Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ot Sa oy er ay A * ial oe ae Fe Aes. SS eee. a, >. - AF 9 : -. > 5 . ee. = nage aid . ¢ ali et ee . . is ? * . ‘ : : ‘ ‘ a ~ » 4 pee ; * . ee Se eee at lt eee — ele ———E————ee 1868. WASHBURN & COMPANY, ° (LATE BARNES & WASHBURN,) ABRIDGED CATALOGUE PuT UP BY WASHBURN & COMPANY, SEEDSMEN, FLORISTS, AND NURSERYMEN, Wo. 100 TREMONT STREET, HorricuLturRaL Hatt, BOSTON. PERSONS wishing for varieties not enumerated in this List, we would refer them to our Unabridged Catalogue, embracing a list of upwards of 2000, varieties, including choice Greenhouse Seeds, Ornamental Grasses, and, in short, we believe every thing that will be wanted in the line of flower seeds. The Unabridgea Catalogue may be had of our Agen/s, or we will forward it by mail to all applicants, postpaid, on receipt of 25 cents. FOR SALE BY Eee Orn Y, ROP HS, SALEM, MASS. FLOWER-SEEDS BY MAIL. For the accommodation of persons who are located where we have no agents, we will send by mail, postpaid, to any address in the United States or Canada, any varieties they may order, at the annexed prices. Purchasers remitting $1 00 may select seeds at Catalogue prices amounting to $1 15 “ « 200 «“ ‘ “ “ 2 35 sc “ 3 00 3 6s ‘e “ 3 65 Lr tc 4 00 6 “ “ “ 4 95 bs 73 5 00 “ ‘“ “ “ 6 25 &¢ te 10 00 66 “ ce “cc 13 00 “cc - 66 20 00 “e 6c 4 a3 27 00 “ “ 30 00 “ “ “ “ 41 50 Persons desiring us to make their selections may rely upon our sending only those which are really showy and handsome, and easy to cultivate. We believe that our experience will enable us to make selections that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction to any lady or gentle- man who may be disposed to order them, in sending orders for seed by mail, it will be only necessary to give the date of the Cata- logue from which the selection is made, and the names of the varieties. The name of the person to whom they are to be sent, and the name of the Town aud State, should be so plainly written that there may be no mistaking a single letter. We often receive letters containing money, the writing of which is so bad as to make it almost impossible to decide where and to whom the seeds ordered are to be sent. : All orders should be addressed (with the amount inclosed in cash or postage-stamps) as follows :— WASHBURN & COMPANY, HorRTICULTURAL HALL, 100 Tremont STREET, Boston, Mass. 6 The following Catalogues are published annually, and will be forwarded, postpaid, to all applicants, on receipt of price affixed : — No.1. Our Annual Seed Catalogue, and Guide to the Flower and Kitchen Garden, enlarged and improved, containing a descriptive list of upwards of twenty-five hundred varicties of flower and garden seeds, including many novelties, which are offered for the first time in this country, with copious cultural notes, beautifully illustrated; to which is added a list of a hundred varieties french Hybrids, Gladiolus, and other summer flowering bulbs. Price 25 cents. No. 2. Plant Catalogue, published April 1, containing a descriptive list of Green- house, Hot-house, Hardy, Herbaceous, and Bedding Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Grape Vines, Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, &c., &c. No. 8. Bulb Catalogue, published Sept. 1, containing a descriptive list of Dutch flowering Bulbs, with directions for cultivation, comprising a splendid assortment of Hyacinths, Tulips, Jonquils, Narcissus, Crocus, Crown Imperials, Snowdrops, Lilies, Gladiolus, &c. Those of our readers desiring information on any A Spry: topics are referred to “Hovey’s MAGAZINE,” an illustrated magazine | of 82 pages, published at 53 North Market Street, Boston, at $2 per annum. Subscriptions received by us. PRESS OF GEO. C. RAND & AVERY, 3 CORNHILL, BOSTON. ABRIDGED LIST OF FLOWER SEEDS. ° EXPLANATIONS. —ha., hardy annual, (lasts one year;) hha., half hardy annual; ta., terr annual; hb., hardy biennial, (lasts two years;) hhb., half hardy biennial, (requires protectin» + & bik mh hp., hardy perennial, (lasts many years;) hhp , half hardy perennial; g., green ouse plant. The figures after the description indicate the average height in feet to which the plants generally attain under good cultivation. = dagger, t+, denotes that such biennials and perennials usually flower the first year from ed. A star, *, dwarf plants suitable for edgings. A double **, ornamental climbers. Price. Abronia umbellated, A. umbeliata, ta.,a pretty umbel-fowered creeping or trailing plant, with clusters of rosy blossoms, $........0. cece eee eee eee BO LG Acacia Julibrissin, a hardy and elegant shrub, with tassel-like tufts of beauti- ful rosy flowers. Previous to sowing, soak the seed in water at 120° for six HQUTSHS 20a ow nok DD oie ha a We sive Stale Weiss asa arae pla biatchs "ore pt Ab ApeEMTaPIOMD, ccc on shal iG Acroclinium, rose-colored, A.7osewm, hha., an elegant new annual from Swan River, producing beautiful everlasting flowers, resembling the Rho- danthe Manglesii, but much larger; should be grown in every collection; 1 10 Adonis flower, A. flos, ha., handsome foliage, with blood-red flowers; very Lethe s Maples wHasit. « MeO Ss so MatHuislen, Aiee cbkskatlauaheey’ el a ien brabbayenp are jae scene Ageratum Mexican, A. Mexicanum, ha., very useful for garden decoration or pot culture, with curious blue heats of flowers, appearing from July to No- vember; plants carefully lifted and potted in autumn will bloom finely through the winter; 1}............. ave tiniste aglitee Soe neice stcse, oe fe oe WaRhlsieh\ stele as 1 O “Alyssum sweet, A. maritima, ha.,in bloom from June to November; flowers white and very fragrant; in long racemes, which continually extend them- selves through the season; one of the most useful annuals in ‘cultivation;# 6 Amaranthus, three-colored, A. tri-color, ta., an old favorite; the chief beauty of which consists in its beautiful variegated leaves; 2........seseccesseesee 5 Amethyst, biue, Browallia elata, ta., small blue flOWeTS.......cccccessvecccsses 10 5) SUMAN MRIS eaters aver ave rare ehets ol tare aiciet catia teiare'a gia elo-etalele wiclalavecececsiele wverdene Salers soa sole @ fue. 10 AS ¢.\) HSE S GMa: ARO: bse Meee Lt dlenor cae Maes cesta cemieee! Oo Anagallis, indica, Indian pimpernel, ha., blue, trailing; f.....csecssscccseces 5 — vwarnea, bha., flesh-color; 4..... Sfelaraptaiciet = Miocctslagarad taye« Bian] aray'ols sehords ~ oo Ly — — coccinea, hha., scarlet; 4...... PRONG Hibs prise -tieaepabe cmapedes e's 10 This is a class of beautiful trailing plants, that will be found highly orna- mental for bedding purposes, xs they bloom all the season. The Anagal- lis is also an old favorite, for growing in greenhouses, presenting an ex- tremely graceful appearance when cultivated in pots or vases. ; Aster, Chimese mixed, ha., several finest varieties; 2.......ccesseecvesercecess 6 Peony-flowered, mixed, Truffaui’s, very choice; saved from finest selected flowers; benutifwl in tlre extTeMe......ccscevecccccccceccssecsceses 10 —— Imbricated pompone, mixed, Ranunculus, finest SOFtS ..--.+..+2000% 5 j German globe quilled, mixed, finest varietics........-..eseeseeees-- 10 — French Quilled Pyramidal, mixed, extra fine; cannot be surpassed for habit of growth and brilliancy Of COLOTS.......sessecssecccecscseseseses LO crown or two colored, mixed, SUPerD.......ccccecersecsessescoeses- 10 =——— La Superb, new; rose color; FINE. sseeseovenscserrevescvesoucccssvezece 10 ABRIDGED CATALOGUE, Pri Eternal flower, golden, Eiych-ysum bracteatum, ha., golden vellow; fme; 2 — white, E. alba, ha., a fine variety, with white flowers; 2.....-+-s..:s SS mixed, yellow and white Me) ae eee eee er 2 ae —— — double, mixed, ha., flowers large and double, of rich. metallic. lus- tre, in rich bronze and brightest yellow, pure white, and white elegantly sultdBed WIL TOSC, EXIT HNC: Zeacs secs coccccacledsevevssocsccasver 2 ee The Eternal flowers are very ornamental in the garden, and much ad- mired on account of the beauty of the flower when dried; which, if gath- ered when they first open, afd carefully dried, will retain their form and color for years; they are highly prized for winter mantel bouquets and orna- ments for vases. tEvening Primrose, yellow, C@nothera bienis, hp.,a beautiful perennial, with fine, large yellow flowers; will bloom the first season from seed; 1}... —— — white, @. tetraptera, ha.,a succession of pure white flowers from Jtly tO OChODEr: Lo. seecesrecss pes Sages fgsse a space co Sate, Seis Flax, large-flowered, crimson, Linum grandiflorum rubrum, ha., one of the most beautiful among annual flowers; witha one succession of very brilliant, compact. salver-like, crimson blossoms throughout the summer; 1. tWorget-me-not, Myosotis palustris, hp., a well-known favorite, with clusters of delicate blue flowers appearing all summer; blooms the first year from seed ; 4 ee ee ey Pewee eee eee ee eens eeeeee TOP e eee ee eee eee eee ee ee eee Foxglove, mixed, Digitalis, several varieties Mixed......cesccececeercececeses mixed, extra, all the newest and finest varieties... ..ccececcccsccccccces The Foxgloves are too well known to need description; they are all use- ful and ornamental! for genera) flower-garden purposes, and may be intro- duced into theshrubbery with fine effect, as its tall, spirelike spikes, crowned witn its large thimbie or bell-shaped flowers, will contrast finely with the reen ‘foliage of the shrubs; they are all hardy biennials, from three to our feet high. Gaillardia, painted, G. picta, ha., orange, red, and yellow; fine; 1L.......... white-margined, G. picta albo-marginata, ha., dark red, edged with white; TEI oe ate meee ons Tere reer eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee ee ee - —— scarlet, G. picta.coccinea, ha., very showy......- sbteawashes saan cesces — Wells, G. Wellsiana, ha., yellow and red; fine; BS ds biciveds Sa ticb'ae wewews eS mixed, a splendid mixture of all the finest BOTS: o bad sews dtasb ict tL owvowen Showy and universally admired plants, and among the gayest ornaments of summer flowering-b of the easiest culture; will thrive in almost any soil or situation. Galega, eastern, G. orientalis, bp., white; 2}....cceesecceceeeersees Sa Gaura, Lindheimer’s, G. Lindheimeria, hha., a plant of light and graceful habit, with spikes of white and red tinted flowers; a profuse bloomer; 2... Gilia, three-colored, G. tri-color, ha., yellow eye, surrounded by a purple ring, bordered by pale blue; fine; 1..... oucabiisapecascecscopanceepesce sees . white, G. alba, ha., pure white, in clusters; fine; lo... .ceeseseecececees rose-colored, G. rosea, ha., flowers rosy-tinted, with a white eye; 1..... Yhis is avery pleasing family of annuals; may be sown at any time, and will bloom in almost any situation; the flowers are disposed in panicles or clusters; and from its neat growth it is admirably adapted for culture either in masses or detached patches. The variety three-colored, is the prettiest, and losfs the Jongest in bloom.- Globe amaranthus, white, Gomphrena alba, tag 1... seeeeeeeeeeeeeecceesees —_—— crimson, G. kermsina, ta., Licvccuds chutes aeRO. Gil SRE. cowie —___- er flesh-colored, a. carneéa, ta., Gly IS. tess se we eeeeee eeetee Se variegated, G. variegata, ta., crimson and white; = re ee ee ee —— — orange, G. aurantica, bright orange Color; 1......seeeeeeeeeeeseeees The Globes are well known and much admired for their ornamental effect in the garden, and are highly prized for their heads of flowers, which, if gathered before they are too far advanced, will retain their beauty for sey- eral years. Theseeds are rather slow to vegetate in the open ground; the Orange in particular, which seldom starts without bottom heat, and then very reluctantly. Gedetia, Lindleyana, ha., white spotted with red; pee alba nova, ha., new white; fine; Ren socscteps ceavuscssnncescuctheceSGnecce rubicunda, ha., ruddy rosy Crimson; 1........cececcccccereccenceecscers eS purpurea, ha., fine purple; Teany Cane nec Gueheuncchannheeeseeeennbaee & mixed, many WETECUICH: o. nancsecnned obexs ne vineh sen Gesees i) 6 6 10 10 on ono oO om wooo oH ABRIDGED CATALOGUE. T Price, Gourd, leucantha SCHSSHSHSSSSEHRSSHESHSESSHSSHOHSHSHOHSSSSESFTSHESESHEHSSTHHEHSTZAOSHSSCHEZCOBES 16 mixed, many varieties BEAU COs [ora cinlsteralctalcelcialslsinioietveintars aiarcdlaeiselctsloaulecleaine cine 16 The tribe of Gourds is known as producing some of the most curiously shaped of all fruits; and being of extremely rapid growth, are very desira- ble for covering the trellis-work of arbors, &c., &c; the varied and fantas- a4 forms of the fruit adding a peculiar charm tothe luxuriance of the oliage. | Gypsophila elegant, G. elegans, ha., small, starry, purple and white flowers;1 6&5 rose-colored, ha.,a variety of the preceding with rose-colored flowers; 1 5 ——— muralis, ha., beautiful dwarf plant, neat and pretty, with small flowers, which completely cover the plant; 4........... ayaalateraialatatelsieictersialalsielaislolo(e'e\e'!¢ 10 Hawkweed, golden, Crepis barbata, ha., an old but beautiful annual, of the easiest culture; beginsto bloom in July and continues till frosts, covered with flowers, the rays of light yellow finely contrasted with the brilliant purple-brown centre; 1........c2..seseeeeeeee sielelsielvinoieleteleieicicicleieieeiein cetera) D +Heliotrope, finest varieties mixed, Heliotropium, tp., 2....eeeeseeeeees-- 10 The Heliotrope is almost too well known to need recommendation; its scent is delightiul; well adapted for bedding or pot culture. Seeds sown in spring make fine plants for summer decoration. Hibiscus African, H. Ajricanus, ha., large and showy flowers, of a straw color; the centre a deep rich brown or purple, finely contrasted with the brilliant gold color of its stamens or anthers; of the easiest culture; 14.... 65 Hotlyhocks, mixed, Althea rosea, hb., fine varieties; seventy-five per cent. of the planes way be Expected FO DE COWDIE sic scivis en oe sceicioneassiecerecsaeesess. 8 The great improvement that has been made in this old-fashioned flower within a few years has now placed it among the most popular flowers of the day. It flowers the second and third year after sowing, and then dies, unless it is kept up by cuttings or division of root. Hollyhock, Chinese, annual, fine double, several beautiful colors, mixed; 24 6& Honesty or Satin-flower, Lunaria biennis, hb., an old plant, but singularly interesting from the transparent, silvery-like tise or coats of the seed-ves- sels in their dry, matured state, through which the fruit is conspicuously seen, and retaining the same picturesque effect for any length of time; well adapted, in a cut state, for grouping with everlasting flowers, &c.; 2....... 5 “Hyacinth Bean, purple, Dolichos lablab, ta., 10 to 15...... sce cseeeveeees eK white, D. alba, ta., 10 to 1 REE SEA OCIA SC Heer Ook SERMIR CHG OCR DIAG EE Ie 5 3, MQiweR. ......c00e eeoeseoe @eeooeoveenoeveoeee8 @eeoevoesevoeeeeeo ee ed @eeooeeeooeeeeoceeaee ceo 6 Hi) Beautiful climbing plants; flowers in clustered spikes; treatment much like the common bean. Ice Plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, bha., a most singular trailing plant, with thick, fleshy leaves, that. have the appearance of being covered with crystals of ice; very ornamental. ...........seserceeeeseesnaes Bais ke eS ' #*Ipomea, Burridge’s, J. Burridgeii, ba., a beautiful Morning Glory, with large bright crimson flowers; fine; 10 to 2.....eceeceescesseressececccesee 6 Dickson’s, I. Dicksonii, ha.,a splendid Morning Glory, with large, edark blue flower; 10 t0 20... .....sssseeseseenenccenccesceerensenseeseteeees § +Jaeobea, double, Senecio elegans, hhp., sayed from double flowers, several _ COLOTS, MIXED. cies seceveecsccerecesseesreececseesn eee aneeeneaeeereneesae ¢ Larkspur, double dwarf rocket, Delphinium ajacis, ha., splendid mixed; produces flowers in dense spikes of white, pear]-color, lilac, light and dark purple; is equal in beauty to a bed of Hyacinths; fine for bedding or EROWUPS GA oye. n.050je 0.0 0isjdie'e.e sial ele olc.e\e)sjele aiafplnisio.e dia sials sus, 0. 6\n/0's loloiolalgiahare a w 6 ita n}ois)s 3) double branching, ha., finest mixed; producing beautiful spikes of flowers, of blue, white, pink, porcelain, &c., &c.+ fine; 2to3............ FY iti 3) tricolor elegans, ha., new, with beautiful double flowers, variegated crimson, flesh, and purple. Said to be the finest Larkspur ever imtro- duced; Dey) ii Gas ha TATA 5 Bie DIST CS STERN Ta eeoee HCAs De Woke 10 Love-in=a-mist, Nigella damacena, ha., producing curious blue flowers in a PEAT OIMCTION GLO, atv «ao ojeis als csiac a aulsle'ciais vicocalsweus ocisivins ede cserdeeils ose ss 5 double dwarf, WN. nana, ha., blue; 1.....cccccccscccccccccccccvesccssess § Spanish, blue, N. hispanica c@rulea, ha., lf...cccccccccccccccccecsssess §& lame Brasuleeding, Amaranthus caudatus, ha., an old and well-known annual, with blood-red flowers, which hang in pendant spikes, and ata little distance look like streams Of D10Od; 8 £0 4........0.cevcceececve.coces Lupins, garden, mixed, L. pilosus, ha., several varieties ‘mixed; Th. sceceee en MAMBO MERC DA 1s 5 aie eiee aisles on vn 28 510n.0.9uisis naen acs npeegecncascensiasincss a on a AS ar a oe ial yellow, ha., Bh. ccc ccesccccnvecacccccecnccsccccescevccecceeveseccooes ABBIDGZD CATALOGUE, Price. Lupinus, garden, rose-colored, ha., :, eee eve eee eeeaeeeeeats serapvoesce a white, ha., 4. eeerewreeeeeee eee eeeeeereeeeeeeeee ee ee eee eeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeee ' Malope, large-flowered, M grandifora, large crimson flowers; very showy, continues in bloom throughout the summer and autumn; 2........eeeese0e **Mandevillea sauveolens, hip., well known as a most elegant and beauti- ful pure white, large, open, trumpet-shaped flower, freely produced in a profusion of racemes, which renders it extremely attractive, either in green- HOUSE OF: LATA «2s on 000.000 0venie cr aemicnwcns avin ot osecrecerceccceacsccocee Marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, ha., splendid varieties mixed, including all the finest sorts; very picturesque and diversified colors; finely contrasted with its dark green, glossy foliage, and densely branching habit; blooming throughout the summer and autumn months; 2...... ew sewcesscccrececesces Marigold, en fine mixed, Tagetes patula, ha., double; in great va- Tiety; 1}. ..--ccsecccccccsccsccecs Webiss bicvscebe ve cccesensoscess ocesecwcceve . — superb mixed, extra fine; saved only from the finest selected flow- eres see So = papel alelete sis wian'e ee Aig n aside oWises tein ape Pye Se —— African, orange, Tagetes erecta, ha., extra fine double; 2..........++. —— — lemon, extra fine double......eeeceeeeeecceenvece aE at, Sa ee —— superb garden, Tagetes officinalis, ha., large, double, orange-colored flowers; very showy; 1.....-«+.-- seme s'sen Aye aR RS niin tip ms ones p Kink ene All features considered, it is questionable whether any genus of plants amongst annuals can yie with either the French or African Marigolds in their glowing colors and their elegantly lobed leaves, of the richest green tint; and above ail, in their almost unequalled and sole adaptation for sum- mer and late autumn decoration in the flower garden, retaining their ver- dant beauty and gorgeous colors undimmed and undiminished to the very verge of winter; no ieature in their habit of growth in excess, either in leaf or flower, but admirably balanced for effect, neat, compact, and beautiful; of the easiest culture; should always be thinned or transplanted so as to stand single, at least eighteen inches’ distance from each other. *Matricaria, eximia, ha., a beautiful dwarf annual, growing about one foot high, producing double quilled, daisy-like flowers, well adapted for bedding, or edging.... ef eweeeee eee ee ew ewe eee eer eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ld aatale e wa antirrhinum-flowered, M. antirrhinifiora, tp., pale vio- lets 10... -eccccusbecevens aoc c ee ccebensaccssecchecssenpsanse eeccnscessscccoes al | Barclay’s, rose-color, M. Barclayana, tp., fine rose; 10 ......-..++. +e —— deep violet, fine; SU: i wcbectc ccces ce hed ueeb cuat Gib anbetwee bases me — white; ae ee Se ee ee ek a. Se mixed; several finest and most distinct varieties mixed.........+...-+. The Maurandias are beautiful slender climbing plants, well adapted for greenhouse or garden culture, in varieties of rose, rich purple, and pure white blossoms, somewhat resembling the Lophospermum, but smaller, and still more abundant; flowers finely the first season, from seed. Mignonette, Reseda odorata, ha., a well-known favorite that continues to bloom and send forth its sweetness all the season, perfuming the whole region ek about the premises; 1............+ ods esvesenewe NG ee AA Al BR large-flowered, R. grandiflora, ha., a variety similar to the p ing, with flowers somewhat larger, but of less fragrance..............+. Aavobers tree, R. erecta, ha.,an upright growing variety, with spikes of white flow- ers; very pretty for garden decoration and for bouquets; 1}..............- tMimulus cardinalis, Monkey flower, bhp., very showy, with brilliant scarlet flowers; blooms readily the first year trom seed; fine for bedding; }..... os **Morning Glory, mixed, ha., eight finest and most distinct colors mixed ; 20 Mourning Bride, mixed, Scabiosa, ha., some of the flowers are almost black, others dark purple, and various shades down to lilac; will flourish in any good garden soil, and universally admired; 2.......... Paae> oamianpasy copes Nasturtium, tall orange, Tropeoluwm majus, bright orange-color; 10to 15.... — dark crimson, T. atrosanguinewm, rich dark crimson flowers; 8 to Lae ER Gc trie owe dics tin Meakin ate b’e alba eeeeere See eee eee . —— — spotted, T. Shillingii, yellow, with a dark spot on each petal; 8 to 12 striped, T. Schenertanwm, straw color, striped with brown; Sto 12....... —— dwarf scarlet, fine for groups; 1... 2... ce ee ceeecceeceweeeeeeeeseeeenees — — crimson, brilliant; 1.......-. 0 pe ce sce cewecacenccnesecnacacenansscecces —— — spotted, yellow, with dark spots; 1... 2... . cece cece eee e ee eereenecees All the above Nasturtiums are hardy annuals, of a climbing or trailing naniee and may be ranked amongst the most pram our garden plants. 10 noo or Or nN an — ABRIDGED .CATALOGUE. 9 Price. Nemophila atomaria, ha., white, with blue spots; 1......scccccscssessecreeee discoidalis, ha., black, with white edge; 1.......-cecccescccccsscsecccce imsigmis, ha., bright blue; 1........sceescceesceccsccensascccceccencenece — — grandiflora, ha., large-flowered, blue; a hale Oa ae meine leieia cs maculata, ba., white, with large purple spots; 1.......sesccsesseeccvecse —— mixcet, several finest varieties Mixed..........ceessssesecerene «eine seia0a0.- The Nemophilas are extremely pretty annuals, which for ease of culture and profuseness of bloom are unsurpassed. N. discoidalis, insignis, grandi- fiora, and maculata are the finest varieties; will grow in any soil, and may be sown several times during the season. They are all valuable for pot or garden culture. Nolama spinach, N. atriplicifolia, ha., a prostrate growing plant, with numer- ous blue flowers; a desirable plant to grow in order to hang pendulous over the edge of a pot or vase; }.........- D iuiaisiael folcisteiate actinic pean dee See Pink, mixed, ae eplanaiia double, large-flowered, with erent variety of colors; highly recommended........- OSB AEH ses 5 > eee So double white, fine. ee ee ee — —~— striped, white, striped with pik; fine. ee ye —— pheasant eye, D. plumarius, bp., white or pink, with oe eye; the flow- ers are deeply fringed or feathered; very fragrant; 1.............00+2.00-- Polyanthus,. mixed, hp., beautiful border plants; flowers Baas Soke on stems about ten inches high, ‘in trusses of eight or ten flowers of various colors... —— mixed, extra, saved from finest-named SOrts. ....i ccc cccevcccccceccesecs pipe: aide mixed, Papaver ee ee wes nig ey border plants; *Portulaca crimson, P. splendens, ha., crimson ware. oe Oo eee * searlet, P. Theliusonii, ha., bright scarlet; 4.....cssccsscscccccecesees * white, P: alld, ha: pute white: op APRESR re - Swespul vas JepUMepeen eer ere : * yellow, P. Thorburnit, ha., bright yellOw; }$......ceecseesscecssevcessuce * carnation striped, P. lt ig ha. _—- rare f with pink; SS aa a Pee ee oo bopled undies Spade srythwar Ue * rose-colored, P. rosea, ha., fine rose color; (* b SS EUSP Soe ool the sseece * orange, P. aurantica, bright orange; 4. ......2.cccccecccssccscsecscece ee * mixed, several varieties mixed........... SEER a ee eee - > Gan, * =o oe extra, very choice, including the newest and most distinct va- FIGHICN: . Leet eek ate tee eEnee ». seee bp sahan sates «bee heared nnaeedinn Meee In praise of these charming flowers it is impossible to speak too highly; and it may be safely affirmed that a garden without them is devoid of its brightest ornaments; for the Portulacas are unsurpassed for brilliancy and richness of color. They are adapted for beds, clumps, edgings, pots, vases, or rock work. The plants should stand at least eight’ inc cent from each other. Easily transplanted. Quaking Grass, Briza maria, ha., the spikes of this are very ornamer- tal and elegant in a dry or green state; valtied highly for making up bou- quets of ev verlasting flowers; of the easiest Culture; Lvwcnswesicns ssi cies cece Rhodanth mangles, ta., one ‘of the prettiest of all the everlasting flowers; neat, unique, and beautiful ; small], erect branching plant, with numerous semi-double, daisy-like flowers, of rich rose color, suffused with i taining their transparency and beauty for a considerable period; 1......... Ricinus major, Castor Oil Bean, hha., very ornamental foliage; 6to 8........ Rose of heaven. See Viscariaceli. Rose campion, Agrostemma coronaria, hp., flowers deep CFIMEON; 2..... 22.200 white, A. alba, pure white; fine new variety; Batt Asetnesssccsters=: ee WES OO. cnn cnanncene on seein ate oie eas ental eee nee eee eeee The Rose Campions are perfectly hardy, and very easily raised from seed and will well repay the little care they require; the flowers are roms co08 on long stems, blooming freely throughout the season. Rese, African, mixed, Papaver, rhzas, ha., a beautiful annual, of the easiest culture; producing double, semi-double, and i flowers, all handsome, sporting in a thousand different varieties, of scarlet, crimson, purple, pink, white, variegated, and parti-colored, and continuing a long time in bloom; were eee eee eee SOR REE E EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE TEPER ee Rindbeckia: amplexicaulis, ha., large flowers, with broad streaks of fine yel- low, marked with a lively stripe of purple at the base; a prominent disk of deep. brown, hg see and of the easiest culture; ‘OH. oo ~ooseeaa Selpigtons. mixed, hha, several of the.finest and most distinct varieties PA ge Sy a ey ere aR pe eRe RE Pe ee ee The Salpiglossis are beautiful annuals, with se Rabet As picturesque and ri “ sean Br rple, "scarlet, crimson, clear yellow, and id buff, with elegant shades of lue. The new dwarf varieties form a very desirable section of this pleas- Schizanthus, mised: ha., eight varieties Mixed; 2.ccecesscceeeeeeereneeseeee Schizanthus, retusus, scarlet and orange; 2......ssessessseeseeeecseeeneecess — albus, white; 2s. eee eee ee ee Oe oe ke eal —— —— grandiflorus, occulatyp,. new, fine purple, with dense dark blotches; surpassing all other varieties for pace or pot culture........... —— mixed, extra, finest varieties, including grandifiorus oceulatus:......... Elegant slender-branched annuals, with very conspicuous lobed, or cut- é 10 o ov on oo oO 16 = ABRIDGED CATALOGUE, a petalled flawers, of white lilac, purple, and rich red, orange and vio.«~ crim- son spots and marks, very picturesquely blended; well adapted for either garden or pot culture. For winter flowering, they should be sown in August, and grown in pots. Sensitive plant, Mimosa sensitiva, ta., as as a curiosity, being so sensitive 8 that the leaves close up, by being slightly touched. Suitable for growing in pois, or the open border; 1... ....-cececccccceccscscesccceecs Bieiateisis aleletetel = e Sphenogyne, speciosa, ha, a profuse bloomer; flowers about 2 inches across, with yellow rays, and a dark brown disk; foliage handsome, and of a spreading habit; very SHOWS; 3--cccccccvcccsescceccsnccscces (Aoadooane 34 Spirea, callosa, a beautiful shrubby variety; the finest ofall the family; with bright pink flowers in trusses, appearing all the season; perfectly hardy and easily raised. from seed; 4........csceceee Eyayal ofa telat atetele(clalstaletote|alatetatererstetelsiai=tey=t ele Steck, ten-week, white, Mathiola annua, ha.; 1.2... cccccccccccccccccscrecs — purple eerred eeeoeeereeeese aidictavctetchelevalctelalatelcielcletaterelsic’cleleleisiclsie ele eoeereoeve pans SMTA Ge Seva Cid le craarstore altallcaiietete cibereee CeveesiSeeceteececsseseece eeone ——_ CViNtSOM...ceees eevee eee oer ec eereeee eee sese GHG FSGeoeereeeenacseone A POSE sr ccc errr evtccner seve eoeveeeeeeeeeseeeoeFHGFeHFF FH FH FH Het HEH Oe e —— mixed, the above colors MM PCM eS ile eoevoeee eeeoroes — mixed, German, comprising only the finest and most distinct colors, yielding 50 per cent. of Gouble flowers. .......eseeeeeee cues OSD —— mixed, extra German, new, large-flowered; very choice; saved from the brightest and most distinct colors. Received direct from one of the most celebrated florists in Germany. This we offer with full confidence that in its production it cannot be surpassed. ..ccccescccseccvcccsucssoececes — intermediate or autumn-flowerimg, fine mixed................ Brompton or winter-flowerimg, fine Mixed......e.csescsccrscees emperor or perpetual-fiowerimg, scarlet; splendid............... queen, searlet, an old but beautiful variety............ vec ee es ecerene The Ten-Week Stocks are now ranked among our most beautiful and effective annual plants for garden decoration or pot culture; their erect habit of growth, and numerous spikes of rich and varied colored flowers of exquisite fragrance, and continuing in bloom through the summer and autumn months, render them almost indispensable in every collection, however small. The Intermediate or auitumn-fiowering varieties; if sown early in spring, will bloom the same autumn; for winter flowering they should be sown in June. They are also valuable for early spring blooming; for which pur- ose they. should be.sown the last of July or in August, and kept from hard rost during winter. Plants treated in this way, and planted out, in beds in May, make a rich display during the early summer months. The Emperor or perpetual flowering; this magnificent class of Stocks may be treated in the same manner as the Intermediate, and used for the same purposes; they frequently last several years, if protected from frosty hence its name,— perpetual. Sunflower, double dwarf, Helianthus, ha., yellow; Aion teat aie ate slolaokearele cleo; Se tall, ha., —— yellow; Tsoi 0’ a aiehainalcratera si esWolaye Cioheleisiorl eras eoeesese @ errs een Swan Daisy, mixed, Brachycome iberidifolia, hha., a neat, dwarf, compact, densely branched annual, with numerous elegant purplish and porcelain lilac and blue. Cineraria-like flowers, with a* rich green, narrow-lobed foliage; an effective bedding plants 4icsesccweciecincisocccnpssccednescebees. Sweet Sultan, mixed, Centauria moschata, ha., handsome border annuals of the easiest culture, blooming freely from July to November; 2.......c.e0. a white, — a Pa CULT Ware cia’ s, c\ntateteloiciehae ciel siaiaioiolelelctatavcivie ieleieielciaia;svalsiaie o eielexe ||| —_ purple, rAd et en PUTPUTEAcvececccccceccecscccccccsccssscresecceres bane yellow, — Examen SILEUEOLEN Sala di clolciuisieicie's ce'oiciaieisiele.e elaiciersinialcjeleis ele e\c ticle Sweet Williams, mixed, Dianthus barbatus, hp., very choice; saved from Hunt’s and other fine varieties; 1} tO 2e...cscccscsccccccccccccrcrscscnccces Av useful and! well-known tribe of plants, perfectly hardy, and easily raised from seed; a bed-of tine varieties presents'a rich sight; it sports into: endless varieties; viz. pink, purple, crimson, scarlet, white, variously. edged; eyed, and spotted. This seed was saved from finest-named varieties, . together with Hunt’s (a celebrated English amateur), which we can confi- 11 Price. 8 oe AH ER dently recommend ;as, superior to anything, ever before offered in thia’ country.- Sweet Clover, Trifolum odoratum, hb., a tall growing plant, much branching, with racemes of white flowers; very fragrant; 44....ccccccccscosccccccccee Wassel-flower, scarlet, Caccalia coccinea, ha.,a beautiful annual, with a pro- fusion of scarlet tassel-shaped flowers, from July to October; 4 e @eeveceoe® Of 12 ABRIDGED CATALOGUE. ‘ Price. *Thunbergia, mixed, hha., exceedingly pretty climbers, well suited for covering “column or fancy wire-work in a conservatory; they also suc- ceed planted out on a warm border..............- ppictwceospeaass oe acnne=s We. ow emae lapeine:glase, mixed, ha., very showy for small beds, edging ‘ .* WERE Sos ois oi 0s tap eo pe 8 9009 5000 cnondpvdeledacelsathewih Up sEeideMhespcode GO *. WORST 65:06 Fe ob ae.cic'oeuleb oflb wins, Adis Mile aise » oa SAME So eh eeewerss “o>. 65 %, NEE oles oes >y aeidls le ies ixlakls oe “6 oe Ae Bee sasdecedccssserecess 8B Verbena, hybrida, mixed, saved from newest show flower........seeee22. 10 Aublets, V. Aubictia, Na. QUEERS, occcgseecdhexscepiemeseonsatencecesus 10 Drummond@’s, V. Drummondit, ha., lilac; 3...cccccsecccsscccccccecsese 10 Viscaria, coeli rosea, Rose of heaven, rose color; 1...... MaMuasicscheossecees. © —— — alba, new white, fine; 1..............+.- eocesscsedsecvccseccess 10 —— —— — nana, rose color, a beautiful dwarf variety; $........seeeesues + BB ——- —— oculata, rosy purple, dark eye, fine; 1....... he tistsbavercscevees. 56 — — — Dunnetti, white with dark eye, splendid; 4........ sssssess.. 10 ——— nana, nova, beautiful pink, fine dwarf; }4.......ccccseccesess- 10 Viscaria, mixed, Nos. 1122 and 1125 mixed......... pages ad Fcebidepevscwssswe 6 —— mixed extra, including al! the above varieties................ cussee WO There are few annuals more beautiful than the Viscarias, especially the dwarf varieties, which are peculiarly neat, compact plants, trom six to eight inches high, and completely covered with flowers. They are all . adapted either for beds, edgings, or clumps; their profuseness of bloom will always rank them among general favorites. Wallfiower, mixed, hhp., several varieties mixed...........- cocsenecccessecs 6& Zinnia elegans, mixed, ha., tem varieties; 2........ccccecseccccscecscecceee 6 7 ON THE PREPARATION AND MANAGEMENT OF A HOT-BED FOR RAISING SEEDLINGS. «¢Sow in heat— Sow in a hot-bed,” are directions so commonly to be found in the notices of annuals, that we feel we shall be materially aiding those who are their own gardeners if we give a fewsimple directions on the gubject of a hot-bed, composed of stable manure, the most frequent and useful form in which it is to be found. The Preparation of the Dung is a matter of great importance, and if the bed be ex- pected to retain its usefulness for any length of time, it should be well worked previous to being used. If obtained fresh from the stable-yard, and found to be too dry, it should be well watered and thrown lightly together to ferment ; this will take place in the course of a few days, and three or four days afterwards it should be completely turned, well shaken and mixed, keeping the more littery portion to the interior of the heap; a second turning and watering may be necessary, although one will be generally found to be suffi- cient; when thus cletmed of its rankness the bed may be made, The situation for this should be dry underneath, sheltered from the north as much as possible, and fully exposed to the sun; it should be built up from two feet six inches to four feet high, and wider by six inches every way than the frame tobe placed upon it. The dung should be well shaken and mixed while being put together, and firmly pressed by the feet. The frame should be kept close until the heat rises, and three or four inches of sifted sand or ashes should be placed on the surface of the bed; in a few days it will . be ready for use ; but air should be given night and day while there is any danger from the rank steam, and if the sand or ashes are drawn away from the side of the bed, they should be replaced. When the hot-bed is used for seeds only, nothing further is necessary. They are to be sown in pots or pans, placed or plunged in the bed, the heat of which will soon cause them to germinate. As this will, after some time, decline, what are called linings should be added, that is, fresh hot fermenting (but not rank) dung applied about a foot in width all round the bed, this renews its strength, and will greatly aid its sueceessful manage ment, " APP BoM dy Xi Price. Balloon WVime, Cardiospermum, hha., pretty climber, with white flowers. ...... Cacalia. See Tassel Flower, page 11. Callirhoe pedata, ha., a beautiful summer-flowering annual, from two to three feet high, with panicled racemes of rich violet or purple crimson flowers, with a white centre. Commences to bloom when about six inches high, and continues to yield a succession of its numerous attractive flowers throughout the summer and autumn, till hard frost. Very effective in DEAS RW HEMAS ORRIN LICK. craks ol cicjelGwielera’e) cleloisiaetcie’ slelelelsocsleve ste ckelale sveraialoisle fers o's Cardiospermum. See Balloon Vine. ¥ Coreopsis cardimefolia, a most beautiful variety of the Coreopsis, grows from one to two feet high, in globe pyramidal form, covered with thou- sands of flowers; should be planted single about two feet apart............ Egg Piant, white fruited, ta., curious and ornamental, resembling eggs.. scarlet fruited, ta., a splendid new variety from Africa, with handsome dark green foliage, and vivid scarlet fruit; very ornamental .............. Kuphorbia, variegated, ta., grown chiefly for its beautiful variegated foli- age; ereeree eececeoeeseeoeeesere @esseseeeecoeeense toe 2220000200 eeceseseeeee eoce Brench Honeysuckle, red, Hedysarum coronarium, Dlp.; 2.....ssseeeeees : RUNGE gi ET) 1D 772, WIAs 87 Di) sia lain «Sa yeale « oyarcle marcia dees aielvarele bh seu. e 'e si viainiee : Helichrysum compositum maximum, ha., beautiful everlasting flowers, exceeding effective in mixed border; the flowers, if cut when young, are valuable for winter bouquets. The colors are, scarlet, white, yellow, bright rose, orange, pink, and purple. . The above Varieties, MIKE. .....keccccctcccs cloescves secs sdonccohopoo gage Ipomea coccinea, Scarlet Morning Glory, ha., a beautiful climbing annual, A ei a profusion of small scarlet flowers, resembling the Cypress MESO WUD LoD al gins inion: «0b ae" siaiai< svele ialetitoletaj abe S60bb0 IOC UD Oeb aS gecgnenonecuce Lavender, Lavendula, ha., chiefly cultivated on account of the delicious fra- grance of the leaves and flowers. Will grow freely in any light soil; 1.... Liatrice spicata, hp., blue flowers, in spikes; quite pretty; 14......... Ree ahe ate Malope, white, ha., handsome plants, of a branching habit, producing their Jarge flowers in great profusion. This variety, (and the large-flowered crimson, see page 8, No. 674,) are very effective when used for a back-ground to other plants, growing freely in any light SOI]; 2.1... .... cess cece eneveee Mesembryanthemum, hha., a brilliant and profuse flowering tribe of pretty dwarf-growing plants, strikingly effective in beds, edgings, rock-work, rustic baskets, or vases, in warm sunny situations; also, for in-door decora- tion, if grown in pots, pans, or boxes; succeed best in a dry, loamy soil; 1. Several of the finest varieties, mixed ........ecc0«. dnbcanoodcuduMOdaood 000 Or Momordica balsamina, Balsam Apple, ta.; 10. ....cccecccrccccccveccessceees charantia, Balsam OPS Gaal) NO cha) state's « eje/aiese: dale micteyulple’eie.o viele 'eiets eis o ciel giche e's The above two. varieties are suitable for covering trellis work of arbors, etc., etc. Remarkable for their handsome fruit, which opens and discloses dazzling scarlet seed. 13 id 10 10 cu 10 10 14 - APPENDIX. Price. Pink, Heddewig’s new Chinese, hb. A most beautiful variety. The whole plant is scarcely one foot high, and very bushy, whilst always twenty or thirty flowers are at once in blossom. Some of the flowers are very cee, from two to three inches in diameter, and of a variety and brilliancy of color unsurpassed in pinks, from white mottled with rose, and purplish red, with dark centre, to velvety carmine crimson, dark blood- red, and mottled and shaded with maroon and velyety black. Mixed...... 10 — — Heddewig’s double, a variety of the preceding with double flowers, but, in our estimation, not as handsome. Mix COS Scteapesteess das Se ee —,— Chinese, laciniatus. This variety was also introduced by Mr. Hedde- wig, and is described by him as being imported from Japan with the No. 875. Grows two feet high, very hardy; flowers from two to four inches in diameter, each petal consisting of a long, delicate fringe, some double, others single; blooms from the end of May until beginning of frost: the colors are pure white, flesh, rose, various shades of red, carmine, violet, purple, and rich maroon,—some being selfs, others striped and spotted. = AERO ss 64 sce eae a aipia ey eels ca ete a Sabi mtivas