Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Season of 1887-1888. IB RAR Y WHOLESALE TRADE LIST s=carv= | - SEP111923 + OF ‘SHE ‘ LES. teat of Agriculture. LI LI Morrisville Nurs ESTABLISHED 1849. SAMUEL C. MOON, Bucks County, MORRISVILLE, Pa. The Morrisville Nurseries are about one mile from Morrisville, a station on the New York Division of the P. R. R., about thirty miles from Philadelphiaand sixty miles from New York, and about two miles from Trenton, New Jersey. Through Freight Rates from Trenton to all principal cities north, south, east and west, via Pennsylvania or Lehigh Valley Railroads. Also, water transportation to Philadelphia and New York. All goods will be delivered to the railroad or steamboat in good condition, after which they are entirely at the risk of the purchaser. All Claims for errors or deductions must be made immediately upon receipt of goods. Terms Cash, unless by special agreement. We ship C. O. D., when cash does not accom pany order. Make Postal Notes and Orders payable at Trenton, New Jersey. Address all communieations by mail or telegraph to SAMUEL C. MOON, Morrisville, Bucks County, Pa. SPECIAL OFFERS. SHRUBBERY COLLECTIONS. I will give 1,000 Hardy Flowering Shrubs, well assorted in ten or fifteen varieties, my selection, good plants, from two to three feet, for $0. Or, 1,000 Shrubs of larger size, from three to five feet, first-class stock, assorted in ten to fifteen varieties, my selection, for $60. LARGE PURPLE BEECH. Recently transplanted and well rooted. Purple Beech, 8 to 10 feet, 114 to 134 inch ealiber, $75:00 per. 100. Purple Beech, 10 to 12 feet, 134 to 2 inch caliber, $100.00 per 100. Ornamental Seedlings,—See list on page 6. 4 | SAMURL C. MOON'S Waotesate TRape Lisr NUMBO, THE BIG CHESTNUT. “‘Numbo’’ is a very superior variety, which is perfectly hardy, enormously productive, a reg- ular bearer ; the nuts are of largest size and fine quality, ripening early, usually before frost. We believe there is no better variety of European Chestnut in this country. Per 10. Per 100. 1 year grafts, 2 to 4 ft... ceceseeeeeeee $7 50 $60 00 THE BIG CHFSTNUT. 60 NUTS MAKE ONE 2 year grafts, 5to 6 ft..... .. 1000 90 00 QUART. TREES PERFECTLY HARDY AND 10 to 12 ft 30 00 ........ ENORMOUSLY PRODUCTIVE. COMMENCING Numbo Seedlings, not grafted, 3 to TO BEAR IN FIVE YEARS. Sits en eee ren ee, wee 3 00 25 00 FRUIT DEPARTMENT. Per 10. Per 100, Per 1,000. CHESTNUT—European, 2 Zr seedlings, 2 to 3 ft., transplanted WEES $1 00 $5 00 $30 00 fs to 4 ft., transplanted... 0h . 150 10 00 g 5 to 7 ft,, a .. 3 00 25 00 CURRANTS—Red Dutch, 2 yrs., extra strong.............00 xo as 3 00 25 00 Lee’s Prolific and Black NaplesNohvisee tee 1 25 GOOSEBERRIES — 2 yrs., Cluster, poue non 8, Downing’s and Smith’s.. cence IO) 8 00 GRAPEs—2 yrs., ‘Agawam, ‘Champion, “Concord, “Lindley (No. 9), Salem, Catawba OLC STAD Heal. ccsseicens teoeseeceesecccceeeneseens 1 50 8 00 3 yrs., Brighton, Telegraph, Franklin, Hartford Pro- Lif CvATTARW OLAS rest rrste rote ee 3 00 25 00 4and 5 yra., Clinton and CONCOIG.............:ccesecceeeeeeeee seen 3 00 25 00 MULBERRIES—Downing’ 8, 4to 6 ftrcc.... .. 2 50 2yrs., 6to 8 ft.. . 3 50 Russian, transplanted, 5 to 5 ft. 2 50 10 00 White, ts 4 to 6 ft 1 00 8 00 QUINCE—Meech’s Prolific, CVI) BS sanccecaqeasoo a 7 50 KASPBERRIES—tuthbetrt..... 50 1 50 Ee TO 3 00 25 00 Sieeecsvaees Be 3 00 15 00 1 00 8 00 Le sassendionecssvie eaeten eee 75 2 50 20 00 PERSIMMON—American, 3 ta 4 fits, Paraniea iviel Leeeensbeeeatscc one poe 1 00 5 00 DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. Per 10. Per 100° ASH—American White, 8 to 10 ft...........:..cccccccssosececssscscnssccnsores: covsssonfersenseetcersesess $2 50 $20 00 BEECH—American, stocky and well branched, 8 to 10 ft.. 300 25 00 European, stocky and well branched, 8 to 10 ft.. . 300 25 00 Fern-Leaved, 8 to 9 fit............scssssccceeerseseeeeeres eee . 10 00 Purple- -Leaved, Seedlings, 5 to 7 ft. . 600 40 00 Gratteds7itolSiitie-...:-.ccasccccesns-cscssoreseeetecsee tees . 1000 75 00 eS ss stocky, well-branched trees, 8 to 9 ft. .... 20 00 es GJ 10/to 12/ft:, 2: to 21% im. calibers ...2...ctsccsveccecessee 30 00 ese ends in 1883 ; suitable for street or avenue planting, eping, 6 to8 ft., well Branched sees, icssatss cre ee One lRRTOS aeanO 15 00 CATALPABungell, Warfeditois ith ene oe aR e200) Speciosa and Kempferii, transplanted, 8 to 10 ft. 200 18 00 Teas, Japan Hybrid, transplanted, 4 to 6 ft...ceceeeee 100 600 ae ss as ‘ SitoplO\itvenmectaeneecstcrentermese at 300 20 00 Samuet C. Moon, Morrisvitie, Pa. 3 Per 10, Per 100. £LM—American, SiO LOE. Ros cevccsvcnsscccce octtha E adopts eearbneycantccvavctacsareisenctaccseatanse aot tas $2 00 $15 00 18 to 20 ft., 2 in. caliber,. -. 750 60 00 Ce 20 to 22 ft., 3 in. caliber... 15 00 100 00 "English, 14 to 18 ft., 2 to 2% in. caliber... 7 50 amperdown Weeping, grafted 5 to 6 ft. high. 6 00 HORSE Cc STNUT—Seedlings, MTGOID fteccens-.as-crees 200 10 00 Dwarf, white flowering, 2 ft.. 1 50 JUDAS TREEB—American (Cercis Canadensis), 6 t0 8 ft... cessssssssesvssesesvrescroee 250 20 00 KOLREUTERIA PANICULATA—A choice tree; flow penicleay 2 to3 ft 1 00 8 00 5to7 ft. 2 00 bloomers 150 1000 s ss fine bushy plants, 4 to 5 ft 300 25 00 Tripotala,:2it0: 8: Leet.nc.--sccseevatt sc. ssascandeswonasesvecenees 1 50 MAPLE—Norway, 2 to 3 ft............ 100 500 Soulangiana, 4 to 5 ft. 5 00 Sugar, 4 to 6 ft............... 150 1000 re: 15 to 18 ft., 2 in. caliber 10 00 =75 00 a 18 to 22 ft, 3 in. ealiber.. 20 00 150 00 Silver- ‘Leaved, 8 ‘to 10 ft... 14 to 18 ft.. 00 =©30 00 Scarlet or Red, 1 to 2 ft... 50 400 6 to 8 ft... 50 =. 20 00 as a 12to 14 ft. SoC 00 =60 00 European Sycamore, 3 to 4 fee Red (Colchicum Rubrum), 8 to 12 ft OAK—English (Quercus Robur), 3 ft... Mossycup (Quercus Macrocarpa), 4 to 5 ft.. Willow-Leaved (Q. Phellos), 2 to 3 ft...... POPLAR—Balsam, 10 to 12 feet... PRUNUS PADUS—(Bird Cherry), 8 to 10 ft... RHAMNUS CAROLINIANUS, a iere Ae ° wr Peer UreHo of wr : = S WILLOW—Common Weeping (Salix B 50 12 00 Glossy-Leaved (8S. Taiirefauat, 8 to 10 ft...... 00 6 00 Golden-Barked (S. Aurea), 6 to 8 ft...... - 00 6 00 Osler Ori BAS KOl) 41666 oe. ciccaccrecces ccccsccrcvectarcuccsssstcedenccnuceceverstedsabeussone 50 =3.: 00 EVERGREENS. The Evergreens offered in this list have heen trimmed and transplanted within the past two or three years. They are now well furnished with fibrous roots, are growing thriftily in good land which has been kept well worked, and they are in first rate condition for trans- planting. Per 16. Per 100. ARBORVITZ—American, 3 to 4 ft., transplanted $15 00 Compacta, 1to1% ft sacdowenapedhecsnasaureener 10 00 2to 3 ft. fine and symo etrical..... 400 25 00 Crestata, 5 to 6 ft., fine; trimmed and compac Globosa, 1 to1% EER oe ee, ORR aris nae 20 2/4 ft Un 3 to 4ft.. Glauca, 2 ft 1 50 8 GO 300 20 00 5 3 Siberian, 1 to 2 ft. 200 15 00 Vervaineana, varieg 3.00 15 00 Pyramidalis, 2 to 3 tt 250 2000 Geo. Peabody, 1to 1% fe. 600 50 00 Ericoides lto 14 ft.. 100 8 00 ZtO'S 10. sccccdeseasen 150 12 00 Hovey’ s Golden, 15 to 18 in.. 125 1000 2 to 2% ft..... 250 20 00 Golden (Biota Aurea), 2% to 3 ft. 70 Elegantissima ‘ Biota), 3 to 4 ft.. 5 00 5 to 6 ft 7 50 ABIES—Orientalis (Eastern Spruce), fine, short foliage, very compact and sym- metrical iv habit of growth ; ove of the best of the Abies family 3s 4ft 15 00 Orientalis, 5 to 6 ft.................. fee OG Inverta ( Wi eeping Spruce), 4 to 5 EOI Sitar wcty abe empst ooncunn de Uesemetiek «np aunt ache Re mnavet eins nes sauniu entree PICEA—Pectinata ene Silver Fir), 3 to-4 ft., symmetrical specimens. Nordmauniana, ee 3 Aes 4to 5 ft.... PINUS—Strobus ( White Pine), 5 to 7 ft... Nanus (Dwarf Compact White Pine), 2 to: 3 3 ft. oe PintisiCombra,T to W3¢ ft, eratbeciin. ov. c