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Fes _~ og , ae é F w SS . aa % : ~ “= < f s SNS = ‘ oS. ee - yt, = matte ae ict arora penetra oarsmen a dane eer eee RRR Se en SR NA 2 content oon terete rn Se le" y > oe As " . : + . ; i ’ Yea com Pe ‘ - ; “< o ’ al es y . - pn So ‘. “ys z < “1 . ™ > ’ . ‘ ‘ % PJ ws - * ‘ ; “ oes aS oe \k* . Se et . o * #* _ “ a F 2 Y ' a ea s% P ~ mr gue . . -_ a = ~. —~** - S \ s ~ , s ‘ ‘ t . _ . ees . ; : hes aie de ES TE . g a ' ae - "T° at ne LEI OEI 2 el went tnwaeemite gat encn er at ea pees cmt angie AA tems ped Paar . my ¥\ —— ~ anarut tina x m= ‘ —amaaionys : ’ ~ - ; ; ang pines bGes Neer _—— “ _— = ve div diethe n gellenlig Wate dd BE Ft. cwnfig wee nrer or 4 pus ; a. "3 The Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES VEGETABLE STATICKS: Or, An Account of fome Statical Experiments ON foe | SAP in VEGETABLES: Being an ESSAY towards a Natural Hiftory of Vegetation. Alfo, a SPECIMEN of An AtremprT to Analyfe the Arr, By a great Variety of CHYMI1O-STATICAL EXPERIMENTS; Which were read at feveral Meetings. before the ROYAL SOCIETY. Quid eft in his, in quo non nature ratio tatelligentis appa- reat? Tul. de Nat. Deor. wm Eteninm Experimentorum longe major eft fubtilitas, quam fenfis ipfitsmmes Itaque eo rem deducimus, ut fenfus tantum de Experimento, Experimentum de re gudicet. Fran. de Verul. Inftauratio magna. Py STEPH. PALES; Be Dy FIRS. Rector of Farringdon, Hamppore and Minifter of Teddington, pla LONDON: Printed for W. and J. Innys, at the Weft End of St. Paul's; and T. W. OODWARD, over-againit St. Dun/fan’s Church in Fleetftreet. M, DCC, XXVIL. Feb. 16, 1725. Lwprimaiur Isaac NEWTON, Pr. Reg, Soe, QK 1 O His Royal Highnefs Ger OR re Prince of W ALES. May it pleafe your Royal Highnefs, _ Humbly offer the follow- & ing Experiments to Your Highnefs’s Patronage, to pro- teck them from the reproaches i 2 that DEDICATION. that the ignorant are apt unreafonably to caft on re- fearches of this kind, notwith- ftanding they are the only fo- lid and rational means where- by we may ever hope to make any real advance in the know- ledgeof Nature: A knowledge worthy the attainment of Princes. And as Solomon, the greatett and wifeft of men, deigned not to inquire into the nature of Plants, from the Cedar in Lebanon, to the FLyffop that Springeth out of the wall: So it will not, | prefume, be an un- acceptable entertainment to Your eS tee DY¥ODICAT £0 N. Your Royal Highnefs, at leaft at Your leifure hours ; but will rather add to the plea- fure, with which vegetable Nature in her prime verdure charms us: To fee the fteps fhe takes in her productions, and the wonderful power fhe therein exerts: The adinirable provifion fhe has made for them, not only vigoroufly to draw to great heights plen- ty of nourifhment from the earth ; but alfo more fublimed and exalted food from the air, that wonderful fluid, which is of fuch importance to the life of Vegetables and Animals: a 2 And DEDICATION. And which by infinite com- binations with natural bodies, produces innumerable furpriz- ing effects ; many inftances of which I have nets: pro- duced. The fearching into the works of Nature, whileit delightsand inlarges the mind, and {trikes us with the ftrongeft aflurance of the wifdom and power of the divine Architect, in fram- ing for us fo beautiful and well regulated a world, it does at the fame time convince us of his conftant benevolence and goodnefs towards us.. That DEDICATION. _ That this great Author of Nature may fhower down on Your Royal Highnefs an a- bundance of his Bleffings, both Spiritual and Temporal, is the fincere prayer of Your Royal Highnefs’s Moft Obedient Alumble Servant, STEPHEN Hates. A 4 HiME T fe & PREFACE HERE have been within lefs than a Century very great and ufeful difco- vertes made in the amazingly beautiful ftruc- ture and nature of the animal economy ; neither have Plants palfed unobferved in this mqui- fitive age, which has with fuch diligence ex- tended its inquiries in fome degree, into almoft every branch of nature's inexbauftible fund of wonderful works. We find in the P hilofophical Tranfactzons, and in the Hiiftory of the Royal Academy of Sciences, accounts of many curious Experi- ments and Obfervations made from time to time on Vegetables, by feveral ingenious and enquifitive Perfons: But our countryman ‘Dr. Grew and Malpighi were the firft, who, tho’ in very diftant countries, did nearly at the fame time, unknown to each other, ngage in avery diligent and thorough inquiry into the firucture of the veffels of Plants ; a pro- vince, which till then had layn uncultivated. They en ST he APaRaiE PAC E. il They have givenus very acenrate and faithful accounts of the firucture of the parts, which they carefully traced, from their firft minute origin, the feminal Plants, to their fullgrowth and maturity,thro their Roots, Trunk, Bark, Branches, Gems, Shoots, Leaves, Bloffoms and Fruit. Inall which they obferved anexadt and regular [ymetry of Parts moft curioufly wrought in fuch manner, that the great work of Vegetation might effectually be carried on, by the uniform co-operation of the feveral Parts, according to the different offices affign- ed them by nature. — | Had they fortuned tohave fallen into this ftatical way of inquiry, perfons of their great application and fagacity had doubtlefs made confiderable advances in the knowledge of the nature of Plants. This is the only fure way to meafure the feveral quantities of nourz{b- ment, which Plants tmbibe and perfpire, and thereby to fee what influence the different flates of Air have on them. This is the likelieft me- thod to find out the Sap’s velocity, andthe force with which it is imbibed: As alfo to eftimate the great power that nature exerts an extending and pufhing forth her produétions, by the expanfion of the Sap. About ili The? RSPAS About 20 years fince, I made feveral he- maftatical Experiments onDogs, ana 6 years afterwards repeated the fame on Horfes and ether Animals, in order to find out the real force of the blood in the Arteries, fome of which are mentioned im the third chapter of this book: At which times I wifhed I could have made the like Experiments, to difcover the force of the Sap in Vegetables; but def- paired of ever effecting it, till about feven years fince, by mere. accident I hit upon it, while I was endeavouring by feveral ways te flop the bleeding of an old fiem of a Vine, which was cut too near the bleeding feafon, which I feared might killit : Having, after other means proved ineffectual, tyed a piece of bladder over the tranfverfe cut of the Stem, I found the Jere ce of the Sap did greatly extend the bladder ; evhence I concluded, that if a long glafs Tube cuere fixed there in the fame manner, as I had before done to the Arteries of feveral living Animals, I fhould thereby obtain the real af- cending force of the Sap tn that Stem, which fucceeded according to my expettation, and hence it is, that I have been infenfibly led on, to make farther and farther refearches by va- riety of Experiments. As the DRE A GE iv ‘As the art of Phyfick has of late years been much improved by a greater knowledge of the animal economy ; [0 doubtlefs a farther infight into the vegetable economy muft needs pvro- portionably improve our skill in Agriculture and Gardening, which gives me reafon to hope, that inquiries of this kind will be ac- ceptable to many, who are intent upon impro- ving thofe innocent, delightful, and beneficial Arts : Since they cannot be infenfible that the moft rational ground for Succefs za this lau- dable purfuit muft arife from a greater in- fight into the nature of Plants. Finding by many Experiments in the Kae chapter, that the Aw is plentifully infpired by Vegetables, not only at their roots, but alfa thro’ feveral parts of their Trunks and Brauches ; this put me upon making a more particular znquary into the nature of the Air; and to. difcover, if poffible, wherein its great tmportance to the life and fupport of Kege- tables might confit ; on which account I was obliged to delay the publication of the reft of thefe Experiments, which were read two years face befove the Royal Society, t2ll I had made Some progref{s in. this inquiry. An account of which L have given in the fixth chapter. I Where = Them EYE * AY ee. Where wt appears by many chymio ftatical Experiments, that there zs diffufed thro all natural, mutually attracting bodies, a large proportion of particles, which, as the firft great Author of this important difcovery, Sir Waac Newtono“/erves, are capable of being thrown off from denfe bodies by heat or fermentation into a vigoroufly elaftick and permanently re- peliing ftate: And alfo of returning by fer- mentation and fometimes without it, into denfe bodies; It 1s by this amphibious pro- perty of the air, that the main and principal operations of Nature are carried on; for a mals of mutually attracting particles, with- out being blended with a due proportion of elaftick repelling ones, would inmany cafes foon coalefce into a fluggifh lump. It 2s by thefe pro- perties of the particles of matter that he folves the principal Phenomena of Nature. AndDr. Freind has from the fame principles given a very ingenious Rationale of the chief opera- tions in Chymifiry. It is therefore of impor- tance to have thefe very operative properties of natural bodies further afcertained by more Experiments and Obfervations: And it zs with fatisfaction that we fee them more and more confirmed to us, by every farther enquiry we athe BORGELE AWC TE. vi wemake; asthe following Experiments will plainly prove, by foewing how great the power of the attraction of acid fulphureous partichs muft be at fome little diftance from the point of contact, to be able moft readily to fubdue and fix elaftick aereal particles, which repell with a force fuperior to vaft incumbent pref- fares: Which particles we find are thereby changed from a ftrongly repelling, to as ftrongly an attracting ftate: And that ela- fticity is no immutable property of atr, is fur- ther evident from thefe Experiments ;becaufe it were impoffible for [uch great quantities of it to be confined in the fubjtances of Animals and Vegetables, in an elaftick flate, without rending their conflituent parts with a vaft explofion. I have been careful in making, and faithful an relating the refult of thefe Experiments, and wifh I could be as happy in drawing the pro- per inferences from them. However I may fall faort at firft fetting out in this fiatical way of inquiring into the nature of Plants, yet there is good reafon to believe that confiderable advan. ces in the knowledge of their nature may in procefs of time be made, by refearches of this kind. 4 Ana vil Thé PRES A GO And I hope the publication of this Specimen of what I have hitherto done, will put others upon the fame purfuzts, there being in fo Jarge a field, and among {uch aninnumerable variety of fubjects, abundant room for many heads and hands to be employed in the work: Kor the wonderful and fecret operations of Nature are foinvolved ana intricate, fo far out of the reach of our fenfes, as they prefent themfetves to us in their natural order, that it is im- polficle for the moft fagacious and penetrating genius to pry into them, unlefs he will be at the pans of analyling Nature, by a numerous and regular feries of :xpertments ; which are the only folid foundation whence we may rea- fonably expect to make any advance, in the real knowledge of the nature of things. Luft not omit here publickly to acknowledge, that I have in feveral refpects been much ob- liged to my ingenious and learned neighbour and friend Robert Mathers of the Middle Temple, E/q; for bis affiftance herein. Ei RRA LS. AGE 30. for 3, read 3. p. 32. 1. 6. 1. harden, p. 46.1.9. ©. Fig. 8. p. 48. 1, 12. r. were grafted the. p. 62. 1. 6 t. myrtles. p. 74. 1. 26,27- r. bunches. p. 84.1, 11. dele above. p. 111. 1. 3.7. ede? os pe 345. 1.6.1. disbarked. ibid. 1. 13. ©. ae P: 176. 1. 18. 4. nearly 2 = Pe 247. 1. 22.1. Experiment cyiii. p. 341, iig ate ae bony oF. Pp» 344. i, ‘18. dele 8. The i Dads se ow CONTENTS. GHA Pe ol ¥ \Xperiments, foewimg the quantities of Ls mozfture tmbibed and perfpired by Plants ana Trees. ps 4: CHAP. IL Experiments, whereby to find out the force with which Trees imbibe moifiure. p.76.— OF 5 p< i ati Gh Experiments, foewing the force of the fap an the Vine inthe bleeding feafon. pp. 100. (CA PV, Experiments, fhewing the ready lateral mo- tion of the Sap, and confequently, the la- terval communicationof the Sap-veffels. The free paffage of it, from the {mall Branches towards ThesC OuN.T: E ais: towards the Stem, as well as from the Stem to the Branches, with an account of fome, Experiments, relating to the Cir- culation, or Non-Circulation of the Sap. p28 C HiA 2 ¥. Experiments, whereby to prove, that a con- fiderable quantity of air is infpired by Plants. p. 148. Coit Ack vie Al Specimen of an attempt to analyfe the Aur by chymio-ftatical Experiments, which foew, in how great a proportion Air is wrought into the compofition of Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Subftances: And withal, how readily it refumes its elaf- tick State, when in the dzffolution of thofe Subfiances tt is difingaged from them. P. 155- CHA Pavia. Of Vegetation. p. Jize The Conclufion. | p. 358. T He DH E INTRODUCTION. HE farther refearches we make in- to this admirable fcene of things, the more beauty and harmony we feein them: And the ftronger and clearer convictions they give us, of the being, power and wifdom of the divine Archite@, who has made all things to concur with a won- derful conformity, in carrying on, by va- rious and innumerable combinations of mat- ter, fuch a circulation of caufes, and effets, as was neceflary to the great ends of na- ture. And fince weare aflured that the all wife Creator has obferved the moft cxa& propor- tions, of number, weight and meafure, in the make of all things; the moft likely way therefore, to get any infight into the na- ture of thofe parts of the creation, which come within our obfervation, muft in all reafon be to number, weigh and meafure. And we have much encouragement to pur- B fue ‘5 Vegetable Staticks. fue this method, of fearching into the nature of things, from the great fuccefs that has attended any attempts of this kind. Thus, in relation to thofe Planets which revolve about our Sun, the great Philofo- pher of our age has, by numbering and meafuring, difcovered the exact proportions that are obferved in their periodical revo- lutions and diftances from their common centers of motion and gravity: And that God has not only comprehended the duft of the earth ina meafure, and weighed the mountains in f[cales, and the hills in a ba- lance, Ufa. xl. 12. but that he alfo holds the vatt revolving Globes, of this our folar Sy- ftem, moft exa&ly poifed on their common center of gravity. And if we refleé& upon the difcoveries that have been made in the animal cecono- my, we fhall find that the moft confider- able and rational accounts of it have been chiefly owing to the ftatical examination of their fuids, vze. by enquiring what quan- tity of fluids, and folids diflolved into fluids, the animal daily takes in for its fupport and nourifhment: And with what force and different rapidities thofe fluids are car- ried Legetable Staticks. > ried about in their proper channels, accord- ing to the different fecretions that are to be made from them: And in what pro- portion the recrementitious fluid is convey- ed away, tomake room for frefh fupplies ; and what portion of this recrement na- ture allots to be carried off, by the feveral kinds of emundctories and excretory duéts. And fince in vegetables, their growth and the prefervation of their vegetable life is promoted and maintained, as in animals, by the very plentiful and regular motion of their fluids, which are the vehicles or- dained by nature, to carry proper nutriment to every part; it is therefore reafonable to hope, that in them alfo, by the fame me- thod of inquiry, confiderable difcoveries may in time be made, there being, in ma- ny ref{pects, a great analogy between plants and animals. Wipe le B 2 CHAP: 4 Vegetable Staticks. CHORRRAR Brow: Lixperiments, foewing the quantities imbibed — and perfpired by Plants and Trees. ExPERIMENT I. ULY 3.1724. in order to find out the quantity imbibed and perfpired by the Sun-Flower, I took a garden-pot (Fig. 1.) with a large Sun-Flower, a, 3 feet + + high, which was purpofely planted in it when young. | I covered the pot with a plate of thin milled lead, and cemented all the joints faft, foas no vapor could pafs, but only air, thro’ a {mall glafstubed nine inches long, which was. fixed purpofely near the ftem of the. plant, to make a free communication with: the outward air, and that under.the leaden plate. I cemented alfo another fhort glafs tube ito the plate, two inches long and one ie in diameter. Thro’ this tube I watered i e plant, and then flopped it up with a cork; I Ropped up aifo the holes z, / at the bottom of the pot with corks, a o I weighed Vegetable Staticks. | 5 I weighed this pot and plant morning and evening, for fifteen feveral days, from Fuly 3. to Aug. 8. after which I cut off the plant clofe to the leaden plate, and then covered the ftump well with cement; and upon weighing found there perfpired thro’ the unglazed porous pot two ounces every twelve hours day, which being allowed in the daily weighing of the plant and pot, I found the egreateft perfpiration of twelve hours in a very warm dry day, to be one pound fourteen ounces; the middle rate of perfpiration one pound four ounces. The per{piration of a dry warm night, without any fenfible dew, was about three ounces; but when any fenfible, tho’ fmall dew, then the perfpiration was nothing; and when a large dew, or fome little rain in the night, the plant and pot was increafed in weight two orthreeounces. N. B. The weights I made ufe of were Avoirdupoife wezghts. I cut off all the leaves of this plant, and laid them in five feveral parcels, according to their feveral fizes, and then meafured the furface of a leaf of each parcel, by lay- ing over it a large lattice made with threads, in which the little fquares were 4 of an inch B 3 | each ; 6 Fegetable Staticks. each; by numbering of which I had the fur- face of the leaves in f{quare inches, which multiplied by the number of the leaves in the correfponding parcels, gave me the area of all the leaves ; by which means I found the furface of the wholeplant, above ground, to be equal to §616 f{quare inches, or 39 {quate icet. I dug up another Sun-flower, nearly of the fame fize, which had eight main roots, reaching fifteen inches deep and fideways from the ftem: It had befides a very thick bufh of lateral roots, from the eight main roots, which extended every way in a He- mifphere, about nine inches from the fem and main roots, In order to get an eftimate of the length of all the roots, Itook one of the main roots, with its laterals, and meafured and weighed them,and then weighed the other feven roots, with their laterals, by which means I found the fum of the length of allthe roots to be no lefsthan 1448 feet. And fuppofing the periphery of thefe roots ata medium, tobe 74 of aninch, then their furface will be 2286 fquare inches, or 15. 8 {quare Vegetable Staticks. 7 f{quare feet; that is, equal to 4 of the furface of the plant above ground. If, as above, twenty ounces of water, at a medium, perfpired in twelve hours day (z. e.) thirty four cubick inches of water (a cubick inch of water weighing 254. grains) then the thirty four cubick inches divided by the furface of all the roots, is = 2286 {quare inches; (Z. e.) s#$ .to.9. /cubick .mehes. The furface ofits leaves was 1820 {quare inches, or 12 iquare feet -++- 92 fquare inches; whence dividing 9% cubick inches, by the area of the leaves, it is found that s$x part of an inch depth, perfpires off ip 12 hours day. The area of a tranfverfe cut of its ftem, Was equal to +; of a {quare inch: hence the {fap’s velocity here to its velocity on the fur- face of the leaves, will be as1820 % 4 == 7280:1. Then the real velocity of the fap’s motion.in the: tiem. is =— 45> ==<3'S taenes in twelve hours. This is fuppofing the ftem to be a hollow tube: but by drying a large vine branch (in chimney corner) which I cut off, in the bleeding feafon, I found the folid parts were f the ftem; hence the cavity thro’ which he fap pailes, being fo much narrowed, its velocity will be 4 times ag great, WS. 152 inches in 12 hours. ; soy But Vegetable Staticks, 19 But it is further tobe confidered, that if the fap moves in the form of vapor and not of water, being thereby rarified, its ve- locity will be increafed in a dire@ propor- tion of the fpaces, which the fame quan- tity of water and vapor would occupy : And if the vapor is fuppofed to occupy 10 times the {pace which it did, when in the form of water, then it muft move 10 times fatter; fo that the fame quantity or weight of each may pafs in the fame time, thro’ the fame bore or tube: And {uch allow- ance ought to be made in all thefe calcu- lations concerning the motion of the fap in vegetables. EXPERIMENT IV. From Fuly 29. to Aug. 25. 1 weighed for 12 feveral mornings and cyenings, a pa- radife ftock Apple-tree, which grew in a garden pot, covered with lead, as the Sun- flower: it hadnot a bufhy head full of leaves, but thin fpread, being in all but 163 leaves; whofe furface was equal to 1589 fquare inches, or 11 {quare feet -+- 5 fquare inches, The greateft quantity it perfpired in 12 C 2 hours 20 Vegetable Staticks. hours day, was 11 ounces, its middle quan- tity 9 ounces, or 153 cubick inches. The 15% cubick inches perfpired, divid- -ed by the furface 1589 fquare inches, gives the depth perfpired off the furface in 12 hours day, vz. <>; 0f an inch. The area of a tranfverfe cut of its ftem, L of an inch fquare, whence the fap’s velocity here, will be to its velocity on the furface of the leaves as 1589 X 4== 6356: 1. EXPERIMENT V. From Fuly 28. to Aug. 25. 1 weighed for ro feveral mornings and evenings a very thriving Lzmon-tree, which grew in a gar- den pot, and was covered as above: Its great- eft per{piration in 12 hours day was 8 ounces, its middle perfpiration 6 ounces, equal to ro2 cubick inches. In the night it perfpired fometimes half an ounce, fometimes no- thing, and fometimes increafed 1 or 2 oun- ces in weight, by large dew or rain. The furface of its leaves was 2557 {quare inches, or 17 fquare feet + 59 fquare inches ; dividing then the 102 cubick inches perfpired by this fyrface, gives the 4 depth Vegetable Staticks. 2Y depth perfpired in 12 hours day, vz. s33 of an inch. r rsx inthe vinein 12 hours’ day. s>in a man, ina day and a night. rzy in a Sunflower, So the feveralfore- | in a day-and night. going perfpirations 4 +-in acabbage, in 12 in equal areas are, | hours day. | 1-7 in an apple-tree, u in 12 hours day. >¢7 in a limon-tree, in 12 hours day. The area of the tranfverfe cur of the ftem - GE tis imon tree’ was ——' ¢' 44 “of a fquare inch; hence the fap’s velocity here, will be to its velocity on the furface of the 25$7 XK TOO 14.4 This is fuppofing the whole ftem to be a hol- low tube; but the velocity will be increafed both in the ftem andthe leaves, in propor- tion as the paffage of the fap is narrowed by the folid parts. By comparing the very different degrees of perfpiration, in thefe 5 plants andtrees, C 3 we leaves, aS.1768: 1 for goes 22 Vegetable Staticks. we may obferve, that the limon-tree, which is an ever-green, perfpires much lefs than the Sunflower, or than the Vine or theApple-tree, whofe leaves fall off in the winter; and as they perfpire lefs, fo are they the better able to furvive the winter’s cold, becaufe they Want proportionably but a very {miall fup- ply of frefh nourifhment to fupport them : Like the exangueous tribe of animals, frogs, toads, tortoifes, ferpents, infects, &e. which as they perfpire little; fo do they live the whole winter without food. And this I find holds true in 14 other different forts of ever-greens, on which I have made Ex- periments. The above mentioned Mr. AdiHer made the like experiments in the Botanick-gar- den at Chelfeaz, ona plantain-tree, an aloe; anda paradife apple-tree; which he weigh- ed morning, noon, and night, for feve- ral fucceflive days. I fhall here infert the di- aries of them, as he communicated them to mic, that the influence of the different tem- peratures of the air, on the perfpiration of thefe plants, may the better be feen. The pots which he made ufe of were glazed, and had noholesin their bottoms, as eu garden Vegetable Static ks. 2% garden pots ufually have; fo that all the moifture, which was wanting inthem upon weighing , muft neceflarily be imbibed, by the roots of thofe plants, and thence per- {pired off thro’ their leaves. “4 diary of the perfpiration of the Mufa Ar: bor, or Plantain-tree of tHe Weft-Indies. The whole furface of the plant was 14 Square feet, 8 -+ 7 inches. The diffe- rent degrees of heat of the air, are here noted by the degrees above the freezing point in my Thermom. defcriv'd in Exp. 20. 1726 Weight a Weight] 4 [Weight 4 Sr =a at 5 GOP abiz ile | at-6 g May.|Morn. |2 |Noon.|3 | Even. |3 pd. ou. pd. ou. |pd. ou. 17/38 5 131 8 o [38 137 14 134 18 37 15 129 7 52,45 137 37,31 19 37 4 132 [37 2 35 i370 131 20 136 14 [34 136 12 |48 |36 rt 136 21 |36 10 [39 [37 © [5° 136 15 144 2z |36 14 [31 36 11435 23/36 6 [32 [36 a bel We 5 31 | This evening 12 ounces of water were poured in N, B. This plane (tood in a flove, witha {mall fire init; the af- pe& of the flove was South-eaft, A hot clear day. This morning he obferved, large drops of water at the exitémity of every leaf, and we may obferve ‘hat it perfpires very much this day. An extream hotclear ay. Moderately hot but clear. This morn, 12 ounces of water poured into the por. Mixture of Sun and Clouds. Much thunder; fome rain and hail at a diftance. A gloomy day but ne rain. to the por; and it was removed from the ftove into acool roum, whereit hada free air but no Gun, the windows being North-weft. C 4 Calm 24 1726|Weight at 6 May.| Morn. pd. ou. Vegetable Staticks. 27 136 104,23 |36 28 136 6 [223/36 35 10 }282135 35 00 426 534 at 12 72" pat Some rain and cloudy At this time, the undef leaves of the plant be- gan to witherand decay 5 and the top leaf to un- fold and fpread abroad ; but they are obferved ne- ver to grow bigger, af- ter they are fully opened. A temperate day. Temperate weather not very clear, Some rain. The whole plant begins to change colour, and appear fickly. He then removed the pelave into the ftove again inordertorecover . it; butic continued to fade, and in twoor three days dyed. 4 gp Jats 234 : ee cee 2 y3 sc) calle ac tl | 9 hee plant decayed. We may obferve from this diary, that this plant, when in the ftove, ufually per- fpired more in 6 hours before noon than in 6 hours afternoon; and that it per{pired much lefsin the night than in the day time: find fometimes increafed in weight in the night, by imbibing the moifture of the ambient air; and that both in the flove and In Vegetable Staticks. 25 in the cool room. Upon making an cfti- mate, of the quantity perfpired off a {quare inch of this plant, in 12 hours day, it comes but to =, of a cubick inch; on the 18t day of May, when by far its greateft perfpiration was; for on feveral other days it was much lefs. Al diary of the Aloe Africana Caulefcens folits [pinofis, macults ab utraque parte Al. bicantibus notatis, Commelini hort. Amft. commonly called the Carolina Aloe. It was a large plant of its kind. It ftood in a glafs-cafe, which had a South 5 i without a fire. 1726 Weight 4 Weight 4 Weight 4 hat6/e at 6 |8 | at 6 |B May. Morn. |3 |Noon. | 3 |Night. 15 | 'pd. ou. Loew Go Vecrlay. 2,136 \45 3: 1305 19 41 ale 14 {315/40 12 30 20 '40 123|2 LOWIZE 140) 85 292 21 '40 931/27 abe 63:30 |40 bate | 2z2 140 6 253/40 55129 140 4 i273" This evening promif- | ing fome rain, he fet ‘the pot out, to receive ia litle, and then wip- jing the leaden furface of the pot dry, he fet it ‘into the glafs-cafe a- ‘gain. 1! 1 Now the pot broke, 25 141 10 (247/41 Be (*" 5 7? and fgalieed any fur- | ther obfervations. We may obferve, that this Aloe increafed in weight moft nights, and perfpired moft in the morning. A diary 26 Vegetable Staticks. A dary of a {mall Paradife-Apple, with one upright fem 4 feet high; and two [mall lateral branches about & inches long. This plant flood under a cover of wood whith was open on all fides. 1726) | May. 18 [37 41137 3 [22 [37 1 [20 ee as FOG? 38 Se ee 2 18236 10,5423 | 20351 Ne eee ee 22) (3° Je 22 3K a hig Le 9 i. and become fpeckled for z1 j36 717 Bo 5 i743 3 4 20 iwant of dew. ZZ 4370 3218; 30 I [24 136 2,223 Then he removed the { | plant into the ftove. to try what effect thae would have on its per- fpirtion. £ i ar aa ~ =f a4 i P . . 24 36 00 26 35 «8 137-35 52342] Acthis time theleaves Sareg | {| |were withered with the i : -c heatand hung down as if | | they would fall off. | Beige A lao! 2G SECabaes Go) 26 At this time feveral tee Fe ues 2 35 3 inf ¢ ' of the leaves began to fall off. 26 134 Q |285 34 6,|34 34 1% 32] Ail the leaves fallen Ros a1428 | off; except a few {mall cof 133 Y fae Ay tae eos ane ones, at the extremities f the branches which had put out, finee the plant was in the ftove. The earth it food in [was very moift all the time. In Oéfober 1725. Mr. Miller took up an African Briony-root, which when cleared romthe mould weighed 8 pound ounce ; he laid it on a fhelf in the ftove, where ir remained till the March following ; when upon weighing he found it had loft of its E weight, 5. Vegetable Staticks. 27 weight. In April it fhot out 4 branches, two of which were 33 feet long, the other two were Oneofthem 14 inches, the other 9 inches, in length: Thefe all produced fair large leaves, it had loft 14 ounce in weight, and in three wéek$ more it loft 2% ounces more; and was much withered, EXPERIMENT VI. Spéat-mint veing a plant that thrives mot kindly in water, (in order the more ac- curately to obferve what water it would imbibe, and perfpire by night and day, in wet or dry wéather) f cemented at r a plant of it m, into the inverted fyphon ry x 6 (Fig. 2.) the fyphon was ¢ inch diam. at 4, but larger at r. I filled it full of water, the plant imbib- ed the water fo as to make it fall in the day, (in March) near an inch and half from $tof;and inthe night ¢ inch from ¢ to z: but one night, when it was fo cold, as to make the Thermometer fink to the freezing point, then the mint imbibed nothing, but hung down its head; as did alfo the young beans in the garden, their fap being great ly 28 Vegetable Staticks. ly condenfed by cold. In a rainy day the mint imbibed very little. I purfued this Experiment no farther, Dr. Woodward having long fince, from feveral curious experiments and obfervations, given an account in the Philofophical Tranfactions, of the plentiful perfpirations of this plant. EXPERIMENT VII. In Auguft, 1 dug up a large dwarf Pear- tree, which weighed 71 pounds 8 ounces s I fet its root in a known quantity of wa- ter; it imbibed 15 pounds of water in 10 hours day, and perfpired at the fame time 15 pounds 8 ounces. In Fuly and Auguft, I cut off feveral branches of Apple-trees, Pear, Cherry, and Apricock-trees, two of a fort; they were of feveral fizes from 3 to 6 feet long, with pro- portional lateral branches; and the tran{verfe cut of the largeft part of their ftems was a- bout an inch diameter. I ftripped the leaves off of one bough of each fort, and then fet their ftems in fepa- rate glafles, pouring in known quantities of water. ee The a \ A i, \ NI n feulps. z J. Gribel, \ \ Ry OE 1 tie en ae hoor poem ig echelon nm al Vegetable Staticks. 29 The boughs with leaves on them im- bibed fome I5 ounces, fome 20 ounces, - 25 or 30 Ounces in 12 hours day, more or lefs in proportion to the quantity of leaves they had; and when I weighed them at night they were lighter than in the morning. While thofe without leaves imbibed but one ounce, and were heavier in the even- ing thanin the morning, they having per- {pired little. The quantity imbibed by thofe with leaves decreafed very much every day, the fap veflels being probably fhrunk, at the tranf- verfe cut, andtoo much faturate with wa- ter, to let any more pafs; fo that ufually in 4. or 5 days the leaves faded and withered much, I repeated the fame experiment with Elm- branches, Oak, Ofier, Willow, Sallow,Afpen, Curran,Goosberry, and Philbud branches; but none of thefe imbibed fo much as the fore- going, and feveral forts of ever-greens very much lefs. EXPERIMENT VIII. Avguft 15, l cut off alarge Ruffet-pippin, With 30 Levetable Staticks. with two inches ftem, and its 12 adjoining leaves; 1 fet the ftem ina little viol of wa- tcr it imbibed and perfpired in three days # of an ounce. Atthe fame time I cut off from the fame tree another bearing twig of the fame length, with 12 leaves on it, but no apple; it imbibed in the fame three daysnear 2 of an ounce. About the fame time I fet in a viol of water a fhore ftem of the fame tree, with two largeappies on it without leaves; they imbibed near 2 ounce in two days. So in thisExperiment, the apple and the leaves imbibe * ounce; the leayes a- Jone near ;, but the two large apples impbib- ed and perfpired but $ part fo much asthe 12 leaves; then one apple imbibed the = parr of what was imbibed by the 12 leaves, there- fore two leaves imbibe and per{pire as much as one apple; whence their perfpirations fecm to be proportionable to their furfaces ; the furface of the apple being nearly equal to the fum of the upper and under furfaces of the two leaves. Whence it is probable, that the ufe of thefe leaves, (which are placed, juft where | the Vegetable Staticks. 31 the fruit joinsto the tree) is to bring nou- rifhment to the fruit. And accordingly I obferve that the leaves, next adjoining to bloffoms, are, in the fpring, very much ex- panded, when the other leaves, on barren thoots, are but beginning to fhoot: And that all peach leaves are pretty large before the bloffom goes off: And that in apples and pears the leaves are one third or half crown, before the bloflom blows: So pro- vident is nature in making timely provifion, for the nourifhing the yet embrio-fruit. EXPERIMENT IX, Fuly 15. [cut off two thriving Hop-vines near the ground, in a thick fhady part of the garden, the pole ftill ftanding; I ftrip- ed the leaves off one of thefe vines, and {er both their ftems, in known quantities of Water, in. little bottles; that .with, leaves imbibed in 12 hours day 4 ounces, and that without leaves 4 ounce. I took another hop pole with its vines On it, and carried it out of the hop ground, into a free open expofure; thefe imbibed and perfpired as much more as the former in 32 Vegetable Staticks. in the hop-ground: Which is doubtlefs the reafon why the hop-vines on the out- fides of gardens, where moft expofed to the air, are fhort and poor, in comparifon of thofe in the middle of the ground; vzz. be- caufe being much dried, their fibres hardens fooner, and therefore they cannot grow fo kindly as thofe in the middle of the ground; which by fhade are always kept moifter, and more dudtile. Now there being 1ooohills in an acre of hop-ground, and each hill having three poles, and each pole three vines, the num- ber of, vines will be 9000; each of which imbibing 4 ounces, the fum of all the oun- ces, imbibed in an acre in 12 hours day, will be 36000 ounces, == 15750000 grains = 62007 cubick inches or 220 gallons; which divided by 6272640, the number of {quare inchesin an acre, it will be found, that the quantity of liquor perfpired by all the hop- Vines, will be equal to an area of liquor, as broad as an acre, and -; part of aninch deep, befides what evaporated from the earth. | And this quantity of moifture in a kind- ly ftate of the air is daily carried off, in a fufh- Vegetable Staticks. 33 a fufficient quantity, to keep the hops in a healthy ftate; but in a rainy moift ftate of air, without a due mixture of dry wea- ther, too much moifture hovers about the hops, fo as to hinder in a good meafure the kindly perfpiration of the leaves, whereby the ftagnating fap corrupts, and breeds mol- dy fen, which often fpoils vaft quantities of flourifhing hop-grounds. This was the cafe in the year 1723, when 10 or 14 days al- moft continual rains fell, about the latter half of Fuly, after 4 months dry weather ; up- - on which the moft flourifhing and promifing hops were all infected with mold or fen, in their leaves and fruit, while the then poor and unpromifing hops efcaped, and pro. duced plenty ; becaufe they being {mall, did not perfpire fo great a quantity as the others; nor did they confine the perfpired vapor , fo much as the large thriving vines did, in their fhady thickets. | This rain on the then warm earth made the grafs fhoot out, as faft as if it were in a hot bed; and the apples grew fo precipitate- ly, that they were of avery flafhy conflitu- tion, fo asto rot more remarkably than had ever been remembred. D ‘The « 34 Vegetable Staticks. The planters obferve, that when a mold or fen has once feized any part of the ground, it foon runs over the whole; and that the grafs and other herbs, under the hops, are infeed with it. Probably becaufe the fmall feeds of this quick growing mold, which foon come to maturity, are blown over the whole ground - Which {preading of the feed may be the reafon why fome grounds are infected with fen for feveral years fucceflively; uz. from the feeds of the laft years fen: Might it not then be advifeable to burn the fenny hop- Vines as {oon as the hops are picked, in hopes thereby to deftroy fome ef the feed of the mold? “ Mr. Auftin of Canterbury obferves fen — to be more fatal to thofe grounds that ““ are low and fheltered, than to the high « and opengrounds; to thofe that are fhel- “ ving to the North, than to the fhelving “ to the South; to the middle of grounds, «‘ than to the outfides; to the dry and gentle grounds, than to the moiftand ftiff grounds. This was very apparent through. és out the Plantations, where the land had ‘‘ the fame workmanfhip, and help beftow- t4 ed € ~ -“ wm at ey eg av oo Vegetable S. taticks, gue « ed upon it, and was wrought at the fame “< time; but if in either of thefe cafes there <¢ was a difference, it had a different effect ; < and the low and gentle grounds, that lay <¢ neglected, were then feen lefs diftemper- “ed, than the open and moift, that were “ carefully managed and looked after. < The honey dewsare obferved to come * about the 11 of Zune, which by the middle “ of Fuly turn the leaves black, and make « them ftink. I have in Fw/ly (the feafon for fire blatfts, as the planters call them) feen the vines in the middle of a hop-ground all fcorched up almoft from one end of a large ground to the other, when a hot gleam of Sun- fhine has come immediately after a fhower of rain; at which time the vapors are of- ten feen withthe naked eye, but efpecially with reflecting Telefcopes, to afcend fo plentifully, as to make a clear and difting object become immediately very dim and tremulous. Nor wasthere any dry gravel- ly vein in the ground, along the courfe of | this fcorch. It was therefore probably ow_ ing to the much greater quantity of {corch- ing vapors, in the middle than outfides of Diz the 36 Vegetable Staticks. the ground, and that being a denfer medi- um, it was much hotter than a more rare medium. And perhaps, the great volume of afcend- ing vapor might make the Sun-beams con- verge a little toward the middle of the ground, that being a denfer medium, and thereby increafe the heat confiderably ; for I obferv- ed, that the courfe of the fcorched hops was in aline at right angles, tothe Sun- beams about a 11 a clock, at which time the hot gleam was: The hop-ground was in a valley which run from South-weft to North-eaft: And to thebeft of my remem- brance, there wasthen but little wind, and that in the courfe of the fcorch; but had there been fome other gentle wind, either North or South, ‘tis not improbable but that the North wind gently blowing the Volume of rifing wreak on the South-fide of the ground, that fide might have been moft fcorched, and fo vice verfa. As to particular fire-blafts, which fcorch here and there a few hop-vines, or one Or two branches of a tree, without damaging the next adjoining; what A/fronomers ob- ferve, may hint | co us a no very improbable caufe Fegetable Staticks. 37 caufe of it; vwsg. They frequently obferve (efpecially with the refleting Telefcopes) (mall feparate portions of pellucid vapors floating in the air; whichtho’ not vifible to the naked eye, are yet confiderably denfer thanthe circumambient air: And vapors of fuch a degree of denfity may very proba- bly, cither acquire fuch a {calding heat from the Sun, as will fcorch what plants they touch, efpecially the more tender: An effect, which the gardiners about London have too often found to their coft, when they have incautioufly put beil-glafies over their Colly- flowers, early in a frofty morning, before the dew was evaporated off them; which dew being raifed by the Sun’s warmth, and confined within the glafs, did there form a denfe tranfparent fcalding vapor, which burnt and killed the plants. Or perhaps, the up- per or lower furface of thefe tranfparent fe- parate flying volumes of vapors may, among the many forms they revolve into, femetimes approach fo near to ahemifphere, or hemi- cylinder, as thereby to make the Sun-beams converge enough, often to icorch the more tender plants they fhall falion: And fome- times alfo, parts of the more hardy plants YP +2 and 38 Vegetable S. taticks, and trees, in proportion to the greater or lefs convergency of the Sun’s rays. The learned Boerhaave, in his Theory of PE PHTT: p. 245. obferves, ‘* That thofe €¢ ‘ white clouds which appear in fummer- time, are as it were fo many mirrours, and occafion exceffive heat. Thefe cloudy Mirrours are fometimes round, fome- times concave, polygonous, dc. when the face of heaven is covered with fuch white clouds, the Sun fhining among them, muft of neceffity produce a vehe- ment heat; fince many of his rays, which would otherwitfe, perhaps, never touch our earth, are hereby refle&ed to us; thus if the Sun be on one fide, and the clouds on the oppofite one, they will be per- fe& burning glafles. And hence the phz- nomena of thunder. «I have fometimes (continues he) ob- ferved a kind of hollow clouds, full of hail and fnow, during the continuance of which the heat was extreme; fince by {uch condenfation they were enabled to refie& much more ftrongly. After this ‘ came a fharp cold, and then the clouds diicharged their hail in great quantity; te) Vegetable Staticks. 39 “ to which fucceeded a moderate warmth. <¢ Frozen concave cjouds therefore, by their ‘< great reflections, produce a vigorous hear, ‘and the fame when refolved exceflive <¢ ‘¢okd. Whence we fee that blafts may be occa-. fioned by the refleGtions of the clouds, as well as by the above mentioned refraction of denfe tran{parent vapors. Fuly 21. T obferved that at that feafon the top of the Sunflower being tender, and the flower near beginning to blow, that if the Sun rife clear the flower faces towards the Eaft, and the Sun continuing to fhine, at noon, it faces to the South, and at 6 in the evening to the Weft: And this not by turning round with the Sun, but by nu- tation; the caufe of which is, that the fide of the ftem next the Sun perfpiring moft, it fhrinks, and this plant perfpires much. I have obferved the fame in the tops of ferufalem -artichokes and of garden- beans in very hot Sun-fhine. EXPERIMENT X. fuly 27. 1 fixed an Apple-branch m, 3 D 4 feet 40 Vegetable Staticks, feet long + inch diameter, full of leaves, and lateral fhoots to the tube ¢, 7 feet long s diameter. (Fig. 3.) I filled the tube with water, and then immerfed the whole branch as far as over the lower end of the - tube, into the veffel wu full of water. The water fubfided 6 inches the firft two hours (being the firft filling of the fap veffels) and 6 inches the following night, | 4 inches the next day; and 2 -+ } the fol- lowing night. The third day in the morning I took the branch out of the water; and hung it with the Tube afhxed to it in the open air; it imbibed this day 27 -|-% inches in 12 hours. This Experiment fhews the great power of perfpiration ; fince when the branch was immerfed in the veffel of water, the 7 feet column of water in the tube, above the furface of the water, could drive very little thro’ the leaves, till the branch was expofed to the open air. This alfo proves, that the perfpiring mat- ter of trees is rather actuated by warmth, and fo exhaled, than protruded by the force of the fap upwards. And —— Vegetable Staticks. AY And this holds true in animals, for the perfpiration in them is not always ereateft in the greateft force of the blood; but then often leatt of all, as in fevers. I have fixed many other branches in the fame manner to long tubes, without im. merfing them in water ; which tubes, being filled with water, I could fee precifely, by the defcent of the water in the tube 7, how faft it perfpired off ; and how very little per- fpired in a rainy day, or when there were no leaves on the branches. EXPERIMENT XI. Aug. 17. At’ 11 a: m, | cemented to the tube a 6 (Fig. 4.) 9 feet long, and 4 inch diameter an Apple-branch ds feet long « inch diameter; I poured water into the tube, which it imbibed plentifully, at the rate of 3 feet length of the tube in an hour. At 1 aclock I cut off the branch at ¢, 13 inches below the glafs-tube. To the bottom of the remaining ftem I tyed a glafs ciftern z, covered with ox-gut, to keep any of the water which droped from the ftem cd from evaporating. At the fame time I fet the branch 42 Vegetable Staticks. branch dr which I had cut off ina known quantity of water, in the veffel x, (Fig. 5.) the branchin the veffel x imbibed 18 oun- ces of water, in 18 hours day and 12 hours night; in which time only 6 ounces of wa- ter had paffed thro’ the ftem ¢ 4 (Fig. 4.) which had a column of water 7 feet highs prefling upon it all the time. This again fhews the great power of per- f{piration ; to draw three times more. water; in the fame time, thro’ the long flender parts of the branch 7 (fig. 5.) than was preffed thro’alarger fteme 6 (Fig. 4.) of the fame branch; but 13 inches long with 7 feet preffure of water uponit, in the tubeaé. — I tryed in the fame manner another ap- ple-branch, which in 8 hours day imbibed 20 ounces, while only 8 ounces paffed thro’ the ftem ¢4, (Fig. 4.) which had the column of water on it. The fame I tried with a quince branch, which in 4 hours day imbibed 2 ounces +- =, While but } ounce paffed thro’ the fem cb (Fig. 4.) which had 9 feet weight of wa- ter prefling on it. Note, All thefe (under this Experiment 11.) were made the firft day, before the fiem \\ Vegetable Staticks. 43 fiem could be any thing faturate with wa- ter, or the fap-veflels fhrunk fo as to hin- der its paflage. ExPERIMENT XII, I cut off from a dwart Apple-tree ew the top of the branch / (Fig. 6.) which was an inch diameter, and fixed to the ftem JZ, the glafs-tube 74: then I poured water into the tube, which the branch would imbibe, fo as to drink down 2 or 3 pints in aday, efpecially if I fucked with my mouth at the top of the tube 4, fo as that afew air bubbles were drawn out of the ftem /; then the water was imbibed fo faft, that if I im- mediately {crewed on the mercurial gage, mry x, the mercury would be drawn up to r, 12 inches higher than in the other leg. At another time I poured into the tube /, fixed to a golden Renate-tree, a quart of high rectified {pirit of wine, camphorated, which quantity the ftem imbibed in 3 hours {pace ; this killed one half of the tree: this I didtotry if I could give a flavour of cam- phire to the apples which were in great plenty AA Vegetable Staticks. plenty on the branch. I could not perceive any alteration in the tafte of the apples, tho’ they hung feveral weeks after; but the fmell of the camphire was very firong in the ftalks of the leaves, and in every part of the dead branch. I made the fame experiment on a vine, with ftrongly f{cented orange-flower-water 3 the event was the fame, it did not penetrate into the grapes, but very fenfibly into the wood and ftalks of the leaves. I repeated the fame experiment on two diftant branches of a large Catharine pear- tree, with ftrong decoctions of faffafras, and of elder flowers, about 30 days before the pears were ripe; but I could not per- ceive any tafte of the decodtions in the pears, Tho’ in all thefe cafes the fap-veflels of the ftem were firongly impregnated with a good quantity of thefe liquors; yet the capillary fap-veflels near the fruit were fo fine, that they changed the texture of, and aflimilatedto their own fubfiance thofe high tafted and perfumed liquors; in the fame manner as graffs and buds change the very different fap of the flock to that of their own fpecifick nature. This Vegetable Staticks. AS This experiment may fafely be repeated with well fcented and perfumed common water, which trees will imbibe at /7 without any danger of killing them, ExPERIMENT XIII. In order to try whether the capillary fap- veffels had any power to protrude fap out at their extremities, and in what quantity, I made the three following experiments, viz. In Auguft 1 took a cylinder of an apple- branch, 12 inches long 3 diameter: I fet ic with its great end downwards in a mint glafs, (full of water) tyed over with ox-gut. The . top of the ftick was moift for 10 days, while another ftick of the fame branch (but out of water ) was very dry. It evaporated an ounce of water in thofe 1o days, EXPERIMENT XIV. | In Sept. Infix’d. a tube ¢:( Fig: 7. )..7 feet long, toalikeftem f, asthe former, and fer the ftem in water x, to try if, asthe wa- ter evaporated out of the top of the ftemr, it would rife co any height in the tube ¢ ; but it 46 Vegetable Staticks. it did not rife at all in the tube, tho’ the top of the ftem was wet: I then filled the tube with water, but it paffed freely into the veffel x. EXPERIMENT XV. Sept. 10. 2 +2 feet from the ground, I cut off the top of a half ftandard Duke Cherry- free againfta wall, and cemented on it the neck of a Florence flask f, (Fig. 3.) and to that flask neck a narrow tube g, 5 feet long, in order to catch any moifture that fhould arife out of the trunk »; but none arofe in 4 hours, except a little vapor that was on the flask’s neck. I then dug up the tree by the roots, and fet the root in water, with the glaffes affixed to the top of the ftem; after feveral hours nothing rofe but a little dew, which hung on the infide of f; yet it is certain by many of the foregoing experiments, that if the top and leaves of this tree had been on, many ounces of water would in this time have paffed thro’ the rrunk, and been eva- porated thro’ the leaves. 1 have Vegetable Staticks. 47 I have tryed the fame experiment with feveral vine branches cut off, and fet in water thus, but no water rofe into f- Thefe three laft experiments all fhew, that tho’ the capillary fap veflels imbibe moifture plentifully ; yet they have little power to protrude it farther, without the afliftance of the perfpiring leaves, which do greatly pro- mote its progrefs. EXPERIMENT XVI. In order to try whether any fap rofe in the winter, I took in Fanuary feveral par- cels of Filberd-fuckers, Vine- branches, green Jeffamine-branches,Philarea andLaurel-bran- ches, with their leaves on them, and dip- ped their tranfverfe cuts in melted cement, to prevent any moifture’s evaporating thro’ the wounds; I tyed them in feparate bun- dles and weighed them. The Philberd-fuckers decreafed in 8 days (fome part of which were very wet, but the laft 3 or 4 days drying winds) the rith part of their whole weight. The vine-cuttings in the fame time the re paft. ¥ 4 Th gp 48 Vegetable Staticks. The Jeffamine in the {ame time the Z part. The Philarea decreafed the } part in 5 days. The Laurel the part in 5 days, and more. Here is a confiderable daily wafte of fap, which muft therefore neceflarily be fupplied from the root; whence it is plain that fome fap rifes all the winter, to fupply this conti- nual wafte, tho’ in much lefs quantity than in fummer. Hence we fee good reafon why the Ilex, (and the Cedar of Zzbanus, which were the firft on an Exngizfh-oak, the other on the Larix) were verdant all the winter, notwithffand- ing the oak and Larix leaves were decayed and fallen off; for tho’.when the winter came on, there did not fap enough rife to maintain the Oak and Larix leaves, yet by this prefent experiment we fee, that fome fap is continually rifing all the winter; and by experiment the sth on the Lime-tree, and by feveral other the like experiments, on many forts of ever-greens, we find that they perfpiring little, live and thrive with little nourifhment; the Uex and Cedar might well therefore continue green all the win- ter, notwithftanding the leaves of the trees 4. they Vegetable Staticks. 49 they were grafted on fell off. See the cu- riousand induftrious Mr. Fazrchild's account of thefe graftings in Mr. Miller's, Gardt- ners Dittionary. Vol. If. Supplement fap. EXPERIMENT XVIL. Having by many evident proofs in the foregoing experiments feen the great quan- tities of liquor that were imbibed and per- {pired by trees, I was defirous to try if I could get any of this perfpiring matter; and in order to it; I tock feveral glafs chymical retorts, ap (Fig.9.) and put the boughs of feveral forts of trees, as they were grow- ing with their leaves on, into the retorts, ftoping up the mouth p of the retorts with bladder. By this means I got feveral ounces of the perfpiring matter of Vines, Fig-trees, Apple-trees,Cherry-trees, Apricot and Peach- trees; Rue, Horfe-radifh, Rheubarb, Parfnip, and Cabbage leaves: the liquor of all of them was very clear, nor could I difcover any different tafte in the feveral liquors : But if the retort ftand expofed to the hot fun, the liquor will tafte of the .coddled leaves, Its eevee gravity, was nearly the E fame 50 Vegetable Staticks. fame with that of common water; nor did I find many air bubbles in it, when placed | in the exhaufted receiver, which I expeéed to have found; but when referved in open Viols, it ftinks fooner than common water; an argument that it isnot pure water, but has fome heterogeneous mixtures with it. I put alfo a large Sun-flower full blown, and as it was growing, into the head of a glafs-ftill, and put its roftrum into a bottle, by which means there diftilled a good quan- tity of liquor into the bottle. It will be very eafy in the fame manner to colle& the perfpirations of {weet {cented Flowers, tho’ the liquor will not long retain its grateful odor, but ftink in few days. This experiment would be very proper to begin the learned Boerhaave's clear and very rational chymical proceffes with, as be- ing a degree more fimple than his firft pro- cefs, the diftillation in acold ftill: For this is undifturbed nature’s own method of diftil- ling. EXPERIMENT XVIIL In order to find out what ftores of moi- fture a ner ee ae i —— re is}! Y/ «a | al N i\ \ yr a): i : Soh TRS A ; oa Seki tee * oe eee ie it Ray rahi p ve tem Ng a re rh v. Y Ni ¥ Vegetable Staticks. 5% fture nature had provided in the earth, (a- gainft the dry fummer feafon,) that might anfwer this great expence of it, which is fo neceflary for the produétion and {upport of vegetables, | | Fuly 31. 1724. I dug up a cubick foot of earth in an alley, which was very little tram- pled on; it weighed (after deducting the weight of the containing veflel) 104 pounds + 4 ounces + 3. A cubick foot of water weighs 59 -- 3, which is little more than half the fpecifick gravity of earth. This was a dry feafon, with a mixture of fome few fhow- ers, fothat the grafs-plat adjoyning was not burnt up. At the fame time I dug up another cu- bick foot of earth, fromthe bottom of the former, it weighed 106 pound -- 6 ounces; +4, I dug up alfo a third cubick foot of earth; at the bottom of the two former, it weighed TIT pounds -- 3. Thefe three feet depth were a good brick earth, next to which was gravel, in which at 2 feet depth, viz. 5 feet below the fur- face of the earth, the {prings did then run. When the firft cubick foot of earth was |p {9 52 Vegetable Staticks. fo dry and dufty, as to be unfit for vegeta- tion I weighed it, and found it had loft 6 pound -+ 11 ounces, or 194 cubick in- ches of water, near 3 part of its bulk. Some days after, the fecond cubick foot being dryer than either the firft or third, was _decreafed in weight 10 pounds. The third cubick foot, being very dry and dufty, had loft § pounds -}- 8 ounces, or 247 cubick inches, vzz. 7 part of its bulk. Now fuppofing the roots of the Sun-flower (the longeft of which reached 15 inches every way from the ftem) to occupy and draw nourifhment from 4 cubick feet of earth, and fuppofe each cubick foot of earth to afford 7 pounds of mioifture, before it be too dry for vegetation ; the Plant imbibing and perfpiring 22 ounces every 24 hours, that will be 28 pounds of water, which will be drawn off in 21 days and 6 hours; after which the Plant would perifh, if there were not frefh fupplies to thefe 4 cubick feet of earth, either from dew or moifture arifing from below 15 inches (the depth of the roots} up into the earth occupied by the roots. E x- Vegetable Staticks. 52 EXPERIMENT XIX. In order to find out the quantity of Dew that fellin the night, Aug. 15. at 7. p.m. I chofe two glazed earthen Pans, which were three inches deep, and 12 inches diameter in furface; I filled them with pretty moift earth taken off the furface of the earth ; they in- creafed in weight by the night’s dew 180 grains, anddecreafed in weight by the evapo- ration of the day 1 ounce -+- 282 grains. N. B. J fet thefe Pans in other broader Pans, to prevent any moifture from the earth _fticking to the bottoms of them. The moi- fier the earth, the more Dew there falls on it in a night, and more than adouble quan- tity of Dew falls on a furface of water, than there does on an equal furface of moaift earth. The evaporation of a furface of water in 9 hours winter's dry. day. is’, of anoinch. The evaporation of a furface of Ice, fet in the fhade during nine hours day, was 3%. So here are 540 grains more evaporated from the earth every 24 hours in fummer, than falls in Dew in the night ; that is, in 21 days near 26 ounces, from a circular area E 3 of ee ee oetunne 54 Vegetable Staticks. of afoot diameter; and circles being as the {quares of their diameters 10 pounds + 2 ounces, willin 21 days be evaporated from the hemifphere of 30 inches diameter, which the Sunflower’s root occupies: Which with the 29 pounds drawn off by the Plant in the fame time, makes 39 pounds, that is 9 pounds and 3 out of every cubick foot of earth, the Plant’s roots occupying more than 4 cubick feet ; but this isa much greater de- gree of drynefs than the furface of the earth ever fuffers for 15 inches depth, even in the dryeft feafons in this country. In a long dry feafon, therefore, efpecially within the Tropicks, we muft have recourfe for fufficient moifture (to keep Plants and Trees alive) to the moift ftrata of earth, which lay next below that in which the roots are. Now moift bodies always com- municate of their moifture to more dry adjoyning bodies; but this flow motion of the afcent of moifture is much accelerated by the Sun’s heat to confiderable depths in ihe earth, as is probable from the following zoth experiment. Now 180 grains of Dew falling in one aight, onacircle of a foot diameter, = 113 f{quare Vegetable Staticks. 55 113 {quare inches; thefe 180 grains being equally fpread on this furface, its depth will AES Wound 113 x 294 the depth of Dew in a winter night to be the go part of an inch; fothat if weallow 151 nights for the extent of thefummer’s Dew, it will in that time arife to one inch depth. And reckoning the remaining 214 nights, for the extent of the winters Dew, it will produce 2. 39 inches depth, which makes the Dew of the whole year amount to 3. 39 inches depth. And the quantity which evaporated in a fair fummier’s day from the fame {furface, being 1 ounce -+- 282 grains, gives 7 part ef an inch depth for evaporation, which is four times as much as fell at night. I found, by the fame means, the evapo- ration of a winter’s day to be nearly the fame as ina fummer’s day ; for the earth being in winter more faturate with moi- fture, that excefs of moifture anf{wers tothe excefs of heat in fummer. : Nic. Cruquins Ne 381. of the Philofo- phical Tranfa@ions, found that 28 inches depth evaporated in a whole year from wa- E 4 ter, be .$, part of aninch = 56 Vegetable Staticks. ter, z.e. #, of an incheach day, at a mean rate; but the earth in a f{ummer’s day evapo- rates 45 of an inch; fo the cvaporation of a furface of water, is to the evaporation of a furface of earth in fummer, as 10:3. The quantity of Rain and Dew which falls in a year is at a medium 22 inches: The quantity of the carth’s evaporation in a year is at leaft 9 -+- 2 inches, fince that is the rate; at which it evaporates in a fum- mer’s day : From which 9 -+ 3 inches is to be deducted 3. 39 inches for circulating daily Dew; there remains 6. 2 inches, which 6. 2 inches deducted from the quantity of Rain which falls in a year, there remains at leaft 16 inches depth, to replenifh the earth with moifiure for vegetation, and to fupply the Springs and Rivers. In the cafe of the hop-ground, the eva- poration from the hops may be confidered only for 3 months at +¢+ part of an inch each day, which will be =+ of an inch; but before we allow 6. 2 inches vapor to eva- porate from the furface of the ground, which added to 2 inch gives, 7. I inches, which is the utmoft that can be evaporat- ed from a furface of hop-ground in a year. : So Ve egetable Staticks, 57 So that of 22 inches depth of rain, there re- mains 15 inches to fupply fprings; which are more or lefs exhaufted, according to the drynefs or wetnefs of the year. Hence we find that 22 inches depth of rain in a year is fufficient for all the purpofes of na- ture, in fuch flat countries as this about Teddington near Hampton-court. But in the hill countries, asin Lanca/bzre, there falls 42 inches depth of rain-water ; from which deducting 7 inches for evaporation, there remains 35 inches depth of water for the {prings; befides great fupplics from much more plentiful dews, than fall in plain coun- tries: Which vaft ftores feem fo abundantly fufficient to anfwer the great quantity of water, which is conveyed away, by {prings and rivers, from thofe hills, that we need not have recourfe, for fupplics, to the great Abyfs, whofe furface, at high water, is fur- mounted fome hundreds of feet by ordi- nary hills, and fome thoufands of feet by thofe vaft hills, from whence the longeft and greateft rivers take their rife. EXPER, ¢8 Vegetable Staticks. EXPERIMENT XxX. I provided me 6 Thermometers, whofe ftems were of different lengths, vzz. from 18 inches to 4 feet. I graduated them all by one proportional fcale, beginning from the freezing point; which may well be fixed, as the utmoft boundary of vegetation on the fide of cold, where the work of ve- ectation ceafes, the watry vehicle beginning then to condenfe and be fixed; tho’ many trees, and fome plants, as grafs, mofs, cre: do furvive it; yet they do not vegetate at that time. The greateft degree of heat, which I mark- ed on my Thermometers, was equal to that of water, when heated to the greateft de- gree, that could bear my hand in it, with. it about. A degree of heat, which is the middle, between the freezing int, andthe heat of boiling water, which aie too great for vegetation, may there- f e fixed, as the utmoft boundary of vegetation, onthe warm fide ; beyond which its will rather fade than vegetate, fuch cree of heat feparating and difperfing, infleatl ‘@) Vegetable Staticks. 59 inftead of congregating, and uniting the nu- tritive particles. This fpace I divided into 90 degrees on all the Thermometers, beginning to number from the freezing point. Sixty four of thefe degrees is nearly equal to the heat of the blood ofanimals; which I found by therule given in the Philofophical Tranfattions, Vol. IL. p. 1. of Mr. Motte's Abridgment, viz. by placing one of the Thermometers in water heated to the greateft degree, that I could bear my hand in it, ftirring it about: And which I was further affured of, by placing the ball of my Thermometer in the flow- ing blood of an expiring Ox. The heat of the blood to that of boiling water is as 14 a Tr tO 33. By placing the ball of one of thefe Ter- mometers in my bofom, and under an arm- pit, I found the external heat of the body 54 of thefe degrees. The heat of milk, as it comes from the Cow, is 55 degrees, which is nearly the fame with that for hatching of eggs. The heat of urine 58 _ degrees. The common temperate point in Thermometers is about 18 degrees. 4 The 60 Vegetable Staticks, tae hoiteft Sun-fhine in the year 1724, gave to the Thermometer, expofed to it, a co equal to that of the blood of animals, viz. 64 degrees: And tho’ plants endure this and a confiderably greater heat, with- in the tropicks, for fome hours each day, yet the then hanging of the leaves of ma- ny of them fhews that they could not long fublift under it, were they not frequently refrefhed by the fucceeding evening and night. The common noon-tide heat in the Sun in fuly is about so degrees; The heat of the air inthe fhade in Fu/y is ata medium 38 degrees. The A/ay and Fune heat is, from 17 to 30 degrees; the moft genial heat, for the generality of plants, in which they flourilh moft, and make the greateft progrefs in their growth. The autumnal and vernal. heat may be reckoned from 10 to 20 degrees. The winter heat from the freezing point toro degrees. _ The fcorching heat of a hot bed of horfe- dung, when too hot for plants, is 75 de- grees and more, and hereabout is proba- bly the heat of blood in high fevers. The Vegetable Staticks. Gr The due healthy heat of a hot bed of horfe-dung, in the fine mold, where the roots of thriving Cucumber-plants were, in Feb. was 56 degrees, which is nearly the bofom heat, and that for hatching of eggs. The heat of the air under the glafs-frame of this hot-bed was 34 degrces; fo the roots had 26 degrees more heat, than the plants above ground. The heat of the open air was then 17 degrees, It is now grown a common and very reafonable practice; to regulate the heat of ftoves and green-houfes, by means of Thermometers, hung up inthem. And for greater accuracy, many have the names of fome of the principal exoticks, written up- on their Thermometers, over-againtt, the fe- veral degrees of heat, which are found by experience to be propereft for them. And I am informed that many of the moft curi- rious Gardiners about London have agreed to make ufe of Thermometers of this fort. which are made by Mr. Yohn Fowler in Swithins-alley, near the Royal-Exchange; which have the names of the following plants, oppofite to their refpe@tive moft kind- ly degrees of heat; which in my Thermome- fers 62 Vegetable Staticks. fers an{wer nearly to the following de- grees of heat above the freezing point, viz, Melon-thiftle 31, Ananas 29, Piamento 26, Euphorbium 24, Cereus 213, Aloe 19, In- dian-fig 167, Ficoides 14, Oranges 12, Miftles 9. Mr. Boyle, by placing a Thermometer in a cave which was cut firait into the bot- tom of a cliff, fronting the Sea, to the depth of 130 feet, foundthe fpirit ftoo’d both in winter and fummer at a fmall divifion a bove temperate; the cave had 80 feet depth. of earth above it. Boyle’s Works, Vol. Il, p- 54. I marked my 6 Thermometers numerical- Wy lx25i 195 453-3565, (Phe, 1) herntonmenes numb. 1. which was fhorteft, I placed with a South afpeét, in the open air; the ball of numb. 2, I fet two inches under ground ; that of numb. 3, four inches under ground, numb. 4, $8 inches; numb. 5, 16 inches; and numb. 6, 24 inches under ground. And that the heat of the earth, at thefe feveral depths, may the more accurately be Known, it is proper to place near each Thermometer a glafs-tube fealed at both ends, of the fame length with the ftems of the feveral Ther- mometers 5 es Vegetable Staticks. 63 swometers; and with tinged fpirit of wine in them, to the fame height, as in each correfponding Thermometer ; the tcale of degrees, of each Thermometer , being mark- ed on a fliding ruler, with an index at the back of it, pointing to the correfponding tube. When at any time an obfervation is to be made, by moving the index, to point to the top of the fpirit in that tube, an ac- curate allowance is hereby made, for the very different degrees of heat and cold, on the ftems of the Thermometers, at all depths 3 by which means the fcale of degrees will fhew truly the degrees of heat in the balls ofthe Thermometers, and confequently, the refpective heats of the earth, at the feve- ral depths where they are placed, The ftems of thefe DPhermometers, which were above ground, were fenced from weather and in- juries, by fquare wooden tubes; the ground they were placed in was a brick earth in the middle of my garden. -Fuly 30. I began to keep a regifter of their rife and fall. During the following month of Auguff, 1 obferved that when the fpirit in the Thermometer numb. 1, (which was expofed to the Sun) was about 64 Vegetable Staticks. about noon rifen to 48 degrees, then the fecond Thermometer was 45 degrees, the sth 33, and the 6th 31, the 3d andath at intermediate degrees. The sth and 6th Thermometer kept nearly the fame degree of heat, both night and day, till towards the lat- ter end of the month; when as the days grew fhorter and cooler, and the nights longer and cooler, they then fellto 25 and 27 degrees. Now, fo confiderable a heat of the Sun, | at two feet depth, under the earth’s furface, muft needs have a itrong influence, in raif- ing the moifture at that and greater depths ; whereby a very great and continual wreak muit always be afcending, during the warm fummer feafon, by night as well as day; for the heat attwo feet depth is nearly the fame night and day: The impulfeofthe Sun-beams ee ing the moifture of the earth a brisk undu- lating motion, which watery particles, when feparated and rarified by heat, do afcend inthe form of vapour: And the vigour of warm and confined vapour, (fuch as is that which is 1,2, or 3 feet deep in the earth) muft be very confiderable, fo as to pene- trate the roots with fome vigour; as we Z may Vegetable Staticks, 6s may teafonably fuppofe, from the vaft force of confined vapor in ¢ Zolpiles, in the di- gefter of bones, and the engine to raife wa- ter by fire. If plants were not in this manner fup- plied with moifture, it were impoflible for them to fubfit, under the fcorching heats, within the tropicks, where they have no rain for many months together: For tho’ the dews are much greater there, than in thefe more Northern climates ; yet doubtlefs where the heat fo much exceeds ours, the whole quantity evaporated in a day there; does as far exceed the quantity that falls. by night in dew, as the quantity evaporat- ed here ina fummer’s day, is found to ex- ceed the quantity of dew which falls in the night. But the dew, which falls in a hot fummer feafon, cannot poflibly be of any benefit to the roots of trees; becaufe it is remandéd back from the earth, by the fol- lowing day’s heat, before fo {mall a quanti- ty of moifture can have foaked to any con- fiderable depth. The great benefit there- fore of dew, in hot weather, muft be, by being plentifully imbibed into vegetables ; thereby not only refrefhing them for the F prefent, 66 Vegetable Staticks. prefent, but alfo furnifhing them with a frefh fupply of moifture towards the great expences of the fucceeding day. © Tis therefore probable, that the roots of trees and plants are thus, by means of the Sun’s-warmth, conftantly irrigated with frefh fupplies of moifture; which, by the fame means, infinuates it felf with fome vigour into the roots. For if the moifture ofthe earth were notthus aQuated, the roots muft then receive all their nourifhment meerly by imbibing the next adjoining moifture from the earth; and confequent- ly the fhell of earth, next the furface of the roots, would always be confiderably drier the nearer it isto the root; whichI have noe obferved tobe fo. And by Exper. 18 and 19, the roots would be very hard put to ir, to imbibe fufhcient moifture in dry fum- mer weather, if it were not thus conveyed ~ to them, by the penetrating warmth of the Sun: Whence by the fame genial heat, in conjundion with the attra&ion of the capil- lary fap veflels,° it is carried up thro’ the bodies and branches of vegetables, and thence pafling into the leaves, it is there mof yigoroufly acted upon, in thofe thin plates, Vegetable Staticks. 67 plates, and put into an undulating motion, by the Sun’s warmth, whereby it is moft plentifully thrown off, and perfpired thro’ their furface; whence, as foon as it is dif- _intangled, it mounts with great rapidity in the free air. But when, towards the latter end of Oc¢- tober, the vigour of the Sun’s influence is fo much abated, that the firt Thermometer was fallen to 3 degrees above the freezing point, the fecond to 10 degrees, the fifth to 14. degrees, and the fixth Thermometer to 16 degrees; then the brisk undulations of the moifture of the earth, and alfo of the af- cending fap, much abating, the leaves fad- ed and fell off. The greateft degree a cold, in the fol- lowing winter, were in the firft 12 days of November; during which time, the {pirit in the firft Thermometer was fallen 4 degrees below the freezing point, the deepeft 7 er- mometer 10 degrees, the ice on ponds was an inch thick, the Sun’s greateft warmth, at the winter folftice, in a very ferene, calm, frofty-day, was, againft a South afpect of a wall, 19 degrees, and ina free open air, but a1 degrees above the freezing point, From F 2 the 68 Vegetable Staticks. the roth of Zanuary to the aoth of March was a very dry feafon; when the green Wheat was generally the fineft that was ever remembred. But from the 29th of March 1725, to the 29th of September fol- lowing, it rained more or lefs almoft e- very day, except 10 or 12 days, about the beginning of Fuly; and that whole feafon continued fo very cool, that the fpirit in the firft Thermometer rofe but to 24 degrees, except now and then a fhort interval of Sunfhine; the fecond only to 20 degrees; the fifth and fixth to 24 and 23 degrees, with very little variation: So that during this whole fummer, thofe parts of roots which were two feet under ground, had 3 or 4 degrees more warmth than thofe which were but two inches under ground: And ata medium the general degree of heat, thro’ this whole fummer, both above and under ground, was not greater than the heat of the middle of the preceding September. The year 1725, having been both in this Ifland, and in the neighbouring Nations, moft remarkably wet and cold; and the | year 1723, in the other extream, as remar-_ ably dry, as hasever been known; it may not. Vegetable Staticks. 69 not be improper here to give a fhort ac- count of them, andthe influence they had on their productions. « Mr. A@ller, in the account which he took of the year 1723, obferved that the Winter was mild and dry, except that in February it rained almoftevery day , which kept the {pring backward. March, April, May, Fune, to the middle of Fuly, proved extreamly dry, the wind North-eaff mott part of the time. The fruits were for- ward and pretty good; but kitchen-ftuff, efpecially Beans and Peafe, failed much. The latter half of a/y the weather prov- ed very wet, which caufed the fruits to grow fo faft, that many of them rotted on the trees; fo that the autumn fruits were not good. There were great plenty of Melons, very large, but not well tafted. Great plenty of Apples; many kinds of fruits bloomed in 4uguff, which produc- ed many {mall Apples and Pears in Oc- tober, as alfo Strawberries and Rafpber- ries in great plenty. Wheat was good, little Barley, much of which was very un- equally ripe, fome not at all, becaufe fowa ‘ late, and no timely rain to fetch it up, PNG « There 1 70 Vegetable Staticks. (a4 € “ ce “7~ ~ Lay n~ ~ Cay “ ay There were innumerable Wafps; how it fared with the hops this dry year, is men- tioned under Exper, 9. “ The following winter 1724, proved very mild; the {pring was forward in Fanuary, {othat the Snow-drops Crocus’s, Polyanthus’s, Hepatica’s, and Narciflus’s, werein Flower. And it was remarkable, that moft of the Colliflower plants were deftroyed by the mildew, of which there was more, all this winter, than had been known inthe memory of man, In Febra- ary we had cold fharp weather, which did fome damage to the early crops, and it continued variable till Aprz/; fo that much of the early Wall-fruit was cut off : And again the 6th of May was a very fharp froft, which much injured tender plants and fruits. The fummer in gene- ral was moderately dry, the common fruits proved pretty good, but late: Melons and Cucumbers were good for little: Kitchen-ftuff was in great plenty in the markets. In the very wet and cold year 1725, moft things were a full month backwarder than ufual. Not half the Wheat in by the 24th of Vegetable Si taticks. 71 of Augu/t,in the Southern pats of Englands very few Melonsor Cucumbers, and thofe not good. The tender Exoticks fared but ills {carce any Grapes, thofe fmall, and of very unequal fizes, on the fame bunch, not ripes Applesand Pears green andinfipids no frui mor products of the ground good, but crude: Pretty good plenty of Wheat tho’ coarfe, and long ftraw; Barley coarfe, but plenty of it in the uplands. Beans and Peafe, moft flourifhing and plentiful; few Waflps oro- ther infects, except Flies on hops. Hops were very bad thro’ the whole Kingdom. Mr. Auftin of Canterbury {ent me the fol- lowing particular account, how it fard with themthere; where they had more than at Farnham, and mof other places, viz. “At mid-pril not half the fhoots ap- “ peared above ground; fo that the plan- “ ters knew not how to pole them to the € beft advantage. This defe& of the fhoot, «* upon opening the hills, was found to be “ owing to the multitude and variety of vermin that lay preying upon the root ; “ the increafe of which was imputed to s¢ thelong and almoft uninterrupted feries “ of dry weather, for three months paft: Bo“ Towards €c 7% Vegetable Staticks. << Towards the end of 4pri/, many of the << hop-vines were infefted with the Flies. <¢ About the zoth of May there was a << very unequal crop, fome Vines being <¢ run feven feet, others not above three or < four feet ; fome juft tied to the poles, and “ fome not. vifible: And this difpropor- “ tionate inequality in their fize conti- ¢* nued thro’ the whole time of their growth. «* The Flies now appeared upon the leaves << of the forwardeft Vines, but not in fuch «© numbers here, as they did in moft other << places. About the middle of Fume, the Flies increafed, yet not fo as to endan. “ ser the crop; but in diftant planta- <* tions they were exceedingly multiplied, ‘© fo as to {warm towards the end of the s¢ month. Fane 27th fome fpecks of fen” «© appeared: From this day, to the oth of «¢ Fuly, was very fine dry weather. At this ¢* time, when it was faid that the hops in «* moft other parts of the Kingdom look- «< ed black and fickly, and feemed paft re- ** covery, ours held it out pretty well, ins «¢ the opinion of the moft skilful Planters. ** The great leaves were indeed difcolour- ed and a little withered, and the fen was “ fome- “ wn Vegetable Staticks. 73 fomewhat increafed. From the oth of Fuly to the 23d the Fen increafed a good deal, but the Flies and Lice decreafed, it raining daily much: In a week more the Fen, which feemed to be almoft at a ftand, was confiderably increafed, efpecially in thofe grounds where it firft appeared. A- bout the middle of 4uguf?, the Vines had done growing both in ftem and branch ; and the forwardeft began to be in Hop, the reft in Bloom: the Fen continued fpreading, where it was not before per- ceived, and not only the leaves, but many of the Burrs alfo were’ tainted with it. About the 20th of Juguff, fome of the Hops were infected with the Fen, and whole branches corrupted by it. Half the Plantations had hitherto pretty well ef- caped, and from this time the Fen increa- fed but little: But feveral days violent wind and rain, in the following week, fo difordered them, that many of them be- gan to dwindle, and at laft came to no- thing; and of thofe that then remained in bloom, fome neverturned to Hops ; and of the reft which did, many of them « were fo {malJ, that they very little ex- * ceeded 74 Vegetable Staticks. “« ceeded the bignefs of a good thriving “ Burr. We did not begin to pick till the ‘ sthof September, which was 18 days later << than we began the year before: The crop “« was little above two hundred on an acre <“* round, and not good.” The beft Hops fold this year at Vay-Hiil Fair for fixteen pounds the hundred. The almoft uninterrupted wetnefs and coldnefs of the year 1725, very much af- feted the produce of the Vines the enfu- ing year; and we have fufficient proof from the obfervations that the 4 or 5 laft years afford us, that the moifture or drynefs of the preceding year, has a confiderable in- fluence on the produdtions of the Vine the following year. Thus inthe year 1722, there was a dry feafon, from the beginning of Auguft thro the following autumn and Winter, and the next fummer there was good plenty of Grapes. The year 1723 was a remarkably dry year,-and in the fol- lowing year 1724, there was an unufual plenty of Grapes. The year 1724 was mo- derately dry, and the following {pring the Vines produced a fufficient quantity of bran- ches, but by reafon of the wetnefs and cold- nefs “ Vegetable Staticks. 75 nefs of the year 1725 they proved abortive, and produced hardly any Grapes. This very wet year had an ill effect, not only upon its own productions, but alfo on thofe of the following year: For notwithftanding there was a kindly {pring and blooming feafon in the year 1726. yet there were few bunches produced, except here and there in fome very dry foils. This, many Gardiners forefaw early, when upon pruning of the Vines, they obferved the bearing fhoots to be crude and immature ; which was the reafon why they were not fruitful. The firft crop thus failing in many places, the Vines produced a fe- cond, which had not time to come to matu- rity, before the cold weather came on. I have often obferved from thefe Ther- mometers, when that kind of hovering lam- bent Fog arifes, (either mornings or eve- nings) which frequently betokens fair wea- ther, that the air which inthe preceding day was much warmer, has upon the abfence of the fun become many degrees cooler than the furface of the earth; which being near 1500 times denfer than the air, cannot be fo foon affeGted with the alternacies of hot and cold ; whence tis probable, that thofe vapours 76 Wegetable Staticks. vapours which are raifed by the warmth of the earth, are by the cooler air foon con- denfed into a vifible form. And I have ob- | ferved the fame difference between the cool- nefs of the air, and the warmth of water in a pond, by putting my Thermometer, which hung all night in the open air in fummer time, into the water, juft before the rifing of the fun, when the like reek or fog was rifing on the furface of the water. CH; AsPo2 Kl. Experiments, whereby to find out the force with which Trees imbibe moifture. A VIN G inthe rft chapter feen many proofs of the great quantities of li- quor imbibed and perfpired by vegetables, i propofe inthis, to enquire with what force they do imbibe moifture. Tho’ vegetables (which are inanimate ) have not an engine, which, by its alternate dilatations and contractions, does in animals forcibly drive the blood through the arte- ties and veins; yet has nature wonderfully contrived other means, moft powerfully to raife and keep in motion the fap, as will in Vegetable Staticks. 79 in fome meafure appear by the experiments in this and the following chapter. I fhall begin with an experiment upon roots, which nature has providently taken care tO cover with a very fine thick ftrai- ner; that nothing fhall be admitted into them, but what can readily be carryed off by perfpiration, vegetables having no o- ther provifion for difcharging their recre- ment. EXPERIMENT XXI. Augufe tz. In the very dry year 1723, I dug down 2 -|- 3 feet deep to the root of a thriving baking ‘Pear-tree, and lay- ed bare a root 4 inch diameter #. (Fig. 10.) I cut off the end of the root at z, and put the remaining ftump z # into the glafs tube dr, whichwas an inch diameter and 8 inches long, cementing it faft atr; the lower pant of the tube d = was 18 inches long, and: 2 inch diameter in bore. Then I turned the lower end of the tube = uppermoft, and filled it full of water, and then immediately immerfed the {mall end z= into the ciftern of mercury x; taking away my ~, 78 Vegetable Staticks. my finger, which ftopped up the end of the tube =z. The root imbibed the water with fo much vigor, that in 6 minutes time the mer- cury was raifed up the tube d = as high as &, viz. § inches. The next morning, at 8 a clock, the mer- cury was fallen to 2 inches height, and 2 inches of the end of the root z were yet immerfed in water. As the root imbibed the water, innumerable air bubbles iffued out at z, which occupied the upper part of the tube at 7 as the water left it. EXPERIMENT XXII. The eleventh experiment fhews, with what great force branchesimbibe water,where a branch with leaves imbibed much more than a column of 7 feet height of water could in the fame time drive thro’ 13 in- ches length of the biggeft part of its ftem. And in the following experiments we fhall find a further proof of their {trong imbi- bing power. May 25,1 cut off a branch of a young thriving Apple-tree 0, (Fig. 11.) about 3 feet Vegetable Staticks. 79 feet long, with lateral branches; the diame- ter of the tranfverfe cut z, where it was cut off, was 2 of aninch: The great end of this branch I put into the cylindrical glafs e7, which was an inch diameter within, and eight inches long. I then cemented faft the joynt r, firft fold- ing a ftrap of fheeps skin round the ftem, fo as to make it fit well to the tube atr; then I cemented faft the joynt with a mixture of Bees-wax and turpentine melted together in fuch a proportion, as tomake a very ftiff clammy Pafte when cold, and overthecement I folded feveral times wet Bladders, binding it firm with Pack-thread. At the lower end of the large tube e was cemented, on a leffer tube = e, } inch dia- meter in bore, and 18 inches long: The fubftance of this tube ought to be full 4 of an inch thick, elfe it will too eafily zest in making this experiment. Thefe two tubes were cemented together at e, firft with common hard brick-duft ce- ment to keep the tubes firm to each other ; butthis hard cement would, by the different dilatations and contractions of the glafs and cement, feparate from the glafsin hot wea- 4. ther, 80 Vegetable Staticks. ther, fo as to let in air; to prevent which in- convenience, I further fecured the joynt with the cement of Bees-wax and Turpen- tine, binding a wet bladder over all. When the branch was thus fixed, I turned it downwards, and the glafs tube upwards, and then filled both tubes full of water ; upon which limmediately applied the end of my finger to clofe up the end of the {mall tube, and immerfed it as faft as I could into the glafs ciftern x, which was full of mer- cury and water. When the branch was now uppermoft, and placed as in this figure, then the lower end of the branch was immerfed 6 inches in water, viz. from 7 toz. Which water was imbibed by the branch, — at its tranfverfe cut z; and as the water af- cended up the fap veflels. of the branch, fo the mercury afcended up the tubee 2 from the ciftern «; fo as in half an houtr’s time the mercury was rifen 5 inches and < high up to 2. And this height of the mercury did in fome meatfure fhew the force with which the fap was imbibed, tho’ not near the whole force; for while the water was imbibing, 4 the Vegetable Staticks. Q the tranfverfe cut of the branch, was co- vered with innumerable little hemifpheres of air, and many air bubbles iffued out of the fap veflels, which air did in part fill the tube er, asthe water was drawn out of it; fothat the height of the mercury could only be proportionable to the excefs of the quantity of water drawn off, above the quan- tity of air which iffued out of the wood. And if the quantity of air, which iffued from the wood into the tube, had been equal to the quantity of water imbibed, then the mercury would not rife at all; becaufe there would be no rooin for it in the tube. But if 9 parts in 12 of the water be im- bibed by the branch, and in the mean time but 3 fuch parts of air iffue into the tube, then the mercury muft needsrife near 6 inches, and fo proportionably in different cafes. I obferved in this, and moft of the follow- ing experiments of this fort, that the mer: cury rofé higheft, when the fun was very clear and warm; and towards evening ir would fubfide 3 or 4 inches, and rife again the next day as it grew warm, but feldom to the fame height it did at firft. For I have always found the fap veficls grow every. ‘oe day; 82 Vegetable Staticks. day, after cutting, lefs pervious, not only for water, but alfo for the fap of the yine, which never pafles to and fro fo freely thro’ the tran{verfe cut, after it has been cut 3 or 4 days, as at firft; probably, becaufe the cut capillary veffels are fhrunk, the veficles alfo, and interftices between them, being faturate and dilated with extravafated fap, much more than they are in a natural ftate. If I cut an inch or two off the lower part of the ftem, which has been much {atu- zated by ftanding in water, then the branch will imbibe water again afrefh; tho’ not al- together fo freely, as when the branch was firft cut off the tree. I repeated the fame experiment as this 22d, upon a great variety of branches of feveral fizes and of different kinds of trees, fome of the principal of which are as follow, UZ. ExPERIMENT XXIII. Fuly 6th and sth, I repeated the fame ex- periment with feveral green fhoots of the Vine, of this year’s growth, each of them full two yards long. The Vegetable Staticks. 83 The mercury rofe much more leifurely in thefe experiments, than with the Apple-tree branch; the more the fun was upon it, the fa@ ter and higher the mercury rofe, but the Vine- branches could not draw it above 4 inches the firft day, and 2 inches the third day. And asthe fun fet, the mercury fometimes fubfided wholly, and would rife again the next day, as the fun came on the Vine- branch. And I obferved, that where fome of thef Vine-branches were fix'd on the north fide of the large trunk of a Pear-tree, the mer- cury then rofe moft in the evening abour 6a clock, asthe fun came onthe Vine-branch, ExPERIMENT XXIV. Auguft 9, at 10 ante Merzd. (very hot fun- - fhine ) Ifixed in the (ame manner as Exp. 22. a Non-pareil branch, which had 20 Apples onit; it was 2 feet high, with lateral bran- | ches, its tranfverfe cut % inch diameter: It immediately began to raife the mercury moft vigoroufly, fo asin 7 minutes it was got up to & 12 inches high. G2 Mer- 84 | Vegetable Staticks. Mercury being 13 -+ § times fpecifically heavier than water, it may eafily be eftima- ted to what height the feveral branches in thefe experiments would raife water; for if any branch can raife mercury 12 inches, it will raife water 13 feet -- 8 inches: A further allowance being alfo made for the perpendicular height of the water in the tubes, between r and & the top of the co- lum of mercury, for that column of water is above lifted up by the mercury, be it more or lefs. At the fame time, I tryed a Golden Re- ate branch 6 feet long, the mercury rofe but 4 inches, it rifing higher or lower in branches nearly of the fame fize and of the fame kind of tree, according as the air if- fued thro’ the fem, more or lefs freely. In the preceding experiment on the Non- pareil branch, I had fucked a little with my mouth at the {mall end of the tube, to get fome air bubbles. out of it, before I im- merfed it in the mercury ; (but thefe air bubbles are beft got out by a fmall wire run to and fro in the tube) and this fuce tion made air bubbles arife out of the tran& verie cut of the branch ; but tho’ the quan- i eeiey Vegetable Staticks. 8 tity of thofe air bubbles thus fucked out, was but fmall; yet in this and many other experiments, I found that after fuch fuc- tion, the water was imbibed by the: branch, much more grecdily, and in much greater quantity than the bulk of the air was, which was fucked out. Probably therefore, thefe air bubbles, when in the fap veffels, do flop the free afcent of the water, as is the cafe of little portions of air got between the wa- ter in capillary glafs tubes. When the mercury is raifed to its greateft height, by precedent fuG@iion with the mouth, ( which height it reaches fometimes in 7 minutes, fometimes in half an hour or an hour) then from that time it begins to fall, and continues fo to do, till it is fallen § or 6 inches, the height the branch would have drawn it to, without fucking with the - mouth. . But when in avery warm day, the mer- cury is drawn up 5 or 6 inches, ( without precedent fuction with the mouth ) then it will ufually hold up to that height for fe- veral hours, vzz. during the vigorous warmth of the fun; becaufe the fun is all that time ftrongly exhaling moifture from the branch G 3 thro’ 86 Vegetable Staticks. thro’ the leaves, on which account it muft therefore imbibe water the more greedily, as is evident by many experiments in the firft chapter. When a branch is fixed to a glafs tube fet in mercury, and the mercury fubfides at night, it will not rife the next morning (as the warmth of the fun increafes upon it) unlefs you fill the tube firft full of water : For if half or 4 of the large tube ¢ r be full of air, that air will be rarified by the fun; which rarefa@ion will deprefs the water in the tube, and confequently the mercury cannot rife. But where little water is imbibed the firft day, (as in the cafe of the green fhoots of the Vine, Exper. XXIII.) then the mer- cury will rifethe fecond and third day, as the warmth of the fun comes on, without refilling the little water that was imbibed. EXPERIMENT XXV. In order to make the like experi- ment on larger branches (when I expec- ted the mercury would have rifen much higher than in {mall ones) I caufed glaf {es Vegetable Staticks. 87 fes to be blown of the fhape of this here defcribed (Fig. 12.) of feveral dimenfions at r, from two to five inches diameter, with a proportionably large cavity ¢: the ftem 2 as near 4 inch diameter as could be, the length of the ftem 16 inches. I cemented one of thefe glafs veffels to a large {mooth barked thriving branch of an Apple-tree, which was 12 feet long, 1 + 4 inch diameter at z: I filled the glafs tube With water, and immerfed the fmall end in the mercury x, which rofe but 4 inches, yet it imbibed water plentifully ; but the air iflued too faft out of the branch at z, for the mercury to rife high. This, and many other experiments of this kind, convince me that branches of 2, 3, or 4 years old, are the beft adapted to draw the mercury higheft: The veffels of thofe that are older being too large and pervious to the air, which paffes moft freely thro’ the bark, efpecially at old eyes: As will be more fully proved in the fifth chapter. EXPERIMENT XXVI. Sey 30th at noon, a mixture of fun and G 4 clouds, 88 Vegetable Staticks. clouds, the day and night before; 24 hours: continual rain: I cut of a branch ef a Gol, © den P ippin-iree, 6 b (Fig. 13.) about3 feet lons, with feveral large lateral branches 5 its diameter at the great end p near an inch; which end I cemented well, and tyed over it a piece of wet bladder. Then I cut off at z the main tep twig, where it was + inch diameter: I cemented the glafs tube 27, to the remaining branch g7, and tiicn filing the tube with water; fet its lower end in the mercury: Se that now the braach was placed with its top zdownwards inthe water, in the Ageca- mercurial gaze. Ir imbibed the water with fuch firength, as to raife the mercury with an almoft e- uable —— 11 -|- ¢ inches by 3 a ¢ fun fhining then very warm) ag ern time the water in the tube rz being all imbibed; fo that the end of the branch Was out of the water, then the air pubbics pafling more freely down toz, and i o water being imbibed, the mercury fub- fided 2 or 3 inches in an hour. ~~ At a quarter pait 4 a clock, I refilled the gage with water, upon which the mercury | rofe ¥ ‘ ni arte Shans ah Se om ON * eer Vegetable Staticks. 89 rofe afrefh from the ciftern, vzz. 6 inches the firt + of an hour, and in an hour more the mercury reached the fame height as be- fore, vig. 11 --+ % inches: Andin an hour and } more it rofe + inch more than at firft; but in half an hour after this it began gent- ly to fubfide ; viz. becaufe the fun declining and fetting, the perfpiration of the leaves decreafed, and confequently the imbibing of the water at 7 abated, for the end z was then an inch in water. Fuly 31. It raining all this day, the mercury rofe but 3 inches, which height it flood at all the next night. Auguft ik fair fun-fhine; this day the mercury rofe to $ inches: This fhews again the influence of the fun, in raifing the mercury. This Experiment proves that branches will ftrongly imbibe from the fmall end immerfed in water to the ‘great end; as well as from the great end immerfed in water to the fmall end; and of this we fall have furthez proof in the fourth chapter. EXPERIMENT XXVII. In order to try, whether branches would imbibe 90 Vegetable Staticks. imbibe with the like force, with the bark off, I took two branches which I call 17 and WN; 1 fixed M/ in the fame manner as the branch in the foregoing Experiment, with itstop downwards, but firt I took off all the bark from ztor. Then I fix’d in the fame manner the branch N, but with its great end downwards, having alfo taken off all the bark from 2 to rs both the branches drew the mercury up to 2, 8 inches; fo they imbibed with equal ftrength at either end, and that without bark. EXPERIMENT XXVIII. Augufe 13. 1 ftripped the leaves off an Apple tree branch, and then fixed the great end of the ftem in the gage; it raifed the mercury 2 -+ z inches, but it foon {ubfided, for want of the plentiful perfpiration of the leaves, fo that the air came in almoft as faft as the branch imbibed water, EXPERIMENT XXIX. I tryed alfo with what force branches would imbibe, at their fmall ends, as they 4 are Vegetable Staticks. ox are in their natural {tate growing to the trees. Auguft 2d 1 cemented faft the gage rzz (Fig. 14.) tothe pliant branch 4, of a dwarf Golden P ippin-tree, the fame from which I cut the branch in Experiment 26: As the tran{verfe cut z imbibed the water, the mer- cury rofe 5 inches obliquely in the tube z, and 4 inches perpendicular. In this, as alfo in many of the preced- ing Experiments there were feveral wounds, in that part of the branch which was with- in the large tube rz; which were made by cutting off little lateral twigs, and {welling eyes, that the branch might eafily enter the tube: And if thefe wounds ( thro’ which the air always iffued plentifully) were well co- vered with fheeps-gut, bound over with pack- thread, it would in a good meafure prevent the inconvenience: But I always found that my Experiments of this kind {ucceeded bef, when that part of the branch which was to enter the tube 7 z, was clear of all knots or wounds; for when there were no knots, the liquor paffed moft freely, and lefs air iftuediont, > 2. The 92 Vegetable Staticks. » The fame day I fixed in the fame man. ner a gage to an Apricock-tree, it raifed the mercury 3 inches; and tho’ all the water was foon imbibed, yet the mercury rofe every day an’inch, for many days, andfub.- fided at night ; fo thatthe branch muft daily - imbibe thus much air, and remit it at night. EXPERIMENT XXX. We have a further proof of the influ: ence of the leaves in raifing the fap in this following Experiment. g Aagife thy I cut off a large Ruffet Pippin a aii Big: 15.) with a ftalk 1-1 # inch long, and 12 adjoyning leaves g growing to it. - I cemented the flalk faft into the upper end of the tube d,. which tube was 6 ine ches long,-and 3 inch diameter; as the ftalk imbibed the w ater, it raifed the mercury to z, four inches high. I fix’danother Apple of the fame fize and tree, in the fame manner, but firft pulled off the leaves; it raifedthe mercury but one inch; I fixed in the fame manner a like bearing twig with 12 leaves on it, but no apple; it raifed the mercury 3 inches. I then = \ = <> } SAY Fy Z AZ, diehibivcas sep Set sa alae * Prpvbbtr et Re eee Par : Ss a ee rg i i 5‘ , - an hate ca mF nte ce rem eye inn B ir forvene we : : Vegetable Staticks. 53 I then took a like bearing twig, without either leaves or apple, it raifed the mer- cury ~ inch. Soatwig, with an apple and leaves rai ed the mercury 4 inches, one with leaves only 3 inches, one with an apple without Jeaves 1 inch. A Quince which had two leaves, juft at the twig’s infertion into it, raifed the mer- cury 2 -| }-inches, and held it up a confi- derable time. A {prig of Mint fix’d in the fame manner, raifed the mercury 3 -+- % inch, equal to 4 feet +- 5 inches height of water. i EXPERIMENT XXXI. I tryed alfo the imbibing force of a great variety of trees, by fixing Aqueo-mercurial gages to branches of them cut off, as in Ex- periment 22. The Pear, Quince, Cherry, Walnut, Peach, Apricock, Plumb, Black-thorns, White- thorns, Goofeberry, Water-Elder, Sycamore, raifed the mercury from 6 to 3 inches high : Thofe which imbibed water moft freely, in the Experiments of ithe firt chapter, raifed the 94 Vegetable Staticks. the mercury higheft in thefe Experiments, except the Horfe-Chefnut, which tho’ it imbibed water moft freely, yet raifed the mercury but one inch, becaufe the air pafled very faft thro’ its fap-veffels into the gage. The following raifed the mercury but 1 or 2 inches, vzz. the Elm, Oak, Horfe- Chefnut, Filberd, Fig, Mulberry, Willow, Sallow, Ofier, Afh, Lynden, Currans. The Evergreens, and following trees and plants, did not raife it at all. The Laurel, Rofemary, Laurus-Tinus, Philarea, Fuz, Rue, Berberry, Jeflamine, Cucumber- branch, Pum- kin, Jerufalem Artichoke. ExPERIMENT XXXII, We have a further proof of the great force, with which vegetables imbibe moi- fture, in the following Experiment, vuzz. I filled near full with Peafe and Water, the iron Pot (Fig. 37.) and layed on the Peafe a leaden cover, between which, and the fides of the Pot, there was room for the air which came from the Peafe, to pafs freely. I then layed one hundred eighty four pounds weight on them, which (as the Peafe di- | lated Vegetable Staticks. 95 jated by imbibing the water) they lifted up. The dilatation of the Peafe is always equal to the quantity of water they imbibe : For if a few Peafe be put into a Veffel, and that Veffel be filled full of water, tho’ the . Peafe dilate to near double their natural fize ; yet the water will not flow over the Veffel, or at moft very inconfiderably, on account of the expanfion of little air bub- bles, which are iffuing from the Peafe. Be- ing defirous to try, whether they would yaife a much greater weight, by means of a lever with weights at the end of it, Icom- preffed feveral frefh parcels of Peafe in the fame Pot, with a force equal to 1600, 800, and 4.00 pounds ; in which Experiments, tho’ the Peafe dilated, yet they did not raife the lever, becaufe what they increafed in bulk was, by the great incumbent weight, preffed into the interftices of the Peafe, which they adequately filled up, being thereby formed into pretty regular Dodecahedrons. We fee in this Experiment the vaft force with which fwelling Peafe expand, and ’tis doubtlefs a confiderable part of the fame force which is exerted, not only in puth- ing the Plume upwards into the air, but alfo 96 Vegetable Staticks. alfo in enabling the firft fhooting radicle of the Pea, and ali its fubfequent tender Fibres, © to penetrate and fhoot into the earth. — EXPERIMENT XXXII. We fee, in the Experiments of this chap- ter, many inftances of the great efficacy of attraction ; that univerfal principle which is fo operative in all the very different works of nature ; and is moft eminently fo in vegetables, all whofe minuteft parts are curioufly ranged in fuch order, as is beft adapted by their united force, to attract pro- per nourifhment. And we fhall find in the following Ex- periment, that the diffevered particles of vegetables, and of other bodies, have a ftrong attractive power when they lay con- fufed. That the particles of wood are fpecifi- cally heavier than water (and can there- fore ftrongly attra& it) is evident, becaufe feveral forts of wood fink immediately ; o- thers (even cork) when their interftices are well foaked, and filled with water; others ( as the Peruvian Bark ) fink when very finely pulve- Vegetable Staticks. 97 pulverized, becaufe all their cavities, which made them fwim, are thereby deftroyed. In order to try the imbibing power of eommon wood abhes, I filled a glafs tube cri,3 feet long, and 2 of an inch diameter (Fig. 16.) with well dryed and fifted wood afhes; prefling them clofe with a rammer, I tyed a piece of linen over the end of the tube at z, to keep the afhes from falling outs I then cemented the tube ¢ faft at.r to the Aqueo-mercurial gage r z, and when I had filled the gage full of water, I immet- fed it im the ciftern’ of mercury 4%: Then to the upper end of thetube ¢, at o If{crewed on the mercurial gage a 6. | The afhes as they imbibed the water drew the mercury up 3 or 4.inchesin a few hours towards 2; but the three following days it rofe but 1 inch, ¢ inch, and 4, and fo lefs and lefs, fo that in 5 or 6 days it ceafed ri. fing: The higheft it rofe was 7 inches, which was equal to raifing water 8 feet high. This had very little effe& on the mer- cury in the gage a 6, unlefs it were, that ig would rife a little, wze. an inch or little More in the gage ata, as it were by the fuc- Pe 3 tion. 98 Vegetable Staticks. tion of the afhes, to fupply fome of the air bubbles which were drawn out at z. But when I feparated the tube ¢ 0 from | the gage r 2, and fet the end z in. water, then the moifture (being not reftrained as before) rofe fafter and higher in the afhes co, and depreffed the mercury at a, fo as to be 3 inches lower than in the leg 4, by driving the air upwards, which was inter- mixed with the afhes. - I filled another tube 8 feet long, and? inch diameter with red lead; and affixed it in the place of ¢ 0 to the gagesa db, r z, The mercury rofe gradually 8 inches to s. In both thefe Experiments, the end z was covered with innumerable air bubbles, many of which continually paffed off, and were {ucceeded by others, as at the tran{verfe cuts in the Experiments of this chapter. And as there, fo in thefe, the quantity of air bub- bles decreafed every day, fo as at laft to have very few: The part z immerfed in the wa- ter, being become fo faturate therewith, as to leave no zoom for air to pafs. After 20 days I picked the minium oug of the tube, and found the water had rifen 2 feet 7 inches, and would no doubt have | rifen eh Vegetable Staticks, 99 rifen higher, if it had not been clogged by the mercury in the gage 2. For which* reafon the moifture rofe but 20 inches in the afhes, where it would otherwife have rifen 30 or 40 inches. And as Sir L/zac Newton (in his Op- ticks query 31.) obferves, ‘‘ The water rifes 4 °¢4 €e €< <¢ €¢ ce 4 wn 6 row up to this height, by the a@ion only of thofe particles of the afhes which are upon the furface of the elevated water ; the particles which are within the water, attrading or repelling it as much down- wards as upwards ; and therefore the ac- tion of the particles is very ftrong: But the particles of the afhes being not fo denfe and clofe together as thofe of glafs, their action is not fo ftrong as that of glafs, which keeps quick-filver fufpen- ded to the height of 60 or 70 inches, and therefore acts with a force, which would keep water fufpended to the height of above 6o feet. | <¢ By the fame principle, a {ponge fucks in water, and the glands in the bodies of animals, according to their feveral na- tures and difpofitions, fuck in various~ juices from the blood.” iz And 100 Vegetable Staticks. And by the fame principle it is, that we fee in the preceding Experiments plants imbibe moifture fo vigoroufly up their fine capillary veflels ; which moifture, as it is car- ryed off in per{piration, (by the action of warmth,) thereby gives the fap veffels li- berty to be almoft continually attraGing of frefh fupplies, which they could not do, if they were full faturate with moifture: For without perfpiration the fap muft neceffarily ftagnate, notwithftanding the fap veffels are fo curioufly adapted by their exceeding fine- nefs, to raife the fap to great heights, in a reciprocal proportion to their very minute diameters. Ge A: Pj alk Experiments, fbewing the force of the fap an the Vine in the bleeding feafon. eee in the firft chapter fhewn many inftances of the great quanti- ties imbibed, and perfpired by trees, and in. the fecond chapter, feen the force with which they do imbibe moifture ; I propofe next, to give an account of thofe Experi- ments, which prove with what great force I the Vegetable Staticks. IOL the fap of the Vine is pufhed forth, in the bleeding feafon. EXPERIMENT XXXIV. ° March 30th at 3 p. m. I cut off a Vine on a weftern afpect, within feven inches of the ground, the remaining ftump ¢ (Fig. 17) had no lateral branches: It was 4 or 5 years old, and 4 inch diameter. I fix’d to the top of the flump, by means of the brafs col- lar 6, the glafstube 6 f, feven feet long, and + inch diameter; I fecured the joynt 6 with fiiff cement made of melted Beeswax and Turpentine, and bound it faft over with f{e- veral folds of wet bladder and pack-thread : I then {crewed a fecondtube f g to the firft, and then a third g ato 25 feet height. The ftem not bleeding into the tube, I filled the tube two feet high with water, the water was imbibed by the ftem within 3 inches of the bottom, by 8 a clock that evening. Inthe night it rained a {mall fhower. The next morning at 6 -++- ;, the water was rifen three inches above what it was fallen to laft night at eight a clock, The Thermometer which hung in my porch H 3 was 102 Vegetable Staticks. was It degrees above the freezing point, March 31% from 6 +-}4m,to 10p. m. the fap role 8 -- finches, April tft at 6 am. Thermo meter 3 degrees above the freezing point, and a white hoar froft, the fap rofe from tena clock laft night 3 +- 4 inches more 5 and fo continued rifing daily till it was a- bove 21 feet high, and would very proba- bly have rifen higher, if the joynt @ had not feveral times leaked : After ftopping of which it would rife fometimes at the rate of an- inch in 3 minutes, fo as to rife 10 feet or more in a day. In the chief bleeding {cafon it would continue rifing night and day, but much more in the day than night, and moft of all in the greateft heat of the day; and what little finking it had of 2 or 3 inchcs was always after fun fet, which I fulpeé was principally occafioned by the fhrink- ing and contraction of the cement at 4, it grew cool). When the fun fhined hot upon the Vine, there was always a continued feries of air bubbles, conftantly afcending from the ftem thro’ the fap in the tube, in fo great plenty as to make a large froth on the top of | the fap, which fhews the great quantity of alr Vegetable Staticks. 103 air which is drawn in thro’ the roots and fiem. From this Experiment we find a confide- rable energy in the root to pufh up fap in the bleeding feafon. This put me upon trying, whether I could find any proof of fuch an energy, when the bleeding feafon was over, in order to which ExpERIMENT XXXV. _ Fuly 4th at noon, I cut off within 3 in- ches of the ground, another Vz#e on a fouth afpe&, and fixed to it a tube 7 feet high, as in the foregoing Experiment ; I filled the tube With water, which was imbibed by the root the firft day, at the rate of a foot in an hour, but the next day much more flowly, yet ic Was continually finking, fo that at noon day I could not fee it fo much as ftationary. Yet by Experiment the 3d, on the Vine in the garden pot, it is plain, that a very confiderable quantity of fap was daily pref- fing thro’ this ftem, to fupply the perfpira- tion of the leaves, before I cut the vine off. And if ‘this great quantity were carried up by H 4 pulfion 104 Vegetable Staticks. pulfion or trufion, it muft needs have rifen out of the ftem into the tube. Now fince this flow of fap ceafes at once, as foon as the Vine was ¢ut off the fiem, the principal caufe of its rife muft at the fame time be taken away, viz. the great perfpiration of the leaves. For tho’ it is plain by many Experiments, that the fap enters the fap veffels of plants with much vigour, and is probably carried up to great heights in thofe veffels, by the vigorous undulations of the fun’s warmth, which may reciprocally canfe vibrations in the veficles and fap veffels, and thereby make them dilate and centra& alittle; yet it feems as plain (from many Experiments, as parti- cularly Exper.’ 13, which was 3 feet length of ftem; and con- fequently, the notch muft neceflarily be dry, notwithftandine fo large a ftream of water was pafling by ; viz. becaufe the branch K : and 130 Vegetable Staticks. and ftem above the notch was ina flrongly imbibing flate, in order to fupply the great perfpiration of the leaves. EXPERIMENT XLIV. luguft othat 10 4. m. I fix’d in the fame manner (as in the ‘foregoing Experiment) aDuke.Cherry branch 5 fect high, andi inch diameter, but did not cut away any of the bark or wood at the great end; I filled the tube with water, and then cut a flice off the bark an inch long, 3 inches above the great end ; it bled at the lower part moit freely, while the upper part continued dry. The fame day I tryed the fame Experi- ment on an App/le-branch, and it had the fame effec. Fromthefe Experiments ’tis probabie that the fap afcends between the bark and wood, as well as by other parts. And fince by other Experiments it is found that the greateft part of the fap is raifed by the warmth of the Sun on the leaves, which | feem to be made broad and thin for. that | purpofe ; for the fame reafon, it's moft pro- | bable, it fhould rife alfo in thofe parts | fs wa which Vegetable Staticks. 131 which are moft expofed to the Sun, as the bark ts. And when we confider, that the fap vef- fels are fo very fine, as to reduce the {2p al- moft toa vapour, before it can enter them, the Sun’s warmth on the bark fhould moft eafily difpofe fuch rarified fap to afcend, inftead of defcending. EXPERIMENT XLY. Fuly 27th, took feveral branches of Cur- rans, Vines, Cherry, Apple, Pear and Plum- tree, and fet the great ends of each in veffels of water x, (Fig. 31.) but firft took the bark | for an inch off one of the branches, as at s, to try whether the leaves above 2 at 6 would continue green longer than the leaves of any.of the other branches 4, c, 7; but I could find no difference, the leaves wither- ing all at the fame time: Now, if the re- turn of the fap was ftopped at g, then it would be expected, that rhe leaves at fhould continue gercen, longer than thofe on the o- ther branches, which did not happen, neither was there any moifture at =. Ks 3 EXPE- ra 2 Vegetable Staticks. # EXPERIMENT XLVI In Auguft, 1 cut off the bark for an inch round, of a young thriving Oak-branch, on the North-Weft fide of the tree. The leaves of this and another branch, which had the bark cut at the fame time, fell early, vzz. about the latter end of Odfeber, when the leaves of all the other branches of the fame tree, except thofe at the very top of the tree, continued on all the winter. This is a further proof, that lefs fap goes to branches which have the bark cut off, than to others. The roth of Apr following, the buds of this branch were 5 or 7 days forwarder than thofe of other branches of the fame tree; the reafon of which may probably be, be- _ caufe lefs frefh crude fap coming to this branch than the others, and the per{pirati- ons in all branches being ceteris paribus nearly equal, the leffer quantity of fap in this branch muft fooner be infpiflated into a glutinous fubfiance, fit for new produc- tions, than the fap of other branches, that abounded Vegetable Staticks. 133 abounded with a greater plenty of freth thin fap. The fame is the reafon why Apples, Pears, and many other fruits, which have fome of their great fap veffels eaten afunder by infects bred in them, are ripe many days before the reft of the fruit on the fame trees ; As alfo that fruit, which is gathered fome time before it is ripe, will ripen fooner than if it had hung on the tree, tho’ it will not be fo good; becaufe inthefe cafes the worm- eaten frnit is deprived of part of its nourifh- ment, and the green gathered fruit of all. And for the fame reafon fome fruits are fooner ripe towards the tops of the trees, than the other fruit on the fame tree ; vz. not only, becaufe they are more expofed to the fun; but alfo, becaufe being at a greater diftance from the root, they have fome- what lefs nourifhment. And this is, doubtlefs, one reafon why plants and fruits are forwarder in dry, fandy or gravelly foils, than in moifter foils; vzz. not only, becaufe thofe foils are warmer on account of their drynefs; but alfo, be- caufe lefs plenty of moifture is conveyed up the plants; which plenty of moifiure, tho K 3 it 134 | Vegetable Staticks. ic promotes their growth, yet retards their coming to maturity. And for the fame reafon, the uncovering the roots of trees for fome time, will make the fruit be confi- derally the forwarder. And on the other hand, where trees a- bound with too great a plenty of frefh drawn fap, as is the cafe of trees whofe roots are planted too deep in cold moilft earth, as alfo of too luxuriant Peach and other Wall trees; or which comes almoft to the fame, where the fap cannet be perfpired of in a due proportion ; asin Orchards, where trees ftand too hear each other, fo as to hin- cer per{piration, whereby the fap is kept in too thin and crude a flate; in all thefe caies little or no fruit is produced. Hence alfo in moderately dry fummers, céteris paribus, there is ufually greateft plenty of fruit; becaufe the fap in the bearing twigs and buds is more digefted, and brought to a better confiftence, for fhooting out with vigour and firmne(fs, than it is in cool moift fummers: And this obfervation has been verified in the years 1723, 1724, and 1725, See an account of them under it. Axp. 20. But Vegetable Staticks. 135 But to return to the fubject of the mo- tion of the fap; when the fap has firft pafied thro’ that thick and fine firainer, the bark of the root, we then find it in greateft quanti- ties, in the moft lax part, between the bark and wood, and ¢/at the fame thro’ the whole fee. And if in the early {pring,; the Oak and feveral cther trees were to be examined near the cop and bottom, when the fap firft begins to move, fo as to make the bark ea- fily ran, or peel off, I believe it would be found, that the lower bark is firii moiftened ; whereas the bark of the top branches ought firft to be moiftened, if the fap defcends by the bark: As tothe Vine, I am pretty well aflured that the lower bark is firft moifened. We fee in many of the foregoing Expe- riments, what quantitics of moifture trees do daily imbibe and perfpire: Now the ce- lerity of the fap muft be very great, if that quantity of moifture muf,; moft of it, af cend to the top oi the tree, then defcend, and afcend again, before it is carried off by per{piration. The defe& of a Fe Ones iil vegetables feems in fome meafure to be applied by the much greater quantity of liquor, which K 4. the 136 Vegetable Staticks. the vegetable takes in, than the animal, whereby its motion is accelerated; for by Ex- periment ft, we find the Sunflower, bulk for bulk, imbibes and perfpires 17 times more frefh liquor than a man every 24 hours. Befides, nature's great aim in vegetables being only that the vegetable life be carried on and maintained , there was no occafion to give its fap the rapid motion, which was neceflarv for the blood of animals. In animals, it is the heart which fets the blood in motion, and makes it centinually circulate ; but in vegetables, we can difco- ver no other caufe of the fap’s motion, but the ftrong attra@ion of the capillary fap veffels, aflifted by the brisk undulations and vibrations, caufed by the fun’s warmth, where- by the fap is carried up to the top of the talieft trees, and is there perfpired off thro” the leaves : But when the furface of the tree is greatly diminifhed by the lo{s of its leaves, then alfo the perfpiration and motion of the fap is proportionably diminifhed, as is plain from many of the foregoing Experiments: So that the afcending velocity of the fap is principally accelerated by the plentiful per- {piration of the leaves, thereby making room for Vegetable Staticks. t37 for the fine capillary veflels to exert their vaftly attracting power, which perfpiration is effected by the brisk rarifying vibrations of warmth: A power that does not feem to be any ways weil adapted, to make the fap defcend from the tops of vegetables by different veffels to the root. If the fap circulated, it muft needs have been feen defcending from the upper part of large gafhes, cut in branches, fet in wa- ter, and with columns of water prefling on their bottomsin long glafstubes, in Exp. 43, and 44. In both which cafes, it is certain that great quantities of water paffed thro’ the item, fo that it muft needs have been feen defcending, if the return of the fap downwards were by trufion or pulfion, whereby the blood in animals is returned thro’ the veins to the heart: And that pul- fion, if there were any, muft neceffarily be exerted with prodigious force, to be able to drive the fap thro’ the finer capillaries, So that if there be areturn of the fap down- wards, it muft be by attraction, and that a very powerful onc, as we may {ce by many f thefe Experiments, and particularly by Experiment 11. But it is hard to conceive, what 138 Vegetable Staticks. wnat and where that power is which can be equivaicnt to that provifion nature has has made for the afcent of the fap in confe- quence of the great perfpiration of the leaves, The inftances of the Jeffamine tree, and of the Paflion tree, have been looked up- on as rong proofs of the circulation of the fap, becaufe their branches, which were far below the inoculated Bud, were gilded : But we have many vilible proofsin the Vine and other biceding trees of the fap’s reced- ing back, and pufhing forwards alternately, at different times of the day and night. And there is great reafon to think, that the fap of all other trees has fuch an alternate, re- ceding and progreilive motion, occafioned by the alternacies of day and night, warm and cool, moift and dry. For the fap in all vegetables does proba- bly recede in fome meafure from the tops of branches, as the Sun leaves them; be- caufe its rarifying power then ceafing, the ereatly rarified fap, and air mixt with it, will condenfe and take up lefs room than they did, and the dew and rain will then be firongly imbibed by the leaves, as is pro- bable from Exper. 42, and feveral others; whereby Vegetable Staticks. 139 whereby the body and branches of the ve- getable which have been much exhaufted by the great evaporation of the day, may at night imbibe fap and dew from the leaves; for by feveral Experiments in the firft chap- ter, plants were found to increafe confider- ably in weight, in dewy and moift nights. And by other Experiments on the Vine in the third chapter, it was found, that the trunk.and-branches of Vines wese always in an imbibing flate, caufed by the great pez- {piration of the leaves, except in the bleed- ing feafon; but when at night that perfpir- ing power ceafes, then the contrary imbib- ing power will prevail and draw tne fap and dew from the leaves, as well as moifture from the roots. And we have a further proof of this ia Experiment 12, where by fixing mercurial gages to the flems of feveral trees, which do not bleed, it is found, that they are al- ways in a ftrongly imbibing fate, by draw- ing up the mercury feveral inches: Whence it is cafic to conceive, how fome of the par- ticles of the gilded Bud, in the inoculated Jeflamine, may be abforbed by it, and there- by communicate their gilding Miafma to the a fap 140 Vegetable Staticks. 4 fap of other branches; efpecially when fome months after the inoculation, the ftock of the inoculated Jeffamine is cut off a lit- tle above the Bud; whereby the ftock, which was the counter ating part to the ~ ftem, being taken way, the ftem attraGts — more vigoroufly from the Bud. Another argument for the circulation of the fap, is, that fome forts of graffs will infe& and canker the ftocks they are grafted on: But by Exper. 12 and 37, where mer- curial gages were fixed to frefh cut ftems of trees, it is evident, that thofe ftems were in a ftrongly imbibing ftate; and confe- quently the cankered ftocks might very like- ly draw fap from the graff, as well as the graff alternately from the ftock; juftin the fame manner as leaves and branches do from each other, in the viciflitudes of day and night. And this imbibing power of the ftock is fo great, where only fome of the branches of a tree are grafted, that the re- maining branches of the ftock will, by their firong attraction, flarve thofe grafts; for which reafon it is ufual to cut off the great- eft part of the branches of the ftock, leav- ing Vegetable Staticks. I4t ing only a few {mall ones to draw up the fap. The inftance of the Ilex grafted upon the Englifo Oak, feems to afford a very con- ‘fiderable argument againfta circulation. For if there were a free uniform circulation of the fap thro’the Oak and Ilex, why fhould the leaves of the Oak fallin winter, and not thofe of the Ilex? Another argument, againft a uniform cir- culation of the fap in trees as in animals, may be drawn from Exper. 37. where it was found by the three mercurial gages fixt to the fame Vine, that while fome of its branches changed their ftate of protruding fap into a ftate of imbibing, others con- tinued protruding fap, one nine, and the other thirteen days longer. In the fecond Vol. of Mr. Lowthor ry’s Abridgment of the Philof: Tranfac. p. 708. is becied an Experiment of Mr. Brother- ton’s, viz. A young Hazel nw, Fig. 27, was cut into the body at xz witha deep gafh; the parts of the body below art z, and a- bove at x, were cleft upwards and down- wards, and the fplinters x 2 by wedges were kept off from touching each other, or the 4. reft IA2 Vegetable Staticks. reft of the body. The following year, the upper {plinter « was grown very much, but the lower fplinter = did not grow, but the reft of the body grew,as if there had been no gafh made: I have not yet fucceeded in ma- king this Experiment, the wind having broken at x & all the trees I prepared for it: But if there wasa Bud at x which thot out leaves, and none at &, then by Exper. 41. “tis plain, that thofe leaves might draw much nourifhment thro ¢ x, and thereby make it grow; andI believe, if, vice verfa, there were a leaf bearing Bud at s, and none at x, thar then the fplinter = would grow more than x. The reafon of my conjecture, I ground upon this Experiment, vzz. 1 chofe two thriving fhoots of a dwarf Pear-tree i / aa. Fig. 28,29. At three quarters of an inch diftance I took half an inch breadth of bark off each of them, in feveral places, viz. 2, 4, 6, 8, and. at ro, 12, L4.. every one of the remaining ringlets of bark had a leaf bearing bud, which produced leaves the fal- lowing fummer, except the ringlet 13, which had no fuch Bud, The ringler 9 and rr ef aa grew and fwelled at their bottoms, till Vegetable Staticks. 143 till Auguf?, but the ringlet 13 did not in- creafeatall, and in Jaguft the whole fhoog 4awithered and dyed; but the fhoot //, lives and thrives well, each of its ringlets {welling much at the bottom: Which fwel.- lings at their bottoms muft be attributed to fome other caufe than the floppage of the fap in its return downwards, becaufe in the fhoot //, its return downwards is in- tercepted three feveral times by cutting a- way the bark at 2,4, 6. The larger and more thriving the leaf bearing Bud was, and the more leaves it had on it, fo much the more did the adjoining bark fwell at the bottom. _ Fig. 30. Reprefents the profile of one of the divifions in Fig, 28. fplitin halves, in which may be feen the manner of the growth of the laft year’s ringlet of wood fhooting a lit- tle upwards at x «; and fhooting down- wards and {welling much more at = 33 where we may obferve, that what is fhot endways, is plainly parted from the wood of the preceding year, by the narrow in- terftices x 7, 27, whence it fhould feem, that the growth, of the yearly new ringlets of 144 Vegetable Staticks. of wood confifts in the fhooting of their fi- bres lengthways under the bark. That the fap does not defcend between the bark and the wood, as the favourers of a cir- culation fuppofe, feems evident from hence, viz. that if the bark be taken off for 3 or 4. inches breadth quite round, the bleeding of the tree above that bared place will much abate, which ought to have the contrary effect, by intercepting the courfe of the re- fluent fap, if the fap defcended by the bark. But the reafon of the abatement of the bleeding in this cafe may well be account- ed for, from the manifeft proof we have in thefe Experiments, that the fap is ftrong- ly attracted upwards by the vigorous opera- tion of the perfpiring leaves, and attracting Capillaries: But when the bark is cut off for fome breadth below the bleeding place, then the fap, which is between the bark and the wood below that disbarked place, is deprived of the ftrong attragting power of the leaves, gc. and confequently the bleed- ing wound cannot be fupplied fo faft with fap, as it was before the bark was taken off. Hence alfo we have a hint for a probable conjecture why in the alternately disbarked oe fticks, Vegetable Staticks. 145 fticks, 77 aa Fig. 28, 29. the bark fwelled more at the upper part of the disbarked places than at the lower, vzz. becaufe thofe lower parts were thereby deprived of the plenty of nourifhment which was brought to the upper parts of thofe difabled places, by the firong attra@tion of the leaves on the Buds 7, ¢c. of which we have a fur- ther confirmation in the ringlet of bark New T3 Fic. .20: which ringlet did not fwell or grow at either end, being not only de- prived of the attraction of the fuperior leaves, by the bared placed N°. 13. but alfo with- out any leaf Bud ofits own, whofe branch- ing fap Veflels, being like thofe of other leaf Buds rooted downwards in the wood, might thence draw fap, for the nourifhment of its felf and the adjoining bark N°. 13. But had thefe rooting fap veflels run upwards, in- ftead of downwards, ’tis probable, that in that cafe the upper part of each ringlet of bark, andnot the lower, would have fwelled, by having nourifhment thereby brought to it from the inmoft wood. We may hence alfo fee the reafon why, when a tree is unfruitful, it is brought to bear fruit, by the taking ringlets of bark off L from 146 Vegetable Staticks, from its branches, vzz. becaufe thereby a Iefs quantity of fap arifing, it is better di- digefted and prepared for the nourifhment of the fruit; which from the greater quan- tity of oil, that is ufually found in the feeds, and their containing veffels, than in other parts of plants, fhews that more fulphur and air is requifite for their produétion, than there is for the production of wood and leaves. But the moft confiderable objection a- gainft this progreflive motion of the fap, without a circulation, arifes from hence, viz. that it is too precipitate a courfe, for a due digeftion of the fap, in order to nutrition : Whereas in animals nature has provided, that many parts of the blood fhall run a long courfe, before they are either applied to nutrition, or difcharged from the animal. But when we confider, that the great work of nutrition, in vegetables as well as animals, (I mean after the nutriment is got into the veins and arteries of animals) is chief- ly carricd on in the fine capillary veffels, where nature felects and combines, as fhall beft fuit her different purpofes, the feveral mutually attracting nutritious particles, which were hitherto kept disjoined by the motion of | A RR ORR Gen NRE ROTO eT eR eT IRRIR RI 1 AO Co RRR. A NR REN et War po ——_ hs beecen WS ELUM LNT UT ERMA Ayn hy sie : i —= \ ~ bee Wi, =e ee Nt SS SSN RR RS Vegetable Staticks. 147 of their fluid vehicle; we fhall find that nature has made an abundant provifion for this work in the ftructure of vegetables ; all whofe compofition is made up of no- thing elfe but innumerable fine capillary veffels, and glandulous portions or veiicles. Upon the whole, Ithink we have, from thefe experiments and obfervations, fuflici- ent ground to believe that there is no circu- lation of the fap in vegetables ; notwith- ftanding many ingenious perfons have been induced to think there was, from feveral cu- rious obfervations and experiments, which evidently prove, that the fap does in fome meafure recede from the top towards the lower parts of plants, whence they were with good probability of reafon induced to think that the fap circulated. The likelieft method effe€tually and con- Vincingly to determine this difficulty, whe- ther the {ap circulates or not, would be by ocular infpection, if that could be attained: And I fee no reafon we have ta defpair of it, fince by the great quantities imbibed and perfpiced, we have good ground to think, that the progreflive motion of the fap is confiderable in the largeft fap veflels of lL 2 the 148 Vegetable Staticks. the tranfparent ftems of leaves: And if our eyes, aflifted with microfcopes, could come at this defirable fight, I make no doubt, but that we fhould fee the fap, which was progreflive in the heat of the day, would on the coming on of the coo] evening, andthe falling dew be retrograde in the fame veffels. CHa aN Experiments, whereby to prove, that a con- fiderable quantity of air is infpired by Plants. T is well known that air is a fine ela- {tick fluid, with particles of very diffe- rent natures floating init, whereby it is ad- mirably fitted by the great author of nature, to be the breath of life, of vegetables, as well as of animals, without which they can no more live, nor thrive than animals can. In the Experiments on Vines, chapter III. we faw the very great quantity of air, which Was continually afcending from the Vines, thro’ the fap in the tubes ; which manifeftly fhews what plenty of it istaken in by vegeta- bles, and is perfpired off with the fap thro’ the leaves. | EXPE- VY egetable Staticks. 149 EXPERIMENT XLYII. Sept. oth, ato a. m. I cemented an Apple- branch 6 (Fig. 11.) to the glafs tube rz ez: 1 put no water in the tube, but fet the end of it in the ciftern of water x. Three hours after I found the water fucked up in _the tube many inches to 2; which fhews, that a confiderable quantity of air was im- bibed by the branch; out of the tube rzez: And in like manner did the Apricock- branch (Exper. 29.) daily imbibe air. EXPERIMENT XLVIIL. I took a cylinder of Birch with the bark on, 16 inches long and 4 diameter, and ce- mented it faft at 2; (Fig. 32.) to the hole in the top of the air pump receiver p p, fetting the lower end of it in the ciftern of water x; the upper end of it at 2 was well clofed up with melted cement. I then drew the air out of the receiver, upon which innumerable air bubbles iffued continually out of the ftick into the wa-- ter x. I kept the receiver exhaufted all that L 3 day, 150 Vegetable Staticks. day, and the following night, and till the next day at noon, the air all the while if- fuing into the water x: I continued it thus long in this ftate, that I might be well af fured, that the air muft pafs in thro’ the bark, to fupply that great and long flux of air at x. I then cemented up 5 old eyes in the ftick, between sg and m, where little fhoots had formerly been, but were now pe- rifhed, yet the air ftill continued to flow freely, at 4: It was obfervable in this, and many of the Experiments on flicks of other trees, that the air which could enter only thro the bark between = and z, did not iffue in- to the water, at the bottom of the flick, only at or near the bark, but thro’ the whole and inmoft fubftance of the wood, and that chiefly, as I guefs by the largenefs of the bafes of the hemifpheres of air thro’ the largeft veffels of the wood; which obfer- vation corroborates Dr. Grew’s and Mal- pight’s opinion, that they are air veffels. I then cemented upon the receiver the cylindrical glafs y y,.and filled it full of wa- ter, fo as to ftand an inch above the top #% of the flick The Vegetable Staticks. I§t The air ftill continued to flow. at x, but in an hour’s time it very much abated, and in two hours ceafed quite; there being now no paflage for frefh air to enter, and fupply what was drawn out of the ftick. I then, with a glafs crane drew off the water out of the cylinder 7 y, yet the air did not iffue thro’ the wood at wx. I therefore took the receiver with the ftick in it, and held ic near the fire, till the bark was well dryed; after which I fet it upon the air pump, and exhaufted the air, upon which the air iffued as freely at » as it did before the bark had been wetted, and continued foto do, tho’I kept the receiver exhaafted for many hours. I fixed in the fame manner, as the pre- ceding Birch ftick, three joynts of a Vine branch, which was two years old, the upper- moft knotr being within the receiver; when I pumped the air paffed moft freely intothe | water x x. I cemented faft the upper end of the ftick and then pumped, the air ftill iffued out at x, tho’ I pumped very long, but there did not ‘now pafs the!2oth part of the air which paffed when the end 2 was not cemented. 4 I then Y pz Vegetable Staticks. Ithen inverted the ftick, placing # fix in- ches deep in the water, and covered all the bark from the furface of the water to g the top of the receiver with cement; then pumping the air which entered at the top of the flick, pafled thro’ the immerfed part of the bark: When I ceafed pumping for fome time, and the air had ceafed iffuing out; upon my repeating the pumping it would again iffue out. I found the fame event in Bérch and Mulberry fiicks, in both which it ifflued moft plentifully at old eyes, as if they were the chief breathing places for trees. And Dr. Grew obferves, that ‘“ the pores ‘are {o very large in the trunks of fome < plants, as in the better fort of thick walk- ing canes, that they are vilible to a good eye, without a glafs; but with a glafs the cane feems as if it were fltuck top full of holes, with great pins, being fo large as very well to refemble the pores of the ¢ skin, in the end of the fingers and ball “ of the hand. “ In the leaves of Pine they are like- ‘ wiic, through a glafs, a very elegant fhew, ‘ flanding all moft exactly in rank and file, | | | « thro’ Vevetable Staticks. 153 « thro’ the length of the leaves.” Grew’s Anatomy of Plants. p. 127. Whence it is very probable, that the air freely enters plants, not only with the prin- cipal fund of nourifhment by the roots, but alfo thro’ the furface of their trunks and leaves, efpecially at night, when they are changed from a_ perfpiring to a ftrongly imbibing ftate. : I fix’d in the fame manner to the top of the air pump receiver, but without the cy- lindrical glafsyy, the young fhoots of the Vine, Apple-tree and Honyfuckle, both e- rected and inverted, but found little or no air came cither frombranches or leaves, ex- cept what air lay in the furrows, and the innumerable little pores of the leaves, which are plainly vifible with the microfcope. I tryed alfo the fingle leaf of a Yzue, both by immoerfing the leaf in the water x, and let- ting the ftalk ftand out of the receiver, as. alfo by placing the leaf out of the receiver, and the ftalk in the glafs of water x; but little or no air came either way. I obferve in all thefe Experiments, thar the air enters very flowly at the bark of young fhoots and branches, but much more frecly thro’ 154 Vegetable Staticks. thro’ old bark: And in different kinds of trees it has very different degrees of more or lefs free entrance. I repeated the fame Experiment upon fe- veral roots of trees: The air paffed mof freely from # to x; and when the glafs vef- fel y y was full of water, and there was no waterin x, the water paffed at the rate of 3 ounces in 5 minutes; when the upper end # was cemented up, and no water in y y, fome air, tho’ not in great plenty, would enter the bark at 2 f, and pafs thro’ the wa- ter atx. And that there is fome air both in an elaftick and unelaftick ftate, mix’d with the earth, ( which may well enter the roots with the nourifhment) I found by putting into the inverted glafs = 24a full of water (Fig. 35.) fome earth dug up in an alley in the garden, which after it had ftood foak- ing for feveral days, yielded a little elaftick air, tho the earth was not half diffolved. And in Experiment 68. we find that a cu- Dick inch of earth yielded 43 cubick in- ches of air by diftillation, a good part of which was roufed by the action of the fire irom a fix’d to an claftick flate. : I fixed 3 Oe sah a ) % === — VEN \y 1 \ Vn S)) Ny §} N | HN) cake , 4° TPN erin ( ‘ie ida Vag Analyfis of the Aur. 15s I fixed alfo in the fame manner young tender fibrous roots, with the {mall end upwards at #, and the veffel y y full of wa- ter; then upon pumping large drops of wa- ter followed each other faft, and fell into the ciftern x, which had no water in it, ] . . Con Ae NE A fpecimen of an attempt to analyze the Air by a great variety of chymio-ftatical Ex- periments, whith fhew in how great a pro- portion Air is wrought into the coupofi- tion of animal, vegetable, and mineral Subftances, and withal how readtly it re- fumes its former elaftick ftate, when in the diffolution of thofe Subftances it is difin- gaged from them. AVING in the preceding chapter produced many Experiments, to prove that the Air is freely infpired by. Vegetables, not only at their roots, but alfo thro’ {e- veral parts of their trunks and branches, which Air was moft vifibly {een afcending in great plenty thro’ the fap of the Vine, in tubes which were afhxed to them in the bleeding feafon ; this put me upon making a more : 3 parti. 156 LAnalyfis of the Aur. particular inquiry into the nature of'a Fluid, which is fo abfolutely neceflary for the fup- port of the life and growth of Animals and Vegetables. The excellent Mr. Boyle made many Experiments on the Air, and among other difcoveries, found that a good quantity of Air was producible from Vegetables, by put- ting Grapes, Plums, Goofeberries, Cher- ries, Peafe, and feveral other forts of fruits and grains into exhaufted and unexhaufted receivers, where they continued for feveral ays emitting great quantities of Air. Being defirous to make fome further re- fearches into this matter, and to find what proportion of this Air I could obtain out of the different fubftances, in which it was lodged and incorporated, I made the follow- ing chymio-fiatical .Experiments:: For as; dvance has here been made in he knowledge of the nature of Vegetables, has been owing to ftatical Experiments, fo fince nature, in all her operations, acts con- formably to thofe mechanick laws, which were efiablifhed at her firft inftitution ; it is therefore reafonable to conclude, that the ikelielt way to enquire, by chymical ope- rations, = EY narcey cr a Analyfis of the Air. 157 rations, into the nature of a fluid, too fine to be the obje& of our fight, muft be by finding out fome means to eftimate what influence the ufual methods of analyfing the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, has on that fubtile fluid; and this I effected by affixing to retorts and boltheads hydro- ftatical gages in the following manner, vz. In order to make an eftimate of the quan- tity of Air, which arofe from any body by diftillation or fufion, I firft put the matter which I intended to diftill into the {mall re- tort r (Fig. 33.) and then at a2 cemented faft to it the glafs veflela 6, which was very capacious at 6, with a hole in the bottom. I bound bladder over the cement which was made of tobacco-pipe clay and bean flower, well mixed with fome hair, tying over all four {mall fticks, which ferved as {plinters to ftrengthen the joynt; fometimes, inftead of the glafs veffel 2 6, I made ufe of a large bolthead, which had around hole cut, with a red hot iron ring at the bottom of it; through which hole was put one Ieg of an inverted fyphon, which reached up as far as z. Matters being thus prepared, holding the retort uppermoft, I immerfed the bolt- head 158 Analyfis of the. Atv. head into a large veffel of water, to a the top of the bolthead; as the water rufhed in at the bottom of the bolthead, the Air was driven out thro’ the. fyphon : When the bolthead was full of water to zs, then I clofed the outward orifice of the fyphon with the end of my finger, and at the fame time drew the other leg of it out of the bolthead, by which means the water continued up to 2, and could not fubfide. Then I placed under the bolthead, while it was in the water, the veffel x x, which done, I lifted the veffel x x with the bolthead in it out of the water, and tyed a waxed thread at & to mark the height of the water: And then approached the retort gradually to the fire, taking care to fcreen the whole bolthead from the heat of the fire. The defcent of the water in the balthead fhewed the fums of the expanfion of the Air, and of the matter which was diftil- ling: The expanfion of the Air alone, when the lower part of the retort was beginning to be red hot, was at a medium, nearly equal to the capacity of the retorts, fo that it then took up a double fpace; and in a white and almoft melting heat, the Air took cs Analyfis of the Air. 159 up a tripple {pace or fomething more: For which reafon the leaft retorts are beft for thefe Experiments. The expanfion of the diftilling bodies was fometimes very little, and fometimes many times greater than that of the Air in the retort, according to their different natures. When the matter was fufficiently diftilled, the retort vc. was gradually removed from the fire, and when cool enough, was carried into another room, where there was no fire. When all was throughly cold, either the following day, or fometimes 3 or 4 days af- ter, I marked the furface of the water y, where it then ftood ; if the furface of the water was below =, then the empty {pace between y and z fhewed how much Air was generated, or raifed from a fix’d to an elaf- tick ftate, by the action of the fire in diftil- lation: But if y the furface of the water was above 2, the fpace between 2 and y, which was filled with water, fhewed the quan- tity of Air which had been abforbed in the operation, 7. e. was changed from a repel- ling elaftick to a fix’d ftate, by the ftrong attraGtion of other particles, which I there- fore call abforbing. When 160 Aualryfis of the Air. When I would meafure the quantity of this new generated Air, I {eparated the bolt- head from the retort, and putting a cork in- to the {mall end of the bolthead, I inverted it, and poured in water to =. Then from another veffel (in which I had a khown quantity of water by weight) I poured in water to y; fothe quantity of water which was wanting, upon weighing this veffel a- gain, was equal to the bulk of the new ge- nerated Air. I chofe to meafure the quanti- ties of Air, and the matter from whence it arofe, by one common meafure of cubick inches, eftimated from the fpecifick gravi- ties of the feveral fubftances, that thereby the proportion of one to the other might the more readily be feen. I made ufe of the following means to meafure the great quantities of Air, which were either raifed and gencrated, or abforbed by the fermentation arifing from the mix- ture of variety of folid and fluid fubftan- ces, whereby I could eafily eftimate the fur- prifing effedts of fermentation on the air, vzz. I putintothe bolthead 6 (Fig. 34.) the ingredients, and then run the long neck of the bolthead into the deep cylindrical glafsay, z and \ \\ \ ‘0 e STN SCSRUEA RIED iy M0 2 Hi) Mi } ie r \y ’ . & " Ne ee er rls a bet un oe aid se ey Ren es , " - : ) Analy fis of the Ay. 464 and inclined the inverted glafs 2 y, and bolthead almoft horizontally in a large vef- fel of water, that the water might run in- to the glafs 4 3 when it was almoft up to a the top of the bolthead, I then immerfed the bottom of the bolthead, and lower part y of the cylindrical glafs under water, rai- fing at the fame time the end a uppermoft. Then before I took them out of the water; 1 fet the bolthead and lower part of the cy- lindrical glafs a y into the earthen veffel x full of water, and having lifted all out of the great veffel of water, I marked the fur- face = of the water in the glafs a ¥. If the ingredients in the bolthead, is fermenting onesie Air, then thie water would fall from & to ¥, and the empty ipa ce 2 y was equal to the bulk 668 dig e quantity of Air generated: But if the ingredient upon fermentation did abforbe or fix the active particles of Air, then the furface of the water would afcend from ‘stow, and the fpace =, which was filled with water, Was equal to the bulk of Air, which was abforbed by the ingredients, or by the fume arifing from them: When the quantities of Air, either generated or abforbed, were very | M great, <2) 162 Analy/is of the Arr. great, then Imadeufe of large chymical recei- vers inftead of the glafs a y: But if thefe quantities were very {mall, then inftead of the bolthead and deep cylindrical glafs a y, I made ufe of a fmall cylindrical glafs, or a common beer glafs inverted, and placed under it a Viol or Jelly glafs, taking care that the water did not come at the ingredi- ents in them, which was eafily prevented by drawing the water up under the inverted glafs to what height I pleafed by means of a fyphon; I meafured the bulk of the {paces zy or 3”, by pouring in a known quan- tity of water, as in the for¢going Experi- ment, and making an allowance for the bulk of the neck of the bolthead, within the {pace 2 y. When I would take an eftimate of the quantity of Air abforbed and fix’d, or ge- nerated by a burning candle, burning brim- ftone or nitre, or by the breath of a living animal, ¢ye. I firft placed a high fland, or pedeftal in the veffel full of water ~ x; (Fig. 35.) which pedeftal reached a little higher than 2 zg. On this pedeftal I placed the candle, or living animal, and then whelmed overitthe largeinverted glafsz aa, which Analyfis of the Air. 163 which was fufpended by a cord,. fo as to have its mouth rr three or four inches un- der water; then with a fyphon I fucked the Air out of the glafs veffel till the water rofeto z % But when any noxious thing, as burning brimftone, aquafortis, or the like» were placed under the glafs ; then by affix- ing to the fyphon the nofe of a large pair of bellows, whofe wide fucking orifice was clofed up, as the bellows were enlarged, they drew the Air briskly out of the glafs = 2aathro’ the fyphon; the other leg of which fyphon I immediately drew from un- der the glafs veffel, marking the height of the water 2 z. | When the materials on the pedeftal ge- nerated Air, then the water would fubfide from 22% toa@a, which fpace 3 za awas equal to the quantity of Air generated : But when the materials deftroyed any part cf the Air’s elafticity, then the water would rife from aa (the height that I in that cafe at firft fucked it to) to 22, and the {pace aa 2% 2 Was equal to the quantity of Air, whofe elafticity was deftroyed. I fometimes fired the materials on the pedeftal by means of a burning glafs, vzz. M 2 fuch, 164 Analy fis of the ir. fuch as phofphorus and brown paper dipped in water, ftrongly impregnated with nitre and then dryed. Sometimes I lighted the candle or large matches of brimftone before I whelmed the slafs g = @ a over them, in which cafe I inftantly drew up the water to a 4, which by the expanfien of the heated Air would at firft fubfide a little, but then immediately turned to arifing ftate, notwithftandiag the flame continued to heat and rarify the Air for 2 or 3 minutes: As foon as the flame was out, I marked the height of the wa- tcr & &; after which the water would for 20 or 30 hours continue rifing a great deal above & 2: i Sometimes when I would pour violently fermenting liquors, as aquafortis, @c. on any materials, I fufpended the aquafortis in aviolat the top of the glafs veflel = 3 aa, in fuch manner, that by means of a ftring, which came down. into the veflel x x, I could by inverting the viol pour the aqua- fortis on the materials, which were in a vefiel on the pedeftal. I fhall now proceed to give an account of the event of agreat many Experiments, which Analryfis of the “hr. | 165 which I made by means of thefe inftru- ments, which I have here at firft de{cribed, to avoid the frequent repetition of a defcrip- tion of ‘em, It is confonant to the right method of philofophifing, firft, to analize the fubje&, whofe nature and properties we intend to make any refearches into, by a regular and numerous {cricsof Experiments : And then by laying the event of thofe Ex- periments before us in one view, thereby to fee what light their united and concurring evidence will give us. How rational this method is, the fequel of thefe Experiments will fhew. The illuftrious Sir L/aac Newton ( query 31ft of his Opticks) obferves, that ‘ true << permanent Air arifes by fermentation or “ heat, from thofe bodies which the chy- “ mifts call fixed, whofe particles adhere by << a ftrong attraction, and are not therefore “ feparated and rarified without fermenta- < tion. Thofe particles receding from one « another with the greateft repulfive force, “ and being moft difficultly brought toge- *¢ ther, which upon conta& were moft ftrong- « ly united. And query 30. denfe bodies by ‘¢ fermentation rarify into feveral forts of M 3 a Air, 166 Analyfis of the Air. « Air; and this Air by fermentation, and ¢¢ {omctimes without it, returns into denfe “ bodies.” Of the truth of which we have evident proof from many of the following Experiments, vzz. That I might be well affured that no part of the new Air which was produced in di- ftillation of bodies, arofe either from the sreatly heated Air in the retorts, or from the fubffance of the heated retorts, I fir gave ared hot heat both to an empty glafs retort, and alfo to an iron retort made of a musket barrel ; when all wascold, I found the Air took up no more room than _be- fore it was heated: whence I was aflured, that no Air arofe, either from the fubftance of the retorts, or from the heated Air. As to antmal fubftances, a very confide- rable quantity of permanent Air was pro- duced by 4iftillation, not only from the blood and fat, but alfo from the moft folid parts of animals. EXPERIMENT XLIX. A cubick inch of Hog’s blood, diftilled to dry {coria, produced thirty three cubick inches Analyfis of the Air. 167 inches of Air, which Air did not arife till the white fumes arofe ; which was plain to be feen by the great defcent of the water at that time, in the receiver a 2 y (Fig. 33.) EXPERIMENT. L. Lefs than a cubick inch of Tallow, being all diftilled over into the receiver aa y (Fig. 33.) produced 18 cubick inches of Air. EXPERIMENT LI. 241 Grains, or half a cubick inch of the tip of a fallow Deer's horn, being diftilled in the iron retort, made of a musket bar- rel, which was heated at a {mith’s forge, pro- duced 117 cubick inches, that is, 234 times its bulk of Aig, which did not begin to rife till the white fumes arofe; but then rufhed forth in great abundance, and in good plenty, alfo with the foetid oil which came laft. The remaining calx was two thirds black, the reft afh coloured; it weighed 128 grains, fo it was not half wafted, whence there muft remain much fulphur in it; the M 4 weight 168 Analysis of the Air. weisht of water to Air, being nearly as $85 to one, as Mr. Hawksbee found it, by an accurate Experiment. A cubick inch of Air will weigh 4 of a grain, whence the weight of Air in the horn was 33 grains, that is, mear > part of the whole horn. We may obferve in this, as alfo in the preceding Experiment, and many of the following ones, that the particles of new Air were detached from the blood and horn, at the fame time with the white fumes, which confitute the volatile falc: But this volatile falt, which mounts with great adti- vity in the Air, is fo far from generating true elaftick Air, that on the contrary it abforbs it, asl found by the following Ex- periment. EXPERIMENT LI: A dram of volatile falt of fal iwi foon diftilled over with a gentle heat ; but tho’ the expanfion in the receiver was dou- ble that of heated Air alone, yet no Air was generated, but two and an half cubick inches were abforbed, EXPE- Analyfis of the Aur. 169 ExPERIMENT LIL. Half a cubick inch of Oy/erfbell, or 266 grains diftilled in the iron retort, generated 162 cubick inches, or 46 grains, which is a little more than % part of the weight of the fhell. ExPERIMENT LIV. Two grains of Phofphorus cafily melted at fome diftance from the fire, flamed and filled the retort with white fumes, it ab- forbed three cubick inches of Air. A like quantity of Phofphorus, fired in a large re- ceiver (Fig. 35.) expanded into a {pace equal to fixty cubick inches, and abforbed 28 cu- bick inches of Air: When 3 grains of Phof- phorus were weighed, foon after it was burnt, it had loft half a grain of its weight ; but when two grains of Phofphorus was weighed, fome hours after it was burnt, having run more per deliquium by abforbing the moifture of the Air, it had increafed a grain in weight, EXPE- 170 Analyfis of the Aur. EXPERIMENT LY. As to vegetable Subftances, from half a cubick inch, or 135 grains of heart of Oaks frefh cut from the growing tree, was gene- rated 108 cubick inches of Air, z. e. a quan- tity equal to 216 times the bulk of the picce of Oak, its weight was above 30 grains, 4 part of the weight of 135 grains of Oak. I took a like quantity of thin fhavings from the fame piece of Oak, and dryed them gently at fome diftance from a fire for 24 hours, in which time 44 grains weight of moifture had evaporated; which being de- ducted from the 135 grains, there remains 91 grains for the folid part of the Oak: Then the 30 grains of Air, will be 3 of the weight of the folid part of the Oak. Eleven days after this Air was made, I put a live Sparrow into it, which died in- ftantly. EXPERIMENT LYI. From 388 grains weight of Indian Wheat, which grew in my garden, but was not come Analyfis of the Au. I7E come to full maturity, was generated 270 cubick inches of Air, the weight of which Air was 77 grains, vzz. 4 of the weight of the Wheat. EXPERIMENT LVIL From a cubick inch, or 318 grains of Peafe, was generated 396 cubick inches of Air or 113 grains, z.e. fomething more than 3 of the weight of the Peaf/e. Nine days after this Air was made, f lifted the inverted mouth of the receiver which contained it, out of the water, and put a lighted candle under it, upon which it inftantly flafhed: Then I immediately im-_ merfed the mouth of the receiver in the wa- ter, to extinguifh the fame. This I repeated Siof 10 times, and it as often fathed,: ak ter which it ceafed, all the fulphureous {pi- rit being burnt. It was the fame with Air of diftilled Oyfterfhell and Amber, and with new diftilled Air of Peafe and Bees-wax. I found it the fame alfo with another like quantity of Air of Peafe; notwithftanding I wafhed that Air no lefs than eleven times, by pouring it fo often under water, up- wards, 172 Analyfis of the Air. wards, out of the containing veffel, into another inverted receiver full of water. | EXPERIMENT LYIII. There was raifed from an ounce or 437 grains of Muftard-feed 270 cubick inches of air, or 77 grains, which is fomething more than ¢ part of the ounce weight. There was doubtlefs much more air in the feed; but it rofe in an unelaftick flate, be- ing not difentangled from the Oil, which was in fuch plenty within the gun-barrel, that when I heated the whole barrel red hot in order to burn it out, it flamed vigoroufly out at the mouth of the barrel. Oil alfo adhered to the infide of the barrel, in the diftillation of many of the other animal, ve- getable and mineral fubftances; fo that the elaftick air, which I meafured in the recei- ver, was not all the air contained in the feveral diftill’d fubftances; fome remaining in the Oil, for there is unelaftick air in Oil, part being alfo reforbed by the ful- phurcous fumes in the receiver. E x- Analyfis of the Aer. 173 ExPERIMENT LIX. From half a cubick inch of Amber, or 135 grains, was raifed 135 cubick inches of air, or 38 grains, wz. = part of its weight. ExPERIMENT LX. From 142 grains of dry Tobacco was raifed 153 cubick inches of air, which is little lefs than } of the whole weight of the To- bacco; yet it was not all burnt, part being out of the reach of the fire. EXPERIMENT LXI. Camphire is a moft volatile fulphureous fubfiance, fublimed from the Rofin of atree in the Ha/t-Indies. A dram of it, melted into a clear liquor, at fome diftance from the fire, and fublimed inthe form of white chryftals, a little above the liquor, it made a very {mall expanfion, and neither gene- - rated nor abforbed air. The fame Mr. Boyle found, when he burnt it zz vacuo. Vol. 2. p: 695. eae 4: Bx 174 Analyfis of the Air. EXPERIMENT LXIL. From about a cubick inch of chymical Oilof Annifeed, Labtained 22 cubick inches of air; and from a like quantity of Oil of Olives 88 cubick inches of air. The rea- fon of which difference was, as I fuppofe, this, vz. finding that the Oil of Annifeed came plentifully over into the receiver, in the diftillation of the Oil of Olives,-I raif- ed the neck of the retort a foot higher, by which means the Oil could not fo eafi- ly afcend, but fell back again into the hot- eft part of the retort, whereby more air was feparated; yet in this cafe good ftore of Oil came over into the receiver; in which there was doubtlef$ plenty of un- elaftick air: Whence by comparing this with Experiment 58. we fee that air is in greater plenty feparated from the Oil, when in the Muftard-feed, than it is from expreff- ed or chymical Oil. € EXPERIMENT TXT From a cubick inch, or 359 grains of Ho- me), Analyfis of the Aur. 75 wey, mixed with calx of. bones, there arofe 144 cubick inches of air, or 41 grains, viz. a little more than 5 part of the weight of the whole. EXPERIMENT LXIY. From a cubick inch of yellow Bees-wax, or 243 grains, therearofe 54 cubick inches Di air, Or 15 grains; the 7, part of the whole. EXPERIMENT LXV. From 373 grains, or a cubick inch of the coarfeft Sugar, which is the effential falt of the fugar-cane, there arofe 126 cubick inches of air, equal to 36 grains, a little more than 4 part of the whole. EXPERIMENT LXVI. I found very little air in 54 cubick inches of Brandy, but in a like quantity of Well- water 1 foundone cubick inch. In Pzer_ mont-waier there is near twice as much air, as in Kam or common water, which air 2 con- 176 AMnalyfis of the Air. contributes to the brisknefs of that and ma- ny other mineral waters. I found thefe feveral quantities of air, by inverting the nofes of bottles, full of thefe feveral liquors, into {mall glafs cifterns full of the fame liquor. And then fetting them all together in a boyler, where having an equal heat, the air was thereby feparated and afcended to the upper parts of the bottles. ExPERIMENT LXVIL. By the fame means alfo, I found plenty of air might be obtained from munerals, Half a cubick inch, or 158 grains of New- caftle coal, yielded 180 cubick inches of air, which arofe very faft from the coal, efpe- cially when the yellowifh fumes afcended. The weight of this air is 51 grains, which: is nearly + of the weight of the coals. ExPERIMENT LXYVIIL A cubick inch of frefh dug wntried earth off the common, being well burnt in diftillation, produced 43 cubick inches of air. Fromchalk alfo, I obtained air in the fame manner. I , e Ex Analyfis of the Air. 477 ExpERIMENT LXIX. From a quarter of a cubick inch of 4p- timony, 1 obtain’d 28 times its bulk of air. It was diftilled in a glafs retort, becaufe it will demettalize iron. | EXPERIMENT LXX. I procured a hard, dark, gray Pyrites, 4 mineral fubftance, which was found 7 feet under ground, in digging for {fprings on Walton-heath, for the fervice of the Right Honourable the Earl of Lizco/n, at his beau- tiful feat at Oatlands in Surrey; this mine- ral abounds not only with fulphur, which has been drawn from it in good plenty, but alfo with faline particles, which fhoot vilibly onits furface, A cubick inch of this mzneral yiclded in diftillation 83 cu- bick inches of air. EXPERIMENT LXXI. Half a cubick inch of well decrepitated fea-falt mixt with double its quantity of calx of bones generated 32 times its bulk of air: It had fo great a heat given it, that N all 178 Analy/fis of ibe A. all being diftilled over, the remaining {coria did not run per deliguium. 1 cleared the gun-barrel of thefe and the like fcoria, by ftriking long on the outfide with a hammer. EXPERIMENT LXXIUL. From 211 grains or half a cubick inch of Nztre, mixed with calx of bones, there arofe 90 cubick inches of air, z. e. a quan- tity equal to 180 timesitsbulk ; fo the weight of air in any quantity of nitre is about + part. Vitriol diftilled in the fame manner yields’ air too. EXPERIMENT LXXIUI. From a cubick inch or 443 grains of Renifo Tartar, there arofe very faft 504 cu- bick inches of air; fo the weight of the air in this Tartar was 144 grains, 2. ¢. 3 part of the weight of the whole: The re- maining fcoria which was very little, rua per deliguiwm, an argument that there re- mained fome S¢/ Tartar, and confequently more air; for EXPERIMENT LXXIV. Half a cubick inch or 304 grains of Sa/ Tartar, Analyfis of the Aur. 179 Tartar, made with nitre and tartar, and mixed with a double quantity cof calx of bories, yielded in diftillation 112 cubick inches of air; that is, 224 times its bulk of air, which 112 cubick inches weighing 32 grains, is mearly + part of the weight of the Sa/ Tartar, There is amore intenfe de- grce of heat required to raife the air from Sal Tartar than from nitre. Hence we fee, that the preportion of air in equal bulks of Sa/Tartar and nitre is as 224 to1gso. But weight for weight, nitre contains a little more air in it, than this Sal Tartar made with nitre. But Sal Tartar made without nitre, lias probably a little more air in it than this had, becaufe itis found to make a greater explofion in the Pufuzs Fulminans, than the nitrated S2{Tartar. But fuppofing, as is found by this Experimene, that Sa/ Tartar, according to its {pecifick gra- Vity, contains + part more init than nitre ; yet this excefs of air is not fufiicient to account for the vaftly greater explofion of dat Tartar than of nitre ; which feems prin- cipally to axife from the more fixt nature of Sal Tartar; which therefore requires 2 More intenfe degrecof fire, to feparate the N 2 a08 180 Analy fis of the Aur. air from the ftrongly adhering particles ; than is found requifite to raife the air from nitre. Whence the air of Saf Zartar mutt neceffari.y thereby acquire a greater elaftick force, and make a more violent explofion, than that of nitre. And from the fame rea- fon it is, that Aurum Fulmimans gives a louder explofion than Pualvis Fulminans. The fcoria of this operation did not run per deliquinm, a proof thatall the Sal Tartar was diftilled over. From the little quantity of air which is obtained by the diftillation of fea-falt in Ex- periment 71. in comparifon of what arifes fromnitreand Sa/ Tartar, we fee the reafon why it will not go off with an explofive force, like thofe when fired. And at the fame time we may hence obferve, that the air included in nicre and Sa/Tartar, bears a confiderable part in their explofion. For fea- falt contains an acid {pirit as well as nitre ; and yet that without a greater proportion — of air docs not qualify it for explofion, tho’ mixed like nitre in the compofition of gun- powder, with fulphur and charcoal. Mr. Boyle found that Agua-fortis pour- edona firong folution of jale of tartar did not Analyfis of the chr. ei not fhoot into fair cryftals of falt-petre, till it had been long expofed to the open air, whence he fufpected that the air contribut- ed to that artificial produdtion of falt-petre. And fays, ‘* whatever the air hath to do in ¢ this Experiment, we have known fuch «¢ changes made in fome faline concretes, <¢ chiefly by the help of the open air, as «© very few would be aptto imagine.” Vol. Pp. 302. and Vol 3. -p. 80. We fee from the great quantity of air, which is found in falts, of what ufe it is in their cryftalization and formation, and particularly how neceflary it is in making falt-petre from the mixture of falt of tartar and {pirit of nitre. For fince by Experiment 72, and 73, a great deal of air flies away, in the making of Sa/ Tartar, either from nitre and tartar, or from tartar alone: It mutt needs be neceflary, in order to the forming of nitre from the mixture of Sal Tartar and fpirit of nitre, that more air fhould be in- corporated with it, than is contained either in the Sa/ Tartar or {piric of nitre. ht 182 Analyfis of the Air. EXPERIMENT LXXKY. Near half a cubick inch of compound A- fortes, which bubbled and made a con- gle expanticn in diftillation was foon aut iee off: As it cooled the expanfion ted very fafi, and a little air was abforb- cd. Whence it is evident that the air ge- nerated by the diftillation of nitre, did not arife from the volatile {pirituous particles. dence alfo it is probable that there is fome air in acid {pirits, which is reforbed and fixt by them in diftijlation. Aad this is further confirmed from the many air bub- bles which arife from 4gua-regia, in the folution of gold; for fince gold lofes nothing of its weight in being diffolved, the air cannot arife from the metalline part of tne gold, but muft cither arife from the Agusa-regia ox from latent air in the pores of the gald, = ExPERIEMENT LXXVIJ. A cubick inch of common Brzmffone ex- panied very little in diftillation in a glafs retort $ Analysis of the Aur. 182 retort; notwithftanding it hada great heat given it, and was all diftilled over into the receiver without flaming. It abforbed fome air, but flaming brimftone by Experiment 103, abforbs much air. A good part of the air thus raifed from feveral bodies by the force of fire, was apt gradually to lofe its elafticity, in ftanding feveral days; the reafon of which was (as will appear more fully hereafter) that the acid fulphureous fumes raifed with that air, did reforb and fix the elaftick particles. EXPERIMENT LXXVII, To prevent which I made ufe of the fol- lowing method of diftillation, we. I fixe - aleaden fyphon, Fig. 38. tothe nofe of the iron retort r 7; and then having immerfed the fyphon in the veffel of water x» x, I placed over the open end of the fyphon the inverted chymical receiver 46 which was full of water; fo that asthe air which was raifed in diftillation, pafled thro’ the water up to the top of the receiver 26, a good part of the acid {pirit and fulphureous fumes were by this means intercepted and retain- Ne. ed 134 Analyfis of the Air. ed in the water; the confequence of which was, that the new generated air continued in a more permanently elaftick fiate, very little of it lofing its elafticity, viz. not a- bove a 1sth or 18th part, and that chiefly the firft 24 hours; after which the remain- der continued in a conftantly elaftick ftate ; excepting the air of tartar, which in 6 or 8 days loft conftantly above one-third of its elafticity ; after which the remainder was permanently elaftical. That the great quantities of air which are thus obtained from thefe feveral fubftances by diftillation are true air, and nota mere flatulent vapour, I was aflured by the fol- lowing tryals; vzz. I filled a large receiver which contained 540 cubick inches, with air of tartar; and when it was cool, I fufpend- ed the receiver while its mouth was invert- ed in water. Then upon lifting the mouth of the receiver out of water, I immedi- ately covered it by tying a piece of bladder over it. WhenI had found the exact weight, i blew out all the air of tartar with a pair of bellows which had a long additional nofe that reached to the bottom of the receiver. And then tying the bladder on, I weighed it Finalyfis of the Aur. 185 it again, but could find no difference in the fpecifick cravity of the two airs, and it wasthe fame with an air of tartar which was 10 days old. As to the other property of the air, clafti- city, Ifound it exaétly the fame in the air of tartar, which was 15 daysold, and common air; by filling two equal tubes with thefe different airs, the tubes were roinches long and fealed at one’ end; I placed them art the fame time in a cylindrical glafs condent- ing receiver, where I compreffed them with two additional atmofpheres, taking care to fecure myfelf from danger in cafe the giafs fhould burft, by placing it in a deep wocd- en veflel, the water rofe to equal heights in both tubes. This receiver was gently an- nealed and thereby toughened, by being boiled in Urine where it lay till all was cold. I put alfo into the fame tubes fome new made air of tartar, both the tubes ftanding in cifterns of water; the air of one of thefe tubes I compreffed in the condenfing en- gine for fome days, to try whether in that comprefied ftate, more of the air’s elafticiry would be deftroyed by the abforbing va- pours 186 Aualyfis of the Aur. pours than in an uncomprefied tate; but I did not perceive any fenfible difference, Lemery, in his courfe of chymiftry, p. $92. obtained in the diftillation of 48 ounces of Tartar, 4 ounces of phlegm, 8 of fpirits, 3 of oil, and 32 of Scoria, 2 e. two thirds of the whole, fo one ounce was lof in the operation. In my diftillation of 443 grains of Tar- tar in Exper. 73. there remained but az grains of Scoria, which is little more than * of the Yartar; and in this remainder, there was by Exper. 74 Air, for there was Sal Tartar, it cunning per deliguinm. Whence by comparing Lemery’s and my diftillation together, we fhall find, that there remained in this 32 ounces of Scoria, and in the ounce that was loft, ( which was doubtlefs moft of it air} fubffance enough to account for the great quantity of air, which in Exper. 73. was raifed from Tartar; efpe- cially, if we take into the account the pro- portion of air, which was contained in the oil, which was *, part of the whole Zar- tar, for there is much air in oil. The bodies which I diftilled in this man- ner (Fig. 38.) were Horn, calculus humanus, Oyfter- Analyfis of the Air. 187 Oyfterfhell, Oak, Muftard. feed, Indian- wheat, Peafe, Tobacco, oil of Annifeed, oil of Olives, Honey, Wax, Sugar, Amber, Coal, Earth, Walton Mineral, fea Salt, Salt-petre, Tar- tar, Sel Zertar, Lead, Minium. The greateft part of the Air obtained from all which bo- dies was very permanent, except what the Air of Tartar loft in ftanding feveral days. Particularly, that from nitre loft little of its elafticiry, whereas moft of the Air ob. tained from nitre, in diftilling with the re- ceiver (Fig. 33.) was reforbed in a few days, as was alfo the Air which was generated from detonized nitre in Experiment 102. Hence alfo we fee the reafon, why 19 parts in 20, of the Air which was generated, by the firing of Gunpowder, was in 18 days reforbed by the fulphureous fumes of the Gunpowder, As Mr. Hawksbee obferved, in his phyfico- mechanical Experiments, page 83. In the diftillation of Horn, it was obfer- vable, that when towards the end of the ope- ration the thick foetid oil arofe, it formed very large bubbles, with tough undiuousskins, which continued in that flate fome time ; and when they broke, there arofe out of them volumes of {moak, as out of a chimney, and 188 fnalyfis of the Air. and it was the fame in the diftillation of Mutftard-feed. AN ACCOUNT OF SOME EXPERIMENTS MADE ON STONES TAKEN OUT OF HUMAN URINE AND GALL BLADDERS. AVIVG, while thefe Sheets were printing off, procured by the favour of Mr. Ranby, Surgeon to His Majefty’s- Fioufbold, forme calculi humani, | made the following Experiments with them, which I fhall here infert, vzg. I diftilled a calculus in the iron retort (Fig. 38.) It weighed 230 grains, which ts fomething lefs in bulk than ¢ of a cubick inch: There arofe from it very briskly, in diftillation, 516 cubick inches of elaftick Air, that is, a bulk equal to 645 times the bulk of the Stone; fo that above half the Stone was raifed by the aGion of the fire into elaf- tick Air; which is a much greater propor- tion of Air, than I have ever obtained by fire, from any other fubftances, whether a- nimal, vegetable or mineral. The remaining calx weighed 49 grains, that is =>, part of tne calculus; which is nearly the fame 3 seul Analyfis of the Aur. 189 propottion of calx, that the worthy Dr. S/are found remaining, after the diftilling and calcining two ounces of calculus, “one ounce; <¢ and three drams of which (he fays) eva- <¢ porated in the open fire (a material cir- «© cumftance, which the Chymifts rarely en- « quire after) of which we have no ac- ‘ count.” Philof: Tranfact. Lowthorp’s A- bridgment. Vol. lll. p. 179. The greateft part of which was, we fee by the prefent Experiment, raifed into permanently claf- tick Air, By comparing this diftillation of the ca/- culus with that of Renifh Tartar in Exper. 73. we fee that they both afford more Air in diftillation, than any other fubftances : _ And it isremarkable, that a greater propor- tion of this new raifed Air from thefe two fubftances, is reforbed and lofes its elafti- city, in ftanding a few days, than that of any other bodies, which are firong fymptoms that the calculus is a true animal Tartar. And as there was very confiderably lefs oil, in the diftillation of Renzfb Tartar,than there was in the diftillation of the Seeds and folid parts of vegetables; fo I found that this calculus contained much lefs oil than the blood or folid parts of animals. I A 190 Analyfis of the Aur, I diftilled in the fame manner, as the above mentioned calculus, fome ftones taken out-of a human gall bladder, they weighed $2 grains, fo their bulk was equal to 4 part of a cubick inch, as I found by taking thei {pecifick gravity. ‘There was 108 cubick in- ches of elaftick Air raifed from them in di- ftillation, a quantity equal to 648 times their bulk ; much the fame quantity that was raifed from the calculus. About = part of this elaftick Air was in 4 days reduced in- to a fixd ftate. There arofe much more oil in the diftillation of thefe Stones, than from the Calculus, part of which oil did arife from the Gall which achered to, and was dryed on the furfaces of the Stones, which oil! formed large bubbles, like thofe which arofe in the diftillation of Deers Horm py ¥87.- A {mall Stone of the Gall Bladder, which Was: as ne s a Pea, was diffolved in a Lix- ivium: of Sal Tartar in feven days, which Lixisium will alfo diffolve Tartar; yet it will not diffolve the Calcz/us, which is more firmly united in its parts. A quantity of Calculus equal to one half of what was diflilled, vis. 14s grains, did, when Anabyfis of the Air. IQE when 2 cubick inch of fpirit of nitre was poured on it, diffolve in 2 or 3 hours, with a large froth, and generated 48 cubick inches of Air, none of which loft its elafticity, tho’ it ftood many days in the glafs veflel. (Fig, 34.) And alike quantity of Zartar being mixed with {pirit of nitre, was in the fame time diffolved, but no elaftick Air was ge- nerated, notwithftanding Tartar abounds fo much with Air. Small pieces of Tartar and Calculus were in r2 or 14 days both diffolved by oil of Vitriol ; the like pieces of Tartar and Calcu- Jus were diflolved in a few hours by oil of Vitriol, into whch there was gradually poured near an equal quantity of fpirit of — Harts-horn, made with Lime, which caufed a confiderable ebullition and heat. Tho’ the remaining calx of the diftillation of Tartar, in Exper. 73. run per deliquinm, and had therefore Sal Tartar in it; and tho’ the calx of the diftilled Calculus did not run per deliquium, and had conf{equently no Sa/ Tartar in it; yet it cannot thence be inferred, that the Calculus is not a tar- tazine fubftance: Becaufe by Exper. 74, it ys evident, that Sa/ Tartar it felf, when 2 , (OS mined 192 Amalyfis of the Air. mixed with an animal calx, diftills all over, fo that the calx will not afterwards run per deliquium. By the great fimilitude there is therefore in fo many refpedts between thefe two fub- ftances, we may well look upon the Cal eulus, and the Stone in the Gall Bladder, as true animal Tartars, and doubtlefs Pr | concretions are the fame. | From the great quantities of Air, that are found in thefe Tartars, we fee that un-— elaftick Air particles, which by their ftrongly attracting property are fo inftrumental in forming the nutritive matter of Animals and Vegetables, is by the fame attraGtive. power apt fometimes to form anomalous concre- tions, asthe Stone, ce. in Animals, efpe- cially in thofe places where any animal fluids are ina ftagnant flate, as in the Urine and Gall Bladders. The like tartarine con- cretions are alfo frequently formed in fome fruits, particularly in Pears; but they do then efpecially coalefce in greateft plenty, when the vegetable juices are in a ftagnant ftate, as in wine veffels, ¢>c. This great quantity of ftrongly attracting, Teelatick air. particles, which we find in rhe Cal- Analyfis of the Aur. 193 Calculus, fhould rather encourage than dif courage us, in fearching after fome proper diffolvent of the Stone in the Bladder, which, upon the analyfis of it; is found to be well ftored with active principles, fuch-as are the principal agents in fermentation. For Mr. Boyle found therein 2 good quantity of volatile falt, with fome oil; and we fee by the prefent Experiment, that there is ftore of unelaftick air particles in it. The difficulty feems chiefly to lay, in the over proportion of thefe laft mentioned particles, which are firmly united together by fulphur and falt, the proportion of caput mortuum, ox earth being very {mall. EXPERIMENT LXXVIII. One eighth of a cubick inch of Mercury made a very infenfible expanfion in diftilla- tion, notwithftanding the iron retort had an almoft meiting heat given it, at a {mith’s forge, fo that it made an ebullition, which could be heard at fome diftance, and withal fhook the retort and receiver. There was no air generated, nor was there any expans fion of air in the following Exper. wz. O EXPE- 194 Analyfis of the Aur: EXPERIMENT LXXIX. I put into the fame retort half a cubick inch of Mercury, athxing to the retort a very capacious receiver, which had no hole in the bottom. The wide mouth of the recei- ver was adapted to the {mall neck of the retort (which was made of a musket barrel) by means of two large pieces of cork which entered and filled the mouth of the receiver, they having holes bored in them of a fit fize for the neck of the retort; and the junc. ture was farther fecured, by a dry fupple bladder tyed over it : For I purpofely.avoided making ufe of any moift lute, and took care to wipe the infide of the receiver very dry with a warm cloth. The Mercury madea great ebullition, and came fome of it over into the receiver, as foon as the retort had a red heat given it, which was increafed to a white and almoft nelting heat, in which ftate it continued for half an hour. During which time, I fre- quently cohobated fome part of the Mer- cury, Which condenfed, and was lodged on an horizontal level, about the middle of the | ‘ Aualyfis of the Aur, 195 the neck of the retort: And which upon raifing the receiver, flowed down into the bottom of the retort, and there made a frefh ebullition, which had ceafed, when all the Mercury was diftilled from the bottom of the retort. When ali was cool, I found about two drams of Mercury in. the retort, and loft in the whole 43 grains, but there was not the leaft moifture in the receiver. Whence itistobe fufpedted that Mr. Boyle and others were deceived by fome unheeded circumftance, when they thought they.cb- tained a water from Mercury in the diftilla- tion of it; which he fays he did once, but could not make the like Eee iment after- terwards fuceced. Boyle Vol. lll. p. 416. I remember that about 20 years fince I was concerned with feveral others, in mak- ing this Experiment at the elaboratory in Trinity College Cambridge, when imagining there would be a very great expanfion, we luted a German earthen retort, to 3 or 4 large Alodals, and a capacious receiver; as Mr. Wilfon did in his courfe of Chymifiry. Four pounds of Mercury was poured by lit- tle and little into the red hod retort, thro’ a tobacco-pipe purpofely affixed to it. The O 2 event 196 Analyfis of the Air. “event was, that we found fome fpoons full _ of water with the Mercury in the Alodals, _ which I then fufpe&ted to arife from the -moifture of the earthen retort and lute, and am now confirmed in that fufpicion. It rained inceffantly all the day, when I made this prefent Experiment; fo that when water is obtained in the diftillation of Mercury, it cannot be owing to a moifter temperature of the Air. The effeéts of Fermentation on the Air. AVING from the foregoing Experi- ments feen very evident proof of the produdion of confiderable quantities of true elaftick air, from liquors and folid bodies, by means of fire ; we fhall find in the fol- lowing Experiments many inftances of the production ; and alfo of the fixing or abforb- ing of great quantities of air by the fermen- tation arifing from the mixture of variety of folids and fluids: Which method of pro- ducing and of abforbing, and fixing the elaf- tick particles of air, by fermentation, feems to be more according to nature’s ufual way of proceeding, than the other of fire. E XP E- Analyfis of the chr. 197 EXPERIMENT LXXX., I put into the bolthead 0 (Fig, 34.) 16 cu- bick inches of Sheeps blood, with a little water to make it ferment the better. I found by the defcent of the water from z to y that in 18 days fourteen cubick inches of air were generated. EXPERIMENT LXXXI. Volatile Salt of Sal Ammoniac, placed in an open glafs ciftern, under the inverted glafs zs 2aa (Fig. 35.) neither generated nor abforbed air. Neither did feveral other volatile liquors, as {pirits of Harts-horn, {pi- ritsof Wine, nor compound Aquafortis, ge- nerate any air. But Sal Ammoniac, Sal Zartar, and {piris of Wine mixed together, generated 26 cubick inches of air, two of which wasin 4 days reforbed, and after that generated again. EXPERIMENT LXXXH. Half a cubick inch of Sal Ammoniac, and OG: double r98 Analyfis af the Air. double that quantity of oz/ of Vtriol, geine- rated the firft day 5 or 6 cubick inches: But the following days it abforbed 15 cubick inches, and continued many days in. that ftate. Equal sear of {pirits of 7; rpentiney and otf of Vitriol, had near the fame effect, except that it was fconer in an abforbing: fiate than the other. | Mr. Geeffroy fhews, that the mixture of any Vitriolic falts, with inflammable fubftan- ces, Wil yield common Brimftone; and by the different compolitions he has made of falphur; and particularly from o// of Vtriol, and of of Turpentine; and by the Analyfis thercof, when thus prepared, he difcovered t to be nothing but vitriolic falt, united with the combuftible fubftance. Frey, a Memoirs, Anno 1704. p. 381,01 Boyle's Works, Vol. Ill, NI (~ Pp. 273.- sWotes. EXPERIMENT -~ LXXXUL In February I poured on fix cubick inches of powdered Oyfierfbell, an equal quantity ef common white-wine Vimegar. In 5 or 6 minute S it generated’ 17 cubick inches of ait, Analyfis of the Aur. 199 air, and in fome hours 12 cubick inches more, in all 29 inches. In nine days it had flowly reforbed 21 cubick inches of air. The ninth day I poured warm water into the vef- fel x x, (Fig. 34.) and the following day, when all was cool, I found that it had re- forbed the remaining 8 cubick inches. Hence we fee that warmth will fometimes promote areforbing, as well as a generating ftate, uzz. by raifing the reforbing fumes, as will appear more hereafter. | Half a cubick inch of Oyfferfhell, and a cubick inch of o7/ of Vrtriol, generated 32 cubick inches of air. Ovfterfhell, and 2 cabick inches of four Rennet, of a Calve’s ftomach, generated in 4. days 11 cubick inches. But Oy/ferfhell, with fome of the Liquor of a Calve’s ftomach, which had fed much upon hay, did not ge- merate air. It was the fame with Oyfter foell and Ox-gall, Urine and Spittle. Half acubick inch of Oyfferfbell and Sevil Orange juice generated the firft day 13 cu- bick inches of air, and the following days it reforbed that, and 3 or 4 more cubick inches of air, and would fometimes generate again. te was the fame with Limon j juice. O 4 Ov fter. 200 Analyfis of the Air. Oyfterfbell and Milk generated a little air: But Limon juice and Mik did at the fame time abforb a little air; as did alfo Calves Rennet and Vinegar ; fome of the fame Rennet alone generated a little air, and reforbed it again the following day. It had the fame eifec&t when mixed with crums of bread. EXPERIMENT LXXXIV. A cubick inch of Limon juice, and neat an equal quantity of /périis of Harts-horn, per fe, t. e. not made with Lime, did in 4 hours abforb 3 or 4 cubick inches of air ; and the following day it remiteed or ge- nerated two cubick inches of air: The third day turning from very warm to cold, it a- gain reforbed that air, and continued in an abforbing ftate for a day or two. That there is great plenty of air incor porated into the fubftance of Vegetables, which by the action of fermentation is rouzed into an elaftick ftate, is evident by thefe fol- lowing Experiments, wvzz. EXPERIMENT LXXXY. March the 2d, 1 poured into the bolt- head @ (Fig. 34.) forty two cubick inches of Analyfis of the Air. 207 of Ale from the Tun, which had been there fet to ferment 34 hours before: From that time to the oth of Zune it generated 639 cubick inches of air, with a very unequal progreflion, more or lefs as the weather was warm, cool, or cold, and fometimes upon achange from warm to cool, it reforbed air, in all 32 cubick inches. ExPERIMENT LXXXVI. March the 2d, 12 cubick inches of Maz- laga Raifins, with 18 cubick inches of wa- ter generated by the 16th of Apra/ 411 cu- bick inches of air, and then in 2 or 3 cold days it reforbed 35 cubick inches. From the 2rth of April to the 16th of May it generated 78 cubick inches; after which to the oth of Fune it continued ina reforbing ftate, fo as to reforb 13 cubick inches ; there were at this feafon many hot days, with much Thunder and Lightning, which deftroys the air’s elafticiry; fo there was ge- nerated in all 489 cubick inches, of which 48 were reforbed. The liquor was at laft yery vapid, From 202 Analfis of the Air. From the great quantity of air generated from Apples, in the following Experiment, ‘tis probable, that much more air would have rifen from the laxer texture of ripe undryed Grapes, than did from thefe Rai- fins. We fee from thefe Experiments on Rai- fins and Ale, that in warm weather Wine and Ale do not turn vapid by imbibing air, but by fermenting and generating too much, whereby they are deprived of their enlivening principle, the air; for which rea- fon thefe liquors are beft preferved in cool cellars, whereby this active invigorating principle is kept within due bounds, which when they exceed, Wines are upon the fret and in danger of being {poiled. EXPERIMENT LXXXVIIL Twenty-fix cubick inches of Apples be- ing mafthed Augufi 10. they did in 13 days senerate 968 cubick inches of air, a quan- rity ¢ ae to 48 times their bulk ; after which ion did in 3 or 4 days reforb a quantity equal to their bulk, notwithftanding it was - ery hot weather; after which they were I ftationary, Analyfis of the Aur. 203 ftationary, neither reforbing nor generating air in many days. A very coarfe brown-fugar, with an equal quantity of water, generated nine times its bulk of air; Azce-flower fix times its bulk ; Scurvy-grafs leaves generated and abforbed air; Peafe, Wheat and Barley did in Fer- mentation alfo generate great quantities of exit. - That this Air, which arifes in fuch great quantities from fermenting and diflolving vegetables is true permanent Air, is certain, by its continuing in the fame cxpanded elaftick ftate for many weeks and months; which expanding watry vapours will not do, but foon condenfe when cool. And that this new generated air is elaftical is plain, not only by its dilating and contra@- ing with heat and cold, as common air does, but alfo by its being compreflible, in propor- tion tothe incumbent weight, as appears by the two following Experiments, which fhew what the great force of thefe aerial parti- cles is, at the inftant they efcape from the fermenting vegetables, | Ex- 204 Analyfis of the Air. EXPERIMENT LXXXYVIII. I filled the ftrong Hungary-water Bottle be Fig. 36. near half full of Peafe, and then full of water, pouring in firft half an inch depth of Mercury; then I {crewed at 6 in- to the bottle the long flender tube a 2, which reached down to the bottom of the bottle ;the water wasin two or three daysall imbibed by the Pcafe, and they thereby much dilated; the Mercury was alfo forced up the {lender glafs tube near 80 inches high; in which ftate the new generated Air in the bottle was compreffed with a force equal to more than two Atmofpheres and an half; if tne bottle and tube were fwung too and fro, the Mercury would make long vibra- tions in the tube between = and 9%, which proves the great elafticity of the compreffed sir in the bottle. EXPERIMENT LXXXIX. I found the like elaftick force by the fol- iowing Experiment, uzg. I provided a flrong iron pot aéed Fig. 37. which was2 and4 | ee inches Analyfis of the Abr. 205 inches diameter within fide; and five inches deep. I poured into it half an inch depth of Mercury; then I put a little coloured honey at x, into the bottom of the glafs- tube 2 x, which was fealed at the top. I fet this tube in the iron cylinder 2”, to fave it from breaking by the {welling of the Peafe. The pot being filled with Peafeand water, I put a leathern collar between the mouth and lid of the pot, which were both ground even, and then preffed the lid hard down in a Cyder-prefs: The third day I opened the pot and found all the water imbibed by the Peafe; the Honey was forced up the glafs-tube by the Mercury to 2, (for fo far the glafs was dawbed) by which means I found the preflure had been equal to two atmofpheres and 4; andthe diameter of the pot being 2 -| + inches, its area was fix {quare inches, whence the dilating force of the air againft the lid of the pot was equal to 189 pounds. And that the expanfive force of new ge- nerated air is vaftly fuperior to the power with which it acted on the Mercury in thefe two Experiments is plain from the force with which fermenting Muft will burft the I ftrongeft 206 Analyfis. of the Air. ftrongeft veflels; and from the vatt explofis ve force with which the air generated from nitre in the firing of gun-powder, wil! burt afunder the ftrongeft bombs or cannon, and whirl fortifications into the air. This fort of mercurial gage, made ufe of in Experiment 89, with fome un@uous mat- ter, as Honey, Treacle, or the like, on the Mercury in the tube, to note how high it rifes there, might probably be of fervice, in finding out unfathomable depths of the Sea, viz. by fixing this {ea-gage to fome buoyant body which fhould be funk by a weight fxt to ir, which weight might by an eafie contrivance be detschel from the buoyant body, as foon asit touched the bot- tom of the fca; fothat the buoyant body and gage would immediately afcend tothe furface of the water; the buoyant body. ought to be pretty large, and much lighter than the water, that by its greater eminence above the water it might the better be feen; For ‘tis probable that from great depths it may rife ata confiderable diftance from the fhip, tho’ in acalm. re For greater accuracy it will be needful, firft to try this fea-gage, at fey eral different , depths, a ae Fey OT sess | fs be / Cle é S:Gribelin Analyfis of the Aur. 207 depths, down to the greateft depth that a line will reach, thereby to difcover, whe- ther or how much the {pring of the air is difturbed or condenfed, not only by the ereat preffure of the incumbent water, but alfo by its coldnefs at great depths; and in what proportion, at different known depths, and in different lengths of time , that an al- lowance may accordingly be made for it at unfathomable depths. This gage will alfo readily fhew the de- grees of comprefiion in the condenfing en- gine. But to return to the fubject of the two laft Experiments, which prove the elafticity of this new generated air; which elafticity is fuppofed to coniift in the ative aerial par- ticles repelling each other with a force, which is reciprocally proportional to their diftances. That illuftrious Philofopher, Sir Lfaac Newton, in accounting how air and vapour is produced, Opticks Quer. 31. fays, «¢ The particles when they are fhaken off ‘¢ from bodies by heat or fermentation fo << foon as they are beyond the reach of the ** attraction of the body receding from it, *« as alfo from one another, with great Le “ ftrength 208: Aualyfis of the Air. « ftrength and keeping at a diftance, fo a3 < fometimes to take up above a million of <¢ times more fpace than they did before in «the form of a denfe body , which vaft «« contraction and expanfion feems unintel- «¢ ligible, by feigning the particles of Air “« to be fpringy and ramous, or rolled up « like hoops, or by any other means than “ by a repulfive power.” The truth of which is further confirmed by thefe Expe- timents, which fhew the great quantity of air emitted from fermenting bodies ; which not only proves the great force with which the parts of thofe bodies muft be diftendeds but fhews alfo how very much the particles of air muft be coiled up in that ftate, if they are, as has been fuppofed, ipringy and ramous. To inftance in the cafe of the pounded Apples which generated above 48 times their bulk of Air; this air, when in the Ap- ples, muft be compreffed into lefs than a forty eighth part of the fpace it takes up, when freed from them, and it will con- fequently be 48 times more denfe; and fince the force of compreffed air is propor- tional to its denfity, that force which com- | | preffes Analyfis of the Air. 209 preffes and confines this air in the Apples, mutt be equal to the weight of 48 of our atmofpheres, when the Mercury in the Ba- -rometer ftands at fair, that is 30 inches high. Now a cubick inch of Mercury weigh- ing 3580 grains, thirty cubick inches (which is equal to the weight of our atmo{phere on an area of a cubick inch) will weigh 15 pounds, 5 ounces, 215 grains; and 48 of them will weigh above 736 pounds; which is therefore equal to the force with whichan inch fquare of the furface of the Apple would comprefs the air, fuppofing there were no other fubftance but air in the Ap- ple: And if we take the furface of an Ap- ple at 16 {quare inches, then the whole force with which that furface would com- prefs the included air, would be 11776 pounds, And fince a@ion and re-adtion are equal, this would be the force, with which the air in the Apple would endeavour to expand it felf, if it were there in an elaftick and ftrongly compreffed ftate: But fo great an expanfive force in an Apple would certainly rend the fubftance of it with a ftrong explofion, ef pecially when that force was increafed, by the vigorous influence of the Sun’s: warmth, P : We 210 ©. Lally is of the Ar. We may make a like eftimate alfo, from the great quantities of air which arofe ei- ther by fermentation, or the force of fire from feveral other bodies. Thus in Exp. 55. there arofe from a piece of heart of Oak, 216 times its bulk of air. Now 216 cubick | inches of air, compreffed into the fpace of - one cubick inch, would, if it continued there — in an elaftick ftate, prefs againft one fide of the cubick inch, with an expanfive force - equal to 3310 pounds weight, fuppofing there were no other fubftance but air con- tained in it; and it would prefs againft the fix fides of the cube, with a force equal to 19860 pounds, a force fufficient to rend the Oak with a vaft explofion : ’tis very reafonable therefore to conclude, that meft of thefe now aétive particles of the new — generated air, were in a fix'd flate in the Ap. ple and Oak before they were roufed, and — put into an active repelling ftate by fermens — tation and fire. The weight of a cubick inch of Apple | being 191 grains, the weight of a cubick © inch of air > of a grain, 48 times that weight | of air is nearly equal to the fourteenth part of the weight of the Apple, | | And | Analyfis of the Air, 2x And if to the air thus generated from 4 veflel of any vegetable liquor, by fermenta- tion, we add the air that might afterwards be obtained from it, by heat or diftillation ¢ and to that alfo the vaft quantity of air; which by Experiment 73 is found to be con- tained in its Tartar, which adheres to the fides of the veffel; it would by this means be found that air makes a very confidera- ble part of the fubftance of Vegetables, as well as of Animals. But tho’ from what has been faid, it is teafonable to think, that many of thefe par- ticles of air were in a fixt ftate, ftrongly ad hering to and wrought into tlie fubftance of Apples; yet on the other handit is mot evident from Exper. 34 and 38; where in- numerable bubbles of air inceflantly arofe through the fap of Vines, that there is a confiderable quangity of air in Vegetables, upon the wing; and in a very active flate, efpecially in warm weather, which enlarges the {phere of their adtivity. 212 Analy fis of the fur. The effects of the rabeisandled of mineral Suoftances on the Air. | HAVE above fhewn that air may be ‘4& produced from mineral Subftances, by the action of fire indiftillation. And we have in the following Experiments many inftan- ces of the great plenty of air, which is gene- rated by fome fermenting mixtures, abforbed by cthers, and by others alternately gene- rated and abforbed. ExPERIMENT XC, I poured upon a middle fized Gold Ring, beat into a thin plate, two cubick inches of Agua Regia; the Gold was all diflolved the next day, when I found 4 cubick in- ches of air generated; for air bubbles were continually arifing during the folution: But fince Gold lofes nothing of its weight in being thus diflolved , the 4 cubick faces of air, which weighed more than a grain, muft arife either out of the pores of the Gold, or from the Agua Regia, which makes it probable, that there are air particles in acid {pirits 5 j Analyfis of the cir, 213 J {pirits; for by Experiment 75, they abforb air, which air particles regained their elafti- city, when the acid fpirits which adhered to them were more ftrongly attraéied by the gold, than by the air particles. EXPERIMENT XCI. A quarter of a cubick inch of Antimony, and two cubick inches of 4gua-regia, gene- rated 38 cubick inches of air, the firft 3 or 4 hours, and then abforbed 14 cubick in- ches in an hour ortwo; after which it was {tationary, till Ilet into the glafs veffel a y (Fig. 34.) about a quart of frefh air: Upon which it abforbed fo faft, as to make the water rife very vifibly in @ y, whereby it ab- forbed 30 cubick inches more. It is very ob- fervable, that air was generated while the ferment was imall, on the firft mixing of the ingredients: But when the ferment. was greatly increafed, fo that the fumes rofe very vifibly, then there was a change made from a generating toan abforbing Mate ; that is, there was more air abforbed than gene- rated. | Ps That 214 Analyfis of the Air. That I might find whether the air was ab- forbed by the fumes only of the Aqua-regia, or by the acid fulphureous vapours, which afcended from the Antzmony, I put a like quantity of gua-regia into a bolthead 6, (Fig. 34.) and heated it by pouring a large quantity of hot water into the ciftern x x, which ftood in a larger veffel, that retained the hot water about it, but no air was ab- forbed; for when all was cald, the water ftood at the point z, where I firft placed it: Yet in the diftillation of compound Aqua- fortis, Exper. 75. a little was abforbed. Hence therefore it is probable, that the greateft part, if nor all the air, was abforbed by the fumes, which arofe from the Antimony. EXPERIMENT XCIL. Some time in February, the weather very cold, I poured upon a quarter of a cubick inch of powdered Antzmony, a cubick inch of compound or douole Aqua-fortis in the bolthead 4, ( Fig. 34.) in the firft 20 hours it generated about 8 cubick inches of air 5 after that, the weather being fomewhat warmer, it fermentec fafter, fo as in 2 or 3 Tw Analyfis of the Aur. 215 hours to generate 82 cubick inches of ait more; but the following night being very cold, little was generated : So the next morn- ing I poured hot water into the veffel x x; which renewed the ferment, fo that it ge- nerated 4 cubick inches more, in all 130 cu- bick inches, a quantity equal to 520 times the bulk of the Antimony. The fermented mafs looked like Brim- ftone, and when heated over the fire, there fublimed into the neck of the bolthead a red fulphur, and below it a yellow, which fulphur, as Mr. Boyle obferves, Vol. IIl- p. 272. cannot be obtained by the bare ac tion of fire, without being firft well digefted in oil of Vitriol, or {pirit of Nitre. And by comparing the quantity of air obtained by fermentation in this Experiment, with the quantity obtained by the force of fire in Exper. 69. we find that five times more air was generated by fermentation than by fire,. which fhews fermentation to be a more fub- tile diffolvent than fire; yet in fome cafes there is more air generated by fire than by fermentation. | Half a cubick inch of os of Antimony, ha an equal quantity of compound Aqua- P 4 fortis, 216 Analyfis of the Air. fortis, generated 36 cubick inches of elaf tick air, which was all reforbed the follow- ing day. EXPERIMENT XCIIL Some time in February, a quarter of a cubick inch of fvzmgs of Lrow, and a cubick inch of compound Agua-fortis, without any water, did in 4 days abforb 27 cubick inches of air. Ir having ceafed to abforb, I poured hot water into the veflel » x, totry if] could renew the ferment. The effed of this was, that it generated 3 or 4 cubick inches of air, which continued in that ftate for fome days, and was then again reforbed. l repeated the fame Experiment in warm weather in 4pr7f, when it more-briskly ab- forbed 12 cubick inches in an hour. EXPERIMENT XGIYV. iMarch 12th, + ofa cubick inch of flings of Jvez, with a cubick inch of compound Agua-fortis, and an equal quantity of water, for the firt half hour abforbed 5 or 6 cubick inches of air; but in an hour more it had emitted Analyfis of the Aur. 217 emitted that quantity of air; and in two hours more it again reforbed what had been juft before emitted. The day following it continued abforbing, in all 12 cubick in- ches: And then remained ftationary for 15 or 2c hours. The third day it had again re- mitted or generated 3 or 4 cubick inches of air, and thence continued ftationary for five or fix days. A like quantity of fizngs of Iron, and oil of Vitriol, made no fenfible ferment, and generated a very little air ; but upon pouring in an equal quantity of water, it generated in 21 days 43 cubick inches of air; and in 3 or 4 days more it reforbed 3 cubick in- chesofair; when the weather turned warmer it was generated again, which was again re- forbed when it grew cool. 4th Of a cubick inch of jiléngs of Iron, and a cubick inch of o#/ of Vetriol, with | three times its quantity of Vater, Boece 108 cubick inches of air. Filings of Iron, with fpirit of Nitre, either with an equal quantity of water, or without water, abforbed air, but moft with- out water. sth Of 218 Analyfis of the Abr. 4th Of a cubick inch of flings of Iron, and a cubick inch of Limon juice, abforbed two cubick inches of air. It is remarkable, that the fame mixtures fhould change from generating to ab{orbing, and from abforbing to generating ftates ; fometimes with, and fometimes without any fenfible alteration of the temperature of the alr, EXPERIMENT XCV. Half a cubick inch of /pirits of Harts- horn, with filings of Iron abforbed 1 -+ 2 cubick inches of air, with filings of Copper double that quantity of air, and made a very deep blue tincture, which it retained long, when expofed to the open air. It was the fame with /pirzt of Sal Ammontac, and filings of Copper. A quarter of a cubick inch of filings of fron, with a cubick inch of powdered Brzm- ftone, made into a pafte with a little water, abforbed 19 cubick inches of air in two days. WN. B. I poured hot water into the ciftern x x, (Fig. 24.) to promote the ferment. A like Analyfis of the Air. 219 A like quantity of fngs of Iron, and powdered Newceaftle Coal, did in 3 or 4 days generate 7 cubick inches of air. I could not perceive any fenfible warmth in this - mixture, as was in the mixture of row and Brimftone. Powdered Brimftone and Neweaftle Coal neither generated nor abforbed. Filings of Iron and Water abforbed 3 or 4 cubick inches of air, but they do not ab- forb fo much when immerfed deep in wa- ter; what they abforb is ufually the firt 3 or 4 days. Filings of Iron, and the above mentioned Walton Pyrites in Exper. 70. abforbed in 4 days a quantity of air nearly equal to dou- ble their bulk. Copper Oar, and compound Aqua-fortzs, neither generated nor abforbed air, but mix- ed with wafer it abforbed air. A quarter of a cubick inch of Tim, and double that quantity of compound Agua- fortis, generated two cubick inches of air; part of the Zz was diffolved into a very white fubitance, Exe 220 Aualyfis of the Air, EXPERIMENT XCYI. April 16th, A cubick inch of the afore- mentioned Walton Pyrites powder'd, with a cubick inch of compound Aqua-fortis, ex- panded with great violence heat and fume into a {pace equal to 200 cubick inches, and in a little time it condenfed into its former {pace, and then abforbed 85 cubick inches of air. GON But the like quantity of the fame Mineral, with equal quantities of compound Aqua-for- tis and Water, fermented more violently, and generated above 80 cubick inches of air. I repeated thefe Experiments feveral times, both with and without wafer, and found conftantly the fame effet. Yet oil of Vitriol and Water, with fome of the fame Mineral, abforbed air. It was very warm, but did not make a great ebul- iition. | EXPERIMENT XCVIJ. I chofe two equal fized boltheads, and put into each of them a cubick inch of POW= Analyfis of the Aur. 221 powdered Walton Pyrites, with only a cu- bick inch of compound Aqua-fortis into one, and a cubick inch of Water and compound Agua-fortis into the other: Upon weighing all the ingredients and vefieis exactly, both before and after the fermentation, I found the bolthead with compound Aqua-fortis alone had loft in fumes 1 dram 5 grains: But the other bolthead with Water and compound Aqua-fortis, which fumed much more, had loft 7 drams, 1 fcruple, 7 grains, which is fix times as much as the other loft. ExPERIMENT XCVIII A cubick inch of Newcaftle Coal pow- dered, and an equal quantity of compound Agua-fortis poured on it, did in 3 days abforb 18 cubick inches of air; and in 3 days more it remitted and generated 12 cu- bick inches of air; and on pouring warm qwater into the veflel « x~ (Fig. 34.) it res mitted all that had been abforbed. Equal quantities of BSrimjtone and com- pound Agua-fortzs neither generated nor abforbed any air, notwithfanding hot wa- ter was poured into the veffel x x. Late 3 . A cu: 222 Analyfis of the Air. A cubick inch of finely powdered Fit; and an equal quantity of compound Aqua- | fortis, abforbed in 5 or 6 days 12 cubick inches of air. Equal quantities of powdered Bri/fol Dia-« mond, and compound Aqua-fortis, and Water abforbed 16 times their bulk of air. The like quantities without water ab- forbed more flowly 7 times their bulk of air. Powdered Briffol Marble (viz. the thell in which thofe Déamonds lay) covered pretty deep with water, neither generated nor abforbed air; and it is well known that Briftol water does not fparkle like fome other Mineral waters. ExPERiMENT XCIX. When Agua-regia was poured on Oleum Tartari per Deliquinm much air was gene- rated, and that probably chiefly from the Oleum Tartari; for by Exper. 74. Sal Tar- tar has plenty of air in it. It was the fame when of! of Vitriol was _ poured on OL. Tartari; and O/. Tartari drop- ped on boyling Zartar generated much air. When Analyfis of the Air. 223 When equal quantities of Water and oz of Vitriol were poured on the fea falt it abforbed 15 cubick inches of air; but when in the like mixture the quantity of water — was double to that of the o¢/ of Vztriol, then but half fo much air was abforbed. EXPERIMENT ©; I will next thew, what effets feveral 4/- kaline Mineral bodies had on the air in fer- menting mixtures. A folid cubick inch of unpowdered Chalk, with an equal quantity of o7/ of Vztriol, fer- mented much at firft, and in fome degree for 3 days; they generated 31 cubick inches of air. The Chalk was only a little diffolved on its furface. Yet Lime made of the fame Chalk abforb- ed much air; when o7/ of Vitriol was poured On it, and the ferment fo violent that ic. breaking the glafs veffels, I was obliged to put the ingredients in an Lvon vefiel. Two cubick inches of frefh Lime, and four of common white wine Vinegar ab- forbed in.15 days 22 cubick inches of air. he The. 224 Analyfis of the Air, The like quantity of frefh Lime and Wa- ter abforbed in 3 days 10 cubick inches of air. Two cubick inches of Lzme, and an equal quantity of Sa/ Ammoniac abforbed 115 cux bick inches. A quart of nateket Live left for 44 days, to flaken gradually by it felf without any mixture, abforbed no air. March 34, A cubick inch of powdered Belemnitis, taken from a C@atk pit, and an equal quantity of of of Vetriol, generated in 5 minutes 35 cubick inches of air. March sth, it had generated 70 more. March oth, it being a hard froft, it ice 12 cubick a es fo it generated 1 in‘all 128 inches, and reforbed 12. Powdered Belemmnitis and Limon juice ge- nerated plenty of air too; as did alfo the Star Stone, Lapis Fudaicus, and Selenstis with o7/ of Vitriol. ExpERIMENT Cl, Gravelled, that is well burnt, Wood-afbes, decrepitated Salt, and Colcothar of Vitriol, piacd feverally underthe inverted glafszzaa@ (Fig. 35.) | Analyfis of the Air, 2A 5. | (Fig. 35.) increafed in weight by imbibing the floating moifture of the air: But they abforbed no elaftick air. It was the fame with the remaining Axivzous Salt of a diftillation of Notre. But 4 or 5 cubick inches of powdered freth Cynder of Newcaftle Coal did in feven days abforb 5 cubick inches of elaftick air. And 13 cubick inches of air were in s days abforbed by Pulvis Urens, a powder which immediately kindles into a live Cole, upon ‘being expofed to the open air. EXPERIMENT CII. What effect burning and flaming bodies, and the refpiration of Animals have on the air, we fhall fee in the following Experi- ments, U7%. : I fix'd upon the pedeftal under the inver- ted clais = 2 aa (Fig. 35.) a piece of Brown Paper, which had been dipped in a folution of Nztre, and then well dryed; I fet fire to the Paper by means of a bur- ning glafs: The Nitre detonized and burnt briskly for fome time, till the glafs zz 44 was very full of thick fumes, which extin- Q guifhed 226 Analyfis of the Aur. guifhed it. The expanfion caufed by the burning Nitre, was equal to more than twe quarts: When all was cool, there was near so cubick inches of new generated air, which arofe froma {mall quantity of detonized Nz- tre ; but the elafticity of this new air daily decreafed, in the fame manner as Mr. Hauk/- bee obferved the air of fired Gunpowder to do, Phyfico-mechanical Exper. p.83. {fo that he found 19 of 20 parts occupied by this air to be deferted in 18 days, and its {pace filled by the afcending water ; at. which fta- tion it refted, continuing there for 8 days without alteration: And in like manner, I found that a confiderable part of the air, which was produced by fire in the diftil- lation of feveral fubftances, did gradually lofe its elafticity in a few days after the diftillation was over; but it was not fo when I diftilled air thro’ water, as in Expe- riment 77: (Fiz. 3.82) EXPERIMEN ® CII. I placed on the fame pedeftal large Matches made of linen rags dipped in melted Brim- ftone: The capacity of the veffel, (Fig. 35.) 3 ' above Analyfis of the Aur. 227 above = 2 the furface of the water, was equal to 2024 cubick inches. The quantity of air which was abforbed by the burning Match was 198 cubick inches, equal to 4 part of the whole air in the veffel. I made the fame Experiment in a leffer veflel g 2 aa (Fig. 35.) which contained but 594 cubick inches of air, in which 150 cubick inches were abforbed, z. e. full 4 part of the whole air in the receiver: So that tho’ more air is abforbed by burning Matches in large veflels, where they burn longeft, than in {mall ones, yet more air, in proportion to the bulk of the veffe!, is ab- forbed in {mall than in large veffels: If a frefh Match were lighted, and put into this infected air, tho’ it would not burn ; pare of the time that the former Match burnt in frefh untainted air, yet it would abforb near as much air in that fhort time; and it was the fame with Candles. . EXPERIMENT CIV, Equal quantities of filings of Iron and Brimftone, when let fall on a hot Iron on the pedeftal under the inverted glafs zzaa, Q2 (Fig. 35.) 228 Analy fis of the Aur. (Fie. 35.) did in burning abforb much air; and it was the fame with Antimony and Lrim/ffone : Whence it is probable, that Val cano’s, whofe fewel confift chiefly of Brzm- ffone, mix’d with feveral mineral and me- taline {ubf@ances, do not generate, but rather abforb air. We find in the foregoing Experiment 102 on Nitre, that a great part of the new ge- nerated air is in a few days reforbed, or lofes its elafticity: But the air which is ab- forbed by burning Brim/ffone, or the flame of a Candle, does not recover its ‘clafticity again, at leaft, not while confined in my glafles. EXPERIMENT CY. I made feveral attempts to try, whether air full of the fumes of burning Brzm-_ ftone wasas comprefiible as common frefh air, by comprefling at the fame time tubes full of each of thefe airs in the condenfing engine; and I found that clear air 1s very little more comprefiibie, than air with fumes of Brimftone in it: But I could not come to an exact certainty in the matter, becaufe the fumes ——s Analyfis of the chr. 229 fumes Were at the fame time deflroying the elafticity of the air. I took care to make ‘the air in both tubes of the fame tempera- ture, by firft immerfing them in cold water, before I comprefled them. EXPERIMENT CVI. I fet a lighted tallow Candle, which was about & of an inch diameter, under the in- verted receiver & = 44, (Fig. 35.) and with a fyphon I immediately drew the water up to = =: Then drawing out the fyphon, the water would defcend for a quarter of a mi- nute, and after that afcend, notwithftand- ing the Candle continued burning, and heat- ing the air for near 3 minutes. It was ob- fervable in this Experiment, that the fur- face of the water & @ did not afcend with an equal progreflion, but would be fome- times ftationary; and it would fometimes move with a flow, and fometimes with an accelerated motion ; but the denfer the fumes the fafter it afcended. As foon as the Can- dle was out, I marked the height of the water above 2 s, which difference was e- qual to the quantity of air, whofe elaf- Q 3 ticity 230 Aualyfis of the Air. ticity was deftroyed by the burning Candle. As the air cooled and condenfed in the re- ceiver, the water would continue rifing a- bove that mark, not only till all was cool, but for 20 or 30 hours after that, which height it kept, tho’ it ftood many days; which. fhews that the air did not recover the elafti- city which it had loft. The event was the fame, when for grea- ter accuracy I repeated this Experiment by lighting the Candle after it was placed un- der the receiver, by means of a burning glafs, which fet fire to a {mall piece of brown pa- per fixed to the wick of the Candle, which paper had been firft dipped in a ftrong folu- tion of Nztre in Water, and when well dryed, part of it was dipped in melted Brzm- ftone; it will alfo light the Candle without being dipped in Brzmftone. Dr. Mayow, found the bulk of the air leflened by # part, but does not mention the fize of the glafs veflel under which he put the lighted Can- dle, ‘De Sp. Nitro-aerco. p. 101. The capa- city of the veflel above = z, in which the Candle burnt in my Experiment, was equal to 2024 cubick inches; and the elafticity of the 2, part of this air was deftroyed. | The Analyfis of the Air. 231 The Candle cannot be lighted again in this infected air by a burning glafs: But if I firft lighted it, and then put it into the fame infeéted air, tho’ it was extinguifhed in } part of the time, that it would burn in the fame veflel, full of frefh air; yet it would deftroy the elafticity of near as much air in that fhort time, as it did in five times that {pace of time in frefh airs this 1 re- peated feveral times, and found the fame event: Hence a grofs air which is loaded with vapours, is more apt in equal times to lofe its elafticity in greater quantities, than a clear alr. | I obferve that where the veflels are equal, and the fize of the Candles unequal, the e- lafticity of more air will be deftroyed by the large than by the {mall Candle: And where Candles are equal, there moft air in proportion to the bulk of the veffel will be abforbed in the fmalleft veflel: Tho’ with equal Candles there is always moft elaftick air deftroyed in the largeft veffel, where the Candle burns longeft. I found alfo in fermenting liquors, that cateris paribus, more air was either gene- ratcd ox abforbed in large, than in fmall , Q 4 veflels wee Analyfis of the Air. veffels, by generating or abforbing mixtures. As in the mixture of 4gua regia and Anti- mony in Experiment 91, by enlarging the bulk of the air in the veffel, a greater quan- tity of air was abforbed. . Thus alfo filings of Iron and Brzm/tone, which in a more ca- pacious veflel abforbed 19 cubick inches of air, abforbed very little when the bulk. of air above the ingredients was but 3 or 4. cubick inches: For I have often obferved, that when any quantity of air is faturated with abforbing vapours to a certain degree, then no more elaftick air is abforbed: Not- withfanding the fame quantity of abforb- ing fubfiances would, in a larger quantity of air, have abforbed much more air; and this is the reafon why I was never able to deftroy the whole elafticity of any included bulk of air, whether it was common air, Of new generated air. EXPERIMENT CVI. May 18, which was a very hot day, I repeated Dr. M/ayow’s Experiment, to find how much air is abforbed by the breath of Animals inclofedin glaffes, which he found ith a moufe to be 4 part of the whole air Analyfis of the Aur. 233 air in the glafs veflel De Sp. Nitro-aerco, | f 104. __ I placed on the pedeftal, under the inver- ted glafs zs 2 aa, (Fig. 35.) a full grown Rat. At firft the water fubfided a little, which was occafioned by the rarifaGtion of the air, caufed by the heat of the Animal’s body. But after a few minutes the water began to rife, and continued rifing as long asthe Rat lived, which was about 14 hours. The bulk of the Air in which the Rat lived fo many hours was 2024 cubick inches; the quantity of elaftick air which was ab- forbed was 73 cubick inches, above ;*, part of the whole, nearly what was abforbed by a Candle in the fame veffel, in Experi- ment 106. I placed at the fame time in the fame manner another almoft half grown Rat under a veffel, whofe capacity above the furface of the water 2 & (Fig. 35.) was but. $94 cubick inches, in which it lived 10 hours; the quantity of elaftick Air which was abforbed, was equal to 45 cubick inches, wz. 2; part of the whole air, which the Rat breathed in: A Cat of 3 months old lived an hour in the fame re- = SEVIS Gest GED 224 Analyfis of the Aur. ceiver, and abforbed 16 cubick inches of air} vi%. s» part of the whole; an allowance being made in this eftimate, for the bulk of the Cat’s body. A candle in the fame veffel continued burning but one minute, and abforbed 54 cubick inches, 4 ip of the whole air. And as in the cafe of burning Brim/tone and Candles, more air was found to be ab- forbed in large veffels, than in {mall ones; and vice verfa, more Air in proportion to the capacity of the veflel was abforbed in fmall, than in large veffels; fo the fame holds true here too in the cafe of ani- mals. EXPERIMENT CVIII. The following Experiment will fhew, that the elafticity of the Air is greatly de- ftroyed by the re/piration of human LUNES; Viz. I made a bladder very fupple by wetting of it, and then cut off fo much of the neck, as would make a hole wide enough for the biggeft end of a large foffet to enter, to which the bladder was bound faft. The bladder 3 ; and Analyfis of the Aur. 235 | and foffet contained 74 cubick inches. Hav. | | | ing blown up the bladder, I put the ee all end of the foflet into my mouth; and at the fame time pinched my noftrils clofe that no air might pafs that way, fo that I could only breath to and fro the air contained in the bladder. In lefs than half a minute I found a confiderable difficulty in breathing, and was forced after that to fetch my breath very faft;.and at the end of the minute, the {uffocating uneafinefs was fo great, that 1 was forced totake away the bladder from my mouth. Towards the end of the minute, the bladder was become fo flaccid, that I could not blow it above half full with the greateft expiration that I could make: And at the fame time I could plain- ly perceive that my lungs were much fallen, juft in the fame manner as when we breath eut of them all'‘the air we can at ‘once. Whence it is plain that a confiderable quan- tity of the elafticity of the air contained in my lungs, and in the bladder was de- firoyed: Which fuppofing it to be 20 cu- bick inches, it will be #7; part of the whole Air, which I breathed to and fro; for the bladder contained 74 cubick inches, and the lungs 236 Analyfis of the Air. lungs by the following Experiment aboue 166 cubick inches, in all 240. Thefe effects of refpiration on the elafti- city of the air, put me upon making anat- tempt to meafure the inward furface of the lungs , which by a wonderful artifice are admirably contrived by the divine artificer, {o as to make their inward furface to be commenfurate to an expanfe of Air many times greater than the animal’s body ; as will appear from the following eftimate, viz. EXPERIMENT CIX, I took the lungs of a Calf and cut off the heart and windpipe an inch above its branching into the lungs ; I got nearly the {pecifick gravity of the fubftance of the lungs, (which is a continuation of the branchings of the windpipe, and blood veflels) by find- ing the fpecifick gravity of the windpipe, which I had cut off; it was to Well-water as 1.05 to 1, And a cubick inch of water weighing 254 grains; I thence found by weighing the lungs the whole of their fo- lid fubftance to be equal to 37 ++ = cubick inches. 3 I then | Analyfis of the Aur. i I then filled a large earthen veffel brim full of water, and put the lungs in, which I blew up keeping them under water with a pewter plate. Then taking the lungs out and letting the plate drop to the bottom of the water, I poured in a knownquantity of water, till the veffel was brimful again; that - water was7 pounds 6 ounces and 3 equal to 204 cubick inches ; from which deduéts ing the {pace occupied by the folid fub- fiance of the lungs, wz. 37 -+- = cubick inches, there remains 166 ++ + cubick inches for the cavity of the lungs. But as the Pul- monary Veins, Arteries and Lymphaticks will, when they are ina natural ftate re-_ pleat with blood and lymph, occupy more fpace than they do in their prefent empty ftate; therefore fome allowance muft al- fo be made, out of the above taken caviry of the lungs, for the bulk of thofe fluids ; for which 25 -+-7 cubick inches feems to be a fufficient proportion, out of the 166 + + cubick inches; fo there remains 141 cubick inches for the cavity of the lungs. _ I poured as much water into the Bron- chie asthey would take in, which was r pound 8 ounces, equal to 41 cubick inches ; this 238 Analyfis of the Aur. this deducted from the above found cavity of the lungs, there remains 100 cubick inches for the fum of the cavity of the veficles, Upon viewing fome of thefe veficles with a microfcope, a middle fized one feems to be about vss part of an inch diameter; then the fum of the furfaces in a cubick inch of thefe {mall velicles (fuppofing them tobe fo many little cubes, for they are not {phe- rical) will be 300 fquare inches; which mul- tiplied by the fum ofthe cavity of all the veliclesin the lungs, vzz. 100 cubick inches, will produce 30000 fquare inches; one third of which muft be dedu&ted, to make an allowance for the abfence of two fides in each little veficular cube, that. there might be a free communication among them for the Air to pafs to and fro; fo there remains 20000 fquare inches for the fum of the furface of all the veficles. And the &renchig containing 41 cubick inches, fuppofing them at a medium to be cylinders of +. of an inch diameter, their furface will be 1635 {fquare inches, which added to the furface of the veficles makes the fum of the furface of the whole lungs to be 21635 {quare inches, ofr bate) Analyfis of the Ar. 239 150 fquare fect, which is equal to ro times the furface of a man’s body, which at a me- dium is computed at 15 fquare feet. Ihave not had an opportunity to take in the fame mannerthe capacity and dimen- fions of human lungs; the bulk of which Dr. James Keill in his Tentamina Medico- phyfica, p. 80. found to be equal to 226 cu- bick inches. Whence he eftimated the fum of the furface of the veficles to be 21906 {quare inches, which is nearly the fame with my eftimate of the Calve’s lungs. But the bulk of human lungs is much more ca- pacious than 226 cubick inches: For Dr. Furi, by an accurate Experiment, found that he breathed out, at one large expirati- on, 220 cubick inchesof Air; and I found it nearly the fame, when I repeated the like Experiment in another manner: So that there muft be a large allowance made for the bulk of the remaining Air, which could not be expired from the lungs; and alfo for the fubftance of the lungs, ‘Suppofing then, that according to Dr. Furin’s cttimate (in Mott's Abridgment of the Philofophical Tranfac. Vol. 1. p. 415.) we draw in at each common infpiration 40 cubick 240 Analyfis of the Aur. cubick inches of air, that will be 48000 cu: bick inches in aa hour, at the rate of 20 in- fpirations in a minute. A confiderable part of the clafticity of which air is, we fee by the foregoing Experiment, conftantly de- ftroyed, and that chiefly among the vefi- “eles, where it is charged with much vapour. But it is not eafie to determine how much is deftroyed. I attempted to find it out by the following Experiment, which I fhall here give an account of, tho’ it did not fucceed fo well as I could have withed, for want of much larger veflels; for if it was repeated with more capacious veffels, it would de- termine the matter pretty accurately; becaufe by this artifice frefh air is drawn into the Jungs at every infpiration, as well as in the free open air. EXPERIMENT CX. I made ufe of the fyphon (Fig. 39.) tak- ing away the bladders, and diaphragms 2 2 mo: 1 fixed by means of a bladder one end of a fhort leaden fyphon to the lateral feflet7z: Then I faftened the large fyphon in a veficl, and filled i¢ with water, till it | rofe Analyfis of the Aur. 241 rofe within two inches of a and covered the other open end of the fhort.fyphon, | which was depreffed for that purpofe. Over this orifice I placed a large inverted chymi- cal receiver full of water; and over the other legos of the great fyphon, I whelmed another large empty receiver, whofe capacity was equal to 1224 cubick inches ; the mouth of the receiver being immer(fed in the water, and gradually let down lower and lower by an afliftant, as the water afcended in it. Then ftopping my noftrils, I drew in breath at a, thro’ the fyphon from the empty receiver: And when that breath was expired, the va!- ve 62 ftopping its return down thro’ the fy- phon, it was forced thro’ the valve r, and thence thro’ the {mall leaden fyphon into the inverted receiver full of water, which water def{cended asthe breath afcended. In this manner I drew all the air, except 5 or 6 cubick inches, out of the empty receiver at o, the water at the fame time afcending into it and filling it; by which means all the air in the empty receiver, as alfoall the air in the fyphon os 6, was infpired into my lungs, and breathed ont thro’ the valve y jnto the receiver, which was at firft full R of 242 Mnalyfis of the Air. of water. I marked the boundary of air and water, and then immerfed the whole receiver, Which had the breath in it, under water, and there gradually poured the con- tained breath up into the other full receiver, which ftood inverted over 0 5; whereby I could readily find, whether the air had loft any of its elafticity : And for greater furety, I alfo meafured the bulk of breath by filling the receiver with a known quantity of water up to the above mentioned mark; making alfo due allowance for a bulk of air, equal to the capacity of the large fyphon oa s 6, which was at laft fucked full of water. The event was, that there was 18 cubick inches of air wanting ; but as thefe receivers were much too {mall to make the Experi- ment with accuracy; that fome allowance may be made for errors, I will fet the lofs of elaftick air at 9 cubick inches, which is but + part of the whole air refpired, which Will amount to 353 cubick inches in one hour, or 100 grains, at the rate of 48000 cubick inches infpired in an hour, or one ounce and a half in twenty four hours. By pouring the like quantity of air to and fro under water, I found that little or none of Analyfis of the Air. 243 of it was loft; fo it was not abforbed by the water : To make this tryal accurately, the air muft be detained fome time under water, to bring it firfttothe fame temperature with the water. Care alfo muft be taken in mak- ing this Experiment, that the lungs be in the fame degree of contraction, at the laft breath- ing, as at the firft, elfe a confiderable error may arife from thence. But tho’ this be not an exact eftimate, yet it is evident from the foregoing Experiments on refpiration, that fome of the elafticity of the air, which is infpired, is deftroyed; and that chiefly among the veficles, where it is moft loaded with vapours; whence probably fome of it, together with the acid {pirits, with which the air abounds, are conveyed to the blood, which we fee is by an admi- rable contrivance there {pread into a vaift expanfe, commenfurate to a very large fur- face of air, from which it is parted by very thin partitions; fo very thin, as thereby probably to admit the blood and air particles (which are there continually changing from an elaftick to a firongly attrafting ftate) within the rach of each other’s attraction, R 2 whereby 244 Analy fis of the Air. whereby a continued fucceflion of frefh air may be abforbed by the blood. And in the analyfis of the blood, either by fire or fermentation in Exper. 49 and 80, we find good plenty of particles ready to re- fume the elaftick quality of air: But whe- ther any of thefe air particles enter the | blood by the lungs, is not eafie to deter- | mine; becaufe there is certainly great ftore of air in the food of animals, whether it be vegetable or animal food. Yet when we confider how much air continually lofes its elafticity in the lungs, which feem pur- pofely framed into innumerable minute me- anders, that they may thereby the better feize, and bind that volatile Hermes: It - makes it very probable, that thofe particles which are now changed from an elaftick re- pulfive, to a ftrongly attra@ting ftate, may eafily be attracted thro’ the thin partition of the veficles, by the fulphureous particles which abound in the blood. And nature feems to make ufe of the like artifices in vegetables, where we find that air is freely drawn in; not,only with the principal fund of nourifhment at the root, but Analy fis of the “ur. 245 but alfo thro’ feveral parts of the body of the vegetable above ground, which air was feen to afcend inan elaftick ftate moft frecly and vifibly thro’ the larger trachee of the Vine; and is thence doubtlefs carried with the fap into minuter veffels, where being intimately united with the fulphureous, fa- line and other particles, it forms the nutri- tive dudtile matter, out of which all. the parts of vegetables do grow. EXPERIMENT CX. It is plain from thefe effects of the fumes of burning Brim/ffone, lighted Candle, and the breath of Animals on the elafticity of the air, that its elafticity in the veficles of the lungs muft be continually decreafing, by reafon of the vapours it is there loaded with ; fo that thofe veficles would in a lit- tle time fubfide and fall flat, if they were not frequently replenifhed with frefh elaf- tick air at every infpiration, thro’ which the inferior heated vapour and air afcends, and leaves room for the frefh air to defcend in- to the veficles, where the heat of the lungs make it perpen about $ part ; which degree KR 3 of: 246 Analyfis of the Aw. of expanfion of a temperate air, I found by inverting a fmall glafs bubble in water, a little warmer than a Thermometer is, by ha- ving its ball held fome time in the mouth, which may reafonably be taken for the de- sree of warmth in the cavity of the lungs. When the bubble was cool, the quantity of water imbibed by it was equal to % of the cavity of the whole bubble. | But when inftead of thefe frequent re- crnits of frefh air, there is infpired an air, furcharged with acid fumes and vapours, which not only by their acidity contra& the exquifitely fenfible veficles, but alfo by their grof{nefs much retard the free ingrefs of the air into the veficles, many of which are ex- ceeding fmall, fo as not to be vifible with- Out a microfcope; which fumes are alfo con- tinually rebating the elafticity of that air, then the air in the veficles, will by Exp. 107 and 108 lofe its elafticity very faft, and con- fequently the veficles will fall flat, notwith- fianding the endeavours of the extending Thorax to dilate them as ufual; whereby the motion of the blood thro’ the lungs, be- ing ftopped, inftant death enfues. Which Analyfis of the Air. 247 Which fudden and fatal effect of thefe noxious vapours, has hitherto been fuppofed to be wholly owing to the lofs and wafte of the vivifying fpirit of air; but may not unreafonably be alfo attributed to the lofs of a confiderable part of the air’s elafticity, and the groffnefs and denfity of the vapours, which the air is charged with; for mutu- ally attracting particles, when floating in fo thin a medium as the air, will readily coa- lefce into groffer combinations: Which effe& of thefe vapours, having not been duly obferved before , it was concluded, that they did not affect the air’s elafticity ; and that confequently, the lungs muft needs be as much dilated in infpiration by this, as by a clear air. But that the lungs will not rife, and di- late as ufual, when they draw in fuch noxi- ous air, which decreafes faft in its elafticity, I was affured by the Experiment I made on my felf in Exper. 107. for when towards the latter end of the minute, the fuffocating quality of the air in the bladder was grea- teft, it was with much difficulty’ that I could dilate my lungs a very little. R 4 From 248 Analyfis of the Air. From this property in the vapours, arifing from animal bodies, to rebate and deftroy part of the elafticity of the air, a probable account may be given, of what becomes of a redundant quantity of air, which may at any time have gotten into the cavity of the Thorax ; either by a wound,or by fome defect in the fubftance of the lungs, or by very violent exercife. Which if it was to con- tinue always in that expanded ftate, would very much incommode refpiration, by hin- dering thedilatation of the lungs in infpira- tion. But if the vapours, which do con- tinually arife in the cavity of the Thorax, deftroy fome part of the elafticity of the air, then there will be room for the lungs to heave: And probably, it is in the fame man- ner, that the winds are reforbed, which in their claftick ftate fly from one part of the body or limbs to another, caufing by their ciftention of the veffels much pain. EXPERIMENT CXII. Ihave by the following Experiment found, that the air will pafs here and there thro’ the fubftance of the lungs, with a very {mall force, U7Z. I cut Analyfis of the Aur. 249 I cut afunder the bodies of feveral young and {mall anzmals juft below the Diaphragm, and then taking care not to cut any veffel belonging to the lungs, I layed the Thorax open by taking away the “Diphragm, and fo much of the ribs, as was needful to ex- pofe the lungs to full view, when blown up. And having cut off the head, I faftned the windpipe to a very fhort inverted leg of a glafs fyphon; and then placed the inver- ted lungs and fyphon in a large and deep glafs veffel x full of water (Fig. 32.) un- der the air pump recciver p p, and pafling the longer leg of the fyphon thro’ the top of the receiver, where it was cemented faft at z, as 1 drew the air out of the receiver, the lungs dilated, having a free communica- tion with the outward air, by means of the glafs fyphon; fome of which air would here and there pafs in a few places thro’ the fubftance of the lungs , and rife in {mall fireams thro’ the water, when the receiver was exhaufted no more than to make the Mercury in the gage rife lefs than two inch- es. When I exhaufted the receiver, fo as to raife the Mercury 7 or 8 inches, tho’ it made the air rufh with much more violence thro’ 250 Analyfis of the Abr. thro’ thofe {mall apertures in the furface of the lungs, yet I did not perceive that the number of thofe apertures were increafed, or at leaft very little. An argument that thofe apertures were not forcibly made by exhaufting the receiver lefs than two inches, but were originally in the live animal ; and | that the lungs of living animals are fome- | times raifed with the like force, efpecially in violent exercife, I found by the follow; | ing Experiment, viz. EXPERIMENT CXIIL Ityed down alive Dog on his back, near the edge of a Table, and then made a {mall hole thro’ the intercoftal mufcles into his Zho- rax, near the Diaphragm. 1 cemented faft into this hole the incurvated end ofa glafs tube, whofe orifice was covered with a lit- | tle cap full of holes, that the dilatation of | the Iungs might not at once ftop the ori- | fice of the tube. A fmall vial full of {pirit | of Wine was tyed to the bottom of the | perpendicular tube, by which means the | tube and vial could eafily yield to the mo- | tion of the Dog’s body, without danger of | breaking ; i t f Analyfis of the Aur. 251 _ breaking the tube, which was 36 inches long. | The event was, that in ordinary in{pirations, the fpirit rofe about fix inches in the tube; but in great and laborious infpirations, it would rife 24 and 30 inches, vz. when I _ ftopped the Dog’s noftrils and mouth, fo that he could not breathe: This Experiment fhews the force with which the lungs are raifed by the dilatation of the T/orax, either in ordi- nary or extraordinary and laborious in{pira- tions. When I blew air with fome force in- to the Thorax, the Dog was juft ready to expire. By means of another fhort tube, which had a communication with that which was fixed to the Thorax near its infertion into the Thorax, I could draw the air out of the Thorax, the height of the Mercury, inftead of fpirit in the tube, fhewing to what degree the Thorax. was cxhaufted of air : Ehe Mer- cury was hereby, raifed nine inches, which would gradually fubfide as the air got into the Thorax thro’ the lungs. ! Ithen layed bare the windpipe, and ha- ving cut it off a little below the Larynx, I affixed to it a bladder full of air, and then continued fucking air out of the Thorax, with 252 Analyfis of the Air. with a force fufficient to keep the lungs pretty much dilated. As the Mercury fub- fided in the gage, Irepeated the fuétion for a quarter of an hour, till a good part of the air in the bladder was either drawn thro’ the fubftance of the lungs into the Thorax, or had loft its elafticity. When I preffed the bladder, the Mercury fubfided the fafter; the Dog was all the while alive, and would probably have lived much longer, if the Experiment had been continued ; as is likely from the following Experiment, vz. EXPERIMENT CXIV. I tyed a middle fized Dog down alive on a table, and having layed bare his windpipe, I cut it afunder juft below the Larynx, and fixed faft to it the fmall end of a common foffet; the other end of the foffet had a large bladder tyed to it, which contained 162 cubick inches ; and to the other end of the bladder was tyed the great end of ano- ‘ther foffet, whofe orifice was covered with a valve, which opened inward, fo as to ad- mit any air that was blown into the bladder, but none could return that way; yet for fur- ther Analyfis of the Air. 253 ther fecurity, that paflage was alfo ftopped with a {piggot. As foon as the firft foffet was tyed faft to the windpipe, the bladder was blown full of air thro’ the other foffet ; when the Dog had breathed the air in the bladder to and fro . for a minute or two, he then breathed very faft, and fhewed great unealine{s, as being almoit fuffocated. Then with my hand I preffed the blad- derhard, fo asto drive the air into his lungs with fome force; and thereby make his 46- domen rife by the preffure of the Dzaphragm, as in natural breathings : Then taking alter- nately my hand off the bladder, the lungs with the Abdomen fubfided ; I continued in this manner, to make the Dog breathe for an hour; during which time I was ob- liged to blow frefh air into the bladder every five minutes, three parts in four of that air being either abforbed by the vapours of the lungs, or e{caping thro’ the ligatures, upon my prefling hard on the bladder. During this hour, the Dog was frequently near expiring whenever I preffed the air but weakly into his lungs; as I found by his pulfe, which was very plain to be fele in 254 Analyfis of the Air. in the great crural artery near the groin; which place an afliftant held his finger on moft part of the time; but the languid pulfe was quickly accelerated, fo as to beat faft ; foon after I dilated the lungs much, by pref- fing hard upon the bladder, efpecially when the motion of the lungs was promoted by prefling alternately the Abdomen and the bladder, whereby both the contraGtion and dilatation of the lungs was increafed. And I could by this means roufe the Jan- guid pulfe whenever I pleafed, not only at the end of every 5 minutes, when more air was blown into the bladder from a man’s lungs, but alfo towards the end of the 5 minutes, when the air was fulleft of fumes. At the end of the hour, I intended to try whether I could by the fame means have Kept the Dog alive fome time longer, when the bladder was filled with the fumes of bur- © ning Brimjtone: But being obliged to ceafe © for a little time from prefling the air into | his lungs, while matters were preparing for | thisadditional Experiment, inthe meantime the Dog dyed, which might otherwife have lived longer, if I had continued to force the air into his lungs. Now, Analyfis of the Aur. 255 Now, tho’ this Experiment was fo fre- quently difturbed, by being obliged to blow more air into the bladder twelve times du- ting the hour; yet fince he was almoft fuf- focated in lefs than two minutes, by breath- ing of himfelf to and fro the firft air in the bladder, he would by Experiment 106 on Candles, have dyed in lefs than two minutes, when one fourth of the old air remained in the bladder, immediately to taint the new admitted air from a man’s lungs; fo that his continuing to live thro’ the whole hour, muft be owing to the forcible dilata- tion of the lungs, by comprefling the blad- der, and not to the uzusfying fpirit of air. For without that forcible dilatation, he had, after the firft 5 or 10 minutes, been certainly dead in lefs than a minute, when his pulfe was fo very low and weak, which I did not find to be revived barely by blowing 3 parts in 4 of new air from the lungs of a “man into the bladder: But it was conftant- ly roufed and quickned, whenever I increafed the dilatations of the lungs, by comprefling the bladder more vigoroufly ; and that whe- ther it was at the beginning or end of each § minutes, yet it was more cafily quickned, 4 when 256 Analbyfis of the Air. when the bladder was at any time newly filled, than when it was near empty. From thefe violent and fatal effe@s of very noxious vapours on the refpiration and life of animals, we may fee how the refpi- yation is proportionably incommoded, when the air is loaded with leffer degrees of va- pours, which vapours do in fome meafure clog and lower the air’s elafticity ; which it beft regains by having thefe vapours dif- pelled by the ventilating motion of the free open air, which is rendered wholefome by the agitation of winds: Thus what we call a clofe warm air, fuch as has been long confined in a room, without having the va- pours in it carried off by communicating with the open air, is apt to give us more or lefs uneafinefs, in proportion to the quan- tity of vapours. which are floating in it. For which reafon the German ftoves, which heat the air in a room without a free admittance of frefh air to carry off the va- pours that are raifed, as alfo the modern invention to conyey heated air into rooms thro’ hot flues, feem not fo well contrived, to favour a free refpiration, as our common method of fires in open chimneys, which 4. | fires Aualyfis of the Aur. 257 fires are continually carrying a large ftream of heated air out of the rooms up the chime ney, which ftream muft neceffarily be fup- plied with equal quantities of frefh air, thro’ the doors and windows, or the cranics of them. And thus many of thofe who have weak lungs, but can breath well enough in the frefh country air, are greatly incommoded in their breathing, when they come into large cities where the air ts full of fuliginous vapours, arifing from innumerable coal fires, and ftenches from filthy lay-ftalls and fewers: And even the moft robuft and healthy in changing from a city to a country air, find an exhilarating pleafure, arifing from a more free and kindly infpiration, whereby the lungs being lefs loaded with condenfing air and vapours, and thereby the veficles more dilated, with a clearer and more claftick air, a freer courfe is thereby given to the blood, and probably a purer air mixed with it; andthis is one reafon why in the coun- my a ferene dry conttitution of the air is more exhilarating than a moift thick air. And for the fame reafon, “tis no wonder, that peftilential, and other noxious epide- S mical el VY 258 Aualyfis of the Arr. mical infe@ions are conveyed by the breath tothe blood (when we confider what great quantities of the airy vehicle lofes its ela- fticity among the veficles, whereby the in- fectious Mza/ma is lodged in the lungs. When I refle&t on the great quantities of elaftick air, which are deftroyed by bur- ning fulphur; it feems to me not improba- ble, that when an animial is killed by light- ning without any vifible wound, or imme- diate ftroke, that it may be done by the air’s elafticity, being inftantly deftroyed by the fulphureous lightning near the animal, whereby the Jungs will fall flat, and caufe fudden death; which is further confirmed by the flatnefs of the lungs of animals thus killed by lightning, their veficles being found upon difleétion to be fallen flat, and to have no air in them: The burfting alfo of glafs windows outwards, feems to be from the fame effect of lightning on the air’s elaf- ticity. = It is likewife by deftroying the air’s elaf ticity in fermented liquors, that lightning renders them flat and vapid: Fer fince ful- phureous fteams held near or under veffels will check redundant fermentation, as well as Analyfis of the Air, 259 as the putting of fulphureous mixtures into the liquor, ‘tis plain, thofe fteams can eafily penetrate the wood of the containing vef- fels. No wonder then, that the more fub- tile lightning fhould have the like effe&. I know not whether the common practice of Jaying a bar of iron on a veffel, be a good prefervative againft the ill effects of lightning on liquors I fhould think that the covering a veflel with a large cloth dipped in a ftrong brine, would be a better prefervative; for falts are known to be ftrong attracters of fulphur. The certain death which comes on the ex- plofion of Mines, feems to be effetted in the fame manner: For tho’ at firft there is a great expanfion of the air, which muft dilate the lungs, yet that air is no fooner filled with fuliginous vapours, but a good deal of its elafticity is immediately deftroyed : As in the cafe of burning Matches in Ex- periment 103, the heat of the flame at firft expanded the air; but notwithftanding the flame continued burning, it immediately contracted, and loft much of its elafticity, as foon as fome quantity of fulphureous ficams afcended in it. SZ W hich 260 Analy fis of the Aur. Which fteams have doubrlefs the fame effect on the air, in the lungs of Animals held over them; asin the Grotto di cani, or when a clofe room is filled with them, where they certainly fuffocate. It is found by Experiments 103, 106, and 107, that an air greatly charged with vapours lofes much of its elaflicity, which -is the reafon why fubterrancous damps fuf- focate Animals, and extinguifh the flame of Candles. And by Experiment 106, we fee that the fooner a Candle goes out, the faft- er the air lofes its elafticity. EXPERIMENT CXV. This put me upon attempting to find fome means to qualify and rebate the deadly noxi- , ous quality of thefe vapours : And in order to it, I put thro’ the hole, in the top of the air pump receiver (Fig. 32.) which con- tained two quarts, cone leg of an iron fyphon made of a gun barrel, which reached near to the bottom of the receiver: It was ce- mented faft at z, I tyed three folds of wool- Jen cloth over the orifice of the fyphon, which was in the receiver. The Candle went’ out in lefs than two minutes, tho’ I conti- | 4 nued Analyfis of the Air. 261 nued pumping all the while, and the air pafled fo freely thro’ the folds of cloth in- to the receiver, that the Mercury in the gage did not rife above an inch. When I put the other end of the fyphon into a hotiron pot, with burning Brim/ffone in it; upon pumping, the Candle went out in 15 feconds of a minute ; but when I took away the 3 folds of cloth, and drew the fulphureous ftcams thro’ the open fyphon, the light of the Candle was inftantly extin- guifhed; whence we fee the 3 folds of cloth preferved the Candle alight 15 “. And where the deadly quality of vapours in Mines is not fo ftrong as thefe fulphurcous ones were, ‘the drawing the breath thro’ many folds of woollen cloth may be a means to preferve life a little longer, in proportion to the more or lefs noxious quality of the damps. When, infiead of the 3 folds of cloth, I immerfed the end of the fyphon 3 inches deep in water in the veffel w, (Fig. 32.) tho’ upon pumping the fulphureous fumes did afcend vifibly thro’ the water, yet the Can- dle continued burning half a minute, z.e. dou- ble the time that it did when fumes pafied thro’ folds cf woollen cloth. 7 S 3 Ex- 262 Analyfis of the Air. EXPERIMENT CXVI. I bored a hole in the fide of a large wooden foffet a4, (Fig. 39.) and glewed into it the great end of another foffet #z, covering the orifice with a bladder valve r: Then I fit- ted a valve 8 z, to the orifice of the iron fyphon ff; fixing the end of the fyphon faft at 6 into the foflet 24: Then by means of narrow hoops I placed four Dzaphragms of flannel at half an inch diftance from each other, into the broad rim of a fieve, which was about 7 inches diameter. The fieve was fixed to, and had a free communication with both orifices of the fyphon, by means of two large bladders in no. The inftrument being thus prepared, pinch- ing my noftrils clofe, when I drew in breath with my mouth at a, the valve z 6 being thereby lifted up, the air paffed freely thro the fyphon from the bladders, which then {ubfided, and fhrunk confiderably : But when I breathed air out of my lungs, then the valve z 6 clofing the orifice of the fyphon, the - , alr paffed thro’ the valve r into the blad- ders, and thereby dilaced them; by which arti- HN ( 1 Na \ SSS SS Sug Re TINS il WC = at att || LALLA HM ATEN | | W\y\y is 3 5 ; ‘ * ie a ae! 7 ee Analyfis of the Aur. 263 artifice the air which I expired muft necef- farily pafs thro’ all the Dzaphragms, before it could be infpired into my lungs again. The whole capacity of the bladders and {y- phon was 4 or 5 quarts. Common fea falt, and Sa/ Totes being ftrong imbibers of fulphureous fteams, I dip- ped the four Diaphragms in firong folu- tions of thofe falts, as alfo in white wine vinegar, which is looked upon as a goad anti-peftilential: Taking care after each of thefe Experiments to cleanfe the fyphon and bladder well from the foul/air, by fil- ling them with.water. I could breath ‘too and fro the air inclofed in this infrument for a minute and half, when there‘ were no Diaphragms i in it; when the 4 Diaphragms were dipped in vinegar, 3 minutes ; whetkdipped i in a ftrong folution »-of fea falt, 3. minutes and/an half. In.a Lixi- vium of Sal Tartar, 3 minutes; when the ‘Diaphragms were dipped in the like Lixi- vium, and then well dryed, 5 minutes; and once 8 -++ + minutes, with very highly cal- cined Sal Tartar ; but whether this was ow- ing to the Zartar’s being greatly calcined, whereby it might more ftrongly attrac ful- S 4 phureous. 2164 Analyfis of the Air. phureous grofs vapours, or whether it was occafioned by fome unheeded paffage for the air thro’ the ligatures, I am uncertain; nei- ther did I care to afcertain the matter by re- peated Experiments, fearing I might thereby fome way injure my lungs, by frequently breathing in fuch grofs vapours. Hence Sal Tartar fhould be the beft pre- fervative againft noxious vapours, as being a very ftrong imbiber of fulphureous, acid and watry vapours, as is fea falt alfo: For ha- ving carefully weighed the 4 Diaphragms, before I fixt them in the inftrument, I found that they had increafed in weight 30 grains in five minutes; and it was the fame in two different tryals; fo they increafed in weight at the rate of I9 Ounces in 24 hours. From which deducting ~ part for the quantity of moifture, which I found thofe ‘Dzaphragms attracted in 5 minutes in the open air; there remains t5 -+ # ounces, for the weight of the moifture from the breath in 24 hours: But this is probably too great an allowance, confidering that the ‘Diphragms might at- tract more than 2 part from the moifture of the bladders and of the fyphon. I have Analyfis of the Aur. 265 I have found that when the Diaphragms had fome fmall degree of dampnefs, they increafed in weight fix grains in 3 minutes; but they made no increafe in weight jn the fame time, when in the open air: which fix grains in 3 minutes, is at the rate of a- bout 6 +- + ounces in 24 hours; and this is nearly the fame proportion of moifture that I obtained by breathing into a large receiver full of {fpunges. Burt the 6 grains imbibed by the four Dzaphragms in 3 mi-- nutes, was not near all the vapours which were in that bulk of inclofed air; for at the end of the 3 minutes, the often refpi- red air was fo loaded with vapours, whicle in that floating ftate were cafily, by their mutual attraction, formed into combina- tions of particles, too grofs to enter the mi_ nute veficles of the lungs, and was therefore unfit for refpiration ; fo that it is not eafic to determine what proportion is carried off by refpiration, efpecially confidering that fome of the infpired air, which has loft its ejafticity in the lungs, is mingled with it. But fuppofing 6 + + ounces to be the quan- tity of moifture carried off by refpiration in 24 hours, then the furface of the lungs | being 266 Analyfis of the Air: being kanes as above 21635 fquare inches only - part of an inch depth, will be _ evaporated off their inward furface in that “time, which is but ;4 part of the depth of what is perfpired off the furface of a man’s body in that time. If then life can by this means be fup- ported for 5 minutes with 4 Dzaphragms and a gallon of air, then doubtlefs, with double that quantity ofair and 8 Diaphragms we might well expect to live at leaft ro minutes. It was a confiderable difadvantage that I was obliged to make ufe of bladders, which had been often wetted and dried, fo that the unfavory fumes from them muft needs have contributed much to the unfitting the included air for refpiration: Yet there isa neceflity for making ufe of either blad- der or leather in thefe cafes; for we can- not breath to and fro the air of a veffel, — whofe fides will not dilate and contra in conformity with the expirations and in- {pirations, unlefs the veffel be very large, and too big to be conveniently portable. Having {topped up the wide fucking orifice © of a large pair of kitchen bellows, they be- ing firft dilated, I could breathe to and fro at Analyfis of the Air. es, at their nofe, theair contained in them for 3 minutes, without much inconvenience, they heaving and falling very eafily by the action of refpiration. Some fuch like in- ftrument might be of ufe in any cafe where a room was filled with {uffocating vapours, - where it might be necefflary to enter for a few minutes, in order to remove the caufe of them, or to fetch any perfon or thing out ; as in the cafe when honfes are firft beginning to fire, in the chymifts ela- boratories; and in many other cafes where places were filled with noxious deadly va- pours, as inthe cafe of ftink pots thrown into fhips, in mines, gre. But in every apparatus of this kind great care muft always be taken, that the inf{pira- tion be as free as poffible, by making large paffages and valves to play moft eafily. For tho’ aman by a peculiar a¢tion of his mouth and tongue may fuck Mercury 22 inches, and fome men 27 or 28 high; yet I have found by experience, that by the bare in. fpiring ation of the Diaphragm, and dilat- ing Thorax, 1 could fcarcely raife the Mer- eury 2 inches. At which time the Dyza- phragm muftact with a force equal to the weight 268 Analyfis of the Air. weight of a Cylinder of Mercury, whofe bafe is commenfurate to the area of the ‘Dia- phragm, and its height 2 inches, whereby the Diaphragm mut at that time fuftain a weight equalto many pounds. Neither are its counter-acting mufcles, thofe of the 4bdo- men, able to exert a greater force. For notwithftanding a man, by ftrongly comprefling a quantity of air included in his mouth, may raife a column of Mercury in an inverted fyphon, to 5 or 7 inches height, yet he cannot with his utmoft ftrainings raife it above 2 inches, by the contracting force of the mufcles of the Abdomen; whence we fee that our loudeft vociferations are made with aforceof air nogreater than this. So that any fmall impediment in breathing will haften the {uffocation, which confifts chiefly in the falling flat of the lungs, occafioned by the grofinefs of the particles of a thick noxious air, they being in that floating ftate moft eafily attratted by each other: As we find in the foregoing experiments that fulphur and the elaftick repelling particles of air do: And confe- quently unelaftick, fulphureous, faline and other floating particles will moft eafily -_coalefee, me / Analyfis of the Air. 269 coalefce, whereby they are rendred too grofs to enter the minute velicles; which are alfo much contracted, as well by the lofs of the elafticity of the contained air, as by the con- traction occafioned by the flimulating, acid, fulphureous vapours. And ’tis not impro- bable that one great defign of nature, in the firucture of this important and wonderful vifcus, was to frame its veficles fo very minute, thereby effectually to hinder the ingrefs of grofs feculent particles, which might be injurious to the animal oeconomy. This quality of falts ftrongly to attraé fulphureous, acid and other noxious particles, might make them very beneficial to man- kind in many other refpects. Thus in fe- yeral unwholfome trades, as the fmelters of metals, the cerufs-makers, the plumbers, gre. it might not unlikely be of good {exvice to them in preferving them in fome meafure at leaft, from the noxious fumes of the ma- terials they deal in, which by many of the foregoing experiments we are affured muft needs coalefce with the elaftick air in the Jungs, and be lodged there; to prevent which inconvenience the workmen might; while they are at work, make ufe of pretty broad 270 Analyfis of the fur. broad mufflers, filled with 2,4, or more Diaphragms of flannel or cloth dipped in — a folution of Sa/ Tartar, or Pot-afb, or Sea Salt and then dryed. The like mufflers might alfo be of fervice in many cafes where perfons may have urgent occafion to go fora fhort time into an in- fectious air: Which mufflers might, by an eafy contrivance, be fo made as-to draw in breath thro’ the Dzaphragms, and to breathe it out by another vent. In thefe andthe like cafes this kind of mufflers may be very ferviceable; but in the cafe of the damps of mines they are by ~ mo means to be depended on, becaufe they are not a fufficient fcreen from fo very noxious vapours. EXPERIMENT CXVIL. We have from the following Experiment a good hint, to make thefe Salts of fervice tousin fome other refpetts, oc. i feta lighted Candle under a large re- ceiver (Fig. 35.) which contained about 4 gallons, it continued burning for 3 +-¢ minutes, in which time it had abforbed about a Analyfis of the Air. 271 = oe of air. I then filled the receiver with frefh air, by pouring it full ‘of water, and then emptying of it; when having wiped it dry, I lined “all the infide with a piece of flannel dipped in a lixivium of Sa/ Tartar, and then dryed; the flannel was ex- tended with little hoops made of pliant twigs. The Candle continued burning under the re- ceiver thus prepared 3 -+- 3 minutes, yet it abforbed but two thirds of the quantity of air, wjfich it abforbed when there was no flangic in the receiver. The reafon of which difference in the , quantities of elaftick air abforbed, appears "from Experiment 106. where leaft air was always abforbed in leaft receivers, which was the prefent cafe: For the flannel lining, befides the {pace it took up, could not be fo clofely adapted, but that there was left a full third of the capacity of the receiver, between the lining and the receiver: So that the Candle burnt in a bulk of air lefS by one third thanthe whole capacity ofthe receiver; for which reafon lefs air alfo was abforbed. And we may further obferve, that fince the Candle continued burning as long in a quantity of alr, equal but to two thirds of the. 272 Mnalyfis of the Abr. the receiver, as in the whole air of the re- ceiver ; this muft be owing to the Sal Tartar in the flannel lining, which muft needs have abforbed one third of the fuliginous vapours, which arofe from the burning Candle. Hence we may not unreafonably conclude, that the pernicious quality of noxious vapours in the air might, in many cafes, be much rebated and qualified by the ftrongly abforbing power of Salts. , Whether Saits will have a good effe& in all, or any of thefe cafes, experience will beft inform us. There is certainly fufficient ground, from many of the foregoing Experi- ments, to encourage us to make the tryal, and they may at leaft be hints for further im- | provements. | We fee that Candles and burning Brim- | ffone do in a much greater degree deftroy the elafticity of the air, than the breath of Animals; becaufe their vapours are more. plentiful, and abound more with acid fal- phureous particles, and are alfo lefs diluted with watry vapours, than the breath of Ant- mals is: In which alfo there are fulphureous patticles, tho’ in lefler degrees, for the ani- mial fluids, as well as folids, are ftored with them: Analyft s of the Aur. 273 them: And therefore the Candle and Matches ceafing to burn, foon after they are confined in a {mall quantity of air, feems not to be owing to their having rendred that air effete, by having confumed its vevefying fpirit ; but fhould rather be owing to the great quantity of acid fuliginous vapours, with which that air is charged, which deftroy a good deal of its clafticity, and very much clog and retard the claftick motion of the remainder. And the effect the half exhaufting of a receiver has upon the elafticity of the re- maining half of the air, feems to be the rea- fon why the flame of a Candle does not continue burning, till it has filled the recei- ver it ftands in with fumes, but goes out the quicker, the fooner the air is drawn out to that degree ; which feems therefore to be owing to this, that an dir rarified to double its fpace, will not expand fo briskly with the warmth of flame, as a more condenfed air will da: And confequently ation and re-action being reciprocal, will not give fo brisk a motion to the flame, which fubfifts by a conftant fucceffion of freth air, to fup- ply the place of the either abforbed, or much dilated air, which is continually flying off. T And 274 Analy/is of the Air. And the quicker the fucceflion of this frefh air is, by blowing, the more vigoroufly does a fire burn. If the continuance of the burning of the Candle be wholly owing to the vivsfying fpirit, then fuppofing in the cafe of a recei- ver, capacious enough for a Candle to burn a minute in it, that half the vzvzfying /pirit be drawn out with half the air, in ten fe- conds of time; then the Candle fhould not go out at the end of thofe ro feconds, but burn 20 feconds more, which it does not; therefore the burning of the Candle is not wholly owing to the vivifying fpirit, but to certain degrees of the air’s elafticity. | When a wholly exhaufted receiver was by means of a burning glafs firft filled with the fumes of brown paper with N7¢re, and then filled with frefh air, the nitrous paper upon applying the burning glafs did freely deto- nize; and a Candle put into a like air, burnt for 28”; which in a frefh air, in the famey receiver, burnt but 43 “; but when the fame receiver with air in it, was filled full of fumes of detonized Nztre, and a Candle placed in that thick vapour, it went out inftantly, for a Candle will not burn, nor the Ainalyfis of the Ar. 275 the Nitre detonize in a very rare, nor a very thick air; whence the reafon why the Nitre detonized, and the Candle burnt, when placed in the receiver, after frefh air was let in upon the fumes which were made 7” vacuo, was that thofe fumes were much difperfed and condenfed on the fides of the glafs, upon the rufhing in of the frefh air, for the fumes were then much more rare aud tranfparent, than before the air was let in. That a Fire which is fupplied with a hot air will not burn fo briskly as a Fire which is fed by a cool air is evident from hence ; that when the Suz fhines on a Fire, and there- by too much rarifies the ambient air, that Fire will not burn well, nor will a fmall Fire burn fo well near a large one as at fome diftance from it. And e confra, it isa common obfervation, that in very cold frofty weather Fires burn moft briskly ; the reafon of which f{eems to be this, that the elaftick expanfion of the cold condenfed air to a rarified ftate, when it enters the Fire,.ismuch brisker than that of an air already rarified in a good meafure by heat, before it enters the Fire ; and confequently a continued fuc- T 2 ceflion 276 Analy fis of the Aur. ceffion of cold air muft give a brisker motion to the Fire, than the like fucceflion of hot air: And fuch colder and more condenfed air will alfo (as Sir I/aac Newton obferves, qu. ir.) by its greater weight check the afcent of the vapours and exhalations of the Fire, more than a warmer lighter air. So that between the attion and re-action of the air and f{ulphur of the fuel, and of the colder and denfer cirumambient air, which rarifies much upon entering the Fire, the heat of the Fire is greatly increafed. This continual fupply of frefh air to the fuel feems hence alfo very necefflary for Keeping a Fire alive; becaufe it is found, that a Brimfione Match will not take Fire in avacuum, but only boil and {moak; nor will Nitre incorporated into Brown Paper then detonize, except here and there a fingle grain, that part only of the Paper turning black on which the focus of the burning glafs falls; nor would they burn when a half exhaufted receiver with fumes in it was filled with frefh air added to thofe fumes: In which cafe it is plain, that a good quantity of the fuppofed vzvifying fpirit of air muft enter the receiver with the frefh air, and confe- quently Analyfis of the Air. 277 quently thofe f{ubftances fhould take fire, and burn fora fhort time at leaft, which yet they did not. And that the air’s clafticity conduces much to the intenfe burning of Fires, feems evident from hence; that Spirzt of Nitre (which by Experiment 75 has but little elaftick air init) when poured upon live Coa/s, ex- tinguifhes inftead of invigorating them: But Sprit of Nitre, when by being mixt with Sal Tartar itis reduced to Nitre, will then flame, when thrown into the Fire, vzz. be- caufe Sal Tartar abounds with elaftick aereal particles, as appears by Experiment 74, where 224 times its bulk of air arofe from a quan- tity of Sal Tartar. And for the fame reafon it is that common N7tre, when thrown into the Fire, flames, tho’ its Sprit will not, vzz. becaufe there is much elaftick air in it, as appears from Experiment 72, as well as from © the great quantity of it, generated in the firing of Gun-powder. | The reafon why Sa/ Fartar, when thrown on live Coals, does not detonize and flame like Notre, (notwithftanding by Experiment 74. plenty of elaftick particles did arife from it) is this, wz. becaufe by the fame Experi- T 3 ment, 278 Analysis of the Air. ment, compared with Experiment 72, it is found, that amuch more intenfe degree of heat was required to extricate the elaftick air from Sa/ Tartar, the more fix’d body, than from N7tre; the great degree of Fire vith which Sf Tartar is made, rendering the cohefion of its parts more firm: For it is” well known that fire, inftead of difuniting, does in many cafes infeparably unite the parts of bodies: And hence it is that Pulvss fulminans, which isa mixture of Sa/ Tartar, Nitre and fulphur, gives a greater explofion than Gun-powder: Becaufe the particles of the Sa/ Tartar, cohering more firmly in a fix’d ftate than thofe of Nitre, they are there- fore thrown off with a greater repulfive force, by the united action and re-ation of all thofe ingredients armed each with its acid Sporit. Bae RIMENT CXVIIL Which acid Spérits confifting of a volatile acid Sa/¢ diluted in phlegm do contribute much tothe force of explofion ; for when heat- €d to a certain degree, they make a great exe plofion, like water heated to the fame degree, as Analyfis of the Aur. 279 asI found by dropping a few drops of Spzrst of Nitre, oil of Vitriol, water, and fpittle on an Anvil; and then holding over thofe drops a piece of ron which had a white heat given it; upon firiking down the hot Iron with a large Hammer, there was a very great explofion made by each of thofe liquors: But frothy fpittle, which had air init, made a louder expiofion than water; which fhews that the vaft explofion of the Notre and Sal Tartar, which are compofed of elaftick air particles, included in an acid Spzrzt, is owing to their united force. We may therefore from what has been faid, with good reafon conclude, that Fire is chiefly invigorated by the action and re-ac- . tion of the acid fulphureous particles of the fuel, and the elaftick ones which arife and en- ter the Fire, either from the fuelin which they abound, or from the circumambient air: For by Experiment 103, and many others, acid fulphureous particles a@t vi- goroufly on air; and finceadtion and re-action are reciprocal, fo muft air on fulphur; and there is, we fee, plenty ofboth, as well in mineral as vegetable fuel, as alfo in animal fubftances, for which reafon they will burn. rt 4 But 280 Analyfis of the Ahir. But when the acid fulphur, which we fee acts vigoroufly on air, is taken out of any fuel, the remaining Sa/t, Water and Earth are not inflammable, but on the contrary quench and retard fire; and as air cannot produce fire without fulphur, fo neither can fulphur burn without air: Thus Charcoal heated to anintenfe degree for many hours in a clofe veffel will not burnasin the open air, it will only be red hot all the time like a mats of Gold without wafting: But no fooner is it expofed to the free air, but the fulphur, by the violent action and re-action between that andthe elaftick air, is {oon fe- parated and carried off from the Salt and Earth, which are thereby reduced from a folid and hard to a foft impalpable calx. And when a Brimftone Match which was — placed in an exhaufted receiver was heated by the focus of a burning glafs fo asto melt the Brimftone, yet it did not kindle into fire nor confume, notwithftanding the ftrength and vigour of the action and re-aGtion that is obferved between light and fulphure- ous bodies. Which is afligned by the illuf trious Sir Ifzac Newton, as “ one reafon ‘< why fulphureous bodies take fire more « readily, &&> Analyfis of the Au. 281 readily, and burn more vehemently than “ other bodies do, qu. 7. What his notion of fire and flame is, he gives us in qu. 9.and 10, qu. 9. “Is not fire a body heated <¢ fo hot as to emit light copioufly? For €¢ € ~ ¢¢ a4 o € cc €£ what elfe is a red hot frog than fire? And what elfe is a burning Coa/, than red hor Wood? Qu. 10. Is not flame a vapour, fume or exhalation heated red hot, that is, {o hot as to flame? For bodiesdo not flame without emitting a copious fume, and this fume burns in the flame.——Some bodiesheated by motion or fermentation, if the heat grow intenfe, fume copioufly, and ifthe heat be great enough, the fumes will fhine and become flame: Metalsin fufion do not flame for want of a copious fume,except {pelter which fumes-copioufly, and thereby flames: All flaming bodies, as Oil, Tallow, Wax, Wood, foflil Coals, - Pitch, Sulphur, by flaming wafte and vanifh into burning {moak; which {moak, if the flame be put out, is very thick and vifible, and fometimes {mells ftrongly, but in flame lofes its fmell by burning; and ac- cording to the nature of the {moak the flame is of feveral colours, as that of * fulphur, 282. Analyfis of the Air. “ ~ Aw n~ cé ee €¢ fulphur, blue; that of copper opened with {ublimate, green; that of tallow, yellow; that of camphire, white; fmoak paffing thro’ flame cannot but grow red hot, and red hot {moak can have no other appea- rance than that of flame.” But Mr. Lemery the younger fays, “ that the matter of light produces fulphur, be- ing mixt with compofitions of falt, earth and water, and that all inflammable mat- ters are fuch only in vertue of the par- ticles of fire which they contain. For in the Analyfis, fuch inflammable bodies produce falt, earth, water, and a certain fubtle matter, which paffes thro’ the clofeft veffels, fo that what pains foever the ar- tift ufes, not to lofe any thing, he ftill finds a confiderable diminution of weight. ‘¢ Now thefe principles of falt, earth and water are inactive bodies, and of no ufe, in the compofition of inflammable bo- dies, but to detain and arreft the parti- cles of fire, which are the real and only matter of flame. << It appears therefore to be the matter of flame that the artift lofes in decom- pounding inflammable bodies, Mem. de L Acad. Anno 1713.” But Analyfis of the Aur. 28 3 But by many of the preceding Experi- ments, it is evident, that the matter loft in the Analyfis of thefe bodies was elaf- fick. aig, «4, very. achive principle, in fire, but not an elemental fire, as he fuppofes, << Mr. Geoffrey compounded fulphur of < acid Salt, Bitumen, a little Earth and o7/ < of Tartar.” Mem. del Acad. Anno 1703. In which oi/ of Tartar there is much air by Experiment 74, which air was doubtlefs by its elafticity very inftrumental in the inflam- mability of this artificial fulphur. Iffire was a particular diftinG kind of body inherent in fulphur, as Mr. Homberg, Mr. Lemery, and fome others imagin, then fuch fulphureous bodies, when ignited, fhould rarify and dilate all the circumambient air ; whereas it is found by many of the preced- ing Experiments, that acid fulphureous fuel conftantly attracts and condenfes a confide- rable part of the circumambient claftick air. An argument, that there is no fire endued with peculiar properties inherent in fulphur, and alfo that the heat of fire confifts prin- cipally in the brisk vibrating aG@tion and re- action, between the elaftick repelling air, and the ftrongly attracting acid fulphur,which fulphur 284 | Analysis of the Air. falphur in its Analyfis is found to contain an inflammable oil, an acid Salt, avery fixt earth, and a little metal. Now fulphur and air are fuppofed to be acted by that ethereal medium, “ by which é¢ ce €é €é € ~ ee ce €€ (the great Sir L/aac Newton {uppofes ) light is refraéted and reflected, and by whofe vibrations light communicates heat to bodies, and is put into fits of eafic reflection, and eafie tranf{miflion: And do not the vibrations of this medium in hot bodies contribute to the intenfe- nefs and duration of their heat? And do not hot bodies communicate their heat to contiguous cold ones, by the vibra- ‘tions of this medium, propagated from them into cold ones? And is not this medium exceedingly more rare and fub- tle than the air, and exceedingly more elaftick and active? And does it not rea- dily pervade all bodies, Optick qu. 18. ‘ The elaftick force of this medium, in proportion to its denfiry, muft be above 499,000,000,000 times greater than the elaftick force of the air is, in propor- tion to its ‘denfity, ibid, qu. 21.” A force ba Sufficient to give ‘an intenfe degree of heat, 3 ie efpecially Analyfis of the Aur. rte efpecially when its elafticity is much increaf- ed by the brisk action and re-action of par- ticles of the fuel and ambient air. From this manifeft attraction, action and reaction, that there is between the acid, ful- phureous and elaftick aereal particles, we may not unreafonably conclude, that what we call the fire particles in Lime, and feve- ral other bodies, which have undergone the fire, are the fulphurcous and elaftick parti- cles of the fire fixt in the Lime ; which par- ticles, while the Lime was hot, were in a very active, attraéting and repelling ftate ; and being, as the Lime cooled, detained in the folid body of the Lime, at the feveral attraGting and repelling diftances, they then happened to be at, they muft neceflarily continue in that fixt ftate, notwithftanding the ethereal medium, which is fuppofed freely to pervade all bodies, be continu- ally folliciting them to action: But when > the folid fubftance of the Lime is diffolved, by the affufion of fome liquid, being there- by emancipated, they are again at liberty to be influenced and agitated by each other's attraction and repulfion, upon which a vio- lent ebullition enfues; from the adtion and | | re-action 286 Analyfis of the Aur, re-action of thefe particles, which ebullition ceafes not, till one part of the elaftick par- ticles are {ubdued and fix’d by the ftrong attration of the fulphur, and the other part is got beyond the fphere of its attraction, and thereby thrown off into true permanent air: And that this is a probable folution of the matter, there is good reafon to con- clude, from the frequent inftances we have in many of the foregoing Experiments, that plenty of elaftick air is at the fame time both generated and abforbed by the fame fermenting mixture ; fome of which were obferved to generate more air than they ab- forbed, and others e contra abforbed more than they generated, which was the cafe of Lime. EXPERIMENT CXIX, And that the fulphureous and aereal par- ticles of the fire are lodged in many of thofe bedies which it a&s upon, and thereby con- fiderably augments their weight, is very evi- dent in Minium or Red Lead, which is ob- ferved to increafe in weight about 3, part in undergoing the ation of the fire. The | acquired Analyfis of the Aur. 28% acquired rednefs of the Minium, indicating the addition of plenty of fulphur in the o- peration: For fulphur, as it is found to a& moft vigoroufly on light, fo it is apt to refle& the ftrongeft, uzz. the red rays; and that there is good ftore of air added to the Minium, I found by diftilling firft 1922 grains of Lead, from whence I obtained only feven cubick inches of air; but from 1922 grains, which was a cubick inch of Red Lead, there arofe in the like {pace of time 34 cubick inches of air; a great part of which air was doubtlefs abforbed by the fulphureous particles of the fuel, in the reverberatory furnace, in which the Mi- nium was made; for by Experiment 106. the more the fumes of a fire are confined, the greater quantity of elaftick air they ab. forb. : It was therefore doubtlefs this quantity of air in the Minium which burft the her- metically fealed glafles of the excellent Mr. Boyle, when he heated the Minium con- tained in them by a burning glafs; but the pious and learned Dr. Neeuwentyt at- tributes this effect wholly to the expan- fion of the fire particles lodged in the Mi- 3 nlum, 288 Analyfis of the fur. nium, ‘ he fuppofing fire to be a parti- << cular fluid matter, which maintains its “ owneflence, and figure, remaining always “ fire, tho’ not always burning. Religious «« Philofopher, p. 310.” To the fame caufe alfo, exclufive of the air, he attributes the vaft expanfion of a mixture of compound Aqua-fortzs and oil of Carraways, whereas by Exper. 62. there is a great quantity of air in all o/s. And by pouring fome compound Aqua-fortis on oil of Cloves, the mixture expanded into a fpace equal to 720 times the bulk of the oil, that part of the expanfion, which was owing to the watry part of the oz/ and /pi- rit was foon contracted ; whereas the other part of the expanfion, which was owing to the elaftick air of the o#/, was not all con- tracted, till the next day, by which time the fulphureous fumes had reforbed it. The learned Boerhaave would have it, that putrefaction is the effe& of inherent fire. He fays, ‘ that vegetables alone are ‘the fubje&t of fermentation, but both ‘« vegetables and animals of putrefaétion ; ‘¢ which operations he attributes to very ‘ different caufes, the immediate caufe of fermen- a {am Analy fis of the Aur: 285 é« ferrhentation is (he fays) the motion of *¢ the air intercepted between the fluid and *¢ vifcous parts of the fermenting liquor 5 <‘ but the caufe of putrefaétion is fire it << felf, collected or included within the *« putrefying fubje&, Proce/s. 77.” Butl do not fee why thefe may not reafonably e- nough be looked upon as the effects of dif. ferent degrees of fermentation ; nutrition being the genuine effet of that degree of it, in which the fum of the attraG@ing ac- tion of the particles is much fuperior to the fum of their repulfive power: But when their repelling force far exceeds their attrac- tive, then the component parts of vegeta blesare diffolved. Which diffolving fubftances, when they are diluted with much hquor, do not acquire a great heat in the diffolution, the brisknefs of the inteftine motion being checked by the liquor: But when they are only moift, like green and damp Hay, in a Jarge heap, then they acquire a violent heat, fo as to fcorch, burn and flame, whereby the union of their conftituent parts being more throughly diffolved, they will neither produce a vinous, nor an acid fpirit: Which great degree of {olution may well be effected U bY, 290 Analy/is of the Ai. by this means, without the action ofa fire; fuppofed to be included within the putre- fying fubje@. Wherefore according to the old Axiom, Lutia non funt temere neque abfque neceffitate multiplicanda. If the notion of fermentation be reftrained to the greater repelling degrees of fermen- tation, in which denfe it has commonly been underftood; thenit is as certain, that the juices of vegetables and animals do not ferment in a healthy ftate, asitis, that they do not at the fame time coalefce and difu- nite: But if fermentation be taken in a larger fenfe, for any the {malleft to the grea- teft degree of inteftine motion of the par- ticles of a fluid, then all vegetable and ani- mal fluids are in a natural ftate, in fome degree of ferment, for they abound both with elaftick and fulphureous particles: And it may with as much reafon be argued, that there is no degree of warmth in animals and vegetables, becaufe a great degree of — heat will caufe a folution of continuity, as _— to fay, there is no degree of ferment in the fluids of thofe bodies, becaufe a great repel- ling degree of ferment will moft certainly diffolve them. | J : | That Analyfis of the Aur. 291 That illuftrious Philofopher Sir I/aac New- tov, in his thoughts about the nature of a- cids, gives this rational account of the na- ture of fermentation. ‘¢ The particles of ce €¢ é¢ Ce GE i 4 é¢ c¢ (49 ce acids——-are endewed with a great attractive force, in which force their adtivity con- fits——By this attraGtive force they get about the particles of bodies, whether they be of a metallick or ftony nature, and adhere to them moft clofely on all fides, fo that they can fcarce be feparated from them, by diftillation or fublimation ; when they are attracted and gathered to- ‘gether about the particles of bodies, they raife, disjoyn, and fhake them one from another, that is, they diflolve thofe bodies. “ By their attractive force alfo, by which they rufh towards the particles of bodies, they move the fluid, and excite heat, and they fhake afunder fome particles, fo much as to turn them into air, and generate bubbles : And thisis the reafon of diffo- lution, and all violent fermentation. Hare ris Lexicon Tech, Vol. U1. introduétion.” Thus we have from thefe Experiments many manifeft proofs of confiderable quan- tities Of true permanent air, which are by U2 means 292 Analy fis of the Aur. means of fire and fermentation raifed from, and abforbed by animal, vegetable and mi- nieral fubftances. That this air confifts of particles which are in a very active ftate, repelling each other with force, and thereby conftituting the fame kind of elaftick fluid with common air, is plain from its raifing the Mercury in Expe-_ riment 88 and 89, and from its continu- ing in that elaftick ftate for many months, tho’ cooled by fevere frofts ; whereas watry vapours, tho’ they expand much with hear, yet are found immediately to condenfe in- to their firft dimenfions when cold. The air generated by fire was not, in many inftances, feparated without great vio- Tenice. from the fix’d ‘bodies; “in weichae Was incorporated; as in the cafe of Nitre, Tartar, SalTartar and Copperas: whence it fhould feem, that the air generated from thefe Salts, may probably be very inftru- mental in the union of Salts, as well as that central, denfer and compacter particle of earth, which, Sir L/aac Newton obferves, does by its attraction make the watry acid - flow round it, for compofing the particles of Salt. qd. 31. For fince upon the diffolution of Analyfis of the Air. 293 of the conftituent parts of Salt by fire, it is found, that upon feparating and volatilizing the acid f{pirit, the air particles do in great abundance rufh forth from a fixt to a re- pelling elaftick ftate ; it muft needs be, that thefe particles did in their fixt ftate ftrongly attract the acid fpirits, as well as the ful- phureous earthy parts of the Salt; for the moft ftrongly repelling and elaftick parti- cles are obferved, in a fixt ftate, to be the moft ftrongly attracting. But the watry acid, which when feparated from Salt by the action of fire, makes a very corrofive fuming {pirit, will not make elaf- tick air, tho’ its parts were put into a brisk motion by fire in Exper. 75. And the event was the fame with feveral other volatile | fubftances, as volatile Salt of Sal Ammoni- ac, Camphire and Brandy, which tho’ di- tilled over with a confiderable heat, yet generated no elaftick air, in Exper. 52, 61) 66. Whence ’tis plain, the acid vapours in the air only float in it like the watry va- pours; and when ftrongly attracted by the elaftick particles of the air, they firmly ad- here to them, and make Salts, U3 Thus 294 Analyfis of the Air. Thus in Experiment 73 we fee by the vaft quantity of air there is found in Tartar, that tho’ it contains the other principles of vegetables, yet air with fome volatile Salt feems to make up a confiderable part of its compofition ; which air, when by the aGion of fire it is more firmly united with the — earth, and acid fulphureous particles, requires a more intenfe degree of heat, to extricate it from thofe adhering fubftances, as we find in the diftillation of Sa/ Tartar, Exper. 74. which Air and volatile Salt are moft readily feparated by fermentation. And by Experiment 72, plenty of air arifes alfo from Nitre, at the fame time that the acid {pirit is feparated from it by the action of fire. We find alfo by Experiment 71, that fome air is by the fame means obtained from common fea Salt, tho’ not in fo great plenty, nor fo eafily, as from Tartar and Nz- tre, it being a more fixt body, by reafon of the fulphur which abounds in it; neither is it fo eafily charged in animal bodies, as other Salts are, yet fince it fertilizes ground, it muft needs be changed by vegetables. There Analyfis of the Air. 295 There is good reafon alfo to fufpect, that thefe acid fpirits are not wholly free from air particles, notwithftanding there were no elaftick ones produced, when they were put into a brisk motion, by the action of fire in Experiment 75. which might be occafioned by the great quantity of acid fpirit, in which they were involved. For we fee in Expe- riment 90, that when the acid fpirit of Agua Regia was more ftrongly attracted by the diffolying gold, than by the air particles, then plenty of air particles, which were thus freed from the acid fpirit, did continu- ally arife from the Agua Regia, and not from the gold, at leaft not from the metal- lick particles of the gold, for that lofes no- thing of its weight in the folution ; fothat if any does arife from the gold, it muft be what may be latent in the pores of the gold. Whence it is probable, that the air which is obtained by the fermenting mixture of acid and alkaline fubftances may not arife wholly from the diffolved alkaline body, but in part alfo from the acid. Thus the great quantity of elaftick air, which in Exper. 83. is generated from the mixture of Vinegar and Oyfterfhell, may as well arife in part U 4 from 196 Aualyfis of the chr. from the Tartar, to which Vinegar owes its acidity, as from the diffolved Oyfterfhell. And what makes it further probable is, that the Vinegar lofesits acidity in the ferment, chat is its Tartar : for diffolving menftruums are generally obferved to be changed in fer- mentation, as well as the diflolved body. Have we not reafon alfo hence to con- clude, that the energy of acid {pirits may in fome meafure be owing to the ftrongly at- tracting air particles in them;. which adtive principles may give an impetus to the acid fpicule, as well as the earthy oily matter, which is found in thefe acid {pirits? There are we fee alfo great ftore of air particles found in the Analyfis of the blood, which arifes doubtelefs as well form the /erum as from the eraffamentum, forall the animal fluids and folids have air, and fulphur in them: Which ftrongly attraGting principles feem to be more intimately united together in the more perfe& and elaborate part of it, its red globules; fo that we may not unrea- fonably conclude, that air isa band of union here, as well as in Salts: And accordingly we find the greateft plenty of air in the moft _ folid parts of the body, where the cohefion of Analyfis of the Aur. 297 | pf the parts is the ftrongeft : For by compa. ‘ring Experiment 49 and 51. we fee that ‘much more air was found in the diftilla- tion of horn than of blood. And the co- hefion of animal fubftances was not, as we find by the fame Experiment, diffolved even in the blood, without confiderable violence — of fire ; tho’ it is fometimes done to a fa. tal degree in our blood, by that more {ub- tile diffolvent fermentation: But we may obferve, that volatile Salts, Spirits, and ful- phureous Oil, which are at the fame time feparated from thefe fubftances, will not make elaftick air. EXPERIMEN E°CXX. ! As elaftick air is thus generated by the force of fire, from thefe and many other {ubftances ; fo isthe elafticity of the air great- ly deftroyed by fulphureous bodies. Sir I/aac Newton obferves, “ that as light a&s upon “ fulphur, fo fince all action is mutual, ful- «< phurs ought to act moft upon light.” And the fame may be obferved of air and ful2 phur; for by Experiment 103; it is found that burning {ulphur, which is avery ftrongly attracting 298 Analyfis of the Air. attracting fubftance, powerfully attraéts and fixes the elaftick particles of air; fo that there muft needs be agood quantity of un-elaftick air particles in oil and flower of fulphur : The firft of which is made by burning ful- phur under a bell, the other by fublimation : In further confirmation of this it is obferved, that Oleum Sulphuris per Campanam is with more difficulty made in a dry than a moift air; and I have found by Experiment purpofe- ly made, that a Candle which burnt 70” ina very dry receiver, burnt but 64” in the fame receiver, When filled with the fumes of hot water; and yet abforbed one fifth part more air, than when it burnt longer in the dry air. | Sulphur not only abforbs the air when burning in a homogeneal mafs, but alfo in many fermenting mixtures; and as Sir J/aac Newton obferved the attractive and refraétive power of bodies to be greater or lefs, as they partook more or lef{s of fulphureous oily par- ticles; fo there is good reafon from thefe Experiments to attribute the fixing of the elaftick particles of the air to the ftrong attraction of the fulphureous particles with which he fays it’s probable that all bodies abound moreorlef&, or That Analyfis of the Air. 199 That great plenty of air is united with fulphur in the oil of vegetables, is evident from the quantity of air that arofe from the diftillation of oils of Annifeeds and Olives, in Experiment 62. When by fermentation the conftituent parts of a vegetable are {e- parated, part of the air flies off in fermen- tation into anelaftick ftate; part unites with the effential Salt, Water, Oil and Earth, which | conftitute the Tartar which adhere to the fides of the veffel; the remainder which continues in the fermented liquor, is there, fome of it, in a fix’d, and fome in an elaftick ftate, which gives brisknefs to the liquor ; their expanding bubbles rifing of a very vifible fize when the weight of the incum- bent air istaken off the liquor ina vacuum, And as there was found a greater quantity of air in the deer’s horn, than in blood; we may alfo obferve it to be in a much sreater proportion in the more folid parts of vegetables, than in their fluid: For we find in Experiment 55. 57. and 60. that near one third part of the fubftance of the Peafe, heart of Oak and Tobacco, were by the ac- tion of fire changed from an un-elaftick ftate, to an claftick air; And fince a much : greater 300 Analyfis of the Aur. greater proportion of air is found in the folid than the fluid parts of bodies; may we not with good reafon conclude, that it is very inftrumental, as a band of union in thofe bodies, ‘* Thofe particles (as Sir Ifaac Newton obferves) <* receding from one « another with the greateft repulfive force, «¢ and being moft difficultly brought together, «¢ which upon contact cohere moft ftrongly. gu. 31.” And if the attraction of cohefion of anun-elaftick air particle be proportion- able to its repulfive force in an elaftick ftate ; then fince its elaftick force is found to be fo vaftly great, fo muft that of its cohefion be alfo. Sir Lfaac Newton calculates from the infleGtion of the rays of light, that the attracting force of particles, near the point of contact, is 10000,0000,0000,c000 greater than the force of gravity. Sulphur in a quiefcent fix’d ftate in a large body doesnot abforb the elaftick air, for a hard roll of Brimftone does not abforb air: But when fome of that Brimftone, by being powdered and mixt with filings of fron, is {et a fermenting, and thereby reduced into very minute particles, whofe attraction increafes, as their fize decreafes; then it abforbs Analyfis of the Air. 301 abforbs elaftick air vigoroufly : As may be feen in many inftances under Experiment 95. The Walton mineral, in which there is a good quantity of fulphur, did, when Com- pound Agua-fortis was pour'd on it, in Ex- periment 96, make a confiderable fermen- tation, and abforb a great quantity of elaftick air: But when the ferment was much in- creafed, by adding an equal quantity of water to the like mixture, then inftead of abforbing 85 cubick inches as before, it. generated 80 cubick inches of air: So that fermenting mixtures, which have fulphur in them, donot always abforb, but fometimes generate air: The reafon of which in the Experiment now under confideration feems to be this, veg. in the firft cafe a good quan- tity of elaftick air was generated, by the inteftine motion of the fermenting ingre- dients; but there arifing thence a thick, acid fulphureous fume, this fume abforbed a greater quantity of elaftick air than was be- fore generated: And we find by Experiment 103 that the fulphureous particles which fly off in the air, do by their attraftion deftroy its élafticity ; for in that Experiment burning Brimftone greatly deftroyed the air’s elafticity ; I which _- 302 Analyfis of the Air. which muft be done by the flame, and af cending fumes; becaufe in the burning of any quantity of Brimftone, the whole mafs is ina manner watted, there remaining only avery little dry Earth: And therefore the abforbed air cannot remain there, but muft be abforbed by the afcending fumes which then attra&t moft ftrongly, when re- duced ad minima: And ’tis well known | that a Candle in burning flies all off into flame and vapour, fo that what air it abforbs _ muft be by thofe fumes. OEXPERIMENT CXXI. And further Ihave found that thefe fumes — deftroy the air’s elafticity, for many hours © after the Brimftone Match, which made | them, was taken out of theveffel, sz ag: (Fig. 35.) Thofe fumes being firft cooled — by immerfing that veffel and its ciftern x x, or an inverted wine Flask, full of the fumes, under cold water for fome time; then mark- ing the furface of the water = 2 I immerfed the veflels in warm water: And when all was cold again the following day, I found agood quantity ofthe air’s elafticity was de- ftroyed Analyfis of the Aur. 302 ftroyed by the water's afcending above zz. And the event was the fame upon frequent repetitions of the fame Experiment. But if inftead of the fumes of burning Birmftone, I filled a Flask full of fumes from the fmoak of wood, after it had done flam- ing, then there was but half as much air abforbed by thofe fumes, as there was by the fumes of Brimftone; vzzg. becaufe the {moak of wood was much diluted with the watry vapour which afcended with it outofthe wood. And this is doubtlefs the reafon why the fmoak of wood, tho’ it in- commodes the lungs, yet it will not fuffocate | like that of Charcoal, which is withal more fulphureous, without any mixture of watry vapours. And that new generated elaftick air is re- forbed by thefe fumes, I found by attempting to fire a Match of Brimftone with a burn- ing glafs, by means of a pretty large piece of Brown Paper which had been dipped ina ftrong folution of Nitre, and then dryed: Which Nitre in detonizing generated neartwo quatts of air, which quantity of air, and a great deal more, was abforbed, when the Brimftone took fire and flamed vigoroufly. 3 2g 304 Analy/is of the Aur. So that the 85 cubick inches of air, Experi* ment 96, which I found upon meafuring was -abforbed by the Walton mineral and com- pound Aqua-fortis, was the excefs of what was abforbed by thofe fumes above what was generated by the fermenting mixture. And the reafon is the fame in filings of Iron and Spirit of Nitre, Experiment 94, which alfo abforbed more than they generat- ed, whether with or without water: The rea~ fon of which will appear prefently. Hence alfo we fee the reafon why filings — of Iron and compound gua-fortis in the | fame 94 Experiment abforbedair ; and why when mixed with an equal quantity of water it moftly abforbed, but did fometimes gene- rate, and then abforb again: And it was the fame with Oil of Vitriol, filings of Iron and Water, and New-ca/ftle Coal and compound Aqua-fortis and others: uzz. At firft, when the ferment was brisk, the abforbing fumes rofe fafteft, whereby more air was abforbed than generated ; but as the ferment abated, to fuch a degree as to be able ftill to generate elaftick air, but not to fend forth a propor- tionable quantity of fumes, in that cafe more aix would be generated than abforbed. And Analyfis of the ftir. ers And in Experiment 95, there are feveral inftances of the air’s being in like manner abforbed in leffer degrees, by other ferment- ing mixtures: Asin the mixture of Spirit of Harts-horn with filings of Iron, and with filings of Copper: And Spirit of Sal 4Am- montac with filings of Copper; and alfo filings of Iron and Water; powdered Flint and Compound Agua-fortis ; powdered Bri- ftol Diamond with the {ame liquor. It is probable from Experiment 103 and 106, where it was found that the thicker the fuliginous vapours were, the fafter they abforbed the air, that ifthe above-mentioned fermenting mixtures had not been confined in clofe veffels, but in the open air, where the vapours would have been le({s denfe, that in that cafe much lefs air would have been abforbed, perhaps a great deal lefs than was generated. Inthe fecond cafe of the Wa/ten mineral, Experiment 96, when inftead of abforbing, it generated air, the parts of the Compound Aqua fortis were then more at liberty to ac by being diluted with an equal quantity of water; whereby the ferment being more violent, the particles which conft- x . tuted 306 Mnaly/is of the Air. tuted the new claftick air were thereby thrown off in greater plenty, and perhaps with a greater degree of elafticity, which might carry them beyond the fphere of at- traction of the fulphureous particles. This is further illuftrated by Experiment 94, where filings of Iron and oil of Vitriol alone generated very little; but the like quantities of filings of Iron, with an equal quantity of water, generated 4.3 cubick inches of air; andthe like ingredients, with three times that quantity of water, generated 108 cubick inches. And tho’ the quantity of the afcending fumes (which was in this cafe of the Walton mineral very great) muft needs in their afcent abforb a good deal of elaftick air, for they will abforb air; yet if where the ferment was fo much greater, more elaftick air was ge- nerated by the fermenting mixture than was abforbed by the afcending fumes; then the quantity of new generated air, which I found between 2zand aa, (Fig. 35.) when 1 mea- fured it, was equal to the excefs of what was generated above what was abforbed. And probably inthis cafe the air was not abforbed fo much in proportion to the denfity 4 of Analyfis of the Aur. 307 of the fumes asin the firft cafe ; becaufe here the fulphureous fumes were much blended With watry vapours: For we find in Experi- ment 97, that fix times more was wafted in fumes inthis cafe than in the other; and there. fore probably a good part of the cubick inch of water afcended with the vapour, and might thereby weaken its abforbing power: For watry vapours do not abforb elaftick air as the fulphureous ones do; tho’ by Experi- ment 120 ,a Candle abforbed more in a damp than in a dry air. And’tis from thefe diluting watry vapours that filingsof Iron with Spirit of Nitre and Water, abforbed lefs than with Spirit of Nitre alone, for in both cafes it abforbs more than it generates. | Thus alfo oil of Vitriol and Chalk ge- nerate air, their fume being {mall, and that much diluted with the watry vapours in the Chalk. But Lime with oil of Vitriol, or White- Wine Vinegar or Water, make a confiderable fume, and abforb good quantities of air: Lime alone left to flaken gradually, as it makes no fume, fo it abforbs no air. We fee in Experiment 92, where the fer- XK 2 ment 308 Analy fis of the Aur. ment was not very fudden nor violent, nor the quantity of abforbing fumes large, that the Antimony and Agua-fortis generated a quantity of air equal to 520 times the bulk of the Antimony ; thus alfo in the mixture of Aqua-regia and Antimony, in Experiment 91, while at firftthe ferment was fmall, then air was generated; but when with the increaf- ing ferment plenty of fumes arofe, then there was a change from a generating to an abforb- ing ftate. Since we find fuch great quantities of elaftick air generated in {olution of animal and vegetable fubftances; it muft need sbe that a good deal does conftantly arife, from the diffolving of thefe alimentsin the ftomach and bowels, which diflolution it greatly pro- motes: Some of which may very probably be re-forbed again, by the fumes which arife with them; for we fee in Experiment 83 that Oyfter-fhell and Vinegar, Oyfter-fhell and Rennet, Oyfter-fhell and Orange juice, Rennet alone, Rennet and Bread, firft generat- ed andthen abforbed air; but Oyfter-fhell with fome of the liquor of a Calve’s ftomach which had fed much upon Hay, did not generate air ; and it was the fame with Oyfter-fhell and Ox Analyfis of the Air. 309 Ox gall, and fpittle, and urine; Oyfter-fhell and Milk generated a little air, but Limon juice and Milk did at the fame time abforb a little: Thus we fee that the variety of mix- tures in the ftomach appear fometimes to generate, and fometimes to abforb air ; that is, there is fometimes more generated than abforbed, and fometimes an equal quantity, and fometimes lefs according to the propor- tion the generating power of the diffolving aliments bears to the abforbing power of the fumes which arife from them. In atrue kindly digeftion, the generating power exceeds the abforbing power but alittle : But whenever the digeftion deviates in fome degree from this natural ftate, to generate a greater pro- portion of elaftick air, then are we trou- bled more or lefs with diftending Filatus’s I had intended to make thefe and many more Experiments relating tothe nature of digef tion in a warmth equal tothat ofthe ftomach, but have been hitherto prevented by purfu- ing other Experiments. Thus we fee that all thefe mixtures do in fermentation generate elaftick air, bur thofe which emit thick fumes, charged with fulphur, rceforb more than was generated 7 ee 3 in 310 Analy/is of the “ur. in proportion to the fulphureoufnefs and thicknefs of thofe fumes. I have alfo fhewn in many of the fore going Experiments, that plenty of true per- manent elaftick air is generated from the fermenting mixtures of acid and alkaline fub- ftances, and efpecially from the fermenta- tion and diffolution of animal and vegeta- ble bodies: Into whofe fubftances we fee it is ina great proportion intimately and firmly incorporated; and confequently, great quan- tities of elaftick air muft be continually ex- pended in their produdtion, part of which does we fee refume its elaftick quality, when briskly thrown off from thofe bodies by fer- mentation, in the diffolution of their texture. But part may probably never regain its elaf- ticity, or at leaft not in many centuries, that efpecially which is incorporated into the more durable parts of animals and ve- eetables. However we may with pleafure fee what immenfe treafures of this noble and important element, endued with a moft active principle, the all- wife Providence of the great Author of nature has provided ; the conftant wafte of it being abundantly fupplyed by heat and fermentation from in- numerable Analyfis of the Air. Bag numerable denfe bodies ; and that probably from many of thofe bodies, which when they had their afcending fumes confined in my Glaffes, abforbed more air than they generated, but would in a more free, open {pace gencrate more than they abforbed. I made fome attempts both by fire, and | alfo by fermenting and abforbing mixtures, to try if I could deprive all the particles of any quantity of elaftick air of their eclafticity, but I could not effe& it: There is therefore no dire& proof from any of thefe Experi- ments, that all the elaftick air may be ab- forbed, tho’ tis very probable it may, fince we find it is in fuch great plenty generated and abforbed; it may well therefore be all abforbed and changed from an elaf- tick to a fixt ftate: For as Sir Isaac New- TON obferves of light, “ that nothing more € is requifite for producing all the variety of “ colours, and degrees of refrangibility, than «¢ that the raysof light be bodies of different “ fizes; the lcaft of which may make the | “ weakeft and darkeft of the colours, and “< be more eafily diverted, by refracting fur- * faces from the right courfe; and the reft, * as they are bigger and bigger, may make ar o chic gue Aualyfis of the hr. “ the ftronger and more lucid colours—— ‘¢ and be more and more difficultly diverted. “ Qu. 29. So Qu. 30, he obferves of air, that «¢ denfe bodies by fermentation rarify into <¢ feveral forts of air, and this air, by fer- “ mentation,and fometimes without, returns < into denfe bodies.” And fince we find in fact from thefe Experiments, that air a- rifes from a great variety of denfe bodies, both by fire and fermentation, it is probable that they may have very different degrees of elafticity, in proportion to the different fize and denfity of its particles, and the different force with which they were thrown off in- to an elaftick flate. ‘* Thofe particles (as «* Sir Isaac NewrTon obferves) receding <¢ from one another, with the greateft re- «© pulfive force, and being moft difficultly - « brought together, which upon contaé& « cohere moft ftrongly.”. Whence thofe of the weakefi elafticity, will be leaft able to refift a counter-acting power, and will there- fore be fooneft changed from an elaftick to a fixt flate. And ‘tis confonant to reafon to think, that the air may confift of infinite degrees of thefe, from se moft elaftick and repelling, till we come tothe more fluggifh, ) watry Analyfis of the Aur. 313 watry and other particles, which float in the air ; yet the repelling force of the leaft elaftick particle, near the furface of the carth, while it continues in that elaftick ftate, mutt be fuperior to the incumbent preffure of a column of air, whofe height is equal to that of the atmofphere, and its bafe to the fur- face of the fphere of its elaftick activity. Thus upon the whole, we fee that air a- boundsin animal, vegetable and mineral fub- ftances; in all which it bears a confiderable. part: if all the parts of matter were only endued.with a ftrongly attracting power, whole nature would then immediately be- come one unactive cohering lump; where- fore it was abfolutely neceffary, in order to the actuating and enlivening this vaft mafs of attracting matter, that there fhould be every where intermixed with it a due proportion of ftrongly repelling elaftick particles, which might enliven the whole mafs, by the in- ceffant action between them and the at- tracting particles: And fince thefe elaftick particles are continually in great abundance reduced by the power of the ftrong attracters, from an elaftick, to a fixt ftate ; it was there- fore neceffary that thefe particles fhould be endued 314 Analyfis of the Aur: endued with a property of refuming their elaftick ftate, whenever they were difenga- ged from that mafs, in which they were fixed; that thereby this beautiful frame of things might be maintained, in a continual round of the production and diffolution of animal and vegetable bodies. The air is very inftrumental in the pro- du@ion and growth of animals and vegeta- bles, both by invigorating their feveral juices, while in an elaftick ative ftate, and alfo by greatly contributing in a fix’d ftate to the union and firm conne&ion of the feveral conftituent parts of thofe bodies, vz. their water, falt, fulphur and earth. This band of union, in conjunction with the external air, is alfo a very powerful agent in the diffolu- tion and corruption of the fame bodies, for it makes one in every fermenting mixture, the action and re-adtion of the aereal and ful- phureous particles is in many fermenting mixtures fo great, as to excite a burning heat, and in others a fudden flame: And it is we fee by the like ation and re-ac- action of the fame principles, in fuel and the ambient air, that common culinary fires are produced and maintained. Tho’ Analyfis of the Aur. 315 Tho’ the force of its elafticity is fo great, as to be able to bear a prodigious preffure, without lofing that elafticity, yet we have from the foregoing Experiments evident proof, that its elafticity is eafily, and in great abundance deftroyed; and isthereby reduced. to a fixt ftate, by the ftrong attraction of the acid fulphureous particles, which arife either from fire or from fermentation : And there- fore elafticity is not an effential immutable property of air particles; but they. are, we fee, eafily changed from an elaftick to a fixt {tate, by the ftrong attraction of the acid, ful- phurcous and faline particles which abound in the air. Whence it is reafonable to con- clude, that our atmofphere is a Chaos, con- fitting not only of elaftick, but alfo of un- elaftick air particles, which in great. plenty float in it, as well as the fulphureous, fa- line, watry and earthy particles, which are no ways capable of being thrown off intoa permanently elaftick flate, like thofe parti- cles which conftitute true permanent air. Since then air is found fo manifeftly to abound in almoft all natural bodies; fince we find it fo operative and active a principle in every chymical operation, fince its con- ftituens 316 Analyfis of the Aur. ftituent parts are of fo durable a nature, that the moft violent action of fire, or fer- mentation, cannot induce fuch an alteration of its texture, as thereby to difqualify it from refuming, either by the means of fire, or fermentation, its former elaftick fiate3 unlefs in the cafe of vitrification, when with the vegetable Salt and Nitre, in which it is incorporated, it may perhaps fome of it with other chymical principles be immuta- bly fixt: Since then this is the cafe, may we not with good reafon adopt this now fixt, now volatile Proteus among the chymical principles, andthat avery active one, as well as acid fulphur; notwithftanding it has hither- to been overlooked and rejected by Chymifts, as no way intitled to that denomination? If thofe who unhappily fpent their time and fubftance in fearch after an imaginary production, that was to reduce all things to gold, had, inftead of that fruitlefs purfuit, beftowed their labour in fearching after this much neglected volatile Hermes, who has fo often efcaped thro’ their burft receivers, in the difguife of a fubtile fpirit, a meer fla- tulent explofive matter; they would then inftead of reaping vanity, have found their refearches Of Vegetation. 317 refearches rewarded with very confiderable and ufeful difcoveries. CH A Bo Wil: Of Vegetation. E are but too fenfible, that our rea- fonings about the wonderful and intricate operations Of nature are fo full of uncertainty, that as the wife-man truly obferves, hardly do we guefs aright at the things that are upon earth, and with labour do we find the things that are before us. Wifdom Chap. ix. v. 16. And this obferva- tion we find fufficiently verified in vege- table nature, whofe abundant produdtions, tho’ they are moft vilible and obvious to us, yet are we much in the dark about the nature of them, becaufe the texture of the veflels of plants is fo intricate and fine, that we can trace but few of them, tho’ aflifted with the beft microfcopes. We have however good reafon to be diligent in making farther and farther refearches; for tho’ we can never hope to come to the bottom and firft principles of things, yet in fo inexhauftible a fubject, where 3 every 318 Of Vegetation, every the fmalleft part of this wonderful fabrick is wrought in the mof curious and beautiful manner, we need not doubt of having our inquiries rewarded, with fome further pleafing difcovery ; but if this fhould not be the reward of our diligence, we are however fure of entertaining our minds after the moft agreeable manner, by feeing in every thing, with furprifing delight, fuch plain fignatures of the wonderful hand of the divine architect, as muft neceffarily dif pofe and carry our thoughts to an act of ado- ration, the beft and nobleft employment and entertainment of the mind. What I fhall here fay, will be chiefly found- ed on the following experiments; and on feveral of the preceding ones, without re- peating what has already been occafionally obferved on the fubject of vegetation. We find by the chymical analyfis of vege- tables, that their fubftance is compofed of fulphur, volatile falt, water and earth; which principles are all endued with mutually attracting powers, and alfo of a large portion of air, which has a wonderful property of ftrongly attraGting in a fixt ftate, or of re- pelling in an elaftick ftate, with a power which Of Vegetation. 319 which is fuperior to vaft comprefling forces ; and it is by the infinite combinations, action and re-action of thefe principles, that all the operations in animal and vegetable bodies are effected. Thefe active aereal particles are very fer- viceable in carrying on the work of vegeta- tion to its perfection and maturity. Not only in helping by their elafticity to diftend each ductile part, but alfo by enlivening and invigorating their fap, where mixing with the other mutually attracting principles they are by gentle heat and motion fer at liberty to affimilate into the nourifhment of the re- {pective parts: “ The foft and moift nourifh- «© ment eafily changing its texture by gentle “heat and motion, which congregates * homogeneal bodies, and feparates hete- “* rogeneal ones.” Newton's Opticks, qu. 31. The fum of the attra@ting power of thefe mutually acting and re-acting principles being, while in this nutritive ftate, fuperior tothe fum of their repelling power, where- by the work of nutrition is gradually adyanc- ed by the nearer and nearer union of thefe principles, from a lefler to a greater degree of confiftency, till they are advanced to that vifcid 320 Of Vegetation. vifcid ductile ftate, whence the feveral parts of vegetables are formed; and are at length firmly compacted into hard fubftances, by the flying off of the watry diluting vehicle; fooner or later, according to the different degrees of cohefion of thefe thus compacted principles. But when the watry particles do again foak into and dif-unite them, and their repel- lingpower is thereby become {uperior to their attracting power; then is the union of the parts of vegetables thereby fo throughly dif- folved, that this ftate of putrefaction does by a wife order of Providence fit them to refufcitateagain,in newvegetable productions; whereby the nutritive fund of nature can never be exhaufted: Which being the fame both in animals and vegetables, it is thereby admirably fitted by a little alteration of its texture to nourifh either. Now, tho’ all the principles of vegeta- bles are in their due proportion neceffary to the production and perfection of them ; yet we generally find greater proportions of Oil in the more elaborate and exalted parts of vegetables: And thus Seeds are found to abound with Oil, and confequently with ae fulphur Of Vesetation. Z2¥ fulphur and air, as we fee by Exper. 56, $7, 58. which Seeds containing the rudi- ments of future vegetables, it was neceffary that they fhould be well ftored with princi- ples that would both preferve the Seed from putrefaction, and alfo be very active in pro- moting germination and vegetation. Thus alfo by the grateful odours ef flowers we are aflured, that they are ftored with a very fubtile, highly fublimed Oil, which perfumes the ambient air, and the fame may be ob- ferved from the high taftes of fruits. And as Oil is an excellent prefervative againft the injuries of cold, fo it is found to abound in the fap of the more northern trees; and it is this which in ever-greens keeps their leaves from falling. But plants of a lefs durable texture, as they abound with a greater proportion of Salt and Water, which is not fo ftrongly attracting as fulphur and air, fo are they lefs able to endure the colds; and as plants are obferved to have a greater proportion of Salt and Waiter in them in the fpring, than in the autumn, fo are they more eafily injured by coldinthe {pring, than ina more advanced ! xX age, 322 Of Vegetation. age, when their quantity of oil is increafed, with their greater maturity. Whence we find that nature’s chief bufi- nefs, in bringing the parts of a vegetable, efpecially its fruit and feed to maturity, is _ to combine together in a due proportion, the more ative and noble principles of ful- phur and air, that chiefly conftitute oil, which in its moft refined flate is never found without fome degree of earth and falt in it. And the more perfe& this maturity is, the more firmly are thefe noble principles united. Thus Rhenifh Wines, which grow in a more northern climate, are found to yield their Tartar, z. e. by Exper. 73. their incorpora- ted air and fulphur in greater plenty, than the ftronger Wines of hotter countries, in which thefe generous principles are more firmly united: And particularly in Adadera Wine, they are fixt to fuch adegree, that that Wine requires a confiderable degree of warmth, fuch as would foure many. other Wines, to keep it in order, and give it a generous tafte; and ‘tis from zhe fame rea- fon, that fmall French Wines are found.to yicld more fpirit in diftillation, than firong Spanifa Wines. But Of Fegetation. 223 But when, on the other hand, the crude watry part of the nutriment bears too great a proportion to the more noble principles, either in a too luxuriant ftate of a plant, or when its roots are planted too deep, or it fiands in too fhady a pofition, or in a very cold and wet fummer; then it is found, that cither no fruit is produced, or if there be any, yet it continues in a crude watry {ftate; and never comes fo that degree of maturity, which a due proportion cf the more noble principles would bring it to. Thus we find in this, and every other part of this beautiful {cene of things, when we attentively confider them, that the great Auther of nature has admirably tempered the conftituent principles of natural bodies, in fuch due proportions as might beft fit them for the ftate and purpofes they were intended for. It is very plain from many of the fore- going Experiments and Obfervations, that the leaves are very ferviceable in this work of vegetation, by being inftrumental in bring- ing nourifhment from the lower parts, within the reach of the attraction of the growing fruit; which like young animals is furnifhed a a ae 2 with 344 Of Vegetation. with proper inftruments to fuck it thence. But the leaves feem alfo defigned for many other noble and important fervices ; for nature admirably adapts her inftruments fo. ‘as to be at the fame time ferviceable to many good purpofes. Thus the leaves, in which are the main excretory ducts in vege- tables, feparate and carry off the redundant watry fluid, which by being long detained, would turn rancid and prejudicious to the plant, leaving the more nutritive parts to coalefce ; part of which nourifhment, we have good reafen to think, is conveyed into vegetables thro’ the leaves, which do plenti- fully imbibe the Dew and Rain, which con- tain Salt, Sulphur, gc. For the air is full of acid and fulphureous particles, which when they abound much, do by the action and re-action between them and the elaftick air caufe that fulrry heat, which ufually ends in lightning and thunder: ~And thefe new combinations of air, fulphur and acid fpirit, which are conftantly forming in the air, are doubtlefs very ferviceable, in promo- ting the work of vegetation ; when being imbibed by the leaves, they may not im- probably be the materials out of which the : ae — Of Megetation, ay more fubtile and refined principles of ve- getables are formed: For fo fine a fluid as’ the air feems to be a more proper medium, wherein to prepare and combine the more exalted principle of vegetables, than the grof- fer watry fluid of the fap; and for the fame reafon, ‘tis likely, that the moft refined and, active principles of animals arc alfo prepared In the air, and thence conveyed thro’ the lungs into the blood; and that there is plenty. of thefe fulphureo-aereal partigles in the leaves, is evident from the fulphureous exu. dations, which are found at the edges of leaves, which Bees are obferved to make their waxen cells of, as well as of the duft of flowers: And that wax abounds with ful- phur is plain from its burning freely, @e. We may therefore reafonably conclude, that one great ufe of leaves is what has been long fufpeted by many, vuzz. to per- form in fome meafure the fame oflice for the fupport of the vegetable life, that the lungs of animals do, for the fupport of the animal life; Plants very probably drawing thro’ their leaves fome part of their nou- rifhment from the air. Vos, i) BME 326 Of Vegetation. But as plants have nota dilating and con- tracing Thorax, their infpirations and expi- rations will not be fo frequent as thofe of Animais, but depend wholly on the alter- nate changes from hot to cold, for infpira- tion, and vice verfa for expiration ; and ’tis not improbable, that plants of more rich and racy juices may imbibe and aflimilate more of this aereal food into their conftitu- tions, than others, which have more watry vapid juices. We may look upon the Vine as a good inftance of this, which in Exper. 3. perfpired lefs than the Apple-tree. For as it delights not in drawing much watry nourifh- ment from the earth by its roots, fo it muft therefore neceffarily be brought to a more ftrongly imbibing flate at night, than other trees, which abound more with watry nourifhment; and it will therefore confe- quently imbibe more from theair. And likely this may be the reafon, why plants in hot countries abound more with fine aromatick principles, than the more northern plants, for they do undoubtedly imbibe more dew. © And if this conjecture be right, then it gives us a farther reafon, why trees which abound with moifture, cither from too fhaded ft a a po- Of Vegetation. 327 a pofition, or a foo luxurious ftate are un- fruitful, vz. becaufe, being in thefe cafes more replete with moifture, they cannot im- bibe fo ftrongly from the air, as others do, thag great blefling the dew of Heaven. And as the moft racy generous taftes of fruits, and the grateful odours of flowers, do not improbably arife from thefe refined aereal principles, fo may the beautiful co- lours of flowers be owing in a good mea- fure to the fame original; for itis a known obfervation, that a dry foil contributes much more to their variegation than a ftrong moitft one docs. ABO ~ And may not light alfo, by freely entring the expanded furfaces of leaves and flowers, contribute much to the ennobling the prin- ciples of vegetables; for Sir L/aae Newton, puts it as avery probable query, “ Are “ not grofs bodies and light convertible into ¢¢ one another? and may not bodies receive ‘* much of their activity from the particles ‘«¢ of light, which enter their compofition ? ** The change of bodies into light, and of “ light into bodies, is very conformable to *« the courfe of nature, which feems de- “¢ lighted with tranfmutations. Opt. qu. 30.” Y 4 E x: 328 Of Vegetation. EXPERIMENT CXXII. That the leaves of plants do imbibe elaf tick ait, I have fome reafon to fufpect from the following Experiment, vzz. In May I fet fome well rected plants of fpear-mint in two glafs ciferns full of water, which cifterns were fet on pedeftals, and had in- verted cnymical receivers put over them, as in (Fig. 35.) the water being drawn up to 4a, half ue their necks: In this inclofed moilt ftate the plants looked pretty florid for a month, and made, as _I think, dome few weak lateral fhoots, tho’ they did not Brow. in height; they were not quite dead till after fix weeks, when it was found that the watcr was rifen in both glafies from 44 towards s zg, ian bulk about 20 cubick inches: But as there was not fo exact an ae- count taken of the different temperature of the air, as to heat and cold, as there ought to have been, I am not certain, whether that rifting of the water might not be owing to a greater coolnefs of the air at the fix weeks end, than when they were firft placed under the glaffes ; and therefore do not. de- pend Of Vegetation. 329 pend on this Experiment; but thought it proper to mention it, as well deferving to be repeated with greater accuracy, both with Mint, and other proper plants, by noting the temperature of the air on a Thermometer, hanging near the receivers, and obferving after fome time, whether the water g a be rifen, notwithftanding the air be no cooler than when the Mint was firft placed under the glafs. And for greater certainty, it will be advifeable to fufpend in the fame manner another like receiver with no Mini, but only water init, up to @ a. ExPERIMENT CXXIII. In order to find out the manner of the — srowth of young fhoots, I firft prepared the following inftrument, vzz. I took a {mall ftick a, (Fig. 40.) and at aquarter of an inch diftance from each other, I run the points of five pins, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, thro’ the {tick, fo faras to ftand 4 of an inch from the ftick, then bending down the great ends of the pins, I bound them all faft with waxed thread; I provided alfo fome red lead mixed with oil. | In 330 Of Vegetation. In the fpring, when the Vimes had made fhort fhoots, I dipped the points of the pins in the paint, and then pricked the young fhoot of a Vine, (Fig. 41.) with the five points at once, from ¢ to p: I then took off the marking inftrument, and placing the Joweft point of itin the hole p, the upper- moft mark, I again pricked frefh holes from p to /, and then marked the two other points z 4 ; thus the whole fhoot was marked every < inch, the red paint making every point remain vifible. (Fig. 42.) fhews the true proportion of the fame fhoot, when it was full grown, the September following ; where every corre- {ponding point is noted with the fame let- The difiance from ¢ to s was not en- larged above # part of aninch; from s tog, the 7, of an inch; from gto p, 33 from p to0, 23 from eto”, 4.3) fromiv to was s from mtol, 1 -- # of aninch; from/to z,1-+ % Inch nearly; and fromzto Athree In this Experiment we fee that the firft joint to r extended very little; it being al- moft hardened, and come near to its full growth, Of Vegetation. 321 srowth, whenI marked it: The next joint, from r tom, being younger, extended fome- thing more; andthe third joynt from x tok extended from 3 of an inch, to 3 -+ 4} inches; but from & to #, the very tender joynt, which was but } inch long, when I marked it, was when full grown three inches long. : We may obferve, that nature in order to furnifh thefe young growing fhoots with plenty of ductile matter is very careful to furnifh at fmall diftances the young fhoots of all forts of trees, with many leaves throughout their whole length, which ferve as fo many joyntly acting powers placed at different flations, thereby to draw with more eafe plenty of fap to the extending fhoor. The like provifion has nature made in the Corn, Grafs, Cane, and Reed kind; the leafy {pires, which draw the nourifhmene to each joynt, being provided long before the ftem fhoots, which flender ftem in its tender duétile ftate would moft eafily break and dry up too foon, fo as to pre- vent its due growth, had not nature to prevent both thefe inconveniences provided {trong Thecas or Scabbards, which both fup- port 332 Of Fegetation. port and keep long in a fupple duétile {tate the tender extending ftem. ) I marked in the fame manner as the Vine, at the proper fcafons, young Honeyfuckle fhoots, young A/paragas, and young Swan- pfowers; and I found in them all a gradual fcale of unequal extenfions, thofe parts ex- tending moft which were tendereft. The white part of the A/paragus, which was un- der ground, extended very little in length, and accordingly we find the fibres of the white part very tough and ftringy : But the greateft extenfion of the tender green part, avhich was about 4 inches above the ground when I marked it, feparated the marks from a quarter of an inch, to twelve inches dif- tance; the greateft diftenfion of the Syz- flower was from Zinch, to four inches dif- tance. From thefe Experiments, it is evident, that tne growth of a young bud to a fhoot confifts in the gradual dilatation and exten- fion of every part; the knots of a fhoot being very near cach other in the bud, as may plainly and diftin@ly be feen in the flit bud of the Vine and Fig tree; but by this gradual diftention of every part, they are ex- 2 tended Of Vegetation. 333 tended to their full length. And we may eafily conceive how the longitudinal capil- lary tubes ftill retain their hollownefs, not- withftanding their being diftended, from the like effet in melted glafs tubes, which re- tain a hollownefs, tho’ drawn out to the fineft thread. The whole progrefs of the fir joynt r is very fhort in comparifon of the other joynts ; becanfe, at firft fetting out its leaves being very {mall, and the feafon then cooler than afterwards; ‘tis probable, that but lit- tle fap is conveyed to it, and therefore it ex- tending but flowly, its fibres are in the mean time grown tough and hard, before it can arrive to any confiderable length. But as the feafon advances, and the leaves inlarge, greater plenty of nourifhment be- ing thereby conveyed, the fecond joynt grows longer than the firft, and the 3d and 4th ftill on gradually longer than the pre- ceding; thefe do therefore in equal times miake greater advances than the former. The wetter the feafon, the longer and larger fhoots do vegetables ufually make ; becaufe their foft dudtile parts do then con- tinue longer in a moift, tender ftate ; but in 334 Of Vegetation. in adry feafon the fibres fooner harden, and ftop the further growth of the fhoot; and this may probably be one reafon why the two or three laft joynts of every fhoot are ufually fhorter than the middle joynts; wiz. becaufe they fhooting ont in the more advan- ced hot dry fummer feafon, their fibres are foon hardened and dryed, and are withal checked in their growth by the cool autumnal nights: I had a vine fhoot of one years growth which was 14 feet long, and had 39 joynts, all pretty nearly of an equal length, except fome of the firft and laft. And forthe fame reafon, Beans and many other plants, which ftand where they are much fhaded, being thereby kept continually moilt, do grow to unufual heights, and are drawnup asthey call it by theover fhadow- ing Trees, their parts being kept long, foft and du@tile: But this very moift fhaded ftate is ufually attended with fterility ; very long. joynts of vines are alfo obferved to be un- fruitful. Sith This Experiment, which fhews the manner of the growth of fhoots, confirms Borel. /?s opinion, who in his Book De motu Animalinm, part fecond Chap. 13, fup- pofes Of Vegetation. 335° pofes the tender growing fhoot to be diftend- ed like foft wax by the expanfion of the moifture in the fpongy pith; which dilating moifture, he with good reafon concludes is hindered from returning back, while it expands by the fponginefs of the pith, without the help of valves. For ’tis very probable that the particles of water, which immediately adhere to, and are ftrongly imbibed into, and attracted by every fibre of the {pongy pith, will fuffer fome degree of expanfion before they can be detached by the fun’s warmth from each attracting fibre, and confequently the mafs of {pongy fibres, of which the pith confifts, muft there- by be extended. And that the pith may be the more fervice- able for this purpofe, nature has provided in moft fhoots a ftrong partition at every knot, which partitions ferve not only as plinths, or abutments for the dilating pith to exert its force on, but alfoto prevent the rarified fap’s too free retreat from the pith. But a dilating fpongy fubftance, by equally expanding it {elf every way, wouid not produce an oblong fhoot, but rather a globofe one, like an Apple; to prevent which Z inconvenience 336 Of Vegetation. inconvenience we may obferve, that nature has provided feveral Diaphragms, befides thofe at cach knot, which are placed at. fmall diftances acrofs the pith ; thereby pre- venting its too great lateral dilatation. Thefe are very plain to be feen in Walnut-tree fhoots; and the fame we may obferve in the pith of the branches of the fun-fiower, and of feveral other plants; where tho’ thefe Dia- phragm are not to be diftinguifhed while the pith is full and replete with moifture, yet when it drys up, they are often plain to be feen; and it is further obferved, that where the pith coniifts of diftinG veficles, the fibres of thofe veficles are often found to run horizontally, whereby they can the better refift the too great lateral dilatation of the fhoot. | : We may obferve that nature makes ufe of the fame artifice, in the growth ofthe feathers of Birds, which is very vifible in the great pinion feathers of the wing, the {maller and upper partof which is extended by a fpongy pith, but the lower and bigger quill part, by a feries of large veficles, which when replete with dilating moifture do extend the quill; but when the quill is full grown, thefe 4 - 5 ey Ne ELA ae ; aie” Yo) ea aa Larry mieten ees “e c ca , 4 , “ey 7: 48 ‘ fis G : ‘ Lap Saat haan 1 eer, ‘ ¥ pees a Td es hb vate’ 7 ae : pen, =