Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ARGE GROWERS OF SMALL SEEDS Our Petunia Field SEEDS GROWN ON CONTRACT FOR FALL DELIVERY PETUNIAS OUR SPECIALTY Deass cece o oC OHO HBAHGHLHOAHBHOHHHOHHGOAHAED DPSSTISGCEHHOHCOTHHGHHHHHHHHHH CHRP AGGHHHFGHHOGSCHAGHTHAHHHAHHHHABFEHHHHHSEHOGHHHAHHHGEHHELE THEODOSIA B. SHEPHERD COMPANY VENTURA, CALIFORNIA, U.S. A. W. H. Sen GIS, MANAGER IEEE PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS HOW OUR PETUNIAS GERMINATE TO - THE TRADE: We present our list for Autumn delivery. In our unsurpassed climate we have every condition fav- orable to the growth of plants and seeds. We do not cater to the cheap trade. We only grow the best. Choice seeds, especially varieties that are leading into something newer and better cannot be grown at low prices. Our prices are as reasonable as we can afford, and we ask those who wish seeds of the best sjuality to become our cus- tomers. When contract orders are made, special rates are given on quantity. setore placing your order for future delivery, eet) jon: special quotations. We beg to call the attention of the trade to our exceptionally fine strains of Petunias. THEODOSIA B. SHEPHERD CO. W. H. Francis, Manager, Ventura, California. PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.’s Price List General Collection of Seeds ABUTILON—Choice mixed. Oz. $2.00; lb. $24.00; 4 1b. $7.00. AGATHEA COELESTIS, or Blue Daisy—75c per oz.; 4Ib $2.50. ASPARAGUS SPRENGERI—Oz. 35c; Ib $4.00; 10ins, $35.00. ASPARAGUS ROBUSTUS—$1.00 per 1000 seeds. PEGONIAS—We make a great specialty of these lovely flowers, growing over a hundred varieties of the fibrous rooted class alone. Our seeds are sav- ed {rom the best sorts and much of it is hybrydized. Semperflorens—Splendid mixed, § 0z., 50 cts.; $2.00 per oz. Choice Mixed.—In many varieties, seeds, 25 cts. per pkt.; 1/32 oz. 75c. Rex—Splendid Hybrid mixed, 60 cts. per 1000; $5 per 10,000 seeds. CACTUS—Choice mixed, oz. $1.25; tb $16.00; 4tb $4.50. CALLIOPSIS, Lanceolata Grandiflora—‘Giant California Sunbeams.” Oz. 30 cents; Ib $2.50. CANNAS. Good Venture Mixture—We do not offer any cheap Canna seed growing only the best standard, and novelties of which we offer the very best possible mixtures of large sorts, saved from splendid varieties. 85c per pound. CHRYSANTHEMUMS—“California Fantasies.” Perennial varieties, all sorts splendid mixture. We make a specialty of Chrysanthemums and the seed offered is from a most beautiful collection. Pkt. 5@ cte.; 4 oz. $1.25; oz. $8 net. COBOEA SCANDENS—Ib $2.00. COLEUS. Grand Mixed—g% oz. 75 cts.; oz. $3 net. COLEUS. Large Leaved Varieties—Nothing finer. 25 cts for 1000 seeds. CYPERUS—Alternifolius or “Umbrella Grass.” Pkt. 25 cts; oz. $1.; tb $12. DAHLIAS. Imperialis—‘‘The Lily Dahlia.” A distinct species, the most beau- tiful of all Dahlias. It grows ten or twelve feet high and bears panicles of lovely lily-like flowers, measuring eight inches from tip to tip of petals. The color is a delicate mauve, almost white, veined with old pink. It looms from seed the first year in November. It makes a fine plant for the house at Christmas. Oz. $2.00. ERYTHRINA CRISTA GALLI, or Coral Tree. Oz. 25c; fb $3.00. FUCHSIA, Double and Single Choice Mixed.—$1.50 per 1000 seeds; $12.00 per 10,000 seeds. GERAN!IUMS—Mrs. Shepherd’s Grand Zonale ‘Good Venture” Mixture. We take especial pride in our Geraniums; our collection embraces the cream of new Eastern varieties, and ous own superb seedlings. The “Good Ven- ture’ flowers are large and round, some forming trusses 16 inches in diameter. Colors, scarlet, crimson, rose, pink, salmon, cream veined pink, blush and pure snowy white, and many new variegated types. A finer col- lection has never been offered. Pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $3.00. Zonale—New large flowering, single; choice mixed. Oz. $1.50; Ib. $20. Bronze and Gold—Splendid mixed. $2.00 per 1000 seeds. Apple Scented—(True) 75 cts. per 1000 seeds; $6.50 per 10,000 seeds. GENISTA MONOSPERMA—(“Bridal Veil’) Oz. $1; Ib $14. GERBERA JAMESONI—(‘“‘Scarlet Transvaal Daisy’) 50 cts. per 100; $3.00 per 1000. HELIOTROPE ‘Midnight.”—The stems are black as ink; the foliage beau- tiful bronze green, so dark as to be almost black; the flowers are a live- ly shade of purple variegated with white and lighter purple. Pkt. 50 cts.; oz. $2.00. Lemoines—Giant hybrids. Oz. $1.00; tb $12.00. PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS PETUNIA EXRERTS AND SEEC@IAEISTS Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.’s Price List New Climbing Heliotrope, “Royal Highness’’ A magnificent new heliotrope of wonderful rapid growth, forming immense plants that spread and climb to the height of 10 or 12 feet. It has splendid large trusses of rich purple flowers and is a most profuse bloomer. As a covering for walls or bay windows or hedges, or as a pot plant, it is in- valuable. $4.50 per oz; 3% oz. 75dc. IPOMOEA, “‘Heavenly Blue.”—Oz. 40 cts.; Ib $3.00. IPOMOEA. “Double White Tassel.’—This beautiful flower remains open all day. It is white, very double and fringed; comes true from seed. Oz. 40c; Ib $2.50. PETUNIAS “FLUFFY RUFFLES” PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIAEISES PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.’s Price List Our New Double Seed Producing Petunia will without doubt revolutionize the growing of double Petunias as the strain produces 75 per cent. of very large double flowers in all colors, the light shades predominating. Delicate texture—and highest percentage of germination. See cut. $2.00 per 1000 seed; $15.00 for 10,000. Be sure and order some of this strain. THE NEW DOUBLE SEED PRODUCING PETUNIAS Testimonial from one of the largest seed firms in Australia: “In the trials the blooms of your Petunias turned out exceptionally well, also the percentage of germination was much better than that of any other strains we stock.” MINA LOBATA—Oz. 75 cts; Ib $6.00. PASSIFLORA. Scarlet —Oz. 95.00. Net. Petunias (See Cut) Giants of California.”’—The “Giants of California’ bear gigantic flowers often five or more inches in diameter, of an astonishing variety of PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.’s Price List colors. They embrace every conceivable shade of crimson, pink, lavender, yellow, black, pure white, etc. One of the chief points of excellence is the deep throat and diversity of veining in the throat. Many of the flowers have a clear yellow throat, while others have a pure velvety black one, so deep that it seems to show no veining,mi=y are deeply lined and netted, cn a white, pink or lavender ground. Flo vers are beautifully ruffled and frilled. 1000 seeds 40 cts.; 1/16 oz. $1.50; 1 oz. $18.00. Special prices on quantities. Giants of California—‘‘Good Vent re Mixture. Saved from _§ special plants. 75c per 1000 seeds. $5 per 4% oz. New Fringed Hybrid—Lovely Petunias with charming fringed flowers of exquisite forms and beautiful colors. Though not as large as_ the Giants, they are equally beautiful. Splendid mixed % oz. $1.75; 1 oz. $12.00. Giant White—Unrivaled for beautty of texture and size. Has glistening satiny texture and yellow throat. 4 oz. $4.00; 1000 seeds, 50c. “Fluffy Ruffles” (Sing!t)—-The most delicate ruffled and fringed of all our Petunias, slightly smaller then the Giants but more ruffled. Mixed colors. (See cut) 1000 seeds, 50 cts.; 1/16 oz. $2.00; 1 oz. $25.00. PETUNIAS “GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA” (NOTE)—Visiting seedsmen and other judges of fine Petunias state that for texture and variety of color our Petunias are unequaled; the size equal- ing other noted strains. “I was thoroughly amazed at the beauty of those Petunias, especially the great yellow-throated ones, and the double ones of such delicate shades.” LUTHER BURBANK. Mr. Fred H. Howard of Howard & Smith, Los Angeles, Cal., states that they obtained higher per centage of germination from our Petunia’ seed than from any other they ever grew. PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.’s Price List ew ‘Marvelous’ Double Petunias \ PETUNIAS ‘MARVEL@YUS” DOUBLE We take great pride in offering our new double petunias. They have never been surpassed in beauty, size, form or color, if ever equaled. Selection in crossing every flower was made with the greatest care and thought, and the results are a surprise even to ourselves. It would be impossible to describe at length the many varieties in form and color. Pink, snowy white, violet, lavender, mauve, crimson, plain and shaded with variegations in all these shades, innumerable. Many of the flowers measure 5 inches across, none less than 3. They are fluted, frilled, ruffed and pinked. The combinations of color are exceed- ingly strange and beautiful. The proportion of double flowers is greater than any we have ever seen. $1.00 per 1000 seeds; 10,000 for $8.00. PHYLLOCACTUS—Mixed, fertilized, $1.00 per 1000. POPPY. Fayal—The most beautiful and dainty of all dwarf poppies; double and single; every imaginable shade of red, pink, maroon and white. Oz. ZAVOS— jo) SiO: PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPECIALISTS Theodosia B. Shepherd Co.’s Price List “Irresistible.’—Oz. 15c; Ib $1.50. “Maid of the Mist.’”—White. Oz. 10 cts.; Ib $1.00. RHUBARB. “Crimson Winter.’’—(Selected Seed) fb $5.00; 5 tb, $20.00. ROSA, Polyantha Plena—‘‘Little Midget” or Baby Rose. Mixed, oz. $1.00; Ib $15.00, Net. SHASTA DAISY—Improved. Oz. $1.75. SEAFORTHIA ELEGANS—$1.00 per 1000. Net. STOCKS, “Cut and Come Again.’’—Perpetual flowering. Very handsome new ten weeks Stocks. They grow 18 inches high and have a central spike and fine side branches of beautiful double flowers. The colors are very beautiful. Oriole—Soft lovely yellow. Very beautiful. Splendora—Violet blue. Dazzler—Glowing crimson. Mixed—75 cts. per oz.; $8.00 per Ib. Giant Perfection—Ten weeks. Mixed; oz. $1.00; Ib $10.00. White, oz. $1.25; lb. $12.00. Beauty of Nice—$2.00 per oz. Blue Bells—$2.00 per oz. Rosy Morn—$2.00 per oz. Queen Alexandra—$2.00 per oz. TECOMA VELUTINA~—We give prominence to this beautiful shrub be- cause its desirable aualities are comparatively unknown. It bears large spikes of large, golden, allamanda-like flowers. It blossoms from _ seed when only 12 inches high, and is a continuous and perpetual -bloomer. It grows to be ten or fifteen feet high in California and is always full of flowers. It should be tested in the green house, for it far surpasses T. Smithii in every way. The seeds are very light, germinate quickly, and plants grow rapidly. $1.50 per oz. Net. AMARYLLIS, Aulica.—Large; $10 per 100. Bella Donna—$4.00 per 100. NERINE Sarniensis.—$38.00 per 100. Crimson Winter Rhubarb Roots PRICES EXTRA LARGE ROOTS [AROOt: 24 207. ee eee S OOK 5a ROOES as aia ee $8.00 GARNOOTSSE Aw sae eee 225 +50 VReotsm. s. atJlOOskeme. 12 -Roots: 3-7 eee ee A. Zi AOO MIRGOLS is 2 eee 25.00 1000 Roots, $200.00. MEDIUM SIZE I ROGERS s er Meee eae S 20 50 Roots™¢. 4 at mQoehemee 12: JROOtS! 2352s ee er ee 2:50 & LOO IROOtSs = tee $15.00 1000 Roots, $120.00. (Zo. per Cent. Off On anyother apeywes) SMALL ROOTS FOR ACREAGE PLANTING Furst. size, 100 “rOOtS Ae. tins 21 SE a eee $8.00 net First .sizeg 1000 roots... 2... eee eee 37.50 net Second’ size, 100 roots: 2... ios 66 eee 4.50 net Secondisize, 000 x,00ts 22.) ee ee, See 30.00 net PETUNIA EXPERTS AND SPEC@KAEIS TS