BIOLOGY % LIBRARY G LIST OF THE VEKTEBRATED ANIMALS NOW OE LATELY LIVING IN THE GAEDENS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. EIGHTH EDITION. 1883, PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, AND SOLD AT THEIE HOUSE IN HANOYEE SQUARE. LONDON: MESSES. LONGMANS, GEEEN, EEADEE, AND DYER, PATER^OSTEK EOW. a FEINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. QL11 L8A3 . Li PKEFACE TO TEE EIGHTH EDITION. THE object of this List is to enable those interested in the living collection of the Zoological Society of London to ascertain what species of Yertebrated Animals have been represented in the Menagerie during the past twenty years. It is also of great use to enable the specimens exhibited from time to time to be labelled on a uniform system. The first edition of the List was issued in 186.2, and contained the names of all the animals that had been living in the Society's Gardens at any time during the previous year, with their habitats, and the dates and modes of their acquisition. In the second edition, issued in 1863, the animals living in the Society's Gardens from the 1st of January to the end of May of that year were given in a similar form. In the third edition, which was completed for press on the 1st of January, 1865, the names of all specimens received by the Society during 1864 were added to the List. In the fourth and subsequent editions the names of all the vertebrated animals added to the Society's collection during the following years were inserted in their proper places. In the present (eighth) edition of this Catalogue I have pursued exactly the same system, and have added the names IV PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. of all the animals that we have received up to the end of 1882, with the date and mode of acquisition of each specimen. The result is a nearly complete catalogue of all the living Vertebrates received by the Society during the past twenty- two years. It is not, however, quite complete, as in the two first editions the references to some of the specimens which had been lost by death or departure were struck out. But commencing from January 1st, 1864, I believe that nearly every specimen received will be found to have been inserted in its proper place, although there may of course have been errors in the determination of the species. For many years it has been my practice to bring before the scientific meetings of the Society short notices of the more important accessions to the Menagerie, with the object of calling attention to such as are of special interest. These notices are subsequently printed and published in the ' Pro- ceedings' of the Scientific Meetings. Both our ' Proceedings ' and ' Transactions ' also contain frequent communications referring to specimens living, or that have previously lived, in the Society's Gardens. I thought that it would enhance the value of the List to add references to the ( Proceedings ' and ' Transactions ' in all these cases, so as to make a sort of index to numerous passages in our scientific publications that refer to specimens in the. Society's col- lection. When animals have been figured in our publications from specimens in the Gardens, a reference to the figure is like- wise added. The following Table gives the number of Species of each Class of Animals registered in the successive editions of this List, and thus to a certain extent indicates the progress of the Collection : — PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. First Edition, 1862. Second Edition, 1863. Third Edition, 1865. Fourth Edition, 1866. Fifth Edition, 1872. Sixth Edition, 1877. Seventh Edition, 1879. Eighth Edition, 1883. Mammals ... 188 229 272 339 498 570 615 667 Birds 409 468 558 721 1044 1224 • 1329 1447 Reptiles Batrachians . Fishes 45 17 23 60 24 40 52 23 51 73 25 54 181 35 68 227 39 83 257 41 83 307 48 88 Total 682 821 956 1212 1826 2143 2325 2557 The woodcuts in this List have mostly already appeared in the Society's ' Proceedings/ Some of them, however, have been kindly lent to me for this work by the proprietors of 'Nature/ P. L. S. 11 Hanover Square, W., July 18th, 1883. LIST OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS. 1. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. 1862. (pp. 100.) 2. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Second Edition.) 8vo 1863. (pp. 120.) 3. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Third Edition.) 8vo. 1865. (pp. 148.) 4. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Fourth Edition.) 8vo. 1866. (pp. 204.) 5. Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. 1872. (pp. 399 ) 5a. Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. — Supplement, containing Additions received in 1872, 1873, and 1874. 8vo. 1875. (pp. 54.) 6. Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Sixth Edition.) 8vo. 1877. (pp. 519.) P 7. List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Seventh Edition.) 8vo. 1879. (pp. 579.) 7a. List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. — Eirst Supple- ment, containing Additions received in 1879. 8vo. 1880. (pp. 71.) CONTENTS, MAMMALIA Page Page Order I. QFADRUMANA .... 1 Simiidae 1 Cercopithecidae 3 Cebidge 26 Hapalidae 37 Order II. LEMTTRES 40 Lemuridae 40 Chiromyidas 48 Order III. CARNIVORA 48 Felidaa 48 Viverridae 57 Protelidaa 66 Hyaenidae 66 Canidas 67 ATustelidae 76 Procyonidae 82 ^Eluridae 84 Ursidae 85 Otariidas 90 TrichechidaD 91 Phocidaa 91 Order IV. IXSECTIVORA . . 93 Talpidae 93 Erinaceidae 93 Tupaiidae 94 Order V. CHIROPTERA .... 94 Pteropodidae 94 Vespertilionidae .... 97 Emballonuridse 98 Order VI. RODENTIA .... 98 Sciuridae 98 Castoridae 107 Myoxidae 107 3Iuridae 108 Spalacidae 112 Dipodidae 112 Octodontidae 113 Hystricidae 115 Chinchillidae 117 Dasyproctidae 118 Caviidae 121 Leporidae 122 Order VII. HYRACES 124 Hyracidae 124 Order VIII. PROBOSCIDEA .. 124 Elephautidae ] 24 CONTENTS. MAMMALIA (continued). Page Order IX. UNGTJLATA 125 Rhino cerotidsft 125 Tapiridaa 128 Equida) 130 Bovidaa 132 Giraffidaa 156 Cervidas 158 Tragulidae 176 CamelidaB 177 HippopotamidaB .... 179 Phacochceridae 179 Suidaa 181 Order X. CETACEA 185 Belphinidse 185 Order XI. SIRENIA 186 Manatidae . . ,186 Page Order XII. EDENTATA 186 Bradypodidas 186 Dasypodidae 187 Myrmecophagidae .... 189 Manidaa 191 Orycteropodidae .... 192 Order XIII. MARSTJPIALIA. 193 DidelphyidaB 193 Dasyuridae 195 Peramelidas 196 Phascolarctidae 197 Phalangistidae 197 Macropodidae 200 Phascolomyidae 207 Order XIY. MONOTREMATA. 208 Echidnidaa . 208 AYES.. . 209 Order I. PASSERES 209 TurdidiB 209 Cinclidae 216 Panuridae 216 Paridaa 217 Sittidaa 218 Motacillidaj 218 Pycnonotidaa 220 Crateropodidas 222 Oriolidaa 224 Dicruridae 224 Artamidae 225 Laniidae 225 Ampelidae 226 Muscicapidas 228 Hirundinidaa. . . 226 Nectariniidae 227 Meliphagidaa 227 Coerebidae 228 Tanagridaa 228 Ploceidaa 233 Eringillidas 247 Icteridae 265 Sturnidaa 270 Paradiseidas 274 Corvidae 275 Alaudidaa 286 Pittidaa 288 Tyrannidaa 288 Cotingidae 289 Dendrocolaptidae .... 290 Menuridae . . . 290 CONTENTS. XI AYES (continued). Page Order II. PICAELE 291 Cypselidaj 291 Caprimulgidse 291 Picidje 291 lyngidaa 293 Coliidae 293 Alcedinidae 293 Bucerotidae 294 Upupidae 299 Momotidae 299 Coraciidae 299 Podargidae 300 Steatornithidae 300 Ramphastidae 300 Capitonidae 303 Cuculidaa 303 Musophagidae 306 Order III. PSITTACI 308 Cacatuidaa 308 Stringopidae 316 Palaeornithidae 317 Psittacidae 330 Order IV. STEIGES 354 Strigidae 354 Asionidae 355 Order V. ACCIPITRES 365 Falconidae 365 Serpentariidae 391 Cathartidaa 392 Order YI. STEGAXOPODES . . 394 Pelecanidaa 394 Fregatidas 396 Phalacrocoracidae .... 396 Plotidaa.. . 398 Page Order VII. HEEODIOXES . . 400 ArdeidaB 400 Ciconiidae 405 Plataleidae . 409 Order VIII. ODOXTOGLOSS^ 413 Phcenicopteridae .... 413 Order IX. PAIAMEDE^J . . 414 Palamedeidae 414 Order X. ANSEEES 415 Anatidae 415 Order XI. COLTTMBJB 443 Carpophagidae 443 Columbidae 446 Order XII. PTEEOCLETES . . 464 Pteroclidae 464 Order XIII. GALLED 465 Tetraonidae 465 Phasianidae 466 Cracidae 498 MegapodiidsB 505 Order XV. HEMIPODIT 506 Turnicidae 506 Order XVI. FTJIICAEI^ . . 507 Kallid83 507 Order XVII. ALECTOEIDES . 516 Otidoa 516 Psophiidas 518 Cariamidae 519 - Gniidae 519 Emypygidae 523 AramidaB . . 523 Xll CONTENTS. AVES (continued}. Page Order XVIII. LIMICOL.E . . 524 (Edicnemidae 524 CharadriidaB 525 Chionididaa 528 Scolopacidse 528 Order XIX. GAVIJS 533 Laridae 533 Order XX. TUBINARES . . 539 Procellariidee 539 Order XXI. PYGOPODES . . 540 Colymbidse 540 Alcidaa . . 541 Page Order XXII. IMPENNES . . 542 Spheniscidae 542 Order XXIII. CRYPTTIRI . . 545 TinamidaB 545 Order XXIV. APTERYGES . 547 Apterygida3 547 Order XXV. CASUARII 548 CasuariidaB 548 Order XXVI. STRTJTHIONES 551 StruthionidaB 551 RheidaB.. . 552 KEPTILIA . 555 Order TESTUDINATA 555 TestudinidaB 555 EmydidaB 561 Chelydida3 569 TrionycMdae 571 Chelonidaa 572 Order CROCODILIA 574 Crocodilidad 574 Order SAURIA 577 Sphenodontidte 577 Geccotidae 577 Varanidaa 578 Helodermida3 580 Teiidae 580 LacertidaB 581 Zonuridee 583 Scincidas 584 AgamidsB -. . 588 Iguanidas 590 Chama3leonida3 593 Amphisbasnidaa 595 Order OPHIDIA 596 Typhlopidffi 596 Boidaa 596 Tortricidaa 601 Calamariida3 601 ColubridaB 602 HomalopsidaB 613 Psammophiidse 613 DendrophiidaB 614 Dryophiidse 615 Dipsadidae 615 ScytalidaB 616 Lycodontidaa 617 Elapida? 617 Viperidfe 619 Crotalida3 . . 622 CONTENTS. Xlll BATRACHIA Page 625 Page Order ECATJDATA 625 Eanidae 625 CystignathidaB 626 Bufonidse 626 Hylidse 628 Pelobatid® 630 Discoglossida? 630 Order CAUDATA 631 Salamandridse 631 Amphiumidae 634 Proteidae ....;. 635 Sirenidae . . 635 PISCES Subclass TELEOSTEI 636 Gasterosteidee 636 Percidae 636 Triglidas 637 Trachinidaa 637 Gobiidaa 637 Discoboli 638 Pediculati 638 Blenniidae 638 Labyrinthici 639 Mugilidaa 639 Ophiocephalidae .... 639 Gobiesocidae 639 Labridae 640 Gadidaj 640 Pleuronectidas 641 Siluridse 641 Salmonidae . 642 636 Galaxiidaj 642 Esocidae 643 Cyprinidae 643 Gymnotidae 644 Huraenidae 645 Syngnathidae 645 Subclass DIPNOI 646 Lepidosirenidae 646 Subclass GANOIDEI 646 Acipenseridae 646 Subclass CHONDROPTERTGH.. 647 ScyUiidae 647 Spinacidae 647 Subclass LEPTOSTOMATA . . 647 Petromyzontidae .... 647 Subclass LEPTOCARDII .... 648 BranchiostomatidaB . . 648 LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. Page 1. Cercopithecus pluto . . 11 2. Macacus leoninus .... 19 3. Head of Chrysothrix usta 27 4. Brachyurus ouakari . . 36 5. Head of Lemur macaco 41 6. Head of Lemur niger- rimus 41 7. Perodicticus potto . . 47 8. -JElurus fulgens 85 9. Head of Ursus piscator 87 10. Otaria jubata 90 11. Cynonycteris collaris $ and young 96 12. Ehinoceros unicornis J 125 13. Bhinoceros lasiotis . . 126 14. Ehinoceros sumatrensis 127 15. llhinoceros bicornis tf . 128 16. Tapirus americanus . . 129 17. Bibos frontalis 134 18. Strepsiceros kudu 136 19. Oryx beatrix 138 20. Head of Gazella grant! 143 21. Head of Alcelaphus tora 149 22. Nemorhsedus crispus . . 151 23. Head of Antilocapra americana 157 24. Moschus moschiferus . 159 25. Elaphodus michianus tf 161 26. Head of Cervus schorn- burgki 166 Fig. Page 27. Cervus alfredi rf 168 28. Pudua humilis c? • • • • 175 29. Head of PLacochoerus sethiopicus tf ad. . . 179 30. Head of Phacochcerus africanus $ jr 180 31. Potamochcerus penicil- latus 183 32. Manatus australis .... 186 33. Myrmecophaga jubata . 190 34. Manis tricuspis 191 35. Orycteropus capensis . 192 36. Orycteropus aethiopi- cus 193 37. Phascolarctus cinereus 197 38. Head of Macropus eru- bescens 201 39. Heteralocha gouldi . . 284 40. Head of Bycanistes subcylindricus .... 297 41. Rhytidoceros plicatus 29& 42. Head of Cacatua san- guinea 311 43. Head of Cacatua du- corpsi 312 44. Head of Cacatua gym- nopis 313 45. Stringops habroptilus . 317 46. Speotyto cunicularia . . 363 47. Cathartes californianus 393 48. Phalacrocorax carbo . . 397 49. Plotus anhinga 399 XVI LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. Page 50. Head of Ibis sethiopica 410 51. Head of Ibis bernieri . 410 52. Male and female Ha- gellanic G-eese, bred between Bernicla dispar <$ and Ber- nicla magellanica 5 421 53. Numida vulturina. . . . 497 54. Megacephalon maleo . . 506 55. Tribonyx mortieri. ... 514 Fig. Page 56. Head of Himantopus nigricollis 529 57. Head of Himantopus brasiliensis 529 58. Spneniscus humboldti . 544 59. Head of Rhea ameri- cana 552 60. Head of Ehea macro- rhyncha 553 61. Head of Ehea darwinii 554 LIST OF ANIMALS, Class MAMMALIA. Order I. QUADKUMANA. Family SIMIID.E. Genus ANTHROPOPITHECUS*. 1. Anthropopithecus troglodytes (Gm.). Chimpanzee. Hab. West Africa. OT-Z. See former editions. a1. Male. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1878. 61. Female. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1878. c\ Male. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1878. d\ e\ Deposited, May 23, 1878. /*. Deposited, June 12, 1878. g\ Female. Deposited, Jan. 24, 1882. h1. Female. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Genus SIMIA. 2. Simla satyrus, Linn. Ourang-outang. Hab. Sumatra and Borneo. a. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1864. 6. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1866. d. Deposited, March 29, 1867. e, f. Presented by Colonel Benson and Mr. Vyapoory, June 19, 1868. g, h. Females. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1874. i,j. Males. Presented by Dr. E. Sim, F.Z.S., March 13, 1878. Tc. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 27, 1878. * Of. Peters, Monatsb. Ak. Berl. 1876, p. 470. B SlMllDjE. Genus HYLOBATES. 3. Hylobates hoolock (Harlan). Hoolock Gibbon. Hob. Assam. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868.' See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. v. b. Male. Presented by J. Scrymgeour, Esq., May 9, 1877. c. Female. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1880. 4. Hylobates lar (Linn.). White-handed Gibbon. Hab. Malay peninsula. a. Male ; from Mergui. b. Female ; from Tenasserim. Pre- sented by G. S. Kodon, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 603. Specimen a is figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. v. p. 86. c. Female. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Anson, May 16, 1872. From Malacca. d. Male. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1872. e. Female. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1873. /. Male. Purchased, July 25, 1873. g. Male. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1873. h. Male ; i. Female. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., Dec. 4, 1873. j. Female. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq., Jan. 7, 1878. From the Forests of Laos, N. Slam. Ic. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1880. 5. Hylobates leucogenys, Ogilby. White-cheeked Gibbon. Hab. Siam. a. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq., H.B.M. Consul at Bangkok, June 2, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 679, pi. LXX. 6. Hylobates leuciscus (Schreb.). Silvery Gibbon. Hab. Java. a. Female. Purchased, July 20, 1871. b. Purchased, April 18, 1882. 7. Hylobates variegatus (Geoffr.). Ungko Gibbon. Hab. Sumatra. a. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1871. b. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1873. c. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1874. CERCOPlTHECIDyE. 3 Family CEECOPITHECID^E. Genus SEMNOPITHECUS. 8. Semnopithecus entellus (Dufresne). Entellus Monkey. Hob. India. a. Presented by Miss M. L. Gordon, July 23, 1864. b. Presented by Capt. H. T. Forbes, Eoy. Art., June 26, 1865. c. Purchased, March 28, 1866. d. Purchased, May 1, 1866. e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. /. Male. Purchased, April 20, 1869. g. Male. Purchased, June 22, 1869. h. Purchased, April 14, 1870. i. Female. Beceived in exchange, March 31, 1871. j. Female. Purchased, June 9, 1873. k. Purchased, April 25, 1876. I. Presented by E. Penn, Esq., Oct. 3, 1876. m. Eeceived in exchange, April 5, 1877. n. Presented by J. Mills, Esq., E.H.A., Jan. 23, 1879. o. Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 12, 1879. p. Female. Deposited, March 2, 1881. q, r. Males ; s. Female. Purchased, April 21, 1881. 9. Semnopithecus mitratus, Eschsch. Mitred Monkey. Hub. Java. «. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 12, 1879. 10. Semnopithecus obscurtts, Martin. Dusky Monkey. Hob. Malacca. a. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 110. b. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1874. 11. Semnopithecus leucoprymnus (Otto) . Purple- faced Monkey. Hab. Ceylon. a. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1864. b. Purchased, June 22, 1868. c. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1871. e. Male. Purchased, June 21, 1873. 4 CERCOPITHECID^E. /. Presented by A. J. Keason, Esq., May 15, 1876. a. Purchased, Aug. 26, 1877. ft. Presented by J. B. Knocker, Esq., Sept. 7, 1877. t. Purchased, Sept. 20, 1878. 7, fc. Purchased, May 30, 1880. 'l. Male. Presented by William Collingwood, Sept. 27, 1880. m. Male. Presented by Lieut. W. V. Anson, B.N., June 30, 1881. 12. Semnopithecus maurus (Schreb.). Moor Monkey. Hab. Java. a. Eeceived, July 30, 1864. b. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 8, 1866. c. d. Presented by Capt. D. Nutsford, March 11, 1871. e. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. From Malacca /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. g. Female. Purchased, June 12, 1876. h. Male. Purchased, June 15, 1877. Genus COLOBUS. 13. Colobus poiycomus (Schreb.). King Colobus. Hab. Sierra Leone. a. Purchased, May 16, 1873. 14. Colobus ursinus (Ogilby) . Ursine Colobus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 23, 1864. b. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. c. Purchased, May 17, 1868. d. Female. Deposited, May 13, 1869. e. Purchased, April 14, 1870. 15. Colobus vellerosus (Is. Geoffr.). White-thighed Colobus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 28, 1873. b. Female. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1875. c. On approval. Aug. 21, 1875. d. Female. Presented by Dr. W. H. Hart, May 27, 1879. CERCOPITHECIDjE. Genus CERCOPITHECUS. 16. Cercopithecus talapoin (Erxl.). Talapoin Monkey. Hob. West Africa. a. Presented by Lieut. W. B. Bridges, E.N., Nov. 28, 1866. From the Congo river. 6. Presented by the Eev. Dan. Greatorex, March 29, 1867. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., F.Z.S., April 13, 1869. d. Female. Purchased, April 14, 1870. «, f. Females. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. gl Male. Presented by C. B. Maseyk, Esq., Aug. 20, 1872. h. Male. Purchased, March 6, 1873. i. Male. Purchased, June 21, 1873. j. Purchased, July 13, 1876. k. Purchased, June 24, 1881. I. Female. Purchased, March 29, 1882. 17. Cercopithecus cynosurus (Scop.) . Malbrouck Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 3, 1865. b. Purchased, May 13, 1865. c. Presented by W. W. Vine, Esq., E.N., May 24, 1866. d. e, f. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Purchased, June 10, 1868. h. Presented by D. Thompson, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. i. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. j. Male. Presented by H. A. M. de Lichtabbell, Esq., July 21, 1874. k. Male. Presented by H. A. M. de Lichtabbell, Esq., Sept. 6, 1874. I. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1874. m. Eeceived in exchange, July 8, 1875. n. Female. Presented by C. S. N. Newman, Esq., Nov. 11, 1875. o. Female. Presented by Dr. Stirling, June 20, 1876. p. Female. Presented by L. C. Brown, Esq., Jan. 17, 1877. q. Presented by Mrs. Escott, July 18, 1877. r. Presented by Edward Wright, Esq., July 6, 1878. s. Female. Presented by Miss Agnes Barker, Aug. 15, 1879. t. Male. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1879. u. Female, Deposited, Nov. 7, 1879. v. Male. Presented by the Eev. J. L. Sabunjie, Dec. 17, 1879. w. Presented by Lady Dorothy Nevill, March 6, 1880. a:. Female. Presented by Mrs. Ladell, March 17, 1880. y. Deposited, May 26, 1880, 6 CERCOPITHECID^:. z. Presented by E. A. Evans, Esq., Nov. 9, 1880. a1. Male. Presented by W. Behrens, Esq., Nov. 17, 1880. bl. Presented by J. E. Saunders, Esq., Dec. 9, 1880. c1. Female. Presented by E. Chauncy, Esq., Jan. 25, 1881. d\ Male. Presented by H. Aylesbury, Esq., June 11, 1881. e\f\ Presented by H. P. Sherlock, Esq., Sept. 3, 1881. gl. Presented by Mrs. Paterson, Sept. 16, 1881. h\ Presented by Mr. J. Pope, Oct. 19, 1881. il. Eemale. Presented by C. A. Eose, Esq., Dec. 21, 1881. /. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1882. k\ Male. Presented by E. A. St. Leger, Esq., Feb. 10, 1882. Z1. Presented by Eobert Mills, Esq., April 13, 1882. m\ Presented by Mrs. Cumberleye, July 25, 1882. n\ Deposited, Oct. 26, 1882. 18. Cercopithecus lalandii, Is. GeofFr. Vervet Monkey. Hab. South Africa. former editions. /2. ]$ale. Presented by O. Billinghurst, Esq., May 8, 1876. g\ Deposited, Oct. 26, 1876. tf. Female. Presented by F. Nash, Esq., Dec. 16, 1876. i2. Male; f. Female. Presented by F. G. Butler, Esq., Jan. 25, 1877. P. Deposited, Sept. 5, 1877. P. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1877. m2. Presented by J. H. Taylor, Esq., Nov. 27, 1877. w2. Presented by J. Bennet, Esq., March 23, 1878. o2. Presented by G. W. Twining, Esq., May 3, 1878. p2. Presented by W. T. Millar, Esq., Aug. 25, 1879. (f. Presented by E. Meyerstein, Esq., Sept. 25, 1879. r2. Presented by Sir Arthur Scott, Bart., Oct. 4, 1879. s2. Male. Deposited, Nov. 4, 1879. *2. Male. Presented by L. Samuel, Esq., April 7, 1880. w2. Male. Presented by Frank Simpson, Esq., May 27, 1880. v2. Female. Deposited, Sept. 9, 1880. w2. Male. Presented by Mrs. Brassey, Oct. 11, 1881. 2/2. Male. Presented by E. M. Edger, Esq., Nov. 25, 1881. z2. Presented by Mr. F. W. Gourlay, April 15, 1882. a3. Presented by H. T. Hardcastle, Esq., Oct. 18, 1882. 63. Male. Presented by G. H. Jones, Esq., Oct. 27, 1882. 19. Cercopithecus griseo-viridis, Desm. Grivet Monkey. Hab. North-east Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1864. b. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1865. c. Presented by His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S. . 24, 1865. CERCOPITHECID.E. 7 d. Deposited, Oct. 18, 1865. e. Presented by E. G. Brietzeke, Esq., Oct. 10, 1868. /. Female. Presented by Capt. J. Cracknel], March 30, 1869. g. Male. Presented by Mrs. Vaughan, June 12, 1871. h. Male. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1871. i,j. Males. Presented by Dr. Horner, Dec. 21, 1872. k. Females. Presented by J. Daws Bray, Esq., Jan. 17, 1873. 1. Male. Presented by Mrs. Contearn, Dec. 31, 1873. m. Female. Presented by T. T. Sich, Esq., Oct. 21, 1876. n. Male. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1876. o. Female. Presented by J. W. Bichardson, Esq., March 14, 1877. p. Male. Presented by J. Harvey, Esq., July 30, 1877. q. Female. Presented by W. D. James, Esq.", Sept. 18, 1877. r. Male. Presented by E. Dudgeon, Esq., Oct. 5, 1877. s. Female. Presented by Madame Patey, Jan. 19, 1878. t. Presented by E. H. Lockley, Esq., Feb. 14, 1878. u. Presented by W. B. Greenfield, Esq., April 8, 1879. v. Male. Presented by E. M. Courage, Esq., July 1, 1879. w. Female. Presented by H. E. Laver, Esq., March 11, 1880. x. Male. Presented by W. C. Gordon, Esq., March 20, 1880. y Female. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1881. z. Presented by Lionel Hart, Esq., Aug. 23, 1881. 20. Cercopithecus callitrichus, Is. Geoffr. Green Monkey. Hob. West Africa. rt-z1. See former editions. a2. Presented by James Bennet, Esq., March 23, 1878. ft2. Male. Presented by G. Mil ward, Esq., April 13, 1878. c2. Female. Presented by Mrs. C. Yeomans, June 30, 1878. (P. Male. Presented by H. Hands, Esq., Oct. 31, 1878. e2. Female. Presented by Miss G. E. Marryatt, Nov. 15, 1 Q^7Q Io7o. /*. Presented by A. G. Lytton Squires, Esq., Dec. 4, 1878. V2. Female. Presented by J. Williams, Esq., Dec. 14, 1878. h2. Female. Presented by Mr. Carroll, Jan. ]0, 1879. i2. Male. Presented by J. Douglas Murray, Esq., Feb. 21, 1879. f . Female. Presented by Miss E. A. B. Payton, March 4, 1879. P. Male. Presented by J. N. T. Marthege, Esq., March 28, 1879. T. Male. Presented by C. F. S. Day, Esq., Aug. 15, 1879. m\ Male. Presented 'by F. Peake, Esq., F.Z.S., July 22, 1880. n2. Presented by Mr. A. Haynes, Oct. 31, 1880. 02. Female; pz. Purchased, June 24, 1881. q\ Presented by Mr. G. Aldridge, Oct. 25, 1881. 8 . CERCOPITHECID^l. r2. Deposited, Dec. 12, 1881. s2. Female ; t2. Young. Eeceived in exchange, May 1, 1882. u\ Female. Presented by Mrs. Gretton, Nov. 21, 1882, 21. Cercopithecus rufo-viridis, Is. Geoffr. Mozambique Monkey. Hob. Mozambique. a. Presented by Commander Bedingfield, E.N., June 14, 1859. From the Zambesi. See P. Z.S. 1860, p. 420. Mus. Brit. b. Presented by G-. Billing, Esq., June 1, 1860. 22. Cercopithecus patas (Schr.). Patas Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by G-. E. Stanley, Esq., Aug. 1, 1863. b-d. Purchased, Dec. 27, 1864. e. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. /. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1868. g. Presented by Clement P. Penny, Esq., Sept. 28, 1869. h. Female. Deposited, Nov. 8, 1870. i. Female. Presented by E. Hoad, Esq., July 14, 1873. j. Female. Presented by A. E. Oakes, Esq., Dec. 22, 1873. Tc. Male. Purchased, July 11, 1874. 1. Male. Presented by Dr. E. F. Mayne, Nov. 3, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 664. m. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1875. n. Male. Purchased, April 14, 1875. o. Female. Deposited, May 6, 1875. p. Female. Presented by J. W. Feather, Esq., Dec. 5, 1875. q. Female. Presented by Mr. E. Poulson, June 21, 1877. r. Female. Deposited, Dec. 14, 1877. s. Presented by W. H. Wylde, Esq., Aug. 13, 1878. t. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1878. u. Female. Presented by Dr. Horlock, Nov. 19, 1880. v. Purchased, June 17, 1881. 23. Cercopithecus pyrrhonotus, Hempr. et Ehr. Nisnas Monkey. Hab. Nubia. a. Female. Presented by Col. the Hon. P. Fielding, June 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623. b. Female. Deposited, March 31, 1875. c. Male. Presented by B. C. Simpson, Esq., March 22, 1877. d. Female. Presented by W. D. James, Esq., Sept. 18, 1877. e. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1878. /. Male. Presented by Mrs. F. Dixon, Sept. 29, 1882. From Somali Land,' East Africa. CERCOPITHECID^!. 9 24. Cercopithecus albigularis, Sykes. Sykes's Monkey. Hob. East Africa. a. Received in exchange, Dec. 15, 1864. b. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1865. d. Deposited, May 22, 1866. e. /. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1868. g. Female. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. h. Female. Deposited, April 15, 1872. i. Male. Purchased, June 18, 1872. j. Male. Presented by F. E. H. Lambert, Esq., July 30, 1872. fc. Female. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1875. 1. Presented by J. B. Tunnard, Esq., Aug. 23, 1875. m. Male. Presented by E. Payne, Esq., Dec. 11, 1876. n. Male. Presented by Capt. Benson, Sept. 4, 1878. o. Female. Presented by Mrs. E. Wynne Roberts, Feb. 3, 1880. p. Female. Presented by Miss Mabel Beale, Feb. 4, 1880. q. Male. Presented by E. S. Savage, Esq., March 20, 1880. r. Female. Presented by the Officers of the Royal Yacht ' Osborne,' Oct. 27, 1880. s. Female. Deposited, July 13, 1881. t. Female. Presented by H! "W. M. Shewell, Esq., Lieut. R.A., Aug. 3, 1881. u. Female. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. v. Male. Presented by H. Gunning, Esq., Feb. 2, 1882. w. Male. Presented by Ballantine Dykes, Esq., June 8, 1882. x. Female. Presented by Capt. F. W. Schwedler, Oct. 3, 1882. 25. Cercopithecus mona (Schreb.). Mona Monkey. Hob. West Africa. «. Purchased, April 5, 1862. b. Received in exchange, March 9, 1865. c, d. Purchased, March 6, 1867. e. Purchased, June 24, 1867. /. Purchased, June 27, 1867. g. Purchased, March 10, 1868. h. Purchased, May 8, 1868. t. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. j, 7c. Males ; Z, m. Females. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1871. n, o. Females. Purchased, April 7, 1874. p. Female. Deposited, Nov. 12, 1875. q. Male. Presented by the Rev. W. N. Ripley, Oct. 2, 1878. r. Female. Presented by Miss Sandford, March 22, 1879. s. Female. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1879. t. Female. Presented by J. G-. Hamilton, Esq., May 31, 1880. 10 CERCOPITHECID^. u. Male. Presented by W. Macmillan Scott, Esq., Feb. 22, 1881. v. Deposited, Dec. 15, 1881. 26. Cercopithecus diana (Linn.). Diana Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, June 14, 1864. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Purchased, May 18, 1866. e. Purchased, July 18, 1866. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. y. Male. Purchased, May 8, 1869. h. Female. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871 . i. Male. Presented by H. Worrall, Esq., May 2, 1872. j. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1873. k. Female. Purchased, March 15, 1875. I. Female. Presented by Walter Mayhew, Esq., Dec. 7, 1877. m. Presented by P. Spink, Esq., Dec. 13, 1877. n. Female. Received in exchange, May 8, 1879. o,p. Female. Presented by F. J. Crocker, Esq., Aug. 14, 1878. q. Purchased, June 24, 1881. r. Presented by Louis Wyatt, Esq., Aug. 19, 1881. s. Male. Purchased, March 29, 1882. t. Male. Presented by Messrs. L. and Gr. Boljohn, June 27, 1882. u. Presented by the Rev. C. Harris, Aug. 21, 1882. 27. Cercopithecus erxlebeni, Dahlb. et Puch. Erxleben's Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. b. Female. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From the river Congo. e. Female. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1881. d. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1882. 28. Cercopithecus erythrogaster, Gray. Red-bellied Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 16, 1866. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 168, pi. XYI. See also notes by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 380. b. Purchased, May 8, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 430. CERCOPITHECID^E. 11 29. Cercopithecus campbelli, Waterh. Campbell's Monkey. Hab. West Coast of Africa. a. Female. Presented by Mrs. E. Ivey, June 15, 1872. b. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 1. c. Male. Presented by Capt. Damm, ship * Cupido,' May 10, 1875. d. Male. Presented by Miss A. J. Brown, Oct. 9, 1875. e. Deposited, Nov. 12, 1875. /. Presented by the Rev. C. Harris, Aug. 21, 1882. 30. Cercopithecus pluto, Gray. Pluto Monkey. (Fig. 1.) Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 670. b. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. c. Purchased, June 29, 1871. Fig. 1. Cercopiihecus pluto. (P. Z. S. 1848, p. 57.) d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. e. Male. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. 12 CERCOPITHECID.E. /. Male. Purchased, June 25, 1872. g. Male. Eeceived in exchange, July 2, 1872. h. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1873. i. Male. Purchased, May 10, 1873. j, k. Females. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1881. 'l. Female. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. m. Male ; n. Female ; o. Young. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1882. 31. -Cercopithecus cephus (Linn.). Moustache Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1862. b. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. c. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Purchased, March 6, 1867. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21, 1867. 7i-&. Received in exchange, July 3, 1868. 1. Presented by Dr. Dyer, Nov. 16, 1868. m, n. Eeceived in exchange, July 2, 1869. o. Male. Presented by Major-G-eneral G-ambier, July 19, 1870. p. Male. Presented 'by Mr. F. Barnett, Nov. 8, 1870. q. Female. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871. r. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 21, 1871. s. Female. Purchased, March 5, 1872. t. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1872. u. Female. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1873. v, w. Females. Purchased, June 10, 1873. x. Female. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From Cabinda, West Africa. y. Female. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1874. z. Female. Eeceived, July 16, 1874. a1. Male. Presented by E. F. Domville, Esq., Lieut. E.N., Aug. 10, 1877. b\ c\ Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. d1, e1. Female. Presented by Charles Atkins, Esq., Nov. 2, 1880. f-h\ Female. Purchased, June 24, 1881. i\ Male. Presented by F. G. S. Laye, Esq., Nov. 14, 1881. /. Deposited, Aug. 10, 1882. lc\ Presented by Mrs. Heath, Sept. 13, 1882. 32. Cercopithecus nictitans (Linn.). Hocheur Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, April 8, 1871. c. Purchased, July 26, 1871. d. Male. Purchased, April 13, 1872. CERCOPITHECIRE. 13 e. Female. Purchased, May 16, 1873. /. Female. Purchased, April 6, 1874. g. Female. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1874. h. Purchased, May 30, 1880. i. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. 33. Cercopithecus petaurista (Schreb.). Lesser White-nosed Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1864. b. Deposited, June 13, 1866. c. Purchased, July 18, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Deposited, Dec. 16, 1867. /. Beceived in exchange, June 24, 1868. g. Male. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. h. Male. Presented by John Gordon, Esq., May 14, 1875. i. Presented by F. Ward, Esq., March 27, 1876. j. Male ; k. Female. Presented by Mr. Miles, July 21, 1876. I. Presented by Mrs. Cleaver, June 4, 1877. TO. Male. Presented by B. F. Clothier, Esq., July 15, 1879. n. Female. Purchased, May 3, 1881. o. Male. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1881. p. Male. Deposited, April 21, 1882. q. Female. Deposited, May 22, 1882. r. Purchased, May 31, 1882. s. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1882. t. Male. Deposited, Dec. 13, 1882. 34. Cercopithecus ludio, Gray. Ludio Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 26, 1868. b. Female. Deposited, Aug. 7, 1871. c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. d. Female. Purchased, June 27, 1872. e. Female. Presented by J. G. Hamilton, Esq., May 31, 1880. /. Female. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1880. g. Female. Purchased, April 28, 1881. h. Male. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Genus CERCOCEBUS. 35. Cercocebus collaris (Gray). White-collared Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a, 6. Beceived in exchange, Aug. 16, 1864. c. Presented by A. F. Bidgway, Esq., Dec. 3, 1864. 14 CERCOPITHECID^E. d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. e. Presented by Capt. James Erskine, R.N., Feb. 6, 1867. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1867. h. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. i. Presented by the Rev. Dan. Greatorex, Jan. 28, 1868. j, I". Presented by Dr. Leared, Dec. 19, 1868. I. Female. Presented by Col. Addison, April 14, 1869. m. Male. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1.871. w. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1873. 0. Male. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1880. p. Purchased, June 24, 1881. q. Male. Presented by James Jameson, Esq., Aug. 17, 1881. 36. Cercocebus fuliginosus, Geoffr. Sooty Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by — Addison, Esq., April 13, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Deposited, Nov. 24, 1865. e. Deposited, July 23, 1866. /. Female. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1869. g. Male. Purchased, May 3, 1870. h. Male. Purchased, June 6, 1870. 1. Presented by General Osborne, Sept. 30, 1870. j. Male. Presented by E. Atkinson, Esq., July 14, 1871. fc. Male. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. I. Female. Presented by Mr. Martin, July 22, 1874. m. Male. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1875. n. Male. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. o. Male. Deposited, May 17, 1877. p. Female. Presented by E. Sellars, Esq., Nov. 3, 1877. q. Male. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1881. r. Male. Presented by Lady Stafford, Nov. 9, 1882. 37. Cercocebus athiops (Linn.). White-crowned Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. b. Presented by F. van Zeller, Esq., June 15, 1870. c. Female. Presented by W. G. Petchett, Esq., March 5, 1875. 38. Cercocebus albigena (Gray) . Grey-cheeked Mangebey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1865. See notice by Dr. Murie, P.Z. S. 1865, p. 740. b. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1866. CERCOPITHECID.E. 15 c. Presented by Capt. James Erskine, E.N., Feb. 16, 1867. d. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1869. e. Female. Purchased, July 30, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. g. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. h. Male. Received in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. i. Male. Presented by the late H. Ansell, Esq., May 27, 1875. j. Female. Presented by Eobert Surrey, Esq., May 20, 1879. k. Male. Presented by Capt. Thomas, "May 11, 1880. I. Female. Presented by the Earl of Lonsdale, F.Z.S., May 28, 1880. m. Purchased, June 24, 1881. Genus MACACUS. 39. Macacus sinicus (Linn.). Bonnet-Monkey. Hob. Continental India. a-z*. See former editions. «5. Male. Presented by H. Willatt, Esq., May 25, 1878. b5. Female. Presented by A. C. Forbes, Esq., June 27, 1878. c". Male. Presented by Capt. Clarke, Aug. 26, 1878. d*. Presented by F. Carter, Esq., Sept. 25, 1878. e5. Female. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1878. /5. Male. Presented by Mr. F. Hinde, Nov. 12, 1878. ff. Male. Presented by Geo. Eggar, Esq., March 18, 1879. X5. Male. Presented by Mr. E. Brett, May 1, 1879. i5. Female. Presented by Mrs. J. Eaves, Sept. 4, 1879. f\ Female. Presented by Mrs. Bonamy Dobree, Oct. 18, 1879. P. Presented by S. E. Phillips, Esq., Oct. 20, 1879. l\ Male. Presented by J. E. Medley, Esq., Oct. 23, 1879. m5. Female. Presented by H. L. Euegg, Esq., Nov. 14, 1879. n5. Male. Presented by the Eev. E. C. Ince, Dec. 12, 1879. o5. Presented by E. M. Drury, Esq., Dec. 17, 1879. p*. Presented by J. E. Cullen, Esq., March 24, 1880. 2s, r5. Deposited, July 30, 1880. s5. Male. Presented by C. Kerry Nicholls, Esq., Sept. 1, 1880. t5. Male. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1880. u5. Female. Presented by William Underwood Harvey, Esq., Nov. 3, 1880. v5. Female. Presented by Mr. M. Nicholson, Nov. 13, 1880. w5. Female. Presented by A. W. Okes-Voysey, Esq., March 12, 1881. x\ Deposited, Aug. 27, 1881. y5. Presented by J. Thompson, Esq., Sept. 19, 1881. z\ Presented by Mr. C. Green, Sept. 20, 1881. a6. Deposited, Oct. 10, 1881. 66. Female. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1881. 16 CERCOPITHECID^E. c6. Female. Presented by the Eev. E. H. Manley, Nov. 18, 1881. d*. Female. Presented by Mr. Kessels, Jan. 14, 1882. e«. Female. Presented by Mrs. Nicholson, March 20, 1882. /6. Female. Presented by H. Worth, Esq., March 25, 1882. g6. Female. Presented by F. W. Blackiston, Esq., April 6, 1882. h*. Presented by T. W. Fremlin, Esq., April 17, 1882. i6. Female. Presented by H. B. Hamer, May 11, 1882. /. Male. Presented by Master GK H. Clark, June 17, 1882. &6. Female. Presented by Mrs. Morris, July 1, 1882. I6. Male. Presented by A. S. Gissing, Esq., Nov. 16, 1882. m6. Presented by W. Nash, Esq., Nov. 30, 1882. n6. Female. Presented by W. Percy Laing, Esq., Dec. 9, 1882. o6. Male ; p6. Female. Presented by N. Cotton, Esq., Dec. 21, 1882. • 40. Macacus pileatus (Shaw). Toque Monkey. Hob. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. Kelsall, E.E., July 31, 1862. 6. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1863. c. Presented by Miss Maria Laura Ronald, Dec. 13, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. John Williams, Oct. 19, 1866. e. Purchased, June 5, 1868. /. Male. Presented by Mr. A. S. Eedrup, May 14, 1872. g. Male. Presented by the Sergeants of the First Battalion Scots Fusileers, July 31, 1873. h. Male. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1873. i. Presented by Mrs. Thomas, Sept. 3, 1874. j. Female. Presented by A. Ferris, Esq., May 12, 1875. Tc. Male. Deposited, April 25, 1877. 1. Male. Presented by Master E. C. Heyworth, May 8, 1878. m. Presented by Mrs/Tranchell, Oct. 29, 1878. n. Presented by H. P. Brenan, Esq., E.N., June 4, 1880. o. Male. Presented by Mrs. Evans, Jan. 23, 1882. 41. Macacus cynomolgus (Linn.). Macaque Monkey. Hob. India. o-z6. See former editions. a7. Presented by Mr. F. Beck, Nov. 19, 1878. b7. Female. Presented by Dr. Whately, E.N., Nov. 26, 1878. c7. Male. Deposited, Dec. 20, 1878. d7. Female. Presented by Mr. W. Trent, Jan. 9, 1879. e7. Female. Presented by D. D'Orpen, Esq.. Jan. 14, 1879. f. Male. Presented by E. E. Barclay, Esq., Jan. 27, 1879. CERCOPITHECID.E. 17 g7. Female. Presented by Mrs. Eardley Holt, Jan. 30, 1879. h7. Male. Presented by C. A. Thomson, Esq., May 5, 1879. i7. Female. Presented by E. Y. Goddard, Esq., May 5, 1879. f. Eemale. Presented by P. Leman, Esq., May 10* 1879. I?. Male. Presented by Mr. G-. T. Close, June 19, 1879. 17. Presented by Miss E. Catlin, June 20, 1879. m7. Male. Presented by Mrs. James Eaves, Sept. 4, 1879. n7. Eemale. Presented by W. Leckie, Esq., Oct. 7, 1879. 07. Presented by T. Hobbs, Esq., Oct. 14, 1879. p7. Male. Presented by Mrs. Franklin, Oct. 21, 1879. q7. Male. Deposited, Nov. 25, 1879. r7. Eemale. Presented by Mrs. L. C. Piggott, Dec. 30, 1879. s7. Male. Presented by J. Snowdon Henry, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 14, 1880. <7, u7. Hybrids between this species and M. erythrceus. Pre- sented by J. Snowdon Henry, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 14? 1880. v7. Presented by Mrs. Macaulay, Feb. 21, 1880. iv7. Female. Deposited, March 1, 1880. .r7. Male. Presented by Mrs. S. M. Young, March 3, 1880. y7. Male. Presented by Mr. G-. Kirby, April 1, 1880. z7. Deposited, May 6, 1880. «8. Male. Presented by F. H. Adey, Esq., June 12, 1880. 18. Male. Presented by Mr. J. Anson, July 26, 1880. c8. Male. Presented by H. G. Wainwright, Esq., Aug. 19, 1880. ds. Male. Presented by Cecil Peele, Esq., Aug. 19, 1880. KS. Male. Presented by George G. Turner, Esq., Aug. 26, 1880. /8. Male. Presented by Major Gape, Sept. 20, 1880. 08. Female. Presented by H. J. Thimbleby, Esq., Sept. 28, 1880. hs. Male. Presented by W. B. Tustin, Esq., Oct. 13, 1880. is. Presented by F. W« Mauley, Esq., Oct. 24, 1880. /. Presented by M. M. Winchester, Esq., Nov. 6, 1880. ks. Female. Presented by George Comyns, Esq., Jan. 29, 1881. Is. Male. Presented by A. Dawling, Esq., Jan. 5, 1881. m8. Male. Deposited, 'March 17, 1881. ns. Male. Presented by E. J. Short, Esq., April 5, 1881. o8. Male. Presented by Mr. W. Nugent, June 2, 1881. ps. Male. Presented by Mr. H. Dummett, Aug. 11, 1881. q8. Female. Presented by Mr. E. Edge, Aug. 17, 1881. r8. Female. Presented by the Eev. George Cuffe, Aug. 22, 1881. s8. Presented by James TV. Duncan, Esq., Aug. 30, 1881. *s. Male. Presented by H. Cox, Esq., Sept. 18, 1881. u8. Presented by Mr. W. Thomson, Sept. 21, 1881. v8. Female. Presented by G. E. Jarvis, Esq., Oct. 11, 1881. ic;8. Female. Presented by G. E. J. Glennie, Esq., Oct. 18, 1881. 18 CERCOPITHECID^:. x\ Male; f. Female. Deposited, Jan. 13, 1882. z8. Male. Presented by Mrs. Richardson, March 5, 1882. a\ Female. Presented by Mrs. Hill, March 16, 1882. b9. Female. Presented by E. W. Hills, Esq., April 14, 1882. c9. Female. Presented by Mr. F. Forman, May 16, 1882. d9. Hybrid between this species and Macacus erythrceus. Born in the Menagerie, July 13, 1882. e9. Male. Deposited, July 14, 1882. f9. Female. Presented by Lady Parkyns, July 20, 1882. g9. Presented by F. Logie Pirie, Esq., Aug. 7, 1882. h9. Male. Presented by Mrs. Crawford, Aug. 31, 1882. i9. Male ; p. Female. Presented by F. J. Newton, Esq., Sept. 15, 1882. k\ Male. Presented by Mrs. Paris, Sept. 26, 1882. I9. Male ; m9. Female. Presented by L. Bennett, Esq., Sept. 28, 1882. n9, o9. Females. Presented by A. Cornet, Esq., Oct. 10, 1882. pg. Presented by Mrs. Snell, Nov. 6, 1882. q9. Presented by J. Knight, Esq., Nov. 9, 1882. r9. Male. Presented by Lady Sibyl Tollemache, Dec. 16, 1882. 42. Macacus nemestrinus (Linn.). Pig-tailed Monkey. Hob. Java. a-z. See former editions. a1. Female. Presented by E. M. Clissold, Esq., May 2, 1879. ft1. Female. Presented by Capt. A. W. Shean, May 10, 1879. c1. Presented by Mrs. Walter Crane, Oct. 2, 1879. d\ Male. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1880. e1. Male. Presented by J. M. Donovan, Esq., May 12, 1880. From Sumatra. f. Male. Presented by Mr. W. C. Lawes, May 31, 1880. g\ Male. Presented by E. M. Staveley, June 2, 1882. A1. Male. Presented by W. Mason, Esq., Sept. 9, 1882. i1. Male. Deposited, Nov. 8, 1882. 43. Macacus sancti-johannis (Swinhoe). St. John's Monkey. Hab. North Lena Island, Hong-Kong, China. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1867. Original specimen received from Mr. Swinhoe, and described by him in P. Z. S. 1866, p. 556. 6. Presented by T. J. Fawcett, Esq., Oct. 29, 1867. 44. Macacus leoninus (Blyth). Leonine Monkey. (Fig. 2.) Hab. Arracan. a. Female. Presented by Capt. E. A. Brown, E.N., July 8, CERCOPITHEC1D.E. 19 1869. Specimen named by Mr. Bartlett M. andamanemis, Land and Water, July 24, 1868. See P. Z.S. 1869, p. 467, and 1870, p. 663. Fig. 2. Macacus leonimts. (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467.) b. Male. Purchased, June 14, 1870. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. xxxv. p. 664. c. Female. Presented by F. Barbellion, Esq., Sept. 2, 1876. d. Male. Deposited, Sept. 28, 1877. e. Male. Deposited, Sept. 20, 1878. /. Male. Received in exchange, June 14, 1880. 20 CERCOPITHECID.E. 45. Macacus rhesus (Aud.). Rhesus Monkey. Hob. Continental India. a~2/3. See former editions. z3. Female. Presented by F. C. Grosvenor, Esq., Jan. 17, 1880. a4. Received in exchange, May 5, 1880. b4. Presented by W. Connell, Esq., June 14, 1880. c4. Male. Presented by G. L. Amlot, Esq., June 17, 1880. d4. Male. Presented by F. Felix, Esq., June 30, 1880. e4. Female. Presented by Mrs. C. Salvin, July 14, 1880. /4. Female. Presented by J. E. Kincaid, Esq., Aug. 14, 1880. g4. Female. Presented by the Rev. J. A. Saunders, B.A., Oct. 27, 1880. h4. Male. Presented by Miss Tilbury, Nov. 2, 1880. i4. Born in the Gardens, June 6, 1881. j4 Presented by H. Kerr, Esq., June 7, 1881. k4. Born in the Menagerie, June 13, 1881. I4. Female. Presented by F. Smyth, Esq., Oct. 3, 1881. m4. Female. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1881. n4. Female. Presented by Mr. William Trent, Dec. 29, 1881. o4. Male. Deposited, Feb. 20, 1882. p4. Presented by Mrs. Lamprey, April 27, 1882. g4. Female. Presented by Capt. E. B. Stevens, E.M., June 1, 1882. r4. Female. Presented by Mrs. H. C. Dawson, Sept. 9, 1882. s4. Male. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1882. t4. Male. Presented by G. V. Sawyer, Esq., Dec. 12, 1882. 46. Macacus lasiotus, Gray. Chinese Rhesus. Hab. Interior of China. a. Presented by Miss C. A. Winckworth, Jan. 15, 1868. From Szechuen. Specimen with tail removed, as described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 60, pi. vi. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 221. b. Male. Presented by Messrs. B. Morris and A. H. Brown, Jan. 24, 1880. c. Male. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1881. 47. Macacus tcheliensis, A. Milne-Edwards. Tcheli Monkey. Hab. Northern China. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by Dr. Bushell, Aug. 17, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 537. CERCOPITHECIDJE. 21 48. Macacus cyclopis, Swinhoe. Round-faced Monkey. Hab. Island of Formosa. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq. F.Z.S., H.B.M/s Vice-Consul/ Formosa, Sept. 4, 1862. See Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 350, and 1870, p. 615 ; also Sclater, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 710. 49. Macacus pelops, Hodgs. Cashmere Monkey. Hab. Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the Rev. T. P. Methuen, Aug. 29, 1869. Died Dec. 17, 1870. b. Male. Presented by Rear-Admiral Davies, May 16, 1873. 50. Macacus assamensis, McClelland. Assamese Monkey. Hab. Bhootan. a. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1868. From Bhootan. See P.Z.S. 1868, p. 566. Died March 21, 1869. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, Cat. Monkeys, p. 128, as Macacus problematicus. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. 51. Macacus rheso-similis, Sclater. Rhesus-like Monkey. Hab. East Indies. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. xxv., and P. Z. S. 1875, p. 418. 52. Macacus silenus (Linn.). Wanderoo Monkey. Hab. Malabar coast of India. a. Presented by Capt. Pocklington, 18th Regt., Sept. 2, 1863. b. Presented by — Hellendaal, Esq., Dec. 23, 1865. c. d. Presented by Col. Denisou, May 3, 1866. e. Presented by Gen. Sir Henry G. A. Taylor, F.Z.S., March 26, 1867. /. Male. Presented by Capt. A. A. Davidson, Sept. 6, 1869. g. Presented by J. W/Busteed, Esq., Nov. 17, 1870. k. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. j. Male. Presented by Lieut. Yipan, July 21, 1874. '/-. Female. Deposited, Nov. 14, 187*. 53. Macacus melanotus (Ogilby). Black-backed Ape. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, June 3, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 418, and 1876, p. 425. 22 CERCOPITHECID^E. 54. Macacus speciosus, F. Cuv. Japanese Ape. Hab. Japan. a. Female. Presented by Abel A. J. Grower, Esq., April 2, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 418, pi. XLVII. 55. Macacus maurus (F. Cuv.). Moor Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, August, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 420. b. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1866. Specimen described and figured by Dr. dray as M. inornatus, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 292, pi. xix. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. c. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223. d. e. Purchased, April 19, 1880. 56. Macacus arctoides, F. Cuv. et Geoffr. Brown Monkey. Hab. Burmah. a. Male. Presented by Mr. Oscar Fraser, Feb. 14, 1872. Specimen figured/P. Z. S. 1872, p. 203, pi. xn., as M. brunneus. b. Female. Presented by Lieut. Burne, Feb. 14, 1872. See P.Z.S. 1872, p. 494. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 494. and 1874, p. 652. d. Male. Presented by F. G-. F. Hesketh, Esq., March 2, 1876. From Siam. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 332. e Mile. Deposited, April 16, 1877. /. Male. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq., Jan. 7, 1878. From the Forests of Laos, N. Siam. 57. Macacus rufescens, Anderson. Reddish Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. xxiv. b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 194. 58. Macacus ocreatus (Ogilby). Ashy- black Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, — 1858. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 420, pi. LXXXII. b. Purchased, May 31, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. c. d. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. CERCOPITHECID.E. 23 59. Macacus inuus (Linn.) . Barbary Ape. Hab. North Africa. a, 6. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1864. c. Purchased, March 6, 1867. d. Presented by Mrs. L. Brooke, Oct. 23, 1867. e. Male. Presented by J. G. Jalland, Esq., March 26, 1872. /. Male. Deposited, April 4, 1873. y. Female. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1873. h. Male. Deposited, Feb. 14, 1877. i. Deposited, July 27, 1877. j. Presented by G. Nurse, Esq., Aug. 31, 1877. k. Deposited, Aug. 31, 1877. I, m. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1878. n. Female. Deposited, June 26, 1880. Genus CYNOPITHECUS. 60. Cynopithecus niger (Desm.). Black Ape. Hab. Celebes. a. Female. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1869. SeeP.Z.S. 1869, p. 149. b, c. Males. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. 77. Genus HYDROPOTES. 555. Hydropotes inermis, Swinhoe. Chinese Water-Deer. Hab. China. a. Male. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., May 8, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517. For anatomy,* see Garrod, P. Z. S. 1877. p. 789. 172 CERVIM. b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1874, p.110. c. Male. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1874. d. Deposited, July 13, 1875. e. Male. Received in exchange, April 3, 1879. /. Male. Received in exchange, Nov. 6, 1880. Genus CAPREOLUS. 556. Capreolus capr&a (Gray) . Common Roe. Hob. Europe. «. Female. Presented by Benjamin F. Turner, Esq., July 7, 1869. b. Male. Presented by J. Edersheim, Esq., Jan. 16, 1874. From Finland. c. Female. Presented by F. Hillel, Esq., Jan. 13, 1874. From Finland. d. Male. Presented by Edward Jones, Esq., Oct. 3, 1878. 557. Capreolus pygargus (Pallas). White-rumped Roe-Deer. Hab. Eastern Asia. «, b. Females. Received in exchange, April 3. 1879. See P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 384. Genus CARIACUS. 558. Cariacus virginianus, Gm. Virginian Deer. Hab. North America. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1861. b. Born in the Menagerie, July 2, 1865. c. Hybrid between this species and Cervus meccicanus. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 9, 1865. d-f. Purchased, March 13, 1868. y. Born in the Menagerie, July 1, 1869. Ti. Male ; i. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 19, 1873. j. Female. Presented by Capt. Bennett, May 17, 1873. k. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 21, 1873. 1. Male. Presented by N. M. Bateson, Esq., March 15, 1874. m. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 27, 1874. n. Female. Presented by Capt. E. N. Cobbett, Nov. 27, 1874. o. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 6, 1875. p. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1877. q. Male ; r. Female. Purchased, June 16, 1880. CERVIDJE. 173 559. Cariacus mexicanus, H. Smith. Mexican Deer. Hob. Mexico. a. Male. Presented by A. Newton, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept, 3, 1857. From St. Croix, West Indies. b. Female. Presented by Edward Sheldon, Esq., June 24, 1863. From Yucatan. c. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 13, 1864. d. Male; e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 4, 1866. /. Born in the Menagerie. June 7, 1868. g. Born in the Menagerie, July 2, 1868. 7«. Male; i. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 22, 1869. j. Born in the Menagerie, May 18, 1871. &. Presented by B. B. Lambe, Esq., July 25, 1871. From St. Croix. Z, m. Males ; n. Female. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. From Vera Cruz. o. Male. Presented by J. W. Isaacson, Esq., Oct. 22, 1873. p. Female. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1873. q. Male ; r. Female. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1875. s. Male. Presented by T. B. Forwood, Esq., June 7, 1876. t. Female. Presented by Cyril Graham, Esq., Jan. 5, 1878. From Venezuela. u. Female. Presented by A. Scrutton, Esq., July 31, 1878. v. Male. Hybrid between this species and C. virginianus $ . Born in the Menagerie, June 19, 1879. 560. Cariacus macrotis (Say). Mule Deer. Hab. North America. a. Male. Presented by Judge Caton, March 12, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 308. b. Male. Presented by H. H. Carter, Esq., July 18, 1879. c. Female. Presented by E. X. Carter, Esq., July 18, 1879. Wyoming Territory, U. S. A. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 664. d. Female. Presented by Dr. J. D. Caton, Feb. 15, 18S2. 561. Cariacus gymnotiSj Wiegmann. Naked-eared Deer. Hab. Ecuador. «. Female. Presented by C. Cooper, Esq., March 29, 1S77. From Guayaquil. b. Female. Purchased, April 1, 1878. c. Female. Presented by Miss Lake, Oct. 17, 1882. 174 CERVIDJE. 562. Cariacus campestris, F. Cuv. Pampas Deer. Hob. South America. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1874. From the Argentine Republic. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 1. c. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 5, 1875. d. Male. Presented by Capt. Hairby, Nov. 16, 1875. e. Male; /. Female. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1880. g. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 17, 1881. 563. Cariacus rufus, F. Cuv. Red Brocket. Hob. Brazil. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, May 24, 1872. From Maranham. c. Female. Received in exchange, June 29, 1874. d. Female. Purchased, July 7, 1874. e. Male ; /, 77. c. Presented by Mrs. Arabiii, F.Z.S., April 11, 1877. 222 PYCNONOTIDJE. CRATEROPODID^E. Genus PHYLLORNIS. 68. Phyllornis aurifrons, Temm. Malabar Green Bulbul. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. 69. Phyllornis hardwickii (Jard. et Selby). Blue-winged Green Bulbul. Hab. India. a. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach, May 23, 1879. Family CRATEROPODID^E. Genus GARRULAX. 70. Garrulax chinensis (Scop.). Chinese Jay-Thrush. Hab. China. a. Male. Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S.,H.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, July 23, 1865. 6, c. Purchased, May 4, 1871. d, e. Purchased, May 5, 1875. /. Presented by E. Hawkins, Esq., June 1, 1876. <7, h. Received in exchange, Sept. 29, 1876. 71. Garrulax perspicillatus (Gm.). Masked Jay-Thrush. Hab. China. a, b. Purchased, July 22, 1874. 72. Garrulax picticollis, Swinhoe. Collared Jay-Thrush. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 761. 73. Garrulax leucolophus (Hardw.). White-crested Jay- Thrush. Hab. Himalayas. a-c. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 695. 74. Garrulax albogularisy Gould. White- throated Jay-Thrush. Hab. India. o, 6. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 2. CRATEROPODIDJE. 223 Genus TROCHALOPTERON. 75. Trochalopteron erythrocephalum (Vigors). Red-headed Laughing Thrush. Hab. Himalayas. a. Purchased, March 8, 1877. Genus SIBIA. 76. Sibia capistrata (Vig.). Black-headed Sibia. Hab. Himalayas. o~c. Purchased, March 8, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 303. Genus LEUCODIOPTRON. 77. Leucodioptron canorum, Linn. Melodious Jay Thrush Hab. China. a. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1872. Genus CHRYSOMMA. 78. Chrysomma sinense (Gm.). Golden-eyed Babbler. Hab. India. a-d. Purchased, June 3, 1868. Genus GRAMMATOPTILA. 79. Grammatoptila striata (Vig.). Striated Jay Thrush. Hab. Himalayas. «, 6. Purchased, March 8, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 303. Genus STRUTHIDEA. 80. Struthidea cinerea, Gould. Grey Struthidea. Hab. Australia. a, 6. Eeceived in exchange, March 9, 1872. See P. Z. S. -LO/^i, p. DUO. c. Purchased, Xov. 22, 1872. d. Eeceived iii exchaiige, Sept. 29, 1876. e. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1880. 224 ORIOLID.E. DICRURIDvE. Family ORIOLIDjE. Genus SERICTJLUS. 81. Sericulus melinus (Lath.). Regent Bird. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 28, 1867. b. Purchased, May 14, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 404. c. d. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 622. e. Male. Presented by F. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. Genus ORIOLUS. 82. Oriolus indicm (Gm.). Black-naped Oriole. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 12, 1875. 83. Oriolus galbula, Linn. Golden Oriole. Hab. Europe. a-c. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, Dec. 22, 1876. 84. Oriolus kundoo, Sykes. Sykes's Oriole. Hab. India. a. Received in exchange, Nov. 5, 1878. Family DICRURID^l. Genus CHIBIA. 85. Chibia hotttntotta (Lirin.) . Indian Drongo. Hab. India, a. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1866. ARTAMID^. LANIUXfi. 225 Family ARTAMID.E. Genus ARTAMUS. 86. Artamus superciliosus, Gould. White- eyebro wed Wood- Swallow. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1870. e. Purchased, July 23, 1875. Family LANIID^E. Genus LANIUS. 87. Lanius excubitor, Linn. Great Grey Shrike. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., June 29, 1871. b. Presented by E. Mitford, Esq., July 4, 1871. c. Presented by E. Mitford, Esq., Sept. 30, 1871. d. Presented by Mr. Hawkins, April 9, 1873. 88. Lanius collurio, Linn. Red-backed Shrike. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1867. c. Presented by Mr. Felkin, Sept. 5, 1868. d. Purchased, July 23, 1871. e. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. /. Purchased, May 20, 1876. g. Purchased, June 14, 1876. h. Presented by Capt. Salvin, Sept. 27, 1877. Genus LANIARIUS. 89. Laniarius quadricolor, Cassin. Four-coloured Shrike. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Col. J. W. Bowker, Sept. 3, 1882. Q 226 AMPELIM. — HIRUNDINID2E. Family AMPELID^E. Genus AMPELIS. 90. Ampelis garrulus, Linn. Waxwing. Hob. Europe. a, b. Purchased, June 6, 1867. c, d. Presented by Sherard Schaefer, Esq., Oct. 6, 1872. «,/. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1877. g. Presented by A. F. Wiener, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept 29, 1879. h. Deposited, Oct. 20, 1880. i-^m. Born in the Gardens, June 10, 1881. n. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Feb. 22, 1882. 91. Ampelis cedrorum (Vieill.). Cedar-bird. Hob. North America. a. Purchased, July 11, 1882. Family MUSCICAPID^E. Genus MUSCICAPA. 92. Muscicapa atricapilla, Linn. Pied Flycatcher. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1868. Caught near Hampstead. Family HIRUNDINID^E. Genus HIRUNDO. 93. Hirundo rustica, Linn. Swallow. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, Feb. 5, 1881. NECTARINIID^!. MELIPHAGID^E. 227 Family NECTARINIID^E. Genus ZOSTEROPS. 94. Zoster ops lateralis (Lath.). Lateral White-eye. Hab. New Zealand. a-f. Presented by Mr. Bills, Aug. 31, 1872. 95. Zosterops dorsalis, Vig. et Hoisf. Grey-backed White- eyes. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Mr. J. Abrahams, April 3, 1882. Family MELIPHAGID^E. Genus PROSTHEMADERA. 96. Prosthemadera novce-zealandia (Gm.). Poe Honey-eater. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by James M'Quade, Esq., Aug. 12, 1865. b. Purchased, July 14, 1866. c. Presented by William Saunders, Esq., Sept. 27, 1867. d. Presented by Mrs. Bills, Aug. 29, 1871. e. Presented by Capt. Alexander, Nov. 3, 1871. /. Presented by Mrs. Arabin, June 11, 1875. Genus ANTHORNIS. 97. Anthornis melanura (Sparrm.). Black-tailed Flower-bird. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1871. 6. Presented by Mr. Bills, Aug. 31, 1872. Genus XANTHOMYZA. 98. Xanthomyza phrygia (Lath.). Warty-faced Honey-eater. Hab. Australia. a-d. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1882. 228 MELIPHAGID-E. TANAGRID^E. Genus ENTOMYZA. 99. Entomyza cyanotis (Lath). Blue-faced Honey-eater. Hob. Australia. a. Purchased, May 3, 1882. Family (XEREBID^E, Genus CGEREBA. 100. Ccereba cyanea (Linn.). Yellow-winged Sugar-bird. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1864. c-g. Presented by A. Davidson, Esq., June 28, 1872. h-j. Purchased, April 22, 1875. 7c-m. Purchased, July 19, 1875. n, o. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. p. Purchased, Sept. 14, 1877. q. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. r-t. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1878. u. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. Genus DACNIS. 101. Dacnis cayana (Linn.) . Blue Sugar-bird, Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. b. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. c-e. Purchased, July 19, 1875. Family TANAGRID^E. Genus CHLOROPHONIA. 102. Chlorophonia viridis (Vieill.). All-green Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. See P.Z. S. 1875, p. 633. o-h. Purchased, July 20, 1876. TANAGRID^. 229 Genus EUPHONIA. 103. Euphonia violacea (Linn.) . Violet Tanager. Hob. Brazil. a-f. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1865. g-j. Presented by Capt. Jarvis, Sept. 9, 1872. &, 1. Presented by Capt. Jarvis, July 21, 1874. m-o. Purchased, July 19, 1875. p, q. Purchased, July 20, 1876. r. Purchased, Sept. 14, 1877. s. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1878. t-v. Purchased, June 14, 1879. 104. Euphonia crassirostris, Sclater. Thick-billed Tanager. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by Mr. Davidson, June 28, 1872! &. Female. Purchased, July 15, 1878. c. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. 105. Euphonia nigricollis (Vieill.). Black-necked Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. 106. Euphonia pectoralis (Lath.). Pectoral Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. Genus PIPRIDEA. 107. Pipridea melanonota (Vieill.). Black-backed Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. Genus CALLISTE. 108. Calliste f estiva (Shaw). Festive Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. b-g. Purchased, July 20, 1876. 230 TANAGRIM. 109. Calliste fastuosa (Less.). Superb Tanager. Hab. Pernambuco. a. Purchased, May 3, 1865. b. Purchased, March 6, 1867. o-g. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1867. h, i. Purchased, July 19, 1875. y, k. Purchased, April 14, 1877. I. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1878. m. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. n. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. 110. Calliste tricolor (Gm.). Green-headed Tanager. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1865. b. Purchased, June 4, 1866. c. d. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1876. e. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. f-n. Purchased, July 20, 1876. 111. Calliste brasiliensis (Linn.). Blue-and-black Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a-f. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. g. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. From Bahia. Calliste melanonota (Vieill.). Black-shouldered Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. b. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. Genus TANAGRA. 113. Tanagra cana, Sw. Silver-blue Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. d. Purchased, July 18, 1876. 114. Tanagra sayaca (Linn.). Sayaca Tanager. Hab. Guiana. . Purchased, July 20, 1876. TANAGRIDJB. 231 115. Tanagra cyanoptera (Vieill.). Blue -shouldered Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. 0, d. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1868. - . Male. Purchased, June 10, 1869. f-h. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1870. i-lc. Purchased, March 31, 1877. 1. Deposited. May 4, 1881. m. Presented by E. L. Marshall, Esq., Sept. 6, 1881. w, o. Purchased, July 20, 1882. 116. Tanagra palmarum (Max.). Palm-Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 19, 1875. b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. c. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. 117. Tanagra ornata, Sparrm. Archbishop Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1866. 118. Tanagra striata (Gm.). Striated Tanager. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a. Male. Purchased, July 20, 1882. Genus TACHYPHONUS. 119. Tachyphonus melaleucus (Sparrm.). Black Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 19, 1867. b. Purchased, April 25, 1873. c. Female. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. /. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. From Pernambuco. 120. Tachyphonus coronatus (Vieill.). Crowned Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. 232 TANAGRID^E. Genus PYRANGA. 121. Pyranga saira (Spix) . Saira Tanager. Hob. South America. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. Genus RAMPHOC. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1871. c, d. Presented by Miss M. Jackson, July 6, 1878. Genus PYRENESTES. 188. Pyrenestes albifrons (Vigors). White-fronted Weaver - bird. Hab. South-east Africa. a, 6. Purchased, May 18, 1869. Genus SPERMOSPJZA. 189. Spermospiza hamatina (Vieill.). Blue-beaked Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. c. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. PLOCEID^. 245 Genus QUELEA. 190. Quelea sanguinirostris (Linn.). Red-beaked Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Presented, May 19, 1865. «, /. Purchased, March 15, 1869. g. Presented by W. H. Simmonds, Esq., Oct. 5, 1878. h-s. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1880. t-v. Presented by the Marchioness of Westminster, June 24, 1880. w, x. Presented by St. Julien Arabia, Esq., June 30, 1880. y. Presented by M. C. Angel, Esq., April 6, 1881. 191. Quelea russi, Finsch. Russ's Weaver-bird. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Mr. G. F. Westerman, F.M.Z.S., June 2, 1880. ft, c. Deposited, August 3, 1880. d, e. Received in exchange, Feb. 16, 1882. Genus PLOCEUS. 19. Ploceus manyar (Horsf.). Manyar Weaver-bird. Hab. India and Malacca. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, June 2, 1860. c. Purchased, March 5, 1870. d, e. Received in exchange, Dec. 31, 1873. /. Presented by W. D. Barker, Esq., jun., Jan. 12, 1876. 193. Ploceus bengalensis (Linn.). Bengal Weaver-bird. Hab. India. a-d. Purchased, May 31, 1880. Genus HYPHANTORNIS. 194. Hyphantornis textor (Gm.). Rufous-necked Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1859. d. Presented by William Russell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. e, Bred in the 'Gardens, Sept. 25, 1864. 246 FLOCEiDjE. /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 12, 1867. g. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 17, 1869. h. Presented, Sept. 18, 1873. i. Presented by Mr. Hincks, April 9, 1874. j-l. Presented by Mrs. Bates, Feb. 19, 1876. 'm-p. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. q, r. Presented by H. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Feb. 24, 1880. s, t. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. u. Presented by J. L. Baldwin, Esq., F.Z.S., June 15, 1882. 195. Hyphantornis capensis (Gm.). Olive Weaver-bird. Hob. South Africa. a-d. Purchased, May 18, 1869. e. Male. Purchased, May 23, 1873. /. Purchased, July 25, 1873. g. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1874. h. Presented by the Misses Warre, June 22, 1876. 196. Hyphantornis personata (Vieill.). Masked Weaver-bird. Hob Abyssinia. ar-f. Presented by Capt. Thomas, March 23, 1868. g. Received in exchange, Nov. 27, 1872. h. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. 197. Hyphantornis castaneofusca, Less. Chestnut-backed Weaver-bird. Hob. West Africa. o, b. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1854. c-f. Purchased, Aug. 1859. g-i. Purchased, July 8, 1870. j. Purchased, April 13, 1872. Tc. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. Genus TEXTOR. 198. Textor alector, Temm. Ox-bird. Hab. Senegal. (i. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865, PEINGILLID^. 247 Family FRINGILLID^E. Genus CYANOSPIZA. 199. Cyanospiza cyanea (Linn.). Indigo-bird. Hab. North America. a-e. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1863. f-h. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. i,j. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. Tc-n. Purchased, June 8, 1875. 200. Cyanospiza ciris (Linn.). Nonpareil Finch. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1863. c. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. d, e. Males ; /, g. Females. Purchased, June 24, 1867. h. Presented by T. Watkins, Esq., Sept. 1, 1871. i, j. Males. Presented by the Hon. and Bev. F. G. Dutton April 30, 1872. Tc. Presented by Mrs. L. Grenville, Oct. 6, 1872. l-o. Purchased, June 7, 1875. p. Eeceived in exchange, March 20, 1877. p. Female. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk, April 6, 1882. Genus PHONIPARA. 201. Phonipara olivacea (Linn.). Olive-Finch. Hab. Jamaica. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, May 9, 1863. c, d. Females. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1880. 202. Phonipara canora (Gm.). Melodious Finch. Hab. Cuba. a. b. Males ; c. Female. Purchased, May 9, 1863. d-i. Purchased, June 9, 1879. j. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oc^ 6. 1881. 203. Phonipara bicolor (Linn.). Dusky Finch. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. 248 FRINGILLID^E. Genus PAROARIA. 204. Paroaria larvata (Bodd.). Red-headed Cardinal. Hob. Brazil. a, b. Presented by J. G. Leeming, Esq., Sept. 21, 1859. c. Presented by Mrs. Croskey, Aug. 14, 1863. d, e. Purchased, Dec. 26, 1863. /. Purchased, Dec. 4, 1864. y. Deposited, May 23, 1867. 7*. Presented by Dr. F. Wickstead, March 1, 1870. i. Purchased, April 19, 1875. 205. Paroaria capitata (Lafr. et D'Orb.). Yellow-billed Car- dinal. Hob. Chili. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1873. c-f. Purchased, May 5, 1882. From Paraguay. 206. Paroaria cucullata (Lath.). Red-crested Cardinal. Hob. South America. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1867. c. Presented by Mrs. Mackinlay, Sept. 15, 1870. d-f. Purchased, March 20, 1873. g. Presented by Mrs. Johnson, March 23, 1875. h-^i. Purchased, July 19, 1875. o. Presented by P. W. Barlow, Esq., Feb. 5, 1876. p. Presented by Miss "Warre, May 10, 1876. q, r. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1878. Genus GUBERNATRIX. 207. Gubernatrix cristatella (Vieill.) . Black-crested Cardinal. Hob. South America. a. Presented by Miss Williams Wynn, July 10, 1862. b-d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. e. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. f-i. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. j, Jc. Presented by Mrs. Arabin, June 10, 1878. I. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 7, 1878. m. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1878. n, o. Purchased, July 23, 1879. JP. Presented by E. M. Ringrose, Esq., Feb. 5, 1881. FRINGILLID.E. 249 Genus DIUCA. 208. Diuca grisea (Less.). Diuca Finch. Hab. Chili. a, b. Purchased, July 27, 1875. c. Purchased, May 18, 1876. d, e. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1876. /, g. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 23, 1876. h. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Buenos Ayres. Genus PHRYGILUS. 209. Phrygilus gayi (Eyd. et Gerv.). Gay's Finch. Hab. Chili. a, b. Purchased, May 18, 1876. 210. Phrygilus fruticeti (Kittl.). Orchard Finch. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, May 18, 1876. 211. Phrygilus alaudinus (Kittl.). Alaudine Finch. Hab. Chih. a. Purchased, May 18, 1876. Genus TIARIS. 212. Tiaris jacarina (Linn.). Jacarini Finch. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, Aug. 10, 1858. Genus GUIRACA. 213. Guiraca ccei-ulea (Linn.). Blue Grosbeak. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, July 31, 1862. c. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1877. 250 FRINGILLIDjE. 214. Guiraca cyanea (Linn.). Brazilian Blue Grosbeak. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. b. Purchased, July 30, 1869. c. Female. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. d. Purchased, July 18, 1876. e. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Mexico. /. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. Genus HEDYMELES. 215. Hedymeles ludovicianus (Linn.). Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Hab. North America. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 28, 1867. 6, c. Purchased, July 29, 1867. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, May 31, 1882. 216. Hedymeles melanocephalm (Sw.). Black-headed Grosbeak, Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1876. Genus PHEUCTICUS. 217. Pheucticus chrysogaster (Less.) . Yellow-bellied Grosbeak Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1878. From Cuzco. Genus CARDINALIS. 218. Cardinalis virginianus (Briss.) . Cardinal Grosbeak. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. 6, c. Purchased, April 20, 1865. d-w. Deposited, July 13, 1865. x. Purchased, April 4, 1866. y, z. Purchased, March 16, 1868. al-d\ Purchased, Feb. 16, 1872. e\ Male ; f . Female. Purchased, March 13, 1873. g\ Presented by Samuel Stubbs, Esq., Sept. 18, 1873. h\ Deposited, April 26, 1875. i\jl. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1879. FEINGILLID^E. 251 Genus ORYZOBORTJS. 219. Oryzoborus torridus (Gm.). Tropical Seed-Finch. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, April 19, 1875. d, e. Purchased, July 19, 1875. /. Presented by E. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 220. Oryzoborus crassirostris (Gm.). Thick-billed Seed-Finch. Hob. South America. a. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. Genus MELOPYRRHA. 221. Melopyrrha nigra (Linn.). Black Bullfinch. Hob. Cuba. a. Male. Purchased, May 9, 1868. 6, c. Purchased, March 2, 1868. Genus CORYPHOSPINGUS. 222. Coryphospingus pileatus (Max.). Pileated Finch. Hob. Brazil. a-d. Males ; e. Female. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. /. Male. Purchased, June 14, 1879. Genus SPERMOPHILA. 223. Spermophila ophthalmica, Sclater. Spectacled Finch. Hob. Ecuador. a. Female. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1863. 224. Spermophila lineola (Linn.). Lined Finch. Hob. South America. a-h. Purchased, April 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 349. i-z. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878, 252 FRINGILL1D,E. 225. Spermophila ccsrulescens (Vieill.). Bluish Finch. Hob. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 19, 1864. 6, e. Purchased, April 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 348. d, e. Males; /. Female. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. g-i. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. ji", k. Purchased, June 14. 1879. I. Received in exchange, Nov. 10, 1882. 226. Spermophila albogularis (Spix). White-throated Finch. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 19, 1864. b. Presented by Mr. S. Jones, Oct. 16, 1880. From Per- nambuco. 227. Spermophila lineata (Linn.). Lineated Finch. Hab. South America. a. Presented by E. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1876. 6, c. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1881. 228. Spermophila euleri, Cab. Euler's Finch. Hab. Brazil. a-c. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. 229. Spermophila nigro-aurantia, Bodd. Reddish Finch. Hab. South America. a, 6. Purchased, April 19, 1875. c. Presented by Mr. J. L. Symon, April 28, 1875. d-f. Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 320. Spermophila plumbea (Max.). Plumbeous Finch. Hab. Brazil. a^e. Purchased, March 11, 1870. /. Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 231. Spermophila gutturalis (Licht.). Guttural Finch. Hab. South America. a. Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878, FRINGILLID^E. 253 232. Spermophila hypoleuca (Licht.). Half- white Finch. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, April 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 349. b. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. c. Eeceived in exchange, May 18, 1877. Genus PASSER. 233. Passer montanus (Linn.) . Tree-Sparrow. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1860. 6. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 19, 1864. e. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. 234. Passer luteus (Licht.). Yellow Sparrow. Hab. East Africa. a-d. Purchased, April 24, 1863. e, f. Purchased. July 20, 1882, g, h. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1882. 235. Passe)- simplex (Licht.). Grey-headed Sparrow. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Purchased, Feb. 20, 1864. d. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. 236. Passer alario (Linn.). Alario Sparrow. Hab. South Africa. a, 6. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1874. c, d. Males. Purchased, Dec. 7, 1877. e, f. Females. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1877. • 237. Passer diffusus (Smith) . Black-breasted Sparrow. Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Presented by Mr. J. Abrahams, May 23, 1882. 254 FRINGILLIDJ:. Genus PETRONIA. 238. Petronia stulta, Gm. Rock-Sparrow. Hab. South Europe. a, 6. Presented by D'Arcy Thompson, Esq., Feb. 27, 1878. 239. Petronia petronella (Bp.). Yellow-throated Rock-Sparrow. Hab. Africa. a-d. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1872. «,/. Received in exchange, May 18, 1877. Genus AURIPASSER. 240. Auripasser euchlorus (Licht.). Golden Sparrow. Hab. Abyssinia. a-d. Purchased, May 20, 1880. e. Male ; /. Female. Presented by Mr. J. A. Abrahams, March 30, 1881. Genus COCCOTHRAUSTES. 241. Coccothraustes vulgaris, Pallas. Hawfinch. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1862. 6. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1863. c. Presented by C. Wolley, Esq., April 25, 1864. d. Purchased, 'June 23, 1866. /. Purchased, April 10, 1874. 'h. Purchased, June 4, 1874. i. Presented by Step. Clogg, Esq., Jan. 5, 1875. j. Presented by E. Clayton, Esq., May 30, 1880. White variety. fc. Purchased, May 14, 1881. I. Purchased, Oct'. 25, 1881. 362. Corvus monedula, Linn. Jackdaw. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by W. Russell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. From Macedonia (C. collaris, Strickl.). b. Presented by E. H. T. Streatfield, Esq., E.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1870. c. Purchased, April 26, 1873. d. Presented by G-. E. Ladbury, Esq., Jan. 25, 1878. e. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1880. /. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1880. 363. Corvus scapulatus, Daud. White-necked Crow. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. b-d. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1866. e. Presented by Capt. E. Whitehead, March 23, 1874. f, g. Presented by the Eev. A. W. Petre, March 31, 1874. li. Purchased, July 26, 1880. ?, Purchased, Nov. 15, 1880. Genus NUCIFRAGA. 364. Nucifraga caryocatactes, Linn. Nutcracker. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1864. b. Received in exchange, Sept. 27, 1865. c. Purchased, March 19, 1867. CORVID^E. 279 Genus PICA. 365. Pica rustica (Scopoli) . Magpie. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Miss Perry, Dec. 17, 1858. b. Presented by William " Eussell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. c. Presented by the Eev. Thomas Gregory, Dec. 24, 1866. d. Presented by F. S. Hoblyn, Esq., July 18, 1867. e. /. Received in exchange, July 6, 1869. g. Presented by T. Broadwood, Esq., May 29, 1872. h. Presented by Mrs. L. Grenville, July 21, 1874. i. Deposited, June 1, 1875. j. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1876. Jc. Presented by Miss Jessie Bovill, Feb. 10, 1877. 1. Presented by G. E. Ladbury, Esq., Jan. 25, 1878. m. Presented by J. L. Baldwin, Esq., June 11, 1879. 366. Pica bootanensis, Delessert. Himalayan Magpie. Hab. Bootan. a. Purchased, March 5, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. 367. Pica mauritanica, Malh. Moorish Magpie. Hab. Algeria. a. Presented by E. Guest, Esq., F.Z.S., July 12, 1870 368. Pica sericea, Gould. Chinese Magpie. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1866. Genus CYANOPOLIUS. 369. Cyanopolius cyanus (Pall.). Chinese Blue Magpie. Hab. China. a. Presented by the Eev. A. W. Petre, Oct. 28, 1873. 6, c. Purchased, June 12, 1882. 370. Cyanopolius cooki, Bp. Spanish Blue Magpie. Hab. Spain. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Aug. 2, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 789. b-g. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Sept. 4, 1882. 280 CORVID.E. Genus PERISOREUS. 371. Perisoreus infaustus (Linn.). Canada Jay. Hab. Nova Scotia, a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 28, 1867. Genus GARRULUS. 372. Garrulus glandarius (Linn.). Jay. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Purchased, June 12, 1863. c, d. Presented, Sept. 3, 1866. e,f. Received in exchange, July 6, 1869. g. Presented by F. H. T. Streatfield, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1870. 7i. Presented by Master P. Tulcher, Oct. 9, 1874. ?. Presented by J. Young, Esq., March 20, 1878. j. Presented by Mrs. M. Button, April 9, 1880. Tc. Presented by Arthur F. Astley, Esq., July 26, 1881. 1. Presented by J. Young, Esq., Dec. 10, 1881. m. Presented by Lt.-Col. Birch B-eynardson, March 3, 1882. 373. Garrulus lanceolatus, Vigors. Lanceolated Jay. Hab. Himalayas. a, I. Purchased, March 6, 1879. c, d. Eeceived in exchange, April 1, 1879. SeeP.Z.S. 1879, p. 384. Genus CYANOCITTA. 374. Cyanocitta cristata (Linn.). Blue Jay. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, July 14, 1855. 6, c. Purchased, 1859. d-f. Purchased, April 14, 1868. #, h. Purchased, May 29, 1869. itj. Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., March 18, 1872. &. Presented by E. Hawkins, Esq., June 1, 1876. J Purchased, May 17, 1879. m. Purchased, June 14, 1881. CORVID^E. 281 Genus CYANOCORAX. 375. Cyanocorax cyanopogon (Max.) . Blue-bearded Jay. Hob. Para. a, 6. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 138. c. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. d. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1872. e. Purchased, June 2, 1872. /, g. Purchased, Sept, 16, 1872. h. Purchased, June 21, 1873. i. Purchased, May 1, 1875. j, &. Purchased, June 17, 1875. l-o. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1875. p-s. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. t, u. Purchased, March 23, 1877. v, w. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1877. x-z. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. 376. Cyanocorax pileatus (Temm.) . Pileated Jay. Hab. La Plata. a. Presented by Mrs. Laird Warren, Feb. 28, 1865. 6. Presented by E. B. Webb, Esq., Dec. 4, 1872. c, d. Purchased, July 17, 1875. e,f. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. Buenos Ayres. f. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1879. . Presented by W. Young, Esq., June 8, 1881. i,j. Presented 'by A. A. Dawly, Esq., July 7, 1881. fc, I. Presented by C. S. Barnes, Esq., Jan. 3, 1882. m, n. Purchased,' Aug. 1, 1882. 377. Cyanocorax luxuosus (Lesson). Mexican Jay. Hab. Mexico. a-c. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1876. See P.Z. S. 1877, p. 1. 378. Cyanocorax incas (Bodd.). Peruvian Blue Jay. Hab. Columbia. a, 6. Purchased. June 17, 1872. 379. Cyanocorax cyanomelas (Vieill.). Black-headed Jay. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1879. 282 CORVIDJE. Genus CALOCITTA. 380. Calocitta formosa (Sw.). Swainson's Long-tailed Jay. Hob. Central America. a. Purchased, May 29, 1877. Genus UROCISSA. 381. Urocissa sinensis (Bodd.). Chinese Blue Pie. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Feb. 19 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 101. b. Purchased, March 13, 1877. c. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1877. 382. Urocissa magnirostris, Blyth. Siamese Blue Pie. Hab. Siam. a. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1862. b. Purchased, May 4, 1871. 383. Urocissa occipitalis, Blyth. Occipital Blue Pie. Hab. Western Himalayas. a. Purchased, June 3, 1868. 384. Urocissa flavirostris, Blyth. Yellow-billed Blue Pie. Hab. India. a-c. Eeceived in exchange, May 15, 1877. Genus CISSA. 385. Cissa venatoria (J. E. Gray). Hunting Crow. Hab. India. a, b. Purchased, June 2, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. c, d. Purchased, May 4, 1871. e,f. Purchased, April 10, 1873. 283 Genus DENDROCITTA. 386. Dendrocitta vagabunda (Lath.). Wandering Tree- pie. Hob. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1866. 6, c. Purchased, June 3, 1868. d. Purchased, May 16, 1873. 387. Dendrocitta sinensis (Lath.). Chinese Tree-pie. Hob. China. a. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 9, 1872. SeeP.Z.S. 1872, p. 862. 6, c. Purchased, July 23, 1875. d, e. Presented by Mr. Charles Bice, Oct. 14, 1879. Genus PTILOSTOMUS. 388. Ptilostomus senegalensis (Linn.). Piapec. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. b. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 9, 1872. Genus PYRRHOCORAX. 389. Pyrrhocorcuc graculus (Linn.). Chough. Hob. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, June 9, 1857. c. Presented by J. Ashmead, Esq., July 19, 1869. d. Presented by G. H. Holford, Esq., Aug. 12, 1873. e. Presented by J. T. Hewes, Esq., March 14, 1874. /, g. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1874. h. Purchased, July 25, 1882. 390. Pyrrhocorax alpinus, Vieill. Alpine Chough. Hab. Mountains of Europe and Asia. a, b. Purchased, May 14, 1869. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. e-i. Purchased, Feb. 1, 1881. 284 CORVID.E. Genus CORCORAX. 391. Corcorax melanorhamphus (Vieill.). White-winged Chough. Hob. Australia. a. Purchased, May 9, 1866. 5, c. Purchased, June 23, 1875. d. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 8, 1880. , e-i. Purchased, May 10, 1882. Genus HETERALOCHA. 392. Heteralocha gouldi, Gray. Huia Bird. (Fig. 39.) Hob. New Zealand. a. Purchased, May 18, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383, and 1872, p. 643. Fig. 39. Heteralocha gouldi. (' Nature,' ii. p. 146.) CORVID^E. 285 Genus STREPERA. 393. Strepera graculina (White). Pied Crow Shrike. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 2, 1868. 6. Purchased, July 13, 1869. c. d. Purchased, May 15, 1873. 394. Strepera fuliginosa, Gould. Sooty Crow Shrike. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 280. 395. Strepera arguta, Gould. Hill Crow Shrike. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by Miss Mary J. Mayo, May 5, 1865. 396. Strepera anaphonensis (Temm.). Grey Crow Shrike. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1864. 6, c. Presented by Miss Mary J. Mayo, May 5, 1865. d. Eeceived, April 4, 1866. e. Purchased, March 11, 1867. /. Presented by John Flaxman, Esq., Sept. 16, 1869. g. Presented by the Eev. A. W. Petre, March 31, 1874. Genus GYMNORHINA. 397. Gymnorhina leuconota, Gould. White-backed Piping Crow. Hab. South Australia. a, 6. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 19, 1862. From Melbourne. c-l. Deposited, 1863. m. Deposited, July 20, 1866. n. Presented by C. C. Fuller, Esq., Dec. 21, 1866. o. Deposited, Oct. 19, 1867. p. Presented by Mrs. C. England, March 21, 1868. q. Presented by Higford Burr, Esq., Sept. 9, 1869. r. Presented by J. F. Blackmore, Esq., May 23, 1870. s. Deposited, Aug. 22, 1873. t. Presented by F. Fuller, Esq., Nov. 1, 1874. u. Presented by J. Ritchie, Esq., May 8, 1878. v. Presented by Mrs. Buchanan, Sept. 24, 1879. 286 CORVIDffi. ALAUDID^E. w-y. Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., May 20, 1880. z. Deposited, June 3, 1881. a\ Deposited, June 13, 1882. 398. Gymnorhina organica, Gould. Tasmanian Piping Crow. Hob. Tasmania. a, b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1863. c. Deposited, April 10, 1869. 399. Gymnorhina tibicen (Lath.). Black-backed Piping Crow. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 24, 1882. Genus BARITA. 400. Barita destructor, Temm. Long-billed Butcher Crow. Hab. New Holland. a. Presented by Charles Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., May 4, 1863. b. Deposited, July 21, 1866. c. Purchased, June 14, 1867. d. Purchased, March 25, 1872. Family ALAUDID^E. Genus ALAUDA. 401. Alauda arvensis. Linn. Sky -Lark. Hab. British Islands. a. Female. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. b. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., Aug. 25, 1879. c. Presented by F. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. d. e. Presented by E. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. 402. Alauda gulgula (Franklin). Indian Sky-Lark. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 18, 1872. 403. Alauda crassirostris, Vieill. Thick-billed Lark. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Miss Charlotte Boyle, April 27, 1867. ALAUDIM. 287 404. Alauda arborea, Linn. Wood-Lark. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1866. 6. Purchased, April 18, 1868. c, d. Received in exchange, June 6, 1882. 405. Alauda cristata, Linn. Crested Lark. Hob. India. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Genus CALANDRELLA. 406. Calandrella brachydactyla (Leisler) . Short-toed Lark. Hab. Algeria. a. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1864. b. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Dec. 26, 1881. Genus MIRAFRA. 407. Mirafra affinis (Jerdon) . Madras Bush-Lark. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Genus MELANOCORYPHA. 408. Melanocorypha mongolica (Gm.) . Chinese Lark. Hab. China. a. Presented by Charles Rivington, Esq., June 1, 1866. 6. Presented by Lieut. Duncan Stewart, R.N., July 27, 1867. 409. Melanocorypha calandra (Linn.) . Calandra Lark. Hab. Europe. a. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. 6, c. Deposited, May 11, 1865. , cf. Presented by Crawford Caffin, Esq., April 12, 1878. hl. Presented by W. D. Barker, Jim., Esq., April 25, 1878. i1. Presented by Delves L. Broughton, Esq., Oct. 4, 1878. j\ Tc\ Presented by E. A. B. Crochett, Esq., Dec. 4, 1878. Z1. Presented by E. Belcher, Esq., March 30, 1879. m\ Presented by Mr. E. Hawkins, June 13, 1879. n\ o\ Presented by Edward Trelawny, Esq., April 8, 1881. p1. Deposited, June 3, 1881. q\ r\ Presented by Sir Hubert Sandford, June 25, 1881. s1. Presented by Mr. Douglas, July 30, 1881. tl. Presented by H. G. Austin, Esq., Oct. 24, 1882. 437. Dacelo cervina, Gould. Buff Laughing Kingfisher. Hah. North Australia. et-c. Purchased, May 25, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. Family BUCEROTID.E. Genus BUCORVTJS. 438. Bucorvus abyssinicus (Gm.). Ground-Hornbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Female. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. From Eastern Africa. See P. Z. S. 1805, p. 676. BUCEROTID.E. 295 6, c. Females. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1866. d. Male. Presented by Charles B. Mosse, Esq., Staff-Sur- geon, May 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. e. Male. Beceived in exchange, Sept. 30, 1870. /. Eeceived in exchange, April 26, 1875. y. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1875. h. Purchased, July 26, 1880. Genus BUCEROS. 439. Buceros rhinoceros, Linn. Rhinoceros Hornbill. Hob. Malay Peninsula. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. 1. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, April 22, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 636. d. Purchased, April 19, 1873. 440. Buceros lunatus, Tenira. Lunated Hornbill. Hob. Java. a. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. Genus DICHOCEROS. 441. Dichoceros bicornis, Linn. Concave-casqued Hornbill. Hab. India. a. Male. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. 6. Female. Presented by "William Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. c. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1865, and afterwards pur- chased. d. Purchased, March 11, 1867. e. Purchased, March 18, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220. /. Eeceived in exchange, April 29, 1875. g. Eeceived in exchange, May 15, 1877. A. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, March 15, 1880. j, k. Females. Purchased, March 18, 1880. 296 BUCEROTID.E. Genus ANTHRACOCEROS. 442. Anthracoceros coronatus (Bodd.) . Crowned Hornbill. Hob. Malabar. a, b. Purchased, June 3, 1868. c, d. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1873. e. Eeceived in exchange, May 15, 1877. 443. Anthracoceros convexus (Temm.). Malayan Pied Hornbill. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1866. 444. Anthracoceros malabaricus. Indian Pied Hornbill. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. 6, c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. 445. Anthracoceros malayanus (Raffles). White-billed Horn- bill. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, Feb. 17, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 151. Genus CRANORRHINUS. 446. Cranorrhinus corrugatus (Temm.). Wrinkled-bill Horn- bill. Hab. Sumatra and Borneo. a. Male. Purchased, April 27, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. b. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. See Buceros cjra- cilis, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220, and 1871, p. 489. Genus CERATOGYMNA. 447. Ceratogymna elata (Temm.). Elate Hornbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 817. b. Purchased, July 21, 1875. c. Purchased, April 12, 1880. d. Purchased, July 29, 1880. e. Bui-chased, Aug. 19, 1880. BUCEROTID^E. Genus SPHAGOLOBUS. 448. Sphagolobus atratus (Temin.). Black Hornbill. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1867. 6. Purchased, May 5, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 622. c. Purchased, June 2, 1868. d. Purchased, June 9, 1879. t. Received in exchange, Aug. 4, 1879. 297 Genus BYCANISTES. 449. Bycanistes subcylindricus (Sclater). Subcylindrical Horn- bill. (Fig. 40.) Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 18, 1870. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668, pi. xxxix. See also P. Z. S. 1»71, p. 489. b. Eeceived in exchange, May 8, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 55<>. Pig. 40. Head of Bijcanistes subcylindricus. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 490.) 298 BUCEROTID.E. Genus RHYTIDOCEROS. 450.. Rhytidoceros plicatus, Shaw. Plicated Hornb'ill. (Fig. 41 .) Hab. Sumatra and Malacca. a. Male. Purchased, March 18, 1870. From Sumatra. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220. b. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. From Malacca. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220. Genus Toccus. 451. Toccus melanoleucus (Licht.) . Black-and-white Hornbill. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1.868, p. 622. Jig. 41. Rhytidoceros plicatus. ('Nature,' ii. p. 10.) BUCEROTID^E. CORACIID.E. 299 452. Toccus erytkrorhynchus, Temm. Red-billed Hornbill. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, May 19, 1865. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 890. d. Purchased, April 10, 1868. Family UPUPID^E. Genus UPUPA. 453. Upupa epops, Linn. Hoopoe. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by F. Campbell, Esq., July 2, 1865, 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. d-g. Purchased, June 22, 1868. Family MOMOTID^E. Genus MOMOTUS. 454. Momotus subrufescens, Sclater. Cartage nian Motmot. Hab. U.S. of Columbia. a. Purchased, July 17, 1860. 455. Momotus brasiliensis, Lath. Brazilian Motmot. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 681. Family CORACIIDJE. Genus CORACIAS. 456. Coracias garrula, Linn. Roller. Hab. Europe. «, b. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1874. 300 PODARGID.E. RAMPHASTID.E. Family PODARGID^]. Genus PODARGUS. 457, Podargus cuvieri, Vig. & Horsf. Cuvier's Podargus. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1862. b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. c. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., March 10, 1866. From South Australia. d. Purchased, March 7, 1867. e. f. Purchased, March 10, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467. g. Purchased, June 23, 1871. From Tasmania. h. Presented by R. S. C. Baber, Esq., April 25, 1879. Family STEATORNITHTD^]. Genus STEATORNIS. 458. Steatornis caripensis, Humb. Oil-bird. Hab. Venezuela. a. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., June 29, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467. b. Presented by G. W. des Voeux, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 31, 1877. Suborder ZYGODACTYI^E. Family RAMPHASTID^E. Genus RAMPHASTOS. 459. Ramphastos toco, Gm. Toco Toucan. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by F. Anderson, Esq., Nov. 18, 1863. b. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. c. Purchased, June 2, 1872. d. Purchased, June 21, 1872. e. f. Purchased, May 19, 1880. g, h. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. RAMPHASTID^E. 301 460. Ramphastos carinatus, Svv. Sulphur-breasted Toucan. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, March 22, 1860. b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. c. d. Purchased, May 26, 1869. e. Presented by J. C. Shircore, Esq., May 29, 1869. /, g. Purchase'd, Sept. 6, 1871. 7^-k. Purchased, July 30, 1872. L Purchased, Oct. 31, 1876. Cartagena. m. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1879. n. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1880. 461. Ramphastos tocard, Vieill. Doubtful Toucan. Hab. U. S. of Columbia. a. Presented by L. Merino, Esq., Aug. 29, 1876. b. Purchased, June 28, 1880. 462. Ramphastos erythrorhynchus (Gm.). Red-billed Toucan. Hab. Cayenne. a. Purchased, July 20, 1859. b. Presented by Philip Harrington, Esq., Aug. 11, 1874. c. Purchased, Aug. 26, 1880. d. Purchased, June 24, 1881. e. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1882. 463. Ramphastos cuvieri, Gould. Cuvier's Toucan. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 23. b. Presented by A. Blumenthal, Esq., Oct. 1, 1875. 464. Ramphastos ariel, Vig. Ariel Toucan. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 4, 1859. b. Purchased, July 27, 1867. c. d. Purchased, Oct. 18, 1875. e. Purchased, July 20, 1876. /. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1877. g. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Bahia. h. Purchased, May 17, 1879. i-Z. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1879. m. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1881. n. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1881. 302 RAMPHASTID.E. 465. Ramphastosvitellinus,'Licht. Sulphur-and- white-breasted Toucan. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 7, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 862. 466. Ramphastos dicolorus, Linn. Green-billed Toucan. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, July 20, 1876. 6. Purchased, April 25, 1881. c, d. Purchased, March 29, 1882. Genus PTEROGLOSSUS. 467. Pteroglossus wiedi, Sturm. Maximilian's Aracari. Hab. Brazil. a. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 22, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 862. 6. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1875. c. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1877. d. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. e. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1880. From Pernambuco. 468. Pteroglossus torquatus (Gm.). Banded Aracari. Hab. Central America. a, b. Purchased, July 28, 1870. Prom Panama. Genus SELENIDERA. 469. Selenidera maculirostris (Licht.). Spotted-billed Tou- can et. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 14, 1879. From Eio de Janeiro. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 663. 6. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1880. CAPITONIDJS. CUCULID^. 303 Family CAPITONID.E. Genus MEGAL^EMA. 470. Megalama asiatica (Lath.). Blue-cheeked Barbet. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1866. 6, c. Purchased, May 4, 1871. d, e. Purchased, June 20, 1874. /. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1876. 471. Megakema virens (Bodd.). Great Barbet. Hab. Himalayas. a. Purchased, June 6, 1876. 472. Megalama hodgsoni, Bp. Hodgson's Barbet. Hab. Himalayas. a. Purchased, March 8, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 303. Suborder COCCYGES. Family CUCULID^E. Genus CUCULES. 473. Cuculus canorus, Linn. Cuckoo. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by E. F. Lascelles, Esq., jun., Sept. 11, 1863. 6. Presented by J. Currie, Esq., Nov. 15, 1863. c. Presented by W. Barrington d' Almeida, Esq., Sept. 19, 1865. d. Presented by E. C. Hampton, Esq., Oct. 22, 1866. e. Presented by E. L. Bristow, Esq., July 20, 1867. /. Presented by the Eev. J. B. Sweet, July 26, 1867. y. Presented by H. Clark, Esq., May 31, 1869. h. Presented by Dr. Salter, F.Z.S., Aug. 29, 1870. i. Presented by H. J. B. Hancock, Esq., F.Z.S., July 15, 1871. 304 CUCULID.E. j. Presented by Joseph Travers Smith, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 1, 1872. lc. Presented by C. B. Wharton, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug.' 5, 1873. I. Presented by Dr. E. Williams, Sept. 19, 1873. m. Presented by J. F. Lewis, Esq., July 2, 1874. n. Presented by Dr. E. Etheridge, Aug. 13, 1874. 0. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Crooke, June 8, 1875. p. Presented by J. Paddy, Esq., Aug. 14, 1876. q. Presented by J. Heath, Esq., Nov. 6, 1877. r. Presented by G. D. Careless, Esq., July 19, 1878. s. Presented by Miss C. Bealey, Aug. 1, 1879. t. Presented by Mr. J. Shapland, Aug. 18, 1879. u. Presented by Mrs. Bolton, Sept. 15, 1879. v. Presented by Miss C. Bealey, Sept. 16, 1879. w. Presented by G-. Chandle, Esq., Sept. 8, 1880. , x. Presented by E. G. Forbes Higginson, Esq., Sept. 14, 1880. y. Presented by Mr. H. Morrison, July 29, 1880. z. Presented by Master Alfred Beart, Sept. 24, 1881. 01. Presented by E. H. Eokeby, Esq., July 29, 1882. Genus EUDYNAMIB. 474. Eudynamis orientalis (Linn.). Black Cuckoo. Hab. India. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mul- lick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. c. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. d. Presented by Commander H. C. St. John, E.N., April 2, 1873. e. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1873. 475. Eudynamis taitensis, Sparrm. Long-tailed Cuckoo. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, April 26, 1878. Genus CARPOCOCCYX. 476. Carpococcyx radiatus (Temm.) . Radiated Fruit-Cuckoo. Hab. Sumatra. a. Purchased, Aug. 31, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 358. CUCULinC. 305 Genus CENTROPUS. 477. Centropus rufipennis, 111. Indian Coucal. Hab. India. a,b. Purchased, July 11, 1867. c. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. d. Presented by Mrs. Hunter Blair, June 23, 1875. 478. Centropus senegalensis, Linn. Senegal Coucal. Hab. West Africa. «. Purchased, March 8, 1869. 479. Centropus phasianus (Lath.). Pheasant Coucal. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, March 5, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. Genus CROTOPHAGA. 480. Crotophaga ani, Linn. Ani. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1875. Genus GUIRA. 481. Guira piririgua (Vieill.) . Guira Cuckoo. Hab. Para. a-d. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864 p. 138. '«,/. Deposited, March 16, 1872. g, h. Deposited, April 13, 1872. i-m. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1875. n. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. o. Purchased, April 25, 1878. p, q. Purchased, ]Vov. 4, 1880. 306 MUSOPHAGID^E. Family MUSOPHAGHXE. Genus MUSOPHAGA. 482. Musophaga violacea, Isert. Violaceous Plaintain-cutter. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, April 24, 1863. b. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. c. Young. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. d. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1871. «,/. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1872. g. Received in exchange, Dec. 17, 1873. h, i. Purchased, Dec. 30, 1873. j. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882. Genus SCHIZORHIS. 483. Schizorhis africana (Lath.). Variegated Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1863. b. Purchased, March 16, 1866. c. d. Eeceived in exchange, April 4, 1873. Genus CORYTHAIX. 484. Corythaix buffoni (Vieill.). BunWs Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Eussell M. Gordon, Esq., E.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1862. 485. Corythaix albocristata, Strickl. White-crested Touracou. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 23, 1870. 6, c. Presented by W. Wormald, Esq., Sept. 23, 1878. d. Presented by Capt. T. G. Steer, Aug. 10, 1881. MUSOPHAGID^E. 307 486. Corythaix persa (Linn.) . Senegal Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lieut. A. H. Webb, B.K, July 28, 1858. 6. Presented by Admiral Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., Aug. 14, 1861. c, d. Purchased, March 5, 1868. e. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1868. /. Purchased, March 5, 1869. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 4, 1870. i. Purchased, June 1, 1870. j. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. k-m. Purchased, March 4, 1871. n. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1872. 0, p. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1873. 9, r. Presented by Mr. Hawkins, Jan. 2, 1874. s. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 413. t. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1876. u, v. Deposited, Nov. 1, 1876. w, x. Presented by J. G-. Tayler, Esq., May 8, 1877. y. Presented by Capt. E. H*. Crew, May 11, 1877. 487. Corythaix macrorhyncha, Fraser. Great-billed Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1865. 1. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. 488. Corythaix erythrolophus, Vieill. Red-crested Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., Oct. 6, 1878. 489. Corythaix porphyreolophus, Vigors. Purple - crested Touracou. Hab. East Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. J. A. Gould, F.Z.S., Feb. 4, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 218. 308 CACATUID^;. Order III. PSITTACI. Family CACATUID.E. Subfamily CACATUIN^E. Genus CACATUA. 490. Cacatua moluccensis (Gm.). Rose-crested Cockatoo. Hctb. Moluccas. a. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1855. 6. Presented by — Mostyn, Esq., Oct. 23, 1862. c. Presented by Robert Drummond, Esq., F.Z.S., March 19, 1863. d. Received in exchange, April 9, 1863. e. Deposited, July 23, 1863. /. Presented by Mrs. Moss King, Nov. 13, 1863. g. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1865. h. Deposited, May 20, 1867. ?:. Presented by Miss Ann E. Wimbolt, Sept. 27, 1867. j. Presented by Mrs. Dix, April 31, 1868. 'k. Male. Presented by Mrs. Button, Jan. 20, 1869. I. Presented by Arthur Lewis, Esq., March 5, 1870. m. Presented by Dr. R. S, Peart, April 20, 1870. n. Presented by Mr. H. Baldwin, April 21, 1874. o. Presented by J. C. Elmes, Esq., July 21, 1874. p. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1875. q. Presented by Mrs. Sydenham, Sept. 18, 1875. r. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1875. s. Deposited, Feb. 22, 1876. t. Presented by Gr. J. Webb, Esq., June 5, 1876. u. Presented by Miss Foster, Aug. 15, 1879. 491. Cacatua ophthalmica, Sclater. Blue-eyed Cockatoo. Hab. New Britain. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1862. Specimens described and figured, P. Z. S. 1862, pi. xiv. p. 141, as Cacatua ducorpsii. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187, where the name is changed to C. ophthalmica. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1865. e. Presented by Lt.-Col. Arbuthnot, July 4, 1876. /, g. Presented by the Rev. Gr. Brown, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25 1880. h. Deposited, Jan. 3, 1882. CACATUID^:. 309 492. Cacatua cristata, Wagler. Greater White-crested Cock- atoo. Hob. Moluccas. a. Purchased, July 19, 1861. 6. Eeceived in exchange, May 8, 1868. c. Presented by Major-General Sir B. T. Phillips, F.Z.S., April 10, 1871. d. Presented by T. Towndron, Esq., Dec. 9, 1873. e. Presented by Mrs. A. L. Chetwode, June 24, 1880. /, g. Deposited, Dec. 25, 1880. X i. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1881. 493. Cacatua galerita (Lath.). Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a-z. See former editions. a1. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1876. b\ Presented by Mr. E. Purchase, Feb. 17, 1877. c1. Presented by Mrs. Dore, May 7, 1877. d1. Deposited, June 16, 1877. e\ Presented by W. L. Marchant, Esq., June 20, 1877. f. Presented by G. S. S. Williams, Esq., Sept. 24, 1877. (j\ Presented by F. Lablache, Esq., Xov. 14, 1877. h\ Presented by Mrs. Cohen, Dec. 22, 1877. i\ Presented by X. Portocalis, Esq., June 6, 1878. /. Presented by Mrs. A. Hole, July 29, 1878. A.-1. Deposited, April 3, 1879. l\ Presented by J. W. Taylor, Esq., June 18, 1879. wi1. Presented by F. Phillips, Esq., March 4, 1880. w1. Presented by Mrs. M. A. Brown, June 15, 1880. o1. Deposited, July 5, 1881. p\ Deposited, March 4, 1881. 91. Deposited, Aug. 29, 1881. r\ Deposited, Aug. 30, 1881. s1. Deposited, Dec. 24, 1881. t\ Presented by S. Sydney, Esq., March 2, 1882. u\ Deposited, July 24, 1882. vl. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1882. w\ a?1. Presented by C. Kerry Nicholls, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1882. 494. Cacatua triton, Temm. Triton Cockatoo. Hab. New Guinea. ft. Purchased, 1860. 310 CACATUIDJL 495. Cacatua sulphured (Gin.). Lesser Sulphur-crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Moluccas. a. Presented by H. Wickens, Esq., April 15, 1850. b. Presented by — Sutton, Esq., Oct. 23, 1855. c. Deposited, 1860. d. Deposited, March 17, 1865. e. Deposited, April 13, 1866. /. Presented by Miss Atkinson, March 30, 1867. g. Deposited, Aug. 2, 1869. h. Presented by G. Thornton, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. i. Received in exchange, Aug. 21, 1873. j. Presented by T. Pearson, Esq., July 28, 1874. '&. Presented by H. W. Wood, Esq., March 17, 1875. I. Presented by W. Holborn, Esq., March 29, 1875. m, n. Presented by Mrs. Eoberts, Dec. 4, 1877. 0. Presented by Miss Langley, July 18, 1879. p. Deposited, June 9, 1881. q. Presented by Mrs. Beard, Aug. 16, 1881. 496. Cacatua citrino-cristata, Eraser. Citrou-crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Timor Laut. a. Presented by Miss Julia Fox, Dec. 22, 1855. b. Deposited, July 17, 1866. c. Purchased, March 26, 1872. d. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1873. 497. Cacatua leadbeateri (Vig.). Leadbeater's Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Lady Eleanor Cathcart, Nov. 21, 1854. b. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1863. c-e. Deposited, April 8, 1863. /, g. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1865. h. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. 1. Presented by Mrs. James Napier, Nov. 23, 1865. j. Received, April 15, 1867. k. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. I. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1870. m. Presented by the Rev. H. Fyffe, May 31, 1871. n. Presented by T. Phillips, Esq., Aug. 13, 1873. o. Presented by Col. Carrington, March 21, 1874. p. Deposited, April 24, 1874. q. Deposited, Nov. 5, 1874. r, s. Presented by G. L. Prendergast, Esq., April 8, 1875. t. Presented by Mrs. Shand, July 9, 1877. CACATUID^. 311 u. Presented by Mrs. H. M. Eichardson, July 17. 1877. v. Presented by the Eev. S. J. Whitmee, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 28, 1877. w. Presented by W. Euston, Esq., April 16, 1878. x. Presented by Mrs. Tennent, May 6, 1878. y. Presented by J. Veale, Esq., March 2, 1880. z. Presented by Mrs. Martin Smith, June 22, 1881. a\ b\ Presented by C. J. Harvey, Esq., Dec. 13, 1882. 498. Cacatua philippinarum (Gin.). Red-vented Cockatoo. Hab. Philippine Islands. a-c. Purchased, June 8, 1865. d. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. e. Purchased, June 18, 1872. From Negros, Philippines. /. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1877. 499. Cacatua sanguinea, Gould. Blood-stained Cockatoo. (Fig. 42.) * Hob. North Australia. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 492. V. 42. Head of Cacatua sanguinea. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 492.) 312 CACATUID.E. 500. Cacatua ducorpsi, Hoinbr. et Jacq. Ducorps's Cockatoo. (Fig. 43.) Hab. Solomon Islands. a, b. Purchased, April 11, 1864. Specimens described and figured P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187." From Guadalcanal See also P. Z. S. 1871, p. 491. c. Presented by C. Turner, Esq., June 28, 1871. Fig. 43 Head of Cacatua ducorpsi. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 491.) 501. Cacatua gqffini, Finscb. Goffin's Cockatoo. Hab. Uncertain. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. b. Presented by C. Turner, Esq., June 28, 1871. c. Presented by F. J. Dean, Esq., F.L.S., Oct. 17, 1874. SeeP.Z.S/1875, p. 61, pi. x. d. Presented by Mrs. Barton, Sept. 16, 1875. e. Deposited, Sept. 17, 1877. /. Presented by Mrs. Pitt, May 9, 1878. V/. Deposited, Sept. 4, 1878. h. Deposited, May 8, 1880. CACATUID^:. 313 i. Presented by W. F. Green, Esq., May 13, 1880. j. Presented by Miss Bartlett, July 16, 1880. Tc. Deposited, Sept. 8, 1881. I. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1882. 502. Cacatua gymnopis, Sclater. (Fig. 44.) Hab. South Australia. Bare-eyed Cockatoo. «. Purchased, June 2, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 493. b. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. Fig. 44. Head of Cacatua gymnopis. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 493.) 503. Cacatua roseicapilla, Vieill. Roseate Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Lady Bolle, F.Z.S., May 2. 1843. b. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1859. c. Deposited, July 12, 1861. d. Deposited, June 7, 1865. e. Deposited, March 10, 1866. f. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. V/. Presented by W. Stuttle, Esq., Sept. 8, 1870. _ )«. Presented by H, J. Aveling, Esq.. Xov. 17. 1>74. 314 CACATUID.E. i. Presented by A. Thompson, Esq., July 10, 1875. j. Deposited, Jan. 17, 1876. Tc. Presented by Dr. Bree, Jan. 19, 1876. I. Presented by the Misses Campbell, July 5, 1876. m. Presented by Miss Potter, Aug. 8, 1877. n. Presented by Mr. Head, May 23, 1879. o. Presented by H. Dumbell, Esq., Dec. 18, 1880. p. Presented by Miss M. J. Richardson, Feb. 26, 1881. q. Presented by Sir Charles C. Smith, Bart., May 5, 1881, r. Presented by Miss Morson, Jan. 19, 1882. s. Presented by Mrs. Eamsay, April 20, 1882. Genus LICMETIS. 504. Licmetis tenuirostris (Wagl.). Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. South Australia. a. Received in exchange, May 17, 1847. b. Received in exchange, April 11, 1866. c. Presented by Mrs. Taplin, June 1, 1870. d. Presented by H. R. Abadie, Esq., Aug. 10, 1871. e. Presented by Mrs. Stevens, Nov. 22, 1876. /. Presented by Bartle G-. Goldsmid, Esq., Feb. 20, 1877. g, h. Presented by W. D. Massey, Esq., March 24, 1877. i. Presented by Major M. Pasley, Aug. 20, 1877. j. Presented by J. Wood, Esq., June 19, 1879. Tc. Presented by H. F. Bussey, Esq., July 1, 1880. I. Deposited, Nov. 16, 1882. 505. Licmetis pastinator, Gould. Western Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. Western Australia. a. Presented by Edgar Ray, Esq., Sept. 22, 1858. b. Presented by Mrs. Lesser, May 16, 1871. c. Presented by Madame R. A. Caplin, Dec. 4, 1871. d. Presented by W. J. Irving, Esq., Nov. 19, 1875. e. Received in exchange, Sept. 29, 1876. Genus CALLOCEPHALON. 506. Callocephalon galeatum (Lath.). Ganga Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1859. b. Female. Purchased, May 14, 1864. c. Purchased, March 21, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, June 19, 1867. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1870. CACATUID.E. 315 Genus CALYPTORHYNCHUS. 507. Calyptorhynchus banksii (Lath.). Banksian Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141. b. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1867. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 24, 1870. d. Presented by Lady EUesmere, Feb. 1, 1878. 508. Calyptorhynchus funereus (Shaw). Funereal Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, July 16, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 663. 509. Calyptorhynchus naso, Gould. Western Black Cockatoo. Hab. Western Australia. a. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Genus MICROGLOSSA. 510. Microglossa aterrima (Gm.). Great Black Cockatoo. Hab. New Guinea. a. Presented by Capt. Denham, E.X., June 20, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 365. b, c. Purchased, May 31, 1875. Subfamily CALOPSITTINJE. Genus CALOPSITTA. 511. Calopsitta nova-hollandite (Gm.). Cockateel. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by T. W. ISunn, Esq., March 13, 1862. b. Male ; c. Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 17, 1862. d. Male ; e. Female. Deposited, XOY. 14, 1863. /. Female. Deposited, Oct. 28, 1863. (/. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 12, 1863. 316 CACATUIDJ2. — STRINGOPID^:. h. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 12, 1864. i. Deposited, July 7, 1865. j. Bred in the Gardens, Feb. 1, 1866. Je-m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 8, 1867. n. Presented by H. E. Sharp, Esq., Feb. 6, 1868. o. Presented by A. M. Speer, Esq., Jan. 25, 1869. p. Male ; Presented by Mrs. L. Granville, Oct. 6, 1872. &, I. Males ; w, n. Females. Purchased, March 6, 1874. o. Male; p. Female. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1875. q. Presented by J. W. Gillespie, Esq., April 2, 1880. r. Male ; s. Female. Presented by C. Williams, Esq., May 25, 1880. t. Male; u. Female. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1880. 330 PALvEORNITHID^E. PSITTACID^E. 569. Agapornis roseicollis (Vieill.). Rosy -faced Love-bird. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, July 10, 1862. 6, c. Purchased, May 22, 1866. d, e. Eeceived in exchange, April 17, 1872. 570. Agapornis cana (Gm.). Grey-headed Love-bird. Hab. Madagascar. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, March 17, 1860. c, d. Purchased, March 21, 1868. «,/. Deposited, May 20, 1870. g, h. Purchased, March 3, 1874. i,j. Purchased, April 21, 1874. fc, I. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1880. m. Male ; n. Female. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1882. o. Male; p. Female. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1882. 5, r. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1882. s. Eeceived in exchange, May 6, 1882. Family PSITTACID^E. Subfamily PLATYCERCIN.E. Genus PLATYCERCUS. 571. Platycercus pennanti (Lath.). Pennant's Broadtail. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Wheeler, Aug. 20, 1861. c. Eeceived in exchange, July 29, 1865. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1867. e. Deposited, July 28, 1869. /. Deposited, May 23, 1871. g. Presented by H. G. Smith, Esq., Feb. 6, 1873. h. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1873. i. Presented by Dr. Henry Wheeler, Feb. 17, 1874. j. Presented by E. Sargent, Esq., Feb. 16, 1877. Tc. Presented by H. Attwater, Esq., Oct. 25, 1877. 572. Platycercus adelaida, Gould. Adelaide Broadtail. Hab. South Australia. a. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. b. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1879. PSITTACJD^. 331 573. Platycercus flaveolus (Gould) . Yellow-rumped Broadtail. Hob. Queensland. a, b. Purchased, May 27, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687.' 574. Platycercus icterotis (Temm.). Stanley Broadtail. Hab. West Australia. a. Beceived in exchange, Nov. 15, 1864. b. c. Purchased, July 20, 1865. d. Purchased, April 26, 1878. e. Purchased, April 15, 1880. 575. Platycercus eximius (Shaw). Rose- Hill Broadtail. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by GL H. Parkinson, Esq., Nov. 23, 1861. b-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. h. Presented by Mrs. Satterthwaite, May 21, 1868. i. Presented by F. Haine, Esq., June 8, 1868. j, k. Purchased, March 11, 1871. I. Presented by Hume Nicholl, Esq., Aug. 8, 1872. m-o. Presented by H. G-. Smith, Esq., Feb. 6, 1873. p. Presented by Griffiths Smith, Esq., Feb. 23, 1873. q. Presented by Mrs. Hewitt, March 6, 1873. r, s. Deposited, May 19, 1873. t. Presented by F. J. Dean, Esq., Oct. 17, 1874. u. Presented by J. Smith, Esq., Jan. 21, 1876. v. Presented by J. J. Chapman, Esq., March 5, 1877. w. Presented by A. Stirling, Esq., Aug. 30, 1879. x. Presented by Charles Porter, Esq., Sept. 27, 1880. y. Presented by G. Lawson, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 29, 1882. 576. Platycercus pallidiceps, Vig. Pale-headed Broadtail. Hab. North-east Australia. a, b. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. c. d. Received in exchange, March 9, 1872. «,/. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1878. 577. Platycercus pileatus, Vig. Pileated Broadtail. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 27, 1854. 6, c. Purchased, July 20, 1865. d. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. e. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1873. /, g. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1881. 332 PSTTTACID^E. 578. Platycercus flaviventris (Temm.). Yellow-bellied Broad- tail. Hob. Tasmania. a. Purchased, May 8, 1860. b. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1875. c. d. Purchased, July 17, 1879. 579. Platycercus barnardi (Lath.). Barnard's Broadtail. Hab. South Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1853. 6, c. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. d. Purchased, April 7, 1871. e. Deposited, May 29, 1876. 580. Platycercus semitorquatus (Quoy et Gaim.). Yellow- collared Broadtail. Hab. West Australia. a. Presented by F, J. Eooper, Esq., F.Z.S., July 8, 1862. b. Presented by Mrs. Harborow, May 10, 1875. 581. Platycercus zonarius (Shaw). Bauer's Broadtail. Hab. South Australia. a. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. b. Presented by Mrs. Harborow, May 10, 1875. c. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 13, 1880. d. Presented by S. Draper, Esq., Feb. 17, 1882. «. Presented by Miss Eva Maitland, April 26, 1882. /. Presented by J. Charlton Paer, Esq., F.Z.S., April 29, 1882. Genus NYMPHICUS. 582. Nymphicus cornutus (Gm.) Horned Parrakeet. Hab. New Caledonia. a, b. Purchased, May 8, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 550, pi. XLIV. c. Female. Received in exchange, Sept. 14, 1882. 583. Nymphicus uvaensis, Layard. Uvsean Parrakeet. Hab. Island of Uvea, Loyalty Group. a b. Purchased, April 27, 1882. c, d. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., June 28, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 408, pi. XXYI. PSITTACIM. 333 Genus CYANORHAMPHUS. 584. Cyanorhamphus novce-zealandia (Gm.) . New-Zealand Par- rakeet. Hob. New Zealand. a. Purchased, April 7, 1864. b-cl. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. «,/. Purchased, March 31, 1879. g-j. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1882. 585. Cyanorhamphus saisseti, V. Saisset/s Parrakeet. Hob. New Caledonia. a. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., June 28, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 630, pi. XLYI. 586. Cyanorhamphus alpinus (Buller). Alpine Parrakeet. Hob. New Zealand. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 795. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1882. 587. Cyanorhamphus auriceps (Kuhl). Golden-headed Parra- keet. Hob. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1865. b-d. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. e, /. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1882. Genus PSEPHOTUS. 588. Psephotus hamatog aster, Gould. Blue-bonnet Parrakeet. Hob. Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. 6. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1869. d. Received in exchange, March 24, 1870. e-g. Purchased, May 30, 1873. h. Purchased, March 10, 1878. i. Purchased, April 25, 1878. 334 PSITTACID^E. 589. Psephotus hcematonotus, Gould. Blood-rumped Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, March 9, 1861. c. Male. Purchased, May 29, 1862. d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. e. Female. Purchased, June 16, 1874. /, g. Purchased, June 26, 1880. 590. Psephotus multicolor (Brown) . Many-coloured Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, April 25, 1862. c, d. Males; «,/. Females. Purchased, April 30, 1867. g. Deposited, June 15, 1867. h, i. Purchased, April 16, 1870. j. Deposited, July 20, 1875. k. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 16, 1875. 591. Psephotus pulcherrimus, Gould. Beautiful Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, March 28, 1866. See P.Z.S. 1866, p. 201. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1867. e. Male; /. Female. Purchased, May 5, 1871. g. Received in exchange, Jan. 31, 1873. h. Male ; i. Female. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1877. j, 1c. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1878. I, m. Purchased, June 24, 1879. n, o. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. Genus LATHAMUS. 592. Lathamus discolor (Shaw). Swift Parrakeet. Hab. Tasmania. a, b. Purchased, May 17, 1863. c-f. Purchased, June 27, 1871. g, h. Purchased, June 9, 1880. Genus PYRBHULOPSIS. 593. Pyrrhulopsis tabuensis (Lath.). Tabuan Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, July 7, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. b. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1878. c. Deposited, March 17, 1879. PSITTACID^E. 335 594. Pyrrhulopsis spkndens (Peale). Shining Parrakeet. Hob. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, June 27, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 375. b. Presented by Charles Moore, Esq., April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. c. Purchased, April 6, 1868. d. Purchased, July 19, 1876. e. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1878. 595. Pyirhulopsis personata (Gray) . Masked Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141. 6, c. Purchased, March 21, 1868. d. Purchased, April 26, 1870. e. Purchased, April 10, 1879. Subfamily PSITTACUHN^E. Genus PSITTACULA. 596. Psittacula passerina (Linn.). Passerine Parrot. Hab. South America. a. Presented by — Davis, Esq., May 24, 1858. 6, c. Presented by Miss Bruce, Nov. 3, 1868. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1869. f-i. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1873. j-m. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1881. Subfamily PSITTACIN^E. Genus CORACOPSIS. 597. Coracopsis vasa (Linn.) . Greater Vasa Parrot. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by the late Charles Telfair, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1830. 6. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. c. Presented by Major-Gen. Hill, Sept. 4, 1882. 336 PSITTACID^:. 598. Coracopsis nigra (Linn.) . Lesser Vasa Parrot. Hab. Madagascar. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1857. b. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. c. d. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1872. 599. Coracopsis barklyi, Newton. Praslin Parrot. Hab. Praslin Island, Seychelles. a. Presented by Swinbourne Ward, Esq., Civil Commissioner of Seychelles, April 8, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473, b. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. c. Presented by the Hon. Sir A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 496. d. e. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. Genus PSITTACUS. 600. Psittacus erithacus, Linn. Grey Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, 1854. b. Deposited, Sept, 15, 1862. c. Eeceived, March 4, 1865. d. e. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1865. /. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. g. Deposited, May 10, 1866. h. Deposited, June 15, 1867. i. Deposited, Jan. 8, 1868. j. Purchased, Eeb. 6, 1869. k. Deposited, April 14, 1869. I. Deposited, April 22, 1869. m. Presented by Mrs. Ford North, May 13, 1869. n. Presented by Miss Paget, Oct. 9, 1869. o. Presented by G. A. Wilde, Esq., Dec. 11, 1869. p. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 10, 1870. q. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1871. r. Presented by G. Simmonds, Esq., June 29, 1872. s. Purchased, July 1, 1876. t. Deposited, Aug. 28, 1878. u. Deposited, Aug. 20, 1881. v. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1881. 601. Psittacus timneh, Eraser. Timneh Parrot. Hab. Sierra Leone. a. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 494. 6, c. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1872. PSITTACID^E. 337 Genus PCEOCEPHALUS. 602. Pceocephalus fuscicollis (Kuhl). Brown-necked Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, July 13, 1869. c. Presented by H. Wood, Esq., Sept. 17, 1880. d. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1880. 603. Pceocephalus robustus (Gm.). Levaillant's Parrot. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. Jesse, June 14, 1853. b. Deposited, June 26, 1866. c. Purchased, March 2, 1868. d. Purchased, June 2, 1880. 604. Pceocephalus gulielmi (Jard.) . Jardine's Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. 6, c. Presented by J. H. Ivory, Esq., Dec. 12, 1876 d. Presented by Capt. H. Hope Keighley, 2nd W.T. Eegt., April 4, 1882. 605. Pceocephalus senegalus (Linn.). Senegal Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. Clark, Oct. 11, 1853. b, c. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. d. Presented by Miss M. D. Du Cam, April 8, 1865. e. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. /, g. Presented by Capt. Maule, Feb. 15, 1867. &, i. Females. Purchased, April 24, 1870. j, k. Purchased, June 1, 1871. 606. Pceocephalus fuscicapillus. Brown-headed Parrot.1 Hab. Zanzibar. a, b. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. 607. Pceocephalus meyeri (Riipp.). Meyer's Parrot. Hab. East Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1855. b. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1873. c. Purchased, June 15, 1877. 338 PSITTACID^:. 608. Pceocephalus rueppelli, Gray. RuppelFs Parrot. Hob. East Africa. a, b. Males ; c, , c. Deposited, June 4, 1878. d. Presented by Capt. J. Murray, Oct. 7, 1878. e. Presented by Commander Burkitt, Dec. 31, 1881. 358 ASIONID^E. Genus BUBO. 711. Bubo maximuS) Fleming. Great Eagle-Owl. Hab. Europe and North Asia. a. Presented by Lieut.-Gen. C. E. Fox, F.Z.S., June 22, 1858. b. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Bart., F.Z.S., April 28, 1859. c. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Stuart, Oct. 15, 1862. d. e. Presented by Capt. Stewart, Oct. 7, 1863. /, g. Presented by Mr. Nerdrum, Sept. 3, 1867. From Christiania, Norway. h. Presented by Mrs. T. Bell, Sept. 28, 1868. i. Deposited, April 5, 1869. From Gibraltar. j. Presented by Charles Bamford, Esq., Aug. 25, 1869. k. Received in exchange, Nov. 3, 1869. I. Presented by Dr. Somerville, Nov. 10, 1869. From China. m. Presented by C. Bamford, Esq., Jan. 14, 1870. n. Deposited, May 5, 1870. From the East Indies. 0. Deposited, May 31, 1870. From Southern Spain. p. Presented by Mrs. Stapleton, June 29, 1872. q. Presented by Eobert Wilkins, Esq., Aug. 19, 1872. r. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1874. s. Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., Oct. 19, 1874. t. Deposited, Jan. 7, 1879. u. Presented by Mr. Lindsay von Julin, July 22, 1881. From Nyland, South Finland. v. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1881. w. Presented by the Earl of Kilmorey, May 15, 1882. x. Deposited, July 12, 1882. y. Presented by E. Leigh Pemberton, Esq., Dec. 5, 1882. 712. Bubo virginianus (Gm.). Virginian Eagle-Owl. Hab. North America. «. Presented by Capt. Wishart, H.B.C.S., Oct. 12, 1858. From the Hudson's Bay Territory. b. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 13, 1858. From the Hudson's Bay Territory. c. Presented by Jos. Eadford, Esq., Aug. 17, 1861. d. e. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 12, 1863. From the Hudson's Bay Territory. /. Presented by E. Dumaresq, Esq., Dec. 13, 1866. g. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1867. 7t. Presented by Dr. Palin, Sept. 15, 1870. 1. Deposited, Dec. 20, 1870. j. Purchased, March 27, 1871. 359 Tc. Presented by A. Laurie, Esq., July 16, 1872. I. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, Oct. 21, 1873. m, n. Deposited, June 21, 1875. 0. Presented by H. Knight, Esq., Feb. 21, 1876. p. Purchased, July 16, 1877. q. Purchased, July 29, 1880. 713. Bubo ascalaphus (Sav.). Savigny's Eagle-Owl. Hob. North Africa. a. Deposited, May 3, 1865. From Mogadore. b. Presented by Dr. J.Huntly, March 18, 1878. From Persia. 714. Bubo bengalensis (Frankl.) . Bengal Eagle-Owl. Hob. India. a, 6. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1871. c. d. Purchased, July 25, 1880. 715. Bubo capensis (Daud.). Cape Eagle-Owl. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 125. b. Presented by V. A. Litkie, Esq., Dec. 10, 1880. 716. Bubo maculosus (Vieill.) . Spotted Eagle-Owl. Hab. Africa. «. Purchased, Sept. 1859. b. Beceived in exchange, Aug. 16, 1864. c. Purchased, July 27, 1864. d. e. Presented by Commander Sir William S. Wiseman B.N., Feb. 11, 1867. /. Presented by Lieut, D. H. Jackson, 88th Eegt., Dec. 19, 1867. g. Presented by A. Swanzy, Esq., Nov. 22, 1871. h. Eeceived in exchange, March 21, 1878. 1. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1879. j, fc. Purchased, Feb. 11, 1882. 717. Bubo cinerascens, Guerin. Grey Eagle-Owl. Hab. West Africa. a, 6. Purchased, June 14, 1866. c. Presented by Dr. Bree, April 22, 1873. 360 ASIONIM. 718. Bubo lacteus (Temm.). Milky Eagle-Owl. Hab. West Africa. a. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 13, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 59. b. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1865. 719. Bubo coromandus (Lath.). Coromandel Eagle-Owl. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 3, 1868. 720. Bubo orientalis (Horsf.). Oriental Eagle-Owl. Hab. Siam. a. Presented by C. Fowler, Esq., Sept. 16, 1878. From Karennee. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. 721. Bubo poensis, Eraser. Eraser's Eagle-Owl. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1863. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 376, pi. xxxiu., as B. fasciolatus. b. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1881. Genus KETUPA. 722. Ketupajavanensis (Less.). Javan Fish-Owl. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, Sept. 8, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. b, c. Eeceived in exchange, May 18, 1876. d. Purchased, May 19, 1879. 723. Ketupa ceylonensis (Gm.). Ceylonese Fish-Owl. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. B. B. Turner, April 4, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 418. Genus SCOPS. 724. Scops giu (Scop.) . Scops Owl. Hab. South Europe. " a. Presented by the Eev. W. E. Belson, Oct. 27, 1870. From the Cape-Verd Islands. ASIONID^. 361 b. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1879. c. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Feb. 24, 1880. d. e. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1881. /. Deposited, Dec. 1, 1882. 725. Scops leucotis (Temm.). White-eared Scops Owl. Hub. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, May 19, 1865. 726. Scops asio (Linn.). American Scops Owl. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1882. Genus SCOTOPELIA. 727. Scotopelia peli (Temm.) . Pel's Owl. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, April 30, 1866. Specimen from the Gambia, described and figured by Mr. J. H. Gurney in ' The Ibis,' 1859, p. 445, pi. xv. Genus PULSATRIX. 728. Pulsatrix torquata (Daud.). Downy Owl. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1864. b. Purchased, April 8, 1865. c. Purchased, July 25, 1867. d. Presented by Senor Don Luis Fontana, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 19, 1871. From Paraguay. e. Purchased, June 21, 1873. /. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. g. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Nov. 15, 1879. h. Purchased, May 19, 1880. Genus SCELOGLAUX. 729. Sceloglaux albifacies (Gray). White- faced Owl. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Sept, 4, 1875. Sec P. Z. S. 1875, p. 530. 362 ASIONID.E. Genus ATHENE. 730. Athene noctua (Scop.). Naked-footed Owlet. Hab. Europe. a-h. Presented by the Hon. W. C. Ellis, May 23, 1864. i, j. Purchased, July 9, 1866. &, I. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1870. m, n. Presented by S. G. Eeid, Esq., and Lieut. Denison, E.E. Aug. 20, 1873. o. Presented by Mr. E. J. Mareton, Oct. 10, 1881. p. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1881. 731. Athene brama (Temm.). Spotted Owl. Hab. Madras. a, b. Presented by LI. Thomas, Esq., Aug. 23, 1871. Genus NINOX. 732. Ninox boobook (Lath.). Boobook Owl. Hab. Queensland. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Queensland, Sept. 9, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, March 13, 1868. d. Purchased, July 7, 1869. e. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., April 19, 1871. f-h. Purchased, April 10, 1872. 733. Ninox nova-seelandite (Gm.). New-Zealand Owl. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by — Armiger, Esq., July 3, 1867. 6. Presented by the Canterbury Acclimatization Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, Aug. 16, 1867. Genus SPEOTYTO. 734. Speotyto cunicularia (Mol.). Burrowing Owl. (Fig. 46.) Hab. America. a. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1868. From La Plata. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. b-e. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. From La Plata. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 220. ASIONID^E. /. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1873. g. Purchased, July 20, 1875. h, i. Purchased, July 31, 1875. j, fc. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1875. Z, m. Presented by A. O. Lumb, Esq., Feb. 8, 1876. n. Presented by G. E. P. Nixon, Esq., July 27, 1878. 363 Fig. 46. Speotyto cunicularia. (' Nature,' ii. p. 11.) 364 ASIONID^E. Genus GLAUCIDIUM. 735. Glaucidium passerinum (Linn.). Passerine Owl. Hab. Europe. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Wakefield, Sept. 1, 1868. c-/. Deposited, Aug. 5. 1870. g. Deposited, June 26, 1871. h. Presented by the Eev. J. Climenson, F.Z.S., July 21, 1871. i,j. Presented by C. W. Tait, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 16, 1874. Te. Presented by H. M. Golding Bird, Esq., May 12, 1876. Z-n. Purchased, July 20, 1876. o. Presented by T. W. Evans, Esq., M.P., Feb. 22, 1877. p. Presented by W. C. Tait, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 2, 1878. q. Presented by Albert Momber, Esq., Sept. 16, 1878. r. Presented by Miss Turner, Oct. 6, 1878. s. Presented by Miss Maud Howard, Aug. 3, 1882. 736. Glaucidium phalanoides (Daud.). Brown Passerine Owl. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, May 19, 1880. Genus NYCTEA. 737. Nyctea scandiaca (Linn.). Snowy Owl. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by George Clive, Esq., Oct. 11, 1860. From Ireland. b. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, April 30, 1864. From New Brunswick. c. d. Presented by Lord B-uthven, Aug. 7, 1869. e. Purchased, June 29, 1872. /. Purchased, April 21, 1874. g, Ti. Presented by C. L. W. Gardiner, Esq., Oct. 15, 1876. i. Presented by J. Kendall, Esq., Dec. 4, 1876. j. Deposited, Dec. 22, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 1. Tc. Male ; I. Female. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1882. Genus SURNIA. 738. Surnia funerea (Linn.). American Hawk-Owl. Hab. Arctic America. a. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1868. 6. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1872. From Hudson's Bay. FALCONID.E. 365 Order V. ACCIPITRES. Family FALCONID.E. Subfamily I. PANDIONIN^E. Genus PANDION. 739. Pandion haliaetus (Linn.) . Osprey. Hob. All parts of the world. CT, 6. Presented by J. P. Traherne, Esq., Aug. 31, 1868. c. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1872. From Hudson's Bay. d. Presented by W. S. Quintin, Esq., Sept. 15, 1877. e. Purchased, July 30, 1881. /. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1881. Subfamily II. CIRCIN.E. Genus CIRCUS. 740. Circus cyaneus (Linn.). Hen-Harrier. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by H. P. Hensman, Esq., Dec. 21, 1863. 6. Presented by Major Stapylton, Aug. 19, 1870. c. Purchased, April 21, 1873. 741. Circus ceruginosm (Linn.). Marsh-Harrier. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by A. S. Tates, Esq., Aug. 15, 1863. b. Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 29, 1864. c. Presented by C. A. Goring, Esq., Sept. 8, 1865. d. Male. Purchased, April 16, 1869. e. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1869. /. Presented by C. Tait, Esq., April 17, 1872. From Portugal. g. Presented by J. Wolfe Murray, Esq., June 25, 1881. 366 FALCONIDvE. 742. Circus cineraceus (Mont.). Montagu's Harrier. Hob. Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1862. b. Presented by Gr. Dawson Bowley, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 28, 1867. British. c. Purchased, June 18, 1868. d. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 28, 1872. e. /. Presented by M. Greoffroy St.-Hilaire, Aug. 6, 1873. g. Presented by Capt. Hadfield, Sept. 3, 1875. 743. Circus gouldi, Bp. Gould's Harrier. Hob. Tasmania. a. Presented by Capt. J. Seaborne, June 14, 1880. 744. Circus maurus (Temm.). Moor Harrier. Hab. South Africa. o, b. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1880. From the Cape Flats, Port Elizabeth. c. Presented by Mr. Cole, March 6, 1882. Subfamily III. BUTEONIN^E. Genus BUTEO. 745. Buteo vulgar is, Leach. Buzzard. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by J. H. Ghirney, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 17, 1862. b. Presented by Professor Bolleston, F.Z.S., Aug. 11, 1864. c. Presented by Lord Willoughby de Eresby, July 14, 1865. d. e. Purchased, April 28, 1868. /. Presented by T. Tax, Esq., Sept. 4, 1868. From Norway. y. Female. Presented by James Hartley, Esq., Aug. 27, 1869. h. Presented by John Susini, Esq., Oct. 11, 1869. i. Presented by W. Jones, Esq., Nov. 14, 1870. j, k. Presented by W. Brodrick, Esq., May 6, 1871. 1. Presented by E. C. Phillips, Esq., May 15, 1871. m. Deposited, July 13, 1871. n. Presented by H. P. Underwood, Esq., Feb. 6, 1872. o,p. Presented by Sir Hugh Williams, Bart., Oct. 29, 1872. q. Presented by J. Turner Turner, Esq.. Jan. 7, 1873. FALCONIDjE. 367 r. Presented by Mr. C. Mills, March 26, 1874. s. Deposited, April 28, 1874. t. Purchased, April 20, 1875. u. Presented by W. Binder, Esq., March 4, 1876. v. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1876. w. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., June 5, 1877. cc, y. Presented by V. Marks, Esq., Aug. 13, 1878. z. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1879. a1. Presented by Lord Walsingham, F.Z.S., Feb. 14, 1882. b\ c\ Presented by W. M. Baillie, Esq., March 8, 1882. d\ Presented by J. C. S. Eocke, Esq., April 6, 1882. e\f\ Presented by J. Faed, Esq., May 18, 1882. 746. Buteo desertorum (Daud.). African Buzzard. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 31, 1860. From the Cape Colony. 6, c. Purchased, May 1869. d, e. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. /, g. Presented by S. G. Reid, Esq., and Lieut. Denison, E.E., Aug. 20, 1873. h. Presented by A. Anderson, Esq., May 21, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 530. t. Presented by the Itev. W. Willimott, Sept. 22, 1877. 747. Buteo jacal (Daud.). Jackal Buzzard. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Go- vernor of New Zealand, Nov. 1, 1861. From the Cape Colony. b. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1863. From West Africa. c. Presented by G. W. Baker, Esq., May 24, 1866. From Natal. d. Purchased, July 20, 1867. e. Deposited, March 10, 1876. /. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1882. 748. Buteo auguralis, Salvad. Augural Buzzard. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, April 26, 1866. 749. Buteo swainsoni, Bp. Swainson's Buzzard. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 2, 1878. 368 FALCONID.E. 750. Buteo lineatus (Gm.). Lineated Buzzard. Hab. North America. a. Presented by E. C. Newcombe, Esq., Feb. 28, 1867. 751. Buteo borealis (Gm.). Red-tailed Buzzard. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Capt. W. J. Tibbs (98th Eegfc.), June 20, 1876. b, c. Received in exchange, Jan. 28, 1879. d. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., July 16, 1880. e. Presented by Mr. R. Starling, Aug. 10, 1880. 752. Buteo pennsylvanicus (Wils.). Pennsylvanian Buzzard. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1869. 753. Buteo albicaudatus, Yieill. White-tailed Buzzard. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 2, 1878, as Buteo swainsoni. 754. Buteo erythronotus (King). Red-backed Buzzard. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, July 20, 1874. Genus ARCHIBUTEO. 755. Archibuteo lagopus (Gm.). Rough -legged Buzzard. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Sir T. Powell Buxton, Bart., F.Z.S., March 31, 1862. b. Purchased, June 14, 1865. c. Presented by Charles Gordon, Esq., Nov. 8, 1867. d. e. Presented by Capt. A. Stewart, Aug. 29, 1868. /, g. Presented by Capt. Stewart, Oct. 2, 1869. h. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1871. i. Presented by W. Stokes, Esq., June 5, 1873. j, Jc. Presented by A. B. Hepburn, Esq., Dec. 4, 1873. I. Deposited, Nov. 29, 1876. m. Presented by W. R. Paxton, Esq., Feb. 8, 1877. n. Presented by Lady Bimbury, Feb. 21, 1877. o. Presented by Lord Hobart, Oct. 4, 1879. From Labrador. PALCONID^. 369 756. Archibuteo sancti-johannis (Gm.) . St. John's Buzzard. Hob. North America. a. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1867. From the Hudson's Bay Territory. Genus PERNIS. 757. Pernis apivorus (Linn.). Honey-Buzzard. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Charles Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 24, 1860. 6. Presented by Percy S. Godman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1861. From Norway. c. Presented by J. G. Topham, Esq., Sept, 30, 1868. d. Presented by J. Watkins Drew, Esq., June 20, 1869. e. Presented by James D. Nicol, Esq., Dec. 9, 1869. /. Presented by L. Cumberbatch, Esq., Aug. 18, 1872. g. Purchased, June 16, 1874. 758. Pernis ptilorhyncha (Temm.). Crested Honey-Buzzard. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1867. Genus HALIASTUR. 759. Haliastur indus (Bodd.). Brahminy Kite. Hab. South Asia. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. From India. b-d. Deposited, May 20, 1865. From India. e,f. Purchased, July 3, 1865. From India. g. Purchased, June 2, 1880. 760. Haliastur intermedius, Blyth. Javan Brahminy Kite. Hab. Java. a. Received in exchange, Aug. 7, 1861. 761. Haliastur sphenurus (Vieill.). Whistling Kite. Hab. Australia. a 6. Received, April 24, 1863. From Queensland. 370 FALCONID2E. Genus ASTURINA. 762. Asturina nitida (Lath.). Shining Buzzard Hawk. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, April 7, 1876. b. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq. C.M.Z.S., Nov. 11, 1882. Genus URUBITINGA. 763. Urubitinga anthracina (Nitzsch). Ash-coloured Urubi- tinga. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Nov. 26, 1874. From St. Vincent, West Indies. 764. Urubitinga zonura, Shaw. Banded-tailed Urubitinga. Hob. Amazons. a. Purchased, June 15, 1877. 765. Urubitinga meridionalis (Lath.). Rusty Urubitinga. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 7, 1876. b. Purchased, May 19, 1880. Genus BUTEOGALLUS. 766. Buteogallus nigricollis (Lath.) . Black-necked Buzzard. Hat). South America, a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. Genus LEUCOPTERNIS. 767. Leucopternis scotoptera (Max.) . Dark- winged Buzzard. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. From Bahia. FALCONID.E. 371 Genus GERANOAETTTS. 768. Geranoaetus melanoleucus (Vieill.). Chilian Sea-Eagle. Hob. South America. a. Presented by Admiral Seymour, July 12, 1848. 6. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1864. c. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. d. Presented by GK Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 20, 1870. From La Plata. e. Presented by Mr. J. Judge, Jan. 30, 1874. From Bahia. /. Presented by E. kelson, Esq., Oct. 1, 1875. g. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1876. h. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1877. i. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., Feb. 21, 1877. j. Presented by J. T. North, Esq., June 13, 1877. k. Purchased, July 16, 1877. Z, ro. Purchased, July 29, 1878. n. Purchased, Jan. 23, 1879. From Buenos Ayres. o, p. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1881. Genus HARPYHALIAETUS. 769. Harpyhaliaetus coronatus (Vieill.) . Crowned Harpy. Hob. La Plata. a. Presented by Edward Wallace G-oodlake, Esq., C.M.Z.S. Feb. 1, 1863. From La Plata. Genus MORPHNUS. 770. Morphnus guianensis (Daud.) . Guianan Crested Eagle. Hob. Amazons. «. Purchased, May 23, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 531. Genus THRASAETUS. 771. Thrasaetus harpyia (Linn.). Harpy Eagle. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 5, 1854. 6. Presented by the late King of Portugal, F.Z.S., Oct. 15, 1858. c. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1871. From Demerara. d. Purchased, May 25, 1873. e. Purchased, June 30, 1874. From Paraguay. /. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 2, 1877. g. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1879. h. Presented by Stephenson Clarke, Esq., March 3, 1880. 372 FALCONID^!. Genus HELOTARSUS. 772. Helotarsus ecaudatus (Daud.). Bateleur Eagle. Hob. Africa. a. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1862. From Angola. b, c. Deposited, Dec. 12, 1864. d, e. Var. l^uconota. Purchased, June 6, 1867. From West Africa. /. Deposited, July 20, 1870. g. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1870. h, i. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., Oct. 4, 1873. j. Presented by Alex. Sinclair, Esq., Aug. 1, 1879. &. Presented by W. Walters, Esq., Aug. 4, 1881. Genus HALIAETUS. 773. Haliaetus albicilla (Linn.). White-tailed Eagle. Hab. Europe. «. Presented by the Viscount Powerscourt, F.Z.S., Feb. 13, 1862. b. Presented by Mr. Xenos, Sept. 11, 1862. c. Presented by J. Slowman, Esq., Nov. 6, 1862. d. Presented by the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., F.Z.S., Jan. 17, 1863. e,f. Presented by H. Stafford O'Brien, Esq., Oct. 24, 1864. g. Deposited, May 3, 1865. From Hornet Bay, Mantchuria. Ti, i. Presented by H. Buckley, Esq., Aug. 7, 1865. .;. Presented by A. Pryor, Esq., Feb. 8, 1867. fc, I. Presented by the Duke of Athole, June 21, 1867. m. Presented by Capt. Blakiston, May 12, 1869. From the Island of Saghalin. n. Presented by E. Albay, Esq., Oct. 13, 1869. o, p. Presented by the Hon. A. C. Littleton, May 25, 1870. q. Presented by the Earl de Grey and Eipon, K.C.B., Dec. 13, 1870. r. Presented by Cabel Eoope, Esq., Jun., Feb. 19, 1873. Captured at sea. s. Female. Deposited, April 25, 1873. t, u. Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, F.Z.S., Jan. 16, 1874. v. Presented by W. J. Sadler, Esq., F.Z S., Sept. 10, 1874. w, x. Presented by Major Jary, F.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1874. y. Presented by Capt. S. T. Bridgford, Feb. 8, 1875. From Japan. z. Deposited, Jan. 15, 1876. a1. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1881. b\ Presented by the Hon. M. Finch Hatton, Feb. 4, 1882. FALCONIDJ3. 373 774. Haliaetus leucocephalus (Linn.). White-headed Sea- Eagle. Hob. North America. a. Presented by Dr. E. J. Longton, Feb. 14, 1862. Taken in the Atlantic. b. Presented by J. Eendall, Esq., May 25, 1863. Taken from the nest in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Specimen noticed, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 251, and 1865, p. 731. c. Presented by — Whittle, Esq., March 25, 1867. d. Presented by A. G. Yeatman, Esq., March 19, 1870. e. Presented by F. M. Connor, Esq., March 12, 1872. /. Presented by H. Walpole, Esq., Jan. 24, 1874. g, h. Presented by W. F. Stockwell, Esq., Aug. 29, 1876. Canada. i. Presented by A. G. Williams, Esq., July 21, 1877. j. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1882. 775. Haliaetus leucoryphus (Pall.). Mace's Sea-Eagle. Hab. India. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 20, 1863 b. Purchased, May 25, 1879. c. Presented by Captain Butler, Nov. 14, 1879. 776. Haliaetus leucog aster (Gm.). White-bellied Sea-Eagle. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 6, 1864. b. Deposited, May 8, 1871. c. Deposited, Aug. 8, 1871. d. Purchased, May 30, 1876. 777. Haliaetus vocifer (Daud.). Vociferous Sea-Eagle. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Edward Hooper, Esq., Jan. 18, 1866. From Natal. 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1866. d. Purchased, July 29, 1869. e. Purchased, May 26, 1873. f. Purchased, June 21, 1873. '~ m, n. Deposited,' Sept. 27, 1877. o. Presented by J. Colam, Esq., Feb. 8, 1878. p. Presented by Capt. Marx, Dec. 11, 1878. q, r. Var. immutabilis. Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 24, 1880. s, t. Presented by Salisbury Baxendale, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 2, 1881. . Presented by J. Hargreaves, Esq., Feb. 15, 1881. 967. Cygnus musicus, Bechst. Whooper Swan. Hab. Europe. a, b. Purchased, May 10, 1866. c. Presented by Orgbod H. Mackenzie, Esq., Jan. 31, 1881. 968. Cygnus bewicki, Yarrell. Bewick's Swan. Hab. North Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. b. Deposited, Feb. 10, 1880. c. d. Received in exchange, July 6, 1880, 424 ANATTDvE. 969. Cygnus buccinator, Rich. Trumpeter Swan. Hob. North America. a-c. Eeceived in exchange, April 21, 1866. See P.Z. S. 1866, p. 203. d. Purchased, June 6, 1867. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 664. h-j. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1871. Tc. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 24, 1871. l-q. Hatched in the Gardens, June 6, 1872. r-u. Hatched in the Gardens, June 8, 1873. v-b\ Hatched in the Gardens, May 30, 1874. cl-hl. Hatched in the Gardens, June 28, 1875. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1876. 970. Cygnus nigricollis (Gm.). Black-necked Swan. Hob. Antarctic America. a. b. Males. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1858. c. Female. Received in exchange, April 12, 1862. d-f. Bred in the Gardens, May 19, 1865. g. Bred in the Gardens, May 4, 1866. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 9, 1867. ij. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1868. Tc. Purchased, July 25, 1868. ?. Male. Received in exchange, Jan. 12, 1869. m, n. Males ; o, p. Females. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Male : b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 20, 1859. c. Male ; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 30, 1860. e,f. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1863. 432 ANATID^E. y. Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. h. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. i-o. Hybrids. »Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1871. p. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1873. <2, r. Received in exchange, Sept. 6, 1876. s. Bred in the Gardens, July 11, 1879. t-e\ Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1880. 993. Anas castanea, Eyton. Chestnut-breasted Duck. Hob. Australia. a. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1865. 6, c. Deposited, July 20, 1866. d. Purchased, June 15, 1870. See Prof. Newton's notice, P. Z.S. 1871, p. 649. e,f. Males. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1881. 994. Anas gibberifrons, Miiller. Slender Duck. Hab. Australia. a-r. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1879, as Anas castanea. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 452. s-v. Bred in the Gardens, April 21, 1882. 995. Anas specularis, King. White-marked Duck. Hab. Antarctic America. a. Purchased, May 26, 1881. Genus CHAULELASMUS. 996. Chaulelasmus streperus (Linn.). Gadwall. Hab. Europe. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1861. e. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1873. /. Male; g. Female. Presented by E. J. Balston, Esq., F.Z.S., April 4, 1879. Genus RHODONESSA. 997. Rhodonessa caryophyllacea (Latham) . Pink-headed Duck. Hab. India, a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 110 ; also Garrod, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 153. ANATID^E. 433 Genus QUERQUEDULA. 998. Querquedula crecca (Linn.) . Common Teal. Hob. Europe. a. Male ; b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1860. c. Male ; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 1861. . Presented by John P. Gassiot, Esq., jun., June 6, 1873. el. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 14, 1878. f. Presented by Mr. H. Moore, May 6, 1880. Captured at sea. 1080. Turtur suratensis, Gm. Spotted Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a, 6. Eeceived in exchange, March 5, 1874. c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 16, 1877. d. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1877. e. Bred in the Gardens, May 9, 1878. /. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1878. g. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., F.Z.S., Feb. 5, 1880. 1081. Turtur meena, Sykes. Eastern Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. 1082. Turtur picturatus (Temiu.). Mauritian Turtle Dove. Hab. Mauritius. a, 6. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. c. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 8, 1867. COLUMBID^. 453 1083. Turtur chinensis (Scop.). Chinese Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a. Received, Nov. 25, 1869. 6, c. Presented by S. J. F. Stafford, Esq., July 19, 1873. d. Presented by Major F. Gildea, June 23, 1874. e-h. Deposited', Oct. 12, 1877, and Purchased, Oct. 10, 1878. i. Presented by Capt. H. Braddick, Feb. 17, 1879. 1084. Turtur senegalensis (Linn.). Cambayan Turtle Dove. Hab. Egypt. a. Bred in the Gardens, 1861. 6, c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 10, 1862. d, e. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 1, 1862. /. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. g. Bred in the Gardens, May 22, 1865. 1085. Turtur vinaceus (Gm.). Vinaceous Turtle Dove. Hab. West Africa. a. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 18, 1858. b. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1860. c. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1860. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1861. e-l. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. o, p. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 4, 1865. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 17, 1865. *, t. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1866. u. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 1, 1866. v. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 29, 1866. w, x. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 15, 1866. y. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. z. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 22, 1867. a\ b\ Presented by J. W. Wooler, Esq., Dec. 21, 1871. c1, d1. Presented by J. P. Tindale, Esq., April 17, 1873. e\f. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 12, 1874. g\ /i1. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 4, 1875. i1. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1875. j\ Jc\ Presented by Miss Harris, Sept. 10, 1877. Z1. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. 1086. Turtur semitorquatus, Sw. Half-collared Turtle Dove. Hab. Africa. a-c. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar, 454 COLUMBID^E. 1087. Turtur risorius (Linn.) . Barbary Turtle Dove. Hab. Africa and India. a. Presented by Mrs. Bruce, April 14, 1862. b. Hybrid. Presented by the Eev. — Delinar, May 31, 1862. c-f. Deposited, Nov. 16, 1865. g. Var. alba. Presented by Thomas Worthington, Esq., April 2, 1867. . A, i. Presented by Capt. James Tough, July 2, 1869. .;, k. Presented by G-. Hansen, Esq., March 28, 1873. 1. Presented by J. P. Gassiot, jun., Esq., June 6, 1873. m, n. Presented by Miss A. French, Aug. 1, 1874. o-r. Deposited, Dec. 5, 1877. s. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. 1088. Turtur bitorquatus (Temm.). Double-ringed Turtle Dove. Hab. Java. a. Received in exchange, Jan. 27, 1863. 1089. Turtur humilis (Temm.). Dwarf Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by M. Jules Verreaux, C.M.Z.S., July 6, 1862. c-h. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. ij. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1864. See P.Z.S. 1864, p. 139. 1090. Turtur aldabranus, Scl. Aldabran Turtle Dove. Hab. Aldabra Islands. a, b. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 10, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623, et p. 692, pi. LXXIII. c. Hatched in the Gardens, August 18, 1871. Genus PERISTERA. 1091. Peristera geoffroii (Temm.). Geoffrey's Dove. Hab. Brazil. ft, b. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1874. From the Island of Fer- nando de Noronha. c-e. Males ; /, g. Females. Purchased, Feb. 17, 1876. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 20, 1876. i,j. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1876. l\ Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 11, 1870, COLTTMBIDJE. 455 I. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1877. m. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1877. »*., o. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 31 . 1877. p. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 2S, 1877. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1878. s-v. Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1878. w. Bred in the Gardens, Feb. 3, 1879. x, y. Bred in the Gardens, May 13, 1879. z. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1879. a1, ft1. Bred in the Gardens/June 11, 1879. c\ d\ Bred in the Gardens, June 30, 1879. e\ f\ Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1879. g\W. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 14, 1879. i\ Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 22, 1879. j\ Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1880. k\ Bred in the Gardens, May 13, 1880. II, m\ Bred in the Gardens, June 16, 1881. w.1. Female. Received in exchange, Nov. 24, 1881. o1. Female. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 1, 1881. pl-r\ Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1882. s\ Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1882. t\ Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1882. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 12, 1882. Genus ZENAIDA. 1092. Zenaida amabilis, Bp. Zenaida Dove. Rob. West Indies. a. Purchased, 1861. b, c. Presented by Capt, Sawyer, E.M.S. t Tasmania/ March 31, 1866. d. Male; e. Female. Presented by JohnA.Palin, Esq., E.M.S. 'Tasmania,' March 31, 1866. f-i. Deposited, April 27, 1869. j, k. Purchased, April 27, 1869. Z. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1870. m. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1882. 1093. Zenaida martinicana (Bp.). Martinican Dove. Hob. West Indies. «-/. Presented by J. H. Hawtayne, Esq., July 9, 1873. From Union Island, one of the Grenadines. . Received in exchange, Jan. 12, 1874. q. Purchased, June 3, 1874. r. Presented by Capt. R. J. Wimberley, Dec. 23, 1874. s. Purchased, May 22, 1879. Genus STARNOSNAS. 1122. Starnoenas cyanocephala (Linn.) . Blue-headed Pigeon. Hab. Cuba. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1864. c, d. Purchased, June 19, 1867. e,f. Purchased, May 8, 1868. cf. Bred in the Gardens, July 23, 1870. /*, i. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1873. * See description of the gizzard of this bird by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 330. COLUMBID^. 463 Genus GOURA. 1123. Goura coronata (Linn.)*. Common Crowned Pigeon. Hob. New Guinea. a, 6. Presented by the Babu Kajendra Mullick, C.M.Z S March 17, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. c, d. Presented by Mrs. Bacon, May 13, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, May 23, 1870. g. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1871. h. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, March 3, 1874. ./'.' Hatched in the Gardens, April 28, 1874. k. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1874. I. Hatched in the Gardens, Sept. 27, 1875. m, n. Purchased, July 5, 1876. o. Purchased, June 9, 1879. p-s. Purchased, July 17, 1879. t-v. Purchased, April 7, 1881. 1124. Goura victoria, Fraser. Victoria Crowned Pigeon. Hob. Island of Jobie. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1856. 6, c. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1861. d, e. Purchased, May 31, 1875. /. Purchased, May 25, 1879. g, h. Purchased, June 3, 1880. Genus DIDUNCULUS. 1125. Didunculus strigirostris, Jard. Tooth-billed Pigeon. Hob. Samoan Islands. a. Female. Presented by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., April 10, 1864. See Bennett, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139, and Sclater, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 158. 1. Presented by J. W. Boddam-Whetham, Esq., Oct. 23 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 605. c. Purchased, May 9, 1876. See P.Z. S. 1876, p. 462. * On the nesting of Goura, see Mitchell, P.Z.S. 1849, p. 170. 464 PTEROCLID^. Order XII. PTEKOCLETES. Family PTEROCLID^E. Genus PTEROCLES. 1126. Pterocles alchata (Linn.) . Pintailed Sand-Grouse. Hab. South Europe. a. Male. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1861. b. Female. Deposited, 1861. c-e. Received in exchange, Jan. 12, 1863. /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. y, h. Males ; i-m. Females. Purchased, May 7, 1870. 1127. Pterocles exustus, Teram. Lesser Pintailed Sand- Grouse. Hob. North Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. er-g. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. 1128. Pterocles arenarius (Pall.) . Black-bellied Sand-Grouse. Hab. Asia. a. Female. Purchased, June 27, 1864. 6, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Presented by Capt. R. C. Bevan, H.M.I.A., C.M.Z.S., April 30, 1867. f-t. Deposited, May 20, 1867. u-w . Males : x-z. Females. Purchased, June 18, 1872. a\ b\ Females. Deposited, June 25, 1872. From Southern Spain. c1. Male. Deposited, Juue 28, 1872. From Southern Spain. c/1, e\ Males ; f1. Females. Presented by Col. J. S. Lowe, June 30, 1877. 1129. Pterocles fasciatus (Scop.). Banded Sand-Grouse. Hab. India. a. Presented by Capt. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 10, 1880. 1130. Pterocles bicinctus, Temm. Double-banded Sand-Grouse. Hab. Senegal. ar-d. Purchased, Dec. 21, 1864. PTEROCLID^E. TETRAONID.E. 465 1131. Pterocles lichtensteini, Temm. Lichtenstein's Sand- Grouse. Hob. Africa and Arabia. a-f. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. From Djeddah, Arabia. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. Genus SYRRHAPTES. 1132. Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.). Pallas' s Sand-Grouse. Hab. Northern Asia. o-o. Presented by the Hon. J. F. Stuart Wortley, April 15, 1861. From China. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 196. p, q. Presented by Capt. Hand, B.N., April 29, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 197. From China. /-. Presented by Capt. Commerell, B.N., V.C., May 9, 1861. s-u. Presented by A. O'Brien, Esq., Feb. 27, 1862. v. Presented by Alfred Newton, Esq., F.Z.S., June 9, 1863. From Elveden, Suffolk, England. w. Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham, Dec. 11, 1863. From Donegal, Ireland. x. Presented by Harrington Eussell, Esq., M.P., Feb. 25, 1865. y-h\ Presented by Lieut.-Col. Napier Sturt, M.P., F.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1870. Order XIII. GALLING. Family TETRAONID^l. Genus TETRAO. 1133. Tetrao cupido, Linn. Prairie-Grouse. Hab. North America. a-l. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1864. 1134. Tetrao phasianellus, Linn. Sharp-tailed Grouse. Hab. North America. a. Keceived in exchange, May 9, 1874. 466 TETRAONID.E. PHASIANIM. 1135. Tefrao tetrix, Linn. Black Grouse. Hob. Europe. a, b. Males. Presented by John Wingfield Malcolm, Esq., March 13, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1865. 1136. Tetrao urogallus, Linn. Capercaillie. Hob. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1865. 6. Male. Presented by Percy S. G-odman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 17, 1872. Genus LAGOPUS. 1137. Lag opus scoticus (Lath.). Red Grouse. Hob. British Islands. a-e. Presented by W. Hamilton, Esq., July 18, 1868. Family PHASIANID.E*. Subfamily I. PERDICIN.E. Genus GALLOPERDTX. 1138. Galloperdioc lunulata (Valenc.) . Hardwicke's Spur-fowl. Hab. India. a, b. Males ; e-e. Females. Presented by the Babu Eajen- dra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. 1139. Galloper dix spadicea (Gm.) . Rufous Spur-fowl. Hab. India. a. Male. Presented by Col. Charles Denison, F.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1863. 6. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1864. * On the introduction and breeding of the Indian Phasianida^, consult Mitchell, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 544, and Sclater, P.Z. S. 1860, p. 444, and 1879, p. 114. PHASIANID^. 467 1140. Galloperdix zeylonensis (Gm.) . Ceylonese Spur-fowl. Hob. Ceylon. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., July 18, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. Genus ITHAGINIS. 1141. Ithaginis geoffruyi. Geoffrey's Blood Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Deposited, July 19, 1875. Genus PTILOPACHYS. 1142. Piilopachys ventralis (Val.) . Buff-breasted Partridge. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 140 (P.fuscus). • c. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1876. Genus FRANCOLINUS. 1143. Francolinus vulgaris, Steph. Black Francolin. Hab. India. ctr-e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. /, fj. Deposited, March 23, 1865. A. Female. Purchased, May 10, 1866. i-l. Deposited, May 20, 1867. m. Received in exchange, June 5, 1867. r^p. Deposited, April 31, 1868. q-s. Males : t—v. Females. Purchased, June 18, 1872. iv— z. B-eceived in exchange, May 18, 1877. a1, 61. Presented by Major Newton Pauli, Jan. 9, 1878. 1144. Francolinus madagascariensis (Scop.). Madagascar Fran- colin. Hab. Madagascar. a-c. Deposited, July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. d-f. Presented by Edward Xewton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1865. 2n2 468 PHASIANID^E. 1145. Francolinus pictus, Jard. et Selb. Painted Francolin. Hob. Central India. a. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Eadcliffe, Jan. 5, 1871. 1146. Francolinus rubricollis, Rtipp. Red-throated Francolin. Hab. Eastern Africa. «. Presented by Dr. J. Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar. 1147. Francolinus bicalcaratus, Linn. Double-spurred Fran- colin. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c-h. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1876. i-o. Deposited, Dec. 12, 1876. 1148. Francolinus afer (Lath.) . South- African Francolin. Hab. South Africa. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. 1149. Francolinus clappertoni (Childr.). Clapperton's Fran- colin. Hab. West Africa. or-c. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1862. d, e. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1868. /. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1869. (j, ft. -Presented by Capt. W. H. Strachan, Dec. 8, 1869. 1150. Francolinus capensis, Gm. Cape Francolin. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Go- vernor of New Zealand, Oct. 3, 1859. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c. d. Presented by J. C. Hobbs, Esq., Feb. 17, 1876. 1151. Francolinus ponticerianus (Gm.). Grey Francolin. Hab. India. a. Purchased, April 5, 1862. b. (White var.) Presented by Capt. M. Fitzgerald, Nov. 3, 1870. From Bangalore. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. PHASIANJD^E. 469 c-e. Males ; f-h. Females. Purchased, June 18, 1872. i. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 2, 1873. j. Presented by A. George, Esq., May 21, 1875. k. Presented by George Lyon Bennett, Esq., Dec. 8, 1878. 1. Presented by Mons. J." M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., April 1 1881. 1152. Francolinus gularis (Shaw). Wood-Francolin. Hab. East Bengal. a-e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. /. Purchased, May 7, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. g. Presented by the Babu Bajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. h. Male; i. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Genus ARBORICOLA. 1153. Arboricola torqueola (Val.). Hill-Francolin. Hab. North India. a-c. Deposited, April 4, 1864. d, e. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. /. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. g, h. Males; i,j. Females. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. fc, I Presented by. Mr. W. Jamrach, Feb. 16, 1876. Genus RHIZOTHERA. 1154. Rhizothera longirostris (Temm.). Long-billed Fran- colin. Hab. Malacca. «. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. Genus BAMBUSICOLA. 1155. Bambusicola thoracica (Temm.). Bamboo-Partridge. Hab. North China. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1868. c-o. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1869. />-«. Presented by Theo. A. TV. Hance, Esq., Sept. 15, 1882, 470 PHASIANIDjE. Genus PERDIX. 1156. Perdix cinerea, Lath. Partridge. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Presented by — Eiley, Esq., Aug. 19, 1864. c. Presented by Miss Puddick, May 26, 1870. d. Purchased, May 16, 1873. «, /. Presented by' A. Neale, Esq., Oct. 6, 1873. g. Presented by H. Laver, Esq., Jan. 7, 1877. h. Male. Presented by H. T. Bowes, April 6, 1882. 1157. Perdix hodgsonia, Hodgs. Hodgson's Partridge. Hab. Bootan. a. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., June 16, 1877. b. Purchased, June 26, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 680. Genus COTURNIX. 1158. Coturnix communis, Bonn. Quail. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1862. c. Presented by Lady Gust, July 20, 1862. d. Presented by Mrs. Frank T.'Buckland, Feb. 9, 1865. e. f. Males ; g, h. Females. Presented by P. Moreau Hay- ward, Esq., July 21, 1865. i. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. j. Deposited, July 12, 1870. Tc. Presented by J. J. Croker, Esq., May 20, 1874. 1. Presented by Miss H. Miller, April 19, 1875. m, n. Deposited, July 22, 1875. . o. Presented by J. H. de Einzy, Esq., May 25, 1877. p, q. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. r, s. Presented by E. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. 1159. Coturnix histrionica, Hartl. Harlequin Quail. Hab. Island of St. Thomas, West Africa. a. Purchased, July 30, 1869. b. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1873. From West Africa, PHASIANID^. 471 1160. Coturnix coromandelica (Gm.) . Rain-Quail. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by the Maharajah Duleep Singh, F.Z.S., June 24, 1861. c-l. Presented by F. J. C. Wildash, Esq., May 3, 1865. m-v. Presented 'by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. ?r, #. Presented by A. George, Esq., May 21, 1875. y. Presented by Mrs. Wood-Mason, April 3, 1877. 1161. Coturnix pectoralis, Gould. Pectoral Quail. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. From Melbourne. b. Purchased, June 18, 1873. 1162. Coturnix chinensis (Linn.). Chinese Quail. Hab. China. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1873. c. d. Presented by Mr. A. Jamrach, June 23, 1875. e, f. Males ; g. Female. Presented by Mrs. Wood-Mason, April 3, 1877. *, i. Males ; j, Jc. Females. Purchased, June 30, 1880. 1. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., March 6, 1881. m. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. n. Presented by Lord Walsingham, F.Z.S., Nov. 2, 1882. Genus SYNCECUS. 1163. Syncecus australis (Lath.) . Australian Quail. Hab. Australia. a-d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Feb. 27, 1861. From Melbourne. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 101. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1864. h. Presented by Dr. F. von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 1, 1869. i-k. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1869. l-n. Males ; o. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1870. p. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adekide, Australia, March 6, 1871. From Port Darwin. q. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1872. 1164. Syncecus diemenensis, Gould. Tasmanian Quail. Hab. Tasmania. a-c. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S.. Jan. 27, 1863, ' 472 PHASIANID.E. Genus PERDICULA. 1165. Perdicula cambaiensis (Lath.). Cambaian Quail. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. 1166. Perdicula asiatica (Lath.). Asiatic Quail. Hab. India. or-c. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. d. Presented by A. George, Esq., May 21, 1875. e. Presented by Mrs. Wood-Mason, April 3, 1877. Genus ROLLULUS. 1167. Rollulus cristatus (Gm.). Crowned Partridge. Hab. Malacca. a, b. Males; c. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544, under the name of R. coronatus. d. Presented by Barclay Field, Esq., F.Z.S., March 31, 1875. e. Male ; /. Female. Presented by Barclay Field, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 10, 1877. Subfamily II. ODONTOPHORIN^E. Genus ODONTOPHORUS. 1168. Odontophorus guianensis (Gm.). Guiana Partridge. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 13, 1870. 6, c. Purchased, July 17, 1875. d-h. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. i. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1877. j. Presented by E. L. Marshall, Esq., May 14, 1879. 1169. Odontophorus dentatus (Temm.). Capoeira Partridge. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, March 20, 1873. PHASIANID^E. 473 Genus DENDRORTYX. 1170. Dendrortyx leucophrys, Gould. White-eyebrowed Tree- Partridge. Hob. Central America. a. Presented by E. Owen, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 29, 1861. From Guatemala. Genus ORTYX. 1171. Ortyx virginianus (Linn.). Virginian Colin. Hab. North America. a, I. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1861. c, d. Males ; e, f. Females. Deposited, July 25, 1866. g, h. Presented by L. H. Smith, Esq., May 2, 1867. i-k. Males ; l-n. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1869. o. Male ; p. Female. Presented by P. L. Simon, Esq., April 28, 1869. q. Male; r. Female. Presented by S. S. Strange, Esq., F.Z.S., March 5, 1872. s-x. Purchased, April 29, 1876. Genus EUPSYCHORTYX. 1172. Eupsychortyx cristatus (Linn.) . Crested Colin. Hab. Mexico. a-f. Eeceived, Aug. 9, 1865. g-i. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. j. Male ; k. Female. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. l-o. Males ; r-s. Females. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. t-w. Males ; x-a>. Females. Keeeived in exchange, Oct. 12, 1872. 61. Male; c\ Female. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1879. d\ Male; e\ Female. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1882. Genus CALLIPEPLA. 1173. Callipepla picta (Douglas) . Plumed Colin. Hab. California. a. Female. Purchased, April 25, 1863. 6, c. Beceived in exchange, Sept. 6, 1876. 474 PHASIANID^. 1174. Callipepla calif ornica (Shaw). Californian Quail. Hob. California. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1869. e,f. Presented by J. W. Pease, Esq., M.P., June 2, 1875. #, A. Purchased, 'July 17, 1875. i. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, Nov. 5, 1877. j. Presented by Mrs. Arabin, March 14, 1878. fc, I. Presented by Mr. W. Turquand, Jan. 1, 1879. m, ??. Males ; o. Female. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1880. p. Female, deceived in exchange, Feb. 2, 1881. q. Male ; r. Female. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. s. Female. Deposited, Feb. 7, 1882. t. Male; u. Female. Presented by J. Biehl,Esq., July 17, 1882. 1175. Callipepla gambelli (Nutt.). GambePs Partridge. Hab. California. a, b. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 29, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 795. Subfamily III. CACCABININ^E. Genus CACCABIS. 1176. Caccabis saxatilis, Meyer. Greek Partridge. Hab. South Europe. a-c. Presented by A. H. Layard, Esq., M.P., Aug. 31, 1863. From Syria. d-g. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1864. h. Presented by A. H. Layard, Esq., M.P., Dec. 9, 1864. From Alexandretta. i-l. Presented by Mrs. Brooks, Nov. 30, 1865. m. Male ; n. Female. Presented by G. Jackson Eldridge, Esq., Sept. 4, 1867. o. Deposited, July 2, 1874. p-u. Presented by Comm. F. M. Burke, Dec. 30, 1876. Persia. v. Presented by T. J. Eldridge, Esq., May 2, 1878. White varietv. 475 1177. Caccabis chukar (Gray). Chukar Partridge. Hob. North-west India. a, 6. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. c, d. Deposited, May 20, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Presented by E. Waylan, Esq., Aug. 25, 1871. g-k. Hatched in the Gardens, July 9, 1872. I. Male ; m. Female. Presented by the Hon. Justice Jackson, Aug. 21, 1874. n, o. Presented by Capt. Murray, Jan. 14, 1875. p, q. Presented by Capt. Morrison, Jan. 26, 1876. r-t. Presented by Capt. Newton Pauli, Jan. 13, 1877. u. Presented by Major Newton Pauli, Jan. 9, 1878. v. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., April 1, 1881. w. Presented by Col. Thomas Pierce, Sept. 17, 1881. 1178. Caccabis rufa (Linn.). Red-legged Partridge. Hob. Europe. Deposited, May 11, 1865. h-q. Deposited, March 21, 1867. r. Purchased, April >ril 12, 1870. s. Presented by J. S. Tounghusband, Esq., March 27, 1875. t, u. Presented by H. H. St. Quintin, Esq., July 16, 1881. v. Presented by A. Morrell, Esq., June 18, 1881. w. Presented by J. C. Clayton, Esq., Sept, 23, 1881. x. Presented by Dr. A. O. Grosvenor, July 3, 1882. 1179. Caccabis petrosa (Gm.). Barbary Partridge. Hab. North Africa. a. Male ; b, c. Females. Presented by Lieut. Saville G. Eeid, E.E., F.Z.S., June 7, 1874. " From Spain. 1180. Caccabis melanocephala (Riipp.). Black-headed Par- tridge. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 818 and 890. 6, c. Presented by Comrn. Burke, Dec. 30, 1876. Hedyar, near Mecca/ See P. Z.S. 1877, p. 2. d. Presented by Comm. Burke, Oct. 6, 1877. 476 PHASIANIDvE. Genus AMMOPERDIX. 1181. Ammoperdix bonhami (Fraser). Bonham's Partridge. Hob. Western Asia. a-d. Deposited, May 20, 1867. From the Punjaub. 1182. Ammoperdix heyi (Temm.). Key's Partridge. Hob. Arabia. a-g. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. From Djeddah, Arabia. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. h-j. Deposited, Dec. 11, 1867. Jc. Presented by Comm. Burke, Dec. 30, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 2. I. Purchased, Feb. 11, 1878. m. Presented by Capt. Burke, July 12, 1879. Genus TETRAOGALLTJS. 1183. Tetraogallus himalayensis, Gray. Himalayan Sriow- Partridge. Hab. Himalaya Mountains. a-d. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. e. Deposited, March 7, 1865. Genus LOPHOPHORUS. 1184. Lophophorus impeyanus (Lath.). Himalayan Mo naul. Hab. Himalayan Mountains. a-z. See former editions. a\ bl. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. c\ dl. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1865. e\f. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1866. 0V*1. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1866. il. Female. Deposited, Oct. 2/1866. f-ml. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1867. n\ Female. Eeceived, June 15, 1867. o\p\ Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1867. q\ rl. Males ; s\ f1. Females. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 14, 1869. ul-wl. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1871. xl. Male. Presented by Capt. J. E. Whitting, April 12, 1875. PHASIANID^E. 477 y\ Female. Purchased, April 13, 1877. z\ Male ; «2. Female. Purchased, May 17, 1877. 62. Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1878. c2. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 25, 1879. dz-f. Males ; g*-i\ Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., Feb. 5, 1880. f. Male; lc\ P. Females. Deposited, March 19, 1880. mz-q2. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1881. r2. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1881. s2, t*. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1882. 1185. Lophophorus sclateri, Jerdon. Sclater's Monaul. Hab. Upper Assam. a. Male. Presented by Major Montagu, March 12, 1870. See P.Z. S. 1870, p. 162, pi. xiv. Subfamily IV. PHASIANIN^:. Genus CROSSOPTILON. 1186. Crossoptilon mantchuricum, Swinh. Mantchurian Cros- soptilon. Hab. Northern China. a, 6. Males. Presented by Dudley E. Saurin, Esq., July 13, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418. c, d. Females. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. e-l\ Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. l-t. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1867. w, v. Males ; w. Female. Presented by the late Sir Eric E. T. Farquhar, Bart,, H.B.M.C.S., Pekin, Dec. 16, 1867. x-g\ Bred in the Gardens, May 21, 1868. hl-ol. Bred in the Gardens, June 15, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 115. pl. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 24, 1869. q\ Male. Purchased, May 14, 1869. r\ s\ Deposited, Oct. 2, 1869. t\ Deposited, March 4, 1870. u\ Male; v\ Female. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1873. wl. Purchased, May 17, 1877. tf1. Male; yl. Female. Eeceived in exchange, June 9, 1878. z1, a2. Females. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 18, 1880. b\ Male. Purchased, April 5, 1882. 478 PHASIANIM. Genus PH ASIAN us. 1187. Phasianus colchicus, Linn. Pheasant. Hob. British Islands. a. Male. Hybrid between this species and Gallus domes- ticus, Linn. Presented by Lord Wharncliffe, F.Z.S., June 4, 1862. b-h. Deposited, 1863. i. Male ; j. Female. (Bohemian variety.) Deposited, 1863. Tc-p. Females. Purchased, Jan. 7, 1865. q-v. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1865. w. Male. Presented by W. I. Everitt, Esq., March 4, 1880. 1188. Phasianus elegans, Elliot. Elegant Pheasant. Hab. Szechuen, China. a, b. Deposited by J. J. Stone, Esq., Aug. 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 670. Specimen described by Mr. Elliot, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. vi. p. 312, and figured Mon. Phas. pt. iii. 1189. Phasianus torquatus, Gm. Ring-necked Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Male. Deposited, June 3, 1864. b, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. /. Purchased, April 3, 1865. g. Deposited, April 20, 1865. h. Presented by the late Sir Eric E. T. Farquhar, Bart., H.B.M.C.S., Pekin, Dec. 16, 1867. i. Female. Presented by J. E. Kincaid, Esq., June 7, 1873. /, k. Females. Presented by George Lyon Bennett, Esq., Dec. 8, 1878. I. Male ; m. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1881. 1190. Phasianus versicolor, Vieill. Japanese Pheasant. Hab. Japan. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1862. b. Female. Hybrid between this species and Phasianus colchicus, Linn. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1862. c. Male ; d. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 18, 1862. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. h. Bred in the Gardens, 1864. i. Female. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. j. Male. Deposited, May 29, 1865. PHASIANID^E. 479 Tc-v. Bred in the G-ardens, June 27, 1865. ' w. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1867. x-gl. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1867. Tt1, il. Males ; j1, k1. Females. Presented by Lieut. Duncan Stewart, July 27, 1867. ll-ql. Bred in the Gardens, July 30, 1867. rl-d\ Bred in the Gardens, June 9, 1868. «2-F. Bred in the Gardens, July 12, 1868. l2-q\ Bred in the Gardens, July 31, 1868. r2-t2. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1869. u~-d3. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1869. e3-^3. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1870. h3. Male ; i3, j3. Females. Purchased, March 7, 1872. P. Received in exchange, Feb. 25, 1875. l*-(f. Hybrids between this species and P. torquatus. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1875. r3. Male ; s3. Female. Purchased, May 24, 1877. t3. Male ; u3. Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. . v3, w3. Purchased, July 16, 1880. #a. Male; y3. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. 1191. Phasianus scemmerringi, Temm. Soemmerring's Phea- sant. Hab. Japan. a. Female. Deposited, Dec. 18, 1863. 6, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Purchased, June 22, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. /, g. Males. Presented by Eeginald Eussell, Esq., June 22, 1864. h. Female. Deposited, May 29, 1865. 1. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. j-l. Males ; m-p. Females. Presented by Lieut. Duncan Stewart, July 27, 1867. 2, r. Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. s, t. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1868. 1192. Phasianus reevesi, Gray. Bar-tailed Pheasant. Hab. North China. a. Male. Presented by John Kelk, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 8, 1864. b-d. Males ; e~h. Females. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1866. i. Male : j. Female. Purchased, June 22, 1867. k-n. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 10, 1867. o-v. Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. iv. Bred in the Gardens, June*9, 1868. x-bl. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1868. 480 PHASIANID.E. c1-/. Bred in the Gardens, July 12, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 115. Tc\ Male ; l\ m1. Females. Deposited, March 12, 1869. nl-z\ Deposited, Aug. 27, 1869. a\ Male; tf-d\ Females. Deposited, Feb. 12, 1870. e2-i2. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. f. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1870. If, l\ Deposited, Aug. 13, 1870. m2-r2. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. s2. Male ; f. Female. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1870. u2-g3. Hatched in the Gardens, June 21, 1872. Hybrids between a $ of this species and P. wallichii § . 7&3-P. Hatched in the Gardens, July 8, 1872. Hybrids between a (J of this species and P. ivallwliii $ . P. Male ; m3. Female. Received in exchange, Dec. 11, 1874. n\ os. Females. Purchased, May 24, 1877. p\ Male; q3. Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. r3. Female. Purchased, July 16, 1880. 1193. Phasianus ellioti, Swiuh. Elliot's Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Male ; b, c. Females. Purchased, Sept. 27, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 631. 1194. Phasianus wallichii, Hardw. Cheer Pheasant. Hab. North India. a. Female. Received in exchange, May 19, 1862. 6. Male. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1862. c. Deposited, March 31, 1863. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1863. e-h. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. i-L Deposited, March 7, 1865. m-q. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. r—w. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1866. x. Male ; y. Female. Deposited, March 21, 1867. z-bl. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. c1, dl. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1867. el. Male. Received in exchange, Dec. 20, 1867. f-i\ Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1868. f-s\ Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1868. tl. Male ; ul. Female. Purchased, Nov. 29, 1877. v1. Male ; ivl. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 25, 1879. a?1, yl. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1881. PHASIANID.E. 481 Genus THAUMALEA. 1195. Thaumalea picta (Linn.). Gold Pheasant. Hob. China. a. Female. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1863. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1864. d. Hybrid between this species and Phasianus colchicus, Linn. Deposited, March 30, 1864. e. Male ; /. Female. (New variety.) Purchased, July 5, 1865. g. Male. Bred in the G-ardens. h. Deposited, March 16, 1868. i. Purchased, April 1, 1868. ;', k. (Varieties.) Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. lr-o. Females. Purchased, March 30, 1871. p, q. Males. Hybrids between a female of this species and a male Thaumalea amherstice. Deposited, July 21, 1871. r. Presented by the Rev. H. G. Nind, Dec. 19, 1871. s. Deposited, Jan. 18, 1872. t-x. Hatched in the Gardens, May 21, 1872. y. Male ; z, a1. Females. Presented by J. P. Davis, Esq., August 21, 1872. 61, c1. Males. Presented by the Eev. A. B. Frazer, April 15, 1874. d1. Male. Received in exchange, Jan. 21, 1875. e1, f1. Females. Received in exchange, Feb. 9, 1876. gl-ol. Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1876. pl-b\ Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1876. c2-/*2. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1876. i\ Male. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 1, 1878. j2. Male. Presented by J. E. Liardet, Esq., July 12, 1879. Jc*. Male. Presented by James M'Gregor, Esq., Aug. 31, 1880. Z2. Male. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., March 9, 1881. m2. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. n2, o2. Male ; p*. Female. Presented by Theo. A. W. Hance, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1882. 1196. Thaumalea amherstice (Leadb.) . Amherst's Pheasant. Hob. Szechuen, China. a-e. Males ; /. Female. Deposited, July 16, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1S69, p. 468. g, h. Purchased, March 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1 871, p. 298. i-q. Hybrids between a male of this species and female T. picta. Hatched in the Gardens, June 12, 1872. r-t. Hybrids between a male of this species and half-bred 2i 482 PHASIAXIDJE. T. picta and T. amherstice 2 • Hatched in the Gar- dens, June 13, 1878. tt-c. Hybrids between a male of this species and half-bred T. picta and T. amTierstice. Hatched in the Gardens, July 1, 1873. a1. Male. Hybrid between this species and T. picta. Ee- ceived in exchange, Feb. 20, 1874. b\ c1. J-bred between pure cJ TJiaumalea amherstia and half-bred T. pitta and T. amherstia $ . Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, I . Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1 nt. Bred in the Gardens, July 27. 1 n1, o1. Hybrids between this species and half-bred T. picta. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1 p1-?. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 3, 18 7-"). tl-b2. Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1876. c2-^2. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1876. Z2. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1876. m2. Male ; n2, o2. Females. Presented by Dr. A. G. Eeid, Feb. 2, 1>77. tf-y*. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1877. z2-*"3. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1877. /-o3. Bred in the Gardens, July 3, 1878. p3-?. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1878. u3-o?. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1879. ?/3. Bred in the Gardens. Aug. 7, 1879. z3. Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 7, 1880. a4. Male. Purchased, March 23, 1881. 64. Male. Presented by J. Biehl, Esq., Feb. 7.. 1882. c4. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. Genus PUCRASIA. 1197. Pucrasia microlopha (Less.). Indian Pucras. Hab. Himalayas. a. Female. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. b. Male; c. Female. Deposited, Aug. 21. 1871. From Simla. 1198. Pucrasia darwim, Swinh. Darwin's Pucras. Hab. China. a, b. Males. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1874. c. Male. Deposited, April 1, 1874. d. e. Females. Deposited, May 20, 1875. PHASIANIM. 483 /. Male. Deposited, Aug. 28, 1875. g-i. Males ; j, TC. Females. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1875. I. Male ; ra. Female. Purchased, Jan. 8, 1876. n. Male ; o. Female. Deposited, June 19, 1876. p, q. Males ; r. Females. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1877. s. Male; t. Female. Purchased, March 19, 1878. u. Bred in the Gardens, May 11, 1878. v. Male. Purchased, July 8, 1879. 1199. Pucrasia xanthospila, Gray. Yellow-spotted Pucras. Hab. China. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. d. Male. Presented by H.G. the Duke of Wellington, K.G., Nov. 10, 1871. e. Female. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1871. Genus EUPLOCAMUS. 1200. Euplocamus prcelatus (Bonap.). Siamese Pheasant. Hab. Siam. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 4, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 256. b-d. Hybrids between specimen a and Euplocamus lineatus 2 • Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. g. Male; h. Female. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. i, j. Males ; I: Female. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 28, 1867. I. Male. Purchased, May 7, 1870. m. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 18, 1872. n. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. o. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 3, 1875. p. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1876. q. Male; r. Female. Purchased, April 11, 1877. s. Male. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. t, u. Females. Purchased, July 8, 1879. v-x. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1880. y. Bred in the Gardens, July 4, 1881. 1201. Euplocamus swinhoii, Gould. Swinhoe's Pheasant. Hab. Formosa. a. Male. Purchased, June 7, 1865. b. Male. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1866. c. Male. Deposited, June 6, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. e-g. Males ; 7i. Female. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1866. 484 PHASIANID^E i. Male ; ;, k. Females. Deposited, Oct. 27, 1866. I, m. Females. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1866. n-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 3, 1867. u-w. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. #, y. Males ; z, a1. Females. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1867. bl-dl. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1868. e\f. Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. gl-k\ Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. ll-o\ Deposited, June 24, 1869. p\ Male; q\ Female. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1869. r1. Male ; s1. Female. Deposited, March 4, 1870. t\ Male ; u\ Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1872. v1. Male ; w\ Female. Purchased, May 26, 1873. Hybrids between a male of this species and female of E. nycihemerus. Hatched in the Gardens, June 2, 1873. h*. Male ; i\ Female. Purchased, May 21, 1877. f. Male; tf. Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. l\ Male ; m2. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1881. n\ Female. Purchased, May 10, 1882. o2-*2. Bred in the Gardens, June 10, 1882. 1202. Euplocamus erythrophthalmus (Raffl.). Rufous-tailed Pheasant. Hob. Malacca. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 139, 373. d. Purchased, June 15, 1868. «,/. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1868. g* Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. i. Male. Purchased, May 1, 1872. /. Male ; Jc. Female. Purchased, May 9, 1872. I. Male ; m. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1873. n. Male ; o. Female. Purchased, April 18, 1882. 1203. Euplocamus vieilloti (Gray). Vieillot's Fireback. Hab. Malacca. a. Male. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1869. b. Male ; c. Female. Presented by Col. A. S. Greenlaw, May 8, 1869. d. Male ; e. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1871. /. Male. Presented by Capt. Parish, E.N., Nov. 6, 1871. From Mergui. g. Male ; Ji. Female. Purchased, June 1, 1872. i. Male. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1873. j. Female. Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., June 25, 1877. PHASIANID^E. 485 1204. Euplocamus nobilis, Sclater. Bornean Fireback. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, April 27, 1868. See P.Z. S. 1868, p. 261. b. Male; c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 194. d. Male; e. Female. Purchased, May 31, 1875, /. Female. Purchased, July 5, 1876. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, May 24, 1877. i. Female. Presented by A. Dent, Esq., Oct. 22, 1878. 1205. Euplocamus nycthemerus (Linn.). Silver Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Male ; b. Female. Eeceived in exchange, 1861. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1862. d-f. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. g. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. From India. h. Female. Hybrid? Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. From India. i. Male. Hybrid ? Purchased, Jan. 6, 1866. j-l. Deposited, July 31, 1868. m, n. Males. Deposited, March 4, 1870. 0, p. Males ; q-t. Females. Presented by J. P. Davis, Esq., Aug. 21, 1872. u-w. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. sc. Female. Presented by Mr. W. Miles, May 23, 1876. y. Male ; z. Female. Received in exchange, July 17, 1877. 01. Male ; 61. Female. Presented by W. Soper, Esq., April 1, 1879. c1. Male. Presented by Mrs. E. J. Beagle, April 29, 1879. d\ Male. Presented by Mr. E. Moon, Oct. 27, 1879. e\ Male. Presented by Miss C. Hallett, Oct. 27, 1880. f1. Male ; -gl. Female. Presented by Mrs. Hames, Aug. 9, 1882. 1206. Euplocamus lineatus, Vigors. Lineated Kaleege. Hab. Tenasseriin and Pegu. a. Male ; b, c. Females. Presented by John Squire, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. d. Male. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. e-Jc. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. Z-o. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. p-t. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1866. u-b\ Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. c1, d\ Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. 486 PHASIANID^E. e-i1. Hybrids between a female o£ this species and E. CM- vieri 3 . Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. 71, &1. Hybrids (as above). Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. P. Male; m1. Female. Presented by the Hon. Ashley Eden, June 1, 1875. nl-x\ Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1876. y\ z\ Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1876. a\ Male. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. 62. Male ; c2. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. 1207. Euplocamus andersoni, Elliot. Anderson's Kaleege. Hob. Burmah. a. Female. Presented by Mr. W. Jamrach, Feb. 18, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 274. 1208. Euplocamus cuvieri (Temm.). Cuvier's Kaleege. Hab. Arracan. «, 6. Males ; c. Female. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. d, e. Presented by Dr. J. Squire, Sept. 4, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 623. 1209. Euplocamus horsfieldi, Gray. Purple Kaleege. Hab. North-west Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. b. Male. Bred in' the Gardens, July 9, 1861. c-e. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. f-j. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. k-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1866. n. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. o-s. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1868. t, u. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. v9 w. Hatched in the Gardens, June 13, 1872. a?. Hatched in the Gardens, June 2, 1873. y. Female. Presented by J. Ditmas, Esq., June 19, 1877. 1210. Euplocamus melanotis (Blyth). Black-backed Kaleege. Hab. Sikkim. a. Male. Presented by the late Viscount Canning, July 14, 1857. 6. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1858. c. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. PHASIANID^E. 487 d-f. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. g-k. Bred in the Gardens, June 25, 1866. I. Eeceived in exchange, March 3, 1867. m-r. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1867. s-x. Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. y-a>. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. ft1. Male ; c1. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. r?1. Female. Received in exchange, April 28, 1882. e\ Male. Presented by Sir Henry S. Boyton, Bart., Nov. 4, 1882. 1211. Euplocamus albo-cristatus (Vig.). White-crested Ka- leege. Hob. North-west Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the late Viscount Canning, Julv 14, 1857. b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1859. c. Male. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1860. d. Male. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1861. e-g. Deposited, March 31, 1863. h, i. Males ; ,;, Tc. Females. Deposited, March 23, 1865. l-p. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. q-u. Bred in the Gardens, June 25, 1866. v. Male ; w. Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1872. x-bl. Hatched in the Gardens, June 13, 1872. cl-7i\ Hatched in the Gardens, June 23, 1873. il-ll. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. m\ Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. n1. Male : o1. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. Genus GALLUS. 1212. Gallus bankiva, Temm. Bankiva Jungle-fowl. Hab. India generally. a-c. Males. Presented by the Babu E-ajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. cL-i. Females. Hybrids. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.H*Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. j-x. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. y. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. z~bl. Males ; cl-f. Females. Purity doubtful. Presented by Mrs. Kendall, Jan. 31, 1878. g\ Male ; h\ Female. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.E., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 13, 1880, 488 PHASIANID.E. 1213. Gallus varius, Shaw. Fork-tailed Jungle-fowl. Hob. Java. a. Male. Received in exchange, Oct. 1860. 6, c. Males. Hybrids between $ of this species and (?. bankiva $ . Received in exchange, Nov. 1860. d, e. Hybrids between this species and Gf. domesticus. Pre- sented by W. T. Eraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 9, 1875. /, g. Male. (Pure.) Presented by W. T. Eraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 6, 1876. h, i. Hybrids. Presented by W. T. Eraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 6, 1876. j. Male. Presented by W. T. Eraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 14, 1876. Tc. Eemale. Purchased, May 24, 1877. Z, m. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1877. n. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1878. o-q. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 7, 1879. r. Male. Deposited, March 31, 1881. 1214. Gallus sonnerati, Temm. Sonnerat's Jungle-fowl. Hab. Southern India. a. Male. Purchased, July 10, 1860. 6. Male. Three-quarters bred. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1862. c. Eemale. Purchased, March 12, 1863. d. Eemale. Presented by Col. Charles Denison, E.Z.S., May 29, 1863. e-i. Half-bred. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. j. Male. Received in exchange, March 14, 1865. Tc-r. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. s-w. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. a?. Eemale. Presented by J. C. Parr, Esq., Nov. 7, 1865. y. Deposited, March 20, 1868. z-b\ Received in exchange* March 27, 1868. el-f. Bred in the Gardens, May 31, 1868. P. Male. Presented by Mrs. White, March 17, 1874. Z1. Eemale. Presented by A. Tates, Esq., May 30, 1874. m\ Deposited, April 7, 1876. 215. Gallus stanleyi, Gray. Ceylonese Jungle-fowl. Hab. Ceylon. a. Male ; 6. Eemale. Presented by H. Bayley, Esq., Sept. 10, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. c, d. Hatched in the Gardens, May 19, 1874. PHASIANID.E. 489 e. Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, 1874. f-h. Hatched in the G-ardens, July 3, 1874. i. Female. Presented by George Lyon Bennett, Esq., Dec. 8, 1878. j. Male. Presented by Mrs. Dick-Lauder, Oct. 26, 1882. Genus CERIORNIS. 1216. Ceriornis satyra (Linn.). Horned Tragopan. Hab. South-eastern Himalayas. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 104. d-g. Males ; h. Female. Deposited, March 31, 1863. i-Tc. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1863. I. Bred in the Gardens, June 10, 1864. m, n. Deposited, March 23, 1865. o. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. p-r. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1865. s. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1865. t. Male. Purchased, April 22, 1873. u. Female. Received in exchange, June 21, 1873. v. Male ; w. Female. Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, July 24, 1876. x. Female. Received in exchange, July 18, 1877. v, z. Bred in the Gardens, Jane 7, 1878. a1. Male ; bl-dl. Females. Presented by His Royal High- ness the Prince of Wales, K.G., F.Z.S., Feb. 5, 1880. e\ Male. Deposited, March 30, 1380. f, (f. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1880. h\ i'1. Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1880. j\ Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1881. Tc\ l\ Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1881. ml^p\ Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1882. 1217. Ceriornis melanocephala, Gray. Black-headed Tragopan. Hab. Northern India. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. 1218. Ceriornis temmincki (Gray) . Temminck's Tragopan. Hab. China. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1864. 6, c. Males. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1866. d. Female. Received in exchange, Dec. 14, 1867. e. Male. Received in exchange, Dec. 20, 1868. 490 PHASIANIDJE. /. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1869. g-j. Bred in the Gardens, May 29, 1869. Jc. Male ; I. Female. Deposited, Aug. 27, 1869. m. Deposited, Jan. 6, 1870. n, o. Males. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. p-v. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1871. w-y. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1871. z, a1. Bred in the Gardens, July 13, 1871. 61. Male. Purchased, Sept 27,' 1871. c1. Male. Presented by H.G. the Duke of Wellington, K.G., Nov. 10, 1871. dl. Hatched in the Gardens, July 23, 1873. el-gl. Hatched in the Gardens, May 19, 1874. A1, t1. Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, 1874. f-m\ Hatched in the Gardens, June 15, 1875. n1. Deposited, July 10, 1875. o1. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1876. jp1, q1. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1877. rl-tl. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1877. ul-xl. Bred in the Gardens, May 27, 1878. y\ Male. Presented by H.B.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., F.Z.S., Eeb. 5, 1880. 1219. Ceriornis caboti, Gould. Cabot's Horned Tragopan. Hub. China. a. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1882. 1220. Ceriornis blythi, Jerdon. Blyth's Tragopan. Hob. Upper Assam. a. Male. Presented by Major Montagu, March 12, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 219, pi. XT. Subfamily V. PAVONINE. Genus PAVO. 1221. Pavo cristatus, Linn. Common Peafowl. Hab. India. a. Male ; b. Female. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1860, by C. Clif- ton, Esq., F.Z.S., and afterwards presented. c. Male; d. Eemale. (White variety.) Deposited, Jan. 26, 1860, by C. Clifton, Esq., E.Z.S., and aftewards pre- sented. e. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 30, 1863. From Burrnah. PHASIANID.E. 491 /, g. Females. Hybrids between this species and Pavo nigripennis, Sclater. Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1863. h, i. (White variety.) Deposited, April 27, 1865. j. Male. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1866. &. Presented by Mrs. Wambey, Aug. 12, 1867. I. Male. (White variety.) Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 20, 1869. m. Male ; n. Female. Presented by Major-Gen. J. K. Whistler, April 13, 1869. 0. Presented by Lady Cranstoun, Sept. 25, 1869. p, q. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1871. r. Male. Presented by Sir Thomas Dyer, Bart., May 10, 1871. s, t. Males ; u, v. Females. Presented by Mrs. Stern, May 10, 1873. w, x. Presented by J. Blake, Esq., May 31, 1873. y. Male ; z-61. Females. Presented by the Lord Nelson, Aug. 13, 1873. c\ Male : d\ e\ Females. Deposited, Feb. 22, 1875. f. Presented by Major C. Morgan, March 2, 1875. g\ Presented by Mrs. Euss, Nov. 29, 1878. hl. Male. Presented by J. B. Hopkinson, Esq., March 28, 1879. i1,/. Males; Jc\ Z1. Females. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1880. m1. Male; w1. Female. Presented by Miss Wedderburn, June 29, 1880. 01. Male ; pl. Female. Presented by Mrs. Joseph Hoare, July 28, 1880. 21, r1. Females. Presented by Mrs. Edward Brown, Feb. 23, 1881. s1. Male ; tl. Female. Presented by George Stevenson, Esq., June 11, 1881. ul-w\ Bred in the Gardens, July 11, 1881. a?1. Presented by Mrs. Walter Crane, March 4, 1882. 1222. Pavo niyripennis, Sclater. Black-winged Peafowl. Hal. Cochin China (?). a. Male. Presented by W. E. W. Halsey, Esq., April 29, 1859. 6, c. Males ; d. Female. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1860, by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., and subsequently presented. Types of Pavo nigripennis, as described, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 221. e. Purchased, Xov. 18, 1868. /. Female. Purchased, April 21, 1871. g. Male ; Ji. Female. Presented by Sir Thomas Dyer, Bart., May 10, 1871. 492 PHASIANID.E. i. Male. Presented by the Hon. A. S. G. Canning, May 29, 1874. .;. Male. Presented by the Hon. A. S. Gr. Canning, Nov. 26, 1874. fc, I. Females. Presented by the Hon. A. S. Gr. Canning, Feb. 28, 1878. m. Presented by the Hon. A. S/G. Canning, F.Z.S., Feb. 1, 1879. n. Female. Presented by the Hon. A. S. G. Canning, F.Z.S., July 8, 1879. 0. Presented by J. Marshall, Esq., March 15, 1881. p. Presented by J. Marshall, Esq., Nov. 23, 1881. 1223. Pavo spicifer, Horsf. Javan Peafowl. Hab. Burmah and Java. a. Male. Presented by William Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. From Arracan. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. 6, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1867. e. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1868. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1869. h. Purchased, June 5, 1871. 1. Presented by Capt. Parish, E.N., Nov. 6, 1871. From Merged. /. Male. Presented by Sir C. Smith, Nov. 9, 1872. Ic. Male ; 1. Female. * Purchased, April 16, 1875. m. Female. Purchased, May 24, 1877. n. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1878. o, p. Purchased, May 24, 1879. q-s. Deposited, June 5, 1879. t. Male. Received in exchange, Oct. 10, 1879. u. Male ; v. Female. Purchased, May 23, 1882. Genus POLYPLECTRON. 1224. Polyplectron chinquis, Temm. Peacock Pheasant. Hab. British Burmah. a-y. See former editions. z-b\ Hatched in the Gardens, April 12, 1872. c1, dl. Hatched in the Gardens, May 21, 1872. e\f. Hatched in the Gardens, April 21, 1873. gl-kl. Hatched in the Gardens, May 5, 1873. V-n\ Hatched in the Gardens, May 19, 1874. o1, p\ Hatched in the Gardens, June 10, 1874. PHASIANID^!. 493 ql-tl. Hatched in the Gardens, June 3, 1875. u\ v\ Deposited, Dec. 16, 1875. w\ xl. Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1876. yl-a\ Males : 62, c2. Females. Purchased, May 10, 1879. d\ Bred in the Gardens, July 23, 1879. e\f. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1880. f. Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1880. h\ i\ Males ; f. Female. Deposited, May 24, 1881. P-m2. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1881. o3, p2. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1882. 1225. Polyplectron germaini, Elliot. Pheasant. Hab. Cochin China. a. Male. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1881. 1226. Polyplectron bicalcaratum (Linn.). Pheasant. Hab. Malacca. Germain's Peacock Crested Peacock a. Male. Beceived in exchange, July 20, 1871. b. Male : c. Female. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1872. d. Male. Deposited, July 13, 1872. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1875. Genus ARGUS. 1227. Argus giganteus, Temm. Hab. Malacca. Argus Pheasant. a. Male ; b. Female. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1870. c. Male ; d. Female. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1872. e, /. Males. Presented by J. C. Fanshawe, Esq., May 28, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 729. g. Female. Deposited, June 24, 1873. ~h, i. Females. Presented by Sir H. St. George Ord, K.C.B., July 14, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. j. Male. Received in exchange, Aug. 19, 1875. fc. Male ; I. Female. Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, K.C.B., F.Z.S., June 25,' 1877. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1878. o. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1878. p, q. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 2, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 116. r. Male. Eeceived in exchange, May 26, 1879. 8, t. Males. Presented by Major M'Nair, C.M.G., and J. M. Vermont, Esq., May 18, 1882. 494 PHASIANID^E. Subfamily VI. MELEAGRIN^E. Genus MELEAGRIS. 1228. Meleagris ocellata, Temm. Ocellated Turkey*. Hob. Guatemala. a, b. Presented by H.M. The Queen, Sept. 1857. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 402. c. Female. Presented by Eobert Owen, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 29, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 403. d. Female. Presented by Capt. d'Arcy, E.N., Nov. 22, 1864. e. Male. Hybrid between this species and Meleagris meooi- cana, Gould, var. domestica. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. /, g. Males. Presented by W. E. Sibeth, Esq., July 20, 1881. 1229. Meleagris gallo-pavo, Linn. North-American Turkey. Hob. North America. a, 6. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. c, d. Presented by E. K. Karslake, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 8, 1866. From Canada. e-g. Purchased, March 26, 1867. h-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1867. u-cl. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1867. d^-w1. Hybrids between a male of this species and M. ocel- lata ^ • Bred in the Gardens, May 30, 1868. a?1. Male; y1, z1. Females. Presented by E. Wynne Eoberts, Esq., Aug. 5, 1879. Subfamily VII. NUMIDIN^E. Genus NUMIDA. 1230. Numida meleagris (Linn.) . Common Guinea-fowl. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by Lady Walker, Aug. 26, 1864. From the Cape of Good Hope. * See remarks on this species and figures, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 402, pi. XL. PHASIANII>^. 495 5, c. White variety. Presented by Lieut. L. C. Keppel, E.N., Feb. 23, 1864. From Madagascar. d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From West Africa. «, /. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Mexico. } 1231. Numida ptilorhyncha, Licht. Abyssinian Guinea-fowl. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 16, 1865. c. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From Aden. d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From Eastern Africa. «,/. Presented by Capt. Burke, May 25, 1877. g-i. Purchased, May 22, 1879. j-m,. Presented by Gerald Waller, Esq., Aug. 14, 1880. 1232. Numida rendalli, Ogilby. Kendall's Guinea-foul. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., May 20, 1875. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1879. 1233. Numida cornuta, Hartl. & Finsch. Horned Guinea- fowl. Hab. South Africa, a, b. Presented by Lady Walker, Aug. 26, 1864. 1234. Numida mitrata, Pallas. Mitred Guinea-fowl. Hab. Madagascar. ar-d. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. e-g. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1879, and 'purchased Oct. 2, 1879. 1235. Numida cristata, Pall. Crested Guinea-fowl. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. 6. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. c. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1865. d. Deposited, Dec. 28, 1865. e. Purchased, June 13, 1866. f. y. Presented by William M'Coskey, Esq., Dec. 23, 1867. Ti. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, " May 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383, and 1871, p. 495. Types of N. verrtauxi, Elliot, as figured and described in Mon. Phas. pt. i. 496 PHASTANID^E. j. Received in exchange, Jan. 2, 1873. 7c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. Z, m. Purchased, March 6, 1874. n, o. Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1876. See P. Z. 8. 1876, p. 695. p, q. Presented by D. E. Eatcliff, Esq., Dec. 8, 1876. r-t. Deposited, June 4, 1877. M, v. Presented by Mrs. Collingwood, Feb. 9, 1878. w. Presented by Vice-Admiral John Corbett, C.B., Oct. 3, 1879. x. Purchased, June 24, 1881. 1236. Numida pucker ani, Hartl. Pucheran's Guinea-fowl. Hab. East Africa. a, 6. Deposited, July 12, 1879. c-f. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1879. One died Aug. 6, one Aug. 9, one Aug. 18 ; survivor purchased, Oct. 2, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 718. g, Ti. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1879. i,j. Presented by the Eev. T. Wakefield, April 26, 1880. 1237. Numida vulturina, Hardw. Vulturine Guinea-fowl. (Fig. 53, p. 497.) Hob. Eastern Africa. a. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., April 27, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 280. 6, c. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1872. SeeP.Z. S. 1872, p. 789. d, e. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 28, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 110. /. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1874. g, h. Deposited, June 16, 1876. i-p. Deposited, April 23, 1877. 1874. t. Purchased, July 20, 1876. M. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. v. Purchased, April 25, 1878. w. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882. x. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1882. 1241 4 Crax sclateri, G. R. Gray. Sclater's Curassow. Hab. South America. a. Female. Received in exchange, March 12, 1861. b. Female. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct* 13> 1863. See Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pi. xxv. c. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 21, 1872. d. e. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. From Maranham. /. Female. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. , c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, May 23, 18^4. d-h. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. ij. Presented by Dr. Mueller, O.M.Z.S., June 30, 1866. &,' L Deposited, July 20, 1866. m. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1872. Erom Otago. «, o. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago, Oct. 15, 1873. p, q. Presented by Dr. J. Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. r. Presented by Capt. Jessop, Oct. 7, 1876. s. Presented by H. E. Eose, Esq., Sept. 1, 1880. 1288. Ocydromus earli, G. R. Gray. EarFs Weka Rail. Hab. North Island, New Zealand. «, b. Presented by the Auckland Acclimatization Society, Aug. 22, 1871. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1871. e. Purchased, July 4, 1874. /. Presented by Capt. Braddick, Dec. 27, 1875. 1289. Ocydromus fuscus (Du Bus). Black Wood- Hen. Hab. Snares Island, New Zealand. a. Presented by Dr. James Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. See P. Z.S. 1875, p. 527. 1290. Ocydromus lafresnayanus (Verr. et Des Murs). New- Caledonian Rail. Hab. New Caledonia. a. Presented by Dr. Greo. Bennett, E.Z.S., June 10, 1869. See P. Z.S. 1869, p. 431. b. Presented by Dr. Greo. Bennett, E.Z.S., May 28, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517. 1291. Ocydromus sylvestris, Sclater. Woodhen Rail. Hab. Lord Howe's Island. a, 6. Presented by Dr. Gr. Bennett, F.Z.S., May 30, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 546. RALLIDJB. 511 Genus PORPHYRIO. 1292. Porphyrio melanotus, Temm. Black -backed Porphyrio. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 31, 1860. c. Purchased, April 26, 1862. d-h. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 25, 1862. From Melbourne. i,j. Presented by Henry St. Hill, Esq., Aug. 20, 1864. From New Zealand. l'-n. Deposited, April 19, 1866. o-s. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 15, 1866. t, u. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 30, 1866. v-z. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canter- bury, New Zealand, Aug. 16, 1867. al-dl. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Dec* 24, 1867. el-hl. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1869. •I1. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 21, 1869. /. Presented by A. Houlden, Esq., May 9, 1870. A-1. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, Xew Zealand, Aug. 29, 1871. ll-ql. Deposited, Sept. 13, 1871. From Australia. rt-*1. Presented by Dr. F. von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 1, 1872. vl-v\ Presented by A. C. Le Souef, Esq., Jan. 6, 1873. yl. Presented by Capt. J. Gibb, April 27, 1876. Captured at sea, 400 miles off Xew Zealand. 1293. Porphyrio caruleus (Yandelli). Purple Gallinule. Hab. South-western Europe and Algeria. «, b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c. Presented by Lady Gust, July 29, 1873. 1294. Porphyrio calvus (Vieill.) . Indian Porphyrio. Hab. Eastern Asia and Oceania. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1868. From China. c. Presented by the Rev. J. S. Whitmee, C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1873. From the Navigators' Islands. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 518. d. Presented by J. C. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. 512 RALLID.E. 1295. Porphyrio madayascariensis (Gm.) . Madagascar Por- phyrio. Hob. Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. b-d. Purchased, April 15, 1871. e. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. /. Presented by Miss A. Furlonger, April 8, 1873. g-i. Presented by A. Bells, Esq., June 19, 1879. j-l. Presented by Messrs. Hugh Low & Co., Dec. 4, 1880. 1296. Porphyrio poliocephalus (Lath.). Grey-headed Porphyrio. Hab. India. a-d. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. «,/. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1866. g. Presented by Mr. Budgett, June 11, 1875. h. Presented by Capt. Burke, Oct. 6, 1877. From Meso- potamia. i,j. Presented by Mrs. A. Cobb, Oct. 23, 1877. From Baghdad. Genus HYDRORNIA. 1297. Hydrornia alleni, Thomps. Allen's Porphyrio. Hab. West Africa. «, b. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1863. c-e. Purchased, May 28, 1867. f. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1873. *g. Presented by W. B. Brown, Esq., July 31, 1879. Cap- tured at sea off Sierra Leone, 5° N., 14° "W. h. Presented by Master J. Kennedy, Aug 3, 1882. Genus IONORNIS. 1298. lonornis martinicus (Linn.) . Martinique Gallinule. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 18, 1862. b. Purchased, June 16, 1865. c. Purchased, June 13, 1868. d. Received in exchange, June 24, 1868. e,f. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. From Trinidad. g. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1868. h. Purchased, June 7, 1870. i. Presented by Mr. A. Jamrach, June 23, 1875. j, Tc. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1877. RALLIDA. 513 1. Purchased, June 17, 1879. w, n. Presented by Lieut. A. H. Oliver, K.N., March 14, 1882. o. Presented by F. L. Davis, Esq., Dec. 8, 1882. Genus TKIBONYX. 1299. Tribonyx ventralis, Gould. Black-tailed Waterheu. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, April 6, 1864. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, April 6, 1869. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, April 11, 1869. h-j. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1869. fc, L Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 4, 1869. m. Bred in the Gardens, April 20, 1871. 1300. Tribonijjc mortieri (Da Bus). Mortier's Waterhen. (Fig. 55, p. 514.) Hab. Western Australia. a. Purchased, July 1, 1867. See P. Z. S: 1867, p. 816. 6. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1872. See P.Z.S. 1872, p. 861. Genus GALLINULA. 1301. Gallinula chloropus (Linn.). Moorhen. Hab. Europe and Asia. a-c. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 8, 1867. From the Island of St. Denis, Seychelles. d. Presented by Mr. J. Wildey, July 25, 1877. e. Presented by Theo. A. W. Hance, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1882. 1302. Gallinula galeata (Licht.). American Moorhen. Hab. America. a. Presented by Capt. Carl Hannes, May 25, 1877. From Jamaica. 6, c. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z..S Au°- 23, 1880. 2L 514 Tribonyx mortieri. (P. Z. S. 1867, p. 816.) 1303. Gallinula nesiotis, Sclater. Island-Hen G-allinule. Hob. Tristan d'Acunha. a. Presented by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., May 26, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209, and p. 260, pi. xxx., where the species is described and figured. l-d. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 8, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 469. RALLID.E. 515 1301. Gallinula tenebrosa, Gould. Sombre Gallinule. Hob. Australia. «, b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. From Melbourne. 1305. Gallinula ph&nicura, Penn. White-breasted Gallinule. Hob. India. a-c. Deposited, Aug. 29, 1870. Genus FULICA. 1306. Fulica atra, Linn. Coot. Hab. Europe. «. Purchased, Jan. 3, 1859. b. Male. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1860. c. Presented by F. H. O'Donoghue, Esq., Dec. 27. L878. d. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1881. e. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1882. 1307. Fulica australis, Gould. Australian Coot. Hab. Australia. «, b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. From Melbourne. 1308. Fulica cristata, Lath. Crested Coot. Hab. South Africa. a. Female. Presented by Earl Fitzwilliam, F.Z.S., Feb. 11 1858. b-d. Hybrids bet\yeen this species and Fulica atra, Linn. Bred in the Gardens, June 8, 1863. 1309. Fulica ardesiaca, Tschudi. Slaty Coot. Hab. Peru. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1877. See P.Z.S. 1877, p. 683. 2L2 516 OTID^E. Order XVII. ALECTORIDES. Family OTID.E. Genus OTIS. 1310. Otis tarda, Linn. Great Bustard. Hab. Europe. a, b. Males. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1863. c. Female. Purchased, Nov. 7, 1863. d. Purchased, May 21, 1874. e-g. Deposited, Aug. 12, 1876. h. Male ; i, ji. Females. Presented by the Lord Lilf ord, Aug. 2, 1878. £. Male; 1. Female. Presented by J. C. Forster, Esq., Sept. 2, 1879. From Andalusia. m. Female. Presented by Geo. G. Sandeman, Esq., Oct. 16, 1879. n. Female. Received in exchange, Nov. 23, 1882. 1311. Otis tetrax, Linn. Little Bustard. Hab. Europe. a. Received in exchange, (Sept. 20, 1861. b. Received in exchange, Oct. 24, 1862. c. cl Purchased, 1863. e, f. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1866. g-j. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1873. fc, I. Received in exchange, Jan. 23, 1874. m-p. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. q, r. Purchased, April 1, 1882. Genus EUPODOTIS*. 1312. Eupodotis australis (Gray). Australian Bustard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 4, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 201. b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. * On the display of this bird, see Murie, P. Z. S. 1868, pi. xxxvi. p. 471 ; also Garrod, P.Z. S. 1874, p. 471. OTID.*. 517 c. Female. Presented by Dr. G-. Bennett, F.Z.S., May 11, 1867. 'l. Male; e. Female. Deposited, July 19, 1876. Pur- ' chased, Feb. 1877. 1313. Eupodotis kori, Burch.* BurchelPs Bustard. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 10, 1866. b, c. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1874. 1314. Eupodotis arabs (Less.) . Arabian Bustard. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Purchased, June 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687. b. Eeceived in exchange, April 26, 1869. 1315. Eupodotis senegalensis (Vieill.). Senegal Bustard. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687. 1316. Eupodotis ntficollis, Wagl. Red-necked Bustard. Hab. Natal. a. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 670. 1317. Eupodotis denhami (Children). Denhanv's Bustard. Hab. Western Africa. a. Presented by C. D. O'Connor, Esq., March 19, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. I. Presented by H.E. Governor IJssher, March 19, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. Genus HOUBARA. 1318. Houbara undulata (Jacq.). Houbara Bustard. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1867. 6, c. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1874. ci.-i. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1875. j. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1879. * On the gular pouch of this bird, see Murie, P. Z. S. 1 868, p. 471, fig. 1. 518 OTID^E. PSOPHIID^. 1319. Houbara macqueeni, J. E. Gray. Macqueen's Bustard. Hob. Western Asia. a, b. Deposited, June 2, 1869. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Genus SYPHEOTIDES. 1320. Sypheotides bengalensis (Gra.). Bengal Floriken. Hob. Bengal. a. Male. Presented by the Babu EajendraMullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. Family PSOPHIID^. Genus PSOPHIA. 1321. P sophia crepitans, Linn. Common Trumpeter. Hob. Demerara. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1864. b-d. Presented by J. Lucie Smith, Esq., July 5, 1866. e. Purchased, July 13, 1866. From Surinam. /. Deposited, July 25, 1867. g. Deposited, May 12, 1868. h. Presented by L. Joel, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. i,j. Presented by Capt. Francis A» Ball, June 2, 1870. fr. Purchased, June 15, 1877. I. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. m. Presented by Chas. Fricke, Esq., July 23, 1879. n. Presented by J. Stovell, Esq., Oct. 27, 1880. 1322. Psophia viridis, Spix. Green-winged Trumpeter. Hab. Amazons. a, b. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 138. c. Purchased, May 10, 1866. d. Purchased, July 13, 1876. e. Purchased, June 15, 1877. /. Purchased, June 9, 1879. g. Presented by E. M. Hyde, Esq., April 23, 1880. h. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. 1323. Psophia leucoptera, Spix. White-backed Trumpeter. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 463. 6, c. Purchased, March 17, 1880. CARIAMID.E. GRUID.E. 519 ^ Family CARIAMID^E. Genus CARIAMA. 1324. Cariama cristata (Linn.). Brazilian Cariama. Hob. South-east Brazil. a. Presented by William Downing, Esq., Aug. 10, 1863. 6. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1866. c. Presented by Capt. W. C. Chapman, E.N., June 14, 1876. d, e. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. /, g. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. h. Purchased, April 25, 1878. ?'. Purchased, June 14, 1879. Rio de Janeiro. j. Purchased, March 17, 1880. Jc. Presented by C. S. Barnes, Esq., Sept. 4, 1880. 1. Presented by Capt. Jones, Aug. 23, 1882. Genus CHUNGA. 1325. Chunga burmeisteri (Hartl.). Burmeister's Cariama. Hab. Argentine Republic. a-c. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 666, pi. xxxvi. d. Purchased, July 16, 1877. Family GRUID^E. Genus GRUS. 1326. Grus communis, Bechst. Crane. Hab. Europe. «. Female. Purchased, May 13, 1848. 6. Male. Received in exchange, May 27, 1852. f. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1863. d. Male ; e. Female. Deposited, May 20, 1867. /. Chinese variety. Presented by Theodore Hance, Esq., of Ching Kiang, July 25, 1877. From Shantung. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 681. g-i. Presented by Theodore Hance, Esq., Aug. 1, 1878. From Ching Kiang. /, Jc. Presented by "W. Norman Shairp, Esq. From Lulea, Sweden. 520 1327. Grus canadensis (Linn.) . Brown Crane. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 567. e. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1869. d. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1869. e. Purchased, May 7, 1870. /. Purchased, Jtane 2, 1880. 1328. Grus antigone (Linn.) . Sarus Crane. Hab. North India. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. b. Purchased, March 3, 1868. c. d. Presented by H.E.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, June 19, 1872. 0, /. Received in exchange, Feb. 22, 1875. g. Purchased, March 16, 1877. Var. torquatus. 1329. Grus australasiana, Gould. Australian Crane. Hab. Australia. a. Male. Presented by the Marchioness of Londonderry, Feb. 14, 1857. b. Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 18, 1863. c. d. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria. June 27, 1864. e-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. A, i. Presented by Commander Sir "W. S. Wiseman, R.N., Feb. 11, 1867. j. Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Nov. 23, 1868. &. Presented by Capt. A. Donald, Feb. 19, 1873. /, m. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Welling- ton, New Zealand, June 7, 1875. n. Presented by H. Roberts, Esq., Dec. 9, 1876. o. Deposited, June 19, 1880. 1330. Grus viridirostris, Vieill. Mantchurian Crane. Hab. North China. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by H.M. The Queen, Oct. 20, 1856. c. Chick. Hatched, June 24, 1861 . See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 369, pi. xxxv. i. Female. Deposited, Aug. 18, 1873. GRUID-ffi. 521 1331. Grus monachus (Temm.) . Hooded Crane. Hob. Japan. a. Deposited, Nov. 21, 1876 (see P. Z. S. 1876, p. 776), and purchased, March 8, 1877. 1332. Grus americana (Linn.) . White American Crane. Hob. North America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 12, 1868. From Mexico. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 567. c. Eeceived in exchange, May 26, 1873. d, e. Purchased, July 13, 1876. 1333. Grus leucogeranos, Pall. White Crane. Hob. India. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. b. c. Purchased, June 20, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. d, e. Purchased, June 9, 1876. 1334. Grus leucauchen, Temm. White-necked Crane. Hab. Japan. a, b. Purchased, April 17, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. 1335. Grus carunculata (Gm.). Wattled Crane. Hab. South Africa. «. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B.,'May 28, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 208. 6, c. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 15, 1866. d, e. Purchased, May 30, 1873. /. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., Oct. 4, 1873. g,h. Deposited, Sept, 18, 1881. 1336. Grus virgo, Linn. Demoiselle Crane. Hab. North Africa. 0, b. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1863. c. Purchased, June 6, 1867. d-g. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. From India. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 820. 7*. Presented by Mrs. J. Williams, Nov. 19, 1868. 1, j. Purchased', July 20, 1882. 522 GRUID^E. Genus TETRAPTERYX. 1337. Tetrapteryx paradisea, Licht. Stanley Crane. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., May 26, 1861. See,P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. b. Presented by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Nov. 1, 1861. c. d. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1868. e. Purchased, May 20, 1869. /. Deposited, April 22, 1870. y-h. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1871. 1. Purchased, June 1, 1874. m. Deposited, April 15, 1878. n. Received in exchange, July 22, 1879. o. Deposited, Sept. 18, 1879. p. Presented by Capt. E. Jones, Feb. 6, 1880. q. Presented by J. Sexton, Esq., June 24, 1881. Genus BALEARICA. 1338. Balearica pavonina (Linn.). Balearic Crane. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., Feb. 29, 1860. b. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1866. c. Deposited, July 3, 1867. d. Presented by Master G. B. Campbell, April 30, 1870, . Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Ores swell, Dec. 11, 1868. ft1. Presented by j. E. Harting, Esq., F.Z.S., May 12, 1871. British. c1. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 2, 1872. d\ e\ Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Oct. 25, 1873. fl-f. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 26, 1875. Tcl. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 18, 1876. l\ Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 5, 1877. m\ Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Jan. 23, 1879. n\ o\ Presented by E. A. T. Elliot, Esq., Sept. 19, 1879. pl-b\ Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Jan. 12, 1880. c2. Presented by E. Elliot, Esq., M.R.C.S., Oct. 20, 1880. dz-P. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. m\ n\ Presented by E. A. S. Elliot, Esq., M.E.C.S., Oct. 8, 1881. o\p\ Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. 1367. Tringa canutus, Linn. Knot. Hab. Europe. o-c. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 30, 1864. cl-l. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 5, 1866. m-o. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Cresswell, Dec. 11, 1868. p-s. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Oct. 25, 1873. t-x. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 26, 1875. y. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., March 16, 1876. 2-61. Presented by F. Cresswell, -Esq., Jan. 23, 1879. cl-h\ Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Jan. 12, 1880. i\jl. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1880. &1. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1880. ll-o\ Purchased, Nov. 11, 1880. pl-u\ Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. v\ wl. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1881. ^-c2. Purchased, Oct. 27, 1882. SCOLOPACID^;. 531 Genus MACHETES. 1368. Machetes pugnax (Linn.) . Ruff. Hob. Europe. cb-e. Purchased, May 6, 1862. /. Male. Presented by Mr. J. G-. Harrison, April 5, 1872. 9-1. Purchased, Sept. 14, 1880. m. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1881. n. Purchased, March 16, 1882. o. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1882. Genus CALIDRIS. 1369. Catidris arenaria (Linn.) . Sanderling. Hob. Europe. a. Presented by Edmund Elliot, Esq., M.E.C.S., Oct. 20 1880. Genus TRINGOIDES. 1370. Tringoides hypoleucus (Linn.). Common Sandpiper. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by E. Mitford, Esq., June 7, 1865. b. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. Genus TOTANUS. 1371. Totanus calidris (Linn.). Redshank. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Cresswell, Dec. 11, 1868 6. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1871. c. Purchased, March 20, 1880. d. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. /. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. g, h. Purchased, March 17, 1882. i. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1882. • Genus LIMOSA. 1372. Limosa lapponica (Linn.) . Bar- tailed Godwit. Hab. Europe. a. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1860. 6. Deposited, March 15, 1865. c. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1870 d. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1879. e. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Jan. 12, 1880. 2M.2 532 SCOLOPACID^:. /. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1880. g. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. h. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1881. i. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1881. /. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1882. 1373. Limosa cegocephala (Linn.) . Black-tailed Godwit. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1860. b. Presented by H. S. Marks, Esq., Feb. 23, 1874. c. d. Purchased, May 19, 1879. e. f. Purchased, June 24, 1879. Genus NUMENIUS. 1374. Numenius arquata (Linn.). Curlew. Hab. Europe, Asia, Africa. a. Purchased, March 6, 1860. b-e. Received in exchange, March 10, 1865. f. Eeceived in exchange, April 5, 1866. g. Presented by J. Kennard, Esq., Aug. 7, 1871. h. Male. Presented by Mr. J. Gr. Harrison, April 5, 1872. t. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1876. ?. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1879. k. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1879. Z, m. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1880. n. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. o. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1882. p, q. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1882. 1375. Numenius phaopus (Linn.). Whimbrel. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by "William Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870 b. Presented by Dr. Stafford, Aug. 7, 1874. c. E-eceived in exchange, July 2, 1879. 1376. Numenius minutus, Gould. Little Whimbrel. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. 1377. Numenius femor alls 3 Peale. Pacific Curlew. Hab. Pacific Islands. a, 6. Presented by the Eev. J. S. Whitmee, C.M.Z.S., May 27, 1874. From Quiros Island, S. Pacific. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 323. LARID.E. 533 Order XIX. GAVLE. Family LARID^E. Genus STERCORARIUS. 1378. Stercorarius catarrhactes (Linn.). Common Skua. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Sept. 25, 1868. 1379. Stercorarius antarcticus (Less.) . Antarctic Skua. Hab. Antarctic Seas. a, b. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. From the Cape. c, d. Presented by the Rev. A. E. Eaton, May 10, 1874. From Kerguelen Land. e. Presented by Capt. Fairfax, July 1, 1875. From Ker- guelen Land. /. Presented by Capt. W. Vincent Legge, R.A., May 7, 1877. g. Purchased, May 26, 1881. 1380. Stercorarius pomatorhinus (Temm.). Pomatorhine Skua. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1874. b. Presented by F. L. Smith, Esq., Nov. 13, 1879. c. d. Purchased, Dec. 5, 1879. e. Presented by G. H. Baxter, Esq., Dec. 7, 1881. 1381. Stercorarius crepidatus (Gm.). Richardson's Skua. Hab. Europe. a-d. Presented by Robert T. C. Scott, Esq., Aug. 9, 1880. From the Shetland Islands. e-g. Deposited, Aug. 9, 1880. From the Shetland Islands. h. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1881. Genus PAGOPHILA. 1382. Pagophila eburnea (Phipps). Ivory Gull. Hab. Arctic Regions. a. Presented by B. Leigh Smith, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 16, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 538. 534 LARID^E. Genus RISSA. 1383. Rissa tridactyla (Linn.). Kittiwake. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, April 28, 1865. . ~fc, c. Presented by F. Koxburgh, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. d. Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., Aug. 5, 1876. e. Presented by "W. H. Cope, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 19, 1880. /. Presented by H. B,. Bower, Esq., Feb. 4, 1880. g. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1880. h, i. Presented by Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Bart., July 11, 1880. Genus LARTJS. 1384. Larus glaucus, Fabr. Glaucous Gull. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1859. b. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1860. c. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1868. e,f. Presented by E. E. Beaumont, Esq., Dec. 4, 1874. From Spitzbergen. g, h. Presented by Capt. Loftus F. Jones, Sept. 10, 1875, From Greenland. 1385. Larus leucopterus, Faber. Iceland Gull. Hab. Northern Europe. a. Presented by B. L. Smith, Esq., Oct. 7, 1873. 1386. Larus argentatus, Gm. Herring-Gull, Hab. Europe. a-zl. See former editions. a2. Presented by Mrs. H. D. Martin, March 2, 1880. b\ Presented by Mr. A. Kendall, July 9, 1880. c2. Presented by Mr. J. Palmer, Oct. 14, 1880. d\ Presented by J. F. Nixon, Esq., Nov. 9, 1880. ez. Presented by Mrs. Lawson, Nov. 10, 1880. f. Presented by Mr. C. Hunt, Feb. 3, 1881. #2, h2. Hybrids between this species and Larus fuscus. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1881. i2. Presented by E. A. Brown, Esq., Aug. 9, 1881. /, If. Presented by Mrs. Greaves, Nov. 14, 1881. F. Presented by E. H. Ebsworth, Esq., Dec. 16, 1881. LARID^E. 535 m2-o2. Presented by E. Ward, Esq., F.Z.S., March 20, 1882. p2. Presented by the Chevalier Da Costa Eicci, March 20, 1882. . Presented by Mr. E. Lloyd, Oct. 17, 1881. 61, c1. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1882. 1394. Larus cirrhocephalus, Vieill. Ashy-headed Gull, Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. 1395. Larus novte-hollandia, Steph. Jameson's Gull. Hab. Australia. «, b. Presented by G. C. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. c-n. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach, July 19, 1876, o. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 31, 1877. jp, q. Bred in the Gardens, June 19, 1879. r, s. Bred in the Gardens, April 20, 1880. t. Bred in the Gardens, June 6, 1881. 538 LARID^!. Genus STERNA. 1396. Sterna hirundo, Linn. Common Tern. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1866. b~c. Presented by A. A. van Bemmelen, Esq., Nov. 15, 1868. 1397. Sterna macrura, Naum. Arctic Tern. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by E. Lawson, Esq., Oct. 16, 1868. 1398. Sterna cantiaca, Gm. Sandwich Tern. Hab. Europe. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1874. 1399. Sterna anglica, Mont. Gull-billed Tern. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 6, 1876. Genus HYDROCHELIDON. 1400. Hydrochelidon nigra (Linn.). Black Tern. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Purchased, June 1, 1868. Genus ANGUS. 1401. Anous stolidus (Linn.). Noddy. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 18, 1865. b. Presented by M. H. Smyth, Esq., E.N., Jan. 17, 1879. PBOCELLARIID2E. 539 Order XX. TUBINAKES. Family PROCELLAKIID^E. Genus PUFFINUS. 1402. Puffinus anglorum (Temm.) . Manx Shearwater. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by Dr. Bree, F.Z.S., Sept. 10, 1873. b. Deposited, Sept. 19, 1873. 1403. Puffinus major, Faber. Greater Shearwater. Hob. America. a. Purchased, Oct. 27, 1882. From Lincohishire. Genus DAPTION. 1404. Daption capense (Linn.). Cape Pigeon. Hab. South Atlantic. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1873. From Manilla. Genus FULMARUS. 1405. Fulmarus glacialis (Linn.). Fulmar. Hab. Northern Europe. a, b. Deposited, January 16, 1880. 540 COLYMBIDJE. Order XXI. PYGOPODES. Family COLYMBID^E. Genus TACHYBAPTES. 1406. Tachybaptes fluviatilis (Ttmst.). Little Grebe. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1863. b-e. Presented by Master A. M. Hall, Dec. 1, 1863. /, g. Presented by Lieut.-Ool. C. T. Cox, Nov. 16, 1867. h. Presented by F. H. Salvin, Esq., Sept. 3, 1868. i. Presented by J. K. Lord, Esq., F.Z.S., April 1, 1871. j. Presented by A. M. Hill, Esq., Dec. 6, 1871. k. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1872. 1. Presented by H. P. Hensman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1873. m. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1876. w. Presented by Dr. S. J. F. Stafford, April 6, 1876. o. Presented by W. Johnson, Esq., Oct. 10, 1876. p. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1877, q. Presented by A. F. Buxton, Esq., Nov. 17, 1879. r. Presented by Thomas E. Pryce, Esq., Jan. 31, 1880. s. Presented by J. H. Gurney, jun., Esq., Jan. 15, 1881. Genus PODICEPS. 1407. Podiceps griseigena (Bodd.) . Red-necked Grebe. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by W. C. Horsfall, Esq., Feb. 16, 1866. 1408. Podiceps auritus (Linn.) . Sclavonian Grebe. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1881. Genus COLYMBUS. 1409. Colymbus glacialis, Linn. Great Northern Diver. Hab. British Islands. «. Presented by A. E. Hunt, Esq., Jan. 6, 1870. See P.Z.S. 1870, p. 86. COLYMBID^E. ALCID^I. 541 1410. Colymbus arcticus, Linn. Black-throated Diver. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1881. 1411. Colymbus septentrionalis (Linn.). Red-throated Diver. Hab. Europe. a. Presented hy J. S. Thompson, Esq., April 8, 1879. b. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1879. c. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1880. d. e. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1881. /, g. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1881. h. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1881. i. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1882. Family ALCID^E. Genus ALCA. 1412. Alca torda, Linn. Razorbill. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by P. W. Symonds, Esq., July 28, 1864. 6, c. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., June 11, 1868. d. Presented by W. Thompson, Esq., Jan. 7, 1877. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. /, g. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1881. h, i. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. Genus LOMVIA. 1413. Lomvia troile (Linn.). Common Guillemot. Hab. British Isles. a, b. Presented by W. H. Scratten, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 25, 1872. c-e. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1873. f-l\ Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., July 22, 1874. l-r. Presented by Sir H. Dalryrnple, Bart., Aug. 5, 1876. s-x. Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., July 27, 1878. 542 ALCID^E. SPHENISCID^E. y-jl. Presented by Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Bart., July 11, 1880. 7c\ Purchased, Nov. 18, 1881. ll-q\ Presented by Miss Maud Howard, Aug. 3, 1882. Genus FRATERCULA. 1414. Fratercula arctica (Linn.). Puffin. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., June 11, 1868. c. Received in exchange, March 31, 1870. d. Received in exchange, Jan. 28, 1878. e. Presented by H. M. IJpcher, Esq., March 25, 1882. /. Presented by Miss Lane, March 28, 1882. Order XXII. IMPENNES. Family SPHENISCID^E. Genus APTENODYTES. 1415. Aptenodytes pennanti, Gray. King Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Presented by Commander Fenwick, E.N., March 27, 1865. See Owen, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 438. 6. Presented by Frederick Cobb, Esq., Jan. 8, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 183. c. Deposited, May 27, 1872. d. Presented by Frederick Cobb, Esq., May 18, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. e. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 763. From Staten Island, Cape Horn. Genus PYGOSCELES. 1416. Pygosceles taniatus (Peale). Gentoo Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. o. Purchased, Oct. 22, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 605. SPHENISCID^E. 543 Genus SPHENISCUS. 1417. Spheniscus demersus (Linn.). Black-footed Penguin. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. b. Deposited, Dec. 19, 1867. c-e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1874. /. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1878. g. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1878. h. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1878. i,j. Purchased, Aug. 14,1879. k. Purchased, June 1, 1880. Z, m. Presented by William Catton Branford, Esq., Jan. 10, 1881. n. Presented by Capt. J. C. Eobinson, Aug. 5, 1881. o. Presented by Capt. H. W. Stockham, Dec. 29, 1881. 1418. Spheniscus humboldti, Meyen. Humboldt's Penguin. (Fig. 58, p. 544.) Hab. Western America. a. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1871. 6. Presented by Major J. G-. Sandeman, F.Z.S., March 31, 1872. From Guayea, West Coast of South America. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 604. c. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 116 ; also Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 6. 1419. Spheniscus magellanicus, Forst. Jackass Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Purchased, May 25, 1882. Genus EUDYPTES. 1420. Eudyptes chrysocome (Forst.). Rock-hopper Penguin. Hab. Falkland Island. a. Presented by J. M. Dean, Esq., July 1, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. b. Eeceived in exchange, March 31, 1881. From Tristan d'Acunha. 544 SPHENISCID.E. Fig. 58. Spheniscus humboldti. (P. Z. S. 1879, p. 8.) 545 Order XXIII. CRYPTUKI. Family TINAMID^E. Genus TINAMUS. 1421. Tinamus solitarius (Vieill.). Solitary Tinamoa. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Received in exchange, Oct. 13, 1873. c. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. d. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. e. Received in exchange, Dec. 2, 1874. /, g. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1877. h, i. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. Genus CRYPTURUS. 1422. Crypturus obsoletus (Temm.) . Obsolete Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Received in exchange, Oct. 21, 1873. c. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1877. 1423. Crypturus pileatus (Bodd.) . Little Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Received in exchange, June 24, 1868. 1424. Crypturus tataupa (Temm.) . Tataupa Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. b. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1877. d-j. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1881. From G-aranhuns. Tc-l. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. 1425. Crypturus noctivagus, Max. Banded Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1872. f-h. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. 2N 546 TINAMID^E. ij. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1875. k. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 4, 1879. I, m. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1883. From Garanhuns. 1426. Crypturus variegatus (Gm.). Variegated Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by John Blouut, Esq., April 1, 1861. 1427. Crypturus undutatus (Temm.). Undulated Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. Genus RHYNCHOTUS. 1428. Rhynchotus rufescens (Temm.). Rufous Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, June 27, 1864. c. Presented by the Comte and Comtesse d'Eu, Feb. 13, 1865. c?, e. Presented by Edward Collier, Esq., July 10, 1866. /, g. Bred in the Gardens, May 31, 1867. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687, and 1868, p. 114, pi. xii. h-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 114. n. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1867. o-s. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1867. t-w. Bred in the Gardens, Aug, 31, 1867. x-z. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1867. al-gl. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1868. h\ i\ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 15, 1868. jl-l. Presented by Dr. Wood, Oct. 14, 1871. m\ Presented by C. L. Getting, Esq., July 31, 1872. nl-pl. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1873. ql-t\ Presented by A. O. Lumb, Esq., Aug. 6, 1874. M1. Presented by Viscount Hill, April 13, 1875. v\ w\ Presented by Mrs. Eingrose, July 23, 1876. a?1. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. y\ Presented by F. S. Parker, Esq., March 28, 1877. zl-d?. Purchased, July 16, 1877. e2,/2. Presented by Capt. Fairfax, E.N., Aug. 6, 1877. y\ h\ Purchased, July 29, 1878. i2-F. Presented by J. A. Iliffe, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. Z2, m2. Deposited, Sept. 24, 1880.- n\ o\ Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. TINAMIDJE. APTERYGID.E. 547 1429. Rhynchotus perdicarius (Kittl.). Chilian Tinamou. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1873. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. Genus NOTHURA. 1430. Nothura maculosa, Temm. Spotted Tinamou. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a, b. Received in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. e-g. Purchased, July 17, 1875. h-p. Purchased, July 29, 1878. Order XXIV. APTERYGES. Family APTERYGID^E. Genus APTERYX. 1431. Apteryx australis, Shaw *. Kiwi. Hab. South Island, New Zealand. a. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479, and 1872, p. 861. 1432. Apteryx mantelli, Bartlett. Mantell's Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. Female. Presented by Lieut. Governor Eyre, Dec. 9, 1851. b. Male. Presented by Major Keane, Sept. 29, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. c. Male. Presented by Henry Slade, Esq., E.N., May 23, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 466. d. Purchased, April 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. e. Presented by Alfred Lafone, Esq., May 20, 1871. /. Purchased, March 11, 1873. * For notices of eggs of Apteryx, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 350, and 1860, p. 194 ; for incubation of Apteryx, see Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 329. 2N2 548 APTERYGID.E. CASUARIID^. 1433. Apteryx oweni, Gould. Owen's Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago' July 28, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 468. b. Purchased, April 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. c. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. d. Presented by Dr. J. Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. 1434. Apteryx haasti, Potts. Haast's Apteryx. Half. New Zealand. «, Presented by Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 18, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 1. Order XXV. CASUARII. Family CASUAEIID.E. Genus CASUARIUS. 1435. Casuarius galeatus (Vieill.) . Common Cassowary. Hab. Ceram. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 28, 1862. b. Female. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. e. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1866. /. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179. g. Presented by Admiral Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., April 13, 1870. 7i, Purchased, March 3, 1874. i. Purchased, May 2, 1878. 1436. Casuarius australis, Wall. Australian Cassowary. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the Marquess of Normanby, Jan. 23, 1875, See P. Z. S. 1875, pp. 2, 82. b. Presented by E. P. Eamsay, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. P. Z. S. 1875. p. 469. . CASUARIID^:. 549 1437. Casuarius beccarii, Sclater. Beccari's Cassowary. Hab. South-eastern New Guinea. a. Presented by Sir James Fergusson, Bart., F.Z.S., June 7, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 527, pi. LTITI. b. Young. Received in exchange, March 21, 1878. 1438. Casuarius bicarunculatus, Sclater. Two-wattled Casso- wary. Hab. Aroo Islands. a. Iteceived in exchange, May 2, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860 pp. 211 & 247. 6. Female. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 149. €. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. xxvi. d. Purchased, March 8, 1877. 1439. Casuarius uniappendiculatus, Blyth. One-wattled Cas- sowary. Hab. New Guinea. a. Presented by Capt, Moresby, of H.M.S. 'Basilisk,' Aug. 25, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 495, and 1875, p. 85, pi. xx., and p. 533. From Threshold Bay, Western New Guinea. b. Purchased, May 24, 1877 See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 531. c. Deceived in exchange, July 5, 1882. 1440. Casuarius westermanni, Scl. Westermann's Cassowary, Hab. New Guinea. a. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 20, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. Specimen figured as Casuarius kaupi, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 147, pi. ix. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 248, and 1875, p. 85, pi. xix. b. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1882. 1441. Casuarius picticollis, Scl. Painted-necked Cassowary. Hab. Southern New Guinea. a. Purchased, May 27, 1874. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 85, pi. xvm. From Dis- covery Bay, S.E. Coast of New Guinea. 550 CASUARIIDjE. 1442. Casuarius bennetti, Gould. Bennett's Cassowary *. Hab. New Britain. a. Male. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S., May 17, 1857. Specimen figured, Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. pi. LXXII. b. Female. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S., May 25, 1858. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 518. c. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 271. e. Presented by Commander Sir W. S. Wiseman, E.N., Feb. 11, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179. /. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1869. <7, h. Presented by the Eev. G. Brown, April 26, 1876. Genus DROM^EI,S. 1443. Dromeeus nova-hollandia, Vieill. Emu. Hab. Australia. a. Eeceived in exchange, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, 1860. See P.Z. S. 1860, p. 248. d, e. Var. irrorata, Bartlett. Bred in the Gardens, 1861. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, April 1862. c/. Presented by D. P. McEwen, Esq., June 14, 1864. 'li-i. Presented by H. G. Ashurst, Esq., Aug. 3, 1864. j-l. Bred in the Gardens, March 31, 1865. m-o. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., July 26, 1865. p. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard, Oct. 6, 1865. q. Presented by Money Wigram, Esq.,F.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1867. r. Male. Eeceived in exchange. Jan. 29, 1867. s-u. Deposited, Eeb. 25, 1877. v. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S. Nov. 23. 1868. iv. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S., Feb. 19, 1869. x. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., Nov. 18, 1869. y, z. Purchased, May 6, 1870. a1. Presented by Capt. Cruikshank, April 3, 1871. 61. Male. Presented by Miss Beatson, May 4, 1871. c\ Presented by the Eev. G. T. Hudson, Feb. 8, 1872. d1. Female. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1872. e\f. Deposited, April 21, 1873. * For notice of the egg of this species see J. E. Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 271, Aves, pi. CXLIV., and Bartlett, P.Z.S. I860, p. 205, pi. CLXII. CASUARIIDjE. STRUTHIONID^E. 551 gl, hl. Presented by the Hon. Arthur Gordon, June 6, 1873. 71. Presented by E'. J. Davis, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 15, 1876. /, 7c\ Deposited, June 10, 1876. 'l\ Presented by Wonsley Battersby, Esq., Nov. 4, 1876. m1. Presented by F. Green, Esq., Aug. 23, 1877. n1, o1. Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham,M.P., F.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1877. Var. irrorata. p\ Presented by C. Hampden Wigram, Esq., Oct. 17, 1878. 1863. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. d. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 21, 1866. e. Purchased, May 2, 1870. /. Presented by T. H. Vasey, Esq., Oct. 18, 1870. g. Presented by H. Frieland, Esq., August 27, 1873. h. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1877. t. Presented by 0. C. Skarratt, Esq.,£ept. 13, 1881. 191. Morelia variegata, Gray. Carpet-Snake. Hob. Queensland. a. Purchased, March 11, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315. b-d. Presented by J. Moseley, Esq., May 22, 1877. Genus BOA. 192. Boa constrictor ', Linn. Common Boa. Hob. South America. a-z. See Fifth Edition. a1, 61. Presented by His Excellency G. W. Des Vceux, Oct. 28, 1871. Erom St. Lucia. c1. Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. d\ Presented by John Beaton, Esq., Dec. 23, 1871. e\ Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. From Colon. /\ Purchased, April 14, 1872. From Panama. g\ Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Columbia. h\ Presented by B. Collin, Esq., Aug. 26, 1872. i\f. Presented by Neville Holland, Esq., Nov. 24, 1874. From St. Lucia. Jc\ Presented by Capt. E. C. Kemp, Dec. 12, 1874. l\ Purchased, March 19, 1875. m1. Purchased, July 17, 1875. n\ Presented by Dr. Wood, Oct. 16, 1875. o1,/. Presented by G. W. Des Vceux, Esq., April 14, 1876. ql. Purchased, June 16, 1876. r\ Presented by F. B. Bloxham, Esq., Sept. 19, 1876. s\ Purchased, Oct. 31, 1876. t\ Purchased, March 23, 1877. if-cr. Born in the Gardens, June 30, 1877. 599 p*. Presented by Miss A. Leith, Nov. 21, 1877. qz. Presented by Capt. Moir, June 10, 1878. r2. Purchased, June 25, 1878. s\ Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Aug. 6, 1878. Z2. Presented by D. W. Bell, Esq., Oct. 31, 1878. M2, v2. Deposited, April 2, 1879. w\ Purchased, May 3, 1879. a?. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, July 1, 1879. yz-a\ Presented by W. Young, Esq., Nov. 1, 1879. 63, c3. Purchased, June 11, 1880. From Savanilla. d3. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1880. e3,/3. Purchased, June 1, 1881. g*. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 28, 1881. Prom Demerara. &3, i3. Deposited, Aug. 8, 1882. 193. Boa eques, Eyd. & Soul. Peruvian Boa. Hob. Ecuador. a. Presented by Prof. William Nation, of Lima, C.M.Z.S., March 18, 1807. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315. Genus CORALLUS. 194. Corallus hortulanus (Linn.) . Tree-Boa. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, May 5, 1869. b. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1869. c. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. From Mexico. d. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 18, 1871. From the West Indies. e. Eeceived in exchange, June 17, 1876. Genus EUNECTES. 195. Eunectes murinus (Linn.). Anaconda. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1865. d. Purchased, July 25, 1867. e. Purchased, June 7, 1869. /. Purchased, June 12, 1875. g. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. h. Eeceived in exchange, March 21, 1878. i. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. _ j. Eeceived in exchange, April 2, 1879. fc. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., May 1, 1879. 600 BOID^E. 1. Presented by Capt. E. Ball, Oct. 1, 1879. m. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1879. n. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1880. Genus EPICRATES. 196. Epicrates angulifer, Dum. & Bibr. Pale-headed Tree-Boa. Hob. Cuba. a-d. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1865. e. Presented by A. L. Schiitte, Esq., June 30, 1877. f-h. Hybrids between a female of this species and male Chilobothrus inornatus. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 30, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 789. i,j. Hybrids between a male of this species and a female Chilobothrus inornatus. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 9, 1879. 197. Epicrates cenchris (Linn.). Thick-necked Tree-Boa. Hob. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 13, 1870. b. Presented by Gr. H. Hawtayne, Esq., July 31, 1880. c. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 4, 1881. Genus PELOPHILUS. 198. Pelophilus madagascariensis, Dum. & Bibr. Madagascar Boa. Hob. Madagascar. a. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1877. I. Presented by Canon Gr. Ogilvy, May 4, 1879. c-c/. Deposited, Sept. 2, 1882. h,'i. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1882. Genus CHILOBOTHRUS. 199. Chilobothrus inornatus (B/einh.). Yellow Snake. Hab. Jamaica. a, b. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, Oct. 17, 1855. c-e. Presented by Capt. Abbott, June 14, 1864. /. Presented by Capt. Hammock, April 13, 1865. g. Presented by Joseph Smith, Esq., June 2, 1870. h-q. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1873. r. Purchased, March 2, 1878. s. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. t, u. Presented by Chas. B. Mosse, Esq., June 29, 1881. BOID.E. — CALAMARIID^E. 601 Genus ERYX. 200. Eryx jaculus, Daud. Egyptian Eryx. Hob. Egypt. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. 201. Eryx thebaicus, Reuss. Shielded Eryx. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogador. 202. Eryx j ohm (Russell). Indian Eryx. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1865. 6. Purchased, May 17, 1873. c, d. Purchased, March 5. 1875. .«. Presented by Dr. J. Shortt, May 19, 1875. Family TORTRICEDJB. Genus TORTRIX. 203. Tortrix scytale, Oppell. Coral Snake. Hab. Demerara. a. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 5, 1879. From Demerara. Family CALAMARIIDA Genus RHINOSTOMA. 204. Rhinostoma cupreum, Giinther. Coppery Snake. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, April 23, 1879. Genus HOMALOCRANIUM. 205. Homalocranium melanocephalum (Linn.). Black-headed Snake. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. 602 CALAMARIID^E. COLUBRID.E. Genus HOMALOSOMA. 206. Homalosoma lulrix (Linn.) . Smooth-bellied Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1878. b. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1881. Family COLUBRID^E. Genus ABLABES. 207. Ablabes punctatus (Linn.). Punctured Snake. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. 208. Ablabes rufulus (Licht.) . Rufous Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Dec. 2, 1876. Genus PSAMMOPHYLAX. 209. Psammophylax rhombeatus (Linn.). Rhomb - marked Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G-. H. E. Fisk, June 7, 1876. b. Presented by the Eev. G-. H. E. Fisk, Feb. 1, 1877. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Dec. 4, 1878. d. Presented by Eustace Pillans, Esq., Jan. 9, 1880. e. Presented by H. Pillans, Esq., Dec. 12, 1882. /. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1882. Genus TACHYMENIS. 210. Tachymenis vivax, Fitz. Vivacious Snake. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., July 6, 1878. From Montenegro. b-n. Deposited, July 22,^1880. COLUBRIDjE. Genus CORONELLA. 211. Coronella lewis, Lac6p. Smooth Snake. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Gent. Cadet Fenton, Aug. 1862. b. Purchased, July 2, 1863. c. Presented by John Pares, Esq., Sept, 13, 1864. d. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. From Germany. e. Presented by the Eev. C. Wolley, April 9, 1866. /. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., June 26, 1867. g. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., Aug. 25, 1868. Ti-vn. Received in .exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. n. Presented by the Eev. A. C. Kerrey, April 24, 1874. o. Purchased, June 16, 1875. p. Presented by Lord Lilford, E.Z.S., June 6, 1877. q. Presented by G. E. Eenton, Esq., July 19, 1877. r, s. Purchased, July 19, 1878. t. Purchased, July 16, 1879. Erom Hampshire. u. Presented by — Dart, Esq., Aug. 21, 1879. v. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 21, 1879. w. Presented by T. J. Mann, Esq., June 1, 1880. Erom Hampshire. x. Presented by "W. Penny, Esq., June 11,1880. Erom Dorsetshire. y. Presented by D. Tober, Esq., Oct. 6, 1880. 2, a\ Presented by J. T. Mann, Esq., Sept. 10, 1881. b\ Presented by W. Penny, Esq., April 1, 1882. Erom Dorsetshire. c1. Presented by TV. Penny, Esq., Aug. 2, 1882. Erom Dorsetshire. d1. Received in exchange, Sept. 5, 1882. Erom Germany. 212. Coronella girondica, Daud. Bordeaux Snake. Hab. South Europe. a. Presented by Lieut. L. L. Eenton, May 22, 1880. Erom San Remo, Italy. b. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., May 16, 1881. c. Deposited, May 26, 1882. 213. Coronella cucullata (Dum. & Bibr.). Hooded Snake. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 604 COLTJBRIDjE. 214. Coronella cana (Linn.). Hoary Snake. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. b. Presented by H. Pybus, Esq., May 20, 1875. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Feb. 1, ~ 1877. d. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1878. e. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. /. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1882. 215. Coronella multimaculata, Sm. Many-spotted Snake. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Eustace Pillans, Esq., April 19, 1880. 216. Coronella phocarum, Giinth. Robben-Island Snake. Hob. Eobben Island, South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Sept. 24, 1872. See Gunther, P. Z. S. 1872, pp. 795 & 836. b, c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Aug. 29, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. d-f. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Nov. 4, 1873. g. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 24, 1877. h. Presented by Messrs. Eice and A. Jamrach, Jan. 1, 1878. t. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 9, 1880. j. Presented by W. Porter, Esq., Feb. 12, 1880. Tc. Purchased, April 7, 1880. l-p. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 1, 1881. 217. Coronella sayi (Dekay). Say's Snake. Hob. North America. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. b. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. From Mexico. c-e. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. From S/W. Dakota. COLUBRID.E. 605 Genus LIOPHIS. 218. Liophis merremi (Max.). Merrem's Snake. Hob. Monte Video. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. b. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1878. c. d, e. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. 219. Liophis cobella (Linn.). Cobella Snake. Hah. South America. a. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 5, 1879. From Demerara. Genus ERYTHROLAHPRUS. 220. Erythrolamprus venustissimus (Max.). Red-and-Black Snake. Hob. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Chyne, May 2, 1871. From Mexico. 6. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. From Panama. c. Purchased, July 10, 1875. Genus XENODON. 221. Xenodon rhabdocephalus (Max.). Long-headed Snake. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. "Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 1868. b. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1880. r. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., June 21, 1881. Genus TROPIDONOTUS. 222. Tropidonotus natrix (Linn.). Common Snake. Hab. British Islands. a-d. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, F.Z.S., May 8, 1871. e-f. Variety. Purchased, June 6, 1871. g-h. Var. siculus. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Calabria. i. Presented by E. E. Hooper, Esq., June 22, 1872. j. Presented by J. Eoach, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. 606 COLUBRID.E. k. Presented by A. J. Woodhouse, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. I. Presented by Gr. N. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. m-t. Born in the Menagerie, June 29, 1873. u. Presented by Mr. T. Lusini, Aug. 18, 1874. v. Deposited, Oct. 7, 1875. ' iv, oc. Presented by Gr. F. Fenton, Esq., July 19, 1877. From North Italy. y. Presented by H. Smith, Esq., May 6, 1878. z. Yar. siculus? Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. a\ b\ Presented by J. Poyer Poyer, Esq., April 15, 1881. c\ Presented by H. Dawson, Esq., Nov. 26, 1881. d1, el. Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., May 8, 1882. f\ Presented by J. Poyer Poyer, Esq., June 1, 1882. 223. Tropidonotus tigrinus, Boie. Tigrine Snake. Hab. Japan. a-c. Presented by Messrs. J. Veitch & Son, and Mr. Charles Maries, Jan. 6, 1880. 224. Tropidonotus viperinus (Merr.) . Viperine Snake. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. b-e. Presented by Gr. H. Fenton, Esq., July 1, 1874. f-Tc. Presented by L. L. Fenton, Esq., May 22, 1880. lr-n. Deposited, May 13, 1881. o-r. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., May 16, 1881. 225. Tropidonotus ferox (Giinther). Fierce Snake. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 16, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 378; also Griinther, Ann. & Mag. N. H. ser. 3, vol. xii. p. 355. 226. Tropidonotus quincunciatus (Schleg.). India River- Snake. Hab. India. a. Purchased, July 4, 1861. 6, c. Purchased, April 15, 1882. 227. Tropidonotus vittatus (Linn.). Long-banded Snake. Hab. India. a-d. Received in exchange, July 31, 1878. 607 228. Tropidonotus ordinatus, Linn. Garter-Snake. Hab. North America. a-d. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 2, 1863. «,/. Purchased, July 22, 1868. g-m. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1869. n. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. o. Presented by A. Ferrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. Var. in- fernalis. Erom California. 229. Tropidonotus sirtalis (Linn.). Striped Snake. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. 230. Tropidonotus fasciatus (Linn.). Mocassin Snake Hab. North America. a, 6. Purchased., Oct. 15, 1869. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. e. Purchased, July 26, 1876. f-s. Born in the Gardens, Dec. 21, 1877. t-a\ Born in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1878. l\ Born in the Gardens, Dec. 5, 1881. c1, d\ Born in the Gardens, Aug. 4, 1882. 231. Tropidonotus leberis (Linn.). Seven-banded Snake. Hab. North America. a, 6. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. c-i. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 27, 1872. j-n. Purchased, July 9, 1878. o-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 9, 1879. u-hl. Bred in the Gardens, Eeb. 17, 1880. ?-(' Blackbird ... 211 Bean-Goose 418 , Grey- winged 211 Bear Black 88 Blackcap 214 Brown ... . 86 Blanus tin ereus 595 Grizzly 88 Blau-bok 14(5 - Hai rY-eared ... 87 \ Blennius vholis 638 Blenny, Viviparous... 638 Bless-bok 149 Bluebird, Common ...213 Boa, Common 598 , Madagascar ...600 ,Pale-headedTree600 , Peruvian 599 , Thick-necked Tree 600 , Tree 599 Boa constrictor 598 eques 599 Boatbill 404 Bottiorhynchus mona- chus 345 Bombinator igneus . . .630 Bonnet-Monkey 15 Bonte-bok 150 Boodon, Lineated ...617 Boodon lineatus 617 lus 137 Bosch-bok 137 Bosfrontalis 132 indicus 132 taunts 132 Botaurus stellaris . . .404 Bower-bird, Silky ...274 , Spotted 274 Box-Tortoise, Am- boina 561 , American 561 Brachyurus ouakari. . 36 rubicundus 36 Brady pus tridactylus 186 Brambling 255 Branchiostoma lan- ceolatum 648 Bream 644 Brill 641 Broadtail, Adelaide . 330 , Barnard's 332 , Bauer's 332 , Pale-headed ...331 , Pennant's .Pileated 331 , Eose-HUl 331 , Stanley 331 , Yellow-bellied. 332 , Yellow-collared 332 , Yellow-rum ped 331 Brocket, Red 174 , Wood 174 Bronia brasiliensis ...595 Brotogerys chrysopte- rus ! 353 — pyrrhopti rus ... 353 — tiriacula 352 — torn 353 — tui 353 2 r -2 652 INDEX. Page Brotogergs tuipara ...353 Page Bunting, Red-headed 263 Rccd 262 Page Cdcatud moluccensis 308 ophthdlmicd 308 Snow 261 philippindrum 311 Brush-Turkey 505 Yellow-breasted263 roseicapilla 313 "Vollnw hrnwpd '^fi^ buffdus 135 Burbot 640 sulphured 310 coffer 135 Bush-Dog 67 triton 309 Bubo ascaldphus 359 bengalensis 359 capensis 359 B ush-Lark, Madras . . . 287 Bush-master 624 Bustard, Arabian 517 Cdccabis chukar 475 melanocephala..A75 petrosd 475 • • Australian 516 rufa 175 coromandus 360 fasciolatus 360 lactcus 360 Burchell's 517 Denham's 517 Great 516 saxdtilis 474 Caicd leucogastra 351 meldnocephdla 351 maculosus 359 Houbara 517 Little 516 xanthomera 351 Caique, Black-headed351 orientalis 360 Macqueen's 518 , Hawk-headed 351 poensis 360 Red-necked ...517 Senegal 517 , Yellow-headed 351 Cdirind tnoschata 430 Bucephalus, Cape ...614 Bucephalus capensis 614 Buteo albicauddtus ...368 augurdlis 367 Calandrelld brachy- dactyla 287 boredlis 368 Cdlcdrius lapponicus 261 desertorum 367 Calidris arenaria 531 Bucorvus abyssinicus. .294 Buifalo Cape 135 erythronotus . . . 368 Jaeal 367 Callichthya, Littoral 642 Callichthys littoralis 642 East- African 135 lineatus 368 CdlHonymus lyra 638 , Indian 135 pennsylvanicus. .368 Callipepla californica 474 Bufo calami fd 627 swdinsoni 367 368 qdmbelii 474 • cdnalifcrus 628 vulgaris 366 pictd 473 Cdlliste brdsiliensis 230 marinus . . 628 Butorides atricapillus402 fastuosd 230 cydnurus 402 festiva 229 viridis .... 627 — virescens 402 melanonota .. 230 Buzzard 366 tricolor fc>30 Bulbul, Black 220 — , African 367 Callithrix brunnea ... 34 - • • Augural 367 , moloch 34 Green 222 Black-necked 370 niqrifrons 34 , Brown-eared ...221 Malabar Green 222 , Crested Honey 369 Dark- winged 370 Cdllocephdlon galed- tum 314 Red cared 221 Honey 369 Cdlocittd formosa 282 Red-vented 221 — , Jackal 367 Calcenas nicobaricd 462 Rufous bellied °°1 Syrian 221 , Pennsylvanian 368 Idndiae ... 315 , White-cheeked..220 White-eared 2^0 , Red-backed ...368 Red-tailed 368 Calotes ophiomachus. .588 Yellow vented °°1 Rough-legged 368 banksii 315 Bullfinch 260 , St. John's 369 funereus 315 -— , Black 257 , Swainson's 367 naso . 315 Bullhead, Armed 637 Bung ar us cceruleus ...618 Bunting American 263 , White-tailed ...368 Bycdnistes subcylin- dricus 297 Camel, Bactrian 178 , Common 178 Camelus bactrianus 178 , Black-headed... 263 , Cape . 263 Cacdtua citrino-cris- dromedarius ...178 Canary . 258 Cirl °6° tata ... 310 Cancroma cochlearid 404 Corn °6° cristdta 309 Crested Black 263 ducorpsi 308 312 • Dyed .. 262 galeritd 309 drqentdtus 73 Lapland 261 goffini 312 , Ortolan ... 262 gymnopis 313 (tzara 74 .Red-backed ...263 leadbeateri 310 bengalensis 70 INDEX. 653 Page Canis cancrivorus ... 74 cerdo 72 Page Cardinal, Black- crested ...248 Page Cat, Eyra 54 Geoffroy's 55 chama 72 , Red-crested ...248 , Red-headed ...248 , Yellow-billed... 248 Cardinalis virgini- anus 250 , Golden 51 dingo . 75 , Javan 50 fa radio us 72 familiaris 68 fulvicaudns 74 fulvipes ... 75 .Marbled 51 , Pampas 56 , Red Tiger 51 , Rusty Tiger ... 51 , Servaline 50 Carduelis elegans 256 orientalis 256 fulvus 73 Gariacus campestris. . . 174 gymnotis . 173 Tigrino 55 cussata . 73 Viverrine 50 hodophylax 68 macrotis 173 , Wild 51 javanicus 70 fncxicanus 173 , Yaguarundi ... 54 Cat-bird 216, 274 Catfish . . .. 641 jubatus 75 n emori vagus ... 1 74 rufus 174 lagopv.s 69 lateralis 71 virginianus 172 Cariama. Brazilian ...519 , Burmeister's ...519 Cariama cristata 519 Carp, Common 643 , Golden . 643 Cathartes atratus . . .392 aura 392 latrans 73 lupus 68 californi- anus 392,393 rnagellanicus ... 75 mesomelas 71 microtis . 75 Causus rhombeatus ...619 Cavia flavidens 121 porcellus 121 niger 68 .Prussian 643 Carphibis spinicollis. . .41 1 Carpococcyx radiatus 304 Carpodacus erytknmuBRR hcsmorrhous 260 Carpophaga cenea ...443 bicolor 443 niloticus ... 72 spixi 121 occidentalis 72 pallipes ... 70 Cavy, Patagonian ...121 , Restless 121 Rock . 121 pri'inoBws 70 procynides 70 rudis 74 , Spix's 121 , Spotted 118 , Yellow-toothed 121 Cayman, Broad- snouted . 574 rut Hans 65 globicera 443 latrans 443 — velox . 73 — vulpcs 69 luctuosa 443 paulina 443 Carrion-Crow 276 Capercaillie 466 Dotted -jawed 575 'Capra eegagrus . 152 , Long-shielded 575 hircus 151 hispanica . 153 Cassiculus melanic- terus 265 Cebus albifrons 29 . ibex 151 Cassicus hcemorrhous 265 azarce 29 jemlaica 153 megaceros 153 Capreolus caprcea 172 — py9ar9us 172 capucinus 29 Cassowary, Australian 548 , Beccari's 549 , Bennett's 550 , Common 548 , One-wattled ...549 , Painted -necked 549 , Two-wattled ...549 , Westermann's 549 Castor canadensis ...107 Casuarius australis ...548 beccarii 549 i bennetti 550 fatuellus 28 lunatus 28 monachus 30 Cedar-bird 226 Caprimulgus euro- peeus 291 Caprorays, Fournier'sll4 Prehensile lid Cenchris contortrix ...623 piscivora 623 — , Short-tailed ...114 Capromys brachyurus 114 pilorides 114 Centronotus gunellus 638 Centropiis ptasianus 305 rufipennis 305 prehensilis 114 Capuchin, Azara's ... 29 Brown 28 Centurus tricolor 292 Cephalophus dorsalis 147 maxwelli 146 bicarunculatus 549 ,' Smooth-headed 30 Weeper °9 galeatus 548 kaupi 549 mergens 147 natalensis 146 n igrifrons 147 pygmeeus 146 rufilatus 147 , White-cheeked 28 , White-fronted . 27 , White-throated 30 Capybara 122 picticollis 549 uniappendicula- tus 549 westermanni ...549 Cat, African Civet ... 57 , Bengalese 50 Caffer 52 Caracal 53 sylvicultrix 147 Ceratogymna elata ...296 3eratophrvs, Adorned 626 Caracara, Brazilian . . . 388 Carassius auratus . . .643 vulaaris 643 \ , Egyptian . . . 52 654 IXDEX. Page Ceratopbrys Page C&rvus euopis 164 Page Chelys matamata ... 57 1 Horned 626 hippelaphus 169 Chenalopex fegyp- kuhlii 168 tiaca .. . 416 ornata 6°6 luehdorfi 163 jubata 416 Cercocebus cethiops ... 14 mantchuricus ...163 Chera progne 241 Chersina angulata ...560 • collnns 13 • minoT 169 Chevrotain, Indian... 176 • , Javan 176 Stanleyan 176 vulus 84 ^— — philippinus 167 , Water 177 Cercopithecus albiqu- porcinus 168 Chibia hottentotta ...224 laris ... . . 9 schomhurgki Chilobothrus inor- 165 166 natus 600 — . ccmipbclli 11 siJca 164 Chimpanzee 1 Chinchilla 117 cynosurus 5 taevanus 1 64 Chinchilla lanigera...\\l - • diana 10 titnoriensis 169 Chionis alba 528 erxlebvni 10 Cettia cantans 215 minor 528 erythrog aster 10 Chaffinch 255 Chirogaleus coquereli 44 lalandii 6 ludio 13 Chalcopelia ajra 458 Chiromys madagas- caricnsis 48 mono* 9 puella .. .. 458 Chlamydodera macu- nictitans 12 Chcilcophwps ctiTyso- lata 274 patas 8 chlora 460 ChJoremys abnormis 567 petaurista, 13 indica 459 Chlorophonia viridis. . .228 _pZMfo 11 Chalcopsitta scintil- Cholopus didactylus. . . 187 pyrrhonotus 8 lata 319 hoffmanni 187 — TubcT 7 Chaniseleoii Cominon593 Chough . ... 283 rufo-viridis 8 Dwarf 594 , Alpine 283 tdlcipoin 5 Flap necked 594 White-winged 284 Cereopsis nov Star's Ground. .462 Stock 116 Eagle Bacha . 378 — , Bateleur 372 — , Black-crested... 377 Bonclli's 376 Dorcopsis luctuosa ...200 Dormouse, Common .108 Fat 107 , Talpacoti Ground 457 — , Turtle 452 "Vinaccous . 453 , Booted 376 CeyloneseHawk377 Garden 108 Checla 373 _' Oak ... ...107 -. White-fronted 457 DViilinn SP* 371 IXDEX. 659 Page Eagle, Crowned Hawk377 — , Golden 374 — . Guianan Crested 371 , Harpy 371 , Imperial 374 , Japanese Hawk 37 7 , Mace's Sea 373 , Malayan Hawk 377 , Ornamented Hawk 376 , Short-toed 378 , Spanish. Im- perial 375 , Spotted 375 , Tawny 375 , Tyrant 377 , Vociferous Sea .373 , Vulturine 376 — , Wedge-tailed... 375 , White-bellied Sea . ....373 White-headed Sea 373 , White-tailed ...372 Eagle-Owl, Bengal ...359 — , Cape 359 , Eraser's 360 , Great 358 , Grey 359 — , Milky 360 .Oriental 360 , Savigny's 359 , Spotted 359 , Virginian 358 Echidna 208 Echidna hystrix 208 Echinomys spinosus ... 1 14 Echis carinata 622 Eclectus, Grand 323 , Red-sided 323 , Westermann's ..323 Eclectics pectoralis . . . 323 roratus 323 u-estermanni ...323 Ectopistes migratorhis449 Eel, Common 645 , Conger 645 , Electric 644 Egernia cunmngkami.585 Egret, Buff-backed ...402 — , Great American 401 , Little 402 , Slaty 402 , Snowy 402 Eland 135 Elanus scriptv.s 386 Elaphis quaterradiatus6Q9 Elaphodus michianus .161 Elaps, Chequered ...619 Page Elaps lemniscatns ... 61 9 Elephant, African ...125 Page Estrelda dufresnii ...235 formosa . . 234 Indian 1°4 mel'poda 235 Eleph as african us ... 1 25 phaeton 233 indicus 124 phosnicotis 235 Emberiza aureola 263 chrysophrys 263 rubriventris 235 ruficauda 233 cirlus 262 souamifrons 236 citrinetta.. 262 subflava 236 fucata 262 temporalis 234 luteola 263 ruber 412 melanocephala...2Q3 miliaria 262 Eudromias morinellus.525 Eudynamis orientalis 304 rutila 263 — taitensis 304 schoeniclus 262 Eudyptes chrysocome 543 Emu 550 Eunectes murinus 599 Emyda granosa 572 Etiphema bourkii 328 Emys europeea .... 561 chrysogastra 328 Emys, Spinose Land .561 elegans 327 Entomyza cyanotis 228 pulchclla 327 Eos indica 318 splendida 328 reticulata 318 Euphonia crassirostris^Q riciniata 319 nigricollis 229 rubra 319 pectoralis 229 tricolor 318 violacea- .... 229 Epic-rates angulifer ...600 Euplectes afer 243 cenchris 600 capensis 244 Equus burchellii 131 — flaminiccps 243 kemio7ius 131 nigriventris ^43 hemippus 130 - oryx 243 onager 130 quagga 131 Euplocamus albo-cris- tatiis 487 tceniopus 130 andersoni 486 zebra 131 cuvicri 486 Erinaceus algirus 94 erythropthalmus 484 collar is 94 horsfieldi 486 europaius 93 lineatus 483 485 frontalis 94 melanotis . . . 486 Erithacus rubecula ...212 nobilis . 485 Erithizon dorsatus ...116 Eruthroenas pulckerri- nyctemerus .484, 485 preelaftts . 483 ma 444 swinhoii 483 Erythrolamprus ve- vieilloti . 484 nustissitnus 605 Eupodotis arabs 517 Erythrura prasina ... 241 Eryx, Egyptian 601 — — australis 516 denhami 517 , Indian 601 kori 517 Shielded 601 — ruficollis 517 Eryx jaculus 601 senegalensis 517 johni . . 601 Euprepes Streaked 586 thebaicus 601 Euprepes vittatus 586 Esox Indus 643 Eupsychortyx cris- Esquerzo 626 tatus 473 Estrelda amandava ...234 bella . . 234 Europyga Jielias 523 Euspi~a a/nericana 263 bichenovii 233 ctBrulescens 235 Falco cesalon 382 dnerea 234 barbams 381 660 INDEX. Page Falco biarmictis 38 1 Page Finch Alaudine . 249 Page Finch, Wiener's 237 — , Yellowish 257 Fireback, Bornean ...485 Vieillot'* 484 , Amaduvade ...234 , Banded Grass. .240 , Bar-breasted . . .238 Beautiful 234 concolw 382 eleonoree 382 juqqcT 381 Fish, Indian Walking639 , Lump 638 Flamingo, European..413 , Buddy . . , 413 • lanarius 381 peregrinus 380 scicer 381 , Bicheno's .. . 233 "Rlnpt lipnrlprl 238 , Blood-stained .260 Blurh °5° subbuteo 382 , South-American413 Floriken, Bengal 518 Flounder 641 Falcon, Ash-coloured.382 Barbary 381 — , Cape-Palmas...237 Chestnut- Bearded 381 bellied ... 239 Flower-bird, Black- tailed 227 Eleonora 382 Greenland 383 TWIanrl 38*} , Chestnut- breasted 240 Flycatcher Pied 226 — , Chestnut-eared.237 Crimson 233 Flying Squirrel, American 104 . Jugger 381 • Lanner 381 Laughing 386 Peregrine 380 Cut- throat . . . 237 , Grey .. 105 , Diuca 249 , Layard's 105 Dusky °17 , Bed -bellied ...104 White checked 101 Bed-footed 384 • Bufous- throated 382 Eulcr's °5° , Fire-tailed 241 , Gay's 249 Fordonia unicolor . . .613 Foudta erythrops 244 madagascarien- sis . . 244 Sakcr 381 Felis bengalensis 50 Ground 264 cqffra 52 , Grey-necked Serin 259 Fox, Arctic ... 69 canadensis 56 CttTCLC&l 53 Azara's 74 , Guttural 252 Half white °53 , Bengal 70 , Common 69 , Crab-eating ... 74 — - Egyptian 72 chaus 5^ — , Hooded 236 Jacarini 249 chrysothrix 51 concolor 53 , Javan Maja ...239 , Lineated .... 252 Fennec 72 eyra 54 , Kit 73 Lined °5l , Long-eared ... 76 , Magellanic 75 Bed 73 isabellina 52 Maja ... . 239 javanensis 50 leo 48 - - Melodious 247 , Modest Grass... 237 , Nonpareil 247 , Olive 247 , Bed- footed 75 l^nx 52 Bed-tailed 74 macrocelis 49 marmorata 51 , Bough.. . 74 , Orchard 249 Pied Grass °36 Silver 73 , Silver-backed... 72 , Small-eared ... 75 Francolin, Black 467 Cape 468 onca 54 , Pileated 251 , Plumbeous 250 Beddish 252 pardina 53 , Bed-headed ...237 , Bed-tailed 233 Buddy °60 passerum. 56 plccniceps 51 , Double-spurred 468 Groy 468 rubiginosa 51 rufa ^6 — , Saffron 257 , Scaly-fronted . . .236 , Sharp- tailed ...239 • , Singing 258 , Spectacled 251 — , Spotted-sided. ..238 , Striated 239 — , Hill... 469 — .Long-billed 469 • - scrval 49 servalina 50 , Painted 468 , South- African ..468 , Bed-throated... 468 Wood 469 tigrina 55 tigris . 48 viverrina 50 yaguarundi 54 Fennec, Syrian 72 Ferret, Common 77 Fiber zibethicus Ill Fieldfare 209 , Thick-billed Seed 251 Francolinus afer 468 bicalcaratus 468 capensis 468 clapper toni 468 — - - qularis 469 — , Topela 238 — , Tropical Seed ..251 , White-eye- Field-Mouse, Fawn- coloured 110 browed 264 madagascarien- sis ... ....467 , White-throated252 INDEX. 661 Page Francolinus pictus 468 Page Fuligula ferina 440 marila ... 440 rubricollis 468 maritoides . 440 vulqaris 467 rufina 440 Fratercula arctica 54'^ Fulmar 539 Fregata aquila 396 Frigate-bird, Great... 396 Fulmarus glacialis ...539 Fundulus majalis 643 Furcifer chilensis 174 Furnarius rufus 290 Gadus luscus 640 Fringillaria capensis..2Q3 Frog, American Green625 • Australian 626 merlangus 640 morrhua 640 pollachius 640 Brown Mud 630 Gadwall . 432 Bull 625 Galago, Allen's 45 Oh a n trpa hi pTrppfi28 Demidoff 3 16 Edible 6°5 - Garnett's 45 European Tree 628 Grand 44 Ewing's Tree 629 Maholi 45 Krefft's Tree 6>79 Monteiro's . . 45 Leaf-green Tree6*)9 Galago alleni 45 , Noisy 626 rWOlntprl T?larl crassicaudata ... 44 dcmidojji 46 der . 626 garnetti 45 Orange-shanked maholi 45 Tree 630 monteiri 45 , Peron's Tree ...629 .._ Slender- fin- Galaxias, Australian;.. 642 Galaxias scriba . . . 642 gered 626 Galeoscoptes caroli- Variable leaf 629 nensis 216 ryuifp'a Trpf> 69Q Galictis barbara 78 Yellow -footed vittata 78 Tree 629 Galidia, Elegant 62 Fruit-Bat, Australian 95 , Blackish 95 Collared 95 Galidia elegans 62 Gallinago ccelestis . . .530 Gallinuia chloropus . . .513 — — galeata ... 513 • Indian 95 nesiotis 514 White-eared 97 ph&nicura ... 5 1 5 ated ...304 Gallinule, Island-Hen514 Fruit-Pigeon, Bandecl444 Bare-faced 445 , Martinique 512 , Purple 511 , Black-headed... 444 Bronze 443 , Sombre 515 , White-breasted 515 , Brown-tailed... 443 - - •• Jambu 444 Galloperdix lunulata .466 spadicea 466 Nutmeg 443 zeylonensis 467 Parrot . . 445 Gallus bankiva 487 , Red-naped..:...443 Superb 114 domesticus 488 — — sonnerati ...488 Wattled 443 Stanley i 488 White 443 varius 488 Fulicci ardcsiaca 515 Gannet 396 — atra ..... .^515 i Gannet, Brown 396 Garganey 434 cristata 515 Garrulax albogula- ris .. 222 -cristata 439 chinensis ... .... 222 Page Garrulax leucolophus.'2~22 perspicillatus ...222 picticoUis 222 Garrulus glandarius ..280 lanceolatus 280 Garter-Snake 607 Gasterosteus aculea- tus 636 pungitius 636 spinachia 636 Gavial 576 Gavialis§ Gayal 133 Gazella arabica 140 bennetti 141 cuvieri 140 dama 142 dorcas 140 euchore 142 granti 142 muscatensis 141 rufifrons 140 soemmerringi ...142 subgutturosa . . . 141 Gazelle 140 , Arabian 140 , Cuvier's 140 , Dama 142 .Grant's 142 , Indian 141 , Korin 140 — , Muscat 141 , Persian 141 , Soemmerring's..l42 Gecco verus 577 Gecinus viridis 292 Gecko, Delaland's ...577 Fan-footed 578 Indian 577 Moorish 577 Ocellated 578 Genet, Blotched 58 Common 58 Pale 58 Pardine 58 Genetta pardina 58 senegalensis 58 vulgaris 58 Geocichla citrina ...... 21 1 Geoemyda spinosa ....561 Geopelia cuneata 450 humeralis 451 maug&i 451 placida 450 striata 450 tranquiUa 450 Geopsittacus occiden- talis .. ....329 662 INDEX. Page Geoptyas collaris 611 Geotrygon montana..Abl mystacea 457 si/lvdticd 458 Page Goose, Brent 419 Canada 119 Page Grosbeak, Cardinal ... 250 Pino °60 — — , Cereopsis 417 , Eose-breasted...250 . .._. Yellow-bellied 250 , Chinese 418 Geranoaetus melano- leucus . . 371 , Egyptian 416 , Grey-Lag 417 Ground-Dove, Grace- ful . 450 Gerbille, Brown- tailed 109 , Hutchin's 419 Kelp 422 , Mountain- Witch 458 Indian 109 — , Little 418 — , Moustache 457 Passerine 456 Robust 109 Maned 1^0 , White-rumped.108 Gerbillus erythyrurusAQ® , Orinoco 416 Placid 150 Pink-footed 417 Ecd 157 Ecd breasted 119 Scaly 156 vyqarqus 108 , Euddy-headed..422 , Eiippell's Spur- winged 415 f Stair's 462 robustus 109 Geronticus calvus 41 1 Gibbon Hoolock 2 Gro und-S quirrel, Bristly 103 , Sandwich- Island 423 Getulian 103 , Silvery 2 Unffko ° , Eed-footed 103 , Stanger's 104 Ground-Thrush, Orange-headed 211 , White-cheeked. 2 , White-handed.. 2 Giraffd camelopar- dalis 156 , Upland 420 White-fronted 418 , Wild or Grey- Lag 417 Grouse Black 466 Prairie 165 Giraffe . ... 156 Goshawk . . 379 Ecd 166 Glaucidium passeri- num 364 — , Allied 380 — , Sharp-tailed ...465 Grus americana 52 1 — — antic/one 520 Gainbian 380 phal&noides 364 Glutton 77 White 380 Gnu, Brindled .. 150 victories 463 qucitd 520 , White-tailed ...150 Goat-Antelope, Japa- nese 151 Grackle, Black-necked273 Gracula intermedia . . .273 — ... . jdVdnensis 273 canadznsis 520 Goat, Domestic 151 religiosa 273 communis 519 — leucauchen 521 leucogeranos ...521 monachus 521 virqo 521 Gobio fluvidtilis .... 643 Gracupicus nigri- collis ...273 Gobius ttiitiutus 637 niger 63-7 Grallina, Pied 220 Grallina australis ...220 Grammatoptila stri- ata . 223 ruthensparrii ...637 Goby, Black 637 viridirostris ...520 Grys-bok 145 Freckled 637 Two-snnffprl fi'-JY Graphiurus capensis . . 1 08 Grass-Owl, Cape 355 Grass-Parrakeet, Blue- banded 327 Guan, Amazonian ...504 , Chattering 504 — Grey's 502 Godwit, Bar-tailed ...531 Black-tailed 532 Goldeneye 441 Little ...504 Goldfinch 256 - Bourke's 228 • Marail 502 , Eastern 256 Goldfinny 640 — . Elegant 327 Orange bellied 3^8 , Mexican ...502, 504 , Piping 503 , Eed-breasted . . .503 — , Eed-tailed 504 Eufous vented 50^ - , Jago's. . . 640 — , Splendid 328 , Turquoisine ...327 — .Undulated 328 Grass-Snake 612 Goosander ..442 Goose, American Black-backed 427 , Andean . 420 Wattled 504 Grebe Little 540 , White-bellied ..504 , White-crested ..503 , White-eye- browed . 503 , Ashy-headed ...422 , Bar-headed ...418 , Bean 418 , Eed-necked ...540 , Sclavonian 540 Greenfinch 255 — , Bernicle 419 • Black - and - , Algerian 255 Grison 78 , White-fronted..503 Guberndtrix crista- tella 248 White 415 Grosbeak, Black- headed 250 —.Black-backed... 427 , Black Spur- winged ... ....416 Gudgeon, Common... 643 Guillemot, Common..541 Guinea-Diar .. ...121 , Blue 249 , Brazilian . ...250 INDEX. 663 Page Guinea-fowl, Abyssi- nian 495 Page [ Halmaturusbillardieri2Q5 j bTdchyuTus 205 i Common 494 derbianus 204 — Crested 495 dorsalis ... 204 — Horned 495 rvficollis 203 — Mitred ... . 495 thetidis . . 205 Pucheran's 496 — Kendall's 495 ualabatus 204 Hamadryad 617 "Vnltiipino 4Qft Guira piririg ua 305 Guiraca c&rulea 249 cyanea 250 Hamster, Common ...109 Hangnest, Baltimore. 265 , Black-sided ...266 Gull Ashy-headed 537 Brazilian °66 — , Black-headed... 537 Common 536 , Common 266 Created 265 , Dominican 536 , Mexican 265 Orchard 266 — , Greater Black- backed 536 , Red-rumped ...265 , Silky ... 268 — , Herring 534 , Waller's 266 Iceland 534 Yellow °65 , Ivory 533 — , Yellow-backed..267 j Laughing ... 537 dered 266 backed 535 chn/soleucos 38 , Yellow-legged jacchus 37 Herrinf 535 melo/nuTO, 38 Gulo luscus 77 penicillata 38 Gunnel, Spotted 638 pygnusa 38 Gymnorhiiia Ieuconota285 — — — organicQ, ... 286 Hapalemur simus ... 44 Hapalote Mitchell's 111 tibicen 286 Gymnotus electricus ..644 Gypaetus barbatus ...391 Hapalotis mitchelli ...111 Hare, Black-necked... 123 .Brazilian 123 Gypagvs papa 393 Sardinian . 12"' Varvincr 1 23 sis . ..390 Harparhynchus rvfus.2lft Gyps bengalensis 389 fulvus 389 Harpy, Crowned 371 Harpyhaliaetus coro- kolbii . ... 389 natii-s 371 rueppelli 389 Harrier Gould's .. 366 Hen 365 H(Bin(itopvs niger 5'^7 Marsh 365 Montagu's 366 HcBftifitomis elqini 378 Moor 366 Halcyon sancta 294 Hartebeest .... 148 vagans 294 Harvest-Mouse . 110 Haliaetus albicilla ...372 Hawfinch 254 leucocephcdus ...373 , Black-tailed ...255 Hawk Beautiful leucoryphus ... 373 Wood ... 378 vocifcr 37 j Berigora 383 Haliastur in dus 369 intermedius 369 sphenurus 369 Halichoerus grypus ... 91 Black-and-White Sparrow 379 Chanting 379 Many-zoned ...379 \^w-Zealand 383 bennettii .. ...203 One-streaked... 379 Page Hawk, Pigeon 382 , Shining Buz- zard 370 , Sparrow 378 Hawk-Eagle, Cey- lonese 377 , Crowned 377 , Japanese 377 , Malayan 377 , Ornamented ...376 Hedgehog, Algerian... 94 , Cape 94 , Collared 93 , Common 93 Hedymeles ludoviria- nus 250 — melanocephalus..25Q Helictis, Orange- bellied 79 Helictis subauran- tiaca 79 Heloderm 580 Heloderma suspectum 580 Helotarsus ecaudatus..372 Hemigale, Hard- wicke's 59 Hemigalea hardwickii 59 Hemipode, Andalu- sian 506 — , Black-breasted .507 , Lepurana 507 , Eed-chested ...507 , Sykes's 507 , Varied 506 Heniippe 130 Hemixos flavata 22 ] Hen, Black Wood ...510 Hen Harrier 365 Henicognathus lepto- rhynchus 341 Heron 400 , Black-necked . . .400 , Cocoi 401 , Garden's Night.403 , Goliath 401 — , Great Ameri- can 400 , Great White ...401 , Hooded Mght..403 , Lousianian 401 — , Nankeen Night.403 , Night 403 , Purple 401 , Squacco 402 , Typhon 401 , Violaceous Night 404 Herpettes fasciatus ... 64 • galera 64 62 664 INDEX. Page Herpestes ichneumon . 62 — malaccensis 63 nepalensis 64 — — pulverulentus ... 62 — smithi 63 Herpetotheres cachin- nans 386 Herring-Gull 534 , Yellow-legged ..535 Heteralocha gouldi ...284 Heterodon d'orbignyi..6Q8 madaqascarien- sis 608 platyrhinos 608 Hieracidea berigora...383 novce-seelandi(B...383 Hierofalco candicans..383 islandus 383 Himantopus brasilien- sis 529 — nigricollis .528, 529 Hinulia australis 586 whitei 586 Hippocampus anti- quorum 646 ramulosus 646 Hippopotamus 178 Hippopotamus amphi- bius 178 Hippotragus equinus..\39 — niger 139 Hirundo rustica 226 Hobby 382 Hog, Elian's Wart ..180 , ^Ethiopian Wart 179 , Pigmy 182 , Red-River 183 , Southern River 183 Holbrookia maculata .592 Homalocranium mela- nocephalum 601 Homalosoma lutrix . . .602 Homopus areolatus ...559 horsfieldi 559 Honey-Buzzard 369 — , Crested 369 Honey-eater, Blue- faced 228 , Poe 227 — , Warty-faced ...227 Hoopoe 299 Hoplocephalus super- bus 617 Hornbill, Black 297 , Black-and- White 298 , Concave- casqued 295 , Crowned 296 Page Hornbill, Elate 296 Ground . 294 Page Hypsipetes maclel- landi .. 221 , Indian 296 Hypsiprymnus apica- — • Lunated 295 lis 207 Ma In van 296 , Malayan Pied ..296 — gaimardi 206 Plicated ... .299 — ogilbyi 206 Eed- billed 299 . rufescens 206 Hyrax Cape l'?4 , Subcylindrical. .297 Hyrax capensis 1 24 .White-billed ...296 Wrinkled-bill.. .296 Hystrix cristata 115 javanica 115 Horseshoe-Snake 610 longicauda 115 Houbara macqueeni...5].8 House-Mouse 110 Ibex, Alpine ... 152 Howler Brown 37 Grecian . 152 Red 36 . Spanish 153 Huanaco . 177 Ibis, Australian Sa- Huia Bird . 284 cred 411 Huro nigricans 636 , Bald-headed ...411 Hyfcna Brown 67 Bcrnicr's 109 , Spotted 66 Striped 67 , Black-faced ...411 Black headed 411 Hy4 , Lucian's 322 , Black-headed... 475 INDEX. 671 Page Partridge, Bonham's 476 Buff-breasted... 467 Capoeira 472 Chukar 475 Crowned 472 Gambel's 474 Greek 474 Guiana 472 Hay's 476 Himalayan Snow .' 476 Hodgson's 470 Ked-legged 475 White-eye- browed Tree 473 Parus ater 217 borealis 217 caruleus 217 wistatus 217 cyanus 217 major 217 palustris 217 Passer alario 253 diffuses 253 luteus 253 montanus 253 simplex 253 Passerita mycterizans.615 Pastor, Blyth's 273 , Rose-coloured.. 272 Pastor blythi 273 roseus 272 Pauxis galeata 501 Pavo cristatus 490 nigripennis 49 1 spicifer 492 Peafowl, Black- winged 491 , Common 490 , Jayan 492 Pepcary, Collared ...184 , White-lipped... 185 Peewit. Black- breasted 526 , Wattled 527 , Yellow-wattled.527 Pelea capreolus 145 Pelecanus compicilla- tus 395 crispus 395 fuscus 395 mitratus 395 onocrotalus 894 rufescens 395 Pelican, Australian ... 395 Brown 395 Crested 395 Mitred 395 Red-backed ...395 White 394 Page Pelobates fusous 630 Pelomedusa galeata. . .570 Page Phalanger, Short- headed .. 199 gehafi .... 570 , Squirrel-like 199 Pelophilus madagas- , Vulpine 197 cariensis . 600 Yellow-bellied 199 Penelope boliviana ...502 cristata 502 Phalangista canina ... 198 vulpina 197 greeyi 502 Phaps chalcoptera . . .460 elegans ... 460 marail 502 histrionica 460 pi leaf a ...503 Phascolarctus cinereus\Q7 purpurascens ...502 — — sup&rciliaris . 503 Phascolomys latifran^:201 lasiorhinus . ..207 Penguin, Black- footed 543 platyrhinus 207 wombat ... 207 Gentoo ...542 Phasianus colchicus 478 , Humboldt's ...543 elegans . 478 Jackass 543 cllioti 480 Kin* 542 reevesi 479 , Rock-hopper... 543 Pentonyx, Abyssi- scemmerringi ...479 torquatus 478 nian 570 versicolor 478 Galeated 570 wallichii . .480 Perameles, Rabbit- Pheasant 478 eared 196 Amherst's 481 , Short-nosed ...196 Perameles lagoti* 196 , Argus 493 , Bar-tailed 479 obesula .196 Cheer 480 Perca fluviatilis 636 Perch, Common 636 , Crested Peacock493 , Elegant .... 478 Perdicula asiatica ...472 , Elliot's 480 ca/nbayensis 472 Perdix cinerea 470 , Geoffroy's Blood 467 hodgsonice 470 Perisoreus infaustus. . .280 , Germain's Pea- cock 403 Perist&ra geoffroii 454 Gold 481 Peniis apivorus 369 , Japanese . 478 ptilorhynchus . . .369 , Peacock 492 Perodicticus potto ... 47 Petrel, Cape 463 , Ring-necked ...478 , Rufous-tailed 478 Petrogale penwillata..20'3 , Siamese 483 xanthopus 202 Silver 485 Petromyzon branchia- lis 648 , So3mmerring's..479 -- • • Swinhoc's 483 fluviatilis 648 marinas 647 Pheucticus chrysoga- ster ' ?50 Petronia petronella . . .254 - stulta . 254 Philodryas reinhardti 612 serra 612 Pezoporus formosus . . .329 Phacockoerus eethiopi- cus 179 viridissimus 612 Phlogoenas bartletti ...461 • CTinigera 461 africanus... . 180 cruentata 461 Phalacrocorax brasili- stairi 462 anus 398 Phoca grcenlandica 92 carbo 397 I'itulina 92 — qraculus . .. 398 Phoc&ina cofftmunis 185 lugubris 398 tuberculifera 185 Phalanger, Ariel 199 , Dormouse 1 98 Pkcenicopterus anti- quorum . . 413 , Short-eared ...198 ignipalliatus ...413 672 INDEX. Page Phcenicopterus ruber ..413 Phonipara bicolor ...247 canora 247 olivacea 247 Phrygilus alaudinus...249 fruticeti 249 gayi 249 Phrynosoma cornu- tum 592 douglassi 593 orbicular e 593 Phyllodactyle, Euro- pean 578 Phyllodactyhis euro- ptsus 578 Phyllomedusa dacni- color 629 hypochondrialis .630 Phyllornis a urifrons. ..222 hardwickii 222 Phylloscopus sibila- trix 214 trochilus 214 Piapec 283 Pica bootanensis 279 . mauritanica ...279 rustica 279 sericca 279 Pie, Chinese Blue ...282 , Chinese Tree ...283 , Occipital Blue..282 , Siamese Blue... 282 , Wandering Tree 283 , Yellow-billed Blue 282 Pig, Papuan 182 Pigeon, Araucanian...449 , Banded Fruit.. 444 , Bare-faced Fruit 445 • , Bartlett's 461 , Black-headed Fruit 444 , Blood-breasted.461 , Blue-headed ...462 , Bronze Fruit ...443 , Bronze-winged .460 , Brush Bronze- wing 460 , Brown-tailed Fruit 443 , Cape 539 , Common Crowned 463 , Crested 459 , Cuban 449 , Double-banded.445 , Double-crested .444 , Emilian 451 Pigeon, Harlequin Bronze- winged 460 , Jambu Fruit ...444 , Naked-eyed ...448 , Narrow-barred .451 , Nicobar 462 . , Nutmeg Fruit ..443 , Parrot Fruit ...445 , Passenger 449 , Pheasant- tailed 451 , Picazuro 448 , Porto-Rico 447 , Purple-shoul- dered 445 , Red-crowned... 444 , Red-naped Fruit 443 .Ring-tailed ...447 , Rock 446 , Rufous 449 , Specious 448 } Spotted ...447, 448 — , Superb Fruit... 444 , Tambourine ...459 , Thick-billed ...445 , Tooth-billed ...463 , Triangular- spotted 447 , Victoria crowned 463 , Vinaceous 449 , Wattled Fruit.. 443 , Wedge-tailed . . .445 , White Fruit ...443 , White-backed ..446 , White-crowned 447 , White-naped ...448 , White-throated Violet 449 , Wonga-Wonga.461 Pigeon-Hawk 382 Pike 643 Pine-Grosbeak 260 Pine-Marten 76 Pinicola enucleator ...260 Pintail 434 , Chilian 435 Pionopsitta pileata . . . 352 Pionus maximiliani. . .352 menstruus 351 senilis 352 sordidus 352 molaceus 352 Pipefish, Deep-nosed .645 , Great 645 — — , Oceanic 64^ , Straight-nosed .645 ,Worm 645 Piplle cuju bi 504 Pipile cumanensis 503 jacutinga 503 Pipilo erythrophthal- mus 264 Pipit, Meadow 220 , Richard's 220 , Tree 219 Pipridea melanonota. .229 Pitangus sulphur atus.28Q Pithecia albinasa 35 chiropotes 35 leucocephala ... 35 monachus 35 satanas 35 Pitta, Bengal 288 Pitta bengalensis 288 Pituophis catenifer ...608 Pitylus fuliginosus ...233 Plaice 641 Plantain-cutter, Vio- laceous 306 Platalea ajaja 409 leucorodia 409 Platemys geoffroyana .570 gordoni 570 Platycercus adeZaid(S..33Q barnardi 332 eximius 331 flaveolus 331 flaviventris 332 icterotis 33 1 pallidiceps 331 pennanti 330 pileatus 331 semitorquatus ...332 zonarius 332 Plecotus auritus 97 Plectrophanes nivalis..2Ql .415 niger 416 rueppelli 415 Plegadis falcinelhis . . .412 Plestiodon auratus ...586 Pleuronectes flesus ...641 .641 Pleurostrichus sepi- formis 583 Ploceus bengalensis ...245 many or 245 Plotus anhwga...3Q8, 399 levaillanti 398 melanog aster ...399 Plover, Brazilian Stilt 529 , Golden 525 , Grey 525 , Ring 525 Pochard 440 , Red -crested ...440 INDEX. 673 Podargus, Cuvier's ...300 Page Porzana maruetta ...509 notata 509 Page Ptilonorhynchus violaceus 274 Podiceps auritus 540 Potamochoerus africa- Ptilopachys ven- nus 183 tralis 467 , — albifrons .184 Ptilopus fasciatus . 444 ana 569 • penicillatus 183 jambu 444 — expansa 569 Potto, Bosnian's 47 melanocephalus..444 iinifilis 569 Pout Whitin^ 640 superbus 444 Poeocephalus fuscica- piJlv* 337 Pratincola rubetra ...212 Procyon cancrivorus... 82 Ptilorhis paradisea . . .275 Ptilostomus senegalen- fuscicollis 337 lotor 82 sis 283 qulielmi 337 Prosthemadera novcs- Ptyas mucosa . ... 611 - - - mcycri 337 zealandite 227 testacea 611 robustus 337 rueppelli 338 Proteles cristatus 66 Proteus 635 Ptyodactylus hassel- qiiisti 578 senegalus 337 Proteus anguinus ...635 Protopterus annectens 646 Pucras, Darwin's 482 Indian 482 Poephila cincta 240 Polecat Common 77 Psammodromus hispa- nicus 583 , Yellow-spotted .483 Pucrasia darwini 482 Pollock 640 Psammophis crucifer .613 microlopha 482 Poli/borus brasiliensis 388 xanthospila 483 sibilans .. 613 Pudua humilis 174 175 lous 591 Psammophylax rhom- Puff-Adder 621 Marbled 591 beatus ...602 Puffin 542 Polychrus anomalus...b§\ Psephotus h&mato- gaster ....333 Puffin us anglorum ... 539 major 539 Polyplectron bicalca- raturn 493 hcematonotus 334 multicolor .... 334 Pvlsatrix torquata . . .36 1 Puma 53 ckinouis 492 pulcherrimus 334 Pycnonotus crocor- Pseudechis porphy- rhom 221 riaca 617 i hcumorrhous 221 Pzeudoleistes virescens 269 jocnsust , 2^1 Pond-Tortoise 561 Pope 636 Pseudophryne austra- lis ... .. .626 leucogenys 220 leucotis . . . '220 Pseudopus pallasi 583 fyQIMBUS *')"")( ^ Pseudotantalus ibis . 408 xanthopus 221 Bru^h-tailed ...116 leucocephalus ...408 Pygosceles teeniatus ...542 , Brazilian Tree.. 116 Pflnnrlian 116 Psittacula passerina...33:) Psittacus erithacus 336 Pyranga saira 232 Pyrenestes albifrons ^44 , Crested 115 timneh 336 Pyrrhocorax alpinv.s ..283 Guianan Tree 117 Psittinus malaccensis .323 graculus . . 283 Hairy . 117 Psophia crepitans 518 Pyrrhula europcsa ...260 , Indian Brush- tailed 116 leucoptera 518 t'iridis ...518 Pyrrhulauda vertica- lis . 288 Javan 115 Pterocles alchata 464 Pyrrhidopsis per- Mexican Tree 117 arenarius 464 sonata . 335 bicinctus 464 _ splendens 335 Porphyrio Allen's 512 • exustits .. 464 tabuensis . 334 Black -backed 511 fasciatus 464 Pytelia citerior °36 Grey-headed 512 lichstensteini .. 465 melba ...23(> Indian 511 Pteroglossus torquatus3Q2 pkosnicoptera . . .236 Madagascar 512 wiedi 302 wiener i 237 Porphyrio calvus 511 Pteromys leucogenys 104 Python Indian 597 Reticulated ^97 madaqnscarien- Pteropus formosus . 94 Eoval 597 sis 512 — hypomelanus 95 Two-streaked o'.i7 melanotus 511 medius 95 , West-African . . . 59< 1 poliocephalus ...512 Porpoise 185 poliocephalus ... 95 Ptilonorhynch MS Python bii'ittatug 597 molurus 597 Porzana Carolina 509 smithi .. ...274 reqius . . .... 597 674 INDEX. Page Pyfhon reticulatus. . . 597 sebee 596 Quagga 131 Quail 470 , Asiatic 472 , Australian 471 , Califoruian ....474 , Cambaian 472 , Chinese 470 , Harlequin 470 , Pectoral 471 , Rain .....471 , Tasmanian 471 Quelea russi 245 . sang uinirostris... 245 Querquedula brasilien- sis 433 circia 434 crecca 433 creccoides 434 falcata 434 formosa 433 Quiscalus lugubris ...270 versicolor 270 Rabbit, Common 123 Raccoon 82 — , Crab -eating ... 82 Rail, Australian 508 , Bar- winged ...509 , Celebean 508 .Earl's Weka ...510 , New-Caledo- nian 510 , Sooty 508 .Water 507 , Weka.... 510 , West-Indian ...508 , White-spotted .508 , Woodhen 510 Rallina pceciloptera. . .509 Rallus aquaticus 507 celebensis 508 maculatus 508 • pectoralis 508 rhytirhynchus ...508 Ramphastos ariel 301 carinatus 301 cuvieri 301 dicolorus 302 erythrorhynchus.301 "-tocard 301 toco 300 vitellinus 302 Ramphoccelus brasi- lius 232 Rana catesbiana 625 clamata 626 esculenta 625 Page Sana halecina 625 Rangifer tarandus ... 175 Rat, Bay Bamboo ....112 , Black 109 , Brown 110 , G-ambian Pouched 109 , Golden-bellied Beaver 108 , Ground 115 , Spiny 114 Ratel, Cape 79 .Indian 79 Rat-Kangaroo, Gaimard's 206 , Ogilby's 206 , Rufous 205 , Tasmanian 206 — , White-tipped... 207 Rattlesnake,Common.622 .Confluent 622 , Horrid 623 , Leconte's 622 , Smaller 623 Raven 275 Razorbill 541 Recurvirostra avo- cetta 528 Redpole, Lesser 259 , Mealy 259 Redshank ..., 531 Redstart 212 Redwing 209 Reed-Bunting 262 Reed-Warbler 214 Reedling, Bearded ...223 Regent Bird 224 Reh-bok 145 Reindeer 175 Rhea, Common 552 , Darwin's 554 , Great -billed ...553 Rhea americana 552 darwinii 554 macrorhyncha . . .553 Rhinechis scalar is ...608 Rhinoceros, Hairy- eared 126 , Indian 125 , Javan 126 , Sumatran 127 .Two-horned ...128 Rhinoceros bicornis ..128 lasiotis 126 sondaicus 126 sumatrensis 127 unicornis 125 Rhinochetusjubatus. . .523 Rhinostoma cupreum ..601 Rhizomys badius 112 Page Rhizothera longiros- eris 469 Rhodonessa caryo- phyttacea 432 Rhombus I avis 641 maximus 641 Tthynchotus perdica- rius 547 rufescens 546 Rhytidoceros plicatus.'298 Rice-bird, American.. 267 Rifle-bird 275 Ring-Dove 446 Ring-Ouzel 211 Rissa tridactyla 534 River-Hog, Red 183 , Southern 183 River-Lamprey 648 Roach 644 Robin, American 210 Rock, Demeraran Cock of the 290 Rock- Pigeon 446 Rock-Thrush 211 Rockling, Five- bearded 640 Roe, Common 172 Roe-Deer, White- rumped 172 Roller 299 Rollu lus coronatus ... 472 cristatus 472 Rook 278 •Ruff 531 Ruffe or Pope 636 Rupicapra tragus 150 Rupicola crocea 290 Rusa javanica 164 Ruticilla phoenicurus..2l2 Saiga tatarica 143 Saki, Black 35 , Humboldt's ... 35 , Red-backed 35 , White-headed .. 35 , White-nosed .'.. 35 Salamander, Black ...631 , Gigantic 634 , Illinois 633 — , Spotted 631 Salamandra atra 631 macidosa 631 Salmofario 642 fontinalis 642 lacustris 642 salar 642 trutta 642 umbla 642 Salmon 642 Trout 642 INDEX. 675 Page Saltator, Allied .. 232 Page Sciurus palmarum ... 10 1 Page Serinus canarius . . 258 plantani 100 stris 23° prevosti 100 hortulanus 258 siwilis 232 • stramineus 103 Serpent Rat-tailed 624 Sand -Badger 80 tennenti 99 Serpentarius reptili- Sand-Grouse Banded tristriatus 101 vorus 391 Black-bellied 464 variabilis 103 Serval 49 Double- banded 464 variegatus 102 Shag . . 398 vulqaris . .. 98 Shanny Smooth 638 tailed 464 vulpinus 102 Shearwater, Greater 539 , Lichtenstein'fc 4(55 , var. capi- , Manx 539 Pallas's 465 strata 102 Sheathbill, Black-' — , Pin-tailed . 464 Scolopax rusticula ...529 biUed 528 Sand-Lizard 582 Scops asio 361 , Yellow-billed 528 Spanish. 582 — giu 360 Sheep Barbary Wild 156 Sand-Skink Greenish587 - leucotis 361 Blanford's 155 , Ocellated 587 Scopus umbretta 408 , Burrhel Wild... 155 Sand-Smelt . 639 Scotopelia peli 361 , Punjab Wild 155 Sand-Snake, Hissing..613 , Slender 613 Screamer, Crested ...414 , Derbian 414 Sheldrake, Australian429 , Common . .. 428 Sanderling 531 Scy Ilium caniculo, 647 Ruddy 498 Sandpiper, Common .531 Sarcidiornis caruncu- luta . . 427 stellar e 647 Sea-Eagle, Chilian ...371 , Mace's 373 , Variegated 429 , White-fronted.. 429 Shoebill 407 • melanonota 427 , Vociferous 373 Shore-Lark 288 Sarciophorus bilobus...527 pcctoralis 526 , White-bellied. ..373 , White-headed ..373 — , White-bellied... 288 Shoveller 437 Sarcorkamphus gry- phus 392 Sea-horse, Branched.. 646 , Short-nosed ...646 Shrew, Peguan Tree... 94 Shrike, Four-coloured225 Sctxicold (xndnthc 212 Sea-Lamprey . . 647 Great Grey 225 Sea-lion Cape 91 Grey Crow 985 Scaup 440 , Patagonian ... 90 , Hill Crow . 285 Sceloglaux albifacies...36l Sceloporus garmani . . .592 microlepidotus...59l Scelotes bipes 587 Seal, Bladder-nosed... 93 , Common 92 , Greenland 92 Grey ... 91 , Pied Crow 285 , Red-backed ...225 , Sooty Crow . . .285 Sialia wilsonii ^13 Schizorhis africana ...306 Sciuropterus fimbria- tus 105 , Mediterranean. 93 Seed-eater, St. Helena257 , Sulphury 258 Sibia, Black-headed... 223 Sibia capistrata 22-') Silicbosaurus stokesi 584 layardi 105 , White-throated258 Silurus, Electric .... 641 volucella . 104 , Yellow- rum ped258 , Sly .... 641 Sciurus cestuans 102 Seed-Finch, Thick- SUurits glanis 641 billed 251 Silver-bill African °39 blcmfordi 100 Tropical 251 • Indian *^39 caniceps 101 Selenidera maculiros- Simia satyrus . . 1 . c&staneivcntris 99 tris 302 Siphonostoma typhle 645 cinereus 101 dorsal-is ... 103 Seleucides nigricans^.^b Semnopithecus entel- Siredon mexicanus ...633 Siren 635 . ephippium 100 lus 3 Siren laceTtinci 635 erythropus . 101 leucoprymnKs ... 3 Siskin ->56 q&frardi ..103 maurtts . 4 American '^56 griseopectus 99 mitratus 3 obscuTus 3 , Black-throated.. 257 Indian 256 — Jiypopyrrhus ...102 Sepedon h(emackates...Q].Q — , Yarrell's. 2;" 7 . ludovicianus 102 Seps ocellatus 587 Sitta ccesia 218 macruroides 100 macrurus ... 100 tridactylus 587 viridan us 587 europcea 21 8 Skink Aldrovandi's 586 — •-*- maximus 99 Sericulus melinus 224 — Australian 586 niqro-vittatus ...100 Serin ...258 , Cocteau's . ...585 676 INDEX. Page Skink, Cunningham's .585 , Greenish Sand ..587 , OceUated Sand..587 , Three-toed Sand587 White's . 586 Page Snake Hoary .... 604 Page Sparrow, Alario 253 , Black-breasted 253 , Chipping 264 Golden °51 TTncr rm«spr1 60^ , Hooded .. 603 Horseshoe 610 , Indian Eat 61 1 -, Indian Eiver ...606 , I/ace rtine 614 , Grey-headed ...253 Java 240 Skua, Antarctic 533 , Common . . 533 , Pileated Song... 264 Eock 254 , Pomatorhine ...533 , Eichardson's ...533 Skunk, Canadian 81 • - Chilian . 81 , Lineated 611 , Long-banded ...606 T oner Vipnrlprl f\f)^t — — Tree 253 , White- throated Song 264 , Yellow ... 253 , Long-snouted... 61 5 , Many-spotted. ..604 Merrem's 605 Sky-Lark 286 Indian .286 , Yellow-throated Eock . 254 , Thick-billed ...286 Sloth, Hoffmann's ...187 Thrpp tnprl 186 , Mocassin 607 , Neck-marked ...611 Sparrow-hawk 378 , Black-and-white379 Spatula clypeata 437 Spelerpes fuscus 633 Speotyto cunicularia 362, 363 Spermestes cucullata...2'36 frinnillnidpt ^^fi , Two-toed 186 glowworm . 586 Tree 614 , Plumbeous 616 , Pointed Tree . . .615 — , Punctured ... 602 , Spotted 588 Smelt Sand 639 Smew 442 , Eed-and-black..605 , Eeinhardt's Tree 612 Snake, JEsculapian ...609 — . All-green Tree. .612 — , American Black609 Annnlfltpfl filfi Spermophila albogu- laris 252 ccerulescens 252 euleri .. .. 252 , Ehomb-marked.602 Eing hals 619 , Antillean 612 , Eobben-Island.,604 TJnfpsrpnt 61 5 , Back-marked ...608 Band-tailedTree614 Eufous 602 • hypolcuca °53 , Saw-marked ...612 Say's 601 lincata 252 , Black-and- White Blind 596 lincola °51 — , Seven-banded ... 607 , Sharp-snouted.. 608 — .Slender Sand... 613 ^rnnntVi AH*} nigro-aurantia...252 ophthalmica 251 plumbea 252 Spermophilus citilZus..lQ5 mexicanus 105 , Black-and- Yellow 608 , Black-headed ...601 .Bordeaux 603 , Smooth-bellied..602 , Carpet 598 Chained 608 Eat 609 Spermospiza kcema- tina 244 , Spot-bellied ...611 Spotted headed 607 Clifford's 611 Sphagolobiis atratus 297 Spkeniscus demersus. . .543 humboldti 543 magellanicus ...543 Sphenodon punctatus..iflrl Sphingurus insidiosus 1 17 Cobella 605 , Square-spotted..616 , Striped 607 , Common... . 605 , Copperhead ...623 ' Coral 601 , Testaceous 611 ,Tigrine 606 , Uniform Water613 ,Vivaceous 602 Vi-nprinp fiOft Crossed 613 T)aVil's fil 1 prehensilis 116 villosus 117 — , Dark-green 610 • Deadly ...694 .Yellow 600 Snapper, Temminck's.567 Snipe, Common 530 Snow-Bunting 261 Sole, Common 641 Spilornis bacha 378 cheela 378 , Dekay's 607 , Diamond 598 ,D'Orbigny's ...608 , Fierce 606 Spilotes poecilostoma...6IQ variabilis 609 Solea vulgar is 641 Spizaetus caligatus ...377 • — — ceylonensis 377 , Fitzinger's 616 Four-lined 609 Somateria mollissima..4A\ Song-Sparrow, Pile- ated 264 — , Four-rayed . . .609 Fugitive 612 orientalis 377 , White-throated.264 Song-Thrush 209 , Garter 607 Glass 583 tyrannus 377 Spizella socialis 264 Spoonbill 409 Souslik, European ...105 , Mexican . 105 , Grass 612 , Hissing Sand . . .613 , Mongolian 105 , Eoseate 409 677 Page Spring-bok 142 Page Sterna cantiaca 538 hirundo 538 Page Surucucu 624 Spur-fowl, Ceylonese 467 , Hardwicke's . . .466 Rufous ....466 Sus andamanensis ...181 cristatus 181 macrura, 538 Sternothcerus derbi- anus 570 leuco-mystax 182 papuensis 182 Squat arola helvetica. . .525 Squirrel, Black Hill... 100 , Blanford's .. 100 , Chestnut- bellied 99 scrofa .. 180 var plici Sternothere, Black ...570 -.Blackish 569 ceps . 180 , var. sinen- sis 181 pfiinnincr 104 Derbian 570 Stickleback, Fifteen- taivanus 182 timorensis ...181 ', Eraser's 103 Grey 101 , Scaly-sided 636 , Ten-spined 636 Stilt, Black-necked... 528 Stoat, Common 77 Stone-Curlew f>'M ... vittatus 182 Swallow 226 , Grey -breasted... 99 Grizzled Hill 100 Swan, Bewick's 423 Black 424 , Hoary-headed...l01 , Hudson's-Bay...l02 , Jelerang 99 Malabar 99 Black-necked 424 Stock-Dove 44rI ralav>r!9in Taphozous nudiven- tris 98 , Muhlenburg's...563 , Oldham's 566 , Painted 562 Tapir, Baird's 130 -, Brazilian 128 Dow's 130 , Hairy 129 Mud 568 Ma la van 1 9Q T?Arl hplliorl ^A9 Tapirus americamis 128, 129 bairdi 130 — , Eeeve's 566 .Roofed 567 TJrmo-h ofi4. , Horsfield's Whistling 212 —, Missel 210 , Orange-headed Ground , ...211 doirii 130 , Salt- water 563 , Scorpion Mud..568 indicus 1 29 IXDEX. 67 Page Thrush, Red-bel- lied 210 , Red -headed Laughing 223 ,Rock 211 , Solitary 211 , Song 209 , Sorry 210 , White-bellied... 210 Thunder-fish 644 Thylacinus cynocepha- lus 196 Tiaris jacarina 249 Tiger 48 , Clouded 49 Tigrisoma brasiliense.404: leucolopkum ...405 Tinamou, Banded ...545 Chilian 547 Little 545 Obsolete 545 Rufous 546 Solitary 545 Spotted 547 Tataupa 545 Undulated 546 Variegated 546 Tinamus solitarius ...545 Tinea vulgar is 644 Tinmmculus alauda- rius 383 cenchris 384 cenchroides 384 spar verius 384 vespertinus 384 Titmouse, Azure 217 .Bearded 216 , Blue 217 , Coal 217 , Crested 217 , Great 217 , Marsh 217 , Northern Marsh 217 Toad, Channelled ...628 , Common 627 , Dusky 627 , Fire-bellied ...630 , Giant 628 -, Green 627 , Midwife 630 , Moorish 627 , Natterjack 627 Toccus erythrorhyn- chu* 299 rnelanokucus ...298 Tolypeutes conurus . . . 189 tricinctvs 189 Tomb-Bat, Naked - bellied . ....98 Page Tortoise, Algerian ...555 , Amboma Box...561 , American Box..561 , Angulated 560 , Areolated .. , Argentine . . , Black , Brazilian .. , Burmese , Dumeril's Grieved , Elephantine , European Pond , Florida 557 ..557 569 ...559 -, Geometric 561 557 .559 .556 .655 .556 ,.559 ...558 , Greek... , Grooved.... , Horsfield's. , Indian , Large Grieved.. 569 , Leopard 556 , Margined 555 , One- bearded Grieved 569 , Radiated 556 , Semiserrated ...556 .Smooth 559 — , Starred 557 Tortrix scytale 601 Totanus calidris 531 Toucan, Ariel 301 , Cuvier's 301 , Doubtful 301 , Green-billed ...302 , Red-billed 301 , Sulphur-and- white-breasted 302 , Sulphur- breasted 301 , Toco 300 Toucanet, Spotted- billed 302 Touracou, Buffon's...306 .Great-billed ...307 , Purple-crested.. 307 , Red-crested ...307 , Senegal 307 , Variegated 306 , White-crested...307 Trachinus draco 637 vipera 637 TracJiydosaurus ru- g&sus 584 Tragelaphus scriptu$.A37 sylvaticus 137 Tragopan, Black- headed 489 , Blyth's 490 Page Tragopan, Cabot's Horned 490 , Horned 489 , Temminck's ...489 Tragulus javanicus . . . 176 meminna 176 stanleyanus 176 Tree-Boa 599 , Pale-headed ...600 , Thick-necked... 600 Tree-Duck, Eyton's...427 , Fulvous 427 , Indian 426 , Larger -±'27 , Red-billed 426 , White-faced ...425 Tree-Frog, European.628 , E wing's 629 , Krefft's 629 , Leaf -green Tree629 , Orange-shanked603 f Peron's 629 , White's 629 , Yellow-footed...629 Tree-Pie, Chinese ...283 , Wandering ...283 Tree-Pipit 219 Tree-Shrew, Peguan 94 Tree-Snake, All Green 612 , Banded-tailed...6l4 , Ornamented ...614 , Pointed 615 , Reinhardt's ...612 Treron bicincta 445 calva 445 m acrorhyn cha . . . 445 phoenicoptera ...445 sphenura 445 viridis 445 Trefanorhinus nigro- lutcus 608 Tribonyx mortieri 513, 514 ventralis 513 TricJiechus rosmarus . . .91 Trichoglossus chlorole- pidotus 320 concinnus 320 cyanogrammus ..319 hcematodes 319 mifchflli 320 noiMt-koUtmduB .319 ornatus 320 Trigonocephalus (itroxti'24: lanceolatus Ii24 Tringa alpina 530 canutv.s 530 Tringoides hypoleu- cus . ,...531 680 INDEX. Page Trionyx, Chinese ...572 Egyptian 571 Page Turnix sylvatica 506 taiqoor 507 Page Ursus ma lay anus 89 , North- Ameri- can .... . 572 varia 506 ornatus 89 piscator 87 Turnstone 527 Trionyx (sgyptiacus ...571 ferox 572 Turtle, Bungoma River 572 syriacus 87 i tibetanus 88 perocellatus 572 Trochalopteron ery- throce'phalu'm " 223 ftrppn fV7Q Urubitinga, Ash- coloured 370 , Hawk's-billed...572 Binrlprl-tfnlprl S70 Tropidolepisma, Large 584 , Senegal River... 572 Turtle-Dove 452 , Kusty 370 Urubitinga anthra- cina 370 Tropidolepisma majusbS^ Tropidonotus fascia- tus 607 , Aldabran 454 , Barbary 454 Cambayan 453 meridionalis . . . 370 zonura 370 fcrox 606 Chinese 453 Vanellus cayennensis..526 vulqaris 526 .,_. Icbcris 607 - Double-ringed 45'1 natrix 605 Dwarf 454 ordinatus 607 guincunciatus....QOQ sirtalis 607 , Eastern 452 Varanus albogularis...57Q TTalf nnllarpfl 4^2 , Mauritian . 452 gouldi 579 tiqrinus 606 Spotted 152 — — qriscus 578 wttatus 606 Troupial, Black 270 , Changeable ... 270 Rich Black 269 Turtur aldabranus . . .454 — bitorquatus 454 salvator 579 vafius 579 chinensis 453 communis 452 Vespertilio natter eri .. 97 Vicuna 177 , Yellow 268 Yellow-headed 268 humilis 454 Vidua ardens 241 paradisea 241 principalis 241 Trout, Common 642 Lake 642 plcturatus 452 risorius . . . 452, 454 semitorquatus ...453 Viper Cape 619 Salmon ...642 — Carpet . 622 Trumpeter, Common.518 • Green- winged 518 Cerastes 6°° suratensis . . . 452 Common 619 — , White-backed...518 Tupaia, Tana 94 Tupaia pequana , . . 94 • vinaccus 453 Horned 621 Twite 259 Long-nosed ...620 Nose-horned ...620 River-Jack 621 Russell's . . 620 Tympanistria bicolor.A59 Typhlops nigro-albus.SQQ Tyrannus pipiTi . . . 289 tana 94 Turbot, Common 641 Turdus albiventris ...210 falklandicus 210 Tyrant, Pitangua 288 Sulphury ... 289 T^wn linprl Palm 623 . iliacus 209 Umbre Tufted 408 , Water 623 leucomelas 210 - wieTiila 211 Viper a ammodytes ...620 arietans 621 Upupa epops 299 migratorius 210 • musicus 209 . pilaris 209 Urobrachya albo- notata 242 atropos 621 berus . . . 619 axillaris 242 bocciqii . .243 cerastes 622 pwcilopterus ... 21 1 rufiventris ... 210 — — — cornuta 621 Urocissa flavirostris. . .282 mag n irostris ... 282 ocdpitalis 282 nasicornis 620 rhinoceros 621 . russelli. . . . 620 torquatus 211 tristis 210 Viscacha 118 Viverra civetta 57 Turkey, Brush 505 Uromastix hard- wickii 589 can . 494 microlepis 589 , spinipcs 589 Viverricula malaccen- sis 57 — , Ocellated 494 Turnix bengalensis ...507 lepurana 507 pugnax 507 pyrrhothorax ...507 yokesi .. ...507 Ursus americanus ... 88 arctos 86 schlegeli 58 Vole, Water Ill horribilis 88 Vultur auricular is ...388 rnlmiv. *}S8 jcmonicus..., .. 88 monackus 388 LN'DEX. 681 Page Vultur occipital is ...389 Vulture, Angolan ...390 , Bengal 389 — , Black 392 , Californian ...392 , Cinereous 388 , Condor 392 , Egyptian 390 — , European Bearded 391 , Griffon 389 — , King 393 . Kolbe's 389 , Occipital 389 — , Pileated 390 , Pondicherry ...388 , Riippell's 389 , Secretary 391 , Sociable' 388 — . Southern Bearded 391 - — , Turkey 392 Wagtail, Grey 219 , Pied 218 — , White 219 — , Yellow 219 Wallaby, Agile 204 , Bennett's 203 , Black 2i.i4 , Black-striped... 204 — , Derbian 204 , Bed-bellied ...205 , Eufous-necked..203 , Short -tailed ...205 , Thigh-striped. ..205 Wallaroo, Great 201 Wall-Lizard 582 Walrus 91 Warbler, Japanese ...215 — , Eeed 214 , Willow 214 , Wood 211 Wart-Hog, ^Elian's... 179 — . J&hiopian 179 Water-Chevrotain ...177 Waterhen, Black- tailed 513 , Martinique 440 — , Mortier's 513 Water-Ouzel 185 Water-Kail 507 Water-Snake, Uni- form 613 Water-Tiper 623 Water-Yole Ill Waxbill, Australian...234 , Cinereous 235 , Common 234 , Crimson-eared.. 235 Page Waxbill, Crimson- faced 236 , Crimson- winged 237 , Dufresne's 235 , Green 234 , Orange-cheeked235 , Red-bellied ...235 , Western Melba236 , Zebra 235 Waxwing 226 Weasel 77 Weaver-bird, Black- bellied 243 , Black-chested...243 , Blue-beaked ...244 , Chestnut- backed 246 , Crimson- crowned 243 , Grenadier 243 , Long-tailed ... 24 1 , Manyar 245 , Masked 246 , Olive 246 , Orange- shouldered 243 , Red-beaked ...244 , Red-faced 244 .Red-headed ...244 , Red-shouldered242 , Resplendent ...242 , Rufous-necked .245 , Russ's 245 , Shining 242 , White-fronted.. 244 , Yellow- shouldered 244 Weaver-fish 637 Weaver, Lesser 637 Wheatear 202 Whimbrel 532 — , Little 532 Whinchat 212 White-eye, Grey- backed 227 , Lateral 227 Whitethroat 214 , Lesser 214 Whiting 640 Whydah-bird, Para- dise 241 , Pin-tailed 241 , Red-chested ...241 , White-winged.. 242 , Yellow-backed .242 Wigeon 430 , Chiloe 437 Willow-Warbler 214 Wolf, Aard 66 Page Wolf, Antarctic 75 • , Arctic 72 , Black 68 , Common 68 , Indian 70 , Japanese 68 , Prairie 73 ,Red 75 , Tasrnanian 196 Wombat, Common ...207 , Hairy-nosed ...207 , Platyrhine 207 Wood-Brocket 1 74 Woodcock 5^9 Wood-Hawk, Beauti- ful 378 Wood-Hen, Black ...510 Wood-Lark ., 287 Woodpecker, Banded.292 Golden- winged. 292 Greater Spotted291 Green 292 Lesser Spotted .292 White-headed. .292 Wood-Swallow, White-eyebrowed ..225 Wood- Warbler 214 Wrasse, Green- streaked 640 Wryneck 293 Xanthocephalus ictero- cephalus 268 Xanthomyza phrygia.2'27 Xanthoi&mus flavus. . .268 Xenodon rhabodocepha- lus 605 Xenorhynchus austra- lis 406 sen'egalensis 406 Xenurus unidnctus ...189 j Xerus erythropus 1 U3 getulus 103 setosus 103 stangeri 104 Yak 133 Yellow Hammer 262 Zamenis atrovircns ...610 caudilineatus ...611 clifordi 611 dahli 611 hippocrepis 610 ventrimaculatus.Gll Zebra, BurchelTs 131 , Common 131 Zebu 132 Zenaida amabilis 455 auricula to. 456 682 INDEX. Page Zenaida leucoptera ...456 maculata 456 martinicana ...455 Zenaidura carolinen- sis... ....449 Zoarces mmparus 638 Zonotrichia altncollis .264 leucophrys 264 pileata 264 Zonure, Derbian 583 Page Zonurus cardylus 583 derbianus 583 Zorilla, Cape 78 Zosterops dorsalis ±27 lateralis 227 THE END. Printed by TAYLOR and FKANCIS, Eod Lion Court, Fleet tSireet. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS RENEWALS AND RECHARGES MAY BE MADE 4 DAYS PRIOR TO DUE DA1NE LOAN PERIODS ARE 1-MONTH, 3-MONTHS. AND 5 YEA1 RENEWALS: CALL <4l£>; 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MHUW f 1 0AM ;• « , i_i »LlL>Artr» TFR IS 991 1 UNIV. OF CALII ., BEfflt. INTERUBRAfl LOAM QFP 1 7 1 33L O \. ' *- UWIV OF CAU^ B£ML uw»»'s.1yr vwfcM * UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 325449 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY