fl DUKE UNIVERSITY il LIBRARY The Glenn Negley Collection of Utopian Literature WORKS ISSUED BY Cfjf I?alUu|;t ^Oftfti;. THE VOYAGE OP FRANgOIS LEGUAT. VOL. II. No. LXXXIir. ^m . J . IPa<7 . jj^ . THE VOYAGE OF FKANCOIS LEGUAT OF BRESSE TO RODRIGUEZ, MAURITIUS, JAVA, AND THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. TRANSCRIBED FROM THE FTUST ENOLISIl EDITION. itrir antr aiiinotatelt BY CAPTAIN PASFIELD OLIVER, LATE ROIAL ARTILtEHY. " Si forte necesge est Imliriis monntrare recentibus abdifa rcrut. VOL. ir. LONDON: rillNTEI) FOR THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY, 4, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, W.C. M.DCCC.XCI. COUNCIL THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY. CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM, Esq., C.B., P.R.S., Phksidbkt. MAJOE-GENEBAt, SiB HENRY RAWLINSON, G.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., P.R.S ASSOOIE EtBANGEB DE L'InSTITUT DB FbANCB, VlCB-rEESIDENT. Lord ABBRDARB, G.O. B., P.R.S. , late Pbes. R.U.S. S. B. B. BOUVERIB-PUSEY, Esq. WALTER DE GRAY BIRCH, Esq., P.S.A. Rear-Admibal LINDESAY BRINE. ROBERT BROWN, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. The Right Hon. Sib MOUNTSTUART E. GRANT DUKF, G. G.S.I. ALBERT GRAY, Esq. P. H. H. GUILLEMARD, Esq R. H. MAJOR, Esq., P.S.A. E. A. PETHERICK, Esq. Loan ARTHUR RUSSELL. ERNEST SATOW, EsQ.,C.M.G., Minister Resident in Uruguay. S. W. SILVER, Esq. COUTTS TROTTER, Esq. Prof. E. B. TYLOR, D.C.L. Captain Sir J. SYDNEY WEBB, K.C.M.G. Captain W. J. L. AVHARTON, R.N. E. DELMAR MORGAN, Honokabi Secbetaby. 31.'?8,^1 CONTENTS. VOLUME II. Table of Contents ..... List of Illustrations and Maps . . . . Bibliography ....... List of Illustrations and Maps in Original Edition . Addenda et Corrigenda . . . . . PAOB vii viii ix XV xvi Second Part. Voyage from Rodriguez to INIauritius ; Adventures in that Island, Java, and at the Cape of Good Hope . . 139 Return of the Adventurers to Holland . . . 304 Thanksgiving Ilymu ..... 304 Appendix A. — Abstract of M. J. Codiue's M6nioire on the Discovery of the Mascarene Islands . Addendum. — On M. de Flacourt's Pillar ,, List of Bourbon Birds Appendix B.— Relation de ITle Rodrigue Appendix C. — The Fauna of the IMascarene Islands Appendix D. — On Extinct Birds of the IMascarene Islands Appendix E. — The Gigantic Mascarene Tortoises Supplementary Note by E. Delmar Morgan. — The Dugong Ilalicorc Dugong, Leguat's " JNlanati" Index ..... 308 317 819 320 341 359 373 378 384 313 VI 11 CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS. Paut II. Doiniue Salva Nos, facsimile.— Frontispiece to Part II. Ilocher d'Exil, facsimile ....•• 139 Chart of Grand Port, by Lieut. Coghlan, R.N., 1877 . . 161 Mauritius, Ooster Haven, from Valentyn, facsimile . . 176 Fort Fredrik Ilendrik op Mauritius, from Valentyn, facsimile . 180 Le Geant, facsimile ..... ^09 Avis Indica, from CoUaert, facsimile .... 210 Cliart of Mascarene Archipelago, reduced facsimile from D'Apros de Manuevillette ..... 309 Carte de la Reunion par L. Maillard .... 319 lie Gdant, Ideal restoration after Shufeldt . . . 359 /-Le G^ant, by Schlegel . . . , . .365 Insula Docerne, alias ^Mauritius dicta, from De Bry, facsimile . 371 Ingentes Testudinea in Mauritii insula . do. do. . 375 Skull of Manatee . . . . . .380 Skull of Dugong ....... 380 Skull of llhytina . . . . . . .381 BIBLIOGRAPHY. List of Works and Authors alluded to in the present Edition} AcADfeMiE DES Sciences. — Comptes-reudus ; Histoire et Memoircs. Adanson, M. — Voyage au Senegal. 1757. Alboquerque, Alfouso de. — Comnientarios. 1557. Annales DES Sciences Naturelles. AsTLEY, Thos. — A New General Collection of Yoyages aud Travels. 1747. AVEZAC, M. d'. — lies de I'Afrique. n.d. Bakek, J. — Flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles. 1877. Balfour, F. H. — The Nanhua of Chuaug Tsze. 1881. Balfouk, Trofessor I. Bay ley. — Botany of Rodriguez. 1879. Bauonius, Cardinal. — Annales Ecclesiastic!. 1728. Barros, Joao, e Diogo do Couto.— Decadas da Asia. 1G28. Barrow, John. — An Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa in the years 1797-98. 1804. Bausset, Cardinal de. — Histoire de Bossuet. 1814. Bayle, Pierre. — Nouvelles de la Republiq^ue des Lettres. 1713. Beaulieu, Augustin de.— Expedition to the East Indies, 1619-22. Harris' Voy., vol. i. Belcher, Sir E.— Narrative of the Voyage of II. M.S. Samaruixj. 1848. Berkeley, Rev. M. J. — Botany of Rodriguez, Fnngi. 1879. Bernard, Jacques. — Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres. 1718. Blackwood's JNIagaziue, September, 1889. Blanc, Vincent le. — Les Voyages du Sieur Vincent le Blanc. 1648. Blume, ])r. C. L. de.— Flora Javae. 1828. Braam, Joan. — Kaart van het Eyland Mauritius. 1729. Brewer, Dr. E. C. — Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1875. Bridet, Lieut. — liltude sur les ouragans de rheniisphfere austral. 187(5. Bruggemann, Dr. F. — Recent Fauna of Rodriguez. Corals. 1879. BuFFON, G. L. Leclerc, Comte de. — Histoire Naturello, Generale ct Particuliere, redigee par C. S. Sonnini. 1807. Butler, A. G. — Recent Fauna of Rodriguez, Lepidaptcra, Orthoptcra Hemiptera, Myriapoda, Arachnida. 1879. Butler, Samuel. — Hudibras. 1744. 1 N.B. — This list is exclusive of Authors and Works mentioned by Franyois Leguat or his Editor, in the original text, whicli are given on page XV, vol. i. X BIBLIOGRAI'IIV. Byrox, Lord Geo.— Works. 1837. Caille, de la. — Sec La C'aillc. Cami'Ukul, Thos.— Poetical Works. 1840. Capk QrAiiTEULY Review. 1882. Carhi:. — Voyage des Iiides Oriontales. IfiOS. Castanheda, Fernao Lopez de. — llistoria do Descobriuiento & Con- qiiista da India. l.'iGl. Cats, Jacob. — Wercken. 1655. Cauciie, Francois. — Relation d'un Voyage en Madagascar. 1638. Cavenpish, Thos. — Voyages. Punhof. 1586. CiiAMisso, A. von. — See Kotzebue. Ci.auk, J. W. — Zoology of Rodriguez. Osteology of Solitaire. 1879. CouiNE, J. — Memoire Geographiqne sur la Mer des Indes. 1868. CoLLAERT, Adrian. — Avium vivne icones. 1590. Columella, L. G. M. — De cultu Hortoruni. Poetaj Lat. Miuores. CossioNY, Charpeutier. — Voyage au Bengale. 1789. Choker, T. Crofton. — Tour in Ireland, by BoulIaye-le-Gouz. 1837. CuoMBiK, Rev. J. ^I.— Botany of Rodriguez, Lichens. 1879. Damiioldek, Joost de. — Practycke in Crimiuele saecken ghemaeckt. 1642. Dam TIER, W. — Collection of Voyages. 1729. Dapper, O. — Description de I'Afrique. Trans, from the Dutch. 1686. Darwin, Charles R. — Naturalist's Voyage round the World. 1845. Davis, Sir John. — The Chinese : General Description of China. 1836. Davis, Captain John. — Voyages. 1600. — Ilakluyt Edtn. by A. II. Markham. 1880. De Buy, Fratres. — India Orientals. 1590-1634. Dickie, Dr. G. — Botany of Rodriguez. Alf/ce. 1879. DonsoN, G. E.— Recent Fauna of Rodriguez. Mamiiialia. 1879. Dry'DEN, John. — Virgil's iEneid. 1696. Ovid's INIetamoriilioses. 1679. Duitois, D. B. — Voyage a Madagascar. 1674. EiJWAROS, MWne.—See Milne- Edwards. Encyclopedia Britannica.— Ninth Edtn Art. Birds. FiNDLAY, A. G. — Sailing Directions of the Indian Ocean. 4tii Ed. 1882. Fkeschot, Casiniir. — Remarques, Ilistoriques & Critiques, faites dans un Voyage d'ltalie en lIoHande, I'an 17o4. Coutenant Ics nioeurs de la Carniole, etc. 17()6. Gentil, Le. — Voyage dans les Mers de I'lnde. 1779. Giles, Herbert. — Gems of Chinese Literature. 1884. Gill, Mrs. D.— Six Months in Ascension. 1878. (Juant, Baron (Viscount de Vaux). — History of Mauritius. 1801. Gray, J. H., Archdeacon.-— Cliina : Tiie Laws, J\Ianners and Customs. 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHY. XI Gray, Albert. — Voyage of Fraufois Pyrard do Laval. Hakluyt Edtn 1887. Grube, Professor E. — Recent Fauna of Rodriguez. Annelida. 1879. Gulliver, G. — Recent Fauna of Rodriguez. TurbcJlaria. 1879. GuMiLLA, Joseph. — El Orinoco. 1745. GuNTHER, Dr. A. — Gigantic Land Tortoises. 1877. Extinct Fauna of Rodriguez. Birds, Reptiles. Recent Fauna. Fishes : Reptiles. 1879. Hag EN, Stev. van der. — Beschrijving van de 2- Yoyagie met 12 Schepen. 1648. Hakluyt Society. — See Gray, Markham, Yule. Hardouin, Pere Jean. — Plinii Naturalis Historise Libri. 1685. Harris, John. — Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca. 1764. Hedges, William.— Diary. 1688. Col. Yule's Hakluyt Edtn. Helmsley. — Vegetation of Diego Garcia : Linnxan Soc. Jourmtl. Vol. XXII. Holcroft. — Translation of the Vandal Wars, of Procopius. 1653. Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton. — Introduction to Flora Indica. Iris, The. JoNSON, Ben. — Neptune's Triumph. 1637. Jordanus, Friar. — Marvels described by. 1330. Col. Yule's Hakluyt Edtn. Kotzebue, 0. V. — Entdeckungsreise in die Siid-See u. nach Behrings- Strasse ; containing notes by A. von Cliamisso. 1821. La Caille, Abbe de.— Journal Historique du Voyage. 1763. Laval, de. — See Pyrard de Laval. Legge, Professor J. — Life and Teachings of Confucius. 1867. Le Maire, Le Sieur. — Voyages aux lies Canaries. 1695. Le Sage, A. R.— Historie de Gil Bias. 1787. Levaillant, F. — Voyage dans rinterieur de I'Afrique. 1790. Littr^, E. — Dictionnaire de la Ijangue Fran^aise. 1869. Livingstone, David. — Narrative of an Expedition to the Z.imbesi. 1866. LuiLLlER, Sieur.— Voyage aux Grandes Indes. 1705. Macartney, Lord. — Embassy to China. 1793. &e Staunton. Maffeius, Joannes Petrus. — Historiarum Indicarura, Libri xvr. 1588. ]\Iaillard, L. — Notes sur Tile de la Reunion. 1862. Maimbourg, Louis. — Traite Historique de rEtablissemeut de Rome. 1685. Malmesbury, William of. — Do Gestis Pontificum. 1124. Mannevillette, D'Apres de. — Neptune Orientale. 1776. Manu, Ordinances of, by A. C. Burnell. 1884. Marcel, Gabriel.— MSS. 1890. Markham, Albert II. -Davis' Voyage. Hakluyt Edtn. 1880. xil BIBLIOGRAPHY. MaSKELYNE, N. S. — Petrology of Rodriguez. 1879. Meldkum. — On Cyclonos in the Indian Ocean. 1874. MELLIS.S, J. C— St, Helena: description, etc. 1875. Mki.vim.i:, a. (i. — See Strickland. MEKRiKir.i.n, Mary P. — Gulf-Weed. See \