4 as ~ ‘ QUADRUPEDS OF NORTH AMERICA. Spectmes ration. AUDUBON. From the Portr by Henry Inman. Now in the possession of the family. YVIVIPAROUS QUADRUPEDS NORTH AMERICA. BY JOHN JAMES AUDUBON, F.R.S., &c, &c. AND THE REV. JOHN BACHMAN, D.D., &c., &c. NEW-YORK: ~PUBLISHED BY J. J. AUDUBON. M DCCC XLVI. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by > Jt AUDUBON, ~ In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New-York. H. LUDWIG, PRINTER, 70 & 72 VESEY-ST., N. Y. INTRODUCTION. In presenting the following pages to the public, the authors desire to say a few words explanatory of the subject on which they have written. The difficulties they have attempted to surmount, and the labour attending their investigations, have far exceeded their first anticipations. Many of the “Quadrupeds of North America” were long since described by European authors, from stuffed specimens ; and in every department of Natural History additions to the knowledge of the old writers have been making for years past; researches and investigations having been undertaken by scientific observers in all parts of the world, and many specimens accumulated in the Museums of Europe. Com- paratively little, however, has of late been accomplished toward the proper elucidation of the animals which inhabit the fields, forests, fertile prairies, and mountainous regions of our widely-extended and diversified country. The works of Haran and of Gopman were confined to the limited number of species known in their day. The valuable “Fauna Boreali Americana” of RicHARDSoN was principally devoted to the description of species which exist in the British Provinces, north of the United States; and the more recent work of Dr. Dexay professes to describe only the Quadrupeds of the State of New York, although giving a vi. INTRODUCTION. catalogue of those noticed by authors as existing in other portions of North,America. Several American and European Zoologists have, however, at different times, given the results of their investigations in various scientific journals, thus making it important for us to examine numberless papers, published in different cities of Europe and America. We have, in all cases, sought to discover and give due credit to every one who has in this manner made known a new species; but as possibly some author may have published discoveries in a journal we have not seen, we must at once announce our conviction, that the task of procuring and reading all the zoological papers scattered through the pages of hundreds of periodicals, in many different languages, is beyond our power, and that no one can reasonably complain when we take the liberty of pronouncing for ourselves on new or doubtful species without hesitation from the sources of knowledge to which we have access, and from our own judgment. From the observations we have already ibe we are_ in- duced to believe that a considerable number of species are yet . undescribed while others, now imperfectly known, require a closer investigation and a more scientific arrangement, and it will be a part of our task to give an account of the former and define the position of the latter. The geographical range which we have selected for .our in- vestigations is very extensive, comprising the British and Russian possessions to the north, the whole of the United. States and their territories, California, and that part of Mexico’ north of the tropic of Cancer, we having arrived at the con- clusion that in undertaking the natural history of a country, our ~ INTRODUCTION. vi researches should not be confined by the artificial boundaries of States—which may be frequently changed—but by those divisions the limits of which are fixed by nature, and where new forms mark the effects of a low latitude and warm climate. In this way America is divided into three parts: —North America, which includes all that country lying north of the tropics; Central or Tropical America, the countries within the tropics; and South America, all that country south of the tropic of Capricorn. Within the tropical region peculiar forms are presented in every department of nature,—we need only instance the Monkey tribe among the animals, the Parrots among the birds, and the Palms among the plants. A considerable portion of the country to which our attention has been directed, is at the present period an uncultivated and almost unexplored wild, roamed over by ferocious beasts and warlike tribes of Indians. The objects of our search, Quadrupeds, are far less numer- ous than birds at all times, and are, moreover, generally ‘nocturnal in their habits, and consequently obtained with far greater difficulty than the latter. Although the Genera may be easily ascertained, by the forms and dental arrangements peculiar to each, many species so nearly approach each other in size, while they are so variable in colour, that it is exceedingly difficult to separate them, especially closely allied squirrels, hares, mice, shrews, &c., with positive certainty. We are, therefore, far from supposing that our work will be free from errors, or that we shall be able to figure and. describe every species that may exist within our range; al- Vill. INTRODUCTION. though we have spared neither time, labour, nor expense, in collecting materials for this undertaking. We have had our labours lightened, however; by many ex- cellent friends and gentlemen in different portions of the country, who have, at great trouble to themselves, procured and sent us various animals—forwarded to us notes upon the habits of different species, procured works on the subject otherwise beyond our reach, and in many ways excited our warmest feelings of gratitude. Mr. J. K. Townsenp, of Phila- delphia, allowed us to use the rare and valuable collection of Quadrupeds which he obtained during his laborious re- searches on the western prairies, the Rocky Mountains, and in Oregon, and furnished us with his notes on their habits and geographical distribution. Spencer F. Barrp, Esq., of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, aided us by carefully searching various libraries for notes and information in regard to species published in different journals, and also by obtaining animals from the wilder portions of his State, &c.; Dr. Barrirr, of Abbeville, S. C., prepared and mounted specimens of Lepus aquaticus, and several other species; Dr. Tuomas M. Brewer, of Boston, favoured us with specimens of a new species of shrew-mole (Scalops Breweri), and sundry arvicole; Epmunp Rurrin, Esq., of Virginia, sent us several specimens of the rodentia inhabiting that state, and obliged us by communi- cating much information in regard to their geographical range; the late Dr. Jonn Wrienr, of Troy, N. Y., furnished us valuable notes on the various species of quadrupeds found in the northern part of the State of New York, and several specimens; Dr. Wurpeman, of Charleston, supplied us with several specimens of various species of bat from Cuba, thereby INTRODUCTION. 1X. enabling us to compare them with genera and species existing im America. To Professor Lewis R. Grepes, of the College of Charleston, we express our thanks, for several specimens of rare quadrupeds, and for his kindness in imparting to us much information and scientific knowledge. Among others to whose zeal and friendship’we are most indebted, we are proud to name: Dr. Geo. C. SaHarruck and Dr. Gro. Parkman, of Boston; J. Prescorr Hart, Esq., James G. Kine, Esq., Major Joun Leconre, Mr. J. G. Bexz, and our old friend Issacuar Cozzrens, of New York ; Hon. Dante. . Wansworts, of Hartford ; W. O. Ayres, Esq., of Sag Har- bour, Long Island; Epwarp Harris, Esq., of Moorestown, New Jersey; Dr. Samuet Grorce Morton and Samvet Bispyam, Esq., of Philadelphia; Wm. Case, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio ; Oepen Hammonn, Esq., of South Carolina; GripEon B. Smirn, Esq., M.D., of Baltimore ; Messrs. P. Cuourerav, Jr. & Co., St. Louis; Sir Grorce Simpson, of the Hudson’s Bay Fur Company; Joun Martyn, Jr., Quebec; Mr. Fo- THERGILL, Of Canada, &c., &c., &c. In the course of this work we shall not indulge ourselves in the formation of new genera farther than we may find it necessary, and we think the genera at present established will include nearly all our species: we shall change no names of species already given, except in cases where their being re- tained would lead to error. We will endeavour to avoid a mischievous habit, into which many naturalists have fallen; who, by the formation of new genera, considered themselves entitled to add their own after the specific name, thus taking credit for discoveries to which they were not entitled; on the contrary, as it appears ne- B X. INTRODUCTION. cessary to give some check to this spirit of imnovation, we have resolved to attach to each animal the name of the jist describer, although it may have been arranged by subsequent authors under other genera. Conceiving that no author has a right to give a name to species which he has neither seen nor described, we have. de- termined to reject the names proposed by close naturalists who have ventured to name species noticed but not scientifi- cally described by travellers. Hence we do not consider our- selves bound to adopt the names given by Rarinesque, Har- LAN, and others, to the animals noticed by Lewis & Cxiarke, who neither imposed on them scientific names nor procured specimens. We shall in this respect follow the example of Dr. RicHarpson, and in illustration of our views, refer our readers to his Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 211. Lewis & Crarke (vol. iii, p. 39) described an animal which they called Sewellel. No specimens were preserved, and no scientific name was given by them. From the printed ac- count, RaFinEsquE bestowed on it the name of Anisonyx ? Rufa, which was adopted by Desmarest ; and Haran, with- out any additional information, called it Arctomys Rufa. Many years afterwards RicHarpson obtained a specimen, gave the first scientific description, and named it Aplodontia Leporina, very properly rejecting the names of those who had no right to bestow them. In pursuing our researches we are often compelled to differ from the views of previous writers. In correcting what we conceive to be errors, we will endeavour to be swayed simply by a love of truth, treating all with respect, and adopting such language as can be offensive to none, INTRODUCTION. Xk For the sake of convenience and uniformity we have written in the plural number, although the facts stated, and the infor- mation collected, were obtained at different times by the authors in their individual capacities. Without entering into details of the labours of each in this undertaking, it will be sufficient to add that the history of the habits of our quadrupeds was obtained by both authors, either from personal observation or through the kindness of friends of science, on whose statements full reliance could be placed. For the designation of species, and the letter-press of the present volume, the junior author is principally responsible. In our Illustrations we have endeayoured (we hope not without success,) to place before our patrons a series of plates, which are not only scientifically correct, but interesting to all, from the varied occupations, expressions, and attitudes, we l.ave given to the different species, together with the appropriate accessories, such as trees, plants, landscapes, Xc., with which the figures of the animals are relieved; and we have sought to describe those represented in_thefirst—fifty- -plates, so as not only to clear away the obscurity which had gathered over some species, but to make our readers ac- quainted with their habits, geographical distribution, and all that we could ascertain of interest about them and the mode of hunting or destroying such as are pursued either to gratify the appetite, to furnish a rich fur or skin, or in order to get rid of dangerous or annoying neighbours. T!> #eentieth number of the [llustrations of the Quadrupeds ‘of North America is -ow nearly ready for our subscribers, 1 and we hope to conclude this portion of the .. 2& without XU. INTRODUCTION. « much irregularity or delay in the appearance of the remaining plates. Our sincere thanks are respectfully offered to our patrons for their liberal and generous encouragement of this under- taking, and we beg to assure them we shall ever entertain a lively sense of the interest they have taken in the work, and the substantial support vouchsafed us. A list of sub- seribers will be found appended to this volume, and _far- ther subscriptions will be acknowledged in our next. Some of the drawings have been executed by J. W. Av- DUBON, under our direction, and he is now engaged in Europe in making figures of those arctic animals, of which accessible specimens exist only in the museums of that quar- ter of the globe. Many of the backgrounds were painted by V. G. Aupusgon. Of the manner in which the various artists engaged upon the illustrations, under the direction of Mr. J. T. Bowen, have done their part, our subscribers are able to judge for them- selves: we feel desirous, however, to say, that to our mind the work has been executed in a beautiful style; and we wish publicly to express our thanks to Mr. Bowen, to Mr- Truwsy, Mr. Hrrceucocx, and the other artists who transferred the original drawings to the stone, and to Mr. Bissaven, whose impressions from their plates merit our praise. To all the other artists employed by us we also owe our acknowledg- ments for their valuable assistance. Of the style in which the letter-press is printed, we need only say, it was done at the establishment of Mr. Henry Lepwie of this city, and that it has given us satisfaction. ~_ New-Yorr, November, 1846. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Lynx Rufus, . Arctomys Monax, Lepus Townsendii, . Neotoma Floridana, Sciurus Richardsonii, . Vulpes Fulvus (var. piesa Sciurus Carolinensis, Tamias Lysteri, . Spermophilus Parryi, Scalops Aquaticus, . Lepus Americanus, Fiber Zibethicus, Sciurus Hudsonius, Pteromys Oregonensis, Lynx Canadensis, Sciurus Cinereus, Lepus Palustris, Sciurus Mollipilosus, Tamias Townsendii, Vulpes Virginianus, Lepus Sylvaticus, . Mus Rattus, . - Tamias Quadrivittatus, Sciurus Lanuginosus, . Gulo Luseus, Sciurus Lanigerus, . Pteromys Volucella, Neotoma Drummondii, . Sigmodon Hispidum, Common American Wild Cat.—Bay Lyne, Wood-Chuck. — Maryland Marmot. — Ground Hog, : c Townsend's Rocky Mountain Hes , Florida Rat, . Richardson’s Columbian Squirrel, American Cross Fox, Carolina Gray Squirrel, Snes Chipping Squirrel—Hackee, &c., - Parry's Marmot Squirrel.—Parry’s Sper mophile, P Common American Shrew- Mole, A Northern Hare, F Musk-Rat.—Musquashy . : Hudson’s Bay Squirrel.— Chickaree. ia 7 Squirrel, Oregon Flying Siaeral: Canada Lynx, . Cat Squirrel, Marsh-Hare, . Soft-haired Squirrel, : Townsend’s Ground Squirrel, . Gray Fox, . Gray Rabbit, - Black Rat, . , Four-striped Ground Squirrel, Downy Squirrel, . Wolverene, or Glutton, . Woolly Squirrel, . 2 Common Flying Squirrel . Rocky Mountain Neotoma, . Cotton Rat, Page 9 “= 16 25 32 41 45 55 65 bh bo by to bp ae oD XIV. Dycotyles Torquatus, . Lepus Glacialis, . Putorius Vison, . Sciurus Niger, Sciurus Migratorius, Hystrix Dorsata, Lepus Aquaticus, Sciurus Ferruginiventris, . Spermophilus Tridecemlineatus, . Mus Leucopus, . Mustela Canadensis, Mephitis Chinga, Sciurus Leporinus, . Pseudostoma Bursarius, Arvicola Pennsylyanica, Castor Fiber (var. Americanus), Meles Labradoria, Sciurus Douglassii, . Spermophilns Douglassii, . Spermophilus Richardsonii, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Collared Peccary, Polar Hare, Mink, Black Squirrel, Ses igri: ae Migratory Gray Squirrel.—Northern Gray Squirrel, . Canada Porcupine, . Swamp-Hare, Red-bellied Squirrel, Leopard Spermophile c American White-footed Mouse, . Pennant’s Marten, or Fisher, . Common American Skunk, Hare-Squirrel, 2 Canada Pouched Rat, . Wilson’s Meadow Mouse, . American Beaver, American Badger, . Douglass’ Squirrel, . Douglass’ Spermophile, Richardson’s Spermophile, Page 233 242 250 261 265 277 287 292 294 300 307 317 329 332 341 347 360 370 373 377 TABLE OF GENERA DESCRIBED IN THIS VOLUME. Genus Lynx, . : : : é : : . 2 - - é 1 «© Arctomys, < : : : : : : : : . S Sal ‘S Tuepus,. - A ‘i 2 : sy ; : é PLE « — Neotoma, é A B 5 : 3 : 5 : 5 Sen tea! « Sciurus,. A < ‘ 0 di A é 4 2 5 = Bish «< ~Vulpes, . , ; 5 3 é " : A 5 ‘ . 44 Tamias, - i i : 5 , : 2 ! F 2 = 64 «© Spermophilus, . . 3 : B ; F 3 F é eas «© Scalops, . : : é : - : . : - : 5) tell ee Hiperen. 2 " ? > 2 E 2 5 : 2 LO «© Pteromys, . ‘ c : : : : : : : . 132 <>) Mus; . ; ; : b : : : ; : j - 189 > A = a 's é ¥ “ « ~ F ' 1 i f Ar . e t 4 ’ . ¢ rs . : “ > + ¢ . > as fhe uae ret ge oe 4 Hs «li%i 4 f f . * eit 4s > . « ‘ va « . =< is 4 * ‘ : «age 8 i , iat Re ae ot aaah’ 5 oe = : F = as ae : = | wa oe opty Toe ft) ‘ i, ; r , i! ani: aif: ne a At. a Bia a epics id wee | rea eh ‘ at q “eT puta bre oy ead - aap fe mites 2 abi ab till baa et 4 lias van aki oar “a ey ales wid ihe i fedlipesigoine wep Ry hi pres ah > i ‘ = é 7 QUADRUPEDS OF NORTH AMERICA. GENUS LYNX. DENTAL FORMULA. Incisive ai Canine i Cheek-Teeth _ = UEL The teeth in animals of this genus, with the exception of there being one less on each side, in the upper jaw; do not differ from the dental ar- rangement of the genus Ferris. The canine are very strong, there are but three molars on each side, above: The small false-molar, next to the canine, which exists in the larger species of long-tailed cats, such as the lion, tiger, panther, cougar, &c., as well as in the domestic or common cat, is wanting in the lynxes. There is one false-molar, or coni- cal tooth on each side—one carnivorous, with three lobes and a tubercle or blunted heel, on the inner. The third cheek-tooth is rather small, and is placed transversely. In the lower jaw there are on each side, two false, compressed, simple molars, and one canine, which is bicusped. The head is short, round, and arched; jaws short; tongue aculeated ; ears short, erect, more or less tufted. Fore-feet with five toes, hind-feet with only four; nails retractile. Tail shorter than the head, although nearly as long, in a few instances. The species heretofore classed in the genus Fr.is have been so multi- plied by the discoveries of late years in various parts of the world, that they have for some time demanded a careful examination, and the sepa- ration of such as present characters essentially different from the types of that genus, into other genera. Some of the distinctive marks by which the genus Lyyx is separated By 2 2 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. from the old genus Fetis, are the tufted ears and shorter bodies and tails of the Lynxes, as well as the slight difference above mentioned in the dental arrangement of the two genera. Inanote inthe American Monthly Maga- zine, vol. i., p.437, Rarmesaun, in afew lines, proposed the genus Lynx, but gave no detailed characters, although he states that he had increased the species of this genus from four to fifteen! in which supposition, alas, he was sadly mistaken. Dr. Dexay, in the “ Natural History of New-York,” a work published “By Authority” of the State, has adopted the genus Lynceus, as established by Gray. We have not seen the work in which Mr. Gray proposed this generic name, and are consequently unable to ascertain on what characters it was founded, and we prefer the more classical name of Lynx. The name Lynx was formerly applied to one of the species of this genus. It is de- rived from the Greek word avy (lugax,) a Lynx. Hight species of Lynx have been described; one being found in Africa, two in Persia, one in Arabia, two in Europe, and two in North America. LYNX RUFUS.—Gutpensraep. Common Amertcan Witp Cat.—Bay Lynx. PLATE I.—Mate. ie Natural Size. L. Cauda capite paullo breviore, ad extremum supra nigra, apice sub- albida ; auribus pagina posteriore maculo sub albido nigro marginato dis- tinctis ; hyeme et auctumno rufo-fuscus; vere et estate cinereo-fuscus. CHARACTERS. Tail nearly as long as the head, extremity on the upper surface black, tipped with more or less white ; a whitish spot on the hinder part of the ear bordered with black; general colour reddish-brown in autumn and winter, ashy-brown in spring and summer ; soles naked. SYNONYMES. Bay Lynx, Pennant, Hist. Quadr., No. 171. Arctic Zool., vol-i., p- 51. Feuis Rura, Guld. in Noy. Comm. Petross. xx., p. 499. Feuis Rura, Temm., Monog., &c., vol. i., page 141. Lynx Fascratus, Rafin. in Amer. Month. Mag., 1817, p. 46. Lynx Montanvs, Idem, Ibid. pp- 46, 2. COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. ss Lynx Froripanus, Idem, Ibid. pp. 4, 64. Lynx Aureus, Idem, Ibid. p. 46, 6. Feuis Caroxinensis, Desm., Mamm., p. 231. Feuis Rura, Godm., Amer. Nat. Hist., vol. iii., p. 239; Fig. in vol. I. DESCRIPTION. In size and form, this species bears some resemblance to small speci- mens of the female Canada Lynx, (Lynx Canadensis,) the larger feet and more tufted ears of the latter, however, as well as its grayer eolour, will enable even an unpractised observer at a glance to distinguish the differ- ence between the two species. Head of moderate size, rounded; body rather slender ; legs long ; soles of feet naked; hind-feet webbed to within five-eighths of an inch of the claws; ears large, nearly triangular, erect, tipped with coarse hairs half an inch long, which drop out in summer ; the inner surface thinly sprinkled with loose hairs, outer, thickly covered with short fur. A ruff of elongated hairs surrounding the throat, more prominent in the male than female; tail, short, slender, and slightly turned upwards. mamme eight; four pectoral and four abdominal. COLOUR. The hind-head and back, yellowish-brown, with a dorsal line more or less distinct, of dark-brown, running from the shoulder to near the inser- tion of the tail. A few irregular longitudinal stripes on the back, of the same colour. The sides spotted with dark-brown, these spots being more distinct and in closer approximation in some specimens than in others. Forehead obscurely striped with dark-brown. Over and beneath the eyes, yellowish-white ; whiskers nearly all white. Ears, outer surface, a triangular spot of dull white, dilated towards the outer margin, bordered with brownish-black; inner surface yellowish-white. Under surface of body yellowish-white, spotted with black ; tail, above, barred with rufous and black, towards the extremity a broad band of black, tipped at the point, and particularly in the centre with white ; under surface of tail, light-gray, interspersed with small and irregular patches of black hairs. Fore-feet, on the upper surface, broadly, and towards the toes minutely, spotted with black on a light yellowish-brown ground; imner surface dull white, with two broad and several narrow bars of black; paws beneath, and hair between the soles, dark-brown. Hind-legs barred and spotted similarly to the fore-legs. Chin and throat dull white, with two black lines, commencing at a point on a line with the articulation of the lower jaw, where they form an acute angle, and thence diverge to the 4 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. sides of the neck, and unite with the ruff, which is black, mixed with yel- lowish-brown and gray hairs. The female is considerably smaller than the male, her body more slen- der, and her movements have a stronger resemblance, in their lightness and agility, to those of the common house-cat; the markings appear more distinct, and the rounded black spots on the back and sides, smaller and more numerous. There is in this species a considerable diversity in colour, as well as in size. In spring and early summer, before it has shed its winter coat, it is uniformly more rufous, and the black markings are less distinct, than after shedding its hair, and before the new hair is elon- gated in autumn to form the winter coat. Our specimens obtained in summer and autumn, are of a light gray colour, with scarcely any mixture of rufous, and all the black markings are brighter and far more distinct than they are in those killed in the win- ter or spring months. : There are, however, at all seasons of the year, even in the same neigh- bourhood, strongly-marked varieties, and it is difficult to find two indivi- duals precisely alike. Some specimens are broadly marked with fulvous under the throat, whilst in others the throat as well as the chin are gray. In some the stripes on the back and spots along the sides are very distinctly seen, whilst in others they are scarcely visible, and the animal is grayish-brown above, with a dark dorsal stripe. A specimen from the mountains of Pennsylvania presents this appearance strikingly, and is withal nearly destitute of the triangular marking under the throat, so that we hesitated for some time in referring it to this species. A specimen from Louisiana is of the same uniform colour above, but with more distinct linear mark- ings on the face, and with coarse hair, not more than half the length of that of individuals from the Northern States. We obtained a specimen in Carolina, which in nearly every particular answers to the description of Felis Carolinensis of Drsmarest. If the various supposed new species of Wild Cat, described by Rarinesauz, Haruan, Desmarest, &c., are entitled to a place in our Fauna, on account of some peculiarity of colour, we have it in our power from specimens before us, to increase the number to a considerable extent ; but in doing so we think we should only swell the list of synonymes, and add to the confusion which already prevails in re- gard to some of the species belonging to this genus. DIMENSIONS. Adult Male.—[Fine Specimen.] From point of nose to root of tail - : = 30 inches. Tail (vertebre) - : - - - - 5 do. COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. o Tail, to end of hair - - - - - “ 53 do. From nose to end of skull - - - - - 41 do. From nose, following the curvature of the head - 6 do. Tufts on the ears - - - - - = 1 do. Breadth of ear - - - - - - - 12 do. Anterior length of ear - - - = = 13 do. Length of neck - - - - - - 4 do. We ght 17Ib. HABITS. The general appearance of this species conveys the idea of a degree of ferocity, which cannot with propriety be considered as belonging to its character, although it will, when at bay, show its sharp teeth, and with outstretched claws and infuriated despair, repel the attacks of either man or dog, sputtering the while, and rolling its eyes like the common cat. It is, however, generally cowardly when attacked, and always flies from its pursuers, if it can, and although some anecdotes have been re- lated to us of the strength, daring, and fierceness of this animal; such as its having been known to kill at different times a sheep, a full-grown doe, attack a child in the woods, &c.; yet in all the instances that have come under our own notice, we have found it very timid, and always rather inclined to beat a retreat, than to make an attack on any animal larger than a hare or a young pig. In the American Turf register, there is an interesting extract of a letter from Dr. Cotmmay, U. 8. A., written at Fort Armstrong, Prairie du Chien, giving an account of a contest between an eagle and a Wild Cat. After a fierce struggle, in which the eagle was so badly wounded as to be unable to fly, the Cat, scratched and pierced in many places, and having had one eye entirely “gouged out” in the com- bat, was found lying dead. In hunting at night for racoons and opossums, in which sport the negroes on the plantations of Carolina take great delight, a Cat is occasionally “treed” by the dogs; and the negroes, who seldom earry a gun, climb up the tree and shake him off as they would do a racoon, and although he fights desperately, he is generally killed by the dogs. During a botanical excursion through the swamps of the Edisto river, our attention was at- tracted by the barking of a small terrier at the foot of a sapling, (young tree.) On looking up, we observed a Wild Cat, about twenty feet from the ground, of at least three times the size of the dog, which he did not appear to be much afraid of. He seemed to have a greater dread of man, however, than of this diminutive specimen of the canine race, and leaped from the tree as we drew near. 6 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. The Wild Cat pursues his prey with both activity and cunning, sometimes bounding suddenly upon the object of his rapacity, sometimes with stealthy pace, approaching it inthe darkness of night, seizing it with hisstrong retrac- tile claws and sharp teeth, and bearing it off to his retreat in the forest. The individual from which our figure was drawn had been caught in a steel-trap, and was brought to us alive. We kept it for several weeks; it was a fine male, although not the largest we have seen. Like most of the predacious animals, it grew fat in confinement, being regularly fed on the refuse. parts of chickens and raw meat, as well as on the common brown rat. The Bay Lynx, (as this animal is sometimes called.) is fond of swampy, retired situations, as well as the wooded sides of hills, and is still seen oc- casionally in that portion of the Alleghany mountains, which traverses the States of Pennsylvania and New York. It is abundant in the Cane- brakes, (patches or thickets of the Miegia Macrosperma, of Micuavx, which often extend for miles,and are almost impassable.) bordering the lakes, rivers, and lagoons of Carolina, Louisiana, and other Southern and South Western States. This species also inhabits the mountains and the undu- lating or rolling country of the Southern States, and frequents the thickets that generally spring up on deserted cotton plantations, some of which are two or three miles long, and perhaps a mile wide, and afford, from the quantity of briars, shrubs, and young trees of various kinds which have overgrown them, excellent cover for many quadrupeds and birds. In these bramble-covered old fields, the “ Cats” feed chiefly on the rabbits and rats that make their homes in their almost impenetrable and tangled recesses; and seldom does the cautious Wild Cat voluntarily leave so comfortable and secure a lurking place, except in the breeding season, or to follow in very sultry weather, the dry beds of streams or brooks, to pick up the cat- fish, &c., or cray-fish and frogs that remain in the deep holes of the ereeks, during the drought of summer. The Wild Cat not only makes great havoc among the chickens, turkeys, and ducks of the planter, but destroys many of the smaller quadrupeds, as well as partridges, and such other birds as he can surprise roosting on the ground. The hunters often run down the Wild Cat with packs of fox-hounds. When hard pressed by fast dogs, and in an open country, he ascends a tree with the agility of a squirrel, but the baying of the dogs calling his pursuers to the spot, the unerring rifle brings him to the ground, when, if not mortally wounded, he fights fiercely with the pack until killed. He will, however, when pursued by hunters with hounds, frequently elude both dogs and huntsmen, by an exercise of in- stinct, so closely bordering on reason, that we are bewildered in the at- COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. y tempt to separate it from the latter. No sooner does he become aware that the enemy is on his track, than, instead of taking a straight course for the deepest forest, he speeds to one of the largest old-fields overgrown with briary thickets, in the neighbourhood; and having reached this tangled maze, he runs in a variety of circles, crossing and re-crossing his path many times, and when he thinks the scent has been diffused suffici- ently in different directions by this manwuvre, to puzzle both men and dogs, he creeps slyly forth, and makes for the woods, or for some well known swamp, and if he should be lucky enough to find a half-dried-up pond, or a part of the swamp, on which the clayey bottom is moist and sticky, he seems to know that the adhesive soil, covering his feet and legs, so far destroys the scent, that although the hounds may be in full ery on reaching such a place, and while crossing it, they will lose the track on the opposite side, and perhaps not regain it without some dif_i- eulty and delay. At other times the “ Cat,’ when chased by the dogs, gains some tract of “ burnt wood,” common especially in the pine lands of Carolina, where fallen and upright trees are alike blackened and scorched, by the fire that has run among them burning before it every blade of grass, every leaf and shrub, and destroying many of the largest trees in its furious course ; and here, the charcoal and ashes on the ground, after he has traversed the burnt district a short distance, and made a few leaps along the trunk of a fallen tree, that has been charred in the conflagration, will generally put any hounds at fault. Should no such chance of safety be within his reach, he does not despair, but exerting his powers of flight to the utmost, increases his distance from the pursuing pack, and follow- ing as intricate and devious a path as possible, after many a weary mile has been run over, he reaches a long-fallen trunk of a tree, on which he may perchance at some previous time have baffled the hunters as he is now about to do. He leaps on to it, and hastily running to the farther end, doubles and returns to the point from which he gained the tree, and after running backward and forward repeatedly on the fallen trunk, he makes a sudden and vigorous spring, leaping as high up into a tree some feet distant, as he can; he then climbs to its highest forks, (branches,) and closely squatted, watches the movements of his pursuers. The dogs are soon at fault, for he has already led them through many a crooked path; the hunters are dispirited and weary, and perhaps the density of the woods, or the approach of night favours him. The hunts- men call off their dogs from the fruitless search, and give up the chase ; and shortly afterwards the escaped marauder, descends leisurely to the earth, and wanders off in search of food, and to begin a new series of ad- ventures, 8 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. In some parts of Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana, the Wild Cat has at times become so great a nuisance as to have aroused the spirit of vengeance in the hearts of the planters, who are constant suf ferers from his depredations. They have learned by experience, that one Cat will do as much mischief among the pigs and poultry as a dozen gray foxes. They are now determined to allow their hounds, which they had hitherto kept solely for the favourite amusement of deer hunt- ing, and which had always been whipped-in, from the trail of the Wild- Cat, to pursue him, through thicket, briar patch, marsh, and morass, until he is caught or killed. Arrangements for the Cat-hunt are made over night. Two or three neighbours form the party, each one bringing with him all the hounds he can muster. We have seen thirty of the latter brought together on such occasions, some of which were not inferior to the best we have examined in England, indeed, great numbers of the finest fox-hounds are annual- ly imported into Carolina. At the earliest dawn, the party is summoned to the spot previously fixed on as the place of meeting. A horn is sounded, not low and with a single blast, as is usual in hunting the deer, lest the timid animal should be startled from its bed among the broom-grass (Andropagon. dissitiflorus) and bound away out of the drive, beyond the reach of the hunter's double-barrel loaded with buckshot; but with a loud, long, and oft-re- peated blast, wakening the echoes that rise from the rice-fields and marshes, and are reverberated from shore to shore of the winding sluggish river, until lost among the fogs and shadows of the distant forest. An answering horn is heard half a mile off, and anon comes another response from a different quarter. The party is soon collected, they are mounted, not on the fleetest and best-blooded horses, but on the most sure-footed, (sometimes called “Old field Tackies,”) which know how to avoid the stump-holes on the burnt grounds of the pine lands, which stand the fire of the gun, and which can not only go with tolerable speed, but are, to use a common expression, “tough as a pine knot.” The hunters greet each other in the open-hearted manner char- acteristic of the Southern planter. Hach pack of dogs is under the guidance of a coloured driver, whose business it is to control the hounds and encourage and aid them in the hunt. The drivers ride in most cases the fleetest horses on the ground, in order to be able, whilst on a deer hunt to stop the dogs. These men, who are so important to the success of the chase, are possessed of a good deal of intelligence and shrewd- hess, are usually much petted, and regarding themselves as belonging to COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. 9 the aristocracy of the plantation, are apt to look down upon their fellow- servants as inferiors, and consider themselves privileged even to crack a joke with their masters. The drivers are ordered to stop the dogs if a deer should te started, a circumstance which often occurs, and which has saved the life of many a Cat, whose fate five minutes before this un- lucky occurrence was believed to be sealed. Orders are given to destroy the Cat fairly, by running him down with the hounds, or if this cannot be done, then by shooting him if he ascends a tree or approaches within gun shot of the stand which the hunter has selected as the most likely place for him to pass near. The day is most auspicious—there is not a breath of wind to rustle the falling leaves, nor a cloud to throw its shado «s over the wide joyous landscape. The dew-drops are sparkling on the few remaining leaves of the persimmon tree, and the asters and dog-fennel hang drooping beneath their load of moisture. The dogs are gamboling in circles around, and ever and anon, in spite of all re- straint, the joyous note breaks forth—the whole pack is impatient for the chase, and the young dogs are almost frantic with excitement. But we have not time for a farther description of the seene—whilst we are musing and gazing, the word is given, “Go!” and off start the hounds, each pack following its own driver to different parts of the old fields, or along the borders of the swamps and marshes. Much time, labour and patience are usually required, before the “ Cat ” can be found by the dogs: sometimes there is a sudden burst from one or the other of the packs, awakening expectation in the minds of the huntsmen, but the driver is not to be so easily deceived, as he has some dogs that never open at a rabbit, and the snap of the whip soon silences the riotous young babblers. Again there is a wild burst and an exulting shout, giving assurance that better game than a rabbit is on foot; and now is heard a distant shot, succeeded in a second of time by another, and for an instant all is still: the echoes come roaring up through the woods, and as they gradually subside, the crack of the whip is again heard stopping the dogs. The story is soom told; a deer had been started—the shot was too small—or the distance too great, or any other excuses, (which are always at hand among hunters of fertile imagination,) are made by the unsuccessful sportsman who fired, and the dogs are carried back to the “trail” of the Cat, that has been growing fresher and fresher for the last half hour. At length, “ Trimbush,” (and a good dog is he,) that has been working on the cold trail for some time, begins to give tongue, in a way that brings the other dogs to his aid. The drivers now advance to each other, encouraging their dogs; the trail becomes a drag; onward it goes through a broad marsh at the head of a rice-field. “He will soon be 3 10 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. started now!” “He is up!” What a burst! you might have heard it two miles off—it comes in mingled sounds, roaring like thunder, from the muddy marsh and from the deep swamp. The barred owl, frightened from the monotony of his quiet life among the cypress trees, commences hooting in mockery as it were, of the wide-mouthed hounds. Here they come, sweeping through the resounding swamp like an equinoctial storm—the crackling of a reed, the shaking of a bush, a glimpse of some object that glided past like a shadow, is succeeded by the whole pack, rattling away among the vines and fallen timbers, and leaving a trail in the mud as if a pack of wolves in pursuit of a deer had hurried by. The Cat has gone past. It is now evident that he will not climb atree. It is almost invariably the case that where he can retreat to low swampy situations, or briar patches, he will not take a tree, but seeks to weary the dogs by making short windings among the almost impassable briar patches. He has now been twisting and turning half a dozen times in a thicket covering only three or four acres—let us go in and take our-stand on the very trail where he last passed, and shoot him if we can. A shot is heard on the opposite edge of the thicket, and again all is still; but once more the pack is in full ery. Here he comes, almost brushing our legs as he dashes by and disappears in the bushes, before we can get sight of him and pull trigger. But we see that the dogs are every moment pressing him closer, that the ma- rauder is showing evidences of fatigue and is nearly “done up.” He be- gins to make narrower circles, there are restless flashes in his eye, his back is now curved upwards, his hair is bristled nervously forward, his tongue hangs out—we raise our gun as he is approaching, and scarcely ten yards off—a loud report—the smoke has hardly blown aside, ere we see him lifeless, almost at our very feet—had we waited three minutes longer, the hounds would have saved us the powder and shot ! One fine morning in autumn, when we had crossed the Ohio river at Henderson, in Kentucky, with the view of shooting some wild turkeys, geese, and perhaps a deer, we chanced to seat ourselves about fifty yards from a prostrate tree, and presently saw a Wild-Cat leap on to it, and go through the manewuvres we have described in a preceding page. He did not see us, and had scarcely reached one of the higher branches of a tall white-oak, after springing into it from the fallen tree, when we heard the dogs, which soon came up, with the hunters following not far behind. They asked, when they perceived us, whether we had seen the “Cat” that had given them the slip. Always willing to assist the hunter who has lost his game, and having no particular liking towards this species, we answered in the affirmative, and showed them the animal, COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. 11 closely squatted on a large branch some distance from the ground. One of the party immediately put his rifle to his shoulder and pulled the trigger: the Cat leaped from the branch into the air, and fell to the earth quite dead. Whilst residing in Louisiana some twenty years since, we chanced one afternoon to surprise one of these depredators. He had secured a hare, (commonly called rabbit,) and was so eagerly engaged in satisfying his hunger as not to observe us, until we were near the spot where he was partially concealed behind a rotten log. At sight of us, he squatted flat on the ground. As we looked at him, we heard a squirrel close by, and turned our head for an instant, but scarce had we glanced at the squirrel, when looking again for the Wild-Cat, he had disappeared, carrying the remains of the hare away with him. About twenty miles from Charleston, South Carolina, resides a worthy friend of ours, a gentleman well known for his skill in the sports of the field, his hospitality to both friends and strangers, and the excellent man- ner in which his plantation is managed. The plantation of Dr. Dusex is, in short, the very place for one who likes the sight of several fine bucks hanging on the branches of an old Pecan-nut tree; while turkeys, geese, and poultry of other kinds, are seen in abundance in his well stocked poultry yards, affording certainty of good cheer to his visitors. The Doctor's geese were nightly lodged near the house, in an enclo- sure which was rendered apparently safe, by a very high fence. As an additional security, several watch dogs were let loose about the premises ; besides an excellent pack of hounds, which by an occasional bark or howl during the night, sounded a note of warning or alarm in case any marauder, whether biped or quadruped approached. Notwithstanding these precautions, a goose disappeared almost every night, and no trace of the ingress or egress of the robber could be dis- covered. Slow in attaching suspicion to his servants, the Dr. waited for time and watchfulness to solve the mystery. At length, the feathers, and other remains of his geese, were discovered in a marsh about a quarter of a mile from the house, and strong suspicions were fastened on the Wild-Cat; still, as he came at odd hours of the night, all attempts to catch or shoot him proved for a time unavailing. One morning, however, he came about day-light, and having cap- tured a good fat goose, was traced by the keen noses of the hounds. The chase was kept up for some time through the devious windings of the thickets, when his career of mischief was brought to a close by a shot from the gun of our friend the Doctor, who, in self-defence, became his executioner. Thus ended his career. In this respect he fared worse 12 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. than he deserved, compared with those beings of a superior nature, who, not understanding that “ Honesty is the best policy” outdo our Wild-Cat in his destructive habits, until the laws, so just and useful, when mildly, but always, enforced, put an effectual stop to their criminal proceedings. The Wild-Cat is a great destroyer of eggs, and never finds a nest of grouse or partridge, wild turkey or other bird, without sucking every egg in it. Indeed, it will if practicable, seize on both young and old birds of these and other species. Its “penchant” for a “poulet au naturel” has suggested the following method of capturing it in Georgia, as related to us by our friend Masor Lucoyte, late of the United States Army. A large and strong box-trap is constructed, and a chicken-cock, (rooster,) placed at the farthest end of it from the door, is tied by one leg, so that he cannot move. There is a stout wire partition about half way between the fowl and the door, which prevents the Cat when enter- ing the trap, from seizing the bird. The trap is then set so that when the animal enters, the open door closes behind him by a spring, (commonly the branch of some tree bent down for the purpose, and released by a trigger set at the entrance or just within the trap.) Thesetraps are placed in different parts of the plantations, or in the woods, and the Wild-Cat is generally attracted by the crowing of the cock at early dawn of day. Masor Lecontr has caught many of them by this artifice, on and about his plantations in the neighbourhood of Savannah, in Georgia; and this method of capturing the Wild-Cat is also quite common in South Caro- lina. Indeed, this species does not seem to possess the suspicion and cunning inherent in the fox, enabling the latter to avoid a trap of al- most any kind. We have seen the Wild-Cat taken from the common log-traps set for racoons. We saw one in a cage, that had been caught in a common box-trap, baited with a dead partridge, and have heard intelligent domestics residing on the banks of the Santee river, state, that afier setting their steel traps for otters, they frequently found the Wild-Cat caught in them instead. When this animal discovers a flock of wild turkeys, he will generally follow them at a little distance for some time, and after having ascertain- ed the direction in which they are proceeding, make a rapid detour, and concealing himself behind a fallen tree, or in the lower branches of some leafy maple, patiently wait in ambush until the birds approach, when he suddenly springs on one of them, if near enough, and with one bound secures it. We once, while resting on a log in the woods, on the banks of the Wabash river, perceived two wild turkey cocks at some distance below us, under the bank near the water, pluming and picking their feathers ; on a sudden, one of them flew across the river, and the other we COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. 13 saw struggling in the grasp of a Wild-Cat, which almost instantly dragged it up the bank into the woods, and made off. On another occasion we observed an individual of this species, about nine miles from Charleston, in pursuit of a covey of partridges, (Ortyx Virginiana,)—so intent was the Cat upon its prey, that it passed within ten steps of us, as it was making a circle to get in advance and in the path of the birds,—its eyes were constantly fixed on the covey, and it stealthily concealed itself be- hind a log it expected the birds to pass. In a second attempt the marau- der succeeded in capturing one of the partridges, when the rest in great affright flew and scattered in all directions. An individual that was kept alive at Charleston, and afterwards for a short time at our house in the City of New-York, showed its affinity to the domestic cat, by purring and mewing at times loud enough to be heard at some distance. At the former place its cry was several times mistaken for that of the common house-cat. In the woods, during the winter season, its loud catterwauling can be heard at the distance of a mile. Although this species may perhaps be designated as nocturnal in its habits, it is, by no means, exclusively so, as is shown by the foregoing ac- count. We have, in fact, in several instances seen this Cat engaged in some predatory expedition in full sun-shine, both in winter and summer. It is not a very active swimmer; but is not averse to taking the water. We witnessed it on one occasion crossing the Santee river when not pursued, and at another time saw one swimming across some ponds to make its escape from the dogs. It has been observed, however, that when it has taken to the water during a hard chase, it soon after either as- cends a tree or is caught by the hounds. The domicile of the Wild-Cat is sometimes under an old log, covered with vines such as the Smilax, Ziziphus volubilus, Rubus, &c., but more commonly in a hollow tree. Sometimes it is found in an opening twenty or thirty feet high, but generally much nearer the ground, frequently in a cavity at the root, and sometimes in the hollow trunk of a fallen tree, where, after collecting a considerable quantity of long moss and dried leaves to make a comfortable lair, it produces from two to four young. These are brought forth in the latter end of March in Carolina; in the Northern States, however, the kittens appear later, as we have heard of an instance in Pennsylvania where two young were found on the 15th day of May, apparently not a week old. Our friend Dr. Samver Wuson, of Charleston, a close observer of nature, has made the following note in our memorandum book. “ April 15th, 1839, shot a female Wild-Cat as it started from its bed, out of which four young ones were taken, their eyes were not yetopen.” Our friend Dr. Desex, whom we have already mention- 14 COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. ed, saw three young ones taken out from the hollow of a tree which was thirty feet from the ground. On four occasions, we have had opportuni- ties of counting the young, either in the nest or having been very re- cently taken from it. In every case there were three young ones. In one instance the nest was composed of long moss, (Tillandsia usneoides,) which seemed to have been part of an old, deserted, squirrel’s nest. We once made an attempt at domesticating one of the young of this spe- cies, which we obtained when only two weeks old. It was a most spiteful, growling, snappish little wretch, and showed no disposition to improve its habits and manners under our kind tuition. We placed it in a wooden box, from which it was constantly striving to gnaw its way out. It, one night, escaped into our library, where it made sad work among the books, (which gave us some valuable lessons on the philosophy of patience, we could not have so readily found among our folios,) and left the marks of its teeth on the mutilated window-sashes. Finally we fastened it with a light chain, and had a small kennel built for it in the yard. Here it was con- stantly indulging its carnivorous propensities, and catching the young poultry, which it enticed within reach of its chain by leaving a portion of its food at the door of its house, into which it retreated until an opportu- nity offered to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. Thus it continued, grow- ing if possible, more wild and vicious every day, growling and spitting at every servant that approached it, until at last, an unlucky blow, as a punishment for its mischievous tricks, put an end to its life, and with it to one source of annoyance. The Bay Lynx is generally in fine order, and often very fat. The meat is white, and has somewhat the appearance of veal. Although we omitted to taste it, we have seen it cooked, when it appeared savoury, and the persons who partook of it pronounced it delicious. The muscular powers of this species are very great, and the fore-feet and legs are rather large in proportion to the body. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The geographical range of the Bay Lynx is very extensive, it being found to inhabit portions of the Continent from the tropics as far north as 60°. It abounds in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and both the Caro- linas, and is found in all the States east of these, and likewise in New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. We have seen it on the shores of the Up- per Missouri more than a thousand miles above St. Louis. We examined one that had been taken a few hours before, by some hunters in Erie coun- ty, in the State of New York, and have heard of its existing, although rather sparingly, in Upper Canada, where it has been occasionally captured. COMMON AMERICAN WILD CAT. 15 GENERAL REMARKS. We are not so fortunate as to possess any specimen from Oregon, or the regions west of the Rocky Mountains, to enable us at this time to in- stitute a close comparison, and therefore cannot be certain that the Cat described by Lewis and Crarxe, to which naturalists, without having seen it, have attached the name of Felis fasciata, or that the individual de- seribed by Dr. Ricnarpson, and referred by him to Felis rufa, are identi- cal with the present species; yet as they do not present greater marks of difference than those observable in many other varieties of it, and as we have carefully examined several hundred specimens in the museums and private collections of Europe and America, and have, at this moment upwards of twenty lying before us, that were obtained in various parts of the country, from Texas to Canada, our present conclusion is, that in the United States, east and north of the Mississippi, there are but two species of Lynx—the well known Canada Lynx, and the Bay Lynx— our present species, and that the varieties in colour, (especially in the lat- ter animal,) have contributed to the formation of many imaginary species. Whatever may be the varieties, however, there are some mark- ings in this species which are permanent, like the white ears and nose of the fox squirrel, (Sc. Capistratus,) and which serve to identify it through all the variations of sex, season, and latitude. All of them have naked soles, and the peculiar markings at the extremity of the slender tail, which terminates as abruptly as if it had been amputated. It may also be dis- tinguished from any variety of the Canada Lynx, (L. Canadensis,) by a white patch behind the ear, which does not exist in the latter. This peculiar mark is to be observed, however, in several species of the genus Frnis. We have noticed it in the jaguar, royal tiger, pan- ther, ocelot, hunting-leopard, and other species. 16 GENUS ARCTOMYS, Gimel., Cuv. DENTAL FORMULA. Incisive $5 Canine 3 Molar = = 2) Incisors strong, narrow, and wedge-shaped, anterior surface rounded ; molars, with the upper surface thick and heavy. Head large, mouth small, and placed below; eyes large, ears short, paws strong ; fore-feet with four toes and the rudiment of a thumb; hind- feet with five toes; nails strong, compressed; tail bushy; no cheek pouches. The name Arctomys, is derived from two Greek words «pxres (arktos,) a bear, and vs, (mus,) a mouse. There are, as far as we are informed, but eight known species of the genus as it is now defined, five on the Eastern Continent and three in North America. ARCTOMYS MONAX—Liyn. Woov-Cuuck. Maryranp Marmot. Grounp-Hoe. PLATE II.—Femate anp Younec. Natural size. A. Supra fusco cinereus, subtus sub-rufus, capite, cauda, pedibusque fuscis, naso et buccis cinereis. CHARACTERS, Brownish-gray above ; head, tail, and feet, dark-brown ; nose and cheeks ashy-brown, under surface reddish. SYNONYMES, Mus Monax, Linn., 12 ed., p. 81. Maryzanp Marmot, Penn, Arct. Zool., vol. I., p. 111. Monax, ou Marmorre pe Canapa, Buff., Supp. 111. Maryianp Marmor, Godman, Nat. Hist. vol. ii., p. 100, figure. Maryann Marwor, Griffiths’ Cuvier, vol. iii., p. 130, figure. WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. 17 Queerec Marmot, Pennant, Hist. Quad., Ist ed., No. 259. Mus Emretra, Pallas, Glir., p. 75. Arctomys Empetaa, Salt, Linn., Trans., vol. xiii., p. 24. Arctomys Empetra, Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. ii., p. 208. Arctomys Monax, et Arctomys Emperra, Sabine, Trans. Linnean Soc., vol. xiii., pp. 582, 584. Arcromys Empetra, Richardson, Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 147, pl. 9. DESCRIPTION. The body is thick, and the legs are short, so that the belly nearly touches the ground. Head short and conical; ears short, rounded, and thinly clothed with hair on both surfaces; eyes moderate ; whiskers numerous, extending to the ear ; a membrane beneath the ears, on the posterior parts of the cheek, and a few sete on the eye-brows; legs, short and muscu- lar ; fore-feet, with four toes, and the rudiment of a thumb, with a minute nail; hind-feet, with five toes. Toes long and well separated, palms naked, with tubercles at the roots of the toes. The middle toe longest— the first and third, which are nearly equal to each other, not much shorter; the extremity of the nail of the outer, extends only to the base of the nail of the adjoining toe ; fore-claws moderately arched, obtuse and com- pressed; the soles of the hind-feet long, and naked to the heel; hind-feet semi-palmated ; nails channelled near the ends. Tail bushy, partly dis- tichous ; body clothed with soft woolly fur, which is mixed with coarse long hairs. COLOUR. This species (like the foregoing one) is subject to many variations in the colour of its fur, which may account perhaps for its numerous synonymes. We will, however, describe the animal in its most common colouring. The finer woolly fur is for two-thirds of its length from the roots upwards, of a dark ‘ashy brown, with the extremities light yellowish-brown. The long hairs are dark brown for two-thirds of their length, tipped sometimes with reddish white, but generally with a silvery white. The general tint of the back is grizzly or hoary ; cheeks, and around the mouth, light gray ; whiskers black ; head, nose, feet, nails and tail, dark brown; eyes black. The whole under surface, including the throat, breast, belly, and the fore and hind legs, reddish orange. The specimens before us present several striking varieties of colour ; among them is one from Lower Canada, coal-black with the exception of the nose and a patch under the chin, which are light gray; the fur is short, and very soft ; and the tail less distichous than in other varieties of this species. 4 18 WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. DIMENSIONS. Adult Male. From point of nose to root of tail = - - - 183 inches. Tail (vertebrz) - - = = ~ B 32 do. Tail, to end of hair - - ~ = = 5 52 do. Ear, posteriorly - - - = = = 2 do. Girth of body - = = - 7 z 5 17. do. From fore to hind claw, when stretched - - 26 = do. We have found some difference in the length of the tail, in different in- dividuals, it being, in some specimens, nearly seven inches long including the hair. Weight 9b. 11 oz. HABITS. In the Middle States many individuals of this species seem to prefer stony places, and often burrow close to or in a stone wall. When this is the case, it is very difficult to procure them, as they are secure from the attacks of dogs, and much labour would be necessary in removing the large stones, and digging up the earth in order to dislodge them. From our own observations, we are obliged to contradict the following account given of the habits of this species. It has been said that “when about to make an inroad upon a clover field, all the marmots resident in the vicinity, quietly and cautiously steal towards the spot, being favoured in their march by their gray colour, which is not easily distinguished. “While the main body are actively engaged in cropping the clover heads, and gorging their ‘ample cheek-pouches, one or more individuals remain at some distance in the rear as sentinels. These watchmen sit erect, with their fore-paws held close to their breast, and their heads slightly inclined, to catch every sound which may move the air. Their extreme sensibility of ear enables them to distinguish the approach of an enemy long before he is sufficiently near to be dangerous, and the instant the sentinel takes alarm, he gives a clear shrill whistle, which immediately disperses the troop in every direction, and they speedily take refuge in their deepest caves. The time at which such incursions are made is generally about mid-day, when they are less liable to be interrupted than at any other period, either by human or brute enemies,” (Gopmay, Ame- rican Natural History, vol. ii., p. 102.) We kept two of these animals alive for several weeks, feeding them on different grasses, potatoes, apples, and other fruits and vegetables. We found them to be very active at times, though fond of placing themselves WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. 19 in an erect posture, sitting on their rump, and letting their fore-legs and feet hang loosely down in the manner of our squirrels. The old female, when approached, opened her mouth, showed her teeth, and made a rattling or clattering noise with the latter, evidently in anger. Neither the female nor the young appeared to become in-any degree tame during the period we kept them. The former frequently emitted a shrill whistle-like noise, which is a note of alarm and anger, and may be heard when one is at a distance of about fifty yards from the animal. After we had made figures from those specimens, we examined their mouths, but did not find any pouches like those described by Dr. Gopmay, although there appeared to be a cavity, not larger than would admit a common green pea, and which was the only trace of any thing like a pouch in those we procured, and in all that have been observed by us. When the Wood-Chuck is feeding, it keeps its erect position, inclin- ing the head, and fore-part of its body forward and sideways, so as to reach its food without extending the fore-legs and feet, which are drawn back under it; after getting a mouthful, it draws back its head again and brings its body to an upright posture by the muscular power of the hind- legs and feet. On being surprised or pursued, this species runs very fast for some eight or ten yards, and then frequently stops short and squats down close to the ground, watching to see if it has been observed; and will allow you to approach within a few feet, when it starts suddenly again, and again stops and squats down as before. Not unfrequently, un- der these circumstances it puts its head under the dry leaves, or amid tufts of grass, to conceal itself from the pursuer. You may then gene- rally capture or kill it with a stick. These animals bite severely, and defend themselves fiercely, and will, when unable to escape, turn and make battle with a dog of more than double their own size. Sometimes whilst they were lying down as if asleep, we have heard them make the elattering noise before spoken of, with their teeth; reminding us of a person’s teeth chattering in an ague fit. When walking leisurely, they place their feet flat upon the ground at full length, arching the toes, how- ever, as is the habit of squirrels. These Marmots sleep during the greater part of the day, stealing from their burrows early in the morning and to- wards evening. They climb trees or bushes awkwardly, and when they have found a comfortable situation in the sunshine, either on the branch of a tree, or on a bush, will remain there for hours. They clean their faces with the fore-feet, whilst sitting up on their hind-legs, like a squir- rel, and frequently lick their fur in the manner of a cat, leaving the coat smoothed down by the tongue. The body of the Wood-Chuck is ex- tremely flabby after being killed, its flesh is, however, tolerably good, 20 WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. although a little strong, and is frequently purchased by the humbler classes of people, who cook it like a roasting pig. Occasionally, and espe- cially in autumn, it is exceedingly fat. This species becomes torpid about the time the leaves have fallen from the trees in the autumn, and the frosty air gives notice of the approach of winter; and remains burrowed in the earth until the grass has sprung up and the genial warmth of spring invites it to come forth. We once observed one sunning itself at the mouth of its burrow, on the 23d of October, in the State of New-York; and in the same State, saw one killed by a dog on the first of March, when the winter’s snow was yet lying in patches on the ground. Where the nature of the country will admit of it, the Wood-Chucks se- lect a projecting rock, in some fissure under which, they can dig their bur- rows. In other localities they dig them on the sides of hills, or in places where the surface of the ground is nearly level. These burrows or exca- vations are sometimes extended to the length of twenty or thirty feet from the opening ; for the first three or four feet inclining obliquely downward, and the gallery being continued farther on, about on a level, or with a slight inclination upward to itsfermination, where there is a large round chamber, to which the occupants retire for rest and security, in which the female gives birth to her young, and where the family spends the winter in torpidity. Concerning this latter most singular state of existence, we are grati- fied in being able to communicate the following facts, related to us by the Hon. Dante Wansworta, of Hartford, Connecticut. “I kept,” said he tous, “a fine Wood-Chuck in captivity, in this house, for upwards of two years. It was brought to me by a country lad, and was then large, rather wild, and somewhat cross and mischievous; being placed in the kitchen, it soon found a retreat, in which it remained concealed the greater part of its time every day. During several nights it attempted to escape by gnawing the door and window-sills ; gradually it became more quiet, and suffered itself to be approached by the inmates of the kitchen, these being the cook, a fine dog, and a cat; so that ere many months had elapsed, it would lie on the floor near the fire, in company with the dog, and would take food from the hand of the cook. I now began to take a particular interest in its welfare, and had a large box made for its use, and filled with hay, to which it became habituated, and always retired when in- clined to repose. Winter coming on, the box was placed in a warm corner, and the Wood-Chuck went into it, arranged its bed with care, and became torpid. Some six weeks having passed without its appear- ing, or having received any food; I had it taken out of the box, and brought into the parlour ;—it was inanimate, and as round as a ball, its WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. 21 nose being buried as it were in the lower part of its abdomen, and covered by its tail—it was rolled over the carpet many times, but without effecting any apparent change in its lethargic condition, and being desirous to push the experiment as far as in my power, I laid it close to the fire, and hay- ing ordered my dog to lie down by it, placed the Wood-Chuck in the dog’s lap. In about half an hour, my pet slowly unrolled itself, raised its nose from the carpet, looked around for a few minutes, and then slowly crawl- ed away from the dog, moving about the room as if in search of its own bed! I took it up, and had it carried down stairs and placed again in its box, where it went to sleep, as soundly as ever, until spring made its ap- pearance. That season advancing, and the trees showing their leaves, the Wood-Chuck became as brisk and gentle as could be desired, and was frequently brought into the parlour. The succeeding winter this animal evinced the same dispositions, and never appeared to suffer by its long sleep. An accident deprived me of my pet, for having been trod- den on, it gradually became poor, refused food, and finally died extremely emaciated.” May we here be allowed to detain you, kind reader, for a few moments, whilst we reflect on this, one among thousands of other instances of the all-wise dispensations of the Creator. Could any of the smaller species of quadrupeds, incapable, as many of them are, of migrating like the swift-winged inhabitants of the air to the sunny climes of the South, and equally unable to find any thing to subsist on among the dreary wastes of snow, or the frost-bound lands of the North during winter, have a greater boon at the hands of Nature than this power of escaping the rigours and cold blasts of that season, and resting securely, in a sleep of insensibility, free from all cravings of hunger and all danger of perish- ing with cold, till the warm sun of spring, once more calls them into life and activity? Thus this and several other species of quadrupeds, whose organization in this respect differs so widely from general rules, may be said to have no winter in their year, but enjoy the delightful weather of spring, summer, and autumn, without caring for the approach of that season during which other animals often suffer from both cold and hunger. “Whilst hunting one day, (said a good friend of ours, when we were last in Canada,) I came across a Wood-Chuck, called in Canada by the different names of Siffleur, Ground-Hog, and occasionally Marmot, with a litter of six or seven young ones by her side. I leaped from my horse, feeling confident that I could capture at least one or two of them, but I was mistaken; for the dam, which seemed to anticipate my evil designs, ran round and round the whole of her young ‘ chucks,’ 92 WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. urging them towards a hole beneath a rock, with so much quickness— energy, I may call it—that ere I could lay hands on even one of her pro- geny, she had them all in the hole, into which she then pitched herself, and left me gazing in front of her well-secured retreat, thus baffling all my exertions !” We have now and then observed this Marmot in the woods, leaning with its back against a tree, and exposing its under parts to the rays of the hottest sun: on such occasions its head was reclining on its breast, the eyes were closed, the fore-legs hanging down, and it was apparently asleep, and presented a singular and somewhat ludicrous figure. An intelligent naturalist has in his account of these animals, said that “their burrows contain large excavations in which they deposit stores of provisions.” This assertion contradicts our own observations and experience. We are inclined to doubt whether storing up provisions at any or for any season of the year, can be a habit of thisspecies. Inthe summer of 1814, in Renssellaer County, in the State of New York, we marked a burrow, which was the resort of a pair of Marmots. In the begin- ning of November, the ground was slightly covered with snow, and the frost had penetrated to the depth of about half an inch. We now had excava- tions made, in a line along the burrow or gallery of the Marmots; and at about twenty-five feet from the mouth of the hole, both of them were found lying close to each other in a nest of dried grass, which did not ap- pear to have been any of it eaten or bitten by them. They were each rolled up, and looked somewhat like two misshapen balls of hair, and were perfectly dormant. We removed them to a hay stack, in which we made an excavation to save them from the cold. One of them did not survive the first severe weather of the winter, having, as we thought on examining them, been frozen to death. The other, the male. was now removed to a cellar, where he remained in a perfectly dormant state until the latter part of February, when he escaped before we were aware of his reanimation. We had handled him only two days previously, and could perceive no symptoms of returning vivacity. During the time he was in the cellar, there was certainly no necessity for a “store of provisions” for him, as the animal was perfectly torpid and motionless from the day he was caught, until, as just mentioned, he emerged from that state and made his escape. In the month of May, or sometimes in June, the female brings forth her young, generally four or five in number. We have however on two occasions, counted seven, and on another eight, young in a litter. In about three weeks, they may be seen playing around the mouth of the WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG. 23 burrow, where sitting on their hind-feet in the manner of the Kangaroo, they closely watch every intruder, retreating hastily into the hole at the first notes of alarm sounded by the mother. The Wood-Chuck, in some portions of our country, exists in considerable numbers, although it is seldom found associating with any of its own species, except while the young are still unable to provide for themselves, until which period they are generally taken care of by both parents. When the young are a few months old, they prepare for a separation, and dig a number of holes in the vicinity of their early domicile, some of which are only a few feet deep, and are never occupied. These numer- ous burrows have given rise to the impression that this species lives in communities, which we think is not strictly the case. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. We have found the Wood-Chuck in every state of the Union north-east of South Carolina, and throughout the Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. We have also a specimen from Hudson's Bay; but perhaps it is nowhere more plentiful than on the upper Missouri River, where we found its burrows dug in the loamy soil adjoining the shores, as well as in the adjacent woods. It is not found in the maritime districts either of North or South Carolina, but exists very sparingly in the mountainous regions of those states. We have also traced it along the eastern range of the Rocky Mountains as far south as Texas. A Marmot exists in California resembling the present species very nearly, but which will probably prove distinct from the latter, a point which time and a greater number of specimens must determine. GENERAL REMARKS. It will be observed that we have united A. monax with A. empetra, and have rejected the latter as a species. This must necessarily follow from the fact, that if there is but one species, the name monaxr having been first given, must be retained. Scureser appears to have committed the first error in describing from a young specimen of a variety of A. mo- nax and erecting it into a new species. The old authors followed, and most of them being mere compilers, have constantly copied his errors. Mr. Sazrme (Transactions Linn. Soc., vol. xiii., part 2, p. 584,) described a specimen existing in the British Museum, as A. empetra, which we, after a careful examination, consider only a variety of A. monax. Mr. Sasrne’s description of the latter species, is, as he informed us, compiled from va- rious authors. Had he possessed a specimen, we think he would not 24 WOOD-CHUCK OR GROUND-HOG have fallen into the common error. Dr. Ricuarpson, who appears not to have known the A. menaz, also described it under the name of A. empetra, and gave a figure of it. We have, however, been unable to discover any specific differences between the specimens now before us and the one so accurately described and figured by him in the Fauna-boreali-Americana. We are, therefore, compelled to consider them all as identical. The great varieties of colour to be observed in different specimens of this Marmot, together with the circumstance that no two of them are of the same size, have tended no doubt to confuse those who have described it. We have seen them of all colours, from black to brown, and from rufous to bluish-gray, although they are most frequently of the colour repre- sented in the plate. We have received a specimen from an eminent British naturalist as A. empetra, obtained from Hudson’s Bay, which does not differ from the present species, and which instead of being eleven in- ches in length, the size given to A. empetra measures fifteen. As Ricuarp- son’s species, moreover, was also from seventeen to twenty inches in length, and as we compared his specimen, (now in the museum of the Zoological Society of London,) with several specimens of the Maryland Marmot, without observing the least specific difference between them, we consider it necessary to strike off the Canada Marmot, or Arctomys em- petra, from the North American Fauna. From the short and very unsatisfactory description, and the wretched figure of the Bahama Coney, contained in Caressy, vol. ii., p. 79, plate 79, it is very difficult to decide either on the species or genus which he intended to describe. As however nearly all our writers on natural history have quoted his Bahama Coney as referring to the Maryland Marmot, we have carefully compared his descriptions and figure with this species, and have arrived at the conclusion that Caressy described and figured one of the species of jutia, (Capromys Fournieri, Desm.,) and that his Cuniculus Bahamiensis has been therefore erroneously quoted as a synonyme of A. monax. 25 GENUS LEPUS.—Luy. DENTAL FORMULA. Sh Arata 2 Oe bone Incisive 3; Canine = Molar ap = 28: Upper incisors in pairs, two in front large and grooved, and two im- mediately behind, small; lower incisors square; molars, with flat crowns, and transverse laminze of enamel. Interior of the mouth and soles of the feet furnished with hair; ears and eyes large; fore-feet with five toes ; hind-feet with only four ; hind-legs very long; tail short ; mam- mz, from six to ten. The word Lepus is derived from the Latin, lepus, and Greek Eolic, Aewopis, (leporis,) a hare. There are about thirty known species of this genus, of which rather the largest number, (perhaps sixteen or seventeen species,) exist in North and South America ; while the remainder belong to the Eastern continent. LEPUS TOWNSENDII —Bacu. Townsenv’s Rocky Mountain Hare. PLATE III.—Mate ano Femare.—Natural size. L. magnitudine, L. Americano par; auribus, cauda, cruribus tarsisque longissimis ; supra diluti cinereus, infra albus. CHARACTERS. Size of the Northern hare, (L. Americanus :) ears, tail, legs, and tarsus, very long ; colour above, light gray ; beneath, white. SYNONYMES. Lepus Townsenvi1, Bach., Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. viii., part 1, p: 90, pl. 2, (1839,) read Aug. 7, 1838. 5 26 TOWNSEND’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARE. DESCRIPTION. Body, long and slender; head, much arched; eyes large; ears, long ; tail very long, (compared with others of the genus,) in proportion to the size of the animal; legs long and slender ; tarsus very long. The whole conformation of this animal is indicative of great speed. COLOUR. Crown of the head, cheeks, neck, whole upper parts, and the front of the ears and legs, externally, gray; with a faint cream-coloured tinge. Hair, on back and sides, whitish, or silver gray, at the roots, followed by brownish-white, which is succeeded by black, subdued gradually to a faint yellowish-white, and finally tipped with black, interspersed with long silky hairs, some of which are black from their roots. On the chin, throat, under surface, interior of legs, and the tail, (with the exception of a narrow dark line running longitudinally on the top,) the hair is pure white from the roots. Irides light hazel; around the eyes white ; back part of the tips of the ears black ; external two-thirds of the hinder part of the ears white, running down to the back part of the neck, and then blending with the colour of the upper surface ; anterior third of the outer portion of the ear, the same gray colour as the back, fringed on the edge with long hairs, which are reddish fawn colour at the roots and white at the tips ; interior of the ear very thinly covered with beautiful fine white hairs, being more thickly clothed near the edge, where it is grizzly-black and yellowish; edge, fringed with pure white, becoming yellowish toward the tip, and at the tip black. Moustaches for the most part white, black at the roots, a few hairs are pure white, others wholly black. The specimen which was described and first published in the Transac- tions of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, was a female, procured by J. K. Townsenp, Esq., on the Walla-Walla, one of the sources of the Columbia river. Another specimen now in our possession, the dimensions of which are given below, is in summer pelage, having been obtained on the 9th June. There is scarcely a shade of difference in its general colour, although the points of many of the hairs are yellowish-white, instead of being tipped with black, as in the specimen obtained by Mr. Townsenp. There is also a white spot on the forehead. The young is a miniature of the adult ; We observe no other differences than that the colour is a little lighter, and the tail pure white. TOWNSEND’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARE. 27 DIMENSIONS. Adult Male, (killed on the Upper Missouri river.) From nose to root of tail . : 5 : , 212 inches. Tail (vertebrz) 31. do. Do., to end of hair 42 do. Height of ear, posteriorly 52 do. Length of head in a direct line . ' ; - 45 do. “ * following the curvature 51 do, “from heel to end of claw 58 do. Weight, 64 pounds, Adult Female, (shot by Epwarp Harris, Esq., on the 27th July, 1843.) From nose to root of tail. ; : ‘ : 21 inches. Tail (vertebre) . 5 ; 3. do. Do., to end ofhair . . 3 C : 3 43 do. Height of ear, posteriorly . ; - ; 53. do. Between the eyes 3 : : ; 2 do. From nose to hind feet fcinetehar! ot) : : 36 do. Height from foot to shoulder. j : F 133 do. Height to rump s ; J ; . - 14. do, Young. From nose to root of tail . ; ‘ , é 12 inches. Tail (vertebre) : ; : ; : : 1i do. Do., to end of hair 21 do. Height of ear, posteriorly 23 do. Height from claw to shoulder 71 do. Length of head in a direct line 2¢ do. ss «following the curve 83. do. “from heel to end of claw 8 do. HABITS. We subjoin the following note, received from the original discoverer of this Hare, which contains some valuable information in regard to its habits :—* This species is common in the Rocky Mountains. I made par. ticular inquiries both of the Indians and British traders, as to the changes it undergoes at different seasons, and they all agreed that it never was lighter coloured. We first saw it on the plains of the Blackfoot river, east of the mountains, and observed it in all similar situations during our route to the Columbia, When first seen, which was in July, it was lean 28 TOWNSEND’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARE. and unsavory, having, like our common species, the larva of an insect imbedded in its neck; but when we arrived at Walla-Walla, in Septem- ber, we found the Indians, and the persons attached to the fort, using it as a common article of food. Immediately after we arrived, we were re- galed with a dish of hares, and I thought I had never eaten any thing more delicious. They are found in great numbers on the plains covered with wild wormwood, (Artemesia.) They are so exceedingly fleet that no ordinary dog can catch them. I have frequently surprised them in their forms, and shot them as they leaped away, but I found it necessary to be very expeditious and to pull trigger at a particular instant, or the game was off among the wormwood, and J never saw it again. The In- dians kill them with arrows, by approaching them stealthily, as they lie concealed under the bushes; and in winter take them with nets. To do this, some one or two hundred Indians, men, women, and children, collect, and enclose a large space with a slight net, about five feet wide, made of hemp ; the net is kept in a vertical position by pointed sticks attached to it and driven into the ground. These sticks are placed about five or six feet apart, and at each one an Indian is stationed, with a short club in his hand. After these arrangements are completed, a large number of Indians enter the circle, and beat the bushes in every direction. The frightened hares dart off towards the net, and in attempting to pass are knocked on the head and secured. Mr. Pamsrun, the superintendent of Fort Walla-Walla, from whom I obtained this account, says that he has often participated in this sport with the Indians, and has known several hundred to be thus taken in a day. When captured alive it does not scream like the common gray rabbit, (L. Sylvaticus.)” “ This Hare in- habits the plains exclusively, and seems particularly fond of the vicinity of the aromatic wormwood. Immediately as you leave these bushes, in journeying towards the sea, you lose sight of the Hare.” To the above account, we added some farther information on our last visit to the far West. On the 8th June, 1843, whilst our men were engaged in cutting wood and bringing it on board the steamer Omega, it being ne- cessary in that wild region, to stop and cut wood for fuel for the boat every day, one of the crew started a young Hare, and after a short chase the poor thing squatted, and was killed by a blow with a stick. It proved to be the young of Lepus Townsendii, was large enough to have left its dam, weighed rather more than one pound, and was a beautiful specimen. Its irides were pure amber colour, and the eyes large; its hair was slightly curled. This Hare was captured more than twelve hundred miles east of the Rocky Mountains. On the next day, in the afternoon, one of the negro fire-tenders, being out with a rifle, shot two others, both TOWNSEND’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARE. 29 old individuals ; one of them was however cut in two by the ball, and left on the spot. The hair, or fur, of this individual was slightly curled, as in the young one, especially along the back and sides, but shortly after the skins had been prepared this character disappeared. These specimens are now in our collection. Pursuing our journey up the tortuous and rapid stream, we had not the good fortune to see any more of these beautiful animals until after our arrival at Fort Union, near the mouth of the Yellow Stone river, where we established ourselves for some time, by the kind permission of the gentlemen connected with the fur trade. On the 29th of July, on our return from a buffalo-hunt, when we were some forty or fifty miles from the fort, suddenly a fine hare leaped from the grass before us, and stopped within twenty paces. Our friend, Ep- warp Harris, Esq., was with us, but his gun was loaded with ball, and ours with large buck-shot, intended for killing antelopes; we fired at it, but missed: away it went, and ran around a hill, Mr. Harris followed, and its course being seen by Mr. Bett, who observed “ Pussy,” stealing carefully along, with her ears low down, trying to escape the quick eyes of her pursuers, the former gentleman came up to and shot her. This species, like all others of the same family, is timid and fearful in the extreme. Its speed, we think, far surpasses that of the European hare, (L. témidus.) If the form is indicative of character, this animal, from its slender body, long hind legs, and great length of tarsus, must be the fleetest of the hares of the West. These hares generally place or construct their forms under a thick wil- low bush, or if at a distance from the water-courses on the banks of which those trees grow, or when they are in the open prairie, they place them under the edge of some rock, or seek the shelter of a stone, or large tuft of grass. The Rocky Mountain Hare produces from four to six.young in the year. As far as we have been able to ascertain, it has but one litter. The young suck and follow the dam for about six weeks, after which she turns them off, and leaves them to provide for themselves. The flesh of this species resembles in flavour that of the European hare, but is white, instead of dark-coloured, as is the case with the latter. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Although the eritire geographical range of this species has not been well defined, yet it must be very considerable. It is found in great numbers, long ere the western traveller has passed the prairies, on the 30 TOWNSEND'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARE. shores of the lower Missouri, and has a range of fifteen hundred miles east of the great Rocky Mountain Chain. According to Mr. Townsenp, it is common on the Rocky Mountains, and exists in considerable numbers on the western side of that great chain ; and if travellers have not confounded it with other species, it ex- tends southwardly as far as Upper California. The period may arrive when civilization shall have drawn wealth, and a large population, into these regions. Then will in all probability this poor hare be hunted by greyhounds, followed by gentlemen on horseback ; and whilst the level plains of our vast prairies will afford both dogs and horsemen every opportunity of rapid pursuit, the great swiftness of this species will try their powers and test their speed to the utmost. GENERAL REMARKS. We have, since this species was first described, had some misgivings in regard to its being entitled to the name by which we have designated it. We had previously (Jour. Acad. Nat. Scien., vol. vii., part 2, p. 349, and vol. viii., part 1, p. 80,) described a species from the West, in its white win- ter colour, under the name of L. campestris. We had no other knowledge of its summer dress, than that given us by Lewis and Cuarke. Being however informed by Mr. Towysenp, who possessed opportunities of seeing it in win- ter, that the present species never becomes white, we regarded it as dis- tinct, and bestowed on it the above name. We have however been since assured by the residents of Missouri, that like the Northern hare, Lepus Townsendii assumes a white garb in winter, and it is therefore probable that the name will yet require to be changed to that of L. campestris. As, how- ever, another hare exists on the prairies of the West, the specific charac- ters of which have not yet been determined, we have concluded for the present to leave it as it stands, supposing it possible that the white winter colour may belong to another species. As we hope in a future volume to give a figure of the species in its white dress, we shall have an op- portunity of correcting errors, should any on farther investigation be found to exist. 31 GENUS NEOTOMA.—Say et Oro. DENTAL FORMULA. Incisive 3 Canine ae Molar = iG Messrs. Say and Orp, who established this genus, having given an ex- tended description of its teeth, &c., we shall present a portion of it in their own words. “Molars, with profound radicles. Superior jaw—Incisors even and slightly rounded on their anterior face: first molar with five triangles, one of which is anterior, two exterior, and two interior. Second molar with four triangles ; one anterior, two on the exterior side, and a very small one on the interior side: third molar with four triangles; one an- terior, two exterior, and a very minute one, interior. “ Inferior jaw.—Incisors even, pointed at top: first molar with four di- visions or triangles, one anterior, a little irregular, then one exterior, one interior opposite, and one posterior : second molar, with four triangles an- terior and posterior, nearly similar in form, an intermediate one opposite to the interior and exterior one: third molar with two triangles, and an additional small angle on the inner side of the anterior one. Tail hairy ; fore-feet, four toed, with an armed rudiment of a fifth toe: hind-feet, five toed. OBSERVATIONS. The grinding surface of the molars differs somewhat from that of the molars of the genus Arvicota ; but the large roots of the grinders consti- tute a character essentially different. The folds of enamel which make the sides of the crown, do not descend so low as to the edge of the al- veolar processes ; in consequence of this conformation, the worn down tooth of an old individual must exhibit insulated circles of enamel on the grinding surface.” Neotoma—Gr. »20s, (neos,) new ; and z:va, (temno,) I cut or divide. Two species of this genus have been described, both existing in North America. 32 NEOTOMA FLORIDANA —Say et Orp. Froripa Rat. PLATE IV.—Mate, Femarz, anp Younc.—Natural-size-— N. corpore robusto, plumbeo, quoad lineam dorsalem nigro mixto, facie et lateribus tusco-flavescentibus, infra albo; cauda corpore paullo cur- tiore, vellere molli. CHARACTERS. Body robust, lead colour, mixed with black, on the dorsal line; face and sides ferruginous-yellow, beneath white, tail a little shorter than the body ; Sur soft. SYNONYMES. Mus Froripanvs, Ord, Nouv. Bull. de la Société Philomatique, 1818. Arvicota Fioripanus, Harlan, Fauna Amer., p. 142. “ “ Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. ii., p. 69. Mos ce Say, Long’s Expedition, vol. i., p. 54. Neoroma Froripana, Say et Ord, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. iv., part 2, p. 352, figure. Neoroma Froripana, Griffiths, Animal Kingdom, vol. iii., p. 160, figure. DESCRIPTION. The form of our very common white-footed or field-mouse, (Mus leuco- pus,) may be regarded as a miniature of that of the present species; its body has an appearance of lightness and agility, bearing some resem- blance to that of the squirrel; snout elongated; eyes large, resembling those of the common flying squirrel, (P. volucella ;) ears large, prominent, thin, sub-ovate, clothed so thinly with fine hair as to appear naked; tail covered with soft hair; whiskers reaching to the ears; legs robust; toes annulate beneath; thumb, minute; in the palms of the fore-feet there are five tubercles, and in the soles of the hind-feet six, of which the three posterior are distant from each other; nails, concealed by hairs, which extend considerably beyond them ; mamme, two before, and four behind. COLOUR. The body and head are lead-colour, intermixed with yellowish and FLORIDA RAT. 33 black hair; the black predominating on the ridge of the back and head, forming an indistinct dorsal line of dark brown, gradually fading away into the brownish-yellow colour of the cheeks and sides; border of the abdomen and throat, buff; whiskers, white and black ; feet white ; under surface of body, white, tinged with cream colour. In a very young specimen, the colour is dark brown on the upper sur- face, and plumbeous beneath; differing so much from the adult, that the unpractised observer might easily be led to regard it as a new species. DIMENSIONS. Adult Male. From nose to root of tail . 2 = : 8 inches. Length of tail . : 3 : : 5= do; From fore-claws to ee when pine 133 do. From nose to end of ears . : 21 do. Weight 7% ounces. Weight of an old Hemetes 8 ounces. Young Male. From nose to root of tail =. - : é 51 inches. From fore-claws to hind-claws, when serene 3 83 do. From nose to end of ear : é : : : 23 do. Length of tail = - : 2 - 4 41 do. HABITS, The specimens from which we drew the figures we have given on our plate, which represents this species in various ages and attitudes, on the branch of a pine tree, were obtained in South Carolina, and were pre- served alive for several weeks, in cages having wire fronts. They made no attempt to gnaw their way out. On a previous occasion we preserved an old female with three young, (which latter were born in the cage, a few days after the mother had been captured.) for nearly a year; by which time the young had attained the size of the adult. We fed them on corn, potatoes, rice, and bread; as well as apples and other fruit. They seemed very fond of corn flour, (Indian meal,) and for several months subsisted on the acorns of the live oak, (Quercus virens.) They became very gentle, especially one of them which was in a se- parate cage. It was our custom at dark to release it from confinement, upon which it would run around the room in circles, mount the table we were in the habit of writing at, and always make efforts to open a parti- eular drawer, in which we kept some of its choicest food. 6 34. FLORIDA RAT. There are considerable differences in the habits of this species in va- rious parts of the United States, and we hope the study of these peculiari- ties may interest our readers. In Florida, they burrow under stones and the ruins of dilapidated buildings. In Georgia and South Carolina they prefer remaining in the woods. In some swampy situation, in the vicinity of sluggish streams, amid tangled vines interspersed with leaves and long moss, they gather a heap of dry sticks, which they pile up into a conical shape, and which, with grasses, mud, and dead leaves, mixed in by the wind and rain, form, as they proceed, a structure impervious to rain, and inaccessible to the wild-cat, racoon, or fox. At other times, their nest, composed of somewhat lighter materials, is placed in the fork (branch) of a tree. About fifteen years ago, on a visit to the grave-yard of the Church at Ebenezer, Georgia, we were struck with the appearance of several very large nests near the tops of some tall evergreen oaks, (Quercus aquati- cus ;) on disturbing the nests, we discovered them to be inhabited by a number of Florida rats, of all sizes, some of which descended rapidly to the ground, whilst others escaped to the highest branches, where they were concealed among the leaves. These nests, in certain situations are of enormous size. We have observed some of them on trees, at a height of from ten to twenty feet from the ground, where wild vines had made a tangled mass over head, which appeared to be larger than a cart wheel, and contained a mass of leaves and sticks, that would have more than filled a barrel. Those specimens, however, which we procured on our journey up the Missouri river, were all caught in the hollows of trees which were cut down by the crew, as we proceeded, for fuel for our steamer. Lewis and Cxarke, in their memorable journey across the Rocky Mountains, found them nestling among clefts in the rocks, and also in hollow trees. In this region they appeared to be in the habit of feeding on the prickly pear, or Indian fig, (Cactus opuntia,) the travellers having found large quanti- ties of seeds, and remnants of those plants, in theirnests. In the Floridas, Mr. Barrram also found this species. He says, “ they are singular, with respect to their ingenuity and great labour in the construction of their habitations, which are conical pyramids about three feet high, construct- ed with dry branches, which they collect with great labour and persever- ance, and pile up without any apparent order ; yet they are so interwoven with one another, that it would take a bear or wild cat some time to pull one of these castles to pieces, and allow the animals sufficient time to se- cure a retreat with their young.” This is a very active rat, and in ascending trees, exhibits much of the FLORIDA RAT. 35 agility of the squirrel, although we do not recollect having observed it leaping from branch to branch in the manner of that genus. « The Florida rat is, in Carolina, a very harmless species; the only de- predation we have known it to commit, was an occasional inroad on the corn-fields, when the grain was yet juicy and sweet. We have seen several whole ears of Indian corn taken from one of their nests, into which they had been dragged by these animals the previous night. They appear also to be very fond of the Chinquapin, (Castania pumila,) and we have sometimes observed around their nests traces of their having fed on frogs and cray-fish. This species is nocturnal, or at least crepuscular, in its habits. In pro- curing specimens we were only successful when the traps had been set over night. Those we had in captivity scarcely ever left their dark chambers till after sunset, when they came forth from their dormitories, and continued playful and active during a great part of the night. They were mild in their dispositions, and much less disposed to bite when pur- sued than the common and more mischievous Norway rat. Whilst the young are small, they cling to the teats of the mother, who runs about with them occasionally without much apparent inconvenience ; and even when older, they still, when she is about to travel quickly, cling to her sides or to her back. Thus on a visit from home, she may be said to carry her little family with her, and is always ready to defend them even at the risk of her life. We once heard a gratifying and affecting anecdote of the attachment to its young, manifested by one of this species, which we will here relate as an evidence that in some cases we may learn a valuable lesson from the instincts of the brute creation. Our friend, Gamarp Sronry, Esq., sent us an old and a young Florida rat, obtained under the following circumstances. A terrier was seen in pur- suit of a rat of this species, followed by two young, about a third grown. He had already killed one of these, when the mother sprang forward and seized the other in her mouth, although only a few feet from her relent- less enemy—hastened through a fence which for a moment protected her, and retreated into her burrow. They were dug out of the ground, and sent to us alive. We observed that for many months the resting place of the young during the day was on the back of its mother. From three to six are produced at a litter, by this species, which breeds generally twice a year; we have seen the young so frequently in March and August, that we are inclined to the belief that these are the periods of their reproduction. We have never heard them making any other noise than a faint squeak, somewhat resembling that of the brown rat. The very playful character of this species, its cleanly habits, its mild, 36 FLORIDA RAT. prominent, and bright eyes; together with its fine form and easy suscep- tibility of domestication, would render it a far more interesting pet than many others that the caprice of man has from time to time induced him to select. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. This species is very widely scattered through the country. It was brought from East Florida by Mr. Orp, in 1818, but not published until 1825. It was then supposed by him to be peculiar to Florida, and re- ceived its specific name from that circumstance. We had, however, ob- tained a number of specimens, both of this species and the cotton rat, (Sigmodon hispidum.) in 1816, in South Carolina, where they are very abundant. In Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and the former States, it is a common species. Its numbers diminish greatly as we travel eastward. In North Carolina some specimens of it have been obtained. We observed a few nests among the valleys of the Vir- ginia mountains ; farther north we have not personally traced it, although we have somewhere heard it stated that one or two had been captured as far to the north as Maryland. GENERAL REMARKS. On a farther examination of Barrram’s work, which is also referred to by Gopman, (Nat. Hist., vol. ii., p. 21,) we find his descriptions of the habits of this species very accurate; the first part of that article, how- ever, quoted by Dr. Gopmay, is evidently incorrect. ‘“ The wood rat,” says Bartram, “is a very curious animal; they are not half the size of the domestic rat, of a dark brown or black colour; thin tail, slender and shorter in proportion, and covered thinly with short hair.” The error of Bartram, in describing one species, and applying to it the habits of an- other, seems to have escaped the observation of Dr.Gopman. The cotton rat, or as it is generally called, wood rat, (Sigmodon hispidum,) answers this description of Barrram, in its size, colour, and tail; but it does not build “ conical pyramids ;” this is the work of a much larger and very dif- ferent species—the Florida rat of this article. The adoption of the genus Nzoroma, when proposed by Say and Opp, was met with considerable opposition by naturalists of that day, and some severe strictures were passed upon it by Drs. Haruan and Gopman, (See Harzan, p. 148, Gopman, vol. ii, p. 72.) ‘They contended that the variations in the teeth that separated this species from Mus and Arvicola, were not sufficient to establish genuine distinctions. More recently naturalists have, however, examined the subject calmly FLORIDA RAT. 37 and considerately. It is certain that this genus cannot be arranged either under Arvicola or Mus, without enlarging the characters of one or the other of these genera. Another species, from the Rocky Mountains, has been discovered by Dr. Ricnarpson, (Neotoma Drummondii,) and we feel pretty confident that the genus will be generally adopted. GENUS SCIURUS.—Liyy., Erxtes., Cuv., Georr., ILiicEr. DentTat Formuta. peal) ae OSD ayy Ge 55 , Incisive 5; Canine = Molar pag Ol qi — 9 20 OKA 22 Body elongated ; tail long and furnished with hairs; head large ; ears erect ; eyes projecting and brilliant; upper lip divided. Four toes be- fore, with a tubercle covered by a blunt nail; five toes behind. The four grinders, on each side the mouth above and beneath, are variously tuber- culated; a very small additional one in front, above, is in some species permanent, but in most cases drops out when the young haye attained the age of from six to twelve weeks. Mamme, eight; two pectoral, the others abdominal. The squirrel is admirably adapted to a residence on trees, for which nature has designed it. Its fingers are long, slender and deeply cleft, and its nails very acute and greatly compressed ; it is enabled to leap from branch to branch, and from tree to tree, clinging to the smallest twigs, and seldom missing its hold. When this happens to be the case, it has an instinctive habit of grasping in its descent at the first object which may present itself, or if about to fall to the earth, it spreads itself out in the manner of the flying squirrel, and thus by presenting a greater resist- ance to the air, is enabled to reach the ground without injury, and recover itself so instantaneously, that it often escapes the teeth of the dog that watches its descent, and stands ready to seize upon it at the moment of its fall. It immediately ascends a neighbouring tree, emitting very fre- quently a querulous bark, which is either a note of fear or of triumph. Although the squirrel moves with considerable activity on the ground, it rather runs than leaps ; on trees, however, its activity and agility are surprising, and it is generally able to escape from its enemies, and conceal itself in a few moments, either among the thick foliage, in its nest, or in a hollow tree. The squirrel usually conveys its food to the mouth by the fore-paws. Nuts, and seeds of all kinds, are held by it between the rudi- mental thumbs and the inner portions of the palms. When disturbed or alarmed, it either drops the nut and makes a rapid retreat, or seizes it with the incisors, and carries it to its hole or nest. All our American species of this genus, as far as we have been able to GENUS SCIURUS. 39 become acquainted with their habits, build their nests either in the fork of a tree, or on some secure portion of its branches. The nest is hemi- spherical in shape, and is composed of sticks, leaves, the bark of trees, and various kinds of mosses and lichens. In the vicinity of these nests, however, they have a still more secure retreat in some hollow tree, to which they retire in cold or in very wet weather, and where their first litter of young is generally produced. Several species of squirrels collect and hide away food during the abun- dant season of autumn, to serve as a winter store. This hoard is com- posed of various kinds of walnuts and hickory nuts, chesnuts, chinque- pins, acorns, corn, &c., which may be found in their vicinity. The spe- cies, however, that inhabit the Southern portions of the United States, where the ground is seldom covered with snow, and where they can al- ways derive a precarious support from the seeds, insects, and worms, which they scratch up among the leaves, &c., are less provident in this respect ; and of all our species, the chickaree, or Hudson’s Bay squirrel, (Sc. Hudsonius,) is by far the most industrious, and lays up the greatest quantity of food. In the spring, the squirrels shed their hair, which is replaced by a thin- ner and less furry coat; during summer their tails are narrower and less feathery than in autumn, when they either receive an entirely new coat, or a very great accession of fur; at this season also, the outer surfaces of the ears are more thickly and prominently clothed with fur than in the spring and summer. Squirrels are notorious depredators on the Indian corn fields of the far- mer, in some portions of our country, consuming great quantities of this grain, and by tearing off the husks, exposing an immense number of the unripe ears to the mouldering influence of the dew and rain. The usual note emitted by this genus is a kind of tremulous querulous bark, not very unlike the quacking of a duck. Although all our larger squirrels have shades of difference in their notes, which will enable the practised ear to designate the species even before they are seen, yet this difference cannot easily be described by words. Their bark seems to be the repetition of a syllable five or six times, quack—quack—quack—quack— qua—commencing low, gradually raising to a higher pitch, and ending with a drawl on the last letter in the syllable. The notes, however, of the smaller Hudson’s Bay squirrel, and its kindred species existing on the Rocky Mountains, differ considerably from those of the larger squirrels ; they are sharper, more rapidly uttered, and of longer continuance ; seem- ing intermediate between the bark of the latter and the chipping calls of the ground-squirrels, (Tamras.) The barking of the squirrel may be heard 40 GENUS SCIURUS. occasionally in the forest during all hours of the day, but is uttered most frequently in the morning and afternoon. Any sudden noise in the woods, or the distant report of a gun, is almost certain, during fine weather, to be succeeded by the barking of the squirrel. This is either a note of playful- ness or of love. Whilst barking it seats itself for a few moments on a branch of a tree, elevates its tail over its back towards the head, and bend- ing the point backwards continues to jerk its body, and elevate and depress the tail at the repetition of each successive note. Like the mocking bird and the nightingale, however, the squirrel, very soon after he begins to sing, (for to his own ear, at least, his voice must be musical,) also commences skipping and dancing; he leaps playfully from bough to bough, some- times pursuing a rival or his mate for a few moments, and then reiterat- ing with renewed vigour his querulous and monotonous notes. One of the most common habits of the squirrel is that of dodging around the tree when approached, and keeping on the opposite side, so as to completely baffle the hunter who is alone. Hence it is almost essential to the sportsman’s success, that he should be accompanied by a second person, who, by walking slowly round the tree on which the squirrel has been seen, and beating the bushes, and making a good deal of noise, causes him to move to the side where the gunner is silently stationed, waiting for a view of him to fire. When a squirrel is seated on a branch, and fancies himself undiscovered, should some one approach, he imme- diately depresses his tail, and extending it along the branch behind him, presses his body so closely to the bark, that he frequently escapes the most practised eye. Notwithstanding the agility of these animals, man is not their only, nor even their most formidable enemy. The owl makes a frequent meal of those species which continue to seek their food late in the evening and early in the morning. Several species of hawks, espe- cially the red-tailed, (Buteo borealis.) and the red-shouldered, (Buteo line- atus,) pounce upon them by day. The black snake, rattle snake, and other species of snakes, can secure them; and the ermine, the fox, and the wild cat, are incessantly exerting their sagacity in lessening their num- bers. The generic name Sciurus is derived from the Latin sctwrus, a squirrel, and from the Greek, cx:cvpos, (skiowros,) from exi, (skia,) a shade, and ovpa, (oura,) a tail. There are between sixty and seventy species of this genus known to authors; about twenty well determined species exist in North America. 4 SCIURUS RICHARDSONII—Bacu. Ricuarpson’s CoLumMBran SqQuirReEL. PLATE V.—Mate ano Femate.—Natural size. 8. canda corpore breviore, apice nigro; supra griseus, subtus sub-albi- dus, 8S. Hudsonico minor. CHARACTERS. Smaller than Sciurus Hudsonius ; tail shorter than the body ; rusty gray above, whitish beneath ; extremity of the tail black. SYNONYMES. Brown Squirret, Lewis and Clarke, vol. iii., p. 37. Sciurus Hupsontvs, var. B. Richardson, Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 190. Sciurus Ricuarpsonu, Bachman, Proceedings, Zool. Soc., London, 1838, (read Aug. 14, 1838.) Scrurus Ricnarpsonn, Bach., Mag. Nat. Hist., London, new series, 1839, p. 113. Cs “ Bach., Silliman’s Journal. DESCRIPTION. The upper incisors are small and of a light yellow colour; the lower are very thin and slender, and nearly white. The first or deciduous mo- lar, as in all the smaller species of pine squirrel that we have examined, is wanting. The body of this diminutive species is short, and does not present that appearance of lightness and agility which distinguishes the Sciwrus Hud- sonius. Head less elongated, forehead more arched, and nose a little more blunt, than in that species. Ears short; feet of moderate size; the third toe on the fore-feet, but slightly longer than the second ; claws, compressed, arched, and acute; tail shorter than the body. Thumb nail broad, flat, and blunt. COLOUR. Fur on the back, dark plumbeous from the roots, tipped with rusty brown and black, giving it a rusty gray appearance. It is less rufous than Sciurus Hudsonius, and lighter coloured than Scitwrus Douglassti, Ul 42 RICHARDSON’S COLUMBIAN SQUIRREL. Feet, on their upper surface rufous ; on the shoulders, forehead, ears, and along the thighs, there is a slight tinge of the same colour. Whiskers, (which are a little longer than the head,) black. The whole of the under surface, as well as a line around the eyes and a small patch above the nostrils, bluish-gray. The tail, for about one-half its length presents on the upper surface a dark rufous appearance, many of the hairs being nearly black, pointed with light rufous. At the extremity of the tail and along it for about an inch and three-quarters, the hairs are black, a few of them slightly tipped with rufous. Hind-feet, from the heel to the palms thickly clothed with short adpressed light-coloured hairs; palms naked. The sides are marked by a line of black, commencing at the shoulder and terminating abruptly on the flanks; this line is about two inches in length, and four lines wide. DIMENSIONS. Length of head and body . ; - : ; 61 inches. Tail (vertebrae) . 5 5 = : . : 32 do. Do., including fur . : 2 : ; 2 : 5. do: Height of ear posteriorly 2 do. Do., including fur * do. Palm and middle fore-claw . 13 do. Sole and middle hind-claw 13 do. HABITS. The only knowledge we have obtained of the habits of this species, is contained in a note from Mr. Townsenp, who obtained the specimen from which the above description was taken. He remarks: “It is evidently a distinct species. Its habits are very different from the Sciwrus Hud- sonius. It frequents the pine trees in the high ranges of the Rocky Mountains west of the Great Chain, feeding upon the seeds contained in the cones. These seeds are large and white, and contain a good deal of nutriment. The Indians eat a great quantity of them, and esteem them good. : “The note of this squirrel is a loud jarring chatter, very different from the noise of Sciurus Hudsonius. It is not at all shy, frequently coming down to the foot of the tree to reconnoitre the passenger, and scolding at him vociferously. It is, I think, a scarce species.” GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Lewis and Crarxe speak of the “Brown Squirrel”, as inhabiting the banks of the Columbia river. Our specimen is labelled, Rocky Moun- RICHARDSON’S COLUMBIAN SQUIRREL. 43 tains, Aug. 12, 1834. From Mr. Townsenn’s account, it exists on the mountains a little west of the highest ridge. It will be found no doubt to have an extensive range along those elevated regions. In the Russian possessions to the Northward, it is replaced by the Downy Squirrel (Sc. lanuginosus,) and in the South, near the Californian Mountains, within the Territories of the United States, by another small species which we hope to present to our readers hereafter. GENERAL REMARKS. The first account we have of this species is from Lewis and Ciarke, who deposited a specimen in the Philadelphia Museum, where it still exists. We have compared this specimen with that brought by Mr. Townsenp, and find them identical. The description by Lewis and CuarKke (vol. iii., p. 37) is very creditable to the close observation and accuracy of those early explorers of the untrodden snows of the Rocky Mountains and the valleys beyond, to Oregon. “The small brown Squirrel,” they say, “is a beautiful little animal, about the size and form of the red squirrel (Sc. Hudsonius) of the Atlantic States, and Western lakes. The tailis as long as the body and neck, and formed like that of the red squirrel; the eyes are black; the whiskers long and black, but not abundant ; the back, sides, head, neck, and outer parts of the legs, are of a reddish brown; the throat, breast, belly, and inner parts of the legs, are of a pale red; the tail is a mixture of black and fox-coloured red, in which the black predominates in the middle, and the red on the edges and extremity. The hair of the body is almost half an inch long, and so fine and soft that it has the appearance of fur. The hair of the tail is coarser and double in length. This animal subsists chiefly on the seeds of various species of pine and is always found in the pine country.” Dr. Ric#arpson, who had not seen a specimen, copied in his excellent work, (Fauna Boreaili Americana, p. 19,) the description of Lewis and Cuarxe, from which he supposed this speciesto be a mere variety of the Se. Hudsonius. We had subsequently an opportunity of submitting a specimen to his inspection, when he immediately became convinced it was a different species. The difference between these two species can indeed be detected at a glance by comparing specimens of each together. The present species, in addition to its being a fourth smaller—about the size of our little chipping squirrel (Tamias Lysteri)—has less of the reddish brown on the upper surface, and may always be distinguished from the other by the blackness of its tail at the extremity. 44 GENUS VULPES.—Cvv. DENTAL FORMULA. Incisive = Canine 3 Molar = =a: Muzzle pointed ; pupils of the eyes forming a vertical fissur>; upper incisors less curved than in the genus Canis. Tail, long, bushy, and cy- lindrical. Animals of this genus, generally are smaller, and the number of spe- cies known, greater, than among the wolves; they diffuse a foetid odour, dig burrows, and attack none but the weaker quadrupeds, or birds, &c. The characters of this genus, differ so slightly from those of the genus Canis, that we were induced to pause before removing it from the sub- genus in which it had so long remained. As a general rule, we are obliged to admit that a large fox is a wolf, and a small wolf may be termed a fox. So inconveniently large, however, is the list of species in the old genus Canis, that it is, we think, advisable to separate into dis- tinct groups, such species as possess any characters different from the true Wolves. Foxes, although occasionally seen abroad during the day, are nocturnal in their habits, and their character is marked by timidity, suspicion and cunning. Nearly the whole day is passed by the Fox in concealment, either in his burrow under ground, in the fissures of the rocks, or in the middle of some large fallen-tree-top, or thick pile of brush-wood, where he is well hidden from any passing enemy. During the obscurity of late twilight, or in the darkness of night, he sallies forth in search of food; the acuteness of his organs of sight, of smell, and of hearing, enabling him in the most murky atmosphere, to trace and follow the footsteps of small quadrupeds or birds, and pounce upon the hare seated in her form, or the partridge, grouse, or turkey on their nests. Various species of squirrels, field-rats, and moles, afford him a rich re- past. He often causes great devastation in the poultry yard; seizes on the goose whilst grazing along the banks of the stream, or carries off the lamb from the side of its mother. The cautious and wary character of the Fox, renders it exceedingly AMERICAN CROSS FOX. 45 difficult to take him in a trap of any kind. He eludes the snares laid for him, and generally discovers and avoids the steel-trap, however carefully covered with brush-wood or grasses. In the Northern States, such as Pennsylvania and New-York, and in New England, the rutting season of the Fox commences in the month of February. During this period he issues a succession of rapid yells, like the quick and sharp barking of a small dog. Gestation continues from 60 to 65 days. The cubs are from 5 to 9 innumber, and like young puppies, are born with hair, and are blind at birth. They leave their burrows generally, when three or four months old, and in all predatory expeditions, each individual goes singly, and plunders on his own account, and for his own especial benefit. The Generic name is derived from the Latin word vulpes, a Fox. There are about twelve well-known species belonging to this Genus —four of which exist in North America. VULPES FULVUS—Desm: var. Decussatus— PENNANT. American Cross Fox. PLATE VI.—Maxe.—j Natural size. V. cruce nigra supra humeros, subtus linea longitudinali nigra, auribus pedibusque nigris. CHARACTERS. A cross on the neck and shoulders, and a longitudinal stripe on the under surface, black ; ears and feet black. SYNONYMES. Renarp Barré, Tsinantontongue, Sagard Theodat., Canada, p. 745. Evrorean Cross Fox, var. B., Cross Fox, Pennant, Arct., Zool., vol. i., p. 46. Canis Decussatus, Geoff., Coll. du Mus. Canis Funvus, Sabine, Franklin’s Journal, p. 656. “ “ var. B., (decussatus) Rich., Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 93. DESCRIPTION. Form, agrees in every particular with that of the common red fox, (V. fulvus.) Fur, rather thick and long, but not thicker or more elongated than in many specimens of the red fox that we have examined. Soles of 46 AMERICAN CROSS FOX. the feet densely clothed with short woolly hair, so that the callous spots at the roots of the nails are scarcely visible. A black longitudinal stripe, more or less distinct, on the under surface. COLOUR. Front of the head, and back,dark gray; the hairs being black at the roots, yellowish white near the ends, and but slightly tipped with black ; so that the light colour of the under part of each hair showing through, gives the surface a gray tint; with these hairs a few others are mixed that are black throughout their whole length. ; The soft fur beneath these long hairs is of a brownish black. Inner surface of ears, and sides of the neck from the chin to the shoulders, pale reddish yellow ; sides, behind the shoulders towards the top of the back, slightly ferruginous; under surface, to the thighs, haunches, and under part of the root of tail, pale ferruginous. Fur underneath the long hair, yellowish. Tail dark brown; fur beneath, reddish yellow; the long hairs, yellowish at base, broadly tipped with black ; at the extremity of the tail a small tuft of white hair. Nose, outer surface of ear, chin, throat, and chest, black. A line along the under surface for half its length, and broadest at its termination, black ; a few white hairs intermixed, but not a sufficient number to alter the general colour. The yellowish tint on each side of the neck and behind the shoulders, is divided by a longitudi- nal dark brown band on the back, crossed at right angles by another run- ning over the shoulders and extending over the fore-legs, forming a cross. There is another cross, yet more distinctly marked, upon the chest; a black stripe, extending downward from the throat towards the belly, being intersected by another black line, which reaches over the chest from the inside of one fore-leg to the other. Hence, the name of this animal does not originate in its ill-nature, or by reason of its having any peculiarly savage propensity, as might be presumed, but from the singular markings we have just described. DIMENSIONS. Adult Male. From nose to root of tail. E = : 241 inches. Tail (vertebre) . ; : ; : F : 123 do. Tail, to end of hair . : a : s : 16 do. From nose to endofear . 5 : : - 8 do. toeyes . : 4 : - : 21 do. Weight, 14 pounds. AMERICAN CROSS FOX. AT HABITS. In our youth we had opportunities whilst residing in the northern part of the State of New York, of acquiring some knowledge of the habits of the Fox, and many other animals, which then were abundant around us, Within a few miles dwelt several neighbours who vied with each other in destroying foxes, and other predacious animals, and who kept a strict account of the number they captured or killed each season. As trappers, most of our neighbours were rather unsuccessful—the wary foxes, espe- cially, seemed very soon, as our western hunters would say, to be “ up to trap.” Shooting them by star-light, from behind a hay-stack in the fields, when they had for sometime been baited and the snow covered the ground so that food was eagerly sought after by them, answered pretty well at first, but after a few had been shot at, the whole tribe of foxes —red, gray, cross, and black—appeared to be aware that safety was no longer to be expected in the vicinity of hay-stacks, and they all gave the latter a wide berth. With the assistance of dogs, pick-axes, and spades, our friends were far more successful, and we think might have been considered adepts. We were invited to join them, which we did on a few occasions, but finding that our ideas of sport did not accord precisely with theirs, we gradually withdrew from this club of primitive fox-hunters. Each of these sports- men was guided by his own “rules and regulations” in the “ chase ;” the horse was not brought into the field, nor do we remember any scarlet coats. Each hunter proceeded in the direction that to him seemed best— what he killed he kept—and he always took the shortest possible method he could devise, to obtain the fox’s skin. He seldom carried a gun, but in lieu of it, on his shoulder was a pick-axe and a spade, and in his pocket a tinder box and steel. A half-hound, being a stronger and swifter dog than the thorough bred, accompanied him, the true foxhound being too slow, and too noisy for his purpose ; we remember one of these half-bred dogs, which was of great size and extraordinary fleetness ; it was said to have a cross of the grey- hound. In the fresh-fallen and deep snows of mid-winter, the hunters were most successful. During these severe snow storms, the ruffed grouse, (Tetrao umbellus,) called in our Eastern States the partridge, is often snowed up and covered over ; or sometimes plunges from on wing into the soft snow, where it remains concealed for a day or two. The fox occasionally sur- prises these birds, and as he is usually stimulated at this inclement season by the gnawings of hunger, he is compelled to seek for food by day as 48 AMERICAN CROSS FOX. well as by night; his fresh tracks may be seen in the fields, along the fences, and on the skirts of the farm-yard, as well as in the deep forest. Nothing is easier than to track the Fox under these favourable cireum- stances, and the trail having been discovered, it is followed up, until Rey- nard is started. Now the chase begins ; the half-hound yells out, in tones far removed from the mellow notes of the thorough-bred dog, but equally inspiriting perhaps, through the clear frosty air, as the solitary hunter eagerly follows, as fast as his limited powers of locomotion will admit. At intervals of three or four minutes, the sharp cry of the dog resounds, the Fox has no time to double and shuffle, the dog is at his heels almost, and speed, speed, is his only hope for life. Now the shrill baying of the hound becomes irregular ; we may fancy he is at the throat of his victim ; the hunter is far in the rear, toiling along the track which marks the course so well contested, but occasionally the voice of his dog softened by the distance, is borne on the wind to his ear. For a mile or two the Fox keeps ahead of his pursuer, but the latter has the longest legs, and the snow impedes him less than it does poor Reynard; every bound and plunge into the snow, diminishes the distance between the fox and his re- lentless foe. Onward they rush through field, fence, brushwood, and open forest, the snow flying from bush and briar as they dart through the copse, or speed across the newly-cleared field. But this desperate race cannot last longer. The fox must gain his burrow, or some cavernous rock, or he dies. Alas! he has been lured too far away from his custom- ary haunts and from his secure retreat, in search of prey, he is unable to reach his home; the dog is even now within a foot of his brush. One more desperate leap, and with a sudden snappish growl he turns upon his pur- suer, and endeavours to defend himself with his sharp teeth. For a mo- ment he resists the dog, but is almost instantly overcome. He is not killed, however, in the first onset ; both dog and fox, are so fatigued that they now sit on their haunches facing each other, resting, panting, their tongues hanging out, and the foam from their lips dropping on the snow. After fiercely eyeing each other for a while, both become impatient—the former to seize his prey, and the latter to escape. At the first leap of the fox, the dog is upon him; with renewed vigour he seizes him by the throat, and does not loose his hold until the snow is stained with his blood, and he lies rumpled, draggled, with blood-shot eye, and frothy open mouth, a mangled carcass on the ground. The hunter soon comes up: he has made several short cuts, guided by the baying of his hound; and striking the deep trail in the snow again, at a point much nearer to the scene of the death-struggle, he hurries toward the place where the last ery was heard, and pushes forward ina half run AMERICAN CROSS FOX. 49 until he meets his dog, which on hearing his master approach, generally advances towards him, and leads the way to the place where he has achieved his victory. We will now have another hunt, and pursue a Fox, that is within reach of his burrow when we let loose our dog upon him. - We will suppose him “started;” with loud shouts we encourage our_half-hound ; he dashes away on the Fox’s track, whilst the latter, with every muscle strained to the utmost, is shortening the distance between himself and his stronghold ; increasing his speed with his renewed hopes of safety, he gains the entrance to his retreat, and throws himself headlong into it, re- joicing at his escape. Whilst yet panting for breath, he hears his foe barking at the entrance of his burrow, and flatters himself he is now be- yond a peradventure safe. But perhaps we do injustice to his sagacity ; he may have taken refuge in his hole, well aware of the possibility of his being attacked there—yet what better could he do? However this may be, he has escaped one enemy, by means of a swift pair of heels, and has only to dread the skill, perseverance, and invention of the hunter; who in time comes up, rigged out pretty much as we have already described him, with spade, pick-axe, flint and steel. On arriving at the spot where the Fox has been (in select phrase) “holed,” the sportsman surveys the place, and if it is on level ground, where he can use the spade, he throws off his coat, and prepares for his work with a determination to have “that” fox, and no mistake! He now cuts a long slender stick, which he inserts in the hole, to ascertain in what direction he shall dig the first pit. The edge or mouth of the burrow, is generally elevated a little above the adjacent surface of the ground, by the earth which the Fox has brought from within; and this slight embankment, serves to keep out the rain water, that might otherwise flow in from the vicinity in stormy weather. The burrow at first inclines downward, for four or five feet, at an an gle of about twenty-five degrees, it then inclines upward a little, which is an additional security against inundations, and is continued, at a depth of about three or four feet from the surface, until it reaches a point where it-is divided into two or three galleries. This dividing point the hunter discovers after sinking three or four pits —it is generally twenty or thirty feet from the entrance of the burrow. The excavation is now made larger, the earth and rubbish thrown out, the dog is placed in the hole thus laid open, and his aid is sought, to ascertain into which branch of the gallery the Fox has retreated. There are seldom any tortuous windings beyond the spot whence the galleries diverge—the Fox is not far off. The stick is again inserted, and 8 50 AMERICAN CROSS FOX. either reaches him, and the hunter is made aware of his whereabouts, by his snapping at it and growling, which calls forth a yelp of fierce anxiety from the dog ; or, as frequently happens, the Fox is heard digging for life, and making no contemptible progress through the earth. Should no rocks or large roots interfere, he is easily unearthed, and caught by the dog. It however very frequently occurs, that the den of the Fox is situat- ed on the mountain side; and that its winding galleries run beneath the enormous roots of some stately pine or oak; or it may be amongst huge masses of broken rock, in some fissure of too great depth to be sounded, and too contracted to be entered by man or dog. What is then to be done? Should a “ dead-fall” be set at the mouth of the hole, the Fox will (unless the ground be frozen too hard,) dig another opening, and not go out by the old place of egress; place a steel-trap before it, and he will spring it without being caught. He will remain for days in his re- treat, without once exposing himself to the danger of having a dog snap- ping at his nose, or a load of duck-shot whistling round his ears. Our hunter, however, is not much worried with such reflections as we have just made ; he has already gathered an armful or two of dry wood, and perhaps some resinous knots, or bits of the bark of the pine-tree ; he cuts up a portion into small pieces, pulls out his tinder-box, flint, and steel, and in a few moments a smart fire is lighted within the burrow ; more wood is thrown on, the mass pushed further down the hole, and as soon as it be- gins to roar and blaze freely, the mouth is stopped with brush-wood covered with a few spadefuls of earth, and the den is speedily exhausted of pure air, and filled with smoke and noxious gases. There is no escape for the Fox—an enemy worse than the dog or the gun, is destroying him; he dies a protracted, painful death by suffoca- tion! In about an hour the entrance is uncovered, large volumes of smoke issue into the pure air, and when the hunter’s eye can pierce through the dense smoky darkness of the interior, he may perhaps discern the poor Fox extended lifeless in the burrow, and may reach him with a stick. If not quite dead, the Fox is at least exhausted and insensible ; this is sometimes the case, and the animal is then knocked on the head. The number of Foxes taken by our neighbours, in the primitive mode of hunting them we have attempted to describe, was, as nearly as we can now recollect, about sixty every winter, or an average of nearly twenty killed by each hunter. After one or two seasons, the number of Foxes in that part of the country was sensibly diminished, although the settle- ments had not increased materially and the neighbourhood was at that time very wild. At this time Pennant’s marten (Mustela Canadensis) was not very AMERICAN CROSS FOX. 51 scarce in Rensselaer county, and we had three different specimens brought to us to examine. These, the people called Black Foxes. They were obtained by cutting down. hollow trees, in which they were concealed, and to which their tracks on the snow directed the hunters. We cannot now find any note, in regard to the number of Cross Foxes taken, as compared to the Red, Gray, and Black Foxes ; about one-fourth of the whole number captured, however, were Gray Foxes, and we recol- lect but a single one that was perfectly black with the exception of a white tip at the end of its tail, like the specimen figured in Dr. Gopman’s work. On examining several packages of Fox skins at Montreal, we saw about four specimens only of the Cross Fox, and three of the Black Fox, in some three hundred skins. We were informed during our recent visit to the Upper Missouri country, that from fifty to one hundred skins of the Cross Fox were annually procured by the American Fur Company, from the hunters and Indians. The specimen from which our drawing was made, was caught in a steel-trap, by one of its fore-feet, not far from the falls of Niagara, and was purchased by J. W. Aupuzon of the proprietor of the “ Museum” kept there to gratify the curiosity of the travellers who visit the great Cataract. In describing the habits of the Red Fox, (V. Fulvus,) which we trust to be able to do hereafter, we conceive that we shall have a further and better opportunity of giving the characteristics of the species of which this is a variety. Dr. Ricuarpson (Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 93) adheres to the opinion of the Indians, who regard the Cross Fox of the fur traders as a mere variety of the Red Fox. He says, “I found on inquiry that the gra- dations of colour between characteristic specimens of the Cross and Red Fox, are so small that the hunters are often in doubt with respect to the proper denomination of a skin; and I was frequently told, “ This is not a Cross Fox yet, but it is becoming so.” It is worthy of remark, moreover, that the European Fox (Vulpes vulgaris) is subject to similar varieties, and that the “ Canis crucigera of Grsner, differs from the latter animal in the same way that the American Cross Fox does from the red one.” We have had several opportunities of examining C. crucigera in the mu seums of Europe, and regard it as a variety of the common European Fox, but it differs in many particulars from any variety of the American Red Fox that we have hitherto examined. The Cross Fox is generally regarded as being more wary and swift of foot, than the Red Fox; with regard to its greater swiftness, we doubt 52 AMERICAN CROSS FOX, the fact.’ We witnessed a trial of speed between the mongrel greyhound already referred to in this article, and a Red Fox, in the morning, and another between the same dog and a Cross Fox, about noon, on the same day. The former was taken after an hour’s hard run in the snow, and the latter in half that time, which we accounted for from the fact that the Cross Fox was considerably the fattest, and from this circumstance be- came tired out very soon. We purchased from a country lad a specimen of the Cross Fox, in the flesh, which he told us he had caught with a common cur dog, in the snow, which was then a foot in depth. In regard to the cunning of this variety, there may be some truth in the general opinion, but this can be accounted for on natural principles : the skin is considered very valuable, and the animal is always re- garded as a curiosity; hence the hunters make every endeavour to ob- tain one when seen, and it would not be surprising if a constant succes- sion of attempts to capture it, together with the instinctive desire for self- preservation possessed by all animals, should sharpen its wits, and render it more cautious and wild than those species that are less frequently mo- lested. We remember an instance of this kind, which we will here relate. A Cross Fox, nearly black, was frequently seen in a particular cover. We offered what was in those days considered a high premium, for the animal in the flesh. The fox was accordingly chased, and shot at, by the farmers’ boys in the neighbourhood. The autumn and winter passed away, nay, a whole year, and still the fox was going at large. It was at last regarded by some of the more credulous as possessing a charmed life, and it was thought that nothing but a silver ball could killit. In the spring, we induced one of our servants to dig for the young Foxes that had been seen at the burrow which was known to be frequented by the Cross . Fox. With an immense deal of labour and fatigue the young were dug out from the side of a hill; there were seven, Unfortunately we were obliged to leave home and did not return until after they had been given away, and were distributed about the neighbourhood. ; Three were said to have been black, the rest were red. The blackest of the young whelps, was retained for us, and we frequently saw at the house of a neighbour, another of the litter, that was red, and differed in no respect from the common Red Fox. The older our little pet became, the less it grew like the Black, and the more like the Cross Fox. It was, very much to our regret, killed by a dog when about six months old, and as far as we can now recollect, was nearly of the colour of the specimen figured in our work. The following autumn, we determined to try our hand, at pro- curing the enchanted fox which was the parent of these young varieties. ee ee eee AMERICAN CROSS FOX. 53 as it could always be started in the same vicinity. We obtained a pair of fine fox-hounds, and gave chase. The dogs were young, and proved no match for the fox, which generally took a straight direction through several cleared fields, for five or six miles, after which it began winding and twisting among the hills, where the hounds on two occasions lost the scent and returned home. On a third hunt, we took our stand near the corner of an old field, at a spot we had twice observed it to pass. It came at last, swinging its brush from side to side, and running with great rapidity, three-quarters of a mile ahead of the dogs, which were yet out of hearing.—A good aim removed the mysterious charm—We killed it with squirrel-shot, without the aid of a silver bullet. It was nearly jet-black, with the tip of the tail white. This fox was the female which had produced the young of the previous spring that we have just spoken of ; and as some of them, as we have al- already said, were Cross Foxes and others Red Foxes, this has settled the question in our minds, that both the Cross Fox and the Black Fox are mere varieties of the Red. J. W. Aupuson brought the specimen he obtained at Niagara, alive to New York, where it was kept for six or seven weeks. It fed on meat of various kinds: it was easily exasperated, having been much teased on its way from the Falls. It usually laid down in the box in which it was confined, with its head toward the front, and its bright eyes constantly looking upward, and forward, at all intruders. Sometimes, during the night, it would bark like a dog, and frequently, during the day, its move- ' ments corresponded with those of the latter animal. It could not bear the sun-light shining into its prison, and continued shy and snappish to the last. The fur of the Cross Fox was formerly in great demand; a single skin sometimes selling for twenty-five dollars ; at present, however, it is said not to be worth more than about three times the price of that of the Red Fox. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. This variety seems to originate only in cold climates; hence we have not heard of it in the southern parts of the States of New York and Penn- sylvania, nor farther to the South. In the northern portions of the State of New York, in New Hampshire, Maine, and in Canada, it is ocea- sionally met with, in locations where the Red Fox is common. It also exists in Nova Scotia and Labrador. There is a Cross Fox on the Rocky Mountains, but we are not yet satisfied that it will eventually prove to be this variety. AMERICAN CROSS FOX. = GENERAL REMARKS. The animal referred to by Sacarp Tueopar, in his History of Canada, under the name of Renard Barré, Tsinantontongue, was evidently this va- riety. Prynanr probably also referred to it, (vol. i., p. 46,) although he blended it with the European V. Crucigera of Grsner, and the Korsraef of the Swedes. Grorr (Collect. du Mus.) described and named it asa true species. Desmarest (Mamm., p. 203, 308) and Cuvier (Dict. des Se. Nat., vol. viii., p. 566) adopted his views. It is given under this name by Sasrve (Franklin’s Journ., p. 656.) Harian (Fauna, p. 88) published it as a distinct species, on the authority and in the words of Drsmaregst. Gopman, who gave the Black or Silver Fox (A. argentatus) as a true spe- cies, seemed doubtful whether the Cross Fox might not prove a “ mule between the Black and Red Fox.” Ricnarpson, under the name of the American Cross Fox finally described it as a mere variety of the Red Fox. We possess a hunter's skin, which we obtained whilst on the Upper Missouri, that differs greatly from the one we have described, in its size, markings, and the texture of its fur. The body, from point of nose to root of tail, is 33 inches long; tail to end of fur 184; the skin is pro- bably stretched beyond the natural size of the animal; but the tail, which is very large in circumference, is, we think, of its proper dimensions. The hair is long, being on the neck, sides, and tail, five inches in length ; the under fur, which is peculiarly soft, is three inches long. There is scarcely a vestige of the yellowish-brown of our other specimen, on the whole body; but the corresponding parts are gray. The tail is irregu- larly clouded, and banded, the tip for three inches white. The colour of the remaining portions of the body does not differ very widely from the specimen we have described. The ears, nose, and paws of this specimen (as in most hunters’ skins) are wanting. It is not impossible that this may be a variety of a larger species of Red Fox, referred to by Lewis and _ Crarke, as existing on both sides of the Rocky Mountains. ay) SCIURUS CAROLINENSIS.—Gnmet. Carotiva Gray SQuirre. PLATE VII.—Mate anp Femate,—Natural size. S. griseus supra, subtus albus, colorem haud mutaris, 8. migratorii, minor. Cauda corpore breviore, 8. migratorii angustiore. CHARACTERS. Smaller than the Northern Gray Squirrel, (Sciurus Migratorius,) tail narrower than in that species, and shorter than the body ; above, rusly gray ; beneath, white ; does not vary in colour. SYNONYMES. Ecureuit Gris pe ta Caroine, Bosc., vol. ii., p. 96, pl. 29. Sciurus Caroitnensis, Bach., Monog., Proceedings Zool. Soc., London, August, 1838. Mag., Nat. Hist., 1839, p. 113. DESCRIPTION. This species, which has been many years known, and frequently de- scribed, has been always considered by authors as identical with the Gray Squirrel of the Northern States, (Sciurus migratorius.) There are, however, so many marked differences, in size, colour, and habit, ihat any student of nature can easily perceive the distinction between these two allied species. Head shorter, and space between the ears proportionately broader than between those of the Northern Gray Squirrel ; nose sharper than in that animal. Small, anterior molar, in the upper jaw, permanent, (as we have invariably found it to exist in all the specimens we have examined:;) it is considerably larger than in S. migratorius, and all our specimens which give indications of the individual having been more than a year old when killed, instead of having a small, thread-like, single tooth, as in the latter species, have a distinct double tooth, with a double crown. The other molars are not much unlike those of S. migratorius in form, but are shorter and smaller,—the upper incisors being nearly a third shorter. 56 CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. Body, shorter and less elegant in shape, and not indicating the quickness and vivacity by which S. migratorius is eminently distinguished. The ears, which are nearly triangular, are so slightly clothed with hair on their interior surfaces, that they may be said to be nearly naked; ex- ternally they are sparsely clothed with short woolly hair, which, how- ever does not extend as far beyond the margins as in other species. Nails shorter and less crooked; tail, shorter, and without the broad distichous appearance of that of the Northern Gray Squirrel. COLOUR. Teeth, light orange; nails, brown, lightest at the extremities; whis- kers, black ; on the nose and cheeks, and around the eyes, a slight tinge of rufous gray. Fur on the back, for three-fourths of its length, dark plumbeous, suc- ceeded by a slight indication of black, edged with yellowish-brown in some of the hairs, giving it on the surface a dark grayish-yellow tint. In a few specimens there is an obscure shade of light brown along the sides, where the yellowish tint predominates, and a tinge of this colour is observable on the upper surface of the fore-legs, above the knees. Feet, light gray ; tail, for three-fourths of its length from the root yellowish- brown; the remainder, black, edged with white ; throat, inner surface of the legs, and belly, white. This species does not run into varieties, as do the Northern Gray Squirrel, and the Black Squirrel; the specimens received from Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana, scarcely present a shade of difference from those existing in South Carolina, which we have just described. DIMENSIONS. Length of headand body - - - <= - + inches. s tail (vertebre) - - - - Gate ‘a “ toendofhair - - - - Sandon Height ofear- - - - - - - - t do. Palm to end of middle claw - - - - Lado Heel to end of middle nail - = A - - 2; do Length of fur on the back - - - - - + do. Breadth of tail (with hair extended) - - - 3 do. HABITS, This species differs as much in its habits from the Northern Gray Squir- rel, as it does in form and colour. From an intimate acquaintance with CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. on the habits of the latter, we are particularly impressed with the pecu- liarities of the present species. Its bark has not the depth of tone of that of the Northern species, and is more shrill and querulous. Instead of mounting high on the tree when alarmed, which the latter always does, the Sc. Carolinensis generally plays round the trunk, and on the side opposite to the observer, at a height of some twenty or thirty feet, often concealing itself beneath the Spanish moss (Tillandsia Usneoides) which hangs about the tree. When a person, who has alarmed one of these Squirrels, remains quiet for a few moments, it descends a few feet, and seats itself on the first convenient branch, in order the better to ob- serve his movements. It is, however, capable of climbing to the extremity of the branches, and leaping from tree to tree with great agility, but is less wild than the Northern species, and is almost as easily approached as the chickaree, (Sc. Hudsonius.) One who is desirous of obtaining a specimen, has only to take a seat for half an hour in any of the swamps of Carolina, and he will be surprised at the immense number of these squirrels that may be seen running along the logs or leaping among the surrounding trees. A great many are killed, and their flesh is both juicy and tender. The Carolina Gray Squirrel is sometimes seen on high grounds, among the oak and hickory trees, although its usual haunts are low swampy places, or trees overhanging streams, or growing near the mar- gin of some river. In deep cypress swamps, covered in many places with several feet of water during the whole year, it takes up its constant residence, moving among the entwined branches of the dense forest with great facility. Its hole, in such situations may sometimes be found in the trunk of a decayed cypress. On the large tupelo trees, (Nyssa aquatica,) which are found in the swamps, many nests of this species, composed principally of Spanish moss and leaves, are every where to be seen. In these nests, or in some woodpecker’s hole, they produce their young. These are five or six in number, and are brought forth in March; it is well ascertained also that the female litters a second time in the season, probably about mid-summer. This species has one peculiarity which we have not observed in any other. It isin some degree, nocturnal, or at least crepuscular, in its ha- bits. In riding along by-paths through the woods, long after sunset, we are often startled by the barking of this little Squirrel, as it scratches among the leaves, or leaps from tree to tree, scattering over the earth the seeds of the maple, &c., which are shaken off from the uppermost branches, as it passes over them. This species is seldom, if ever, seen in company with the Fox Squirrel, 9 58 CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. (Sc. Capistratus,) or even found in the same neighbourhood ; this arises, probably, not so much from any antipathy to each other, as from the fact that very different localities are congenial to the peculiar habits of each. We have observed the Carolina Gray Squirrel on several occasions by moonlight, as actively engaged as the Flying Squirrel usually is in the evening, and this propensity to prolong its search after food, or its playful gambols, until the light of day is succeeded by the moon’s pale gleams, causes it frequently to fall a prey to the Virginian owl, or the barred owl; which last especially, is very abundant in the swamps of Carolina, where, gliding on noiseless pinions between the leafy branches, it seizes the luckless Squirrel ere it is aware of its danger, or can make the slight- est attempt to escape. The gray fox and the wild cat often surprise this and other species by stratagem or stealth. We have beheld the prowling lynx, concealed in a heap of brushwood near an old log, or near the foot of a tree frequented by the Squirrel he hopes to capture. For hours to- gether will he lie thus in ambush, and should the unsuspicious creature pass within a few feet of him, he pounces on it with a sudden spring, and rarely fails to secure it. Several species of snakes, the rattle-snake, (Crotalus durassus,) black snake, (Coluber constrictor) and the chicken snake, (coluber quadrivitta- tus,) for instance, have been found, on being killed, to have a Squirrel in their stomach, and the fact that Squirrels, birds, &c., although possessing great activity and agility, constitute a portion of the food of these rep- tiles, being well established, the manner in which the sluggish serpent catches animals so far exceeding him in speed, and some of them endow- ed with the power of rising from the earth, and skimming away with a few flaps of their wings, has been the subject of much speculation. Some persons have attributed a mysterious power, more especially to the rattle- snake and black snake—we mean the power of fascinating, or as it is commonly called, charming. This supposed faculty of the serpent has, however, not been accounted for. The basilisk of the ancients killed by a look; the eye of the rattle- snake is supposed so to paralyze, and at the same time attract, its intend- ed prey, that the animal slowly approaches, going through an infinite variety of motions, alternately advancing and retreating, until it finally falls powerless into the open jaws of its devourer. As long as we are able to explain by natural deductions, the very sin- gular maneeuvres of birds and squirrels, when “ fascinated” by a snake, it would be absurd to imagine that anything mysterious or supernatural is connected with the subject; and we consider that there are many — pon CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. 59 ways of accounting for all the appearances described on these occasions. Fear and surprise cause an instinctive horror, when we find ourselves unexpectedly within a foot or two of a rattle-snake ; the shrill, startling, noise proceeding from the rattles of its tail, as it vibrates rapidly, and its hideous aspect, no doubt produce a much greater effect on birds and small quadrupeds. It is said that the distant roar of the African lion causes the oxen to tremble, and stand paralyzed in the fields ; and Hum- BotpT relates that in the forests of South America, the mingled cries of monkeys and other animals resound through the whole night, but as soon as the roar of the jaguar, the American tiger, is heard, terror seizes on all the other animals, and their voices are suddenly hushed. Birds and quadrupeds are very curious, also, and this feeling prompts them to draw near to strange objects. “Tolling” wild ducks and loons, as it is called, by waving a red handkerchief or a small flag, or by causing a little dog to bound backward and forward on the beach, has long been successfully practised by sportsmen on the Chesapeake Bay, and elsewhere. The Indians attract the reindeer, the antelope, and other animals, until they are within bow-shot, by waving a stick to which a piece of red cloth is attached, or by throwing themselves on their backs, and kicking their heels up in the air. If any strange object is thrown into the poul- try-yard, such as a stuffed specimen of a quadruped or bird, &c., all the fowls will crowd near it, and scrutinize it for a long time. Every body almost, may have observed at some time or other dozens of birds collected around a common cat in a shrubbery, a tortoise, or particularly a snake. The Squirrel is remarkable for its fondness for “ sights,” and will some- times come down from the highest branch of a tree to within three feet of the ground, to take a view of a small scarlet snake, (Rhinostoma cocci- nea,) not much larger than a pipe-stem, and which, having no poisonous fangs, could scarcely master a grasshopper. This might be regarded by believers in the fascinating powers of snakes, as a decided case in favour of their theories, but they would find it somewhat difficult to explain the following circumstances which happened to ourselves. After observing a Squirrel come down to inspect one of the beautiful little snakes we have just been speaking of, the reptile being a rare species, was captured and secured in our carriage box. After we had driven off, we recollected that in our anxiety to secure the snake, we had left our box of botanical specimens at the place where we had first seen the latter, and on return- ing for it, we once more saw the Squirrel, darting backward and forward, and skipping round the root of the tree, eyeing with equal curiosity the article we had left behind, and we could not help making the reflection, 60 CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. that if the little snake had “ charmed” the Squirrel, the same “ fascinat- ing ” influence was exercised by our tin box ! Quadrupeds and birds have certain antipathies, they are capable of experiencing many of the feelings that appertain to mankind; they are susceptible of passion, are sometimes spiteful and revengeful, and are wise enough to know their “ natural enemies,” without a formal introduc- tion. The blue jay, brown thrush, white-eyed fly-catcher, and other little birds are often to be heard scolding, and fluttering about a thicket, in which some animal is concealed ; and on going to examine into the cause of their unwonted excitement, you will probably see a wild cat or fox spring forth from the covert. Every one familiar with the habits of our feathered tribes must have seen at times the owl or buzzard chased by the smallest birds, which unite on such occasions for the purpose of driv- ing off a common enemy; in these cases, the birds sometimes approach too near, and are seized by the owl. We once observed some night-hawks (Chordeiles Virginianus) darting round a tree upon which an owl was perched. Whilst looking on, we perceived the owl make a sudden move- ment, and found that he had caught one of them in his sharp claws, and notwithstanding the cries and menaces of the others, he instantly de- voured it. Birds dart in the same manner at snakes, and no doubt are often caught by passing too near—shall we, therefore, conclude that they are fascinated? One of the most powerful “ attractions ” which remain to be consider- ed, is the love of offspring. This feeling, which is so deeply rooted in the system of nature, as to be a rule, almost without an exception, is manifested strongly by birds and quadrupeds; and snakes are among the most to be dreaded destroyers of eggs and young birds, and of the young of small species of viviparous animals; is it not likely there- fore, that many of the (supposed) cases of fascination that are related, may be referred to the intrepidity of the animals or birds, manifested in trying to defend their young, or drive away their enemy from their vi- cinity? In our work, the “ Birds of America,” we represented a mock- ing-bird’s nest attacked by a rattle-snake, and the nest of a red thrush invaded by a black snake; these two plates each exhibit several birds assisting the pair whose nest has been robbed by the snake, and also show the mocking-bird and thrush courageously advancing to the jaws even of their enemy. These pictures were drawn after the actual oc- currence before our eyes, of the scenes which we endeavoured to repre- sent in them, and supposing a person but little acquainted with natural history, to have seen the birds, as we did, he might readily have fancied that some of them at least were fascinated, as he could not probably have a CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. 61 been near enough to mark the angry expression of their eyes, and see their well-concealed nest. Our readers will, we trust, excuse us for detaining them yet a little longer on this subject, as we have more to say of the habits of the rattle- snake, in connexion with the subject we are upon. This snake, the most venomous known in North America, subsists wholly on animal food; it digests its food slowly, and is able to exist without any sustenance for months, or even years, in confinement ; during this time it often increases in size, and the number of its rattles is aug- mented. In its natural state it feeds on rabbits, squirrels, rats, birds, or any other small animals that may come-in its way. It captures its prey by lying in wait for it, and we have heard of an instance, in which one of these snakes remained coiled up for two days before the mouth of the burrow of the Florida rat, (Neotoma Floridana,) and on its being killed it was found to have swallowed one of these quadrupeds. As far as we have been able to ascertain, it always strikes its intended prey with its fangs, and thus kills it, before swallowing it. The bite is sudden, and although the victim may run a few yards after it is struck, the serpent easily finds it when dead. Generally the common species of rattle-snake refuses all food when in a cage, but occasionally one is found that does not refuse to eat whilst in captivity. When a rat is turned loose in a cage with one of these snakes, it does not immediately kill it, but often leaves it unmolested for days and weeks together. When, however, the reptile, prompted either by irritation or hunger, designs to kill the animal, it lies in wait for it, cat-like, or gently crawls up to it, and suddenly gives it the mortal blow, after which, it very slowly and de- liberately turns it over into a proper position, and finally swallows it. We have seen a rattle-snake, in a very large cage, using every means within its power, and exerting its cunning, for a whole month, before it could succeed in capturing a brown thrush, that was imprisoned with it. At night the bird roosted beyond the reach of the snake, and during the day-time it was too cautious in its movements, and too agile, snatching up its food at intervals, and flying instantly back to its perch, to be struck by the unwieldy serpent. We now added a mouse to the number of the inmates of the cage; the affrighted animal retreated to a corner, where the snake, slowly crawling up to it, with a sudden blow darted his fangs into and killed it; soon after which he swallowed it. About a week after this adventure, the snake again resumed his attempts to capture the thrush, and pursued it all round the cage. This experiment offered a fair opportunity for the rattle-snake to exert its powers of fascination, had it possessed any; but as it did not exhibit 62 CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. them, we do not hesitate to say that it was entirely destitute of any fa- culty of the kind. After some hours’ fruitless manceuvring, the snake coiled itself up, near the cup of water from which the bird drank. For two days the thrush avoided the water; on the third, having become very thirsty, it showed a constant desire to approach the cup; the snake waited for it to come within reach, and in the course of the day struck at it two or three times, the bird darted out of its way, however, and was not killed until the next day. If, notwithstanding these facts, it is argued, that the mysterious and inexplicable power of fascination is possessed by the snake, because birds have been seen to approach it, and with open wings and plaintive voice, seemed to wait upon its appetite, we must be prepared to admit that the same faculty is possessed by other animals. Ona certain day, we saw a mocking-bird, exhibiting every appearance, usually, according to de- scriptions, witnessed when birds are under the influence of fascination. It approached a hog, which was occupied in munching something at the foot of a small cedar. The bird fluttered before the grunter with open wings, uttered a low and plaintive note, alighted on his back, and finally began to peck at his snout. On examining into the cause of these strange proceedings, we ascertained that the mocking-bird had a nest in the tree, from which several of her younglings had fallen, which the hog was eating! Our friend, the late Dr. Wricut, of Troy, informed us that he witnessed a nearly similar scene between a cat-bird and a dog which had disturbed her brood, on which occasion the cat-bird went through many of the movements generally ascribed to the effect of fascination. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. We have received a specimen of this Squirrel, which was procured in the market at New Orleans, where it is said to be exceedingly rare. We have not traced it farther to the South. It is the most abundant spe- cies in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. We have seen it in the swamps of North Carolina, but have no positive evidence that it extends farther to the northward than that State. We have obtained it in Ala- bama, and in Mississippi we are told it is found in the swamps. Nothing has been heard of it west of the Mississippi river. GENERAL REMARKS. This species was first described by Gmeuin, and afterwards noticed and CAROLINA GRAY SQUIRREL. 63 figured by Bosc. The descriptions in Haran, Gopmay, and all other au- thors who have described this species under the name of Sczurus Caro- linensis, refer to the Northern Gray Squirrel. We believe we were the first to observe and point out the distinctive characters which se- parate the present species from S. migratorius, the Gray Squirrel of the North. 64 GENUS TAMIAS.—Itu1cer. Incisive ; 3; Canine 5 ; Molar = = 22. Upper incisors, smooth ; lower ones, compressed and sharp; molars, with short, tuberculous crowns. Nose, pointed; lip, cloven; ears, round, short, not tufted or fringed ; cheek-pouches, ample. Tail, shorter than the body, hairy, sub-distichous, somewhat tapering. Mamme, exposed ; feet, distinct, ambulatory ; fore-feet, four toed, with a minute blunt nail in place of a thumb ; hind-feet five toed; claws, hooked. This genus differs from Scrurus in several important particulars. The various species that have been discovered, have all the same characteris- tics, and strongly resemble each other in form, in their peculiar markings, and in their habits. In form they differ from the true squirrels, and ap- proach nearer to the spermophiles; they have a sharp, convex, nose, adapted to digging in the earth ; they have longer heads, and their ears are placed farther back than those of the former. They have a more slender body and shorter extremities. Their ears are rounded, without any tufts on the borders or behind them. They have cheek-pouches, of which all squirrels are destitute ; their tails are roundish, narrow, seldom turned up, and only sub-distichous. The species belonging to this genus are of small size, and are all lon- gitudinally striped on the back and sides. Their notes are very peculiar ; they emit a chipping clucking sound differing very widely from the quacking chattering cry of the squirrels. They do not mount trees unless driven to them from necessity, but dig burrows, and spend their nights and the season of winter under ground. They are, however, more closely related to the squirrels than to the sper- mophiles. The third toe from the inner side is slightly the longest, as in the former ; whilst in the latter, the second is longest, as in the mar- mots. The genus Tamas is therefore nearly allied to the squirrels, whilst the spermophiles approach the marmots. Authentic species of the genus Scrurus are already very numerous, and as we have now a number of species, to which constant additions are making by the explorers of our Western regions, which by their cheek- pouches, their markings, and habits, can be advantageously separated CHIPPING SQUIRREL. 65 from that genus, no doubt naturalists will arrange them in the genus TamIas. ’ When this genus was first established by Inu1crr, but a single species was satisfactorily known, and naturalists were unwilling to separate it from the squirrels, to which it bore so strong an affinity ; but we are now, however, acquainted with six species, and doubt not that a few more years of investigation will add considerably to this number. We have consequently adopted the genus Tamras of that author. The word Tamias is derived from the Greek Tamias, (tamias,) a keeper of stores—in reference to its cheek-pouches. One species of this genus exists in the Northern portions of the Eastern continent ; four in North, and onein South, America. We also possess an undescribed species, the habitat of which is at present unknown to us. TAMIAS LYSTERI—Ray. Cuippine Squrrret, Hacker, &c. PLATE VIII.—Mate, Femare, anp Youne (First Autumn.)—Natural size. T. dorso fusco-cinereo, striis quinque nigris, et duobus luteo-albis longi- tudinalibus ornato; fronte et natibus fusco-luteis ; ventre albo. CHARACTERS. Brownish gray on the back ; forehead and buttocks brownish orange ; five longitudinal black stripes, and two yellowish white ones, on the back ; under surface, white. SYNONYMES. Ecurevit Suisse, Sagard Theodat, Canada, p. 746, A. D. 1636. Grounp Sguirret, Lawson’s Carolina, p. 124. & “& Catesby, Carol. vol. ii., p. 75. Epwarps, vol. iv., p. 181. Kalm, vol. i., p. 322. Sciurus Lysteri, Ray, Synops. Quad., p. 216, A. D. 1693. Le Suisse, Charlevoix, Nouv. Fr., vol. v-, p. 196. Srrivev Dormovusz, Pennant, Arc. Zool., 4 vols., vol. i., p. 126. Sciurus Carouinensis, Brisson, Reg. Anim., p. 155, A. D. 1756. Ecurruin Suissz, (Desm. Enc. Mamm.,) Nota, p. 339, Esp., 547. 10 66 CHIPPING SQUIRREL, Scivrus Srriatus, Harlan, Fauna, p. 183. 6“ s“ Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. ii., p. 142. Sciurus (Tamias) Lystert, Rich., F. B. A., p. 181, plate 15. 6 oF 6 Doughty’s Cabinet Nat. Hist., vol. i., p. 169, pl. 15. Sciurus Srriatus, DeKay, Nat. Hist. of N. Y., part 1, p. 62, pl. 16, fig. 2. DESCRIPTION. Body, rather slender ; forehead, arched; head, tapering from the ears to the nose, which is covered with short hairs; nostrils, opening downwards, margins and septum naked ; whiskers, shorter than the head. A few bristles on the cheeks and above the eye-brows; eyes, of moderate size ; ears, ovate, rounded, erect, covered with short hair on both sur- faces, not tufted, the hair on those parts simply covering the margins. Cheek-pouches, of tolerable size, extending on the sides of the neck to a little below the ear, opening into the mouth between the incisors and mo- lars. Fore-feet, with four slender, compressed, slightly-curved, claws, and the rudiment of a thumb, covered with a short, blunt, nail ; hind-feet, long and slender, with five toes, the middle toe being a little the longest. Tail, rather short and slender, nearly cylindrical above, dilated on the sides, not bushy, sub-distichous. Hair on the whole body short and smooth, but not very fine. COLOUR. A small black spot above the nose ; forehead, yellowish-brown ; above and beneath the eye-lids, white ; whiskers and eye-lashes, black ; a dark brown streak running from the sides of the face, through the eye, and reaching the ear; a yellowish-brown stripe extending from near the nose, running under the eye to behind the ear, deepening into chesnut-brown immediately below the eye, where the stripe is considerably dilated. Anterior portion of the back, hoary gray, this colour being formed by a mixture of gray and black hairs. Colour of the rump, extending to a little beyond the root of the tail, hips, and exterior surface of the thighs, red- dish fawn, a few black hairs sprinkled among the rest, not sufficiently numerous to give a darker shade to those parts. A dark dorsal line com- mencing back of the head is dilated on the middle of the back, and runs to a point within an inch of the root of the tail; this line is brownish on the shoulder, but deepens into black in its progress downwards. On each flank there is a broad yellowish-white line, running from the shoulder to the thighs, bordered on each side with black. The species may be characterised by its having five black and two white stripes on a gray ground. The flanks, sides, and upper surface of feet and ears, are ———— CHIPPING SQUIRREL. 67 reddish-gray ; whole under surface white, with no line of demarcation between the colours of the back and belly. Tail, brown at its root, after- wards grayish-black, the hair being clouded and in some places banded with black ; underneath, reddish-brown, with a border of black, edged with light gray. : There are some varieties observable among specimens procured in dif- ferent States of the Union. We have noted it, like the Virginian deer, becoming smaller in size as it was found farther to the South. In Maine and New Hampshire, it is larger than in the mountains of Carolina and Louisiana, and the tints of those seen at the North were lighter than the colouring of the Southern specimens we have examined. We possess an albino, sent to us alive, snow-white, with red eyes; and also another spe- cimen jet-black. We have, however, found no intermediate varieties, and in general we may remark that the species of this genus are not as prone to variations in colour as those of the true Squirrels. DIMENSIONS. Inches. Lines. Length of head and body - - = = if 6 3 a head* - - - “ = © 1 6 tail (vertebre) - - = = 3 7 ca tail, including fur - - - - 4 7 Height of ear - - - - e 2 3 0 4 Breadth of ear - - - . - : e 0 31 HABITS. The Chipping Squirrel, as this little animal is usually called, or Ground Squirrel, as it is named almost as frequently, is probably, with the excep- tion of the common flying squirrel, (Pteromys volucella.) one of the most interesting of our small quadrupeds. It is found in most parts of the United States, and being beautifully marked in its colouring, is known to every body. From its lively and busy habits, one might consider it among the quadrupeds as occupying the place of the wren among the fea- thered tribes. Like the latter, the Ground Squirrel, full of vivacity, plays with the utmost grace and agility among the broken rocks or uprooted stumps of trees about the farm or wood pasture; its clucking, resembles the chip, chip, chip, of a young chicken, and although not musical, like the song of the little winter wren, excites agreeable thoughts as it comes on the air. We fancy we see one of these sprightly Chipping Squirrels, as he runs before us with the speed of a bird, skimming along a log or 68 CHIPPING SQUIRREL. fence, his chops distended by the nuts he has gathered in the woods; he makes no pause till he reaches the entrance of his subterranean retreat and store-house. Now he stands upright, and his chattering cry is heard, but at the first step we make towards him, he disappears. Stone after stone we remove from the aperture leading to his deep and circuitous burrow ; but in vain is all our labour—with our hatchets we cut the tangled roots, and as we follow the animal, patiently digging into his in- nermost retreat, we hear his angry, querulous tones. We get within a few inches of him now, and can already see his large dark eyes ; but at this moment out he rushes, and ere we can “ grab” him, has passed us, and finds security in some other hiding place, of which there are always plenty at hand, that he is well accustomed to fly to; and we willingly leave him unmolested, to congratulate himself on his escape. The Chipping Squirrel makes his burrow generally near the roots of trees, in the centre of a de_ayed stump, along fences or old walls, or in some bank, near the woods whence he obtains the greater portion of his food. Some of these retreats have two or three openings, at a little distance from each other. It rarely happens that this animal is caught by digging out its burrow. When hard pressed and closely pursued, it will betake itself to a tree, the trunk of which it ascends for a little distance with considerable rapidity, occasionally concealing itself behind a large branch, but generally stopping within twelve or fifteen feet of the ground, where it often clings, with its body so closely pressed to the trunk, that it is difficult to detect it ; and it remains so immoveable that it appears like a piece of bark or some excrescence, till the enemy has retired from the vicinity, when it once more descends, and by its renewed clucking, seems to chuckle over its escape. We are doubtful whether this species can at any time be perfectly tamed, We have preserved it in cages from time to time, and generally found it wild and sullen. Those we had, however, were not young when captured. At a subsequent period we obtained in the State of New York, five or six young ones almost half grown. We removed them to Carolina, where they were kept during winter and spring. They were somewhat more gentle than those we had formerly possessed, occasionally took a filbert or a ground-nut from the fingers, but never became tame enough to be handled with safety, as they on more than one occasion were dis- posed to test the sharpness of their teeth on our hand. The skin which covered the vertebre of their tails was so brittle that nearly all of them soon had mutilated them. They appeared to have some CHIPPING SQUIRREL. 69 aversion to playing in a wheel, which is so favourite an amusement of the true squirrels. During the whole winter they only left their nest to carry into it the rice, nuts, Indian corn, &c., placed in their cage as food. Late in the following spring, having carried on our experiments as far as we cared to pursue them, we released our pets, which were occasionally seen in the vicinity for several months afterward, when they disappeared. We were once informed of a strange carnivorous propensity in this species. A lady in the vicinity of Boston said to us, “ We had in our garden a nest of young robins, (Turdus migratorius,) and one afternoon as I was walking in the garden, I happened to pass very close to the tree on which this nest was placed; my attention was attracted by a noise which I thought proceeded from it, and on looking up I saw a Ground Squirrel tearing at the nest, and actually devouring one of the young ones. I called to the gardener, who came accompanied by a dog, and shook the tree violently, when the animal fell to the earth, and was in an instant secured by the dog.” We do not conceive that the unnatural propensity in the individual here referred to, is indicative of the genuine habit of this species, but think that it may be regarded as an exception to a general rule, and referred to a morbid depravity of taste some- times to be observed in other genera, leading an individual to feed upon that which the rest of the species would loathe and reject. Thus we have known a horse which preferred a string of fish to a mess of oats; and mocking-birds, in confinement, kill and devour jays, black-birds, or sparrows. We saw and caught a specimen of this beautiful Tamtas, in Louisiana, that had no less than sixteen chinquapin nuts (Castanea pumila) stowed away in its cheek-pouches. We have a specimen now lying be- fore us, sent from Pennsylvania in alcohol, which contains at least one and a half table-spoonfuls of Bush trefoil (Hedysarum cannabinum) in its widely-distended sacks. We have represented one of our figures in the plate, with its pouches thus filled out. This species is to a certain extent gregarious in its habits. We had marked one of its burrows in autumn, which we conceived well adapted to our purpose, which was to dig it out. It was in the woods, on a sandy piece of ground, and the earth was strewed with leaves to the depth of eight inches, which we believed would prevent the frost from penetrat- ing to any considerable depth. We had the place opened in January, when the ground was covered with snow about five inches deep. The entrance of the burrow had been closed from within. We followed the course of the small winding gallery with considerable difficulty. The hole descended at first almost perpendicularly for about three feet. It then 70 CHIPPING SQUIRREL. continued with one or two windings, rising a little nearer the surface, un- til it had advanced about eight feet, when we came to a large nest made of oak leaves and dried grasses. Here lay, snugly covered, three Chip- ping Squirrels. Another was subsequently dug from one of the small la- teral galleries, to which it had evidently retreated to avoid us. They were not dormant, and seemed ready to bite when taken in the hand ; but they were not very active, and appeared somewhat sluggish and benumbed, which we conjectured was owing to their being exposed to sudden cold, from our having opened their burrow. There was about a gill of wheat and buckwheat in the nest ; but in the galleries we afterwards dug out, we obtained about a quart of the beaked hasel nuts, (Corylus rostrata,) nearly a peck of acorns, some grains of In- dian corn, about two quarts of buckwheat, and a very small quantity of grass seeds. The late Dr. Joan Wricut, of Troy, in an interesting com- munication on the habits of several of our quadrupeds, informs us, in re- ference to this species, that “ It is a most provident little creature, con- tinuing to add to its winter store, if food is abundant, until driven in by the severity of the frost. Indeed, it seems not to know when it has enough, if we may judge by the surplus left in the spring, being some- times a peck of corn or nuts for a single Squirrel. Some years ago I watched one of these animals whilst laying up its winter store. As there were no nuts to be found near, I furnished a supply. After scattering some hickory nuts on the ground near the burrow, the work of carrying in was immediately commenced. It soon became aware that I was a friend, and approached almost to my feet for my gifts. It would take a nut from its paws, and dextrously bite off the sharp point from each end, and then pass it to its cheek-pouch, using its paws to shove it in, then one would be placed on the opposite side, then again one along with the first, and finally, having taken one between its front teeth, it would go into the burrow. After remaining there for five or. ten minutes it would re- appear for another load. This was repeated in my presence a great number of times, the animal always carrying four nuts at a time, and always biting off the asperities.” We perceive from hence, that the Chipping Squirrels retire to winter quarters, in small families, in the early part of November, sooner or later, according to the coldness or mildness of the season, after providing a store of food in their subterranean winter residence. When the snows are melted from the earth in early spring, they leave the retreat to which they had resorted during the first severe frosts in autumn. We have seen them sunning themselves on a stump during warm days about the last of February, when the snows were still on the earth here and there —— CHIPPING SQUIRREL. 71 in patches a foot deep; we remarked, however, that they remained only for half an hour, when they again retreated to their burrows. The young are produced in May, to the number of four or five at a birth, and we have sometimes supposed from the circumstance of seeing a young brood in August, that they breed twice a year. The Chipping Squirrel does but little injury to the farmer. It seldom disturbs the grain before it is ripe, and is scarcely more than a gleaner of the fields, coming in for a small pittance, when the harvest is nearly gathered. It prefers wheat to rye, seems fond of buckwheat, but gives the preference to nuts, cherry-stones, the seeds of the red gum, or pepper- idge, (Nyssa Multiflora,) and those of several annual plants and grasses. This species is easily captured. It enters almost any kind of trap with- out suspicion. We have seen a beautiful muff and tippet made of a host of little skins of this Tamas ingeniously joined together so as to give the appearance of a regular series of stripes around the muff, and longitudi- nally along the sides of the tippet. The animals had in most cases been captured in rat-traps. There is, besides, a simple, rustic, but effectual mode of hunting the Ground Squirrel, to which we are tempted to devote a paragraph. Man has his hours of recreation, and so has the school-boy ; while the former is fond of the chase, and keeps his horses, dogs, and guns, the lat- ter, when released from school, gets up a little hunt, agreeable to his own taste and limited resources. The boys have not yet been allowed to carry fire-arms, and have been obliged to adhere to the command of a careful mother—* do n’t meddle with that gun, Billy, it may go off and kill you” But the Chip Muck can be hunted without a gun, and Saturday, the glorious weekly return of their freedom and independence from the crabbed schoolmaster and the puzzling spelling-book, is selected for the important event. There are some very pleasing reminiscences associated with these little sports of boyhood. The lads, full of delightful anticipations, usually meet half an hour before the time appointed. They come with their “shining morning faces,” full of glee and talking of their anticipated success. In lieu of fire-arms they each carry a stick, about eight feet long. They go along the old fashioned worm-fences that skirt the woods, a crop of wheat or of buckwheat has just been gathered, and the little Hackee is busily engaged in collecting its winter store. In every direction its lively chirrup is heard, with answering calls from adjacent parts of the woods, and here and there you may observe one mounted on the top of a fence-stake, and chipping away as it were in ex- ultation at his elevated seat. One of the tiny huntsmen now places his 72 CHIPPING SQUIRREL. pole on a fence rail, the second or third from the bottom, along which the Ground Squirrel is expected to pass; a few yards behind him is another youngster, ready with his stick on another rail, in case the Chip Muck escapes the first enemy. One of the juveniles now makes a circuit, gets behind the little Hackee, and gives a blow on the fence to drive him to- ward the others, who are eagerly expecting him. The unsuspecting little creature, with a sweep of his half-erected tail, quickly descends from the top of the fence, along a stake, and betaking himself to some of the lower rails, makes a rapid retreat. If no stone-heaps or burrows are at hand, it runs along the winding fence, and as it is passing the place where the young sportsmen are lying in wait; they brush the stick along the rail with the celerity of thought, hitting the little creature on the nose, and knocking it six yards off. “ He is ours,” is the exulting shout, and the whole party now hurry to the spot. Perhaps the little animal is not dead, only stunned; and is carried home to be made a pet. It is put into a calabash, a stocking, or a small bag, prepared for the occasion by some fond little sister, who whilst sewing it for her brother, half longed to enjoy the romp and the sport herself. Reader, don’t smile at this group of juvenile sports- men; older and bigger “boys” are often engaged in amusements not more rational, and not half so innocent. Several species of hawks are successful in capturing the Chipping Squirrel. It furnishes also many a meal for the hungry fox, the wild cat, and the mink ; but it possesses an enemy in the common weasel or ermine, (mustela erminea) more formidable than all the rest combined. This blood- thirsty little animal pursues it into its dwelling, and following it to the farthest extremity, strikes its teeth into its skull, and like a cruel savage of the wilderness, does not satiate its thirst for blood, until it has destroyed every inhabitant ofthe burrow, old and young, although it seldom devours one fifth of the animals it so wantonly kills. We once observed one pur- sue a Chipping Squirrel into its burrow. After an interval of ten mi- nutes it reappeared, licking its mouth, and stroking its fur with its head, by the aid ofits long neck. We watched it as it pursued its way through a buckwheat field, in which many roots and stumps were yet remaining, evidently in quest of additional victims. On the following day we were impelled by curiosity to open the burrow we had seen it enter. There we found an old female ground squirrel, and five young, half-grown, lying dead, with the marks of the weasels’ teeth in their skulls. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Chipping Squirrel has a pretty wide geographical range. It is common on the northern shores of Lakes Huron and Superior; and has CHIPPING SQUIRREL. Tes been traced as far as the fiftieth degree of north latitude. In the Eastern, Northern, and Middle States, it is quite abundant; it exists along the whole of the Alleghany range, and is found in the mountainous portions of South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. In the alluvial dis- tricts of Carolina and Georgia, it disappears. We have never found it nearer the seaboard of South Carolina than at Columbia, one hundred and ten miles from Charleston, where it is very rare. It is found in Ten- nessee and throughout Louisiana. GENERAL REMARKS. We have, at the head of this article, endeavoured to preserve Tamas as a valuable genus distinct from Sciorus. We hope we have offered such reasons as will induce naturalists to separate this interesting and increasing little group, mostly of American species, from the squirrels, to which they bear about the same affinity, as do the marmot squirrels (Srermoruitus) to the true marmots (Arcromys.) We will now inquire whether the present species, (Tamias Lysteri,) is a foreigner from Sibe- ria, naturalized in our Western world; or whether it is one of the abori- gines of our country, as much entitled to a name as the grisly bear or the cougar. Two of our American naturalists, Haruan and Gopman, supposed that it was the Asiatic species, the S. striatus of Kuz, Pattas, Scureser, and other authors; Dr. Ricuarpson (1829) believed that the descriptions given of Sciurus striatus, did not exactly correspond with American specimens, and as he had no opportunity of instituting a comparison, he adopt- ed the specific name of Ray, Sciurus (Tamias) Lysteri, for our species ; and quoted what Patuas had written in regard to the habits of the Asia- tic animal, as applying to those of our little Chipping Squirrel. Very re- cently (1842) Dr. Dexay, in the work on American quadrupeds, published by order of the State of New York, has again referred it to S. striatus of Liynavs, and endeavoured to prove the identity of the two species, from European writers. We suspect he had no opportunity of making a com- parison from actual specimens. Reasoning from analogy in regard to the species of birds, or quadru- peds, found to be identical on both continents, we should be compelled to admit that if our species is the S. striatus of Asia, it presents a solitary exception to a long-established general rule. That many species of wa- ter-birds, such as geese, ducks, gulls, auks, and guillemots, which during the long days of summer, crowd toward the polar regions to engage in the duties and pleasures of reproduction, should be found on both con- tinents, cannot be a matter of surprise; and that the ptarmigan, the white 11 74 CHIPPING SQUIRREL. snow-bird, Lapland long-spur, &c., which resort annually to them, should, at that season, take wing and stray to either continent, is so proba- ble a case, that we might think it strange if it were otherwise. Neither need we regard it as singular if a few quadrupeds, with peculiar con- stitutions and habits suited to the polar regions, should be inhabitants of the northern portions of both continents. Thus, the polar bear which delights in the snow and ice, and which is indifferent as to whether it is on the land or on an iceberg at sea; the reindeer, which exists only in cold regions, and which, by alternately swimming and walking, can make its way over the icy waters in winter, and over rivers and arms of the sea in summer, and which migrates for thousands of miles; the beaver, which is found all over our continent; on the banks of the Mackenzie river, leading into the polar sea, in latitude 68°, and in the Russian settle- ments near Behring’s Straits; the ermine, which riots in the snow-drifts, and has been found as far to the north as man has ever travelled; and the common wolf, which is a cosmopolite, exhibits itself in all colours, and strays from the tropics to the north pole, may be found on both con- tinents, without surprising us: but if this little land animal, the Chipping Squirrel, which is unable to swim, and retires to the earth in cold wea- ther, should be found both in Asia and America, it would oppose all our past experience in regard to American quadrupeds, and be the only ex- ception to a long and universally admitted theory. The highest northern range in which this species has ever been seen is above Lake Huron, as far as latitude 50°; from thence there is a distance of more than 90° of longitude and 18° of latitude, before we reach its Asiatic range, and in its migrations either way it would have to cross Behring’s Straits, and traverse regions, which even in summer are covered with snow and ice. From the above facts, and from our knowledge of the adaptation of various animals for extensive migrations, we must conclude that this spe- cies cannot possibly exist on both continents, even admitting the correct- ness of the supposition, that these continents had in some former age been united. Dr. Ricuarpson says, (p. 181,) “ I am not aware that the identity of the species on the two continents has been established by actual comparison.” In this he was quite correct. At the period at which his valuable work on American quadrupeds was published, nearly all the figures, and many of the descriptions of Tamias striatus of the Eastern continent, were taken from American specimens of Tamias Lysteri; and the authors supposing them to be identical, were not sufficiently cautious to note this important fact. In 1888 we carried to Europe, American specimens of nearly all those i CHIPPING SQUIRREL. 75 species which had their congeners on the Eastern continent. We were surprised at finding no specimen of the T. striatus in the museums of either England or France. At Berlin, however, an excellent opportunity was afforded us for instituting a comparison. Through the kindness of Dr. Licurenstem, the superintendent of the museum, we were permitted to open the cases, examine several specimens in a fine state of preservation, and compare them with our American species, which we placed beside them. The differences, at first sight were so striking that we could only account for their ever having been considered identi- eal, from the fact that the descriptions of the old authors were so loose and unsatisfactory that many minute but important characteristics had not been noted. The following memorandum was made by us on the occasion :—* The Tamias striatus differs so widely from our American Chipping Squirrel or Hackee, that it is unnecessary to be very minute in making the comparison. The two species can always be distinguished from each other by one remarkable characteristic, which I have observed running through all the specimens. The stripes on the Asiatic, (T. stria- tus) running over the back, extend to the root of the tail; whilst those on the American, (T. Lysteri) do not reach so far by a full inch. There are many other differences which may as well be noticed. T. stria- tus is a little the largest, the stripes on the back are situated nearer each other, and are broader than in the other species; the stripes on each side of the back are nearly black, instead of yellowish-brown; on each side of the black stripe on the centre of the back of Tamias Lysteri, there is a broad space of reddish-gray. In T. striatus this part of the ani- mal is yellowish; being an alternate stripe of black and yellowish-white. The tail of the latter is black towards the extremity, and tipped with white; its tail and ears also are larger than those of T. Lysteri: in short, these two species differ as widely from each other, as Tamias Lysteri differs from the four-lined ground squirrel of Say, (ZT, quadrivittatus.) 76 GENUS SPERMOPHILUS. F Cuvier. DENTAL FORMULA. Psat ia 5 et 55 Incisive 5; Canine —; Molar — = 22. The dentition of the Spermophiles differs from that of the true mar- mots, in the following particulars. The first longitudinal eminence (col- line) is nearly obliterated, and the curve (talon) which unites the second to the third, is prolonged much more internally, which makes the molars of the Spermophiles more narrow transversely than longitudinally, as compared with those of the marmots. The teeth of the souslik (Spermo- philus citillus) were examined by F. Cuvier, and considered as typical of this genus. Nose, convex ; ears, generally short; cheek-pouches. Body, rather short; mamme, pectoral and abdominal, from eight to twelve. Feet, of moderate length, adapted for walking on the ground; nails, less in size than those of the marmots, less hooked than those of the squirrels ; on the fore-feet, four toes, with the rudiment of a thumb, pro- tected by a blunt nail; second toe from the thumb longest, as in the marmots, and not the third, as in the squirrels ; hind-feet, with five toes. Tail, generally rather short, and always shorter than the body; in several of the species, capable of a slightly distichous arrangement. The species belonging to this genus differ from the true marmots, not only in their teeth, as shown above, but also in several other striking particulars. They have cheek-pouches, of which the marmots are desti- tute. They are by no means clumsy, and in form are rather slender, and possess a degree of lightness and agility, approaching the activity of the squirrels. With the genus Tamms, they assimilate so closely, that some of the species present intermediate characters, and authors may well differ as to which genus they ought to be referred to. Thus Tamias quadrivitta- tus, and Spermophilus lateralis, seem to form a connecting link between these two genera. It is to be recollected, however, that analogous cases exist, not only among the mammalia, but in every class of animals, and more especially in birds, *PARRY’S MARMOT-SQUIRREL. 77 In referring again to the dentition of these allied genera, we may re- mark that the anterior molar of the upper jaw, which is deciduous and falls out at an early period in most species of true squirrels, remains per- manently in all species of the genus Tamras and is smaller than in the Spermophiles. These genera differ also in the form and length of their claws. The long nails of the latter, the second claw, moreover, being longest, places them near the marmots; while the shorter, weaker, and more arched nails of the ground squirrels, in which the third claw, besides, is the longest, approximates them more nearly to the true squirrels. The clucking notes of the chipping squirrels, are replaced in the mar- mot-squirrels by the shrill whistling or chattering sounds emitted by the marmots. The generic appellation Spermophilus, is derived from the Greek words omepux, (sperma,) a seed, and 9:A05, (philos,) a lover. There are now twelve species of this genus known as existing in North America, and three in Europe, and a few are set down as belonging to Asia and Africa. Some of the latter may, however, after more careful examination, be found to belong to the genus Arcromys. SPERMOPHILUS PARRYI.—Ricnarpson. Parry’s Marmot-SqurrreEl.—Parry’s SPERMOPHILE. PLATE IX.—Mate. Natural size. S. flavo-cinereus, supra albo variegatus, genis, lateribus, ventre, pedi- busque flavis; fronte aureo, pilis ex flavo et nigro; ad radices flavis, apice nigris. CHARACTERS. General colour, yellowish-gray ; upper parts, mottled with white ; cheeks, sides, under parts of the body, and feet, yellow ; fore-part of the head, deep rich yellow ; the hairs varied with yellow and black ; at the roots chiefly deep yellow, and at the points principally black. 78 PARRY’S MARMOT-SQUIRREL. SYNONYMES. Grounp-Squirret, Hearne’s Journey, pp. 141 and 386. Quesec Marmot, Forster, Phil. Trans., vol. lxii., p. 378. Arcromys Aprna, Parry, Second Voyage, p- 61, narrative. Arcromys Parryt, Richardson, Parry’s Second Voyage, App., p. 316. Arcromys (Spermopuitus) Parryi, Rich., Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 158, pl. 10. Seex-Seex, Esquimaux,—Tuor-Tuiay Rocx-Bapcer, Cuipewvans, Rich. DESCRIPTION. This marmot-squirrel, although far from being as thick and heavy as the Maryland marmot, is not nearly so light and graceful as most of the other species of this genus, especially Sp. Douglassii; and in form, this animal resembles the marmots more than it does the ground squirrels. The forehead is arched, the nose rather short, thick, and closely covered with short hair; ears, short, triangular, and situated above the auditory opening ; eyes, prominent, and of moderate size; a few rather slender hairs over the eye; along the cheeks are whiskers, arranged in five rows. Cheek-pouches, of medium dimensions, and open- ing into the mouth immediately behind the molars. Legs and feet rather short and stout ; toes well separated; nails long; feet covered with short hairs; palms of the fore-feet naked; soles of hind- feet for half an inch next the heel clothed with hair, the remainder naked. Tail, rather flat, rounded at base, hairs becoming longer towards the ex- tremity ; sub-distichous. The under fur on every part of the body, soft, glossy, and of a silky appearance. COLOUR. Hairs of the back, black at the roots, annulated above with black, nearer the tips yellowish-white, or white ; extreme tips black. The longest hairs black; the under, black at the base, then whitish, and shaded into brown at the points. The whole upper surface is irre- gularly and thickly spotted with white; the spots confluent, especially over the shoulders; on the belly the under-fur is abundant, very soft and silky ; grayish-black at the base, and yellowish-white at the tips; the visible portion of the longer hairs, deep yellow on the sides of the body, and paler yellow on the belly. Feet, yellow; hairs on the toes a pale yellow; claws blackish-brown; the hinder half of the tarsus covered be- neath with brownish hairs; upper surface of the head, as far back as the eyes, of a deep rich yellow ; around the eyes whitish ; cheeks yellow; chin, throat, and sides of the muzzle, yellowish-white ; tail, at base, co- loured like the body; in the middle, the hairs are yellowish, with two PARRY’S MARMOT-SQUIRREL. 79 rings or bars of black at the tips. The hairs on the under surface of the tail are chiefly of a rusty or brownish-red colour ; moustaches black. DIMENSIONS. Inches. Lines. From nose to root of tail - - - - - 11 6 Tail (vertebre)~ - - = : = : = 4 6 Tail, to end of hair - - 2 : = Z 6 0 From heel to end of claw - - - - - 2 3 From ear to point of nose - - - - - 2 0 Height of ear - - - = = . é 0 24 HABITS. The only account we have of this handsome spermophile is that given by its talented discoverer, who says of it,— “ Tt is found generally in stony districts, but seems to delight chiefly in sandy hillocks amongst rocks, where burrows, inhabited by different in- dividuals, may be often observed crowded together. One of the society is generally observed sitting erect on the summit of the hillocks, whilst the others are feeding in the neighbourhood. Upon the approach of dan- ger, he gives the alarm, and they instantly betake themselves to their holes, remaining chattering, however, at the entrance until the advance of the enemy obliges them to retire to the bottom. When their retreat is cut off, they become much terrified, and seeking shelter in the first cre- vice that offers, they not unfrequently succeed only in hiding the head and fore-part of the body, whilst the projecting tail is, as usual with them when under the influence of terror, spread out flat on the rock. Their cry in this season of distress, strongly resembles the loud alarm of the Hudson’s Bay squirrel, and is not very unlike the sound of a watchman’s rattle. The Esquimaux name of' this animal, Seek-Seek, is an attempt to express this sound. According to Hearvye, they are easily tamed, and are very cleanly and playful in a domestic state. They never come abroad during the winter. Their food appears to be entirely vegetable; their pouches being generally observed -to be filled, according to the season, with tender shoots of herbaceous plants, berries of the Alpine arbutus, and of other trailing shrubs, or the seeds of bents, grasses, and leguminous plants. They produce about seven young at a time.” Captain Ross mentions that some of the dresses of the Esquimaux, at Repulse Bay, were made of the skins of this species; these people also informed him that it was very abundant in that inhospitable region. 80 PARRY’S MARMOT-SQUIRREL. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. According to Dr. Ricuarpson, “ this spermophile inhabits the barren grounds skirting the sea-coast, from Churchill, in Hudson’s Bay, round by Melville’s Peninsula, and the whole northern extremity of the Conti- nent to Behring’s Straits, where specimens precisely similar were pro- cured by Captain Brercusy. It abounds in the neighbourhood of Fort Enterprise, near the southern verge of the barren grounds in latitude 650, and is also plentiful on Cape Parry, one of the most northern parts of the continent.” GENERAL REMARKS. Our description of this rare animal was drawn up from a specimen de- posited by Dr. Ricuarpson in the museum of the Zoological Society of London, which was said to have been the identical skin from which his description was taken. We possess another specimen, presented to us by Dr. Ricuarpson, which is a little longer in the body, and shorter in the tail, than the one we have just spoken of; the body being 12} inches in length, and the tail (vertebra) 3% inches, including fur 5 inches. The forehead and but- tocks of this specimen are reddish-brown. 81 GENUS SCALOPS.—Couvier. DENTAL FORMULA. 2 Incisive FE Molar =; False-Molars =" = 36. 3-3? 3-3 or soslh<9 6—6 4—4 Incisive we Molar =; 3 False-Molars Ss Head, long, terminated by an extended, cartilaginous, flexible, and pointed muzzle; eyes and ears, concealed by the hair, and very minute. Hind-feet, short and slender, with five toes and delicate hooked nails ; fore-feet (or hands) broad; claws, long and flat, fitted for excavating the earth. The name Scalops is derived from the Greek cxaddw, (skallo,) and from the Latin scalpo, I scrape. The various species included in this genus, which approaches very closely to the genus Tarra, of Europe, (European mole,).are, we believe, confined to North America. There are, so far as we have been informed, only five species known at the present time. SCALOPS AQUATICUS —Linn. Common American Surew Mote. PLATE X.—Mate anv Fematz. Natural size. S. magnitudine Talpz Europe similis ; corpore cylindrato, lanugine sericea, argenteo-cinereo induto. CHARACTERS. Size of the European mole, (Talpa;) body, cylindrical ; fur, velvety ; colour, silvery-grayish-brown. 12 82 COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. SYNONYMES,. Sorex Aguaticus, Linn. Syst. Nat., 12th ed. corrected, vol. i., p. 74. Tatpa Fusca, Pennant, Brit. Zool., Quadrupeds, 314. Scatops Canapensis, Desm., Mam., p. 115. Scatope pe Canapa, Cuy., Régne Animal, p. 134, Surew Moxie, Godman, Nat. Hist., vol.i., p. 84, pl. 5, fig. 3. Scanops Canapensis, Harlan, Fauna, p. 32. Young. ss Pennsytvanica, Harlan, Fauna, p. 33. Adult. « Canapensis, Emmons, Report on Quads. of Mass., p. 15. “ Aguaticus, Bachman, Observations on the Genus Scalops, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. iv., No. 1., p. 28, 1842. & Aquaticus, Dekay, Nat. Hist. of the State of New York, p. 15, DESCRIPTION. Adult :—Teeth 36, corresponding with the first dental formula of this genus, given on the preceding page ; incisors of moderate size, rounded on their front surface and flattened posteriorly. Immediately behind the incisors, two minute teeth on each side, crowded together—succeed- ed by four large false-molars, of a cylindrical shape, and pointed; the fourth, smallest, the fifth a little larger and slightly lobed, and the sixth, which is the largest, more conspicuously lobed; followed by three true molars, each furnished with three sharp tubercles. In the lower, or inferior jaw, sixteen teeth; the two posterior incisors very small, succeeded on each side by another, much larger, pointed, and extending forward; three false-molars which succeed these, are pointed, and the third and largest, slightly lobed ; three true molars composed of two parallel prisms, terminated each by three points, and “ presenting one of their angles on the outer side, and one of their faces on the internal sur- face ; the two first of equal size, the other somewhat smaller.” Part of the above description is in the words of Dr. Gopmany, from his very cor- rect and interesting article on the Shrew Mole, (vol. i., p. 82,) which corresponds exactly with the results of our own investigations of the teeth of this animal, made at various times, during a period of several years. Young.—We have found in specimens less than a year old, that the two small thread-like teeth inserted behind the incisors in the upper jaw, were entirely wanting, as also the fourth lateral incisor on each side, leaving vacant spaces between them, and presenting the appearance ascribed to them by Baron Cuvier and by Drsmarest ; the last mentioned teeth are first developed, the former appearing when the animal is full grown and all ~ the edentate spaces between the molars are filled up. Body, thick and cylindrical ; neck, short, so that the head appears almost a COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. 83 as if attached directly to the shoulders; snout, naked, cartilaginous, and very flexible, extending five lines beyond the incisors ; the under surface projects a little beyond the nostrils, which are oblong, and open on the upper surface near each other; mouth, large, and when open resembling somewhat (although in miniature) that of the hog; eyes, concealed by the fur, apparently covered by an integument, and so minute, that they can with great difficulty be found. The orifice in the skin in which the eye is placed, is not of larger diameter than would admit a bristle. No external ear ; there is, however, a very small circular aperture leading to the ear, about three quarters of an inch behind the eye. The fore-arms are concealed by the skin, and the palms only are visible, they are broad, and might be thought not unlike hands; they are thinly clothed with hair, and bordered with stiff hairs; the fingers are united at the base of the claws; nails, large, slightly curved, nearly convex above, and flattened on the inner surface; hind-feet, small and slender, naked on the under surface, and apparently above, although a close inspec- tion shows the upper surface to be covered with fine short hairs; nails, small, a little arched, and compressed; tail, short, round, appears naked, but is very sparingly clothed with short adpressed hairs. On the inside of the thighs, near the tail, is a gland, about half an inch long, from which a disagreeable musky odour issues, which makes the animal of- fensive to delicate olfactories. All our other shrew moles, possess simi- lar glands, and we have perceived the musky smell still remaining’strong in skins that had been prepared and stuffed several weeks. COLOUR. Snout and palms, in the living animal, pinkish flesh-colour ; chin, feet, and tail, dull white; hair on the body, about five lines in length, very soft, smooth, and lustrous ; for three-fourths of its length, plumbeous; tips light- brown, giving the surface of the hair, above, a dark-brown colour, which varies in different lights, sometimes exhibiting black, silver-gray, or pur- ple, reflections. There are many variations in the coloring of different individuals of this species, but none of them permanent: we possess some specimens which are nearly black, and others of a light cream-colour; we also have a specimen, the tail of which, is clothed with short hairs, with a consider- able tuft at the extremity. From these, and similar differences in various other animals, it is not surprising that authors have described in their works, many as new, which on being closely examined afterwards prove to be mere accidental varieties of some well-known species. 84 COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. DIMENSIONS. Adult male. Inches. Lines. From nose to root of tail, - - = 5 Z 5 8 ar = - - - - - = : & 0 8 Breadth of palm, - - - - - 2 £ 0 iF A specimen from Carolina. From nose to root of tail, - = - 2 2 4 7 Tail, - - - - - = < s d 0 9 Breadth of palm, - - - - = = 2 0 G HABITS. Whilst almost every farmer or gardener throughout the Northern and Eastern States, is well acquainted with this curious animal, as far as the mere observation of its meandering course through his fields and mea- dows, his beds of green peas or other vegetables, is concerned, but few have arrived at proper conclusions in regard to the habits of the Shrew Mole; and it is generally caught and killed whenever practicable; the common idea being, that the Mole feeds on the roots of tender plants, grasses, &c.; while the fact that the animal devours great quantities of earth- worms, slugs, and grubs, all hurtful to the fruit trees. to the grasses, and the peas and other vegetables, seems to be unknown, or overlooked. In justice to the farmer and gardener, however, we must say, that the course taken occasionally, by this species, directly along a row of tender plants, throwing them out of the earth, as it does, or zig-zag across a valua- ble bed or beautiful lawn, is rather provoking, and we have ourselves caus- ed traps to be set for moles, being greatly annoyed by their digging long gal- leries under the grass, on our sloping banks, which during a heavy shower, soon filled with water, and presently increased to large gutters, or deep holes, requiring repairs forthwith. At such times also, a Mole-track through loose soil where there is any descent, will be found by the garden- er, perchance, to have become a miniature ravine, some twenty or thirty yards in length, and a few (anticipated) bushels of carrots are destroyed. In neglected or sandy soils, one of these gutters becomes deep and wide in ashort time, and we may perhaps not err in hazarding the opinion that some of the unsightly ravines which run almost through large estates, oc- casionally might be traced to no higher origin than the wandering of an unlucky mole ! We kept one of this species alive, for some days; feeding it altoge- ther upon earth-worms, but we soon found it difficult to procure a suffi- COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE, 85 cient supply; forty or fifty worms of moderate size, did not appear too much for its seemingly insatiable appetite. At the expiration of four days, another of this species which we had in confinement, would not touch any vegetable substances, although the cage was filled with clods covered with fine clover, pieces of sweet apples, bread, &c. We were much interested in observing that no matter how soiled its coat might have become in the cage, it would resume its beauty and glossiness after the mole had passed and re-passed through the earth, eight or ten times, which it always accomplished in a few minutes. We fre- quently remarked with surprise the great strength of this animal, which enabled it to lift the lid or top of a box in which it was kept although it was large and heavy; the box-top was not however fastened down. Seating ourselves quietly in the room, after putting back the mole into the box, the animal supposing itself no longer watched, very soon raised its body against the side of the box, which was partly filled with earth, and presently its snout was protruded through the small space between the box and the cover; and after a few efforts the creature got his fore-feet on to the edge of the box, raised itself over the latter, and fell upon a table on which we had placed the box. It immediately ran to the edge of the table, and thence tumbled on to the floor; this, however, did not at all in- commode it, for it made off to a dark eorner of the room at once, and re- mained there until again replaced in its prison. When this Mole was fed on earth-worms, (Lumbricus terrenus,) as we have just related, we heard the worms crushed in the strong jaws of the animal, with a noise somewhat like the grating of broken glass, which was probably caused by its strong teeth gnashing on the sand or grit con- tained in the bodies of the worms. These were placed singly on the ground near the animal, which after smelling around fora moment turned about in every direction with the greatest activity, until he felt a worm, when he seized it between the outer surface of his hands or fore-paws, and pushed it into his mouth with a continually repeated forward movement of the paws, cramining it downward until all was in his jaws. Small sized earth-worms, were dispatched in a very short time ; the ani- mal never failing to begin with the anterior end of the worm, and appa- rently cutting it as he eat, into small pieces, until the whole was devoured. On the contrary, when the earth-worm was of a large size, the Mole seem- ed to find some difficulty in managing it, and munched the worm side- ways, moving it from one side of its mouth to the other. On these occa- sions the gritting of its teeth, which we have already spoken of, can be heard at the distance of several feet. We afterwards put the Mole into a large wire rat-trap, and to our sur- 86 COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. prise saw him insert his fore-paws or hands, between the wires, and force them apart sufficiently to give him room to pass out through them at once, and this without any great apparent effort. It is this extraordinary muscular power in the fore-paws and arms, that enables the Shrew Moles to traverse the galleries they excavate, with so much rapidity, in doing which they turn the backs of their palms or hands toward each other, push them forward as far as the end of their snout, and then open and bring them round backward, in the manner of a person moving his hands and arms when swimming. When running along on the surface of the ground, they extend the fore-legs as far forward as they will reach, turn- ing the backs of the hands or paws (as just mentioned) towards each other, and placing them edge-wise, instead of flat on the earth as might be supposed, and in this manner they run briskly, and without any awkward movement, crossing beaten-roads, or paved walks, and sometimes running swiftly twenty or thirty feet before they can get into the ground. The Shrew Mole varies somewhat in its habits, according to our obser- vations, for while a solitary individual will occasionally for some weeks, occupy and root up a large plot of grass, or a considerable portion of a garden, and on his being caught ina trap, the place will remain free from fresh Mole-tracks for a long period, proving that all the mischief was the work of a single Mole, at other times we have caught several out of one gallery on the same day; and while excavating a root-house, the lower part of which was rock, four of these animals came during the night through one gallery and tumbled down into the pit, where, the rock pre- venting their digging a way out, they were found in the morning. No others ever came through that gallery, while the cellar was in progress, and those thus caught may probably have been one family. Although generally known to run through the same galleries often, so much so, that the most common method of capturing them, is to set a trap anywhere in one of these tracks, to intercept them when again passing through it, we have known a trap to remain set ina fresh track for eleven days before the animal passed that way, when it was caught; and we are of opinion that many of their tracks are only passed through once, as this animal is known to travel from one field or wood to another, and pro- bably the only galleries they regularly traverse, are those adjacent to the spot they have selected for rearing their young. In relation to this sub- ject, Dr. Gopman says— “Tt is remarkable how unwilling they are to relinquish a long frequent- ed burrow; I have frequently broken down, or torn off the surface of the same burrow for several days in succession, but would always find it re- paired at the next visit. This was especially the case with one individual ee se Se COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. 87 whose nest I discovered, which was always repaired within a short time, as often as destroyed. It was an oval cavity, about five or seven inches in length, by three in breadth, and was placed at about eight inches from the surface in a stiff clay. The entrance to it sloped obliquely downwards from the gallery about two inches from the surface ; three times I entire- ly exposed this cell, by cutting out the whole superincumbent clay with a knife, and three times a similar one was made a little beyond the situa- tion of the former, the excavation having been continued from its back part. Ipaid a visit to the same spot two months after capturing its occu- pant, and breaking up the cell, all the injuries were found to be repaired, and another excavated within a few inches of the old one. Most probably numerous individuals, composing a whole family, reside together in these extensive galleries. In the winter they burrow closer to the streams, where the ground is not so deeply frozen.” This species whilst beneath the earth’s surface, seems to search for food with the same activity and untiring perseverance that are observable in animals that seek for their provender above ground. It works through the earth, not only in a straight-forward direction, but loosens it to the right and left, beneath and above, so that no worm or insect can escape it. When in contact with any one of the objects of which it has been in search, it seizes it with remarkable quickness both with its fore-feet and its sharp teeth, drawing itself immediately backward with its prize, upon which it begins to prey at once. The Shrew Mole passes through loose soil, with nearly the same ease and speed that it displays in running, or “scrabbling” along above ground. Jt moves backward almost as rapidly as it goes forward. The nose is often seen protruded above the surface of the ground. The snout of this species although apparently delicate, is most power- fully muscular, as well as flexible ; the animal can turn it to the right or left, upward or downward, and at times inserts it in its mouth, as if for the purpose of cleansing it, and then suddenly withdraws it with a kind of smack of its lips; this habit we observed three times in the course of a few minutes. The Shrew Mole is exceedingly tenacious of life; it cannot easily be put to death, either by heavy pressure or strangling, and a severe blow on the head seems to be the quickest mode of despatching it. Although this species, as we have seen, feeds principally on worms, grubs, &c., we have the authority of our friend Ocpren Hammonn, Esq., for the following example either of a most singular perversity of taste, or of habits hitherto totally unknown as appertaining to animals of this genus, and meriting a farther inquiry. While at his estate near Throg’s Neck, on Long Island Sound, his son, who is an intelligent young lad, and fond 88 COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. of Natural History, observed in company with an old servant of the family, a Shrew Mole in the act of swallowing, or devouring, a common toad—this was accomplished by the Mole, and he was then killed, being unable to escape after such a meal, and was taken to the house, when Mr. Hammonp saw and examined the animal, with the toad partially protruding from its throat. This gentleman also related to us some time ago, that he once witnessed an engagement between two Moles, that happened to encounter each other, in one of the noon-day excursions, this species is so much in the habit of making. The combatants sidled up to one another like two little pigs, and each tried to root the other over, in attempt- ing which, their efforts so much resembled the manner of two boars fighting, that the whole affair was supremely ridiculous to the beholder, although no doubt to either of the bold warriors, the consequences of an overthrow would have been a very serious affair; and the conqueror, would vent his rage upon the fallen hero, and punish him severely with his sharp teeth. We have no doubt these conflicts generally take place in the love season, and are caused by rivalry, and that some “ fair Mole” probably rewards the victor. When approached, the Moles attempted to escape, but were both shot on the spot, thus falling victims to their own passions; andif we would read aright, affording us an instructive lesson, either as individuals, or in a national point of view. The Shrew Moles are able to work their way so rapidly, that in soft or loamy soil, it is almost impossible for the most active man to overtake and turn them out with a spade, unless he can see the spot where they are working, by the movement of the earth, in which case they can be thrown out easily, by sticking the spade in front of them, or at one side of their gallery and with a quick movement tossing them on to the surface. They have been known to make a fresh track, after rain, during one night, several hundred yards in length—oftentimes they proceed for a considerable distance, in nearly a straight or direct line, then suddenly be- gin to excavate around and across a small space of not more than a few feet in diameter, until you could hardly place your foot on a spot within this subterranean labyrinth, without sinking through into their track; at this time they are most probably in pursuit of worms, or other food, which may be there imbedded. Although cold weather appears to us, to put a stop to the movements of the Mole, we do not feel by any means certain that such is the case; and very probably the hardness of the ground when frozen, and the depth at which the Mole is then obliged to seek his food, may be a sufficient reason for our seeing no traces of this busy creature’s movements during cold winter weather. We have, however, often perceived their tracks aftera COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. 89 day or two of warm weather in January, and have repeatedly observed them about during a thaw, after the first autumnal frosts had occurred. In Carolina there are not many weeks in a winter in which we are not able to find here and there traces of the activity of the Mole. We admit, however, that even in this comparatively mild climate, they appear to be far less active in winter than at other seasons. From the foregoing facts we are inclined to think the Mole does not become torpid at any time; and in corroboration of this idea, we find that the animal is not at any season found in high Northern latitudes. Dr. Ricwarpson thinks “the absence of the Shrew Mole from these countries is owing to the fact that the earth-worm on which the Scalops, like the common Mole, principally feeds, is unknown in the Hudson’s Bay coun- tries.” The idea commonly entertained by uninformed persons, that Moles have no eyes, is an error; although our own experience confirms the opinion of others, that they appear to possess the power of seeing only in a very limited degree. We must not forget, however, that a wise Provi- dence has adapted their organs of vision to the subterraneous life they lead. Shut out from the light of the sun by a law of nature requir- ing them to search for food beneath the earth’s surface, these animals would find a large pair of eyes one of the greatest of evils, inasmuch as they would be constantly liable to be filled with sand; thus causing in- flammation, blindness, and eventually death. It is not, however, beyond the reach of possibility, nor contrary to the economy of Nature, to suppose that during the night, when this species is seen occasionally above ground, or when engaged in running or fighting, or for purposes we have not yet discovered, this animal may have the power of expanding its minute orbs, and drawing back the hair that entirely con- ceals its eyes. This, however, is a mere conjecture, which we have thrown out for the consideration of those who are fond of investigating Nature in her minutest operations. The inquiry has often been made, if the Shrew Mole does not, feed up- on the grains, or roots of the corn, peas, potatoes, &c., planted in rows or in hills, why is it that this pest so ingeniously and so mischievously follows the rows, and as effeetually destroys the young plants, as if it had con- sumed them? We answer, it is not the spirit of mischief by which the Mole is actuated ; it is the law of self-preservation. In the rows where these seeds have been sown, or these vegetables planted, the ground has been manured ; this, and the consequent moisture around the roots of the plants, attracts worms and other insects, that are invariably found in rich moist earth. To the accusations made against the Shrew Mole as a 13 90 COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. destroyer of potatoes. and other vegetables, he might often with great truth plead an alibi. Leconre’s pine mouse, (Arvicola pinetorum,) is usu- ally the author of the mischief, whilst all the blame is thrown upon the innocent Shrew Mole. We are, moreover, inclined to think that whilst the earth-worm is the general, it is by no means the only food of the latter, and we had an opportunity of discovering to our cost, that when in captivity, this species relishes other fare. We preserved one in a cage in Carolina, during a winter, for the purpose of ascertaining on what kind of food it was sustained, and whether it became dormant. It at no time touched grains or vegetables; the lower part of the cage was filled with a foot of moist earth, in which we occasionally placed a pint of earth-worms. It devoured pieces of beef, and for a week was engaged in demolishing a dead pigeon. Until the middle of January we found it every day actively running through the earth in search of worms. Sud- denly however, it seemed to have gone to winter quarters, as we could see no more traces of its customary burrowing. We now carefully searched for it in the box, to ascertain its appearance in a dormant state. But the little creature had forced itself through the wooden bars, and was gone. We examined every part of the room without success, and finally sup- posed it had escaped through the door. The cage of the Mole had been set on a box, full of earth, in which the chrysolides of some sixty or seventy species of rare butterflies, moths, and sphinges, had been carefully deposited. In this box we a few days afterwards heard a noise, and on looking, discovered our little fugitive. On searching for our choice insects we found not one left; they had all been devoured by the Shrew Mole. He had greatly disappointed us, and had put an end to all our hopes of reading the following spring, a better lesson on entomology than ever could have been taught us—either by Fasrrcws, Srence, or Kirsy. We had an opportunity on two different occasions of examining the nests and young of the Shrew Mole. The nests were about eight inches below the surface, the excavation was rather large and contained a quantity of oak leaves on the outer surface, lined with soft dried leaves of the crab-grass, (Digitaria sanguinalis.) There were galleries leading to this nest, in two or three directions. The young numbered in one case, five, and in another, nine. ; Our kind friend, J. S. Hates, Esq., of Germantown, near Philadelphia, informed us that he once kept several Shrew Moles in confinement for the purpose of investigating their habits, and that having been neglected for a few days, the strongest of them killed and ate up the others; they also devoured raw meat, especially beef, with great avidity. i les ee ee COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE 91 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Shrew Mole is found inhabiting various parts of the country from Canada to Kentucky, in considerable numbers, and is abundant in Caro- lina, Georgia, Louisiana, and Florida. It is, according to Ricuarpson, un- known in Labrador, the Hudson’s Bay Territories, and probably North of Latitude 50°. We did not see any of them in our trip up the Missouri river, and there are none to be found on the dry prairies of the regions immediately east of the great Rocky Mountain chain. The figures in our plate were drawn from specimens procured near the City of New York. We mention this locality, because the colours differ a little from others that we have seen, and that have been described. GENERAL REMARKS. In restoring to this species the specific name of its first describer we have adhered to a rule, from which, fo prevent the repetition of synonymes, we should never depart, unless under very peculiar circumstances. The name “ Aquaticus,” certainly does not apply to the habits of this animal, as, although it is fond of the vicinity of moist ground, where the earth- worm is most abundant, yet it is nowise aquatic. The name of Desmarzsr, however, viz., “ Canadensis,” is equally objectionable, as it is far more common in the Southern portion of the United States than in Canada. _ Some differences of opinion are observable in the works of authors in regard to the number of teeth which characterize this species. _ Although the genus was, until recently, composed of but a single ac- knowledged species, (Scalops Canadensis of Dusm.,) its systematic arrange- ment has caused great perplexity among Naturalists. Liwaus placed it among the Shrews, (Sorex,) and Pennant among the Moles, (Tatra,) Baron Cuvier finally established for it a new genus, (Scators,) in which it now remains. The specimen, however, which he made the type of the genus, contained but thirty teeth. The upper jaw had but three lateral incisors, or false-molars, on each side; leaving considerable intermediate spaces be- tween the incisors and true molars. In this dental arrangement he was followed by Desmarest, Dr. Haruan, Grirritu, and nearly all the Natural- ists of that period. Subsequently, however, Freperick Cuvirr gave a correct description of the teeth, which he found amounted to thirty-six. Dr. Hartan finding a skeleton from the vicinity of Philadelphia, which in its dental arrangement corresponded generally with the characters given by Frep. Cuvier, considered it a new species, and described it under the name of Sc. Pennsylvanica, (see Fauna Americana, p. 33.) 92 COMMON AMERICAN SHREW MOLE. Dr. Ricuarvson described a specimen which was obtained on the Co- lumbia river, (F. B. A., p. 9,) which contained forty-four teeth, very differently arranged. This animal he referred to our common Shrew Mole, supposing that the difference in the dentition, as observed by diffe- rent authors, was owing to their having examined and described speci- mens of different ages. In 1840, Professor Emmons (Report on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts,) characterizes the genus as having 44 teeth. In 1842, Dr. Dexay, (Nat. History of the State of New York, p. 15,) has very erroneously given asa character, its having from 34 to 46 teeth, and states that he had once seen the skull of one of this species containing 44 teeth. In an article in the Boston Journal, (vol. iv., No. i., p. 26, 1842.) We endeavoured to explain and correct the contradictory views of former authors, and we feel confident we have it in our power to account for the skull seen by Dr. Dexay, containing forty-four teeth. The specimens examined by Baron Cuvier, Desmarest, and Dr. Harwan, each containing but 30 teeth, were evidently young animals, with their dentition incomplete. One half of the specimens now lying before us, present the same deficiency in the number of teeth; they also exhibit the edentate spaces between the incisors and grinders remarked by those au- thors. We have, in deciding this point, compared more than fifty speci- mens together. Those on the other hand that were examined by F. Cu- vier, and Dr. Gopman, and the skeleton of Dr. Hartan’s Scalops Pennsyl- vanica, containing 36 teeth, were adults of the same species. Dr. Ricnarp- SON’s specimen was a new species, (Scalops Townsendii,) having 44 teeth, (see Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., Philadelphia, vol. viii., p. 58.) With re- gard to the skull seen by Dr. Dexay, we have no doubt of its having be- longed to Scalops Brewerii, (see Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. iv., p. 32,) which has 44 teeth, and is not uncommon in the State of New York, as we obtained four specimens from our friend, the late Dr. Wricnt, who procured them in the vicinity of Troy. see | 93° LEPUS AMERICAN U S—ERxtesen. NortHern Hare. PLATE X1.—Fig. 1, Maze ; Fig. 2, Youne Femate. Summer Pelage. Natural Size. PLATE XII.—Winter Pelage. Natural Size. L. hyeme albus; pilis tricoloribus, apice albis, ad radices cceruleis, medio fulvis; «state, supra rufo-fuscus, infra albus, auribus capite paullo brevioribus; L. Sylvatica paullorobustior. L. Glacialis minor. CHARACTERS. ‘Size, larger than the gray rabbit, (Lepus Sylvaticus,) less than the Polar hare; (L. Glacialis.) Colour in summer, reddish-brown above, white be- neath ; in winter, white ; roots of the hairs, blue ; nearer the surface, fawn- colour, and the tips, white ; ears, a little shorter than the head. SYNONYMES Lieve, (Quenton Malisia,) Sagard Theodat, Canada, p. 747. 1636. Swepisa Hare, Kalm’s travels in North America, vol. ii., p. 45. 1749. American Hare, Philos. Trans., London, vol. Ixii., pp. 11, 376. 1772. Lerus Americanus, Erxleben, Syst. regni Animalis, p.330. 1777. ss Nanus, Schreber, vol. ii., p. 881, pl. 234, fig. -« Hupsonius, Pallas, Glires, pp. 1, 30. Varyine Hare, Pennant, Arct. Zool., vol. i., p. 95. Lepus Vireinianus, Harlan, Fauna, p. 196. 1825. ‘© Variaeiuis, var. Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. ii., p. 164. American Varyine Hare, Doughty, Cabinet Nat. Hist., vol. i., p. 217, pl. 19. Au- tumn pelage. Tue Norruern Hare, Audubon, Omithological Biog., vol. ii., p. 469, Birds of America, pl. 181, (in the talons of the Golden Eagle,) Winter pelage. Lepus Americanus, Richardson, Fauna Boreali A., p. 217. « Vircinianus, Bach, Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. vii., p. 301. sé Americanus, Bach, Ib., p. 403, and Ib., vol. viii., p. 76. «© Americanus, Dekay, Nat. Hist. State of New York, p. 95, pl. 26. DESCRIPTION. Incisors, pure white, shorter and smaller than in L. Glacialis ; upper ones moderately grooved; the two posterior upper incisors very small. The 94 NORTHERN HARE. margins of the orbits project considerably, having a distinct depression in the frontal bone ; this is more conspicuous in the old than in the younger animals. Headrather short; nose blunt; eyes large and prominent ; ears placed far back, and near each other; whiskers, long and numerous; body, elongated, thickly clothed with long loose hair, with a soft downy fur beneath; legs, long; hind-legs, nearly twice the length of the fore- legs; feet, thickly clothed with hair, completely concealing the nails, which are long, thin, very sharp, and slightly arched. So thickly are the soles covered with hair, that an impression by the nails, is not generally visible in their tracks made while passing over the snow, unless when running very fast. Tail, very short, covered with fur, but not very bushy. The form of this species is on the whole not very elegant; its long hind legs, although remarkably well adapted for rapid locomotion, and its diminutive tail, would lead the spectator at first sight to pro- nounce it an awkward animal ; which is, nevertheless, far from being the fact. Its fur never lies smooth and compact, either in winter or summer, as does that of many other species, but seems to hang loosely on its back and sides, giving it a somewhat shaggy appearance. The hair on the body, is in summer about an inch and a half long, and in winter, a little longer. COLOUR. In summer, the whole of the upper surface is reddish-brown, formed by hairs that are at their roots and for two-thirds of their length, of a blue- ish ash colour, then, reddish-yellow, succeeded by a narrow line of dark- brown, the part next the tips or points, reddish-brown, but nearly all the hairs tipped with black—this colour predominating toward the rump. Whiskers, mostly black, a few white, the longest reaching be- yond the head; ears, brown, with a narrow black border on the outer margin, and a slight fringe of white hairs on the inner. In some speci- mens, there is a fawn, and in others a light coloured, edge, around the eyes, and a few white hairs on the forehead. The pupil of the eye is dark, the iris, light silvery-yellow; point of nose, chin, and under the throat, white; neck, yellowish-brown. Inner surface of legs, and under surface of body, white; between the hind-legs, to the insertion of the tail, white ; upper surface of the tail, brown, under surface white. The summer dress of this species is assumed in April, and remains without much change till about the beginning of November in the latitude of Quebec, and till the middle of the same month, in the State of New York and the western parts of Penn- sylvania ; after which season the animal gains its winter pelage. During winter, in high Northern latitudes. it becomes nearly pure white, with the Cp i i te NORTHERN HARE. 95 exception of the black edge on the outer borders of the ears. In the lati- tude of Albany, New York, it has always a tinge of reddish-brown, more conspicuous in some specimens than in others, giving it a wavy appear- ance, especially when the animal is running, or when the fur is in the least agitated. Inthe winter season the hair is plumbeous at base, then red- dish, and is broadly tipped with white. The parts of the body which are the last to assume the white change, are the forehead and shoulders ; we have two winter-killed specimens before us that have the forehead, and a patch on the shoulders, brown. On the under surface, the fur in most specimens is white, even to the roots. A few long black hairs arise above and beneath the eyes, and extend backwards. The soles have a yel- lowish soiled appearance. We possess a specimen of the young, about half grown, which in its general aspect resembles the adult ; the colour of the back, however, is a shade darker, and the under surface, an ashy white. The black edge is very conspicuous on the outer rim of the ear, and some of the whiskers are of unusual length, reaching beyond the head to the middle of the ear. The tail is very short, black above, and grayish-white beneath. The young become white in the autumn of the first year, but assume their winter colouring a little later in the season than the adults. We have met with some specimens in the New York markets, late in January, in which the change of colour was very partial, the summer pelage still pre- dominating. DIMENSIONS. The size and weight of the Northern hare, we have found to vary very much. The measurements hitherto given, were generally taken from stuffed specimens, which afford no very accurate indications of the size of the animal when living, or when recently killed. Dr. Gopmay, on the au- thority of Prince Cuartes Lucten Bonaparte, gives the measurement of a recent specimen, as thirty-one inches, and Dr. Haruay’s measurement of the same specimen after it had been stuffed, was sixteen inches. We think it probable that the Prince and the Doctor adopted different modes of measuring. All stuffed specimens shrink very much; of a dozen now in our collection, there is not one that measures more than eighteen inches, from point of nose to root of tail, and several white adults measure but fifteen inches. The following measurements are from the largest specimen we have procured, taken when the animal was recently killed. 96 NORTHERN HARE. DIMENSIONS. From point of nose to root of tail . i é 19% inches. Tail (vertebre) - 5 5 : : 6 t do. Do., to endofhair . c : 3 - - 24 do. From heel to end of middle claw . : 3 53 = do. Height of ear . : “ - < é : 3 do. Another specimen of moderate size. From point of nose to rootoftail . . . 16 do. Tail (vertebre) Men: 5 : 3 5 13 do. Do., to end of hair . - 5 - 3 24 do. From heel to end of middle claw. = C 54 do. Height ofear . . A . 5 . F 34 ~— do. Weight :—This species in the beginning of winter varies from three to six and a half pounds, but we consider 54 pounds to be the average weight of a full-grown animal in good condition. HABITS. Our different species of Hares, and more especially the present one and the little gray rabbit, have been so much mixed up in the accounts of authors, that great confusion exists in regard to their habits, and their specific identity. The assertion of Warpen, that the American Hare re- treats into hollow trees when pursued, applies to the gray rabbit, for which it was no doubt intended, but not to the Northern Hare. We are not aware that the latter ever takes shelter either in a hole in the earth, or in a hollow tree. We have seen it chased by hounds for whole days, and have witnessed the repetition of these hunts for several succes- sive winters, without ever knowing it to seek concealment or security in such places. It depends on its long legs, and on the thickness of the woods, to aid it in evading the pursuit of its enemies. When hunted, it winds and doubles among thick clusters of young pines and scrub-oaks, or leads the dogs through entangled patches of hemlock and spruce fir, until it sometimes wearies out its pursuers; and unless the hunter should appear, and stop its career with the gun, it is almost certain to escape. In deep snows, the animal is so light, and is so well supported by its broad furry-feet, that it passes over the surface making only a faint impression, whilst the hounds plunge deep into the snow at every bound, and soon give up the hopeless pursuit. It avoids not only open grounds, but even open woods, and confines itself to the densest and most impenetrable forests. Although it wanders by night in many direc- ne NORTHERN HARE. 97 tions in search of its appropriate food, we have scarcely ever seen its tracks in the open fields; it seems cautiously to avoid the cabbage and turnip fields of the farmer, and seldom even in the most retired places makes an encroachment on his cultivated grounds. The food of this species, in summer consists of various kinds of juicy and tender grasses, and the bark, leaves, and buds, of several small shrubs; and these Hares seem to be particularly fond of the young twigs of the wild allspice, (Laurus benzoin,) but in winter, when the earth is covered with snow, they gain a precarious subsistence from the buds and bark of such trees as are suited to their taste. Sometimes they scratch up the snow to feed on the leaves and berries of the various species of Pyrola, found in the Northern States. The bark of the willow, birch, and poplar, and the buds of young pines, are sought after by them with avid- ity. We have seen persons in the Northern part of the State of New York, who were desirous of shooting these animals by moonlight, watch- ing near American black-poplar trees, (Populus Hudsonica,) which they had cut down for the purpose of attracting them to feed on their buds and tender twigs, in which they were often successful. Some of these Hares which we had in a domesticated state, were fed on cabbage leaves, turnips, parsnips, potatoes, and sweet apples. During one very cold winter, when these could not be conveniently obtained, they were frequently supplied with clover-hay, to which, when more agreeable food was not given them, they did not evince any aversion; from time to time also, outer branches of willow, poplar, or apple, trees, were thrown into their en- closure, the bark of which, seemed to be greatly relished by them. The Northern Hare, like most others of the genus, seeks its food only by night or in the early part of the evening. To this habit it is more ex- clusively confined during autumn and winter, than in spring and summer. In the latter seasons, especially in spring, these animals are frequently observed in the morning, and as the sun is declining, in the afternoon, cautiously proceeding along some solitary by-path of the forest. Two or three may often be seen associated together, appearing full of activity and playfulness. When disturbed on these occasions, they stamp on the ground, making a noise so loud, that it can be heard at some distance, then hopping a few yards into the thicket, they sit with ears erect, seemingly listening, to ascertain whether they are pursued or not. This habit of thumping on the earth, is common to most hares and rabbits. We have particularly noticed it in the domesticated rabbit, (Z. cuniculus) and in our common gray rabbit. They are more particularly in the habit of doing it on moon- light nights ; it is indicative either of fear or anger, and is a frequent ac- tion among the males when they meet in combat. During cold weather, 14 98 NORTHERN HARE. this Hare retires to its form at early dawn, or shelters itself under the thick foliage of fallen tree tops, particularly those of the pine and hemlock. It occasionally retires to the same cover for a number of nights in succession, but this habit is by no means common ; and the sportsman who expects on some succeeding day to find this animal in the place from which it was once started, is likely to be disappointed; although we are not aware, that any other of our species of hare are so attached to particular and beaten paths through the woods, as the one now under consideration. It nightly pursues these paths, not only during the deep snows of winter, but for a period of several years, if not killed or taken, wandering through them even during summer. We have seen a dozen caught at one spot, in snares composed of horse-hair or brass wire, in the course of a winter, and when the snow had disappeared, and the spring was advanced, others were still captured in the same way, and in the same paths. The period of gestation in this species is believed to be, (al- though we cannot speak with positive certainty,) about six weeks. Two females which we domesticated, and kept in a warren, produced young, one on the tenth, and the other on the fifteenth, of May; one had four, and the other six leverets, which were deposited on a nest of straw, the inside of which was lined with a considerable quantity of hair plucked from their bodies. They succeeded in rearing all their young but one, which was killed by the male of a common European rabbit. They were not again gravid during that season. Ill health, and more important studies, required us to be absent for six months, and when we returned, all our pets had escaped to the woods, therefore we could not satisfactorily finish the observations on their habits in confinement, which had interested and amused us in many a leisure hour. We, however, think it probable that the females in their wild state, may produce young, twice during the season. Those referred to above, were much harassed by other species which were confined in the same war- ren, and might therefore have been less prolific than if they had enjoyed their liberty undisturbed, amid the recesses of their native woods. We have frequently observed the young of the Northern Hare in May, and again in July. These last must have been either from a second litter, or the produce of a young female of the previous year. The young, at birth were able to see. They were covered with short hair; and appeared somewhat darker in colour than the adults, at that season. They left their nest in ten or twelve days, and from that time seemed to provide for themselves, and to derive little sustenance or protection from their mo- thers. The old males at this period seemed to be animated with renewed NORTHERN HARE. 99 courage; they had previously suffered themselves to be chased and wor- ried by the common English rabbit, and even retreated from the at- tacks of the gray rabbit; but they now stood their ground, and engaged in fierce combats with the other prisoners confined with them, and gene- rally came off victorious. They stamped with their feet, used their teeth and claws to a fearful purpose, and in the fight, tore off patches of skin, and mutilated the ears of their former persecutors, till they were left in undisturbed possession of the premises ! The males did not evince the vicious propensity to destroy their young, which is observed in the domesticated English rabbit: on the contrary, they would frequently sit beside their little family, when they were but a day or two old, seeming to enjoy their playfulness and to watch their pro- gress to matur ty. The Northern Hare seems during summer to prefer dry and elevated situations, and to be more fond of grounds covered with pines and firs, than of those that are overgrown with oak or hickory. The swamps and marshes soil their feet, and after having been compelled to pass through them, they are for hours employed in rubbing and drying their paws. In win- ter, however, when such places are hardened by the frost, they not only have paths through them in every direction, but occasionally seek a fallen tree top as a hiding or resting place, in the centre of a swamp. We have observed them in great numbers in an almost impenetrable thicket of black larch, or hackmatack, (Larix pendula,) considerable por- tions of which were during summer a perfect morass. In what are called the “ bark clearings,” places where hemlock trees have been cut down to procure tan bark, this species is sometimes so abundant that twenty or thirty of them may be started in a day’s walk. As an article of food, this is the most indifferent of all our species of Hares; its flesh is hard, dry, almost juiceless, possessing none of the flavour of the English hare, and much inferior to that of our gray rabbit. Epicures, however, who often regard as dainties dishes that are scarce, and who, by the skilful application of the culinary art, possess means of rendering things savoury that are of themselves insipid, may dispute this point with us. The Northern Hare, as is proverbially the case with all the species, hasmany enemies. It is pursued by men and dogs, by carniverous beasts of the forest, by eagles, by hawks, and by owls. In the northern parts of Maine, in Canada, and in the countries farther north, their most formi- dable enemies are the Canada lynx, (Lynx Canadensis,) the jer falcon, (Falco Islandicus,) and the snowy owl, (Surnea nyctea.) In the New England States, however, and in New York, the red-tailed hawk, (Butea 100 NORTHERN HARE. Borealis, is occasionally seen with one of these species initstalons. But its most formidable enemy is the great horned owl, (Bubo Virginianus.) We have also, on one occasion, observed a common house-cat dragging a full grown Northern Hare from the woods, to feed her young. Lads on their way to school, entrap them with snares attached to a bent twig, placed along the paths they nightly resort to. The hunter finds recrea- tion in pursuing them with hounds, whilst he places himself in some wood-path where they were last seen to pass. The Hare runs from fifty to a hundred yards ahead of the dogs, and in its windings and turnings to escape from them frequently returns to the spot where the hunter is stationed, and falls by a shot from his gun. The Northern Hare, when rapidly pursued, makes such great efforts to escape, that the poor creature (as we have said already,) is occasionally successful, and fairly outruns the hounds, whilst the hunter is cunningly avoided by it when doubling. After one of these hard chases, however, we have known the animal die from the fatigue it had undergone, or from having been overheated. We once saw one, which had been closely pressed by the dogs nearly all the afternoon, return to a thicket after the hounds had been called off, and the sportsmen had given up the vain pur- suit. Next morning we examined the place it had retired to, and to our surprise, discovered the hare sitting in its form, under a dwarfish, crooked, pine-bush ; it was covered with snow, and quite dead. In this instance the hare had no doubt been greatly overheated by the race of the preceding day, as well as exhausted, and terrified; and the poor thing being in that condition very susceptible of cold, was probably chilled by the night air and the falling snow, until its palpitating heart, gradually impelling the vital fluid with fainter and slower pulsations, at length ceased its throb- bings forever. Sometimes we have found these Hares dead in the woods after the melt- ing of the snow in the Spring, and on examination we found they were entangled in portions of wire snares, frequently, entwined round their necks; from which they had been unable to extricate themselves. This species when caught alive cannot be taken into the hand, like the gray rabbit, with impunity; the latter, when seized by the ears or hind- legs, soon becomes quiet, and is harmless; but the Northern Hare strug- gles to escape, and makes a formidable resistance with its teeth and nails. On one occasion a servant who was expert at catching the gray rabbit in traps, came to us with a rueful countenance, holding a hare in his hands, exhibiting at the same time sundry severe scratches he had received, showing us his torn clothes, and a place on his leg which the animal had bitten, and declaring that he had caught “a rabbit as cross as a ae NORTHERN HARE. 101 eat.” We ascertained it to be a Northern Hare, in its summer dress, and although its captor had not been able to distinguish it from the gray rabbit by its colour, he certainly had had a practical lesson in natural history, which he did not soon forget. A living individual of this species, which we have in Charleston in a partially domesticated state, for the purpose of trying to ascertain the effect of a warm climate on its changes of colour, is particularly cross when approached by a stranger. It raises its fur, and springs at the in- truder with almost a growl, and is ready with its claws and teeth to gratify its rage, and inflict a wound on the person who has aroused its ire. When thus excited, it reminded us by its attitudes of an angry racoon. The skin of the Northern Hare is so tender and easily torn, and the fur is so apt to be spoiled and drop off on being handled, that it is difficult to prepare perfect specimens for the naturalist’s cabinet. The pelt is not in much request among the furriers, and is regarded by the hatter as of little value. The hind-feet, however, are used by the latter in a part of the process by which the soft, glossy, surface is imparted to his fabric, and answer the purpose of a soft hat-brush. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. This species is found in portions of the British possessions, as far as the sixty-eighth parallel of North latitude. It is, however, confined to the Eastern portion of our Continent; Ricuarpson, who represents it as “a common animal from one extremity of the Continent to the other,” seems to have mistaken for it another species which replaces it on the North West coast. Although it does not range as far to the North as the Polar hare, it is decidedly a Northern species; it is found at Hudson’s Bay, in Newfoundland, Canada, all the New-England States, and in the Northern portions of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Mr. Doventy informed us that he had procured a specimen on the Alleghany Mountains in the Northern part of Virginia, Lat. 40° 29’, where it had never before been observed by the inhabitants. On seeking for it afterwards in the locality from which he obtained it, we were unsuccessful, and we are in- clined to believe that it is only occasionally that some straggler wanders so far South among these mountains, and that its Southern limit may be set down at about 41°. GENERAL REMARKS. The history of this Hare has been attempted from time to time, by early and recent travellers and naturalists, and most of their accounts of 102 NORTHERN HARE. it are only sources of perplexity, and additional difficulties in the way of the naturalist of the present day. Strange mistakes were committed by some of those who wrote on the subject, from Prennanr down to Hartan, Gopmav, and others still later; and one error appears to have led to another, until even the identity of the species meant to be described by different authors, was finally involved in an almost inextricable web of em- barrassment. As far as we have been able to ascertain, the Northern Hare was first noticed by Sacarp Tueropar, (Hist. de Canada,) in 1636. Kam, (who travelled in America from 1748 to 1751, and whose work was published in the Swedish language, and soon after translated into German and English.) speaks of this species as follows :—* Hares are likewise said to be plen- tiful even in Hudson’s Bay, and they are abundant in Canada, where I have often seen, and found them perfectly corresponding with our Swedish hares. In summer they have a brownish-gray, and in winter a snowy-white colour, as with us.” (Kautm’s Travels, &c., vol. ii., p. 45. English translation.) This judicious and intelligent traveller, undoubtedly here referred to the Northern Hare. He supposed it to be identical with the Alpine, or vari- able Hare, (Lepus variabilis,) which is found in Sweden and other North- ern countries of Europe. That species is a little larger than the North- ern Hare, and the tips of its ears are black; but although it is a distinet species, it sonearly resembles the latter, that several authors, Gopman not excepted, were induced to regard these two species as identical. Kam, (see vol. i., p. 105, Eng. trans.,) whilst he was in the vicinity of Philadel- phia, where the Northern Hare never existed, gave a correct account of another species, the American gray rabbit, which we will notice more in detail when we describe that animal. It is very evident that in these two notices of American hares, Katm had reference to two distinct spe- cies, and that he pointed out those distinctive marks by which they are separated. If subsequent authors confounded the two species, and created confusion, their errors evidently cannot be owing to any fault of the emi- nent Swedish traveller. The first specimens of the Northern Hare that appeared in Europe, were sent by the servants of the Hudson’s Bay Company to England, in 1771, (see Phil. Trans., vol. lxii., p. 138.) There were four specimens in the collection, exhibiting the various gradations of colour. In addition to these, a living animal of the same species was received about the same time, probably by the same ship. It was brought to the notice of the Philosophical Society, in a letter from the Hon. Dares Barrineron, read 16th January, 1772. This letter is interesting, since it gives us some idea 4 = 6 5 — Fo a ys ‘ie Sees ~. HUDSON’S BAY SQUIRREL, CHICKAREE, ETC, 127 HABITS. The genus Scirus is illustrated in North America, by a greater variety of species than any other among the various genera we shall have the pleasure of introducing to our readers :—Permit us to dwell for a mo- ment on the subject, and to relate the following anecdote— When we began the publication in Great Britain of the “ Birds of Ame- rica,” we were encouraged by the approbation of many excellent friends, and by the more essential, although less heartfelt favours, bestowed by those noblemen and gentlemen, who kindly subscribed to the work, and without whose aid, it is frankly acknowledged it could never have been completed. Among those whom we then had the honour of calling pa- trons, we found as many varieties of character, as among the beautiful feathered inhabitants of our woods, lakes, and sea-shores, themselves ; and had we time just now to spare, we might undertake to describe some of them. We published as the first plate of the first number of “The Birds of America,” the Wild Turkey Cock, and gave the Turkey Hen and Young, as the first plate of the second number. We need not stop to enumerate the other species of birds that completed those two numbers; but judge of our surprise, on being told gravely, by a certain noble subscriber, that, “ as the work was to con- sist of Turkeys only, he begged to be allowed to discontinue his subscription !” Now, kind reader, we are obliged to follow Nature in the works of in- finite wisdom, which we humbly attempt to portray; and although you should find that more Squirrels inhabit our forests than you expected, or desired to be figured in this work, we assure you it would give us pleasure to discover a new species at any time! We are not, however, wanting in a due knowledge of the sympathy and kindness that exist among our patrons toward us, and we hope you will find this really beautiful genus, as interesting as any other among the quadrupeds we desire to place be- fore you. The Chickaree, or Hudson’s Bay Squirrel, is the most common species of this numerous genus, around New York and throughout the Eastern _ States. It is a graceful, lively animal, and were you to walk with us through the woods in the neighbourhood of our great commercial me- tropolis, where boys and sportsmen (?) for years past, have been hunting in every direction, and killing all the game left in the vicinity; where woodcocks are shot before the first of July, and quails, (Virginian par- tridges) when they are half-grown, in defiance of the laws for their pre- servation, you would be glad to find the comparative silence, which now 128 HUDSON’S BAY SQUIRREL, CHICKAREE, ETC, reigns amid the trees, interrupted by the sprightly querulous cry of the Chickaree, and would pause with us to look at him as he runs along the rocky surface of the ground, or nimbly ascends some tree; for in these woods, once no doubt, abounding in both beasts and birds, it is now a hard task to start anything larger than a robin, or a High-hole, (Picus auratus.) The Hudson’s Bay Squirrel is fearless, and heedless, to a great degree, of the presence of man; we have had one occasionally pass through our yard, sometimes ascending an oak or a chesnut, and proceeding leisurely through our small woody lawn. These little animals are generally found singly, although it is not uncommon for many to occupy the same piece of wood-land, if of any extent. In their quick, graceful motions from branch to branch, they almost remind one of a bird, and they are always neat and cleanly in their coats, industrious, and well provided for the cold of winter. In parts of the country, the Chickaree is fond of approaching the far- mer’s store-houses of grain, or other products of the fields, and oceasion- ally it ventures even so far as to make a nest for itself in some of his out- buildings, and is not dislodged from such snug quarters without undergo- ing a good deal of persecution. One of these Squirrels made its nest between the beams and the rafters of a house of the kind we have just spoken of, and finding the skin of a peacock in the loft, appropriated the feathers to compose its nest, and although it was destroyed several times, to test the perseverance of the animal, it persisted in re-constructing it. The Chickaree, obtained this name from its noisy chattering note, and like most other Squirrels, is fond of repeating its cries at frequent intervals. Many of the inhabitants of our Eastern States refuse to eat Squirrels of any kind, from some preju- dice or other; but we can assure our readers that the flesh of this species, and many others, is both tender and well-flavoured, and when nicely broil- ed, does not require a hunter’s appetite to recommend it. The habits of this little Squirrel are, in several particulars, peculiar ; whilst the larger Gray Squirrels derive their sustenance from buds and nuts, chiefly inhabit warm or temperate climates, and are constitution- ally fitted to subsist during winter on a small quantity of food, the Chick- aree exhibits the greatest sprightliness and activity amidst the snows and frosts of our Northern regions and consequently is obliged, dur- ing the winter season, to consume as great a quantity of food as at any other. Nature has, therefore, instructed it to make provision in the sea- son of abundance for the long winter that is approaching; and the quan- tity of nuts and seeds it often lays up in its store-house, is almost incre- dible. On one occasion we were present, when a bushel and a half of HUDSON’S BAY SQUIRREL, CHICKAREE, ETC. 129 shell-barks (Carya alba), and chesnuts, were taken from a hollow tree oc- cupied by a single pair of these industrious creatures ; although gene- rally the quantity of provision laid up by them is considerably less. The Chickaree has too much foresight to trust to a single hoard, and it often has several, in different localities among the neighbouring trees, or in burrows dug deep in the earth. Occasionally these stores are found under leaves, beneath logs, or in brush-heaps, at other times they are deposited in holes in the ground; and they are sometimes only temporarily laid by, in some convenient situation to be removed at leisure. When, for in- stance, nuts are abundant in the autumn, large quantities in the green state, covered by their thick envelope, are collected in a heap near the tree whence they have fallen; they are then covered up with leaves, until the pericarp, or thick outer covering, either falls off or opens, when the Squir- rel is able to carry off the nuts more conveniently. In obtaining shell- barks, butter-nuts, (Juglans cinerea) chesnuts, hazel-nuts, &c., this Squir- rel adopts the mode of most of the other species. It advances as near to the extremity of the branch as it can with safety, and gnaws off that portion on which the nuts are dependent. This is usually done early in the morning, and the noise occasioned by the falling of large bunches of of chesnut burrs, or clusters of butter-nuts, hickory, er beech-nuts, thus detached from the parent stem, may be heard more than a hundred yards off. Some of the stems attached to the nuts are ten inches or a foot in length. After having thrown down a considerable quantity, the Squir- rel descends and drags them into a heap, as stated above. Sometimes the hogs find out these stores, and make sad havoc in the temporary depot. But Providence has placed much feod of a different kind within reach of the Red-Squirrel during winter. The cones of many of our pines and firs in high nerthern latitudes, are persistent dur- ing winter; and the Chickaree can be supported by the seeds they con- tain, even should his hoards of nuts fail. This little Squirrel seems also to accommodate itself to its situation in another respect. In Pennsylva- nia, and the southern part of New York, where the winters are com- paratively mild, it is very commonly satisfied with a hollow tree as a winter residence ; but in the latitude of Saratoga, N. Y., in the northern part of Massachusetts, in New Hampshire, Maine, Canada, and farther north, it usually seeks for additional protection from the cold, by forming deep burrows in the earth. Nothing is more common than to meet with five or six Squirrel-holes in the ground, near the roots of some white pine or hemlock ; and these retreats can be easily found by the vast heaps of scales from the cones of pines and firs, which are in process of time accu- mulated around them. This species can both swim and dive. We once 18 130 HUDSON’S BAY SQUIRREL, CHICKAREE, ETC. observed some lads shaking a Red-Squirrel from a sapling that grew on the edge of a mill-pond. It fell into the water, and swam to the oppo- site shore, performing the operation of swimming moderately well, and re- minding us by its movements of the meadow-mouse, when similarly occupied. It was “ headed” by its untiring persecutors, on the opposite shore, where on being pelted with sticks, we noticed it diving two or three times, not in the graceful curving manner of the mink, or musk-rat, but with short and ineffectual plunges of a foot or two at a time. We have kept the Chickaree in cages, but found it less gentle, and more difficult to be tamed, than many other species of the genus. Ricuarpson informs us that in the fur countries, “the Indian boys kill many with the bow and arrow, and also take them occasionally with snares set round the trunks of the trees which they frequent.” We have observed that during winter a steel-trap baited with an ear of corn, (maize,) placed near their burrows at the foot of large pine or spruce trees, will secure them with the greatest ease. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The limits of the northern range of this species are not precisely deter- mined, but all travellers who have braved the snows of our Polar regions, speak of its existence as far north as their journeys extended. It has been observed in the 68th or 69th parallel of latitude ; it also exists in Labra- dor, Newfoundland and Canada. It is the most common species in New England and New York, and is by no means rare in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, especially in the hilly or mountainous portions of the latter State. It is seen, in diminished numbers, in the mountains of Vir- ginia, although in the alluvial parts of that State, it is scarcely known; as we proceed southwardly, it becomes more rare, but still continues to be met with on the highest mountains. The most southern locality to which we have traced it, is a high peak called the Black mountain, in Bun- combe county, N. Carolina. The woods growing in that elevated situation are in some places wholly composed of balsam-fir trees, (Abies balsamea,) on the cones of which these Squirrels feed. There this little animal is quite common, and has received a new English name, viz., that of, “Mountain boomer.” Toward the west we have traced it to the mountains of Tennessee; beyond the Rocky mountains, it does not exist. In the Russian settlements on the Western coast, it is replaced by the Downy Squirrel, (Sc. Januginosus.) In the vicinity of the Columbia, and for several hundred miles along the mountains South of that river, by Ricuarpson’s Columbian Squirrel ; and in the mountainous regions border- — a HUDSON’S BAY SQUIRREL, CHICKAREE, ETC. 131 ing on California, by another small species much resembling it, which we hope, hereafter, to present to our readers. GENERAL REMARKS. Although this species from its numbers and familiarity, as well as from its general diffusion, has been longer known than any other of our Squir- rels, and has been very frequently described, it has, with few exceptions, retained its name of Hudsonius. Erxiesen supposed it to be only a variety of the common Squirrel, S. vulgaris, of Europe, and so described it. The Sciurus Hudsonius of Gueuiy is a flying Squirrel, (Pteromys sabrinus,) and. the Carolina Gray Squirrel, which in Shaw’s General Zoology, vol. ii., p- 141, is given as a variety of Sciwrus Hudsonius, is our own species, (Se. Carolinensis.) This species was unknown to Linnaus. Pattas ap- pears to have been the first author, who gave the specific name of Hud- sonius, (see Pall. Glir., p. 377, a. p. 1786,) and Gmetin, in 1788, adopted his name. In examining the form, and inquiring into the habits of this species ; we cannot but observe a slight approach to Tamras, and a more distant one to Seermornius. Its ears are placed farther back than in the Squir- rels generally, its tail is only sub-distichous, and withal it often digs its own burrow, and lives indiscriminately in the ground and on trees. In all these particulars it appears, in connexion with the Downy Squirrel, (Sc. lanuginosus,) to form a connecting link between Scrorus and Tamias. It has, however, no cheek pouches, and does not carry its food in its cheeks in the manner of the Tamra and Sprermopam, but between its front teeth, like the rest of the squirrels. 132 GENUS PTEROMYS.—Iutreer. DENTAL FORMULA. Incisive 3 3 Molar = — oe Dentition similar to that of the genus Scwrus. Head, round; ears, round; upper lip, divided; eyes, large; fore-feet, with four elongated toes, furnished with compressed, sharp, talons, with the rudiment of a thumb having an obtuse nail; hind-feet, with five long toes, much divid- ed, and fitted for seizing or climbing; tail, long, villose ; skin of the sides, extending from the anterior to the posterior extremities, forming a thin membrane, by the aid of which, when extended, the animal sails through the air in a descending curve from a tree or any elevated point, occasion- ally for some distance. The generic name pteromys is derived from two Greek words, =7«p2, (pteron,) a wing, and “2s, (mus,) a mouse. There are thirteen well-determined species belonging to this genus. One is found in the north of Europe, four in North America, and the re- mainder in Asia and other parts of the old world. PTEROMYS OREGONENSIS.—Bacuman. Orecon Fryine Squirret. PLATE XV.—Mate anp Femate.—Natural size. P. magnitudine inter P. volucellam et P. sabrinum medius, supra fus- cus, subtus luteo-albus ; auribus P. sabrini auriculis longioribus; vellere densiore, membrana. volatica largiore, pedibus grandioribus. " CHARACTERS. Intermediate in size between P. volucella, and the Northern species, P. sa- brinus ; ears, longer than in the latter, and far more compact ; lobe of the flying membrane joining the fore-feet, much longer in proportion ; making that membrane broader. Foot larger ; general colour above, brown; be- neath, yellowish-white. OREGON FLYING SQUIRREL. 133 SYNONYME. Preromys Oreconensis; Oregon Flying Squirrel, Bach., Jour. Acad. of Nat. Sciences, Phil., vol. viii., pt.i., p. 101. DESCRIPTION. This species differs from P. sabrinus, in several very striking particu- lars; the arm which supports the flying membrane is 11} lines in length, whilst that of the latter is only 9. Thus the smaller of the two has the largest flying membrane. The fur of P. sabrinus is much the longest, and is white, whilst that of P. Oregonensis has a yellowish tinge. The hairs on the tail of the for- mer, are only slightly tinged with lead-colour, at the roots,, whilst in the latter, that colour extends outwardly, (towards the tips,) for half their length. The different shape of the ear, it being longer and narrower in our present species than in P. sabrinus, is a sufficient distinctive charac- ter. P. Oregonensis differs from the common flying squirrel, (P. volucel- la) so entirely, that it is hardly necessary to give a particular comparison. Besides being much larger than the latter, and not possessing the beauti- ful downy-white on the belly, it may be distinguished from P. volucella, by the hairs on that species being white to the roots, which is not the case with the Oregonensis. Whiskers, numerous, and very long. COLOUR. Fur, deep gray at the base, on the back tipped with yellowish-brown; tail, pale-brown above, dusky toward the extremity ; beneath, brownish- white ; whiskers, chiefly black, grayish at the tips. Hairs covering the flying membrane, mostly black, slightly tipped with pale-brown; feet, dusky ; around the eyes, blackish; ears, with minute adpressed brown hairs externally, and brownish-white internally. DIMENSIONS. Inches. Lines. Length from point of nose to root of tail - - - 6 8 - Tail, to point of fur - - - = = = oY rig 0 Height of ear posteriorly - = = = a © 7 Breadth between the outer edges of the flying mem- brane - - 2 - . z = a0 8 0 Longest hind-toe, including nail = = = St) 52 “ — fore-toe, = & - : c 26 53 From heel to point of nail - ah We - - 1 63 From nose to ear_ - = - - = E bil 6 134 OREGON FLYING SQUIRREL. HABITS. The habits of this handsome Flying Squirrel, we regret to say, are al- most unknown to us, but from its general appearance, it is undoubtedly as active and volatile as our common little species ; and much do we regret that we have never seen it launch itself into the air, and sail from the highest branch of one of the enormous pines of the valley of the Columbia river, to some other tall and magnificent tree. Indeed much should we like to know the many works of the Creator, that yet remain to be dis- covered, examined, figured, and described, in the vast mountain-valleys and forests, beyond the highest peaks of the great Rocky Chain. We hope, however, to obtain a good deal of information through va- rious sources ere the conclusion of this work, from the remote portions of our Continent that have not yet been well explored by naturalists, and we shall then perhaps be able to say something more in regard to the subject of this article, of which we can now only add, that Mr. Townsenp remarks, that it inhabits the pine woods of the Columbia, near the sea, and has the habits of P. volucella. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Dr. Ricwarvson (Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 195,) speaks of a Flying Squirrel, which was “discovered by Mr. Drummonp on the Rocky moun- tains, living in dense pine-forests, and seldom venturing from its retreats, except in the night.” This animal he considers, a variety of P. sabrinus, (var. B. Alpinus.) The locality in which it was found, and parts of his description, however, on the whole incline us to suppose that the speci- men procured by Mr. Drummonp was one of our present species, although of a very large size. Dr. Ricuarpson says, “I have received specimens of it from the head of Elk river, and also from the south branch of the Mackenzie.” So that ifthis supposition be correct, we may conclude that it inhabits a very extensive tract of country, and is, perhaps, most com- mon on, and to the west, of the Rocky Mountains ; in which last locality Mr. Townsenp met with it, in the woods on the shores of the Columbia river. GENERAL REMARKS. There are no accounts of this species of Flying Squirrel, or of the larger one, P. sabrinus, in Lewis and Cuarxe’s Journal. Those travellers not having, as we suppose, heard of either, although they traversed a considerable portion of the country in which both species have since been found. / _ We hope, when presenting an account of the habits of P. sabrinus, to be able to identify the variety above-mentioned, (P. sabrinus, var. B. Alpinus ; of Rrcuarpsoy,) and if necessary, correct any error in our account of the ographical distribution of the present species (P. Oregonensis.) OREGON FLYING SQUIRREL. 135. ane pete he 136 LYNX CANADENSIS.—GeEorrroy. Canapa Lynx. PLATE XVI.—Mate, 3 Natural size. L. magnitudine L. rufum superans ; auribus triangularibus, apice pilis crassis nigris erectis barbatis; cauda capite breviore, plantis villosis ; supra cinereus, maculis obscuris nebulosus, subtus dilutior. CHARACTERS. Larger than F. rufus; ears, triangular, tipt with an upright slender tuft of coarse black hairs ; tail, shorter than the head ; soles, hairy ; general co- lour, gray above, a little clouded with irregular darker spots, lighter beneath. = SYNONYMES. Loup-cervier, (anaris qua,) Sagard Theodat, Canada, 744, An. 1636. se “© or Lynx, Dobb’s Hudson’s Bay, p. 41, An. 1744. Lynx, Pennant, Arc. Zool., vol. i., p. 50. “or Witp Cart, Hearne’s Journey, p. 366. Canapian Lxnx, Buff., vol. v., suppl. p. 216, pl. 125. OF ee Mackenzie’s Journey, p. 106. Fenis Canavensis, Geoffroy, An. du Mus. ‘© Canapensis, Sabine, Franklin’s Journey, p. 659. “© Canapvensis, Desm. Mam., p. 225. Norruern Lynx, Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. i., p. 302. Fexis Boreatis, Temminck, Monographie, t. i., p. 109. «© Canapensis, Rich., F. B. A. p. 101. ae E Reichenbach, Regnum Animale, sp. 551, p. 46, pl. 551, Lipsiz, 1836. Lyncus Boreaus, Dekay, Nat. Hist. N. Y., p. 50, pl. 10, fig. 2. DESCRIPTION. This species has a rounder, broader, and proportionably shorter head than (L. rufus,) the Bay Lynx; nose, obtuse; eyes, large ; teeth, very strong; whiskers, stiff, horizontal, arranged in three oblique series ; ears, acute, thickly clothed with hair on both surfaces, tipped by a long and slender tuft of coarse hairs; beneath the ears commences a broad ruff CANADA LYNX. 137 formed of longer hairs than those on the surrounding parts; this ruff sur- rounds the throat and reaches the chin, but does not extend around the neck above. . The female has the ruff much shorter than the male. Body, robust, thick, and heavy; and from the form, we are inclined to believe that this species is far less fleet than its congener the Bay lynx. The hair has a woolly appearance; under-fur, very dense and soft, mixed with hairs somewhat rigid and two inches in length. On the under sur- face, the hairs are thinner, and a little longer than those above. Thighs, strong; legs, thick and clumsy, presenting a slight resemblance to those of the bear. Toes, thick, so completely concealed by the fur that the tracks made in the snow by this animal, do not show distinct impressions of them, like those made by the fox, or the Bay lynx. Their tracks are round, leaving no marks of the nails unless the animal is running, when its toes are widely spread, and its nails leave the appearance of slight scratches in the snow. Tail, thickly covered with hair, short, slightly turned upward. Nails, very strong, much larger than those of the Bay lynx, curved, and acuminate. COLOUR. Nose, flesh coloured; pupil of the eye, black, iris amber colour; mar- gin of the lips, and inner surface of the ears, yellowish-brown ; face, and around the eyes, light-gray; whiskers, nearly all white, a few black; out- er margin of the ear, edged with black, widening as it approaches the ex- tremity, where it is half an inch broad; tuft of ear, black; the ruff under the throat is light-gray, mixed in the centre of the circle with long tufts of black hair. When the hairs on the back are blown aside, they exhibit a dark yellowish-brown colour. The long hairs on the back, black to near the extremity, where there is an annulation of yellowish-brown, finally tipped with black; general colour of the back, gray, with a shade of rufous, and slightly varied with shades of a darker colour; under surface, dull white, with irregular broad spots of dark-brown situated on the inner surface of the fore-legs, and extending along the belly, these spots are partially covered by long whitish hairs in the vicinity, In one of our specimens these dark-coloured spots are altogether wanting. The legs are of the colour of the sides; upper surface of the tail, to within an inch of the tip, and exterior portion of the thighs, rufous ; beneath yellow- ish-white ; extremity of the tail black. 19 138 CANADA LYNX. DIMENSIONS. The Male represented on the Plate :—Recent. From nose to root of tail Fi A é é . 33 inches. Tail (vertebre) . 2 - : é 5 Dy ease Tail, to end of hair 5 F ‘ F = 5 Geiss Entire length ; 2 5 3 “ : 39 i515 From nose to end of skull. . 2 5 (rene C « “ root of ears . ‘ A A F 4% « a « « endofears laiddown . : - Yipee Breadth of ears in front 4 c : A 5 Sax 6 Height of ears ! 3 ‘ s 2 Qe «& | Length of tufts of pee on ae ear 5 2 Q « From nose to hind-foot stretched beyond tail 5 45 « From do. to end of fore-foot stretched beyond nose 53 Distance between roots of ears anteriorly .- 5 32 a Ke tips of do. 4 5 ‘ 5 is Spread of fore-foot, between the claws . . 5.4 : Breadth of arm . : : 5 281). Height to shoulder from sodas of a di 134 « Weight 16 pounds ; extremely lean. A specimen in the flesh from the Petersburg Mountains, east of Troy :— Male. Inches. Lines. From point of nose to root of tail - 5 4 37 0 Tail (vertebre) - 5 - 5 § 2 4 4 Tail, to end of fur F : : - : - 5 4 Height of ear : : - 5 “ i 2 Length of tufts on theears . ‘ 5 : - 1 9 From shoulder to extremity of toes on fore-feet . 17 0 From heel to end of hind-claw 3 7 5 Weight 22 pounds. HABITS. In some parts of the State of Maine, and in New Brunswick, there are tracts of land, formerly covered with large trees, but over-run by fires not many years since, now presenting a desolate appearance as you look in every direction and see nothing but tall, blackened and charred trunks standing, with only their larger branches occasionally stretching out to the right or left, while many of them are like bare poles. half burnt off ee ee ees ek CANADA LYNX. 139 near the roots perhaps, and looking as if they might fall to the earth with the slightest breath of air. Into one of these “burnt districts,” let us go together. Nature has already begun to replace the stately trees, which the destroying element had consumed, or stripped of all beauty and vi- tality, and we find the new growth already advanced; instead of the light, brittle, and inflammable pine, the solid and hard, maple, oak, or beech, are thickly and rapidly raising their leafy branches to hide from our view the unsightly trunks that, half-destroyed, charred, and prostrate on the ground, are strewn around in almost every direction. We must pursue our way slowly and laboriously, sometimes jumping over, and sometimes creeping under, or walking along a fallen tree, our progress impeded by the new growth, by brambles, holes in the ground, and the necessity of cautiously observing the general direction of our crooked and fatiguing march; here and there we come to a small open space, where the wild raspberry tempts us to pause and allay our thirst, and perhaps whilst picking its ripe fruit, a pack of grouse rise with a whirr-whirr, and attract our attention—they are gone ere we can reach our gun: but we are not alone ;—see, under cover of yon thicket, crouched behind that fallen pine tree, is the Canada Lynx—stealthily and slowly moving along—it is he that startled the game that has just escaped. Now he ascends to the lower branch of a thick leaved tree, and closely squatted, awaits the approach of some other prey, to dart upon and secure it, ere the unsuspecting object of his appetite can even see whence the devourer comes. We move carefully toward the concealed prowler—but his eyes and ears are full as good as our own—with a bound he is upon the earth, and in an instant is out of sight amid the logs and brush-wood—for savage and voracious as he may be when pursuing the smaller animals. he is equally cowardly when opposed to his great enemy—man; and as his skin is valuable, let us ex- cuse him for desiring to keep it whole. The Canada Lynx is more retired in its habits than our common wild eat, keeping chiefly far from the habitations of even the settlers who first penetrate into the depths of the wilderness. Its fine long fur enables it to withstand the cold of our northern latitudes, and it is found both in the wooded countries north of the great lakes, and as far south as the Mid- dle States, dispersed over a great many degrees of longitude ; even occa- sionally approaching the sea-coast. The specimen from which we drew the figure of this animal, was sent to us from Halifax, Nova Scotia. It had been taken in a wolf-trap, after having, (as was supposed,) de- stroyed several sheep. We kept it alive for a few weeks, feeding it on fresh raw meat; it ate but a small quantity at a time, and like all predacious animals, appeared able to support a long fast with. 140 CANADA LYNX. out inconvenience. The precarious life led by beasts of prey, in fact makes this a wise provision of Nature, but for which many would no doubt soon perish, as occasionally several days may pass without their being able to secure a hearty meal. The Lynx we have just mentioned, when a dog approached the cage in which it was confined, drew back to the farthest part of it, and with open jaws spit forth like a cat at the intruder. We often admired the brilliancy of its large eyes, when it glared at us from a corner of its prison. When killed, it was extremely poor, and we found that one of its legs had been broken, probably by a rifle-ball, some considerable time previous to its having been captured, as the bone was united again pretty firmly ; it was in other respects a fine specimen. When alarmed, or when pursued, the Canada Lynx leaps or bounds rapidly in a straight direction, from the danger ; and takes to a tree if hard pressed by the dogs. It is very strong, and possessing remarkably large and powerful fore-legs and claws, is able to climb trees of any size, and can leap from a considerable height to the ground without feeling the jar, alighting on all four feet at the same instant, ready for flight or bat- tle. If dislodged from a tree by the hunter, it is instantly surrounded by the dogs, in which case it strikes with its sharp claws and bites severely. In crossing the Petersburg mountains east of Albany, more than thirty years ago, we procured from a farmer a male Lynx, the measurement of which was taken at the time, and has just been given by us, (see p. 138.) It had been killed only half an hour before, and was in very fine order. The farmer stated that in hunting for the ruffed grouse, his dog had started this Lynx from a thicket of laurel bushes; it made no doublings, but ran about a quarter of a mile up the side of a hill, pursued by the dog, when it ascended a tree, on which he shot it; it fell to the ground quite dead, after having hung for some time suspended from a branch to which it clung with great tenacity until life was extinct. It has been stated that the Canada Lynx, “is easily destroyed by a blow on the back, with a slender stick;” this we are inclined to think a mistake, never having witnessed it, and judging merely by the activity and strength manifested by the animal, although we agree with the farther remarks of the same writer, “ that it never attacks man.” This indeed is a remark applicable to nearly all the beasts of prey in our country, except in extreme cases of hunger or desperation. It is said by Dr. Ricuarpson, that the Canada Lynx “swims well, and will cross the arm of a lake two miles wide”—this is a habit which is also shared by the more southern species. (Lynx rufus.) ————— ewe eC CANADA LYNX. 141 The Canada Lynx, like all other animals of its general habits, breeds but once a year, generally having two young; we have heard of an in- stance, however, of three whelps being littered at a time. The skin of this animal is generally used for muffs, collars, &c., and is ranked among the most beautiful materials for these purposes. It varies somewhat in colour, and the best are much lighter, when killed in good season, than the specimen from which our drawing was made. We have been informed by the northern trappers that the Canada Lynx is usually taken in steel-traps, such as are used for the beaver, and otter, into which he enters very readily. The Indians we are told, regard its flesh as good eating, which may perhaps, be ascribed to the excellence of their appetites. Harve, (see Journey, p. 366,) who ate of it in the neighborhood of York Fort, says, “the flesh is white, and nearly as good as that of the rabbit.” We think we would give the preference, however, to a buffalo-hump well roasted, for either dinner or supper. The stories told of the great cunning of this species, in throwing mosses from the trees in order to entice the deer to feed on them, and then drop- ping on their backs and tearing their throats, may as well be omitted here, as they fortunately require no refutation at the present day. The food of the Canada Lynx, consists of several species of grouse and other birds, the northern hare, gray rabbit, chipping squirrel, and other quadrupeds. It has been mentioned to us, that in the territories to the north of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, they destroy the Arctic fox, and make great havoc among the lemmings, (Grorycuus.) Hearne informs us, that in Hudson’s Bay they “ seldom leave a place which is frequented by rabbits, till they have killed nearly all of them.” They are said to pounce on the wild goose at its breeding places, and to destroy many marmots and spermophiles, by lying in wait for them at their burrows. At a pub- lic house in Canada, we were shown the skin of one of these Lynxes, the animal having been found quite helpless, and nearly dead in the woods. It appears, that leaping on to a porcupine, it had caught a Tartar, as its head was greatly inflamed, and it was nearly blind. Its mouth was full of the sharp quills of that well-defended animal, which would ina day or two, have occasioned its death. We have heard one or two ac- counts of the Canada Lynx having killed a deer; we are somewhat sceptical in regard to this being a general habit of the species, although when pressed by hunger, which renders all creatures desperate at times, it may occasionally venture to attack a large animal. ~ Hearye states that he “once saw a Lynx that had seized on the carcass of a deer just killed by an Indian, who was forced to shoot it, before 142 CANADA LYNX: it would relinquish the prize,” (See Hearne’s Journey, p. 372.) Young fawns, as we have ourselves ascertained, are killed by these animals, and farmers in some of the wilder portions of our Northern States, and of Ca- nada, complain of their carrying off their lambs and pigs. The Canada Lynx is, however. by no means so great a depredator in the vicinity of the farm-yard, as the wild-cat or Bay lynx, as his more retired habits in- cline him to keep in the deepest recesses of the forests—and besides, for aught we know, he may prefer “ game” to “ pigs and poultry.” The slow multiplication of this species proves that it is not intended to be abundant, but to exist only in such moderate numbers as are neces- sary to enable it to play its part with other carnivora in preventing too fast an increase of many of the smaller animals and birds; if the hare, the squirrel, the rat, and all the graminivorous quadrupeds and birds were allowed to increase their species without being preyed upon by the owl, the hawk, the fox, the lynx, and other enemies, the grass would be cut off, and the seeds of plants destroyed, so that the larger animals would find no subsistence, and in time, from the destruction of the seeds by the teeth of the rodentia, the forest itself would become a wide desert. There is then a meaning in this arrangement of Providence; and the more we investigate the works of Him who hath created nothing in vain, the more we are led to admire the wisdom of His designs. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Canada Lynx is a northern species—it is known to exist north of the great Lakes eastward of the Rocky Mountains; it is found on the Mackenzie river as far north as latitude 66°. It exists in Labrador, and in Canada. It still occurs, although very sparingly, in some of the New England States. It is occasionally met with in the northern part of New York. We heard of one having been taken some fifteen years ago in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Farther south, we have not traced it. It is not found in Kentucky, or in the valley of the Mississippi. Westward of that river it does not appear to exist. There are Lynxes between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean; these seem, however, to be the Bay lynx, or a species so nearly resembling the latter, that they appear to be no more than one of its numerous varieties. There is a specimen in the Museum of the Zoological Society of London, marked F. borealis, which is stated to have been brought from California by Dovexass, which we did not see, having somehow overlooked it. Its characters and history deserve investigation, rn ie tl ie i i CANADA LYNX. 143 GENERAL REMARKS. The question whether the Canada Lynx is, or is not, identical with any species of the north of Europe, is by no means settled. Prnwanr, considered it the same as the lynx (Felis lynz,) of the old world. Bur- ron, after pointing out the distinctive marks of each, came to the conclu- sion that they were mere varieties. These naturalists, however, lived at a period when it was customary to consider the animals of America as mere varieties of those of the Eastern continent. Grorrroy St. Himaire named our present species, considering it distinct from the Lynxes of Ku- rope ; and Tremmrinck described it under the name of F. borealis, as exist- ing in the northern parts of both continents, thinking it a species distinct from Felis lynx of the north of Europe. We spent some time with Professor Rercuensacn, in comparing speci- mens of European and American lynxes, which exist in the museum of Dresden. From the general appearance of these specimens, a great si- milarity between L. Canadensis, and the Lynx (Felis lynx,) of the north of Europe, may undoubtedly be remarked, and they might be regarded as mere varieties of one species. The forms of animals, however, approach each other in both continents where there is a similarity of climate. Many of the genera of New York and Pennsylvania plants are largely repre- sented in Germany, and although nearly all the indigenous species are different, they are closely allied. In South Carolina, there are several birds, quadrupeds, and reptiles, which bear a striking resemblance to those found in Egypt, in nearly the same parallel of latitude. The biack- winged hawk (Ff. dispar) resembles the F. melanopterus so nearly, that Bonaparte published them as identical. Our alligator is a near relative of the crocodile, our soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx ferox) is much like the T. Hgypticus, and our fox squirrel, (Sc. capistratus,) has a pretty good re- presentative in Sc. Madagascariensis. In a more northern latitude, we may point to the American and European badgers, to Lepus Americanus, and L. variabilis, and to Tamias striatus of Siberia and T. Lysterii, as ex- amples of the near approach of distinct species to each other ; to which we may add that the wild sheep of the Rocky Mountains (Ovis montana) bears so striking a resemblance to the Ovis Ammon, another species ex- isting on the mountains of Asia, that the two have been confounded ; and our Spermophilus Townsendit is in size and colour so like the Souslik, (Sp. guttatus,) of the mountains of Hungary, that Dr. Ricuarpson published it as a mere variety. Taking these facts into consideration, after a careful examination of Lynx Canadensis, and after having compared it with Felis lynx, of Europe, we pronounce them distinct species without hesitation. 144 CANADA LYNX, Although the European lynx varies considerably in colour, especially specimens killed at different seasons of the year, it is, in all the varie- ties we have seen, of a deeper rufous tint than the Canada Lynx; the spots on the body are more distinct, and the hair, in some specimens from Russia and Siberia, is much shorter than in our animal, while the tail is longer and more tufted. Txrmminck, a very close observer, and distinguished naturalist, thinks the Canada Lynx is, found on both continents—in this he may possibly be correct; we, however, saw no specimens in the museums of Europe that corresponded with the descrip- tion of L. Canadensis, that did not come from America. The name, F. borealis, which Temmrncx bestowed on it, can, however, only be consi- dered a synonyme, as Georrroy described the animal previously, giving it the name of Felis Canadensis. We have not been able to find in Ame- rica, the European species described by Temmincx, under the name of Felis cervaria, which, as he supposes, exists also in the northern part of our continent, 145 SCIURUS CINEREUS.—Linn., Get. Cat-SquirReEL. PLATE XVII.—Natural size. 8. corpore robusto, 8. capistratus minore, S. migratorio majore ; cruri- bus paullum curtis; naso et auribus nunquam albis; cauda corpore paullo longiore, CHARACTERS. A little smaller than the fox squirrel, (S. capistratus,) larger than the northern gray squirrel, (S. migratorius ;) body, stout ; legs, rather short ; nose and ears, never white ; tail, a little shorter than the body. SYNONYMES. Scivrus Cinerevs, Ray, Quad., p. 215, A.D. 1693. Car-Squirre., Catesby, Carolina, vol. ii., p. 74, pl. 74, A.D. 1771. « “© Kalm’s Travels, vol. ii., p. 409, English trans. 6 « Pennant’s Arctic Zoology, vol. i., p. 119, 1784. Sciurus Crnerevs, Linn., Gmel., 1788. Fox-Squirret, (S. vulpinus) Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. ii., p. 128. Cat-SquirReEL, & se se “ sc “vol. ii., p. 129. Sciurus Cinerevs, Appendix to American Edition of MeMurtrie’s Translation of Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, vol. i., p. 433. ce a Bach, Monog. Zoological Society, 1838. Vulgo, Fox-Squirret, of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, distinct from the Fox-Squirrel (8. capistratus,) of the southern States. DESCRIPTION. Head, less elongated than that of S. capistratus, (the fox-squirrel,) and incisors rather narrower, shorter, and less prominent, than in that spe- cies. Ears broad at base and nearly round, thickly clothed on both sur- faces with hair; behind the ears the hairs are longer in winter than during summer, and in the former season, extend beyond the margin of the ear. Whiskers, numerous, longer than the head; neck, short; body, stouter than that of S. capistratus, or any known species of Squirrel pe- culiar to our continent. F'ur, more woolly, and less rigid than in S. ca- 20 146 CAT-SQUIRREL. pistratus ; not as smooth as in S. migratorius. Hinder parts heavy, giving it a clumsy appearance. Tail, long, broad, and flat, rather less distichous than in S. capistratus, or S. migratorius ; feet, shorter than in the former. Nails, strong, compressed, moderately arched, and acute. COLOUR. Perhaps none of our squirrels are subject to greater varieties of colour than the present ; we have seen specimens in (formerly) Pratz’s museum, of every tint, from light-gray almost to black. Two others that came under our observation, were nearly white, and had not red or pink eyes, which last, are a characteristic mark of that variety in any animal which is commonly called an albino. Between the varieties of our present species, and the almost equally numerous varieties of the fox-squirrel, (S. capistratus,) there may be re- marked an important difference. In the latter species the varieties are generally permanent, scarcely any specimens being found of intermediate colour, between the well-known shades which exist in different localities or families, whilst in the former, every variety of tint can be observed, and scarcely two can be found exactly alike. The prevailing variety, or colour, however, is gray, and one of this colour we will now describe from a specimen before us. Teeth, orange ; nails, dark-brown near the base, lighter at the extre- mities. On the cheeks, a slight tinge of yellowish-brown, extending to the junction of the head with the neck ; inner surface of the ears, yellow- ish-brown ; outer surface of the ear, fur soft and woolly in appearance, extending a little beyond the margin, light cinereous edged with rusty- brown. Whiskers both black and white, the black ones most numerous ; under the throat, inner surface of the legs and thighs, and the whole un- der-fur, white, producing an iron-gray colour at the surface; tail, less flat and distichous, (being rather more rounded, and narrower,) than in many other species of this genus, composed of hairs which separately examined are of a dull white near the roots, succeeded by a narrow marking of black, then white, followed by a broad line of black, and broadly tipped with white. Another specimen is dark-gray on the back and head, with a mix- ture of black and cinereous on the feet, thighs, and under-surface. Whis- kers, nearly all white. The markings on the tail, are similar to those of the other specimen. A third specimen, obtained from Pennsylvania, is dark yellowish-brown on the upper-surface; legs and belly, of a bright, orange-colour. A fourth specimen, obtained in the New York market, is grayish-brown above, and black beneath. The bones of this species a Sa ae CAT-SQUIRREL. 147 are invariably of a reddish-colour—this is strikingly perceptible after the flesh is cooked. We have represented in the plate three of these Squirrels, all of dif- ferent colours, but the varieties of tint to be observed in different speci- mens of the Cat-Squirrel, are so great, that among fifty or more perhaps, we never could find two exactly alike; for which reason we selected for our drawing an orange-coloured one, a gray one, and one nearly black. DIMENSIONS. An old male.—Recent. Toches From nose to root of tail = - - - - - 12% Length of tail, (vertebre) - - - - - - 74 do. of tail, to end of hair - - - - - 114 ‘do. from fore-claws to hind-claws, stretched out - 18? Weight, 1 lb. 13 oz. Female specimen sent to us, by Mr. Baio, of Pennsylvania. Length of body - - - - = = - - 13 do. of tail, from root to end of vertebra - - 11 do. of tail, e to end of hair - - - 14 do. to end of hind-legs - - = = = = 19 Extent of fore-legs - = = = = 2 5 132 Hind-foot - - = = = = - = a 3 Fore-foot - < : : é = : g 2 2 Height of ear, anteriorly - - - - 2 2 4s do. of “ posteriorly - - - - - - 1 do. of “ laterally, (inside,) - - - - - 12 Nose to occiput - - - = = : : - 3 Breadth ofear - = = - & 5 3 7 4I do. oftail - - - - = 2 = 5,3; Weight, 2 Ib. 5 oz. HABITS. This Squirrel has many habits in common with other species, residing in the hollows of trees, building in summer its nest of leaves, in some convenient fork of a tree, and subsisting on the same kinds of food. It is, however, the most inactive of all our known species; it climbs a tree, not with the lightness and agility of the northern gray squirrel, but with the slowness and apparent reluctance of the little striped squirrel, (Tamias Lysteri.) After ascending, it does not immediately mount to the top, as is the case with other species, but clings to the body of the tree, on the side Opposite to you, or tries to conceal itself behind the first convenient 148 CAT-SQUIRREL. branch. We have seldom observed it leaping from bough to bough. When it is induced, in search of food, to proceed to the extremity of a branch, it moves cautiously and heavily, and generally returns the same way. On the ground it runs clumsily, and makes slower progress than the gray squirrel. It is usually fat, especially in autumn, and the flesh is said to be preferable to that of any of our other species of squirrel. The Cat-Squirrel does not appear to be migratory in its habits. The same pair, if undisturbed, may be found in a particular vicinity for a number of years in succession, and the sexes seem paired for life. Wu1am Barro, Esq., of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, says of this species— “The Fox-Squirrel as this species is called with us, will never, unless al- most in the very jaws of a dog, ascend any other tree than that which contains its nest, differing very greatly in this respect from our gray squirrel.” The nest, which we have only seen on two occasions, was constructed of sticks and leaves, in the crotch of a tree about twenty fet from the ground, and in both cases the pair had a safer retreat in a hollow of the same tree above. This species is said to have young but once ayear. We have no posi- tive evidence to the contrary, but suspect that it will hereafter be dis- covered that it produces a second litter in the summer, or toward autumn. On taking some of them from the nest, we found on one occasion three, and on another four, young. These nests were placed in the hollows of oak trees. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Cat-Squirrel, is rather a rare species, but is not very uncommon in the oak and hickory woods of Pennsylvania, we have seen it near Easton and York ; it is found occasionally in Maryland and Virginia, and is met with on Long Island, and in some other portions of the State of New York, but in the northern parts of that State, is exceedingly rare, as we only saw two pair during fifteen years’ close observation. At certain seasons, we have found these squirrels tolerably abundant in the markets of the city of New York, and have ascertained that persons who had them for sale were aware of their superior value, as we were frequently charged 37! cents for one, whilst the common gray squirrel could easily be purchased for 123 cents. The south-eastern portion of New Jersey seems to be well suited to them. This species is rarely found in Massa- chusetts, and one we received from the north-western part of that State, was there regarded as a great curiosity. CAT-SQUIRREL. 149 GENERAL REMARKS. This species has been sometimes confounded with the fox-squirrel, (S. capistratus,) and at other times with the northern gray squirrel, (S. migra- torius,) and all three have by some been considered as forming but one species; it is, however, in size, intermediate between the two former, and has some distinctive marks by which it may be known from either. The northern gray squirrel has (as far as we have been able to ascer- tain from an examination of many specimens,) permanently five molars on each side in the upper jaw, and the present species has but four. The Cat-Squirrel, however, like the young fox-squirrel, has no doubt, a small deciduous tooth, which drops out in the very young state, and at so early a period that we have not succeeded in detecting it. Sciurus capistratus is in all its varieties, as far as we have observed, invariably and permanently distinguished by its having white ears and a white nose, which is not the case with S. cinereus. The former, is a southern species, the latter, is found in the middle and northern States, but not in the colder portions of New England or in Canada. S. capistratus, is a longer, thinner and more active species, running with almost the speed of a hare, and ascending the tallest pines to so great a height that nothing but a rifle-ball can bring it down; the pre- sent species is heavy, clumsy, and prefers clinging to the body of a tree, not generally ascending to its extreme branches. The hair of S. capis tratus is more rigid and smoother than that of S. cinereus, which is rather soft and woolly. We have instituted this comparison in order to prove the inaccuracy of a statement contained in one of the last works published in our country, on the American quadrupeds. The author says, “We suspect that Gop- mAN’s fox-squirrel (S. vulpinus) as well as his Cat, (S. cinereus) are varie- _ ties only of the hooded squirrel.” Under the above names Gopman pub- lished only one and the same species, but the hooded squirrel, (S. capis- tratus) with white ears and nose, is a very different species, and is not given by Gopman. The Cat-Squirrel was the first of the genus described from America. Ray characterizes it as S. virginianus cinereus major. Catrspy gives a tolerable description of it, and a figure, which although rather extrava- gant in the size of its tail, cannot from its short ears, which as well as the nose are destitute of the white marks of S. capistratus, be mistaken for the gray variety of the latter species. He says—* These squirrels are as large as a half-grown rabbit ; the whole structure of their bodies and limbs, thicker in proportion, and of a 150 CAT-SQUIRREL. grosser and more clumsy make than our common squirrels.” From this time it became for many years either lost or confounded with other spe- cies by naturalists. Desmarest under the name of cinereus entirely mis- took the species, and applied it to two others, the Carolina gray, and the northern gray squirrel. Hartan copied the article, adopting and per- petuating the error. Gopman by the aid of Lx Conrs as it appears to us, (see a reference to his letter—Amer. Nat. Hist. vol. ii., p. 129,) was enabled to correct this error, but fell into another, describing one spe- cies under two names, and omitting the southern fox-squirrel (S. capistra- tus) altogether, assigning its habits to his S. vulpinus. In our monograph of this genus, 1838; we endeavoured to correct the errors into which au- thors had fallen in regard to this species, time and further experience, have only strengthened us in the views we then expressed. , Se ee a as ae eC 151 LEPUS PALUSTRIS —Bacuman. Marsu-Hare. PLATE XVIII.—Male and Female. Natural size. L. corpore supra flavo-fuscente, subtus griseo, L. sylvatico minore auribus capite in multum brevioribus, oculis aliquantulum parvis, cauda brevissima, cruribus curtis varipilis. CHARACTERS, Smaller than the gray rabbit ; ears, much shorter than the head ; eyes, ra- ther small; tail, very short; legs, short; feet, thinly clothed with hair ; upper parts of body, yellowish-brown ; beneath, gray. SYNONYMES, Lepus Pauustris, Bach., Jour. Acad. of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. vii., pp. 194, 366, read May 10, 1836. Lepus Dovetassu, Gray, read, Zoological Society, London, Noy. 1837. Lepus Panusrris, Audubon—Birds of America, first edition—pounced upon by the com- mon buzzard, (Buteo vulgaris.) Ornithological Biography, vol. iv., p. 510. DESCRIPTION. Upper incisors, longer and broader than those of the gray rabbit, mark- ed like all the rest of the genus, with a deep longitudinal furrow; the small accessory incisors are smaller and less flattened than those of the gray rabbit, the molars are narrower, and a little shorter. The trans- verse measurement of the cranium is much smaller, the vertical, about equal. Orbits of the eyes one-third smaller. This last, is a striking peculiarity, giving this a smaller and less prominent eye than that of any other American hare, of equal size, with which we are acquainted. The zygomatic processes of the temporal bone, run downwards nearly in a vertical line, whilst those of the gray rabbit, are almost horizontal. Head, rather large ; forehead, slightly arched; whiskers, numerous, rigid ; nose, blunt; eyes, rather small; ears, short, rounded, broad, clothed on both surfaces with short hairs. Neck, moderately long; body, short, 152 MARSH-HARE. thick, and of rather a clumsy shape; hairs, rather long and much coarser than those of the gray rabbit. Legs, short, and rather small; feet so thinly clothed with hair, that the nails in most of the specimens are not covered, but project beyond the hair; the feet leave a distinct impres- sion of the toes and claws, on the mud, or in moist places where their tracks can be seen. Heel, short, thinly covered with hair; nails, long, stout, and very acute; tail, short; scarcely visible whilst the animal is running. COLOUR. - Teeth, yellowish-white ; eyes, dark-brown, appearing in certain lights, quite black. Upper part of the head, brown, and grayish-ash. Around the orbits of the eyes, slightly fawn-coloured; whiskers, black; ears, dark grayish-brown. Back, whole upper-parts, and upper-surface of the tail, yellowish-brown intermixed with many strong black hairs. The hairs, when examined singly, are bluish-gray at the roots, then light- brown, and are tipped with black. Throat, brownish-gray. Outer- surface of fore-legs, and upper-surface of thighs, reddish-yellow. The. fur beneath, is light plumbeous; under the chin, gray; belly, and under-surface of tail, light-gray ; the fur beneath, bluish, giving it a dark yellowish-brown appearance. Under-surface of the tail, ash-colour, edged with brown. During winter the upper surface becomes consider- ably darker than in summer, and the under-parts of the tail in a few spe- cimens become nearly white. DIMENSIONS. A specimen in the flesh. Length from point of nose to insertion of tail - 13 inches. do. of tail, (vertebrz) : : = ay Makes 1 “ do. do. do. including fur - - - ae 1 Poop ae Height from end of middle claw to top of shoulder 7 fe Length of head - - = 2 s ere 3% . # do. ears - - - - 2 ee Qa «& do. hind-foot - - = 5 = 3 “ Weight, 2} Ib. HABITS. The Marsh-Hare, chiefly confines itself to the maritime districts of the southern States, and is generally found in low marshy grounds that are sometimes partially inundated, near rivers subject to freshets that occa- sionally overflow their banks, or near the large ponds called in Carolina, ; ) ~_— se MARSH-HARE. 153 “reserves,” which are dammed up or otherwise made to retain the wa- ter intended to flood the rice-fields at the proper season. In these situations—to which few persons like to resort, on account of the muddy nature of the ground, and the many thorny and entangling vines and other obstructions that abound near them; and which, besides, continually exhale from their stagnant waters a noxious vapour, which rapidly generates disease—surrounded by frogs, water-snakes and alliga- tors, this species resides throughout the year, rarely molested by man, and enabled by its aquatic habits, to make up for any want of speed when eluding the pursuit of its enemies. Tt winds with great facility through miry pools, and marshes overgrown with rank weeds and willow bushes, and is quite at its ease and at home in the most boggy and unsafe parts of the swamps. We have met with this animal a few miles from Columbia, South Carolina, one hundred and twenty miles north of Charleston, along the muddy shores of the sluggish rivers and marshes, but on arriving at the high grounds beyond the middle country, where the marshes disap-- pear, it is no longer to be found. In its movements it is unlike most of our other hares; it runs low on the ground, and cannot leap with the same ease strength and agility they display. From the shortness of its legs and ears, and its general clumsy appearance as we see it splashing through the mud and mire, or plung- ing into creeks or ponds, it somewhat reminds us of an over-grown Nor- way rat endeavouring to escape from its pursuers. The Marsh-Hare is so slow of foot, that but for the protection afforded it by the miry tangled and thorny character of its usual haunts, it would soon be overtaken and caught by any dog of moderate speed. We have observed the negroes of a plantation on a holiday, killing a good many of them by first setting fire to the half-dried grasses and weeds in a marshy piece of ground during a continued drought, when the earth had absorbed nearly all the moisture from it, and then surrounding the place, with sticks in their hands, and waiting until the flames drove the hares from their retreats, when they were knocked down and secured as they attempted to pass. Several gray-rabbits ran out of this place, but the men did not attempt to stop them, knowing their superior speed, but every Marsh-Hare that appeared, was headed, and with a loud whoop set upon on all sides and soon captured. The feet of the Marsh-Hare are admirably adapted to its aquatic ha- bits. A thick covering of hair on its feet, like that on the soles of other species, would be inconvenient; they would not only be kept wet for a considerable length of time, but would retard the animal in swimming. 21 154. MARSH-HARE. Quadrupeds that frequent the water, such as the beaver, otter, musk-rat, mink &c., and aquatic birds, have nearly naked palms; and it is this pe- culiar structure, together with the power of spreading out its feet, and thus increasing the space between each of its toes, that enables this quad- ruped to swim with great ease and rapidity. Its track when observed in moist or muddy situations differs very much from that of other species. Its toes are spread out, each leaving a distinct impression like those of the rat. Some of the habits of this Hare, differ greatly from those of others of the genus; it seeks the water, not only in order the easier to escape from its pursuers, but when in sportive mood; and a stranger in Carolina should he accidentally see one amusing itself by swimming about, if unacquainted with the habits of the animal, would be puzzled by its manceuvres. When the Marsh-Hare is startled by the approach of danger, instead of directing its flight toward high grounds like the gray rabbit, it hastens to the thickest part of the marsh, or plunges into some stream, mill-pond, or “ reserve,” and very often stops and conceals itself where the water is many feet deep, among the leaves of lilies or other aqua- tic plants. After a heavy rain had produced a flood, which inundated some swamps and rice-fields near us, we sallied forth to see what had become of the Marsh-Hares, and on beating the bushes, we started many of them which ran from their hiding places, plunged into the water, and swam off with such rapidity that some escaped from an active Newfoundland dog that we had with us. Several of them, supposing they were unobserved, hid themselves in the water, about fifteen yards from the shore, protruding only their eyes and the point of their nose above the surface ; when thus almost entirely under the muddy water, with their ears pressed back and flat against their neck, they could scarcely be discovered. On touching them with a stick they seemed unwilling to move until they perceived that they were observed, when they swam off with great celerity. A few evenings afterwards when the waters had subsided and returned to their ordinary channels, we saw a good many of these Hares swimming in places where the water was seven or eight feet deep, meeting, or pur- suing each other, as if in sport, and evidently enjoying themselves. When the gray-rabbit approaches the water, it generally goes around or leaps over it, but the Marsh-Hare enters it readily and swims across. We have ona few occasions seen this Hare, take to a hollow tree when hard pressed by dogs, but (as we have just remarked) it usually depends more for its safety, on reaching marshy places, ponds, or im- penetrable thickets, iti. es MARSH-HARE. 155 This species possesses a strong marshy smell at all times, even when kept in confinement, and fed on the choicest food. Its flesh, however, although dark, is fully equal, if not superior, to that of the gray rabbit. The Marsh-Hare never, that we are aware of, visits gardens or culti- vated fields, but confines itself throughout the year to the marshes. It is occasionally found in places overflowed by salt, or brackish, water, but seems to prefer fresh-water marshes, where its food can be most conve- niently obtained. It feeds on various grasses, and gnaws off the twigs of the young sassafras, and of the pond-spice (Laurus geniculata.) We have seen many places in the low grounds dug up, the foot-prints indicating that it was the work of this species in search of roots. It frequently is found digging for the bulbs of the wild potatoe, (Apios tuberosa,) as also for those of a small species of amaryllis, (Amaryllis atamasco.) We kept an individual of this species in confinement, which had been captured when full-grown. It became so gentle in a few days that it freely took its food from the hand. It was fed on turnips and cabbage- leaves, but preferred bread to any other food that was offered to it. In warm weather it was fond of lying for hours in a trough of water, and seemed restless and uneasy when it was removed; scratching at the sides of its cage, until the trough was replaced, when it immediately plunged in, burying the greater part of its body in the water. This species, like all others of the genus existing in this country, as well as the deer and squirrels, is infested with a troublesome larva of an estrus in the summer and autumn; which penetrating into the flesh and continually enlarging. causes pain to the animal and renders it lean. The Marsh-Hare deposits its young in a pretty large nest, frequently composed of a species of rush, (Juncus effusus) growing in convenient situations. The rushes appear to be cut by it into pieces of about a foot in length. We have seen these nests nearly surrounded by, and almost floating on the water. They were generally arched by carefully bending the rushes or grasses over them, admitting the mother by a pretty large hole in the side. A considerable quantity of hair was found lining them, but whether plucked out by the parent, or the result of the natural shed- ding of their coat, (it being late in the spring, when these animals shed their hair,) we were unable to ascertain. The young number from five to seven. They evidently breed several times in the season, but we have observed that the females usually produce their young at least a month later than the gray rabbit. Twenty-one specimens were obtained from the 9th to the 14th day of April; none of the females had produced young that season, although some of them would have done so in a very few days. On one occasion 156 MARSH-HARE. only, have we seen the young in March. They bear a strong resemblance to the adult, and may almost at a glance be distinguished from those of the gray rabbit. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Marsh-Hare has been seen as far north as the swamps of the southern parts of North Carolina. In South Carolina, it is in some lo- calities quite numerous. Nearly all the muddy swamps and marshes abound with it. "We have known two persons kill twenty in the course of a few hours. In high grounds it is never seen; it continues to increase in numbers as we proceed southwardly. It is abundant in the swamps of Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana. We received a living specimen from Key West, the southern point of Florida. We have seen it in Texas, from whence the specimen described by Gray was brought, and we are in- clined to believe that it will be found to extend into the northern part of Mexico. GENERAL REMARKS. As a remarkable instance of a species continuing to exist in a thickly settled country without having found its way into scientific works, we may refer to this very common species. We obtained specimens in Caro- lina in the spring of 1815. It was called by the inhabitants by the names of Swamp, and Marsh, Hare, and generally supposed to be only a variety of the gray rabbit. We did not publish a description of the species until 1836. In the following year, Gray, who had not then seen the Transac- tions of the Acad. of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, in which our de- scription was contained, described it under the name of Lepus Douglassii. This species may always be distinguished from our other hares, by its colour, its rather short and broad ears, its short tail, which is never pure white beneath, by its narrow hind-feet, and by its aquatic habits. — a EE ———— 157 SCIURUS MOLLIPILOSUS —Aovp. anp Bacu. Sort-HarrepD SQuiRREL. PLATE XIX.—Natural Size. S. cauda corpore curtiore ; dorso fusco; iliis partibusque colli laterali- bus rufis ; abdomine cinereo. CHARACTERS. Tail, shorter than the body; back, dark brown; sides of the neck, and flanks, rufous ; under surface, cinereous. SYNONYME. Sciurus Mot.ipitosus, Aud. and Bach., Journal Acad. of Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, Oct. 1841, p. 102. DESCRIPTION. A little larger than the chickaree, (S. Hudsonius ;) head, rather large, slightly arched: ears, round, broad, but not high, clothed on the outer and inner surfaces with short, smooth hairs; whiskers, longer than the head. In form this species does not approach the Tamra, as S. Hudsonius does in some degree: it, on the contrary, very much resembles the Carolina gray-squirrel, S. Carolinensis, which is only an inch longer. Legs, robust ; toes, rather long; nails, compressed, arched ; tail bushy, but apparently not distichous, as far as can be judged from the dried specimen ; hairs of the tail about as long as those of the Carolina gray- squirrel. The hairs on the whole of the body are soft and very smooth. COLOUR. Teeth, light yellow; upper parts, including the nose, ears, and outer surface of the tail, dark-brown; this colour is produced by the hairs being plumbeous at the roots, tipped with light-brown and black. On the sides of the neck, the shoulder, and near the thighs, it is of a reddish-brown colour. The tail is brown, twice annulated with black; a few of the 158 SOFT-HAIRED SQUIRREL. hairs are tipped with gray. On the under surface, the lips and chin are grayish-brown; inner surface of the fore-legs, throat, and abdomen, cinereous, lightly tinged in some places with rufous. DIMENSIONS. Inches. Lines. Length of head and body fi 5 6 5 5 8 6 “ — of tail (vertebra) : . c o c 5 6 a “ toend of hair . é 5 0 7 0 Height of ear Q 6 0 6 5 : ; 0 5 From heel to end of nail 3 a 6 5 5 2 1 HABITS. This species was procured in Upper California, near the Pacific ocean, and we are obliged to confess ourselves entirely unacquainted with its habits. From its form, however, we have no doubt of its having more the manners of the Carolina gray-squirrel, than those of the chickaree. We may suppose that it lives on trees, and never burrows in the ground, as the chickaree sometimes does. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Our specimens were obtained in the northern part of California, near the Pacific ocean. GENERAL REMARKS. This species differs so widely in all its details from S. Hudsonius, that it is scarcely necessary to point out the distinctive marks by which it is separated from the latter. The space occupied by the lighter colours on the under surface, is much narrower than in S. Hudsonius, and there is not, as in that species, any black line of separation between the colours of the back and under surface. 159 TAMIAS TOWNSEN DII—Bacu. TownsEnp’s GROUND-SQUIRREL. PLATE XX.—Natural size. T. obscurus, supra flavo-fuscescens, striis quinque nigris longitudinali- bus subequaliter distantibus dorsali usque ad caudam porrecta; subtus cinereus. T. Lysteri magnitudine superans. CHARACTERS, A little larger than Tamias Lysteri; tail much longer ; upper surface, dusky yellowish-brown, with five nearly equidistant parallel black stripes on the back, the dorsal one extending to the root of the tail ; under sur- face cinereous. SYNONYME, Tamias Townsenpul, Townsend’s Ground Squirrel, Journal Acad. of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. viii., part 1, 1839. DESCRIPTION. Head, of moderate size ; forehead, convex ; nose, rather obtuse, clothed with very short hairs; nostrils, opening downward, their margins and septum naked; whiskers, as long as the head; eyes, large; ears. long, erect, obovate, clothed with short hair on the outer, and nearly naked on the inner surface ; cheek-pouches, tolerably large. In form this species resembles 7. Lysteri; it is, however, longer and stouter. Legs, of mode- rate size; toes, long; the fore-feet have four toes, with the rudiment of a thumb, protected by a short convex nail; the palms are naked, with five tubercles. Claws, curved, compressed, and sharp-pointed. On the hind-feet, five toes, the third and fourth nearly of equal length, the second a little shorter, and the first, or inner toe, shortest. Tail, long and sub- distichous. COLOUR. Teeth, dark orange; whiskers, black ; a line of fawn-colour, commencing at the nostrils, runs over the eye-brows, and terminates a little beyond 160 TOWNSEND’S GROUND-SQUIRREL. them in a point of lighter colour; a patch of a similar colour commences under the eye-lids, and running along the cheeks terminates at the ear. A line of dark brown, commencing at the termination of the nose, where it forms a point, and bordering the fawn-colour above, is gradually blended with the colours of the head ; fur on the outer surface of the ear, brown on the anterior parts, with a patch of white covering about one- fourth of the ear. On the posterior part of the ear there is a slight cine- reous tint about six lines in length, terminating near the shoulder. A black stripe commences on the hind part of the head and runs over the centre of the back, where it spreads out to the width of four lines, termi- nating in a point at the insertion of the tail; a line of the same colour commences at the shoulders, and running parallel to the first terminates a little beyond the hips; another, but narrower and shorter, line of black runs parallel with this, low down on the sides, giving it five black stripes about equi-distant from each other. On the throat, belly, and inner parts of the legs and thighs, the colour is light cinereous; there is no line of separation between the colours of the back and belly. The tail is, on the upper surface, grayish-black, having a hoary appearance. Underneath, it is reddish-brown for two-thirds of its breadth, then a narrow line of black, tipped with light ash. Nails, brown. DIMENSIONS. Inches. Lines. Length of head and body : : ° c : 6 9 43 tail (vertebre) 4 0 Ge “ including fur & 0 cs head 2 0 Height of ear 0 6 Length from heel to end of nail 1 6 HABITS. No doubt the different species of this genus are as uniform in their habits as the true squirrels. They are usually found seated low, on stumps or rocks, at the roots of or near which, they have their burrows. Their cheek-pouches enable them to carry to these hiding-places, nuts, grains, &c., to serve them for food in winter. Mr. Townsenp, who pro- cured the specimens from which we have drawn up our description, ob- serves, “ This pretty little fellow, so much resembling our common T. striatus, (Lysteri,) is quite common; it lives in holes in the ground ; run- ning over your foot as you traverse the woods. It frequently perches itself upon a log or stump, and keeps up a continual clucking, which is ,rrt Se Sa. Ss See TOWNSEND’S GROUND-SQUIRREL. 161 usually answered by another at some distance, for a considerable time. Their note so much resembles that of the dusky grouse, (Tetrao obscurus,) that I have more than once been deceived by it.” GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. We have heard of this species as existing from the 37th to the 45th degree of latitude, on the Rocky Mountains. It probably does not extend to the eastward of that chain, as we saw nothing of it on our late expe- dition up the Missouri river, to the mouth of the Yellow-Stone, &c. GENERAL REMARKS. The markings of this Ground-Squirrel differ widely from those of any other known species. From Tamias Lysteri it differs considerably, being larger and having a much longer tail; it has a white patch behind the ear, and cinereous markings on the neck, of which the latter is destitute ; the ears are a third longer than in T. Lystert. The stripes on the back are also very differently arranged. In Tamias Lysteri there is first a black dorsal stripe, then a space of grayish-brown, half an inch wide, then two shorter stripes, within two lines of each other; which narrow intervening portion is yellowish-white. The stripes in the pre- sent species are at a uniform distance from each other, the dorsal one running to the tail; whereas, in the other it does not reach within an inch of it, and the intervening spaces are filled up by a uniform colour. This species has not the whitish stripes on the sides, nor the rufous colour on the hips, which are so conspicuous in T. Lystert. 22 162 VULPES VIRGINIAN US —Scureser. Gray Fox. PLATE XXIJ.—Mate. 5-7ths natural size. V. griseo nigroque variegatus, lateribus et partibus colli lateralibus fulvis, genis nigris. CHARACTERS. Gray, varied with black, sides of neck and flank, fulvous ; black on the sides of the face between the eye and nose. SYNONYMES. Fox or Caroina, Lawson, Car., p. 125. Gray Fox, Catesby, Car., vol. ii., p. 78, fig. C. ~ «© «Pennant, Synop., p. 157, 114. Canis Vircinianus, Schreber, Saugethiere, p. 361, 10 to 92 B, 1775. ss se Erxleben, Syst., p. 567, 10, 1777. G sc Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. Gmel., vol. i., p. 74, 16, 1788. «© Cryergco-Arcenteus, Erxleben, Syst., p. 576, 9. “© Cuvereo-Arcentatus, Say, Long’s Expedition, vol. ii., p. 340. « Vireinitanus, Desm., Mamm., p. 204. “© Crynenro-Arcentatus, Godman, Nat. Hist., vol. i., p. 280, fig. 2. “¢ (Vuxpes) Vireinianus, Rich., F. Boreali A., p. 96. Vouures Vireinianus, Dekay, Nat. Hist. of New York, p. 45. DESCRIPTION. Head, considerably broader and shorter than that of the red fox, (Vui- pes fulvus ;) nose, also shorter, and a little more pointed; tecth, not so stout ; ears, a little longer than in the latter animal, of an oval shape, and thickly clothed with hair on both surfaces; whiskers, half the length of the head. Body, rather thicker and more clumsy in appearance than that of either the swift fox, (V. velox.) or the red fox; fur, much coarser than that of the other species. Legs, rather long; nails, strong, slightly arched, visible beyond the fur; soles, with five stout tubercles, not clothed with hair; tail, large, bushy, clothed like the body with two kinds of hair; the fur, or inner hair, being soft and woolly, the outer hairs longer and coarser. OO ee GRAY FOX. 163 COLOUR. There are slight differences in the colour of different specimens; we will, however, give a description of one which is of the colour most com- mon to this species in every part of the United States. Head, brownish- gray ; muzzle, black; a broad patch of dark brown runs from the eye to the nose, on each side of the face ; whiskers. black; inner surface of ears, dull white ; outer surface of ears, sides of neck, outer surface of fore-legs and thighs, tawny; a yellowish wash under the throat, and along the sides; chin, and around the mouth, dark-brown; cheeks, throat, and.un- der surface of body, dull white, occasionally tinged with a yellowish shade; under surface of hind and fore-feet, yellowish-brown: upper sur- face of feet and legs, grizzly black and white; nails, dark-brown. The soft inner fur on the back, which is about an inch and a half long, is for half its length from the roots, plumbeous, and pale yellowish-white at the tips. The long hairs which give the general colour to the body above, are white at their roots, then for more than a third of their length black, then white, and are broadly tipped with black, giving the animal a hoary or silver-gray appearance. It is darkest on the shoulder, along the back and posterior parts. The fur on the tail, has a little more fulvous tinge than that of the back; the longer hairs are much more broadly tipped with black. When the fur lies smooth, there is a black line along the upper surface of the tail from the root to the extremity ; end of brush, black. Some specimens are a little lighter coloured, having a silver-gray appearance. Specimens from the State of New York are rather more fulvous on the neck, and darker on the back, than those of Carolina. In some specimens there is a dark spot on the sides of the throat about an inch from the ear. We possessed for many years a beautiful specimen of a variety of the Gray Fox, which was barred on the tail like the racoon, and had a dark eross on the back like that of Canis crucigera of Grsyer, which latter is _ regarded by Baron Cuvier as a mere variety of the European fox. DIMENSIONS. Length of head and body : ; 2 4 28 inches. & of tail (vertebra) . : 5 : ; 121 do. s