U.S. vebeae | Caast, Eng. es | Cte. MR 76-9 (AD-A028 274) Wave Attenuation by Artificial Seaweed by John Ahrens MISCELLANEOUS REPORT NO. 76-9 JUNE 1976 es WHO] DOCUMEN COLLECTION / U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS COASTAL ENGINEERING ie, RESEARCH CENTER -OSS| Kingman Building Miz Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060 Reprint or republication of any of this material shall give appropriate credit to the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. Limited free distribution within the United States of single copies of this publication has been made by this Center. Additional copies are available from: National Technical Information Service ATTN: Operations Division 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. cn ii LN iil NINA UNCLASSIFIED A SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS T. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO, 5. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER MR 76-9 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Miscellaneous Report 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER WAVE ATTENUATION BY ARTIFICIAL SEAWEED 7. AUTHOR(a) 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(a& John Ahrens 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Department of the Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERRE-SP) Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 F31236 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Department of the Army June 1976 Coastal Engineering Research Cente LS INUMBE RIO RIRAGES Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virg iyii-e d 060 4. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thia report) UNCLASSIFIED 1Sa. DECL ASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) - SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES - KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) Wave attenuation Artificial seaweed Shore protection Waves ABSTRACT (Continue an reverse side if necesaary and identify by block number) A series of wave tank tests was conducted at the U.S. Army Coastal Engi- neering Research Center (CERC) to determine the ability of a field of low specific gravity artificial seaweed to attenuate wave action. Wave gages were located on both sides of the seaweed field to measure wave attenuation. The field consisted of seven rows of seaweed with the rows spaced 3 meters (10 feet) apart. Ten distinct wave conditions were tested using periods ranging from 2.6 to 8.2 seconds and wave heights from 0.24 to 1.1 meters FORM DD , jan 73 1473 Ertion oF t Nov6S Is OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) (0.8 to 3.6 feet). The stillwater depth for all tests was 2.4 meters (8 feet). There was a measureable level of wave attenuation for only the shortest period, 2.6 seconds. For the 2.6-second period, the reduction in wave height on pass- ing through the seaweed field was about 12 percent. 2 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) PREFACE This report is published to provide coastal engineers with the results of a series of wave tank tests of artificial seaweed's ability to attenuate wave action. The work was carried out under the coastal processes pro- gram of the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC). The report was prepared by John P. Ahrens, Coastal Structures Branch, under the general supervision of Dr. Robert M. Sorensen, Chief, Coastal Structures Branch, Research Division. The author acknowledges the numerous contributions by Mr. George Simmons in setting up and conducting the tests, and by Dr. Robert M. Sorensen for the many suggestions which improved the report. Comments on this publication are invited. Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th Congress, approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 88th Congress, approved 7 November 1963. WILSON P. ANDREWS LTC, Corps of Engineers Commander and Director III IV 1 Test conditions and wave attenuation factors . CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . TEST SETUP, CONDITIONS, AND, PROCEDURES . DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS CONCLUSION . LITERATURE CITED . TABLES Example of wave height attenuation factor computations . FIGURES 1 One seaweed unit Closeup view of seaweed fronds . 3 Test setup in large wave tank Cross section of tank at seaweed field . Page 10 Mal WAVE ATTENUATION BY ARTIFICIAL SEAWEED by John Ahrens I. INTRODUCTION This report discusses the wave tank testing of a low specific gravity artificial seaweed field and its ability to attenuate wave action. Field testing of the seaweed's potential to prevent scour or trap sand has pre- viously been evaluated. Additional information on tests and applications of artificial seaweed is found in Rankin and Cogan (1965), Wicker (1966), Brashears and Bartnell (1967), Nicolon of Holland (1972), and Bakker, Ge ails (U7e)c II. TEST SETUP, CONDITIONS, AND PROCEDURES The artificial seaweed was tested at the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) in the large wave tank, 6.1 meters (20 feet) deep, 4.6 meters (15 feet) wide, and 194 meters (635 feet) long (see Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1971 for a description of the tank). A riprapped wave absorber slope occupied 46 meters (150 feet) of tank length during the testing. Waves were generated by a piston-type wavemaker. Each seaweed unit (Fig. 1) was composed of a large number of slender fronds made of stretched polypropylene foam strands (Fig. 2). The unit was 2 meters (6.5 feet) wide, about 2.1 meters (7 feet) long, and bound by horizontal stitching at 25-centimeter (10 inches) intervals. The fronds had a specific gravity between 0.1 and 0.2, and were attached to a black nylon bag which could be filled with weighting material to anchor the unit. The seaweed unit was secured in the tank by running a heavy aluminum strap through the nylon bag and bolting the strap to the floor. When the tank was filled each unit formed an inverted curtain extending about 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) above the tank floor. The artificial seaweed field was formed by seven rows of seaweed, each row consisting of two seaweed units, spaced 3 meters (10 feet) apart along the wave tank. Figures 3 and 4 show a cutaway view along the tank and a cross-sectional view of the tank through the seaweed field, respectively. Gages were located on both sides of the seaweed field to measure wave attenuation (Fig. 3). A 1.5-meter-long (5 feet) capacitance-type wave gage with continuous resolution was located at the seaward tank station 522. A 3-meter-long (10 feet) step-resistance gage with sensitive elements 3 centi- meters (0.1 foot) apart (Williams, 1969) was located at the landward tank Station 442. Output from the two gages was recorded on a dual-channel pen and ink strip chart. The step-resistance wave gage is essentially a self- calibrating gage. The capacitance gage was statically calibrated before each data run and checked after each run to ensure that it maintained its cal- ibration. Figure 1. One seaweed unit. Figure 2., Closeup view of seaweed fronds. *yueql oAeM osieT ut dnjos 1se] *¢ omn3TY (44) WOIyOES yuoL S¢9 009 00S 00+ 00€ 002 00! 0 yooeg JOQIOSQY BADM dosdiy P1d!s se peamoes ° $4) uojyora| 3 yUOL 02 — YUOL AADM JO doy J0}019Na9 $8609 aaom ADM (44) UOLJOA|Z YudL Sve OPS = { PO RO A Pee SS 15 10 Tank Width (ft) EXPLANATION Tiedown Strap and Bolts t UG, Seaweed Curtain Cross section of tank at seaweed field. Figure 4. A 2.4-meter (8 feet) stillwater depth, which was just sufficient to submerge the tops of the seaweed fronds (Fig. 4), was used for all con- ditions. Wave data were collected during runs of 10-minute durations. The 10 wave conditions tested are listed in Table 1. Generally, three runs were made at each wave condition so the reproducibility of con- ditions and results could be checked. The length of the data runs was chosen before the effectiveness of the wave absorber slope was noted. Standing-wave patterns on the tank wall indicated that there was con- siderable wave reflection from the absorber slope for wave periods of 6.2 and 8.2 seconds. The wave absorber had been designed for another study which used a stillwater depth of 4.6 meters and time restrictions on the use of the tank made it impossible to modify the absorber for the 2.4-meter water depth used in this study. Because of the wave re- flection problem only the part of the wave record unaffected by reflec- tion was used to calculate attenuation. Data runs were also made with the seaweed field out of the wave tank for all wave conditions to pro- vide a control for the analysis. III. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Wave records were analyzed to see if wave energy had been lost in traveling through the seaweed field from the seaward to the landward gage. Since two different types of wave gages were used, the data runs with the seaweed out of the tank provided a method of eliminating system- atic wave height measurement differences between the gages. The data runs with the seaweed out of the tank also allowed the analysis to eliminate inclusion of any losses of wave energy between the two gages due to the tank walls and floor. Table 2 shows how the wave height attenuation factor for wave condition 1 (Table 1) was computed. In Table 2, the wave heights from stations 522 and 442 (cols. 2 and 3) are the average heights of five consecutive waves. These five waves were measured shortly after the generator was started for each data run when the wave conditions had stabilized at the station but before re- flected waves from the absorber slope had reached the gage. For sim- plicity, waves in this category are referred to as well-formed waves. The ratio of the landward wave height to the seaward height for the seaweed-in and seaweed-out conditions is given in column 4. The paired values of the seaweed-in and seaweed-out conditions (col. 4) form the ratio which is the wave height attenuation factor (col. 5). There are nine equally valid ways the seaweed-in condition can pair up with the seaweed-out condition (col. 4); however, the average value of the wave height attenuation factor for the nine pairings will be the same as the average value in colum 5. The average value of the wave height atten- uation factor was tabulated for all wave conditions (Table 1, col. 4), and is considered the best estimate of the reduction in wave height caused by the seaweed field. A wave height attenuation factor of 1 indicates no reduction in wave height for waves passing through the field due to the presence of the field. ‘und B3ep yore Fo SOAEM POULOF-[[O9M SZ ISITJ 03 ButTpuodset10d spLOdeL poztTSIp worZ paze[nopep, “un Bep YOR FO SOAEM POWLOF-[ TOM GZ FSAITF WOIF po ze[NITe), “SpLODOeL SABM POZTIIZTIp WOLF po Ie[NdTeD, *sqUusTey 3Se1D 0} Yysnot} WoOTF PoIe[NITe), Ca J GA Sr ie So) See) ey © (s) (v7) (2) (1) zl0 es p03 BF (33) (23) 2ystToy oAeM “ou (9) ‘109 JO | uotqenusz3e | UoTZeENUSI3e | YZZUeTOAeM | potszod (zzs °eIS) UOT TPUsd ZOOL eLenbg | A8ztoua ove | 1YysTOY oAeM | peIeTNITe) pilemess ose1OAY OA7:M ‘UNI e3eP YEO FO SOALM POUWLOF-[[OM DATF JYSITF WOLF poqe[noTeo s1o,OeF uoT}eENUS}IIe DAEM PpUe SUOTITPUOD YS9L “T 9TQeL 10 *yuez FO Jno poomess, "yur UT poomess, "IT eTqeL ‘T uoTiTpuo, GL8°0O oeserTZAy c10'°T £90°T 788 °0 TZ0°T £98°0 vec 0L°Z (1) (s) (ry) q/e = LO4eF UOTIeNUII3e so3e3 Zpp °e2S ZZS °e3S uoT}eus TSep JYysTOYy sAeM pilemeos-piempue, |‘oses pxzempuey | ‘eses paemeo uni e1eq JO oT7eyY (33) 2ystoy oAemM o8eLOAY , Potted oAem puodseas-9°Z B IOF suotzeyndwod 1039eF uoTJeENuUSI3e WYsTOY oAeM FO OTdwexg ‘*Z 9TqeL The example (Table 2) indicates that wave height is reduced 12.5 percent by the field for a 2.6-second wave period. Table 1 (col. 5) shows some wave height attenuation factors greater than 1 which implies a gain in wave height at the landward gage due to the presence of the field. Such a condition is impossible and indicates noise in the ex- periment. To provide a check on the wave height attenuation factor calcula- tions, the segment of the wave record from which the wave height was calculated was digitized at a rate of two times per second. From the digitized data the variance of the wave record was calculated; the variance is proportional to the wave energy. The variance of each wave record was treated the same as the wave height in Table 2 to give a wave energy attenuation factor for each condition (Table 1, col. 6). The square root of the wave energy attenuation factor (Table 1, col. 7) can be compared to the wave height attenuation factor as a method of judging the consistency of the two methods in evaluating wave attenuation due to the seaweed field. Both methods indicate that with the exception of the shortest wave period, there is little wave energy loss. To further document the attenuation for the shortest period, T = 2.6 seconds, an analysis of a longer record length was conducted. Because of the slower group speed of this wave period a considerably greater record length and number of waves were unaffected by reflection from the absorber slope than for the longer period wave conditions. An analysis based on the first 25 stable waves unaffected by reflection gave a wave height attenuation factor of 0.878. The same segments of records used in the 25 wave analyses were digitized two times per second and gave a wave energy attenuation factor of 0.791 which corresponds to a wave height attenuation factor of 0.889 (Table 1, cols. 5, 6, and 7). IV. CONCLUSION This study shows that for the width of the field tested, the low specific gravity artificial seaweed is not effective in attenuating wave energy at wave periods commonly found in the ocean or other large bodies of water. LITERATURE CITED BAKKER, W.T., et al., "Artificial Seaweed," The Dock and Harbor Authority, Vol. 54, No. 638, Dec. 1973, pp. 289-292. BRASHEARS, R.L., and BARTNELL, J.S., "Development of the Artificial Seaweed Concept,"' Shore and Beach, ASBPA, Vol. 35, No. 2, Oct. 1967, pp. 35-41. COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER, "Summary of Capabilities," MP 3-64, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., updated Nov. 1971. NICOLON OF HOLLAND, ''Artificial Seaweed Prevents Scour,'' Ocean Industry, Wolls 7s NOs Sg Weses IOVAS jo) ZOo4oe RANKIN, J.K., and COGAN, F., "Report on Artificial Seaweed," Shore and Beach, ASBPA, Vol. 33, No. 2, Oct. 1965, pp. 13-16. WICKER, C.F., "Report on Artificial Seaweed," Shore and Beach, ASBPA, Vol. 34, No. 2, Oct. 1966, pp. 28-29. WILLIAMS, L.C., ''CERC Wave Gages," TM-30, U.S. Army, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1969. 4 sr ie. 4d , A a We: Pee? bext harsh ecu 4 igh rea aN ti | ; kg US ee oe Tar no on A ent ey Died oe TSE ies ee Toy bl ANAS pe AK Nin het re Tn Nae am} gcgn* £29 6=97,0u awigcn* €07OL °6-9/ °OU JIOdeaXI SnosUeTTe IST “1ejUeD YyO1eessy BuTiseuT3uq Te IseoD *S°n :seTIeg “Il “eTITL “I =“peempes °Z “uot enue ze SARM °T *peqse} stem ‘yqdep rzajIeMTT TIS Jajol-y°Z & pue ‘sqYy3Tey sAEM ASeJOWTIUSeD=-01| 02 -Z ‘spotied puoves-7°g 07 -9°Z 3utSsN ‘suof-;puod sAeM JOUFASTP UseL “uoTIOe aAeM aJeENU|zIe 0} peeMees TeToTJTIIe AqfFAess OEyPOeds mot Jo prefs eB Jo AIFTTQe ey} euTMIEIep 02 (DYTD) Jeque) yoreessy Buysseutsug Teaseopg Aw1y *s*n 243 3e pezONpuod sem sjse} YyUe. 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