D yyenne’s Golden Anniversary and | wenty-First Annual Frontier Days x fe estit Six Big Days Inly 23 to 28 t | * eeeeeeeEeee ~ Live Stock Laws of Wyoming : and Regulations of _ State Veterinarian ; igger and Better an Ever Before! | Detailed Information Wireor Write, Joe Cahill, Sec. Frontier Com. Thos. J. Donahue A. J: Randall RR. A. Gross i A. A. Holcomb H. EB. Reilly F. H. Keeline % Cattie Department £ Thos. Dohan, Sheep Department if Cc. P. Etler T. B. McEntee ; Hog Department we LIVE WIRES oa Donahue Randall &Co. | Live Salesmen of Live Stock Expert Salesmen and helpers in every department CATTLE HOGS SHEEP Each member of the firm an active salesman, a trial consignment means a permanent customer, STOCK CATTLE We make a specialty of buying stockers and feeders on order. If you want to buy southwestern cattle to stock up your ranch let us hear from you. We are prepared to sell you any class or number of southern cattle you might wish and will be glad to carry the paper for responsible parties, Write or wire us what you have to Ship: this season or what you want to Lab at We will help . you, Donahue Randall & Co. Rm. 100-2 Live Steck Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards OMAHA, NEBR. OMAHA — — NEBRASKA When You Are Siping Your | CATTLE HOGS = Se foe STOCK FOR —t™ FEEDING “ PURPOSES > Clay, Rokinson & Chicago Kansas City. Omaha Denver St. Joseph St. Paul Sioux City Fort. ‘Worth E conte % a i REM so, A. W. FRENCH, D.V.S. FRANK S. JONES State Veterinarian Secretary Office of State Veterinarian CHEYENNE, WYOMING Wyoming Live Stock Laws and Regulations _ of the State Veterinarian 2 AT? Copies of this pamphlet sent free upon request State Veterinarian—Cheyenne, Wyoming * qs LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING STATE VETERINARIAN CHAPTER 21. Sec. 190. Appointment—Qualification. The gov- 'ernor is hereby authorized to nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint, during each regular session of the legislature, a com- petent veterinary surgeon, who shall be known as the state veterinarian. No person shall be competent, un- der the provisions of this chapter, to receive the ap- pointment of state veterinarian who is not a grad- uate in good standing of a recognized college of veterinary surgery, either in the nited States, Canada or Hurope. See. 191. Term of office. He shall hold his office for two years. He may, however, be removed at any time by the governor for neglect of duty or other malfeasance in Office, and, in case Of a vacancy Oc- curring in the office of state veterinarian from any cause whatsoever, when the legislature is not in ses- sion, the governor shall have the power to fill such vacancy by appointment; and any person so appointed to fill such vacancy shall give the same bond and perform the same duties as are prescribed for the state veterinarian by the provisions of this chapter, and shall hold his office for the unexpired term for which such appointment shall have been made. Section 192. Duties. The duties of the State Vet- erinarian Shall be as follows: To investigate any and all cases of dangerously contagious or infectious diseases among domestic ani- mals in this state of which he may have knowledge, or which may be brought to his notice by any resi- dent in the locality where such disease exists. It shall also be his duty, in the absence of specific in- formation, to make visits of inspection to any locality where he may have reason to suspect that there is contagious or infectious disease; to quarantine ani- mals affected with or. exposed to diseases as above; and to order the gathering or rounding up of all animals affected with such diseases. No animals c prenounced affected with a dangerously contagious or infectious disease, by the State Veterinarian, or his duly authorized deputy, shall be turned loose, re- moved, or permitted to escape, but shall be held sub- ject to the order of the State Veterinarian; and all animals ordered gathered or rounded up Shall be so gathered or rounded up within a reasonable length of time, to be determined by the state veterinarian. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars for each offence. See. 193. (As amended by Chapter 96, S. L. 1911.) Authority to quarantine. In all cases of contagious or infectious disease among domestic animals other than sheep or goats in this state, the state veterin- arian Shall have authority to order the quarantine of the infected premises, and in case such disease shall become epidemic in any locality in this state, the state veterinarian shall immediately notify the gov- ernor of the state, who shall thereupon issue his proclamation, forbidding any animal of the kind among which said epidemic exists, to be transferred from such locality without a certificate from the State veterinarian showing such animal to be healthy. Whenever it shall become known to the state veterin- arian that disease known as mange, itch, scabies or any other infectious or contagious disease exists among cattle, horses or domestic animals, except sheep and goats of any county, district or section of tne state, it shall be the duty of the said veterinarian to take such steps as will prevent the spread of said disease within the state, and said veterinarian shall have power as a sanitary measure to inspect and compel the dipping Spraying or other sanitary treat- ment as may be determined by said veterinarian, of all such animals in the State of Wyoming, or in any county, district or section of said state, under such rules and regulations as the said veterinarian may adopt, and the said veterinarian may order the owner Or owners or persons in charge of such animals to dip, spray or otherwise treat all or any part of such animals as said veterinarian may find to be infected or to have been exposed to mange or scabies, or other infectious or contagious disease. If the owner or 4 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING owners or persons in charge of such animals so order- ed treated, shall, after reasonable notice to be de- termined by said veterinarian, fail to dip, Spray or otherwise treat such animals as ordered by said veter- inarian is hereby authorized. to seize, or cause to be seized, dipped or sprayed or otherwise treated, such animals; and to hold and sellsthe same, or such part thereof as may be necessary to pay all cost of said inspection, seizing, caring for, dipping, Spraying or other treatment, together with cost of sale, and such sale shall be made at such time and place, and in such manner as may be prescribed by said veterinarian ai- ter not less than three days, nor more than fifteen days’ notice of the time, place and purpose of such sale has been given by said veterinarian to the owner or persons in charge of such animals, and in case personal service of such notice cannot be had within the county in which the animals are being held by such veterinarian, then such notice may be given either by personal service outside of said county or by advertisement in any paper selected by said veter- inarian: Proyided, however, That the owrer or Owners of such animals so seized and held may, at any time prior to such sale, recover possession of the same upon payment to the state veterinarian of the amount of costs incurred by order of the veterinarian against such animals; and, Provided, further, That any sum realized from the sale of such animals over and above the amount of costs incurred against such animals shall be returned by the state veterinarian to the owner of such animals if Known Or Can by any rea- sonable diligence be found, otherwise to be placed in the estray fund subject to the laws; and provided, also, that the Owner or owners or persons in charge of any stock imported into his state for breeding, dairy or other purposes, who do not have attached to the bill of lading of such stock, or in his or their possession a certificate from a duly authorized United States or State Inspector showing such stock to be free from infectious and contagious disease, Shall have such stock inspected and pay therefor the fees prescribed by law, but where said owner or Owners or persons in charge have such certificate he or they shall submit it to said state veterinarian for his ap- proval and there shall be no charges made therefor, unless said veterinarian shall receive information causing him to determine that an inspection of such stock is necessary. Be it further enacted, that it shall be the duty of the state veterinarian to collect the following inspection fees on all stock herewith enu- merated imported into this state and inspected as hereinbefore provided: Horses, twenty-five cents; mules, twenty-five cents; asses, twenty-five cents; cattle, ten cents; swine, five cents. All] of Such fees so collected to be turned over to the State Treasury and, reported as other state funds.” See. 194. Diseased animals to be slaughtered. In any case of epidemic disease where premises nave been previously quarantined by the state veterinarian, as before provided, he is further authorized and em- powered, when in his judgment necessary to order the slaughter of any or all diseased animals upon said premises, and of all animals that have becn exposed to contagion or infection under the following re- strictions: Said order shall be a written one and shall be made in duplicate, and there shall be a dis- tinct order and duplicate for each owner of the ani- mals condemned, the original of each order to be filed by the veterinarian with the governor, and the dupli- cate given to said owner. And, further, before slaugh- tering any animals, or animal that has been exposed only and does not show disease, the veterinarian shall call in consultation with him two respectable prac- ticing veterinarians or physicians, residents of the state, or if this be impossible, then two reputable and well known stock Owners, residents of the state, and shall have the written endorsement upon his order of at least one of said consulting physicians or stock owners, stating that such action is necessary, and the consent of the owner or person in charge, before such animal or animals shall be slaughtered. See. 195. Burning of carcass. It shall be the duty of the state veterinarian, or his regularly appointed deputy, who shall be a graduate of a legally chartered school of veterinary surgery in good standing, to condemn said animals before the proceeding of slaughter of such animals as may be condemned. ex- cept sheep and goats, and also the destruction of the carcass, which latter shall be by burning to ashes and LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 5 shall include every part of the animal and hide, and also excrement as far as possible. He shall cause the said slaughter and burning to be done as cheaply as practicable and shall pay the expense from any con- tingent fund appropriated for his office taking proper vouchers for the same. See. 196. Annual report. The state veterinarian Shall make a report at the end of every year to the governor of all matters connected with his work, and the governor shall transmit to the several boards of county commissioners such parts of said report as may be of general interest to the breeders of live stock. The governor shall also give information in Writing as rapidly as he obtains it to the various boards of county. commissioners, of each cause of Sus- picion or first eruption of disease in each locality, its course and the measures adopted to check it. See. 197. Importation of stock may be restricted. Whenever the Governor of the State shall have reason to believe that any disease covered by this chapter has become epidemic in certain localities in another state or territory, or that conditions exist which render do- mestic animals liable to convey disease, he shall there- upon by proclamation schedule such localities and- prohibit the importation from them of any live stock of the kind diseased or suspected of being diseased into this State, except under such restrictions as he may deem proper. Any firm, association, corporation, person, or persons who shall violate such proclama- tion by receiving Such prohibited animals for ship- ment, Or cause same to be shipped or otherwise imported into this State without complying with such proclamation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars for each offence, and shall further become liable for any and all damages and loss that may be sustained by any person or persons by reason of the importation or transportation of such prohibited animals. See. 19S. Netice of disease to veterinarian—Pen- alty for concealment. It shall be the duty of any per- son Or persons who shall have or suspect dhat there is upon his or their premises any case of Contagious or infectious disease among domestic animals, to im- mediately report the same to the state veterinarian, and a failure so to do, or any attempt to conceal the existence of such disease, or to wilfully or maliciously obstruct or resist the said veterinarian in the dis- eharge of his duty as hereinbefore set forth, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and any person or persons who shall be convicted of any one of the above acts or Omissions Shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each and every offense, shall forfeit all claims to an indemnity for loss from the state, and upon conviction a second time shall, in addition to the above named fine, be impris- oned for a term not less than thirty days nor more than six months. > See. 199. Examination of animals—Seizure of dis- eased animals. The following regulations shall be -Observed in all cases of disease covered by this chapter: First—It shall be unlawful to sell, give away or in any manner part with any animal affected with or suspected of contagious or infectious. disease; and in the case of any animal that may be known to have been affected with. or exposed to any such disease within one year prior to such disposal, due notice of the fact shall be given in writing to the party re- ceiving the animal. Second—It shall be unlawful to kill for butcher purposes, any such animal, to sell, give away or use any part of it, or its milk, or to remove any part of the skin. infectious or contagious disease, with some of~-the dips recognized by the Bureau of Animal Industry; and the inspector shall have power to enforce spotting or hand dressing during the periods of exemption above referred to, the same as he has power to enforce dipping at any other period of the year. Al] sheep which are kept or herded within the limits of the State of Wyoming, shall, between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of November cf each year, be dipped under the supervision of an authorized sheep inspector in one of the dips which have been recom- . (SS) Ww. ~ LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING mended by the state board of sheep commissioners, said dip to be used at a strength sufficient to eradi- eate scabies. The Owner or controller of Said shcep so dipped, shall, within twenty days after the comple- tion of such dipping file with the authorized sneep inspector or the state board of Sheep commissioners the afudavit of two persons who were present and assisted in said dipping, which affidavit shall State tne number of sheep or bucks dipped, kind of dip used, and the manner, time and place of such dipping... Tie per diem and expenses of the inspector to be paid by the owner or controller of the sheep so dipped, “The state board of sheep commissioners.is hereby authorized and empowered to take charge of and dip as soon as possible after the first day of November of each year, all sheep kept or herded within the limits of the State of Wyoming, not previously dipped within the period required by this section, and all tre expenses for so doing, including the per diem and ex- penses of an authorized sheep inspector, shall be paid by the owner of said sheep and the same shall become and be a lien upon such sheep until paid and saall be collected within the time and in the manner heretofore provided in this section for the collection of the ex-~- penses and per diem of such inspector incurred in the dipping or treating of diseased or tick-intested sheep. All loss or damage .which results from the enforcement of this section is to be paid by the Owner of the sheep. “The state board of sheep commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations as they deem necessary relative to the administration of this section, “Any person who is the owner or controller of any sheep within the State of Wyoming violating the pro- visions of this section, shall be guiity of a misde- meanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).” Sec. 2692. Governor may issue quarantine procla- matiou—Penalty. \Whenever the governor of the state shall have good reason to believe tnat any disease covered by this enactment has Lecome epidemic in a certain locality in any state or territory, or tnat con- ditions exist that render sheep liable to convey dis- ease, or whenever the Loard of Sheep comimissioners shall certify to the governor that conditions exist that render sSneep likely to convey disease, the suvernor sball forthwith by proclatuation schedule such localicy or localities and prohibit the importation fro.n them of any sheep into this state until such time as the said quarantine proclamation shall be raised by the gover- nor. Any person, cOMpany or corporation or any agent, servant or employe thereof, who after the publication of such proclamation shall knowingly receive in charge of any Sheep from any of the prohibited districts and transport, convey or drive the same within the bound- aries of any county of this state, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and Shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both, and further, shall become liable for any and all damages and loss that may be sustained by any person or per- sons by reason of the importation or transportation of such prohibited sheep; Provided, however, That noth- ing herein contained shall prohibit the transportation of sheep from such district through the state by rail- road trains; Provided, Such sheep are not unloaded within this ‘state. See. 2693. Unlawful to bring infected sheep into the state. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- pany or corporation or any agent, servant or employe thereof, to bring into this state any sheep infected with scab or other infectious or contagious disease, or that have in any manner been exposed to such dis- ease. Any person, cOMpany or corporation, or any agent, servant or employe thereof, violating the pro- visions of this section, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of not _more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both. Sec. 2694. As amended by Chapter 172, Session Laws 1913. Prowisions—Pena'ty. Any person, com- pany or corporation, or any agent, servant or employe thereof, intending to bring or cause to be brought from any other state or territory, the District of Columbia, or from any foreign country, any sheep or bucks into the State of Wyoming, in any manner, except by ship- 34 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING. ping the same through the state by railroad train, shall, ten days perore. crossing the state line, notiry tne secretary - treasurer of the state board of sheep commissioners at Cnheyeune, Wyoming, of such pro- posed action, wiuich notice shail set torth the numver of sheep or pucks, the srands or marks thereon, the name of the owner thereot, and the locality from which sneep came and through which they have been driven, and accompany such notice with a tee equal to the Sum of three cents per head for the total number of sheep and twenty-five cents for the total number of bucks embraced witnin the notice, and all fees so col- lected shall pe paid into the state treasury to the credit of sheep inspection and indemnity fund, waich fund is hereby created, and Shall be available for any of the lawful expenses of the board; Provided, however, That sheep trailing into the state from adjoining states for immediate interstate shipments and sheep and bucks shipped or trailed into this state for show and exhibition purposes, sheep and bucks grazing along and across state lines, and sheep Shipped from any part of this state to feed yards in any Other part of the state, when shipment is made by inter-state route, shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the state board of sheep cOmmissioners, If any ‘person, cOmpany, or corporation, or any agent, ser- vant or employe thereof, snall be guilty of violation Or evasion of the provisions of this section, Said per- son, company, Or COrporation, or any agent, servant, or employe thereof, shall upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. a See. 3. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval Approved March 1, 19138. See. 2695. As amended by Chapter 64, Session Lawes 1911. Impoxted sheep must be dipped. All Sheep or bucks imported to Wyoming from any state, territory or tne WDistrict of Columpia, or from any foreign country, Shall upon entering the state, irrespective of tne time of such entry, be dipped twice by an inspector of the board of sheep commissioners, the first dipping to be performed immediately after the said sheé@p or bucks arrive in the state, and within a period of not Jess than ten days, or more than fifteen days after tne said first dipping, the said sheep or bucks shall again be dipped, and after the said second dipping, if the said sheep or bucks are free from disease, tney shall be released and shall thereupOn become subject to the laws, rules and regulations governing otner- sheep within the state. Provided, however, That the state board of sheep commissioners may make reasonable rules and regulations, under which sieep or tucks, free from the disease, may enter the state without dipping, or by being dipped only once. Sec. 2686. Laws governing sheep in transit throveh the state. Any sheep in transit through this state ‘upon any railroad train shall not be unloaded from such train for any purpose except for feeding, and shall be held in the feed yards or in grazing grounds to be provided by the railroad company carrying such sheep and shall not be allowed to leave the same. All expenses of enforcing the provisions of this section shall be paid by the owner, or Owners, of Said sheep. Any person, company or corporation, or any agent, servant or employe of such, who shall be Sudty vf violation or evasion of the provisions of this section, shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by impris- onment in a county jail for a térm of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars or by both. See. 2697. Traveling permit—Penalty. Any per- son, company, corporation or association, or any agent, servant or employe of such, desiring to move his or their sheep which are not sound, or which are infected with scab or any infectious or contagious disease, or which have been exposed in any manner to any such disease, shall obtain from the inspector a traveling permit, but such permit shall Only be granted for the purpose of moving said sheep to the nearest practic- able place where they may he treated for said disease, and by such route as such inspector shall designate. No such sheep shall be moved until such permit shall have been obtained. Any person, company, corpora- tion or association, or agent, servant or employe ot such, who shall violate the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 5) i On conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment in a county jail tor a term of not more tnan One year, Or by a line of not more than nve tnousand dollars, or by Luto, and any party injured or daniayed by reason Or i.e moving Of said Sheep Snall be eutitled to recover Irom said person, COMpany or corporation, by civil action, tne ainount of dauiage that said party may have sustained by reason tnereor. see. 2648. Keports of seab. It shall be the duty of every person, company, corporation, or any agent, servant, or employe tuereof, owning or having under his or tueir control any sheep or tiock of sneep, waich have pecome intected with scab or other infectious OF contagious diseases, or wnich have been exposed in any manner to such diseases, to forthwith report such fact in writing to the commissioner of the district in which said sheep are located, and to the secretary-treasurer of the board of sheep comimssioners, and if any Such person, company or corporation, or any agent, servant, or employe thereof, shall fail, neglect, Omit or refuse to so report such fact for a period of fifteen days, said person shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in a county Jail for a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both. Sec. 2689. Who deemed owners. In any action or proceeding, civil or criminal, arising under this chap- ter, all persons having an interest in sheep and con- trolling the same, concerning which Such action or proceeding is had, shall be deemed the owners of sucn sheep and shall be liable severally and jointly for a violation of this chapter. Any herder or other person in charge of sheep who shall wilfully refuse to give an inspector information as to the condition of sheep in his. charge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon: conviction thereof be punished by imprison- ment in a county jail tor a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dol- lars, or by both. In criminal actions against corpora- tions or individuals under this chapter, no arrests shall} be necessary except in cases of nonresident persons, companies or corporations, but a summons containing notice of the time and place of trial, together with a copy of the complaint filed before a justice of the peace, or in the court in which the action is com- menced, shall be served in the Same manner and for the length of time provided by law for the service of summons in civil cases. See. 2700. Action—Where brought. The provi- sions of this chapter requiring the sheep inspector to prosecute for violation of its provisions shall not be eonstrued as to prevent such prosecution from being commenced and prosecuted by other persons as crim- inal actions are commenced and prosecuted in other - actions. See. 2701. Compensation of inspectors. Such sheep inspector shall receive such compensation as the board shall from time to time order, provided such sum does not exceed the sum of five dollars per diem, and shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars per month and all actual necessary traveling expenses. See. 2702. U. S. Rureau Animal Industry—Rules. The board of Sheep commissioners of Wyoming is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the state, the rules and regulations prepared by the secretary of agriculture of the United States under and in pursu- ance of section numbered 3 of any act of congress, ap- proved May 29, 1884, entitled, “An Act for the estab- Jishment of the bureau of animal industry to prevent the exportation of diseased sheep, and to provide means for the extirpation and suppression of infectious and contagious diseases among sheep,” and to co-op- erate with the authorities of the United States in the enforcement of the provisions of said Act; Provided, however, That all action taken by the employes of the United States while acting under the provisions of this chapter as state inspectors of Sheep and bucks, shall be exercised under instruction from the board of sheep commissioners, : 3 See. 2703. Authority of U. S. Bureau of Animal ir- dvstry. The state hereby gives its consent and indi- eates its willingness that the Bureau of Animal] Indus- try of the United States and its employes shall come within the State of Wyoming for all purposes con- nected with the exportation of diseased sheep and for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumonia and other contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals. 4 Sec. 2704. Inspectors may eall for assistance. Al] Ges lor) i LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING federal authorities authorized as aforesaid, and the various inspectors of this state, shall have the power to call upon any constable, sheriff or peace officer in any county in tilis state to assist them in the discharge of their duties in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, and of the act of congress aforesaid, and it is hereby made the duty of said otiicers to assist them when so requested, and the said federal inspector shall have the same power to enforce the laws of this state as the various inspectors of the state when authorized as aforesaid and engaged in the discharge of their official duties; Provided, That any person, Company or corporation refusing to comply with the orders of such officer or federal inspector, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisOnment in a county jail for a term of not less than thirty days, or more than six months, or by a fine of not-less than fifty dollars or more than five hundred dollars, or by both. See. 2705. Board may employ attorneys. When- -ever the board of sheep commissioners shall deem it necessary they may employ special attorneys to assist in the prosecution of violators of any of the sections | of this chapter, and to render such other assistance ' as the board may deem necessary, such services to be paid out of any funds in the state treasury available for the use of the board. See. 2706. Hoard may eall on state veterinarian for assistance. Whenever the board of sheep commission- ers shall deem it necessary it may call upon the state veterinarian for his assistance in the examination and investigation of specific infectious diseases of sheep, and while engaged in such services, the state veteri- narian shall at all times act under the direction and control of the said board of sheep commissjoners. CHAPTER 179. INSPECTION OF CATTLE. See. 2707. Road brands. Any person or persons engaged in buying cattle to ne driven out of tis state shall, before driving or removing said cattle from the place of purchase, properly idenvify them with a suih- ecient and proper road brand made with hot iron or paint. See. 2708. Notice requesting inspection. Any per- son or persons engaged in buying cattle to be driven out of the state, shall, before driving said cattle from this state, report to the nearest justice of the peace his or their intention so to do, and request the ap- pointment of an inspector to inspect said cattle. ‘ See. 2709. Justice to appoint inspector. It shall be the duty of every justice of the peace to whom such application is made, to immediately appoint-a capable person to inspect said cattle, and said inspector shall thereupon inspect the said cattle, and if satisfied that the person claiming ownership thereof is entitled to the possession of said cattle, shall give to the agent in charge thereof a certificate of inspection, and shall make due return to the justice of the peace by whom he was appointed, showing the number of cattle in- spected, the brands thereon, the ownership thereof, and the date of such inspection, together with such other facts as he deems necessary. _ See. 2710. Owner shall pay fees. The fee for ap- pointment of inspector shall be one dollar, which shall be paid to the justice of the peace by the person ap- plying for such appointment. The fee for inspecting cattle shall be ten cents per head, which shall be paid to the inspector for his services, and which shall, until paid, be a lien on the cattle inspected; Provided, how- ever, That the minimum fee for inspecting any herd of cattle shall be two dollars and fifty cents, and the raximum fee shall be ten dollars. : ; See. 2711. Penalty. Any person or persons en- gaged in buying cattle and driving the same out of this state, who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, or confined in the county jail for not more than sixty days, or both, in the discre- tion of the court; Provided, however, That nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed as in any manner affecting the laws now in force respecting the larceny of live stock; and, provided further, that this chapter shall not be construed to apply to persons ranging or herding cattle on lands along, adjacent to, or traversed by state lines, where such persons are yer engaged in buying cattle in this state to be driven out. far. ae TF (Se) =] LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING CHAPTER 1890. HORSE AND MULE INSPECTION. Sec. 2712. Duty of shippers. It shall ve the duty of every person or persons, firm, corporation, or asso- ciation, shipping or driving any horses or mules out of the state, to hold the sane at Sone convenient place for inspection as hereinafter provided by this chapter, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, corporation or association to ship, trans- port, drive, or in any manner remove beyond the boundaries of this state any herd, band or carload of norses or mules until the same shall have been duly inspected as hereinafter provided for. See. 2713. Liability of railroads—Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any railroad or transportation com- pany to receive for transportation keyond the Found- aries of this state any herd, bard, or carload of Horses or mules, until such railroad or transportation com- pany shall have been furnished with a certificate by a duly authorized inspector of the county from which the shipment is to be made, showing that the brands upon such horses or mules have been duly inspected as re- quired by this chapter, and any railroad or transporta- tion company, or any officer, agent or servant of any railroad or transportation company who shall violate the provisions of this section Shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred doliars, and not more than five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court. See. 2714. Sheriffs are inspeetors. The sheriff of each county shall be an inspector of horses and mules under the provisions of this chapter; and it is hereby made the duty of the sheriff of each county to perform the duties hereinafter provided as such inspector, and he shall keep a record of all inspection made, giving the name of the Owner and shipper of any horses or mules, the several brands, the number of the car, and the destination of the shipment. He shall file with the hoard of county commissioners of his county on the first day of each month a complete report of all inspsc~- tions made during the month and Shall also furnish a copy of each inspection as soon as made-to the official newspaper of the county, which report shall he pub- lished once at the expense of the county, in the first issue of said newspaper published after its reccipt and the publisher of such paper shall forward a copy of his paper containing such report to each of the sheriifs of the state free of charge. See. 2315. Horses snd muies must be inspected. Every person, firm, association or corporation or their or either of their agents, servants or employes having charge of any horses or mules destined for transporta- tion by rail or to be driven beyond the limits of this state, shall make application to the sheriff of the county in which such stock is located, or to his duly authorized agent, to inspect the brand or brands of any such horses or Mules, stating in such application the time and place when and where said horses or mules will be ready for inspection, and it shail be the duty of such sheriff or his deputy so notified, to attend without unnecessary delay, at the time and place desi2- nated in such application and inspect said horses, or mules, make the necessary record and give the neces- sary certificates required by the provisicns of this chapter, the actual and necessary expenses of the sher- iff or his deputy in making such inspection to be al- lowed and paid by his county. In all cases where horses or mules are to be shipped out. of the State by rail, the place of inspection shall be at some stock ‘yard near the proposed point of shinment of said horses or mules from the state, and if the 9Wwner or person in charge of said horses or mules shall cause any unreasonable delay or loss of time to a sheriff or his deputy so notified to attend, such owner or person in charge of any such horses or mules sha!] pay the expense and sala-y of such sheriff or his deputy during such delay or loss of time not to exceed five dollars per day. See, 2718. Duty of sheriff. It shall he the duty of the sheriff or his deputy to demand proof of Ownership from the person, persons, or corporation presenting horses or mules for inspection, hy brand record. bill of sale, or the vouchers of at least two responsible per- sons residing in the state and said nroof of Qwnership must be at the satisfaction of the inspecting sheriff Or his deputy. 5 F See, 2717. False certificate—Penatty. Any sh>viff 38 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING or his deputy who shall knowingly make any false certincate under the provisions of this chapter, and who shall knewingly swear falsely as to the truth of any report made by him to the board of county com- missioners, Or wno shall accept any bribe or compensa- tion for tne performance or failure to perform the duties prescribed by this chapter, shall upon conviciton thereot, be guilty of a felony, and be hned in a sum not exceeding One thousand dollars or imprisonment in the state penitentiary not exceeding five years, or both, at the discretion of the court. ‘ Sec. 2718. Waiiure to inspect—Helony. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of sections 2712, 2715, 2716, or who Shall remove any band, herd, or carload of horses or mules beyond the limits of this state without having the same inspected as required by the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any,sum not tess than five hundred dollars, and not more than five thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the state penitentiary of this state for a period not less than One year nor more than three years, or both such fine and imprisonment. But nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed as in any manner affecting the laws now in force respect- ing the larceny of live stock. : See. 2719. Inspection fee—Paid by owner. rk, and must be advertised in the official paper of the board of live stock commissioners, and in a paper of general circulation in the county. Sec. 4. Application to inspector. Every person, persons, firm, corporation or association, or their or either of their agents, servants, or emploves having charge of any horses, mules, or cattle, destined for transportation by rail or otherwise renoved interstate or intrastate, except those consigned to market cen- ters having an inspector commissioned by the board of live stock commissioners ef this state shail make application to the live stock inspector hereinafter provided for, if there be such a One in the county in which the said stock is located, or his duly authorized agent, to inspect the brand or brands of any such horses, mules, or cattle, stating the time and place, when and where said horses, mules or cattle will be ready for inspection; and it shall be the duty of said live stock inspector cr his deputy so notified to attend without unnecessary delay and inspect said cattle, horses or mules, making the necessary record and giving the necessary certificate required by the pro- visions of this law; the actual and necessary expenses of the inspector or his deputy in making such inspec- tion to be allowed and paid by his county. See. 5. Dvty of inspector... It shall be the duty of the live stock inspector, or his deputy, making such inspections, to demand proof of Ownership from the person, persons, firm, corporation, or association pre- senting horses, mules, or cattle for inspection, by brand record, bill of sale, or the vouchers of at least two responsible persons residing in the state, and Said proof of ownership must be to the Satisfaction of ‘the inspecting officer before he shall issue the cer- x | Pe ree eee age es Te tificates, as hereinbefore provided. See. 6. False certificates—Bribery. Any officer who shall Knowingly make :*y false certificate under the provisions of this chapter and who shall know- ingly swear falsely as to the truth of any report made by him, to the secretary of the board of live stock commissioners or the county clerk, or who shall accept any bribe or compensation for the pertormance or failure to perform the duties prescribed by this chap- ter, shall, unon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a felony and be fined in a sum not exceeding one thou- Sand dollars or imprisonment in the state penitentiary “not exceeding five yéars, or both, in the discretion of the court. 40 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING See. 7. County live stock inspector—Appointment, — When a petition, signed by twenty-five or more tax paying stockmen in any county as appears trom the last assessment roll, shall be presented to the county commissioners of any county, the said commissioners may appoint a county live stock inspector, wh0OSe ap- pointment to be in force shail be confirmed by the state board of live stock commissioners, and whose duties shall be as hereinafter defined; provided, that whenever the county commissioners of two or more counties deem it advisable they may co-operate in the employment of One 'inspector and shall equally bear the expense. In counties not employing a live stock inspector, the sheriff or his deputy shali perform the duties set forth in this enactment, See. 8. Qualifications of inspector. The person to be appointed by the said board shall have had actual experience in the live stock industry and Shall satisfy the said commissioners that he knows and can read brands. sec. 9. erm of oflice—Deputy. Said inspector so appointed by the said board shall hold othee for a period of two years, unless sooner removed by the Loard of county commissioners, and the board of county commissioners shall have power to appoint a deputy inspector if necessary. Said deputy inspector shall be paid while so enployed at the rate of three dollars a day, from the same source and in the same manner as county Officers are now or hereafter may be paid. Sec. 10. Authority of inspector. Said inspector so appointed and his deputy shall have the power and authority to make an a.rest as now conferred upon sheriffs in this state. He shall also act as spécial live stock inspector for the state board of live stock com- nlissioners. sce. bt. Dities of imspecitor. Tne duty of said inspector shall be to ride the ranges and pastures Witnin tne bounuaries of the county in which he is appointed anu to protect the live stock of such county from dejp.edation and theft and to arrest any person or persons found guilty cf committing such depreda- tions or thefts. He shall also enforce all laws of the state relating to and for the protection of the live stock industry and shali inspect neat cattle before be- ing slaughtered at any local slaughter nouse, See. i2. Salary. Tne perscn appointed inspector, as hereinbefore provided, shall be paid a Salary of not to exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly, from the Sane source and in the same manner as county officers are now or hereafter may be paid; provided that the said person so appointed inspector shall provide such horses or other transportation as may be necessary to carry cut the duties imposed upon him by the law; and he shall receive no other for further compensation by way ot salary or reimbursement for expenses incurred, ex- cept that the said live stock inspector shall receive his actual and necessary traveling expenses when called to inspect any horses, mules, or cattle, as provided in sections four and five of this Act—said amount to be paid by this county in the same manner and from the same source aS such expenses are now paid by the county to county officers; provided, that before enter- ing upon the duties of his office the said inspector shall give good and sufficient bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, to be approved by the board of county commissioners. ; Sec. 13. May hold suspected shipment for inspee- tion. The'!provisions of this Act, shall not be con- strued as limiting the power and authority of any inspector of live stock, when he has knowledge or information, that a theft of live stock has been or is about to be committed, and in such cases he may re- quire any Shipment of live stock to be held for inSpec- tion before loading, whether the same is being shipped to markets where state inspectors are commissioned or not. j E CHAPTER 181. DOGS. See. 2720. Dogs wade personality. Dogs shall be deemed to be personal property and the subject of Jarceny, the same as other personal property, the value thereof in any criminal prosecution to be determined as in other cases, but in all such prosecutions the evi- dence of the assessor or collector of taxes,.as to the amount for which dogs are returned, shall be admiss- ible in evidence as tending to siow-~ value, but the same shall not be conclusive thereof. Hvyery person 1878 1917 Truman’s Pioneer Stud Farm Bushnell, Illinois America’s oldest and largest Importers of Shire, Percheron, Belgian, Suffolk and Hackney Stallions and Mares Write for our new illustrated catalogue. BRANCHES : Metropolitan Hotel, Cheyenne, Wyo. Northern Hotel, Billings, Montana. The Hereford Corporation of Wyoming Cheyenne, Wyoming Successor to Wyoming Hereford Association Registered Hereford Cattle Anxiety Bred Some of the best blood lines of the breed ' in the herd. Wyoming scale and bone. RAYMOND S. HUSTED________ Manager W. J. ROSSMAN. Ranch Supt. Long Distance Phone Altvan, Wyo. a 42 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING keeping or harboring a dog shall be deemed the owner thereof. See. 2721. Measure of damages for loss of dog. The owner of any dog, listed for taxation, killed or maliciously injured, contrary to law, or carried or en- ticed away from the premises of the owner, or har- bored for the purpose of beings killed, injured, or stolen, may recover from the person so killing, injur- ing or Stealing the Same, as exemplary damages, any ” sum not exceeding that sum for which such dog stands returned for taxation. CHAPTER erases Gate au bie be aslencea Au Ree D833 Must Be Inspected Before Shipment...... 1 Violations): <2. x2 Geass ene See ee 2 Ownership Of 5 Aes ee a a eee Ges FP FOCSCTLOM GO BWA ec cen sy sche coda heue ens Slee ee eae ae 3464 palarye 108 ) nis pie CL Ome a sane scat eon ene 12 sare ait, Auction) Ofet ioe. oe oie eee 2839 Shipment Suspected May Be Held......... 13 Sealine Oilx v5 Sa ies etic ete ee ee 5832 Live Stock Commission— AMmUal IMS Stim ey ii Siar. sect e aeenetel a ehecaee nea . -2640 App Ome Gs MO Wrest alee ney cee 2625 Bond: of \ Secretary... oki ac ccs eee eee eee 2636 Commissioner for Hach Round-Up-District 2642 Compensation ot: BS Oand Skim. rte eens 2604 TUE LES eco abn pak tece aoicaitise \aice saramae eae ole ete a ae 2639 Hxpense Shall Be Paid by Warrant....... 2646 Kees and Salaries, How Paid.......J2..9: 2654 Paciden tal! isp ensSes la. eee eet ae eee 2645 IMSPeCtions Huma! aes sel cet dace Cogan 2643 Me@@tIMe S054 ons Goitesensistatmiettnenayelel Se ek eee ee 2633 Number of Members..:.....:.......,-..- 2626 Oath Of; OmCein aie. tates ee oS ee ee 2628 ORUCERS GOP aja niche ee ese Gee a cher ee eee ee 2630 Bel Qn lta)y 510 hon eae eicic Nett into Seat Scar cinys.b.c, c BEES ERLIA SG 2632 Report Shall Be Made to Legislature...... 2652 TROOUACI= Oo) ID NSUINCES —Gankokecdsena ce sc aoa 2641 FU UL Sei rg rie Sete, eile saute, fouls terre Seis Mehta ia’ ko Netiay Cash ouhe aNSeE nr Z03i Salary sO SCCREVAGY <7. a tere ieie te Cte eane 1 Termiryok Om Ce. 4s. 2b hk ss lo i ee ete 2627 Mernn -Of ms SCCLELAL nena note aren ete 2637 Vacancies, How Milled: 2 i. 2 2 oss see eee 2629 Live Stock, Injury to— Company to Notify Owners. 2.00. tee 4206 Owner Must Swear to Value.............. 4207 Remialitiy: sieve © 1910, which provides a penalty for violation of a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 for each offense and a further liability for any loss or damages which may be sustained by reason of the importation of such prohibited animals. This quarantine proclamation shall take effect and be in force from and after the twenty-fifth day of February, A: D. 1917, to and including the first day of April, A. D. 1918, unless sooner revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wyo- ming to be affixed at Cheyenne, this 17th day of Feb, realioZ, AN. ID), lel 7 (SHAL) JOHN B. KENDRICK, Governor. By the Governor: FRANK L. HOUX, Secretary of State. Address all communications to the state veteri- ‘narian, Cheyenne, Wyoming. STUD BOOKS AND ASSOCIATIONS Recognized by the state veterinarian, for state regis- tration of stallions and jacks used or advertised for public service in the State of Wyoming. Belgian Draft: "Studbook des Cheveaux des Trait Belges, Societe: le Cheval de Trait Belges; Chevalier G. Hynderick, secretary, Brussels, Belgium. Clydesdale: Clydesdale Horse Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Archibald Mac- Neilage, secretary, 93 Hop ‘street, Glasgow, Scotland. French Draft: Studbook des de Trait Francais. Society des Agricultures de France; Henri Joha- net, secretary, 8 Rue d’ Athenes, Paris, France, Hackney: Hackney Studbook, LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 57 Hackney Horse Society; Frank IF. Huren, secre- tary, 12 Hanover South London, W. Hngland. Percheron: Studbook Percheron de France. La Societe Hippique Percheronne de France; E. Lamarie, secretary, Nogent de Rotrou, France, Shetland Pony: Shetland Pony Studbook. Shetland Pone Studbook Society; R. W. Walker, . secretary, 3 Golden Sq., Aberdeen, Scotland. Shire: Shire Horse Studbook. Shire Horse Society; J. Sloughgrove, secretary, 12 Hanover §8@., London, W. England. Suffolk: Suffolk Studbook. Suffolk Horse Society; Fred Smith, secretary, Ren- delsham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, Hngland. Thoroughbred: Australian Studbook; General Studbook. W. C. Yuille & Sons, Melbourne, Australia; Weath- erby & Sons, 6 Old Burlington street, London, W. England. Welsh Pony and Cob: Welsh Pony and Cob Studbook. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society; John R. Bache, secretary, Knighton, Randnorshire, Wales. Belgian Draft Canadian. Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Clydesdale: National. Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Hackney: Records. Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Shire: Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, 2. Canada. Suffolk: Ve ae te Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Welsh Pony and Cob: ; Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. The studbooks and signatures of the authorized officers of the following American Horse and Jack Pedigree Registration Associations, Societies or Com- panies: Arabian: *Studbook of the Arabian Horse Club of America. Arabian Horse Club of America; H. K. Bush- Brown, secretary, Newburgh, N. Y. Belgian Draft: American Register of Belgian Draft Horses. American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses; J. G. O’Connor Jr., secretary, Wabash, Ind. Cleveland Bay American Cleveland Bay Studbook. Gleveland Bay Society of America; R. P. Stericker, secretary, Oconomowoc, Wis. Erench Draft: National Register of French Draft Horses. National French Draft Horse Association of Amer- ica; G. E. Stubbs, secretary, Fairfield, Iowa. Clydesdale: American Clydesdale. American Clydesdale Association; R. B. Ogilvie, secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Tl. Hackney: American Hackney Studbook. American Hackney Horse Society; Gurney C. Gue, secretary, 308 W. 97th street, New York City. French Coach: French Coach Studbook. French Coach Society of America; Duncan }. Wil- lett, secretary, Maple Ave. and Harrison street, Oak Park, Tl. German Coach Oldenburg: German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Studbook. German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Association of America; J. Crouch, secretary, Lafayette, Ind. 58 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Jacks and Jennets: American Jack Stock Studbook. : American Breeders’ Association of Jacks and Jen- nets; J. W. Jones, secretary, Columbia, Tenn. Percheron: The American Breeders’ and Importers’ Percheron Register: The American Breeders’ and Importers’ Percheron Registry Company; John A. Forney, secretary, Plainfield, Ohio. Percheron: Percheron Studbook of America. Percheron Society of America; Wayne Dinsmore, secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Ill. Percheron: Percheron Register. The Percheron Registry Company; Chas. G. Glenn, secretary, 1319 Wesley Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Shetland Pony: American Shetland Pony .Club Studbook, American Shetland Pony Club; Miss Pulia M. Wade, secretary, Lafayette, Ind. Shire: American Shire Horse Studbook., American Shire Horse Association; Chas. Burgess Sr., secretary, Wenona, Ill. Suffolk: American Suffolk Horse Studbook. American Suffolk Horse Association; Alexander Galbraith, secretary, DeKalb, 111. Thoroughbred: American Studbook. The Jocky Club; W. H. ow ee registrar, 571 Wifth Avenue, New York Citys Nee Welsh Pony and Cob: Welsh Pony and Cob Studbook. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America; John Alexander, secretary, Aurora, Ill. American Trotter: American Trotting Register. American Trotting Register Association; Wm, H. Knight, secretary, 137 South Ashland boule- vard, Chicago, Ill. Morgan: American Morgan Register. American Morgan Register Association; T. 8. Boyce, secretary, Middlebury, Vermont. Saddle Horse: American Saddie Horse Register. American Saddle Horse Breeders’ Association; |. B. Hall, secretary, Louisville, Ky. Jacks and Jennets: Standard Jack Studbook. : Standard Jack. and Jennet Registry; Wm. HE. Morton, secretary, Kansas City, Mo. partment ot the Da- kota Farmer wants to be of service to you. If you are in the ABERDEEN. S.D. market for any kind of stock, grades or pure- STock breds, we will locate the |VE ER E kind you want and the VIG closest to you. Our live- “stock representatives : are constantly raeae all over this and adjoining states and aim to kee touch with every breeder. This service is free. ell us what you want and we will inform yOu where you can buy such stock or will make the purchase for you if you desire. : The Dakota Farmer is the leading livestock and farm paper of the northwest. Established in 1881 it has always kept closely in touch with conditions in its territory and maintained a service organization that made it invaluable to its readers. The subscription price is $1.00 a year, $2.00 for 3 years, $3.00 for 5 years. Sample copies gladly Sent on request. T & Livestock De- DAKOTA FARMER The only live stock and farm paper published in _ Wyoming. Every Stockman and Farmer should read it. Send in your subscription - now and speak to your neighbors about it. ‘When you have anything to advertise send it to the Stockman-Farmer. — - Published monthly on the fifteenth of the month. 25 cents a year—5 years s e that: weem se in Bie standardizing ey Boe? LE 40% NICOTINE. : asa prope for \ ‘ ’ a 7 3 < i) ‘: > ; : ee " f * i SS 1908 PAT. JAN. 21 aay he 1 4 IEEE, PIP N ER ay EIT OTOP aes eeseersenecaseenceeerneteem: