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Cockerell, 10 r Abalone Fisheries; Colorado Beetles; Pro- ) | Scientific Societies; San Diego Society of JT ‘5 LS SAS A BORGER MERE G STILE, Re oi MRT REE om MAS i she Kui pha ewe Smee wee hee eee hee eae we Bene + T3 Steere Se eee Er LA gat ek MN eee ids) Ra val aig tale Vika wee file (pid 15 fA Es Or ee ee a ee ee) 17 :s i i eee rere ee ee eee ee eee ee eer eee ee ee ee eee we eee ee ee he 19 AMUEL CARSON RCO: ok PUBLISHERS.) c ; Post cone - . SAN pacar CaLir. PER YEAR, $1.00. The San + Francisca Book-House. A History of the College of California. BY S. H. WILLEY, D. D. It is now more than twenty years since the College of California was merged into The California Uni- versity. The History of the old Cpllege is largely contemporaneous with the Early History of the State. The work is published by subscription, at vol., 8vo, 400 pages, cloth, paper label, - $4.00 ee Seen se “* boundinsheep, - 6,00 California Tourists’ Guide. Revised and brought down to date; containing just such information as every Tourist wants, The Guide will contain two maps of the city—one a bird’s-eye view of San Francisco and surroundings, the other a street map. Table of distances, rates of fare, hotels and routes of travel, etc, 170 pages, 16mo, cloth limp, $1.60 paper covers, 50 cents. ; illuminated California Pictures in Prose and Verse. BY BENJAMIN PARKE AVERY. Quarto, cloth, 344 pages, beautifully illustrated with | Engravings after drawings from Nature. $3.00. California, Three Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. MaNUBLO's Spraagledine Translated from the partiehpas by a California ia Pioneer. : 1 vol., 12mo. cloth, $1.50, The above book purports to be a translation of a recently discovered Portuguese Ms. giving a Sailor’s Narrative of a Sojourn in California and Life Among — the Indians 300 conte ago. NS OF SAMUEL CARSO i a i ‘ re 208 Post Street, San Francisco. Publishers, ‘Stationers, The Island Worlds of the Pacific Ocean. BY CHARLES MARION TYLER. — | With Maps dediiitnsteaiican 1 vol., | $2.00 Some pains have been taken to make this work sta:dard and reliable, especially with reference to 8vo, 337 pages, cloth, - 3 the History, Discovery, Ethnology, Chronology, Ge- . ography, Area, Population, and Products of various The work is profusely Islands of the Pacific Ocean. ilivstrated both with wood-cuts and pickin.) . A Brook foe. the-ScR Ade see Take, and | the Forest. West ‘Goast’ Shana. A familiar description of the Marine, Fresh Water, and Land Mollusks found in the United States, west of the Rocky Mountains. oh BY JOSIAH WEEP, ey M. (Professor of Natural Science, Mills Coe). Pape os At the sea-side, many pick up and guia: Ae shells without knowing anything of their name or By the aid of this book such aimless shell- gathering may happily be changed , into: Ls Santis of ‘nature, intelligent and elevating pleasure. The Frontispiece is a hani-painted engraving oe cite the very rare and beautiful Surcula Carpent riana. ete foe mest Se a ae ee ae Booksellers, and arte eee mee FS Ae a re eR EN Oa Cae. SP aoe POF Pe ee eae eae eens Ee Sy AE MT Na MS dren Ee are en eect ~ ees = oe Dew e* The book contains. upwards of 230 pages, and 200 Engravings, and is carefully igi on gee oe heavy paper, and neatly bound in cloth. eek avinct Paid, $1.75, net. e sn beet THE West AMERICAN SclENTIs?. Vor. VI. APRIL, 1880. No. 42 CREMATION. (Read before the San Diego Society of Natural History, March 1, 1889.) BY GEORGE WILLIAM BARNES, M. D. Having been asked for some expression upon the subject of cremation, I beg the privilege of submitting, briefly, a very few of the many and weighty reasons I have for favoring incineration in preference to inhumation of the dead. : First: reasons based on sanitary grounds are most potent. The earth is the most convenient depository for putting out of sight whatever is offensive or deleterious or cannot be tolerated above its surface. The soil is not, however, always destructive, but often preservative of the products o animal and vegetable decom- position. It is more than a probability that pestilential diseases are by earth-burial transmitted from one generation to another, and thus perpetuated indefinitely. Ifthe seeds of plants can be preserved for centuries, and then under favoring conditions be - made to germinate and reproduce their kind, so thegerms of con- ‘tagious disease after having been entombed for ages may be warmed into life under suitable environment, and spread contagion among the living. To this source may often be attributed the sudden outbreak of epidemics and the occurrence of forms of disease not previously known in the locality. Evidence is not wanting that bodies which had perished from infectious disease on being exhumed or the products of their decomposition dis- turbed many years after interment have communicated the same disease to the living. A full acceptance of modern theories of germ etiology need not be implied in the belief that from this Pandora’s box or mummy dust a flood of evils may desolate the land. If phosphorescent and gaseous emanations may ascend from decaying bodies through a considerable stratum of earth, whether harmless in themselves or not, they may be the vehicles for con- veying the seeds of disease to the living. In view, therefore, of the frequency with which such products of decay are disturbed and brought to the surface by voluntary and accidental agencies there are the strongest reasons for the conclusion that the sum of human suffering and the records of mortality are largely swelled by these influences. 2 The West American Sczenttst. Cemeteries are a growing evil and a danger. They encroach upon the domain of living men and their uses. They pollute the air and the water. One generation of men revels out its little life upon the earth, passes away and gives place to a succeeding one. But cemeteries seem designed to endure forever. Fifty millions of people in our own land walk the earth to-day. Where shall. they be laid, and where the millions of the next succeeding gen- erations? The moving tides of living humanity will be turned from their channels to give way to the advancing armies of the dead. Says Sir Henry Thompson, ‘‘No dead body is ever placed in the soil without polluting the earth, the air and the water above and about it.”’ The experiments of Pasteur and others have shown that earth- worms bring to the surface myriads of bacteria from the bodies of decomposing dead. | No successful means of counteracting these destructive agencies have been discovered. All known disinfectants are under some circumstances imperfect and unreliable, or of difficult or impossi- ble application. Those upon which the greatest reliance has been placed are too often only deodorants. The only true dis- infectant is fire. Correct principles of cleanliness require that’ filth likely to become dangerous which cannot be otherwise per- fectly destroyed, should be burned. The value of this principle in the sanitation of cities, is so well recognized that methods are being introduced of destroying by fire garbage and all animal and vegetable substances liable to decay. With the general adoption of cremation there would likely fol- low relief of one of the burdens of society in funeral reform. | While there is nothing in the process of incineration of bodies calculated to detract from a becoming reverence for the ‘‘ mold once hallowed by the Almighty’s breath,’ it is calculated to de- tract in some degree from the superstitious reverence now pre- vailing for ‘‘this muddy vesture of decay which doth grossly close us in,’ the barren casket trom which the gem-—the man himself —has fled forever. The method of cremation furnishes us with a residuum in the ashes derived from the actual substance of the body of the de- parted—a tangible memento—which may be inurned and pre- served with all the care and reverence and adorned with all the beauty which a refined taste can suggest. The preservation of such a memento in the case of earth burial would be impractica- ble and most undesirable. Every consideration of value is in favor of cremation. Objec- tions to it are of sentiment and not of reason. They exist usually Cremation. 2 -only in the minds of those who have scarcely contemplated the ‘subject. In such minds it seems associated with the fagot, the ‘funeral pyreand the rude processes of the ancients. In imagina- ‘tion the dead body is still endowed with sensation, and in the “crematorium are kindled anew the fires of the inquisition. The »modern method accomplished by suitable apparatus has so little -similarity to those heretofore practiced as to constituteit a very dif- ‘ferent process. The latter is conducted with all due regard to the ‘most tender sensibilities of the friends of the deceased, and though ‘carried on in the midst of a densely populated neighborhood, and ‘in the presence of such spectators as may be permitted to witness iit, there is nothing in it to shock or offend the senses. The body enveloped in a sheet saturated with a solution of ‘alum or asbestos is placed by delicately acting machinery ina retort at white heat—2000° to 2500° Fahrenheit—and is quickly -and beautifully diffused in the air without visible flame or vapor, .all gases being consumed in the retort. Contemplate fora moment the beauty of this transformation ‘compared with the stages of slow decay,through which the buried body is compelled to pass in order to reach the same end,through oxidation, which, in either case, is.a combustion by which it is returned ‘‘earth to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust.” In the latter case we contemplate the forms of loved ones presenting spectacles too shocking to desire to witness or to permit the thoughts to dwell upon; the ghastly remains of poor mortality being even more repulsive by contrast with the pomp of funeral pageant and the gaudy trappings of the grave. There is some force, it is admitted, in the objection, the only plausible one to cremation, that it would destroy evidences of crime which might be obtained by the exhumation of bodies. But instances are so rare of conviction of criminals brought about by evidence thus obtained that the preservation of bodies in the earth with their dangers to the living would hardly be justifiable on that account. Ina portion of the instances in which poison has been detected in the exhumed body, it was impossible to determine whether it had been introduced into it before death or after it, to thwart the ends of justice. Notwithstanding official vigilance and the rigid application of legal processes, a very large proportion of the criminals of our country go unwhipped of jus- tice. It were better that a few more should escape the penalty due to their crimes than that thousands of innocent children should perish. , Death should be robbed of all its terrors. The shabbiest of fears that weigh upon the minds of many who approach the dark valley are those of premature burial and body snatching. © They may be dissipated as perfectly as can the body be. 4 The West American Scientist. We might well exclaim with Goethe: ‘“O for the wise custom of the ancients to dissolve - The perfect, the sublime dignity of human form, Which nature earnestly and slowly built, After the spirit, the efficient has been severed, By the action of purest flame. O treasure up in a most precious urn The dull remains of ashes and of bones, That these arms, in vain extended, May hold but something that unto this heart, Which anxiously is yearning into empty space, I still may press what is its melancholy own.” THE GOLD FIELDS OF LOWER CALIZOLRAT SE: The present excitement in San Diego, in fact throughout Southern California, over the reports of remarkably rich dis- coveries of gold in Lower California placer mines, will render any information on this subject of popular interest, even if not of real scientific value. The gold belt of Lower California, it the whole of the penin- sular is not to be included in a general way, may be said to ex- tend from near the United States boundary, south along the mountains for two hundred or more miles, and an average of fifty miles in width. The old Juarez district lies some forty miles southeast of Campo, and comprises many thousands of acres of auriferous land, only a few hundred of acres of which has been even par- tially worked or prospected. For possibly half a century these Juarez placers have been worked ina primitive way by Mexicans, Indians, and a few stragglers from the outside world, though at one time several hundred men were employed in digging the gold. These mines are located on broad table lands on the top of ~ the mountain system of the peninsula, with numerous depressions and broad, shallow valleys, where the miners were usually most successful. The mines consisted mainly of square holes dug from two to five or six feet in depth, from which the lower layer of clay-like soil was taken, and either carried a few miles to water and washed out, or the water would be brought to the mine in casks and used over and over until a new supply became necessary. This slow and wasteful way of working the mines - yielded the workmen from two dollars a day upwards, the aver- age yield perhaps exceeding four dollars, but at present, or when I last visited this district, less than a dozen men were engaged in the work. I have myself washed gold out of the soil in these mines, and it would be difficult to find ground that would not yield at least a color in the whole of this vast district. | Another equally extensive district is that east of the old Han- son ranch, similar in general character, in fact, an extension of it, but ata higher elevation being nearly six pus feet above the eee The Gold Fields of Lower California. 5 sea. Quite a camp was once established at this point, but owing to the propensity of the miners for stealing cattle from Mr. Han- son, the camp was finally destroyed and prospectors given little chance to learn the true value of the district. Other placers similar in character to the above are to be found throughout this gold belt, back of San Rafael and San Quintin, in various directions, but none of them have been well pros- pected or worked by any experienced miners. The extent and richness of these large tracts of land cannot therefore be foretold. Doubtless, many fortunes await those lucky few who may first prospect the gulches leading from the placers, or who may select carefully their claims. If the reports now in circulaticn prove reliable, this discovery exceeds any made in the days of ’49. The gold belt may be said to be bounded on the north by San Diego County, though gold is found in nearly all parts of San Diego County in greater or less quantity; on the east the Colo- rado desert is a sufficient barrier for the present, until transporta- tion can be provided, while no southern limit is known, though we may for convenience limit it to the peninsular range, ending in the San Pedro mountain, about which our interests in the gold developments must center. We may expect all sides of this great mountain and its dependencies to be thoroughly pros- pected in the near future, and no one need be surprised at some rich developments. The discovery of these rich placers, though they may be limited possibly in extent, will result in the rapid development of the mineral resources of this important territory. Even if the present excitement is doomed to be short lived, we shall not see the day when the placers of the peninsula will become wholly exhausted. But it is not to the placers that we shall look for the greatest returns, but to the ultimate discovery and development of the many quartz veins known to exist below the line. Promising quartz mines are now being developed at Los Cruzes, at San Rafael, and near the Santa Rosalie Bay, two hundred miles south of the first named, while numerous valuable quartz veins are being denounced (located) around the Santa Clara placer mines, around which the present excitement centers. The Santa Clara placers are 150 miles from San Diego, and already boast a mining camp variously estimated at from 300 to 2,000 population, where no one has been previously living, while all the surrounding: towns are reported as virtually de- serted. If the reports continue favorable, the editor will debate the question—which is the mightier, the pick or the pen? and give our readers the latest news from the mines. C. RR. 'Orcull, 6 The West American Scientist. TINTS ABOUT KILLING LEPIDOPTEn Ay It is important when collecting insects, to preserve their form, color, and scale-covering. With Lepidoptera the importance of such care is evident. Many rare and desirable specimens are found to be, when captured, more or less diverted of their hypo- dermal coloration; such individuals should always be preserved until replaced by better. Avoid hastily kiliing by pinching, as such a procedure destroys the symmetry and relative position of the parts so treated. Do not unthinkingly and carelessly grasp the wings; but, on the contrary, handle gently with forceps or fingers, being careful to grasp the sides of the thorax from the under surface of the insect without applying too great compression; the append- ages may often be utilized for this same purpose. The main ob- ject being to preserve the natural appearance of the specimens for study, and to give a neatness and perfectness to the collection, which always reflects great credit upon the collector. The use of chloroform, ether and cyanide of potassium as agents for destroying life is not entirely satisfactory, as a rigidity is imparted to the muscular structures, rendering a quick and easy manipulation difficult, owing to the persistency of the posi- tions assumed at death. Exposure to the vapor of aqua ammoniae produces complete flexibility, with the objection that it requires too long a time to suffocate the larger species and the liability to bleach and destroy the animal colors. An agent which will quickly kill and impart relaxation to the muscles is a desideratum of great importance to the collector of these fragile and delicately tinted insects. Such a result can be obtained by the combined action of aqua ammoniae and cyanide of potassium. Every coilector of Lepidoptera should have two or three wide mouthed bottles or jars of different sizes—-the smaller to receive the micro-lepidoptera; the larger ample enough to contain the larger species of Sphingidze and Bombycidz. Each jar or bot- tle should be prepared in the following manner: First place a layer of cotton in the bottom thoroughly saturated with the am- monia, over this is to be placed a thicker layer of dry cotton, upon which the potassium should be placed and the whole sur- mounted by another mass of cotton, covered by a piece of thick paper, previously punctured and neatly fitted into the bottle in such a way as to hold the cotton in place. The jars should at no time be long inverted. It is best to pre- pare them a couple of weeks before using, then add a fresh sup- ply of ammonia, and a good result can be expected. Such is my method for killing Lepidoptera, and I have had excellent success, as shown by the rapidity with which I can mount my specimens, with the removal of scales reduced to a minimum. F. £. Blaisdell. CoRONADO, Jan. 6th, 1889. Preliminary Descriptions of Characinide. 7 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES AND GENERA OF CHARACINIDAE. CURIMATINAE. . South American Characinidae with greatly convoluted intesti- nal canal, short dorsal fin, and imperfect dentition. Limnopha- gons. : Division I. Teeth nour. Psectrogaster gen. nov.-—Post ventral region trenchant, the scales of each side with a narrow margin bent over the ventral ridge and terminating medially in a spiniform process. Preventral region rounded, predorsal region scaled. Scales 50-60. Typr. _ Psectrogaster rhomboides sf. nov.—? Curimatus cyprinoides, Steind. Flussfische Sudam. II 34, 1881 (Rio Putz). Types: Nos. 20,303, 20,304 and 20,306. Over fifty specimens collected by O. St. John in the Rio Putz. No. 20,310, one specimen from San - Goncallo. It is our opinion that Dr. Strindachner erroneously identified specimens with a serrate belly with the Salmo cyprinoids Linnaeus. But whether cyprinoides has a serrate belly or not, the specimens from the Rio Putz are quite different from those from the Amazon, to which the name cyprinoids would have to be restricted. Air bladder tapering backward, its tip extending to origin of anal fin. Origin of dorsal about equidistant between tip of snout and base of upper caudal fulcra. Depth 2%-2 3-5. Bap 34-58. . Psectrogaster amozonica sp. nov.—Types: many specimens from Teffe, I¢a, Tabatinga; Obidos, Fonteboa, Lago: Alexo, Jutahy, Tonantins, Sautarem, Hyavary, Curnpira. Air bladder attennate backward, its tip reaching the end of the anal fin. Origin of dorsal about equidistant from tip of snout, and from tip to adipose fin. Depth about 2%. Lat. 1. 49-56. Curimatopsis microlepis sf. nov.—Type: No. 20,344. One spec:men collected by M. Navez at Jatuarana. Lateral line developed on about twelf scales. Anterior dorsal rays prolonged, reaching adipose fin. Light brown with iridescent metalic reflections. Margins of the jaws and inner surface of the lower jaw dark brown. Head ae depth 234-34.- D. 11-12; A; 11, Lat. 1. 60. The only other known species of this genus has but 30 scales in the lateral line. CURIMATUS. : : 1. Species with the caudal scaled to its tip. Curimatus serpae sp.nov. Types. No. 20,320 four specimens from Serpa. 7 Predorsal region sharply keeled to the occipital crest. Head & 8 The West American Sczentist. 3%-3 2-5; depth 3; scales 6, 39-41-5; color of stbueahe and meyer. Curimatus lepidurus Sp. Nov. Type: No. 20,291 and 20,292. Five specimens collected by C. F. Hartt in the San Francisco below its fall. Predorsal region with a distinct median and indistinct lateral keels. Sides and lower parts yellowish, back bluish, each scale of the sides with a narrow median line of golden. Head 3%; depth 214-23 ; scales 9-43 to 45 Fe C. H.. and R. S. Eigenmann. A NEW FLORIDA BULIMULUS. BULIMULUS HEMPHILLI, sp. nov., Fig. 449 of Binney’s Manual of American Land Shells, Bulletin U. S. National Mu- seum, No. 28. Shell imperforate, very thin, transparent, amber colored and marked by coarse lines of growth; body whorl with six revolv- ing and slightly interrupted brownish-red bands; the lower two being close together and upon the rounded base, spire obtuse, whorls five, slightly convex, the body whorl constituting two- thirds ot the entire length of the shell. Suture slight, base uni- formally and gracefully rounded. Aperture direct and oval, peristome thin. ‘Jaw and lingual dentition that of nitelinus”’ (B. Serperastris Says).” Dr. Binney. Length, 19 inches, diam- eter, 8 inches. Hab. both coasts of South Florida. Remarks: Mr. Henry Hemphill of San Diego, Cal., first found a few dead and badly preserved specimens of this shell in 1384 at Marco, West Coast of Florida. From these, Dr. Bin- ney thought them identical with B. Floridanus, Pf. (See Manual of American Land Shells, 1885.) Numerous specimens collected during the past summer by the author and Mr. G. W. Webster and son, prove beyond a doubt that this is not identical with the shell figured and described on page 407 of Dr. Binney’s Manual. The B. Hemphilli is more ventricose, not angular at base, imper- forate, differs in color, and in fact, there is.a general difference, | Berlin Hl. Wright. LAKE HELEN, FLA. DESCRIPTION OF NEW NEMATOGNATHOID FISHES. FROM BRAM: MICROLEPIDOGASTER, G. NOV. Type: Microlepidogaster perforated, sp. nov. This genus is closely related to Octocinclus, differing from that genus in the armature of the belly and in the position of the dor- sal fin. Description of New Nematognathoid Fishes trom Brazil 9 Those genera of Plecostomine. destitute of an ‘‘adispose’’ dor- sal fin, may be distinguished by the following key: (a.) Temporal plate perforate. (Species of small size.) (4.) Ventral surface covered by three series of large plates; dorsal fin inserted over the origin of the ventrals. | ; Octocinclus. (66.) Ventral surface covered by minute granular plates; dorsal fin inserted far posterior to the ventrals, its origin equi- distant from tip of snout and base of caudal. Microlepidogaster. (aa.) Temporal plate imperforate. (c.) Ventral surface covered by about three series of large plates. (Species of small size.) fFfisonotus. (* (cc.) Ventral surface naked or covered by minute granular plates. (Usually species of large size. ) (d.) Margin of the snout granular. i Rhinelepis. (dd.) Margin of the snout with spines; lateral. plates isolate. Acanthicus. Microlepidogaster perforatus sp. nov. Type: No. 8,182; one specimen. .032 m. to base of caudal. Rio Carandahy, Brazil. : Broad and depressed anteriorly, the depth less than the width. Head broad, depressed, its depth Jittle more than two in its length to the end of temporal plate; its width 1% in its length. Snout narrow, pointed ; loreal region concave. Eye 4 in snout, 8% in head; interorbital concave, equal to the post-orbital por- tion of the head. All of the plates hispid, most so on the tail, not keeled. Belly entirely covered with small granular plates to between the ven- trals. Lat. 1. 27. Rhinelepis lophophanes sp. nov. Type: No. 8,164; one specimen .o18 m. to base of caudal. Santa Cruz, Brazil. Collected by Dom Pedro II. Greatest depth equal to the greatest width. Occipital with three strong spiniferous ridges, a short median one and two — longer lateral ones ; similar crests extending from posterior mar- gin of orbit to edge of temporal plate. Nasal pits margined by spiniferous ridges. Lower surface of head naked, margined by a series of recurved spines. Coracoid and scapula granular; belly with a small granular plate between posterior margins of ventrals; a larger plate behind the pectoral. Lateral and. dorsal plates keeled. D. BF, 6; Wat. 122: This species differs widely from the other species of Rhinelepis as may be seen from the following comparison: a. Ventral surface mostly naked. *) Gen. Nov. in press. to The West American Scientist. 6. Lateral plates not keeled; head not crested. Parahybae. 66. Lateral plates all keeled ; occipital with three crests. Lophophanes. (aa.) Ventral surface entirely granular. (c.) Eye 6-6% in, the head to end of occipital plate; head arched above; opercle and interopercle with spiny margins; lateral plates keeled; surface of all the plates entirely covered with spi- niferous ridges. _ Agassizit. (cc.) Eye small, 10 or more in the head; head flattish above; lateral plates not keeled. Aspera. The specimens belong to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass., and the numbers given refer to the catalogue of the Museum. C. H. & R. S. Eigenmann. NOTES ON THE FLORA OF CUSTER COUNTY, COLORADO. 1m TOWNSENDIA SERICEA HOOK.—Common on the prarie, one of the earliest flowers of the year. It is also recorded from Fre- mont Co., and Miss M. Sidford has collected it at Colorado Springs, El Paso Co. SOLIDAGO MISSOURIENSIS NUTT.—Abundant at about 8,400 feet. The larvce of the beetle (Trirhabda flavolineatus) feed upon it. These larvoe, which have not previously been de- scribed, are about twelve millimetres long, moderately stout, with all the segments approximately of equal size. The head is very dark brown and shiny. The body is a dark metallic greenish blue, pale yellowish green beneath, sparsely hairy with short hairs, and having a row of raised tubercles on each side, one on each segment. The legs are black, pale at their bases. ASTER Loevis, L., VAR SIMPLEX.—This answers to the de- scription of loevis, except that the flower head has only 17 to 18 rays. It is locally abundant at about 8,400 feet. A*cidium compositarum, mart. is found upon its leaves. : ERIGERON RADICATUS, Hook.—Common on the prairie, and flowers early in the year. ANTENNARIA DISICA, Goertn—Very abundant in open ground, and very variable. The ordinary form has white flowers, but a var. rosea is not unfrequent, in which the flower heads appear of a beautiful pink color. GYMNOLOMIA MULTIFLORA, (Nutt.)—Abundant; the homop- terous insect, Publilia modesta uhler, occurred upon it in great abundance just in front of my house. I also found G. multiflora e Notes on the Flora of Custer Co., Colorado.—I1l. ras in Delta and Mesa counties. Bombus rufocinctus, cress, visits its flowers in Custer Co. ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM, L.—Exceedingly abundant in Cus- ter County, and known also from the following counties: Pueblo, Routt, Fremont, Lake, Eagle, Garfield, Mesa, Summit, Delta, Gunnison, El Paso and Saguache. I have found Can- _tharis compressicornis on its flower heads in Custer Co., also Trichodes ornatus. SENECIO FEUDLERI, Gray.—Frequent in open ground. _TROXIMON AURANTIACUM, Hook.—Not rare at about 8,400 feet, but I fonnd it more commonly in Delta Co. CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA, L.—abundant, and also found in Mesa, Delta and Summit counties. There is a variety which has white flowers, and it is a most singular fact, first noticed by Mrs. M. E. Cusack, that these turn blue in drying for the her- barium. Campanula uniflora, L., and C. planiflora, Eng., also occur in Custer Co. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI, Spreng.—Covering large tracts of ground in the woods, begins to flower in the latter part of April. A var. alba, with the flowers white, and smaller than the type, occurs rarely. The ordinary form was also found in Pueblo and Summit counties, and Miss M. Sidford reports it from Colo- rado Springs, El Paso Co. PyROLA SECUNDA, L.—Not unfrequent in the mountains. _DODECATHEON MEADIA VAR. ALPINUM, Gray.—In the mount- ains, to 11,000 ft., abundant. ANDROSACE SEPTENTRIONALIS, L., and A. occidentalis, Pursh.—Abundant about the edge of the timber and in clearings at 8,200 to 8,500 ft. PRIMULA PARRYI, Gray.--Very frequent high up on the range. The smaller species, P. angustifolia, Torr., was found at over 11,000 ft., but so far, only on the other side—in Sagnache County. PRIMULA FARINOSA, L.—Years ago, I received an example of this species, collected by Mr. W. West at Malham, Yorkshire, Eng., and always regarded it as one of my most interesting specimens ; but I had never found it growing until June 12th, 1888, when I quite unexpectedly came across it in flower by the roadside near Ula.. This seems to be the most southern locality recorded for it in Colorado. GENTIANA HUMILIS, Stev.—In damp meadows; begins to flower about the middle of April. The flowers vary in colour from nearly white (albescens) to blue (ccerulea). GENTIANA SERRATA, Gunner.—Abundant and very conspic- uous. Found also in Mesa and Summit counties. = 72 The West American Scientist. MERTENSIA OBLONGIFOLIA, Don., and M. alpina, Don.—Very frequent at about 8,200 feet and upwards. SOLANUM TRIFLORUM, Nutt.—A common garden weed ; also met with in Pueblo Co. SOLANUM ROSTRATUM, Dunal. The only locality in Custer Co. is in the eastern part, near to the boundary of Pueblo Co. It probably does not occur even as high as 7,000 ft. PENTSTEMON ACUMINATUS, Dougl.—Very common at about 8,300 ft., in open ground. APHYLLON FASCICULATUM, Gray.—-On the prairie, at about 8,000 ft. T. D. A. Cockerelt. WEsT CLIFF. CUSTER Co., COLO. BRIEF ARTICLES. Our ABALONE FISHERIES.—It is estimated that some three hundred tons of the shells of the abalone were shipped from San Diego during the past year. Fifty tons were handled by Mr. A. Wentscher in January of the present year, but this does not indicate an increase in the trade. The greater portion of these shells are collected on the coast of Lower California. The ' Chinese are the principal gatherers, notwithstanding they are prohibited by Mexican laws. The shells are sold at $20 to $35 per ton, according to the quality, and the dried meat of this mollusk, which is in great demand in China, brings $110 per ton. The species mainly collected in this vicinity (San Diego) are Ualiotis splendens, Rve., and H. cracherodii, Leach, with occas- — ionally a few specimens of H. corrugata, Gray. The red abalone (H. rufescens, Swains) seems to be most abundantly obtained at Monterey. I have never seen it at San Diego, though I have found it on the Lower Californian coast at the Santo Tomas landing. C. R. Orcutt. CoLorRADO BEETLES.—I recently sent Dr. John Hamilton, among other Coleoptera, a couple of species collected by Plateau Creek, near Eagalite, Mesa Co., Colo., on Sept. 20, 1887. One of them proves to be Trechus micans, Lec. (= Chalybeus Mann.) while the other is identified somewhat doubtfully as the @ of Eleodes quadricollis, Esch. Dr. Hamilton writes : ‘The Eleodes quadricollis 9 ? agrees exactly with the 9? of that species from near San Diego, Calif., in my collection, but as the females of same species are almost inseparable without the @ belonging, and E. quadricollis having never been recorded from Colorado, this may be an abnormal 9 of E. extricata.’ Later, he writes that E. quadricollis has been recorded in the report of Wheeler’s Survey from South Park and Pagosa (Park and Archuleta » counties), so mine will be only a new county record. T. D. A. Cockerell. Proceedings of Scientific Societies. —Bibliogrrphy. Ve PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. THE SAN DikEco Society oF NaturAL History.—March 1, 1889. Geo. William Barnes, M. D., on Cremation. BIBLIOGRAPHY. I. B. Ettis and B. M. EvERHART. New species of Fungi.— Journal of Mycology. October 1888, Pp. 97-107. Several west- ern species are described as new, viz.—Parodiella fruticola, Sphee- rella applanata, Peziza clavigera and Phoma mamillarice from Montana; Spheerella spartince from Nebraska; and Dermatea pruinosa from Colorado. The precise locality of D. pruinosa is not given, but the type specimen was on the bark of Populus tremuloides, in Western Custer County, at about 8,400 feet. PED) AIC. JAMEs CassiDy. Report of experiments with Potatoes and Tobacco. Bull 4. Colorado Experiment Station. On p. 13, Solanum tuberosum var. boreale is added to the flora of Colo- rado. Attempts were made to cultivate it. DO ASC. C. H. anD R. S. EIGENMANN. New species of Cyprinodon (C. nevadensis), from Inyo Co., Cal., Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d per, Vol. -1, 270. GRO, THe NarTurRA.ist. No. 161, Dec., 1888. The December number of this admirable periodical, devoted to the Natural History of the North of England, contains some articles of interest to the naturalist on this side of the water. On p. 354, Mr. I. Cordeaux records the occurrence of an example of the American Pectoral Sandpiper (Tringa maculata) on the York- shire Coast—this being the fourth example which had been taken in Yorkshire. There is also a valuable Bibliography of Cryptogamic Botany for the North of England, 1886 and 1887. It is remarkable how many species we have in Western America which are common also to England, and this resemblance is especially marked in _ the mountain regions. Going somewhat casually through this bibliography, we note the following species, for instance, common to the North of England and Colorado: Thudium blandovii, Bryum muhlenbeckii, Grimmia trichophylla, Mnium serratum, Morchella esculenta, A®cidium compositarum, Dicranum fus- cescens, Cladophora glomerata, Draparnaldia plumosa, Solorina saccata, Hedwigia ciliata) Hypnum eugyrium, Iungermannia bantriensis, I. cordifolia, Funaria hygrometrica, Webera nutans, Mnium punctatum, Amblystegium serpens, and A. radicale. Digs pA. PC. H. 1. Etwes exhibited a number of butterflies, collected in California and Yellowstone Park, at a meeting of the Entomol- ogical Society of London, Eng.; among them was the species | Id The West American Scientist. known as Erebia haydenti, Edw., which, however, Mr. Elwes considered would prove to be a Coenonympha. “ Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine,” Nov., 1888, p. 144. Sieg Oe ASG: C. H. MERRIAM diate: a new fox, Vulpes macrotis n. sp., from S. California. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1888. : LD. Ake I. W. DouG.as describes a new species of Coccus, which he calls C. agavium n. sp., in Ent. Mo. Mag., Dec., 1888, p. 150. It was from an Agave which had been brought to England from one of the Southern States. Search should be made for the “white cottony matter’? on the under side of the leaves of Agaves in California, Arizona, etc., in the hope of meeting with this species. 7 IDRARC. I. P. Norris. A series of eggs of Sitta pygmoea. Orn. and Ool., Nov., 1888, p. 173. Nine sets described, one from Estes Park, Colo., and the rest from Fort Klamath, Oregon. Dp piles Cigale Cuas. F. Morrison. A list of the Birds of Colorado. Ovrnithol- ogist and Oologist, Oct., 1888, p. 145; Nov., p. 165. This valu- able list, of which the first two parts have appeared, was com- piled for the Colorado Ornithological Association (now the Colo- rado Biological Association). It gives full and interesting details respecting every species of bird at present known from Colorado. The only omissions we note at present are of the entirely light cream-colored aberration (might be called albescens) of Anas boschas recorded by W. G. Smith in 1887, and two hybrid ducks recorded by the same author, and referred to Querquedula Cyanoptera x discors, and Anas strepera x Americana respec- tively. PD ALG I. P. Norris. Nesting of Otocoris alpestris strigata Orn. and Ool., Nov., 1888, p. 162. On the nesting of this bird in Oregon; description of the eggs. yg hy Oe H. R. Tavtor. Nesting of the Golden Eagle. Ovn. and _ Ool., Nov., 1888, p. 172. The nesting of Aquila Chrysaetus ‘canadensis in Santa Clara County, California. LAS aaa CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF ForeEstrRY. The second bien- nial report (1887-88) contains an essay on the “ Pines of the Pacific Coast,’’ particularly those of California, by the State botanist, J. G, Lemmon, accompanied by numerous artotype illustrations of the cones, seeds, leaves and trees of the various species treated. Of special interest is the recording on pages 106 and 111-112 of the discovery by T. S. Brandegee, on the east (the shore) end of Santa Rosa Island of about 100 trees of Pinus Torreyana, Parry—a species hitherto only known from a very limited area at Delmar, San Diego County. Mr. Brandegee does good work wherever he goes, and this discovery of his dur- ing the past season (1888) is not the least important of his con- Bibliography— Laditorial. 15 tributions to botanical science. The form of pinus Jeffreyi found on the mountains in northern Lower California at an elevation of about 4,000 feet received from Mr. Lemmon the varietal name peninsularis. Ci CO, C. C. Parry. Ceanothus, L., a synoptical list comprising 33 species, with notes and descriptions. Proc. Dav. Acad. Sciences, V., 162-174. C. intricatus, from summit of Mt. Tamalpias, Cait. (Curran); .C. Andersoni, Santa Cruz mountains (C. L. Anderson, 1887); C. divergens, from Napa Valley, are the new species described.. The white-flowered species from the mesas of San Diego and Lower California, are generally distributed as C. Cuneatus, Nutt., is referred to C. verruccosus, Nutt., instead. What has generally been referred to C. sorediatus, Hook and Am., from Southern California (and so disributed) Dr. Parry speaks of as *‘ an aborescent form of C. hirsutus, Nutt., or possibly an undescribed species.” Dr. Parry also reviews certain species of Chorizanthe in an accompanying paper (pages 174-176), des- cribing two new California species. (SMe eu OP W. G. FaRLow. On some new or imperfectly known algae of the United States.—I Bulletin Torr. Bot. Club, xvi, 1-12. Several new species from the California coast are described, with notes on others. ayhts O. TropicAL AFRICA. By Henry Drummond, L. L. D., F.R. See ei. New York, 24 East -4th-street:) The. Hum- boldt Publishing Company. Price, fifteen cents. A work of almost thrilling interest, giving an account of the authors ex- periences and observations in a trip through some of the most mysterious portions of the continent which is now attracting so largely the attention of the public. It is very racily written, and and the author is both graphic in his descriptive passages, and witty in his observations The very interior life of the country, where civilization has just begun to wrestle with barbarism, is laid open. Much of the book is devoted to a discussion of the - slave trade, which has depopulated whole regions of the conti- nent; and Professor Drummond Is very anxious to see a com- bination of European powers for the pupose of bringing it to an en BOITORIAL: With this issue, Messrs. Samuel Carson & Company, 208 Post street, San Francisco, California, assume the entire business management of the WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST and become its publishers, the editorial management remaining unchanged. Comment is unnecessary. San Diego is entering upon a new era in the history of her re- markable development, as a glance at a tew great enterprises will abundantly demonstrate. The completion of the great 16 The West American Scienttst. flume, at a cost of nearly a million dollars, by which the pure, mountain water is brought to our doors, is an event worthy of record, and one which was fittingly celebrated on Washington’s birthday.—The building from San Diego of the Cuyamaca Railroad through the interior of our county, traversing the fertile valleys of El Cajon, Santa Maria, Ballena and others, and rendering our great mineral belts easily accessible, is an- other enterprise of which we may well feel proud, and by which hundreds of miles of travel can be saved in our over- land communications._-The new management of the Interna- tional Company of Mexico is actively pushing forward the pre- liminary work of the peninsula railroad in a way that inspires confidence, notwithstanding the frequent disturbing rumors that gain circulation.—The discovery of remarkably rich placer gold mines about 50 miles from Todos Santos Bay, Lower California, in the latter part of February, has created as great an excitement as we have known since the collapse of wild real estate speculations. The actual development of valuable quartz mines below the line is still more encouraging.—-A new land and water company has been formed to develop the eastern half of San Diego County by providing irrigation for the 5,000,000 acres em- braced in the plains known as the Colorado Desert. The cause of humanity is not being neglected among these great enter- prises. The Hospital of the Good Samaritan will soon be open to all creeds, all nationalities, all physicians, and all ministers,”’ in the support of which San Diego will bring credit upon her- self. —-Nearly a million of dollars has been provided by the will ot the late James M. Pierce and by Bryant Howard and E. W. Morse {for the establishment of a series of benevolent and educa- tional institutions in our city, which will be open to all classes and will provide for a boy’s and girl’s home, kindergartens, a school of technology, and other equally worthy departments.—— The San Diego College, at Pacific Beach, the College of Fine Arts of the University of Southern California, the Southwest In- stitute, and other schools, are all active in providing for the present and future educational needs of the country. In view of all the above, in connection with the natural and commercial advan- tages of San Diego one may be pardoned for predicting concerning the future, but we will resist the temptation.—P. E. Truman, of Dakota, has spent his winter vacation from his law practice in collecting the lepidoptera of Southern California. He has promised to contribute to these pages the results of his labors.— The California Ornithological Association was to be organized at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, on February oth. We hope to report some good work for them.—-We are advised that a scientific association has been formed in Washing- ton Territory, but we have been able to gather no details.— Prof. D.'S. Jordan, -of”-Indiana, writes concerning “te ish discovered on the Colorado Desert, and described in these pages Lditorial—Notes and News. 17 (V. 2-4): ‘They are certainly Cyprinodon macularins, B, and G.; C. Californiensis, a later name, may be based on young males. The description is too poor to be certain,’~—-The editor collected in January, at Todos Santos Bay, Lower California, two species of coral, one, a small branching red species, and the other apparently identical (though the specimens were much smaller) with a species collected by J. J. Rivers, at Monterey, in 1884 (Ballanophyllia elegans, Verrill)._-We have to acknowl- edge the receipt of valuable publications from many sources, and our thanks are especially due for such favors to Drs. C. Pees. VW ohtuteldt, D.’S: Jordan and-C. A. Greene, Messrs. Coulter & Rose, William Danbar, 1. D. A. Cock- eeesereno Watson, Geo. FP. Kunz, ')..G. Lemmon, W. G. Farlow, Wm. Trelease, Alexis A, Julien, G. W. Lichtenthaler, F. A. Sampson, S. W. Davis and others.--An interesting paper on cremation is presented in this issue from the pen of Geo. William Barnes, M. D., who for so many years has been presi- dent of the San Diego Society of Natural History. The subject is worthy of careful consideration.--The Colorado Biological Association is doing good work for that State under its able sec- retary and our valued correspondent, Theo. D. A. Cockerell, who assists us with our Bibliography, which will hereafter be an important feature of this magazine.—-It is not improbable that the WEsT AMERICAN SCIENTIST will be adopted by the Asso- ciation as its official organ. We aim to make the magazine a true representative of the scientific activity of societies and individua!s in the West, and shall cordially welcome co-opera- tion.—In- securing the services of experienced publishers, with every facility for its regular and creditable appearance, the SCIENTIST enters upon a new era of prosperity. Our magazine was the first to be issued from the City of San Diego, but it is distinctively West American—not local—in character, and it is fitting that we should be equally represented in what are destined to be the two greatest cities of the Pacific Coast. ' NOTES AND NEWS. Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, who has been stationed for a number ot years at Ft. Wingate, N. M., where he has done much valuable ° work for science, has returned to his home in Washington, De: . W. G. Wright is making the acquaintance of the butterflies of Mexico, and will no doubt return with many new and beautiful forms from the islands and coast of the Gulf of California, beside adding otherwise to the fauna and flora of the regions visited. | Three new species of fish have been added to our San Diego fauna the present winter; and two others, one a rock cod (Sebastichthys chlorostictus), previously known from Monterey 18 The West American Sctenttst. northward, and the other a blue cod (Ophioden elongatus), known from Alaska to Santa Barbara, have been taken in our waters. The U.S. Steamer Albatross will spend the larger part of March and April in the Gulf of California, investigating the tem- perature and depth of its waters to determine if the conditions are favorable to the shad, which have been planted at the mouth of the Colorado river. The scientific staff will study the shore fauna of Lower Calitornia on their return. C. H. and R. S. Eigenmann have devoted the winter to the study of the embryology of our fish, especially of the herring, the smelt, the rock cods (the young. of which had never been described), and of the Embriaticoids of San Diego, the eggs of which had never been seen before. EK. W. Roper, of the Bay State, has collected neath 200 species of mollusks at San Diego during his six weeks’ visit, and will visit other localities northward before his return East. He visited Todos Santos Bay, Lower California, in January, in company with the editor, where we found a rich harvest of marine forms to gather. Pupa Californica, Rowell, has been added to our fauna by the editor, who finds it abundant under the dead decaying plants of the Beach Strawberry (Mesembrianthemum aequilaterale, Haw.), both at San Diego and at Ensenada, Lower California. California is to have another observatory to be located near Los Angeles in connection with the University of Southern Calt- fornia. They will seek to surpass even our famous Lick Observatory in power of lens. | F, Stevens of Ballena visited us recently. He will ‘ranch it’ by proxy, and collect birds the present season. Dr. Edward Palmer has been exploring the vicinity of San Quintin Bay, Lower California, and has added somewhat to our flora. C. H. Townsend, C. H. Gilbert and Mr. Alexander of the scientific staff of the Albatross, and C. H. Kigenmann, visited Ensenada, Lower California, in February, returning overland. The common fresh water terrapin (actinemys marmorata) was the only thing reported to us as being collected. Robert Douglas, who with his son, Thos. H. Douglas, is in charge of the grounds of the arboretum, to be established in connection with the Leland Stanford, Jr., University, has favored us with his society recently. Nine hundred acres, or more if re- quired, are to be devoted to the arboretum at Palo Alto, Cali- fornia, making this the largest similar establishment in the world. Every known tree or shrub that can be made to thrive on the Pacific Coast is intended to be included, and especially all of our native species. Notes and News——Exrrata. 1g Each year the Youth's Companion presents its readers with in- structive articles on science and natural history. The pros- pectus for 1889 announces the following for the current volume: The Wonders of a Crystal, by Prof. Tyndall; A Chapter on Ele- phants, by Prof. Huxley, the eminent biologist; Insect Life, by Prof. C. V. Riley, Chief of the U. S. Entomological Commis- sion; Talks About Birds, by Miss E. F. Morrison, in which the art of keeping and raising pet birds will be explained in a clear and attractive manner; Bashful Drummers, by Bradford Torrey, giving an account of some interesting birds; Papers on Elec- tricity, by several eminent and practical writers; and articles on interesting astronomical events, by Miss Emma M. Converse, and other writers, including the directors of some of the great observatories. The especially interesting features of the March Century are the essays on Rules of the House of Representatives, by Hon. Thos. B. Reed of Maine; a full length portrait of the United States, by Dr. Edward Eggleston—a review of James Bryce’s famous work on the ‘American Commonwealth;’ and Lieut. W. H. Beehler, on ‘The Use of Oil to Still the Waves.’ Garden and Forest is doing good work for the cause of Ameri- can forests, and for the interests of North American horticulture, not the least of which is the interest it is striving to arouse in the developing of our arid regions of the West. 2S aS a ee We have a larger list of errors, both of omission and of commission, to chronicle in this issue than is pieasant for an editor. Those committed in our last number were so grievous that we considered it adyisable not to distribute it to our subscribers, nor to attempt another issue until sure of its appearing in a manner that would not bring discredit to either the editor or his trusting contributors. Tune description of ‘A New Florida Bulimulus,’ should have appeared in the suppressed number, but our printer mixed the Mss. with others belonging to the Old Curiosity Shop, a magazine edited by E. M. Haighs, of Riverside, Cal., so that the description appeared in the latter instead. Further comment is useless, beyond adding that from some cause yet unexplained to us, proofs were seen by neither our proof reader or by the editor until too late. The more important corrections to be made in the fifth volume, are: On page 10, 18th line from bottom read, maloaeflora, instead of maluceflora. On page 10, 10th line fron the bottom, read Torr, instead of Tow. On page 11, 11th line from the bottom, read Sedum, instead of Sedun. On page 11, 9th line from the bottom, read Smitheus, instead of Smithens. On page 12, 224 line from the bottom, omit oleander. On page 12, 21st line from the bottom, read Canadensis, instead of canaelensis. On page 12, 19th line froin the bottom, read Ginothera, instead of O. Enothera. On page 12, 13th line from the bottom, read Heliotropium, instead of Heliotiopicum. On page 12, 8th line from the bottom, read Eremocarpus, instead of Eremoceuyus. On page 14, 13th line from the bottom, read Tineina, instead of Fineina. On page 15, 4th line from top, read Confused, instead of Confessed. On page 17, 3d line from top, read I. Var. Maculatus, instead of I. Var, Imaculatus. On page 17, 1st line from top, add after Watson, ln this vicinity. On page 18, 26th line from bottom, read Rubida, instead of Nebida. On page 18, 9th line from bottom, read Locustidae, instead of Lecustidoe. On page 19, 2d line from bottom, read Oncocenemis, instead of Oncoenemis. On page 20, 5th line from top, read larva, instead of larval. On page 2), 6th line from top, read fly, Trypeta, instead of flytrypeta. LUPINUS PARVIFLORUS VAR, SERICEA. On page 11], a new variety of lupin is described and nained sericea, but from some accident it has got placed under L. argenteus, whereas it really belongs to L.. parviflorus, Nutt., having all the ezsential characteristics of that spec- ies. Both L. argenteus and parviflorus seem very variable, especially the former. December 22, 1888. T. D. A. Cockerell. The West American Scientist. Chollas Valley Nurseries and Evohth Streets. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. —-PROPRIETORS :—— Le ALEK ® J. BH ORGEIT. San Diego, California. P. O. BOX 409. . : : The West American Scientist. ea bility, ervice, to GN s-giand Service, any $75.00 gS 4) ‘ aes S| uilding associa- | tions weve done ay 14-Karat Gold on Gold muc toward building it up! Filled CHAIN CHAIN and making it e unranteedtowear ecngotieines. |2 Years, and is 33}4% Thesamesysteiz |* i4-Karat Solid Gold Of co-operation Look for the stamps carefully & eco- —K. W. €.Co. 14K. FLO.— Bieteatesltiy man- and buy the BEST. ig Club Co. until jae are now selling sore} fea) Watches to consumers than all others Bam combined. ‘They handle only the fg] aq _ Keystone Dust-proof Watch (771) which is deservedly regarded as thelfe Wi crown and climax of Pennsylvania’ s manufactures. Vhis Watch contains €very essential to an accurate time-|pas keeper, and many important improve- ments patented by the Company. They are Dust and Damp Proof, iehilll a quality possessed by nobaty other movement in the world.|j Jeweled with genuine rubies.|f =x Patent Stem Wind & Set, Halex ‘emis strongest and simplest. Sold i Ei) through authorized agents atigi $38.00. Either all cash downlfz or $1.00 per week. ope Ajax Watch Insulator given nk - oO? Sreé with each Watch. BEST WATc Lal MADE = eri Watch Club Con Main Office in Company’ s\p is; —<— > ad Own Building, Bet ot 904 Walnut St. ace PHILADELPHIA,PA (AY : Agents Wanted * d = x i \ AJAX — Watch Insulator, $2.00 A perfect protection against magnetism. / Fit any watch. Sent fi by mail on receipt of price. um We refer to any Commercial Agency THE GIANT CACTUS. _ 2 Living plants of this ‘‘Monarch of the Desert” supplied at from $5.00 to $100.00 each, according to size. B. F. JOHNSON & SONS, ZENOS, A. dbs For trade prices address C. R. Orncurt, San Diego, Cal. “Edgar J. Klock. NATURALISTS’ SUPPLY DEPOT. Send for Price Lists of BIRDS’ SKINS, BIRDS’ EGGS, GLASS f£YES, and Supplies for OOLOGISTS & ENTOMOLOGISTS Frank B. Webster, 409 Washington St., Boston, MAss, ROYAL PALM NURSERIES The finest and most extensive collection of T'ropi- cal and Simi-Trupical Plants in America. Many aday ted to Southern California. More than 20 varie- ties of bananas. 150,00U one year old palms. Fruit, ornamental and economical plants from Australia, Japan, Hong-Kong, India, South Africa, South Ameri- ca and all parts of the tropical world. New and valu- able descriptive catalogue of 100 pages, mailed to any address, upon receipt of 10 cts. Address, REASONER BROS., Manatee, Fiorida. Doubly Terminated Quartz Crystals Or the So-Called American Rhine Stone. We have spent much time and money during the pa-t summer collecting the celebrated crysta!s of Herkimer County, the only locality in the world where they are found so perfect and brilliant, and now have a complete stock, from the common var- ieties to the rarest forms, which we are selling at prices that guarantee satisfaction. Our $1 trial tots for amateurs :40 crystals) are the best ever put up for the money and our $5 to $25 lots for advanced collectors were never equalled in quality. Correspondence with colleges especially desired. KLOCK & GRISWOLD, East Schuyler, Herkimer Co, N. Y. D. Griswold, A. B. TAXIDERMISTS, PORTRAITS. YOUR HOME MADE BEAUTIFUL By adorning them with the PACES OF LOVED ONES. The New York Artists’ Union is the only organiza. tion doing genuine Crayon, Pastels and Oil Portraits of friends living or dead, from photographs, tin-types or any correct likeness, They can fill, and therefore solicit orders from all parts of the United States. Con- scientious work on the smallest as well as the largest contracts is their rule. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required. All work done by Graduated Artists, Now 7s the time to send your order. Send for our ‘illustrated circular of prices, etc., to The New York Artists’ Union, Mention this paper] 10 East 14th St , New York THE LAKELAND NURSERY COMPANY Offer the largest and most complete collection of Crrrus Fruit Trees to be had in Florida. Prices Very Low. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Price List. Address, E. H. TISON, Business Manager, Lakeland, Polk Co., Florida. =4,.700 ORANGE DRS Shipped to California last season. They arrived in good condition. My new cata- logue is now ready, containing descriptions of all the leading varieties of Orange and Lemon Trees. H. L. WHEATLEY, Altamonte Nurseries, Palm Springs, Orange Co, Florida. The West American Scientist. THE“ OPEN COURT Published Weekly at 169 LaSalle Street, Chicago. Ills. A Journal devoted to Science, Philosophy & Morals. Send for Free Sample Copy. Price $2.00 a Year. P. O. Drawer F. BOOK Chia Brentano's, Publishers, 5 Union Square,N.Y. Book Chat contains montbly a complete index to the periodical literature of the world. Indispensable to Botanists, Conchologists, Geologists and Scientists generally. $1 ayear; 10c. fora single copy. THE—— AMERICAN GEOLOGIST? IS A MAGAZINE Devoted to Geology and Allied Science3--the only one in America—published by a number of Professioral Geologists distribute] over the central part of the United States. ‘Three Dollars a Year. Address THE AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, Minneapo is, Minn. NATIONAL + EDUCATOR, A. R. Horne, Editor and Proprietor. == == Established by the present proprietor in 1860. Circulation general throughout the United States. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. ke Send for Sample. NATIONAL EDUCATOR, ALLENTOWN, PENN i 0) VARIETIES of Beaded Buckskin and War Rel- ics of the Sioux of Dakota, Apaches, Pueblos and Navajoes of New Mexico. A large stock of Ore- gon and other States’ Stone Relics of all kinds. All the leading Minerals and Fossils of the Black Hills and Dakota Bad Lands. Wholesale and retail. Send for large, illustrated catalogue. L. W. STILWELL, Dead“ood, D: T. COLEBCTORS| Large stock in Mammals (skins, skele- tons and skulls), Bird Skins and Eggs, Amphibia, Myriapods, Crustacea, Echin- oderma, Insects, Fossils, Shells (marine, land, fresh water), etc., etc., from various trans-oceanic countries, especially ‘“The Ancient World.”’ “Linnea” Institution for Natural History, BERLIN, GERMANY, Our Agent in the U.S. A.: HERMANN ROLLE, . 33 Ave. A, New York City, Will send Catalogues on application. HELLS, MINERALS AND FOSSILS, SEEDS, Bulbs and Plants. California. ——_o—- The new illustrated weekly journal of Horticulture, Garden Botany, and Forestry is indispersable to every botanist and botanical library. Each number con- tains a figure of a new or little known plant (North American) not before figured, drawn by C, E. Faxon, with description by Mr. Lereno Watson. The paper is edited by Professor C. 8. Sargent, of Harvard, with Professor W. G. Farlow and Professor A. S. Packard, as associates. The early numbers have contained ar- ticles by Professors Wolcott Gibbs, G. L. Goodall, W. J. Beal, G. W. Hilgard, John Macono, L. H. Bailey, Herbert Osborne, J. L. Budd, W. Trelease, H. Mayr, W. W. Bailey, D. P. Peahallow, C. R. Orcutt, Abbot Kinney, and other eminent contributors. Special attention has been devoted to Califurnia subjects. With the second number was published as a supple- ment a beautiful photogravure of Mr. A. St. Gaudens’s bronze medallion of Asa Gray. No American scientist should be without a copy. The price of this number, with supplement, to non-subscribers, is now 25 cents, Subscription Price, $4.00 a year. Garden and Forest Publishing Co. TRIBUNE BUILDING, NEW YORK Our A, B, C’s—Accuracy, Brevity, Completeness. WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST ‘‘ Decidedly the best of its class.” : An illustrated monthly magazine of popular science— the only one in the West. $1.00 a year; 10 cents a copy. For scieatific books, shells, fossils, plants, bulbs, ferns, cacti, seeds, etc., address the editor, Chas. Russell Oreutt, San Diego, California. ALL FOR 25 CENTS. A fine Indian Arrow-head, Piece of Pottery, Star fish, Sea-urchin, Shark’s Egg, 3 minerals, Chinese Coins, 14-page price-list of curiosities, etc., copy of COMMON SENSE, a 16-page magazine for collectors, - 35¢ per year. F. A. THOMAS, Publisher, Mexico, New York. VHE GEOLOGISTS’ GAZETTE is the best 25c paper published for collectors of natural his- tory specimens. Send for free sample copy. It will please you. GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMVANY, ~ Elkader, [owa. SHELLS OF THE COLORADO DESERT $1.00 for valve of Anodonta Californiensis and specimens of Physa humerosa, Amnicola longinque, “R. ORCUTT, San Diego, | . BIOEES AD SSO Rane trod’ iat 1c aaa: and Tryonias. C. R. ORCUTI, San Diego, Cal. THE MUSEUM. AN illustrated magazine for Young Naturalists and Collectors, containing articles by eminent Scien- tists. 25 sets (consisting of the only four numbers published) still on hand. ‘These will be sold for 40 cents per set; original price 15 cents per number. E. A. BARBER, Box 2118, West Chester, Penn’a’ Address Address—THALMAN MFG. CO., Balto., Md. GARDEN AND FOREST. — 4 . : : ' vance. The West American Scientist. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. A. TWO LINE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT, only 25 cents a month; $3.00 a year payable in advance. Each additionai line, 10 cents a month, $1.00 a year. Must be acceptable and paid in ad- Copy of paper free to each advertiser each month while advertising continues. BOOKS. CIENTIFIC BOOKS AND MAGAZINES FUR- nished by C.R. Orcutt, San Diego,Cal. Old Books wanted in exchange. ALMAGE’S SERMONS (14) TO THE WOMEN OF America, with pracrica hints to men, 10 cents. The Gospe! Herald, 333 Day street, Princeton, N. J. SAN DIEG CLIMATE, TOPOGRAPHY, PRO- * ductions, etc. By DougLAs GuNN. 78 pp, with map, 25 cents. LORA OF SOUTHERN AND LOWER CALIFOR- nia. A Check-List of the flowering plants, ferns, lichens and marine alge. By C. R. Orcutt. Price, 25 cents. C. R. ORCUTT, San Diego, Cal. THE UNITARIAN. 4. 28-p2ge, monthly maga, j zine, edited by Rev. J. T. Sunderland, with Rev. Messrs. rooke Herford, Robt. Collyer, and 30 other prominent ministers as con- tributors. Subscription price, one dollar a year. “*THE UNITARIAN more than meets my expectations, and these were not iow. I is indeed most excellent; and in the very line of our fondest hopes.” H. W. Tuomas, D. D. “THE UNITARIAN is by all odds the best religious monthly in the United States.’’— Universalist Record. Address, THE UNILARIAN, ANN ArzBorR MICH. SHELLS. Y PRICE LIST OF LAND SHELLS FOR 10 cents. Over 500 varieties. C. R. Orcutt, San Diego, Cal. _ SEEDS. R. ORCUTT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, COL- * lector and importer of all kinds of tree, shrub and flower seeds. Californian seeds, bulbs and plants a specialty; also ferns and rare cacti, MINERALS. LARGE STOCK OF FINE AMERICAN AND foreign minerals, Western minerals and fessils a specialty. Lists in preparation. C. R. Orcutt, San Diego, California. BIRDS, SKINS AND EGGS. EW PRICE LIST OF FRESH SOUTHERN CAL- ifornia Bird Skins sent for stamp. Charles H. Marsh, Dulzura, Cal. IT 1S IMPORTANT For collectors to know where they can purchase spec- imens the cheapest. We invite ali to send for our illustrated price lists, etc. STEARNS’ CURIO SHOP, Headquarters for Low Prices, ELKADOR, IOWA. Shells, Minerals § Fossils, —ALSO— SEEDS AND PLANTS. ck. ORCUTT, Editor “The West Amercian Scientist.” San DizGo, CALIFORNIA. Pacific Coast Steamship Company The Elegant and Thoroughly Equipped Steamers of this Company sail in Sight of Land the whole distance from San Diego to Alaska, Leave San Diego: CITY OF PUEBLA—December 8, 15, 22, and 29. SANTA ROSA— December 4, 11, 17 and 24. Leave San Francisco: CITY OF PUEBLA—December 3, 5, 19 and any A.M. 22 and 28—at 2P.M. SANTA ROSA—December 1, 9, 14, Freights received for all points North and East, from 7 A. M. to 5 P. M., every day except sailing days and Sundays. For further iaformation apply at the Company’s offices at the wharf, foot of Fifth street. J. H. SIMPSON, Local Agent. 2 j Ancient Ked Man's Tools. 1 large game point, 1 small game point, 1 bird point, 1 barbed base arrow, 1 deep notched base arrow, 1 stemmed base arrow, 1 serrated edge arrow; all 7 are fine and well wrought implements, neatly arranged on card and labeled with date, etc., and sent post paid for 75 cents. List free. Catalogue 7c., or free with order. DEALERS SUPPLIED. J. R. NISSLEY, Ada, Hardin Co., O. Le Naturaliste Canadien 32-page, 8-in , illustrated monthly. $2.00 A YEAR, The only publication in the French Language, on Natural History on this continent. It is actually pursuing a revision of Hymenoptera with descriptions of several new species and the history of Hemiptera of the Province of Quebec. L’Abbe Provancher, Capbrouge, Q., Canada. GET exer ACME R° 5 MICROSCOPE Complete, with high-class lenses, lin. and 1-5in. $28.00. } Send for complete catalogue # Band sample of ‘The Micro- scopical Bulletin. JAMES W, QUEEN & CO. Makers of the Acme Microscopes, 924 Chestnut St., Phila. Address, The West American Seen Steel Pew: FOR ARTISTIC USE in fine drawing, Nos. 659 (Crowquill), 290 and zor. FOR FINE WRITING, Nos. 303 and Ladies’ FOR BROAD WRITING, Nos. 294, 389 and Stub Point, 849. FOR GENERAL WRITIN NG, Nos. 332, 404, 390 and 604. Joseph Gillott & Sons, 91 John St., N, Y. HENRY HOE, Sore AGENT, Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World. Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1878. , 170. A. WENTSCHER, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING AND SHIPPING. San Diego, Cal. RE YOU FOND OF USING TOOLS OR Tinkering? If So send One Dollar for THE UNIVERSAL TINKER AND AMATEUR’S ASSIS'I- ANT. Tells Amateurs about turnine and lathe work, Painting, Staining, Book Binding, French Polis ing, Wood Finishing, Fretwcrk, Amateur Printing, the Magic Lantern, etc. Single copies iV cts. Address HODGSON & BARWOOD, 294 Broadway, New York, N. Y. IT WILL PLEASE 2% or girl and your neighbor’s boy or girl to receive a paper ‘‘all their own.” Try sending ‘them the YOUNG IDEA The best low-priced juvenile magazine published; 12 pages, 36 columns, monthly, illustrated, only 50 cts. a year; sample free. Address THE YOUNG IDEA. Grant C. Whitney, publisher, Belvidere, Ill. SFREE $8 solid GOLD WATCH \ Sold for $100 un- i\\ til lately. Best $85 watch in the world. Per- fect time- = AN Osha and eae eg &) Both ladies’and gents’sizes ’ with works and cases of equal value. ONE PERSON in each locality can secure one FREE. How is this possible? We answer—we want one per- Gi son in each locality, to keep in their Nees atl show to those who call, a complete lineofour | valuable and very usefull HOWSEHOLD SAMPLES. | These samples,as well as the watch,we send free,and after you have kept them in your home for 2 months and shown them to those who may have called,they become your own property; it is possible to make this great offer, sending the SOLID GOLD watch and COSTY samples free, as the showing of the samples in any locality, always results in a large trade for us; after our samples have been in a locality for a month or two we usually get from $2000 to $5000 in trade from the surrounding country. This, the most wonderful offer ever known,is made in order that our samples may be placed at once where they can be seen, all over America. Write at once, and | makesure of the chance. Reader it will be hardly any trouble for you to show the samples to those who may call at your home and your reward will be most satisfactory. A postal card on which to write us costs but 1 cent and after youknow all,if you do not care to go further, why noharm isdopne. But if youdo send your address at once, you can secure F REE one of the best solid gold watches fn the world and our large line of ; COSTLY SAMPLES. We pay all express, freight, etc, Address GEO. STINSON & CO., Box's12, PORTLAND, MAINE, | | 'SURPLUS FUND, | BRYANT HOWARD, - | E. W. MORSE, - | JOHN GINTY, -— - We) CLARION “amen _ Address, NOTES ON MOLLUSK -and Todos Santos Bay, Lower California, by C. R. Consolidated National Bank: CAPITAL PAID IN, - $250,000, 50,000. 75,961 Undivided Profits President. Vice-President. Cashier. Assistant Cashier. —— DIRECTORS.—— Hiram Mabury, - O. S. Witherby, John Ginty, E. W. Morse, James McCoy, 8. Levi, Bryant Huward. fey’ Exchange 01 all the Principal Cities of America and eee bought ee sold. The Savings Bank. OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. In the Consolidated Bank Building, corner of Hand | ifth streets. CAPITAL, $100,000. : :OFFICERS:-: James M. Pierce, President. Geo. A. Cowles, Vice-President. John Ginty, - Secretary and Treasurer. >; :DIRECTORS:-: H. Mabury, E. W. Morse, James M. Pierce, Bryant Howard, O.S. Witherby, Geo. A. Cowles, James McCoy, Interest Allowed on Deposits. Money Loaned on Real Estate. Every Student of Nature should Sub- scribe for THE SWISS GROSS Organ of the Agassiz Association; Edited Ly the pr esident, Harlan H. Ballard. Beautifully illustrated, simple, popular i in style, reliable and accurate. $1.50 a Year. Issued Monthly, With this magazine, $2.00 a year. WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST, san Diego, California, OF THE VICINITY of San Diego, Cal., OrcuTT, with comments by W. H. Datu. With plate. Price, 25 cents C.R.ORcurt, San Diego, Cal. SUBSCRIBE FOR The West American dentist The Oldest and Best Scientific Monthly published on the Coast. PRICE, $1.00 PER ANNUM. SAMUEL CARSON & GO., PUBLISHERS, 208 Post Street, San Francisco. The West American Scientist. OTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS,” (Zdttortal from the Cosmopolitan, December, 1882.) ore those famous taxidermists and hunters, the Verraux Freres, aed themselves in Paris, natural history museums were compelled Fupon picking up their specimens in all parts of the world. The intelligence of the Verraux Bros. was not long in discovering a ns of Servin the cause of science and of advancing their own fortunes ‘same time. They established a sort of clearing-house for wild oid. fishes, and reptiles, with branches in every quarter of the ‘and from whom you could order a stuffed elephant, giraffe, a Ben- yer as you would flitch a bacon from your butcher, or a boiled lob- - from the fish-monger. ' While the Verraux Freres were gaining a world-wide reputation, an merican lad, William ti. Winkley by name, was pursuing his studies the famous technical schools of the French capital, and, when his eans were all but exhausted, he left his lodgings in the Latin quarter apprenticed himself under these famous masters. After serving a and laborious apprenticeship in the study of animal forms, anatomy, 1 dre wing, he considered himself sufficiently equipped for the practical k of his vocation Returning to America, and selecting a small in- jor town where rents and living expenses were light, he set up anes- lishment of his own, as large as his limited means would allow. lo-day, he supplies the largest museums of the world with stuffed imens from the elephant down to the smallest rodent, besides large ities of minerals, rocks, fossils, casts of fossils, skins, and skeletons nmounted) of animals of all classes, and often the wild animals them- ves, alcoholic specimens, insects, crustaceans, shells, echmoderms, sponges, and botanical specimens, from every quarter of the globe nd in a great variety of form and price. Also anatomical preparations, smical, philosophical and optical instruments, with Naturalists’ sup- es of every description, and, the Verraux Freres being now dead, he “has este blished, as they did, stations upon every continent for the col- ection of naturai history specimens. The attaches of all the stations are Over too in number, many of whom are specialists. »_ Athis American headquarters at Clearfield, Iowa, there are not far from 100,000 specimens of all classes. Besides mounting the skins sent _by his own collectors, this eminently successful taxidermist takes cus- m work in his department from those desiring the same, and many idreds of persons and museums throughout the civilized world are mtly sending him mammal and bird skins and skeletons for restor- _ Especially is this true of those scientific persons and wealthy in- als, who, while abroad, have shown prowess in the hunt. it it is not alone in taxidermy that this cosmopolitan naturalist has n unrivalled reputation. Years ago he devised a plan whereby those of moderate means could possess a good cabinet. This, the lment plan, has from the start been a success, und in hundreds upon >ds of cases has proven itself an inestimable boon to those of rate méans who desire a good collection. Many of the best col- as in this gaged have been obtained entirely upon this plan and its, professional men, schools and colleges have all expressed themselves perfectly satisfied with its workings in their respective cases. q Prof. Winkley is strictly honest and reliable, and ifany of our readers want anything in his line (see advertisement elsewhere,) we would re- “commend them to write to him. ‘ sn . 4% at ght. ne oa ee Cn oe eee ha 7 yo ee 1 be - ‘. “> AY ee A. + *) = | 4 3 Se 4 4 ia *”~ < ’ + “his unsolicited editorial was written more than seven years ago. In the interim LN considerably, and to-day stand at the head of the museum furnishing busi- he world. We are the only house outside of Paris, that sells collections on in- Do you want to secure a good collection on easy terms? If so, write to us. W.H. WINKLEY, Clearfield, lowa. * | The West American Scientist, i a eterna See teh tah iad Gerd io Picerrenkl ad yeh Sek tea gL ela rn se tect Sn cel ay fr gh SE eh 1 eM ge RE CEST Wal ok A Fn aca Dysp Epsia, “epeananine ee mS us- tion, Headache, Tiree bs Ry) O a a This is not a pained “patent medicine,” ’ but prepara- tion of the phosphates and phere ene acid. oe the form re quired by the system. ‘ It aids digestion without injury, and | is & tonic for the brain and nerves, agrees nes such aie as are necessary ee E. W. Hitt, Glens Falls, N. ahi ea i or any low state of the system.” agin: Dr. D. A. Stewart, Winona, ee says . 7 faction in cases of perverted ana loss “of ner mal-nutrition and kindred ailments.” Dr. G. H. Leacn, Cairo, IIL, says: dyspepsia and nervous prostration,” Wes Descriptive Pamphlet Free, ae - Rumferd Chemical | Works, t saF-Be sure the word Chidaerode’ 3 j is panes ne caine eat nines: sen ede in 1 bull.” ~ tel Dezeutelee mite - oe RP - - = = bos She tat en -<* * MA ag Pie * ac Re Te wre “. me = wee teow we beh ~~ - ~ oe —- % 2. #ce te. = ye 4 oo, == « ~~ += ioe % ee het a ete 9 -— bj mat ooh “ ~~ sabe pte Oe Me a ee ee : fae ee ~~ 7 am " ; i - am -* - ee age eM : * “ sie ~ . re Soe ee ee ee ee + ae _ or Pe eo Soe” ar. e peg Ae = 4 ae | a as = 7 - ee el ed a ae ee = ee a boda =? eee a ee ee ee i eee are 7 Se ce ey be he a . me aT 5k a Ae ee Oe oe ee eT ee ae a RO Me a ice = Pee er Poe ymca tame So Se ot Cal 7 ae eget Pet Oi = eho ee Bret he ee ABN ee Le Oe Suel 7 7 Pe ee a ~ Bl Sry are ae - re rare ee ere A oa 2 FS try et <<. a. eu ee Bie Oe meee aed a pl ie na ng et el a a agin A a ee ae rn genet J Moe ~~ . Jingss a ee oe ow a pet ete ee et eee Oe > = 7 ale a ang et tee ae te Bb Ml alee jal aareny ea panel —- Ala > 7 — to = 5 e aa) ee ee er Se te tet eel ey et oman Nee OS Fe pare agin yace Oye ote yiyee = Delle Gaeta Peres bee owe er en be oF we = peotcowe 7 P oo - ae. ree ts a ea eh sg A Le OEE A RD eel eae wees Pees er mernrr weet es aon me's (Oe 8 Sy ent ey a nation — - a | ot Wed - ann OP i Rte eT NOON Berth, ee. boat borne - Ce NT me . « * - ? aun een! oe ent OR re me i wt ee i a ll Na gO AOE PO A A BES - a eh) nea eR a ena me ra Romer an Seon ewe eS - A eR cree ee Re REE res ht OP eee oh eet Be i es eee = oO: ah einai ee aE NA ere een a satel Cia yl ee NE Sp emmae Dis Sr AME htne oa ny eam meme! OD ee ee anlar ae eh ee Pare & ET + ON RE a el bm eT i ai eee Oo eee Oe eH eat Ag en we OME OI Na Pp 0 Nm rh oat . rer, ee ee Toa! : pected ee ee Seley ne his apis eae oe-sesey nee RPO I Nene age PR ete Pee. Hy tee Wem ee eee tet ee ee net nee EAA lint EENOT SAS om Neate mwer wine, | a ie er en Sa aes neliginitinanell ears a oS i Re ey gin gees a tart Tye tne my pe he ewig we Fah i Ott 9 © Nee OOS heat aap = on™ LS 2 (ey nae ag a aM met Oo SR caw gee pga g mae ste Ber HO, ee ee ee 2 a Ae ee ee en De me eet ow ee ye tt Bae ey Sew hegee 0 ge pte We Hi ee ee a pai tee AT rth acinar WE ae we Ree eee ov ee Se Sie Ce ee ee rarer Ser en ee aan ae a i Oe ND Ot He Ome tl lg PE At OTE, 4g Cet ern 2 6 ate een Dee at 6 hee re ee Rew ote pe + ye A. WF bed ter ete i Ie we ee nee 8 te ete VE) VE ee ea ale mahi aiid Lpdpntaccetare ae) talitek ame rai ao earn tPA GODS ARR Og A NO Oe OF Fe erty Cerpetiwg Soe i = oe rere oe AM, erred ond eee Dod ie Ghee ames apt Abn oi ee : 9 2m Re eS ee a ane ek oh eee a ee OR A PE COTO A A Om OY ee en ed cee ype wir A ey Rah ARGO nity when, Lies aes Hie to a ol as eka bres os? eae, ee al NE ICD Oe me a NE ee AIEEE S STS bah seeeetate car dat ih cy een hd OE cae oe apt ae BOE ee Mee Oia eae \s Satad: te ee SP OF tar eat 9 awn Se ee ee ee en ee ee Ponta 3 at er, ag ak --_ ee ee ee ee line ad