance NemM Nu£koll£ Otoe Paimee Perkins Phelps Pierce 15ise Vegetables harvested for sale . farms reporting 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. .dollars 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959 .. . 1954... .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954... Watermelons farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Cantaloups and nnjBtonelons farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 4,766 5,257 90,601 94,495 5,738,930 8,799,060 1,404 1,339 18,651 16,748 1,172,210 920,460 1,145 1,734 15,533 20,839 3,533,643 4,279,920 543 1,910 6,873 20,880 814,992 4,001,054 47 198 4,027 10,006 214,912 582, 541 8,187 18,409 13,448 19,078 3,971,164 4,608,661 1,654 1,725 63,437 59,578 1,070,724 737,114 667 667 11,309 10,158 20,470,256 12,914,534 44,790 53,460 721 621 2,723 2,901 427,701 412,374 476 272 341 274 604 249 807 662 204 522 148 179 11 2 146 14 7,050 1,500 7 81 13,080 2 7 5 59 400 4,930 47 84 22 29 5,706 5,718 1 28 400 20 5 42,330 4,410 426 499 9 5 77 69 16,709 16,035 Antelope 341 270 8,594 4,206 529,133 602,340 9 31 117 4,494 13,860 74 73 1,090 840 371,159 274,020 38 47 433 651 66,290 119,265 2 3 17 174 1,500 6,780 114 391 9 38 1,802 5,277 13 1 153 3,540 132,782 957 1,161 13 12 37 13 3,805 2,654 1 (Z) 14 23 386 425 38,645 49,740 2 150 12,480 123 194 6 406 151 37,950 16,860 10 454 437 47,870 44,370 14 6 274 73 17,515 6,420 2 95 5,266 2 29 (Z) 5 29 482 6 (Z) 240 80 2 (Z) 337 5 020 5 065 275 764 555 540 11 16 153 177 15 ,900 9 ,060 59 103 1 065 1 412 289 933 305 640 20 50 288 693 27 315 99 722 121 295 13 26 2,115 3,999 2 5 1 126 770 151,550 652 698 2 (Z) 400 20 (Z) (Z) Z Reported in small fractions. 'Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. OF CROPS HARVESTED: NEBRASKA CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 217 Part 4 of 5 cherry Chfiyenne Cuming Cufiter Daltota 134 99 3,899 2,031 184,005 157,980 10 900 18 25 380 314 98,050 62,820 10 16 70 1,250 9,040 89 237 1,236 5,237 1 (Z) (Z) 510 140 349 455 34 45 785 1,004 50,258 43,620 2 2 6 120 420 15 3,480 2 32 80 2,545 3,700 146,942 24 78 21 53 5,480 10,530 1 (Z) 200 192 307 2,004 415 75 115 994 1,248 53,100 133,620 3 55 20 811 1,510 150,660 125 1,050 19,020 1 20 600 48 123 670 581 304,452 216,556 35 45 1,774 2,234 25,170 22, 547 37 22 907 282 1,709,300 403,211 716 907 17 13 58 52 9,216 4,311 2 22 5 172 555 10,500 32 84 512 1,218 34,133 82,260 18 14 204 164 40,416 33,840 13 58 91 700 10,900 165,289 124 289 3 20 1,657 3,968 22 48,766 15,380 628 943 1,925 222 29 17 265 101 11,380 6,660 17 61 232 754 15,059 40,200 29 52 323 426 63,196 79,500 22 28 253 2,100 50,641 199 477 19 21 4,238 5,443 16 24 53 414 117,015 327,357 845 966 103 796 1 (Z) 1 (z) 26 19 228 141 12,792 8,520 77 23 1,222 292 83,347 12,420 25 34 285 299 29,940 42,720 46 69 470 4,800 111,180 81 369 6 14 1,295 3,704 9 19 242 273 547,430 219,015 775 924 5 21 337 2,505 4 2 1 2 19 45 274 438 15,293 31,380 14 62 282 934 16,310 68,100 83 88 1,488 1,359 408,850 343,980 67 112 936 1,396 103,940 249,134 5 83 »,950 405 724 31 75 6,418 11,600 33 12 154 92 279,695 106,835 1,114 1,213 11 3 3 (Z) 615 70 (Z) 2 (Z) (Z) (z) 18 75 493 1,571 25,540 118,140 2 13 700 2 2 (Z) 6 410 3,005 170 228 890 53 2 (Z) 25 100 1,192 5,159 70,155 243,240 20 1,020 1 75 15 15,490 1,200 1 23 20 2,063 1,000 104,581 1 1 700 455 493 1 10 (Z) 7 50 674 5 (Z) 1 1 2 4 6 440 1,560 1 6 900 2 32 3,000 7 30 10 1 93 28 (Z) 112 61 (Z) 95 112 75 5,656 22,440 5 12,799 31,372 11 19 481 636 8,670 8,022 1 1 1 3 400 2,100 270 338 (Z) 13 5 105 30 3,730 2,460 2,880 14,040 14 26 196 2,600 26,430 32 45 2 3 724 605 2,741 500 6 101 20,200 98,310 493 475 4 (Z) 2 68 10 548 900 47,760 IS 41 235 415 25,534 17,460 32 18 316 223 32,061 56,160 13 27 130 239 16,212 41,305 249 381 24 34 5,061 5,689 70 124 116,995 63,546 738 686 3 44 20 8,285 2,100 43 20 330 2,040 20,940 59 136 719 1,631 49,762 97,140 22 4 251 36 82,205 11,400 15 66 203 733 25,290 173,570 260 526 36 34 4,357 7,537 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 1,000 100 1,124 1,142 2 2 (Z) 167 348 258 365 5,693 7,205 393,909 665,460 6 1,000 300 64 81 950 11,586 175,920 12 23 105 208 10,156 17,340 1 3 10 49 1,000 6,000 128 352 24 43 4,611 6,326 10 8 66 59 196,470 76,660 1,188 1,421 9 21 585 1,530 13 6 3 2 2 (Z) 2 (Z) 12 61 300 4,860 27 108 234 11,900 75,240 7 10 46 147 3,700 10,760 34 152 164 119 21,514 13,802 146 73 270,150 104,111 366 410 5,301 2,835 218 Part 4 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definilions and explanations, see text) DawBon Deuel Dixon Dodge Doxiglas Dimdy Fjllmnre Franlilin Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 195<;. pounds 1959. 1954. Red clover seed. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Sweetclover seed . .farms reporting 1959.. 1954. . acres 1959.. 1954 . . pounds 1959 . . 1954 . . Brcriegrass seed . .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Bluegrass (Junegrass) seed... farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds, green weight 1959. 1954. Other field crops harvested; Irish potatoes for hone use or for sale farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. acres 1959^ . 19541. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sugar beets for sugar. .farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. tons 1959.. 1594.. Popcorn. ...farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds (ear com) 1959. 1954. Vegetables lor home use and lor sale (other than Irish and s*eet potatoes); Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954... .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959. . . 1954 .. . Watermelons farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Cantaloups and muskmelons f amis reporting 1959 . acres 1959. 113 226 3,933 6,455 397,449 847,800 29 79 5,400 8,640 1 12 1,966 4 170 2,806 27 53 25 159 2,192 14,824 15 23 485 1,159 5,952 12,361 265 324 470 351 1 1 (Z) 35 134 616 2,221 39,368 151,800 213 26,460 2 5 25 58 1,826 2,200 44 78 259 300 85,958 113,032 39 44 2,077 2,534 32,683 27,934 15 131 23,060 178,280 698 855 2,175 1 4 3 30 120 5,100 43 50 10,860 17,583 11 14 481 677 8,394 9,883 101 130 950 75 7 11 64 58 2,212 2,700 25 32 302 9,765 26,230 25 32 311 394 53,046 112,500 19 43 146 395 22,018 50,218 1 12 300 114 447 16 39 2,651 6,678 7 2 103 16 222,940 18,500 665 912 185 259 3 2 (Z) 1 2 2 (Z) 1 34 20 276 500 19,680 30 94 ■ 415 1,233 23,600 48,720 13 5 138 92 35,060 18,240 10 44 75 515 8,640 116,570 103 439 20 73 3,770 12,050 17 41 270 895 441,603 620,775 2 6 36 65 4,640 3,900 11 3 192 13,044 5,700 11 11 112 136 25,730 19,380 1 10 2 73 200 21,000 85 131 14 38 2,485 4,224 143 49 261,000 54,300 790 492 987 791 6 60 14 79 12 686 39 861 4,578 163 ,836 13,540 176 ,596 6 43 7 52 1 86 5 124 6 40 12 36 5 217 18 262 1 5 1 10 1 16 1 34 59 91 1,581 2,618 135,316 311,220 181 212 1 (Z) (2) 31 9 254 93 17,025 5,880 2 24 7 249 2,130 38,100 2 19 13 146 900 26,055 3 59 2,500 2 71 6 133 (Z) 5 1 2 31 790 82 962 3 1 132 25 2,520 388 1 9 11 (Z) 31 158 60 35 ,480 221,425 421 576 7 3 7 3 570 370 2 2 1 (Z) Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 219 Part 4 of 5 Frontier Fumas Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley HaU Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker 25 36 329 16 24 8 77 9 9 18 16 19 130 1 208 114 10 24 38 62 2 138 20 5 73 48 37 235 2 260 573 3,358 324 478 141 2,052 240 86 202 374 338 3,211 3 3,18i 1,519 62 293 411 729 6 2,232 226 71 887 1,375 488 4,654 4 17,818 43,399 154,975 65,200 24,176 8,855 153,353 14,865 5,820 15,900 16,540 26,740 172,512 5 273,120 206,880 3,000 24 17 272 93 23,070 6,360 31,800 31,200 59,340 600 185,040 "i "s 966 18,600 3,660 7 4 109 73 6,789 2,940 112,080 103,260 64,140 310,080 6 14 169 134 6,050 7,6eo 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 35 1 9 1 5 2 12 13 "5 12 30 '2 1 1 22 8 15 10 1 "2 20 U 484 10 77 15 60 38 152 15 52 103 240 35 20 "2 346 100 116 ui 55 32 195 16 45,620 2,400 12,730 2,700 16,100 1,850 36,830 17 6,120 22,380 35,760 3,666 3,600 420 44,640 19,500 14,580 15,366 3,600 3,666 41,820 18 1 13 1 3 1 16 19 2 1 92 5 2 io 5 20 2 29 20 3 158 5 37 15 532 21 18 5 1,101 32 25 75 ■76 167 ' 3 752 22 100 11,545 1,000 3,980 5,666 87,512 23 1,600 1,300 187,186 4,650 5,000 8,530 10,256 22,775 256 95,4^ 24 1 "i "6 1 1 ... 21 45 25 26 "i 1 415 166 "3 1,817 941 27 28 '30 300 19,200 9,806 200 61,552 41,954 29 30 12 12 368 5 31 9 2 49 23 25 12 2 15 179 5 31 29 18 439 10 31 17 4 105 136 148 11 7 10 437 3 32 1 (z) 17 2 45 1 1 9 276 2 8 (Z) 5 24 I 33 3 (Z) 9 2 94 (Z) (Z) 12 270 14 (Z) 1 2 30 1 34 211 105 4,504 148 13,254 213 75 932 72,900 344 906 90 688 4,003 114 35 422 125 8 186 3,166 3,826 300 5 11 195 297 3,148 3,546 30,622 185 2 97 1,100 31 1,660 89,545 14 34 870 1,279 11,557 10,735 2,283 13 10 740 501 10,166 5,651 134 117 208 6,048 48 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2 1 13 10 1 10 5 5 1 2 11 43 4 25 9 1 5 18 16 4 4 44 1 (Z) 50 223 10 232 99 20 (Z) 'ii 5 45 29 397 91 (Z) 42 457 282 46 7 46 366 100 60,080 378,920 14,000 297,420 144,290 11,200 120 21,466 3,746 47 21,120 568,350 148,765 3 47,520 671,630 628,660 7,580 4,390 48 341 337 1,260 210 214 218 44 326 577 618 168 145 236 962 37 49 397 388 1,132 267 241 191 35 389 798 604 210 168 178 1,210 53 50 1 3 12 4 8 1 2 26 12 7 8 7 16 1 51 5 5 4 3 3 22 6 1 3 9 52 (Z) 2 ij. 16 22 1 1 24 4 6 10 4 16 2 53 5 3 9 4 3 65 8 (Z) 2 15 54 5 165 8,537 5,800 1,183 60 115 2,220 670 458 715 372 944 50 55 401 269 4,000 269 150 4,922 1,045 15 135 625 56 1 10 4 6 2 10 11 6 2 2 16 1 57 2 3 2 1 8 3 1 5 58 (z) 14 -4 1 (Z) 2 1 2 (Z) 1 6 (Z) 59 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 4 2 (Z) 11 60 1 2 12 3 6 1 2 26 11 3 8 6 16 1 61 1 3 1 1 8 1 1 4 62 (z) 17 7 1 1 (Z) 12 2 "2 6 1 6 1 63 1 3 2 1 19 2 2 3 64 3 3 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 65 (Z) 4 12 (Z) 2 1 3 2 1 1 66 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 67 (Z) 1 8 (Z) 1 1 (Z) 1 68 Stub items cdntlimed 220 Part 4 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dermitions and explanations, see text) Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keys Paha Kljnball Knox Lancaster Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Red clover seed . .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959 . 1954. Sweetclover seed. .faniis reporting 1959.. 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. pounds 1959. . 1954.. Branegrass seed. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds 1959. 1954. Bluegrass ( Junegrass ) seed . . .farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds, green weight 1959. 1954. Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for hone use or for sale farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959^. 1954'. bushels 1959.. 1954.. Sugar beets for sugar. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Popcorn . ...farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. pounds (ear com) 1959. 1954. Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1959. 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959 .. . 1954... .farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Watermelons farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . Cantaloups and muslonelons .... .fanas reporting 1959. acres 1959 . 73 48 1,023 442 85,649 38,820 6 24 61 386 13,715 60,600 2 11 50 102 ,385 64 175 20 13 2,352 1,934 10 5 251 97 299,790 83,270 493 646 9,249 5,377 176 5 2,112 28 90,726 1,740 65 6,600 15 36 248 389 33,760 52,740 2 30 7 140 700 22,758 1 7 100 236 301 9 7 2,409 2,507 4 5 1 79 900 49,400 707 641 1,710 1,130 1 (Z) 163 7 1,445 32 80,663 1,380 116 30 1,291 323 80,948 12,480 11 9 68 56 7,260 5,100 3 31 3 191 730 23,075 182 281 11 12 2,524 3,178 9 6 1 59 1,385 79,850 594 609 3 2 1 (Z) 240 20 2 2 (Z) (Z) 16 30 222 2,825 19,800 17 2,300 1 5 400 16 51 295 124 122,337 49,685 26 17 913 694 13,524 7,768 5 11 86 153 244,980 187,675 243 314 11 17 96 107 16,745 6,733 11 19 449 422 31,850 76,140 24 110 99 17,121 13,429 30 38 1,138 1,474 17,817 14,737 177 228 101 141 4,584 7,014 295,351 423,480 3 5 40 92 4,400 9,900 1 1 5 10 500 175 298 14, 593 2 2 850 181 259 (Z) 168 109 4 3 1 (Z) 1 (Z) (z) 3 18 420 1 7 180 22 11 92 31 1 386 10 763 200 92,444 1,563 206,225 109 82 154 139 4,774 2,392 285,580 218,580 6 15 75 106 8,375 7,680 76 120 1,477 2,022 499,901 526,920 49 50 660 560 84.545 126,824 4 145 8,933 383 733 59 77 9,161 11,507 24 27 224 344 303,194 369,122 1,106 1,158 18 3 27 23 4,250 1,175 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 221 Part 4 of 5 Lincoln Lsgan loup McPherson Madison MerrlcJc Uarrlll Nance Ni Perkins Phelps Pierce 105 l.lT-l 2,099 99, Ul 161,100 2 46 18 ,100 7 4 209 63 15,860 3,300 66 49 rib 309 88,675 66,102 36 57 2,050 2,371 30,248 23,239 31 7,250 42,012 677 582 21 26 29 35 2,375 4,571 1 (Z) 18 6 404 113 30,319 13,560 39 33 1,169 603 73,813 45,480 3,700 10,080 1,335 455 104,200 23,650 3 19 2 3 304 252 13 15 1 (Z) 202 162 60 2,200 18 2 1 103 182 84 104 (Z) 250 139 169 1 (Z) 57 149 1,116 1,436 65,164 161,160 14 68 174 781 14,786 40,020 39 44 771 388 133,905 103,260 13 39 207 514 34,325 98,820 199 342 48 55 4,168 10,635 10 1 18 20 27,764 23,480 836 991 48 42 222 300 25,171 27,875 38 131 15 6 225 59 11,790 4,620 12 450 720 7 31 130 2,4S0 28,560 3 10 53 79 6,820 8,370 40 120 1,000 2,530 71 153 7 14 1,764 2,961 135 118 1,930 1,424 14 14 234 170 453,730 221,510 470 631 6 5 31 22 4,715 4,654 19 11 592 132 60,667 12,240 3 2 14 8 4,eO0 1,020 39 121 701 1,667 228,310 476,700 251 249 8,057 7,168 138,518 96,984 364 476 526 285 3 2 (Z) (Z) 5 (Z) 63 94 1,165 1,268 83,936 114,600 1 10 30 135 1,200 8,040 12 40 169 496 33,120 104, 520 3 34 99 464 4,000 64,080 80 2,610 74 203 4 9 940 2,000 2 3 (Z) 2 256 ,120 426 418 403 475 1 (Z) (Z) 1 (z) 1 (Z) 31,918 1,920 159 37 2,227 467 139,217 16,440 11 6 113 42 11,827 5,100 1 26 2 271 150 59,187 2 180 10,600 306 367 14 13 3,942 3,483 17 22 156 599 318,526 591,508 710 729 12 5 30 7 2,227 654 100 36 1,026 262 57,711 20,940 3 12 37 108 5,220 20,400 32 363 49,355 2 60 5,200 96 101 8 20 1,467 3,996 2 (Z) 250 455 573 12 10 32 13 3,939 1,521 203 12 1,929 111 108,549 4,680 232 83 3,217 954 185,028 42,600 12 12 80 116 9,780 12,540 7 58 71 509 4,190 115,055 194 643 13 20 2,946 6,420 12 81 62 180,400 54,670 956 ,158 1,818 490 97 8 913 39 44,901 2,220 SO 26 752 247 56,810 9,360 5 9 60 77 5,780 6,720 8 29 65 238 6,050 35,614 148 362 16 15 2,340 3,733 26 6 20 12 27,862 13,360 473 712 450 494 2 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 21 52 342 1,163 21,467 51,720 1 6 120 11 11 2 1 300 139 1 1 2,000 2,450 10 27 61 392 6,180 30,000 13,680 14 47 1 10 208 2,008 19 33 859 1,379 13,564 13,635 1 8 70 220 140,000 528,611 249 260 208 259 8 2 3 1 6 2 27 15 415 83 1,715 2,250 2 1 (Z) (Z) 4 2 1 (z) 7 1 3 1 5 "3 1 (Z) 4 17 42 41 718 388 32,885 48,300 7 25 73 311 5,440 38,820 51 35 735 426 166,227 157,200 21 39 278 379 51,550 93,855 174 565 21 45 2,739 7,718 5 3 2 17 2,240 8,950 777 ,021 Stub items continued 222 Part 4 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For deFlnitions and explanations, see text) Sarpy Saunders Field seed crops harvested: AlfalTa seed farms reporting 1959... 41 1954 .. . 129 acres 1959... 706 1954... 1,102 pounds 1959... 44,682 1954... 105,960 1959 .. . 18 1954 .. . 56 acres 1959... 216 1954... 604 pcFunds 1959... 17,035 1954 .. . 27,720 Sweetclover seed f anus reporting 1959... 38 1954... 57 acres 1959... 435 1954... 487 pounds 1959 . . . 81,455 1954... 139,320 Bromegrass seed farms reporting 1959 .. . 17 1954... 49 acres 1959... 218 1954... 511 pounds 1959... 26,647 1954... 113,104 Bluegrass (Junegrass) seed... farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 1 acres 1959... 1954. . . 2 pounds, green weight 1959... 1954... 200 Othef field crops harvested: 4 Irish potatoes for hone use or for sale fams reporting 1959 .. . 119 1954... 411 acres 1959'.. 24 I954I.. 40 bushels 1959 .. . 3,599 1954... 5,685 Sugar beets for siigar farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 1 acres 1959... 1954... 67 tons 1959 .. . 1954... 575 Popcorn fauns reporting 1959... 7 1954... 3 acres 1959... 28 1954... 47 pounds (ear com) 1959 . . . 41,122 1954 .. . 38,840 Vegetables for tiome use and tor sale (ottier than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for hone use farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. .farms reporting 1959... 1954.., acres 1959 .. . 1954... .farms reporting 1959... 1954 .. . acres 1959... 1954... Watermelons farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. Cantaloups and muslonelons f anna reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 757 1,099 62 720 1 (Z) 20 87 178 4,210 15,420 12 58 120 6,480 5,760 2 22 41 206 14,000 34,320 3 18 16 224 570 62,925 38 118 2 5 449 ,272 4 3 12 72 19,374 70,480 548 673 2 14 2 1,105 330 3 (Z) 21 125 322 1,954 22,053 279,780 350 287 3,660 7,770 36 7 300 36 15,701 2,940 247 70 3,691 998 192,202 31,320 11 5 121 47 13,054 4,500 11 42 165 408 19,250 61,044 2 16s 10,500 9 195 12 477 40 16 48 54 6,521 2 870 7,594 8 536 4 5 36 209 1,761 2,692 4 15 19 1 20 208 1,160 25 813 241 760 867 1,046 120 825 1 1 (Z) (Z) 1 (Z) 34 37 1,189 860 75,342 83,580 1 2 1,200 2 9 1,100 3 17 350 838 22,740 70,303 12 42 2 3 240 918 115 231 3 2 (Z) (Z) 72 50 2 2 (Z) (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 61 3 569 10 24,228 780 1 4 10 24 720 1,020 20 41 240 338 30,495 51,900 3 42 69 199 2,340 30,940 160 493 6 10 1,967 3,738 13 1 49 1,347 38,670 764 949 7 6 27 3 760 481 6 2 21 (Z) 1 (Z) 3 3 19 180 1,560 7 121 69 5,260 2,700 14 20 166 158 26,020 28,560 19 5 192 200 41,800 105 7 20 1,932 2,969 4 10 3 150 ,100 262 395 1,462 11,745 36 22 301 164 15,685 10,320 52 84 593 900 35,290 56,580 44 46 411 310 66,486 67,920 9 62 88 478 5,140 118,325 156 679 13 20 2,446 7,239 36 30 3,843 509 7,502,350 534,628 942 1,244 605 2,310 1 3 (Z) 1 Z Iteported in small fractions . ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 223 Part 4 of 5 Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Webster Wheeler 47 7 310 38 12,673 1,440 34 35 279 376 19,830 13,560 42 51 448 602 86,852 88,320 21 21 126 1,900 24,920 110 264 5 6 1,458 2,685 18 42 31,200 38,220 784 1,023 2,065 620 (Z) 2 (Z) 59 118 1,278 2,540 122, 585 234,540 5 17 163 290 20,800 45,720 1 2 5 150 2,000 10 581 50,430 48 119 1,084 991 270,677 177,029 51 63 2,696 1,758 45,901 24,648 503 596 258 354 (Z) 143 178 2,348 2,756 163, 2» 417,840 16 2,400 10 72 165 1,235 30,266 273,540 1 5 20 159 200 11,700 145 259 21 18 3,334 3,489 14 3 173 48 214,780 21,600 505 579 914 720 4 5 5 3 (Z) 1 1 2 3 6 1 1 1 2 2 (Z) 1 (z) 40 62 1,923 2,960 119,711 263,820 1 10 1,000 25 35 2,500 1,260 4,000 512 37 96 288 601 46,514 92,525 78 74 2,523 2,228 47,972 28,628 206 216 10 58 127 474 7,068 42,660 6 28 82 296 6,320 17,640 26 16 231 130 53,312 28,800 33 68 431 5,850 108,420 1 20 2,120 278 458 34 32 7,078 6,113 12 3 38 40 85,544 49,070 686 845 40 29 8,055 2,750 97 11 1,062 214 49,685 10,500 1 25 25 4,000 4,500 7 29 52 268 10,257 32,580 3 28 15 222 1,170 34,854 60 155 33 3 7,780 1,096 5 2 1,495 513 510 369 589 3 (Z) 1 1 4 5 89 480 5,760 9 34 3 3 462 427 3 2 (Z) 1 213 81 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 52 57 1,820 6,060 19 89 277 6,850 17,160 11 92 193 15,885 32,040 15 113 307 13,980 45,385 53 192 11 34 1,369 3,846 62 33 42, 580 27,226 357 604 164 147 3,898 2,366 223,265 214,680 13 48 169 723 36,600 120,960 1 17 4 202 400 21,745 12 1,260 42 212 18 58 2,530 18,471 93 78 2,963 1,804 5,050,788 2,983,133 491 648 282 1,932 2 6 20 38 900 ,260 25 50 295 609 12,591 33,000 30 13 374 114 96,843 18,180 6 43 36 338 3,930 97,905 101 254 10 18 1,503 3,800 5 3 21 53 58,970 49,440 604 708 3,017 6,634 1 (Z) 14 15 207 162 7,890 9,180 18 66 207 831 13,850 54,060 49 9 512 107 141,436 13,800 37 93 464 1,146 57,870 294,974 342 597 33 49 6,306 9,102 12 23 21,407 22,059 742 925 (Z) 2 3 2 1 250 77 (Z) 39 44 456 553 17,322 33,900 2 18 34 228 3,000 19,440 27 7 165 350 14,910 42 69 2 4 636 543 6 1 (Z) (Z) 940 140 327 388 7 2 9 1 549 72 34 25 967 350 67,685 45,000 2 9 105 43 40,500 6,120 5 1 35 5 7,750 620 200 197 7,400 6,970 5 195 825 116 157 2 2 (Z) 190 40 3 (Z) 18 12 143 131 6,461 10,740 25 40 359 5,300 15,000 17 98 191 28,980 23,760 5 55 70 707 8,318 180,540 5,000 58 150 4 6 953 1,621 7 50 44 819 76,020 1,400,026 652 827 2,070 56 5 57 58 4 59 60 5 51 2 62 3 63 14 64 65 66 1 67 (Z) 58 Stub Items continued -^^—nj**""^*™**"*" 224 Part 5 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Antelope Arthur Boone Box Butte Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards , groves , \fineyards , and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959,.. 1954... acres 1959. . . 1954,.. Apples farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... Trees of all ages 1959 , . . 1954... Trees not of bearing age ; 1959 . . . 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 . . . 1954... Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . . 1954... Peaches f ariDS reporting 1959 .. . 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959,.. 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959 ., . 1954... Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . . 1954... Pears farms reporting 1959 ., . 1954,.. Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959... 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959... 1954. . . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . . 1954. . . Grapes farms reporting 1959.., 1954... Vines of all ages 1959... 1954... Vines not of bearing age 1959... 1954. . . Vines of bearing age 1959... 1954... Quantity harvested pounds 1959 ., . 1954... Plums and pnmes farms reporting 1959.. . 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959... 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959... 1954. . . Quantity harvested.. bushels 1959... 1954. . . Cherries farms reporting 1959... 1954... Trees of all ages 1959... 1954... Trees not of bearing age 1959. . . 1954... Trees of bearing age 1959... 1954... Quantity harvested pounds 1959... 1954... Apricots farms reporting 1959... Trees of all ages 1959... Trees not of bearing age 1959. . . Trees of bearing age 1959 — Quantity harvested bushels 1959, . , 2,628 3,961 3,261 4,315 2,54B 3,733 64,310 85,128 15,662 28,868 48,648 56,260 92,220 56,372 1,838 3,033 25,001 47,680 9,252 11,704 15,749 35,976 2,928 24,007 1,705 2,437 8,083 11,902 2,928 4,628 5,155 7,274 4,211 7,189 1,247 2,088 53,448 91,523 9,472 12,917 43,976 78,606 184,963 407,419 1,245 2,050 8,100 16,182 3,288 5,740 4,812 10,442 1,659 3,507 1,966 2,914 12,992 18,134 4,309 7,125 8,683 11,009 96,268 162, 585 1,352 8,098 2,973 5,125 2,670 19 35 10 27 17 28 243 334 73 90 170 244 185 51 16 34 348 1,350 138 221 210 1,129 2 403 12 22 27 U4 8 22 19 92 14 17 16 106 238 10 49 96 189 573 712 10 18 35 257 10 32 25 175 53 47 56 105 22 43 34 62 409 452 U 39 21 18 27 64 59 56 63 66 1,001 1,011 263 311 733 700 638 829 28 26 135 138 70 23 65 115 3 104 33 31 79 109 23 37 56 72 43 30 37 340 740 80 40 260 700 1,856 5,352 16 27 83 216 25 36 58 180 17 92 42 40 270 171 148 42 122 129 869 1,052 13 25 21 4 13 112 260 28 135 84 125 81 67 4 13 12 63 5 15 7 43 2 U 18 210 12 104 6 106 50 333 18 67 11 23 7 39 4 1 5 13 34 31 24 46 10 35 U7 85 ^Does not lncli]de data for fams with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 225 Part 5 of 5 Boyd Broun Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dalcota 17 5 43 54 59 70 46 13 7 22 33 32 20 34 1 14 12 36 35 104 155 83 5 9 24 54 90 31 28 2 24 22 55 77 44 124 35 1£ 8 10 24 95 47 27 3 16 15 44 72 55 245 67 6 7 17 36 75 43 28 4 16 4 40 55 63 65 46 10 6 21 38 83 21 31 5 14 9 35 87 103 141 91 3 U 26 50 86 32 X 6 324 74 74« 1,039 886 3,343 668 341 62 21 246 913 2,171 335 565 7 259 135 839 1,398 1,224 7,854 1,106 33 158 326 1,122 2,276 556 453 8 45 4 132 343 195 539 173 276 45 15 117 146 326 88 150 9 184 24 339 290 511 1,890 399 12 74 218 397 460 211 173 10 279 70 616 6% 691 2,804 495 65 17 129 772 1,845 247 415 11 75 111 500 1,108 713 5,964 7S7 21 84 108 725 1,816 345 280 12 114 1 1,552 630 1,232 6,707 41& 42 5 63 407 3,423 24.'. 393 13 49 87 224 752 488 2,861 772 7 ... 131 341 1,250 46 366 14 7 38 33 42 62 21 8 3 17 24 47 13 14 15 5 27 55 89 152 28 2 1 25 34 63 12 16 16 50 390 202 380 835 69 106 12 12 169 185 281 65 46 17 24 273 496 804 2,803 143 7 2 318 193 567 80 61 18 27 91 86 128 330 25 59 12 52 31 117 25 32 19 18 85 56 321 677 32 4 2 U4 59 166 42 20 20 23 299 116 252 505 44 47 117 104 164 40 14 21 6 188 440 483 2,126 111 3 204 134 401 38 41 22 12 53 45 174 2 ... 2 46 3 23 3 83 376 370 1,251 45 178 158 279 "i 30 24 11 33 38 48 47 25 5 2 18 29 60 17 21 25 7 3 24 51 75 107 35 2 3 22 36 61 15 15 26 54 318 388 181 191 71 55 8 59 101 178 81 57 27 31 4 230 460 376 357 108 12 7 77 119 227 94 45 28 23 141 198 67 48 23 39 8 24 43 77 17 28 29 29 2 161 143 91 69 59 10 5 42 49 84 45 23 30 31 ... 177 190 114 143 43 16 35 58 101 64 29 31 2 2 69 317 285 288 49 2 2 35 70 143 49 22 32 10 98 248 m 127 12 3 5 59 103 17 19 33 1 22 279 157 331 24 "2 23 47 143 4 12 34 6 1 21 21 26 41 17 3 5 2 12 17 34 8 14 35 6 2 16 38 61 94 39 8 , . 15 23 49 10 15 36 88 2 974 1,437 183 498 120 '36 33 6 87 187 302 106 125 37 81 19 2,199 820 1,626 4,642 436 84 107 282 598 121 362 38 20 14 689 82 171 22 '17 22 42 42. 33 6 49 39 73 6 116 69 1% 408 82 48 20 22 174 43 80 40 68 2 960 748 101 327 98 '19 11 45 145 269 100 76 41 8 13 2,083 751 1,430 4,234 354 36 87 260 424 73 282 42 171 10,129 2,571 1,211 1,084 330 '30 60 383 771 1,987 43 305 43 275 144 21,332 3,537 11,763 7,083 1,320 30 867 1,366 2,133 86 1,047 44 7 25 34 33 26 30 6 5 12 14 41 12 21 45 10 "s 17 44 54 62 47 3 7 20 29 36 21 18 46 48 149 102 135 92 134 275 40 21 49 57 154 93 78 47 68 542 133 155 249 218 322 137 283 16 106 131 158 309 184 48 25 82 38 51 53 40 258 14 18 20 18 44 42 29 49 41 54 38 20 67 29 92 136 154 51 45 62 137 21 50 23 67 64 84 39 94 17 26 29 39 110 56 49 51 27 438 95 135 132 189 230 1 129 16 55 86 96 172 163 52 99 8 31 17 23 16 5 3 21 72 10 16 53 4 28 29 40 54 63 .... ... 32 12 41 96 38 54 15 2 38 46 47 47 37 9 6 18 20 60 21 25 55 12 6 34 73 85 92 68 3 7 22 35 64 29 21 56 133 7 221 229 247 166 165 96 40 61 88 135 244 123 129 57 96 123 24« 330 517 346 378 41 66 12 103 152 260 306 107 58 44 4 69 80 99 74 41 27 31 3 31 51 68 36 45 59 58 100 90 68 242 97 106 13 38 >. . 53 36 103 151 40 60 89 3 152 149 148 92 124 69 9 53 57 84 176 87 84 61 38 23 158 262 275 249 272 28 28 12 50 116 157 155 67 62 475 40 3,469 3,647 976 652 1,180 1,496 130 710 809 372 1,287 387 550 63 202 18 1,552 6,857 2,735 2,742 4,672 65 150 605 888 2,084 273 1,113 64 3 30 24 43 44 23 3 2 '' 3 14 11 35 10 12 65 15 146 568 260 180 80 9 7 U 165 51 160 27 34 66 5 63 273 71 57 IS 4 8 33 36 71 11 18 67 10 83 295 189 123 62 "9 3 3 132 15 89 16 16 68 3 53 269 152 79 7 1 ... ... 82 1 39 3 69 226 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For defmilions and explanations, see text) Dodge Douglas Tree fruits, nuts, and giapcs Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959.. 195i.. acres 1959.. 195i. , Apples farms reporting 1959.. 195 8 40 2,381 204 14 198 1,420 165 1,430 354 69 67 300 10 353 '60 105 .*• 3,386 389 80 219 2,727 213 3,505 450 38 127 215 U Zljb 117 55 35 2,223 268 156 151 1,702 321 4,597 512 49 251 506 12 318 210 33 . •■ 5,025 876 110 249 4,278 1A5 20,279 380 42 232 232 13 236 150 15 5 3,837 142 45 137 3,047 231 12,889 248 10 7. 434 14 9 3 3 18 19 2 12 79 34 60 51 3 12 10 15 10 "i 25 28 1 22 123 63 1S2 92 4 17 19 16 69 6 9 . . . 117 142 152 122 4,554 592 1,395 349 16 67 52 17 6* 3 78 185 1 166 5,384 1,280 6,691 1,459 15 89 100 13 55 4 42 46 52 88 877 1% 576 334 13 40 7 19 34 "3 44 89 . . . 66 454 281 556 354 9 19 29 20 14 2 9 ... 75 96 100 34 3,677 396 819 515 3 27 45 21 30 ... 34 96 1 100 4,930 999 6,135 1,105 6 70 71 22 1 • . . 1 13 . . . 2 82 10 641 30 1 1 23 "s ... ... 25 127 ... 65 3,736 1,013 2,791 556 20 56 24 15 3 3 23 21 2 9 63 20 50 40 3 9 15 25 U 2 1 2 21 24 2 18 71 40 113 77 1 15 31 26 49 7 7 . . . 78 80 32 27 913 82 244 171 9 57 45 27 84 4 2 15 49 105 6 49 1,039 104 537 338 10 64 165 28 19 3 . . . 19 32 15 13 202 25 121 38 5 20 16 29 49 2 35 60 • .. 21 481 29 106 33 5 43 60 30 30 4 7 59 48 17 14 711 57 123 133 4 37 29 31 35 4 2 "13 14 45 6 28 558 75 431 255 5 21 105 32 24 1 . . . 32 21 . . > 10 487 5 187 201 7 13 2 33 4 20 88 ... 19 265 92 444 264 2 5 110 34 14 3 2 3 30 12 2 5 46 8 35 32 2 7 9 35 16 1 3 4 23 16 7 15 69 25 94 59 1 10 29 36 760 22 13 44 368 114 7 25 9,554 40 1,656 693 13 76 303 37 725 6 19 36 310 255 72 90 14,153 204 3,016 1,305 4 73 4U 38 244 12 8 . .■ 54 38 20 165 21 123 135 13 45 16 39 198 8 2 123 204 41 47 251 43 726 227 4 19 128 40 516 'io 5 44 314 75 7 5 9,389 19 1,533 558 ... 31 287 41 527 6 11 34 187 51 31 43 13,902 161 2,290 1,078 59 233 42 3,307 % 45 . . . 2,121 192 34 ... 31,785 1 7,318 1,656 225 1,240 43 1,122 35 1,870 8 95 140 35,968 912 12,471 4,225 ... 144 3,024 44 11 3 4 1 23 15 3 9 32 18 25 17 4 13 5 45 IS 3 5 3 31 19 10 18 42 34 58 38 6 16 27 46 104 54 38 20 91 66 655 27 99 128 82 117 45 613 33 47 446 35 21 23 199 122 383 68 2U 199 209 2U 33 143 191 48 55 4 5 25 27 525 6 28 29 29 43 30 26 5 49 55 1 "5 124 78 31 34 123 80 44 53 27 57 56 50 49 50 33 20 66 39 130 21 71 99 53 74 15 592 28 51 391 35 20 18 75 44 352 34 91 U9 165 161 n 36 135 52 21 5 11 ... 16 15 7 5 11 7 128 7 16 27 53 50 2 12 5 4 1 28 84 39 123 1 24 '37 54 19 6 4 2 40 26 5 17 48 28 41 42 4 11 13 55 25 3 4 6 45 30 9 27 71 45 101 55 5 20 37 56 233 57 10 18 185 175 60 100 235 155 756 158 26 103 43 57 307 21 18 89 242 164 43 174 233 321 1,396 227 62 169 276 58 100 30 1 ... 45 105 39 20 94 68 86 64 17 29 U 59 70 8 37 164 83 14 62 86 102 109 140 15 47 156 60 133 '27 9 18 140 70 21 80 141 87 67D 94 9 74 32 61 237 21 10 52 78 81 29 112 147 219 1,287 87 47 122 120 62 3,616 696 u 60 902 1,095 436 859 411 535 33,555 417 28 356 173 63 506 350 760 1,363 1,512 217 569 1,780 2,498 53,347 1,146 312 1,265 1,578 64 8 1 1 U 18 1 7 57 28 39 32 2 10 3 65 21 6 1 25 359 1 33 242 204 223 196 5 52 6 66 11 6 1 10 233 11 83 47 54 59 3 26 3 67 10 15 126 2 "i 22 159 111 157 71 169 243 137 70 2 26 3 3 68 69 230 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table U.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanation.'*, see text) Ttee fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959., 195i. . acres 1959.. 195A.. Apples farms reporting 1959, . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959. . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Peaches farms reporting 1959. . 1954. . Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954, . Trees of bearing age 1959, , 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Pears farms reporting 1959. . 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954,. Trees of bearing age 1959. , 1954,, Quantity harvested bushels 1959, , 1954,. Grapes farms reporting 1959. . 1954. Vines of all ages 1959. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959. , 1954. , Vines of bearing age 1959. 1954. , Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954. , Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Cherries farms reporting 1959. 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. 1954. Apricots farms reporting 1959. Trees of all ages 1959. Trees not of bearing age 1959. Trees of bearing age 1959. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 27 45 24 48 34 45 583 1,051 218 263 365 788 733 468 20 33 124 266 60 64 64 202 6 112 17 25 60 78 32 43 23 35 51 65 18 26 211 391 86 82 125 309 1,351 1,450 17 20 76 307 49 57 27 250 25 5 24 34 151 214 91 69 60 145 617 1,664 10 28 17 11 19 34 U 20 20 32 181 321 38 139 143 182 474 109 16 30 224 255 131 73 93 182 1 135 12 24 36 109 9 49 27 60 19 19 9 22 41 199 23 84 18 115 55 382 .25 23 61 12 7 15 30 52 146 15 75 37 71 229 875 12 73 23 50 17 11 10 268 98 66 31 202 67 289 IS 10 7 74 58 26 13 48 45 133 37 7 18 126 19 640 150 5 7 137 19 21 2 116 17 266 2 51 82 17 42 34 40 302 525 73 U8 79 100 62 99 875 1,437 238 395 637 1,042 1,854 717 63 118 1,696 2,129 456 523 1,240 1,606 520 1,908 47 68 187 194 54 64 133 130 164 154 46 63 659 931 254 168 405 763 1,556 6,763 25 40 79 199 22 86 57 113 15 50 54 64 232 261 80 121 152 140 657 1,043 41 157 29 128 44 13 61 269 39 155 22 114 5 61 3 5 32 167 20 101 12 66 84 115 50 75 83 107 1,013 1,193 302 504 711 639 943 342 79 118 769 2,261 379 616 390 1,645 203 1,018 68 90 295 354 125 129 ITO 225 215 231 39 52 290 472 141 236 149 236 982 583 46 56 195 217 108 78 87 139 47 29 63 83 239 300 129 134 UO 166 800 1,618 73 460 145 315 149 Sarpy 26 104 28 66 563 1,308 172 413 391 395 218 771 20 55 170 705 90 108 80 597 36 264 16 48 61 247 37 54 24 193 14 595 11 38 156 1,395 100 121 56 1,274 496 6,313 14 37 94 197 57 38 37 159 4 62 21 48 93 232 45 36 48 146 216 3,176 19 123 52 76 20 75 136 32 90 70 149 1,035 1,846 364 630 671 1,216 1,099 926 53 130 714 1,246 383 403 326 843 116 711 51 108 189 355 80 139 109 216 174 370 43 93 498 1,105 175 315 323 790 2,230 4,458 31 82 124 344 54 129 70 215 22 38 57 106 256 436 122 224 134 212 561 2,012 50 295 119 176 78 ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. NEBRASKA OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 231 Part 5 of 5 Sewarcl Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wleelsr York 41 11 26 6 49 49 1 29 20 61 43 22 7 34 1 55 13 28 13 48 82 1 42 15 91 58 36 20 52 2 49 36 41 18 46 33 2 33 33 87 29 14 3 33 3 41 10 45 18 41 60 2 31 14 141 40 28 13 28 4 42 11 23 4 47 41 1 30 18 65 45 22 7 31 5 51 13 26 13 40 62 1 40 19 83 60 30 20 49 6 771 603 703 152 840 671 24 489 283 2,301 608 200 147 461 7 790 208 763 364 574 682 25 60S 282 4,343 829 291 422 670 8 232 132 181 12 257 233 20 107 53 568 132 80 51 76 9 44a 126 226 17 202 255 20 168 124 693 377 123 102 238 10 539 471 522 140 583 438 4 382 230 1,733 476 120 % 385 11 342 82 537 347 372 427 5 440 158 3,650 452 163 320 432 12 787 234 1,787 15 620 320 ... 376 496 7,264 815 1B3 7!> 713 13 159 5 136 ... 274 421 ... 354 151 3,578 333 263 294 234 14 28 3 12 30 45 1 19 U 45 25 21 4 24 15 52 1 17 2 20 90 ... 28 ID 74 35 33 8 49 16 342 16 139 ... 133 740 10 101 54 327 121 223 28 227 17 462 2 229 4 91 1,968 ... 110 48 802 271 533 40 629 IS 229 13 35 80 264 10 32 29 100 49 123 14 47 19 111 2 72 30 724 47 40 136 122 171 4 143 20 113 3 104 53 476 ... 69 25 227 72 1D5 14 ISO 21 351 157 4 61 1,244 63 8 666 149 362 36 486 22 33 5 2 ... 24 100 6 5 4 7 23 403 ... 39 36 863 ... 71 1 513 99 363 24 467 24 27 6 14 1 35 35 1 22 14 30 25 19 4 24 25 34 5 13 4 21 49 1 26 6 54 35 19 10 38 26 82 270 97 4 132 177 3 67 31 95 73 58 16 SO 27 92 126 194 11 78 215 2 87 IB 276 153 83 30 163 28 39 13 15 56 58 3 27 19 45 19 24 4 n 29 40 124 45 ... 41 93 2 57 14 91 57 31 6 74 30 43 257 82 4 76 U9 ... 40 12 50 54 34 12 69 31 52 2 149 11 37 122 ... 30 4 185 96 52 24 39 32 34 6 38 59 69 ... 26 14 73 35 a 12 49 33 72 ... 78 29 88 ... 20 6 403 60 48 8 67 34 19 6 10 1 22 19 1 10 9 25 31 14 2 18 35 31 4 9 5 28 37 27 4 43 40 11 6 34 36 525 46 264 20 159 232 "5 95 42 2,536 223 131 8 164 37 1,579 32 646 52 855 467 ... 283 31 775 643 35 51 454 38 242 3 29 41 45 5 41 13 IS 27 73 3 60 39 159 24 62 6 145 309 52 16 U2 295 43 IS 55 40 283 43 235 20 118 187 ... 54 29 2,518 196 58 5 104 41 1,420 8 584 46 710 158 ... 231 15 593 348 37 33 399 42 1,718 134 227 1 987 726 ... 440 125 30,200 1,219 251 30 314 43 2,568 90 4,777 ... 2,775 840 1,814 200 6,3?D 1,339 537 247 1,730 44 11 6 12 3 25 20 20 9 23 22 11 2 18 45 24 7 11 8 27 30 "i 26 8 46 41 18 6 28 46 45 233 68 45 U5 72 ... 99 28 59 lis 52 10 72 47 92 137 144 m 67 134 24 127 72 625 234 130 47 193 48 27 4 19 8 47 27 33 8 20 17 21 7 8 49 58 105 12 ... 41 86 64 44 75 69 65 6 63 50 18 229 49 37 68 45 ... 66 20 39 101 31 3 64 51 34 32 99 67 103 48 24 63 28 550 165 65 41 130 52 35 2 22 15 6 62 U 4 20 28 3 38 53 4 5 20 17 13 ... 15 1 844 44 27 'ii 30 54 28 7 21 4 38 35 1 22 18 40 37 17 7 30 55 39 10 25 10 33 60 1 34 16 64 55 33 12 39 56 211 868 158 25 344 177 10 128 147 161 202 89 29 151 57 200 190 365 66 168 259 8 148 97 257 319 226 50 207 53 127 10 42 5 46 90 10 65 35 40 47 40 IS 48 59 156 150 271 14 44 112 4 58 53 91 83 93 17 93 60 64 858 116 20 298 87 ... 63 112 121 155 49 11 103 61 44 40 94 52 124 147 90 44 166 231 133 33 109 62 691 295 1,150 35 822 950 ... 326 449 1,117 1,272 257 246 1,201 63 547 105 1,468 50 1,644 1,997 ... 1,305 298 2,520 2,115 2,621 159 1,377 64 21 3 13 20 34 9 7 25 15 IS -2 22 65 91 10 155 84 274 ... 55 31 154 53 94 9 153 66 46 7 79 28 87 21 8 70 17 35 6 51 67 45 3 76 56 187 34 23 84 36 59 3 102 68 81 1 5 52 ... 2 30 41 7 17 6 52 69 232 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For dennicion? nnd explanations, see text) Antelope Irrigated cropland harvested fanns reportijig. acres. CHOPS FOR WHICH ENTIRZ ACREAGE WAS IRBIGATZD Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Com sold bushels . . Sorgtiums: Sorghums for all ourpnses except simp . . . .farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting. ■ acres. . bushels . . Sorghums sold btishels. . Small grains harvestetl: Wheat farms reporting. . acres.. bushels.. bushels sold. . Oats farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . bushels sold. . Barley farms reporting. . acres.. bushels. . bushels sold. . Annual legumes: Oiy field and seed beans harvested for beans fajins reporting. . acres. . 100- lb. bags.. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures out for hay and for det^drating farms reporting. . acres.. tons. . tons sold. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . tens. . tons sold. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acres . . tons. , tens sold. . Miscellaneous crops harvesteti: Irish potatoes for hone tjse and for sale farms reporting.. acres^. bushels. . Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Vegetables harvested for sale acres.. TiKJPS FOR WHICH Omy A PARI OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRICATED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acrea. . SfKghuma tor all purposes except sirup farms reporting. . acres . . Small grains harvestetl: Wheat farms reporting. . acres. . Oats farms reporting. . acres. . Barley farms reporting. . acres.. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mirtures cut for hay and for det^drating farms reporting. . acres. . Clover, tljDOtt^, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. acres., Other hay cut farms reporting.. acres. 18,804 2,021,858 9,133 841,739 8,964 805,763 59,994,850 43,416,420 1,429 49,911 1,256 45,557 3,123,065 2,367,739 590 16,350 403,984 386,631 912 16,154 635,629 177,817 425 8,793 290,677 102,332 1,671 67,249 1,232,497 4,363 125,367 383,027 97,228 198 3,070 4,200 351 151 12,876 12,723 1,050 525 10, U7 3,381,185 1,645 63,425 1,066,332 554 8,450 646,015 2,459 70,422 320 10,222 94 2,669 38 1,110 1,433 41,771 7 1,185 71 12,407 13 561 465 49,740 287 26,284 287 25,933 2,189,607 1,762,093 60 2,682 2,639 193,495 170,185 6 219 6,690 6,580 48 764 3,012 240 1 18 5,000 1 28 4C0 62 163 13,320 131 5,529 10 380 22 307 120 10,647 29 2,420 23 2,394 197,350 107,330 15 501 15 471 29,127 6,940 4 50 955 837 10 236 10,500 1,550 2 4« 1,660 16 383 1,311 170 1 (Z) 6 91 6,021 10 177 U 295 2 265 600 200 1 360 500 1' 140 31 3,254 12 825 8 229 9,870 2,800 5 131 4,800 200 1 40 1,000 2 31 369 22 1,283 4,047 185 1 190 190 3 150 3 335 5 105 252 21,622 45 3,747 44 3,649 298,800 189,900 7 342 7 X2 23,398 10, 598 10 135 3,440 3,293 7 251 6,500 1,600 23 498 1,202 40 207 16,464 10 123 12 190 Z Reported In small frectiODS. ^Does not Include acreage for famis with less than 20 bushels harvested. HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: NEBRASKA CENSUS OF 1959 233 ^ Buffslo Burt Butler Cedar Cliase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer r~ 65 5,522 895 101,565 34 3,341 232 22,853 36 2,518 111 12,145 37 3,593 93 9,962 547 70,429 155 8,043 41 2,494 554 45,360 2 21 1,888 18 1,733 7A,70O 42,300 505 57,506 501 56,754 4,471,239 3,678,210 3 336 3 316 27,500 13,900 59 6,152 59 6,083 530,660 431,400 1 97 1 97 5,000 2,000 47 4,205 46 3,943 242,796 161,351 1 150 57 3,689 49 2,346 147,310 68,260 293 35,068 293 34,825 2,735,828 2,431,805 19 1,366 19 1,353 97,880 70,000 2 194 2 142 U,500 5,000 196 15,494 193 U,908 1,021,935 489,056 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 50 101 3,232 11 333 8 198 5 170 57 2,773 3 29 26 586 9 10 1 20 200 200 98 3,105 227,891 192,275 10 312 25,840 23,247 6 148 7,000 2,700 5 162 4,200 1,000 57 2,744 196,146 172,109 1 10 800 800 22 462 24,060 9,796 U 12 13 14 4 193 6,550 6,350 22 560 12;762 U 317 7,551 7,321 1 15 320 320 5 377 6,528 6,090 5 146 3,860 3,672 6 203 6,458 6,458 5 127 2,877 2,629 25 721 18,535 18,075 15 16 17 18 5 193 5,600 3,400 9 213 4,718 230 4 48 1,3X 2 20 1,100 1 20 500 500 2 35 750 12 211 8,362 612 7 158 3,525 451 19 1,019 17,864 1 25 400 400 2 36 750 120 6 84 2,220 1 20 260 19 20 21 22 a 24 23 26 27 28 29 15 693 1,305 96 98 2,823 9,580 3,137 1 10 50 18 251 948 150 7 160 567 130 1 10 20 47 1,620 4,529 638 17 960 2,435 25 50 1,817 5,607 577 3 41 46 45 683 2,451 388 4 66 200 2 53 190 72 2,558 7,062 1,028 2 25 20 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2 150 175 1 12 10 ... 1 30 6 6 1 20 20 5 400 635 6 107 U8 38 39 40 41 2 18 5,080 13 615 238,117 2 (Z) 18 ••• 3 1 84 5 60 22,382 ... ::: 3 2 215 42 43 44 (Z) 34 1,743 24,606 18 1 (2) 11 483 9,012 3 176 2,741 ' 5 :;: 45 46 47 48 25 1,904 1 15 359 24,732 102 2,388 31 3,005 162 14,164 13 637 32 1,976 2 60 44 3,856 16 375 4 187 18 824 4 103 234 20,898 224 8,447 131 6,000 6 67 39 2,152 336 22,677 28 425 49 50 51 52 3 13 8 12 5 15 3 19 53 64 344 201 664 146 530 118 588 54 1 20 2 44 1 43 1 10 1 10 1 13 2 26 1 13 2 53 1 4 55 56 57 58 13 290 58 1,294 8 171 12 200 21 713 11 587 2 795 10 367 24 1,245 3 104 3 67 89 1,828 59 60 61 62 1 20 1 50 ... ... 5 850 4 237 1 12 2 60 63 64 65 66 234 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For definition!: nnH explanations, see text) Dundy Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. . ac res . . CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . • acres . , Harvested for grain fanns reporting. . acres.. bushels. . Com sold bushels. . Sorghums; Sorghums for all punioses except sinin - . . -farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . Sorghums sold bushels. . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. . acres. , bushels. . bushels sold. . Oats farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . bushels sold. . Barley farms reporting. . acres.. bushels. . bushels sold. . Annual legumes: Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . lOO-lb. bags.. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating f airos reporting. . acres . . tons. . tons sold. . Oats, wheat, barley, lye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . tons sold . . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . tans sold. . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use and for sale farms reporting . . acres^. bushels . . Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting. . acres . . tons.. Vegetables harvested for sale acr^s.. CROPS FOR WHICH CWLT A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Sorghums for all purposes except simp farms reporting. . acres. . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. . acres . . Oata farms reporting. . acres . . Barley fauns reporting. . acres. . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . acres. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres . . reporting. . acres. . Other hay cut. 13 i,oe-i 2 50 1,900 2 190 11 795 3 185 85 9,242 1,925 3 87 835 40 2,541 5,688 1,017 1 22 20 5 875 1,020 100 15 485 5,952 5 7 274 2 105 6 231 32 1,904 1 190 1,126 149,764 22 803 74S 93,912 17 796 537 94,900 20,455 6,723,073 3,8i5 4,371,359 4 94 80 2,390 2 77 in 2,364 795 142,540 795 39,725 4 31 151 962 3,680 21,583 3,680 21,150 11 4 284 65 10,792 2,290 5,426 U 1 439 10 6,165 100 168 3,571 33,U7 22,134 4 180 181 5 251 84,306 39 2,077 32,633 1 231 26,797 44 1,122 10 412 151 6,369 52 6,937 32 3,572 32 3,432 261,250 154,000 4 112 4 112 5,200 1,700 30 720 720 1 25 1,100 2 91 2,340 5 172 3,383 29 967 2,959 694 2 100 140 2 33 9,830 11 481 8,394 11 603 1 175 155 9,592 13 1,U9 ]3 1,119 86,620 73,500 5 172 5 172 11,480 10,780 1 180 3,000 3,000 2 75 267 140 1 (Z) 15 135 7,471 5 144 37 1,748 3 260 2 245 13,000 3,500 1 400 7 1,317 1 25 94 10, 547 25 1,423 23 1,346 91,575 41,750 2 35 1,900 11 222 5,426 5,291 18 160 47 1,282 144 46 1,935 6,388 837 2 57 115 15 2 86 1,713 60 5,083 24 930 Z Reported In small fractions . ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less tban 20 bushels harvested. NEBRASKA HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 235 Gage Gosper Greeley HayeB 22,365 U2 10,386 130 10,674 760,260 593,.;20 22 582 20 ^53 35,060 25,930 3 125 2,95S 2,555 ,575 415 30 604 ICO I 245 9,074 21,599 35 3,430 35 3,248 256,215 191,175 127 2 99 7,066 6,666 2 ,103 4,350 4,264 1 40 800 18 412 1,412 11 106 58 8,035 4,146 59 16 1,241 325 3 4 72 74 21 377 69 6,301 68 6,051 479,130 352,920 13 324 12 I 306 I 15,680 12,920 3 85 1,715 1,715 2 25 550 2 49 1,650 38 l,C/74 4,213 i,879 a u 15 3 187 3,166 160 11,576 52 1,084 5 132 40 735 124 3,694 30 2,551 29 2,460 197,335 162.850 1 30 1 30 2,000 2 27 ! 535 515 90 5,245 26 n77 6 99 94 9,053 66 4,352 64 4,L42 2y7,789 166,469 9 129 5 77 ,185 385 10 109 3,081 3,051 3 36 1,660 660 4 105 2,850 180 :,430 2 1 62 ;5 2,438 uo : 7,061 769 2 45 49 20 4 176 2,958 11 11 o53 1 10 12 365 2 140 83 6,055 43 2,665 43 2,513 145,933 63,625 6 92 4 63 5,170 1,000 2 25 650 620 4 51 1,493 23 779 2,316 790 3 Jl U,ft»6 35 1,555 1 15 1 10 27 630 171 21,653 90 u,2;o 90 10,887 318,325 591,497 11 280 10 :75 20,190 16,420 5 183 4,380 4,190 6 119 2,49U 630 72 -,C20 700 60 1,177 3,939 «10 (3) 10 31 6.)43 27 730 3 204 24 741 130 11,636 29 2,763 28 2,601 187,995 71,200 188 7 162 8,406 2,106 4 190 4,385 3,870 1 30 300 I (3) 6 98 7,308 6 152 30 565 884 111,291 548 64,977 535 62.751 4,589.342 3,575,552 187 6,572 171 6,170 451,717 367,243 8 126 2,233 2,100 5 60 1,005 1,090 90 880 106,940 403 51,392 403 51,002 I 4,048,252 3,581,072 78 2,31A 7* 2,744 204,873 165,303 9 408 7,585 7,485 1 10 50O 1 u 300 300 16 81 34 321 2,036 330 923 6,265 1,731 2,178 im 3 1 2 32 10 16 38 ^■> 39 6 '« 12,504 I lA I 37b I 11,55'' 3U 30,101 124 3.354 2 23 32 563 13 740 10,166 477 45,266 203 4,809 10 175 14 163 175 14,776 56 4,937 56 4,638 346,050 238,750 13 353 266 17,125 12,095 3 24 340 180 3 250 61 4,549 IS 1,208 17 1,025 53,230 24,166 20 1,200 1,200 1 90 2,000 2,000 35 994 3,596 1,414 27 I 34C ' 2,527 I 7«2 ! 114 7,182 32 635 4 UO 38 782 39 2,061 5 77 9 169 183 19,805 190 6 129 6,-60 2,360 18 380 U,321 11,551 5 60 ;,170 190 2^i 764 I X 2,307 7,548 1,902 2 5 518 39 6,908 15 261 13 295 15 306 109 13,477 87 53 8,843 5,219 35 53 8,299 5,172 550,910 372,760 399,125 223,430 7 375 3 342 20,300 18,000 34 1,525 1,500 12 489 13.355 0,000 4 776 <%,392 21,000 27 ! 28 I 29 16 j 30 i91 31 1,772 15 1 213 150 125 2 43 175 44 45 46 47 2 48 43 2 128 2 370 25 790 1 10 3 x,555 2 180 236 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For deriniuon!' ftnd explanalions. seo text) Kearney Keya Paha Irrigated cropland harvested f aims reporting. . acres. . CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Harvested for grain f aims reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Com sold bushels . . Sorghums; ^rghums for All punwses except sinjp . . . .farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . Sorghums sold bushels. . Small grains harvested. Wheat farms reporting. . acres. » bus he la.. bushels sold. . Oats farms reporting. . acres . . bus he 1b.. bushels sold.. Barley farms reporting. . acres . . bushels. . bushels sold.. Annual legumes: Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans f aims reporting . . acres'. . 100- lb. bags.. Kay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating faims reporting. . acres. . tons. . tons sold. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay f amis reporting. . acres. . tons. • tons sold. . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres. . teas. . tons sold. . Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use and for sale farms reporting,. acres^. bushels . . Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting. . acres . . tens. . Vegetables harvested for sale acres, . CROPS FOR WHICH ONU A PART OF THZ ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Sorghums for b]I purposes except ..^inip farms reporting. . acres . . Small grains harvested: Wheat faims reporting. . acres . . Oats farms reporting. . acres. . Barley faims reporting. . acres. . Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay end for det^drating. faims reporting. . acres. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. . Wild hay cut farms reporting. . acres. . Other tasy cut faims reporting. . acres. . 214 14,778 81 5,340 78 5,038 343,715 214,930 14 361 14 361 27,150 8,750 7 133 3,430 3,326 2 27 1,300 53 1,160 21 513 1,794 186 133 7,560 24 437 23 403 120 8,252 40 2,140 40 2,113 158,550 118,300 7 326 3U 19,590 15,200 3 55 170 63 3,334 2,174 10 154 16 927 180 2 180 17,500 10,500 13 722 529 72,022 342 42,086 342 41,413 3,127,636 2,497,966 110 4,332 108 4,146 314,328 244,541 15 395 9,874 9,844 1,766 810 20 800 167 3,834 13,238 4,907 6 293 122,083 25 903 13,394 171 15,274 lU 3,242 16 389 26 527 166 23,817 96 10,997 94 9,496 655,450 424,840 23 862 20 710 34,361 19,540 15 491 U,730 10,654 2 142 1,000 600 7 136 2,800 200 1 45 450 102 4,9U 17,075 5,474 6 107 112 3 235 165 50 3 31 6,900 29 1,115 17,458 13 27 2,409 18 564 4 196 2 98 2 86 5,500 3 130 4 313 60 8,759 29 1,221 16 349 18,055 5,910 3 36 2 22 1,200 300 1 4 96 96 12 281 11,350 2,841 412 17,500 13,175 20 1,594 25,997 44 2,365 6,505 658 13 354 645 240 3 765 780 7 265 78,778 7 217 1 4 116 Z Reported in small fractions ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. NEBRASKA HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Ck)ntinued 237 Lancaster Lincoln LDgan loup Mcpherson Uadlson Iferrlck Morrill Nance Nuckoru Otoe Perkins Phelpe 83 4,048 486 57,512 29 3,072 48 3,906 3 338 111 7,517 712 72,013 469 58,034 121 8,197 242 23,418 7 320 44 5,407 623 86,578 1 2 7 599 7 579 43,800 26,700 312 30,069 308 28,649 2,139,965 1,433,625 8 827 8 817 47,960 42,300 u 978 12 924 68,600 33,800 1 35 1 35 1,400 20 1,633 19 1,569 118,920 58,520 275 31,731 273 30,389 2,037,387 1,560,873 379 1A,036 369 13,122 833,867 347,425 25 2,170 25 2,135 166,770 124,170 113 10,895 113 10, 8« 864,258 644,305 1 4 1 4 280 19 1,639 16 1,384 102,910 83,000 323 41,725 320 40,325 2,880,912 2,198,670 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 30 30 533 1 30 5 144 1 7 84 2,597 6 90 4 79 22 1,U4 7 655 106 3,911 9 10 1 30 1,200 537 19 299 10,990 7,Cf75 1 30 1,800 1,800 2 24 2,400 ;;; 1 7 350 300 71 2,366 U3,382 102,868 1 10 1,020 1,020 1 7 100 21 1,106 57,760 39,265 6 508 24,050 21,350 95 3,534 258,398 171,162 U 12 13 14 43 1,036 24,588 23,960 4 113 3,090 3,065 ... 1 14 264 264 3 49 1,081 676 11 243 7,040 5,225 34 406 U,350 U,185 5 77 1,518 1,442 6 296 8,607 8,280 1 210 6,400 6,400 20 399 9,289 9,069 15 16 17 18 5 136 3,624 2,724 1 40 1,200 1,200 1 17 600 300 7 128 5,930 2,666 8 131 4,140 200 151 2,365 83,310 16,015 2 22 1,026 4 77 2,250 200 9 141 2,111 500 19 20 21 22 10 UA 2,525 550 2 43 1,450 183 68 1,059 39,668 7,796 1 4 96 ;:: 1 40 1,200 1,200 4 194 6,560 23 24 25 26 4 101 1,508 278 11,128 180,034 ... •'•• ... ;:; 27 23 29 2 43 170 201 8,227 27,665 10,517 10 187 217 15 10 353 439 62 5 246 570 20 1 45 70 U 338 1,091 326 2 221 640 16 275 911 91 35 832 2,125 131 2 43 60 1 30 30 379 10,791 26,232 3,909 27 453 S12 12 41 3,352 2,686 100 3 78 141 26 426 1,766 28 V 24 714 1,896 340 271 6,039 21,161 7,911 1 30 40 1 35 40 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 7 50 12,248 1 1 120 5 1 94 37 61B 200,310 1 (2) 10 1 (Z) 15 ::: 1 1 25 1 1 13 42 43 44 128 35 1,986 29,246 10 2 ::; 36 5 135 1,930 12 251 8,0?? 138,518 2 ;;; "3 ::; 1 19 948 U,644 2 45 46 47 48 56 2,687 17 484 121 9,819 17 540 17 1,088 1 42 30 1,943 1 65 85 4,874 1 20 419 32,268 84 2,458 25 980 1 18 94 5,464 14 249 72 8,320 53 1,868 4 232 14 1,090 20 723 290 28,017 113 3,569 49 50 51 52 1 28 13 384 1 15 3 79 1 28 1 15 2 43 5 61 2 21 1 10 7 93 3 118 1 10 1 105 ::; 5 318 4 109 4 65 53 54 55 56 yr 58 1 10 51 2,277 10 384 15 459 5 130 22 509 15 457 3 45 7 205 4 82 51 1,083 59 60 61 62 8 960 ;;; 1 25 15 4,029 . .. ::• •;; 63 6-. 65 66 238 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS (For denniLions and explanations, see text) Sarpy Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. acres.. CROPS FOR WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting, acres. . Harvested for grain farms repcarting. . acres. . Dushel^. Com sold bushels. Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes except sirup . . . .farms reporting. . acres . . Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sorghums sold busnels. . Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. . acres.. bushels.. bushels sold. . Oats forms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . bushels sold.. Barley f azns reporting. . acres*. bushels. . bushels sold. . Annual legumes: Dry field and seed beans haiTfested for beans fanos reporting. . acres. . 100-lb. bags.. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating faims reporting.. acres.. tens. . tens sold. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting, acres. t.npft, tons sold. Wild hay cut farms reporting. acres. tons. tons sold. Miscellaneous crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use and for sale f aims reporting . . acres^. bushels. . Sugar beets for sugar faxms reporting. . acres. . tOOB. . Vegetables harvested for sale acres . . CROPS FOR WHICH OKLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres . . Sorghums for all putposes except sirup farms reporting. . acres. . Smatt grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting.. acres . . Oats farms reporting. . acres. . Barley farms reporting. . acres.. Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . acres.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting., acres. . Wild hay cut farms reporting . . acres.. Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres. . 56 4,966 W 1,1V5 13 1,088 80,675 20,950 1 15 500 400 1 40 2,000 8 117 355 50 41 3,393 1 25 321 23,187 22 284 1,121 148 26 10 1,368 1 67 ?75 257 16,697 7 123 15 243 489 47,823 66 130 5,509 13,734 66 130 5,«1 13,541 415,225 1,128,450 231,900 376,841 7 26 242 951 i. 25 214 876 18,550 69,125 17,550 54,137 U 7 197 215 5,992 5,320 5,464 5,220 3 3 30 45 1,250 900 27 410 1,402 199 10 124 351 29,683 61 1,775 6 143 184 15,504 72 6,596 67 5,718 421,175 318,350 8 244 112 7,050 1,550 220 8,520 8,520 3 60 1,800 1 10 400 41 985 3,463 694 4 39 6,374 4 36 1,761 U 90 5,387 35 1,047 26 452 31 1,900 100 1 60 168 6 197 261 17,703 65 4.648 64 4,608 341,570 236,250 12 I 370 12 I 365 j 23,300 I 18,850 I 3 53 227 2 (Z) 30 184 U,028 41 1,136 9 515 69 4,112 5 450 5 4A5 30,600 25,000 1 20 40 2 33 142 65 3,432 5 313 Z Beported In sn&ll fractlcns. ^Does not Include acreage for faiiBB with less than 20 bushels harvested. NEBRASKA HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 239 Scotts Bluff Thayer VaUey Washington AU other counties 1,321 170,733 1,203 50,536 1,174 U,228 3,270,526 1,534,.;70 3 42 1,008 92 1,877 52,659 50,176 434 6,972 316,442 91,799 200 3,343 124,975 36,727 1,035 39,678 759,910 1,046 23,535 66,600 13,826 60 663 902 39 35 2,874 2,765 575 287 5,286 1,840,813 915 33,080 580,322 58 19 495 10 827 6 110 12 208 1 194 3 170 2 21 319 27,036 65 6,179 65 6,070 517,970 441,000 22 1,012 22 1,012 74,830 60,800 4 196 5,260 5,188 23 391 157 18 303 1,343 251 18,165 35 989 150 17,488 89 3,961 85 3,264 231,190 79,690 12 319 7,313 7,248 32 609 37,282 16,967 19 402 13,730 7,900 65 2,470 48,838 97 3,092 9,006 520 12 168 362 19 641 209,333 51 2,696 45,901 27 1,364 7 176 26 1,076 197 13,822 69 4,612 68 4,457 323,630 125,270 9 192 US 8,250 1,450 2 31 399 399 10 179 4,477 100 3 78 2,350 300 32 1,021 3,065 422 2 U (Z) 209 27 40,540 78 2,735 47,972 3 1 llA 6,336 17 579 2 70 222 27,930 172 6,987 167 6,U1 381,775 185,355 2 14 150 62 844 31,924 9,296 21 351 8,242 3,066 131 4,406 78,097 168 5,516 12,836 1,486 17 237 293 30 7 733 7U 2 20 2 15 1 52 31 519 24 2,843 1 UO 1 10 11 2,770 1 35 2,568 1 140 1 140 8,400 395 35,023 227 17,085 227 16,920 1,356,655 1,070,371 30 1,417 28 1,361 87,595 65,045 5 151 3,552 3,L45 1 19 300 1 20 1,000 29 521 1,879 92 1 5 500 47 2,350 2 26 6,666 143 9,471 181 5,599 13 411 27 306 16 741 16 721 299 30,066 115 10,745 114 10,257 655,420 357,310 16 648 14 617 45,765 35,580 19 675 15,112 14,8*3 1 2C 300 4 64 1,259 341 63 1,715 5,395 2,022 7 113 165 2 13 1,800 IW 12,170 15 520 7 481 61 1,347 12 1,347 1 72 1 72 6,000 5,700 16 791 1 85 1 85 8,000 7,000 141 9,869 56 3,678 55 3,535 245,305 187,075 7 154 6 133 6,290 4,520 4 53 1,330 1,3U 1 20 400 200 11 971 3 275 3 275 21,350 U,000 1 5 1 5 300 745 80,421 213 28,538 211 28,151 2,342,004 1,878,680 27 877 22 814 60,520 54,955 181 4,438 4,253 4 74 2,920 20 421 1,519 129 3 78 193 10 1,235 1 683 1 72 4,022 43 1,141 14 281 5 465 23 400 1,412 138 536 49,008 71 1,591 3 L47 4 105 15 159 58 2,870 5 295 5 290 19,300 10,000 3 56 2 36 2,200 1,500 17 994 2,855 110 (Z) 27 1,U5 9 300 240 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (Tor dennttion? Rnt) explanation?, see text) Antelope Nursery and greenhouse products, ftowefs. vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursef^' am) greenhouse f«»lucL';, riower and vepelable seeds and plants, HoMers. and bulbs sold famis repoctinp 10.'i9 . dollars IP.'in. 195^ . On farms with sales of *2.(HXI or more farms reportinc 1059 . dollars la-iS. Nursery products (trees, siTuhs, vines. omameRUds. er*;.) farms reportinp 1959 . , 1954 . , acres used for f70win<; 1959. , 1954 . , Sales dollars 1959.. 195( . . Cut flowers. pc4ted plants, ficnst ^eena. and bedding plants farms reporting 1959. . 1951.. (tewn under glass fanrs repon ing 1959 . . 1951.. square feet 1959 . , 1954 . . Grown in the open faims reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres used for growing 1959 . . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959.. 1954.. Vegetables ^wn under glass, flower se«ds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Grown under glass (X in house farms repotting 1959. . 1954.. square feet 1959 . . 1954.. Grown in the open fanns repeating 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used fa (5owing 19,59 . . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959., 1954,. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms rerxxting 1959 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959,. 1954.. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. , dollars 1959,, Sales of firewood, fence posts, and sawlogB farms reporting 1959 , . dollars 1959,, Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959 , , dollars 1959,, Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reputing 1959, , 19.54,, CCTds (4' X !• X 8') 1959 , , 1954 , , ■Sales farms reporting 1959 , , c . . dollars 1050.. Nurser>' products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms repottini: 1959 . . 1954 . . acre? used for prowins 1959. . 1954.. Sales dollars 1 950 . . 1054.. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 19.59.. 1954.. Grown under glass farrr.s rcTJortine 1959. . 1954 . . square feet 19.59 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959 . . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds. vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. square feet 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres used for growing 1959. . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1054 . . Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1059 . . Sales of anv forest products farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1959.. 1954.. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959.. dollars 1959.. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959.. dollars 1959.. Sales of firewwjd, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959 . . Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959. . dollars 1959 . . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms repcrting 1959. 1054. cords (4' X 4' X 8') 19,59 . 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . cotdsfl' x4'lS')1959. r-nce posts cut 'arms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Sales far^ts reporting 1959 . number 1954 . . . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1959 . . . thousands of board feet 1959 .. . Sales farms roprrtinp 1959. . . thousands of board feet 1959 .. . 4 (D) 17,356 1 (D) 1 1 5,606 2 2 7,5(X) 22,360 (D) 6,178 3 2 2 2 1,220 22,360 (D) 6,178 2 570 122 2 570 2 570 36 36 385 357 1 12 21 31 4,895 6,336 1 1,000 10 29,339 32,590 3 26,500 6 9 6 6 6,850 3,170 6 6 3 4,171 4,800 5 3 1 1 16,089 6,460 4 5 3 3 2,250 4,240 2 2 1 1 6,400 2,960 10 10 29 54 278 3 (D) 1,000 1 (D) 2 1 15 10 (D) 1,000 1 (z) (D) 81 12 4,233 735 3 868 11 3,365 11 3,365 77 262 1,410 2,716 8 315 10 70 2,132 17,111 1 200 4 12 Dodge 5 449,156 291,180 4 448,497 300 198 393,802 254,000 4 40,600 32,525 2 1 1 2 51,695 36,900 2 2 1 2 480 481 3,659 280 1 200 5,750 1 200 37 144 546 1,514 1 20 14 214 590 Douglas 32 310,520 312,466 23 270,303 6 10 31 41 50,925 51,980 24 30 21 29 330,296 260,580 7 14 4 12 246,380 248,471 6,324 9,650 7 11 13,215 12,015 16 3 19 224 3,189 Dundy 2 1,850 2 2 1,234 1 (Z) 1,800 1 (Z) 50 2 11 125 1,357 2 (D) 16,600 1 (D) 1 2 1 2 (D) 3,000 2 1 2 1 8,700 8,000 (D) 12,000 1 2 1 2 700 1,800 1 (D) 1,600 2 34 .250 1 20 1 14 7 23 30 251 2 14 70 1,585 1 30 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of Individual operatlcma. Z Reported In small fractions. NEBRASKA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 243 Frontier Fumao Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan 3 10 325 1,390 7 82,869 235 12,020 3 78,17* 2 1 4 2 (Z) 2 1,200 5 2,020 6 1 1 5 1 1 52,500 1, 5,000 3 1 1 1 80,869 5 8,000 2 150 322 461 2,900 2 1 2,400 5,000 800 2,000 24 115 3 32 275 6,670 64 2,190 1 25 125 4,886 2 9 150 1,784 9 1,784 184 1,156 2,217 7 80 2,130 13,624 2 720 (Z) 1 500 2 170 13 13 159 87 420 6 11 ui 10 1,136 1 1 1,000 3,210 24 149 582 4 12 574 1,226 9 66,047 37,591 6 64,650 3 3 16 13 11,850 20,000 5 3 2 21,450 23,100 1 3 1 1 49,453 13,083 1 1 3,500 2,000 1 5 1 2 4,744 4,508 36 3 37! 750 2 113 2 259 2 259 33 71 465 568 15 261 984 1 20 3 1,790 2,200 2 1 400 2 2 1 2 2,500 4,050 1 (Z) 1,750 1,150 1 2 1 2 204 2,200 40 650 22 52 164 1 5 25 134 2 3,300 790 2 1 1 2 2,100 750 2 1 2 1,000 1 1 (Z) (z) 1,200 20 Hayes 1 (Z) 20 1 200 1 200 7 29 73 321 6 13 511 968 3 1,025 6 1,685 2,015 1,060 1 1 1 1 500 198 1 (Z) 1,666 170 2 2 2 2 493 440 1 1 (Z) (Z) 1,000 890 255 8 1,395 2,102 1,395 8 1,395 240 395 3,051 3,494 5 90 56 U9 14,512 24,866 3 1,100 It 17 18 U 20 24 31 32 SI S2 56 57 244 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (Tor dprinltions Hpi! oxplnnations. see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursm and preentiou'^e pmlucts, flower nnd vepelable seeds and plnnls, Oowers. ami bullis sold fnmis reporting IDSft . dollars 1°5!>. 1954. On famis with sale.s of ^2.0(10 or more farm^ reportinc 1!)5P. dollars 1050. Nursery products (rrees. shruhs. vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms t^portinp 1050 . lO.'H. acres used for prowinj: 1 050 . 1954. Sales dollars 1059 . 1954. Cut flowers, potted plants, flocist ^eenfl, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 . IfKt. Grown under glass farms trportine 1959 . 1054 . sfiuare feet 19.59 . 1054. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for growing 1950 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds. vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrxxxns farms reporting 1059. 1954. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. 1954. square feet 1959. 1954. Grown in the open farms repcrting 1959 . 19M. acres us«l for aowing 1950 . 1054 . Sales dollars 1959 . 1054. Any fWCSt products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1050 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1950 . dollars 1959. 1054. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1050. dollars 1050. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1059 . dollars 1959. Sales of Hrewood. fence posts, and sawlogs farms repoting 1959 . dollars 1950. Sales of ether miscellaneous pnnlucts farms reporting 1959 ' dollars 1959 . Firewood and fueltmod cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. cords (4- X 4' X 8') 1959 . 1054. Sales farms reporting 1959. cads (I* x4'x6'l 1959. Fence posts cut farms roporti ng 1959. 1954. numher 1959 . 19.54 . Sales farms reporting 1050 . number 1954 . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut faims reporting 1959 , thousands of board feet 1950 . Sales farms reporting 1059. thnisands of hoard foot 1050 . Keyfi PaM 1 4,000 5,000 1 4,000 1 1 1 1 2,000 12,000 4,000 5,000 36 127 280 957 42 381 4,430 2 10,645 39,000 1 9,645 1 1 (Z) 15 9,200 7,000 2 1 2 6,600 14,000 1 1,120 32,000 1 i 1,100 154 13 2,414 1,869 3 520 10 1,894 10 1,844 1 50 137 178 1,761 2,217 8 163 44 78 7,607 13,130 3 475 1 200 (Z) 200 136 29 3,537 fl.,525 13 2,303 16 1,234 15 1,229 1 5 115 149 1,186 2,038 8 52 31 95 6,548 23,786 9 1,575 2 3,816 i 3,336 2 6 3,436 1 380 1 5 100 135 2 650 2,000 2 1 1 1 1,500 1,300 1 650 1,000 1,300 6 1,069 450 6 1,069 6 1,069 32 54 395 757 4 27 29 68 U,745 19,690 4 1,775 1 1,630 350 4 390 100 1 200 3 190 3 190 123 275 933 2,290 2 10 35 138 5,353 28,445 1 200 D Data not ahown to avoid disclosure of Individual operations. Z Reported In small fractions. NEBRASKA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 245 Lijicoln logan Loup Mcpherson Madison Merrick Morrill Nance NeiDBha NuckollB Otoe Pamee PerMns Phelps Pierce 5 5 4 1 5 1 3 2 1 1 1 (D) 36,236 8,295 ... 1,000 6,579 (D) 35,775 685 (D) 800 2 22,800 8,682 9,150 300 1,260 16,225 40,500 26,100 350 ... 1,550 4,900 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 ... 1 < (D) 35,265 6,895 4,625 (D) 35,000 ... (D) ... 5 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 6 4 2 2 1 2 1 . .. 1 7 17 3 70 . . . 3 (Z) (Z) "3 8 6 6 1 (Z) 2 1 1 9 (D) 2,700 1,400 1,800 . .. 150 500 (D) ... 10 12,000 3,640 500 '37 225 500 350 ... ... ... U 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 12 2 2 2 2 3 1 4 2 1 13 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 . . . 1 1 14 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 ... 2 1 15 16,000 21,000 2,000 450 10,000 20,000 19,500 16,740 500 W 18,700 ■ . . 4,420 1 (Z) 10,000 1 (z) 286 1 (Z) 6,800 25,000 "i 2 19,120 1' 3 1 4 2 (Z) 7,925 1 "i 3,000 1 (z) 17 le 19 20 21 (D) 33,536 6,245 1,000 4,625 (D) 32,025 185 ... (D) 300 22 10,800 2,670 8,100 1,042 8,590 40,000 22,835 ... 1,550 4,000 23 1 1 2 2 1 24 "i 2 ~i "i 2 ... 3 ... 1 25 1 .. . 1 2 . .. 1 2a .. . 2 2 "i 1 2 1 ... ... 1 27 720 1,500 ... 398 ... ... ... 450 28 ... 3,700 1,200 400 U4 5,200 ::: 380 2 2 e 2 ••• 1,700 29 30 31 32 33 (i) 650 ... 154 3,600 500 34 !.. 2,372 550 300 181 7,410 3,265 ... 900 35 28 13 1 165 58 2 50 151 32 86 UA 1 122 36 3 ... 4 3 1 ... 25 19 18 11 37 4,604 263 1,023 23 ... 4,229 4,531 5,305 ... 945 38 1,430 1,490 92 2,600 . .. 4,0U 3,834 • • < 1,300 39 2 1 2 16 9 7 1 40 104 100 1,000 1,511 1,278 2,553 ... 1B5 41 1 . . . 3 1 "i ... 12 12 13 10 42 4,500 163 23 23 2,718 3,253 2,652 ... 760 43 1 3 1 1 10 ... 12 12 ... 10 44 4,500 163 23 23 2,394 2 324 ... 3,253 1,852 1 800 ::: 760 45 4e 47 16 11 156 54 1 47 129 28 70 94 U2 48 35 4 2 "i m ItK 7 87 194 54 217 255 "a 227 49 680 47 1,479 174 1 240 1,282 179 711 2,086 676 50 447 'ie 20 "is 952 1,038 44 498 1,922 507 1,667 3,220 ... '41 2,005 51 1 2 ... 7 5 6 10 52 450 U ... 50 ... 172 76 76 53 17 4 1 15 2 2 12 32 11 14 29 54 31 2 17 27 5 25 129 28 133 152 ... 1 '26 55 2,844 86 50 1,043 550 75 1,122 8,016 1,290 3,850 9,191 ... 56 3,994 80 1,102 1 50 2,300 1 50 285 1 50 3,848 23,796 4 3,430 5,392 35,618 6 2,850 39,260 7 2,426 ::: 256 2,ii4 57 58 59 ... 6 1 5 4 2 1 2 60 12 1 ... 19 1 12 4 2 10 4 61 62 ... ... U_ 10 ... 64 ^ " 1 '" 1 r 246 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST — Ii™, (Fof derinitions ami cxplBnations, see text) Platte Polk Bed Willow Rlchardscm Rook Sflllno Saipy Saunders SCOttE Bluff 1 3 4 5 6 Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeils and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: NurscTN and greenhouse prwlucts. flower and vegetable seeds' and plants. Ho-ds. and bulbs sold fairiis reponini! 1959. . . dollars 1959... 1954 . . . On farms trtilh sales of -^2.000 or more fanrs reportins 1959... dollars 1959... Nurswy products (trees, shrubs. 5 8,310 12,910 7,690 3 3 3 5 600 410 1 1 1 1 27,000 25,000 7,690 12,500 1 1 (Z) 20 53 2 550 1,955 2 550 50 93 909 1,056 1 40 12 3,952 1 1 10 2 356 "i 206 1 150 "i 150 8 ■ 31 65 278 2 14 250 1,987 4 (D) 6,619 1 (D) 1 (Z) (i> 3 3 2 2 3,550 9,477 2 1 (z) 6,369 3 1 2 1 13,500 400 1 (Z) (i) 250 9 8 8 59 61 3 11 325 910 4 7,715 4,000 2 7,695 1 (z) 3 1 1 1 30,000 3,000 2 "i 5,715 4,000 2 "i 1,900 1 (z) 2,000 130 30 6,579 6,664 16 2,555 15 4,024 U 3,126 2 898 92 281 1,129 3,956 8 194 30 148 7,942 30,902 3 2,525 11 U 2 2 1 800 1 "4 800 7 1 45 145 1 45 1 45 6 4« 72 413 5 24 2,400 6,304 1 100 1 (D) 6,000 1 (D) 1 1 1 1 6,000 4,500 1 (z) 5,000 1 1 1 1 2,000 1,500 (i) 1,000 155 11 1,108 2,993 4 178 7 930 7 930 143 224 1,095 2,412 6 73 15 91 2,112 12,869 3 10 1 8 1 (D) 16,300 1 (D) 1 1 (i) "2 "i 1,060 2 21 16,300 21 4 880 400 2 600 2 280 2 280 18 55 185 466 2 19 3 29 410 3,029 1 200 4 U,800 24,550 2 14,475 1 1 (Z) 2 50 100 3 1 3 1 19,200 11,600 "1 "i 14,750 24,000 "i "i 1,000 450 42 6 387 1,375 6 387 6 387 34 132 325 1,076 5 27 U 56 1,760 9,461 3 260 11 57,565 27,850 5 54,245 4 4 12 10 18,800 7,750 10 7 8 4 21,854 8,607 3 4 2 7 38,200 19,025 3 4 2 2 1,U8 1,231 1 3 (z) 3 565 1,075 1 1 8 25 27 "4 350 7 8 9 10 11 12 1954... ftcres used for prowinc 1950 . . . 1954... S^es *'"'»" Il'Stt... 1954 . . . Cut riowera. fMUed pltnLs. riohst 13 14 15 1$ 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1!K4... 1!)54... square feel 1959 . . . 1054 . . - 1954 .. . acres used for ptming 1959 . . . 1954... Sales doIlBrs 1959 . . . 1954... Vegetables prow-n under glass, flower seeds, vepelable se«is, vecetable plants, bulbs, and mushrocfns farms r^jcrting 1959 . . . 1954... Grown under plass or in house farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... square feet 1959... 1954 . . . 1954 .. . 1954... Sales doll«1959... 1054... Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 ' . . dollars 1959... 1954... dollars 1959... Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 ' . . dollars 1959... Sales of firewood, fence posta. , and sawloes farms reptrting 1959 . . . 46 46 47 dollars 1959... Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959 ' . . dollars 1959... 49 50 51 1954... cmls(4'x 4'x8')lf59.-- 1954 . . . Sales farms reportinc 1959... 5.1 coris(r x4*x&')1959... 55 56 57 number 1959... 1954 . . . Sales famis reporting 1959 . . . 59 60 number 1954... thousands of board feet 1959 . . . Sates farms ropnrting 1959... .83 D Data not shown to avoid dlscloffure of Individual operatlans. Z Reported In small fractions. NEBRASKA PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 247 Senarcl Sherldeii Shermnn Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wajne Weheter Wheeler York 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 '.'.'. 1. )23 (D) .. . (D) (D) 36,320 (D) 54,030 2 3,425 1,052 LSI 20,500 1 (D) 1 "i (D) 1 539,054 2 (D) 1 38,590 2 36,210 1 26,248 2 53,030 1 3 4 5 6 i 2 (Z) • . • "2 4 350 4 (zj 2 12 7 8 A 1 (D) (i) 252 5 (i) 10 13,630 9 10 3,025 '75 io 500 2 1 500,054 1 525 3 15,000 2 11 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 IS 14 "i "i 1 4,000 5,666 1 17,000 13,000 3 18,100 15 16 900 296 34,344 2 1 1 3 (D) (i>) 11,000 (D) 4,000 1 1 (z) (z) 36,320 ••■ 18,570 1 2 4 3 40,400 17 18 19 20 21 200 325 20,000 33,000 1,040 10,248 23 2 24 "l i 2 1 "i '4 1 25 26 1 1 2 !96 "i 3 i 27 28 900 599 ... 1, 592 1 2) )23 ::: 2,000 21,000 "2 4 1,600 29 30 31 32 33 34 200 652 171 ... 6, coo 37,025 1,666 35 77 56 31 7 46 23 4 25 38 46 33 6 15 36 5 4 2 4 3 3 ... 5 4 3 37 436 7,493 130 1,965 218 4,620 245 1,710 530 as 2,425 !50 1,378 350 150 '84 177 400 50 1,026 ... 39 "s 2 2 1 ... 3 1 40 209 1,560 193 40 U5 300 41 2 "4 '2 2 1 2 2 4 2 42 227 7,493 130 405 25 4,580 100 1,710 ... 230 43 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 44 227 7,493 130 405 25 4,580 100 1,710 230 45 46 47 70 43 26 2 39 21 4 25 32 45 29 5 12 48 60 54 34 26 87 79 37 32 96 U7 70 38 29 49 555 407 L22 13 388 717 28 330 206 642 355 40 82 50 550 525 240 426 870 328 "5 526 270 731 731 718 249 220 51 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 2 52 20 27 10 3 458 ... 1 171 ... 23 53 6 28 12 1 5 4 1 7 1 16 2 2 54 26 52 12 6 15 33 '23 12 48 4 30 16 3 55 194 22,080 1, 311 600 430 215 50 1,255 75 2,054 600 50 56 3,290 19,555 1, 330 860 954 4,792 '20 4,480 1,300 5,844 225 3,166 1,100 Ul 57 1 2 1 ... 1 58 60 16,050 3 25 67 2 16 1 15 2 11 1 1 ... 200 2 4 1 2 !.. 59 60 61 62 63 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (2<49) 250 THE QUESTIONNAIRE This eenaiu i* salhoriied by Acl of Con(reu. United 8Ule« Code. Title 13, Sections 5, 9. ud coMantecinf thst the inrornation farniabed be aeeerded conBdentiaJ treatment. The refulation. 142. 221-4, requiring that (be in<|airiea be anawered conpleleir and aeearalelr. fensuj report cannot be uaed for purpo»e» of taxation, ineeatigation, or NEBMSM U.S. DETAKTHENT OF COMHEKCE— BtntEAU OP THE (ZNSUS PARSONS. KANSAS Al CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 DFTH ISE Mf I Al No. "IZ Section I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE (ir a neinber of the famllr or anyone elae fllla thia qoeationoaire for the person in charfe, be aore that all the inforination is ci»en for the person In eharge.) ^^^ 1. What is your name (pereon in charge)? (Middle Inlttai) 2. What is your mail address? Section II.— OWNERSHIP )WNKII LAND: Include all land and Uacls of land owned, regardless of where located even Iboagh these arc considered separate units; also cropland, pastareland, woodland, and wasteland. 3. How many acres do you own? None Q ( // no land is owned, mark X in (Ac aquare for "None.") LAND RENTE1> rtR LEASEH FROM OTHERS: Include all land and tracts of land rented or leased by yon regardless of where located. Include any separate fields, meadows, pastureland. woodland, and wasteland. Also include leased Federal, State, and railroad land. Do not include land used under a Government permit. 4. How many acres do you rent from others? Include acres worked on shares. (// "None," mark X and »ktp to qiieadon [SJ.) (a) What is the name and addri>f» of each landlord and the number of acres rented or worited on shares for each' None Q Name of landlord Mail address (Post office and State) Name of landlord Mail address (Post office and State) Mail address (Post office and State) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS: [5] How many acres do you operate for others as a hired manager? (Enter the name and address of employrr under qup>itia None Q . 4(a) ) LAND RENTED OR LEASED To OTHERS: Include any separate flelds and hay land rented to others. Include land worked on shares by others. Do not Include land leased to the Government under the Soil Bank. 6. How many acres do you rent to others? None Q (// "None." mark X and skip to quettion [7]-) (a) Of the acres rented to others, how many are owned by yon? . None n Acres ACRES IN THIS PLACE: [7] Adding acres owned and acres rented from others, then subtracting acres rented to others, we get' {Question 3 plus question 4 minus question 6; if manafted. question 5 i Acrea in ibis place inns question (.) This is all the land operated by you even though part of It may be located elsewhere or In other eountlea. The remaining questions of Ibia report refer to the total acres of land reported for thla question. LOCATION OF LAND: 8, Is any of this land located in another county^ No Q Yea □ (// "No," mark X and tktp to queation [9].) (a) How many acres are in your county? . Acres . (b) Give names of other counties and acres located in each: Report all crops harvested or lo be harvested thia year from these (read answer for qaetUoB 7) merea. If you rent or work land for othcra on shares Include landlord's share. CORN: (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place.) [9] Was any corn harvested for any purpose ttiia year? . . No D Ves (// "A'o," mark X ond tktp to queaiiort [ll] ) {A natoer theat queUtona, i/ " Vet") ■ 10. Corn for all porpoaea? . (Do not include sweet corn or popcorn.) (•) Corn for grain? (70 lb. ear corn or 56 lb. shelled corn= 1 bu.) (b) Corn for silage? (c) Corn hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder (earti not husked or snapped)? ...... (I) How many acres were or will be harvested? (2) How much was or will be harvested? (3) How much of thU gear't crop was or will be •old? (The total of the acres for queations (a). (b),l and (e) must equal the acres for question 10.) I SORGHUMS FOR GRAIN OR FORAGE: (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place ) [11] Were any aorghuma harvested for any purpose l/iis year? . No O Yes D (// "No," mark X and aktp to queitton [13].) _ {Anauier theae queationa, if "i'ta.")" 12. Sorghums for all purposes? (Include sorghums for grain, silage, forage, and pa.Uure.) (a) Sorghums for grain or seed? (b) Sorghums for slIageT (c) Sorghums cut for dry forage or hay or hogged or graaed? . (1) How many acres were or will be harvested? irll. IM (2) How much (3) How much of (Afs pear's crop was or will be aoM? 'i^O (The total of the acres for questions (■), (b), and (c) must equal the acres for ques' ion 12.) SOYBEANS: [13] Were any soybeans grown for any purpose thia year?. , , . , No Q Yes □ (// "No," mark X and akip to question [21].) {Anawer Iheae queationa, if ">'ei.") ^^^^i^^ 14. Soybeana for all purpooca7 (a) Soybeana for beans? . (b) Soybeans for hay? (e) Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for allage? . (d) Soybeans plowed under for green manure, not grazed or otherwise harvested? «-2 (The total of the acres for questions (a), (b), (e), and (d) must equal the acres for question 14.) SMALL GRAINS; (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken fron this place.) (Anawer theat queationa, if "Yea.^)^ Were any of the foltpwtng grain crops harvested thia year — [21] Wheat? . . . 26. Oats for grain? . 29. Barley? . . . . 30. Rye? 36. Safflower? . . Other grains? Emmerand npelt? Flaxseed? ProHo millet? Mixed graiiui? (Underline kind) (1) How many acres How much was harvested? (3) How much of rAls tftar'a crop was or will be sold? HAY AND GRASS SILAGE CROPS: (If two or more cuttings, count the acres only once but give total production of all cuttings. Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place.) (Anawer theae queatxona, if "Yea.")_^^^^^^ Were any of the following hay crops harvested thta year — 39. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating? 42. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses for hay? . . 45. Data, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cat for hay? . , , . (Include oaLs cut when ripe or nearly ripe for feeding unthreshed.) 46. Wild hay (prairie, range, or marsh grass) cut for hay? 47. Any other hay? (Include bromegrass, millet, old meadows, redtop, Sudangrass, sweetclover.) 48. Graaa allage made from alfalfa, clover, or small grains? N* r— D (I) How many acres were harvested thJB ytarf (2) How many tons were harvested? (3) How much of f Ms year'm crop was or will be sold? ALFALFA SEED. CLOVER SEED, AND OTHER FIELD SEEDS: 49. Were anv alfalfa seed, clover aoed, or other fleld •eeda harvested thU yearT No Q Yes Q (// "No," mark X and akip lo question [79].) {Anaver theae queattona, if "Yea.")^^~^m^ 60. Alfalfa SMd? - - . 61. Red clover aced? 64. Sweetclover seed? 61. Bromepaaa seed? . 67. Blucgraas or Junegraas aeedt (Report pounds on green-weight basis.) 78. Other field seeds? Foxtail millet? Sudangrass? Crested wheatgrass? Other wheatgrass? Vetch? rr; (1) Acres harvested or to be harvested? (2) Pounds of "clean" harvested or to be harvested? NEBRASKA 251 POTATOES, DRY BEANS. SUGAR BEETS. AND POPCORN: (Anxwer Ikft quealion», t/ "Yet ")■ Were «or ol the following crop* hftrredcd Ihla year — S79] Irish poUtoei Tor home use or for sale? f less than 20 bunheb or^tO hundredweight were harvested, do nol report acre**.) 90. Drr Seld and seed bcsnsT 94. Sugar beets for aagar? ,95. Popcorn? | D KD (1) How fiiany acren were or will be harvested? (Report tenths of an acre for potatoeg) /iO How much was or will be harvested T VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE ANO FOR SALE; 105. Were any vegetables, sweel corn, or melons. harvested tht$ year for home use? , , , IOC. Were any vegetables, sweet corn, or melons. harvested thi» year for sale for fresh market or to canners, freeters, processors? (// "No" for queation 106, mark X and akip to giieMltcn (HSJ.) (.4nau>er thtte quetliont, i/ "Yea "l^ . n Yes D No D Yes D OTHER CROPS; [202] Are there any other crops that were or will be harvested tht» Mar on this place — Sweet pot aloes? (//"}■«." antwer for eacti — r ' No n Y« D Section IV.— LAND USE THIS YEAR. 1959 Were anr of the following vegetable crops harvested thh gear — (If two or more plantings of the same crop were made, either on the san^e land or on different land, report the total harvested acres of the several plantings.) 107. Tomatoes? 108. Sweet corn? 111. Watermelons? 117. Cantalonps and raashmeloas? 141. Other? (See list below.) . . (I) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acres) TMtte no 142. What was the valoe of all vegetables sold IhU year? (Include landlord's share Do not include the value of Irish potatoes. } BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [143] Were anv berries or other small f^Blts harvested thim gear for sale? . . No O Yes Q (// "No," mark X and iktp to quetlion [152].) {Afuvrer thete qutiiioru, if " >'«.")"■ Were any of the following berry crops harvested thi$ year— 144. Strawberries? , D i O 151. Other brrriesT ' D D Raspberries? (1) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acrea) QuarU harvested? TREE FRUITS. NUTS, AND GRAPES: [1S2] Is there a lolal of 20 frnlt and not trees and grapevines on this place? No n Yes Q (// "No," mark X and iktp to quealton [198].) (// "Yet," en$%Mr quetttona 15S through 197 ) 153 How much land is in bearing and nonbearing fk'oll orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nnt trees? ... no (Amiwcr tkrae quettton*. if ")'<«")■ Were say of the following kinds of fruit and nut trees on this place— 154. Apples? 155. PeachcaT 1S«. Peara? l«l. Grapes? Its. Plans and pranes? 168. Cherriea? 171. Apricots? 197. Other frolts and nnts? Planted black walnuts? (!) How many trees (or «) I NOT of bearing age? (2) How many trees (or vines) are of bearing age? (3) Row much harvested thtt gearf ^PLANTS AN?J BULBS "^^^^ PRODUCTS. FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND [1981 Were any nursery or greeahoose prodacts. dower or vegetable seeds or plants, flowers, or balba grown for sale thU gemrT No Q Yes n (// "No," mark X and tkxp to qutMum [202].) Itt. Norsery prodacU (trees, shrubs. ornamentals) ? 200. Cat flowers, potted laata, florist greens, and •adding planU for sale? 201. Vegetables grown aader glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable ptaats, bulbs, mushrooms? / /- / 20S. Acres In this place (copy acres from question 7) ■ CROPLAND: 204. How many acres of land were in fields and tracla from which cropo were harvested (including hay cut) thU gearT None Q (Thw area may be obtained by adding the acres in the fields or tracts from which one or more crops were harveated or hay was cut thit gear: acres in nonbearing and bearing planted fruit trees, nuts, and grapes, and acres in nurserv and greenhouse products ) lHmaHADKP>BCn0WI8T0B»""'T*f»< 1«) AMmtrmefmMtwv^{mmitm8t.m mdmtm-iottikmw >/lr(*IAMi(fl)« 205. How many acres of cropland were used onjy for pastore (or grasing) t hi* gear? -.":^ None Q 2W. How many acres of cropland were in cnltlrated snmmer fallow thle gear? None Q 207. How many acres of croplaad were used only for selMn prove meat grsases and legames nol harvested and not pastured f/ils gear? None D 208. How many acres of croplaad hav« ■•! been accounted for? None D (Include idle cropland and cropland on which all crops failed ) WOODLAND: (Include as woodland all wood lots and timber traeU, cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture.) 209. How many acres of wi pastared (or graaed) 'thla gear? 210. How many acres of woodlaatf were not paalared (or grased) thtt gear? None D None Q OTHER LAND: 211. How many acres were in other paatarc? None Q (Not cropland pasture and not woodland pasture.) (// "None," mark X and sib p to quetlion [212].} (a) Of this other pasture, how many acres do you consider to be Improved pasture? . . None □ (Improved by liming, fertilising, seeding. imgalmg. drainmg, and controlling weeds and brush.) [212] How many acres were m hoaae Iota, barn lata, lanea. roada. ditchea. and waalelaad? None D Add these acres (qoestionn 204. 20S. 20«. 207. 208. 209. 210, 211. and 212) and f f,u r tf., t.,iHi h, n ^^^^^__^^^^ -IRRIGATION 21J. Of the total land in this place (rep"»rl* question [22S] ) 225. Will the income which you and your family receive from work off the farm and from other sources (listed in questions 223 and 224) be greater than the t«lal value of all adricultural products aold or tn be sold from your place thia yearT No a Section VII.— FOREST PRODUCTS THIS YEAR, ;959 1226] How much was or will be received thia year from the" aaie of standing timber or ireca? . - (Include standing timber sold for pulpwood.) 227. How much was or will be received ffiia year from the sale of pulpwood, polea and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers? (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, fence posts, and sawlo^.) (Answer these quealiona, %J "Km.") - (Do not report below any products sold on the stump. Products sold on the stump should be included in question 22fi.) . None aold D *_ None sold Q %_ Were any of the following forest prodnclacul thia year tor bome use or for aale— 228. Firewood and fnelwood? . 230. Fence pooUT 231. Sawloga and reneer logs? was or will be cut in t9S9? (2) How much was or will be sold in I9S9? Section Vin.— POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK NOW ON THIS PLACE AND LIVESTOCK^ PRODUCTION THIS YEAR, 1959> Include all poultrr and anltnala on ibis place owned by jod. by roar landlord, by rour employees, and by others. iDclode livestock graxing on land used under • Government gracing permit. POULTRY: 2SS. Are there any eUckeita, lorkeya. or ether poaltrr on this place? No Q 2J7. If "No." were there any on this place any lime thit yearT No Q (// "No" for both quealton* 236 and 237. mark X and aktp to queation [246].) 238. How many cUckena (hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 4 months old and over are now on this place? None Q Number Yes n Yea a None n Number 239. How many broilers were or will be aold thia yearT (Report all broilers sold and those growti for others under contract.) 240. How many hens, roosters, pnlleta, cockerels, , and other chickens were or will be sold thia yearT None Q 241. How many doxens nf chicken eggs were or will be sold thia yearT 242. How many turkeys and tnrkey rt^crs were raised thia yearT (Include those raised from poulta hatched, poulta .bought, and those raised for others under contract,) 243. How many Inrkey hena noir on hand are you keeping for breeding next yearT 244. How many docks, geeae, and other poaltry (not counting chickens and turkeys) Give were sold ffiis yearT . . . None Q name Number . None D Doiens . None Q Number . None Q Number . 24S. How nuich was or will be received thta year from the asle of Inrkeys. docks, gees«, and miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs? ... None sold n Value of sales S— SHEKP AND LAMBS: [246] How many ewes, rams, wethers, and lambs of all aRes b Of this total, how many are- place' . , None Q Number _ : if "None," mark X and aktp to fuestion [247].) ((s) Lambs under 1 year old? . Number _ (b) Ewes 1 year old and over* Number _ (c) Rams and wethers I year old and over? ....... Number - (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) must equal the number for question 246.) HORSES AND MULES: [247] How many horses, males, colla, and ^nles are on thia place? None □ Number . SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR. 1959: 251. Were any sheep or lambs shorn thia year* , (// "No." mark X and ikip to queitton [254].) D-2 No n Yes D (Answer these queationa, if " YeM.")~ 252. Were any lambs shorn in J959T 253. Were any sheep shorn in t9S9T (2) How much woo) was shorn? HOGS AND PIGS: [254] How many hogs and pigs of all ages, including sows and boara. are on this place? None □ Number _ (// "None," mark X and aktp to question [255].) or this total. /*'* Since /une i. (his K«ir? Number. how many Tere born— ^^^^ Before ./une /, f/>fs year? Number. (The toUl for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [255] How many litters were farrowed since June 1, Number of thia year or will farrow before December If None Q littere _ 2SS. How many litters were farrowed between Number of December I. laat year, and June I, thia year? None Q litters _ CATTLK AND CALVES: (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beef, on this place.) 257. How many cattle and calves of all ages are on thia place?. . None Q Number (// "None," mark X and akip to quettxon [262],) . . Number Of this lotal. how many are- (a) Cows? (Include heifers that have calved.) (b) Heifers and heifer calves? .,..,.. Number . (Do not include any heifers that have calved.) (c) Balls, ball calves, steers, and steer calves? (The total for questions (s), (b), and (c) must equal the number for question 257.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY: 258. How many cows and heifers were milked yeaterdayT None Q Number _ 259. How many milk cows were on ihw place yeaterdayT None Q Number . (Include dry milk cown and milk heifera that have calved.) 260. How many gallons of milk were produced yeaterdayT .... None Q Gallons _ BKUICBIUT 3 I All .Hon Y»D , Section IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1959 (2«2] Was any milk or cream aold thia year. 19S9T No Q Yes G (// "No," mark X and tktp to qtualion [205].) Report all salea from this place whether made by yoa or by others. Report dairy prodnets sold for ysar landlord. Be sore lo Include dairy prodnets which yoa will sell by December Jl, thia year. {For each Hem, answer these questiona,)^ 203. How much whole milk was or will be sold in I9S9T None Q (Report in pounds of milk, gallons of milk, or pounds of butterfat.) 204. How much cream was r will be sold in 1959? None D (If cream was sold by the Rallon, multiply the number of gftll.>r>,'< by 2S ii. «pt iwund.'' .if hiittprfat ) (1) ity sol be sold in 1959T Quantity sold or to lid r r (1) GalWwarMJlk m ID US. St (2) How much was or will be the value of Mies fn 19S9T D-Z SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 Report all sales from tUa place whether made by yoa or by others. Report all animals torncd ever le or sold for your landlord, and animals fed nnder cwntraci for ethers. Be sure to report snlmsls which yea will sell by December 11. tMa year. (Answer these questio Were aoy of the followtng will any be sold thia year (1959)- [205] Cnlvcs? . . . 266. Csltle. not counting calves? 267. Horses, moles, colts, and poalcsT .... 268. Hogs and pIgaT . 269. Sheep and Ismbsr . . How manv hove been sold (lifs year? (2) How many more will be sold between now and Dec. it? Nsa (3) How much was or will be the value of salea in I959T NEBRASKA 253 fJMIHilil XI.— FERTILIZER AND LIME Include all fFrUllirr and lime used on Ihls pUce during 1959. whether purcha«ed by you or by your landlord. 271. On how m&ny acrftt were commercial ferUUscr and rertilltlni materiaJt uned in 7959^ None G Acres. (// "None," mark X and »kip to qut»lu>n [2723.) (Aniuvr (Vm qutttxonM, •/ "K««.")~ Was fcrtUlter gaed thi» grar OB anr of I be roltewlni eropa- (a) Har and cropland paature? . . . (b) Other paalnrc (not cropland) f . . . (<) Corn? . . . , (d) Wheair (e) OalaT . . - (D All other rropaf (1) On how many acres was fertiliter used? How much was used— (2) Dry materialsT (Include rock phosphate) TmUw /to no : Tmum ; /lo /lo /lo no [272J How many acrw were limed in tSSff (// -Noner mark X and »kxp to qwMtion [2741) 273. How much llrae or llralag raaleriala was UM-d in 19S9T None Q Acre« _ Tona . lata was um-o in tJivr . . . tons (Include ground limestone, hydrated and burnt lime, marl, oyster shells, .-ic I imil litni- used r^r sprsyn nr "iimlatitin ) XII.— SELECTED FAJRM EXPENDITl RES AND LAND I SE PRACTICES ;. ■■,,■ THIS YEAR. 1959 ■ IT EXPENDITURES: Inclnde etpcnaea paid, or to be pAld, by l>«c«mb«r Jl, /95f. by yOH tmA yoor landlord for thla place. [274] Feed for livestock and poultryT None Q $ (Include cost of KT&in, hay, mill feeds, concentrates, and roufthagea, also, amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed.) 27S. The parchaae of livcatock and poaltryf None Q S (Include baby chicks.) How mnch waa or will be apenl thU ii»ar for— 27C. Machine UreT (Include custom work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, silo filling, corn picking, baling, plowing, fruit picking, npraying and dusting.) 277. Hired labor? (Do not include housework, custom work, or contract construction work. Include cash payments only ) 278. Seeds, bnlba. plants, and trcM? None a »- 279. Gaaollne and other pctroleora fael and oil _ for the (arm business? None a »- LAND-USE PHACTICKS 280. How many acres of land were used to grow cover cropB Ihit year and then planted to another crop? 281. How many acres of cropland used for (rain or row cropo Ihit year were farmed on the contoorT . . . . 282. How many acren itf strlp-cropping ayalema for aoll-eroolon control vtfrc tin this plac(> thi$ year? 2H3. M..x« nuua h r-— .f crop .u,.| paslure land -i> None Q Aawi _ None a Acna - None Q Aovs _ None Q Acsv > Section XIII.— FARM LABOR N..»D 1 t-»^^D 284. At>oiit hou, [r>Hi>\ tioiint lami week did you (the person in charge of thiB place) do farn" work or chores on this plaqeT (Mart one ) ^^ 2SS. How many other membera of yonr family did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on this place loaf iceek without receiving eaah wa|eaT . None Q Persons . (Do not include housework ) , 286. How many hired persona did any farm work or chores on ihis place tm»t ireekT . (Include members o( your family receiving cash i (// "None," mark X and iktp to quetiton [291] ) None O Persons _ 287. Of these hired poraoaa working Jssr ire* It. BOW many were employed on thla place for^ — <(•} 150 da; (b) Less th ,ys or more 'lunng thi* year? None O Persons . than ISO days during thi» year? None Q Persoiia . (The toUl for questions ts) and (b) must equal the number for question 1 288. Of these hired Crsons working el week, how many were paid on a — 0) Number of persons DaUy basis r . Hourly basis? _ Piecework basis? (2) What was the agreed cash rate of pay? (If more than one person, give average) „/00 per month ^/OO per week .;00 per day - per hour (3) How many hours per person were ihew workers expected to work to earn this pay? (The total of the persons reported in column 1 must equal the number for question 28C 289. HoM maiiv hirt-d pi'mons paid on a piecework ba.si.s worked on this plscr fosf Friday? .None Q Persons (// ■ \onf.' n,ark X Jnrf »kip (o q,.fsl,on [291] I 290. How much did thi"«- hired pir^on- on piecework (reported for question 289) cum for th.ir work fosf Friday? $ /OO Section \IV -EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES NOW ON THISPLACEJ Inclode equipment, whether owned by you or by others, on this place. Include equipment and facilities that are temporarily out of order. How many of the following are on this ^ace- [291] Grain combines? 292. Cora plckera (include picker-she Hera and com combines)? 293. Ptck-op balera? 294. Field forage harvesters (for field chopping of silage and forage crops)? . . ■ 295. Motortmeks (include pick-upe)? 296. Wheel traetora other than garden? ' 297. Garden tractors? 298. Crawler tractors (tracklaying)? 299. ABlooBobllear Do you have on 300. Telephone? No Q Yea Q 301. Home freeter (for quick freeiing and storing food)? ... No G Yes O (Do not include refrigerators.) 802. Milking maeUne? No G Yes G 803. Electric milk cooler? No Q Yea G 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops)? No G Yea G 306. Power-operated cleTStor, eoBveror, or blower? No Q Yes G 307. On what kind of road la this place located? (1) Hard surface? ... (2) Gravel, shell, or shale? (3) Dirt or unimproved? , jr How many miles to a hard surface road? O Less than 1 mileOR Swiion XV.— RENTAL AGREEMENT, FARM vaLI ES. AND MORTGAGE DEBT 8(a) Do you rent any land from others? '^•^' ^ (b) Do you work any land on shares' "^" i-J (// "No" for both qufitiont S08(a) and 308(b), mark X and iktp lo qurtlion [314] ) (// ■Yea" for either queilton 308(a) or S08(b), anaioer queattoiu 310 through 313 ) 310. Do you pay to your landlord any cash s« rent? No Q Yes Q (a) If ■•Yes," how much for the year? • 1^0 311. Do you p«y to your landlord any share of the crops (such as t. I> i)^ No G Yes G 312. Do you pay to vour landlord any share of the livestock or _ v i-i livestock products (such as i, *. *)? No Q Yes Q 313. Do you have this land under any other arrangement (such as a fixed quantity of any product, upkeep o( land and buildings, payment of _ „ _ taxes, keep of landlord, rent free, etc.)? No U Yes D [314] AboBl how much would the land snd the buildings sell for— (a) Land snd boildlngs owned by yoa? (Copy acres from question 3 ) (b) Land and bolldlngs rented from others? ((!opy acres (rom question 4 ) (c) Land and buildings rasnaged for othera? (Copy acre* from qucHlion 5 t (d) Land and bglldlnga rented lo others? \ Q *~ (Copy acres from questi * " 315. Is there any mortgage debt on land and buildintcs owned by you? {Mark one ) 316. On what date did you fill this questionnaire? G (2) Total value (dollars) No n Yea Q No land owned Q dm — O a»J Sm F Township or precinct Who fiimitKed the information in this reporlt {Mark one.) M lre«a( (r«p«; vinaa^ nui No I Yes No i Yei No 1 Yea No 1 Yea No! Yra No I Yes 1 1 i 1 1 16 17 16 19 ^0 No 1 Yo No; Yn No ; Yn 1 No ; Y«« No : Yea No ; Yra Noj Yn No : Yri 1 ] (1) (J) Ol «) (M (6) <7) (•) (9) 410) I.Tiii r,oA2 •<.ulomn»*-B Ir N.. ..i .-//.. .lumn* %l.ip i.> ,.-lumt> 16. Il ^i-v •c,..lumn')i It N.. nil ..■lu.nn lu li ^.. »t —Uiv > ■> .«.., . .r> ".1 ...lunrn liU . ..lui.m >J ,.Ju.n.> II «.hI «>-' Al • Column lO. II No hlltolumn II jilIkm Al ll \r^ .n,,TlM. iniiuli (14) Al N.. Djk r)a.c 1 2 \ 4 . i J Al f4o No ! Vrv Diu U«t 6 B 9 10 Al No No : V.I Due Djic II 12 15 14 ^ Al No M., ■ Vn Dnc IXllr 16 l' IS 19 20 (III (HI (IM (14, 11') (16) • Column 11 AoiKn Al numhrt •)«,.. ..w jMrrmtnr •to*i««l2 II Vn hll A t km ImJk-rJ .ivl A 1 hx m Cokumn It, ^■.trf a*i» ..ol. ,i.t» ..-^ lw» i j..»« . i*.l »ini mu« nn jn Al Auijin Al nHmhmu, fh.t p»t»m Inlrr •(> Ldumn 1 ^ iht A * numt»f Jl rr^)u•rr^] >^n'>'-n> r . .■in('liir.< .m A 1 ivilrf hcKinninii -iih I l.« iht hru Al v>«< an b> >■ "hKh ihr -wmc .* Ihu (*«.-. apiwjti ji ,i mjuirrJ jm 1 In thr monJ. MI mum 256 INDEX TO TABLES Abnuimal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for bay Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes , specified Apples Apricots Area , approximate land Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas Average s ize of fane Avocados Barley Beans Beets {table ) Berries , specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries (tame or ulld) Boysenberries Broccoli Broilers sold , Broomcom Buckwheat Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, s\igar Cantaloups and muskmelons , etc Carrotd Cash-grain fanns Cash tenants Cash wages paid for tBim labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cauliflower Celery Change In definition of farms Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Christmas trees sold Citrus fruits, specified Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Collards Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial ryegrass seed Conservation of land , Com , Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cowpeas Cows Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop drier Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland in cover crops Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants Crop fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested , specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeratloii Dates Days worked off f am. Definition of f aitos , change in Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks sold Durum wheat Economic c lass of farm Eggplant Eggs sold Electric mi Ik cooler Elevators, power-operated, conveyor or blower.. Qmier and spelt English or Persian walnuts Equipment and facilities, specified Eacarole, endive, and chickory i<;,i7 8 a 8 6 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,1^,19,20,21 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 8 7,12 8 S 7 8 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 5,14,15,16 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 10 8 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 9 3,4,17, 1A,17, IB, 19,20 18,19,21 5 19,20,21 17,18 1,17,18,19,20,21 8 4,17,18 15,17 ,19,20,21 8,15 ,18,19,20 6,12,17,18, 7,17,18, 1,2,3,17,18, 3,17, 3,17,18, 1,2,17,18, 17,18, 17,18, 3,17,18, 3,17,18, 17,18, 1,17,18, 8,13,17,18, 8,13,17,18, 1,17, IB, 15,17, 7,17,18, 4,17,18, ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 8 ,19,20,21 1,2,3 ,19,20,21 , IB, 19, 20 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 ,19,20,21 19,20,21 ,19,20,21 19,20,21 8 ,19,20,21 18,19,20 7 19,20,21 11 8 19,20,21 10 8 8 8 7 8 14,17,18,19 County 7,12,17,18, 4,17,18, 4,17,18, 19,20,21 19,20,21 19,20,21 8 8 ,19,20,21 10a 9,10a 4,6 11 4,8 4,9 11 11 1 11 4,10 4,8 4,10 12 11 11 11 11 11 3 4,5 7 11 1,1a 11 4,6 11 5 U 4,8 4,10 11 6 1,1a, 2, 3 1,2,4 3 la 3 1,1a 1 5 7 la, 11a 4,11 5,11 11 1,1a 12 5 10 5,9 6 11 5 1 11 U 11 10 11 11 4,10 4,6 6 11 U 4,6 11 Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures , specified Farm labor 1 5 Farm operators : 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 By color By residence By tenure By off -farm work and other income Farm products, value of Farm property, value of Farms , number By color of operator By economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated isy size of farm By tenure of operator. By type of farm By value of products sold... Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for. Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, comniercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts . sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood , Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold , Freestone peaches Frijit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts . specified Fruits and nutf sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and klde clipped Goets and kids sold alive , Grain ccmbines Grains Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, 01 small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters , field forage Ha.v crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts). Heifers and heiier calves Hirea labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment.... Hogs and pigs h3gs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews Hops. Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and/ or mules Horse." and/or mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of fann products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated fauns, number Irrigated land in farms by use Kale Kind of road. Kumquats ladlno seed l^nd and buildings, value of land area, approximate '. I^nd from which hay was cut Land In farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 4,17, 3.4, 4,17, 3,4,17, 4,17, 17, 1,17, 1,2,17, 3, 4,17, 5,17, 1.17 2,16 3 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 17,18,19 18,19,20,21 18,19,;0,21 5 18,19,20.21 17,18,19,20 17,18, 19,;0 17,18,19,2) 18,19,20,21 1 ,18,19,20,21 9 5 ,18,19,20,21 8 8 15,17,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 9,17,18,19,20,21 3 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 3, 17,1B, 19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 5,14 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 ,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 1,2 2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 257 Land in Irrigated farms By use land in strip-cropping systems for soil erosion control Land irrigated by source of water land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay lespedeza seed lettuce and romalne Lima beans • ....•....•p..>i Lime and liming material, expenditures for... Lime and liming material used during the year. Limes < Litters farrowed Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy and livestock ranches , Livestock rancheii Livestock-share tenants livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for Managed land Managers Mandarins (included with Tangerines) Mangoes Maple sirup made Buckets hung Maple sugar made MlUt cooler, electric Bulk-type Ml Ik sold Milk cows Milking machine , , Mint for oil , Kilscellaneous and unclassified faims Mixed grains , Mohair clipped Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhlte farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and hulbs Nursery and nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines , ornamentals , etc . ) Nuts , specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Off -farm work and other inccnie Okra Olives Onions Operators, fann. See Faim operators. Oranges Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins.. Other and unspecified tenants Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-retirement Part-time farms Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and plmientos. Plck-up balers Plmientos Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Products, farm, value of Proso mi llet Prunes Pulpwood sold Pumpkins ........ Purchase of livestock and poulti? Quinces Radishes Rams and wettiers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 17,18,19,20,21 8 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 15,17,18,19,20 3, 17, IB, 19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 8 County 1,1a, 11a la. Ha 1 la 1,1a 7 11 9 ,9,10a 4,6,9 4,5,9,10a 11 5,17,18,19,20,21 3 3,21 8 8 9 9 9 4,17,18,19,20,21 I 7,17,18,19,20,21 ' 6,12,17,18,19,20,23 : 4,17,18,19,20,21 I 8. 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 3,4,17,18,19,20 9 9 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 3 3,17,18,19,20,21 14,17 17 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 8 4,7 3 3,4,5 4,10 4,8 4,6 11 5 U 10a 5 1,1a 11 11 4,6 U U 11 U 11 4,8 4,5,9, Residence of operator Rice Root and grain crops hogged or grazed. Rye Ryegrass seed, common and perennial... Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, expenditures for. Seeds, field Shallots Share-cash tenants Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm .Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types) Sorghums. Soybeans Specified equipment and facilities Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squash Steers and bulls. Including steer and bull calves. Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar ,. . . Sugarcane or sorptum for sirup Suomer fallow, cultivated .Sweetclover seed Sweet com Sweet peppers and plmientos Sweetpotatoes System of terraces on crop and pasture land Tangelos Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Totecco Tobacco fauns Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Tung nuts Turkeys Turnips Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of commercial fertilizer. Uses of land . . '. Valencia oranges Value: Crops Farm products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms Vegetable farms Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Vegetables sold Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Wage rates Walnuts Watermelons Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland in farm, by use... Wool shorn Wool sold Workers : Family Hire<. Regular Seasonal Specified week Work off farm Young be rries . 4,17,13,19,20,21 23,24 9 8 8 5,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 8 16,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 B 8 17,18,19,20,21 8 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 81 3,17,18,19,20,21 1 9 8 8 15,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21 County 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 U,15,16 8 8 8 3,4,17,18,19,20 1,17,18,19,20,21 7,12 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5 5,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 !| 11 11 U U 12 11 U 4,7 U 11 4,9 11 2 11 U u u 11 4,6 4,7 U U 11 8 11 11 U 11 u l,lB u 11 u 11 1 11 11 4,6 3,4,5 U 3,5 12 11 11 5 11 4,6 11 U 8,10 11 l,lfl 5 5,5 5 U n u 11 u u 11 11 1,1a 4,6 4,6 4,6 I UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 1959 Kansas COUNTIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU Of THE CENSUS U.S. CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 Final Report — Vol. I— Part 21 — Counties FARMS ' FARM CHARACTERISTICS LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES Ki ansas COUNTIES Prepared under the supervision of RAY HURLEY, Chief Agriculfure Division U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COAAMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Richard M. Scammon, Director (From May 1, 1961) Robert W. Burgess, Direcfor (To March 3, 1961) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS RICHARD M. SCAMMON, Director A. Ross ECKLER, Deputy Director HoviARD C. Grieves, Assistunt Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Julius Shiskin, Chief Economic Statistician Joseph F. Dalv, Chief Mathematical Statistician Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for, Administration Calveri L. Dedrick, Chief International Statistical Programs Office A. W. VON Struve, Acting Puhlic Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hltrley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Cliief Field Division — Jefferson D. McPike, Chief Ivan G. Munro, Assistant Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F, Van Aken, Chief Henry A. Bloom, Assistant Chief Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chief Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief Construction Statistics Division — Samuel J. Dennis, Chief Decennial Operations Division — Glen S. Taylor, Chief Demographic Surveys Division — Robert B. Pearl, Chief Economic Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief Electronic Systems Division — Robert F, Drury, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — William T. Fay, Chief Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Housing Division — Wayne F. Daugherty, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief Personnel Division — James P. Taff, Chief Population Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief Statistical Methods Division — Joseph Steinberg, Chief Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chief Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chief Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC59-1 and AC59-2, Preliminary Reports Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: A60-9482 SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Agriculture: 1959. Vol. I, Counties. Part 21 Kansas U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 1961 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce. Price $1.75 PREFACE Volume I, Counties, is one of the five principal reports presenting the results of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. This volume, in 54 parts, presents the compilation of the infor- mation given by farm operators to census enumerators in 1959. The 1959 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress of August 31, 1954 (amended August 1957), which codified Title 13, United States Code. The collection of the data was carried out by census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Bureau of the Census and working under the direction of Robert B. Voight, then Chief, Field Division. Paul R. Squires, then Special Assistant to the Director, was resj)oiisible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief, and Orvin L. Wilhite, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by M. Vincent Lindquist, Thomas .labine, Robert S. McCauley, John C. Mackey, Robert Standley, Hilton E. Robison, Helen E. Teir, Carl R. Nyman, Kenneth R. Norell, Gladys L. Eagle, Henry L. DeGraff, Charles H. Boehne, Joseph A. Correll, Margaret G. Wood, Evelyn K. .lett, Simon Vablon, Emma B. Gass, Charlotte J. Messinese, Bennie L. Sharp, Isaac E. Lemon, James M. Lindsey, Samuel S. Murray, William F. Kauffman, Hector Vila, Harry P. Owings, Charles A. NichoUs, Henry A. Tucker, Robert S. Boyle, Helen M. Davenport, .Mbert W. Graybill, Lois G. Miller, Thomas D. Monroe, Gerald P. Owens, Bernard U. Ross, Marvin M. Thompson, Helen D. Turner, Kurt W. Luethy, Arnold L. Bolleiibacher, George W. Coffman, Joseph A.. Horak, Samuel J. Hundley, Donald K. Larson, Chester G. Lykins, Wilmer R. Maxham, Virgil L. McClain, Jr., Darrell D. Prochaska, Robert J. Rades, Hubert E. Sites, Duane E. Traylor, Donald H. von Steen, Elmer O. Rea, Frances G. Compton, Lillian W. Bentel, and Neil V. Perkins. .Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of personnel by the United States Department of .\griculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the com- pilation of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. August 1961 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1959 FINAL REPORTS Volume I — Counties — A separate part for each State. Statistics on number of farms; farm characteristics; acreage in farms; cropland and other uses of land; land-use practices; irrigation; farm facilities and equipment; farm labor; farm expenditures; use of commercial fertilizer; number and kind of livestock; acres and production of crops; value of farm products; characteristics of commercial farms, farms classified by tenure, by size, type, and economic class; and comparative data from the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Volume I is published in 54 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States New England States: West North Central — Continued Mountain: 1 Maine. 19 South Dakota. 38 Montana. 2 New Hampshire. 20 Nebraska. 39 Idaho. 3 Vermont. 21 Kansas. 40 Wyoming. 4 Massachusetts. South Atlantic: 41 Colorado. 5 Rhode Island. 22 Delaware. 42 New Mexico. 6 Connecticut. 23 Maryland. 43 Arizona. Middle Atlantic States: 24 Virginia. 44 Utah. 7 New York. 25 West Virginia. 45 Nevada. 8 New Jersey. 26 North Carolina. Pacific: 9 Pennsylvania. 27 South Carolina. 46 Washington. East North Central: 28 Georgia. 47 Oregon. 10 Ohio. 29 Florida. 48 California. 11 Indiana. East South Central: 49 Alaska. 12 Illinois. 30 Kentucky. 50 Hawaii 13 Michigan. 31 Tennessee. Other Areas: 14 Wisconsin. 32 Alabama. 51 .\merican Samoa. West North Central: 33 Mississippi. 52 Guam. 15 Minnesota. West South Central: 53 Puerto Rico. 16 Iowa. 34 Arkansas. 54 Virgin Islands. 17 Missouri. 35 Louisiana. 18 North Dakota. 36 37 Oklahoma. Texas. Volume II — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. Summary data and analyses of the data by States, for geographic divisions, and for the United States, by subjects, as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest Prod- III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. ucts. IV Farm Labor, Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator. V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Western States (Dry Areas) — Data by States for drainage basins and a summary for the area, including number and types of irrigation organiza- tions, source of water, expenditures for works and equipment since 1950, water used and acres served for irrigation purposes. Volume IV — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Data by States on land in drainage organizations, number and types of organizations, cost of drainage and drainage works. Volume V — Special Reports, Part 1. — Horticultural Specialties. Statistics by States and a summary for the United States present- ing number and kinds of operations; gross receipts and/or gross sales; sales of nursery products, flower seed, vegetables grown under glass, and propagated nxushrooms; mimbcr of container- grown plants; inventory products; sales of bulb crops; employ- ment; structures and equipment. Titles of additional parts of this volume are not available as this report goes to press. IV I KANSAS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICUITUHE ^ Page History of the Census IX Legal basis for the Census IX Pretest of the 1959 Census IX rraining program for personnel for enumeration IX Enumeration period IX ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization IX rhe agriculture questionnaire IX Agricultural operations X Enumeration assignments and enumeration districts X Enumerator's record book XI Enumeration maps XI Lists of special and large farms XI Landlord- tenant questionnaire XI rownshlp sketch map XI ?leld review of enumerator's work XII SAMPLING Jse of sampling XII Description of the sample XII Adjustment of the sample XII Estimation of totals for the sample XII Presentation of sample data XII Reliability of estimates XII Differences In data resulting from differences in tabulating procedures XIII PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of enumeration XIII Editing of questionnaires XIII Coding of questionnaires XIII rabulation of data XIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Statistical content of this report XIV Comparability of data XIV finor civil divisions XIV DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive summary and references XIV General Farm Information Census definition of a farm XIV Farm operator XV ?anns reporting or operators reporting XV Land area XV Land in farms XV Land in farms according to use XVI i/alue of land and buildings XVII Age of operator XVII Residence of operator XVII fear began operating present farm XVII Df f-f arm work and other income XVII Equipment and facilities XVII Farms by kind of road XVIII Farm labor XVIII Fertilizer and lime XVIII Specified farm expenditures XIX DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS— Continued Crops Page Crops harvested XIX Com XIX Annual legumes XX Hay crops XX Field seed crops XX Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes XX Berries and other small fruits CCX Tree fruits , nuts , and grapes XX Nursery and greenhouse products XXI Forest products XXI Value of crops harvested XXI Value of crops sold X>;i Irrigation Definition of irrigated land XXI Enumeration of irrigated land XXI Irrigated farms XXI Land in irrigated farms XXI Land irrigated XXI Fai-ms irrigated by number of acres irrigated CCXI Land irrigated by source of water XXI Land-Use Practices Summary information XXII Cropland in cover crops COCII Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour CCXII Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control... XXII System of terraces on crop and pasture land XCQI Livestock and Poultry Inventories XXII Milk cov/s, cows milked, milk produced, and butter XCCII Whole milk and cream sold XXII Sows and gilts farrowing XXII Sheep, lambs, and wool XXII Goats and mohair XXII Bees and honey XCQI Value of livestock on farms XXII Sales of live animals XXII Sales of poultry and poultry products XCQII Classification of Farms Scope of classification XXIII Farms by size XXIII Farms by color of operator XXIII Farms by tenure of operator XXIII Farms by economic class XCCIII Farms by type XXIV Value of farm products sold CCXV (V) VI CONTENTS Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— Pagi 1 Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 2. — Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 3. — Farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 K. — Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off -farm work; and equipment and facilities on farms : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 5 Specified farm expenditures and farm labor: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 6. — Livestock and poultry on farms , number and value : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 7 Livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 1( 8 Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959 1 9. — Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products : Censuses of 1920 to 1959 1' 10. — Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959 2l 11. — Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 195^ 2i 12. — Farms reporting classified by number of livestock on farms and by quantity of livestock and livestock and poultry products sold : Censuses of 1959 and 195'i 13. — Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for selected crops : Censuses of 1959 and 195'i 2. l-i. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 195'i; and by economic class of farm, Census of 1959 2- 15. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 195'i; and by type of farm. Census of 1959 2. 16. — Hired farm labor and wage rates. Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by size of farm. Census of 1959 3" 17 Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 18. — Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 4» 19. — Farms and farm characteristics by type of farm: Census of 1959 8* 20. — Farms and farm characteristics by size of farm: Census of 1959 9 21 Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator: Census of 1959 10 22. — Cash rent paid by cash tenants and share-cash tenants by economic class of farm: Census of 1959 11 23 Sampling reliability of estimated totals for county and State by number of farms reporting, by levels 11 2U. — Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county and State totals for specified items 11 Chapter B— STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table— 1. — Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1959 and 195'i 11 la. — Number and acreage of irrigated farms: Censuses of 1959 and 195'i 12, 2. — Number of farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested, by size of farm: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 13 3 Farms and farm acreage by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 W 4 — Characteristics of commercial farms. Census of 1959 15 5. — Farms reporting by off -farm work; and farms by tenure of operator, type of farm, economic class of farm, and value of farm products sold, by source : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 16 6. — Equipment and facilities on farms and farm labor: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 17 7 — Use of fertilizer and lime on farms and farm expenditures: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 17 8 — Livestock and poultry on farms : Censuses of 1959 and 1954 IB' 9. — Livestock and livestock products sold from farms and litters farrowed: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 19 10. — Dairy products and poultry and poultry products sold from farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 20 11 — Farms reporting acreage and quantity of crops harvested: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 21 11a. — Farms reporting acreage and quantity of crops harvested from irrigated land: Census of 1959 25 12 — Nursery and greenhouse products and forest products out on farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1954 26' APPENDIX The 1959 Census of Agriculture Questionnaire 27 Enumerator ' s Record Book 27 Index to tables 27 I INTRODUCTION (VII) II ■iinwiiiiniiFMHiiTrati > e o < s en to If O u < It ' — rK ^ ■ I ? I ® : l\ ! I ° i 1-^ — T- — I — r a 'Tizi — \ li i Un » \-/~r:^'-A ?s o z 0. < s INTRODUCTION THE 1959 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE History of the Census. — The 1959 Census is the 17th nationwide agricultural census. The first agricultural census was taken in 1840, at the same time as the Sixth Decennial Census of Popu- lation. From 1S50 to 1920, an agricultural census was taken every 10 years. With increased application of scientific findings and the growing use of mechanization in agriculture, farming practices were changing so rapidly that facts collected at 10-year intervals were no longer adequate. Aware of the need for more accurate and timely information, the Congress in 1909 (36 stat. 10, see. 31, provided for a census to be taken in 191.^ and every 10 years thereafter which was to be in addition to the census of agriculture to be taken at the time of the decennial census of population. The 1915 census was not taken, however, because of the abnormal conditions created by World War I. Beginning with 1920, a national agricultural census has been taken every 5 years. Legal Basis for the Census. — The 1959 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress, as were all prior censuses of agriculture. "Title 13, United States Code-Census," codified in August 1054. and amended in August 1957 and September 1960, is now the legal basis for censuses of agriculture and other cen- su.ses, and surveys conducted by the Bureau of the Census. Sec- tion 142, paragraph (a), of Title 13 makes provision for the Census of Agriculture. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall, beginning in the month of October 1959, and in the same month of every fifth year thereafter, take a census of agriculture, provided that the censuses directed to be taken in October 1959 and each tenth year thereafter, may, when and where deemed advisable by the Secretary, be taken Instead in conjunction with the censuses provided in section 141 of this title." (Section 141 relates to the decennial cen- suses of population, unemployment, and housing to be taken as of the first day of April of each decennial year.) Under authority granted by Section 4 of Title 13. the Secretary of Commerce delegated "the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title" to the Director of the Bureau of the Census. Pretest of the 1959 Census. — A "pretest" of the field procedures of the 1959 Census of Agriculture was conducted in 17 counties of the United States during the fall of 1958. The purpose of the pretest was to provide the Bureau with a measure of the effective- ness of the questions and procedures planned for the 1959 nationwide census. Three versions of the agriculture question- naire— the first one for Northern States, the second for Southern States, and the third for Western States — were used in the pre- test. Each version contained questions appropriate to the type of agriculture in the part of the country where it was used. All major aspects of field forms and procedures, from the hiring and training of crew leaders and enumerators to actual interviews with farm operators, were given a "trial run" in each of the 17 counties. Preliminary versions of reporting forms, maps, pay- roll records, training guides, and instruction manuals were sub- jected to actual use under conditions simulating those expected in the nationwide enumeration conducted in the fall of 1959. In making final preparations for the 1959 census, the staff of the Bureau drew heavily on the results of the pretest, as well as on experience gained from previous censuses. Training Program for Personnel for Enumeration. — Every per- son hired to do work in connection with the 1959 Census of Agri- culture received specialized training for his Job. Staff mem- bers of the Washington and Regional OflSces of the Bureau and of the U.S. Department of Agriculture trained approximately 110 agriculture field assistants and 2,100 crew leaders. The crew leaders, in turn, trained and supervised approximately 30,000 enumerators. All training was presented according to procedures contained in various guides and manuals prepared by the Bureau. The training program included filmstrips, map-reading, practice interviewing, and practice filling of questionnaires and other census forms. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. Enumeration Period. — The actual enumeration in the conter- minous United States (see page XIV) started at dates varying from October 7 to November 18, 1959. In general, starting dates were based upon regional variations in harvesting seasons and on weather conditions. The primary aim was to have the enumeration late enough to follow the harvesting of the bulk of important crops and early enough to precede the advent of winter weather with the attending unfavorable travel conditions. The bulk of the enumeration work was completed within three to four weeks after the starting date. In Hawaii, the enumera- tion was made during the months of December 1959 and January 1900 ; and in Alaska, during April 1960. Enumeration starting dates for the censuses of 1959 and 1954 are given in State table 11, together with figures showing the percentage of farms enumerated in the State during weekly pe- riods. The average enumeration date for the 1959 census for each county is given in county table 6. Data for inventory items — land in farms, machinery and equip- ment, livestock, and poultry — relate to the situation at the actual time of enumeration of each individual farm. Data for acres, production, and sales of crops relate generally to the crops har- vested during the crop year 1959, regardless of whether and when they were sold while data for sales of livestock and livestock products relate to the calendar year 1959. Since the enumera- tion was made before the end of 1959. special emphasis was placed upon the inclusion of estimates for crops yet to be sold and for livestock and livestock products expected to be sold in the period from the time of enumeration to the end of the cal- endar year. Instructions on the questionnaire and the wording of questions were designed to assure that full crop-year or calendar-year data would be reported. For example, "How much of this year's crop was or will be sold?" ENUMERATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES Authorization. — Section 5 of Title 13 of the United States Code authorizes the preparation of forms and questionnaires used In the census. It reads as follows : "The Secretary shall prepare schedules, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title." The Agriculture Questionnaire. — The questionnaire for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was prepared by the staff of the Bureau. Selection of the inquiries was based on the results of the 1958 pretest and experience gained in earlier censuses. Careful con- sideration was given to such factors as the current availability 563128—60 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 of data from other sources, the possibility of obtaining data by methods other than a census, the adequacy of the data that might be obtained, and the need for and usefulness of the data. Two committees gave advice and counsel to the Bureau. One of these, a Special Advisory Committee, was composed of members desig- nated by the organizations they represented, following an invita- tion from the Director of the Bureau of the Census to name a representative to serve in an advisory capacity. The Special Advisory Committee for the 1959 Census of Agriculture was made up of one representative from each of the following: Agri- cultural Publishers Association, American Association of Land- Grant Colleges and State Universities, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Farm Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Farm Equipment Institute, National As- sociation of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agri- culture, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Farmers' Union, National Grange, Rural Sociological Society, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A representative of the Bureau of the Budget was in attendance at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. Because of the special interest of the U.S. Department of Agri- culture in censuses of agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Census sought the continuous cooperation of that organiza- tion in developing plans, questionnaires, and procedures for the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Working Groups were established in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make recommendations for the following general subjects : Tenure, Land Values, and Mortgage Debt Land Use and Conservation and Production Practices Field Crops Fruits and Vegetables Forest Products Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Income and Expenditure (including Contractual Operations) Farm Labor Equipment and Facilities (including Structures) Each Working Group had the responsibility for ascertaining the U.S. Department of Agriculture's need for data in the field covered by its "terms of reference" and for presenting recom- mendations to a small Joint Committee comprising representa- tives of both the Bureau of the Census and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Joint Committee received written recom- mendations from each Working Group. The Chairman of each Group appeared before the Joint Committee as did any member of the Working Group who was needed to present supplemental information of a specialized nature. Prior to the formulation of the questionnaire, State Agricul- tural Colleges and other major users of census data were invited to suggest inquiries for the enumeration. Each member of the Special Advisory Committee had the opportunity and the respon- sibility for channeling in suggestions from the organization he represented. The number of inquiries submitted from all sources greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census, from the point of view of cost, of the respondent's time and patience, and of practical value to the majority of users of data. The final selection included 316 questions, some of which con- sisted of several parts, for the 48 States comprising the con- terminous United States. Although each of the 316 questions was asked in one or more of the 48 States, considerably less than this total was asked in any one State because of the use of "State" questionnaires. Moreover, about 50 questions out of the total were asked of approximately one-fifth of all farm operators in the State. The number of questions ranged from 159 on the questionnaire for Maine to 194 on the questionnaire for Cali- fornia. In all, 38 versions of the questionnaire — one for each State or combination of adjoining States and two for Texas — were used for the 1959 census in the conterminous United States as compared with 21 versions in 1954 and 41 in 1950. A separate version was used in Alaska and another in Hawaii. Differences in the questionnaires were designed to account for regional and local differences in agriculture. Most, but not all, of the differences related to crops. The use of State ques- tionnaires made possible the inclusion of separate inquiries for all important crops grown within a State and, at the same time, a reduction in the total number of inquiries for a State. Questions that did not apply, to any considerable degree, to a particular State were omitted from the questionnaire used in that State. For example, separate questions about citrus fruits were omitted from all questionnaires except for the few States where citrus fruits are grown. An added advantage of State questionnaires was that production and sales data could be asked in the unit of measure most commonly used by the farmers in each State. Regional variation in the number and type of ques- tions is an important provision of the census for obtaining com- plete coverage of agricultural operations. About 2 weeks before the start of the enumeration, agricul- ture questionnaires were mailed to most households in rural areas. A letter was attached to each questionnaire asking the farm operator to fill the questionnaire and to give it to the enu- merator when he called. The purpose of this procedure was to save time and money in taking the census and to improve the quality of the information given by farm operators. By having the questionnaire ahead of time, the farmer could determine what information would be required and could check his records in advance of the enumerator's visit. It was, however, the respon- sibility of the enumerator to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each place which qualified. If the questionnaire had been filled out by the farm operator, the enumerator was instructed to examine the questionnaire for completeness and accuracy and, if need be, to give the farmer such help as might be necessary. Agricultural Operations. — The training of enumerators stressed the concept that a census of agriculture is a census of agricultural operations rather than a census of farms. This concept was in- tended to assure a complete agricultural census free of any per- sonal judgment by enumerators as to what constitutes a farm. In accordance with clearly defined procedures, an enumerator was required to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each person who had charge of one or more agricultural operations, whether or not he considered himself to be a farm operator. For enu- meration purposes, it was considered that there were agricul- tural operations on a place if, at any time in 1959 — a. Any livestock (hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, or mules) were kept on the place. b. A combined total of 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and ducks were kept on the place. c. Any grain, hay, tobacco, or other field crops were grown on the place. d. A combined total of 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and nut trees were on the place. e. Any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products were grown on the place for sale. As a result of the requirement that all places having agri- cultural operations be enumerated, more questionnaires were obtained than are included in the tabulations for farms. During the oflBce processing operations that followed the completion of enumeration, criteria were applied to the questionnaires to sort out for tabulation those that represented farms according to the census definition of a farm (see page XIV). Enumeration Assignments and Enumeration Districts. — To as- sure a complete enumeration within the time allotted, the United States (excluding Ala.ska and Hawaii) was divided into 29,374 Enumeration Assignments, or EA's. Each EA comprised an INTRODUCTION XI area that one enumerator could reasonably be expected to canvass within a 3- to 4-week period, as indicated by performance rec- ords from the 1954 census. Each EA was made up of one or more Enumeration Dis- tricts, or "ED"s," as the geographic unit for enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, the ED's were classified into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms, as indicated by the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the 1950 Census of Population and Housing, current population esti- mates, and highway maps showing culture which were basic to establishing the boundaries of each assignment. Through the use of different canvassing procedures for each group of ED's, the Bureau was able to reduce the cost of enumeration without running any material risk of missing any farms or other places with agricultural operations. The ED groupings and canvassing procedures are described below. Oroup I Enumeration Districts. — In general, ED's with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open- country areas and comprise Group I. For each ED of Group I, in his Enumeration Assignment, the enumerator was required to list in his Record Book the name of every head of household living in the ED and also the name of every person not living in the ED who had agricultural operations there. There were approximately 20,7.")1 ED's in Group I for the 1959 Census. Oroup II Enumeration Districts. — Rural ED's in which the number of dwellings was large in relation to the number of farms were considered to be in Group II. For each ED, in Group II, the enumerator was required to list the head of the household for all dwellings in the ED except for those on less than one acre of ground in built-up residential areas of 50 or more dwellings. He was also required to determine, by obser- vation or local inquiry, whether there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the built-up areas and, if so, to obtain an agriculture questionnaire. There were approximately 7,979 ED's in Group II. Group III Enumeration Districts. — Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages having approximately 150 or more dwellings were designated as separate ED's and are classified as Group III. Also, most ED's in counties around large metro- politan areas were designated as Group III Ed's. Prior to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, places enumerated in these areas during the 1954 Census of Agriculture were listed in the Enumerator's Record Book. The enumerator was required to visit and enumerate or otherwise account for each place listed in his Record Book. In addition, he was instructed to ask at each of the.se places if there were any farms or other places with agricultural operations in the Enumeration District, and, if so, to add them to his list and enumerate them. There were ap- proximately 15,836 Group III ED's in 1959. According to the 1954 Census, these ED's contained 380,575 farms. A few enumeration districts that comprised incorporated places or that were within an incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II because they had a large number of farms. A few others, comprising extensive rural districts requiring con- siderable travel, were classified as Group III because they had only a small number of farms. Enumerator's Record Book. — Each enumerator received one or more Record Books containing a listing form for use during canvassing. (See appendix for facsimile of one page of list- ing form included in Enumerator's Record Book.) The lines on the listing form were numbered in consecutive order. Ex- cept as otherwise prescribed for Group II and Group III ED's, the enumerator listed in his Record Book the name of each head of household living in his assigned area and also the name of each person not living in his area who had agricultural opera- tions there. As he made his listing, he also asked the questions about agricultural operations that were printed on the listing form. Answers to these questions determined, for the enumerator, whether or not an agriculture questionnaire was required for the person listed and, if so, whether he or some other enumerator was responsible for getting it. Thus, the Record Book served as an important aid to the enumerator in securing complete cov- erage of all agricultural operations within his area. At the same time, It helped to prevent enumeration of the same place by two or more enumerators. Enumeration Haps. — As a second aid to getting complete cover- age, each enumerator received a map or, In a few exceptional cases, a brief written description of the area assigned to him for enumeration. He was required to plan and follow an orderly route of enumeration within the boundaries of his assigned area In accordance with established canvassing procedures. As the enumerator listed a place in his Record Book, he indicated its location by copying onto his map the number of the line on which he listed it. This numbering system indicated the enumerator's route of travel, and helped both the enumerator and his crew leader to determine the extent of coverage of the enumerator's assignment at any given time. Lists of Special and Large Farms. — Prior to the enumeration, a card list of "special and large farms" was prepared on the basis of records obtained from the 1954 census and from Federal and State agricultural agencies. In general, "sjiecial and large farms" fell into one of three categories: (1) farms having unusually large acreages, livestock inventories, or annual sales as indi- cated by available records; (2) farms known to be specializing in such operations as broiler production, turkey growing, feed lots, nursery or greenhouse production, cranberry bogs, citrus groves, etc.; (3) farms that might easily be overlooked because they had absentee operators or were not locally thought of as farms, such as institutions, Indian reservations, grazing associa- tions, etc. Enumerators were given the cards for the special and large farms within their assignment areas to use as aids to obtaining complete coverage. Generally, the cards provided Insurance against the omission of farming units that could have a signifi- cant effect on the totals for a given county or State. The enu- merator was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for each special or large farm in his area or to write an explana- tion on the card as to why an agriculture questionnaire was not required on the basis of 1959 operations. The crew leader had a duplicate set of cards for use in checking enumeration coverage. Landlord-Tenant duestionnaire. — As in several previous cen- suses, a special landlord-tenant questiomiaire was used in some parts of the South as a supplement to the agriculture question- naire. Its purpose was to help the enumerator get complete and accurate coverage of individually operated tracts of land that were actually part of one operating unit under the control of one landlord. To accomplish this purpose, the enumerator was required to fill a landlord-tenant questionnaire for each landlord who had any land worked on shares. The entries made in this questionnaire included the name of each sharecropper, tenant, or renter ; the amount of land assigned to each ; and the acreage and quantity of crops harvested on shares. By checking these entries against the agriculture questionnaires obtained for the individual operators, the enumerator and the Central Office could verify that each part of the operating unit controlled by the landlord was enumerated and that it was enumerated only once. The landlord- tenant questionnaire was used in 386 counties In the 1959 census as compared with approximately 900 counties in 1954. Township Sketch Map. — In some areas of the Great Plains, a considerable portion of land is farmed by nonresident operators — that is, by persons who do not live on the land they operate or who live on it only during part of the year. Enumerators in these areas used a special mapping form, the Township Sketch, In addition to their enumeration maps as an aid to obtaining com- plete coverage. Each township included on the sketch was identified by township and range number and was divided into 144 small squares. In a standard section of 640 acres, each square represented a quarter section of land, or 160 acres. As the enumerator canvassed his assignment area, he indicated the acreage and location of each farm, ranch, and tract of nonfarm XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 land by drawing its boundaries on the sketch. He also used a simple numbering system as a cross reference between the agri- cultural land identified on the sketch and the questionnaire on which It was reported. The Township Sketch was used in all counties of North Dakota and South Dakota and In selected counties of Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Field Review of Enumerator's Work.— In the 1959 census, greater emphasis was placed on a detailed review of enumerators' work during enumeration than had been the case in previous censuses. The objective was to detect and correct enumeration errors as early as possible in order to achieve and maintain a high quality of individual performance. Starting on the first day of enumeration and continuing throughout the enumeration period, each crew leader was instructed to make regular and frequent visits to his enumerators. At each visit, he was to follow a clearly defined procedure for observing the enumerator's conduct of interviews and for checking his listings, maps, ques- tionnaires, and other forms for accuracy and completeness. As an aid to checking coverage and enumerator eflSciency, the crew leader was given a list containing estimates, based on the 1954 census, of the number of questionnaires required in each enumeration assignment area within his district, and of the mileage and time required to obtain those questionnaires. SAMPLING TJse of Sampling.— In the 1959 census, as in several previous censuses, sampling was used in two ways : for enumeration and for tabulation. Sampling in enumeration consisted of the col- lection of information about the items included in sections IX through XV of the questionnaire for only a sample of farms. The "sample" Items relate to sales of dairy products and sales of livestock, use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, equipment and facilities, rental agreements, farm values, and farm mortgage debt. The same sample of farms was used for tabulations by type of farm and by economic class of farm and for many of those by size of farm and by color and tenure of operator. Description of the Sample.— The sample used for the 1959 Census of Agriculture consisted of all farms with a total area of 1,000 or more acres or with estimated sales of $100,000 or more in 1959, and approximately 20 percent of all other farms. Farms with 1,000 or more acres were universally included in the sample during enumeration. As the enumerator filled the questionnaire, he determined the number of "acres in this place" (see question 7 of the agriculture questionnaire). If the acreage amounted to 1,000 or more he was required to fill sections IX through XV of the questionnaire. Farms with less than 1,000 acres, with esti- mated sales of .$100,000 or more, were Included in the sample during the office processing. For these farms the information for sections IX through XV was obtained by mail. The selection of farms of less than 1,000 acres for inclusion In the sample was made during enumeration, according to the fol- lowing procedure: As the enumerator determined that he was required to obtain a questionnaire, he assigned a number to It, whether or not he was able to obtain the questionnaire on his first visit. He assigned numbers in consecutive order, beginning with "1" for the first questionnaire required In each enumera- tion district within his area. He was instructed to fill sections IX through XV on all questionnaires for which the assigned number ended in "2" or "7" (i.e. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, etc.). Adjustment of the Sample.— An adjustment in the part of the sample that was comprised of farms of less than 1,000 acres Jind with estimated sales of less than $100,000 was made by a process essentially equivalent to stratifying the farms in the sample by size of farm. The purpose of this adjustment was to improve the reliability of the estimates based on the sample and to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by enumerators who de- viated from the prescribed procedure for selecting the sample farms. The adjustment procedure was carried out for "blocks" of counties, each consisting of from one to ten counties In a State. To adjust the sample, separate counts were made for each county, and for the block of counties of all farms and of farms In the sample for each of 10 size-of-farm groups based on the "acres in this place" (question 7). The 10 size-of-farm groups were as follows : under 10 acres, 10 to 49 acres. 50 to 69 acres, 70 to 99 acres, 100 to 139 acres, 140 to 179 acres, 180 to 219 acres, 220 to 259 acres, 260 to 499 acres, and 500 to 999 acres. Farms of less than 1,000 acres, but with value of sales of $100,000 or more, were excluded from these counts. For each size-of-farm group, the number of farms in the sample for the block of counties was adjusted to make it equal or approximately equal to the total number of farms divided by five. This was accomplished for each group by the elimination or duplication on a random basis, of farms In those counties where the difference between the actual proportion in the sample and the expected 20 percent was In the same direction as the difference for the block of counties. Estimation of Totals for the Sample. — For the items Included in the sample part of the questionnaire (sections IX through XV), estimated totals for all farms were derived from the tabu- lated totals for the farms in the adjusted sample. First, Item-by- item totals, as tabulated for that part of the sample comprising farms of less than 1,000 acres and with estimated sales of less than $100,000, were multiplied by 5. These estimated item-by- item totals were then added to the corresponding item totals, as tabulated, for all farms of 1,000 acres and over and farms with estimated sales of $100,000 and over. The resulting values represent the estimated totals for all farms. Presentation of Sample Data. — In tables where a small amount of data based on the sample farms is presented together with data for all farms, the data based on the sample are printed in italics. Other tables contain headnotes explaining that most of the data are estimates based on reports for only a sample of farms. Reliability of Estimates. — The estimated totals for all farms of the items enumerated for only the sample farms are subject to sampling errors. The estimated totals obtained by making tabulations for only the farms included in the sample are also subject to sampling errors. State tables 23 and 24 contain ap- proximate measures of the sampling reliability of the estimates for numbers of farms reporting and for item totals. While these measures indicate the general level of sampling reliability of the estlmales, they do not completely reflect errors arising from sources other than sampling ; for example, errors in the original data reported by farmers. Errors arising from sources other than sampling may, in some instances, be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for county totals. The general level of sampling reliability of estimated totals may be determined from the data in State tables 23 and 24. State table 24 contains a list of items, together with a figure for each item indicating one of the four levels of sampling reliability that are presented in State table 23. For each item the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be de- termined from State table 23, In the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State table 24. To determine the sampling reliability for any item, reference must be made to State table 24 to find out which of the four levels of sampling reliability given in State table 23 should be used, and also the appropriate county or State table to obtain the number of farms reporting the item. INTRODUCTION XIII As explained in State table 23, the level of sampling reliability designated as level 1 should always be used to determine the sampling reliability of estimated numbers of farms or of farms reporting. State table 23 shows percentage limits such that chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference between an estimate based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation of all farms would be no more than the percentage specified for the estimated number of farms reporting that item. The chances are about 99 out of 100 that the difference would be less than 2^4 times the percentage specified. As indicated by the percentages in State table 2-'?, the smaller the number of farms reporting a given item, the larger the relative sampling error in the estimated total for that item. Even so, considerable detail is presented for each item, by several classifi- cations of farms, in order to permit the appraisal of estimates for various combinations of items not shown in this report. Per- centages and averages that may be derived from the tables will generally have greater relative reliability than the corresponding estimated totals. However, significant patterns of relationships may be observed in the estimated totals even though the indi- vidual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample of farms for the 1954 census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1959. Therefore, State tables 23 and 24 may also be used to determine the sampling errors for the 1954 data. Differences in Data Resulting From Differences in Tabulating Procedures. — Many of the figures in the detailed State tables rep- resent estimates obtained by tabulating only the sample farms. The totals for these detailed distributions will generally differ somewhat from totals presented in other tables obtained from different distributions which were tabulated on a 100 percent basis. Moreover, although most of the figures presented by coun- ties were obtained from tabulations of all farms, the data in county table 4 for commercial farms, and all of the data in the county tables on dairy products and livestock sold, fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, land-use practices, farm labor, facilities and equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of data tabulated for the farms in the sample. The State totals in the county tables for these items, though based also on the sample, were obtained in a different series of tabulating runs, and so may differ slightly from totals presented in some State tables. For reasons of economy the sample distributions were not adjusted to the 100 percent totals even when such totals were available, nor were slight discrepan- cies resulting from different runs of the sample data always rec- onciled unless the differences were large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. PROCESSING OPERATIONS Completion of Enumeratlon.^As an enumerator completed his assignment, he turned the portfolio containing questionnaires and other census materials over to his crew leader. After making a final review of the enumerator's work, the crew leader mailed the portfolio to the Agriculture Processing Office at Parsons, Kansas. There, each enumerator portfolio was thoroughly checked for completeness of all required forms and for correct application of the sampling procedure. Editing of Questionnaires. — Each agriculture questionnaire was individually edited and coded l>efore the information was trans- ferred to punch cards and tabulated. As the first major step in the editing process, questionnaires that did not represent farms according to the census definition were withdrawn from fur- ther processing. (See p. XIV.) As the second major step, the remaining questionnaires were examined for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. Among the si)ecific items subjected to con- sistency checks were the following : a. Total acreage compared with its distribution by use. b. Acreage of individual crops harvested compared with total cropland harvested. c. Irrigated acreage compared with total acres in the farm. d. Total acreage of individual crops for all purposes compared with the acreage harvested for specific purposes. e. Quantity of crops harvested in relation to acreage harvested. f. Sales in relation to production and, for livestock, to inven- tories. g. Total livestock compared with the inventory by age and sex. h. Expenditures compared with production and inventories. Obvious errors in calculations or in units of measure, and misplaced entries were corrected as they were found. Entries not clearly legible were rewritten. Many omissions or incon- sistencies were disregarded during editing. Those of significant magnitude could be and were handled more efficiently and eco- nomically during mechanical processing operations. Question- naires containing major inconsistencies and omissions were re- ferred to members of the technical staff for review. Depending on the magnitude of the data involved, the technical staff cor- rected (or sui>ervised the correction of) tlie questionnaires either on the basis of information reported for other farms of similar type in the area or on the basis of additional information re- ceived in response to letters directed to the farm oi)erators. Coding of Questionnaires. — Most of the numerical information on a questionnaire was self-coding in that the inquiry number was utilized for the item identification on punch canls or on tabulations runs. However, some manual coding was also neces- sary for such items as irrigated crops for selected States, crops infrequently reported, miscellaneous poultry, etc. Code numbers were entered on questionnaires to classify farms and, in some cases, to identify data for individual items. All farms were coded by size of farm in terms of total acreage, by race, and by tenure of operator. Farms in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii were also coded on the basis of irrigated cropland and irrigated pasture. Additional codes were applied to all farms included in the sample to classify them by type of farm and by total value of agricultural products sold. Individual items were coded only where reports were received for crops or poultry not covered by separate inquiries on the questionnaire. This coding was necessary to assure inclusion of the data in the appropriate farm product totals. Tabulation of Data. — After the questionnaires were edited and coded, the information on them was punched on cards. The cards were then mechanically sorted and fed into machines which transferred the data to tabulation sheets. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate and list those cards which lacked necessary in- formation, those which contained inconsistent or impossible data, and those on which the data were possible but of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was war- ranted. The listing sheets were examined and, as necessary, the cards were corrected. When the cards for a particular county were considered satisfactory, the data were tabulated. Subject-matter specialists of the Bureau and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture examined all tabulations for reasonableness and consistency. As necessary, they made corrections on the basis of a further review and reappraisal of the original reports and verification of the editing, coding, and punching. XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS statistical Content of This Report.— This report is part of Vol- ume I of the 1959 Census of Agriculture. Volume I consists of 54 parts, each part containing information about agriculture for a single State, Commonwealth, or Possession. Each part con- tains county data for that particular State or area. The term "county," as used in this report embraces election districts in Alaska, parishes in Louisiana, municipios (municipalities) in Puerto Rico, etc. The statistics for 1959 were obtained from the Census of Agriculture taken in the "conterminous United Stales" (see following paragraph), Hawaii, and Puerto Rico during the period October 1959 to January 1960 and in Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, and Virgin Islands as of April 1, 1960. Compara- tive data for years prior to 1959 were obtained from earlier censuses. In the planning of the publications for the 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing and the 1959 Census of Agriculture, the term "conterminous United States," recommended by the Board of Geographic Names to designate the 48-State area as it ex- isted before Alaska and Hawaii became States, was adopted by the Bureau of the Census. The definitions and explanations in this introduction for vol- ume I generally have application broad enough to Include the States of Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the island possessions. However, specific application in many instances may be limited to the conterminous United States ; for example, references to earlier censuses, to the sam- pling njethods and procedures, to specific sections or questions on the questionnaires, and to specific table numbers. For each part of volume I (one part for each State or area), a facsimile of the appropriate questionnaire is reproduced in the appendix. The statistics for States and counties are presented according to the same general plan as was followed in the volume I re- ports for the 1954 and the 1950 censuses. State and county totals are given for nearly all items for which information was ob- tained in the 1959 census. However, most of the data by eco- nomic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are given only for States. Comparative data for the States are given for each census year beginning with 1920. Comparative data for counties are given for the years 1959 and 1954. For some items, the data obtained from the 1959 census are the only ones available. For comparative purposes 1950 data are carried in county table 6 for the kind of road on which farms were located. Comparability of Data.— The data obtained from the various censuses of agriculture are not strictly comparable for all Items. For example, differences from one census to another in the time of enumeration, the wording of the questions, and the definition of a farm cause some lack of comparability. Differences con- sidered to have a significant effect on the comparability of data are described in the text and/or mentioned in footnotes to the tables. Minor Civil Divisions. — As in prior censuses, data for most of the items included in the 1959 Census of Agriculture were tabu- lated for minor civil divisions. The term "minor civil division" applies to the primary subdivision of a county into smaller geo- graphic areas such as townships, precincts, districts, wards, beats, municipalities, etc. Figures for these smaller geographic areas are not included in any of the published reports, but they may be supplied upon request and payment of the costs of com- piling and checkins; the data. Prior to the 1954 Census, an enumeration assignment did not include more than one minor civil division, even in cases where the township, precinct, etc., did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. In 1954, and again In 1959, the aim was to make enumeration assignments large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a 3- to 4-week period. Hence, in some areas, two or more adjoining minor civil divisions were combined Into one enumeration assignment. An enumeration assignment never comprised the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another, nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division that included too many farms for one enumerator to cover during the enumeration period was divided into two or more enumeration assignments. In some cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a single minor civil division, even when such totals required a grouping of enumeration assignments. In other cases, the minor civil division tabulations provide totals for a combination of two or more adjoining minor civil divisions. The data for each individual minor civil division included in such totals can be tab- ulated separately, however, since each questionnaire obtained In the census contains the designation of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. An additional charge must be made for a separate tabulation of any small area in- cluded in a total for two or more combined minor civil divisions. Requests for census information for minor civil divisions should be directed to the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D.C. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Descriptive Summary and References. — The definitions and ex- planations that follow relate only to those items that are con- sidered to be inadequately described in the tables where they appear. Although the descriptive terms and explanations refer specifically to the 1959 Census of Agriculture, many of them also apply to earlier censuses. Most of the definitions consist of a r^sum^ of the questionnaire wording, supplemented by excerpts from instructions given to enumerators. For exact wording of the questions and of the instructions included on the question- naire, see the facsimile of the 1959 Agriculture Questionnaire In the appendix of this report. An analysis of the questions asked In the 1959 census, and of the data obtained, is given in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1959. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information Census Definition of a Farm. — For the 1959 Census of Agricul- ture, the definition of a farm was based primarily on a combina- tion of "acres in the place" and the estimated value of agricultural products sold. The word "place" was defined to include all land on which agricultural operations were conducted at any time in 1959 under the control or supervision of one person or partnership. (For definition of "agricultural oi>erations", see p. X.) Control may have been exercised through ownership or management, or through a lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Places of less than 10 acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $250. Places of 10 or more acres in 1959 were counted as farms if the estimated sales of agricultural products for the year amounted to at least $50. Places having less than the $50 or $250 minimum estimated sales in 1959 were also counted as farms if they could normally be expected to produce agricultural products in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of the definition. This additional qualification resulted in the inclusion as farms of some places engaged in farming operations for the first time in 1959 and places affected by crop failure or other unusual conditions. To avoid biases arising from an enumerator's personal judg- ment and opinion, the Bureau did not give enumerators the deflni- INTRODUCTION XV tlon of a farm. Instead, enumerators were instructed to obtain questionnaires for all places considered farms by their operators and for all other places that had one or more agricultural opera- tions. (See "Agricultural Operation.s", p. X.) In 1954, enumer- ators were instructed to fill questionnaires on the same basis as in 1959. In 1950, agricultural operations were defined to include every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not the operator con- sidered it a farm, and every place having "specialized operations", regardless of the acreage. "Specialized operations" referred to nurseries and greenhouses and to places having 100 or more poultry, production of 300 or more dozen eggs in 1949, or 3 or more hives of bees. In all of the three last censuse.*;, as a result, questionnaires were filled for a considerable number of places that did not qualify as farms. The determination as to which questionnaires represented farms was made during office process- ing operations and only those questionnaires meeting the criteria for a farm were Included in the tabulations. For both the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale but ex- clusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. A few places with very low agricultural production because of unusual circumstances, such as crop failure, were also counted as farms if they normally could have been exi)ected to meet the minimum value or sales criteria. In the censuses from 1925 to 1945, enumerators were given a definition of "farm" and were instructed to obtain reports only for those places which met the criteria. According to this defini- tion, farms included all places of 3 or more acres, regardless of the quantity or value of agricultural production, and places of less than 3 acres if the value of agricultural products, whether for home use or for sale, amounted to $250 or more. Because of changes In price level, the $250 minimum resulted in the in- clusion of varying numbers of farms of less than 3 acres in the several censuses taken during this period. Generally, the only reports excluded from tabulation were those taken in error and those showing very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more were tabulated only If at least 3 acres were in cropland and/or pasture or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to at least $150. The decrease in the number of farms in 1950 and 1954, as com- pared with earlier censuses, was partly due to the change in farm definition, especially with respect to farms of 3 or more acres in size. Some of the places of 3 or more acres that were not counted as farms in 1950 and 1954 because the value of their agricultural production was less than $150 would have qualified as farms if the criteria had been the same as in earlier censuses. For 1959, the decrease in the number of farms as compared with all prior censuses resulted partly from the change in farm definition. The fact that sales of agricultural products in 1959 was used resulted in the exclusion of some places that would have qualified as farms had the value of agricultural products alone been considered. The Increase in the acreage minimum also had an effect. The reduction in the number of farms due to change in definition, 1954 to 1959, is shown for each county In county table 1. Some characteristics of the places not counted as farms in 1959, but which would have been included in 1954, are shown in State table 10. The change in farm definition made in 1950 and again in 1959 had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops because the places affected by the change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the totals for a given county or State. For the States that comprise the conterminous United States, two figures are published for each county on the number of farms in 1959. One is an actual count of all farms and the other is an estimate based on the number of farms included in the sample. For almost every county there is a difference between the actual number of farms and the estimated number of farms. Because of sampling procedure and sampling variability, the number of farms in the sample seldom agrees exactly with the actual num- ber of farms. For most counties, the actual number of farms in the sample was either more or less than precisely 20 percent of all farms. Similarly, totals estimated on the basis of data for the sample farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the actual totals that would have been obtained had the data been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, the estimated number of farms reporting certain items may, in some instances, be greater than the total number of farms shown in county table 1. However, the estimated number of farms is given in county tables 5 and 6 so that estimates based on the sample farms may be related to the estimated rather than the actual number of farms. Farm Operator. — The term "farm operator" is used to designate a person who operates a farm, either doing the work himself or directly supervising the work. He may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he is considered as operator only of the land which he retains for his own operation. In the case of a partner- ship, only one partner is counted as an operator. The number of farm operators is considered to be the same as the number of farms. Farms Reporting or Operators Reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or oi)eratnrs reix)rting. based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or operators, for which the speci- fied item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,4G5 had chickens 4 months old and over on hand at the time of enumeration, the number of farms reporting chickens would be shown as 1,465. The difference be- tween the total number of farms and the number of farms re- porting a particular item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided a correct report was received for all farms. Where applicable, figures may be given for the number of farms or operators not reporting items that were intended to be ob- tained for all farms; for example, residence of farm operator. State table 4. The number not reixjrtiug, as compared with the total number of farms or operators, indicates the extent of incompleteness of the reporting of the data for the item. Land Area. — The approximate total land area of States and counties as reported for 1959 is, in general, the same as that re- ported for all censuses beginning with 1940. Such differences as are shown reflect political changes in boundaries or actual changes in land area caused by changes in the number or size of reser- voirs, lakes, streams, etc. For Alaska, the areas for election districts represent the gross area of land and water. Land in Farms. — Except for managed farms, the land to be in- cluded in each farm was determined from the answers to ques- tions about the number of acres owned, the number of acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the number of acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres owned and the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others were first added together and then the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others were subtracted. The re- sult represented the number of acres in the farm. The number of acres in a managed farm was the difference between the total land managed and that part of the managed land that was rented to others or worked on shares by others. In the 1959, 1954, and 1950 censuses, enumerators were In- structed to record total figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others, including any part of the land that was rented to others. In censuses prior to 1950, enu- XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 merators were instructed to exclude all land rented to others and to record only that portion of the acreage owned, rented from others, or managed for others that was retained by the farm op- erator. Thus, thf figures for the individual tenures of land are not entirely comparable for all censuses. However, the land in- cluded in each farm was determined on essentially the same basis for all censuses. The acreage designated In the tables as "land in farms" consists primarily of "agricultural" land— that is, land used for crops and pasture or grazing. It also includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation nor used for pasture or graz- ing. For example, the entire acreage of woodland and wasteland owned or rented by farm operators is included as laud in farms, unless it was being held for nonagricultural purposes or unle.ss the acreage was unusually large. For 1959 and 1954, if a place had 1,000 or more acres of woodland not pastured and wasteland, and if less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was u.sed for agricultural purposes, the acreage of woodland not pas- tured and wasteland was reduced to equal the acreage used for agriculture. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of woodland not pastured and wasteland differed slightly from the one used in 1959 and 19.54. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 or more acres (5,000 or more in the 17 Western States ) , if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under government permit, all grazing land was to he included as land in farms provided the place of which it was a part was a farm. Grazing land operated by Grazing Associations was to be reported in the name of the person chiefly responsible for condutting the business of the Association. Land used rent free was to be reported as land rented from others. All land in Indian reservations that was used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be in- cluded. Land in Indian reservaUut also land he worked on shares for otliers and land he occupied rent free. Grazing land used under government permit or license is not included. Land Rented to Others. — This item includes all land rented or leased to other.s, except land leased to the government under the Soil Bank, and all land worked by others on shares or on a rent-free basis. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes land rented for residential or other purposes. The tenant or sliarecropper is considered as the operator of land leased, rented, or worked on shares even though his landlord may supervise his opera- tions. The landlord is considered as operator of only that por- tion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land Managed. — This item includes all tracts of land man aged for one or more employers by a person hired on a salary basis. A hired manager was considered to be the operator of the land he managed since he was responsible for the agricul- tural operations on that land and frequently supervised others in performing those operations. Managed land was always to be reported on a separate questionnaire whether or not the manager also operated a farm on his own account. Land in Two or More Counties. — An individual farm was al- ways enumerated in only one county, even in cases where the land was located in two or more counties. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county where he lived. If he did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where the farm head- quarters was located. In cases where there was any question as to the location of the headquarters, figures for the farm were tabulated for the county where most of the land was located. Land in Farms According to Use. — Land in farms has been distributed according to the way in which it was used in 1959. The land uses described in the following paragraphs are mutually exclusive ; that is, each acre of land is included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. Cropland Harvested. — This category refers to all land from which any crops were harvested in 1959, whether for home use or for sale. It includes land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut and land in berries and other small fruits, or- chards, vineyards, luirseries, and greenhouses. Matured crops hogged off or grazed were considered to have been "crops har- vested" and were reported here. Land from which two or more crops were harvested in 1959 was to be counted only once in the land-use classilieation. Land used for other purposes either before or after the crops were harvested was to be re- ported as cropland harvested, without regard to the other uses. The enumerator was instructed to check tlie figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops and subtracting the acreages from which two or more crops were harvested. This checking procedure was repeated during the office processing of questionnaires for all farms having 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. Cropland used only for Pasture. — This land-use classification includes rotation pasture and all other land used only for pas- ture or grazing that the operator considered could have been used for crops without additional improvement. Enumerators were instructed to include land planted to crops that were hogged off, pastured, or grazed before maturity but to exclude land iiastured liefore or after hay or other crops were harvested from it. Permanent open pasture may have been reported either for this item or for "other pasture" depending on whether or not the operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with those for the last three censuses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been jilowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for 1940, 19;!5, and 19125 are more nearly comparable with those for 1959, 1954, and 1950, however, because they in- clude land pastured that could li;ive been plowed and used for crops without adilitional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not Harvested and not Pastured. — This classification represents a total of three subclasses for the 17 Western States and two subclasses for other States. Cultivated Summer Fallow. — This subclass of land is shown only for the 17 Western States. It refers to croi)land that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for the 1959 harvest in order to control weeds and conserve m(dsture. Soil Improvement Grasses and Legumes. — For the 1959 cen- su.s. hind used imly toy ciivei- crops to control erosidU or to be jildwed under t'cjr green iiianui'e is tabulated separately from "other cropland", .\fler the establisliiiient of the Soil Hank, land that would normally have been used for other purposes was ficiiuenlly planted to soil-iiiiiirovenient crops, In counties vvliere large acreages were pl.-iced in the Soil Bank, the totrrl of land used foi' soil-iinprovement crops idus "other crcipland" iria.v be considerably larger than the "other cropland" shown for previous censuses. Other Cropland. — This subclass includes idle cropland, land in crops intended for harvest after 1959, and cropland not harvested because of complete crop failure, low prices, labor shortage, or other reasons. The 1959 figures for "other cropland" are not entirely comparable with those for previ- ous censuses since they do not include land used only for soil-improvement crops. (See preceding paragraph.) Woodland Pastured. — This cln.ssification includes all wood- land where livestock were pastured or grazed in 1959. The instruction on the questionnaire — "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts; cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture" — represents a somewhat more precise definition than the corresponding instruction contained on the 19.54 ques- tionnaire. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 apart from an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes in woodland acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation as to what constitutes "woodland." Woodland not Pastured. — This classification refers to all woodland not used for pasture or grazing in 19.59, including land in operated farms that was placed in the Soil B.'ink and planted to trees. Unusually large tracts of timbcrlaird that were reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from INTRODUCTION XVII the tabulation of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagrieultural purposes. Other Pasture. — This classification refers to all land other than woodland and cropland that was used only for pasture or grazing in 1959. It includes noncrop open or bru.sh pasture and cutover or deforested laud that has been improved and used for pasture. The figures for the last three censuses are comparable but those for 1945 Include all nonwoodland pas- ture that had not been plowed during the preceding seven years. For the 1940 census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for the last three censuses. However, the classification may be somewhat less inclusive because land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classi- fied as plowuble pasture and included with "cropland used only for pasture". Improved Pasture. — This subclass refers to that ixirtion of "other pasture" on which one or more of the following prac- tice.s had been used : liming, fertilizing, seeding, irrigating, draining, or the clearing of weed or brush growth. The fig- ures are comparable with those for 1954, when the question on improved pasture was asked for the first time. " Other Land. — This classification refers to all land not in- cluded in the preceding land-use classifications, such as house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, land area of ponds, and wasteland. This figure for 1959 was obtained from the ma- chine tabulations by subtracting the total of all other uses from the total land in all farms reported for a given county or classification. Hence, there is no figure given to represent the farms reporting this item. Value of Land and Buildings. — Only average values of land and buildings per farm and per acre are presentetl in this report. They are estimates based on data obtained for sample farms. Estimates of the total value of land and buildings by States, geographic divisions, and the United States, are presented in volume II. The enumerator was instructed to re<^)rd the market value of the land and the buildings on that land. Market value was defined as the price which the farm operator would expect to receive for the land aud buildings if he were to sell them on the day of enumeration. More problems and difficulties arise in the enumeration of farm- real-estate values than in the enumeration of most other agri- cultural items. Most of the items enumerated require the re- spondent to make a statement of fact. For example, information about the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year is based on actual transactions. Similarly, information about livestock inventories relates to the situation existing on a spe- cific place at a specific time. Reports concerning the value of land and buildings, however, are estimates based almost entirely on opinion. The majority of farms have not changed hands for many years and are not currently for sale. For such farms, the operators are not likely to have any clear basis for estimating the value. To make an intelligent and objective estimate, a respond- ent first needs to make an estimate of the prevailing average market value of farms in his community. Then, he must either add to or subtract from that estimate to allow for the different characteristics of his own farm. In many cases, an operator who would not sell his farm under any circumstances may report an unreasonably high market value. In other cases, a farm operator who acquired his real estate during a period of relatively low prices may estimate an unrealistically low value by current stand- ards. Because of the extent of variation that is known to exist in real estate values, it is difficult to devise checking procedures that will identify inaccurate estimates. Age of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was derived from the sum of the ages of all farm operators reporting age divided by the number reporting. The number of farm operators 65 or more years of age is an actual count based on the operators reporting age. Residence of Operator. — Farm operators were classified by resi- dence according to whether or not thoy lived on the farms they were operating. Some of those who did not live on the farms they operated themselves lived on farms operated by others. In cases where all the land was rented from others or worked on shares for others, the operator was considered to live on the farm operated provided the dwelling he occupied was included in the rental agreement. The dwelling, in such cases, was not neces- sarily on the land being operated. Similarly, a farm operator who did not live on the land being cultivated or grazed but who had some agricultural operations (other than a home garden) at his dwelling was considered as living on the farm operated. Since some farm operators live on their farms only during a part of the year, comparability of the figures for various cen- suses may be affected by the date of enumeration. In a few cases, the enumerator failed to report the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators classified by residence indicate the extent of under-reporting. Year Began Operating Present Farm. — Enumerators were in- structed to report the year during which a farm operator began to operate his present farm and, if the year was 1958 or later, also to report the month. The year was intended to refer to the first year of the period during which the operator had been in continuous charge of his present farm or of any part of it. The time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began operating their farms, as shown by a monthly breakdown of the reports for farmers who began operating their present farms during 1958 and 1959. Off-Farm Work and Other Income. — To obtain a measure of the extent to which farm operators rely on nonfarm sources for part of their income, four questions were asked of all farm operators. The first question asked for the number of days the operator worked off his farm in 1959. The other three questions, to be answered "Yes" or "No," asked (1) whether other members of the operator's household did any work off the farm ; (2) whether any income was received from sources other than the sale of agri- cultural products from the farm operated; and (3) whether the combined income of all members of the household from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of agri- cultural products sold from the farm operated. Off-farm work was defined to include work on someone else's farm for pay as well as all types of nonfarm jobs, businesses, and professions, whether the work was done on the farm premises or elsewhere. Exchange work was not included. The questions asked in the 1959 Census are closely comparable with those asked in 1954. The data for 1959 are actual totals of all operators reporting off-farm work and other Income whereas those for 1954 are estimated totals based on the sample. Equipment and Facilities. — In 1959 as in several earlier cen- suses, data about specified equipment and facilities were obtained for only a sample of farms. Farm operators were asked to report equipment and facilities that were on the farm at the time of enu- meration, regardless of ownership. They were to include items that were temporarily out of order but not any that were worn out. Data in terms of actual number were obtained for the follow- ing items of farm equipment in 1959: (1) grain combines, (2) corn pickers, (3) pick-up balers, (4) field forage harvesters, (5) mo- tortrucks, (6) wheel tractors, (7) garden tractors, (8) crawler tractors, and (9) automobiles. Definitions given enumerators in- cluded the following specifications, among others : Corn pickers related to all types of machines used for picking corn, whether used in separate or in combined picking-shelling operations. Pick-up balers were to include both hand-tie and automatic balers but not stationary ones. Motortrucks were to include pick-up trucks and truck-trailer combinations; jeeps and station wagons XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 were also to be included if they were used primarily as trucks, but school buses were specifically excluded. Wheel tractors spe- cifically excluded garden tractors, implements with built-in power units, such as self-propelled combines or powered buck rakes, and the power unit of a truck-trailer combination. Automobiles were to include jeeps and station wagons if they were used primarily as passenger cars. Questions to be answered "Tes" or "No" provided information as to the presence or absence of the following items: (1) tele- phone, (2) home freezer, (3) milking machine, (4) electric milk cooler, (5) bulk-type milk cooler (in six States only— Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), (6) crop drier and (7) power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Comparable data from one census to another are not available for all items. The questions asked about equipment during a given census reflect changes in farm mechanization and in the facilities available to farm families. Questions about some items of equipment were asked in 1959 for the first time (electric milk cooler, crop drier, bulk-type milk cooler, etc.). Similarly, some questions that were asked in earlier censuses were omitted in 1959. For example, the use of electricity is now so widespread that there is no longer any need for obtaining a count of the farms having it. Farms by Kind of Road. — The classification of farms by the kind of road on which they are located is based on only a sample of farms. The enumerator was instructed to report, on the basis of his own observation, the kind of road on which the most frequently used entrance to the farm was located. For farms consisting of two or more tracts, he was to limit his report to the tract on which the farm operator had his dwelling or other headquarters. Farm Labor. — The questions about farm labor were asked only for the sample farms and related to persons working during the calendar week preceding the week of enumeration. Since the enumeration starting dates varied by geographic areas, and the enumeration within each area lasted over a period of several weeks, the calendar weeks to which the data apply also vary. Thus, the data for an individual farm may relate to any one week during the months of October, November, or December, or even, in a few instances, to weeks during September 1959 or January 1960. Farm labor was defined to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the agricultural operations of the farm ; and to ex- clude housework, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair, installation, or construction work done by per- sons employed specifically for such work. The farm labor in- formation contained in this report represents estimates based on answers to questions relating to the farm work or chores done during the week by (1) operator, (2) unpaid members of the operator's family, and (3) hired persons. An operator was considered as working if he worked one or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours; and hired persons, if they worked at all during the week. Data are not fully comparable from one census to another, primarily beor data for 1954 relates to a specified week which, in some cases, was sev- eral weeks prior to enumeration. Few adjustments were made in those data, however, even though there were indications of incorrect reporting. Regular and Seasonal Workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week concerned were classed as "regular" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year. They were classed as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. In cases where the period of employment was not reported for an individual farm, it was estimated from data for such items as basis of payment, wage rates, expendi- tures for labor in 1959, and type of farming operations. Hired Workers by Basis of Payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to whether they were paid on a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis, or by piecework. In cases of incomplete reporting, the basis of payment for hired workers was supplied during the ofiice processing operations. Wage Rates and Hours Worked. — The agreed ca.sh rate of pay was asked for each class of hired worker except those em- ployed on a piecework basis. (The number and the earnings of persons paid on a piecework basis were required for those who worked on Friday of the week preceding the enumeration.) The number of hours that workers were expected to work to earn their pay was asked for each cla.ss except those employed on an hourly or piecework basis. For 1959 and 1954, the data include office estimates for farms submitting incomplete reports of wage rates and hours worked. The estimates were consistent with the size and type of operations for the individual farm as compared with similar farms in the area for wliich complete reports were received. The corresponding data for 1950 apply only to farms that reported both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and Lime. — The questions about fertilizer and lime, asked only for the sample farms, relate to the acreage on which fertilizer and lime were used and to the quantity used. Farm operators were asked to report total quantities u.sed in 1959 on the farms they operated regardless of when or by wliom the ferti- lizer and lime were purchased. In the South, some landlords who operated farms themselves included the fertilizer and lime they had purchased for use on their tenant-operated land. Such fertilizer and lime may also have been reported by the tenants. When double reporting was detected during the editing process, the data on tlie questionnaires concerned were adjusted to elim- inate duplication in the totals. The 1959 data for fertilizer and lime are entirely comparable with those for 1954. A breakdown between dry and liquid fer- tilizing materials was not obtained in 1954 and data on cost of either fertilizer or lime were not obtained in 1959. Fertilizer.— The report for fertilizer was to refer only to com- mercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials, including rock phosphate. The acres fertilized and the tons of fertilizer ap- plied to those acres were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by region so that it was possible to obtain detailed data for the crops most commonly fertilized in each region. In cases where the .'^ame land was u-sed for more than one crop, the acres fertilized were to be reported separately for each crop. If the same crop was fertilized more than once, however, the acres in that crop were to be reported only once. In all cases, the total quantity of fer- INTRODUCTION XIX tilizer used In 1959 was to be reported, including quantities used on land occupied by crops planted in 1958 or by crops to be harvested in 1960. Reports for quantity of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used were required for both dry and liquid materials. The terms "dry" and "liquid" referred to the form in which the fertilizers and fertilizing materials were purchased and not to the way in which they were applied. Thus, dry fertilizers were those purchased in dry or solid form, as powders, dusts, granules, pellets, etc. ; liquid fertilizers were those purchased in fluid form, as solutions or as liqutflcd gases. Lime. — The data for lime relate to the total acreage limed in 1959 and the total tonnage of lime and liming materials used on those acres for purposes of conditioning the soil. Instruc- tions on the questionnaire stated that ground limestone, hy- drated and burnt lime, marl, and oyster shells were to be included but that lime used for spraying or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agriculture Con- servation Program or the Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank. Differences may be due either to sampling error or to under-reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences are minimized or eliminated entirely in the data presented on a State or regional basis. Specified Farm Expenditures. — The data for farm expenditures are estimates based on reports obtained from the sample farms. The 1959 questionnaire contained questions for six items of farm expenditure: (1) purchase of feed for livestock and poultry, (2) purchase of livestock and poultry, (3) machine hire, (4) hired labor, (5) seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, and (6) gaso- line and other petroleum fuel and oil. With the exception of items (2) and (5), exactly the same questions were asked in 1954. For each Item specified, the total expenditures made for the farm in 1959 were to be reported, whether made by the farm operator, his landlord, or both. A farm operator who rented part of his land to others was to report only the ex- penditures for the land he operated himself. Enumerators were instructed to ask respondents who had diflBculty estimating their expenses for the period between enumeration and the end of the year to estimate them on the basis of current costs. Feed. — The report on feed purchased for livestock and poultry was to include expenditures for grain, hay, millfeeds, pasture, salt, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements as well as for the grinding and mixing of feed. The estimated cost of items furnished by a landlord, contractor, or other owner for feeding poultry and livestock kept on the farm was also to be included. Payments made by a tenant to his land- lord for feed grown on the tenant farm were to be excluded. Livestock and Poultry. — The cos* of baby chicks and turkey poults was to be included in the expenditures made for the purchase of livestock and poultry. Enumerators were in- structed to ask the farm operator to include the cost or esti- mated purchase value of poultry and livestock provided by others and cared for by the operator under a contract feeding arrangement. The cost of livestock purchased for resale within 30 days was not to be included. A short-term transaction of that nature was considered to be a dealer operation, not an agricultural one. Data on the purchase of livestock and poultry were not ob- tained in 1954. The instructions for the 1950 census specified that expenditures for domestic rabbits, fur-bearing animals kept in captivity, and bees were to be Included. Any lack of comparability in the 1950 and 1959 data resulting from inclu- sion or exclusion of rabbits, fur-bearing animals, or bees is considered to be so slight as to be insignificant Uachine Hire. — Expenditures for machine hire relate to cus- tom machine work, such as tractor hire, threshing, grain or seed combining, silo filling, baling, cotton picking, cotton gin- ning, corn picking, plowing, vegetable harvesting, fruit pick- ing, spraying, and dusting. Any amount spent for the labor included in the cost of machine hire was to be considered as part of the total expenditure. The cost of freight or trucking and exchange work without pay were to be omitted. Hired Labor. — Expenditures for hired labor were to include total cash payments made in 1959 to family members and to others for farm labor. Payments to persons supplied by a con- tractor or a cooperative organization and paid directly by them or by the crew boss were also to be included. Payments for the following types of work were to be excluded : house- work, contract construction work, custom machine work, and repair. Installation, or construction work done by persons spe- cifically employed for such work. Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil. — Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to relate only to the products used in the farm business. Enumerators were instructed to exclude the cost of petroleum products used for the family automobile when operated for other than farm business purposes and of products used in the farmhouse for heating, cooking, and lighting. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, and Trees. — Expenditures were to repre- sent the total amount spent for seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees to be used on the farm operated. The value of seed grown on the farm was to be excluded. For nurseries and greenhouses, the cost of products purchased for immediate resale was also to be excluded. This item of expenditure was not included In the 1954 Census. The data are comparable with those for 1950, however. Crops Crops Harvested. — The 1959 agriculture questionnaire was simi- lar to the questionnaire used in several previous censuses in that it provided for the collection of detailed data for all crops harvested on each individual farm. The variation in the crops listed on the questionnaires used in different States made pos- sible the separate reporting of all Important crops grown in a given area. All versions of the questionnaire contained several "All other crops" questions where crops not specifically listed In separate questions were to be reported. Acreage of Crops Harvested. — In most instances, the acreage reported for Individual crops represents the area harvested during 1959. The area harvested is often less than the area planted. For fruit orchards and groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, the acreage reported represents the total area in both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines as of the date of enumeration — usually a date in October, November, or Decem- ber 1959. For soybeans, eowpeas, and peanuts, the acreage grown for all purposes was reported as well as the acreage har- vested for specific purposes. For velvet beans, only the acreage grown was reported. As the enumeration was about to begin in South Florida (those counties in which the enumeration was begun on October 7), an instruction was issued to the effect that the data for vegetables and potato crops should relate to a full year, beginning on October 1, 1958, and ending Sep- tember 30, 1959. Quantity of Crops Harvested. — Except for citrus fruits, olives, avocados, and for vegetable and potato crops in South Florida (see preceding paragraph) data for quantity harvested relate to the calendar year lS>rj9. For citrus fruits, the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the 1958-59 marketing season was to be reported. For olives, the crop harvested in 1959 was to be reported for all States except California and Arizona. Enumerators in those two States were instructed to report olives harvested from the bloom of 1958 during the 1958- 59 harvest season (September 15, 1958, to February 28, 1959). In the case of avocados, the data for California were to relate to the quantity harvested from the bloom of 1958 for the marketing season that extended from October 1, 1958 to Sei>- tember 30, 1959; the data for Florida were to relate to the crop harvested for the marketing season that extended from July 1, 1959, to February 28, 1960. Respondents were to estimate quantities not yet harvested at the time of enumeration. Unit of Measure. — The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported has varied for some crops, not only from State to State, but also from census to census. The aim has been to permit reporting in the units of measure currently in use. In the State and county tables, the quantities harvested for each crop are usually expressed In the unit of measure given on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire. In 1959, for corn and Irish potatoes, a choice between two units in which to report the production was given In some States. (See the discussion for those crops.) To provide readily comparable information, data published in earlier reports in different units of measure generally have been converted to the units used In 1959. Corn. — In the 1959 census, detailed questions regarding the purpose for which corn was harvested were asked in all States. For most States, bushels was the only unit specified for com XX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 for grain. In some areas, however, where farmers were not accustomed to using bushels as the unit of measure, the question- naire contained a provision for the quantity of corn for grain to be reported either in bushels (shelled basis) or in basliets of ear corn. As in former censuses, some reports were received in units of measure other than bushels or baskets. Prior to tabulation, all reports were converted to bushels (shelled basis) on the basis of the following factors: 70 pounds of ear corn, 2 baskets of ears, or 56 pounds of shelled corn equal one bushel. A barrel of ear corn was usually considered equal to 5 bushels of shelled corn. Annual Legumes. For soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, the acres and quantity grown or harvested for specific purposes, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where these crops are grown extensively ; for velvet- beans, only the total grown for all purposes was obtained. For all these crops except, possibly peanuts, the total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage that was plowed under for green manure. In a few Southern tStates, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. In 1959, as in 1954, enumerators were in- structed to report green soybeans and blackeyes and other green cowpeas harvested for sale as vegetables and not as annual legumes. Hay Crops. — Data for the total acres of land from which hay was cut exclude the acreage in sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays. These crops were reported in separate questions in the States where they are important. To obtain the total acres from which other hays were cut, the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, were added together for each county. The corresponding totals for 1954 were obtained by the same procedure. For the 1950 census, however, the totals were based on farmers' own reports of their total acreage in harvested hay crops. The questionnaire contained an instruction that if two or more cuttings were made from the same land, the total production from all cuttings was to be reported but the acres cut were to be counted only once. In cases where both hay and grass silage were cut from the same land, the total acreage was to be reported for both crops. In 1959, as in 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay and for dehydrating ; clover and timothy hay included clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses; small grain hay included oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. The hay crops listed on the questionnaire varied somewhat from one State or region to another. The kinds of hay to be included in separate questions can be determined for a specific State from reference to the facsimile of the questionnaire that is in the appendix. The tonnage of hay. Including alfalfa hay for dehydrating. Is given on a dry-weight basis. Prior to tabulation, production reported in green weight was converted to its dry-weight equiv- alent by dividing by 3. However, the production of grass silage is given in terms of green weight. Field Seed Crops. — The field seed crops listed on each version of the questionnaire were limited to those considered most im- portant within the given State. Each version of the question- naire contained space for listing other field seed crops in order to facilitate the reporting of all field seed crops harvested. Quantity harvested was to be reported in terms of clean seed for most field seed crops. Bluegrass, or Junegrass seed, was to be reported in terms of green seed for Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. No mention was made of "green-weight basis" for other States where this crop was to be reported in the "All other" question. Irish Potatoes and Sweetpotatoes. — For Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes (including yams), the total quantity harvested was to be reported for each crop In all cases, whether harvested for home use or for sale or whether used for livestock feed. The acreage harvested was to be reported for each crop only In cases where the quantity amounted to 20 or more bushels (or the approximate equivalent in terms of hundredweights, barrels, or pounds, as explained on different versions of the questionnaire). This method of reporting was designed to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes harvested on small plots for home use. Elssen- tially the same procedure was followed in both 1954 and 1950. In earlier censuses, however, the acreage of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes was to be reported in all cases, even when produc- tion was solely for home use. Therefore, the data on acres for censuses prior to 1950 are not fully comparable with those for the last three censuses, especially in counties or States where production is largely for home use. The unit of measure in which quantity was to be reported varied from one State or region to another to correspond with the units most commonly used in a given area. In 27 States, the questionnaire provided a choice for reporting either bushels or l(X)-pound bags (hundredweights). The published data for counties and States are in terms of bushels. Berries and Other Small Fruits. — The question for berries and other small fruits related specifically to the acreages and quanti- ties harvested for sale. Only tame or cultivated berries were to be reported except for the New England States, where wild blue- berries were also to be included. Enumerators were Instructed always to report the total quantity of each kind of berry har- vested for sale but to report the area harvested only when It amounted to one-tenth acre or more. Nonbearing areas and areas and quantities harvested for home use were to be excluded. The data for 1959 and 1954 are fully comparable. Tree Fruits, Nuts, and Grapes. — In 1959, as in 1954, fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines were not enumerated for farms having a combined total of less than 20 at the time of enumeration. Both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines were to be included but not any that had been abandoned. For censuses prior to 1954, all fruit or nut trees and grapevines on the farm were to be enumerated, regardless of the number. Because of this change in enumeration procedure, the data for 1959 and 19.54 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. In commercial fruit-producing counties, the change in procedure may have had a considerable effect on the number of farms re- porting without causing any significant changes in the number of trees and vines nor in the quantity harvested. In counties where most of the trees or vines are in small plantings and where production is largely for home-use, however, the change may have caused a significant reduction not only in the number of farms reporting but also in the number of trees and vines and in the quantity harvested. In both 1959 and 1954, the area in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees was enumerated when there were 20 or more fruit trees, nut trees, and grapevines. In 1950, the corresponding area was enumerated only if it amounted to one-half acre or more. In censuses prior to 1950, the area was to be reported regardless of its size or of the number of trees and vines. Enumerators frequently omitted the fractional acre- ages in small plantings and home orchards, however. In some counties, small plantings or home orchards comprise a sizeable proportion of the total fruit and nut acreage. For those counties, the change from one census to another in acreage of land in fruits and nuts may not be due to fact but merely to differences in enumeration. In 1959, California was the only State for which the acreage in each individual fruit and nut crop was obtained. In 1954, such acreage was also obtained for Arizona. In all States, the number of bearing and nonbearing trees or vines on the farm at the time of enumeration and the quantity harvested in 1959 were to be reported separately for each fruit and nut crop. (Ex- ceptions in the harvest period for citrus fruits, avocados, and INTRODUCTION XXI olives are described on p. XIX.) The unit of measure in which quantities were to be reported varied from one State to another. Tables in this report show quantities in the unit of measure appearing on the 1959 questionnaire used in the State. Nursery and Oreenhouse Products. — The questions about nursery and greenhouse products related only to products grown on the place for sale. Crops bought for resale without additional cul- tivation were to be excluded. The area used for growing and the value of sales were to be reported separately for each of three groups, as follows : a. Nursery products, (trees, shrubs, vines, and ornamentals). b. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be re- ported separately from the area grown under glass. c. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms. For these items, the area grown in the open was to be reported separately from the area grown under glass or in the house. The data obtained for 1959 are comparable with those for 1954 and 1950 since the questions asked were essentially the same in the three censuses. Detailed data regarding the pro- duction and sale of nursery, greenhouse, and other horticultural products on farms having sales of $2,000 will be published In volume V, part 1. Forest Products. — The forest products data obtained in the Census of Agriculture relate only to the products cut on farms. Commercial logging, timber operations, and forest products grown or cut on nonfarm places are excluded. Therefore, the data In this report do not represent the total forestry output or Income for a county or State. The questions Included on the 1959 agriculture questionnaire are more detailed than those asked in the 1954 Census. Value was obtained for the sale of standing timber or trees and for the sale of poles and piling, bark, bolts, and mine timbers. The quantity cut, whether for home use or sale, and the quantity sold were obtained for individual forestry products such as firewood and fuelwood, fence posts, sawlogs and veneer logs. Data relating to pulpwood, Christmas trees, maple trees, and maple syrup were obtained in States where such products are important commercially. Value of Crops Harvested. — The total value of (tojjs harvested represents the estimated value of all crops harvested during the crop year 1959. It includes the value of quantities consumed on farms as food, feed, seed, etc., as well as quantities sold. Farmers were not asked to report values of crops harvested ; the values were calculated in the Processing Oflice. For individ- ual crops, the quantity harvested was multiplied by the average price at which the crop was sold in the State. State average prices were furnished to the Bureau of the Census by the Agricul- tural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are based on reports received from a sample of fanners and dealers. Quantities harvested were not obtained for vegetables nor for nursery and greenhouse products. Therefore, for those crops, the value of sales, as obtained in the enumeration, was used in the calculation of total value of crops harvested. Value of Crops Sold. — The questionnaire required value of sales of crops to be reported only for total vegetables, nursery and greenhouse products, and certain forest products. For all other crops, the value of sales was calculated on a county level during processing operations by multiplying the State average prices by either the quantity sold or the quantity harvested. Reports of quantity sold were obtained during the enumeration only for some of the major field crops. Quantity harvested was used in the calculation of value of crops sold for such crops as cotton, tobacco, etc., that are customarily grown for sale. The procedures used for the various crops are described on page XXV. They are similar to the procedures followed in 1954. In 1950, values of crops sold were obtained for each farm during the enumeration. IBBIQATION Definition of Irrigated Land.— Irrigated land is defined as land watered for agricultural purposes by artificial means. These means included subirrigation as well as systems whereby water was applied to the ground surface, either directly or by sprinklers. Land flooded for rice cultivation was considered as irrigated. Land flooded during high-water periods was to be included as irrigated only if water was directed to agricultural use by dams, canals, or other works. The definition of irrigated land specif- ically excluded land where the "water table", or natural level of underground water, was controlled by drainage works with no additional water brought in by canals or pipes. Enumeration of Irrigated Land. — A question on total land irri- gated was asked in all States, with the exception of Alaska. The acreage reported for this question includes not only irrigated cropland but also any other land that was irrigated in 1959. The questionnaires used in the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii included several additional questions regarding irri- gation. These questions related to the acreage of land irrigated by sprinklers, irrigated land from which crops were harvested, specific crops Irrigated, and source of irrigation water. Such additional data, for Irrigated farms, are presented in county table la for these States. Statistics on the Irrigation enterprises which supplied irriga- tion water were collected in the 1959 Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, "Irrigation of Agricultural Lands". This report contains a considerable amount of data about irri- gation for the 17 Western States and Louisiana. Irrigated Farms. — All farms reporting any land irrigated in 1959 are counted as irrigated farms. Land in Irrigated Farms.— Data for land in irrigated farms ac- cording to use relate to the entire acreage In these farms. In- cluding land that was not Irrigated. Land Irrigated.— Data for land irrigated relate only to that part of the land in irrigated farms that was watered by artificial means at any time in 1959. Separate figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers whether or not the land was also irrigated by other means. Additional figures are given for farms reporting land irrigated by sprinklers only. Data on sprinkler irrigation were not obtained in the 1954 census. Irrigated Cropland Harvested. — The data for irrigated crop- land harvested relate to all irrigated land from which crops v\-ere harvested in 1959, regardless of the method of irrigation. An instruction on the questionnaire reminded enumerators and respondents to include irrigated land from which hay was cut, irrigated land in both bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops, and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested. Each irrigated acre was to be reported only once, regardless of how many crops were harvested from it. Other Irrigated Land. — This classification was obtained by subtraction of the acreage of irrigated cropland harvested from the acreage of total land irrigated. It represents primarily Irrigated cropland not harvested and irrigated pasture or grazing land. Farms Irrigated By Number of Acres Irrigated. — All farms on which any land was irrigated in 1959 are classified according to the number of acres irrigated in county table la for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii. This classification is based on total land irrigated. Therefore, it includes not only the irrigated land from which crops were harvested but also all other irrigated land, regardless of use. Land Irrigated By Source of Water. — The agriculture question- naire contained a question as to what proportion of irrigated water used on the farm in 1959 was obtained from ground- water, surface-water, and irrigation-organization sources. Re- spondents were asked to report separately the percentage of XXII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE : 1959 water obtained from each source. The number of acres that were Irrigated by water from each source or combination of sources was calculated during office processing operations by applying the percentages to the total land irrigated. Ground-water sources relate to wells (pumped or flowing) and springs ; surface-water sources relate to streams, lakes, reservoirs, and sewage and drainage ditches. For each of these sources, only water obtained by pumps or other works operated as part of the operator's own farm or as part of another single farm was to be included. Irrigation-organization sources relate to irriga- tion enterprises organized to supply water to a group of farms, regardless of how or where the enterprise obtained the water. The irrigation enterprise may be a legal organization or a group of farmers Informally organized to operate a supply ditch or other works to provide water for their own farms. Land-Use Practices Summary Information. — The 1959 data for land-use practices are estimates based on reports obtained from only a sample of farms. Comparable data are not presented for 1954 because questions about land-use practices were included on the 1954 questionnaire for only a limited number of States. The various land-use practices relate to methods for reducing soil erosion, either by improving the soil, controlling the run-ofC of water, or reducing the blowing of topsoil. Cropland in Cover Crops. — The data relate to land on which cover crops were turned under for green manure in 1959 and which was then planted to another crop. The entire acreage of cover crops so used was to be reported even if the following crop failed. Cropland Used for Grain or Row Crops Farmed on the Contour. — This item relates to land on which grain or row crops were planted in level rows around the slope of a hill. Land in Strip-Cropping Systems for Soil-Erosion Control. — Strip- cropping was defined as the practice of alternating close-sown crops with strips or bands of row crops or of alternating either close-sown or row crops with bands of cultivated fallow land. The published data refer to the total acreage of all fields and tracts in which strip-cropping was practiced in 1959. System of Terraces on Crop and Pasture Land. — This item re- lates to the acreage in ridge-type or channel-type terraces con- structed on sloping cropland and pastureland. LrVESTOCK AND PotJLTBT Inventories. — Data for livestock and poultry on farms relate to the number on hand at the time of enumeration. All live- stock and poultry, including those being kept or fed under con- tract, were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch where they were, regardless of who owned them. Livestock in transit from one grazing area to another or grazing in national forests, graz- ing districts, open range, or on land used under permit were to be reported as being on the place where the person who had control over them had his headquarters. The time of year at which livestock and poultry are enumerated affects the data. Therefore, the date of enumeration needs to be considered when totals for the various censuses are compared. Both the 1959 and the 1954 census data represent fall inven- tories. These censuses came at a time of large-scale movement of flocks and herds from one range to another, from ranch to feed lot, and from farm or ranch to market. The censuses of 1920, 1925, 1935, and 1945 were taken as of January 1 and those of 1930, 1940, and 1950, as of April 1. A count made in April varies considerably from one made in Jan- uary. In most areas a large number of animals are born between January and April. A considerable number of older animals die or are sold during the same period. In the range States, along with the change in season and grazing condition, sheep and cattle are moved from one locality or county to another. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and, in some cases, for States. The comparability of data by age has been afEected also by changes in the questions from one census to another. Milk Cows, Cows Milked, Milk Produced, and Butter.— Data on the number of milk cows, cows milked, and milked produced relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Data for butter churned were obtained only for 14 States and relate to the calendar week preceding the enumeration. The data for cows milked yesterday and milk produced yesterday are not g:iven in this volume. These figures were obtained primarily to serve the needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in making monthly and annual esti- mates of milk production. These figures can be made available, at a small cost, to others who express an interest in them. Whole Milk and Cream Sold. — Data for whole milk and cream sold relate to the entire year 1959 and are estimates based on reports obtained for farms in the sample. All milk and cream sold from the farm (except quantities purchased from some other place and then resold) were to be included, regardless of who shared the receipts. The questionnaire provided three alternative units of measure for reporting the quantity of milk sold — pounds of milk, gallons of milk, and pounds of butterfat. The respondent was thus permitted to report quantity according to the unit of measure in which payment was received. In the State and county tables, the data for milk are given in the imit of measure most commonly used in the State. Pounds of butter- fat were converted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of milk as shown by data furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and Gilts Farrowing. — In the 1959 census, data were ob- tained for the number of litters farrowed between December 1, 1958, and June 1, 1959, and from June 1 to December 1, 1959. In the 1954 census, data were obtained for the sows and gilts that farrowed rather than for the number of litters. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool. — In the 19.59 census, questions about sheep, lambs, and wool were asked In all States. Data on shearings and on amount of wool shorn were obtained for lambs and sheep separately. In the 1954 census, sheep and lamb inven- tories were not obtained for Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Goats and Mohair. — In 1959, questions on goats, kids, and mo- hair appeared on the questionnaires for the following nine States : Arizona, California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Utah. In 1954, corresponding data were ob- tained for Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and selected counties in Missouri. Bees and Honey. — No questions on bees and honey were in- cluded on the questionnaires for either the 1959 or the 1954 census. In 1959, however, enumerators were instructed to ob- tain agriculture questionnaires for places not having agricultural operations if they were engaged in beekeeping. The number of hives of bees and the amount of honey sold were to be reported in the "Remarks" space of the questionnaire. Data for bees and honey are not included in this report. Value of Livestock on Farms. — To obtain the value of livestock on farms, the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand was multiplied by the State average price for 1959, as furnished by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agrrlculture. Comparable data for 1954 were compiled by the same method on the basis of average prices for that year. Sales of Live Animals. — Data for the number and value of ani- mals sold alive in 1959 are estimates based on reports for sample farms only. Corresponding data for 1954 were obtained for all farms. The dollar value of sales was obtained from the farmer INTRODUCTION XXIII for cattle, calves, and horses and mules. Average value per head for other livestock sold was obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the 1959 census, respondents were asked to report separately the number of live animals already sold and the number estimated to be sold between the time of enumeration and the end of the year. This separation of reports for the number sold and to be sold was designed to assure more complete coverage of all livestock sales made during the year. In the 1954 census, only totals for the entire year were obtained though reference was made to animals to be sold between enumeration and the end of the year. Sales of Poultry and Poultry Products. — For both the 1959 and the 1954 Censuses, sales of chickens were obtained for two groups : (1) broilers and (2) other chickens. The enumeration of broiler sales presents problems arising from the varied contractual ar- rangements under which broilers are produced. The question- naire contained an instruction to the efTect that all broilers grown for others under contract were to be reported as sold. During ofBce processing operations, the data reported for inventories and sales of chickens four months old and over, chicken eggs sold, and broilers sold were carefully examined. Obvious inconsistencies indicating confusion between broilers and other chickens were corrected on the basis of estimated values and, for sample farms, on the basis of data reported for expenditures for feed, poultry and livestock purchases, hired labor, etc. Questions relating to poultry other than chickens (and broilers) were generally the same In 1959 as in 1954. In the 1959 census, however, only total numbers were obtained for turkeys and turkey fryers raised and for turkey hens kept for breeding whereas the 1954 questionnaire asked for a breakdown l)et\veen light and heavy breeds. Also, for poultry other than chickens and turkeys, the 1959 census obtained the number sold whereas the 1954 census obtained the number raised. Classification of Farms Scope of Classification. — Data for land in farm.*>***p*b*b dollars... 49 046 34,711 79.40 24,738 66.21 13,962 40.57 9 092 8 469 13,738 48.56 13 250 17 122 ■Vverape per acre ............•■••• ,loIIars... 100.36 29.51 30.80 50.26 62.30 Land in farms according to use: ' Croplanii harvested .farms reportine. . ■ 94,918 107,602 117,481 128,949 142,874 154,716 158,533 NA NA acres . . . 20,528,357 21,440,232 21,493,734 22,816,924 17,816,498 16,663,186 24,308,361 22,381,618 ^21, 908,887 .farms reporting. . . 2,887 3,577 3 983 6 220 7,531 4,128 NA NA NA NA NA 10 to 19 acres .farms reportine. .. 3,557 4,295 NA NA NA NA NA 20 to 29 acres .farms reportinK.-. 3,060 3,495 3,943 4,075 NA MA NA NA NA 30 to 49 acres •farms reporting... 6,205 7,309 8,788 9,186 NA NA NA NA NA 50 to 99 acres .farms reporting. . . 15,036 18,917 22,503 25,667 NA NA NA NA NA 100 to 199 acres .farms roportinc . . 26,034 31,890 34,770 39,482 NA NA NA NA NA 200 or more acres .fafms reporting . . . 38,119 38,451 36,962 38,880 NA NA NA NA NA 200 to 499 acres .farms reporting... 30,723 31,429 30,567 32,167 NA NA NA NA NA 500 to 999 acr^s .farms reporting... 6,152 5,882 5,265 5,697 NA NA NA NA NA 1 000 or tnore acres 1 244 1 140 1 130 1,016 NA NA NA NA NA Cropland used only for pasture* .farms repitrtinp. . . 25,191 29,252 30,131 23,668 75,934 74,045 90,450 87,737 NA acres . . . 1,446,013 1,359,419 1,521,040 887,002 6,160,782 4,669,930 7,107,342 7,797,601 NA Cropland not harvested and nol pastured. . .farms reporting... 56,227 61,815 63,920 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 7,649,504 6,777,519 6,424,851 4,732,414 10,216,150 11,216,846 2,226,693 1,514,889 NA Cultivated summer fallow .fuma reporting.. . 35,769 35,015 33,759 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres... 5,494,571 4,527,097 3,995,639 NA NA NA NA NA NA .farms reporting. . . 16,729 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 1,037,842 NA NA UA NA NA NA NA NA Other cropland (idle and crop failure) . . .farms reporting. . . 23,138 NA NA IIA NA NA NA NA NA acre©... 1,117,091 NA NA »A NA NA NA NA NA Woodland pastured .. farms repcrting... 10,136 13,764 15,227 10,342 NA 26,804 25,789 21,993 NA acres... 464,908 634,506 743,501 449,749 NA 835,260 781,290 651,057 NA Woodland not pastured , ..farms reporting... 11,186 12,234 15,266 10,906 NA 21,088 17,525 15,632 NA acres 331,998 345,653 416,560 237,108 NA 397,776 328,216 343,339 NA Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)' ..ranns reporting... 81,392 93,237 99,123 116,846 NA 103,779 86,891 78,894 NA acres . . . 17,913,340 17,796,255 16,262,982 17,684,354 NA 12,472,734 10,798,793 9,441,095 NA Improved pasture 7,804 626,284 6,585 KA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 390,878 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) ..farms reporting... HA 112,037 122,171 131,341 NA 168,060 U3,430 NA NA acres . . . 1,818,750 1,669,954 1,748,698 1,781,867 NA 1,754,038 1,424,952 1,599,530 NA Cropland, total ■ 97,42C 110,350 121,081 132,090 152,751 NA NA NA NA acres . . 29,623,874 29,577,170 29,439,625 28,436,340 34,193,430 32,549,962 33,642,396 31,694,108 NA Land pastured, total ..farms reporting.. 91,076 104,940 115,842 127,771 NA NA NA NA NA .cros.. 19,824,261 19,790,180 18,527,523 19,021,105 NA 17,977,924 18,687,425 17,889,753 NA Woodland, total ..fannsrpportinc.. 18,625 22,827 26,694 19,580 32,061 NA NA NA NA wres.. 796,906 980,159 1,160,061 686,857 711,056 1,233,036- 1,109,506 994,396 1,313,093 Irrigated land in farms ..fnmis TOfxrtjng.. 4,592 2,736 1,166 636 1,578 NA NA NA 504 acres . . 762,101 331,551 '138,686 96,248 82,872 NA NA NA NA Irrigated cropland harvested . .farms reportinR.. 4,517 2,661 1,108 NA 1,559 1,331 '683 NA NA acres.. 684,146 309,877 123,970 NA 79,645 44,835 '56,939 NA NA NA Not available. 'For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954. In the Census year; for all other Censuses, In the calendar year preceding the Cermis. ^Total acreage of crops for •hloh figures arc available except that com out for forage »iis excluded as most of this acreage was probably dupUcated In the acreage of com harvested for grain. Not fully comparable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. 'Includes Irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. 'Acreage of Irrigated cr^ps; acreage counted more than once where two or Bore crops were harvested from the sanie land. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Dau for 1959 and 1950 are based on raporta for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For definiLions and explanations, see text) All farms number Under 10 acres number I'ndef 3 acres number 1 acre or less number 2 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 3 acres number A acres number 5 acres number 6 acres number 7 acres numtjer, 8 acres number. 9 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number . 10 to 29 acres number . 30 to 49 acres number. SO to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 ro 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 or more acres number. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number. 2,000 or more acres number . Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres I'nder 10 acres acres 10 to 49 acres acren 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 09 acres acres 100 to 139 aa«8 acres 140 to 179 acres acres 160 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or mpre acres acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 2,000 or more acres acres Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested farms reporting acres I'nder 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 29 acres farms reporting acres 30 to 49 acres farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reporting acres 100 to 139 acres farms reporting acres 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reporting acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 2,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) VM.IM 2,889 1,162 654 508 1,727 322 212 619 183 140 160 91 7,573 i,212 3,361 2,093 6,5*6 4,599 U,151 4,532 7,007 27,976 19,699 10,069 7,508 2,561 50,097,175 481.1 10,907 200,358 NA NA 122,420 530,885 541,623 1,772,202 898,641 1,671,836 10,379,424 13,697,202 20,271,677 10,103,799 10,167,878 95,341 20,605,221 605 1,990 4,606 65,484 NA NA NA NA 1,580 46,225 5,685 226,075 4,197 249,627 10,613 869,348 4,381 471,156 6,832 891,430 27,489 5,394,602 19,498 6,252,638 9,855 6,136,646 7,409 3,854,528 2,446 2,282,118 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 120,167 6,542 2,551 NA NA 3,991 NA NA NA NA NA 8,810 4,988 3,822 2,5X 7,701 5,474 14,407 5,957 9,071 32,069 18,890 8,712 NA 1950 (April 1) 50,023,538 416.3 23,773 231,944 84,338 147,606 147,926 625,479 643,744 2,297,269 1,179,430 2,162,471 11,746,519 13,108,688 17,856,295 NA 107,602 21,440,232 1,217 3,698 4,901 69,883 2,370 22,650 2,531 47,233 1,865 51,785 6,864 272,683 5,047 299,503 13,960 1,185,489 5,815 631,025 8,954 1,185,781 31,736 6,193,022 18,736 6,143,951 8,507 5,403,412 NA NA NA NA 131,372 7,774 1,814 NA NA 5,960 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10,788 6,202 4,586 3,147 8,641 6,966 17,216 7,431 10,384 33,870 17,486 7,669 :iA 48,583,101 369.8 33,870 280,077 103,275 176,802 185, 521 704,579 820,458 2,730,965 1,472,050 2,474,832 12,371,562 12,077,409 15,431,778 I.'A 117,940 21,507,150 2,141 6,301 6,472 85,900 3,326 28,035 3,146 57,865 2,371 64,545 7,826 314,085 6,521 389,608 16,724 1,453,101 7,261 795,955 10,238 1,357,609 33,584 6,601,312 17,289 5,631,424 7,513 4,807,310 NA MA NA NA 1945 (January 1) 141, 192 8,419 1,053 NA NA 7,366 NA NA NA NA NA NA 12,274 7,230 5,044 2,776 10,478 7,283 22,022 7,815 11,431 35,198 16,663 6,833 NA 48,589,418 344.1 39,088 312.070 118,491 193, 579 161,819 851,037 854,537 3,509,122 1,544,740 2,723,672 12,768,182 11,513,936 14,311,215 NA MA 128,949 22,816,924 3,510 9,752 8,096 112,531 4,407 38, 820 3,689 73,711 2,278 69,918 9,717 432,352 6,923 451,081 21,507 1,998,961 7,712 887,236 11,316 1,600,689 34,790 7,241,455 16,446 5,772,387 6,654 4,240,562 NA NA NA NA 1940 (April 1) 156,327 7,564 406 NA NA 7,158 NA NA NA NA NA 13,514 7,577 5,937 3,514 13,880 9,586 28,810 8,951 12,539 36,298 15,635 6,036 NA 48,173,635 xe.2 37,990 354.833 125,804 229,029 204,882 1, 126,426 1,124,438 4,584,009 1,768,525 2,987,153 13,102,843 10,787,094 12,095,442 NA NA 142,874 17,816,498 4,371 12,453 10,091 146,662 5,322 47,083 4,769 99,579 2,929 94,394 12,971 595,604 9,146 611,096 27,290 2,358,133 8,745 973,884 12,229 1,580,749 34,664 5,787,665 14,812 3,487,205 5,626 2,168,653 NA NA NA NA 1935 (January 1) 174, 589 9,531 351 NA NA 9,180 NA NA NA NA NA 16,618 9,234 7,384 4,597 16,577 11,995 33,305 10, 532 13,525 37,790 15,025 5,094 NA 48,009,770 275.0 439.452 134,229 285,223 267,638 1,347,665 1,408,014 5,300,129 2,077,804 3,219,062 13, 594,687 10, 339, 530 154,716 16,663,186 NA 14,064 NA 176,703 NA 56,929 NA 119,774 NA 120,862 NA 643,237 NA 683,206 NA 2,416,411 NA 985,626 NA 1,471,748 NA 5,306,329 NA 3,163,009 NA 1,681,991 NA NA NA NA 1930 (April 1) 166,042 6,728 1,145 NA NA 5,583 NA NA NA NA NA 13,540 NA NA 19,226 68,401 38,385 15,055 4,707 NA 46,975,647 282.9 31,608 367,841 1,475,364 11,885,255 13,796,240 10,243,252 9,176,087 NA NA 158, 533 24,308,361 NA 12,394 NA 176,718 NA NA NA ^819,885 NA NA NA *7,088,667 NA NA NA 8,090,888 NA 5,427,638 NA 2,692,171 NA NA NA NA 1925 (January 1) 165,879 5,343 88 NA NA 5,255 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13,299 NA NA 20,786 37,171 12,269 3,7K NA NA 43,729,129 263.6 28,320 364,703 1,593,733 13,230,221 8,352,093 7,510,230 NA NA NA 22,381,618 NA 13,274 NA 208,422 NA NA NA NA NA ^975,773 NA NA NA ■'7,945,247 7,715,743 NA 3,928,850 NA 1,594,309 NA NA NA NA 1920 (January 1) _L See fcxJtnotes at end of table. KANSAS State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959-Continued [DalA for 1959 and 1950 are based on reports for only a sample ot farms. See text] (For derinitiors and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Land in farms accofding to use '-Continued Cropland, total farms reportinp. . acres . . Under 10 acres farms reportinc . . acres. . 10 to 49 acres farms reporting . . acres. . 50 to 69 acres fanns reporting . . acres. . 70 to 99 acres fanns reporting . . acres . . 1(X) to 139 acres farms reporting.. acres. . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . acres. . ISO to 219 acres farms repotting. . acres . . 220 to 259 acres faims reporting . . acres . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . acres.. 500 to 999 acres farms refKrting . . acres.. 1,000 or mere acres farms reporUng . . acres. . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting.. acres. . 2,000 or more acres fanns reporting . . acres . . Land pastured, total farms reporting . . acres . . Under 10 acres fanns reporting.. acres . . 10 to 49 acres fanns reporting . . acres . . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 70 to 09 acres fanns reporting . . acres . . 100 to 139 acres fanns reporting. . acres. . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 220 to 2S9 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 260 to 499 acres fanns reportang . . acres. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . acres. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting . . acres. . 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 2,000 or more acres farms reporting. . acres. . Im gated land in farms firms reporting. . acres. . Under 10 acres farms reporting . . acres. . 10 to 49 acres fams (epofting . . acres . . 50 to 69 acres fanns reporting . . acres . . 70 to 99 acres fanns reporting . . acres . . 100 to 1.^9 acres farms reporting . . acres . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. . acres. . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting.. acres . . 220 to 259 acres fanns repcrUng . acres.. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . . acres. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . acres . 1.000 or more acres farms reporting. acres . 1,000 to 1,999 acres faims reporting . acres. 2,000 or more acres farms reporting . acres. 97,839 29,725,094 830 2,840 5,237 87,389 1,652 57,807 6,045 303,685 4,348 314,549 10,949 1,128,606 4,471 566,576 6,942 1,092,956 27,804 6,937,260 19,628 8,841,051 9,933 10,392,375 7,455 6,299,383 2,478 4,092,992 91,564 19,750,204 850 2,920 5,381 93, U5 1,687 56,303 5,461 212,017 4,062 208, 578 9,828 610,982 4,142 304,928 6,441 534,205 25,925 3,219,983 18,557 4,647,158 9,2X 9,859,995 6,854 3,746,928 2,376 6,113,067 4,613 753,636 95 290 146 2,152 30 535 95 3,850 70 3,285 166 8,757 80 3,660 140 11,490 950 105,449 1,318 194,535 1,523 419,633 1,020 250,116 503 169, 517 110,350 29,577,170 1,810 6,308 5,909 97,868 2,020 66,988 7,169 348,819 5,174 370,307 1/4,145 1,463,587 5,862 754,838 8,995 1,423,044 31,889 7,741,265 18,798 8,392,795 8,579 8,911,351 NA NA Nl NA 104,940 19,790,180 1,897 6,883 6,622 113,247 2,103 70,452 6,643 256,080 4,805 249,268 12,864 772,318 5,530 388,934 8,475 586,535 30,075 3,762,551 17,803 4,546,425 8,123 8,937,487 NA NA NA HA 2,736 331,551 88 184 111 1,231 27 833 62 2,312 48 2,574 153 9,098 57 2,948 112 7,523 610 58,061 680 76,016 788 170,771 NA NA NA 121,344 29,438,937 3,181 10,906 7,568 123,0K 2,541 85,055 8,151 405,255 6,656 485,478 16,959 1,783,927 7,321 956,480 10,303 1,648,941 33,749 8,291,266 17,364 7,776,265 7,551 7,870,350 NA NA NA NA 116, 539 18,491,917 3,190 11,285 8,481 136,154 2,662 89,386 7,740 282,840 6,316 308,857 15,621 873,469 6,935 466,515 9,914 770,428 31,954 3,829,501 16,654 4,128,413 7,072 7,595,069 NA NA NA NA 1,083 '145,334 31 96 31 360 25 1,555 11 450 25 1,425 75 5,650 26 2,105 35 3,330 255 29,930 256 36,500 313 63,933 NA NA NA NA 132,090 28,436,340 4,452 13,940 9,116 142,184 2,381 82,895 10,037 504,069 7,045 517,443 21,756 2,258,891 7,755 995,485 11,356 1,789,819 34,964 8,307,839 16,519 7,194,845 6,709 6,628,930 NA NA NA HA 127,771 19,021,105 4,355 14,126 9,713 143,818 2,372 68,740 9,370 305,899 6,637 295,268 20,471 1,111,961 7,450 484,349 10,979 834, UO 33,767 4,050,758 16,083 4,070,335 6,574 7,641,741 NA NA NA NA 636 96,248 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA 152,751 34,193,430 241, 522 NA 142, 163 NA 841,242 NA 833, 591 NA 3,482,465 NA 1,317,820 HA 2,24B,713 NA 9,810,450 NA 7,915,974 HA 7,335,738 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 1,578 82,872 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA 32,549,962 HA 28,969 HA 289,433 HA 183,663 HA 957,026 NA 992,697 HA 3,863,407 HA 1,475,250 NA 2,307,556 HA 9,794,989 7,344,990 NA 5,311,982 HA HA HA HA HA 17,977,924 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA '1,331 '44,835 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA HA NA 33,642,396 HA HA HA NA HA HA NA NA NA HA HA NA HA 18,687,425 NA '683 '56,939 56 NA 95 HA '270 NA HA NA NA NA 31,694,108 HA NA NA HA NA HA HA HA NA NA HA NA HA NA NA HA NA NA HA 17,889,753 HA NA HA NA HA Not available. ^For the Censuses of 1959 and 1954, in the Census year; for all other Censuses, in the calendar year preceding the Census. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com harvested for grain. ^50 to 99 acres. *100 to 259 acres. 'Not fully ccznparable for the various Census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. Irri- gated cropland harvested only. 'Acreage of irrigated crops Including sane duplication where two or more crops were harvested fron the same land. Includes irrigated crop- land not harvested and not pastured. 50 to 259 acres. 6 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [D&tA for 1959 and 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) ALL FARM OPERATORS All farm operators number . . Full owners number . . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number . . Proportion of tenancy percent. . Cash tenants number. . Share-casli tenants number . . Crop-share tenants number . . Livestock-share tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number. . All land In farms acres.. Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Crop-share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . All cropland harvested acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Ctop.3hare tenants acres . , Livestock-share tenants acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . ALL WinTE FARKI OPERATORS White farm operators number . . Full owners number , . Part owners number . . Managers number . . All tenants number . . Pioportion of tenancy percent . . Cash tenants number . . Stutre-cash tenants number . . Crop.3hare tenants number . . Livestock.share tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number. . Land in farms acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Croi>share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants. acres . . Other and unspecified tenants acres . . Cropland harvested acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres . . Managers acres . . All tenants acres . . Cash tenants acres . . Share-cash tenants acres . . Crop-share tenants acres . . Livestock-share tenants acres . . (!)ther and unspecified tenants acres . . ALL NONWHITE FARM OPERATORS Nonwhite farm operators number . . Full owners number . . Part owners number . . Managers number . . All tenants number . . Proportion of tenancy , percent, , Cash tenants number , . Share-cash tenants number , , Crop-share tenants number , , Livestock.share tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number . . Land in farms acres . . Full owners acres . . Part owners acres , . Managers acres , All tenants acres . Cashtenants acres . Share-cash tenants acres , Crop-share tenants acres . Livestock-share tenants acres , Other and unspecified tenants acres . Cropland harvested acres . Full owners acres , Part owners acres , Managers acres , All tenants acres . Cash tenants acres . Share.cash tenants acres . Crop-share tenants acres . Livestock.share tenants acres . Other and unspecified tenants stores. 104,134 33,049 39,900 275 25,910 24.9 2,294 11,045 8,934 1,766 1,821 50,097,175 9,456,516 28,255,395 772,433 11,612,831 670,598 5,263,301 4,042,212 1,113,320 523,400 20,605,221 3,291,655 11,708,869 101,315 5,503,382 143,436 2,540,380 2,174,368 443,467 201,731 103,747 37,837 39,810 275 25,825 24.9 2,279 U,039 8,936 1,755 1,816 50,023,016 9,444,491 28,219,577 772,433 11,586,515 669,673 5,258,952 4,026,025 1,110,760 521,105 20,572,775 3,287,615 11,693,078 101,315 5,490,767 143,301 2,538,640 2,165,075 4A2,180 201,571 387 212 90 85 22.0 15 6 48 11 5 74,159 12,025 35,818 26,316 925 4,349 16,187 2,560 2,295 32,446 4,040 15,791 12,615 135 1,740 9,293 1,287 160 120,291 45,513 40,746 302 33,730 28.0 3,067 14,577 11,427 2,142 2,517 50,210,122 10,165,236 26,243,891 615,580 13,185,415 747,028 5,894,749 4,821,679 1,162,957 559,002 21,602,125 3,815,387 11,136,347 106,170 6,544,221 175,730 3,040,334 2,609,453 472,540 246, U4 119,843 45,271 40,641 297 33,634 28.1 3,052 14,556 11,377 2,142 2,507 50,U4,147 10,139,356 26,192,356 613,480 13,168,955 746,938 5,887,894 4,812,654 1,162,957 558,512 21,564,519 3,807,180 U, 115, 368 105,535 6,536,436 175,730 3,037,429 2,601,708 472,540 246,029 44B 242 105 5 96 21.4 15 21 50 10 95,975 25,880 51,535 2,100 16,460 90 6,855 9,025 490 37,606 8,207 20,979 635 7,785 2,955 4,745 131,394 50,680 41,135 347 39,232 29.9 4,233 17,457 12,470 2,098 2,974 48,611,366 10,331,704 24,051,799 713,791 13,514,072 1,041,256 6,085,U9 4,769,918 1,001,065 616,714 21,493,734 3,397,989 10,566,720 193,728 6,835,297 279,063 3,210,698 2,648,248 423,037 274,251 130,920 50,405 41,033 347 39,135 29.9 4,208 17,439 12,432 2,095 2,961 48,553,189 10,315,844 24,024,996 713,791 13,493,553 1,039,429 6,030,498 4,761,502 1,000,704 616,425 21,469,629 3,891,982 10,555,513 193,728 6,828,406 278,139 3,208,417 2,644,843 422,863 274,144 474 275 102 97 20.5 25 18 38 3 13 58,177 15,860 26,803 15,514 1,827 4,621 8,416 361 289 24,105 6,007 U,207 6,391 924 2,281 3,405 174 107 141,192 52,469 36,531 571 51,621 36.6 6,978 14,440 24,924 5,279 48,589,418 10,971,994 21,194,104 790,482 15,632,838 1,202,269 4,403,857 8,537,627 1,489,085 22,816,924 4,658,923 9,752,126 176,514 8,229,361 360,796 2,344,469 4,768,018 756,078 140,403 52,080 36,390 568 51,365 36.6 6,900 14,401 24,798 5,266 48,477,703 10,950,927 21,147,605 789,877 15,589,294 1,198,576 4,397,004 8,505,996 1,487,718 22,765,392 4,649,195 9,731,179 176,249 8,208,769 359,471 2,341,338 4,752,364 755,596 789 389 141 3 256 32.4 78 39 126 U 111,715 21,067 46,499 605 43,544 3,693 6,853 31,631 1,367 51,532 9,728 20,947 265 20,592 1,325 3,131 15,654 482 156,327 52,441 33,034 630 70,222 4A.9 9,827 27,811 28,787 3,797 48,173,635 11,035,433 17,186,926 761,319 19,139,957 1,466,334 7,611,155 9,247,303 865,165 17,816,498 3,348,640 6,047,424 131,940 7,738,494 418,324 3,479,196 3,586,901 304,073 155,532 52,131 32,885 626 69,940 45.0 9,752 27,768 28,644 3,776 48,063,777 U,013,623 17,146,858 760,700 19,142,596 1,463,787 7,602,799 9,213,663 862,347 17,784,387 3,841,480 6,036,3U 131,325 7,774,269 417,379 3,476,001 3,577,689 303,200 745 310 149 4 282 37.9 75 43 143 21 109,858 21,810 40,068 619 47,361 2,547 8,356 33,640 2,818 32,111 7,160 10,611 115 14,225 945 3,195 9,212 873 174,539 60,358 36,533 922 76,771 44.0 KA NA MA NA 48,009,770 12,076,062 16,349,636 743,536 18,840,536 NA NA NA 16,663,186 3,850,395 5,480,056 165,222 7,167,0U NA NA NA NA 173,523 59,923 36,353 917 76,330 44.0 NA NA NA 47,874,269 12,046,667 16,297,023 742,676 18,737,903 NA NA HA NA 16,624,252 3,341,063 5,469,563 165,032 7,148,594 HA HA NA KA 1,066 435 185 5 441 41.4 NA NA HA NA 135,501 29,395 52,613 860 52,633 NA 38,934 9,832 10,493 190 18,419 HA NA NA NA 166,042 57,151 37,611 954 70,326 42.4 11,857 NA NA 46,975,647 11,512,729 16,289,719 875,596 18,297,603 2,164,995 NA NA 24,308,361 5,331,957 8,460,289 203,283 10,312,827 731,833 HA NA 165,006 56,770 37,385 943 69,903 42.4 U,786 NA HA 46,818,521 U,479,879 16,228,763 873,211 18,236,668 2,159,721 HA HA NA 24,233,278 5,315,789 8,432,560 202,707 10,282,222 779,667 HA NA 1,036 381 226 11 418 40.3 71 NA NA 157,126 32,850 60,956 2,385 60,935 5,274 HA NA NA 75,083 16,168 27,729 581 30,605 2,216 HA NA 165,879 61,698 33,451 729 70,001 42.2 9,691 NA HA NA 43,729,129 12,441,985 13,310,687 713,563 17,262,894 1,867,656 HA NA HA 22,381,618 5,759,148 6,611,636 169,431 9,841,403 716,782 HA NA NA Not available. ^For 1920, standing renters (renters paying a fixed quantity of products) were Included with canu tenants. *Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated In the acreage of com harvested for frain. KANSAS state Table 4.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, AGE, RESIDENCE, AND OFF-FARM WORK; AND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [^Oata in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See t*xt J IU>ni (For dermitions and expUnalions, see text) KARMdPF.RATORJ By color: While.. Nepo number . Other nonwhitr number . By age: Under C5 years operators rcportinf; . 25 to :<4 years operators reporting . :i.^ to 44 years operators reportinc- 45 to 54 years operauirs reporting. 55 U) 64 years operators reporting. 65 or more years operators reporting . Average age years . Operators not reporting age number . By residence: Residing on fami operated operators reporting. , Not residing on farm operated operators reporting . . Operauirs not reporting residence numlwr . , By off-farm iwork: ttorking off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 [o 49 days operators repeating . 50 to 90 days OfierBtars reporting . lOO or more days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators repcrting . 200 or more days operators reporting. Operators not working off their farm or not reporting as to work off their farm numl»r. By olfiet locome: with other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. SPECIFIED EQnPllfENT V\D F*ni AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines Com pickers Pick-up balers Field forage harvesters . Motortrucks arms reporting. . number . . 'arms reporting . . farms refcrting, . number. . 'arms reporti ng , . number. . farms reporting . , number. . TVaclors farms reporting. . number. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number.. 1 tractor fanns reporting.. 2 tractOTS farms reporting . . 3 tractors farms reporting . . 4 tractors farms reporting . . 5 or nxre tractors farms reporting . . Wheel tractors farms reporting . - number . . Crawler Imctors farms reporting . . number. . Garden tractors farms reporting.. number . . Automobiles farms reporljng. . number . . Automobiles and. or motottrueks farms reporting. . Telephone faims reporting . . Mome freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting. . Crop drier (lor grain, lorage, or other crops). . .farms reporting. , Power-operated elevator, convejrjr. or blower farms reporting. , Farms by kintj of roatj on wMcfi locateiJ: Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Din or unimpmved Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road, , 1 mile 2 or 3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles arms reporting ; reporting 'arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms repirting 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 103,993 310 ;. 77S l!,3it tl. StS se, ISI tl, ie7 17,87} 11. 1 1,663 84,853 13,169 6,325 iS, 163 IS. 387 S,S9I a. 191 e.3io I7.ffl H, 131 Si, fSS 71. Hi tl. Hi tl, 9at ti, lit ti, i9i IS, fit 17,106 S3, 316 I!!, 300 91, iX Its, 911 SI, see 173,611 36, S90 3S,il9 13, 633 3,6111 I.SU 91. 018 170, m 3,068 3,607 9,890 lO.tei 9i,9tt IIS,Si9 100, 863 87, 368 6i, no I6,itt 8,811 1,7*0 11,666 57, 8ii 13, 031 6,361 17,669 i.939 6, 783 1,636 1,311 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 119,683 435 49 1,606 17, on !«, 901 18, 037 !i.7il 19,381 is.e 1,713 105,417 12,607 2,143 si.oee to, 637 6,698 ti, 831 6.8iS 17. 988 68. Ill 68. i70 76, S91 IS, 3*9 lS,S6i 17,816 17,96* It, 781 13, 090 8i, iSi llt,*tt lot, 731 176, 333 1 01. US 168, 606 61,816 36. Ui 9,ei3 1,360 1,091 101.330 166, *0I 1,761 3,106 7,6H 7,S17 105, 03* 119, 697 IH,67i 89. 917 36,iSl 17, US MA NA 1950 (April 1) 130,920 412 62 i, 1*3 to, t'l 18,176 tS, 316 15, est IS. 669 iS.l 6,165 U7,502 10,832 3,060 *6, i6i to, 969 i,*eo to, 03$ 6,181 li, 863 61, 311 68, SS* II, 9*0 11,193 8,0*6 1,176 HA HA 71, 710 88, 836 98, 970 lie, tee 71,538 ni,*6i 63, Sit 16,637 97, 160 138, SIS 1,635 1,939 i,eis i,81t 108,607 133, 606 119, 966 89, 756 //, «7* 13, 163 m It, 067 SO, 106 *l, 309 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1945 (January 1) } 140,403 789 3,167 20,248 30,938 34,559 29,602 20,954 49.1 1,724 130,265 9,538 1,389 29,126 11,094 3,U5 14,887 3,655 U,232 112,066 7*, S3t iS,0$7 NA NA NA NA NA NA 54,099 60,908 93,638 116,651 ^3,638 IIS, 3S1 '74,473 '16,269 '2,896 116, 7tS NA i,ett NA 618 119,840 133,593 128,972 91,299 NA 5,338 KA NA NA NA NA '84,337 'X),059 '42,063 '7,996 1940 (April 1) 155,582 681 5,431 24,587 31,767 36,684 30,404 21,076 48.2 6,378 134,492 14,126 7,709 48,173 25,808 6,500 15,865 6,004 9,861 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39,623 42,617 83,775 95,139 NA 130,231 150,403 NA 79,666 NA NA NA KA 14,302 53,653 80,441 NA NA 1935 (January 1) 173,523 { 165,006 1,066 941 95 NA 7,473 NA 30,074 NA 41,011 NA 38,006 NA 28,236 NA 17,384 NA NA NA 3,858 NA NA NA NA NA NA 62,GU 51,071 36,801 30,433 9,305 6,836 15,912 13,802 6,839 5,604 9,073 8,198 1930 (April 1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32,009 33,64« 59,075 66,275 NA 145,224 NA 171,018 NA NA NA 120,890 NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA =^5,124 '3,447 NA *16,063 '3,767 KA 139,636 151,857 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1925 (January 1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28,567 31,171 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA 1920 (January 1) 164,048 1,135 103 8,518 39,035 42,294 35,987 24,650 12,825 NA 1,977 KA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,782 3,928 16,128 17,177 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 102,517 111,055 NA 128,753 NA NA NA KA NA KA NA NA NA KA NA NA Not available 'Figures for 1945 are for all tractors, ^Concrete, brick, asphalt, and macadam. 'concrete or brick and macadam. Asphalt was not Included. ^Includes sand-clay. 'Gravel . 'Distance to all-ireather road. See text. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [DaU in italics are based on reports for only n sample of rarms. See U"xl] (For derinition= and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 ( January 1 ) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) SPEOnED FARM EXPENDITURES' Feed For bvestock and poulUy farms reporting . . dollars . . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . dot lars . . Machine hire farms reporting . . dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expendilure- $1 lo $199 farms reporting . . S200 to$409 farms reporting . . $500 to S999 farms reporting . . 51,000 to $2. 499 farms reporting.. $2,500 toS4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to .^9,999 farms reporting . . 510,000 or more farms reporting. . Hired labor^ farms reporting . . dollars . . Farms classified by amount of expenditure- Si to $199 farms reporting . . $200 lo$499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting . . 51.000 to $2,499 farms reporting . . $2,500 to 54,999 farms reporting. . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. 510,000 to $19,999 farms reporting , . $20,000 or more farms reporting . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the Farm business farms reporting . . dollars . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials farms reporting . . tons. . dollars . . Lime and liming matenals farms reporting . . Ions. . dollars . . FARM LABOR Farm workers for specified week:' Family and or hired workers farms reporting.. persons . . Average per farm reporting persons . . Family w>rkers, including operators farms reporting. . persons.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons - . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 w more hours farms reporting . . persons . . Hired workers farms reporting . . persons. . Workers hired by month farms reporting. . persdis . . Workers hired by week farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by day farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired by hour farms reporting . . persons . . Workers hired on piece-work basis . , farms reporting. , persons . . No report as to basis of payment. . . . farms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persona . , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting . , 2 hired workers fanns reporting . , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 or more hired workers. farms reporting . , Seasonal hired workers farms reporting. persons . Farms by kind of workers during specified week: No workers reported farms . Family workers only farms . Operator only farms . Operator and members of his family farms . Members of operator's family only farms. Family workers and hired workers farms . Operator and hired workers farms . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms . Members of operator's family and hired workers farms . Hired workers only farms . Regular farm woritere only farms . Seasonal farm workers only farms . w, soo ioe.oiti.i93 60. J6S SSI, 1^6. 185 61.P19 S9. 781. 80k Si. 65i sn, i63 10, 01,0 5, Its 1.135 307 H 63. iSi S3, m, SOS S7. 335 It. tU7 6.105 i.sse S. 151 $00 180 lOS. 129 65. 801. 103 59. SSI !l.i70, 959 SO, 770 t91. 837 NA 5.85i Ui, 868 NA 90, 636 1 Si, 806 1.7 89, 901 1 38. 817 88. 709 55. 6t6 SO, 108 10, 3 St IS. 988 3. as 1.7U l,06i i.m 1.793 S.iSS i,il6 6,631 $0t 87 S S.t37 7,St7 4.038 8i8 s.oss s.eei 13, i9S so, tm is, 1,(11 so, Si9 l.dSi 9, en S.S7i S,5SS ISS 73i *M 119 ino,ins 96, 79!, I)!t HA KA 74. 075 Si, 99i, 3i9 NA NA NA NA NA NA 62,010 31, 716, S79 31, S70 U,915 6,i!l 6,169 usse 5S1 ISO iS 106,391 is, SS6, 1S9 m NA is, 660 t!6,ns IS, S6S, 569 7, S77 57i, 9S6 I, t07,9S0 lll,t7i !00,iSO I.S 110, t3S 173,676 I0S,S60 H, i96 65. U6 15, 3li f6.7U i,350 5,657 1,091 1,397 i,l3t 6,S6i 6,569 It, 370 5,93S S,tlO i,7t6 SOS SOi I0,6S5 n,s3i 9,017 95, 960 57,i7i 37, 0i9 l,i37 H, 171 S,t6t 5, 77lS iS5 l,Oii NA NA 109, J77 7J, S!5, 570 9S, 96! li 0,505, 737 SI, 00! !6, S3S, 65S 79, 7SS 39, 513, 995 to, 703 !0, 010 9, 763 6,710 105, i!9 iS, 675,611 9!, 16! IS, i60, SS6 NA NA NA 115, 197 !0S,i09 I.S in, 113 190, 078 no, i5i 53, 3!0 79, 6S.J l!,il! IS, 331 6,SS7 1,059 l,i5S 3,7S0 5,H9 !,S7i 3,650 iS6 673 t7i 517 S,il3 II, U9 6, 709 1,IS! 391 101 30 i,996 6,SS! 16,175 10!, 7S5 Si, 3i! is, OSS S,3SS ll,3!S 6,iSI i,606 i7l I, OSi NA NA 120,506 64,753,950 99. 739 77, iS6, OSS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA IIA 86,399 37,i09,56i 43,670 22,671 10,869 7,027 2,162 NA S0,i76 7, ss:, SSO 17, iS! HA /. 593, 759 7,956 NA 9S7, !75 130,069 214,688 1.6 129,320 203,291 127,383 57,370 75,908 8,210 11,397 NA NA 11,123 121,859 67,830 52,269 1,760 7,461 4,120 3,164 177 749 111,240 22,138,010 NA 61,364 12,140,397 114,341 17,909,246 :!A HA 6,803 13,271 419,832 1,720 37,211 53,188 132,726 217,589 1.7 128,304 191,988 NA NA HA 16,058 25,601 8,577 U,740 '7,702 'U,691 (') (') '1,165 '2,170 <^' (') 23,601 116,668 NA NA NA 11,636 NA NA 4,422 NA NA 169,763 274,533 1.6 167,958 248,499 NA NA 19,365 26,034 4,826 150,398 NA NA NA 17,560 NA NA NA 1,805 NA NA 103,708 35,115,361 HA HA ilA HA HA HA 96,123 27,020,617 HA HA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA 3,999 10,097 NA NA NA HA 99,135 29,078,108 NA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA HA HA 102,180 33,784,544 1!A NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Not available. ^For Censusee of 1959 ajid 1954, expeiiiiltvir«B during Census year; for earlier Ceneuaes, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. ^Cash payToents for farm lalxir; housework not included. For 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for ccntract construction work, machine hire, and labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, tta« value of board furnished was included. ^Census of 1959, week preceding the enumeration: Census of 1954, week of September 26-October 2. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. *See text for differences in definition of farm workers. 'Separate data not available by day or week. 'Separate data not available for workers hired by the hour or piece-work basis. Questionnaire called for other hired labor including piecework and contract labor. KANSAS state Table 6.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS. NUMBER AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Dal% for number of livestock not fully comparable for the several Censuses. See text] 9 I(«<11 see text) Census of— (For derinllions uid explanations 1959 (9ct.-Nov. ) 1954 Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1} 1920 (January 1) Total value of siKCitied classes of livestock and poultry dollars... 5S9,7A6,U6 418,974,855 459,386,405 315,942,601 138,710,240 116,180,688 246,351,972 193,926,728 316,507,631 CaUle and calves .farms reporting . . . 81,372 102,679 112,374 125,063 133,885 156,220 148,217 NA 153,067 number. . . 4,324,106 4,304,950 3,509,331 4,062,015 2,507,571 3,386,079 3,223,772 3,068,289 2,975,390 value, dollars.. . 540,387,438 370,540,350 408,090,849 246,204,884 97,886,413 57,078,534 155,816,006 89,995,215 154,004,831 Cowa. including heifers that have calved . .farms repotting... 73,874 98,688 109,622 121,256 130,804 154,726 NA HA KA number... 1,476,691 1,807,939 1,388,675 1,757,087 1,162,923 1,559,526 1,155,888 1,303,298 1,246,280 value, dollars... 240,700,633 198,873,290 248,233,305 U3,029,934 57,617,357 34,309,572 78,052,752 49,430,665 79,954,479 MiU cows .farms reporting. .. 46,889 77,982 98,932 KA 126,807 KA 131,059 70,342 108, 248 number. . . 316,470 452,924 553, 592 KA 691,090 NA 668,540 380,150 574,257 value, dollars .. . 61,711,650 NA NA KA 35,335,678 NA 46,136,286 18,219,775 39,420,243 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporung.. . 70,167 89,967 NA KA NA HA NA NA NA number. .. 1,209,789 1,159,676 HA KA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars. . . 134,286,579 75,378,940 NA NA KA NA NA NA HA Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves 'arms reporting. . . 70,707 87,383 NA NA NA KA NA KA KA number . . . 1,637,626 1,337,335 NA NA NA NA HA NA fU value, dollars... 165,400,226 96,288,120 KA KA NA NA HA KA NA Horses and 'or mules .farms reporting. . . 28,196 41,758 68,936 NA 104,558 140,018 144, 171 153,327 NA number. . . 67,746 91,360 201,201 387,540 428,833 692,840 866,330 1,191,446 1,326,159 value, dollars.. . 7,452,060 4,U1,200 6,834,211 19,553,974 26,656,191 44,488,773 43,493,095 58,473,584 113,716,541 Hcrses and colts, including poniea .farms reporting. .. lU KA 67,297 93,792 99,523 134,670 KA NA 155,945 number.. . KA KA 189,022 344,376 370,777 589,375 714,860 931,283 1,082,827 value, dollars... KA KA 6,300,335 16,506,728 22,028,445 36,321,215 33,781,689 41,803,127 84,383,872 Mules and mule colts .farms reporting.. . NA KA 5,172 16,866 23,575 38,950 NA HA 67,765 number. . . NA NA 12,179 43,164 58,056 103,465 151,470 260, 163 243,332 value, dollars .. . KA NA 533,876 3,047,246 4,627,746 8, 167, 558 9,711,406 16,670,457 29,332,669 Hogs and pigs ■farms repotting . . . 37,615 41,594 64,258 75,783 83,562 106, 518 106,468 112,860 122,852 number. .. 1,341,300 902,220 1,288,994 1,146,563 784,466 1,119,100 2,473,084 2,196,569 1,733,202 value, dollars.. . 24,558,476 28,258,625 24,680,668 24,100,822 5,766,005 5,931,230 29,497,108 25,312,458 29,400,418 Bom since June 1 .farms reporting. . . 28,534 26,813 38,364 KA KA HA 51,555 KA NA number . . . 832,616 493,651 701,837 KA NA NA 946,951 KA KA value, dollars .. . 10,824,008 9,873,020 9,850,780 NA NA NA NA NA HA Bom before June 1 .farms reporting.. . 29,230 32,341 56,799 KA 83,562 NA NA NA KA number... 508,684 408,569 587,157 NA 784,466 NA 1,526,133 KA HA value, dollars , . . 13,734,468 18,385,605 14,829,888 NA 5,766,005 NA NA KA HA Sheep and lambs .farms report4ng... 7,986 7,977 7,951 11,943 15,563 12,221 10,692 6,013 7,795 number. .. 775, 191 555,215 511,473 942,835 546,529 714,134 574,336 314,894 361, 102 value, dollars. . . 11,826,624 7,836,398 9,471,158 8,803,813 2,842,558 2,999,353 3,575,298 2,984,525 4,155,722 Lambs under 1 year old .farms reporting . . . 5,939 5,657 7,021 KA NA NA NA KA 4,990 number. . . 361,789 254,424 202, 539 KA NA NA 210, 572 125,336 U6,986 value, dollars .. . 5,426,835 3,816,360 3,530,804 NA NA NA HA NA 1,174,174 Sheep 1 year old and over .farms reporung. .. 7,445 7,376 7,644 KA 15,563 NA NA NA NA number. . . 413,402 300,791 308,934 HA 546,529 NA 363,764 188, 558 244. U6 value, dollars.. . 6,399,789 4,020,038 5,940,354 HA 2,842,558 HA 2,624,752 KA 2,991,548 E»«8 .farms reporting . . . 7,309 7,229 7,529 10, 572 14,264 11,021 NA NA 6,883 number.. . 395,333 288,596 272,533 456,611 453,953 295,201 316,720 180,221 231, 523 value, dollars... 5,929,995 3,751,748 5,225,606 4,039,319 2,358,244 1,180,804 2,258,054 NA 2,781,062 Rams and wethers .farms reporting. . . 5,884 5,550 5,015 NA NA NA NA HA NA number... 18,069 12,195 36,401 NA 92,576 NA 47,044 8,337 12,593 value, dollars... 469,794 268,290 713,748 NA 484,314 HA 356,698 NA 210,486 Chickens i months old and over .farms reporting.. . 62,823 89,258 106,772 124,698 135,468 155,735 151,838 152,674 154,723 number. . . 7,705,091 10,801,470 11,326,143 15,992,569 12,493,551 15,140,543 19, 127, 922 21,608,776 16,919,248 value, dollars .. . 5,393,564 8, 101, 102 10,177,772 17,279,108 5,272,933 5,450,595 13,970,465 17,160,946 14, 804, 538 Twkey hens kept for brewing .farms reporting . . . 664 823 1,832 NA 24,413 18,475 KA NA 19,866 number... 32,071 35,079 33,882 NA 210,103 136,584 NA NA 119,228 value, dollars . . . 128,284 127,180 131,747 KA 286,140 232,193 NA HA 415,581 NA Not available. 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 [Data for 1959 for livestock sold alive and dairy products sold are based on refiort^ for only a sample of farms. See lexi] (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including poultry and poultry products dollars Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules, ho^s, and sheep) .farms reportine value of sales, dollars Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars Poultry and poultry products farms reporting value of sales, dollars LI\"E5TnCK SOLD 4LIVE Cattle and, or calves sold alive farms reporlinp number dollars Cattle, not counting calves farms reporting number dollars Calves farms reporting number dollars Horses and/or mules sold alive farms reporting number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms repcfling number dollars SHEEP SHOPS A.NDWOOL Sheep and or lambs shorn farms reporting number shorn pounds of wool value, dollars Lambs shorn farms reporting number shorn pounds of wool Other sheep shorn farms reporting number shorn pounds of wool LITTERS FARP,0\tED Litters farrowed. December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year farms reporting number of litters June 2 to November 30 farms reporting number of litters December 1 to June 1 farms reporting number of litters POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD Chickens sold farms reporting number dollars Broilers sold farms reporting number dollars Other chickens sold farms reporting number dollars Chicken eggs sold farms Importing dozens dollars Turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscell poultry and their eggs sold Turkeys raised. . Ducks sold Geese sold Guineas sold . . . 'arms reporting dollars arms reporting number 1 reporting number 'arms reporting number 'arms reporting number DAIRY PRODUCTS Any whole milk or cream sold farms reporting. dollars . Average sales per farm reporting dollars . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting. pounds . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat . dollars . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold .farms reporting, dollars 624,603,023 85,036 548,263,193 46,584 20,145,514 78,843 2,810,987 484,209,473 58,557 1,905,506 375,175,623 51,565 905,481 109,033,850 2,140 5,870 1,001,330 34,602 1,709,695 53,000,545 7,546 670,123 10,051,845 7,536 539,817 4,462,264 1,651,043 859 100,975 495,044 7,327 438,842 3,967,220 25,718 242,278 20,788 111,226 20,845 131,052 31,779 4,219,660 1,420,137 24 560, 189 285,697 31,766 3,659,471 1,134,440 44,349 64,334,534 15,440,290 1,847 3,285,087 1,541 785,384 1,(K2 23,546 748 7,154 248 5,037 32,020 54,543,273 1,703 15,367 1,255,896,356 46,090,640 17,524 14,772,625 8,452,633 373,839,838 94,770 299,637,506 71,538 23,637,362 89,804 2,332,667 250,591,420 68,435 1,388,365 181,602,302 65,789 944,302 68,989,118 3,721 9,148 581,269 36,005 1,051,367 40,437,237 7,060 476,014 8,027,580 7,227 373,536 3,110,928 1,462,128 NA NA NA NA NA NA 26,405 169,413 18,433 73,844 20,950 95,569 37,679 4,643,417 3,189,107 137 1,168,334 882,186 37,591 3,475,083 2,306,921 66,993 67,694,049 17,147,513 3,487 3,300,742 2,093 671,954 NA NA NA NA NA 52,657 49,152,842 18,637 1,022,585,839 35,419,000 34,020 25,651,636 13,733,842 436,743,738 107, 181 347,438,461 49,667,960 93,585 39,637,317 99,267 1,977,245 277,292,344 75,823 1,387,867 226,593,586 64,933 589,378 50,698,758 8,760 28,482 1,139,775 63,398 1,648,162 57,922,462 7,208 549,751 11,083,880 7,197 308,824 2,386,477 991,633 NA HA HA NA NA NA 42,618 200,534 60,736 6,743,650 6,217,189 NA NA NA 89,057 86,250,952 30,578,080 3,605 2,842,048 2,311 445,555 HA NA NA NA HA NA '74, 198 HS, 089, Oil 22,797 780,918,861 29,475,769 53,473 32,041,926 18,599,172 267 14,070 301,340,145 NA 253,404,360 115,441 45,935,785 103,034 2,020,401 178,327,821 NA NA NA 79,490 2,150,468 63,599,782 8,959 550,149 5,716,369 9,955 NA 3,706,735 1,353,721 HA NA NA 5,136 468,794 NA NA NA '95,225 '46,889,536 '492 23,192 787,193,220 ^24,561,282 73,491 45,364,805 ^22,230,502 ^657 '97,752 116,465,620 NA 101,666,992 119,937 14,798,628 94,949 1,359,439 52,876,503 64,440 908,382 42,645,513 61,244 451,057 10,230,990 NA NA NA 67,227 1,530,125 18,926,519 8,743 464,661 2,811,970 11,866 379,983 3,255,085 635,148 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47,420 50,901 186,938 159,34B NA 86,518 NA 7,427,934 NA 3,111,685 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23,293 1,190,633 HA NA NA NA NA NA '105,658 '21,598,236 '2CVi 17,881 486,671,687 '10,861,923 89,406 51,564,440 '10,559,636 '3,749 '176,677 10,092 323,202 2,549,348 484,376 NA NA NA IIA 245,224,951 7,398 299,525 2,170,366 629,896 NA NA HA NA 15,385 319,480 NA NA NA NA '115,250 '37,232,443 16,989 453,763,632 11,035,318 25,220,642 '10,158 ^975,983 196,570 1,394,518 480,885 NA HA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA HA 45,640 69 940 HA 142,909 288 111 295,814 NA 111 565 NA NA 12 816,459 NA NA 9 711 751 HA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA HA HA NA NA NA NA HA HA NA NA 135 868 NA HA 107 348 039 NA NA 27 408 272 NA NA 245,432,012 ■ A NA Not available. ^All dairy products aold. r ^^ ^ i-,^ ^Published values for 1945 and 1940 were computed on the basie of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value oi ai_i aairy products sold. ^Butter flold. KANSAS 11 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 Ilem Census of— (For dermitions and explanaUons, see text) 1959 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (Oct. -Nov.) (Oct. -Nov.) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) AU fanne number... 104,347 120, 167 131,394 141,192 156,327 174,589 166,042 165,879 165,286 Cropland harvested . farms reporting . . . 94,918 107,602 117,481 128,949 142,874 154,716 158,533 NA NA acres... 20,528,357 21,440,232 21,493,734 22,816,924 17,816,498 16,663,186 24,308,361 22,381,618 ^21,908,887 Total value of crops barve Bted, indiidlng horticultural specialties and forest products dollars. .. 681,982,507 665,980,672 495,852,137 516,218,632 Ul,851,239 NA NA NA NA Total value of crops sold, Including horticultural specialties and forest products dollars... 486,213,568 428,449,765 327,984,415 299,243,743 87,051,805 NA 172,462,935 NA NA Com; Com for all purposes . . .farms reporting... 43, 178 50,557 65,107 84,555 83,243 86,506 131,617 135,001 NA acres. .. 1,869,941 2,033,872 2,368,573 3,468,757 2,738,927 3,021,406 t 642,501 6,020,524 NA value, dollars... 83,518,448 68,707,886 77,564,335 96,118,616 21,329,349 NA NA KA NA Harvested for grain. .farms reporting. .. 39,223 29,557 62,014 82,317 66,586 7,061 121,341 127,391 112,454 acres. . . 1,674,816 1,317,485 2,230,951 3,367,665 2,092,372 172,495 5,648,934 5,464,915 3,676,074 bushels. . . 69,902,423 31,223,389 61,785,287 93,033,832 31,880,109 892,355 101,355,511 118,823,671 59,719,831 . f anna reporting . . . 22,835 13,549 '26,991 NA NA NA NA NA 32,340 bushels . . . 36,858,480 13,953,857 22,281,144 NA NA NA NA NA 14,203,875 dollars. . . 38,701,410 20,930,787 =25,823,857 NA NA NA NA NA 20,595,619 Cut for silage .farms reporting... 9,116 16,863 5,120 NA 8,241 NA 8,613 4,994 NA acres, . . 175,426 468,899 82,463 NA 211,310 NA 184,264 100,814 NA tons, green weight. . . 1,338,906 1,469,565 468,435 NA 609,406 NA 900,121 523,124 NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder .farms reporting... 1,540 12,902 4,509 NA 20,685 NA NA NA *46,428 acj«B . . . 19,699 247,488 55,159 NA 435,245 NA 809,303 454,795 *752,035 Sorghums: Sorghums for all purposes .farms reporting... 68,559 75,507 '61,768 '89,418 94,187 NA '79,316 NA NA acres. .. 4,796,561 5,422,951 2,266,596 '3,599,582 2,407,289 1,868,457 1,544,846 2,016,739 1,622,997 value, dollars. . . 131,598,905 109,297,835 51,367,520 '70,886,074 16,420,184 17,922,147 15,327,510 NA 30,344,366 Harvested for grain or seed . fauns reporting . . . 59,661 46,879 34,635 58,204 2,207,428 38,588 4,346 39 396 NA NA 584,399 acres. . . 3,835,328 3,545,992 1,361,780 841,451 105,138 727' 517 1,130,209 pounds. .. 6,899,261,745 2,790,198,824 1,637,028,512 2,732,036,440 474,097,456 30,136,288 596,725,920 1,046/125,800 458,587,640 Sales .farms reporting... 41,161 22,694 '15,881 NA NA NA NA NA NA pounds. . . 4,375,579,951 1,784,889,344 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars. . . 61,258,121 40,160,014 '22,019,827 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cut for silage . farms reporting . . . 21,345 24,916 14,017 NA 11,348 NA NA NA NA acres. . . 512,190 629,758 274,767 NA 257,865 NA NA NA NA tons, green weight... 4,263,223 3,164,4U 1,997,747 NA 1,202,558 NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay. . . farms reporting... 17,994 37,470 31, 110 46,920 67,700 NA NA NA 67,162 acres. . . 449,043 1,247,189 630,039 1,116,990 1,307,565 NA NA NA 1,036,263 tons cut . . . 796,628 907,024 1,162,364 2,376,181 1,888,077 NA NA NA 1,928,698 Sales . farms reporting . . . Sk 1,598 (') NA NA NA NA NA NA tons , . . 64,728 61,801 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars. . . 614,937 679,812 (') NA NA NA NA NA NA Harvested for sirup. . farms reporting . . . 2 5 NA 179 NA 184 NA 1,216 acres. . . U 10 NA 408 NA 597 4,884 2,335 gallons. . . 400 908 NA 16,768 NA 26,798 NA 87,090 Sales . farms reporting . . . NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars. . . 817 1,108 NA NA NA NA NA NA Small grains harvested: Wheat . farms reporting . . . 83,005 84,203 87,782 NA 100,240 88,790 88,320 NA 125,842 acres. . . 9,856,222 9,483,480 13,397,688 U, 170, 546 9,214,150 8,323,641 12,081,021 9,716,922 11,266,664 bushels . . . 199,604,763 163, 108, 142 145,657,700 183,825,921 112,413,657 82,643,499 148,482,595 151,553,3% 148,475,729 value, dollars... 359,288,573 358,837,912 270,387,303 258,773,385 73,046,024 72,714,934 150,527,327 182,319,203 320,707,580 Sales . farms reporting . . . 82,284 81,990 83,192 NA NA NA HA NA NA bushels . . . 188,050,202 149,646,604 131,161,527 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars. . . 338,490,365 329,222,529 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oats .farms reporting... 31,560 47,417 40,216 55,470 55,571 48,330 56,241 66,411 83,348 acres. . . 667,153 1,021,584 780,108 1,387,635 1,117,728 1,049,789 1,041,087 1,250,923 1,415,928 bushels... 16,080,168 33,359,310 15,145,436 22,626,217 20,929,707 17,110,125 21,526,565 28,826,155 36,257,356 value, dollars... 10,452,109 24,352,296 10,544,880 16,255,884 7,252,683 8,212,860 9,716,507 15,800,155 29,005,885 Sales .farms reporting... 7,550 12,905 8,066 NA NA NA NA NA 12,975 bushels . . . 3,672,598 7,035,434 2,287,589 NA NA NA NA NA 3,918,402 dollars... 2,387,195 5,135,868 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,134,722 Barley .farms reporting — 26,676 16,627 8,098 17,280 24,542 4,715 11,424 16,204 18,058 acres 873,662 424,956 197,168 666,366 599,512 138,377 578,223 446,362 425,033 bushels. .. 22,652,309 9,527,385 3,442,056 11,834,662 6,526,423 1,132,072 9,466,268 5,676,487 8,324,783 value, dollars 16,762,709 9,717,933 3,155,558 10,934,836 2,701,053 792,450 4,465,393 4,016,541 8,741,027 Sales . farms reporting. . . bushels. . . 12,021 U, 198, 814 6,127 3,202,025 2,404 1,205,899 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5,163 2,619,054 dollars . . . 8,287,129 3,266,066 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,750,007 Rye . farms reporting. . . 5,251 4,785 1,838 5,200 4,210 1,549 1,003 1,946 11,129 acres . . . U9,657 82,295 26,726 98,893 62,930 20,314 14,429 30,538 190,506 bushels — 2,066,968 952,446 259,003 1,042,815 658,102 195,569 148,157 337,798 1,906,768 value , dollars . . . 1,798,262 1,028,642 289,240 1,040,591 287,698 166,234 123,885 325,108 2,955,489 Sales .farms reporting... 3,450 2,195 743 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 1,635,518 493,743 120,130 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . , 1,422,903 533,243 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other grains . farms reporting . . . 1,126 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres . . . 40,402 58,037 104,095 109,393 176,910 68,242 44,060 56,611 17,603 bushels. . . 1,013,788 871, 525 1,164,944 703,279 1,713,248 437,548 542,620 332,750 177,986 value, dollars. . . 1,216,546 1,190,919 1,861,912 1,299,029 1,463,964 544,225 520,614 661,385 403,534 Sales . farms reporting . . . 518 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels . . . 462,125 355,973 670,379 NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars . . . 554,552 493,715 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA See footnoteB at end of table. 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND SALES OF CROPS: 'CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Item Census of — (For derinilions and explanatjois. see lexl) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (;*rll 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Annual legumes; Soybeans grown for all purposes' farms reporttng... 12,113 12,494 11,526 10,238 4,776 5,540 1,894 NA HA acres . . . 422,742 339,255 259,420 182,627 39,827 48,270 18,680 NA NA Harvested for beans ... farms reporting... U,947 10,440 10,693 8,785 1,226 1,188 NA NA 43 acres . . . 418,193 279,509 246,324 165,355 11,305 NA NA NA 155 bushels. .. 8,715,280 1,913,268 3,577,605 2,259,416 88,322 36,109 29,906 NA 1,160 value, dollars... 15,861,810 4,687,507 7,431,122 4,743,940 83,292 46,581 60,264 NA 4,640 .^1oa Hn11oT-H 15,251,752 103 4,218,754 599 NA 811 NA 1,755 NA 2,786 NA 5,248 HA 1,339 NA NA NA Cut for hay* farms reporting . . . 978 acres. . . 819 6,900 5,678 14,394 21,293 43,131 10,023 6,480 10,647 tons.. . 1,162 4,604 7,664 18,738 25,325 27,880 10,333 HA 14,734 14, 525 89,778 111,895 228,418 176,788 320,620 119,646 NA 191,542 Sales dollars, . . 2,324 89 13,467 789 NA 123 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage f aims reporting . . . NA acres. . . 1,164 15,372 1,319 NA NA HA NA NA NA value, dollars... 29,100 230,580 30,366 NA NA NA NA NA NA Plowed under for green -manure farms reporting... 158 1,812 362 NA NA HA HA NA NA acres. . . 2,566 37,474 6,099 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cowpeas grown for all purposes except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing"^ fanns reporting... Nl NA 64 NA 859 876 534 NA NA acres. . . 1,878 1,338 1,797 NA 8,842 6,272 3,801 NA NA Harvested for dry peas farms reporting... 51 52 57 NA 99 226 NA HA NA acres... 1,635 657 1,645 NA 1,096 NA NA NA NA bushels... 17,163 2,684 9,944 NA 4,825 5,182 6,810 NA NA value, dollars... 81,524 8,052 23,361 NA 7,556 9,535 14,882 NA NA Sales dollars. . . 35,852 5,879 Nl NA NA NA NA NA NA Cut for hay* farms reporting... 10 19 5 (') (') (') (') (') (') acres . . . 145 228 52 (') (') (') (') (') (') tons. . . 187 172 50 (') (') (') (') (') (') value , dollars . - . 2,338 3,440 726 (') (') (') (') (') (') Sales dollars. . . 516 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA Hogged or erazed, or cut for silage fauna reporting . . . 8 12 2 NA NA HA NA HA NA acres .. . 98 421 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars . . . 2,744 5,894 1,500 NA NA NA NA NA NA Plowed under for green manure farms reporting... 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA acres... 32 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans faraa reporting... 80 16 15 24 "24 91 539 191 232 acres. . . 6,262 290 1,076 239 "49 ^'1,599 ''22,595 584 289 100-lb. bags... 43,694 1,063 3,959 1,507 143 461 61,933 NA 1,313 value, dollars... 224,073 7,547 25,728 10, 533 570 2,304 286,079 NA 11,379 Sales dollars . . . 224,073 7,170 NA NA NA NA HA HA NA Ifamg beans harvested farms reporting. . . 2 7 NA NA NA HA NA NA acres 32 118 NA NA NA NA NA NA pounds. . . 19,200 34,980 NA NA HA HA HA HA value, dollars... 1,848 1,457 NA NA NA NA HA NA Sales dollars... 1,848 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA See footnotes at end of table. KANSAS 13 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS: 'CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of— Item (For definitions and explannUons, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Hay crops (sec lexl): Land fran which haj was cut acres., . 1,857,502 2,500,640 "2,018,779 "1,867,799 "1,229,264 "1,956,164 "2,030,418 "2,632,637 2,933,324 Alfalfa and alfalfa ralxtureG cut for hay and for dehydrating. farms reporting... 45,053 57,967 56,781 51,590 31,335 55,420 61,029 71,324 82,876 acres... 1,020,237 1,406,872 1,010,178 826,876 375,751 749,342 729,622 980,806 1,315,507 tons. . . 2,305,267 2,296,702 2,009,860 1,870,090 587,282 544,816 1,324,660 NA 2,488,156 value, dollars... 35,731,639 55,120,848 36,646,222 28,881,569 5,679,336 9,994,648 16,296,792 KA 43,542,757 Sales f armE reporting . . . 8,324 9,063 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 395,463 424,962 Uk NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 6,129,714 10,199,088 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . 3,958 5,701 6,791 5,676 1,408 4,413 NA NA KA acres 64,660 96,204 103,623 81,270 14,413 52,002 181,851 243,850 195,7U tons... 95,886 118,419 127,482 108,309 15,037 24,837 200,554 NA 254,485 value, dollars... 1,198,575 2,605,218 1,735,975 1,102,445 109,913 303,011 2,045,675 NA 4,697,083 Sales farms reporting. . . 369 580 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 5,999 10,501 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars... 74,994 231,022 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . . 2,617 2,159 9,313 6,267 1,604 NA NA NA NA acres.. . 34,900 25,260 119,989 83, U5 18,616 NA NA NA NA tons. . . 46,060 25,721 150,090 93,911 18,814 NA NA NA NA value, dollars, , . 575,750 540,141 2,046,341 1,217,654 153,331 NA NA NA NA Sales farms reporting . , . Ul 148 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tons... 1,639 1,494 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA dollars.,. 20,494 31,374 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting... 3,483 9,649 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8,032 acres.. . 47,632 126,321 1^74,093 "144,543 "134,481 "306,726 "108,310 1'U1,475 73,049 tons... 56,209 139,672 34,4U 15,708 35,032 41, 3M 22,038 NA 90,781 VBlvie, dollars,.. 702,613 2,514,096 1^1,089,254 "1,800,466 "606,015 371,970 166,738 NA 1,134,783 Sales farms reporting . . . 98 384 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA tons. . . 1,986 5,628 NA NA NA NA KA KA NA dollars... 24,836 101,304 NA NA NA NA NA KA NA Wild hay cut farms reporting... 23,284 27,567 28,638 28,665 30,661 NA 43,673 KA 55,534 acres... 594,937 702,375 631,597 689,004 584,991 NA 918,614 1,003,143 1,222,574 tons... 750,866 596,060 723, 193 766,671 582,693 NA 952,530 NA 1,290,869 value, dollars... 8,259,526 11,325,140 8,007,042 7,093,211 2,762,050 NA 5,683,029 NA 16,135,883 Sales farms reporting. . . 3,482 2,991 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tana... 114,926 87,535 NA NA NA NA NA NA KA 1,264,186 1,663,165 NA NA NA KA NA NA NA Other hay cut farms reporting.,. 5,663 8,933 6,261 3,545 NA NA NA NA KA acres... 75,680 123,501 86, 175 42,961 99,650 848,094 92,021 293,363 126,483 tmfi... 106,264 125,007 107,843 57,286 125,010 477,707 118,018 NA 181,778 value, dollars... 1,328,300 2,500,140 1,324,454 486,212 737,981 5,052,575 1,011,303 NA 2,090,471 Sales farm reporting.,. 360 546 NA NA NA NA NA NA KA tons. .. 6,699 9,539 NA NA NA NA NA NA KA dollars . , , 83,749 190,780 NA NA KA NA NA NA NA Grass silage made fran grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting,.. 812 881 489 NA "47 NA NA NA NA acres, , , 19,456 20,107 12,035 NA "1,362 NA NA KA KA tons, green weight... 94,342 73, 598 49,277 NA "4,560 NA NA NA KA value, dollars... 566,052 572,592 443,493 NA "15,264 NA NA NA NA See footnotes at end of table. 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For definitians and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 19i5 (January 1) 19«) (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed farms reporting. acres. pounds - value, dollars. Sales dollars. Bluegrass (Junegraes) seed farms reporting. acres. pounds, green Teight. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Bluestem seed farms reporting, acres , pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. BrcBnegrass seed farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Buffalograss seed farms reporting. acres . pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Clover seed: Red clover seed farms reporting . acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Sweetclover seed farms reporting, acres, pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars , Fescue seed farms reporting , acres, pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars. Granegrass seed f aims reporting , acres, pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars, Lespedeza seed farms reporting. acres, pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars . Millet seed farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Orchardgrass seed farms reporting . acres, pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars. Redtop seed farms reporting. acres . pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars. Ryegrass seed farms reporting. acres, pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars , Sudangrass seed farms reporting , acres . pcwnds, value, dollars. Sales dollars. Timothy seed farms reporting, acres, pounds, value, dollars. Sales dollars. Vetch seed farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars. Wheatgrasfi seed farms reporting . acres. pounds. value, dollars. Sales dollars . Other field seed crops acres , value, dollars. Sales dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 5,340 83,562 6,223,618 1,369,196 1,244,725 49 1,100 120,740 6,038 6,038 32 4,9X 203,130 162,504 162,504 727 11,233 1,445,018 202,303 101, 160 3 524 8,300 8,300 8,300 2,274 36,063 2,791,591 669,982 530,403 843 U,152 1,453,934 101,775 72,702 106 1,739 304,468 51,760 49,603 20 2,745 96,082 42,276 42,276 664 13,034 2,472,590 173,081 123,633 15 731 367,344 36,734 36,134 6 104 9,206 2,025 1,893 9 170 7,105 1,918 1,738 3 25 3,600 324 270 128 1,314 316,382 12,655 9,492 29 454 48,485 5,333 5,076 24 610 109,494 9,854 8,990 7 193 12,678 3,803 3,594 6,169 91,426 88,651 7,135 126, 510 15,138,600 4,087,422 3,515,181 109 4,535 386,887 54,164 48,747 14 412 18,260 10,956 9,861 2,164 28,857 5,732,599 630, 586 567, 528 2 235 8,300 3,901 3,511 543 6,797 303,000 130,290 78,170 2,842 38,890 6,094,200 609,420 457,064 132 2,360 442,249 70,760 63,682 7 415 17,520 7,884 7,097 1,009 16,194 3,223,778 515,804 422,959 36 384 141,902 5,676 4,824 19 194 23,942 6,704 6,033 4 110 2,313 1,226 1,042 6 90 24,380 2,438 2,072 150 3,614 761, 136 60,891 54,803 96 1,213 148,318 26,697 24,562 50 779 85,612 8,561 7,276 17 449 51, 185 10,790 9,712 2,104 15,882 U,126 7,754 118,470 9,554,340 3,952,033 KA 71 1,865 145,591 17,470 NA 17 287 22,411 8,293 NA 931 10,110 1,357,586 407,273 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,634 56,767 2,696,760 1,038,251 NA 4,162 63,940 7,142,100 1,072,027 NA 36 656 96, 176 19,235 NA 6 246 9,647 2,894 NA 4,1B1 71,143 17,617,733 704,712 NA 22 240 56,300 2,252 NA NA 28 251 13,898 5,142 NA 6 51 4,158 624 NA 186 1,949 562,504 35,530 NA 82 1,071 102,001 16,321 NA 10 244 17,670 2,790 NA 32 616 50,060 13,517 NA 985 21,296 NA 6,464 100,021 6,029,400 1,937,551 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2,408 32,906 2,320,140 699,914 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA 110,502 9,411,540 1,408,685 KA KA NA NA NA NA KA KA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA "512 "5,805 "388,740 "56,369 NA 3,087 36,070 6,349,200 236,942 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 854 12,798 1,344,900 53,795 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 58,709 NA 3,477 47,162 5,102,520 826,692 NA NA NA NA ^'■3,476 "42,320 "4,431,000 "340,606 NA KA NA NA NA KA NA "134 "1,688 "936,350 "20,422 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 185 2,417 241,470 11,567 NA 3 13 4,080 167 NA NA NA KANSAS 15 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of— Item {For derinitirtns fuid explanations, see lext) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (i^ril 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Other Held crops harveslerl: Broomcom famie reporting. . . 26 90 102 NA 257 NA 706 NA 569 acres... 1,963 4,823 7,509 NA 11,564 NA 49,872 NA 11,447 tons of brush. . . 304 459 1,003 NA 1,019 NA 6,980 NA 1,765 value, dollars... 75,471 164,965 253,569 NA 95,838 NA 777,574 NA 246,778 Sales dollars 75,471 8 164,965 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Castor beans farms reporting... acres. .. 876 NA NA NA NA NA pounds. . . 1,757,100 NA NA NA NA NA value, doUars. .. 75,185 ... NA NA NA NA NA Sales dollars. . . 75,185 3 tik 5 NA NA NA 21 NA 110 NA 91 NA 58 NA Cotton farms reporting. . . acres... 50 80 NA 417 2,049 2,448 832 bales... 13 15 NA 156 279 455 156 value , dollars . . . 2,049 2,049 13,610 19,968 2,415 NA 31,879 NA NA 29,828 7,944 NA 52,195 "16,740 NA 52,860 47,804 NA 87,655 "15,206 NA 58,529 NA Irish potatoes for haane use or for sale farms reporting. . , 92,514 acres^'. 1,159 1,267 4,844 12,319 23,674 32,942 42,310 41,393 47,246 bushels... 262,705 273,287 765,653 741,390 1,887,782 1,101,754 3,770,263 4,288,938 3,014,845 value, dollars... 486,004 429,061 923,013 1, 185,298 1,157,259 914,456 4,242,532 3,892,651 7,084,888 Sales dollars... 275,844 151,473 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Popcorn farms reporting. . . 900 258 507 NA 2,260 NA 529 NA 189 acres. . . 4,692 3,762 3,437 NA 2,991 NA 3,473 NA 771 pounds (ear com)... 5,122,922 3,295,707 4,677,200 NA 2,431,400 NA 3,275,000 NA NA 102,463 98,871 160,252 NA 66,954 NA 110,979 NA 46,407 Sales dollars. . . 102,463 98,871 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than com, sorghums, soybeans , and cowpeas . . . farms reporting . . . 25 24 285 NA 1,517 NA 214 NA NA acres. .. 822 386 3,668 NA 58,113 NA 3,385 NA NA value , dollars . . . 14,796 7,720 NA NA 125,530 NA NA NA NA Sesame seed farms reporting... 1 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 33 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA pounds... 27,495 1,900 NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollare... 1,600 228 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,600 228 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting... 112 85 102 133 253 289 152 204 33 acres . . . 7,756 6,014 4,4W 4,967 6,977 10,037 6,149 7,244 1,682 tons. . . 126,982 62,806 44,590 53,300 54,881 59,873 50,771 57,572 7,942 value , dollars . . . 1,371,407 584,102 445,900 538,330 274,405 278,409 355,397 460,576 83,393 Sales dollars... 1,371,407 584,102 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Sunflower seed farms reporting... 2 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA acres 20 140 NA NA NA NA NA NA bushels.. . 215 1,623 NA NA NA NA NA NA value, dollars... 484 2,434 NA NA NA NA NA NA Sales dollars... 295 2,069 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Sveetpotatoes farms reporting. . . acres^'. 210 950 154 931 2,736 882 3,323 1,915 2,229 2,996 4,090 4,714 4,542 3,583 3,742 3,411 9,268 4,366 bushels... 113,813 65,082 132,858 200,234 243,539 228,399 433,384 373,626 448,986 value, dollars 233,317 162,705 332,144 432,909 204,210 274,079 609,133 501,495 920,428 Sales dollars. . . 179,012 138,300 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Tobacco farms reporting. . . 22 55 20 62 31 112 55 249 93 360 84 286 37 133 5 6 82 acres. .. 67 68,844 50,480 99,960 252,121 293,475 219,090 123,193 5,610 59,356 value, dollars... 41,663 22,716 44,982 121,0U 44,021 19,280 24,639 1,459 38,585 Sales dollars. .. 41,663 4 22,716 7 NA 54 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other field crops acres. . . NA value, dollare. . . 480 20 ^"5,510,859 1,062 4,532 NA NA NA NA Sales dollars... 288 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars... 674,572,175 661,077,270 20489, 082, 4«8 505,788,941 136,628,294 NA NA NA NA Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. . . 479,452,893 423,546,363 "322,111,586 294,821,545 84,057,173 NA NA NA NA See footnotcB at end of table. 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For derinitions uid explanKtjons, se« t*xO Census of — 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 {Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (Ajjrll 1) 1945 {January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 {April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use^^ farms reporting. value , d ollars . Vegetables harvested for sale** farms reporting. acres . Seles dollars. Asparagus farms reporting . acres . Beans, green lima farms reporting. acres. Beans, snap (bush and pole types) farms reporting. acres. Beets (table) farms reporting. acres. Cabbage f amis reporting . acres . Cantaloups and muslQselans farms reporting . acres . Com, sweet farms reporting. acres. Cucumbers and pickles. farms reporting, acres. Eggplant farms reporting . acres. Lettuce and romalne . . . farms reporting . acres. Mustard greens farms reporting . acres. Onions, dry farms reporting. acres. Onions, green farms reporting. acres. Parsnips farms reporting . acres. Peas, green farms reporting. acres. Peppers, sweet farms reporting. acres. PumpMns farms reporting . acres. Radishes farms reporting. acres. Spinach farms reporting . acres. Squash farms reporting . acres. Tcmatoes farms reporting . acres. Turnips farms reporting . acres. Watermelons farms reporting . acres. Other vegetables acres . Berries and other small Iruits tiarvested for sale:*' Blackberries and dewberries farms reporting . acres. quarts. value, dollars. Raspberries farms reporting. acres. quarts. value, dollars. Strawberries farms reporting. acres. quarts. value, dollars. Other berries and small fruits acres. value, dollars. See footaiotes at end of table. 42,681 NA 1,157 7,112 1,043,954 38 109 13 18 77 168 367 1,558 743 1,689 118 91 193 460 57 172 842 577 74 179 517 1,626 91 18 10,235 3,074 54 17 16,108 8,058 957 377 707,027 190,903 (2) 527 36,019 NA 852 5,330 704,648 65 145 58 148 276 1,043 183 860 51 1A3 296 377 55 141 405 1,744 4A 15 3,232 970 66 30 14,424 5,047 233 194 121,292 48,517 69,639 NA 1,575 8,999 1,096,034 122 257 13 3 129 127 223 321 364 938 754 2,276 (2) 285 135 134 60 220 84 104 187 607 84 128 85 154 57 228 909 908 97 369 476 1,605 170 41 25,844 6,933 250 99 53,931 18,269 1,519 522 945,120 260,400 16 7,101 97,962 5,392,784 3,888 12,991 1,516,211 NA NA NA NA 603 327 435 622 950 2,428 292 468 1,825 1,640 1,421 367 147,490 39,013 998 395 205,912 70,545 7,749 1,343 1,118,627 285,416 80,306 1,662,503 3,441 15,609 660,632 279 367 lAB 45 352 197 289 466 645 1,732 717 1,450 850 446 176 68 244 176 28« 717 122 151 1,425 1,724 87 263 1,354 7,017 865 267 140,761 16,904 585 416 322,475 54,769 1,603 991 1,061,725 119,228 7 857 50,476 456,760 105,087 3,738,234 NA 19,734 NA 6,977 16,236 1,488,130 NA NA 595 441 NA NA 21 9 689 460 1,083 553 NA NA 46 19 686 735 1,196 696 NA NA 1,151 1,517 1,172 2,059 1,954 2,871 NA NA 1,065 357 NA NA 10 6 NA NA 303 125 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,009 442 NA NA 22 17 NA NA 9 7 NA NA 389 129 NA NA "69 "40 NA NA 3 5 NA NA 15 18 NA NA 238 225 NA NA 10 12 1,664 1,992 3,953 2,668 NA NA 72 97 2,203 7,418 1,663 4,464 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,480 2,079 1,427,760 164, 192 NA NA 1,518 4,321 1,322 945,845 115,512 2,035 651 370,367 69,547 14,676 3,349 4,455,175 481,007 82 3,597 1,092 769 1,552 2,777 3,228 4,397 345 124 854 509 2,859 2,088 3,684 9,028 NA 2,188 1,870 NA NA NA NA KANSAS 17 State Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued (For derinitions and explanfttiotis, see text) Census of— 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954 (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (;*ril 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tfee fruits, nuts, and grapes:^* I^nd in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting . . acres. . Apples farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . number. . Trees of bearljig age farms reporting. . number. . Quantity harvested .... farms reporting.. bushels . . value, dollars.. Apricots farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number.. Quantity harvested .... farms reporting.. bushels.. value, dollars.. Cherries farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number. . Quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting.. pounds. . value, dollars.. Grapes farms reporting.. Vines of all ages number. , Vines not of bearing age farms reporting., number.. Vines of bearing age farms reporting., number. , Qxiantity harvested .... farms reporting. . pounds. , value, dollars.. Peaches farms reporting. , Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Quantity harvested .... farms reporting., bushels . , value, dollars.. Pears farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested .... farms reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Plums and prunes farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested .... farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Pecans, improved and wild and seedling farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested .... farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 3,357 8,503 2,767 110,335 1,498 33,726 2,095 76,609 1,396 233,581 478,642 1,471 7,350 652 2,759 1,034 4,591 345 2,662 5,324 2,053 18,682 1,031 7,653 1,411 11,029 740 107,346 U,806 1,735 99,241 668 18,781 1,339 80,460 859 446,031 26,765 2,780 171,227 1,580 100,720 2,056 70,507 475 67,950 176,668 2,319 21,817 978 6,525 1,746 15,292 1,120 18,074 23,501 1,181 7,520 580 2,836 758 4,684 229 1,107 2,785 305 16,319 161 6,713 209 9,606 129 46, 526 14,425 3,359 8,195 4,174 166,399 1,941 43,218 3,263 123,181 1,886 153,898 430,916 711 4,852 269 1,491 519 3,361 130 678 1,832 3,014 25,237 1,291 7,956 2,286 17,281 1,537 165,646 21,535 2,398 135,641 775 15,621 1,926 120,020 815 528,744 31,727 4,638 U3,968 1,817 44,848 3,942 99,120 3,018 87,199 187,477 3,170 25,013 1,189 6,569 2,510 18,444 1,473 13,968 18,855 1,854 13,523 735 3,505 1,380 10,018 452 2,098 4,717 103 3,601 41 717 77 2,884 21 5,552 1,331 43,001 "14,589 22,985 319, 572 11,916 112,174 14,122 207,398 7,958 481, 116 1,072,233 5,428 25,569 2,346 8,657 3,404 16,912 1,537 8,947 17,437 21,374 116,835 9,638 45,426 13,709 71,409 8,465 724,088 65,168 14,714 428,536 4,164 52,395 11,247 376, lAl 8,073 2,323,463 95,797 31,512 391,302 11,835 109,090 23,527 282,212 13,700 164,927 281,618 18,901 81,266 6,605 18,767 13,682 62,499 7,524 57,189 62,661 9,888 48,445 4,210 16,011 6,293 32,434 2,182 14,123 28,588 1,244 40,996 521 15,680 839 25,316 499 241,357 50,683 9,618 16,234 19,500 417,761 NA NA NA NA NA 353,714 861, 188 6,171 30,911 NA NA NA NA NA 264 868 16,801 108,346 NA MA NA NA NA 242,279 24,293 14,647 867,203 NA NA NA NA NA 3,283,939 159,020 23,353 371,504 NA KA NA NA NA 11,453 41,385 18,898 102,451 NA NA NA NA NA 30,567 62,208 8,523 49,423 NA NA NA NA NA 2,326 7,773 8,717 26,246 22,172 720,058 6,894 115,491 17,465 604,567 10,855 1,264,104 892,198 7,894 32,795 2,746 13,393 5,536 19,402 1,382 6,275 6,897 17,974 158,747 7,283 61,418 12,233 97,329 7,530 1,231,961 48,926 10,155 956,760 2,280 98,558 8,237 858,202 6,240 5,147,031 102,937 22,801 402,619 9,133 178,549 16,262 224,070 8,165 109,242 121,843 20,1A5 11B,424 4,124 18,097 16,875 100,327 7,478 81,728 63,586 10,127 70,948 3,611 24,283 7,046 46,665 3,340 19,240 16,620 1,158 72,161 285 16,702 1,002 55,459 515 156,589 13,441 41,807 60,229 45,556 1,423,558 NA 381,859 NA 1,041,699 NA 749,260 906,605 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36,700 290,667 NA 74,922 NA 215,745 NA 2,785,608 99,486 25,299 1,959,586 NA 116,602 NA 1,842,984 NA 5,371,843 134,296 38,194 552,327 NA 111,977 NA 440,350 NA 109, 380 120,318 33,220 186,861 NA 21,063 NA 165,798 NA 172,789 138,231 17,992 112,780 NA 24,144 NA 88,636 NA 13,029 14,322 40,873 66,541 54,643 1,858,722 NA 799,252 NA 1,059,470 NA 1,307,848 1,706,250 7,472 52,975 NA 13,470 NA 39,505 NA 28,319 43,045 38,794 336,670 NA 128,180 NA 208,490 NA 2,909,928 199,679 30,973 2,408,782 NA 326,860 NA 2,081,922 NA 9,177,412 281,288 49,061 776,331 NA 267, 164 NA 509,167 NA 256,040 406,333 36,917 219,725 NA 48,286 NA 171,439 NA 255,923 259,389 27,786 201,979 62,389 NA 139,590 NA 57,324 83,054 1,019 84,412 NA 15,702 NA 68,710 NA 155,374 21,205 NA NA 63,385 1,806,934 NA 684,563 NA 1,122,371 NA 2,038,132 2,316,553 NA NA 33,155 2,034,330 NA NA NA NA NA NA 51,850 852,976 NA NA NA NA NA 200,441 286,852 43,825 257,451 NA NA NA HA NA 29,038 236,231 1,821 98,033 NA 42,763 NA 55,270 NA HA NA NA NA NA 2,126,184 22,741 618,142 52,948 1,508,042 NA 1,749,293 3,498,586 NA 9,394 211 1,437 630 7,957 NA 2,757 5,5U NA 579,529 17,819 184,093 43, 167 395,436 NA 9,979,368 541,532 NA 1,390,084 5,364 183,151 20,509 1,206,933 NA 5,310,044 371,705 NA 1,123,412 17,010 278,914 39, 357 844,498 NA 213,554 512,550 NA 287,811 12,993 79,957 32,497 207,854 NA 221,487 454,050 NA 211,913 9,173 68,440 16,789 143,473 NA 33,346 76,703 NA 37,633 NA 8,440 NA 29, 193 NA 252,802 75,841 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACREAGE, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND SALES OF CROPS:^ CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1959 -Continued Census of — (For derinitions and explanations, see text) 1959 (Oct. -Nov.) 1954. (Oct. -Nov.) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Tree fruits, nuts, and giapes"-Contirued WalnutB, black 456 6,740 158 2,588 372 4,152 279 74,281 2,969 522 946,169 946, 169 234 4,103 100 1,430 180 2,673 63 3,166 1.20 44 753,373 753,373 706 10,804 231 4,108 530 6,696 321 33,912 1,351 179 1,968,418 1,071,598 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,551,709 937,000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 93 1,458,299 895,659 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Trees of all ages number. . . Trees not of bearing NA NA number. . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . . number . . . Quantity harvested farms reporting... pounds. .. value, dollars... Other tree fruits and NA NA NA NA KA KA NA Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested — dollars... Value of fruits. Including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars... NA NA HA Not available. Z Reported In small fractloDB. ^Figures for cropland harveeted and specified crops relate to the crop years 1959, 195*., 19^9, 194A, 1939, 1934, 1929, 192rting . dollars. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting . cords (4' X 4' X 8") . Sales farms reporting . cords (4' X 4" x8'). Fence {»sts cut. farms reporting. number. Sates farms reporting. number . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut .farms reporting, thousands of board feet Sales farms reporting thousands of board feet «1 4,458,562 213 4,273,619 181 1,833 1,426,825 287 230 1,943,340 109 174 2,788,495 150 120 419,580 40 54 243,262 6,860 1,283 3U,970 702 U7,606 657 164,364 613 153,546 58 10,818 5,267 56,961 276 6,466 2,056 465,984 306 171,504 256 956 76 468 NA 3,277,552 NA NA 175 1,048 1,259,964 256 212 1,464,169 108 207 1,703,353 179 153 571,751 47 67 314,235 MA 1,110 157,829 HA NA NA HA U,296 117,425 7,513 1,534,952 NA NA 199 1,042 1,128,205 ^1,769,432 'l94 '281 '2,018,522 215 180 609,016 65 69 301,315 NA NA 257,155 547 129,253 911 116,675 109 11,227 U,044 131,538 7,814 1,370,393 1,030 3,310 '469 '1,752,392 1,195 206,595 453 1,287,806 NA NA 124 1,496 411,254 *300 *2, 319, 096 NA NA '812,207 '188 '251 '54,345 2,807 153,705 550 1,539,109 '324 NA '702,933 NA NA NA NA NA '341 NA NA NA '836,176 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38,820 '4,723 '201,524 4.699 560,234 NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 34,675 360,483 NA NA NA NA NA MA 15,301 2,688,747 NA NA NA SA NA NA 1,392 9,072 NA NA NA NA 32,890 343,847 NA 1,260,954 81 1,059 290,470 '300 '2,230,752 NA NA '688,294 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA "282,200 NA 18,471 NA 3,125 NA 443,952 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA NA NA NA NA NA NA MA Not available. 'Excludes data for farms unclasslTled as to type. 'Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. 'Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. '(Jrops grown vmder glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated miBixroomB, 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grtjwn under glass; and flowers grown In the open. 'Total square feet vmder glass . 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown In the open. "Value of flower and vegetable seeds; and vegetables and vegetable plants. 'Not strictly conparablG with other years as figures probably Ijxclude some reports of firewood used on fams. 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 10.— CHARACTERISTICS OF PLACES NOT COUNTED AS FARMS BECAUSE OF CHANGE IN DEFINITION OF FARM: 1959 Item (Fof definitions and explanations, see text) Places excluded as farms by change in definition , 1954-1959 numlxi acres in place Cropland harvested places repocting acres Under 10 acres places reporting 10 (t more acres places reporting Operators by tenure: Full owners number Part owners and managers number Tenants number Operators by color White number Nonwhite nuiAw Ofierators by year began operation of fvesent place: 1959 operators repeating 1968 Of>erator3 repotting 1957 operators reporting 1956 operators reporting 1951-1955 operators reporting 1950 or earlier operators reporting Operators by age: Und«c 55 years operators reporting 65 to 64 years opo-atcrs reporting 66 or more years operators reporting Operatora not reporting age number Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Operators by days of work off place in 1959: No days operators reporting . . 1 to 49 days operators reporting . . 50 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. . 200 or more days operates reporting. . Operators not reporting number. ■ Operators reporting other income of family exceeiling value of farm products sold operatccs reporting. . Cattle and calves of all ages places reporting.. number . . Cows, including heifers that have calved places reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs places repotting . . number . . Chickens 4 months old and over places reporting.. number . . Ccm harvested for all purposes places reporting . . acres.. Hay harvested places reporting. . 2,396 40,409 471 1,722 452 19 1,865 87 444 2,362 34 216 191 157 134 491 1,206 1,194 437 754 1 772 86 61 97 1,372 8 2,086 1,387 2,789 1,075 1,271 539 2,056 1,463 78,509 U7 463 100 355 State Table 11.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Censtis of 1959 Ceosus starting date— November 11 Approximale average date of enumeraUon week of. . Percent of farms enumerated during* October Ito 10 October 11 to 17 October 18 to 24 October 25 lo 31 November 1 to 7 • • • November 8 to 14 November 15 to 21 November 22 to 28 November 29 to Decendrar 5 December 6 to 12. December 13 to 19 December 20 cr later Census of 1954 Censxis starting date — October 4; November 8 Approximate average date of enumeration week of Percent of fanns enumerated during- October Itofl October 10 to 16 October 17 to 23 October 24 to 31 November 1 to 6 Novembe r 7 to 13 November 14 to 20 November 21 to 27 November 26 to December 4 December 5 to 11 December 12 to 18 December 19 to 31 Nov. 22 -Nov. 28 Percent (Z) (z) (Z) 2 10 11 22 19 18 10 5 3 Nov. 7-Nov. 13 Percent 6 6 6 15 18 12 9 4 2 (Z) Z liMB -than 0.5. KANSAS 21 State Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON FARMS AND BY QUANTITY OF LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data for cattle and calves on hand, cows on hand, milk cows on hand, and animals sold alive are based on reports Tor only a sample of Fanns. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle and calves of all ages on hand fanns reportinir.. number.. 1 famis reporting. . nio< farms reportine- ■ Stofl farms roportinp. . 10 In 49 farms reportine . , 10 to 19 farms reportine . . 20 to 49 forms reporting . . .W to 90 farms reporti np . , 100 or more farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reporting. . 200 to 499 farms reporting. . 500 or more farms reporting . , Cows on hand, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . 1 farms reporting . . 2 farms reporti ng . . 3 or 4 farms reporting. . 5to9 farms reporting . . 10 (o 14 farms reporting. . 15 to 19 farms reportine. . 20 1o29 farms reporting . . 30 to 49 farms reportins.. 50 to 74 fnrms reportine . , 75 to 99 farms repeating . . lOO to 199 farrr.s reporting . . 200 to 499 farms retxjrting . . 500 or more farms reporting . . Milk COWS on hand farms reporting.. number.. 1 fam.s reporting. . 2 farms reporti ng . . 3 or 4 farms reporting . . 5 to 9 farms reporting.. 10 to 14 farms reporting . . 15 to 19 faime reporting. . 20 to 29 farms reporting . . 30 to 49 fanr.s reportipg . . 50 to 74 farms reporting . . 75 to 99 farms rertorting.. 100 to 199 farms reportine . . 200 to 499 farms reporting . . 500 or more farms reporting. . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves ranr-s reporting . . number.. l[o4 farm.s reportin'* . . 5to9 farms reixwlinj*. . 10 to 19 fnrms reportin- . . 20to29 farri.s reporting . . 30 to 39 fanr.s reporting . . 40 to 49 farms reporting . . 60 to 99 fnrms reportine . . 100 to 199 farms reporting. . 200 or more fvms reporting . . Calves sold alive. fanns reporting. . nun.lier.. 1 to 4 farms reporting. . 5to9 fair, s reporting . . 10 to 19 fanTiS reporting . . 20to29 farms reporting . . 30 to 39 farms reporting . . 40 to 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 or more farms reporting . . 100 (o 199 fanns reporting . . 200 or more farms reportin,".. Hogs and pigs of all ages on hand fams reporting.. number.. lto9 farms reporting . . 10 to 24 fam.s reporting.. 25 to 49 fanns reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting . . 100 to 199 farms reportine . . 200 to 499 ■ fanns reporting . . 500 to 999 fan.13 reportine. . 1,000 or nxire fam s reportine . . Litters farrowed, December 1. previous year, toNovemtier 30, Census year. fnmis reiwirting.. 1 fanr.s reporting. . 2 farms reporting . . 3 farms reporting. . 4 farms reporting. 5 fanr.s reporting . S farms reporting . . 7 farms reporting. , g fam.s reporting . . 9 farms reporting . . 10 or more farms reporting . I0tol9 farms reporti ng . 20 to 39 fam.s reporting . 40 to 69 fam.s reporting. 70 to 99 famis reporting. 100 or more fan.is reporting . lU Nat available. 82,398 4,389,247 1,3(X) 5,430 7,280 41,353 13,193 28,160 17,166 9,869 6,960 2,435 474 74,921 1,501,210 5,387 4,620 6,425 13,531 11,420 7,891 11,143 8,892 3,172 1,058 1,068 268 46 48,203 325,054 12,370 7,433 7,957 10,382 4,353 1,902 2,077 1,427 246 33 21 2 58,553 1,901,811 20,663 10,180 9,756 4,916 2,761 1,832 4,502 2,546 1,397 51,563 905,639 13,866 11,803 12,774 5,754 2,619 1,499 2,304 944 655 289 37,615 1,341,300 11,589 9,284 7,927 6,020 2,253 492 41 9 25,718 2,826 3,012 2,007 2,351 1,500 1,850 1,085 1,539 794 8,754 5,882 2,286 453 90 43 103,103 4,340,098 2,722 3,84« 10,072 55,644 m M 17,524 8,293 NA NA NA 99,217 1,828,493 7,870 6,206 8,911 19,202 16,525 10,382 13,581 10,035 3,740 1,236 1,152 328 49 79,015 464,034 17, 563 12,023 14,151 20,515 8,242 3,140 2,457 802 94 25 69,248 ,397,081 28,544 14,195 11,942 5,289 2,526 1,508 3,015 1,U7 782 66,950 960,577 20,343 17,552 15,862 6,080 2,799 1,352 2,075 887 NA NA 41,594 903,220 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26,405 NA KA NA NA KA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA KA NA Hogs and pigs sold alive. famis 1 to4 5to9 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 199 300 or more 200 to 499 ... . 500 to 999 ... . 1,000 or more.. Sheep and lambs of all ages on hand. . Under 25 25 to 99 JOO to 299 .300 to 999 1,000 to 1.999.. 2,000 to 4,999. 5,000 or more. . . Wool shorn (excluding lambs wool) . t'nder 1,000 pounds 1,000 to 2,49(> pounds ... 2,500 to 4.999 pounds ... 5,000 to 9,999 pounds . . . 10,000 (o 19,999 pounds . 20.000 to 49,999 pounds . 50.000 or more Dounds . . . Chickens 4 months old and over on hand . Under 50 50 to 99 100 to 399 400 to 799 600 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,198... A, 200 or more. 3.200 to 6,399 . 6,4(X) or more. . Broilefs (chickens) sold . t'nder 2,000 2.000 to 3.999... 4,00010 7,999... 8.000 to 15.999.. 16.000 to 29.999 . 30.000 to 59.999. 60.000 to 99.999 . 100.000 or more. . Chickens (other than broilers) sold. Under 50 50 to 99 100 to 399 400 to 799 600 to 1.599 1,600 to .1,11)9.. 3.20010 6,399.. 6.400 to 9,999.. 10.000 or more. . Chicken eggs sold . t'nder 100 dozens 100 to 30n dozens 40O lo 7n9 dozens 600 to 1.509 dozens 1.600 to 1.999 dozens 2,000 to 4.999 dozens 5,000 or mote dozens 5,000 Id 9,999 dozens . . . 10,000 to 19,999 dozens . 20.000 to 49.999 dozens . 50.000 or more dozens .. . Turkeys raised . I'nder 50 50 to .399 400 to 799 800 to 1.599 1.600 or more 1,600 10 3,199.. 3,200 10 9.990.. 10.000 or more. . arms reporting, number, farms reporting, arms reporting, reporting, arms repcrting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reportine. pounds . arms reportine . 'arms reportine . arms reporting, arms reporting. ■am.s reporting, 'arms repotting, 'arms tvporting . 9 reporting., number., reporting., reporting., reporting, reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting.. reporting. . number., reporting . . reportine. . reportine.. reporting, reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reportine. . reporting, reporting. , arms reporting, number, 'arms repcrting. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, 'amis reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting. 'arms refxjrting. number, farms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting. 'am,s reporting. 1 reportine. 1 reportine ■ 'amis retxining. ramis repotting. Importing, dozens . reporting, reporting . reporting . reporting, renortin,". reporting., reporting, reporting, refiortine. reporting., renorting . . Ls reportine. number, arms reporting, 'amis reporting, ^aims reporting, arms reporting, fnmis reporting. anr^ reporting. farms reporting . arms reporting. 34,597 1,709,434 2,460 3,292 6,582 5,078 3,592 2,636 6,444 3,454 1,059 943 92 24 7,986 775,191 3,300 2,913 1,257 431 59 22 4 7,327 3,967,220 6,359 743 179 25 16 4 1 62,823 7,705,091 23,929 12,514 23,729 2,013 377 205 56 47 9 24 560,189 4 5 4 2 2 3 4 31,766 3,659,471 9,813 10,403 10,482 730 223 76 22 11 6 44,349 64,334,534 5,850 11,191 7,519 9,489 1,576 6,343 1,881 1,229 360 251 41 1,541 785,384 1,127 228 21 48 U7 37 63 17 36,339 1,065,755 5,180 6,404 8,556 5,146 2,946 2,053 4,221 1,447 336 KA NA NA 7,977 555,215 NA NA HA NA KA NA KA KA KA 89,258 10,301,470 25,007 19,162 42,535 2,332 190 29 3 NA KA 137 382,186 KA KA KA 37,591 3,475,083 HA KA KA KA KA KA KA NA NA 66,993 67,694,049 7,020 17,492 14,494 15,992 2,498 8,518 979 NA KA NA NA 2,093 671,954 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 I Data for all crops exceot com, Irish potatoes, «nd forest oroducts are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) State total (For definitions and explanations, see text) CQSN Acres harvested for all purpoaea farms reporting.. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. , 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting., 10 acres fanoa reporting., 11 to 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres fanne reporting,, 20 to 2A acres faims reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres faims reporting., 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. , 100 to 149 acres farms reporting., 150 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 399 acres farms reporting., 400 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Acres harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres.. Iniehela.. Under 5 acres farms reporting,. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres fauna reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting.. 75 to 99 acres famis reporting,, 100 to 149 acres farms reporting,. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting,. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting.. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting, , 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Com sold farms reporting . . bushels.. Under 100 bushels farms reporting • . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,(XX) to 1,499 bushels fanns reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels fanns reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting,, SORGHUUS Acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting.. acres.. Under 3 acres farms reporting.. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting., 5 to 10 acres farms reporting., 11 to 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . , 50 to 74 acres farms reporting., 75 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 149 acres farms reporting., 150 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres fanns reporting., 300 to 399 acres farms reporting.. 400 to 499 acres fanns reporting., 500 or more acres farms reporting.. Acres harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres. < pounds * < Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres fanns reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 22 to 49 acres farms reporting. 30 to 74 acres farms reporting, 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting, 200 to 299 acres farms reporting, 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting, 500 or more acres farms reporting. (^antlty sold farms reporting. pounds. 43,178 51,038 1,869,941 2,037,169 1,841 1,710 3,770 1,973 \ 6,771 4,202 4,924 1,964 2,633 3,842 5,369 2,815 9,331 ' 15,071 6,464 7,741 2,938 3,321 2,619 2,429 796 666 460 328 106 38 25 24 27 13 39,223 29,601 1,674,816 1,302,866 69,902,423 30,750,440 1,805 1,094 3,626 1,829 ^ 3,585 3,856 2,270 1,809 1,266 3,359 2,741 2,525 1,975 8,380 6,675 5,822 5,115 2,612 2,363 2,340 1,763 709 484 413 213 90 31 24 17 24 9 22,835 13,432 36,858,480 13,035,366 599 948 5,944 4,922 5, IBS 2,995 3,452 1,754 1,336 927 2,407 1,031 1,976 610 1,064 194 36= 51 69,186 75,810 4,805,278 5,429,992 577 1,026 1,424 2,325 6,748 10,584 5,488 6,783 2,453 2,917 4,632 5,711 17,253 17,032 10,975 9,770 5,864 5,236 6,586 6,010 2,731 2,710 2,434 2,613 895 1,191 472 609 654 1,293 60,228 46,817 3,843,902 3,551,408 7,035,370,378 2,795,077,432 451 515 1,237 1,349 6,539 6,553 5,401 4,218 2,272 1,575 4,619 3,747 15,767 10,777 9,333 5,857 4,4U 2,832 4,747 3,669 1,964 1,585 1,803 1,789 744 825 382 490 556 1,031 41,057 22,896 4,451,960,898 1,813,035,504 WHEAT Acres harvested fanns reporting , , acres , , Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . , 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting., 16 to 19 acres farms reportir^., 20 to 24 acres ..farms reporting,, 25 to 29 acres. farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres ..farms reporting., 50 to 99 ac res , farms reporting . , 100 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 499 acres fanns reporting., 500 to 999 acres farms reporting., 1,000 or more acres farms reporting., Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . Under 20 bushels farms reporting., 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting., 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting,, 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting., 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting., 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 bushels fanns reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting,, 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 bushels fanns reporting., 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting., Qiantity sold farms reporting., bushels,. Under 25 biishels farms reporting., 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting., 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting . , 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . , 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting,, 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting,, OATS FOR GRAIN Acres harvested farms reporting., acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting., 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres farms reporting . , 16 to 19 acres farms reporting., 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting,. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting , . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting,. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting , . 500 or more acres fanns reporting , . Oiantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . Under 20 bushels farms reporting . . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting . . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . . 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting,. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting . . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels fanns reporting,. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting,. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting,, (^lantlty sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels fanns reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels fanns reporting, 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting,. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels fanns reporting. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. 83,369 9,861,332 467 2,037 6,248 5,233 2,1X4 3,045 3,553 11,736 16,789 17,285 4,713 2,733 5,073 2,031 312 83,369 199,614,003 40 20 300 961 3,137 14,51B 15,107 10,177 7,505 10,581 11,159 7,260 2,604 82,682 188,507,067 65 279 1,080 18,307 15,078 10,486 7,473 10,505 10,405 6,688 2,316 32,551 683,770 1,666 5,059 7,036 2,498 2,079 4,462 2,315 5,149 2,068 209 o 32,551 16,538,451 115 97 660 1,919 5,116 13,134 7,341 2,316 930 648 221 51 3 7,738 3,626,808 77 162 547 4,579 1,498 484 205 162 53 19 2 See footnotes at end of tat)le. KANSAS 23 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED. AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS; CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued rtteta for all crops except com, Irish potatoes, and Torest pnxlucts are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For derinitionii .ind explanations, see text) BASLEf Acres harvested fanns reporting. . acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting,. 5 to 9 acres famiB reporting.. 10 to li acres fanns reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 2A acres farms reporting. . 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting.. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres fanns reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres. .................... .fanns reporting.. ftiantity harvested fanns reporting., bushels, , Under 20 bushels farms reporting. . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting. , 25 to 49 bushels fanns reporting, . 50 to 99 busheLa fanns reporting,. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting,. 200 to 499 bushels fanns reporting, . 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting, , 1,000 to 1,499 bushels fanns reporting,. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting,. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting,. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting,. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. ^lantity sold fanns reporting,, bushels,. Under 25 bushels farms reporting,, 25 to 49 bushelB farms reporting,. 50 to 99 bushelB fanns reporting,. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting,. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting,, 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting,, 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting,, 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting,, 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. RYE Acres harvested. ..................... .farms reporting. , acres.. Under 5 acres fanns reporting.. 5 to 9 acres fanns reporting., 10 to 14 acres farms reporting., 15 acres fanns reporting. . 16 to 19 acres fanns reporting,, 20 to 24 acres farms reporting,, 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 or more acres..... ........ ........... farms reporting . Qiantlty harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 20 bushels farms reporting. . 20 to 24 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting . . 50 to 99 bushels fanns reporting.. 100 to 199 bushels farms reporting.. 200 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels fanns reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels fanns reporting,. ^lantity sold farms reporting . . bushels.. Under 25 bushels farms reporting,. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting.. 10,000 or more bushels farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 27,270 878, 3L2 1,U7 3,503 4,197 1,586 1,522 3,189 1,832 5,277 3,642 1,092 140 65 68 27,270 23,003,962 77 361 1,179 3,032 8,669 6,990 2,792 1,590 1,2U 865 345 68 12,278 11,330,637 47 154 346 4,894 3,111 1,359 729 730 473 197 38 5,165 137,733 631 884 958 299 221 539 251 507 558 159 32 10 13 3 5,165 2,080,681 93 108 376 676 1,058 1,693 691 221 113 67 52 13 3,459 1,682,390 17,179 442,131 960 2,735 1,591 377 17,179 10,015,844 134 369 1,780 8,134 4,092 1,421 613 453 127 52 4 6,385 3,416,725 42 121 525 3,308 1,4U 542 200 173 43 15 2 4,836 80,638 880 1,277 1,849 230 51 4,836 926,739 (For dennilions and explanaiions, see text) 604 922 314 47 16 2,115 475,002 83 159 101 193 268 316 2,028 1,235 563 169 212 33 99 6 48 4 45 SOYBEANS HARVESTED FOR BEANS Acres harvested farms reporting, , . acres... Under 10 acres farms reporting. . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting... 100 or more acres farms reporting... ^entity harvested farms reporting , . . bushels... ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES CUT FOR HAT AND FOR DEHYDRATING Acres harvested fanns reporting... acres... Under 5 acres fanns reporting... 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. . , 10 to 14 acres farms reporting. . . 15 acres farms reporting... 16 to 19 acres farms reporting... 20 to 24 acres farms reporting.., 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting... 30 to 49 acres fanns reporting . . , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting,,, 100 to 199 acres farms reporting,., 2(X) to 249 acres farms reporting... 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.., 30O to 499 acres farms reporting,., 500 to 999 acres fanns reporting,,, 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting,,, ^lantity harvested farms reporting,.. tons... Under 20 tons farms reporting... 20 to 24 tons farms reporting... 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . . . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting... 100 to 199 tons fanns reporting... 200 to 499 tons farms reporting... 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. ,, 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting... 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting.,, 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting,,, 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting... 5,000 or more tons farms reporting... (^antity sold farms reporting . , , Under 25 tons fanns reporting,,, 25 to 49 tons farms reporting... 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.,, 100 to 499 tons farms reporting,.. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting... 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting,,, 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting,,, 2,(XK3 to 2,999 tons fanns reporting... 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting... 5,CK)0 or more tons farms reporting, . . CLOVER, TmOTHY, AND MDOTIHES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested farms reporting... acres... Under 5 acres f aims reporting . . , 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.,, 10 to 14 acres farms reporting,., 15 acres farms reporting,,, 16 to 19 acres farms reporting,,. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting... 25 to 29 acres fanns reporting... 30 to 49 acres farms reporting... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting... 100 to 199 acres farms reporting... 200 or more acres fanns reporting... (^lantity harvested faims reporting... tons.,. Under 20 tons fanns reporting,,, 20 to 24 tons fanns reporting... 25 to 49 tons farms reporting... 50 to 99 tons farms reporting... 1(D0 to 199 tons fanns reporting... 200 or more tone farms reporting,,, C^iantity sold farms reporting, , , tons... Under 25 tons farms reporting... 25 to 49 tons ..fanns reporting... 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. . . 100 or more tons fanns reporting... 12,083 409,831 1,887 4,504 3,263 1,701 728 12,083 8,510,258 46,537 1,046,677 2,734 7,577 8,887 3,290 3,457 5,731 3,273 7,884 3,174 509 27 7 20 13 46,587 2,405,669 12,994 4,282 12,582 10,461 4,834 1,274 133 U 6 8 1 1 9,092 423,748 4,679 2,060 1,352 948 40 1 3 7 1 1 10,496 285,137 2,051 4,128 2,802 1,283 232 10,496 1,941,611 58,529 1,425,551 4,243 10,297 23,113 14,385 5,249 1,112 92 29 7 2 58,529 2,322,653 30,759 12,882 9,400 5,347 116 14 7 3 1 9,444 404,676 5,092 2,068 1,326 909 34 9 4 1 1 4,043 5,380 64,764 90,544 309 584 951 1,205 871 "^ 376 > 2,495 303 1 476 J 258 400 V 883 92 178 6 31 1 4 4,043 5,380 96,424 113,945 2,021 554 } 3,891 1,078 997 314 384 65 11 \ 108 398 587 5,992 10,591 321 468 66 91 10 11 1 17 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Data for all crops except com, Erish potatoes, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanationn, see text) iiem (For dermilions and explanations, see text) I£SPEriEZA CUT FOR HAY Acres harvested fanna reporting.. acres. . Under 3 acres fauns reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to lA acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres forms reporting,. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting,. 200 or more acres , , farms reporting. . (^entity -harvested farms reporting.. tons.. Under 20 tons fanos reporting.. 20 to 24 tons .farms reporting*. 25 to 49 tons... farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting.. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting.. 200 or more tons farms reporting,. Oiantlty sold faxms reporting.. tons. . Under 25 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting., 50 or more tans farms reporting,. OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, HYE, OR OTHER SMALL GRAINS CUT FOR HAY Acres harvcBted farms reporting.. acres.. Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting,. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 29 acres farms reporting., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting,, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting,, 200 to 249 acres farms reporting., 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 or more acres farms reporting,. ^antlty harvested farms reporting.. tons. . Under 20 tons farms reporting., 20 to 24 tons fanns reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting., 50 to 99 tons .....farms reporting.. 100 to 199 tcoB farms reporting.. 200 to 499 tons faims reporting,. 500 or more tons farms reporting.. (^lantity sold farms reporting.. tons.. Under 25 tons farms reporting., 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tans farms reporting., 100 or more tons farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. 2,8(K 2,355 36,662 27,325 353 435 785 779 732 277 947 162 215 98 113 164 66 15 2 15 1 2,804 2,355 49,088 28,013 1,808 351 2,105 501 192 131 iS 10 3 10 U3 163 1,591 1,467 132 148 6 10 5 5 3,646 9,777 9,335 129,285 575 2,010 1,076 2,840 891 258 123 3,733 241 135 255 > 906 68 224 21 54 3,646 9 ,777 59,236 U3 ,132 2,637 349 8 ,330 451 991 150 340 54 4 115 1 1 123 441 2,467 6 ,200 91 363 17 49 13 20 2 9 WILD HAY CUT Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres farms reporting . 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting . 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. ^antity harvested farms reporting . tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting . 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tone farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 199 tans farms reporting. 200 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tans farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting. 5,000 or more tons farms reporting. Quantity sold farms reporting . Under 25 tons fanos reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 to 499 tons. ..I farms reporting. 500 to 999 tans farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 or more tone farms reporting. OTHER HAY CUT Acres harvested farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres ; farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 14 acres fame reporting. 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reportiixg. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres... faros reporting. 500 or more acres farms reporting. ftiantity harvested farms reporting. tons. Under 20 tons farms reporting. 20 to 24 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tans farms reporting. 100 to 199 tons farms reporting. 200 to 499 tans farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 or more tana farms reporting. C^iantlty sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tans farms reporting. 50 to 99 tans farms reporting. 100 or more tens farms reporting. 23,858 601,512 2,238 4,591 4,503 1,528 1,091 2,370 1,294 3,418 2,092 583 83 17 28 10 12 23,858 770,101 11,718 2,479 5,420 2,880 1,051 269 27 7 4 1 1 1 3,555 119,605 2,278 686 379 200 7 1 2 2 6,121 80,179 1,323 1,775 1,206 329 196 530 205 360 168 24 4 6,121 112,581 4,281 526 823 373 98 18 2 348 7,411 253 46 37 12 KANSAS 25 State Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING CLASSIFIED BY ACRES HARVESTED. QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SELECTED CROPS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-('ontinued [Dau for All crops except com, Irish potatoe-,, and forest products are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions nnd explanations, see text) State total Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) GRASS SILACZ MADE FROM ORASSES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, OR SMALL GRAINS Acrea harvested farms reporting... acres. . . Under 5 acres farms reporting... 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . . 10 to l-i acres farms reporting... 15 acres farms reporting . . . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . . . 20 to 2A acres farms reporting . , . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.., 30 to i9 acr«s farms reportiiig. . , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting... 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.., 200 or more acres farms reporting.., (iiantlty harvested farms reporting . . , tons, green weight... Under 20 tons farms reporting... 20 to 24 tons farms reporting . . , 25 to ^9 tans farms reporting. ,, 50 to 99 tons farms reporting... 100 to 199 tons farms report ing . . , 200 to i99 tons.. farms reporting.., 500 to 999 tons fanns reporting.., 1,000 or more tons farms reporting.., ALFALFA SEED Acres harvested farms reporting . . acres. . Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to lA acres farms reporting.. 15 acres farms reporting.. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 2i acres farms reporting . . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. lOO to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting., 250 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 or more acres farms reporting.. ^antlty harvested famie reporting.. pounds. , Under 20 pounds farms reporting.. 20 to 24 pounds farms reporting. . 25 to 49 pounds farms reporting. . 50 to 99 pounds farms reporting. . 100 to 199 pounds fariDS reporting.. 200 to 499 pounds farms reporting . . 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting.. 10,000 or more pounds farms reporting.. IRISH POTATOES Acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres^. bushels . . Under 1 acre farms reporting.. acres., bushels . . 1.0 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . 2.0 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. acres., bushels . . 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels. . 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . 10.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . 25.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting.. acres . . bushels. . 50 or more acres fanas reporting.. acres. . btishels. . 833 20,336 26 120 139 79 62 111 61 14S 72 15 833 97,206 65 30 71 229 327 99 11 1 5,482 84,010 761 1,313 1,160 423 256 615 274 508 157 12 2 5,482 6,022,108 5 135 470 1,569 1,450 679 343 384 296 122 24 13,0.0 1,159 262,705 13,424 415 144,059 100 89 7,1>17 24 49 4,980 38 27 2,890 11 80 17,471 5 74 19,600 4 155 28,421 4 270 38,137 884 20,595 45 181 58 15 7 884 77,266 145 277 7,199 124,940 1,164 1,599 2,780 327 73 7,199 14,671,920 4,510 1,219 929 510 31 19,968 1,267 273,287 19,796 456 193,733 US 128 6,973 21 43 2,308 12 39 4,350 6 38 4,175 6 76 8,289 4 139 17,360 5 348 36,099 VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irish and sweet potatoes) Value of sales farms reporting . , dollars. , Under $20 farms reporting . , $20 to $24 farms reporting., $25 to $49 farms reporting., $50 to $99 fanns reporting . , $100 to $199 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. , $500 to $999 fanns reporting. $1,000 to $1,499 farms reporting. $1,500 to $1,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to $2,999 farms reporting. $3,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. $10,000 or more farms reporting. LAND M BEARmO AUD NONBEARINO FRUIT ORCHARIB, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES^ Acres In orchards farms reporting. acres. Under 0 . 5 acre farms reporting . 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting. 1.0 to 1.4 acres farms reporting. 1.5 acres farms reporting. 1.6 to 1.9 acres farms reporting. 2.0 to 2.4 acres fanns reporting. 2.5 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. 3.0 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres fanns reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. 20.0 to 24.9 acres farms reporting. 25.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting. 100 or more acres farms reporting. FOREST PRODUCTS Sales of standing timber farms reporting. dollars. Under $25 farms reporting. $25 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $299 farms reporting. $300 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or more farms reporting. Firewood and fuelwood cut fanns reporting. cords {4'x4'x8')- Under 25 cords farms reporting. 25 to 49 cords farms reporting. 50 to 99 cords farms reporting. 100 to 499 cords farms reporting. 500 or more cortis farms reporting. Sales farms reporting. cords (4'x4'i8'). Fence posts cut farms reporting. number. Under 100 fence posts farms reporting . 100 to 499 fence posts farms reporting. 500 to 999 fence posts farms reporting. 1,000 to 4,999 fence posts farms reporting. 5,000 or more fence posts farms reporting. Sales farms reporting . number. Sawlogs and veneer logs sold farms reporting. thousands of board feet . Under 1,000 board feet farms reporting. 1,000 to 2,499 board feet farms reporting. 2,500 to 4,999 board feet farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 board feet farms reporting. 10,000 to 19,999 board feet farms reporting. 20,000 to 49,999 board feet farms reporting. 50,000 to 99,999 board feet farms reporting. 100,1X10 or more board feet farms reporting. 1,348 1,360,446 148 247 201 203 91 48 40 64 49 33 24 3,930 8,345 1,340 826 824 91 10 333 42 161 127 89 36 10 27 U 3 702 147,606 45 243 286 111 12 4 1 5,267 56,961 4,957 233 51 24 2 276 6,466 2,056 465,984 716 1,144 124 306 171,504 76 468 13 25 14 9 10 3 2 887 1,013,772 95 in 82 42 10 72 46 31 12 3,652 9,442 774 987 144 103 51 15 7 NA NA NA NA N* NA NA 11,296 117,425 NA NA NA NA NA NA KA 7,513 1,534,952 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA HA HA HA NA Not available. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for farms with lees than 20 trees and grapevines. 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figures on number of (rorkers and wage rates Itre for hired persons working the week preceding Ihe enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Fconomic class, 1959 Commercial farms Hjretl workers fanns reporting. persons . 1 hired vwirker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 U) 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. arms reporting, persons . arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) . 1 hired worlter 2 hired wor4 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days). . 1 hir«d worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hit^ workers . . Paid on a moftthly basis Avemge hours worked per person per nonth . Average wage rate per person per month Under S50 per month $50 to $S4 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to S129 per month $130 to $169 per month .$170 to $214 per month $215 to $274 per month $275 to $324 per month S325 to $374 per month $375 and over per month Pait] on a weekly basis . rarms reporting persons 'arms reporting "arm? reporting anns reporting 'arms reporting faims reporting Farms reporting persons farms reporting farms reporting anns reporting i reporting farms reporting 'ams reporting persons farms reporting farms reoorting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting I reporting I reporting farms reporting ..farms reporting persons hours dollars . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting , .farms reporting , .farms reporting , .farms reporting ..farms repotting ..farms repotting Average hours worked per parson per wee Average wage rale per person per week . Under $12 per week $12 to $24 per week $25 to $29 per week S30 to $39 per week $40lo$49perweek $50 to «59 per week $60 to $69 per week $70 to $79 per week $80 to $89 per week $90 and over prr week Paid on a daily basis. Average hours worked per person per day . Average wage rale per person per day- . . . Under $4 per day $4 per day $5 per day $6 per day $7 per day $8 per day $9 per day $10 per day $11 per day $12andover per dfty. Paidoti an houil)f basis. Average wage rate per person per hour , Under $0.45 per hour S0.45 to $0.54 per hour S0.5S to $0.64 per hour $0.65 to$0.74 p«» hot*. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour $1.15 to $1.29 per hour $1.30 to $1.44 per hour $1.45 and over per hour PaiiJ 0(1 a piece-work basis. Persons mrking Friday week preceding enumeration . Average earnings per person . .farms reporting persons hours dollars ..farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting . . farms reporting ..farms reporting . . farms reporting ..farms reporting persons hours dollars ..farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting persons dollars . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting ..farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting . .farms reporting persona . .farms reporting persons dollars Economic class, 1959-ConUnued ComiTiercial farms-Continued 1,606 2,076 1,290 200 109 7 iS2 528 Ul 36 5 1,180 1,548 936 152 85 7 426 56 1,124 275 292 187 147 7 49 58 13 47 43 52 6 334 382 8.3 7.51 15 6 45 92 27 76 6 45 2 20 867 1,167 1.06 5 10 5 47 5 a9 92 30 54 114 145 26 37 8.21 892 1,232 645 185 57 5 232 280 184 48 682 952 499 126 52 5 210 22 660 176 208 167 131 5 55 26 6 39 28 6 11 173 253 7.2 6.82 30 5 26 20 20 46 6 10 io 4a 543 1.19 5 5 5 6 30 45 6.22 15 1 47 13 15 155 197 5 5 8.0 5.00 35 45 1.00 5 5 10.00 353 607 268 70 8 5 2 126 259 96 25 3 2 239 348 187 40 5 6 1 114 12 227 76 169 167 196 10 15 10 is 10 1 14 47 57 8.1 8.03 149 251 1.05 86 23 5 5 66 95 26 39 7.00 222 277 167 55 162 192 132 30 60 5 157 45 60 U2 129 10 5 a 26 8.0 8.84 5 5 1 5 106 121 1.03 50 21 5 5 50 60 15 20 6-00 Part^relirement 111 136 10 5 41 41 41 70 95 55 10 5 16 16 169 95 10 5 25 25 30 30 5 5 5 10 25 30 8.2 7.33 5 10 35 45 0.97 5 30 15 20 20 194 5 5 3 5 2 20 133 10 5 3 2 7 61 6 1 13 7 15 93 184 255 1 1 8.0 8.00 10 15 9.00 85 1.11 1 15 1 4 .50 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 15 -HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES. CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 [Figu,,s on „>mb« of ^rkers »a .,>ge r.U„ « to, hi.«i p»ao.3 wortane the week preceding the enu,.«M.o„. D^ .«. bused o. ..pona foe only . ..»pl» of fim»i. See ««..] (For definitions and expianationa, see text) HiretJ workers fanns reporting . . persons . . 1 hired woriter fams reporting. . 2 hired vioAers v farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 lo9 hired vrotiters farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workerg farms reporting. . Regular workers (to be ennployed 150 or more days) faims reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 Of 4 hired workers fanns reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporung. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 8 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms repdting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reficrting. . Paid 0(1 a monthly basis 'an™ repotting. . persons. . Average hours worked per person per month hours . . Average wage rate per person per month dollars . . Under $50 per month farms reporting. . $50 lo $84 p« month farms reporting . . 585 to $109 per month farms reporting . . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting . . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 to $274 per month farms t«porting. . $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. . $325 to $374 per month farms reporting. . $375 and over per month -farms reporting. . Paid on a weekly basis 'arms reporting . . persons . . Average hours worked per person per week hours . . Average wage rate per person per week dollars . . Under $12 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $24 per week 'arms leforting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. . $30 to 539 per week farms reporting. . $40 lo $49 per week farms reporting . . $50 to $59 per week 'arms reporting . . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting . . $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. . $80 to $89 per week farms reporting. . $90 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basis 'arms reporting. . persons. . Average hours worked per person per day hours . . Average wage rate pet tietson per day dt>llars . . Under $4 per day 'arms reporting . . $4 per day farms repotting.. $5 per day farms reporting . . Se per day. farms reporting. . SI per day 'arms reporting. . $8 per day. -farms reporting.. Se per day farms reporting. . SIO per day farms reporting . . $11 per day. fajms reporting . . $12 and over per day farms reporting.. Paid on an hourly basis 'arms reporting . . persons. . Average wage ral« per person per hour dollars . . Under -50.45 per hour farms reporting.. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting., $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting., $0.65 to $0.74 pot hour 'arms reporting. , $0.75 to $0.84 pwhour farms reporting. , $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting . $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.16 to $L29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour 'arms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour 'arms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis 'arms reporting. persons. Per 'ions working Friday iweek preceding enumeration farms reporting . persons. Average earnings per person dollars . 10,352 15,988 7,286 1,905 908 220 33 5,237 7,327 4,038 SA8 262 72 17 6,085 8,661 4,603 943 437 89 13 4,267 970 5,115 3,443 4,744 209 192 74 209 287 151 585 1,105 714 237 44 37 1,064 1,406 47 U 52 94 53 162 295 241 102 50 9 6 1,793 2,435 8.6 8.04 92 35 192 276 223 424 63 318 21 144 4,416 6,531 1.08 5 23 27 10 204 25 3,140 673 69 240 602 872 239 370 8.15 15,314 26,744 10,021 2,910 1,641 647 95 5,938 8,210 4,726 809 3l>i 66 33 10,685 18,534 7,027 1,972 1,150 486 50 4,629 1,309 9,376 4,350 5,657 232 162 100 315 511 434 1,315 1,228 329 102 16 1,094 1,397 52 41 23 106 85 252 307 231 62 27 4,132 6,264 9.3 8.01 U2 127 536 587 500 757 132 1,351 6,569 12,370 1.04 5 42 53 36 500 166 4,690 787 23 267 629 1,056 Type of farm 4,028 5,783 2,981 652 311 79 5 1,753 2,192 1,431 248 60 13 1 2,536 3,591 1,922 3TO 192 50 2 1,492 261 2,275 1,121 1,380 210 194 15 61 94 48 186 354 256 80 14 U 316 391 46 U 15 8 17 64 93 74 21 21 1 2 839 1,097 8.7 8.50 22 8 96 139 85 204 30 149 9 97 1,788 2,508 1.10 7 5 10 42 15 1,222 360 31 96 257 407 81 162 9.77 Other field-crop 6 6 242 217 Vegetable 2 11 1.11 NA Not available. KANSAS 29 State Table 15.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY TYPE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage ral«9 are for hired peraons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Type of farm-Continued Poultly Dairy Livestock ranches Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and ltveslx)ck ranches Miscellaneous and unclassiTied Hired workers farms 1 hired WTjrker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired worl(ers 5 to 9 hired wor4er person per month .... Under S50 per month J50 to $84 per month S85 to $109 per month $110 to SlSfl per ironth $130 to S169 per month $170 to $214 per month $215 to $274 per ironth 5275 to S324 per month S325 to $.374 pet month S375 and over per month , . farms . .rarms , .Tarms , .rarms . .rarms . .farms . . farms , . farms Paid on a weekly basis farms Average hours worked per person fier we. Average wage rate per rierson per week. . I 'nder $1 2 per week $12 to 524 per week $25 to $29 per week $.30 to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 to $59 per week $60 to $69 per week $70 to S79 per week $80 to $89 per week S90 and over per week Paid on a daily basis farms Average hours worked r^er person per day \verage wage rate [ler person per day I'nder $4 per day.. farms $4 per day rarms $5 per day rarms S6 per day rarms $7 per day rarms $8 per day rarms $9 per day rarms $10 per day rarms $11 per day rarms $12 and over per day rarms Paid on an hourly basis rarms reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, report! ng . reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, persons. . . . hours . ..dollars, reporting, refmrting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, persons, , . . hours , ..dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, repeating, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, persons, , , , hours , ., dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Average wage rale per person pv hour I'nder $0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms $0.65 to 50.74 per hour farms $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms $0.85 to $0.99 per hour, farms $1.00 to $1.14 per hour, farms $1,15 to $1.29 per hour farms $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting, persons. ..dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis rarms reporting persons Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration rarms reporting persons Average earnings per person dollars 10 30 0.60 79 293 Jl 17 U 15 5 53 105 16 27 10 52 1£8 31 6 10 27 26 26 U 26 251 215 56 1.01 693 1,111 431 174 72 16 431 635 299 8S 37 7 356 476 282 53 16 5 337 94 262 272 399 192 157 26 57 22 10 40 48 44 9 6 10 137 198 44 36 U 46 5 5 40 22 1 7 104 LU) 8.7 7.65 5 5 11 15 15 16 22 229 348 1.02 5 5 179 33 1 26 26 15 15 5.33 397 812 219 99 50 22 7 272 540 160 69 24 U 4 199 272 157 26 15 198 74 125 247 463 2U 2U 1 5 11 12 32 93 70 20 1 2 37 82 50 51 2 2 5 7 13 2 1 76 122 8.5 7.54 5 5 4 13 U 12 7 15 101 137 1.05 6 5.0O 4,120 6,092 2,920 771 354 69 6 2,257 2,962 1,793 344 91 25 4 2,299 3,130 1,750 379 M2 27 1 1,821 436 1,863 1,543 2,027 215 194 17 50 136 66 281 551 3U 99 22 10 440 566 49 46 11 23 24 71 122 90 71 16 633 868 8.5 7.74 49 17 55 91 101 149 19 114 12 26 1,738 2,352 1.07 5 1 'si 9 1,343 200 6 93 215 279 97 122 6.68 513 781 365 82 62 3 1 246 317 201 32 12 314 464 224 53 36 199 47 267 144 191 197 170 5 21 13 15 31 27 23 78 84 8.2 6.57 11 6 18 3 31 2 7 230 379 1.07 157 13 1 28 32 57 16 26 9.U 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 16.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES, CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954; AND BY SIZE OF FARM, CENSUS OF 1959 ^Figures on number of workers and wage rates are Tor hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fanns Under 10 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 la 99 acres 100 to 139 acres Hireil wfkers. farms 1 hired worler month farms repotting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. S1.10 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. S215 to $274 per nonth farms reporting . $275 to $324 per nonth farms reporting . $325 to $.174 per month farms reporting . $375 and over per month fanns reporting. 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no repular hired workers . . PaitJon a weekly basis farms Average hours worked per person per week Average wage rate per person per week Under $12 per week. farms .$12 to $24 per week farms $25 to $29 per week farms $30 to $39 per week farms $40 to $49 per week farms $50 to $.59 per week farms $60 to S69 per week farms $70 to $79 per week farms $80 to $89 per week fanns $90 and over per week farms reporting persons .. . hours . .dollars reporting reporting reporting reporti ng reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting Paitj on a tlaily basis farms reporting persons \verago hours worked per person per day hours \verage wage rate per person per day dollars Under $-1 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. S9 per day farms reporting. $10 per day farms reporting. $11 per day farms reporting. $12 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms Average wage rate per perstjn per hour Under $0.45 per hour farms $0.45 to S0.54 per hour farms S0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms $0.75 to $0.84 per hour fanns $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms $1.15 to $1.29 per hour fanns $1.30 to $1.44 per hour fams $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting, persons. . .dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting . reporting . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting . persons . Persons working Friday week preceding enumeration farms reporting. persons. Average earnings per person tkillars . «7 661 310 1(X) 30 7 102 Hi 70 25 6 1 366 517 2TO 71 20 5 81 21 3i5 86 124 176 164 5 15 10 10 26 10 5 5 85 130 8.0 8.69 5 225 315 1.06 175 40 35 50 5 10 6.00 216 262 185 26 155 170 140 15 61 10 145 40 40 1% 131 15 15 5.7 5.00 5 136 166 1.00 5 5 ioi 10 10 446 589 355 55 31 5 156 172 145 6 5 316 417 255 36 20 130 26 290 90 95 151 128 5 15 25 5 20 15 80 85 7.9 6.58 15 5 5 10 10 20 10 246 337 1.03 5 10 180 21 5 15 31 41 10 20 9.25 2,160 3,036 1,667 298 166 28 1 750 897 658 73 16 2 1 1,515 2,139 1,153 216 125 20 1 645 105 1,410 454 543 204 173 25 60 65 30 65 95 67 30 11 6 172 186 40 37 25 21 25 42 41 13 436 637 8.4 7.25 20 15 55 125 50 96 10 45 20 1,0^6 1,460 1.10 5 5 40 5 775 130 6 80 175 210 65 75 7.13 2,886 4,074 2,149 479 221 35 2 1,354 1,697 1,113 192 42 1,721 2,377 1,313 272 105 30 1 1,165 189 1,532 812 1,002 206 170 15 50 71 55 218 227 142 28 1 5 324 418 47 42 20 25 10 61 103 64 25 U 5 506 592 8.5 8.04 35 10 60 75 70 125 11 65 10 45 1,308 1,767 1.05 75 6 958 196 11 57 170 295 75 155 8.35 2,026 2,989 1,444 382 151 45 4 1,284 1,603 1,050 184 42 7 1 980 1,386 746 143 74 15 2 1,046 238 742 872 1,067 212 197 U 22 67 30 145 328 183 66 11 9 234 296 51 48 1 7 6 30 75 74 26 11 2 2 330 447 8.9 8.43 3 5 29 43 51 85 13 67 6 749 1,083 1.10 3 2 21 11 512 145 10 45 70 96 27 32 10.03 1,518 3,139 779 409 236 77 17 1,262 2,232 799 288 121 45 9 575 907 401 102 55 13 4 943 319 256 1,004 1,726 220 219 3 7 28 31 112 391 297 102 16 17 154 247 50 50 1 6 2 14 24 54 35 12 2 261 429 9.1 9.05 IS 13 32 63 19 81 5 26 370 673 1.08 13 3 261 74 2 17 17 28 9.53 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fanns Economic class Commercial farms FARkS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Percent distjibution percent LantI in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. SOO to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. acres. Soil-improvement erasses and legumes farms reporting. acres. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. acres. Wtxidland pastured farms reporting. acres. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodlantl) farms reporting. acres. Improved pasture farms repotting. acres. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting. acres. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour.. farms reporting. acres. Land in stri|>oropping systems for Boit-erosioo control farms reporting. acres. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. acres. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Opefators reporting age number. Under 25 years number. 25 to 34 years number. 35 to 44 years number . 45 to 54 years number. 55 to 64 years number , 65 or more years number. Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER DfOOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family svorkingoff farm. ..... operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold of»ratacco farms number. . CoUon farms number. . Other field-crop farms number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number.. Poultry fam:s .- number.. Dairy farms number.. Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number.. Livestrxik ranches number.. General farms number. . Miscellaneous and unclassiHed farms number . . SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farriis reprtting.. number.. Com pickers farms importing.. number. . Pick-up balers farms reporting.. number.. Field forage harvesters farms reportinc. . number.. Vkitortnicks -. farms reporting.. number . . Tractors farms reporting. . number.. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number.. 1 tractor farms repotting. . 2 tractors farms reporting. . 3 tractors farms reporting. . 4 tractors farms reporting.. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors ferma repcrting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number.. Garden tractors farms reporti ng . . number. . .Automobiles farms reporting . . number.. Automobiles and. 'or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone fanris reporting.. Home freercr farms reporting. . Milking machine farms rerxirling. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for drain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting.. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting , , Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reiwrting, , Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting, , Dirt or unimproved farms reporting, , Less than 1 mile to a hartl surface road farms reporting,, 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting, , 1 mile farms rejiorting,, D or 3 miles farms reporting, , 4 miles farms reporting , , 5 or mor« miles farms reportini:, , FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms Regular hired workers(employed 150 or more days) farms Farms reporting by number of re.gular hired workers; 1 hired worker 2 hired workers .t or i hired workers 5 to 9 hireil workers 10 or more hit^ workers reporting, persons, reporting, persons , reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. RF,<1DENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting , Operators not reporting residence number, . See footnotes at end of table. 38,049 39,900 25,910 2,294 U,045 8,984 1,766 1,821 37,837 39,810 25,825 212 90 85 39,997 10 33 131 45 539 5,195 28,740 1,489 6,584 21,371 64,885 72,115 21,455 21,982 24,242 24,595 16,812 17,606 83,326 122,300 92,496 183,912 91,366 173,651 36,890 35,419 13,533 3,681 1,843 91,018 170, U4 3,058 3,507 9,890 10,261 94,922 118,549 100,863 87,358 54,120 16,422 8,811 1,740 47,270 21,655 57,855 23,031 5,362 17,669 4,939 6,783 1,635 4,312 10,352 15,983 5,237 7,327 4,038 843 262 72 17 86,245 12,344 5,545 Economic class Commercial farms 22,678 37,903 22,287 1,214. 10,409 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,6a 37,848 22,237 57 55 50 39,997 10 33 131 45 539 5,195 28,740 1,489 6,584 333 60,112 67,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,361 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 409 2,355 638 36 215 240 117 30 409 2,353 637 6 6 28 67 2,050 256 58 27 2,734 3,894 699 732 1,460 1,520 1,815 2,062 3,405 10,049 3,373 12,007 3,357 11,568 186 825 1,070 613 663 3,342 11,106 377 462 402 439 3,320 5,372 3,456 3,208 2,566 333 160 294 2,843 815 1,696 908 133 775 149 240 94 292 2,061 4,176 1,668 2,912 1,057 382 154 60 15 2,621 668 188 1,U7 5,416 2,037 77 915 734 266 45 1,117 5,4U 2,026 3,416 5 10 5 66 448 4,157 207 261 35 7,108 8,711 2,183 2,287 3,288 3,347 3,582 3,764 8,301 16,741 8,381 23,241 8,358 22,188 902 3,339 2,641 988 488 8,327 21,604 497 584 997 1,053 8,349 11,549 8,553 7,912 6,103 1,639 972 473 6,705 1,798 4,428 2,248 363 1,885 377 671 205 632 2,473 3,596 1,535 1,939 1,225 238 66 e 7,126 1,109 375 3,283 11,592 5,649 200 2,909 1,881 506 153 3,282 11,572 5,641 1 20 10,451 12 10 15 100 1,635 6,882 222 1,213 46 17,035 19,002 5,921 6,095 7,305 7,391 5,695 5,897 19,379 30,785 19,901 46,472 19,817 44,166 3,729 9,980 4,503 1,222 383 19,789 43,430 648 736 2,238 2,306 19,827 25,130 20,381 18,464 13,364 5,119 3,04a 549 14,254 3,950 11,219 5,104 1,021 4,083 1,035 1,587 373 1,088 2,904 4,226 1,178 1,392 1,020 118 34 6 17,583 2,093 910 KANSAS 85 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] [Lem {For derinitions and explanations, see text) Economic clas3— Continued Commercial farms— Continued part-retirement FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operatofs: Full owners number . . Part owners number . . All tenants number . . Cash tenants number . . Share-cash tenants number . . Crop-share tenants number . . Livestock- share tenants number . . Other and unspecified tenants number . . Whit* fami operators: Full o^'ners number, , Part owners number. . All tenants number. . Nonwhite farm operators: Full owners number . . Part owners number.. All tenants number . . FARH6 BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-gram farms number , , Tobacco farms numbw . . Cotton farms number . . Other field-crop fanns number . . Vegetable farms number . . Fruil-oniJ-nut farms number . . Poultry farms number . . Dair>' farms number . . Livestock farms other than poultry' and dairy farms and livestock ranches number.. Livestock ranches number . . General farms nunber , . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Gram combines farms reporljng . . number. . Com pickers tarm^ reporting.. number. . Pick-up balers farms reporting. . number.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number. . Molort/ucks fanns reporting.. number.. Tractors farms reporting.. number,. Tractors other than garden farms reporting . . number, . 1 tractor fanns reporting.. 2 tractors farms reporting.. 3 tractors fanns reporting.. 4 tractors fanns reporting . . 5 or more tractors farms reporting.. Wheel tractors fanns reporting. . number, . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number, . Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Automobiles fanns reporting. . number.. Automobiles and/or motOTtrucks farms reporting.. Telephone fanns reporting. . Home freezer fanns reptrting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reportinp. . Power- operated elovntor, conveyor, or blower farms reporting . . Farms by kind ot road on which located: Hard surface fanns reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reportmg . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting . . 1 mile Farms reportmg . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms repirting . . 5 or more miles farms repoting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers fanns reporting . . persons. . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms repirting . . persons.. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers fanns reporting., 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . , 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence. number , See footnotes at end of table. 6,782 8,416 U,919 5,768 7,703 5,265 347 425 4,039 2,045 2,471 2,119 489 253 357 423 6,771 8,396 11,906 5,758 7,693 5,250 U. 20 13 10 10 15 13,775 9,499 5 30 55 10 5 110 100 1,630 1,090 7,884 6,257 365 355 2,540 2,043 35 65 20,106 U,310 21,614 12,064 7,321 3,535 7,455 3,610 7,308 3,342 7,419 3,350 3,945 1,393 4,046 1,422 23,257 15,105 31,016 18,262 25,093 17,828 48,991 28,945 24,970 17,710 46,661 27,416 8,579 10,025 12,098 6,096 3,517 1,295 595 188 181 106 24,862 17,664 45,876 26,923 722 437 785 493 2,238 1,497 2,330 1,529 24,830 17,346 30,276 21,052 26,082 18,913 22,797 15,595 14,544 8,579 5,539 2,630 2,781 1,311 279 106 14,168 6,633 4,926 3,586 14,819 11,208 6,328 4,431 1,467 1,012 4,861 3,419 1,356 1,061 1,945 1,375 445 311 1,115 672 1,606 892 2,076 1,232 482 232 528 280 441 184 36 48 5 22,456 2,683 1,295 15,732 2,577 1,160 2,671 853 995 129 286 347 35 198 2,646 848 990 25 5 5 1,877 5 10 20 10 135 325 1,510 84 469 75 1,819 1,886 567 567 395 400 96 96 2,624 2,952 3,515 5,004 3,440 4,667 2,435 820 149 35 1 3,420 4,602 60 65 327 ■337 3,582 4,069 4,113 2,879 1,349 217 81 1 680 845 2,514 1,061 357 704 211 266 66 161 3,580 524 416 7,887 1,291 3,028 935 546 1,007 90 450 7,797 1,281 3,013 90 10 15 2,955 3,067 700 705 812 817 168 139 7,483 8,394 9,027 12,329 8,572 10,778 6,714 1,570 243 30 15 8,492 10,526 206 252 1,501 1,551 10,884 13,7U U,546 9,582 5,147 585 325 26 1,033 3,641 6,773 1,607 633 974 325 377 61 211 222 277 65 85 45 20 9,608 1,901 703 7,484 706 595 145 90 1B5 10 165 7,419 681 575 65 25 20 1,807 1,847 525 525 316 321 107 107 3,741 3,989 5,352 6,739 5,116 6,042 4,315 681 115 5 5,096 5,937 100 105 687 697 6,777 7,327 7,783 6,870 2,464 345 120 10 943 2,065 5,192 1,343 375 963 425 322 80 141 m 136 41 41 7,521 738 481 U 30 4 6 16 30 11 23 31 U2 26 184 26 16S 5 10 ' 5 6 26 140 U 25 3 19 7 X 36 31 4 15 13 2 11 29 6 1 1 20 194 20 133 10 5 3 IS 1 17 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau are based on reports for only a sample of Tanns, See text] Itein (For definitions and explanatjons, see t«xt) Total all fanns Ea3nomic class Commercial fanns USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LttlE Commercial fertilizer and fertilizinp materials used during the year Dry matenals, ... Liquid materials. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . Dry' matenals, ... Liquid materials. Other pasture (not cropland) . Dr^' materials Liquid materials Com r^ materials — . Liquid materials. Sorghtjnis Dry materials... . Lir^uid materials. Wheat Dry materials. . . . Liquid materials. All other crops . Dry materials, ... Liquid materials. Lime or liming materials used during the year. . 'amis reporting., on which used . . . tons . . 'anns reporting.. tons... arms reporting. . tons... 'arms reporting.., acres . . 'arms reporting . . tons... 'arms reporting... tons . . 'arms reporting., acres . . 'arms reporting., tons., 'arms reporting . . tons . . 'arms reporting., acres . . arms reporting.. tons . . rarms reporting.. tons . . arms reporting., acres . . 'aims reporting. . tons . . 'arms reporting. . tons.. arms repsrting.. acres . . arms reporting . . tons.. arms reporting.. tons.. 'arms reporting., acres . . 'arms reporting.. tons.. arms reporting. . tons.. arms reporting.. acres limed.. tons.. SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDm'RES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry rnder SlOO SlOO to S999 $1,000 to 51,999 S2,000 to $4,999 $5,000 or more Purchase of livestock and poultry l'nder$l,000 $1,000 to f2,499 $2,500 to 54,999 15,000 to $9,999 510,000 or more Machine hire I'nder S200 $200 to 5999 51,000 or more Hired labor. Under $200 S200to$499 5600 to 5999 $1,000 to 52,499 52,500 to 54,999 55,000 to 59,999 510,000 to 519,999 $20,000 to 549,999 $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under $100 $100 to $499 $500 to $999 51,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under 5100 $100 to 5499 $500 to $999 $1 ,000 to $1 ,999 $5,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. reporting. . reporting. . dollars .. reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting., reporting.. reporting., dollars., reporting. . reporting . . reporting. . reporting.. Importing . . reporting., dollars., reporting., reporting . . reporting., 'arms reporting,, dollars,, 'arms reporting , , reporting,, 'arms importing,, 'arms reporting,, 'arms reporting,, 'arms reporting, . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting,, 'arms reporting,. 'arms reporting. . dollars. , 'aims reporting . . arms reforti ng . . arms reporting., reporting.. aims reporting. . dollars . . 'arms reporting., arms reporting., reporting. , 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. 50,770 5,034,031 291,837 4S,533 262,963 4,544 28,874 6,833 221,258 6,672 16,680 231 839 1,819 60,272 1,747 4,001 81 229 16,295 699,431 15, U2 41,787 1,616 6,844 15,411 822,710 13,879 38,142 1,953 10,442 42,362 2,597,320 40,776 125,835 2,283 9,525 18,496 633,040 18,149 36,518 478 995 5,854 189,391 444,868 103,752 83,200 102,041,193 10,486 49,083 11,560 8,685 3,386 60,362 231,466,183 33,686 7,715 4,604 4,140 5,217 61,819 29,781,804 24,654 30,503 6,662 53,454 33,496,202 27,335 12,247 6,105 4,556 2,154 300 139 58 10 59,351 11,470,959 25,931 28,756 3,434 1,130 102,129 65,301,103 13,813 36,767 29,996 21,216 337 44,690 4,862,909 279,254 42,554 250,897 4,332 23,357 5,930 198,876 5,784 14,744 210 806 1,572 55,449 1,506 3,547 74 223 14,956 679,812 13,844 40,502 1,564 6,773 14,443 807,283 12,931 37,144 1,927 10,406 38,215 2,524,226 36,694 121,364 2,202 9,180 16,767 597,263 16,435 33,596 462 969 5,062 165,323 391,060 83,090 68,579 97,766,833 6,594 38,955 11,060 8,597 3,373 51,538 228,812,572 30,541 7,164 4,529 4,140 5,2W 52,954 28,492,276 17,967 28,357 6,630 49,060 32,550,837 23,736 11,652 5,977 4,510 2,134 800 186 56 9 51,267 10,930,735 19,513 27,217 3,442 1,095 32,418 62,972,734 3,530 28,152 29,227 21,125 334 1,998 570,307 36,751 1,729 28,473 538 8,278 294 24,314 271 1,624 28 218 117 9,316 109 729 10 91 315 30,009 710 5,025 168 1,379 1,133 163,527 361 7,828 356 4,138 1,542 240,222 1,350 10,190 269 2,188 593 47,919 553 3,077 62 264 186 10,297 23,794 3,477 3,092 29,870,392 44 597 420 755 1,276 2,788 119,998,518 203 107 120 225 2,123 2,531 5,791,175 208 924 1,399 3,237 11,527,429 201 351 401 762 333 491 134 55 9 2,355 1,527,793 247 1,143 536 429 3,457 7,730,780 28 144 393 2,628 264 11,8 5,204 981,409 57,375 4,759 48,940 1,085 8,435 836 33,130 790 2,055 74 236 224 ,884 211 663 19 67 1,954 137,518 1,678 7,800 405 2,245 2,415 184,500 2,029 8,489 517 3,105 4,435 510,730 4,106 23,889 532 2,493 1,843 103, 547 1,760 5,044 135 289 598 23,165 55,930 8,610 7,484 18,057,380 264 2,656 1,516 1,956 1,092 6,013 49,768,382 1,242 671 632 1,229 2,244 6,003 5,600,115 1,133 2,987 1,883 7,304 8,215,074 1,553 1,722 1,423 1,630 726 203 41 1 5,632 2,059,794 1,031 3,335 973 293 3,594 11,176,861 66 575 2,552 5,340 61 I KANSAS 37 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D«t« ire baa«d on reporta for only a sMnpls of fama. S«e text] (For dennitions and explanations, aee t«xl) USE OF COMMF.RCUL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertiliiinj; materials used dunnp the year fanns reporting, , acres on which used.. Ions.. Dry materials farms reporting.. Ions,, Liquid materials farms reporting , , Ions,, Crcfis on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. , acres . . Dry materials farms reporting.. lone.. Liquid materials farms reporting, , tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting.. acres , , [>y materials farms reporting,. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting, , Ions,, Com farma reporting, . acres,. Dry materials farms reporting , , Ions,, Liquid materials farms reporting., tons.. Sorghions farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials. farmB reporting., tons,. Liquid materials farms reporting, , tons,. Wheat. farms reporting,, acres., [ky materials farms reporting . . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Ions,, All other crops farms reporting,. acres,. I>y materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Ions,, Lime or liming materials used during the year, farms reporting,, acres limed.. Ions.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting, . Feed for livestock and poultry fams reporting.. dollars.. Under $100. farms reporting . . $100 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $1,999 farms reporting. . $2,000 to $4,999 farms repcrting,, $5,000 or more farms reporting,,, Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting,,. dollars,.. Under $1,000 farms repnrting , , . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting, , , $2,&00 to $4,999 farms reporting,,, $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting,,, $10,000 or more farms reporting... Machine hire farms reporting... dollars... Under $200 farms reporting . . . $200 to $999 farms reporting . . . $1,000 or more farms reporting. , . Hired labor. farms reporting,,. dollars... Under $200, farms reporting , , . SSOO to $490 farms reporting . , . $500 to $999 farms repeating . . . $1,000 (o $2,499 farms reporting,.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting , , . $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting , , , $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting, , , $20,000 lo $49,999 farms reporting.,, $50,000 or mere farms reporting... Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting... dollars... Under $100. farms reporting . , , $100 to $499 farms reporting,,, $500 to $999 farms reporting,,. $1,000 or more farms reporting,.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting, , , dollars... Under $100 farms reporting, , , $100 lo $499 farms reporting,,, $500 to $999 farms reporting,,. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting,,, $5,000 or more. farms repcrting . , , See footnotes at end of t«ble. Economic class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued U,627 1,172,621 65,500 14,106 61,895 942 3,605 1,841 52,567 1,815 4,191 42 58 438 11,547 423 723 15 34 4,783 160,360 4,527 9,123 331 953 4,173 155,040 3,883 7,136 342 642 12,76-; 625,762 12,394 30,843 476 1,771 5,777 166,845 5,694 9,829 88 147 1,609 44,959 U0,259 26,431 22,072 17,430,754 2,039 14,179 3,629 2,020 205 16,612 16,778,993 11,826 2,756 1,379 541 110 17,054 6,330,368 6,206 9,770 1,078 14,709 3,693,191 9,228 3,582 1,303 472 98 26 16,530 2,735,402 6,745 9,087 589 109 26,312 16,440,162 674 9,546 11,965 4,127 9,085 460,340 27,878 8,872 26,918 398 960 1,190 33,188 1,130 3,082 20 U4 286 6,290 276 463 10 6 2,575 61,555 2,485 3,7U 120 248 2,098 57,822 2,016 3,037 102 112 7,582 232,176 7,411 12,558 221 418 3,180 69,309 3,155 4,064 25 32 995 30,167 63,753 19,468 14,893 7,531,588 2,418 10,373 1,569 482 51 10,451 5,952,477 8,718 1,228 371 108 26 11,922 3,329,063 5,265 6,436 221 8,095 1,688,556 5,931 1,417 473 189 84 1 11,143 1,283,628 6,375 4,587 140 41 19,262 7,683,498 1,398 12,036 4,804 1,024 1,250 43, 595 2,944 1,198 2,840 57 104 115 3,480 115 244 45 970 40 36 5 4 361 6,220 346 300 15 33 211 5,330 205 352 6 3 919 17,345 887 1,168 32 37 390 10,250 385 740 10 27 105 4,685 12,845 4,518 3,003 862,724 785 2,072 lU 35 1,887 484,498 1,772 87 17 11 1,942 364,656 1,272 650 20 1,039 206,256 816 156 36 19 12 2,123 237,560 1,540 546 21 16 4,281 1,019,292 1,208 2,563 439 71 3,810 101,315 7,325 3,725 6,902 125 423 585 13,125 575 1,159 15 26 140 2,150 135 226 5 1 840 10,765 805 695 45 60 615 10,305 600 642 20 31 2,630 45,835 2,580 2,800 60 293 1,050 19,135 1,035 1,380 15 12 500 13,650 29,780 12,012 8,326 2,394,850 2,169 5,827 265 60 5 5,023 1,749,822 4,618 350 55 5,319 781,655 3,947 1,347 25 2,476 332,967 1,992 370 73 31 10 Part^retirement 2,240 64,235 4,695 2,215 4,650 35 45 305 7,675 300 616 5 2 105 2,430 105 193 495 7,265 490 484 5 3 345 4,585 340 316 5 1 1,500 26,395 1,485 1,620 20 39 675 15,885 675 1,421 285 10,325 23,730 8,614 6,259 1,750,305 1,713 4,286 225 25 5 3,726 708,980 3,511 195 20 3,523 493,063 2,725 793 5 1,897 244,015 1,602 225 55 10 5 4,940 3,124 340,130 191,063 3,836 2,626 1,057 471 36 6 11 21 11,711 7,964 1,739,902 1,044,550 5,949 4,274 5,152 3,453 558 206 52 31 30 5,572 563 29 514 2 49 13 1,582 13 161 1 5 2 243 1 35 2 5 4 1,539 3 106 2 8 8 537 8 40 1 4 17 864 17 51 1 13 4 757 4 121 1 U 7 93 248 36 36 129,205 5 15 10 3 3 25 194,309 16 6 23 14,810 15 6 2 21 368,383 5 5 5 3 2 1 20 9,031 6 36 43,917 10 10 5 8 3 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued LData are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Fconomic class Commercial fanns ESTIH4TED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars.. average per farm, dollars . . All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than ve^Iables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars . . Vegetables sold dollars . . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars . . Poullr, and poultry' products sold dollars . . Dairy products sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and daily, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PI«5DUCTS Cattle and calves -. farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . number.. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting . . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and hull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- Ihead farms reporting . . 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head. farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. .^Oto 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 500 or more head farms reporting . . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 1 9 head. farms reporting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporUng . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head. farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head .....farms reporting.. Milk cows- 1 head fanris reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head. farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head fanr.s reporting.. .50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. Horses and/of mules farms reporting. . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Bom before June 1 farms reporting . . number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms repcrting.. number.. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . . number. . Ewes farms reporting . , number., Rams and wethers farms reporting . , number.. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars., Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. , number.. dollars., Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting., number.. dollars., Milk and cream sold farms reporting. , pounds. . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting., dollars., Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 1,113,173,731 10,690 487,682,276 480,784,856 1,360,446 702,815 4,834,159 625,491,455 20,960,874 54,546,113 549,984,468 82,398 4,389,247 74,921 1,501,210 48,203 325,054 71,798 1,224,990 72,162 1,663,047 1,300 5,430 7,280 13,193 28,160 17,166 9,395 474 5,387 24,576 19,311 11,143 8,892 3,172 1,058 1,382 12,370 25,772 6,255 2,077 1,427 246 33 23 28,206 66,501 37,741 1,343,216 28,565 825,128 29,304 518,088 8,123 805,573 6,052 376, 678 7,650 428,895 7,519 409,413 6,198 19,482 64,330 8,026,379 78,840 2,807,450 484,208,537 34,597 1,709,434 52,992,454 7,541 670,123 10,051,845 32,019 1,653,318,338 54,546,113 32,651 1,281,143 45,684 69,156,014 16,597,446 1,089,005,668 13,105 477,398,175 470,800,744 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 611,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,713 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 246 32 20 24,240 56,543 32, 189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486,918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,360 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,397,197 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,411,038 15,218,661 294,675,839 84,750 77,675,409 75,447,207 314,834 46,597 1,366,771 217,000,430 2,245,811 2,951,302 211,803,317 3,022 928,597 2,057 149,202 1,225 9,836 2,108 227,128 2,738 552,267 14 56 30 55 143 354 1,939 431 310 473 166 130 191 177 144 466 506 570 32 15 37 34 12 19 2,143 8,198 1,037 93,014 731 58,618 783 34,396 253 165,412 199 133,550 188 31,862 134 30,962 140 900 1,523 336,354 3,074 1,006,425 203,308,963 985 155,844 4,831,164 249 203,443 3,051,645 421 71,973,331 2,951,302 632 55,558 839 4,120,153 988,837 232,883,986 27,048 104,970,235 103,560,220 212,970 135,131 1,061,864 127,9U,751 3,218,238 10,132,677 114,562,336 7,426 815,156 6,052 235,757 3,883 39,679 5,992 222,749 6,804 356,650 69 205 150 198 1,041 2,308 3,424 31 590 1,251 710 674 1,099 833 371 524 1,282 1,593 293 188 364 147 20 1 3,880 8,990 2,976 201,024 2,416 124,553 2,285 76,471 759 154,936 580 85,467 689 69,469 686 67, 114 546 2,355 4,616 759,799 7,527 576, 220 103,237,823 3,070 292,436 9,065,516 737 121,155 1,317,325 2,126 273,746,829 10,132,677 2,405 135,422 3,067 8,559,211 2,054,211 286,157,518 13,901 148,411,079 147,333,769 185,025 184,721 657,564 137,746,439 5,583,576 20,799,008 111,363,855 17,832 1,124,211 16,321 439,382 10,780 101,461 15,976 326, 297 16,492 358,532 119 448 482 1,322 5,503 6,878 3,072 755 3,004 3,319 3,407 3,701 1,406 415 314 2,555 4,760 1,547 1,008 350 60 6,560 13,677 8,459 382,252 6,545 235,157 6,739 147,095 1,686 202,108 1,385 75,494 1,600 126,614 1,577 121,875 1,397 4,739 13,151 2,025,400 17,787 584,926 92,104,160 8,263 525,334 16,285,354 1,537 153,059 2,370,885 7,572 602,441,276 20,799,008 7,294 407, 54f 9,686 19,536,696 4,700,807 KANSAS 39 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definition? nml explanation?, see u?xt| Econwnie class— Continued CotnmerciaJ Ta/ms-Continued Part-retirement ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODliCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm ptoducts sold toul, dollars . average per farm, dollars . Ail crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold ....dollars. Vegetables sold dollars . FruiLs and nuts sold dollars . Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . All livestock and livestock {Toducts sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves rarms reporting . number. Cows, including heilers that have calved rarms reprrting . number. Milk cows farms reporting . number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting . number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting . number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 4 head. farms reporting , 5 to 9 head. farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 49 head.. farms reporting. 50 (o 99 head farms reporting. 100 to 499 head farms reporting . 500 or more head farms reporting . Cows including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting . 50 lo 74 head farms reprting . 75 to 09 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 lo 29 head farms reporting . .30 Ui 49 head farms reporting. 50 lo 74 head, farms reporting. 75 (o 99 head. farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting . Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Boni since June 1 farms reporting. number. Ekxn before June 1 farms reporting . number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms repoting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting . number. flams and wethers farms reporting. number. Ctijckens 4 months old and over farms reporting . number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars . Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting . pounds. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. doiens . dollars. See footnotes at end of tablew 194, iS^, 182 7,357 104,304,309 103,060,361 304,797 177,057 762,094 90,159,873 5,333,612 13,594,465 71,231,796 22,165 897,653 21,018 395,148 14,067 97,730 20,434 260,389 20,403 242,116 209 687 1,037 2,924 10,642 5,837 829 863 4,833 6,870 4,664 2,961 648 118 61 2,977 7,338 2,841 756 150 5 6,666 13,629 U,259 392,680 8,656 239,956 8,943 152,724 2,152 165,827 1,660 50,637 2,040 115,140 2,019 108,328 1,748 6,312 17,756 2,389,505 21,777 393,952 54,367,884 10,586 457,000 14,167,000 2,058 110,857 1,662,355 10,497 448,472,395 13,594,465 10,226 X2,849 13,555 20,020,595 4,804,942 73,958,532 3,799 38,557,640 38,053,214 195,410 58,729 250,287 35,400,392 2,631,095 4,919,532 27,850,265 15,063 417,418 14,343 189,614 9,145 47,220 13,777 124,033 13,403 103,771 191 620 1,376 3,636 7,366 1,754 120 574 5,363 5,376 1,991 909 103 9 13 2,016 5,757 1,247 110 15 4,183 9,913 7,043 172,669 5,281 103,317 5,470 68,352 1,480 68,975 1,106 19,054 1,430 49,921 1,410 47,597 1,136 2,324 12,529 1,347,708 14,617 164,953 21,062,581 6,416 187,219 5,803,739 1,332 44,519 667,785 6,535 179,476,847 4,919,532 6,338 190,182 9,163 9,730,213 2,335,253 6,865,611 1,519 3,479,503 3,295,973 48,250 21,059 114,221 3,386,108 368,418 500,213 2,517,477 3,120 46,704 2,948 22,230 1,798 7,600 2,673 13,513 2,355 10,961 66 369 638 1,155 878 10 3 1 287 1,736 859 56 10 401 1,257 140 808 2,136 1,410 20,732 989 13,352 999 7,380 305 9,700 210 3,180 285 6,520 275 6,290 200 230 2,368 245,546 2,731 17,275 1,354,600 1,026 16,813 521,203 255 6,305 94, 575 1,146 19,981,587 500,213 1,182 28,517 1,961 1,394,220 334,611 13,149,755 1,077 6, 199, 307 6,056,690 45,955 32,439 64,223 6,950,448 443,244 777,486 5,729,718 7,909 87,233 6,852 36,979 4,087 11,679 6,265 29,015 5,305 21,244 385 1,743 2,216 2,103 1,442 15 1,261 4,419 1,041 126 5 1,500 2,477 110 2,472 6,625 3,876 49,552 2,791 32,737 2,745 16,815 931 21,796 605 5,200 866 16,596 846 15,501 595 1,095 5,925 348,131 6,223 32,595 3,913,265 2,801 47,010 1,457,310 756 13,356 200,340 1-,871 27,059,448 777,486 1,626 41,753 2,857 1,558,616 374,071 9,854,626 1,121 3,854,826 3,726,606 29,650 41,745 56,825 5,999,800 1,056,596 605,160 4,338,044 5,840 67, 593 5,309 31,421 3,193 8,893 4,547 20,444 4,092 15,728 247 1,302 1,346 1,795 1,140 10 747 3,492 970 95 5 1,133 2,015 45 1,490 3,291 1,656 25,366 1,096 15,021 1,270 10,345 551 15,040 301 2,890 546 12,150 516 11,205 430 945 5,953 561,840 5,083 28,391 3,364,535 1,425 23,700 734,700 561 11,590 173,850 1,780 22,832,913 605,160 2,940 74,855 4,547 4,014,110 963,386 1,163,682 32,325 229,968 200,816 23,555 5,287 310 933,714 80,284 266,270 587,160 21 4,677 21 1,477 20 956 21 1,422 20 1,778 1 3 4 42 20 5,427 10 1,917 20 3,510 6 1,779 6 1,156 6 623 6 541 6 82 9 12,046 21 2,713 444,726 20 4,078 126,418 6 839 12,585 21 7,333,712 266,270 8 4,461 9 172,200 41,328 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D«U are based on refort^ for only a sample of fanns. See lextj (For ilerinitions and explanalions, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms LI\'ESTOr:< VVt) LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1. 1958, to November 30, 1959 '""is reooiting. number of liUers. 1 or G litters fnrms reportinc. 3 to 9 liUers fanns reporting. 10 to 19 litters farms repoltinc. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting . 40 to 69 litters farms reporting. 70 or more litters farms reporting. June 2 to November .10 farrr.s reporting. number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of litters. SPEOFIED CROPS HARVEffFF.D Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres. L'nder 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Harvested for grain farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting . acres, bushels. Sales fnrms reporting. bushels. SorghuiBB for ell purposes fanns reportljig. , acres. . Harvested for grain or seed fanns reporting., acres. . pounds. Sales fanns reporting. , pounds. . Wheat harvested fanns reporting. , acres. . bushels. , Sales fanns reporting. , bushels. . Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting. , acres. , bushels. , Sales fanns reporting. , bushels. . Barley harvested fajns reporting. , acres. , bushels . , Sales fanns reporting . , bushels . , Rye harvested fanns reporting,, acres. , bushels. , Sales farms reporting. , bushels . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres . bushels . Hay crops; Land f rem which bay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for debcrdrating farms reporting., acres . , tons. , Sales farms reporting. , tons. , Clover, tlODtlQr, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting acres . tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . t(3ns. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales fanns reporting. tons. Wild hay cut fams reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Other hay cut fanns reporting. acres, tons. Sales fanns reporting. tons. Crass silage made frcan grasses, alfalfa, clover, or email grains farms reporting. acres . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 25,826 244,465 5,518 U,>i9 6,094 2,324 406 135 20,711 110,508 21,269 133,957 43,752 1,867,702 7,707 10, 626 12,009 6,485 3,068 3,857 39,776 1,670,143 70,417,066 22,719 36,154,007 69,186 4,805,278 60,228 3,843,902 7,035,370,378 41,057 4,451,960,898 83,369 9,861,332 199,614,003 82,682 188,507,067 32,551 683,770 16,538,451 7,788 3,626,808 27,270 878,312 23,003,962 12,273 11,330,637 5,165 137,733 2,080,681 3,459 1,682,390 12,083 409,831 8,510,258 1,899,465 46,587 1,046,677 2,405,669 9,092 423,748 4,043 64,764 96,424 398 5,992 2,804 36,662 49,088 143 1,591 3,646 49,335 59,236 123 2,467 23,858 601,512 770, 101 3,555 119,605 6,121 80,179 112,581 348 7,411 833 20,336 97,206 22,701 231,113 4,113 9,859 5,904 2,292 400 133 18,291 103,915 19,144 127,198 33,541 1,797,731 4,832 9,016 11,387 6,400 3,053 3,853 34,766 1,603,504 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,748,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,193 7,170 3,470,319 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 11,496 11,087,002 4,867 1X,567 2,042,101 3,336 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 1,794,937 42,119 999,541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,616 60,569 91,144 362 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 3,291 46,U2 56,152 102 2,162 21,163 561,309 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 237 6,541 806 19,946 94, 590 672 14,426 90 132 153 159 50 38 534 6,106 571 8,320 1,360 133,446 54 148 313 248 115 482 970 100,360 5,669,145 452 2,723,247 2,908 721,069 2,436 568,203 1,175,866,951 1,479 737,070,979 3,176 1,411,735 33,529,221 3,170 31,849,398 702 28,983 902,757 150 210,939 1,183 95,778 2,844,677 540 1,459,355 297 20,433 357,822 257 315,955 206 13,451 309,004 182,318 1,690 102,591 233,593 393 76,433 123 4,226 7,082 8 217 29 332 1,479 183 6,722 7,881 4 136 667 53,493 70,340 59 12,952 246 6,198 9,387 13 287 59 3,201 13,489 2,146 38,318 260 597 590 492 144 63 1,826 17,022 1,856 21,296 3,652 278,925 238 528 768 722 427 969 3,021 235,913 11,758,638 1,732 6,672,508 7,453 997, 126 6,437 800,601 1,566,862,795 4,376 1,007,870,698 8,115 1,952,011 43,630,870 8,097 41,453,612 2,328 86,573 2,304,076 683 551,442 3,426 176,812 5,018,825 1,613 2,607,296 324 33,029 518,733 665 446,653 876 56,762 1,240,471 268,310 4,615 162,200 419,214 1,052 87,757 340 7,829 13,409 32 752 100 2,002 2,990 12 340 419 6,571 9,257 11 479 1,930 71,626 95,661 276 14,329 689 12,837 17,216 24 292 191 5,745 30,202 6,127 72,400 796 2,327 1,954 892 136 22 5,006 31,324 5,380 40,576 10,016 572,650 760 1,793 2,660 2,054 1,134 1,615 8,886 511,931 22,457,491 5,534 11,988,536 17,442 1,375,776 15,517 1,104,981 2,056,686,321 10,832 1,320,033,724 19,584 2,969,872 60,807,348 19,549 57,690,495 8,328 219,693 5,482,434 2,260 1,274,905 7,963 231,103 7,517,513 3,818 3,750,613 1,508 41,476 610,809 • 1,120 494,016 2,744 133,458 2,874,229 529,237 11,785 304,654 701,313 2,511 U5,030 1,021 19,291 29,657 130 2,080 488 3,487 11,402 15 160 899 12,746 16,346 15 325 5,615 156,178 207,111 878 30,642 1,427 20,230 28,454 99 1,463 331 7,651 33,488 KANSAS 41 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data Bre baaed on raforta for only a sample of fanna. See text] (For dprmitions and explanations, see text) Economic class-Continued Commercial farms-Continued Part-retirement LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continuod Liners farrowei) December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reeottine . number of litters. . 1 or 2 litters farms reoortinjr. . 3 to 9 litters farms rerxjrting. . 10 to 19 litters farms renoninR. . 20 to 39 litters farms reoorting. . 40 to A9 litters farms r^x>rtinE. . 70 or more litters farms renorting. . June 2 to Movemher 30 farms rerrartinf;, . number of liuers. . December Itojunel farms revolting. . number of litters. . SPEDFIED CHOPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms rerotting, . acres.. Under 11 acres 11 to 54 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Harvested for grain farms reporting. farms reoorting. farms refxKting, farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms rerxirting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushel s . Sorshums for all purposes fame r«portlJig. acrea. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. acres, pounds. Sales farms reporting. pcnmds. Wheat harvested faims repotting. acrea. bushels . Sales farms reporting . bushels . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. btishels. Barley harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms ireportlng. bushels. i^e harvested fajvs reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bttshels. Stjgrbeans harvested for beans fariDS reporting. acrea. bushela. Hay crops: Land from nhlch hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mlrturea cut ftsr ■ hay and for dehcrdratlng fans reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. acres . tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fauns reporting. acres, ttjns. Sales farms reporting. tons. Wild hay cut farms reporting. acrea. tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Other hay cut farms reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Grass silage made frcn grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 8,069 71,644 1,395 3,706 2,293 609 60 5 6,492 33,202 6,839 38,442 13,314 539,472 1,490 3,051 4,578 2,394 1,159 642 12,256 498,024 19,305,307 7,470 9,824,295 20,546 1,067,285 18,081 851,792 1,450,351,906 12,613 912,546,034 24,431 2,277,172 41,557,028 24.351 38,901,786 10,797 209,992 4,830,591 2,591 928,131 8,452 212,278 5,U1,776 3,676 2,376,928 1,400 26,237 378,445 824 277,620 3,971 127,878 2,612,751 512,727 14,053 278,560 598,819 2,599 78,316 1,397 19,808 28,101 157 1,891 917 12,296 17,097 46 491 975 11,123 12,453 37 437 7,112 166,973 214,065 1,088 31,753 1,855 21,638 31,788 121 3,769 149 2,329 11,126 4,866 31,015 1,251 2,586 879 135 10 5 3,802 14,043 3,947 16,972 8,426 236,603 1,689 2,861 2,662 877 192 145 7,936 221,971 7,886,199 4,357 3,496,627 12,668 461, 333 10,990 367,633 577,019,585 7,244 350,327,062 16,443 929,376 15,160,572 16,306 14,089,502 6,401 98,954 2,173,415 1,336 462,737 4,262 82,974 1,861,650 1,659 835,600 762 12,176 160,147 430 119,027 2,529 53,150 1,036,185 271,742 8,644 136,761 280,032 1,403 44,827 650 8,365 U,810 35 685 690 7,920 10,010 40 410 730 8,295 9,665 35 785 4,989 97,561 120,859 611 15,055 1,125 11,940 16,147 30 730 61 900 6,095 821 3,310 320 461 35 5 631 1,718 551 1,592 1,773 36,635 601 635 406 105 26 1,697 34,800 1,026,955 780 378,7X 2,198 67,474 1,856 55,470 69,885,045 1,179 34,875,131 2,598 95,137 1,252,023 2,523 1,116,119 851 10,260 215,925 150 42,615 508 7,817 147,960 190 57,210 76 i,a6 16,145 40 6,320 425 6,410 106,315 30,103 1,332 U,775 27,161 251 4,363 1,050 1,085 125 1,290 1,385 35 695 550 855 10,973 12,795 86 2,320 150 1,200 1,780 15 120 190 2,075 8,660 905 1,010 135 20 5 1,665 4,425 1,385 4,235 2,877 37,128 1,660 805 347 55 10 2,786 35,198 1,224,170 1,316 595,245 3,597 71,293 3,026 61,660 88,065,960 2,215 60,700,930 5,581 138,827 2,220,892 5,380 2,072,637 1,425 15,200 333,435 330 82,015 872 13,136 316,515 505 149,925 161 1,633 21,065 71 12,245 815 11,445 195,970 58,768 2,572 25,780 51,080 496 9,340 220 2,045 2,550 20 135 235 2,035 2,545 20 115 210 1,985 2,050 10 160 1,473 22,793 29,191 361 7,630 430 3,955 4,780 50 705 20 175 1,310 1,040 3,920 500 480 55 5 745 1,890 730 2,030 2,320 30,900 1,215 800 270 30 5 2,210 29,570 989,430 1,020 414,995 2,349 41,084 1,861 31,982 46,711,835 1,106 26,985,680 3,423 85,715 1,423,375 3,288 1,303,685 1,211 13,604 280,035 285 65,390 600 8,165 158,870 275 91,840 135 1,495 16,485 50 9,570 515 7,120 131,380 42,400 1,380 19,605 39,040 385 6,895 205 2,080 2,670 15 220 220 1,750 2,180 10 75 140 1,065 835 10 45 1,206 16,030 19,015 135 4,070 195 1,820 1,915 10 60 5 50 500 10 772 7 1 2 10 278 10 494 14 1,943 4 U 1,871 99,731 8 59,774 25 2,838 24 1,530 3,919,980 13 1,545,660 18 1,437 32,674 18 29,333 8 511 15,783 3 8,584 4 249 6,174 2 1,870 2 38 1,030 2 984 2 157 3,953 3,360 16 1,751 5,412 2 737 2 70 60 1 12 5 133 199 1 100 1,064 11 854 4 361 1,114 1 105 2 165 806 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dftta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Toul all funns Economic class Item Conmeccial faims TinJ Class 1 nassll nass 111 SPECmED CROPS lURVESrED-Conurued Irish potatoes harvested for heme use 14,079 1,025 270,015 1,348 1,360,446 3,930 8,345 10,546 832 220,902 969 1,261,286 2,738 6,513 187 ZGO 68,445 27 314,834 89 909 760 139 23,630 78 212,970 282 aw 2,498 acres*., bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . 101 31,775 209 185,025 Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' farms reporting. . . acres — 627 1,280 Z Less than 0.05 percent. ^Includes mi lb equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Does not Include data for faims with leas than 20 trees and grapevines. KANSAS 43 State Table 17.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only 6 seniple of Fanns. See textj Economic clas9~ConLinued Item (For dennitions and explanations, se« text) Commercial fenns-Continued Olhef fanns Class IV OassV Qasa VI Part-time Part-retirement \bnonna] SPEanED CROPS HARVESTED-Conlinued Irish potatoes harvested for hone use 3,780 209 52,250 309 304,797 893 1,331 2,751 106 32,822 266 195,410 657 1,784 670 17 6,930 80 48,250 190 330 1,725 54 15,895 195 45,955 540 852 1,705 46 15,460 IBO 29,650 650 942 3 93 17,758 4 23,555 2 38 acres ^.. bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Land in bearing end nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres . . . 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 1 of 6.-Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports Tor only a sample of (aima. See text] {For denniLions and explanations, see text) Total all b1 famis Economic class FARMS. ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number... P^fopnt distribution percent.. , Land in farms acres . . . Pefcent distribution percent, . , Avera^ size or farm acres. . , Value of land and buiidini^s: Averape per farm dollars . . . Average pef acre dollars . . . Und in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting... acres . . . 1 to 9 acr«s fanns reporting . , . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting . . 20 to 29 acres ffnns reporting . . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 lo 199 "cres farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting... acres . , Cropland not harvested and not pastured fanns reporting . . . acres . . , Cultivated sumnier fallow farms reporting . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms repoctjng. . acres. , , Other cnjpland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting . . acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting,. acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested fanns repwling . . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . acres. . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres. . Land in strip- cropping systems for 9oi Uerosion confiol farms reporting . . acres , . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting . . acres. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number . . Under 25 years number . . 25 to 34 years number . . as to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 « more years number . . Average age years . . OFF- FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Working off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days - ■ .operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators reporting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income fron sources other than farm operated and off-rarm work operators reporting . . With other incone of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting , . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off farm operators repwting . . With income frcm sources other than farm operated. . .operatcrs reporting . ■ With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARhCBYSIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 lo 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number . . 70 to 99 acres number . . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 600 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number . 2,000 or more acres number . See footnotes at end rf table. 83,096 XXX 48,092,200 XXX 578.8 57,239 99.29 80,556 20,014,972 551 971 1,067 2,815 11,584 25,137 31,075 6,120 1,239 23,542 1,424,527 50,176 7,294,355 33,622 5,376,045 14,886 915,739 20,300 1,002,571 8,283 403,788 9,983 287,937 67,214 17,015,024 7,590 656,183 4,408 746,915 4,357 667,667 6,313 270,772 22,660 2,504,291 4,289 695,765 33,431 4,329,957 81,704 1,403 10,433 18,736 22,573 19,477 9,082 49.0 32 259 19 331 i. 507 S 421 8 034 13 755 lyVn 50 837 6 351 15 715 633 1,432 552 2,491 2,784 8,284 3,902 6,461 26,976 19, 539 7,485 2,557 39,997 100.0 23,077,742 100.0 577.0 62,707 107.80 39,997 12,004,679 22 80 165 442 3,906 18,803 4,235 904 9,225 512,529 27,456 4,854,761 20,559 3,830,494 6,902 449,840 10,373 2,494 123,536 4,418 137,518 30,218 4,620,U1 2,660 178,142 2,241 493,309 2,219 442,297 2,600 125,266 9,515 1,253,645 2,357 476,683 13,824 2,057,755 39,203 860 5,253 9,103 10,920 8,858 4,209 48.4 17,076 10,006 2,680 4,390 4,263 7,449 3,600 22,921 2,817 7,361 U5 165 340 1,120 3,682 1,640 2,390 13,927 10,555 3,987 1,046 979 2.4 2,520,292 10.9 2,574.4 243,332 93.83 979 1,240,189 33 366 580 267 55,699 362 732,051 792 685,410 157 30,399 270 66,242 24 2,233 23 4,087 647 391,393 64 11,514 XI 187,061 336 162,653 37 3,705 205 82,591 53 45,142 325 118,396 967 6 155 317 273 145 66 45.6 213 U7 26 40 46 148 14 766 65 277 3,416 8.5 4, 176, 253 13.1 1,222.6 129,265 106.20 3,416 2,174,341 12 1,105 2,014 285 353 71,524 2,696 1,034,126 2,293 372,010 650 75,035 885 87,081 169 11,750 306 14,331 2,433 750,975 273 27,289 585 156,744 577 142,063 256 17,922 865 203,312 223 83,415 1,375 367,930 3,376 54 523 995 1,073 566 160 45.5 908 683 77 148 191 488 60 2,508 255 828 5 140 303 531 220 1,334 1,483 379 10,451 26.1 7,222,906 31.3 691.1 73,426 114.00 10,451 3,893,386 45 595 8,177 1,600 34 2,898 166,798 7,562 1,370,459 5,814 1,039,374 2,098 128,042 2,628 153,043 591 35,471 1,343 49,002 8,215 1,4M,038 834 65,944 781 110,758 772 103,024 756 36,027 3,203 480,929 779 162,891 4,420 767,209 10,339 134 1,724 3,032 2,988 1,893 563 45.8 4,032 2,309 617 606 955 1,759 396 6,419 790 1,892 10 15 60 55 205 3,552 4,834 1,613 107 13,775 34.4 6,127,987 26.6 444.9 48,566 109.48 13,775 3,207,929 15 345 5,149 8,039 222 5 3,189 140,585 9,430 1,110,011 6,891 8U,817 2,436 131,100 3,753 167,094 936 43,454 1,561 41,822 10,793 1,330,283 896 46,875 367 27,212 367 25,371 939 42,159 3,303 339,496 346 129,569 4,767 571, 953 13,529 335 1,698 2,894 3,993 3,064 1,545 48.8 6,252 3,799 1,049 1,404 1,545 2,578 1,025 7,523 977 2,253 15 45 115 305 720 1,385 6,793 3,354 517 21 9,499 23.7 2,666,862 11.6 280.3 29,831 105.53 9,499 1,330,130 30 162 2,674 5,237 1,370 26 1,768 68,903 5,878 487,574 4,116 331, 579 1,342 72,835 2,367 83,110 634 25,838 1,000 25,026 6,816 605,461 537 22,925 146 11,214 146 3,411 552 22,808 1,709 132,682 395 50,235 2,561 212,457 9,242 250 986 1,674 2,212 2,245 1,875 51.5 5,006 1,903 9U 2,192 1,400 2,249 2,105 4,493 583 1,834 20 75 460 725 2,381 745 1,180 3,021 323 63 6 KANSAS 45 State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 6.-Cash-grain farms (Dati) are based on rorxirts for only a sample of farms. See text] (For tlefinilions and explanations, see text) Tolal all commercial farms Eowiomic class F\R\e BY COLOR AND TE>flIRF OF OPERATOR All larm operators; Full o« niT5 numbef . . . Part nwn<>f5 numbof ,.. \lltcnnnut number , . , Cash lennnls numbof , . . Shnre-rnsh tenants numbef, ,. Cfop-shive t<>nants numbef . . . I.ivestock-share tenants numbef , , , rather and unspecified tennnts number , . , White farm operators; Full owTiers number. .. Part owners number . , , All tenants number, , , Nonwhite farm operators Full owners number. , . Pan owners number.. . All tenants number . . . SPEnFIED EQUIPMENT ANT FACILITIES ANO KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reprrtinc^... number , , . Com pickers farms roportinc , . . number , , , Pick-up balers farms reportine , , . number . . , Field forage harvesters fam.s reporting , , Motortrucks farms reporting , , number , , Tractors farms reporting, , nuniSer, , Tractors other than parxlen farms reportine , , number . , 1 Uactor farms refxtrlinc , , 2 tractors famis reportinq. , 3 tractors farms reixirung , , 4 tractors farms rpportinp , , 5 or more Iraclors farms reportinf.,. Wheel tractors farms roportinf , , number,. Crawler uaclors farms reporting , , Garden tractors farms reporting,, number,. Automobiles farms reportinq , , number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms rpporung.. Telephone farms reportinj; . . Home freerer farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Electric milk cxxjier farms reporting.. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . PowerKjperated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms roportinp. . Farms by kind of road on wMch locaterl: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporung.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms rep<»ting.. 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. . 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting . . 4 miles farms reporting . . 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired wc»kers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or irore days) farms reiwrmo persons . . Farms reportinp by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reporung . . 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or 4 hirxsj workers farms reporting., 5 lo 9 hirx?d workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number . See footnotes at end of table. 22,678 37,903 22,287 1,214 10,409 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,848 22,237 60,112 67,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,381 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 7,832 19,029 13,088 268 5,735 5,782 629 674 7,810 19,003 13,065 31,263 35,823 8,354 8,6U 7,989 8,073 5,644 6,1D5 35,529 56,959 37,968 80,450 37,827 76,772 12,393 16,239 6,439 1,854 902 37,759 75,258 1,333 1,5U 3,521 3,678 37,264 47,046 39,124 33,690 21,717 4,830 1,792 1,054 24,023 7,852 20,405 11,070 2,368 8,702 2,311 3,398 784 2,209 4,028 5,783 J.,Y33 2,192 1,431 248 60 13 1 31,100 6,531 2,366 58 704 209 46 130 58 704 209 854 1,450 155 172 250 261 353 407 966 3,408 961 3,781 956 3,624 33 175 304 205 239 955 3,468 120 156 138 157 930 1,527 971 843 778 63 18 140 855 208 435 326 39 287 51 87 27 122 566 1,023 441 671 293 103 33 n 1 685 233 61 254 2,305 847 2 295 443 87 20 254 2,305 846 2,956 3,951 699 736 938 949 972 1,022 3,336 7,777 3,346 9,959 3,335 9,476 251 1,218 1,144 456 266 3,326 9,200 220 276 453 483 3,311 4,767 3,396 3,095 2,419 442 204 294 2,793 690 1,588 1,061 160 901 153 315 106 327 992 1. ^^^ 564 672 477 71 2,617 607 192 1,064 6,102 3,271 55 1,588 1,319 228 81 1,063 6,094 3,264 9,264 10,629 2,543 2,620 2,760 2,800 2,265 2,353 10,038 17,328 10,166 24,331 10,133 23,199 1,695 5,044 2,452 724 218 10,123 22,807 365 392 1,086 1,132 10,084 12,793 10,357 9,323 6,750 1,666 698 365 7,831 2,088 5,278 2,917 571 2,346 563 923 191 669 1,335 1,836 474 538 424 37 13 8,580 1,358 513 2,406 6,500 4,854 75 2,405 2,002 195 177 2,405 6,492 4,844 11,138 12,200 3,254 3,345 2,711 2,727 1,641 1,686 12,431 17,580 13,136 25,791 13,094 24,724 4,421 6,343 1,858 357 113 13,062 24,330 373 394 1,025 1,067 12,912 15,939 13,576 11,775 7,307 1,814 622 173 8,189 2,665 7,124 3,753 869 2,884 817 1,148 248 671 735 930 200 215 185 15 3,162 2,946 3,390 105 1,251 1,652 85 297 3,152 2,941 3,385 6,088 5,593 1,453 1,488 1,194 1,200 583 607 7,558 9,492 8,763 14,326 8,728 13,618 4,884 3,055 623 102 64 8,717 13,342 240 276 693 708 8,522 10,319 9,123 7,491 3,946 795 230 81 3,954 1,881 5,032 2,445 538 1,907 601 767 181 358 389 592 10,997 1,962 816 6,907 1,980 612 472 517 31 150 236 5 95 878 467 517 10 5 963 1,000 250 250 136 136 30 30 1,200 1,374 1,596 2,262 1,581 2,131 1,109 404 58 10 1,576 2,111 15 20 126 131 1,505 1,701 1,701 1,163 517 50 20 1 401 320 948 568 191 377 126 158 31 62 U 11 1,3U 391 172 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 6.-Cash-grain farms Data are b^aed on reports for only a sample of famri, J^^ie text (lor dcfinilions and explanations, see text) Total all oommercia] farms Economic class USE OF COMMERaAL FF.RTILIZET! /VND LIKfE Comnierrial ferli 1 1 zcr and fenilirinc materials used durine the yenr farn.s rcportinp. . . acres on which used. .. tons. .. Dry materials farms reporting. . . totxs... Liquid mat.-rials farms reporting. . . tons. .. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . Ions . . . Liquid materials , farms reporting... tons . . . Other pasture {not cropland) farms reporting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting... tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... Ions... Com. farms reporting... acres . , . Dry materials farn.s reporting... tons. .. Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... Sorghums Jamis reixrting... acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . , Vhea't Jarnis reporting. . . acres . . Dry materials fnrn,s reporting. . , tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. All other crops farms reporting.. acres . . t>ry materials farms renortinc. . Liquid materials farms repoftinc.. tons . . Lime or liming materials used durine the year farms reporting.. SPECIFTED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specif leil expenditures farms reptxting... Feed for livestock and poultry fnm's reporting... dollars.. Under .«100 farms report] ng . . $100 to $999 farms reporting. . Sl.OOO to SI, 999 farni>= reporting.. .S2,000 to 54,999 farms reporting. . SS.OOO or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting . . dollars.. I'nder 51,000 farms rcportinp . . 51,000 to ?'2.499 farnis reporting.. S2,50t) to ^,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 to 59.999 fam.s reporting.. ?10,0nO or more farms reporting. . Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting. . 5200 to 5999 farms reporting. . 51,000 or more farnia reporting. . Hired labor farms reporting. . dollars. . x...j__ cone farms reporting. . SSOOIo.5199 farms reporting.. 5500 to $999 r„...^ "T«rtin^. . 51,000 to $2,499 farms reportine.. $2,500 to 54,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to 59,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to 519,999 farms reporting.. 520,000 to ^9,990 farms reporting. . 550,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollars.. Under 5100 fanns reportine. . "^ItlO to 5499 farms reporting. . $500 to 5999 fanr.s reporting. . 51,000 or more farms reporting.. Gasoline and other pet/oleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting . . 5100 to $199 farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 or more fanr.s re;)ortln£.. ^,690 ^,862,909 279, 2 W 42,56^ 250,897 4,382 28,357 5,930 198,876 5,784 14,744 210 806 1,572 55,449 1,506 3,547 74 223 14,956 679,812 13,844 40,502 1,564 6,773 W,443 807,283 12,931 37,144 1,927 10,406 38,215 2,524,226 36,694 121,364 2,202 9,180 16,767 597,263 16,435 33,596 462 969 5,062 165,323 391,060 83,090 68,579 97,766,833 6,594 38,955 11,060 8,597 3,373 51,588 228,812,572 30,541 7,154 4,529 4,140 5,214 52,954 28,492,276 17,967 28,357 6,630 49,060 32,550,637 23,736 11,652 5,977 4,510 186 56 9 51, 267 10,930,735 19,513 27,217 3,442 1,095 82,418 62,972,734 3,580 28,152 29,227 21,125 334 19,637 2,597,857 140,226 18,426 123,050 2,367 17,176 1,593 51,699 1,540 3,313 91 284 343 9,452 331 704 17 59 5,810 324, 569 5,237 18,617 751 3,533 6,452 460,135 5,626 20,317 1,060 6,679 17,562 1,480,180 16,642 66,299 1,315 6,125 6,447 271,822 6,282 13,800 218 496 1,609 54,877 129,201 39,993 27,705 16,390,207 4,296 18,681 3,182 1,313 233 20,197 31,060,063 14,493 2,607 1,421 1,038 638 25,721 16,785,110 7,490 13,917 4,314 23,515 12,712,982 11,037 6,127 3,165 2,068 838 40 24,063 5,425,814 8,460 12,969 2,084 550 39,753 32,445,683 786 12,629 14,831 11,327 180 489 222,287 14,987 369 9,854 207 5,133 34 3,620 28 246 7 114 12 400 12 35 157 25,709 U8 1,449 62 804 335 84,772 208 3,847 158 2,754 376 93,938 282 3,466 122 1,334 136 13,848 116 811 24 127 35 1,894 5,011 979 676 1,129,144 33 311 144 137 51 556 7,366,261 117 38 43 101 257 780 3,071,238 33 154 593 909 2,970,466 29 88 105 238 272 lift 33 7 1 692 523,275 60 260 183 189 969 2,745,697 2 17 60 768 122 1,782 470,287 26, 559 1,553 22,036 552 4,523 205 6,770 189 399 32 99 56 2,155 49 167 12 57 653 65,442 518 3,543 188 1,017 912 96,518 694 4,326 288 1,842 1,533 255,777 1,369 11,492 274 1,386 548 43,625 505 2,109 61 122 166 8,564 21,093 3,416 2,490 2,612,586 188 1,433 517 267 85 1,853 7,783,675 689 289 234 399 242 2,479 3,300,926 285 1,029 1,165 2,963 3,403,939 454 688 639 783 329 63 6 1 2,223 927,225 300 1,214 536 173 3,415 5,215,412 10 101 722 2,533 49 5,800 955,349 47,971 5,418 43,505 779 4,466 464 14,784 443 831 26 38 124 3,555 124 219 1,868 124,243 1,685 7,440 280 1,198 2,090 144,643 1,830 5,909 337 1,535 5,251 568,804 4,962 24,749 435 1,596 2,045 99,320 2,005 4,357 61 99 545 19,896 49,360 10,451 8,165 5,988,144 819 5,383 1,353 539 71 5,979 8,902, 54r 3,881 912 683 397 106 6,829 4,327,684 1,824 3,499 1,506 7,649 3,642,360 2,816 2,514 1,375 728 190 25 6,611 1,665,256 1,676 3,985 828 122 10,424 10,448,613 26 1,286 4,352 4,751 9 6,852 676,783 35,525 6,535 33, UO 566 2,415 569 18,660 559 1,045 26 33 71 1,862 71 159 1,916 76,570 1,805 4,234 151 350 1,987 96,273 1,813 4,272 220 489 6,200 404,551 5,964 18,769 307 1,450 2,291 78,867 2,254 4,631 42 93 572 17,010 40,600 13,772 9,861 4,691,630 1,567 7,069 905 294 26 7,298 4,886,733 5,789 1,057 340 95 17 8,755 3,903,528 2,760 5,127 868 7,663 1,867,617 4,655 1,957 782 233 29 7 8,447 1,502,347 3,219 4,740 439 49 13,710 9,355,052 167 4,234 6,712 2,597 4,096 251,406 13,824 3,970 13,269 221 555 286 7,425 286 748 75 1,450 70 121 5 2 1,056 29,745 1,0U 1,803 60 144 1,032 36,164 991 1,863 51 56 3,689 U5,510 3,579 7,089 150 325 1,237 31,112 1,217 1,645 20 28 266 6,803 12,347 9,498 5,636 1,791,4U 1,353 3,959 253 71 3,986 2,002,089 3,512 301 116 41 16 5,946 1,975,127 2,057 3,722 167 3,957 787,990 2,768 828 258 85 18 5,129 679,411 2,508 2,513 97 11 9,413 4,152,190 305 5,748 2,732 628 See footnotes at end of table. KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 6.-Cash-grain farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample or raniiB. See Cext] 47 (For definitions and explanations, see text) ToUl all tsimmercial falms Economic class ESTIMATED VAUIE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold i^ui, dollars, average per farm, dollars . All ctops sold dollars , Field crops, other than ve^tAbles and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. \ ecetables sold dollars . Fruits and nuUi sold dollars . Ftirest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultr>' and poultry products sold dollars. Dair^ products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and talves Cows, including heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calvi arms rcponinE. number, arms reporting. arms reporting, number. 'arms reporting. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms refxrting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 4 head farms reporting . 5 to 9 head farms rcfiorting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms rejurting. 100 !« 499 head forms refiorting . 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms re{Mining . 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms repirtmg. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms rcF^irting . 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms ri'portmg. Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting . 30 to 49 head farms re^Kirting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting . Horses and/or mules fanns reporting . Hop and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. B(Yn before June 1 farms reporting . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting . number . Ewes farms reporting . number. Rams and wethers farms reporting . number. Ctiickens 4 monttis old and over farms reporting. number. Linstock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting . number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms repotting. number, dollars. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. pounds . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 1,089,005,668 13,105 477,398,175 470,800,744 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 6U,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 666 2,385 3,713 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 246 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486, 918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,360 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,897,197 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,411,088 15,218,661 433,754,389 10,845 337,606,942 337,241,984 138,230 111,877 114,851 96,147,447 4,775,166 7,882,818 83,489,463 28,203 1,101,966 26,264 439,893 15,238 73,337 25,151 324,091 24,975 337,982 432 1,621 2,372 5,238 11,393 5,446 1,672 29 1,613 8,875 7,587 4,214 2,802 775 211 187 4,317 8,918 1,572 331 95 4 1 7,817 16,026 U,629 304,142 8,512 192,749 8,525 111,393 2,861 306, 524 2,228 149,115 2,662 157,409 2,626 150.836 2.2fU 6,573 22,592 2,419,996 26,583 467,396 69,076,445 10,442 343,307 10,642,517 2,604 204,718 3,070,770 9,627 281,987,085 7,882,818 10,931 338,740 15,635 18,041,409 4,329,937 58,952,208 60,217 45,587,635 45,496,991 62,380 27,006 1,258 13,364,573 131,800 220,827 13,011,946 663 102,542 502 24,959 247 1,189 489 26, 588 588 50,995 U 20 16 21 85 122 363 25 43 109 56 42 72 59 46 75 93 132 6 1 13 1 1 406 1,371 260 11,910 180 6,888 189 5,022 73 49,829 57 44,471 42 5,358 41 5,161 25 197 373 53,616 649 65,557 11,690,795 233 15,796 489,676 79 50,669 760,035 72 6,102,490 220,827 U6 7,782 170 515,267 123,664 89,953,433 26,333 70,899,063 70,886,747 2,050 3,381 6,885 19,054,370 443,840 1,085,918 17,524,612 2,459 186,805 2,076 65, U9 1,133 6,694 2,073 55,692 2,228 65, 9« 21 92 84 125 627 857 651 2 160 401 312 306 424 285 105 83 443 474 110 54 49 3 1,094 2,617 898 38,671 718 26, 510 651 12,161 294 74,956 202 44,117 262 30,839 260 29,757 198 1,082 1,546 185,298 2,459 93,894 15,249,425 361 47,726 1,479,506 264 44,066 660,990 507 33,618,304 1,085,918 689 30,958 903 1,705,307 409,274 143,831,031 13,762 110,653,172 110,593,083 23,990 8,874 27,225 33,177,859 1,673,106 3,115,281 28,389,472 8,151 371,209 7,602 154,021 4,397 24,352 7,297 108,328 7,488 108,860 86 344 354 998 3,258 2,549 560 2 371 1,762 2,001 1,703 1,341 344 57 23 1,276 2,259 650 179 33 2,413 4,522 3,401 106,019 2,520 66,595 2,534 39,424 846 87,262 687 29,868 811 57,394 794 55,294 719 2,100 6,211 755,604 7,895 159,079 23,031,261 3,323 139,239 4,316,409 794 54,613 819,195 2,783 105,174,431 3,115,281 3,200 113,957 4,425 6,361,421 1,526,741 101,510,661 7,369 78,758,555 78,623,833 29,880 64,655 40,187 22,752,106 1,694,209 2,559,688 18,498,209 10,153 308,930 9,654 136,898 5,790 27, 953 9,346 93,404 9,024 78,628 158 531 808 2,019 4,934 1,617 86 517 3,196 3,297 1,750 806 79 3 6 1,489 3,554 655 92 2,433 4,531 4,453 107,243 3,280 68,040 3,308 39,203 1,055 73,515 826 25,236 984 48,279 978 45,835 817 2,444 8,353 901,760 9,576 109,429 14,347,159 3,952 106,281 3,294,711 961 43,933 658,995 3,984 99,776,181 2,559,688 4,261 121,447 5,978 6,308,972 1,514,153 36,345,997 3,826 29,081,917 29,029,009 10,680 5,932 36,296 7,264,080 749,638 857,084 5,657,358 5,829 121,416 5,537 53,562 3,206 11,879 5,163 36,907 4,955 30,947 116 459 854 1,775 2,317 296 12 372 2,850 1,740 413 154 856 2,194 151 5 1,267 2,506 2,237 36,099 1,564 22,076 1,608 14,023 493 18,692 386 4,968 463 13,724 458 13,039 380 685 5,142 455,400 5,297 36,623 4,452,155 1,843 31,800 985,800 431 10,177 152,655 2,071 35,199,289 857,084 2,350 59,237 3,564 2,841,027 681,846 3,161,059 1,684 2,626,600 2,612,321 9,250 2,029 3,000 534,459 82,573 44,020 407,866 948 U,064 893 5,334 465 1,270 783 3,172 692 2,558 40 175 256 300 172 5 150 557 181 160 305 204 479 380 4,200 250 2,640 235 1,560 100 2,270 70 455 100 1,815 95 1,750 65 65 967 68,318 707 2,814 305,650 230 2,465 76,415 75 1,260 18,900 210 2,116,390 44,020 315 5,359 595 309,415 74,259 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 6.— Cash-grain farms [l)Ua are based on refiotts for only a sample of farms. See textj (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms LIVESTOCK A.ND LIVESTOCK PRODIICTS-Continued Litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to Novemlier 30, 1959. . 1 or 21itters 3 to 9 liUerg 10 to 19 litters. .. 20 to 39 Utters. . . 40 to 69 litters. . . 70 or more litters. June 2 to November .farms reporting, umber of litters, 'arms reporting, reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting . 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting . 'arms reporting . number of litters.. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of litters. SPECTFIED CHOPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres . Under 11 acres U to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Harvested for grain farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting . farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting . acres . bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Sorghums for all pttrposes farms reportljig . acres. Harvested for grain or seed farms reportiijg. acres, pounds. Sales farms reporting . pottnds. Vheat harvested farms reporting. acres, btishels. Sales farms reporting. btishels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Rye harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms repotting. bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . acres, btishels. Hay crape: Land from tdilch hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mirturee cnit for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. acres, tons. Seles .farms reporting. tons. Clover, timotlur, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for h^ farms reportii^. acres, ttms. Sales. farms reporting . tons. Wild hsy cut f anas reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Other h^ cut farms reporting . acres, tons. Salea, farms reporting. tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. 22,701 231,113 4,113 9,859 5,904 2,292 400 133 18, 291 103,915 19,144 127,198 38,541 1,797,731 4,832 9,016 11,387 6,400 3,053 3,853 34,766 1,603,504 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,748,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,198 7,170 3,470,819 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 U,496 11,087,002 4,867 134,567 2,042,101 3,336 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 1,794,937 42, 119 999,541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,616 60,569 91,144 362 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 3,291 46,152 56,152 102 2,162 21,168 561,809 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 287 6,541 806 19,946 94,590 7,140 52,691 1,818 3,346 1,552 384 29 11 5,577 24,388 5,683 28,303 15,395 837,299 1,654 3,162 4,172 2,779 1,435 2,193 14,095 786, 685 34,329,004 11,634 25,354,425 31,943 2, 836, 539 29,565 2,503,969 4,579,615,628 25,234 3,526,695,797 39,313 6,519,368 138,020,169 39,275 130,822,660 12,867 310,608 7,619,299 4,938 2,725,458 14,492 572, 183 15,284,243 9,031 9,556,435 2,287 80,544 1,251,953 1,739 1,075,263 5,798 270,420 5,679,312 565,193 16,262 343,794 737,828 4,393 204,444 1,0U 18,426 25,439 148 2,867 735 10,830 15,205 56 340 1,123 15,596 19,524 60 1,543 7,115 148,556 195,200 1,307 39,904 1,993 24,274 36,263 122 2,759 145 1,928 30 46 39 20 7 3 114 778 116 1,150 241 36,220 U 14 40 32 21 120 193 33,084 2,082,410 168 1,737,155 875 364,037 842 336,511 700,774,451 770 568,397,820 972 744,404 19,677,082 970 18,660,349 104 5,131 180,605 51 110,651 412 51,000 1,540,052 299 1, 101, 245 101 10,696 206,590 92 193,996 50 6,804 156, 556 17,974 243 12,464 36,491 111 17,695 U 397 754 168 3,717 17,425 107 200 35 1,446 1,633 4 136 56 2,600 3,738 13 757 39 878 1,439 6 189 4 82 610 580 7,030 98 190 203 70 11 8 494 3,261 481 3,769 1,052 116,907 56 109 145 143 121 478 904 108, 165 5,721,851 777 4,705,757 3,0U 574,390 2,851 519,238 994,817,962 2,536 799,430,473 3,393 1,214,802 29,129,604 3,388 27,758,632 380 33,950 952,754 377 393,698 1,521 107,821 3,193,465 1,073 2,123,046 336 17,657 303,349 286 268, 369 403 39,572 839,310 69,033 1,243 41,597 109, 102 431 45,129 87 2,557 4,322 U 606 35 1,012 1,546 6 60 143 2,313 3,570 9 460 453 17,385 22,738 71 5,603 157 3,554 4,529 2,266 19,369 425 1,029 621 185 6 1,731 8,520 1,936 10,849 4,098 283,056 293 607 773 849 540 1,036 3,716 264,542 11,922,389 3,160 8,825,618 9,003 874,174 8,425 760,970 1,419,725,432 7,245 1,074,419,762 10,397 2,111,237 45,183,747 10,397 43,013,427 3,779 111,617 2,857,899 1,585 1,056,418 4,709 200,969 5,440,599 3,058 3,345,550 741 26,284 388,511 613 330,773 1,476 93,837 2,041,172 188,700 2,732 18, 219 687 1,377 554 109 5 2,159 8,845 2,123 9,374 5,697 266,761 575 1,109 1,772 1,159 618 464 5,196 252,097 9,976,949 4,276 7,102,970 11,214 692, 502 10,303 598,302 1,020,089,528 8,791 764,549,369 13,656 1,690,700 31,584,512 13,645 29,753,675 4,796 104,966 2,398,816 1,767 718,378 5,128 150,520 3,705,191 3,057 2,170,128 737 18,646 260,202 552 209,629 2,U6 83,347 1,818,529 190,089 16 615 2,620 4,347 6,007 113,685 115,415 259,927 226,984 1,363 1,538 69,537 46,591 329 379 6,987 5,630 9,764 7,224 50 72 805 1,121 165 297 3,471 3,705 4,659 5,665 5 20 35 80 357 320 5,236 3,852 6,393 4,312 10 22 225 252 2,003 2,633 44,610 53, 556 61,465 68,625 381 505 11,339 14,895 569 737 7,716 7,291 11,302 12,013 28 65 378 1,820 78 40 1,995 640 9,550 2,625 1,242 5,530 624 130 949 2,659 922 2,371 3,512 U5,530 501 1,048 1,227 526 U5 95 3,331 UO, 522 4,094,140 2,693 2,668,635 6,738 290,090 6,166 251,224 395,991,760 5,130 292,148,892 9,236 686,594 11,445,397 9,226 10,734,969 2,872 49,439 1,098,995 1,023 405,193 2,436 56,940 1,300,456 1,339 766, U6 331 6,400 81,751 221 69,391 1,473 37,495 747,645 88,767 3,417 50,238 96,674 300 23,112 185 2,609 3,020 10 335 190 2,065 2,545 25 165 248 2,604 3,006 15 470 1,675 26,700 34,524 232 5,655 426 4,195 6,095 15 225 25 360 2,000 KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 1 of 6.— Cash-grain farms 49 fDaU are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See LestJ Item ToUl all comTnercial farms Pxnnoniic class (For (Iprinilions and (>Kplanalion5, see tpMO Total Class I Class II Class m OassIV OassV QasaVI SPErlRED CROPS HAR\'ESTE[)-ronlinunl Irlah potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reportliig . . . acres^. . bushels.. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting... Sales dollars... Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . . acres. .. 10,646 832 220,902 969 1,261,286 2,738 6,513 3,707 188 55,4W 366 138,230 797 1,A52 18 23 8,303 9 62,380 22 217 179 U 2,826 14 2,050 46 76 875 34 10,833 93 23,990 202 1,484 84 21,727 129 29,880 296 496 961 31 10,305 91 10,680 196 226 190 2 1,420 30 9,250 35 28 '■Includes ndli equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 'Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Doee not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. *rved forms reporting.. Leas than I mile to a hart] surface road farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard stirface road. farms reporting. , 1 mile larms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms t«porung.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting., FARM LABOR, »EEK PREC^EDING ENUMERATION Hited workers faims reporting, . persona,, Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting , , persons., Farms reporting by number of regular hired worltersr 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired wrorkers 10 or more hired workers BESIDENC^E OF FARM OPERATOR .farms reporting. .farms reporting. ..farms repotting. ..farms repoting. .farms reporting. 22,678 37,903 22,287 1,2W 10,409 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,8<8 22,237 Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporttng residence. number.. See footnotes at end of table. 60,112 67, 171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164, 6«0 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 350 96 87 15 6 30 350 96 87 192 223 36 36 56 57 46 46 353 459 368 694 358 618 171 140 36 1 10 353 598 15 20 66 76 459 589 489 489 294 56 35 10 157 U6 281 97 36 61 21 10 5 25 79 293 53 105 489 30 20 22 28 1 1 11 12 6 6 27 47 27 104 27 89 1 5 16 45 65 10 10 20 20 15 15 66 112 66 135 66 134 15 35 15 1 66 134 55 55 10 10 5 5 5 5 85 UO 80 140 80 115 45 35 80 115 25 25 90 105 95 90 70 10 5 25 160 5 5 5 5 85 85 75 120 75 115 35 40 75 115 5 5 100 105 105 100 55 5 5 125 70 105 50 15 70 100 5 5 15 20 90 130 95 95 55 15 5 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 6.-Poultry farms [Dat« ftre based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and evplnnatiolis, see text) Total all conunercia] fanns Economic class USE OF COWMERCIAL FERTILIZEH AND LIME Commercial fertiltzor and fcrtili? materials used dunnc Ihe >ear. . Dry materials . , , , Liquid mat«-rials . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture, . Dr> matenals Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry matenals, ,, Liquid matenals Dry materials,,,. Liquid materials , Wheat Dry materials,. Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials, ,, , Liquid materials , Lime or liminf materials used dunnc the year. SPEariED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures, , Feed for livestock and poultry Under .?100 $1(X) to $999 $1,000 to S1.999 , S2,000 to $4,999 , $5,lX)0or more,,. Purchase of livestock and poultry , Under $1,000 ,,, , 51,000 to $2,499, SL',500 to $4,999 , $5,000 to $9,999 . $10,000 or more,. Machine hire, . Under $200,,,, $200 to $999, . , $1 ,000 or more , Under 5200 $200 to $499 $500 to $999 51,000 to $2,499 .,, $2,50010 54,999,,, $5,000 to 59,999 , , , 510,000 to $19,999 , 520,000 to $49,999 , $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, , Under 5100 $100 to $499,,,, $500 to $999, , , $1,000 or more. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under $100 SlOO to .$49n S500 to $099 Sl.tXlO to SI ,999 , $5,000 or more,,. am.s reporting, , which used. , tons, , arms reporting, , tons,, 'arms reporting, , tons, , arms reporting,, acres , , 'arms reporting, , tons, , arms reporting , , tons,, arms reporting , , acres,, farms reporting , . tons.. larms reporting., tons.. 'arms repcrting.. acres., 'arriis reporting., tons. . 'arms reporting. . tons, . arm's reporting. , acres , , 'arms reporting, , tons,, arms reporting,, tons, , 'anus rcportinij, . acres,, is reporting , , tons,. 'nms reporting.. tons., 'arms reporting., acres., 'arms reporting.. tons . . 'arms rvnorting. . tons . . 'arms reporting., acres limed. . amis reporting. , 'arms reporting,, dollars,, 'arms reporting , . 'arniN reporting, . ' reporting, , 'arms reporting , . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reportint;., dollars., 'arms reporting. , 'amis reporting., arms reporting., 'am.s reporting . . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting, . dollars , . 'amis reporting,, 'arms reporting,. I reporting,. 'arms reporting,, dollars., 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting . . 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting.. rarms reporti ng . . famis reporting. . farms reporting. , arms reporting. . arms reporting., farms reporting., dollars., an. IS reporting., arms reporting., 'arms reporting., 'arms reporting. , arms reporting., dollars., arms reporting., amis reporting., arms reporting. . arms reporting., 'arms reporting. . 44,690 4,862,909 279,254 42,564 250,897 4,382 28,357 5,930 198,676 5,784 14,744 210 806 1,572 55,449 1,506 3,547 74 223 a>4,95« 679,815 13,844 40,502 1,564 6,773 14,443 807,233 12,931 37,144 1,927 10,406 38,215 2,524,226 36,694 121,364 2,202 9,180 16,767 597,263 16,435 33, 596 462 969 5,062 165,323 391,060 83,090 68,579 97,766,833 6,594 38,955 11,060 8,597 3,373 51,588 228,812,572 30,541 7,164 4,529 4,140 5,214 52,954 28,492,276 17,967 28,357 6,630 49,060 32,550,837 23,736 U,652 5,977 4,510 2,134 800 186 56 9 51,267 10,930,735 19,513 27,217 3,442 1,095 82,418 62,972,734 3,580 28,152 29,227 21,125 334 176 12,682 616 171 597 11 19 20 330 20 34 26 703 26 37 1 2 51 1,765 51 75 1 3 146 7,680 Ul 348 10 13 51 2,204 51 103 1 1 15 435 805 539 539 3,192,540 25 140 40 IX 204 474 933, 61B 255 80 101 25 13 243 50,885 136 106 1 229 289,998 120 30 15 18 20 26 237 28,900 U6 86 499 176,427 171 200 90 38 21 2,747 110 21 99 6 11 5 225 5 23 1 38 1 2 1 2 1 215 1 7 1 3 16 2,175 16 64 5 5 1 94 1 3 1 1 28 28 840,000 28 221,023 16 5 7 12 2,450 6 6 28 111,028 5 27 3,810 16 11 28 22,087 1 10 10 7 35 5,070 241 30 233 5 10 525 10 24 15 610 15 23 35 2,835 30 Ul 5 3 10 1,050 10 50 66 66 898,660 66 61 208,025 5 10 40 5 1 41 11,275 15 25 1 51 52,015 35 5 1 5 5 15 1,655 5 10 66 50,260 25 20 21 35 2,170 102 35 102 15 650 15 29 30 1,145 30 58 10 375 10 15 100 100 714,555 5 20 75 100 288,345 35 30 15 15 5 65 15,135 30 35 60 74,445 25 10 5 10 10 65 6,040 40 25 90 53,665 5 35 40 10 50 1,955 103 50 103 15 255 15 13 50 1,105 50 61 15 545 15 26 5 110 130 110 110 434,635 5 15 65 25 100 127,565 65 15 20 60 11,410 40 20 50 4,380 45 5 50 4,025 35 15 110 28,335 25 25 625 52 25 52 15 420 15 34 100 100 243,470 10 35 5 40 10 75 70,120 50 15 10 45 8,430 25 20 35 35,630 10 10 10 55 11,700 30 20 95 16,265 45 40 10 See footnotes at end of table. KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 6.-Poultry farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farme. See text] 53 Item (For derinitions and explanations, see Lext) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE AM farm products sold tnui, dollars/ average pir farm, ilollars. All crops sold , , dollars, Fiold rrofH, other than vefietables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Wcctables sold dollars. Fruitfi and nut.'* H>)ld dollDTi^. Forest producUs and horticultural specialty pcoducts sold dollars.. \ll livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry producUt sold. dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. number.. Cows, including heifprs that have calved farms reporting,. number. . Milk cows farms reporting. < number. . Heifers and heifer calves.. farms reporting, . number . . Steers and bull^ including steer and bull calves farms reporting. , number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head fami" reporting. , 2 to 4 head farms reporting. . 5 to 9 head fami!^ refKirting., 10 to 19 head fami'' reporting, , 20 to 49 head farms reporting,, 50 to 99 head farm-* ri>rvning,, 100 to 490 head farms reporting, , 600 or more head farms reixming. . Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head , farms reporting , , 2 to 9 head farms repnrtitig. , 10 to 19 head farms repirting.. 20 Id 29 head farms rejDrting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting . . 75 to 99 head farms reporting . . 100 or more head .form^ reporting., Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. , 20 to 29 head fami-> reporting . , 30 to 49 head farms reporting , , 50 to 74 head farms reporting, , 75 to 99 head farms reporting. , 100 or more head farms reporting . . Horses andv''or mules farms reporting . . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number , . Bom since June 1 farms reporting, , Bom before June 1 , farms rept^rting., number.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting, . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. , number.. Sheep 1 year old and over fanns reporting . , number.. Ewes farms report.ing,, number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting . , number, , Chickens! months old and over farms reporting . . number,. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting., number , . dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number., dollars,. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting., number. . dollars.. Milk and cream sold ^ farms reporting.. pounds. . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting , . dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens. . dollars.. See footnotes at end of labia. Tot.1 all Easnomic class rotnmarcial faniis Total a«a. 1 Class n Class m aasslV aassV Class VI 1,089,005,668 6,135,342 1,816,729 1,684,704 1,356,701 791,449 405,406 80,353 11,383 64,883 25,526 13,567 7,195 4,054 595 757,643 141,447 274,373 179,920 U7,449 42,392 2,062 1,261,286 752,366 141,447 273,506 179,763 117,336 38,587 1,727 623,344 722 117 157 113 335 4,7L2,801 4,555 750 611,607,493 5,377,699 1,675,282 1,410,331 1,176,781 674,000 363, OU 4,640,128 1,477,852 1,206,251 984,566 609,325 237,293 62,460 5,100 11,500 33,360 8,810 3,545 145 539,329,546 675,111 192,330 192,580 158,855 55,865 72, 176 3,305 68,628 288 22 51 70 55 55 35 4,229,739 6,509 786 1,718 1,920 770 1,000 315 62,739 253 22 41 60 45 55 30 1,431,333 2,481 116 840 665 315 425 120 40,903 138 12 16 40 25 30 15 303, 526 565 29 106 270 70 55 35 60,965 238 22 41 55 40 50 30 1,174,109 1,806 109 417 550 240 385 105 62,245 203 17 41 50 50 25 20 1,624,297 2,222 561 461 705 215 190 90 668 15 5 5 5 2,385 36 n 5 10 10 3,713 55 15 5 10 15 10 9,290 75 10 15 15 15 20 25,573 80 5 13 20 20 20 17,141 20 5 15 9,387 7 1 6 471 3,379 36 11 15 5 5 16,660 135 5 20 25 25 35 25 17,300 50 5 10 5 20 10 10,922 15 10 5 8,871 11 1 5 5 3,172 5 5 1,057 1,378 1 1 9,737 67 6 6 15 15 20 5 21,275 55 5 5 15 10 10 10 6,100 11 1 5 5 2,077 5 5 1,416 246 32 20 ... 24,240 71 U 10 20 5 10 15 56,543 99 24 10 20 15 10 20 32,189 102 6 21 35 10 25 5 1,262,371 2,566 206 640 965 35 675 45 24,668 82 6 16 20 10 25 5 775,453 1,766 166 330 585 30 620 35 25,269 66 1 15 30 5 10 5 486,918 800 40 310 380 5 55 10 6,635 35 5 15 15 766,958 2,525 1,150 535 840 5,140 30 5 15 10 367,432 475 125 70 280 6,232 35 5 15 15 399, 526 2,050 1,025 465 560 6,151 35 5 15 15 382,166 1,985 1,000 450 535 5,167 35 5 15 15 17,360 65 25 15 25 52,443 482 21 21 95 110 100 135 7,104,312 641,435 120,335 71,400 191,345 155,205 74,040 29,110 67,513 232 21 46 60 45 45 15 2,743,751 3,451 783 1,158 750 305 410 45 476,486,011 458,485 150,170 124,225 96,165 47,715 46,905 3,305 30,351 92 U 16 30 10 25 1,634,646 5,520 1,360 2,205 1,395 75 485 50,674,026 171,120 42,160 68,355 43,245 2,325 15,035 6,218 45 5 15 25 644,338 1,835 1,000 280 555 9,665,070 27,525 15,000 4,200 8,325 28, X7 71 11 10 25 10 10 5 1,596,092,265 2,357,384 172,419 532,200 1,217,780 3U,235 116,975 6,725 52,897,197 62,460 5,100 11,500 33,360 8,810 3,545 145 28,077 456 20 21 90 110 95 120 1,160,074 207,382 16,601 18,428 114,007 30,800 20,601 6,945 38,271 457 21 21 90 105 95 125 63,411,088 9,243,685 1,728,380 1,141,450 2,943,175 2,319,690 828,090 282,900 15,218,661 2,218,481 414,811 273,948 706, 359 556,725 198,742 67,896 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 2 of 6.-Poultry farms [pata are based on reports for only a sample of fanna. See text] (For dermiLions and explanatjORS, see text) Total all commercial fanns Economic class LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PBODUCTS-Conlinued Litters lacroweii December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fams reporting... number of litters... 1 (T 2 ||Urting . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. Bcrps . Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting. acres . Woodland pastured farms reporting. acres . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. acres . Improved pasture, farms reporting . acres . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres . Irrigated cropland harvested farms repeating . acres. Land use practices: Cropland in cover cn^ps rarms reporting . acres . Cropland used rcr grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . acres. Land in stnp-cropping systems for 90il-erosion control farms reporting . acres. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. acres. FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age ■ ■ number . Under 25 years number . 25 to 34 years number . 35 lo 44 years number. 45 to 54 years number. 55 to 64 years number . 65 or more years number . Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm opefators- Worldng orf their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . 200 or more days operators repeating . With other members of family wtrking off farm operators reportjng . With income fron sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators repeating . With other incone of family exceeding value of agricultjiral products sold operators reporting . Operators not wcrking off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operatcrs reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting . With income frtm sources other than farm operated. . .oper^Las reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 arires number. 10 to 49 acres number. GO to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number . 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1 ,999 acres nimber . 2,000 or more (u:re9 See fbotnotea at end c/ table. 83,096 XXX iS, (392,200 XXX 578.8 57,239 99.29 80,556 20,014,972 551 971 1,067 2,312 11,584 25,137 31,075 6,120 1,239 23,542 1,424,527 50,176 7,294,355 33,622 5,376,045 14,886 915,739 20,300 1,002,571 8,283 403,788 9,983 287,937 67,214 17,015,024 7,590 656,183 4,408 746,915 4,357 667,667 6,313 270,772 22,660 2,504,291 4,289 695,765 33,431 4,329,957 81,704 1,403 10,433 18,736 22,573 19,477 9,082 49.0 32,259 19,331 4,507 8,421 8,034 13,755 7,479 50,837 6,351 15,715 1,734 633 1,432 552 2,491 2,784 8,284 3,902 6,461 26,976 19,539 7,485 2,557 5,195 100.0 1,538,236 100.0 296.1 35,784 120.35 4,990 691,330 50 115 160 451 1,297 1,860 1,001 51 5 2,555 111,994 2,U7 111,036 804 43,654 683 26,903 1,140 40,479 1,003 44,879 660 15,469 4,473 485,947 925 44,528 141 9,012 125 7,206 467 U,371 1,628 113,157 225 19,279 2,369 197,433 5,150 55 722 1,308 1,501 1,252 312 47.7 1,492 958 171 363 391 517 314 3,703 593 392 30 185 35 315 355 880 440 595 1,757 510 84 9 67 1.3 59,335 3.9 893.3 133,608 149.34 62 26,589 6 30 16 4 53 6,629 34 6,316 22 4,013 12 1,059 15 1,239 6 730 13 262 50 17,664 5 1,034 14 1,643 9 1,338 16 1,188 18 4,348 5 2,097 32 6,859 448 8.6 252,064 16.4 562.6 75,777 134.41 448 119,088 5 5 35 107 270 25 1 319 19,477 197 16,956 93 3,522 63 3,571 95 4,863 76 4,394 61 1,937 413 79,200 95 6,587 38 2,411 38 2,192 44 1,638 207 27,408 30 2,977 269 37,704 443 60 135 148 93 7 46.3 379 49 126 5 5 5 5 40 185 165 35 3 1,635 1,630 31.5 31.4 586,654 411,403 38.1 26.7 358.8 252.4 46,507 26,027 131.31 105.72 1,625 1,595 281,114 177,819 10 ... 10 10 30 30 141 255 526 775 752 545 126 10 990 723 41,823 28,725 752 674 43,553 27,171 298 246 15,763 9,471 254 a9 12,317 5,406 408 357 15,473 12,294 271 395 11,630 14,925 230 241 6,755 4,720 1,420 1,410 173,153 135,975 350 310 20,142 12,505 88 1 4,952 6 78 3,676 171 136 3,620 3,615 647 471 48,148 23,233 90 65 9,555 2,195 865 758 81,004 50,896 1,620 1,620 30 10 289 240 480 467 509 437 272 386 40 80 44.7 47.1 394 302 21 71 105 187 30 1,241 166 285 20 30 165 105 160 905 220 25 500 310 65 125 135 170 85 1,130 211 211 70 125 350 210 275 480 85 1,090 21.0 192,385 12.5 177.0 16,464 93.79 1,000 75,205 30 55 60 220 390 215 30 395 13,310 380 14,065 120 4,710 120 3,825 205 5,530 225 U,750 95 1,550 900 66,005 145 4,035 95 1,240 240 8,805 35 2,455 380 18,535 1,075 10 110 195 325 255 180 51.1 430 190 80 160 125 660 125 195 10 35 25 135 160 270 115 105 165 20 KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 6.-Dairy farms [DftU are based on refx>Tts for only & sample of farms. See t*xt ] 57 IU>ni (For (jerinilions and explanalions, 5e<> t4>xt) ToUU ail commercial farms FARMS BY COLOR *ND TENIIRF, OF OPERATOR All tarm operators: Full ounpr? number, ,. Pnrt ownrvs numbr?r All ts reporting... numl)er.. . Motcvtrucks farms rerHrlmg . . . number... Tractors farms reporting . . . number... Tractors other than ^anlen farms reporting . .. number... 1 tractor farms repirtinp . . . 2 tractors faniis reporting . . . 3 tractors farms reporting . . . 4 tractors farms reporunp . . . 5 or more tractors farms reporting... tt>ieel tractors farms reporting . . . Crawler tractors farms reporting . . . number. .. Garden tractors farms reporting., . number. .. Automobiles farms reporting. .. number. .. Automobiles and/or molonnicks farms refxxting . . . Telephone farms reixirtjng . . . Home freezer farms reporting... Milking machine. farms reporting... Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting . . . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting . . . Fams by kind of road on wliicli located: Hard surface farms reporting . . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting... Dirt or unimproved farms reporting... Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporung.. . 1 or more miles to a hard surf ace toad farms reporting... 1 mile farms reporting . . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting... 4 miles farms reporung... 6 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINQ ENUMERATION Hired workers. faims reporting.. . persons. . . Regular hired workers (employed ISO or more days) farms repotting.. . persons . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worlter 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 lo 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR .farms reporting. .farms reporting. ..farms reporting. , .farms reporting. , .farms reporting. 22,678 37,903 22,287 1,214 10,409 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,848 22,237 Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence. number.. See footnotes at end of table. 60,112 67,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 154,660 77,652 156,666 25,356 33,153 13,175 3,6U 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 323 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 1,805 2,315 1,070 150 638 156 86 40 1,800 2,315 1,070 3,423 3,613 1,537 1,549 2,175 2,186 1,548 1,637 4,245 5,572 4,959 10,064 4,904 9,331 1,711 2,256 708 178 51 4,899 9,256 67 75 708 733 4,849 5,987 5,160 4,540 3,148 4,395 4,165 53 2,355 1,128 3,413 593 170 423 143 177 26 77 693 1,U1 431 635 4,952 81 162 42 62 U 12 36 36 41 47 67 197 67 243 67 229 5 9 24 IS U 67 224 4 5 14 14 66 157 67 67 28 65 65 1 53 55 156 43 118 61 295 87 10 67 61 295 87 339 389 101 102 247 253 304 347 438 784 437 1,322 437 1,251 35 134 156 89 23 437 1,244 6 7 61 71 448 661 448 446 370 445 445 27 358 130 240 73 17 56 31 8 10 7 183 329 162 251 103 36 22 307 943 385 30 258 71 307 943 385 1,258 1,323 550 560 916 921 753 778 1,475 2,030 1,605 3,653 1,595 3,360 266 949 332 41 7 1,590 3,322 32 38 288 293 1,580 1,914 1,625 1,524 1,138 1,595 15 1,0B5 372 1,053 185 56 129 50 53 6 20 290 416 156 181 136 15 5 1,544 35 56 635 624 371 50 236 35 30 20 630 624 371 1,064 1,089 545 545 661 661 335 350 1,320 1,536 1,575 2,906 1,560 2,701 645 739 136 30 10 1,560 2,681 20 20 205 205 1,530 1,835 1,515 1,438 992 1,465 1,390 5 659 330 1,120 150 45 115 35 50 5 25 100 120 35 35 565 335 190 50 60 45 20 15 565 335 190 585 605 235 285 275 275 105 105 790 850 1,000 1,580 980 1,465 555 365 60 980 1,460 5 5 110 115 950 1,115 1,090 850 525 740 650 5 245 185 770 125 40 1,570 15 45 1,040 15 35 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 6.-Dairy farms Data are based on reports for only a sample of fann'% See lext (I'or (lofinilions and explanalions, see text) Total kII al Fanns Eoonotnic class USE OF COKfMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME rommerrl al fertilizor and frrtilizme ma(prift|a used Hurinc the scar fanr.s reporting. ., acres on which used. .. tons. ., Dr\ materials rarms reportmR... tons.. , Litiuid mftt-TTftls farms reporting.., tons . . . Crops on which used— )[a\ nnd cropland pasture famis reporting.., acres ■ . . Or> materials farms reporting.., tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting . . , tons.. . Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting . . acres . . , Drj' materials farms reporting.., tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... Ions . . , Com farms reporting . . , acres . . , Dry materials fan.^ reporting.. , tons.., Liquid materials farms reporting.. , tons . . , Sor^ums rami'; fep«riing.., acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting. ., tons . . , Liquid materials famis reporting.., Wheat tam.s rcportint;. . , acre.s . . , Dr>' materials fom.s reporting. ., Ions . . . Liquid materials farms reporting.., tons, ., All other crops farms reporting.., acres . . , f>y materials farms rcportini;. ., ton^f . . , Liquid materials farms re>xirting.., tons... Lime or liming materials used dunm: the year farms reporting.. arre« limed. . SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures forms reporting.. Reed for livestock and poultry farn's reporting.. dol I ars . , Under .flOO fnrnw reporting., SI 00 to ?999 farms reporling. . Sl.OOO to SI, 999 farm-: reporlmR. . S2,000 to $4,999 farms rerwirting.. S5,000or more farms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under 51,000 farms reporting.. 51,000 to S2,49n f-wn^.s reporting.. ?2,500 to <4,999 firms reporting.. ?5,000 to S9,999 farnis reporting,. ?10,000 or nrare farms refortinp.. Machine hire farm- reporting.. dollars. . Under S200 farms reporting,. $200 to S999 farms renortmg . . SI ,000 or more faniia reporting . . Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars... Under S200 farms reporting.. S200 lo S499 farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 lo S2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 lo $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 Farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 to *49,999 Farms reporting.. 550,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollers.. Under $100 fan.is reporting.. •^100 toS499 farms reporting.. $500 lo «;999 farrr.s reporting.. «:i,000 or more Farms reporting,. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the Fann business farms reporting . . dol tars.. Under $100 Farms reporting.. SlOO to $499 -. farms reportinE,. S500 to $199 farms reporting.. 51,000 to 51,999 farms reporting.. 55,000 or more fanris reporting.. See fcx>tm}tes at end of table. U,690 3,636 4,862,909 298,928 279,254 13,997 42,564 3,588 250,397 18,604 4,332 157 23,357 393 5,930 1,124 198,376 31,546 5,784 1,108 14,744 2,333 210 17 806 25 1,572 392 55,449 10,365 1,506 377 3,547 572 74 15 223 25 14,956 1,569 579,812 47,179 13,844 1,537 40,502 3,238 1,554 59 6,773 83 U,443 1,212 807,283 35,422 12,931 1,153 37,144 1,954 1,927 57 10,405 35 38,215 2,890 2,524,226 124,003 36,594 2,855 121,364 7,402 2,202 52 9,130 158 16,767 1,701 597,253 49,913 16,435 1,595 33,596 2,945 462 5 969 5 5,062 584 165,323 15,947 391,050 40,778 83,090 5,195 58,579 5,190 97,766,833 11,096,832 6,594 160 38,955 1,824 11,050 1,164 8,597 1,519 3,373 523 51,538 3,133 228,812,572 3,831,286 30,541 1,970 7,164 567 4,529 367 4,140 92 5,214 37 52,954 3,367 28,492,275 1,209,441 17,957 1,251 23,357 1,930 6,630 185 49,060 3,143 32,550,337 1,960,935 23,736 1,542 11,552 753 5,977 385 4,510 253 2,134 126 800 57 136 7 56 4 9 51,257 3,436 10,930,735 514,372 19,513 1,252 27,217 2,045 3,442 170 1,095 18 82,418 5,190 62,972,734 3,210,766 3,580 235 28,152 2,226 29,227 1,827 21,125 899 334 3 41 12,423 730 38 591 5 39 18 2,315 17 138 2 2 1 160 1 12 21 1,681 20 134 3 6 29 2,895 25 158 5 22 31 4,020 31 178 2 9 15 1,352 16 71 10 489 1,357 57 67 599,819 1 15 51 51 169,568 16 16 53 74,583 7 32 24 56 398,013 1 7 8 7 7 25 7 4 48 22,253 34 U 3 57 128,434 371 55,687 3,237 356 3,171 25 56 154 5,986 149 351 5 6 46 1,890 46 90 120 5,571 115 485 5 7 148 7,220 143 331 10 17 302 28,374 302 1,513 10 30 159 6,646 154 296 5 6 52 2,857 3,807 448 448 ,343,836 16 53 157 222 256 702,555 33 75 62 12 18 300 181,092 69 180 51 365 577,199 41 82 76 73 62 26 332 99,755 79 192 56 5 448 554,504 40 140 268 1,315 129,979 8,253 1,290 3,073 77 190 451 12,230 455 948 5 7 150 4,210 145 246 5 5 637 21,958 521 1,499 36 39 50O 13,847 469 301 37 41 1,109 55,369 1,094 3,339 20 93 662 21,315 662 1,240 255 6,490 16,425 1,635 1,635 4,832,729 5 197 354 854 225 1,094 1,769,474 561 283 137 47 16 1,131 491,351 260 775 95 1,235 553,313 455 397 192 138 37 6 1,217 275,767 231 833 93 10 1,535 1,255,770 10 390 327 403 1,254 74,754 5,014 1,249 4,945 35 63 351 3,275 351 700 130 3,195 120 191 10 20 506 12,744 501 775 10 28 370 8,800 355 509 5 2 978 27,260 973 1,755 15 13 599 14,480 599 1,016 237 5,125 14,279 1,630 1,630 2,409,843 45 641 481 438 25 982 780,353 690 197 80 15 1,138 332,755 455 568 15 982 233,880 645 227 80 20 10 1,044 148,521 357 677 10 1,630 847,833 20 851 612 147 580 24,120 1,515 570 1,536 15 30 120 2,410 115 as 5 10 55 1,345 55 130 255 4,780 250 323 5 3 155 2,525 150 154 10 4 425 7,825 420 460 5 13 240 5,235 240 301 100 1,865 4,550 1,090 1,090 762,415 80 715 250 45 585 363,875 470 80 25 10 585 113,810 330 255 420 93,175 320 50 30 10 10 705 50,115 460 245 1,090 363,240 105 740 225 20 KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 6.— Dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text] 59 (For definitions and expluinlions, see text) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODlXT^i SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold ii^uii, dollars avorafle per farm, dollars All crops sold dollars Fiold crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars \ e^elablps sold dollars Fruits and nuLs sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars \ll livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultry poducts sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, includinj; heifers that have calved. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves . 'arms reporting. number . 'arms reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. 'arms reporting. number, 'arms refiorting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and calves- 1 head farms reporting '2 to 4 head farms reporti ng 5 to 9 head farms rep* ting 10 to 19 head farms repcrting 20 to 49 head farms reporting SO to 99 head farms refurting 100 to 499 head farms reporting 500 or more head farms reporting Cowa, including heifers that have calved— 1 head farms reporting 2 lA 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head Farms rep.Tting 20 to 29 head farms regsirting 30 to 49 head farms reporting 50 to 74 head farms reporting 75 to 99 head farms reporting 100 or more head farms reporting Milk cows— 1 head farms reporting 2 to 9 head farms reporting 10 to 19 head farms reporting 20 10 29 head farms reporting 30 to 49 head farms reporting SO to 74 head fanns reporting 75 to 99 head farms reporting 100 or more head farms reporting HlXses and/or tnules farms reporting number Hogs anil pigs farms reporting number Bom since June 1 farms reporting number Bom befwe June 1 farms reporting number Sheep and lamtlS farms reporting number Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting number Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Rams and wethers farms reporting number Chickens 4 montlisold and over farms repotting number Linstock and livestock pfoducls sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and cream sold farms reporting pounds dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dorens dol 1 ars See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 1,039,005,668 13,105 4T7,398,175 470,800,7iA 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 611,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 63,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,713 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 24« 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486,918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,360 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,897,197 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,411,036 15,218,661 Economic class 53,989,591 10,393 10,241,497 10,141,058 35,325 37,161 27,953 43,748,094 712,607 32,663,473 10,372,014 5,185 265,227 5,175 130,453 5,165 121,927 5,054 99,147 4,510 35,627 30 80 515 2,354 1,785 421 5 545 1,617 1,371 1,307 256 41 33 11 655 1,729 1,291 1,201 228 30 20 1,555 2,913 1,608 42,246 1,185 26,899 1,276 15,347 370 13,172 274 4,064 350 9,108 350 3,614 265 494 3,598 352,198 5,154 87,408 3,669,331 1,400 48,730 1,510,630 296 9,306 139,590 5,195 868,057,305 32,663,473 1,617 51,441 2,355 2,678,269 642,786 3,477,930 51,909 537,682 534,995 2,387 300 2,940,248 6,430 2,206,516 727,302 67 11,939 67 5,652 67 5,083 67 4,774 66 1,513 6 3 28 10 19 32 176 12 1,656 U 1,285 10 371 7 860 6 U6 7 744 7 722 7 22 32 3,286 66 4,125 630,957 9 2,399 74,369 3 581 8,715 67 49,692,905 2,206,516 17 497 15 24,720 5,933 aass n 11,270,152 25,157 2,144,953 2,136,378 500 6,575 1,000 9,125,199 109,881 7,109,756 1,905,562 448 45,638 448 21,790 448 20,954 447 18,524 391 5,324 5 10 219 214 16 256 142 24 5 5 1 16 270 135 20 1 195 393 64 4,031 53 2,712 51 1,319 37 2,554 27 1,232 37 1,322 37 1,273 32 49 259 39,953 443 16,073 1,674,078 85 6,512 201,872 32 1,488 22,320 448 180,873,573 7,109,756 U5 6,718 178 429,178 103,003 22,709,932 13,890 4,506,043 4,479,065 17,195 5,920 3,363 13,203,389 235,756 14,002,901 1,630 103,786 1,525 51,328 1,625 43,869 1,625 39,535 1,418 12,923 10 483 1,002 135 20 130 593 303 69 7 3 30 165 607 763 60 524 889 451 16,075 336 10,002 379 6,073 100 4,255 95 1,490 95 2,765 95 2,625 70 140 1,070 112,868 1,525 34,137 3,323,876 400 18,555 575,205 80 3,535 53,025 1,635 369,096,5*7 14,002,901 460 16,834 677 900,486 216,117 11,925,576 7,316 2,255,557 2,203,717 16,705 13,795 16,440 9,669,919 213,423 6,997,235 2,459,261 1,530 68,094 1,530 33,928 1,620 31,671 1,500 24,254 1,490 9,912 5 5 50 1,086 462 12 45 747 610 211 16 1 5 45 338 577 150 5 4S4 760 536 12,184 395 7,750 431 4,434 115 3,528 76 856 111 2,672 111 2,459 91 203 1,157 109,161 1,630 21,298 1,996,930 436 13,504 418,524 86 2,267 34,005 1,630 193,383,798 6,997,235 530 15,732 730 793,235 191,576 4,098,419 3,760 722,733 714,564 425 2,044 5,600 3,375,686 U4,281 2,090,705 1,170,700 1,085 30,935 1,030 15,230 1,080 13,025 1,030 10,520 920 5,185 5 40 250 685 95 250 635 145 35 5 340 640 35 15 285 490 420 7,115 315 4,485 310 2,630 95 1,780 70 370 85 1,410 85 1,340 55 7n 320 54,150 1,085 10,410 932,670 380 6,885 213,435 80 1,220 13,300 1,090 55,331,391 2,090,705 360 8,997 560 405,345 97,284 507,582 1,562 74,429 71,739 500 1,440 750 433,153 32,836 256,360 143,957 325 4,835 325 2,525 325 2,315 285 1,540 225 770 20 35 180 90 5 215 105 5 235 35 55 205 115 1,185 75 665 95 520 15 195 15 195 15 185 10 10 260 22,780 300 1,365 U0,820 90 875 27,125 10 215 3,225 325 9,179,071 256,360 135 2,663 195 120,305 23,873 60 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 6.-Dairy farms [bau are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lB%t] Item (For dennitions and explanations, see text) LI\-ESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODHCTS-Continued Litleis farrowed Decembet 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms rcpottmc . number of liUers . 1 or 2 litl*rs 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 liUers 20 to 39 Imers 40 to 69 litters 70 or more litters. . . June 2 to November 30 "arms reporting. "arms reporting . . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting. farms reporting . 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, number of litters . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting . number of litters . SPECIFIED CHOPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Under U acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . lOO or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain farms reporting . acres . bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. SorglitnDS for all purposes farms reporting . . acres . . Harvested far grain or seed faims repcnrtlng. . acres . . poonds. . Sales farms reporting . . pounds . . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. acres . . hushelB. . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain fanns reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting . acres . bushels. Sales farms reporting . btishels. ^tje harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Soyheans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres . bushels. Hay crops; lAnd from iihlch hay ^vas cut acree . Alfalfa and alfalfa ndjctures cut for hay and for dehydrating faims reporting. acres . tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Cltjver, timothy, and mixtures of clcjver and grasses cut for hay farms reptsrtlng . acres . tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Leapedeza cut for hay farms reporting . acres . tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . acres . tons. Sales farms reporting . t<3ns. Wild hay cut farms reporting. acres . tons . Sales farms reporting . tons. Other hay cut farms reporting . acres . tons . Sales farms reporting . tons . Qrass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or snnll grains farms reporting . acres . tons, green weight. See footnotes at end of table. Total all commercial farms 22,701 231,113 "1,113 9,859 5,904 2,292 «J0 133 13,291 103,915 19,1« 127,198 38,5.41 1,797,731 4,832 9,016 11,387 6,400 3,053 3,853 34,766 1,603,504 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,74S,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,198 7,170 3,470,819 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 11,496 U, 087,002 4,867 134,567 2,(K2,101 3,336 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 1,794,937 42,119 999,541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,616 60,569 91,144 362 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 3,291 46,152 56,152 102 2,162 21,168 561,809 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 287 6,541 806 19,946 94,590 Economic class 1,155 8,763 315 587 167 64 17 5 899 3,892 91i 4,871 3,433 107,745 528 1,144 1,124 466 lOO 71 2,914 84,416 3,599,830 1,250 1,031,535 3,711 140,583 2,724 30,398 160,095,546 1,359 59,721,300 3,901 206,410 4,209,768 3,860 3,944,173 2,538 48,178 1,218,246 286 88,226 1,U6 24,341 621,635 200 103,075 239 4,455 62,795 158 42,180 818 17,775 355,634 143,093 3,457 77,926 194,350 278 9,803 459 6,727 10,488 35 420 350 4,201 5,435 1 30 352 4,436 6,217 5 5 1,762 37,388 50,814 162 2,956 508 6,779 9,617 20 75 218 5,636 25,668 10 366 1 1 7 10 177 9 189 42 3,136 13 10 6 1 12 24 2,250 126,390 9 26,400 55 6,190 37 2,830 6,066,562 16 1,329,180 55 11,357 250,551 55 243,417 30 1,216 41,480 1 166 17 570 17,370 2 1,500 4 265 3,575 3 2,975 3 292 8,664 3,602 40 2,641 7,202 7 1,848 2 91 118 2 125 180 4 125 180 5 405 449 9 138 290 3 77 548 50 848 2 26 6 11 5 '« 367 45 481 277 U,835 19 79 98 53 9 19 190 7,822 388,300 74 85,435 333 26,790 258 14,859 30,934,380 140 10,890,530 393 45,044 1,010,079 393 960,639 216 5,690 161,960 30 19,800 167 4,892 126,910 47 28,100 77 1,614 19,420 52 15,355 49 1,618 36,175 21,883 350 13,971 36,768 37 1,950 36 716 1,060 5 75 2 65 120 1 30 31 462 960 100 3,114 4,944 10 135 78 1,226 1,622 30 2,329 13,540 339 3,191 37 195 70 32 5 279 1,484 277 1,707 1,136 41,338 103 315 436 222 30 30 392 30,003 1,399,760 461 479,925 1,330 56,334 967 32,097 67,539,079 497 27,949,555 1,430 88,636 1,833,356 1,424 1,730,595 895 19,582 491,331 100 29,475 465 11,103 301,750 96 61,250 112 1,510 23,430 72 15,550 231 6,800 145,925 55,366 1,278 31,917 30,095 132 4,105 161 2,575 4,190 20 250 91 1,131 1,510 136 1,833 2,485 543 12,365 16,323 66 861 201 3,390 5,125 90 2,605 9,200 381 2,553 130 156 75 20 291 1,154 306 1,399 1,U7 34,206 156 371 425 140 45 10 1,037 23,746 1,127,135 456 335,030 1,192 35,404 871 20,532 39,178,290 461 14,730,530 1,283 42,588 314,797 1,278 748,347 377 14,865 369,800 105 31,030 302 5,291 119,535 40 9,215 61 631 10,250 16 4,330 295 5,765 106,415 39,977 1,134 20,537 50,730 72 1,560 210 2,910 4,520 10 95 145 1,540 2,205 101 1,171 1,552 644 11,894 18,293 66 1,090 135 1,150 1,300 5 15 45 625 2,380 295 1,615 95 180 15 5 225 610 230 1,005 661 14,620 180 286 135 45 15 606 13,090 481,345 205 94,745 596 13,545 471 8,445 14,539,685 135 4,163,625 640 16,765 274,740 615 239,460 450 6,125 143,325 50 7,755 180 2,330 53,520 15 3,010 35 435 6,120 15 3,970 195 2,615 51,160 19,175 555 7,995 13,545 30 340 45 425 585 100 990 1,220 70 705 960 5 5 365 8,210 9,100 20 870 80 3S0 1,240 KANSAS 61 State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 3 of 6.-Dairy farms [DaU are based on reports for only a sample of fams. See texlj Ilem Tout all cnmmefcial faims Econofflic class (For (lennilions and explanalions, aw text) Tol.1 Class I Class 11 nossin Class IV OassV Class VI SPECinED CROPS HARVESTED-Continued Irish potatoes harvested for heme use 10,646 832 220,902 969 1,261,286 2,738 6,513 1,022 42 12,706 80 35,325 252 543 10 3 282 6 25 50 5 927 5 500 41 242 330 10 4,095 30 17,195 85 121 337 14 4,117 25 16,705 60 130 215 6 2,490 15 425 30 9 80 acres ^. . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting . . . 4 795 5 500 land Iji bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 30 acres . . . 16 ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 buBhels harvested. 'Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 62 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 Part 4 of 6. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DaiA are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial fanns Economic class FAl^, ACREAOE, AND VALUE FaffflS number.. Percent distnbution percent . . Land in farms acres.. Percent disrfibution percent. . Average site of farm acres . . Value of land and buildin(;s: Average per farm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms accofding to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres.. 1 lo 9 acres faims reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres .farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 -cres farms reporting . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres fanns reporting . . 1.000 or more acres fanns reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting.. acres.. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting- . Berths . . Other cropland {idle and crop failure) farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . BITC , . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms reporting . . acres. . Iritgated land in farms fanns reporting.. acres . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting , . acres . . Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops fanns reporting . . acres , . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour fanns reporting . . acres . . Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-eTT>sion control farms reporting . . acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land fams reporting.. acres.. FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. . Under 25 years number.. 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number.. 65 or more years number . . Average age years . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER IN(30ME Farm operators- Worlung off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting . . 100 to 199 days operators reporting . . 200 or more days operators repoting . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income frcm sources other than farm operated and off-fann work operators reporting . . With other incane of family exceeding value of agncultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. . With other members of family working off fann operators reporting . . With income fron sources other than farm operated. . .operators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold .operators reporting. . FARie BY SIZE Under 10 acres number . . 10 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number., 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number., 140 to 179 acres number . , 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 to 1,999 acres number, 2.000 or more acres number , See fooUwtee at end xi t«ble. 33,0% iCXX 48,092,200 XXX 578.8 57,239 99.29 80,556 20,014,972 551 971 1,067 2,812 11,584 25,137 31,075 6,120 1,239 23,542 1,424,527 50,176 7,294,355 33,622 5,376,045 14,886 915,739 20,300 1,002,571 8,283 403,788 9,983 287,937 67,214 17,015,024 7,590 656,183 4,408 746,915 4,357 667,667 6,313 270,772 22,660 2,504,291 4,289 695,765 33,431 4,329,957 81,704 1,403 10,433 18,736 22,573 19,477 9,082 49.0 32,259 19,331 4,507 8,421 8,034 13,755 7,479 50,837 6,351 15,715 633 1,432 552 2,491 2,784 8,284 3,902 6,461 26,976 19,539 7,485 2,557 28,740 100.0 16,904,453 100.0 588.2 55,395 92.65 27,528 5,943,015 235 535 553 1,484 4,943 3,770 9,059 1,652 297 9,122 619,334 16,081 1,%9,289 9,995 1,323,895 5,474 325,672 6,845 319,722 3,707 179,121 3,810 102,744 25,040 7,506,672 3,073 302,372 1,567 191,789 1,558 171,968 2,498 103,658 8,997 943,051 1,330 167, 546 13,619 1,707,869 28,353 429 3,493 6,403 7,672 6,917 3,439 49.4 10,251 6,061 1,262 2,928 2,619 4,377 2,783 18,489 2,231 5,788 263 785 297 975 936 2,697 1,177 2,126 8,452 7,048 2,958 1,026 2,050 7.1 3,753,617 22.2 1,331.0 165,708 91.14 2,025 1,233,603 1 21 128 820 783 265 755 US, 089 1,408 537,348 1,099 427,700 441 56,859 472 52,789 190 16,952 229 10,578 1,753 1,745,643 242 67,144 425 95,788 419 83,622 210 16,782 710 153,609 U9 34,756 1,120 307,540 2,032 15 328 622 571 364 132 46.3 461 320 38 103 87 261 56 1,589 131 584 2 14 2 5 6 15 7 21 158 473 738 609 4,157 14.5 3,806,937 22.5 915.8 85,469 94.87 4,132 1,415,099 5 5 93 699 2,667 636 27 1,444 131,888 2,663 441,093 1,891 318,564 870 60,004 976 62,525 375 19,215 587 18,668 3,652 1,669,789 513 60,040 457 48,919 456 45,859 471 19,023 1,622 259,252 289 50,535 2,315 428,720 4,130 41 657 1,245 1,153 749 285 46.4 1,233 933 132 168 280 532 104 2,924 324 831 10 15 5 5 50 25 145 955 1,621 1,039 287 6,882 23.9 4,405,109 26.1 640.1 56,154 89.84 6,796 1,592,959 30 15 56 420 2,416 3,654 205 2,329 142,837 4,425 492,935 2,943 326,948 1,629 34,718 1,732 81,269 832 37,757 965 28,019 6,208 1,956,640 773 76,765 401 31,436 400 27,742 754 30,065 2,581 273,471 395 50,382 3,874 499,488 6,798 115 1,037 1,841 1,884 1,320 601 47.1 2,293 1,729 222 342 486 945 266 4,589 575 1,252 31 30 5 30 35 240 170 350 2,302 2,716 859 114 7,884 27.4 3,166,699 18.7 401.7 39,017 97.06 7,685 1,136,463 30 60 106 321 1,724 3,7% 1,622 21 5 2,419 138,900 4,085 300,035 2,371 171,768 1,362 60,738 1,874 67, 529 1,113 59,203 1,155 25,034 7,003 1,371,886 875 64,948 221 12,394 221 11,573 620 21,550 2,588 183,356 313 23,138 3,844 315,988 7,8U 108 970 1,450 2,160 2,037 1,086 50.4 2,954 1,669 385 900 797 1,246 301 4,930 710 1,500 45 UO 50 160 235 751 490 740 3,322 1,702 264 15 6,257 21.8 1,550,086 9.2 247.7 22,538 90.25 5,797 507,072 140 295 295 841 2,314 1,615 290 7 1,888 77,360 2,936 159,480 1,449 66,375 940 49,170 1,518 43,935 972 39,419 698 15,255 5,260 674,042 605 31,835 53 2,092 52 2,012 363 13,673 1,351 61,878 189 6,%5 2,155 141,488 6,137 125 383 1,085 1,508 1,6% 1,335 53.3 2,863 %3 485 1,415 874 1,288 1,556 3,394 425 1,355 85 325 165 575 480 1,351 405 780 1,535 501 54 KANSAS state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 6. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data BTP based on reporf* for only a sample of farms. See text [ 63 (For tcxl) Total all commercial fams Eoonomic class FARMS BY rOLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: p'ull oum'r-i number.. Pnrl ownffs numtxr.. Ml tcnnnL' number.. rash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number, , Crop-share tenanl-s number , , Livestock-share tenants number . . Other and unsr^eeiriefl [cnnnts number. . White fami operators: Full o^^Tlers number. . Part owners number . . All tenants number. . Nonwhite farm operntor^ Full owners number. . Part owners number. . All tenants number . . SPEaFTED EQUIPMENT AND FArn,ITlES AND KIND OF ROAD (train combines fnniis n'prrtinf^. . number.. Com pickers famis rerortmi:.. number.. Pick-up balers farms re[airtini!.. number . . Field forafje har\ esters fam.s ri'portme.. number.. Motortrucks rnrms repof tinp . . number. . Tractors farms reporting . . number.. Tracl/ifs other than :;anlen farms reportinR. . number.. 1 tractor farms reportinj* . . 2 tractors farms renortinq . . 3 tractors farms reporting.. 4 Uactors farms reportinp . . 5 or more tractors farms reportinit.. Wheel IjactoTS fomis n^portinp.. Crawler tractors farms reportinc. . number.. Garden Iractors fanns reportinp . . number . . Automobiles farms reportinp. . number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reportinp . . Home freeier farms reportinp.. Milkinp machina. farms reporting. . Electric milk cooler farms reportinp.. Crop dner (for pram, forape, or other crops) farms reportinp.. Power-operat«d elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on whicli located: Haixl surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reportinp.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. . lor more miles to a hard surface road forms reporting.. 1 mile farms reporting.. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting.. 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles ■ -farms reporting , . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or nore days) farms reporting.. persons. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker farms reportinp . . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 1 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 or more hired workers farms reporting., RE-SIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,, Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number.. See footnotes at end of table. 22,678 37,903 22,287 l,21i; 10,<09 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,8« 22,237 60,112 57,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,139 6,084 1,494 3,%0 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 9,689 12,882 6,083 524 2,945 1,412 829 373 9,664 12,853 6,067 19,881 21,780 7,927 8,122 10,347 10,546 7,849 8,175 24,885 37, U6 27,024 57,738 26,921 55,241 8,713 11,315 4,904 1,290 699 26,785 54,020 1,077 1,221 2,429 2,497 26,797 33,845 28,329 24,725 16,521 3,833 1,332 494 15,223 5,009 16,882 6,481 1,321 5,160 1,340 1,953 509 1,358 4,120 6,092 2,257 2,962 1,793 344 91 25 4 25,008 2,378 1,354 260 1,410 356 14 151 94 85 12 260 1,408 356 1,681 2,198 509 523 1,019 1,051 1,303 1,444 1,999 5,374 2,006 6,866 2,001 6,652 94 559 664 341 343 1,998 6,412 207 240 204 214 1,985 3,107 2,040 1,951 1,521 183 64 136 1,734 471 1,043 500 84 416 88 139 54 135 1,162 2,086 954 1,462 664 188 74 24 1,627 326 97 647 2,516 983 51 515 239 155 23 647 2,511 983 3,494 3,977 1,265 1,323 1,864 1,904 2,128 2,212 3,973 7,112 4,078 10,621 4,077 10,194 504 1,822 1,201 379 171 4,056 9,920 246 274 412 427 4,041 5,333 4,134 3,837 2,895 621 238 140 3,219 8U 2,311 995 168 827 177 303 78 269 1,100 1,489 664 783 562 90 11 1 3,616 410 131 1,535 3,706 1,605 85 835 394 235 56 1,535 3,694 1,604 5,308 5,716 2,232 2,303 2,919 2,950 2,298 2,368 6,375 9,328 6,619 U,930 6,593 14,275 1,472 3,240 1,402 359 120 6,587 14,021 212 254 638 655 6,638 8,347 6,310 6,162 4,424 1,168 398 127 4,485 1,094 3,958 1,717 319 1,398 361 544 147 346 975 1,396 388 446 336 46 6 6,020 573 289 2,796 3,343 1,736 139 906 327 227 137 2,791 3,338 1,736 5,687 5,974 2,533 2,565 2,952 3,041 1,551 1,582 6,911 8,698 7,483 14,521 7,463 13,882 2,589 3,546 1,153 137 38 7,392 13,595 256 287 619 639 7,410 8,926 7,819 6,800 4,421 1,208 377 71 3,891 1,320 4,814 1,682 352 1,330 358 514 133 325 547 681 171 185 157 14 7,056 521 307 3,460 1,689 1,102 160 463 277 112 90 3,455 1,684 1,092 3,213 3,402 1,222 1,242 1,408 1,410 544 544 4,753 5,637 5,703 9,147 5,662 8,671 3,280 1,873 423 59 27 5,632 8,535 126 136 470 476 5,513 6,762 6,111 5,043 2,814 602 245 20 1,707 1,017 3,880 1,275 282 993 296 392 87 218 316 415 5,397 480 380 64 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 6 -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are ba»eee tent ] (Kor dofinilions and explanations, see text) Total all (XNiunercial farms Economic class USE OF CCMMEROAL FERTILIZER AND LIME rommefcial fertilizer and fertilizinc materials used durine the >enr f)r\ materials ... Liquid mau-rials Crops on which ustvl— Hay and cropland pasture. . Or, matenals Liquid matefials Other pasture {not cropland) . Dr^' materials Liquid materials I>y matenals. ... Liquid matenals . Drv materials , . . . Liquid materials . Wheat Dry materials,.. . Liquid materials . All other crops Dry materials. .. . Liquid matenals . Lime or linnnr materials used durinir the year . amis reportinp. hich used, ttins, arms reporting,, tons, 'arms reporting. Ions,. amis reporting,, acres . , arms reporting., tons,, arms reporting , tons., arms reporting., farms reporting.. Ions, arms reporting. , cons,, i reporting, , acres,, rnm.s reporting, , (ons,, 'arms reporting,, tons. , arms ren<*ting. , acres . , * reporting.. Ions,, 'arms reporti ng , , tons, , Jnm.s reporting. . am.s reporting,, tons,. SPEOFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures Feed for livestock and poultry Under SlOO $l(Xllo$M9 $1,000 to .<;L99il S2.000 to $4,999 .fS.OOO or more Purchase of livestock and poultry I'nder ?1,000 Sl.OOO to y2,49fl 52,5(10 to M.999 S5,000 to 59,999 ?10.0O0 or more Machine hire Under $200 5200toS9«9 $1,000 or more Hired labor Under $200 $200 lo $499 $500 to .$999 $1,000 to $2.499 $2,500 to $1,999 .$5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $19.999 $20,000 to $49.999 550,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under $100 $100 to .$499 $500 lo $999 $1,000 or more Gasoline and other pelroleum fuel and oil for the fanii business UnilerflOO !100to$49ll ,,,,, S500lo$9n9 51,000 10 54,999 $5,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. arms reporting,, acres.. rarms reporting.. tons,, arms reoorting , . tons.. 'arms reporting., ncres limed. . reporting. , reporting. , dollars,, reporting. , reporting,, reporlinR, , reporting,, reporting, , reporting,, dollars,, reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting,, reporting,, reporting,, dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting,, reporting, , dollars, , reporting, , reporting,, reporting,, reporting,, reporting,, reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting.. reporting. . dollars.. s reporting.. s reportinp, , s reporting,. s reporting, . s reporting, . dollars.. s reporting. . s reporting. . R reporting. . 5 reporting.. s reporting,. i4,690 ^,862, 909 279, 2W 42,564 250,897 4,382 28,357 5,930 198,876 5,784 14,744 210 806 1,572 55, U9 1,506 3,547 74 223 14,956 679,812 13,844 40,502 1,564 6,773 14,443 807,283 12,931 37,144 1,927 10,406 38,215 2,524,226 36,694 121,364 2,202 9,180 16,767 597,263 16,435 33,596 462 969 5,062 165,323 391,060 83,090 68,579 97,766,833 6,594 38,955 11,060 8,597 3,373 51,588 228,812,572 30,541 7,164 4,529 4,140 5,2U 52,954 28,492,276 17,967 28,357 6,630 49,060 32,550,837 23,736 11,652 5,977 4,510 2,134 800 186 9 51,267 10,930,735 19,513 27,217 3,442 1,095 82,418 62,972,734 3,580 28,152 29,227 21,L25 334 16,547 1,573,701 96,011 15,776 86,436 1,583 9,575 2,569 95,838 2,508 7,565 85 418 680 25,704 647 1,709 36 127 6,100 255,934 5,638 15,663 647 2,725 5,454 264,439 4,900 12,521 700 3,386 13,705 727,680 13,191 37,509 735 2,616 6,309 204,106 6,186 11,469 173 303 2,203 77,8U2 183,310 28,740 27,477 50,835,020 1,611 13,980 5,258 4,665 1,963 21,592 158,149,574 9,542 2,951 2,298 2,695 4,106 W,329 8,469,610 6,749 9,771 1,809 17,485 12,534,622 8,379 3,904 2,069 1,767 946 333 67 19 1 18,076 3,478,926 7,302 9,494 960 320 28,494 21,693,921 1,711 9,636 9,632 7,393 122 1,279 301,630 18,575 1,145 15,860 286 2,715 196 14,280 135 926 14 101 93 7,459 86 492 607 50,406 544 3,324 99 484 719 74,961 588 3,550 180 1,256 1,022 128,595 936 5,967 126 725 359 25,929 350 1,601 21 63 122 6,451 15,203 2,050 2,017 19,368,847 7 257 249 544 960 1,888 86,507,505 64 43 39 84 1,658 1,483 2,270,435 150 655 678 1,895 5,374,059 151 236 265 457 478 230 58 19 1 1,403 702,259 155 753 304 191 2,043 4,151,205 6 79 255 1,592 111 2,718 403,605 23,818 2,515 20,223 454 3,595 397 17,235 373 1,042 35 127 101 3,708 95 319 7 10 1,102 61,587 983 3,496 195 1,072 1,226 73,683 1,067 3,411 210 1,202 2,359 202,715 2,201 9,573 235 1,053 1,003 44,677 974 2,382 52 131 312 9,458 24,662 4,157 4,042 10,491,262 71 1,127 860 1,392 592 3,479 37,967,104 381 232 251 745 1,870 2,859 1,864,932 686 1,584 589 3,476 3,221,569 948 858 660 667 264 70 9 2,806 759,909 601 1,805 335 65 4,154 4,788,576 34 325 1,513 2,271 11 4,327 425,371 25,534 4,148 23,607 406 1,927 622 21,066 612 1,592 10 35 143 6,267 138 410 5 9 1,562 67,875 1,447 4,510 153 524 1,426 60,383 1,278 2,689 183 771 3,677 211,465 3,571 U,340 190 518 1,719 58,315 1,679 3,066 55 70 647 22,032 50,399 6,882 6,710 10,020,058 172 2,949 1,735 1,575 279 5,532 22,148,689 1,754 812 1,0U 1,439 516 4,469 1,854,719 1,402 2,705 362 4,725 2,163,690 2,211 1,269 667 427 125 26 4,592 892,600 1,375 2,965 216 36 6,851 5,781,944 109 1,286 3,234 2,222 4,718 295,327 17,994 4,540 17,024 285 970 697 20,670 686 2,041 11 21 182 4,%5 177 294 5 U 1,752 53,668 1,622 3,034 150 537 1,307 37,325 1,227 1,852 86 105 4,005 129,722 3,892 7,031 128 258 1,934 48,977 1,894 2,772 40 35 579 17,849 41,956 7,884 7,656 7,208,846 324 4,724 1,609 898 101 5,863 8,598,126 3,503 1,093 839 371 57 5,138 1,502,536 2,096 2,904 138 4,396 1,136,871 2,785 1,082 329 152 41 7 4,945 737,810 2,259 2,580 83 23 7,859 4,482,071 289 3,271 3,266 1,033 3,145 133,823 9,206 3,078 8,855 142 351 617 20,192 612 1,817 15 134 136 2,535 131 168 5 4 967 20,443 937 1,216 45 95 706 15,117 670 801 41 52 2,417 51,968 2,366 3,333 56 62 1,184 23,568 1,179 1,520 5 4 493 18,622 40,385 6,257 5,308 3,381,777 731 4,050 755 241 31 4,043 2,681,550 3, no 725 153 50 5 3,800 882,098 1,990 1,773 37 2,630 553,568 2,019 338 133 53 37 3,672 339,353 2,400 1,250 17 5 6,147 2,189,000 722 3,914 1,246 265 State Table 18. KANSAS -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 6. -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faimB. See lextj 65 (For definitions and explanations, see lexl) Total all commercial fanns ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products soltJ loul, dollars. avora4;e per farm, dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field cro^, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vecetables sold dollars , Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars. AH livestocli and livestock products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry producLs sold dollars. Dairy producLs sold dollars . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars. LfVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calvi^l. Milk cows Heifers and heifer calves Steers and hulls including steer and bull calvi arms reporting.' number., aims reporting;., number. , arms reponing., number., I reporting., number,, arms reporting. . number,. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- I head farms reporting. •2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms re[Hrting, 10 to 19 head farms reporting , '20 to 49 head farms rejwrling . SO to 99 head farms re|vr1ing . 100 to 499 head farms rcjxirting. 500 or more head farms report ine. Oows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . 2 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 head farms reporting . 20 to 29 head farms reporting, 30 to 49 head farms reporting, 50 to 74 head farms reporting, 75 to 99 head farms reporting , 100 or more head farms reporting . Milk aiws- 1 head farms reporting , 2 to 9 head farms reporting . 10 Ut 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms repiining. ;)0 to 49 head farms reporting, 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. lOO or more head farms reporting. HoiseS and/oi mules farms reporting. number . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Dom since June 1 farms reporting. Bom before June 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting, number . Ewes farms reporting , number. Rams and wethers farms reporting . number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting. number. dollars . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number, dollars. Milk and cream sold farms reporting. pounds, dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of tabi e. 1,089,005,668 13,105 477,398,175 470,800,744 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 611,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,713 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 246 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486,918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,360 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,897,197 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,411,088 15,218,661 476,294,600 16,573 97,657,560 97,294,159 69,780 107,644 185,977 378,637,040 5,279,022 6,577,592 366,780,426 27,354 2,289,625 23,773 641,644 U,661 64,040 23,515 609,646 25,500 1,038,335 174 541 901 2,352 8,556 8,024 6,525 281 1,481 5,412 5,585 4,078 3,876 1,804 692 845 4,566 8,447 1,365 218 56 9 11,960 27,931 14,795 778,682 11,773 472,390 12,131 306,292 2,724 394,962 2,120 193,079 2,562 201,883 2,532 192,986 2,128 8,897 19,364 2,401,871 27,865 1,775,719 326,670,139 14,508 1,067,671 33,097,301 2,638 378,782 5,681,730 8,629 242,355,417 6,577,592 10,567 345,895 14,332 19,814,397 4,755,456 178,397,085 87,023 26,194,712 26,168,367 4,300 3,609 13,436 152,202,373 442,372 402,026 151,357,975 1,972 618,665 1,236 70,284 778 2,937 1,319 157,215 1,337 391,166 3 15 U 28 49 197 1,407 262 236 317 96 76 106 81 78 246 361 366 23 7 16 5 1,438 4,604 705 75,460 541 48,182 544 27,278 162 106,735 126 83,276 130 23,459 127 22,879 100 580 991 145,264 2,027 703,486 144,825,764 680 127,165 3,942,115 151 144,288 2,164,320 242 12,579,025 402,026 448 28,696 583 1,684,021 404, 164 115,758,607 27,847 26,401,428 26,365,212 2,770 21,022 12,424 39,357,179 1,002,603 1,339,274 87,015,302 4,01* 508,440 3,095 114,791 2,037 9,175 3,054 131,237 3,733 262,412 32 87 44 56 337 1,126 2,320 14 388 793 365 292 363 349 223 322 751 1,029 151 79 23 2,277 4,310 1,805 149,471 1,493 90,041 1,422 59,430 381 71,386 313 38,454 343 32,932 342 31,830 277 1,102 2,515 366,381 4,117 420,423 78,910,863 1,921 222,701 6,903,731 392 65,807 987,105 1,007 42,325,583 1,339,274 1,416 60,683 1,786 3,739,638 397,513 97,743,634 14,203 25,166,601 25,097,061 21,990 28,179 19,371 72,577,083 1,556,898 1,841,299 69,178,886 6,579 548,177 5,709 1^9,801 3,660 16,793 5,703 150,464 6,211 207,912 18 88 107 236 1,317 2,699 2,110 4 326 1,062 874 830 1,229 842 311 235 1,144 2,021 393 SO 17 3,020 6,810 3,734 220,908 2,990 135,253 3,111 85,650 581 94,523 477 36,715 550 57,808 544 55,620 486 2,188 4,639 680,204 6,774 339,805 57,965,679 3,6% 312,970 9,702, OTO 534 81,229 1,218,435 2,177 68,858,189 1,841,299 2,755 97,045 3,544 5,968,103 1,432,348 58,474,522 7,417 14,533,992 14,386,065 9,095 23,590 115,242 43,940,530 1,483,628 1,869,902 40,587,000 7,517 392,705 6,939 166,217 4,360 20,141 6,769 106,986 7,134 119,502 46 120 162 503 3,131 2,953 597 295 1,069 1,690 1,695 1,631 456 73 30 1,256 2,506 551 47 2,875 6,034 4,619 216,180 3,656 129,133 3,905 37,047 737 75,178 577 20,868 701 54,310 691 50,637 612 3,673 5,TO8 TO9,509 7,657 209,756 31,239,246 4,534 267,938 8,306,078 728 54,079 811,185 2,838 73,895,160 1,369,902 3,424 94,223 4,563 5,463,058 1,311,133 23,669,857 3,783 4,968,435 4,926,152 8,125 21,725 12,433 13,701,422 708,399 1,013,146 16,979,877 5,891 198,500 5,521 89, ^3 3,150 12,523 5,451 56,919 5,462 51,373 60 120 321 1,019 3,231 1,049 91 160 1,474 2,095 1,150 547 76 7 12 873 2,055 217 5 1,979 4,724 3,240 104,916 2,557 62,089 2,657 42,827 708 40,865 512 11,206 703 29,659 698 28,430 553 1,229 4,425 424,358 5,961 91,699 12,508,877 3,119 125,446 3,388,826 648 29,309 439,635 2,010 39,854,066 1,013,146 2,139 57,843 3,166 2,637,752 633,061 2,250,845 1,491 392,392 351,302 23,500 9,519 3,071 1,858,453 35,122 111,945 1,661,386 1,379 23,138 1,273 10,343 676 2,471 1,219 6,825 1,123 5,470 15 111 256 505 491 76 697 465 35 181 470 25 371 949 692 11,747 536 7,687 492 4,060 155 6,275 115 2,560 135 3,715 130 3,590 100 125 1,086 76,155 1,329 10,550 1,219,705 558 11,451 354,981 135 4,070 61,050 355 4,843,394 111,945 335 7,400 690 321,825 77,237 66 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 6 -Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [DftU are based on reporta for only a sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Oontinued Litters farrowed Decembet 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .famis numltor 1 or 2 litters fanns 3 to 9 liUers famis 10 to 19 litters farms 20 to 39 liUers farms 40 to 69 litters farms 70 or more litters farms June 2 to November 30 farms December 1 to June 1 farms number reporting. , of litters., reporting, reporting . . reporting. . reporting . , reporting . reporting., reporting. . of liUers. reporting, of litters. SPEOFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Under 1 1 acres 11 to24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres , Harvested for grain Total all commercial farms , .farms reporting. . farms reporting . . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting, , , farms reporting . , farms reporting . . bushel s . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres . . pounds. . Sftles famia reporting.. pounds . . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. acres. . btishels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . . bushels . , Sales farms reporting. . bushels. , Barley harvested farms reporting, , acres. , bushels . . Sales farms reporting . . bushels . . Itye harvested .farms reporting.. acres. , btishels. . Sales farms reporting . , bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farne reporting., acres . , btishels . . Hay crops; Land from which hay was cut acres.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting.. acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting . . tons.. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting., acres . tons. Sales farms reporting. tons . LeapedezA cut for hay farms reporting . acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tons. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for he^ farms reporting . acres . tons. Sales fartos reporting. tons. Vlld hay cut farms reporting. acres . tons. Sales farms reporting. tens. Other hay cut farms reporting, acres . tons. Sales farms rep(3rting, tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. 22,701 231,113 4,113 9,859 5,90i 2,292 400 133 18,291 103,915 19,144 127,193 38,541 1,797,731 4,332 9,016 11,337 6,400 3,053 3,353 34, 766 1,603,504 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,748,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,198 7,170 3,470,819 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 11,4% U,087,002 4,867 134,567 2,042,101 3,336 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 1,794,937 42,119 999,541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,616 60,569 91,144 362 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 3,291 46,152 56,152 102 2,162 21,168 561,809 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 287 6,541 806 19,946 94,590 Etnnomic class 11,380 144,580 1,460 4,4U 3,377 1,688 331 113 9,422 64,770 9,909 79,810 15,053 672,279 1,955 3,410 4,793 2,289 1,239 1,367 13,389 568,436 23,844,388 5,012 6,186,176 21,545 1,428,717 17,795 %1,250 1,731,167,002 7,910 595,663,405 24,317 2,435,496 44,483,691 24,061 41,695,815 10,577 217,335 5,268,415 1,236 457,250 7,924 211,516 5,377,520 1,701 1,170,740 1,868 43,366 624,351 1,145 471,872 2,978 72,001 1,498,758 841,461 17,321 449,424 1,050,833 2,238 91,036 1,636 27,272 44,453 79 1,113 925 13,248 17,157 16 506 1,378 19,834 22,960 22 184 9,395 288,500 359,486 919 27,793 2,335 34,041 47,723 72 1,353 341 9,142 44,023 478 11,633 44 127 104 135 36 32 381 4,957 417 6,676 1,002 88,344 36 114 243 199 34 326 702 61,906 3,281,902 253 889,099 1,775 31^,801 1,436 214,322 437,330,787 609 147,129,823 1,950 617,433 12,654,580 1,947 12,033,000 530 20,655 617, 597 80 80,747 693 41,002 1,192,827 220 317,965 167 8,147 127,877 140 102,180 145 6,073 137,633 123,152 1,237 68,908 180,763 226 25,360 100 3,213 5,675 3 167 16 510 809 113 4,114 4,552 5L2 38,948 45,006 37 3,503 173 4,670 6,983 48 2,789 10,730 1,372 28,584 144 318 352 384 120 54 1,193 12,774 1,201 15,810 2,145 138,034 147 318 494 483 280 423 1,775 109,552 5,147,537 781 1,568,627 3,670 360,128 3,009 241,330 444,878,398 1,492 169,992,770 3,942 632,743 12,115,231 3,930 11,425,791 1,579 42,315 1,073,262 237 122,169 1,578 56,850 1,496,730 412 394,069 380 13,040 184,292 305 154,259 375 13,539 316,363 154,367 2,682 92,001 228,788 465 21,621 203 4,166 7,472 6 31 51 735 1,076 5 250 216 3,495 4,368 2 19 1,256 45,171 60,250 178 5,752 392 6,425 8,973 15 115 83 2,374 12,315 2,873 42,315 296 856 985 589 125 22 2,425 18,631 2,572 23,684 3,797 195,331 293 692 1,200 703 462 447 3,359 169,220 7,142,242 1,359 1,928,208 5,849 372,635 4,959 255,052 455,464,894 2,286 158,604,270 6,425 641,565 11,177,%9 6,398 10,484,^6 2,758 65,698 1,586,636 373 125,272 2,276 56,303 1,416,676 516 280,089 536 12,193 171,253 368 128,331 752 21,503 442,555 227,137 3,714 40,520 401 1,543 1,285 440 40 5 3,054 18,515 3,317 22,005 4,689 170,674 585 1,047 1,827 723 371 136 4,337 154,431 5,825,098 1,707 1,420,725 5,898 249,707 4,921 166,318 276,984,238 2,177 85,481,797 6,383 381,195 6,179,191 6,825 5,646,153 3,510 59,153 1,387,640 41B 103,618 2,047 37,758 866,910 365 124,630 452 5,331 80,003 179 46,616 1,085 22,211 U9,147 209,048 4,676 4,998 125,644 103,513 287,400 230,952 745 522 24,921 12,729 415 563 7,505 7,978 12,634 11,802 25 35 490 290 170 323 2,750 4,883 3,633 6,419 • . , 6 201 324 379 4,339 4,065 5,153 4,386 5 10 IDO 35 2,432 2,782 76,320 77,984 97,724 95,756 273 290 8,268 6,490 530 714 7,517 9,668 10,244 13,916 36 10 900 205 131 48 2,562 957 11,978 5,645 2,503 19,563 440 1,292 626 135 10 2,004 8,913 2,037 10,650 2,859 69,506 668 1,054 914 151 37 35 2,665 63,402 2,155,664 802 352,577 3,700 U0,580 2,962 72,617 111,525,420 1,124 29,712,285 4,565 149,191 2,213,305 4,469 1,992,300 1,930 26,819 556,540 123 24,694 1,184 17,387 372,272 163 48,852 303 4,320 56,431 133 36,771 556 8,055 141,180 116,874 3,218 53,558 111,005 250 5,730 310 3,930 6,410 10 135 305 3,995 4,795 5 55 311 3,591 4,316 5 30 2,107 45,994 56,740 136 3,750 466 5,366 6,942 5 40 26 440 3,275 See footnotes at end of table. KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 4 of 6.-Livestock farms other than poultry and dairy farms [Data are based on reports for only a sample oT farms. See textj 67 Item Toul nil commwcial farms F.oonomic class (For .Icfiniltons and PKpianftlions. Sep U-xt) Total Class I Class II Class m Class IV aassV aassVI SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-Coiiliniieuildin(;s: Averape per larm dollars . . Average per acre dollars . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 "cres farms reporting . . 200 U> 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture fanns reporting. . acres. , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting . . acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting . . acres . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres . . Other ciopland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting . . acres . . Improved pasture farms rep<»ting.. acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting . . acres. . Imgated cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . L^nd use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting . . acres . . Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour farms reporting . . acres.. Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting.. acres . . System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting. . acres. . FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number.. Under 25 years number.. 25 to 34 years number.. 35 to 44 years number . . 45 to 54 years number . . 55 to 64 years number . . 65 cr more years number.. Average age years . . OFFFARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Woriong off their farms, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators repotting . . 100 to 199 days operators repealing . . 200 or more days operators ropating . . With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. . With income frtm sources other than farm operated and off-farm work operators reporting. . With other incCTne of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting . . Operators not wcrking off their farms or not reporting as to wrer.. Pick-up balers farms report! np. . numl>er. . Field forage har% esters fnm.s rep<»tinp.. numlier.. KbCorlrucks farms refiortinf; . . number.. Tractcrs farms l^r^orting.. number.. Tractors other than i^anlen larms roportinj;.. number.. 1 tracldr farms rOfnrtinp . . 2 tractors farms reportinc. . 3 tractors farms reoortjnc . . 4 tractors farms reporting . . 5 or more tractors farms refwrlin!^. . Wheel tractors famis tVfxirtinf: , . number . . Crawler uactors farms reportinR . . number.. Garden tractors farms reporting . . number.. Automobiles fams reporting.. number.. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting.. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Oop drier (for gram, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-ofjeraled elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Diit or unimproved forms reporting. Leas than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles 1o a hard surface toad farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting, 4 miles farms reporting, 5 or more miles farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting . persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers; 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 or 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 or more hired workers arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. I reporting, 'arms reporting. 22,678 37,903 22,287 1,214 10,«)9 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,8<« 22,237 RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators refiorting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence. number.. See footnotes at end of l^le. 60,112 67,171 20,226 20,7^ 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 661 520 239 143 33 8 23 32 661 520 239 355 388 60 61 312 329 186 210 1,216 2,082 1,097 2,094 1,062 1,9% 549 286 122 59 46 1,048 1,905 78 91 94 98 1,255 1,699 1,406 1,175 805 44 23 1 402 308 785 347 82 265 36 95 33 101 397 812 272 540 160 69 24 15 4 957 397 135 44 145 38 21 7 3 7 44 145 38 78 91 10 10 112 128 70 87 250 735 226 687 225 665 52 K 51 29 39 214 620 35 45 19 22 235 407 254 225 170 4 3 53 138 56 6 50 7 5 6 32 188 522 157 392 22 13 4 154 82 20 41 49 7 7 60 61 44 46 187 366 163 330 157 316 66 45 30 U 5 156 299 16 17 14 lA 188 279 196 169 126 5 2 1 86 33 103 58 4 54 7 25 7 15 73 124 136 58 13 56 60 7 7 SO 50 23 26 191 273 177 309 177 301 64 18 5 2 175 285 15 16 8 8 U6 226 214 173 138 7 9 46 126 49 14 35 2 15 5 13 143 67 12 212 92 55 38 3 1 212 92 55 81 84 18 19 41 41 25 27 278 360 247 389 236 359 144 69 15 236 347 U 12 30 30 309 376 328 313 191 16 97 181 72 26 46 12 2 13 215 124 26 180 101 66 58 6 1 1 180 101 66 87 92 18 18 41 41 24 24 266 303 244 324 232 305 169 54 232 304 1 1 18 19 293 356 351 255 159 11 72 191 89 27 268 50 37 70 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 6. -Livestock ranches [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text | {For dcfinition.s and explanations, see text) Total all commercjal fanns Economic class USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZF.Tl AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fortilizin:; materials used durinc the year, fam.s reporting:, acres on which used, tons. . Dp. niaterials farms reportinj*,. Ions.. Liiluid matiTials farms reporting.. tons.. Crops on which iised- tlay nnd cropland pasture farms reporting, . Bcr«s., Dry materials farms reporting,. tons.. Liquid nialcrials farms reporting.. tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres . . Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting., Ions., Com farms reporting. , acres . . Dry materials farr<.s reporting. , tons. . Liquid materials farms rerx>rtine. . tons . . Sorghums farms reixwting., acres . . Dry materials farms reporting: . , tons. , Liquid materials farms reprrting, . Wheat fam.s replal, dollars... avofaj:? por farm, dollar?... All crops sold dollars... Field CTOF», other than vegetables and fnjits and nuts, sold dollars .. . \ ecelables sold dollars . . . FruiUi and nuts sold dollars.., Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars... \ll livestock and livestock products sold dollars.., Poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Dairy froduclj^ sold dollars.,. Livestcvrk and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . , . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves lerms roportinit. . , number... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting... number.., Milk cows farms reporting... number... Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.., number.., Steers and bulls including slccr and bull calves farm- rexiccting. .. number... Farms reporting by number on hand: Caule and calves- 1 head farms reporting. .. 2 to 4 head farms reporting... 5 lo 9 head farms re)K»tin(?. . 10 to 19 head farm- reporting.. 20 to 49 head famis reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms rejwrting.. lOO to 499 head farms reporting. . 500 or more head farms repcrting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting.. 2 to 9 henil farms ropcrting . . 10 to 19 head farms rep<»ting . . 20 to 29 head farms re[»rting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head fainis reporting , . 75 to 99 head farms rep(Wting . . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk oows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head farms reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporung.. lOtl or more head farms reporting.. Horses and, 'of mules farms repwting . . number.. Hogs and pigs 'arms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. number , . B«n before June 1 farms reporting.. number . . Sheep and iambs larms reporting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reprwting . . number. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reprrting.. number.. Ewes farms reporting . . number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock pfoducts sold: Cattle and calves sold abve farms reporting.. number . , dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream sold farms reporting.. pounds . dollars.. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting., dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens . dollars. See footnotes at end of tabla 1,089,005,668 13,105 4r7,398,175 470,800,744 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 611,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,713 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 24« 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,6«8 775,453 25,269 4S6,918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 5,151 382,166 5,1&7 17,360 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,897,197 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,411,088 15,218,661 58,825,208 39,507 1,300,630 1,283,782 912 1,649 14,287 57,524,y78 58,987 101,403 57,364,188 1,335 309,339 1,141 106,118 449 1,350 1,083 64,832 1,220 U8,389 11 18 25 72 208 370 470 161 47 132 133 IIB 216 137 68 290 199 231 11 932 4,639 267 12,691 209 7,161 211 5,530 60 7,263 36 4,476 49 2,787 49 2,684 39 103 527 39,156 1,423 301,775 56,437,267 273 21,714 673,134 56 11,129 166,935 161 3,413,842 101,403 175 3,342 288 229,224 55,015 46,169,748 180,351 877,767 872,421 % 5,250 45,291,981 5.465 12,011 45,274,505 243 187,371 185 46,642 86 246 177 36,781 233 103,948 2 9 77 144 7 29 9 4 4 9 7 116 226 1,801 37 3,246 31 1,876 24 1,370 6 3,402 6 2,512 5 690 5 848 5 42 62 3,743 256 227,097 4^,961,366 33 3,015 243,465 6 2,903 43,545 15 394,149 12,011 16 318 26 21,403 5,137 5,682,974 27,454 233,807 229.809 6 3.992 5,449,167 3,713 8,423 5,437,031 197 50,415 169 24,961 74 163 148 10,593 177 14,861 11 5 2 2 2 12 148 15 10 15 12 3 U 13 2 103 172 912 36 1,970 31 1,194 22 776 498 5 69 422 5 7 61 2,643 206 32,977 5,320,184 40 2,734 84,754 6 523 7,845 20 273,335 8,423 14 326 17 14,114 3,387 3,232,242 14,560 97,576 96,271 60 1,245 3,134,666 6,943 43,818 3,083,905 201 26,722 166 13,130 58 298 154 6,196 184 7,396 1 3 16 4« 133 2 152 546 50 2,501 36 1,168 47 1,333 9 1,585 7 1,375 4 210 4 201 79 4,709 217 18,571 2,830,766 61 4,586 142,166 10 6,447 96,705 35 1,386,988 43,818 18 452 36 27,006 6,481 2,489,126 6,820 59,361 56,241 1X2 83 2,925 2,429,765 8,635 21,395 332 27,980 287 13,523 101 342 286 6,445 303 8,012 1 12 21 51 148 99 205 890 74 3,435 57 1,817 63 1,618 14 761 1 97 14 664 14 637 13 27 112 7,757 357 14,906 2,227,545 76 4,665 144,615 17 643 9,645 46 727,894 21,395 38 721 64 31,056 7,454 1,184,367 3,336 31,619 29,040 300 1,404 875 1,152,748 29,572 13,256 1,109,920 318 15,768 290 7,433 110 215 293 4,6U 296 3,724 27 122 150 12 7 24 70 66 101 19 2 1 148 422 63 1,420 52 1,052 48 368 13 562 12 343 8 219 6 211 7 181 17,596 339 7,798 1,051,399 61 1,639 50,809 7 138 2,070 35 514,999 13,256 68 1,329 125 117,050 28,093 66,751 795 500 66,251 4,659 2,500 59,092 44 1,083 44 429 20 86 25 206 27 448 1 15 15 5 1 4 21 13 6 4 16 29 68 7 119 2 54 7 65 10 455 5 SO 10 375 10 365 5 10 32 2,708 48 426 46,007 2 75 2,325 10 475 7,125 10 116,477 2,500 21 196 20 18,595 4,463 72 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 6. -Livestock ranches [DkIa u« bas«d on reports Tor only a sample of funs. See text] (For dennilions and explanations, see text] ToKI all commercial famis Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LA'ESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters tarro«ed Decemtier 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .farms reportmf number of liuers 'arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting 'arms reporting 'arms reporting arms reporting number of litters December 1 to June 1 farms reporting number of litters SPECIFIED CROPS HAKVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. 1 cr 2 liUers 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 t« 69 litters 70 or more liuers. . . June 2 to November 30 Under 11 acres 11 to 24 aires 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres 100 or more acres . Harvested for grain farms reporting . farms reporting . farms tvporting . farms reporting . farms reporting. farms reporting . farnis reporting . acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels . Sorghunfl for all purposes farms reporting . . acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms repotting.. acres., pounds . . Sales farms reporting . . pounds . . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . Sales fanas reporting. . bushels.. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales fanns reporting. bushels. Rye harvested farms reporting, acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reportiiig . acres, bushels . Hay crops: Land from which hsy was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting . tc3ns. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. acres, tons. Sales farms reporting. tons. Wild hay cut farms reporting. acres. Sales farms reporting. tons. Other hay cut farms reporting. acres, tone. Sales farms reporting . tons. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover , or small giBins farms reporting . acres, tons, green weight. 22,701 231,113 4,113 9,659 5,90A 2,292 400 133 18,291 103,915 19, 1« 127,193 38,541 1,797,731 4,832 9,016 11,387 6,400 3,053 3,853 34,766 1,603,504 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,748,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,198 7,170 3,470,819 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 11,4% 11,087,002 4,867 134,567 2,042,101 3,336 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 1,794,937 42, U9 999, 541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,616 60,569 91,144 362 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 3,291 46,152 56,152 102 2,162 21,168 561,809 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 287 6,541 806 19,946 94,590 187 2,090 30 84 42 22 6 3 138 839 166 1,251 138 5,267 40 27 38 14 6 13 101 2,869 136,853 12 7,760 395 35,400 156 9,766 14,276,358 37 4,072,472 339 30,078 627,590 334 608,436 80 2,354 64,523 1 450 77 2,740 67,034 14 8,608 35 1,402 20,205 22 16,539 13 375 8,449 38,374 363 15,388 46,150 17 1,545 3 110 160 10 313 401 70 1,812 2,395 320 18,898 22,936 15 986 56 1,566 2,266 2 54 287 1,868 22 421 3 8 5 3 3 19 169 19 252 40 3,052 2 3 11 7 6 11 22 1,386 65,153 3 4,660 U6 20,862 39 5,251 7,382,420 10 2,065,000 109 19,290 429,095 108 417,620 14 1,083 33,185 26 1,435 38,222 3 6,032 19 1,120 16,780 16 14,414 5 217 4,851 19,742 96 7,5% 24,790 7 712 2 90 60 2 120 230 20 980 1,442 80 10,334 12,235 412 545 3 210 1,550 20 266 5 4 8 2 1 16 110 17 156 28 727 9 10 4 4 1 14 274 11,960 1 1,200 85 6,881 40 2,149 3,692,936 15 1,159,450 62 5,800 108,065 61 104,787 14 295 U,660 14 648 14,085 2 537 3 96 1,250 2 920 4 103 2,388 7,057 79 3,579 10,005 4 686 1 20 100 6 112 113 45 2,605 2,823 17 634 902 1 30 3 77 318 46 500 1 28 10 7 33 175 45 325 29 872 7 4 14 3 1 27 720 43,670 1 300 60 3,239 26 934 1,193,912 5 359,622 66 2,603 48,823 65 47,234 32 745 14,793 1 450 19 335 6,960 6 777 3 55 875 2 675 4 55 1,210 5,402 74 2,302 6,822 2 21 11 212 230 59 2,611 3,421 4 34 8 277 340 65 703 13 25 12 10 48 309 58 394 14 276 2 11 174 6,890 64 2,686 23 753 1,119,300 3 352,800 55 1,547 27,847 54 26,517 2 45 310 13 228 4,785 1 460 7 90 950 1 310 3,794 54 993 2,463 2 31 IS 358 445 79 2,1% 3,052 3 180 20 209 454 1 24 33 195 21 73 26 122 21 285 15 2 4 21 260 7,880 7 1,600 54 1,600 28 679 887,790 4 135,600 47 838 13,760 46 12,278 18 186 4,575 5 94 2,982 2 802 3 41 350 1 220 1,949 59 893 1,970 2 95 10 100 115 922 1,085 See footnotes at end of table. KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 5 of 6 .-Livestock ranches 73 [Dau are based c n rcfiorts Tor only a sample of rarma. See text ] Ilem Total all oommefcial fapns Economic class (For ilprinitions And enplafiAlions, se? ml) Total Oassl Class n nassDI OassIV GassV QassVI SPEnnED CROPS H4BVE.rinittons and <>xplanalions. TotAl nil commercial farms Eoononiic class FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All (arm operators: Full <>nnM nnf X number . . Ml tcnnnu number.. Cash tenants number . . Share-cash tenant.-^ number.., Crap--4hnrc> tenants number.., l.ivp>4lix'k->'har<' tenants numbtf... Other and unsperified tennnls number... White fajni operntws: Full iiMners number. ., Part uwni-rs number . . , All tenants number. . , Nonwhite Farm operntor^> Full owniTS number . . , Part owriers number... All tenants number . . SPEaFIED FXJUIPMENT AND FArn.lTIES ANI> KIND OF ROAD Gram combines famts re|rrtin(^ . . number . . Com pickers famis reportmc.. number. . Pick-up halrra famvi refrrtini;.. number. . Field fcTDRe hnr% esters fnjn.s reportinf;.. number. . Slotiirlrurks rnrms reptrtinjt. . number. . Tracttfs farms reportinp . . number. . Tractors tllhcr than nanlen farms roportini;. . number.. 1 tractor farms refurtinf*.. 2 tractors fani.s renoninij. . 3 tractors farms refxrting.. 4 tractors fnnns rejxirlinp. . 5 or more tractors farms reporlimt . . Wheel tractors fnni's reportinp . . number . . Crawler tractors farms reportmc . . number. . Garden tracLvs farms reporlinp . . number.. Automobiles farms reportinc. . number.. Automobiles and/or motoitnicks farms reportinf;.. Telephone farms reportinR . . Home freezer farms reporting.. Milking machine. farms reporting. . Electnc milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier (for gram, forage, or other dope) farms reporting.. Power-operatMl elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting.. Farms by kinij of road on which located: Hard surface farms re^iorting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting.. t or more miles to a hard surface road. farms ropoiting. . 1 mile farms reporting . . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting . . 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDINO ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting . . persons. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired wcHcers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms teptvting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated openUors reporting . . Not residing on farm ofier&ted operators reporting . . Operators not reporting residence number.. See footnotes at end of table. 22,678 37,903 22,287 l,2iA 10,409 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,848 22,237 60,112 67,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16, ;26 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,4*4 3,960 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 1,993 2,942 1,641 1,047 371 1,988 2,942 1,636 4,980 5,326 2,304 2,357 2,213 2,230 1,037 1,088 5,472 7,062 6,299 12,874 6,279 12,208 2,M3 2,838 944 247 107 6,264 12,010 165 198 663 666 6,199 7,685 6,499 5,736 3,798 2,31A 1,001 85 3,104 1,137 3,973 1,432 326 1,106 338 446 132 190 513 781 246 317 201 32 12 6,185 159 240 49 57 H 11 31 31 41 70 58 191 58 221 58 220 17 9 13 19 58 2U 6 6 1 1 58 91 58 57 40 7 5 12 43 45 105 19 166 76 19 166 71 233 280 101 109 159 160 119 122 261 515 261 809 261 767 a 80 35 52 23 261 757 9 10 41 42 260 352 261 249 212 116 73 6 203 64 Ul 55 13 42 9 20 4 9 79 157 235 12 170 736 307 10 221 65 170 736 307 1,089 1,214 578 593 655 665 341 347 1,157 1,638 1,196 2,998 1,191 2,835 138 630 299 88 36 1,186 2,800 23 35 163 163 1,191 1,659 1,212 1,134 808 673 358 42 806 269 728 2U 41 170 59 47 24 40 189 247 1,151 33 29 568 1,300 672 40 489 101 27 15 568 1,300 672 2,091 2,222 966 976 938 944 388 396 2,147 2,642 2,482 5,064 2,482 4,785 715 1,336 350 63 18 2,477 4,713 62 72 279 279 2,444 2,940 2,5U 2,241 1,523 1,031 379 25 1,323 399 1,515 606 UO 466 134 226 46 60 123 188 919 642 482 27 265 140 35 15 91A 642 482 1,322 1,357 552 572 4U 414 117 122 1,563 1,745 1,938 3,258 1,933 3,107 1,017 704 176 26 10 1,933 3,042 55 65 151 151 1,873 2,235 2,018 1,726 1,030 462 176 336 1,255 452 105 347 131 125 41 50 2,423 36 81 1,935 37 71 76 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 6.-General farms [Data are based on reriotts for only a sample of fa/ms. See text ] (For (lofinilions and explanations, see text) Total all commercial farms Economic class USE OF COKIMERCIAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commerrinl fertilizer and fcrtilizini: malerials used dunne Itie >ear. fanr.s reporting, .. ac(«s on which used. .. tons . . . Dry materials fanns reporti ng . . . tons. .. Liiiuid inat> material? farms repotting... tons.,. Liquid materials farms reporting.., tons... Cam farms reprcting. , , acres , . , Dry materials fam.s reporting. , . tons, ., Liquid materials farms reporting,,, tons... SorgbiMS farms rep<»ting , , . acres , . , Dry materials farms reporting. , , tons... Liquid materials farms reporting.., tons... Wheat famis reporting;. . . acres... Dry materials fam.s repotting. . , t/ms... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons.. , All other crops farms reporting. . , acres . . , Dry materials farms renorunc. . , tons . . . Liquid materials farms reryirung.., tons . . , Lime or liming materials used durinc the year farms reporting. . , acres limed. ., Ions .. SPEaFIED FARXf EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting. . Feed for livestock and poultry fam-s reporting.. dol 1 irs . . Under .«100 farms reporti ng . . $100 to 5999 famis reporting., $1,000 to 51,999 farm- rcportjnfl.. .'52,000 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 or more farms reporting. , Purchase of livestock and poultry forms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reporting, , 51.000 to $2,499 fsrn.s reporting,, $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 to 59,999 fani,s reporting,. $10,000 or more farms reporting, . Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars,. Under $200 farms reporting , . $200 to $999 fnrms reporting.. $1,000 or more farm* reporting,. Hired labor farms reporting,. dollars... Under 5200 farms reporting.. S200 to $499 farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to S2,499 farms reportini;.. $2,500 to .$1,999 farms reporting.. .$5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting. , $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting, . $50,000 or more farms reporting . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting,. dollars.. Under $100 fan.is reporting. . ^100 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 fanr,s reporting.. *1,000 or nwre farms reporting, , Gasoline nnd other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting,. dollars.. Under $100 farms reporting.. SI 00 to .$499 i farms reporting.. S500 to $999 farms reporting. . 51,000 to 54,999 farms reporting,, 55,000 or more fanr.s reporting,. See footnotes at end of table. 44,690 4,862,909 279,254 42,554 250,897 4,382 28,357 5,930 198,876 5,784 14,744 210 806 1,572 55,449 1,506 3,547 74 223 14,956 679,812 13,844 40,502 1,564 6,773 14,443 807,283 12,931 37,144 1,927 10,406 38,215 2,524,226 36,694 121,364 2,202 9,180 16,767 597,263 16,435 33,596 462 969 5,062 165,323 391,060 83,090 68,579 97,766,833 6,594 38,955 11,060 8,597 3,373 51,583 228,812,572 30,541 7,164 4,529 4,140 5,214 52,954 28,492,276 17, %7 28,357 6,630 49,060 32,550,837 23,736 11,652 5,977 4,510 2,134 800 186 56 9 51,267 10,930,735 19,513 27,217 3,442 1,095 82,418 62,972,734 3,580 1^8,152 29,227 21,125 334 4,110 341,Oi5 20,460 4,036 19,450 223 1,010 485 13,161 469 889 17 79 120 3,297 119 136 1 5 1,393 49, UO 1,299 2,808 105 420 1,197 40,641 1,122 2,022 91 1S9 3,715 175,438 3,667 9,325 80 226 1,962 59,378 1,930 4,220 42 91 480 12,451 31,232 6,583 6,134 6,421,383 390 3,738 1,151 692 163 5,179 5,348,043 3,954 754 220 170 81 4,491 1,401,481 2,025 2,300 166 3,440 1,339,374 2,341 649 166 172 66 34 10 1 1 4,425 698,946 2,007 2,240 135 43 6,550 4,270,264 137 2,749 2,442 1,160 12 44 12,235 912 42 684 15 223 14 1,009 9 58 5 1 3 167 2 15 355 14 46 2 73 18 2,812 15 170 4 40 40 6,150 36 279 5 84 17 1,292 12 123 9 25 3 193 432 58 47 238,502 1 19 5 13 9 45 639,078 1 18 22 37 52,489 2 15 20 57 377,196 6 7 3 1 13 21 4 1 1 40 24,893 23 9 58 184,429 209 37,332 2,989 206 2,747 44 242 48 1,966 47 121 2 4 12 310 12 18 58 4,029 41 224 17 149 102 5,689 98 333 9 44 171 19,349 169 977 8 16 92 6,489 86 1,074 12 29 47 1,678 4,562 261 234 772,190 5 49 55 69 55 214 963,587 63 45 29 46 30 139 151,553 46 90 53 218 322,024 50 59 11 55 28 9 6 189 73,702 20 123 32 14 261 389,218 15 54 191 1 941 116,673 6,506 908 5,145 83 361 32 3,CK5 77 110 5 70 35 765 35 53 392 19,328 336 1,072 56 154 357 15,750 325 756 47 59 874 59,994 858 3,190 26 60 491 17,791 476 964 15 18 93 3,240 7,545 1,213 1,187 1,939,685 32 475 327 275 78 974 1,688,981 499 272 91 93 19 882 334,955 329 503 50 830 325,516 457 198 79 77 15 4 801 172,225 196 567 33 5 1,212 1,160,218 162 558 492 1,648 120,935 6,587 1,627 6,435 56 152 211 4,441 206 352 5 4 50 1,225 50 59 593 17,558 583 1,064 20 38 485 12,155 459 533 31 46 1,503 62,288 1,437 3,174 26 45 975 23,168 869 1,243 5 19 202 4,595 12,638 2,540 2,451 2,255,063 90 1,567 504 270 20 2,131 1,445,222 1,695 356 57 13 10 1,766 500,510 775 959 32 1,358 205,956 1,021 272 48 17 1,817 254,529 789 986 41 1 2,535 1,533,595 15 937 1,251 332 1,107 47,630 2,926 1,097 2,902 20 24 115 2,375 115 223 15 725 15 34 275 6,310 265 356 10 6 190 3,775 190 207 991 25,782 986 1,588 10 18 452 8,663 452 489 120 2,615 5,730 2,043 1,866 1,077,725 185 1,361 255 65 1,533 564,550 1,417 75 41 1,379 318,835 727 641 LL 832 121,381 686 96 25 20 5 1,351 150,482 857 464 20 10 2,043 845,591 70 1,352 521 lOO KANSAS State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 6.-General farms [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of (tme. See bextj 77 (For dennilions and explanations, see text) Total ail commercial fanns Roonomic class ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All lam prmlticts solll total, dollars.., avprafie p**r fann, dollars . . . All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vef;elables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars .. . Vepctables sold del lars . . FVults and nuts sold dollars . . Forest fKoducLs and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry [Voducts sold dollars.., Dairy [loducts sold dollars . . Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves larms reporting . . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting . . number . . Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting.. number . . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms rejiorting. . number. . Farms reporting by number on hand: CaUle and calves- 1 heed farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting,. S to 9 head farms rc|Mirting.. 10 to 19 head farms repiirting . . 20 to 49 head famis rcjxirting.. 50 to 99 head farms re|xjrting.. lOO to 499 head fanns reporting., 500 or more head farms reporting,. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting . , 2 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms rep<»ting . . 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . 30 to 49 head farms reporting . . 50 to 74 head farms reportinc . . 75 to 99 head fntms reporting. . 100 or more head farms reporting . . Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting . . 2 to 9 head faims reporting . . 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 30 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 74 head faims reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head farms reporting.. HofSeS antl/or mules farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Bom since June 1 farms reporting.. Sam before June 1 farms reporting.. number. , Slieep and lamtlS farms reporting., number.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting,. number . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number . . Ewes farms report, eg.. number , . Rams and wetiiers farms reporting . . numb9.. Chickens 4 months Old and oifer farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. . number , . dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. dollars.. Milk and cream soldi farms reporting.. pounds . dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting., dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 1,089,005,668 13,105 477,398,175 470,800,744 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 611,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,713 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 246 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486,918 6,635 766,958 5,U0 367,432 6,232 509,326 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,360 52,443 7,10;,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,897,19^ 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,4U,088 15,218,661 53,102,658 8,065 23,206,984 22,984,880 105,764 58,469 57,871 29,895,674 3,873,836 5,606,301 20,415,537 6,176 256, 109 6,062 110,443 5,201 42,221 5,852 74,234 5,780 71,432 26 104 260 1,027 2,972 1,496 291 166 1,531 2,323 1,121 659 195 45 22 556 2,939 1,412 224 64 5 1 1,821 3,675 3,743 121,509 2,882 74,183 3,030 47,326 585 42,512 452 16.2»:> 574 26,289 559 25,061 496 1,228 5,809 1,237,502 6,200 107,522 15,104,134 3,611 147,39i 4,569,214 579 38,568 578,520 4,654 197,807,069 5,606,301 4,306 211,941 5,168 13,243,183 3,178,365 3,102,881 53,498 1,702,815 1,690,236 11,654 925 1,400,066 151,235 104,822 1,144,009 48 7,130 39 1,543 29 346 27 1,543 45 4,0U 27 51 12 436 7 166 10 270 5 4,586 3,175 4 1,411 4 1,352 3 59 33 2,961 49 5,242 1,023,411 19 1,109 34,379 8 5,002 75,030 14 3.032,343 104,822 10 1,044 18 21,206 5,091 6,992,531 26,791 3,476,740 3,446,855 27,650 722 1,513 3,515,791 451,296 577,806 2,486,689 250 22,135 223 8,256 180 2,577 229 6,286 229 7,593 127 243 147 6,231 105 3,766 119 2,465 39 33 1,595 39 3,947 39 3,832 34 115 209 93,624 246 11,690 2,008,293 142 10,548 326,988 40 9,271 139,065 134 16,123,834 577,806 U5 18,250 157 1,527,024 366,486 16,201,658 U,359 6,762,284 6,727,801 10,075 3,076 21,330 9,442,374 1,126,247 1,760,849 6,555,278 1,186 72,162 1,144 30,332 990 10,864 1,127 21,154 1,126 20,666 10 1 15 55 404 567 134 35 119 295 262 298 122 10 2 94 402 326 131 37 425 751 768 35,539 633 21,434 6S3 14,105 145 13,333 114 5,921 135 7,412 135 7,135 113 277 1,047 280,385 1,201 32,50; 4,843,168 753 48,444 1,501,764 114 11,235 168,525 912 56,677,221 1,760,849 771 65,251 909 3,386,255 812,701 18,380,607 7,236 7,723,934 7,618,441 47,505 41,398 16, 590 10,656,673 1,324,392 2,137,435 7,194,846 2,473 98,929 2,458 44,152 2,171 17,553 2,388 29,010 2,397 25,767 5 20 40 301 1,415 657 35 35 455 1,095 574 238 30 14 5 171 1,168 792 40 589 1,134 1,567 53,503 1,258 33,185 1,231 ?a '>'- 215 12,310 165 3,550 215 8,750 210 8,300 200 450 2,315 5oo,113 2,507 38, U3 4,996,409 1,578 64,537 2,000,647 251 9,655 144,825 1,989 80,378,077 2,137,435 1,863 79,925 2,115 5,099,584 1,223,901 7,762,075 3,799 3,287,873 3,252,478 7,880 10,652 16,863 4,474,202 732,872 941,796 2,799,534 1,860 49,624 1,840 23,216 1,549 9,483 1,765 14,621 1,730 11,787 10 25 130 535 991 154 5 30 700 825 212 72 200 1,096 238 15 459 1,206 1,048 22,304 753 13,350 8,944 156 6,235 U5 1,887 155 4,349 146 4,042 125 307 1,831 309,504 1,870 17,973 2,064,025 978 20,814 545,234 Ml 3,120 46,800 1,359 37,960,127 941,796 1,321 41,865 1,638 2,868,949 688,547 659,906 1,407 253,338 249,069 1,000 2,619 650 406,568 87,794 83,593 235,181 359 6,129 358 2,944 282 1,398 316 1,610 253 1,575 1 41 70 135 110 27 216 95 15 5 35 215 30 94 280 201 3,396 121 'l55 1,125 25 505 20 85 25 420 25 400 20 20 373 44,915 327 2,070 168,828 141 1,942 60,202 25 285 4,275 236 3,635,467 83,593 196 5,605 331 340,165 81,639 78 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued Part 6 of 6.-General farms \ptXA are based on repofts Tor only s sample of fanns. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tol«l all oommercial faims Economic class LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODHCrS-Conliniied Utters farto*ed Decemtier 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959. . . .fanns repottinc. number of litters. 1 m Toul all commercial farms Fconomic class (Fur clfriniUons and fvplanalions, scp texl) Total Class I Class II Class ni Class IV Class V Class M SPEaFlED ntOPS HARVTSTED-Conlinupd Irish potatoes harvested for heme use 10,646 832 220,902 969 1,261,286 2,738 6,513 1,563 284 60,245 136 105,764 451 1,359 10 101 21,675 4 U,654 1 1 50 104 18,50i 16 27,650 27 33 304 15 4,781 10 10,075 63 124 608 42 9,210 51 47,505 190 267 481 22 5,270 50 7,880 130 91A 110 acres^ . . bushels.. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . . Sales dollars . . . Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' farms reporting. . . acres . . . (Z) 805 5 1,000 40 20 Z Reported In small fractions . ^Includefl mlllc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. ^Doea not Include data for farms irith less than 20 trees and grapevines. 80 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are b&sed on reports for only a sairple of farms. See text] !t«m (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all faimfl Canmerclal farms by type of faun Cash -grain farms Tobacco faims Other field- crop fartns Vegetable faims Fruit -and -nut FARMS, ACREAGE, WD VALUE Farms number Percent distribution percent Land in farms acres Percent distribution nercent Average si ze of fann acres Value of land and buildings: \veraf^e per fann dollars \ verage ner acre doU ars , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested fans reoorting acres 1 to 9 acres fairrs reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms rerortins, 50 to 39 acres farms reporting , % to 41 acres farms renortJng. 50 to 99 acres farms reoorting, 100 to IDS acres farms reporting , 200 to 499 acres farms reporting, "W to M9 acres farms rerorting, 1,000 or more acres farms reporting , Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres, Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres, Cultivated summer fallow farms reporttng;, acres, SoiUimprovement grasses and legumes farms reporting, acres. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting, acres, '.VoodI and pastured farms reoorting , acres, ^Voodland not pastured farms reporting, acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved 'pasture farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms retwning acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting acres Land use practices: Cnsoland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grun or luw crops farmed on the contour farms reporting acres Land in strir** cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms renorting, acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms renorting, acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number, Under 25 years number, *iS to "^i years number , 35 to 44 years number, 45 to 54 years number, 55 to 6 4 years number , 65 or more years number , Average Bi;e years , 0FF-FAR\1 WORK AND OTHER INCOSiE Farm operators- working off their farms, total , operators reporting, 1 to 99 days operators reporting, 100 to 199 days operators reporting, 200 or rr-ore days operators reporting, Wth other members of family working off farm onerators reporting, With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm wnrV operators reporting, With other income of fturily exceeding value of agnculturol producL-^ sold operators reporting, r>oerators not wort(ing off their farms or not renorting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm onerators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated onerators reporting. With other income of Family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting, FARMS BY SIZE Under 10 acres niimoer lO to 49 acres number 50 to t9 acres number , 70 to 99 acres number, 100 tn 119 acres number 140 to 179 acres number , 180 to "219 acres number, 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres numijer 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 2,000 or more acres number. See footnotes at end of tableu 104,134 83,096 m 100.0 50,097,175 48,092,200 XXX 100.0 iSl.l 578.8 i9,!M, 57,239 100.36 99.29 95,341 80,556 20,605,221 20,014,972 3,091 551 3,632 971 2,983 1,067 5,093 2,812 15,090 U,584 25,949 25, U7 31,139 31,075 6,122 6,120 1,242 1,239 27,057 23,542 1,511,973 1,424,527 56,729 50,176 7,607,900 7,294,355 36,021 33,622 5,472,857 5,376,045 17,355 14,886 1,050,908 915,739 23,357 20,300 1,084,135 1,002,571 10,355 3,283 468,958 403,788 11,891 9,983 329,093 287,937 80,976 67,214 17,769,273 17,015,024 8,802 7,590 690,926 656,183 4,613 4,408 753,636 746,915 4,547 4,357 673,466 667,667 6,904 6,313 296,415 270,772 24,333 22,660 2,565,133 2,504,291 4,564 4,289 7U,288 695,765 36,607 33,431 4,478,929 4,329,957 102,571 81,704 1,775 1,403 12,352 10,433 21,923 18,736 26,181 22,573 22,467 19,477 17,873 9,082 50.5 49.0 45,169 20,978 6,310 17,881 12,0U 20,512 18,325 58,965 7,223 22,301 5,807 2,889 7,573 2,093 6,546 4,599 11,151 4,532 7,007 27,976 19,699 7,506 2,561 32,259 19,331 4,507 8,421 8,034 13,755 50,837 6,351 15,715 1,734 633 1,432 552 2,491 2,784 8,284 3,902 6,461 25,975 19,539 7,485 2,557 39,997 48.1 23,077,742 48.0 577.0 62,707 107.80 39,997 12,0(>;,679 22 80 165 442 3,906 11,440 18,803 4,235 904 9,225 512,529 27,458 4,854,761 20,559 3,830,494 6,902 449,840 10,373 574,427 2,494 123,536 4,418 137,518 30,218 4,620,141 2,660 178,142 2,241 493,309 2,219 442,297 2,600 125,266 9,515 1,253,645 2,357 476,683 U,824 2,057,755 39,203 860 5,253 9,103 10,920 8,858 4,209 48.4 17,076 10,006 2,680 4,390 4,263 7,449 3,600 22,921 2,817 7,361 145 165 840 1,120 3,682 1,640 2,890 13,927 10,555 3,987 1,046 10 (Z) 365 (Z) 36.5 4,200 115.07 10 255 5 125 10 33 (Z) 13,224 (Z) 400.7 42,828 125.77 33 8,755 10 10 6 5 2 1 30 17 2,825 17 2,170 1 300 5 355 11 681 17 7,085 17 6,510 131 0.2 9,125 (Z) 69.7 40,690 501.05 131 5,400 20 40 15 25 20 10 1 36 625 15 205 26 420 30 2,450 61 2,035 61 1,775 15 250 131 15 25 30 41 20 51.7 KANSAS State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 -Continued 81 LDau are based on reports Tor only s sample of fanns. 5iee uxl] Item (For derinilions and explanations, 6 FtRMS, ACREAOE, ANDVUUE Farms number . Pf^ccnt disl/ibuiion percent. Land m farms acres. PpTcent distribution nercent.. \vprace sizp of farm Acres. Value of land and buildings: \\ermTe per fanii dollars.. tvorajtp oor acre dollars.. Land in farms according to use: Ctonland harvested fams renoiting.. acres.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting! . . in to 19 acres farms rerortim:., 'M to 29 acres farms rcportinc. 'fl lo 49 acres fsnns renorting. . .W in 99 acres farms renorting.. 190 to 139 acres farms renortine. . 2P0 lo 499 acres farms reoortinc.. W to 999 acres ,_ farms rervjrtinR.. 1,90(1 or more acres fama ivportini:. . Cmnland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres.. Cropland not har\ested and not pastured farms reportinc. acres . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting. . acres.. Soil-imDrovement grasses and legumes farms reporting. . acres. . Other cropland (idle and cftjp failure) farms reporting. . acres. . 'Voodland pastured farms reporting.. acres. . "oodland not postured [arms reporting.. acres. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms renorting.. acres. . Inpnivod "ftsiure farms repotting.. acres . . Irrigated land 19 (arms farms rriwrting.. acres.. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres . . Land use practices: t^npiand in cover croos farms repotting.. acres.. Cropland used for grain or mw crops farmed on the contour fanns renorting.. acres. . Lani^ in strio-cronpino systems for soil-erosion control ., farms renoiting.. acres.. ■-yslem of terraces on crop and pasture land farms renorting. . acres.. F MW OPERATORS BY AGE Operatois reporting age number. . t'nder 25 years number.. M to It years number. . :15 to 44 years number.. 45 to .')4 years number.. .5S to fit years number. . 65 or more years number.. \verape age )ears . . OFF-F\Rt| WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- ttnrki ng off their farms, total operators reporting, . 1 lo 99 days operators reporting.. 190 to 199 days operators rejiotting.. 200 or n-ore days operators refiorting.. IT'ith other members of family worlting off farm operators reporting. . With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm wnp; operators reporting. . With other income of fan9ly exceeding value of ngn cultural products sold .operatrM's reporting.. Ooeralors not woH.ing off their faims or not renorting as to wort; off their farms orverators ri^porting.. '.lilh other members of family woriiing off farm operators reixiitinp. . With income from sources other than farm operated, , .onerators reporting. . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . FARMS nv SI 7,E L'nder 19 acres numoer.. Id to 19 acres number.. 51^ to ii9 acres number.. 70 lo 99 acres number. . 100 to 119 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 210 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. ■260 to 499 acres numoer.. 500 lo999 acres number.. I.OCO to 1,999 acres number. . 2,000 or more acres numoer. . See f(x>tnotes at end of lableu Pottltxy farms 539 0.6 85,118 0.2 157.9 25,856 156.25 323 36,24i 15 45 15 15 75 120 36 2 132 4,171 227 10,517 122 4,649 80 4,315 82 1,553 45 1,905 40 835 289 26,340 21 1,360 6 510 6 503 15 360 125 7,990 1 360 175 11,130 539 10 66 86 152 195 30 50.9 247 131 50 66 47 122 75 292 45 70 115 100 10 66 15 45 30 35 106 15 2 Cdnnerclal fanns by type of fam — Ctmtlimeil Dairy fanns 5,195 6.3 1,538,236 3.2 296.1 35,784 120.35 4,990 691,330 50 115 160 451 1,297 1,860 1,001 51 5 2,555 111,994 2,U7 111,036 804 43,654 683 26,903 1,140 40,479 1,008 44,879 660 15,469 4,473 485,947 925 44,528 141 9,012 125 7,206 467 11,371 1,628 113,157 225 19,279 2,369 197,433 5,150 55 722 1,308 1,501 1,252 312 47.7 1,492 958 171 363 391 517 314 3,703 593 892 30 185 35 315 355 880 440 595 1,757 510 84 9 Llvestoclt fams other than poultry and dairy fanns Livestock ranches and llvestoclt ranches 28,740 1,489 6,584 333 34.6 1.8 7.9 0.4 16,904,453 3,906,938 2,531,688 23,436 35.2 8.1 5.3 (Z) 588.2 2,623.9 384.5 70.4 55,395 136,974 39,447 28,560 92.65 53.04 103.81 374.89 27,528 799 6,493 207 5,943,015 115,020 1,201,8M 6,455 235 53 10 126 535 71 40 2S 553 79 50 5 1,484 114 251 15 4,943 166 1,146 26 8,770 150 2,775 2 9,059 121 2,041 7 1,652 33 141 1 297 12 19 ... 9,122 416 2,059 22 519,334 79,094 96,903 472 15,081 523 3,619 78 1,969,289 99,892 243,985 1,160 9,995 162 1,940 13 1,323,895 26,640 143,890 *a 5,474 309 1,402 10 325,672 57,677 50,722 45 5,845 194 1,559 61 319,722 15,575 49,373 692 3,707 175 829 U 179,121 21,584 32,033 610 3,810 94 944 7 102,744 6,352 24,839 75 25,040 1,416 5,582 45 7,506,572 3,537,642 821,406 13,650 3,073 157 754 302,372 88,820 40,961 • ■ . 1,557 41 241 78 191,789 5,514 36,574 627 1,558 37 241 78 171,968 4,378 31,993 597 2,498 64 643 11 103,658 10,237 19,440 190 8,997 108 2,272 5 943,051 12,120 174,098 30 1,330 21 355 167,545 3,337 28,560 . . . U,619 399 3,022 17 1,707,869 51,682 293,138 860 28,353 1,426 5,508 312 429 7 42 3,493 U3 746 15 6,403 195 1,534 76 7,572 379 1,810 73 6,917 351 1,706 127 3,439 381 670 21 49.4 55.0 49.8 51.9 10,251 534 2,531 78 6,061 181 1,939 20 1,252 60 274 10 2,928 293 318 48 2,619 136 542 31 4,377 321 902 57 2,783 291 358 48 18,489 955 4,053 255 2,231 92 532 15 5,788 398 1,094 72 805 126 83 5 263 5 210 785 46 46 297 25 ... 975 255 40 936 60 255 13 2,697 105 370 5 1,177 40 570 ... 2,126 85 720 5 8,452 273 2,440 6 7,048 248 1,151 6 2,958 233 217 1 1,026 445 30 1 82 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of faims. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fauns Cannerclal fanns by type of faim Cash -grain fanns Tobacco fanns Other fleM- crop fanns Vegetable fanns Pnilt-and-nut fanns FARMS BY COLOR AND TENlTiE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full owners number^ Part owners number. AH tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number , Crop-share tenants number. Livestock- share tenants number. Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners - number. .All tenants number. Sonwhite farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commerci al farms number . Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number . SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Piclt-up balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. numtier. 1 tractor fams reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting. 3 tractors farms reporting. 4 tractors fanns reporting. 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Garden tractors rarms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortnicks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler '. farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crtjos) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Farms by kind ol road on which located: Hard surface farms reoorting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved fanns reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface rr)ad farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a hard surface toad farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms rerxjrting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired woriters farms reoorting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired woriter farms reporting. 2 hired wortrers farms reporting- 3 or 4 hired workers farms reirarting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired woriters .farms refxirting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting . Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 38,049 39,900 25,910 2,294 11,045 8,934 1,766 1,821 37,837 39,810 25,825 212 90 83 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 64,885 72,115 21,455 21,982 24,242 24,595 16,812 17,606 83,326 122,300 92,496 183,912 91,366 173,651 36,890 35,419 13,533 3,681 1,843 91,018 170,144 3,058 3,507 9,890 10,261 94,922 US, 549 100,863 87,358 54,120 16,422 8,811 1,740 47,270 21,655 57,855 23,031 5,362 17,669 4,939 6,783 1,635 4,312 10,352 15,988 5,237 7,327 4,038 848 262 72 17 86,245 12,344 5,545 22,678 37,903 22,287 1,214 10,409 7,792 1,666 1,206 22,621 37,848 22,237 57 55 50 83,096 3,477 8,60.0 20,586 26,434 19,469 4,520 60, U2 67,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 U,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 7,832 19,029 13,088 268 5,735 5,782 629 674 7,810 19,003 13,065 22 26 23 39,997 979 3,416 10,451 13,775 9,499 1,877 31,263 35,823 8,354 8,611 7,989 8,073 5,844 6,105 35,529 56,959 37,968 80,450 37,827 76,772 12,393 16,239 6,439 1,854 902 37,759 75,258 1,333 1,514 3,521 3,678 37,264 47,046 39,124 33,690 21,717 4,830 1,792 1,054 24,023 7,852 20,405 U,070 2,368 8,702 2,311 3,398 784 2,209 4,028 5,783 1,753 2,192 1,431 248 60 13 1 31,100 6,531 2,366 5 10 12 10 30 55 10 20 1 1 2 4 5 10 23 116 65 161 23 111 73 264 23 106 73 184 5 50 7 35 20 5 1 6 23 106 72 184 1 1 75 80 23 101 28 136 23 126 23 121 16 65 115 6 10 KANSAS 83 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dw* are baaed on r«poctd for only > sample of famie. See text] [For definitjons uid exDlanotions, dee lexL) FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All (arm operators: Full o*Tiers Part owners All tenants number. . Cash tenants number.. SNare-cash tenants number.. Crojvflhare tenants number., I.iveslnck- share tenants number.. Other and unspecified tenanLs number.. While farni operators: Full owners number.. Part owners number.. All tenants number.. SonwhiLe Tarm operators: Full owners number.. Pari owners number. . All tenants number. . FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number.. Class [ number.. Class II number. . Class in number. . Class IV number.. Class V number.. Class VT number.. SPEOFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AND KIND OF ROAD Orain combines fiflns repoilinit. . number.. Com pickers fanns roportinf!. . number. . Pick.up balers faims reporting.. number.. Field fora^ harvesters faims repotlinf{.. number. . Motonnicks farms reporting.. number . , TVactors farms reporting.. number . . Tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number . . 1 tractor fanns reporting . . 2 tractors fams reporting. . 3 tractors. . farms rr^ioiting.. 4 tractors farms repotting. . 5 or more tractors faims reporting.. IVheel tractors farms rerwrting. . number.. Crawler tractors faimn repotting.. number.. Garden tractors fanns reporting.. number.. Automobiles fanns reporting.. number.. Automobiles and/or motortnieks farms reporting.. Telephone farms repotting.. Ilome freerer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting.. Electric milk cooler farms reporting.. Crop drier {for grain, forage, or other crops) fanns reporting. . Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting, , Dirt or unimproved fanns reporting.. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface toad farms reporting. . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms refotting.. 1 mile farms reciting. . 2 or 3 miles farms reporting. . 4 miles farms reporting.. 5 or more miles faims reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reoorting. . persons. . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) faims reporting. . persons. . Farms reporting by number of regular hired woriters; 1 hired worier farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . .1 or 1 hired woriters farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired woriters farms reporting.. 10 or more hired wotkers faims reporting.. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operator? reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Operators not reporting residence number. . See footnotes at end of table. Caaaerclal farms liy type of fazm— Ccmtlnued Poultry faims 350 96 87 IS 6 30 3S0 96 87 539 28 66 100 uo 100 135 192 223 36 36 56 57 46 46 353 *59 368 694 358 618 171 140 36 1 10 353 598 15 20 66 76 459 589 489 489 294 56 35 10 157 1/M 281 97 36 a. ZL 10 5 25 79 293 53 105 16 27 10 489 30 20 Dairy fanns 1,805 2,315 1,070 150 638 156 86 40 1,800 2,315 1,070 5,195 67 448 1,635 1,630 1,090 325 3,423 3,613 1,537 1,549 2,175 2,186 1,548 1,637 4,245 5,572 4,959 10,064 4,904 9,331 1,711 2,256 708 178 51 4,899 9,256 67 75 708 733 4,849 5,987 5,160 4,540 3,148 4,395 4,165 53 2,355 1,128 3,4U 593 170 423 043 177 26 77 693 i,m 431 635 299 88 37 7 4,952 81 162 Livestock fams other than poiiltry and dairy faitns and llvestodc ranches 9,689 12,882 6,083 524 2,945 1,412 829 373 9,664 12,853 6,067 25 29 16 28,740 2,050 4,157 6,882 7,884 6,257 1,510 19,881 21,780 7,927 8,122 10,347 10,546 7,849 8,175 24,885 37, U6 27,024 57,738 26,921 55,241 8,713 11,315 4,904 1,290 699 26,785 54,020 1,077 1,221 2,429 2,497 26,797 33,845 28,329 24,725 16,521 3,833 1,332 494 15,223 5,009 16,882 6,481 1,321 5,160 1,340 1,953 509 1,358 4,120 6,092 2,257 2,962 1,793 344 91 25 4 25,008 2,378 1,354 Llvestocli ranches General farms 661 1,993 520 2,942 239 1,641 143 ec 33 1,047 8 371 23 94 32 41 661 1,988 520 2,942 239 1,636 5 5 1,489 6,584 256 58 207 261 222 1,213 365 2,540 355 2,043 34 469 355 4,980 388 5,326 60 2,304 61 2,357 312 2,213 329 2,230 186 1,037 210 1,038 1,216 5,472 2,082 7,062 1,097 6,299 2,094 12,874 1,062 6,279 1,996 12,208 549 2,143 286 2,838 122 944 59 247 46 107 1,048 6,264 1,905 12,010 78 165 91 198 94 665 98 666 1,255 6,199 1,699 7,685 1,406 6,499 1,175 5,736 305 3,798 44 2,314 23 1,001 1 85 402 3,104 308 1,137 785 3,973 347 1,432 82 326 265 1,106 36 338 95 446 33 U2 101 190 397 513 812 781 272 246 540 317 160 201 69 32 24 12 15 4 1 957 6,185 397 159 U5 240 Miscellaneous farms 258 44 26 11 5 5 258 44 26 333 27 35 46 85 65 75 7 7 1 1 6 6 U 16 207 304 202 364 U2 203 81 42 2 6 1 127 198 5 5 U6 161 267 363 297 326 131 5 5 5 13 263 49 15 10 5 117 387 77 270 30 10 25 7 5 227 50 56 84 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are based on npons for only a sample of farms. See textj Iteni (ForHefinilions and explanations, see t«xt) Total all fauna CcDmerclal farms by type of fans Caah-gralii fanna Tobacco fanas Other field- crop fanas Vegetable famis Fruit -and -nut faraa USE OF OOSftlERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year. Dr\' materials ... Liquid materials. Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture . Dry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry matenals Liquid materials. Sorgbums Tyry matenals . . . Lifiuid materials . Ibeat Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry msl«risl3 Liquid materials ne or liming materials used during tiie year . arms reporting. . on which used.. tons., arms reporting. . Ions.. arms repotting. , tons.. 'arms reoortiDg, , acres., arms reporting. , tons., arms reporting. , tons.. arms reporting. . acT«s.. arms reporting., tons. , arms reoorting.. Ions., 'arms reporting. , acres., rarms repotting., tons. ) reporting, tons. arms reporting. . tons., 'aims reporting.. tons.. 'aims reporting. . acres., 'urns reporting.. tons.. 'aims reporting. . tons.. 'anus reporting., acres.. 'arms reporting., tons,, ^arms rcfxirting.. tons. 'arms reporting. . cres limed., tons.. SPEapIED FARM EXPENDITURES .Any of the following specified expenditures ;.. farms Feed for livestock and poulny farms Under JlOO SlOO to J»99 .... Sl.OOO lo ?l,999 . S2,000 to .^,999 . $5,000 or more . . Purchase of livestock and poultry . Under ?1,000 Sl,000lo $2,499. S»,500 lo $4,999 . .$5,000 lo $9,999 . $10,000 or more . Machine hire . Under $200 .... $200 to $999 . . , $1,000 or more . Hired labor Under $200 $200 lo $499 $500 to $999 51,000 to $2,499 $2,500 lo $4,999 $5,000 10^,999 $10,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to M9. 999 $50,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees . Under $100 $100 to $499 $500toS999 $1,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business . . . . Under $100 $100 to $4 99.... $500 lo $999 .... $1,000 to it, 999 . $5,000 or more . . refxMting. rcfwrting. dollars, retxjrting. refiorting. re(x>rting. reoorting. reix>rting. reporting, dollais. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, refniting. reporting, refxjrting. reporting, reporting, reoorting. reporting. dollars, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, dollars, reporting, rr^rting. reporting, reporting, reporting. 50,T70 5,03^,031 291,837 48,533 262,963 •i,544 28,874 6,833 221,258 6,672 16,680 231 839 1,819 60,272 1,747 4,001 81 229 16,295 699,431 15,142 41,787 1,616 6,844 15, 4U 822,710 13,879 38,142 1,953 10,442 42,362 2,597,320 40,776 125,835 2,283 9,525 18,496 533,040 18,149 36,518 478 995 5,854 189,391 444,868 103,752 83,200 102,041,193 10,486 49,083 11,550 8,685 3,386 60,362 231,466,183 38,585 7,715 4,504 4,140 5,217 61,819 29,781,804 24,554 30,503 5,662 53,454 33,496,202 27,335 12,247 6,105 4,556 2,154 800 189 58 10 59,351 U,470,959 25,981 28,755 3,484 1,130 102,129 55,801,103 13,813 36,767 29,996 21,216 337 44,590 4,852,909 279,254 42,554 250,397 4,382 28,357 5,930 198,875 5,784 14,744 210 805 1,572 55,449 1,506 3,547 74 223 14,956 679,812 13,844 40,502 1,554 5,773 14,443 807,283 12,931 37,144 1,927 10,405 38,215 2,524,226 36,694 121,354 2,202 9,180 16,757 597,253 16,435 33,596 452 959 5,062 165,323 391,060 83,090 68,579 97,756,833 6,594 38,955 11,050 8,597 3,373 51,588 228,812,572 30,541 7,164 4,529 4,140 5,214 52,954 28,492,276 17,967 28,357 6,530 49,060 32,550,837 23,735 11,552 5,977 4,510 2,U4 300 136 56 9 51,267 10,930,735 19,513 27,217 3,442 1,095 82,418 62,972,734 3,580 28,152 29,227 21,125 334 19,637 2,597,857 140,226 18,425 123,050 2,367 17,175 1,593 51,599 1,540 3,313 91 284 343 9,452 331 704 17 59 5,810 324,569 5,287 18,617 751 3,533 6,452 460,135 5,625 20,317 1,060 6,579 17,562 1,480,180 15,642 55,299 1,315 6,125 6,447 271,822 5,282 13,800 218 495 1,509 54,877 129,201 39,993 27,705 16,390,207 4,296 18,581 3,182 1,313 233 20,197 31,060,063 14,493 2,607 1,421 1,038 638 25,721 15,785,110 7,490 13,917 4,314 23,515 12,712,982 11,037 5,127 3,165 2,058 838 231 40 8 1 24,063 5,425,814 8,460 12,959 2,084 550 39,753 32,445,683 786 12,629 14,331 11,327 180 10 5 600 10 10,000 5 5 125 5 10 2,775 17 2,530 380 16 299 12 81 6 480 5 50 1 a 5 250 17 1,800 16 249 7 65 33 15 1,250 5 10 10 330 10 16 17,250 10 6 23 90,725 5 23 19,300 23 63,400 71 2,690 373 71 373 10 310 10 20 10 150 10 10 66 2,230 66 343 5 50 100 131 35 5,940 25 10 10 2,480 10 40 25,385 20 10 10 86 263,550 20 5 15 30 10 1 90 33,335 25 50 15 126 48,990 25 70 25 5 1 See foodiotOB at end of table. KANSAS 85 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [D>tA sro bftsed on rafioftfl fof only a sajnfile of faims. See texlj (For rIeriniUon!) and «>xplBnation9, ee« text) CoDmerclal faitts by type of fajn— Ctmtlimed Poultry [anna Dairy fams LiTOBtock faims other than poultry and dairy faiss and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Ulecellanetius fama USE OF OOMMF-RCIAL FERTILIZER AND Lll OommefCiKl fenjliicr and rertilizing matenals used during the year Dry materials .. . Liquid materials . Crops on which used- Hay and cropland oaMturo . Dry materials ... Liquid materials . Other pasture (not cropland) . Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Sorgfainns Dry materials Liquid materials Wheat Dry materials Liquid materials Ill other crops .... Dry materials .. . Liquid materials. Lime or liminj; mntenals used dunnft the year . SPEnnKD FVRM EXPENDITORES \ny of the following speciried expenditures Feed for livestock and poullry l'nder«100 SlOOtoSgjg «1.00O to «1.999 ^2,000 to M. 999 H.OOO or more Purchase of livestock and poultry Under «I,0OO Sl.nOOto ^J,(99 S», 500 lo 54,999 f-I.OOO lo S9.999 <10.000 or more Machine hire Under S200 ?a»toS999 Sl.OOO or more Hired tatxir Under <3D0 S*200 to ^99 $500 toS999 SLOOO to S2.499 ?2,500 to «t.999 ?5,000 to «9,999 f lO.OOO to «19,999 820,000 to 549,999 550,000 or more Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees Under SIOO $100 to 5499 5500 to 5099 51,000 or more Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business Under 5100 S100to5199 5500 to 5999 51,010 to 51.999 55,000 or more See footnotes at end of table. .ams reporting. tHi whidi used. tons. ^ams reportintt. tons. farms repotting. toes. 'arms renorting. acres. 'arms repotting. tons. I repotting. lona. 'arms reptining. acres. 'aims reporting. Ions, 'arms reoorting. loan. 'arms reporting, acres, rarnis reporting, lona, farms reporting, toes. laims reporting. acre*. fapna reporting. Ions. larms raptxting. tons. (arms reporting. acren. rarms reporting. tons. lartns reporting. lona. farms reporting. acree. farms reporting. tons. farms reporting. tons. 'aims repotting. acres limed. Ions. faims reporting., 'arms reporting., dollBrs.. farms reporting., 'arms reporting,, 'arms reporting,. 'arms reoorting.. farms reporting, , farms retiorting.. dollars.. farms rrrioiting., 'alms reporting.. 'arms reporting,, farms refioiting.. 'arms reporting,, 3 reoorting. . dollars.. reporting., reporting., reporting,, reporting,, dollars,, reporting., reporting., rr^rting.. reporting. , reporting., reporting. . retiorting. . reporting. . reoorting.. reporting.. dollars., reporting., reporting. . reporting., reporting.. reporting., dollars. . reporting., reporting., reporting,, reporting., reporting. , 176 12,682 616 171 597 U 19 20 330 20 34 26 703 26 37 1 2 51 1,765 51 75 1 3 U6 7,6S0 141 343 10 U 51 2,204 51 103 1 1 15 435 539 539 3,192,540 25 140 40 130 204 474 933,618 255 80 101 25 13 243 50,885 136 106 1 229 289,998 120 30 15 18 20 26. 237 28,900 146 86 499 176,427 171 200 90 38 3,636 298,928 18,997 3,588 18,604 157 393 1,124 31,546 1,108 2,383 17 25 392 10,865 377 672 15 25 1,569 47,179 1,537 3,238 59 83 1,212 35,422 1,163 1,964 67 86 2,890 124,003 2,865 7,402 52 168 i,7oa 49,913 1,696 2,945 5 6 684 16,947 40,778 5,195 5,190 11,096,832 160 1,824 1,164 1,519 523 3,133 3,831,286 1,970 667 367 92 37 3,367 1,209,441 1,251 1,930 186 3,143 1,960,935 1,542 768 386 253 126 57 7 4 3,486 614,372 1,252 2,046 170 18 5,190 3,210,766 235 2,226 1,827 899 3 16,547 1,573,701 96,011 15,776 86,436 1,583 9,575 2,569 95,838 2,508 7,565 85 418 680 25,704 647 1,709 36 127 6,100 255,934 5,638 15,663 647 2,725 5,454 264,439 4,900 12,5a 700 3,386 13,705 727,680 13,191 37,509 735 2,616 6,309 204,106 6,186 U,469 173 303 2,203 77,812 183,310 28,740 27,477 50,835,020 1,611 13,980 5,258 4,665 1,963 21,592 158,149,574 9,542 2,951 2,298 2,695 4,106 18,329 8,469,610 6,749 9,771 1,809 17,485 12,534,622 8,379 3,904 2,069 1,767 946 333 67 19 1 18,076 3,478,926 7,302 9,494 960 320 28,494 21,693,921 1,711 9,636 9,632 7,393 122 367 30,820 1,924 356 1,827 14 97 U9 5,977 U9 520 37 6,131 32 276 5 7 42 1,782 41 109 1 10 66 4,276 59 190 7 55 166 8,005 162 427 5 24 100 4,649 99 305 1 1 60 2,706 5,444 1,488 1,411 9,748,841 67 532 254 273 285 941 29,350,898 276 95 122 110 338 660 513,297 231 296 133 886 1,961,271 257 149 126 137 101 78 26 9 3 575 122, 145 291 212 52 20 1,431 959,564 325 482 333 278 13 4,U0 341,045 20,460 4,036 19,450 223 1,010 485 13,161 469 889 17 79 120 3,297 119 186 1 5 1,393 49,130 1,299 2,808 105 420 1,197 40,641 1,122 2,022 91 189 3,715 175,438 3,667 9,325 80 226 1,962 59,378 1,930 4,220 42 91 480 12,451 31,232 6,583 6,134 5,421,383 390 3,738 1,151 692 163 5,179 5,348,043 3,954 754 220 170 81 4,491 1,401,481 2,025 2,300 166 3,440 1,389,374 2,341 649 166 172 66 34 10 1 1 4,425 698,946 2,007 2,240 U5 43 6,550 4,270,264 187 2,749 2,442 1,160 12 99 2,451 224 94 218 15 6 20 325 20 40 6 205 6 10 5 125 5 5 16 640 16 44 84 956 79 119 15 6 6 45 190 333 53 62,800 10 30 6 5 2 42 134,710 21 10 io 1 72 18,067 55 12 5 208 1,294,655 25 15 25 45 20 31 31 14 2 267 505,212 20 105 21 121 302 96,144 125 125 42 86 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ [For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all faims Commercial fanos by type of fann Cash-grain fanns Tobacco fajms Other field- crop f aims Vegetable falms Fruit -and -nut fams ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold total, dollars average per farm, dollars .All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fnjits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars All livestock and livesUJclc products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and daily, sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVE-STOCK PRODl'CTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. numtier. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting. number. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves— 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 tr> 499 head farms reporting. 500 or more head farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75to99head farms reporting . 100 or more head farms reporting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reriorting. 2 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms repotting. 20 to 29 head farms reporting. 30 to 49 head farms reporting. 50 to 74 head farms reporting. 75 to 99 head farms reporting. 100 or more head farms repotting. Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting. number. Bom before lune 1 farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs .farms reporting. number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Sheep and lamhs sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Milk and cream sold^ farms reporting. pounds. dollars. Chickens including broilers sold farms renorting. dollars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. dollars. See footnotes at end of tabia 1,113,173,731 10,690 487,682,276 480,784,856 1,360,446 702,815 4,834,159 625,491,455 20,960,874 54,546,113 549,984,468 82,398 4,389,247 74,921 1,501,210 48,203 325,054 71,798 1,224,990 72,162 1,663,047 1,300 5,430 7,280 U,193 28,160 17,166 9,395 474 5,387 24,576 19,311 U,143 8,892 3,172 1,058 1,382 12,370 25,772 6,255 2,077 1,427 246 33 23 28,206 66,501 37,741 1,343,216 28,565 825,128 29,304 518,088 8,123 805,573 6,052 376,678 7,650 428,895 7,519 409,413 6,198 19,482 64,330 8,026,379 78,840 2,807,450 484,208,537 34,597 1,709,434 52,992,454 7,541 670,123 10,051,845 32,019 1,653,318,338 54,546,113 32,651 1,281,143 45,684 69,156,014 16,597,446 1,089,005,668 U,105 477,398,175 470,800,744 1,261,286 623,344 4,712,801 611,607,493 19,380,750 52,897,197 539,329,546 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,7U 9,290 25,573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 246 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486,918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,350 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,634,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 1,596,092,265 52,897,197 28,077 1,160,074 38,271 63,411,088 15,213,661 433,754,389 10,845 337,606,942 337,241,984 138,230 1U,877 114,851 96,147,447 4,775,166 7,882,818 83,489,463 28,203 1,101,966 26,264 439,893 15,238 73,337 25,151 324,091 24,975 337,982 432 1,621 2,372 5,238 11,393 5,446 1,672 29 1,613 8,875 7,587 4,214 2,802 775 211 187 4,317 8,918 1,572 331 95 4 1 7,817 16,026 11,629 304,142 8,512 192,749 8,525 111,393 2,861 306,524 2,228 149,115 2,662 157,409 2,626 150,836 2,204 6,573 22,592 2,419,996 26,583 467,396 69,076,445 10,442 343,307 10,642,517 2,604 204,718 3,070,770 9,627 281,987,085 7,882,818 10,931 338,740 15,635 18,041,409 4,329,937 49,923 4,992 37,043 36,395 648 12,880 10 285 5 U5 5 50 10 120 662,757 20,084 662,757 658,757 4,000 10 UO 10 85 5 45 5 125 5 U5 12,880 1,182,724 9,028 1,171,776 272,995 845,775 19,181 33,825 10,948 2,273 1,650 7,025 35 2,580 10 20 3,095 10 105 3,255 5 84,063 1,650 10 349 15 8,015 1,924 KANSAS state Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DftU ve based on reports for only a sarnple of fanris. See text] 87 Ccmnerclal farms by type of fann— Continued Iten ^For derinilions and explanations, see text) Poultry famiB Dairy faims Livestock farmB other than poultry and dairy farms and llvestoclc ranches Livestock ranches General fanns UiscellaneouB fanns ESTHHTED V*LUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOI'RCF. All farm pfoducts sold loui, dotia/a... avera^ per twim, doMars. . . \Il cfon." -wld dollara... 6,135,342 U,383 757,643 752,366 722 4,555 5,377,699 4,640,128 62,460 575,111 288 6,509 253 2,481 138 565 238 1,806 203 2,222 15 36 55 75 80 20 7 36 135 50 15 U 5 "i 67 55 11 5 71 99 102 2,566 82 1,766 66 800 35 2,525 30 475 35 2,050 35 1,985 35 65 482 641,435 232 3,451 468,485 92 5,520 171, UO 45 1,835 27,525 71 2,357,384 62,460 456 207,382 457 9,243,685 2,218,481 53,989,591 10,393 10,241,497 10,141,058 35,325 37,161 27,953 43,748,094 712,607 32,663,473 10,372,014 5,185 265,227 5,175 130,453 5,165 121,927 5,054 99,147 4,510 35,627 30 80 515 2,354 1,785 421 5 545 1,617 1,371 1,307 256 41 33 11 655 1,729 1,291 1,201 228 30 20 1,555 2,913 1,608 42,246 1,185 26,899 1,276 15,347 370 13,172 274 4,064 350 9,108 350 8,614 265 494 3,598 352,198 5,154 87,408 8,669,331 1,400 48,730 1,510,630 296 9,306 139,590 5,195 868,057,305 32,663,473 1,617 51,441 2,355 2,678,269 642,786 476,294,600 16,573 97,657,550 97,294,159 69,780 107,644 185,977 378,637,040 5,279,022 6,577,592 366,780,426 27,354 2,289,625 23,773 641, e>M 14,661 64,040 23,515 609,546 25,500 1,038,335 174 541 901 2,352 8,556 8,024 6,525 281 1,481 5,412 5,585 4,078 3,876 1,804 692 845 4,566 8,447 1,365 218 56 9 11,960 27,931 14,795 778,682 11,773 472,390 12,131 306,292 2,724 394,962 2,120 193,079 2,562 201,883 2,532 192,986 2,128 8,897 19,364 2,401,871 27,865 1,775,719 326,670,139 14,508 1,067,671 33,097,801 2,638 378,782 5,681,730 3,629 242,355,417 6,577,592 10,567 345,895 14,332 19,814,397 4,755,456 58,825,208 39,507 1,300,630 1,283,782 912 1,649 14,287 57,524,578 58,987 101,403 57,364,188 1,335 309,339 1,141 106,118 449 1,350 1,083 64,832 1,220 138,389 U 18 25 72 208 370 470 151 47 132 133 118 216 137 68 290 199 231 U 8 932 4,639 267 12,691 209 7,161 211 5,530 60 7,263 35 4,476 49 2,787 49 2,684 39 103 527 39,156 1,423 301,775 56,437,267 273 21,714 673,134 56 11,129 156,935 161 3,413,842 101,403 175 3,342 288 229,224 55,015 53,102,658 8,065 23,206,984 22,984,880 105,764 58,469 57,871 29,895,674 3,873,836 5,606,301 20,415,537 6,176 256,109 6,062 110,443 5,201 42,221 5,852 74,234 5,780 71,432 26 104 260 1,027 2,972 1,496 291 166 1,531 2,323 1,121 659 195 45 22 556 2,939 1,412 224 64 5 1 1,821 3,675 3,743 121,509 2,882 74,183 3,030 47,326 585 42,512 452 15,223 574 26,289 559 25,061 496 1,228 5,809 1,237,502 6,200 107,522 15,1CV1,134 3,5U 147,394 4,559,214 579 38,568 578,520 4,654 197,807,069 5,606,301 4,306 211,941 5,168 13,243,183 3,178,365 4,652,156 13,970 4,418,387 FiHd crops. oUi«rtlian vegetables and fhiita and nuts, sold ....dollars... VejMahles sold doll am . . . FniiLs and nuLs sold dollars... Forest products and honicultural specialty ploHucts aoltl dollars... 131,553 25,750 2,002 4,258,082 233,769 Ppull/>' andpoullTv products sold dollars... 31,707 Livestock and liveslock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars... LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reponinK... 202,062 32 number... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reportinR. . . number... 489 26 131 21 number... 41 32 number... Farms reporting by number on hand: I head farms reporting. . . 223 22 135 10 6 to 9 head farms reporting... 10 6 20 to 49 head fams reporting. .. 5 100 to 499 heaH farms reporting... 1 Cows, including heifers thai have calved- 1 2 to 9 head farms reporting... 20 5 • • * Milk cows- 1 2 to 9 head fams reporting... 20 20 to 29 head farms reporting . . . 50 to 74 head farms reporting... 75 to 99 head fairns reporting... 44 number. . . Hogs and pigs farms reforting... Bom since June 1 farms repotting... 1,190 5 50 5 number... Bom before June 1 faims reporting... 60 number... ... number... Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. . . number... ... number... number... number... Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . . number . . . Livestock and livestock products sold; number... Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting... dollars... number... pounds . . . dollars... Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting... dollars... Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... dozens... dollara... 11 7,124 26 210 38,200 5 50 1,550 5 620 6 125,156 30,037 See fooUiotes at end of table. 88 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ^Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See lextj ;For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fanns Canmercial fanns by type of fanii Cash -grain fams Tobacco fanns Other field- crop fanns Vegetable fams Fniit-and-nut fanns Lt\'ESTOCK \KD LI\'ESTOCK PRODUCTS-ConUnued Litters farrowed December 1. 1958. to November 30, 1959 farms reportine. , number of litters.. 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 litters 40 to 19 litters .. ., 70 or mor« litters . . lune 2 to November 30 arms reporting . . 'arms reporting. . 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting. . IS reporting.. 'arms reporting.. 'arms reporting., number of litters. . December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. . number of litters.. SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all puqjoses farms reporting., acies., Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acres ■ 100 or more acres Harvested for grain farms reporting . . farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms renorting. farms reporting. acres . bushels. Sales farms reoorting. bushels. Sorghums for all purposes fanns reporting . . acres. . Harvested for grain or seed fanns reporting . . acres . . pounds.. Sales fanns reporting . . pounds . . Wheat harvested fanns reporting. , acres . . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres . , bushels. . Sales fanns reporting . bushels . Barley harvested fanns reporting . . acres . . bushels . . Sales fanns reporting . . bushels . . l^e harvested fanns reporting . acres . bushels . Sales fanns reporting . . bushels . . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting . acres . bushels . Hay crops: Land froD which hay was cut acres . Alfalfa and alfalfa mljttures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns repotting . acres . tons . Sales fanns reporting . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting. acres . tons. Sales fanns reporting. tons . Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting . acres . tons. Sales fanns reporting. tons. 2J,826 244,465 5,518 11,349 6,094 2,324 406 135 20, 7U 110,508 21,269 133,957 43,752 1,867,702 7,707 10,626 12,009 6,485 3,068 3,857 39,776 1,670,143 70,417,066 22,719 36,154,007 59,186 4,805,278 60,228 3,843,902 7,035,370,378 41,057 4,451,960,898 83,369 9,861,332 199,614,003 82,682 188,507,067 32,551 683,770 16,538,451 7,788 3,626,308 27,270 878,312 23,003,962 12,278 11,330,637 5,165 137,733 2,080,681 3,459 1,682,390 12,083 409,831 8,510,258 1,899,465 46,587 1,046,677 2,405,669 9,092 423,748 4,(K3 64,764 96,424 398 5,992 2,804 36,662 49,088 143 1,591 22,701 231,113 4,113 9,859 5,904 2,292 400 133 18,291 103,915 19,144 127,198 38,541 1,797,731 4,832 9,016 11,387 6,400 3,053 3,853 34,766 1,603,5(X 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,748,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,198 7,170 3,470,819 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 11,495 U, 087, 002 4,867 134,567 2,042,101 3,335 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 1,794,937 42, U9 999,541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,516 60,569 91,144 352 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 7,140 52,591 1,818 3,346 1,552 384 29 U 5,577 24,388 5,683 28,303 15,395 837,299 1,654 3,152 4,172 2,779 1,435 2,193 14,095 786,685 34,329,004 11,634 25,354,425 31,943 2,836,539 29,555 2,503,969 4,579,615,628 25,234 3,526,695,797 39,313 5,519,368 138,020,169 39,275 130,822,660 12,867 310,608 7,619,299 4,938 2,725,458 14,492 572,183 15,284,243 9,031 9,556,435 2,287 80,544 1,251,953 1,789 1,075,253 5,798 270,420 5,679,312 16,262 343,794 737,828 4,393 204,444 1,014 18,425 25,439 148 2,867 735 10,830 15,205 56 340 5 60 2,500 17 2,205 17 1,930 6,573,480 12 4,574,380 11 1,175 44,000 10 39,500 10 90 190 5 90 10 700 2,500 10 2,500 40 640 25 5 10 40 640 26,850 35 24,150 5 IS 40 605 16,775 40 16,550 5 50 1,650 15 105 365 10 310 See footnc^es at end of table. KANSAS State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 89 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For denrtilions and evplanations, see text) Camaercial farms by type of farm — Cantinued Poultry farms Dairy farms Lives too It fams other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General farms Ulscellajieous farms LrVESTOCK AND trVESTOCK PRODUCTS-Continued Litters farrowed Oecemtwf 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reportini;. . number of litters.. 1 or 5 litters a to 0 litters 10 to 19 litters .. .. 50 to 39 litters 40 to 19 litters 7n or more litters . . June 2 to November 30 arms renorting.. arma reporting.. arms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. fam\9 reporting,. firms reporting., number of litters., December 1 to 'une 1 farms reporting,, number of litters.. SPEOnED CROPS HARVESTED Com for all purposes fanns reporting.. acres,. Under 1 1 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 71 acres 75 to 90 acres , 100 or more acres Harvested for grain farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms r«f>orting. . farms reporting,. farms rerxirting.. farms reporting.. acres,, bushels.. Sales .farms renorting.. bushels.. Sorghims for all purposes fanns reporting.. acres . . Harvested for grain or seed fanns reporting . . acres , . pounds. . Sales fanns reporting . . pounds. . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bushels . . Sales f anas reporting . . bushels . . Oats harvested for grain fanna reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Sales faros reporting. . bushels . . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres., bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . . Rye harvested fanns reporting.. acres. , bushels . . Sales fanns reporting. . bushels . , Soybeans harvested for beans fanos reporting. . acres . . bushels . . Hay crops: Land fras which hay was cut acres., AJJ'alfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating fanns reporting . . acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. , tons. . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay fanns reporting. , acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting. . tons.. Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. , 56 435 20 20 11 5 40 U5 41 290 97 2,569 25 36 16 20 92 78,930 51 34,090 253 10,555 23fl 8,860 16,207,630 147 9,143,020 242 14,801 319, 5X 242 301,823 110 1,350 26,985 20 2,300 61 1,995 64,650 21 U,100 6 90 800 1 ISO 25 465 10,810 4,163 126 1,638 3,255 20 680 5 150 175 5 50 100 1,155 U,380 8,763 144,580 315 1,460 587 4,411 167 3,377 64 1,688 17 331 5 113 899 9,422 3,892 64,770 912 9,909 4,871 79,810 3,433 15,053 107,745 672,279 528 1,955 1,144 3,410 1,124 4,793 466 2,289 100 1,239 71 1,367 2,914 13,389 84,416 568,436 3,599,830 23 ,844,388 1,250 5,012 1,031,535 6 ,186,176 3,711 21,545 140,588 1 ,428,717 2,724 17,795 80,398 961,250 160,095,>16 1,781 ,167,002 1,359 7,910 59,721,300 595 ,663,405 3,901 24,317 206,410 2 ,435,496 4,209,768 44 ,483,691 3,860 24,061 3,944,173 41 ,695,815 2,538 10,577 48,178 a7,335 1,218,246 5 ,268,415 286 1,236 88,226 457,250 1,146 7,924 24,341 211,516 621,685 5 377,520 200 1,701 103,075 1 170,740 289 1,868 4,455 43,366 52,795 624,351 158 1,145 42,180 471,872 818 2,978 17,775 72,001 355,634 1 498,758 143,093 841,461 3,457 17,321 77,926 449,424 194,850 1 050,833 278 2,238 9,803 91,086 459 1,636 6,727 27,272 10,488 44,453 35 79 420 1,113 350 925 4,201 13,248 5,435 17,157 1 16 30 506 187 2,090 30 84 42 22 6 3 138 839 166 1,251 138 5,267 40 27 38 14 6 13 101 2,869 136,853 12 7,760 395 35,400 156 9,766 14,276,358 37 4,072,472 339 30,078 627,590 334 608,436 2,354 64,523 1 450 77 2,740 67,034 14 8,608 35 1,402 20,205 22 16,539 13 375 8,449 363 15,388 46,150 17 1,545 3 UO 160 10 313 401 2,768 22,504 465 1,401 755 129 17 1 2,200 9,846 2,428 12,658 4,344 171,107 585 1,222 1,229 827 272 209 4,099 157,289 6,064,490 2,365 2,431,857 5,328 235,617 4,805 182,152 338,177,909 3,013 162,324,254 6,156 426,067 8,176,543 6,146 7,634,479 3,735 74,630 1,711,730 689 197,135 2,089 43,662 1,092,071 524 222,044 381 4,680 81,447 220 53,007 1,108 29,913 623,442 4,510 109,501 272,331 1,213 94,943 494 7,819 10,329 100 1,225 324 4,235 6,065 40 525 16 60S 5 "s 5 1 ...V 16 605 17,250 11 13,000 13 422 12 350 553,800 U 534,000 23 1,303 38,726 23 37,676 5 325 15,000 5 15,000 1 30 550 1 550 1 10 200 1,050 30 680 1,725 25 1,375 See footnotes at end of table. 90 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] [lem (For Heflnitions and eicplarations, see text) SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTEIKContinued Hay crops ^^ontlmied Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other .smnn grains cut for hay fanns reporting.. acres . . tons.. Sales. .faUDS reporting, tons. Wild hay cut fanns reporting. . acres., tons . . Sales fanns reporting . . tons. . Other hay cut fanns reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting . . tons . . Grass silage made frtin grasses, alfalfa, clover, or sTnan grains fanns reporting . . . acres — tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale fanns reporting . . . acres* . . bushels . . . Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees' farms reporting — acres . . . Total all farms 3,646 49,335 59,236 123 2,467 23,858 601,512 770,101 3,555 U9,605 6,121 80,179 112,581 348 7,411 833 20,336 97,206 14,079 1,025 270,015 1,348 1,360,446 3,930 8,345 Ccnmercial fanns by type of fann 3,291 46,152 56,152 102 2,162 21,168 561,809 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 267 6,541 806 19,946 94,590 ia,64« 832 220,902 969 1,261,286 2,738 6,513 Cash-grain 1,123 15,596 19,524 60 1,543 7,115 148,556 195,200 1,307 39,904 1,993 24,274 36,263 122 2,759 168 3,717 17,425 3,707 188 55,414 366 138,230 797 1,452 Tobacco fanns Other field- crop fanns 15 41 5,450 1 4,000 Vegetable fanns 30 49 16,825 131 845,775 Frul t -and -mit fans 2S 34,750 20 565 Z Less than 0.05 percent. ^Includes tniUl equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. *Does not include acreage for fanns with less than 20 bushels harvested. 'Does not include data for fanns with less than 20 trees and grapevines. KANSAS 91 State Table 19.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ^Data are based on reports for only a sample of forms. See lextj Item (For Herinitions and explanations, see text) Camnercial fanns by type of fann — Continued Poultry fauns Dairy fanns Livestock fanns other than poultry and dairy fanns and livestock ranches Livestock ranches General fanns Ulscellaneous fanns SPEaFIED CROPS HARVESTED-CooUnued Hay crops — Continued Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay fanns reporting.. acres . . tons. . Sales fanns reporting . . tons. . Wild hay cut fanns reporting.. acres . . tons . . Salea fanns reporting. . tons . . Other hay cut fanns repotting . . acres . . tons. . Salea fanns reporting . . tons.. Grass silage made fros grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting... acres. . . tons, green weight... Irish potatoes harvested for heme use or for sale fanns reporting . . . acres . . bushels. .. Vegetables harvested for sale fanns reporting... Sales dollars . . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ fanns reporting . . . acres . . . 30 235 29S 75 1,690 1,775 20 165 30 200 2S5 5 30 95 1 555 352 4,436 6,217 5 5 1,762 37,388 50,814 162 2,956 508 6,779 9,617 20 75 218 5,636 25,668 1,022 42 12,706 80 35,325 252 543 1,378 19,834 22,960 22 164 9,395 288,500 359,486 919 27,793 2,335 34,041 47,723 72 1,353 341 9,142 44,023 4,126 225 68,701 193 69,780 1,104 2,150 70 1,812 2,395 320 18,898 22,936 15 986 56 1,566 2,266 2 54 6 287 1,868 68 1 641 12 912 333 3,949 4,661 15 430 2,495 66,697 90^480 574 35,157 570 7,183 8,618 66 2,270 73 1,164 5,606 1,563 284 60,245 136 105,764 451 1,359 5 290 100 UO 1 90 20 1 265 25 26,750 41 311 92 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20- FA RMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959 [DslA are based on reports for only a sample ot faniis. See texlj (For definitions and explanations, see text] Total ■U fams Under 10 acres 70 to 99 acres FAJIMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FaflllS Jiombec, Percent distnbgtion perxMot, Land in farms acres Percent distribution percent Average aire of farm Acres Value of land and txiiidings: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Und in farms according to use: Ctopland liarvesled fama refnrting 1 to 9 acres fartns repotting 10 to 19 acres fatms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 80 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres iaims reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reptjrting, acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallo* farms reporting acr«s. Soil-improv9nent grasses and legumes farms reporting. acree. Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting. acres Woodland pasbued farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting aczee Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland^ farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting acres Itrigated land in fafras farms reporting. acres brigated ctopland harvested farms reporting at Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops farms reporting acres Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the countour farms reporting a( Land in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AGE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years jiumber. 25 to 34 years number. 35 to 44 years number. 45 to 54 years number. 65 td 64 years number. 65 or more years number. Average age years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OIHER INCOME Farm operators- Worlting off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 to 199 days operators reporting. 200 or more days operators reporting. With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off- farm work ot>erators reporti ng With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Operators not working off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural prt>ducts sold operatore reporting See footnotes at end of table. 104, 13^ 100.0 50,097,175 100.0 *81.1 *9,046 100.36 95,341 20,605,221 3,091 3,632 2,983 6,093 15,090 25,949 31,139 6,122 1,242 27,057 1,511,973 56,729 7,607,900 36,021 5,472,857 17,355 1,050,908 23,357 1,084,U5 10,355 468,958 11,891 329,093 80,976 17,769,273 8,802 690,926 4,613 753,636 4,547 673,466 6,904 296,415 24,333 2,565,133 4,564 711,288 36,607 4,478,929 102,571 1,775 12,352 21,923 26, 181 22,467 17,873 50.5 45,169 20,978 6,310 17,881 12,0U 20,512 18,325 2,889 2.8 10,907 (Z) 3.8 7,805 1,861.74 605 1,990 60S 250 780 40 70 5 5 5 20 30 45 15 60 5 15 600 2,080 70 270 95 290 85 170 25 150 58,965 7,223 22,301 5,807 2,839 70 376 421 415 501 1,056 54.8 1,567 155 190 1,222 470 895 1,321 1,322 130 856 7,573 7.3 200,358 0.4 26.5 9,324 351.70 4,606 65,484 1,671 1,810 690 435 1,180 13,580 882 8,325 167 1,585 285 3,480 500 3,260 535 7,725 365 3,670 4,316 71,830 400 5,255 U6 2,152 M 2,062 100 1,U5 275 4,930 30 725 415 10,560 7,458 170 711 1,172 1,377 1,442 2,586 55.3 4,645 675 430 3,540 1,410 2,305 3,890 2,928 340 2,189 1,451 2,093 2.0 122,420 0.2 58.5 11,587 191.20 1,580 46,225 180 360 295 505 240 316 6,755 401 4,827 110 1,465 160 1,970 171 1,392 280 5,930 205 2,855 1,372 43,618 140 2,805 30 535 30 520 35 450 270 5,120 25 320 270 8,615 2,068 35 125 256 391 396 865 58.1 1,111 236 U5 740 335 655 905 982 130 681 6,546 6.3 530,885 1.1 81.1 12,296 151.72 5,685 226,075 275 675 940 1,970 1,825 1,550 35,470 2,040 42,140 630 10,820 725 17,170 955 14,150 675 15,515 675 10,985 4,4U 161,032 501 10,910 95 3,850 90 3,580 200 3,240 655 19,335 120 2,820 1,385 58,385 6,471 165 601 985 1,300 1,420 2,000 54.4 3,881 840 615 2,426 1,051 1,886 2,785 2,665 325 1,740 KANSAS 93 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DsiA uv b«a«d on reports for only a ssnple of faniis. See texlj [For definitioDS and explanations, see texc) Site of fum-Continued 140 to 17ft acres 180 to 219 acras 23) to 259 acres 360 to (9ft actws 5(X) to ftftft acies 1,000 to 1,999 aCT«s 2,000 aCTes and FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE FflrnS number Percent diethbulion percent Lart! in farms urea Percent distritwtion percent Average si re of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Av«ra«e per farm dollars Averaj^ per acre ,. dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reportinf; acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres fairns reportinf; 20 to 29 acres farms reporting % to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acr«9 farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 489 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acr«8 farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Chipland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms repotting acres Soil'lmprovement passes anti legumes farms reporting acres Other cnjpland (idle and crop failurs) farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acrea Woodland not pastured faims reporting aaerators reporting 1 to 99 rJsys operators reporting 100 to 199 days operators reporting aOO or mot* days operators reporting With other members of family working off farm operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-farm wort operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of a^ cultural pioducts sold operators reporting. Operators not worlting off their farms or not reporting as to M)dt off their farms of>erators reporting. With other members of family woricing off farm ooeratcrs reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With otJier income of family exceeding value of a^ cultural ptoducts sold operators reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 11,151 10.7 1,772,202 3.5 158.9 19,ii56 122. M 10,613 869, J48 150 295 340 1,225 5,219 3,384 2,837 90,119 5,184 169,139 2,367 75,275 1,655 46,300 2,182 47,564 1,170 39,650 1,U5 19,105 8,418 481,213 975 36,010 166 8,757 166 7,967 571 12,045 2,097 100,654 266 13,656 3,296 173,090 10,890 235 1,026 1,800 2,432 2,688 2,709 53.1 5,7U 1,981 870 2,863 1,541 2,514 2,917 5,437 670 2,333 4,532 4.4 898,641 1.8 198.3 25,152 126.98 4,381 471,156 35 80 105 285 1,305 2,516 55 1,295 38,830 1,865 56,590 675 21,280 670 17,735 910 17,575 696 27,190 675 13,415 3,607 238,908 426 16,283 80 3,660 320 7,140 1,215 48,880 125 5,325 1,545 81,335 4,482 75 451 810 1,130 1,236 780 51.9 2,056 1,050 340 666 595 2,476 385 866 7,007 6.7 1,671,836 3.3 238.6 29,467 123.63 6,832 891,430 55 75 85 210 1,245 4,602 560 1,885 64,465 3,547 137,061 1,712 63,401 1,181 40,185 1,520 33,475 905 29,695 880 18,765 5,786 440,045 845 36, 9» 140 11,490 140 10,180 575 17,005 1,786 100,790 205 12,210 2,571 167,790 6,942 121 830 1,315 1,806 1,785 1,085 50.7 3,061 1,606 490 965 756 1,266 941 3,946 495 1,306 27,976 26.9 10,379,424 20.7 371.0 43,590 117.35 27,489 5,394,602 X 61 125 405 2,360 11,550 12,958 8,056 371,134 17,466 1,171,524 10,680 708,419 5,517 223,925 7,279 239,180 3,018 130,287 3,889 102,121 23,275 2,718,562 2,737 164,608 950 105,449 945 97,822 2,458 83,954 7,909 659,454 1,290 137,145 11,727 1,062,140 27,514 455 3,791 6,542 7,498 6,245 2,983 48.6 11,520 7,125 1,761 2,634 2,997 4,656 2,238 760 I 16,456 2,235 4,734 19,699 18.9 13,697,202 27.3 695.3 72,868 104.79 19,498 6,252,638 15 50 107 478 2,982 13,900 1,966 5,751 399,271 15,099 2,189,U2 11,572 1,571,259 4,456 313,070 5,859 304,813 1,726 119,029 2,674 98,221 17, U7 4,128,858 1,666 187,465 1,318 194,535 1,M3 178,633 1,626 89,132 6,484 894,41} 1,641 248,016 9,677 ,536,186 19,448 261 2,688 5,285 5,806 3,794 1,6U 47.4 6,709 4,855 857 997 1,602 2,852 813 12,990 1,493 3,760 264 7,508 7.2 10,103,799 20.2 1,345.7 U7,821 87.63 7,409 3,854,528 3 7 11 29 lU 433 3,186 3,300 329 2,039 245,996 6,495 2,198,859 5,701 1,731,883 1,577 226,886 2,399 240,090 412 46,927 609 32,309 6,465 3,454,005 454 89,762 1,020 250,116 1,005 220,276 558 55,965 2,199 476,830 577 185,476 3,418 898,022 7,399 85 1,047 2,0U 2,266 1,373 584 47.2 1,977 1,406 203 368 445 5,531 582 1,810 2,561 2.5 10,167,878 20.3 3,970.3 256,683 66.72 2,446 2,292,118 7 4 7 12 46 121 480 856 913 767 216,041 2,129 1,594,833 1,877 1,278,310 584 146,907 791 169,616 138 25,430 163 16,992 2,267 5,871,596 173 130,363 503 169, 517 492 145,621 176 20,859 623 231,260 180 102,970 1,108 439,721 2,501 18 286 618 797 511 271 48.9 500 278 59 163 111 329 7S 2,061 153 826 94 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on repotts for orly a sajnple of famis. See text] (For derinitions and explanaLjans, see text) 30 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres FARMS BV COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farm operators: Full oivnera number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Cnafvshare tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Other and unspecified tenants number. While farm operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. Nonwhite faim operators: Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-Erain famis number. Tobacco fanns , number. Cotton farms number. Other field-crop farnis number. Vegetable farms number. Fniit-and-nut faims number. Poultry farms number. Dairy farms number. Livestock Taims otber than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number. Livestock ranches number. General farms number. Miscellaneous farms number. SPEaFIED EQUIPMENT VJD FAQLITIES MID KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms renorling. number. Com pickers farms reoorting. number. Pick-up balers farms refiorting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. numl)er. Tractors farms repotting. number. Tractors other than garden farms renorting. number. 1 tractor .farms reporting. 1 tractors farms renorting. 3 tractors farms renorting. 1 tractors farms reporting. 5 or more tractors farms rerxrrting. IVheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms renorting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles fanns reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms renorting. Teleohone farms reporting. Home freezer farms retiorting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, nr blower farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting, 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. ■2 or 3 miles farms reporting. 4 miles... farms reporting. 5 or more miles farms reporting, FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms renorting , persons . Regular hired worlters (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting. persons , Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. .1 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 38,0i9 39,900 25,910 2,294 11,045 8,9Si 1,766 1,821 37,837 39,810 25,825 212 90 85 39,997 10 33 131 45 539 5,195 28,740 1,489 6,584 333 64,885 72,115 21,455 21,982 24, 242 24,595 16,812 17,606 83,326 122,300 92,496 183,912 91,366 173,651 36,890 35,419 13,533 3,681 1,843 91,018 170, 144 3,058 3,507 9,890 10,261 94,922 U8, 549 100,863 87,358 54,120 16,422 8,811 1,740 47,270 21,655 57,855 23,031 5,362 17,669 4,939 6,783 1,635 4,312 10, 352 15,988 5,237 7,327 4,038 S48 262 72 17 86,245 12,344 5,545 2,223 95 555 280 10 35 10 220 2,153 95 555 10 115 30 115 135 20 20 50 50 10 10 1,212 1,374 952 1,182 667 802 552 95 20 642 747 45 55 370 380 2,269 2,639 2,514 2,483 1,197 65 40 5 120 1,156 1,308 350 155 195 80 45 10 60 101 195 56 115 20 15 20 1 2,492 166 231 5,745 605 1,213 526 115 281 40 251 5,680 580 1,198 65 25 15 145 10 io 85 20 100 185 695 720 200 200 135 135 51 51 3,561 3,974 4,455 5,644 4,089 4,633 3,617 411 50 11 4,054 4,551 66 82 961 1,011 6,317 7,555 6,847 6,056 2,873 340 170 15 297 2,576 4,025 825 400 425 190 170 20 45 220 500 100 184 52 37 5 5 1 6,292 735 546 1,490 262 340 70 40 170 5 55 1,475 257 335 15 5 5 500 510 115 U5 65 70 30 30 1,142 1,292 1,591 2,071 1,501 1,811 1,211 270 20 1,501 1,786 25 25 255 260 1,752 2,113 1,973 1,668 685 90 86 10 176 556 1,206 290 95 195 90 1,736 286 71 4,880 575 1,090 175 235 505 35 140 4,860 570 1,080 20 5 10 66 315 255 40 1,915 1,965 635 635 450 450 135 140 3,765 4,165 5,305 7,080 5,255 6,405 4,225 925 95 5 5 5,220 6,295 95 110 655 675 5,521 6,522 6,121 4,976 2,386 590 385 20 835 1,471 4,250 715 290 425 220 155 10 40 146 202 41 42 40 1 5,271 860 415 KANSAS 95 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DatA are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See l«it ) (For deTinitions ant) explanations, see text) Size of farm-CoDlinued 140 to 179 acres leO to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and over FARMS BY COLOR A.VD TENURE OF OPER \TOR All farm opefatofs: Full nwTiofS numlier. Part owners nijmber. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. I.ivestock-sharo tenants number. Other and unspecified tenants number. White farm operators: Full owTiers number. Part owTiors number. Ml tenants number. Nonwhite farm operators; Full owners number. Part owners number. All tenants number. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Cash-grain faims number. Tobacco farms number. Cotton farms number. Other rield.ctDp farms number. VeReuble farms number . Fniit-and-nul fajms number. Poultr>' farms number. Dairy farms number. Livestock farm.: other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches number. Livestock ranches number. General farms number. Miscellaneous faims number. SPEOnED EQUIPMENT AND FACIUTTES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reportini;. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up balers farms reportin|». number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors .farms reporting. numtier. Tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. 1 tractor farms reporting. 2 tractors farms reporting, ^ tractors farms reporting, 4 tractors farms reporting, 5 or more tractors farms reporting. Wheel tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting , number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. \utomobiles farms reporting. number. Automobiles and/or motortnicks farms reporting. Telephone farms reporting. Home freerer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. Power-operated elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. Fafms by kind of toad on which located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reiTOrting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Less than 1 mile to a hajtl surface road farms reporting. 1 or more miles to a h art) surface road farms reporting. 1 mile farms reporting. 2or ;i miles farms reporting. 4 miles farms reporting. 5 or mot« miles farms re^rting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms refotting. persons. Regular hired workers (employed 1.50 or more days) farms reporting. persons. Farms reporting by number of regular hired wwkers; 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or t hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number. See footnotes at end of table. 6,433 1,607 3,101 325 1,180 1,125 125 146 6,428 1,607 3,101 3,682 2,697 105 870 5 5,705 5,875 2,016 2,031 1,742 1,757 592 617 7,930 8,877 9,953 15,244 9,883 I 14,237 6,261 3,015 507 75 25 9,861 13,989 198 24S 987 1,007 9,717 11,433 10,624 8,672 4,367 1,655 1,060 51 3,088 2,298 6,605 2,087 636 1,451 565 566 95 225 447 661 102 144 70 25 6 1 8,919 1,635 597 1,717 1,695 1,115 85 535 365 75 55 1,717 1,695 1,110 1,640 30 440 1,177 40 570 2,961 3,071 1,290 1,310 1,045 1,050 411 411 3,517 4,065 4,257 7,168 4,222 6,743 : 2,166 I 1,686 ' 300 50 20 4,197 6,608 125 135 425 425 4,077 4,792 4,412 3,742 2,026 970 585 35 1,636 851 2,936 715 230 4«5 150 260 40 35 216 262 71 92 65 1 3,971 411 150 2,547 2,610 1,850 105 890 635 95 125 2,547 2,605 1,850 2,890 35 595 2,126 85 720 5 4,740 4,955 2,055 2,090 1,601 1,606 725 740 5,592 6,581 6,567 11,587 6,547 10,967 3,020 2,791 600 115 21 6,527 10,777 165 190 600 620 6,472 7,674 6,892 5,857 3,472 1,470 880 70 3,001 1,325 4,325 1,237 276 961 320 401 90 150 44« 589 156 172 145 6 5 5,982 675 350 6,263 12,891 8,797 332 4,511 2,983 654 317 6,253 12,881 8,782 10 10 15 10 5 106 1,757 8,452 273 2,440 6 21,679 23,216 8,248 8,438 8,643 8,768 5,019 5,130 24,988 33,127 26,650 53,334 26,575 50,817 8,345 13,354 3,986 692 198 26,4»l 50,138 654 679 2,452 2,517 26,248 32,237 27,595 24,066 15,200 5,940 3,339 418 15,639 5,156 16,088 6,356 1,400 4,956 1,503 2,061 470 922 2,160 3,036 750 897 658 73 16 2 1 23,607 3,036 1,333 2,829 11,724 5,085 151 2,578 1,779 408 169 2,829 11,699 5,070 5 1 15 510 7,048 248 1,151 6 16,634 18,739 4,711 4,901 6,690 6,755 5,649 5,855 18,852 31,021 19,072 45,067 19,027 43,277 3,767 8,657 4,650 1,303 450 18,957 42,439 737 838 1,725 1,790 18,865 24,471 19,490 17,342 12,752 3,630 1,516 569 13,873 3,451 9,830 6,123 1,176 4,947 1,148 1,818 507 1,474 2,836 4,074 1,354 1,697 1,113 192 42 5 2 16,503 2,201 995 849 4,981 1,622 47 692 633 199 51 847 4,971 1,617 2 10 2 84 2,958 233 zn 1 6,267 7,998 1,091 1,147 2,395 2,451 2,866 3,071 7,320 16,313 7,298 20,615 7,275 19,779 775 2,817 2,237 915 531 7,258 19,169 524 610 778 836 7,245 10,177 7,454 6,554 5,365 923 277 351 5,804 1,325 3,305 2,765 362 2,403 381 866 252 904 2,026 2,989 1,284 1,603 1,050 184 42 5,852 1,226 430 96 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE state Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continuecl [Data are based on reports for only a sample of famis. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) USE OF (DOMMERaAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilising mpterials used during the year farms reporting.., acres on which used, , . tons . . , Dry materials farms reporting... tons , . , Liquid materials farms reporting. . . Ions . . , Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . , acres... Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials /arms reporting. . tons.. Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. tons.. Corn fi^tms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons,. Sorghums '"^^ reporting, . acres, , Dry materials farms reporting,. Ions., Liquid materials farms reporting,. tons.. Wheat farms reporting.. acres. . Dry materials farms reporting.. Ions., Liquid materials farms reporting, , Ions,, All oUier crops farms reporting, , acres,. Dry materials farms reporting. , Ions,, Liquid materials farms reporting. . tons.. Lime or liming materials used dunng t^e year farms reporting.. acres limed., tons,. SPEanED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock end poultry farms reporting., dollars.. Under SlOO farms reporting . , $100 to $999 farms reporting, . $1,000 to $1.999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $6,000 or more farms reporting. . Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting. . dollars . . Under $1,000 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $6,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 or more farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting. . dollars,. Under $200 farms reporting . . $200 to $999 farms reporting,. $1,000 or more farms reporting, . Hired labor farms reporting,. dollars , . Under $200 farms reporting,. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting,. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting,. $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting.. $50,000 or more farms reporting.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting.. dollars. Under $100 farms reporting. $100 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 or more farms reporting. (3asoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reprxting, dollars. Under $100 farms reporting, $100 to $499 farms reporting. $5(0 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 or nwre farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. TotaJ all farms 50,770 5,034,031 291,837 4S,533 262,963 4,5^4 28,87i 6,833 221,258 6,672 16,680 231 839 1,819 60,272 1,747 4,001 81 229 16,295 699,431 15,142 41,787 1,616 6,844 15,411 822,710 13,879 38,142 1,953 10,442 42,362 2,597,320 40,776 125,835 2,283 9,525 18,496 633,040 18,149 36,518 478 995 5,854 189,391 444,868 103,752 83,200 102,041,193 10,486 49,083 11,560 8,685 3,386 60,362 231,466,183 38,666 7,715 4,604 4,140 5,217 61,819 29,781,804 24,654 30,503 6,662 53,454 33,496,202 27,335 12,247 6,105 4,556 2,154 800 189 58 10 59,351 11,470,959 25,981 28,756 3,484 1,130 102,129 65,801,103 13,813 36,767 29,996 21,216 337 Under 10 acres 195 505 141 185 134 20 30 155 30 24 90 125 85 60 15 6 10 60 195 2,829 2,227 1,208,505 475 1,560 85 65 42 1,447 955,035 1,300 95 40 5 7 395 19,995 380 15 372 789,040 185 40 41 25 25 20 26 10 645 325,765 395 130 20 100 2,474 162,300 2,102 347 20 5 10 to 49 acres 1,616 23,674 1,972 1,591 1,911 45 61 180 1,995 180 264 935 75 92 5 4 305 3,220 290 212 25 46 145 1,495 145 103 955 12,545 945 843 15 8 341 3,384 336 397 5 3 115 940 2,085 7,457 5,536 3,226,850 1,355 3,612 365 160 44 3,280 3,411,890 2,880 296 70 20 U 2,416 270,860 2,115 280 21 1,336 575,969 965 210 50 70 17 15 7 1 1 2,431 166,816 2,160 225 25 21 6,967 632,288 5,220 1,577 138 31 1 50 to (J9 acres 670 17,500 1,258 650 1,210 20 48 85 1,740 80 100 5 10 240 3,570 235 222 5 3 140 1,845 UO 114 10 15 455 7,575 440 521 15 20 160 2,690 160 245 50 660 ,520 2,073 1,498 530,230 386 1,035 65 U 1 923 606,140 836 76 5 935 142,795 675 260 457 128,020 375 40 10 20 1 10 1 850 51,770 710 135 2,018 257,670 1,041 910 66 1 2,795 76,535 5,544 2,710 5,078 125 466 4S5 7,910 480 726 5 13 140 2,555 130 186 10 5 730 11,715 695 764 40 U2 490 7,295 460 550 35 32 2,035 34,530 1,980 1,997 60 294 790 12, 530 775 855 15 10 365 6,990 15,005 6,471 4,696 2,430,625 1,005 3,095 420 130 46 2,916 1,824,158 2,470 325 76 30 15 3,660 575,990 2,640 1,005 15 1,776 256,418 1,465 210 55 41 5 3,135 236,045 2,425 685 5 20 6,336 1,090,047 2,076 4,000 240 20 KANSAS 97 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a SBjnple oF famis. See lext | (For definiUons and explanations. Bee text) Site of farm-Continued 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 230 to 259 acres ) to 499 acres ^00 to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,1}00 acres and over USE OF COMMEROAL FERTILIZER Mm LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting... acres on which used. . . ttms... Dry materials farms repotting... Ions... Liquid materials farms reporting.., lona... Crisps on which used- Hay and cropland pasujre farms reporting. . , acres.,. Dry matenala farms tefnrting.., tons, ,, Liquid matenala farms reporting... Ions... Other pasture (not cropland) fams reforting.., acres... Dry materials fartns reporting... tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... Com ...*..*...... farms reporting.., acres... Dry materials farms tflporting... tons... Liquid materi al s farms reporting. . . tons... SargllulDa farms reporting... acres... Dry materials farms reporting. . tons.. Liquid muenals farms reporting.. tons.. Vheat farms reporting. . acres.. Dry materials farms refxxting.. tons.. Liquid materials farms reporting.. Ions.. All other cnaps farms reporting.. acres.. Dry materials farms reporting.. tons,. Liquid materials farms reporting,, tons.. Lime or liming malenais used durinf: the year farms reporting, . acres limed., tons,, SPEaFIED FARM EXPENDIIVRES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Unllflr ^100 farms reporting.. $100 to 3899 farms reporting.. Sl.OOO lo !tl,999 farms reporting.. $2,000 to $4,999 farms reporting,, $5,000 or more farms reporting, , Purchase of livestocli and poultry farms reporting, , dollars.. Under $1,000 farms reporting, , $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $6,999 farms reporting. . $10,000 or rrrare farms reporting.. Machine hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $300 to $999 farms reporting. . Jl.OOOor more farms reporting.. Mired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $200 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting.. .$500 to .$999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $'2,499 farms reporting,, $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting,, $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting,, $20,000 to $49,999 farms reporting,, $50,000 or more farms reporting. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting. . dollus.. Under $100 farms reporting.. $100 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 or more farms reporting,. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting.. dollars,. Under $100 farms reporting, , $100 to $499 farms reporting, , $500 to $999 farms reporting,, $1,000 to $4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 or more farms reporting. . See footnotes at end of table. 5,718 258,802 16,200 5,603 15,554 265 646 820 19,730 820 1,475 5 3 265 5,400 260 408 5 8 1,731 39,890 1,656 2,409 100 268 1,355 28,840 1,290 1,615 75 103 4,767 122,701 4,682 7,212 130 237 2,U1 42,241 2,126 2,435 20 27 605 U,460 33,635 11, 101 8,192 6,876,852 1,365 5,261 890 5S6 120 5,707 8,889,998 4,565 626 307 175 34 6,781 1,742,942 3,233 3,433 115 4,095 883,946 3,107 681 160 90 45 U 1 6,228 578,723 3,846 2,322 55 5 10,935 3,411,510 1,096 7,894 1,763 181 1 2,851 167,885 10,696 2,806 10,261 130 435 370 9,235 370 683 155 4,080 155 297 1,060 31,685 1,000 1,875 85 277 680 16,250 655 985 35 58 2,451 77,030 2,431 4,702 40 55 1,240 29,605 1,225 1,719 15 45 320 7,150 17,800 4,522 3,692 3,480,194 455 2,225 535 405 72 2,657 3,108,445 1,945 385 195 90 42 2,947 807,377 1,250 1,646 51 2,067 474,249 1,561 330 UO 40 21 2,796 364,292 1,400 1,360 21 15 4,502 1,840,472 250 2,800 1,316 136 4,295 294,080 17,625 4,195 17,0«l 225 585 565 17,155 565 1,666 5 10 165 4,960 160 278 5 7 1,465 52,275 1,<00 3,185 115 270 1,170 35,210 1,135 1,864 60 93 3,665 Ul,130 3,590 7,447 105 167 1,735 43,350 1,715 2,600 25 38 555 U,790 35,075 6,987 5,757 5,726,350 666 3,595 735 570 191 4,296 6,803,150 3,060 601 275 225 135 4,651 1,450,900 1,905 2,616 UO 3,621 812,690 2,585 650 215 150 15 5 1 4,271 548,805 2,115 2,066 90 6,942 3,276,600 285 3,745 2,536 376 16,664 1,678,191 95,347 16,038 88,633 1,434 6,714 2,218 72,454 2,168 4,965 75 314 517 16,294 487 1,001 30 117 5,648 253,773 5,263 13,315 553 2,112 5, US 220,137 4,762 10,872 507 1,434 U,800 884,381 14,300 44,050 740 2,524 6,580 231,152 6,480 12,430 145 213 1,973 62,825 146,855 27,966 23,032 25,329,892 2,267 13,563 3,641 2,817 7U 17,386 37,072,107 11,327 2,510 1,492 1,220 837 17,787 6,637,652 6,293 10,351 1,143 16,139 5,309,786 9,439 4,228 1,590 583 229 66 1 2 1 17,459 3,091,668 6,401 10,286 674 27,846 18,205,895 575 9,044 13,367 4,850 10 9,927 1,588,838 86,738 9,309 77,923 1,326 8,815 1,251 50,506 1,186 3,983 90 203 283 14,965 273 923 16 59 3,242 198,729 2,929 11,658 439 2,010 3,903 265,878 3,430 10,853 640 3,643 8,674 877,547 8,240 39,766 680 2,634 3,685 181,213 3,575 10,740 155 266 1,314 56,438 134,405 19,689 16,736 22,599,677 1,353 9,217 2,945 2,329 892 12,786 53,473,265 6,370 1,872 1,437 1,445 1,662 12,569 6,976,679 3,623 6,904 2,042 13,613 7,755,433 5,103 4,003 2,363 1,585 442 103 13 12,554 3,106,811 3,679 7,265 1,378 232 19,593 19,093,783 185 2,643 8,176 8,577 12 2,760 602,961 34,931 2,360 27,845 653 7,086 328 19,507 311 1,223 25 137 75 6,277 68 478 8 23 771 62,983 648 3,522 156 1,270 1,415 155,754 1,070 6,889 411 3,036 2,137 304,080 1,857 12,905 358 2,327 711 54,360 667 2,828 63 293 231 12,250 35,368 7,503 6,152 12,320,291 375 3,019 1,160 991 607 4,805 47,465,701 1,610 565 475 687 1,468 5,004 5,621,539 794 2,247 1,963 5,973 7,495,067 1,082 1,408 1,189 1,378 699 184 23 9 1 4,877 1,724,650 976 2,751 835 315 7,480 10,652,630 66 444 1,84; 5,036 90 838 238,580 15, 582 675 11,713 231 3,869 121 13,166 107 903 16 146 24 3,516 24 249 2 6 223 23,986 181 1,540 53 379 480 81,501 332 3,780 165 2,014 543 98,676 446 4,028 115 1,230 172 17,735 154 1,213 20 94 76 5,338 U,185 2,560 2,156 15,409,782 64 626 379 4S6 5»1 1,708 61,708,034 268 1S4 117 198 971 1,834 4,955,730 121 541 1,172 2,301 8,485,460 123 217 242 559 640 371 111 32 6 1,677 973,624 199 811 361 306 2,542 6,063,872 27 123 244 1,928 220 98 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [DaU sr« based on reports for only a sample or falnis. See text] Item [For definitions and explanations, see tffxt) ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All fa™ ptOdUCtS sold Wtal, dollars.. average per fann, doltars . . All crops sold .dollars. . Field oops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars,. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than poultry and dajry, sold dollars . . LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Heifers and heifer calves farms repotting, . number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand: ChtUe and calves- 1 head farms reporting. . 2 to 4 head farms reporting.. 5 to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. 20 to 49 head farms reporting.. 50 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 to 499 head farms reporting.. 5 Barley harvested fanns reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels.. Rye harvested farms reporting. . acres., bushels. . Sales farms reporting., bushels. , Soybeans harvested for beans fanns reporting. , acres. . bushels. . Hay crops: Land frcm which hay was cut acres . . Alfalfa and alfalfa inljftureB cut for hay and for dehydrating fazms reporting. . acres. . XaoB. , Sales farms reporting.. tons. . Clover, timothy, end mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. , tens. , Sales fauns reporting. , toils. , Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting, , acres, , tODS. , Sales farms reporting. tons. Oats, irtieat, barley, I7e, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting . acres, tans. Sales farms reporting. tons. Wild hay cut farms reporting, acres. tODS. Sales farms reporting. tODS. Other hay cut farms reporting. acres, tans. Sales farms reporting, toola. Grass silage made frcin grasses, alfalfa, clover, or email grains farms reporting. acres, tons, green Height. See footnotes at end of table. 25,826 2/^^,465 5,518 11,349 6,094 2,324 406 135 20,711 110, 508 21,269 133,957 43,752 1,867,702 7,707 10,626 12,009 6,485 3,068 3,857 39,776 1,670,143 70,417,066 22,719 36,154,007 69,186 4,805,278 60,228 3,843,902 7,035,370,378 41,057 4,451,960,898 83,369 9,861,332 199,614,003 82,682 188,507,067 32,551 683,770 16,538,451 7,788 3,626,808 27,270 878,312 23,003,962 12,278 11,330,637 5,165 137,733 2,080,681 3,459 1,682,390 12,083 409,831 8,510,258 1,899,465 46,587 1,046,677 2,405,669 9,092 423,748 4,043 64,764 96,424 398 5,992 2,804 36,662 49,088 143 1,591 3,646 49,335 59,236 123 2,467 23,858 601,512 770,101 3,555 119,605 6,121 a0,179 112,581 348 7,411 833 20,336 97,206 Under 10 acres 605 2,870 245 295 50 15 525 1,530 400 1,340 155 365 155 155 365 16,430 40 7,205 65 195 60 185 445,900 25 190,000 U5 940 16,225 120 15,285 5 5 175 5 5 100 10 45 725 60 150 475 20 120 35 95 U5 5 75 1,255 7,530 435 605 U5 60 10 1,000 3,665 925 3,865 1,405 10,905 1,100 250 55 1,365 10,425 424, 155 655 231,625 950 8,075 735 6,795 12,374,400 470 8,623,725 2,105 25,460 612,965 2,040 590,840 310 2,285 51,850 100 13,555 167 1,722 46,395 100 34,545 55 300 5,180 10 1,460 335 3,635 78,380 10,412 1,045 6,610 13,720 220 3,375 60 475 390 5 40 50 375 550 137 735 860 10 100 172 1,702 2,096 50 810 95 455 565 10 60 5 60 350 365 1,800 125 195 35 10 300 930 245 870 645 8,075 335 240 70 615 7,760 308,410 310 157,815 550 8,020 470 7,065 14,629,930 280 9,780,350 845 14,825 332,690 825 319,895 200 2,045 46,550 60 23,810 135 1,695 35,930 85 20,465 35 310 4,375 20 3,600 220 2,955 63,970 7,275 485 4,505 10,800 130 2,740 40 200 320 25 140 165 5 15 15 95 50 195 2,035 2,605 60 725 65 300 365 10 70 to 99 acres 1,345 8,785 505 575 175 70 15 5 1,055 3,945 975 4,840 2,470 38,665 1,090 925 395 55 5 2,365 36,800 1,455,025 1,145 743,610 2,541 38,270 2,191 34,150 68,905,955 1,455 46,427,295 4,061 79,545 1,785,990 3,961 1,697,355 1,386 13,449 318,505 330 81,430 715 9,395 217,140 370 131,530 75 435 6,515 25 3,450 320 13,195 253,065 38,745 2,036 21,710 47,635 410 11,910 190 1,650 2,525 5 125 285 2,325 3,025 25 230 151 1,275 1,290 5 20 900 9,770 11,510 155 2,470 235 1,945 2,070 25 270 10 70 610 KANSAS 101 State Table 20.- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued fD»ta we based on reports for only a sample of famis. See tent ] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Site of faim— Continued HO to 179 acres leo to 219 acres 320 to 359 acres 960 to 499 acres UO to 999 acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres 2,000 acres and ov« LIVfyroCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODtlCTS-Continned Litters farrowed Decemtier 1, 1958, to Noveffllief 30, 19S9 ....farms reporting. number of litters. 1 or 2 litters farms reporting. 8 to 9 litters farms reporting.. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. 20 to 39 litters farms reporting.. 40 to 69 litters farms repotting.. 70 or more litters farms reporting. June 2 to November 30 farms reporting. number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting. number of litters.. SPEanED CHOPS HARVESTED C^m for all purposes farms reporting. , acres.. Under 11 acres 11 to 34 acres 3& to 49 acres 50 to 74 acres 75 to 99 acr«8 100 or more acres Harvested for grain farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reporting.. farms reportrng. . farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting.. bushels.. Sorgtaune for all purposes fams reportljig. . acres. . Haj-vestetl for grain or seed fams reporting. . acres. , pounds. . Sales fams reporting. . pounds. . Wheat harvested farma reporting... acres. . . bushels. . . Sales fams reporting. . . bushels. . . Oats harvested for grain fams reporting. . . acres. . . btishels. . . Sales farms reporting. . . bushels. . . Barley harvested faims reporting. . . acres. . . biishels. . . Sales farms reporting.. . bushels.. . Rye harvested farms reporting.. . acres.. . bushels . . . Sales farms repcsrt tng . , . bushels. . . Soybeans harvested for beans fams reporting. . . aores. . . buAhels.. . Hay crops: Land frtm which hay was otjt acres... Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting... acres.. . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tens... Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cirt for hay faims importing. . . acres. .. tons — Sales fanns reporting. . . tons. . . Leapedeea cut for hay faims reporting. . . acrvs. . . tons. . . Sales fanns report ing . . . tons. . . Oats, rtieat, barley, rye, or other snail grains cut for hay fajms repotting. . . acres. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons.. . Wild hay cut farms reporting... acres. . . tons. . . Sales farms reporting. . . tons. . . Other hay cut fams reporting... acres. .. Sales farms report tng . . , tODS. . . Grass silage made frcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains faxms reporting. . . acres. . . tons, gr^en weight. . . See footnotes at end of table. 2,537 17,286 680 1,320 41£ 101 15 5 2,042 8,053 2,016 9,233 5,213 132,897 1,U1 1,820 1,651 499 acraa 500 to 999 aciea 1,000 to 1,099 acres 2,000 acres and over SPECTFIED CROPS HARVBSrEI>-Cordnuers reporting. . With other income of ramily exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Operators not working off their farms or not repotting as to work off their farms ooerators reporting.. With other memtiers of family working off farm operators lepoiting. . With intxime ftom sources other than farm operated . . operators repotting. , With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. See footnotea at end of tafalo. Total aU farms 104,134 Tont 50,097,175 XXX 481.1 49,046 100.36 95,341 20,605,221 3,091 3,632 2,983 6,093 15,090 25,949 31,139 5,122 1,242 27,057 1,511,973 56,729 7,607,900 36,021 5,472,857 17,355 1,050,908 23,357 1,084,135 10,355 468,958 U,891 329,093 80,976 17,769,273 8,802 690,926 4,613 753,636 4,547 673,466 6,904 296,415 24,333 2,565,133 4,564 711,288 36,607 4,478,929 102,571 1,775 12,352 21,923 26,181 22,467 17,873 50.5 45,169 20,978 6,310 17,881 12,044 20,512 18,325 58,965 7,223 22,301 Commercial farms by tentire of operator 83,096 100.0 48,092,200 100.0 578.8 57,239 99.29 80,556 20,0U,972 551 971 1,067 2,812 U,584 25, U7 31,075 6,120 1,239 23,542 1,424,527 50,176 7,294,355 33,622 5,376,045 U,8S6 915,739 20,300 1,002,571 3,283 403,788 9,983 287,937 67, 2U 17,015,024 7,590 656,183 4,408 746,915 4,357 667,667 6,313 270,772 22,660 2,504,291 4,289 695,765 33,431 4,329,957 81,704 1,403 10,433 18,736 22,573 19,477 9,082 49.0 32,259 19,331 4,507 8,421 8,034 13,755 7,479 50,837 6,351 15,715 1,734 Full owners 22,678 27.3 8,U6,742 16,9 358.8 34,827 99.13 20,886 2,949,607 432 702 691 1,961 5,964 6,939 3,711 412 74 6,693 321,254 10,968 1,012,080 5,908 614,404 3,794 227,507 4,440 170,169 2,818 118,501 2,747 65,654 17,953 3,352,028 2,331 174,174 728 73,151 715 65,909 1,436 57,487 5,060 409,832 654 61,014 8,179 806,203 21,929 107 806 2,608 5,096 8,059 5,253 56.5 7,228 3,542 895 2,791 1,864 3,730 2,810 15,450 1,667 6,286 Part owners 37,903 45.6 27,985,503 58.2 738.3 72,321 97.56 37,634 11,614,560 55 123 205 440 3,080 10,661 17,891 4,264 915 11,716 788,190 25,124 4,448,672 17,768 3,357,752 7,618 522,223 10,160 568,697 3,773 188,432 4,822 152,550 32,340 9,891,055 3,784 370,356 2,499 436,323 2,465 388,500 3,299 147,400 11,798 1,475,939 2,323 411,656 17,428 2,550,157 37,576 203 3,523 9,330 12,599 8,944 2,977 49.1 13,483 9,059 1,743 2,681 3,707 5,873 2,189 24,420 3,258 7,156 Managers 228 0.3 739,608 1.5 3,243.9 210,824 75.53 205 90,413 5 84 22,674 112 31,132 66 19,841 38 4,910 43 6,381 39 7,435 30 1,094 183 573,490 45 9,619 21 4,692 21 4,227 19 1,492 41 8,926 19 6,630 72 15,726 216 3 70 49 56 33 5 177 7 27 All tenants KANSAS 105 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [pBtA ve btsed on reports for only n simple of fenns^ See textj (For dermitions and expluiKtions, see lext) Coomerclal farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants aiare-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock- share tenants Other and unspecified tenants FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Percent disthbution oercenl Land in farms acres Percent distribution (>ercent Average si re or rarm acres Value of land and buildings; Average per farm .tlollars Average per acre dollars Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting ID to 19 acres farms reporting SO to 29 acres farms retnrting 80 to 49 acrea farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms t«ponjng 20O to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Cropland used only for pastuiv farms reptsrting. acres Cttipland not harvested and not pastiit«d farms reporting acres Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting acres Other cropland (idle and crop failure) faims reporting acres iVoodland pastured farms t«pc«ting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woociland) farms reporting acres Improved pastjjre fame reporting acres Irrigated lard in farms farm a reporting acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting aiTes Land use practices: Cropland in cover crops fams reporting acna Cropland used for grain or tow crops farmed on the contour farms repotting acrea Land in strip- cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting acres System of tetraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS BY AOE Operators reporting age number. Under 25 years _ .number , 25 to 34 years number 35 to 44 years number. 45 to 54 years number 55 to fi4 years number. 65 or more years number. Average age ....,,,......,.,,.,,......... years . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators- Woticing off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators rttxyting. 1(W to 199 days operators reporting. 300 or more days operators reptxting. With other members of family woilcing off farm operators reportiiig. With income from sources other than farm operated and off-fajm work operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of a^cultural products sold operators reporting. O()erators not woriting off their farms or not reporting as to work off their farms operators reporting. With other members of family woriting off faim operators reporting. With income from sources other than farm operated . . operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold ooerators reporting. See footnotos at e)id of tables 1,2L4 1.5 603,113 1.3 496.8 39,788 78.50 978 129,571 21, 51 35 UA 276 292 170 15 1 370 22,150 476 28,237 214 15,350 106 5,243 248 7,639 120 5,395 122 5,108 984 396,348 105 12,158 50 2,360 50 2,285 48 2,031 234 16,587 66 6,341 310 26,139 1,208 44 304 304 338 149 69 43.6 633 254 78 XI 135 245 «71 581 90 U3 10,409 12.5 5,165,316 10.7 495.2 51,294 102.84 10,376 2,501,710 15 25 55 96 921 3,691 5,019 518 36 2,604 147,726 6,390 630,864 4,289 463,658 1,818 65,674 2,726 101,532 857 46,241 1,251 34,064 8,939 1,590,891 715 46,031 317 37,953 316 33,236 864 29,886 3,193 321,996 654 84,498 4,251 512,225 10,333 317 2,701 3,363 2,431 1,148 373 41.9 5,229 3,404 801 1,024 1,111 1,803 845 5,180 743 1,080 7,792 9.4 3,877,718 8.1 497.7 54,001 110.04 7,792 2,100,008 30 45 146 933 2,573 3,202 713 150 1,369 66,417 5,471 932,449 4,283 753,297 1,018 65,835 2,008 U3,317 407 18,310 698 21,015 4,636 607,232 303 20,652 606 154,661 606 141,580 473 28,227 1,527 180,767 438 103,517 2,040 281,586 7,673 557 2,220 2,249 1,444 861 342 40.7 4,391 2,303 311 1,277 941 1,672 1,036 3,401 414 751 1,666 2.0 1,102,525 2.3 661.8 73,181 109.24 1,641 438,712 10 10 21 10 Ul 579 703 135 32 524 41,823 991 U0,448 642 102,168 334 14,982 404 23,298 205 16,349 222 6,190 1,369 420, K6 230 19,195 152 33,493 149 28,164 U9 3,724 656 76,331 103 15,175 376 113,210 1,650 100 529 568 285 U3 25 38.8 672 513 79 136 215 99 994 127 160 1,206 1.5 481,675 1.0 399.4 40,305 97.37 1,044 190,391 10 30 15 32 242 383 291 3* 7 132 W,293 644 70,473 452 49,575 160 9,360 271 U,538 64 3,125 91 2,262 810 183,834 77 3,998 35 4,282 35 3,766 25 525 151 13,863 32 6,934 275 24,711 1,119 72 280 265 324 140 38 42.3 572 231 96 245 134 187 214 634 45 112 106 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [patA are based on reporta for only a saniple of tama. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILrnES AND lOND OF ROAD Grain combines 'arms reporting... number... Com pickers farms reporting... number... Pick-up balers farms reporting... number... Field forage harvesters farms reporting... number... Motortrucks famis reporting... number... Tractors farms reporting. . . number. . . Tractors other than garden farms repotting. . . 1 tractor farms reporting. . . 2 tractors farms reporting... 3 tractors farms reporting... 4 tractors farms reporting. . . 5 or more tractors farms reportjng... Wheel tractors farms reporting... number Crawler tractors farms reportjng... number... Garden tractors farms reporting... number... ^utonxibilea farms reporting... numlier.. . Automobiles and/or motortrucks farms reporting... Telephone farms reporting. . . Home freezer farms reporting. . . Milking machine farms reporting... Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reportrnR, .. Power-oneraled elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reporting. . . Farms by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting . . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms renorting... Dirt or unimproved farms reporting... Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms renoiting. . . 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting... 1 mile farms reporting... 2 or 3 miles farms reportjng... 4 miles farms reporting. . 5 or more miles farms reporting... FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting. . persons.. Regular hired workers (employed IK or more days) farms rept>rting. . persons . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker (arms reporting... 2 hired workers. farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms refx>rtinR.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms rerwrting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting... RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Operators not reporting residence number . USE OF COMMERQAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilirer and feKilizing materials used during the year operators reporting.. . acres on which used. . tons. . Dry materials .farms refmiting. .. Ions . . . Liquid materiids farms reporting. .. Ions... Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting.. . Dry materials farms repotting... tons... Liquid materials fanms reporting... tons... Other pasture (not cropland) farms reportjng. . . acres . . . Dry materials farms reporting... tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting. . . tons. .. Com farms reporting. . . acres Dry materials farms reporting... tons. .. Litjuid materials farms reporting... tons... See footnotes at end of table. Total all fanns 64,385 72,115 21,«5 21,982 2^,242 2i,595 16,812 17,606 83,326 122, XO 92,496 183,912 91,366 173,651 36,890 35,419 13,533 3,681 1,843 91,018 170,144 3,058 3,507 9,890 10,261 94,922 118,549 100,863 87,358 54,120 16,422 8,811 1,740 47,270 21,655 57,855 23,031 5,362 17,669 4,939 6,783 1,635 4,312 10,352 15,988 5,237 7,327 4,038 848 262 72 17 86,245 12,344 5,545 50,770 5,034,031 291,837 48,533 262,963 4,544 28,874 6,833 221,258 6,672 16,680 231 839 1,819 60,272 1,747 4,001 81 229 16,295 699,431 15,142 41,787 1,616 6,844 Commercial farms by tenure of operator 60,112 67,171 20,226 20,746 23,098 23,427 16,526 17,287 72,071 109,805 78,091 164,660 77,652 156,666 25,856 33,158 13,175 3,641 1,822 77,404 153,541 2,741 3,125 7,699 7,994 77,254 97,448 81,498 70,875 46,505 15,477 8,353 1,702 45,283 15,920 45,884 20,080 4,353 15,727 4,189 6,084 1,494 3,960 9,999 15,381 5,111 7,068 3,942 823 259 72 15 69,098 9,654 4,344 44,690 4,862,909 279,254 42,564 250,897 4,382 28,357 5,930 198,876 5,784 14,744 210 806 1,572 55,449 1,506 3,547 74 223 14,956 679,812 13,844 40,502 1,564 6,773 Full owners 12,769 13,801 4,727 4,810 5,131 5,200 2,868 2,948 17,474 22,694 20,388 37,251 20,136 34,808 9,831 7,191 2,268 605 241 20,097 34,063 634 745 2,379 2,443 20,236 24,795 21,828 18,729 11,402 3,265 2,028 305 9,330 4,620 13,451 4,J81 1,075 3,206 956 1,190 296 764 2,136 3,330 1,054 1,449 819 153 65 14 3 18,613 2,566 1,499 11,672 825,913 53,526 11,322 50,193 728 3,333 1,932 62,973 1,916 4,892 27 99 552 21,104 531 1,295 21 30 4,108 143,522 3,910 9,380 271 893 Part oimers 30,832 35,228 10,157 10,425 12,397 12,594 9,942 10,456 35,186 58,200 36,821 35,670 36,740 81,727 8,734 16,788 7,654 2,308 1,256 36,635 80,015 1,491 1,712 3,796 3,943 36,049 47,121 37,638 33,607 23,485 7,965 4,251 1,060 24,228 7,237 20,685 9,402 1,865 7,537 1,948 2,903 727 1,959 5,867 9,063 3,187 4,439 2,437 541 148 52 9 32,890 3,269 1,744 21,935 2,823,357 158,296 20,750 141,543 2,454 16,753 2,945 99,706 2,861 7,454 106 431 772 25,539 742 1,670 32 50 7,737 334,882 7,131 22,811 353 3,531 Managers 138 169 36 46 102 112 74 110 202 563 202 700 197 671 33 49 41 28 46 197 625 38 46 27 29 206 357 225 192 134 21 12 13 138 62 113 46 4 42 1 10 6 25 120 306 105 241 166 38 24 122 21,862 1,815 113 1,312 26 503 40 3,632 34 325 11 52 17 1,420 17 132 5 50 34 3,281 32 198 62 All tenants KANSAS 107 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau m based on reports for only a sample of fanna. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Canmerclal farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified tenants SPETIFIED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITtES AND KIND OF ROAD Grain combines farms reporting... number. , . Com pickers farms reporting... number,. , Pick-up balers farms reporting... number... Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. . number... Motortrucks farms reporting... number... Tractors farms reporting.. . number.. . Tractors otlier than garden farms reporting... number. .. 1 tractor farms reporting... 2 tractors farms reporting. . . 3 tractors farms reporting. . . 4 tractors farms reprirting. . . 5 or more tractors farms reporting... Wheel tractors farms reporting... number... Crawler tractors farms reporting... number... Garden tractors farms reporting number. . . Automobiles farms reporting. . . number. . . Automobiles and'or motortrucks farms reporting... Telephone farms reporting. . , Home froerer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting, .. Electric milk cooler farms reporting... Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) farms reporting. . . Power.operal«d elevalor, conveyor, or blower farms repotting. . , Farms by kind of road on which located; Hard surface farms reporting. . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting... Dirt or unimproved farms reporting... Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting... 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting... 1 mile farms reporting... 2 or 3 miles farms rapr>rting... 4 miles farms reporting... 5 or more miles farms reporting. . . FARM LABOR, *EEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Hired workers farms reporting, . . persons... Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days) farms repotting persons . . . Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting, . , 2 hired workers farms reporting,.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting... 6 to 9 hired workers farms reporting, ,. 10 or more hired workers, farms reporting,,. RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATOR Residing on farm operated operators reporting,.. Not residing on farm operat«rs reporting... Operators not reporting residence number... USE OF COMMERCTAL FERTILIZER AND LIME Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year farms reporting acres on which used tons . . . Dry materials farms repotting... tons... Liquid materials farms reporting,. . tons... Crops on which used- Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting... acres... Dry materials farms reporting... tons . . . Li(]uid materials farms reporting... tons... Other pasture (not cropland) farms reporting acres Dry materials farms reporting.. . tons . . . Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... Com farms reporting.,. acres.., I>y materials farms reporting... tons. .. Liquid materials farms reporting... tons... See footnotos at end of table. 606 640 2U 2U 3U 344 21S 221 946 1,204 989 1,747 934 1,665 485 354 112 X 3 984 1,553 12 12 S2 82 1,062 1,258 1,180 937 629 279 194 5 335 253 715 224 48 176 64 55 99 169 37 66 967 164 83 575 36,904 2,132 559 1,990 32 142 50 1,646 50 117 22 559 17 45 5 4 175 5,922 160 300 20 lU 8,368 9,077 2,830 2,926 2,912 2,942 1,994 2,066 9,3U 13,212 9,986 19,905 9,954 19,212 3,195 4,834 1,503 320 102 9,902 18,978 216 234 675 693 9,914 11,975 10,359 8,776 5,530 2,562 1,226 128 5,783 1,753 5,738 2,847 609 2,238 653 893 213 479 872 1,182 290 339 255 21 14 9,233 789 387 5,854 628,045 31,495 5,641 28,988 482 2,507 582 17,516 561 1,107 37 U4 107 1,956 102 175 5 U 1,550 71,959 1,391 3,711 203 1,140 5,521 6,206 1,416 1,465 1,308 1,324 860 880 6,662 10,496 7,149 13,895 7,113 13,393 2,746 2,941 1,082 238 106 7,083 13,155 228 238 462 502 7,181 8,723 7,541 6,219 3,804 912 379 147 4,068 1,590 3,509 2,572 572 2,000 437 833 167 563 635 861 284 326 247 34 2 1 5,027 2,388 377 3,179 375,537 23,359 2,895 18,988 501 4,371 185 5,633 171 420 24 100 48 2,204 43 73 5 75 808 39,543 718 2,000 133 738 1,253 1,381 622 636 652 654 438 465 1,467 2,350 1,634 3,867 1,627 3,634 369 722 398 85 53 1,612 3,543 81 91 211 233 1,607 2,054 1,659 1,501 990 329 172 32 1,024 261 995 407 82 325 72 123 54 76 205 337 110 134 1,460 138 68 983 118,761 6,984 937 5,327 130 657 160 5,770 160 375 44 2,467 44 147 1 (Z) 416 24,983 389 1,782 62 262 625 669 227 227 252 257 135 141 820 1,086 922 1,625 901 1,556 463 279 U7 27 15 894 1,509 41 47 67 69 999 1,155 1,068 9U 531 144 91 12 377 144 678 301 98 203 58 77 23 45 65 133 44 74 22 15 7 742 302 162 370 32,530 1,647 347 1,556 29 91 36 950 31 54 5 10 10 200 10 10 128 5,720 113 320 15 33 108 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] [lem (For deriniUons and explanations, see text) USE OF COMMERa \L FERTILIZER AND LIME-Continued Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing materials used during the year— Continued Crops on which used— Continued Sorghums fanns reporti ne • ■ • acres. .. Dry materials farms reporting. . . tons... Liquid materials farms reporUnK... Urns... flheat fanns refwrting. . . acres . . , Drymalenals fan"s reporting... tons... Liquid materials farms reporting... tons . . . All other crops farms reporting. . , acres . . , Dry materials farms reporting.., tons... Liquid materials fanns reporting.. , tons... Lime or liming materials used during the year farms reporting.., acres limed.., tons. ., SPEariED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $100 fams reporting.. ?IO0 toS999 fanns reporting.. $1,000 to !«1,999 firms reporting.. ?2,000 to $4,999 fanns reoorting.. !V>,000 or more fwms reporting.. Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Under $1.000 f»^3 reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 fwms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms r 3009 ... . $1,000 to $1,999 . $2,000 to W.999 . $5,000 or more . . Purchase of livestock and poultr>' . Under Sl.OOC Sl.OOn to $'*, 199 . S3,500 to M,999 . $5,000 to $9,999 . $10,000 or more . Under $200 . . $200 to $999 . $1,000 or more Under ijt. 'wma r»poftJnR. 'vms roportins. 'tfms rvportin^. 'tma refiofting. 'kpns mponing. '■rms rpmrtinn. 'uma refvwljnjt' 'urns repofting. 'ums nvorting. dollar, 'arms reporting, 'aims reporting, 'aima reporting, 'aims reporting. 'aims reporting, 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting, dollars. 'arms reporting. 'arms reporting. ^ams reporting. 'arms reporting. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting. dollars. Under 5100 $100 to $499 ... 5500 to <869 51,000 lo J4.999 . 55,000 or more . . 'arms reporting. 1 reporting, farms reporting, arms reporting. 1 reporting. ESTIMATED VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm piDducLs sold Jot.1, dollars average per farm, dollars ..dollars \ll crop? wid.. r.^1 J (Top^, other than vegetables and frtiita and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Forest products and horticultural snecialty products sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Poultry and poultr> products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Livestock and livestock pltiducIA, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars See footnotes at end of table. 127 3,692 125 209 2 4 465 17,694 460 907 6 20 224 7,191 224 412 42 1,464 1,213 1,106 1,725,958 81 537 167 131 90 635 4,107,668 443 163 67 73 89 607 189,392 312 260 35 549 345,222 317 104 45 53 18 9 2 558 101,789 289 2<8 16 5 1,181 579, 567 174 509 343 155 12,674,882 10,441 2,505,356 2,316,981 44,250 1,435 142,690 10,169,526 296,899 1,076,981 8,793,646 1,771 88,418 1,632 3,887 176 360 5,289 362,652 5,124 15,934 258 781 2,360 85,544 2,315 4,174 72 96 438 13,546 26,752 10,409 9,264 9,899,401 775 5,523 1,562 1,116 288 7,156 19,911,474 4,X3 1,141 683 515 516 6,784 2,812,233 2,505 3,736 543 6,156 2,101,053 3,487 1,576 653 332 84 20 5 1 6,714 1,385,124 2,265 3,905 447 97 10,402 7,884,718 96 2,994 4,561 2,743 117,391,641 11,278 57,728,903 57,567,493 14,195 9,031 138,184 59,662,738 1,896,777 7,757,115 50,008,846 1,191 97,150 972 4,524 249 2,144 2,688 192,297 2,461 8,978 249 1,044 943 37,710 880 2,993 81 270 168 4,307 12,9U 7,792 4,828 3,865,836 8U 2,973 539 401 104 3,622 11,452,712 2,288 398 320 277 339 4,581 2,996,025 1,326 2,415 840 4,094 2,118,635 1,980 1,1U 484 342 124 44 3 2 1 4,439 928,983 1,637 2,371 342 89 7,727 5,805,703 171 2,817 2,735 1,976 28 oo,^yr,t.>. U,165 58,172,286 57,846,088 195,485 121,005 9,708 28,825,368 960,057 1,981,805 25,883,506 405 23,795 348 891 70 241 832 51,267 801 2,563 56 142 324 10,479 318 569 6 12 80 2,062 5,265 1,666 1,512 2,248,929 173 637 228 163 Ul 1,096 6,088,120 565 155 70 106 200 1,089 584,219 341 621 127 1,097 565,585 566 252 126 95 47 10 1 1,032 201,261 368 580 71 13 1,665 1,389,230 47 463 652 499 4 27,026,256 16,222 10,070,067 10,059,358 70 5,201 5,438 16,956,189 270,505 995,346 15,690,338 3,250 72 137 17 16 296 18,926 288 871 13 32 110 3,484 110 164 26 1,056 962 1,206 749 1,963,611 89 470 86 78 26 448 5,776,590 271 74 28 41 34 504 212,968 177 280 47 382 261,658 174 96 27 46 30 442 119,359 209 180 38 15 1,170 608,865 156 532 333 148 1 15,373,701 12,748 4,692,604 4,599,142 1,500 87 91,875 10,681,097 402,640 243,572 10,034,885 110 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dau are based on reports for only a sample of farma. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Coiranerclal farms by tenilre of operator Part owners All tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Cattle antj calves fams tenocting. . number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved fanns reportinR. . number.. Vliitt cows farms reporting. . number. . Heifers and heifer calves farms renorting.. number.. Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms renorting.. number.. Farms reporting by number on hand; Cattle and calves- 1 head farms report! ng . . 3 to 4 head farms renorting. . S to 9 head farms reporting.. 10 to 19 head farms reporting.. *30 to 49 head farms reporting.. W to 99 head farms reporting.. lOO to 490 head farms reporting.. 590 or more head farms reporting.. Cows, including heifers that have calved- 1 heaH farms renorting. . i> lo 9 head farms reporting.. IC to 19 head forms reporting.. 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 10 to 49 head farms reporting.. 59 to 71 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head fanns reporting.. 100 or more head farms renorting.. Milk cows— 1 head farms renorting. . 2 to 9 head farms renorting. . 10 to 19 head farms reporting. . 20 to 29 head farms reporting.. 13 to 49 heart , fatn-.s renorting.. 50 to 74 head farms reporting.. 75 to 99 head farms reporting.. 100 or more head faims reporting.. Horses and/Of mules farms reporting. . number . . Hogs and pigs .faims reporting. . number. . Bom since June 1 fanns reporting.. number.. Bom before June 1 farms reporting.. number.. Sheep and lambs farms renorting.. number.. Lambs under 1 year old faims reporting.. number. . Sheeo 1 year old and over farms re^rting. . number. . Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting.. number.. Ctiickens 4 months old and over .farms reporting.. number . , Livestock and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. . number. , dollars.. Hogs and nigs sold alive farms reporting. , number. , dollars.. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms renorting., number. , dollars.. Milk and cream sold ^ farms renorting., pounds, dollars. n^i-L^..-* including broilers sold fanns reporting. „, . , . , dol I ars . Chicken eggs so d , ** farms reporting. joueiis. dollars. LIttefs farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959 farms reporting,, number of litters. 1 or '2 liUers . , farms reporting. 1 to 9 litters farms renorting. 10 to 19 litters farms reporting. 20 to 19 litters farms reporting. 40 to f)9 litters famis reporting. 70 or more litters farms reporting. June 2 to November 10 farms reporting. number of litters. December 1 to June 1 farms reporting., number of litters.. See footnotes at end of table. 82,398 4,389,2.47 74,921 1,501,210 48,203 325,054 71,798 1,224,990 72,162 1,663,047 1,300 5,430 7,280 13,193 28,160 17,166 9,395 474 5,387 24,576 19,311 11,143 8,892 3,172 1,058 1,382 12,370 25,772 6,255 2,077 1,427 246 33 23 28,206 66,501 37,741 1,343,216 28,565 825,128 29,304 518,088 8,123 805,573 6,052 376,678 7,650 428,895 7,519 409,413 6,198 19,482 64,330 8,026,379 78,840 2,807,450 484,208,537 34,597 1,709,434 52,992,454 7,541 670,123 10,051,845 32,019 1,653,318,338 54,546,U3 32,651 1,281,143 45.6nA t>ii,156,0U 16,597,446 25,826 244,465 5,518 U,349 6,094 2,324 406 135 20,711 110,508 21,269 133,957 68,628 4,229,739 62,739 1,431,333 40,903 303,526 60,965 1,174,109 62,245 1,624,297 668 2,385 3,713 9,290 25, 573 17,141 9,387 471 3,379 16,660 17,300 10,922 8,871 3,172 1,057 1,378 9,737 21,275 6,100 2,077 1,416 246 32 20 24,240 56,543 32,189 1,262,371 24,668 775,453 25,269 486,918 6,635 766,958 5,140 367,432 6,232 399,526 6,151 382,166 5,167 17,360 52,443 7,104,312 67,513 2,743,751 476,486,011 30,351 1,6X,646 50,674,026 6,218 644,338 9,665,070 28,347 ,596,092,265 52,897,197 28,077 1,160,074 63,411^088 15,218,661 22,701 231,113 4,113 9,859 5,904 2,292 400 133 18,291 103,915 19,144 127,198 17,982 879,705 16,546 326,525 10,133 69,265 15,920 248,637 15,960 304,543 198 772 1,193 3,122 7,310 3,643 1,672 72 861 4,949 5,011 2,695 1,863 740 212 215 2,465 5,370 1,507 505 254 25 1 6 5,696 13,959 7,797 309,167 6,000 188,871 6,079 120,296 1,789 151,351 1,365 62,578 1,704 88,773 1,683 83,539 1,348 5,234 14,192 2,175,024 17,831 581,083 100,265,857 7,405 423,555 13,130,205 1,712 142,128 2,131,920 6,992 358,918,126 11,822,271 7,707 340,392 io,o-?i 20,488,114 4,917,147 5,557 54,158 967 2,545 1,316 496 105 28 4,522 24,421 4,537 29,737 32,777 2,393,064 29,924 783,849 19,843 158,413 29,315 661,815 30,373 947,400 234 909 1,304 3,276 11,201 9,677 5,866 310 1,526 6,577 7,619 5,697 5,059 1,883 661 902 4,932 9,771 2,968 1,070 882 176 30 U 12,670 29,964 15,351 630,148 11,651 385,914 12,199 244,234 3,177 405,726 2,441 195,095 2,992 210,631 2,951 202,375 2,505 8,256 24,766 3,368,621 32,362 1,499,097 260,673,497 14,445 803,062 24,894,922 2,924 339,259 5,088,885 13,625 857,269,520 28,911,822 13,638 520,169 18.173 30,336,03'> 7,280,650 10,878 115,480 1,900 4,623 2,875 1,203 195 82 8,606 50,978 9,405 64,502 178 83,429 164 22,710 93 505 155 15,840 159 44,879 147 847 61 3,131 48 1,800 53 1,331 186 9 864 108 13,570 177 97,914 20,622,351 51 3,318 102,858 8 777 11,655 29 2,724,940 108,285 23 1,131 41 108,852 26,125 48 462 15 16 11 5 1 44 267 22 195 KANSAS 111 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refwTts for only a sample of faima. See text] (For deHnitions and explanations, see text) Commercial farms by tenure of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Crop- share tenants Livestock-share tenants Other and unspecified tenants LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTfXJC PRODUCTS Cattle and calves Cows, including heifers that have calved Milk cows I Heifers and heifer calves Steers and bulls including steer and Iwll calves .arms reporting. number. 1 reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number, 'amis reporting. number, 'arms reporting. number. Farms reporting by number on hand: Cattle and calves- 1 head farms reporting. 2 to 4 head farms reporting. 5 to 9 head farms reporting. 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 20 to 49 head farms report! ng , .W to 99 head farms reporting, 100 to 499 head farms reporting, 500 or more heed farms reporting. Cows, including heifers that have calvet^ 1 head .farms reporting, 2 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 30 to 29 head farms reporting, 30 to 49 head farms reporting, fiO to 74 head farms reporting, T.") to 99 head faims reporting, lOO or more head farms repotting. Milk cows- 1 head farms reporting, 2 to 9 head farms reporting, 10 to 19 head farms reporting, 20 (o 29 head farms reponjng, W to 49 head farms repotting, 50 to 74 head farms reporting, 75 to 99 head faims reporting. 100 or more head farms reporting. Horses and of mules farms reporting, number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting, number. Bom since June 1 farms reporting, number. Bom before June 1 farms repotting, number, Stieep and iambs farms reoorting, number. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting. number. Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting, number. Ewes farms reporting, number. Rams and wethers farms reporting, number. Chicltens 4 months old and over faims reporting, number, Livestocit and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold olive fnmis reporting number dollars Hogs and pigs sold alive faims reporting number dollars Sheeo and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Milk and cream sold^ , farms reporting pounds dollars Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting dollars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens dollars Litters fattowed Oecemlwr 1, 1958, to Novemtjer 30, 1959 farms number 1 or 2 litters 3 to 9 litters 10 to 19 litters 20 to 39 liUers 40 to 69 liUers 70 or more litters June 2 to November 30 . farms faims farms farms farms forms farms number December 1 to June 1 farms number reporting. , of litters., reporting. , reporting., reporting., reporUng., reporti ng . , reporting., reporbng., of litters., reporting., of litters.. 1,057 63,214 960 23,286 627 5,655 889 16,769 891 23,159 17 31 50 186 396 252 116 9 65 259 261 110 U4 79 U 28 163 286 103 30 35 10 403 1,418 474 18,295 402 12,413 344 5,882 110 9,396 89 3,138 105 6,258 105 6,062 75 196 761 117,896 1,069 48,642 8,028,941 446 19,726 611,506 100 6,142 92,130 450 30,251,255 1,076,981 398 29,150 551 1,002,125 240,509 316 3,688 49 157 68 IS 21 6 275 1,796 262 1,892 9,433 438,339 8,830 159,811 6,227 46,320 8,601 123,211 8,574 155,317 96 236 571 1,532 4,074 2,102 804 18 409 2,653 2,790 1,U5 1,142 254 80 57 1,179 3,491 1,015 325 203 13 1 3,079 5,845 4,947 162,334 3,887 102,484 3,386 59,850 865 81,322 660 28,702 827 52,620 810 50,342 742 2,278 7,485 862,770 9,227 259,025 42,064,469 4,808 220,408 6,832,648 829 58,066 870,990 4,727 242,048,877 7,757,115 3,986 ia,850 5,472 6,844,497 1,642,679 3,499 31,709 689 1,463 1,014 305 22 6 2,920 14,708 2,925 17,001 4,887 200,876 4,244 59,730 2,718 14,882 4,105 56,168 4,190 84,978 86 371 455 959 1,785 818 407 6 409 1,679 1,120 580 312 95 21 28 662 1,602 347 91 16 1,387 2,754 2,373 77,103 1,714 47,572 1,8U 29,531 452 56,935 372 33,035 399 23,900 397 23,118 321 782 3,477 357,225 4,603 133,139 22,230,224 2,112 90,791 2,814,521 433 47,628 714,420 1,719 66,162,266 1,981,805 1,563 48,254 2,305 2,769,920 664,780 1,554 14,567 364 642 381 126 36 5 1,225 6,629 1,288 7,938 1,538 122,578 1,393 42,045 886 6,263 1,370 33,016 1,427 47,515 21 20 71 92 451 518 354 11 66 269 305 287 265 98 48 59 235 484 83 46 21 17 636 1,301 800 50,050 659 29,444 637 20,606 166 41,983 149 30,237 137 11,746 137 11,243 130 503 1,126 130,541 1,488 75,262 13,278,006 752 59,822 1,854,482 150 32,940 494,100 552 30,890,143 995,346 546 20,559 744 1,022,135 245,313 614 9,050 78 215 183 112 20 6 485 4,171 541 4,879 776 48,534 678 13,377 376 2,223 610 18,651 671 16,506 16 38 62 121 347 109 75 8 36 250 191 97 76 4 66 223 72 10 5 222 455 386 12, U3 307 6,955 260 5,188 67 19,195 56 14,461 59 4,734 59 4,663 38 71 528 78,665 756 49,589 9,322,666 332 13,964 432,884 62 17,398 260,970 253 7,827,138 243,572 216 78,569 294 839,406 201,458 235 1,999 51 98 56 30 214 945 164 1,054 See footnotes at end of table. 112 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Dala are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See taxlj luvn (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Connnerclal farms by tenure of operator Full owners Part owners All tenants SPEOnF.D CROPS lUBVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Under 11 acres farms reporting. 11 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres famis reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 or more acres farms reporting . Harvested for grain fanns reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting . acres. Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. acres, pounds. Sales farms reporting. pounds. Wheat harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels- Sales farms reporting. bushels. Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Barley harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting. bushels. Rye harvested farms reporting. acres, bushels. Sales farms reporting . bushels. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. acres, bushels. Hay crops; Land from iihich hay was cut acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating ....farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting., tons. , Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . acres. , tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting . . acres., tons. . Sales farms reporting. . tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other g^'ii grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres., tons.. Sales farms reporting.. tons.. Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres., tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Sales farms reporting . . tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting . . acres. . tons, green weight. . Irish potatoes harvested for home tise or for sale farms reporting. . acres', bushels. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting. . Sales dollars.. Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . acres. . 43,752 1,867,702 7,707 10,626 12,009 6,485 3,068 3,857 39,776 1,670,143 70,417,066 22,719 36,154,007 69,186 4,805,278 60,228 3,843,902 7,035,370,378 41,057 4,451,960,898 83,369 9,861,332 199,614,003 82,682 188,507,067 32,551 683,770 16,538,451 7,788 3,626,808 27,270 878,312 23,003,962 12,278 11,330,637 5,165 U7,733 2,080,681 3,459 1,682,390 12,083 409,831 8,510,258 1,899,465 46,587 1,046,677 2,405,669 9,092 423,748 4,043 64,764 96,424 398 5,992 2,804 36,662 49,088 143 1,591 3,646 49,335 59,236 123 2,467 23,858 601,512 770,101 3,555 119,605 6,121 80,179 112,581 348 7,411 833 20,336 97,206 14,079 1,025 270,015 1,348 1,360,446 3,930 8,345 38,541 1,797,731 4,832 9,016 11,387 6,400 3,053 3,853 34,766 1,603,504 68,103,735 20,375 35,083,993 63,215 4,690,063 55,317 3,748,680 6,896,672,603 37,723 4,362,728,628 74,347 9,635,353 195,937,062 73,996 185,101,412 29,907 654,455 15,909,198 7,170 3,470,819 25,794 856,762 22,522,403 11,496 11,087,002 4,867 134,567 2,042,101 3,336 1,659,591 10,751 391,109 8,178,955 42,119 999,541 2,310,137 8,209 406,776 3,616 60,569 91,144 362 5,625 2,349 32,877 44,363 113 1,401 3,291 46,152 56,152 102 2,162 21,168 561,809 720,831 2,998 107,051 5,492 74,043 104,772 287 6,541 806 19,946 94,590 10,646 832 220,902 969 1,261,286 2,738 6,513 10,541 369,396 1,924 2,917 3,315 1,375 509 501 9,722 333,159 14,076,915 4,538 6,236,480 13,690 594,185 11,277 444,607 871,066,646 6,476 527,881,505 17,545 1,235,140 25,962,985 17,368 24,409,138 7,588 131,250 3,268,543 1,132 548,235 4,749 U2,443 2,964,057 1,657 1,322,533 988 19,820 321,680 665 256,334 2,615 66,817 1,413,841 10,905 219,387 492,278 1,466 64,086 1,093 17,374 26,033 47 815 822 11,851 15,276 20 390 843 11,146 13,421 20 605 5,567 121,948 150,418 491 15,776 1,544 20,482 27,521 57 1,685 193 4,263 21,469 3,432 142 45,229 340 346,330 18,278 944,103 1,870 3,994 5,228 3,298 1,659 2,229 16,246 828,492 35,681,997 9,685 18,100,906 31,500 2,757,527 27,728 2,189,608 3,983,203,145 18,744 2,436,156,592 35,921 5,742,885 116,613,468 35,820 109,852,168 14,679 351,604 8,672,584 3,289 1,791,042 14,023 514,329 13,701,930 6,068 6,623,495 2,694 76,448 1,131,279 1,827 901,296 5,631 235,951 4,892,512 974,316 20,718 539,912 1,257,886 3,747 189,921 1,650 27,428 41,838 157 2,408 1,126 15,033 21,669 38 606 1,776 25,891 32,401 34 1,113 10,728 315,628 406,950 1,554 53,638 2,759 38,318 54,886 126 2,258 460 12,106 57,173 4,992 329 96,271 453 658,356 80 6,360 1 12 12 20 7 28 56 4,673 250,369 X 146,920 137 24,455 90 15,982 25,091,899 48 17,579,522 127 23,473 550,049 127 529,990 56 2,574 58,760 23 24,210 50 2,700 64,967 25 31,675 25 1,386 14,675 20 10,745 14 1,386 30,613 21,118 132 13,751 40,850 24 24,188 7 340 980 6 268 3 68 71 1,156 2,237 1,207 2,622 718 970 58 5,421 6,799 4 405 15 565 774 1 10 4 255 1,530 17 (Z) 189 6 1,100 9,642 477,872 1,037 2,093 2,832 1,707 878 1,095 8,742 437,180 18,094,454 6,U8 10,599,687 17,888 1,313,896 16,222 1,098,483 2,017,310,913 12,455 1,381,111,009 20,754 2,633,855 52,810,560 20,681 50,310,116 7,584 169,027 3,909,3U 2,726 1,107,332 6,972 227,290 5,791,449 3,746 3,109,299 1,160 36,913 574,467 824 491,166 2,491 86,955 1,841,989 393,052 10,364 226,491 519,123 2,972 128,581 866 15,427 22,293 152 2,134 398 5,925 7,347 55 405 656 8,397 9,360 48 444 4,815 118,812 156,664 949 37,232 1,174 14,678 21,591 103 2,588 U9 3,322 14,418 2,205 361 79,2U 170 255,500 1 100 374 1,554 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Includes mlllt equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. 'Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. KANSAS 113 State Table 21. -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued [Data are based on refxxts Tor only a sanple of fanns. See textj (For definitioii^i and explanations, see text) Connnerolal [arms by temire of operator — Continued Cash tenants Share-caah tenants Crop-share tenants Llvestocli- share tenants Other and unspecified tenants SPEnFIED mops HARVESTED Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Under 11 acres farms reporting.. 11 to 24 aci^s farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 7A acres farms reporting . . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 or nore acres farms reporting . . Harvested for grain f aims reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Sales farms reporting. . bushels . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres. . pounds. . Sales farms reporting . . pounds. . Wheat harvested farms reporting.. acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bushels. . Oats harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . bviahels. . Barley harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bushels . . Sales farms reporting. . btishels. . Rye harvested farms reportlitg.. acres. . bushels. . Sales .farms reporting. . bushels. . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . Hay crops: Land from «hlch hay vas cut acres.. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting . . acres. . tona. . Salea farms reporting. . tons.. Clover, tItBothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting . . acres. . tona. . Sales farms reporting.. tons. . Lespedeza cut for hay farms repotting. . acr«s . . tons. . Sales faims reporting. . tons. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting. . acres . . tons. . Sales fama reporting. . tons. . Wild hay cut farms reporting.. acres . . tons.. Sales farms reporting. . tons.. Other hay cut farms reporting. . acres. . tons. . Salea farms reporting.. tons. . Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting.. acres. . tons, green weight.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for Bale farms reporting . . acres^. bushels. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting.. Sales dollars . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ farms reporting. . acres. . 510 16,450 101 129 174 60 35 11 457 U,043 653,445 223 265,830 657 27,061 508 17,081 30,054,174 320 17,239,550 745 43,326 859,362 739 827,045 363 7,350 165,280 70 39,200 207 5,501 139,975 67 57,335 92 1,383 23,555 66 19,129 106 2,690 49,675 25,416 476 10,545 27,956 73 3,328 46 640 738 S 25 16 337 187 25 535 419 9 100 327 10,990 15,831 57 1,905 93 2,199 2,796 10 800 10 17D ISO 127 5 1,338 15 44,250 5,168 248,606 569 1,157 1,495 938 475 534 4,683 223,622 9,120,103 3,377 5,359,086 8,997 577,103 8,248 463,925 837,199,804 6,205 518,780,924 10,071 1,175,939 23,146,440 10,036 21,929,999 4,557 105,181 2,431,384 1,715 645,185 3,685 111,748 2,807,064 1,841 1,267,559 622 16,678 246,313 418 198,886 1,453 54,925 1,156,292 211,677 5,674 U8,9e4 257,350 1,664 53,384 44« 7,296 10,756 91 963 255 3,921 5,171 50 390 426 5,381 5,948 37 234 3,008 67,233 87,195 606 18,139 631 7,226 10,220 51 705 82 1,636 7,805 1,407 192 49,071 81 14,195 155 221 2,547 131,172 236 560 746 485 222 298 2,316 121,279 4,935,696 1,809 3,421,386 6,151 566,984 5,707 509,808 942,623,693 4,821 718,343,492 7,469 1,135,919 22,978,482 7,453 21,966,461 1,748 36,675 835,664 728 328,448 2,324 86,867 2,222,853 1,515 1,465,497 343 15,188 252,246 291 227,104 666 22,493 487,679 88,376 2,712 61,318 142,617 990 60,060 166 3,074 3,978 30 520 75 975 1,240 5 15 125 1,301 1,430 6 110 934 17,004 23,106 205 5,301 337 3,794 6,448 41 1,053 36 910 3,410 406 154 25,649 67 195,485 103 1,156 1,009 61,023 90 159 316 138 95 2U 920 54,950 2,700,880 475 1,193,090 1,338 101,825 1,123 74,936 148,895,542 671 83,795,224 1,532 185,743 3,971,489 1,521 3,821,884 644 14,643 349,873 122 59,219 481 14,735 399,097 148 181,083 78 3,039 40,453 39 35,192 178 4,467 101,543 1,108 27,382 71,278 159 6,676 185 3,624 5,720 20 315 42 562 649 74 1,105 1,453 436 15,285 19,027 59 4,312 77 1,089 1,652 1 30 15 511 2,243 194 10 2,725 2 70 408 20,621 41 88 101 86 51 41 366 18,286 684,330 234 360,275 745 40,923 636 32,733 58,537,700 438 42,951,819 937 92,928 1,854,787 932 1,764,727 272 5,178 127,110 91 35,280 275 8,439 222,460 175 137,825 25 625 11,900 10 10,855 2,380 46,800 18,025 394 8,262 19,922 86 5,133 23 793 1,101 6 311 10 UO 100 6 75 110 110 6,300 11,505 22 7,575 36 370 475 6 95 810 71 (Z) 430 5 1,500 25 116 114 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.-CASH RENT PAID BY CASH TENANTS AND SHARE-CASH TENANTS BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM- CENSUS OF 1959 [Data are based on rpports for only a sample of fama. See text] Item (For (]efiRition9 and explanations, see text) Comniercial fanns Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Commerci al fanns CASH TENANTS All cash tenants number Land owned operators reporting acres Land rented ftryn others operators reporti ng acres Land rented to others operators reporting acres Lanil in farms of casti tenants acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre doll ars Proportion of cash tenants reporting value twrcent Cropland harvested farms reporting Casti tenants reporting twtli value of land and t)uildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Pinportion of al i cash tenants percent All land rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: Average per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator .dollars Average per acre dollars Average per ^100 of value of land and buildings dollars 2,294 92 27,972 2,294 681,572 187 38,946 670,593 292.3 24,659 83.56 79.8 1,483 143,436 1,770 77.2 521,483 294.6 24,388 82.73 348 2.88 1,214 67 24,097 1,214 612,017 122 33,001 603,113 496.3 39,788 78.50 79.2 978 129,571 915 75.4 469,048 512.6 39,695 77.43 1,294 2.53 1,080 25 3,875 1,030 69,555 65 5,945 67,485 62.5 7,948 129.74 80.6 505 13,365 855 79.2 52,435 61.3 8,007 130.56 371 6.05 SHARE-CASH TENANTS All stiare-cash tenants number Land owned operators reporting acres Land rented from others operators reporting acres Land rented to otJiers operators reporting acres Land in farms of share-cash tenants acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars \verage per acre tlollars Proportion of 9har«-cash tenants reporting value percent Cropland harvested /arms reporting acres Share-cash tenants reporting t)oth value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent paid number. Proportion of all 9hare-cash tenants percent Al I 1 and rented from others acres Average per operator acres Value of land and buildings: \verage per operator dollars Average per acre dollars Cash rent paid: Average per operator dollars \verage per acre dollars Average per ?100 of value of land and buildings dollars 11,045 376 80,209 11,045 5,283,854 542 105,762 5,263,301 476.5 49,179 102.54 84.7 10,992 2,540,380 9,065 82.1 4,348,311 479.7 49,011 102.17 439 0.91 10,409 336 69, U9 10,409 5,190,379 487 94,182 5,165,316 496.2 51,294 102.84 85.0 10,376 2,501,710 8,569 82.3 4,272,866 498.6 51,099 102.43 451 0.90 636 40 11,090 636 98,475 55 11,530 97,985 154.1 12,928 85.38 31.1 616 38,670 496 78.0 75,445 152.1 12,934 35.03 230 1.51 State Table 23.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting Is — Then the chances are about 2 In 3 that the estimated total would differ fran the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than— If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 In 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than— Level 1^ Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 1' Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 25 Percent 40 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percenl 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 Percent 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 68 48 30 21 15 9.6 Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 50 10,000 6.8 4.8 25,000 3.0 50,000 2.1 100,000 1.5 250,000 1.0 ^Level 1 should be used in determining the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting- The level for all other items should be obtained frcan State Table 2^. If the estimated number of farms or forms reporting constitutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the table as follows: 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting Is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting le 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.20. KANSAS 115 State Table 24.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To det«fniine the somotin^ reliability for a it«T, use this lAble to detefmine which of the 4 levels of samplinp reliability to use in Stale Table 23. To use State Table 23, it is neccssBry to refer also to county or Stalo uhle to oteain the number of farms refxJrtinE for the item] =HI»^r-fami group TenureKjf- fftnv openuor group Eco nom i c- cl as s-o f- fnnii group Typeof-fam ^oup n r 1 &3 Item 1 cr ■4 ■ffi 1 l| (For dermitions and exnluiations, see t«xt) i E 1 & 5 J II. 1 1 ■0 1 1 i 1 fe 3 i 5 e o 1 1 Ill s » 1 g 1 1 S = > 5 1 8 — 1 311 1 1 =3 s 1 i 1 i a. 1 a C a c 1 c 3 0 i 1 1 1 t a a Farms and tarni characteristics: Land in fnmis . . - acres 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 \'alue of land and buildings per fam dollars 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Cropl and harvested acres 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Total cropl and acrea , . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 Total pasUirel and . . acres 1 [moated land in faims acres 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 Commercial (ertllizet: Land on which commercial ferulizer was used acres 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Farm latnr: Regular hired workers employed 150 or more days peraons . 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 Specified farm expenditures: Feed for livestocit and poultry dollars . 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 Purchase of livestock and poultjy dollars 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 3 2 4 3 4 2 Machine hire •<••••>••■ dollars 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 Hired labor dollars 2 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fum business . . . dollani 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 Livestock and livestock products: Cattle and calves on hand number 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Cows, including heifers that have calved, on hand number . 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Hogs and pigs on hand number 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 3 2 3 2 Sheep and lambs on hand number 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hud . . . . number 2 1 1 2 i, 3 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 Calves sold alive number . , number number 2 Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive 2 Hogs and pigs sold alive 2 Sheep and lambs sold alive 4 Horses sold .,........^........ ..........•.••• number 2 2 4 i 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 ... 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 Broilers sold ...........••••..■•••■■.■.•....•-•■• number 2 Other chickens sold number 2 Chicken eicgs sold •..>... (bzens 3 Value of milk and cream sold dollars 2 Specified crops harvested: rr\rT\ Cnr b1 1 mimriReB ....... ...................... acres. . . I 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 \jXJl (1 i Ul O-^LJ. I^UJ ^WS^O «•.«*.« ...................... Harvested for grain acres. . . 2 2 2 1 2 2 2| 1 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 buBbels . ■ . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 J^nTWhi imn frtr nl 1 niiT*TM!M0S acres. . . 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 .-** ■■-!# JI1 iir^f* ^ ^jii nil ^Uil _J«.^^0 .. .. ..................... Harvested for grain or seed acres. . . 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 pounds . . . 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 Wheat harvested acres. . . 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 bushels . . . 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 fll f al fa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay. ......... acres. . . 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 tCBlS... 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grsBses cut for hay acres... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 tcnfi... 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 T^jcn^dpvn cut. for hav ............................. acres 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 4^0^/cucba \fKA\f 4 *-'A MiO^ •* >.......«.■...■............ tons. . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. ..................................... acres. . . 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 tons. . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Wild hay cut acres. . . 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 tons. . . 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Other hay cut acres. . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 tons. . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Grass silage made frcon grasses, alfalfa, clover, or sinall grains acres. . . 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 tons. .. 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Value of vegetables harvested for sale ...dollars. .. i 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 1 Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (117) 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For dortnitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Parms number 1050. 1054. Porrease rn farms due to chanpe in faoii definition 1954 to 10.50 numlier . Approxin.ate land nroa acres 1950. Proportion in farms percent lft59 . Land in farms acres 1050 . 1054. Averace size of fnmi acres 1059 . 1954. Value of land and buildings; Avera^r per jtim dolloTB 1 959 . 195i. Average per acre dollara 1959. 1951,. Proportitm of farzr^s reporting value percent 1959 . 1951,. Land in faims according to use: Cropland iiaivested farms reporting 1959 . 1054. acres 10.50. 10.54 . 1 to 9 acres fnm.s reporting 1050 . 1954. 10 to 19 acres fani-.s reporting 1050 . 10.51 . 20 to 20 acres farms reporting 1050, 1054. .10 to 49 acres f.^mis reporting 1959 . 1054. 50 U) 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1054. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1950 . 1954. 200 t« 409 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. son to 909 acres farms reporting 1050 . 1954. 1.000 or more acres forms reporting 1059 , 1954. Cropland used onlv for posture farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1059. 1054. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1950 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1054. Cultivated summer follow farms reporting 1059 . 1054. acres 1050 . 1954. Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms ropcrtinc 1950 . acres 1959 . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . acres 1050 . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1059 . 1054, acres 1959. 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1050 . 10.54. acres 1959 . 19.54. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959 1954 acres 1959. 1954. Improved pasture (see text) forms reporting 1059 1054, acres 1050 1051. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . 1054 Cropland, total farms reporting 1059 1054 Land fnslured. total farms reporting 1050 1054 Woodland, total farms reporting 1059 1954 Imgoteil land in farms farms reporting 1959 1054 acres 1059 1954 Land-use practices: Cropland in cover crops forma reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . Cropland uneil for grain or row crops farmed on tfiC contour farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . LaruJ in strip-cropping systems for soil-erosion control farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959. System of terraces on crop and pasture land farms reporting 1959. acres 1959 . 104,347 120, 167 2,396 52,510,720 95.5 50,152,870 50,023,538 480.6 416.3 49,035 34,804 100.35 79.37 77 81 94,918 107, 602 20,528,357 21,440,232 2,887 3,983 3,577 3,557 3,060 3,495 6,205 7,309 15,036 16,917 25,034 31,890 30,723 31,429 6,152 5,882 1,244 1,140 25,191 29,252 1,446,013 1,359,419 56,227 61,815 7,649,504 6,777,519 35,769 35,015 5,494,571 4,527,097 16,729 1,037,842 23,138 1,117,091 10,136 13,764 464,908 634,506 11, 186 12,234 331,998 345,653 81,392 93,237 17,913,340 17,796,255 7,804 6,585 626,284 390,878 1,813,750 1,669,954 97,420 110,350 91,076 104,940 18,625 22,827 4,592 2,736 762,101 331,551 6,909 296,415 24,259 2,565,334 4,568 7U,288 36,587 4,478,779 1,283 1,499 52 323,200 93.7 302,690 304,158 235.9 202-9 22,919 14,181 99.52 73-45 93 68 1,148 1,259 145,284 U2,770 51 65 84 82 77 71 136 144 249 341 321 392 215 153 12 10 3 1 195 213 6,551 9,276 394 599 20,879 24,187 43 57 750 2,031 246 15,792 158 4,337 96 U3 3,561 6,751 120 81 2,820 3,234 1,126 1,260 108,001 103,720 226 95 1^,586 4,155 15,594 14,220 1,184 1,305 1,187 1,350 196 204 3 2 38 38 101 1,840 381 24,931 26 1,075 644 56,039 1,131 1,273 20 369,280 94.9 350,370 332,168 309.8 260.9 30,192 18,246 91.08 64.67 77 75 1,021 1,131 160,962 150,267 23 45 39 38 40 48 89 124 203 275 346 367 256 220 21 12 4 2 215 178 8,649 5,766 299 542 12,571 19,133 42 56 1,126 1,421 169 7,720 135 3,725 165 185 8,334 9,591 166 171 6,329 6,633 980 1,097 136,098 124,633 156 119 9,553 4,791 17,427 16,145 1,045 1,U9 1,050 1,163 278 303 4 4 30 58 99 4,603 138 4,198 409 22,930 1,142 1,408 46 '269,440 95.7 257,740 '269, 550 225.7 191.4 26,172 17,327 U7.93 87.07 89 77 992 1,207 129,391 139,445 60 82 55 68 35 49 108 130 227 289 311 432 181 145 12 11 3 1 327 408 14,399 17,151 421 345 14,615 8,750 60 58 1,316 1,332 222 7,572 244 5,727 302 382 12,925 15,385 257 230 10,184 8,444 857 1,013 60,229 62,224 185 175 8,833 5,976 15,997 18,151 1,026 1,221 1,048 1,266 450 517 1 1 2 43 165 4,370 358 24,175 52 3,727 369 27,191 633 732 13 733,440 93.5 685,492 673,058 1,003.6 919.5 75,196 53,986 78.94 62.22 82 82 628 686 177,755 196,610 13 12 10 15 14 8 24 15 71 68 151 177 250 302 81 76 14 13 216 126 22,045 9,132 415 388 45,130 25,070 235 258 15,423 14,623 191 20,970 154 8,737 23 39 1,526 1,790 34 46 726 663 595 639 422,086 427,355 13 28 16,820 1,819 16,224 12,438 648 695 616 657 52 80 19 9 996 1,082 64 4,542 145 23,936 7 2,175 291 57,772 1,373 1,510 553,600 110.6 '612,513 '616,237 446.1 408.1 69,084 56,066 146.47 127.55 87 90 1,336 1,459 338,844 377,833 22 19 11 10 12 10 35 31 155 131 371 424 617 725 100 96 13 13 273 281 8,354 11,320 1,188 1,246 130,820 98,719 1,065 1,044 95,085 68,656 174 5,778 492 29,957 42 44 1,028 1,363 158 98 1,640 1,798 1,097 1,171 105,737 100,602 105 43 4,191 1,471 26,090 24,602 1,343 1,467 1,157 1,258 189 133 79 58 6,220 4,531 62 4,021 328 38,638 114 22,353 324 46,053 1,378 1,622 43 408,960 90.3 369,118 372,458 267.9 229.6 20,204 15,296 72.47 56.37 77 75 1,172 1,377 133,755 133,686 68 76 84 101 93 103 U3 214 296 407 288 316 185 150 14 10 1 307 288 14,207 11,768 444 637 24,369 21,241 71 85 2,495 2,872 244 15,348 213 6,526 351 453 30,302 30,200 173 151 8,706 4,975 1,146 1,409 139,772 152,785 111 172 7,515 9,436 18,007 17,803 1,225 1,453 1,308 1,548 452 536 5 4 37 137 237 12,830 10 400 575 46,500 1,410 1,703 35 369, 920 97.0 358,783 355,030 254.5 208.5 42,337 30,574 161.78 142.65 88 83 1,301 1,518 221,034 227,221 36 45 38 35 42 26 73 107 208 287 480 669 398 329 26 20 460 468 17, 561 16, 303 536 325 17,694 6,661 73 67 1,783 1,293 391 11,319 192 4,592 255 277 9,852 9,799 218 213 7,150 5,260 1,005 1,309 60,918 68,947 285 147 13,833 5,129 24, 574 20,839 1,327 1,530 1,265 1,544 401 435 299 7,381 738 81,773 61 4,175 784 102,016 ^The excess of farm acreage over approximate land area la dtie to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm le tabtilated as Iji the county In vhit^ the headquarters Is located, even though a part of the farm m^ be situated In an adjoining couniy. KANSAS 119 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Chase Chautauqua Chero]iee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Cranford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglas 432 647 1,347 713 406 1,207 1,112 1,233 333 1,644 1,498 796 1,712 1,065 1,331 1 MS 796 1,551 787 502 1,335 1,333 1,438 418 1,993 1,373 870 1,856 1,289 1,435 2 10 17 74 6 1 21 13 24 2 58 34 1 22 22 64 •T 495,360 414,080 375,680 1657,280 '629,120 421,120 455,040 419,840 512,000 727,040 332,720 575,360 '547,200 242,560 299, 520 4 99.1 96.5 82.6 102.2 103.2 98.7 93.2 92.2 92.1 95.5 35.5 99.6 103.5 96.8 92.7 5 490,673 399,565 310,212 '671,610 '649,155 415,736 424,135 386,960 471,784 695,316 327,366 573,160 '566,234 234,833 277,696 6 484,084 369,664 307,283 654,794 '648,201 401,047 418,657 390,563 490,985 7U,585 332,450 572,704 543,367 233,157 268,796 7 1,135.8 617.6 230.3 941.9 1,598.9 344.4 381.4 313.9 1,415.8 422.9 218.5 720.1 330.7 220.5 208.6 9 883./' 464.4 198.1 832.0 1,291.2 300.4 313.0 271.6 1,174.5 357.0 177.5 653.3 291.2 180.9 187.3 9 58,900 36,393 25,413 75,066 96,621 39,865 40,619 35,427 99,298 55,605 17,977 53,316 42, 529 31,733 32,320 10 54,562 21,504 14,131 48,121 66,742 27,568 25,680 20,150 66,410 32,152 12,305 40,521 30,109 18,994 20,972 11 83.74 60.75 105.60 77.63 60.80 107.76 99.90 103.69 69.40 125.04 75.39 75.08 121.91 139.37 145.21 12 67.% 43.64 69.94 57.02 52.51 89.33 80.44 66.91 59.16 91.58 61.55 62.78 100.12 104.26 103.92 IX 76 73 78 79 89 32 62 72 85 73 71 72 76 67 36 14 73 97 74 84 85 82 76 70 83 60 72 95 39 79 74 15 382 504 1,118 667 369 1,125 1,051 1,119 299 1,470 1,259 765 1,600 909 1,145 1« 468 545 1,206 729 427 1,249 1,253 1,318 384 1,630 1,422 843 1,734 1,113 1,223 17 57,773 51,800 180,351 221,796 124,744 226,227 227,787 150,304 120,673 224,739 164,123 185,258 319,090 123, 532 129, 326 1ft 64,920 57,096 161,427 203,797 131,138 213,832 242,458 172,398 U8, 550 227,652 157,129 195,356 293,999 125,347 131,220 10 9 33 59, 4 1 23 20 32 2 61 57 8 34 77 87 20 U 34 85 8 5 25 33 44 3 107 119 13 52 92 103 21 15 32 84 4 4 20 25 71 1 96 110 5 44 64 81 22 15 55 81 7 6 23 31 59 3 73 94 6 37 63 55 23 17 42 72 9 2 16 27 47 4 75 76 5 36 47 75 24 18 54 72 8 6 28 16 58 7 85 86 10 43 57 57 25 23 62 lU 14 8 50 37 97 8 lAl 128 24 62 36 146 26 41 104 136 19 6 57 56 138 7 175 152 27 85 114 Ul 27 89 yis 183 45 18 171 169 242 23 292 253 80 233 174 260 28 125 201 227 60 49 212 200 324 23 355 342 96 277 258 329 29 126 109 252 149 76 353 302 372 43 379 359 245 505 252 291 30 155 136 322 189 73 488 452 455 65 494 424 256 645 323 366 31 96 74 320 339 197 456 422 239 125 380 241 336 515 179 193 32 95 56 262 355 221 395 434 218 173 356 137 379 557 178 151 33 7 4 37 90 56 34 51 18 83 44 21 58 45 26 11 34 7 5 21 76 54 21 37 21 88 28 15 53 26 7 11 35 13 7 8 1 10 1 2 2 6 2 1 36 1 7 7 2 1 14 1 1 3 2 1 ... 37 108 190 271 127 181 280 2U 194 114 387 273 139 466 357 334 38 142 225 248 166 210 323 302 235 129 476 340 155 435 356 359 39 6,209 12,411 10,537 11,373 14,687 13,652 12,339 8,224 6,601 14,577 9,516 12,495 24,110 15,088 13,651 40 5,267 13,794 7,775 8,238 27,063 12,512 8,234 17,538 8,852 14,977 11,513 6,324 12,462 13,555 12,816 41 165 200 331 656 349 657 640 350 273 519 348 731 783 491 288 42 153 169 706 712 384 730 708 548 337 698 575 772 914 391 364 43 5,908 10, 192 14,101 198,362 80,009 25,005 38,052 15,570 60,516 24,389 17,113 135,864 28,502 19,622 9,489 44 4,557 5,323 32,558 188,125 68,078 29,570 26,234 16,206 45,849 26,900 29,286 120,065 35,349 10,792 7,830 45 28 29 41 629 312 351 420 48 218 143 46 719 311 59 57 46 31 29 77 680 357 299 345 85 292 134 72 759 334 31 79 47 836 746 1,289 169,259 62,633 10, 176 20,390 1,027 31,963 4,547 1,560 125,208 9,520 1,615 1,237 48 573 552 2,384 150,594 49,910 7,722 10,360 1,457 33,153 4,002 2,590 112,059 6,887 899 1,035 49 62 SO 115 81 87 378 219 205 94 249 154 56 299 354 144 50 2,002 5,138 7,221 14,500 10,627 8,655 7,702 10,563 20,631 7,673 9,744 2,176 7,454 12,472 5,019 51 98 134 215 130 87 255 260 160 94 371 196 151 430 200 139 52 3,070 4,258 5,591 14,603 6,749 5,174 9,970 3,960 7,922 11,969 5,809 8,480 11,528 5,535 3,233 53 36 178 239 5 6 113 61 125 20 129 153 32 88 298 378 54 36 316 362 4 5 105 66 163 16 216 155 27 89 442 424 55 1,495 16,228 11,654 1,120 143 2,391 1,683 3,093 795 7,953 9,193 3,327 2,090 10,834 21,428 56 4,116 42, 591 19, 105 892 822 2,061 1,483 4,448 1,112 9,129 7,261 2,740 1,761 14,295 21,311 57 50 66 190 3 15 186 113 227 20 159 112 18 163 236 318 56 64 62 152 5 11 155 174 239 74 159 105 39 144 235 263 59 1,530 3,991 8,541 228 156 5,083 3,084 6,302 363 5,387 4,310 307 2,933 8,052 11,183 60 2,206 3,599 6,385 120 426 3,280 3,696 5,412 2,494 5,099 3,225 1,051 2,993 5,879 8,539 61 364 531 1,002 552 371 970 864 1,019 307 1,316 1,255 688 1,277 634 912 62 438 606 1,199 645 417 1,064 1,075 1,202 371 1,572 1,547 764 1,493 804 1,013 63 404,782 292,134 60,193 221,426 424,798 124,769 118,308 174,364 269,115 386,577 96,900 209,233 165, 148 34,130 76,130 64 391,187 233,628 57,691 238,825 413,024 120,304 116,142 153,429 277,733 402,218 103,573 217,424 169,794 38,941 70,128 65 31 30 150 8 14 60 43 99 19 73 211 15 70 133 257 66 44 10 101 22 109 43 31 94 62 32 115 10 88 130 167 67 4,299 6,345 6,274 911 6,034 3,432 3,632 8,122 2,606 7,164 6,534 1,621 3,777 5,758 16,628 6S 4,238 1,043 2,571 1,W9 16,421 1,663 1,525 5,253 4,275 5,750 4,693 202 2,796 4,911 7,501 69 12,976 12,809 24,780 17,305 4,618 18,409 22,672 18,623 11,716 31,696 24,211 26,161 24,261 22,580 15,991 70 11, 831 13,628 22,342 14,797 7,650 19,368 20,403 19,982 6,395 25,610 20,443 29,243 21,939 24,358 16,954 71 394 551 1,176 633 391 1,138 1,077 1,140 316 1,507 1,299 772 1,618 958 1,164 72 482 691 1,282 752 454 1,258 1,284 1,326 391 1,780 1,484 849 1,754 1,141 1,258 73 389 607 1,205 599 379 1,060 960 1,084 313 1,439 1,370 731 1,504 836 1,153 74 478 755 1,408 672 435 1,178 1,182 1,282 373 1,737 1,658 811 1,642 1,084 1,263 75 75 215 375 13 19 271 165 309 39 253 240 45 231 436 589 76 90 354 462 7 16 225 222 353 88 348 226 57 215 570 572 77 3 3 2 63 15 50 70 3 21 6 5 56 22 15 78 6 3 2 30 4 18 17 1 10 10 6 14 25 12 79 97 130 95 7,154 1,301 3,295 6,061 UO 1,595 271 80 4,333 1,097 355 80 473 221 52 1,863 117 1,036 1,1A5 1 694 695 20 326 1,255 569 81 21 41 42 41 29 105 72 58 36 97 70 19 85 143 98 S2 616 1,056 1,185 5,364 3,082 3,324 7,682 1,118 9,752 2,426 2,030 847 2,673 4,109 2,749 83 85 45 140 94 94 524 245 413 47 336 146 302 487 406 261 84 2,897 2,672 9,520 17,627 16,136 43,032 13,208 23,921 8,910 30,980 5,3£0 56,446 36,041 29,920 16,775 85 15 5 91 14 53 65 U 24 38 5 22 78 55 56 86 450 150 19,534 3,827 5,090 6,215 275 4,872 1,506 150 4,577 6,365 1,240 1,664 67 155 188 235 160 130 543 336 671 98 653 465 444 633 316 408 88 8,106 12,103 20,430 34,521 29,280 62,316 26,439 66,035 19,210 61,467 38,365 110, 361 53,381 23,688 25,845 89 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Dau for i(«in9 shown in italics are based on ^Fo^ d^nnitions and explanations, see text) Finney FARKB. ACREAGE. AND VALUE rnrms number 1 05?1 . . . 1054,.. PprreBse in farms due to chnnpe in fanii definilinn 1954 to 10r>0 nunilier . . . Approxiniate land nren acres 1959 . . . Proportion in farms percent 1959 . . I.nnd in farms acres 1959... 1954 . . . Averafic sire of fiuni acres 1959... 1954... Value Of land and buildings: Avfraae per /nnn dollars 1 959 .. . 195i . . . Averaue per acre liollara 1959... 195/,... Proportion of farvis rrportnu) i-alur percerti 1959. .. l9Si... Land in farms according to use: Cropland hai\ esled farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... acres 1959. .. 1954... 1 to 9 acres f.irn j; reporting 19.">9 . . 19.54 . . . 10 to 19 acres fan .s reporting 1959 , . . 1954... OQ lo o n siimpli' of fiimis. See text] McPherson Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery MiOrrls Morton Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osbome 1,977 1,758 1,852 571 1,663 954 1,571 935 283 1,577 1,380 834 879 1,482 940 1 2,123 1,928 2,083 638 1,845 1,057 2,045 1,067 347 1,300 1,759 885 993 1,691 1,0U 2 25 30 22 7 54 6 92 17 2 19 71 3 7 41 8 3 '572, 800 '613,760 583,040 '624,640 378,240 '458,240 415,360 452,480 464,000 '453,760 375,680 '691,840 563,200 461,440 574,720 t 103.9 101.8 96.6 100.6 90.3 100.4 86.9 98.5 76.0 99.0 90.4 100.5 95.6 98.6 96.4 5 '595,373 '624,939 563,418 '628,334 341,730 '459,889 361,050 445,551 352,755 449,355 339,784 '695,082 533,375 454,898 554,150 e '580,805 606,024 558,205 622,531 342,933 455,217 371,897 449,694 372,848 '456,438 353,935 691,156 532,670 437,027 548,904 7 301.1 355.5 304.2 1,100.4 205.5 4B2.1 229.8 476.5 1,224.8 284.9 246.2 833.4 612.5 306.9 589.5 8 273.6 3U.3 268.0 975.8 185.9 430.7 181.8 421.4 1,074.5 253.6 201.2 781.0 536.4 253.4 542.9 9 54,267 45,191 34,909 99,029 23,546 50,584 24,280 41,260 106,819 32,801 24,112 69,738 37,861 35,322 42,473 10 38,347 31,396 23,280 68,013 16,287 37,240 15,553 32,989 73,554 24,530 12,945 56,093 27,534 18,518 35,320 11 171.98 119.96 108.95 77.59 U6.58 107.87 101.93 97.49 88.96 U6.10 96.14 76.70 60.86 98.95 69.33 12 136.86 99.32 82.38 61.61 85.72 85.21 78.26 72.14 64.88 88.02 64.05 65.16 47.03 68.97 62.13 1.1 75 81 73 79 76 70 67 69 79 84 76 84 79 72 63 14 90 80 84 88 79 82 64 31 87 82 69 83 88 75 83 15 1,889 1,647 1,712 538 1,429 908 1,235 368 281 1,470 1,197 802 808 1,336 392 16 2,020 1,800 1,930 589 1,598 998 1,508 988 307 1,629 1,449 865 940 1,534 966 17 353,076 319,990 288,702 204,988 152,183 236,501 145,791 141,046 181,572 213,233 154,135 243,714 177,891 167,944 206,002 18 352,068 317,564 291,460 217,419 158,236 263,006 144,890 153,829 169,713 231,768 156,922 310,606 204,041 186,054 232,855 19 27 30 38 . 78 13 95 19 1 23 64 2 15 63 U 20 35 23 51 "6 97 23 133 26 44 65 1 27 67 5 31 31 40 36 3 129 10 116 25 43 78 8 15 81 14 M 31 37 43 4 103 12 170 20 28 99 4 14 62 19 23 29 26 34 2 92 11 92 22 58 74 9 21 70 8 24 24 17 46 4 125 6 133 22 35 115 3 9 78 16 2: 89 65 74 8 167 24 163 64 75 163 20 24 170 30 28 72 60 77 10 240 27 187 63 94 214 9 21 160 29 27 295 222 298 45 375 103 247 201 8 269 239 61 87 324 Ul 28 349 254 364 46 430 108 353 208 15 350 380 46 111 4U 106 29 721 570 686 95 376 241 287 298 29 663 338 197 238 369 242 30 854 771 889 107 416 287 326 392 41 758 370 201 308 507 249 3! 649 656 518 250 204 416 211 215 88 329 217 400 370 244 434 32 621 614 441 272 179 437 197 241 97 305 183 437 405 227 477 33 40 34 28 112 7 82 22 22 101 10 22 86 37 U 40 34 29 20 19 119 8 85 9 15 107 U 15 135 43 18 61 35 8 4 23 1 8 2 2 52 2 19 1 1 2 36 5 4 21 13 1 40 1 3 29 2 1 4 37 578 459 423 186 390 233 345 196 50 478 309 130 196 245 245 38 704 508 529 157 395 3W 318 231 65 512 331 116 265 390 215 39 17,945 15,316 16,253 15,778 16,274 19,968 13,131 1A,550 5,873 25,929 U,460 9,243 15,191 14,337 21,356 40 14,985 16,340 20,654 12,828 U,325 18,300 13,023 12,062 7,635 22,234 17,679 10,359 20,368 23,457 12,604 41 1,175 667 888 498 456 746 452 391 237 687 465 762 761 402 745 42 1,196 701 929 551 507 724 769 357 243 605 704 736 828 461 755 43 60,226 19,535 27,221 144,367 15,763 86,751 18,220 17,274 U4,576 29,075 21,078 173,755 123,561 12,690 86,610 44 48,162 17,702 25,564 126,357 U,214 51,283 23,728 9,683 151,401 15,754 29,376 105,822 97,561 11,267 60,422 45 900 300 223 476 99 668 67 117 209 139 70 738 725 65 650 46 568 226 237 509 83 550 U9 126 213 113 98 661 776 96 598 47 42,354 7,447 4,463 124,294 1,811 69,261 2,303 3,554 85,154 4,281 2,023 142,036 99,448 1,094 56,934 48 19,252 5,044 4,233 106,221 1,865 33,591 3,310 3,161 109,381 2,271 2,481 78,676 82,054 2,220 36,724 49 233 254 589 39 200 126 162 223 60 408 222 42 203 235 170 50 7,481 6,547 15, 7U 7,344 9,391 5,918 7,636 8,338 17,969 16,516 12,193 5,119 12,340 8,179 12,832 51 406 271 341 144 224 225 290 199 57 356 262 327 228 172 239 52 10,391 5,541 7,045 12,729 4,561 11,572 8,281 5,332 11,453 8,278 6,862 26,600 11,773 3,417 16,344 53 55 27 287 10 412 41 253 38 283 183 5 32 114 39 54 52 48 392 14 578 60 349 112 397 231 10 66 211 62 55 1,018 700 9,506 801 20,083 1,301 13,097 2,260 9,897 6,875 37 524 4,323 1,167 5« 1,081 917 15,005 380 34,042 2,056 16,467 3,675 16,625 10,856 1,247 2,317 7,432 2,184 57 146 64 304 13 299 70 176 153 232 203 10 30 181 61 58 102 86 331 31 260 89 150 165 ... 221 212 10 77 186 91 59 2,436 1,625 6,991 232 U,162 1,829 7,495 3,295 . . . 5,954 7,063 103 665 6,447 1,215 60 1,656 2,061 6,838 351 8,767 2,023 5,124 4,265 5,594 7,062 2,423 4,007 5,347 2,993 61 1,522 1,481 1,523 418 1,363 704 1,296 807 100 1,266 1,168 757 757 1,219 773 62 1,670 1,640 1,665 516 1,380 723 1,597 916 135 1,504 1,465 774 794 1,393 867 63 137,120 246,751 179,963 249,588 102,294 98,700 138,510 252,364 45,343 133,105 119,612 255,380 191,701 223,754 219,600 61 138,146 230,449 161,476 257,040 93,599 103,696 147,818 251,782 39,671 140,915 113,890 251,104 181,565 130,923 221,417 65 67 72 172 15 308 23 169 53 12 315 158 20 16 179 34 66 72 78 171 20 259 22 L17 62 28 231 105 4 25 95 29 67 2,243 5,526 10,238 2,326 16,874 1,659 11,972 U,200 3,255 18,919 8,549 4,483 2,104 9,958 3,099 68 1,470 2,635 6,315 1,168 11,156 755 4,54^ 3,141 5,923 9,938 5,241 89 1,606 4,062 1,678 69 23,552 21,022 34,782 12,580 23,971 14,839 24,806 14,762 5,391 27,162 19, 5U 12,850 28,342 25,398 18,200 70 24,707 20,991 37,208 8,156 21,750 14,853 20,847 14,398 4,428 23,548 17,650 9,595 22,811 22,542 16,429 71 1,902 1,661 1,726 544 1,4B8 916 1,321 839 283 1,491 1,243 809 829 1,356 905 72 2,045 1,819 1,937 602 1,627 1,0U 1,643 999 326 1,639 1,504 867 943 1,562 974 73 1,681 1,584 1,682 452 1,543 812 1,435 862 125 1,493 1,271 776 814 1,315 844 74 1,855 1,783 1,899 540 1,699 892 1,814 976 166 1,696 1,609 798 910 1,562 918 75 188 86 511 21 617 99 376 208 445 345 13 55 247 90 76 Ul 127 628 44 721 U2 455 232 550 390 20 127 346 139 77 99 6 30 81 2 33 1 2 '27 2 7 50 60 4 60 78 15 12 8 36 3 14 U 4 14 5 3 37 38 2 36 79 4,957 283 1,597 20,293 145 1,985 53 180 8,120 90 109 3,538 3,334 52 2,772 SO 599 497 455 6,246 97 984 551 82 2,658 266 160 2,973 2,584 44 1,502 81 74 118 197 9 126 39 68 56 8 242 152 22 42 45 66 82 3,399 2,749 3,402 2,098 2,823 1,640 1,827 1,314 1,657 7,132 3,945 1,712 1,324 788 2,755 83 210 175 877 80 358 164 205 334 38 655 321 267 350 384 259 84 12,470 12,356 79,951 13,161 20,306 13,878 14,450 28,938 10,185 55,837 21,142 50,553 61,909 20,652 26,435 85 82 68 61 22 45 79 55 36 4 90 45 52 30 36 65 86 10,347 5,U0 3,995 7,523 2,020 9,300 2,905 1,790 2,306 4,880 1,115 10,558 4,970 1,935 5,435 87 366 320 999 113 746 24« 357 501 40 375 691 301 490 634 413 88 27,770 17,297 98,419 26,802 50,506 22,376 23,891 50,496 15,195 80,935 59,638 76,704 126,224 38,526 48,766 89 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: [Data for itams shown in italics are based o (Fof drrinlLions and explanations, see text) Phillips Potta. watofflle Republic FABMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fnrms - - ■ number 1950 . 1354. Pprrense in farms ilue to chanpe in fanii definilion 1054 lo 1050 numlier. ApproxioiBte land urea acres 1959, Ptonortion in farms percent 1059. Land in farms acres 1050. 1054. Averacc sire of fnrtii acres 1959. 1954. Value of land and buildings: Avfrii'jf per lini: Average t>er acre Prrjportion nf farms repoTlni'j valuf. . dollars . .iJollars . .percenl Land in farms according to use; Cropland har\csted fajnns reporting 1 to 9 acres fnrn.s reporting 10 to 19 acres. f:in ^ reporting 20 to 29 acres frimi« reporting .10 to 49 acre? f?mis reporting ;9SS, ;sj<. ;568,320 >463,360 574,080 460,800 '462,720 639,360 '408,960 348,800 571,520 675,200 571,520 508,160 '432,640 466,560 < 84.7 104.3 100.2 89.8 90.1 109.7 94.0 99.0 89.5 95.3 93.8 95.8 99.4 122.9 88.6 5 338,172 '592,563 '464,382 515,482 415,160 '507,760 601,019 404,823 312,253 544,482 633,018 547,583 505,183 '531,675 413,309 6 340,891 ^592,769 '466,102 536,233 453,851 '509,114 548,320 '435,520 331,995 559,968 630,597 561,019 503,297 '534,500 435,393 7 <07.9 709.7 533.2 646.0 423.6 1,244.5 302.9 1,239.2 226.9 798.4 1,136.5 479.9 574.7 2,170.1 1,059.8 8 326.4 614.3 479.5 569.8 374.5 1,062.9 254.1 1,146.1 193.0 727.2 1,100.5 408.9 479.3 1,895.4 998.6 9 47,330 51,245 54,871 55,010 59,248 120,554 66,869 103,138 38,708 63,523 86,998 40,442 70,979 178,226 109,488 10 27,655 33,912 46,329 43,314 41,492 85,709 48,086 70,986 24,040 44,029 75,098 25,313 52,817 U6,067 73,279 11 121.68 67.50 102.24 82.93 136.56 67.93 211. 15 77.22 159.04 77.93 77.47 76.35 U9.00 91.87 94.06 12 81.02 54.62 97.84 74.35 U1.91 76.69 185.13 58.41 117.62 60.66 67.06 57.35 105.99 55.68 71.07 1.^ 77 59 83 72 70 74 83 86 77 86 75 68 86 73 57 14 81 93 91 88 84 83 69 91 83 88 89 77 82 88 87 IS 770 804 849 756 928 397 1,829 285 1,171 561 530 1,076 835 244 374 16 951 903 937 892 1,126 454 1,889 359 1,460 740 555 1,292 973 262 415 17 126,615 196,283 212,350 185,697 195,638 217,255 385,746 148,008 144,296 179,191 231,306 220,785 263,476 215,173 228,5% IS 125,330 228,788 269,526 202,584 210,564 221,285 343,965 187,839 159,897 209,376 231,993 259,300 291,376 148,619 279,110 19 U 4 5 4 23 1 100 108 2 11 8 t . . ... 20 49 13 2 14 37 5 79 198 ■'6 ... 22 23 5 1 21 24 13 5 5 22 1 77 105 5 2 24 8 1 I 22 24 11 4 16 16 3 55 99 6 3 19 12 3 2 23 31 16 14 5 15 1 33 91 6 3 17 18 2 24 30 12 5 14 20 1 47 118 4 5 23 12 4 25 42 34 32 18 45 9 97 149 17 5 45 17 "i 2e 72 28 13 41 72 9 133 191 15 5 50 29 5 3 27 164 119 91 80 126 15 21B 17 247 73 40 160 55 3 6 28 203 123 88 116 198 33 277 21 295 64 48 191 79 14 7 29 297 206 230 262 298 53 507 27 249 153 95 342 151 16 42 30 392 237 244 269 358 53 607 39 338 168 102 443 180 31 35 31 188 349 404 329 347 139 681 116 188 339 228 439 447 65 125 32 177 398 463 363 394 177 627 138 194 395 252 504 508 83 124 33 9 58 65 48 47 125 106 96 30 57 118 37 119 69 136 M 3 70 106 55 27 134 56 110 22 80 103 38 117 78 167 35 4 5 3 5 5 53 10 24 4 1 36 1 12 90 61 36 1 U 12 4 4 39 8 40 5 2 38 2 13 39 76 37 215 119 % 137 262 74 717 74 296 75 119 256 289 66 74 38 303 120 147 152 239 94 751 87 514 98 153 249 352 98 115 39 12,066 7,321 5,292 8,701 20,649 10,081 33,485 10,070 16,562 7,402 12,220 15,411 18,181 9,377 8,259 40 11,933 6,783 6,7% 7,202 15,060 9,722 25,786 6,998 18,583 8,463 9,380 11,614 13,587 18,647 8,583 41 307 736 804 691 584 375 673 267 319 644 524 927 749 236 328 42 339 796 768 779 764 420 1,170 299 377 683 552 1,002 844 260 306 43 10,454 128,967 123,406 88,768 33,093 148,955 32,634 94,803 8,280 144,019 211,233 99,119 106,783 162,600 121,777 44 8,226 95,592 68,305 82,968 37,353 150,704 56,650 78,224 9,706 125,008 198,222 69,954 83,820 223,795 80,895 45 93 688 736 602 402 363 366 228 80 638 508 822 555 236 282 48 113 708 648 608 410 407 267 261 96 674 540 765 719 256 258 47 2,388 106,607 95,354 63,552 18,205 125,017 15,280 72,351 1,756 125,071 176,038 70,184 73,081 141,343 75,829 48 2,283 73,035 48,447 45,638 14,396 128,978 10,802 62,618 1,667 112,367 174,588 45,151 55,158 152,885 50,150 49 146 117 46 98 146 34 185 71 151 58 75 252 152 24 135 50 3,261 8,027 5,689 6,480 4,522 12,024 8,690 16,895 3,751 4,167 16,947 16,694 10,345 5,695 39,119 51 155 253 388 328 231 99 264 66 145 201 187 267 373 77 72 52 4,805 14,333 22,363 18,736 10,366 11,914 8,664 5,557 2,763 14,781 16,248 12,241 23,357 15,562 6,829 53 122 16 9 13 32 65 4 223 6 2 57 54 1 2 54 183 29 15 20 40 1 U5 303 6 1 51 57 1 55 3,847 506 329 476 928 2,686 367 5,635 805 415 1,548 1,214 90 151 56 4,859 884 423 326 760 'io 4,112 ... 8,987 928 70 3,352 1,473 25 57 179 28 19 26 96 U2 3 228 6 4 67 226 2 1 58 217 37 20 58 79 "2 178 2 244 18 84 254 2 1 59 4,314 686 712 790 1,920 3,259 178 6,464 341 230 1,445 3,064 125 3 60 4,315 1,045 663 930 1,393 207 2,944 273 6,517 2,895 ... 2,851 3,472 520 7 61 667 729 770 708 628 234 1,174 193 926 507 415 976 704 92 192 62 798 836 845 811 804 283 1,442 266 1,077 638 462 1,176 770 129 220 63 167,731 233,282 U3,095 209,623 142,821 122,117 113,157 141,970 109,775 196,035 164,710 188,476 99,254 137,087 46,959 64 175,079 231,913 U0,002 220,038 171,495 118,694 93,639 156,039 108,932 200,031 131,336 193,907 94,425 133,390 59,393 65 38 15 13 15 29 9 60 13 158 12 7 31 61 5 25 66 44 5 11 14 20 16 103 59 125 14 8 63 82 18 31 67 4,812 1,792 1,310 2,938 17,667 433 3,071 5,840 10,682 978 1,123 4,216 3.134 286 4,607 68 4,289 374 982 1,393 545 1,428 2,354 9,213 7,435 2,350 387 2,390 4,789 5,868 5,811 69 13,145 25,518 9,198 21,427 20,111 9,352 30,052 9,427 21,241 15,689 12,903 20,799 13,211 7,223 7,554 70 11,149 27,764 10,387 22,185 17,216 8,492 21,224 6,147 19,373 13,266 9,596 20,041 15,144 4,004 7,405 71 782 815 854 772 947 400 1,885 300 1,212 667 539 1,102 847 245 377 72 %3 910 941 906 1,142 457 1,978 365 1,524 745 564 1,X5 983 274 420 73 736 751 787 742 766 276 1,520 228 1,098 622 443 1,057 759 122 219 74 899 863 873 834 938 324 1,738 287 1,364 671 485 1,246 857 169 268 75 249 39 27 35 122 ... 160 5 390 12 6 li6 256 3 3 76 346 59 32 71 106 3 273 2 472 23 1 125. 298 3 1 77 20 20 109 12 58 180 100 43 43 57 64 92 41 94 57 78 18 14 95 6 28 154 72 23 24 12 12 34 13 52 29 79 1,558 998 7,141 307 4,195 52,746 3,590 16,404 3,299 6,156 9,646 5,306 4,307 47,971 26,750 SO 1,006 441 5,213 204 2,133 39,164 3,062 5,284 1,628 586 934 1,292 961 18,740 7,604 81 63 33 28 31 42 1 U6 17 48 24 34 89 80 6 81! 1,244 3,238 2,294 1,633 1,469 602 3,309 2,807 720 957 8,397 6,691 3,570 709 93 395 119 211 167 179 42 526 18 283 208 117 368 16 19 15 84 32,240 18,392 32,601 13,326 15,795 12,985 73,941 4,216 15,928 37,118 26,216 44,701 2,150 7,365 3,820 85 17 24 48 38 33 14 133 33 27 U 45 23 203 5 3 86 1,456 3,354 4,736 6,671 2,875 7,920 14,325 9,864 1,663 1,020 18,853 1,720 49,861 1,135 1,080 87 500 364 324 189 268 71 559 13 458 295 183 547 28 31 12 88 48,757 69,163 63,916 17,236 22,200 15,870 82,405 3,616 32,567 50,495 50,831 82,878 2,605 11,820 5,212 89 126 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued [Dala for Items shown in italics are based on report* for only a sample of farms. See text] (Far detinitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number 1959. . 1954.. Decrease in farms due le change in farm definition 1954 to 1959 number . - Approximate land area acres 1959 . . Proportion in farms percent 1959 . . Land in farms acres 1959. . 1954 . . Average size of farm acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Value of land and buildings; Average per jatm dotiara 1959 . . 190, . . Average per at^e dollars 1959. . 1951, . . Proportion of forma reporting value percent 1959 . . 1951,. . Land in faniis atxofding to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. 20 te 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 30 Ui 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres. farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . 1,000 or mere acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Oopland used only fcr pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cultivated summer fallow farms repeating 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Soil-improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 19.59 , . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Woodland pestwed farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 19.59 , , 1954 . . Woodland not pestured. farms reporting 1959 . , 19.54 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954.. ImfToved pasture (see text) farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Other land (house lets, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Land fsstured, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1^59 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Land^se practices: CropUmd in cover cropa .ffarma reporting 1959 . acres 1059.. Cropland used for grain or row cropa farmed on the contour forma reporting 1959 . . acrea 1959.. Larut in atrip-croppir\g ayatema for aoil-eroaion control forma reporting 1959 . . acres 1969. . System of terracea on crop and pasttre land farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . 1,971 2,190 33 756,480 98.0 741,083 722,583 376.0 329.9 61,184 42,264 161.19 122.98 76 86 1,835 1,997 488,751 435,353 40 49 43 46 31 39 69 94 199 289 408 547 833 810 197 117 15 6 524 561 15,496 17,377 931 1,439 46,448 85,815 436 358 20,771' U,024 294 11,321 418 14,370 79 115 2,407 7,921 148 153 3,665 4,153 1,552 1,681 U9,515 140,814 180 51 10,736 1,978 34,801 31,150 1,875 2,064 1,683 1,852 212 246 U 20 363 711 135 4,167 445 47,473 56 6,755 671 72,185 672 731 4 ^684,800 115.1 ^783, 202 ^741, 285 1,172.9 1,014.1 100,586 77,812 82.89 71.64 83 86 653 697 311,927 301,608 1 4 1 3 2 6 4 38 60 U5 U6 299 328 Ul U5 50 37 85 91 U,752 8,887 649 678 292,443 251,506 642 669 258,392 220,351 9 1,917 2U 32,134 5 7 768 1,083 4 1 217 3 500 533 152,453 162,513 7 14 840 13,922 15,637 15,675 658 702 526 556 9 3 47 7 6,363 368 2 211 124 34,590 17 3,545 173 51,853 Trego 690 796 4 576,640 92.7 534,717 555,685 775.0 693.1 50,653 44,195 65.33 62.43 89 34 664 754 165,340 200,716 4 4 4 16 15 74 63 193 211 324 385 43 57 76 100 4,830 4,530 640 714 127,482 112,546 624 664 107,029 90,428 101 6,906 220 13,547 1 3 7 13 1 12 20 281 634 703 224,810 226,327 4 11 207 640 12,228 U,267 672 760 644 714 2 15 13 U 428 239 32 1,466 326 63,154 34 16,700 458 123,958 972 1,114 21 '506,240 100.3 '510,389 485,334 525.1 435.7 36,706 23,735 82.61 70.27 77 81 883 997 119,888 128,403 22 19 40 26 47 41 66 91 218 307 308 341 167 157 15 13 230 312 11,997 1A,005 256 230 12,381 4,306 55 70 1,252 1,321 136 7,430 111 3,699 127 168 4,542 4,570 163 229 4,929 5,693 788 383 336,924 309,378 55 111 10,814 12,587 19,728 13,974 895 1,014 361 975 250 330 10 10 708 506 63 1,708 255 15,337 33 1,160 428 30,254 299 327 2 583,040 80.6 470,207 460,912 1,572.6 1,409.5 32,567 54,337 44.34 38.47 67 84 250 297 108,937 118,464 21 28 41 68 98 103 54 56 23 22 52 41 13,990 3,545 272 285 113,269 107,948 213 270 66,589 79,643 98 23,076 U7 18,604 1 1 4 30 2 2 513 392 225 272 227,602 226, 3U 2 5 220 621 5,842 4,220 287 313 255 277 3 3 54 31 U,646 2,456 49 12,273 25 15,279 69 19,615 Washington 1,754 2,026 16 570,240 96.0 547,416 543,347 312.1 268.2 32,037 21,300 96.86 74.76 80 80 1,608 1,852 277,474 274,501 28 45 29 31 25 41 75 106 296 401 632 813 504 400 18 U 1 1 406 434 18,312 16,506 891 1,060 26,925 30,935 319 364 6,892 7,467 556 13,041 359 6,992 164 225 3,894 5,173 308 334 5,729 6,330 1,486 1,719 188,147 131,486 151 98 U,381 4,375 26,935 28,416 1,632 1,856 1,608 1,862 416 476 56 23 2,461 1,000 216 4,068 664 50,390 61 3,545 338 61,460 392 366 463,360 96.3 446,157 449,553 1,138.2 1,228.3 137,887 88,929 105.20 73.06 30 33 378 352 193,421 184,505 3 3 4 4 6 22 12 53 39 125 126 134 121 37 35 53 58 6,894 6,134 352 336 140,416 136,332 337 330 120,444 119,504 18 2,729 132 17,243 351 1 3 40 222 227 263 93,984 115,911 3 9 93 326 6,402 6,093 381 355 247 277 1 4 174 96 55,780 18,939 6 1,103 35 8,103 4 1,825 57 13,366 1,080 1,317 28 367,360 93.9 344,376 348,265 319.3 264.4 28,469 19,453 96.48 72.73 79 72 965 1,155 139,854 142,275 36 51 53 60 59 67 90 124 200 290 267 344 238 204 22 15 255 275 9,805 7,796 377 453 15,013 14,689 47 73 916 1,937 133 6,021 265 3,076 156 261 9,567 16,679 155 193 5,812 7,260 863 1,064 142,771 U2,363 117 73 8,449 3,544 22,054 17,203 1,004 1,132 963 1,187 271 398 12 7 242 118 31 2,080 245 12,670 22 702 547 39,629 Woodson Wyandotte 740 315 15 322,560 96.5 3U,417 311,196 420.8 381.8 31,207 25,436 76.57 63.87 68 82 661 732 87,668 90,193 21 32 35 2S 30 37 68 87 160 211 223 222 114 106 7 9 3 3 141 210 5,190 9,933 267 396 13,332 14,605 39 46 782 1,072 148 8,192 135 4,353 135 132 5,844 7,773 116 139 3,605 5,292 646 635 185,725 173,864 59 46 9,912 3,256 10,053 9,536 679 750 671 751 212 265 4 3 64 37 69 1,638 190 13,107 1 77 396 27,404 'The excess of farm acreage over apprcatljaate land area la due to the fact that the entire acreage of a fann Is tabulated as in the cCTinty in which the headquarters is located, even though a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining CCTjnty. KANSAS County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 127 {For definitions ajid expluiations. se* text) IrriiraLMl fnnns numbef Proportion of all farms percent Land in imf^ed farms acres Average size of farm acres Land in Itrigatetl farms accortJing to use; Cropland harvested fanns reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reptrtinf; '20 to ^ acres farms reporli ng 30 to 49 acres farms repvting 50 to 99 acres ftums reportinf; 100 to 199 acres j farms roportinft 200 to 499 acres. farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or mere acres farms repotting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting acres Soil-improvempnl grasses and legumes farms reporting acres (Xher cropland (idle and crop failure). ........ farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland ami not woodland) . . . farms reporting acres Improved pasture farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting Land irrigated in Census year acres Irrigated by sprinklers farms repeating acres Sprinklers only farms reporting acres Irrigated cropland harvested farms repeating acres Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acres Farms iffigatetl, by number of acres iftigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to i;9 acres A ... . farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporung 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 or more acres farms reporting Land irrigated, by source of water; Ground water sources on farm farms reporting acres Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting acres Surface sources on farm farms reporting acres Surface sources on farm only farms reporting acres Irrigation organiration sources farms reporting acres Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting acres Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting acres Both irrigation organization and farm ^und water or farm surface sources farms reporting acres 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954 . 959. 954. ,959. .954. 959. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954 . 959 . 954. 959 . 954. .959 . 954. 959.. 954.. 959. 954. 959. 959 . , 954. 959.. 959.. 959 . 959. 959. 954. 959 . 9.54 . 959. 954 . 959 . .954. 959 . 954 . 959. 954. .959. .954 , .959 . .959 . .959. 959, .959 . .954 . .959 . .954 . :es9. 4,592 2,736 4.4 2.3 4,818,612 2,681,618 1,049.3 980.1 4,580 2,721 2,085,855 1,058,550 122 126 45 56 38 36 68 60 244 212 689 479 1,912 1,050 1,071 518 391 182 1,436 877 128,902 60,599 3,525 1,965 3,057 812,354 387,336 673 75,024 1,308 105,620 3,066 1,879 1,473,133 972,510 320 289 59,568 35,028 541 360 20,599 17,046 762,101 331,551 1,4U 84,774 1,048 66,128 4,517 2,661 684,146 309,877 77,955 266 281 331 544 985 1,009 857 259 60 3,639 675,667 3,362 638,070 738 35,100 604 28,390 506 51,334 337 26,258 120 15,508 169 53,875 3 2 0,2 0.1 1,300 1,070 433.3 535.0 3 2 621 719 2 1 117 210 3 1 426 77 4 0.4 0.3 1,412 1,111 353.0 277.8 812 434 2 208 3 3 Ul 200 1 1 30 30 215 240 30 58 2 25 2 25 4 4 30 58 0.1 0.1 21 1,020 21.0 1,020.0 1 1 13 510 1 1 6 378 19 9 2.8 1.2 31,662 29,191 1,666.4 3,243.4 19 9 7,577 5,804 1 16 6 10 895 387 9 939 11 690 17 9 19,376 22,057 3 2 3,365 150 3 2 210 523 996 1,082 U 601 12 489 18 9 934 932 62 17 936 17 936 2 60 2 60 79 58 5.8 3.8 50,733 36,666 642.2 632.2 79 58 31,244 24,173 2 1 5 2 7 9 44 30 15 13 4 2 24 17 684 646 62 48 54 7,805 3,547 15 1,272 23 1,339 5,977 5,135 18 13 949 217 14 20 274 306 6,220 4,531 24 1,117 17 962 77 57 5,332 4,215 76 5,981 72 5,656 7 239 3 144 4 420 5 4 0.4 0.2 1,3U 1,288 262.8 322.0 5 4 780 865 2 1 385 m 2 2 15 110 37 137 3 22 3 22 37 137 2 0,1 162 81.0 3 6 0.2 0.3 10,758 3,313 3,586.0 552.2 3 6 1,360 1,401 1 1 2 49 91 2 3 1 70 2 5 8,840 1,290 1 4 23 137 U9 126 3 119 3 119 3 5 99 114 20 1 4 2 115 2 U5 128 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED Itan (For definitioDS uid explaoBtions, see text) Chautauqua Cheyenne Clay Coffey lirigated rarms number 1959 . . 1964.. Proportion of all farms pert»nt 1959 . . 1954 . . Land in irrigat«d farms. acres 1959 . . , 1954.. Average size of farm acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Und in Irrigated farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 .. . 1954... 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . , 1954 . . 10 to 19 teres farms reptsting 1959 . . 1954.. •20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms repnting 1959 . . 1954 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms repotting 1959 . . 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres fanna reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 - . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Soil-imiTovement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms report! ni; 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954 . . Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Sprinklers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Farms irrigated, tiy number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 100 [o 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1,000 or nwre acres farms reporting 19,59 . . L.and irrigated, t)y source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources 00 farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959 . . Irrigation orgamralion sources only farms reptrting 1959 . , acres 1959 . , Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms repcrtinp 1959 . acres 1959 . Both irrigation organization and farm ground water or farm surface sources farms repwting 1959 . acres 1959 . 3 6 0.7 1.1 4,893 6,244 1,631.0 1,040.7 3 6 867 2,236 2 3 500 912 3 4 3,407 2,668 1,508 2 1 42 100 97 473 3 97 3 97 3 6 97 407 3 0.5 0.4 3,622 769 1,207.3 263.0 3 3 892 209 2 1 250 30 3 3 2,448 368 180 221 3 180 3 180 3 3 152 191 28 3 180 3 180 2 2 0.1 0.1 500 515 250.0 257.5 2 2 249 327 1 104 1 3 1 2 50 55 1 2 25 38 63 30 8.8 3.8 78,791 33,005 1,250.7 1,100.2 62 30 25,412 8,2a 3 3 8 10 32 10 15 6 2 18 9 1,274 492 56 26 55 16,106 4,478 10 1,190 17 1,152 48 29 31,270 17,383 3 3 315 126 77 70 7,154 1,863 30 1,832 17 1,309 60 30 6,647 1,759 507 60 6,815 55 6,205 8 339 3 199 5 750 3.7 0.8 57,868 3,875 3,857.9 968.8 1,159 7 2 356 150 12 4 12 4,847 448 4 686 303 42,315 1,949 1 2 4,000 270 1 10 1,301 117 498 15 3 1,301 102 13 1,282 13 1,282 1 17 1 17 1 2 1 50 18 4.1 1.3 22,857 5,381 457.1 298.9 50 18 13,398 2,817 2 1 1 17 5 781 138 21 6 10 319 33 9 319 9 424 34 15 5,873 1,660 4 3 78 380 21 9 922 279 3,295 1,036 32 1,424 18 873 50 16 3,210 943 85 37 2,808 33 2,599 16 484 12 348 1 3 1 3 4 345 70 17 6.3 1.3 38,252 6,934 546.5 407.9 70 17 23,008 4,377 23 7 1,886 143 38 7 19 1,422 73 9 202 19 604 49 13 8,058 1,700 2 1 10 24 23 3 891 48 6,061 1,145 36 1,901 18 1,132 69 17 5,997 1,145 64 57 5,294 55 5,126 15 767 13 713 2 222 0.2 0.1 2,501 92 833.7 92.0 3 1 817 36 1 2 1 1,456 35 1 785 1 '26 110 1 2 76 1 1 3 1 110 1 2 108 2 109 KANSAS 129 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Cowljey Crawford Decatur Diclrlnfian Doniphan Douglas Edirards Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove 6 5 56 22 15 61 2 20 10 324 U7 10 10 31 1 10 6 U 25 12 33 22 6 293 U2 9 12 14 2 O.i 0.3 7.0 1.3 1.1 10.4 0.3 2.0 1.3 47.5 13.3 0.7 2.2 5.4 3 0.5 0.3 1.6 1.3 ... 0.8 5.7 2.1 0.7 40.4 10.9 0.5 2.2 2.2 4 17,429 1,085 70,225 14,581 5,041 75,283 4,237 18,655 10,631 336,027 U5,541 2,726 12,630 71,449 9 4,597 533 16,184 13,583 3,662 25,727 22,856 6,526 229,188 87,837 3,551 5,891 33,451 ft 2,904.8 217.0 1,254.0 662.8 336.1 1,234.1 2,U8!5 932.8 1,063.1 1,037.1 786.0 272.6 1,263.0 2,304.8 7 459.7 88.8 1,156.0 543.3 305.2 779.6 1,038.9 1,087.7 782.2 618.6 394.6 490.9 2,390.1 8 6 5 56 22 15 61 2 20 10 324 144 10 10 31 9 10 6 14 25 12 32 22 6 291 139 9 12 14 10 2,106 496 21,236 8,135 3,420 31,338 5X4 5,303 3,216 176,163 55,961 1,634 4,986 17,118 11 1,278 209 5,241 5,622 2,495 U,217 6,726 1,081 108,053 41,357 2,224 2,474 7,499 12 2 2 3 2 2 5 12 13 i 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 7 4 7 4 28 5 7 3 "i i "i "i 14 15 19 IT 1 ' i 1 ' i 1 1 i 4 6 4 3 "i 18 19 "i "i i 1 '2 8 5 1 20 2 2 2 2 25 10 1 1 2 21 "i 4 1 2 . . • 2 2 25 7 1 1 22 2 15 3 3 4 1 5 27 12 ' 3 3 3 23 3 i 2 7 3 4 7 2 55 13 4 4 3 24 2 1 21 U • . . 5 23 1 9 6 116 58 3 5 u 25 3 7 6 3 12 7 2 U7 48 5 5 4 2« 2 17 4 2 22 2 2 95 34 10 27 4 2 2 2 2 48 22 3 26 1 1 6 5 "i 42 20 7 5 "1 3 2 29 30 4 1 13 10 4 31 1 6 4 63 55 2 5 5 31 5 3 7 5 13 10 79 47 4 6 5 32 232 'ii 1,204 1,446 231 2,563 21 326 isi 4,3U 2,332 136 204 195 33 153 135 207 506 1,627 672 2,396 3,522 70 487 533 34 4 1 53 12 2 54 17 8 262 Ul 6 4 30 35 3 4 13 15 2 27 17 2 233 90 3 4 14 3« 2 51 5 51 17 7 249 105 1 1 29 37 33 11,600 US • . . 7,918 1,671 780 70,594 25,157 60 1,407 9,507 38 20 ' 2 2,800 34 2,332 1,270 71 41,903 16,188 4,586 39 2 7 8 2 12 ... 2 33 9 4 4 40 110 326 455 60 2,422 70 3,541 978 108 787 41 3 "i 17 4 24 7 4 69 26 5 3 11 42 139 7 1,120 190 ... 3,636 527 142 5,575 1,875 95 U5 763 43 6 1 51 9 7 48 2 15 8 110 102 7 9 30 44 6 2 M 19 . . * 6 21 18 5 103 97 7 8 12 45 U,103 554 31,056 3,474 519 24,564 3,632 10,358 5,785 66,344 27,375 321 5,374 41,661 46 2,801 190 6,904 6,304 • . . 436 5,792 12,281 5,14« 54,894 20,240 802 2,387 19,518 47 3 1 3 2 4 L2 2 1 2 9 13 3 1 2 48 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 12 17 1 1 1 49 117 50 178 661 117 1,301 1,005 800 115 1,310 1,255 66 350 704 50 485 27 171 173 170 1,225 70 1,038 1,293 30 225 86 51 2 4 6 8 15 ... 2 1 5 5 4 52 5 2 10 4 6 ... 7 19 3 3 53 384 140 174 545 186 50 10 124 120 79 54 156 'so 558 97 126 253 787 116 U6 55 271 80 4,333 1,097 355 9,000. 115 576 1,005 100,749 16,407 449 922 2,560 5« 695 20 826 1,265 569 2,503 1,319 404 54,778 8,406 266 824 858 57 4 3 34 16 13 45 "2 11 6 13 60 7 5 17 58 140 14 1,959 746 289 6,456 115 316 353 1,248 6,100 354 282 1,162 59 4 3 19 12 12 37 2 11 3 5 43 7 4 13 60 140 U 1,249 619 ... 269 5,486 115 316 UO 31A 4,941 354 232 970 61 6 5 56 22 15 61 1 20 9 320 136 10 10 29 62 9 6 14 23 12 32 22 6 290 138 8 11 U 63 261 80 4,201 1,043 335 8,336 106 570 877 93,033 U,8Q8 449 912 2,193 64 188 20 762 1,085 550 2,264 1,279 334 53,770 8,004 2U 545 858 65 10 132 54 20 665 15 6 128 7,716 1,599 10 367 66 2 2 5 6 2 4 5 19 3 1 67 2 6 3 1 "i 5 "i 5 U 1 3 68 2 2 1 4 7 3 2 11 U 1 '2 5 69 1 13 4 1 6 3 1 12 16 1 2 7 70 3 1 17 5 3 13 . - • 5 4 30 27 2 3 7 71 U 4 18 1 1 65 36 2 2 4 72 •■• 2 1 1 136 52 8 20 3 1 1 4 73 74 75 4 2 50 16 11 61 4 2 310 129 8 30 76 231 3 4,062 718 281 8,788 43 499 85,884 14,898 845 2,328 77 4 2 45 15 11 60 4 1 228 123 8 28 78 231 3 3,725 639 281 8,697 43 480 68,370 14,635 845 2,240 79 2 3 11 7 4 1 2 16 9 10 18 9 2 3 80 40 77 271 379 74 213 U5 533 506 1,448 979 439 77 232 61 2 3 6 6 4 2 16 8 2 12 9 2 1 82 40 77 113 353 74 115 533 500 170 88 13,417 12 1,403 602 6 530 6 530 439 1 10 1 10 77 26 83 84 85 86 87 5 1 1 1 6 6 2 88 495 105 304 25 2,300 76 28,506 640 294 89 90 91 130 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitjona and explanadons, see text) Gray Greeley Harper Harvey Irrigated rarms nuinber 1959 . . 19M.. Proportion of all Tarms percent 1959 . , 1954.. Land in irrigated farma acres 1959 . . 1954.. Average size of farm acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Land in inigatetl fsms accaiing to use: Cropland harvested fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. ■20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms repcrting 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 100 to 199 acres farms refnrting 1959 . . 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Oopland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. 1954.. Soil'imfrovement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954., Woodland, IcUl farms repcrting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959.. 1954.. Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Spnnklers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Imgated cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Other irrigated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Farms irrigatetl, by number of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 10 Ic 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . , 100 Lo 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . , 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . Land irrigated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm only farma reporting 1959 . , acres 1959 . . btigfttjan organization soivces farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959 . . Irrigation rrgani ration soirees only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959.. Botfi farm i^ound water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1959. . acres 1959 . . Both iiTigation aganization and farm ^ound water or farm surface aowces farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 32 6 -4,9 0.8 50,402 10,456 1,575.1 1,742.7 32 6 13,688 3,057 16 3 9 3 1 10 3 1,991 1,012 31 6 30 7,067 1,550 8 838 13 1,188 30 6 24,266 4,218 1 435 1 50 2,802 545 26 1,272 17 730 32 6 2,574 515 228 29 2,709 28 2,692 4 93 3 75 90 74 36.4 29.8 133,426 111,800 1,482.5 1,510.3 90 74 73,913 53,250 2 5 2 13 20 49 37 23 13 IS 34 1,071 4,297 84 68 33 29,902 29,860 9 1,189 36 4,452 36 39 21,130 14,718 6 8 2,469 1,261 67 47,353 24,165 3 355 90 74 41,693 22,359 5,660 90 47,071 1 188 1 375 134 73 21.7 10.9 156,671 78,519 1,169.2 1,075.6 133 73 71,956 30,103 1 2 2 3 1 3 6 13 11 53 33 45 13 14 5 50 33 5,076 2,007 124 59 114 34,672 9,453 21 2,934 55 5,507 90 59 33,795 32,118 14 11 2,117 2,196 4 1 432 30 24,401 7,738 13 882 6 439 131 71 21,833 6,516 2,568 131 22,662 129 22,349 5 1,739 3 1,138 2 914 3.0 59,189 10,180 2,466.2 1,272.5 26,683 5,294 22 22 17,665 2,195 1 200 8 878 10,276 2,085 4,849 1,326 4,348 1,326 501 4,849 24 4,849 5 6 0.5 0.5 4,860 7,110 972.0 1,185.0 5 6 1,025 1,257 5 3,364 5,447 2 187 157 120 298 5 120 5 120 4 6 100 298 20 5 120 5 120 71 80 18.8 19.7 107,656 97,128 1,516.3 1,214.1 71 78 36,821 27,150 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 12 14 15 16 23 14 11 12 6 17 17 1,447 547 49 57 46 19,034 15,992 4 420 16 1,720 55 62 46,319 43,459 2 10 143 152 4 1 348 160 14,004 10,171 1 2 71 75 12,184 9,732 1,820 52 9,976 39 8,122 2 247 1 183 31 3,781 18 2,208 13 3,491 10 6 0.9 0.5 4,077 1,998 407.7 333.0 10 6 2,427 1,070 3 212 242 4 2 1 20 20 3 130 2 45 5 5 1,069 543 2 1 32 40 366 113 10 366 10 366 251 92 115 7 361 24,057 11,370 462.6 473.8 51 23 15,227 6,435 3 1 1 25 11 1 3 1 27 12 824 338 27 12 15 3,203 362 8 102 14 583 35 17 3,237 3,555 3 7 113 286 4 5 42 32 3,316 1,517 38 1,753 29 1,444 49 19 3,071 1,059 245 43 2,950 43 2,950 9 366 9 366 155 61 53.6 19.9 203,927 74,698 1,315.7 1,224.6 155 60 109,817 31,624 KANSAS 131 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 —Continued Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearay IfiwgTnnn Kloira Labette Lane Leaven- worth Uncoln Linn logan lyon 103 1 15 72 10 122 21 33 2 37 10 9 20 7 1 100 4 3 15 9 107 21 9 4 9 12 4 2 13 11 2 18.1 0.1 1.1 5.8 0.8 39.4 1.9 7.4 0.1 10.2 0.7 1.0 5.3 0.5 3 17.0 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.7 33.6 1.6 1.8 0.2 2.5 0.7 0.4 0.1 3.6 0.6 ^ 117,867 297 5,385 X,e71 1,102 203,707 16,733 44,171 313 54,835 6,418 5,986 32,874 13,342 s 99,625 1,401 1,261 9,561 1,779 167,140 15,348 14,44.1 868 14,985 6,359 2,666 3,046 28,560 1,324 « 1,W4.3 297.0 359.0 484.3 110.2 1,669.7 796.8 1,338.5 156.5 1,482.0 641.8 665.1 1,643.7 1,906.0 7 996.2 350.2 420.3 637.4 197.7 1,562.1 730.8 1,604.6 217.0 1,665.0 529.9 666.5 1,523.0 2,196.9 120.4 8 103 1 15 72 10 120 21 33 2 37 10 9 20 7 9 100 4 3 15 9 107 21 9 4 9 11 4 2 13 11 10 38,662 223 3,259 18,021 741 67,228 6,118 15,664 135 18,883 3,586 3,187 10,993 2,843 U 42,960 678 773 1 4,162 1,110 1 40,731 2 5,980 4,259 511 1 4,554 3,225 1 1,067 1,211 8,495 469 12 13 "i 1 1 "2 1 1 i 3 "a U 15 1 "2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 "2 1 19 17 18 1 1 1 1 1 le 2 1 1 2 ... 20 2 1 9 3 7 1 2 4 21 4 1 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 "i 22 20 4 22 2 H 4 3 1 "6 2 3 4 2 23 13 3 1 4 3 19 5 1 2 1 2 1 24 59 1 9 36 1 44 12 15 15 3 8 3 25 49 1 2 6 2 48 5 4 1 5 2 2 5 1 2« 17 5 27 2 12 10 3 6 1 27 25 3 ... 20 5 2 3 i 2 28 4 22 2 4 2 2 1 29 5 6 1 1 1 1 3 30 39 6 20 2 39 10 17 1 9 5 5 1 2 31 10 1 2 6 1 31 16 3 1 2 7 1 "2 4 2 32 2,498 195 930 21 13,238 905 1,920 8 352 716 810 70 115 S3 543 95 68 494 89 2,316 356 34 3 50 366 6 482 660 19 U 97 1 42 5 lU U 30 1 36 4 5 17 1 35 78 10 2 96 15 7 3 9 3 2 1 13 3 3« 90 1 27 2 102 9 29 1 36 1 4 16 37 16,281 1 1,019 9 29,053 546 5,692 10 13,546 5 234 5,267 38 7,084 190 15 21,552 440 759 ■10 2,555 22 10 3,836 4 39 25 18 2 17 11 2 2 5 40 2,565 932 57 6,720 2,068 350 20 1,116 41 50 17 3 35 "a 9 9 3 3 7 1 42 4,636 768 42 2,025 417 715 1,471 28 187 384 12 43 98 1 5 61 4 72 19 25 2 29 6 4 17 6 44 95 3 2 12 4 67 20 7 3 9 5 3 "i 13 7 45 51,457 60 1,553 10,120 173 80,972 8,377 17,430 138 19,753 686 1,236 14,573 9,737 4t 41,321 551 124 3,523 347 87,240 6,368 7,797 277 7,392 1,032 1,354 1,606 14,058 516 47 4 2 4 2 8 4 5 5 2 48 2 2 2 8 3 2 ' i "i 3 49 781 65 79 80 2,123 230 928 292 65 50 97 140 160 3,818 128 140 45 '20 93 51 2 7 21 1 7 3 5 4 3 1 5 5! 4 "'2 2 5 1 5 7 3 1 6 1 "2 1 53 8 254 859 4 984 95 117 677 45 "5 410 54 121 25 250 474 80 645 1,122 21 26 890 28 289 20 55 8,218 12 768 5,253 214 35,535 961 5,675 22 5,358 318 479 3,690 332 56 7,504 147 170 679 346 22,895 736 604 50 .,062 296 70 200 1,627 221 57 6 1 6 11 10 5 19 31 1 8 6 4 6 58 195 12 187 351 214 1,070 945 5,290 4 203 345 493 219 59 4 1 4 3 10 3 19 24 1 8 5 1 5 to 161 12 102 148 214 690 945 4,489 4 203 325 100 179 81 101 1 15 72 10 US 21 33 2 36 10 9 20 6 62 100 4 3 15 8 106 21 9 3 9 9 4 "2 13 10 63 7,541 12 741 5,133 214 30,260 807 4,945 21 4,373 318 479 3,625 272 64 7,458 147 120 651 196 22,152 719 593 5 1,062 229 70 ioo 1,627 220 65 677 27 120 5,275 154 730 1 985 65 60 66 1 1 1 6 3 3 1 3 1 1 G7 7 "i 1 5 3 5 1 2 1 1 68 14 1 8 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 6!l 17 7 8 2 3 4 1 3 1 1 3 70 34 2 29 11 3 4 12 2 5 3 3 71 24 3 21 1 24 20 14 1 1 7 1 70 6 53 20 "2 7 8 3 2 73 74 75 91 15 5 6 106 14 31 37 4 9 20 76 7,411 768 231 201 24,053 790 5,600 5,358 170 479 3,690 77 79 15 2 6 52 13 31 37 4 9 20 7S 6,864 768 82 201 14,992 784 5,600 5,358 170 479 3,690 7!1 24 1 16 4 2 8 2 2 4 7 SO 807 12 660 13 110 171 75 22 124 332 81 12 1 14 4 1 7 2 2 4 7 82 527 12 609 56 4,362 51 4,114 13 80 68 11,372 15 1,697 165 75 22 124 2 24 2 24 332 83 84 85 86 87 12 1 1 88 827 5 448 60 53 18,706 12 89 90 91 132 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED lt«m (For definitions and explanations, see text) Mantgomery Irrigated farms number 1959 . . 1954 . . Proportion of all farms percent 1959.. 1954 . . Land in irrigated fanns acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Average sire of fann 1954.. Lani] in inigated farms accortjing to use: Cropland harvested farnis reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1 to 9 acres farms repottinfi 1959 . . 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture femia reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 19.59 . . 1954 . . Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959.. acres 1959. . 1954.. Soil-imr»oveiiienl gra.s3ea and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954 . . Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959 , . 1954 . . acres 1959. . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . - Sprinklers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959. . Imgated cropland harvested farms reprrting 19.59 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Other imgated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Farms irrigated, tiy numt)er of acres irrigated: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 19.59 . . 20 to 29 acrea farms reporting 1959. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 19.59 . . 71 50 1« 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 73 200 to 499 acres farms repotting 1959 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1 .000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . Land irftgated, by source of water: Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 78 Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . 79 acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 82 SiTface sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . g3 acres 1959 . . Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 86 Irrigation organization sources only farms reporting 1959 . . 97 acres 1959.. 88 Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms reporting 1959 . . 89 acres 1959.. 90 Both irrigation organir.ation and farm ^ound water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 15 5.0 0.7 i8,4A0 4,389 489.3 292.6 99 15 26,989 2,543 1 1 35 5 1,647 23 57 6 43 2,227 48 10 1,413 15 430 70 8 13,338 1,257 8 3 779 80 24 2 584 25 4,957 599 37 1,003 17 582 97 15 4,765 558 192 64 3,420 58 3,298 40 1,531 34 1,406 1 12 0.3 0.6 4,458 6,507 743.0 542.2 6 12 2,684 2,849 73 219 1 5 6 11 1,474 2,893 2 3 162 716 1 4 25 194 283 497 5 125 4 107 6 11 277 478 6 3 212 3 212 3 71 3 71 1.6 0.4 22,299 4,272 743.3 534.0 30 3 9,993 1,749 1 2 1 6 3 382 117 5 73 12 219 5 126 25 6 9,592 2,147 5 2 519 33 13 1,597 455 16 613 12 513 29 1,593 450 7 341 7 341 23 1,256 23 1,256 81 36 14.2 5.6 138,123 92,702 1,705.2 2,575.0 81 36 45,520 21,982 5 2 34 10 30 17 10 5 33 11 1,934 994 73 29 69 22,124 10,035 8 1,118 23 1,331 61 33 60,703 57,574 64 385 370 35 20,293 6,246 6 584 3 480 81 36 18,306 5,973 1,987 79 19,923 78 19,383 3 365 2 360 2 3 0.1 0.2 684 681 342.0 227.0 2 3 516 306 2 3 26 84 1 2 23 39 1 2 100 207 145 97 1 5 1 5 2 3 145 97 2 145 2 145 33 14 3.5 1.3 24,579 8,552 744.8 610.8 33 14 14,857 4,982 2 6 1 19 8 6 2 2 1 9 6 1,061 248 22 10 21 2,600 745 3 110 4 184 23 10 3,80; 1,614 2 110 10 5 359 415 1,985 984 15 739 7 430 33 14 1,908 964 77 11 567 10 563 23 1,398 22 1,342 11 0.1 0.5 81 2,308 81.0 209.8 1 11 53 1,445 2 104 1 4 53 551 9 53 526 0.2 0.4 11,517 3,721 5,758.5 930.2 2,160 1,006 1 1 1,000 12 1 274 1 33 3 7,510 2,651 1 7,510 2 1 420 10 180 82 2 4 180 82 2 180 2 180 KANSAS 133 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued NemBM Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osboroe Ottawa Paimee PUllips Potta- iratonle Pratt Rawlljis Reno Republic Rice 2 7 50 60 4 60 18 110 40 31 53 45 101 213 35 1 5 3 37 38 2 36 11 74 30 24 13 16 57 31 3 2 0.1 0.5 6.0 6.8 0.3 6.4 2.0 13.7 4.0 2.6 7.0 6.0 4.4 U.4 3.6 3 0.3 0.2 4.2 3.8 0.1 3.6 1.0 9.1 2.5 1.6 1.5 2.0 2.1 1.8 0.7 4 1,227 2,539 48,201 53,705 1,267 40,275 12,334 98,961 30,562 25,118 46,052 62,265 42,240 85,287 20,987 s 2,287 2,079 44,182 24,349 549 19,602 7,209 53,962 18,765 12,095 9,082 22,799 21,569 11,029 4,315 6 613.5 362.7 964.0 895.1 316.8 671.3 685.2 899.6 764.1 810.3 868.9 1,383.7 418.2 400.4 599.6 7 457.4 693.0 1,194.1 640.8 274.5 544.5 655.4 729.2 625.5 504.0 698.6 1,424.9 378.4 355.3 539.4 B 2 6 50 60 4 60 13 110 40 31 53 45 101 213 35 9 5 3 37 38 2 36 11 74 30 24 13 16 55 31 8 10 370 1,418 18,087 16,849 359 16,674 6,060 55,020 10,032 12,261 22,923 17,381 27,0C7 56,619 13,738 11 1,194 1,271 18,518 8,528 1 4 246 10,587 4,164 34,785 1 1 7,590 5,966 "3 5,435 1 1 6,692 10,726 9 6 7,090 2,361 2 1 12 IS 14 "2 1 1 2 1 1 4 "2 1 1 15 IS "i 2 "i 1 "2 1 "i "2 17 18 2 1 1 1 1 2 "i "i 1 3 "3 19 20 1 3 4 3 3 5 9 3 2 2 11 15 1 21 "i 3 4 3 "i 4 4 2 1 7 3 22 1 1 8 12 "'i 15 6 9 13 5 "5 5 23 58 4 23 9 14 2 5 1 U 12 4 1 11 10 24 1 1 29 35 35 7 47 12 14 19 28 46 119 16 25 4 1 16 11 ... 26 6 27 U 11 7 U 18 18 5 26 1 6 5 4 2 36 3 5 22 7 3 16 11 27 2 5 4 1 2 24 3 1 5 2 4 1 2S 2 1 1 9 1 2 1 3 2 29 4 1 6 1 ... 1 ... 30 4 11 26 2 21 4 42 10 12 27 16 59 54 18 31 1 2 9 16 1 6 3 36 9 9 7 8 39 14 4 32 127 351 2,728 50 1,609 1,753 2,514 716 1,827 1,381 631 2,989 1,932 465 33 "20 48 1,364 973 187 170 160 2,639 437 517 262 597 1,840 763 166 84 2 4 45 54 1 46 10 92 35 15 44 44 60 123 25 35 2 2 27 26 2 25 7 49 21 7 12 16 22 12 2 3e 1 2 44 49 . . . 42 6 82 32 2 44 43 46 62 19 37 15 20 8,550 7,739 3,994 158 15,469 3,391 28 6,937 11,559 2,326 1,786 752 38 100 4,887 3,138 16 966 182 4,106 845 36 1,180 4,670 725 5 285 39 1 2 16 1 14 4 17 7 8 14 5 13 57 5 40 34 119 1,438 18 896 125 2,703 755 446 931 52 493 1,915 204 41 1 3 20 22 16 6 36 15 7 10 9 18 49 6 42 20 178 1,335 2,003 613 232 3,U2 308 154 1,290 677 656 1,681 363 43 2 6 48 50 3 47 11 84 34 19 45 45 65 165 26 44 5 3 30 30 31 8 46 27 16 U 15 36 20 5 45 685 395 19,150 20,048 725 14,580 3,241 17,610 U,809 8,573 9,432 30,420 7,138 14,448 4,544 43 858 422 16,868 9,705 5,421 2,111 8,155 7,751 4,377 1,576 9,458 6,525 1,568 1,209 47 2 2 1 5 15 5 6 6 3 7 10 3 48 "2 1 5 2 "i 3 1 1 6 1 10 2 49 766 180 25 573 664 232 794 703 207 283 408 165 SO 156 22 694 52 40 171 40 240 233 40 1,747 65 51 2 1 10 4 12 4 10 12 15 3 3 17 39 12 52 '"i 2 1 11 14 4 12 9 9 3 2 W 15 53 105 4 234 51 496 77 226 369 666 90 64 245 1,263 150 54 is 95 40 389 799 77 122 600 358 27 29 407 609 S5 90 109 3,533 3,334 52 2,772 858 14, U8 2,620 3,584 5,409 3,351 4,845 17,370 2,223 56 266 160 2,973 2,584 44 1,502 910 7,616 1,884 1,797 1,151 1,562 2,789 1,734 313 57 2 6 4 41 3 11 8 22 11 18 49 32 84 15 31 58 90 71 134 1,587 44 310 310 1,624 301 1,841 4,938 1,785 3,913 614 2,076 59 2 5 3 24 3 7 7 13 5 6 48 25 79 7 28 60 90 54 120 1,036 44 210 290 850 160 991 4,847 1,446 3,592 403 2,032 61 2 6 48 60 4 60 18 107 38 31 53 45 97 213 34 62 3 2 37 36 2 36 10 73 30 23 13 15 52 31 6 63 90 97 3,231 3,199 40 2,667 858 12,889 2,381 3,342 4,384 3,058 4,288 17,327 2,000 64 110 UO 2,951 1,884 44 1,496 720 7,316 1,870 1,658 1,027 1,097 2,120 1,663 190 65 12 307 135 12 105 1,229 239 242 1,025 293 557 43 223 66 3 5 1 4 1 2 3 2 16 4 2 67 2 11 7 2 6 3 7 3 2 4 "i 12 16 1 68 1 4 8 1 12 2 10 3 3 3 3 11 16 3 69 "i 1 10 11 14 5 12 12 3 4 9 21 27 8 70 1 U 21 19 5 24 13 7 14 22 31 83 13 71 10 6 5 2 29 5 11 20 9 9 51 8 72 4 2 26 1 5 6 1 1 11 73 74 75 43 42 9 8 98 20 21 50 43 95 63 35 76 3,325 2,519 353 334 12,193 1,141 2,692 5,358 3,257 4,657 4,752 2,223 77 41 36 6 7 87 16 18 49 42 95 55 35 78 2,917 2,148 307 262 11,127 895 2,435 5,357 3,169 4,657 4,080 2,223 79 2 7 9 24 4 37 U 23 17 13 4 3 6 25 ... 80 90 109 213 815 52 1,537 524 1,925 561 782 51 94 188 1,324 81 2 7 7 18 4 35 10 12 13 9 3 2 6 18 82 90 109 199 565 52 1,471 17 882 16 796 476 883 468 7 918 6 323 479 1 110 48 65 188 1,135 133 11,294 127 10,336 ::: 83 84 85 86 87 2 6 2 1 11 4 3 1 1 2 S8 422 621 90 1 108 120 2,103 339 1 90 470 1 200 4 117 110 11 1,659 89 90 91 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-NUMBER AND ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED (For definitions and explanations, see text) Riley Sedgwlclc Irrigated farms number 1959 . . 1954.. Proportion of all farms percent 1959 . . 1954 . . Land in irrigated farms acres 1959 . . 1954.. .\verage size of farm act«s 1959 . . 1954 . . Land in Irfigatnl fanns acconliiig to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1 to 9 acres farms repotting 1959 . . 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. ■M tn 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . J954.. 100 to 199 acr«s farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Soil. improvement grasses and legumes farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other cropland (idle and crop failure) farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . . . farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Improved pasture farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . aaes 1959 . . 1954.. Land irrigated in Census year acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Sprinklers only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Irrigated cropland harvested farms repating 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Otiier iingated land (not cropland harvested) acres 1959 . . Farms irrigated, by number of acres in jgaled: I to 9 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1959.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . . Land irrigated, by source of water; Ground water sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Ground water sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Surface sources on farm only farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Irrigation organization sources farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . - Ilrigation organization sources only farms re|xvting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . Both farm ground water sources and surface sources farms re[)orting 1959 . . acres 1959.. Both irrigation organization and farm ^ound water or farm surface sources farms reporting 1959 . . acres 1959 . . ao 18 2.4 1.7 19,682 4,560 984.1 253.3 20 18 7,215 2,259 9 5 1,825 74 8 5 3 631 12 7 467 3 549 10 7 7,701 1,656 1 1 202 46 9 5 297 171 1,558 1,006 20 788 15 533 20 18 1,339 934 219 16 1,398 15 1,302 5 160 1 120 20 14 2.4 1.4 22,865 14,051 1,143.3 1,003.6 20 14 6,845 4,962 1 3 2 1 1 13 8 2 1 1 1 6 2 176 201 15 10 14 2,402 604 6 231 6 361 18 14 11,403 6,999 3 612 6 3 184 119 998 441 15 746 12 618 20 14 933 441 65 109 95 12.5 9.8 68,356 52,988 627.1 557.8 109 95 32,661 28,553 1 22 19 828 915 102 78 86 10,276 4,455 9 596 59 4,383 107 93 18,161 14,276 5 5 528 123 12 10 195 425 7,141 5,213 10 384 1 14 109 95 6,742 5,081 399 14 102 796 6,674 13 90 774 5,965 7 18 202 451 6 7 179 258 12 6 1.5 0.6 14,003 5,925 1,166.9 987.5 12 6 3,719 1,046 2 649 367 4 102 6 271 9 6 8,223 3,930 1 1 335 55 307 204 10 277 9 267 12 6 307 204 11 826 58 28 5.9 2.3 35,371 35,727 609.8 1,276.0 56 28 16,918 7,870 2 6 3,187 2,819 32 14 21 638 358 9 294 14 586 32 9 11,560 23,536 5 2 501 120 11 3 425 66 4,195 2,133 30 2,426 26 2,339 55 27 3,663 1,773 532 30 2,552 29 2,297 29 1,643 28 1,598 180 154 44.1 32.2 216,074 189,165 1,200.4 1,228.3 180 154 102,879 85,752 1 1 3 2 3 11 15 13 66 52 69 60 23 14 31 45 2,735 5,087 168 138 165 53,226 42,849 13 3,920 45 5,183 101 96 43,925 45,114 5 14 237 1,288 1 1 52,746 39,164 4 450 1 90 180 153 46,335 37,208 6,411 178 52,103 178 52,103 2 543 2 643 100 72 5.0 3.3 22,907 17,154 229.1 238.2 99 72 16,940 11, 3» 35 12 4 5 2 2 5 3 12 9 13 19 20 17 7 3 1 1 25 28 951 772 30 39 11 854 258 7 465 15 524 28 37 2,201 2,634 12 15 56 475 3,590 3,062 78 1,673 69 1,297 96 68 2,799 2,540 791 2,965 95 2,965 5 525 43 23 13.7 6.0 74,766 47,028 1,738.7 2,044.7 43 23 33,693 22,039 1 1,916 318 39 18 37 13,477 5,270 7 1,681 10 1,089 a 14 22,173 18,082 3 6 3,214 743 1 16,404 5,284 4 187 3 127 42 23 15,400 5,113 1,004 43 16,404 43 16,404 1 300 43 24 3.1 1.4 17,487 10,171 406.7 423.8 43 24 12,446 7,050 3 2 2 4 3 3 8 4 11 4 9 3 1 1 9 2 1,409 54 7 4 1 136 29 1 3 5 151 11 8 2,275 2,394 1 1 10 20 7 4 261 373 3,299 1,628 14 440 5 212 42 24 3,282 1,628 17 42 3,288 41 3,283 1 6 1 5 1 5 KANSAS 135 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Shennan SMth Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson ^randotte 54 92 41 94 57 14 47 13 10 54 56 174 12 4 10 1 12 34 13 52 29 20 7 11 10 31 23 96 7 3 4 2 11.5 8.1 4.7 38.4 14.6 0.7 7.0 1.9 1.0 18.1 3.2 44.4 1.1 0.5 1.3 a 2.1 2.5 1.2 13.4 5.5 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.9 9.5 1.1 26.2 0.5 0.4 0.4 4 110,542 58,566 32,922 265,759 38,519 5,577 90,500 11,048 5,491 30,625 29,569 210,782 2,019 539 664 5 39,050 23,009 8,381 170,385 57,532 5,792 8,580 8,555 5,530 50,564 8,230 131,930 5,032 290 401 6 1,727.2 636.6 803.0 2,827.3 1,554.7 393.4 1,925.5 849.8 549.1 1,493.1 523.0 1,211.4 158.3 IX. 8 55.4 7 3,254.2 676.7 644.7 3,275.6 1,983.9 339.6 1,225.7 778.5 563.0 1,631.1 357.8 1,374.2 713.8 96.7 100.2 8 64 92 41 94 57 14 47 13 10 54 56 174 12 4 10 9 12 33 13 52 29 20 7 11 10 31 23 96 7 3 3 10 38,639 23,553 17,337 95,452 51,664 4,023 34,453 3,429 3,153 30,935 14,033 102,459 1,385 269 531 11 5,672 9,394 4,851 1 39,147 "i 30,650 3,329 2 1 1 4,030 2,799 1,717 12,927 1 4,246 1 56,419 1 1,892 6 2 2 39 2 1 323 1 3 1 1 12 13 14 IS 16 17 19 1 1 "2 "i 1 "1 1 1 19 1 1 3 i "i 2 1 iO 2 6 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 2 21 1 7 1 4 4 3 1 22 10 25 5 4 3 2 4 4 4 28 16 i 1 2 23 2 10 2 4 4 3 6 8 U 7 1 2 24 21 54 23 23 ii 4 15 8 3 27 20 58 1 25 4 19 4 20 3 2 3 3 1 9 6 33 1 29 22 3 11 26 27 1 22 2 16 1 74 1 27 5 4 3 15 12 2 4 1 5 1 37 2 28 9 1 41 19 1 7 7 1 21 29 1 1 12 13 3 13 SO 25 31 22 27 17 4 12 3 4 9 14 30 1 1 91 5 8 6 21 10 7 2 2 4 4 6 25 1 32 1,687 2,602 1,240 2,396 2,653 267 8,598 76 84 2,136 2,531 4,116 10 7 S3 445 264 120 4,268 952 376 44 22 128 94 327 2,102 10 S4 62 70 37 37 53 5 46 13 3 51 21 155 4 2 3 35 10 25 11 50 27 17 6 10 4 26 5 89 1 1 1 39 61 61 36 87 50 3 45 12 48 4 144 1 1 1 37 23,402 6,578 4,651 52,248 20,424 116 25,705 1,865 15,486 56 53,551 12 39 1 39 4,193 1,923 330 3,5934 10,597 225 2,495 1,020 12 8,038 10 31,746 39 8 17 6 12 15 1 3 2 12 14 9 2 40 2,168 717 623 3,389 3,613 30 146 39 2,465 563 1,096 25 41 21 29 15 33 20 3 18 4 1 33 9 52 4 1 3 42 2,192 1,320 946 7,519 2,215 87 1,208 152 6 4,017 188 5,738 35 6 49 43 47 69 30 31 26 9 39 12 5 40 46 98 5 3 3 44 10 32 9 30 18 7 4 10 8 29 22 74 3 2 3 4S 35,675 20,738 7,132 100,313 6,959 753 19,263 5,250 2,913 24,801 9,623 40,672 132 145 25 49 27,745 9,875 2,497 78,997 12,819 1,435 1,714 4,295 4,484 25,280 2,279 32,909 2,282 101 48 47 3 3 5 3 10 1 1 1 7 1 48 4 1 9 5 2 1 3 2 5 7 1 ' i 49 80 715 348 43 2,000 10 465 120 906 20 50 236 250 3,998 3,192 60 191 969 250 293 246 300 3 51 2 16 18 3 1 3 24 5 3 52 3 3 1 7 2 13 5 1 53 319 585 354 156 16 69 871 170 35 54 98 59 40 224 50 474 ... 701 50 55 9,646 5,306 4,307 47,971 26,750 363 6,863 428 708 11,646 2,461 55,780 242 64 246 5< 934 1,292 961 18,740 7,504 711 368 239 506 2,456 1,000 18,939 118 37 65 57 8 8 30 2 3 13 18 8 8 3 25 1 9 4 10 58 824 279 3,712 50 270 273 1,699 207 543 223 1,172 160 51 44 246 59 4 7 30 3 13 U 7 5 2 20 1 9 3 10 60 522 224 3,712 270 273 1,139 177 396 123 937 160 51 4 246 61 61 92 41 94 57 14 47 13 9 54 55 173 12 4 10 92 12 32 13 52 29 19 7 11 3 31 22 95 7 3 3 63 8,797 5,068 3,448 41,044 24,498 333 6,505 358 575 9,594 2,451 48,074 240 64 245 64 910 1,277 922 15,146 7,390 443 820 239 398 2,276 865 18,074 118 37 62 65 849 238 359 6,927 2,252 30 358 70 32 2,052 10 7,706 2 1 96 2 1 2 2 9 3 2 67 1 13 3 2 4 1 2 2 'io 4 1 5 68 1 9 4 "i 3 "i 6 1 1 9 3 1 69 3 25 5 1 "i 4 4 1 17 4 1 1 70 11 33 8 1 1 1 'io 2 5 8 16 11 "l 71 34 9 15 17 9 24 2 13 4 45 1 1 72 14 1 5 43 20 11 26 13 5 10 20 4 79 23 5 73 74 75 63 3 41 94 55 10 47 11 4 52 8 174 1 1 3 76 9,591 158 4,273 47,971 25,470 243 6,363 383 387 11,610 391 55,680 1 1 44 77 62 2 40 94 56 10 47 11 4 52 6 173 1 1 3 78 9,551 103 4,259 47,971 26,470 243 6,353 383 387 11,610 X7 55,281 1 1 44 70 2 22 1 4 2 6 2 50 1 6 3 6 80 55 9o; 280 120 45 3a 36 2,070 100 236 63 82 81 1 19 1 4 ... 2 6 2 48 6 3 5 82 15 737 70 4,244 68 4,166 1 34 230 120 45 321 36 2,014 236 5 5 5 5 63 81 2 120 1 120 83 84 85 89 97 1 1 2 1 88 80 110 2 140 1 48 100 499 1 1 69 90 91 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS. AND CROPLAND (For definitions And explanations, see text) Farms: \ll fanns number I'nder 10 acres number 10 U) 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres , number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 1.19 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 cr more acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number Land in farms: All land in Tarms acres Under 10 aci«s acres 10 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres lOO to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or mere acres acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms refxxting acres t'nder 10 acres farms reporting acres 10 to 49 acres farms reporting acres 50 to 69 acres farms reporting acres 70 to 99 acres farms reporting acres 100 to 1:19 acres farms reporting 140 to 179 acres farms reporting acres 180 to 219 acres farms reporting acres 220 to 259 acres farm.^ repcrting acres 260 to 499 acres . , farms reporting acres 500 to 999 acres farms reporting acres 1,000 or more acres farms reporting acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting acres 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. ,954. .959. .954 . . 959. .954 . 959. 954 . 959. 954. 959. .954 . . 959.. 104,347 120,167 2,952 6,542 7,610 8,810 2,149 2,534 6,552 7,701 4,608 5,474 U,149 14,407 4,549 5,957 7,020 9,071 27,978 32,069 19,710 18,890 10,070 8,712 7,509 50,152,870 50,023,538 11,016 23,773 201,405 231,944 125,661 147,926 531,043 625,479 541,158 643,74i 1,773,099 2,297,269 900,733 1,179,430 1,675,192 2,162,471 10,361,952 11,746,519 13,757,614 13, 108, 688 20,273,997 17,856,295 10,105,479 94,918 107,602 20,528,357 21,440,232 594 1,217 1,914 3,698 4,461 4,901 63,685 69,883 1,580 1,865 45,839 51,785 5,755 6,864 229,757 272,683 A, 149 5,047 244,817 299,503 10,485 13,960 867,084 1,185,489 4,348 5,815 464,976 631,025 6,831 8,954 888,588 1,185,781 27,428 31,736 5,343^998 6,193,022 19,430 18,736 6,235,657 6,143,951 9,357 8,507 6,137,042 5,403,412 7,411 3,855,2X 1,283 1,499 45 114 166 180 51 55 127 149 87 96 186 246 84 100 102 129 296 350 125 71 14 9 12 X2,690 304,158 180 461 4,685 4,910 2,919 3,227 10,324 12,150 10,282 11,363 29,501 39,316 16,603 19,920 24,292 30,561 103,038 120,837 77,253 46,758 23,613 14,655 16,880 1,148 1,259 145,284 142,770 17 17 48 54 109 97 1,728 1,239 39 41 1,267 1,059 113 131 4,121 4,568 83 89 4,470 4,829 180 234 14,340 17,600 83 98 7,911 9,893 98 128 12,214 14,766 289 346 51,589 57,636 123 69 36,319 22,089 14 9 11,277 9,037 12 6,589 1,131 1,273 36 85 87 82 19 29 91 107 79 84 U6 174 71 95 100 132 351 342 153 128 28 15 22 350,370 332,168 133 290 2,471 2,226 1,119 1,732 7,481 8,890 9,300 9,737 16,386 28,015 14,080 18,699 23,909 31,368 126,035 119,845 99,530 82,322 47,926 29,044 31,442 1,021 1,131 160,962 150,267 2 12 5 40 43 40 708 558 18 24 455 449 81 99 3,353 3,618 73 81 3,955 3,882 111 168 8,547 12,236 69 95 7,101 9,500 96 131 11,966 14,300 347 339 62,543 y7,573 153 128 46,210 39,149 28 14 16,119 8,912 22 12,803 1,142 1,408 37 104 146 175 31 54 114 153 98 119 167 239 93 112 109 129 262 256 72 55 13 12 257,740 269,550 1J8 383 3,640 4,463 1,770 3,170 9,253 12,370 11,591 13,835 26,587 37,844 18,326 22,109 25,835 30,573 91,821 88,236 46,835 34,932 21,944 21,635 11,141 992 1,207 129,391 139,445 6 20 22 70 76 96 1,013 1,161 22 39 535 9U 101 143 3,543 5,286 88 113 4,871 6,964 158 237 12,756 20,819 90 110 9,210 12,546 106 i28 13,714 17,416 260 254 50,348 47,479 72 55 24,211 17,997 13 12 9,163 3,796 9 5,166 633 732 21 34 22 19 2 2 17 12 44 52 8 11 29 33 172 193 173 193 187 170 108 685,492 673,058 90 124 410 387 110 110 1,365 968 940 1,544 6,950 8,320 1,591 2,189 6,963 7,921 64,593 73,963 122,067 134,586 480,408 442,946 148,478 628 686 177,755 196,610 9 8 42 27 13 13 201 173 1 1 38 50 14 3 749 340 7 11 515 694 38 51 3,370 4,690 8 11 843 1,114 26 32 3,017 4,403 159 190 X,246 40,544 169 192 52,783 63,490 184 169 85,951 81,085 106 46,254 1,373 1,510 19 42 34 31 17 11 44 42 20 27 145 169 31 29 113 143 522 633 354 327 74 56 65 612,513 616,237 43 177 857 797 970 622 3,601 3,363 2,341 3,162 23,011 26,978 6,067 5,806 27,089 34,142 199,316 240,396 240,568 217,559 103,650 83,235 84,650 1,336 1,459 338,844 377,833 7 10 20 39 20 20 265 361 12 U 338 373 43 37 2,155 1,850 19 27 1,367 2,183 143 166 13,139 16,507 31 29 3,689 3,635 U3 143 16,020 21,591 521 633 U6,569 153,355 353 327 132,788 133,353 74 56 52,494 44,531 65 42,162 1,378 1,622 29 53 176 199 55 76 139 175 106 153 176 235 104 130 107 116 317 347 140 113 29 25 25 369,118 372,458 127 247 5,114 5,358 3,264 4,476 11,321 14,123 12,480 17,850 27,778 37,374 20,394 25,580 25,412 27,684 113,783 122,066 96,959 73,078 52,481 44,617 34,058 1,172 1,377 133,755 133,686 5 9 13 34 92 89 1,317 1,070 31 50 781 1,152 114 152 4,021 4,680 94 139 4,708 6,744 164 226 9,501 14,344 97 122 7,548 9,368 105 U3 10.530 11,427 306 340 46,643 48,533 13b 112 35,192 25,415 28 25 13,501 10,919 25 11,760 1,410 1,703 56 m 112 119 2B 41 108 157 75 108 206 307 68 147 166 237 437 394 126 77 8 5 7 358,783 355,030 190 382 3,028 2,866 1,608 2,379 3,709 12,841 3,762 12,626 32,630 48,552 17,616 29,215 39,625 56,366 156,178 136,179 79,590 47,822 10,847 5,302 8,557 1,301 1,518 221,034 227,221 9 U 34 44 67 55 1,184 772 22 32 572 987 102 149 4,412 7,058 74 106 4,714 7,456 203 302 20,213 31,140 87 147 11,346 19,132 166 237 25,872 38,431 437 394 98,372 87,762 126 77 48,303 30,921 8 5 5,512 3,518 7 4,940 KANSAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 137 Cbflse Chautauqxia CheroliBe Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Ccmanche Cowlay Crawford Decatur Dlcklnfion Doniphan Douglaa *32 647 1,347 713 406 1,207 1,112 1,233 333 1,54A 1,496 796 1,712 1,065 1,331 1 548 796 1,551 767 502 1,335 1,338 1,436 418 1,993 1,873 670 1,865 1,289 1,435 2 5 14 40 9 1 51 17 49 4 55 59 13 47 57 67 3 38 15 98 24 32 56 49 56 12 177 226 15 93 107 124 4 16 30 255 19 7 50 50 108 9 156 266 19 110 161 176 5 26 62 305 14 14 60 69 118 10 205 337 19 110 197 166 e 8 7 75 2 20 11 30 2 41 66 4 30 51 62 7 9 11 77 11 5 29 21 40 3 56 73 4 33 49 58 8 19 26 143 3 57 51 101 4 137 147 16 104 102 153 9 33 59 142 9 "2 58 60 123 6 142 173 13 105 134 144 10 19 41 88 8 3 41 46 64 91 U7 10 62 78 124 11 30 52 132 1 6 35 63 81 1 104 134 11 60 102 144 12 54 77 IX 24 14 130 123 155 12 210 168 33 219 130 160 13 58 103 145 28 22 217 168 199 16 256 219 50 272 193 222 14 13 41 72 6 5 62 59 85 2 75 100 5 84 61 113 15 25 44 93 6 6 51 90 134 4 91 127 13 97 95 104 16 23 58 88 6 10 121 90 112 5 103 117 27 172 78 82 17 37 83 106 12 10 165 131 137 8 147 141 33 204 111 100 18 UO 155 296 135 73 41>; 360 311 51 394 341 191 597 243 263 19 128 198 330 175 102 492 473 366 91 469 354 243 675 245 271 20 96 117 144 262 141 233 239 176 93 261 94 311 248 61 98 21 90 108 119 292 166 152 192 145 111 235 73 330 169 51 73 2S 69 81 12 239 152 28 44 40 151 119 23 156 39 13 13 23 74 61 4 215 137 20 22 28 154 91 16 139 27 5 9 24 31 50 10 162 95 26 40 35 87 85 21 142 33 U 13 25 490,673 399,565 310,212 671,610 549,155 415,736 424, U5 365,980 471,784 695,316 327,366 573,160 555,234 234,838 277,698 2« 434,084 369,664 307,283 654,794 648,201 401,047 416,657 390,563 490,965 7U,585 332,450 572,704 543,367 233,167 258,798 27 18 65 173 20 1 165 65 182 10 251 236 42 166 234 366 28 68 49 509 70 54 182 172 274 29 737 686 71 304 408 568 29 451 896 7,324 388 216 1,314 1,2a 3,121 142 4,201 7,103 443 2,872 4,280 4,541 30 650 1,728 8,246 361 342 1,682 1,721 3,575 230 5,037 8,400 599 3,067 5,302 4,740 31 451 407 4,321 108 1,131 633 1,795 120 2,403 3,909 224 1,778 2,994 3,615 32 500 647 4,497 631 272 1,654 1,236 2,404 152 3,269 4,251 228 1,918 2,851 3,349 33 1,528 2,157 11,680 240 4,577 4,191 8,218 314 11,101 U,956 1,301 8,402 8,349 12,375 34 2,683 4,875 11,639 765 150 4,682 4,633 10,027 460 11,521 U,989 1,082 8,596 10,944 11,662 35 2,360 4,729 10,467 953 373 4,824 5,592 7,312 10,782 13,642 1,111 7,272 9,002 14,719 38 3,551 6,199 15,432 100 677 4,054 7,509 9,659 123 12,145 15,636 1,300 7,003 U,868 16,926 37 8,628 12,199 a, 034 3,810 2,241 20,629 19,549 24,765 1,928 33,432 25,636 5,222 34,709 20,515 25,443 38 9,245 16,603 22,730 4,526 3,532 34,956 26,790 31,686 2,905 40,513 34,942 6,086 43,368 30,502 35,810 39 2,564 8,196 14, 333 1,217 972 12,256 11,519 16,822 400 14, 9U 19,824 1,222 16,595 12, U5 22,325 40 4,954 8,663 18,458 1,201 1,201 10,107 17,953 26,554 760 18,023 25,300 2,515 19,214 18,750 20,662 41 5,479 13,746 20,916 1,445 2,419 28,842 21,439 26,710 1,200 24,564 27,943 6,479 41,083 18,457 19,626 42 8,860 19,703 25,287 2,882 2,364 39,345 31,213 32,566 1,910 35,057 33,692 7,947 46,490 25,432 23,671 43 40,715 56,786 105,592 53,503 29,755 154,520 139,770 109,543 19,746 144,755 121,753 74,933 219,152 86,183 94,313 44 46,998 70,989 118,229 71,711 40,882 178,938 171,361 127,828 34,837 175,796 123,631 95,606 244,607 64,850 93,857 45 65,747 81,241 94,317 197,553 101,336 151,566 157,706 122,016 67,695 177,287 60,808 224,605 154,549 53,821 63,438 44 61,455 73,682 77,189 215,656 122,714 100,592 126,519 97,840 80,708 155,614 47,448 236,336 124,479 33,050 45,446 47 362,732 219,141 20,055 412,373 511,632 35,910 62,266 66,495 380,027 271,516 33,354 257,578 69,643 18,768 16,936 48 345,120 166, 526 5,067 356,891 475,983 24,855 27,548 46,130 358,851 253,773 24,075 215,932 42,321 8,190 11,907 49 43,414 66,613 12,085 241,395 130,459 31,555 52,121 45,045 123,801 109,572 27,739 169,420 43,592 12,823 16,936 50 382 504 1,118 667 369 1,125 1,061 1,119 299 1,470 1,2» 765 1,500 909 1,145 51 466 645 1,206 729 427 1,249 1,263 1,318 384 1,680 1,422 843 1,734 1,113 1,223 52 57,773 51,800 180,351 221,796 124,744 226,227 227,787 160,304 120,673 224,739 164,123 185,258 319,090 123,532 129,625 S3 64,920 57,096 161,427 203,797 131,138 2U,632 242,458 172,398 148,550 227,652 157,129 195,855 298,999 125,347 131,220 54 1 3 6 11 7 7 1 14 11 4 8 14 25 55 1 2 6 5 3 10 9 12 1 42 26 8 24 24 36 58 3 U 28 44 37 25 3 40 26 7 30 36 79 57 4 5 13 "s 13 26 32 42 1 108 67 24 85 59 123 58 10 13 126 6 5 30 34 70 107 147 8 69 101 109 59 13 X 124 6 6 36 49 71 5 123 150 15 76 134 97 80 175 177 2,035 76 75 506 572 1,181 1,712 2,4U 160 1,181 1,140 1,429 81 155 286 1,543 68 73 697 741 1,158 74 1,773 1,760 315 1,240 1,734 1,284 82 6 6 45 17 9 25 2 32 42 3 24 39 50 83 8 6 51 3 3 22 18 35 1 39 42 2 25 40 43 84 114 174 1,245 538 355 733 108 1,000 1,205 91 724 1,004 1,209 8S 181 151 1,501 28 128 590 551 981 20 1,069 960 70 868 1,022 1,066 68 1 15 17 126 3 50 44 92 4 116 IX 14 97 85 134 67 ' 30 35 U9 5 "i 55 55 117 3 121 157 11 97 124 135 68 506 362 5,017 U6 2,269 2,279 3,671 115 4,462 5,040 545 4,398 3,461 5,154 69 1,333 881 4,137 249 53 2,585 2,650 4,056 83 4,740 5,545 424 4,549 5,059 5,315 70 16 24 85 7 3 37 44 a. 60 104 9 57 71 117 71 28 37 121 1 3 32 62 78 "i 91 125 5 58 99 136 72 1,053 912 5,758 2U 200 2,617 3,492 3,524 4,485 6,712 447 3,684 3,424 6,253 73 1,709 1,256 6,907 10 212 2,163 4,457 4,436 87 4,752 5,909 360 4,174 6,081 7,901 74 48 59 128 19 11 126 119 150 9 199 156 32 215 126 151 75 57 88 142 21 20 215 166 197 U 243 215 46 258 191 219 76 3,544 2,630 11,166 1,481 767 11,570 9,955 U,162 739 15,021 12,799 2,137 21,334 10,646 11,793 77 4,076 4,022 11,261 1,319 1,500 19,332 15,924 15,505 1,191 18,453 16,642 3,443 25,410 17,063 18,352 78 12 31 67 5 4 61 59 80 71 97 5 84 59 109 79 23 37 90 5 5 51 86 133 2 86 126 11 95 94 104 80 1,304 1,813 8,123 439 556 7,311 6,827 8,050 7,252 10,225 422 9,992 6,310 10,873 81 2,375 2,232 9,949 499 554 6,337 10,277 13,545 268 8,467 13,311 767 11,577 9,699 10,905 82 22 49 88 5 9 119 86 109 5 101 116 25 169 78 79 83 36 72 105 11 8 165 130 135 8 144 141 32 204 106 100 84 2,987 3,996 3,350 12,672 466 910 16,339 11, 6U 12,530 424 11,194 14,404 2,591 24,815 10,656 10,260 B5 4,814 13,955 1,126 990 23,028 19,428 16,721 903 17,123 15,500 3,329 26,910 15,419 12,557 88 105 128 269 132 65 413 377 307 45 381 339 188 590 241 261 87 125 184 326 169 97 490 472 365 86 481 351 241 673 244 269 88 15,228 12,925 66,820 19,792 12,200 89,452 79,711 52,049 7,970 73,400 57,160 25,948 132,759 47,953 48,833 89 18,469 17,895 66,144 25,466 19,524 98,993 102,858 51,052 15,530 87,019 62,545 35,781 143,772 48,859 48,433 90 91 102 144 256 136 233 239 178 84 256 94 310 246 81 97 91 87 103 118 290 158 152 192 146 111 229 73 330 168 51 73 92 19,347 14,740 59,763 73,879 39,274 80,894 83,165 50,111 25,397 68,126 30,760 75,995 91,789 30,614 26,095 93 15,837 13,922 44,451 76,512 52,253 51,153 72,252 39,836 39,556 57,681 23,309 86,701 63,275 17,047 21,781 94 56 72 12 2X U6 28 43 40 149 111 23 166 39 13 13 95 60 51 4 213 123 19 22 28 152 a 15 138 25 4 9 96 13,512 14,706 7,724 125,»3 70,762 14,587 29,763 17,166 84,917 38,047 13,359 76,925 28,164 8,262 5,848 97 16,785 28 11,632 47 1,566 10 98,472 180 55,828 88 6,926 26 13,188 39 15,053 35 90,637 65 26,4^7 60 9,461 21 54,602 142 15,138 33 3,295 11 3,502 13 96 99 6,758 9,491 7,140 78,954 40,194 13,551 24,006 13,517 44,655 26,569 11,526 59,562 18,086 7,000 5,848 100 138 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Cbunty Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Finney Geary 69 Farms: All fams number 1'nder 10 acres number 10 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,0(X) or more acres number 1,000 to 1,999 acres number Land in farms: MI land in farms acres Under 10 »cms acres 10 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 1.19 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres ISO to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 or mere acres acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested Tarms reportinp acres I'nder 10 acres farms reportinp acres 10 to 49 acres farms reportinp 50 to 69 acres farms reportinp acres 70 to 99 acres farms reportinp acres 100 to 119 acres farms reportinp acres 140 to 179 acres farms reportinp acres ISO to 219 acres farms repcrtinp acres 220 to 259 acres farms reporting acres 260 to 499 acres farms reportinp acres 500 to 999 acres farms reportinp acres 1,000 or more acres farms repcrtinp acres 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reportinp acres .959. 954 . 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954.. 959.. 954.. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. .954 . 959. 9.54 . 959. 954. 959. ^59. 954. 959. 954. 959.. 954 . 959. ,954 . 959. 954. 959. 954. ,959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954 . ,959. 954. 959. .954. ,959. 954. 959. 959. 954.. 959. ,954. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. .954 . 959. 954 . 959. 954. 959. 954. 586 583 5 24 19 U 9 5 13 10 9 6 35 28 3 i, 19 18 173 204 195 186 106 87 83 411, 6 W 387,970 17 65 373 290 517 288 1,048 810 1,006 759 5,577 4,430 613 805 4,543 4,242 66,974 79,471 142,295 133,474 188,651 163,336 112,358 555 554 189,368 210,372 2 5 6 13 5 7 87 115 7 3 370 121 11 9 501 455 9 5 559 390 33 28 2,853 2,778 3 4 232 458 19 18 2,645 2,952 166 203 36,786 49,683 194 185 73,168 81,642 106 87 72,161 71,765 83 51,441 732 848 16 44 38 40 15 19 45 56 39 50 91 116 41 51 55 72 172 205 lAl 131 79 64 56 365,283 335,418 62 174 1,024 1,137 928 1,111 3,691 4,557 4,617 5,984 W,4«2 18,486 8,026 10,104 13,046 17,150 63,198 74,726 98,655 90,716 157,554 111,273 75,886 609 738 63,924 74,828 2 6 5 21 25 23 233 283 9 16 178 387 32 41 980 1,126 33 42 1,385 2,005 73 107 3,440 6,177 36 50 1,894 3,561 50 70 3,996 5,908 149 200 17,875 23,073 129 129 21,037 20,763 71 54 12,901 11,524 54 9,261 977 1,065 7 23 27 29 13 12 41 37 12 14 99 121 25 29 59 49 338 396 243 261 113 94 84 548,464 546,248 25 92 583 684 775 675 3,316 2,973 1,372 1,610 15,720 19,309 4,912 5,707 U,066 11,750 126,669 149,807 166,475 180,237 214,551 173,404 112,209 922 1,0U 195,257 2U,050 1 7 1 21 9 16 92 266 8 10 150 200 36 33 1,394 1,468 9 14 458 849 92 U4 6,832 9,328 22 27 2,139 2,764 57 48 6,326 5,102 335 393 56,610 69,762 241 259 65,995 73,644 112 93 55,260 47,646 83 33,727 772 858 7 17 14 15 8 12 17 32 12 21 73 69 14 22 35 43 263 315 227 238 102 74 85 447,147 425,818 26 42 4U 442 484 717 1,321 2,615 1,332 2,405 11,703 11,039 2,732 4,383 8,362 10,291 101,811 120,874 158,115 162,562 160,798 110,448 109,989 741 826 161,319 177,703 2 4 U 9 9 13 141 159 4 7 159 167 11 27 343 1,269 11 18 631 1,004 71 66 5,680 5,089 13 22 1,417 2,640 35 43 3,792 5,211 261 315 46,001 60,626 224 238 63,851 73,039 100 73 39,293 28,490 84 31,421 682 726 25 27 24 26 34 49 7 6 13 19 146 153 164 185 247 231 149 776,519 782,852 82 77 582 564 245 458 808 767 941 1,381 5,396 7,799 1,340 1,187 3,099 4,564 57,605 59,261 122,236 138,815 584,185 567,979 214,954 634 675 329,829 290, U3 5 6 U 19 18 18 338 297 3 8 127 383 9 10 559 629 7 .1.2 524 757 31 48 3,032 4,761 7 5 719 651 12 19 1,956 2,922 139 148 35,385 32,732 164 181 69,992 68,234 239 220 217,134 173,758 146 105,320 _L 1,102 1,299 46 100 44 47 3 9 23 17 12 14 55 85 14 18 25 37 294 380 367 405 219 187 189 762,312 784,049 176 364 947 961 170 535 1,864 1,370 1,371 1,619 8,741 13,690 2,804 3,595 6,038 8,892 U6,101 148,275 266,124 290,730 358,476 3U,018 251,926 1,013 1,191 343,268 392,321 11 42 32 116 27 28 387 372 2 5 60 181 19 15 750 674 11 9 625 575 48 81 4,365 7,530 12 17 1,432 1,367 25 36 2,794 5,094 278 371 57,703 84,358 364 404 128,649 158,621 216 183 151,471 133,433 186 107,271 1,501 1,696 56 103 210 214 61 67 176 232 139 151 190 237 97 114 119 150 322 322 104 92 27 14 24 344,178 337,074 250 429 6,242 6,150 3,616 3,982 14,321 19,010 16,224 17,769 30,104 37,648 19,282 22,629 23,685 35,855 114,699 U0,924 67,126 61,074 43,629 21,604 30,259 1,308 1,481 157,491 160,740 10 16 30 43 126 132 1,795 1,793 44 56 1,169 1,473 163 216 5,849 8,097 128 144 7,178 7,962 176 232 13,497 17,436 92 111 9,851 11,911 117 149 1,4338 19,178 321 319 S,133 56,859 104 92 32,696 23,593 27 14 11,955 7,395 24 10,694 455 552 6 26 17 26 16 10 21 35 21 29 38 53 23 26 40 54 141 167 96 89 36 32 25 211,300 233,104 U 39 478 715 937 591 1,734 2,854 2,477 3,480 6,101 9,508 4,534 5,111 9,546 12,907 52,837 61,383 67,525 60,545 65,118 75,971 33,292 428 501 77,983 90,237 1 1 11 16 223 339 12 9 480 383 19 33 652 1,408 20 28 1,271 1,540 37 53 2,338 3,900 22 25 2,424 2,599 39 54 4,492 5,811 139 166 23,941 26,806 94 86 24,806 21,311 34 31 16,850 26,190 23 7,791 KANSAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 139 Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny 659 247 617 273 1,053 377 1,062 1,221 289 568 1,476 1,355 1,243 1,257 310 1 741 248 672 267 1,148 406 1,217 1,368 306 587 1,727 1,585 1,553 1,342 318 2 12 2 7 8 24 8 23 44 2 7 30 39 25 31 2 3 17 U 13 7 48 17 84 107 3 9 92 73 67 96 9 4 17 2 U 1 52 5 42 89 4 7 110 131 65 248 8 S 10 9 54 8 41 93 1 15 131 U3 79 264 3 « 3 20 4 7 23 1 53 58 13 66 7 3 3 16 3 11 21 3 47 65 22 66 "1 8 9 7 2 53 3 33 102 10 204 174 42 157 3 e 9 i 1 1 73 4 36 94 3 220 210 76 175 2 10 7 4 5 57 4 27 49 2 4 126 138 43 100 1 11 8 3 ' i 55 6 34 60 2 146 164 56 104 5 13 38 11 35 u 134 27 114 158 "7 34 221 198 105 154 11 13 40 12 39 17 155 21 137 2L2 9 27 274 253 172 191 16 14 5 1 1 U 2 25 62 3 94 103 50 66 1 15 18 1 4 2 60 1 25 98 4 148 133 93 78 3 16 17 2 12 3 53 7 71 149 2 10 113 111 98 97 8 17 17 1 15 2 67 9 98 168 3 6 Ul 137 140 113 9 18 157 29 154 37 269 56 345 406 44 136 353 274 446 225 55 19 195 31 191 32 291 51 414 413 56 U9 379 308 544 207 49 20 224 67 221 76 193 63 297 123 89 181 U9 106 295 56 64 21 282 71 248 58 205 90 272 86 97 198 136 88 263 42 85 22 170 129 165 131 154 198 78 16 139 175 23 23 61 7 157 23 142 120 146 M7 124 196 65 16 U7 171 13 11 41 6 135 24 132 96 Ul 69 99 106 64 14 106 139 20 22 53 5 89 25 525,885 303,650 551,698 391,429 721,877 574,406 510,863 347,255 334,548 508,729 379,150 3U,650 512,157 222,096 533,785 29 519,430 293,640 555,069 402,917 700,906 593,634 513,479 344,041 345,545 510,372 392,375 322,831 521,786 214,180 513,955 27 23 4 22 12 71 36 91 150 2 27 85 129 94 409 11 28 43 11 U 11 150 36 241 368 4 27 315 311 202 454 27 29 367 50 241 10 1,551 162 991 2,194 40 148 3,293 3,878 1,522 6,472 120 30 246 244 1,372 158 942 2,224 43 246 3,365 4,439 2,056 6,879 93 31 170 ... 1,208 219 428 1,329 56 3,105 3,387 762 3,927 32 179 167 964 162 628 1,262 168 2,777 3,767 1,299 3,821 60 33 718 564 160 4,286 230 2,633 8,238 827 16,665 U,035 3,335 12,688 238 34 7U TO 80 80 5,872 320 2,958 7,703 252 17,802 16,926 6,176 14,312 152 3S 794 485 625 6,779 451 3,185 5,757 226 487 U,761 16,080 5,011 U,733 107 36 833 341 116 6,443 635 3,948 7,072 219 17,224 19,292 6,661 12,099 554 37 6,090 1,746 5,592 2,237 21,290 4,501 18,054 25,144 1,100 5,442 35,141 31,511 16,643 24,220 1,759 38 6,391 1,935 6,226 2,717 24,738 3,351 21,945 33,721 1,435 4,304 43,543 40,294 27,520 30,132 2,546 39 980 200 180 8,591 392 4,955 12,288 ... 619 18,617 20,348 9,907 13,177 210 40 3,596 180 748 394 11,899 198 4,908 19,491 776 29,059 26,315 18,412 15,433 580 41 4,113 472 2,873 719 12,800 1,699 17,008 35,512 480 2,402 26,921 26,574 23,339 22,357 1,887 42 4,067 240 3,635 480 15,936 2,160 23,353 39,941 730 1,447 33,719 32,777 33,399 26,819 2,172 43 61,908 11,204 61,113 U,918 99,148 21,673 130,108 U6,118 17,493 53,706 127,431 97,125 167,444 80,079 21,645 44 76,013 12,284 73,259 11,965 107,227 19,553 154,886 1«,146 22,606 57,277 U2,964 106, 523 193,936 70,436 19,614 45 164,513 52,750 167,096 60,827 133,641 4«,584 205,954 79,845 66,050 135,989 98,673 71,688 201,093 36,019 46,233 46 198,996 55,232 183,617 44,694 139,535 TO,293 184,156 56,343 72,719 145,942 88,624 56,765 174,877 26,630 52,336 47 286,209 236,739 313, 572 312,366 432,512 496,459 U7,456 30,680 249,163 309,026 34,458 29,895 83,007 10,515 461 , 575 43 228,272 223,688 286,738 342,466 386,770 496,768 U5,514 31,7TO 248,108 299,714 22,483 15,422 52,248 7,165 425,811 49 173,899 136,091 177,629 99,630 128,999 153,010 82,825 18,601 U9,285 191,763 24,096 27,049 62,862 6,344 127,189 SO 625 240 587 258 876 360 1,009 1,146 275 537 1,308 1,201 1,127 1,037 284 31 716 232 647 253 1,007 346 1,125 1,242 297 565 1,549 1,434 1,4K 1,100 296 52 168,492 166,429 235,694 180,426 101,929 226,450 282,993 229,712 168,940 171,226 151,071 140,002 245,415 103,037 170,351 53 186,800 U7,066 252,784 182,323 U7,867 161,291 282,765 225,705 169,487 228,4U 176,712 157,482 277,752 106,473 130,237 54 2 1 2 U U 1 1 3 2 25 1 55 2 3 4 3 17 26 2 16 15 10 23 2 5< 7 3 7 38 39 1 8 7 9 75 8 57 5 3 19 10 66 73 6 41 46 19 68 5 58 7 1 4 . . . 33 4 24 60 3 63 31 26 U7 3 59 10 5 25 5 30 57 1 7 82 99 34 U8 3 60 126 io 97 548 108 381 1,106 26 1,001 1,101 332 1,812 22 61 153 98 382 80 391 8U '42 77 1,151 1,400 495 1,928 72 6S 3 16 4 4 21 1 39 44 7 55 e: 3 "2 13 2 6 20 3 38 46 9 50 6^ 113 580 US 145 699 31 1,077 877 ao 1,401 S! 157 37 275 87 267 704 109 910 1,054 267 1,253 a 9 7 1 40 1 28 100 8 175 154 33 144 '3 6' 1 7 1 1 54 2 32 91 3 203 200 65 157 2 ei 292 214 53 1,370 52 1,294 5,250 409 5,121 4,935 1,435 5,485 92 69 345 TO 46 1,722 98 1,487 4,772 162 7,269 6,799 2,774 5,985 61 70 5 3 A 46 4 23 47 1 3 111 123 37 88 1 71 5 2 "i 51 4 31 59 2 U7 155 54 98 5 72 310 183 129 2,285 258 1,582 3,640 ioo 212 5,002 6,449 1,955 5,263 15 73 332 155 '45 2,505 265 1,921 4,493 105 7,021 8,535 3,313 5,234 311 74 35 10 29 U 101 24 107 155 5 23 212 138 96 139 10 75 38 9 39 13 144 15 136 211 9 26 269 248 166 185 12 76 2,055 1,056 2,369 1,358 5,308 2,109 9,251 17,245 386 2,275 13,541 13,878 8,059 10,175 965 77 2,545 788 3,401 1,224 7,789 1,255 12,856 22,456 892 2,325 19,823 19,874 15,089 U,837 1,143 78 4 1 34 2 25 62 3 35 101 45 64 79 17 4 2 59 1 25 98 4 144 131 93 77 2 80 307 194 2,121 235 3,000 8,548 293 7,350 9,771 4,154 6,280 81 1,330 507 394 4,625 60 2,653 14,114 384 14,211 13,018 10,030 7,950 145 82 U 1 12 3 48 7 70 148 "2 10 110 108 95 94 7 83 16 1 15 2 64 6 98 168 3 6 140 136. 139 UO 9 84 1,222 106 1,690 275 3,272 939 U.OTl 24,336 ao 1,222 12,029 12,866 12,6U 11,716 309 85 1,703 124 1,998 260 4,932 788 U,569 29,111 379 744 16,316 17,723 19,286 15,748 999 e< 154 29 148 36 245 56 343 404 42 130 347 273 435 220 50 87 195 30 187 30 279 45 41J 4U 53 143 372 307 541 205 46 88 22,484 5,969 30,309 6,633 25,097 U,695 78,905 103,484 10,019 22,800 56,285 48,459 86,240 41,931 10,590 89 30,309 7,626 40,128 5,392 33,639 7,026 92,786 101,649 13,257 32,185 62,880 57,278 110,194 37,449 8,975 SO 224 67 216 73 178 61 296 122 87 177 143 104 290 55 52 91 282 69 248 58 201 78 272 85 95 198 136 86 262 41 83 92 54,270 31,498 81,567 25,414 29,568 22,492 122,933 51,979 35,175 52,619 40,174 32,931 97,119 16,077 22,503 93 76,738 31,436 98,307 20,393 33,693 22,448 108,494 35,093 38,082 72,185 38,418 26,354 92,361 13,139 24,424 94 170 128 165 131 134 195 78 16 138 173 22 22 61 6 U7 99 141 119 145 146 113 185 65 16 136 171 12 11 41 6 132 96 87,313 127,4U 119,312 146,693 31,777 188,410 54,393 13,386 123,050 91,338 9,483 8,728 33,288 2,822 135,257 97 73,183 107,019 108,153 154,569 28,286 129,174 47,275 12,427 116,835 120,129 8,667 5,401 23,374 2,382 94,101 98 132 96 131 69 89 105 64 14 106 137 20 22 53 5 87 99 55,393 79,563 78,862 49,151 17,683 69,124 42,484 8,682 81,020 65,935 8,023 8,728 27, 559 1,860 58,963 100 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms: \U farms number 1959 . . 1954.. I'nder 10 acres number 1959.. 1954 . . , 10 to 49 acres number 1959 . . , 1954... 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . . , 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . , . 1954... 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . . , 1954 . . 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . . , 1954 . . , 180 to 219 acres number 1959.. 1954... 220 to 259 acres number 19.59 . . . 1954 . . , 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . , , 1954 . . 500 lo 999 acres number 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,000 or more acres number 1959 . . 1954 . . 1.000 to 1.999 acres number 1959.. Land in farms: All land in farms ncres 1959.. 1954.. Under 10 acres acres 1959 . . 1954.. 10 lo 49 acres acres 1959 . . 195*.. 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 70 to 99 acres acres 1959.. 1954 . . 100 to 139 icres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 180 to 219 acres acres 1959. . 1954 . . 220 to 259 acres acres 1959 . . 19.54 . . 260 to 499 acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . son to 999 acres acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1,000 or more acres acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1.000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959.. Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested faims reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 19.54 . . I'nder 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. 10 lo 49 acres farms reportinc 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959. . 1954.. 50 to 69 acres fanns reportinr 1959.. 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954.. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. 100 to n9 acres farms reportmc 19.59.. 19.54.. acres 1959.. 1954 . . 140 to 179 acres farms repcrtinf; 1959. . 76 1954 . . acres 1959. . 78 1954 . . IBO to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 81 acres 1959. . 1954.. 83 220 to '259 acres fanns ropcrting 1959 , . 1954 . . 85 acres 1959 . . ge 1954.. 87 260 to 499 acres farms reportinc 1959 . . 1954 . . 89 acres 1959.. 1954.. 91 500 lo 999 acres farms reporting 1959.. 92 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954.. 1,000 cr more acres farms reporting 1959 . . 96 1954.. 97 acres 1959 . 98 1951 . . 99 1,000 lo 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . . 100 acres 1959 . . Kingman 1,134 445 1,320 506 13 7 69 14 43 5 51 5 7 13 3 41 35 7 33 29 3 115 22 151 30 30 6 44 2 65 10 100 17 396 U4 449 146 295 153 317 167 96 128 62 112 85 92 543,220 476 525 546,370 459 U8 62 22 186 26 1,310 111 1,529 141 415 725 176 3,312 2,786 571 3,932 3,430 320 18,358 3 570 24,101 4 807 6,019 1 193 8,871 400 15,610 2 390 23,974 4 085 148,392 45 385 168,370 58 528 202,111 112 683 216,302 122 839 143,699 311 171 96,096 267 225 110,619 U9 679 1,089 418 1,222 483 270,085 143 ,440 288,506 169 ,907 5 1 10 2 18 8 28 3 30 3 34 3 480 80 535 53 4 8 2 161 231 69 34 31 6 1,469 1,251 306 31 23 3 2,172 1,264 U9 113 20 148 27 9,647 1 ,501 12,995 2 ,275 27 3 44 2 3,164 322 4,947 198 63 8 100 1" 8,387 1 ,106 13,826 1 ,958 394 110 446 145 83,009 22 ,658 101,071 y. ,237 292 148 316 166 104,990 5C ,126 115,017 64 ,192 96 125 62 110 56,588 67 ,639 37,341 67,497 85 91 48,394 42 ,250 1,661 2,048 110 243 198 281 50 73 190 230 107 124 252 308 87 UO 122 166 384 388 136 1D4 25 21 17 399,600 401,043 402 895 5,048 7,843 2,879 4,194 15,324 18,614 12,380 14,545 39,866 49,008 17, 186 21,712 29,078 39,595 US, 444 138,306 89,839 65,131 49,154 41,200 21,893 1,342 1,588 181,107 185,081 7 21 11 60 88 124 1,196 1,413 33 49 812 966 157 203 5,555 6,367 98 111 4,768 5,528 227 299 16,282 22,478 82 110 8,326 10,857 U6 164 14,347 20,755 376 385 72,180 72,019 135 102 43,700 32,717 23 20 13,930 11,921 16 8,695 362 362 4 9 6 1 1 1 16 11 1 3 5 3 49 61 101 109 178 163 123 436,667 412,293 10 9 121 10 139 100 2,560 1,755 213 588 1,134 720 19,092 24,220 78, 174 86,588 335,144 298,223 175,932 350 347 155,376 163,364 15 U 1,190 892 1 3 136 344 5 2 626 181 49 57 8,529 11,301 101 107 33,935 36,717 176 163 110,888 113,767 123 68,811 1,467 1,748 42 92 255 336 80 95 245 264 156 190 202 265 103 110 97 120 222 215 59 53 6 248,997 269,558 180 413 7,278 9,084 4,710 5,624 19,914 21,399 13,256 22,197 32,175 41,994 20,287 21,435 22,999 28,535 77,053 74,932 35,572 31,741 10, 573 12,204 3,463 1,274 1,529 112,111 123,378 13 24 47 72 178 238 2,326 2,846 62 83 1,493 1,974 217 243 7,072 7,659 141 182 7,561 10,251 191 258 14,863 20,008 100 108 10,132 10,745 92 U8 10,876 14,357 215 215 35,650 36,266 59 52 16,476 13,284 6 8 5,615 5,916 3 1,131 873 1,015 8 36 35 31 3 11 25 29 19 24 74 105 31 41 45 71 306 361 241 240 86 66 69 453,196 442,993 47 97 811 955 181 654 2,056 2,384 2,167 2,802 11,825 16,774 6,087 8,203 10,746 16,934 116,269 133,395 165,709 164,663 137,298 96,132 94,531 832 952 185,048 200,292 3 10 17 32 12 15 224 302 3 8 48 353 22 28 1,221 1,392 16 19 1,072 1,382 74 103 6,580 9,806 31 40 3,200 4,162 44 65 5,938 9,049 301 358 56,191 68,892 241 240 68,235 71,511 85 66 42,322 33,411 68 30,168 1,252 1,377 32 72 119 120 49 46 122 141 120 118 132 187 81 99 98 131 335 326 U9 119 25 18 23 340,466 331,360 126 232 3,624 3,731 2,890 2,658 10,060 11,650 14,225 14,037 20,793 30,118 15,891 19,607 23,270 31,181 121,778 115,564 93,522 76,040 34,287 26,542 29,107 1,080 1,188 137,632 143, 565 2 3 8 12 62 66 974 905 31 27 779 498 102 119 3,532 3,887 110 103 5,556 5,501 115 181 7,203 13,270 78 98 7,224 9,422 96 130 10, 539 U,424 324 325 52,796 53,448 135 118 36,857 32,617 25 18 12,164 9,581 23 9,615 Logan 378 345 7 3 1 1 1 1 17 9 3 3 6 4 59 66 116 110 164 147 97 546,966 560,753 17 3 86 40 60 80 92 115 2,715 1,452 561 579 1,440 943 23,206 25,942 87,718 85,461 431,028 446,181 135,897 350 331 U7,409 155,779 30 13 9 1,037 737 3 2 200 308 5 4 552 473 53 63 7,269 9,682 112 108 30,457 32,426 162 144 107,819 112,145 95 46,025 KANSAS HARVESTED. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 141 McPhorson Marlon Mars tin n Meade Miami MltoheU Jtontgomery Morris Morton Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne 1,977 1,758 1,852 571 1,663 954 1,771 935 288 1,577 1,380 834 879 1,482 940 1 2,123 1,928 2,083 638 1,845 1,057 2,045 1,067 347 1,800 1,759 885 993 1,691 1,0U 2 38 53 56 11 34 13 60 21 1 43 42 7 20 52 14 3 70 60 38 17 86 40 195 42 12 83 123 15 28 81 21 i 1L2 90 88 7 211 46 257 50 2 56 161 12 36 174 26 5 94 87 101 10 228 31 408 48 6 85 222 2 39 148 24 6 2i. 27 42 6 87 8 85 17 30 46 2 9 43 10 7 25 23 41 2 80 12 95 11 1 34 68 2 9 63 10 e 120 110 92 4 213 25 189 46 2 113 169 5 U 175 16 9 139 93 110 9 274 34 238 56 4 105 228 6 15 154 21 10 102 49 80 3 179 28 132 50 1 61 93 11 17 101 27 11 115 64 80 7 179 23 161 45 1 89 U5 10 21 133 21 12 308 240 255 30 235 89 192 107 14 228 205 39 51 175 73 13 387 309 352 33 286 116 247 131 24 319 288 51 55 254 74 14 158 UO 121 3 124 26 96 38 2 117 92 12 17 80 21 15 166 166 159 10 127 35 123 59 1 163 122 6 28 101 36 16 226 182 201 12 122 64 95 69 3 212 110 26 32 119 50 17 258 253 267 14 149 87 126 89 6 251 143 18 48 156 58 18 608 631 655 127 354 306 304 279 52 558 314 205 224 358 259 19 652 682 682 139 356 378 304 360 53 539 338 269 315 413 307 20 234 225 236 171 94 264 133 194 82 143 124 329 324 163 321 21 186 153 184 228 72 237 130 169 104 116 95 335 337 154 318 29 47 41 26 197 10 85 28 64 129 16 24 186 U5 42 123 23 31 38 19 169 8 64 18 57 135 16 17 171 98 34 121 24 41 26 21 U5 8 77 25 47 81 13 21 131 121 36 102 2S 595,373 624,939 563,418 628,334 341,730 459,889 361,050 445, 551 352,755 449,355 339,784 695,082 538,375 454,898 554,150 26 580,805 606,024 558,205 622, 531 342,933 455,217 371,897 449,694 372,848 456,438 353,935 691,156 532,670 437,027 548,904 27 124 202 190 30 140 50 265 75 1 160 158 33 109 230 43 28 206 201 327 45 350 102 838 101 39 334 475 34 78 308 53 29 3,146 2,596 2,278 150 6,025 879 6,728 1,297 20 1,646 4,718 313 829 4,482 596 30 2,608 2,290 2,768 207 6,757 732 10,504 1,282 153 2,252 6,551 83 980 4,138 624 31 1,440 1,574 2,485 361 5,140 457 4,914 1,020 1,750 2,733 107 496 2,431 602 32 1,478 1,346 2,408 115 4,666 697 5,401 633 64 2,025 3,973 U2 527 3,698 610 33 9,734 8,887 7,454 310 17,446 1,981 15,134 3,696 160 9,166 13,606 428 1,093 14, 145 1,302 34 11,404 7,654 9,006 701 22,266 2,715 19,179 4,511 333 8,552 18,389 480 1,212 12,676 1,653 35 11,756 5,800 9,421 341 21, 176 3,275 15,590 5,817 132 7,263 10,950 1,278 2,012 11,887 3,192 36 13,788 7,580 9,309 815 20,924 2,709 18,763 5,403 110 10,635 13,561 1,181 2,443 15,663 2,431 37 48,917 38,303 40,881 4,822 37,353 14,247 30,425 17,089 2,256 36,392 32,601 6,168 8,063 27,934 11,715 38 61,476 49,195 55,989 5,288 45,361 18,770 39,181 20,988 3,845 50,870 45,993 8,142 8,775 40,563 11,788 39 31,254 21,690 24,085 610 24,497 5,115 19,165 7,522 393 23,363 18,179 2,345 3,296 15,711 4,186 40 32,775 32,956 31,660 2,038 25,115 6,966 24,500 11,592 200 32,284 24,027 1,165 5,591 19,919 7,148 41 54,070 43,348 47,919 2,862 29,217 15,372 22,510 16, 510 720 50,657 26,363 6,227 7,932 28,434 11,903 42 61,387 60,179 63,555 3,315 35,465 20,723 29,834 a, 244 1,447 60,037 34,032 4,276 U,522 37,095 13,795 43 215,226 227,130 234,770 49,780 122,300 116,768 107,628 102,364 20,949 197,051 112,622 80,787 87,167 U3,393 99,664 44 227,330 237,234 238,065 53,018 123,957 140,984 105,950 131,274 21,142 190,253 U8,816 104,798 123,694 146,452 114,383 49 152, 599 147,148 156,806 126,830 61,987 180,494 89,040 129,133 61,463 92,491 82,745 243,540 230,433 107,859 230,101 46 121,244 100,272 119,201 172,344 45,538 160,384 85,214 111,669 78,357 73,495 62,526 248,348 234,130 97,459 223,093 47 67,107 128,261 37, U9 442,238 16,449 121,251 49,651 161,028 266,661 29,416 35,109 353,856 196,945 108,392 190,846 48 47,109 107,117 25,917 384,645 12,534 100,435 32,533 140,997 267, 158 25,701 25,592 322,537 143,718 59,056 173,326 49 53,367 36,052 24,321 184,418 10,275 100,300 32,165 62,350 114,305 17,008 24,829 177,157 156,884 50,752 U3,021 50 1,889 1,647 1,712 538 1,429 908 1,235 868 281 1,470 1,197 802 808 1,336 892 51 2,020 1,800 1,930 589 1,596 998 1,508 988 307 1,629 1,449 865 940 1,534 966 58 353,076 319,990 288,702 204,988 152,183 236,501 145,791 141,046 181,572 218,233 154,185 243,714 177,891 167,944 206,002 53 352,068 317,564 291,460 217,419 158,236 263,006 144,890 153,829 169,713 231,768 156,922 310,606 204,041 186,054 232,855 54 3 9 9 1 3 12 5 2 5 6 5 4 55 16 3 17 2 10 9 21 7 13 10 1 7 20 1 56 5 32 40 7 7 25 12 7 16 25 26 10 57 47 6 51 6 40 23 81 18 32 33 4 16 70 3 59 74 64 40 2 U7 21 110 31 34 90 4 17 122 15 59 63 51 59 3 129 22 183 31 2 38 99 1 29 100 U 60 1,455 1,205 661 24 1,494 343 1,301 581 596 1,594 87 252 1,841 286 61 1,104 776 876 41 1,851 338 2,310 541 55 488 1,543 22 455 1,370 215 62 22 19 35 4 69 6 51 15 21 3X 2 7 X 7 63 21 13 32 1 67 8 63 5 "i 21 44 2 5 53 8 64 921 749 819 229 1,570 159 1,299 518 552 711 60 96 1,082 259 65 721 333 837 20 1,656 149 1,277 202 64 621 1,067 112 100 1,525 305 66 120 102 78 3 181 24 154 43 2 103 146 2 13 162 12 67 136 88 98 3 242 30 194 53 3 90 204 5 13 140 21 68 6,411 5,062 3,319 149 6,437 968 4,979 1,792 160 4,114 4,832 99 516 6,181 493 69 7,810 4,180 4,193 186 8,380 1,399 6,271 1,974 215 3,641 6,428 202 445 5,709 763 70 101 46 75 3 161 27 106 41 1 57 82 6 7 94 25 71 113 58 74 4 166 22 141 42 82 105 9 16 124 19 72 7,657 3,526 5,261 228 8,791 2,002 5,149 2,478 122 2,984 4,502 305 311 5,282 1,705 73 9,637 4,370 4,816 331 8,422 2,017 6,346 3,109 4,819 5,154 595 909 7,453 899 74 301 233 250 26 220 86 176 102 13 221 189 37 44 168 66 75 385 304 349 31 275 110 229 128 18 312 277 49 51 248 70 76 31,806 23,649 22,958 2,420 16,337 7,708 12,011 7,741 1,625 18,962 13,030 2,496 3,045 12,084 5,340 77 41,963 31,350 32,659 2,385 20,362 10,762 15,076 10,190 2,001 28,415 18,865 4,868 4,040 18,594 6,352 78 158 108 119 2 120 26 91 37 2 114 91 11 16 76 21 79 165 163 156 8 125 34 120 59 1 160 120 6 27 98 35 SO 22,164 14,704 13,130 234 11,904 2,891 8,284 3,419 390 13,537 9,204 829 1,284 7,252 1,743 61 23,130 22,298 18,032 969 13,016 3,818 10,586 6,087 147 19,165 11,254 625 2,653 9,800 3,666 82 224 180 199 12 117 64 91 65 3 208 106 26 29 117 47 83 257 252 263 U 149 86 120 89 4 250 143 18 46 154 57 84 36,387 28,795 28,314 1,596 14,347 9,604 10,032 6,601 481 27,855 12,886 i:^y 5; 003 I?; 967 7^176 86 42,083 40,478 36,551 1,798 17,929 13,428 13,181 10,650 656 33,675 15.751 606 626 648 123 344 305 292 277 51 553 311 203 217 354 255 87 649 680 681 135 355 377 296 357 47 534 335 269 312 410 305 88 136,391 145,767 128 625 3J,352 59,331 64,577 52,372 44,861 12,848 102,774 54,565 34,524 32,300 59,117 48,847 89 143,021 150,314 129,812 26,587 61,920 86,025 50,742 59,991 12,124 99,514 56,600 56,086 51,634 67,308 60,342 90 234 221 233 169 89 263 126 192 81 142 122 326 318 162 319 91 184 152 184 224 72 237 125 168 102 113 95 334 336 153 316 92 80,610 63,693 75,876 74,822 56,247 26,314 94,263 38, 4U 48,704 39,515 41,177 38,861 95,173 80,332 41,622 90,265 93 44,960 56,003 79,006 19,906 95,572 33,650 42,687 48,557 33,780 29,191 121,214 91,085 39,374 96,231 94 46 39 26 194 10 83 26 60 128 15 24 185 134 42 121 95 31 36 17 165 8 63 16 49 129 16 17 171 98 34 120 96 29,269 20,625 10,753 120,509 5,651 53,979 11,928 24,339 126,431 5,675 13,984 107,940 57,234 20,467 51,696 97 18,859 18,499 7,630 106,090 4,754 49,475 5,370 18,380 105,894 7,618 11,036 124,635 47,701 16,884 56,903 98 40 26 21 134 8 75 23 46 81 13 21 130 120 36 100 99 22,939 10,614 8,920 72,393 5,066 44,617 9,153 17,177 62,015 4,675 11,479 59,250 49,446 14,435 40,423 100 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND !t«fn (For definitionB and explanations, a text) Phillips Potta- wHtamle Republic Farms: Ml fanns number lOSS . 1954. I'ncier 10 acres number 1959. 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . 1954. 180 lo 219 acres number 1959. 1954. 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres number 1959 . 1954 . 1,000 or more acres number 19.59 . 1954. 1.000 to 1,999 acres number 1959. Land in farms; All land in farms acres lf59. 1954. Under 10 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 10 U) 49 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . 1951. 100 to 139 icres acres 1959. 1954. 140 to 179 acr«s acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres acres 1959. 1954. 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or mtre acres acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 lo 1.999 acres acres 1959. Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. I'nder ID acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres farms reportinir 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . "8 I 1954. acres 1959. 70 1954 . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 19.59. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres farmd reporting 1959 . 1954. -"r«s 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1,000 or more acres fanns reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 883 1,042 21 4i 37 23 7 7 41 55 28 39 100 123 34 49 51 73 255 374 233 197 76 53 63 419,706 417,075 78 125 992 517 425 415 3,308 4,431 3,295 4,637 15,928 19,659 6,722 9,579 12,352 17,435 94,451 U7,456 158,262 129,470 123,893 93,351 82,253 828 978 189,276 203,326 7 11 21 45 23 11 486 196 7 5 318 191 35 51 1,554 2,175 24 36 1,363 2,286 93 118 8,097 11,102 33 48 3,398 5,282 50 71 7,070 y, //u 250 374 50,304 78,816 231 197 78,205 62,947 75 56 38,460 30,516 63 29,724 805 814 15 14 18 13 3 7 15 5 10 6 73 70 7 5 15 10 235 284 302 316 112 84 97 514,839 483,731 50 33 461 404 187 388 1,209 418 1,103 703 11,564 11,323 1,365 1,002 3,533 2,345 92,146 112,609 215,846 223,346 187,375 131,160 124,667 772 792 277,126 304,847 4 2 11 4 U 9 140 146 2 5 108 225 n 5 372 324 9 6 528 414 69 70 6,680 7,741 7 5 979 535 14 10 1,904 233 280 54,336 75,849 301 316 124,962 149,006 111 84 87,106 69,077 96 66,107 1,011 1,196 17 44 53 45 9 18 30 34 25 33 62 94 34 62 60 71 289 398 318 309 114 537,164 537,118 45 150 1,170 1,252 520 1,061 2,436 2,795 2,961 3,886 9,876 14,920 6,724 12,439 14,243 16,934 109,158 148,143 222,688 210,030 167,343 125,508 121,938 943 1,116 178,422 218,682 1 9 2 31 27 25 369 412 7 14 155 431 25 27 981 1,153 22 31 1,205 1,911 59 90 3,776 6,932 33 59 2,560 5,540 59 70 4,740 1,112 283 396 41,089 67,328 3U 308 75,751 83,282 114 87 47,794 43,949 97 36,736 1,197 1,520 30 109 81 101 19 27 84 109 59 81 124 156 52 95 89 130 361 426 226 220 72 66 466,236 509,998 86 402 2,117 2,752 1,076 1,576 6,797 8,855 6,952 9,541 19,791 24,356 10,337 18,834 21,130 30,967 131,764 156,160 156,125 148,821 110,061 107,234 84.430 1,081 1,357 153,939 175,399 4 32 9 100 59 68 977 1,181 11 21 432 637 76 97 2,942 3,866 54 69 3,438 4,501 105 147 7,072 11,662 52 92 4,788 8,871 84 128 8,371 1-V,215 346 421 49,846 59,226 219 217 47,739 46,558 71 65 28,325 24,582 64 24,626 757 860 14 38 22 23 2 2 11 18 10 9 58 76 16 17 34 47 194 258 280 293 116 74 100 466,117 447,076 44 107 556 677 112 110 879 1,457 1,189 1,083 9,304 12,223 3,211 3,338 8,173 11,315 74,805 99,292 196,862 204,764 170,982 112,710 128,973 724 804 240,114 265,299 1 5 6 11 15 13 246 164 2 2 40 15 11 15 358 726 8 7 592 495 56 75 4,862 7,270 14 17 1,632 2,047 33 47 4,647 7,343 16^ 257 43,092 54,3% 279 293 109,185 129,397 116 73 75,454 53,434 100 50,868 750 813 6 14 11 6 6 1 3 7 3 8 30 29 7 7 9 16 142 186 255 307 267 232 229 597,449 691,410 15 38 219 115 354 55 231 593 340 931 4,771 4,648 1,407 1,365. 2,163 3,795 56,211 74,048 198,590 228,533 433,148 377,239 309,185 726 780 208,680 203,472 1 1 1 3 3 2 55 27 3 1 100 13 2 6 86 307 1 6 61 199 27 27 1,654 1,758 488 316 9 16 687 1,254 142 183 19,627 26,028 265 302 64,787 70,871 265 232 121,124 102,696 229 92,614 2,289 2,712 85 224 202 218 38 45 124 178 92 118 286 333 104 112 181 239 719 823 368 360 90 62 77 788,940 808,114 340 735 5,072 5,181 2,192 2,555 9,984 14,329 10,698 13,870 45,605 52,990 20,671 22,228 43,173 57,247 266,660 302,674 250,383 241,508 133,662 94,797 94,537 2,127 2,419 482,697 502,393 34 53 126 151 133 141 2,327 2,123 31 34 1,039 1,106 111 152 5,344 7,922 90 115 5,721 8,182 276 322 28,064 33,961 103 111 14,481 15,571 180 238 29,726 40,787 712 822 177,812 201,245 367 359 154,599 148,503 90 62 52,458 42,832 77 50,833 1,483 1,705 28 64 93 35 29 34 82 95 61 79 185 251 102 155 157 213 544 588 191 132 11 8 11 442,324 442,791 99 229 2,480 2,167 1,673 1,973 6,592 7,571 7,181 9,358 29,393 40,036 20,075 30,597 37,518 50,738 197,382 207,747 126,446 82,000 12,784 10,165 12,784 1,362 1,583 250,761 267,857 2 15 3 43 37 41 743 715 19 23 535 316 72 85 3,591 4,317 56 75 3,839 5,491 180 251 16,575 25,206 lOO 155 11,819 19,558 154 210 23,329 30,905 541 588 120,740 129,525 190 131 73,050 45,764 11 3 6,431 5,501 U 6,431 KANSAS HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 143 Riley Rookfl Rush RusaeXl Saline Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sheridan Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevena 829 835 871 798 980 408 1,984 314 1,376 662 557 1,141 679 245 390 I 1,04* 965 972 941 1,212 479 2,158 380 1,720 770 573 1,372 1,050 232 436 2 27 12 7 10 20 9 117 5 87 6 6 W 10 1 3 71 23 16 26 57 18 190 9 197 16 6 41 61 "16 12 4 43 19 12 8 64 2 207 5 261 8 12 35 31 1 7 5 79 35 17 14 71 6 192 4 322 10 6 39 33 1 2 6 11 5 9 4 17 2 28 65 4 10 5 2 7 9 6 7 6 23 3 42 4 74 3 1 12 7 2 2 S 44 9 26 9 53 6 143 192 7 1 26 20 1 9 61 20 19 31 89 8 160 "2 230 10 3 46 27 3 10 36 14 12 9 42 3 80 2 95 1 27 14 1 4 11 54 16 10 10 53 4 72 ... 106 9 43 23 2 1 12 96 74 79 53 118 18 261 17 130 33 30 1U2 63 15 19 13 125 81 105 71 153 29 299 29 172 35 21 147 80 21 24 14 61 17 16 14 39 2 95 4 59 9 1 43 8 . .. 15 79 19 22 13 47 3 119 6 80 12 3 51 13 16 64 28 39 43 78 2 162 4 89 6 6 80 26 "5 17 87 40 53 51 124 9 200 4 U3 9 8 108 54 "2 6 18 249 191 317 275 308 65 577 41 239 140 108 378 311 30 53 19 308 255 391 340 365 67 653 61 287 194 129 493 380 29 74 20 162 270 262 239 182 115 275 106 126 301 179 341 292 42 113 21 140 319 263 270 184 138 206 129 109 318 190 327 289 54 156 22 36 196 92 134 59 184 39 130 33 165 212 65 97 156 175 23 31 151 69 109 46 194 23 132 30 154 206 55 83 151 156 24 26 166 83 107 48 129 33 91 30 139 144 30 81 74 138 25 338,172 592,563 464,382 515,482 415,160 507,760 601,019 404,823 312,253 544,482 633,018 547,583 505,183 531,675 413,309 26 340,891 592,769 466,102 536,233 453,851 509,U4 48,320 435,520 331,995 559,968 630,597 561,019 503,297 534,500 435,393 27 62 42 29 31 70 36 418 16 304 22 37 50 36 1 2S 270 78 45 44 211 46 623 22 679 27 18 106 164 11 24 29 1,127 551 313 173 1,498 53 4,852 86 7,636 177 232 840 633 15 70 30 2,024 788 433 459 1,836 76 4,699 77 8,729 225 81 1,086 618 10 82 31 648 277 544 239 1,000 106 1,593 3,736 222 602 293 110 32 502 349 396 344 1,362 183 2,485 215 4,299 170 55 653 400 iij 117 33 3,584 721 2,064 743 4,299 490 U,413 15,646 577 80 2,124 1,638 80 34 4,986 1,631 1,567 2,477 7,117 656 12,877 156 18,781 818 238 3,735 2,160 242 35 4,216 1,634 1,348 1,028 4,945 338 9,366 230 11,233 100 3,030 1,690 136 450 36 6,395 1,887 1,141 1,175 6,207 482 6,474 12,294 1,003 5,023 2,775 254 130 37 15,258 11,782 12,510 8,450 18,835 2,854 41,606 2,703 20,814 5,291 4,800 16,233 10,064 2,396 3,034 38 19,982 13,298 16,706 U,445 24,700 4,657 47,690 4,627 27,209 5,600 3,388 23,509 12,816 3,327 3,823 39 12,237 3,347 3,302 2,855 7,741 372 16,751 760 11,661 1,760 219 8,555 1,588 40 15 668 3,786 4,395 2,602 9,381 580 23,483 1,195 15,783 2,375 590 10,145 2,575 41 15,156 6,636 9,3a 10,363 18,564 490 38,654 960 21,247 1,909 1,448 19,070 6,711 1,190 42 20,852 9,500 12,683 12,195 29,354 2,162 47,710 955 27,061 2,140 1,927 25,659 12,885 474 1,400 43 91,146 72,298 121,114 105,399 U4,404 25,044 208,995 16,269 67,426 54.706 42,049 144,417 120,575 12,394 25,632 44 110,26? m6,398 147,357 129,761 U3,939 26,300 235,564 24,754 101,240 75,397 50,061 184,777 147,732 U,102 29,529 45 106,289 192,508 181,465 168,057 122,570 86,645 181.361 80,915 63,009 224,912 138,043 233,476 208,122 32,985 89,606 46 90,032 227,113 182,724 191,818 120,613 104,735 133,533 97,634 70,025 235,314 143,195 217,497 199,501 42,019 121,745 47 88,449 302,767 132,372 218,144 121,234 391,332 64,010 302,884 49,541 254,806 446,110 119,166 153,832 483,746 293, U6 48 69,918 237,951 98,655 183,913 119,131 369,237 31,162 305,883 45,695 236,699 431,034 68,667 121,471 476 190 276,200 49 31,830 213,601 108,024 141,647 63,072 188,729 40,279 128, 6U 39,636 190,450 204,432 102,100 105,682 112,904 190, 5U 50 770 804 849 756 928 397 1,829 285 1,171 661 530 1,076 835 244 374 51 951 903 937 892 1,126 454 1,689 359 1,460 740 556 1,292 973 252 415 52 126,615 196,283 212,350 185,697 195,638 217,255 385,746 146,006 144,296 179,191 231,M5 220,785 263,476 215,173 228,596 53 125,330 228,788 269,526 2)2,584 210,564 221,285 343,965 167,839 159,897 209,376 231,993 259,300 291,375 148,619 279,110 54 4 1 1 3 2 1 46 27 2 1 3 55 14 3 3 15 3 38 1 84 "i 9 11 5 i 56 11 3 1 4 7 7 117 90 7 2 6 57 37 8 14 41 11 110 1 295 "1 26 43 "5 "3 58 32 14 5 3 45 1 146 1 182 2 1 22 13 1 59 63 14 7 7 45 4 109 1 227 5 1 26 23 1 60 595 267 52 45 711 13 2 356 14 2,793 36 12 340 276 16 61 1,038 247 102 128 831 44 1,789 6 3,570 79 10 375 392 35 62 9 4 7 1 15 2 24 47 4 7 1 1 63 7 3 4 4 18 2 3/i 1 63 3 1 7 4 2 1 64 245 175 185 35 583 95 918 1,372 182 233 22 60 65 201 85 173 99 642 95 1,215 43 1,883 65 'io 226 106 92 10 66 41 7 26 3 52 6 133 174 6 1 20 18 1 67 55 15 16 26 85 8 145 "'i 206 8 2 39 23 2 68 1,892 183 1,080 186 2,662 304 6,898 7,176 163 26 907 750 80 69 2,420 525 881 1,001 4,141 526 6,875 4 6,590 345 75 1,7U 1,205 83 70 33 14 12 7 41 3 77 2 85 1 16 13 1 3 71 53 13 10 8 53 4 69 102 8 38 21 1 1 72 2,267 567 625 261 3,182 319 5,554 159 5,028 30 1,099 1,004 91 210 73 3,194 595 760 375 4,219 293 4,494 5,865 490 2,507 1,553 71 129 74 91 73 77 46 113 16 257 "I'i 122 32 28 95 50 14 18 7S 121 78 105 67 151 27 296 28 166 33 20 140 78 15 21 78 7,268 4,745 6,027 3,516 U,356 1,977 27,895 1,370 9,834 2,383 2,339 6,869 5,388 1,495 2,304 77 11,134 6,165 10,400 5,231 15,111 2,663 28,556 2,649 13,186 2,773 1,365 U,067 -,249 1,170 2,589 78 59 15 16 U 38 2 94 3 54 8 1 42 7 79 78 18 21 13 46 3 117 6 77 10 3 49 12 80 6,543 1,396 1,691 1,250 4,446 203 13,386 195 4,854 784 46 3,666 315 81 8,149 1,663 2,619 1,U2 5,511 424 15,137 665 8,428 745 227 5,686 1,366 82 62 26 39 42 78 2 160 4 87 7 6 73 27 "5 83 86 38 53 50 123 8 199 4 112 8 8 108 53 2 6 84 7,824 2,714 5,074 4,164 11,133 316 27,997 681 10,757 556 872 8,144 3,561 757 85 10,990 4,018 7,920 5,6U 18,329 1,180 30,665 614 13,792 787 776 13,472 8,444 252 930 86 246 190 315 269 306 54 576 38 236 138 103 371 305 30 61 87 304 252 389 338 361 65 650 61 284 192 125 487 376 28 74 88 39,787 27,621 61,561 45,538 66,263 U,824 145,378 8,904 44,383 19,684 17,814 63,264 69,292 8,114 15,726 89 48,412 41,617 88,925 58,301 77,100 14,129 151,248 15,510 51,611 31,225 19,710 ■90,172 91,748 5,710 22,674 90 159 267 260 236 180 115 275 98 125 300 178 337 292 42 m 91 139 318 263 269 183 137 207 126 108 316 190 327 289 52 152 92 38,994 70,905 83,138 67,254 63,144 44,080 122,939 40,628 39,756 79,943 55,332 95,675 115,300 18,340 52,726 93 31,768 96,173 106,884 78,225 56,299 50,019 84,615 57,669 34,087 96,096 56,612 100,828 119,742 17,295 85,296 94 34 193 91 133 56 183 39 125 ■32 163 210 85 95 156 174 95 31 151 69 107 46 193 23 130 29 154 205 62 83 157 156 96 21,189 87,707 52,V16 63,444 32,151 156,117 32,308 96,057 18,253 75,428 154,858 40,566 56,062 187.117 156,723 97 7,967 77,692 50,«2 52,464 26,340 151,901 19,261 110,678 18,588 76,770 153,206 33,230 59,528 124, Ort 167,361 98 26 164 82 106 47 128 33 89 29 137 142 80 81 74 138 99 9,345 67,496 45,338 45,455 25,000 91,527 25,910 59,269 15,801 61,483 76,287 36,137 51,150 62,091 109,763 100 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.-NUMBER OF FARMS, LAND IN FARMS, AND CROPLAND HARVESTED, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued (For definitions and explanations. a text) Trego Washington Fanns: All farms number 1959 . 1954. I'nder 10 acres number 1959 , 1954. 10 to 49 acres number 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres number 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres number 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres number 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres number 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres number 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres number 1959 . 1954. 260 to 499 acres number 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres number 1959 . 1954. 1 ,000 cr more acres number 1959 . 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres number 1959. Land in farms: All land in farms acres 1959 . 1954. I'nder 10 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 70 to 99 acres acres 1959 . 1964. 100 (« 139 seres acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres acres 1959 . 1954. 220 to 259 acres acres 1959. 1954. 260 to 499 acres acres 1950 . 1954 . 500 to 999 acres acres 1959 . 1964. 1,000 or more acres acres 1959. 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres acres 1959. Cropland harvested: Any cropland harvested farms repofting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 10 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 , 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954, acres 1959. 1954. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 140 to 179 acres farms reptrting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954, 260 to 499 acres farms repeating 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 1,000 or more acres farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 1,000 to 1,999 acres farms reporting 1959 . acres 1959 . 1,971 2,190 63 83 icr7 123 41 39 124 114 48 62 233 320 56 76 140 187 653 791 437 352 69 43 63 741,083 722,583 237 311 2,717 3,193 2,378 2,284 9,847 9,246 5,576 7,310 37,065 50,906 11,062 15,049 33,436 44,666 248,370 296,181 296,141 230,520 94,254 62,917 76,685 1,835 1,997 488,751 435,353 17 IS 56 56 66 56 1,093 846 30 23 1,084 667 na 103 5,182 4,636 42 J3 3,143 3,344 224 308 22,913 27,663 53 73 6,867 7,771 139 186 22,925 27,277 648 785 167,139 182,460 436 349 200,325 146,783 69 43 58,024 33,850 63 52,190 672 731 11 18 3 13 i 4 4 1 2 41 43 4 7 10 U9 142 235 257 251 231 177 788,202 741,285 39 33 41 257 100 333 324 100 2D 6,592 7,716 318 1,673 2,374 46, 527 55,511 178,809 192,895 554,088 481,007 252,087 653 697 311,927 301,608 50 3 3 92 187 100 40 47 3,304 3,954 589 7 10 612 1,077 117 140 20,583 24,878 234 256 73,266 83,251 250 231 213,965 187,591 177 98,149 690 796 2 24 9 7 2 7 3 34 43 5 12 20 15 176 252 272 280 157 151 133 534,717 555,685 4 47 184 122 120 493 752 787 361 5,427 6,872 958 2,404 4,715 3,551 70,266 97,087 204,390 212,157 247,373 232,332 171,516 664 754 165,340 200,716 5 7 162 232 6 1 237 86 32 41 2,020 3,023 4 10 368 858 17 15 1,645 1,501 17D 250 25,478 42,548 269 278 68,371 81,493 156 149 66,929 70,957 132 49,961 972 1,114 23 66 78 78 18 18 66 70 44 61 103 143 43 69 67 92 286 313 162 136 82 68 58 510,389 485,334 89 185 2,078 2,209 1,024 1,036 5,326 5,592 5,238 7,352 16,463 22,861 8,549 13,535 15,914 21,857 105,622 113,321 107,381 91,769 242,705 205,617 75,444 883 997 119,888 128,408 5 7 20 18 48 42 893 825 15 18 454 686 60 66 2,489 2,842 41 59 2,321 4,007 96 141 7,089 11,147 41 69 4,135 6,409 66 92 6,879 10,313 276 309 39,186 42,358 161 133 33,001 27,887 74 61 23,411 21,916 53 16,499 299 327 43 47 SO 96 148 144 94 470,207 460,912 2 3 17 102 158 160 551 310 2,051 3,341 210 1,402 1,928 17, lU 17,491 62,902 73,272 385,803 364,305 134,226 250 297 108,987 118,464 3 1 199 10 8 18 587 1,402 1 12 3 5 270 414 27 44 4,203 4,893 67 92 19,817 25,935 140 135 83,889 85,705 89 42,188 1,754 2,026 58 117 79 94 23 31 98 102 69 88 233 334 121 167 176 217 622 677 251 188 24 11 22 547,416 543,347 157 321 1,850 2,550 1,371 1,840 7,958 8,212 8,058 10,594 36,957 53,157 23,913 33,068 42,049 51, 573 224,921 240,781 165,259 124,818 34,923 16,433 27,723 1,608 1,852 277,474 274,501 3 17 6 56 43 52 588 824 13 19 463 629 80 92 3,524 3,720 60 84 3,243 5,046 225 332 19,850 28,695 117 164 13,611 18,371 173 217 22,534 27,947 621 677 121,298 125,315 250 187 79,459 57,862 23 11 12,898 6,036 21 9,474 392 366 3 4 1 2 24 16 6 12 4 56 61 94 83 186 184 138 446,157 449,553 24 23 77 50 240 336 130 225 3,828 2,553 1,174 2,784 960 22,187 24,879 69,818 63,598 345,845 356,979 193,740 378 352 198,421 134,505 2 4 101 259 1 1 77 105 23 13 2,147 862 5 433 12 4 1,763 295 56 59 12,213 11,331 91 83 36,292 28,763 136 132 U5,330 U2,382 138 89,300 1,080 1,317 27 64 102 115 37 64 101 124 73 99 122 170 55 39 80 136 281 306 165 122 37 28 29 344,876 348,265 99 273 2,937 3,148 2,130 3,791 8,365 10, 169 8,541 11,635 19,228 27,282 10,956 17,624 18,990 32,614 102,913 110,727 109,440 79,173 61, 227 51,824 37,051 %5 1,155 139,854 142,275 12 9 28 40 48 62 813 956 27 55 758 1,503 91 105 3,514 3,834 70 91 3,880 4,397 118 167 8,548 12,744 48 83 4,323 8,255 77 134 9,225 16,067 275 299 48,238 50,845 162 122 45,911 32,025 37 23 14,611 11,109 29 10,259 740 815 20 38 52 51 14 13 56 55 52 57 81 123 48 49 71 87 196 216 117 96 33 30 24 311,417 311,196 69 145 1,364 1,367 851 782 4,557 4,421 6,132 6,626 12,960 19,714 9,587 9,697 17,043 20,849 70,449 77,774 77,995 64,352 110,410 105,469 31,583 661 732 37,663 90, 193 2 7 3 26 31 22 476 281 11 U 377 311 46 45 1,741 1,443 46 52 2,195 2,497 74 121 5,079 7,877 42 49 3,638 4,073 70 87 7,279 8,503 192 213 28,054 30,799 115 96 27,095 21,318 32 29 U,731 13,065 24 9,423 KANSAS 145 County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 It«fn (For dennitiona &nd expluiBtions, see text) Fafms: All fanii operulors number 1959 . 1954. Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 19.59 . 1954. Ml tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959. 1954. Land in farms: Ml fann op^Yators acres 1959 . 11)54. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acres 1959. 1954. Managers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenanle acres 1959 . 1954. Cropland harvested: All farm operaurs... farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Full owners farms roportinf! 1959. 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners farms renortinp 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. All tenants f.srms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. 104,347 120,167 38,392 45,333 38,828 40,026 294 304 26,833 34,504 25.7 28.7 50,152,870 50,023,538 9,553,969 10,068,562 27,842,339 25,917,385 774,049 612,014 11,982,513 13,425,577 94,918 107,602 20,528,357 21,440,232 31,080 35,714 3,320,631 3,748,561 38,293 39,550 U,380,910 10,951,045 257 269 101,051 106,542 25,288 32,069 5,725,765 6,634,084 1,283 1,499 634 728 406 401 1 2 242 368 18.9 24.5 302,690 304,158 96,799 100,208 146,500 128,660 240 1,080 59,151 74,210 1,148 1,259 145,284 142,770 534 547 38,075 41,598 393 398 75,104 65,257 1 2 79 267 220 312 32,026 35,648 1,131 1,273 490 563 432 401 1 2 208 307 18.4 24.1 350,370 332,168 104,861 95,499 190,336 159,363 1,380 55,093 75,926 1,021 1,U1 160,962 150,267 407 452 40,901 39,360 425 398 90,115 72,123 1 2 30 654 188 279 29,916 38,130 1,142 1,408 601 723 292 329 5 4 244 352 21.4 25.0 257,740 269,550 98,698 100,598 101,715 96,053 3,303 2,353 54,024 70,546 992 1,207 129,391 139,445 474 568 41,644 44,611 287 322 54,592 52,609 5 4 1,959 780 226 313 31,196 41,445 683 732 214 230 218 205 5 6 246 291 36.0 39.7 685,492 673,058 132,239 155,619 313,228 276,937 43,710 52,170 196,315 188,332 628 686 177,755 196,610 179 203 32,557 43,959 214 204 77,823 79,408 5 6 3,096 3,587 230 273 64,279 69,656 1,373 1,510 311 335 557 557 6 2 499 616 36.3 40.8 612,513 616,237 83,272 84,384 321,405 292,643 4,080 2,279 203,756 236,931 1,336 1,459 338,344 377,833 282 300 44,942 50,035 555 554 177,836 180,737 5 2 1,937 896 494 603 LU,129 146,165 1,378 1,622 736 851 460 494 1 3 181 274 U.l 16.9 369,118 372,458 132,494 143,708 190,651 172,755 980 1,780 44,993 54,215 1,172 1,377 133,755 133,686 565 642 37,034 42,837 451 488 77,448 66,928 1 3 433 500 155 244 18,840 23,421 1,410 1,703 512 6U 437 426 3 2 458 661 32.5 38.8 358,783 355,030 75,473 72,113 154, 6U 129,199 741 711 127,958 153,007 1,301 1,518 221,034 227,221 423 457 41,864 40,454 437 422 94,539 84,170 2 2 615 509 439 637 84,016 102,088 1,772 1,935 683 733 550 539 16 11 523 652 29.5 33.7 853,288 844,343 142,554 146,595 445,594 420,566 47,898 32,393 217,242 244,789 1,530 1,660 241,691 238,106 515 555 38,914 43,991 528 517 117,736 105,983 16 10 4,713 2,479 471 578 80,328 85,653 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Chatitautiua Clieyeiine Clay Coffey Farms: Ml faim orieraurs number 1959. 1954. Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. ^tanagers number 19b9 . 1954. Ml tenants. number 1959. 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959. 1954. Land in farms: Ml farm operators acres 1959 . 1954. Full owners acres 1959 . 1954. Part owners acr«a 1959 . 1954. ^lanagers acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants acres 1959. 1954. Cropland fiarvested: All farm operators farms teporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 - Full owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Part owners farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Managers farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954. All tenants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. 432 548 153 247 159 147 12 15 108 139 25.0 25.4 490,673 484,084 51,623 71,027 238,194 251,031 120,866 70,338 79,990 91,688 382 468 57,773 64,920 125 193 10,305 17,004 148 140 27,566 25,319 8 10 2,107 2,479 101 125 17,795 20,118 647 796 322 464 221 196 9 96 127 14.8 16.0 399,565 369,664 104,423 135,572 228,395 161,748 30,065 26,987 36,682 45,357 504 645 51,800 57,096 222 349 U,399 21,427 199 187 28,948 24,809 6 5 923 885 77 104 7,530 1,347 1,551 603 658 469 499 3 3 272 391 20.2 25.2 310,212 307,283 67,517 65,620 170,087 154,476 6,810 745 65,798 86,442 1,108 1,206 180,351 161,427 414 406 29,263 26,335 464 482 108,036 87,828 3 2 479 162 237 316 42,573 47,102 713 787 188 235 347 363 3 2 175 187 24.5 23.8 671,610 654,794 U6,474 126,285 430,840 397,269 6,5W 5,460 117,782 125,780 667 729 221,796 203,797 160 196 32,255 34,372 342 359 U5,800 124,546 3 2 1,037 830 162 172 42,704 44,049 406 502 91 105 179 187 2 2 134 208 33.0 41.4 649,155 648,201 163,237 149,324 302,327 325,174 39,180 8,326 144,411 165,377 369 427 124,744 131,138 74 76 18,857 16,750 172 172 68,385 67,061 2 2 1,252 206 121 177 36,250 47,121 1,207 1,335 392 420 430 431 1 385 483 31.9 36.2 415,736 401,047 82.485 84,687 192,837 167,492 1,020 140,414 U7,848 1,125 1,249 226,227 213,832 328 357 38,507 39,111 426 427 103,701 91,493 65 371 464 84,019 83,163 1,112 1,338 353 429 441 448 1 3 317 458 28.5 34.2 424,135 418,857 81,876 80,770 226,153 197,259 1,480 545 114,626 140,283 1,061 1,263 227,787 242,458 317 372 36,235 39,433 437 448 122,366 114,642 1 3 1,228 421 306 440 67,958 87,962 1,233 1,438 502 571 486 541 241 326 19.5 22.7 386,980 390,563 91,812 97,926 223,392 211,557 1,164 70,612 81,080 1,U9 1,318 160,304 172,398 415 475 32,327 37,275 479 540 92,553 93,246 4 336 221 303 35,088 41,877 333 418 97 113 138 171 96 134 28.8 32.1 471,784 490,985 77,892 107,722 269,176 270,743 18,400 106,316 112,520 299 384 120,673 148,550 74 96 16,784 21,440 136 170 71,378 88,045 1,792 '87 118 30,719 39,065 146 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY TENURE (For derinitions and explanalions, see text) Cowlfiy Crawford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglaa EdTiards Farms: All foni opcralcrs number 1959. 1954 . Full owners numtx?^ 1950 . 1954. Pnrt o«7ipr« number 1959. 1954. Mansi^erc nur.iber 19.59 . 1954. All l^nnnt? numli«r 1959., 1954.. Proportion of rennncy percent 1959 . . 1954.. Land in farms; All fami oporatars ecres 1959., 1954., Full owners acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Part o" ners acres 1959 , , 1954 . . Managers acres 1959 . . 1954 . . All tenants a<;re3 1959. . 1954 . . Cropland harvested; ,A11 farm operators rnims reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959.. 1954 . . Full owners farms reportini: 1959 . . 1954.. acres 1959.. 1954 . . Part owners farms reportinc 1959 . . " 1954 . . acres 1959.. 19.54 . . Majiagers farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . All tenants farms repcrting 19.59.. 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 1,644 1,993 666 853 497 519 472 615 28.7 30.9 695,318 711,585 143,091 156,855 341,903 313,604 37, 590 28,221 172,734 212,905 1,470 1,680 224,739 227,652 537 628 40,776 46,690 489 502 107,141 96,922 5 3 2,078 317 439 547 74,744 83,723 1,498 1,873 771 973 474 519 2 3 251 378 16.8 20.2 327,366 332,450 101,260 101,356 166,886 153,786 619 1,772 58,601 75,536 1,259 1,422 164,123 157,129 552 595 39,689 38,883 468 505 89,502 77,427 2 2 459 591 237 320 34,473 40,228 796 870 223 257 361 384 2 2 210 227 26.4 26.1 573,160 572,704 101,848 117,244 334,868 318,503 1,120 10,260 135,324 126,697 765 843 185,268 195,856 198 235 30,691 34,473 361 384 107,862 110,907 2 2 521 2,155 204 222 46,194 48,321 1,712 1,366 632 643 619 633 2 4 459 586 26.8 31.4 566,234 543,367 125,992 119,572 291,728 256,676 410 1,501 148,104 165,618 1,600 1,734 319,090 298,999 540 537 63,585 59,193 616 630 161,381 139,396 161 549 442 563 93,963 99,861 1,065 1,289 516 614 279 255 4 1 266 419 25.0 32.5 234,838 233,167 58,094 68,996 96,370 69,734 848 1,994 79,526 92,443 909 1,113 123,532 125,347 384 463 23,868 29,951 275 253 53,998 38,859 3 1 667 1,004 247 396 44,999 55,533 1,331 1,435 738 804 382 363 6 4 205 264 15.4 18.4 277,698 268,798 100,703 108,626 131,092 104,740 1,434 2,215 44,469 53,217 1,145 1,223 129,826 131,220 580 624 37,538 44,186 380 361 66,929 55,806 5 3 290 1,205 180 235 25,069 30,023 586 583 150 132 255 259 180 192 30.7 32.9 411,614 387,970 56,455 42,316 257,536 235,426 320 97,303 110,228 555 554 189,368 210,372 125 114 24,133 23,992 253 259 112,477 126,579 227 176 181 52,531 59,801 73a 848 369 397 220 254 1 5 U2 192 19.4 22.6 365,283 335,418 114,214 104,887 166,697 151,866 67 7,340 84,305 71,325 609 738 63,924 74,828 271 317 16,088 20,185 210 246 31,150 32,771 283 128 173 16,686 21,589 977 1,065 304 320 375 371 2 4 296 370 X.3 34.7 Item (For dennitjons and explanations, see text) Harvey Hodgeman Kearay Fafms: All faim operators number 1959. 1954. Full owners number 1959. 1954. Part owners number 1959. 1954. Managers number 1959 . , 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Proportion of tenancy percent 1959 . 1954. Land in farms: All farm operators acres 1959 . 1954 . Full owners acres 1959. 1954 . Ptin owners acres 1959 . 1954 . , Managers acres 1959 . , 1954 . , All tenants acres 1959.. 1954 . , Crtipiand hafvested; All fnnii opnrators farms reporting 1959 . 1954., acres 1959 , , 1954 , , Full owners farms reporting 1959., 1954.. acres 1959 . . 19.54.. Part owners forms reporting 1950 . , 1951 . . acres 1959.. 1951. Managers farms roportinc 1059 . . 19.54 . . acres 1950.. 1954 . . All tenants farms reporting 1059. . 1954.. acres 1059 . . 1951 . . 1,221 289 1,368 306 329 32 417 39 499 145 460 152 4 1 1 389 112 490 114 31.9 38.8 35.8 37.3 347,255 334,548 344,041 345,645 45,291 20,324 51,407 36,065 191,880 199,235 164,315 197,208 453 240 10,352 109,631 114,989 128,079 102,020 1,146 275 1,242 297 229,712 168,940 225,705 169,487 276 24 319 35 26,033 9,418 30,121 16,701 495 143 457 150 126,165 102,515 106,477 95,560 4 1 84 91 371 108 465 112 77,430 57,007 89,016 57,226 568 587 130 151 249 250 1 1 188 185 33.1 31.5 508,729 510,372 87,303 99,023 291,043 284,636 1,130 640 129,253 126,073 537 565 171,226 228,411 110 135 26,413 38,243 247 250 95,926 125,796 1 1 487 472 179 179 48,400 63,900 1,476 1,727 745 820 505 541 2 2 224 364 15.2 21.1 379,150 392,375 119,713 121,126 202,006 187,508 1,246 1,146 56,185 82,595 1,308 1,549 151,071 176,712 611 680 39,758 48,249 492 539 84,555 84,936 130 381 204 328 26,628 43,146 1,355 1,585 757 872 398 416 5 200 292 14.8 18.4 3U,650 322,831 121,426 129,219 144,127 128,136 2,738 49,097 62,738 1,201 1,434 140,002 157,482 630 755 44,149 54,161 393 410 70,861 67,169 1,050 178 264 24,992 35,102 1,243 1,553 428 546 498 526 1 1 316 480 25.4 30.9 512,157 521,786 118,138 122,823 266,563 245,768 12 15 127,444 153,180 1,127 1,414 245,415 277,752 330 441 43,850 54,870 492 525 130,625 132,814 1 15 304 447 70,936 90,053 1,257 1,342 704 746 307 296 7 15 239 285 19.0 21.2 222,096 214,180 79,556 77,185 38,540 76,920 3,365 5,532 50,635 54,493 1,037 1,100 103,037 106,473 536 548 29,008 31,486 300 293 45,886 42,489 15 1,008 2,267 194 244 27,135 30,231 310 318 54 38 UB in 2 1 106 125 34.2 39.3 533,785 513,955 66,749 34,911 333,945 366,696 14,240 1,600 118,851 110,748 284 296 170,361 130,237 41 29 12,233 8,420 139 150 109,748 82,591 1 1,320 380 103 116 47,060 38,846 KANSAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 147 Ellsworth Finney Ford FranlOln Geary Gove Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper 772 682 1,102 1,501 455 579 659 247 617 273 1,053 377 1,062 1 858 726 1,299 1,696 552 644 741 248 572 257 1,148 406 1,217 2 185 137 296 783 200 135 162 27 122 33 478 84 237 3 208 157 385 873 248 154 173 40 120 35 480 76 358 4 3i4 294 480 464 165 305 301 102 295 147 346 167 409 5 363 234 494 499 173 328 322 104 297 135 382 184 432 e 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 2 13 5 4 7 6 6 3 2 1 1 7 3 3 8 2A1 248 324 252 88 137 196 113 198 88 215 121 362 g 287 279 414 321 129 162 241 104 254 96 279 143 424 10 31.2 36.4 29.4 16.3 19.3 23.7 29.7 45.7 32.1 32.2 20.5 32.1 34.1 11 33.4 38.4 31.9 18.9 23.4 25.2 32.5 41.9 37.8 35.9 24.3 35.2 34.8 12 U7,U7 776,519 762,812 344,178 211,300 616,521 525,885 303,650 551,698 391,429 721,877 574,406 510,863 13 425,818 782,352 784,049 337,074 233,104 604,040 519,430 293,640 555,069 402,917 700,906 593,534 513,479 14 67,333 65,334 128,908 113,003 72,744 105,437 71,835 14,537 65,451 13,809 139,056 58,629 75,900 15 60,032 69,653 145,806 115,667 84,566 92,480 71,583 23,431 65,463 15,007 141,737 54,734 80,037 16 264,969 467, 573 445,377 173,566 98,187 403,073 337,461 156,947 346,189 283,709 405,515 371,923 262,448 17 242,242 437,084 420,894 155,823 86,117 409,567 311,618 158,773 332,335 270,612 386,424 361,366 246,891 18 3,920 3,290 3,516 1,845 1,558 6,800 9,183 2,240 71,785 9,220 2,351 19 17,032 9,400 5,210 18,900 2,030 1,920 22,051 32,002 1,320 20 110,425 240,322 185, OU 55,764 38,811 101,211 116,589 122,983 137,818 93,911 105,520 134,529 170,154 21 123,544 259,083 207,949 60,374 43,521 101,993 136,229 111,336 155,191 115,378 150,544 145,532 185,231 22 741 634 1,013 1,308 428 556 625 240 587 258 875 360 1,009 23 826 675 1,191 1,481 501 608 716 232 647 253 1,007 346 1,125 24 161,319 329,829 348,268 157,491 77,933 187,248 168,492 156,429 235,594 180,425 101,929 226,450 282,993 25 177,703 290,143 392,821 160,740 90,287 194,452 186,300 147,066 252,784 182,323 117,867 151,291 282,755 28 166 103 234 623 177 120 U6 24 96 26 345 72 241 27 182 127 309 707 210 133 156 27 103 25 391 50 284 28 21,442 21,304 50,516 42,944 21,575 26,562 23,138 6,033 24,653 5,122 22,130 20,523 35,061 29 23,660 24,232 65,111 47,414 23,826 28,209 24,060 10,857 26,859 4,646 27,639 8,703 33,304 .10 342 290 477 455 163 »3 300 102 295 146 329 164 403 31 361 276 489 490 172 327 323 103 295 134 367 170 430 32 91,975 193,167 203,737 84,731 38,838 123,825 105,966 83,939 141,503 127,170 51,659 139,085 149,275 33 95,001 153,313 207,269 80,840 34,294 129,202 109,387 76,916 U2,647 119,032 57,288 100,379 138,575 34 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 13 5 4 35 5 6 3 1 1 "i 7 3 3 36 1,490 1,962 1,813 526 395 983 4,336 415 ... 4,542 3,241 1,472 37 4,210 4,160 1,332 14,100 415 625 3,102 1,200 445 36 231 238 300 228 86 131 189 iio 194 86 189 119 356 39 283 267 387 231 118 148 237 102 248 93 242 123 408 40 46,412 113,396 92,202 29,290 17,175 35,878 39,333 72,121 69,118 48,134 23,598 63,595 97,184 41 59,042 108,388 116,281 31,154 18,067 37,041 53,353 59,293 32,853 58,020 29,838 51,009 105,440 42 KlOWB Labette lone Leavenworth Lincoln T.lmi k)gan Ijron IfcPherson Itorldi MarahaU Xfeade Miami 445 1,661 362 1,467 873 1,252 378 1,501 1,977 1,758 1,852 571 1,563 1 506 2,048 362 1,748 1,015 1,377 345 1,835 2,123 1,928 2,083 638 1,845 2 71 911 69 937 261 600 81 660 485 459 681 120 833 3 103 1,163 60 1,113 295 645 74 849 546 493 775 171 930 4 212 475 187 347 351 452 169 538 895 714 545 283 501 5 218 502 178 353 391 488 168 562 902 713 552 291 470 6 1 5 3 1 4 6 4 5 2 4 3 6 7 1 7 1 7 5 4 7 3 2 1 1 6 6 161 270 106 180 260 196 122 299 591 583 621 165 323 9 184 376 123 275 324 240 103 417 672 720 755 175 439 10 36.2 16.3 29.3 12.3 29.8 15.7 32.3 19.9 29.9 33.2 33.5 28.9 19.4 11 36.4 18.4 34.0 15.7 31.9 17.4 29.9 22.7 31.7 37.3 36.2 27.4 23.8 12 476, 525 399,600 436,667 248,997 453,196 340,466 546,966 544,153 595,373 624,939 563,418 528,334 341,730 13 459,118 401,043 412,293 269,558 442,993 331,360 560,753 538,856 580,805 606,024 553,205 622,531 342,933 14 32,613 132,954 48,973 121,033 86,847 113,236 75,787 125,254 83,585 79,511 139,880 91,521 114,293 15 43,187 140,967 50,693 128,054 86,837 102,587 85,461 151,337 91,971 95,355 150,494 141,550 120,115 16 312,908 198,572 290,352 89,185 241,121 179,342 238,535 322,165 347,601 342,940 233,521 352,328 150,874 17 278,777 173,781 261,521 87,880 228,815 173,258 368,409 245,339 314,647 291,310 204,043 327,302 135,644 16 2,840 5,356 4,830 2,048 645 54,380 3,835 818 9,895 1,560 23,650 7,355 19 440 10,338 2,560 6,993 2,823 2,399 29,327 995 4,795 560 71 3,054 20 128,164 62,718 97,342 33,949 123,180 47,193 128,214 92,899 163,369 192,593 138,457 160,835 69,208 21 136,714 75,957 97,519 46,631 124,518 53, U6 106,833 112,853 173,192 214,564 203,108 153,608 84,120 22 418 1,342 350 1,274 332 1,080 350 1,322 1,889 1,647 1,712 538 1,429 23 483 1,588 347 1,529 952 1,188 331 1,607 2,020 1,800 1,930 589 1,598 24 143,440 181,107 155,376 112,111 185,048 137,632 147,409 170,890 353,076 319,990 283,702 204,938 152,183 25 169,907 185,081 163,364 123,378 200,292 143,565 155,779 198,196 352,068 317, 554 291,460 217,419 158,235 M 56 652 60 763 227 462 62 523 434 372 570 95 545 27 88 786 54 935 247 488 68 676 459 395 651 135 754 28 U,245 49,352 15,596 46,487 33,561 33,361 19,002 37,799 45,811 39,730 62,039 23,416 39,037 29 17,054 54,094 17,740 52,558 35,640 36,906 15,849 51,347 50,476 45,357 67,772 33,782 45,912 30 208 460 187 340 350 443 168 523 893 708 545 282 487 31 216 495 176 349 390 482 164 549 900 709 549 286 453 32 83,662 96, 103 101,406 46,430 96,026 80,766 87,806 94,012 206,529 170,793 118,305 121,455 75,194 33 92,350 87,803 102,132 43,993 101,569 80,032 100,143 90,477 192,534 151,401 107,132 122,512 68,150 34 1 5 3 1 3 6 3 5 2 2 2 5 35 1 6 "i 7 4 4 ... 7 3 2 1 1 6 36 200 1,179 . • • 3,017 188 213 2,613 1,318 278 1,380 442 194 1,062 37 386 2,034 410 2,921 1,115 1,000 ... 3,347 587 1,131 230 56 715 38 153 225 103 168 254 172 114 273 557 565 595 159 291 39 178 301 116 238 311 214 99 375 548 694 729 167 375 40 48,333 34,473 38,374 16,177 55,273 23,287 37,988 37,761 100,358 108,082 107,416 59,923 35,890 41 60,117 41,150 43,082 23,906 61,968 25,627 39,737 53,025 103,371 119,655 115,326 61,059 43,458 42 148 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE BY TENURE (Kor iJerinilions and exptnnalions. see lent) Mitchell Jtontgcanery Morris Morton Neosho Ness Norton Osage Farms: All fanii opcralors number 1959 . 1954 . Full 0"ncrs nufiilwr 1959. 1954. Pnn onner^ number 1959, 1954. Manacer' nuriSer 1959. 1954. AM lemnL- nun>!»er 1959 . , 1954 . , Proportion of tenrncy pettent 1959 . , 1954., Land in farms: All fami operatflrs pen*.'? 19.59., 1954 . . Full ov*T)er5 acres 1959.. 1954 . . Part o'\ ners acres 1959 . . 1954.. Managers acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Ml tenancs acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Cropland harvested: \l\ farm operators fnnns reportinp 1959 , , 1954.. acres 1959 . . 1954 . . Full owners farms repottinc 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 1954.. Part owners farms repottinc 1959 . . 1954 . . acres 1959 . . 19.-i4 . . Mftnacers farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . aCT^s 1959 . , 1954,, All lenanls fnrms reporting 1959. . 19.54 . . acres 1959 . . 1954 . . 95A 1,057 247 301 iH 437 1 4 272 315 28.5 29.8 459,889 455,217 70,815 81,777 277,844 250,306 1,120 8,380 110,110 114,754 908 998 236,501 263,006 212 251 32,137 42,464 432 437 143,869 U9,547 320 1,452 263 306 60,175 69,543 1,571 2,045 877 1,234 404 383 2 4 288 424 18.3 20.7 361,050 371,897 124,072 150,132 163,359 132,041 905 2,601 72,714 67,123 1,235 1,508 145,791 144,890 607 805 35,460 46,906 386 369 71,845 56,583 2 2 478 450 240 332 38,008 40,951 935 1,067 396 4U 333 395 3 1 203 260 21.7 24.4 445,551 449,694 126,650 138,512 236,973 223,760 4,335 800 77,593 86,622 141,046 153,829 343 356 38, 5X 38,850 329 389 70,245 75,204 2 1 623 55 194 242 31,644 39,720 288 347 63 53 152 170 73 124 25.3 35.7 352,755 372,848 39,705 27,217 238,513 249, 567 74,537 %,064 281 307 181,572 169,713 58 30 17,802 8,846 151 164 124,066 114,933 72 113 39,704 45,934 1,577 1,800 661 719 467 492 2 4 447 585 28.3 32.5 449,355 456,438 146,860 133,534 177,399 172,625 6,567 6,311 118,529 143,968 1,470 1,629 218,233 231, 768 569 576 63,406 59,676 464 487 86,677 88,955 2 4 488 1,502 435 562 65,662 81,635 1,380 1,759 724 931 438 486 213 342 15.4 19,4 339,784 353,935 107,549 124,586 177,568 167,300 4,580 50,067 62,049 1,197 1,449 154,185 156,922 577 690 38,744 45,524 431 481 86,221 82,584 1,378 185 278 25,842 26,814 834 885 187 205 390 380 3 1 254 299 30.5 33.8 695,062 691,156 106,707 107,483 427,233 402,427 2,773 1,740 156,369 179,506 802 865 243,714 310,606 162 186 33,010 47,480 366 379 148,355 172,337 3 1 867 917 251 299 61,482 89,872 879 993 264 296 411 421 3 4 201 272 22.9 27.4 538,375 532,670 89,185 90,353 331,600 301,777 3,135 3,560 114,455 136,960 940 177,891 204,041 209 257 26,161 32,731 406 418 107,467 114,124 3 4 905 1,389 190 261 43,356 55,797 Item (For definitions and explanations, Sedgwick Farms: All farii operator? Full owners . Pane Managers All tenants PtTtportion of tenancy . Land in farms: All farm operators .number 1959., 1954 , , . number 1959 . , 1954 . , . number 1959 . 1954 . , number 1959 , , 1954,, , number 1959 , , 1954 . , 11959.. 1954 . . 796 941 190 197 332 369 274 375 34.3 39.9 lull owners . Pfttt 0 Managers, All trnam Cropland harvested: All farm operators. Klanngers. . . acres 1959. 1954. . acres 1959. 19,54 . . acres 1959. 19.54 . . acres 1959 . 19,54 , , acres 1959, 1951, , , fnrms rfporling 1959, 1954 , acres 19,59 , 1954 , . . fnrms reporting 1959 . 19.54 . acres 1959 . 1951 . , , farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . acres 1959. 1964. , . farms rcrxirting 1959 . 1954 , acres 1959, 1954, , . farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959 . 1954 . 515,482 536,233 89,439 75,935 266,466 278,869 5,560 154,015 161,429 756 892 185,697 202,564 167 180 29,202 25,380 330 366 95,807 105,415 1,238 257 346 59,450 71,769 960 1,212 303 403 392 4U 1 3 284 392 29,0 32,3 415,160 453,851 65,725 77,344 250,918 227,478 1,694 97 96,623 148,932 928 1,126 195,636 210,564 266 340 30,172 34,727 389 4U 108,209 101,327 1 3 1,850 74 272 372 55,407 74,436 406 479 61 86 212 226 1 134 167 32.8 34.9 507,760 509,114 46,488 53,925 340,912 332,906 4,960 115,400 122,283 397 454 217,255 221,285 55 74 15,174 21,307 212 223 Ul,040 137,881 2,317 129 157 58,724 62,097 1,984 2,158 671 795 642 6U 665 741 33.5 34.3 601,019 548,320 100,256 101,096 275,804 236,454 25,878 2,361 199,061 208,409 1,829 1,869 385,746 343,965 558 577 53,207 54,150 640 611 190,619 154,304 4 7 1,168 1,052 627 694 140,752 134,459 3U 360 61 64 138 149 2 4 113 163 36.0 42.9 404,823 435,520 54,851 33,467 232,819 254,099 1,285 13,356 115,868 134,598 285 359 146,008 187,639 43 52 13,915 16, U3 134 U9 80,601 96,799 1,137 108 155 53,292 73,760 1,376 1,720 747 973 390 428 3 U 236 308 17.2 17.9 312,253 331,995 88,878 108,451 147,457 143,343 3,680 6,895 72,236 73,306 1,171 1,460 144,296 159,897 582 749 32,429 43,803 382 421 73,868 73,379 3 11 3,680 3,499 204 279 34,319 39,216 662 770 146 181 336 335 200 254 29.3 33.0 557 573 146 154 283 307 128 112 23.0 19.5 544,482 559, 968 89,089 98,194 328,240 304,408 127, 153 157,366 661 740 179, 191 209,376 131 154 28,267 34,804 336 334 108,951 Ul,767 194 242 41,973 62,805 633,018 630,597 119,226 114,991 424,270 436,640 89,522 78,966 530 556 231,306 231,993 130 U2 39,580 41,056 277 307 152, 566 158,787 123 107 39,160 32,150 KANSAS OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 149 Osbome Ottam Pawnae Phillips Pottawatomie Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice Riley Rooks Rush 9«) 883 805 1,011 1,197 757 750 2,289 1,483 982 329 335 871 1 1,011 1,042 8U 1,196 1,520 860 813 2,712 1,705 1,155 1,044 965 972 272 240 156 328 555 146 210 706 527 206 353 199 193 3 293 310 147 354 677 198 247 889 599 247 456 208 224 4 112 394 380 456 386 333 354 938 518 457 243 373 375 5 422 434 331 476 454 321 337 939 564 496 253 397 383 6 3 3 6 3 2 3 3 4 1 7 3 2 4 1 4 2 "i 5 1 1 g 253 249 266 227 250 275 184 642 435 319 229 263 302 9 293 296 336 366 385 340 229 880 540 411 325 359 364 10 26.9 28.2 33.0 22.5 20.9 36.3 24.5 28.0 29.3 32.5 27.6 31.5 34.7 jl 29.0 28.4 41.3 30.6 25.3 39.5 28.2 32.4 31.7 35.6 31.1 37.2 37.4 12 554,150 419,706 5U,839 537,164 466,236 466,117 697,449 788,940 442,324 466,857 338,172 592,563 464,382 13 548,904 417,075 433,731 537,118 509,998 447,076 691,410 803,114 442,791 464,704 340,891 592,769 466, 102 14 115, 105 48,996 44,576 107,949 U3,947 44,202 137,713 120,672 103,107 62,720 99,984 83,591 64,251 IS 106,662 61,789 53,154 98,025 157,925 50,011 157,146 135,924 106,280 49,248 104,474 66,562 74,944 16 306,463 261,484 324,775 317,205 218,080 259,878 400,521 448,431 209,284 273,029 141,723 352,051 256,765 17 295,544 241,470 253,562 282,537 221,784 219,187 363,632 405,757 200,288 271,715 128,404 338,329 238,456 18 7,140 3,090 W,525 4,380 2,120 1,310 929 14,397 510 19 3,570 8,860 7,516 1,800 2,204 931 1,040 1,257 1,100 320 20 125,442 109,226 1A2,398 112,010 89,684 157,657 157,095 213,027 129,004 Ul,108 32,068 156,921 142, 856 21 143,128 104,956 177,015 156,556 122,773 176,078 170,532 264,229 U5,292 142,701 106,756 186,273 152,382 22 892 628 772 943 1,031 724 726 2,127 1,362 936 770 804 849 23 966 978 792 1,116 1,357 804 780 2,419 1,583 1,103 951 903 937 24 206,002 189,276 277,126 173,422 153, 939 240,114 208,680 482,697 260,761 257,136 126,615 196,233 212,350 25 232,855 203,326 304,847 213,682 175,399 265,299 203,472 502,393 267,857 274,777 125,330 223,788 269, 526 26 237 201 136 271 464 123 195 578 424 177 307 181 178 27 253 260 133 292 542 157 227 664 501 212 384 173 193 28 35, 108 22,098 23,097 32,623 40,698 20,337 36,049 59,429 51,403 24,292 33,002 25,936 29,479 29 36,773 29,187 32,242 34,323 45,0a 27,934 42,455 67,731 57,106 25,980 36,603 23,503 40,201 30 408 389 374 453 378 330 353 931 517 453 240 368 371 31 422 432 329 469 449 320 336 929 559 494 258 393 382 32 U5,925 114,504 166,923 103,294 75,340 130,679 123,322 282,040 124,871 154,172 52,940 116,523 116,098 33 127,941 113,467 154,503 112,943 77,339 130,530 107,800 257,956 122,693 157,154 43,923 130,227 138,402 34 2 3 5 3 2 3 3 3 1 35 3 2 4 1 4 2 "i 4 i 1 36 704 1,925 3,355 980 613 720 294 ... 3,846 133 37 977 369 2,346 640 1,(K6 267 579 362 200 193 38 245 238 259 2I9 234 268 176 615 413 306 220 255 299 38 288 284 330 355 362 326 217 822 521 396 305 336 361 40 54,265 52,674 85,181 42,505 34,546 37,618 48,696 140,503 84,188 78,672 36,827 53,824 66,640 4j 67,164 60,303 118,102 71,411 50,693 106,195 53,217 175,660 87,791 91,064 44,437 74,858 90,725 42 Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Tbonas Trego Vabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 879 245 390 1,971 672 690 972 299 1,754 392 1,080 740 556 1 1,050 282 436 2,190 731 796 1,114 327 2,026 366 1,317 815 1,009 2 165 23 62 550 157 151 443 97 7D1 62 469 357 390 3 203 39 50 624 185 204 5U 95 831 65 597 396 822 4 383 139 195 735 357 321 306 127 554 182 383 273 100 5 4U 150 191 759 353 326 313 139 570 172 413 270 85 6 1 2 4 2 2 6 3 1 7 1 1 3 "3 "i 2 2 "9 2 1 3 8 330 83 iji 682 158 218 221 ■75 497 148 222 107 65 9 433 92 195 804 190 265 288 93 623 120 305 M8 99 10 37.5 33.9 33.6 34.6 23.5 31.6 22.7 25.1 28.3 37.8 20.6 14.5 11.7 11 41.2 32.6 44.7 36.7 26.0 33.3 25.9 28.4 30.8 32.8 23.2 18.2 9.8 12 505, 183 531,675 413,309 741,083 788,202 534,717 510,389 470,207 547,416 446,157 344,876 311,417 36,963 13 503,297 534,500 435,393 722,583 741,285 555,635 485,334 460,912 543,347 449,553 348,265 311,196 45,780 14 53,518 37,523 30,597 99,490 136, 178 35,801 132,388 93,697 152,861 43,193 89,032 73,598 16,007 15 45,142 42,102 23,519 109,240 106,131 108,070 168,993 105,062 176,143 37,107 101,553 82,566 25,323 16 266,999 397,683 258,609 390,632 531,668 304,216 252,748 293,696 249,548 278,450 184,847 193,784 14,283 17 260,054 403,649 266,660 353,700 425,304 239,716 203,018 259,118 208,393 290,930 162,433 188,222 12,054 18 2,240 6,360 1,523 2,680 3,220 6,781 4,320 750 19 680 2,080 870 31,346 2,480 6,970 2,280 13,190 4,540 880 332 20 182,426 96,469 117,243 249,388 120,356 144,700 122,573 82,814 Ul,787 124, 5U 64,216 34,715 5,923 21 197,421 86,669 U5,214 253,773 178,504 155,419 106,353 96,732 156,531 108,326 79,739 39,528 3,071 22 835 244 374 1,835 653 664 383 250 1,608 378 965 661 388 23 973 262 415 1,997 697 754 997 297 1,852 352 1,155 732 448 24 263,476 215, 173 228,596 488,751 3U,927 165,340 119,888 103,987 277,474 198,4a 139,854 87,668 16,952 25 291,376 148,619 279,110 435,353 301,608 200,716 128,408 118,464 274, 501 184,505 142,275 90,193 16,798 26 137 23 50 453 141 132 373 61 580 55 393 295 242 27 149 30 43 498 159 172 425 83 698 56 478 338 311 28 22,576 14,238 14,058 53,769 52,134 23,962 32,540 13,276 67,840 18,197 30,347 25,069 4,920 29 23,419 U,849 13,794 56,470 42,776 35,929 38,763 16,520 78,687 15,046 37,031 28,182 7,424 30 381 139 194 728 356 317 299 118 548 182 377 266 93 31 412 U5 190 747 353 324 304 131 568 170 406 261 77 32 141,389 149,476 138,447 261,972 205,245 94,656 56,183 64,661 129,245 117,059 77,200 48,732 8,305 33 148,085 103,605 166,108 215,987 177,978 105,826 52,843 65,997 109,643 113,936 66,940 47,866 6,432 34 1 2 3 1 2 5 3 1 35 1 "1 3 "3 "i 1 2 "s 2 1 1 36 430 4,086 957 43 514 1,291 591 495 37 40 850 454 5,976 516 16 624 5,694 759 205 25 38 316 82 lis 651 156 215 210 '71 473 141 190 97 52 39 4U 86 182 749 132 257 267 83 584 118 269 132 59 40 99,031 51,459 72,005 172,053 54,548 46,722 31,117 31,050 79,875 63,165 31,016 13,276 3,232 41 U9, 832 32,315 99,203 162,442 74,878 53,445 36,786 35,947 1 85,547 49,779 37,545 13,940 2,917 42 150 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [DftUi are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial farms number. Land i n fami^ acres . Average size of farm acres. Value of land and buildin|:s average per fnrm, dollars . average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms reporting . acres. Farin operators: Workinir off their farms, total number. 100 or mtro days number . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number . By tenure: Full owners number. Part owners number . Managers number , Ml tenants number • . Specified equipment and facilities: Grain combines farms reporting . number . , Com pickers farms reporting.. number. Pick-up balers farms reporting . number . . Nkjtortncks farms reporting . , number . . TYactors other than garden farms reporting . . number. , Autonxibiles farms reporting . . number. . Telephone farms repotting . . tlonie freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Flectric milk cooler farms reporting.. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unim[Toved farms reporting. . Farm labor, week precedinR enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting . . Family workers , including ofierator farms reporting . . Operators working 1 or more hours , persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. , persons. , Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reporting. , persons , , Livestock and poultry on farms: CatUe and calves farms reporting . . number. . Milk cows farms reporting . . numhoi .. Horses and ^or mules farms reporting . . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number. . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number. . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. , number. , Calves sold alive farms repottine. . number . . Hogs and pigs sold alive fam,s reporting . . number. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number. . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting . . dollars . . Wool farms reporting. . pounds . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified Tarm expenditures farms reporting. . dollars . . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . . Machine hire dollars , . Hired labor dollars . . Ga-soline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. , Seeds, hulbs, plants, and trees dollars.. Crops harvested: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres.. Sorghums for all purposes f amis reporting . . acres . . Harvested for grain or seed... f aims reporting.. acres. . pounds. . Wheat .farms reporting. . acres. . tiushelB. . Land f rem which hay was cut acres . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish antl aweet potatoes ) farms reporting. , dollars . . 83,097 -a, 089, 440 578.7 57, 233 99.29 80,577 20,016,593 32,256 12,933 9,280 22,673 37,904 229 22,291 60,117 67,161 20,225 20,746 23,054 23,427 72,075 109,797 77,646 156,668 77,258 97,456 70,877 46,513 15,471 8,356 15,919 45,894 20,079 74,534 73,864 73,052 31,555 45,182 5,111 7,068 68,503 4,229,798 40,911 303,605 24,244 56,418 32,202 1,260,521 52,517 7,108,800 52,106 1,881,106 43,320 866,182 30,356 1,634,907 6,218 644,338 28,113 3,627,195 38,295 63,403,020 28,349 52,895,917 6,390 4,445,781 83,089 461,561,503 97,764,412 228,843,939 28,500,087 32,553,237 62,969,935 10,929,893 38,591 1,798,663 63,240 4,691,496 55,324 3,751,488 6,896,653,458 74,372 9,639,527 196,158,815 1,797,123 969 1,261,286 869 268,828 309.4 29,353 95.72 844 125,497 346 138 298 336 185 583 612 444 455 316 322 718 876 804 1,383 782 882 692 390 327 212 116 737 5 843 837 820 347 501 24 32 798 37,066 519 6,151 250 700 393 15,491 595 80,734 555 7,405 613 9,908 357 17,491 110 4,738 383 34,299 469 600, 505 462 1,164,300 120 56,605 869 2,445,627 788,518 728,935 207,280 160,237 456,183 104,474 746 35,711 551 13,916 481 11,832 27,767,539 737 23,948 625,335 10 2,435 343,451 386.8 35,942 91.00 878 158,379 330 130 306 440 142 665 717 356 361 440 441 712 897 838 1,679 812 1,042 542 4^1 280 218 165 711 12 848 848 843 360 560 37 41 827 42,504 531 4,398 281 733 365 16,251 558 84,415 701 10,510 517 9,996 384 22,276 104 3,350 319 48,305 386 789,390 421 767,253 94 26,309 3,276,280 994,356 1,231,047 225,164 159,325 568,372 98,016 746 33,221 516 14,467 456 12,443 34,643,680 791 29,230 302,319 42,970 868 239,677 276.1 32,339 115.34 838 125,160 313 156 386 290 6 186 668 730 531 575 380 395 698 837 813 1,640 777 1,008 695 475 211 195 178 658 32 838 837 821 351 469 25 33 781 33,144 435 4,070 202 321 534 29,339 578 73,543 627 15,145 600 6,075 555 35,048 76 3,709 336 33,825 422 609,940 310 794,500 76 28,067 863 3,817,430 1,174,372 1,715,012 124,217 175,784 524,966 103,079 748 42,498 495 15,334 455 14,244 35,451,130 758 26,376 651,322 23,819 630 688,923 1,093.5 33,307 73.39 581 184,946 351 186 136 230 363 427 5 5 135 137 585 944 577 1,195 579 721 536 334 59 15 98 113 414 535 518 513 183 272 77 99 527 64,117 232 1,064 324 951 156 6,U9 316 36,645 328 31,655 349 20,935 169 8,025 47 4,208 114 19,937 178 249,579 77 143,144 43 43,480 629 6,161,947 1,089,397 3,608,044 330,092 443,433 570,578 70,398 43 1,553 444 43,614 273 16,434 20,383,693 555 113,911 2,338,355 6,360 1,163 603,860 519.2 76,308 145.67 1,162 338,381 486 175 171 568 8 416 972 1,143 10 10 299 300 1,103 1,935 1,U2 2,548 1,100 1,434 937 771 153 38 362 662 138 1,028 1,023 1,012 440 644 25 37 376 45,035 493 3,093 199 430 371 5,876 685 68,883 666 17,353 601 3,132 239 6,430 48 6,710 324 25,127 522 514,525 338 441,991 60 57,303 1,163 4,492,649 359,486 1,849,857 307,234 359,205 1,002,016 114,851 67 850 1,040 76,207 934 59,894 109,733,805 1,127 226,783 3,102,484 18,967 969 331,531 342.1 23,619 70.36 938 126,121 303 146 447 394 128 683 695 343 350 426 436 786 895 892 1,467 823 939 772 472 407 197 250 703 16 917 915 895 574 889 56 101 908 46,196 630 7,861 275 697 458 18,928 747 82,996 622 12,124 742 13,384 422 23,742 92 5,063 330 29,414 523 596,107 554 1,503,630 117 51,910 969 3,603,329 1,113,364 1,399,657 151,206 288, 566 531,145 119,391 728 30,011 610 15,261 461 10,107 22,456,090 10 750 10 2,750 15 1,610 722 22,998 512,477 29,005 10 1,000 KANSAS 151 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959 B sample of raims. See t«xl] Butler Chase Chautauqua Charoltee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Cnmnncbe Cowley Crawford Decatur 1,268 355 484 802 634 357 1,074 1,0U 955 276 1,175 948 799 1 802,307 456,334 379,678 268,635 656,698 630,587 4U,775 417,858 371,910 449,817 653,958 279,029 599,938 2 632.7 1,285.4 784.5 335.0 1,035.8 1,766.4 386.2 413.3 389.4 1,529.8 556.6 294.3 750.9 3 71,058 67,428 45,591 34,916 81, Ul 102,929 42,826 43,139 40,515 106,464 69,385 23,486 55,420 4 107.49 83.51 61.15 104.59 77.77 60.34 108.78 100.27 101.90 69.25 124.39 75.81 74.60 5 1,186 331 408 772 624 331 1,019 975 925 259 1,142 938 794 6 225,180 50,385 49,451 175,229 218,838 116,942 218,635 235,465 153,948 118,972 2U,472 148,434 194,857 7 370 135 181 290 200 128 349 333 325 94 590 254 286 S 3A6 53 105 140 94 50 121 114 95 49 247 87 76 « 314 29 85 66 48 18 90 65 96 17 227 110 62 10 332 124 257 220 153 64 298 287 328 56 305 387 216 11 524 148 167 415 315 187 444 390 478 140 438 411 386 12 21 12 11 2 2 2 1 2 U 13 391 71 49 165 164 104 332 333 U9 78 421 150 197 U 872 276 257 596 518 168 845 772 656 173 876 667 599 i: 933 304 277 625 627 213 923 868 692 208 937 685 665 i< 238 45 32 227 157 404 266 345 61 451 187 17 248 46 37 228 161 4U 263 361 61 458 200 IB 500 176 U2 161 37 42 309 312 360 64 344 238 163 19 540 178 144 161 37 43 310 318 361 67 347 239 163 20 1,123 316 432 692 579 321 899 879 760 267 1,043 698 750 21 1,602 521 580 919 1,021 581 1,117 1,224 996 538 1,538 787 1,125 2S 1,177 331 420 757 596 316 998 915 870 247 1,094 883 748 23 2,360 627 642 1,228 1,201 605 2,041 1,820 1,878 597 2,103 1,356 1,560 24 1,182 339 414 692 6U 323 1,012 934 835 265 1,125 823 787 25 1,519 465 489 838 789 411 1,289 1,146 1,0U 369 1,339 945 1,010 2e 1,084 291 310 611 549 300 1,011 865 774 245 1,109 778 686 27 734 243 235 375 398 168 677 483 492 171 650 308 448 28 169 51 47 171 105 20 198 155 186 35 166 222 57 29 157 25 51 130 10 35 30 193 15 132 122 1 30 357 95 45 156 48 49 287 U7 153 23 326 290 54 31 845 247 354 6U 189 148 564 382 755 137 785 638 182 32 55 7 73 20 397 152 198 451 35 116 43 15 530 33 1,165 338 427 777 536 292 1,0U 906 925 261 1,116 882 684 34 1,153 335 417 777 534 2«7 1,009 906 924 258 1,104 871 683 35 1,144 330 401 767 532 285 1,008 900 904 258 1,098 865 682 36 467 131 187 374 245 70 431 350 510 99 445 427 286 37 705 171 246 491 324 88 597 470 804 U9 609 583 426 3S 134 36 28 7 50 48 49 45 21 47 76 41 42 39 195 66 49 8 55 68 49 56 30 57 119 55 iS 40 1,087 337 440 727 464 283 986 846 844 248 992 877 610 41 97,852 44,206 46,119 21,525 30,721 43,606 51,272 33,002 53,136 41,459 65,613 32,531 45,352 42 581 178 224 504 322 109 569 500 574 121 501 507 350 43 4,281 887 1,683 3,770 1,863 198 3,190 2,899 3,834 732 4,0U 4,727 1,559 44 554 199 294 152 221 207 253 200 373 180 463 a4 207 45 1,780 640 855 261 392 653 415 517 871 468 964 574 402 46 470 121 178 302 262 44 432 398 392 72 344 419 387 47 25,035 3,388 7,654 7,391 6,856 945 21,988 11,975 19,431 1,380 U,320 16,679 15,013 48 723 212 288 491 368 141 846 666 739 152 720 707 506 49 134,621 31,301 22,021 47,320 36,356 8,485 144,846 U4,473 186,485 U,227 152,989 93,724 50,106 SO 900 253 321 456 362 255 727 602 708 195 749 634 522 51 64,120 51,964 10,351 3,332 11,992 37,188 19,024 9,859 21,421 17,892 25,668 11,948 18,632 52 521 160 391 550 251 123 597 668 530 150 599 620 337 53 13,055 3,867 15,762 4,778 4,470 5,803 U,064 8,673 7,673 8,889 12,927 7,042 6,551 54 481 109 181 252 246 32 524 380 402 72 353 374 353 55 37,865 6,583 11,146 7,923 9,103 732 32,957 16,638 22,658 2,147 15,069 19,219 17,532 56 132 19 29 40 24 26 46 90 90 17 98 124 28 57 9,720 2,102 1,104 770 6,727 1,002 2,485 4,409 2,010 998 3,971 4,423 4,338 58 305 103 115 217 170 46 679 424 573 45 284 4U 199 59 61,266 11,668 5,476 19,408 20,345 3,973 90,552 47,992 201,064 2,650 68,801 37,835 24,405 60 471 136 170 315 225 50 775 555 645 66 456 550 330 61 1,488,339 326,616 108,733 3U,470 318,446 35,597 1,375,008 1,078,935 1,908,469 105,420 1,5a, 804 756,870 480,a6 62 316 76 121 392 233 23 442 412 403 38 254 425 225 63 838,809 230,533 211,005 580,985 177,161 3,421 435,274 333,671 510,864 167,228 773,763 660,005 132,640 64 140 19 28 50 18 27 52 90 90 17 94 124 28 65 81,282 21,903 7,846 9,040 U,803 15,719 31,135 35,732 18,180 12,244 39,107 45,010 43,797 66 1,268 355 484 802 634 357 1,074 1,011 955 275 1,175 948 799 67 10,045,982 9,632,359 2,572,621 1,499,608 3,488,675 5,564,420 4,568,309 2,838,947 5,106,274 3,741,319 5,230,020 3,152,867 4,417,258 68 2,249,984 2,717,554 833,995 388,935 748,294 535,762 1,139,630 681,967 1,317,133 618,166 1,378,289 872,275 942,526 69 5,835,113 6,322,780 1,101,409 242,777 1,353,193 4,192,473 2,168,682 817,382 2,642,593 2,278,460 2,257,138 1,261,632 2,271,501 70 344,868 68,615 85,877 175,761 407,561 242,661 233,511 238,182 251,765 160,773 284,623 197,801 246,959 71 653,012 232,883 238,218 U0,067 272,557 237,786 229,666 255, 583 190,725 255,876 482,853 195,398 211,125 72 839,120 258,300 256,320 505,396 646,738 301,655 672,709 727,435 609,179 363,466 710,801 547,842 650,934 73 123,885 32,227 56,802 76,672 60,332 54,083 124,111 U8,398 94,879 64,578 116,316 77,919 94,213 74 606 189 130 644 224 7 684 567 716 12 250 809 342 75 22,532 4,699 2,650 25,003 16,962 248 36,191 27,177 28,687 483 5,688 35,276 23,107 76 931 306 165 360 461 248 830 812 705 241 807 514 630 77 67,600 16,043 4,203 8,031 38,997 20,880 30,614 48,642 24,991 33,299 39,553 13,396 39,444 78 841 258 109 271 359 126 702 741 648 106 7a 415 473 79 55,777 10,291 2,504 6,650 25,975 7,286 23,286 41,851 19,736 7,247. 31,757 10,875 26, 565 80 Ul, 242, 786 22,785,412 3,576,120 13,492,945 28,569,483 10,793,371 39,483,754 70,937,973 44,171,135 7,904,370 73,441,013 19,789,535 41,341,027 81 1,007 311 327 741 583 331 989 940 772 245 1,061 817 766 82 52,045 15,423 13,125 55,053 131,513 89,979 88,479 U6,029 27,012 79,214 89,885 29,156 104,394 83 1,275,183 433,723 277,078 1,345,566 3,463,879 1,297,872 2,219,554 2,904,427 622,538 986,635 2,488,358 665,796 2,109,989 84 45,177 10,585 13,445 14,355 3,650 2,785 31,160 21,608 34,842 3,676 30,731 19,012 9,484 85 12 10 10 1 21 5 31 5 86 595 800 250 40 6,210 500 20,350 47,500 87 152 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are .based on reports for only Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Doniphan Douglas Farms, acreage, and value: All comnerciftl farms numbei. Land in famis acres , Average size of farm acres. Value of land and huildings average pw fnjm, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Cropland harvested farms reporting , acr«s. Farm operators: Horkinc off their farms, total number. IftO or nirrc days number . With other incwnie of family exceeding value of apricultural pnjducts sold number. By tenure: Full owners number , Fart owners number . Managers nimiber . All tenants number . Specifier] equipment and facilities: Grain oomhines farma repotting. number. Com pickers farms reporting, number. Pick-up balers farms repoftinc. number, kkjtortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors other than garden farms reporting . number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Telephone farms rerwrting . Honie freezer farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Electric milk cooler farms reporting. Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimjToved farms reporting . Farm labor, week precetjinu enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . l'nf>aid members of operator's family working 15 or more hout^ farms reporting. persons - Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reporting. persons . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting . number.. Horses and/or mules farms reporting . number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . number . . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. nuniber. Calves sold alive farms reporting . number . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting . number . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. number. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reptrting. dozens - Milk and cream sold farms reporting . dollars . IVool farma reporting , pounds. Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting . dollars . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars . Purchase of livestock and poultry tlollars. Machine hire dollars . Hired labor dollars. fiasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars. Crops harvested: Com for all ptirposee f aims reportljig . , acres . . Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. , acres . . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres . , pounds . . Vheat farms reportlitg . . acres . . bushela. , Land frcxD vhlch ha^ vas cut acres . . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reptjrtljig . . dollars . . 1,419 542,108 382,0 46,491 120.42 1,389 321,759 590 233 425 603 391 1,222 1,337 445 446 535 560 1,293 1,723 1,354 2,768 1,314 1,554 1,348 855 284 100 319 772 317 1,328 1,322 1,317 554 704 41 51 1,181 60,819 685 4,418 345 758 529 17,291 1,017 180,910 794 26,924 726 10,597 528 25,567 174 14,030 715 82,832 918 1,701,812 431 917, 598 179 117,555 1,419 6,461,951 1,516,133 3,140,349 245,444 368,396 1,061,297 130,332 1,069 39,668 1,055 38,227 874 29,153 54,280,632 1,373 137,569 3,702,840 42,099 16 23,235 820 228,645 278.8 40,282 139.87 780 118,705 280 112 318 246 5 251 4U 433 486 501 265 270 614 773 765 1,547 764 984 774 476 106 76 140 395 275 770 759 759 222 349 95 115 31,163 338 2,299 245 470 547 44,454 573 65,092 556 23,165 302 6,335 563 54,991 41 1,081 281 25,545 396 413,190 214 371,687 31 3,733 320 6,058,095 1,654,736 3,263,387 202,681 312,197 492,640 132,454 TiA 60,295 354 14,045 322 13,446 29,706,510 561 16,724 432,186 11,924 50 U,300 879 264,556 301.0 42,245 139.77 869 137, 553 278 127 359 377 143 650 677 414 419 314 315 739 958 828 1,762 815 1,105 834 623 377 346 207 662 10 849 843 833 411 60O 30 49 776 39,301 493 6,593 305 609 301 17,005 589 75,613 541 13,048 439 7,036 287 21,148 66 3,300 333 36,944 413 687,130 363 1,592,560 41 18,165 879 3,833,104 1,293,586 1,314,606 233,954 326,097 554,393 110,458 727 33,916 591 22,435 539 20,040 52,902,183 781 30,202 835,215 25,998 495 383,726 775.2 83,939 103 .22 470 185,661 188 54 87 247 383 423 9 9 74 76 429 769 459 922 469 540 448 219 56 17 180 190 124 382 331 381 81 109 27 32 344 24,208 139 477 127 253 87 1,245 234 17,333 296 14,915 236 5,383 73 1,687 24 1,397 61 5,001 112 110,877 49 34,787 29 13,619 495 3,131,056 315,605 1,964,530 154, 550 251,724 413,158 71,489 34 1,230 399 43,239 339 33,621 49,011,397 468 129,992 1,544,116 4,398 504 333,769 562.2 47,633 67.97 436 57,076 194 222 194 280 306 54 55 207 207 402 518 427 778 455 588 328 135 91 66 82 383 28 434 431 430 205 292 24 31 447 39,041 208 1,722 245 641 195 12,506 279 42,568 313 7,663 345 U,114 200 16,7% 31 511 83 25,175 145 232,319 137 265,277 36 5,197 504 2,273,414 947,451 793,131 77,576 144,972 255,932 48,352 195 5,396 218 6,679 133 3,395 6,934,780 346 11,907 249,337 25 20,130 5 750 21,202 10 500 792 519,516 656.0 53,484 100.07 776 135,350 300 141 163 385 1 243 637 679 7 7 185 187 745 1,145 759 1,332 752 970 633 519 159 53 59 665 66 755 748 746 400 633 42 45 728 40,858 498 4,200 240 442 385 2,926 565 40,615 588 9,805 569 10,337 157 2,735 5 174 143 13,493 338 178,703 340 605,161 7 1,950 792 2,613,689 446,994 1,073,799 174,614 186,451 650,318 31,513 35 416 717 49,005 619 28,900 42,4&1,362 739 127,503 1,344,026 7,955 692 441,458 637.9 52,555 84.41 685 156,758 273 44 146 333 2 211 554 622 24 29 269 269 652 990 681 1,566 658 873 551 392 90 30 76 395 204 618 618 613 323 530 17 23 589 40,320 362 1,944 299 542 189 2,173 439 67,004 503 12,257 497 12,416 114 2,268 45 3,282 346 28,213 396 473,173 269 196,508 45 34,087 592 2,791,762 528,845 1,335,892 136,975 167,021 525,761 97,268 115 1,237 640 32,458 490 13,059 33,655,633 669 101,118 1,765,026 15,189 KANSAS 153 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued a swnple ol fonns Sec t«xt] Ford FyanVHn Geaiy Gove Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey HasteU 931 1,084 366 528 581 246 566 221 814 322 913 1,047 259 1 688,856 327,034 204,523 617,067 520, 8U 296,234 557,917 349,699 698,577 564,916 473,591 346,761 318,033 2 739.9 301.7 558.8 1,168.7 896.4 1,204.2 985.7 1,582.3 858.2 1,754.4 518.7 331.2 1,227.9 3 80,657 34,969 62,703 80,614 54,900 118,262 90,822 105,882 57,809 108,778 71,579 58,844 150,766 4 106.73 117.06 113.71 66.59 61.88 95.65 88.81 67.51 70.82 58.84 137.09 176.42 115.23 5 865 1,029 364 521 566 240 556 211 734 309 903 1,027 253 e 314,377 149,950 78,090 191,053 166,751 158,819 244,741 164,878 101,697 227,384 266,078 236,698 157,595 7 376 377 143 224 248 36 231 96 339 122 415 538 54 8 191 147 46 55 84 22 105 57 201 72 200 291 21 9 145 145 32 38 64 U 46 26 L38 28 icr? 145 5 10 233 399 108 123 95 39 88 32 245 55 176 191 30 11 447 517 168 318 287 104 294 113 376 156 449 523 141 12 1 1 1 2 4 1 ... 16 4 10 13 250 167 89 85 199 99 183 76 177 107 288 323 88 14 646 718 298 410 422 183 469 161 476 248 588 822 184 15 794 749 315 485 456 235 565 210 494 322 717 920 237 le 1 442 105 10 35 3 3 9 158 1 5 89 6 17 1 457 106 10 35 10 3 9 164 1 5 89 6 IS 91 372 160 99 123 27 26 27 372 32 156 199 34 19 93 380 161 101 124 28 27 28 376 34 157 199 39 20 860 839 334 504 526 233 538 214 688 309 837 957 243 21 1,670 1,052 455 1,039 902 549 1,102 548 940 749 1,427 1,400 619 22 824 1,029 •348 496 544 217 547 199 697 299 857 1,002 247 23 1,627 1,960 775 1,012 1,042 530 1,165 517 1,275 759 1,854 2,161 647 24 849 1,019 360 510 567 235 536 205 714 302 876 997 237 2S 1,096 1,278 445 681 685 307 659 266 873 369 1,058 1,347 321 28 784 963 333 395 438 220 475 181 580 130 855 932 213 27 561 7(K 216 388 357 174 345 U5 450 200 602 576 198 28 143 426 77 89 69 1 61 5 74 7 145 240 22 29 31 435 38 14 5 29 77 68 137 8 30 263 178 128 48 45 62 37 53 146 32 229 176 21 31 483 890 217 162 177 55 282 107 631 13* 213 686 79 32 159 10 16 317 354 122 236 47 33 151 471 168 151 33 775 1,053 363 487 518 158 438 157 723 267 828 952 212 34 767 1,043 361 485 515 UO 430 152 713 257 819 947 203 35 763 1,032 348 483 507 138 409 150 703 256 813 932 198 3« 263 466 167 232 248 42 137 54 237 71 264 428 58 37 378 659 260 366 334 67 199 88 338 95 356 609 92 38 62 65 27 47 50 68 56 38 63 49 68 55 54 .19 94 114 45 65 70 76 84 59 92 61 84 86 65 40 690 1,021 323 447 494 U7 371 121 748 148 758 832 145 41 58,666 50,021 26,383 45,335 32,924 9,334 31,899 20,006 70,071 18,604 38,860 39,667 17,848 42 332 795 164 280 321 41 196 68 416 83 363 543 67 43 2,225 10,460 1,310 1,851 1,592 91 772 125 1,984 210 2,701 4,643 394 44 232 278 158 182 221 65 95 67 513 106 279 212 82 45 604 614 316 478 433 116 190 U9 1,547 312 571 443 150 46 279 443 109 225 203 38 108 79 293 65 181 355 46 47 5,197 18,803 4,215 4,429 5,739 751 3,804 2,096 15,102 1,409 3,297 12,605 2,243 48 426 691 263 327 390 82 271 92 420 134 575 638 82 49 59,192 58,969 42,681 19,669 26,222 3,696 22,208 40,360 38,172 8,552 91,161 126,082 5,493 50 535 716 256 348 379 101 271 80 576 100 510 690 110 51 54,158 15,731 7,412 16,887 8,995 6,224 16,341 10,157 30,522 9,691 15,010 23,406 12,621 52 329 752 228 263 351 26 176 63 472 88 549 431 58 53 12,566 10,924 5,410 5,848 7,673 472 7,741 2,267 17,609 3,724 13,967 4,844 3,708 54 220 412 105 198 178 34 102 61 266 49 169 357 49 55 9,029 23,068 4,042 6,691 4,940 708 6,U5 2,043 18,181 1,659 5,523 16,842 2,328 56 36 128 11 12 21 6 23 8 38 8 134 176 1 57 11,962 8,365 1,355 6,041 3,565 4,300 4,232 3,569 2,803 12,486 6,819 12,187 300 58 192 315 186 63 125 6 100 41 192 50 3U 406 25 59 64,532 31,185 16,950 4,323 6,650 841 8,020 28,052 18,455 4,529 44,543 58,772 1,218 60 293 421 225 202 249 22 136 50 296 75 395 505 38 61 594,802 364,020 448,053 127,991 127,835 11,554 179,364 576,393 220,403 44,188 979,745 1,342,712 22,930 62 205 643 98 195 227 4 79 14 166 27 228 386 34 63 553,695 2,255,113 342,646 247,510 109,950 5,087 95,446 4,292 3U,346 8,617 633,845 1,152,991 34,860 64 34 128 11 13 21 6 21 11 38 5 126 2U 3 65 10,670 75,485 14,476 40,196 22,380 17,400 37,580 20,467 23,189 12,390 69,668 110,560 56 66 931 1,084 365 528 581 246 566 221 813 322 913 1,047 259 67 12,537,047 4,720,874 1,791,978 4,011,685 1,871,171 2,179,038 4,384,396 2,9U,663 5,832,876 3,009,408 4,923,632 6,562,347 3,429,581 68 2,431,579 1,366,813 437,866 558,165 274,054 45,402 514,114 244,605 1,279,756 212,377 977,219 1,558,053 340,604 69 8,431,009 1,727,440 833,007 2,197,357 546,208 973,516 2,530,783 1,610,137 3,290,167 1,359,974 2,199,629 3,489,669 2,002,992 70 327,464 281,665 82,661 261,118 201,228 268,019 319,515 424,732 237,054 556,833 496,245 313,303 257,976 71 477,M7 4«0,348 120,221 273,951 223,797 408,908 354,749 267,481 368,650 355,877 377,125 388,278 344,814 72 747, 561 680,255 294,060 633,094 554,070 419,598 555,758 326,040 546,358 453,918 749,967 684,663 419,375 73 121,787 184,353 24,153 88,000 71,814 63,595 109,477 38,668 110,891 70,429 123,447 128,381 63,820 74 33 840 216 34 90 8 32 20 441 4 46 393 49 75 933 29,627 8,155 1,130 2,962 1,224 806 853 16,009 158 952 9,827 2,837 76 692 796 239 502 520 212 443 201 5U 285 727 917 197 77 60,727 25,017 11,975 74,595 46, 155 77,317 57,838 52,571 18,418 82,343 49,382 61,187 38,871 78 555 691 207 464 417 210 387 191 395 273 601 860 187 79 43,276 18,669 8,713 57,352 29,599 75,252 46,292 46,793 10,534 77,079 34,560 53,185 35,589 80 55,572,530 48,006,855 20,216,970 102,360,050 45,219,338 157,161,125 93,597,641 46,154,442 17,531,572 86,953,707 44,675,745 U2, 820,455 107,112,754 81 847 896 333 512 544 215 537 210 573 296 873 1,002 253 82 238,776 27,834 26,000 104,725 99,871 73,436 176,657 96,764 16,000 130,2^7 172,865 105,614 113,245 83 2,872,558 699,895 743,982 2,228,487 1,500,614 1,888,246 2,107,090 2,642,918 329,096 3,562,149 4,005,099 2,675,447 1,922,549 84 4,287 27,395 16,758 4,830 6,885 1,367 2,395 632 37,928 3,015 11,059 18,951 993 85 7 5 1 6 3 5 7 11 15 86 13,825 1,000 20 120 134,000 730 475 1,170 2,815 87 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Itetn (For dennilions and explanations, see text) BadgPtnHTi Keamy tfingmnT^ Farms, acreage, and value: All comniefcifti fajms number , Land in fami^s acres , Average size of fann acres , Value of land and buildin|:s average per fnnn, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Cropland harvester! farms reporting . acres. Farm operators; Horkinc off tfieir farms, total number. IIKI or ntnrc days number. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural pnxlucts sold number. By tenure: Full owners number. Part owners number . Managers number . Ml tenant? number. Specified equipment and facilities: Grain combines farms reporting. number. Com pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up i^alers farms reporting. number . ^k}tortrucks farms reporting . number. Traclors other than garden farms rep^mg . . number. , \utoniobiles farms reporting. . number. . Telephone farms reporting . , Home freercr farms reporting . . Milking machine farms reporting . . Flectric milk cooler farms reporting. , Farms by kind of toad on which located: Hard surface Tarms reporting . . (rravel. shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimtroved farms reporting . . Farm labor, veek preceding enumeration: Family and.'or hired workers farms reporting . . Family workers , including operator farms reporting . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired wrrkers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reforting. . persons . . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Milk cows farms reporting . . number . . Horses and 'or mules farms reporting . . number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . number . . Chickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number. . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. . number.. Calves sold alive farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive fam.s reriortinc . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms renorting. , number. . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repeating. . dozens . . Milk and cream sold : farms reporting . . dollars. . Wool farms reporti ng . . pounds . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms refxirting . . dollars . . Feed for livestock and poultry dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars . . Machine hire dollars . . Hired labor dollars . . Gasoline and other fietroleuni fuel and oil for the farm liusiness ikillars . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars. . Crops harvestet]: Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres.. Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting.. acres. . pounds . . Wheat farms reporting.. acres., bushels.. Land from which hay was cut acres. . Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potattjes) farms reporting. . dollars. . 452,611 995.1 74,883 77.71 473 163,248 191 81 80 250 390 475 1 1 72 72 464 976 446 889 465 603 378 264 57 127 296 434 429 417 193 268 41 52 394 35,998 215 853 177 431 124 1,232 231 29,201 312 19,864 213 5,669 65 2,843 20 4,777 117 14,950 169 319,333 93 104,847 24 36,852 485 3,584,324 505,144 2,126,487 148,566 237,389 504,115 62,623 31 412 42,589 332 25,650 32,327,047 446 113,028 1,240,285 993 334,748 337.1 26,834 83.03 942 139,198 406 186 381 428 184 582 608 580 595 426 442 706 865 902 1,574 917 1,095 846 496 203 154 U9 722 137 942 932 922 439 639 34 41 906 40,923 595 4,160 313 720 461 21,084 663 82,292 673 10,878 729 12,218 455 27,600 96 6,040 405 45,370 524 625,305 455 724,522 105 40,450 993 2,854,168 798,645 996,951 190,115 208,597 565,548 94,312 808 41,601 515 19,010 469 17,350 36,285,370 792 32,401 818,229 33,130 886 281,905 318.2 32,574 107.80 849 128,898 258 108 376 371 139 620 662 471 478 315 316 730 917 805 1,581 783 972 701 588 265 215 158 718 5 854 853 843 405 664 61 68 792 39,379 525 6,072 265 586 427 24,361 563 64,376 601 12,749 518 7,280 443 28,264 76 3,456 266 31,980 414 460,430 383 1,335,252 75 25,325 886 3,862,832 1,181,035 1,591,680 217,662 255,055 518,144 99,256 737 40,470 551 19,788 480 18,240 42,573,345 730 28,426 714,189 28,086 1,063 503,488 473.6 34,480 71.82 1,043 246,906 353 124 240 555 268 791 857 469 487 201 201 922 1,211 1,012 2,149 994 1,227 962 676 177 14 136 287 624 987 977 967 414 593 44 53 944 46,028 641 3,217 301 616 665 37,266 738 106,836 767 16,171 593 9,492 691 48,479 75 5,346 492 50,331 645 892,736 549 282,092 70 48,866 1,063 3,730,093 860,718 1,423,410 329,663 282,145 711,104 123,053 614 32,635 965 76,675 940 66,924 103,089,600 1,004 100,902 2,140,387 24,860 10 2,550 10 500 205,054 230.9 69,799 292.44 341 100,127 348 201 425 307 11 145 471 491 365 371 271 273 673 843 792 1,448 792 1,011 773 532 202 192 359 503 15 858 848 828 324 442 70 89 713 33,401 424 4,849 257 505 309 18,502 440 52,446 547 13,306 373 5,870 303 25,869 101 6,040 201 20,590 272 481,860 267 1,163,815 106 50,350 3,766,941 989,555 1,356,284 221,554 626,857 436,499 136,192 576 26,132 468 13,738 438 12,541 34,067,420 590 21,854 587,350 18,236 75 266,410 288 520,620 1,807.7 132,314 67.49 278 171,562 96 37 55 113 2 118 197 265 1 1 36 37 264 693 274 764 269 346 183 198 32 6 33 174 71 234 227 226 73 103 69 96 155 19,114 94 365 81 204 72 1,517 108 7,174 111 11,548 93 3,653 56 2,507 14 9,460 27 1,777 56 28,328 28 17,560 9 17,080 286 2,873,301 305,005 1,274,438 381,054 412,595 413,624 86,585 13 414 254 69,218 240 65,001 114,366,082 273 87, 539 2,268,050 4,550 1,001 518,744 518.2 60,709 117.42 991 255,758 418 199 217 425 5 11,000 722 834 207 207 919 1,418 934 2,023 935 1,240 864 583 234 91 259 893 887 875 361 528 50 65 326 47,808 532 3,392 302 569 393 10,020 633 73,289 512 13,199 682 17,151 345 12,524 131 9,140 348 44,726 416 585,203 329 485,427 130 90,065 1,001 4,225,260 914,794 1,650,572 312,448 371,509 332,571 143,366 161 3,220 852 54,949 655 35,740 53,505,825 931 151,773 3,052,228 13,201 10 5,250 KANSAS 155 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued K sample of fanns. S«« text] Ubette Lane Leavenworth Lincoln Linn L3gan I^ron McPhcrson Marion Uarsball Meade Miaul Mitchell 1,086 332 799 796 870 356 1,123 1,689 1,408 1,586 478 1,095 844 1 356,172 435,199 185,438 433,863 296,182 544,323 529,393 576,602 590,176 538,189 603,133 294,394 446,683 2 328.0 1,310.8 232.1 545.1 340.4 1,529.0 471.4 341.4 419.2 339.3 1,251.8 268.9 529.2 3 29,392 100,407 30,392 48,562 26,320 86,596 49,236 59,076 50,431 37,267 102,937 29,816 57,220 4 90.13 79.55 130.49 83.99 80.33 54.68 103.59 172.37 119.79 108.40 77.59 115.34 107.04 i 1,034 330 784 770 845 335 1,088 1,673 1,396 1,551 466 1,045 838 6 177,571 158,253 97,276 179,447 135,309 149,552 167,767 351,736 305,051 284,798 197,078 143, 9U 231,119 7 469 103 291 319 328 142 424 935 581 547 219 447 318 8 203 31 155 81 115 56 166 378 181 158 73 205 125 9 198 10 137 63 94 29 173 222 136 100 42 205 44 10 405 50 374 199 349 59 371 287 177 455 65 408 179 11 467 200 265 335 394 174 489 881 700 559 271 449 403 12 2 1 6 1 5 2 1 2 1 13 212 '82 160 261 127 117 262 516 529 562 140 236 251 14 807 223 503 642 599 247 758 1,299 1,142 1,047 358 754 710 15 871 278 538 726 602 327 788 1,439 1,271 1,103 490 767 851 16 299 2 337 41 371 5 359 116 253 946 1 563 65 17 305 2 337 41 377 5 370 117 275 972 1 578 65 18 352 32 283 238 299 41 376 482 348 582 67 357 234 19 357 33 283 239 305 42 390 483 355 587 57 357 246 20 981 318 649 754 649 329 939 1,554 1,271 1,124 455 770 803 21 1,326 767 796 1,113 724 736 1,277 2,M5 1,709 1,255 992 851 1,327 22 1,045 322 729 729 819 321 1,050 1,599 1,314 1,476 439 1,025 796 23 1,679 701 1,282 1,539 1,436 668 2,027 3,295 2,785 2,856 1,012 1,733 1,548 24 954 325 732 746 765 324 1,005 1,609 1,362 1,491 451 995 813 25 1,144 4A8 934 929 881 443 1,329 2,071 1,674 1,895 633 1,132 942 26 830 296 693 733 705 249 953 1,560 1,306 1,389 401 980 778 27 538 167 458 429 374 226 477 839 815 695 282 599 492 28 361 32 241 77 270 33 160 377 358 354 40 328 116 29 269 5 246 8 235 6 133 179 157 95 12 307 18 30 247 40 243 lOO 117 81 158 463 337 237 43 141 224 31 819 99 496 495 732 59 903 1,040 931 1,138 262 939 276 32 10 184 55 201 21 207 31 161 124 189 160 10 323 93 1,035 296 734 693 839 265 1,065 1,436 1,315 1,439 379 1,000 660 34 1,019 285 732 691 837 252 1,057 1,426 1,309 1,434 377 994 555 33 1,014 230 727 668 832 260 1,035 1,401 1,296 1,424 375 979 649 3< 481 80 331 282 402 83 491 569 561 585 102 440 251 37 659 139 466 451 522 112 633 844 852 925 142 500 412 38 48 46 48 19 47 26 61 41 65 58 48 44 22 39 66 56 76 31 68 38 113 60 101 60 64 59 25 40 944 280 688 626 789 231 971 1,367 1,284 1,405 326 974 654 41 42,353 37,179 23,297 41,444 34,775 22,573 86,355 59,566 67,044 52,169 35,520 39,297 31,383 42 627 109 443 394 577 133 561 854 818 925 134 632 394 43 6,536 565 6,045 1,684 5,626 769 2,961 6,712 5,799 6,185 815 6,062 1,948 44 318 149 186 243 236 136 475 309 292 338 U9 234 200 45 585 512 428 430 486 510 1,070 674 511 591 352 556 365 46 508 64 441 256 432 130 593 661 522 803 82 596 242 47 16,543 1,100 23,430 6,154 18,859 2,724 25,758 18,094 15,777 38,182 1,542 26,401 9,081 46 675 161 577 536 617 181 788 1,055 1,077 1,151 229 705 505 49 83,123 11,468 49,070 92,221 76,732 11,288 143,480 175,270 258,171 195,154 14,235 75,215 65,664 50 713 245 472 490 556 206 764 1,111 983 995 258 739 454 51 13,747 23,583 4,164 17,157 8,311 8,828 82,223 28,948 28,558 13,243 18,701 9,620 11,914 52 622 112 488 432 597 195 454 597 750 961 139 599 410 53 8,011 6,044 5,175 7,733 8,795 4,013 7,433 9,940 10,172 12,595 7,028 7,566 7,198 54 456 61 436 237 397 107 528 597 576 798 77 570 251 55 22,906 1,275 23,550 9,779 20,188 3,443 30,613 26,592 23,255 44,762 2,473 30,593 15,880 56 188 11 65 26 52 11 42 158 112 75 32 131 64 57 7,785 3,878 3,990 1,947 1,258 12,985 9,452 10,000 5,131 5,000 2,331 6,062 4,754 58 329 62 211 370 296 44 510 767 883 862 52 331 274 59 34,433 4,372 16,890 45,906 43,417 3,851 62,535 234,710 149,190 121,248 3,172 25,445 19,264 60 475 78 296 459 442 81 664 903 1,006 1,010 96 508 355 61 886,915 47,863 319,355 799,432 568,295 47,430 1,360,836 1,873,775 2,915,941 1,878,035 97,846 660,560 420,838 62 508 56 331 284 428 84 371 629 630 753 49 483 229 63 1,089,317 55,677 1,465,749 132,445 1,148,510 57,608 462,408 1,274,535 1,133,273 859,291 148,919 1,270,590 185,518 64 214 12 75 31 67 U 38 172 112 70 32 146 67 65 61,348 20,600 32,985 17,984 18,185 138,749 54,720 93,891 45,866 44,250 24,925 48,355 25,579 66 1,086 332 799 796 870 355 1,123 1,689 1,408 1,585 478 1,095 844 67 4,331,670 4,241,213 2,024,242 3,825,702 2,866,331 2,048,185 17,555,882 8,110,525 6,952,679 4,139,338 4,547,636 2,994,231 3,186,155 68 1,4.^,540 346,972 665,625 622,501 854,332 214,682 3,915,969 2,481,637 2,031,131 1,272,219 617,613 944,090 685,968 69 1,518,342 2,727,192 362,127 2,179,945 917,397 814,266 12,011,166 3,699,681 3,075,966 1,160,898 2,852,935 859,163 1,214,764 70 276,742 351,932 172,370 162,338 212,817 280,138 299,334 438,948 301,144 361,837 267,4U 233,815 a9,561 71 298,599 279,702 248,425 196,655 222;721 296,432 431,708 358,587 331,283 270,093 295,299 245,200 233,088 72 649,265 471,864 440,360 583,910 536,406 381,893 799,179 1,001,689 1,057,286 901,257 446,021 552,080 737,182 73 140,182 63,551 135,335 80,353 122,658 60,774 98,526 120,084 155,869 173,034 67,354 159,883 95,592 74 722 31 652 290 709 10 806 599 885 1,373 21 914 205 75 26,707 1,099 27,435 6,767 38,984 841 28,419 12,201 28,437 91,609 558 43,352 6,435 76 628 306 552 704 567 284 883 1,318 1,249 1,239 337 751 715 77 17,786 50,530 20,565 41,764 18,414 46,763 38,775 57,493 65,952 59,494 33,745 22,998 46,941 78 489 278 532 630 494 232 802 1,110 1,127 1,146 245 690 606 79 13,673 40,205 19,265 29,284 14,718 38,744 28,632 44,980 53,851 55,177 23,371 20,993 37,595 80 26,634,595 62,219,777 52,879,690 47,061,750 33,315,030 42,875,796 64,755,025 82,195,094 94,594,588 131,207,190 45,353,252 49,275,930 56,604,401 81 936 324 649 758 667 328 879 1,658 1,350 1,430 448 868 834 82 53,122 99,613 20,433 101,599 23,312 91,895 33,351 198,526 ■ 114,105 73, 181 148,389 28,652 156,971 83 1,261,657 2,014,888 501,035 1,905,280 60i,159 2,243,052 798,552 4,931,884 2,857,760 1,908,246 1,865,916 811,807 2,998,498 84 21,283 1,620 18,443 15,315 23,001 3,189 35,252 25,909 34,196 41,488 7,258 23,015 10,731 85 11 15 6 6 1 5 10 5 15 86 6,780 28,750 1,070 90 100 550 400 225 1,890 87 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Dala are based or reports for only {For dennitions and explanatians, see text) Montgomery Farms, acreage, and value; Ail commerciftt famis number. Land in Tamis acres . Averace si?e of farm acres . Value of land and buildinfrs average per farm, dollars . average per acre, dollars . Cropland harvested farms reporting . acres. Farm operators: Working off their farms, total number. ino or niifo days number.. With other inctjme of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. . By tenure: Full owners number . , Part owners number . . Managers number . . Ml tenants number . . Specifietl equipment anij facilities: Gram combines /arms repoflinp. . number. . Com pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up balers farms reptxting. . number . . Motortrucks farms reporting . . number . . Tractors other than garden faims re|iyting . . number. . .Automobiles farms reporting . . number. . Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms report! ng . . Milking machine farms reporting . . Flectnc milk cooler farms refotting.. Farms by kinil ol road on wliich locatetl: Hard surface farms reporting . , Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimfToved farms reporting.. Farm labor, week precedinR enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . Family wtirkers . including operator farms re^xirting . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons . . Regular hired wcrkers (employed 150 or more days) . . farms reporting . . persons . . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves fanrs reporting . . number . . Milk cows farms reporting . . number.. Horses and/or mules farms rt^porting.. number . . Hogs and pigs farms reporting . . CJhickens , 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . . Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms reporting. . nuniber. . Calves sold alive farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive fams reporting . . numlier . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. . number.. Chickens including hroilers sold farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting . . dollars. . IVool farms reporting . . pounds . . Specifiet] faim expenditures: Any speciTied farm expenditures farms reporting . . dollars.. Feed for livestock and fvultry dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry tlollars . . Machine hire dollars . . Hired labor dollars. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars. . ^eds, hulbs. plants, and trees dollars.. Crops harvested: Com for all purposes fame reporting . . . acres. .. Soz^hviBfi for all ptirpoees farms reporting... acres... Harvestetl for giaiji or seed fams reporting... acres.. . poun(3s... IDieat fams reporting. .. acres. . . bushels . . . Land frcm ivfalch hay was cut acres... Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sveet potatoes) faras reporting... dollars . . . 918 318,281 346.7 35,0«l 96.45 851 135,658 358 195 397 364 157 535 592 235 243 265 265 791 1,107 842 1,451 821 994 734 358 195 165 281 530 92 852 851 840 392 546 35 55 797 38,926 407 4,230 296 619 353 14,022 585 65,099 588 16,014 638 14,324 328 18,305 107 5,424 225 23,553 354 561,168 301 786,400 107 49,376 918 4,446,587 1,116,655 2,176,616 240,329 304,652 510,317 98,018 522 23,247 422 13, Ul 374 10,459 26,988,675 745 42,801 1,027,161 23,562 20 12,760 749 429,698 573.7 47,381 97.31 715 138,913 296 132 243 305 1 200 562 630 194 206 367 376 676 834 671 1,390 697 821 686 291 154 116 122 552 57 674 668 663 340 502 58 69 684 50,931 431 4,049 359 755 382 16,979 502 84,114 569 29,086 368 7,552 368 24,980 32 1,921 293 35,965 389 697,791 340 772,256 37 17,561 749 5,226,203 1,280,269 2,935,859 121,092 278,176 536,355 74,452 481 16,022 6U 29,108 528 23,106 42,391,009 683 39,536 1,008,857 31,732 270 344,771 1,276.9 112,612 89.21 264 174,332 70 24 64 141 200 266 7 8 U 16 238 574 226 506 236 288 191 2AZ 9 59 32 170 188 182 180 44 55 44 55 128 15,163 43 73 69 301 55 587 88 4,665 84 6,395 62 1,802 37 471 6 4,311 15 860 23 16,418 4 1,875 2 6,270 270 1,998,291 103,658 1,0U,074 270,952 219,500 331,854 61,253 3 56 227 85,222 225 80,541 121,754,500 212 82,668 1,863,254 1,174 1,363 436,630 320.3 36,724 117.54 1,317 214,435 408 122 508 532 1 322 342 863 952 982 476 482 826 947 1,302 2,499 1,292 1,555 1,177 883 356 181 1S8 1,003 157 1,298 1,288 1,288 666 1,095 82 101 1,258 67,419 912 8,052 310 529 922 58,0U 1,066 208,584 1,058 34,051 596 6,490 926 64,310 85 2,145 815 84,911 973 1,716,818 761 1,430,369 86 21,799 1,363 8,005,808 2,500,290 3,834,794 250,709 325,411 946,531 148,073 1,205 86,859 90O 35,123 828 31,820 68,543,068 1,148 33,379 754,759 39,234 879 294,420 334.9 31,807 95.84 844 139,369 359 153 309 411 3 156 632 670 344 347 247 252 743 945 823 1,420 818 1,037 724 365 260 130 146 711 17 837 831 826 416 551 52 75 789 34,983 485 3,721 175 772 434 20,806 633 99,208 589 10,739 550 10,148 436 26,076 127 13,400 379 37,954 493 674,386 355 636,179 132 74,489 879 3,882,124 1,123,582 1,622,667 213,337 267,124 522,773 132,641 721 36,493 539 18,785 510 16,910 45,137,163 781 36,059 694,728 21,520 744 687,511 924.1 72,613 76.05 743 249,138 284 98 110 380 1 253 584 700 110 111 733 1,389 737 1,449 709 928 595 440 88 7 75 188 481 649 646 646 273 413 52 60 639 52,292 337 1,777 222 449 248 3,045 465 33,343 519 24,763 342 8,920 155 3,554 14 1,188 177 16,000 276 262,016 238 129,663 14 5,471 744 5,195,466 593,667 3,W7,334 334,497 302,385 707,529 110,054 22 272 667 78,786 587 52,180 71,188,281 708 160,641 2,085,378 4,765 796 535,608 672.9 40,348 60.30 770 179,087 269 49 ITS 389 3 225 569 618 274 290 182 182 693 1,033 736 1,496 750 956 675 355 73 10 10 265 10 15,995 95 145 535 712 702 675 322 435 31 37 686 39,319 421 2,138 245 438 428 16,321 563 57,225 528 13,559 519 10,717 411 22,486 22 1,945 301 22,280 425 450,303 307 219,914 22 10,810 796 3,194,981 844,562 1,347,221 164,989 199,108 553,579 80,522 407 23,246 638 36,755 532 25,993 33,412,385 742 82,003 1,596,890 15,024 5 150 KANSAS 157 FARMS, CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ft sainple of Fsnns. Seewxl] Osbotne Ottawa Pawnee Phillips Pottawatomie Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice Riley Rooks Rush 863 765 709 329 983 636 712 1,822 1,238 873 725 697 777 1 548,916 410,523 502,750 521,538 449,545 421,497 692,458 771,002 408,092 477,001 329,651 553,432 450,707 2 632.4 536.6 709.1 629.1 457.3 652.7 972.6 423.2 329.6 546.4 454.7 808.4 580.1 3 44,a;i 61,753 90,172 35,896 45,856 85,391 75,999 63,928 34,745 75,908 55,477 56,564 53,915 4 59.39 112.88 128.31 56.24 100.84 125.55 75.91 151.55 101.29 143. Oi 122.10 67.22 102.00 5 836 724 703 SIA 952 616 696 1,302 1,213 856 723 589 751 6 213,086 181,939 275,465 164,0U 154,693 219,967 208,179 472,254 233,304 254,500 125,074 135,587 212,346 r 313 340 347 261 360 293 212 874 394 350 240 269 266 e 73 127 lie 79 126 108 62 395 111 148 73 122 101 9 29 88 85 45 82 93 31 229 75 120 53 90 87 10 193 166 74 154 387 n9 170 360 344 185 229 116 123 11 409 389 379 457 398 318 396 941 467 423 259 330 407 12 3 ... 1 ... 5 1 1 1 5 1 13 263 210 255 208 193 198 U5 520 422 265 235 201 247 14 685 562 562 4«5 518 525 553 1,408 912 714 573 558 641 15 752 564 661 492 649 613 716 1,551 977 806 519 596 737 1« 68 58 200 469 91 47 794 12 348 50 17 73 58 205 483 91 50 805 12 353 50 18 203 241 177 131 415 67 87 443 407 200 345 185 139 19 204 251 185 131 420 67 90 445 407 200 345 1B6 154 20 805 704 678 723 829 610 584 1,695 998 312 614 538 725 21 1,153 1,075 1,249 915 1,054 1,026 1,353 2,589 1,193 1,4U 752 1,034 1,234 22 810 725 582 788 918 605 581 1,755 1,193 332 687 584 726 23 1,673 1,465 1,565 1,515 1,876 1,324 1,462 3,799 2,363 1,931 1,425 1,337 1,473 24 846 714 593 765 912 605 565 1,680 1,128 832 582 560 739 25 1,039 907 911 977 1,U9 775 845 2,151 1,477 1,038 9U 821 934 2« 783 682 570 702 834 583 551 1,629 1,093 814 682 609 621 27 46B 441 462 414 595 331 530 900 572 550 428 437 434 28 141 128 81 127 140 89 85 417 113 137 188 96 99 29 32 57 17 6 52 10 15 162 26 43 72 16 18 30 91 128 227 100 U5 103 53 537 147 301 157 77 55 31 394 436 402 179 714 325 171 456 363 370 504 486 493 32 365 189 73 522 113 185 471 807 708 202 64 107 223 33 742 628 521 773 901 509 629 1,614 1,143 769 697 577 568 34 736 621 617 773 899 496 624 1,592 1,133 767 692 564 553 35 728 616 616 751 894 489 616 1,563 1,123 762 582 553 656 M 358 258 194 352 391 164 270 652 466 288 337 207 319 37 571 401 272 522 560 209 425 930 606 351 479 315 470 38 35 35 71 29 75 41 42 U6 28 43 54 32 23 39 44 45 91 33 89 42 47 139 30 47 98 40 38 40 790 589 5U 725 880 440 567 1,406 1,051 654 513 553 616 41 50,773 35,793 30,861 44,302 50,518 23,029 34,535 63,720 40,450 35,684 41,817 40,282 32,236 42 512 358 240 478 555 167 385 763 615 296 449 375 340 43 3,103 2,370 999 2,598 3,525 739 1,970 6,407 2,775 2,212 3,364 2,117 1,640 44 242 252 123 290 495 128 209 409 213 135 232 239 90 45 557 506 360 699 9U 238 520 1,158 544 398 578 654 139 46 326 182 167 396 561 116 295 603 531 251 366 253 173 47 9,255 3,850 5,002 13,546 31,541 3,574 9,049 15,794 20,706 7,294 19,136 4,577 2,052 48 603 452 396 594 719 379 448 1,049 970 446 527 441 424 49 68,704 38,522 47,780 65,277 108,735 47,854 49,903 152,175 187,765 40,426 97,795 35,487 55,994 50 641 491 404 566 681 319 408 968 756 470 461 427 492 51 16,743 20,574 16,328 10,273 23,473 9,090 8,423 18,359 15,287 15,817 U,474 8,349 12,328 52 574 390 289 548 640 337 385 370 679 368 359 486 343 53 U,S1B 7,661 5,704 11,613 14,690 7,573 7,325 15,596 9,209 6,423 9,140 13,153 7,089 54 306 177 123 407 536 U5 265 594 572 243 376 203 94 55 10,190 5,390 6,374 15,983 36,859 5,388 11,080 21,335 25,420 10,353 25,679 6,772 1,624 56 48 31 61 12 59 19 34 302 107 56 32 15 28 57 5,533 3,915 8,155 1,550 10,548 4,346 8,328 31,992 8,318 5,790 4,817 307 3,910 58 357 187 151 316 468 163 208 531 708 210 405 199 182 59 25,463 14,633 31,203 33,285 56,965 22,119 20,435 79,680 78,458 22,386 47,373 14,234 21,222 to 5U 335 248 455 584 251 294 775 865 293 466 289 327 tl 507,302 241,952 507,560 535,462 900,437 574,970 352,008 1,533,929 1,717,585 382,535 1,051,755 213,359 392,510 «2 402 284 144 385 412 95 233 535 451 197 337 240 194 «S 357,282 337,357 115,472 217,745 554,187 117,899 149,593 1,435,057 322,259 485,598 588,835 169,300 124,750 64 48 37 69 12 69 18 34 319 127 55 41 5 33 65 39,318 38,520 80,805 15,066 45,845 15,520 38,792 217,785 45,469 38,117 48,960 1,590 34,775 •e 868 765 709 829 983 636 712 1,822 1,238 873 725 597 777 67 3,4U,123 3,862,222 4,547,785 2,642,812 4,844,865 3,066,859 2,597,765 6,644,414 4,199,700 4,033,375 3,504,351 2,429,573 3,037,541 68 604,007 474,082 7U,860 684,861 1,307,755 463,772 424,287 1,719,193 976,375 724,965 389,635 469,326 402,853 69 1,569,080 2,237,254 2,386,129 954,622 2,294,225 1,523,975 932,394 2,150,801 1,842,201 1,788,061 1,596,957 937,914 1,438,293 70 255,527 173,037 308,728 241,169 188,252 221,096 353,753 457,343 288,519 313,539 112,037 172,570 235,892 71 236,016 318,900 385,942 153,709 309,705 205,336 258,376 754,502 180,546 315,161 354,909 232,433 211,697 72 646,229 589,208 727, 8L2 521,153 616,722 506,909 650,716 1,310,973 781,265 749,705 448,952 556,547 564,857 73 103,254 59,741 127,314 77,298 128,206 145,221 58,239 241,502 130,194 140,844 102,351 60,783 83,949 74 215 234 32 382 805 52 185 174 1,034 68 511 87 35 75 5,357 5,785 1,152 14,634 36,552 1,071 8,592 2,423 61,039 860 27,612 2,679 398 76 782 577 637 690 751 525 579 1,600 1,050 803 507 594 670 77 59,745 29,290 54,727 41,434 31,787 56,855 35,337 133,232 57,924 87,832 22,719 44,390 45,113 78 685 461 612 541 658 464 368 1,439 1,025 787 522 510 545 79 36,718 19,999 55,202 27,455 23,759 45,528 22,370 112,706 54,388 77,515 18,711 25,857 32,315 80 54,464,575 29,675,645 93,575,223 35,0U,755 55,887,795 58,388,929 25,575,561 219,320,089 102,419,615 155,879,719 41,232,144 42,385,859 43,967,884 81 805 714 692 793 783 594 583 1,730 1,152 842 587 568 760 82 124,373 103,152 188,816 80,872 34,948 U5,353 135,529 267,625 75,913 153,238 32,750 123,006 157,774 83 2,022,021 2,492,280 2,582,773 1,483,113 885,570 1,931,975 3,519,977 5,255,885 1,755,581 2,868,820 879,523 1,717,593 1,922,304 34 13,082 19,196 10,116 17,282 41,827 3,234 6,780 31,243 30,381 12,740 32,238 9,212 4,523 85 1 5 21 15 5 2 1 72 5 20 5 10 5 86 10 25 2,875 9,525 12,500 165 350 20,455 10,000 1,810 122,500 397 250 87 i 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL [Dau are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, acreage, and value: All commercial famis number . Land in farms acres . Average size of farm acres . Value of land and buildinj;s average per farm, dollars . average pet acre, dollars. Cropland harvested farms repotting . acres. Farm operators: ttorkinc off their farms, total number. inn or nicTc (lays number . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural |Voducts sold number. By tenure; Full owners number . , Part owners number. . Managers number . , All tenants number . . Specifieil e(]uipment and facilities: Gram combines farms reporting. , number . . Com pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up balers farms reporting . . number. . Kkitortnicks farms reporting. . number. . Tractors other than garden farms reporting. . number. . Autonnbiles farms reporting . . number, , Telephone farms reporting . . Home freezer farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Fleclnc milk cooler farms reporting. . Farms tiy kind of road on wtiicti located: Hard surface v farms tepcrting . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimfToved , , farms reporting . . Farm lalwr, week precedinE enumeration: Family and or hired workers farms reporting . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours faims reporting. . persons. . Regular hired workers (employed 150 or more days). . farms reporting. . persons. . Livestock and poultry on farms: Cattle and calves farms reporting . . number . . Milk cows farms reporting . . number. . Horses and or mules farms reporting . . number.. Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Cbickens , 4 nionths old and over farms reporting. . number.. Livestock and poultry sold: Cattle, not counting calves, sold alive farms teporting. . nuniber. . Calves sold alive farms reporting.. number . . Hogs and pigs sold alive fam,s reporting , , numlier . . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms rcrxjrting. . number. . Chickens including broilers sold farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and poultry products sold: Chicken eggs sold farms repming . . dozens . . Milk and cream sold farms reporting. . dollars. . 'Vool farms reporting. . pounds . . Specified farm expenditures: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting. . dollars. . Feed for livestock and poultry .dollars. . Purchase of livestock and poultry dollars.. Machine hire dollars . . Hired labor dollars . . fiasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business dollars . . .'^eds, bulbs, plants, and trees dollars,. Crops han/ested: Com for all purposes fauns reporting... acres . . . Sorghtsna for all purposes fanns reporting. . , acrea, ., Harvested for grain or seed fauns reporting... acres . . . pounds . . . Vheat fanns reporting. . . acres — bushels . . . Land fran which ha^ vas cut acres,.. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) fams reporting — dollars , . , 673 482,624 717.1 59,151 83.12 668 171,154 246 86 172 253 6 232 540 608 2 2 149 156 622 1,018 644 1,316 610 831 568 4A0 76 24 81 446 120 580 574 567 220 318 26 31 586 34,865 317 2,157 217 968 182 3,036 424 47,094 364 6,946 495 11,752 128 3,716 33 2,012 191 14,125 297 388,173 239 225,915 33 20,868 673 2,198,577 376,970 845,433 176,751 183,115 525,442 90,866 39 701 585 38,754 495 23,871 37,731,876 645 U6,256 1,699,921 U,765 6 2,100 837 404,161 482.9 67,354 134.25 816 197,522 416 205 187 392 1 257 665 766 69 69 302 307 807 1,173 781 1,622 789 1,054 791 485 123 79 219 542 76 734 723 7U 301 406 50 117 634 41,550 325 2,503 209 355 236 7,664 515 64,800 492 19,065 464 8,734 228 10,489 31 1,414 292 37,360 398 520,037 216 552,831 36 15,123 837 4,314,499 757,520 2,078,465 208,007 533,937 632,352 104,218 377 10,586 656 30,523 522 20,982 34,064,578 793 108,713 2,648,682 20,158 5 350 397 516,357 1,300.6 120,554 87.93 396 223,527 113 36 50 216 1 130 277 346 9 9 42 42 354 887 373 874 355 451 293 251 19 3 322 315 307 137 201 73 107 253 37,357 106 428 118 433 117 2,505 155 9,783 209 26,415 109 6,373 89 3,882 7 6,293 45 3,699 86 59,143 40 86,026 3 15,020 396 6,706,699 952,401 4,025,853 587,839 504,162 539,703 96,741 21 2,230 379 93,775 366 88,525 184,621,947 391 123,998 3,178,205 1,958 Sedgwick 1,531 609,955 374.0 77,467 207.57 1,596 396,290 794 403 408 695 1 527 1,243 1,355 177 177 394 395 1,500 2,105 1,500 3,233 1,536 2,0U 1,400 993 323 219 508 855 257 1,407 1,397 1,377 595 823 132 243 1,168 60,903 694 7,770 300 719 430 19,718 951 111,887 827 25,503 707 10,807 391 30,496 279 56,812 483 46,250 657 1,035,280 360 2,016,528 282 488,430 1,531 10,313,514 2,771,023 4,447,728 487,354 895,525 1,279,508 432,376 617 18,590 1,367 96,133 1,279 85,657 203,973,257 1,522 186,592 4,822,411 36 50,250 270 384,684 1,424.8 118,953 77.90 255 143,497 106 57 36 145 175 232 2 2 15 17 246 534 251 583 254 323 182 141 12 2 70 128 55 204 203 201 57 86 29 39 149 16,83H 59 281 98 313 35 763 107 6,387 108 10,720 57 2,758 33 1,112 1 260 27 3,081 35 51,827 20 57,566 1 2,280 270 2,534,771 243,278 1,483,918 191,727 254,585 285,527 75,736 18 1,993 207 56,282 193 45,987 65,350,628 221 81,359 1,203,381 1,239 Sheridan Sherman 6 804 798 280,210 351.1 56,422 158 .91 772 136,804 279 154 269 408 6 115 528 560 429 431 301 306 582 1,037 762 1,521 756 999 745 583 161 161 242 489 62 760 738 737 341 459 71 145 628 33,847 353 3,453 278 700 269 11,485 465 111,469 524 16,555 358 5,944 223 22,877 25 3,790 216 53,850 278 1,448,170 206 901,228 25 18,905 798 4,778,990 972,013 2,387,565 165,359 521,998 615,198 116,857 641 38,368 525 21,945 481 18,315 46,132,820 574 32,960 824,022 29,691 30 161,500 627 532,465 849.2 66,967 78.07 612 180,451 245 57 109 320 198 441 509 34 34 85 86 582 990 585 1,054 580 712 499 436 94 18 71 174 365 565 564 559 283 443 23 27 524 38,418 346 2,231 211 468 306 9,567 371 28,787 433 13,805 350 7,211 299 12,724 24 1,596 114 9,427 250 166,359 221 219, 528 19 14,612 627 3,585,454 691,586 1,951,165 232,330 194,795 539,557 76,021 117 5,279 590 63,036 539 48,865 75,115,449 555 98,541 1,827,387 5,412 498 608,486 1,221.9 92,427 77.55 489 220,578 171 72 119 265 114 364 478 62 64 45 45 452 962 454 1,027 467 650 440 370 115 23 26 226 220 392 387 378 202 292 56 72 341 26,180 228 1,585 113 262 173 3,905 271 21,772 258 14,490 167 4,291 170 5,480 35 17,140 110 15,444 154 119,658 159 240,647 36 64,579 498 4,254,297 575,938 2,074,893 580,118 348,234 593,521 81,593 107 5,817 405 49,703 345 39,177 46,738,889 478 139,779 3,536,605 3,084 KANSAS 159 FARMS. CENSUS OF 1959-Continued ■ sample of rarms. See t«;it] Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Trego Wabaunsee Wallnce W&shljiE^OD HcMta Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 739 211 361 1,686 642 619 754 229 1,529 332 808 593 184 1 «78,482 509,366 4U,026 714,641 785,116 520,708 473,019 437,613 538,458 424,630 323,912 300,340 25,391 2 647.5 2,414.1 1,138.6 423.9 1,222.9 841.2 627.3 1,911.0 352.2 1,279.2 400.9 506.5 138.0 3 76,373 178,226 112,074 68,968 102,881 54,503 42,732 91,428 33,739 142,656 35,433 37,392 58,418 4 119.13 91.87 94.27 160.38 82.87 65.37 82.58 44.63 94.94 105.33 95.12 76.22 428.46 5 723 211 360 1,660 635 618 726 221 1,478 326 782 577 158 e 252,941 203,207 222,358 478,854 317,630 168,363 114,982 109,809 277,998 186,446 130, 841 83,461 U,552 7 300 63 107 851 266 230 293 70 502 116 357 256 71 6 92 31 45 391 117 61 122 13 150 54 155 77 41 » 41 18 18 212 57 57 81 4 95 19 93 62 42 10 106 26 51 358 138 129 239 45 559 41 302 242 72 11 349 126 200 788 379 301 317 118 593 185 357 248 72 12 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 13 283 59 108 539 125 189 196 66 376 106 146 101 40 14 636 163 315 1,271 455 450 524 156 1,150 256 569 399 40 15 749 245 418 1,431 594 502 551 199 1,234 349 598 428 40 16 21 16 5 93 36 8 194 24 861 19 259 224 45 17 21 16 6 99 38 9 199 25 882 19 261 224 45 18 169 25 10 306 51 99 366 39 678 38 264 281 41 19 170 25 10 306 52 99 374 39 684 39 273 287 41 20 702 194 347 1,610 575 606 624 210 1,092 306 727 447 154 21 1,178 627 781 2,629 1,321 1,CK4 807 445 1,332 783 933 557 227 22 696 189 343 1,611 570 606 701 205 1,448 316 740 546 164 23 1,690 612 804 3,390 1,186 1,124 1,339 450 2,946 763 1,349 945 274 24 695 194 343 1,590 597 602 719 203 1,429 315 747 541 133 2S 891 289 457 2,010 808 771 853 278 1,790 405 900 641 178 26 682 195 258 1,454 541 415 709 134 1,349 270 617 407 159 27 444 171 227 862 395 486 3S2 142 752 241 314 276 98 28 78 16 U 217 59 64 133 a 412 9 150 119 46 29 32 3 138 7 15 102 3 45 1 88 98 36 30 180 53 78 302 175 55 131 21 258 36 164 73 131 .ll 129 52 114 945 91 US 558 100 1,010 123 599 485 37 32 418 105 134 407 365 447 47 102 246 165 45 20 15 33 633 159 246 1,480 443 552 660 194 1,443 256 746 560 169 34 631 149 239 1,474 435 548 658 190 1,433 245 734 554 161 35 631 146 239 1,453 434 542 646 189 1,427 244 728 554 151 38 198 51 83 618 142 229 220 86 734 101 335 241 75 37 287 76 123 845 207 343 305 110 1,078 144 475 307 95 38 29 70 28 73 62 33 40 33 73 55 32 17 19 39 34 ni 32 105 102 45 53 44 102 70 40 22 36 40 477 119 131 1,294 362 528 625 162 1,424 132 715 557 133 41 29,279 27,598 10,260 53,475 32,684 36,335 49,200 22,342 63,779 22,140 38,557 35,053 4,782 42 259 46 48 553 179 294 391 95 1,026 Ul 375 373 66 43 1,492 85 U7 4,318 983 1,80; 2,831 416 6,908 430 2,310 2,923 1,001 44 164 62 64 418 137 215 336 80 284 92 312 256 52 45 403 195 176 887 415 471 612 340 468 307 578 554 116 4< 221 57 53 397 128 245 244 U4 8U 87 330 230 66 47 6,279 2,L28 1,164 12,215 4,988 2,919 9,135 4,257 38,060 3,379 12,558 6,452 2,436 48 398 93 134 1,051 255 444 497 108 1,187 159 521 427 111 49 34,707 4,766 5,440 94,185 18,561 28,064 76,816 7,198 255,733 8,322 62,654 47,341 9,030 50 406 100 SO 920 271 429 539 127 1,156 153 481 436 93 51 10,711 20,253 4,346 18,239 17,029 U,024 29,321 9,997 23,080 9,688 12,528 11,990 2,973 52 375 32 53 687 143 377 365 104 815 38 466 399 71 53 6,707 1,634 2,034 10,819 4,114 7,827 10,962 4,351 11,703 3,436 7,425 7,290 460 54 194 40 40 381 107 206 242 95 851 33 304 207 56 55 9,596 2,015 1,158 17,419 6,423 4,753 13,433 4,217 50,958 2,836 14,226 8,179 2,970 56 25 6 4 240 54 10 39 18 55 10 76 42 5 57 3,494 4,074 2,239 9,493 39,266 1,478 6,209 4,990 4,820 7,463 4,395 1,480 385 58 129 14 15 424 87 145 294 26 979 33 234 222 31 59 14,227 2,280 865 38,395 12,824 9,327 36,553 3,055 151,655 1,893 23,340 37,276 2,320 60 227 29 43 659 139 303 381 50 1,101 78 344 306 41 61 353,053 23,820 20,016 655,919 121,724 134,473 803,440 26,504 2,731,271 34,340 584,547 339,165 89,675 62 139 7 2 276 104 230 276 49 902 44 255 243 51 63 264,031 2,579 1,331 917,676 U4,816 149,299 446,133 41,939 848,113 35,694 354,143 459,828 295,030 64 19 4 3 247 36 9 33 15 65 3 31 38 10 65 10,854 474 622 96,850 174,479 14,016 31,999 49,959 43,330 6,812 26,930 13,750 5,030 M 739 211 361 1,686 642 619 754 229 1,529 332 808 593 184 67 3,197,308 3,092,231 1,875,570 6,347,871 5,108,835 2,553,537 4,665,349 2,618,655 5,852,796 2,727,550 3,337,792 2,222,U0 805,452 68 592,617 128,618 121,925 1,303,079 509,519 293,395 867, 9(K 239,852 1,724,209 161,079 748,355 618,323 207,827 69 1,387,439 1,361,522 742,667 1,985,019 2,417,644 1,345,436 2,908,257 1,666,545 2,434,505 1,118,350 1,562,872 943,923 294,885 70 237,358 502,242 236,121 846,631 915,722 167,492 115,765 182,504 298,989 451,843 199,377 153,545 35,992 71 216,683 546,640 279,154 613,055 484,073 173,704 218,738 163,095 309,446 303,005 205,874 126,125 166,636 72 631,940 493,228 402,835 1,343,474 711,635 505,379 491,535 333,491 910,917 583,512 518,003 323,350 71,427 73 131,271 59,981 92,868 256,583 70,242 68,231 63,150 33,168 174,730 109,261 103, 3U 56,844 28,685 74 73 22 21 222 75 41 462 46 1,223 47 645 398 im 75 1,605 1,452 2,140 7,611 7,010 1,432 16,757 2,331 60,010 2,385 23,860 13,251 4,430 76 668 183 348 1,306 5U 606 631 182 1,238 295 553 360 36 77 70,0(K 68,197 127,875 85,002 72,701 54,305 29,515 31,a4 60,594 69,114 19,078 9,267 2,313 78 639 163 345 1,197 450 510 602 151 1,156 289 500 3U 36 79 59,988 57,7U 125,199 71,394 61,632 32,124 23,661 24,963 55,265 63,997 16,350 6,972 2,072 80 105,932,674 126,243,226 193,412,334 153,155,867 77,587,810 50,183,621 52,709,512 29,676,027 124,638,365 121,606,260' 42,829,380 14,602,115 6,700,172 81 715 211 309 1,634 630 590 614 215 1,392 324 706 466 81 82 156,180 121,058 88,987 273,042 214,579 103,331 24,139 58,564 ■ 83,049 102,190 36,755 12,939 2,848 33 1,845,146 3,634,332 1,980,373 7,184,273 4,611,827 1,325,704 695,237 1,586,748 2,141,491 2,871,556 833,035 300,162 87, 5U 34 U,421 2,223 335 20,422 2,072 5,028 34,963 3,129 50,683 1,530 20,875 33,498 1,738 85 21 3 13 25 5 6 5 1 5 45 86 8,875 33,760 U,370 4,310 500 1,125 250 600 500 129,500 87 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Mosl dau for 1959 are b*s«l on reports (For derinition? and explanations, see text) Estimated number of famis lOSO . 19M. Fann operators by age: OperMors reportins age nunilw* 195n . Undrr 25 years number 1959 . •25 to M years number 1959. S5 to 44 years number 1959 . 45 to 5 1 years number 1955 . 55 to fl4 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Average ace years 1959 . Off-farm work and other income: Farm operators— Workinc orf their r.Trnis operators reporting 1959 . 1954. 100 or more days operalcrs reporting 1959 . 1954. Willi other income of Tamily exceeding value or ranr products sold operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms tiy tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners number 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . . 1954.. All tenants number 1959 . . 1954.. Cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954 . , Share-cash tenants number 1959 . . 1954.. Crop-share tenants number 1959. . 1954 . . Livestoch-share tonants number 1959 . . 1954 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. . 1954.. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop rarms other than vegetable and fruit^and-nut . . number 1959. . Cash-gram number 1959. . Tobacco number 1959. . Cotton numtier 1959. . Other field-crop number 1959. . Vegetable rarms number 1959 . . Fruit-and-nut farnis number 1959 . . Poultry farms number 1959 . . Dairy rarms number 1959 . . Livestock farms ot)>« than poultry and dairy farms number 1959. . Livestock ranches number 1959 . . General famis number 1959 . . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. . Farms by economic class: Oxnmercial farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959 . Class n number 1959 . Class ni number 1959 . Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1959.. Other farms Part-time Part-retirement ■ . Abnormal Value of products sold by source: All rarm products sold total, . number 1959.. . number 1059. . number 1959. . number 1959.. average per rami. All ciore sold, . Field crops, other than vegeUUea and fruits and nuts, sold Vegetables sold Fruits and nuts sold . Forost products and horticultural Bpncialty products sold All livestoell and livestock products sold. Poultry and poultry products sold Dairy jroducts sold Livestock ami livestock products, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959. 1954 . dollars 1959 . . 1954.. .dollars 1959.. 1954.. .dollars 1959.. 1054. . dollars 1959.. 1954.. .dollars 1959.. 1054 . . .dollars 1959.. 1954.. .dollars 1959.. 1954.. . dollars 1959 . . 19.54 . . .(bllarsl959.. 1954.. .dollars 1959.. 1954.. 104,135 120,293 102,615 2,072 l£,i39 21,824 26,036 22,365 17,879 50.4 44,995 52,245 24,852 24,820 24,743 22,604 38,044 45,333 39,900 40,026 275 304 25,916 34,504 2,294 3,178 11,061 14,590 8,980 11,818 1,761 2,076 1,820 2,842 40,045 40,002 10 33 136 45 549 5,201 30,215 1,492 6,572 21,372 83,097 3,481 8,627 20,566 26,409 19,494 4,520 21,038 12,212 8,790 36 1,110,816,591 802,339,603 10,667 6,670 486,213,568 428,449,765 479,452,893 423,546,363 1,043,954 704,648 946,169 753,373 4,770,552 3,445,381 624,603,023 373,889,338 20,U5,514 23,637,362 54,543,273 49,152,842 549,91^,236 301,099,634 1,299 1,514 1,276 20 122 232 275 315 312 53.2 560 627 354 351 457 375 618 728 431 401 2 250 368 55 67 125 187 45 63 5 16 20 35 277 277 10 UO 285 6 U7 440 869 3 25 179 316 291 55 430 245 185 7,571,927 5,491,349 5,829 3,627 2,953,506 1,977,475 2,927,083 1,964,018 1,299 370 2,931 1,098 22,193 11,989 4,618,421 3,513,874 194,801 310,593 1,209,060 1,227,845 3,214,560 1,975,436 1,113 1,290 1,119 35 125 239 257 244 219 50.7 453 629 227 258 264 225 471 563 455 401 2 187 307 30 38 102 170 45 61 10 U 309 309 92 356 131 225 888 11 60 207 330 245 35 225 125 100 8,809,308 5,801,686 7,915 4,497 3,594,401 2,292,703 3,575,11C 2,275,716 1,075 1,112 4,578 2,684 13,638 13,191 5,214,907 3,508,983 265,437 315,769 792,918 632,997 4,156,552 2,560,217 1,199 1,427 1,129 36 154 215 267 256 201 50.1 442 639 239 337 308 310 631 723 305 329 12 4 251 352 45 51 75 145 80 85 16 32 35 39 230 230 443 5 90 331 363 14 43 190 306 230 80 331 180 150 9,425,561 7,333,700 7,861 5,139 2,821,354 2,901,569 2,763,871 2,353,553 11,900 2,390 3,700 27, W9 41,883 18,477 6,604,207 4,432,131 192,864 237,477 325,450 719,136 5,585,893 3,425,513 715 745 675 U 71 147 171 137 133 51.3 321 282 170 122 133 108 206 230 230 205 5 6 274 291 11 36 122 130 101 30 13 13 27 32 291 291 314 61 630 62 135 135 171 102 25 85 45 40 12,931,666 7,233,887 18,156 9,710 3,969,227 2,946,875 3, 965,913 2,940,843 225 60 354 3,072 2,735 2,900 9,012,439 4,287,012 78,983 112,128 1/W,144 142,757 8,785,307 4,032,127 1,373 1,391 1,360 21 199 322 362 236 170 48.5 653 605 323 259 330 180 281 335 603 557 8 2 436 616 15 13 195 192 225 351 41 16 10 44 56 215 1,163 13 93 233 423 321 75 215 125 90 11,3U,486 12,934,265 8,209 9,334 6,206,909 10,415,522 6,160,945 10,369,526 2,827 1,935 567 811 42,570 43,250 5,104,577 2,568,743 153,416 187,846 446,156 360,975 4,505,005 2,019,922 1,359 1,575 1,367 20 123 275 324 346 279 52.4 575 677 371 393 435 495 782 351 409 494 3 168 274 25 45 87 115 25 49 21 12 10 53 177 177 15 245 406 4 116 400 969 22 29 194 253 316 155 390 210 130 8,769,641 5,084,464 6,453 3,228 2,296,293 1,463,091 2,204,232 1,423,044 891 4,436 4,615 2,528 36,555 38,033 6,473,343 3,616,373 211,425 279,746 1,568,625 977,733 4,693,298 2,358,839 KANSAS TYPE OF FARM. ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954 Tor ofity > sample or twins. See text] 161 chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cbeyenne 1,813 1,93* 1,734 21 186 394 460 343 330 51.0 951 970 711 648 649 615 702 733 584 539 21 11 506 652 126 166 207 290 69 U5 47 27 57 54 300 300 20 77 805 93 61 550 1,268 82 189 26« 285 384 62 545 390 155 22,427,5U 13,558,717 12,370 7,011 4,428,089 3,570,901 4,415,845 3,540,985 2,664 971 2,402 8,609 27,514 17,999,425 9,987,816 251,259 3U,909 863,804 838,764 16,884,362 8,834,1A3 420 574 425 5 46 96 113 93 72 50.7 178 269 85 111 85 U3 174 247 153 U7 12 15 81 139 10 16 36 46 20 54 10 11 5 12 101 101 223 41 16 65 355 28 52 62 93 13,108,931 8,804,396 31,212 15,339 1,114,149 1,238,040 1,098,486 1,234,681 423 634 15,240 2,725 11,994,782 7,566,356 U8,992 94,688 233,438 119,873 11,642,352 7,351,795 669 746 629 12 43 126 174 138 136 52.6 279 418 162 206 185 197 397 464 187 196 11 9 74 127 15 48 32 28 11 32 5 5 11 W 380 114 21 191 484 26 29 87 111 189 42 185 105 80 5,218,522 3,400,040 7,800 4,558 898,900 832,581 668,858 825,953 2,105 824 1,410 1,101 226,527 4,703 4,319,622 2,567,459 51,217 67,989 220,060 186,737 4,048,345 2,310,733 1,282 1,539 1,333 29 135 267 370 306 226 51.1 643 775 469 500 528 550 555 658 455 499 2 3 270 391 35 68 100 173 90 78 10 11 35 61 638 638 83 1 36 480 802 3 58 205 281 185 70 480 365 115 7,461,459 4,834,377 5,820 3,U1 5,253,519 3,232,760 5,155,171 3,184,778 1,215 100 4,489 4,850 92,644 43,032 2,207,940 1,601,617 115,198 163,062 607,785 573,692 1,484,957 864,863 720 8U 696 24 U8 167 173 118 96 47.4 273 281 120 109 204 235 340 363 2 2 174 187 12 40 45 U6 113 2 11 16 6 461 461 L40 18 27 86 634 39 112 186 191 85 21 86 55 31 10,920,146 5,218,870 15,167 6,411 7,003,261 2,902,767 7,002,850 2,899,318 215 470 46 29 150 2,950 3,916,885 2,316,103 113,510 113,910 186,391 281,653 3,616,984 1,920,540 382 497 402 7 34 81 111 96 73 51.6 161 221 80 110 84 105 192 187 2 2 104 208 U 9 35 62 54 93 Clay 1» 130 222 53 5 25 357 49 73 109 77 49 25 10 15 9,665,295 5,944,603 25,302 U,961 2,525,547 1,883,048 2,525,157 1,882,806 129 106 217 155 25 7,139,748 4,061,555 24,099 42,455 3,421 25,745 7,112,228 3,993,355 1,209 1,325 1,200 32 U5 266 305 253 199 49.8 420 450 181 143 189 100 398 420 459 431 1 352 483 21 26 208 275 85 125 18 26 20 31 471 471 5 30 418 10 145 140 1,074 23 97 304 335 260 55 135 70 65 12,301,891 8,687,189 10,175 6,556 5,198,929 4,439,418 5,144,492 4,430,913 3,053 475 8,231 3,597 43,153 4,433 7,102,962 4,247,771 504,082 502,538 440,384 406,175 6,158,496 3,339,058 i,m 1,357 1,069 25 110 206 303 237 188 50.8 393 891 171 192 155 170 357 429 405 448 1 3 348 458 20 27 166 2U 111 176 25 X 26 11 690 690 15 25 215 12 61 105 1,011 21 94 285 301 225 85 100 40 60 10,336,570 9,102,288 9,304 6,708 6,232,020 6,187,425 6,202,343 6,171,948 4,862 3,347 997 3,174 23,818 8,956 4,104,550 2,9U,863 214,851 284,726 343,596 410,777 3,546,103 2,219,360 1,215 1,413 1,222 34 113 221 316 284 254 52.1 463 597 207 247 Camanche Cowley 254 250 508 571 523 541 184 326 21 28 103 184 30 47 10 11 20 56 312 312 40 61 440 6 102 260 955 22 101 221 331 215 65 260 120 140 10,764,544 7,239,319 8,860 5,123 3,490,918 2,127,007 3,473,400 2,118,997 2,084 585 2,233 1,641 13,201 5,784 7,273,726 5,112,312 380,030 502,973 541,079 555,585 6,352,617 4,053,754 297 419 326 2 35 73 92 62 62 51.1 119 122 58 64 77 113 140 171 78 134 4 12 30 30 32 67 7 9 5 16 156 29 11 21 276 50 51 69 63 37 6 21 5 16 6,640,404 5,934,665 22,358 14,164 1,870,004 2,191,275 1,861,156 2,185,029 230 4,450 150 322 8,468 1,474 4,770,400 3,743,390 17,726 50,616 171,608 188,790 4,581,066 3,503,984 1,685 2,036 1,602 41 160 316 395 364 326 51.7 864 947 549 552 548 528 660 853 478 519 16 6 531 615 73 132 229 232 178 138 14 19 37 94 529 529 5 87 479 81 60 525 1,175 34 U3 277 330 356 45 510 295 215 14,493,260 12,380,937 8,601 6,081 6,038,266 5,801,640 5,885,340 5,683,692 8,742 9,090 8,219 3,233 135,965 105,625 8,454,994 6,579,297 242,706 379,760 786,373 878,624 7,425,915 5,320,913 1,483 1,856 1,492 IB U7 287 378 316 356 52.8 597 838 404 551 505 661 973 481 519 3 200 378 15 55 100 201 70 70 507 507 127 535 948 16 22 163 367 285 95 535 275 260 8,569,730 5,639,658 5,779 3,039 3,938,478 2,303,077 3,799,144 2,124,613 12,798 6,396 609 3,496 125,927 168,572 4,631,252 3,336,581 220,641 259,975 697,795 809,310 3,712,816 2,267,296 844 878 790 18 111 159 200 185 117 49.7 263 224 92 68 256 257 391 384 2 197 227 11 6 50 94 104 103 22 15 10 9 437 437 3U 1 50 45 799 16 54 269 280 150 30 45 20 25 10,062,876 8,861,917 11,923 10,093 4,125,768 5,176,987 4,122,750 5,176,277 210 7 308 153 2,500 550 5,937,108 3,684,930 98,039 119,300 U3,030 185,409 5,706,039 3,380,221 " WBBSiMMMgBBMM 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dKU Tor 1959 are base' farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other than poulliy and dairy farms number 1959. Livestock ranches numbw 1059 . General famis number 1959 . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . t lass 1 number 1959. Class n number 1959 . Class m number 1959 . Class IV number 1959. Cla-is V number 1959 . ClasaVI number 1059 . Other farms number 1959 . Part.time number 1959 . Part^rotirement number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . Valoe of prodocts sold by source: All rarm products sold total, dollars 1959 . 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959 . 1954. All crops sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Field CTOfts, other than vegetables and fmits and nuts, sold dollars 1959. 1954. Vegetables sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Forest products and horticultural specialty products sold dollars 1959 . 1954. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Poultry and poultry products sold doliarB 1959 . 1954. Dairy products sold dollars 1959. 1954. Livestock and livestock froducte, other than poultry and dairy, sold dollars 1959 . 1954. Hodgpinfln 551 596 568 95 141 l>t 108 76 47.8 216 154 102 41 101 151 255 250 1 1 194 185 22 6 55 66 98 94 4 7 15 226 226 239 11 485 24 70 120 125 125 21 66 30 36 6,864,030 5,032,456 12,457 8,444 2,475,837 2,872,032 2,474,654 2,871,059 195 260 88 13 900 700 4,388,193 2,160,424 71,497 66,846 104,847 198,971 4,211,849 1,894,607 1,443 1,743 1,452 27 152 272 352 311 338 52.1 671 791 398 380 445 360 726 320 463 541 2 254 364 35 63 112 154 70 71 27 32 10 44 273 273 5 90 500 26 125 450 993 13 36 185 314 350 95 450 290 160 8,635,384 7,248,237 5,984 4,158 2,903,367 3,255,235 2,880,296 3,231,894 58 740 4,143 5,676 18,870 16,925 5,732,017 3,993,002 211,981 336,960 766,742 833,216 753,294 822,826 1,361 1,641 1,338 23 145 286 337 292 255 51.0 594 700 400 390 474 436 796 872 396 416 5 169 292 27 39 SI 110 35 73 15 42 11 28 219 219 427 14 70 475 886 18 35 212 310 256 55 475 305 170 9,419,895 7,846,346 6,921 4,782 3,257,298 3,352,944 3,212,122 3,306,048 5,780 9,427 31,933 32,034 7,413 5,435 6,162,597 4,493,902 162,336 253,320 1,377,302 999,154 4,622,459 3,241,428 1,208 1,556 1,197 17 149 229 300 290 212 51.0 431 557 152 186 153 153 365 546 565 526 278 480 15 35 145 219 435 435 472 7 146 150 1,063 12 107 289 385 205 65 145 60 85 11,423,839 10,394,694 9,457 6,630 4,934,498 6,227,312 4,915,837 6,213,078 396 173 1,607 2,273 16,658 6,733 6,489,341 4,167,332 295,327 273,010 292,762 369,405 5,900,752 3,524,967 1,278 1,331 1,238 19 122 246 339 277 235 51. B 663 700 515 440 578 416 730 746 322 296 11 15 215 285 55 63 90 133 40 30 15 22 15 37 286 276 10 142 320 16 60 430 30 77 206 235 260 80 390 265 125 8,693,353 5,617,278 6,802 4,220 3,130,681 2,301,954 2,624,097 1,955,992 139,431 174,011 3,910 5,739 313,193 166,212 5,562,672 3,315,324 112,711 143,434 1,177,735 1,125,927 4,272,226 2,045,963 Kearny 303 331 296 5 42 75 33 62 29 48.1 103 U9 53 60 36 104 70 38 113 154 2 1 123 125 1 8 22 17 221 221 8,089,121 2,888,685 26,263 8,727 5,253,880 1,612,314 5,250,793 1,6U,338 3,000 210 87 66 200 2,835,241 1,276,371 9,963 20,796 17,560 48,209 2,807,718 1,207,366 Kingman 1,121 1,337 1,102 16 145 273 285 215 168 49.2 503 521 256 197 194 176 272 385 460 484 3 389 443 42 21 233 284 93 97 11 19 10 27 598 598 296 17 1,001 23 93 284 366 205 20 120 35 35 U, 310, 418 9,348,722 10, 536 6,992 6,151,024 6,025,326 6,124,857 5,973,280 3,386 1,093 2,471 1,644 20,310 49,304 5,659,394 3,323,396 158,350 196,104 491,247 570,140 5,009,797 2,557,152 KANSAS TYPE OF FARM, ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE: AND 1954-Con. 165 foe only a 3ftmpl« of fiuma. See text' Labette Lane Leavenworth Lincoln Unn Logan I^on McPheraon Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell 1,696 368 1,451 861 1,225 384 1,479 1,964 1,688 1,856 514 1,695 970 1 2,066 353 1,758 1,021 1,388 362 1,877 2,116 1,958 2,158 579 1,823 1,069 2 1,637 357 1,445 859 1,246 369 1,487 1,950 1,748 1,830 558 1,635 940 .1 22 5 19 11 18 11 32 39 40 51 8 37 28 4 178 57 174 127 108 67 135 275 235 272 68 167 138 5 322 91 281 154 243 97 248 449 395 376 135 321 188 6 416 105 345 242 290 80 369 474 445 455 151 411 236 7 375 64 X3 175 318 64 342 408 366 394 131 377 185 B 324 35 283 150 269 50 361 305 267 282 65 322 165 S 51.7 47.2 51.5 50.5 52.8 46.7 53.1 49.4 49.2 49.3 49.0 51.5 49.6 10 799 121 731 315 535 175 612 1,060 791 650 279 839 385 11 1,U1 102 938 432 589 156 786 1,U2 968 688 191 998 365 12 526 55 558 105 321 72 345 579 381 258 133 593 175 IS 748 42 656 106 286 46 401 526 237 230 94 536 107 14 689 32 612 64 416 44 458 396 352 260 83 700 U5 15 693 15 642 122 276 32 385 327 232 215 54 551 87 16 865 70 919 239 619 81 611 472 377 550 86 858 285 17 1,163 60 1,U3 295 645 74 849 546 493 775 171 930 301 18 502 200 315 340 444 175 519 916 7X 589 277 509 408 19 502 178 353 391 488 168 562 902 713 552 291 470 437 ao L2 2 1 6 1 5 2 1 2 1 21 7 1 7 5 4 7 3 2 1 1 6 4 22 317 98 215 281 162 122 348 571 579 517 150 326 276 23 376 123 275 324 240 103 417 672 720 755 175 439 315 24 61 8 20 10 5 5 40 25 91 40 7 60 6 25 85 2 51 22 27 3 41 41 113 53 7 94 5 26 150 31 90 135 91 27 121 268 333 347 35 120 124 27 156 19 68 182 114 32 U.9 372 376 445 29 173 113 28 65 44 55 99 45 67 90 216 112 143 76 90 102 2> 67 86 68 89 60 62 U7 210 154 159 U5 95 167 30 11 8 25 11 10 8 26 11 22 32 12 35 18 31 19 5 31 20 9 1 25 14 U 54 13 23 13 32 30 7 25 26 11 15 71 51 21 55 19 21 26 .13 49 11 57 U X 5 65 35 64 44 11 54 17 34 503 169 252 412 323 265 304 998 699 848 297 405 601 35 503 169 252 412 323 265 304 998 699 848 297 405 601 36 37 38 3a 5 5 "5 5 10 16 '46 15 "5 15 10 "5 40 41 42 156 6 185 1 140 41 102 85 45 12 176 10 43 309 148 277 3U 311 73 694 399 398 498 147 434 176 44 3 3 8 23 44 18 6 4 6 1 45 103 9 65 62 '96 18 64 150 206 185 7 65 47 46 615 36 662 65 355 28 366 275 285 275 36 605 131 47 1,086 332 799 796 870 356 1,123 1,689 1,408 1,586 478 1,095 844 48 12 63 6 26 4 37 50 69 35 6 34 5 37 42 22 111 26 79 47 59 94 153 111 71 56 70 82 SO 250 82 131 70 209 130 221 435 391 387 139 180 196 51 366 63 281 265 295 82 371 616 526 701 120 390 324 52 361 13 260 205 260 43 296 :»i 290 321 98 355 175 53 75 95 51 55 5 91 25 55 100 21 95 30 54 610 36 652 65 355 28 356 275 280 270 36 600 126 55 335 36 440 25 175 21 201 125 115 125 26 425 55 56 265 210 40 180 7 155 150 165 145 10 175 71 57 10 2 ... 58 9,857,611 9,343,432 6,932,702 8,971,467 7,708,332 6,909,806 24,589,529 20,247,291 16,782,652 14,467,965 8,641,596 9,374,231 10,319,804 59 9,198,085 4,220,382 6,183,728 8,015,157 5,052,023 3,903,902 11,521,289 15,863,477 12,278,886 12,512,195 5,476,735 6,734,065 10,303,989 60 5,812 25,390 4,778 10,420 6,293 17,994 16,626 10,309 9,942 7,795 16,812 5,531 10,639 61 4,452 11,956 3,517 7,850 3,640 10,784 6,138 7,497 6,271 5,798 9,459 3,694 9,639 62 3,913,891 3,852,759 2,579,322 3,713,569 2,912,659 4,353,424 3,154,217 9,592,329 6,614,053 7,358,080 3,849,712 3,512,227 5,164,512 63 3,671,652 2,451,672 2,224,871 4,821,098 1,966,508 2,220,830 2,447,281 9,291,492 5,568,189 7,348,574 3,020,570 2,710,525 7,649,021 64 3,853,586 3,852,673 2,424,000 3,701,450 2,883,468 4,362,312 3,118,034 9,511,588 6,599,910 7,319,637 3,848,505 3,464,718 6,161,633 65 3,616,049 2,451,570 2,107,292 4,811,111 1,955,620 2,220,830 2,377,974 9,226,550 5,565,933 7,320,807 3,019,571 2,662,171 7,610,996 66 5,484 6 36,803 280 2,014 . 100 2,328 3,738 317 661 2,520 67 6,789 28,185 250 4,010 2,218 268 237 740 4,110 300 68 4,280 80 24,688 415 12,697 12 2,964 2,677 786 3,462 7 4,543 54 69 3,517 102 19,443 449 3,456 3,357 2,555 616 10,985 259 3,647 225 70 50,541 93,831 11,424 14,480 1,000 30,891 74,326 13,040 34,320 1,200 40,446 2,825 71 45,297 69,951 9,538 7,182 61,940 60,169 1,372 16,545 40,597 37,500 72 5,943,720 5,490,673 4,353,380 5,257,898 4,795,673 2,546,382 21,435,312 10,654,962 10,168,599 7,109,885 4,791,884 5,862,004 4,155,292 73 5,526,433 1,768,710 3,958,857 3,194,059 3,085,515 1,683,072 9,074,008 6,571,985 6,710,697 5,163,521 2,456,165 4,023,540 2,654,968 74 244,363 12,717 178,628 245,163 256,981 38,577 369,476 1,036,560 782,256 583, 830 98,749 242,308 161,115 n 315,312 22,631 196,580 203,286 277,578 27,282 477,418 900,228 743,565 735,324 59,284 350,583 168,393 n 1,181,597 60,127 1,615,219 134,895 1,167,955 67,608 506,988 1,278,805 1,154,348 899,056 148,919 1,323,870 192,028 n 1,187,334 63,223 1,692,392 182,282 627,687 82,102 587,750 1,168,562 1,054,416 837,905 186,372 1,088,623 207,556 78 4,517,760 5,417,829 2,559,533 4,877,840 3,370,737 2,440,197 20,558,848 8,339,597 8,231,995 5,625,999 4,544,216 4,295,825 3,802,149 7a 4,023,787 1,682,856 2,069,885 2,808,491 2,180,250 1,573,688 8,008,840 4,503,195 4,912,716 3,590,392 2,210,509 2,584,334 2,279,019 80 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dau for 195!t ale basetl or reptrts (For definition? and explanation;:, see text) MontgaiieTy Estimated number of famis 1950 . lilM. Farm operators by age: Operators reporting age number 195!1 . Under 2S yenrs number 19.19 . •25 to M years number 1059. 15 to 44 years. number 1959 . 45 to 5 ( years number 1950 . 55 to 64 years number 1959 . 65 or more years number 1959 . Averape at>e years 1059 . Off-farm work and other income: Farm operators- Working orf their famis operators reporting 1950 . 1954. 100 or more days oporatots reporting 1959 . 1954. With other income of family exceeding value of farm fvoducts sold operators reporting 1959 . 1954. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1959 . 1954. Part owners numbv 1959 . 1954. Managers number 1959 . . 1954. All tenants number 1959 . 1954. Cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Share-cash tenants number 1959 . 1954. Oop-share tenants numbe* 1959 . 1954. Livestock-share tenants number 1959 . 1954. Other and unspecified tenants number 1959. 1954. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut . . number 1959. Cash-grain number 1959. Tobacco number 1959 . CoUon number 1959 . Other field-cTDp number 1959 . Vegetable farms number 1959 . Frtiit-and-nut falms number 19S9 . Poultry farms number 1959 . Dairy farms number 1959 . Livestock farms other thin poultry and dftiry farms number 1959. Livestock ranches number 1959 . General farms number 1959. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1959. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number 1959 . Class I number 1959 . Class n number 1959. Class in number 1959 . Class IV number 1959 . Class V number 1959 . Class VI number 1059 . Other rarms number 1959 . Part-time number 1959. Part-t«tirenient number 1959 . Abnormal number 1959 . Value of products sold by source: All farm products sold total, dollars 1959. 1954. average per farm, dollars 1959. 1954. All cnji 1,418 797 737 2,030 7,633 167 209 44,651 3,864 333 5,214 228 59 70 2,100 2,668 1,275 265 111,461 2,795 545 a9,596 30,135 37,955- 75,656 669 573 71 13,020 2,283 350 235 71,617 11,000 2,700 67,926 25,662 11,162 72,403 1,500 72 5,874,771 5,536,338 4,378,928 4,437,926 8,586,290 3,443,523 3,a8,859 8,736,055 6,278,743 5,019,354 5,916,523 3,639,399 3,331,016 73 3,117,394 3,044,319 2,710,516 2,604,676 5,815,175 1,649,166 2,171,738 5,931,341 4,352,347 2,985,644 4,643,209 2,224,252 1,936,987 74 132,934 151,982 99,655 208,182 250,690 142,495 86,671 426,359 479,859 147,153 319,801 54,055 122,034 75 159,668 135,587 94,713 204,346 336,799 112,697 115,846 646, 335 490,8X 201,678 335,190 91,351 91,561 76 358,937 X3,357 142,032 225,865 560, (X2 ia,299 150,593 1,501,047 329,669 490,698 640,440 170,800 125,275 n 208,266 370,322 398,063 225,042 454,339 277,903 142,957 1,392,106 393,798 394,182 453,771 204,206 157,060 78 5,382,900 5,091,499 4,637,241 4,053,879 7,775,558 3,179,729 2,981,595 6,808,649 5,469,220 4,331,503 4,956,232 3,465,044 3,083,707 79 2,749,960 2,538,410 2,217,740 2,175,288 5,014,037 1,253,561 1,912,985 3,892,900 3,467,715 2,389,784 3,349,243 1,928,695 1,688,366 60 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5.-FARMS REPORTING BY OFF-FARM WORK; AND FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, CENSUSES OF 1959 [Most dau for 1959 are basefl on reports (F(V definitions and explnnstions. Sedgwick Estimated number of famis 1W9 . , 1054.. f»m operators by age: Operators reporting age number 1959. . Under 25 years number 1959.. ■25 to M yews number 1959.. 15 to 44 years number 1959 . . 15 to 51 years number 1959. . 55 to 59.. 1954 . . Com pickers farms rcpnrting 1950 . . 1954.. number 1959 . . 1954 . . Pick-up balers fnmis reportinE 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959 . . 1954 . . Field forace harvesters farms reporting 1959. , 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954.. Molorti-ucks farms reportini; 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959. . 1954.. Tractors farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959 . . 195*.. Tractors other than canlen fftrms reporting 1959 . . number 1959.. 1 tractor farms reporting 1959 . . '2 or more tractors farms reporting 1959 . . Wheel traders farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954.. Crawler tractors farms rerwrtirg 1959 . . 1954 , . numlKT 1959.. 1954 . . Garden tractors farms renorting 1959 . . 1954 . . number 1959.. 1954.. \utomobile9 farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. number 1959. . 1954 . . Telephone farms reportinf; 1959 . . 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . , Milking machine farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . F-lectric milk cooler farms reportinj; 1959 . . Crop drier (for ^atn, forage, or other crops) farms reporting 1959 . . Power -opera ted elevator, conveyor, or blower farms reportine 1959 . . Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting 1959 . . 1950 . . Gravel, shell, or shale famw reporting 1959.. 1950 . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1959 . . 1950 . . Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road forms reporting 1959 . . 1 or more miles to a har 200 175 422 392 203 703 643 616 207 751 396 521 1,038 550 578 30 365 520 1,012 641 326 1,073 990 1,020 262 1,403 1,193 783 1,554 900 1,148 31 467 571 1,069 708 404 1,224 1,222 1,228 356 1,551 1,255 818 1,702 935 1,128 32 658 741 1,507 1,238 602 2,104 1,898 1,986 587 2,440 1,678 1,562 2,981 1,630 2,111 33 722 772 1,445 1,163 648 1,928 2,018 1,764 689 2,437 1,697 1,311 2,822 1,432 1,741 34 9 15 6 16 9 52 17 47 28 43 23 31 51 81 45 35 18 20 26 18 15 44 32 16 28 27 12 18 25 24 39 36 14 16 6 18 13 57 17 67 31 48 28 33 57 97 56 37 27 20 26 25 18 46 33 21 33 32 12 21 27 34 39 38 37 63 168 82 23 100 51 160 21 191 116 67 93 130 197 39 70 41 156 80 27 77 52 68 9 194 65 53 91 67 202 40 37 63 169 97 23 102 51 166 21 196 121 67 93 135 199 41 70 41 156 80 27 83 52 69 9 194 65 53 91 76 203 42 404 534 1,092 691 348 1,102 1,019 1,115 266 1,565 1,248 832 1,534 984 1,155 43 487 547 1,169 717 421 1,240 1,241 1,233 407 1,763 1,515 811 1,812 1,015 1,212 4i 535 609 1,338 894 436 1,394 1,241 1,259 400 1,819 1,400 1,055 1,844 1,249 1,510 45 605 627 1,355 904 566 1,463 1,494 1,409 540 2,134 1,701 989 2,195 1,176 1,425 46 341 420 901 609 315 1,151 930 974 265 1,524 1,183 731 1,588 989 1,219 47 451 477 748 572 362 1,192 1,104 1,092 340 1,577 984 700 1,752 1,050 1,257 48 258 280 595 443 173 722 513 557 176 780 498 458 960 551 823 49 220 143 262 299 140 463 365 289 160 604 204 333 568 323 711 50 51 52 191 U5 20 198 160 196 45 186 232 57 294 111 392 51 47 57 205 137 24 214 152 188 64 288 202 69 278 75 465 52 25 61 130 10 35 30 203 15 157 122 1 105 81 361 53 1 5 13 20 "i 48 26 14 2 15 3 59 5 25 17 54 144 131 294 428 230 623 622 430 193 615 193 525 913 481 517 55 125 70 316 68 64 322 177 213 23 456 520 59 419 175 327 56 96 112 340 56 85 287 197 126 59 463 752 96 256 155 330 57 282 489 906 190 158 619 417 945 157 1,125 918 192 897 555 992 58 444 435 1,420 78 103 490 455 1,122 186 1,378 1,210 55 902 465 1,130 59 7 98 45 462 152 238 481 40 117 83 25 560 362 350 15 60 37 355 110 532 219 735 771 115 231 316 230 813 760 856 55 61 1 27 25 63 8 65 200 25 12 16 20 81 92 106 5 62 6 71 20 399 144 173 281 15 105 67 5 479 270 244 10 63 6 53 15 196 95 173 265 15 60 56 5 287 255 198 10 64 18 5 203 49 16 45 11 192 15 45 65 1L/22-1VS8 Hfe2-ll/28 lVl5-H^ lVl5-U/fel 11/29-12/5 U/15-U/21 11/15-U/21 11/22-11^ 11/29-12/5 11/15-11/21 U/22-U/28 11/15-11/21 11A5-1],&L 11/15-1 lA 11/15-lVZl 66 390 537 1,177 584 297 1,109 991 1,134 269 1,469 1,341 713 1,542 969 1,233 67 527 685 1,358 718 429 1,290 1,266 1,341 384 1,928 1,699 803 1,810 1,197 1,333 68 571 792 1,743 911 383 1,740 1,485 1,978 418 2,147 2,063 1,138 2,251 1,398 1,908 69 780 1,103 2,208 1,143 574 1,964 1,905 2,022 507 2,715 2,619 1,402 2,750 1,791 2,059 70 385 521 1,162 582 295 1,108 985 I'.m 269 1,448 1,325 712 1,537 964 1,218 71 522 674 1,338 711 412 1,280 1,266 1,325 377 1,906 1,669 793 1,784 1,197 1,313 72 103 154 452 153 64 259 227 303 36 406 398 211 446 287 301 73 282 367 710 429 231 849 758 811 233 1,042 927 501 1,091 677 917 74 146 207 459 250 70 456 380 560 99 530 562 286 569 282 491 75 186 271 581 329 88 632 500 854 149 699 738 426 724 434 690 76 77 65 66 85 75 112 125 60 70 184 108 69 118 151 35 77 75 90 94 172 113 143 120 76 133 282 106 163 119 144 99 78 132 110 74 108 115 169 181 223 108 297 151 101 207 231 163 7» 185 U3 162 230 166 208 164 102 195 401 138 318 197 317 204 80 36 28 12 50 48 49 50 21 47 81 41 42 46 95 35 81 42 36 17 70 66 44 32 37 62 84 46 58 42 39 42 82 66 49 13 55 68 49 61 30 57 124 55 48 56 115 54 83 77 49 17 86 88 46 40 43 79 104 56 74 62 51 67 84 24 18 11 46 39 49 39 20 38 57 29 38 40 78 18 89 15 10 1 4 9 11 1 9 24 12 4 5 17 17 8< 396 512 1,229 5a 276 1,023 819 1,089 228 1,422 1,337 619 1,412 928 1,203 87 513 711 1,390 631 369 1,213 1,180 1,331 340 1,798 1,745 768 1,731 1,188 1,338 88 27 80 75 146 120 112 138 116 70 149 93 119 159 87 95 80 25 80 50 148 132 77 134 59 72 116 83 99 104 79 51 90 172 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except residence of operator ve based "—^ lUm Edwards Eli Ellis Ellsworth Finney Fortl Franilin Geary Gove {Fof derinilions and explanBtions, see text) 1 i^Umated number of fnrms 1959 . . . 562 729 968 787 646 1,074 1,539 446 558 1054... SPEanED EQUIPMENT AND FAaUllEB 612 844 1,069 854 721 1,337 1,720 512 668 3 Gtain combines fsmis reporting 1959 .. . 399 315 723 604 400 682 313 333 425 4 1954... AAA 330 746 672 454 890 768 299 430 5 number 1959 .. . W) 346 767 662 536 831 354 350 500 ( 1954... 554 331 819 704 585 1,111 778 321 569 7 Com pickers farms reporting 1959 .. . 9 59 7 24 3 1 507 105 10 8 1954... X2 61 7 6 2 1 352 117 2 9 number 1959 . . . 9 60 7 29 8 1 522 106 10 10 1954 . . . 12 61 7 6 3 1 352 117 2 11 Pick-up balers r»mis reporting 19.59 . . . 80 217 196 274 83 96 407 165 104 12 19.54... 73 143 95 163 62 72 226 159 70 13 number 1959 .. . 82 217 198 274 83 98 415 166 106 U 19.54 . . . 73 143 96 164 62 72 227 160 70 15 "ield forape harvesters farms reporting 1959 . . . 71 77 49 34 203 95 155 108 119 124 128 U6 213 121 106 84 186 126 16 1954... 17 number 1959 .. . 73 49 234 169 139 137 220 111 198 18 1954 .. . 78 34 96 113 126 U6 121 84 130 19 Motortmcks farms reporting 1959 476 557 527 549 886 916 722 763 6U 633 953 1,063 1,044 950 384 368 529 535 20 1954 . . . 21 number 1959 . . . 838 678 1,320 1,060 1,476 1,775 1,277 505 1,079 22 1954 .. . 826 623 1,242 1,036 1,240 1,715 1,049 456 946 23 511 552 567 635 900 982 761 798 613 654 962 1,144 1,374 1,415 403 466 516 570 24 1954 .. . 25 number 1959 . . . 1,053 975 1,527 1,711 1,682 1,933 2,571 862 1,124 26 1954... 1,061 924 1,522 1,600 1,526 2,174 2,203 837 1,038 27 Tracwrs other than ) Not residing on fam operated oper^ors reporting 1959 . . . 127 UO 180 118 205 ;»7 119 41 107 90 1954... 60 79 173 121 189 318 81 53 113 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-Oetober 2. KANSAS FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 173 on reports for only a sample of famis. See text Graliam Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey HaskeU Hodgejoan Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny 681 246 631 222 1,059 353 1,058 1,257 279 551 1,443 1,361 1,208 1,278 X8 1 701 230 676 252 1,189 376 1,145 1,4U 282 596 1,743 1,641 1,556 1,331 331 : i52 183 499 162 541 264 633 877 184 400 652 695 821 486 207 3 466 174 549 172 510 237 694 959 208 477 659 723 924 5M 226 4 486 235 595 211 559 348 772 975 237 485 683 737 892 506 275 5 498 242 782 252 511 310 776 1,023 284 563 687 783 994 575 318 e 35 8 3 9 168 1 5 89 6 1 635 531 479 390 1 7 25 1 10 1 163 1 11 30 602 512 545 352 7 B 35 10 3 9 174 1 5 89 6 "i 650 538 497 395 1 9 25 1 10 1 163 1 11 80 617 522 555 357 7 10 128 27 26 27 387 37 161 209 34 ■72 466 345 211 285 36 11 42 12 48 20 265 19 132 205 23 60 327 234 191 223 30 12 129 28 27 28 391 39 162 209 39 72 482 346 211 288 37 IJ 42 12 48 20 271 20 132 206 23 51 328 234 191 223 30 U 135 41 90 49 175 67 169 233 67 105 112 136 186 106 54 15 88 27 74 4« 102 46 141 281 48 87 88 95 89 164 38 le 153 48 100 55 178 75 183 241 79 114 117 138 194 112 63 17 90 27 75 53 102 52 143 287 49 90 S9 95 89 164 39 18 596 233 583 215 843 330 927 1,067 258 509 871 1,000 987 868 274 19 598 206 607 235 790 324 939 1,116 261 555 843 936 989 801 290 20 977 549 1,162 550 1,095 790 1,517 1,510 639 1,036 1,030 1,222 1,276 1,073 708 21 827 431 1,097 534 907 655 1,347 1,425 566 1,005 996 1,083 1,250 963 622 22 629 227 599 199 877 326 937 1,147 267 487 1,212 1,175 1,112 1,112 284 25 623 217 622 241 1,008 337 995 1,257 271 555 1,328 1,325 1,366 1,096 297 24 1,183 579 1,283 524 1,548 828 2,016 2,487 686 983 2,021 2,194 2,306 2,207 805 2S 1,026 493 1,296 573 1,512 764 1,861 2,357 579 974 1,900 2,040 2,331 1,923 698 2t 624 217 592 199 877 325 937 1,132 257 487 1,192 1,155 1,102 1,072 284 27 1,132 530 1,225 517 1,500 800 1,964 2,316 657 945 1,889 1,996 2,254 1,788 779 28 307 56 208 36 428 67 266 356 49 208 663 606 366 540 57 29 317 161 384 163 449 258 671 776 208 279 529 549 736 532 227 30 624 216 591 199 876 325 937 1,132 257 486 1,187 1,154 1,097 1,062 284 31 616 217 621 241 1,003 337 990 1,236 271 555 1,328 1,306 1,361 1,081 297 32 1,110 521 1,200 502 1,479 783 1,926 2,289 638 931 1,867 1,941 2,219 1,752 743 33 973 478 1,242 533 1,471 735 1,759 2,124 544 907 1,809 1,894 2,234 1,520 645 34 19 7 23 13 21 17 32 27 18 12 21 42 30 26 34 33 12 8 18 18 7 14 29 36 17 18 25 19 48 16 38 36 22 9 25 15 21 17 38 27 19 14 22 55 35 26 36 37 12 10 23 18 7 14 30 51 17 23 45 46 49 16 41 S« 49 33 56 7 46 25 52 151 29 37 132 198 52 392 26 39 40 5 31 21 34 15 72 182 18 43 46 95 48 282 11 40 51 49 58 7 48 28 52 171 29 38 132 198 52 419 26 41 41 5 31 22 34 15 72 182 18 44 46 100 48 287 11 42 632 235 596 206 899 323 1,0U 1,177 257 516 1,312 1,198 1,119 1,132 284 43 625 201 577 229 964 317 994 1,311 256 579 1,417 1,331 1,406 1,121 296 44 755 307 729 267 1,078 395 1,213 1,592 341 664 1,560 1,457 1,362 1,501 371 45 795 284 724 316 1,170 412 1,246 1,721 334 808 1,643 1,529 1,801 1,467 420 4< 518 220 515 182 755 146 990 1,087 229 424 1,191 1,076 1,077 1,108 198 47 259 80 391 89 745 69 1,000 1,178 168 495 1,163 990 1,314 1,146 164 48 387 174 390 146 550 216 687 641 209 290 651 803 731 737 208 49 210 133 260 129 302 132 420 412 167 205 357 486 455 645 143 50 69 1 61 5 79 7 150 245 22 57 as 310 177 212 32 91 81 14 77 19 72 19 237 287 26 132 313 347 153 322 41 52 5 29 ... 77 68 137 8 8 169 240 U 202 5 53 5 3 6 5 5 "a 12 12 5 20 26 17 5 15 54 375 169 475 113 321 225 653 604 143 330 375 455 608 396 199 55 50 62 42 54 181 52 244 241 21 56 219 248 156 529 38 5< 81 35 48 22 214 30 169 266 34 57 277 255 242 475 23 57 222 55 322 107 831 135 248 791 79 133 1,002 1,088 312 713 189 58 63 45 151 16 1,088 9 375 757 50 113 665 1,137 380 1,086 64 99 404 122 256 47 43 151 566 203 171 341 182 20 704 25 71 eo 582 154 367 142 100 228 767 411 146 344 911 130 1,102 55 166 56 16 502 277 lU 182 398 204 13 294 217 505 64 241 192 262 287 12 353 231 95 107 319 105 14 469 383 237 66 192 226 107 178 39 310 123 157 177 238 183 15 322 332 111 54 146 164 88 145 33 193 115 129 101 176 141 18 488 385 243 68 198 236 111 179 47 331 123 176 193 242 188 17 322 337 113 55 146 166 88 146 36 193 117 135 107 178 147 18 1,679 1,4a 1,169 471 1,095 883 1,226 781 248 881 1,049 774 728 1,026 840 19 1,711 1,424 1,132 516 806 888 1,310 7B4 312 733 1,031 773 765 953 833 20 2,455 1,864 1,310 1,008 1,1% 1,422 1,567 939 584 1,002 1,271 1,4X 1,068 1,252 1,188 21 2,227 1,645 1,225 950 888 1,333 1,494 886 653 846 1,111 1,284 944 1,077 1,178 2! 1,784 1,516 1,626 466 1,535 877 1,377 816 242 1,432 1,203 778 787 1,250 870 23 1,949 1,766 1,888 542 1,503 953 1,450 918 293 1,425 1,376 770 867 1,473 930 24 3,776 3,117 3,147 1,079 2,592 1,683 2,210 1,587 544 2,812 2,067 1,543 1,592 2,179 1,770 25 3,331 3,129 3,108 1,132 2,155 1,762 2,126 1,485 633 2,274 1,881 1,500 1,483 2,189 1,798 2« 1,769 1,494 1,6U 465 1,510 871 1,327 801 231 1,427 1,173 773 781 1,255 870 27 3,500 3,015 3,046 1,040 2,338 1,633 2,011 1,535 521 2,684 1,835 1,491 1,546 2,109 1,748 28 612 454 562 149 845 358 823 310 79 505 685 314 260 633 279 29 1,157 1,040 1,049 316 665 513 504 491 152 922 488 459 521 622 591 30 1,769 1,494 1,606 465 1,510 870 1,322 801 231 1,422 1,173 768 776 1,255 870 31 1,939 1,756 1,878 540 1,478 947 1,360 918 293 1,420 1,341 770 867 1,468 930 32 3,459 2,975 3,009 1,016 2,321 1,600 1,988 1,524 513 2,647 1,806 1,468 1,523 2,074 1,714 33 3,185 3,027 3,009 1,086 1,991 1,686 1,904 1,456 617 2,198 1,727 1,435 1,427 2,092 1,720 34 36 34 27 22 17 29 23 8 6 32 28 17 a 29 26 35 28 22 23 21 17 33 13 3 5 28 15 20 19 11 40 36 41 40 37 24 17 33 23 11 8 37 29 23 23 35 34 37 28 27 28 22 17 45 15 8 5 30 16 20 19 11 46 3B 271 86 101 36 249 42 199 47 22 127 227 47 45 70 21 39 118 70 71 24 147 31 207 a 11 46 138 40 37 81 31 40 276 102 101 39 254 50 199 52 23 128 232 52 46 70 22 41 118 75 71 24 147 31 207 21 U 46 138 45 37 86 32 42 1,834 1,607 1,736 486 1,505 904 1,436 832 251 1,497 1,284 775 825 1,265 916 43 1,966 1,836 1,992 501 1,483 943 1,645 886 267 1,491 1,471 760 853 1,509 943 44 2,341 1,974 2,200 673 1,777 1,038 1,749 986 308 1,790 1,563 999 1,046 1,529 1,114 45 2,432 2,225 2,567 688 1,805 1,124 1,969 1,094 335 1,725 1,655 1,008 1,058 1,823 1,221 4fl 1,775 1,536 1,614 437 1,455 874 1,279 836 191 1,367 1,145 646 735 1,277 833 47 1,905 1,714 1,882 364 1,533 946 1,477 926 100 1,365 1,144 656 679 1,380 898 48 899 940 751 307 959 527 633 331 147 963 560 466 350 639 493 49 521 640 484 211 645 365 546 273 121 581 255 377 286 381 261 50 387 373 364 45 358 126 225 169 9 351 310 98 73 120 141 51 420 444 348 35 3?7 120 340 125 9 345 237 117 124 164 80 52 189 157 95 12 342 18 180 116 181 135 7 10 153 32 53 51 12 52 U 15 39 2 9 25 20 18 5 U 11 54 1,084 805 879 260 389 582 296 425 146 752 350 557 422 477 497 55 508 422 302 58 246 264 506 162 59 268 241 90 110 250 101 58 349 167 290 80 175 174 630 132 34 177 292 64 105 262 162 57 1,195 1,086 1,298 282 1,409 327 900 668 42 1,123 1,137 208 151 1^55 434 58 1,170 1,044 1,145 191 1,426 368 1,200 751 44 1,052 1,235 226 136 1,389 310 59 ZLb 159 219 161 20 358 197 77 175 187 22 512 605 40 380 80 692 757 771 347 330 577 336 276 187 706 80 443 667 81 506 61 50 81 110 16 15 92 71 41 44 70 17 77 142 10 79 62 166 78 109 145 5 266 126 36 Ul 117 5 435 463 30 301 83 160 77 93 71 5 233 121 21 95 86 ... 301 339 20 208 <4 1 6 1 1 16 74 33 5 15 36 31 5 134 124 10 93 85 11/22-11/2B ute-u/ia 13^2-11/28 11/29- L2/5 11/ZZ-U-/2S 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/29-12/5 11/15-11/21 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 U/15.U/21 11/15-11/21 Uvte-11/28 88 1,561 1,529 1,654 398 1,484 751 1,471 788 192 1.493 1,272 697 777 1,282 781 87 1,965 1,859 2,058 490 1,712 962 1,706 966 245 1 571 1,676 781 687 1,728 955 88 2,390 2,433 2,624 538 2,249 1,167 2,201 1,335 245 2,643 1,983 1,140 1,190 1,941 1,349 89 2,881 3,059 3,520 715 2,696 1,497 2,523 1,704 324 2,900 2,487 1,367 1,477 2,646 1,672 TO 1,536 1,516 1,634 391 1,439 745 1,450 783 190 1,493 1,242 697 750 1,250 773 71 1,955 1,839 2,033 478 1,687 947 1,635 961 230 1,550 1,546 778 882 1,697 948 72 540 385 476 77 481 182 504 161 42 387 373 147 189 426 166 73 996 1,131 1,158 314 958 563 946 622 148 1,106 869 550 561 824 607 74 579 616 741 107 600 271 552 390 44 706 571 303 327 502 363 75 854 917 990 147 810 422 751 552 55 1,150 741 443 440 691 576 76 109 145 141 70 79 51 87 86 65 128 124 92 82 131 122 77 224 131 331 114 US 150 161 164 80 123 80 164 132 a7 141 78 167 259 179 111 101 70 114 142 104 181 183 124 114 199 190 79 362 209 637 160 183 263 287 256 137 279 142 303 231 461 287 80 41 65 58 48 49 22 35 58 44 82 57 52 31 46 35 81 89 95 101 56 72 48 44 83 45 50 28 •55 35 76 31 82 60 101 60 64 64 25 55 69 55 101 80 50 37 71 48 83 101 121 144 75 96 60 66 111 54 52 41 64 36 110 37 84 22 45 56 35 41 19 25 50 35 71 36 44 25 35 24 85 19 20 2 13 8 3 10 8 9 U 21 8 6 11 11 8< 1,636 1,511 1,544 388 1,424 712 1,340 795 154 1,408 1,236 558 730 1,322 764 87 1,882 1,796 1,940 470 1,705 917 1,900 %2 212 1,690 1,616 673 882 1,592 892 88 264 153 202 161 141 184 95 96 m 122 89 209 100 108 115 89 192 88 100 162 lie 131 124 77 133 90 105 205 104 86 110 to 176 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND [All data except reaidence of operator are based It«m (For derinitions and explanations, sec text) PMUips Potta- watomie Republic Estimated numt)er of fnnns IfijO . 1954. SPEariED EQUIPMENT AND FAOLITIES Grain combines rarnis reporting number Com pickers farms reporting number Picli'Up balers farms reporting ntlmbet Field forape harvesters farms reporting number Motonrucl<5 farms reportini: number Tractors farms reporting number Tractors other than canjen farms reporting number 1 tractor farms reporting 2 or more tractors farms reporting Wheel tractors farms reporting number Crawler tractors farms reporting number Garden tractors farms reporting number \utoniobiles farms reporting number Telephone farms toportinp Home freezer farms reporting Milking machine farms reporting Electric mi Ik cooler farms reportinq Crop drier (for trrain. forage, or other crops) farms reporting Power -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower forms reportinc Farms by kind of road on which located: Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale famis reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Less than 1 mile to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 or more miles to a hard surface road farms reporting 1 to 4 miles farm.s reporting 5 or more miles farms reporting DATE OF ENUMERATION Approximate average date of enumeration FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION ' Family workers, including operators farms reporting persons Operatcrs working 1 or mtre hours persons 1 to 14 hours per-sons 15 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operatw's family working 15 cc more hours farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (employed l.^tO or more (lays) . . . farms reporting persons Farms reporting by number of regular hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 or more hired workers farms reporting FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not refliding on farm operated operators reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1951. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 19,54 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1059. 1954. 19.59. 19.54 . 1959. 195t. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1959. 1959. 1959. 1950. 1959. 1950. 1959. 1950. 1959 . 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 19.54. 1959. 1959. 1959, 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 871 1,013 603 677 706 788 58 iO 53 40 2il 150 251 151 171 102 175 102 785 793 1,176 1,054 836 883 1,641 1,562 816 1,576 314 502 805 878 1,539 1,493 37 29 37 30 60 39 65 39 805 897 1,025 1,109 773 855 472 312 133 133 57 138 122 476 318 230 596 49 181 109 11/15-11/21 672 926 1,113 1,466 667 905 130 537 288 446 75 149 106 216 35 58 45 63 25 10 666 894 121 131 805 819 588 655 687 724 178 109 187 111 133 86 139 38 754 793 1,331 1,368 758 783 1,771 1,643 758 1,669 217 541 747 783 1,612 1,543 50 21 57 21 101 79 102 79 763 737 936 1,029 746 700 518 357 S2 155 17 35 601 263 219 442 421 83 206 39 44 11/22-11/28 698 734 994 1,003 697 729 151 546 219 297 101 135 145 201 72 57 102 92 613 711 146 94 1,009 1,163 496 620 527 651 215 294 220 294 136 99 136 99 119 79 120 80 808 788 1,010 921 913 1,011 1,680 1,656 908 1,650 390 518 907 1,006 1,633 1,624 17 19 17 21 30 11 30 11 925 1,061 1,157 1,366 837 855 449 345 127 113 6 3 380 125 82 209 245 632 334 89 543 387 156 11/15-11/21 1,071 1,453 1,927 876 1,055 240 636 387 577 66 124 35 2U 29 40 33 46 26 3 805 1,067 120 118 1,198 1,486 653 613 684 663 484 449 496 449 450 366 455 367 238 154 240 155 969 905 1,209 1,020 1,078 1,203 2,157 1,977 1,033 2,041 379 659 1,033 1,133 2,015 1,874 26 27 26 37 116 66 116 66 1,082 1,303 1,354 1,596 1,009 1,139 680 433 160 96 52 11 380 180 196 839 908 153 425 65 38 78 10 11/22-11/28 1,059 1,383 1,639 2,228 1,054 1,353 327 727 411 585 101 200 132 362 75 67 89 134 65 10 1,021 1,340 100 143 741 849 580 576 683 631 5 72 78 77 78 136 W4 136 147 705 743 1,136 1,100 681 773 1,506 1,512 680 1,444 203 472 675 761 1,334 1,344 105 72 110 77 60 91 62 91 705 769 376 942 678 723 381 295 94 U5 10 16 552 138 208 375 341 210 395 40 170 161 9 11/22-11/28 546 753 768 990 534 746 146 388 184 234 67 U2 41 42 42 45 40 1 533 758 U4 101 752 847 568 653 731 789 96 39 96 40 87 66 90 69 135 108 143 109 714 787 1,393 1,282 713 811 1,574 1,597 706 1,492 232 474 701 801 1,466 1,501 23 23 26 23 73 71 82 73 696 777 880 1,047 676 704 555 421 86 72 15 10 572 58 45 186 124 491 633 50 441 193 248 11/22-11/28 649 771 1,081 1,343 641 756 163 478 275 440 71 125 98 186 42 51 47 63 38 4 589 676 123 130 2,247 2,727 1,493 1,810 1,636 1,969 47 20 50 20 458 427 460 448 377 320 396 330 1,930 2,092 2,839 2,761 2,055 2,362 4,438 4,373 2,045 4,159 667 1,378 2,040 2,312 4,048 4,089 77 70 lU 72 279 206 279 212 2,055 2,350 2,611 2,974 2,009 2,106 1,065 750 432 553 167 56 1,211 667 665 561 595 992 1,513 321 671 661 10 11/22-11/28 1,932 2,501 2,963 3,737 1,398 2,469 597 1,301 757 1,065 260 303 379 473 116 156 139 190 95 21 1,468 1,659 962 1,048 1,032 1,104 839 873 851 873 437 324 437 324 137 149 137 150 1,083 1,128 1,293 1,264 1,333 1,509 2,590 2,458 1,333 2,533 500 833 1,333 1,504 2,467 2,375 60 16 66 21 S7 62 57 62 1,318 1,438 1,712 1,729 1,288 1,344 627 345 118 111 26 32 771 187 146 458 455 793 1,U5 160 633 572 61 11/15-11/21 1,878 2,387 230 303 1,288 1,534 1,914 2,491 1,283 1,549 439 844 486 631 114 136 182 302 28 SO 30 52 26 2 1,187 1,482 171 205 ^For 1954, data relate to week of September 26-October 2. KANSAS 177 FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reports fof onK b samnle of farms. See texlj Riley Rooks Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sheridan Shennan Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens 881 827 882 744 982 407 2,006 310 1,433 670 538 1,170 829 216 366 , 1,056 981 989 864 1,2U 479 2,163 375 1,810 819 561 1,420 1,033 276 451 1 6U 603 696 570 710 287 1,333 175 638 456 374 756 671 163 315 3 499 628 802 692 876 340 1,283 224 637 578 356 756 765 184 370 t 676 646 792 638 821 356 1,450 232 670 524 488 812 784 245 418 5 502 665 899 806 987 423 1,399 295 659 637 482 839 919 277 507 e 364 65 2 74 9 182 2 469 34 62 464 21 16 5 7 304 50 ii 2 36 28 223 1 400 46 29 570 12 4 8 374 65 2 74 9 182 2 471 34 64 476 21 16 6 S 309 50 12 2 36 28 223 1 411 47 30 570 12 4 10 356 190 149 149 312 47 409 15 341 92 45 144 174 25 10 11 239 83 85 95 210 49 369 13 207 71 28 69 139 24 24 12 366 191 164 156 317 47 410 17 346 93 46 146 180 25 10 13 239 84 86 96 2U 49 370 14 208 72 28 69 139 24 24 14 232 175 178 124 209 110 297 37 151 152 122 260 U2 69 31 15 128 114 165 98 119 U2 208 31 158 108 86 180 92 52 30 It 245 184 136 128 213 121 300 40 173 164 127 270 127 79 41 17 138 116 178 101 119 126 215 31 158 113 94 180 93 58 37 18 695 718 800 678 897 364 1,695 271 1,027 600 487 902 777 194 352 19 621 806 882 807 1,030 437 1,658 338 1,123 715 518 937 902 252 403 SO 897 1,124 1,314 1,094 1,283 902 2,315 559 1,437 1,010 987 1,134 1,263 627 786 21 718 1,076 1,320 1,194 1,356 955 2,015 617 1,318 1,062 976 1,061 1,315 617 740 22 788 769 821 706 896 379 1,760 266 1,247 618 489 1,022 756 200 350 23 894 911 934 799 1,095 441 1,918 338 1,404 763 546 1,178 938 260 405 24 1,732 1,487 1,635 1,408 1,839 921 3,760 606 2,301 1,237 1,108 1,930 1,861 678 824 25 1,413 1,395 1,640 1,585 2,054 1,004 3,586 701 2,153 1,290 1,126 2,032 1,969 672 874 2« 783 769 816 700 891 378 1,720 256 1,227 618 489 1,017 756 194 348 27 1,627 1,447 1,593 1,382 1,787 884 3,488 593 2,051 1,107 1,052 1,942 1,785 622 809 2(1 223 286 306 246 289 95 542 86 650 263 166 367 173 18 89 29 560 483 510 454 602 283 1,178 170 577 355 323 650 583 176 259 30 783 769 816 695 874 378 1,720 256 1,222 612 489 1,012 756 192 346 SI 874 911 933 799 1,095 435 1,843 338 1,334 762 546 1,178 933 259 399 32 1,586 1,413 1,577 1,364 1,733 867 3.4W 571 2,018 1,096 1,041 1,915 1,710 584 781 33 1,335 1,343 1,590 1,518 1,940 943 3,211 663 1,917 1,192 1,057 2,003 1,779 596 825 34 29 33 13 14 46 16 73 14 29 10 10 26 64 24 27 35 16 17 9 36 59 22 73 20 24 10 11 7 115 39 29 36 41 34 16 18 54 17 74 22 33 11 11 27 75 38 28 37 16 17 12 41 61 26 73 20 27 u 13 7 127 44 34 36 85 38 37 24 36 36 262 13 245 123 55 38 76 41 12 39 62 35 37 26 48 35 287 18 209 85 55 22 53 31 15 40 105 40 42 26 52 37 272 13 250 130 56 38 76 56 15 4: 62 35 38 26 53 35 302 18 209 87 56 22 63 32 15 4S 793 790 829 675 899 365 1,881 279 1,291 618 502 1,084 765 199 348 43 950 905 936 777 1,094 435 1,972 314 1,569 760 543 1,248 933 245 400 44 1,066 951 1,034 901 1,189 461 2,421 353 1,699 760 705 1,443 971 294 462 45 1,212 1,101 1,211 1,025 1,403 593 2,427 415 1,965 924 762 1,543 1,199 372 533 4« 82S 704 701 6U 906 303 1,720 202 1,310 526 480 994 762 200 258 41 906 675 735 6» 997 280 1,736 166 1,513 457 436 1,190 808 188 279 4e 489 482 464 465 555 261 1,173 146 903 458 380 865 469 171 227 49 378 213 305 338 405 245 806 110 735 337 293 297 385 120 257 St 1B9 96 99 31 133 19 343 12 201 99 115 168 83 16 11 91 103 63 94 81 186 30 390 16 252 105 86 161 86 20 11 5! 73 16 18 24 84 3 229 2 201 18 23 27 32 i 53 12 8 2 6 19 38 8 13 21 27 11 6 20 15 is 54 334 468 626 432 558 289 975 161 355 518 336 541 550 174 193 55 203 102 65 101 264 49 658 85 507 77 31 1» 215 53 78 5« 236 150 101 151 175 47 637 72 431 82 96 105 U5 22 38 57 599 566 538 486 627 88 995 W3 814 174 241 246 144 57 114 51 709 300 362 562 499 4^ 1,168 U9 1,331 134 109 302 158 41 38 59 79 127 278 130 91 267 342 65 92 403 235 762 453 105 139 M 265 404 412 275 492 179 632 101 75 496 374 998 712 172 285 • 1 45 38 92 43 5 39 139 25 25 64 11 151 140 24 32 62 34 89 186 87 86 228 203 40 67 339 224 611 313 81 107 63 27 59 135 73 84 135 198 40 47 212 109 438 312 31 87 64 7 30 51 14 2 93 5 20 127 115 173 1 50 20 65 1^62-11/28 lV22.il/26 11/22-11^8 U/22-11^8 11/ 22- 11/28 U/15-U^l 11/22-11/28 U/22-11/28 11/Z2-U./2B U/22- 11/28 U/22. 11/68 11/22-11/28 U./22.li/2B U/29-12/5 11/22.31^8 66 822 649 733 624 783 320 1,657 233 1,243 585 407 1,010 681 149 239 61 970 936 907 720 1,108 437 1,873 324 1,631 709 517 1,365 890 243 377 68 1,316 978 1,226 950 1,197 513 2,520 322 1,896 1,028 705 1,478 968 222 362 61 1,508 1,357 1,460 1,342 1,677 610 3,151 498 2,378 1,243 762 2,248 1,218 337 517 70 812 648 726 617 766 312 1,632 231 1,232 580 398 990 676 146 239 71 960 931 903 701 1,102 430 1,823 318 1,606 703 510 1,352 880 242 374 7i 166 149 176 150 203 74 420 61 379 124 65 250 171 20 92 7! 646 499 550 467 563 238 1,212 170 853 456 333 740 505 126 147 74 357 217 349 235 321 137 645 62 496 288 207 356 203 51 83 75 504 330 500 333 431 201 888 91 664 448 307 488 292 76 123 7« 92 66 68 67 93 101 213 55 171 54 85 66 52 96 66 77 118 201 160 120 100 165 368 73 165 168 170 151 197 114 125 7i 291 90 121 108 174 181 390 84 270 94 129 107 59 171 97 71 197 305 347 233 289 283 643 211 372 302 260 245 533 228 295 80 55 32 28 26 50 73 132 29 86 23 56 19 29 70 28 81 83 62 54 31 61 86 120 33 78 61 82 49 64 73 62 82 188 40 38 31 117 107 243 39 166 27 72 22 34 111 32 83 102 83 56 33 199 126 145 46 161 66 UO 52 74 115 104 84 40 28 20 22 30 54 74 20 49 20 46 16 24 44 24 81 15 4 8 4 20 19 58 9 37 3 10 3 5 26 4 8« 736 552 591 544 782 250 1,618 186 1,199 542 383 834 698 147 206 81 942 760 748 658 1,040 312 1,993 235 1,5X 631 445 1,146 879 168 275 8i 69 168 213 172 121 121 205 106 97 113 119 155 144 91 126 81 80 186 215 204 161 160 126 140 143 134 119 ■67 168 114 154 M 178 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ON FARMS AND FARM LABOR: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Con. {\l\ data except residence of operator are bascid on reports for only a sample of fanna. See textj Item Sumner Ttomas Trego Wabatmsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Wocxison Wyandotte (For definitions wid explanelions, see text) 1 Estimated number of fanns 1959... 2,016 657 699 949 259 1,794 343 1,123 753 509 2 1954 .. . 2,203 711 841 1,153 334 2,031 379 1,343 815 1,022 sPEaFiED equipkiejnt anc facilities Oain combines . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,346 460 485 559 156 1,215 256 639 449 70 1954... 1,509 497 605 567 178 1,244 258 772 377 70 number 1959 . . . 1,506 599 537 586 199 1,304 349 668 478 70 1954 . . . 1,649 674 680 591 214 1,277 335 815 398 70 Com piciters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 93 36 13 204 24 901 19 264 224 50 1954 . . . 58 22 4 198 7 733 14 204 147 51 number 1959 .. . 99 38 14 209 25 922 19 265 224 50 1954... 58 22 5 198 8 738 14 209 147 51 Picl<-up balers .. farms reporting 1959... 311 56 104 391 39 698 38 284 301 46 1954... 199 37 83 274 25 514 36 259 268 61 number 1959 . . . 311 57 104 399 39 704 39 293 307 46 1954 . . . 199 39 83 282 26 514 35 259 270 66 Field lorage harvesters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 261 153 129 164 43 281 77 188 97 16 1954... 277 137 131 148 23 125 79 96 82 16 number 1959 .. . 284 170 140 167 45 283 82 194 103 16 1954 . . . 283 143 132 150 25 125 83 95 82 16 MotortrucVs . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 1,780 1,848 585 648 656 726 709 776 220 268 1,227 1,181 316 355 887 863 547 487 389 20 457 21 number 1959 . . . 2,834 1,331 1,099 907 455 1,472 793 1,113 657 487 22 1954... 2,521 1,317 1,125 934 455 1,297 771 1,002 551 524 23 Ttactors . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1,831 585 656 827 215 1,648 326 981 571 424 24 1954 . . . 2,018 640 738 989 290 1,781 351 1,161 675 477 25 number 1959 . . . 3,839 1,296 1,252 1,569 477 3,300 799 1,748 1,159 624 26 1954... 3,785 1,447 1,267 1,680 538 2,893 750 1,725 1,019 666 27 Tractors other than garden . , farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,821 580 656 8U 215 1,633 326 970 571 389 26 number 1959 .. . 3,660 1,201 1,194 1,494 460 3,191 773 1,634 1,095 519 29 1 tractor . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 613 209 258 359 50 571 80 472 352 286 30 2 or mere factors ......■■•••••■• . , farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,208 1,821 1,978 371 580 625 398 655 738 452 811 983 155 215 285 1,062 1,623 1,766 245 326 346 498 965 1,121 309 556 570 103 31 Wheel tncUxs . . farms repming 1959 . . . 389 32 1954... 372 33 number 1959 . . . 3,632 1,178 1,171 1,468 455 3,091 758 1,606 1,074 499 34 1954 . . . 3,598 1,302 1,219 1,610 507 2,775 722 1,591 991 495 35 Crawler tractors . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 20 38 20 29 19 21 19 37 4 3 84 22 15 13 23 42 21 12 20 3< 1954 .. . 16 37 number 1959 . . . 28 23 23 26 4 100 15 28 21 20 36 1954 . . . 44 32 25 43 4 22 14 42 12 36 39 Garden tractors . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 174 93 57 69 17 109 25 114 74 100 40 1954... 143 112 23 27 27 81 24 92 15 135 41 number 1959 . . . 179 95 58 75 17 109 26 114 74 105 42 1954 . . . 143 113 23 27 27 96 24 92 15 135 43 Automobi les. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,880 1,982 612 645 672 744 879 974 228 299 1,664 1,915 325 364 1,007 1,095 681 659 498 44 1954 . . . 847 45 number 1959 . . . 2,360 823 856 1,028 303 2,050 415 1,195 791 633 4« 1954 . . . 2,356 896 982 1,178 426 2,383 501 1,234 804 1,0U 47 Telephone . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,734 541 445 874 149 1,574 280 832 527 484 48 1954 . . . 1,680 484 440 1,006 168 1,701 90 912 465 797 49 Eiome freeier . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 977 625 395 345 531 329 462 301 147 92 827 517 241 175 399 199 316 164 313 50 1954 .. . 340 51 Militing machine . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 232 59 64 133 21 412 9 170 134 56 52 1954... 364 77 104 143 16 301 28 233 115 65 53 Electric milk cooler . . farms refcrting 1959 .. . 143 7 15 102 3 50 1 98 113 46 54 Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other crops) . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 66 20 11 10 3 90 6 32 5 55 Farms by kind of roaij on iNtiich located: . . farms repating 1959 .. . 1,042 487 456 355 101 909 220 318 222 43 56 Hard surface . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 377 175 70 181 31 328 36 289 88 476 57 1950 . . . 379 70 58 68 30 176 29 250 163 975 56 Gravel, shell, or shale . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1,130 854 91 105 120 89 673 936 105 54 1,145 850 133 39 779 984 630 577 117 59 1950 . . . 115 60 Dirt or unimproved . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 472 380 502 67 117 301 165 55 20 15 61 1950... 968 446 596 125 194 1,046 202 230 140 50 62 . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 125 54 86 26 22 31 5 10 5 5 63 1 or more mileS to 8 hard surface road . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 347 326 416 41 95 270 160 45 15 10 64 1 to 4 miles . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 322 251 245 34 30 249 82 40 15 10 65 5 or more miles DATE OF ENUMERATION . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 25 75 171 7 65 21 78 5 66 Approximate average date of enumeration 1959 .. . U/22-U/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 U/22-11/28 11/22-11/28 U/22-11/28 11/15.11/21 11/22-11/28 U/22-11/28 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION' 67 Family workers, including operators . . (arms reporting 1959 . . . 1,679 450 608 803 205 1,663 245 969 579 536 68 1954 . . . 2,035 586 742 1,074 323 1,891 339 1,306 784 776 69 persons 1959 .. . 2,563 656 950 1,116 314 2,805 388 1,518 1,011 666 70 19M . . . 3,201 885 1,382 1,808 576 3,378 544 1,903 1,210 1,036 71 OperaUjs working 1 or mere hours persons 1959 .. . 1,643 449 602 786 204 1,652 244 963 679 521 72 1954 . . . 1,985 583 730 1,052 312 1,871 330 1,296 769 766 7n 1 to 14 hours persons 1959 . . , 497 135 120 219 29 417 57 202 173 210 7^ 15 or mere hours 1,146 313 482 567 175 1,235 187 761 506 311 75 Unpaid members of operata's family working 15 or more hoiffs . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 693 U2 234 245 86 799 101 400 261 120 76 persons 1959 .. . 920 207 348 330 110 1,153 144 555 332 U5 77 Hired workers . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 210 82 49 76 47 166 89 96 49 39 76 1954 . . . 312 150 147 98 87 218 130 74 39 32 79 persons 1959 .. . 300 IX 81 101 68 235 137 148 60 56 80 1954... 546 292 249 185 130 288 205 125 92 358 81 Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 73 62 33 40 33 73 55 37 17 19 82 1954... 89 76 36 41 49 87 50 41 17 42 83 persons 1959... 105 102 45 53 44 102 70 50 22 36 84 1954 . . . 107 135 43 63 50 111 59 59 22 68 Farms reporting by number of regular hired workws; 15 85 1 hired worker . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 55 18 45 17 24 9 32 8 22 11 55 18 43 12 28 9 14 3 86 2 or more hired worlters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 FARM OPERATOR RESIDENCE 87 Residing on farm operated operatcrs repCTting 1959 . . . 1,611 479 535 767 204 1,502 237 949 645 479 921 88 1954 .. . 1,941 534 656 1,014 222 1,845 254 1,188 757 89 Not residing on tvmopenteA operators reporting 1959 .. . 254 167 128 80 81 177 132 90 64 40 90 1954 . . . 210 189 131 72 103 141 95 107 47 62 ^For 195^, data relate to week of September 26-0ctol)er 2. KANSAS County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND FARM EXPENDITURES- CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 179 (For definitions and explanations, see text) USE OF rOMVfF.HnAL FF,RTIL1ZER AND LIME Commercial feitilizef and Tertilizin^ materials used durine the year farms recjorting acres on which used tons Dry materials Liquid materials Crops or which used- Hay and cropland pasture Dry materials Liquid materials Cither pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Wheat ^ t>y materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during the y< rarms reporting tons 'anus reporting tons arms retwrting acres [arms reporting tons ^erms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons 'aims reporting arms reporting tons farms reporting tons I reporting acres [arms reporting tons ! reporting tons 'arms reporting acres rarms repotting t(ns farms reporting tons farms reporting acres 'arms repotting tons 'arms refnrting tons 'arms reporting acres limed Ions SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITl'RES \ny of the following specified expenditures faims reporting Feed for livestock and [Dultry farms reporting dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry fanns reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars I'nder S200 farms reporUng $200 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 or mere farms reporting Hired lab« farms reporting dollars I'nder $1,000 farms reporting $1,000 to $2.499 farms repating $2,500 or more farms reporting $2,500 to $4,999. farms reporting $5,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting dollars 959.. 959.. 959.. 959., 959.. 954.. 959.. 954.. 959.. 959.. 959.. ,9.59 . . .959.. .959.. 959., 954.. 959.. 959.. 959.. 1S59.. 959.. 954.. 959.. 954.. i959.. 959.. 959.. 959.. 959.. 954. . 959. 959. 959. 9.59. 959. 959. 959. .959.. 959.. 959.. 959. 959. 954. .959. 954. 1959. 1959. 959. 954. 959. 954. ,959. 954. 959. 954. .959. .959. 959. 954. 959. 954. 1959. 1959. 50,899 48,62i 5,041,143 3,862,239 292,579 226,374 48,642 263,702 4,543 28,877 6,833 10,254 221,428 247,576 6,670 16,714 233 839 1,836 2,085 51,222 52,634 1,764 4,124 81 229 16,335 15,761 699,521 564,114 15,180 41,802 1,618 6,815 15,446 NA 823,530 NA 13,912 38,549 1,955 10,444 42,460 37,041 2,601,132 1,992,371 40,873 126,020 2,289 9,550 18,547 634,310 18,200 36,493 478 1,000 5,869 7,582 189,746 187,047 444,908 371,318 103,751 83,171 100,391 102,031,772 96,724,265 60,309 231,497,999 61,824 74,055 29,789,615 24,991,932 24,659 30,497 6,668 53,446 61,998 33,498,602 31,812,624 45,672 54,230 4,557 5,126 3,217 2,642 2,155 1,062 102,122 106,275 65,798,054 58,182,653 59,360 U,470,092 943 934 69,772 67,527 4,099 4,632 943 4,099 202 267 5,835 6,680 202 401 32 45 1,515 1,205 32 106 427 426 18,828 U,997 427 992 298 NA 6,925 NA 298 350 796 703 23,010 19,887 796 1,465 490 U,659 490 785 143 239 7,811 4,771 16,775 9,844 1,294 1,107 1,329 885,828 977,075 783 774,455 810 835 235,055 204,922 358 415 37 500 549 171,907 145,466 474 498 5 48 21 3 16 5 1,264 1,329 490,318 496,464 752 U4,314 920 999 70,546 72,876 5,398 5,142 920 5,398 149 249 3,703 6,943 U9 355 46 41 1,505 1,410 46 124 323 228 11,969 6,997 323 1,023 109 NA 3,790 109 386 608 802 29,974 26,705 808 2,145 572 19,605 572 1,365 245 132 8,613 3,127 22,640 6,731 1,098 945 1,208 1,036,606 916,445 667 1,284,977 729 851 232,099 175,966 332 356 41 453 549 165,725 133,028 415 523 31 21 7 5 3 1,088 1,165 594,972 518,610 629 103,301 772 746 56,090 46,454 4,191 2,708 746 3,758 82 433 101 174 2,755 3,393 101 209 10 60 74 49 1,565 702 63 150 16 69 329 365 15,975 14,031 313 1,256 32 80 227 NA 5,720 NA 217 369 15 62 561 599 21,282 18,933 636 1,246 35 153 330 8,693 320 528 10 9 U6 239 3,740 5,263 U,729 11,081 1,194 1,048 1,235 1,227,732 1,228,290 757 1,800,137 619 961 U7,732 235,253 346 264 9 513 626 199,859 200,522 490 587 10 27 13 12 4 1,174 1,182 552,311 491,283 645 106,909 206 126 28,679 16,817 1,252 764 170 831 61 421 34 9 624 1,055 28 36 11 12 i 50 24 3 991 179 21 43 8 51 104 NA 5,560 NA 85 195 19 97 158 92 19,717 11,848 144 486 25 246 52 1,687 50 71 7 15 10 300 800 709 575 541 1,101,747 1,001,856 351 3,519,329 497 436 390,367 280,253 134 233 130 424 4U 445,253 415,631 293 294 68 55 63 62 50 U 588 573 578,523 457,434 300 70,978 321 247 36,451 20,535 1,526 955 305 1,355 50 171 14 58 495 1,125 L4 24 1 7 17 140 1 2 15 12 195 270 15 7 215 NA 13,563 NA 202 477 40 115 220 113 21,621 9,967 210 820 21 53 30 560 25 25 5 3 17 565 1,075 1,378 970 903 876,956 508,760 761 1,855,247 817 830 339,049 347,593 343 406 68 841 856 368,225 450,116 752 741 67 85 22 .30 15 7 1,353 1,351 1,048,001 821,114 686 124,251 919 962 64,493 58,512 4,467 4,030 914 4,425 17 42 185 218 6.370 4,415 185 604 43 55 2,250 510 43 192 410 254 15,440 7,759 405 887 7 22 243 NA 6,539 NA 243 411 1 2 665 667 19,560 17,126 665 1,338 5 15 425 U,334 425 993 6 3 214 160 9,093 3,664 20,150 7,310 1,359 1,237 1,433 1,218,699 1,112,083 775 1,422,037 667 914 169,485 205,818 396 250 21 530 556 295,221 382,305 470 502 29 30 31 24 17 14 1,334 1,265 578,695 488,335 770 128,196 935 979 78,084 58,198 5,800 4,742 890 4,9U 152 889 149 267 2,605 6,390 144 204 10 13 102 85 2,350 1,185 92 151 10 12 529 629 31,158 27,890 469 2,061 106 615 225 NA 7,616 NA 185 364 46 132 763 614 24,734 19,358 733 1,561 41 80 374 9,611 364 560 15 37 90 182 2,365 4,645 5,515 9,228 1,391 1,171 1,440 2,206,997 1,555,010 970 4,117,675 885 1,191 275,818 320,295 413 442 31 710 795 311,532 349,475 602 680 86 81 22 34 IS 4 1,366 1,520 872,771 692,785 958 183,603 1,017 1,183 87,135 113,703 4,369 5,838 1,017 4,365 5 4 152 289 6,733 11,022 152 633 35 49 1,515 1,470 35 108 106 194 3,986 5,749 101 152 5 4 206 NA 12,878 NA 206 551 856 940 43,092 48,288 856 2,053 459 18,831 459 868 128 121 5,590 3,965 13,336 7,233 1,788 1,514 1,786 2,341,369 3,090,579 1,028 5,370,983 1,044 985 377,303 291,571 484 481 79 812 363 560,642 667,959 665 685 74 99 73 79 46 27 1,748 1,672 923,550 855,221 877 136,350 NA Not available. 180 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on rooorts for only llorn (For derinitions i\ml rxplanations see text) Chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyeime Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche I'SF, OF rfftWEnnM, FFimLIZER AND LIME 1 ConiiiKfciAl fertilizer nnd fertilizinf: iiintorinis used durini: the year farms reporting 959... 2U 319 941 66 19 799 396 829 29 n 954 .. . 266 316 1,003 1 19 794 355 846 51 » ncres on «hich used 959 .. . 13,159 20,733 96,833 6,085 1,597 89,731 47,071 56, U2 2,639 1 954 .. . 17,519 19,203 104,967 50 1,880 67,786 30,258 50,602 3,216 5 tons 959... 717 1,098 6,813 563 84 4,667 2,305 3,713 125 6 954... 1,1S8 1,418 7,215 5 33 3,304 1,508 3,369 186 7 Dr\' ninLonals farms reporting tons 959... 213 319 941 52 18 74 744 4,109 323 1,691 829 3,713 29 125 fl 959 .. . 717 1,098 6,813 479 g I.iouid materials. ........•••••.....•.••.•■ farms reporting tons 959... 22 3 139 121 6W 10 959... . • . ... !!! 84 10 558 !!! • ■■ Crops on which used- 11 Hav and ctopland pnslure .................. farms importing 959-. . 17 45 55 9 2 51 80 131 169 8 24 15 954 .. . 64 1X2 142 1 2 40 13 acres 959... 978 1,334 855 559 33 2,624 ... 5,530 503 14 954 .. . 1,528 3,101 2,625 25 30 1,412 1,260 2,797 1,079 15 Cr\ materials ..•....•..••••••.•••••••■. farms repotting tons 959.. . 17 45 55 9 1 51 104 131 531 8 49 16 959... 56 131 86 21 1 17 Liquid materials ...■.•.... farms reporting tons 959... 1 (z) 5 13 16 959 .. . ... !!I • •■ • ■■ 19 Other pasture (not cropland). ..,.,, farms reporting 959... "5 **8 'ii *i6 2 20 954 .. . 10 15 35 ... ... 'ii ... 31 2 51 acres 959... 50 582 1,285 ... ••■ 349 92 954 . . . 80 725 795 ... 44 ... 430 60 23 Dry materials .............. farms reporting tons 959 .. . 5 8 31 16 2 21 959... 5 19 61 ... ... • a. 26 25 Liquid materials. farms reporting tons 959... 26 959 .. . • •* ... '.'.'. '.'.'. !!! !!! 27 . farms reporting 959 .. . 954 .. . 17 26 '25 26 584 432 52 1 184 253 128 96 320 359 •■• 28 29 acres 959 .. . 250 612 21,178 4,277 30 8,593 8,278 12,%66 30 954... 729 747 13,415 ... 9,505 3,630 10,477 ioo 31 Dry materials farms reporting 959... 17 25 584 38 1 142 416 76 326 320 733 .12 tons 959 .. . 16 22 1,514 346 1 !'! 33 Liquid materials. ...........i........... farms reporting tons 959. .. 19 77 72 344 34 959... ... 67 ... 316 !!! !!! 35 Sorghuios . farms reporting 959 .. . 22 '31 241 26 14 150 125 226 16 36 954 .. . NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA 37 acres 959 .. . 788 688 5,176 998 448 4,755 5,650 8,358 1,108 38 954... NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 Dr> materials farms reporting 959... 22 31 241 19 13 125 88 226 16 40 tons 959 .. . 37 37 319 101 30 224 226 438 38 41 Liquid materials farms reporting 959 .. . ... ... 9 1 40 47 a*. • ■• 42 tons 959 .. . ... ... 16 4 51 86 • ■• • •• 43 Wheat . farms reporting 959... 954 .. . 200 220 259 211 855 888 3 8 U 769 732 310 304 697 683 10 15 44 45 acres 959 .. . 8,992 8,688 54,583 226 986 63,251 30,961 21,697 936 46 954 ., . 8,928 7,473 54,782 1,745 50,543 22,483 17,924 1,155 47 Dry materials farms reporting 959 .. . 200 259 855 3 6 714 257 697 10 48 tols 959... 466 477 3,937 11 40 2,892 1,041 1,466 29 49 Liquid materials. ....................... farms reporting tons 959. .. 2 67 66 50 959... 4 163 173 ... 51 All other crops ..................... farms reporting acres 959. .. 67 173 436 1 2 320 71 316 52 959... 2,101 8,329 13,756 31 100 10,558 2,182 7,742 53 Dry materials farms reporting 959 .. . 67 173 436 ... 1 305 69 316 54 tons 959... 137 4L2 896 • ■• 2 473 98 519 55 Liquid materials farms reporting 959... ... 1 1 20 2 .•• 56 tons 959... ... ... 1 2 15 6 ■ ■■ 57 Lime or liming materials us«l during the year .... farms reporting 959 .. . 38 35 168 ... 42 7 176 58 954... 109 52 227 , 128 10 192 59 acres limed 969 .. . 984 1,036 7,026 . 1,803 857 6,364 60 954... 2,185 1,112 6,135 2,797 200 4,010 «1 tons 959 .. . 1,225 1,929 23,330 3,399 929 17,996 65 954 .. . 4,186 2,262 13,795 3,579 435 11,103 .SPEnFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 63 \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting 959 .. . 420 669 1,272 720 382 1,204 1,106 1,200 296 64 Feed for livestock and [oultry farms reporting 959... 338 597 1,029 460 322 1,042 916 1,079 269 65 954 .. . 525 676 1,369 598 419 1,178 1,023 1,291 377 66 dollars 959 .. . 2,734,604 881,875 472, U5 766,029 538,722 1,157,200 693,702 1,395,243 621,901 67 954... 3,055,892 878,452 700,700 646,982 651,712 1,241,316 515,905 1,535,035 596,487 68 Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting 959 .. . 265 313 574 404 267 358 581 856 207 69 dollars 959 .. . 6,323,335 1,134,189 284,537 1,363,068 4,193,723 2,174,732 324,142 2,674,543 2,290,735 70 Machine hire . farms reporting 959... 1S9 271 672 375 280 772 667 784 171 71 954... 299 354 751 372 283 911 990 838 217 72 dollars 959 .. . 70,920 92,442 194,536 408,041 244,226 239,806 244,537 262,710 161,893 73 954... 92,947 83,870 171,165 177,753 152,873 212,672 307,336 188,345 128,062 74 I'nder .*;200 farms reporting . farms reporting 959... 959 ,. . 65 115 123 129 361 286 102 147 53 133 326 406 262 367 321 418 40 58 T5 $200 to ?999 76 SI. 000 oc more farms reporting 959... 9 19 25 126 94 40 38 45 73 77 Hired labor farms reporting 959 .. . 184 317 453 330 226 591 716 571 198 78 954 .. . 290 3U 514 413 319 749 796 540 291 79 dollars 959... 232,883 240,342 121,047 277,097 237,786 235,291 292,648 194,945 255,896 80 954 ., . 220,298 178,047 112,025 282,568 273,213 211,581 315,251 174,162 254,343 81 Vnder SI. 000 . farms reporting 959... Ul 255 429 249 176 518 646 520 116 82 954... 243 271 491 304 248 703 729 496 215 83 SI. 000 to 52,499 . farms reporting 959 .. . 13 33 17 51 22 51 51 AA 36 84 954 .. . 25 19 20 92 38 41 42 38 46 85 S2.500 or more . farms reporting 959... 30 29 7 30 28 22 19 7 46 86 954 .. . 22 24 3 17 33 5 25 6 30 67 S2.500 to $4.999 . farms reporting 959 .. . 18 21 5 24 16 22 11 5 a 88 S5.000 or more . farms reporting 959... 12 8 2 6 12 8 2 a 89 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the fami business , farms reporting 959 .. . 420 662 1,222 720 372 1,159 1,091 1,180 296 90 954... 4^3 572 1,224 779 447 1,237 1,227 1,297 378 91 dollars 959... 270,400 279,920 570,731 663,548 304,270 692,809 741,300 669,054 366,166 92 954... 257,883 225,023 471,915 594,974 324,375 628,285 650,612 511,404 366,710 93 Seeds bulbs plants and trees . farms ranortine 1959... 260 279 526 80,862 355 63 ,922 234 55,208 748 125,841 662 121,053 742 208 94 dollar^ 1959... 34,202 60,052 103,364 65,186 NA Not avallahle. Z Reported In small fractions. KANSAS 181 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued ft BBinple of fuma, S«e t«xt] Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglas Edwards Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove l.OAl 1,007 96 1,196 628 928 176 391 33 251 302 124 1,085 333 16 1 1,158 1,079 26 1,017 644 757 115 452 17 195 112 69 964 317 1 2 117,732 80,259 5,610 143,643 53,368 80,904 39,716 22,710 1,965 27,069 69,781 9,971 69,020 32, 6U 1,125 3 108,376 90,245 1,030 83,985 47,849 47,375 23,211 22,760 353 19,204 9,625 4,218 53,600 23,266 25 4 4,824 5,070 316 5,885 3,862 5,119 1,878 1,261 U6 1,001 5,790 709 4,666 1,728 65 5 5,671 5,954 96 4,146 4,134 3,838 934 1,484 24 734 570 U7 3,702 1,370 6 1,041 992 42 1,176 547 9U 125 391 33 250 219 65 1,065 333 10 7 4,824 4,981 104 5,798 3,322 5,345 1,155 1,261 116 913 5,2U 476 4,668 1,728 50 8 20 63 26 115 110 80 ... 19 155 75 6 g 89 214 87 540 773 723 88 1,576 233 '.'.'. 15 10 141 106 6 92 90 273 4 65 2 12 4 28 303 25 1 n 200 168 9 158 152 300 IB 141 3 38 5 2 306 74 12 3,538 4,815 55 2,730 2,560 7,885 357 3,028 50 442 166 527 8,738 627 34 13 7,445 2,797 215 3,580 3,325 7,719 1,730 3,160 55 2,122 200 45 6,223 1,428 14 141 101 5 92 80 251 3 55 2 U 2 17 303 25 1 15 190 203 5 102 207 556 9 2U 2 16 6 34 589 45 2 16 ... 5 1 11 17 2 . . * 1 2 16 17 13 1 ... 71 54 6 2 7 20 ... ... 18 '22 20 ... 10 69 129 2 7 1 73 7 19 u 46 10 85 86 1 12 "i ... . . . 72 1 20 567 275 ... 110 2,257 4,030 280 253 . .. 7 ... 1,981 205 21 200 840 ... 235 2,095 1,980 8 182 15 ... . .. ... 2,155 50 22 20 ... 10 69 116 2 7 1 ... ... 73 7 23 23 28 U 115 322 11 23 14 16 ... (Z) ... ;;! US 25 ... 24 25 2« 73 653 50 133 438 531 'ii '58 ... "3 U 'ii 452 '53 9 27 76 590 6 171 539 394 1 45 ... 8 1 2 387 78 28 2,081 27,136 2,655 5,900 27,160 22,621 747 1,275 97 549 473 13,163 2,124 390 29 2,622 21,601 155 5,962 29,620 12,365 400 1,044 ... 214 46 80 10,178 2,505 30 73 648 17 118 365 486 11 58 ... 3 5 7 452 53 "7 31 102 1,706 40 257 1,554 1,401 20 55 . . . 4 37 6 960 118 24 32 ... 5 33 15 105 70 3 ... ... 6 12 2 33 ... 20 131 16 374 466 32 . . . ... ... U 31 ... ... 2 34 252 264 47 141 162 347 105 61 20 40 244 79 238 "ss 10 3.5 NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 11,349 6,116 1,392 5,500 7,175 8,991 11,000 1,770 514 2,853 39,277 5,470 7,353 3,302 496 37 NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 252 264 11 126 130 329 77 61 20 33 152 32 238 85 4 39 443 309 20 338 537 572 318 82 44 88 2,184 340 444 176 15 40 ... 38 15 32 23 32 ... ... 16 122 43 6 41 ... ... 56 20 50 54 1B9 ... 86 1,087 102 ... 9 42 973 916 27 1,161 378 771 146 327 '19 228 218 45 916 308 3 43 951 913 6 835 208 548 71 255 1 157 23 28 691 265 1 44 74,634 30,065 1,263 104,413 11,762 27,492 26,700 9,350 1,204 23,105 22,961 3,352 25,220 20,554 155 45 68,547 32,494 365 63,567 5,974 15,597 9,915 7,557 5 14, U9 1,510 2,157 18,327 15,549 25 IC 973 906 19 1,145 363 757 102 327 19 228 153 26 915 308 I 17 3,031 2,079 31 4,051 723 1,857 779 488 62 785 1,531 89 1,789 1,105 9 *f< ... 10 11 16 21 30 62 ... .. . 79 22 2 t?> 15 23 46 45 144 477 ... ... 347 75 ... ... 1 50 538 415 6 576 100 373 10 199 7 15 94 U 399 158 2 51 25,563 11,850 245 24,990 2,453 9,885 534 7,034 98 565 5,728 139 U,555 5,802 50 52 538 410 5 571 100 371 9 199 7 15 76 6 399 158 ... S3 1,035 656 6 1,026 166 638 15 404 3 18 1,456 7 768 259 ... 54 ... 10 2 5 ... 2 1 ... ... 36 8 ... "2 55 41 3 5 ... 32 19 124 5 ... ... 3 56 '38 143 ... 67 78 137 1 '78 ... 5 ... ■ ... 249 U 57 89 261 ... 103 140 142 llA 7 ... 345 27 5ft 1,074 5,066 ... 1,961 1,725 3,866 177 1,727 75 ... ... 6,448 235 5!l 2,803 6,665 ... 2,757 3,605 3,521 ... 2,711 70 ... ... 8,567 419 60 3,123 10,993 ... 4,038 3,240 6,190 440 4,440 ... 150 ... 17,528 501 61 4,982 14,734 ... 5,658 7,105 5,757 ... 5,233 UO ... ... 17,524 831 '.'.'. 6-? 1,670 1,463 844 1,689 1,090 1,329 562 719 968 787 546 1,074 1,534 445 558 63 1,249 1,280 654 1,421 872 1,152 349 645 800 593 332 846 1,428 393 459 64 1,7U 1,669 727 1,701 1,077 1,253 455 757 853 753 429 933 1,510 441 472 65 1,446,574 990,965 944,656 1,563,263 1,697,535 1,423,316 320,220 1,028,696 484,139 549,620 1,469,868 2,469,584 1,489,793 458,186 560,090 66 1,901,815 1,151,815 898,731 1,671,483 665,335 1,136,565 377,204 892,972 489,137 506,603 863,945 590,939 1,125,041 518,391 370,438 67 889 846 484 1,108 667 771 235 358 575 521 264 645 862 304 358 6S 2,309,058 1,300,147 2,271,811 3,203,434 3,278,502 1,405,811 1,972,955 843,536 1,084,643 1,339,967 8,243,543 8,450,249 1,808,295 838,802 2,197,762 69 935 853 465 1,023 525 829 306 351 542 435 439 529 941 282 362 70 1,141 9U 644 1,245 607 903 398 485 654 535 390 573 1,111 292 346 71 323,063 225,031 249,759 261,329 215,801 264,099 174,115 92,991 192,117 146,180 704,249 346,069 305,730 91,026 265,066 72 300,044 166,104 330,477 260,477 172,340 253,709 197,922 99,654 216,573 134,126 356,553 274,074 243,893 87,710 180,534 73 440 423 133 503 280 371 98 161 254 218 47 171 412 117 70 74 436 409 269 504 311 419 162 182 239 181 173 266 487 156 2U 75 59 21 63 16 34 39 46 8 39 37 219 92 42 9 78 76 907 531 427 664 494 669 341 341 462 463 486 570 756 221 343 77 837 605 586 1,003 520 615 461 356 569 508 421 724 555 249 342 78 494,338 201,193 211,225 390,686 314,867 348,722 257,039 153,667 215,773 158,951 895,544 487,649 496,908 121,321 274,701 79 393,407 173,895 305,616 288,465 267,630 248,702 327,845 174,662 375,133 191,506 715,951 427,013 201,095 120,837 219,683 60 797 484 374 322 392 598 275 311 411 424 258 468 599 197 271 81 759 559 528 950 430 553 370 297 512 470 233 522 604 218 277 82 70 31 39 35 70 32 38 17 33 35 96 54 50 13 42 83 39 32 32 39 57 46 47 47 40 26 101 58 35 22 43 84 40 16 14 27 32 39 28 13 18 4 132 48 17 11 30 85 39 14 26 lA 33 16 44 12 17 12 87 34 16 9 22 86 22 6 10 18 24 27 19 10 14 2 92 20 11 4 23 87 IS 10 4 9 8 12 9 3 4 2 40 28 5 7 7 88 1,654 1,446 824 1,574 1,080 1,279 552 683 952 777 641 1,052 1,524 445 546 89 1,609 1,445 853 1,747 1,054 1,176 572 598 1,006 624 547 1,215 1,480 476 631 90 775,621 594,877 658,024 1,104,457 517,230 602,523 423,226 287,907 701,470 542,401 900,507 772,361 748,970 302,070 539,269 91 635,846 523,252 6U,070 838,195 407,610 453,384 410,405 238,047 605,362 507,607 777,037 755,154 522,321 251,044 460,366 92 8S1 721 501 951 647 829 306 353 544 550 469 566 960 238 430 93 124,341 87,549 94,753 134,427 Ul,349 121,233 75,849 51,992 88,741 102,553 196,583 125,392 199,483 24,863 89,200 94 182 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [DaLa are based on rof»rls for only (For donnnionp nml oxplanation?. see te-tt) Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper rsF. OF rn\iN(Fnn\i. ffrtilizer and lik(e CoiiniiTcinl fertilizer :\nd rortilizirif,' inalorinl< used durini! the year farms reporting acres un which used ttms Drv nmtonals I.iiiuid iiiBl^ials Crofvi on which used- Hay and cropland pnsture Cr> materials I.jquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dr\ niaterials Liquid materials Com Dr.' materials Liquid materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Wheat Dry materials Liquid materials Ml other crops Dr> materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during the year arms reportinp tons arms reporting acres arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons farms reporting tons raims reporting acres Farms reporting tons farms reporting tons farms reporting I reporting tons 'arms reporting tons farms reporting 'arms reporting tens 'arms reporting Ions 'arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons 'arms repeating acres limed tons SPECIFIF.D FARM EXPENDITl^RES \ny of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars Vnder S200 farms reporting S200 to S999 farms reporting SI, 000 or more farms reporting Hired labor fanns reporting dollars I'nder SI .000 farms reportine $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting S2. WO or mofe farms reporting $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting $."5,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting dollars J NA Not available. 53 30 4,068 5,000 262 305 53 262 2 120 5 325 17 5 539 100 17 70 30 KA 945 NA 30 99 23 25 2,184 2,475 23 73 280 8 11 676 518 555 281,329 380,393 340 549,428 392 435 209,803 201,776 126 217 49 299 356 224,332 157,655 244 315 25 28 30 12 26 4 671 636 568,950 459,910 437 73,469 36 29 30,364 3,716 2,255 159 58 1,102 62 1,153 1 295 90 3 43 1 1 7 627 3 35 6 40 81 NA 17,854 NA 43 623 53 730 58 13 9,826 1,025 24 239 40 316 16 1,597 7 150 11 65 246 123 120 45,402 60,266 96 973,516 161 141 268,019 181,939 8 64 89 156 165 408,908 234,423 67 102 34 29 55 34 37 18 246 230 419,598 333,119 154 63,595 122 57 15,781 2,150 1,302 38 61 613 75 689 14 1 545 40 7 20 7 32 1 19 1 335 4 15 42 4 4 90 NA 9,393 NA 33 343 52 446 66 31 5,338 1,101 36 201 31 204 2 115 1 5 626 384 469 534,199 284,218 344 ,534,818 343 353 326,520 181,978 70 177 101 386 452 355,799 312,637 300 372 54 58 32 22 20 12 614 622 565,503 572,793 399 110,747 19 2,175 123 19 127 1 12 NA 933 NA 12 53 1 1 4 222 132 137 244,605 135,173 109 1,610,297 184 142 424,732 204,910 6 77 101 153 181 267,611 284,068 92 107 30 39 31 35 15 16 222 247 326,725 325,745 114 38,668 615 619 33,855 39,155 2,539 2,805 603 2,455 23 34 128 187 3,927 3,931 128 293 37 34 1,160 1,755 37 87 170 180 6,601 5,523 157 453 16 50 112 NA 3,937 NA 110 252 2 14 492 459 12,358 14,428 491 889 7 15 225 5,372 215 481 10 5 165 78 4,770 2,213 7,743 3,927 1,048 905 1,005 1,322,946 1,157,142 536 3,332,077 524 618 248,024 149,272 271 211 42 503 490 373,270 236,165 425 439 50 23 33 23 23 10 1,003 1,044 599,133 413,615 496 113,046 23 15 4,411 708 343 24 13 236 7 107 4 1,158 1 2 19 NA 2,463 NA 13 143 7 89 8 5 718 240 7 42 2 16 1 30 1 5 2 284 213 353 183 178 216,332 180,108 148 1,363,539 241 206 558,833 219,903 14 52 175 232 252 353,017 247,327 132 174 44 51 36 27 39 17 348 350 463,318 398,364 242 72,614 338 785 365 701 51,100 91,344 36,519 76,469 1,652 4,702 1,365 3,595 388 765 1,652 4,556 86 146 39 53 77 156 657 1,013 1,460 3,705 39 53 58 69 "i ... 7 30 60 • .* 621 875 13 6 212 155 13 10 79 NA 4,427 NA 79 137 319 215 42,704 26,713 319 1,265 89 3,040 89 177 32 116 675 3,270 1,590 5,532 1,053 885 996 1,005,724 1,067,926 643 2,227,144 771 776 511,695 342,106 191 398 182 667 778 379,860 411,429 555 687 73 51 39 40 33 6 1,002 1,CH7 767,587 652,133 618 127,752 107 194 2,607 5,900 107 179 1 1 323 NA 17,436 MA^ 313 673 20 32 703 599 60,925 46,359 683 3,268 50 92 212 9,363 192 367 25 21 35 92 1,605 2,075 2,245 2,580 1,257 1,007 1,240 1,578,103 2,115,430 841 3,509,419 882 916 324,043 232,013 336 481 65 681 393 391,378 432,905 620 8U 25 40 36 39 13 23 1,242 1,241 704,948 569,935 773 134,756 KANSAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 183 B sample of Faims. S«« text] Itodgeman Jacicscm Jefferaon JeweU Johnson Keamy ylngmnn Kiowa Labette I^ne Leaven- worth Lincoln Linn iDgan I^n 5i 941 900 394 826 110 550 111 1,186 18 899 221 884 7 851 1 i2 941 970 286 731 27 575 57 1,372 3 852 221 965 2 974 2 3,802 71,603 73,166 33,746 68,324 21,748 81,730 19,586 124,064 1,730 71,415 15,812 65,269 1,520 60,552 3 i,450 58,143 67,300 23,096 54,710 2,215 57,334 8,598 118,905 875 54,297 12,814 64,149 130 54,657 4 319 4,669 5,419 2,067 5,559 1,590 3,305 918 7,729 146 5,278 763 4,677 83 3,656 5 332 4,067 3,981 1,119 4,235 78 2,222 332 7,675 13 3,799 708 4,626 4 3,770 6 31 941 863 358 826 99 525 75 1,186 10 884 205 873 4 822 7 229 4,669 4,959 1,586 5,397 1,466 3,150 449 7,696 79 5,026 740 4,611 57 3,460 3 V. 68 76 25 11 55 58 5 9 55 16 12 5 45 9 90 460 481 162 124 155 469 33 67 252 23 65 26 196 10 7 150 200 13 307 2 51 7 183 1 172 10 204 ... 104 11 11 203 260 27 3U 1 108 9 237 254 25 250 189 12 258 4,U3 6,475 643 9,942 55 1,460 250 5,719 26 7,283 200 6,311 4,077 13 310 5,395 5,690 897 9,725 20 3,067 238 4,288 5,338 600 4,721 3,793 14 7 150 195 18 302 2 41 7 183 1 172 10 20; 10; V, 12 276 476 5 30 36 825 10 25 2 43 10 6 11 1 1 760 1 617 11 602 342 16 17 18 48 108 "7 97 1 '33 '55 "59 '17 ID 35 38 8 118 1 15 75 71 "5 22 33 20 1,725 2,955 335 5,670 440 1,607 1,905 1,448 543 21 935 721 30 5,560 30 920 1,470 1,625 495 500 709 22 48 103 7 92 1 33 55 ... 59 17 23 92 258 5 1 18 290 5 75 15 :;: 136 129 ... 127 53 24 25 2B "2 417 464 iii 420 "9 35 "6 458 'ii 594 34 ieo "4 313 27 379 515 67 389 1 70 6 400 535 27 283 303 28 16 18,334 21,149 8,374 16,112 370 1,224 218 17, 199 583 22,469 780 16,772 530 12,342 29 13,240 20,461 2,549 14,551 40 1,520 200 9,108 20,267 700 9,120 9,210 3C 2 417 433 110 420 7 35 4 453 6 574 34 379 "i 301 31 2 1,093 1,156 527 1,M3 13 40 9 913 27 1,605 44 1,014 15 639 32 37 63 5 2 3 5 6 30 2 3 22 33 98 291 20 16 4 33 22 162 21 12 45 34 36 226 301 114 268 68 245 49 353 13 392 34 166 6 284 35 NA HA NA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 36 1,526 7,651 11,180 5,999 6,838 U,051 13,975 4,633 9,965 647 15,060 2,703 5,518 560 11,929 37 NA MA HA HA NA NA NA KA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 17 226 286 86 268 59 235 39 353 5 382 18 166 2 261 39 86 410 855 206 476 777 603 171 550 20 1,042 54 380 20 563 40 20 25 29 9 17 13 8 30 16 4 33 41 51 219 87 61 23 47 ... 45 69 13 11 73 42 33 806 666 248 619 86 475 95 1,036 6 663 174 702 4 723 43 21 714 792 203 474 2 343 32 1,175 3 507 161 780 787 44 1,870 31,001 23,917 16,030 22,147 3,933 59,489 14,020 54,336 441 19,370 12,189 23,502 338 25,147 45 2,085 28,664 28,695 17,253 13,485 48 34,298 4,222 60,440 875 16,895 8,845 22,829 24,393 16 19 806 639 232 614 78 449 49 1,086 6 653 168 591 3 705 4" 117 2,328 1,690 682 2,066 465 2,205 248 3,123 29 1,293 592 1,540 17 1,454 48 14 32 17 10 8 34 50 20 6 11 1 28 If) 39 94 103 33 46 106 412 16 10 33 3 66 SO 3 318 306 50 296 14 164 7 751 "2 267 42 408 1 287 51 132 8,749 7,490 2,365 7,615 399 5,582 465 35,238 39 5,328 940 11,618 92 6,524 52 3 318 296 50 291 12 149 4 761 2 252 42 402 1 277 53 12 470 524 117 597 189 259 10 2,209 2 340 39 943 5 399 54 10 5 2 16 4 ... 5 6 15 55 18 4 1 15 5 5 12 12 se 86 204 "6 225 ... 9 ... 219 102 273 ... 159 57 160 206 162 65 273 97 io 382 200 58 2,483 5,755 62 6,164 236 7,309 2,266 7,747 4,791 59 5,210 5,705 . • . 4,530 2,867 6,012 1,515 405 12,006 4,973 60 7,889 13,120 96 10,319 487 ... 15,236 4,474 19,433 9,624 61 9,460 12,303 9,835 4,809 ... 11,727 3,730 550 21,170 8,658 62 551 1,438 1,351 1,208 1,268 301 1,121 413 1,676 368 1,446 851 1,205 333 1,479 63 400 1,261 1,184 999 993 175 863 313 1,460 242 1,085 703 1,025 266 1,277 64 465 1,497 1,445 1,307 1,125 196 1,2« 394 1,854 248 1,517 835 1,269 245 1,678 65 509,019 884, T70 1,296,625 876,483 1,091,620 306,155 940,149 441,701 1,597,435 349,802 793,710 633,671 928,217 216,212 3,989,984 66 412,803 898,800 1,350,371 709,710 1,095,258 267,533 1,174,312 425,178 2,389,478 187,338 1,077,560 593,431 1,075,029 199,477 1,884,054 67 274 896 747 834 693 121 692 235 935 212 733 574 695 184 1,031 68 2,133,487 1,037,931 1,671,230 1,431,975 1,428,009 1,280,663 1,675,622 2,083,302 1,590,247 2,727,662 445,597 2,181,070 968,917 814,516 12,06:^791 69 227 788 756 835 710 179 724 272 990 286 727 535 735 223 907 70 311 1,108 1,127 1,076 726 154 84« 286 1,054 197 1,120 710 784 178 1,135 71 159,866 220,870 251,262 344,693 243,294 381,054 319,768 182,131 302,117 352,692 203,420 167,648 231,342 280,338 317, 959 72 186,066 278,388 290,702 293,156 188,879 106,154 257,153 163,744 237,283 142,639 250,888 228,226 156,576 174,412 260,986 73 64 458 311 323 307 10 233 79 506 56 350 224 351 24 463 74 126 297 411 433 372 72 417 151 44A m 337 279 353 120 392 75 37 33 44 79 31 97 74 42 40 119 40 32 31 79 52 76 284 673 620 731 688 222 652 291 795 265 540 431 635 197 659 77 365 757 751 883 701 205 778 346 735 245 661 573 582 172 750 78 240,139 216,192 263,390 284,120 643,397 414,095 375,879 251,936 320,799 279,702 283,745 193,135 233,036 296,432 444,078 79 245,020 268,130 323,886 322,136 477,050 269,270 362,533 217,222 252,016 200,407 381,290 201,219 2U,957 223,299 355,096 80 221 614 561 659 553 122 577 237 726 180 485 387 578 125 587 81 304 701 688 782 576 137 676 292 700 166 570 519 534 124 697 8! 39 45 30 52 80 41 47 31 34 46 30 31 43 31 40 83 34 33 38 87 82 34 72 41 23 52 46 39 20 23 27 84 24 14 29 20 55 59 28 23 35 39 25 13 14 41 32 85 27 23 25 U 43 34 30 13 12 27 45 15 28 25 26 86 16 8 19 17 32 35 17 17 30 31 16 7 10 30 17 87 8 6 10 3 23 24 11 6 5 8 9 6 4 n 15 88 541 1,418 1,331 1,197 1,248 300 1,116 413 1,616 367 1,406 860 1,165 372 1,449 89 571 1,461 1,416 1,410 1,141 311 1,242 486 1,656 350 1,397 941 1,158 342 1,647 90 515,760 624,013 579,014 728,974 485,524 418,659 852,971 326,359 710,540 479,614 532,430 592,260 577,046 384,343 845,954 91 611,896 570,477 590,369 695,481 461,456 351,483 757,387 341,502 562,713 405,284 531,590 553,145 541,253 382,535 697,411 92 3L3 774 768 842 675 229 596 174 910 265 715 510 765 199 835 93 67,438 104,442 113,656 125,708 145,542 87,085 U9,571 54,223 158,357 65,401 162,585 80,798 130,538 60,7»4 103,691 94 184 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Data are based on rooorta for only (For dprinilions ml explanations, see text) Mitchell Montgomery Itorrls I'SF. OF OOKfMERn^I. FFRTUIZER AND UME ConinHXrinl fertilizef and feniliiinj.- iiatermls used durinr the year fanns repMting act^s on which used tons Dry materials Liquid materials. Crops on which used- Day and cropland pnstuie Cry materials Liquid materials Other pasture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Soi^tms Dry materials Liquid materials Wheat I>y materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials. Lime or liming materials used during the yi 'arms reporting tons 'anus reporting tons arms reportjng tons 'arms repotting tons arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons ratms repotting (ons 'arms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1964.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. anns reporting tons Farms reporting tons Farms reporting 'arms reporting tons Fanns reporting tons 'arms reporting 1959.. 1954.. 1959. 1954.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1959.. 1959.. 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959.. 1959. . 1954 . . acres 191 Farms reportjng tens 'arms reporting tons Farms reporting acres arms repotting tons 'arms reporting Ions 'arms reporting 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959.. 1959. 1954. acres limed 1959 . 1954. tons 1959. 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Purchase of livestock and poultry farms Machine hire farms llnder .*;200 farms S200 to ?999 farms 51,000 or more farms Hired labor farms L'nder 51 ,000 farms $1,000 to 52.499 farms 52,500 or more farms 52,500 to 54.999 farms $5,000 or more farms Gasoline and other petfolewn fuel and oil for the farm business farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms reporting 1959. reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959 . 1954. reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959 . 1954. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. repotting 1959 . 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. repcrting 1959. 1954. reprvting 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. reporting 1959. 1954. ddlars 1959. 1954. reporting 1959. dollatti 1959. 944 894 115,645 79,919 4,550 3,486 890 3,919 141 631 78 122 1,977 2,657 76 79 2 4 15 30 500 280 15 25 138 143 3,413 4,269 122 161 28 107 189 NA 9,001 NA 173 329 44 149 883 806 86,293 60,658 829 2,833 108 317 366 14,456 356 492 30 54 61 81 820 1,375 1,455 2,950 1,949 1,509 1,773 2,515,432 2,U7,506 1,137 3,703,621 1,296 1,396 464,618 302,057 607 605 84 1,021 1,290 377,592 383,144 949 1,213 41 56 31 21 23 1,929 1,971 1,044,139 930,798 962 124,809 1,345 1,436 156,968 141,046 6,677 6,700 1,340 6,600 11 77 245 3,255 5,628 15 32 945 752 15 52 125 325 4,580 9,156 124 191 1 2 242 NA 12,514 NA 241 438 1 20 1,313 1,333 101,443 93,006 1,308 4,248 10 49 792 X,231 792 1,428 5 6 94 91 1,887 2,790 3,834 5,775 1,683 1,451 1,842 2,079,531 2,183,540 1,154 3,111,571 1,129 1,390 316,629 300,595 487 617 25 844 1,060 340,963 377,466 765 977 63 49 16 34 1,653 1,813 1,095,031 994,385 928 160,124 1,237 1,164 103,291 85,165 5,969 5,527 1,218 5,564 107 405 82 164 1,420 2,678 82 158 41 32 755 695 41 40 451 557 24,068 27,163 389 1,197 72 217 322 NA U,967 NA 274 606 58 79 1,130 928 56,924 47,962 1,107 3,089 53 109 318 7,157 318 474 104 176 1,651 3,325 4,253 7,430 1,856 1,54« 1,906 1,328,659 1,398,860 1,172 1,200,673 1,304 1,474 382,927 377,250 575 6S2 47 997 1,128 273,883 354,445 933 1,064 44 55 20 9 19 1 1,841 1,912 926,002 924,880 1,197 178,254 96 18 16,411 3,312 1,059 94 39 551 64 508 3 7 280 89 1 15 2 5 2 313 33 3 U 3 9 71 NA 8,216 NA 19 311 54 279 63 13 7,412 2,651 25 202 40 217 2 190 2 12 1 3 514 378 405 624,133 503, 505 272 2,853,685 280 294 269,564 147,561 57 135 88 280 370 297,549 269,507 196 300 55 46 29 24 21 8 504 543 453,426 4U,680 237 68,454 1,260 1,192 109,739 90,113 7,974 6,068 1,245 7,897 25 77 420 383 11,233 7,845 420 937 5 13 100 U5 1,710 3,205 100 145 848 770 36,344 31,165 843 2,453 5 25 539 NA 16,162 NA 529 1,023 10 16 954 848 28,612 24,715 944 2,204 15 23 540 15,678 540 1,135 317 231 7,749 5,135 22,676 10,754 1,685 1,449 1,613 1,085,825 1,125,950 946 954,133 1,020 1,122 269,815 234,757 485 518 17 835 753 267,075 345,125 781 675 31 32 23 46 9 14 1,650 1,518 632,295 576,760 1,109 185,578 268 249 24,004 29,847 1,066 1,406 211 824 65 242 16 21 595 1,860 16 31 6 430 19 36 355 830 18 24 1 2 44 NA 1,578 NA 27 47 18 34 224 185 21,158 22,075 177 710 54 205 22 318 17 12 5 1 965 661 847 708,603 630,211 539 1,239,234 498 710 222,201 311,605 195 250 53 528 672 233,538 313,996 475 608 43 49 10 15 6 4 949 1,019 757,482 731,756 524 98,087 969 1,045 91,396 75,261 5,566 5,026 959 5,554 10 12 172 305 5,538 6,654 172 739 45 36 1,520 425 45 97 415 354 15,869 8,542 410 864 5 3 293 NA 9,115 KA 293 513 823 813 38,135 32,630 823 2,164 5 6 532 21,219 532 1,177 5 3 150 194 6,626 4,035 9,496 7,823 1,613 1,317 1,757 1,262,480 1,195,025 722 2,266,U6 832 1,014 273,789 239,615 378 416 33 664 851 315,632 297,280 606 764 35 63 23 19 12 11 1,603 1,556 581,297 502,095 727 111,878 673 641 54,678 48,032 3,507 3,048 673 3,507 85 152 1,814 3,376 85 121 11 20 345 235 11 23 47 122 2,277 4,188 47 141 U5 NA 4,143 NA U5 231 623 567 33,551 30,692 623 2,268 318 12,548 313 723 56 78 1,241 1,856 3,494 4,671 924 309 963 1,307,464 1,413,785 592 2,950,369 465 600 126,207 149,192 263 194 3 478 556 279,956 282,089 420 482 30 44 28 30 16 12 918 940 564,710 449,340 506 81,762 NA Not avallahle. Z Reported In siaall frttctlons . KANSAS FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued h avnple of famis. See textj 185 NenaM Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne Ottawa Pawnee PhlUlps Potta. watomle Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice 1,200 1,077 1 84 1,021 159 490 202 15 J 731 259 22 1,079 511 492 1 1,017 1,180 7 85 1,035 98 453 157 6 7 787 320 4 1,060 601 420 2 68,838 106,905 78 5 5,221 61,681 10,008 63,836 23,315 8,95 7 54,239 44,742 1,338 163,178 47,297 81,135 3 &4,168 102,387 34 3 5,607 50,447 5,219 50,661 10,233 4,31 I 43,657 41,844 205 117,728 41,995 53,925 < 5,365 6,377 6 5 291 4,795 593 3,051 1,392 48 4,360 1,373 35 7,148 4,127 3,443 5 4,934 6,416 1 279 3,608 477 2,306 485 30< J 2,941 1,687 8 4,969 2,339 2,199 a 1,184 1,070 1 3 83 980 101 473 153 lU i 770 252 22 1,033 558 450 7 5,016 6,221 5 i 289 4,279 319 2,326 1,146 47 7 4,040 1,721 35 5,191 3,237 2,895 8 66 19 ! 1 89 77 55 74 1 3 53 30 188 117 38 9 349 156 1 3 2 516 279 725 246 7 320 158 957 890 548 10 211 167 4 106 6 45 21 L 46 41 2 97 37 36 11 205 228 10 152 6 61 22 1 > 85 50 3 247 75 57 12 7,450 5,665 208 4,260 75 940 305 30( 3 1,891 1,654 47 2,473 2,070 1,631 13 4,992 7,410 187 3,132 320 1,484 933 48 S 1,555 1,219 89 7,081 1,185 1,292 14 211 166 4 91 6 45 21 L 45 35 2 96 37 31 15 692 530 10 301 6 50 47 1 3 157 52 2 106 174 119 16 6 15 1 1 7 1 5 5 17 15 114 4 15 18 2 35 52 16 97 48 37 5 1 25 3 25 1 17 19 71 83 1 37 15 21 13 15 2 20 2,270 1,252 825 'so 100 510 197 420 200 3,780 21 945 4,094 10 980 405 275 575 445 97 22 91 47 26 5 1 25 '3 25 1 12 23 135 124 45 5 3 123 9 38 19 57 24 6 1 11 1 1 5 25 14 5 18 3 (Z) 2 » 298 632 '36 343 56 36 15 4^ 274 30 16 '49 307 22 27 499 602 38 256 35 22 1 2 > 379 15 34 234 39 28 12,707 28,450 1,197 11,796 1,932 1,129 412 1,4« > 10,457 1,037 754 855 18,450 266 29 21,218 19,235 2,520 6,596 1,070 384 10 1,77 J 13,389 340 678 11,350 731 30 262 630 29 311 28 36 13 i. 251 30 16 49 239 22 31 784 1,503 75 715 70 67 39 10< ) 1,089 59 55 83 1,228 22 32 41 7 1 37 35 2 38 6 10 95 33 148 35 2 181 120 Cz) i 105 5 3 699 34 197 431 32 243 69 65 116 4 236 167 "s 509 173 274 35 HA NA NA L NA NA NA NA NA N/ L NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 6,025 U,192 i U 998 10,154 3,177 2,260 8,525 1,04 S 3,874 15,140 297 49,058 5,940 25,077 37 NA NA N/ L NA NA NA NA NA Vl NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 181 429 ( 32 228 36 59 94 4 234 161 8 581 156 259 39 664 648 2' r 57 709 94 135 491 5 ) 509 581 21 1,697 357 846 40 21 2 15 35 7 29 12 10 57 22 27 41 102 17 26 94 34 125 80 33 125 21 93 42 1,059 972 '40 945 82 453 158 9^ 587 205 3 891 407 418 43 842 1,013 1 38 817 60 419 80 4] 525 232 1 595 445 303 14 29,264 37,904 i2C 2,415 26,215 4,674 54,500 13,857 5,27^ 28,440 25,606 230 103,221 19,535 43,307 45 24,025 38,867 2t 2,166 24,964 3,486 43,880 5,340 1,80C ) 22,839 22,994 70 75,854 25,175 37,247 IC 1,043 965 40 904 58 436 110 8( 666 193 3 825 384 355 47 2,057 2,220 2= 129 1,955 141 1,882 555 25^ 1,869 913 5 3,882 1,405 1,748 4« 26 7 57 29 54 49 t 31 25 158 23 73 10 62 53 147 65 684 U9 UO 99 ... 825 31 376 50 453 584 1 U 380 2 158 2 2f 220 14 1 227 57 85 51 U,122 20,442 51 403 3,431 20 4,957 216 87J 3,967 1,108 10 7A51 1,102 2,074 52 4A3 579 U 370 2 158 1 2( 219 14 1 221 55 80 53 684 1,196 18 544 3 189 14 5^ 293 97 1 385 54 93 54 15 6 : 15 1 1 1 6 1 5 55 23 31 30 3 2 9 2 4 20 5< 126 228 US 1 44 55 39 22 4 57 159 244 136 16 49 78 31 35 58 6,525 10,953 2,977 '20 1,696 3,178 733 1,U7 90 5fl 3,387 6,322 3,284 360 1,249 1,431 551 915 60 16,230 30,096 7,863 '20 2,472 6,487 1,190 2,421 312 61 5,598 14,430 7,574 1,576 2,102 2,448 1,395 1,545 62 1,588 1,400 ii 3 381 1,462 943 871 805 1,00" ) 1,198 741 752 2,242 1,458 978 63 1,423 1,253 >6. > 757 1,256 731 620 586 81 ! 1,008 551 573 1,751 1,221 701 64 1,536 1,636 iT 7 327 1,522 886 735 608 90< J 1,239 684 673 2,289 1,383 881 65 2,540,450 1,231,337 608, iT J 869,317 1,492,980 611,767 498,917 723,448 714,72 J 1,339,180 488,917 428,197 1,818,228 1,003,560 754,550 66 2,063,732 1,083,260 572, L8^ 651,868 1,567,866 742,841 637,134 468,240 509, 56( 3 1,272,349 471,932 496,906 2,191,157 1,040,975 606,088 67 1,U0 822 )0' 7 612 937 596 465 427 55 L 769 335 454 1,313 989 497 68 3,351,569 1,692,417 3,149, ,7' ) 1,352,426 3,851,789 1,570,575 2,245,794 2,391,229 958,41 7 2,312,500 1,542,150 938,624 2,243,501 1,859,356 1,788,301 69 980 812 )6< J 515 342 587 465 492 62 3 541 389 430 1,308 999 583 70 1,177 1,092 )0 652 1,155 792 560 485 32 > 992 531 501 1,593 i,ao 752 71 259,389 238,667 343, 7T 7 167,739 225,172 259,302 179,972 319,358 250,77" > 194,472 224,406 355,123 477,593 303,969 322,499 72 266,245 240,367 349, 3 219,655 239,871 318,962 240,153 282,022 270,45] 284,250 253,233 230,231 477,898 325,709 310,740 73 451 377 n 223 409 220 173 U7 25 ) 304 131 103 544 410 178 74 513 416 9 > 266 409 3U 263 289 32 3 321 193 208 659 543 336 75 16 19 9 ) 21 24 53 29 86 4 > 15 55 119 95 46 69 76 704 647 •i ) 506 639 536 475 515 45< > 546 426 410 1,234 701 628 77 775 670 S6. ! 548 692 700 653 649 6it ) 695 566 485 1,627 923 773 78 329,621 290,004 302, >3 ) 201,958 239,270 236,666 319,600 425,567 170,39' 311,355 209,896 270,376 753,662 183,296 317,831 79 265,063 170,105 305, i6( ! 195,996 336,002 321,914 286,663 396,766 236,97' 351,928 269,251 282,237 730,233 202,130 322,553 80 611 568 S9 ' 451 571 482 408 412 41 3 458 375 324 1,112 647 556 81 704 636 .7 J 483 620 610 575 551 58 ) 533 488 404 1,453 377 597 82 69 48 4 L 41 39 33 33 65 3 7 40 29 61 U5 46 51 83 53 23 51 1 53 47 69 56 72 5' 7 41 55 52 115 33 51 84 24 31 3( ) 14 29 21 34 37 ) 38 21 25 56 8 21 85 13 11 3 3 7 25 21 22 26 / 21 23 19 59 8 15 8« 18 20 2 ! 11 24 17 18 20 ' 31 18 21 35 8 16 87 6 11 3 5 4 16 17 7 3 4 21 5 88 1,578 1,335 !1 3 875 1,442 938 361 790 93< > 1,188 725 741 2,227 1,433 958 89 1,446 1,467 !1 ) 383 1,534 1,000 931 784 1,051 1,293 804 830 2,442 1,529 1,044 90 975,386 580,363 719, 5 ) 565, U4 742,721 655,934 606,763 746,712 545,22! 541,937 537,104 571,971 1,348,733 304,075 758,620 91 728,584 537,723 660, Jl ! 579,193 601,033 644,646 542,531 608,322 554,35( ) 595,337 558,656 659,114 1,141,850 689,850 697,783 92 908 703 >2 7 604 818 537 489 568 59 717 525 382 1,226 896 543 93 162,698 147,651 110, W ) 81,212 122,797 104,839 72,901 138,454 79,52! 133,515 149,285 59,834 251,577 134,689 143,374 94 186 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.-USE OF FERTILIZER AND LIME ON FARMS AND [Dila are baaed on refwrts for only (For d^finilions ainl explanations, see text) Riley Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sberldaji USE OF CmfMERnAI, FFRTIUZER AND UME Coninterclal fettiliier and rertilizinp rnnterinls used durinc the year farms reporting acres on which used tons Dry mnl«nals Liquid materials Oops cfl which used- Hay and cropland pasture [>>■ materials Liquid materials Other ptsture (not cropland) Dry materials Liquid materials Com Dry materials Liquid materials Sorghums Dry materials Liquid materials Wheat Dry materials Liquid materials All other crops Dry materials Liquid materials Lime or liming materials used during the year 'arms repotting tons arms reporting tors farms reporting acres arms reporting tons arms reporting tons Farms reporting rarms reporting tons 'arms reporting tens 'arms reporting acres 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting tons 'arms reporting acres farms reporting tons farms reporting tons arms reporting farms reporting tdis arms reporting tons aims reporting acres farms reporting tons farms reporting tons arms reporting acres limed tons .959. 959. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 959. .959. 1959. .959. 954. 959. .954. .959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 959. 954. 959. 954. 959. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Any of the following specified expenditures farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry farms repcrting dollars Purchase of livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Machine hire faiins reporting dollars Under S200 farms reptrting S200 to 9999 farms repotting SI, 000 or mrre farms reporting Hired labor farms reporting dollars I'nder 51,000 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reputing 52,500 or more farms reporting .52,500 to $4,999 farms reporting $5,000 or more farms reporting Gasoline and other petroleian fuel and oil for the farm business farms reporting dollara Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees farms leporting dollars 959. .954 . . .959 . 959.. L954. .959 . . .954. .959. 5L4 iSi 40,475 24,221 2,625 1,825 494 2,479 ee 146 40 82 1,451 2,000 40 99 1 5 11 50 698 300 11 65 1 3 171 195 6,127 5,034 139 328 33 36 105 NA 3,624 KA 99 266 7 10 451 344 23,801 13,273 436 1,419 36 78 180 4,774 180 302 1 14 10 95 165 1,634 390 4,245 881 766 920 996,732 1,177,585 601 1,753,002 551 744 129,664 201,180 317 231 3 433 467 605,465 227,980 369 408 27 34 37 25 24 13 866 876 478,372 366,042 563 107,679 38 U 2,064 500 131 20 37 121 2 10 9 2 446 95 9 23 329 NA 11 27 32 5 1,178 260 31 56 2 10 1 16 1 1 822 614 675 480,801 384,685 397 944,279 426 606 180,170 240,939 171 209 46 430 614 235,933 261,794 369 549 43 41 18 24 13 5 822 901 577,827 534,824 440 64,323 76 87 4,816 3,611 227 160 41 112 47 115 34 46 531 1 2 21 28 250 574 11 10 11 5 48 KA 2,815 NA 7 28 46 105 33 26 1,595 885 22 64 11 UO 5 882 661 758 409,813 473,055 486 1,445,733 551 663 246,272 250,196 191 311 49 596 617 214,622 298,700 546 532 35 68 15 17 13 2 877 944 686,987 519,782 564 88,074 48 31 3,003 3,825 141 223 48 141 6 6 120 90 6 41 23 2,738 2,635 41 131 744 633 603 390,715 319,691 460 864,863 473 586 180,104 212,807 210 234 29 444 573 185,120 244,195 406 523 21 33 17 17 14 3 744 798 541,037 552,517 384 94,001 489 486 55, 567 45,390 2,694 2,067 473 2,575 39 119 33 33 1,715 630 33 75 5 6 140 127 5 5 64 59 2,568 1,550 53 153 16 62 51 NA 1,954 NA 45 94 6 8 436 403 44,002 37,110 425 2,036 27 48 150 5,188 145 212 5 1 12 12 555 703 1,055 606 972 771 1,053 778,235 960,996 540 2,083,6X 585 745 218,892 200,400 216 337 32 584 656 539,612 559,951 506 549 48 76 30 31 15 15 952 1,120 650, 522 604,228 465 110, 343 128 71 28,310 9,920 2,157 304 59 809 90 1,348 12 25 1,613 1,163 8 97 4 18 123 NA 19,531 NA 51 539 83 1,143 67 14 6,622 1,380 26 159 46 150 15 544 3 14 12 37 406 247 285 952,501 427,830 205 4,025,853 294 238 587,839 265,560 14 89 191 250 286 504,162 466,161 132 157 45 71 73 58 47 26 396 458 539,953 565,407 255 96,741 1,050 889 146,211 84,879 6,024 4,118 1,040 5,781 70 243 129 166 4,255 5,300 124 181 10 7 7 35 150 1,475 2 4 5 1 175 112 5,530 4,403 170 319 10 9 324 NA 19,305 NA 304 785 35 67 928 686 101,759 58,269 918 3,545 45 139 335 15,212 330 947 5 20 62 111 1,824 3,107 4,533 6,177 2,006 1,542 1,821 2,882,233 3,107,300 997 4,490,343 1,147 1,376 501,099 387,980 366 652 129 1,158 1,203 898,265 632, 100 984 1,051 76 100 98 52 66 32 1,981 1,908 1,319,008 990,503 1,163 439,561 S3 16 20,618 2,275 1,267 105 62 948 33 319 1 5 90 200 1 15 1,616 13 101 5 72 65 NA 9,198 NA 48 489 21 130 63 8 9,143 403 45 335 23 109 7 571 4 19 4 305 171 240 245,528 161,425 125 1,485,042 209 184 197,382 157,242 38 98 73 172 212 257,585 209,721 104 160 30 29 38 23 22 16 300 355 288,252 294,736 2U 76,411 861 917 76,032 62,499 4,663 4,358 841 4,155 69 508 84 198 3,781 3,281 74 194 10 56 31 46 610 845 31 52 416 367 24,412 19,221 378 1,158 59 344 217 NA 8,605 NA 201 416 16 81 716 689 31,383 29,624 711 1,888 5 21 288 7,241 278 447 10 6 82 153 1,874 2,330 4,590 5,497 1,428 1,038 1,498 1,100,058 1,189,013 745 2,470,055 725 998 204, 539 246,884 372 313 40 605 682 557,653 412,865 497 603 44 52 64 27 38 26 1,418 1,433 692,888 557,779 790 134,002 NA Not Birailahle. Z Reported in small fractions. KANSAS 187 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued ft sample of turns. See t«xt] Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Hallaoe Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 52 275 508 69 81 1,178 30 22 617 34 1,137 128 789 541 187 1 9 200 446 15 9 959 3 557 1 1,113 40 873 572 220 2 7,072 18,445 91,733 30,665 25,324 202,221 3,876 657 40,808 4,070 109,082 19,448 75,349 36,592 11,065 3 265 12,481 51,892 2,190 1,U7 138,967 290 32,638 5 75,574 2,932 70,964 38,221 8,295 4 652 1,090 3,488 2,452 1,496 7,355 194 34 2,817 310 6,053 1,185 4,272 2,438 910 5 12 584 1,892 57 46 5,904 21 2,045 1 4,574 172 4,601 2,779 922 6 23 248 471 52 44 1,173 16 '2i 600 34 1,076 34 784 541 182 7 245 886 3,137 1,582 442 7,308 101 32 2,655 310 5,220 353 4,247 2,438 763 S 33 55 71 41 39 18 14 43 201 101 11 15 9 407 204 351 870 1,054 47 93 152 833 832 25 147 10 3 21 72 2 123 121 60 4 102 78 56 11 1 12 91 2 135 1 133 196 ID 196 204 70 12 77 170 3,639 170 3,750 4,392 2,400 131 3,110 3,436 1,211 13 20 360 3,119 4£ 3,404 126 3,133 3,194 290 5,226 5,242 875 U 1 16 65 123 121 55 1 102 78 55 15 5 5 128 137 361 155 3 215 257 135 16 2 6 9 "2 5 3 17 2 3 28 32 5 4 IS 2 10 7 "a 10 26 12 10 19 15 1 10 30 5 38 31 20 20 35 250 363 165 150 1,160 287 100 21 250 25 145 260 266 945 600 220 2 '16 7 8 10 26 12 10 23 2 1 (Z) 13 14 17 10 59 20 10 24 25 » '43 100 '24 'ii "4 '51 17 "* 1 126 is 424 '24 355 273 96 27 1 79 20 1 44 130 531 9 338 270 85 28 3,822 3,318 552 1,621 1,150 1,650 1,428 85 5,032 i.ios 16,491 1,203 16,225 8,531 4,395 29 30 2,562 978 80 1,925 4,090 20,341 253 11,013 7,534 2,325 30 15 80 24 9 1 51 'ii 120 is 325 4 355 273 81 31 154 199 23 85 20 69 39 395 82 639 9 892 553 177 32 31 36 4 3 6 7 140 20 15 33 229 135 64 85 37 20 301 33 147 34 32 91 402 61 47 239 26 195 21 285 118 2ie 166 40 35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 2,673 3,693 39,111 17,701 14,255 10,779 2,282 105 7,229 2,020 16,963 10,942 5,752 4,588 1,660 37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36 10 84 386 46 17 238 15 8 194 21 221 30 213 166 40 39 50 174 1,321 1,020 259 362 57 4 466 154 562 220 398 308 112 40 22 11 36 27 30 6 11 1 2 81 93 5 tl 166 20 94 479 738 4 53 2 7 191 538 8 42 6 181 368 50 60 1,095 5 11 525 ii 991 66 676 45i 75 43 6 141 243 8 1 873 1 461 917 2 697 4U 65 44 300 11,004 46,926 9,867 9,331 153,449 136 350 19,018 845 63,431 5,857 31,901 12,4U 1,960 45 115 7,559 25,853 250 30 113,545 80 19,437 45,307 65 30,395 U,685 2,070 46 4 165 334 31 34 1,095 3 ii 506 ii 951 15 575 451 75 47 14 495 1,597 357 162 5,561 5 18 1,112 54 3,250 87 1,720 831 126 46 2 16 46 23 25 13 2 36 81 53 1 49 3 46 226 251 207 33 3 U8 291 202 2 50 5 U 36 9 5 468 1 246 5 354 25 422 259 77 51 200 225 1,255 1,905 588 32,230 30 117 4,971 100 9,537 1,315 17, 191 7,339 1,739 52 3 11 35 9 1 463 1 246 5 334 4 412 259 77 S3 22 11 55 120 1 1,165 (Z) 314 10 504 34 963 469 203 54 2 2 3 4 10 6 30 21 10 55 7 3 44 24 10 7 45 55 15 56 U 1 93 92 67 145 i36 io 57 16 189 84 175 U7 72 40 58 295 166 3,804 2,132 1,433 5,357 3,038 100 59 629 5,280 1,983 4,633 3,475 1,375 740 60 490 106 9,532 5,095 3,763 10,515 8,236 200 61 1,146 9,547 3,837 7,251 6,554 2,795 1,330 6° 538 1,170 829 216 366 2,016 657 699 939 254 1,794 343 1,123 763 604 63 372 990 643 97 144 1,524 368 571 776 171 1,508 180 903 640 463 64 412 1,276 753 162 195 1,854 480 657 997 233 1,796 274 1,146 724 837 6! 581,248 999,941 601,542 128,618 121,925 1,368,674 509,519 298,645 911,989 240,502 1,799,254 161,079 805,370 652,013 299,287 66 436,746 1,086,360 387,792 U2,400 81,003 1,784,137 431,725 279,155 1,148,017 301,609 1,658,983 176,135 764,370 663,577 801,919 67 281 776 475 79 87 1,046 275 462 601 138 1,302 146 597 396 218 68 2,076,708 2,264,029 1,392,384 1,361,522 742,657 2,008,404 2,421,644 1,369,005 2,935,692 1,668,345 2,465,100 1,118,850 1,609,707 966,288 325,985 69 369 721 557 182 196 1,381 430 449 463 141 1 148 239 634 409 147 70 373 942 749 171 267 1,565 460 515 673 156 1,411 214 755 487 311 71 587,378 317,755 243,523 503,237 239,121 877,466 917,922 173,387 123,965 183,379 313,629 455,473 217,962 161,290 47,197 72 321,178 254,694 316,557 201,119 239,071 652,652 617,231 200,875 181,041 135,368 306,277 240, 533 195,303 126,184 49,415 73 60 254 213 10 22 363 88 185 233 25 539 12 256 184 90 74 129 uy. 280 30 87 770 161 221 212 51 582 83 339 201 45 75 180 63 64 142 87 248 181 43 18 65 27 144 39 24 11 76 281 597 516 166 215 1,282 407 345 399 147 856 252 474 300 134 77 399 854 724 194 311 1,421 421 541 605 198 1,070 248 559 424 197 78 349,484 286,956 220, 198 546,640 279,154 619,930 484,073 173,954 223,048 153,095 314,385 303,965 222,414 127,635 172,891 79 362,253 252,422 X3,482 406,214 296,377 576,540 483,134 223,674 259,937 183,619 310,565 263,193 263,458 141,823 326, 176 8C 185 508 461 44 142 1,119 301 305 350 108 780 165 423 276 105 81 303 783 641 90 227 1,276 315 497 556 140 998 169 500 382 145 e: 50 58 38 39 40 132 59 25 33 18 72 53 26 11 15 83 56 58 65 44 58 106 70 32 34 43 59 55 35 28 35 84 46 31 17 83 34 31 47 15 16 21 14 34 25 13 14 85 40 13 18 60 26 39 36 12 15 15 13 24 24 14 17 86 33 26 14 48 21 17 25 11 9 13 12 23 19 9 U 87 13 5 3 35 13 14 22 4 7 8 2 11 6 4 3 81 533 1,154 809 211 365 2,001 644 689 924 253 1,764 342 1,103 757 579 61 550 1,264 858 261 424 2,017 641 794 1,042 317 1,831 361 1,177 690 597 9C 598,546 719,914 645,955 493,878 404,085 1,397,869 716,385 525,939 518,705 335,391 942,522 586,032 558,188 353,125 98,582 91 539,239 656,457 645,831 391,618 447,994 1,175,470 653,836 515,371 471,823 281,449 840,165 443,858 500,511 291,784 112,750 98 274 725 537 122 220 1,217 311 523 437 122 1,139 225 549 432 188 95 81,863 100,158 138,256 59,981 92,868 262,073 70,377 71,741 65,345 33,243 178,250 109,951 105,991 58,454 40,140 94 188 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Anderson Atchison Cattle and calves forms reporting number Cows, inclutling heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows. farms reportinc number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting number Steers and bulls, including s T anninc number Bom before June 1 farms reporting number 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954 . 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. I'loO. 1951. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by number of hogs and pigs— Under 10 farms reporting 1959. 10 ID 24 farms reporting 19.59. 25 to 99 farms reporting 1959. 100 or more farms reporting 1059. Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1959 . 1954 number 1959. 1954. l.ambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1959 . 1951. number 1959 . 1954. Sheep 1 yc.ir old and over fnrm^ reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1 059 . 1954 . Ewes farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Kams and wethers farms reptyting 1950. 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by nuiubc* of sheep and lambs- Under 25 farms reporting 1950 . 25 lo 209 farms reporting 1959 . nOO or more farms reporting 1059 . Chickens i months old and over -farms reporting 10,59 . 1951. number 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over- I'nder 50 farms repcrting 1959. 50 to 399 farms reporting 1959. 400 to 799 forms reporting 1959 . SOCIO 1,599 farms repcrting 1959. 1,600 to 3,190 farms repcrting 1959. 3,200 or more farms repcrting 1959 Ttiritey hens kept for brrwding farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . lOM. 81,372 102,679 4,32i,106 '1,3CH,950 73,874 98,688 1,476,691 1,807,939 46,889 77,982 316,470 452,924 70,167 89,967 1,209,789 1,159,676 70,707 87,383 1,637,626 1,337,335 1,311 5,307 7,375 13,435 27,695 16,521 9,728 5,286 24,550 19, UO 10,717 8,578 3,151 1,064 1,398 12,205 24,839 6,161 2,041 1,304 339 28,196 41,758 67,746 91,360 37,615 41,594 1,341,300 902,220 28,534 26,813 832,616 493,651 29,230 32,341 508,684 408,569 11,589 9,284 13,947 2,795 7,986 7,977 775,191 555,215 5,939 5,657 361,789 254,424 7,445 7,376 413,402 300,791 7,309 7,229 395,333 288,596 5,884 5,550 18,069 12,195 3,300 4,170 516 62,823 89,258 7,705,091 10,801,470 23,929 36,243 2,0U 377 205 56 664 823 32,071 35,079 1,069 1,359 38,720 39,483 1,005 1,310 16,235 18,310 704 1,136 6,417 8,978 950 1,204 11,644 11,362 878 1,034 10,841 9,811 15 85 104 228 399 184 54 64 350 287 152 116 a 9 6 125 335 166 43 29 6 301 395 723 763 465 458 15,522 7,973 367 331 10,394 5,422 368 342 5,128 2,551 148 99 189 29 144 144 6,240 5,157 107 100 2,074 2,180 136 137 4,166 2,977 134 136 3,994 2,826 101 102 172 151 76 55 3 881 1,189 105,736 156,348 300 544 33 3 1 11 19 46 72 993 1,149 43,487 39,409 932 1,108 18,493 17,881 618 935 5,117 5,406 398 1,028 12,871 10,585 889 997 12,123 10,943 53 99 161 374 207 92 45 286 263 160 109 45 4 20 134 294 124 45 15 6 307 421 744 835 438 448 16,797 9,243 344 326 11,370 6,031 357 340 5,427 3,212 95 112 201 30 128 161 4,811 6,501 91 109 1,261 1,933 U7 158 3,550 4,568 115 156 3,409 4,381 88 111 141 1B7 65 62 1 706 1,055 98,056 153,708 235 433 30 6 2 9 12 38 81 967 1,257 37,197 33,144 884 1,204 12,222 13,699 563 1,016 3,917 6,816 847 1,080 10,165 10,907 820 994 14,310 13,538 12 59 121 192 368 157 58 59 340 284 122 57 14 5 3 162 260 92 34 13 2 247 377 529 807 628 701 31,105 23,526 469 480 16,336 12,004 533 596 14,769 11,522 100 150 293 85 87 95 3,971 3,356 57 68 1,176 1,366 82 84 2,795 1,990 80 83 2,678 1,910 58 56 117 50 35 2 794 1,113 93,603 142,257 280 483 27 3 1 7 7 1,517 327 530 618 64,339 52,506 433 600 21,177 28,343 237 362 1,112 1,707 426 511 17,976 10,417 475 526 25,686 13,746 5 23 26 42 140 120 174 35 85 85 58 65 34 21 55 87 123 16 5 5 1 346 397 1,053 1,068 179 182 5,961 3,180 152 118 4,292 2,052 129 133 1,669 1,128 61 52 50 16 35 31 6,536 2,472 28 18 2,285 690 32 27 4,351 1,782 32 27 4,199 1,696 32 23 152 10 21 4 330 433 37,299 51,146 161 161 2 4 1 1 7 2 21 13 969 1,178 44,594 44,437 914 1,142 16,135 18,785 530 811 3,065 4,936 884 1,089 13,551 12,575 861 1,077 14,908 13,077 5 52 67 158 410 204 73 38 273 287 178 100 25 6 7 115 324 67 7 3 195 303 500 581 407 416 6,926 3,277 226 184 4,134 1,631 320 336 2,792 1,646 240 88 71 8 66 47 6,237 3,455 49 35 1,975 562 62 45 4,262 2,893 61 44 4,095 2,784 48 35 167 109 23 39 4 800 1,025 76,026 110,775 323 462 8 6 1 9 10 30 106 1,240 1,503 50,188 48,915 1,163 1,466 19,696 22,755 341 1,247 7,738 9,945 1,096 1,314 14,678 13,921 1,022 1,174 15,814 12,239 21 91 133 238 467 208 82 72 382 364 181 109 36 7 12 129 387 23S 60 26 4 415 599 932 1,277 585 568 20,038 11,370 459 385 12,578 7,271 473 453 7,460 4,599 170 150 226 39 142 155 5,249 4,061 109 107 1,715 1,120 137 145 3,534 2,941 133 145 3,380 2,807 109 93 154 134 77 63 2 966 1,295 94,482 138,651 421 517 29 2 1 31 26 1,392 1,013 1,158 1,561 49,361 54,562 1,016 1,478 13,596 17,387 715 1,275 5,890 8,760 995 1,357 13,391 14,269 1,001 1,337 22,374 22,906 18 54 96 24L 451 2U 84 63 386 339 142 71 10 1 4 132 368 145 44 20 6 226 393 399 739 682 901 40,143 39,414 530 618 24,616 20,130 572 752 15,527 19,284 92 134 348 108 113 131 9,297 9,904 79 101 4,762 5,169 100 U9 4,535 4,735 99 U9 4,356 4,576 74 85 179 159 55 49 9 941 1,369 105,972 153,357 318 593 27 1 2 KANSAS 189 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Chase Chautauqua Cherokee CbeypTinp Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur DlcklSEOD Doniphan Douglas 378 570 1,120 517 303 1,034 851 1,006 282 1,245 1,290 626 1,318 821 1,075 1 479 741 1,412 648 403 1,216 1,118 1,280 379 1,763 1,691 755 1,598 1,101 1,238 2 45,749 47,186 26,228 32,919 44,068 47,503 32,921 49,533 42,843 69,124 36,833 41,833 61,802 27,985 40,668 3 41,1U 43,602 25,867 33,893 40,519 49,343 40,234 48,260 37,347 76,282 37,937 44,082 61,195 29,509 35,494 4 340 540 1,042 484 236 936 800 909 224 1,U0 1,198 582 1,172 726 963 5 464 732 1,379 620 365 1,183 1,090 1,239 351 1,587 1,635 729 1,538 1,059 1,143 6 9,287 23,303 12,232 U,887 11,175 15,564 13,838 14,513 14,075 27,309 15,999 14,970 19,100 7,757 15,141 7 10,251 24,269 13,068 15,484 15,620 20,879 17,389 17,370 18,123 34,370 18,556 16,940 26,199 10,458 14,238 8 202 272 690 343 U2 572 478 658 U9 609 762 354 699 487 562 9 373 501 1,167 513 238 923 863 1,073 253 1,253 1,380 583 1,249 903 962 10 959 1,412 4,291 2,355 247 3,101 2,625 4,875 704 3,862 5,880 1,748 4,192 2,347 7,104 11 1,427 2,326 7,397 3,242 616 4,592 4,569 6,071 1,241 6,013 8,331 3,029 5,220 4,108 7,955 12 300 487 988 469 236 915 750 857 224 1,066 1,128 559 1,092 657 947 1.1 404 598 1,178 579 330 1,131 i,(>;i 1,129 313 1,448 1,402 703 1,414 903 1,085 H 5,576 10,881 8,772 9,608 U,458 14,516 10,007 13, 7U 10,170 18,958 U,893 U,751 16,959 6,447 12,798 15 8,320 9,629 8,042 9,104 9,736 13,271 U,739 12,704 9,369 20,061 U,438 12,261 16,790 7,121 U,418 16 348 495 812 472 265 943 726 870 255 1,079 1,038 558 1,160 653 899 17 423 517 992 590 360 1,121 1,000 1,1a 343 1,394 1,163 704 1,404 822 1,006 18 30,886 13,002 5,224 U,424 21,435 17,423 9,076 21,309 18,597 22,857 8,941 15,112 25,733 13,771 12,729 19 22,540 9,704 4,757 9,305 15,163 15,193 U,106 18,186 9,855 21,851 7,943 14,831 18,205 U,930 9,838 20 3 9 42 2 2 9 13 14 4 31 28 3 19 20 29 21 15 38 123 25 19 39 46 73 10 UO 123 24 69 102 78 22 31 42 183 36 U 90 70 105 7 115 184 27 124 133 120 2^ 42 75 311 64 24 148 148 173 17 219 307 52 208 183 221 24 112 167 354 166 63 405 356 317 50 332 453 2U 474 226 385 25 78 121 82 140 72 248 156 212 61 212 152 190 297 100 165 26 97 118 25 84 112 95 52 U4 U3 175 43 109 127 52 78 27 31 26 85 18 24 53 46 50 22 98 73 16 85 93 95 28 94 115 512 133 80 307 256 360 41 389 507 137 402 360 341 29 69 12A 279 Ul 38 261 220 232 23 247 352 135 323 159 256 ■m 47 73 100 88 21 181 142 UO 27 135 144 112 184 60 126 n 44 79 46 80 23 97 84 80 37 121 83 105 120 43 91 12 30 49 10 29 14 26 29 31 20 58 21 49 44 7 29 33 8 16 3 8 U 8 8 U U 19 3 15 8 3 10 34 17 58 7 17 25 3 5 5 43 43 5 13 6 1 5 3S 70 106 139 45 54 U3 97 143 53 267 147 88 205 U7 148 16 Ul U6 415 218 55 355 313 375 50 247 404 223 373 237 255 17 14 33 107 58 2 63 52 93 3 37 139 32 77 29 137 18 1 10 20 15 U 12 36 4 28 52 9 23 13 66 19 4 6 8 6 8 3 14 7 20 18 1 13 U 43 40 2 1 1 1 1 7 2 10 2 1 3 13 41 267 34B 306 189 199 238 219 390 193 579 316 214 445 257 338 42 331 484 423 303 238 438 383 584 253 800 517 399 646 502 389 43 1,070 1,068 653 395 701 431 455 799 487 1,309 831 428 380 520 776 44 1,311 1,321 811 642 730 838 740 1,152 661 1,723 1,048 880 1,270 1,041 779 45 140 248 467 265 44 527 407 465 73 490 566 355 590 663 447 46 167 293 519 255 62 505 501 533 104 537 606 395 563 802 440 47 6,815 9,639 9,753 7,427 1,099 20,598 12,379 17, 3U 2,065 15,175 19,396 13,989 21,512 40,540 18,856 48 3,283 4,391 5,523 4,094 535 16,486 3,616 U,383 1,668 10,905 10,500 9,336 U,347 38,711 U,258 49 109 196 348 2U 33 425 307 373 57 369 455 265 469 516 348 50 122 181 317 163 33 453 292 373 71 346 393 223 405 565 297 51 4,460 6,044 6,224 4,812 629 13,385 7,963 U,280 1,275 10, U6 U,828 7,772 14,259 21,145 U,521 52 2,333 2,493 3,178 2,157 301 10,666 4,515 6,841 801 6,626 5,599 4,567 7,343 17, 5U 5,410 51 US 202 367 168 32 413 297 367 54 404 453 277 470 538 355 54 125 239 393 174 46 478 399 416 68 409 490 317 436 700 368 55 2,355 3,595 3,529 2,615 470 6,712 4,416 6,031 790 6,059 7,558 6,217 7,253 19,495 7,235 56 950 1,898 2,345 1,937 234 5,820 4,100 4,547 867 4,279 4,9Ca 5,269 3,999 21,197 4,848 57 30 74 209 84 24 122 130 120 31 152 169 106 121 100 126 5S 38 57 130 87 16 121 U6 104 13 133 137 90 174 lU 107 59 53 97 115 83 3 243 141 210 24 172 223 131 253 342 162 60 19 20 13 U 1 41 20 31 5 33 37 38 42 UO 52 61 29 35 124 19 30 62 72 91 20 148 160 40 157 85 U6 62 24 35 139 28 34 48 65 105 26 186 214 56 146 89 128 63 3,672 2,043 3,983 2,884 2,986 6,720 6,516 4,219 1,675 7,594 5,599 3,775 14,897 3,563 5,858 64 989 1,796 3,994 2,026 2,157 4,846 4,464 4,075 4,082 7,349 5,152 5,380 8,075 2,981 5,283 65 22 23 84 U 27 49 49 71 14 107 113 35 122 66 84 66 14 23 100 22 30 40 48 30 23 118 123 42 96 67 90 67 1,238 658 1,247 1,900 1,025 1,586 1,490 1,457 621 2,125 1,504 1,029 5,508 1,661 2,464 68 V. 438 1,045 561 785 1,783 1,175 1,261 1,953 1,618 1,393 2,372 2,152 1,050 1,689 69 28 32 U9 17 26 61 72 33 17 142 153 40 148 74 104 70 24 35 135 25 33 44 63 99 23 173 207 51 143 77 U6 71 2,434 1,385 2,736 984 1,960 5,134 5,026 2,752 1,055 5,469 4,995 2,746 9,239 1,902 3,374 72 895 1,358 2,949 1,365 1,372 3,063 3,233 2,314 2,129 5,731 4,269 3,008 5,923 1,931 3,594 73 28 32 117 16 25 60 69 35 16 142 150 40 143 72 101 74 24 35 132 24 32 42 63 99 21 155 202 51 141 76 115 75 2,325 1,327 2,586 947 1,863 4,943 4,676 2,617 1,006 5,160 4,744 2,670 8,990 1,758 3,174 76 858 1,278 2,779 1,325 1,312 2,980 3,191 2,685 2,056 5,170 4,044 2,923 5,725 1,320 3,458 77 26 26 92 8 22 50 59 70 15 U2 121 23 123 55 81 78 21 30 118 14 22 35 46 75 22 136 160 24 U4 49 83 79 109 58 150 37 97 191 350 145 49 309 251 76 299 144 200 80 37 80 170 40 60 83 97 129 73 561 225 85 193 Ul 136 81 11 13 65 U 13 22 19 42 9 53 105 15 45 43 51 82 16 20 59 5 14 33 48 48 9 38 52 22 102 41 64 83 2 2 3 3 7 5 1 2 2 3 3 10 1 1 84 260 348 755 402 154 890 553 841 158 953 1,019 495 1,U1 585 831 85 414 465 1,245 563 304 1,097 970 1,197 258 1,497 1,486 642 1,504 993 1,132 86 40,430 30,144 65,146 41,181 13,131 170,296 84,968 155,877 10,217 94,631 U0,227 49,174 193,873 58,501 84,122 87 47,465 35,083 99,871 62,398 23,551 209,192 138,565 206,055 20,991 137,837 155,465 76,015 227,853 105,781 108,497 88 85 199 350 189 87 156 184 205 101 496 4U 229 226 253 356 89 164 142 388 195 55 676 446 561 53 438 571 252 828 417 450 90 7 4 16 15 44 17 62 4 10 33 10 74 12 22 91 2 1 3 8 3 9 6 1 3 10 3 92 2 "2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 93 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 " 1 1 94 8 19 4 1 1 5 1 5 9 20 1 3 2 7 95 "i 9 36 15 4 3 7 2 13 9 27 2 3 3 6 96 182 89 13 2 300 87 2 13 793 104 50 3,700 250 27 97 8 178 165 52 13 15 423 204 52 1,217 192 5 1,506 205 54 96 190 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON — Item Edwards EUs EUls EllSYiorth Finney Ford Franklin Geaiy Gove (For definitions wid explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves .forms reporting 1959 . . . 372 624 829 632 355 750 1,257 372 481 e 1954 . - . 4«3 799 948 745 437 981 1,555 4S3 551 3 number 1959 . . . 24,U7 41,773 39,277 40,488 49,827 60,189 48,871 24,590 46,351 1 1954.. 25,310 43,621 44,195 42,125 35,322 40,126 45,544 26,666 43,316 5 Co«s, including heifer? that have calved .farms reporting 1959... 304 593 806 609 269 590 1,145 353 454 6 1954-,. 458 784 935 735 412 894 1,465 466 541 7 number 1959 . . . 4,965 18,047 19,305 18,126 7,943 9,736 19,769 10,458 14,845 8 1954... 8,510 21,908 21,903 21,746 U,576 13,834 19,375 12,596 19,826 !1 Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . . 163 344 531 333 190 364 836 214 302 10 1954 . . . 299 600 767 525 301 615 1,249 367 445 11 number 1959 . . . 869 2,138 4,054 1,558 983 2,062 8,846 1,674 1,776 12 1954 . . . 1,474 3,769 5,742 2,624 1,579 2,930 9,587 2,189 2,636 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . . . 305 562 736 567 274 616 1,106 342 434 14 1954... 425 681 867 708 388 827 1,383 427 507 15 number 1959... 7,454 10,399 10,147 9,640 16,135 27,638 14,912 6,546 11,949 16 1954... 6,568 10,279 U,963 10,539 10,419 11,283 14,923 7,295 11,825 17 Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. .farms reporting 1959. . . 310 566 751 595 306 645 1,046 329 455 18 1954..- 419 599 853 703 377 831 1,247 423 515 19 number 1959 . - . U,698 13,327 9,825 12,722 25,749 22,815 U,190 7,586 19,557 20 Csltie and calves- 1954 - - - 10,232 11,434 10,329 9,840 13,327 15,009 U,a46 6,775 U,665 21 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 9 U 11 3 11 5 19 3 2 22 2to4 .farms repoting 1959 . . . 20 30 31 18 34 48 98 20 16 23 5 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 29 43 53 22 20 58 170 256 IB 55 17 33 24 10tol9 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 50 83 123 74 33 US 25 20 to 49 .famis repccting 1959. . , 125 190 366 238 55 232 407 109 136 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . . 81 139 168 170 64 171 221 92 U9 ■27 100 or n^ore Cows, Includinp. heifer* that have calved— .farms reporting 1959. . . 58 125 77 107 138 121 86 75 128 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. - . 28 34 18 10 41 57 65 20 17 20 2 lo 9 .farms reporting 1959 .. - m L43 203 110 90 240 451 76 91 30 10 to 19 .fanr.s reporting 1959 .. . S3 132 238 171 36 122 293 69 90 31 20 to 29 .farms reforting 1959 - . - 41 67 158 115 32 84 159 58 71 32 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 - . - 23 106 115 109 28 47 117 61 102 33 50 to 74 .farms reptxting 1959 .. . 12 56 34 42 20 25 37 44 41 34 75 to 99 .fanr.s reporting 1959 . . . 2 23 19 28 2 5 10 13 16 35 100 or more. ..,,.,,,,..,,,.,...... .farms reporting 1959 .. . 4 32 21 24 20 10 13 12 26 Milli COMS- 36 1 .farms reporting 1959 .. , 57 121 61 78 70 113 131 57 75 37 2 to 9 .farms repfrting 1959 . . . 82 14 156 325 217 30 105 196 401 115 17 164 38 10 1O19 .farms reporting 1959 .. . 40 104 2 30 172 46 39 20 to 29 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 7 13 27 4 3 9 63 7 12 11 40 30 to 49 .farms reporting 1959 . . - 2 12 12 4 5 14 54 g 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 2 2 5 2 15 6 42 Horses and 'or mules .forms refcrtine 1959 .. - 1954 . - - 116 175 340 511 273 392 268 369 194 228 262 370 359 528 179 274 176 270 43 44 number 1959 . . . 217 816 507 520 506 842 887 463 515 45 1954 . - - 332 1,226 701 813 486 826 1,131 740 632 46 Hoes and piss .farms reporlin:; I'I.tO. . - 105 298 430 169 172 258 495 146 213 47 1954 . - - 126 293 522 209 156 287 542 174 235 48 number 1959 . . . 1,659 15,059 3,122 2,782 3,699 5,609 16,641 7,566 4,085 49 1951 . - . 1,271 7,890 2,515 1,778 1,921 2,566 U,724 5,239 2,087 50 Bom since June 1 .farms reitirting 1959. . . 75 224 268 103 121 174 371 121 157 51 1954... 85 216 244 98 UO 177 356 135 117 52 numba 1959 .. . 1,035 9,861 1,851 1,787 2,344 3,359 10,306 3,799 2,580 53 1954 .. . 709 4,285 1,179 957 1,194 1,525 6,435 3,956 1,077 54 Bom before June 1 -farms reporting 19.59 . . . 70 236 276 124 124 183 393 114 155 55 1954 . , - 82 234 374 164 106 193 445 131 180 56 number 1959 - - , 624 5,198 1,271 995 1,355 2,250 6,335 3,767 1,505 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pies— 1954.,, 562 3,605 1,336 821 727 1,041 5,289 1,283 1,010 58 FnderlO .farms reporting 1959, , , 56 82 360 97 76 132 162 29 94 59 10 to 24 .farms refwrting 1959, , , .farms reporting 1959.. , .farms reporting l!i59.. . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 28 21 41 69 112 35 65 42 26 2 10 40 29 3 29 53 35 8 31 77 42 7 48 117 181 35 137 41 64 12 15 60 57 2 27 60 25 to 99 61 100 or more 62 Sheep and lambs 63 1954 . . . 46 70 13 33 26 34 168 16 13 61 number 1959... 4,735 2,867 223 2,116 16,110 15,596 7,774 934 2,972 65 1954... 5,299 2,517 556 1,555 7,768 U,544 6,862 399 4,015 66 I .amhs under 1 year old . farms reporting 1959 . . , 34 44 4 22 24 38 100 12 19 67 19.51 . . . 39 51 10 25 20 26 120 9 8 68 number 19.59 , . . 1,980 715 19 892 U,531 12,124 2,500 168 1,184 69 1954 .. . 2,685 768 173 397 5,424 10,439 2,361 90 376 70 Sheep 1 year old and over . .forms reporting 1959 . , . 39 61 8 29 20 41 132 15 23 71 1951 . . . 41 68 13 33 15 30 156 16 12 72 number 1959,.. 2,755 2,152 204 1,224 1,579 3,472 5,274 766 1,788 73 1954,,, 2,6U 1,749 383 1,158 2,344 1,105 4,501 309 3,639 74 Ewes . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 38 61 7 28 19 39 131 14 19 75 1954 , , 41 67 U 32 y. 28 153 16 12 76 number 1959 , . . 2,665 2,034 isa 1,170 1,499 3,162 5,093 735 1,715 77 1954 .. , 2,504 1,673 366 1,113 2,327 1,068 4,281 293 3,510 78 Kami and wethers . .fnrms repcrting 1959.. . 34 54 6 26 16 30 96 11 19 79 1954 . . . 30 52 8 25 6 19 123 7 6 SO number 1959 .. . 90 118 16 54 80 310 181 31 73 81 Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs 1954 .. . 110 76 17 45 17 37 220 16 129 82 Under 2.'. . .farms reporting 1959 . , . 12 22 9 4 11 22 59 7 13 83 25 lo 299 . .farms reporting 1959 . . , 23 43 1 25 9 17 73 8 10 84 .300 or more . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 6 U 9 5 4 85 Chickens 4 months old and over . .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 266 369 433 653 672 835 522 665 254 406 514 795 909 1,381 296 431 341 454 86 1954 . , . 87 number 1959... 23,666 43,426 43,948 72,867 16,469 55,633 76,111 42,786 23,208 88 1954 . , . 40,440 66,051 68,414 94,587 31,664 79,649 Ul,410 64,287 30,721 89 Under 50 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 131 21A rrr U3 150 225 456 83 206 90 50 to 399 . .farms reporting 1959. . . 126 204 293 356 100 270 439 197 131 91 400 to 799 . .farms repcrting 1959 . . , 8 8 ... 18 3 11 11 15 ... 92 una to 1,599 . .farms reporting 1959 , , 1 2 1 6 1 1 93 1,600 to 3.199 . .farms repwting 1959 , . . 2 3 1 2 "* 94 3.200 or more . .farms reporting 1959 ,. , 1 ... ... 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959 , . . 8 9 6 6 13 11 3 9< 1954 .. . 7 8 8 9 14 13 ... 5 97 number 19S9 . . . 26 2 99 37 21 65 35 ... 19 98 1954 .. . 32 8 20 57 24 51 55 17 KANSAS 191 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Graliaia Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey HaskeU Hodgeman Jackaon Jefferson Jewen Johnson Keamy 529 116 381 143 863 194 819 910 166 450 1,252 1,122 1,032 968 193 1 653 176 501 179 1,062 235 1,021 1,147 200 507 1,539 1,426 1,393 1,123 229 2 32,236 8,652 31,077 20,345 71,545 21,219 39,764 42,083 17,121 39,745 46,395 42,178 48,436 35,002 20,933 3 38,436 8,330 29,055 15,608 65,048 16,298 37,771 38,065 W,249 41,837 49,673 44,345 52,233 30,442 13,853 4 512 88 303 124 787 173 729 785 119 377 1,131 1,018 979 836 165 5 641 170 458 165 1,029 225 969 1,037 178 470 1,517 1,356 1,358 1,032 223 6 15,055 1,611 8,088 3,787 27,851 5,606 14,856 10,094 1,458 9,781 20,136 16,353 18,645 12,925 5,423 7 17,873 3,309 11,276 5,086 27,846 6,942 18,679 U,868 2,921 15,301 22,995 17,384 21,149 n,986 7,359 8 3U 45 205 80 442 98 364 548 87 240 723 680 656 531 91 9 486 128 341 112 784 155 685 951 130 318 1,254 1,122 1,113 802 175 10 1,393 93 1,025 240 2,104 427 2,591 4,589 430 1,442 4,883 5,912 3,393 4,987 345 11 2,746 398 1,807 370 2,927 599 3,795 5,989 666 2,009 8,110 7,354 5,468 5,845 791 12 473 82 286 115 704 152 698 775 119 353 1,109 968 944 800 157 n 598 140 414 153 901 205 875 999 163 439 1,375 1,255 1,299 928 195 H 8,541 2,154 8,547 4,076 15,692 6,395 10,526 13,765 5,175 11,481 12,769 12,399 13,805 n,395 4,471 15 11,058 2,001 7,267 3,059 16,401 4,665 8,998 11,336 3,810 9,155 13,740 13,273 15,412 10,048 4,574 le 464 100 331 127 768 169 703 794 137 336 1,067 960 939 794 169 17 562 154 457 158 913 206 860 1,003 175 460 1,302 1,170 1,276 849 204 19 8,640 4,887 U,442 12,482 28,002 9,218 U,382 18,224 10,488 18,483 13,440 12,926 15,986 10,682 n,039 19 9,505 3,020 10,512 7,463 20,801 4,691 10,094 14,361 7,518 17,431 12,938 13,683 15,722 3,408 6,920 20 8 3 7 1 16 3 18 19 4 12 U 22 7 25 6 21 20 12 28 9 53 16 50 82 13 24 87 94 50 115 7 22 21 8 24 15 46 13 57 94 U U 129 110 83 125 18 23 57 9 53 20 104 18 127 148 9 30 281 233 157 195 19 24 188 29 97 29 245 38 312 317 24 105 453 393 390 277 40 25 1A6 25 87 30 187 35 171 164 37 133 219 201 247 170 37 26 89 30 85 39 212 71 84 86 65 132 69 69 98 61 66 27 24 16 43 5 62 U 63 38 22 38 57 78 46 98 IB 28 83 34 134 48 208 63 213 345 56 99 407 354 297 310 43 29 127 10 48 26 142 20 193 181 13 61 351 298 283 179 27 30 103 10 36 13 112 17 100 92 12 58 179 14S 175 122 21 31 93 9 17 16 115 24 95 54 9 61 127 99 120 88 25 32 50 4 10 5 63 17 36 18 6 33 38 27 41 23 10 33 12 2 4 2 33 7 14 3 15 9 8 3 7 n 34 20 3 U 9 52 U ^ 4 "i 12 13 6 U 9 10 35 94 26 82 33 196 32 133 M9 37 78 176 181 136 155 30 3« 181 18 98 41 198 60 163 275 42 128 379 286 430 215 54 37 32 1 15 6 23 3 30 52 ... 12 115 121 79 62 4 38 4 7 ... 11 1 13 29 3 12 36 49 9 52 2 39 2 12 19 32 4 7 17 38 2 35 1 40 ... 1 ... 2 "2 6 U 1 3 ... 5 ... 12 41 217 66 118 65 541 107 323 242 90 189 466 378 345 366 io4 42 319 112 181 103 716 146 431 330 125 219 719 632 554 391 133 43 477 152 292 137 1,608 321 677 568 179 410 1,095 838 716 1,084 256 44 661 239 300 191 1,786 409 780 723 331 440 1,531 1,334 1,131 1,109 327 45 209 42 154 85 328 72 218 396 54 119 615 6n 657 471 82 46 259 57 143 59 349 70 206 496 50 124 747 664 763 482 71 47 4,731 667 3,993 3,107 13,107 1,619 4,363 12,245 1,409 1,625 23,461 27,773 33,276 21,515 1,888 48 2,892 399 1,601 903 7,083 818 2,951 8,660 403 878 18, U5 18,650 26,396 13,624 968 19 153 33 110 65 254 52 161 294 29 86 479 466 489 385 47 50 157 31 85 37 242 47 127 345 29 SO 500 432 464 348 37 51 3,017 394 2,588 1,783 8,081 1,169 3,111 8,230 871 1,021 14,683 16,040 21,458 U,403 1,205 52 1,477 222 1,007 408 4,015 572 1,738 5,465 191 473 9,735 10,041 13,951 7,841 306 53 144 27 100 67 252 48 139 298 41 67 494 495 527 384 65 54 172 42 105 45 260 49 159 370 30 74 587 532 614 388 48 55 1,7L4 273 1,405 1,324 5,026 450 1,252 4,015 538 604 8,778 n,733 n,81B 8,112 583 56 1,415 177 594 495 3,068 246 1,213 3,195 212 405 8,410 8,609 12,945 5,783 662 57 98 23 78 16 95 39 100 128 26 75 Ul 120 127 124 39 58 51 12 29 21 71 13 60 97 12 23 157 132 139 101 25 59 52 6 37 43 125 15 51 149 12 19 274 285 316 190 lA 60 8 1 10 5 37 5 7 22 4 2 43 74 75 56 4 61 14 3 29 17 51 16 137 239 9 26 129 93 95 134 W 6? 20 7 24 11 73 13 128 196 6 20 122 in 93 ns 15 63 1,898 4,868 5,816 6,104 2,817 30,310 12,751 20,886 101 6,058 6,332 3,005 9,236 7,206 3,204 64 2,877 613 6,160 5,265 3,011 7,049 5,532 15,608 490 5,073 4,551 3,729 7,708 5,333 4,650 65 11 3 26 15 32 U 108 180 5 23 86 67 66 102 U 66 15 5 21 8 43 9 81 138 5 17 82 75 75 76 n 67 340 4,602 2,065 3,152 590 21,857 4,239 8,082 32 2,119 1,644 850 4,391 2,921 6,857 68 1,247 161 3,311 3,369 796 5,633 1,771 6,000 192 2,390 1,792 845 4,425 1,867 4,343 69 14 1 19 12 50 9 134 224 8 25 121 86 87 121 9 70 IS 4 17 8 66 9 121 176 5 19 121 108 76 in 10 71 1,558 266 3,751 2,952 2,227 8,453 8,512 12,804 69 3,939 4,688 2,155 4,845 4,285 1,347 72 1,630 452 2,849 1,896 2,215 1,416 3,761 9,608 298 2,683 2,759 2,884 3,283 3,466 307 73 13 1 19 11 49 9 133 220 8 25 120 85 86 120 8 71 IB 4 17 p 63 7 U9 172 5 19 no 107 75 no 10 75 1,502 260 3,601 2,880 2,160 8,376 8,152 12,211 65 3,788 4,456 2,044 4,666 3,997 1,3U 76 1,585 442 2,789 1,875 2,099 1,397 3,602 9,302 292 2,525 2,654 2,765 3,150 3,241 254 77 11 1 16 9 36 7 116 180 4 23 91 62 71 103 8 78 12 2 13 2 52 5 101 141 3 12 79 78 52 78 5 79 56 6 150 72 67 77 360 593 4 151 232 in 179 288 36 80 45 10 60 21 116 19 139 306 6 158 105 n9 133 225 53 81 4 7 6 16 2 35 85 7 6 60 50 41 59 4 82 9 13 4 34 5 94 IX 2 U 68 43 47 70 5 83 1 "3 9 7 1 9 8 15 ... 7 1 7 5 5 84 425 95 304 no 541 U9 629 753 97 258 966 867 825 576 U4 85 531 159 428 144 819 188 902 1,116 165 332 1,424 1,281 1,201 888 205 86 31,302 4,787 23,955 58,155 51,982 10,103 75,250 123,094 7,303 28,411 108,712 86,467 107,442 58,736 9,412 87 52,961 12,309 42,015 W,434 79,298 U,193 104,085 174,869 14,729 42,807 17V,o33 139,381 150,655 75,177 17,261 88 200 68 186 54 227 84 295 255 48 91 304 354 199 278 77 89 221 27 109 41 301 64 307 430 47 158 641 493 594 281 64 90 4 ... 8 ... 7 1 13 50 2 8 IB 14 29 10 91 1 1 4 3 15 ... 1 2 5 2 2 92 6 2 ... 4 2 . • . 1 1 1 5 93 ... ... ... 8 ... ... 2 1 ... 94 6 2 6 8 4 10 13 4 1 6 12 9 4 95 6 '3 8 6 7 1 11 10 5 5 6 9 2 9 3 9< 16 6 30 57 25 42 4,051 17 4 19 65 341 12 13 97 19 '35 37 21 67 2 58 1,126 23 53 16 41 10 35 13 » 192 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON Item (For deriniUons and explanations, see text) Kingman Tano l£avenirorth Logan Cattle and calves farms reporting number Cctvs, including heifers that have calved farms reporting numlier Milk co»^ farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting number Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves- . . farms repDrting number 1959. 1954 1959. 1954, 1959 1954. 1959- 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1059. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Farms reporting b\ number on hand: Cattle and calvos- 1 farnts refofting 1959 . . 2 to 4 farms reptrting 1959 . . 5 to 9 fanr.s reporting 1959 . . 10 to 10 farms reporting 1959 . . DO to 49 fam.s repotting 1959 . . 50 to 99 farms reporting 1959 . . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . . Cows, including heifers that have ealvert- 1 farms reporting 1959. . 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959 . . 10 to 19 fam.s reporting 1959 , . 20 to 29 farms reporting 1959 . . 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 74 farms reporting 1959 . 75 to 99 fanr.s reporting 19.59 . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . . Milk co»s- 1 farms reporting 1959 . . 2 to 9 farms reporting 1959. . 10 to 19 farms reporting 1959. . 20 to 29 farms reporting 1959 - 30 to 49 farms reporting 1959 . . 50 or niorc farms reporting 1959. . Horses and or mules forms reporting 1959 . , 1954., number 1959 . . 1954.. Hops and pies farms reporting ItoO. . 19,54 . . number 1959 . . 1951.. Bom since June 1 farms rcrorlini: 1959.. 1954 , . number 1959. . 1054 . . Bom before June 1 farms reporting 1959. . 1054 - . number 1950 . 1954 . . Farms reporting by numbA of hogs and pigs- Under 10 farms reporting 1950. . 10 to 24 farms reporting 1059 . . 25 lo 09 farms reporting 1959 . . 100 or more farms reporting 1959 . . Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1959.. 1954 . . number 1959. . 1054.. Iambs under 1 vcar old farms reporting 1059 . . 1051.. number 10.59 . . 1954 . . Sheep 1 year old ami over farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . . number 1950. . 19.54 . . Ewes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954., number 1959 , , 1954 , , Hams and wethers farms reporUng 1959, , 1054 . , number 1959., 1954 , , Farms reporting by number of sheep and bmbs- Undcr 2,5 farrnis reporting 1050. 25 lo 209 farms reporting 1959. .300 or more farms reporting 1959. Chickens 4 months old and over farms repming 10.50. 1951 . number 1050. 1954. Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over— Under 50 farms reporting 1959 . 50 lo 399 farms repcrting 1959. 400 to 799 farms rrportinp 1050. fiOO to 1,599 farms reporting 1959, 1,600 to 3,199 farms teptrting 1959 , 3,200 cr more farms reprrting 1959 Turfcey h«is kept for breeding farms reporting 1959. 1054. number 1959. leH. 927 1,167 4S,607 i9,923 867 1,144 20,615 25,107 526 873 3,352 5,107 813 1,020 13,632 13,399 805 1,019 U,360 U.,417 11 50 57 136 330 221 122 57 224 220 134 142 54 13 23 165 267 44 23 25 2 348 533 727 1,038 389 456 10,607 6,723 232 279 6,955 3,966 307 353 3,652 2,757 136 118 118 17 150 134 12,206 5,062 110 89 3,562 1,155 148 127 8,644 3,907 IM 125 8,336 3,761 112 99 308 146 45 97 695 1,017 71,656 112,856 288 389 9 10 7 617 85 310 410 27,343 22,941 252 381 7,529 9,216 140 300 553 1,125 247 352 7,437 5,985 272 366 12,377 7,740 5 18 18 36 96 68 69 33 89 50 24 20 22 3 U 71 57 7 2 2 1 153 211 416 503 95 132 2,350 1,494 61 76 1,570 796 70 107 780 698 43 26 23 3 50 47 11,955 8,865 42 39 5,496 5,227 43 40 6,459 3,638 41 39 6,231 3,520 37 35 228 118 12 25 13 190 338 17,179 26,120 113 69 5 2 1 1,384 1,821 49,831 56, 558 1,281 1,744 18,849 22,219 811 1,403 7,399 9,867 1,214 1,531 W,044 15,312 1,189 1,406 16,938 19,027 33 126 159 297 499 195 75 97 484 381 161 lU 36 5 6 159 385 166 61 32 8 353 613 862 1,232 617 695 18,703 11,645 479 504 12,479 7,061 502 522 6,224 4,584 194 169 219 35 253 265 9,127 7,170 176 175 2,678 1,722 244 257 6,449 5,448 241 249 6,094 5,093 193 206 355 355 143 107 3 997 1,563 99,889 156,512 444 527 18 5 2 1 25 34 100 206 275 281 37,178 23,460 201 258 6,636 7,589 108 177 524 777 205 236 10,528 6,396 235 241 20,014 9,475 12 4 11 46 67 135 16 58 31 20 29 19 15 13 1 153 167 535 465 1,444 368 50 56 934 489 55 48 510 379 45 18 15 2 15 9 2,299 2,096 10 6 581 174 W 9 1,718 1,922 12 9 1,658 1,864 9 8 60 58 6 5 4 170 203 10,623 15,020 109 60 1,170 1,517 32,712 32,644 1,077 1,425 14,687 15,192 674 1,U7 7,389 9,472 1,003 1,280 10,549 10,813 923 1,092 7,476 6,639 26 127 177 272 371 155 42 107 431 274 143 92 21 3 6 176 236 123 77 45 17 300 536 657 1,084 668 695 31,544 20,320 534 464 17,466 10,883 577 575 14,078 9,437 162 156 281 69 89 93 3,236 4,248 65 70 928 1,598 85 87 2,308 2,650 83 86 2,178 2,529 60 61 130 121 51 37 1 873 1,230 88,230 107,023 444 409 13 2 2 3 12 13 45 49 722 887 42,813 48,736 661 865 15,620 21,939 433 691 2,136 3,304 630 818 10, 598 12,226 657 822 16,595 14,571 8 30 40 83 239 195 122 31 173 166 102 U6 46 11 16 286 40 7 1 1 253 387 463 800 277 320 6,856 3,427 205 178 4,620 1,906 209 236 2,236 1,521 113 71 82 11 41 31 5,669 2,975 27 28 1,672 526 41 27 3,997 2,449 41 27 3,832 2,390 33 20 165 59 28 5 617 810 98,583 115,257 153 438 14 5 6 1 2 2 401 4 1,062 1,265 38,345 36,418 1,001 1,232 16,046 16,347 694 1,032 5,388 5,869 918 1,121 10,970 10,338 399 1,027 11,329 9,733 25 84 121 217 371 177 67 81 352 280 158 89 20 12 9 157 331 U6 51 17 2 323 426 650 847 562 584 22,654 14,327 442 374 U,426 8,114 448 485 3,228 6,213 154 136 223 49 98 108 4,168 3,047 68 66 1,074 656 94 98 3,094 2,391 93 97 2,983 2,293 73 78 lU 98 48 48 2 826 1,092 101,943 140,856 334 453 32 5 1 1 9 13 705 901 243 272 23,806 30,876 222 263 8,614 12,816 132 196 806 1,138 206 256 7,240 8,595 212 256 7,952 9,465 6 9 13 a 54 70 70 19 37 45 41 36 13 9 22 40 64 19 6 3 123 165 390 436 120 115 2,746 1,554 SO 67 1,392 936 93 32 1,354 568 46 35 37 2 13 15 4,760 15,140 10 12 1,141 10,081 11 13 3,619 5,059 11 13 3,285 4,974 6 10 334 85 5 3 5 187 226 17,355 19,263 104 77 2 3 1 3 15 KANSAS 193 CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued MCPIKPSOD Marlon Marsbsll Meade Miami Mitchell Montgoiiiery Morris Morton Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne 1,500 1,462 1,548 390 1,364 709 1,268 775 132 1,425 1,135 682 735 1,175 786 1 1,825 1,806 1,907 497 1,654 859 1,753 969 182 1,599 1,560 777 882 1,485 898 2 61,358 69,094 52,927 35,010 44,070 31,583 41,079 51,174 15,007 63,822 37,417 52,112 40,474 58,221 49,773 3 58,976 72,690 60,841 33,815 39,809 36,358 41,283 57,874 10,733 63,201 42,537 52,959 45,252 55,776 51,495 4 1,360 1,319 1,481 329 1,276 664 1,165 721 lU 1,310 1,056 587 685 1,035 742 5 1,772 1,770 1,874 466 1,592 828 1,580 939 173 1,554 1,509 735 856 1,418 885 6 19,185 21,866 21,713 8,958 18,740 11,521 16,588 16,944 3,670 19,652 15,220 16,655 16,017 15,237 21,800 7 2i,yn 29,706 27,003 13,360 18,257 15,039 20,538 21,228 4,660 22,525 19,590 21,908 19, 149 17,648 24,416 8 952 936 1,008 176 818 410 555 489 42 1,005 692 349 463 674 491 9 1,513 1,515 1,555 354 1,221 649 1,263 774 Ul 1,437 1,229 500 684 1,148 714 10 6,T76 7,059 6,093 914 6,905 1,885 4,495 3,746 125 7,629 5,184 2,066 2,549 3,804 2,571 11 9,098 9,748 9,092 1,752 8,030 3,040 7,074 4,523 300 10,134 8,519 2,982 4,012 5,729 3,255 12 1,317 1,290 1,374 3U 1,206 631 1,092 676 101 1,237 995 587 561 990 704 n 1,65^ 1,632 1,747 424 1,438 761 1,432 851 159 1,499 1,318 698 819 1,284 822 M 16,3il 19,090 15,361 9,934 12,936 9,020 12,338 12,003 4,539 15,932 11,588 13,850 12,277 17,375 12,862 1 15 16,782 18,836 16,970 8,593 12,061 10,245 12,437 13,666 2,736 15,805 12,253 12,357 12,393 17,643 13,243 16 1,35* 1,321 1,351 336 1,178 597 1,029 707 U8 1,279 955 625 676 1,002 718 17 1,622 1,621 1,703 449 1,271 760 1,251 853 158 1,545 1,194 736 818 1,257 846 18 25,832 28,138 15,853 16,118 12,394 11,042 12,153 22,227 6,798 28,238 10,509 21,607 12,180 25,609 15, lU 19 17,617 24,148 16,868 11,862 9,491 U,074 8,308 22,980 3,337 24,871 10,794 18,594 13,710 20,485 13,836 20 21 17 13 10 31 8 29 3 1 U 23 4 9 24 6 21 92 78 73 27 106 36 127 41 12 46 82 16 29 109 21 22 152 130 160 22 163 61 181 55 11 100 U7 27 35 140 34 2f! 320 238 359 51 321 U7 308 94 16 240 222 51 88 183 99 24 530 536 626 117 492 243 405 247 25 615 446 238 280 371 267 25 275 335 252 73 194 Ul 163 204 19 297 164 198 204 218 219 26 110 128 65 ' 90 57 73 55 131 48 112 52 148 90 130 140 27 121 69 59 33 102 44 99 38 W 73 74 27 30 126 22 28 579 500 594 U9 480 241 488 203 36 450 407 121 139 391 154 -'9 350 363 461 53 390 162 325 166 9 468 325 137 181 253 168 10 161 176 191 30 157 99 124 121 8 173 U8 104 155 135 127 n 97 151 132 39 109 75 89 U7 20 109 Br? 120 118 91 150 V2 29 45 35 21 24 29 23 45 9 27 16 42 36 25 68 33 13 6 5 15 5 8 9 U 4 4 6 15 18 7 25 34 10 9 4 19 9 6 8 17 11 6 3 21 8 7 28 3S 251 195 165 71 2U 115 191 109 25 160 168 85 98 228 97 •w 519 547 645 88 358 253 310 262 13 553 341 196 284 344 337 17 82 101 175 5 U5 31 100 64 2 212 123 46 65 54 43 38 49 38 W 5 59 7 36 24 47 37 17 V. 28 7 39 42 46 8 3 33 3 U 27 1 IS 19 5 2 17 5 40 9 9 1 4 9 1 5 3 5 4 3 1 41 336 302 383 160 361 229 406 371 82 295 282 239 266 459 281 4! 482 532 752 246 519 305 602 534 107 523 4U 318 421 681 439 43 751 723 734 427 921 510 975 775 209 573 741 554 593 971 536 44 1,028 1,0% 1,539 534 1,016 667 1,207 1,153 234 1,096 885 655 913 1,548 952 45 654 628 829 U5 736 259 587 391 49 1,014 557 235 447 570 332 46 731 687 983 134 749 354 589 408 59 1,168 558 250 496 645 355 47 16,478 17,662 34,956 2,994 29,579 8,548 18,198 15,097 585 58,354 21,391 3,242 15,344 19,640 9,727 48 9,866 U,228 26,081 1,212 19,139 6,690 8,520 10,602 466 49,419 10,658 1,501 9,599 14,258 5,848 49 491 477 640 83 585 208 473 304 32 731 453 147 341 431 245 50 458 452 673 86 519 210 408 285 36 694 394 154 306 435 229 51 11,070 U,520 21, a7 1,970 18,390 5,741 11,254 10,549 3U 31,023 13,311 1,778 9,2W 12,511 5,973 52 6,048 6,245 U,419 692 10,902 3,935 5,154 6,104 214 21,248 6,421 884 4,970 7,751 3,065 53 464 485 666 88 603 196 463 326 33 840 444 159 342 455 258 54 559 526 755 87 607 278 424 341 40 985 435 139 369 512 288 55 5,408 6,142 13,739 1,024 11,189 2,807 6,934 5,548 271 27,341 8,080 1,464 5,130 7,129 3,754 56 3,818 4,983 11,662 520 8,237 2,755 3,356 4,498 252 28,171 4,247 617 4,529 6,517 2,783 57 252 212 168 52 178 73 210 86 32 112 155 Ut 115 154 108 58 182 175 191 21 172 85 171 100 11 204 118 54 124 155 98 59 197 215 382 38 324 98 176 168 6 528 237 32 177 225 110 60 23 26 88 5 62 13 X 37 170 45 3 31 36 16 61 171 121 64 34 175 82 188 41 9 92 181 22 34 114 40 62 156 122 58 30 204 89 190 47 2 99 1S3 24 29 UO 48 63 13,057 11,435 6,440 5,203 6,724 6,556 7,545 3,355 10,499 4,984 8,174 2,212 2,137 5,161 6,0U 64 5,596 6,685 3,092 3,717 7,109 5,979 4,519 2,116 U 4,705 5,330 4,077 1,746 5,724 3,983 65 134 97 45 30 117 65 135 32 8 71 U9 19 25 83 35 66 110 76 45 21 139 59 128 29 1 77 119 20 26 109 36 67 4,136 4,103 3,291 1,759 2,239 1,912 2,582 1,158 9,912 1,509 2,292 1,400 702 2,103 2,343 68 1,901 1,907 1,066 1,291 2,220 1,545 1,229 557 3 1,626 2,218 2,212 649 1,780 S41 69 159 116 57 32 169 76 179 41 4 87 172 18 31 107 35 70 U5 118 53 27 194 79 176 46 2 94 175 17 23 131 45 71 8,921 7,332 3,U9 3,444 4,485 4,644 5,063 2,197 587 3,475 5,882 812 1,435 4,058 3,701 72 3,695 4,778 2,026 2,426 4,889 4,433 3,290 1,559 11 3,080 4,112 1,865 1,097 3,944 3,142 73 155 lU 55 31 167 75 178 41 4 87 159 15 30 105 35 74 142 109 53 27 189 77 169 45 2 92 173 17 23 130 45 75 8,407 7,003 3,043 3,333 4,210 4,466 4,775 2,116 577 3,361 5,541 777 1,359 3,884 3,571 76 3,524 4,434 1,972 2,364 4,689 4,282 3,098 1,477 9 2,913 3,885 1,845 1,023 3,802 3,039 77 133 95 47 26 133 59 U3 32 3 63 145 13 26 80 34 78 114 94 36 21 154 55 139 35 1 71 137 9 20 84 43 79 5U 329 106 111 275 178 288 81 10 UA 341 35 66 174 130 80 171 294 54 62 200 151 192 82 2 167 227 20 74 M2 103 81 60 45 34 11 93 27 110 17 2 40 81 9 10 54 8 82 106 65 28 16 80 52 74 21 50 100 10 24 58 26 83 5 11 2 7 2 3 4 3 7 2 3 2 6 84 1,164 1,275 1,295 272 948 548 894 600 97 1,195 946 482 599 973 644 85 1,628 1,667 1,735 376 1,409 739 1,505 825 157 1,514 1,384 537 770 1,343 782 86 195,364 288,178 219,537 17,450 94,781 62,312 91,503 81,018 5,898 198,995 122,109 43, 5U 57,284 123,845 69,977 87 255,989 315,542 278,324 32,447 139,021 89,720 133,793 109,995 11,445 239,579 168,758 57,606 81,143 177,376 104,664 88 335 194 264 160 445 176 478 180 60 199 373 234 218 302 204 89 730 915 935 107 478 359 392 395 35 937 523 239 369 623 427 90 69 128 82 4 18 10 15 15 1 AB 39 5 11 42 12 91 19 26 9 1 4 3 4 5 9 6 I 1 5 1 92 9 10 5 3 3 4 1 4 3 1 93 2 2 2 1 1 94 U 7 3 3 8 2 25 3 4 1 15 6 1 3 8 95 24 8 2 7 8 34 3 2 3 18 2 4 4 16 96 5,384 152 62 11 61 2 70 1,575 22 5 548 18 2 1,511 150 97 9,551 1,029 2,272 19 41 155 2,767 3 8 86 8 15 1,727 115 ge 194 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8. -LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ON — Item Ottaira Pawnee Phillips Potta- Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice (For definitions and explanations see text) watomie 1 Cattle and calves .forms reporting 1959. . . &U) 537 855 971 510 583 1,602 1,233 695 o 1954 . . . 850 662 1,062 1,339 683 698 2,138 1,477 904 3 number 1959 . . . 35,6i3 30,880 46,373 57,196 25,363 35,945 64,232 41,746 37,131 4 1954 . . . 38,924 30,235 50,468 68,747 21,961 41,874 66,968 45,524 37,239 5 Cov\5. incluJing heifers that have calved .farms reporting 1959 , , . 592 458 828 896 441 560 1,433 1,163 582 6 1954 . , 823 629 1,050 1,292 658 684 2,052 1,431 866 7 number 1959 . . . 13,413 8,131 20,692 23,236 6,591 15,172 24,970 15,645 10,668 8 1954 . . . 17,085 11,952 22,101 30,254 9,544 20,792 30,720 17,939 15,153 (1 Milk cows .farms reporting 1959 . . - 358 234 552 593 219 390 842 696 331 10 1954.,. 628 412 806 1,034 430 539 1,591 1,105 620 11 number 1959 . . , 2,288 1,347 2,950 3,571 1,442 2,032 6,809 3,302 2,202 12 1954 . . - 3,554 2,365 4,352 5,175 2,274 2,725 9,466 5,088 3,350 13 Heifers and heifer calves .farms reporting 1959 . , . 536 458 786 815 435 527 1,390 1,114 585 U 1954 . . . 763 596 995 1,168 606 647 1,896 1,358 839 15 number 1959... 8,248 8,400 13,251 13,797 7,033 9,935 19,975 12,726 11,178 16 1954... 10,013 7,749 14,234 16,585 5,892 11,198 19,612 13,820 10,291 IT Steers and bull?, incli*Jing slew and hull calves. , farms reporting 1959 . . . 591 472 783 836 450 531 1,379 1,110 603 18 1954.,. 769 604 969 1,172 603 640 1,793 1,353 807 19 number 1959... 13,982 14,349 12,430 20,163 11,739 10,838 19,287 13,375 15,285 20 Farms reporting by number on band: Cattle and calvo^- 1954 . . . 11,821 10,534 14,133 21,908 6,525 9,884 16,636 13,765 11,795 21 1 .farms rerortinE 1959 . . . 7 8 5 22 5 3 40 24 54 10 50 22 2 to 4 .farms reporting 1959 . , . 33 34 29 51 35 24 143 23 5 to 9 .faniis reporting 1959 . . . 52 46 45 84 40 23 152 116 62 24 10 to 19 .farms reporting 1959... 86 81 106 121 96 61 289 256 98 2S 20 to 49 .fam 1,599 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1 600 (o 3 199 . .farms repeating 1959 ., . 4 2 3 3 3 10 4 2 04 1 ,iiin.' uj u^hjaT - .,.,..4.........*.. ....- 3 200 or more ..farms repoting 1959.. . 1 1 1 1 1 95 Turkey hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959 . 1 6 3 8 4 28 1 5 »S 1954 . . . 4 5 9 2 1 1 31 3 3 97 number 1959... 1 55 8 381 44 714 1,000 25 98 1954... 24 42 35 'ii 2 14 2,967 1,750 17 KANSAS 195 FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Riley Roolts RuBh Russell Saline Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sberldan Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens 687 633 636 656 692 265 1,315 185 952 549 363 977 625 130 166 1 899 801 835 795 965 325 1,685 246 1,354 635 439 1,201 832 155 232 2 42,606 41,692 30,580 35,761 39,264 38,110 55,669 19,879 34,334 39,674 25,776 54,566 32,017 28,142 U,406 3 47,657 43,834 38,068 41,736 40,114 26,242 50,026 17,414 37,814 42,447 25,240 52,739 34,010 15,651 9,243 4 656 610 576 631 626 186 1,162 136 829 520 318 916 577 89 127 5 867 786 811 785 940 298 1,609 220 1,257 622 429 1,172 807 144 222 6 15,671 19,209 10,779 17,262 16,132 3,917 17,970 3,297 12,788 14, a7 6,984 19,059 12,005 7,077 1,876 7 19,087 21,357 16,081 21,408 19,392 7,056 21,534 6,760 15,582 19,440 11,327 20,967 14,495 4,694 3,551 8 477 338 327 359 373 121 771 79 515 355 221 644 258 48 57 9 726 577 558 583 747 224 1,286 148 995 497 358 1,004 505 116 149 10 3,330 1,857 1,677 2,431 2,789 456 7,692 352 3,465 2,235 1,384 3,717 1,211 U8 143 U 3,908 3,092 2,860 3,168 4,003 810 9,257 599 5,696 3,316 2,386 5,190 2,058 379 398 12 602 565 558 596 574 204 1,084 133 802 486 310 865 549 97 116 13 813 730 771 728 823 264 1,419 208 1,110 598 396 1,127 755 118 196 14 11,731 11,279 7,426 9,320 9,643 14,771 15,949 4,899 10,047 10,679 8,460 13,762 9,957 10,027 2,160 IS 13,082 11,070 10, 174 10,506 9,673 6,911 15,089 4,921 11,145 10,722 6,604 14,611 9,817 4,693 2,297 16 622 597 592 609 594 218 1,089 153 788 503 304 899 561 98 142 17 312 745 784 724 811 288 1,352 209 1,087 602 386 1,115 732 127 192 18 15,204 11,204 12,375 9,179 13,489 19,422 21,750 11,683 11,499 14,778 10,332 21,745 10,055 11,038 7,370 19 15,488 11,407 11,813 9,822 11,049 12,275 13,403 5,733 11,087 12,285 7,309 17,161 9,698 6,264 3,395 ■20 6 3 4 6 9 5 30 5 21 7 5 7 4 3 7 21 32 15 24 15 48 13 U3 18 112 13 30 21 29 9 9 22 49 37 38 34 68 15 U3 9 156 22 21 55 51 5 23 23 86 63 91 75 77 15 225 18 180 49 43 121 103 13 16 24 204 205 251 286 252 51 ne 39 275 161 94 373 227 12 41 25 204 198 171 146 146 49 236 40 146 177 87 277 144 22 35 26 106 112 57 94 92 117 90 56 62 120 83 123 67 66 35 27 44 16 22 16 39 27 125 21 108 18 27 36 35 13 13 28 186 97 178 133 203 74 431 U 312 106 114 237 176 29 64 29 140 125 169 158 144 27 273 27 189 124 61 259 150 U 18 10 100 128 97 131 92 18 157 12 100 104 39 174 101 4 13 31 117 137 77 104 81 19 123 13 79 93 40 154 76 7 13 32 4« 61 23 49 36 10 36 6 23 40 18 34 22 6 4 33 10 22 3 23 15 3 11 8 9 22 12 11 7 8 1 34 11 24 7 17 16 8 6 5 9 13 7 11 10 11 1 35 121 61 78 58 115 51 224 42 184 79 57 99 108 28 33 36 281 222 197 224 187 67 317 30 213 201 126 446 112 18 22 37 33 43 46 53 24 2 80 2 71 58 22 85 25 2 38 14 10 4 16 19 61 2 27 11 9 6 9 2 39 22 2 2 6 21 72 2 12 5 6 7 4 40 6 2 7 "i 17 1 8 1 1 1 11 275 256 109 236 213 114 381 106 407 215 124 296 194 63 84 42 480 369 186 372 353 164 476 149 527 305 179 509 288 88 126 13 651 541 187 615 513 411 1,082 353 1,275 441 324 595 394 206 314 44 1,108 814 288 831 725 677 1,075 355 1,217 649 366 1,107 528 289 272 45 387 250 178 221 221 119 565 48 443 310 179 520 202 61 62 46 470 292 239 288 266 107 598 53 531 315 166 604 225 48 72 47 19,987 4,664 2,053 3,287 6,358 2,401 26,255 866 13,938 8,848 4,232 18,908 5,375 2,247 1,644 48 16,950 3,045 2,081 2,271 4,685 1,375 15,739 552 11,151 4,094 3,666 14,515 2,542 517 536 49 297 181 104 146 180 79 442 34 336 242 131 379 151 45 44 50 328 190 110 152 141 66 411 32 349 194 111 329 150 23 34 51 12,221 3,155 1,202 2,025 4,205 1,320 20,079 484 8,654 6,048 2,716 11,130 3,594 1,018 942 52 9,157 1,755 1,133 1,314 2,493 805 9,092 330 5,688 2,618 2,068 6,690 1,424 221 262 53 322 176 109 155 145 87 413 36 346 209 103 381 155 50 43 54 397 199 160 209 204 79 468 38 404 227 112 481 162 39 51 55 7,766 1,509 851 1,262 2,153 1,081 6,176 382 5,284 2,800 1,516 7,776 1,781 1,229 702 56 7,793 1,290 948 957 2,192 570 6,647 222 5,463 1,476 1,598 7,825 1,118 296 274 57 60 132 133 132 74 60 180 25 156 110 78 143 82 20 28 58 72 59 24 52 57 33 144 15 114 76 40 115 55 16 17 59 206 52 17 34 79 22 201 6 150 111 55 227 55 20 13 60 49 7 4 3 11 4 40 2 23 13 6 35 10 5 4 61 36 15 29 20 41 8 332 2 66 29 41 36 50 9 6 S2 34 28 32 14 34 12 330 8 87 22 34 17 57 6 8 63 5,724 807 4,358 1,210 3,712 3,174 45,789 2,270 4,067 3,908 19,593 2,802 5,199 4,846 2,399 64 2,518 1,274 2,706 1,015 1,7U 2,4«7 43,453 3,390 3,047 2,279 5,184 742 2,788 4,130 3,075 65 27 10 23 17 30 6 239 2 53 24 34 32 38 7 6 66 30 21 29 9 26 5 238 6 56 19 21 15 42 3 6 67 3,869 279 1,292 401 1,364 2,075 26,618 1,970 1,346 1,255 10,035 912 1,477 4,376 2,272 68 1,691 500 1,024 260 372 555 33,253 754 1,101 1,229 701 208 804 371 3,033 69 32 15 25 19 38 5 313 1 62 27 38 31 46 6 4 70 26 24 25 U 32 11 292 7 82 21 31 15 55 5 4 71 1,855 528 3,066 809 2,348 1,099 19,171 300 2,7a 2,653 9,558 1,890 3,722 470 127 72 827 774 1,682 755 1,339 1,932 10,200 2,636 1,946 1,050 4;483 534 1,984 3,759 42 73 30 15 24 17 37 5 309 1 60 27 37 30 46 6 4 74 25 21 24 13 32 10 290 7 82 20 28 15 54 5 4 75 1,772 499 2,979 728 2,245 1,073 18,421 300 2,512 2,552 9,235 1,811 3,597 451 115 76 799 732 1,6a 736 1,295 1,873 9,759 2,622 1,840 994 4,338 511 1,899 3,752 35 77 20 !.•= 20 15 30 3 236 54 22 32 24 39 5 3 78 17 21 18 n 24 5 216 "4 57 17 26 8 48 3 2 79 83 29 87 81 103 26 750 209 101 323 79 125 19 12 80 28 42 61 19 44 59 441 ii 106 56 145 23 85 7 7 81 16 6 10 9 13 3 U4 18 8 8 IB 15 4 2 82 17 9 15 10 27 2 181 47 17 15 16 30 1 3 83 3 4 1 1 3 37 "2 1 4 18 2 5 4 1 84 567 482 473 458 581 U9 1,014 129 732 404 293 803 461 96 139 85 829 684 651 635 929 253 1,545 168 1,139 538 376 1,063 690 160 209 86 110,050 35,366 52,899 41,320 67,241 10,125 128,950 8,629 91,075 34,179 26,210 93,280 41,310 4,237 6,903 87 152,932 64,102 66,830 60,171 113,760 24,990 185,196 13,983 107,556 55,858 41,493 134,820 63,166 10,276 12,263 88 106 227 199 182 189 a 378 81 384 198 139 229 270 70 93 89 418 251 260 269 373 66 590 45 313 196 1A6 557 175 26 45 90 34 4 4 4 14 2 27 2 23 9 8 11 9 1 91 3 5 1 3 10 1 4 3 3 92 5 4 2 2 9 5 1 3 4 93 1 1 3 94 2 5 8 2 4 3 10 6 1 5 3 3 4 3 4 95 1 7 U 5 6 15 8 5 8 5 2 6 1 5 96 152 41 32 5 17 21 1,993 27 10 27 10 12 31 8 15 97 8 46 107 15 49 562 47 1,058 32 14 8 20 2 26 96 196 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8.-LIVEST0CK AND POULTRY ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Item Sumner Tbama Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wllaon Woodson Wyandotte (For dermitions and explanations see text) 1 Cattle and calves .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1904 . . . 1,«)2 1,817 391 498 566 682 814 964 195 243 1,547 1,858 221 267 872 1,199 634 752 336 686 3 number 1959 . . . 57,861 31,369 33,991 53,503 23, 869 64,909 23,295 37,695 33,139 6,104 4 1954... 53,906 35,651 41,613 58,043 22,660 69,489 24,945 41,127 31,274 8,537 5 Co\vs, includinn hcifpr? that have calved ■ farms reporting 1959. . . 1,266 349 537 7X 179 1,442 192 829 586 235 6 1954... 1,747 475 675 929 223 1,809 254 1,174 738 531 7 number 1959 , . . 20,574 9,652 15,197 16,282 5,640 20,973 6,305 14,956 12,878 1,776 6 1954 . . . 23,591 13,894 20,659 20,837 8,631 25,994 9,302 19,566 15,680 2,826 () Milk COW'S .farms reporting 1959 , , . 1954 , . , 635 1,159 208 342 339 547 504 793 119 182 1,029 1,554 135 198 511 912 357 573 157 10 441 11 number 19.59 . . . 3,890 1,100 2,038 3,199 513 6,696 559 2,355 2,043 894 12 1954 , . . 5,51A 1,811 3,433 4,305 951 8,783 871 4,505 3,151 1,652 13 Heifers and heifer calves. .................. .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 1,218 1,554 334 445 508 635 676 843 177 217 1,392 1,715 182 227 772 1,043 493 654 257 n 421 15 number 1959... 17,484 13,116 9,087 13,718 7,835 17,946 5,893 10,599 7,859 2,445 16 1954... 15,324 10,257 11,031 15,194 5,789 18,894 5,719 10,920 7,413 2,970 17 Steers and bulls, indudinc steer and bull calves. . . farms refDrting 1959 . . . 1,232 316 532 702 162 1,409 194 761 546 254 IS 1954 . . . 1,552 467 643 842 223 1,697 235 964 541 352 19 number 1959 .. . 19,803 9,101 9,707 23,503 10,394 25,990 U,093 12,140 15,452 1,883 20 Farms reporting by number on bnnd: CaUle and calves- 1954 .. . 14,991 11,500 9,873 22,012 8,240 24,601 9,924 10,641 8,181 2,741 21 1 .farms reporting 1959 , . . .farms repeating 1959 _ _ . 37 96 7 22 3 9 9 56 7 15 63 3 14 63 9 38 23 oo 2 to 4 85 23 5 to 9 .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 .. , 127 237 18 39 24 56 77 104 13 25 107 277 11 29 112 155 56 99 93 !>4 loioin 59 S5 20 to 4!) .farms reporting 1959. . , 513 110 218 247 44 659 40 282 226 54 26 50 to 99 .farms reporting 1959. . 289 102 172 198 44 311 47 162 132 11 27 100 or irore Cows, including heifers thst have calved- .farms reporting 1959. . . 103 93 84 123 62 115 77 73 74 11 28 1 .farms reporting 1959. . . .farms reporting 1!»59 . . . .fanr.5 reporting 1959 . . . 120 418 353 28 94 7 90 151 58 208 177 16 62 28 61 544 487 9 70 26 55 314 211 30 156 153 68 20 2 to 9 110 30 10 to 19 37 31 20 to 29 .farms reprtin:: 1959... .faniis reporting 1959 ,. . 177 144 53 63 106 U4 116 101 18 26 2U 107 14 32 106 93 102 69 9 32 30 to 49 6 33 50 to 74 .farms repcrting 1959.. . .farms reporting 1959 . , , 40 10 29 10 41 15 35 21 11 7 23 3 15 10 30 6 31 15 * 34 75 to 99 1 35 100 or more .farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 u 13 18 11 6 16 14 10 • > • Milk cows— !t6 I .farms reporung 1959 .. . .farms reporting 1959 . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 288 236 47 59 122 17 61 210 56 118 232 71 29 79 8 163 641 133 34 85 14 U7 275 61 118 172 51 74 37 o to9 57 36 lOloW 15 30 201029 .farms reportinc I°59 . . - .farms reporting 1959 . . . 26 33 5 3 8 4 17 15 3 35 7 1 17 11 11 4 5 10 30 to 49 4 41 50 or more .farms reporting 1959... .farms retorting 1959. . . 1954 . . . 5 422 573 2 162 237 £6 292 1 421 555 105 156 314 722 1 106 133 329 488 1 281 400 2 42 Horses and/or mules ..■•- .-■ 124 43 176 44 number 1959... 895 537 401 940 348 560 352 756 635 370 J5 1954 . . . 980 513 590 1,407 396 1,466 333 975 862 411 46 Hoes and pies .farms reporting 1959. , , 488 165 231 329 128 898 121 416 230 217 47 1954 . . . 491 152 266 412 105 991 109 434 271 292 48 number 1959... 14,647 5,855 2,443 L2,818 4,101 38,925 4,225 13,192 8,209 5,424 49 1954 .. . 8,928 2,334 1,828 8,614 1,380 26,726 1,584 6,209 4,133 4,712 50 Bom smoe June 1 .farms repjrting 1959. . . 375 125 149 252 101 720 87 330 242 169 51 1954... 302 90 132 299 53 693 57 300 187 192 52 number 1959 . . . 9,040 3,434 1,448 8,201 2,469 24,334 2,523 3,639 5,836 3,248 b^ 1954 . . - 4,710 1,349 843 5,360 671 15,060 717 3,783 2,710 2,585 54 Born before June 1 .farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954 . . . 367 383 100 112 154 182 262 311 96 84 739 798 95 88 323 319 207 209 164 55 207 56 number 1959 .. . 5,607 2,421 995 4,617 1,632 14,591 1,602 4,553 2,373 2,175 57 Farms reporting by number of hogs and pics- 1954 . . . 4,218 985 985 3,254 709 11,666 857 2,425 1,473 2,127 56 Und(T 10 . .farms reporting 1959. . . . .farms reporting 1959 . , . ..farms reporting 1959.. . . .farms reporting 1959. . . . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 142 160 158 28 262 52 57 47 9 56 153 51 27 14 92 84 130 23 59 40 39 40 9 18 165 204 443 36 83 35 37 39 10 15 137 104 152 23 97 80 78 106 16 68 88 50 10 to -4 61 60 25 to 09 62 61 100 or more. 6 62 Sheep and lambs 38 63 1954.. . 260 63 16 63 13 56 18 92 59 30 64 number 1959... 19,933 33,885 1,407 11,203 7,591 6,085 5,007 5,307 5,784 599 65 1954 . . . 12,001 24,404 845 8,4M 5,018 4,216 2,631 3,810 3,097 5,442 66 I amhs under 1 year old . fanrs reporting 19.59 . . . 199 45 U 39 16 66 10 76 47 30 67 1954 . . . 178 51 13 46 10 48 15 55 39 18 66 number 1959 ,, . 6,541 26,987 395 8,560 4,747 2,317 3,252 1,533 1,371 197 69 1954.. . 3,801 16,325 329 3,369 3,589 2,000 1,043 1,291 605 4,210 70 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 250 43 13 52 12 78 10 91 65 29 71 1954 . . . 246 49 16 54 8 52 15 88 57 24 72 numb»1959... U,392 6,898 1,012 2,643 2,844 3,768 1,745 3,674 4,413 502 73 1954... 8,200 8,079 516 5,061 1,429 2,216 1,538 2,519 2,491 1,232 74 p^^gg . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 248 239 41 47 U 16 52 52 12 8 76 51 10 15 90 38 63 57 28 75 1954... 21 76 number 1959 .. . 12,872 6,639 979 2,528 2,762 3,630 1,708 3,495 4,185 467 77 1954 . . , 7,780 7,822 499 4,955 1,422 2,149 1,579 2,355 2,416 1,207 78 Rams and wethers . .farms repcrting 1959 . . . 203 29 11 41 U 61 7 72 51 21 7ft 1954 . . . 198 39 U 46 5 37 10 72 41 9 80 number 1959. . . 520 259 33 1X5 82 138 37 179 228 35 81 Farms reporting by number of sheep and lambs 1954... 420 257 17 106 7 67 W 164 75 25 B2 Under 25 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 88 167 7 17 20 19 5 8 1 22 28 9 3 8 7 30 52 1 3 6 6 47 50 26 38 4 31 63 25 to 299 . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 7 64 300 or more . .farms repcrting 1959 . . . BS Chickens 4 months old and over . .farms reprxting 19.59 . . . 1,104 2m 465 620 134 1,332 175 658 496 262 86 1954 . . . 1,647 427 520 864 207 1,726 234 973 692 533 87 number 1959... 104,270 22,823 35,062 93,077 10,523 273,984 9,866 75,268 63,843 19,103 88 1954 . . . 176,097 35,154 54,343 121,402 20,472 339,540 22,587 110,482 93,403 78,750 Farms reporting by number of chickens 4 months old and over- 80 Under 50 . .farms reporting 1959. . . 540 529 27 6 157 119 2 3 216 245 2 154 426 31 6 58 74 1 1 135 981 147 16 97 77 1 320 322 18 5 186 282 26 1 185 90 SO to 399 . .farms reporting 1959. . . 68 91 400 to 799 . .farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 92 800 to 1,599 . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 3 9! 1,600 to 3,199 . .farms reprrting 1959 .. . 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 9^ 3,200 or more . .farms repcrting 1959. . . 1 1 ... 95 Tl»key hens kept for breeding . .farms reporting 1959... 10 1 6 1 11 7 1 13 6 96 1954 .. . 13 3 5 5 6 2 14 9 14 97 number 1959... 33 6 20 60 45 32 2 1,537 30 96 1954... 63 13 17 34 19 U 901 57 209 KANSAS 197 County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 [Most data for 1959 are based on reports for only a sample of fanns. See text] Item The State Allen Anderson Atchison Barber Barton Bourbon (For derinitions uid flxplanBtions. see text) 1 Value of Hies of livestock and/ot livestock products including dairy products; dollars 1P59... 624,603,023 4,618,421 3,513,874 5,214,907 6 604 207 9,012,439 4,287,012 5,104,577 2,568,743 6,473,348 3,516,373 10,774,U9 7,985,286 2 1954... 373,889,838 3,508,983 4I432I131 3 Any livestock sold alive (cattle, horses and mules. hoRS, and sheep) . farms reporUnR 1959. . . 85,036 1,074 997 1,073 572 980 1,253 1,236 4 1964... 9i,770 1,252 1,074 1,146 611 1,105 1,327 1,475 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... 548,263,193 3,197,854 4,146,088 5,575,982 8,771,544 4,490,068 4,582,522 9,131,613 6 1954 . . . 299,637,506 1,963,762 2,544,622 3,416,493 4,024,893 2,006,476 2,347,435 6,556,100 7 Poultiy and poult/y products . farms reporting 1959. . . 46,584 680 559 586 207 603 705 725 8 1954... 71,538 977 904 904 333 836 1,028 1,179 9 value of sales, dollars 1959... 20,145,5U 194,801 265,437 192,864 78,988 153,416 211,425 225,575 10 1954 .. . 23,637,362 310,593 315,769 287,477 112,128 187,845 279,746 361,284 11 Livestock products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 56,194,316 1,225,766 803,382 835,361 161,907 461,093 1,579,401 1,416,961 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 1954... 50,614,970 1,239,519 6<;8,592 728,161 U9,986 374,421 989,192 1,058,902 13 CaUIe and/or calves sold alive . fanns reporting 1059. . . 78,843 979 942 943 506 945 1,203 i,ua 14 1994... 89,804 1,192 1,031 1,061 597 1,080 1,234 1,370 15 number 1959... 2,810,987 18,353 21,041 22,519 52,670 26,015 27,088 33,607 16 1954... 2,332,667 IB ,438 19,080 18,568 40,680 19,868 21,547 29,808 17 dollars 1959... 484,209,473 2,506,423 3,358,797 4,320,843 8,430,594 4,173,378 3,809,440 7,231,709 IB 1954... 250,591,420 1,492,713 1,996,876 2,383,707 3,801,465 1,883,748 1,730,128 4,541,138 le CatUe, not counting calves . farms reporung 1959... 58,557 665 801 713 333 721 757 850 20 1954 . . . 68,435 920 800 802 438 796 920 1,085 21 number 1959 .. . 1,905,506 7,730 10,840 15,994 31,680 17,548 12,454 27,916 22 1954... 1,388,365 9,824 10,750 12,832 12,558 10,859 11,564 22,939 23 dollars 1959... 375,175,623 1,399,214 2,062,584 3,516,035 5,537,307 3,217,649 2,125,288 5,578,544 24 Penns reporting by number of cattle sold- 1954 .. . 131,602,302 1,009,791 1,374,956 2,042,662 1,411,166 1,243,310 1,197,354 4,072,955 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 20,653 371 332 240 79 308 359 276 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959. . . 19,931 208 332 320 56 129 69 273 85 55 264 U6 13 327 195 52 27 20 to 99 . farms reporting 1959. . . 14,017 84 127 143 15 is 100 or mtjre . farms reporting 1959 .. . 3,956 2 10 29 Calves . farms repcrung 1959. . . 51,565 788 592 691 354 656 1,017 528 30 1954- • 65,789 949 782 761 539 775 956 851 31 number 1959... 905,481 10,623 10,201 6,525 20,990 8,457 U,524 5,591 32 1954 .. . 944,302 8,6U 8,330 5,736 28,122 9,009 9,983 6,869 33 dollars 1959... 109,033,850 1,107,209 1,296,213 804,808 2,893,287 955,729 1,684,132 653,065 34 1954 . . . 68,989,118 482,922 621,910 341,045 2,390,299 540,438 532,274 468,173 35 . farms reporting 1059 .. . 2,140 11 36 17 24 37 26 19 16 68 30 39 36 1954 . . . 3,721 33 41 44 37 number 1959... 5,873 67 136 23 140 70 35 35 38 1954... 9,U8 63 89 111 126 35 U4 80 39 dollars 1959... 1,001,330 23,845 25,035 2,455 21,460 8,550 3,400 3,195 40 1954 . . . 581,269 3,952 6,126 8,541 12,655 1,604 8,337 6,920 41 Hoes and piffs sold alive .........••...■••■>••• 34,602 447 434 566 134 254 532 729 399 42 1954... 36,005 417 390 691 183 216 513 43 number 1959... 1,709,695 19,061 22,876 38,254 8,270 6,690 25,527 54,064 44 1954... 1,051,367 U,580 11,833 24,247 5,105 2,459 15,324 45,049 45 dollars 1959... 53,000,545 590,891 709,156 1,185,874 256,370 20f7,39O 791,337 1,675,934 46 1954... 40,437,237 414,552 481,933 988,041 134,591 77,453 567,902 1,331,932 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms reptrting 1959. . . 7,546 145 114 111 47 48 107 130 48 1954 . . . 7,060 UB 143 81 25 34 139 U5 49 numbtr 1959... 670,123 5,113 3,540 4,454 4,208 6,710 5,223 U,715 50 1954 .. . 476,014 3,436 3,749 2,216 1,345 2,787 2,837 7,276 51 dollars 1959... 10,051,845 76,695 53,100 66,810 53,120 100,650 78,345 220,725 52 SHEEP SBQKN AND WWL 1954 .. . 8,027,580 52,545 59,687 36,104 26,137 43,671 41,068 135,110 53 Stieep and/or lambs sfioir . farms tepating 1959. . . 7,536 136 117 84 33 62 139 108 54 1954... 7,227 133 155 89 26 44 Ul 125 55 number shorn 1959... 539,817 5,367 3,590 3,631 3,654 4,874 3,852 6,713 56 1954... 373,536 2,954 3,965 2,536 1,657 2,951 3,175 5,745 57 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 4,462,264 45,152 28,279 26,787 37,195 40,370 29,123 47,560 58 1954 .. . 3,110,928 24,839 33,181 19,202 15,380 28,608 24,371 42,526 59 Lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959 .. . 859 8 10 n 2 22 5 13 60 number shorn 1959. .. 100,975 692 85 692 108 348 30 2,087 61 pounds of woo! 1959 .. . 495,044 4,082 483 2,422 332 3,263 126 7,989 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. , . 7,327 135 114 84 32 56 138 101 63 number shcm 1959 .. . 438,842 4,675 3,505 2,939 3,545 4,026 3,822 4,625 64 LnTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 3,967,220 41,070 27,796 24,365 36,864 37,107 28,997 39,571 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30. Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 25,718 334 331 500 112 200 424 547 66 1954... 26,405 312 306 544 129 150 414 698 67 nomb« of litters 1959... 242,276 2,852 3,124 5,274 1,121 1,113 3,498 7,826 68 Farms repeating by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, lo November 30, U5»- 1954... 169,413 1,742 1,863 4,238 705 494 2,418 7,401 69 1 or 2 litters . farms rcforting 1959 .. . 5,838 84 71 70 22 84 120 55 70 3 to 9 litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 11,126 140 131 214 51 86 198 187 71 . farms rep.■-.■■..*■**■.. 1954 .. . 567 153 221 349 239 56 593 473 495 43 number 1959... 39,600 6,823 11,671 8,523 9,343 732 33,502 16,763 23,628 44 1954... 20,628 4,718 5,454 5,589 4,533 781 22,120 11,663 13,278 45 dollars 1959... 1,227,600 211,513 361,801 264,213 289,633 22,692 1,038,562 519,808 732,468 46 1954... 835,235 170,769 133,162 182,298 161,208 26,636 889,776 407,296 512,303 47 . farms reporting 1959. . . 172 19 29 75 24 26 46 95 125 48 1954 . . . 131 22 28 124 23 31 43 64 101 49 number 1959 .. . 10,345 2,102 1,104 1,175 6,727 1,002 2,435 4,319 2,750 50 1954 . . . 4,766 785 960 2,498 1,796 2,315 2,338 3,671 2,681 51 dollars 1059 .. . 155,175 31,530 16,560 17,625 100,905 15,030 37,275 72,285 41,250 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 . . . 75,724 14,988 12,763 38,076 30,933 36,075 39,494 62,666 40,769 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959... 177 28 34 112 15 27 58 71 35 54 1954... 131 22 31 122 24 29 45 59 103 55 number shorn 1959... 8,518 2,543 1,597 2,977 702 1,775 4,703 4,729 3,090 56 1954 . . . 4,945 809 1,392 3,140 1,913 1,555 2,841 3,017 3,137 57 pounds of wool 1959... 68,121 22,810 12,091 23,343 7,596 13,027 41,461 41,243 27,920 56 1954... 39,936 7,286 10,724 24,647 19,955 15,561 25,473 26, 167 23,626 59 Lambs shorn . farms repcrting 1959... 28 3 3 5 3 11 2 9 60 number shorn 1959... 1,433 220 124 28 U7 213 84 224 61 pounds of wool 1959... 5,246 846 688 196 877 1,200 304 1,012 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 166 28 33 109 15 26 56 71 82 63 number shorn 1959 .. . 7,085 2,323 1,473 2,949 702 1,628 4,490 4,645 2,366 64 LITTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1 959 . . . 62,875 21,964 11,403 23,147 7,596 17,150 40,261 40,939 26,908 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous . farms reporting 1959. . . 427 111 186 272 155 24 387 275 334 66 1954... 440 99 205 262 124 26 461 324 378 67 number of litters 1959... 4,561 1,359 1,768 1,433 1,378 208 3,974 2,691 3,064 68 Farms reportinc by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 80. 1959- 1954... 3,227 664 957 953 743 107 3,677 1,704 2,137 60 1 or 2 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 98 16 42 113 38 15 63 65 64 70 3 to 9 litters . . farms reporting 1 959 . . . 185 58 84 116 70 7 162 109 152 71 10 to 19 litters . . farms repcrting 1959 . . . 91 20 36 33 28 1 111 70 92 72 73 00 to 3?1 litters . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 34 14 11 4 17 7 10 16 2 41 10 26 3 21 3 40 lo69 litters . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 74 70 oc mofp litters ...■•■....••••■--••■•••• 5 348 319 2 92 83 158 164 230 131 1 123 81 1 19 16 329 367 2 209 211 2 280 266 75 76 June 2 to Novefnber 30 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 77 number of litters 1959 . . . 2,075 611 790 742 596 115 1,371 1,261 1,431 78 1954 .. . 1,412 334 467 453 280 49 1,780 706 985 79 December 1 lo .lune 1 .. farms reporting 1959... 326 98 153 190 U5 12 333 235 284 80 1964 . . . 338 76 157 189 91 19 369 260 296 81 number of hUCTS 1959... 2,486 748 973 741 782 93 2,103 1,430 1,633 82 1954... 1,815 330 490 505 463 58 1,897 998 1,202 KANSAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 199 foe only a swnple of fimia. See text] Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickinson Donlphaji Douglas Edwards Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary 4,770,400 3,743,390 8,454,994 6,579,297 4,631,252 3,336,581 5,937,108 3,684,930 9, 6%, 164 6,913,217 3,529,447 4,460,703 6,233,442 3,777,051 3,722,281 2,190,915 3,861,824 2,995,212 3,744,856 2,309,088 4,312,355 2,339,559 11,710,794 3,864,650 13,884,958 3,370,101 7,737,629 4,384,9W 2,686,316 2,209,739 1 i 270 368 4,576,229 3,491,592 77 169 17,726 50,616 1,318 1,486 7,406,549 5,298,064 570 1,088 242,706 379,760 1,277 1,447 3,696,689 2,249,480 717 1,075 220,641 259,975 684 741 5,695,709 3,360,632 332 525 98,039 119,300 1,447 1,562 8,057,793 5,517,398 1,020 1,389 644,555 658, 143 943 1,007 7,978,741 3,867,438 494 743 166,480 234,873 1,117 1,090 4,412,802 2,133,016 569 821 189,459 268,039 396 437 3,633,022 1,953,405 172 291 44,867 75,139 625 727 3,437,047 2,466,468 287 514 84,835 154,181 833 916 3,019,077 1,754,176 396 629 53,344 98,835 679 729 3,933,660 1,949,771 416 605 168,017 208,543 305 395 11,484,030 3,622,611 122 239 31,201 53,491 814 903 1:^128,988 2,915,133 377 555 183,536 161,331 1,387 1,445 5,216,309 2,610,183 582 1,017 160,907 263,242 405 456 2,224,272 1,741,026 252 373 104,586 190,335 8 4 i 6 7 8 9 10 176,445 201,182 805,739 901,473 713,922 827,126 143,360 20i,998 993,816 737,676 384,226 358,390 1,631,181 1,370,966 44,392 162,371 239,942 374,563 642,435 456,077 210,673 131,245 195,563 188,548 572,434 293,637 2,360,413 1,511,484 357,358 273,428 n 1! 270 357 26,854 33,793 4,481,437 3,350,485 1,183 1,379 39,940 44,993 6,825,170 4,691,519 1,192 1,358 20,575 19,138 2,977,210 1,707,455 652 710 25,253 24,236 5,066,947 2,330,764 1,281 1,469 38,256 40,524 7,014,816 4,844,381 807 845 30,105 15,755 6,220,860 2,310,365 1,017 1,007 21,459 15,225 3,628,189 1,533,119 389 4U 20,425 16,432 3,553,990 1,813,366 610 705 19,787 21,332 2,935, 5U 2,058,518 823 907 20,859 20,761 2,933,115 1,6%,486 654 723 25,053 21,895 3,303,682 1,875,613 284 364 52,712 24,243 11,233,398 3,436,402 737 866 67,035 27,009 12,582,615 2,658,226 1,307 1,374 28,515 21,031 4,303,675 1,997,555 390 447 13,117 12,775 2,068,925 1,352,162 IS u IS 16 IT IB 206 879 794 537 859 621 676 311 408 654 538 225 575 881 296 U 302 ,^'°S 996 580 1,109 594 730 299 564 706 568 293 643 1,035 XI SO 17,955 26,183 12,463 18,677 27,069 23,420 13,573 14,955 7,978 10,003 12,317 46,224 54,373 16,276 7,547 21 20,674 27,942 9,038 15,973 26,553 11,034 9,251 9,632 10,541 9,846 7,387 18,068 W,750 12,407 5,505 SI 3,269,473 5,108,412 2,185,004 4,125,101 5,539,590 5,311,950 2,857,012 2,898,212 1,463,106 1,763,144 2,241,937 10,355,999 10,754,064 3,250,526 1,401,794 ss 2,365,721 3,538,356 1,074,705 2,223,586 3,743,807 1,954,461 1,267,727 1,179,211 1,279,671 1,035,366 799,492 2,924,926 1,708,862 1,488,415 857,214 24 36 357 398 114 353 162 235 77 166 287 177 27 119 406 119 25 41 279 287 225 189 235 276 V. 126 254 i»; 47 201 304 90 9S 67 195 83 169 244 173 145 lOO 105 84 146 80 178 140 74 27 62 48 26 29 73 51 20 37 11 19 21 71 77 31 13 28 155 754 875 347 826 402 639 252 430 655 547 127 345 1,012 288 29 232 1,034 1,121 474 1,105 606 673 303 578 753 646 282 6W 1,032 12,239 349 30 8,899 13,757 8,112 6,576 11,187 6,685 7,886 5,470 11,309 10,356 12,741 6,438 12,662 5,570 31 13,119 17,051 10,100 8,263 13,971 4,721 5,974 6,800 10,791 10,915 14,508 6,175 12,259 8,624 5,170 32 1,211,964 984,764 1,716,758 792,206 941,846 1,425,226 908,910 771,177 660,778 1,472,405 1,169,971 1,566,745 877,399 1,828,551 1,043,150 567, 131 IS 1,153,163 632,750 607,178 1,096,074 355,904 320,392 634,155 778,847 661,120 1,076,121 511,475 959,354 509,140 494,948 u 12 43 28 23 35 26 25 5 18 32 11 7 16 33 17 35 10 68 59 32 54 29 24 11 62 27 55 10 28 51 26 36 38 87 56 122 50 48 35 5 23 43 25 10 298 84 23 37 13 137 U2 171 107 58 46 17 129 77 93 45 97 125 44 38 39 13,265 15,460 5,060 17,100 6,650 4,890 9,375 625 2,300 6,185 5,440 1,338 71,844 13,325 2,900 810 7,330 7,672 8,855 7,559 2,465 3,159 695 6,980 5,170 4,571 19,130 6,233 10,791 2,305 40 72 418 484 358 573 658 392 78 230 153 114 103 250 482 110 41 86 432 497 372 526 772 365 93 264 134 134 102 207 497 163 42 2,147 16,034 20, 579 17,632 26,467 55,996 23, OW 1,692 17,291 3,457 2,258 3,709 9,51A 24,443 4,262 43 2,009 13,554 12,3(H U,676 14,7« 36,782 11,813 1,578 9,885 1,821 1,937 1,718 3,009 14,134 9,583 44 66, 557 76,735 497,054 637,949 546,592 820,477 1,735,876 714,488 52,452 536,021 107,167 70,308 114,979 294,934 757,733 527,544 132,122 45 505,050 474,945 415,096 553,054 1,518,617 479,051 50,119 374,290 45,563 51,867 60,343 80,328 381,577 46 17 133 189 23 199 51 96 24 56 6 45 14 37 178 11 47 23 173 190 51 143 57 116 40 63 9 31 19 27 148 9 48 998 3,940 4,591 5,098 4,333 14,390 1,141 4,050 1,397 881 174 3,282 8,921 U,973 9,405 1,355 49 6,0U 4,158 6,823 6,126 2,120 4,345 4,429 1,695 425 1,096 6,926 10,875 4,507 274 50 14,970 63,562 68,865 94,165 76,470 59,408 65,070 105,917 215,850 111,904 17,115 35,991 60,750 67,717 20,955 89,225 13,215 26,680 2,610 5,957 49,230 17,720 133,315 106,736 179,595 150,346 141,075 74,293 20,325 4,932 51 52 17 142 154 40 149 74 105 38 62 7 29 22 43 136 15 53 23 1,265 166 5,968 213 5,275 54 3,057 144 13,121 70 2,193 115 4,130 40 3,494 64 2,366 9 218 34 1,773 12 9,472 25 4,622 151 6,373 4,915 9 931 54 55 2,300 5,796 4,700 4,833 6,832 2,098 4,153 4,705 2,019 392 1,179 2,993 1,277 291 56 13,072 26,367 2 274 52,342 43,587 27,919 95,521 18,266 32,258 25,953 13,258 2,308 14,445 89,426 38,606 51,507 6,930 57 48,615 10 547 37,907 7 256 41,679 5 325 57,903 40 3,938 17,307 4 33,463 16 836 44,677 7 751 17,050 8 259 3,013 1 3 10,375 5 330 27,037 1 1,300 11,666 8 854 40, 5« 54I 2,322 3 95 58 59 60 1,110 17 991 2,466 142 5,421 1,00; 151 5,019 1,245 38 2,732 17, 850 U5 9,183 510 72 2,082 3,834 100 3,294 3,364 35 2,743 1,200 61 2,107 8 6 215 1,450 27 1,443 7,300 21 8,172 4,505 41 3,768 2,402 136 5,824 290 15 835 SI 62 6S 11,962 49,876 42,583 26,674 77,671 17,756 28,424 22,594 17,058 2,300 12,995 81,625 34,101 49,205 6,590 64 45 47 392 269 348 320 2,940 2,150 400 358 3,093 1,796 251 231 2,532 1,633 442 379 3,873 2,298 555 658 7,600 6,747 339 294 3,415 2,177 52 61 289 237 218 209 2,772 1,787 124 125 499 331 81 89 519 320 93 75 651 346 U7 125 853 493 345 390 3,058 2,220 108 120 1,071 744 65 66 67 68 12 19 9 5 94 164 58 22 8 2 106 179 87 23 5 55 100 62 27 7 89 221 94 31 5 2 69 224 151 79 24 8 77 144 71 36 9 2 22 21 6 3 50 81 56 16 9 6 74 39 9 1 1 30 35 10 5 1 33 41 12 7 42 53 16 4 2 78 156 74 32 4 1 29 43 22 10 3 1 69 70 71 72 73 74 41 294 340 184 383 449 276 39 183 81 67 77 96 270 89 75 37 242 262 M5 301 448 205 45 160 72 56 55 87 263 97 76 176 131 1,366 980 1,514 821 1,102 648 1,920 1,052 3,152 2,593 1,598 952 140 110 1,298 805 223 165 266 138 291 166 419 252 1,399 953 497 366 77 78 38 30 216 265 216 1,574 315 278 1,579 219 188 1,430 375 309 1,953 488 567 4,443 266 242 1,317 39 42 149 185 172 1,474 97 88 276 60 67 253 72 57 360 83 83 434 284 296 1,659 39 94 574 79 80 81 138 1,170 975 985 1,246 4,154 1,225 127 982 166 182 180 241 1,267 373 89 200 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most daU for L959 are based on refxxts — Item Gove r.Tnhnm Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood HBUilton Harper Harvey (Fof derinitions and enplanalions see t«xt) 1 Value of sales ol livestock and/of livestock products | including dairy products: dollars 1959 .. . 4,487 193 2,865,125 1,348,834 4,555,296 2,645,093 9,724,069 2,584,618 5,758,462 8,096,584 0 1954... 2,528,245 1,747,105 740,595 2,104,925 871,685 6,316,875 1,041,526 3,289,446 6,136,9X 3 Any hvestocl^ ?old nlivo (cnllle, horses and mules, hoiis, and sheep) . fanns repoftinf! 1959 . . . 491 544 120 390 132 930 160 860 982 4 1954... 537 611 150 473 148 1,003 188 975 1,075 5 value or sales, dollars 1959 .. . 4,172,339 2,705,880 1,334,354 4,400,723 2,427,185 9,301,519 2,557,092 4,926,160 6,266,151 6 1954 .. . 2,284,446 1,524,062 709,053 1,841,616 832,626 5,950,010 974,899 2,427,195 4,551,258 7 PouH/\ and poultry producus . farms repottine 1959. . . 211 282 35 165 70 390 79 423 645 K 1954 . . . 324 393 96 321 106 636 117 709 986 9 value of sales, dollars 1959... 52,318 41,985 4,553 42,826 204,747 95,345 U,808 168,306 622,278 10 1954... 45,266 65,229 17,729 67,272 16,829 137,487 17,720 276,667 583, U3 11 Livestock products other than potill/y and [loultrv products value of sales, dollars 1959... 1954... 262,536 198,533 117,260 157,815 9,927 13,813 111,747 196,037 13,161 22,230 327,205 229,378 15,718 48,907 663,996 585,584 1,208,155 1,002,559 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 13 CHltle and/or calves sold alive . famis reporting 1959. . . 470 523 108 369 110 880 151 800 861 14 1954... 520 586 145 452 136 967 180 952 995 15 number 1959.. . 22,840 16,888 6,696 24,307 12,424 49,271 13,495 29,487 28,455 16 1954... 22,483 15,753 4,905 16,166 8,444 41,832 9,434 23,881 29,249 17 dollars 1959... 3,867,383 2,488,365 1,245,031 4,135,758 2,309,723 8,581,952 2,309,463 4,641,552 5,509,894 18 1954... 2,087,675 1,413, 5U 434,932 1,681,146 773,570 5,535,831 856,348 2,229,902 3,805,446 1!) Cattle, not counting; calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 368 404 101 291 80 651 UO 565 715 SO 1954... 414 455 118 324 103 794 139 729 823 21 number 1959 .. . 16,987 9,100 6,224 16,416 10,157 30,832 9,706 15,130 23,466 28 1954 .. . 11,077 7,927 2,490 10,204 2,989 26,789 6,293 10,822 24,600 23 dollars 1959 .. . 3,175,566 1,541,102 1,184,166 3,050,001 2,005,829 6,403,614 1,790,021 2,780,860 4,972,124 24 Farms reporting by number oT cattle sold- 1954... 1,266,443 865,874 262,334 1,125,566 316,001 4,337,494 649,762 1,285,446 3,488,697 25 1 to4 . farms reporung 1959 .. . 83 142 18 78 8 180 27 254 191 26 S to 19 . farms reporting 1959. . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . . farms reporting 1959 . . . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1964 115 128 42 268 448 107 133 22 381 429 14 45 24 26 UO 74 85 54 201 268 30 16 26 63 99 204 177 90 577 735 20 28 35 103 106 176 89 46 624 773 270 206 48 466 582 27 20 lo 99 28 100 or more 29 Calves 30 31 number 1959 . . . 5,853 7,788 472 7,891 2,267 18,439 3,789 14,357 4,989 32 1954... 11,406 7,826 2,415 5,962 5,455 15,043 3,141 13,059 4,649 33 dollars 1959 .. . 691,817 947,263 60,865 1,085,757 303,894 2,178,338 519,442 1,860,692 537,770 34 1954 . . . 821,232 547,637 172, 598 555,580 457,569 1,198,337 206,586 944,456 316,749 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 9 7 8 4 2 58 12 17 32 36 1954 . . . 30 17 7 15 7 57 8 32 33 37 number 1959. .. 30 7 19 4 5 129 41 18 124 38 1954 .. . 54 35 34 27 12 114 16 57 83 39 dollars 1959... 6,455 670 2,875 450 594 94,241 8,910 3,135 18,725 40 1954 . . . 4,791 1,651 2,330 1,893 587 6,008 964 5,745 4,522 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959. . . 203 198 34 122 61 301 49 174 392 42 1954... 160 182 34 119 44 340 43 182 441 43 numbirmg... 6,706 5,270 708 6,485 2,043 18,801 1,659 5,548 17,667 44 1954... 2,172 3,449 282 1,957 990 9,698 646 3,468 12,336 45 dollars 1959... 207,886 163,370 21,948 201,035 63,333 582,831 51,429 171,988 547,677 46 1954... 63,666 89,172 9,991 76,003 34,644 368,603 23,312 115,678 488,307 47 Sheeo and lambs sold alive . farms tvporting 1959. . . 12 21 6 23 8 43 8 159 196 48 1954... 10 16 3 25 5 61 8 116 185 49 numbn 1959 .. . 6,041 3,565 4,300 4,232 3,569 2,833 12,486 7,299 12,657 SO 19.54 . . . 6,924 1,436 13,640 4,909 1,801 2,499 5,728 4,368 13,769 51 dollars 1959... 90,615 53,475 64,500 63,480 53,535 42,495 187,290 109,485 189,855 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954... 128,314 19,728 261,800 82,574 23,825 39,568 94,275 75,870 252,983 53 Sheep and/or lambs shorn . . farms reporting 19.59. . . 26 15 2 25 10 51 8 U6 234 54 1954 .. . 12 16 2 18 5 63 6 119 184 55 number shorn 1959. . . 6,382 1,332 2,670 4,541 2,696 2,652 1,416 7,640 17,816 56 1954 . . . 3,721 1,462 1,215 3,338 1,783 2,106 1,518 4,106 U,779 57 pounds of wool 1959.. , 39,935 12,242 13,080 32,016 23,971 18,931 14,057 71,896 140,402 58 1954 . . . 33,901 14,219 9,686 30,150 17,023 16,399 14,401 44,964 91,320 59 1 nrnVm Qhn^n .................. . . farms repcrting 1959. . . 7 4,196 1 2,400 12 1,174 3 700 8 697 11 610 37 4,275 60 L«IUI«U3 31P1_H 11, ..►-.. »••»-•■••■••••••••---■- number shorn 1959... 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 22,706 12,000 4,109 3,700 3,U7 1,919 16,627 62 Other sheep shorn , . farms reporting 1959. . . 22 15 1 22 8 48 "s 133 224 63 number shtjn 1959 . . . 2,186 1,332 270 3,367 1,996 1,955 1,416 7,030 13,541 64 UTTERS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959.., 17,229 12,242 1,080 27,907 20,271 15,784 14,057 69,977 123,775 65 Litters farrowed, December 1, previous year to November 30, Census year .. farms reporting 1959... UO 118 20 66 67 214 36 132 254 66 1954 . , . 79 108 23 42 30 230 31 120 314 67 numbw of litt«rs 19.59 . . . 860 690 90 701 540 2,274 319 809 2,277 68 Farms repoftinfi by number of litters farrowed December 1, 1958, to November 80, W59- 1954 .. . 331 501 69 247 139 1,393 163 561 1,804 69 70 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 27 43 9 16 12 35 7 49 60 3 to 9 litters . . farms reporting 1 9S9 . , . 65 54 8 26 33 85 20 57 108 71 10 to 19 litters . . farms reputing 1959 .. . 11 14 3 16 18 61 4 20 54 72 20(o 39 liuers . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 4 7 4 3 28 4 5 29 73 74 40 to 69 litters . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 1 2 2 2 1 5 1 1 3 70 or more litters . . farms reporting 1959 .. . 75 June 2 to November 30 . . farms reporting 1959 . . . 87 91 15 58 58 191 28 101 202 76 1954 .. . 54 75 13 37 20 175 23 76 222 77 number of Utters 1959 . . . 367 396 50 407 239 1,005 156 426 1,069 78 1954 .. . 171 244 28 129 55 652 38 255 798 79 80 nn^Bimtvtr 1 In .luilA 1 ................ . . farms repxting 1959 .. . 91 76 14 44 50 24 182 31 102 215 l_/tr\_drimT1 1 uj nvm A ,.....•»•...-----..■. 1954... 56 71 13 31 188 18 90 254 81 number of litters 1969... 493 294 40 294 301 1,269 163 383 1,208 82 1954 .. . 160 257 41 U8 84 741 75 306 1,006 KANSAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued fbr only * sample of fanna. See text] 201 Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson JeweU Johnson Keamy Xi ngmwn Kloira Labette lane Leaven- north T.lneolj Linn Logan = 3,24B,525 1,368,207 4,388,193 2,160,424 5,732,017 3,993,002 6,162,597 4,493,902 6,489, XI 4,167,382 5,562,672 3,315,324 2,835,241 1,276,371 5,659,394 3,323,396 4,323,179 2,402,242 5,943,720 5,526,433 5,490,673 1,768,710 4,353,380 3,958,857 5,257,898 3,194,059 4,795,673 3,085,515 2,546,382 1,683,072 ! 178 197 3,143,675 1,261,759 58 95 69,807 27,455 415 483 4,195,251 1,883,193 206 285 71,497 66,846 1,252 1,444 4,740,54« 2,811,022 758 1,198 211,981 336,960 1,234 1,304 4,615,362 3,230,814 599 968 162,836 253,320 1,071 1,313 5,883,043 3,507,563 722 1,060 295,827 273,010 1,033 905 4,257,764 2,032,065 364 562 112,711 U3,434 176 191 2,798,579 1,203,644 73 120 9,963 20,796 934 1,094 4,980,912 2,541,261 489 815 158,350 196,104 319 403 4,158,671 2,236,708 116 213 35,440 53,846 1,500 1,623 4,498,988 4,003,656 719 1,215 244,363 315,312 291 273 5,4U,297 1,674,947 81 126 12,717 22,631 1,200 1,311 2,550,770 2,058,486 506 841 178,628 196,580 658 856 4,865,351 2,799,969 524 710 245,163 203,286 1,105 1,151 3,362,438 2,171,242 614 888 256,981 277,578 265 262 2,396,815 1,540,742 108 149 38,577 27,282 8 i i « 7 8 9 10 35,043 78,993 121,445 210,385 779, 4B8 845,020 1,384,399 1,009,768 310,471 386,809 1,192,197 1,139,825 26,699 51,931 520,132 586,031 129,068 111,688 1,200,369 1,207,465 66,659 71,132 1,623,982 1,703,791 147,384 190,804 1,176,254 636,695 110,990 U5,048 11 1! 165 192 16,439 13,416 3,066,907 1,232,233 408 473 25,728 19,301 4,028,443 1,786,737 1,192 1,386 24,571 20,981 3,714,398 1,980,399 1,103 1,217 21,724 20,817 3,560,443 2,397,138 990 1,219 25,928 22,916 4,278,329 2,406,534 888 809 20,086 14,433 3,260,735 1,352,327 156 174 15,216 11,152 2,577,352 1,092,400 908 1,065 31, K5 26,926 4,435,773 2,210,400 293 386 21,772 19,163 3,918,924 2,066,913 1,305 1,521 23,993 29, 6X 3,550,537 3,402,023 285 264 29,674 15,797 5,296,737 1,612,812 1,045 1,190 11,989 14,918 1,557,405 1,231,067 643 847 25,075 25,848 4,529,347 2,624,869 1,0U 1,110 18,491 15,705 2,677,540 1,415,729 241 252 12,901 13,398 2,075,634 1,276,433 19 14 IS 18 17 IB 115 99 12,631 5,220 2,4«6,936 581,076 332 364 19,974 11,593 3,362,559 1,183,019 853 956 11,463 10,326 2,193,894 1,237,030 811 868 13,454 . 12,580 2,675,850 1,748,376 807 854 16,256 11,922 3,039,54« 1,494,756 642 631 13,741 8,684 2,704,015 1,037,466 116 130 U,558 6,624 2,051,389 775,431 547 815 13,369 11,264 2,X1,293 1,140,924 239 309 17,171 13,039 3,294,473 1,603,829 928 1,108 14,497 19,544 2,634,270 2,795,231 250 205 23,613 10,843 4,371,453 1,256,162 674 916 5,539 7,759 1,039,570 900,934 510 636 17,212 12,069 3,530,544 1,594,294 726 807 9,021 8,038 1,728,918 887,949 211 169 8,843 5,407 1,606,644 643,618 U SO 21 s: 28 24 19 15 34 47 68 140 3,808 8,196 579,971 651,157 63 105 106 58 228 316 5,754 7,708 665,884 603,718 4S2 243 107 21 954 1,137 13,108 10,655 1,520,504 743,369 322 326 156 7 743 957 8,270 8,237 884,593 648,762 253 319 21B 17 643 869 9,672 10,994 1,238,781 911,778 201 287 131 23 528 587 6,345 5,749 556,720 31,4B61 23 26 36 31 98 133 3,658 4,528 525,963 316,969 205 172 139 31 752 917 17,776 15,662 2,134,480 1,069,476 36 66 86 51 134 266 4,601 6,124 624,451 463,084 451 354 108 15 907 1,199 9,496 10,090 916,267 606,792 13 42 120 75 118 144 6,061 4,954 925,284 356,650 335 275 62 2 744 915 6,450 7,159 517,835 330,133 194 119 132 65 462 675 7,863 13,779 998,803 1,030,575 342 268 110 6 737 849 9,470 7,667 948,622 527,780 47 57 81 26 201 214 4,058 7,991 468,990 632,815 2S 98 27 28 28 30 31 32 98 94 1 11 7 12 36 50 36 53 17 31 72 27 2 6 23 41 9 24 30 63 7 25 10 33 11 26 11 56 10 10 89 98 37 1 21 105 56 22 154 2 29 134 UO 29 105 11 22 54 19 25 250 95 62 80 7 142 53 121 71 75 46 104 26 100 7,020 5,510 6,250 2,580 30,490 215 3,675 22,197 U,525 12,370 10,675 2,100 2,750 11,303 38 89 40 41 42 43 44 1,100 49 41 2,323 580 72,168 2,042 65 86 2,843 1,060 88,133 12,046 570 678 29,665 20,613 919,615 5,846 608 593 32,059 19,729 993,829 5,082 731 710 49,049 27,315 1,520,519 9,106 408 412 27,719 15,182 859,289 320 61 43 2,552 er? 79,112 7,733 370 352 13,044 7,825 404,364 2,795 31 101 4,280 1,759 132,680 6,404 616 564 25,871 14,824 802,001 3,367 66 70 1,420 956 44,020 4,986 618 594 29,590 19,3U 917,290 2,550 242 221 9,829 4,288 304,699 6,958 457 534 20,963 17,963 649,853 1,420 122 72 3,713 1,607 115,103 43,950 22,601 38,34S 751,384 789,505 1,014,062 623,651 31,302 266,279 52,205 520,173 29,606 780,594 138,449 716,628 49 4« 1 4 300 315 4,500 5,825 20 19 4,777 131 114 6,735 101 96 3,656 85 71 5,441 Ul 90 7,150 14 9 9,460 131 123 9,140 35 42 5,658 253 252 8,995 U 8 3,878 95 79 4,360 26 26 1,947 102 96 2,153 11 14 12,985 47 48 49 2,962 71,655 4,029 101,025 2,597 54,840 5,224 81,615 3,002 107,250 4,612 141,900 3,357 137,100 6,431 84,870 4,811 134,925 1,394 58,170 2,790 65,400 2,088 29,205 2,254 32,295 12,128 194,775 50 91 56,066 67, 193 38,325 81,885 46,981 79,622 56,849 114,795 75,056 29,162 41,839 34,101 31,927 218^939 92 7 26 122 85 88 121 11 U9 44 250 12 83 42 100 12 99 4 20 U6 105 76 107 7 128 39 254 9 84 26 96 15 94 60 6,499 4,470 2,584 5,7D9 5,098 4,756 8,765 7,931 6,769 2,238 3,003 3,946 3,101 13,906 99 316 2,796 3,268 2,838 4,548 3,757 1,764 3,987 3,277 5,561 2,067 3,330 2,353 2,401 9,161 98 496 44,857 34,448 19,181 47,862 39,086 24,698 78,068 78,453 50,736 17,654 23,685 33,752 22,430 117,247 97 2,630 24,285 25,115 22,583 37,030 29,570 7,920 33,811 35,759 42,832 16,828 24,253 18,132 19,167 70,098 98 1 7 11 4 3 15 5 13 12 16 5 7 1 7 4 59 6 2,292 303 323 520 525 2,865 362 822 280 563 463 58 299 9,093 60 30 11,223 1,441 1,741 3,460 1,756 10,210 1,952 3,357 1,305 2,630 2,101 261 1,404 57,040 81 7 26 118 84 86 117 7 143 42 245 11 81 42 98 11 62 54 4,207 4,167 2,261 5,189 4,573 1,891 8,403 7,109 6,439 1,675 2,540 3,888 2,802 4,813 83 466 33,634 33,007 17,440 44,402 37,330 14,4S8 76,116 75,096 49,431 15,024 21,584 33,491 21,026 60,207 84 21 41 490 461 517 ya 44 253 58 465 30 529 161 422 77 65 16 36 541 488 506 337 26 232 67 399 29 487 126 433 47 66 222 253 4,620 4,766 6,215 4,063 373 1,866 470 3,464 170 5,305 1,351 3,976 452 67 59 133 3,213 3,534 4,664 2,630 150 1,096 254 2,043 123 3,750 559 3,059 304 68 4 14 108 68 88 78 13 73 22 U5 13 128 34 99 23 69 8 20 201 202 193 125 20 119 24 197 12 226 72 181 38 70 5 5 121 128 157 90 8 49 9 94 4 U6 41 92 14 71 4 2 52 55 68 38 2 7 1 24 1 47 14 38 2 72 6 6 8 12 2 1 4 8 11 73 2 2 3 5 1 3 1 1 4 1 74 18 33 392 369 386 293 33 213 41 383 23 432 133 333 56 79 9 31 340 330 331 239 15 169 50 288 22 333 90 332 32 76 105 136 2,123 2,145 2,850 1,846 174 961 235 1,609 78 2,366 634 1,786 193 77 24 74 1,290 1,491 1,992 1,165 30 561 120 1,025 57 1,617 290 1,340 128 76 IS 24 390 365 440 273 39 210 45 365 23 436 141 335 62 79 13 20 468 409 438 269 21 170 49 310 23 402 91 397 35 80 117 117 2,497 2,621 3,365 2,217 199 905 235 1,855 92 2,939 717 2,190 259 ill 35 59 1,923 2,043 2,672 1,465 120 535 134 1,018 66 2,133 269 1,719 176 8! 202 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most d>U for 1959 are based on reports — It««n liyon McPheraon Marlon Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery Morris Morton (For derinilions and explsnalions see text) 1 Value of sales of livestock and/or livestock products including dairy products; dollars 195!) .. . 21,435,312 10,654,962 10,168,599 7,109,885 4,791,884 5,862,004 4,155,292 6,460,268 8,910,225 1,473,110 2 1954 .. . 9,074,008 6,571,985 6,710,697 5,163,621 2,456,165 4,023,540 2,654,968 2,742,562 5,650,636 528,961 3 Any livesUjck sold ftlive (cnttle. horses and mules, hoes, and sheep) . farms reporting 1959. . . 1,262 1,514 1,441 1,604 358 1,424 759 1,377 841 130 ^ 1954 .. . 1,433 1,765 1,709 1,824 424 1,463 842 1,376 947 146 5 value of sniea. dollars 1959... 20,546,375 8,308,039 8,206,763 5,615,137 4,531,067 4,279,918 3,785,890 5,327,800 7,657,219 1,467,944 6 1954 . . . 7,999,012 4,486, 3U 4,890,119 3,581,882 2,197,481 2,565,021 2,263,503 1,749,694 4,730,702 502,514 7 Poull/y and poultry prtxiucts . farms reportinp 1959. . . 804 1,031 1,199 1,147 155 649 420 565 486 40 8 1954 . . . 1,299 1,496 1,569 1,553 254 1,040 632 927 710 38 9 value of sales, dollars 1959,,. 369,476 1,036,560 782,256 583,330 98,749 242,308 161,115 263,087 460,456 5,916 10 1954 . . . 477,418 900,228 743,565 735,324 59,284 350,583 168,393 275,875 373,773 10,669 11 Livestocls products other than poultry and poultry products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 519,461 1,310,363 1,179,580 910,918 162,068 1,339,778 208,287 869,381 792,550 4,250 12 LIVESTOCK SOLD ALIVE 1954 .. . 597,578 1,185,443 1,077,013 846,415 199,400 1,107,936 223,072 716,993 546,161 15,778 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive . turns reporting 1959 ,, . 1,151 1,423 1,386 1,574 345 1,294 717 1,252 780 UO 14 1954 .. . 1,362 1,726 1,643 1,764 389 1,368 806 1,276 913 134 15 number 1959... 90,639 39,463 39,455 26,759 25,829 19,326 19,477 32,488 37,133 8,197 16 1954... 47,387 36,771 35,533 23,351 22,015 16,966 18,006 18,014 33,691 5,700 17 dollars 1959... 19,391,277 7,300,702 7,381,221 4,104,580 4,417,689 3,175,685 3,208,060 4,585,089 6,812,929 1,375,576 IB 1954... 7,268,711 3,947,934 4,246,323 2,442,637 2,069,282 1,582,434 1,863,840 1,357,252 4,221,249 487,454 1(1 Cattle, not counline calves . farms reporting 1959 .. . 890 1,196 1,058 1,110 274 999 494 788 614 «4 20 1954... 1,103 1,410 1,290 1,271 285 941 623 918 752 106 21 number 1959... 82,701 29,343 28,858 13,603 18,726 10,555 12,129 16,509 29,191 6,395 22 19S4... 40,970 25,232 24,706 11,589 12,394 7,805 10,076 7,088 25,257 3,282 23 dollars 1959 , . , 18,345,223 6,054,144 6,214,390 2,532,909 3,407,093 2,146,485 2,236,212 2,910,847 5,866,781 1,124,147 M Farms reporting by number of caUle sold- 1954,,. 6,767,930 3,185,351 3,492,637 1,496,608 1,383,387 933,897 1,281,495 727,U5 3,592,357 321,906 25 1 to! . farms reporting 1959 . , . 192 364 363 437 50 472 181 409 149 18 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959. . . 282 522 364 437 68 371 153 262 196 16 2T 50to99 . faims reporting 1959 . . . . farms reportinp 1959 , , . 331 85 222 38 280 51 163 13 119 37 152 4 132 28 102 15 230 39 30 20 28 100 or more 29 Calves , farms reporting 1959 , . . 1954 ■ 589 698 722 1,155 825 1,054 1,111 1,300 154 280 824 1,133 470 609 1,048 1,076 438 590 62 102 30 31 number 1959 . . . 7,938 10,120 10,597 13,156 7,103 8,771 7,348 15,979 7,942 1,802 32 1954 . , , 6,417 U,539 10,327 12,262 9,621 9,161 7,930 10,926 8,434 2,418 33 dollars 1959... 1,046,054 1,246,558 1,166,831 1,571,671 1,010,596 1,029,200 971,848 1,674,242 946,143 251,429 34 1954 . . . 500,781 762,583 753,686 946,029 680,895 643,537 582,345 630,117 628,892 165,543 35 Horses and/or mules sold alive . farms reporting 1959 .. . 41 31 31 26 3 n 14 46 19 9 36 1954... 56 71 52 79 19 57 22 36 51 8 37 number 1959... 61 111 53 56 4 16 44 68 26 80 38 1954... 82 263 102 187 67 101 59 62 153 15 39 dollars 1959... 10,925 12,335 6,931 6,900 1,750 2,825 7,300 6,731 3,015 13,102 40 1954 . . . 4,632 15,228 6,248 12,683 4,812 5,116 3,148 3,023 7,732 1,262 41 Hogs and pies sold alive ..,..,.....,.,, . .farms reporting 1959. . . 598 632 611 853 77 690 276 493 418 37 42 1954 .. . 576 616 594 942 106 677 310 461 410 39 43 number 1959... 32,253 27,067 23,516 46,047 2,473 32,033 16,070 20,370 25,785 471 44 1954... 17,439 13,036 13,503 28,179 1,666 23,454 7,865 9,735 11,938 414 45 dollars 1959... 999,843 839,077 728,996 1,427,457 76,663 994,728 498,170 646,970 799,335 14,601 46 1954... 687,696 445,566 544,124 1,092,291 54,585 905,178 316,192 348,348 475,798 13,798 47 Sheep and lanihs sold alive . farms reporting 1959. . . 57 173 132 85 32 191 70 152 47 6 48 1954 . . . 71 142 122 56 32 167 89 141 46 49 number 1959... 9,622 10,395 5,971 5,080 2,331 7,112 4,824 5,934 2,796 4,311 50 19.54 . . . 2,176 4,261 5,642 1,944 3,854 4,592 4,929 2,546 1,459 51 dollars 1059... 144,330 155,925 39,565 76,200 34,965 106,680 72,360 89,010 41,940 64,665 52 SHEEP SHORN AND WOOL 1954 .. . 37,973 77,536 93,424 34,271 68,302 72,293 80,323 41,071 25,923 53 Stieep and/or lambs shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 83 163 121 55 34 171 80 132 43 4 54 1954... 74 142 120 57 29 189 83 153 45 1 55 number shorn 1959... 4,809 10,026 7,713 4,305 3,566 5,513 5,109 5,333 2,164 621 56 1954 . . . 2,478 3,881 5,290 2,098 2,377 5,106 3,682 3,057 1,543 13 57 pounds of «ool 1959... 33,712 85,292 68,192 32,059 35,538 42,995 43,944 45,058 13,322 6,418 56 1954 . . . 20,9U 35,917 48,078 18,107 27,719 41,091 33,013 25,818 15,107 150 59 Lambs shorn .••■■••••>■■.■• . farms repcxtinc 1959... number shorn 1959. .. 11 1,541 27 1,234 17 746 3 1,008 12 521 5 263 13 185 4 92 1 49 60 61 pounds of wool 1959 .. . 6,103 4,948 2,996 4,065 1,916 1,430 811 451 240 62 Other sheep shorn . farms reporting 1959. . . 80 162 121 54 '34 170 79 178 43 4 63 number shtm 1959 .. . 3,268 8,792 6,967 3,297 3,566 4,992 4,846 5,148 2,072 572 64 UTTEHS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 27,609 80,344 65,196 27,994 35,538 41,079 42,514 44,247 13,371 6,178 65 Litters farrowed, Dccemlier 1, previous year to Novemlier 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959 .. . 453 374 404 626 69 570 158 400 285 22 66 1954 . . . 527 388 402 690 51 520 256 320 3U 19 67 number of Utters 1959 . . . 4,119 3,159 3,U2 6,495 588 5,302 1,495 3,051 3,205 73 68 Farms rer«nine by number of litters farrowed Decambor 1, 1958, to November 30, 1959- 1954.,, 2,905 1,871 1,967 5,100 260 3,629 1,270 1,509 1,949 63 60 1 Of Slitters , farms reporting 1959 . . . 86 80 99 79 18 U8 37 140 43 10 70 3 to 9 litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 220 177 188 239 33 251 65 166 131 11 71 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 107 86 86 174 10 140 36 60 62 1 72 20 to 3n 1 lUers . farms reporting 1959 . . . 32 24 28 74 5 48 17 25 32 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 5 7 3 9 3 12 2 5 6 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959. .. 3 1 1 1 4 6 ... 75 ,Iune 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 379 311 348 495 57 470 126 340 244 15 76 1954 . . . 442 291 239 467 34 381 162 243 227 12 77 number of liUers 1959... 1,921 1,574 1,514 2,851 292 2,516 649 1,534 1,486 35 78 1954... 1,552 857 915 2,1^2 112 1,624 607 795 893 18 79 December lln.Iunel . farms reporting 1959 .. . 390 307 319 545 53 455 130 291 249 16 60 1954... 353 304 314 537 40 406 179 225 265 13 81 number of liUers 1959. .. 2,198 1,585 1,628 3,644 296 2,786 846 1,517 1,719 43 82 1954... 1,353 1,014 1,052 2,958 148 2,005 663 TIA 1,056 45 KANSAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only a swnple of fuma. See text] 203 Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne Ottawa Pawnee Phillips Potta- watomie Republic 1,-178 1,578 9,958,501 6,060,101 1,082 1,393 473,019 510,251 1,458,464 980,418 1,413 1,416 41,161 30,113 7,672,301 3,850,797 1,133 1,161 34,266 20,969 7,078,627 3,134,506 322 425 309 77 696 778 6,895 9,144 794,174 716,291 32 65 54 279 5,825 15,891 996 1,133 65,825 52,463 2,040,575 2,134,844 95 87 2,620 3,616 39,300 58,569 90 90 3,876 3,979 31,093 31,716 9 645 3,048 86 3,231 28,045 5,118,966 3,429,544 1,228 1,393 4,141,140 2,287,289 711 1,041 274,550 301,251 703,276 841,004 1,U7 1,296 22,757 19,739 3,049,229 1,672,583 769 985 11,334 10,987 2,037,592 1,161,1A9 301 348 105 15 810 1,044 11,423 8,802 1,011,637 511,434 48 47 259 113 27,635 8,382 531 486 27,446 12,687 850,826 504,510 182 169 U,230 6,010 213,450 101, 8U 173 171 6,980 5,227 52,453 37,723 8 143 652 173 6,837 51,801 821 391 893 375 ,0,769 3,751 9,183 2,010 74 85 306 167 278 99 132 33 27 4 4 3 611 342 496 299 4,349 1,808 2,896 949 712 312 797 259 6,420 1,943 6,287 1,061 6,073,471 3,172,481 687 770 5,840,030 2,843,632 341 449 97,687 102,055 135,754 226,794 676 762 33,978 28,345 5,710,988 2,759,968 539 515 24,838 15,561 4,561,616 1,765,996 124 147 205 63 372 568 9,L40 12,784 1,149,372 993,972 5 14 7 33 738 3,870 170 143 3,564 1,721 110,484 46,171 14 20 1,188 2,022 17,820 33,623 19 22 2,193 2,011 14,472 18,841 8 892 3,611 17 1,301 10,861 108 85 560 262 81 53 237 122 81 56 323 140 5,236,686 2,760,921 798 845 4,896,910 2,328,017 446 636 110,844 128,834 228,932 304,070 738 822 24,491 19,188 4,137,899 1,825,660 553 640 13,684 11,351 2,811,038 1,285,916 136 236 155 26 559 566 10,807 7,337 1,326,861 539,744 39 47 53 222 5,320 18,362 471 471 23,236 12,248 720,316 464,513 37 27 2,225 1,253 33,375 19,482 32 24 1,752 1,253 14,942 10,860 3 74 171 31 1,678 14,771 312 309 2,943 1,827 57 151 71 28 243 186 1,326 724 251 253 1,617 1,103 9,214,965 5,537,066 1,217 1,357 3,330,248 4,547,305 734 1,U6 339,959 401,375 544,758 588,386 1,U7 1,284 38,669 30,367 7,403,975 3,767,856 904 977 31,039 21,629 6,4U,115 3,133,561 281 258 281 84 530 311 7,630 3,738 992,860 634,295 17 47 28 184 2,800 7,471 522 643 28,093 17,831 870,383 694,129 90 127 3,506 4,902 52,590 77,849 113 128 5,605 4,685 42,549 36,002 20 393 3,258 107 4,712 39,291 420 432 3,619 2,542 108 182 39 33 7 1 327 311 1,640 1,116 344 338 1,979 1,426 5,874,771 3,117,894 866 875 5,370,912 2,735,050 535 718 132,934 159,668 370,925 223,176 835 846 31,786 25,331 4,945,289 2,400,334 661 637 16,808 10,037 3,128,608 1,221,869 180 265 188 28 604 721 14,978 15,294 1,816,681 1,178,965 U 57 20 209 4,493 11,429 326 328 10,335 7,240 335,885 255,169 53 50 5,683 3,625 85,245 67,618 40 47 3,549 3,406 32,401 31,723 40 3,549 32,401 2U 222 1,711 1,(X2 50 103 45 U 168 153 750 460 180 176 961 582 5,586,838 3,044,319 691 311 5,067,523 2,526,418 375 609 151,932 135,587 367,333 382,314 636 774 28,635 22,181 4,318,303 2,308,388 526 605 20,669 12,820 3,837,694 1,577,301 174 164 107 31 435 558 7,966 9,361 981,114 731,087 12 31 12 87 1,625 5,293 217 232 5,965 4,799 184,915 166,083 46 41 4,145 2,723 62,175 46,654 60 42 7,824 2,962 64,799 25,514 13 1,412 6,250 59 6,412 58,549 150 182 1,095 794 118 133 522 362 lU 137 573 432 4,378,928 2,710,516 576 617 4,615,624 2,193,792 293 395 99,655 94,713 163,649 422,011 509 581 22,283 16,270 4,277,445 1,921,840 410 474 16,4U U,541 3,487,622 1,467,928 124 130 122 34 305 284 5,369 4,729 789,823 453,912 17 30 37 14,250 2,598 133 117 6,474 2,550 200,694 94,926 76 64 3,215 9,489 123,225 174,423 73 61 6,576 5,185 58,425 50,953 19 1,065 3,835 69 5,511 54,540 4,487,926 2,604,676 835 1,031 4,043,253 2,169,654 534 767 203,182 204,346 231,491 230,676 348 1,000 22,666 18,793 3,479,213 1,743,249 646 754 10,608 9,779 1,923,696 1,040,701 243 227 156 15 603 670 12,058 9,019 1,555,517 707,548 34 37 73 30 7,847 3,667 437 498 17,353 10,340 537,943 399,181 12 23 1,550 1,407 23,250 18,557 23 27 1,807 1,434 15,204 11,988 2 116 380 23 1,691 U,324 84 339 460 61 320 569 704 2,717 4,926 382 1,675 4,102 23 87 73 38 155 197 14 65 128 8 28 51 1 4 9 2 65 246 386 39 176 418 317 1,270 2,371 166 636 1,833 70 274 395 48 261 493 387 1,447 2,555 216 1,039 2,269 8,536,290 5,815,175 1,031 1,268 7,748,429 4,978,175 653 1.031 250,690 336,799 587,171 500,201 981 1,204 38,943 33,191 6,403,875 3,817,571 721 918 23,618 18,136 4,453,950 2,549,756 241 209 221 50 735 878 15,325 15,055 1,949,925 1,267,815 37 89 77 247 11,050 9,588 571 707 37,864 22,934 1,173,784 929,301 59 54 10,648 11, U8 159,720 221,715 47 44 10,392 8,805 73,320 76,302 8 7,153 45,199 42 3,229 27,121 3,443,523 1,649,166 522 622 3,154,056 1,250,643 252 421 142,495 112,697 136,972 285,825 504 504 15,968 U,093 2,891,328 1,107,571 334 426 9,150 5,724 1,801,713 700,601 135 98 66 35 372 461 7,313 5,369 1,089,615 406,970 18 S 25 11 4,675 670 125 130 6,498 2,266 201,438 31,256 24 37 4,441 3,606 66,615 61,W6 48 40 4,449 1,985 42,357 16,847 5 474 1,750 47 3,975 40,607 96 39 902 407 77 64 427 193 75 68 475 214 3,218,359 2,171,788 598 685 2,966,381 1,907,363 325 451 86,571 115,846 155,307 148,079 546 555 15,809 19,093 2,488,536 1,654,337 423 514 8,478 8,006 1,642,354 809,827 148 171 92 12 391 500 7,331 11,087 346,132 844,510 13 35 20 68 2,445 3,172 265 295 11,080 6,900 343,480 216,588 34 16 8,828 1,932 132,420 33,756 25 15 4,370 1,241 39,759 10,397 1 10 30 25 4,360 39,739 1B6 184 1,739 1,019 144 118 816 379 152 148 921 640 8,736,055 5,931,341 1,752 1,966 6,729,453 3,843,438 945 1,584 426,359 646,335 1,560,243 1,441,568 1,520 1,613 34,605 32,650 5,476,178 3,084,206 1,058 1,311 18,684 15,676 3,513,071 1,849,278 336 431 211 30 980 1,424 15 921 16,974 1,963,107 1,234,928 85 56 223 138 35,470 11,938 669 683 23,100 15,414 716,100 541,786 367 327 33,447 11,725 501,705 205,508 367 323 25,266 10,754 2U,045 105,233 35 3,887 U,909 358 21,379 199,136 473 430 3,754 2,333 122 221 93 29 6 2 393 332 1,790 1,131 384 326 1,964 1,202 5,276,748 4,352,347 1,271 1,402 5,451,032 3,451,904 933 1,251 479,859 490,834 347,357 409,609 1,166 1,315 26,271 19,307 4,452,097 2,434,159 311 1,032 15,412 12,788 3,148,067 1,863,724 325 285 176 23 799 666 9,859 7,019 1,304,030 570,435 30 40 255 283 30,075 15,812 617 754 27,190 22,858 342,890 932,502 117 71 8,398 4,177 125,970 59,431 117 72 5,825 4,170 49,158 33,641 6 223 1,030 113 5,503 46,128 505 651 5,093 4,375 98 223 119 53 9 3 378 392 2,243 1,808 403 551 2,650 2,567 5,019,354 2,935,644 725 868 4,364,829 2,372,327 355 626 147,153 201,673 507,372 411,139 674 330 22,345 13,413 3,913,752 2,035,294 495 565 15,902 10,322 3,132,916 1,395,565 185 139 137 34 383 610 5,443 8,091 780,336 639,729 13 14 4B 43 10,004 2,825 268 256 U,233 7,049 346,223 259,156 71 79 6,190 4,407 92,850 75,542 71 74 5,152 4,400 45,065 36,078 5 139 726 69 5,013 44,339 166 ISl 1,711 1,251 134 122 757 564 1A1 151 954 687 204 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS [Most daU for 1959 are based on reports Itefn Riley Rooks Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedgwlek Seward Shawnee Sheridan (For definitions and explanations see text) 1 Value Of sales o( livestock and/Of livestKk products including dairy products: dollars 1959... 5,916,523 3,689,899 3,331,016 3,060,480 5,916,730 6,424,007 11,179,073 2,442,105 6,263,570 4,343,586 2 1954 . . . 4,643,209 2,224,252 1,936,987 2,248,379 3,547,661 2,600,604 7,385,044 1,203,682 4,407,097 1,909,614 3 and mules, hoes, and sheep) - ffllms reporting 1959 . . . 751 634 667 612 769 270 1,446 171 1,032 575 4 1954... 846 764 814 762 905 315 1,530 215 1,118 610 5 value of sales, dollars 1959... 4,944,996 3,463,077 3,073,837 2,755,384 5,198,098 6,286,927 8,490,044 2,359,608 5,007,945 4,060,172 6 1954 . . . 3,840,814 1,924,916 1,680,791 1,905,307 2,765,467 2,478,908 4,985,070 1,117,303 3,084,686 1,592,823 7 PouIIiy and poultry peoducts . farms reporting 1959... 507 337 346 328 433 89 751 67 447 284 R 1954... 757 504 513 528 756 180 1,289 U4 832 441 9 value ot sales, dollars 1959 .. . 319,801 54,055 122,034 73,364 153,479 39,102 535,496 20,791 313,590 53,041 10 1954... 335, 190 91,351 91,561 88,874 216,052 54,585 727,537 27,448 376,830 104,427 11 Livestock products other than poultry and [wultrv products value of sales, dollars 1959 .. . 1954 . . . 651,726 467,205 172,767 207,985 135, 145 164,635 231,732 254,198 565,153 566,142 97,978 67,111 2, 153, 533 1,672,437 61,706 58,931 942,035 945,581 230,373 212,364 12 LIVESTOCK MLD ALIVE 13 CaUle and/or calves sold alive . farms reporting 1959... 70O 624 662 600 709 262 1,193 168 896 550 14 1954... 821 749 806 753 865 297 1,372 203 981 595 15 number 1959 .. . 24,100 21,812 19,767 18,894 27,939 32,798 36,815 13,543 23,909 21,110 16 1954... 21,544 20,500 17,974 21,223 24, 382 22,675 26,775 9,804 20,828 16,214 17 dollars 1959... 4,043,627 3,242,410 2,964,843 2,602,588 4,832,549 6,056,621 6,471,373 2,318,966 4,140,768 3,633,932 IS 1964... 2,999,090 1,787,184 1,600,100 1,827,332 2,536,195 2,386,612 2,755,840 1,041,202 2,478,317 1,439,491 1(1 CaUle. nol countini: calves . farms reporting 1959... 507 447 517 374 502 209 887 113 709 445 iM 1954 .. . 629 561 609 558 646 256 1,108 154 728 474 51 number 1959 . . . 14,306 8,379 12,568 6,961 19,090 26,415 25,693 10,725 17, 2X 13,839 22 1954 .. . 13,834 9,023 9,072 8,613 13,370 18, 161 16,471 5,855 14,857 8,380 23 dollars 1959 .. . 2,727,255 1,476,843 2,198,933 1,226,586 3,712,527 5,335,667 5,179,339 1,922,106 3,431,744 2,765,816 34 Farms reporting by numbet of cattle sold- 1954... 2,282,358 969,468 958,147 932, 601 1,736,889 2,060,087 2,092,126 696,751 2,068,194 894, 576 25 1 to4 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 175 183 165 168 112 30 X5 17 252 122 26 5 to 19 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 142 160 177 123 168 42 355 21 289 171 srr 50 to 99 . farms reporting 1959 .. . 164 88 157 69 162 60 178 45 144 114 28 100 or more . farms reporting 1959 .. . 26 16 18 14 60 77 49 30 24 38 29 Calves . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954- . 435 552 546 629 368 623 531 635 499 693 119 188 787 1,000 77 101 513 620 375 478 30 31 number 1959... 9,794 13,433 7,199 11,933 8,849 6,383 11,122 2,818 6,679 7,271 32 1951 . . . 7,810 11,477 8,902 12,610 11,012 4,514 10,304 3,949 5,971 7,834 33 dollars 1959... 1,316,372 1,765,567 765,910 1,376,002 1,LJ0,022 720,954 1,292,034 396,860 709,024 868, 116 34 1954... 716,732 817,716 641,953 894,731 799,306 326, 525 663,714 344,451 410, L23 544,915 35 Horses and/'or mules sold alive . farms reprrting 1959. . . 2 12 21 7 6 68 3 33 21 36 1954... 41 35 4 42 28 7 48 7 49 13 37 numbet 1959. . . 5 46 29 13 37 227 12 133 48 38 1954... 101 76 4 89 38 66 135 24 81 32 39 dollars 1959... 2,375 4,115 5,320 1,200 15,569 40,420 1,340 15,500 5,376 40 1954 . . . 5,092 3,700 175 4,607 1,659 3,327 15,105 2,606 6,126 1,669 41 Hogs and pigs sold alive . .farms reporting 1959. . . 402 208 94 128 258 89 441 38 368 305 4? 1954 . . . 452 227 102 170 243 95 559 38 416 241 43 number 1959... 26,159 6,837 1,624 3,716 11,069 3,882 31,191 1,142 25,567 12,804 44 1954... 19, 194 3,954 1,983 2,400 5,713 1,761 29,619 494 13,144 4,074 45 dollars 1959... 810,929 211,947 50,344 115, 196 343,139 120,342 966,921 35,402 792,577 396,924 46 1954... 794,458 118,695 60,068 61,475 206,542 62,123 1,371,584 15,921 562,759 124,833 47 Sheep and lambs sold alive . farms reputing 1959. . . 38 15 28 38 31 7 324 1 30 24 48 1954 . . . 25 24 25 10 34 5 290 7 72 24 49 number 1959... 5,871 307 3,910 2,152 1,414 6,293 67,422 260 3,940 1,596 50 1954 . . . 1,972 898 1,390 662 1,207 1,905 41,986 2,731 2,317 1,869 51 dollars 1959... 88,065 4,605 58,650 32,280 21,210 94,395 1,011,330 3,900 59,100 23,940 52 SHEEP SHORN AND »00L 1954 .. . 42,174 15,337 20,448 11,893 21,071 26,846 842,541 57,574 37,484 26,830 53 Stwep and/or laml)s shorn . farms repcrting 1959. . . 32 15 24 17 39 7 317 2 67 28 54 1954... 25 25 24 U 31 5 310 7 76 25 55 number shorn 1959. .. 4,379 703 3,156 1,045 3,153 4,019 44,338 1,570 3,176 2,237 56 19.54 . . . 2,044 906 1,690 709 1,501 1,754 29,705 2,338 2,076 1,810 57 rounds of wool 1959... 30,502 5,315 26,675 7,953 24,533 32,301 348,825 11,191 26,168 21,202 58 1954 . . . 17,944 8,041 16, 116 4,994 10,995 14,232 200,320 21,934 17,052 15,979 59 Lambs shorn . farms repcrting 1959... 2 2 9 4 16 1 42 2 4 4 60 number shorn 1959... 2,680 104 414 148 613 2L2 12,335 1,270 72 107 61 pounds of wool 1959 . . . 14,640 310 1,405 660 2,467 656 57, 816 7,174 289 375 62 Other sheep shorn . farms repcrting 1959. . . number shtm 1959 .. . 31 1,699 15 599 22 2,742 17 897 36 2,540 7 3,807 309 32,003 1 300 66 3,104 28 2,130 63 64 LITTEBS FARROWED pounds of wool 1959... 15,862 5,005 25,270 7,293 22,066 31,645 291,009 4,017 25,879 20,827 65 Litters fanowed, Oecemtier 1 , previous year to Novemlier 30, Census year . farms reporting 1959. . . 299 146 57 UO 136 49 359 22 294 183 66 1954... 391 147 79 107 151 52 399 23 368 148 67 numbvofhtters 1959... 3,906 931 350 750 1,258 389 2,949 170 2,451 1,816 68 Farms reportine by number of litters Tanowed 1954... 3,344 574 356 416 843 309 2,458 82 2,182 731 69 1 a 2 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 38 42 22 44 24 12 107 10 82 24 70 . fam^ reporting 1 959 . . . 100 78 28 48 66 24 149 7 127 92 71 10 to 19 litters . farms reporting 1959 .. . 109 17 3 10 32 9 71 2 57 46 72 20 to an litt«rs . farms reporting 1959 .. . 40 8 3 6 12 3 23 2 23 16 73 40 to 69 litters . farms reporting 1959 . . . 9 1 1 2 1 8 1 3 4 74 70 or more litters . farms reporting 1959. . . 3 2 1 2 1 75 June 2 to November 30 . farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... 255 312 119 96 38 34 78 72 115 89 44 35 298 291 15 16 248 253 153 117 76 77 number of litters 1959 .. . 1,709 438 147 339 646 178 1,510 60 1,147 800 78 1954... 1,465 270 169 213 379 155 1,115 42 877 376 79 December 1 (o .Tune 1 . farms reporting 1959. . . 263 111 36 80 112 41 260 17 228 145 80 19S4... 311 110 67 73 US 40 319 16 283 96 81 number of litters 1959... 2,197 493 203 411 612 2U 1,439 UO 1,304 1,016 82 1954... 1,879 304 187 203 464 154 1,343 40 1,305 355 KANSAS AND LITTERS FARROWED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued for only t amiple of fMma. See t«xtj 205 Shermaji Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte — 4,411,097 2,365,618 7,300,719 3,735,610 3,681,072 1,980,421 4,245,523 1,292,522 1,160,554 961,841 6,649,922 4,613,570 4,956,972 2,169,302 3,032,731 1,971,362 8,441,616 4,915,364 2,552,033 1,797,937 9,904,802 6,431,587 2,636,755 1,476,554 4,462,403 2,772,581 4,054,077 3,052,263 1,234,136 2,393,108 1 9 411 420 4,092,485 1,968,595 194 306 42,532 89,815 1,025 1,177 6,612,466 3,193,356 692 949 215,297 191,137 628 792 3,298,863 1,700,386 271 493 106,650 98,081 122 124 4,237,633 1,251,817 34 77 4,396 12,369 136 198 1,150,878 931,367 56 85 7,856 19,037 1,538 1,660 5,470,344 3,519,018 700 1,263 197,480 391,663 378 504 4,717,222 1,931,043 172 305 44,727 54,639 578 681 2,816,793 1,677,021 313 476 58,892 73,142 796 914 7,726,941 4,147,863 527 784 235, 168 300,144 191 242 2,478,721 1,715,884 77 142 18,327 30,941 1,624 1,773 8,268,639 4,856,366 1,236 1,619 755,090 779,049 197 237 2,585,617 1,396,476 97 173 10,063 36,988 910 1,097 3,769,991 1,969,800 457 749 302,579 330,934 708 710 3,410,535 2,541,946 357 591 147,652 159,235 428 323 889,272 2,343,467 99 197 32,010 159,304 3 10 276,080 307,208 472,956 351, 117 275,559 181,954 3,494 28,336 1,820 11,437 982,098 702,889 195,023 183.620 157,046 221, 199 479,507 467,357 54,535 51,112 881,073 795,672 41,075 43,090 389,833 471,847 505,890 351,082 312,854 390,337 11 12 361 407 18,821 17,718 3,658,108 1,748,747 975 1,130 34,031 20,740 5,654,604 2,554,575 597 774 17,543 15,493 2,935,927 1,564,606 113 118 21,887 10, X5 4,101,689 1,160,121 120 186 6,380 8,685 1,079,312 872,057 1,373 1,548 29,648 29,987 4,751,941 2,982,691 339 481 21,228 16,180 3,925,749 1,577,850 578 678 19,071 19,812 2,642,486 1,609,118 751 873 40,913 31,578 7,195,348 3,638,818 174 233 14,438 16,813 2,259,766 1,597,070 1,564 1,674 35,753 27,299 6,572,176 3,532,796 133 224 13,124 13,229 2,382,127 1,313,927 845 1,048 21,073 20,964 3,214,745 1,634,332 693 691 19,975 23,952 3,117,411 2,306,667 303 232 4,238 10,577 712,537 1,778,277 1> U 15 It 17 U 288 346 14,515 12,009 3,071,092 1,360,679 743 870 21,731 13,410 4,110,391 1,984,386 421 548 10,801 6,923 , 2,105,224 843,904 100 100 20,253 7,748 3,882,525 969,098 80 141 4,346 5,978 792,463 679,908 970 1,183 18,484 19,588 3,452,378 2,268,230 281 387 17,059 9,101 3,375,094 1,037,049 449 509 11,084 6,9» 1,910,935 696,055 594 676 29,496 22,048 5,683,295 2,885,132 137 136 10,027 11,343 1,727,315 1,241,739 1,261 1,280 23,510 18,106 5,040,175 2,745,238 153 193 9,688 8,653 1,898,992 986,234 596 750 12,953 10,258 2,314,013 920,608 506 521 12,135 13,525 2,181,147 1,574,983 223 177 3,478 9,546 664,227 1,742,715 U SO 21 S! 2S 24 88 62 94 44 182 277 4,306 5,709 587,016 388,068 238 202 246 57 654 782 12,300 7,330 1,544,213 570, 189 133 163 90 35 385 610 6,742 8,570 830,703 720,702 8 5 39 48 32 79 1,634 2,597 219,164 191,023 L2 21 35 12 53 140 2,034 2,707 286, S49 192,149 328 366 249 27 782 979 11,164 10,399 1,299,563 7U,461 60 64 109 48 153 368 4,169 7,079 550,655 540,801 152 146 135 16 417 605 7,987 12,882 731,551 913,063 182 144 203 65 465 620 11,417 9,530 1,512,553 753,636 44 38 31 24 114 169 4,411 5,470 532,451 355,331 451 472 304 34 915 989 12,243 9,193 1,532,001 787, 553 28 35 51 39 38 145 3,436 4,576 483,135 327,643 252 185 139 20 616 902 8,120 10,706 900,732 713,724 197 171 116 22 489 575 7,840 10,427 936,264 731,684 115 80 31 2 161 161 760 1,031 48,310 35,562 27 2a a 30 31 32 33 34 6 14 11 24 1,352 1,320 185 165 5,675 4,141 175,925 141,734 12 37 18 65 2,310 3,756 586 618 29,932 15,799 927,892 627, 156 33 19 39 38 3,375 2,710 209 198 9,896 3,075 306,776 99,284 5 3 13 6 12,369 265 40 30 2,015 502 62,465 14,151 4 11 19 66 2,083 5,869 40 47 1,158 514 35,898 11,276 43 44 92 197 10,734 16,935 421 407 17,954 9,549 556, 574 375,402 3 16 15 27 1,975 1,337 112 131 6,468 2,755 200,508 105,025 14 22 16 50 2,159 3,094 211 145 4,838 1,814 149,978 58,388 9 51 13 80 1,260 4,484 267 375 13,908 10,733 431,143 402,662 21 14 123 44 13,378 2,128 95 88 4,217 2,259 130,727 60,646 35 104 115 184 19,200 11,465 911 988 51,773 30,854 1,604,963 1,253,682 11 6 29 17 3,629 830 83 36 2,836 2,038 87,916 56,387 32 53 62 87 7,375 5,012 374 400 15,341 3,209 475,571 294,662 15 69 15 125 2,250 7,380 252 251 8,604 6,049 266,724 195,751 10 8 15 20 2,375 1,030 166 161 5,010 4,398 155,310 110,938 35 36 37 SB 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 35 32 17, 140 4,272 257,100 76,794 34 12 1,844 475 27,660 7,869 X 47 3,519 1,872 52,785 33,786 6 5 4,074 3,950 61,110 77,280 4 4 2,239 3,011 33,585 42,165 270 231 10,073 7,739 151,095 143,990 54 56 39,266 22,401 588,990 246,831 10 8 1,478 490 22,170 6,421 64 51 6,579 4,907 98,635 101,899 18 9 4,990 4,262 74,850 56,040 55 53 4,820 3,504 72,300 58,923 10 16 7,463 1,837 111,945 24,832 91 34 4,320 2,278 72,300 35,794 52 63 1,610 2,171 24,150 32,148 35 11 1,270 30,210 19,050 453,222 47 48 49 50 51 52 40 31 8,341 5,110 84,263 50,915 3 33 113 39 8,308 84,150 34 U 1,864 506 16,952 5,103 2 19 73 32 1,845 16,879 46 52 3,338 2,079 29,618 19,901 12 377 1,558 43 2,961 28,060 5 4 240 3,726 2,474 31,615 5 240 2,474 4 2 126 35 1,322 354 4 126 1,322 257 236 13,504 8,062 125,087 81,338 22 1,040 4,510 253 12,464 120,577 44 57 21,092 17,999 205,804 110,276 8 5,065 35,028 42 16,027 170,776 12 U 1,334 543 10,545 5,244 3 182 789 11 1,152 9,756 54 52 6,356 5,225 44,455 39,186 10 2,109 10,548 49 4,247 33,907 13 8 3,319 1,430 34,042 12,395 13 3,819 34,042 73 52 4,348 3,227 37,769 26,714 5 276 964 77 4,072 36,305 10 15 1,602 1,732 14,544 15,728 1 61 366 9 1,541 14,173 88 87 4,046 2,639 31,798 21,824 10 393 2,263 83 3,653 29,530 65 59 4,152 2,445 35,762 18,941 9 374 1,662 64 3,778 34,100 26 17 550 6,556 4,267 60,000 3 46 291 25 504 3,976 53 54 55 56 57 5« 59 60 61 62 63 64 82 95 633 663 369 401 3,736 2,438 130 132 1,078 500 42 22 393 81 34 23 280 101 322 286 2,519 1,519 88 61 844 411 112 89 451 324 227 248 2,101 1,675 85 53 808 276 722 894 7,271 5,832 30 51 769 234 291 255 2,406 1,093 194 197 1,644 938 127 115 770 794 65 66 67 68 23 30 25 66 163 100 51 41 23 11 14 12 9 17 5 94 145 50 20 46 12 55 48 9 51 105 51 16 40 17 112 317 214 15 31 25 73 131 63 42 96 37 47 58 69 70 1 8 2 2 1 1 2 28 5 6 2 2 12 6 2 10 2 67 10 2 9 19 5 16 3 4 1 1 72 73 74 63 69 259 271 234 1,607 103 77 513 37 14 177 23 15 129 263 199 1,146 58 48 410 72 52 175 189 179 967 72 37 368 580 653 3,182 67 32 336 247 174 174 140 96 79 75 76 n 78 31 42 681 251 134 765 112 2,461 125 523 475 406 61 62 374 334 304 326 2,129 1,467 105 112 565 284 32 15 216 50 23 20 151 59 253 228 1,373 838 73 36 434 160 91 71 276 190 182 202 1,134 910 70 46 440 164 621 733 4,039 3,371 67 44 383 159 228 185 1,200 570 153 158 360 513 82 77 393 388 79 80 81 82 206 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS [Data for daily products sold for 1959 are based Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk of cream sold forms repotting dollars Average sales per farm reporting; dollars Milk s(4d as whole milk farms reporting pounds Oeam sold farms repcrting pounds r)f butterfat POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultiy and poultry products sold farms reponmc dollars Chickens sold farms reporting number Broilers sold farms reptrting number Other chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting number Farms reporting 1^ number oftirkeys arid turitey fryers raised- Under 50 farms reporting 50 to 399 farms reporting 400 or more farms reporting 1959 -. 1951.. 1959 . . 1951 . . 1959 . . 1959.. 1954 . - 1959.. 1954. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959.. 1954 . . 1959.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1954 . . 1959.. 1954.. 1959,. 1954.. 1959,. 1954 -. 1959.. 1954., 1959 . . 1954 -. 1959 . 1954. 1959 . 1954 . . 1959 . . 1954 , . 1959.. 1954 , . 1959.. 1954,, 1959. 1954 . . 1959. 1954. 1959 . 1959,, 1959 , 32,020 52,657 5i,543,273 i9, 152,842 1,703 15,367 18,637 V55, 396,356 1,022,585,839 17,524 34,020 14,772,625 25,651,636 46,584 71,538 20,145,514 23,637,362 31,779 37,679 4,219,660 4,643,417 24 137 560,189 1,168,334 31,766 37,591 3,659,471 3,475,083 44,349 66,993 64,334,534 67,694,049 1,847 3,487 3,285,087 3,300,742 1,541 2,093 785, 3a4 671,954 1,127 228 186 587 848 1,209,060 1,227,845 2,060 527 687 33,602,980 35,962,607 70 161 57,740 120,700 680 977 194,801 310,593 472 456 41,438 43,719 472 456 41,438 43,719 654 936 727,533 1,049,052 27 55 7,347 30,986 35 51 1,571 6,416 29 5 1 481 655 792,913 632,997 1,648 410 508 24,804,414 19,936,723 86 147 76,435 66,716 559 904 265,437 315,769 435 512 66,497 59,284 1 3 16,000 9,400 434 5ia 50,497 49,884 533 347 336,423 1,113,084 22 41 28,881 4,928 18 19 9,139 1,114 13 4 1 366 701 825,450 719,136 2,255 236 330 20,587,642 16,560,736 135 371 37,345 304,146 536 904 192,864 237,477 427 5U 43,392 50,185 3,000 427 514 43,892 47,135 560 839 637,519 835,325 23 44 26,252 26,365 20 18 6,574 5,636 15 4 1 77 156 148,144 142,757 1,924 20 42 2,946,670 2,608,031 57 114 39,231 93,243 207 333 78,983 112,123 116 262 61,942 23,537 2 51,000 115 262 10,942 23,537 195 306 190,533 360,218 11 10 3,858 1,587 16 10 823 264 14 1 1 353 520 446,156 360,975 1,264 135 73 10,453,227 5,654,931 228 447 161,453 263,328 603 836 153,416 187,846 333 383 36,309 50,637 1 1 3,000 20,000 333 338 33,309 30,637 574 776 572,939 515,117 40 91 4,043 15,221 18 21 770 2,466 15 3 659 951 1,568,625 977,738 2,330 623 760 46,069,400 29,607,194 51 191 27,680 110,333 706 1,028 2U,425 279,746 415 406 34,148 35,096 4,500 415 405 34,148 30,596 661 967 582,089 335,744 33 60 61,138 56,811 45 52 15,094 13,844 35 7 3 534 935 1,399,364 1,033,868 2,396 413 498 34,593,979 23,990,985 176 487 170,528 543,557 725 1,179 225,575 361,284 539 693 58,145 113,442 1 2 2,000 51,200 539 691 56,145 62,242 689 1,131 360,503 1,055,898 8 19 629 19,219 1 8 22 4,913 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Flmey Geary DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold farms repcrting 1959 , , 1954,, dollars 1959.. 1954.. \verage sales per farm reporting dolUrs 1959 . . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . pounds 1959 . . 1954 . . Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. pounds of butterfat 1959 . . 1954,, POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959.. 1954,. dollars 1959.. 1954.. Chickens sold farms reporting 1959 , 1954.. number 1959 . 1954 . . Broilers sold farms reprxling 1959, 1954,, number 1959 . . 1954 , . Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959, 1954.. number 1959 . 1954 . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. doEena 1959. 1954. Turlreys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and Uieir eggs sold farms reporting 1959 , 1954, dollara 1959, 1954. Tufltcys and turkey fryers raised , farms reporting 1959 , 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Farms reporting by numb« dt turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Under 50 farms repwting 1959 , 50 to 399 fanns repcrting 1959 , 400 or mae famia reporting 1959 , 49 174 34,737 141,373 710 25 39 530,612 2,428,046 36 135 30,375 92,530 172 291 44,867 75,139 104 163 9,028 12,853 104 163 9,028 12,853 159 255 173,060 253,836 11 21 534 2,138 10 15 178 530 167 417 283,137 366,549 1,696 120 243 7,539,064 8,692,705 47 174 34,815 171,004 287 514 84,835 154,131 153 269 17,234 31,039 7,200 153 267 17,234 23,339 270 467 260,445 372,640 11 20 16,935 38,033 n 16 5,01fl 8,077 7 2 2 386 574 641,581 454,659 1,662 97 54 U, 099, 673 6,007,355 296 520 274,342 417,752 396 629 53,344 93,835 158 211 11,723 11,489 158 2U 11,723 11,489 380 602 199,292 261,546 19 33 1,880 24,204 12 U 281 4,832 9 3 289 404 205,333 176,369 710 72 28 3,252,487 1,099,107 222 376 135,446 240,377 416 605 168,017 203,543 313 369 23,721 57,569 30,000 313 363 28,721 27,569 393 571 611,425 604,523 29 80 12,371 7,375 15 26 2,580 1,207 7 7 1 49 142 162,475 175,841 3,316 20 27 3,052,115 3,657,999 35 115 18,952 79,343 122 239 31,201 53,491 68 83 5,585 7,113 1,000 63 83 5,585 6,113 110 216 84,058 132,605 9 18 9,296 8,479 18 25 2,197 2,051 14 2 2 220 343 558,150 288,154 2,537 71 65 10,319,560 4,302,989 165 278 141,427 214,926 377 556 183,536 161,331 233 293 33,425 23,011 2 1 2,500 2,300 232 292 30,925 25,211 349 483 466,461 430,725 25 30 60,723 25,929 44 46 13,485 5,038 39 3 2 813 1,003 2,341,318 1,492,447 2,880 772 313 63,670,499 41,529,643 51 190 70,992 134,330 582 1,017 160,907 263,242 357 463 35,172 52,320 15,000 357 463 35,172 37,320 544 937 566,331 782,116 22 68 14,085 23,742 24 26 3,461 4,010 17 2 5 128 244 354,776 277,337 2,772 65 100 8,873,637 6,533,905 63 144 33,730 87,381 252 378 104,686 190,335 196 259 19,307 71,703 50,000 196 258 19,307 21,708 243 361 410,676 464,067 6 15 139 22,196 3 5,164 _L KANSAS 207 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 on reports for only a sample of fftrms. See text] Chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglas 96 156 457 243 23 467 437 463 43 31i 540 235 481 239 457 1 226 211 826 425 89 715 652 813 108 598 897 429 870 545 649 233,i3S 220,060 607,785 186,391 3,421 440,384 343,596 541,079 171,608 786,373 697,795 133,030 958,473 377,467 1,619,245 3 119,873 188,737 573,692 281,653 25,745 406,175 410,777 555,585 188,790 878,624 809,310 185,409 710,462 350,256 1,355,233 ^ 2,432 1,411 1,330 767 149 943 786 1,169 3,991 2,504 1,292 566 1,993 1,579 3,543 5 31 102 427 13 7 75 121 346 26 246 445 15 247 108 412 6 38 107 645 50 U 96 80 411 31 352 652 10 300 114 581 7 5,669,376 5,089,567 18,089,340 1,724,625 13,848 6,452,470 4,352,786 15,122,404 4,459,443 17,737,586 19,963,608 486,580 22,162,094 8,995,975 42 944,623 8 1,735,596 3,943,442 18,119,803 3,295,026 128,509 4,156,735 4,534,674 14,335,375 4,325,602 24,027,820 22,459,152 792,292 15,062,472 6,624,685 39,245,174 9 65 59 35 231 23 407 341 132 17 93 95 220 234 131 50 10 188 104 181 375 75 619 572 407 77 246 245 419 570 431 68 11 33,119 39,310 12,420 218,301 5,216 353,574 307,103 70,646 5,764 73,405 54,085 210,458 191,320 95,670 14,750 12 101,356 93,479 71,545 305,440 39,362 485,466 478,665 270,204 53,200 137,036 U7,499 289,796 420,789 282,719 45,946 13 186 191 493 279 78 SIS 523 727 77 570 717 332 1,020 494 569 14 348 324 833 456 208 1,055 864 1,110 169 1,088 1,075 525 1,389 743 821 15 118,992 51,217 115,198 113,510 24,099 504,082 214,851 380,030 17,726 242,706 220,641 98,039 644,555 166,480 189,459 16 94,688 67,989 163,062 113,910 42,455 502,538 284,726 502,973 50,616 379,760 259,975 119,300 658,143 234,373 268,039 17 134 101 296 185 48 686 376 597 40 337 494 203 786 343 360 16 167 82 408 204 102 716 439 651 89 434 524 248 791 413 343 19 16,140 10,189 40,913 27,263 6,621 112,207 39,900 100,502 2,712 36,500 46,609 20,408 112,470 115,547 39,801 20 13,073 18,008 38,075 16,001 15,335 90,257 53,865 US, 125 8,789 38,851 39,427 22,998 77,650 79,168 37,895 21 "i 1 2 10,000 ""i ::: "2 7 ::: "i 1 "i 1 5 85,000 1 3 6,000 22 23 24 ... 12,000 10,000 ... 5,520 ... 12,300 59,580 ... ... 1,600 1,660 3,266 42,700 12,200 25 134 101 295 185 48 686 376 597 40 337 494 203 786 342 359 26 167 81 407 204 102 716 437 647 89 434 524 247 790 4U 340 27 16,140 10,189 30,913 27,263 6,621 112,207 39,900 100,502 2,712 36,500 46,609 20,408 112,470 30,547 33,801 28 13,073 6,008 28,075 16,001 9,815 90,257 41,565 78,545 8,789 38,851 38,427 21,998 74,450 36,468 25,695 29 181 179 464 257 70 796 507 706 71 524 685 311 1,000 463 537 30 331 301 757 428 185 1,002 833 1,058 139 1,020 1,010 490 1,348 636 756 31 472,581 178,609 382,287 437,291 89,855 1,650,220 764,274 1,408,257 69,297 705,120 848,871 379,448 1,790,443 424,838 526,985 32 334,477 184,387 450,464 310,552 89,331 1,663,310 901,858 1,533,342 114,223 799,069 854,158 423,705 1,699,920 565,758 630,785 33 2 11 19 3 8 19 15 16 4 24 29 6 40 13 25 34 9 17 56 25 10 37 20 39 25 37 48 10 66 25 57 35 570 5,192 8,766 108 481 73,245 19,056 10,892 254 62,162 2,463 645 179,983 11,699 25,445 3a 5,21B 5,118 4,049 20,049 1,680 71,402 21,661 51,950 12,157 124,620 27,549 406 199,799 31,654 58,647 37 3 18 30 3 13 9 10 13 11 20 38 3 17 7 14 38 4 U 53 24 15 17 15 12 33 28 51 6 30 11 33 39 159 1,261 2,374 21 130 15,185 3,450 2,547 111 15,468 767 92 45,823 2,715 6,081 40 812 1,067 1,320 3,572 474 9,372 4,206 10,162 2,399 24,884 7,969 53 44,664 6,213 13,734 41 2 15 23 3 13 2 8 9 U 14 33 2 6 4 6 42 1 2 5 ... 2 1 2 ... 4 5 1 3 1 5 43 ... 1 2 ... 5 1 2 ... 2 ... ... 8 2 3 44 GrEiham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey HaskeU Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson JeweU Johnson Kearny 242 4 99 14 201 32 238 416 34 93 560 453 584 307 28 1 345 38 215 43 394 81 415 672 62 181 985 781 878 416 85 112,730 5,087 99,901 4,292 320,201 10,517 637,395 1,156,206 34,860 104,847 766,742 1,377,302 292,762 1,177,735 17,560 3 151,132 9,261 181,867 14,229 221,670 42,139 564,451 959,639 77,757 198,971 833,216 999,154 369,405 1,125,927 48,209 4 466 1,272 1,009 307 1,593 329 2,678 2,779 1,025 1,127 1,369 2,975 501 3,836 627 5 16 2 34 ... 119 15 94 169 8 24 299 392 19 252 1 « 27 4 51 8 159 17 199 219 22 31 308 540 44 295 12 7 732,790 25,181 1,797,263 ... 7,637,252 82,900 15,007,253 28,283,363 561,430 1,395,660 17,066,023 36,471,809 1,031,051 32,054,041 860 8 459, OU 28,562 2,905,864 43,050 4,898,105 706,398 13,588,661 21,681,438 1,720,175 3,942,006 14,894,353 26,713,328 1,235,873 29,159,957 404,033 9 227 3 82 14 92 27 144 247 32 75 281 71 570 70 27 10 318 34 164 35 235 64 216 453 40 150 677 241 834 121 74 11 153,836 7,418 56,075 7,249 34,910 13,938 123,919 133,960 19,096 95,575 222,010 63,465 462,390 30,815 28,541 12 255,114 15,245 135,117 20,530 110,640 31,071 156,745 300,932 27,231 145,633 601,455 204,453 633,565 53,387 50,475 13 282 35 165 70 390 79 423 645 58 206 758 599 722 354 73 14 393 96 321 106 636 U7 709 986 95 285 1,198 968 1,060 552 120 15 41,985 4,553 42,826 204,747 95,345 11,808 168,306 622,278 69,807 71,497 211,981 162,836 295,827 112,711 9,953 16 65,229 17,729 67,272 16,829 137,487 17,720 276,667 583,113 27,455 66,346 336,960 253,320 273,010 1/43,434 20,796 17 142 17 96 47 213 50 273 469 37 132 543 418 526 228 35 18 137 55 169 46 312 35 389 530 35 114 617 498 558 278 44 19 8,834 1,395 8,906 47,808 19,194 4,560 33,389 60,984 2,382 14,415 52,713 35,524 133,490 23,829 2,073 30 8,553 5,U5 16,833 4,113 32,080 2,153 137,040 112,592 3,687 10,617 50,833 45,590 50,037 2 1 31,286 3,726 21 ... "i "2 "i ... "s 4 ... '.'.'. '.'.'. 1 "2 23 ... ... ... ... . . . 79,560 24 1,100 3,063 ... 9,000 ... 102,500 37,400 ... ... 2,000 3,500 7,966 25 142 17 96 47 213 50 273 469 37 132 543 418 525 228 35 26 137 55 167 46 311 35 385 627 35 114 617 498 557 276 44 27 8,834 1,395 8,906 47,808 19,194 4,560 33,389 60,984 2,382 14,415 52,713 35,524 53,930 23,829 2,073 28 8,553 4,045 13,770 4,113 23,080 2,153 34,540 75,192 3,687 10,617 50,833 43,590 46,537 23,386 3,726 29 269 30 154 61 372 69 395 612 51 195 728 570 701 337 71 30 366 78 301 95 583 110 665 928 87 274 1,125 913 1,009 491 112 31 159,725 15,986 161,965 788,892 367,265 42,697 652,293 1,270,561 38,608 269,530 776,445 614,386 362,341 426,476 36,751 32 217,917 42,733 211,392 43,623 436,394 59,867 614,818 1,441,430 86,896 233,749 1,139,672 812,942 941,230 349,984 50,804 33 15 3 10 6 11 6 23 52 6 15 17 25 22 15 3 34 31 4 10 7 22 2 33 34 6 9 56 48 29 37 4 35 912 284 1,193 593 1,251 U7 1,405 298,438 59,803 2,341 9,293 4,371 31,571 2,970 500 36 7,626 525 309 711 3,888 100 6,977 U5,401 522 1,260 22,497 5,924 27,008 5,612 1,046 37 U 2 16 7 13 6 22 29 U 13 13 20 20 13 5 38 19 7 12 7 15 7 26 39 9 16 25 30 8 27 6 39 200 76 264 198 423 73 402 79,873 12,686 479 2,133 563 3,245 607 139 40 3,048 194 124 131 1,137 54 1,385 31,706 179 306 4,493 987 3,106 1,177 181 41 13 1 15 6 10 6 20 11 8 10 7 16 11 10 4 42 1 1 1 1 3 ... 2 5 13 3 3 4 2 4 6 3 3 1 43 44 208 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Data for dairy froducts sold for 1959 are based lUfn (For definitiona and explanations, see text) Kingman Kiowa Labette Lane Leaven- worth Lincoln Unn Logan I^n McPherson DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk or cream sold fonns reponing 1059... 354 57 633 66 403 294 463 34 446 654 2 1954... 590 149 920 90 587 503 649 123 844 1,194 3 dollars 1959... 491,247 100,040 1,181,597 60,127 1,615,219 134,895 1,167,955 67,603 506,938 1,278,805 < 1954... 570,140 94,881 1,187,334 63,223 1,692,392 182,282 627,687 82,102 587,750 1,168,562 5 Average sales per fann reporting dollars 1959 . . . 1,388 1,755 1,352 911 4,003 459 2,523 305 1,137 1,955 e Milk sold as whole milk famis reoorurp 1959. , . 120 22 567 8 353 50 413 2 244 290 7 1954 . . . 160 30 690 9 602 45 444 4 328 322 8 pounds 1959... 10,284,892 2,106,240 34,187,816 591,170 44,311,458 1,452,515 33,825,600 315,300 11,335,193 28,839,770 9 1954... 11,443,725 1,738,130 32,303,203 315,656 47,241,014 1,280,840 18,259,893 234,634 13,850,959 31,256,757 10 Cream sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 239 45 76 63 55 251 50 83 222 389 11 1954... 430 119 230 81 35 458 205 124 516 872 12 pounds of butterfat 1959 . . . 221,268 25,125 58,660 65,832 26,835 174,919 19,745 89,798 164,285 273,938 13 1954 . . . POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 303,139 59,953 173,137 56,549 66,438 232,332 95,474 123,374 301,551 540,391 14 PoultiV and poultry products sold (ams reporting 1959 - . 489 116 719 81 506 524 614 103 304 1,031 15 1054... 815 213 1,215 126 841 710 838 149 1,299 1,496 16 dollars 1959 ... 158,350 35,440 244,363 12,717 178,623 245,153 256,981 38,577 369,476 1,035,560 17 1954 .. . 196,104 53,846 315,312 22,631 196,580 203,285 277,578 27,232 477,413 900,228 18 Chickens sold farma reporting 1959. . . 327 64 430 55 317 400 445 56 607 741 19 1954 .. . 446 106 682 49 432 383 468 50 699 1,033 20 number 19S9 . . . 33,372 10,161 96,687 4,047 28,196 41,498 45,646 3,231 77,788 127,925 21 1954 . . . 48,793 8,523 93,330 3,514 35,455 33,979 52,441 4,894 67,252 158,158 22 Blt>ilers sold farms reputing 1959... 1 2 23 1954... "4 3 1 3 "i 6 24 number 1P59... ... 56,000 28,025 25 1954... 12,450 26,000 5,600 9,000 1,500 34,700 28 Other chickens sold farms lepcrting 1959. . . 327 64 429 55 317 400 445 '66 507 740 27 1954 . . . 445 106 679 49 431 383 467 50 699 1,029 28 number 1959 . . . 33,372 10,161 40,637 4,047 28,196 41,498 45,646 8,231 77,738 99,900 29 1954... 36,343 8,623 67,330 3,514 29,855 33,979 43,441 4,894 65,752 123,453 30 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .- . 460 103 669 75 453 513 580 100 783 979 31 1954 . . . 763 190 1,112 120 762 685 832 143 1,247 1,425 32 dozens 1959 . - . 572,420 133,034 821,341 44,300 527,744 910,332 798,774 149,450 1,403,344 2,003,789 33 1954 . . . 567,462 113,698 306,891 74,223 492,380 758,527 801,990 82,658 1,711,393 2,163,442 34 poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 .. . 27 5 40 3 34 14 26 5 18 54 35 1954... 12 84 7 43 25 31 7 53 102 36 dollars 1959... 10,624 362 5,943 330 43,228 13,819 51,125 157 3,439 510,389 37 1954 . . . 14,007 15,929 19,821 1,203 23,039 1,573 26,796 1,054 3,670 256,903 38 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959 .. . 23 6 43 7 29 7 20 7 11 41 39 1954 .. . 29 13 67 7 36 7 18 4 26 40 40 number 1959... 3,128 168 1,641 201 8,171 3,283 11,784 73 1,645 136,327 41 1954... Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- 3,630 3,800 5,742 275 6,154 221 4,812 253 537 40,441 42 Und€r50... farms reprrting 1959... 17 5 44 6 21 4 16 7 9 17 43 50 10 399 farms reporting 1959. . . 4 1 3 1 4 2 1 44 400 or nx>re farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 1 4 1 4 1 24 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Paimee Phillips Potta- watomie Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice Riley Roolts DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 Any milk of cream sold farms repirUng 1959 ., . 155 420 437 105 238 6U 476 227 358 245 2 219 616 693 233 344 1,075 817 435 511 412 S dollars 1959... 142,032 225,865 560,042 121,299 150,593 1,501,047 329,559 490,693 640,440 170,300 4 1954... 398,063 225,0« 464,339 277,908 142,957 1,392,106 393,798 394,182 453,771 204,206 5 Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . . . 916 538 1,282 1,155 633 2,457 593 2,152 1,789 597 6 Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 .. . 40 33 98 34 15 252 50 79 68 19 7 1954 . , . 82 43 78 76 12 277 64 79 83 23 8 pounds 19.^9 . . . 2,630,826 989,261 9,162,077 2,496,675 1,182,047 31,730,473 3,715,100 12,566,368 11,647,041 825,591 9 1954... 9,232,963 806,503 5,133,580 5,758,479 379,951 26,004,704 3,307,221 5,357,293 5,613,799 1,055,034 10 Cream sold farms reporting 1959 . . , 115 137 392 568 359 615 76 157 225 332 389 798 436 753 169 355 296 423 227 389 11 1954 . . . 12 pounds of butterfat 1 959 . . . 75,326 309,646 345,344 39,172 132,685 342,050 304,840 77,429 269,892 228,993 13 1964... POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS 108,415 379,343 474,309 120,999 230,038 695,924 541,208 280,405 351,337 307,680 14 Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporung 1959... 293 534 653 252 325 945 933 355 507 337 15 1954 395 767 1,031 421 451 1,584 1,251 626 757 504 le dollars 1959... 99,655 208,182 250,690 142,495 85,571 426,359 479,859 147,153 319,801 54,055 17 1954 . . . 94,713 204,346 336,799 112,697 115,345 646,335 490,834 201,678 335,190 91,351 18 Chickens sold farms reporting 1959. . . 161 381 493 159 201 615 765 234 412 185 19 1954... 234 348 561 239 250 951 746 426 493 223 20 number 1959 . . . 22,884 104,447 51,151 21,436 13,257 88,155 80,461 32,113 64,395 11,438 21 1954 .. . 19,418 27,153 53,254 17,140 26,546 171,947 63,937 43,578 55,795 19,447 22 Broilers sold farms reporting 1959. . . 1 1 23 1954... 2 7 1 24 number 1959 . . 72,000 2,000 25 1954... 3,500 63,200 2,600 26 Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959. . 161 380 493 159 201 515 765 234 412 185 27 1954.. 234 347 561 239 250 946 746 425 497 223 28 number 1959. .. 22,834 32,447 51,151 21,436 13,257 88,15p 30,451 32, U3 62,395 11,438 29 1954 . . 19,418 23,658 53,254 17,140 26,545 103,747 63,937 43,678 53,195 19,447 30 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1959 . . 274 564 637 232 301 888 919 341 500 319 81 1954 . . 347 723 983 381 416 1,455 1,217 581 723 430 S2 dozens 1959.. 384,132 669,083 826,678 483,137 327,925 1,557,920 1,676,003 567,988 1,203,579 204,436 33 1954 . . 289,201 647,084 1,041,006 314,782 376,966 1,628,754 1,578,292 636,483 1,143,117 3U,199 34 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporUng 1959.. 13 8 16 14 20 a 28 9 5 9 85 1954.. 19 30 47 20 24 117 52 23 27 18 86 dollars 1959.. 369 323 36,430 19,897 2,309 25,130 52,675 881 10,425 1,432 87 1954.. 8,745 23,099 55,556 14,165 2,665 77,112 73,202 2,528 28,210 2,418 38 Tudieys and tutkey ftyefs faised farms reporting 1959 . . 10 3 9 13 10 42 9 9 4 7 39 1954.. 14 12 11 13 9 57 10 8 9 12 40 number 1959.. 99 178 7,745 5,111 564 7,276 12,889 177 2,104 252 41 1954.. Farma reporting by ninlw dt birkeyB and turkey fryers rajeed- 1,175 5,984 11,327 2,922 436 13,250 12,342 413 5,506 524 42 Und« 50 farms reporting 1959 .. 10 7 1 7 11 6 4 31 10 2 1 9 2 1 5 2 41 50 to 899 farms repcrUng 1959.. 44 400 or more farms reporting 1959 . . 2 "2 1 6 1 KANSAS 209 SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued on reports for only a sample of farms, '■ie© t^xt] Marlon Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery Morris Morton Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne Ottawa 695 853 49 593 244 431 380 4 331 475 244 327 382 412 239 1 1,2C» 1,278 181 773 459 554 567 40 1,192 837 318 563 791 554 505 l,15i,iia 899,056 148,919 1,323,870 192,023 352,710 785,585 1,875 1,445,959 533,359 130,399 223,404 529,015 358,937 343,357 3 1,054,416 837,905 186,372 1,033,623 207,556 704,359 539,061 15,703 965, 5U 823,272 217,939 298,966 571,465 203,266 370,322 1 1,661 1,054 3,039 2,232 787 1,973 2,067 459 1,741 1,440 534 683 1,335 371 1,183 5 277 170 19 508 96 336 253 216 354 17 43 234 55 124 6 227 87 36 525 70 399 226 "7 143 532 26 35 334 26 145 7 27,618,373 11,019,169 3,708,846 37,052,635 3,136,556 23,336,324 20,941,675 25,415,355 18,U5,736 1,053,479 1,055,050 13,483,458 5,565,180 7,405,277 S 19,694,666 4,141,271 3,685,881 30,180,844 2,528,879 17,555,105 12,920,822 193,219 7,849,558 20,466,152 2,733,287 2,333,345 13,306,097 377,944 7,045,295 9 iza 698 36 90 158 100 137 4 615 111 232 289 168 366 180 10 982 1,191 145 243 339 255 341 33 1,049 305 292 527 457 528 350 11 319,290 777,649 19,266 56,500 136,257 46,590 101,189 3,173 655,535 103,444 171,825 340,671 80,155 304,534 U9,103 12 797,429 1,153,692 109,943 145,019 as, 360 194,783 246,924 15,617 1,176,557 277,744 224,905 4U,333 268,190 336,300 271,394 13 1,199 1,147 155 549 420 565 486 40 1,082 711 341 446 734 535 375 U 1,569 1,553 254 1,040 632 927 710 38 1,393 1,041 449 535 1,116 718 609 15 782,256 583,830 93,749 242,303 161,115 263,037 460,456 5,916 473,019 274,550 97,687 U0,844 339,959 132,934 151,982 16 743,565 735,324 59,284 350,583 163,393 275,875 373,773 10,569 510,251 301,251 102,055 128,334 401,375 159,568 135,537 17 1,008 946 78 399 291 326 345 21 913 472 186 301 577 365 242 16 1,037 925 129 445 312 461 415 38 303 493 323 305 525 370 305 19 150,821 1U,851 5,337 35,294 21,166 58,850 38,282 1,355 94,687 48,355 20,382 23,575 56,600 26,680 13,204 20 147,722 2 5 107,319 10,283 39,932 28,211 98,688 57,930 2,490 90,401 1 1 50,741 32,137 25,388 49,770 26,123 24,755 21 22 23 "2 2 "4 "2 "i 1 1 9,049 6,397 24 37,475 11,500 3,500 61,666 12,666 15,000 5,566 1,900 5,300 25 1,007 946 78 399 291 326 345 '21 913 472 186 301 577 365 242 26 1,034 924 129 445 312 457 414 38 807 498 327 304 525 370 305 27 141,772 U4,851 5,337 35,294 21,165 58,350 38,282 1,355 88,290 48,355 20,382 23,576 55,600 26,680 18,204 28 110,247 95,819 10,288 35,432 23,211 37,688 45,930 2,490 75,401 45,241 30,237 21,083 49,770 26,123 24,755 29 1,173 1,107 140 597 399 540 470 30 1,057 679 322 430 756 520 362 30 1,513 1,488 220 %5 595 812 662 84 1,335 978 417 599 1,075 633 574 31 2,869,822 2,006,384 106,467 699,775 336,212 759,473 741,052 21,215 1,534,5U 8a, 476 367,108 427,652 1,092,155 502,357 412,410 32 2,581,968 2,172,932 141,375 317,324 548,533 628,907 711,474 29,303 1,563,975 949,491 307,021 433,111 1,195,690 616,2U 493,342 33 51 27 19 36 U 31 13 6 17 23 U 8 13 21 12 34 70 56 24 46 21 54 33 34 39 18 U 27 35 24 35 44,935 66,694 71,527 53,421 61,863 60,168 270,734 464 50,104 48,006 3,263 899 60,296 4,(»7 47,361 36 33,346 165,290 7,950 111,036 24,879 39,805 160,222 106,804 17,031 5,772 1,717 67,767 6,448 5,926 37 21 8 23 26 10 39 9 "5 6 29 18 5 7 16 10 38 22 8 26 24 7 75 17 1 17 35 8 8 10 23 12 39 5,812 15,172 20,747 15,503 14,035 14,773 55,350 125 12,007 11,900 729 182 17,040 1,117 12,050 40 7,810 32,585 1,509 17,134 4,854 10,297 31,850 2 25,306 3,790 1,267 367 7,075 1,375 1,211 41 13 4 13 16 4 33 5 2 22 13 4 6 13 4 4! 6 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 5 5 1 2 3 48 2 2 9 7 3 3 '9 3 2 "i 1 3 44 Rush Russell SaUne Scott Scdgwlcli Seward Shawnee Sheridan Shensen Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Suimer Xhomas 199 249 231 40 425 20 286 226 184 542 154 7 2 331 109 1 375 4« 478 81 744 64 586 385 245 317 277 34 42 561 206 2 125,275 228,790 556,076 85,025 2,024,458 57,556 932,353 222,528 244,902 455,634 254,601 2,579 1,331 935,816 U8,876 3 157,060 251,851 550,974 60,422 1,578,287 48,622 937,567 204,354 283,278 348,719 172,601 13,477 11,271 664,660 131,790 4 630 919 2,407 2,151 4,753 2,878 3,260 985 1,331 851 1,718 368 666 2,827 1,091 5 66 72 127 3 257 6 205 16 36 57 55 2 209 11 6 15 33 130 12 359 11 363 15 41 41 64 3 "5 282 14 7 1,387,115 3,574,657 12,909,344 1,500,172 52,633,690 1,135,150 22,271,161 2,427,930 4,308,190 4,895,007 5,791,375 2,838 J3,142,0U 1,570,520 6 259,209 2,889,120 12,904,388 943,922 36,761,022 722,252 22,527,304 407,040 4,353,204 1,817,933 3,050,997 9,940 20,444 16,055,196 1,145,101 9 153 193 124 37 203 14 36 210 149 495 114 7 2 122 93 10 360 373 293 69 385 53 223 369 204 775 213 31 37 279 192 11 123,918 153,919 73,115 34,270 130,923 13,363 41,370 232,139 164,721 537,121 101,312 4,573 2,700 86,598 94,947 12 269,754 253,444 172,972 45,102 327,356 35,799 U8,833 346,313 158,725 544,587 123,073 23,795 19,488 176, U8 159,330 13 346 328 433 89 751 67 447 234 194 592 271 34 56 700 172 14 518 528 756 180 1,289 U4 832 441 306 949 493 77 85 1,263 305 15 122,034 73,364 153,479 39,102 535,496 20,791 313,590 53,041 42,532 215,297 106,550 4,396 7,856 197,480 44,727 16 91,561 88,874 216,052 54,585 727,537 27,448 376,830 104,427 89,815 191,137 93,081 12,359 19,037 391,663 54,639 17 182 173 295 46 493 31 292 145 123 454 153 15 26 451 90 18 244 242 365 65 708 51 383 160 147 429 275 26 36 683 146 19 27,016 13,503 37,358 3,602 57,893 3,224 130,128 12,238 13,475 117,355 21,962 1,672 2,464 49,526 15,293 20 15,726 14,597 28,406 6,953 206,825 5,175 157,510 10,785 17,994 31,499 25,341 2,098 3,S49 59,366 16,502 21 no "i "5 91,553 2 6 35,666 "2 1 "i 1 1 5,000 23 24 2,066 129,450 122,266 4,254 1,266 ... 1,700 25 182 173 295 45 493 31 292 146 128 453 153 15 26 451 89 26 244 242 365 64 704 51 384 160 146 429 275 25 36 633 146 27 27,016 13,503 37,353 3,602 57,893 3,224 38,470 12,288 13,476 82,355 21,962 1,672 2,464 49,626 10,293 28 15,726 14,597 28,406 4,953 77,375 5,175 35,310 10,736 13,730 31,499 25,141 2,093 3,549 59,366 14,302 29 327 310 414 83 709 56 409 257 186 670 245 25 43 653 162 30 474 493 717 169 1,161 99 749 421 279 917 437 55 70 1,176 230 31 463,684 285,499 517,198 58,146 1,057,913 57,550 838^496 202,397 155,518 714,839 407,300 14,380 27,650 702,431 152,904 32 313,449 269,228 605,304 93,555 1,296,650 58,786 714,871 277,600 240,330 739,425 294,249 35,687 43,253 1,031,443 149,146 33 23 15 18 2 33 9 25 10 11 7 14 8 5 23 7 34 59 36 38 4 85 13 52 18 12 16 29 3 13 64 17 35 2,375 658 17,770 24,030 251,249 5,930 41,679 657 1,030 341 2,030 427 455 13,513 2,239 38 4,391 10,958 32,021 22,296 189,453 6,748 55,063 29,940 1,620 560 4,325 100 1,165 45,482 1,252 37 21 8 16 5 36 11 14 6 9 7 4 8 9 20 4 38 22 15 21 3 55 16 25 15 11 3 12 4 11 41 7 39 428 146 4,159 6,449 56,143 1,239 3,587 141 167 124 243 121 207 3,056 238 40 670 3,319 7,637 4,944 44,215 1,398 9,703 5,381 351 43 931 39 277 3,407 303 41 18 7 12 4 21 9 11 5 8 7 3 8 7 12 2 42 3 1 3 1 "i 5 9 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 43 44 210 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lO.-DAIRY PRODUCTS AND POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD FROM FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued {pBtA for daily pnKhlcta sold for 1959 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations. B text) Washln^on Wyandotte DAIRY PRODUCTS Any milk or cream sold forms reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959. 1954. Average sales per farm reporting dollars 1959 . Milk sold as whole milk farms reporting 1959 . 1954 . pounds 1959. 1954. Cream sold fanna reporting 1959. 1954. pounds of butterfat 1959 . 1954. POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting 1959. 1954. dollars 1959 . 1954. Chickens sold farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Broilers sold farms reptrting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954. Other chickens sold farms reporting 1959 . 1954. number 1959 . 1954. Chicken eggs sold farms repotting 1959 . 1954. dozens 1959 . 1954- Turkeys. ducks, geese, otlier miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1959 , 1954. dollars 1959. 1954 Turkeys and turkey fryers raised farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1 959 . 1954, Farms reporting by number of turkeys and turkey fryers raised- Unda 50 farms reporting 1959 . 50 to 399. farms reporting 1959. 400 or iix>re farms reporting 1959 . 245 •437 153,144 218,734 625 10 11 996,405 930,042 235 426 226,064 346,709 313 476 58,892 73,142 157 169 11,764 8,975 157 169 11,764 8,975 299 454 227,626 266,120 12 24 615 4,124 14 20 203 980 13 1 301 591 463,058 448,940 1,538 210 246 12,477,589 11,132,131 91 345 69,016 205,780 527 784 235,168 300,144 381 365 39,801 37,653 1,350 381 364 39,801 36,303 509 756 883,094 873,662 19 33 10,887 53,039 4 13 2,622 11,178 49 977 103 1,275 41,939 867,098 45,286 783,116 856 888 3 86 5 85 203,139 6,170,385 109,363 3,227,005 46 937 98 1,190 62,334 1,096,742 72,722 1,107,770 77 1,236 142 1,619 18,827 755,090 30,941 779,049 40 1,071 62 1,094 4,363 166,351 7,135 137, 561 1 1,000 ... 40 1,071 62 1,094 4,363 166,351 6,135 137,561 72 1,217 J27 1,558 43,647 2,919,043 80,362 2,803,533 10 36 8 83 6,999 2,951 4,870 9,998 15 13 10 15 1,480 524 984 1,496 14 9 4 1 44 103 35,694 35,698 ai 2 2 543,000 73,749 42 101 28,676 56,977 97 173 10,063 36,988 48 69 3,619 4,971 48 69 3,619 4,971 88 160 37,120 89,900 4 9 32 9,820 2 3 10 1,955 310 547 378,068 461,590 1,220 185 253 9,346,042 10,647,269 136 294 107,726 200,245 457 749 302,579 330,934 280 356 33,616 42,495 10,915 280 354 33,616 31,580 424 690 657,620 635,962 18 32 134,329 122,691 16 32 27,077 28,633 10 4 2 298 387 492,658 342,180 1,653 243 251 U,388,817 9,248,495 65 136 24,190 80,958 357 591 147,652 159,235 254 329 30,545 26,458 254 329 30,545 26,458 337 559 506,814 577,670 14 40 16,548 10,365 8 13 2,995 1,750 6 1 1 119 311,275 362,137 3,619 81 99 6,990,312 7,866,085 10 20 5,950 9,309 99 197 32,010 159,304 58 69 6,247 54,743 50,000 58 67 6,247 4,743 77 155 112,411 110,526 12 28 3,094 66,928 6 22 1,073 21,742 4 1 1 KANSAS 211 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 1 of 5 Itom (For dorinitions and expl anatinnR. see text) The State Allen Anderson Atchison Barber Barton Bourbon Brown Butler 1 Com: Com for all purposes famiB reporting 1959... 43,178 912 827 832 54 64 387 1,199 704 2 1954... 50,557 824 764 1,092 43 88 916 1,455 513 3 acres 1959. . . 1,869,941 39,239 33,360 43,839 1,594 963 32,51A 102,314 23,280 U 1954... 2,033,872 30,655 23,478 51,721 1,072 1,250 27,865 98,585 14,128 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959 39,223 902 819 825 4 26 862 1,194 643 6 1954... 29,557 103 255 1,070 15 60 1,440 5 7 acres 1959... 1,674,816 37,618 31,944 42,683 91 359 29,294 101,180 19,008 8 1954... 1,317,485 3,024 5,391 49,146 ... 253 1,255 96,276 89 9 bushels 1959... 69,902,423 1,671,792 1,639,175 2,070,360 1,426 7,294 1,275,865 5,394,471 830,114 10 1954. . . 31,223,389 21,050 48,317 1,588,037 2,042 10,422 3,963,822 600 11 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 22,835 651 559 526 2 6 458 989 1,064 269 12 1954... 13,549 21 49 603 2 6 13 bushels 1959... 36,858,480 885,338 800,907 %2,901 808 3,150 461,228 3,526,895 325,532 14 1954... 13,953,857 5,218 6,779 648,825 225 1,920 2,285,835 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959. . . 9,U6 108 99 52 43 31 190 70 163 16 1954... 16,863 390 362 156 14 37 357 157 256 17 acres 1959... 175,426 1,573 1,312 995 1,334 534 3,045 888 4,171 18 1954... 468,899 14,338 10,787 2,024 596 547 13,311 1,850 3,468 19 tons , green weight 1959 .. . 1,338,906 11,596 13,467 11,523 7,594 4,440 26,098 8,420 37,855 20 1954 . . . 1,469,565 34,847 30,467 18,345 1,499 1,436 27,863 15,972 19,816 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 1,540 U 8 21 8 9 2/4 32 16 22 1954... 12,902 510 339 66 31 39 617 45 270 23 acres 1959... 19,699 48 104 161 169 70 175 246 101 2i 1954... 247,488 13,293 7,300 551 476 450 13,299 459 5,571 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: nnder 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 7,589 136 U4 96 12 37 180 58 155 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 6,166 137 128 98 11 8 156 56 149 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 15,988 345 348 302 24 16 332 261 246 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 6,464 157 130 153 4 2 IW 244 89 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 2,938 74 57 71 1 1 47 176 31 30 100 or more acres .. .farms reporting 1959... 4,033 63 50 112 2 58 404 34 31 Swehums: Sorgbums for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 68,559 650 600 552 491 1,118 707 599 1,117 32 acres 1959... 4,796,561 17,394 16,248 18,338 45,055 75,674 17,461 19,823 73,071 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959... 59,661 580 529 516 285 994 537 550 1,025 34 1954... 46,879 319 387 240 US 739 128 251 331 35 acres 1959... 3,835,328 14,3« 13,435 17,338 16,576 60,132 12,166 IB, 162 60,870 36 1954... 3,545,992 7,908 8,033 3,766 5,427 48,054 2,609 3,968 13,217 37 pounds 1959... 6.399,261,745 35,212,858 34,517,810 42,474,379 19,739,997 101,969,716 26,165,498 53,991,736 138,541,381 38 1954 . . . 2,790,198,824 2,656,304 4,710,272 5,861,128 2,086,840 29,754,760 824,992 7,327,880 5,100,032 39 Sales farms reporting 1959... 41,161 413 349 372 147 773 299 415 609 40 pounds 1959... 4,375,579,951 21,491,843 18,634,895 26,844,844 8,068,313 66,093,647 13,160,064 37,220,974 56,728,030 41 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 21,345 138 173 79 227 434 266 101 405 42 1954... 24,916 170 255 237 94 390 190 353 451 43 acres 1959... 512,190 2,096 2,398 854 12,923 10,332 4,215 1,541 10,593 44 1954... 629,758 2,532 3,514 2,330 4,295 10,643 3,251 3,651 19,589 45 tons, green weight 1959... 4,263,223 22,312 29, U9 9,215 87,084 94,125 43,107 20,300 U7,690 46 1954... 3,164,411 12,001 21,091 29,969 11,469 52,099 11,967 52,916 57,017 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 17,994 50 41 16 303 392 124 13 90 48 acres 1959... 449,043 404 415 146 15,551 5,210 1,080 120 1,608 49 tons out 1959... 796,628 1,274 1,666 221 19,802 12,731 3,794 116 4,151 50 Sales tons 1959. . . 64,728 30 1,255 1,296 78 360 Stub Items ccQtlzmed 212 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche 1 Corn: Com for all purpiMeB farms reporting 1959... 193 145 756 216 11 761 570 787 12 2 1954... 198 156 566 232 1 853 869 1,000 11 3 acres 1959. . . 5,110 3,003 25,114 16,605 345 38,377 26,849 29,865 452 4 1954 . . . 4,466 2,885 15,847 15,711 33,778 37,923 32,448 213 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959... 137 133 721 178 736 537 775 6 1954... 3 66 35 114 683 725 275 7 acres 1959... 2,809 2,701 23,047 12,885 36,289 24,903 27,748 8 1954... 21 1,189 750 8,972 26,508 31,833 5,899 9 bushels 1959... 135,026 111,057 905,527 360,276 1,321,079 901,313 1,359,833 10 1954 . . . 195 11,059 4,024 93,691 15 384,122 440,406 47,366 11 Sales farms reporting 1959... 46 37 19 478 10 104 44 446 217 315 298 400 44 12 1954... 13 bushels 1959... 41,934 28,573 558,717 222,427 713,287 594,287 595,813 14 1954... 2,623 1,190 43,834 107,117 201,180 9,624 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959 . . . 97 10 126 56 121 101 126 12 16 1954... 102 29 245 68 231 164 567 4 17 acres 1959... 2,231 198 1,809 2,193 325 1,922 1,791 1,955 452 18 1954... 2,838 763 7,795 2,563 5,241 3,735 19,251 90 19 tons, green weight 1959... 21,517 1,340 16,220 11,202 1,060 14,469 11,269 17,198 2,707 20 1954... 9,281 3,047 18,657 4,386 14,701 11,541 51,883 30O 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 7 9 26 30 15 18 13 22 1954 . . . 101 69 354 103 115 151 409 7 23 acres 1959... 70 104 258 1,527 20 166 155 162 24 1954 . . . 1,607 933 7,302 4,176 2,029 2,355 7,298 123 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 46 49 195 6 2 105 92 135 4 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 37 33 119 10 2 80 70 131 2 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 83 53 269 79 6 272 208 323 3 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 18 6 98 33 ... 135 101 97 ... 29 3 3 40 31 75 41 45 1 30 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 6 1 35 57 1 94 58 56 2 31 Sorghums; Sorghums for all ptjrposes.. . .famis reporting 1959... 323 173 366 491 238 860 829 755 252 32 acres 1959 . . . 18,789 4,803 7,048 39,135 21,798 31,282 47,325 27,164 32,670 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. . . 287 111 241 364 123 712 768 694 113 34 1954... 211 48 67 384 118 656 801 578 108 35 acres 1959 . . . 12,308 2,840 5,351 25,520 8,440 24,105 41,285 21,775 7,461 36 1954... 7,569 1,573 1,297 34,127 6,747 16,306 30,268 17,270 8,232 37 pounds 1959... 26,807,363 4,515,616 10,987,426 27,630,262 12,049,443 39,090,593 67,670,895 49,254,263 8,079,899 38 1954... 5,535,432 697,358 378,056 20,061,272 2,191,784 15,289,680 35,341,656 8,172,528 3,123,288 39 Sales farms reporting 1959... 135 35 182 203 69 359 541 402 44 40 pounds 1959... 11,089,259 1,6%,393 8,175,4U 14,296,780 7,621,578 17,021,214 45,394,744 22,915,993 2,463,526 41 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 152 54 111 69 44 378 218 272 141 42 1954... 183 56 117 95 37 428 324 406 78 43 acres 1959 . . . 6,000 1,223 1,262 2,478 2,122 5,617 3,954 4,977 12,255 44 1954 . . . 6,313 1,332 1,916 4,823 1,989 6,346 5,579 8,089 5,281 45 tons, green weight 1959... 73,395 8,407 11,981 11,3U 11,853 47,062 25, 275 56,430 66,582 46 1954... 30,801 5,372 6,964 11,631 4,654 42,687 43,207 33,667 13,557 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay fame reporting 1959. . . 20 41 70 303 178 195 167 49 175 48 acres 1959... 481 740 435 11,137 11,236 1,560 2,086 412 12,954 49 tons cut 1959... 971 691 745 14,586 15,900 3,663 3,408 826 28,463 50 Sales tons 1959 . . . 20 68 62 1,002 374 23 516 138 3,416 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 213 Part 1 of 5 Cowley Crawfoni Decatur Dickliison Doulpb&Q Douglas Edward B Elk Ellis EllBworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove 273 955 364 1,053 774 S42 47 254 19 117 48 30 962 247 36 1 267 923 518 1,072 1,035 930 35 295 17 111 33 14 1,084 314 23 2 6,705 37,558 22,798 37,856 62,963 32,491 1,526 5,591 222 1,943 1,592 1,095 31,090 9,872 1,141 3 5,437 30,027 31,036 36,962 65,898 31,912 1,097 5,698 601 1,656 1,182 477 32,002 10,643 693 4 246 945 326 977 768 815 11 234 5 47 21 3 934 237 17 5 17 47 462 78 1,026 738 8 22 10 3 18 5 653 150 2 5 5,572 35,956 19,705 30,820 62,277 29,384 496 5,846 50 719 923 19 28,700 9,374 431 7 264 994 25,557 2,297 64,246 20,989 314 408 316 21 501 315 15,585 4,373 3 3 264,636 1,488,068 483,870 927,420 3,397,852 1,596,638 8,473 258,899 1,300 22,354 46,550 278 1,346,522 425,983 12,245 9 2,426 6,499 454,707 28,330 2,336,086 350,685 1,780 3,883 3,185 335 U,706 3,215 193,461 56,534 25 10 118 628 178 472 558 433 4 33 1 15 8 ... 532 135 7 11 1 6 199 19 621 223 2 4 3 1 5 1 179 40 ... 12 105,441 663,128 214,278 405,485 2,234,723 813,425 6,560 85,579 200 9,195 37,950 583,964 204,791 9,075 U 30 461 182,4U 4,074 1,217,589 107,953 90 531 1,150 34 2,900 2,700 51,235 21,846 14 42 65 109 355 28 203 34 30 8 41 29 25 179 32 24 15 111 307 162 716 68 385 24 75 7 37 14 5 503 132 U 16 1,098 1,374 2,634 6,774 379 2,973 997 667 120 813 656 950 2,227 457 593 17 2,730 U,375 4,316 26,226 1,101 8,263 675 1,730 260 791 670 144 11,594 3,730 576 18 9,334 12,588 13,419 43,270 4,063 28,084 7,356 4,863 763 5,641 5,913 8,425 20,665 4,689 5,535 19 8,697 24,763 16,509 50,696 7,562 40,290 1,484 5,366 938 2,1A6 5,387 435 40,203 11,521 1,940 20 6 19 25 21 33 U 3 7 6 42 3 4 19 4 1 21 U8 680 67 403 44 172 5 208 3 74 2 4 329 110 3 22 35 228 459 262 307 134 33 78 52 416 13 126 163 41 12 23 2,443 17,653 1,153 8,439 551 2,660 108 3,560 25 854 U 18 4,822 2,035 109 24 101 183 20 149 77 180 8 79 9 60 16 12 223 39 7 25 45 113 22 171 59 123 12 51 7 14 10 3 155 51 6 25 92 364 123 483 182 318 22 88 3 37 U e 375 96 17 27 17 168 81 153 141 117 3 18 5 4 3 122 25 3 28 8 78 53 « 80 42 14 1 40 12 2 29 10 49 65 42 235 62 2 4 1 3 4 42 23 1 30 939 611 600 1,109 342 667 451 304 8U 652 563 778 320 295 524 31 41,549 14,684 36,914 36,685 13,988 18,910 44,424 8,169 51,019 32,203 126,554 68,609 23,933 12,232 72,270 32 851 501 434 866 320 589 381 230 645 493 550 594 699 250 475 33 309 176 478 441 91 387 407 73 504 346 613 491 736 221 515 34 33,968 U,717 24,5*1 27,575 13,586 16,459 33,921 5,413 30,159 18,244 117,241 49,331 18,228 9,879 54,336 35 9,875 3,545 22,090 12,181 1,802 6,468 49,272 1,719 41,751 14,261 177,599 49,291 17,571 5,164 67,871 35 77,220,874 23,706,600 39,106,569 48,233,201 37,620,734 41,906,740 46,440,367 9,325,779 42,658,310 29,999,356 856,097,086 56,064,144 45,922,233 21,078,481 97,961,338 37 4,265,128 1,017,240 27,307,336 4,055,352 3,582,880 9,807,112 38,044,608 775,320 25,255,968 5,973,683 158,008,624 29,211,952 18,034,128 3,764,712 45,133,312 38 585 367 277 514 243 424 277 87 410 289 487 433 421 156 362 39 43,261,205 15,972,874 20,610,416 25,463,388 28,617,708 28,043,807 30,192,545 3,547,425 24,793,546 15,247,997 210,464,566 45,507,454 22,269,248 12,254,157 50,391,729 40 241 159 221 491 39 154 U5 78 213 159 109 167 330 104 241 41 299 195 258 515 91 279 123 89 140 147 137 127 371 161 144 42 5,609 2,210 6,030 7,755 395 2,158 5,5U 1,978 7,185 5,185 4,429 6,004 5,357 1,898 10,056 43 8,3U 3,068 5,802 10,303 859 3,292 4,654 2,221 6,643 4,502 6,754 4,917 5,049 3,244 6,916 44 57,716 23,206 40,841 62,168 4,695 22,679 44,917 22,005 39,555 36,917 45,297 45,155 61,111 19,395 83,959 45 34,528 U,241 39,182 28,072 10,713 31,220 22,987 10,479 25, 362 14,967 40,097 24,151 44,600 13,027 29, W4 46 109 92 310 175 3 34 218 54 575 428 105 450 49 32 279 47 1,972 757 6,290 1,355 7 293 4,989 778 13,674 8,774 4,894 13,274 343 505 7,878 48 5,700 1,369 12,941 2,829 24 1,361 9,575 1,801 27,330 16,537 5,067 13,379 1,383 887 16,670 49 177 148 429 154 55 638 159 1,036 460 364 2,042 9 73 1,030 50 Stub items cantinued 214 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey HaskeU 1 Com: Corn for all purposes faims reporting 1959.. 91 12 38 16 469 13 54 442 52 2 1954... 239 8 31 10 524 24 38 499 U 3 acres 1959. .. 3,026 1,329 1,150 768 15,159 306 1,134 11,238 2,489 i 1954... 9,870 73 779 370 15,847 688 569 11,628 181 5 HaiTfested for grain farms reporting 1959... 74 9 12 8 450 5 9 346 29 6 1954... 150 5 17 1 22 10 1 17 2 7 acres 1959. . . 2,222 1,258 398 533 12,911 105 63 7,635 1,630 8 1954... 5,910 26 400 14 610 285 10 466 14 9 bushels 1959... 47,940 120,370 18,605 36,350 595,167 4,500 1,530 250,797 116,083 10 1954... 66,846 216 5,177 50 6,385 10,250 20 5,553 80 U Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 29 5 9 5 153 2 1 175 24 12 1954... 31 4 3 5 2 U bushels 1959... 22,103 52,894 18,140 33,950 140,424 600 80 94,241 101,793 W 1954... 14,473 2,057 700 9,130 2,905 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 29 4 28 10 90 7 42 197 35 16 1954... 70 4 16 8 261 11 22 324 12 17 acres 1959. .. 695 71 620 220 2,152 199 1,014 3,519 859 18 1954... 2,617 47 299 354 9,754 317 401 7,870 167 19 tons, green weight 1959... 3,669 740 8,622 1,678 19,931 1,888 6,0U 24,617 11,094 20 1954... 7,238 140 2,129 2,527 28,539 1,296 639 17,820 1,709 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or diy fodder farms reporting 1959... 6 3 1 10 1 5 7 22 1954... 58 4 1 272 5 15 188 ... 23 acres 1959... 109 132 15 96 2 57 84 • • • 2A 1954... 1,343 80 2 5,483 86 158 3,292 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 21 2 10 4 112 6 17 87 15 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959... 12 4 8 1 79 1 6 130 4 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 38 13 5 181 4 30 179 20 28 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... n 1 2 2 61 2 1 28 5 29 1 3 3 18 10 2 30 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 8 5 2 1 18 8 6 31 Sotehums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 553 220 445 233 527 308 768 922 213 32 acres 1959. .. 46,440 83,546 53,352 60,038 18,183 81,389 50,425 60,509 42,325 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959... 432 217 391 222 413 297 642 862 20^ 34 1954... 582 222 512 226 200 297 309 377 248 35 acres 1959 .. . 30,700 31,219 44,114 52,880 10,850 75,056 35,508 51,543 39,189 36 1954... 55,711 112,075 84,121 76,505 5,525 107,062 15,448 15,941 58,533 37 pounds 1959... 44,382,691 157,825,389 88,981,509 52,884,802 19,008,150 85,491,663 45,445,438 105,022,563 127,981,546 38 1954... 48,463,912 102,997,552 69,653,584 53,403,560 2,362,584 57,919,064 5,108,712 7,949,424 43,823,976 39 Sales farms reporting 1959... 284 212 336 200 154 268 474 655 188 iO pounds 1959... 24,802,362 138,218,394 71,949,076 36,497,494 5,152,621 62,124,570 30,452, 9U 56,304,486 101,239,827 41 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 153 32 89 36 183 40 288 438 48 42 1954... 131 44 90 59 224 54 306 574 53 43 acres 1959... 5,457 1,275 3,077 1,667 5,253 1,672 9,225 7,959 1,218 44 1954... 5,170 2,014 3,663 5,431 6,189 3,598 11,257 14,961 2,117 45 tens, green weight 1959... 34,262 12,236 26,186 13,762 50,414 10,207 60,049 81,683 16,293 46 1954... 20,935 11, U7 18,440 26,330 24,545 16,453 26,925 50,867 17,605 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 354 38 206 75 102 78 220 97 72 48 acres 1959... 10,283 1,052 6,161 5,491 2,080 4,661 5,692 1,007 1,918 49 tons cut 1959... 22,083 1,114 7,256 5,980 4,177 3,627 8,964 2,051 3,609 50 Sales tons 1959. . . 1,319 315 827 1,810 216 505 1,356 367 352 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 215 Part 1 of 5 Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny Iflngman Kiowa labette l£ne Leaven- worth Lincoln Unn logan l^an 10 1,042 928 672 710 23 179 24 786 25 965 268 833 19 831 1 5 1,353 1,222 1,018 759 13 185 20 635 2 1,240 348 845 25 1,182 2 133 47,126 46,393 32,343 28,770 628 3,565 606 24,992 917 32,952 6,258 37, 537 1,137 27,978 3 A2 59,432 51,342 4«,3S3 29,857 139 3,890 442 16,284 50 41,190 7,387 28,220 1,372 37,973 4 i 1,033 905 588 683 8 61 6 752 6 944 77 817 8 755 5 1,321 1,174 892 538 9 6 3 95 2 1,124 7 293 15 164 5 87 46,090 44,245 27,096 27,113 270 711 160 22,336 219 30,782 1,129 35,145 521 23,014 7 57,115 47,055 42,399 19,255 86 87 57 2,608 15 33,563 61 7,251 676 3,523 8 i,4ao 1,738,224 2,027,784 763,730 1,351,490 9,360 18,508 4,195 876,893 15,375 1,469,258 29,482 1,550,724 33,450 967,144 9 1,696,225 1,370,562 804,284 215,262 1,688 526 575 31,554 300 820,013 810 72,057 8,538 30,858 10 1 635 529 292 434 1 10 3 407 4 442 23 490 5 342 11 692 608 399 198 1 23 346 42 5 24 12 500 852,934 1,035,655 360,459 635,223 500 2,563 3,650 398,755 12,575 626,538 5,736 670,530 31,800 391, 2'5 13 683,318 597,239 341,535 71,825 78 8,956 ... 236,209 9,771 3,778 5,285 14 4 57 141 196 80 15 114 17 146 20 152 197 130 12 233 15 4 130 249 147 254 1 96 9 374 1 365 234 365 8 681 16 27 744 1,740 4,326 1,269 314 2,583 424 2,400 695 1,874 4,831 2,118 503 4,754 17 41 1,483 3,327 3,829 7,251 25 2,291 234 9,907 15 6,726 5,859 U,541 665 24,179 18 313 5,333 17,141 23,520 12,658 3,671 15,965 3,551 17, 563 9,737 18,100 29,776 17,253 2,550 42,864 19 189 10,225 25,350 12,414 26,697 85 5,058 430 31,687 150 40,032 13,034 30,177 2,540 76,203 20 2 20 42 52 25 3 23 2 17 1 35 36 27 2 18 21 1 60 99 91 181 5 92 9 244 1 66 117 418 4 530 22 19 292 408 921 388 44 271 22 256 3 296 298 274 13 210 23 1 834 960 2,155 3,351 28 1,512 151 3,769 20 901 1,467 9,418 31 10,271 24 7 151 Ul 74 133 10 58 7 160 5 238 83 117 5 187 25 1 156 U5 82 100 5 46 6 164 4 155 49 119 4 144 26 1 353 328 275 270 4 69 9 319 11 372 103 318 4 307 27 1 199 168 114 101 4 83 2 109 27 141 122 28 82 53 iS 47 1 2 30 1 38 4 57 1 35 ?9 101 123 79 59 3 2 30 2 53 2 81 5 35 30 461 661 653 990 461 258 900 349 665 322 678 744 641 293 966 31 47,652 20,452 19,650 75,989 13,087 69,573 59,375 33,750 16,706 49,109 21,543 43,950 18,057 48,158 39,439 32 369 586 577 943 421 248 704 268 485 291 630 646 542 247 869 33 442 478 506 1,109 236 262 454 254 162 270 353 541 423 301 750 34 28,772 18,454 17,970 66,342 11,835 65,039 39,096 21,243 11,848 39,075 19,934 29,921 14,506 39,361 29,287 35 56,919 8,709 9,536 52,102 4,679 72,479 21,349 25,645 3,5U 48,374 6,252 19,204 10,896 67,607 20,550 35 35,457,585 37,156,949 41,694,140 103,395,695 30,339,023 105,600,280 56,702,772 28,572,798 24,869,745 60,660,337 49,379,071 46,752,863 33,233,860 43,417,698 64,861,888 37 33.786,5»; 11,497,192 15,001,504 70,879,480 7,172,928 48,940,472 8,316,784 11,083,072 1,186,640 25,430,944 10,658,984 11,769,520 5,971,784 48,984,4* 14,463,064 38 236 402 425 627 295 226 452 191 287 218 448 368 395 204 472 39 18,481,074 24,717,969 28,121,0U 49,782,608 18,911,372 79,425,207 31,647,847 18,746,628 12,254,487 34,585,848 35,545,955 19,901,173 22,098,328 33,430,741 27,473,456 40 142 110 123 271 78 51 472 105 231 96 108 302 182 55 405 41 125 307 253 3U 134 49 506 58 323 54 168 375 309 76 524 42 6,063 1,438 1,499 5,537 1,046 1,801 13,556 4,021 3,812 4,473 1,508 8,204 2,937 2,761 9,512 43 6,675 4,028 2,743 5,982 1,905 3,600 18,698 2,503 6,584 3,444 2,023 12,945 4,679 4,022 13,325 44 45,463 11,899 15,726 37,258 10,219 16,932 97,468 25,544 36,819 32,535 15,913 52,404 30,856 14,727 103,232 45 35,557 40,173 29,369 45,067 20,083 15,392 52,693 6,229 22,427 14,605 22,988 48,321 31,177 22,878 74,352 45 285 74 36 276 21 64 345 204 111 154 16 322 62 130 58 47 12,817 560 181 4,110 206 2,733 6,723 8,486 1,046 5,561 101 5,825 614 6,036 640 48 17,106 1,887 478 6,042 734 4,855 13,139 19,007 2,673 13,251 270 11,984 1,947 7,008 2,177 49 761 10 130 244 47 989 1,486 866 393 406 294 50 1,014 170 50 Stub Items continued 216 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) McPherson Marion MarshaU Meade Miami MitcheU Montgomery Morris Morton 1 Com: Com for all purpoeee farms reporting 1959. . . 597 959 1,452 22 1,070 230 699 533 5 2 1954... 736 1,305 1,763 14 1,243 390 585 570 8 3 acres 1959... 12,586 30,016 92,454 607 42,036 6,994 24,644 18,262 U6 4 1954 . . . 14,799 39,548 112,070 228 47,315 12,079 16,657 22,801 167 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1959... 262 774 1,451 9 1,051 145 692 501 4 6 1954... 18 55 1,745 5 955 49 285 203 6 7 acres 1959. . . 4,348 20,378 92,035 Ul 39,502 4,314 23,873 15,716 101 S 1954. . . 253 1,100 110,526 63 30,948 1,188 7,934 5,824 67 9 bushels 1959... 158,840 595,053 3,295,818 10,121 1,750,984 99,327 1,074,774 623,745 2,756 10 1954... 3,510 12,267 3,299,471 550 306,020 23,033 79,676 52,407 660 11 Sales .f aims reporting 1959 . . . 101 2 416 9 1,150 1,312 3 1 650 296 74 403 90 223 55 2 1 15 1954... 13 bushels 1959... 72, U7 284,541 2,328,669 1,961 843,893 51,490 588,369 218,521 2,426 14 1954... 525 6,624 1,952,770 180 83,630 9,082 30,445 14,056 140 15 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959 . . . 439 466 35 14 177 104 46 124 1 16 1954 . . . 490 898 78 10 463 231 221 322 2 17 acres 1959... 7,985 9,253 297 412 2,282 2,401 700 2,353 9 18 1954... 10,664 28,821 938 165 U,907 7,585 5,785 11,084 60 19 ttms, green weight 1959... 51,709 50,396 2,448 5,005 22,078 13,343 6,254 17,676 130 20 1954... 28,194 67,900 5,062 843 42,545 22,343 22,869 26,174 180 21 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959... 33 37 21 3 30 26 S 20 1 22 1954... 260 494 62 261 162 1S3 277 1 23 acres 1959. . . 253 385 132 54 252 279 71 193 6 24 1954... 3,882 9,627 606 4,460 3,306 2,933 5,393 40 25 Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959... 195 160 74 10 172 50 162 109 2 26 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959 . . . 151 189 85 1 169 38 U7 91 1 27 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 205 433 472 6 439 104 232 219 1 2S 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959... 36 122 347 3 168 19 76 65 1 29 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 5 32 208 1 59 11 37 21 ... 30 100 or more acres. . .farms reporting 1959... 5 23 266 1 63 8 45 28 ... 31 Soigtiums: Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting 1959... 1,406 1,398 1,282 372 863 739 569 666 255 32 acres 1959... 60,446 73,703 58,374 38,450 24,229 46,487 16,752 28,893 91,469 33 Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959... 1,190 1,265 1,215 284 789 636 4«3 593 248 34 1954... 425 454 858 249 623 665 184 544 275 35 acres 1959... 47,447 60,965 54,853 26,421 21,882 37,043 13,654 23,002 86,632 36 1954... 13,403 13,195 17,428 22,231 12,118 34,232 4,060 16,245 125,358 37 pounds 1959... 85,035,040 107,433,551 129,231,344 49,068,017 47,619,083 58,391,972 32,992,320 40,457,226 129,557,117 38 1954... 8,170,400 6,371,456 30,441,712 13,422,528 10,964,688 34,610,576 1,445,864 10,329,336 86,158,408 39 Sales farms reporting 1959... 743 897 986 190 577 381 338 339 238 40 pc^jnds 1959... 44,378,192 59,328,428 92,133,205 36,375,720 31,736,945 33,161,029 20,599,962 16,942,740 94,575,583 41 Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 599 637 277 73 152 308 146 269 30 42 1954... 748 707 294 64 223 342 136 335 33 43 acres 1959... 10,872 10,875 2,960 2,090 1,850 6,708 2,238 4,977 1,506 44 1954... 14,551 17,607 3,090 2,396 2,609 9,553 2,567 7,672 1,818 45 tens, green weight 1959... 78,884 84,553 24,935 18,372 20,1A4 46,214 21,691 50,942 11,130 46 1954... 53,31S 56,191 32,700 11,186 23,318 47,794 Kl,244 35,624 7,018 47 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959... 220 236 77 197 51 191 71 70 54 48 acres 1959... 2,127 1,863 561 9,939 497 2,736 810 9U 3,331 49 tons cut 1959... 3,604 4,990 1,390 8,175 1,445 5,056 1,853 1,217 5,065 50 Sales tons 1959. . . 236 280 174 555 10 1,071 489 85 1,946 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 217 Part 1 of 5 Hejnahs Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osbome Ottawa Paimee Phillips Potta- watomie Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice 1,312 388 26 418 945 193 265 37 436 825 65 213 195 1,061 73 1 1,54A 823 17 670 1,220 292 269 23 857 1,162 25 252 241 1,363 75 2 90,891 38, 9U 329 24,015 33,232 4,936 6,811 1,U1 18,300 35,973 1,437 10,436 2,808 63,203 1,113 3 108,365 29,690 194 42,254 37,955 8,736 6,168 649 43,934 48,415 470 12,167 3,758 71,114 1,283 4 1,310 384 6 378 924 92 166 11 372 793 12 132 96 1,036 43 5 1,53* 143 4 631 724 54 42 6 810 1,123 184 39 1,311 23 6 88,773 36,482 69 20,138 30,752 2,492 3,575 306 15,045 33,453 162 7,890 1,173 60,240 505 7 10i,638 3,492 11 33,697 19,303 1,232 736 360 43,799 43,979 8,047 709 67,447 409 3 3,327,527 1,641,474 1,260 367,216 1,362,472 115,389 91, 981 8,200 361,418 1,321,164 3,905 189,531 33,763 2,U7,189 13,376 9 3,250,019 31,041 185 610,630 237,378 25,705 10,620 8,350 623,058 1,138,421 102,626 5,761 1,438,484 2,801 10 855 600 2 187 512 50 69 4 166 373 4 83 34 717 11 U 940 33 367 202 21 8 2 305 479 ... 64 6 780 8 12 1,529,731 844,647 600 U9,691 556,291 77,866 40,575 5,280 135,657 614,938 2,190 81,533 U,555 1,416,346 3,767 13 1,263,472 9,393 299,326 61,915 15,812 1,456 225 162,167 440,067 35,498 1,585 708,370 1,058 W 125 145 16 133 153 118 112 27 135 Ul 50 64 103 136 26 15 272 436 6 114 434 184 97 10 123 214 19 93 119 97 29 16 1,659 2,339 229 3,290 2,391 2,194 2,922 795 3,084 2,191 1,233 1,737 1,554 2,310 564 17 3,117 16,632 118 2,564 13,174 5,270 2,909 232 3,049 3,614 355 2,948 1,957 1,547 545 18 12,606 20,319 1,659 19,283 21,638 14,797 19,538 7,302 16,263 21, 180 10,013 9,395 12,509 13,861 4,699 19 21,909 43,263 462 8,383 48,672 14,567 7,300 947 11,001 24,127 1,191 9,334 5,895 7,174 1,557 20 43 13 4 24 17 25 34 1 48 29 6 31 11 41 6 21 79 401 7 49 372 98 152 7 89 108 8 45 91 98 28 22 459 90 31 587 89 250 314 10 671 329 42 809 31 653 44 23 610 9,566 65 993 5,478 2,234 2,523 57 2,086 822 U5 1,172 1,092 2,120 329 24 56 132 14 36 190 54 84 13 68 124 13 17 107 92 40 25 62 136 6 36 163 41 56 4 46 ID 17 24 31 loe U 26 334 343 6 146 380 75 88 U 192 346 23 95 53 399 17 27 357 136 89 113 U 21 5 68 116 6 38 2 187 28 224 66 42 55 5 9 23 53 1 24 2 93 1 29 279 75 69 44 4 7 2 39 73 20 188 1 30 966 708 745 661 977 801 637 657 792 801 614 569 1,773 1,153 835 31 33,368 22,269 77,412 39,389 38,443 59,105 29,907 64,126 44,393 31,136 61,844 35,686 135,833 68,289 84,143 32 902 656 636 546 915 694 477 605 654 6% 539 372 1,628 1,119 806 33 518 232 725 723 1,036 666 500 629 791 619 525 525 1,323 1,050 716 34 30,773 19,793 49,598 28,342 32,499 35,993 20,023 53,322 30,421 23,715 48,888 22,810 113,809 65,096 74,139 35 9,609 4,529 82,998 40,510 23,817 34,659 19,229 59,082 33,826 10,593 47,406 41,081 77,574 30,227 49,183 36 64,155,699 48,571,388 70,966,632 37,540,606 77,143, «3 51,085,079 29,753,962 96,624,921 39,263,650 53,511,477 71,407,751 27,394,946 221,269,484 116,19^57 16O,O7'J077 37 14,946,456 1,664,320 47,378,856 45,301,480 33,165,048 24,890,656 10,422,664 34,206,088 37,%9,344 15,176,280 26,407,752 34,974,464 49, 118,440 49,151/180 2^96'? 168 38 545 513 434 318 615 384 333 488 327 375 434 212 1,273 860 677 39 29,983,457 33,689,989 33,790,843 18,494,731 40,566,403 25,123,951 19,017,318 62,214,026 15,751,958 25,164,144 47,036,752 13,236,066 i46,8oe>o;i 71,088,766 10^2^050 40 213 134 213 192 289 232 252 194 207 353 227 126 752 188 300 41 451 163 122 216 447 275 274 216 191 411 249 128 915 283 347 42 2,350 2,030 9,110 4,625 5,341 7,816 6,547 5,911 4,238 6,652 7,454 3,874 16,276 2,333 7,968 43 4,483 3,114 6,796 4,546 7,739 8,«3 8,097 6,305 3,437 6,419 7,708 5,033 20,4K 3,690 9,224 44 22,256 21,772 53,545 29,978 60,750 52,420 45,078 55,800 28,332 71,362 60,525 24,358 139,047 17,955 75,147 45 46,668 9,220 26,600 25, 563 65,460 39,771 37,206 33,765 22,332 67,184 25,936 23,715 98,169 38,277 41,826 46 34 43 515 333 73 508 207 274 494 73 258 368 408 99 169 47 245 441 18,704 6,422 603 15,296 3,337 4,893 9,734 769 5,502 9,002 5,748 860 2,036 43 724 753 35,893 9,060 1,593 29,868 9,610 10,839 11,746 1,779 9,920 14,192 11,684 1,406 5,017 49 161 1,446 707 79 1,162 344 1,620 1,485 73 299 1,000 1,326 197 259 50 Stub items continued 218 Part 1 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For deHnilions and explanations, see text) Corn: Com for all purpoaeB farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959 . , 195A. Harvested for grain famiB reporting 1959., 195A. acres 1959. 195i. tiuahels 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 195A. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for silage. ....farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons, green weight 1959., 1954. Hogged or grazed^ or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Farms reporting by acres of com harvested for all purposes: Under 11 acres farms reporting 1959. 11 to 19 acres farms reporting 1959. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting 1959. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959 . 100 or more acres .. .f aims reporting 1959. Sorgtiums: Sorghums for all purposes. .. .farms reporting 1959, Harvested for grain or seed farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. . . 1954 . . . pounds 1959... 1954.., Sales farms reporting 1959... pounds 1959... Cut for silage farms reporting 1959... 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . . 1954 .. . tons, green weight 1959... 1954 . . . Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1959. . . acres 1959... tons cut 1959. . . Sales tons 1959... Riley 617 788 28,205 31,857 601 748 26,666 27,944 1,072,402 610,564 287 259 370,680 161,704 112 221 1,388 3,286 12,885 16,428 21 48 151 627 73 66 239 135 50 54 619 22,868 531 478 17,160 9,347 35,989,441 10,193,400 269 15,478,178 317 464 4,985 6,621 50,755 63,271 723 1,543 100 236 2,859 7,768 65 127 1,556 4,300 48,985 47,458 21 42 IS, 195 19,070 4.4 68 1,159 1,858 7,839 5,340 9 67 1,610 688 48,216 551 698 29, 181 50,367 43,563,469 46,653,432 320 21,625,869 201 194 6,510 6,718 41,188 34,811 446 12,525 22,254 1,173 54 37 732 636 13 3 146 23 7,505 542 5,585 300 46 21 577 492 7,687 2,629 1 13 9 121 719 46,713 601 715 34,630 53,612 54,693,337 29,968,792 413 33,464,170 174 192 3,947 6,112 30,156 27,221 392 8,136 17,896 1,039 51 111 9X 2,453 72 285 2,035 2,728 1 1 200 733 35 49 752 1,256 4,662 2,964 13 62 110 912 659 42,956 537 457 26,137 25,847 39,871,947 14,726,208 317 20,844,418 166 169 5,195 6,291 30,812 22,781 428 11,624 22,352 288 345 316 8,755 7,308 197 U 4,304 266 129,941 2,558 94 3 71,501 379 195 165 4,218 4,640 30,587 9,709 24 147 233 2,402 101 59 145 28 6 6 714 30,506 571 256 21,395 8,688 37,263,204 4,74.4,096 377 24,348,397 233 243 4,970 6,227 37,809 19,279 217 4,141 8,553 4,785 36 51 3,269 2,788 25 25 2,872 1,155 189,793 56,866 22 10 173,003 25,500 12 32 387 1,587 5,170 17,102 1 2 10 46 Sedgwick 378 91,744 366 417 86,527 103,860 175,113,719 87,708,656 307 119,307,307 3,000 4,756 28, 154 41,355 34 2,217 3,245 750 613 442 20,177 14,193 475 24 14,586 1,015 576,608 5,038 274 10 336,815 2,478 244 281 5,482 8,913 44,141 18,901 14 172 109 4,265 116 111 264 66 25 31 1,360 91,206 1,285 315 80,826 15,415 184,792,545 5,476,688 1,090 138,555,109 431 455 9,003 12,314 83,935 31,808 1,377 4,600 1,699 93 1,341 38 91,040 380 6 3 268 55 3,535 270 218 52,689 203 284 43,660 66,55^ 59,086,071 55,089,048 189 48,182,643 30 42 1,332 2,386 14,977 10,974 89 7,697 2,795 895 763 1,064 40,736 42,821 748 969 39,273 37,713 1,943,342 813,464 525 502 1,463,341 543 ,001 93 210 1,392 3,908 14,143 21,229 6 99 71 1,200 182 100 234 100 34 113 665 21,943 603 585 19,024 12,811 44,503,555 16,223,536 468 32,729,364 158 279 2,520 3,997 26,182 37,582 46 399 1,258 48 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 219 Part 1 of 5 Shenuaii Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee fallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 101 585 89 28 17 273 79 50 538 42 1,278 53 702 447 208 1 60 1,046 98 15 6 135 51 33 735 29 1,615 46 744 408 230 2 7,143 28,437 2,215 1,672 2,173 8,576 6,»;3 l,41i 18,738 2,0U 57,548 3,312 29,443 15,044 5,162 3 3,667 62,194 1,956 134 192 3,840 3,055 2,700 21,707 1,381 75,339 1,961 22,313 U,376 5,483 4 84 527 31 24 10 218 50 17 506 25 1,268 44 696 443 200 5 23 966 20 4 3 9 24 31 505 15 1,601 23 168 50 172 6 5,S02 24,279 648 1,334 2,055 6,799 4,693 259 17,055 1,372 56,391 2,662 27,893 14,454 4,336 7 1,562 56,178 352 19 162 193 1,709 870 W,543 628 73,375 1,194 3,756 1,355 4,194 8 276,703 647,373 10,723 77,810 77,240 290,242 127,401 5,105 767,791 43,005 2,016,450 161,780 1,369,719 649,848 283,141 9 2i,953 879,345 1,918 195 2,U0 955 19,670 7,750 263,491 6,908 1,714,634 41,402 39,450 11,822 106,955 10 52 263 10 13 6 131 36 5 243 11 765 29 506 240 90 11 4 474 4 2 1 U 6 lai 5 806 11 49 13 47 12 205, 4U 302,606 4,271 69,190 72,820 182,742 36,054 1,835 413,876 24,000 950,003 122,970 883,675 300,077 160,613 U 6,500 316,769 390 2,070 15 15,155 2,747 129,117 4,420 618,679 20,750 15,860 5,066 34,335 14 37 182 55 6 7 70 37 33 96 19 83 19 92 40 23 15 21 153 45 10 ... 71 27 33 207 4 77 23 459 207 45 16 1,182 3,689 1,443 278 108 1,418 1,628 1,021 1,593 5S2 932 588 1,479 583 262 17 1,000 4,156 1,018 105 2,284 1,088 l,3r3 4,588 290 1,261 727 13,733 6,135 938 IS 12,467 22,699 9,325 3,475 802 9,867 11,963 5,745 14,544 4,415 6,612 4,942 13,779 4,713 2,712 19 2,54i 13,097 2,744 534 4,432 3,439 4,469 17,261 430 5,355 6,429 44,357 18,319 5,489 20 6 27 U 1 3 17 6 6 U 4 25 6 6 2 5 21 23 86 36 1 3 60 5 27 177 11 52 3 265 205 42 22 159 469 124 10 15 359 622 131 90 57 225 62 71 7 14 23 1,105 1,860 586 10 30 1,358 258 517 2,576 463 703 40 4,759 4,386 351 24 5 68 36 3 4 61 10 21 151 10 129 7 113 85 103 25 4 54 14 1 3 61 3 12 87 5 129 4 94 75 34 26 45 237 25 6 3 108 21 11 1S4 10 557 23 277 192 44 27 15 110 6 3 1 23 18 5 56 6 250 10 115 56 11 28 9 50 5 5 13 9 23 5 126 7 44 18 8 29 23 66 3 5 6 12 18 1 37 6 87 7 59 21 8 30 425 977 738 218 350 1,375 530 625 703 199 1,330 341 593 395 67 31 49,997 67,981 71,913 73,363 135,213 35,069 72,810 50,930 29,437 31,022 64,0Ot 72,155 19,039 10,770 2,593 32 373 878 692 203 346 1,240 467 527 650 163 1,259 335 544 355 63 33 331 910 741 243 396 190 566 666 607 186 829 300 182 107 18 34 33,469 51,531 61, U5 63,062 131,962 71,330 60,730 31,7T9 23,119 24,266 57,739 66,916 16,495 8,606 2,404 35 42,566 37,800 65,663 93,686 177,787 8,104 62,126 63,599 14,535 29,782 15,863 48,198 3,400 2,204 328 36 42,540,094 74,104,543 105,448,401 134,461,642 197,092,035 150,554,545 72,111,114 48,605,893 51,079,395 27,445,435 125,769,779 128,339,945 42,243,267 18,390,637 6,503,672 37 24,002,323 41,635,776 43,368,603 58,205,616 174,282,472 3,322,368 57,975,008 55,195,896 13,783,616 14,402,360 24,133,744 43,482,992 1,547,952 661,920 740,376 38 273 498 606 185 331 1,065 367 353 355 105 805 290 416 180 43 39 26,260,370 31,214,765 74,091,390 92,644,231 152,205,322 109,135,032 52,187,269 30,813,193 23,759,070 15,561,907 59,131,122 98,175,560 31,126,250 8,976,871 4,485,190 40 82 381 283 40 36 566 149 206 267 27 445 65 137 94 8 41 120 358 253 60 36 543 181 162 360 21 401 74 245 129 16 42 3,173 8,766 6,931 2,887 1,2U 12,023 5,800 7,082 5,599 1,225 5,277 2,251 2,179 1,643 185 43 7,921 6,775 6,054 6,439 1,549 16,960 8,306 6,120 7,332 1,353 4,232 4,677 4,143 2,797 180 44 17,A11 61,212 62,810 13,386 8,972 116,608 39,356 44,301 64,174 9,504 47,973 24,058 25,106 18,664 2,160 45 29,042 50,430 30,331 34,172 8,007 44,050 42,686 29, IW 58,972 6,348 44,029 28, %5 17,923 11,485 1,312 46 197 446 233 66 56 133 194 441 61 95 140 78 39 40 2 47 8,355 7,684 3,837 7,419 2,037 1,716 6,280 12,119 719 5,531 938 2,988 365 521 9 48 12,179 13,860 8,573 U,282 2,340 4^79 10,762 25,618 1,487 6,257 2,195 6,080 646 1,00» 2 49 1,943 545 492 400 778 455 519 1,565 58 1,331 78 432 85 146 50 Stub l-Uans coBtlnxied 220 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definitions and explanations, see text) Small grains harvested: wheat farms reporting 1959. , 195i. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales * bushels 1959. . 195*.. Fains reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959., 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. , 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959., 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959., Oats farms reporting 1959., 1954., acres 1959., 1954., bushels 1959., 1954., Sales bushels 1959. , 1954., Barley farms reporting 1959. , 1954., acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 19S4. Itye faxns reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Other grains farms reporting 1959. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Sales bushels 1959. 1954. Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Harvested for beans farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. bushels 1959. 1954. Cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954., tons 1959., 1954., Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Ploved under for green .farms reporting 1959., 1954. acres 1959., 1954. 83,005 84,203 9,856,222 9,483,480 199,604,763 163,108,142 188,050,202 149,546,604 2,237 16,649 15,138 17,069 31,912 31,560 47,417 667,153 1,021,584 16,080,168 33,359,310 3,672,598 7,035,434 26,676 16,627 873,662 424,956 22,652,309 9,527,385 11,198,814 3,202,025 5,251 4,785 U9,657 82,295 2,066,968 952,446 1,635,518 493,743 40,402 58,037 1,013,788 871,525 462,125 355,973 12,113 12,494 422,742 339,255 11,947 10,440 418,193 279,509 8,715,280 1,913,268 103 599 819 6,900 1,162 4,604 89 789 1,164 15,372 158 1,812 2,566 37,474 939 852 28,786 24,681 731,354 796,919 696,852 730,399 44 473 278 123 21 635 926 12,161 19,255 318,496 762,916 51,092 U9,691 342 316 6,860 5,882 216,691 184,538 65,778 40,400 77 86 781 860 13,183 12,324 8,154 5,694 332 289 8,400 5,479 5,240 3,624 298 406 6,628 8,992 295 323 6,559 7,327 138,433 30,578 3 36 20 350 37 185 3 29 IS 399 4 60 31 916 862 854 29,231 24,875 785,865 807,466 752,606 763,244 20 367 316 127 32 641 867 12,315 18,429 3U,476 779,151 37,792 126,458 314 450 6,328 8,4»l 206,406 263,566 73,397 71,239 98 49 1,728 434 33,584 6,782 27,158 2,054 49 427 1,930 7,770 360 1,408 585 664 a,634 20,849 584 625 21,583 19,277 502,433 111,335 154 3 75 2 27 243 2 80 20 1,175 804 855 26,545 28,154 644,630 713,327 618,724 668,080 50 339 279 112 24 573 848 12,275 21,799 309,826 812,963 56,473 208,708 43 11 578 85 U,692 2,481 5,528 150 257 456 4,130 8,223 2,427 5,427 121 595 5,725 14,897 2,300 865 65 89 1,773 1,625 64 85 1,742 1,569 47,710 25,972 1 6 11 45 33 60 y76 624 109,118 117,325 2,145,405 1,408,485 2,034,743 1,267,025 12 20 44 115 385 65 2,224 2,237 60,280 46,580 12,138 10,908 251 173 13,366 7,780 329,716 131,063 130,018 43,318 1,351 400 15,555 4,007 10,190 2,206 372 879 9,460 13,073 1,720 10,300 1,275 1,406 229,459 256,360 3,103,705 4,770,867 2,773,332 4,354,069 26 65 244 932 180 399 2,567 6,455 47,068 166,829 9,296 25,761 400 366 10,748 9,825 217,048 225,612 107,735 97,396 686 331 6,621 3,726 5,625 2,008 654 695 20,015 8,829 10,265 5,45U 4 15 107 436 4 9 107 235 1,683 900 830 771 24,459 19,785 539,426 550,497 509,587 498,888 70 41D 234 93 23 7 201 640 889 13,579 20,942 354,553 748,062 39,103 139,910 222 472 4,009 8,679 122,581 232,094 25,793 61,526 591 353 9,475 4,587 6,441 2,434 191 191 4,785 2,545 2,250 1,094 422 453 12,617 11,799 417 312 12,51B 8,633 273,896 ?7,093 3 17 50 201 38 148 3 61 21 961 3 111 28 2,004 1,150 1,187 38,865 38,401 970,875 967,965 938,679 918,142 46 433 446 201 24 929 1,311 25,457 40,865 659,650 l,7il,459 234,308 631,238 146 24 2,084 200 58,916 6,318 23,358 947 34 101 216 907 5,330 17,045 3,527 10,0U 237 351 U,320 7,956 9,870 1,636 113 118 2,779 1,901 113 115 2,769 1,834 72,817 39,081 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 221 Part 2 of 5 Cbase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur Dtcklnson Donlphaji Douglas 338 370 902 621 358 1,068 1,000 904 262 1,309 986 730 1,526 618 893 1 361 384 928 568 400 1,145 1,108 838 352 1,347 943 739 1,588 433 846 2 16,304 13,373 54,788 134,209 96,291 90,495 109,694 28,088 80,295 97,574 33,659 98,121 139,159 18,473 31,175 3 18,544 13,310 55,650 106,451 99,568 93,665 U4,384 25,104 102,990 97,432 34,938 104,964 139,093 14,012 28,610 4 425,500 283,930 1,335,860 3,616,873 1,391,582 2,244,419 2,768,619 625,239 1,010,370 2,663,409 755,330 1,993,236 3,549,897 470,694 828,162 5 489,969 340,491 1,414,706 1,245,370 895,594 1,873,344 2,421,897 804,760 1,073,953 2,508,686 927,524 2,133,387 2,723,906 369,185 855,092 6 411,667 263,796 1,252,348 3,395,772 1,324,022 2,148,704 2,593,672 594,444 950,607 2,517,970 704,628 1,884,753 3,321,614 455,298 304,429 7 457,714 314,008 1,279,488 1,141,810 814,459 1,737,038 2,282,591 728,189 948,630 2,370,602 820,401 1,998,741 2,440,101 349,154 793,069 8 15 IB 35 2 11 15 53 ... 45 49 3 20 34 76 9 91 172 234 13 5 95 93 448 5 306 441 36 135 307 377 10 113 94 231 41 14 230 170 244 9 314 294 66 275 190 232 11 80 65 215 119 31 374 300 128 20 296 158 197 555 69 172 12 39 21 187 446 308 358 422 31 228 348 44 428 541 18 36 13 95 265 555 3 17 794 452 502 14 617 612 19 1,176 329 523 14 201 414 755 37 8 757 5X 848 7 929 974 102 1,230 548 826 15 1,359 8,149 12,671 123 512 18,324 9,361 8,029 423 18,457 U,899 378 34,713 8,783 8,206 16 3,oy7 12,834 17,212 858 226 13,002 9,493 15,020 254 23,912 22,390 1,993 28,841 17,4» 16,990 17 23,189 223,537 426,253 1,960 12,005 433,011 189,885 178,479 9,730 497,446 312,843 5,163 737,397 227,346 215,736 18 91,319 375,859 595,907 6,512 3,145 397,448 279,012 527,586 3,540 613,287 783,703 46,308 915,803 695,208 692,696 19 2,067 33,356 122,602 1,200 4,176 72,969 47,246 28,788 2,690 152,611 48,489 800 189,987 66,938 26,415 20 10,669 65,551 140,754 450 1,120 62,923 62,403 61,941 2,000 128,880 145,974 10,387 169,118 272,383 WO, 071 21 65 171 272 355 78 439 282 192 50 619 188 423 879 73 265 22 34 IDS 381 84 45 26 31 130 60 4a 243 144 277 4 131 23 1,175 4,835 5,827 24,64f 3,292 U,007 8,027 3,725 1,931 24,102 3,504 16,060 28,665 1,238 4,736 24 540 2,309 7,721 3,978 1,936 372 488 2,701 2,567 10,719 3,812 3,951 5,970 47 2,181 25 27,982 115,770 162,494 878,305 48,773 288,731 208,030 99,898 33,205 643,302 93,821 377,214 808,590 31,144 128,627 26 14,223 54,814 181,164 44,300 18,333 8,008 15,624 87,502 33,275 318,244 99,426 79,069 151,600 1,240 72,294 27 6,036 24,870 58,087 548,391 18,153 85,717 99,859 27,108 7,325 332,194 30,432 162,796 400,265 13,120 39,122 28 1,150 15,846 56,230 25,330 6,420 300 4,485 a,676 9,378 78,946 18,479 25,524 44,296 190 19,420 29 28 22 17 74 9 184 128 36 6 113 36 44 148 15 y? 30 19 24 56 24 10 55 38 79 8 120 84 31 96 36 77 31 410 469 264 2,753 736 3,882 3,196 477 280 3,218 648 1,668 2,530 280 827 32 259 375 664 895 314 695 393 554 348 2,037 971 561 i,m 412 726 33 6,820 6,171 3,580 40,355 10,245 60,974 51,959 7,913 5,100 42,844 11,245 25,985 41,271 5,590 18,400 34 4,530 4,335 7,622 4,754 2,375 10,022 5,202 9,069 3,259 28,251 12,075 6,901 15,116 7,169 14,238 35 4,622 4,880 1,990 31,178 6,100 47,246 42,720 5,492 4,420 31,775 9,U0 22,055 33,017 4,756 15,652 36 2,981 2,470 2,835 1,964 1,205 3,627 2,5X4 4,283 1,930 15,700 4,876 3,060 6,585 4,762 6,152 37 3 6 9 11 ... 12 U 4 16 26 13 5 19 7 13 38 26 217 503 865 263 461 75 1,251 617 a5 340 496 ITD 109 39 28 135 276 2,097 50 372 311 175 1,795 537 308 1,435 1,087 146 351 40 1,160 7,950 15,504 10,081 8,560 8,905 1,720 25,941 14,597 6,059 6,500 12,455 5,300 5,035 41 425 1,705 5,985 12,447 700 11,309 6,462 3,453 8,855 10,757 4,613 21,266 20,895 3,815 9,806 42 600 12,357 3,281 3,563 5,400 1,100 8,240 2,768 3,098 1,300 5,210 3,700 1,500 43 409 1,566 1,845 600 372 1,121 796 400 7,596 772 9,700 4,941 2,450 3,566 44 65 66 377 27 9 732 62 884 27 64 372 45 53 31 712 18 6 755 91 340 9 35 417 46 1,610 1,653 62,704 621 157 29,880 1,888 43,456 551 2,083 8,704 47 834 535 37,184 372 144 21,956 1,956 28,952 126 994 8,669 48 64 61 877 27 8 731 59 883 25 63 371 49 40 17 505 17 6 707 62 626 7 34 397 50 1,552 1,568 62,643 611 97 29,855 1,777 43,338 530 2,063 8,679 51 617 304 25,469 346 144 20,656 1,325 20,792 89 936 8,425 52 32,890 24,459 1,133,334 12, 521 1,067 736,995 29,557 846,208 5,158 53,743 211,573 53 3,599 1,274 4 65,755 3 2,446 1,515 11.5,902 5,313 1 61,500 5 1,024 1A,431 110,638 54 55 "l 3 22 54 10 "4 11 5 40 24 15 56 57 8 41 38 874 17 ... 56 137 5 377 42 108 ... 58 59 4 39 397 30 79 141 100 60 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 61 5 5 123 23 *; 101 1 1 3 ,62 1 13 6 10 40 1 26 5 11 l63 73 103 3,156 334 98 2,561 ... 10 8 15 64 3 2 5 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 65 9 8 223 2 58 16 219 2 2 17 66 57 50 45 20 25 105 68 21 15 14 67 136 87 7,685 26 910 396 5,222 27 50 121 68 Stub items continued 222 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinitions and explanfttiona, see text) Edwards EUl ElUs Ellsworth FlnneT Ford Franklin Geary Gove 1 Small grains harvested: Wheat .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 527 518 437 417 859 883 712 759 598 398 952 1,065 983 851 392 437 526 475 2 3 acres 1959. . . 1954... 132,223 132,584 12,270 12,383 135,896 119,056 106,318 115,444 170,570 59,425 264,169 273, ?77 28,003 23,473 26,702 26,699 101,101 86,427 5 6 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 1,555,517 1,972,256 243,445 338,613 1,429,531 1,813,551 1,834,091 2,217,755 3,689,159 526,710 3,176,299 2,427,379 714,673 702,177 745,924 678,408 2,180,389 1,110,428 7 Salea bushels 1959. . . 1,411,657 1,825,392 226,566 307,956 1,284,386 1,625,085 1,677,022 2,055,735 3,528,341 481,063 2,959 425 2,148,108 693,419 650,641 695,834 639,797 2.012,253 1,030,859 8 1954... 9 Farms reporting by acres Dnder 10 acres harvested: .farms reporting 1959... 1 29 4 6 5 4 84 6 10 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 6 235 15 23 26 19 459 96 ID 11 25 to 49 acrea . farms reporting 1959. . . 23 113 64 60 28 37 315 100 •43 12 50 to 99 acrea .fanas reporting 1959... 52 49 212 176 99 78 107 112 101 13 100 or nore acres. . . . . arms reporting 1959. . . 445 11 554 447 440 814 18 78 372 1^ Oats .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 34 60 235 469 40 126 213 336 6 7 53 71 622 953 234 2S1 25 25 15 16 17 acres 1959.. , 1954. . . 650 1,271 4,935 11,722 546 2,097 2,727 4,991 86 144 869 1,416 10,814 18,013 4,461 4,312 507 679 18 19 buahelB 1959... 1954. . . 10,723 22,730 103,138 366,674 8,643 47,231 47,311 132,902 1,290 1,515 15,965 17,936 304.966 690,996 105,847 148,007 8,977 8,492 20 Sales bushels 1959... 1,172 7,110 12,809 81,503 1,420 6,477 6,124 18,436 400 460 2,540 1,000 37,884 128,957 16,941 27,825 685 1,755 Zl 1954... 22 23 Barley .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 162 149 234 142 94 123 192 142 207 65 242 167 185 238 203 75 213 73 24 25 acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 5,435 5,866 5,741 2,443 1,915 2,732 3,648 2,795 11,863 3,763 8,326 4,714 2,790 3,671 6,173 1,546 7,611 2,894 26 27 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 103,494 99,312 121,883 68,204 '9.028 49,692 85,703 62,869 327,522 38,716 165,099 52,147 80,354 110,714 191,830 45,919 205,257 27,501 28 Sales bushels 1959. . . 48,812 42,755 32,202 20,302 7,820 8,958 28,681 23,646 249,734 19,686 82,109 13,655 22,442 28,147 81,095 14,384 73,551 8,439 29 1954. . . 30 31 Rye .farma reporting 1959... 1954. . . 18 16 20 57 7 14 16 21 35 18 22 10 30 68 39 30 16 16 32 33 acrea 1959. . . 1954. . . 577 588 311 632 318 279 209 447 2,478 633 1,088 613 504 565 1,101 395 508 485 34 bushels 1959... 5,521 5,798 3,530 3,215 31,288 12,480 9,794 22,991 9,365 35 1954... 5,330 9,493 3,254 5,259 2,432 4,619 8,816 6,590 3,113 36 Salea bushels 1959... 3,538 4,015 4,101 5,604 2,394 2,160 2,065 2,965 26,516 795 10,164 3,560 7,874 3,963 20,361 3,339 6,856 998 37 1954... 38 Other gralna .faniE reporting 1959... 5 13 12 7 4 8 9 2 39 40 acres 1959... 1954. . . 263 155 142 95 388 317 147 357 1,184 328 650 255 426 100 298 35 388 41 42 bushels 1959... 1954... 7,300 1,560 2,441 1,726 7,874 5,010 4,390 6,860 8,985 10, uo 6,118 6,620 8,661 3,305 7,421 1,000 3,275 43 Sales buahela 1959. . . 5,600 510 396 685 4,335 550 2,315 1,800 3,590 2,300 2,000 4,792 286 1,590 3,156 130 44 1954. . . 45 46 47 48 Annual legumes: Soybeans ^rown for all purposes .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959. . . 1954. . . 1 2 30 51 81 67 1,709 1,113 "i 2 9 4 200 138 2 1 115 14 1 4 826 819 30,678 24,733 17 15 452 470 ... 49 50 51 52 53 54 Harvested for beans .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . bushels 1959... 1954. . . 1 1 30 15 800 SO 80 35 1,649 669 29,278 4,440 8 2 194 110 2,500 400 2 1 U5 14 2,360 140 821 806 30,551 23,859 759,873 238,051 15 14 422 406 11,271 3,644 ::; 55 Cut for hay .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959. . . 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 2 12 50 127 105 161 "i "2 2 5 24 19 155 39 119 ... 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Hogged or grazed, or cut for allage .farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959. . . 1954... 1 12 10 157 1 22 2 7 47 121 1 1 20 30 65 Plowed under for green . farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... acrea 1959... 1954. . . "i 36 13 160 1 1 6 6 1 4 5 43 61 598 1 2 10 34 ... 66 67 68 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 223 Part 2 of 5 Grant Gray Greeley Greenwc30d Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell HDdgeman Jackaon Jefferson JeweU Johnson Kean^y 589 592 217 137 552 548 253 214 649 585 326 113 974 1,065 1,095 1,123 272 252 495 512 942 857 399 824 1,022 1,206 677 593 256 179 1 2 101,680 85,506 75,456 26,891 170,761 138,127 106,021 82,736 17,685 18,675 128,646 25,999 183,229 193,796 101,747 110,665 119,798 89,337 117,553 129,001 33,169 33,132 30,824 31,572 98,831 104,565 22,178 19,450 87,543 34,334 3 4 l,i7'i,054 1,209,565 1,864,909 a9,668 2,011,461 1,074,300 2,886,182 560,505 352,390 556,868 3,526,707 164,078 4,140,854 3,150,585 2,550,432 2,380,455 2,033,738 693,719 1,303,040 1,279,807 828,153 853,251 791,339 847,205 2,147,733 2,329,474 631,357 611,167 2,251,372 224,441 5 5 1,393,297 1,078,762 1,809,391 188 , 588 1,919,133 960,570 2,773,830 497,567 338,576 527,685 3,319,772 132,646 3,959,987 2,945,107 2,438,394 2,a6,502 1,945,965 637,726 1,204,245 1,109,747 797,467 775,743 761,977 794,854 2,043,977 2,135,204 608,493 565,240 2,125,758 184,439 7 8 1 37 4 10 17 2 56 58 15 « 1 9 23 1 8 5 369 6 49 111 2 12 426 424 123 311 4 ID 54 9 18 5 170 20 56 186 3 32 266 237 200 190 20 11 119 16 47 26 60 40 154 374 8 66 140 136 334 100 39 12 393 191 478 217 13 256 705 407 259 384 54 44 350 32 202 13 15 56 2 6 10 2 2 186 536 3 287 394 649 810 7 2 41 100 595 892 493 830 265 564 389 596 1 1 14 15 366 1,622 254 120 104 34 97 3,144 10,169 155 8,138 9,499 17,798 20,083 130 28 757 2,525 10,204 15, 525 9,472 17,997 4,476 10,028 7,007 13,469 12 12 16 17 5,930 34,652 5,050 1,935 1,657 1,000 590 53,826 328,692 5,150 221,713 207,937 454,575 613,389 2,694 290 10,685 27,887 278,941 503,939 220,477 599,204 98,212 318,604 188,382 581,677 160 30 13 19 3,100 8,810 4,24« 700 ... 3,591 4,3392 3,000 101,014 60,188 U8,400 129,295 464 876 1,110 48,221 82,311 30,963 119,604 15,722 43,614 47,519 153,258 20 21 240 82 24 4 82 64 % 40 206 244 95 2 526 330 539 276 37 30 120 109 104 19 137 73 251 163 127 182 102 14 22 23 8,980 2,978 1,269 92 3,488 2,513 8,532 2,739 4,244 4,865 7,629 65 24,933 11,857 16,571 6,286 1,382 1,471 4,403 4,728 2,354 468 2,262 1,141 4,943 2,875 1,865 2,895 6,052 492 24 25 188,910 47,330 30,044 885 61,937 19,185 244,500 15,741 89,615 139,945 201,547 230 596,039 226,719 444,269 171,507 29,220 11,197 76,247 46,221 54,085 10,326 54,833 35,370 128,485 67,860 54,757 94,736 157,206 5,910 26 27 69,057 11,414 25,559 230 43,266 5,945 174,661 7,888 21,072 30,359 144,615 230 394,904 115,278 198,548 51,047 21,700 4,665 23,192 12.270 25,840 2,810 14,130 6,960 28,497 15,616 16,246 23,219 112,731 3,310 28 29 48 10 20 6 48 29 28 15 32 60 36 8 87 51 107 74 4 3 12 6 27 54 25 53 144 120 57 35 13 10 30 31 1,642 184 848 411 3,365 1,034 3,009 2,071 419 898 4,044 1,131 2,771 1,115 2,345 1,125 450 170 338 410 237 525 354 758 2,336 1,981 978 287 1,259 357 32 33 22,281 2,126 15,306 2,545 37,225 6,493 44,411 6,537 5,271 13,404 68,625 3,575 35,001 10,709 28.409 16,707 7,750 2,770 4,350 1,540 3,617 7,764 6,353 U,071 41,239 33,718 22,844 4,774 25,198 1,510 34 35 18,«)3 940 13,701 1,690 31,843 3,281 37,361 2,075 2,708 6,800 62,175 2,345 28,023 4,015 22,589 7,700 6,400 240 2,8B5 680 3,075 3,708 4,895 5,652 27,452 23,505 17,761 2,617 23,328 350 35 37 9 1 7 9 13 6 14 12 1 3 7 5 10 5 38 390 1,856 173 316 123 1,237 732 500 179 1,263 368 392 1,019 402 y73 180 5 153 1,002 215 259 71 359 334 1,305 87 275 88 39 40 6,995 33,938 5,050 7,135 590 16,030 4,473 14,520 4,310 18,460 1,270 6,870 15,683 13,474 10,873 7,520 50 4,010 11,880 8,532 5,999 2,590 10,603 5,310 23,605 4,317 7,728 590 41 42 4,230 22,041 4,850 1,850 13,500 1,870 3,600 2,908 15,760 870 2,360 12,169 8.755 6,179 7,000 1,800 4,695 1,245 821 500 2,075 5,181 3,767 1,140 43 44 246 185 6,507 3,739 8 25 231 614 58 85 1,475 1,878 7 265 3 128 71 95 1,516 1,568 144 139 3,103 1,993 1 9 33 119 320 249 8,789 5,731 45 46 47 48 244 139 6,413 2,817 132,975 15,828 6 10 201 285 1,378 1.045 66 52 1,403 975 17,842 3,574 7 265 4,950 3 128 1,770 70 38 1,430 1,419 22,026 16,996 138 113 3,038 1,756 51,465 28,127 1 9 33 U9 310 1,797 312 228 8,652 5,387 217,533 66,117 49 50 51 52 53 54 '.'.'. "9 138 83 ... 1 5 5 103 6 46 "'i 4 "7 ... "6 '45 '43 2 23 4 154 9 195 5 17 54 149 57 148 55 56 57 58 59 60 2 16 11 224 2 '55 2 5 30 87 ::: 1 1 .:: 3 5 32 46 61 52 53 64 3 35 83 540 1 10 25 171 4 32 42 612 ... 1 3 35 103 4 7 61 33 6 14 51 149 55 56 67 68 Stub Items continued 224 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Ck)unty Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (Far derinicioRs and expluialions, see text) KlugmaD Tfine Leavenworth Lincoln Sfliall grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting 1959. 1954.. 1959. 1954. bushels Sales bushels Farms reporting by acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or more acres f aims reporting Oats farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Sales bushels Barley farms reporting Sales bushels Rye farms reporting Sales bushels Other grains farms reporting acres bushels Sales bushels Annual legumes: Soybeans grom for all purposes farms reporting acres Harvested for beans farms reporting acres bushels Cut for hay farms reporting acres tons Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres Plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres 1959. 1959., 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959., 1954. 1959., 1954., 1959. 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. 1954. 1959. , 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959., 1954.. 1959., 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959. , 1954., 1959., 1954., 1,014 1,100 161,572 177,506 3,185,724 2,807,905 2,975,596 2,609,002 9 50 82 217 656 252 467 5,718 10,438 141,599 276,578 39,337 61,973 522 323 19,586 9,657 467,061 199,167 216,221 71,934 192 109 5,935 2,037 69,545 24,566 54,130 9,665 1,313 472 41,557 6,289 18,028 3,812 18 225 398 4 145 103 2,550 425 406 456 101,945 118,042 1,450,196 1,713,866 1,361,075 1,570,789 3 1 8 34 360 15 42 244 589 4,994 9,973 1,191 736 82 146 2,652 4,728 65,779 84,384 37,479 31,514 45 27 2,343 1,192 22,340 7,824 16,301 4,413 176 387 4,900 12,986 600 7,954 10 124 3 9 70 171 1,104 1,182 54,694 57,626 1,293,301 1,503,519 1,206,999 1,371,665 43 364 303 262 132 842 1,140 24,359 34,433 657,533 1,272,447 137,950 300,282 431 678 11,244 14,483 320,060 386,714 118,435 121,269 56 111 875 1,238 10,687 17,502 6,926 9,290 509 507 U,811 8,318 3,720 2,320 609 515 25,233 16,622 605 370 24,943 12,334 457,143 53,772 4 33 28 492 60 257 2 55 19 1,171 6 U5 243 2,625 344 311 97,999 89,406 2,003,540 %2,506 1,824,136 894,382 1 2 7 44 290 2 10 29 225 346 3,530 102 47 5,620 2,672 144,030 21,367 75,224 5,922 158 495 2,930 3,455 2,350 300 70 341 2,900 3,404 1,565 384 842 724 22,614 24,084 566,619 630,667 541,985 581,970 69 442 223 97 U 422 794 7,236 17,085 164, 526 602,793 33,016 121,678 89 52 1,223 620 27,337 17,725 6,745 4,741 16 39 139 356 3,947 6,290 3,225 3,107 175 365 6,194 10,525 2,847 3,004 100 155 1,643 2,616 82 124 1,492 2,179 33,754 33,055 15 42 U2 361 234 463 3 2 33 21 804 385 106,576 115,408 1,899,571 2,201,438 1,786,191 2,043,865 4 20 86 228 466 225 344 3,536 5,531 61,073 158,317 13,308 26,589 289 122 7,709 2,607 182,416 53,092 75,963 14,713 23 21 354 350 4,589 4,272 3,108 533 660 625 18,474 10,877 8,<;25 5,441 74 335 757 794 24,263 21,686 629,924 644,157 605, 5U 592,660 22 365 238 104 28 504 772 9,279 16,760 273,082 586,697 45,647 75,212 210 441 3,654 8,607 114,944 236,117 31,561 35,122 39 64 671 563 14,574 7,606 12,055 3,081 142 275 2,340 7,010 520 684 19,361 22,996 517 653 19,260 21,709 364,725 174,104 10 16 U2 22 87 6 22 66 337 3 66 19 838 327 244 88,272 60,686 2,150,899 590,256 2,089,114 558,975 4 21 52 2» 4 5 123 129 2,320 459 4,846 4,562 109, 534 33,097 58,780 21,032 585 931 5,730 6,932 5,520 5,350 317 1,631 5,450 15,945 3,600 14,125 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 225 Part 2 of 5 Mcpherson Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgcmery Morris Morton Nemaha Neoeho Ness Norton Osage Osborne l,84i 1,923 1,576 1,668 1,504 1,519 518 541 1,026 985 879 937 957 973 777 787 222 148 1,226 1,127 988 1,036 747 807 744 789 1,070 963 837 850 1 2 200,006 210,A52 116,199 U6,290 74,481 77,446 154,200 158,703 29,365 26,411 159,771 167,434 44,111 42,371 40,481 42,332 83,148 32,503 33,867 32,061 39,715 41,854 155,263 164,136 81,647 80,191 a,334 25,759 119,713 127,438 3 4 4,877,02i 4,39A,15* 2,919,869 2,572,315 1,916 684 1,770,407 1,976,215 1,300,270 812,060 853,159 3,202,475 3,468,233 1,050,132 1,230,371 1,006,437 1,006,007 1,828,271 203,579 788,904 789,338 801,364 1,329,404 2,066,905 2,211,275 1,594,021 1,468,926 679,891 821,985 1,983,021 2,450,297 5 5 •4,581,878 3,922,718 2,748,355 2,343,675 1,829,221 1,631,242 1,796,572 1,169,071 787,386 795,631 3,033,303 3,142,887 998,665 1,142,388 951,868 914,426 1,721,999 173,356 753,681 732,300 757,655 1,226,113 1,929,840 2,040,144 1,502,559 1,368,071 655,857 767,020 1,860,595 2,227,133 7 8 16 18 40 ... 74 6 42 27 1 63 41 8 7? 8 9 103 158 356 11 486 21 370 244 3 60S 403 .23 » 589 41 10 262 382 520 16 329 65 239 212 4 428 286 36 114 290 95 11 634 657 448 47 120 173 202 198 26 117 185 125 224 100 173 12 829 361 140 444 17 6M 104 96 188 13 73 563 345 18 520 13 1,005 1,3U 1,207 1,451 833 1,010 7 8 672 1,016 170 322 550 961 487 560 1 841 1,148 681 1,033 57 107 42 105 642 1,012 175 289 U. 15 22,441 27,371 37,173 40,807 12,535 15,578 125 239 11,266 20,901 2,592 6,016 12,749 23,720 10,961 10,599 10 16,675 26,064 13,859 24,044 783 2,072 775 1,828 10,143 19,474 2,908 5,002 16 17 482,379 812,868 852,690 1,201,228 262,894 453,829 1,326 3,800 338,224 790,195 57,885 167,139 353,082 819,613 205,760 326,583 200 363,364 1,OU,303 416,196 944,550 14,784 37,596 18,800 44,625 252,735 724,690 52,043 136,888 18 19 147,019 192,779 222,851 191,534 50,028 56,721 346 1,475 50,097 175,172 12,451 39,533 91,612 230,893 26,239 50,390 64,801 227,261 91,234 189,514 1,348 1,690 3,320 10,632 44,452 136,812 9,283 18,365 20 21 929 543 753 314 84 24 71 55 265 290 268 116 490 376 310 91 35 9 56 13 331 402 140 111 430 111 237 111 286 100 22 23 27,613 11,776 21,610 5,974 1,310 182 2,372 2,072 3,949 5,110 8,138 3,295 15,622 8,868 7,702 1,633 2,576 200 735 178 7,400 7,910 4,144 3,394 14,115 2,551 4,114 1,964 6,319 1,888 24 25 688,029 296,273 600,383 159,109 41,473 5,674 41,308 13,639 112,146 161,922 230,838 84,769 443,476 262,405 188,479 39,921 54,563 1,200 17,976 4,690 205,808 252, ia9 90,144 51,660 346,626 42,593 113,373 6«,2U 139,094 40,357 26 27 349,368 110,481 269,520 39,344 14,827 1,236 25,259 5,157 25,665 37,162 U4,666 30,342 236,473 115,489 65,390 5,«18 33,655 40 3,495 1,449 86,753 85,222 36,630 12,462 124,840 12,944 26,523 25,353 38,447 8,y71 28 29 91 71 191 U7 89 58 8 8 31 63 31 19 57 76 59 49 26 11 36 77 46 73 11 21 99 56 18 45 33 45 30 31 1,636 916 3,541 1,587 1,168 391 470 171 334 581 680 244 846 992 998 649 3,255 487 368 702 720 805 483 4U 3,419 1,215 207 472 701 705 32 33 24,780 12,411 51,749 22,609 20,799 5,340 6,978 1,735 5,787 9,838 11,779 4,769 13,283 13,649 14,364 8,876 61,822 2,280 7,456 13,470 14,511 11,104 7,555 3,928 49,380 17,070 2,355 7,005 7,341 6,515 34 35 19,019 7,078 39,061 12,031 16,804 2,246 5,260 1,110 4,094 2,999 9,445 1,180 8,837 6,560 10,431 2,759 59,061 1,071 5,313 7,794 10,502 5,083 6,835 2,010 42,783 7,072 1,672 3,006 3,713 2,274 36 37 49 16 a 4 9 11 26 16 10 13 5 9 9 18 38 1,585 1,131 447 729 238 333 190 106 142 338 707 1,282 553 326 485 413 46' 136 257 267 351 241 204 496 838 285 462 572 641 39 40 41,876 19,730 U,135 11, U2 5,266 7,269 5,000 1,040 3,515 U,818 18,714 20,636 18,039 8,887 13,740 9,510 330 4,385 6,836 9,245 6,149 8,880 3,200 10,260 14,660 12,831 12,078 14,730 8,468 41 42 12,553 11,110 4,534 3,581 1,734 3,430 2,200 230 430 2,598 3,446 850 7,629 2,550 5,405 3,175 330 1,638 2,288 4,238 2,415 3,270 2,700 6,8X 5,073 8,554 280 7,670 2,581 43 44 57 67 1,220 1,057 29 42 717 734 105 184 2,135 3,038 523 554 13,829 12,220 5 2 237 45 277 240 6,392 5,521 66 77 1,260 1,329 14 9 229 104 324 372 9,159 8,788 "1 10 703 768 20,177 17,022 2 'is 45 46 47 48 53 58 1,087 899 12,530 4,592 27 28 685 489 9,538 2,002 104 184 2,116 3,021 39,130 45,980 512 525 13,595 U,591 297,193 120,049 4 2 137 45 1,402 165 268 155 6,242 3,805 121,710 17,957 64 67 1,237 1,190 27,455 8,595 12 7 206 79 3,979 1,322 322 247 9,119 5,559 191,248 35,747 ::: ••• 703 758 20,167 15,663 483,915 156,760 1 "9 100 49 50 51 52 53 54 1 1 20 4 20 3 "2 39 '39 1 2 5 9 5 19 ::: 12 38 105 344 124 294 7 34 60 313 79 •157 1 1 8 11 10 15 3 29 15 525 21 209 "i 'io is 1 24 12 55 56 57 58 59 60 "i 23 1 2 5 20 1 "3 5 5 57 58 1 ico 5 28 58 558 2 '17 1 68 2 1,315 ■•• ... 5 54 1 "9 61 62 53 64 4 9 113 131 2 12 27 186 2 2 U 8 5 20 72 227 5 46 32 845 3 U 23 122 1 2 15 14 2 66 22 1,389 1 25 10 281 65 66 67 68 Stub Items cantinued 226 Part 2 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For definilions and explanations, see text) Phillips Potta- watcanie Republic Small grains harvested; Wheat farms reportljig 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. buBhels Sales bushels Fanns reporting ty acres harvested: Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 or ncre acres farms reporting Oats farms reporting 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Sales bushels Barley farms reporting acres bushels Sales bushels Rye farms reporting Sales, ...' bushels Other grains farms reporting acres bushels Sales bushels Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres Harvested for beans farms reporting acres bushels Cut for hay farms reporting acres tons Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres Plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954., 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 790 887 108,437 123,351 2,563,703 2,522,710 2,450,998 2,325,801 10 58 85 196 441 299 323 6,200 5,517 124,578 183,686 34,823 55,534 361 50 15,343 1,195 421,548 29,584 249,463 11,176 2,723 549 46,493 6,785 41,389 2,530 152 246 5,224 2,726 4,034 520 16 28 767 9U 16 24 747 826 8,784 7,191 742 765 190,195 204,123 2,584,090 3,461,287 2,452,926 3,244,366 5 9 23 94 611 43 73 821 1,402 15,565 28,273 4,485 5,810 201 202 7,147 7,259 169,859 159,399 86,739 81,826 21 16 919 698 10,458 4,632 5,719 1,884 440 767 10,800 10,595 7,200 7,740 16 2 436 63 16 2 436 63 10,250 780 855 909 84,304 82,574 1,503,852 1,606,010 1,409,345 1,470,226 17 107 145 269 317 128 272 2,030 4,318 42,443 107,761 2,410 5,607 346 78 7,416 1,561 180,669 35,829 37,876 9,031 47 35 688 495 9,151 7,748 5,4% 4,172 279 804 4,973 14,041 1,563 3,218 855 938 34,572 37,323 854,188 911,180 55 334 234 168 402 599 4,996 7,449 121,953 233,518 19,603 29,793 123 13 2,023 246 48,534 6,470 13,883 2,300 354 480 7,271 8,095 5,692 4,147 184 645 5,291 18,046 1,420 5,196 23 68 522 951 22 66 512 934 8,105 13,688 703 780 161,095 174,428 2,133,789 2,866,045 821,514 2,030,482 842,844 2,675,014 16 38 87 558 47 93 712 1,350 13,544 36,018 3,170 10,114 236 286 8,169 10,025 160,166 221,813 79,040 104,703 59 51 2,803 1,910 29,519 16,276 23,934 10,741 232 245 5,345 3,012 4,830 292 6 190 174 3 140 125 856 620 694 668 U5,615 108,787 3,461,326 1,519,602 3,283,776 1,413,169 1 13 42 147 491 583 1,665 10,690 27,024 2,650 4,837 381 134 13,155 5,080 593,131 59,013 361,564 19,247 631 329 13,113 2,690 9,264 2,140 1,235 17,270 12,324 3,830 4,007 1,964 2,112 270,812 293,579 5,521,704 5,663,485 5,201,505 5,241,968 39 140 206 464 1,115 393 815 6,591 15,117 134,774 444,360 35,559 110,694 877 612 29,495 15,451 759,972 383,815 415,589 158,352 253 222 7,001 4,641 33,057 46,370 58,656 28,031 1,178 2,049 29,961 24,850 U,364 14,079 19 85 454 2,550 13 50 390 1,648 6,450 4,029 1 5 10 52 10 3 32 46 724 1,281 1,414 85,428 91,230 2,017,597 2,067,709 1,887,U6 1,876,164 21 196 378 426 260 567 350 9,258 14,704 172,204 437,266 46,923 69,110 123 129 1,891 1,946 52,337 49,573 21,693 9,104 72 105 997 1,028 16,722 16,558 11,933 7,840 230 332 4,512 5,311 4,022 785 6 13 138 276 6 13 138 266 2,200 2,710 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 227 Part 2 of 5 Riley Rooks Rush Russell SaUne Soott Sedgwick Scwaid Shawnee Sheridan Shemwn Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens 695 771 739 795 823 912 716 746 880 1,020 377 373 1,683 1,679 254 312 870 829 607 663 514 515 948 1,068 791 909 243 140 323 319 1 2 31,199 30,877 U0,266 129,392 155,379 178,276 127,038 119,858 108,563 127,713 110,957 88,557 181,088 180,352 89,597 106,322 36,112 36,597 101,100 U4,154 145,163 139,639 95,333 101,053 163,038 180,031 127,796 31,649 88,976 91,194 3 4 823,537 667,831 1,842,513 2,039,749 1,962,186 2,936,233 1,769,061 1,635,318 2,654,633 2,476, U6 3,048,202 859,788 4,671,786 3,710,653 1,326,734 769,341 905,582 1,036,657 1,818,510 1,752,370 3,677,218 1,473,904 1,775,748 2,202,050 1,945,969 3,067,535 3,786,638 206.454 1,948,235 746,689 5 6 757,116 593,316 1,674,064 1,856,338 1,806,338 2,647,282 1,625,385 1,659,315 2,484,847 2,226,558 2,871,936 770,327 4,417,778 3,371,946 1,268,175 681,405 863,510 955,790 1,651,419 1,534,146 3,444,761 1,280,494 1,665,691 2,030,766 1,810,993 2,859,398 3,562,152 179,450 1,358,726 688,525 7 8 31 5 5 6 1 45 1 57 1 12 3 9 203 27 13 11 66 8 181 4 377 8 10 121 18 1 6 10 232 57 53 42 124 19 246 7 207 49 16 164 35 7 15 11 177 160 141 142 229 45 483 27 140 132 74 264 118 14 44 12 52 490 611 521 453 304 723 215 69 418 413 337 617 221 258 13 430 481 38 93 56 142 32 186 339 495 1 8 535 990 4 1 396 686 9 76 9 29 102 273 46 81 1 1 14 15 6,661 6,627 413 1,189 1,312 2,082 1,060 3,228 6,331 6,071 6 187 16,218 26,062 85 300 5,828 U,223 195 1,924 272 771 1,440 4,442 626 1,101 30 3 16 17 173,244 200,380 7,332 31,966 17,620 48,145 19,429 68,455 121,747 219,510 180 2,290 354,674 753,055 1,145 1,600 159,350 392,026 2,595 28,620 14,952 8,006 26,450 122,347 14,336 27,284 900 120 IB 19 23,330 33,208 112 6,132 6,126 5,784 498 14,933 36,610 52,909 750 148,050 197,649 625 1,000 44,880 89,493 4,041 12,200 1,856 13,333 5,943 6,350 550 ... 20 21 150 50 189 83 142 139 139 74 436 151 112 24 799 485 16 21 251 89 235 119 308 101 222 41 230 195 68 U 21 16 22 23 2,760 666 3,873 2,012 3,168 3,700 3,332 1,725 15,303 3,448 6,159 974 30,997 14,595 904 1,035 4,139 1,289 7,269 3,117 21,469 5,729 3,976 819 6,570 5,627 7,030 447 1,129 757 24 25 74,174 17,109 79,367 38,582 53,757 75,666 65,686 30,015 452,661 68,801 163,515 8,533 849,740 359,958 16,946 9,351 108,044 39,434 146,195 49,898 574,083 44,003 113,252 15,655 145,045 136,465 179,351 2,043 22,218 7,750 26 27 25,024 3,541 26,526 14,613 16, %3 25,603 27,061 11,291 260,825 29,198 99,798 4,416 477,980 167,987 10,563 5,106 47,040 14,615 53,453 15,871 373,605 11,820 14,792 2,454 60. 6U 61,701 124,150 440 13,278 3,620 28 29 42 64 28 7 7 12 14 17 43 31 6 14 181 149 12 19 23 39 15 5 38 15 84 113 98 67 20 10 16 32 30 31 423 555 1,217 126 236 185 476 264 918 613 183 604 4,953 2,720 755 1,340 344 456 442 188 1,851 679 1,530 1,627 4,216 2,226 1,294 310 785 1,408 32 33 8,868 9,672 18,241 1,635 2,860 1,607 4,555 3,310 15,516 5,568 2,730 2,737 33,412 38,842 8,130 7,U5 6,279 7,374 5,400 1,240 30,066 2,720 23,315 24,655 43,184 16,769 26,748 1,191 8,656 9,976 34 35 5,862 4,613 16,247 935 2,600 613 3,785 1,240 12,692 3,030 2,200 1,450 73,687 25,020 6,290 4,760 5,256 3,895 3,688 16,016 1,200 17,141 13,725 31,063 9,414 24,711 240 8,306 7,697 36 37 12 6 42 10 41 3 22 1 6 5 4 15 4 6 2 38 141 268 591 256 1,801 1,090 252 215 1,309 688 145 756 61A 847 20 49 97 364 240 873 403 330 559 903 252 427 973 365 125 40 39 40 3,865 5,106 15,939 3,651 41,697 16,071 3,975 2,562 33,073 10,517 4,300 5,240 23,400 14,447 175 170 4,418 10,363 6,000 11,845 6,027 4,800 15,890 13,145 3,105 5,367 19,604 1,910 3,685 260 41 42 865 2,036 4,877 1,967 21,074 11,580 1,411 1,102 9,020 6,702 2,000 2,050 12,660 11,607 115 100 1,660 3,355 330 6,437 4,599 2,950 9,550 12,172 1,640 3,385 14,658 1,435 1,835 43 44 7 6 239 110 2 4 78 78 3 1 32 5 30 48 1,043 1,313 255 222 8,505 6,598 177 244 3,078 3,964 ... ••• "5 4 3 70 107 45 46 47 48 7 6 234 110 4,368 1,182 ... 2 1 66 20 700 200 1 10 2 22 175 1 '10 '40 28 37 1,017 1,145 12,370 4,576 1 5 4 73 246 125 8,260 3,957 139,981 11,962 1 13 6 321 3 88 6 45 59 1,056 173 240 3,020 3,763 63,967 42,425 "a 48 52 1 2 6 24 ••• ••■ "2 '35 450 1 22 is 1 "w ••• 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 2 5 "3 58 "i 5 1 7 22 95 11 50 180 1,264 5 14 52 129 ... "3 '32 4 1 70 25 ... 65 66 67 68 Stub Itans continued 228 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 2 of 5 County Table U.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued Item (For derinitions uid explKnations, see text) Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 1 Small ^ins hatvested: fheat .farms reparting 1959... 1954. . . 1,787 1,883 644 647 626 657 749 736 233 223 1,483 1,570 360 320 820 911 531 465 149 2 91 3 4 acres 1959... 1954. . . 282,664 283,424 211,252 196,190 104,156 91,171 26,419 25,533 59,719 60,859 81,998 87,030 106,869 110,842 41,101 40,685 14,538 13,165 3,418 2,751 5 6 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 7,437,778 6,096,660 4,514,402 2,806,372 1,329,337 1,340,444 662,623 702,402 1,575,462 383,949 2,075,076 1,957,921 2,954,364 1,099,362 961,786 1,310,338 326,248 434,676 99,544 84,227 7 8 Sales buBhela 1959... 7,053,799 5,647,355 4,292,254 2,679,021 1,220,271 1,234,638 632,853 652,235 1,471,737 338,466 1,965,105 1,823,797 2,812,193 894,820 924,505 1,242,453 311,638 405,7X 97,799 1954. . . 78,248 9 FamG reporting by acres Under 10 acres harvested: .fanoB reporting 1959... 26 1 3 62 3 27 1 37 30 24 10 10 to 24 acres .farms reporting 1959... 120 6 15 316 9 330 3 261 296 84 u 25 to 49 acres .faros reporting 1959... 163 27 37 211 12 468 14 218 130 27 12 50 to 99 acres .farms rqwrtlng 1959... 376 70 129 122 34 466 48 198 61 10 13 100 or Here acres.... .farms reporting 1959... 1,102 540 442 38 175 192 294 106 14 4 lA Oats .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 659 1,009 12 24 36 93 392 548 2 4 862 1,038 2 5 378 775 305 480 43 15 83 Ifi 17 acres 1959... 1954. . . 22,399 30,344 524 920 601 1,688 5,657 7,772 30 162 15,212 16,952 88 UO 6,?72 16,215 4,718 8,585 706 1,396 IS 19 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 620,996 682,070 10,488 9,630 8,295 35,918 125,277 237,461 1,100 562 333,458 547,953 2,124 1,375 168,577 608,109 103,387 291,160 21,882 52,864 20 Sales bushels 1959... 265,873 191,557 7,190 3,316 250 5,040 16,328 39,646 '30 46,304 79,685 1,524 400 23,082 128,620 9,055 42,854 3,270 21 1954. . . 15,072 22 23 Barley .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 990 620 302 128 157 155 211 39 126 40 188 55 123 52 437 404 246 178 14 6 2/. 25 acres 1959... 1954. . . 55,319 23,614 13,602 6,470 3,951 4,764 3,3U 485 10,629 2,560 3,542 837 7,931 2,527 12,633 8,062 4,395 2,879 307 54 26 27 bushels 1959... 1954... 1,480,073 557,150 455,774 70,107 80.765 82,405 76,985 13,452 255,383 12,551 111,628 21,920 206,179 24,494 329,007 262,758 108,150 81,742 12,163 1,326 28 Sales bushels 1959... 973,907 239,484 285,109 29,855 40,206 32,836 19,337 4,808 143,159 3,554 36,901 5,707 133,611 10,717 154,572 83,464 25,124 15,627 6,600 29 1954... 375 30 31 Hye .farms reporting 1959... 1954... 153 141 12 20 12 9 16 39 19 13 128 44 8 7 64 81 31 48 4 6 32 33 acres 1959... 1954... 4,237 2,699 865 1,536 350 534 115 336 1,072 718 2,386 291 245 117 999 799 477 422 101 78 3* 35 bushels 1959... 1954. . . 64,445 35,524 11,106 8,191 4,721 4,356 1,685 4,095 15,093 2,915 44,741 5,515 5,010 480 16,8% 12,998 7,385 6,413 2,070 1,910 36 37 Sales bushels 1959... 55,047 18,416 10,018 5,751 3,674 1,985 1,045 1,575 11,493 1,120 35,003 2,623 4,580 103 12,493 6,960 4,204 2,220 1,820 1954... 1,384 38 Other grains .fume reporting 1959... 39 10 4 6 4 15 1 8 7 2 39 40 acres 1959... 1954. . . 1,730 438 359 1,107 148 1,348 77 171 322 1,501 328 349 80 834 199 238 80 144 36 41 42 bushels 1959... 1954... 46,857 6,877 8,492 10,599 4,700 18,180 3,055 4,449 3,925 7,249 8,771 6,565 890 4,253 5,011 6,368 2,045 2,576 1,060 1,476 43 44 Sales bushPiR 1959... 23,970 2,705 5,662 7,859 1,800 7,337 600 3,100 2,595 4,474 3,388 2,395 890 2,350 4,300 675 871 610 1954. . . 1,476 45 Annual lenjines: SoybeasB grom for all piuTOses .■.■••■>••........ ..farms reporting 1959... 186 163 7,796 5,083 "2 50 64 58 940 902 7 22 77 220 1 41 279 294 7,513 7,182 228 205 5,855 5,267 23 46 47 4S 1954... acres 1959... 1954... le 438 472 49 SO 51 52 53 54 Harvested for beans ..farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954... bushels 1959... 1954... 180 77 7,621 2,713 129,818 7,906 ••• "i '46 300 64 51 940 753 18,641 5,642 ::: 7 21 77 214 1,418 2,487 1 '41 574 276 207 7,283 4,966 158,815 26,725 227 164 5,795 4,135 U9,472 16,586 20 12 392 375 8,594 4,582 55 56 W 58 59 60 Cut for luy .....•.•...•• ..fanB reporting 1959... 1 7 55 93 30 60 ••• 1 'io '16 1 6 "2 4 34 29 568 20 228 3 9 9 63 5 33 4 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . tons 1959... 1954... 2 16 U 31 24 61 62 63 64 for silage farws reporting 1959. . . 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . 4 27 47 502 ... .;. "2 '28 '23 358 2 16 30 241 "y. 65 Plowed under for green BBnure 5 62 73 1,775 '4 lis :i: 1 -6 4 61 201 1,290 2 33 21 828 66 67 68 1954. . . acres 1959... 1954. . . '83 Stub Itens oootlnued KANSAS 229 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 3 of 5 Itrni (For dcrinilion5 and oxplanalinns. see text) The State Allen Anderson Atchison Barber Barton Bourbon Brown Butler 1 2 Hay ciops iAnd from which hay was cut acres 1959. . . 1954... 1,857,502 2,500,640 33,651 34,384 41,104 37,732 24,707 28,612 6,619 13,005 17,989 23,865 30,589 29,621 25,484 38,865 46,272 60,000 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954... 45,053 57,967 537 638 610 591 665 717 187 329 540 706 472 578 798 930 737 897 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 1,020,237 1,406,372 9,899 10,419 10,954 8,724 11,243 10,233 5,260 10,901 10,652 14,727 7,823 9,604 U,425 12,666 19,637 24,548 7 8 tons 1959... 1954... 2,305,267 2,296,702 22,801 15,069 26,039 13,793 29,379 20,272 9,743 U,794 23,207 27,958 19,288 14,439 34,309 28,453 52,001 23,878 9 10 11 12 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 8,324 9,063 395,463 424,962 86 48 1,854 893 58 54 1,652 792 79 84 1,937 1,347 39 34 1,600 1,448 lU 113 4,405 5,341 67 37 2,263 1,244 129 111 3,205 2,261 152 68 9,065 3,273 13 U 15 16 17 Farms reporting by acres cut for hay; Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 50 to 99 acres , farms reporting 1959... lOO or more acres farms reporting 1959... 10,124 20,331 10,712 3,281 605 190 275 105 16 1 164 317 105 13 6 208 319 108 27 3 28 79 52 23 5 176 210 U8 33 3 151 228 75 16 2 292 338 108 154 299 191 76 17 18 19 Clover, tijnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3,958 5,701 70 30 132 83 501 594 3 4 5 21 78 101 593 818 9 16 20 21 aores 1959... 1954... 64,660 96,204 880 387 1,791 939 10,268 11,888 50 86 63 38A 1,274 1,17* 10,831 17,307 185 244 22 23 ttms 1959... 1954... 95,886 118,419 1,260 436 2,535 1,444 15,052 14,702 32 61 77 431 1,992 1,431 16,743 22,096 234 257 2i Sales forms renortlne 1959 369 580 5,999 10,501 4 1 22 1 7 6 90 108 51 92 755 1,523 1 1 10 2 1 60 7 6 79 121 67 100 1,165 2,354 25 26 27 \.rt^^^u .....................^ ^LX IIIC. M ^y\Jl V^XI^ ^ rj r t . . 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 26 29 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2,617 2,159 63 5 75 28 16 76 ... 238 23 14 40 4 4 30 31 acres 1959... 1954... 34,900 25,260 804 57 1,133 225 175 751 3,765 188 202 636 55 34 32 33 tans 1959... 1954... 46,060 25,721 1,031 55 1,316 215 223 889 4,399 170 284 634 61 21 34 35 36 37 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 141 148 1,639 1,494 3 a 7 1 41 5 7 '76 2 150 10 2 1 55 7 ... 38 39 Oats, wheat, tar ley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. . . .fanns reporting 1959... 1954... 3,483 9,649 25 138 22 72 150 28 55 41 95 105 255 14 158 115 253 40 41 acres 1959. .. 1954... 47,632 126,321 229 1,226 318 652 268 1,679 655 1,019 372 940 1,244 2,783 272 1,5U 1,913 4,028 42 43 tons 1959... 1954... 56,209 139,672 292 1,792 356 1,106 323 2,148 578 884 428 993 1,645 3,745 253 1,766 2,372 4,379 44 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 98 38A 1,986 5,628 1 2 2 7 "2 6 82 1 2 2 52 1 34 3 1 90 6 "6 44 3 7 75 65 45 46 47 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 4fi 49 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1959... 1954... 23,284 27,567 651 697 633 677 104 153 5 7 269 301 621 649 46 69 6U 567 50 51 acres 1959... 1954... 594,937 702,375 20,635 20,684 25,164 25,858 1,220 1,672 98 104 5,244 6,906 15,420 15,142 482 590 22,683 28,048 52 53 tons 1959... 1954... 750,866 596,060 25,794 17,277 29,630 22,057 1,501 2,079 182 122 6,853 6,006 18,509 11,536 632 785 29,412 12,802 54 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 3,482 2,991 114,926 87,535 123 81 4,635 2,280 116 77 6,136 4,105 10 16 214 209 20 13 731 282 70 40 2,057 928 d g 118 55 56 57 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 38 5,120 1,1(» 58 59 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... 5,663 8,933 70 U3 100 122 39 176 16 25 116 67 43 4* 161 391 99 119 60 61 acres 1959... 1954... 75,680 123,501 749 1,403 1,690 1,291 1,156 2,0U 405 808 1,423 845 685 598 1,888 5,525 1,254 2,688 62 63 tons 1959... 1954... 106,264 125,007 1,063 1,356 2,180 1,552 1,244 2,483 542 632 2,484 976 763 587 2,663 7,091 1,867 2,014 64 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 360 546 6,699 9,539 6 7 122 60 4 1 169 15 5 21 91 L24 1 5 5 3 261 52 3 '41 13 44 259 1,054 8 6 50 71 65 66 67 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 68 69 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1954... 812 881 23 14 5 4 19 23 5 4 10 5 19 8 18 42 9 12 70 71 acres 1959. . . 1954... 19,456 20,107 455 208 54 43 377 378 151 87 235 63 378 132 334 630 545 410 72 73 tons, green weight 1959... 1954... 94,342 73,593 2,338 869 375 275 1,694 1,206 593 177 1,239 157 2,373 512 1,978 2,918 2,250 2,395 Stub Items continued 230 Part 3 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For dennitions and explanations, see text) Chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Ccoanche 1 2 Hay croos: iBud from *lch hay was cut acres 1959... 1954... 12,639 15,540 15,357 17,853 16,984 18,406 3,6a 5,648 2,372 3,825 30,819 45,709 22,755 38,327 34,740 41,173 4,576 5,239 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 280 355 240 313 50 99 72 U3 42 77 844 1,078 703 1,019 631 581 92 146 5 6 acres 1959. . . 1954... 8,659 10,659 6,195 7,602 600 1,245 2,218 3,940 1,294 2,671 21,269 34,936 17,681 30,365 12,667 10,962 4,005 4,392 7 8 tons 1959... 1954... 26,316 15,643 17,262 9,627 1,267 1,807 5,372 5,901 3,072 3,752 34,197 60,580 29,495 52,215 32,239 14,923 10,484 7,551 9 Sales .farms reporting 1959. . . 78 58 4,446 3,626 48 33 2,108 1,233 8 9 90 292 15 11 388 539 12 18 542 1,705 162 281 4,521 U,253 140 260 5,400 12,266 100 40 3,994 937 24 31 2,910 2,041 10 11 12 1954. . . tans 1959... 1954. . . 13 15 16 Pajrms reporting by acres cut for hay; Under 10 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 23 113 88 43 8 51 98 60 23 6 25 20 5 12 23 21 14 2 2 21 13 4 2 123 369 262 84 6 90 339 207 66 6 162 298 121 43 2 7 29 31 18 7 17 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 18 19 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 3 3 3 9 9 1 5 14 13 6 3 34 24 1 11 20 acres 1959... 1954... 38 34 41 30 88 94 25 185 130 235 191 105 327 211 21 248 22 23 tons 1959... 1954... 75 26 162 23 116 UO 100 164 197 114 189 93 448 261 30 193 2A Sales farms reporting 1959. . . A 19 25 26 27 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 23 29 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 2 13 2 100 17 1 1 1 44 18 30 31 1954... 43 224 18 1,462 158 10 40 15 461 182 32 33 tana 1959... 1954. . . 70 291 14 2,121 123 50 20 12 590 131 34 35 36 37 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 8 57 "l 6 2 17 38 39 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay....fanDS reporting 1959... 1954. . . 31 44 45 67 25 109 30 35 9 12 28 38 15 24 22 92 5 14 40 41 acres 1959... 1954. . . 397 588 862 1,116 220 1,032 490 617 306 376 247 256 123 214 238 922 63 278 42 43 tons 1959... 1954... 512 951 1,056 1,164 295 1,095 634 430 194 263 247 207 115 183 225 1,239 41 193 44 Sales............... farms reporting 1959... "i 1 1 1 6 20 4 19 1 2 17 8 1 3 7 46 "2 6 1 "3 1 6 45 46 47 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 48 49 fllld hay cut farms reporting 1959... 1954... 120 132 271 317 512 553 16 8 6 5 430 540 221 293 633 769 3 9 50 51 acres 1959... 1954... 2,924 3,482 7,530 7,977 14,076 15,132 492 314 409 292 8,299 8,345 4,057 5,503 20,073 27,123 221 291 52 53 tons 1959... 1954... 4,022 2,281 9,951 6,611 19,170 U,384 720 248 446 507 9,882 7,866 4,649 4,261 25,087 24,424 3U 265 54 Sales .fajms reporting 1959. . . 15 14 300 362 39 40 1,351 679 154 94 5,598 2,170 3 1 175 11 1 1 26 350 72 63 1,125 901 27 50 419 601 100 92 3,384 3,620 55 56 57 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 58 Other liBy cut ......**■•..... .raxms reporting 1959. • . 23 29 25 50 25 33 15 25 8 9 71 107 52 102 58 107 3 1 59 1954... 60 61 acres 1959... 1954... 545 642 400 968 466 709 301 777 338 251 605 1,009 671 1,597 879 1,533 240 30 62 63 tons 1959... 1954... 672 713 644 901 713 421 371 562 223 199 737 364 884 1,365 1,112 1,524 310 4 64 Sales farms reporting 1959 .. . 2 30 1 2 24 29 3 3 99 69 1 1 8 9 23 75 4 5 46 45 3 5 146 154 3 157 65 66 67 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 68 69 Grass silage nade from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or smaU grains farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 4 5 4 4 2 2 "i 9 13 3 3 4 2 1 70 71 acres 1959... 1954... 33 135 105 142 72 36 110 50 179 413 32 43 95 190 26 72 73 tons, green weight 1959... 1954. . . 180 302 452 193 205 32 460 200 586 1,372 200 95 744 500 100 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 231 Part 3 of 5 Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglas Edwards Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove 36,442 48,692 21,429 20,783 9,135 12,931 38,654 47,U5 12,351 20,414 25,800 29,675 4,095 8,596 24,029 30,350 8,062 11,234 13,919 16,735 11,525 13,267 4,462 7,905 30,215 32,810 15,866 35,187 4,755 7,382 1 2 614 1,011 205 235 270 327 1,054 1,371 565 633 743 808 134 230 377 467 235 388 368 470 191 250 135 241 755 810 317 420 98 147 3 4 17,973 28,362 2,338 2,943 7,591 9,048 23,315 34,025 8,041 8,359 14,000 15,230 3,813 7,542 9,544 12,069 4,132 6,144 6,7U 8,155 9,819 16,383 3,454 6,522 13,404 12,008 8,645 12,331 2,756 4,229 5 6 41,636 27,270 7,066 3,513 19,246 21,218 48,713 40,838 24,198 18,774 43,784 31,899 10,393 14,007 24,543 14,122 10,503 14,457 14,972 14,280 35,074 49,289 9,753 12,680 35,249 22,295 21,696 19,451 8,325 9,725 7 3 199 127 9,705 4,377 26 10 746 114 65 63 3,983 3,141 195 154 9,196 7,168 120 114 3,282 2,584 145 130 11,539 10,040 56 63 3,655 4,836 73 49 4,419 1,756 24 33 1,038 1,340 22 29 407 574 140 157 25,415 35,690 32 59 1,511 3,343 101 63 2,759 1,242 53 68 1,910 2,534 14 19 1,045 808 9 10 11 12 115 267 150 59 23 84 93 23 5 44 101 32 39 4 223 462 237 71 U 235 244 71 14 2 242 330 U5 47 9 28 53 33 13 7 71 159 105 36 6 108 82 32 3 5 113 171 64 17 3 5 45 53 65 21 32 54 32 12 5 233 384 121 22 5 49 134 94 32 8 18 38 24 14 4 13 14 15 16 17 7 11 38 34 2 4 11 16 188 434 129 139 1 1 3 4 3 18 11 37 6 2 2 4 108 229 5 3 1 1 18 19 77 223 547 266 53 48 171 164 3,685 8,780 1,672 1,489 70 114 55 83 53 413 121 431 200 24 10 24 1,381 2,502 71 57 10 4 20 21 114 230 731 293 91 304 138 4,999 10,533 2,622 1,833 100 114 32 61 134 238 210 451 432 60 20 14 1,873 3,631 156 45 13 5 22 23 2 1 40 7 2 26 27 62 417 1,257 13 13 144 76 2 190 1 "2 11 15 128 282 1 5 24 25 25 27 7 8 333 53 1 .2 3 27 U3 103 13 2 ... 123 172 28 29 106 65 4,542 764 17 20 21 280 1,239 1,291 132 34 1,410 1,581 30 31 139 26 6,412 515 5 30 20 322 1,828 1,452 165 34 1,825 1,651 32 33 1 23 14 1 149 6 "2 '30 4 4 77 40 ... ... ... ... U 6 104 57 34 35 36 37 82 213 49 204 30 69 67 169 7 96 28 203 3 15 50 126 30 73 57 88 3 11 28 48 39 178 15 19 37 84 38 39 1,858 2,948 639 2,007 376 1,098 594 1,606 45 1,139 260 1,719 43 290 743 1,314 419 1,295 566 760 57 344 567 957 372 1,625 165 183 915 2,162 40 41 2,062 3,038 730 2,233 516 1,377 739 1,538 59 1,435 417 2,586 39 288 798 2,416 368 1,716 530 740 62 380 541 544 429 2,325 234 245 1,522 2,037 42 43 4 13 26 82 2 2 41 5 4 85 3 6 6 65 4 58 1 50 ii 164 2 3 1 1 12 2 "i '56 2 1 37 4 '5 34 1 1 1 3 22 52 44 45 46 47 521 585 593 673 15 42 506 572 U 26 324 393 1 1 355 425 154 153 299 368 5 8 3 488 602 222 282 25 27 48 49 13,839 14,580 12,485 13,379 223 712 12,694 8,583 115 299 4,505 5,417 50 70 12,892 15,032 2,551 2,600 5,557 6,343 1,349 1,230 97 35 12,047 13,396 7,495 21,899 533 484 50 51 17,248 8,655 17,155 10,351 376 543 18,842 6,907 155 372 5,893 6,752 50 70 17,879 9,133 3,195 2,611 7,883 7,043 1,270 846 105 57 13,942 15,003 8,614 21,197 844 544 52 53 116 62 2,436 674 76 46 2,390 1,444 7 162 71 31 8,588 362 3 3 18 57 45 42 885 1,066 67 52 2,256 912 6 7 145 120 9 11 178 774 2 210 3 55 71 64 2,503 2,225 26 27 404 15,074 1 2 120 39 54 55 56 57 112 148 35 95 65 147 100 182 18 82 197 270 9 18 35 86 33 38 81 77 6 3 17 27 104 147 28 62 24 20 58 59 1,775 2,132 292 861 891 1,975 796 1,597 235 1,290 3,103 3,696 119 550 601 1,191 503 494 941 908 90 141 334 312 1,325 1,422 342 546 486 423 60 51 2,475 1,481 366 834 1,692 2,379 1,074 1,3U 377 1,493 3,979 4,259 298 971 968 1,030 616 508 1,124 963 348 224 568 188 1,688 1,688 426 522 660 428 62 63 8 10 141 99 2 27 3 3 220 15 8 6 58 52 3 5 44 101 16 28 258 373 1 '16 2 7 65 60 3 2 24 105 3 '16 "i "7 3 5 18 26 "2 "3 1 1 25 4 64 65 66 67 19 14 3 9 1 4 22 30 8 13 35 47 "2 3 4 8 8 2 8 1 5 "2 12 14 3 8 1 2 68 69 809 382 36 68 1 100 565 1,020 203 267 916 833 '36 52 127 304 288 23 139 10 145 '55 276 176 145 171 5 80 70 71 3,710 973 230 111 6 717 3,519 3,806 925 1,038 4,644 3,347 33 260 235 1,540 998 40 338 90 980 220 1,282 1,155 1,237 918 15 450 72 73 Stub Items ccntlnued 232 Part 3 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (Fcr dennitions and expluiBtions, see text) Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey HaskeU 1 Hay crops; I^nd fpcxn i^lch hfly was cut .■••■•■•..■ .qcpss 1959 ... 6,308 8,859 1,028 1,780 2,993 4,165 520 2,217 37,117 40,303 3,310 4,818 U,879 19,449 18,199 26,783 885 1,143 2 1954... 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 183 237 31 40 43 60 9 7 588 682 42 55 324 588 656 840 36 38 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 5,355 6,346 841 1,466 1,598 2,012 334 497 17,7U 17,700 1,597 3,440 7,031 15,370 13,410 20,046 773 1,097 7 8 tone 1959... 1954... 13,748 13,655 3,129 4,052 4,578 5,359 932 1,418 51,722 22,857 4,098 10,015 12,853 U,757 22,393 19,523 3,063 4,613 9 10 11 12 Sales farms reporting 1959. . . 1954... tma 1959... 1954. . . 31 30 2,003 1,547 U 16 782 1,194 13 24 578 1,510 4 4 142 479 US 62 7,274 2,478 17 43 1,211 7,193 49 47 1,387 974 146 106 3,743 4,014 16 16 928 746 13 Farms reporting Ijy acres cut for hay: Under 10 acres fanns reporting 1959... 26 3 10 84 2 62 141 6 U 15 16 17 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. . . 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 79 48 22 8 16 7 5 15 10 4 4 2 5 2 221 188 76 19 16 13 9 2 154 85 21 2 314 167 32 2 20 3 2 18 19 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay faims reporting 1959... 1954... 4 40 1 2 6 4 6 1 5 16 6 12 1 20 21 acres 1959... 1954. . . 58 923 23 40 200 190 95 "5 143 433 32 212 20 22 23 tons 1959... 1954. . . 89 1,219 12 83 107 250 107 1 361 422 123 194 21 24 Sales... farms reporting 1959... 2 22 ... ... 1 16 ... 25 26 27 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 28 29 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 20 6 1 1 30 31 acres 1959... 1954... 428 105 15 15 32 33 tons 1959... 1954... 414 58 ... 15 36 ... 34 Sales f anas reporting 1959 .. . ... 3 98 ... :;: 35 36 37 1954. . . tons 1959... 1954... 38 39 Oats, nheat, l«rley, rye, or other small grains cut for bay. .. .farms reporting 1959... 1954. . . 20 25 1 1 10 8 13 74 US 7 59 101 112 202 1 40 41 acres 1959. . . 1954... 255 411 4 15 190 181 939 1,061 1,607 240 870 1,539 1,500 2,127 9 42 43 tons 1959... 1954... 352 369 5 15 99 300 299 1,214 1,991 334 886 1,190 1,722 2,264 20 44 Sales farms report ijig 1959 . . . "i 20 ::; "i 28 "9 lU 1 'so 2 2 41 U 8 7 134 84 ::: 45 46 47 1954. . . tons 1959... 1954... 48 Wild hay cut.......... farms reporting 1959... 22 31 1 3 9 7 456 445 u 15 37 17 195 200 ... 49 1954... 50 51 acres 1959... 1954... 389 483 160 210 1,U0 474 16,559 16,804 1,309 1,140 50S 497 2,517 3,051 52 53 tons 1959... 1954... 479 510 200 300 860 540 19,503 U,44C 1,808 892 617 369 3,799 2,019 54 Sales f aims reporting 1959 .. . 2 4 15 45 1 200 1 80 65 49 2,034 1,687 2 8 318 227 7 3 131 91 34 9 582 148 55 56 57 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 58 Other hay cut .farms reporting 1959. . . 12 37 4 8 57 1 15 44 73 3 3 190 87 63 135 3 2 59 1954... 60 £1 acres 1959. . . 1954... 211 696 104 140 893 5 781 1,055 3,756 24 96 2,916 1,484 463 1,196 58 28 62 63 tons 1959... 262 833 46 156 1,022 10 214 1,197 1,574 40 108 5,0a 946 864 998 86 28 64 "3 126 2 83 "l 29 4 2 149 13 1 '25 6 4 386 209 2 4 24 1 'so 65 66 67 1954... tens 1959... 1954. . . 68 69 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 1 15 4 5 2 4 18 6 12 8 1 1 70 71 acres 1959... 1954... 40 ... 90 396 U3 236 140 137 4U 126 212 136 20 18 72 73 tons, green ifeight 1959... 1954... 300 ... 450 2,244 372 769 ' 700 835 2,081 226 733 373 100 150 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 233 Part 3 of 5 Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell JohDBan Keamy tflngmnn Kiowa Labette Lane Leaven- worth Lincoln Ilnn Logan Von 1,458 4,368 36,120 471478 28,708 38)608 26,261 43)388 19,370 23)609 3,953 7)286 13,742 21)555 1,655 1,447 24,583 29)321 1,473 2)542 U'M^ 15,435 20,359 25,693 24,790 2,851 4)343 36,979 43)449 1 2 71 116 959 1,028 823 869 835 1,174 567 625 57 79 390 672 26 37 258 542 34 40 776 347 502 622 533 566 39 50 748 896 3 4 1,215 i,868 18,076 18,143 15,073 U,065 22,534 37,701 10,734 U,960 3,274 6,366 7,395 15,309 951 712 3,847 7,464 719 1,298 14,344 12,520 12,029 15,407 9,701 8,687 1,433 1,846 14,763 16,356 5 6 4,448 8,516 42,348 31,933 40,594 27,912 35,338 61,318 26,819 18,489 10,808 16,702 13,246 13,003 3,218 926 10,308 U,153 2,221 3,412 38,569 23,403 28,373 30,339 19,740 13,212 3,547 3,883 35,697 19,397 7 8 U 21 6L2 1,683 102 133 2,735 3,048 161 144 7,076 6,342 124 191 3,757 6,608 109 % 3,106 2,301 41 55 7,157 U,110 48 38 1,594 1,012 16 9 1,034 157 55 46 1,502 2,417 4 9 439 809 99 38 6,805 3,737 105 109 4,687 3,741 62 32 1,925 686 12 11 701 713 159 67 4,874 1,010 9 10 11 12 15 40 14 2 266 423 224 44 2 251 375 153 40 4 114 361 253 95 12 159 274 107 23 4 4 13 18 U U 98 202 63 26 1 1 10 10 3 2 86 139 25 6 2 5 20 6 3 276 329 134 31 6 92 227 130 45 8 157 248 107 16 5 6 12 U 7 3 187 361 153 43 4 13 14 15 16 17 1 6 163 288 278 387 4 18 U5 183 1 U 18 1 3 32 30 "2 309 381 6 34 106 131 1 5 17 13 19 16 132 2,338 4,162 4,598 6,596 59 282 2,167 2,960 '22 111 320 10 UO 480 386 '95 4,698 5,565 55 551 1,776 1,864 "5 82 143 20 21 18 113 3,450 5,001 6,793 8,277 60 301 3,188 3,517 15 186 242 20 70 930 4W 65 7,061 6,643 80 639 2,239 2,481 6 103 173 22 23 9 43 31 43 21 35 1 4 22 1 8 24 143 422 280 39 U 25 793 753 703 25 24 490 361 4 124 2ce 26 27 1 87 357 101 295 72 45 2 276 54 71 193 139 57 16 20 28 29 "2 386 4,518 1,351 3.670 983 663 46 3,758 693 1,022 2,175 2,036 684 L26 211 30 31 "i 1,060 4,984 1 36 5 X7 1,782 4,167 5 28 48 349 1,038 582 7 5 61 45 123 5,554 625 14 3 182 7 1,261 2,440 2 17 60 162 2,468 536 6 78 122 180 32 33 35 36 37 6 37 27 132 42 293 12 45 24 159 1 1 68 191 7 20 76 214 20 29 39 322 23 41 49 133 10 17 38 U5 38 39 65 1,105 190 1,3a 413 3,192 147 490 253 1,825 10 50 821 2,488 106 258 1,077 2,346 «1 954 402 3,843 303 527 547 1,417 334 970 582 1,237 40 41 59 830 262 1,442 387 3,930 143 395 240 2,601 20 10 916 1,970 230 226 1,288 3,041 501 982 473 5,045 278 701 702 1,836 343 1,210 547 1,535 42 43 1 1 4 49 24 1 12 2 102 1 15 7 254 4 1 28 6 1 2 14 63 3 6 65 23 1 "s 4 14 U7 191 I 1 25 30 1 4 17 22 1 3 5 200 1 5 6 48 44 45 46 47 3 2 446 533 248 356 145 198 97 116 6 7 140 115 4 4 630 781 7 5 160 222 150 174 488 531 15 12 618 747 48 49 44 7 11,589 14,206 4,997 7,367 2,759 3,549 1,313 1,448 629 743 3,129 2,063 285 212 13,746 17,144 118 83 1,323 2,397 2,753 3,016 10,792 U,075 497 1,275 575 748 20,251 23,821 50 51 27 5 13,671 15,433 6,217 7,796 2,400 3,194 1,470 1,691 498 528 4,399 2,127 340 223 22,032 15,456 178 77 2,245 2,668 3,090 2,685 U,858 10,449 24,330 a, 372 52 53 57 80 46 61 21 28 14 15 2 10 4 165 72 124 81 2,964 1,184 2 22 6 74 3 U9 54 1,220 2,541 1,707 1,884 273 492 U3 180 '94 1 30 25 27 375 403 10 60 96 45 1,644 1,014 105 107 4,732 2,866 55 56 57 9 14 lie 248 177 307 2,742 4,859 112 239 1,387 3,232 60 93 641 1,088 222 243 3,679 4,357 2 4 40 105 170 132 2,176 1,344 7 5 303 130 62 67 850 867 9 7 195 92 66 186 393 1,803 26 49 216 566 61 80 794 964 13 9 582 247 59 107 i,o«j 1,534 98 59 50 il 132 189 3,235 5,037 14 1,891 3,753 14 800 1,249 1 4,687 4,821 38 50 135 3,188 728 1 425 96 1,692 812 6 4 256 64 404 67 1,816 2,235 354 536 968 995 680 259 1,155 1,211 S2 S3 "i 42 20 6 35 1 5 4 1 9 )4 2 230 729 100 260 1 88 589 958 30 1 7 42 3 4 26 150 8 354 >5 6 99 4 120 272 7 1 14 U 39 23 8 9 13 24 3 4 'i 32 17 "i 22 30 6 11 4 9 8 >8 >9 6 299 269 889 486 121 278 241 396 64 31 25 825 421 '20 452 484 79 292 47 99 135 97 !0 4 1,562 1,509 4,633 1,839 644 862 1,676 1,5U 470 109 '50 4,017 1,533 '30 2,193 2,155 423 1,406 252 314 636 ' 231 ' 12 n Stub Items ccntlnued 234 Part 3 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY It«m (For defimtions and explanations, see text) lifontgoraery Hay crops: Land from which hay was cut acres 1959... 1954... Alfalfa and alfalfa ndjcturea cut for hay and Cor dehydruting f anus reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954... tens 1959... 1954... 1959... tons 1954... 1959... 1954... FanDS reporting hy acres cut for hay: tinder 10 acres farms reporting 1959. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959. 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. .farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting Sales farms reporting tons 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Oats, T*eat, harley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay.... farms reporting Sales farms reporting tons 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Wild hay cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting tons Other hay cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959. 1954. tons 1959. 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting tons, green weight 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 26,050 39,595 1,054 1,380 19,313 27,588 31,068 28,755 230 142 5,372 2,416 266 518 225 44 1 15 29 151 549 215 603 1 2 3 U. 139 361 1,299 3,481 1,359 3,699 3 12 317 428 4,099 5,693 6,599 4,318 59 27 989 301 109 239 793 1,731 1,269 1,643 23 29 395 548 1,656 1,770 36,479 42,198 982 1,234 19,923 23,289 37,447 25,382 129 93 5,269 1,571 252 472 205 44 9 190 474 364 390 239 355 2,686 3,910 3,602 4,546 1 14 12 154 605 659 11,129 10,819 15,189 9,328 65 37 1,164 722 138 298 1,418 3,100 1,996 2,726 45 37 1,133 604 4,636 1,619 45,099 59,413 1,385 1,683 31,330 41,220 64,440 76,906 198 279 6,227 7,029 196 634 416 86 3 32 134 452 1,752 496 2,079 2 12 52 171 9 20 102 187 103 154 20 25 167 205 195 212 741 916 11,991 14,213 15,072 14,040 72 82 1,323 1,102 85 182 941 1,616 954 1,592 6 10 73 68 7 9 116 220 409 1,245 6,268 3,651 94 125 5,338 7,563 8,284 10,307 43 45 2,119 3,739 11 3 219 56 154 28 15 17 538 816 821 605 122 60 5 10 72 175 37 236 3 3 101 37 260 123 27,616 28,367 787 840 12,915 12,913 29,821 22,424 108 105 4,105 2,294 257 375 137 14 4 220 214 3,045 3,023 4,514 4,238 20 32 316 619 186 138 3,056 1,478 7 14 92 108 45 237 509 2,541 582 3,506 426 483 5,732 5,697 6,316 6,116 66 74 1,138 747 176 155 2,591 1,911 3,301 2,620 13 16 192 232 13 30 308 768 1,526 2,335 U,158 22,600 457 660 10,053 19,014 20,000 32,643 60 103 2,772 4,180 82 220 122 30 3 lU 753 145 1,439 7 351 7 32 41 432 43 465 37 54 653 1,091 616 1,394 3 4 23 64 31 84 225 1,009 293 1,388 75 296 415 471 24,670 35,266 403 742 7,178 14, 6U 19,154 21,778 39 lU 3,871 5,003 123 195 66 16 3 176 291 256 305 64 14 767 U6 1,038 93 3 1 21 6 72 152 1,015 1,897 1,353 2,439 2 3 28 67 548 668 14,682 17,594 19,983 15,395 115 93 3,306 1,906 43 49 535 631 830 605 317 116 1,670 364 32,563 42,071 648 824 18,043 24,773 39,319 32,500 147 U6 4,849 2,803 89 271 200 70 13 76 257 112 294 123 74 146 39 41 72 581 811 613 825 3 5 12 30 496 565 12,739 14,403 17,255 11,163 66 56 1,321 835 62 126 736 1,448 911 1,350 2 9 26 71 11 9 265 305 1,155 691 OF CROPS HARVESTED: KANSAS CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 235 Part 3 of 5 Nemaba Neosho Nesa Norton Osage Osborne OttauB Pawnee Phillips Potta- watdnle Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Mce 40,389 46,328 23,514 23,783 4,655 7,331 14,190 20,761 33,705 41,784 12,364 18,625 18,637 23,380 10,196 14,716 19,553 29,824 42,337 60,103 4,079 8,3X 6,990 12,339 28,345 49,353 29,835 48,924 12,104 21,508 1 2 1,240 1,365 319 504 168 261 470 580 765 793 449 574 491 715 284 387 652 795 790 1,110 150 258 169 203 939 1,430 1,030 1,374 453 675 3 4 27,586 27,865 4,082 6,680 3,223 5,182 12,457 16,286 13,168 12,537 9,654 13,700 14,265 22 614 9,685 13,735 17,465 23,575 19,575 30,110 3,536 6,222 5,712 7,556 21,952 40,272 23,724 40,332 10,308 18,785 5 6 61,920 48,952 10,932 9,404 7,947 11,895 20,008 26,762 34,564 18,944 23,456 23,513 25,278 37,220 24,769 30,004 23,250 38,030 47,741 64,472 7,824 6,449 14,992 19,022 37,773 51,657 43,225 69,379 20,239 23,233 7 8 U5 142 2,444 3,587 54 27 1,432 429 27 31 694 1,072 84 97 3,623 3,853 85 . 53 1,348 1,094 54 61 1,443 2,729 97 176 4,863 9,936 109 131 U,183 12,635 83 139 2,134 4,461 122 210 9,535 12,151 36 30 1,875 1,199 29 47 2,377 3,569 206 3U 7,423 11,563 190 452 5,308 14,386 82 142 2,655 5,486 9 10 11 12 202 616 336 78 8 125 163 28 2 1 38 82 38 10 73 193 137 55 7 248 357 122 34 4 106 210 96 31 6 74 191 149 63 14 33 U7 33 27 19 107 256 195 82 12 139 364 206 70 U 34 72 25 16 3 24 65 45 26 9 137 443 as 31 13 141 519 283 75 7 81 220 112 35 5 13 14 15 16 17 250 306 71 40 1 4 6 36 50 45 3 37 3 17 1 10 27 65 10 46 1 3 1 1 6 16 8 31 3 5 18 19 3,929 4,337 1,018 611 18 54 58 819 640 507 104 922 45 475 30 154 434 1,725 32 398 10 210 60 35 90 255 119 674 56 55 20 21 5,925 5,422 1,505 749 20 96 53 941 978 547 U9 1,175 130 469 34 153 634 2,304 120 385 10 182 20 100 145 255 138 1,184 58 40 22 23 18 23 256 321 7 5 90 125 "2 26 3 1 25 2 1 "4 "3 "l "5 1 1 25 20 1 12 24 25 26 27 18 80 172 21 94 78 1 1 5 32 28 29 190 1,041 2,193 409 1,153 765 10 4 97 490 — 30 31 225 1,220 3,315 280 1,579 717 20 8 71 440 32 33 2 20 14 1 239 80 2 3 17 17 "i 2 34 35 36 37 22 127 36 144 21 66 20 52 30 164 16 55 25 25 11 29 37 43 27 55 18 89 44 153 94 236 14 39 29 56 38 39 217 1,142 419 1,307 456 1,555 499 2,210 365 1,658 376 1,714 a4 1,077 235 1,184 270 1,553 356 2,036 221 710 332 785 321 283 373 285 194 503 239 535 309 486 335 459 342 474 309 547 165 1,200 194 1,191 653 3,489 858 2,816 1,213 2,947 1,242 3,488 128 412 71 338 287 651 403 334 40 41 42 43 1 5 2 44 5 45 "i '25 1 3 3 79 2 7 12 48 1 12 1 1 5 12 3 '49 '3 '32 1 1 2 2 "6 42 6 190 3 12 27 194 1 10 2 2 10 33 44 45 46 47 332 391 635 800 24 U 18 35 630 812 115 152 160 213 5 5 51 111 604 828 U 11 13 19 157 179 357 471 51 73 48 49 5,991 7,695 U,710 18,341 466 173 372 726 16,736 23,344 2,035 2,543 3,045 4,172 87 44 728 2,007 21,522 26,932 U6 150 214 378 3,030 3,9U 4,984 6,271 394 1,374 50 51 7,761 8,503 20,819 15,451 762 227 263 567 20,246 21,229 2,431 2,162 3,371 3,275 91 42 599 1,817 24,835 24,019 154 170 229 252 3,967 3,762 5,499 5,603 1,407 1,142 52 53 40 31 827 704 116 60 3,822 1,550 2 15 1 3 23 75 71 78 2,117 2,076 7 7 152 89 20 22 337 295 1 13 5 101 82 100 1,691 2,112 1 2 20 7 1 '26 22 20 581 543 45 61 457 759 8 7 127 85 54 55 56 57 141 285 45 35 26 17 72 124 123 190 33 65 34 38 20 17 44 139 52 113 16 31 21 59 154 189 67 114 31 49 58 59 1,343 3,705 611 1,114 583 264 997 1,620 1,475 2,929 300 668 422 496 177 184 493 1,741 686 1,397 170 505 331 804 1,666 1,798 632 900 383 454 60 61 3,044 4,342 1,056 1,147 849 214 1,600 1,949 1,721 3,227 422 933 427 359 320 248 774 2,307 933 1,364 321 493 533 958 2,698 1,941 694 991 821 344 62 63 6 27 116 337 4 2 42 11 3 4 54 13 9 8 51 63 1 2 6 13 2 4 16 48 1 1 30 8 "7 50 3 3 34 20 1 8 4 9 16 121 4 10 27 79 1 1 32 4 64 65 66 67 29 29 21 4 5 7 7 7 "4 12 8 2 5 6 20 6 12 5 4 1 3 25 9 6 16 8 5 68 69 633 543 444 73 92 233 213 144 82 539 340 23 96 109 236 83 302 82 47 20 77 382 170 248 335 176 189 70 71 3,216 2,442 3,057 363 361 629 443 414 396 2,030 1,665 160 195 421 978 357 1,150 389 174 60 235 1,906 425 645 1,477 665 246 72 73 Stub items CGotloued 236 Part 3 of 5 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For derinitions and explanations, see text) Hi ley Rooks Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sheridan 1 2 Hay crops: land from nblch hay was cut acres 1959. . . 1954... 33,470 36,180 8,598 10,487 3,724 7,356 10,743 13,301 21,066 28,867 2,244 5,332 32,307 48,234 1,358 1,444 30,698 44,008 5,898 12,086 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for haj and for dehydrating fanus reporting 1959... 1954. . . 608 803 303 367 193 296 274 352 571 803 66 101 797 1,146 20 U 692 822 164 217 5 6 acres 1959... 1954... 16,011 23,201 7,127 8,159 2,723 4,566 5,433 6,250 16,495 22,761 1,764 3,723 23,262 38,710 873 562 15,972 17,942 4,763 7,687 7 8 tons 1959... 1954... 35,832 45,277 21,790 19,171 7,591 9,328 13,151 12,232 34,543 39,172 6,668 11,824 47,889 39,231 3,775 1,726 43,932 33,307 14,691 22,079 9 Sales fane reporting 1959 108 172 3,721 6,382 48 48 3,406 1,617 44 35 1,504 1,540 27 25 999 2,067 135 142 10,315 10,453 26 22 1,721 2,231 243 232 14,341 U,6S2 14 7 1,654 822 193 139 21,263 12,547 37 57 2,343 3,942 10 U 12 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 13 U 15 16 17 Paims reporting by acres cut for hay: ttader 10 acres farms reporting 1959... 10 to 24 acres farms reporting 1959... 25 to 49 acres farms reporting 1959... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1959... 100 or more acres farms reporting 1959... 74 277 205 45 7 75 128 71 22 7 79 86 26 2 91 105 57 19 2 97 245 165 50 14 6 40 10 3 2 100 336 245 95 21 "7 6 4 3 225 300 128 31 8 26 59 54 '! 6 18 19 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay.... farms reporting 1959... 1954... 2 21 5 19 2 10 1 12 5 8 2 6 14 19 25 72 1 5 20 21 acres 1959... 1954... 23 358 59 385 22 127 3 125 46 119 37 169 373 422 278 793 8 274 22 23 tons 1959... 1954... 22 329 101 540 30 178 5 202 50 54 59 270 471 314 ... 422 940 15 282 24 Sales .farms reporting 1959. . . 1 12 1 7 2 18 2 io 2 90 4 2 55 50 25 26 27 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 28 29 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 29 102 30 31 acres 1959... 1954... 12 6 16 3 10 15 53 306 965 32 33 terns 1959... 1954... U 10 10 2 12 25 25 361 898 3* 35 36 37 Sales farms reporting 1959... 1954... tons 1959... 1954... "i "2 ... :;: 2 5 23 83 ••• 38 39 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay...faims reporting 1959... 1954... 12 28 15 27 16 68 39 74 38 71 14 14 77 145 "3 25 144 16 65 «) 41 acres 1959... 1954. . . 82 268 157 363 173 865 467 1,203 508 556 242 667 1,349 1,719 33 358 1,393 227 1,271 43 tana 1959... 1954... 94 318 152 354 262 950 571 1,491 492 490 304 498 1,645 1,811 25 365 1,557 302 1,351 44 Sales fams reporting 1959. . . 1 1 4 12 1 2 20 12 1 1 30 45 6 262 2 4 27 20 "i "2 1 5 300 16 3 8 90 59 "2 iio 45 46 47 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 48 Wild hay cut .,....,•... farms reporting 1959 . . . 421 554 58 61 41 38 136 247 181 230 1 1 247 235 8 7 414 556 27 85 49 1954... 50 51 acres 1959... 1954... 16,361 10,699 1,086 1,253 418 712 4,391 5,313 3,436 4,554 30 30 5,776 5,082 475 441 12,428 20,571 646 1,635 52 53 tons 1959... 1954... 17,701 10,829 1,092 1,014 704 889 5,596 4,962 4,171 3,143 15 120 7,988 3,293 417 383 14,229 18,478 376 1,592 54 55 56 57 Sales farms reporting 1959 . . . 1954... tons 1959... 1954... 51 74 2,843 1,236 5 3 101 40 1 3 80 85 12 12 463 329 26 17 379 638 1 '50 61 17 2,231 275 2 145 87 108 2,575 3,598 2 9 65 166 58 Other hay cut farms reporting 1959 . . . 61 131 U 19 34 41 30 33 38 41 6 U 87 104 1 5 78 171 14 55 59 1954... 60 61 acres 1959. . . 1954... 914 1,536 94 282 366 1,066 295 387 305 575 131 513 1,073 1,653 10 408 1,151 2,164 152 948 62 63 tons 1959... 1954... 1,173 1,738 196 435 585 1,701 526 346 563 503 234 451 1,589 1,230 10 789 1,188 1,970 271 1,122 64 Sales fauns reporting 1959. . . 1 6 105 59 2 1 120 8 1 15 5 1 58 2 1 "2 6 1 181 1 13 20 208 243 '3 '89 65 66 67 1954... tana 1959... 1954... 68 69 Oraes silage made rrcm grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1959... 1954... 3 7 2 2 2 1 6 1 10 3 1 4 15 19 9 11 3 4 70 71 acres 1959... 1954... 62 112 75 45 22 20 138 20 266 302 40 130 459 590 205 130 102 271 72 73 tons, green weight 1959... 1954. . . 160 309 220 280 150 80 374 200 991 582 240 630 1,809 1,186 1,145 601 592 490 KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 237 Part 3 of 5 Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Thonas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 3,712 6,233 21,978 33,244 13,871 22,211 2,209 3,210 587 886 19,872 33,607 2,249 6,986 4,508 8,711 35,502 48,564 3,045 3,945 51,851 68,631 2,023 4,561 23,014 32,901 32,192 37,749 2,577 4,285 1 2 35 742 981 350 535 22 31 9 U 563 899 42 49 165 295 676 822 38 58 1,370 1,666 55 79 468 687 329 442 159 188 3 4 1,657 1,794 18,745 28,203 11,317 18, OX 489 1,U0 315 665 12,729 25,620 1,275 1,492 2,908 5,797 16,987 22,355 1,063 1,716 35,610 48,795 1,513 3,223 9,445 14,771 6,329 9,275 1,957 2,365 5 6 5,7U 4,677 27,892 45,654 18,945 27,468 1,537 4,120 1,099 1,934 27,383 21,730 3,760 3,755 8,084 12,083 41,900 39,657 3,177 3,216 66,175 91,035 4,911 U,148 26,412 25,450 15,264 12,191 5,749 4,274 7 3 14 8 1,099 1,244 75 137 1,726 5,100 89 135 3,303 5,686 6 10 530 2,125 6 9 647 542 182 131 10,530 6,586 9 16 952 1,246 18 32 629 1,503 139 178 6,055 7,528 4 U 458 300 196 453 5,373 13,197 11 20 521 2,265 156 UO 3,889 3,025 41 32 1,875 1,328 39 23 1,078 745 9 10 11 12 4 12 7 7 5 96 348 227 60 U 52 133 103 53 9 1 15 6 1 2 4 2 112 268 135 44 4 7 14 13 7 1 56 72 29 7 1 128 274 197 67 10 1 22 8 161 600 469 125 15 4 26 18 7 146 201 86 26 9 90 155 67 16 1 36 53 14 6 13 14 15 16 17 2 5 16 b 1 6 7 6 20 7 23 15 14 ::; 12 10 15 3 22 28 18 19 'so 43 14« 137 120 152 135 43 221 54 278 278 182 155 173 408 22 234 483 20 21 33 87 203 2 147 "i 30 360 243 114 47 357 94 278 3 72 5 20 47 176 45 124 1 20 ••■ 524 243 1 2 180 10 197 178 47 13 624 191 968 171 5 1 30 2 537 20 14 5 176 71 229 65 391 771 7 3 204 23 5 10 44 48 44 33 "l 5 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 41 66 19 51 18 25 6 1 4 77 242 38 U7 39 98 18 56 21 13 25 4« 7 23 30 146 26 57 10 70 38 39 706 2,464 241 669 265 335 225 4 89 969 3,561 698 4,474 448 1,332 184 471 597 736 213 276 284 1,068 483 1,629 646 631 129 710 40 a 1,167 1,871 239 691 270 282 277 4 82 1,213 2,770 858 4,643 464 1,520 198 516 748 501 190 257 309 663 713 2,227 708 939 127 893 42 43 1 6 16 356 1 'so 1 '7 3 17 15 177 2 12 97 415 1 1 80 5 1 3 20 20 2 2 40 159 1 2 20 4 1 2 80 23 2 3 23 30 4 '56 9 '90 44 45 46 47 10 10 m 162 49 82 2 1 232 161 2 15 57 63 497 587 19 17 815 1,023 3 4 457 563 449 529 5 6 48 49 952 1,095 2,283 3,137 2,062 3,317 1,280 2,000 3,909 2,607 75 422 817 919 17,U9 22,517 1,335 804 14,462 17,344 60 72 11,520 14,997 24,209 25,582 108 143 50 51 975 850 1,903 2,588 3,458 3,530 1,580 1,500 5,474 1,686 120 361 961 892 19,649 19,473 1,721 634 17,896 16,441 U5 U3 16,984 U,282 31,918 20,002 109 168 52 53 1 3 35 146 10 17 150 253 10 18 439 632 46 8 861 319 2 4 27 47 62 99 1,313 2,914 1 2 500 35 93 146 1,671 2,159 74 56 2,279 1,349 91 92 10,310 5,233 "i 145 54 55 56 57 15 16 55 U8 22 a 3 3 8 145 107 15 22 23 39 73 134 2 15 128 169 7 6 22 62 a 41 10 23 58 59 337 780 593 1,082 227 344 55 258 132 1,759 1,360 201 444 292 428 969 2,169 20 689 1,123 1,821 131 180 260 891 278 2,150 75 486 60 61 522 961 848 1,117 391 278 68 161 416 2,699 1,001 272 423 375 349 1,119 1,835 21 359 1,500 1,840 197 258 414 729 340 2,079 125 467 62 63 "i "a 1 4 6 35 1 1 2 15 5 6 110 35 7 13 61 286 3 154 8 12 88 215 1 '45 "2 9 "3 1,214 3 2 68 85 64 65 66 67 2 1 5 2 1 1 1 14 12 3 'i 3 15 1 9 14 1 1 16 8 5 1 1 2 68 69 60 20 73 U 40 SO 10 354 324 154 14 142 598 30 165 213 40 18 522 249 146 18 30 50 70 71 370 60 404 22 100 500 70 2,040 762 274 28 1,140 2,663 250 683 1,103 120 80 2,824 743 416 36 300 225 72 73 Stub Items continued 238 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa Feed farms reportijlg pounds Red clover seed f anns reporting pounds Lespedeza seed f ai^ns reporting pounds Sweetclover seed farms reporting pounds Bromegrass 8e«d farms reporting pounds Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale farms reporting acres hushels Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting acres tons Popcorn f anna reporting acres pounds (ear com) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting acres Sales dollars Tcoiatoes farms reporting acres Sweet com farms reporting acres Watermelons farms reporting acres Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting acres 1959. 195A. 1959. 1954. 1959. 195i. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959 . , 1954., 1959^ , 1954^, 1959.. 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959.. 1954., 1959 . , 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954, 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 5,340 7,135 83, 562 126,510 6,223,618 15,138,600 2,274 543 36,063 6,797 2,791,591 303,000 664 1,009 13,034 16,194 2,472,590 3,223,778 843 2,842 11,152 38,890 1,453,934 6,094,200 727 2,164 11,233 28,857 1,445,018 5,732,599 13,610 19,968 1,159 1,267 262,705 273,287 112 85 7,756 6,014 126,982 62,806 900 258 4,692 3,762 5,122,922 3,295,707 42,681 36,019 1,157 852 7,112 5,330 1,043,954 704,648 842 577 743 1,689 517 405 1,626 1,744 367 276 1,558 1,043 154 238 9,120 25,260 397 31 32,016 1,740 154 24 17,500 3,698 17 105 190 1,X1 28,493 259,260 54 155 7,150 26,475 439 389 3,884 3,619 18 1 16 4 18,296 2,000 745 457 1,299 370 16 3 18 10 2 1 2 5 39 14 395 132 23,499 13,800 92 9 1,241 59 120,236 3,300 17 33 226 276 30,450 51,490 35 57 447 835 58,706 182,460 11 25 119 172 12,580 39,906 308 391 U 10 3,539 4,432 40 1 10 1 11,836 317 664 382 1,075 1,112 3 1 (Z) (Z) 536 94 28,948 4,980 323 128 5,542 1,783 373,226 61,680 17 114 2,270 16, 320 16 59 126 677 10, 520 131,712 191 523 19 43 3,241 8,400 3,330 38,031 655 873 7 6 38 19 11,900 2,390 1,251 896 183,415 121,920 2,000 8,460 7 15 (Z) 1 1 (z) 123 68 2 2 3 3 225 60 2 1 99 186 1,759 3,124 175,831 510,840 5 168 400 12,720 54 2 (Z) 780 285 411 333 15 10 34 43 2,827 1,935 1 1 (Z) 1 283 121 19,960 13,440 25,952 180 455 135 91,400 12,175 40 9 10,609 878 401 13 3 18 13 891 4,486 10 3 13 10 1 2 (Z) 5 663 19 43,045 1,680 476 118 8,931 1,562 526,744 67,800 7,900 13,075 72 307 94 75 9,600 59,700 10,125 15,960 13 2 52 190 162 12 631 3,039 30,676 1,700 67,890 825,033 379 349 11 7 385 478 23 13 4,056 3,193 4,609 5,195 30 9 42 109 91,350 91,241 885 1,120 631 516 3 1 6 4 3 2 2 1 Z Reported in small fractlcxis. ^Does not include acreage far farms vilth less than 20 bushels harvested. KANSAS 239 OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 4 of 5 CMse Cliautauqua Cherokee Cheyeni le Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickijiflon Doniphan Douglaa 46 99 4 16 "3 1. > 4 i 11 lai 9« . 146 102 45 31 12 20 42 208 2 18 50 120 239 7 3 32 16 1 2 762 2,iia 74 266 '56 9] !6- L 62 1 301 l,39f 1,24= 2,093 1,762 552 267 363 636 804 4,304 21 454 741 1,692 3,971 44 24 251 138 3 4 40,817 227,400 8,700 25,500 6, 2,040 21, 5« ) 7,100 ) 40,860 60,72! 103,98C > 117,976 142,860 29,836 36,840 73,824 62,460 61,229 365,280 500 31,075 79,080 103,883 510,060 3,130 340 14,639 15,420 5 6 1 2 "i 16 1 5 1 6 1 1 4 2 147 65 47 11 7 8 6 35 ... 25 145 12 48 15 85 25 '10 42 34 2,733 944 565 93 9 10 400 1.680 1,200 18,039 480 6,156 1,800 3,500 1,200 1,200 3,222 2,100 160,071 37,380 49,359 3,540 u 12 1 4 U 2 ... 9 13 2 57 13 ... 1 18 32 59 13 14 28 50 249 19 85 94 8 790 184 25 233 549 549 15 16 5,600 12,220 46,050 2,300 12,950 7,U2 400 133,680 24,000 3,000 77,196 112,010 113,454 17 18 5 22 1 21 6 16 "3 44 25 42 18 45 2 8 35 65 7 9 "4 11 87 2 5 9 19 20 99 239 1 301 81 173 '53 4= 47] 467 530 176 448 22 245 526 1,173 111 68 27 137 1,021 16 39 59 21 22 5,910 38,940 100 39,360 9,800 22,740 2,640 3,686 60,66C 41,352 55,980 30,406 86,820 1,700 17,040 85,858 248,460 13,300 10,380 4,860 15,300 177,660 2,860 3,400 13,440 23 24 10 23 4 2 2 1 22 6 34 22 35 5 34 1 ... 8 56 6 26 45 95 25 26 336 665 69 12 U £ 155 97 333 276 501 71 369 12 ... 45 594 319 467 824 1,500 27 28 »,871 71,325 7,900 1,400 2,570 75C 22,78< W,900 48,679 28,728 90,130 6,750 37,527 2,000 5,112 94,996 22,550 112,650 104,529 320,204 29 30 50 167 2 6 52 250 3 5 202 295 6 4 I z) 3 15 (Z) 1 15£ 249 7 91 201 9 3 368 535 12 24 2 6 (z) (Z) 150 331 it 245 433 5 5 15 25 (z) (z) 139 159 6 2 264 413 35 45 285 325 23 10 31 32 33 34 554 1,704 696 2,363 1,794 2,619 ] 81 02 12 76 2,148 2,08C 1,694 1,288 4,371 7,001 15 18 1,833 3,245 2,199 2,978 120 86 1,439 1,139 5,881 6,950 5,263 3,623 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2 (Z) 5 'io 11 "5 1 12 73C 4C 15 3 44 47 48 15 6 "6 U "7 4 "i 10 1 4 1 38 28 646 17 9 223 195 43 44 45 46 205 680 4,060 ! 12 669, 04£ 27, IOC 38,602 54,000 23,786 4,830 6,546 800 4,885 1,000 54,555 756,169 600,173 161,118 47 48 97 134 276 350 727 : 201 : OS J9 43 118 554 504 283 604 795 399 77 99 595 365 823 551 196 254 718 395 653 730 870 702 49 50 12 6 29 18 10 1 9 1 4 3 "i IC 2e 9 13 11 35 28 7 3 6 6 1 3 2 15 25 13 88 116 11 8 33 34 3 1 5 (Z) 25 23 228 269 24 18 56 36 24 15 124 51 51 52 53 54 ... 2,105 824 1,215 ; 100 i 1; 7C 129 ... 3,05; 47: 4,862 3,347 2,084 585 230 4,450 8,742 9,090 12,798 6,396 210 7 35,832 24,313 9,307 4,041 21,337 6,140 55 56 4 1 10 2 2 1 3 1 9 12 3 7 2 1 (Z) 20 9 U 4 2 1 22 10 13 8 13 8 57 53 5 4 10 3 C 13 15 7 2 15 16 U 5 3 2 19 15 9 7 16 20 59 60 8 4 17 9 3 "3 1 Z t 1; 9 7 7 9 9 4 1 1 1 "i 8 9 9 33 65 2 1 1 4 2 "i 22 22 136 r65 9 7 27 7 6 6 34 24 61 62 63 64 3 4 6 8 4 1 1 (Z) 1 z 4 1 2 1 6 6 7 6 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 6 7 5 18 22 1 1 1 4 16 19 56 79 8 4 '3 7 6 36 6 65 66 67 68 Stub Items eontlniied 240 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For deHmtions uid explanations, see text) Ellis Ellsworth Fljuiey Ford FranJtlln Geary Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed .farms repartlug 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. Red clover seed. pounds .farms reporting pounds Lespedeza seed farms reporting pounds Sweetclover seed farms reporting pounds Bromegrass seed farms reporting pounds Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale farms reporting acres bushels Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting acres tons Popcorn farms reporting acres pounds (ear com) Vegetatiles for horn use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for heme use :. . . .farms reporting Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting acres Sales don are Tomatoes farms reporting acres Sweet com farms reporting acres Watermelons farms repairing acres Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting acres 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 19». 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959., 1954. 1959., 1954., 1959., 1954.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959^. 1954'. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959.. 1954.. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 883 2,026 92,549 314,400 1,000 2,880 1 2 7 34 1,200 3,200 12 (Z) 127 125 4 5 22 8 1,902 205 3 (Z) (Z) 3 3 19 7 104 311 8,780 32,040 3 1 47 10 4,232 900 15 40 192 456 26,370 82,500 2 10 34 161 3,890 21, 674 100 138 1 985 1,271 5 i 1,604 337 a6 182 275 1 2 (Z) 3 (Z) 56 329 5,625 48,660 1,140 1 37 43 3 1 417 324 1 2 1,100 125 170 5 9 22 28 2,390 2,616 2 6 2 4 3 2 4 (Z) 575 722 54,540 85,800 6 45 50 603 4,930 57,720 2 8 62 39 6,980 4,460 47 45 1 1 417 263 225 103 4 3 10 (Z) 145 125 10 2 (Z) 2 1 1 (Z) 26 106 1,063 4,466 221,262 725, 820 5 3 47 (Z) 13,705 35 47 54 3,163 4,044 49,836 38,126 3 7 8,700 127 99 14 4 136 25 17,170 4,262 6 3 2 3 5 2 762 1,096 68,020 171,480 18 29 35 4 7,102 392 215 273 13 10 215 14 14,151 2,425 7 3 9 107 3 1 3 (Z) 2 101 1 29 25 227 216 11,877 21,120 37 11 376 127 30,973 4,080 55 111 1,637 1,743 406,938 441,555 15 23 221 255 53,630 42,480 31 41 390 327 52,878 71,367 327 488 5 9 2,730 4,275 21 3 9 41 8,898 23,500 958 811 16 10 32 12 4,088 1,X3 856 989 47,243 189,840 41 282 9,487 46,920 13 168 1,400 16,960 89 104 5 8 1,468 1,440 180 156 3 3 7 25 825 1,610 2 (Z) 1 (z) Z Reported In small fractlan" . ^Does not Include acreage for farms with leas than 20 bushels harvested . KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 241 Part 4 of 5 6,200 37, WO 29,340 216 134 3 3 2 (Z) 192 130 3 1 1,440 4,500 Gray (z) (z) (z) 16 31 "2 ::: 8 1 1,091 50 19,962 665 1 (z) 3 1 576 165 134,000 42,000 530 165 52 401 15,366 46,020 Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny 3,060 7 24 (Z) (Z) 30 121 175 135 230 425 1 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 2 1 3 1 (Z) 1 13 (Z) (Z) 197 1,3U 10,365 220,680 4 2 55 U 10,200 2,100 7 39 77 603 9,093 80,040 5 46 78 519 10,600 89,125 155 274 2 9 1,271 4,048 9 3 2,780 404 191 6 3 3 1 425 105 3 (Z) 1 (z) 227 486 15,640 55,320 2 (Z) 2 1 2 (Z) 800 400 1 (Z) 56 143 966 2,081 118,240 208,200 124 459 18,485 42,840 84 44 2 (Z) 622 274 2 (Z) 256 43 11 3 12 8 1,113 450 10 3 66 153 1,075 2,677 92,065 262,800 193 768 46,712 147,900 4,250 4,100 236 360 4 2 1,917 2,438 10 1 3 1 2,435 4,000 563 376 20 18 103 44 8,088 2,872 97 125 22,800 22,320 3 5 120 (Z) 27,600 24 6 318 54 340 4,770 74,100 1,700 1 16 3,666 10 3 (Z) (z) 73 16 1 36 326 1 (Z) 145 205 195 260 972 93 49,032 8,580 1,226 243 123,642 17,280 71 2,616 15,200 243,723 73 125 8,968 25,320 39 108 1,013 2,549 130,551 492,254 255 578 18 32 3,837 7,317 20 7 3 16 6,086 8,940 54 21 644 207 38,207 21,120 166 35 2,813 404 229,621 16,020 16 84 126 1,116 19,695 233,871 6 15 30 96 6,741 19,860 28 76 394 1,261 52,360 266,425 338 505 12 21 4,376 6,206 36 25 209 643 457,515 451,524 747 877 772 851 3 6 2 6 7 U 35 62 58 740 5,780 9,427 3 (Z) 5 9 3 (Z) 6 5 2 2 2 1 3 8 12 53 2 1 (Z) 1 5 1 5 (Z) 210 109 3,416 1,824 188,783 146,580 16 37 167 522 18,732 51,840 10 85 200 1,093 12,700 181,039 51 151 2 5 591 1,137 U 2 6 1 6,460 375 476 731 9 4 5 2 396 173 1 (Z) 1 345 150 19,757 8,100 1,331 101 157,040 8,220 34 83 654 1,576 143,981 389,518 2 5 18 68 4,500 24,180 66 90 1,364 1,561 166,009 383,346 185 208 25 28 4,262 2,723 2 29 31 38,075 11,100 768 602 67 63 843 801 189,481 174,011 52 100 41 219 9 16 76 U3 236 1,198 37,620 179,280 1 2 9 (Z) 1,358 6 7 6 389 333 6,267 2,927 2 3 17 3 3,000 210 Stub Items continued 242 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For defiiiitions and explanations, see text) Kingman Leavenworth lAgan Fiettj seed crops harvested: Alfalfa aeed farms reporting pounds Red clover seed farms reporting pounds Lespedeza aeed farms reporting pounds Sweetclover seed farms reporting pounds BromegrasB seed farms reporting pounds Olhei field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale farms reporting acres bushels Sugar beets for sugar fame reporting acres tecs Popcorn farms reporting acres pounds (ear com) Vegetables for home use and lor sale 'other than Irish and sweet potatoes): VegetaDles harvested for heme use farms reporting Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting acres Sales dollars Tomatoes farms reporting acres Sweet com farms repenting acres Watermelons farms reporting acres Cantaloups and muskmelons farms repealing acres 1959., 1954. 1959 . 1954. 1959. 1954.. 1959., 1954., 1959., 1954.. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959' 1954' 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959., 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 702 759 58,477 88,260 850 120 332 342 38,197 28,560 4 26 4,200 49 157 754 943 324 272 13 11 45 19 3,386 1,098 7 2 5 10 12 5 21 10 800 1,200 1,500 4,200 3 12 (Z) (Z) 25 42 101 72 1,950 1,851 3 (Z) 1,950 11,160 137 49 13,120 2,460 91 11 2,923 188 458,566 35,400 17 36 187 512 31,750 85,020 6 7 74 64 11,085 10,400 275 410 5 4 2,305 3,710 28 100 137,630 891 693 23 12 39 27 5,484 6,789 2,7IM 7,620 3 6 (Z) (Z) 4.4 65 34 12 287 95 18,525 9,720 203 17 2,891 154 251,617 5,040 5 33 99 500 12,980 120,086 2 5 27 26 3,757 5,040 12 26 131 269 18,340 38,480 192 558 122 139 20,912 15,885 12 5 6 43 9,545 58,000 121 726 81 945 1 31 25 1 267 U8 6 36,803 ... 28,185 1 24 (Z) 34 1 30 1 100 1 13 11 (z) 35 36 13 13 24 21 121 168 2,480 2,710 228,241 421,260 35 4,200 63 757 8,600 104,820 10 Hi 11,935 36 80 1 (Z) 348 497 2 (Z) 251 189 1 (Z) u 23 247 236 16,130 36,240 45 7 753 M3 51,925 4,560 31 74 574 1,511 77,650 365,689 7 19 36 187 5,200 38,220 14 23 130 284 20,230 68,120 307 320 6 5 2,904 2,980 25 7 5,195 838 489 14 1 14 2 2,014 250 10 2 9 3 3 1 6 2 115 158 19,340 27,180 1 (Z) 1 (z) 1 (z) 1 (z) Z Reported In "^"11 fractlona. ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 243 Part 4 of 5 Montgomery Osage Oebome 222 ■422 3,319 5,084 282,213 568,680 5,700 900 12 121 U9 1,668 11,946 262,200 3 10 12 64 2,380 7,890 355 472 6 2,470 3,178 10 2 2,656 682 541 20 19 36 28 3,738 2,218 19 4 19 15 9 12 15 21 64 174 837 2,328 60,632 221,820 1,570 1,500 31 144 427 2,671 41,980 431,760 91 256 7,950 29,708 404 462 6 11 2,885 4,587 7 4 1,635 801 474 6 2 2 317 268 1 (Z) 1 (z) 1 3 (Z) 1 276 93 3,001 1,047 137, lU 67,080 209 67 19,960 3,480 450 5,180 566 657 55,373 90,120 54 318 4,430 54,902 478 580 28 25 6,394 6,423 31 11 172 66 370,539 72,072 9 5 6 9 661 237 9 2 9 3 2 3 1 (Z) 42 55 2,088 3,143 184,043 521,460 5,933 8,460 1,114 82 87,268 5,160 62 la 1,361 3,097 291,543 708,018 7 3 (Z) (Z) 23 9 1,660 3,960 46 73 773 985 149,209 231,775 418 545 7 13 3,7U 5,400 36 1 2 9 (Z) 19 6,935 40 6,700 1,016 761 6 6 9 16 2,520 4,110 6 2 6 3 1 1 (Z) (Z) 66 162 1,347 2,847 83,176 258,360 28 3,300 1 16 22 274 2,800 29,760 1 15 10 262 1,600 67, U4 11 44 1 CZ) 187 209 5,700 96,060 2,950 3,480 567 78 93,500 16,076 U3 820 U,912 179,380 5,050 7,025 158 391 9 9 1,833 3,549 244 916 137 890 27 1 9 56 3 7 9,454 300 1,743 18 14 26 25 9 1 9 92 136 1,2U 1,516 76,265 153,600 5,400 2,900 17 103 168 1,695 30,455 213,060 7,9U 48,225 161 205 7 7 1,985 1,978 6 2 2,200 361 288 1 2 1 (Z) 100 110 1 (Z) 1 1 15,060 2,456 46 122,774 2,160 235 24 3,675 277 377,063 9,420 1 1 (Z) (Z) 34 31 366 300 38,140 45,240 51 140 773 2,160 116,430 526,980 360 629 15 38 4,341 7,789 20 54 198 839 337,325 881,360 52 319 1,957 34,920 437 55 38,747 3,600 1,106 67 264, 510 6,700 282 825 40,780 171,300 5,700 3,740 342 506 10 12 3,872 4,922 9,425 4,000 877 798 914 589 5 23 2 13 2 86 2 67 75 5,588 360 5,792 5 22 1 17 4 22 1 17 2 15 7 (Z) 34 ... 14 2 10 6 (Z) 11 17 94 195 13,160 34,980 546 1,226 43,763 U6,140 8 i, (Z) (Z) 26 33 184 65 4 2 1 3 125 250 3 1 1 (Z) 1 25 24 263 1,800 24,120 2 6 19 46 580 3,260 23 20 (Z) 3 156 625 3 1 3 1 1,520 350 258 407 9 10 7 8 932 1,332 2 4 (Z) 1 935 213 52,049 17,340 313 li 28,333 1,080 30 54 382 516 60,025 86,753 18 59 189 542 32,070 113,440 33 98 743 1,164 93,109 238,018 374 568 U 28 3,972 7,756 21 6 7,373 776 440 9 6 9 5 2,097 443 9 3 9 3 2 2 (z) 1 63 101 820 1,503 61,753 162,060 5 27 47 404 4,400 31,020 2 12 22 126 4,100 13,786 37 62 2 (Z) 380 384 3,000 4,050 248 231 7 18 17 3,4W 2,272 Stub ItemB ccntlnued 244 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derimtions and explanations, see text) PMlUps Potta- watomie Republic Field seed crops harvested; Alfalfa seed farms reporting pounds Hed clover seed farms reporting pounds Lespedeza seed farms reporting pounds Sweetclover seed farms reporting pounds Brcmegrass seed farms reporting pounds Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for home use or for sale farms reporting acres bushels Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting acres Popcorn farms reporting acres pounds (ear com) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes); vegetables harvested for heme use farms reporting Vegetables harvested for SPle farms reporting acres Sales dollars Tomatoes farms reporting acres Sweet com farms reporting acres Watermelons farms reporting acres Cantaloups and muslmielons farms reporting acres 1959. 1954. 1959. 195i. 1959. 195i. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959 . , 1954.. 1959' . 1954'. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959 . . 1954.. 1959.. 1954., 1959 , , 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959., 1954., 1959. 1954. 1959., 1954. 1959., 1954. 1959., 1954, 1959. 1959 . . 1959. 1959. 1959, 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 1959. 1954. 78 122 1,358 2,241 68,664 273,720 6 26 92 412 12,610 45,480 1 17 3 105 600 13,176 53 69 (Z) 2 472 459 2 1 52 940 27,676 258 203 2,105 950 2 1 3 (Z) 1,863 2,719 176,632 371,880 18 153 905 21,540 2 44 4,300 26 1 38 319 2,605 4 169 225 145 2,090 3,475 149 204 2,481 3,446 204,593 331,360 3 48 16 682 1,270 71,040 3 4 16 111 1,750 17,950 42 58 3 1 585 X6 2 12 3,502 268 257 9 7 28 41 4,327 2,581 7 1 3 3 7 3 19 29 102 97 1,072 1,182 55,003 87,840 2,200 1,660 600 9,330 75 622 9,600 103,140 9 22 95 160 27,550 28,075 373 624 15 38 4,726 8,382 21 9 1,730 71 1,084,505 35,440 553 723 U 25 75 201 3,985 12,562 10 3 10 20 11 20 35 124 286 769 26,752 65,980 82 194 4,800 16,380 11 22 3 1 200 198 279 164 1,712 242 1 (Z) 9 2 10 1 546 956 55,374 181,140 2 1 16 11 1,050 300 32 14 3 2 409 145 185 238 3 (Z) 182 458 3,571 9,257 344,379 1,199,640 146 546 24,100 68,340 5 42 7,100 118 255 6 1 1,185 1,264 7,830 737 642 64 65 227 250 26,914 23,731 33 31 53 46 139 188 319 96 4,873 1,260 224,126 131,160 386 883 69,858 132,000 101 668 7,450 110,637 217 312 17 3 4,007 2,198 5 15 30 561 32,670 407,190 557 729 7 12 39 20 2,839 2,529 6 1 6 6 7 6 26 16 Z Reported in small fractions . 'Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 245 Part 4 of 5 Riley Rooka Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedpriok Seward Shamee Sheridan Sherman Smith Stafford Stent on Stevens 90 92 2C 3? 7 13 16 32 IOC 30( 3 6 43 249 4 47 40 4 5 1 1 112 136 89 243 1 4 1 2 1,237 976 28i 69! 95 251 253 465 1,86S 5,23( 95 245 822 5,713 116 480 389 58 30 30 2 1,546 2,226 2,116 5,864 35 16 126 3 4 59,319 67,380 21,80= 79,08C 7,820 28,380 21,950 56,820 127,18! 587,34C 13,800 48,420 76,326 736,020 17,040 38,784 38,580 7,893 2,220 1,800 420 97,420 164,820 178,646 3,200 766,620 2,400 20,760 5 6 1 3 '"i 12 7 1 7 8 3 38 5 87 57 30 9 10 500 2,820 720 10,790 5,640 1,500 11 12 1 1 8 19 13 14 10 ::: 90 333 . . . 15 16 8,000 900 19,015 57,484 ... 17 18 16 34 1 1] 9 2 10 4C 3 15 44 "i 17 44 "5 "l '4 20 1 1 19 20 155 322 IC 22£ 95 28 149 61 493 96 457 925 16 230 431 99 5 43 U8 15 37 22 21 22 21,300 50,460 60C 25,740 6,540 6,500 12,720 7,48. 40,92C 12,900 27,606 174,240 480 22,164 108,240 6,340 420 6,926 16,740 400 1,020 780 23 24 i 11 1 ... 3 9 14 58 "i 5 24 25 26 20 59 X '20 4 3( 41 106 ... 205 893 5 18 287 ... 27 28 2,405 10,080 4,50C 600 6,3a 3,08] 1,440 11,220 34,390 227,337 400 2,200 56,150 29 30 200 302 25 17 IC 1. ] ] 6 15 (Z) (Z) 18 31 (Z) (Z) 3. 7' (Z 3 2 1 (Z) (Z) 155 125 39 4 2 1 22 (Z) 348 433 21 159 7 8 1 (z) 8 5 2 (Z) 35 55 2 1 12 26 (Z) (Z) '] 31 32 33 34 6,605 4,593 IX ist 68 62 165 141 25! 39' 16 6 7,864 1,U0 4,404 2 4,615 28,309 185 32 522 46 381 337 59 101 M 35 36 1 5 4 4 130 207 6 226 ... ^ .91 37 38 39 40 90 1,740 2,256 3,760 8,] OC 41 42 20 2 864 6 ] 1 1 2 1 1 3 12 1 6 3 23 17 13 171 3 2 3 21 1 (Z) 43 44 45 46 921,970 3,680 3,00( 200 6,97 ; 856 2,800 5,152 1,400 ... 9,000 97,773 970 13,000 25 47 48 403 426 14 14 ) U3 S 73 107 121 17( 3 90 122 744 248 27 33 756 767 261 299 126 183 286 362 352 188 4 5 } 22 5 42 49 50 11 15 223 140 1 L 1 2 1 1 8 1 S (z) 7 8 31 23 1 1 5 1 3 3 (2) 3 1 52 31 272 137 2 1 2 (Z) 34 45 379 402 "i (Z) 1 (Z) 4 5 2 1 15 10 60 45 L6 L7 3 6 1 5 249 1 51 52 53 54 34,084 25,094 92 1,44< 7 650 3 70 2,310 i,ao 1,561 2,09 3 257 2 80 44,193 17,644 204 25 62,529 49,116 '56 65 84 685 4,562 33, 2,771 42, 76< 29 3 16,150 J 20 55 56 11 13 8 2 2 (Z) 3 1 5 1 1 (Z) 36 46 25 70 4 1 7 2 57 58 11 78 ! 2 1 1 2 (Z) .26 66 1 1 28 131 1 (z) 3 1 8 7 1 2 59 60 7 14 56 73 (z 4 1 2 3 (Z) ) 5 2 26 1 1 1 I 1 35 16 83 53 2 "i 22 21 66 92 2 1 (Z) (Z) 10 7 63 40 L 2 L 1 L 112 L 1 61 62 63 64 6 8 29 23 5 1 3 1 (Z) 2 3 4 4 13 (Z 23 16 52 41 17 20 41 53 ... 2 2 (Z) 1 3 3 8 1 2 ] a 13. L 2 ... ) 135 ... 65 66 67 66 Stub Items cantlmied 246 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 4 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued lUTO (For dorinitions and expl ajiations, see (exl) Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 1 2 Field seed crops harvested: Alfalfa seed ..farms repportlng 1959... 1954... 82 131 1 7 2 16 97 69 283 66 i 5 73 8 21 2 1 3 4 acres 1959 .. . 1954... 1,446 2,441 30 55 27 143 1,002 778 3C 3] ) 4,278 L 657 Iff 10( 83 > 1,216 150 334 21 10 5 6 pounds 1959 .. . 1954... 148,396 3,C 299,100 i,,i )00 k40 2,800 29,160 64,142 90,180 5,0O( 4,86t ) 183,584 ) 41, 520 12,23] 10,62t J,400 112,620 13,870 26,580 1,160 1,200 7 8 Red clover seed ..farms reporting 1959... 1954... 1 3 i 3 1 1 2 2 ::: 9 1 9 10 acres 1959... 1954... 10 54 6 12 3 32 6 19 122 23 11 12 pounds 1959... 1954... 500 3,780 420 1,885 300 3,600 300 1,331 20,115 1,380 13 Lespedeza seed , .farms reporting 1959 . . . 3 1 ... 3 6 22 13 4 1 14 1954... ... 15 16 acres 1959... 1954... 28 47 35 71 393 277 29 12 ... 17 IS pounds 1959 .. . 1954... 5,065 4,500 4,200 9,480 77,400 30,676 5,900 10,000 19 20 Sweetclover seed . .f ariDB reporting 1959 .. . 1954... 23 50 1 17 18 45 42 82 19 68 10 55 ::: 21 22 acres 1959... 1954... 428 849 6 247 172 451 447 870 267 906 134 762 ... 23 24 pounds 1959 . . . 1954... 45,395 131,640 300 19,800 23,330 74,880 72,440 131,830 39,700 151,440 14,790 143,820 ::: 25 Bromegrass seed ..farms reporting 1959... 1 7 1 2 17 52 •■ 9 47 4 9 3 13 1 26 1954... 1 27 28 acres 1959... 1954... 10 42 2 10 260 676 67 451 15 48 27 74 7 10 29 30 pounds 1959 .. . 1954... 1,000 2 4,150 6 00 00 28,626 122,471 9,956 55,890 1,550 5,950 3,650 9,525 1,000 500 31 32 33 34 Other field crops harvested: Irish potatoes for heme use or for sale ..farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959^.. I954I . . 262 197 6 41 10 21 1 2 33 7 (Z) (z) 155 308 13 10 (z J 450 ! 558 27 16 4 S 311 5 342 ! 9 109 342 4 9 85 38 138 254 35 36 bushels 1959... 1954... 2,235 : 7,776 ] 88 82 200 30 2,663 3,790 99] 4i L 6,6U 5,321 5,35] 17 I 3,054 S 3,475 1,367 4,043 14,611 24,067 37 38 39 40 41 42 Sugar beets for sugar ..farms reporting 1959... 1954... acres 1959... 1954... tons 1959... 1954... ••• ... 1 1,91' 1,18] 31,92: 17,33. ::: ... ... 43 44 45 46 Papcom . .farms reporting 1959 . , . 1954... acres 1959 .. . 1954... 15 "9 1 "3 6 3 4 I'' (Z 21 1 5 4 ) 6 1 35 2 1 16 5 1 6 "s 1 2 (Z) 8 47 48 pounds (ear com) 1959... 1954... 5,145 1,400 5,692 12,900 2 7,225 3 1,345 15,21 9,489 3 1,250 4,500 12 1,564 49 Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweel potatoes): Vegetables harvested for fftfmft »*PTinW1np 105Q 693 266 L61 L98 204 146 441 431 8 6 6 993 6 1,028 5 12 5 603 L 336 427 256 347 50 1954 .. . 260 51 Vegetables harvested for sale . .farms reporting 19W . . . 22 13 92 98 2 2 (Z) (Z) 1 1 (Z) (z) 9 5 22 24 (z 1 11 3 ) 6 3 19< 5 7 18 S 12 i 49 3 41 5 2 6 13 34 52 53 54 1954 . . . acres 1959... 1954 . . . 60 1,306 1,149 55 56 Sales dollars 1959... 1954 . . . 9,008 5,335 223 225 50 100 3,250 1,125 15 D 685 282 41,19 17,81 3 3,992 ) 3,763 440 450 146,469 106,416 57 Tanatoes ...farms reporting 1959... 15 5 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 6 1 (2 I 6 ) 1 , 9 ; 4 5 2 56 58 acres 1959 .. . 77 59 60 Sweet com . . .farms reporting 1959 .. . acres 1959 .. . 11 5 1 (Z) 6 3 (z L 2 ) (Z) I 12 L 17 5 3 57 y74 61 62 63 64 WetenaelonB ...farms reporting 1959... 1954 . . . acres 1959 . . . 1954... 18 12 53 93 1 (z) 3 2 16 16 (Z 1 4 1 ) 4 2 9 L 6 r 19 L 15 4 1 1 16 18 18 83 130 65 66 67 68 Cantaloups and musloiielons . . .farms reporting 1959 .. . 1954 . . . acres 1959 .. . 1954 .. . 13 '27 2 4 2 8 2 '■ (Z) L 5 L 8 3 6 J 22 3 2 (Z) 2 18 21 34 130 Z Reported In antall fractlcins. ^ Does not Include acreage for farmB with less than 20 bushels harvested. Stub Items continued KANSAS 247 County Table 11. -FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 Part 5 of 5 (For dorinitions and 0 28 165 9 43 19 122 3 10 12 29 43 80 11 34 32 46 95 231 6 3 139 15 19 9 120 6 17 1 (Z) 15 3 40 4 8 4 U7 98 115 44 2 54 4 2,648 54 2,635 24 13 30 3 'is 'is '26 166 4 158 158 6 4 25 34 23 U 2 20 51 450 5 2 1 (Z) 1,795 50 26 34 54 33 23 61 966 647 350 265 616 382 3,475 673 22 72 980 1,657 361 655 619 1,002 78 583 16 46 52 152 22 61 30 91 19 58 10 33 82 739 19 328 63 411 365 1,165 7 30 37 87 5 36 32 51 3 5 19 57 376 225 46 81 330 144 3,131 2,115 5 5 1 3 2,601 2,279 29 34 20 32 26 41 297 311 124 68 173 243 51 238 26 51 285 859 137 118 148 741 12 460 24 31 97 116 44 27 53 89 47 79 61 254 14 157 47 97 12 303 11 le 4S 173 20 9 28 164 '38 26 38 159 208 66 36 93 172 530 3,018 19 3 3 (Z) 2,169 520 61 26 94 59 54 42 548 902 2U 278 334 624 298 284 48 40 502 519 290 169 212 350 32 206 42 30 185 315 52 32 133 283 318 59 37 la S49 ;i09 371 45 478 164 2,209 144 IS Ifi loe 123 49 32 59 91 11 7 42 24 235 122 152 44 83 78 775 284 Z Reported In small fractions. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 249 Part 5 of 5 CoTlfiy Crawford Decatur DlcklJison Donlphfln Douglas Edwards EUc Ellis Ellsworth Flimey Ford FrankllD Geary Gove 8 5 U 74 34 1 1 1 2 28 5 1 1 2 3 51 7 2 "i 1 9 . • • 2 2 2 2 127 13 (2) (z) (2) (Z) 6 '16 ... 3 (Z) 1 1 93 3 1 (z) tz) 3 ... 4 2,032 575 2,244 289,414 24,808 30 "s '46 285 10,551 18,676 5 40 700 365 52,923 2,311 61 '26 40 2,056 6 40 22 11 26 133 60 10 12 6 17 7 U 86 11 8 7 50 45 19 54 1>45 80 6 17 8 12 7 9 80 u 8 8 87 23 5 26 1,423 UO 49 17 7 20 7 70 275 6 6 9 163 112 14 69 1,799 234 10 21 U 6 7 21 287 8 4 10 30 19 9 24 100 49 9 11 5 18 4 6 81 11 6 U 56 61 16 47 113 74 13 22 8 12 8 9 113 21 7 12 616 261 65 319 41,476 3,470 299 98 202 90 28 94 4,446 142 58 13 2,670 676 116 912 55,057 4,729 192 225 132 98 48 61 7,472 175 59 U 209 193 23 96 16,464 295 70 29 36 51 4 85 1,192 65 37 15 155 122 43 276 12,048 344 18 73 74 18 21 35 1,973 56 20 16 407 68 42 223 25,012 3,175 229 69 166 39 24 9 3,254 77 21 17 2,515 554 73 636 43,009 4,385 174 152 58 80 27 26 5,499 119 39 18 1,700 12 37 187 120,584 1,451 909 120 220 15 7 ... 7,778 99 50 19 434 278 20 303 72,0U 3,480 158 74 275 86 3 1 6,425 50 20 28 19 U 22 98 43 9 10 5 20 6 12 68 11 7 21 64 60 19 53 m 85 16 22 9 14 8 L2 124 27 11 22 2,188 822 68 245 9,692 617 4,295' 129 36 262 88 4,937 1,254 140 82 23 2,319 1,673 162 1,297 7,824 1,684 275 255 62 238 93 138 2,117 303 81 24 1,903 290 U 112 3,727 281 4,086 74 U 91 27 2,423 645 74 40 25 448 607 34 193 731 313 7 84 40 21 29 45 509 74 30 26 285 532 54 U3 5,965 336 209 55 22 171 61 2,514 609 66 42 27 1,871 1,066 128 1,104 7,093 1,371 268 171 22 217 64 93 1,608 229 51 28 46 4 25 8,216 55 12 10 12 ... 69 29 320 885 7 751 15,134 1,331 103 48 22 40 34 6 1,269 73 3 30 30 20 8 21 65 44 8 10 4 17 1 7 59 8 5 31 42 56 13 46 56 68 10 19 5 10 5 6 84 15 4 32 949 236 27 104 686 2,442 27 31 25 66 3 133 356 34 13 33 1,249 390 37 240 1,334 2,001 29 264 15 39 21 22 276 55 17 34 220 59 20 38 126 49 20 11 10 32 ... 129 204 15 7 35 381 163 16 100 386 94 22 9 U 12 2 W 12 10 36 729 177 7 66 560 2,393 7 20 15 34 3 4 152 19 6 37 868 227 21 140 948 1,907 29 242 6 28 9 20 217 43 7 38 2,472 50 55 875 427 1 78 15 20 1 238 4 ... 39 370 258 "4 295 366 880 19 333 13 12 1 "5 281 17 10 40 15 LJ 5 15 89 41 3 8 6 3 3 62 5 2 41 22 42 7 33 103 53 4 13 "5 4 4 3 86 15 3 42 330 157 35 190 49,259 1,327 35 352 ... 74 32 35 3,823 171 32 43 404 1,419 44 1,088 70,482 1,577 67 177 49 20 34 40 3,460 218 21 44 U8 39 20 102 4,361 787 35 161 47 23 252 94 20 45 42 502 24 627 796 575 3 18 29 io ... 346 40 ..> 46 212 118 15 88 44,898 540 191 27 32 12 3,571 77 12 47 362 917 20 461 69,686 1,002 64 159 20 20 24 40 3,LU 178 21 48 922 495 U 217 279,808 5,668 886 221 51 24,975 100 49 734 501 100 730 428,193 1,572 23 ... ... 2 3,820 18 ... 50 U 10 6 9 30 19 3 4 2 8 2 6 38 6 6 51 25 22 9 26 30 35 7 13 7 4 6 8 48 13 8 52 121 133 18 25 119 568 8 35 14 25 5 26 U5 24 83 53 82 267 138 128 101 132 154 95 98 9 30 29 202 53 231 54 108 31 U 13 40 30 8 4 . . • 11 1 16 19 10 12 55 18 17 10 27 14 24 11 42 41 7 24 13 56 16 209 56 U 102 7 12 79 538 31 14 14 4 10 116 L4 71 57 64 250 128 101 87 108 143 53 57 2 6 16 1/46 37 22 58 5 1 37 11 24 2 41 ... 20 59 55 11 2 109 180 98 "is 8 9 ... ... 1 49 3 1 60 21 11 9 20 58 28 8 5 7 17 6 7 57 10 6 61 47 26 19 46 49 50 17 13 9 13 9 13 61 19 10 62 324 52 80 599 413 116 56 17 82 85 64 105 2,390 42 38 63 702 83 266 795 450 324 168 52 171 75 Ul 184 511 69 82 64 79 29 36 76 188 69 33 12 44 42 8 21 1,358 23 14 65 156 27 34 88 55 77 5 25 102 27 34 39 128 19 28 66 245 23 44 523 225 47 23 5 38 43 56 84 1,032 19 24 67 546 56 232 707 395 247 163 27 69 48 77 W5 383 50 54 68 4,643 1,000 1,285 4,754 2,003 153 60 35 25 51 20 1,938 241 100 69 4,473 296 498 2,882 4,827 6,178 984 35 715 575 380 2,308 9,252 379 50 70 250 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 Ck)unty Table U.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For deftnitions and explanations, see text) Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haatell Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres 1959. 1954. quarts 1959. 1954. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fains reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples f aims reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959, 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954., Peaches farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959., 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959.. 1954., Pears farms reporting 1959. , 1954., Trees of all ages 1959, . 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Crapes fazns reporting 1959, . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959 . . 1954. . Vines not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959 ., 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959 . . 1954.. Plums and prunes fams reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . , 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . . 1954.. Cherries faros reporting 1 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. 2 1 (Z) (2) 34 30 6 4 15 2 3 13 23 75 15 40 8 35 10 5 13 132 155 29 43 103 112 3 5 12 23 7 11 5 12 2 1 3 4 11 14 2 4 9 10 20 11 3 6 17 27 9 14 S 13 1 10 5 12 28 73 2 26 26 47 72 1A7 41 42 25 20 16 22 200 200 2 (Z) 350 3,689 138 3,677 47 U 91 7 9 38 87 30 16 8 71 30 215 (Z) 5 1 850 17 27 38 22 19 32 427 266 58 63 369 203 204 137 20 35 237 451 113 102 124 349 29 83 22 30 81 107 33 31 48 76 47 55 11 17 145 549 71 430 74 119 225 10 6 11 23 34 12 6 11 28 10 14 49 66 20 19 29 47 20O 236 1 5 13 129 13 24 14 14 35 21 U u 2U 321 12 23 202 298 ,596 302 12 24 280 534 41 99 239 435 56 18 10 15 36 81 11 14 25 67 27 40 2 3 12 213 5 100 7 113 9 17 66 Ul 11 46 55 95 527 162 4 1 1 1,896 745 31 51 888 1,521 93 223 795 1,298 192 430 31 53 569 1,455 IM 338 429 1,117 68 365 28 41 200 189 60 61 140 128 155 137 U 17 637 267 450 191 M7 76 27 99 HO 37 42 62 68 4 4 24 42 251 403 65 106 186 297 1,950 1,612 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include data for fajuis with less than 20 trees and grapevines. KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 251 Part 5 of 5 Hodgeman Jaclison Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny Kingman Kiowa liibette lane l£aven- worth Lincoln Unn Lagan r^yon 29 27 4 28 2 1 20 32 1 14 34 1 4 5 1 3 3 2 3 5 1 2 2 19 1 6 (Z) CZ) 10 18 (Z) 3 5 3 (Z) 4 (Z) 4 1 (z) 3 6 ... ... (Z) 4 3,701 31,571 1,450 9,085 1,100 100 3,364 37,884 20 5,102 4,821 5 150 1,152 8 2,770 388 40 1,980 8,404 ... 40 6 1 91 85 48 88 4 26 8 75 5 89 12 70 1 79 7 5 83 107 30 69 5 32 7 50 5 82 13 45 3 63 8 1 92 246 42 85 2 64 23 249 2 177 14 556 (Z) 62 9 5 93 366 27 115 2 58 13 84 4 203 12 154 2 71 10 3 96 70 37 73 5 19 6 44 2 75 10 56 1 68 11 5 138 128 49 88 4 36 6 57 5 111 19 66 3 92 12 28 2,021 5,984 388 821 28 148 77 439 17 2,499 205 882 3 960 13 59 2,266 7,670 494 2,008 21 417 118 1,444 44 4,291 238 2,235 11 1,260 14 ... 734 369 109 370 13 42 33 215 12 687 59 187 336 15 17 707 2,271 263 324 10 134 13 288 31 1,725 121 858 6 307 16 28 1,287 5,615 279 451 15 106 44 224 5 1,812 146 695 3 624 17 42 1,559 5,399 231 1,684 11 283 105 1,156 13 2,566 117 1,377 5 953 18 TA 1,004 10,655 325 342 4 93 460 138 5 4,962 188 3,007 2 490 19 ... 332 9,083 263 398 8 81 125 427 4 2,105 43 490 689 20 3 90 68 41 78 5 21 8 41 3 84 9 47 64 21 5 157 152 63 97 4 4« 11 54 5 119 23 69 ... 102 22 U 965 2,469 663 1,491 38 2,393 2,162 464 39 3,443 188 546 692 23 99 2,118 2,811 951 3,060 58 2,809 217 1,282 89 3,373 322 1,424 2,199 24 5 324 869 371 740 29 1,758 2,126 258 32 1,520 92 154 263 25 59 463 908 361 356 7 1,927 20 320 U 1,302 112 544 ... 269 26 a 541 1,600 292 751 9 635 36 206 7 1,923 96 392 429 27 40 1,655 1,903 590 2,704 51 882 197 962 76 2,071 210 880 1,930 28 2 69 40 14 23 ... 439 33 ... 1,157 11 7 29 1,563 1,819 468 1,363 10 266 '37 425 34 4,228 'eo 385 425 30 3 83 58 32 60 4 15 3 39 1 63 3 35 ... 58 31 2 103 93 35 71 3 35 6 53 1 86 12 55 74 32 10 276 722 108 352 22 Wl 202 354 4 488 12 109 265 33 6 396 804 150 293 16 176 30 675 2 703 70 243 425 34 4 60 UO 34 62 6 50 200 52 2 84 2 34 52 35 4 128 58 77 49 11 25 2 271 2 222 45 64 52 36 6 216 592 74 290 16 91 2 302 2 404 10 75 213 37 2 268 746 73 244 5 151 28 404 481 25 179 373 38 A 229 392 88 92 1 557 10 415 "\ 362 5 72 183 39 331 858 108 117 1 231 10 261 ... 364 7 228 213 40 1 68 53 17 59 ... 8 6 26 57 6 37 51 41 1 99 106 12 60 "i 11 5 34 "2 80 4 46 "i 67 42 6 809 1,862 U9 1,368 ... 239 38 363 2,909 36 654 755 43 6 1,565 1,788 131 1,039 1 253 55 702 'ii 2,363 76 763 3 1,692 44 235 <;52 55 263 100 19 U5 777 2 133 227 45 ... 332 419 73 132 49 2 214 2 906 54 199 "3 449 46 6 574 1,610 64 1,105 139 19 218 ... 2,132 34 521 528 47 6 1,233 1,369 58 907 1 204 53 488 10 1,457 22 564 1,243 48 3,979 7,157 252 6,320 600 668 6,915 51 1,279 1,725 49 ... 4,716 2,608 161 1,097 "s 200 100 2,661 35 819 951 50 1 31 22 21 43 4 4 3 23 3 30 2 23 1 35 51 3 61 52 26 38 2 10 6 29 4 50 8 34 2 29 52 2 116 74 96 174 50 9 8 123 92 85 17 64 20 169 53 21 249 194 163 114 16 37 21 336 49 175 118 134 170 171 54 43 25 17 72 17 2 3 66 54 31 30 61 55 4 58 55 83 33 1 8 5 80 5 40 ■51 46 150 43 56 2 73 49 79 102 33 7 5 57 38 54 17 34 20 108 57 17 191 139 80 81 15 29 16 256 44 135 67 88 20 128 58 . .. 1 42 26 9 5 1 23 5 U ... 3 3 4 59 23 42 24 35 9 99 1 45 15 17 4 60 3 73 49 39 42 5 17 5 25 3 43 5 28 48 61 5 94 95 44 51 3 35 10 27 5 68 U 34 3 43 62 23 320 365 244 217 113 110 36 110 52 196 10 146 192 63 95 357 754 273 144 21 324 95 107 62 260 124 UO '28 1A2 64 87 85 61 157 11 39 10 61 8 53 10 63 82 65 13 122 316 104 66 10 58 18 52 30 104 62 54 26 58 66 23 233 280 183 60 102 71 26 49 44 143 ... 83 110 67 32 235 438 169 78 11 266 77 55 32 156 62 76 2 84 68 260 1,187 2,031 813 155 UO 611 610 267 480 1,088 20 262 430 69 100 2,449 5,685 2,231 625 160 2,756 900 220 121 2,649 1,010 705 816 70 252 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For dermitions and explanations, see text) Montgomery Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. quarts 1959. 1954. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes:^ I^nd In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards ^ groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees faj«s reportljig 1959. 1954. acres 1959. 1954. Apples f amis reporting 1959 . 1954. Trees of all ages 1959. 1954. Trees not of bearing age 1959. 1954. Trees of bearing age 1959. 1954. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. 1954. Peaches farms reporting 1959 . , 1954., Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959 . , 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954., Pears farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Trees of bearing oge 1959. , 1954. , Quantity harvested bushels 1959 . , 1954.. Grapes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Vines not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959.. 1954.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1959.. 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954. . Quantity harvested bushels 1959, . 1954.. Cherries f anus reporting 1959 . , 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 19.'i4.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. (Z) 628 35 30 40 45 70 21 39 481 606 128 143 353 463 623 243 21 44 518 1,223 90 261 428 962 15 578 19 34 318 470 63 205 255 265 238 57 9 9 499 96 251 41 248 55 184 50 10 23 52 161 40 19 12 142 2 13 21 40 266 338 142 76 124 262 865 3,644 1 1 Cz) 815 10 28 25 18 21 24 31 252 320 92 109 160 211 104 51 28 32 670 427 446 178 224 249 60 124 25 27 97 107 53 53 44 54 28 22 12 17 123 261 51 85 72 176 386 245 17 17 51 70 21 37 30 33 6 21 25 27 193 184 103 92 90 92 349 810 44 5 9 1 5,040 40O 102 129 171 110 97 152 390 1,227 382 372 508 855 524 486 103 173 1,928 4,321 791 1,910 1,137 2,411 13 3,719 89 134 377 531 102 162 275 369 351 389 54 100 600 1,256 170 362 430 894 1,343 3,215 35 62 Ul 233 44 94 67 139 16 24 73 132 366 716 M7 401 219 315 977 2,578 (Z) 7 9 25 81 13 30 7 51 40 10 U 6,164 208 6,133 35 31 173 1 17 6 810 19 808 8 2 11 4 6 15 116 12 3 3 113 U 63 149 31 69 32 80 35 125 20 3 2 2 3,508 210 69 47 72 78 63 67 898 1,532 313 249 585 1,233 918 313 61 74 577 1,114 246 286 331- 828 47 769 51 61 259 254 83 62 176 192 423 223 54 51 740 1,093 196 133 544 960 3,186 667 22 34 92 126 46 39 46 87 8 59 43 38 177 128 94 58 83 70 241 1,497 10 14 92 178 32 105 60 73 15 25 9 15 77 199 42 100 35 99 9 15 58 143 21 48 37 95 11 4 12 1 47,275 1,188 57 59 133 189 45 83 1,690 4,667 548 958 1,U2 3,709 715 1,897 38 68 847 4,332 424 1,917 423 2,415 141 523 41 58 547 1,323 102 616 445 707 220 224 20 23 407 426 231 104 176 322 343 175 22 25 111 104 57 46 54 58 8 14 19 38 127 238 98 76 29 162 29 1,755 5 1 1 (Z) 700 50 24 20 22 19 36 376 366 183 97 193 269 158 146 19 42 317 517 149 123 168 394 17 23 170 140 53 17 117 123 110 107 U 20 84 248 20 23 64 225 725 33 3 8 7 21 5 3 2 18 13 13 55 40 20 2 35 38 208 215 Z Reported in snail fractions. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 253 Part 5 of 5 Nemaha NeoBlio Ness Norton Osage Osborne Ottaira Pawnee Phillips Potta- watomie Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice 39 13 1 1 27 1 4 2 3 27 2 24 7 5 1 5 2 1 6 5 2 2 3 3 (Z) (Z) 8 (Z) 1 (Z) (Z) 3 1 2 (Z) 2 3 3 2 1 ... 2 ... 1 (z) 4 5,328 4,578 '26 10 10,274 45 600 260 110 4,389 1,075 4,599 565 1,170 5 570 3,100 ... 300 2,100 1,084 175 6 120 60 5 22 53 21 16 13 34 44 13 11 80 70 13 7 102 38 4 23 51 16 19 10 36 77 U 13 104 62 17 a 78 191 U 24 46 15 U 11 20 75 75 6 426 59 40 9 T. 46 5 19 54 13 17 18 38 179 3 12 512 53 44 10 112 34 5 17 49 17 13 11 27 43 7 10 61 56 10 u 1&4 46 3 27 61 26 21 10 55 96 8 12 86 64 14 12 1,295 390 175 137 1,229 209 133 124 274 2,023 62 89 6,542 744 1,640 U 1,574 595 177 209 966 303 136 126 389 2,085 60 103 12,236 605 1,233 U 325 110 13 64 229 70 48 27 172 238 24 35 630 370 68 15 517 161 10 82 342 85 38 14 85 409 U 41 4,309 220 136 16 970 280 162 73 1,000 139 85 97 102 1,785 38 54 5,912 374 1,572 17 1,057 434 167 127 624 218 98 112 304 1,676 46 67 7,927 335 1,097 18 910 219 24 43 412 232 24 179 44 671 31 196 36,268 400 1,321 19 294 221 45 71 172 361 123 73 169 6U 10 35 11,635 401 130 20 108 32 5 20 48 15 13 12 31 37 12 9 63 60 U 21 184 50 3 29 68 26 22 11 70 105 13 13 101 106 15 22 1,127 404 45 201 734 208 227 123 409 605 6,036 64 6,976 1,253 153 23 2,460 788 62 418 1,078 286 315 59 867 2,030 214 90 7,398 1,397 362 24 397 162 4 102 388 U2 160 59 171 331 5,968 52 2,203 594 62 25 6U 215 79 419 91 59 3 169 519 89 30 1,278 460 28 26 730 242 '41 99 346 76 67 64 238 274 68 12 4,773 659 96 27 1,849 573 62 339 659 195 256 56 698 1,511 125 60 6,120 1,437 334 28 20 18 ... 15 1 10 4 3 4 3,572 54 103 29 1,133 168 1 105 491 '■76 61 30 485 1,549 38 "2 3,494 896 51 30 83 31 5 12 45 U 10 10 19 27 9 3 53 55 11 31 U3 34 3 13 44 15 16 8 25 70 9 9 66 59 12 32 248 237 17 30 230 33 42 33 34 102 295 27 1,183 465 233 33 465 315 16 50 209 45 50 28 84 337 29 31 1,208 251 168 34 42 133 2 17 118 19 16 7 48 23 264 10 256 236 10 35 111 37 23 87 21 16 2 24 84 12 17 335 80 25 36 206 104 15 U 112 U 26 26 36 79 31 17 927 229 223 37 354 278 16 27 122 24 32 26 60 253 17 14 373 171 143 38 269 360 3 264 3 15 27 20 66 42 22 2,176 273 88 39 477 680 1 '36 150 10 36 6 84 399 ... 3 741 163 18 40 74 27 1 12 37 2 8 8 11 23 4 3 21 22 3 41 99 24 2 10 41 4 9 6 12 55 4 4 30 36 3 42 1,603 1,733 2 83 1,238 6 206 67 103 3,809 229 27 898 180 1,645 43 1,457 804 13 97 3,754 19 168 230 57 7,658 26 69 1,132 385 1,082 44 810 1,394 31 240 6 93 24 56 737 103 12 176 105 40 45 289 460 20 1,540 19 4 U 160 10 300 104 5 46 793 339 "2 52 998 113 '43 47 3,072 126 15 722 75 1,605 47 1,168 344 13 77 2,214 164 230 46 7,498 16 69 332 281 1,077 48 5,700 4,207 2 3,816 1,250 410 65 8,198 100 260 3,320 270 6,062 49 3,797 753 3,843 ... 2,092 2,639 149 6,915 80 913 479 100 50 37 16 2 U 14 7 3 8 14 14 4 10 22 24 4 51 64 22 3 11 27 17 10 9 24 25 3 9 28 28 5 52 647 132 9 69 63 43 13 59 80 44 35 232 98 123 9 53 327 129 39 121 129 129 45 75 273 109 43 75 295 137 45 54 58 40 29 27 33 5 15 34 21 17 212 67 74 6 55 101 18 '25 20 72 41 U 1 26 75 14 32 26 32 8 56 589 92 9 40 36 10 8 44 46 23 18 70 31 49 3 57 226 111 U 101 57 88 31 74 247 34 29 43 269 105 37 58 8 22 1 14 3 5 1 8 16 2 3 2 5 59 39 U 15 25 8 6 11 26 18 'li 70 49 "2 60 78 21 4 18 32 17 10 12 24 33 8 10 53 43 12 61 102 26 2 23 37 24 17 11 55 68 10 14 77 69 U 62 295 133 15 133 164 70 42 143 183 308 44 59 1,594 223 139 63 360 110 7 147 U5 141 34 157 350 634 148 170 2,495 394 210 64 104 47 3 4B 59 18 23 52 63 72 12 28 490 31 23 65 166 37 23 67 48 15 81 59 134 62 55 279 151 27 66 191 86 12 85 105 52 19 91 120 236 32 31 1,104 142 U6 67 194 73 7 124 68 93 69 76 291 500 86 115 2,216 243 183 68 1,420 212 629 330 362 211 600 708 535 15 347 11,999 1,124 186 69 1,714 234 1,728 614 1,542 1,019 2,140 2,557 5,475 246 750 20,353 2,335 1,949 70 254 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Part 5 of 5 County Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY (For derinittons and explanations, see text) Riley Sedgwick Seirard Shawnee Sheridan Berries and other small fruits t)arvested for sale: strawberries farms reporting 1959. 195i. acres 1959. 19*4. quarts 1959 . 1954. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres 1959., 1954. Apples farms reporting 1959., 1954., Trees of all ages 1959., 1954., Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954., Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954., Peaches f anus reporting 1959 . , 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959. , 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954.. Pears farms reporting 1959, . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954. . Grapes farms reporting 1959. , 1954.. Vines of all ages 1959.. 19-54. . Vines not of bearing age 1959 . . 1954.. Vines of bearing age 1959.. 1954.. Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. Pluns and prunes farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Trees of all ages 1959.. 1954.. Trees not of bearing age 1959,, 1954. . Trees of bearing age 1959., 1954.. Quantity harvested bushels 1959. . 1954., Cherries farms reporting 1959 , , 1954, . Trees of all ages 1959,, 1954. . Trees not of bearing age 1959. . 1954.. Trees of bearing age 1959.. 1954. . Quantity harvested pounds 1959. . 1954.. U 4 7 5 16,145 6,015 30 51 113 51 23 65 1,958 738 751 371 1,207 367 5,403 406 27 70 1,038 1,235 268 593 770 642 10 422 26 43 158 163 73 61 85 102 50 167 20 40 2,383 1,029 381 695 2,002 334 4,539 1,097 7 32 72 133 26 50 46 83 19 1A 22 51 134 271 45 110 89 161 99 2,442 9 6 9 11 134 107 57 82 77 25 33 26 10 10 137 169 83 81 49 88 7 10 69 79 36 28 33 51 161 611 1 (Z) 10 1 6 (Z) 12 1 5 15 26 15 16 4 17 6 4 11 25 107 1 (Z) 50 9 12 7 18 6 19 20 27 7 13 8 17 64 326 76 386 47 91 22 116 17 235 54 270 20 189 6 361 7 U 9 17 156 223 82 281 71 144 51 51 85 79 31 230 1 3 87 4 11 8 13 18 71 27 68 13 13 5 5 5 58 22 63 63 .., 54 2 3 3 7 13 24 S 160 13 12 2 20 12 6 UO ,,, 55 ,,. 480 4 7 11 7 16 22 1,880 54 7 16 104 3 9 6 1,776 51 2 6 1 6 11 14 14 20 153 185 194 20 38 58 32 85 127 162 785 400 5,159 11 5 23 1 39,404 1,065 1 56 1 71 4 772 1 487 1 39 2 65 3 3,025 6 2,000 4 1,263 6 265 4 1,762 1,735 4,254 5,204 1 52 2 83 16 47,6U 18 26,513 4 25,681 16 12,860 12 21,933 2 13,653 45,309 8,377 1 36 53 8 422 416 4 330 133 4 92 283 197 157 1 18 1 25 1 523 2 2,953 322 2 124 1 201 2,829 1,545 212 1 20 3 37 3 89 33 323 . , 50 2 54 8 39 31 269 1 3 21 1 39 2 75 1 2,140 U 1,461 1,082 663 1 1,058 14 798 33,238 7,232 .43 14 26 16 54,013 7,997 2 76 1 103 12 139 2 122 1 63 1 110 25 1,298 12 2,106 25 517 667 781 12 1,439 1,286 771 1 59 2 106 25 4,056 20 1,338 25 3,726 5 363 330 15 1,520 15 1,220 1 59 1 75 25 767 6 780 25 78 189 689 591 509 217 49 69 736 1,523 158 548 578 975 2,301 2,412 27 45 82 207 25 88 57 U9 4 65 1 50 1 73 25 213 8 487 25 88 , , , 179 125 8 308 274 1,758 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not Include data for farms with less than 20 trees and grapevines. KANSAS OF CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 255 Part 5 of 5 Sbermfln Smltli Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 3 1 2 7 2 1 24 1 33 10 LL 5 17 1 15 5 1 2 (Z) (z) (zS 1 (Z) (Z) "2 (Z) 3 1 5 5 3 2 10 5 3 4 SO 30 57 466 400 250 4,021 125 2,775 1,462 5,017 1,789 3,893 1,000 9,521 3,418 5 6 1 33 36 1 1 35 4 7 46 5 107 1 27 28 66 7 3 33 20 1 3 54 5 6 33 2 ia6 1 28 33 63 8 (z) 23 100 2 (Z) 235 7 8 22 3 62 (Z) 97 99 203 9 7 24 19 1 4 287 13 3 20 2 91 1 86 99 288 10 1 32 24 1 1 23 4 4 41 6 100 1 20 23 47 U 3 39 30 7 2 55 10 5 46 4 171 3 43 37 74 12 4 341 278 6 3 1,950 79 21 425 32 957 8 1,274 1,357 1,961 13 23 357 339 43 5 4,798 136 31 476 29 1,489 11 2,599 2,076 6,810 14 i 167 78 6 3 311 77 15 150 12 292 8 246 215 511 15 U 120 123 16 3 1,485 58 17 96 18 490 9 945 1,137 1,440 16 174 200 1,639 2 6 275 20 665 ... 1,028 1,U2 1,450 17 'is 237 216 '27 "2 3,3U 78 lA 380 11 999 2 1,654 939 5,370 18 184 160 1,162 2 3 U9 10 486 2,768 i,180 8,026 19 ... 166 l>i2 2,909 1 200 772 2,601 1,351 12,751 20 1 30 32 1 1 29 2 5 39 6 107 1 16 21 58 21 3 49 35 e 3 60 11 6 50 4 203 1 37 32 84 22 6 321 4,895 10 6 4,528 46 29 444 86 1,990 5 398 195 12,622 23 33 601 4L4 98 60 5,132 93 138 828 64 3,859 13 1,932 276 11,021 24 6 162 4,650 10 3 3,075 40 16 125 52 837 5 153 U6 3,578 25 3 U9 86 34 1,208 28 52 113 18 996 4 103 63 3,517 26 159 245 "3 1,453 6 13 319 34 1,153 245 79 9,044 27 '30 462 328 64 60 3,924 65 86 715 46 2,863 9 1,829 213 7,504 28 ... . . . 50 . . . ... 2,755 4 78 8 30 4,424 29 28S 205 ... 2 an 1 7 544 2,288 210 108 18,947 30 18 21 1 1 20 2 4 35 3 87 1 18 20 40 31 2 25 24 3 1 41 5 3 38 3 UO 2 31 22 34 32 58 259 4 4 193 13 11 130 8 347 3 71 663 481 33 "3 88 119 8 2 640 65 9 151 23 455 4 211 54 435 34 24 66 4 2 22 10 9 21 1 95 3 23 622 32 35 "3 27 8 6 ... 192 20 31 18 151 4 56 7 63 36 34 193 ... 2 171 3 109 7 252 48 41 449 37 61 Ul 2 2 448 45 120 5 304 155 47 372 38 22 355 611 • . . 123 2 199 99 81 517 39 50 74 601 ... 70 377 111 81 354 40 1 12 10 1 9 1 31 4 49 ... U 19 38 41 1 12 U "3 2 18 3 27 2 U6 ' i 21 20 40 42 1 58 263 4 189 10 ... 397 14 707 2,388 1,291 2,774 43 12 69 342 28 3 201 18 11 331 4 1,857 "2 967 1,531 2,132 44 39 17 ■ >. 2 133 10 80 10 235 1,321 80 206 45 13 3 ... 1 ... 5 11 48 1 316 1 117 238 710 46 1 19 246 2 56 ... 317 4 472 1,067 1,211 2,568 47 12 56 339 28 2 201 13 283 3 1,541 "i 850 1,293 1,422 48 10 150 455 40 185 ... 1,184 1,308 ... 2,310 3,170 16,973 49 386 40 '56 ... 613 6,476 3 1,024 1,066 3,263 50 15 10 ] 9 7 U 5 35 1 9 U 19 51 5 19 9 "5 1 30 7 15 4 65 2 22 U 28 52 48 49 14C 45 195 32 31 52 97 3 70 56 166 53 '56 86 56 '36 75 191 254 30 60 47 271 8 164 36 245 54 35 21 70 12 158 22 18 11 38 3 7 29 25 55 '30 15 26 "i 94 132 1 19 19 84 3 58 3 79 56 13 28 '76 33 37 10 13 41 59 . . . 63 27 141 57 20 71 30 22 75 97 122 29 41 28 187 5 106 33 166 58 3 4 2 46 11 1 3 L4 L4 10 26 64 59 15 123 ... 1 2 ... 1 2 33 24 8 200 60 1 27 24 1 1 20 7 4 29 6 79 1 12 12 33 61 5 37 29 6 4 49 12 5 28 4 136 2 13 9 31 62 r -155 410 2 8 337 187 19 142 66 407 5 58 67 U4 63 55 223 238 46 34 1,321 146 30 109 35 586 6 308 32 126 64 89 172 2 4 19 136 15 43 25 198 5 25 34 43 65 10 48 58 14 8 473 49 8 22 21 222 1 289 4 77 66 5 66 238 4 318 51 4 99 41 209 33 33 71 67 i5 175 ISO '32 26 848 97 22 87 14 354 5 19 28 49 68 45 1,520 758 ... 10,153 90 242 690 1,067 ... no 519 413 69 2,845 2,968 85 4,284 4 'as 523 20 4,498 6 284 201 1,074 70 256 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, soe text) The State Barber Barton Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Comanche 1 Irrigated cropland harveated farmB reporting... 4,517 IS 77 60 15 50 69 21 2 acres- . . CROPS FOR ffHICH ENTIRE ACHEAQE WAS IRRIGAIED 684,146 934 5,332 6,647 1,301 3,ao 5,997 1,526 3 Corn: Com for «n purposes f annfl reporting . . . 911 4 5 38 2 11 18 4 acres... 49,986 96 85 2,845 27 685 1,385 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting.,. 602 1 33 11 18 6 acres... 37,391 5 2,330 657 1,348 7 bushels... 2,450,957 150 144,034 43,600 102,807 8 Com sold bushels.. . 1,820,300 105, 340 29,200 93,221 9 Sorghums: Sorghums for nil purposes • . farms reporting . . . 1,010 2 13 14 3 4 4 3 10 acres... 135,332 19 767 692 167 109 143 177 11 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting... 934 1 10 7 2 4 3 1 12 acres.. . 123,347 3 491 481 134 105 112 20 13 pounds . . . 417,330,539 2,800 1,635,180 1,225,200 683,200 201,200 235,200 22,400 14 Sorghums sold pounds... 320,671,051 2,800 792,930 1,018,000 560,000 150,000 161,600 15 Small grains harvested: Wheat .farms reporting. . . 450 1 2 4 1 16 acres. .. 58,322 3 38 116 243 17 bxishels . . . 1,824,962 88 726 3,oa 4,860 .... 18 bushels Bold... 1,765,498 88 726 3,035 4,374 19 Barley farms reporting.. . 157 ... 3. 1 20 acres... 6,ao 61 37 a bushels... 193,838 1,380 1,500 22 bushels sold. .. 132,459 ... 23 Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 1,057 8 21 21 3 5 6 7 2-; acres... 34,648 242 535 9a 47 80 108 277 25 tons . . . 122,963 664 1,776 3,036 121 357 505 1,221 26 tons sold . . . 48,206 337 278 256 ... 56 266 27 Miscellaneous crops harvested: Sugar beets for sugar fams reporting... 112 ... 28 acres.. . 7,756 29 tons. . . 126,982 30 Vegetables for sale acres. . . 2,052 2 1 15 1 ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED 31 Com for all purposes farms reporting . . . 724 1 1 13 1 31 43 32 acres — 37,346 40 5 1,014 20 1,855 2,867 33 Sorghums for «n purposes farms reporting . . . 2,168 8 52 20 6 20 34 14 34 acres. .. 200,058 471 3,108 361 233 442 914 532 35 Small grains harvested: Wheat f aims reporting . . . 1,100 2 10 1 6 3 8 297 36 acres... 124,145 31 346 60 735 ... 162 37 55 1 2 ^ 38 acres... 1,788 7 26 45 39 Hay crops: AlTalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 243 1 7 3 5 6 40 acres. . . 7,494 44 100 30 59 178 Z Reported In small fractions. KANSAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959 257 Decatur Dickinson Edwards Ellsworth Finney Ford Geary Gove Grant Gray Greeley Hamilton Harvey 56 22 51 9 320 136 10 29 32 90 131 24 71 49 1 ■4,201 1,043 8,336 877 93,033 14,808 912 2,193 2,574 41,693 21,833 4,348 12,184 3,071 2 15 3 7 2 30 15 1 7 6 9 25 9 8 12 3 757 14i 179 76 953 641 17 328 181 612 753 561 144 261 4 12 1 13 1 3 6 6 6 7 3 9 5 552 Ui. 8 532 4 87 156 541 167 528 35 181 6 X,140 4,600 335 28,310 120 4,350 7,215 53,060 11,255 36,250 1,000 11,072 7 9,180 23,100 3,850 3,600 44,534 11,140 33,950 600 7,398 8 7 17 1 143 29 2 2 28 62 5 29 10 9 196 43 1,489 26 23,606 2,154 410 286 7,823 8,542 407 3,441 428 10 5 13 141 26 2 2 28 50 4 28 10 11 142 43 895 22,34« 1,643 360 230 7,654 7,812 309 3,039 405 12 ■453,200 120,400 2,122,246 85,157,167 5,376,976 724,000 313,600 30,703,894 31,209,980 553,004 7,869,680 1,204,450 13 133,800 750,746 74,928,155 2,382,763 691,000 50,000 23,368,812 25,829,750 427,004 6,562,622 816,240 14 2 5 134 11 1 1 2 23 8 1 18 4 15 66 42 1,131 13,587 584 46 115 553 4,823 599 32 1,027 148 16 1,558 1,344 18,740 450,984 8,004 1,300 3,000 6,880 178,230 9,216 557 28,314 4,772 17 1,558 1,344 5,670 441,679 7,898 1,300 2,900 6,140 175,642 9,138 557 27,799 4,572 18 1 ... 2 61 6 2 5 1 7 19 12 63 2,486 238 ... 65 217 50 252 20 350 2,710 86,973 69,802 4,975 3,330 1,500 8,636 7,506 2,500 2,500 5,412 3,362 a 22 10 3 16 1 147 47 1 3 13 25 25 8 39 U 23 390 125 449 6 7,918 1,450 12 230 462 697 933 294 1,522 387 24 1,347 416 1,439 12 29,753 5,235 24 600 1,903 2,709 3,138 852 3,958 1,044 25 338 125 160 23, as 47 3,163 49,836 1,172 90 140 672 8 1,091 19,962 380 142 1 30 100 1,166 243 26 27 28 29 1 64 17 130 114 1 575 2 (Z) 30 25 9 1 2 2 1 7 2 7 1 2 5 31 1,275 280 5 40 250 10 374 52 201 160 58 83 32 24 7 27 7 151 78 4 19 16 54 57 19 19 23 33 1,129 240 1,646 399 24,798 4,569 426 796 592 13,999 4,769 2,a3 3,484 1,009 34 2 2 27 2 119 48 3 4 55 59 10 19 6 35 19 21 2,839 281 14,111 4,139 92 101 10,239 5,797 812 1,916 483 36 2 11 1 1 2 1 1 37 45 477 13 29 70 6 30 38 3 3 5 1 4 2 5 1 4 39 233 61 276 40 181 47 147 40 77 40 258 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hasliell Hodgeman Jefferson Jewell Kearny Kingman Kiowa Lane 1 Irrigated cropland barvested .farms reporting. . . 155 101 15 72 118 21 807 33 4,945 36 4,373 2 acres. .. 55,042 7,541 741 5,133 30,260 CROPS FOR TOICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIQATED 3 Com: Com for an purposes farms reporting — 36 2 17 14 4 7 16 i acres... 1,844 30 1,288 526 74 167 678 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 20 1 17 5 1 4 6 acres. . . 1,132 20 1,288 246 19 U4 7 bushels . . . 95,733 800 82,840 9,090 80O 8,025 8 Com sold bushels . . . 82,343 55,260 500 800 7 5,375 9 9 Sorghums; Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting. . . 66 24 2 7 52 1 10 acres. . . 12,918 1,819 70 249 8,119 16 442 745 11 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting . . . 66 20 2 6 47 1 g 9 602 12 acres... 12,433 1,168 70 245 7,647 12 311 13 pounds... 49,579,116 3,713,160 319,310 617,600 24,212,768 26,880 1,056,470 1,719,200 U Sorghums sold pounds. . . 41,773,360 1,903,800 319,310 246,600 17,151,434 745,000 1,061,200 15 Small grains harvested: Wheat ............................. f aj^s reporting ... 23 3 44 3 \ 16 acres. .. 5,087 334 4,839 290 98 17 bushels — 138,602 5,932 138,503 3,054 2,910 18 bushels sold. .. 137,725 5,382 132,196 2,856 2,910 19 Barley farms reporting. . . 3 5 1 24 2 1 20 acres... 62 167 4 1,171 42 34 21 bushels... 1,985 3,640 120 29,137 1,200 2,000 22 bushels sold. .. 1,885 15,217 467 23 Hay crops: and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 34 42 8 43 8 16 4 24 acres... 769 761 132 2,610 142 6a 76 25 tons... 3,035 3,204 339 8,842 472 2,597 229 26 tons sold.. . 928 603 U4 6,021 62 795 31 27 Miscellaneous crops harvested;^ Sugar beets for sugar farms reporting. . . 6 7 2S acres. .. 318 339 29 tons. . . 5,205 6,267 30 Vegetables for sale acres . . . 16 17 (Z) CROPS FOR WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREACffi WAS IRRIGATED 31 Com for all purposes farms reporting. . . 2 9 43 1 1 1 32 acres. .. 362 450 2.712 10 30 13 33 Sorghums for en purposes. •• ..fanns reporting... 80 69 3 20 49 8 19 25 34 acres... 14,625 3,275 101 656 6,778 220 1,057 2,164 35 Small grains harvested: Wheat. farms reporting. . . 107 26 1 37 3 24 10 36 acres... 18,693 898 14 5,002 176 2,190 563 37 Barley farms reporting. . . 2 ... 2 2 38 acres. . . 23 * ... 65 47 39 Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating .farms reporting. . . 1 3 3 4 1 40 acres... 14 30 a4 55 25 Z Reported in small fractlona. KANSAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 259 Logan Mcpherson Marshall Meade Mitchell Xtorton Ness Norton Osborne Pawnee Phillips Potta- WBtcmie Pratt Rawlins Reno 20 97 29 81 33 26 48 60 60 107 38 31 53 45 97 1 3,625 4,765 1,593 18,306 1,908 6,366 3,231 3,199 2,667 12,889 2,381 3,342 4,384 3,058 4,288 2 9 32 2 12 6 1 4 9 a 15 12 8 U 18 12 3 729 675 80 437 151 15 61 595 829 391 702 430 364 1,001 253 4 5 21 2 5 3 1 ... 6 15 2 10 7 1 13 8 5 576 392 80 111 91 6 319 701 15 620 329 1 696 162 6 32,120 27, 317 3,700 8,761 5,524 130 19,096 48,927 480 37,760 27,360 35 41,045 6,572 7 30,800 12,279 ... 1,261 5,524 ... ... 13,278 34,885 380 23,180 7,910 24,075 3,772 8 4 20 33 4 4 6 8 3 21 3 8 11 5 12 9 73i 877 5,434 252 740 492 406 126 2,640 107 479 495 451 515 10 4 20 32 4 4 6 5 3 21 3 6 3 2 11 11 55A 836 5,167 244 740 415 275 126 2,161 97 184 145 105 318 12 1,583,700 2,717,010 ... 18,257,476 876,040 2,923,200 1,290,200 645,000 a7,400 9,416,160 388,000 686, XX) 433,200 256,650 1,071,392 13 1,096,500 2,052,560 14,740,638 735,600 2,306,233 888,520 493,200 408,000 5,790,500 114,400 563,400 277,200 ... 550,680 14 1 3 ... 8 3 3 3 1 1 3 15 10 83 1,775 89 60 U6 26 116 135 16 280 3,303 27,245 1,200 1,525 1,940 650 2,600 4,475 17 280 3,147 26,045 1 7 240 1,080 1,525 1 7 395 1,890 5 100 4,330 2,030 650 2,350 4,365 1 20 400 18 19 20 21 22 5 8 13 6 4 U 13 7 21 1 4 19 13 30 23 67 112 639 108 4S 2S3 231 149 661 15 224 463 356 791 24 247 430 1,720 215 270 986 910 660 2,136 75 990 1,675 1,510 2,081 25 80 100 5 257 40 ... 151 157 54 7 698 15 35 920 93 1 365 3 475 43 26 27 28 29 30 26 23 1 27 20 3 20 17 2 10 3 31 626 1,387 30 800 720 177 1,167 897 87 242 73 32 13 58 7 37 22 17 36 21 26 71 7 12 27 19 45 33 928 2,066 96 3,823 1,171 2,908 1,806 459 681 5,a8 152 608 1,711 724 1,587 34 6 1 40 1 21 7 6 1 27 2 18 4 6 35 373 4 5,844 40 2,660 374 1A2 28 1,795 89 964 94 461 36 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 2 37 25 ... 51 10 40 10 12 17 38 1 8 2 5 3 2 16 5 12 5 4 3 8 7 39 50 143 20 181 34 27 408 59 347 150 510 62 149 143 40 260 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table lla.-FARMS REPORTING ACREAGE AND QUANTITY OF CROPS Item (For definitions and explftnations. spe text) Republic Rice Riley Roolts Rush SaUne Scott Sedgwick 1 Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting... 213 34 20 20 109 55 180 96 2 acres. .. CROPS FOH WHICH ENTIRE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED 17,327 2,000 1,339 933 6,742 3,663 46,335 2,799 3 Corn: Coin for wi 1 piu*p086S • •••••-••p> - f wnnp rsportlnc. • ■ 79 2 3 5 24 19 29 n 4 acres... 6,236 40 87 245 365 560 2,695 412 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting. . . 79 1 3 4 6 12 20 6 6 acres.. . 6,172 30 87 155 66 285 2,330 228 7 bushels . . . 401,492 1,600 6,430 8,350 4,007 15,9.41 167,883 17,985 8 Com sold bushels... 294,773 3,500 3,417 10,895 151,183 15,100 9 Sorghums: SorghumB for all purposes farms reporting... 16 ... 1 29 6 62 4 10 acres . . . 355 100 1,401 236 U,591 108 11 Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting... 14 1 27 5 60 3 12 acres. . . 309 85 1,131 186 11,108 98 13 pounds . . . 1,017,555 280,000 3,544,844 565,190 33,129,244 257,600 14 Sorghums sold pounds. . . 628,195 270,000 1,498,140 140,950 22,106,704 220,400 15 Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. . . 1 1 1 2 1 33 4 16 acres. . . 120 10 24 20 65 4,849 78 17 bushels . . . 2,000 100 288 300 1,500 199,065 1,936 18 bushels sold . . . 2,000 60 288 300 1,500 193,569 1,836 19 Barley farms reporting. . . 1 1 6 ... 20 acres. .. 35 70 409 ZL bushels . . . 1,200 2,300 10,580 22 bushels sold. . . 2,800 8,480 23 Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 4 16 4 7 55 8 46 9 24 125 384 58 250 926 197 1,159 112 25 tons. .. 570 1,246 240 1,245 3,731 701 4,503 346 26 tons sold... 136 155 1,030 20 1,101 12 27 Miscellaneous crops harvested: ^itrflT- >i«»ptn f riT" Riipar ............ farms reoortinff . . . 1 4 28 acrea... 5 130 29 totis. . . 90 1,740 30 Vegetables for sale acres... 1 64 (z) 1 6 91 CROPS FOR WHICH ONLY A PART OF THE ACREAGE WAS IRRIGATED 31 Com for all purposes farms reporting. . . 123 12 3 3 15 ... 8 32 acres. . . 8,175 332 54 26 349 ... 199 33 Sorghums for all purposes farms reporting... 71 27 6 6 67 28 109 23 34 acres. . . 1,959 1,300 320 92 3,023 875 16, 524 996 35 Small grains harvested: Wheat farms reporting. . . 2 5 1 1 23 31 1 36 acres. . . 35 100 129 30 843 8,782 4 37 Barley farms reporting. . . 1 1 38 4 15 39 Hay crops: Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay and for dehydrating farms reporting. . . 3 4 2 5 5 10 1 6 40 acres. . . 16 76 133 224 67 1,244 14 162 Z Reported in email fractions. KANSAS HARVESTED FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1959-Continued 261 Seward Shamee Sheridan Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Thomas Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson lH^andotte All other counties i2 42 57 61 92 41 94 57 47 54 56 173 12 10 226 1 15,«I0 3,282 5,840 8,797 5,068 3,448 41,044 24,498 6,505 9,594 2,451 48,074 240 245 7,625 2 11 5 25 44 39 2 17 6 21 15 5 35 19 3 1,285 287 1,425 4,056 2,120 13 1,192 1,219 1,447 923 341 2,157 781 4 7 5 14 39 34 ... 14 6 15 9 5 29 14 5 1,069 287 696 3,X3 1,858 939 1,198 1,030 644 341 1,953 447 6 79,400 21,242 46,345 a7,933 114,890 65,370 66,750 58,200 29,700 25,150 132,680 26,196 7 79,400 21,192 27,040 176,905 60,690 61,690 62,500 36,600 18,200 17,100 101,720 11,660 8 23 3 12 17 9 3 30 U. 11 14 2 55 10 9 4,635 46 1,780 1,129 278 187 6,500 4,023 844 2,226 59 10,500 283 10 a 3 12 15 8 3 28 14 U 14 2 55 9 u 3,957 46 1,700 1,060 237 133 6,090 3,985 675 1,934 59 10,221 202 12 12,710,118 176,610 5,610,400 ?, 246, 804 557, a7 358,080 18,613,768 10,292,270 1,748,408 4,345,454 269,920 28,825,898 610,340 13 9,593,944 176,610 3,400,000 1,494,204 263,832 276,080 14,128,908 6,147,670 1,366,920 3,201,392 50,000 23,567,152 295,533 14 8 3 1 1 14 13 1 5 39 3 15 2,125 139 22 68 3,927 4,832 17 704 5,048 63 16 34,253 5,200 500 1,360 153,703 159,084 350 25,790 183,570 2,090 17 33,893 5,100 500 1,224 151,731 151,077 350 25,300 177,859 2,090 18 1 1 3 5 1 3 2 ... 19 ... 4 20 ... 59 320 25 53 120 20 85 80O . . . ... 1,930 840 9,900 8,400 700 700 1,660 840 4,800 4,300 a 22 16 1 15 14 6 12 19 ' 11 10 2 32 30 23 773 10 345 418 90 412 408 265 351 312 39 1,037 634 24 3,295 20 1,326 1,880 205 797 1,382 978 844 1,180 150 3,4a 2,165 25 1,474 190 ... 490 6 220 3,760 30 62 530 3 491 8,100 627 135 458 446 29 1,919 31,922 290 26 27 28 29 97 (Z) 6 185 40 (Z) ... 199 (z) 118 a4 30 25 1 3 40 2 1 8 2 44 11 2 53 31 ... 2,592 150 340 1,597 60 50 626 UO 1,671 576 220 1,837 32 12 2 39 28 42 27 59 39 27 34 14 95 63 33 2,456 116 1,844 2,001 874 1,408 17,018 8,082 2,803 3,590 332 12,994 1,902 34 24 3 8 10 64 31 7 20 82 2 35 3,640 144 371 ... 311 9,528 2 185 5,313 1 28 229 2 100 1,615 1 5 ... 9,663 5 337 23 2 66 36 37 38 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 41 39 68 83 31 78 20 60 20 10 25 1,029 40 262 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST fTor definitions anil pxplanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nursor>' and greenhouse proilucls. flower and vef:etable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms refxvtin^ 1059 . dollars 1S59. 1954. On farnis with sales of ■^■.?.rl(10 or more farms reportine 1950. dollars 1050. Nursery products (trees, shrubs. vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reportinp 1950 . 1054. acres used for gro\vinE 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist gt«ens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959, 1054. Grown under glass Farms reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 19,59 , 1954, Grown in the open farms reportinc 1959. 1954, acres used for growing 1959 . 1954, Sales dollars 1959 , 1954, Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reportinp 1959 , 1954, Grown under glass or in house faiTns reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959. 1954. acres used for Rowing 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms rerwtinc loso . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1059 - dollars 1959. 1054. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 19.50 . dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. Sales of firewood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1959. dollars 1950. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1950. dollars' 1959 . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959. 1054. cords (4' X 4' X 8') 10,50, 1054, Sales farms reporting 1059 , conlsfl' <4'x6'110.59, "ence posts cut , tarms refiorling 1950. 1054 . numlter 1050. 1054. Sales farms reporting 1050 . number 1954 . Snwiogs and venopr logs rut farms reporting 1050 . thousands of board feet 1959. Sales farms reporting 1059. thousands of board feet 1959 , 461 •4,458,582 3,277,552 213 4,273,619 181 175 1,833 1,048 1,426,825 1,259,964 287 256 230 212 1,943,340 1,464,169 109 108 174 207 2,788,495 1,703,353 150 179 120 153 419,580 571,751 40 47 54 67 243,262 314,235 6,860 1,283 311,970 167,829 702 147,606 657 164,364 613 153,546 58 10,818 5,267 11,296 56,961 117,425 276 6,466 ^,056 7,513 465,984 1,534,952 306 171,504 256 76 468 3 18,440 8,720 1 17,040 1 4 1 3 400 1,220 2 1 2 1 10,200 12,500 1 1 Cz) 1 17,540 5,000 3 1 2 200 12,700 1 3 Cz) 2 500 2,500 118 14 3,753 3,269 5 825 9 2,928 2,928 92 155 799 1,573 3 65 45 94 10,894 31,052 7 4,950 3 5 9,445 (D) 9,525 13 ,015 1 1 8,630 (D) 2 1 2 1 1 (Z) 2 1 615 (D) 500 15 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 4,000 20 ,250 2,250 26 ,000 8,630 (D) 7,500 12,500 1 2 2 1 ... 1 1 1 50 1,200 1,000 1 1 1 1 (Z) (z) (z) 1 200 (D) 1,525 500 158 194 25 32 4,193 4,943 3,666 5,462 17 21 2,948 3,611 11 14 1,245 1,332 U 10 1,245 765 4 567 128 153 294 320 1,216 1 553 3,275 4,586 6 6 42 55 49 57 154 185 6,525 7,266 28,305 33,777 4 2 1,000 200 2 (D) 1 2 1,000 2 1 2 30 1,826 CD) 1,500 2 1 2 1 530 1,326 (D) 300 32 6 435 100 18 6 133 69 2 10 20 9 4,373 3,850 6 745 4 40,265 43,250 3 39,965 2 2 4 3 6,265 12,350 2 2 2 2 12,200 14,000 (Z) 32,500 23,100 1 2 1 1 2,800 2,500 (Z) 1,500 2,800 36 3 2,305 3 2,305 15 18 297 104 2 190 24 34 4,558 6,444 1 900 6 81,915 34,125 4 81,100 2 2 1 16 400 4,050 4 3 3 2 50,030 55,000 2 1 5 1 73,165 30,075 3 3 25,050 8,350 163 26 4,640 3,908 13 2,273 13 2,367 13 2,367 122 249 1,596 2,861 4 25 46 165 10,384 39,179 10 4,705 4 24,055 44,845 3 23,855 1 2 5 3 8,000 3,300 3 3 3 2 17,160 20,000 (Z) 15,905 40,020 1 3 1 2 160 .,540 (Z) 150 1,525 109 20 3,117 2,699 15 2,701 5 416 5 361 1 55 87 269 923 2,712 3 32 26 150 2,519 30,461 1 91 D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported in small fractions. KANSAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954 263 Chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyenne Clarl: Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglaa 2 1 5 2 1 3 6 2 1 13 11 2 7 11 1 15,050 (D) 87,325 150 65 (D) 22,977 CD) CD) 127,668 118, 4U CD) 57,393 65,165 2 1,780 3,533 39,922 2,950 25 3,200 8,100 4,150 1,450 100,932 166,129 550 49,756 200 78,625 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 6 5 8 4 15,000 (D) 85,000 ... (D) 20,000 CD) CD) 124,563 116,334 56,618 62,290 S 2 1 1 2 3 1 5 3 1 3 5 6 2 "i "2 1 1 3 1 6 4 3 4 7 1 (Z) (Z) 2 4 Cz) 9 2 "i 14 32 8 2 2 2 1 1 12 1 10 34 14 42 9 950 50 ... CD) 3,525 CD) 4,335 2,000 lit) 15,265 24,340 10 330 400 i,6ii 750 ... 200 800 ... 200 10,895 47,125 3,650 25,800 11 1 1 5 1 3 4 2 1 10 7 1 5 7 12 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 9 7 1 4 3 13 1 1 4 1 3 2 2 1 9 5 1 5 7 14 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 9 5 1 3 3 15 2,000 261,360 47,584 325 3,680 22,375 3,450 1,900 69,880 86,778 500 13,800 48,515 16 1,500 2,000 32,000 4,320 ISO 18,000 1,800 2,100 35,350 176,140 960 33,700 38,460 17 1 1 '2 4 1 ... 1 2 3 4 1 3 3 2 18 19 1 1 '3 2 Cz) Cz) Cz) 1 4 (Z) 3 4 1 SO 21 14,100 CD) 87,150 '50 CD) 17,952 CD) CD) U7,833 72,383 CD) 41,603 37,125 22 1,200 2,100 30,500 2,200 25 5,050 650 750 49,966 76,757 250 45,558 50,750 23 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 5 1 2 5 24 1 3 4 . . . 1 3 1 "i 8 4 1 3 1 2 25 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 5 26 1 "3 4 1 2 1 "i 6 4 1 3 1 2 27 1B4 264 1,240 2,000 7,3X 98,375 300 120 5,240 28 500 648 11,775 18,000 6,600 4,191 566 32,050 144,070 960 6,500 720 10,090 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 "3 2 1 1 1 2 30 31 ... 1 "3 Cz) 1 Cz) CZ) '16 2 2 Cz) CZ) 1 32 33 175 166 15 Ci) 1,500 CD) ... 5,500 44,030 CD) 525 ... 3,700 34 250 1,033 8,4U 3,000 2,250 3,500 500 40,071 42,247 300 548 200 2,075 35 35 69 130 5 78 24 206 10 108 47 4 43 144 195 36 2 19 26 1 U 6 56 4 43 19 12 34 40 37 190 3,527 5,319 90 4,113 841 9,301 1,868 8,297 7,514 3,328 8,375 8,838 38 945 1,170 3,110 1,233 856 1,634 24 4,663 2,443 1,185 1,810 3,346 39 12 7 7 1 42 29 9 5 29 25 40 1,674 1,725 1,122 250 7,021 6,418 2,763 1,710 6,560 6,454 41 "2 9 19 1 9 5 15 4 15 12 7 7 18 42 190 1,853 3,594 90 2,991 591 2,280 1,868 1,879 4,751 1,618 1,815 2,384 43 2 8 19 1 7 5 14 4 14 12 7 7 17 44 190 1,053 1 800 3,594 ... 90 2,046 2 945 491 1 100 2,220 1 60 1,868 1,565 2 314 4,751 1,618 1,815 2,084 2 300 45 4« 47 29 48 105 2 62 19 165 1 63 27 2 29 111 153 48 107 232 171 6 116 38 286 3 113 108 9 111 138 249 49 282 527 1,203 12 635 146 1,951 10 495 256 13 436 1,001 1,444 SO 1,082 2,213 1,541 44 1,453 259 3,064 25 879 874 47 1,348 1,283 2,639 SI 1 4 8 3 2 9 6 3 ... 5 2 7 S2 10 73 91 ... 33 21 113 73 40 146 45 40 S3 11 21 30 4 25 6 38 9 44 22 3 19 36 47 54 59 106 114 "i 9 116 32 140 25 86 137 7 106 lU 116 55 621 4,983 9,577 575 4,381 855 6,469 5,635 6,866 12,808 300 1,995 8,062 3,286 66 9,280 23,806 20,605 5 1,415 20,957 7,446 20,804 11,966 24,135 33,002 1,500 14,125 22,490 23,255 57 1 2 9 1 3 3 4 4 10 7 3 3 6 58 200 385 5,575 200 925 625 700 4,150 1,801 9,390 350 2,200 2,630 59 5 4 3 2 11 2 4 ... 4 6 BO 8 7 14 52 48 4 14 28 25 11 3 2 2 2 1 3 2 5 62 6 7 52 31 1 5 15 20 63 264 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For derinitions nnd explanations, see text) Finney Geary Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: \urscr\- and greenhouse r^ftliicts. Oo^er and vepelable seeds and plants, flowers, ami bulbs sold ramis reporting 19,'»9. . dollars 1959,, 1954 , , r^n farms with sales of -^'^.OIX) or more famjs reportinc 1959 , , dollars 1959.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines. omamentAls, etc.) fanns reportinp 1959. , 1954,, acres used for growinj: 1959. , * 1954.. Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959, , 1954.. (jrown under glass farms reporting 1959 . , 1954.. square feet 1959 . . 1954.. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. acres used for growing 1959.. 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954.. Vegetables ^yown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . . , 1954 . , , Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . , , square feet 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 1954 . . . acres used for ^nwing 1959 . . . 1954 . . . Sales dollars 1959 . . . 1954... Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . . . iales of any forest producis fonns reporting 1959 , , dollars 1959.,. 1954... Sales of standing timber fanns reporting 1959 . . , dollars 1959... Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 , . dollars 1959... Sales of firewood, fence poats, and sawlogs farms repeating 1959 . . . dollars 195!).,, Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959 , , dollars 1959 ,, . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959, , , 1954... cords {4' X 4' X B*) 19.59 . . . 1954 . . . Sales farms repotting 1959 . . . cocdB(l'x4'x6')1959... Fence posts cut farms reporting 1959... 1954 . . . numtier 1959. . . 1954 . , , Sales farms reporting 1959,,, number 1954 , , , Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1959 , , , thousands of Ix^ard feet 1959 ,, , Sales farms reporting 1959 ,, , thousands of board feel 1959 ,. , 2 (D) 12,500 1 (D) 2 1 1 Cz) (D) 1,000 2 1 2 1 5,010 4,500 (Z) CD) 1,500 2 2 336 1 16 10,666 5 2 1,605 2 1,605 2 1,605 3 6 7 36 1 3 20 3,830 5,084 1 3,500 1 (D) 4,710 1 (D) 3 1 310 1 1 1 1 10,000 2,000 (D) 4,000 25 3,119 3,827 16 1,871 12 1,248 12 1,248 102 163 1,007 1,511 5 62 42 120 7,404 34,430 7 1,395 2 2,900 3,045 1 2,275 2 1 5 (Z) 2,150 2 2 2 2 450 1,300 2 550 1,900 2 3 2 3 250 1,700 200 1,065 (Z) 930 16 49 160 350 7 23 773 1,732 4 30,955 8,500 4 30,955 3 2 11 2 16,960 700 2 2 2 2 12,850 8,500 9,995 5,300 1 1 1 1 8,000 1,700 4,000 2,500 5 24,050 48,784 3 23,150 3 4 8 24 2,900 17,105 3 5 2 5 7,047 7,404 2 2 (Z) 1 21,150 25,450 3 3 2,760 1 1 6,229 2 1 400 1 400 8 373,404 354,707 5 372,869 2 4 390 6 307,184 305,682 3 5 2 5 35,200 31,125 2 11 50,025 42,120 6 6 4 5 7,835 13,585 2 1 11 CZ) 16,195 6,905 232 59 9,472 6,568 46 5,574 19 3,898 18 3,878 1 20 190 365 1,582 3,042 8 268 47 186 7,400 35,800 8 2,050 1 CD) 25,000 1 CD) 1 1 5 6 CD) 5,000 1 1 1 1 12,000 15,000 CD) 20,000 73 20 4,210 2,488 10 3,316 10 894 6 402 4 492 56 177 657 1,612 4 38 13 113 1,333 17,828 3 49 D Data not ahown to avoid dlecloeure of individual operatla Z Reported In small fractltmfl . KANSAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 265 GrahBni Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood HamlltoD Harper Harvey HaskeU Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Jolmson Kearny 1 2 7 8 1 2 1 1 33 1 538 13,000 82,890 55,252 600 (D) 100 (W 310,134 2 3,750 81,300 31,560 7,000 700 14,230 1,185 5,500 165,485 266 3 2 1 3 1 1 16 < U,000 81,850 1 51,191 3 1 (D) 1 1 (D) 298,284 18 S 6 1 4 1 2 3 3 "i 7 2 5 "3 (Z) 2 90 8 1 3 2 (Z) 1 18 (Z) 9 300 2,520 600 (D) 100 201,278 10 2,000 8,200 766 130 55 116,000 50 U 1 2 5 7 2 1 U 12 2 4 5 i 2 2 1 12 1 13 1 2 4 4 2 1 10 M 2 3 4 "i 2 "i 1 10 15 224 11,600 19,270 30,200 12,620 ... 2,310 70,567 1« 5,400 54,900 1 3 (Z) 1 24,920 4 2 10 2 1,000 12,560 1 ii) 130 1 2 3,000 1 (Z) 61,748 2 4 1 58 "i (z) 17 le 19 20 21 480 12,000 82,375 52,232 (D) (D) 99,361 22 2,200 69,300 21,260 3,500 10,100 1,080 5,000 47,850 156 23 1 1 3 1 2 1 9 24 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 25 "i 1 3 1 2 1 8 26 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 27 224 1,200 431 500 3,620 2,310 29,850 28 4,518 10,000 8,100 1,666 5,000 '32 1,000 3,400 4 29 30 1 "i 1 13 31 32 (z) "i 1 . . . 33 58 1,000 215 500 (D) (D) 9,495 34 1,550 10,000 2,100 3,566 4,000 56 500 1,635 35 1 1 90 26 49 2 141 260 79 92 36 13 6 9 1 65 48 14 17 37 2,042 990 754 900 11,160 7,313 14,658 3,059 38 39 40 41 1,047 806 1,574 2,»95 4,250 1,288 727 5 1 49 29 9 8 684 130 7,684 5,265 2,540 1,546 9 6 8 1 19 21 6 12 42 1,358 990 624 900 3,476 2,048 12,118 1,513 43 9 6 7 1 16 19 6 8 44 1,358 990 524 1 100 900 3,110 4 366 1,702 2 346 12,118 411 4 1,102 45 46 47 1 71 10 35 1 77 202 59 61 48 6 1 208 "i 27 95 3 287 335 U5 65 49 12 668 37 312 5 932 2,051 1,887 493 . . . 50 61 10 2,531 3 28 "i 200 817 3 33 23 3,012 9 218 3,381 11 116 1,544 2 1,184 520 3 23 51 52 53 1 28 17 32 1 30 77 18 32 54 "i 1 131 61 89 1 150 221 95 59 "2 55 200 6,960 4,810 3,874 2,500 4,351 12,345 3,705 4,120 56 1,700 50 23,399 21,651 11,492 50 29,146 41,300 17,130 7,680 iio 57 5 6 4 1 8 7 3 3 53 1,950 2,200 430 2,000 2,066 870 450 180 59 6 3 14 2 5 60 15 5 41 3 6 61 1 3 1 2 62 8 6 3 4 63 266 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST {For dermitions rikI explanations, see text) KlngBlBll Leavenworth Logan 54 I Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown tor sale: Nurset\ and greenhouse products, (lower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold Tamis repotting 1059 . dollars ID.M. 1954. On farms « ith sales of *2,0(X) or more farms reporting 19.59 . dollars 1059. Nursery prrxjucts (Irees. shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reportinp 1959 . 1954 . acres used for growing 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Cut flowecs. potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 . 1954. Grown under glass ranr,s reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 19.59 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for growing 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegeiable seeds. vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms repeating 1959 . 1954. Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1959. 1954. square feet 1959 . 1954. Grown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for ^wing 1959 . 1954 . Sales dollars ltr59. 1954. Any forest pfoducts cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. 1954. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 19.59. dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959 . Sales of firewood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1059. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1959 . 1954. conls(4'x 4' xe') 19.50. 1054. Sales farms reporting 1959. cords (I'x 4' <6'1 19.59. r""nce posts cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . number 1954 . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 19.59 . thousands of board feet 1959. Sales farms reporting 1059 . thousands of boanl feet 1059 . 16,970 6 2 15,000 23,000 2 2 2 2 6,114 9,080 1 1 1,870 20,070 1 2 1 1 MA 9,000 1 CZ) 100 4,700 9 3,340 1,534 2 225 9 3,115 9 3,115 12 51 87 498 1 1 20 116 14,950 32,679 9 6,900 700 310 1 1 1 1 400 500 (Z) 300 290 1 i 600 38,495 40,730 7 5 6 5 37,926 59,500 3 2 3 4 37,993 32,100 4 2 4 1 1,210 3,000 (Z) 5 502 8,630 143 55 12,046 4,567 28 4,550 34 7,496 33 6,974 5 522 83 176 727 2,399 5 17 63 145 21,515 31,373 21 12,620 10 16 1 71,746 (D) 65,200 8,900 6 1 67,538 (D) 8 8 1 67 103 (Z) 22,228 30,750 200 10 1 5 1 6 1 3 1 65,300 10,000 11,330 10,640 6 4 1 30 24 (z) 48,918 (D) 29,000 7,500 2 1 7 1 2 1 6 1 2,450 15,000 5,850 1,200 1 1 60O (D) 5,450 1,200 149 23 33 2 22,085 453 4,751 638 19 2 17,887 451 14 4,198 14 4,198 m 430 1,176 3,486 6 197 43 198 10,372 34,184 8 4,450 10 1 2 20 23 89 220 5 18 104 3,587 2 613 625 1 1 (Z) (Z) 150 450 2 (Z) 46S 175 190 53 13,862 6,557 37 9,593 20 4,264 19 4,214 1 50 139 239 1,509 2,374 12 229 50 151 7,219 38,565 5 1,165 (D) 1 900 (D) D Data not shown to avoid disclosure of individual operations. Z Reported In small fractions. KANSAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 267 McPhcrson Marlon Mai-shaU Meade Ulanl Mitchell Montgomery Morris Morton Neiiaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne 7 6 4 1 4 1 11 1 5 6 2 4 2 1 71,830 12,900 28,375 1,200 28,600 (D) 92,976 (D) 7,025 29,085 (D) 15,452 (D) 2 57,817 14,150 37,250 37,500 49,300 12,000 7,519 21,249 4,100 10,087 12,500 3 5 1 2 2 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 4 71,800 10,600 27,000 26,500 (D) 92,226 (D) 4,000 25,500 (D) 14,333 5 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 6 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 7 14 "s 2 (Z) C2) 10 (z) (Z) S 26 1 1 1 24 (z) 2 "i 9 14,530 1,650 1,300 1,000 (D) 3,550 1,500 (i) 10 16,950 450 50 500 12,600 298 649 2,606 11 5 4 3 3 1 8 1 3 5 1 2 1 12 4 3 2 1 5 1 3 3 2 2 1 13 5 1 2 3 1 7 1 3 5 1 2 1 14 4 3 2 1 5 1 2 3 2 2 1 15 20,474 10,000 26,800 55,380 100 61,624 5,000 8,600 28,457 3,500 5,200 6,000 le 18,328 17,850 14,800 6,250 35,240 5,000 8,100 14,200 10,000 15,484 10,000 17 1 3 1 3 2 2 18 1 1 "l ... 2 2 3 1 1 19 (Z) "i (z) t . . 2 (Z) 7 20 (z) 1 (Z) 4 (2) 4 W (z) 21 52,400 10,600 26,075 26,500 (D) 86,998 (i>) 4,700 28,265 Id) 14,333 (D) 22 37,767 13,100 37,000 32,000 36,150 12,000 6,000 18,500 3,200 8,050 10,000 23 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 2 2 24 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 "i 25 3 "i 1 "i 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 26 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 "i 27 2,300 1,200 1,800 384 2,880 50 3,808 1,875 2,096 1,850 1,350 28 2,900 1 (Z) 1,850 540 1,255 350 "i "i 3,100 2 (i) 1,100 2 1 10,000 1 (Z) 24 "i "i 2,566 29 30 31 32 33 4,900 650 1,000 1,200 i,io6 (D) 2,428 825 820 (D) 1,119 34 3,100 600 200 5,000 550 1,221 2,100 900 37 2,566 3S 64 75 247 2 293 10 170 69 268 96 1 11 152 18 36 9 3 32 47 3 26 12 49 27 ... 1 25 1 37 2,496 140 5,945 11,846 775 4,721 2,149 9,472 5,374 45 5,1A7 200 38 2,352 1,372 2,395 3,347 762 8,492 3,434 1,890 270 2,576 520 39 1 1 19 34 "i 7 8 27 16 1 9 40 35 75 2,925 9,225 575 756 1,680 5,870 3,588 45 1,372 41 8 2 16 15 2 20 6 23 13 17 "i 42 2,461 65 3,020 2,621 200 3,965 469 3,602 1,786 3,775 200 43 8 2 15 U 2 19 6 22 13 17 1 44 1,379 65 2,820 2,271 200 2,965 469 3,482 1,786 ... 3,775 200 45 2 1 2 1 1 46 1,082 200 350 1,000 120 47 46 68 227 1 248 6 138 50 HA 61 9 121 15 48 125 136 450 5 258 25 231 165 278 230 2 37 296 63 49 405 494 2,631 1 2,139 43 1,306 587 2,783 577 48 1,282 126 50 852 1,266 4,929 46 2,403 253 1,963 2,539 3,827 2,293 "9 412 2,917 772 51 2 1 10 6 2 8 1 14 6 11 1 52 13 6 187 94 20 123 4 173 32 315 20 53 21 21 4t> 1 83 2 69 24 61 39 1 5 42 2 54 103 105 213 5 176 15 111 98 150 185 1 26 176 33 55 5,195 2,929 7,931 50 14,179 220 12,782 5,050 U,583 7,901 28 550 5,302 600 56 22,733 13,755 39,703 590 30,490 1,452 16,378 16,243 33,469 40,537 100 3,030 29,140 3,467 67 7 1 4 4 10 4 7 7 7 56 2,775 10 2,000 2,680 3,410 565 1,337 1,590 1,389 59 1 1 14 8 3 7 14 1 2 .e( 2 2 17 2 2 24 4 5 1 16 2 8 18 1 7 87 2 46 4 1 30 26 61 62 63 268 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST (For definilions ami oxplanatiors, see text) PMlJlps Potta- watomie Republic Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs, grown for sale: Nu^scf^ and greenhouse prcxfucls. flower anti vepelAble seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold farms reporting 1959 . dollars 19.S9. 1954. On farms witfi sales of ^2,OtlO or more. . . . famis reporting 1959. dollars 1959 . Nurawy protlucts (trees, shrubs. vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for growing 1959. 1954. Sales dollars 19,59 . 1954 . Cut flowers, polled planU). florist greens, and bedding plants fanns reporting 1959. 1954. Grown under glass fanra reporting 1959. 1954. stjuare feel 19.59 . 1054. (jrown in the open farms reporting 1959 . 1954. acres used for growing 1959 . 1954. Sales dollars 1959. 1954. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds. vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms farms reporting 1959 . 1954. (irowTi under glass or in house farm-s reporting 1959 . 1954. square feet 1959. 1954. Grown in the open farms repotting 1950 . 1954. acres used for growing 1959 . 1954 . Sales dollars 1959 . 1954. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars Ifrso. 1954. Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest poducts farms reporting 1959 . dollars 19.59. Sales of firewood, fence posts, and sawlogs farms reporting 1959. dollars 1950 . Sales of other miscellaneous products farms reporting 1959. dollars 1959 . Firewood and fuel wood cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. cords (4' x 4' X 8') 1959 . 1954. .Sales farms reprxting 1959 . cords ( r X 4' X 6') 1959 . ""nee posts cul farms reporting 1959. 1954. number 1959. 1954 . Sales farms reporting 1959 . numlier 1954 . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut . . farms reporting 1959 . thousands of boani feet 1959. Sales farms reporting 1959. thousands of honiti foet 1959 . 600 950 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 1,000 100 300 100 1 1 1 1 1,000 600 300 750 33 12 2,068 1,333 6 1,115 7 953 7 943 20 52 189 *74 3 70 54 990 11,878 3 550 1 (D) 1 1 (D) 1 75 350 1 75 3 5 600 2,830 1 165 215 1 1 1 1 552 562 3 97,368 67,417 2 96,668 3 4 3 4 67,400 31,320 97,018 52,500 1 4 1 3 400 8,560 (Z) 165 350 215 14,917 13 273 1 34 100 14,093 20 4,200 15 2,469 1 22 100 11,624 1 20 100 11,483 2 141 9 239 45 387 69 3,838 544 4,791 1 16 10 1,118 6 83 38 254 900 13,504 5,758 43,261 3 450 19 40 1 4 2 (D) 10,800 1 2 (Z) 6 (D) 6,000 2 3 2 3 3,000 2,700 1 1 (Z) (z) (D) 4,200 1 3 1 3 400 750 (D 600 1 45 200 1 21 lOO 4,305 1 100 1 15 1 500 199,955 (D) 2,700 54,170 21,006 8 1 193,585 m 3 1 1 5 2 88 3 27 2 34,327 (D) 200 23,000 1,006 1 12 1 1 U 1 1 6 1 1 6 1 500 92,105 16,000 450 16,625 16,000 ... 6 1 6 1 17 1 16 1 500 157,512 (D) 1,000 20,293 2 18,000 1 9 1 1 1 9 16,800 1 700 22,110 1 (z) 8,116 2,000 1,500 10,877 2,000 6 39 106 1 13 2 45 19,641 135 13,756 4,656 1 73 35 1 12 45 19,568 100 1 11 45 19,368 1 200 ]°° 6 22 97 18 137 169 59 162 1,039 107 958 1,981 5 40 10 1 20 21 6 186 107 100 47,412 2,414 445 60,465 23,804 1 6 100 42,150 1 3 D Data not shown to avoid dlacloaure of Individual operations. Z Reported In wnwn fractions. KANSAS PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS: CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued 269 Rllcy Rooks Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedgwick SemixJ Shflimee Sheridan Shennan Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens 6 2 1 2 6 63 22 1 2 1 2 1 1 74,637 (D) 150 21,040 152,838 704,262 373,537 34 (D) (D) (D) 1,000 2 70,800 1,500 24,000 155,500 434,857 2,700 367,034 35 2,000 1,950 18,464 3 A 2 5 32 U 1 1 4 i',,i.yi 21,040 151,906 680,298 333,092 (D) (D) 5 3 1 3 38 6 1 1 1 6 3 2 3 20 9 "2 1 2 7 20 1 82 211 526 1 1 1 8 12 2 94 158 303 1 (Z) 1 9 28,437 5,000 102,485 243,212 171,495 (6) (D) 1,000 10 3,800 20,000 120,500 176,775 220,700 '25 260 264 11 3 2 2 5 29 19 1 1 1 2 12 7 1 2 4 a 1 17 1 1 2 13 3 1 2 2 23 12 1 1 1 14 5 1 2 4 15 1 9 1 1 2 15 27,000 150 4,100 9,200 218,885 82,236 7,100 216 5,800 16 34,332 500 5,300 78,000 74,704 11,000 79,726 2,300 693 12,000 17 1 2 4 12 10 "i 2 18 4 1 3 U 10 1 1 19 (z) 1 4 18 a 1 1 20 5 (z) 3 28 29 (Z) 1 21 46,000 (i) 16,040 11,535 426,194 181,792 28 (i>) (D) (D) 22 66,800 1,500 4,000 30,000 214,148 2,166 128, 575 2,000 550 18,000 23 1 1 1 4 13 5 1 24 2 1 1 3 1 17 11 1 7 4 1 1 1 25 26 2 150 ioo 2 35,000 12 67,524 1 7 26,000 "1 ... 1 1 27 28 259 2,000 103,032 1,000 32,080 80 660 '46 29 1 3 3 1 1 30 1 1 7 "i 31 (z) 8 4 (Z) 1 • . . 32 (z) 1 U (Z) 33 200 (D) iio 38,818 34,856 20,256 6 34 200 5,000 43,934 600 17,759 10 1,200 200 35 77 7 2 2 10 22 72 19 68 36 6 1 1 1 4 18 1 7 37 1,019 423 10 300 390 3,248 500 2,428 38 1,608 12 100 1,201 1,236 750 1,524 39 1 1 1 1 10 40 75 5 300 100 2,018 41 5 1 1 3 8 "1 '7 42 9U 423 5 290 1,230 500 2,428 43 3 1 1 3 7 1 6 44 259 423 5 290 1,220 500 2,408 45 2 1 1 46 685 10 20 47 71 2 2 1 8 16 47 14 25 48 261 24 1 14 73 33 183 78 56 49 731 12 42 10 45 112 488 205 214 50 2,895 249 10 163 1,001 245 1,618 94 782 408 51 2 1 3 5 1 52 18 40 29 23 50 53 15 5 2 1 3 9 27 9 51 54 147 16 4 15 58 49 97 60 122 55 1,815 400 100 10 440 1,342 5,560 850 16,020 56 24,882 2,336 540 1,421 6,452 11,701 14,851 225 12,618 32,732 57 1 1 1 2 6 58 175 50 10 2,200 5,350 59 1 2 60 3 2 61 62 63 270 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 12.-NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS CUT ON FARMS CENSUSES OF 1959 AND 1954-Continued (For definitions and explanations. Washington Nursery and greenhouse products, flowers, vegetable seeds and plants, and bultis, grown for sale; Nursety and greenhouse products, (lower and vegetable seeds and plants, (lowers, and bulbs sold fanns reporting 1959 . . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . On (arms with sales of $2,000 or more fanns reporting 1959 . . dollara 1959.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, omaroentals, etc.) fanns reporting 1959.. 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959. . 1954 . . Sales dollale 1959 . . 1954 . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants farms reporting 1959 . . 1954.. Grown under glass fanns reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . square feet 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown in the open farms reporting 1959. . 1954 . . acres used for growing 1959 . . 1954.. Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954 . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and muslrooms farms reporting 1959 . . 1954 . . Grown under glass cr in house farms reporting 1959. . 1954.. square feet 1959 . . 1954.. Grown in the open faima reporting 1959 . . ■ 1954 . . acres used for ^wing 1959 . . 1954 . . Sales dollars 1959 . . 1954. Any forest products cut and/or sold farms reporting 1959 . . Sales of any forest products farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959.. 1954 . . Sales of standing timber farms reporting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of all other forest products fanns repotting 1959 . dollBrsl959. Sales of firewtxxl, fence posts, and sawlogs farms repnting 1959 . dollars 1959. Sales of other miscellaneous products farms repcrtmg 1959 . dollars 1959 . Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1959. 1954. cords (4' X 4' x 8') 1959. 1954. Sales farms reporting 1959 . ends (4' x4'x8') 1959. Fence poets cut farms reporting 1959. . . 1954 . . . number 1959 .. . 1954 . . . Sales farms reporting 1959. . . niffnber 1959 . . . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reprtting 1959 .. . 61 thousands of board feet 1959 .. . 62 Sales ■ farms reporting 1959. . . thousands of boa. i feet 1959 .. . 7 42,735 10,700 3 41,140 5 5 21 3,845 9,000 14,500 400 38,640 1,500 1 1 1 1 130 200 250 200 1,718 2,248 3 496 6 1,222 5 1,126 1 96 23 30 233 321 2 22 63 6,115 16,050 4 2,325 140 1 1 300 20 3,367 1,950 8 1,475 12 1,892 11 1,592 1 300 55 213 638 1,942 5 45 46 149 9,486 23,236 6 1,704 1 (D) 3,139 2 (Z) 65 1 3 1 2 4,600 2,300 (Z) (D) 1,910 2 2 1,580 1,164 245 16 2,311 2,711 3 160 13 2,151 13 2,151 225 391 2,901 4,844 6 103 46 193 7,555 49,230 6 1,825 12 48,427 45,823 6 44,506 5 2 7 14 9,696 6,314 5 6 4 5 26,900 47,000 1 3 2 3 31,770 31,509 4 2 2 2 3,528 34,000 3 1 8 1 6,961 8,000 178 12 4,436 5,423 3 270 10 4,166 10 4,166 154 183 i,iao 1,574 46 114 15,757 32,484 8 8,257 3 1,442 1,290 2 2 2 1 4,630 2,500 1,028 1,000 2 1 1 1 600 2,500 (Z) 414 250 97 14 3,096 5,222 6 736 9 2,360 9 2,360 85 249 1,460 2,639 5 186 20 138 3,305 32,448 5 1,000 D Data not shown to avoid disclosvjre of individual operations . Z Reported in small fractions . APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (271) 272 THE QUESTIONNAIRE This census is «ulhorii*(f by Acl of Congress. United SUlea Code, Title 13. Sections 5. 9. 142. 221-4. requiring Ibat (be inquiries be answered completely and accuratelr. and guaranteeing tbat the information rurnished be accorded confidential treatment. The centua report cannot be uted for purpotea of taxation. invetHgation. or regulation. KANSAS A1 No. :e U.S. DEPARTMEHT OF COMMERCE— vultEAU OF THE CEWSUS PARSONS. KANSAS A « CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE ** * QUESTIONNAIRE: 1959 '! Section I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE Iv or anyone else fills Ihle questionnaire for (he person In charge. (ion is given for the person In charge.) OmCE ISt ONLY I 1. What is your name (person in charge}? T" (Middle InKlal) 2. What is your mail address? (Section 11— OWNERSHIP OWNED LAND Include all land and tracts of land owned, regardless of where located even though these are considered separate units; also cropland, pastureland. woodland. and wasteland. 3. How many acres do you own? . None Q (// no land t» owntd, mark X in Ihe aguare far "'.Vonir "I LAND RENTED OR LEASED FRilM OTHERS: Include all land and Iracta of land [ rented or leased by you regardless of where located. Include any separate fields, meadows, pastureland, woodland, and waateland. 4. How many acrf.s do you rent from others? Include acre-s worked on shares None □ (// ■ .Sone,' mnrk X and skip to quetlion [5^1 (a) What is the name and address of each landlord and the numb«?r of acres rented or worked on shares for each? Mail address (Post office and State) Mail address (Post office and State) Name of landlord Mail address (Post ofRce and State) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS: operate for [5] How many acrps do y others as a hired manager? (Enter the name and addrc 9 of employer under question 4(a) ) LAND RENTED OR I.E.ASED To OTHERS Include any separate fields and hay land rented to others. Include land worked on shares by others. Do not include land leased to the Government under the Soil Bank. » do vou rent to olhera? i If Wane. (a) Of the acres rented to i are owned by you? mark \ and akip to (juetlton [7J I None Q Acres ACRES IN THIS PLACE: ' Acres in lhl« place [7J Adding acres owned and acres rented from others, then subtracting acrea rented to others, we gel< (Question 3 plus question 4 minus question 6; if managed, question 5 minus question 6.) This is all the land operated by you even though part of it may be located elsewhere or in other counties The remaining questions of this report refer to the total acres of land reported for this question. LOCATION OK LAND S. Is any of this land located in anolber county? (// "No," mark X and ikip to qutitio (■) How many acres are in your county? (b) Give names of other counties and acres located in each. No n ves a [91) III.— CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR, 1959 Report all eropa harvested or to be harvested thtt gear from these (read answer for quealion 7) acres. IFtou rent or work land for others on shares include landlord's share. CORN: (Include the landlord's share aa sold if taken from this place 1 [9] Was any corn harvested for any purpose thi» year? . , No O Yes □ (// ",Vo," mark X and »kip (o ifueglion [HJ.) ^ (A ntwer the»r quettiont, \j " >'«.")^^ 10. Corn for all purposes? (Do not include sweet corn or popcorn.) (a) Corn for grain? (70 lb ear corn or Sfl lb. shelled COrn= 1 bu.) (b) Corn for silage? How many acres were or will be harvested? C2) How much was or will be harvested? (3) How much of thia f/ear'a crop way or will N- sold' (frrcn -»l|hi (c) Corn hogged or grated, or cut for green i fodder (ears not husked or snapped)? (The total of ih. ,.. and (c) must equtil SORGHCMS FOR GRAIN AND FORAGE (Include the landlord's share as sold if taken from this place.) [II] Were any sorghums harvested for any purpo.'ie thia gear? No D Y** (// "No." mark X and skip to queition [13J.) ^^^ (Answer these questions, \f "}>«.") ^^ 12. Sorghums for all purposes? (Include sorghums for grain, silage, forage, and pasture.) (a) Sorghums for grain or seed? How many acres were □ or will be (2) ' <3t I How much How much of thia was or \ yeor'a will be I crop was harvested? or will lie sold? (b) Sorghums for silage? (c) Sorghums cut for dry forage or hay. or hogged or grazed? . Acna • ■ Acna Lb. Lb. ACTM (fr*an wMshi) '" Tom CBt 'Sim (The total of the acre* for questions (a), (b), and ic' must equal Ihe acres for question 12.) SOYBEANS [13J Were any soybeans grown for any purpose Ihia year? No □ Yes Q dfSo." mark X and aktp to qurstion [21] ) _ (Answer thtse questions, i/ "I'es.")^^^^ 14. Soybeans fur all purposes? (a) Soybeans for beans? (bi Soybeans fur hay? (c) Soybeans hogged or grated, or cut fur silage? (d) Soybeans plowed under for green manure, not grazed or otherwise harvested? . How many acres were grown? (2) How much was or will be harvested? (The total of the acres for question- i and (d) must equal the acres for que: SMALL GRAINS: (Include the landlord'-* share as sold if taken from Ihi^ place ) (Answer ihfsr •fUeslions, if "Yes Were any of the following harvested thia year- [21] Wheat? 26. Oats for grain? 29. Barley? 30. Rye? 38. Other grains? Mixed KfHm^7 (2) How much was harvested? Ba. How much of thia year's crop HAY AND GRASS 811, AGE CRr dehydrating? . . 42. Clover, timothy, hikI mixtures of clover and grasses f'>r hay? . . 45, Oats, wheat, barley, rye or Other small grains cut Ut hay? . . . . (Im-hjdr Mbit- rut « hen ripe or nearly npi- fur f'l-ding unthreshed.) 46, Wild hay (prairie, range, or niarvh Kra-^si cut for hay? . . . . 47, Any other hay? (Include btomegrass, millet, old meadows, redtop, Sudangrass, sweetclover ) 48. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, ch.ver, or small grains? . (I) How many harvested Ihia year? a ALFALFA SEED, CLoVKR SEED. AND oTHER FIELD SEEDS; 49. \\ ere aiiv alfalfa seed, clover seed, or other field seeds harvested thia year? No Q Yes Q (7/ -.Vo," mar* X and skip to question [79] ) {Answer these questions, if "Yes.")^ 60. Alfalfa seed? 51. Red clover seed? 62. Lespedeza seed? 64. Sweetclover seed? 61. Bromegrass seed? 67. Bluegrass (Rep. poi - Junegraaa seed? nds on green-weight basis ) 68. Sudangrasa seed? (2) I (3) ; How muc\ How many of thia tons were yeat'a crop harvested? i was or will I be sold? TaM >*IChl) (1) (2) Pounds of Acres "clean" harvested seed or to be harvested harvested? or to be harvested? A-2 AIL A-) L KANSAS 273 POTATOES, BUGAR BEETB, AND POPCORN: {Antvtr tktte quetliona, if "Ket.")— Were may of the rolI«wlnf eropa hweated I hit year — [7t] Irish potatoes for home use or for sale? . (If less than 20 buahela were harvested, do not report acres.) 94. Sugar beets for sugart •B. PopcornT . (1) How many acres were or will be hafveat«dr (Report tenths of an acre for potatoes) VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE AND FOR SALE: 106. Were any Tegetables. aweel corn, or melons, harvested f/ifs year for home use? No D Yea □ 106. Were any vegetablea, sweet corn, or melons, harvested thia year for sale for fresh market or to canners, freezers, processors? No Q Yes □ (// "No" for queation 106. mark X and aktp to gtititiorx [143].) (^n r iheae quealtoni, if " Yet.")^ Were any of the following vegetable crops harvested I hit year — (If two or more plantings of the same crop were made, either on the same land OT on different land, report the total harvested acres of the several plantings } 107. Tomatoes? 108. Sweet corn? III. Watermelons? 117. Cantaloups and raaskmelo 123. Dry onions? . . 141. Other? (See list below ) GlraB GtT«MB« (1) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acres) 142. What was the value of all vegetables sold tM» yearT S_ (Include the landlord's share Do not include the value of Irish potatoes ) BERRIES AND OTHKH SMALL FRUITS: SI 43] Were any berries or other small ta harvested thl$ year for sale? . No Q Yes n (// "A'o," mark X and iktp to nueition [152].) {Aniwer thttt ijuttltona. i/ "Vta.")^ Were any of (he following berry crops harvested thl$ year — 144. StrawbcrrieaT . ISI. Other berries? Blackberries? Raspberries? D D a D (1) Acres harvested? (Report tenths of acres) A«M (2) QuarU harvested? TREE FRUITS. NUTS. AND GRAPES: [182] Is there a total of 20 fruit and nut (reea and (rapevlnes on this place? No Q Yes Q (// ■■No." mark X and sktp to (^ueation [19ft].) (// "Yea," anawtr queiltona 183 through 1970 183. How much land is in t>earing and nonbearing ft-ull orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees? . . . Were any of the following Undo of frail and nut trees on this place — {Anttoer theae queattont, if "Yet."}' 164. Apples? 166. Peaches? 168. Pears? 161. Grapes? 166. Plums and praneaT 168. Cherries? 171. Apricots? 197. Other fruits and nuts? (!) How many trees (or vines) are NOT of bearing age? OlraN (2) How many trees (or vines) are of bearing (3) How much was harvested thit year? NURSERY AND GREENHOUSE PRODUCTS, FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS. AND BULBS: [198] Were any nursery or freenhouse products, flower or vegetable seeds or plants, flowers, or bulbs grown for sale thle year? No O Yes G llfNo." mark X and akip to queattonlWiy) (-4fi><">■ 199. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals)? . . 200. Cut flowers, potted Slants, florist greens, and edding pisnts for sale? J (a) In 11 (b) Vt open? . Under glaaa? . 201. Vegetables frowi under glass, flower seeds, vegetsble seeds, vegetsbli plants, bulbs, mushrooms? " / 1,. I bl, 1 n,T. . \ (1) How much areft was used for growingT /lO (S) What will be the value of ••lea In Ititt m OTHER CROPS: [202] Are there any other crops that were or will be harvested thim year on this place— Dry fleld and seed beans? Brooracorn? Cowpeas? Root and frala crops hogged or grated? SweelpoUtoea? Tobacco? No D Yea D (//■■>■"." . anaioer for each crop.) Secuon IV.— LAND USE THIS YEAR, 1«9 203. Acres in this place (copy acres from question 7) • CROPLAND: 204. How many acres of land were in fields and tracts from which crops were harvested (including hay cut) thtt yearT (This area mav be obtained by adding the acres m the flelda or tracts from which one or more crops were harvested or hay was cut thit year: acres in nonbearing and bearing planted fruit trees, nuts, and grapes, and acres in nursery and greenhouse products.) None D THIB 8HA DRD SBCTION Ifl TO B» nLLM> BY CPWUS PfUMKEATDB (o) Add aem of all c and eniv totat htn ■ [teith ir i»S^in) e) SiMracltMtm ^c) Sub* BfbrWfromMi 206. How many acre* of croplaad were used only for paatnre (or grasing) thtt year? None Q 20C. How many acres of cropland were in cultivated summer fallow thit year? None D 207. How many acres of cropland were used only for aolMmprovemenl grasses and legnmaa not harvested and not pastured thit year? . . None Q 208. How many acres of cropland have na( been accounted for? None D (Include idle cropland and cropland on which all crops failed ) WOODLAND: (Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts, cutover and deforested land which has value for wood products and has not been improved for pasture.) 209. How many acres of woodland were pastured (or graied) thit year? None Q 210. How many acres of woodland were net paslared (or graied) thit year? ... - None Q None Q OTHER LAND: 211. How many acres were in other paalore? (Not cropland pasture and not woodland posture.) (// "Nonr." mark X and iktp to queatton [212].) (a) Of this other pasture, how many acres do you consider to be Improved pasture? None Q (Improved by liming, fertiliilng, seeding, irrigating, draining, and controlling weeds and brush.) [212] How many acres were in house lots, barn lots, tsnes, roads, ditches, and wasteland? None Q Add these acres (questions 204, 206, 206. 207, 208, 209, 210, 211. and 2121 f,t,,1 -i.t^r the toUl here ^ '~ •Section V._IRRIGATION 213. of [h<- tniAl lan'l m tlu!) pia<'<- (rt-ported in question 203), how man> ». r.-H a. rt Irrlgaled (/)(• year? , None Q f {If ".Vorv, " mark X and tktp to qutalion [218] ) 214. How m&ny acres in this place were Irrigated by sprinklers thtt year? None □ j 216. From how many acres of Irrigated land were crops harvested thtt year? . , None Q / (Be sure to include all irrigated land from which hay was cut and all irrigated land in t>oth bearing and nonbearing fruit and nut crops and irrigated land from which volunteer crops were harvested ) (// "None," mark X and aktp to qutatton [217] ) 216. What part of the land from which crops were harvested thtt year was Irrigated? All a P»rt D (// "AU," mark X and tkip to queation [217] ) (// "Part: was irrigaU fft'ur helov name and acrea trrtgaUd for each crop If all orchard d. ItMt "Orchard." and \f all oegetabUa for aaU. Uat "Vegelt^Ua") Name of crop Irrigated? Acres irrigated? Name of crop irrigated? Acres irrigated? (1) (3) (2) (4) [217] What percent of the irrlgatlen water used on this place thit year was obtained— I (a) From a well (pumped or flowing) or aprlaf directly by this farm or from another farm? (b) From a stream, lake, drainage ditch, or reservoir directly by this farm or from another farm? .... (c) From a mutual or cooperative water or dttch company. Irrigation dlslricl, or other Irrigation organization? {Gii 227. How much was or will be received thia year from the ••ie of pulpwood. poles and plllnf, bark, bolts, and mine tlrabera? . . . None sold Q $_ (Do not include sale of standing timber, firewood, tvncv posts, and sawlogs.i (Answer theat quraliona. i/ " Ye (Do not report below any products sold on the stump. Products sold on the stump should be included in question 226.) \ Wer« anr of (he Tollowing forest producia cut thia year for home use or for sale — 228. Firewood and fuelwoodT Q 230. Fence posts? D 231. Sawlogs and Teneer lofa? ' D (1) How much was or will be cut in 1959? Cwdalt'it'aS' (2) How much was or will be sold in 1959? Cards Section VIII.— POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK NOW ON THIS PLACE AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION THIS YEAR, 1959 ^ Include all poultry and Bolmals on this place owned by you, by your landlord, by yoi others. ■ employees, and by POULTRY: 236. Are there any chickens, (nrkeys. or other poultry on thia place? No G 237. If "No," were there any on this place any time thia year? No Q (// "No" for both questions 236 and 237, mark X and akip to qutatton [246] ) 238. How many chickens (hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 4 months old and over are noir on this place? None Q Number Yes D Yes D 239. How many breilers were or will be sold thia year? None Q (Report all broilers sold and those grown for Others under contract.) 240. How many hens, roosters, pullets, cockerels, and other chickens were or will be sold Ihia year? None □ 241. How many dozens of chicken e|(s were or will be sold thia year? Number , Doiens _ Number . None D 242. How many turkeys and turkey fryers were raised thia year? None Q (Include those raised from poulta hatched, poults bought, and those raised for others under contract.) 243. How many turker hens noir on hand are you keeping for breeding next year? None Q 244. How many ducks, geese, and other poultry (not counting chickens and turkeys) were sold thia year? ... 245. How much was or will be received thia year from the sale of turkeys, ducks, geese, and miscellaneous poultry, and their eggsT None sold G Value of salea $_ Give None G name _ SHEEP AND LAMBS: [24fi] How many ewes, rsma. wethers, and lambs of all ages are on this place? None G Number . (// "Nont," mark X and aktp to question [247].) Lambs under 1 year old? Number . ) Ewes 1 year old and over? Number Rams and wethers I year old and over? .... Number (The total for questions (■), (b), and (c) must equal the number for question 246 ) f,., Orihis total, J .. , how many are~\ * ' ((c) HORSES AND MULES: [247] How many horses, mules, colls, and ponies are on this place? None Q Number . SHEEP AND LAMBS SHORN THIS YEAR. 1959; 251. Were any sheep or lambs shorn rhis yeor? . No Q Yea Q (// "No," mark X and skip to quealton [254] ) {Antwer ihtat quesliona, i/ "Ye, 252. Were any lambs shorn in t959T. 253. Were any sheep shorn in 1959? (I) How many were shorn? (2) How much wool waa shornT HOGS AND PIGS: [254] How many hogs and pigs of all agi ncluding sows and boars, are on this place? or this total. how many were born — |(b) Since June 1. th I (b) Before June 1, t None G Number . ' marl: X and skip to quettton [255] ) ', f hit year? Number . hta year? . . Number _ The total for questions (a) and (b) must equal the number for question 254.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING; [255] How many llllera were farrowed since June I. Number of thia year or will farrow before December 1? . None Q litters Number of None G litters 256. How manv liKers were farrowed between Decernber 1, last year, and June I, thia year? CATTLE AND CALVES: (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beef, on this place ) 257. How many cattle and calves of all ages are on thia place? . . . None G Number (// "None," mark X and akip to queation [262].) Number Of this total, how many sre- f(a) CowsT . (Include heifers that have calved.) (b) Heifers and heifer ealves? Number . I (Do not include any heifers that have calved.) t (c) Bnlls, bull calves, steers, and steer calves? Number .. (The total for questions (a), (b). and (c) must equal the number for question 257.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY; 258. How many cows and heifers were milked yeaterday? None G Number . 259. How many milk cows were on this place yeaterday? (Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved ) 260. How many pounds of milk were produced yeaterday? . None G Number - , None G Pounds _ Theee questions are to be / (a) E>oee Al number end in S or T?. No □ Yes □ answered by CENSUS - < . . . , . , _ „ ^ ENUMERATOR \ (6) Are acres in question 7. l.(X)0 or more?._ No [j Yes □ Section IX.— DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1959 [262] Was any milk or cream sold fh/s (fear, ;»59? . . No Q Yes Q ( // ■■No." mark X and skip to question [265] 1 Report all sales from this pisce whether made by you or by others. Report dairy products sold for your landlord. Be sure to include dairy products which you will sell by December 31. thia year. {For rarh item, answer these quettton* )^ 263. How much whole milk waa .r will be sold in i«S? ... , . None O (Report in pounds of milk, gallons of milk, or pounds of butterfat.) 264. How much cream was T will be sold in 1959? None G 1 was sold by the gallon, multiply the (1) Quantity sold or to be sold in I$S9T m (2) Gaitoss af ntlh •r())U.«rbsiivhi (2) How much was or will be the value of aale^ in l»S9f r of gallons by 2"^ to get pounds of butterfat.) fl Section X.— ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS YEAR, 1959 D-2 Report all sales from this place whether msde by you or by others. Report all animals turned »er lo or sold for your landlord, and animals fed under conlraci for others. Be sure to report animals shlcfa you will sell by December 31. thia year. (Answer these questions, if "Yes-^)^ Were any of Ihe following animals sold or will any be sold thia year (1959) — [265] Calves? 286. Callie, not counting calves? ?67. Horses, mules, colts, and ponies? .... 268. Hogs and pigs?. 269. Sheep and lambs? . . How many have been sola thia year? (2) How many mon will be sold between noir and Dec. 31? (3) How much waa or will be the value of sales in 1959? D-2 KANSAS 275 SMiion XI.— FERTILIZER AND LIME Include ill fertilizer and lime used on (his plkce during I9S9. whether purchssed by you or by your landlord. 271. t)n how many acres wptp commercial fertlllcer and fertilizing materials iiaed in 1*5*7 - None Q Acres _ ____ (// ■■None," mark X and tkip to ijuftlion [2723 ) (Antwtr ihest que»liona, i/ "Yet.") ■ Was rerlDlEer used thia year on any of (he following cropa— (•) Hay and cropland pasture? (b) Other pasture (not croplantll? , , . . (c) Corn? (d) SorphumsT . . . {•) Wheal? . . . . (D All other crops? . (I) On how many acres waa fertilizer tiaed? How much 1 s used— (2) Pry maieriala? (Include rock phosphate) C3) Liquid materiatsT ITvntha [ no t272] How many acre3 were limed in 19S9f None D Acres _ ( // -None." mark X and all:rp to qurntton [274] ) 273. Huw much lime or Hming materials wan uned m I9S9T (Includp KTound Jimeatonp hydrated and burnt lime, marl, oyster shclh, etc, Omit hme used for sprays or sanitation ) «^fClion XII— SELECTED i AHM EXPENDITl'RES AND LAND I bE. F'RACTICES ■4, ., - r . -^ . ' ' -jTma YEAS. 1959 . > - '■ ■ EXPENDITl'RKS Include eipenses paid, or to be paid by December 31. 1959. by you and your landlord for this place. How much waa or will be spent thit year for— [274] Feed fur III pHiock and poultry? None □ (Include cijMt of drttin, hay, mill feeda, conccntralfs, and roughages, also, amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed.) 275. The purchase of IWestoek and poultry? None □ (Include Imt.y chicks.) 276. Machine hire? None D (Include cu^itom work surh as tractor hire, thrc^hintl. combining, siln filling, corn picking, buling. plowing, fruit picking, spraying and dusting.) 277. Hired labor? None Q (Do not include housework, custom work. or contract mnatruction work. Include cash payments only ) 278. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees? None O 279. Gasoline nnd uthcr petroleum fuel and oil fur the farm business? . None Q 9. inn % /nn s inn LANIKISE PRACTICES: 280. How many acres of land were used to grow coTcr crops ihia year and then planted to another crop? 281. How many nrrcs of cropland usi-d fur grain or row crops thit year were farmed on the contour? 282. How many nrres of strip-cropping systems for soll-erofllon control were on this plnro (his year? 283. How many acres of crop and pasture land on this plar? have terraces? None D Acres- None □ Acres _ None Q Acres. None □ Acres „ Section Xlll.— FARM LABOR (I) ..N«— D. I Ufc»aww>wD 284. About how many hours laal ireek did you (the person in charge of this placel do farm work or chorea on this place? {\tark one ) —"^ 285. How many other members of your family did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on this place fosf week without receMng cash wages? . None □ Peraona . (Do not include housework ) 286. How many hired persona did any farm work or chores on this place ia»t treekf ......... . None □ ParaoDs _ (include members of your family receiving cash wages ) (// "None," mark X and ikip to t/utation [291] ) 287. Of these hired /"(,) 150 davs or persons working last treek,/ ■ow many were employed I . , on this place for— !.(•>) Less than 1, or more during thlt ytarT . None n Persona . 50 days during thia year? . . . None Q Persons _ (The total forquestiona (a) and (b) must equal the number for questio 2M. or these hired week, how many were paid on a — Number of persons Weekly basis? Piecework (2) What w&s the agreed cash rate of pay? (If more than one person, give average) — /OO per month -/o not include refrigerators ) 302. Milking machine? . . No' Q Yes D 303. Electric milk cooler? , No D Yes Q 305. Crop drier (for grain, forage, or other cropa) 7 No Q Yes Q _306. Power-operated elevator, confeyor. or blower? No D Yes D 307. On what kind of road Is this place located? i -"if ark one.)^^ (1) Hard surface? Q (2) Gravel, shell, or shale? (3) Dirt or unimproved? . Si How many miles to a hard surface road? G I'tBB than I mile OR // marked here, aruMfr Section XV.— RENTAL AGREEMENT. FARM VALIES, AND MORTGAGE DEBT 308(a) Ho you rent any lund from others? No Q Yes Q (b) Do you work any land on shares' No □ Yes □ (// '■No" for both quetliont 30e(a) and 308(b), mark X and tkxp to fufstion [314].) (// "Yea" for ettkrr quriUon 308ia) or 308(b), an»wer qutationa 310 through 313) 310. Do you pay to your landlord any cash as rent? No Q Yes □ (a) If "Yes," how much for the yean 311. Do you pay to your landlord any share of the crops (such as i. ), j)7 . . 312. Do you pav to vour landlord any share of the livestock or livestock products (such a.-* J, i. (i? No Q Yes Q 313. Do you have ihi.-* land under any other arrangement (such as a fixed quantity of any product, upkeep of land and buildings, payment of tft^es, keep of landlord, rent free, etc.)? $ /OO No n Yes D No n Yes D t314] About ow much would the land and the buildings sell for— m qu'-'tion 4 I (c) Land and buildings managed for olhersT (Copy acrvs from question 5 ) (d) Land and buildings rented to others? (Copy acres from question 6 ) (1) Acres (2) Total value (dollars) 315. Is there any mwlgage debt on land and buildings owned by you? ( Mark onr ) ^^^^^^ -•• No n Yes D No land owned □ 316. On what date did you 811 this questionnaire? ..Section XVI.— EMIMERATOR'S RECORD— To be filled by Census Enumerator -^ Township Who furntihed the information § Op<»wt D Wtt»mvitne mmmhmaltemrmtm'mUnOt D in (All rtportf (Mark one.) \ ' 1 1 HiwJ Hhrnm D Oitm D (Cl»»— —.) Date {month and day) Checked by Date (month and day) 276 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK A2 LIS IINU 1 < PART 1 -LIST Of PLACtS IN tD PART n -AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS PART III -HLLI:m. Al i J i (11 A. Utt the he»d of every houiehold lixog in ihM ED AND ALSO R. LiM every periOn, not living in ihit ED. who hai agriculioral operations in fhii ED (21 Doei thif perton Of any member of hll houie- hold optrfmte J farm nmh)' (5) lij^i' .11 .iiiv iinic ihiN vi'jr — (hl^ ir;;;: 'f'w (91 Do«> thii attrtculiuiil -hcic he live»' ( 10. Any l.ve- tioch' (hog.^ ciiirr* hor»e*? iheep^ goal*;' etc.) (<1 20 Of more chicken*' turkey*' duck*' (1) Any cropt? (corn* oati? hay' tobacco? other held crop*?) l6) 20 Of fruil tree*? grape- vine*? nut tree*? (7) Any veg etablei for lalc? berrie*? nur*ery or gfccn- houac pfoducT*? (8) 1 2 3 4 No : Yei No : Yei N.. j Yei No ;Ye» No : Ye* No fVe* No : Yo No I Y« : i i i 1 : • 4. i • 1 : I 6 7 § 9 10 No: Ye* No : Ye* No : Ye* No jYei No : Ye* No :yc* No 1 Ytj No ; Y« 1 : 1 1 1 1 12 15 M 11 No \ Yes No 1 Ye* No I Ye* No 1 Ye* No i Y« No 1 Ya No: Y« No : Yes i : 16 IS 20 No : Ye* No 1 Ye* No i Ye* No I Ye* No 1 Ye* No ; Ye5 No| Yo No '■ Ye* (11 (2) (5) {4) (M (6) (T) (81 (9t (101 l.'riii6ltA2 • < .•lumni t-H ll N .; Lip auiii 16. II N»^ •(..lumn ■> It \.. ii> II I^ii Al • Column in. II N.I i,ll ,..|umn 1 1 j«.l lu .V> it.M t:.i Al XL.)' I I.MiiM Ufi Al II l« ....I..II. 1 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD BOOK 277 Al N uiiiht' (Ml PART IV -RKCORI) or ( OMPI.ITION OF ENUMHRATtON - Dors (hit person work land un shjfM' Callback rcquirrd _ Turned (wtr lo crew Iwder Date pleted i 1 c < Rrmindert (Whtn I.I (ffurn tdtplione Dumhri rii ) Date Crrw ic-jdrr inicuU Rrmark> (14) 11^1 D.IU l>i(t 1 2 4 : i ^ 4 : ' Daic DiU 6 9 9 10 ; I ~ 4 ; Oa.f lX.it 12 li 14 n-.f 0.<[C 16 18 l<> 2U LJ -.^ ^ u^ 1 • Column II Aiv^n Al „umKrr.h.i, s.^.l«r,m,„c • Column 1 1 It \ rv nil A »I.h UnJ|.„J .n.l .Z.r^' ^" '" J. '*'"'l.''" *' """>'*"■'■ .h.ipr.B... Knirr .r....lumn l\ ihr A» ■■^f fv«mnin,C ...h 1 ...r .h< hM. Al ..k. .r. „. ,.. .h.ch rh, n.,n, .- ,h.. p.,.-, .pp B« 1 Inrihr wtonJ nc rmini | l2 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 17, 3,17' 3,17 17 1,17; ,13,17, ,13,17, 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 5 11 11 11 10a 9,10a 11 11 11 1 11 4,6 11 1,1a 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 5 5 ile 11 11 1 11 4,10 4,8 4,10 12 11 11 11 11 11 3 1,5 7 11 1,1a 11 4,6 11 5 11 4,8 4,10 11 6 ,1a, 2, 3 1,2,4 3 la 3 1,1a 1 1 5 7 la, 11a 4,11 5,11 11 1,1a 15,17,18,19,20 5 7 10 7,17,18,19,20,21 5,9 11 6 8 11 4,17,18,19,20,21 5 10 1 8 11 8 11 8 11 7 10 8 11 14,17,18,19 5 8 11 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,10 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 4,17,18,19,20,21 6 8 11 8 U 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 8 11 Ewes Expenditures, fann. See Farm expenditures. Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures , specified Farm labor Farm operators : By age ^ color By residence By tenure Bj' cf f -f aim work and other income Farm products , value of Farm property , value of Farms , number By color of operator By economic class By kind of road on which located By kind of workers During specified week By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold . ^ Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditure" for. Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for Fertilizer, commercial, uses for Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts , sold Field forage harvesters Field seeds Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified , Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese sold General farms Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Goats and kids sold alive Grain combines Grains Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products ■ Guineas sold Hairy vetch seed Harvesters , field forage Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves , Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Honeydews < Hops Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and/or mules Horses and/or mules sold alive ■ Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenliouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms,, number Irrigated land in farms ■ By use Kale Kind of road Kumquats ladlno seed ■ Land and buildings, value of Land area, approximate Land from which hay v;as cut ■ Land in farms ' By color of operator ■ By size of farm By tenure of operator ■ By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 4,17 3,4 4,17 3,4,17 4,17 17 1,17 1,2,17 3, 4,17 5,17 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 18,19,20,21 17, IB, 19,20 17,18,19 18,19,20,21 13,19,20,21 5 18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 18,19,20,21 1 18,19,20,21 9 5 ,18,19,20,21 15,17,19,20 6 17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 9,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 7 15,17,18,19,20 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 7,17,18,19,20,21 7 4,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 7 9,17,18,19,20,21 1,2 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 4, 17, IS, 19, :0, 21 1,17,18,19,20,21 1 8 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20 2,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 INDEX TO TABLES 279 I^nd in irrigated f erms By use land in strip -cropping systems for soil erosion control Land irrigated by source of water land pastured ■ Legumes, specified annual lemons ■ Lespedeza cut for hay l£spedeza seed ■ Lettuce and romaine < Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for.... Lime and lining material used during the year. Limes Utters f arroT/ed Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock famii- other than poultry and dairy and livestock ranches Livestock ranches livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive loganberries lupine seed tochlne hire, expenditures for Managed land yanagers Mandarins (included with Tangerines). Niangces Vaple siriip made Buckets hung Niaple sugar inade yj.lk cooler, electric Bulk-type VaLk sold Milk cows Vilkinp machine i.'int for oil Kiscellaneous and unclassified farms. ^lixed grains f/nhalr c lipped I.'j:]tortrucks Uules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhite farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower aiid vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nursery and nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) Nuts , spec if led 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 17,13,19,20,21 County 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 4,5 Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Off -farm work and other income Okra Olives Onions Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Oranges Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins. Other and unspecified tenants Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-retirement Part-time farms Pas ture Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and plmlentos. Pick-up balers Plmlentos Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power -operated elevator, conveyor, or blower. Products , farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood sold Pumpkins Purchase of livestock and poultry Quinces Radishes Rams ar.d wethers. Raspberries Red clover seed.. Redtop seed 1,1a, 11a la, 11a 1 la 1,1a 11 11 n 11 11 11 7 11 9 9,10a 15,17,18,19,20 15,17,18,19,20 3,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 ! 4,8,9 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 k,5,9,10a 8 11 8 11 5,17,18,19,20,21 3 ; 3,21 I 4,17,18,19,20,21 4 7,17,18,19,20,21 6,12,17,16,19,20,21 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 ' 4,17,18,19,20,21 ; 6 8 3,4,17,18,19,20 4,17,16,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 3 3,17,18,19,20,21 14,17 17 1,2,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 8 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 S 8 8 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7,12,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 9 8 5,17,18,19,20,21 8 6,17,18,19,20,21 4,7 , 3- 3.-1,5 . 11 XI I 12 I 12 I 4,6 6 4,10 4,8 4,6 11 5 11 10a 4,6 111 11 11 3 12 11 11 11 11 5 U 11 U 11 u I 5 ' 5 1 3 I 5 ' 5 1,1a I 11 I 11 111 "-I 4,6 I 11 / 11 11 i 11 : 11 4,8,9 9,10 Residence of operator Rice Root and grain crops hogged or grazed. Rye Ryegrass seed, common and perennial... 4,5, 6 5 11 11 12 11 4,7 Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans , dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees, expenditures for. Seeds, field Shallots Share-cash tenants Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of f ana Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types ) Sorghums . .' Soybeans Specified equipment and facilities Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squash Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves. Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover seed Sweet com Sweet peppers and plmlentos Sweetpotatoes System of terraces on crop and pasture land County Tangelos Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Tenants Tensile oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Tliaothy seed Tobacco Tobacco f anas Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Tung nuts Turkeys Turnips Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of conmercial fertlli-er. Uses of land Valencia oranges Value : Crops Fam products sold Farms (land and buildings) livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms Vegetable farms Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Vegetables sold Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains , cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Wage rates Walnuts Watermelons Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat '*hite farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland in farm, by use Wool shorn : Wool sold Workers : Family Hired Regular Seasonal Specified week Work off farm 4,17,18,19,20,21 8 23,24 9 8 8 5,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 3,17,18,19,20,21,22 6,12,17,18,19,20,21 7 7,17,18,19,20,21 8 16,17,18,19,20 4,17,18,19,20,21 5,17,18,19,20,21 6,17,18,19,20,21 8 8 6 8 8 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 3,17,18,19,20,21 8 3,17,18,19,20,21 9 15,17,18,19,20 8 4,17,18,19,20,21 6,7,12,17,18,19,20,21 8 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 17,18,19,20,21 1,17,18,19,20,21 6,7,17,18,19,20,21 15,17,18,19,20 17,18,19,20,21 14,15,16 Young berries . 3,i, 17,18, 19,20 3 3 11 S U 1,17,13,19,20,21 1,1a 7,12 9 <; 5,17,18,19,20,21 i,6 5,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 5,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 5 5,17,18,19,20,21 4,6 4,17,18,19,20,21 5