F 27 .Y6 Y7 V. 1 no. 2 Copy 1 IfT m mD Dii B m' VOL. 1. NO. 2. JiUSTSIAl JEbIICATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, B^sr EDWIN F. SMALL. SACO, MAINE: PRESS OF THE BIDDEFORD JOURNAL. 1884, f^l.'«Ct«4] INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BV ED-WIN F. SMALL. TEN CENTS. Other similar societies are requested to exchange publications. Address Corresponding Skcrbtary, York Institute, Saco, Me. _® InstmePob VOL. 1. NO. 2. IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, B^Y EDWIN F. SMALL SACO, MAINE: PRESS OF THE BIDDEFORD JOURNAL. 1884. QaaJ^-^ ~ C''\<- r^ ' Industrial Education in Public Schools. Address delivered Feb. 13, 7884, before the Society. Ladies and Gentlemen : — In selecting the above subject on which to prepare a pa- per for the York Institute I feel there is no necessity for making any apology, as the purpose and aims of this So- ciety embrace, among other things, all schemes for the promotion of educational interests. The present aspect of public school education is attracting more and more the attention of all classes, both in this country and in Eu- rope, and great improvements have either been adopted or suggested for greater efficiency in our school system with- in the past few years. It has been said by some educators, only recently, that the public school instruction is for the few rather than for the many, and that its methods are designed more for the well-to-do classes than for the poor. The general impres- sion has got abroad that the instruction commonly given in our high schools fits a youth for a clerk-ship in a store rather than for the technical work of a trade. However that may be, an effort has been made by influential persons in some of our larger cities to sup- plement the ordinary instruction given in the common schools by a certain amount of mental and physical train- ing in the different branches of industry. One very successful enterprise has been started in Bos- ton by benevolent and philanthropic ladies, which has for its main object the furnishing free of cost to all poor girls practical instruction in the various duties of household work. On one or two afternoons of each week these chil- dren are gathered together in a room properly fitted up with all the necessary requirements, and under a compe- tent and skilled instructress are taught to make, open and air a bed, to sweep and dust a room, to set a table, wash the dishes, cook, and iron, and whatever else is required to make a model servant or housekeeper. The advantages, both moral and material, to the poorer classes from this teaching are incalculable, and the result of a few years of such work has well justified the charity which prompted the efl'ort. A movement is now on foot in the city of Boston to in- troduce this species of industrial training into such of the public schools as are necessary to give the plan a fair trial, and to see what results will accrue from it. Again, in sev- eral of our leading cities, a system of technical and scien- tific instruction, combining theoretical with practical train- ing has been successfully established, with the design of preparing young men from sixteen to twenty years of age for the duties of an active life, "which is broader and brighter than the popular method of learning a trade, and more simple and direct than the so-called liberal education." "It is the well-considered opinion of all who have had inti- mate knowledge of the working of this system that the connection of academic culture and the practical applica- tion of science is advantageous to both, in a school where these objects are started together and carried on with har- mony and equal prominence." "The Academy inspires its intelligence into the work of the shop, and the shop, with eyes open to the improvements of productive in- dustries, prevents the monastic dreams and shortness of vision that sometimes paralyze the profound learn- ing of a college." One such school has lately been es- tablished in St. Louis, in connection with Washington University, but has a different course of study and a differ- -ent building. Boys can enter at fifteen and stay three years, wben they are fitted to earn their own living in sev- eral tmdes. The first year they work two hours a day in the carpenter's shop, with instructions given by a college graduate, and a practical carpenter. The secoud year they work the same length of time in the blacksmith shop, and the third year in the machine shop. The coui-se of study keeps along with their work, and also the drawing. So that the boys can make what they can draw and draw what they have studied about. Leaving for a moment the matter of a higiier technical training in the practical arts and sciences, let us look at the needs moi^ particularly of our own eoramunity, and at the advantages to be derived from a public school in- struction in the ordinary branches of human industry. It is a Prussian pedagogical maxim that "whatever you would have appear in the nation's life you must put into the public schools," and it is just as true of the smaller life of a town or village. What is the object of education ? Not merely the amount of knowledge that can be crammed into the mind for four, six or eight years of boyhood or girlhood, but the proper and harmonious developement of mind and body by such teaching as will draw out the latent powers within. Every child, of course, should be taught the elementary branches of reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography and grammar in the primary and intermediate schools of the land. But when the question comes, shall we continue this free system in the high schools and academies, add- ing the higher branches of learning, and perhaps a classi- cal training, then we ought to pause and consider, whether such a course is for the best interests of the community at large or for the few who are able to enjoy and profit by this advanced education. It is just at this point that I think a new departure should take place and instead of the ordinary methods now in vosfue there should be substituted a course of industrial traininor, fitting the youth for the duties of active life. Such a course would begin after leaving the grammar school, and only those admitted to it who showed such natural ability and proficiency as to make it desirable. The course itself should include the higher mathematics appli- cable to the mechanical arts, one or more of the modern languages, free hand drawing, draftmg, some physical science, and sufficient practical ffimiliarity with a trade as will secure a fair livelihood to the graduates. The need of some such free instruction will be obvious to any one who considers the great demand made to-day for skilled mechanics in all departments of manufacturing and industrial pursuits, as well as the lack of means among our laboring classes forgiving their boys the time required for an education. A large majority of boys whose parents are working people cannot afford the time involv- ed in a high school course and the additional years neces- sary to learn a trade. Therefore they are usually taken out of school at the end of the intermediate (bourse and placed as apprentice^ in some shop, or set to work in a store or factory where they must earn their own living. The re- sult is that unless they are naturally gifted they will never rise above a mediocre position in their calling, and never attain a due rank in society, because of lack of early and sufficient education. They are unfitted for the position of foremen or superintendents, seldom become master work- men, and are deficient in that intelligence and culture which enables them to enjoy the society of cultivated persons, or the higher works of literature and art. If they could be taught the principles of some mechanical trade, like the machinist's or the carpenter's, with sufficient practice to make them good workmen, and be instructed in the theory as well, they would be enabled to enter upon their life's work with minds developed and hands skilled, and thereby earn a better living and attain a higher place in the social world than they could otherwise possess. There is no country in the world where the demand for skilled mechanics, or the compensation for skilled work is so great as in the United States. Our manufacturing in- terests are yet in their infancy, and with the almost unlim- ited natural resources of our favored country, there is n(j prospect of any sudden lessening of this demand, but rather of its gradual and sure increase. The vast West is even now attracting daily large numbers of our active and able young men, and with her beds of coal and iron, gold, silver and copper threatens to compel the East to re- linquish some of her prosperous industries. How then shall New England keep her lead in manufactures, engi- neering and the industrial arts? She must undoubtedly maintain schools of applied science, in which artisans, su- perintendents, agents and engineers may be thoroughly trained in the principles and practice of their trades and professions. Here in our own State, in which manufact- uring and ship-building are the chief interests, we have three colleges providing what is called a liberal education for her sons while we have nothing worthy of the name of a University of Technology.* The time has gone by when it is thought derogatory for a young man of education and ability to learn a mechani- cal trade, and already many of our college graduates are turning their attention to these pursuits in prefefence to the so-called liberal professions. If the State wishes to develope her resources, increa.-ie her manufactories, keep her sons from going outside of her boundaries to seek their fortune, she must provide *NoTE. — ^This is not intended to reflect in the least on the excellent a,^- ricultural College at Orono, supported by the State. them witB the means of iiTdustrial education at EioTD'e, by establishing schools of the arts and sciences. An appro- priation annimlly nrade from- the State towaiTl* this end tvonld, in my opinion, \ie inoney wisely expended. A central Unirersity, where both tbe theory and pi'actice of agriculture, mecbaniciil and civil engineering, and the physical sciences, together with a th<)rough course in liter- ature and modern languages could be the carriculum, would be a most important step in the material welfare of !he State, and one that would be app-reciated and prized by the young men who ask for such training. We have a need for better educated mechanics, not to make them dissatisfied with their calling, but to stimulate them to greater efficiency and thoroughness in tbeir re- spective trades. A boy with a taste for mechanics, either natural or ac- quired, is forced to-day, by his slender resources, to be- gin work for his livelihood before his mind is developed, or his bands trained, and being thus checked in tbe com- mencement of life, will never be anything better than a journeyman worker. Let the same boy go through a course of educational training, such as I have been describing, for three years before entering the workshop or factory, and in nine cases out of ten he will rise step by step to a position of honor and influence in his chosen career, while his moral and social surroundings will be commensu- rately higher. For, though I can only hint at these latter advantages, yet they are deserving of much consideration. What is the reason why so many of our ordinary mechan- ics are morally and socially, as well as physically on a lower plane than our college educated men? Is it not largely through lack of that culture and knowledge which a liberal education gives, and which teaches one the man- ners and usages of society, the self-respect and self-confi- dence which is unabashed in the presence of others, and the moral and healthful amenities which help to form a true gentleman? A trained and educated mechanic will rather spend his evenings and holidays in edifying read- ing or in good social recreations, than in frequenting bar- rooms or loafing in the street. He will want his home life pleasant and cheerful, will take due care of his own health and that of his children, will not treat his wife as a slave or servant, and his children as brats, will seek for companions equal to himself, in fact will be more of a man and less of a brute, by reason of that mental trainins' which is his best preparation for life's duties. "The relationship between ignorance and vice is patent to all men, but just where the connection lies is one of the most difficult of social problems. No man can be classed with the ignorant who knows any one branch of useful knowledge well and thoroughly. Science is tend- ing to specialties, and art to technicalities. In all trades, business and professions, a man without some definite, practical knowledge, uow-a-days, is to all intents and pur- poses ignorant, unless his intelligence has been so cultiva- ted that he is ready to learn whatever is current. The day of Jacks of all trades who are masters of none is gone by in the rush of human progress. Mechanics who have "picked up" their trades are set to tending machines. English lords and baronets are seriously betaking them- selves to trades, arts and sciences, in sheer dread of find- ing their ocucpation of noblemen gone. As to the pres- ent common school system its grand error lies in assuming that all men have equal capacity, and in undertaking to do for the multitude what it is only possible to do for the few. It is an error which results in filling the heads of the young with a smattering of knowledge, which the philosophers call a bad thing, and with an enormous conceit which is much more dangerous." "Our cities are full of common school graduates who despise manual labor, and scramble 10 by the hundreds for places behind the counter. It wrmld be an interesting question to know how many of these or- namental and not useful graduates find their way to our prisons, reformatoiies, and alms-houses." I have taken these last few paragraphs from a published article on igno- rance and education, i)ecause they bear somewhat forcibly upon my present point. In answer to the inference which might be drawn from them, I think a public school train- ing in one or more branches of industrial pursuits would mitigate the evil influences implied. It is no doubt necessary to the safety of a republic that its voters should have the rudiments of education, to be able to read, write, and think for themselves. Beyond these rudiments the masses of the people will not go. But for those who have the desire and ability to go further it is of the greatest importance that means should be provid- ed by the State or Nation. What the nature of that la- ter training should be is the question we are considering. For some the College and University will always be at- tractive, and for them a proper preparation is necessary. But for others some kind of manual labor will be their chosen task. Why should not a course of preparation and training in our public schools be given, the results of which will more than repay the State for its expenditure ? As to the details of such a course experience and cir- cumstances must decide. In many towns only one trade could perhaps be taught. In others a greater number, according to the means appropriated. The particular in- dustries of any city or town would determine the question in that place, while i» others the demand would indicate what would be most necessary. In answer to the objec- tion that industrial training would require additional teach- ers and enlarged accomodations, as well as sfreater facili- ties for shop-practice than what our present system re- quires, I would say, would not the results be worth the 11 cost? And even if at first it would be impossible to ob- tain shop-practice or the tools and machines required for experiments, could not the principles of a trade be tauo-ht, and their working exhibited by models or by diagrams, and could not the problems of mathematics be so adapted to practical questions as to enable the pupil to get a pretty clear idea of what he will be required to do in after life ? At any rate, certain time could easily be taken for instruc- tion and practice in free-hand drawing, which would always be found useful in almost every trade. But I think if proper attention were given to this mat- ter by the; school l)()n-ds and educators many of these im- agined difficulties would fade away. In a city like ours arrangements could probably be made with some machine shop or wood-room where a few boys could have the op- portunity to practice certain hours under a competent work-man in real manual work, until some better ar- rangements could be perfected. And if, as it seems prob- able in the near future, a suitable academy can be estab- lished here, which will unite with the present High School, then some such plan as I have suggested in this paper might be carried out. The city would appropriate such sums as it could afibrd, and individuals in the town and county might be inclined to generously endow an academy or school of industrial education. The tendency is, I think, rather in this direction than in the line of mental training only. I have in my mind a school of technology which has been successfully managed for fifteen years, provided by the liberality of public-spirited and wealthy men, so as to furnish a theoretical and practical education free to quali- ified boys in its own county in five branches of industrial art. These are mechanical and civil engineering, draw- ing, physics and chemistry. The course in mechanical engineering includes instruction in theoretical mechanics. If applied mechanics, and practice. In theoretical mechan- ics the principles of statics and dynamics are taught and illustrated in the solution of a wide range of problems, and the same thing is done in applied mechanics relative to the strength, capacity and energy of various kinds of machinery. The practice is secured in a well-fitted ma- chine shop, equipped with the best tools and machinery for the working of wood and iron, which is managed by a superintendent who employs a sufficient number of skilled workmen. "The capital fact which underlies any sound scheme for school shops is that machinery is to have a constantly in- creasing: share in the conversion of matter into useful forms. The educated mechanic must understand the prac- tical limits of mechanical production and all the possible ways in which these limits can be extended. He must know by practice how to design, construct and assemble the parts of a machine, as well as how to finish its product by skillful handiwork. The power of the engineer to de- cide upyn general principles the best form and material for a machine and to calculate its parts, is vastly increased by blending with it the skill of the craftsman in manipulating the material." It is found by experience that the graduates of this school in the department of mechanical engineering are as skillful mechanics as ordinary apprentices who have served three years in a shop, and they have in addition the advantages of a solid education. Now though such an elaborate system cannot be expect- ed in many of our towns as part of the public school in- struction, I have thought it best to mention its general plan and outline in order to show what has been and is being done in the matter of industrial education. I am thor- oughly convinced, from intimate knowledge and inquiry, that if a technical school could be established in every 1^ city of 20,1300 inliabitants, and in every county where th% |3opuIation was large enougk and tke necessities required, nt would be of incalculable advantage to the young men (residing in that locality and of great benefit to the com- munity at large. It would be the means of developing the power and faculties of the youth, while it would awak- en a healthy rivalry and competition among the different manufa'Oturing ■concerns who require skilled workmen. There would be no need of sending abroad for trained em- gineers, desigiyers or foremen. But we should be con- stantly supplying the demand from our home resources and at the same time offering to oiw young men facilities fora «ound and thorough education which would largely increase their chances of success. To recur a moment to a point already alluded to. Why should not equal prominence be given in our common school system to the principles and practice of a trade as as afforded for a classical and college preparation? There as not a high school in the land but what gives all who de- sire it the preparation necessary for a collegiate educa- tion, while there is not one, to my knowledge, that in- structs boys or girls in any branch of mechanical industry. And yet the number who are obliged to work at a trade is verj'^ much greater than the number who enter college. If the principle underlying our public school system is the preparing of youth for active work in all departments of human industry, then it stands to reason that the eye and hand should be as well trained as the brain. Every student in our high schools should receive daily instruction in free hand drawing for at least a part of their course so that discipline of the ideas of form and propor- tion may be secured, and the student when he undertakes shop-work may make more rapid and satisfactory progress than he could do if he had not had the advantage of this training. And again, the hours devoted to practice in the u trork-shop will serve the double purpose of teaching haB*- its of regularity and of furnishiug a due amouat of physi- cal exercise. In what has beeu already said it may seem to some that too much stress is laid upon one branch of industrial pur- suits, vi^ : that of mechanical engineering. To this I would answer by saying that the principles of mechanics' and the skill required in manipnlating machinery enter largely into every department of manual labor. Whether ft boy intends to be a machinist, or a carpenter, or a black- smith, or a farmer, the knowledge of mechanics and their application to industry, as well a^i the aptitude in handling tools will be indispensable requisites in the pursuit of their chosen calling. We shall never have the best specimens of farming till we have intelligent and well-trained farm- ers. A practical and theoretical education in the princi- ples of agriculture is as necessary to-day as in any profes- sion or vocation. In understanding the nature and ingre- dients of soils, in the art of breeding the best stock, in the use of labor-saving machinery, in the due rotation of crops, and in the improvement of farm buildings an edu- cation based upon experience and practical training is imperatively demanded. And the same thing is true in every department of industry. The world is making great and rapid advancement in the cultivation of the arts and sciences, and whoever wishes to be abreast of the times must keep his eyes and ears open, and study diligently the best methods of performing a given work. W^hen w*' consider that the value of the railroad prop- erty in the United States alone is over $500,000,000, or more than half as much as the value of all the farm prop- erty, and remember that this represents an immense body of skilled workmen in all trades and industries, we can see what a wide field is open for well-trained young men to get steady and remunerative employment. If our com- 15 tmon ^clitjols furnished free of cost the elements of median'^ acs iind a practice based thereupon, there is no question Ijut what their graduates would quickly find congeuial and well paid work throughout this great country. A demai>d comes every year to all the technical schools of oor land for young men trained and educated in some branch of industry to take charge of machine shops, to manage mines and fsictories, to act as superintendents or foremen, to tinal3'zo metals and assay minerals, to plan and 'fey out railroads, to be engineers on steam-ships and loco- motives, in fact to occupy places of influence and useful- siess in every branch of industrial work. There is again a vast and increasing field of employ-^ meut opening up on every side in the various applications of electricity to the wants and necessities of life. Toen^ ter this field a course of training is needed in the science of electro-chemistry and magnetism. A boy who is taught by practical experiment the principles of this great science with its complex workings, and with its various applica- tions will never find himself out of employment, but be on u sure road to preferment and success. An objection is likely to be made by those who doubt the advantage of in- dustrial training in the schools, viz : that it will inspire boys with a too lofty ambition and make them discontent- ed with their lot in life. When they go out into active life and find themselves side by side with those not so well ed- ucated they will feel that they are fitted for something better than what their companions are doing, and therefore prove uneas}' and dissatisfied workmen. In answer to this I would quote the old saw : "Water always seeks its lev- el."' Whatever a young man is fitted for he will some time attain. If his ideas are too grand a few weeks of rivalry und ctjmpetition will bring them down. He will soon see that he that is faithful in little things will be most surely cntru!5ted with greater responsibilities. And even if his 1^ amBftfon fs high, if there is thre real ability lu hfur, he' wDI he a better workman by reason of it. There is always room at the top, it is said, and to seek the highest rounJ of the ladder is commend'able hi every case. Bti-t a course of industrial training given hi our public schools n-eed notJ be of such a character as will trnSt a boy for manual labor by inspiring visronary ideas. Its effect ought to be to- make him understand that a trad-e is as honorable as a pro- fession if pursued honestly and industriously. Tbe advan- tage of an education is to improve his skill and train hi» natural powers to- perform the best woi'k. And it must likewise be remembered that not every boy will be found capible of [XFrsuing siKjh a course, that there will always be drones and idlers in the human hive, and that for unskilled labor there is no- immediate prospect of a lack of workmen. What we must aim to do is to se- lect the best material out of the mass which ia brought to ns and endeavor to mould that into the proper shape and condition. The 8tate ia not responsible for natural inca- pacity or ingrained idleness in her citizens. Her duty i» to provide the best and most varied preparation for the duties of life, and for the exercise of the right of citizen- ship to all her children. After that each man and each woman must look out for themselves in the battle for exis- tence. I am more and more convinced that the old Jewish principle of giving every boy a trade, whether he works at it or not, is the best principle for our day and generation. How this shall be done, whether at public or private expense, is a question for statesmen and educators to de- cide. The fact that some of the most successful and saga- cious manufacturers and business men, as well as many able educators continually recur to the idea of combining man- ual labor with school instruction shows the increasing at- tention paid to the subject, and is one of the signs of an ap- proaching change in our system of public school instruction. 17 In what has been said so far, I have spoken chiefly of a boy's education. The general principle will be found true in that of the other sex, with such changes in the details as are appropriate to physical and other conditions. A large number of the girls of our land are forced to earn their own living. Let them be educated with a view to that object, even though many of them may not be call- ed upon to go outside of their own homes. I will not en- ter here upon the vexed question of woman's sphere. But I know no reason why industrial training in such branches as women can profitably undertake should not be apart of her school life. The manner of training girls in the kit- chen garden system, as invented by a lady in New York and described in this paper, needs but to be once seen to convince any one of its practicability and value. Could such a system be introduced into our common schools we should soon behold better homes, more cheerful surround- ings, a wiser economy in household expenses, a healthier class of women, and a higher moral standard among our poorer classes than is seen to-day. For what is needed to elevate both man and woman is a thorough, well balanced and harmonious education, which developes equally body, soul and spirit ; that will banish ignorance, vice and pov- erty to the limbo of the dark ages, and restore man to his God-like nobility of true manhood and womanhood. Since writing the above my attention has been called to a proposed plan of annexing a Textile Laboratory and Museum to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the chief features of which it may be interesting to notice here. The design of this new department is to give a thorough scientific instruction combined with experiment- al practice in all matters relating to the treatment of the raw material used in the manufacture of textile fabrics. In the first place would come a study of physical geogra- 18 pliy, geology and natural history, and the chemistry of soils in relation to all vegetable fibres and to all animals which yield fibres to the textile arts. Next wonld come the phy- sical stud}' of the fibres themselves with the microscope, the polnriscope, and the camera, and an examination of all kinds of cotton, wool, flax, hemp and silk. Then the stndy of the manufacture of all textiles historically and mechanically. Next the fundamental principles of all the machines which are in use, with laboratory practice in the art of carding, spinning and weaving. The professor of architecture would be called upon to give lessons in mill construction. The professor of underwriting might be called in to aid with a special course, and might teach something more than the art of saving property from fire. And finally, the professor of political science would treat the condition of the operative, and the historic changes which the introduction of machinery has made in the con- dition of the people of all lands. In short, the professor of every science would be called upon to do his best in the instruction of students in the textile department in order that they might be well qualified to take their degree and enter upon the work of life as well equipped as they should be. When it is considered that the annual value of the textile industries of the United States already amounts to more than six hundred million dollars, and that of the im- ported products to more than one hundred and twenty -five millions, can we not see what a wide field is opened for qualified young men to enter upon this one branch of hu- man industry. And yet in this country there is no school for special instruction and training in this department, while in Europe there are already many well established, and others still in prospect. At Crefield, Prussia, there is a building which is to be wholly devoted to weaving and dyeing. At Bradford, England, there is a Technical school which is to be devot- 19 ed exclusively to the art of manufacturing, dyeing and finishing what are known as "Bradford goods." AtBatley, at Glasgow, at Leeds, at Huddersfield, and at Manchester there are alreaay fully equipped schools for technical in- struction in particular arts. Now if such a beginning as is here proposed becomes an actuality there will soon follow special trade schools in all our manufacturing centres. It will not be many years before Lowell, Lawrence and Manchester will have textile schools. Holyoke will have its laboratory of paper mak- ing, Connecticut will have its special schools in brass and other fine metal working. In this way and in this way only will New England be able to maintain her supremi- cy in competition with other parts of our common country which are more richly endowed by nature. "Is there any reason wby the studv of the art in which a man is to em- ploy his working life, and by which he is to sustain him- self and others, should not be made use of to developebis own mind ? Will he not take a greater interest in such a study and develope his own capacity more fully than he will in the study of something entirely foreign to this pur- pose ? Is a study less fit as an intellectual exercise be- cause it is useful in a material sense ?" LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 0 013 995 342 3 I A