Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. =a g _ os b) 2NEW)] VAUGHAN’S RADISH SEED. yTRA-EARLY HROUGH our large trade with market gardeners and florists of — RNIP« the West, we have met with a large demand for this vegetable, uf E S and in consequence have kept the largest variety of any seeds- . man in the country, as our catalogues for the past five years will pose show. The result has been that we have obtained a sale of our Radish Seed to gardeners in nearly every large cityin the Union. We deem the following (three being entirely new) worthy of special mention: EXD, PARKREY 2 - -———=| FORCING RADISHES. lineated and gives a fine appearance to the bunches ready for mar- _ keting. The bright color and elegant shape of the ‘third makes it | 777 verysalable. Prices: Ree q | EXTRA EARLY CARMINE TURNIP, - Pkt.,10c.; EXTRA EARLY SCARLET GLOBE WHITE TIP, es ; |) EXTRA EARLY BRIGHT SCARLET, ‘ 5. 8150.” yp Ib., $1.50. RADISH—Scarlet Turnip, White Tip, Select Stock. ] A VERY fine strain of this well known kind, even in size, smooth f a\ \ Hh and of a fine bright scarlet color. : Per pkt., 5c.; 0Z.,15c.; 4% lb., 35c.; lb., $1.25. He (Ny _————— 7 ADISH...URERLSE \ Ii | Ki A NEW Spanish variety, medium in size, oval in shape and< HM ANT of a light brown color. Of very early, quick growth. Itis \y "| remarkable for remaitingtongerin fine condition without be- ; coming pithy than any other very early sort. It has also the same fine quality when sown in the middle of the summer. Per pkt., 5c.; oz.,15c.; 4% Ib., 40c.; lb., $1.50. 2) RADISH—NON PLUS ULTRA. 2) THs is a turnip sort of German origin; of fine round form, bright scarlet color, of tender flesh and delicate flavor; its remarkably quick growth and very short top render it special- . ly valuable for forcing. Sent out by us first last year; it has EARLIEST OLIVE DEEP SCARLET SHORT TOP. given the greatest of satisfaction toour customers. We have secured the best stock of this new sort im © the market and those who getit from us will not be disappointed. Per pkt., 5c.; oz.,15¢.; % 1b., 35c.; Ib., $1.25. e—=——=s RADISH—EARLIEST OLIVE, DEEP SCARLET SHORT TOP. s==—===—e w A NEW and very distinct type of the well-known olive shaped radish which is of perfect form, smooth 2 skin, fine color, and with very short leaves. This, combined with its extremely quick growth, N taking only three weeks to mature, renders it extraordinarily valuable for forcing, while it does equally ; ec well in the ground. ‘The flesh is pure white, crisp and of very pleasant taste. A great favorite with & gardeners at Chicago. \ Pill re \ OY Per pkt., 5c.; 0z.,10c.; 4% Ib., 30c.; 1b., $1.00. +(==s==558 RADISH—SCARLET GLOBE. e======>)+ Not a new, but most desirable turnip sort for hot-bed forcing; very early and in flavor mild, crisp, V7 } juicy and tender. Top small and will stand the heat well without becoming pithy. Good for MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND sarsiry. garden as well as forcing. Per pkt., 5c.; |0z.,10c.; 4 Ib., 30c., Ib., $1.00. NEW RADISH—VAUGHAN’S MARKET. WHITE BARLETTA ONION. - [\ HALFE-LONG white of quick growth, very smooth and regular ees ; AL appearance Witt very. pie white skin and exceedingly | [NTRODUCED by ws, test, season, it bas . delicate and brittle. Itsells at sight. Forces quickly and is also PO eS Sayting are, Ep apts ¥ WHOM GimeieeaGk is limited Per pkt., 10c: follows; this variety is most distinct on account Soe ee ee HN = *. | of its great earliness; it is three . 550 . 3 0z., 20¢.; % lb., 50€.; Ib., $1.50. weeks in adyance of the White DeKalb, Ill., Oct. 23, ’88.--Ican testify in highest terms as to quality and Queen. | Itis of a beautiful waxy yield of Earliest Olive, Deep Scarlet Radish and Vaughan’s SEE OTe. white cdlor and grows 1 yy inches in LaPorte, Ind.--Non Plus Ultra Radish, shortest tops of any I ever tried, diameter and 34 of an inch thick, f maine: it the very best for early forcing. Ifseed is not too BART ea no with fin ly formed bulbs, slightly a J : will highly recommendits use as THs variety is ofenormous size, twice thatof the ordinary French, "pure white, very tender and delicious. Invaluable for the mar- ket gardener. Per pkt., 10c;; 0z., 25¢.; % Ib 75c.; Ib., $2.60. a * he 7% . .* MELTIES CAULIFLOWER @ their strains to the very highest perfection. rious seed catalogues scores of alleged NEW C better can be had. able of the above strain, ‘‘ Earliest Dwarf,’’ a others may have equally good, we believe none and find ours runs invariably true to type. EDMUND’S TURNIP BEET. EDMUND’S TURNIP BEET. SELECTED strain which is very 4 Aig and even in type; the Ws flesh is deep blood red color andexceedingly sweet and tender in quality. Itis round and smooth in shape and of good market size. It does not grow over large where room is permitted, as many kinds are apt to do. It grows a Small top and but a single tap- root, which fact commends itself to the gardener’s attention who grows beets for bunching purposes. It is very early, and for marketmen’s use, is justly popular and much called for wherever it has been sold. This is certainly one ofthe very best Beets in cultivation. Price, per pkt., 5c.; 0z., 20¢.; 4% 1d., 30c.; lb., $1.00. PEACH TOMATO. HIS is the most delicious and hand- somest Temato ever introduced, having an appetizing fruity flavor not met withinany other. The fruit is of uniform size, and resemblesa peachin shape, size and color, which isa deep rose and orange amber beautifully blended, and covered with a delicate bloom or furzelikeapeach. Itiswith- ™ out a rival for eating from the hand, the flesh being ofa rich and most de- licious flavor. The skinis very thin and can be peeled’ off like that of a peach. The entire fruit istenderand free from core, even around the stem and-taken in all this is a vegetable which should have a place in every garden. Perpkt.,10c.; 3 for25c.; ¥Y oz., 35c. SQUASH— ® 8) Sl SUMMER CROOKNECK. HIS is an old staple article of the Seedsman’s stock, and though we DO NOT claim our seed to be the ““BEST IN THE WORLD.” yetit isas pure as we haveseen andthe product & is as near to what the squashes should be 0Z., 10c.; % Ib., 25c.; Ib., '75c. NEW SQUASH—ILLINOIS BEAUTY. N Au umiffrariety in season from September to December, average size 12 to 14 inches lgng, and 4 to 5 inches indiameter, Very thick meat, having almost no seed cavity; remarkably distinct and showy in appearance, one or both ends being of deep green color while the centre batid is of rich deep orange, slightly ribbed, but of excellent shape for the market and. of good qual- ity. Very prolificand a strong grower. Pkt., 10c.; 3 for 25c.; oz., 40c, y gtow. Per pkt., 5c.; as usuall East Portland, Oregon. Jany. 2, ’89.--Last Spring I purchased of you a number y of packets which were large and well filled with, the very best seeds;"it seemed as if they all grew and made nice thrifty plants. MRS. W. A. OGILBEE. ILLINOIS BEAM Y SQUASH. / 5 PECLAITI ES [8 ™@ EARLIEST DWARF ERFURT. OR at least 40 years and probably more, thecity of Er furt, Germany, has been renowned forits Cauliflower growing, and asa natural consequence its Cauliflower Seed; with the natural improvement which always follows large cultivation and selection, the Erfurters have brought # We find in va- under newand fancy titles, but the real truth is these are only a selection from the Erfurt strains, than w We have seen fit for several years to import direct from Erfurt the highest priced seed obtain- 4 auliflowers hich none nd though are better Pkt., 50c., fim Y% OZ,, $2.00; 0z., $7.00; 2 oz., $12.00; % lb. $20.00? Se CAULIFLOWER, EARLIEST DWARF ERFURT. NEW DWARF CHAMPION TOMATO. T is entirely distinct in habit of growth and foliage | from any sort ever produced. The vines are dwarf and compact in habit, grow stiff and upright, with \ thick and shortjointed stems. The compactness of habit is retained in all stages throughout the season; foliage dark green in color. Heavy manuring tends to increase the abundance and size of fruit instead of tuining the vine. It is remarkably early, ripen- ing fruit as early as - ied aouble the quantity of extra early fruit per acre than can be obtained from any other tomato. As a 7: cropper, it is probably unsurpassed, and will, owing to the smaller amount of space required between the plants, yield more to the acre than any other variety. In form andcolorthe fruit closely resembles the Acme; it is always smooth, symmetrical and attractive in appearance; the skin is tough, and the flesh solid; ripens well close round to the stem, and is not so much subject to crack as some other sorts, Pkt., 10c.; 0z., 50c.; % 1b., $1.50. pba 1.9 SQUASH, White Bush Scallop. rrivate stock, E have secured at a high price, some seed of Ww an extra large strain of the above well-known kind,—that has been very carefully selected by a reliable Market Gardener fora number of years. A very select and profitable strain for market. Stéck limited. Perpkt., 15c.; 5 for 50c. PIKE’S PEAK OR SIBLEY SQUASH. HE form is new, having the stem at the swelled ; end. The seed alone, being of very peculiar shape andcolor, brands the Squash as original and distinct. Theshellis pale green in color, very <2 a} hard and flinty, being at the same time so very thin and smooth as to occasion the least possible waste in baking, The flesh is solid, thick, a vivid brilliant orange in color, and is possessed of rare edible quali- ties, being dry, and really wonderful for fineness of grain andthe rich and delicate flavor peculiarlyitsown. The weight ranges from eight toeleven pounds. It ripens with the Hubbard, and is more prolific, a long keeper and a good shipper. Price, pkt., 5c.; 0z., = 15¢; ¥% Iib., 50c.; lb., $1.65. RY ° Greenville. Ill., Aug. 8, *88.--Your Dwarf Cham- pion Tomato has proved all that was claimed for itin the following partic- ulars: As early as any good Tomato; it has ripe fruit earlier than any other variety; perfect in form and color; satisfac- tory size; habit of plant compact and _ bushy. Planted 3 feet by 20 in- ches gave room to pass through without touch- @ ing avine. S, F. Minor. NEES “PEAK (siiizv) SQUASH, —————_