Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Tee gp aie a an ‘e4 +7 C n a, : - Pe ei), io ; Nyy 7 nih pea ar Uae, ; = yay ee eh “et ee.) of ae | a co - - Pa ie ats ewe ag ees AL Toten eatt Lar the. ae Ray Faun ee ne i Si oe es Be } iy ae ens eS iii) ae ae ee en MeL. hy eimai oa 2 ie UR ie age ek ” Rf (- ft ees, «4, Bey Ace “WASTES - IN ~ RELATION be) AGRICULTURE — bed § LLY Mt “Ldaa-sn —- a ~ = IOV S30 BREST RY =: “YY yl) Le fal | obs may ig) “ae WASTES IN RELATION TO AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY By Ceci H. Wap.eIcH Director, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division Agricultural Research Service Miscéllaneous Publication No. 1065 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C. Issued March 1968 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 60 cants ep at Lt Hi bral Mw PREFACE In the preparation of this report, four considerations were kept in mind: (1) How are agriculture and forestry adversely affected by wastes? (2) What wastes are contributed by agriculture and forestry? (3) How has research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the State agri- cultural experiment stations contributed to the amelioration of waste problems? (4) What problems in waste production and management continue to need attention by agriculture and forestry? Commentary on these four considerations comprises the corresponding four appendices to the report per se. The advice and helpfulness received from the many, many people in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the State agricultural experiment stations during the compilation of this report are deeply appreciated. The compiler accepts full responsibility for all errors of omission and commission found herein. Crecit H. WabLeEIGH, Director, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Research Service. Beltsville, Md. Iv FOLLOW THE LABEL U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Trade names are used in this publication solely to provide specific information. Mention of a trade name does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or an endorsement by the Department over other products not mentioned. CONTENTS Page iratistpco GLU @ tel ee ee ee eS Se Ok ae eer es 1 Js uf OP DIC OVEN CL OD, Soke ae eae ed a eee en Se Peer |< SY Oe ew ane See ee 3 vadionenhve pa@pSiaMeeses: Be east ose So Fk ee ta Bee 2 oes se os ee ee + ChemucaleAurprollipamtses juss 2. 3. ote ee hee 4 Jerre syos raver LD USS So ee ke ee ee pe ee ee ae 5 SKC LTCTS Es ree ne oe ee See Ln Gs Oe ee ee Se ee Sn ee | er ae 6 J EAL Sian’: DONT OEE CNT UST Se Ps i eT I ane eae Ne ee «Se, ee eA 7 SHIMACOMNLCKM= sarin! = Rete Lis 22 Ses ee eto So Co kk Soe Se sees i INDGra:be stag Gro mG VO tel epee x, Se Oh wo Seles oe ps oe eye ere whe 2 oer i eee 8 MnorcamicnoalusramdeMUnenals2 4 42.5 2 28 ok es ee ee oe ee eee ee 8 OreaniceyWastecr = seemvaw Mer Sey 3 ee est ee eee ee eee eee 9 SIGVE OC aan RRR RON. eee Sees ee RL Se 9 PACINO EDI ASILC Sie ee een a ee See ae a de ee 10 EAcinPeLeSIG@ ese ere ae Menarini oo ES ee Poe 10 irashinetoresiscand Worestry Operations... ___-.--_.... 222.224. 2-122 2 - 11 EOC essIn Cm SLCC ee aM Ry Meee eS ee ee ee ee 11 Dilution of Organic Wastes in Streams_____-_-_--------- yd Spi s M, alle here ene ig Infectious Agents and Allergens______ Seg OR Te od MR pe tele bk AR See ly ne 9 A Rens eore 12 ATiinae MD ISCACOM NOON tse SNe Vee ae A oe ee gee 12 elem Se ase A COI ices esse op oak ay ee is a ee 13 PA On ee Ee ea Ree eek Se ire See oe ee ee ee 13 Acmenitunalsand Industriel Chemicals: =2.-2- 2.202... $222 tee eS eae 13 Wetereents =. 222 2.--) 2_. Pity be, Rea EE Ne sn gc ae Ni ne na Bn oe ea 13 ineeciieidl ese mepeers. oe se eee ee A Ee ee ee a ayn ars et 14 VE: (SELON CAG OS a, “oe a eA ome lA noel ol a eee eee a Drarbewtnety facet 14 RUM: ae _ Obata eee Soe Gee See ee een rere 15 JIG See) oie 2 tee veri Dera diet tal Mek ar) iene, Seine Di cree flier bid » ee eeaieaes 15 SGcClOScOnOmiCmbavell a WON ya See en ae a oe ee ee 16 APPENDIX I: WASTES ADVERSELY AFFECTING AGRICULTURE AND QR SNCS emai RM ek Se el ee i ae gt ee ie Radio aehiverSllpstan Cece —3 kes towed ee ee ye 17 @nemmicalenurs ro lui emis es owe see ee ee ee 8 te ee 19 SVU os) OMe eee ee a oe Wee 20 ESO (cl ee eee ee wee = Bee os ee ee 21 Peroxyacetylnitrate and Ozone_______..-------- Sas ee, ee ee Se nee =I OSAGieS: OTN O CGIIE Smee eee Fee te eee es ee Se are ee 21 IDE eee As ee eee ne ene eee 22 IBEAGM Conn Uns Bes as a ee ee rare eee eee 22 SUMS TRO a 8 mea i Ra a I ya 22 AUROORNeP Osis nee so see eG ee re Der mie, oh eae ‘ 22 SOC eter ene eee ge bho ee) hs ee 23 121 awaviey AN (UTS Spe em Na glen eel : 24 Emqucamicioulissanchwiimertisoe. 25028 20 Se ae. 26 Oy Oo Ca kt po eee She eee Ne ee ee ete : , 27 VI CONTENTS APPENDIX JI—Continued Infectious’ Acents and Allereens 22 2 sy es ee ee eg pee Phytopathogens 4.222 jl sews Lhe Mee ee ee, hayek aie cs We al pees Weed: Seeds 22a oil 0 a ett ent ie RE PME 8 sie ai a ee ny pe eee Re Nematodes... 282. 05 oc yh 2s te 2 ae ae a 2 a a Animal Disease ACen tS..u fa Ws EM fs) Sahl Say ae ke Oi ke Costs 2 ae ce te hee ee Ey Rip TA aps hn Ebene 2 ek leh Sed ty Sl Aericultural and Industrial Chemicals \-yse ie oii eee eS aie aa Detervents# 242s e220 44 22 8 seas apy Maye Se mts a ER a Imsecticidese! 2 8 - Aes aie cee ie US Bie oe oars dk Se ul Bie cn STD ee Oe Herbicides. 2% cat 22 x fin Pe ee ie aE pie ve Wy AD perp lpm en Puneicides:wnodenticides; Industriali@hemicalse2. 22-542 eee Seriousness of the Problems. 2/9 272 222- gel he pete ner we Cotton “Ginmimes 2. 98 oe ee te BD 2 a ee Oe Alfalfa: Dehydratore/ 128225 yes ah sh Cs Le fe AP a) ie te ee Airborne oily een ie 2 ee Sek eae a een Butropliicationse ms. — eer = ee eae AM a! Sh, ae Nitra teangWellwatersy ees Se ee ee eee oe eee eee Inorganic Salts and Minerals__-__-__..- Rec nee! and Trash in Forests and Forestry i aerees 2, Aas a Processing Wastes Allergens and Poisonous Weeds_._______. nena : Insect; Vectors. 2k pe ye ag A Ae Acricultural*@Chenicals= 22 9:06 nls eee 2 ae zi Insecticides: = a. fuss Hah es ee Bd nar a 2 Re Fungicides _ epee AER cl lee Were Kine Wee Cade Eerbicidies= s+): m)set set ye cate! ppc! et pet ety olin VIR af ee a03s Nematocides APPENDIX III: RESEARCH UNDERWAY IN AGRICULTURE AND FOR- ESTRY TOWARDS AMELIORATING WASTE PRODUCTION AND WASTE MLAS ACCUINIEEIN PROBLEMS Chemical Air Pollutants From ‘Industrial and Metropolitan Activity mies Smoke From Wild Forest Fires_ Airborne Dusts CONTENTS APPENDIX IJJJ—Continued Se ele rt ee i es ee hs te ee ep ce Se oo GUS. SediimemteDchiveny ees Se Rete me Am we) te BP Sn Bes ook See ee ae Clantiyamesotibede Waters 2-2. 82-20-.k ee ee eee ee ele eee ae FRES nan CDs ee ee Se eRe RR es te ee EE Venattspe NUH GIek OT ioe pees were pre eye ETN) MERI sha Re mee ase RAGES Ie pe PHOSPHORUS AS ses oe ek ak ye ge oe Sh ee AL, Sa RR YS NTU We) 5 hs Sid See eae ee Dao ee a a ee ee ee SR ee a Inorganic Salts and Minerals___-__-_-_-_--- tensed te ERE SA OS AG: A Seer 7 eer trreation VWaverOualityese= 0 e+ Se Se 2 2 ee pit ee Soll Retin S bigyeekae eee mee ch ems Fete eee Ae NEE DR ne Pe es oh pied | Sone Sole Waters +e eee us beer. Sa MS ETS jE Se Aes soma ts dite ol eae! Planteolerance sso 8 2 er ek vic ee ae OSB A 25 Oe Le, cape SE Weereisinetoali\imeDraimace Water ee 92... 54 a ee Sa Saliminyervecommaissamec= se eee we ML Tee Sek ese ee eee Oreanicayiestesems emer, RUE SAR I i a ia et ed AU VAS CeS meee te et aa ae. 8 RS Ly. Be ee eh ae ee ee ferashpiaehonests =n ee ees Dee eee A ere athe Pee JRARC OSES ERA WNG ACS ahs PN Le Cc) Ae ee ae ee ee nfectionseeentsramcdltAllencens i MR MU SD: © oo bee oak 222 ee See ee tke Animal Disease Agents Contaminating the Environment_______________-_____-- Plant Disease Agents Contaminating the Environment. ______________________- BUNGEE at ST ke CT a a ZCSUIC1C| Cc NM rE tier ee Ss en ye ieee cee ee ee en APPENDIX IV: PROBLEMS IN WASTE MANAGEMENT NEEDING ATTEN- TION IN AGRICULTURE AND SORESTR Y___-__- ~ ae fa eee Improved Technology for Evaluation of Damages From Airborne Toxicants____- Effects of Airborne Toxicants on Plants, Including Interactive Effects __- Development of Tolerant Species, Varieties, and Breeds of Plants____. eee Evaluation of Air Cleansing of Toxicants by Foliage_. ai Peg ats ie at RRS oe Development of Protective Chemical Treatments..___________________- a Development of Information and Procedures to Lessen the Hazard and Intensity of orestmtnr ec mernmes 6 Pomme saree P86. ee oe Develop Improved Procedures to Diminish Forest Fires C aused by Electrical Scarce et aes Benen, Te =; { eee Be eS th pn Pi Vee ago = eager wee Airborne Dusts- Ee pee ale nee Soil Blowing om ne ee Windbreaks _ le Feedlots_ _ _ i Be SRS” Sa Cotton Gin Dusts. : re ee pediment. -=22.-.-._.-.2-_.- =e AS 2S SN Sole af) Boo We RF © GS Vil CONTENTS APPENDIX IV—Continued PlariteNiaitriemitis soe ahh oie eh he a hg SS A Pe ES eran ee Inorganic Salts and Minerals Organic: Wastes. = 2. 222202825250 eee a ee ee Animal Wiastes=.= 240