-V WAVE- TANK STUDY OF INTERNAL WAVES by Walter A. Kordek Lieutenant, United States Navy Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE United States Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 19 6 5 Libri U. S. Nav.il Postgraduate icuooi Monterey, California WAVE -TANK STUDY OF INTERNAL WAVES by Walter A. Kordek This work is accepted as fulfilling the thesis requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE from the United States Naval Postgraduate School ABSTRACT Internal waves, generated in an approximate two-layer system of mis- cible fluids by flow over a submarine ridge, were examined. The investi- gation was conducted in a wave tank 3.0 m long and 0.3 m wide in which total water depth varied between 7.3 cm and 15.2 cm. To determine visually the interface deformations, the lower saline layer was colored with Rhodamine "B" dye. Neutrally buoyant particles, consisting of a solution of carbon tetrachloride and benzene, were intro- duced in the vicinity of the pycnocline to indicate particle motion. Subsequent particle motion and interface deformations were photo- graphed with a 16 mm motion picture camera. Analysis of the film yielded particle trajectories and internal wave characteristics such as wave- length, period, amplitude and phase velocity. The observed motions were compared with those predicted by internal wave theory. Observed phase velocities differed from the theoretical phase velocities in all cases, with a maximum difference in one case of 44 percent of theoretical value. The discrepancies may be due either to the superposition of the observed progressive wave on a standing wave or to the observation of non-conserved wave crests in a dispersive medium. However, observed phase velocities did decrease in magnitude with a decreasing layer density difference as predicted by theory. ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Full View of Tank 4 2. Wave- generator Plate 5 3. Wave- generator Power Assembly 7 4. Wave -generator Drive Assembly 8 5. Wave Absorber 9 6. Submarine Ridge Models 10 7. Water Sampling Syringe 13 8. Typical Distribution of Salinity and Density 20 9. Particle Trajectory 24 10. Vertical Particle Displacement vs. Time 25 11. Horizontal Particle Displacement vs. Time 26 Table 1. Data Summary 22 2. Data Summary 23 iv LIST OF SYMBOLS h depth of upper layer h depth of lower layer T0 period of wave- generator plate T^g period of standing internal wave T^p period of progressive internal wave Lj_ wave length of progressive wave LQ stroke of wave -genera tor plate H^ average vertical oscillation of interface (trough to crest) 0 average density of upper layer P average density of lower layer tw water temperature A \ difference of average densities of two layers hfi height of barrier L^ length of basin between wave generator and submarine ridge L2 length of basin between submarine ridge and wave absorber end-plate C£Q observed phase velocity of internal wave C^t theoretical phase velocity of internal wave C phase velocity L wavelength T period 1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Background. Fundamental to a systematic investigation of the oceans are mathe- matical statements of the physical laws involved coupled with an orderly collection of data with which to test these laws. Due to the complexity of the ocean and its vast areas, the collection of sufficient and accurate data for this purpose is no easy task. The requirement for synoptic ocean station observations has generally not been met. A topic receiving considerable attention in recent years is that of internal waves. Theories have been advanced concerning the environmental factors required for the existence, generation and propagation of internal waves. Analysis of available data has supported many of the theories; however, there remains a constant need for more usable data. With the advent of more sophisticated instrumentation and increased international interest in oceanographic research, as exemplified by the increasing num- ber of trained personnel and research vessels, it is expected that the data requirements will be met in years to come. In the interim the tech- nique of modeling can be used to great advantage to test theories of internal wave motion. 1.2 Advantages of Model Studies. The major advantage of modeling oceanic processes is the experimental control that can be exercised. Modeling also provides the advantage of economy, both in cost and time. '■ ■f ■ 2. PURPOSE The objectives of this investigation are: (1) The design and evaluation of a model tank and wave generator suitable for studying internal waves. (2) The development of experimental procedures for producing inter- nal waves by causing flow over a submarine ridge model. (3) To conduct preliminary experiments, collect data, and compare the results with theory. 3. DESCRIPTION OF LABORATORY FACILITIES AND TECHNIQUES. 3.1 Tank. The facilities of the Oceanography Laboratory at the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School were utilized for this investigation. It should be noted that the wave tank described in this thesis and used in the experi- ments was originally designed to function as a visual training aid for demonstrating surface wave phenomena. The tank is rectangular in shape and constructed of aluminum bottom and end plates and plexiglass sides. (The full tank is shown in fig. 1.) It is 3.0 m long, 0.3 m wide and 0.45 m deep with a maximum allowable water depth of 0.3 m due to structural considerations. The tank is sup- ported by a welded aluminum I-beam structure. The full plexiglass sides made observations possible throughout the length of the tank. It is fitted with a bottom drain and valve near one end plate. 3 . 2 Wave Generator The wave generator consists of a vertical aluminum plate which oscillates along the longitudinal axis of the tank (fig. 2). There was a 0.3 cm clearance between the face-plate of the generator and the sides and bottom of the tank to prevent metal- to-metal and metal-to-plexiglass abrasion and friction. A gasket to function in the same manner as a pis- ton ring was required to reduce flow by the generator. Foam rubber and rubber "squee-gee" were tried as gasket material but rejected because of excessive friction. Sheet Teflon, 0.15 cm thick, reduced friction but permitted some "flow-by" causing mixing and eddies in the vicinity of the generator. This material was adopted for use. The wave -generator power system consists of a half-horsepower AC motor and a hydraulic transmission having speed range of 0-1800 rpm input - : WAVE-GENERATOR PLATE FIGURE 2 or output (fig. 3). The rotary output of the transmission was trans- formed to a linear motion to drive the wave generator plate through a crank arrangement shown in fig. 4. The slot at the end of the generator driveshaft permitted the shaft to remain horizontal, thereby eliminating the need for a conventional wrist-pin in the shaft, since the motion of the shaft must be horizontal at the generator plate. The wheel was drilled and tapped at four points, 90 degrees apart, permitting a gener- ator stroke of 3.8, 5.08, 6.35, or 7.62 cm by changing the pin position. The generator shaft enters the tank through a flanged sleeve screwed to the tank endplate. A spreader bar attached to the tank support and the table on which the power assembly was mounted was necessary to prevent "walking" of the table due to motor- induced vibration. 3.3 Wave Absorber. The wave-absorbing material lies between two aluminum plates which are welded together at right angles and are as wide as the tank (fig. 5). The back plate is 43 cm high and the bottom plate is 61 cm long. The cavity between the plates and the sides of the tank was filled with alu- minum shavings and a fine mesh plastic screen drawn tightly over the ends of the plates, forming an angle of 35 degrees with the bottom and completing the enclosure. With a water depth of 15 cm the average absorp- tion distance is 29 cm. 3.4 Submarine Ridge Models. Two basic types of model were utilized (fig. 6). The first was a 0.3 cm thick aluminum plate cut to the width of the tank. This is shown at the top of fig. 6. The second type consisted of a metal sheet formed over templates, as shown in the lower part of fig. 6. The dimensions were such that the top of the ridge was a sector of a circle with a radius <5 LlI en Z> Id CD ft: O oO OQ < LU lO LlI or O 00 _l LU Q O LjJ o Q CH ill z or < D 00 UJ q: 0 10 equal to the height of the ridge and the base equal to four times the height resulting in a slope of 1:2. The sides of the model ridge were sealed with plastic tape. The single-plate model fit snugly against the sides and bottom and needed no sealer. 3.5 Formation of a Two-Layer System. The fluids used in the two layers were fresh water and a brine solu- tion, which was formed by dissolving rock salt in a vat. These fluids were selected because their miscibility permitted exchange of salt between layers, thus simulating mixing by internal waves as it might occur in the sea. Additionally, the density of the brine was easily controlled and the rock salt required is inexpensive and readily available. Finally, the use of brine added to the simplicity of the problem in that the total salt in the system was conservative. This is a distinct advantage over the use of a temperature difference between layers as described by Crom- well j_l_], where heat exchange with the environment would give a non- conservative system. The two- layer system was formed by filling the tank initially with fresh water to depth equal to the desired depth of the upper layer. The siphoning was accomplished by two methods. In one method the brine entered the tank at the bottom drain through a 0.95 cm plastic hose. A small metal plate was placed over the drain to direct the flow horizon- tally. The valve permitted a controlled rate of flow. By this method a bottom layer with a depth of approximately 8 cm could be introduced in one hour, maintaining a sharp pycnocline. The second method consisted of placing the outlet of a 0.63 cm rub- ber tube against the bottom of the tank. The rate of flow was controlled by a "C"-clamp on the hose. The advantage of this method was that it il required no permanent tank installation. The disadvantage is that the rate of flow must be maintained at only about 50 percent of the former method without excessive mixing at the pycnocline. The brine solution was colored with Rhodamine "B" dye prior to siphoning into the tank. Thirty drops of a 40 percent dye, 60 percent acetic acid solution per 25 gallons of brine yielded the best results. This quantity permitted discrimination of the internal wave form on black and white film while providing sufficient trans lucence to observe par- ticles of contrasting fluid later introduced. 3.6 Water Sampling and Density Determination. Water samples were withdrawn with a 30 cc syringe using a 10 cm long needle and a 0.24 cm diameter brass rod 50 cm long (fig. 7). The inlet depth for the needle was determined by taping the rod to the syringe and sliding the syringe along the rod until the desired distance between the bottom of rod and the needle inlet was obtained. Thus when the tip of the rod was held firmly against the bottom of the tank, the sample depth was known. Two methods of density determination were evaluated. The first method utilized a Bisset-Berman Corporation, Model 621, portable sali- nometer. Use of this method proved to be a lengthy process with a result- ant accuracy in excess of that required for the experiments. The second method utilizing Kahlsico salinity hydrometers was adopted for use in the investigation. The hydrometer method offered the advantages of simplic- ity of operation while providing sufficient accuracy for the purpose of the investigation. The technique consisted simply of placing the water sample in a 3.8 cm diameter glass cylinder, inserting the hydrometer, which is graduated in units of salinity, and recording the salinity. A 12 LlI O z cr O z -J Q_ < 00 u I L±J o LL 13 water sample volume of approximately 90 cc was required to float the hydrometer bulb. Corrections were applied for temperature variation and the corrected salinity was then converted to density by use of tables provided with the hydrometers. 3.7 Formation and Introduction of Neutrally Buoyant Particles. Carbon tetrachloride and benzene were combined in solution such that the resulting density was approximately 1.025 grams per cubic centimeter. A drop of this solution was inserted into the upper layer of the two- layer system with an eye dropper and its motion observed. The particle either settled to the bottom, rose to the surface, or imbedded itself in the sharp pycnocline, the desired position. In the event either of the former motions occurred, benzene or carbon tetrachloride, as appropriate, was added to alter the solution density; and another trial particle was injected into the layered system. Usually, one admixture was required to obtain the proper density. Because of the initial near -homogeneity of the two layers, attempts to suspend a particle near the mid-depth of each layer were unsuccessful. Methyl violet dye was mixed into some of the particle solution and proved to be an aid in tracking an individual particle, particularly in the lower dyed, translucent layer. The undyed-particle solution was satisfactory for particles just above the pycnocline. 3.8 Photographic Data Extraction and Analysis. Wave and particle motion was photographed with a 16 mm motion pic- ture camera at the rate of eight exposures per second. Kodak black-and- white, plus-X reversal film was used and proved satisfactory. All motion was photographed through an acetate grid, on which lines were spaced at 2 cm, taped to the front of the tank. A stopwatch was placed on the grid 14 field to provide a time reference. All photography was accomplished with the camera approximately one meter from the side of the tank, with top lighting to provide sufficient differential refraction through the par- ticles for identification. Best results were obtained with a white back- ground approximately 25 cm on the other side of the tank. Analysis was accomplished by projecting the film with a motion pic- ture projector onto graph paper. The graph paper was aligned parallel to the projected grid,, and the 2 cm grid reference marks were drawn on the graph paper. Limitations of the projection equipment did not allow frame -by- frame viewing. The time interval between frames examined was approximately one-half second. The particle position was marked on the graph paper with an appropriate time mark for successive positions. In this manner particle trajectories were obtained. Wave lengths were obtained in a similar manner by tracing the color discontinuity which occurred at the interface on the graph paper and measuring the distance between appropriate wave phases. The stopwatch readily provided the time interval required for computing phase veloci- ties. 15 4. INTERNAL WAVE THEORY. 4.1 A Two- Layer Model. Internal waves may exist in any stratisfied fluid (Defant [2]). In a two-layer system, maximum particle motion occurs at the internal bound- ary surface. Defant further shows that the ratio of the surface wave amplitude to internal wave amplitude is Ar/ P > where A.\ is the den- sity difference between the two layers and \. is the density of the bottom layer. The phase velocities for the surface wave and the internal wave of a two -layer system are given by C,as ±- tanh k(h+U') - u h- if) O) to o~ z 1- LU co ■o z c lu n> Q > h- O o Z Q _l -^ 1^ -J- CD -o s *- oo 00 z O i- CO cc I- Q < y cl >- or Z> O o (ujd) lAlOllOQ 3AQ9V 1H9I3H of the human eye to the Rhodamine "B" dye tends to generate an apparent discontinuity in the vertical dye distribution. Despite this particular characteristic of the dye, the technique of utilizing a dyed layer con- tributed significantly to the determination of the internal wave form. 6.2 Data Evaluation. Data were obtained from 600 ft of film which was used to photograph approximately 45 minutes of wave motion. A data summary is given in Tables 1 and 2. A qualitative analysis of the data was performed in order to deter- mine some of the characteristics of internal waves which were generated by the flow over the barrier. Two methods of analysis were conducted. One method consisted of tracking a neutrally buoyant particle at the interface at approximately one-half second intervals and plotting a par- ticle trajectory. The second method consisted of tracking the crests of the internal waves and determining the wavelengths, periods, amplitudes and phase velocities. The objective of the particle analysis was to determine particle trajectories. A particle trajectory over a period of 64 seconds was de- termined in Run 2A. The trajectory for the first 32 seconds is given in fig. 9. During the period of observation, the internal waves were pro- gressing from right to left. Except for two small-diameter orbits, all orbits had a counter-clockwise direction of rotation, as would be expected from theory for a particle in the lower layer near the interface. With data from fig. 9, graphs of vertical and horizontal particle displacement versus time were obtained as shown in figs. 10 and 11. Analysis of fig. 10 disclosed that the vertical particle motion appeared to have a perio- dicity which consisted of two periods of approximately five seconds and 21 Run 1A IB 1C 2A 3A h (cm) 0 7.2 7.6 7.1 6.9 h (cm) 15.2 8.0 8.5 8.1 9.0 h+ h' (cm) 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.9 T0 (sec) 23.0 21.0 21.0 6.0 13.0 Tis (sec) 26.3 9.6 4.0 Tlp (sec) 5.0 4.9 6.3 L0 (cm) 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 Lip (cm) 22.0 16.0 17.0 ^ (cm) 0.8 1.2 1.8 1.0 f'(g/cm3) 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 f (g/cm3) 0.999 1.025 1.024 1.022 1.017 Ap (g/cm3) 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.018 t» <°F> 61 63 63 62 61 hB (cm) 7.6 2.5 7.6 7.5 7.5 LL (cm) 136 136 136 85 85 L2 (cm) 160 160 160 193 193 clo (cm/sec) 6.8 5.0 3.3 2.7 Cit (cm/sec) 6.4 5.3 4.8 DATA SUMMARY TABLE 1 22 Run 4A 5A 6A 6B 7C h (cm) 6.9 7.8 3.8 3.3 3.8 h (cm) 9.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 h+ h (cm) 15.9 11.8 7.3 7.3 7.8 TQ (sec) 12.0 10.0 5.0 8.0 12.6 Tis (sec) 6.8 9.0 5.0 10.0 Tip (sec) 5.1 13.0 5.0 7.0 6.3 L0 (cm) 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 Lip (cm) 34.0 30.0 40.0 21.0 Lis (cm) 26.2 Hi (cm) 2.7 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.0 ?'(g/cm3) 1.007 0.999 0.999 0.999 f (g/cm3) 1.014 1.021 1.020 1.011 A? (g/cm3) 0.007 0.022 0.021 0.012 tw <°F) 59.5 62 62 62 65 hB (cm) 7.5 7.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 L^ (cm) 85 85 88 88 88 L2 (cm) 196 193 199 199 199 Ci0 (cm/sec) 2.6 6.0 5.7 3.4 Cit (cm/sec) 8.2 5.6 4.0 DATA SUMMARY TABLE 2 23 $ o 4!> • / o ^^ ml ^f\$ —CM 2~ V-£ / g cvi 7^ SI 9 - in X Ifi /o -^r J 1 & r - \ Q O -flDt O 1- \ " (/) O ill -> ^>v v. ^ a. < »W-£)™l ci *-* \ o cm - V^ _£ o_& cm m 1 I ■ 1 o (0 <£> rf T- (WO) WOllOa 3A09V1H9I3H -r- en ^o-^ _h- C\J • _ i— ^_^ z UJ ° 9 u 1 UJ S % o .CNJ^" _J *~ «"" Q. UJ O to oa UJ Q. 0 < -1 LL -rv-J < UJ o \- q: LJ > -C\J UJ _i -O O 1- i. 1 1 10 1 CO 1 1 .1 . 1 o co cd ^j- N ro CO N r- *"" d d 0 0- (UJD) NOIIOH IVDlldBA BlDliaVd CM — r oo - r CD CM CM ro N LU C\J 1 V- > CM CVJ Z UJ 2 u u N <2 u < _J LJ 2 CL I/) Q T— ~. •- III CM _J cz Q < D 111 1— (0 I/) Z Q. O U_ < M <^H CC U o u _l CM U 1- o cc 2 (^jocIsudj; ssai) (wd) NOIlOlAi IVlNOZIdOH BIDIlUVd ten seconds, respectively and in phase at the time the particle attained its lowest vertical position. The analysis of horizontal displacement versus elapsed time shown in fig. 10 was complicated by an apparent mass transport of 23.3 cm in 64 seconds in the direction of wave progress. In order to examine only the periodic horizontal displacement, the mass transport was assumed to be linear; and for each data point the transport distance was subtracted from the total displacement. The resultant periodicity of horizontal particle motion shown in fig. 11 is similar to that for the vertical motion shown in fig. 10. For the segment of time for which the above particle motion analysis was conducted, the period of the progressive wave was determined to be 4.9 seconds by timing the movement of wave crests past a reference mark. Additionally, the period of the standing wave was observed to be 9.6 seconds by timing the horizontal oscillations of a column of water be- tween a surface particle and a particle resting on the bottom. The peri- ods of oscillation determined by the two independent methods compare favorably and indicate that the particle motion was the result of a pro- gressive wave in a mass which was oscillating with a greater period. The item of significance of this segment of the investigation is that some success was achieved in developing a technique by which the particle motion of an internal wave could be observed and analyzed. The second method of analysis involved comparing observed phase velocities with those for the theoretical two-layer model. The wave characteristics which were directly observed, in addition to the phase velocity, were the apparent wave length and period. A phase velocity was computed from the apparent wave length and period using the relationship 27 C = L/T (3) and compared with that phase velocity which was directly observed. The determination of the observed phase velocity by two methods provided a check against inaccuracies of observation. The observed phase veloci- ties determined by the two methods, for any given run, differed by less than 10 percent. The average value of the two observed phase velocities is shown in Tables 1 and 2. The theoretical phase velocities were computed using equation (2). Within the range of variables introduced, equation (2) shows that the phase velocity of the internal wave is most responsive to changes in the density difference between the two layers. Comparison of the observed and theoretical phase velocities shown in Tables 1 and 2 indicates a maximum difference between the two equal to 44 percent of the theoretical value. Considered significant, however, is the fact that for Runs 1C, 2A, and 3A the magnitude of the observed phase velocities decreases with a decreasing density difference, which is what would be expected from theoretical considerations. A similar trend is observed between Runs 6A and 7A. The discrepancies between the theoretical and observed phase velocities may be a result of the observation of "apparent" phase veloci- ties in a dispersive medium. In all cases conditions were such that the waves are not long; since more than a single frequency is present, there is dispersion and the crests cannot be expected to be conserved. Addi- tional factors which may contribute to the discrepancies are that the progressive wave crest which was observed was superimposed on a standing wave of higher period and that the physical system deviates from the two- layer model. 28 7. CONCLUSIONS. In an approximate two- layer system, an internal wave may be gener- ated by a current flowing over a submarine ridge where the height of the ridge may be greater than, less than or equal to the depth of lower layer. The theory that the phase velocity of an internal wave is directly proportional to the density difference of a two- layer system has been qualitatively supported. Particle trajectories as predicted by theory may be observed by using neutrally buoyant particles of carbon tetrachloride and benzene. 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Cromwell, T. Pycnoclines created by mixing in an aquarium tank. Journal of Marine Research, v. 18, no. 2, I960: 73-82. 2. Defant, A. Physical Oceanography, v. 2, Pergamon Press, New York, 1961: 517-570. 3. Rattray, M. On the coastal generation of internal tides. Tellus XII, 1960: 54-62. 4. Weigand, J. G. A Model Study of Internal Waves, Thesis, University of Washington, 1962. 5. . H.O. Misc. 15360, Effects of Weather Upon the Thermal Structure of the Ocean. U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office: 36-37. 6. Proudman, J. Dynamical Oceanography, Methuen and Co. Ltd., London, 1953: 349-351. 30