World Fishing Fleets An Analysis of Distant-water Fleet Operations Past - Present - Future Volume Executive Summary SH 11 .A2 N67 v.Ol NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 0- Volume I Executive Summary 0- 00* s^^^ The Office of International Affairs ' rn ^QOC ° Frederick H. Beaudry / ^^- H. q i'^ William B. Folsom M7 World Fishing Fleets: An Analysis of Distant-water Fleet Operations Past - Present - Future Prepared by / fjoTTi^T"- nf Intprnatinnal Affairs /-— — ^ ^ '" A V rA November 1993 NCAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-9 V>30 RATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE •v^ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 0 Silver Spring, Maryland "^ November 1993 ^ '^'^uc'a^^ WORLD FISHING FLEETS Executive Summary Volume 1. 1.0 World Overview 1 2.0 Regional Suxninaries 3 A. Africa 3 B. Asia 3 C. Baltic States 4 D. Canada 5 E. Commonwealth of Independent States 5 F. Eastern Europe 6 G. Latin America 7 H. Western Europe 10 3.0 Appendix Section 13 Maps 13 Photographs 17 Statistical tables 33 Graphs 41 m IV STATISTICAL NOTE Statistics prepared by international organizations and governments vary in their reliability from excellent to poor and. in some instances, non-existent. Different reporting methods and time frames can produce minor variations between different sources that complicate meaningful comparisons. Some countries collect data on powered vessels only; some include non-powered fishing vessels in their statistics. Otlier nations report only vessels over a certain tomiage while still others include only "decked" vessels (i.e., those with a deck as opposed to open rowboats without a deck). Countries also change their reporting methods or periodically update their data for previous years. The authors recognize that different numbers have been, or can be, cited for the same country's fleet for the same year. This report attempts to overcome tlie problem by using a single source (Lloyd's Register of Shipping) and supplementing the information with other reliable sources as available. EMPHASIS ON HIGH-SEAS FLEET The autliors have decided for the purposes of this study to defnie high-seas fishing vessels as vessels of 500-gross registered tons or more. The authors decided to use this definition for analytical simplicity. Existing data sets, such as diose provided by Lloyd's, give worldwide fleet statistics based on the size, but not the deployment of vessels. Tlie authors have had to rely on such data sets because compiling comprehensive world-wide statistics from national statistical reports was beyond the resources available for this study. The authors recognize, however, that small coastal vessels can be shifted from one country to another. Many countries deploy vessels smaller than 500-GRT on the high-seas. The authors, for example, were faced with the problem of not using statistics which identified high-seas vessels in the 100- to 499-GRT range, because these vessels were below the 500-GRT cutoff point. Alternadvely, some countries deploy vessels larger than 500-GRT in coastal fisheries. Tlie authors believe that focusing on vessels of 500-GRT or more, from one respected source, provided an excellent picture of basic trends. We have used the term "high-seas vessel" to identify vessels over 500-GRT that fish beyond 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zones. As indicated above, there are many vessels in the 100-GRT to 499-GRT class that fish on the high-seas or that fish thousands of miles from their honieports. In many cases we used the term "distant-water" to identify fishing grounds far from honieports of various countries. There are a few instances where the terms may overlap: vessels under 500-GRT fishing far beyond 200-miles and vessels over 2,000-GRT fishing close to shore. The authors have attempted to differentiate between "high-seas" and "distant-water" fisheries as much as possible, but there were a few cases where the authors simply did not have sufficient information about certain vessels or fisheries. A WORD ABOUT REFLAGGING Reflagging, registering a vessel in another country, is a growing concern for fishery managers around the world. Reflagging is done for many reasons. The simplest case is a vessel owner in one country selling a vessel to a new owner in a different country. In other cases, local requirements may require all joint venture fisheries' vessels to fly the flag of one particular country. In some instances, and particularly for older and less efficient vessels, fishermen may not be able to operate profitably in one country and may reflag their vessel in another where taxes, fuel costs, and crew salaries are less onerous. While there are several major reasons for reflagging a vessel, one reason of growing concern is reflagging to avoid internationally agreed measures for the conservation and management of living marine resources. By reflagging a vessel with a country that is not a signatory to an agreement designed to manage and/or conserve living marine resources, a vessel may avoid the regulations/conservation measures for a regional area. The problem is compounded by the fact that many of the countries frequently used for reflagging simply do not have the staff to monitor the fishing operations of their flagged vessels throughout the world. The issue of reflagging is gaining international attention and is the subject of the proposed Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures for Fishing Vessels on the High Seas approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in November 1993 for ratification by interested States. SPECIAL NOTICE: In the preparation of this report, the authors noted that in many instances reflagging simply involved the transfer of ownership from one owner to another. The reasons for other reflaggings were less clear. However, the purpose of this project was to identify trends and the results obtained through our research efforts show that reflagging has increased sharply in the last few years. VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Numerous individuals have helped to prepare this report. The overall study was conducted under the direction and support of Dr. Michael P. Sissenwine, Senior Scientist, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and Henry R. Beasley, Director, Office of International Affairs, NMFS. Frederick H. Beaudry, Division Chief, International Science, Development, and Foreign Fisheries Analysis was responsible for project implementation and coordination, and he was the Managing Editor for the document. Research and writing of the different volumes was coordinated by Frederick H. Beaudry (Executive Sunmiary, Volume I), Frederick H. Beaudry, William B. Folsom and David J. Rovinsky (coordinator for Africa and the Middle East, Volume II), Mark R. Wildman (Asia, Volume III), Dennis M. Weidner and David L. Hall (Latin America, Volume IV), Milan Kravanja and Ellen Shapiro (Commonwealth of Independent States, Baltic States, and Eastern Europe, Volume V), and William B. Folsom, David J. Rovinsky, and Dennis M. Weidner (Western Europe and Canada, Volume VI). Each of the principal authors was assisted by the support staff and special thanks are due to the following individuals for tlieir efforts in carrying out difficult research assignments, often in foreign languages: Sylvia I. Gaylord, Seiko Green, Christine Parker, Tanya L. Rasa, J. Daniel Talliant, Michael Weiner, and Tracy Yuen. Special gratitude is also due to Nina Loewinger and Angela Sonmia for their editorial skills and patience in proof-reading these complex documents. Sincere gratitude is also extended to our support staff during tliis period of intense activity: Carolyn McDonald, Suzanne Curtis, Ruth Ware, and Doretha White. Lance Samuels played an especially critical role in producing many of the graphics. The authors wish to thank the many individuals outside of the Department of Conmierce who contributed to this project. The Foreign Service Officers and Foreign Service Nationals in many U.S. diplomatic posts were extremely helpful in obtaining information and providing useful conmients and evaluations of our draft documents. The Office of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy, provided invaluable data and other information about foreign fishing fleets that helped identify the magnitude of reflagging. Tlie FAO Deparmient of Fisheries in Rome provided needed statistics on both die fishing fleet and catches. Special tlianks are due to the Lloyd's Register of Shipping for allowing us to use their data. Government officials also gave their time and energy to review and comment on this work and their support is highly appreciated. Members of the Diplomatic Corps in Washington, D.C. provided support to our research efforts and to each of them we would like to express our sincere appreciation. Frederick H. Beaudry Managing Editor Silver Spring, Maryland November 1993 Vll PREFACE This report provides an analysis of the trends in the world's fishing fleet operations using information obtained and verified from a variety of soiu-ces, such as Lloyd's Register of Shipping, die Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) of die United States Navy, and U.S. Diplomatic Missions overseas. Several recent developments have focused considerable attention on global high-seas fishing fleet activity because of Uieir potential impact on the world's living marine resources. In particular, the over-capitalization of the world's fishing fleets (Appendix 1) and subsidies to portions of diat fleet, have caused the world's annual catch to reach approximately 100 million metric tons in 1989, which is generally diought to be a level which reaches or exceeds the annual maximum sustainable yield. In addition, within the last ten years, the sustained and rapid construction of technologically advanced high-seas fishing vessels capable of efficiently harvesting vast quantities of fish in short periods of time has placed stress on some stocks. The United Nations moratorium on high-seas large- scale pelagic driftnet fishing has caused some of the affected vessels to target odier fishery stocks using different fishing mediods. The straddling stock issue presently being addressed by a variety of international organizations has provided some unique and difficult challenges. The illegal fishing widiin certain countries' 200-niile Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and die reflagging of vessels to avoid regulations designed to effectively manage and conserve fisheries resources are significant issues. These issues are rooted in die world's demand for die relatively inexpensive protein provided by diese fisheries resources and die potential economic gain that can be obtained by fidfilling that demand. In preparing this report, the audiors had substantial leeway in conducting the analysis for their particular region since considerable differences exist in the type of fisheries, such as coastal or high-seas, employed by die countries of these regions. To assine as much accuracy as possible, applicable portions of each regional draft analysis were provided for review and comment to U.S. Embassies, Department of State, odier U.S. government agencies, and foreign government and diplomatic officials. Considerable difficulty was experienced in developing the analyses for die former Soviet Union republics primarily because much of die data was either non-existent or not available for dissemination. A few similar situations were encountered widi data in other parts of the world and die audiors noted this problem in dieir analyses. With respect to diis valuable and renewable resource, the worid catch peaked at 100 million metric tons in 1989 and has since declined to 97 million tons. Most experts agree diat there is a sustainable harvest ceiling to what was once diought to be a limidess resource. This fact poses some cridcal challenges for die world community. Some observers believe diat die fishing industry has die potential to expand catches dirough the use of more efficient fishing vessels, gear, or mediods. Odiers desire to develop fisheries for underutilized species while some individuals or countries view aquaculture as a major soince of supplementing wild stock catches from die sea. However, no matter what dieir beliefs, most of die world community now concedes diat overfishing, biological fluctuations, variable physical oceanographic conditions, increasing pollution, loss of marine habitat, expanding harvesfing efficiency, and other factors can have a major impact on world stocks of marine fish and shellfish. In some cases, brand and company names have been included in this report. It is not die policy of the U.S. Department of Commerce to endorse any product or company. The inclusion or omission of any product or company does not reflect any view by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The regional analyses provided by diis document will rapidly lose dieir relevancy as die world fishing fleets change their operations in response to ever-changing political and economic conditions, and resource availability. The audiors thus anticipate diat diis document will require substandal updafing widiin die next two to diree years to reflect diese changes and thus maintain its viability as a useful reference. vni This volume should be cited as: Beaudry, Frederick H. and William B. Folsom. Executive Summary (fishing fleets). Published in: "World Fishing Fleets: An Analysis of Distant-water Fleet Operations. Past- Present-Future. Volume I." Prepared by the Office of International Affairs, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce. Silver Spring, Maryland, November 1993. Prepared by: Division of International Science, Development and Foreign Fisheries Analysis The Office of International Affairs, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA U.S. Department of Commerce 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3225 TEL: 301-713-2286 FAX: 301-713-2313 IX WORLD OVERVIEW World harvests offish and shellfish peaked at a record 100 million metric tons in 1989, but declined to slightly under 97 million metric tons by 1992. A ceiling to what was once drought to be a limitless resource poses critical challenges to both fishermen and fishery administrators around the globe. A total 23,718 liigh- seas fishing vessels registering 11 million-gross registered tons (GRT) operated world-wide in 1992. Tliese high-seas vessels were responsible for catching much of the approximately 82 million tons of marine fish and shellfish harvested in 1992. Medium-sized (100- to 499-GRT) and small coastal vessels (under 100-GRT) also caught large quandties of fish and shellfish in 1992. Managers of national fisheries or regional fisheries (such as the European Community) have reacted to declining catches in recent years by imposing stricter management regimes or by seeking opportunities in distant waters. The waters around Africa, for example, are an important source of fish for fishermen fi-om Asia and Europe alike. Many fishermen are looking at Latin American as a possible future area for investment. As the possibility for expansion grows smaller, there is growing pressure to seek opportunities through the creation of joint venture operations in cooperation with other countries. Reflagging is another avenue being used by some fishermen to gain access to distant-water fishing grounds. CONTENTS I. WORLD OVERVIEW 2 IL REGIONAL SUMMARIES 3 A. Africa 3 B. Asia 3 C. Baltic States 4 D. Canada 5 E. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 5 F. Eastern Europe 6 G. Latin America 7 H. Western Europe 10 III. APPENDIX SECTION 13 A. Maps 13 B. Photographs 17 C. Statistical Tables 33 D. Graphs 40 WORLD OVERVIEW There are several important points about world fisheries that will assist the reader in comprehending the status of these diverse fisheries and fishing fleets: WORLD CATCH IN 1991: (most recent complete data available) ■ The world catch was slightly under 97 million metric tons in 1991 and is projected to be approximately the same in 1992. ■ The marine catch was nearly 82 million tons (85 % of the world's total catch). WORLD FISHING FLEETS IN 1992: ■ There were an estimated 23,718 high-seas fishing vessels registering 1 1 million-GRT in the world in 1992 (see Appendix 1 on page 35). ■ The major Asian fleets operated an estimated 4,000 distant-water fishing vessels in 1992. ■ Tlie Baltic fishing fleets numbered 578 vessels, including 358 high-seas vessels in 1992. The high- seas fleet registered slightly less than 1.2 million CRT, accounting for the bulk of the registered tonnage. ■ The inland/freshwater catch was slightly over 15 million tons (16%). ■ African countries landed 3 million tons (4%) of the marine catch in 1991. ■ Asian countries harvested 35 million tons (43 %) of marine fish and shellfish. ■ The Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia, Ukraine and Georgia) fishermen landed over 9 million tons (10%) of the marine catch of fish and shellfish. Tlie Russian Federation harvested 6.7 million tons of this total. ■ The East European fishing fleet (Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania) owned 391 vessels (579,000-GRT), including 159 high-seas vessels with a gross toimage of 551,000-GRT. ■ The Commonwealth of Independent States fishing fleet nimibered an estimated 3,144 vessels (7.1 million GRT) including 2,261 high-seas vessels registering 6.8 million gross registered tons. ■ Tlie West European fishing fleet nimibered an estimated 109,000 vessels, including 804 high-seas vessels registering 868,000 gross registered tons in 1992. ■ East European countries (Poland, Romania and Bulgaria) caught less than 1 million tons; their catch decreased drastically in recent years. ■ Latin American fishermen harvested over 15 million tons (18%) of the 1991 marine catch. ■ North American nations caught over 8 million tons (10%) of the 1991 harvest of marine fish and shellfish. ■ West European countries harvested slightly less than 1 1 million tons (13%) of marine fish and shellfish. REFLAGGING: ■ 200+ former Asian tuna vessels have been reflagged to other countries in recent years. Information about other fleets is not available. ■ 16 vessels having a total tonnage of 38,382-GRT, from the three Baltic Republics were reflagged, mostly in Eastern Europe, during the last 2-3 years. ■ 250-1- vessels, with a total tonnage of over 300.000-GRT, have been reflagged to Latin America countries since 1986. This is 1/3 to 1/2 of all large fishing vessels operated by Latin American countries. ■ All other nations harvested over 1 million tons (2%) of the catcii of marine fish and shellfish. ■ 40-1- Polish vessels were sold or reflagged to countries all over the world by 1993. ■ 26 high-seas vessels (160,408-GRT) from Russia were reflagged in Panama, Cyprus, and other countries in 1993. ■ 6 vessels {18,945-GRT) from the Ukraine were retlagged in Panama, Malta, Russia, and Estonia in 1993. ■ 100+ vessels from Western Europe were retlagged in many countries (see below) in 1993. ■ The countries used most frequently for registering reflagged fishing vessels during 1990-93 include: Cyprus, Honduras, Malta, and Panama. Belize, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, and St. Vincent play a lesser role. Information about Liberia is not available. II. REGIONAL SUMMARIES A. AFRICA African fisheries range from artisanal fisheries using small wooden canoes to modem high-seas vessels equipped with the latest fisheries technology. Fishing grounds also vary, from the rich grounds off Mauritania to the relatively nutrient-poor waters in the western Indian Ocean. The waters off Africa have attracted foreign fishermen for many generations, especially from former colonial powers. Begimiing in the late 1950s and early 1960s, African nations gained independence and began claiming authority in their national waters from their former colonial rulers. This process was accelerated in the 1970s as many nations around the world extended their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) to 200-miles. Some former colonial powers recognized the changes sweeping the continent and negotiated bilateral fishery agreements in some of their former colonies. Some fishermen, however, continued to fish illegally in African waters, anticipating that most African countries did not have the enforcement capability to halt illegal fishing. Limited enforcement capabilities remains an important problem in most developing nations in Africa today. In 1977, The European Community (EC) began negotiating international fishery agreements with various African states. The first agreements simply replaced existing bilateral agreements reached between EC member states and their former colonies. Agreements with Mauritania, Guinea (Bissau), Guinea (Conakry), and Senegal were among the first negotiated in West Africa. The most important agreement was signed in 1988 between the EC and Morocco allowing nearly 800 EC vessels access to Morocco's territorial waters. The EC has gradually increased the number of international fishery agreements; in 1993, a total of 19 agreements, with payments worth nearly $775 million, have been signed with African and Indian Ocean countries. African states also negotiated bilateral fishery agreements with Japan, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. Asian fishermen were especially attracted to tuna, billfish, cephalopods, and whitefish found in the eastern and southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Agreements were also reached with Bulgarian, East Gennan, Polish, Romanian, and Soviet fishery authorities (prior to the breakup of the USSR in the 1991). African countries, by and large, have not become centers for reflagging. Liberia, however, is a major flag-of-convenience country for maritime vessels throughout the world. The authors have no information on the extent of reflagging under the Liberian flag by fishing vessels. Today, many reflagged fishing vessels are operating out of South African and/or Namibian ports. B. ASIA There are four major Asian distant-water fishing fleets: China, Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and Taiwan. With the exception of China, these fleets have fished world-wide for over 30 years. China's distant-water fleet emerged in the mid-1980s and is likely to grow for the foreseeable future. Other countries in the Asia-Pacific region possess fishing vessels capable of distant-water fishing operations, but these vessels operate primarily in their own waters. Japan, the ROK, and Taiwan began large-scale distant-water operations during the 1960s. These fleets have formed an impressive global distant-water fisheries network which has enabled them to rank among the world's largest in terms of vessel numbers, tonnage, and catch. Asian distant-water fleets focus their efforts on a small number of commercially valuable species: tuna, squid, shrimp, and groundfish (e.g. Alaska pollock). Fleet statistics from Lloyd's of London for large distant-water fishing vessels indicate that only Japan is significantly reducing its fleet. Official data for each fleet however, indicates that reductions are taking place in Japan, ROK, and Taiwan. Fleet reduction is especially prominent witliin the Japanese, ROK, and Taiwan trawler fleets. Distant-water catch statistics for Japan, ROK, Taiwan, and China also indicate that overall distant- water effort has peaked and is decreasing, probably for the foreseeable future. Distant-water catch for the four fleets combined decreased nearly 20 percent from 1987 to 1991. The sector which has shown the most dramatic decrease is the North Pacific trawler fishery. China is the one notable exception to this "downsizing" trend. Tlie Chinese Government is placing great emphasis on the development of all sectors of Chinese fisheries, with particular emphasis on the distant-water sector. China's plentiful supply of cheap labor gives it an advantage over its industrialized East Asian competition. China has acquired a significant number of large factory trawlers in the past few years, and is conducting distant-water operations primarily in Africa, but is also active in South America and Oceania. All indications are that China's distant-water fleet will continue to increase for the foreseeable future as China attempts to reach an overall fisheries catch goal of 20 million tons by the year 2000. Other countries in the Asia-Pacific region which possess fishing vessels capable of distant-water fishing operations include: Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK), Malaysia, the Maldives, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. However, with the exception of distant-water tuna vessels operated by Indonesia, the Philippines and Vanuatu, these vessels operate primarily in the 200-mile EEZ of their respective countries. Vessels from these three countries concentrate their distant-water fishing efforts primarily on Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries. The early 1990s is a time of transition for the Asian distant-water fishing fleets. Distant-water vessel owners from the developed economies of Japan, ROK, and Taiwan are hiring more foreign labor from developing countries and modernizing their fishing gear, but there is little evidence to suggest that diese efforts will be sufficient to make distant-water fishing a viable source of long-term revenue. Increased international regulation of high- seas fisheries and decreased access to coastal fishing grounds serve to accelerate a process where developing Asian countries such as China are taking over catch operations from their industrialized Asian neighbors. There are indications that other developing countries in the region may become increasingly involved in distant-water fisheries. India, Indonesia, and Iran are three countries with significant natural and human resources which are currently making plans for distant-water fleet development. Iran and Indonesia are concentrating on exploiting tuna resources, while India has been developing a trawler industry geared to supplying its nascent surimi industry. C. BALTIC STATES The three Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, became independent in 1991, after being part of the Soviet Union for almost five decades. The Baltic fishing industries which were part of the centrally planned economy, directed by the Soviet Ministry of Fisheries in Moscow, had to readjust quickly to the new free-market demands. Their fishing fleets were previously supported by the giant (and expensive) Soviet network of fishery support vessels and representatives in foreign ports. The Baltic states themselves now have to secure arrangements for access to fishing grounds in foreign 200-mile zones. The Baltic fisheries also had to face the loss of the infrastructure and domestic Soviet sales network on which they relied over the past half century. Most importantly, they can no longer count on cheap, subsidized Soviet diesel oil, but have to purchase it widi foreign currencies. The difficult transition from a command to a free-market economy has been exacerbated by tlie need to reorganize the administrative staff following the dissolution of the Soviet Western Fisheries Administration in Riga. The capacity of the Baltic fishery fleets exceeds the currently available fishery resources. The moratorium on fishing off Namibia and the loss of fishing in the Moroccan 200-mile zone were significant. To counter these unfavorable developments, the Baltic countries have concluded several bilateral fishery agreements and have begun to reduce the gross toimage of their high-seas fleets. During the last few years, a total of 31 vessels with over 70,000 gross tons have been decommissioned (16 of the units were reflagged) and the process is by no means ended. In July 1993, the Baltic states owned 358 high-seas fishery vessels with a gross tonnage of 1.2 million GRT. The average age of these fleets is only 14 years, but the maintenance and modernization of the fleet is complicated by the fact that the vessels were constructed in countries whose current economic environment is not conducive to efficient supply of spare parts or major repairs. Among the most important factors for the future profitability of the Baltic fishing industries is the privatization program which all three governments have begun. Another way to obtain sufficient raw materials to operate the vessels and tlie processing plants lies in the joint ventures with foreign fishing companies which still have abundant fishery resources within their countries' 200-mile economic zones. Leasing and chartering arrangements will help to keep the Baltic fishermen employed. D. CANADA Canada is not a participant in high-seas fisheries although it maintains an active interest in high-seas fishing because it is adjacent to some of the world's richest fishing grounds. Foreign vessels have fished in waters off Canada since the fifteenth century, shipping home thousands of tons of Atlantic cod and other fish and shellfish. Canada and France have been involved in complex negotiations since both countries extended their EEZs to 200 miles; the French islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon botli lie close to Newfoundland and tlie French have claimed rights to fish in these waters. Canada has also been required to deal with countries fishing in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) area off its coast and with fishing fleets operating beyond Canada's 200-mile EEZ harvesting transboundary stocks of fish. Canadian fishery officials have also dealt with reflagged vessels (flying the flags of Panama and Honduras) appearing off Canada in recent years. Canada has been a strong supporter of responsible fishing. The ouUook for Aflantic Canada's fisheries is not good. Stocks of several key groundfish species have been overfished and may take many years to recover; it will require a mix of good recruitment, favorable oceanic conditions, and reduced fishing to allow these species to recover. Premature fishing could delay the recovery process. The Canadians can be expected to maintain strict controls over fishing in the next few years and will continue to champion the cause of responsible fishing in international fora. Until stocks recover, the Canadian Government may promote fisheries aimed at developing underutilized species or efforts to increase the value-added component of exisdng fisheries. The outlook for Canada's Pacific fisheries remains favorable. E. COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES (CIS) Following the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in December 1991, most of the component republics established a looser political association called the Commonwealth. The Baltic States and Georgia chose not to join the CIS, so tliat only two republics with liigh-seas fishing capabilities remained in the CIS - the Russian Federation and Ukraine. In October 1993, however, Georgia also asked to become a CIS member. Russia In the former Soviet Union, the fishery fleets of all republics operated as a unit divided only by the various fishing regions. Russian, Ukrainian, and Georgian vessels all fished together in any particular fishing ground. The fleets were under the administrative command of the regional administration which organized the so-called expeditions. A fleet of 30 to 40 large stem factory trawlers was managed by a fleet commander whose headquarters were aboard a large baseship. It did not matter from what Soviet republic the vessels originated, they were all part of this highly organized fishing flotilla. The baseship received the catch from the trawlers, processed it, and passed it on to refrigerated fish carriers for transportation to homeport. The commander's flagship, supplied with fuel and other needs by tankers and cargo transports, distributed these supplies among its vessels. This system, which prevailed for the past 40 years, was suddenly disrupted by the new political arrangements. Each independent country now had to organize its own support and transportation activities, and obtain its own fuel (Georgia and Ukraine have no oil resources and must, therefore, buy diesel oil firom Russia or odier countries). In addition, the bilateral agreements which were formerly negotiated by the Soviet Ministry of Fisheries were no longer necessarily valid. The Russian Federation, as the internationally recognized successor state to the Soviet Union, took over most of these agreements. Ukraine and Georgia, therefore, have to make their own arrangements to obtain access to foreign 200- mile fishery zones. Georgia is especially disadvantaged because its diplomatic corps and political leverage are limited. All three CIS countries are currently undergoing a major shake-up of their economic systems. In Russia, the slow process of reform, until recently hindered by a conservative parliament, has made privatization more of a hope than a reality. In Ukraine, a severe economic depression has negatively affected the fishing industry. According to one report, only a third of the Ukranian fishing fleet is deployed in harvesting aquatic resources. No information is available on the fate of the Georgian high-seas fleet following the invasion and occupation of its main fishing port of Poti by rebel troops on October 10, 1993. All CIS republics suffer fi-om the inability to provide their fishing fleets with sufficient quantities of diesel fuel in a timely maimer. Confirmed reports indicate that at times as much as a half of the Russian fleet was idling in various ports because of fuel shortages. Other reports describe an even worse situation whereby vessels already deployed on the high-seas had to stop their fishing operations because fuel tankers did not reach them on time. The authors of the regional reports have been unable to verify any fuel shortages in Ukraine or Georgia, but it must be assumed that a similar, if not worse, situation prevails. Tlie future of the CIS fishing fleets will depend on the ability of the tliree countries to obtain necessary fishery resources to maintain the fleets' operations. Also important is the export of fishery products to earn hard currencies with which to modernize and replace the fleet, purchase diesel fuel, and support operations in foreign fishing zones. The joint fishery ventures with foreign companies and arrangements to lease, charter, or sell fishery vessels will become an important part of the future activities of the CIS fishery administrators. Russia has a natural advantage because its 200-mile EEZ contains some of the most prolific fishing grounds in the world. Ukrainian high-seas fishing operations will probably have to be reduced along with the fleet. The prospects for the Georgian fleet are bleak and it remains to be seen whether it can continue fimcdoning. F. EASTERN EUROPE The three major fishing countries in Eastern Europe, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, have been associated witli the Soviet Union in the so-called 5- partite agreement (the former East Germany was die fifth member) whose purpose was to help each other develop high-seas fisheries. Although the Russian Federative Soviet Socialist Republic, now the Russian Federation, was the leading force behind the expansion into the world's oceans, all three East European countries rapidly developed their own fishing fleets. Poland, also built an important and productive network of fishery shipyards which built hundreds of vessels over the past five decades. Romania and Bulgaria are both adjacent to the Black Sea and their fisheries have been tradidonally based on that body of water. In the 1960s, however, they began to buy high-seas fishing and fishery support vessels from the Soviet Union, Poland and Germany, and to build the infrastructure for die processing of landed fish. Along with the increase in the fishery vessel tonnage, dieir marine catch grew rapidly until the late 1970s when the coastal countries began to extend fishery jurisdictions to 200-iniles. Neither Romanian nor Bulgarian fishery administrators were able to adapt themselves to the new conditions. As a result, Uieir catch began to stagnate and finally decrease rapidly; soon the aging fleet became more of a burden than an asset. The outlook for both industries is bleak, and the lack of rapid privatization helps to perpetuate tlie inbred inefficiency of large government-owned corporations. The Bulgarian high-seas company was forced into bankruptcy and for it to continue operations it will have to be bailed out by government funds. In Romania also, the industry is still govemment-ovraed and, like everywhere in the former communist countries, its two principal goals are: 1) to maintain the full use of the fishery fleet and the concomitant full employment of its fishermen, and 2) to export fish to earn hard currency. In Poland, the high-seas fishing industry has better maintained its viability and, aldiough the catch has decreased somewhat and the high-seas fleet shrunk, it continues to maintain a powerful presence on the world oceans. The future, however, is uncertain. Almost the endre Polish high-seas fleet has been concentrated in 1992 and 1993 in the international waters of the Sea of Okhotsk, an enclave surrounded by the Russian 200-mile zone. The Russian Federation, claiming that the fishery resources in that area, as well as their originating stocks in the Russian zone, are in danger of being overfished, are demanding that the Poles, along with the Koreans and the Chinese, stop fishing there. The Poles (and others) refused to do so, stressing that their fishery in international waters is not subject to regulation by coastal states. The Russians are seeking a moratorium on foreign fishing in the Sea of Okhotsk. If this occurs, the Polish high-seas fleet will have to rapidly find new resources, or even more rapidly, reduce the number of its vessels. The Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ) ceased to exist in 1991 when Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence. The country's fisheries were based on the Adriatic Sea except for an unsuccessful attempt in the 1970s to fish for tuna. Yugoslavia has had no high-seas vessels since 1982. The newly formed states are not expected to expand into high-seas fisheries in the near future. G. LATIN AMERICA Few Latin American countries currently conduct significant distant-water fisheries, or are likely to initiate them in the foreseeable future. Latin American countries conduct mostly coastal fisheries, but a few are capable of distant-water/high-seas operations. Chilean fishermen conduct relatively limited distant-water operations, but the country's dynamic fishing industry is gradually expanding liigh- seas longline operations in tlie southeastern Pacific and trawl fisheries off the Falklands and other southern Atlantic islands. Cuba conducted Latin America's largest distant-water fishery during the 1980s on various Atlantic and Pacific grounds. The termination of the Soviet oil subsidy, however, has forced the Cubans to end almost all of these operations. Mexico has a modem fleet of tuna purse seiners which is capable of distant-water operations. The fleet is primarily deployed off the country's own coast and off neighboring countries in the eastern tropical Pacific. Some vessel owners are currently seeking alternative distant-water grounds because of the problems associated with marketing eastern Pacific tuna. The Government has heavily subsidized the industry in the past, but the current Administration has terminated such support. It is unclear if Mexican tuna companies will be able to initiate new distant-water fisheries without Government subsidies. Venezuela also deploys tuna seiners in the eastern tropical Pacific and faces many of the same problems Mexican tuna fishermen confront. Venezuelan fishermen also deploy a variety of tuna and other vessels off the neighboring countries in the Caribbean and on the Guianas Banks. Foreign fishermen deployed substantial effort off Lafin America during the 1980s. Foreign catches peaked at about 2.5 million tons in 1989-90. Much of this catch was harvested by the heavily subsidized state-owned fleets of the communist countries (Bulgaria, Cuba, Poland, and the USSR). When the Soviet Union disbanded in 1991 and the Soviet oil subsidy was no longer available, these countries could no longer continue to support unprofitable distant- water activities. Other countries continue much smaller, but more lucrative, operations. Japan and Korea exhibit remarkably similar fishing patterns off Latin America. The two countries conduct substantial longline fisheries for tuna and billfish off the western coast of South America and shrimp fisheries along the northern coast. They initiated a squid fishery off the Falkland Islands in the early and mid 1980s and off Peru and Ecuador in 1990. Both countries reported sharp overall catch increases off Latin America in 1991. Taiwan fishermen also conduct tima longline fisheries and initiated significant squid fishing off the Falklands in 1986. Spain initiated a significant squid fishery in 1986 off the Falklands. United States fishermen have reduced effort in recent years and currently conduct only limited longlining in the Caribbean, shrimp trawling off Guyana, various fisheries off Colombia, and scattered operations off other countries. Latin American countries pursued highly restrictive policies toward foreign fishermen during the 1970s-80s. Most countries (especially Brazil, Chile, and Mexico) are likely to continue pursuing such policies during the 1990s, but other countries are providing access for foreign fishermen to generate revenue and/or acquire modem fishing vessels and technology. Argentina began to license foreign fishermen from non-communist countries (Japan and Taiwan) in 1992 under a new vessel charter arrangement and has signed an agreement with the EC that may provide access for up to 70 vessels and allocations of up to 250,000 tons. As part of the access arrangements most of the vessels would be eventually transferred to Argentine owners. The EC agreement and vessel chartering arrangement has yet to be fully tested in Argentina and it is unclear if eitlier will become a long-term policy. Argentine officials are constrained by Falkland policies because both are granting licenses to fish shared stocks. Colombia licenses about 150 foreign vessels, but is unlikely to increase catch allocations because of resource limitations. Ecuador has since 1985 permitted 18-32 foreign vessels to operate in association or under licensing arrangements with domestic companies. The Government sharply reduced the number of licenses in late 1 992 because of concern over squid stocks. The Falkland Islands has, since 1987, licensed (mostly 4-6-montli periods) about 300 foreign vessels annually. The income generated has become a major revenue source for the Falklands Island Government. Falkland officials may have to curtail future allocations because Argentina in 1992 also began to approve charters for foreign fishermen. Guyana issued over 100 fishing licenses to foreign fishennen in 1992. Tlie Govenunent is unlikely to increase the number of liceases issued and has been gradually reducing the number in recent years due to resource problems. Panama liceases foreign tuna vessels and issued about 30 licenses in 1993. Peru has provided access to foreign fishermen in the past, but domestic fishermen have sharply criticized such arrangements. Tlie Fujimori Administration has reported significant income from the sale of about 50 (3-4 month periods) licenses annually for surplus stocks of squid. The licenses are offered through competitive bidding. The Fujimori Administration is unlikely to increase license sales until more is known about squid stocks. The Administration also faces criticism from industry groups opposed to foreign fishing. Suriname has since 1985 annually issued 120-180 licenses to foreign fishermen (mostly Japan, Korea, and Venezuela), but in 1992 issued more than 220 licenses. Trinidad licenses a small number of foreign fishermen annually. Since 1991 the number has varied from two to six. Many foreign owners have registered their fishing vessels in Latin American countries to obtain flag-of-convenience registrations. Such registrations are complicating both national and international fishery management efforts. The authors have only limited data on the extent and motivation for this acfivity. The number of vessels and capacity involved, however, is significant. Tlie foreign distant-water effort is especially dismrbing because the fishermen are concentrating their effort on a relatively small number of high-value species (billfish, cod, salmon, squid, swordfish, tunas, and others). Most of these species are already heavily utilized by coastal countries and the growing distant- water effort on the high seas thus represents a potentially serious threat to both national and international management efforts. Concentration in Latin America: Many foreign vessel owners seeking flag-of-convenience registrations appear to have selected Latin American countries. The authors camiot fully explain why so many foreign owners have chosen to obtain the registrations in Latin America. Otlier countries (Cyprus, Liberia, Malta, Mauritius, Sierra Leone, Singapore, etc.) also register foreign-owned vessels. It may be tliat tlie Latin American countries offer more secure communication, better established bureaucratic systems, and superior financial services than the African countries and are more distant from the country of origin than countries like Cyprus, Malta, and Singapore. Another key factor is that two of tlie most important Latin American countries making flag-of-convenience registrations (Panama and Honduras) still maintain diplomatic relations witli Taiwan rather than China. Such relations permit Taiwan fishermen seeking flag-of-convenience registrations to more easily do business and to obtain assistance from their Government. Country selection: The primary Latin American coimtries making flag-of-convenience registrations include: Panama, Honduras, St. Vincent, and the Caymans, but other countries also register smaller numbers of vessels. Each of these countries decided to offer flag-of-convenience registrations as an income-generating activity. Some vessels owners may have selected countries (Panama) with important banking and communications hubs. Some countries (the Caymans and Panama) have tight bank secrecy laws. Otlier choices (the Caymans) offer stable governments and dependable legal systems. One country (Panama) even uses U.S. dollars, facilitating financial dealings. Registrations increasing: The licensing of fishing vessels in Latin America to obtain flag-of- convenience registrations appears to have increased significantly since 1986. Lloyd's data suggest that the number of large fishing vessels registered in the four countries increased from only 70 vessels in 1986 to 170 vessels in 1992, or by nearly 150 percent. While the Lloyd's data give some idea of annual trends, they probably under-estimate the actual number of vessels involved. Some countries appear to be changing their vessel registration policies. Cayman officials modified their policy in 1989 and no longer offer flag-of-convenience registrations to foreign fishing vessels. Honduran officials are currently assessing their policy. On balance, however, the countries involved are registering an increasing number of foreign-owned fishing vessels. Number of vessels: The number of large fisliing vessels (500-GRT or greater) with Latin American flag-of-convenience registrations probably totals about 250 vessels. A full estimate of the number of vessels involved would have to include the nearly 750 medium-sized vessels (100 to 499-GRT) which have also been registered in Latin America by foreign owners. Some existing international vessel registries appear to under-estimate significantly die number of vessels involved. The authors estimate that a Latin American flag-of-convenience fleet totals nearly 1,000 fishing vessels as of November 1993. Catch: Virtually no data exists on the catches achieved by the flag-of-convenience vessels. Most fishermen do not report their catch to the country where they are flagged or to international bodies. The authors estimate that the large flag-of- convenience vessels probably catch over 0.8 million tons and the medium-sized flag-of convenience vessels probably catch about 0.6 million tons annually. This means that the total catch of the Latin American flag-of-convenience vessels could total 1.4 million tons annually. This is a huge catch, but it may understate the actual impact of these vessels. Since disiant-water operations are expensive to conduct, the fishermen involved target high-value stocks, many of which are already heavily fished. Focusing this massive effort on such stocks may be having a major adverse impact on both national and international management efforts. Owners: Many flag-of-convenience vessels are owned by Taiwan companies or overseas Chinese located in other countries. Taiwan owners have been especially active in seeking flag-of-convenience registrations. This is partly because many coastal countries (especially India, Myamnar, and Sri Lanka) recognize China and tlius refuse to grant fishing licenses to Taiwan-flag vessels, or allow private companies to sign joint venture or leasing contracts permitting the operation of Taiwan-flag vessels. Companies in a few countries (especially Korea, Russia, and Spain) have also registered substantial numbers of fishing vessels; about 15 oUier countries register a smaller number of vessels. Deployment: Few reflagged vessels are deployed off Latin America, but they have been observed on virtually every important world fishing ground. In most cases tlie vessels never transship their catch through or call at die ports of the Latin American country in which they are registered. Transfers: Some vessels are deployed widi die knowledge and approval of the originating government. Some officials may even encourage the practice. In other cases, the originating government is concerned over tliese reflaggings and has neither approved the reflagging nor authorized the vessels to conduct high-seas fisheries. Russian officials in particular are troubled about die transfer of state- owned fishing vessels to other countries. Tlie vessels involved were the property of Russian state companies, but at least some have apparently been transferted widi little or no payment to the Government. More than 80 large Russian/East European-built vessels have been transferred to Latin American coimtries. H. WESTERN EUROPE West European fishing fleets harvest approximately 12-percent of the world's fish and shellfish. This harvest is usually sold fresh or is processed into high-value seafood generating billions of dollars in world markets. European fishermen operate a range of fishing vessels, from small coastal vessels to factory trawlers. Unlike fishermen from some Asian countries, the West Europeans tend to fish close to home - in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The EC The EC has worked assiduously to negotiate a network of fishery agreements on behalf of its member states and over 800 EC-flag fishing vessels currently fish from various ports along the coast of Africa and into the Indian Ocean. The EC is now attempting to open access to Latin American waters for their fishing vessels because several important stocks of North Atlantic fish, such as Atlantic cod, have collapsed in recent years. This has placed a tremendous financial burden on the fishing industries of many EC coimtries dependent upon fisheries in the North Atlantic region. In 1993, over 100 West European vessels were reflagged to foreign registry. This number could double if EC negotiators are imable to obtain access to Namibia in 1994, or if Argentina fails to ratify the bilateral agreement allowing EC vessels to fish in its waters in 1994. Despite a fleet of nearly 800 high-seas fishing vessels, only 7-8 West European-flag vessels are believed to be fishing on the high-seas in the Atlantic and Pacific in 1993. The vessels that currently fish the high-seas include: the German-flag vessels Jan Maria, the Dirk Dirk, and the Gerda Maria and the Dutch-flag vessels Dirk Diederick, Franziska, Cornells Vrolijk Fzn, and Zeeland. These vessels are built to roam the oceans of the world, catching or "klondiking" (buying), processing, and freezing up to 250 tons of herring, mackerel, or horse mackerel a day. One tuna purse seiner, the Isabel Tuna, flying the Cypriot flag, is currently fishing in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. A Spanish tuna purse seiner, the Monteclaro, reportedly sank in this same area on July 14, 1993. EC countries may redeploy or decommission over 200 high-seas fishing vessels by 1996. Spain, Portugal, and the United Kingdom will mainly redeploy their vessels in the next 2 years, but some vessels may be decommissioned. Greece, France, Germany, and Denmark, will mostly deconmiission their vessels. Some vessels may be involved in joint ventiu'e arrangements allowing the transfer of ownership in return for access to the resource for a limited period of time. Most Spanish and Portuguese vessels will be deployed off Namibia and Argentina as foreign-flag vessels fishing with coastal state licenses, or as part of a joint venture arrangement with companies in the coastal country. Argentina - The EC initialed an agreement with Argentina during December 1992. The agreement was a major policy change for the Argentines who had previously imposed restrictive conditions for access. The agreement will permit 70 EC vessels to fish off Argentina under various joint venture arrangements. Most of these vessels will be Spanish. The agreement has not yet been ratified by Argentina. Namibia - The EC has not yet been able to negotiate an access agreement with Namibia, although it remains a high priority. Namibia has, to date, rejected all EC offers to negotiate a fisheries agreement. Namibia ended all foreign fishing in its 200-mile EEZ when it became independent in 1991. This affected 200 Spanish and 10 Portuguese vessels. Namibian officials now report that the country's hake stocks are recovering and that they hope to market this popular fish in EC markets. They will require EC concurrence to do so. It is likely that bilateral fishery negotiations between the EC and Namibia will resume in 1993 or 1994. It is unknown if all 210 EC vessels, which fished there before 1991, will be able to remm to Namibian waters. Those that caimot will likely be sold, transferred to other non-fishing operations, or scrapped. Indian Ocean - The EC has negotiated a series of agreements which provide access for EC tuna seiners to Indian Ocean resources. This fleet may expand slowly in the next few years, especially if Italian vessels join this fleet. 10 Pacific - It is likely that some Spanish or French world-class tuna purse seiners are fishing in tlie Westeni Pacific Ocean. One Spanish tuna vessel, tlie Monteclaro, sank in tlie Eastern tropical Pacific on July 14, 1993. There are 6 ex-Spanish tuna vessels currently reflagged in Panama which may be fishing for tuna in the Pacific, along with 1 vessel reflagged in Malta and 1 reflagged in Cyprus. The EC is the only West European body with a major, long-term program aimed at reducing the size of its fleet. The EC's Multi-Amiual Guidance Program (MAGP) is a 10-year effort designed to reduce the size of the EC fleet by 1996. Tliis program, however, is primarily aimed at reducing the size of coastal fishing vessels, although some high- seas vessels will be included. The MAGP calls for vessels to be permanently withdrawn from EC rolls, through transfer to non-fishing status, sale to third countries, or scrapping. T/ie number of EC vessels that will be decommissioned ultimately depends upon tlie success of EC negotiators in gaining access to Namibian waters and to the success of the Argentine agreement when it is approved. cost. Some of Greenland's fleet of shrimp trawlers and cod factory stern trawlers could be sold, though in all probability to other Nordic countries. Reflagging: Reflagging is becoming significant as economic conditions force fishennen to seek alternatives to existing fishery management regimes. Danish fishermen reflagged a few vessels in Panama in an attempt to fish wild Atlantic salmon in 1989-91. A Spanish and a Belgian firm currently charters Taiwanese longliners out of Honduras. Cyprus and Malta have become important centers for reflagging in 1993. Belize, Dominican Republic, Panama, and St. Vincent are all attracting West European vessel registration. Norwegian fishery enforcement patrols recently encountered several Caribbean-flag vessels fishing for cod between the Russian and Norwegian 200-mile limits in international waters of the Barents Sea. Non-EC countries: The non-EC countries are unlikely to deploy large numbers of their vessels in distant-water fisheries. Tliese countries have never operated extensively beyond the North Sea or North Atlantic or Mediterranean and are unlikely to initiate such high-cost operations requiring lengthy trips at this time. However, individual companies may seek to fish under joint venture arrangements in distant waters, such as off New Zealand, South Africa, Peru, or possibly even off Russia. The shift to distant waters will depend upon the recovery of cod stocks in the North Atlantic. The authors believe that approximately 30 non- EC high-seas vessels could be sold between 1 993 and 1995. Icelandic fishermen are likely to sell some used vessels to reduce operating costs of companies adversely affected by the current (1991-93) decline in cod stocks, which are not expected to recover until 1996-98. Norwegian fishermen may also sell some vessels during 1993-94. Faroese fishing vessels, in particular, are for sale at attractive prices. The vessels were built with generous state subsidies and are now being sold for a fraction of their original 11 12 III. APPENDIX SECTION A. Maps 13 14 Arctic Region '.•1 ",666) 7 9? II. APPENDICES B. Photographs 17 18 Photo 1.— Latin American fishermen use mostly small louMuI ujjt/i, but are acquiring increasingly larger vessels. D. Weidner. 19 20 Photo 2. -Cuba's high-seas fleet once fished throughout Latin America from the modem fishery port of Havana. D. Weidner. 21 22 >/1 to 00 OS -U. o i;V4^E!-jn'.'J.I^.AV-*- I QIKTlIV V. 2BS - >.IJ ■ Md. 32 II. APPENDICES C. Statistical Tables 33 34 Appendix 1. -WORLD. Fishery and fishing support fleets, by type of vessel, number, and gross registered tomiage; for vessels over 500-GRT, 1975, 1980, and 1985-92. Year Fishing vessels Support vessels Total high-seas fleet Number Tonnage Number Tonnage Number Tonnage 1975 18,217 7,830,244 723 3,508,374 18,940 11,338,618 1980 20.671 9,195,225 852 3,473,892 21,523 12,669,117 1985 21,251 9,446.935 852 3,538,451 22,103 12,985,386 1986 20,974 9,521,831 865 3,852,767 21,839 13,374,598 1987 21,267 9,666,065 875 3,831,468 22,142 13,497,533 1988 21,827 9,960,566 879 3,851,775 22,706 13,812,341 1989 22,149 10,139,102 881 3,984,871 23,030 14,123,973 1990 23,132 10,764,053 989 4,135,738 24,121 14,899,791 1991 23,581 11,069,085 1,032 4,151,741 24,613 15,220,826 1992 23,718 11,146,416 702 2,087,823 24,420 13,234,239 Sources: Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Statistical Tables. London, various years. The data are completed as of June of each year, except for 1992 which is effective through December 31, 1992. World Fleet Statistics (as of 31 December 1992)., London, 1993; page 25. 35 Appendix 2.-- Asia . Distant-water vessels, by type of fishery, 1985-91. Vessel Type 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Number of Vessels China& N. Pacific Trawlers 5 NA NA 5 NA NA 15 Trawlers ■ Other Vessels 1 NA NA 82 NA NA 183 Tuna Longliners Squid Jiggers China Total 17 NA NA 87 NA NA 198 Japan^ N. Pacific Trawlers 97 93 95 99 100 98 70 Trawlers - Other 225 213 220 215 196 182 145 Tuna Purse Seiners 35 38 34 39 37 35 45 Tuna Longliners 823 818 819 807 806 791 790 Squid Jiggers* 174 145 151 269 324 133 113 Driftnetters 422 445 440 428 451 359 276 Japan Total 1,776 1,752 1.759 1,857 1,914 1,598 1,439 Republic of Korea® Otter Trawlers 233 245 230 231 221 219 146 Shrimp Trawlers NA NA NA NA NA NA 112 Tuna Purse Seiners NA NA NA NA NA NA 32 Tuna Longliners 280 295 338 373 387 285 285 Squid Jiggers 33 32 35 38 46 90 98 Driftnetters NA NA NA NA NA NA 90 Other 105 104 107 119 145 188 4 ROK Total 651 676 710 761 799 783 771 Taiwan* Trawlers - Other 626 573 632 670 706 719 663 Tuna Purse Seiners NA NA NA NA 19 35 46 Tuna Longliners 542 610 653 698 779 841 759 Squid Jiggers 16 19 37 62 74 77 99 Driftnetters 3 2 2 3 12 14 14 Other 97 106 108 135 - Taiwan Total 1,284 1,310 1.432 1,568 1,709 1,786 1,613 Grand Total 3.728 3,738 3.901 4,273 4,422 4,167 4,021 & - Data for the Chinese fleet conies from the following sources: 1985-various reports in fisheries press; 1988-f/.sAi>ig News Inlernatumal, "China Expands Deepsea Fleet, December 1988; \99\-Fishing News International . "China Expands Deepsea Fleet," January 1992. # - Data for the Japanese fleet comes from the Fisheries Agency of Japan, Cyogyo Yoshokugyo Seisan Tokei Nenpo. @ - Data for the ROK fleet conies from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture . Forestry and Fisheries. * - Data for the Taiwan fleet comes from the Taiwan Fisheries Bureau, Fisheries Yearbook-Taiwan Area. Taiwan vessel statistics do not differentiate between distant-water and other fisheries. This table gives the number of all powered Taiwan fishing vessels greater than lOOGRT, of which are believed to be distant- water fishing vessels. Many distant-water driftnet vessels, however, were less than lOOGRT and are not counted here. 36 Appendix 3.-- Asia Distant-water catch, by type jf fishery, 1985-91. Vessel Type 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Metric tons China N. Pacific Trawlers® 1,600 3,200 16,529 18,419 31,139 27,826 121,254 Trawlers - Other& 22.419 88,845 88,947 104,729 100,000 100,000 100,000 Tuna Longliners - - Squid Jiggers - - China Total 24,019 92,045 105,476 123,148 131.139 127,826 221,254 Japan N. Pacific Trawlers 543,654 810,348 864,163 790,913 683,656 422,180 152,374 Trawlers - Other 388,716 447,895 552,730 549,703 475,194 402,771 333,076 Tuna Purse Seiners 139,697 156,749 136,899 168,617 140,594 158,874 169,493 Tuna Longliners 232.704 229,035 201,781 216,483 169,405 169,364 180,357 Squid Jiggers* 234.334 215,557 416,189 405,111 436,523 95,194 124,069 Driftnetters 140,963 121,773 165,058 130,283 141,263 145,342 86,566 Japan Total 1,680,068 1,981,357 2,336.820 2,261,110 2,046,635 1,393,725 1,045,935 Republic of Korea N. Pacific Trawlers 494,455 610,274 454,492 304,343 362,099 312,218 177,400 Trawlers - Other 95,741 104,281 131,373 129,676 150,928 163,486 181,360 Tuna Purse Seiners 11,279 27,732 58,752 79,397 115,754 173,343 227,518 Tuna Longliners 93,090 95,401 87,437 81,726 64,213 69,524 47,074 Squid Jiggers 11,809 45,917 86,311 92,359 120,854 88,843 150,039 Driftnetters 58,623 43,028 62,852 84,267 113,173 99,587 62,912 ROK Total 764,997 926,633 881,217 771,768 927,021 907,001 846,303 Taiwan Trawlers - Other 162,650 179,530 202,471 260,002 228,155 201,273 184,890 Tuna Purse Seiners 50,380 52,011 55,683 114,617 117,164 124,599 107,062 Tuna Longliners 119,232 151,233 146,414 147,615 139,113 155,921 134.574 Squid Jiggers 48,966 50,945 115,249 129,177 117,717 88,254 124,176 Driftnetters 55,512 46,282 67,930 62,146 118,131 163,146 142,308 Taiwan Total 436,740 480,001 587,747 713,557 720,280 733,193 693,010 Grand Total 2,905,824 3,480,036 3,911,260 3,869,583 3,825,075 3,161,745 2,806,502 - Data for 1985-90 are catch statistics submitted by Chinese Government to multilateral negotiations on Central Bering Sea fisheries. 1991 data is from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Fishery Statistics-Catches and Landings, 1991 . & - Data for 1980-88 comes from Jie, et. al, "Reform and Development of China's Fisheries." The data for 1989-91 are estimates based on numerous fishery press reports which report average annual distant-water trawler catch to be approximately 100,000 tons. * - Japanese squid jigging statistics include coastal and off-shore catch until 1990. Sources: Fisheries Agency of Japan, Gyogyo Yoshokugyo Seisan Tokei Nenpo.; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (ROK), Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ; Taiwan Fisheries Bureau, Fisheries Yearbook-Taiwan Area. 37 Appendix 4. -Western Europe. High-seas fishing fleet versus total fishing fleet, 1975-92. Year High-seas Vessels Total High-seas Fleet Regional Fleets Total Fleet (estimated) EC Non-EC EC Non-EC Number of Vessels 1975 406 392 798 52,539 57,036E 109,575 1976 390 416 806 52,606 53,336E 105,942 1977 367 416 783 52,357 54,354E 106,711 1978 342 436 778 52,613 55,864E 108,477 1979 322 435 757 51,893 58.455E 110,348 1980 309 419 728 50,826 59.559E 1 10,385 1981 295" 388 683 81,578 32.037E 113,615 1982 279 374 653 82,667 30,379E 113,046 1983 260 367 627 83,229 30,176E 113,405 1984 260 374 634 91,602 29,526E 121,128 1985 255 376 631 93,125 27,933E 121,058 1986 458^ 172 630 85,919 27,1 15E 113,034 1987 518 166 684 97.943 26,124E 124,067 1988 584 189 773 96,662 24.894E 121,556 1989 607 197 804 95,211 21,385E 116,596 1990 623 203 826 91.209 20,122E 111,331 1991 648 209 857 96,173 20,95 IE 117,124 1992 591 213 804 90,000E 19,000E 109,000 Sources: Lloyd's Register of Shipping Slalislinil Tnhles. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, UK. vanous years (higli-seas fleet only); Fishery I-'leei Slalisiirs. Bulletin of L'ishery Statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, various years; Annual Report nn German h'isheries. Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. Bonn, various years; Krsheretning reilkommende Norges l-iskerier. Fiskeridirecckloralel. Fiskeflaten. various issues. L'evolution du serteur helge de la peche nuiritime, Conseil Central de I'Hconomie. Commission Consultative Speciale de la Peche. Bruxelles. various years; Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables, Governinenl Statistical Service. London, various years. (E) = Estimate. '' Greece joined the EC on January 1, 1981. ' Portugal and Spain joined the EC on January 1, 1986. 38 Appendix 5. -Western Europe. Tomiage of high-seas fishing fleet versus total fishing fleet, 1975-92. Year High-seas Vessels Total High-seas Fleet Regional Fleets Total Fleet (estimated) EC Non-EC EC Non-EC Gross Registered Tons 1975 426,461 404,716 831,177 1,196,624 1,509,440 2,706,064 1976 392,446 431,252 823,698 1,188,878 1,619,659 2,808,537 1977 389,624 434,630 824,254 1,165,496 1,549,149E 2,714,645 1978 366,058 349,200 715,258 1,153,254 1,565,767E 2,719,021 1979 344,274 441,728 786,002 1,092,701 1,697,414 2,790.115 1980 331,040 421,947 752,987 1,087,586 1,713,220 2,800,806 1981'^ 319,446 395,300 714,746 2,140,995 566,210E 2,707,205 1982 287,969 386,260 674,229 2,118,966 516,575E 2,635,541 1983 262,469 378,969 641,438 2,098,895 506,497E 2,605,392 1984 255,160 386,204 641,364 2,081,182 514,830 2,596,012 1985 241,520 389,110 630,630 2,055, 355E 519,237E 2,574,592 1986= 465,167 152,922 618,089 1,985,861E 588, 893 E 2,574,754 1987 532,580 155,501 688,081 2,056, 117E 702,774 2,758,891 1988 614,683 187,081 801,764 2,020,37 IE 542,199 2,562,570 1989 650,488 203,620 854,108 1,984,634E 532,663 2,517,297 1990 669,643 209,252 878,895 1,997,934E 530,525E 2,528,459 1991 718,416 214,663 933,079 1,994,030E 508,289E 2,502,319 1992 645,860 222,635 868,495 1,900,000E 500,000E 7 ; TTTT 2,400,000 Sources: Lloyd's Register of Shipping Slalislical Tables. Lloyd's Register of Shipping. London. UK. various years (high-scas fleet only): Fishery Fleet Statistics, Bulletin of Fishery Statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, various years: Amiial Report on German Fisheries, Federal Ministry of Food. Agriculture and Forestry. Bonn, various years; krsheretning vedkommende Norges Fiskerier. Fiskeridireccktoratet. Fiskeflaten. various issues. L'evolmion du serteur helge de la peche maritime, Conseil Central de I'Economie, Coinmission Consultative Speciale de la Peche. Bruxelles. various years: Sea Fisheries Statistical Tables, Government Statistical Service. London, various years. (E) = Estimate. " Greece joined the EC on January 1 , 1 98 1 . ° Portugal and Spain joined the EC on January 1, 1986. 39 40 II. APPENDICES D. Graphs 41 42 CM CD I o o to o W o '. § o % ^ .^ c II o o CD U5 GO r^l o CX3 CD in ^^^jj^jjjj^m^m^^^^^ \jb) o CD o CM o o o CO o o o CsJ ^ "D 0) "D C OJ Q. 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