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Reprinted with Additions from Chemical Industries Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 930-931, June 1949


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Minerals are often important raw materials for chemical operations, but the chemical market research man is not usually conversant with the field. Many information sources are available to help him find the field.

The problem of surveying the min- eral raw material supply by the chemical market researcher may be sim- ple or difficult, depending on what the mineral raw materials are, what use is to be made of them, in what quantity they are desired, whether or not they are to be obtained on the open market or are to be produced from deposits, and how familiar the researcher is with the min- eral field and the sources of information. In this paper it is assumed that a chemical manufacturing plant is being planned that will require mineral raw materials in large amounts, either for conversion into a man- ufactured product or for use as processing materials.

MINERAL SPECIFICATIONS The first thing to be done is to compile carefully and critically the specifications of composition, properties, and amounts of the mineral or minerals that will be required. Minerals in the natural de- posits are almost invariably impure, or have a range in composition, or are in- timately mixed with other minerals. Tol- erance in composition and properties should, of course, be determined. The mineral variety may be important.

Silica, as an example is available in the forms of quartz veins, quartzite rock, sand- stone made up of quartz grains, tripoli, or diatomite. For some purposes it is con- ceivable that any one of these might serve, according to their costs, but for many other purposes only one or two of these varieties would serve because of certain fundamental

-ented before the

differences in crystal structure and prop- erties, and in cost of extraction and prepara- tion.

Therefore, it may be necessary, after having determined the composition and properties of the mineral substance desired, to consult reference books such as Dana's "System of Mineralogy," Dana's "Manual of Mineralogy," or "Industrial Minerals and Rocks," or other similar volumes (see list of reference books appended to this article) ; then turn to sources of infor- mation on resources.

INFORMATION SOURCES The geology and mineral resources of the United States have been subjects of study for many decades, but because of their hidden occurrence and the vastness of the field, there is much yet to be learned. We shall consider here the general sources of published information in eco- nomic geology and mining. In some cases state and federal geological and mining bureaus can furnish information not yet pub'ished.

The most prolific sources of such in- formation are the U. S. Geological Sur- vey, the U. S. Bureau of Mines, and the many state geological surveys and nr'ning bureaus. (A list of these with their addresses is herewith appended.) The information of the federal and state sur- veys and bureaus in some instances supple- ments each other and neither rhould be neglected. Lindgren's "Mineral Deposits," Bateman's "Economic Mineral Deposits " Ries' "Economic Geology," Emmon's "Principles of Economic Geology," Mc- Kinstry's "Mining Geology," "Minerals



Yearbook" published annually by the U. S. Bureau of Mines, "Mineral Industry" pub- lished annually by McGraw-Hill, "In- dustrial Minerals and Rocks" published by the A.I.M.M.E., "The Stone Industries" by Oliver Bowles, "Materials Handbook" by Brady, and "Mineral Resources of the United States" published by Public Af- fairs Press are among the useful refer- ence books that may be named.

The publication lists of the federal and state geological surveys and mining bu- reaus are desirable to have at hand. In addition, one should have access to the "Annotated Bibliographies of North Ameri- can Geology," published by the U. S. Geological Survey, the "Bibliography and Index of Foreign Geology" published by the Geological Society of America, the "Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology" published by the Economic Ge- ology Publishing Co., the "Engineering Index," "Chemical Abstracts," the technical publications of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, and others in this field.

Other sources of information and as- sistance are the specialists and consultants in geology and mining at universities and in private practice.

Most of the state surveys can furnish lists of mineral producers, together with information about products. Information of a highly specialized .order concerning geochemistry and geophysics is procurable from certain laboratories like those of the U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Bureau of Standards, Pennsylvania State College School of Mineral Industries, the Illinois Geological Survey, and certain other in- dustrial institutes and universities.


Some mineral commodities have a nar- row geographic market range: agricul- tural limestone, crushed rock, most struc- tural clay products, certain coals, rock wool, etc.

Other mineral commodities have mar- ket areas of much wider range : coking coals, petroleum and natural gas, marble, granite, slate, Indiana limestone, kaolin,

bentonite, refractory brick, lightweight refractory brick, cement (in some cases), salt, bromine and other mineral salts, magnesite, fertilizers, abrasives, asbestos, fluorspar, feldspar, fuller's earth, glass products, graphite, monazite, mica, pig- ments, and other minor mineral products, mineral waters, metallic ores, alloying minerals, etc.

Information concerning the former group is obtainable from the state geological sur- veys. Information about the latter requires sources that are both state and national, and in some cases international.

Minerals which are not to be found in commercial quantities in this country are summarized in "Mineral Resources of the United States" published by Public Affairs Press, and information may also be obtained from specialists of the U. S. Ge- ological Survey, of the U. S. Bureau of mines, and of certain universities and state surveys.



INFORMATION AVAILABLE It may be helpful to cite some specific examples of the nature of the information available. Examples are drawn, because of familiarity, from the work of the Illinois Geological Survey.

Figure 1, depicting the State of Illinois, shows the locations of plants producing raw mineral materials for the chemical, metal- lurgical, and processing industries. These include high-purity dolomites, high-calcium limestones, special types of clays, molding sands and bonding materials, fluorspar, abrasives, etc. The Illinois Geological Survey has a great deal of information on the composition, physical and chemical properties of these materials, their avail- ability, and in some cases information on deposits that are not yet developed. The Survey maintains specialists in geology, physics, chemistry, and mineral economics, whom you may consult for information.

Figure 2 suggests that a large amount of information is available from the Illinois Geological Survey on many kinds of rock and rock products and clay and ceramic products.

Figure 3 also suggests the amount of in- formation that the Survey has on the many occurrences of oil and gas in the State. This information includes the composition and physical properties of the crude oil. In addition, the Survey possesses much in- formation on the brines found in many of these pools and in other drilling-; like- wise on the coals of the State and on their use as chemical raw material.

WATER SUPPLIES The question of plant location is apt to be tied up very closely with the question of water supplies. Information on sources, physical and chemical properties, and quantities is usually available from the state geological surveys, state water surveys


and engineers, and U. S. Geological Survey. Public health aspects are commonly handled by the departments of public health in each state.

NEW TECHNOLOGIC USES New technologic uses may be found in "Minerals Yearbook," "Mineral Indus- try," chemical publications and engineer- ing journals. "Annotated Bibliographies" and the "Engineering Index" should be scanned.

Matters of mine, pit, or quarry develop- ment to supply the needs of a large com- pany should, in due time, receive the at- tention of the company's engineers and consulting engineers. Plant locations should be considered in connection with the valuable information that can be supplied by the industrial agents and commissioners of most of the railroad systems, who have

information regarding local conditions and costs as well as transportation facilities.

The complexity of the mineral commod- ity field and the specialization in its vari- ous phases make it essential that the chemical market research worker who is interested in these commodities maintain a shelf of ready reference books and develop an acquaintance with the numerous sources of information that exist throughout this country. The information of the U. S. Geological Survey and the U. S. Bureau of Mines on foreign sources has been greatly amplified recently by foreign studies and by consideration of international min- eral economics.

Specialized mineral economists in this country are comparatively few but they do exist in some state and federal organ- izations, in a few universities, and in spe- cialized fields of industry. Those mineral economists who keep abreast of worM-wide developments as well as national develop- ments— politically, industrially, and tech- nologically— often have valuable informa- tion on questions of long-time supplies.

The Economic Geology Publishing Co., a non-profit organization of research eco- nomic geologists set up to pub'ish the "Journal of Economic Geology" (founded in 1905), is also prepared to cite sources of information. Inquiries to it may be sent to 100 Natural Resources Building, Urbana, Illinois.


Some Textbooks of Mineralogy

Dana's System of Mineralogy, Vol. I, Elements,

Sulfides. Sulfasalt% Oxides. Cha;. Palache,

Harry Berman, and Clifford Frondel. John

Wiley & Sons, New York, 1944. Dana's Manual of Mineralogy. C. S. Hurlbut.

John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1941. Elements of Optical Mineralogy, Pts. I, II, and

III. A. N. Winchell. Tohn Wiley & Sons,

New York. 1937, 1933. 1929 respectively. Microscopic Characters of Artificial Minerals.

A. N. Winchell. John Wiley & Sons, New

York, 1931.



Deposits. W. Lindgren. McGraw- Hill, New York, 1933.

Economic Mineral Deposits. Alan M. Bateman. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1942.

Economic Geology. H. Ries. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1937.


Mineral Economics. Ed. by F. G. Tryon and E. C. Eckel. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1932.

Principles of Economic Geologv. Wm. H. Em- mons. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1940.

Elements of the Petroleum Industry. E. L. DeGolyer, Amer. Inst, of Min. & Metal. Engineers, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.

Groundwater. Cyrus F. Tolman. McGraw- Hill, New York, 1937.

Refractories. F. H. Norton. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1942.

! Mine wdities


Mineral Resources of the United States. Pub- lic Affairs Press, Washington, 1948. Pre- pared by the staffs of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the U. S. Geological Survey.

Minerals Yearbook. U. S. Bureau of Mines. Annual volumes.

Mineral Industry. McGraw-Hill, New York. Annual volumes.

Ore Deposits of the Western States. A.I.M. M.E., New York, 1933.

Strategic Mineral Supplies. G. A. Roush. Mc- Graw-Hill, New York, 1938.

Mines Register, Inc., 425 West 25th St., New York 1, N. Y. Biennial.

Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology. Econ. Geol. Pub. Co., 100 Natural Resources Building, Urbana, 111. Semi-annual.

Mineral Deposits of South America. B. L. Miller and J. T. Singewald, Jr. McGraw- Hill, New York, 1919.

Mineral Industry of the British Empire and Foreign Countries. Imperial Inst., London, 1948.

The Mineral Position of the British Empire. Imperial Inst., London, 1937.

Ores and Industry in the Far East. H. Foster Bain. Council of Foreign Relations, 1933.

World Minerals and World Politics. C. K. Leith. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1931.

Industrial Minerals and Rocks. A.I.M M.E., 1937.

The Stone Industries. Oliver Bowles. Mc- Graw-Hill, New York, 1934.

Non-Metallic Minerals. R. B. Ladoo. Mc- Graw-Hill, New York, 1925.

Ceramic Data Book. Industrial Publications Incorporated, 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago, 1943-44.

Directory of the Refractories Industry. Amer- ican Refractories Institute, 1872 Railway Ex- change Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., 1942.

Materials Handbook. George S. Brady. Mc- Graw-Hill, New York, 1947. An encyclo- pedia for purchasing agents, engineers, execu- tives, and foremen.

Mineral Deposits of the Canadian Shield. E. S. Bruce. MacMillan Co., Toronto, 1933.

Industrial Uses of Selected Minerals. U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Domestic Com- merce, 1948.

Mineral Resources of China. V. C. Juan. Econ. Geol. Pub. Co., 100 Natural Resources Building, Urbana, 111., 1946.

Minerals in Modern Industry. W. H. Voskuil. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1930.

Minerals in World Affairs. Thomas S. Lover- ing. Prentice-Hall, New York, 1943.

Mine Examination and Valuation. Chas. H. Baxter and R. D. Parks, Houghton, Mich., 1939.

Handbook for Prospectors and Operators of Small Mines. Max W. von Bernewitz— re- vised by Harry C. Chellson. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1943.

Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. Schnell Pub. Co, Inc., 59 John St., New York 7, N. Y.

Annotated Bibliographies and Indices

Economic Geology, Econ. Geol. Pub. Co. 100 Natural Resources Building, Urbana, 111.

North American Geology, U. S. Geological Sur- vey, Washington, D. C.

Foreign Geology, Geological Society of America, 419 W. 117 St., New York 27, N. Y.

Chemical Abstracts, Amer. Chem. Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C.

Engineering Index, Engineering Index, Inc., 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.

Scientific and Industrial Reports, U. S. De- partment of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D. C.

Federal Bureaus (Washington, D. C.) Department of Commerce

Bureau of the Census, James C. Capt, Direc-

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Amos E. Taylor, Director

National Bureau of Standards, E. U. Condon, Director

Patent Office, Casper W. Ooms, Commissioner of Patents Department of the Interior

Bureau of Mines, James Boyd, Director

Geological Survey, William E. Wrather, Di- rector

Oil and Gas Division, Max W. Ball, Director

State Geological Surveys

Alabama, Geological Survey of Alabama, Uni- versity

Arizona, Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson

Arkansas, Office of State Geologist, Little Rock

California, State Division of Mines, Department of Natural Resources, Ferry Building, San Francisco 11

Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey Board, Golden

Connecticut, Connecticut Geological Survey, Trinity College, Hartford 6

Delaware, no geological survey

Florida, Florida Geological Survey, Drawer 631, Tallahassee

Georgia, Department of Mines, Mining and Geology, Atlanta

Idaho, State Bureau of Mines and Geology, Moscow

Illinois, State Geological Survey Division, De- partment of Registration and Education, Ur- bana

Indiana, Division of Geology, Dept. of Con- servation, Bloomington

Iowa, Iowa Geological Survey, Iowa City

Kansas, State Geological Survey of Kansas, Lawrence


Kentucky, Kentucky Geological Survey, Rm. No. 5, Miller Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Louisiana, Louisiana Geological Survey, Lou- isiana State University, Baton Rouge 3

Maine, State Geological Survey, Orono

Maryland, Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources, Baltimore 18

Massachusetts, no geological survey

Michigan, Geological Survey Division, Depart- ment of Conservation, Lansing

Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey, Min- neapolis 14

Mississippi, Mississippi Geological Survey, Uni-

Missouri, Missouri Geological Survey and Wa- ter Resources, Rolla

Montana, State Bureau of Mines and Geology, Butte

Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division,

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Nevada, Nevada State Bureau of Mines, Reno

New Hampshire, Mineral Resources Committee, New Hampshire State Planning and De- velopment Committee, Durham

New Jersey, Division of Geology and Topog- raphy, Department of Conservation and De- velopment, Trenton

New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Socorro

New York, State Science Service, Office of State Geologist, Mineral Res. Division, Albany

North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, Raleigh

North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Sur- vey, Grand Forks

Ohio, Division of Geological Survey, Depai

ment of Natural Resources. Columbus Oklahoma, Oklahoma


ological Survey, Noi

Oregon, State Department of Geology and Min- eral Industries, 702 Woodlark Building, Port- land 5

Pennsylvania, Topographic and Geological Sur- vey, Department of Internal Affairs, Harris- burg

Rhode Island, Mineral Resources Committee, Rhode Island Industrial Commission, Provi- dence

South Carolina, South Carolina Geological Sur- vey, Columbia 19

South Dakota, State Geological Survey, Ver- million

Tennessee, Division of Geology, Nashville 3

Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, Univer- sity of Texas, Austin

Utah, Utah Geol. and Mineralogical Survey, Utah State Department of Publicity and Indus. Dev., Salt Lake City

Vermont, Vermont Geological Survey, Burling-

Virginia, Virginia Geological Survey, Conserva- tion Commission, Charlottesville

Washington, Division of Mines and Geology, Department of Conservation and Develop- ment, Olympia

West Virginia, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Morgantown

Wisconsin, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Madison 6

Wyoming, Geological Survey of Wyoming,