■ _|u Agriculture Canada Research Direction generale Branch de la recherche Technical Bulletin 1 987-1 4E Yield and quality of seven grass species at seven locations in the Central Interior of British Columbia Canada Yield and quality of seven grass species at seven locations in the Central Interior of British Columbia KLAAS BROERSMA Agriculture Canada Experimental Farm Prince George, B.C. JIM N. TINGLE Field Crops Branch B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Prince George, B.C. Technical Bulletin 1987-14E Research Branch Agriculture Canada 1987 Copies of this publication are available from Superintendent Experimental Farm Research Branch, Agriculture Canada R.R. 8, Rmd No. 6 Prince George, B.C. V2N 4M6 Produced by Research Program Service ©Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1987 Cat. No.: A54-8/1987-14E ISBN: 0-662-15464-9 The dots on the map represent Agriculture Canada research establishments. ABSTRACT Yield and chemical composition parameters were determined for seven grass species at seven locations throughout the Central Interior of B.C. The seven grass species included smooth brome, crested wheat, timothy, reed canary, meadow foxtail, creeping red fescue and intermediate wheat. The locations included two sites at Smithers, one each at Grassy Plains, Vanderhoof , Prince George, McBride and Williams Lake. Parameters determined were dry matter yield, in vivo digestibility, crude protein, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc. Also calculated were digestible dry matter yield, crude protein yield and the calcium to phosphorus ratio. RESUME On a defini les parametres du rendement et de la composition chimique de sept especes de graminees cultivees dans sept endroits du Centre interieur de la Colombie-Britannique. Les especes examinees etaient le brome inerme, l'agropyre a crete, la fleole, l'alpiste roseau, le vulpin des pres, la fetuque rouge tracante et l'agropyre intermedial re . Deux des emplacements d'essais etaient a Smithers, les autres se repartissant entre Grassy Plains (1), Vanderhoof (1), Prince George (1), McBride (l) et Williams Lake (1). Les parametres etudies comprenaient le rendement de matiere seche, la digestibilite in vivo, les teneurs en phosphore, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, cuivre et zinc. On a aussi calcule le rendement de matiere seche digestible, le rendement de proteine brute et le rapport calcium: phosphore. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # ABSTRACT/RESUME i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii List of Tables iii List of Figures iv Acknowledgements iv INTRODUCTION 1 Climate 1 Soils and It's Landscape 9 The Test 10 RESULTS 10 Smithers #1 10 Smithers #2 12 Grassy Plains 14 Vanderhoof 16 Prince George 18 McBride 20 Williams Lake 20 Location Averages 23 Species Averages 25 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 2 8 APPENDIX 31 A. Notations Used. 31 B. Conversion Factors for English and Metric Units. 32 CI Dry matter yield rankings of the seven grass. species at each location. 33 C2 Percent digestible dry matter rankings for seven grass species at each location. 34 C3 Percent crude protein rankings for the seven grass species at each location. 35 Xll List of Tables Page # Table 1. Geographical and selected soil characteristics of the seven test sites. 2 Table 2. The grass species used and some of their descriptive characteristics. 4 Table 3. Selected climatic parameters for the seven test sites from nearby long-term meteorological records . 6 Table 4. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. Smithers #1. 11 Table 5. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. Smithers #2. 13 Table 6. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. Grassy Plains. 15 Table 7. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. Vanderhoof . 17 Table 8. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. Prince George. 19 Table 9. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. McBride. 21 Table 10. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species. Williams Lake. 22 Table 11. Average yield and chemical composition data of all seven selected grass species at each of the seven locations. 24 Table 12. Average yield and chemical composition data of the seven selected grass species for all the seven locations. 26 Table 13. The average content of Mg, Mn, Ca and Zn for seven selected grass species and for the seven locations. 27 IV List of Figures Page # Figure 1. Map of British Columbia and the location of the test sites throughout the Central Interior. 3 Figure 2. Average total monthly precipitation (mm) for the test sites from nearby long-term meteorological records. 7 Figure 3. Average days of frost for the months of the growing season from nearby long-term meteorological records. 8 Acknowledgements We thank Mrs. Ann Robertson and Ms. Sandra Kinsey for typing of the text and tables and Mr. Arthur Yee for preparing two of the figures. We also would like to thank Mr. W.L.Pringle and Dr.J.A.(Al) Robertson for editing the manuscript. INTRODUCTION Agriculture in the Central Interior of British Columbia is primarily a forage based livestock industry. This makes the growing of forage crops important. Studies at the Prince George Experimental Farm have shown that grasses in general are better adapted for growing in many areas than legumes because of unfavourable soil and climatic conditions. These conditions vary with location because of the diversity experienced throughout the Central Interior of B.C. The growth of several species of grasses were studied at seven locations to determine their growth habits, yield potential, and chemical composition. The seven locations selected cover a significant portion of the agricultural areas of the Central Interior of B.C., as well as many of the major soil types. The locations, with the exception of Williams Lake, are located on a roughly east-west line, with McBride 200 km east and Smithers 400 km to the west of Prince George. Williams Lake is located 250 km to the south. Site locations and selected soil characteristics are described in Table 1 and Figure 1. The grass species tested consisted of a group that included grasses suitable for a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions. The species and cultivars employed and comments on their adaptation characteristics are listed in Table 2. The grasses, in general, are relatively winter hardy but vary in their ability to withstand soil moisture conditions. Reed canary grass, meadow foxtail, and timothy are all able to withstand poorly drained soils. The remaining four grasses: smooth brome grass, crested wheat grass, creeping red fescue, and intermediate wheat grass are better adapted to well-drained soil conditions and are able to withstand a wider range of drought tolerance. In this publication, the grasses will be referred to by common species name only, but will reflect the varieties that are recommended and grown in this area. Varietal differences are known to occur due to climate and location, but were not accounted for in this study. The varieties consisted of Carlton smooth brome grass, Summit crested wheat grass, Climax timothy, Frontier reed canary grass, Canada #1 meadow foxtail, Boreal creeping red fescue, and Chief intermediate wheat grass (Table 2). Climate The fact that temperature decreases and precipitation increases with increasing elevation is well known. In B.C., with its mountainous terrain, these relationships are not simple. In mountain valleys, temperature inversions are common CO O t> X CM •H ax 4-> ■ — " 10 •H CD CD U o i-i CD rd 3 4-> o >-) X id 3 CD M CO E-< *d 43 C_> TJ 3 id to c rH CD o •H H •H O U ■!-> CO CD cd co o •H >M •H O. a. V) 3 3 (0 O O 08 »-i u rH o CD C_> 43 ■M 3 rH id co •H cu o ^ >-i CO o c o •H 4-> o id e > <1> rH W 0) TJ 3 4-> ■H r* D> C O -3 V TJ 3 4-> -H 2 4-> ft) J c o Id u o a rd o oo i£> CO o a c« O V£> •M >i >1 rH to 03 •H I— t rH 00 CJ U a J id If) a O CD 4< rd T3 TJ O O o O * CO O o 43 CD a * id * u ■H «d -u * 4J CD > 43 •H 4-4 4* 4-4 Tj CD O rH •H rH •H a a 3 rH J-J CD 14 «j ■H id •H Q E- Q > cm (d OS id SB >i >1 >i u >-< >i a id V) Id m id CO CO O 10 O (0 rd CD S-l rH u rH u rH rH rH rH U N O o O o O o O -O O o o o o en in w 10 CD 10 •H CO a i< •H >s -H ^ •H >i •H >t •H 43 •H 4«S u u > *H > J-i > CD > •U > U CD (d 3 rd 3 rd 3 u 3 rH 3 M 3 rd 43 Q J g J a J o J O J O J O U o CM in © 00 o r- 00 o r— VD O i© o o o o r~ (N o CN o CN O o •** t— cr» CN r- V£> iH «* ■<* •** o ^ rH tH o o e o o e 0 "3< ^* m ^« ro CO CN if) IT) in CO a m CD m m CD J* rH CN ■H V4 id =»te *te rd rH O o CD J CO CO ex. o O (0 u J-J 43 CD a CD CD >i U CD T3 id 43 43 CO CD o •H H -4-> ■M CO t3 (3 (4 rH •H •H rd 13 ■H 00 rH a a U «d t-l o -H CO w CJ> > (X, s * Figure 1. Map of British Columbia and the location of the test sites throughout the Central Interior. O) «. TJ xi ID rH • JC o c 4-> C •H 4-* 4-» O to ■H • TJ * •H O C > 4-> * « -H o i (0 H «J o VI o *-> O u >1 to (4 u 1 0) l>4 x: id t» rH rH TJ TJ 0) B t» l-l > CD o> a; •H • 1 V 1— 1 0> rH •H «. 3 *. >1 u O 0) rH c o S-i >1 <« > (0 O O V) rH •H 0) o rH • •H 4-> *-> rH •H r-l r-l c u pH M 3 c 0) 4-> u X U O 3 •H ■H TJ ■H «« W >1 rO * a U 4-> rH M as 0> to tj .3 0) ft V) 3 i^ CO n rH cu - u 1 t» H-l 10 h TJ 4) •. 4> CD rH TJ 0) E5 rH 3 o •. 0) to TJ e TJ 4-> w > o 0) rH rH O >i r-H d> 1-4 a 0 c 3 at 4-> U O T* 0) u to TJ » ■H a 0) 3 a r« 4-1 U 3 4-> a * TJ 3 S-i in O ■H 4-> u •H 14 rt CT> 4-> 4-> as o (0 rH 10 • 10 «) as 0 a xi X 4J % >1 •H .3 ■H o> U * 4-> U rH TJ t» 0> Xi a d) rH 4-> O TJ s TJ u TJ O *. a 3 4J t» o rH 4-> •H >i 10 0) •H xi o 4J >i as O 3 -H -H .3 TJ u c TJ >1 tj> xi >i J-. M a o 4-> 4-> t» c CD >1 •H O rH •H V) r-i 4-> (U >iT3 3 u OS h •H o > s TJ •H TJ *J 0) r-l u as U rH O TJ O o o a <4-l TJ a ft cu a) ft >*-l CD (A a c tj O V) o xi o >1 U 4-> u 0) (0 «< 4-» •H <*-t D) 4-* rH -l 4-> 4-> M o 4-> to TJ 4-> 3 4-> tO TJ tj TJ O TJ O G a> V) rH -H flj rH 0) c <0 ^ as +-> TJ -M ex * 0) o a> 0 O (0 0) d) V o ft p. ft 4-> 4J V) 4-> to >-■ 4-> X) 4-> tA (0 «J l« ft ft ft ft TJ TJ TJ as (0 10 10 rf «< «< TJ TJ TJ < TJ < TJ a> rH V) V4 ^fe: » C o *-> X 0) •H r« rH >i 4J •H 10 4-> TJ (0 IH 4-* rH a a fl «J 0 0) a> r-l 6 •i-t o a t>4 •H •H (TJ 3 i-i 1-. as o X! r-l as > O to t_> fr* C-> 00 U § 3 € 0) M 4-> »s 5 <0 1) <0 TJ «« 0 z £3 <0 £5 4> «3 3 ft. kl 4J ft o «H Tj 4j is •ft •H •H 0 HJ * «) 3 «W ft ft «s 4) »H ft •H •m o ft. 0) »s O 4-> H •*i 3 as H a «o N SI >S O O N a) 3 ft. 3 <« « 3 ft. ■H £3 o 0 »H o, «J o o O b *H as o <0 H w 4-> OS § § """1 ■»! rH •H ffj 4 TJ 0 3 4-> 4) as i 4J 0 o 4-> (U g o x: M X 04 to as Xi Hi u * as o 0) •H 3r S5 (O a Ph t3> U. TJ tj >i as c 0 c xi 0) Xi u * -H a o 4-> 4-> 4-> o ft u a o tO o TJ TJ 0 0) a o 0) a a> as 0) 4-> o 6 >-i •H a> CD u 3 t_> to l_> E- a: S f«) M and cause the temperature to depart from the normal of surrounding areas. The effect of mountains in the prevailing storm paths cause more precipitation to fall on the windward side. In the lee of these obstructions a rain shadow, or reduced zone of precipitation, is produced. It is thus the influence of topography, elevation, and location within the landscape that causes much of the differences in climate at each site. The climate of the Central Interior of B.C. can be described as continental as much of the influence of the Pacific Ocean is lost by the Coast Mountains acting as a barrier. In general, the summers are warm and the winters long and cold. Precipitation is light to medium(400-750 mm) and fairly evenly distributed throughout the year (Table 3). The actual climatic conditions experienced at any one locale can be quite different from nearby long-term climatic stations because of the effects of rugged terrain causing many micro-climates. The temperature for the sites on the Nechako Plateau and Nechako Plain (Smithers, Grassy Plains, Vanderhoof, Prince George) are very similar with Grassy Plains having the lowest mean temperature. These lower temperatures are a reflection of the higher elevation. McBride and Williams Lake have the highest mean annual temperature. The lowest mean maximum temperatures have been recorded at Grassy Plains and the lowest mean minimum temperature at Vanderhoof. Temperatures during the normal growing season, May to September, follow a similar trend to mean annual temperatures at these locations. The precipitation and its pattern show, in general, an even distribution with a decline in the months from February to May, inclusive, which is characteristic for the area. The total precipitation ranges from 402 mm at Williams Lake to 621 mm at Prince George. Snowfall accounts for about 40% of the total precipitation while roughly another 40% falls during the growing season, May to September. At Prince George and Williams Lake the growing season precipitation is higher at 46 and 51% of the total precipitation, respectively. The water deficit during the growing season depends on the precipitation supplied during the growing season, on temperature, and on the ability of the soil to store water that is available to the plants. The higher temperatures, coarser textured soils, and lower precipitation areas usually experience greater water deficits. In this area, moisture deficits usually occur from mid-June to the beginning of July when soil moisture becomes depleted and the crops become dependent on the current precipitation or irrigation. The growing season varies from 94 to 121 days with Vanderhoof having the shortest season. In most cases, the last day of killing frost {<2° C) usually occurs at the end of May, except for Vanderhoof where it is the first week of June. The 01 a -h cu rH A! rH flj •H J 0) Ll 03 O S3 (D 0) o t» c Ll ■H o l-i cd a. o a i o M •H a> Tj o m a o u m ,a o > j >i to W C 10 H ftJ «0 Ll i-H o a, CM W =W= Ll a> 13 .g a 4-> (0 •H 6 tH M 4fc O W CO Ol ^ H »J W H N W VO ^nnoc^1 *]• O tH co o m tH I tH CM rOOlflNrlN <*-> I tH tH r»oco r»*o w CM CD PO tH CD C"> I rH tH OOOOM^Nm cm r- cm o r- *# I tH tH <*> Cft ro H Cl> <*) en r- cm t— *f cm o © cm ir> ^" CM t~- ""* ID tH CM r- CM tH o cd m cm VD CD lT> tH CD V© 0) 4-> CM CO, tH ^> co cd 00 tH cr» tH tH CM CD tH tH 4-> tH >i P. cd a> ac CO O ^f tH 00 O CO CM CO «* CO VO CM CM CO tJ> VO 00 r- co i/> cd CM 00 ^J" tH ■<» t| C)H CM CD ** CD CM CD ^* rH ^« CD CM 00 CM V£> CD O ro VO ^ CM CD lO 00 CD tH tH tH CD r-l tH 4-> 1 a. CO 0) 5C CO m VD »* O CD cr> a> +-> o c a. «h 3 CD *3 CO m o t» tH CM tH O iT> tH CO 4-> >i a. CO vV » CO o t- o CD CO o m -M tH O >1 o. i-i 4-> to to o Li Li O Li *— « a> a> Ll .q A >*-l O o a e ■t-> o IT) CD CD rH r-i rH -l-> to CM ^s Li ■M 4-> rH e—l ft* to Ll 1 ^^ CD P. A ftf (TJ *-> ra •H ^. to £t >*-4 <4-l rH o rH IM — >1 *-l IM to x> Li 4-> >1 >i a rrj G O t o O >1 d) ^~* o. CO flj a Li to H ■M CO CD 4-> U S e CD £ £ ■w P. CD CD T3 CD ■H O rH 3 3 CO r-\ r-l rH CD C3 4-> +-> Ll Li *- «J a a 1 •. « a fd CO CO CO O ^ CO CD Cn cj 3 H •H >1 • • o 3 3 3 1 IA ■n TJ CD CD w a X g CO X G •H C C C >1 (0 Ll XJ CO Li G ffj •H s: crj •H 4-> G G G rd CD CD CD VM 4-> 3 rtj s £ a a (0 rrj crj CO £ CO tn t7> <*-» (« 4-> •. 4-> <0 cO 4-> O a a? a c c g G G •H G G G G tJ> Li Ll to •H Ll IT) (T) CO > Li O O e as a s: £ £ O CD Ll a. x: X x: £ > o Li O •< < fe £ a: UJ 0 CO u •H 00 o ■H O 5-i O CD 4-1 CD b 0) ao C o t-l cfl CD c B o u 0) 4-1 CD C O •H 4-1 CO 4-1 •H a •H a cu }-i a H OO 4-1 3 o B cu en &0 T3 co u u o > cd QJ l-l 00 ■H (uuai) NOIJ.VXIedl03tdeJ A~IJLHXNOkM 30VU3AV n 7Z X < \zz J. z VZ2Z X < 1/ /> "/ o < Z D T-oa)ooN(oin^rocNT-ocnooN(Dm^ncN'-o NNrrrrrrrrrr £ 8 o § 3 a. i 00 C O (-J CO cu G E O U # CU o co 8 oc a C o u 00 CU CO •U c o e CU 4= O U-t • CO co Vj o o m a M-l CU u U-l O i-H CO CO CJ co oo T3 o a) o to o u CU > < I ro CU S-i 00 •H ISOcdJ JO SAVQ first day of a killing frost in the fall occurs about mid-September. The number of degree-days accumulated are about 1100 per year, except for the higher elevations where maximum and minimum teperatures are lower, especially in the growing season. This is experienced at a site such as Grassy Plains. It is apparent from Figure 3 that there is a chance of frost in every month except July. In fact, every few years the Smithers and Vanderhoof sites do experience a frost in July, although this is usually not a severe killing frost. Soils and Its Landscape The main area of the Central Interior of B.C. is made up of the Nechako Plateau and the Nechako Plain, with McBride situated in the Rocky Mountain Trench. The topography of the interior plateau consist of large rolling upland areas separated by broad valleys. The area was glaciated and is covered by a glacial deposit which has been modified by subsequent erosion and laking. Coarse materials were deposited by the glacial meltwaters before reaching the lakes. The largest lacustrine basins are found around Fort St. James, Vanderhoof, and Prince George. This has resulted in soils of varying texture and drainage, with soils developed on lacustrine materials being heavy textured and soils developed on outwash being gravelly and lighter textured. The soils in the Central Interior of B.C. plateau consist mainly of Gray Luvisols. The native forest vegetation adds little organic matter into the soil and the litter layer is thin and poorly decomposed. The surface mineral layer under the litter layer is usually leached and light in colour with a very weak structure. The soil horizon below this is much finer in texture because of clay accumulation which has a strong angular blocky structure that resists root proliferation and water percolation. In spring, these soils are wet because of this restrictive layer. The soils that develop on the coarser parent material of the glacial outwash are mainly of the Brunisolic soil order. These soils are coarser and have a lower water holding capacity and usually are less fertile. Other coarse soils found along major streams are often of the Regosolic soil order in that there is little soil development of the original parent material. These soils are developed from alluvial materials and are often very fertile. Near Quesnel and Williams Lake Chernozemic soils developed on the grasslands can be found which have an accumulation of organic matter in the surface horizon. These soils, are not extensively leached. Dark Gray Chernozemic soils are found in a transition zone between the grassland and the forest soils. 10 The Test The test was sown in the spring of the years 1969, 1970, and 1971 at each location (Figure 1) and harvested for three consecutive years following seeding. The 1970 seeeding at McBride failed to establish, therefore only the 1969 and 1971 seedings are reported for that site. Fertilizer was top dressed each spring to assure adequate available nutrients at rates of 84, 112, 56, 27, kg/ha of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2 Os ) , potassium (K2 O) , and sulfur(S), respectively. The plots were harvested mechanically with a Swift Current flail harvester. The aim was to harvest at the early heading stage. Due to travelling distances, stage of harvest varied between early heading and anthesis. The total harvest included the first cut and aftermath, if any was present, and was reported as dry matter (DM) yield. The quality of the first cut only was determined by analyzing for crude protein (CP) by macro-Kjeldahl , in vivo digestible dry matter (DDM), and mineral content other than phosphorus (P) by spectroscopy. The mineral analysis included potassium(K) , calcium(Ca) , magnesium (Mg) , manganese (Mn) , zinc(Zn), and copper (Cu). Phosphorus (P) was determined by ashing and colorimetry. Digestible dry matter (DDM) yield was calculated from the product of DM yield by %DDM. Crude protein yield was calculated from the product of DM yield by %CP. The results presented were the averages of three consecutive seeding years, each harvested for three years, giving a total of nine harvest years, except for McBride which had only six harvest years because of establishment failure in 1970. RESULTS Smi there #1 (Table 4) Yields of DM for the seven grass species ranged from 5200 to 8400 kg/ha at the Smithers #1 location. The highest DM yield was from reed canary grass and the lowest from meadow foxtail. The DDM ranked differently from the DM yield with the highest yield, reed canary grass, having the lowest DDM of 53.8%. The lowest yielding species, meadow foxtail, had the highest DDM of 73.2% a difference of nearly 20%DDM between the two species. The remaining five species ranged from 59.2 to 62.8%DDM with an average of 61.2%. Expressed as DDM yield in kg/ha timothy ranked first, smooth brome grass second, and intermediate wheat grass third. Crude protein ranged from 8.9 to 16.5% for the seven different species. The 16.5% CP of the meadow foxtail was considerably higher than the 12.2% for crested wheat grass the 11 V) v> (0 o> X) (I) ■»-> o OJ rH CD VI c > i 0) V) O* CU rrJ H U O OJ O) > (X (TJ OS <*> *» XJ (TJ ,— l 43 (A eu N» >-4 u •H t» 0) >« >s 43 4-> •H a CO Q- vj <*• X) (TJ r— 1 43 s - ^ <*> XJ (TJ rH 43 S3 4) ^ Q -H O) eg eg in CO VO eg CO o r- OJ OJ ** CO eg O rH o CO rH CO rH CO 0^ CO eg CO eg o O O o o O O vO eg eg eg co 00 eg o VO eg eg eg «cf CO CT> eg eg CT> vo r— m rH ur> ■>* r» tT> CO vo CT> ID cr> o in VO rH 00 VO CO in CO r- rH o in eg m oo O 00 CO eg CO o eg in 00 00 00 00 eg ■«* eg rH vo o VO eg VO co ID co rH VO o> m V) QJ •H t) OJ P. 00 V) v> (TJ u rH CT> VO O VO CO 00 r- rH cr> O cr« VO co m CO <7\ ** rH in V£> r^ m 4-> t— 00 in rH •H OJ 3 O V) OJ r- *-> OJ 43 a> id ItS TJ >1 4-> OJ ■M o 43 u X OS ITJ rJ :* (TJ o ■H CO (3 b t» T3 XJ >1 (TJ c 4-> 4-> o 0. u O V) o •o X> OJ o> o OJ s CD (TJ OJ +J s iH -H 0) OJ h 13 CO CJ E-> os S3 u M eg o CO eg o o o CO rH VO CO CO O r- OJ O) «TJ U OJ > < a o •H 4-> «T> CJ o OJ OJ u 43 4-> U o 4-t XJ OJ 4-1 VI OJ > Sh <« 43 43 O at OJ v rH r~ i rH 4-> V v> CT> >-l rH (TJ 43 ,, o> V) C IH •H <0 <3 OJ >. >4H O o> (3 rH -H (TJ t3 ■M OJ O OJ 4-> V) (TJ OJ OJ >-l u O 43 >4-l ■M w S u o (TJ r4 0) <4H >i VI o> ■H > •H OJ 4J IT 3 <« TJ U d) OJ V) > c 4-> O (1) .H 0) n c 4> > 0) U) 0) Xi O 4k (0 10 on eg eg e* eg vo m o> co in co eg eg o o GO eg eft eg eg CO © Cft eg Cg o Cft o eg eg co eg CO «3 TJ a o •H 4-> -H W O D. a o o id u •H 6 a> O a TJ rH a> •H >t « m a) a> t»-H a) a > W i • m w j CQ «< E- « U a> .a a co •O co a. h ^ H t» O- •o CO X i-» ^3 o nix Q H t» co eg to 00 cft vo -** cft m oo cft t— vo eg co eg cft eg eg o oo m vo r- oo eg CO 00 vo eg vo VO o vo Cft VO Cft eg co eg eg vo o o in vo ^» co vo CO «H o vo cr> in co vo eg m vo m oo vo 00 m oo m CO eg i* eg 00 Cft m vo CT> ^« in Cft eg o in r- r- m vo r*- n 0) -H U 0> o. w u VI c0 J-l 0) 3 *-> U CO CO a> 0) .C rH Eh > 4-> •H a> CO CO •O 0) e a> >i 4-J a> +J o £ u X 04 c0 V4 f0 o •H 00 a hu D> Tj •o >1 CO a a> X! 4-> O P. M O (0 O •o T* a> CD o 0> a 4) c0 a> 4-> a h •H 0> 0> h c CO u e- &S ac U M eg oo co Cft eg eg eg vo eg r- cft 00 co eg vo oo eg ^* vo 4) t7» CO J-t 0) > o •H -u CO O O 0> S-i >-4 O 0) ■M V) a> > CO xi xi o CO a> • r-l w M •. CO o 0) c~- >1 c^ ^H -M V) •. 0> O^ > VO 1* a> CO t-H J3 a) • • c V) ■H kl fi <0 0) «*-l >1 o C» rH c CO •H 4-> •O O a> 4-> at w CO a) >-l a> O u M-l xi 4-> w »-4 a CO o O) u >1 M-l a> OT > -H •H -»-> 0) Z> e» U «o 0) h in 0) c > o <0 o * 14 Phosphorus level in the forage ranged from 0.18 to 0.32%, with the wheat grasses having the lowest, and meadow foxtail the highest content. Calcium contents averaged 0.29% with creeping red fescue having the highest level. All other species were similar. The Ca/P ratios were all above 1, except for the meadow foxtail which tended to accumulate more P than other species while having average Ca uptake. Potassium levels were above 2%, with only the wheat grasses having levels below 2%. Meadow foxtail took up considerably more K than the other species . Micro-nutrient levels for Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn have not been tabulated. The Mg levels ranged from 0.09 to 0.18% with the wheat grasses having the lowest levels, while reed canary grass had the highest. The average Mn content for the seven grass species was 28 pg/g, with crested wheat grass having the lowest Mn content of 12.6 pg/g. Copper levels had a range of 3.0 to 6.9 pg/g, with intermediate wheat grass being the only one below 4.0 pg/g. Zinc content averaged 23.6 pg/g. The lowest level was in the intermediate wheat grass, with 17.1 pg/g Zn, and the highest was in meadow foxtail at 34.2 pg/g. All others were in the 20-25 pg/g Zn range. Grassy Plains (Table 6) The yields of DM for Grassy Plains are presented in Table 6. The yields ranged from a low of 3875 kg/ha for crested wheat grass to a high of 6249 kg/ha for intermediate wheat grass. The highest yielding grasses had the lower %DDM. Reed canary grass had a %DDM of 53.9 and intermediate wheat grass a %DDM of 57.2. Meadow foxtail, one of the lowest yielding species had the highest %DDM of 72.2. The yields of DDM ranged from 2374 to 3628 kg/ha. The highest DDM yield was for timothy which was followed closely by intermediate wheat grass. Crested wheat grass had the lowest DM and DDM yield. Crude protein levels of the grass species ranged from 9.5% for intermediate wheat grass to 18.5% for meadow foxtail. Crested wheat grass had the second highest %CP. All species, except intermediate wheat grass, had CP contents of 12% or higher. The highest CP yield was obtained from meadow foxtail because of its high CP content and was followed closely by reed canary grass. Average P content of the grass species was 0.25%. The lowest P levels were for the wheat grasses, with 0.18% for intermediate wheat grass and 0.21% for crested wheat grass. The highest P content of 0.33% was for meadow foxtail. The highest Ca level was for creeping red fescue with 0.43%. All other species ranged from 0.26 to 0.37% Ca. Meadow foxtail had the 15 w to to »-. t» a> o rH a> CO a > (A 0) Xi 4-» O (8 4-> m c o •H (A O Q. a o o 0 o •H a 0) .a o TJ C it a> T> «J rH .C w JX, a, «^ a C_> -H O) H >« .* >1 to « (0 S*4 o * VI •H m O u 0) cu D. > W < • W J CO *: H «t> U o -H f« 0£ CO tN «H tN ID tN vo tN co CO 00 tN oo *H O O O o O O O tN 00 vD I— IT) in O m VO tN r- CO O oo tN CN r- CO in « rH ^3 rH .C £ vV ^ Q H C7> 10 d) •H O a> a. t/J (0 (0 vo m tN m CO Tr *-t tN 00 ** 9\ to tN CO 1" co tN 00 tN v£> co m «H CO CO VO tN O CO 00 m CO «H ^" CO a\ tN O tN VO rH vo VO vo co in tN VO in r- in in r- 00 ** o> tH r- VO co VO 00 ** o 00 «* rH CO o tN m CO in VO ^ m vo vV 3 4-> rj rrj 10 0) w A rH fe > 4-> •H 4) rd rrj TJ >1 4-> o Xi U X OS 10 u > i « c a> Xi a> 43 t_> * -H a 4-> ■*-> ■4-J O P. u o (0 o •o •o 0) w o w e CD (0 0) ■»-> e h •H a> a> |H c t/1 t_> E- cc 5C u •H 00 CO CO m CN co VO in CO co tN CO CO VO a> tj> nj u > a o rtf O O U xi 0) 4-> to a> > J= 43 O rrj ^H w u •. (TJ O 0) r^ >i cr. tH ■»-> w «. 0) VO u (0 T-l Xi , c (t> 0) >*-l >1 o O) rH c (TJ •H ■l-> TJ o 0) 4-> (1) OT rd 0) »-i a> O ki >4-l 43 4-> W tvl a «D o ID (w| >i l*-( a> w > •H ■H *-> CD 3 CD U rd (1) U w o U 0> rH (V (A C > o> V) a> X o c o co o o. e o o o •H e CJ a 0) < CO 0> (1> t7> -H «J O l-i 0) <1> o- > co u CD o VO o eg eg as T3 «J i-l X »t-l Pu - >j X 1-1 a> a Pu (0 O <#> > TJ> as 35 r-l 4=: O a> »••■. Q •H D> >- -* 3C Q Q SC CD ^ 0 0 VO 00 1- rH O O r-l eg r-l O O i-H O rH iH 0 »-H T-l co eg co r-l eg eg eg eg r-I ej O O O O 0 0 O CO eg r-l CO 03 ** C4 r-l CO VO eg i-H eg O O 0 0 O 0 O in VO ID m VO 0 1— VT> CO VO co 00 00 00 in eg -H o a> O. co CA (0 n> u d) 3 4-> O l« CA 0) O) ja r-H fe > 4-> •H a> R) rt ■O 0) a O >i 4-> (V -M 0 X J-i X 05 (0 u :* m 0 •H CD c Cm o> •O •0 >i «j 0 0) J= a) X u > •H a •JJ JJ 4-> O Q. u O (A 0 •0 TJ 0) 0) O a> a (U «J 0) 4-> a h •H V a o C0 O o a> 0) j-i A 4-> U O M-l T> a> 4-> en 0) > »-i R) XX X 0 (0 a> .. r-l r- o^ • tH w ^ «. «> O 0) r- >i tTt rH 4-> tf) «. 0) o^ > vo >-i • • c en ■H u c «S i 0 0»i-H a CO •H 4-> •O O a> 4-> 4) CO flj 01 J-I a> O 14 4-1 J3 4-> W J-I a IB 0 0) u >i «M a> OT > •H •H 4-> o> 0 D) U id a> M w

0 « 0 « Cu content was 3.8 pg/g. The range of Zn levels for the seven grass species was from a low of 13.3 pg/g for intermediate wheat grass to a high of 24.4 pg/g for meadow foxtail with an average of 18.3 pg/g. Prince George (Table 8) Yields of DM ranged from 3516 to 7347 kg/ha for the Prince George location. The highest yield was obtained with reed canary grass and was followed closely by smooth brome grass and timothy. The lowest yield, from crested wheat grass, was considerably lower than the next highest, meadow foxtail, with 4704 kg/ha. The %DDM for meadow foxtail, at 72.4%, was more than 10% greater than crested wheat grass, at 61.9%. The lowest %DDM was for reed canary grass at 51.5%. Determination of the DDM yield shows that the highest yield was obtained with smooth brome grass with 4278 kg/ha and followed by timothy, 3875 kg/ha, and reed canary grass, 3785 kg/ha. Crested wheat grass had the lowest %DDM yield with 2172 kg/ha, at least 1100 kg/ha lower than intermediate wheat grass. The highest %CP was obtained from meadow foxtail with 17.4%. This was considerably more than crested wheat grass at 12.7%, the next highest. Intermediate wheat grass was the only one below 10% CP. The 874 kg/ha of CP from reed canary grass was the highest. Meadow foxtail, with 818 kg/ha of CP was second highest, mainly because of its high %CP. Crested wheat grass was at least 110 kg/ha lower than intermediate wheat grass in CP yield. Phosphorus content of the grass species averaged 0.24%. The wheat grasses had the lowest levels, while meadow foxtail was the highest. The Ca levels for all species, except creeping red fescue, were between 0.14 and 0.16%. Creeping red fescue had a Ca content of 0.23%. The Ca/P ratios of all species were below 1 because of the low Ca contents. The Ca/P ratio for meadow foxtail was the only one below 0.5 because of its high P content. Meadow foxtail also had the highest K level at 3.0%. All other species ranged between 1.5 and 2.2%K, with the wheat grasses being the lowest. The four micro-nutrient levels of Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn have been summarized, but are not presented in tabular form. The Mg content averaged 0.17%, with reed canary grass having the highest at 0.24% and crested wheat grass the lowest at 0.12%. The Mn level of creeping red fescue was the greatest at 185 pg/g, followed by reed canary grass with 158.5 pg/g. The overall average was 118.9 pg/g- Copper levels averaged 4.8 pg/g. Crested wheat grass and timothy, each with 3.8 pg/g of Cu, were the lowest. Meadow foxtail, with 19 w CO m o> O 0> i-H a> n a a> > n a> xi o «d 0 •o c o •H •H n o s o u fd o ■H e a) t7> H n> u ai A > n i oo H < 03 «0 cu •0 HJ 0 rH X Oi PL. tt) "^ u. o •H O* o >- .* 4) O 4) U Ph a o <* •H U flu TJ ftf » 1- o a> ■>» a •H t3> S3 a <*» a 9E 0) "-». o -H G> ** 00 CO "* P- «H 00 y£> 00 00 V© in r~ r- ■>* c^ ** T-i r- o cn o rH c* eg o\ 00 r- CM CM r- cm 00 ro m 00 r- co o CO in CO CO in T-l CO CO pq o> CO in ^« 00 T-\ o ir> rH m eg 00 in in o v£> ** o ** CM t-H in 00 co r~ \£> 00 r- CO vO r» ** in in 10 U at (A 0> rH 0) £ 4-> •H 0) s 0 >i 4-> 0) 4-> o X u X OS n> u > rt o •H CQ c u< o> TJ T* >1 re c a) Xi 0 x: u > •H e J-> 4-> 4-> o o. u o W O TJ T> 0> 0) o 0 a 0) rtf 0) ■M e U •H 0) 0> tH a CO V fc- OS a <_> M CNI rH O CM in o CO m CO in a> 10 u a> > a o (0 o o a> 0) s-i jC 4-> kl o **— 1 t3 cu 4-> w (1) > u n} J3 ^5 U CD • rH CO u » fC o cu r~ >1 CTi rH ■l-> CO «. a; O^ > vr> u fd rH x: *H >1 o O) rH c (fl •H -t-> t3 o a> 4-> 0) w f0 a> )-l 0 o M *4-l x: 4-J CO »H e (TJ o O j-i >l -H -H 4-J a> 3 O) O fd a> u CO ai c > o T> 01 ■*-> o CD rH 0) CO C CD > W cd 43 4-> « 4-> «0 T> a o •H •H V) O O. e o o o •H e 43 O c 0) •H >1 • « V) CD -H fd O J-< CD CD Q. > < I w J CO u ■H tj> ■w >• AS •H »-i A U JB Cu . Q •H & >- 4< en CM 00 O o% r-i CM CM CM co cm o o CO co cm CM CM CM CM CM CM o CM CM CM cm o CM O CM CO co CM ID o o 00 r— cr> ■** IT> *» co LO CM m r- KO r^ 00 00 r~ 00 o eg vo o o vo rH 43 w 0) •H o (1) a w IA en CO o o r-i ID vo co V© V© r— 00 CO •** 00 m CO O CO in VO ** in CM *tf CO VO o> 1/) r- in VO VO 1T> o r— o ** t-H in O CO CO VO CO CM CM vo *H «H o CO o CM vo VO r- 00 m VO OO a> 3 4-> rj at (0 a> a> 43 rH fe > 4-> •H a> cct rO TJ CD S a> >i ■u CD 4-> o 43 U X Oi ctf 1-1 t* to o •H 03 a b tJ> X> •O >1 -M 4-> O 0. m o V) O •o T3 a> a> o 0) e 0) 05 a> 4-> e in •H a) a o as O O 3 o U as 43 43 O CCJ 0 en VO • en w T-H !-i 03 CD • • >i w u 4-> a} w CD CD >i > U t»> a) C 43 •H -o X CD •H CD W W J-) i-H 03 e ■u o O i-t +J & w -H >-i o CD M-l o> as w v-i u CD OS > CD as >i * 22 «A W Id S-i &* TJ (1) 4-> O 0) r-l (1) C 4> > (A 4-> 4H o Id ■»-> Id TJ c o ■H w o o. a o o id t) •H a .C U tj id -H >i e» a) u o D. «< V) I W CO « a) m o rrj as TJ id a> rH X M O. ■ .* 8 A •H Ot rH u <*> rH •H * tj id a .- Q d> ^ Q •H t» K a <*> a tJ id s 0) ^ Q •H D) oo cm VO rH o o O O O o o cm rH If) vo rH CO CM CO co r- o m VO CO co 00 iH vo CO CO VO VT) IO rH oo CM CM vo CM vo o CM vo CM rH 00 ^> rH VO rH o CM CO LO CO CM 00 rH CO CO CO CM CT\ ^* CO r-i o r» O r~ CM co ** en 4-> •H 0) (TJ e d> >i 4-> o xs tH X Oi TJ TJ >i rrj a W .G •H 6 4J -t-> 4-> o P. i-i o (A o TJ T> 0) 0) o 0) e a In •H U c CO U E- (ki s u M VO CM CM CTi CO CM If) CM OO O If) CM If) CM CM If) VO O CO 01 O) as u > o -H 4J iH o VM TJ (0 a> > tH ^ rH r* 1 O) rH -»-> w ^ a; a> > vo j-i en (TJ rH J2 V • • c (A •H tH c id 4) >4-l >i o O) rH a (TJ •H ■U TJ o V 4-> (1) (A (TJ -l a> o tH <4H us 4-> (A 1-1 e (TJ o CD tH >1 •H •H 4-> 0) 3 O) t) id fl > O id O * 23 average DM yield of all grass species was 3404 kg/ha. The %DDM ranged from 61.8 to 71.1%, with an average of 65.4%. Meadow foxtail, with 71.1%, and smooth brome grass, with 69.3%, had the highest %DDM. Reed canary grass, at 61.8%, was the lowest, but considerably higher than at other sites in Central B.C. Percent CP was high, with the overall average of 15.2%. Meadow foxtail had close to 20% CP. The level of CP in the reed canary grass was 16.8%, which was followed closely by smooth brome grass. The lowest %CP was for the intermediate wheat grass at 11.9%. Even though intermediate wheat grass had the lowest %CP, its CP yield was the highest at 560 kg/ha because of its higher yield. Smooth brome grass was second with 546 kg/ha CP. Meadow foxtail, the lowest yielding grass species, ranked third. The lowest CP yield was for timothy. The P content of the grass species was the lowest for intermediate wheat grass, with 0.19% and crested wheat grass with 0.20%. Meadow foxtail had the highest P concentration with 0.31%. The range of Ca was narrow, from 0.18 to 0.24%, except for creeping red fescue with 0.31%. The Ca/P ratios were below 1 except for creeping red fescue, which had a higher Ca uptake level. The lowest Ca/P ratio was for meadow foxtail. Potassium concentration averaged 2.6%. Crested wheat grass had the lowest level, with 1.9%, and meadow foxtail with 3.3%, the highest. The micro-nutrient levels are summarized as follows. The level of Mg ranged from 0.15 to 0.26%. The wheat grasses had the lowest concentration of Mg, while reed canary grass had the highest. The Mn levels averaged 77.4 [ig/g. Creeping red fescue accumulated the most and crested wheat grass the least Mn. The level of Cu averaged 4 pg/g with intermediate wheat grass, timothy, crested wheat grass, and creeping red fescue all being below the average. The Zn content ranged from 19.2 to 34.2 \ig/g, with all grass species, except intermediate wheat grass, being very close to the maximum. Location Averages The yields of DM at the seven different locations varied with the amount of precipitation available, temperature, and the soil conditions (Table 11). The lower the precipitation and the higher the mean temperature, the lower was the DM yield. The Williams Lake location had the lowest yield because of the greatest summer water deficit. The Smithers #1 and McBride locations had higher yields because of the lighter textured soils that warm up more quickly in the spring and allow better root penetration and water use. Soils, such as the clays at Prince George, are cold in the spring and plant roots do not penetrate deeply. 24 w * u 0) *-> u 0> rH 0) V) a a> > 0) V) fd tj • V) c c o o •H -H 4-> •*-> •H «» V) V o O ftrH s o c u a) > i-H 0) «J V) U •H a> a J3 o> 4-> o *H O TJ a .C «s U ffl T3 0) -•-> •H (0 >1 w 0) a> t» ■H CO- o rH a> 0> o. > w i w « rd O as tj co- rn .fl a. fl> "-. Ou a r-l xi a o» >«■. O -H O. >« r* Q A! o CO co vO rH eg co o o o o O o O VO eg m ** C* oa in o o o o o o o vO vo 00 vo CO m m VO o 00 1— co o m CO ^" ir> ** o r~ CM iH rH co CO cs t-4 m O o co r- 0"> CO CO 00 CO co en C4 CO O CO r- «H c* C4 C4 CO vo CO TP VO co VO in VO 00 m vo CO 00 ^« r» vo r- ** CO eg r- m ** 00 o o ** rH ** CO r* ^ r~ vo m <* m VO co a o o o c 4) rH C4 •H »4 (0 »* «* (0 i-H 4-1 o o J (A V) O- o o V) U Sh 43 0) a 0) V >1 M a> TJ n) xi A (A a> o •H -H 4-> 4J V) Tf c U rH H •H <0 a •H (O rH a a 14 cd U o •H CO CO O > a. s * vo co O vo C»J eg ^* CO VO o o vo m 0) Cn (0 U 0) > u • o to <4-l <1> •H T* V d) a> ■»-> o, VI w (1) > c u 0 nJ > J3 rt h tH rH O r~ <*H rH v> u ^ (TJ O a> r- >i o~> rH 4J VI ^ VO Vh O^ nl rH X3 i o CJI rH a (TJ •H -»-> T3 o Q> 4-> 01 V) (« (V >H (U O kl «4H xi 4-> W rH e (0 o d) u >1 >4H a> in > •H H *-> 0) 3 tD O fd O) M VI 0) a > o (TJ o * 25 The %DDM ranged from 58.3% at McBride to 65.8% at Vanderhoof. Locations receiving the lower precipitation had the higher %DDM because the plants matured more rapidly. The yield of DDM generally followed the trend of DM yield. The %CP for the three drier sites, Grassy Plains, Vanderhoof and Williams Lake, were the highest and followed the same ranking as %DDM. These three sites had an average %CP of over 13%. The remaining locations ranged from 11.3 to 12.0%. Yield of CP had the same ranking as the yield DM except that the Smithers #1 and McBride location rankings were reversed. Levels of P were on average above 0.20% at each site. Calcium levels were the lowest at Prince George at 0.16%, where the soil is more leached and has the lowest pH. All other sites had mean Ca levels of over 0.23%. The ratio of Ca/P is as important as the actual level of each element for animal nutrition. Cattle require a ratio of between 1:1 to 7:1. The K levels were more than adequate at all sites. Micro-nutrient levels for the seven locations are summarized in Table 13. Magnesium levels ranged from 0.11 to 0.19%, with the drier sites generally having a higher Mg content. These levels are more than adequate for cattle nutrition. Similarly, the Mn requirements of cattle should have been met by the forage grown at each location. Levels of copper, were either marginally adequate or below the requirements of cattle, 4 pg/g. Beef cattle require between 10 and 30 pg/g Zn on a dry matter basis. The lowest Zn levels were found at Vanderhoof with 18.3 pg/g. All other sites were between 23 and 35 pg/g Zn. Species Averages The species averages for yield, %DDM, %CP, and macronutrients , as well as some of their calculated paramenters are found in Table 12, and the micro-nutrient levels in Table 13. It must be remembered that the species averages cover locations with varying climatic conditions, ranging in moisture availability and temperature as demonstrated by the climatic data in Table 3. The highest average yield for all sites was obtained with reed canary grass, which also had the highest yield of CP. It had the lowest %DDM, which declines rapidly with increasing maturity. For this reason, reed canary grass should be cut at the late boot stage to obtain forage with the highest possible digestibility. When growing reed canary grass, low alkaloid varieties such as Vantage should be used. Although intermediate wheat grass produced the second highest yield of DM this species 26 w CO cd >h C3> TJ 0) 4-> o 01 «H 0> Iff c 01 > 0) w 0) Xi 4-> VI -H c 0) o O •H O. 4-> e id o o o O i-i T-i id a O 4> •H > a d) 0) W a o U •H o >i 0) t» •H id U u (A i US id u as TJ Id rH Xi C_> -H 19 a. TJ Id SC.-H.fl Q 0) -^ OHO) a a TJ id ac rH a Q 0> "»v •H O* CM u CQ E- w o> ■H O 0) o. CO CO co id j-i o CO cm CO cm O co cm O CO CM «H CM r- CM co CM rH rH rH o o r-i rH ID CM CM CM **• CM m cm CO CO CO CM co CM o> CM CM m CM co VO CM CO ** oo co oo r* O o V© IT) o m CM m r- m VO 00 t— VO VO CT> r~ o» r— tH "Kf o cm cm o CM r- CM o oo CM VO CO o o 00 CN) ID OO r» CO VO o VO CO o 00 CO 00 m CO 00 o 00 CO VO ID CM VO rH ID VO ID VO o a\ 00 ID t» o r- ID © ** 00 vo 00 CM 00 00 r- tH vo ** CM ID ^» r-i ID ID vo VO rH •H ID 0) u CO a> VO id o> xi > 0> id id TJ o> a 01 >1 ■M 0) •M o A i-l X OS id u > «J o •H CO a Uu o> TJ TJ >i id a 0> J3 0) xi o * •H a 4-> 4-> +■> O P. >-i o CO o TJ TJ a> o> o 0> a 0> id 0) 4-> a i-l •H 0) 0) u c CO o e- 06 X u M <1) 0> kl X! 4-> • (A u a o o >l-l •H ■M T> id a> CJ 4-> o W rH d> > a M Xi H rH o r- *«H rH CO M » id o a; r- >i o^ rH *-> w «. a) o~> > VO u CTi id rH ^3 a> • • c OT •H U a <« 0) MH >t O C» i-H a id •H 4-> TJ O 0) ■»-> 0) CO id a> >H H a id o 1 <4H ■iH -H 4-> 0) 3 tft O id a> u CO o W 1> 43 43 o id c: * o u t» 0) 1 c 0) U > 0) d) .»-> M 4-> (Tj 0> e -c 4-> >i >-. >M T3 O t-i VI O t7> td 0) (J .c o E- H c 0) (A a id •H 0) rH .* r-( flj •H J 0) TJ •H 14 03 U s 0> 0) o o> G H •H O u 0> «H Oh O 1 «M T3 O T> C O r-H OS 43 0) > •H >"• 1-1 0) >i m 4-> IA c 4-> «A -H (0 <« i J-i O 0) h 0> 43 43 «H *-> 4te •H a ir> V£> VO r-4 ca V£> <>j vo c^ (A O) •H O O) o. w V) (A Z3 4-> U «d (A 0) 43 i-H «W > 4-> -H 01 (0 «d -o a> a 0> >1 4-> 0) 4-> o 43 *4 X hi «d j-i > i id a 0) 43 a) 43 o > •H a 4-> *-> 4-> o P. i-i O w o •o T* ai 4-> a >-i •H 0) 0) u c w u &-• OS « <_> M (A «d o o 43 O «d 4-> J* c (d 34 c > CD CO a> 43 43 O CD c to • o S-i u a> t3> 4-> 4-> W rt 0) s •H O >i W rH w 43 -i 4-> &> 10 0) c D) T< 0 W +-> C 0) a> 43 o 4-> u 0) >4-l o. O >-. 10 o tJ> >+-l £3 •H V) Ai C a o * •H S-l 4-> p. a. .< 10 e «j a> •H M 1— 1 «J rH J •H :* CD TJ •H J-4 0Q O s a> cd o o> G S-i -H O i-i cd Pu O u 0) 4-> 4-> 1 TO t-i sc CD >M TJ O >1 (3 O S-. flJ 43 Q > 0) T-i 43 •H >1 to 4-> (0 c CO 10 -H Sh rH •H O CU Q <*> 10 u CD 43 cn 4-> =*= ■H s CO to u CD 43 rH 4J 4* •H e w IT) (0 0) II to cd •H O CD ex w <0 10 «J u o U> rH <* OJ \o m > O •H CD ffl <« TJ i 4-> 0) 4-> o 43 M X h (TJ u to CO o •H 43 (3 TJ tj >i «J G 0) 43 a> 43 U to ■H s 4_> 4-> 4-> o P. M o to o TJ TJ CD d) o a> a CD n) 0) 4-> S M •H CD (1) h G to l_> E-> as 33 <_> M 43 O n) 0) CD J< C as U CD u «S to CD •H O CD O. CO c S rH o O 43 O (t) CD 35 Xi Xi O o3 CD c * o u • &> c •H VI 0) 0 ■u •H O y Jm 01 a p. (A ■u c c (D 01 U > U 0) 4-1 •M W o a o VI ■H U> 4-> a rt •H o a; o c .-H OS Wi c 0> 0) > .C # CO <_> X -H TJ e 01 A P. «< VI 6 (t> J i-H 03 rH J •H tx a> o o> a »-i •H O u a> Oi o i u a> '-m tj o c o £3 Q> ■M O Vj CL, >i W v) c a> V) -H •o 03 03 3 J-l r-l ki o a, U # HI h 0) .C OJ -M *t •H e CO (0 14 a> .C tH J-> 4t ■H s 01 LO VD CN m ID 0. C/5 V) VI 03 S-l 01 n -(-> u o3 w a> a> Xi rH <« * 4-> •H a> 03 03 •o a> € 01 >i 4-> a) 4-» O Xi fc X »-i 03 u > «J o •H X* a 1 03 a ■M 4-> o P. >-i o V) o T3 T3 a) CO o 0) e 01 03 0) 4-> e M •H a) 0) u c CO u E- os £ u M V) CD x* e o c o 03 o o Xi 03 0) T3 a> a 03 s-i 0) 03 (A a> •H o OJ o. V) c a rH o o 43 O 03