A WAVE REFRACTION 'ANALYSIS FOR AN AXf ALLY; SYMMETRICAL ISLAND RONALD J. FORSI Library U. S. Naval Postgraduate » Monterey, California DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTFREY CA 93943-5101 Li U. 1\, u. A WAVE REFRACTION ANALYSIS FOR AN AXIALLY SYMMETRICAL ISLAND A Thesis By LIEUTENANT RONALD J„ FORST >/ UNITED STATES NAVY Submitted to the Graduate College of the Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE MAY 1966 Major Subject Oceanography u. 1\. A WAVE REFRACTION ANALYSIS FOR AN AX I ALLY SYMMETRICAL ISLAND A Thesis By LIEUTENANT RONALD J0 FORST // UNITED STATES NAVY Approved as to style and content by:. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author of this paper wishes to express very special thanks to Mr. R.0o Reid for his generous dir- ection of this work. This thesis was completed under sponsorship by the United States Navy Postgraduate School _!._ Library U. S. Naval Postgraduate 8e&f Monterey, California TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -f\^A.i>J \J WXj L\t U\Ji *Lj i\ X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO L X X J\ *~ ' Xj Hi \J *. V-» O 1M 1 Lj1\ X O oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo — • J—/ _L ^j — \J 1' XXjXj UOl i\.r\. i XL/'i'^ J oooooooooooooooooooooooeoooo v —j X O X v_ IT iJ XI ID Uu O oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo V J. /'*.—' *_) X i\ /"\ ^_- X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO V XX X CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION oo OOOOGOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 o Statement of the Problem oooooooooooo*. 1 C- o i~l iS LOrJ.Cd.1 i\ G v -L 6 W ooooooooooooooooooooo <-- 3. General Description of the Island 6 -" o ASSUuip UXOnS ooooooooooooooooooooooooooe / II. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM ......... 11 X o ViaVc -V 6 X" X Ci ^ C-LO** oooooooooooooooooooooo XX C. o X ©JLinQ."C S IT X X IiC X ]D X C ooooooooooooooooooo 1 J ,3 © *>■ CX y ^ CL I— 1 1 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo X/ * o i\ C -1- X Ci (_> U X CJ XI t. Q ^— *— O X oooooooooooooooooooo X _7 Oo Jr 11 Cl S G Xj a. CI oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo £L.\J 6. Relative Power Distribution o»«ooo<,o.o 22 XXX* XJXo^-UOOXvJiM Oi' r\.i_^Oo -_j 1 J oooooooooooooooooooooo Jv O X Xj Xj X \y O i \ /\ it i i X 00000000000000000000000000000000000*0 0*~x APPENDIX I . CALCULATION SUMMARY .,<,., <,.><.o o «.« .0<, 000 ,<,„„„ „ „ . 38 II. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTAION OF RESULTS „«,„.,„.„ 0 . 41 IV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page lo Vertical Cross Section of Island .......... 10 3. Polar Coordinate Representation of cLll \Jl. L*l _ O Cj OI- Q. J_ _>o_>*ooooooot?oooo0ooooooooo L_ -J 4. Schematic Diagram of the Island ........ . .„ 26 5. Angle Between Radius Line and a Ray ....... 2 7 o o ir na s e rcexerence ijiriG oooo..oo.ooo....ooo.»« The above relation can be shown to be consistent with Fermat's principle (Munk and Arthur, 19 52). In the spec- ial case of straight and parallel depth contours, one can take the x-axis normal to the contours such that C = C(x) alone. In this case (1.1) reduces to cos O dp 1 . n dC P -r~ = ~ sin P -r- J dx C r* ax which is readily integrated and yields Snell's law- 12 (1.2 ) sin , — = — = constant along the wave ray. Note however , that this is a special case of the more general relation (1.1). In the general case, graphical methods are often referred to in describing the refraction pattern. The two methods most frequently employed are: first, the crest method, where successive positions of the wave crest are drawn by plotting the wave advance from point to point along the crest; second, the ray method, where each orthogonal is plotted directly by determining its shoreward deflection as it crosses successive bottom contours. Johnson, O'Brien, and Isaacs (1948) provide explicit instructions for this approach. In both cases a detailed large scale chart of the bottom topography is essential. For the advantages and disadvantages of each method the reader is referred to an excellent dis- cussion by Dunham (1950). The refraction of energy in the lee of an island is difficult to determine by using a graphical approach.. For this reason analytical solutions for the rays have been developed, where the depth variation is expressed as an analytic function (Arthur, 19 51). Before proceed- ing with a discussion of this particular island case the relationship between wave height and energy will be 13 reviewed. If it is assumed that the total energy transmitted between two orthogonals is constant, convergence of the rays denotes a concentration of energy and a correspond- ing increase in wave heights. To a good approximation, wave height is proportional to the square root of the energy provided that the waves are not near the break- ing point (Munk and Traylor, 1947). The wave height, however, will not usually be the same along a particular wave crest due to refraction effects over an irregular bottom. The mean wave energy per unit surface area for progressive waves is given by E = 1/8 PgH2 where 0 is the density of sea water, g the acceleration due ro gravity and H the wave height. The mean wave power, EVb is constant between two wave rays and it follows that the relationship for the wave height is given by (1.3) H = K K K- r s 1 where H is the deep water wave height, K is the refraction factor and K is the shoaling factor. s 3 The refraction factor is defined by (1.4) K = (b,/b)2 r 1 where b is the distance between adjacent rays measured normal to the rays and the subscript 1 refers to deep water. The shoaling factor can be expressed by (1.5) Ks = (V;|/V> where VF is the deep water group speed. In general V = nC 14 where n is given by n = h 4Tfh/L 1 + sinh 47Th L For the wave periods considered in this study n is essentially unity for all depths and hence V = C, Thus (1.6) Ks = (hi/h) 4 For an incident wave of unit amplitude it follows from (1.3) and (1.6) that the relationship for relative amplitude is given by (1.7) A = K (hn/h)4 r 1 15 2. Fermat's Principle Fermat's principle of least time is discussed in Joos (1934). It can be stated thus: the propagation of light always takes place in such a way that the actual optical path (e.g. length of geometric path multiplied by index of refraction of the medium) is an extreme value compared with all other paths which do not follow the law of optics. In a wave refraction analogy, we allow the light rays to correspond to orthogonals in a gravity wave refraction diagram. The application of Fermat's least time concept to refraction by concentric, circular, bottom contours is discussed by Arthur (1946). The travel time along a pc from a point A to a point B of a refracted ray is given by (2.1) where C = (gh) 2 along the path and ds is the arc length along the path. Consider depth h = h(r) only; then for I to be a minimum requires an r(-G-) such that ol = 0. For r>r, , the depth is assumed constant and the or- thogonals are straiqht lines. For r <- rF 9r = 0 r« ^ 0 , which implies that F -r , 2z 5>r« = K, a constant if the constant of integration is evaluated at r = r, the equation for the ray path takes the fc (2.4) + dG = dr/ i rl/(r/rJ2(l/sin2 Gh. ) (h, /h(r ) ) -1 - the sign being chosen according to the direction of the wave ray. 3. Ray Path Consider the ray equation 17 (3.1) de- dr v h r2 -1 where h 2 . 2 _ r, sin -6-, Now h = mr for r r /rn , the ray does not reach the island 1 o 1 ' perimeter. In this case, the ray becomes tangent to a circle of radius r given by 2 (.3.5) r = r. sin -9-n , C" 1 1 i.e. r > r at •©- = - ■&-, + 7T » A_ limiting ray exists at co 1 ' ' r maximum or when -©- = f( //2 (see Figure 4 ). Beyond this maximum critical radius, wave rays are unaffected by the island. For r = r , the initial critical ancle can be deter- c o ' mined by (3..6) sin -©•_ 1c For the particular island configuration considered he] -©-., = 20.44 „ Hence rays will converge on the island perimeter for -159.56 — -6- ^ 159.56 „ o 19 (4.1) 4. Refraction Factor The refraction factor is given by the equation 0 r cO- cosfY -2 o o ^o K r, dG, cos -&% wn here r, cos -9-, dO, is the mathematical expression for the ray separation at r, and r d-0- cosfY represents the wave ^ loo ^o seoaration at r . From (3.4) o (4.2) dO- 2 cos -G-. dG. - 1 1 r sin -©-, From Figure 5 tanCX = rd^ dr Substituting for dG/dr from (3.1), tan CX fr2 I o - 1 3y further trigonometric substitution for ] (4.3) cosCX "O I r sin2 -e- \ 1- — - o Substituting (4.2) and (4.3) into (4.1) gives K -2 o 2 - sec -0-n 1 r o o . 2 „ — - sin -G-, This is valid for ■©■-. S -©■■ lc 20 5. Phase Lag The water level displacement of a sinusoidal wave is given by (5.1) / = A cos (U7t - (J) ) where (j) is the phase lag at any point on the ray rela- tive to some fixed reference. The change in (j) along a ray can be expressed mathematically by (5.2) d(j) ds U7 C(r) where ds = (dr) + (rd©-) The phase change along the path from r r = r using (3.1) and (3.3) is given by 0 = => j. (5.3) 4> 2 ^7 . 2 'gn. Vri-risin ^i " Vro"ris A correction ^ <$> must be added for the change be- tween the reference line (j) = 0 and r = r, (see Figure 6 ) where (5.4) A* = uyr1 jl - cos ©^ VihY" Thus for the total phase lag as a function of -G-. If 21 2u/r. (5.5) A = 1 — 11 ^(i + cos ^ ) -"\/~ - sin2 •©- 22 6. Relative Power Distribution The general relationship for the refraction factor for r <: r<.r, is given bv o 1 3 K -2 2 - sec -6-. "A/— - sin2 -G-. - Vr1 1 ^ Substituting for r from (3o2) gives ■e- 4- -e- ; (6.1) K = sin G-. esc = |;2-tan -G-n ctn ^ 1 2 7 valid for -e-. ^ G- < ( 2 Jf - 3 "9-, ) • For -0- = -0-_ , K = 1. For 1 ; ' 1 1 ' r ■0- = 77* - -Gv , e.i, the critical angle for a minimum r of a ray, K~2 = 2 sin -G . For G- = 2 77' - 3 G- , K~2 = 3. For direct rays characterized by a particular value _2 of G- , K is given by (6.1) for any -6- along the ray path. For those rays with -G-, \ <=- G-n , reflection occurs at r = r , G- = G- • The reflected ray passes through r = r. at G- = 2 G- - G\. (see Figure 8). It emerges straight beyond r, and makes an angle 2 G- from the x-axis. Thus 1 J o two rays G\. and -G' diverge at angular spread 2(G' - -G- ) and their intersection always lies within a circle of radius r.. . Thus for r '. at l-G-l = 2 ■©- and |e-n ; 1 ' o 1 'lc 23 r^cos ^d^ K. = —————— r 2rd^- o Substituting from (4.1) ~ r, cos -9-, (6.2) Kd = i i r 2 cos -6-, 2r| ± 1 H r2. _ sin2 e. rl X For those rays with 7T/2=>|-©-J > ■©-, no reflection occurs. The rays are refracted and emerge at r = r, , ■©■ = 2 Tf - 3 -0-, as a straight line and make an angle of 2 Tf - 2 O-. , from the x-axis. Thus two neighboring rays ■0\. and -B-' have a divergent angle 2(-©\j - -6-, ) and intersect within a circle of radius r. . For r=»=>r.. at |-G-| = 2 7/ " 2 ^i» "^ic*"!"0"^ ^/2# Then 0 r.. cos -&, (6.3) K^ = -i^ i . For any given radial distance, r, from the center of the island, the relative power intensity can be expressed in the form (6.4) F(-e-) = §- „2 r1 Kr . The form of this "beam pattern" for reflected and refrac- ted waves in the far field is determined by (6.2) and (6.3), respectively. The total, relative power intensity in the far field is the sum of that contributed by the 24 reflected and refracted waves along radial lines of -6- values (see Figures 9 and 10 in Appendix II). CREST T FIGURE 8— WAVE SCHI 25 ORTHOGONAL ^- POLAR FIGURE 5— £6 t/v CO H i—' o O H O H @ o Ll. 27 dS Fir- *j> a l-E r=r, REFERENCE LI I FIGURE 6. PHASE PEFE! 28 o o CO 1 J c5 c / « Q O « O H O CO 30 CHAPTER III DISCUSSION OF RESULTS A calculation summary for the circular island appears in Appendix Io This is presented in two parts: (A) information pertinent to the rays and refraction on the island lee shore; (3) information pertinent to the far field power distribution,, The graphical repre- sentation of phase lag, refraction factor, relative amplitude, and relative power intensity for the island shore are given in Figures 9 to 12 (Appendix II), A ■-pie wave refraction pattern consisting of direct rays into the island shore is produced by the constant slope case. For those incident waves entering with azimuths within the range from -20 « 4 to 20 « 4 degrees, the waves converge on the island covering an angular range from 0 to - 159„56 degrees. A wave shadow zone of about 40 degrees range is formed in the lee of the island and is an area unaffected by refraction effects. The shadow zone is developed between the shore and the outgoing critical ray* r those rays with j-0-..j<-0- , reflection occurs at r = r . -0- - -9- and the ray emerges from r, at -0- = o ' o J 1 2 -O- -•©-_. making an ancle of 2 -0- with the x-axis. o 1 ' o For those rays with 7f/2 ^j^-J > ^ , no reflection occurs, but the rays are refracted and finally emerge 31 at r = r1? -e- = 2 Jf - 3 -©% and with an angle of 2jf - 2 -&-, from the x-axis. At bhe point of emergence K 1 r = 1/ y 3, however, at ■©•_ = - ff/2, a discontinuity exi: Incident rays that are just outside r, at - Jf/2 are unaffected by the island, while those rays just inside r, undergo refraction„ For those emergent rays at large distance from the island (r=» ^r. ), the center of the island can be con- sidered as the origin of these rays and the relative 2 power intensity in the far field ( rK /r, ) is simply a function of -G-. The relative power intensity is found to increase gradually from J -©-J = 180 to an extreme at 2 -G-, (40.8 degrees) at which there is an abrupt decrease.. This discontinuity in the far field beam pattern of the power is caused by the shadow phenomenon inherent in this refraction analysis «, The contribution of the re- fracted waves in the far field exceeds that of the re- flected rays by more than a factor of 4 (see Figures 13 and 14). On the other hand, when considering the wave amplitude at the island shore, derived by use of Green's Law, the shoaling factor is significant while refraction effects are limited by the small -G-, value. Furthermore, ■* 1c ; for a constant slope of 0.1, any variation in the island contour parameters will not appreciably alter the critical angle., The refraction factor varied a small amount due to the slope and parameters of the island selected (see Figure 10 ). The variation in relative amplitude, in this case, is governed by the refraction factor and drops off abruptly to zero at the point of ray tangency to the island. The energy for the near critical rays does not dissipate at a single point on the island shore as suggested by the refraction analysis. It is in this region of energy convergence that the assumption of constant power between wave rays is no longer valid and a down gradient flow of energy occurs across orthog- onals. The "shadow zone" of the island is no longer a region of constant energy flux, but would contain energy input lost by diffraction effects near the point of tangency of the critical ray. Thus, by conducting a re- fraction analysis alone, it is difficult to adequate- ly describe the energy distribution on the wave lee side of the island. This also applies to the effective shadow zone in the far field pattern. On the far side of the island, where a diverging cross-over pattern of emerging rays is formed, the relative amplitude can be derived by combining of two outgoing wave rays at their proper phase relation- ship. The phase lag on the island shore increases with -Q- (see Figure 11). The range of phase lag at the island shore varies from about 1 radian for waves of 12 minute period to about 6.5 radians for waves of 2 minute period. 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J ^ mm mm mm (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) 00 00.00 1.3170 14.40 7.20 3.60 2c- 2.2284 10 2.10 1.3155 14.. 7.21 3.61 2.41 2.2258 20 4.2 1.3136 14.51 7.29 3.65 2.42 2.2226 30 6.2 1.3110 14.69 7.35 3.70 2.45 2.2162 40 8.18 1.3061 14.89 7.47 3.78 2.49 2.2099 50 10.08 1.3000 15.12 7.56 3.81 2.51 2.1996 60 11.8 1.2935 15.46 7.70 3.89 2.59 2.1886 70 13.41 1.2856 15.85 7.89 3.96 2.62 2.1752 80 14.90 1.2768 16.25 8.07 4.06 2c 2.1603 90 16.18 1.2670 16.70 8.30 4.15 2.80 2.1438 100 17.30 1.2575 17.19 8.59 4.30 2.89 2.1277 110 18.30 1.2475 17.70 8.88 4.43 2.98 2.1108 120 19.06 1.2365 18.30 9.17 4.60 3.08 2.0922 130 19.68 1.2266 18.89 9.48 4.75 3.18 2.0754 140 20.01 1.2165 19.50 9.80 3.28 2.0583 150 20.32 1.2065 20.15 10.11 5.05 3.38 2.0414 159.56 ' ■ 1.1970 20.81 10.41 5o20 3 . 4 7 32 5 3 170 SHADOW ZONE ISO 40 3. CALCULATION S RY FOR TH , OF THE ISLA1. -©- deg . o deq deg 2 Xr r _, 2 1 '11 total reflo refr ri total 0 0 0 20 10 2.1 40 20 4.2 40.8 20.4 4.21 60 30 6.20 80 40 8.18 100 50 10.08 120 60 11.80 140 70 13.41 160 80 14.90 150 90 16.18 200 100 17.30 220 110 18.30 240 120 19.06 260 130 19.66 280 140 20.01 300 150 20.32 319.2 159.6 20.44 320 160 170 .1057 .1054 .1032 .1032 .1089 .1128 L36 .1162 ,1168 .1177 .1186 .1177 .1168 .1162 .1136 .1128 .1089 ,32 .1032 .1054 shadow .468 .433 .383 .321 .250 .171 .087 0 .087 .171 .250 . 321 .383 .433 .468 . dow .1057 o!054 .1032 .5712 .5419 .49 58 .4346 .3662 .2678 .2047 o2C .2678 . 3662 ;46 .4S .5- .5712 ,32 • 1C APPENDIX II GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF RESULTS 42 INITIAL RAY ANGLE -G-, ~0Tc = Z0- FIGURE 9 REFRACTION FACTOR (K ) r 1.20 1 1.190 \ 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 AZIMUTH (deq) -9- FIGURE 10 — REFRACTION FACTOR vs. AZIMUTH PHASE LAG (rad) (p 22 - 20 18 - 16 - 14 12 T = 2n T = 4 T = 8 min. T= 12 AZIMUTH (deg) -9- o FIGURE 11 — PHASE LAG vs. AZIMUTH RELATIVE •LITUDS (A) 2.26 1 2o22 1 2.06 " 2.02 " 1.98 X \ \ zc 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 AZIMUTH (dec) -e- FIGURE 12 — RELATIVE AMPLITUDE vs. AZIMUTH - LO -en X, V] 47 thesF59 A wave refraction analysis for an axiall 3 2768 001 95927 3 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY