K\UiiJW;»ir^ftV,iTomestiGation — Characteristics of a Species — Creation, of Ilaces and Varieties — Lost ^ypes of the Jknimal Kingdom — JJLodified Species — (domestic Jxnimals of Inferior Orders — (Pisciculture — Creation of JTevj Faces of Fish — Cultivation of the Lower jznimals. THE UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. INTRODUCTION. .^HE lower classes of animals wHcli are treated of in tlie following pages are mostly as re- markable for their great utility to man^ as by the peculiarity of their organizations or their habits. Many of them have acquired as great an importance in the economic applications of the human race as the higher organized beings that have contributed to the welfare and comfort of man from the earhest historic ]3eriods;, and which have generally been termed " domestic animals.^^ Such a term mighty at the present day, be applied to most of those lower forms of animal life which will occupy our attention here. By domestication is understood the art of training animals to administer to the wants of man. It is by flattering their natural taste s, by placing them artificially in circumstances similar in many respects to those of the savage state, preserv- 4 INTRODUCTION. ing as mucli as possible their natm^al instincts^ that the subjugation and domestication of the most useful species has been accompHshed. It is still a discussed point among philosophers whether man has the power of modifying the nature of a species to such an extent that it loses its natural or essential charac- teristics. However much the enthusiastic naturalist may admire the poetic doctrines of Lamarck^ Etienne Geoffrey St. Hilaire, and Darwin^ he must not com- pletely thi'ow aside Cuvier's more severe doctrine of the Fixity of Species. Both are true to a certain extent^ but both have been exaggerated. Domestic animals^ like certain useful plants, have certainly undergone marked changes. No one doubts our power of creating new races or varieties in the animal world, with almost as much ease as in the vegetable kingdom ; and these we can modify or ameliorate according to our wants. These races or varieties flourish even when the original animals from whence they sprung have disappeared for ever ! WTiere is now to be found the original animal to which we owe the ox, or the horse, or the camel, or the dog ? The original types of these domestic animals have disappeared from the face of the globe. The cow in all probability originated in the animal seen and described by Herberstein {Eerum Moscovitarum Commentani, etc., 1556) in the six- INTRODUCTION. O teenth century, under tlie name of Thur. The species to which we owe the horse is extinct ; the type of the camel, the original dromedary, the type of the dog tribe are lost for ever. But they are replaced by numerous varieties of animals so useful to us that they have been called " domestic animals/' in producing which man has attended to his own interests. These modified species of animals are increasing in number daily. The term " domestic^' animals should extend over the whole, or, at least, the greater portion of the animal world. Our readers are not ac- customed to hear grubs, insects, animalculee, etc., spoken of as " domestic animals.''^ But do we not rear our silkworifns with as much care as our alieejp or our cows ? Do we not construct houses for our heeSj cochineals, snails, oysters, etc., as we do for om' rabbits, our chickens, or our horses ? Are not large fortunes realized by the cultivation of a worm such as the leech, or a grub such as the silkworm, as readily as by the aid of the camel of the desert or the Indian elephant ? Have we not seen a thimbleful of some new insect or its eggs fetch as high a price in the market as the choicest Cochin-China fowl ? It is too true that these inferior beings are com- paratively new to us in this hght. But their study affords far greater interest, and, in many cases, un- doubtedly more profit, than that of superior animals. b IXTEODUCTION. Imagine a man in difficult circumstances endea^ vouring to gain a liveliliood by rearing some new variety of dog, cow, liorse, ass, or pig. He would liave greater cliance of success were lie to extract some new colouring matter from tlie insect world, or discover a means of doubling the produce of tlie hee or tlie silkworm, or a metliod by whicli sponges and corah miglit be cultivated with, as much case as a lettuce or a caulifloiver. My endeavour in this volume is to treat of inferior animals useful to man, from insects down- wards to infusoria and sponges. I leave it to others to write the useful novelties that may concern Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. My obser- vations treat of Invertehrata only. Our readers have doubtless heard of a new species of culture which has lately taken a very extensive development. It is called Pisciculture, or the breed- ing of fish, in which many eminent naturahsts have met with astonishing success.* Their secret was, however, known long ago to the Chinese. When a * See papers on the subject by Coste, De Quatrefages, and others, and for the artificial propagation of the salmon in Great Britain, see report of a committee, consisting of Sir W. Jardine, Dr. Fleming, and Mr. E. Ashworth, in "Eeport of British Association," 1856. These researches are facilitated as regards fish by the great fecundity of the latter. Thus, the pike, for instance, produces about 300,000 eggs ; the carp, 200,000 ; and the mackerel, more than half-a-million. But this fecundity is still more astonishing in the inferior animals of wliich wc treat here. INTRODUCTION. 7 Chinaman wished to stock a pool with fish he repaired to some stream where the latter were known to abound^ and placed in it bundles of straw_, whicli were soon covered with spawn. After a certain time the straw was withdrawn and placed in his pool,, where the eggs were hatched, and the young fish soon became large enough to satisfy then* master's appetite. The writings of Coste, Millet, Gehin, Milne Edwards, De Quatrefages, Remy, and others,* have not only taught us how to stock our streams with magnificent salmon, trout, grayling, etc., but lead us to expect that there will soon exist as many different varieties of trout, salmon, perch, tench, etc., as we have actually of dogs or horses. For certain closely alhed species have been crossed so as to produce new varieties or races of fish never before seen. Similar experiments are being made with inferior animals. The attention of philosophers and practical men is now dh^ected to the latter. We speak now of the amelioration of some insect species, of the cultivation of a mollusc or a poly^pe. We begin to see how we can profit by infusoria or some other animalcule. The following pages will, I tmst, give some idea * Quite recently Mr. Francis and Mr. Buckland have again brought forward the subject of FiscicuUure in England. 8 INTRODUCTION. of tlie extent to wliicli these practical studies are actually pursued ; and what animals^ a sliort time since almost ignored^ may eventually prove them- selves a source of wealth, comfort, and happiness to man. Silk-Producing Insects. ^he Chemical Jiature of Bilk — '2he Spider's Weh — ^orruhio Jloid — (J)etectiorh of Wool in Bilk — G-reat Variety of Insects producing- Silk — Q^he Qommon Bilkworm, ^omhyx mori — ^he G-old^en Tree — '-The (province of Beres and the Jdorea — (Prolongation o;^ Life in Plants and Jlnimals — -Jlrtificial Incubation and P^earing of ^omhyx mori — Enormous Jippetites — Insects Living without Food — I^ate at luhioh the Bilkworm Bpins — -J/Lodes of (X>estroying the Chrysalis — Calculation basis of Bilk-breeding — The twoJ\/ful- berry Trees — (X>iseases of Silkworms and their i^e- medies — Improvement of ^ombyx mori — Tussah Silkworms : ^ombyx Pernyi and ^ . JVLylitta — ^om- byx Cynthia — Extraordinary Qualities of Silk — Other JTew Species of Bilkworm — Spreading of these Jicecious (Plants — Ifipening of Figs in the Fast — Q all-nuts — Cynips-galloe-tinatorioe — 9^heory of the Formation of Vegetable 9^umours — Jinalysis cf (B-all-nuts — Their prod^ucts and Uses — Cynips quercus folii — On the Formation of G-rease by Jlnimals — Other Insects prodxicing (X>yes — flphis pini — ''J\/Ioney-spiders" — The Jdagenta Q^ye and Cochineal. COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. ^OLOUR-PRODUCING insects come next, perhaps, in importance to those we have already noticed. The cultivation or breed- ing of these useful little animals forms one of the most interesting and profitable branches of industry. I shall begin by speaking of the Cochineal, which will constitute the most important feature of this chapter ; but I prefer drawing attention, in the first instance, to the Kermes (or Chermes), a httle insect of the same genus as the former, known and employed long before the cochineal insect was discovered. The insects of which I am about to treat all belong to Latreille^s genus Coccus, in the family of the Hemiptera. The number of species belonging to this genus being very great, and being possessed of extraordinary colouring properties, they consti- tute a wide field for research and experiment. The more so, as very few are, as yet, cultivated to any extent, although many species appear to possess all the necessary quahfications, and many others are ignored in a practical point of \dew. 40 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. The Kermes {Coccus ilicis, Latr.) lias been em- ployed to impart a scarlet colour to clotli from tlie earliest ages. It was known to tlie Phoenicians under the name of Tola, to the Greeks as KoMos, and to the Arabians and Persians as Kermes or Alkermes {Al signif}ang the, as in the Arabian words alkali^ alchymy^ etc.). In the Middle Ages it received the epithet Vermiculatum, or '^ httle worm/^ from it having been supposed that the in- sect was produced from a worm. From these de- nominations have sprung the Latin coccineus, the French cramoisi and vermeil, and our crimson and Vermillion. The Coccus ilicis, or Kermes_, is found in many parts of Asia^ the southern countries of Europe^ and the south of France,, where it is very common. The first person who made mention of this insect appears to have been Pierre de Quiqueran^ who spoke of it as early as 1550. Its history was afterwards written by Nissole in a paper addressed to the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1714^ and by Eeaumur in the tome iv. of his " Memoires pour servir a THistoire des In- sectes.^^ The females resemble a pea in size and form, whence they have been frequently taken for seeds. The insect lives upon a small evergreen oak, the Quercus coccifera, h., and yields a brownish red colour, which alum turns to a blood-red tint. Dr. Bancroft has shown that when a solution of COLOUE-PRODUCING INSECTS. 41 tin is used witli kermes dye, as witli cocMneal, the kermes is capable of imparting a scarlet quite as brilliant as tliat produced by tlie cochineal itself, and to all appearance more permanent. But on the other hand we know that one pound of cochineal contains as much colouring matter as ten or twelve pounds of kermes. However, we are told that it was with the latter insect that the Greeks and Romans produced their crimson, and from the same source were derived the imperishable reds of the Brussels and other Flemish tapestries. Cochineal has supplanted kermes, and the latter is now only cultivated by some of the poorer inhabitants of the countries in which it abounds, more particularly in India and Persia, and by the peasantry of southern Europe. Another species of kermes, the Coccus polonicuSj Latr., sometimes known as the scarlet grain of Poland, is very common in Poland and Russia. Before the introduction of cochineal this insect formed a considerable branch of commerce. In the neighbourhood of Paris, and in many parts of Eng- land the G. ]oolonicus is found upon the roots of Sclerantlms perennis (perennial knai'vel), a plant that is not uncommon in Norfolk and Suffolk. The colour which it furnishes is nearly as beautiful as that of the cochineal, and capable of giving the same variety of tints. The insect was formerly 42 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. collected in large quantities for dyeing red in the Ukraine^ Lithuana^ etc.^ and though still employed by the Turks and Armenians for dyeing wool^ silk, and hair, but more particularly for staining the nails of the Turkish women, it is rarely used in Europe except by the Polish peasantry. The same may be said of other species which the cochineal has completely eclipsed, such as the Coccus found upon the roots of Poterium sanguisorha, an insect formerly used by the Moors for dyeing silk and wool a rose colour ; and the Coccus iiva-ursi, which, with alum, dyes crimson. All these species owe their colouring properties to a principle called carmine, which I shall refer to presently. The discovery of the cochineal has not prevented experiments being daily made with these and other species of Coccus, which we shall mention here- after. The cochineal (Coccus cacti, Latr., Fig. 3) was ♦ already in use in Mexico when the Spaniards arrived there in 1518; its true nature was not, however, ascertained till upwards of a century later. Although Acosta declared cochineal to be an insect cacti, La?r! as carly as 1530, it required the labours (Cochineal „ magnified). 01 many naturalists from that period till 1714, to place its real nature beyond doubt, so generally was it supposed to be the seed of a plant. COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 43 The Coccus cacti is a native of Mexico, where it lives upon different species of Cactus or Opuntia. The plants chiefly cultivated in hot climates for breading cochineal are the Cactus coccineUifer, C. opuntia, C. tuna, C, paresxia, etc. The first of these is also called Opuntia coccinellifera, and is known as the Nopal, although it appears, from Humboldt^s account, that these plants are two dis- tinct species, the latter being probably the Cactus opuntia of Linn^us. However, the insect thrives equally well on both. The cochineal, which comes to us in the form of a small shrivelled grain of a reddish colour, covered with a sort of white down, was for- merly only cultivated in Mexico. The female alone is of any commercial value. The male enjoys only a short life, and generally dies at the age of one month ; its wings are as white as snow. The females fix themselves firmly by means of their pro- boscis on to the plant which serves them as a habi- tation, and never quit this spot. Here they couple with the male insects, and increase considerably in size. Each female lays several thousand eggs, which proceed through an aperture placed at the extremity of the abdomen, and pass under the body of the mother-insect to be hatched. The mother- insect then dies, and her body dries up and forms a kind of shell or envelope in which the eggs are 44 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. hatcliedj and from wlience tlie little cochineals soon proceed. Tlie cultivation of tlie Nopal and its cochineal was originally confined to the district of La Misteca^ in the State of Oaxaca_, in Mexico_, where some plantations contain upwards of 60^000 separate plants set in straight ]ines_, each being about four feet high, which height it is not allowed to exceed, so that the insect may be easily gathered. The flower is always carefully cut away. These planta- tions are called Nopaleries [Nojpaleros) , from the name of the plant, which is chiefly cultivated for cochineal in Mexico. AYe are told that the greatest quantity of this insect emjDloj^ed in commerce is produced from small nopaleries belonging to Indians of extreme poverty. Two varieties of cochineal are gathered and sent into the market, the wild kind from the woods, called by the Spaniards grana sylvestra, and the cultivated, or grana fina. The former is decidedly inferior in quality to the latter, and furnishes far less colouring matter. The insect in its natural state is of a dark-brown colour, but fine cochineal when Avell dried and pro- perly preserved should have a grey tint bordering on purple. The grey colour is owing to the downy hair which naturally covers its body, and to a slight quantity of wax. The purple shade arises from the COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 45 colouring-matter extracted by the water in wliicli the insects have been killed. The wild variety {grana sylvestra) loses by cul- tivation a good deal of its cottony or downy appear- ance, and doubles in size ; it is then known as grana fin a. Real cochineal is detected by the following cha- racter : — it is wrinkled, with parallel fui^rows across the back of the insect, which are intersected in the middle by a longitudinal furrow. This serves to distinguish the true cochineal from any fictitious pre- paration. Sometimes smooth black grains called ^' East India cochineal" are mixed with the genuine article, but an experienced eye easily detects the fraud. A French naturalist, Thieri de IMenonville, ex- posed himself to great dangers for the sake of observing and studying the cultivation of the cochi- neal in Mexico, in order to enrich by its means the colony of St. Domingo. He carried there the two varieties mentioned above, along with the nopals on which they lived. He discovered also the variety sylvestra living upon the Cactus ])aresxia, at St. Domingo — a discovery that was not without value to Bruley — and soon set about the rearing of this interesting little insect ; but death cut him short in his experiments, and Bruley continued them with much success. The posthumous work of Thieri was 46 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. afterwards publislied^ and may be consulted witli profit by rearers of cocliineal to tliis day.* It was generally tliouglit for a long time^ and^ indeed^ it is still believed by many^ tliat tlie coclii- neal derives its colour from tlie nopal on wliicli it lives^ tlie flowers of wliicli are red_, but Thieri ob- served that the juice on which, the insect nourishes itself is of a green colour, and, moreover, that the cochineal can be reared and multiplied upon certain species of opuntia, whose flowers are not red. I should mention here, however, that in the " Philoso- phical Transactions,'^ vol. 50, it is stated that when Cactus oijuntia is given to children, their urine becomes of a lively red colour, and we shall see presently that carminium, the colouring-matter of cochineal, has been discovered in the vegetable world, in a plant of the Orchidte family. The wild cochineal has been found in many parts of North America. Dr. Garden observed it in South Carolina and Georgia ; it has since been discovered in Jamaica and Brazil. Anderson thought he had seen it wild in Madras, but the species he took for the true cochineal turned out to be another species of Coccus, a kind of Kermes. * " Traite de la Culture du Nopal ct de I'lCducation de la Cochenille dans les Coloiiios Francaises del'Amerique, precede d'un Voyage ^ Guaxaca." Tar M. Thieri de Menonville. "Annalesde Chimie," torn. v. COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 47 Wlieii preserved in a dry place^ coclimeal retains its colour for an unlimited time. Hello t made ex- periments with some dried cocliineal tliat liad been kept a hundred and thirty years, and found their colour as vivid as that furnished by the insects just taken from the Cactus. The poor Indians spoken of above establish their nopal plantations on cleared ground, on the slopes of mountains or ravines, two or three leagues from their villages, and when properly cleaned, the plants are in a condition to maintain the insects for three years. In spring, the proprie- tor of a plantation purchases as stock a few branches of Cactus tuna, laden with small cochineals recently hatched, called semilla (seeds). The branches may be bought for about three francs the hundred ; they are kept for twenty days in the interior of the huts, and are then exposed to the open air under a shed, where, owing to their succulency, they continue to live for several months. In August and September the female insects big mth young are gathered and strewn upon the nopals to breed. In about four months the first gathering, yielding twelve for one, may be made, which, in the course of the year, is succeeded by two more profitable harvests. In colder climates the young insects {semilla) are not placed upon the nopals until October or even December, when it is necessary to shelter them w^th rush mats. 48 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. and tlie harvest is proportionately later. Mucli care is required in tlie tedious operation of gathering tlie cocliineal from tlie cactus or nopal ; it is performed with, a squirrels tail by tlie Indian women, who for this purpose squat down for hours together beside one plant. The insects are killed either by throw- ing them into boihng water, by exposing them in heaps to the sun, or by placing them in ovens. Seventy thousand dried insects weigh on an average one pound. Dr. Bancroft estimated the consumption of cochineal in England at one hundred and fifty thousand pounds per annum, worth about £375,000 sterhng, and when Alex. Von Humboldt wrote his ^^ Political Essay on New Spain," the quantity of cochineal exported from Mexico was worth upwards of £500,000 per annum. Since that period the cul- tivated or " domestic" cochineal and the cactus on which it feeds have been introduced into Spain, India, and Algiers, etc., where its cultivation has greatly increased. Professor Piazzi Smyth has given an account of the introduction of the cochineal into TenerifFe • "Who would have thought in 18o5," says he, in the account of his astronomical observations in that island, " that the years of the grape-vine of Tene- riff'e were numbered ?" Teneriffe had effectively been a vine-producing country for three hundred years ; and when a gen- COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 49 tleman introduced the cactus and cocliineal tliere from Honduras^ lie was looked upon as an eccentric man, and liis plantations were frequently destroyed at niglit. However, wlien tlie grape disease broke out, Orotava was gradually forsaken by vessels in quest of wine wliicli could no longer be supplied ; and witli starvation staring tliem in tlie face, tlie inhabitants turned to cocliineal growing : wherever a cactus was seen upon the islanxi, a httle bag of cochineal insect was immediately pinned to it. The essay succeeded admirably. An acre of the driest land planted with cactus was found to yield three hundred pounds of cochineal, and, under favourable circumstances, five hundred pounds, worth £75 to the grower. Such a profitable investment of land was never before made. In the south of Tenerifie, the cochineal insect thrives best, and two har- vests are made in the year; in the north of the island only one harvest is made, and the growers are consequently obliged to buy fresh insects every season from the south, as the little beings cannot survive the northern winter. Now, we know from experiments that in warm climates as many as six harvests of cochineal may be made in the year ; and these are so abundant, the first more especially, that more than one million pounds weight of cochineal arrives in Europe every year. The cactus knows no greater enemy than rain ; E 50 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. it is^ tlierefore^ essential to protect it from tlie wet. The cocliineal grower must also scrupulously avoid tlie mixing of dififerent species of Coccus on tlie plants ; even tlie wild variety (sylvestra) must be kept away from tlie cultivated (fina), or tlie latter will become tMn and maladive, and breed a cross variety;, whicli is inferior in quality. After gatlier- ing the insects^ the plants must be washed with a sponge before being strewn with the mother-insects. In 1853 there were already seventeen French no- jpaleries in Algiers ; at which epoch M. Boyer col- lected there 2000 francs worth of cochineal from three thousand nopals^ which occupied only one- sixteenth of an hectare of ground. The Coccus cacti or cochineal from Mexico is imported occasionally from South America to Liver- pool : in 1855 one hundi^ed and seventy-three hun- di^ed weight arrived. Like the " Blue-bottle fly " and the Aphides (or blight), the cochineal insects {Coccus) do not always lay eggs hke other insects, but give birth to young larvce, having very close resemblance to their mothers. Thus, with Aphides and Coccus, we observe the following curious phenomena : — In the early part of the year the female insects do not lay eggs, but bring forth young insects (without previous fecundation), the whole of which are also COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 51 females. These bear young again, without the concourse of any male insect, and so on for about nine generations. Finally, in autumn, the last generation of females give birth to insects of both sexes. The sexes unite, the males die, and the females dejyosit eggs upon the branches and die also. These eggs pass the winter season on the spot, and in the spring give birth to females which reproduce similar females, and so on throughout the year without the concourse of the other sex. This is cer- tainly one of the most extraordinary phenomena Natural History has revealed to us. In speaking further on of the genus Melo, I shall refer to similar curiosities in the embryo life of insects, and when speaking of Infusoria, I will make known some extraordinary facts lately discovered, with regard to their development also. When Leuwenhoek first announced that the aphides were viviparous, and that he suspected they were born without previous fecundation, the researches of naturalists were immediately directed to this point. Reaumur showed that aphides were, indeed, viviparous ; he then tried to rear them in perfect solitude, but his insects died, and his expe- riment failed. It was reserved for Bonnet to con- firm the ideas of Leuwenhoek. Bonnet reared aphides in complete soUtude from the time of their birth, and in a few days remarked that they brought 52 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. fortli young. He immediately placed tlie latter in confinement, and observed them give birtli to other young aphides. By following up the experiments he saw produced before his eyes nine generations of aphides, successively bom without the concourse of the two sexes. But it had be^ certainly ascer- tained that there exist male and female aphides, and it was also given to Bonnet to observe their accou- ])leinent. In autumn he saw the httle winged aphides couple with the females, which are much larger, after which he saw no more young aphides appear : the females laid eggs, which both Bonnet and Reau- mur looked upon as averted foeti, as they never seemed to hatch. Lyonnet was more fortunate : he observed the hatching of eggs laid by the aphis of the oak-tree. Dutrochet, in a short paper read in 1818, at the Paris Academy of Sciences, shows the complete organization of the generative organs of the male and female aphides, and has come to the con- clusion that these insects are not hermaphrodite, as Reaumur supposed, but that the opinion professed by Trembley, that the fecundation which takes place in autumn is sufficient to render fertile the nine successive generations of females, appears most probable.* The marvellous tinctorial properties of the cochi- * Dutrochet's paper was subsequently published in 1833 C Ann. des Sciences IS'aturelles," vol. xxx.) COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 53 neal insect renders interesting tlie discovery lately made of two new species of cochineal, both natives of Australia, whicli have not yet been described by entomologists. They were discovered by Mr. Child. One of them lives upon a species of Mimosa, the other on a species of Eucalijijtus. They produce four or five generations during the year. A short time ago M. Gruerin Menneville presented to the Paris Academy a new indigenous cochineal which was found living upon some weeds of our own climate, and from which a magnificent scarlet dye can be obtained. This new insect has been de- nominated Coccus fahce, as it may be successfully reared upon the bean, on the stalks of which vegetable it appears to have been originally discovered. It was afterwards found upon the sainfoin. Coccus fahce was discovered by M. Guerin Menne- ville in the South of France. The discovery terrified him not a little, for should Coccus fahce multiply under favourable circumstances as rapidly as these kind of insects usually do, it would become a disastrous source of hiight to beans and sainfoin, and possibly to other plants. He then thought of turning his discovery to account, and proclaimed his new insect an extremely useful one, that by proper cultivation might one day replace the exotic cochineal. M. Chevreul, who examined the colouring matter it 54 UTILIZATION OF MIXUTE LIFE. produced^ pronounced it to be a peculiar scarlet^, whicli, until then, could only be obtained by artificial mixtures. It appeared to have a decided advantage over real cochineal as regards the dyeing of wool, but only if the new insect could be procured at a cheaper rate than cochineal, as it was much less rich in colouring matter than the latter. Moreover, the colourino' matter of this new insect is not car- minium, but a perfectly distinct substance. Now all insects belonging to the genus Coccus yield car- minium, therefore M. Guerin^s new insect is certainly not a Coccus, but probably, as M. Dumeril stated, an Aphis, whence Aphis fcibce would be its proper name. A new dye, called Canadian cochineal, has been lately prepared by Professor Lawson, of Queen^s College, Canada, from an apparently new species of Coccus, which was noticed in the summer of 1860, on the common black spruce {Ahies nigra) in the neighbourhood of Eangston. The new dye is very similar to cochineal, but, unlike it, can be produced in temperate climates. I must here bnefly notice the little insects which furnish lac, and which belong to other species of Coccus. Lac is a dark red substance which was supposed to be formed by Coccus lacca (or Coccus ficus) as bees form their cells. But from the analysis of this substance made by Unverdorben, it appears to consist of five sorts of resins mixed with COLOUR- PRODUCING INSECTS. 55 a little wax, colouring matter, and grease, and that it exudes from the branches of Zizyphus jujiiha and other trees, after they have been pricked by the Coccus lacca. It is collected from various trees and shrubs in India, where it is very abundant, and has the appearance of a concrete juice adhering to and encircling the branches. Chevreul discovered that its red colour was owed to carmdnium — the principle of the cochineal, and therefore its colour is certainly produced by the insect Coccus. There are several varieties of this substance, known in commerce as stick-lac, seed-lac, and shell- lac. Stich-lac, when it is in its natural state, adhering to the branches (Fig. 4) -, seed-lac when separated, pulverized, and the greater portion of colouring matter extracted by water ; lump-lac^ when melted and made into cakes ; sliell-laCy when strained and formed into trans- parent plates. Two other products are also brought from India. They are chemical prepara- tions for dyeing, called Icic-lake and lac- dye. In the latter country lac is used to stick-lac. manufacture beads, rings, and other ornaments. Mixed with sand, it is used to construct grindstones. In this country it is used principally 56 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. for varnislies, japanned ware^ and sealing-wax_, and sometimes as a substitute for cocliineal in dyeing scarlet. Formerly large quantities of lac-lake pre- cipitated fi'om an alkaline solution of tlie resin by alum_, was manufactured in Calcutta and exported to England. At present it is imported from tlie East Indies in two forms. Shelly stick, and seed- lac (the resinous exudation) arrives in Liverpool at the rate of about two hundred tons per annum. It is principally used for varnish. Lac-dye or cake-lac^ and lac-lake (the colouring matter of the insect combined with alumina_, etc.) arrives in Liverpool at the rate of about seventy tons per annum. It is used exclusively for dyeing. Carminmm, the colouring matter of the cochi- neal_, is a very interesting substance. It was first extracted from the Coccus cacti by Pelletier and Caventou iii 1818. They observed that it formed with alumina a magnificent lake, which they called carmine. This lake was, however, previously formed many years before by Dr. Bancroft. M. Lassaigne discovered carminium in the kermes {Coccus ilicis), and Chevreul asserted that it existed also in lac-dye (product of the Coccus lacca). It has also been extracted from Coccus polonicus, etc. The reason why all these insects cannot be em- ployed so advantageously as Coccus cacti, is simply because they jrield a much smaller proportion of COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. O/ carminium, and contain a greater quantity of grease, etc. This is so true that if the greasy matter be previously separated by pressure from Coccus polonicus, this insect can be employed weight for weight with the same advantage as the genuine cochineal. Carminium may be obtained by treating pul- verized cochineal, first by ether to extract the greasy matter, and then by alcohol. The product thus obtained is treated once more in the same manner, when, by evaporation of the alcohol, car- minium is deposited as a granular substance of a red-purple colour. If carminium be combined with oxide of lead, we obtain a violet compound, which, when decomposed with sulphuretted hydrogen, yields a transparent colourless liquid, by the evapo- ration of which a new substance is deposited in colourless crj^stals. These absorb oxygen from the air and become carminium. In August 1856, M. Belhomme made the beau- tiful discovery of carminium in the vegetable king- dom ; he found it in the petals of a plant of the Orchidae family, the Monarda didyma, L. This plant, which has been known to horticultmnsts for some time, is a native of North America. "WTien its petals are placed in water, they yield to the liquid a crimson colouring matter in every respect similar to the carminium of the cochineal. Some 58 UTILIZATION OF MIXUTE LIFE. time ago the autlior of tliis work thought he had discoyered carminmin in the bark of the alder tree, but it tui-ned out to be another colouring matter, still more interesting in a chemical point of view. The colom-ing matter of the cochineal, like that of madder, or Turkey-red, becomes yellow by the action of acids, but we can distinguish it from the latter, for when carminium is separated from the acid, it appears with its usual red colour, whilst madder remains yellow. Light has a peculiar action upon carmine — the beautiful crimson lake obtained by precipitating an alkahne solution of cochineal by alum. Mr. Hunt has shown that when this lake is prepared in the dark, it is of far less brilliant a colour than when prepared in the sunshine. The same fact has been observed for other colom-s, such as Prussian blue, etc. The colouring matter for the face called rouge, employed upon the stage — and sometimes off it — is made by mixing half a pound of prepared chalk with two ounces of freshly prepared carmine. This is the only red colouring matter that should be tolerated for this purpose, as it is perfectly harmless; the other products sometimes sold as such are extremely hurtful, from their venomous properties. M. Cheva- lier of Paris has very recently made a long report upon the sufferings produced among actors and COLOUR- PRODUCING INSECTS. 59 actresses in Paris by tlie use of poisonous colours containing lead, mercury,, arsenic, and other toxic principles. * * >ii * I shall now turn to gall insects, or Cyiiips, to whicli we owe many useful products. If ink were tlie sole product of the insects which produce the gall-nut, we should not be so much indebted to them, as ink can be produced in a variety of manners. But we shall see that the Gijnips furnish us with other substances useful to mankind. Although the insect which produced the gall-nuts found in commerce was not known to Linnaeus or to Fabricius, it belongs to their genus Cynips — a genus composed of small four-winged flies, and classed in the family of Hymenoptera. Some of these flies are remarkably useful to the Greeks in their process of caprificatioii. A dioecious fig-tree, very common in the East, would indeed be comparatively useless but for their aid. By a dioecious plant is meant one in which the male and female flowers are found on diS'erent individuals. In most plants the two sexes are united in the same flower, but in others, such as the hop, the nettle, some willows and figs, etc., the male flowers (stamens) are found on one individual, the female flowers (pistils) on the other. Now, as no fruit can ripen without the concourse of these two kinds of 60 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. flowers^* tlie female fig-trees of tlie East are apt to become sterile wlien removed from tlie immediate vicinity of tiie male plants. On tlie otlier liand a certain species of Cynips is known to abound in tlie flowers of tbe latter j so that to render tlieir female trees fertile_, tlie Greeks imagined tbe process of caprijication, wliick consists in this : As soon as tbe male flowers are in full blooni^ tliey are cut off" and strung into garlands^ wkicli are liung upon the brancbes of tbe female trees. Tbe Cynips in tbeir passage from tbe male to tbe female flowers, carry witb tbem tbe pollen of tbe former, and so tbe con- ditions of fertibty are ensured. Tbere are many descriptions of gall-nuts, but tbose wbicb are mostly esteemed for industrial pur- poses are tbe gall-nuts of tbe East, exported cbiefly from AlejDpo, Smpma, etc. Tbey are tbe product of an insect first described by Olivier, and now gene- rally known as Cynips gallce tinctorice. "Wben an insect of tbe Cynips kind is about to lay its eggs, it makes a sliglit incision in tbe leaves of certain plants into wbicb it deposits its eggs. Tbe sap of tbe plant tbus wounded flows rapidly to tbis spot — a separate incision is made for eacb egg — and in course of time a small excrescence is formed. Tbe eggs batcb and tbe new-born larvce * There are two apparent exceptions to tliis rule, namely, the CcBlohogyne, or batchelor plant, and Hemp. COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. Gl nourisli themselves on tlie tissue of tlie excresceiices_, thereby causing the sap to flow again to these parts. As the little ball or wart grows in size,, its interior is excavated more and more by the increasing appe- tite of the larv£e^ until the sides of the excrescence have become tolerably thin. The larva thus becomes a chrysalis, and when its metamorphosis is com- pleted, the perfect insect without much difficulty bores through the gall-nut and makes its exit. There are galls of all sorts and sizes, many of which possess very curious forms ; but each diffe- rent variety is produced by a distinct species of Gyniios. Eeaumur and Malpighi, to whom we owe our knowledge of the formation of gall-nuts, assure us that one of these, however large, attains its full size in a day or two, and that those which spring from leaves constantly take their origin from the nerves or veins of the leaf. The galls produced by Cynips gallce tindorice, fetch a high price in the markets. They were formerly analysed by Sir Humphry Davy, who found in them 63 parts of cellulose or vegetable fibre, 26 of tannic acid, 6*2 of impure gallic acid, 2-4 of mucilage, and 2-4 of ash or mineral matter. To the tannic acid they owe their highly astringent property, on account of which they are employed in medicine — their galHc acid is indispensable for 62 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. pliotograpliy : by tlie action of lieat it is converted into pjTOgallic acid_, wliicli is still more useful to pliotograpliers. By mixture witli salts of iron they produce ink and black dyes^ and tincture of galls is a reagent constantly employed in cliemical labora- tories. Tliese gall-nuts are found upon tlie leaves of an oak tree [Quercus infedoria, L.) Tlie little red oak balls found in our oak leaves are owed to the Cynips quercus folii (Fig. 5) ; they also can be em- FiG. 5.— a. Foreign galls ; I, Gall-nuts of Cynips quercus folii. ployed to produce ink, dyes, gallic acid, etc. ; but Berzelius assures us that they contain little more tannic acid than the leaf itself on which they are produced. Messrs. Lacaze and Eiche (" Archives des Sciences Physiques et Natm^elles de Geneve," xxx. 17) have profited by the singular conditions under which the young Cynips are developed in the gall- nuts, to solve an important physiological in-oblcm : COLOUR-PRODUCING INSECTS. 63 As grease exists in tlie vegetable as well as in tlie animal world^ it was an interesting question to know whether animals derived tlieir fat wholly from vege- tables, or whether this substance could be formed in the animal body. The vegetable tumours in which the larvae of the Cijnijps are found contain no grease or oily matter, whilst the grub that grows in them is remarkably fat ! It is evident, therefore, that animals have the power of forming fat or grease by means of the starch or other principles supplied by vegetables.* The conditions under which fat is most readily formed are indeed those in which the larvae of the cynips live, namely, a vegetable or farinaceous diet, repose, solitude, and obscurity. It is not improbable that other insects besides kermes, coccus, and cynips may become important as dye-producers. Reaumur has spoken of an aphis which produces galls in different parts of Asia, and these galls are employed to dye silk a crimson colour. Linnseus also speaks of the tinctorial properties of Apliis inni, an insect common in our chmate, and which produces a sort of gall-nut at the extremities of the spruce fir. When these galls have attained their maturity, says hC;, they burst and discharge a * Dumas and Milne Edwards formerly arrived at the same conclusion. They fed bees exclusively upon honey and sugar, and found that they produced loax, an observation which Huber had already made many years before. 64 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. yellow powder^ whicli stains tlie clotlies. A tree common enougli in India, and wliicli is called Ter- minalia citrina, yields a sort of gall, wliicli serves in that country as a dye ; to it indeed the natives owe their best and most durable yellow colour. It is produced by a hitherto unknoTSTi insect. Among the Httle "money- spider s^^ [Tromhidium) which attract the attention of children in the garden about spring, Tromhidium tinctorium is used in Guinea and Surinam as a dj'e. I have observed that when acid vegetable colours of a yellow tint can be fixed upon silk, cotton, wool, etc., they can almost always be tm^ned crimson by alkalies. It is im- possible yet to say what influence the newly dis- covered colour magenta will have upon the cochi- neal production. But as carminium and magenta are so very different in properties, it is probable that the production of magenta dye "v\'ill not mate- rially affect that of cochineal. Insects producing Wax, Eesin, Honey, Manna. Chinese Coccus which produces ou hind of Spermaceti — Value of its (Produce — White Lac — Insects pro- ducing-Iiesin — G-rey-vjax Insect of Sumatra — (J)etails concerning- the uoax Coccus — ^ees — -Jlpis mellifioa — Its native country — Virgil — -J/Iodern Jiuthors vuho have written on ^ees — -Jlpis ligustica — -^. amal- thea and its curious Jlests — ^amhuros — ^pis uni- color — G-ree-n Honey of ^ourbon — Ilock-honey of Jlorth Jlmerica — -fipis fasciata — fi. indica — -Jl.Jldan- sonii — -jQ: swarm of ^ees — The Queen, J/Iales, and Worhers — -J\A athematics of the ^ee-cell — Silk pro- duced by ^ees — (production of V7ax — Sow Honey is procured — (Plants favour able topees — (Z)urationof life in ^ees — Enemies and JVLaladies — Chloroforming ^ees — -Jdr. Jsfutt's Hives — (Profit derived from ij'ee- culture — JTeu) modes of (Preserving ^ees during -winter — (Periodical transportation of Hives — How to discover ^ees' Jlests — -JTevu species of ^ee at Sydney — ^ees as Instruments of War — Honey, its JTature and Composition — Jirtificial Honey from Wood, Starch, etc. — -Joanna and the Coccus Jilaniparus — Wax — Its JIature, Composition, and Uses. INSECTS PKODUCIXa WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 'E must again turn to tlie genus Coccus, to speak of a species of wax-producing in- sect wMcli is attracting particular atten- tion in France at tliis moment. This will be better understood when it is known that tlie Frenck pay four millions of francs annually for wax ; and tke Coccus of wkick I speak produces about ten millions of francs^ worth of wax per annum. It is a Chinese insect, and the wax it produces resembles spermaceti. It was first alluded to by Grosier, who remarked that towards the beginning of winter small tumours appear on the trees it inhabits. These tumom^s increase in size until they are as large as a walnut. He imagines these to be the nests of the female insects ; they are filled with eggs which hatch in the spring, and the young insects disperse themselves on the leaves and pierce the bark. The wax they produce — pro- bably in the same manner that lac is joroduced by Coccus lacca — is perfectly white, and known to the Chinese as Pe-la (white wax). It begins to appear 68 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. about June^ and is gathered by tlie natives at tlie beginning of September. Tlie quantity produced in Cliina alone is_, according to Geomelli Careri^ sufficient to supply tlie whole nation with this useful article. This insect^ with whose specific name we are not yet acquainted, is cultivated chiefly in the province of Xantung, like the cochineal in that of Oaxaca, and there its breed has attained great per- fection ; but it is also reared with more or less suc- cess from the frontiers of Thibet to the Pacific Ocean. The plant on which it lives is a species of privet, Ligustrum lucidum, a Chinese shrub. The chemical examination to which this wax has been submitted, proves it to be superior to any yet discovered, and shows that it bears a close resem- blance to spermaceti.* From what precedes it will be seen that the acchmatization of this insect in France becomes an exceedingly interesting problem. It appears pro- bable, from observations we already possess, that the Chinese spermaceti Coccus i^ not confined to China, and that it, or at least some analogous insects pro- ducing wax, are found in other parts of Asia. Dr. Anderson formerh^ described as ?t7/z7(? ?aca substance similar to the white wax of the Chinese Coccus, and * This Cliinese wax must not be confounded with that called vegetable wax, produced by palms and by several species of Aft/rica, etc. (On these see Cook in the " Technologist," London, June, 1861.) INSECTS PRODUCING WAX^ RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 69 wHcli, he said, could be produced in any quantity, near Madras, at a mucli cheaper rate than beeswax. And from De Azara's observations, a similar wax- producing Coccus appears to abound on a small shrub in South America. So many trees [Falms, and Myrica, and Elms especially) are known to produce excellent wax without the aid of any insect, that we cannot always decide at first whether this substance is the product of the plant or of the insect. Molina has shown that at Coquimbo in Chili large quantities of resin are produced by several species of the shrub Origanum, as a consequence of the bite of an insect. The latter is a small red caterpillar which changes into a yellowish moth with black stripes on its wings {Phalcena ceraria, Mol.) Early in the spring vast numbers of these caterpil- lars collect upon the branches and buds of the tree, where they form cells of a kind of white wax or resin ; and in these cells they undergo their meta- morphoses. The wax, which at first is very white, becomes gradually yellow and then brown. It is collected by the inhabitants in autumn ; they boil it in water, and make it up into cakes, which go into the markets. They use this wax instead of tar for their boats. There exists at Sumatra a species of winged ant that produces a sort of grey wax. A sample of this 70 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. substance was exhibited at tlie Frencb Exhibition of 1855^ but we bave as yet no details concerning the insect that produces it. All the insects of the genus Coccus contain a considerable amount of grease,, from wbicb stearine, the element of our modern " wax-candles/^ has been extracted ; moreover^ Berzelius extracted from Coccus ijolonicus the acids which are contained in butter ; and it is probable that butyric acid exists in the whole genus. The latest infonnation we have concerning the spermaceti Coccus of the Chinese we owe to M. Stanislas Jullien, who ascertained in 1840 tliat these insects were cultivated indefatigably by the Chinese, on three different sorts of plants^ with equal suc- cess ; namely^ the plant they call nini-cldng , which M. Brogniart tells us is the Rhus succedanea ; the tong-tsing, which Thunberg says is Ligustrum gla- hrum ; and the goukiuj a plant which grows in damp places^ and is probably the Hibiscus 8yriacus, or belonging to the same family as the latter. The wax which is obtained from these trees abounds in all the east and south provinces of China. It is col- lected by scraping the trees in autumn, it is then boiled in water, and strained through a cloth, after which it is placed in cold water, when it becomes solid, and then resembles soap-stone or steatite. The youug insects, according to M. Stanislas Jul- INSECTS PRODUCING WAX^ RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 71 lien, are hatclied from eggs of a considerable size, and cover the trees about June. They are soon ob- served to secrete a sort of viscous liquid, whicli adheres to the branches, and transforms itself slowly into a kind of grease or white wax. In September this grease adheres so firmly to the branches that it is difficult to remove it. The more sap the tree yields the more wax the insect produces ; it would, therefore, be interesting to try the effects of some of our artificial manures upon these trees and their insect burden. The insect appears to nourish itself upon the sugar contained in the sap, which it trans- forms into a liquid grease, becoming solid on con- tact with the air. Although insects are certainly instrumental in causing the production of several varieties of wax, it is not proved that they promote the formation of the Japan wax furnished by Rhus succedaneciy a plant extensively cultivated in Japan and China. The wax of this shrub is now being imported in England in enormous quantities. I must now allude to bees. I really dread the task of saying anything about these insects, so fami- liar to all, and upon which so many useful and in- structive volumes have ah'eady been written ; but on account of their utility to man, bees have long since been placed upon the first rank among domes- ticated animals. An ancient historian, Niebuhr, states that he met between Cairo and Damietta a 72 , UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. convoy of 4000 liives^ wliicli were being transported from a region where the season for flowers had passed^ to one where the summer was later. Our domestic hive-bee {Airls mellifica, Fig. 6) appears to be a native of Greece ;* from whence it was subsequently introduced into the different countries of Europe. It is a well-known fact that the education or rear- ing of bees attained to great Fig. 6— Apis meiiifica perfection amouff the ancient (Hive-bee). ^ ° Greeks,, more especially among the inhabitants of Attica ; the honey of the latter country was always considered extremely fine. An- cient philosophers looked upon bees as forming part of the universal soul of the world, and believed that the sweets upon which they lived made them parti- cipate in divine nature ; thus, we see the ancient poets celebrating the works of the bee, making known their habits and writing their history. It was from these sources that Virgil collected ideas, added to them the results of his own observa- tions, and produced the charming verses of his ^^ Georgica." Among the moderns the following are the names of distinguished entomologists who have written considerably on bees : — H. Huber, P. Huber, * Most authors agree upon this point. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX^ RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 73 Reaumur, Bonnet, Latreille, Needliani, Kirby, Swammerdam, Kirby and Spence, Mills, Tliorley, Hunter, Keys, Bonner, Scbirocli, Bevan, etc., etc. Ajjis mellifica, tbe domestic bee, reared in bives, is the same tbrougbout Europe, except in some parts of Italy, the Morea, and some of tbe Grecian isles, wbere another species is cultivated, tbe Ains ligus- ilea (?) of Spinola. Tbe domestic bee [A. mellifica) is found wild in tbe forests of Russia, and some parts of Asia, wbere it builds its nests in bollow trees. Anotber kind of bee, tbe Apis amaltliea of Latreille, is found at Cayenne, wbere it builds curi- ously-sbaped nests upon tbe tops of bigb trees; tbese nests are sometbing bke a bagpipe. Tbey are seen also in Soutb America, and furnisb large quan- tities of boney, but tbis boney, tbougb very sweet and agreeable, is very bquid and dbSicult to keep, as it easily ferments. Anotber species of wild bee, wbicb bas been called Bamhuros, is very plentiful in tbe woods of Ceylon, wbere it is eaten as a delicacy, tbougb it furnisbes a considerable barvest of boney to tbe peasants. In tbe Ukraine some of tbe country people, we are told, derive more profit from tbe sale of tbeir boney tban from tbeir corn; some peasants keeping as many as 500 bives eacb. Tbe Indians of Paraguay, tbe natives of tbe Isle of Bourbon, of Madagascar, etc.. 74 UTILIZATION OF ]!J:iXUTE LIFE. live, to a great extent, upon tlie lioney of tlie bee. The honey exported from the Isle of Bourbon is the product of Ajns unicolor, Latreille ; it is of a green colour and oily consistency, and has an aromatic flavour. In Xorth America there is a bee which suspends clusters of thirty or forty wax cells, resembling a bunch of grapes, to the rocks. Its honey is called rock-honey. It is very clear and thin, somewhat like water. The honey contained in the hives that Xiebuhr met upon the Kile was the product of Apis fas- data, a species of bee extensively cultivated in Egypt. Apis unicolor has been domesticated in Mada- gascar; Apis indica is educated in some parts of India; and Apis Adansonii has been extensively reared in Senegal. Although in Spain the number of hives is very great — we read of an old parish priest who had 5000 ! — in France the cultivation of the bee is not so much attended to. The honey of Apis mellifica, L., is imported (from Europe, Asia^ and America, chiefly from Lisbon) to Liverpool, at the rate of about twenty- seven tons a year. Wax is imported from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, at the rate of twenty-five tons per annum into Liverpool alone. INSECTS PRODUCING WAXj EESIN^ HONEY, MANNA. 75 Until very recently,* nearly tlie wliole of tlie wax employed in Europe, and most of tliat con- sumed in America, was tlie produce of tlie Mve bee. A swarm of bees is composed of one female (generally known as the queen-bee), from 600 to 1200 males, and from 15,000 to 30,000 working bees, whicli liave no sex. Aristotle used to call the chief of the hive the hing-hee. The working-bee would have become a female had it attained its perfect development — a fact discovered by Mdlle. Jurine, a lady who first dissected the working-bee ; but whilst in the larvae state, being fed upon a small allowance of food, and bred in small cells, its growth is impeded, its ovaries avert, and it comes forth definitely as a working-bee. The female (the queen) only comes out of the hive or nest upon two occasions : the first at the period of coupling, when she soars in the air with a host of males, one of which is finally chosen as her mate. This one dies almost immediately after- wards, and the female returns to the hive. The queen-bee has thus become fertile for one year — often for her whole life. As soon as the males return to the hive they are unmercifully put to death by the working-bees. The male-bees (drones) have no sting. This takes place about August. * At present there is a considerable importation of vegetable 76 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Forty- eight liours after the female bee has returned to the hive she begins to deposit her eggs in the cells destined to receive them. During the first summer few eggs are laid (principally those from which " workers'' emerge) . In winter the laying ceases, to re-commence in the spring_, when, in about three weeks, more than 12,000 eggs are deposited by the same queen-bee, which begin to hatch in three or four days. In a single season a queen-bee will sometimes lay from 70,000 to 100,000 eggs. Reaumur says that upon an average she ^vill lay 200 in a day. The queen-bee must be eleven months old before she can produce eggs which produce males, and still older before the eggs she lays will bring forth female bees. The second occasion on which the female-bee leaves the hive or nest is when a new female has been born, and emigration becomes necessary. It is then that siuarming takes place. When a swarm issues from the hive, it is customary among the peasants to make a noise, to throw sand into the air, and to imitate a storm. The bees then fix themselves in a cluster to some object, from which they are shaken into the new hive. One word upon the queen-bee. She is always born in one of the royal cells, which arc larger than the others. She receives a particular kind of nourish- INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 77 ment while in tlie larva state, and if by any accident the queen-bee of a hive is lost or killed, the remain- ing bees have the power of nourishing any of their common lai'vge in such a manner as to produce a queen.* A word upon the working bees. There are two varieties : the wax makers and the nurses. The former are large and robust, they fly into the country to collect the pollen and sugar of flowers ; the others, less strong, remain in the hivej their duty is to feed the young larvae. A beautiful example of applied mathematics is furnished by the bee-cell. Each cell of the honey- comb is a hexagon, the base of which is composed of three rhomboidal plates so composed as to contain the largest amount of honey with the least quantity of wax.t Lord Brougham, in a paper read at the Paris Academy (May, 1858), asserts that the cells of the larvae of bees are lined with a species of silk ; when the wax is separated there remains behind what appears to be a very fine tissue of silk. It is now beyond doubt that the wax of the bee is not taken from the vegetable world, but is pro- duced by the insect itself. The fact was ascertained * See on this Kirby and Spence " Introduction to Entomology." Lond, 1858, pp. 361, 362, et seq. t See Kirby and Spence, loc cit, p. 273. 78 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. by Tliorlej in 1 744_, and afterwards by Hnber^ wlio described tlie organs^ situated on eacli side of the abdomen, wbicL. secrete the wax in tlie sbape of thin plates. Honey, on tlie contrary, consists of the sugar which is taken directly from the nectaries of the flowers. It is lapped up from these curious parts of the flower by the tongue of the bee, and trans- mitted into the first stomach or honey-bag of the insect. It is never found in any other part of the bee^s body. "Whien the insect is laden it returns to the hive, and disgorges the honey into cells which are destined to receive it. Plants which are pecuHarly adapted to the bee are species of Echiumy Borago, Verhasciom, Thymus, and the Crucifera. In some countries bees attach themselves to particular plants ; for instance, in the Highlands of Scotland and in Sweden, to the Erica, or heath-plant ; in Scania, to the buckwheat ; in Poland, to the lime-tree ; in Narbonne, to rose- mary ; in Greece, to thyme ; in Corsica, to the arbutus ; in Sardinia, to the Artemisia, etc. ; and hence arises the difi'erent flavours and quahties of honey in the several European markets. Other plants appear to be avoided by bees : thus the poisonous nectar of the oleander, which proves fatal to thousands of flies, wiU not be touched by the bee. But a few cases are on record of bees INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, EESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 79 gatliering poisonous honey, and causing extensive mortality among those who eat it. The duration of the Hfe of bees has been a sub- ject of controversy. Yirgil and Phny say seven years, other writers ten ; but of the five hundred bees which Keaumur marked with red paint in the month of April, not one was li\dng in November ; and more modern authors state that the working bees are annual insects, but that the queen may live two years. We have already seen that the males die every year. However, by a succession of generations hives have been preserved for more than five and twenty years ; and Thorley states that a swarm of bees that took possession of a spot under the leads of the study of Ludovicus Vivos, in Oxford, in 1520, were still there in 1630. They had therefore propagated their race in this spot for a period of one hundred and ten years. The enemies of bees are mice, rats, swallows, and other insectivorous birds, wasps, ants, and some other insects. They are also subject to certain diseases, such as dysentery, indigestion, etc. Hives should be placed in a quiet spot, away from noise ; if wasps' nests exist in the neighbourhood, they should be destroyed ; ants' nests likewise ; and frogs, toads, ants, spiders, etc., must be kept away. Bears and foxes are very fond of honey. When a person ap- proaches a hive, he should speak mezza-voce, as the 80 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Italians say ; and if tlie bees appear hostile^ lie will do well to stoop down. Liquid ammonia is em- ployed with success to cure tlie effects of their sting. Mr. Nutt's system of Hve appears to be held in esteem upon the Continent. It is no longer necessary to kill these useful insects in order to procure their honey^ as every apiarist knows they may be fumigated or "chloroformed^^ in different ways. The fumes produced by bm-ning fungi permit the cultivator to attain this end without the loss of his bees. Of these fungi the common puff-ball (Lycoperdon) is to be preferred; its fames act upon animals Kke chloroform_, as Dr. Eichardson has proved by several experiments. The asphyxiation of bees by the puff-ball fungus has been practised by Messrs. Blondel and Cossart with success_, thus : A hole is made in the earth a few inches deep, and wide enough to hold a plate, under which is placed a towel. Four or five puff-balls, perfectly dry, are passed on to a long iron pin and hghted. The pin is then stuck into one of the sides of the excavation, and the hole covered with the bee-hive, the ends of the towel being pulled up and fastened against the hive by the loose earth, the smoke is prevented from escaping. In four or five minutes the hive may be lifted up ; all the bees are found upon the plate in a state of insensibility. This INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 81 operation is best performed at about four o^clock in the afternoon. Wben tlie bees are again placed in the hive, the opening of the latter is nearly closed, so that they may not make their escape when animation returns. The next morning they are permitted to go out, and are as lively as before. But Mr. Nutt^s system of hive, where the honey is taken from the top, without suffocating the bees, renders this operation unnecessary. The profit derived from the cultivation of bees has been often much exaggerated. Large fortunes are not more easily realized by this undertaking than by other means. Bees require a great deal of attention, and to reahze a profit at all the cultivator must, in most cases, submit to a considerable amount of trouble, and often to no little anxiety. The sales of swarms , luax, and honey are the three elements or basis upon which bee-culture rests. The best time for purchasing swarms is in the month of October. On honey and wax we shall say a few words presently. The production of a hive depends principally upon the mildness of the climate. In the environs of Paris there are bee-hives which realize a pure profit of twelve to twenty-four francs a year. These figures may be taken as a sort of criterion in our climate. Those who occupy themselves with the rearing of bees should possess " Les Obsen^a- G 82 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. tions sur les Abeilles/^ by H. Huber, of Geneva ; " Les Nouvelles Observations/^ by tbe same author, noted by P. Huber; also tbe works of Reaumur, and tbose of tbe Eng-lisli authors whose names we have already mentioned. The principal losses experienced in bee- culture occur during the winter ; they arise either from the bee-keeper having, with a miserly hand, deprived the insects of too much honey, or from a bad mode of preserving the hives through the winter season. 1st. To ascertain whether a sufficient supply of honey has been reserved the average weight of the hives must be consulted. 2nd. M. Penard-Masson, a French apiarist, assures us that he has derived considerable benefit and presei'ved throughout the winter hives which othei'wise would have perished, by turning a certain number of bees out of a hive where the supply of honey is too small, into one where there exists an excess of nourishment. But one of the newest and most original methods of preserving bees during winter is that lately discovered by M. Antoine of Pheims. His process consists in hurying the hives with great care, and as quietly as possible. About the 15th of November, a ditch, a good depth, and wide enough to contain all the hives that are to be interred, is dug in the mid- dle of a field, away from any road or thoroughfare. INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 83 The hives are placed in it with the utmost care, avoiding as much as possible motion and noise. Their sides are protected with boards and straw, and the whole is then covered with the earth removed in digging the ditch. Seeds are immediately sown over the spot, to hide more completely the buried treasure. The excavation is opened on the 15th of February follomng, and the bees removed with the same care as before. These operations are executed in the evening. By this system, it appears that the bees con- sume three-fifths less nourishment than if they had not been buried, the mortality in the hives is almost nil, and the queen begins to lay three weeks sooner than usual. I should imagine that porous ground should be chosen in preference to a heavy clay soil, for burying the hives. Mr. Newport in his paper published in the ^^Philosophical Transactions^^ for 1837, has joroved that in our climate bees are never, strictly speaking, torpid during the winter season, but preserve throughout it a certain degree of activity. Towards the end of October, when the inunda- tions of the Nile have ceased, and the peasants can sow their land, sainfoin (Hedysarum) is one of the first plants sown, and as Upper Egypt is warmer than Lower Egypt sainfoin fiowers first in the former district. At this time, according to Kirby, bee- 84 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. hives are transported in boats from all parts of Egypt into tlie upper district^ and are tlien heaped in pyramids upon other boats prepared to receive them. In this station they remain some days, and are then removed lower down, where they remain the same time ; and so they proceed until the month of February, when, having traversed Egypt, and arrived at the sea, they are dispersed to their several owners. A similar trransportation of hives occurs in Persia, Asia-Minor, Greece, sometimes in Italy, and even in England in the neighbourhoods of heaths. The honey-hunters of New England seek the wild bees' nests in the following manner : — ^^Vhilst the sun shines brightly a plate containing honey is set upon the ground. It soon attracts the bees, who feed greedily upon it until their honey-bag is filled. Having secured two or three that are thus satiated the hunter allows one to escape. The insect rises in the air, and being completely laden, flies straight towards its nest. The bee-hunter then strikes oflP for a few hundred yards at right angles to the course taken by the first bee, and lets fly another ; he ob- serves its course with his pocket compass. The point where the two courses intersect each other is the spot where the nest is situated. The huUetin of the Paris " Society d' Acclima- tization'' for 1856 announces the discovery of a new INSECTS PRODUCING \YAX_, EESIN^ HONEY^ MANNA. 85 species of bee (Ains) at Sydney, It inhabits tlie boliow portions of decayed trees, lives together in prodigious numbers, appears to have no sting, and produces a brown-coloured wax, and an excellent description of honey. This is all we know of it at present. If it has no sting, it is probably not an Apis. In time of war, the ancient Egyptians used to place implicit trust in their sacred beetles ; but bees have been employed as more efficacious instruments of war. Lesser reports that in 1525 a mob of pea- sants, who endeavoured to pillage the house of a gentleman, were dispersed by the servants of the latter, who flung some ten or twenty bee-hives into the mob. We have read somewhere than an Ame- rican slave ship was boarded and captured by means of bee-hives. Honey is formed from the sugar secreted in the nectaries of flowers. It is composed of two distinct kinds of sugar, known to chemists as grape-sugar and hquid sugar, which both differ essentially from cane or beet-root sugar, though their composi- tion is similar. They are less sweet than the latter. Liquid- sugar cannot be made to crystallize like the other varieties. The sweet liquid extracted from the nectaries of flowers possesses most of the properties we observe in the honey of the bee. Some flowers contain a 86 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. considerable quantity,, sucli are^ for instance^, tlie trumpet-lioneysuckle^ whose sugar is out of tlie bee^s reacb, and the Coboea scandens, eacli flower of wbicli contains abnost enougb sugar to sweeten a cup of coffee. But there is an important difference between honey and the sweet juice of the nectaries of flowers. The former contains no cane-sugar^ whilst the latter^ as Braconnot has shown, yields by eyaporation some crystals of cane-sugar. The Rhododendron jjonticum and the Cactus Akermanni were found to contain so notable a proportion that one corolla of the latter gaye as much as one -tenth of a gramme of crystal- lized cane sugar. It is eyident, therefore, that this cane-sugar of flowers is conyerted into grape sugar in the honey -bag or the cells of the bee. When honey is allowed to stand for some time, it gradually thickens and consolidates. By pressure in a hnen bag it may then be separated into a white sohd sugar — called grape sugar, as it is found in grapes and raisins — and a thick semi-fluid syrup, called hquid sugar. Grape sugar is better extracted by placing the honey upon a porous brick, which absorbs all the liquid sugar, whilst the grape sugar crystallizes at the surface. The liquid sugar of honey often contains odori- ferous substances produced by the flowers from which it has been extracted. To these the honey INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, RESIN_, HONEY_, MANNA. 87 owes a certain fragrance or flavour for whicli it is mucli prized. Sucli is tlie case witli tlie honey of Mount Ida, in Crete ; hence also the perfume of Narbonne honey, of the honey of Chamounix, and of our own moorland honey when the heather is in bloom. Honey is extracted from the comb by gently heating the latter and letting as much as possible run out, When no more can be extracted in this manner, the comb is again gently heated and pressed. Hence two distinct qualities of honey. The comb which has been pressed is treated with water, and furnishes a liquid which, on being fer- mented, produces hydromel, a sort of vinous hquid employed in medicine. Finally the combs are placed in sacks and submitted to the action of boil- ing water to obtain the wax. Honey is employed as an agreeable ahment ; it is used in various forms for medicinal purposes, and enters into the compo- sition of gingerbread. Honey can be artificially made by boiling wood, linnen, cotton, or starch in water acidulated with sul- phuric acid. The liquid is allowed to boil from ten to twenty hours, and the water replaced as it evapo- rates. The acid liquid is then saturated with chalk, filtered, and evaporated, when a syrup resembling honey is obtained. This syrup is indeed composed of grape sugar, mixed with a small quantity of 88 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. liquid sugar; and tMs^ as we liave seen^ is the composition of honey. This discovery is owed to Braconnot. Mannite_, the sweet principle of nianna_, has been foundj though rarely^ in some kinds of honey. The manna that is used as an agreeable food in the East, and with us as a purgative for children, is caused to flow from the Tamarix mannifera (Fig. 7), by the punctures of a small insect. Coccus mani- j>aruH. But it is essentially a vegetable product, Fig. 7.— Tamarix mannifera (Manna-bearing Tamarix). 1. Shrub twelve feet high. 2. Branch wiih fruit. being obtained from the sap of the ash tree {Frax- inns ornus, F. rohindifolia, etc.). The Httle green aphides of the lime tree appear, however, to secrete mannite from their bodies, on account of which they are captured and reared by ants as we breed cows for their milk. But it has not yet been proved that any animals produce mannite directly, though sugar rs a common product of the animal INSECTS PRODUCING WAX, EESIN, HONEY, MANNA. 89 economy. Besides the different varieties of asli, tlie tamarix, and seaweeds,* a sort of manna is pro- duced in Australia and Van Diemen^s Land by the Eucalyptus resinifera. At certain seasons of tlie year a sweet substance exudes from the leaves of this tree, and dries in the sun, and when the wind blows hard enougrh to shake the trees, the manna falls hke a shower of snow. Certain oaks, larches, pines, cedars, etc., produce a similar substance. The cedar- manna, which is brought from Mount Lebanon, is the product of Pinus cedrus — it sells for twenty or thirty shillings an ounce. The manna collected by the Arabs for food in the desert, is the product of Hedysarum alhagi, L., a plant which is indigenous over a large portion of the East. That of Mount Sinai is obtained from the Tamarix before alluded to. The Coccus mamiijjcirus infests this tree, from which the manna exudes as a thick S}T:'up, which, during the heat of the day, falls in drops, but dur- ing the night congeals and is gathered in the cool of the morning. On beeswax I have little to say. The best and whitest wax is that taken during the month of March. The nature of wax has been very com- pletely investigated by Dr. Levy of Paris, to whose admirable paper {'' Annales de Chimie,^^ xiii. p. 438) * On the production of Mannite by seaweeds, see my i.)aper in •' Comptes Eendus," Paris, 1st Dec, 1856. 90 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. I must refer my readers. We liave already seen how it is produced by the bee^ the Chinese Coccus, and the manner in which it is extracted from the honeycomb. We have also seen that wax is pro- duced by many vegetables, amongst others by the cabbage ; it is also found in the pollen of flowers, from which it was long supposed the bees procured it. But the wax contained in pollen difiers from beeswax ; it is the substance known as propolis, which the bees use to fill up fissures in the nest or hive. The wax of the honeycomb can be separated into two distinct substances by means of spirits of wine ; the first, called cerine, dissolves in boihng spirit, and the liquid on cooling deposits it in white gelatinous crystals. The substance which remains undissolved is myricine, which does not crystallize. Wax is still employed in considerable quantities (in spite of the discovery of stearine candles) for candles used in Roman Catholic churches. It has of late years been notably employed in photo- graphy, to wax the paper and render it translucide. The wax produced by certain wild bees, called MelUpona, and gathered at Costa Rica, in the Island of Cuba, etc., has lately been applied to the manu- facture of lithographic ink. Finally wax is em- ployed for an infinite number of minor uses, for making anatomical models, busts, dolls, etc. I Insects Employed in Medicine, or as Pood, and other Insects useful to Man. Spanish Flies — Cantharides — ^heirjdediocul (properties — Cantharidine — Cantharides in (Poitou — (X>ifferent Bpeoies of Cantharides — (X)isGovery of Gantharidine inJ\/Leloe — ^he JKeloe, or Oil ^eetle — -JAetamorphoses ofJVLeloe and Bitaris — Qetonia jxiMrata — Goooinella — Trehala — ^uprestis — Jlnts — Formio and^ JVL alia ^ aids injints — (production of J\^ilh from the Eg-g-s of Jlnts — :^nts ivhioh oolleot (Precious Stones — Termes as an Jirticle of Food., etc. — Locusts and, Cicadce — -jxcri/dium mig-ratorium — 91'he Ethiopian Jlcrydophaghi — Ci- cada septemdecim — ^ugs and^ Fleas — Southey — (Phtirophaghi — Jlranea edulis — Centipedes — '^he JAexican ^oat Flies — ^eetle used for Soap — Calan- d^ra g-ranaria — (Presence of Tannic and (j-allic Jlcids in this ^eetle — Fire Flies — 'druffle Flies — 9^he Com- mon House Fly, etc. — I^emarkable j^ction of Light upon flnimal Life — G-rovAh of Insects under the Influence of differently Coloured Light. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE, OE AS FOOD, AND OTHER INSECTS USEFUL TO MAN. NE of tlie most important insects, in a medical point of view, is tlie beetle called Spanisli fly [Gantliarides), of whicli tliere are many species, all dangerous poisons. They are employed outwardly for tlieir blistering and exciting properties, and inwardly, for various dis- orders, as an energetic stimulant. Tlieir poisonous action manifests itself by violent irritation of tlie membranes of tbe stomach and intestines. Tbe vesicatory or blistering property of these beetles is owing to Cantliaridine, a principle extracted from them by Robiquet, and studied by Gmelin. They contain also a peculiar volatile oil, mentioned by Orfila, but of wbicli little is yet known, except that it appears to be this oil which gives Gantliarides their peculiar odour. Cantharidine crystallizes in small white crystals, soluble in ether and boiling alcohol. This substance is only capable of producing inflammation or blis- tering; the exciting or aphrodisiac action of Can- 94 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. tharides is owed to some otlier principle as yet unknown, as Scliroff lias lately shown. M. Babinet lias informed me that in some parts of France, more especially in Poit on, asli- trees are never planted, because tlie quantity of Cantha- rides that breed upon tliese trees soon becomes intolerable to tlie inbabitants of tbe district. In our climate, Cantliarides are to be found upon tbe lilac, tbe privet, and some otber sbrubs. Tbey are very plentiful in Spain (bence tbeir appellation, '^ Spanish fly^^):, Italy, Sicily, etc., but comparatively rare in England, where they are only to be met with now and then in the southern counties. Of these beetles, the Cantliarides vesicatoria of Geoffrey and Latreille is most frequently found in commerce ; it is distinguished by its strong and peculiar odour, its wing-sheaths or elytra of metallic green, and its black antenna or horns. In America, two other species, namely, Cantliarides cinerea and 0. xittata, being extremely common and noxious insects, are more frequently used than C. vesicatoria. In India, 0. gigas and C. violacea are employed ; in Sumatra and Java, C. rificeps ; in Brazil, C. atoma- ria ; in Arabia, C. syriaca ; in China, certain species of Mylahris, a genus closely allied to Cantliarides. The real Spanish fly, C. vesicatoria, Latr., is imported into Liverpool from Italy at the average rate of three hundredweight per annum. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE OR AS FOOD. 95 ^ Our readers are probably all acquainted with tlie Meloe proscaraheoeus (Fig. 8)_, or oil-beetle. It derives its name from tbe fact that, wlien taken into the hand or otherwise irri- tated, it secretes a fragrant oily fluid, to which have been attributed the most Fia. S.-Meloe proscarabe^us wonderful qualities; amongst (Oii-beetie). others, that of infallibly curing rheumatism ! This large beetle is easily recognized by its dark violet colour, its elytra, which are oval, and so short that they do not cover more than one-third of the insect's body. Late in the ^-^rijig, Meloe proscara- heceus is often seen in our fields and on the hedge- banks, drawing its heavy body slowly over the damp grass. To preserve it in insect collections, its body must be stuffed with cotton-wool, otherwise it shrinks to an incredibly small bulk. Sobrero and Lavini have recently discovered Cayitharadine in insects belonging to this genus Meloe f which is closely allied to the genus Gantha- rides, more so, indeed, than that of Mylahris, men- tioned above. In Spain, these oil-beetles, or Meloe, are still used in lieu of Spanish fly. M. Fabre, a very distinguished entomologist, has recently made knoT^Ti some facts relating to Meloe and the alhed genera Sitaris, which are so 96 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. curious tliat I think tliey may safely be related here : — Tlie insects belonging to the two genera^ Meloe and Sitaris, together perhaps with the whole tribe^ are, in theu' early stages of life, parasitical insects, living upon the bodies of certain honey-making Hymen- oijtera. From M. Fabre^s account, it appears that their larvce, before arriving at the pupa or clirysalis state, go through no less than four distinct meta- morphoses. The author finds himself obliged to invent new names to designate these newly-dis- covered phases of insect life. He therefore denotes them primitive la.rva, second larva, pseudo-chrysalis, and third larva . The passage of one of these forms to the other is effected by a simple process of moulting, or throwing off of the outer skin ; the viscera remaining unchanged. The primitive larva is a hard, crusty little being. It lives on the bodies of Hymenoptera (bees, etc.) until it is transported to the nest and finds itself deposited in the bee-cell. Once there it soon devours the oflPspring of the Hymenoptera. The second larva, which is developed in the cell, lives upon the honey. It is much softer than the former. The pseudo-chrysaHs resembles a piece of hard gutta-percha, it is quite devoid of motion, its sheath is of a hard horny substance, upon which can be observed the rudiments of a head and six small INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE^ OR AS FOOD. 97 tubercles, rudiments of feet. The third larva bears a strict resemblance to the second larva. From this stage the usual metamorphoses of insect life begin, and follow out their ordinary course : this third larva becomes first a chrysalis, from which it emerges as a perfect insect. Other coleopterous insects are endowed with inflammatory or blistering properties. Such, for instance, is the Cetonia aurata, or golden beetle, which was employed in the time of PHny, and which plays such an ingenious part in the tale of Edgar Poe. Such again are the Goccinella, or lady-birds, which, when captured, secrete from their legs an acrid yellow fluid having a disagreeable odour. It is doubtless to this fluid that they owe their property of curing the most violent toothache when they are placed alive in the hollow part of the tooth. A pharmaceutical substance, known as Trehala, has lately been studied by M. Guibourt. It is a kind of insect-nest or hollow cocoon, round or oval, about the size of a large olive, and is the produce of a coleopterous insect (or beetle) closely allied to the genus CurcuUo, and named Larinas nidificans. This insect lives on the branches of a shrub, a species of Ec?u7io2ys. The trehala is composed of 66 '54 parts of starch, 4'66 of a kind of gum, and 28*80 of sugar, mixed H 98 UTILIZATION OF MIXUTE LIFE. with a small quantity of some bitter principle, and mineral salts. In tlie East tliis substance is as mucb used as salep or tapioca. It was first noticed in Spna. Wlien placed in water it swells considerably, becomes soft, and finally transforms the liquid into a sweet mucilaginous decoction. M. Berthelot has just extracted a new kind of sugar from this cocoon. It resembles cane-sugar to a certain extent, and has been called trehalose. The wing-cases or elytra of that beautiful Indian beetle, Biiprestis vittosta, are occasionally imported from Calcutta to Liverpool, They have a bright metallic green lustre, and are employed to ornament Klms-'khus baskets, fans, etc., and on mushns to enrich the embroidery. Khus-khus or vitiver is the dried root or rhizome of a grass, Andropogon muri- catus (Retzius). This sweet-scented root arnves here now and then from India. It is made into baskets, fans, mats, sachets for the wardi-obe, etc. ; which are often most sumptuously decorated with the wings of Bu]3restis vittata. Ants [Formica) are useful insects in a variety* of ways. By distilling them a peculiar substance called formic acid passes over — but it can be obtained with greater ease and economy from starch* — in the residue that remains is found a certain proi^ortion * By distiUing starch with dilute sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE, OR AS FOOD. 99 of malic acid, an acid first discovered in the apple. Certain large ants, called Guimij in the Brazils are eaten by the natives, and so is another large species called Tamajoura. In Africa ants are some- times stewed with butter, and considered delicious. In Sweden they have been distilled with rye to give a peculiar flavour to brandy. By submitting ant- eggs to pressm-e, the chemist John produced a kind of milk resembUng a mixture of milk and chocolate. This Hquid, upon analysis, was found indeed to con- tain albumen, lactic acid, phosphoric acid, a matter resembling casein, and a yellow grease like butter, so that its composition as well as its taste resembles that of ordinary milk. Ants are also very useful to medical students, in preparing skeletons of small animals, such as moles, rats, etc. The dead body of any of these animals being placed in or near an ants^ nest is soon reduced to a very clean skeleton. Other insects might also perhaps be used for this purpose. On the high plateaux of the Rocky Mountains, according to Humboldt, there exists a species of ant, which, instead of useing fragments of wood and vegetable remains for the purpose of building its dwelling, employs only small stones of the size of a grain of maize. The instinct of the insect leads it to select the most brilHant stones for this 100 UTILIZATION or MINUTE LIFE. purpose,, and tliese ant-hills are frequently filled with transparent quartz and garnets. At Capula Humboldt found the ant-hills filled with shining grains of obsidian and sanidine. Ants belong to the family of Hymenoptera (bees, cynips, etc.) ; but there are insects called wliite ants [Termes) which belong to the family of Neurojptera (dragon flies, ephemera, etc.). The latter are very useful to man in certain parts of the world as an article of food, though they certainly are most ter- rible enemies to our habitations and furniture. In France there are numerous examples of old houses, or large pieces of furniture falling in, as a conse- quence of the mining operations of the Termes, De Quatrefages recommends us to destroy them by means of a current of chlorine gas directed into their galleries, as Thenard once effected the de- struction of the rats of Paris by means of sulphu- retted hydrogen.* In the torrid zone, where the Termes abound, they build nests like hills, eleven or twelve feet high, which are often mistaken at a distance for the huts of the natives. Their habits are as interesting * The British Grovemment has lately applied to the Entomological Society to know the best means of destroying the white ants which infett certain of our colonies. Several remedies (arsenic- soap, lime, corrosive sublimate) were hinted at by the members, but chlorine was not mentioned. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE_, OR AS FOOD. 101 as those of bees ; but we must refer our readers to special works on entomology for a description of these. The Hottentots eat them boiled or raw ; they serve as food in the East Indies. The Africans roast them in iron pots and eat them by handfuls, as we do sugar-plums. They resemble in taste (according to Smeathman) sugared cream^ or sweet almond paste. They constitute an extremely nutri- tious article of diet. Many parts of the world^ and great portions of Europe are often ravaged by certain species of locustS;, chiefly by the species AcrycUum miyratorium (Fig. 9) J which I have found as far north as Ostend Fig. 9.— Acrydium migratorium (Locust). (in 1857, in which year a dead locust was also picked up in the Strand in London). The devastations caused by these well known insects have sometimes penetrated to the heart of France. They certainly destroy large quantities of food, but in return they furnish to the inhabitants of the countries to which 102 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. their visits are most common_, excellent repasts. The Arabs^ the Eg}^Dtians^ the Tartars^ the inhabi- tants of Barbary_, etc._, relish these locusts as much as the Greeks enjoy their Cicada; hence locusts are always to be found for sale in the market-places of these people. Indeed cart-loads of them are brought to Fez as a usual article of food ; and the Africans^ far fi'om dreading their invasions^ look upon a dense cloud of locusts as we should so much bread and butter in the air. They smoke them_, or boil them, or salt them, or stew them, or grind them down as corn, and get fat upon them ! The custom has j)revailed for many centuries, for Diodores tells us that from this cii^umstance was derived the denomination of Acrydopliaghi, or eaters of locusts, given to some Ethiopian tribes.* Locusts belong to the family of Ort]i02:)tera. Cicada, another race of insects belonging to the family of Eemiptera (or bugs), were formerly em- ployed as an article of food. Aristotle, Aristophanes, Athenaeus, and ^lian among the ancients, mention Cicada as an article of diet. These noisy insects were formerly much relished by the Greeks, but their taste for them appears to have been neglected from some unknown * The camels of the Arabs eat cooked locusts readily ; deprived of their heads, legs, and wings, and stewed in butter, they are eaten by the Arabs themselves. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE, OR AS FOOD. 103 cause. They are still eaten by the American Indians, who boil a speciesknown as Cicada se2:)temdecim, which is eaten raw by the natives of New South Wales. Concerning bugs [Cimex), which belong to the same family as Gicada, although they abound in some parts of Paris and London_, we know of no use whatever that could be made of them ! Southey once remarked, '^ We have not taken animals enough into alliance with us. The more spiders there were in the stable the less would the horses suflPer from flies. The fire-fly [Elater noctiluca) should be imported into Spain to destroy mos- quitoes. In hot countries a reward should be ofiered to the man who could discover what insects feed upon fleas.^^ It is well known that cockroaches (Blatta AmerU cana) destroy bugs, and when a house is infested with one of these noxious insects, it is rare that the others ill be found in the same place. But man himself appears hitherto to be the animal that destroys most fleas. Many more disgusting insects than those just mentioned are eaten in different parts of the world, but as this work might fall into the hands of people of delicate appetites, I shall pass them over, and refer to Kirby and Spence's manual for a descrip- tion of the Pterophagi, a people of Africa, who chase the game upon their own private property. 104 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Aranea edulis, a large spider_, is relislied by tlie natives of New Caledonia — this spider is about an inch long ; it is roasted over the fii'e. Humboldt has seen Indian children drag from " the earth centipedes eighteen inches long (probably Sjjirostreptus olivaceus or 8. indus ?), and more than half an inch broad,- and devour them. The same author also speaks of the Agautle of the Mexicans, an aliment formed exclusively of the eggs of certain species of the boat-fly, Notoneda. These eggs also contribute to the formation of a certain oohtic rock that is being deposited in the great lakes of Mexico, whence M. Yirlet d^Aoust and other geologists conclude that the oolitic strata of the Jura, etc., must have had a similar origin. The Mexicans consume gi^eat quantities of these eggs : they find them strewed by thousands upon the reeds on the banks of the great fresh-water lakes, Texcocco and Chalco. They shake them into a cloth, and set them to diy, after which they are ground hke flour, placed in sacks, and sold to the inhabitants, who make with this flour a pecuhar kind of cake called Jiaidte. The unground eggs are also used to feed chickens, etc.* * M. d'Aoust, on Lis return from Mexico, gave me some of these eggs in 1858 ; tliey are very small, oval and white ; but I have not yet submitted them to analysis. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE, OR AS FOOD. 105 Thomas Gage spoke of this peculiar insect pro- duct as early as 1625. Tlie insects whose eggs are taken to produce this Mexican flour are of three species. Two of these belong to the genus Corixa of Geoffrey ; the first was described in 1831, by Thomas Say, under the name of Corixa mercenaria f the other is looked upon as new, and has been called C. femorata. But on the same reeds are observed the eggs of a third insect, a new species of boat-fly, which M. Guerin Menneville has termed Notoneda unifasciata ; this is a larger insect. We have heard of a beetle called Chlcenius sa^o- naris (or Carahus sajponarius of Olivier), of which soap is made in some parts of Africa. This fact is easily accounted for by the great abundance of this insect and the quantity of grease it contains. Another beetle, Calandra granaria, a dark-brown insect, with a spotted thorax, too well known by the ravages it commits in the granaries of southern Europe, contains both tannic and gallic acid : an ex- tremely interesting fact, discovered by Mitonart and Bonastre, and confirmed by the further researches of Bonastre and Henry. Tannic acid and galhc acid can be extracted from this beetle by means of ether, alcohol, or water. The solution precipitates gelatine and forms ink with salts of iron, etc., characteristic properties of the substances in question. 106 UTILIZATION or MIXUTE LIFE. Fire-flies {Elater), of wliicli I liave spoken at length, in my work on Phosphorescence, are employed in some countries as liglits^ as ornaments^ and to kill mosquitoes. A dipterous insect^ belonging to tlie genus Stomowys, lias been spoken of by tlie Abbe Moigno, formerly editor of tlie '^'' Cosmos/^ a Frencli periodical_, as capable of producing truffles^ lience it has been termed mouche trujigene, or tke truffle-producing fly. But this subject^ wliicli was brought forward by M. Ravelj is an illusion : the persons alluded to thinking that the tru-§ie is the product of this fly as the gall-nut is produced by the Cynips ! It required the entire weight of M. Dufour^s evidence to refute these errors^ and to convince those concerned that the truffle is a fungus like the mushroom^ springing from seeds, and not the result of an insect^s bite upon the oak-roots. That eminent naturalist showed also that several insects lived upon truffles,, and were we to attribute the formation and growth of this fungus to an insect, there are some hundreds which we might look to with equal reason. I now turn to the common house-fly {Musca do- mestica). Though this insect is not directly useful to us, it contributes, indirectly, to our comforts more than many of us suppose. It is true that Ugo Foscolo used to call flies '^ one of his three miseries of Hfe,^' yet the larvge of these insects nourish INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE^ OR AS FOOD. 107 themselves upon animal matters whicli if not dis- posed of in this manner, would putrefy and evolve noxious gases into the air we breathe ; thus the fly doubtless tends to purify the air by preventing the formation of miasma. In this manner, Musca domestica, M. caimaria, and M. Ccesar have their uses. Some flies (the Blue-bottle, etc.), as I have already stated, give birth to larvEC already hatched ; others [M. Ccesar, etc.) lay millions of eggs, whence proceed, in a day or two, innumerable devourers of dead flesh. One single female of M. carnaria (Blue-bottle) will give birth to 200,000 young already hatched ; and Redi formerly ascertained that these grubs will devour so much food in twenty-four hours as to increase, in this short period, two hundred times in weight. This will account, perhaps, for the assertion made by Linnaeus, that three individuals of La- treille's Musca vomit aria will devour a dead horse as quickly as a lion could do it. Many beetles devour dead flesh as eagerly as do the larvae of flies. Stagnant waters are purified by the larvae of the Ephemera flies, etc. Before quitting the subject of flies, I will mention some curious results obtained lately by M. Berard, who has been studying the influence of light upon animal growth. His observations are applicable to the whole tribe of insects. It appears from them 108 UTILIZATION or MINUTE LIFE. tliat difFerently coloured liglit^ 01% in other terras^ the different rays of the solar spectrum_, have a very different influence upon the development of young animals^ on the hatching of eggs of insect s^ the growth of larv£e_, etc. Many philosophers^, from the time of Priestley and Ingenhouz to the present day^ have studied the influence of light on vegetables, but few have paid attention to its action upon the animal organism. Thus,, whilst Priestley, Ingenhouz, Sennebier, De CandoUe, CaiTadori, Knight, Payer, Macaire, and some others, made manifest the action of hght upon vegetable respiration, absorption, exhalation, etc. j in a word, upon the phenomena of nutri- tion and development in plants ; Edwards and Morren were almost the only observers who studied animal life from the same point of view. Edwards showed that without light the eggs of frogs cannot be developed, and that the metamorphosis of tad- poles into frogs cannot be effected in absolute darkness.* Again, Moleschott has recently shown that the respiration of frogs is most active in the day hght, diminishing considerably during the night; and Charles Morren observed Infusoria to evolve oxygen whilst basking in the sunbeams which play upon the stagnant waters they inhabit. * Compare Higginbottam in "Proceedings of the Eojal So- ciety," 1862 ; where some experiments of Edwards are refuted. INSECTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE, OR AS FOOD. 109 Later still, M. Berard took a certain quantity of eggs of the fly {Miisca Ccesar) ; he divided them into separate groups, and placed them under difierent coloured glass jars. In four or five days, the larvce produced under the hlue and violet coloured jars were much larger and more fully developed than the others : those hatched under the green jar were the smallest. The blue and violet jars were found, therefore, to be most favourable to rapid and com- plete development ; then came the red, yelloiu, and white (transparent) jars ; and last of all the green. The larvce developed in a given time under the influence of violet light were more than three times as large as those hatched and reared in green light.* The experiments are certainly very interesting in a practical point of view ; for if it be true, as it appears to be, that the larger a silkworm is the more silk it will produce, it would be worth while to repeat these experiments upon silkworms, and en- deavour to raise a large breed under violet glass. * The effects of the sun's rays, when filtered tlirough differently coloured glass, upon the development of infusorial Hfe, has recently occupied Mr. Samuelson. He fitted up a box containing three compartments, covered by a pane of blue, red^ and yellow glass respectively, and found that under the hlue and red glass infusoria veere rapidly developed, whilst under the yellow hardly any signs of life were visible. He then transferred a portion of the infusion from the yellow to the blue compartment, when infusoria very soon made their appearance. 110 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. Notliing would be easier tlian to select a portion of some silkworm establisliment for tlie experiment^ and to furnisli tMs section of tlie building with violet-coloured windows. It would indeed be in- teresting to see tliese rio/ef- coloured panes become as necessary to the silk breeders as the yellow win- dow is essential to tlie ^Dliotograplier. In the fonner instance tke violet would serve to allow tlie cliemical rays of liglit to pass^ while the other rays are excluded. In the latter^ the yellow is used to cut off* these chemical rays, and to let pass the re- mainder. n>iflm W§. Crustacea. firtifioial (Propagation praoticahle with Gritstacea as -with Fish — ^he Common Lohstei — Laws of I^eg-ene- ration — 'zThe Crawfish — Curious (X>isooveries relating- to the Young of these Jlnimals — (Phyllosoma — Zo'ea — -J\detamorphosis among Crustacea — (Praniza and jinoeus — Larvae of Lobsters — ^he Colouring JVLatter of Lobsters, Cravjfish, etc. — Composition of a Lobster- shell — Shrimps — Crangon vulgaris — 'C. boreas, Ba- binea septemoarinata, and other Shrimps — (Pravjns — (Palemon caroinus and (P. jamaicensis — Other Species of (Prawns — ^opyrius crangorum — ^he Iso- poda — ^le Family of Crabs — Cancer pagurus — C. moenas — (Pinnotheres — (Pagurus — " (2)iogenes" — Land-crabs — ^helphusa fiuviatilis — Crabs of the genus G-ecaroinus — ^heir wonderful Emigrations — ^irgus latro, or the I^obber Crab — Quantity of fat it produces — Concluding remarks on this Family. CRUSTACEA. NOW leave tlie useful Insect world to speak of some Crustacea^ a class of animals ex- )tremely remarkable^ both, in a scientific point of view and in a practical sense. Lob- sters_, crawfisli^ crabs, slirimpSj etc., will here demand our attention, and will furnisli us many occasions of relating curious or novel details con- cerning this section of the animal world. It has lately been ascertained that artificial fecundation and breeding can be effected with, some of these Crustacea, as easily as with. fish. Messrs. Coste, Haxo, Chabot, etc., have, of late years, devoted much attention to this subject. A capital of about five shillings, we are told, is sufficient to start with, and, if the business is well managed, the investment will not be regretted. The eggs of a female lobster are taken and placed in a water-trough, and the seed of the male strewed over them ; they are then carefully attended to, and nourished upon such substances as observation or I 114 UTILIZATION OP MINUTE LIFE. experiment prescribes. That is the fundamental principle of rearing Crustacea (Fig. 10). By breeding crawfish in this manner^ some in- teresting facts relating to the earher phases of their life have been brought to light. The common lobster {Astacus marinus) is abun- dant on the rocky coasts of England, and may be seen in clear water, at no great depth, at the time it deposits its eggs, that is, about the middle of summer. It produces from 15,000 to 20,000 eggs. Dr. Baster actually counted 12,444 eggs under the tail of one female lobster, exclusively of those that still remained unprotruded in the body. The craw-fish {Astacus fiuviatilis) produces up- wards of 100,000 eggs, a fact which has doubtless contributed to the success of the undertakings alluded to above, and which seems calculated to facilitate the artificial multiplication of this species. Large lobsters are very voracious animals, de- vouring sometimes their own young, and fighting fearful battles among themselves. When in these skirmishes they lose a claw it soon grows again, but never so large as the lost one it replaces. This power of reproduction of lost parts is extremely developed in lower animals, where the principle of vitality is not concentrated so much in central ©rgans ; it is observed to a wonderful extent in 'I'Bl^^b-i—LJ ,;i ^11!' Hili united — CRUSTACEA. 117 polyps^ sea-anemoneSj worms^ snails^ lobsters, lizards, and even in some fisli. Lobsters, in common with, most crustaceans, possess the faculty of reproduction to a great extent : if a claw be torn off it is renewed, and if injured tlie animal will sometimes tkrow it off of Lis own accord,* Any violent sliock to tlie nervous system will likewise cause this. Hence, if a lobster be thrown into boiling water or spirits of wine, etc., it will frequently throw off its large claws. Pennant observed tliat lobsters are apt to cast off their claws during a loud clap of thunder, or by the noise of a large cannon. When a man-of-war meets with a lobster-boat, a jocular threat is used, that if the master does not sell them good fish, the ship^s crew will salute him ! M. Jobart de Lamballe showed, not long since, that the regenerative force of which we speak de- creases as the animal organism becomes more com- plicated. Hence, if you cut a polyp into two, three, four — one hundred pieces, each fragment will be- come a new animal. But if we go a step higher — from polyps to worms, for instance — it will be found that, on dividing a worm in two longitudi- nally, the animal will not survive the operation; but if the worm be divided transversely , each * See Reaumur, " Sur la Reproduction des Jambes de I'Ecre- visse." (Mem. de I'Aead. des Sciences, Paris, 1712.) 118 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. section becomes a new worm. Ascending still higher — to lobsters and fish, for instance — the ex- terior parts of the body can alone be thus regene- rated; and Spallanzani has shown that when the tails of Hzards — a class still higher — are cut off_, the new tail does not always possess the whole number of vertebral bones ; in other terms_, the regeneration is incomplete. In animals with warm blood, this regenerative faculty is greatly diminished, but still exists, even in man himself. But the same force which in man forms the scar of a wound, or heals the stump after amputation, will with lizards re- produce a tail, with lobsters a claw, with polyps the y)lwle body ! The mouth of the lobster, hke that of insects, ^^ opens,^^ says Buffon, " the long way of the body, not crossways, as in man. It is furnished with two teeth; but as these are not sufficient, it has three more in its stomach.-" The latter were formerly used in medicine under the pompous names of oculi cancorum, the yeux cVecrevisses of the French, instead of carbonate of magnesia. The lobster sheds its shell, in all probability once in a year, and then retires under a rock or into a hole until the new skin is again covered with a solid crust. Whilst thus deprived of its hard covering, the lobster becomes an easy prey to most of the in- habitants of the deep, and even to his own species; CEUSTACEA. 119 SO that incredible numbers perish annually, from this circumstance alone, upon our coasts. Under water these curious creatures run swiftly upon their feet, and when alarmed spring from twenty to thirty feet as rapidly as a bird can fly. They are commonly taken in the night by means of a wicker- basket or net, into which a bait, consisting of pieces of flesh or the entrails of fish, has been thrown. The places in which these nets or baskets are lowered into the water are marked by floating buoys. Very young lobsters seek refuge in the clefts of rocks, and in holes or crevices at the bottom of the sea. There, without seeming to take any food, they grow large in a few weeks^ time, being nourished upon the various matters which the water washes into their retreats. When their shell is completely formed, they become bolder, leave the rocks, and creep along the bottom in search of prey. They Hve chiefly upon the spawn of fish, the smaller Crustacea, marine worms, etc. All these facts must be borne in mind by those who under- take to rear them artificially. The crawfish {Astcccus fluviatilis) is found in the fresh waters of Europe and Northern Asia. There is a species which inhabits the Mediterranean, and attains more than a yard in length. This is, per- haps, the creature that Aristotle calls a(TTaKo3'| Infusorial deposit. Modern sands. Tertiary formations. Fig. 34.— Infusorial Deposit, Liinebourg, Germany. pared with 84 lbs. of quicklime. After boiling the mixture for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour^ the alkahne liquid, which now contains caustic soda, is decanted off from the insoluble carbonate of lime, and evaporated in an iron vessel, until it has ac- quired a specific gravity of 1*15. At this moment 240 lbs. of the infusorial earth is added. The latter dissolves rapidly in the alkaline solution, and leaves scarcely any residue. If by any accident a smaller 258 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. quantity of infusorial earth than that prescribed be takeuj the soluble glass obtained is too alkaline and very dehquescent. Soluble glass^ first discovered by the ingenious chemist,, Fuchs^ of Munich^ is an alkaline silicate of potash or soda. It has been utilized in various ways^ principally for protecting wood^ linen, the scenery of theatres, panoramas, etc., from fire. Tissues steeped in it lose their faculty of bm-ning with flame ; if held in the fire they will consume slowly and without flaming, so that any such tissue being set on fire cannot communicate its combusti- bility to other substances near, and in nine cases out of ten it will not take fire at all. These infusorial deposits, moreover, furnish very good material for the manufactm^e of window- glass, plate-glass, etc. ; besides which they make an excellent mortar, and can be converted into filters, into moulds for casting iron, brass, or other metals. Add to this the use made of them as food and their polishing quahty, and we shall see at a glance how much the remains of these invisible animalcules have been turned to account by man. Chalk, also, which has innumerable uses — which is employed, for instance, to prepare mortar, cement, as a manure, as a pohshing material for silver and gold, etc., for whitewashing, to prepare lime, etc.; chalk also appears to owe its origin to the remains Fig. 36. Foraminifera of the mud in which the Transatlantic Telegraph Cable lies (from nature, magnified 150 diameters). INFUSORIA AND OTHER ANIMALCULE. 261 of myriads of animalculae, principally microscopic Foraminifera (Figs. 35 and 36). These animalculae, of wlticli numerous species are stiU living, secrete a calcareous sliell or covering, Fig. 35. — Foraminifera (magnified). 1. Eotalina, 2. Triloculina. 3. Sagrina. similar to that of the siliceous infusoria. In spite of their minuteness, these shells offer several par- titions or joints, which render them extremely' beautiful ; and as some of them resemble in minia- ture the Nautilus shell, some naturahsts have been tempted to class them among the Cephalopoda mol- lusca, of which I have spoken; but very recent investigations invite us to place them as alhes of Lifusoria. " These tiny shells,^^ says Beudant, speaking of Foraminifera, "of which seven to eight hundred fossil species are already known, are found accumu- lated in immense masses in the terrestrial strata, and constitute of themselves enormous stratifica- tions, of which the white chalk, and some of the 262 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. tertiary limestones^ furnisli us with examples in every part of tlie world /^ Traces more or less abundant of Foraminifera are to be found in the calcareous rocks of nearly every geological period ; but it is towards tbe end of tbe secondary and at tbe commencement of tlie tertiary period, tbat tlie development of this group of fossils seems to bave attained its maximum. ^'' Altliougb tbere can be no reasonable doubt_,^' says Dr. Carpenter_, '^tbat tbe formation of cbalk is partly due to tbe disintegration of corals and larger sbellsj yet it cannot be questioned tbat in many locabties a very large proportion of its mass bas been formed by tbe slow accumulation of foramini- ferous shells.''^ But tbe calcareous bed of tbe tertiary fonna- tions, known as Nummulite limestone (on account of tbe enormous quantity of Nummubte sbells — -larger Foraminifera — wbicb it contain s), is perbaps more interesting still. This Nummulitic limestone can be traced from tbe Pyrenees, tbrougb tbe Alps and Appenines, into Asia Minor, and further, tbrougb Northern Africa and Egypt, into Arabia, Persia, and Northern India ; and thence, in all probabibtyj, through Thibet and China to the Pacific, covering very extensive areas, and attaining a thickness in some places of many thousand feet. Another tract of this remarkable strata is found in North America. INFUSORIA AND OTHEE ANIMALCULiE. 263 A similar deposit occurs in tlie Paris tertiary basin, and in tliat of Brussels ; and it is not a little re- markable tliat the fine-grained and easily-worked limestone, wliicli affords suck an excellent material for tke decorated buildings of tke French capital, is almost entirely formed of accumulated masses of the minute shells of foraminiferous animalculas. Even in this Nummulitic Hmestone, the matrix in which the Nummulites are imbedded is itself com- posed of the more minute Foraminifera, and of the broken and cemented fragments of the larger species. It has often been remarked by chemists of repute, that, in whatever manner carbonate of hme was produced in the laboratory, notliing re- sembhng chalk has ever been obtained. The mystery was solved when Ehrenberg showed us that this substance is almost entirely composed of fossil animalculge, of which he counted as many as a million and a third in one cubic inch. The manner in which these microscopic fossils may be rendered visible is thus : — On a plate of glass we place an extremely fine layer of chalk, which, when perfectly dry, is covered over with Canada balsam ; and then, gently warming the whole, we observe with a magnifying power of two to three hundred diameters. Seventy-one species of these Foraminifera were 264 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. soon detected in tlie white clialk. many of wMcb. may still be found living in the North. Sea. It was also found that^ in the chalk deposits of Southern Europe^ the fossil animalculas are beautifully pre- served ; whilst in the chalk of more northern lati- tudes,, their shells are mostly found broken. Microscopic vegetable forms^ principally Biato- macece, abound also in the foraminiferous chalky as in the other infusorial deposits of which I have spoken. Mr. E. O^Meara has lately found forty-two species of Biatomaceoe in the white chalk of Antrim, all of which are identical with living species. "V^Tien we consider the time that these immense deposits of animalculee — such as the cliffs of Dover for instance — must have taken to accumulate, we can form no adequate idea of it, and we are once again reminded that time is the creation of man — that natm^e knows no time ! )|^|)l# IC Sponges. Iiemarks on Classification — Structure of a Sponge — JTaturalists zuho have contrihuted to the history of Sponges — Chemical nature of Sponge — Interesting results — Spongia officinalis and S. usta — The Syrian toilet Sponge — Its high price — Other Sponges — Oh- jeots for the Jxquarium — Spongilla fiuviatilis and^ S. lucustris, or the fresh-ujater Sponges — Sponges common on the English Coast — Their use in Jdedicine — Sources of Iodine and ^romine — Flints and Jlgates, as owing their formation to Sponges — (Petrified Sponges — (Practical details on the toilet Sponge — Sponge Fishery and Sponge Jd ark ets. SPONGES. HAVE placed Sponges in my last chapter, and in doing so I am apparently following /^ the old zoological routine, wliicli regards these singular beings as the last link of the animal chain-^the hnk which joins the animal to the vegetable world ; but this surely is not a fact ! Sponges are evidently more closely alHed to Polypes than to such animalcules as the Monads. Indeed, had it been practicable, I would willingly have con- densed Polypes, Infusoria, and Sponges into one chapter. But the reason why Infusoria have been lately placed before Sponges by most zoologists appears to be, that as the former class becomes better known, and the organization of its species more thoroughly investigated by means of the powerful microscopes constructed at the present day, the complication of their structure excites astonishment, and, as we have already seen, many genera are being placed much higher in the series than the places which were formerly assigned to 268 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIPE. tliem. In tlie same way many Infusoria will pro- bably,, one day^ be classed below Sponges. We must look upon a vast number of these microscopic beings as a group of animals under discussion. Proper places will be assigned to tbem as we become better acquainted witli their organization. In tbe meanwhile it would be rasli to attach too great an importance to the fact of my placing, in this work, Infusoria before Sponges, and Folijpes before Infusoria, when, in a zoological point of view, they might, perhaps, for some years to come, be all jumbled into one chapter. I stated in my last chapter, that time was a creation of man. It is equally evident that these zoological divisions are also the work of man, and as Nature knows no time, so also she knows no division. Nature is one harmonious whole, which man has cut up into sections in order to investigate this whole, piece by piece. One small piece gene- rally suffices for many generations of human intellect ! Let us now see, in the fewest words possible, what a sponge is. The sponge itself — i. e., the substance we use as such — is composed of a horny flexible skeleton, forming a dense anastomosed tissue, in which numerous pores are seen. These are the openings of canals which traverse the sponge in all directions. SPONGES. 269 Tiie canals are lined witli a soft gelatinous animal matter^ up to the opening of the pores themselves. The pores are strengthened, and probably kept open_, by curious little needle-like bodies, called spiculay which are either sihceous or calcareous. Whilst the animal is alive, the water entering into the sponge by the pores circulates in the canals of the sponge, and is finally expelled through the larger openings, called orifices (or oscula), which are also observable on the sui'face, interspersed among the pores. The currents thus observed are generated either by a ciliary apparatus existing in the gelatinous substance which Hues the canals, or by capillarity.* The currents from the orifices are best observed by placing a sponge, whilst alive, in a shallow dish of water, upon which a little powdered chalk has been thrown. The motions of the atoms of chalk will indicate precisely the direction of the currents. If the gelatinous matter which Hues the canals be separated, by hot water, from the tissue or skeleton, the latter may be then examined under the micro- scope. The gelatinous substance putrifies easily ; it is of various colours, but principally yellowish-brown, and resembles the soft part of polypes. * Consult on this Dutrochet, in the Memoirs cited on p. 271. 270 UTILIZATION or MINUTE LIFE. The ova of sponges are numerous irregularly- sliaped granular bodies,, endowed with vibrating cilia^ by which they move. They issue at different periods from the gelatinous matter. These ova float in the water ; moved about by the cilia which garnish their anterior extremity, they are carried on by the currents through the sponge, and are finally expelled through the larger orifices. They swim about freely in the water for a little while, and then fix themselves for ever to the rocks, and grow into new sponges. These ova, or moveable eggs, have frequently been taken for the animal (the sponge) itself. The sjncula are microscopic needles, sometimes straight, sometimes curved or star-shaped; others resemble the anchors of ships, etc., in form. When the spicula are siliceous, they are best seen after the sponge is burnt, on examining under the micro- scope the ash which is left. Sponges with calcareous spicula are rather nu- merous on our coasts, and siliceous spicula are common in sponges of most latitudes. It is almost entirely to English naturalists that we are indebted for the knowledge we possess of these curious organisms. Ellis was the first to establish the existence of currents of water passing constantly through the tissue of sponges. Dr. Grant, whilst confirming Ellis's observation, added so much SPONGES. 271 valuable matter to tlie natural history of sponges, tliat his name lias become European.* The chemical nature of sponge is yet a problem to be solved, which may be said of many other animal products. However, something has been done, with a view to solve the difficulty, by Mulder, Crookewit, and Posselt. One of the most remark- able results obtained with regard to the chemical composition of the sponge is that arrived at by Crookewit, who, on analyzing a specimen of Sjpongia officinalis, discovered in it that peculiar substance called ^6?'om, which Mulder first extracted from the silk of the silkworm, as I stated in the proper place. The analyses of this new product do not exactly agree, but they tend to show that fibroin contains 39 proportions of carbon, 62 of hydrogen, 12 of nitrogen, and 17 of oxygen. Besides this, sponge contains a certain proportion of phosphorus, of sulphur, and of iodine, which are combined, in some as yet unknown manner, with the fibroin. No albumine or gelatine have been found in sponges, * See Ellis *' On Corallines," and Grant " On Sponges," in "Edin. Phil. Journ." Also De Blainville, " Actinologie;" La- mouroux, " Genre des Polypes ;" Dr. Fleming, " British Animals ;'* Dutrochet, *' Mem. on the Spongilla," in his "Mem. pour servir k I'Hist. des Yeg.," etc.; Bowerbank, in "Proceed, of the Geol. Soc," and in " Microscopic Journ., 1841 ;" also " Brit. Ass. Eep., 1857." 272 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. as in silk. An elementary analysis of commercial sponge lias given, in 100 parts — Carbon 47-16 Hydrogen 6'31 Nitrogen 16'15 Oxygen 26*90 Iodine 1*08 Sulphur 0-50 Phospliorus 1*90 Bromine traces 100-00 Hence I conclude tliat tlie animal matter of sponge belongs to tlie group wliicli contains fibrine, albu- mine, gelatine, etc., all of wliicli give a per-centage of nitrogen resembling the above. Winckler and Rao-azzini have both shown that o the ash obtained by the combustion of Spongia usta contains slight quantities of bromine. These results are certainly not devoid of interest. Both Crookewit^s and Posselt^s analyses agree pretty well, and show that sponge contains rather more than 16 per cent, of nitrogen. It is, there- fore, as rich in this element as the most valuable kinds of guano are. The common sponge (Spongia officinalis, L.) is found abundantly in the Mediterranean, and will doubtless be cultivated^ one of these days, by the SPONGES. 373 French upon the coasts of France and Algeria, though nothing of the sort has yet been attempted by them. It is imported at Liverpool from Turkey under the name of Turkey sjponge, together with the West Indian, or Bahamia sponge [Spongia usta), a distinct species. The latter arrives in Liverpool from the Bahama Islands. The average importation to this seaport is about 135 cases per annum, each case containing about 500 sponges of various sizes, of which the average value is about 35.9. per pound. These two kinds of sponges form an important branch of commerce. The most prized for toilet purposes are the Syrian sponges. They are gene- rally conical in shape, or sometimes hemispherical ; the orifices of their internal canals are very small j they are hollow in the centre like a goblet, and their exterior possesses the softness of the finest velvet. I have seen some of these beautiful sponges selUng in the Palais Royal, at Paris, for as much as 200 francs (£8) a piece. They were about five inches in diameter. Others, much smaller, were put up for sale at 50, 60, and 70 francs. Besides the two species just named, there exist a number of others, some of which are common on our coasts, and astonish us by the beauty of their organization. The small parasitical sponges that cover the stalks of sea-weeds, or the T 274 UTILIZATION OF MIXUTE LIFE. larger varieties wliicli cling to tlie rocks^ well repay observation_, and would form interesting objects for tlie aquarium. The same might be said of those two remarkable species of fresh-water sponges, Spongilla fluviatilis and 8. lacustris. One of these species [8. fluviatilis) is not unfrequently met with in the ditches around Paris, and probably around London also. These 8iwngilla are green, and at first sight would be taken for vegetables. Mr. John Hogg has published, in the ^^Linneean Trans- actions,^^ some experiments made with a view of ascertaining the effect of light upon these fi'esh- water sponges. He has shown that they are infla- enced by it as vegetables are, and that their green colour depends upon their exposure to it. M. Hutrochet, in the memoir cited above, has studied minutely the organization of these fresh-water sponges. To return to marine sponges, one of the most common of our indigenous species, 8i3ongia oculata, or Ralichondria oculata (Fig. 37), may be made to serve the same purposes as foreign sponges, save for the toilet; whilst H. loalmata, H. cervicoimis, S. tuhulosa, R. simulans, etc., form beautiful speci- mens for the aquarium. Carbonized sponge has been long used in medi- cine ; its effects appear to depend upon the small quantity of iodine contained in it, of which, in / I W f m ^ I by! i Fig. 37. Spongia oculata (Enfjlish sponge). SPONGES. 277 its natural state, tliis sponge contains about one per cent. It miglit, therefore^ be a profitable speculation to extract this useful element from such, sponges as S. ocidata that abound on some of our English coasts. It is probable, also, that if all the difierent varieties of sponges, polypes, star-fish, etc., which are left to putrefy upon our shores, were properly collected, they would prove a valuable source of iodine and bromine, which are now, in spite of their high price, so much used in the chemical laboratory and by photographers. In places where sponges are abundant, the commoner sorts would prove useful to manure manufacturers, on account of the large per-centage of nitrogen they contain. They are soluble in strong acids, and also in alkahne solutions. It has been found the S. tomentosa {8. urens), which is common upon the coasts of England and North America, will raise blisters when rubbed upon the hand ; and if previously dried in an oven, its stinging faculty is much increased. According to Dr. J. S. Bowerbank, the flints of the chalk formation, and the beautiful moss agates which eveiy one admires, are of spongeous origin ; that is to say, have been formed by sponges which are now fossil. In fact, agates and flints are, according to this author, j^efrZ/ietZ sijoncjes. It is indeed true that the polished section of a moss 278 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. agate^ or of certain flints^ exliibits, in a beautiful manner^ tlie structure of a sponge. Dr. Bower- bank^s views on tliis subject are very clearly ex- pressed in bis paper read before the British Asso- ciation in 1856, in wliicli be brings forward numerous proofs of bis tbeory, and to wbicb I must refer my readers for tbe details. I agree witb this author tbat sponges doubtless bave_, at various periods of tbe eartb's bistory, largely contributed towards tbe formation of agates emd flints ; but it is evident, at tbe same time, tbat other siliceous de- posits, such as those of fossil infusoria, etc., have a very different origin. Fbnts generally contain numerous fossil infu- soria, and indeed their formation has often been attributed to the remains of these animalculse. At the same time, sponges appear to have contributed also to the formation of these curious stones ; and here is a cm^ious fact in relation to this : — In the south of Europe, the beds of marl which alternate with the white chalk consist of myriads of sihceous shells of Infusoria and Diatomacece, and flints are wanting ; whilst in the north of Europe the reverse is found to be the case — beds of flint are met with, and marls with infusoria are wanting. Fbnts not only show beautifully-preserved re- mains of sponges, but also those of polypes, such as Alcyonia, etc., EcMnia, and other marine organ- SPONGES. 279 isms, even molluscous shells or their impressions, numerous infusoria, and star-like microscopic ob- jects, wliicli have been taken for fossil animalculae, and termed Xanthidicij but which are probably the spicula of fossil sponges. The colour of flints, agates, etc., is owing to organic matter, and is consequently destroyed by heat. AYhen calcined and ground to powder, flints are used to manufacture the finer sorts of pottery, and which is termed flint-glass. Before the inven- tion of percussion-caps, gun-flints were in general use. It is a curious fact that sponges, one of the softest of animal structures, should have contributed so much to form one of the hardest of mineral substances, and that men have made war and slaughtered many thousands of their fellow-creatures by means of sponges and infusoria ! Flints also form an excellent building material, because they give a firm hold to the mortar, and resist every vicissitude of weather^ The counties of Kent, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, etc., afford ex- amples of many substantial constructions in flint masonry. The uses of agates, for brooches, rings, seals, etc., are too well known to need mention here. To return now to the toilet sponge, which con- stitutes such an important article of commerce, and about which I will add a few practical details. 280 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. The exact time required for tlie growtli of tlie rigid portion or skeleton of the sponge,, and tlie duration of tliis skeleton^ is not known witk accu- racy; but it appears^ from recent investigations, tliat beds of sponges spring up and increase rapidly where tliey were not before observed, and that a period of two years is generally sufficient to renew the crop of sponges on rocks that have been laid almost bare by the sponge fisheries. It has also been asserted that of all the numerous varieties of sponge already known, that which possesses the most precious quahties for the toilet grows in the Mediterranean. The places where its growth is most abundant are in the Grecian archipelago, the coasts of Syria and those of Barbary. The sponge fishery there is a profitable trade, and although perfectly free, it is scarcely practised by any others than the Greeks and the inhabitants of the shores on which sponges grow luxuriantly. A strong constitution and a certain intrepidity being required, the sponge fishery is almost com- pletely monopolized by the Greek and Arabian divers. The coarser varieties of sponge are brought up from a comparatively slight depth, but for the soft, delicate varieties it is sometimes necessary to dive down thirty fathoms or more. As soon as they are taken from the water, the SPONGES. 281 sponges undergo a very essential operation. They are placed in large round shallow holes dug in the sand of the coast, and filled with water_, where they are trampled upon by the men until they are divested of their gelatinous animal matter and other im- purities. Beyrouth, Lattakiek, and above all Tripoli, are the most important sponge markets. Strangers arrive at Tripoli — where the fine landscape recalls the beautiful environs of Eden, which is only eight leagues distant — from all parts of the Levant, from every point of the Mediterranean, and even from Paris. Nothing can be more curious than this melange of people of every nation drawn to one spot during the sponge season, every individual striving to outdo his neighbour, and competing to his utmost with the commercial dexterity of the keen Greek sponge merchants. The market at Tripoli is held about the middle of September, a period at which the sponge fishery, like our work, draws to an end. Note. — Since this volume was written, I find in the '^Intellectual Observer'^ for Januaiy, 1864, a valuable article upon the Tinnevelly Pearl Banks, 282 UTILIZATION OF MINUTE LIFE. by Clements R. Markliam^ Esq.^ in whidi tlie author, whose views coincide perfectly with my own, gives much interesting information regarding the Asiatic Pearl Fisheries, showing the absolute necessity of estabhshing a more rigorous method and a proper cultivation of the pearl-oyster, based upon scientific observation, in order to reform the present unsatis- factory state of these fisheries. THE END. HARRILD, PUINTEK, LOKDOW. LIST OF WORKS AND PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS By DE. T. L. PHIPSON, P.C.S. Loxd., Late of the University of Bruxelles; Member of the Chemical Society of Paris; Laureate of the Datch Society of Sciences; Corr. Memb. of the Belgian Entomological Society, the Pharma- ceutical Society of Antwerp, the Society of Medical and Natural Sciences of Bruxelles, the Society of Sciences of Strasburs, etc., one of the Editors of " Le Cosmos," etc., etc. 1. The Utilization of Minute Life. 8vo, London, 186i. Groombridge and Sons. 2. Phosphorescence ; or, the Emission of Light by Minerals, Plants, and Animals. 8vo. London, 1862. Eeeve and Co. 3. La Force Catalytique, Etudes sur les Phenomenes de Contact (Prize Essay, Dutch Society of Sciences). 4to. Harlem, 1858. Loosjes. 4. Le Preparateur-Photographe, traite de Chiniie a I'usage des Photographes, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Leiber. 5. Essay on the Uses of Salt in Agriculture' (Prize Essay). London, 1863, Simpldn, 6. Memoire sur le Fecule et les Substances qui peuvent la remplacer dansl'Industrie. Bruxelles, 1S.54. Tircher. 7. Recherches nouvelles sur le Phosphore. Bruxelles, 18.55. Tircher. 8. Essai sur les Animaux Domestiques des Ordres Inferieurs, Paris, 1857. Leiber. In the Journal of the Chemical Society, 1862 to 1864. 1. On the Transformations of Citric, Butyric, and Valerianic Acids. 1862. 2. On Sombrerite, anew mineral. 1862. 3. On the Bicarbonate of Ammonia of the Chinca Isles. 1863. 4. On Vanadium Ochre, and other sources ol Vanadic Acid. 1863. In the Proceedings of the Eoyal Society, ].863 to 1864. 1. Eesearches on several Mineral Sub- I 3. Xote on the Variations of Density stances, including their Analysis, etc. produced by Heat in Mineral Sub- 2. On Magnesium. | stances. In Comptes-Eenclus de V Academic des Sciences de Paris, 1856 to 1863. 10, 1. De 1' Action des Corps Organiques sur rOxygene. 1856. 2. Sur la Production de la Mannite par les Plantes Marines. 1856. 3. Sur une NouveUe Koche de Formation Eecente, etc. (1857 and 1860, two notes). 4. Sur quelques Phenomenes Meteoro- logiques observes sur le littoral de la Flandre. 1857. 5. Xotes sur les Teredo Fossiles. 1857. 6. Sur une Pluie sans K^uages observee a Paris. 1857. 7. Sur la Putrefaction a 35 degres sous zero. 1857. 8. Action de la Santonine sur la Vue. j 1859. I 9. Sur la Presence de 1' Aniline dans i certains Champignons. 1860. | In the Chemical News and Journal 1. On a new Sulphide of Chromium. I 1861. 2. Note on Fluorine. 1861. 3. On a new Colourin»-matter. 1861. 4. Experiments and ( ibservations on the part pla3'ed by Oxygen in Erema- causis and Fermentations. 1863. 5. On the presence of Xanthiff Oxide in Guanos containing no Uric Acid. 1862. Sur une Pluie de foin observee a Londres. 1861. Sur quelques cas nouveaux de Phos- phorescence par la Chaleur. I860. Sur la Matiere Phosphorescente de la Eaie. 1860. Sur un Oxide d'Antimoine natif de Borneo. 1861. Sur le Tinkalzite de Peroa. 1861. Sur un BrouiUard sec a Londres. 1861. Sur la Couleur des Feuilles. 1858. Sur le Soufre Arsenifere des Solfa- tares de Naples, et sur la Prepara- tion du Selenium. 1862. Sur I'acide Manganique. 1860. Sur un Oligiste de I'Epoque Devonien et sur une Matiere Organique qu'il contient. 1861. of Physical Science, 1860 to 1864. 6. Analysis of the Diluvial Soil of Bra- bant, etc. 1862. 7. On the Argentiferous Gossan of Corn- wall. 1862. 8. Analysis of a Specimen of Fossil Wood from the Green-sand of the Isle ot Wight. 1862. 9. Composition of a peculiar substance which exudes from a Tertiary rock in Australia. 1862. 10. On Native Zinc and ISTatire Tin. 1862. 11. On Crystallized Platinum. 1S62. 12. Artificial formation of Populine. 1S62. 13. On a new Harmonica Chjmica. 1862. 14. On Musical Sounds produced by Carbon. 1863, 15. Determination of Specific Gravity of Mineral Substances. 1862. 16. On Zinc Green. 1863. 17. On a new method of Measuring the Chemical Action of the Sun's Kays. 1863. 18. Note on Vegetable Ivory. 1863. 19. On the constant increase of Organic Matter in Cultivated Soils. 1863. 20. On the Composition of Gas-refuse. 1863. 21. Potabilisation of Sea-water by the Electric Current. 1863. In the Journal de Medecine et de Pharmacologie de Bruxelles, from 1854 to 1862 iuclusivelv. 1. Experiences et Observations sur la 10 Presence de rAniinoniaque dans la Eespiration. 1856. 2. Action de TAcide Sulfurique sur le Zinc et le Fer. 185S (two papers). 3. Quelques mots sur les Modification^ Allotropiques des gaz. 1855. 4. Sur rOxygene AUotropique, etc. 1856. 5. Encore quelques mots sur I'Ozone, etc. 1856. 6. Sur les Produits de la Distillation seche des Matieres fecales. 1857. 7. Sur le Tert de Zinc. 1857. 8. Sur les grenats Naturels et Artificiels, 1857. 9. Analyse d'un Melange Gazeux Conte- nant du I'Oxygene. 1856. Sur les Bolets bleuissants, Etude de la Formation des Matieres Colorantes chez les Champignons. 1860. 11. Protoetista ou la Science de la Creation aux points de vue de la Chimie et de U Physiologic. 1861. 12. Analyses de quelques Substances Minerales. 1862. 13. Sur la Forme Crystalline da Charbon. 1859. 14. Sur une nouvelle Theorie d'Etherifica- tion. 1855. 15. Sur le Fluorure de Potassium. 1858. 16. Sur les Oxalates de Per. 1861. 17. Sur la Theorie Electro -Chimique. 1856. MISCELLAXEOrS WETTINGS. In the Geologist, Tols. i. and ii., 1858 to July 1859. Foreign Correspondence. 19 Papers. In the Intellectual Observer, 1864. Yanadic Acid. The Phosphates used in Agriculture. In the Popular Science Eevieto, 1863 to 1864. Anaesthetics. The Aniline Dyes. In Macmillan' s Magazine, 1862 to 1864. Electricity at Work. Gold, its Chemistry jnd Mineralogy. The Cheimstry of the Sea. The Movements of Plants. In the Cosmos, Paris, 1856 to 1864. 18 vols. Eeviews, Miscellaneous Articles, and EngUsh Correspondence. In the Iloniteur de la Photagraphie, Paris, 1861 to 1864. 4 vols. English Correspondence. In the Technologist, 1861, and Photograpliic NeivSy 1861. On a New Process of Photography without Silver. In the Progres par la Science, Bruxelles, 1864. Etudes de Chimie Agricole. ^ %^%fffvers{ry of British Columbia Library :Sa»tC5DATE DUE FORM No 310 Xi-O'"-^^ A Y