V SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE FART OF VOLUME XXXV :\ THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS BY E. A. ANDREWS (No. 171 CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1907 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE PART OF VOLUME XXXV THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS BY E. A. ANDREWS (No. 1718) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1907 ,\v I Commission to whom this memoir has been referred : WALTER FAXON WILLIAM KEITH BROOKS WILLIAM PERRY HAY WASHINGTON, D. C. PRESS OP JUDD & DETWEILER, INC. 1007 ADVERTISEMENT. The present memoir by Professor E. A. Andrews, of the Johns Hopkins University, on "The Young of the Crayfishes Astacus and Cambarus," forms part of Volume XXXV of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. The memoir describes and illustrates the young of two kinds of crayfishes, one from Oregon and one from Maryland, which represent the two most diverse forms found in North America. Of these, one genus, found only in North America, is widely distributed all over the United States, except the Pa- cific Slope; while the other is restricted almost exclusively to the Pacific Slope in North America, and at the same time it is almost the only genus in Europe and Asia. This memoir fills a gap in the knowledge of these common animals that still remained notwithstanding the extensive researches of Huxley and many others. • It determines the form and habits of the first, second, and third larval stages ; gives the first detailed description and illustrations of the appendages of the first and second stages; describes the hitherto unknown nature of suc- cessive mechanical attachments of the offspring to the parent; and opens up the problem of the nature and causes of the incipient family life in the cray- fish. The new facts and comparisons add to the data for solution of the impor- tant problems of the geographical distribution and the origin of the species of crayfish, and they furnish a basis for practical application to the problems of artificial culture and introduction of new kinds of crayfish. In accordance with the rule adopted by the Smithsonian Institution, the work has been submitted for examination to a commission consisting of Dr. Walter Faxon, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts; Prof. W. K. Brooks, of the Johns Hopkins University, and Prof. W. P. Hay, of Howard University, who recommended its publication in the pres- ent series. CHAS. D. WALCOTT, Secretary. SMITHSONIAK INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, June, 1907. 3 CONTENTS. Page I. Introduction 7 II. Historical 8 1 1 T. A status leniusculua 0 1. Introduction 9 3. Source of material 9 3. Care, food, habits, etc., of adults 10 4. Breeding 11 5. Development of eggs 12 G. Hatching 14 7. First larval stage: Sine; habits; appendages; relation to mother; telson thread 16 8. Second larval stage: Size; habits; appendages 27 9. Third larval stage : Size; habits ; appendages 34 10. Fourth larval stage and later stages : Rate of growth 38 11. Comparisons with European Astacus 40 12. Bearing of artificial breeding upon possible acclimatization and economic problems and upon geographical distribution 41 I V. Cambarus affinis 41 1. Introduction ; resume of breeding habits 41 2. Maternal structure for attachment of young 42 3. Hatching 43 4. First larval stage: Size; appendages; habits; relation to mother; telson thread 43 5. Second larval stage: Size; appendages; habits; relation to mother, anal thread 50 6. Third larval stage : Size ; habits ; tropisms 57 7. Fourth and later larval stages : Number of moults and rates of growth ... 63 8. Ratio of sexes ; sexual maturity 67 V. Comparisons and conclusions 69 5 The Young of the Crayfishes Astacus and Cambarus. By E. A. ANDREWS. INTRODUCTION. The object of the present paper is to figure and describe the external forms and the appendages of the early larval stages of the crayfishes Astacus and Cambarus and to illustrate the details of the connections that exist be- tween these larva; and the mother. It is well known that the genus Cambarus is found only in North America and here only to the east of the Rocky Mountains, while the genus Astacus is the only one found in Europe and Asia and in America is found almost ex- clusively west of the Rocky Mountains. It is thus natural that the history of scientific knowledge of crayfishes has been first the study of Astacus in Europe and later the study of Cambarus in the eastern United States. The Astacus of the Pacific States remains less well known. Despite all the work that has been done upon these common animals, several parts of their life histories have received scant attention. The geo- graphical distribution and systematic description have been studied in detail by Hagen, Faxon, Huxley, Ortmann, and others; the embryology minutely ob- served by Rathke and by Reichenbach ; and the general knowledge of crayfish natural history added to again and again since the days of Roesel von Rosen- hof . Yet little attention has been given to the study of the young crayfish after it leaves the egg; a comparative neglect that naturally arose from the centering of scientific interest upon the larval changes of marine Crustacea in which re- markable metamorphoses occur. When these metamorphoses were established by Vaughn Thompson and others it was already known from the work of Rathke that the crayfish hatches from the egg in essentially the adult shape and thus passes through no series of metamorphoses. Interest in the crayfish young was then restricted to the fact that it was exceptional in having no metamorphosis. In the preoccupation of students of crustacean life histories in study of metamorphoses the young of the crayfish were left without any illustrations excepting only those given by Rathke to show the condition of the embryo when nearly ready to hatch and the two wood cuts given by Huxley. Theso latter illustrations were evidently THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUB AND CAMBABUS .made from specimens preserved in alcohol, and, however excellent for their pur- pose, fail to give the just proportions of the larva?, since all alcoholic specimens of young crayfish are much swollen and distorted. While two more figures of the young crayfish have recently been given, (Andrews, '04) details of external structure are still lacking. Having obtained the young of both Astacus and Cambarus by hatching the eggs in the laboratory, it seemed well to fill in some of the gap in our knowledge of the early larval life of crayfish, and especially so as the details of a curious mode of connection with the parent were here first made evident. HISTORICAL. A brief statement of the history of our knowledge of the young of crayfish will show that as yet the character of the appendages in the early stages, the exact number of stages present in the life of the young while associated with the mother, and the nature of the means by which the young are held attached to the mother have waited discovery and illustration. To Eoesel von Eosenhof belongs the credit of an enthusiastic appreciation of the care of the mother crayfish for the young; the observation that the young are transparent and like the parent; the description of their crowding upon the abdomen of the parent and of their finally forsaking her after a few clays, during which, however, they would return to her at times as if recalled by a signal. Eathke ('29) was chiefly concerned with the embryology of the crayfish, but also described something of the growth in proportions and in internal anatomy of the young after hatching and gave figures of the embryo and of some of its appendages shortly before hatching. Eeichenbach ('86) also added to his classic study of the embryology only a figure of the abdomen of a recently hatched larva. Soubeiran ('65) measured young crayfish grown at the farm of Clairfon- taine and recorded their moultings and rates of growth. More facts of this same kind were gathered by Chantran ( '70, '71) from prolonged study of larvae reared in the laboratory of M. Coste. Chantran also discovered a peculiar fila- ment that held the young to the egg-shell after hatching and he finally convinced himself that the young ate their egg shells and their cast-off skins. Some other observations upon the size and times of moulting of young crayfish in Sweden were also made by Steffenberg ('72). Huxley ('79) illustrated the recently hatched larvae by two wood cuts, one showing the early larva fastened to the maternal pleopods by its peculiarly re- curved claws, which he first described and figured, and the other a dorsal view of such a larva. He rectified the previous statement that the young at hatch- ing are exactly like the adult and pointed out their differences in lack of setae, THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 9 in lack of abdominal appendages on the first and sixth somites, and in various proportions. In America Hagen ('70) in his fundamental study of our crayfish observed the young of Cambarus attached to the mother in alcoholic specimens and re- corded the dimensions of young in which the sexes were externally recogniz- able. Prom like specimens Faxon ('85) in his revision of American crayfish was able to make a number of comparisons with specimens of young Astacus pallipcs from France, and also to demonstrate the important facts that the young Cambarus agreed, in general, with Astacus as described by Huxley, but that in the early larva as in the adult, Cambarus showed no vestige of the gill found on the last thoracic somite in Astacus. These facts were verified by Steele ('02), who for the first time described living larvae of Cambarus hatched from eggs in the laboratory and also recorded facts as to the habits and sizes of young larvae. From like living material Andrews ('04) added details of hatching and behavior of these larvae with figures of side views of living larvae in the first and in the second stages and noted the occurrence of two successive attachments of the larva? by means of special structures. To complete that last preliminary paper by adding details and many new facts observed in Cambarus and to describe similar stages in our American Astacus is the purpose of the present paper. III. ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS. As far as known, no observations have been made upon the life histories and habits of any American crayfish of the genus Astacus and as the following facts were gained from animals kept in Baltimore far from their native habitat they will need the corroboration of future studies made in the Pacific States, but for the present they supply all our knowledge of the young of American Astacus. The material for study of the young Astacus was obtained as follows : Sixty- four specimens were received February 23, 1904, by express from Portland, Oregon, and, though packed only in wet excelsior, ten females and eighteen males survived the journey and lived in running water in the laboratory for some time. Shipped without selection of sex, the sixty-four were found to be made up of thirty-one females and thirty-three males, which indicates an equal distribu- tion of the sexes. The males, however, seem to have endured the journey better than did the females. During March, April, May, and June these crayfish died slowly one by one, leaving one survivor in October. As they were fed from time to time with small oligochaatae, with fragments of crayfish and with pieces of frogs, the cause of the very slow and lingering deaths was not evident, but probably the food was not sufficient for such large and active crayfish. 2 10 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTAGUS AND CAMBAKUS It was decided that this Astacus was probably Astacus leniusculus Dana as distinguished from A. Trowbridgii by Faxon ('85) and the following observa- tions upon their habits in captivity seem to be all that is known of this species, beyond its specific -characters. The largest specimen was a female measuring 155 mm. from tip of rostrum to end of telson, 205 mm. from tip of chela to tip of telson, 40 mm. wide across the thorax and 35 mm. deep; the abdomen was 45 mm. wide and its tail fan expanded to a width of 70 mm., exclusive of the setae. With only about one-half of its eggs left upon its pleopods this female weighed 106 grams. The smooth clean shells and large well colored claws gave these crayfish an attractive and decidedly lobster-like appearance, which was enhanced by their very active pugnacious nature. In shallow water they quickly responded to approaching objects and readily threw themselves into a defensive attitude, leaning back with the whole anterior region raised high from the bottom of the tank, thrusting their brilliantly colored claws above them high into the air and either holding them wide apart and open or clashing them together towards an approaching object, towards which they lunged, or even seemed to spring. Their quickness to react to distant objects, their quick reflexes and irrita- bility led me to suppose they might well be carnivorous and their clear colors suggested a life in clear water, but the collector reported that the Willamette River, whence they came, was a rather muddy stream, though formerly used as water supply for Portland. In captivity they were nocturnal, lying quiet and away from the lighter parts of the tank in the daytime and crawling about in the night. They sometimes injured one another and also ate parts of their dead fellow-crayfish and, as is so common with many kinds of crayfish, there were cases of regeneration, which may have followed from injuries caused by their pugnacious and carnivorous habits. One male 95 mm. long, when received, had two regenerating limbs. The left chela was represented by its original basal two segments and by a delicate new limb only 9 mm. long protruding from the truncated end of the second large segment. This little, bluish protuberance was made of six movable segments and it was movable upon the* old limb whence it sprang, so that to make the seven normal movable segments of a complete limb a reduction in the number of movable joints must take place, probably by the base of the new growth ceasing to move upon the old second segment. The other regenerating limb was the third left walking leg and here again the old second segment bore a soft protuberance, which, however, was as yet not segmented. Thus in this Astacus, as is common in other crayfish, re- generations had started from the preformed breaking plane, and in handling this same specimen, though dead, the right third walking leg fell off at the breaking plane. THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 11 - In captivity shedding, or ecdysis, took place in early summer, in some; thus on June 11, when the water had risen from 9° C. in March to 22° C., one large male cast its shell as one, perfect piece containing also the "teeth" and other part of the lining of the "stomach." The creature was then quite soft and easily indented by touch upon its carapace; it lay inert but could be made to crawl in -a somewhat palsied way and even to flap its abdomen. On each side of the heart region the carapace bore a white, indented, scar, as if made by the claws of some other crayfish, so that the advantage of concealment at this season as practiced by other Crustacea doubtless applies here as well. The entire shell was covered by a slimy soft mucus and its colors were brighter than before, the under side of the legs showing also more blue. As seen from be- low, the flesh of the abdomen had a peculiar coagulated appearance. The new carapace had a length of 57 mm. and the old of 43 mm., and had enlarged in diameter from 25 to 28 mm. The cast shell had one broken antenna. 53 mm. long, which was replaced in the new shell by a perfect antenna 68 mm. long. A week later tnis crayfish was active and keenly seized and ate a large lumbriculus. Two more males cast their shells June 15 and one of them was attacked by others when only the carapace had been shed and the abdomen was as yet in its old shell; one-half of the thorax and part of the abdomen were de- voiired. The other large crayfish was able to flap its abdomen vigorously when lifted out of the water though its body and chelae were soft and flaccid. Ii> both cast shell and new one the rostrum was broken off and had evidently not been regenerated. Still another large male, received in October, 1904, cast its shell May 19, 1905, and could move about though still soft. The breeding season of these crayfish was far advanced when they were received in February. In many cases the males had no sperm left in the defer- ent ducts and the females had laid their eggs, which in four dead and six live specimens formed large dark masses attached to the abdominal limbs, or pleo- pods, and to the sternal hairs of the abdomen. Contrary to expectations, these eggs were still alive and it was found possible to rear them and to get the sub- sequent stages in the life history as described below. In the hope of getting light upon the early part of the breeding season, another lot of thirty-seven crayfish of the same species were got from the same place October 29, 1904 ; but here again the beginning of the breeding season had passed. The only two sur- vivors on arrival were both males, and three others recently dead were also males, so that here again the vitality of the males seems to exceed that of the females. In all there were twenty-two males and fifteen females. Five of the females had eggs upon the pleopods and these were in early cleavage, showing some twenty nuclei migrating to the surface. It would thus seem that egg-lay- ing takes place in the autumn, probably in October, and subsequent observations 12 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND OAMBABUS % showed that the eggs are carried by the female all the winter and hatch in the spring. The eggs on each female were about 500 in number and formed a dark brown or more usually nearly black mass all over the under side of the abdo- men. Each egg was very large, about 2.5 mm. in diameter, and as in other kinds of crayfish, enclosed in a complete capsule of hardened secretions that ex- tended as a slender stalk to fix each to the setae on the pleopods, or, in some cases, to the setae on the sternal ridges of the abdomen. All the eggs seemed in good condition except a cluster of four or five among the brown eggs of one female and these few were overgrown with a fungus. The darker eggs plainly showed embryos in the stage represented by Keichenbach ('86) as J, fig. 12, standing out as a whitish area on one side of each egg. Thus the embryo had already advanced to a condition in which the embryonic area occupied a considerable part of one-half of the spherical egg. There was still a wide margin between the appendages and the well elevated wall that surrounded all the posterior part of the embryo. The eyes, two pair of antenna1, mandibles, maxillae, maxillipeds, and five ' periopods were well marked. The posterior four periopods and the abdomen projected forward over the thorax so that the abdomen reached to the first maxilla1. The eggs of one female showed in addition to the above embryo many nuclei scattered over the nonembryonic areas of the egg and plainly seen against the brown background of yolk. In one female the eggs were covered by a dark deposit that had to be scraped off before the glossy egg capsule and the contained embryo could be seen. A few eggs were greenish and covered by a deposit that could be scraped off; when these were opened, or when boiled, the contained embryo was found to be in the stage II of Reichenbach. In one black egg the heart of the embryo was seen to beat very faintly, and after the eggs had been kept in water twenty-four hours many eggs showed the heart beating and were kept in the hope that they would develop. In water about 9° C. the eggs that were still attached to the abdomen of living females did develop, though very slowly, as will be seen from the following results. After nine days, March 2, the embryos were perceptibly enlarged with longer antenna? and abdomen, the second antenna? reaching back nearly half way to the end of the limb-bearing region. The heart, now lying in a plane at right angles to the ventral surface and above the base of the abdomen, was beating so strongly as to give a decided jerk to the thoracic limbs. In one embryo it beat at the rate of 66 to the minute and in another at 82. Inside the outer egg capsule there was evidently a delicate inner membrane investing the embryo. For six days more the only change noted was a slight increase in size and the extension of the second antennnc beyond the middle of the limb-bearing region. THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 13 Four days later a marked widening of the anterior part of the embryonic area had taken place and the slow growth of the abdomen had brought its tip up to the posterior edge of the mouth. In another week the still larger em- bryos had antennae reaching nearly to the end of the depressed, limb-bearing, region and the abdomen reached forward over the mouth as far as the bases of the second antenna\ Embryos of this age, some twenty- five days after they were received, were very attractive objects seen through the transparent egg capsules. The trans- parent limbs stood out strongly contrasted against the dark red yolk mass that still took up the major part of the spherical egg. On each side of the egg the boundary of the yolk mass was slightly incised where the "liver" was forming. When such embryos were plunged a moment into boiling water and then put into cold water a mere scratch of a needle sufficed to cause the tough outer capsule to open with explosive force and the embryo was readily removed, leav- ing even its thin membrane sticking to the inside of the capsule. During another week there was but little increase in the length of the ap- pendages, but through the transparent walls of the limbs and body a few blood corpuscles were seen passing along in the large median thoracic artery and in the antennae and periopods. Ten days later, April 5, when the water had risen from 9° to 11°, the size had markedly increased and the embryo instead of being restricted to a flat region upon one side of the sphere could no longer be seen from a single point of view, since it now extended in a curved surface over one-half of the egg. The long antennae now met one another and their tips overlapped at the deep notch where the abdomen joined the thorax. The legs and chelae had grown long enough to overlie the abdomen and to conceal its tip. Such embryos were nearly in the stage K of Eeichenbach and were prettily colored. The carapace had bright red pigment along its ventral border, the dark red-brown yolk took up less than half the bulk of the egg and was divided by a deep fissure into an- terior and posterior lobes which were encroached upon by the "liver" which was conspicuously colored. In one its contents were red and in fifteen green- ish and translucent or else white-yellow and opaque. The large eyes had also some pigment formed in them. Eleven days later the elongated walking legs and chelae reached forward over the posterior edges of the eyes. Pigment cells were as yet not seen in the above limbs, but were conspicuous in the first and second antennas and in the abdomen as well as the thorax. The delicate inner membrane was seen loosely investing the tips of the chelae like a cast-off exoskeleton. Some six days later the embryo had passed beyond the stage K and was nearly ready to hatch. The limbs were even longer, so that the chelas reached over part of the eyes and the antennae overlapped one another the whole width 14 • THE YOUNG OF THE CHAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAEUS of the abdomen in such a way that the left passing posterior to the right had its tip on the right side and the right passing anterior to the left had its tip on the left side. While all the eggs were still alive and had been kept well aerated by the swaying movement of the pleopods that the mother makes, seem- ingly for this purpose, yet some of them showed the effects of such a very long existence in the water by being covered over upon the outside of the egg cap- sule with deposits which in some cases were mixed with growths of minute fungi and in some with vorticellae. The eggs seemed under tension and burst open when thrown into hot Worcester's liquid; the touch of a needle to the live egg also caused its capsule to pop open. As seen under a pocket lens, these eggs nearly ready to hatch present a most attractive appearance. The carapace is spangled with branching, ver- milion, pigment cells that are especially numerous along its ventral edges and near the base of the abdomen, which is broad and also well pigmented witli the same kind of cell. The antennae and antennules have both red and blue pigment cells on their basal part, but these cells are not numerous and are entirely absent from the filaments. The chelae and walking legs have some few scattered pigment cells. The still large dark red-brown yolk mass has the forked, light-colored, "liver" projecting into it. The eyes are darkly pig- mented in all their central parts, while the surface is still clear and transparent for some distance inward. The actual hatching of the eggs took place on one female April 25-27, and on another May 1-6, and was prolonged over several days, that is, not all the eggs on one female hatched at the same time, but whether this is normal or in- duced by the artificial conditions remains to be found out from study of these crayfish in their native waters. These eggs had thus required 62 to 64 days in one case and 67 to 71 days in the other to develop from the well advanced embryo of stages H and J of Beichenbach to the hatching larva. The tem- perature of the water had slowly risen from 9° C. to 14° C. When a female died before the eggs hatched, it was found possible to hatch the eggs by cutting off the pleopods of the mother and fastening them to pieces of floating cork so that the eggs would be suspended in well aerated water. In hatching, the egg capsule burst open over the back of the embryo, and usually opposite to the egg stalk, and then the embryo slowly glided out back- ward, much in the same way as has been described for Cambarus (Andrews, '04). In all crayfish, and in many other Crustacea, the eggs remain firmly fastened to the mother during the whole period of development and when the embryo escapes from the egg-shell the old shell remains still fastened by a strong stalk that is stuck to the maternal setae. In this Astacus as the em- THE YOUNG OP THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 15 bryo slowly emerged from the egg capsule it was evidently in a very inactive, helpless state, soft and unable to use its limbs, so that one might expect it to drop away from the egg-shell, fall to the ground, and continue its life, if at all, away from the mother. However, it is well known that young crayfish remain for some time upon the abdomen of the mother, which they do not leave tilt they are well able to swim and to walk. This period of interrelation between mother and offspring deserves special study and we will describe more in detail than has hitherto been done for any crayfish the remarkable structures used in en- suring the connection of mother and young from the moment of hatching up to the time of real independence and free life. Instead of dropping away entirely from the egg-case, each soft, helpless, larva hung attached to the inside of the egg-case by a delicate thread which was firmly fastened at one end to the inside of the egg-case and at the other end to the telson of the larva. The soft, pink-colored larvae thus at first hung out from the egg capsules like the pulps from burst grape-skins and were then pre- vented from entirely falling away from their capsules by these threads, so that they suggested the seeds of the "cucumber tree" dangling out of their pods. As the young remained limp and helpless for some time these "telson threads," as we may call them, appeared to be of great use, since without them the larvae would have fallen to the bottom of the water and having lost connection with the parent have had small chance of survival, lacking the protection or aeration furnished by the mother. Such telson threads are doubtless found in the European Astacus, for in a footnote added by M. Eobin to Chantran's paper ('70), we read: "J'ai pu constater, a 1'aide du microscope, comme 1'a montre M. Chantran a 1'Acad- emie, que les petits restent pendus sous 1 'abdomen de la mere, par 1'interme- daire d'un filament hyal in, chitineux, qui s'etend d'un point de la face interne de la coque de I'o3uf jusq'aux quartre filaments les plus interns de chacun des lobes de la lame membraneuse mediane de 1'appendice caudal. Ce filament ex- iste deja lorsque les embryons n'ont encore attaint que les trois quarts environ de leur developpement avant 1'eclosion. " And the same general fact is men- tioned in the report of the committee awarding the Montyon prize to Chantran (C. K., 75, 1872, p. 1341). Of the above passage Huxley ('80, p. 352) says: "Is this a larval coat? Rathke does not mention it and I have seen nothing of it in those recently hatched young which I have had the opportunity of examin- ing." The exact mode of attachment of this filament, or telson thread, and its probable nature will be described below in connection with the "telson of the larva of this American Astacus and later on in considering the like structure in Cambarus. The size of the larva in its first stage is indicated by the following rough 16 THE YOUNG OP THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS measurements of preserved specimens : Length of head-thorax, 4 mm. ; width, 3 mm. ; depth, 3 mm. Length of abdomen, 5 mm. Length of antenna, 6 mm. Length of chela, 5 mm. Eeturning to the account of the hatching young, it is to be noted that the activities of the young were but slowly acquired; here and there amongst the mass of eggs and young upon the female some larvae showed feeble movements of the scaphognathites and, later, rhythmic respiratory movements ; the long antennas projecting into the water moved somewhat, the legs and chelae some- times moved and the claws opened and shut. Upon escaping from the spherical egg-case the larva became but little straightened out and remained essentially a spheroidal head-thorax with a weak abdomen bent in under it and with soft, pendent limbs. However, in from one to six hours the limbs reaching about, the claws opening and shutting and the abdomen sometimes flapping up and down, it was seen that the chelae managed to get hold of the stalk of the egg- case. Henceforth the larvae held fast by the chelae though for a time still fastened by the telson thread also. The pleopods of the parent were now covered over with a mass of flesh- colored young, showing slight movements and conspicuously marked by the two-lobed, red yolk mass, by the dark eyes and by the yellowish "liver" areas. The dark yolk masses showing through the pale bodies gave somewhat the gen- eral appearance represented in figure 2, which was made from a photograph of a living female shortly after the eggs (excepting one) had hatched. When forcibly torn loose from the mother the recently hatched larvae, too spheroidal to rest on their ventral side and unable to stand on their legs, lay for two days on their sides, kicking their legs but unable to walk; when, how- ever, much disturbed, they managed to swim forward along the bottom of the dish by flapping their abdomens, though they still remained on their sides. When offered a piece of rough string, such young seized it and remained sus- pended in the water, holding fast by their chelae. In this way some larvae were kept suspended in running water and successfully carried into later larval stages away from association with the mother. This tending to seize hold with the chelae is accompanied by a tendency to push far in amongst the general mass of young attached to the pleopods, so that in a few days all the young are densely crowded together in a compact mass and their long chelae are seen to reach far in and to be fastened either to the stalks of egg-cases or to the coagulum that binds the setae together on the pleopods. Generally both chelae grasped the same egg stalk but not always and one larva was seen holding by one chelae to an egg stalk on one pleopod and by the other chelae to an egg stalk upon the next pleapod. As the rhyth- mic movements of the pleopods continued after the young were hatched, this larva was in danger of having its chelae stretched apart. THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 17 The fixation of the chelae was a gradual process ; at first the claws of the chelae were not opened even when those of the walking legs were opened and shut, but soon the chelae claws opened and shut and soon seized hold of any solid object accessible. Sometimes the object seized was again let loose but be- fore long the chela? had reached in among the mass of young and eggs far- enough to find and fix upon one of the egg stalks, which are of a material and size seemingly well fitted for the attachment of. the claws. Henceforth the chela? seemed to remain always fast and their structure as described below indicates that once imbedded in the material of the egg stalk the tips of the claws could scarcely be liberated by the crayfish. This fixation was first made out in the English crayfish by Huxley ('80), who inferred that when once fast it would be difficult, or impossible, for the claws to open again. This use of the chelae to obtain attachment to the mother was exercised with what appeared to be very earnest effort and once successful it was found that the telson thread was soon ruptured. And then if the larva? were dis- turbed they flapped their abdomens up and down and it was seen that the tel- son thread had broken so that a piece of it was still attached to the telson and was waved about by the telson like a bit of rag fastened to it. Henceforth the young held fast by the chelae only. The general appearance of this mass of young on the mother was peculiar since the rounded head-thorax was the chief part visible in each and this was of light color with a striking bilobed or horseshoe-shaped, dark red, yolk mass across it. The legs and abdomen were concealed and the dark eyes were gen- erally out of view. With bent heads and outstretched limbs their attitude ludicrously suggested one of supplication. Thus they remained for some days. When disturbed the young made tramp- ing movements with their legs but did not move from the place to which they were fixed by their long chela?. The abdomen, carried down under the thorax somewhat as in the embryo, was not readily moved but with sufficient stimulus from a needle point was flapped rapidly back and forth. When a larva was forcibly pulled off from the mass its chela?, still attached, were stretched out to their fullest extent and when the larva was released the chelae contracted and made the larva spring back into place where its limbs and abdomen were again drawn in under the thorax and the creature became again one of the herd of "bison" presenting only their humped backs to the observer.' If by stronger pulling the larvae were torn loose from the mother the chela? parted from the egg stalks without breaking and reaching about seized hold of adjacent objects such as the antennae of other larvae. Left to themselves on the mass, these separated larvae soon got back again amongst the crowd ; but if put upon the bottom of the dish they did not yet stand up but only gyrated about by flap- ping their abdomens. 18 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS The long antennae remained for the most part low down amongst the gen- eral mass and did not yet project up above the level of the rounded backs ; they were, however, carried out in front and not, as in Cambarus affinis, tucked in between the legs. Fastened thus to the mother, the larva1 remained some days and then cast- ing off their shells passed into a second larval stage which also lived upon the mother. In one female kept in running water at 17° C., the duration of the first larval stage was only four days, but some young of another female which were kept suspended from strings hanging in water in a warm room remained five to seven days before changing to the second stage and their fellows kept in water at 14° C. remained eleven to thirteen days in the first stage. Dur- ing this long existence in the first larval stage the only change noted was a slight darkening of the color which, owing to the scattering of bright red, branching, pigment cells on a white background appeared to the naked eye flesh-color. Before considering the transition from the first to the second stages we will describe the details of the external form and appendages of the first larva. A side view of the living larva (fig. 3), suggests embryonic incompleteness in that the antenna', abdomen, and limbs are carried downward in n way not adapted to locomotion, while the globose cephalothorax and large eyes with short stalks are features of an embryo rather than of an active larva. The dark mass seen in the figure was the still conspicuous red yolk mass which from the dorsal view (fig. 4), was balanced right and left in the anterior half of the cephalo- thorax. In life the larva was translucent yet brilliantly colored by the scat- tered pigment cells indicated in black in the figures and which were absent only from the terminal filaments of the antennas and from most of the segments of the legs. In the side view the first and second antennae are conspicuous, the three maxillipeds are seen in part, the chelae are very long and heavy and the four walking legs are long and weak. The abdomen bears only four pairs of pleopods and these are small, weak, and bifid. The first and sixth pleopods are not seen and the abdomen ends in a simple telson in place of the locomotor fan of the later larvae and adults. The larva is evidently very defective in locomotor apparatus, has its sensory organs not perfected, and is specialized in its strong clinging organs, the chelae, and in its large digestive apparatus for utilization of the stored-up yolk. It is still essentially embryo-like in structure and in mode of dependent life, but is exposed free to the water. The same general features are shown in the dorsal view (fig. 4), which shows the split-open egg capsule and its stalk, connected by a slender thread to the telson of the larva, a "telson- thread" that is fast at one end to the peculiar fan-like telson of the larva and at the other end to the inside of the ruptured egg capsule. It will be noted that the head-thorax though globoidal is considerably elongated and does not have the swollen sides shown in Huxley's THE YOUNG OF THE CBAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 19 figures of the English Astacus, which, however, were doubtless drawn from alcoholic specimens, and in A leniusculus the action of alcohol is to cause great distortion of the branchiostegites. As compared with the adult, however, the proportions of the head-thorax are embryonic and there must needs be much greater elongation as well as lateral and vertical changes to bring about adult proportions. While both from side and top views (figs. 3 and 4), the characteristic rostral spine of such Crustacea seems absent, full front and diagonal side views (fig. 5) show the rostrum to be well developed and armed with lateral spines, but so bent down between the eyes as to be of no such use as a de- fense as it later will be in active stages of the larva. The habit of the first stage which clings to the parent is thus correlated with imperfections of defen- sive armament as well as with presence of food yolk and imperfections of loco- motor organs. Among the latter characters may be reckoned the smooth sur- faces of the limbs and absence of setae that later will increase the areas of resistance for striking against the water as well as furnish means of sense perception. The lack of setae represented in figures 3 and 4 is still more strik- ing in enlarged views of the limbs and is in strong contrast to the hirsute char- acter of all parts of the active larvae and of the adults, and this absence of setae gives the larva? a decidedly embryonic appearance. The pronounced incompleteness of locomotor organs is also associated with the shortness of the thoracic region bearing legs; thus the chelae arise farther from the anterior than from the posterior ends of the head-thorax and leave little space for the walking legs, while the anterior region containing the yelk is greatly developed in size. Next taking up in sequence the nineteen pairs of appendages of the adult we find them represented in the first larva by seventeen pairs that have in the gross, as made out by Eathke for embryos about to hatch, the essential mor- phology of the adult appendages but lack the setae and differ in proportion as will be seen from the following account and illustrations. The whole exterior of the larva in its first stage is covered by a chitinous exoskeleton of such resistance that when the young were thrown into Wor- cester's liquid they did not die for several minutes; the appendages were cut off separately from such hardened embryos and gave the views represented in the following illustrations. The first antenna stands out horizontally in front of the head (figs. 3, 4) and is straight; as seen in figure 6, it has three basal segments, five in exopo- dite and in endopodite. The segmentation of the endopodite is very obscure. The terminal segment in both endopodite and exopodite bears three obscurely pointed spines, one of which, in the exopodite, is long and apparently of the same character as the sensory seta? found there in later stages. On the long 20 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS basal and next segment of the protopodite there are a few blunt spines as in- dicated in figure 6. This also shows the auditory organ as an open pit on the upper surface of the basal segment, in the part that is swollen out laterally. The second antenna (fig. 7), though it has a long filament, is still embryonic in proportions. The base consists of two short segments, the first of which bears the very large prominence that faces inward and has the opening of the green gland, or kidney, within its depressed top. The second segment bears a few blunt distal spines of large size. The exopodite is a very large flat scale ending in a blunt point and bearing some sixteen blunt spines along its serrated inner and anterior edges. The endopodite consists of three large basal segments and of a long round filament of many segments, forty-five to fifty, the first of which is long and slender, while the following ones are each about one-third as long as the first. The terminal segments are again more long and slender. As indicated in figure 7, there are a few spines at the distal edges of some of the terminal segments and of some of the others near the tip. In the adult there may be 125 segments. The mandibles (fig. 8) have a well developed cutting edge which, however, is smooth and not toothed as it is in all later, functional, stages and there was no evidence found that these organs were used. The palpus has three segments and is smooth except for the distal face of the third segment which is sparsely set with rather acute spines, many of which are shown in figure 8, and more of which are present upon the inner aspect and not seen from this point of view. The palp is thus a blunt club with terminal spines. The first maxilla (fig. 9) is very small and made of two flat plates and a somewhat rounded and blunt endopodite of curved finger-shape. Here for the first time we meet with a few small, plumose seta; along the outer edge of the distal segment. The two flat plates that represent the protopodite are spinulous at the ends, much as in the palp of the mandible. The distal piece is also armed with a row of a few spines along its proximal edge as seen in figure 9. The ends of both plates are set with spines on the face toward the mouth; the proximal plate is rounded, the distal one truncated to form a jaw-like organ. The second maxilla (fig. 10) bears the long scaphognathite which has a dense row of plumose setae all along its extensive free edges. There are also a few plumose setae at the base of the endopodite, as in the first maxilla (fig. 9). As above noted one of the first muscular activities acquired after hatching is the slowly developed rhythmic beat of the scaphognathite, and with this use of this appendage there is present an armament of plumose setae lacking else- where in the locomotor organs of the larva. While these plumose setae are not used in locomotion their function as flexible areas of resistance to the water which the scaphognathite bales out of the branchial chamber is akin to that of locomotor setae. The rest of the second maxilla is nearly bare of setae, but there THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS 21 are a few, long hair-like setae standing out from the external face of the pro- topodite. The protopodite has the sanoe two plates seen in the first maxilla (fig. 9), but each is deeply cleft, so that four free tips project toward the mouth. The four tips each bear blunt spines on the outer and distal faces as shown in figure 10, while upon the inner faces toward the mouth they are all set with longer, sharp, curved spines that are claw-like. The endopodite though longer arid more slender than in the firstmaxilla is still very simple and not seg- mented. The first maxilliped (fig. 11) shows the protopodite again reduced to two flat plates much as in the first maxilla (fig. 9), and there are simple spinules on their cutting edges. The endopodite is small and simple, intermediate be- tween that of the second and first maxillae. In place of the scaphognathite there are two movable parts ; a long flat plate, the epipodite, which is without seta; though sparsely spinulous on its posterior edge; and a very long and prominent e'xopodite. The exopodite has a very long swollen basal part with very long plumose setas on its outer edge as shown in figure 11 and is else- where naked. The terminal part is long, slender and with a very few spines at its tip. As the base of the exopodite lies over the distal end of the epipodite it is not readily seen that the epipodite has a short truncated extension sug- gesting the anterior end of the scaphognathite as well as the evident posterior blade that reached back into the gill chamber and is comparable to the like portion of the scaphognathite. The second maxilla (fig. 12) is more complex; the two segments of the pro- topodite are subordinate in mass and extent to the greatly developed en- dopodite and gill structures, but they bear a few plumose setae upon their inner edges. The endopodite resembles that of the first maxilla in position, general form and curvature, but is not only larger but subdivided into five seg- ments and bears spines. In addition to the spines shown in figure 12, there are also long curved ones on the inner face of the terminal segment. Compared with that of the first maxilliped, the exopodite of the second has a very narrow basal part which is without plumose set;c but bears a few long spines on its external edge. The epipodite is present as a long, curved lamina, bilobed at the tip, and along its inner face are borne the numerous blunt filaments of the gill, podobranch. This podobranch is free at its tip, but elsewhere adnate to the lamina and bearing two rows of blunt side papillae or gill filaments which are directed toward the apex, and increase in size in each row from base to apex. The epipodite lamina has a few plumose setne on the rounded ridge at its base and along its edges are scattered curved, short hooks, while its emarginate tip bears a few blunt, fringe-like papillae. In addition to the above gill there is one arthrobranch that is shown in figure 12 to have a long slender stem ending bluntly and bearing two rows of blunt, curved, finger-like lateral filaments 22 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS which may each end with a small, blunt spine. The third maxilliped (fig. 13) exhibits the typical morphology of this organ in the adult; a somewhat two jointed basal protopodite bears a large five-jointed endopodite of great size, a long slender exopodite, a large epipodite and podobranch; and two arthro- branchi.e arise from the region connecting the appendage to the body. The endopodite bears spines upon all its segments and the protopodite has a couple of small spines upon its distal segment and a plumose setae upon its proximal .segment. The exopodite, in contrast to that of the second maxilliped, has a shorter and more slender basal segment devoid of spines, while the second segment has several spines at and near its tip. The lamina .of the epipodite has the same characters as in the second maxilliped, but the plumose set* along its basal ridge are twice as many. The podobranch is like that of the second maxilliped. Of the two arthrobranchiae the anterior one is much like its homologue on the second maxilliped, while the posterior one, nearer the observer in figure 13, is smaller and more simple with fewer lateral filaments. Coming next to the ambulatory appendages, we find the usual large chela?, the two pairs of slender chelate and two pairs of non-chelate legs (figs. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18). In these appendages of the first larva there are, as in the adults, no exopodites, and even the remarkable exopodite setae of later larvas and of adults are absent in this first stage, thus adding to the simplicity of the limbs, which is also expressed in the entire absence of plumose sets and the presence of but few sharp spines. The chela (fig. 14) has the recurved terminal hooks first made out by Hux- ley in the English Astacus, and which lead to the firm locking of the chelae to the egg stalk, as above narrated; and the opposing edges of the claw are ser- rated from the presence of sharp spines pointing toward its tip. The chela bears very large sharp protuberances along the inner edge of .the meropodite segment, of no apparent use, while the great length and thickness of the whole limb is apparently necessary in that firm holding of the larva to the mother which resists the force of the maternal pleopods that swing the larvae back and forth. The epipodite and gills of the chela; are like those of the third maxilliped. The following two legs (figs. 15, 16) are like one another in every way except in proportion, the first being shorter than the second. Each has a sharp claw with spines pointing toward the tip, but the tips are not recurved as is the case in the big chelae. The gills on these two appendages are like those of the chela, but there is in addition a slender simple gill upon the body wall near the arthrobranchiae. This pleurobranchia is a single filament with no lateral outgrowths and may be regarded as rudimentary at this stage, as it is also in the adult. The remaining legs (figs. 1.7, 18) have terminal segments almost like those THE YUUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS 23 of the preceding legs, but there being no opposing outgrowth of the propodite, there is no claw. The legs increase in length and in slenderness from before back in the series behind the chelae. The penultimate leg (fig. 17) has a longer pleurobranch associated with it but otherwise its gills are as in the preceding limb. The last leg, however (fig. 18), has its gills suddenly reduced; in place of the epipodite and podobranch there are but a few plumose hairs such as stand upon the basal ridge of the epipodite of the preceding somites. The arthro- branchs are entirely absent and there is but one gill which is a pleurobranch, which, however, in place of being a simple filament or rudiment, resembles a re- duced or simple arthrobranch in that it has about seven short lateral processes in two imperfect rows. The branchial formula of the first larval stage of Astacus leniusculus is then as is given in the table below. This was found to be just the same in the adult of this species and it is said to be the same in the English Astacus pal- lipcs, except that the latter lacks the rudimentary pleurobranch on the somite of the first leg. Podo- brancliise. Arthrobranchise. Pleuro- branchise. Total. Anterior. Posterior. Somite of 2d maxilliped 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 R 1R 1 R 1 2 3 3 3+lR 3-f 1 R 3 + 1 R 1 Somite of 3d maxilliped Somite of chela Somite of 1st leg Somite of 2d leg Somite of 3d leg Somite of 4th leg 6 6 5 1 +311 18 + 3R The above illustrations of the separate appendages of the head-thorax are the first ones as yet given of any larval Astacus, since the previous illustra- tions of European forms are only the small maxillae and maxilliped of an em- bryo not yet hatched as depicted by Eathke ('29, fig. 29), the tip of the chela shown by Huxley ('80, fig. 8), and the under side of the abdomen with its pleopods figured by Eeichenbach ('86). Upon comparing the adult appendages of Astacus leniusculus with those of first larva as above described, the fundamental agreement in morphology was obvious, but there were the following differences which all suggest a linger- ing on of embryonic characters into the life outside the egg-shell. Throughout all the appendages there was a marked lack of setae correlated with evident lack of locomotion and probable weakness of sensory activity. Excepting the chela> the cephalothoracic appendages had no obvious use. The first antenna, having 24 THK YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS but five segments in its exopodite and in its endopodite, is but embryonic com- pared with the adult that has at least thirty-five in its exopodite and almost as many in its endopodite, a difference which is of great moment when we con- sider the repetition of special sense organs that are found on many successive segments of the exopodite of the adult. The auditory organ also is apparently of no functional value in the early larva. The number of segments in the fila- ment of the second antenna must also increase greatly to form the one hun- dred and twenty-five of the adult; an increase apparently brought about by in- terpolating new segments at various places by division of the old ones into two. While all the adult appendages of the head-thorax are represented in the larva at hatching, this is not the case for the abdomen, for the sixth pair of ab- dominal appendages are not externally present and the first pair which in the adult male are so essential are absent in the first larva as they also are in the adult female. The other abdominal appendages are four pairs of simple ple- opods which hang down beyond the pleural plates of the abdomen so that they are seen from a side view (fig. 3). Each pleopod (fig. 39) is as in the adult composed of a short and a long segment that make up the protopodite and of two simple terminal plates, the endopodite and the exopodite. These are slightly curved and armed at the ends and to some extent on the edges with small weak spines and they entirely lack the plumose setae that makes them use- ful in the adult for fanning the water. The illustration is of the anterior face of the left pleopod of the second abdominal segment and shows that the ex- opodite is longer and wider than the endopodite, while in the adult the exopodite is much the shorter and smaller in the female pleopods that bear the eggs and in the male pleopods that transfer sperm. The appendages of the sixth somite though not externally free are yet present and of large size though imperfect in development and lie within the s-ubstance of the telson, as can be seen in transparent living larvae. It is their presence which swells out this region ventrally and gives rise to the protuberance seen from the side view (fig. 3). Looking at the telson from above (fig. 20), the very imperfect future sixth ple- opods are seen as two somewhat less translucent areas, right and left in the anterior part of the telson and each having an outline suggesting that of a mit- ten. Only later will these concealed buds of the sixth appendages burst out after a moulting and expand as the very large lateral parts of the caudal fan, so essential in quick locomotion. This retention of these appendages within the telson in Astacus was known to Huxley ('80), and figured by Eeichenbach ('86). The telson requires special consideration in connection with the "telson- thread," as mentioned above. The telson itself is a very large plate with nearly circular outline and is thin posterior to the above region occupied by THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAEUS 25 the buds of the pleopods on either side of the intestine and anus. In structure it is essentially a translucent, vascular, connective tissue mass over which are scattered brilliant vermilion pigment cells, indicated in black in figure 20, and which is covered by a thin epidermis and thin chitinous cuticle. Along most of the free margin of the telson is a row of blunt, stiff papillse, or spines. In all there are about sixty-six of these spines arranged symmetrically, half on each side of the median plane. In the figure of Astacus given by Eeichenbach ('86) there are but twenty-five spines or dentations on each side of the median line and this may well be a character of systematic value. In addition to the thirty-three lateral spines of Astacus leniusculus there were six or seven smaller, blunt spines on each side which stand in between some of the larger ones, one small one between two larger ones, and generally not so near the edge but more up on the dorsal surface of the telson. The interior of the telson has a radiated appearance like that figured by Bemak and by Eeichenbach and which was referred by Huxley to the disposi- tion of vascular canals; but in our present larvae this radiation is due to long delicate lines passing centrally inward, one from each lateral spine and from some of the smaller spines, thus making the divergent system radiating from near the anal region as shown in figure 20. Subsequent events show that these lines are the forming plumose setse for the perfect locomotor telson of later larval stages. Each when enlarged (figs. 21, 22) is a bundle of fibrillae that are very small in comparison with the nuclei of the epidermis as each bundle of very many fibrils is but once or twice the diameter of a nucleus. These radiating lines are in fact to be likened to compressed bottle brushes which later will expand as the perfect locomotor plumes on the telson of the second larval stage (fig. 23). The plumes are being made within epidermal tubes or glands and between the successive radiating glands the vascular spaces, also radiating, form the justification for Huxley's interpretation. During the first hours of larval life the telson is connected to the inside of the egg case by the long telson thread represented in figure 4. This is a trans- lucent, chi tin-like membrane, or flat ribbon, showing a striated appearance due to fine wrinkles in it (fig. 20), but otherwise apparently homogeneous. Though seemingly but superficially attached to the telson the contact is a very firm one so that when the larva succeeds in getting hold of the egg stalk and finally flaps its abdomen strongly enough the telson thread is broken before it is torn loose from the telson. When enlarged (fig. 21) the mode of attachment of the very thin but tough membrance is seen to be, that ten of the marginal spines of the telson bear special hook-like projections that are fast to the membrane. These few spines are different from the others though some of the adjacent ones have somewhat of the same structure at their tips. While in figure 21 the spines and their processes are represented in black, they are in nature trans- 8 26 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS parent, colorless and very inconspicuous, especially the processes which are hyalin, myelin-like protrusions, suggesting the products of glandular activity. While many of these protrusions end bluntly others seem to be continued as fine threads that are fast to the membrane or telson thread. Moreover, many of the protrusions bridge over the space from one spine to the next and are con- tinuous with adjacent protrusions as if they had flowed out when viscid and then coagulated. Such bridges make adjacent spines into' hooks that hold fast to the membrane, but the ultimate and essential fastening of the membrane to the telson is by fine threads of some coagulated material that seems to be a con- tinuation of the grosser protrusions figured in black in figure 21. It would appear from the statement of M. Eobin cited above (page 15) that in the Astacus studied by Chantran there are but eight spines used for attachment to the telson thread. The origin of these peculiar glandular spines, for such they seem to be, is to be sought in the embryo. At the time of hatching the egg capsule breaks and for a brief period the embryo may still be enveloped in a very delicate membrane which passes over the abdomen and all about the telson. At that period the spines of the terminal part of the telson abut against the invest- ing membrane as shown in figure 22, which is from a specimen just hatch- ing and killed in Pereny's liquor. Here are shown the epidermal nuclei, the striations, or forming plumes of the future telson, continuing up through the body of the spines, only three of which are drawn ; and at the tips of the spines fountain-like masses of blunt protrusions, swollen at the tip and in many cases pressed against the membrane. It would seem that a viscid mass had been poured out from the tips of the spines and that this oozing out in threads had become firmly soldered to the membrane. As far as made out the origin of the supporting telson thread is thus as follows. The thread is really a membrane and when the embryo is hatching this membrane is spread like a loose skin all over the embryo inside of the egg case. When the embryo hatches it also sheds this membrane, coming finally to pull its abdomen out of the part of the membrane that surrounds the abdomen like a long bag. The bottom of the bag is, however, fastened to the tip of the telson as indicated in figure 22, so that the creature cannot get entirely free from the bag but pulling out its abdomen pulls up the bottom of the bag and turns the bag inside out. The struggles of the larva drag the membrane into a long thread, and one end of this remains attached to the tel- son spines as seen in figure 21. Once this is accomplished the fact that the clear thread is really a cast-off membrane would not be suspected, since it seems a homogeneous, finely wrinkled thread that might well be a secretion. The similar structure in the European Astacus was mentioned merely as a filament as cited above, page 15, but Huxley intuitively queried if it might be a larval skin. THE YOUNG OP THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 27 The other end of the telson thread remained fast inside the egg capsule (fig. 4), and this attachment is as important as the above described attach- ment to the telson in making the thread of use to secure the larva from being lost. How the connection of the inner membrane to the egg capsule was brought about was not determined but it was existent long before the embryo hatched. Embryos three days before hatching killed in Worcester's liquid and soaked a week in five per' cent potash showed an outer egg capsule, an inner shell and a membrane that was loose and visible over the chelae and over the deeply bifid telson which already bore terminal spines. And embryos nine days be- fore hatching showed the same double shell and membrane, but no telson spines. The telson thread is thus a thin membrane formed about the embryo and early fastened by radiating fibrils (fig. 4) to the inside of the inner of the two layers of the egg capsule. Later in the life of the embryo this membrane be- comes also fastened to the telson by secretory activity of the terminal spines. When the embryo hatches the membrane is ruptured and in part turned inside out and drawn into a thread-like form, fastened at both ends. Other facts re- garding the telson thread will be given below in the description of Cambarus, in which it also exists. The passage from the first to the second larval stages was seen in some larvae lying in the Bottom of a dish, and in others that had fixed themselves to strings. In these the old larval skin burst open and the second larva, as it were, "oozed" out backward for several minutes and its chelae and abdomen re- mained longer inside the old skin but were then suddenly withdrawn. For a few minutes the larva in its new stage lay stretched out straight, as if dead but then flopped its abdomen, moved its legs, got upright and walked and even swam backward and finally crawled up into the piles of other young in the same second stage. While the larva in the first stage was inactive and remained always fastened to the mother, the second larva was active and finally abandoned the mother though for a time still associated with her. Upon casting off their first larval skins the larvae in the second stage leave those skins fastened by their chelae to the egg stalks on the mother's pleopods, and are free to crawl about over the pleopods of the mother amongst their numerous fellow-larvae. Soon these larvae descend the pleopods and make short excursions under the abdo- men of the resting mother and over various parts of the mother's body, finally wandering off over the bottom of the aquarium for short distances to return frequently to the mother again. The mother thus had fastened to her pleopods a large mass of old egg stalks and capsules to which were fastened the cast-off skins of the larva?, and over this mass crawled the active larvae till after a few days the egg cases and cast skins as well as egg stalks were found to have disappeared leaving the pie- 28 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS opods clean but still occupied by the larvae. In the Astacus in France Chan- tran ('71) finally convinced himself that the larvae ate their cast skins and the egg capsules ; and the same probably occurs in Astacus leniusculus. The habits of the second larvae showed much greater diversity than was possible in the attached larvae in the first stage but through the early part of the second stage a tendency to climb seemed a dominant feature of their lives. When a number were put into a dish by themselves they tended to climb up onto one another to form a mass but if put back with the mother they soon climbed up onto her pleopods where they held on so firmly that when a pleopod was cut off and thrown into 70 per cent alcohol, some of the larvae still retained their hold though most of them did not. When the larvae alone were in a dish with a spray of myriophyllum they climbed up it and crawled together in a mass between the plant and the glass; but they did not climb up onto a piece of cotton cloth hanging down in the water from a floating cork. Even when the mother was dead, the young twenty hours after passing into the second stage continued to hold firmly to the maternal pleopods. But after three more days the young had ceased to huddle together so much, and crawling about over the bottom of the aquarium, and sometimes swimming, they were at times carried away with the current of water. Though some of the larvae concealed them- selves under ooze and dead leaves at this time, others continued to hold on to the abdomen of the dead mother for four or five days, when the abdomen was cut off and fastened at the surface of running water, but about May 18 these larvae also dropped to the bottom and lived there. This climbing instinct can then be satisfied in various ways, and when thirteen larvae were removed and put into a dish with another female bearing young, but few minutes sufficed for five of the thirteen to find and to climb up onto the pleopods of the strange female. The possibility of resolving these habits of the young second stage crayfish into so-called tactic phenomena, into chiefly geotactic and stereotropic responses, will be considered in connection with some observations upon the young of Cambarus. The general form of the second stage as represented in figures 23 and 24 is obviously more like the adult than like the first stage as is true also of the habit. Comparing these figures with 3 and 4 there is a noteworthy change in size; after casting off the first skin the crayfish measured 11 mm. from tip of rostrum to end of telson, exclusive of the long fringe of plumose setae which made the length 12 mm. if the setae were included, and so greatly enlarged the area of telson available for locomotion. The thorax was 2 mm. wide and about 2.5 mm. deep. The cephalothorax was 6 mm. and the abdomen 5 mm. long; the telson was 2 mm. wide without the seta?, and 4 mm. with the setae. The an- tennae were 10 mm. and the chelae 8 mm. long. All these measurements were taken from preserved material and show that the animal was now a large larva. THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 29 Its brilliant color added to its size made it an attractive larva resembling a young lobster after the swimming stages. As indicated in black in the above figures the pigment cells were scattered over the head thorax and abdomen and more sparingly over the chelae, walking legs and basal parts of the antennae. To the naked eye the larva walking on the bottom of a dish seems light flesh-color, translucent and inconspicuous, but the chelae look red, the eyes are dark and the yolk is still a very evident dark, red-black mass of bilobed form across the middle of the head thorax. The liver lobes anterior and posterior to the yolk- were noticeably yellowish and greenish. The abdomen was flesh colored for the most part, but the telson was nearly colorless and with a fringe of white, clear setae so long as to suggest a peacock's tail. On the first abdominal somite the densely crowded pigment formed a conspicuous cross-band (fig. 23). Another such aggregation of pigment was found posterior to the eye and external to the base of the rostrum. In addition to the color due to the much branched red pigment cells, indicated in black in figures 23 and 24, there soon came to be a variable amount of blue color not so readily seen and due to large blue pigment cells. In strong light the red pigment often stood forward on a back- ground of blue. The blue was evident on the basal part of the antenna and antennule, on the mandible and its palp, but not on the maxillipeds. On the dorsal side of both thorax and abdomen there were some blue, faint, scattered areas internal to the red. As shown in figures 23 and 24, the cephalothorax in passing from the first to the second stage had become long, narrow, and angular with a long gothic rostrum standing straight out in front between the eyes on a level with the back. The rostrum also had large lateral spines at its base and half way out its length. In walking about these larvae carried the antennae and the red chelae for- ward and the abdomen straight out behind as in figure 23, and not bent in under the thorax as in the first stage. However, when not walking the abdo- men was bent as in figure 24. As in a young lobster the slow walking was quickly replaced, at alarm, by rapid backward swimming caused by flapping the abdomen with its extensive telson fan. As the larvae went about more and more away from the parent, they became more individual and more complex in their movements; they were seen to scrape the backs of their heads with their legs, to raise their chelae as if in defense when a shadow passed over them, and in other ways to act like an adult crayfish much more than did the sluggish and simple first larvae. In watching one of these second larvae slowly walking, the movements of the five long limbs seemed to be as follows. The fifth, fourth, and third limbs standing out at the sides of the body (fig. 23), were so bent as to hold the body high up above the bottom of the dish and swing back and forth as the 30 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAEUS chief locomotor organs. The chelae were held in readiness in front of the animal and the second limbs (fig. 23) were bent inward under the body with the tip for- ward so that in moving forward the body rode over these appendages as upon levers with very little movement of the base of these appendages. The third appendages always pointing forward swung from an angle of about 45° with the side of the body to one of about 70°. The fourth limbs had a very long swing from a forward position about 45° with the side of the body back past 90° with the side of the body. The fifth limbs had a very short, hobbled, movement like the third but always directed backward, from about 100° to 120° with the side of the body. In taking up the appendages of the second larva, in sequence (figs. 25 to 39) it will be noticed that the relative nakedness of the first larva has given place to a hirsute condition, indicated in figures 23 and 24 ; setae occur upon the antennae, chela?, legs, pleopods as well as the sides of the abdomen and, as the separate sketches show, upon all the other appendages. The active second larva has thus come into possession of sensory and locomotor setae lacking in the imperfect first stage, and similar to those of the adult stages. The first antenna (fig. 25) still has the same general form as in the first stage (fig. 6), it has five segments in exopodite and in endopodite but it is noticeably more finished in being well armed with setae. The narrow part of the proximal segment bears a sharp spine upon its inner side. The auditory pit on the basal segment is now well guarded by a row of plumose setae pass- ing from the outer edge inward and spread across the orifice of the pit. There is also a row of sparsely branched plumes along this upper face of this segment and parallel to its inner edge and in addition there are a few other setae ar- ranged as in figure 25. The second and the third segments bear long plumose setae on their inner sides and long, stiff spine-like setae on the external sides of their distal ends. The endopodite a-nd the exopodite each bear a few long stiff spine-like setae at the distal ends of their five segments and in addition the char- acteristic blunt sense clubs of this appendage are now evident. These organs are placed in groups upon the inner and lower faces of the third, fourth, and fifth segments of the exopodite. The third segment has a cluster of three upon its distal edge, the fourth has a group of two at its distal edge while the fifth has a group of three at its middle part, where its diameter suddenly diminishes. As all these sensory clubs face downward they are foreshortened in the above figure and in reality are much longer than shown. The second antenna (fig. 26) has increased greatly in length over its former state (fig. 7). Its basal parts are more angular and the excretory cone on the basal segment is relatively very much smaller while the spines of the second segment are borne upon a large, scale-like protuberance. The exopodite scale bears a row of long, plumose setae all along its outer edge while in the first THE YOUNG OF THE OBAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 31 stage there were only simple spines to anticipate some of these plumes. The three large segments of the exopodite are more angular than before and now bear a few setae while the filament has some fifty-four segments of the form and proportions shown in figure 26. As these bear needle-like setae on their dis- tal edges the filament seems under a low magnification somewhat like a brush. The mandible is not only greatly enlarged but more complex in having an effective cutting edge no longer smooth but serrated by seven unequal angular projections (fig. 27). The palp is more complex in having more numerous long, acicular setae both on the exterior and interior faces of its terminal segment and a very few sparsely-branched plumes on the distal part of its second seg- ment. When folded down the palp fits into a deep depression on the inner face of the mandible (fig. 28), and the proximal border of this depression is irregularly dentated with rounded protuberances. The exoskeleton over these dentations and over the sharp teeth of the cutting edge is now very thick and horny, being solid as far back as the second line in figure 28. While the acicular setae over the terminal segment of the palp appear smooth under Zeiss 2 A, they are really set with short, fine, side branches along their distal halves as seen with 2 D, and they have rather bhint points so that they woiild seem to aid in a brush-like use of the palp. The first maxilla (fig. 29) has progressed beyond its former stage (fig. 9), chiefly in the outgrowth of long setae in place of blunt spines and also in the addition of setae where there were no outgrowths at all. The setae are of two kinds, a few plumose and many acicular ; the latter are found chiefly on the ends of the two plates of the protopodite where they replace simple spines, while the plumes are chiefly lateral. On the basal, or first segment, however, there is some- what of a transition, since its proximal border is set with setae that extend out to the tip as very long and sparsely branched plumes that thus extend close up to the acicular setae. These latter under 4 D are seen to be set with very few and fine side branches so that they are really somewhat plumose. The similarly placed acicular setae upon the second segment, however, show no side branches but are really smooth. The small tuft of setae already present in the first stage at the base of the endopodite remains but little changed in the second stage. The second maxilla has undergone like changes (fig. 30). The terminal spines of the first stage (fig. 10) are replaced by plumose setae and a few more long plumes are added. Here again the plumose setae of the proximal edge of the first segment extend' out as far as the acicular setae of the apex. The endopodite has a few long plumose setae on its distal part in addition to the cluster at its base. The scaphognathite is but little changed, the setae along its outer edge being so bent down that they do not show their full length in the view represented in figure 30. However, at the posterior tip of this respiratory 32 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS organ there is a peculiar growth of one or two setae. These are very long and though appearing quite smooth and hair-like, with 2 D, they are seen to be really set with short, fine side bristles, and they are sharp pointed. On the inner faces of the four lobes of the protopodite there are now many long, sharp, curved, setae. In the first maxilliped (fig. 31) the process of substituting plumes and acic- ular setae for spines has been carried on in the same general way. The cut- ting edges of the protopodite now bristle with setae most of which are simple, some straight, some with curved tips ; but the tendency to run the plumose seta; up to the tip of the basal segment is carried so far that these plumes take entire possession of this basal segment and only the second segment has acic- ular seta?. Even on the second segment a few plumes come up nearly to the tip, on the distal side. The endopodite bears but a few plumose setae while the long exopodite has in addition to the former series of plumes along the outer edge of the basal part (fig. 11) several remarkably long and conspicuous plumes near its tip. The terminal part of the exopodite is cylindrical and tends to become segmented and it is from its last and its penultimate segments that the long plumes project and form a terminal brush. The flat epipodite scale has still a few minute, blunt papillae along its posterior edge (figs. 31, 11), and on its outer and inner edges a few of the remarkable exoskeletal hooks char- acteristic of these organs. The second maxilliped (fig. 32) has changed chiefly in adding plumes and setae. The gills remain as before (fig. 12) but are longer. The protopodite has added longer and more numerous plumose setae and a very few acicular ones. The exopodite has substituted for its few terminal spines a brush of several remarkably long, strong plumes (fig. 32), and for the sparse spines along the outer edge of its basal segment a few setae which proximally are sparsely plumed and distally smooth without barbs. The endopodite looks much changed owing to the development of many long and stout acicular setae over its terminal parts and inner edges. The setae of the endopodite are smooth as seen with 2 A, but with 2 D some five or six on the inner face of the second segment and again on the distal edge of the fourth segment are finely barbed. In the latter position two at the corner toward the exopodite have their fine lateral branches flattened like saw teeth, so that they resemble the cleansing setae upon the penultimate segment of the fifth leg of the adult, elsewhere described (Andrews, '04). The fifth, or terminal segment of the endopodite, is armed with long, smooth, stout, spine-like setae, with blunt points. The third maxilliped has added but few plumes but many very long acic- ular setae (figs. 33, 13). The plumes are a noticeable bunch at the tip of the exopodite and a few on its basal part, as well as very few on the protopodite and an increased number at the base of the epipodite. The gill region is now THE YOUNG OP THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 33 for the first time provided with the phenomenally long hair-like coxopoditic setae found in the adult and in all but the first larval stages on this and all the following thoracic somites. As seen in figure 33, these setae arise external to the exopodite and add a conspicuous element to the appendages as they are longer than the entire exopodite and coil about like stiff wires. The endopodite bristles with exceedingly long, sharp needle-like setae and has no real plumes whatever, though with 2 D" it was evident that some of the longest needles on the terminal segment were very finely barbed. On the anterior, and inner, face of that segment there were also numerous stout setae with flat saw-teeth like those above described, on the corner of the penultimate segment of the endopodite of the second maxilliped. The chela (fig. 34) has greatly increased in size, as shown in comparing with fig. 14, and now has simple acicular setae scattered over it but no plumose sete. The terminal claw is no longer used as a holdfast and has no longer recurved tips. Henceforth of use as a cutting shears it now bears a large tooth on each blade as well as the rows of spines formerly present. At the base of the appendage the gills have increased in size and there is a long tuft of coxo- podite setae, which, however, are short in proportion to the enormous endopo- dite. The four walking legs (figs. 35, 36, 37, 38) though much larger than in the first stage (figs. 15, 16, 17, 18) have not increased as much as have the chelae and they retain their relative proportions and sizes. Like the chelae they now bristle with acicular setae and show no plumose setae. However, at the distal edge of the penultimate segment of the fourth and of the fifth legs (figs. 37, 38) there are a few of the saw-like "cleansing setae" previously referred to as oc- curring in the adult. The gills have changed only in size; the coxopodite set;e are very long threads, but only few in number and on the last leg reduced to one. The branchial formula in the second stage was thus just like that above given for the first stage. On the abdomen of the second stage there were still but four pairs of ple- opods since the first were not yet formed and the sixth still remained inside of the telson. But each pleopod was now so well provided with plumose setae that the appendage simulated a locomotor organ. The larvae also now had the adult habit of swinging the pleopods back and forth and so producing currents in the water which may well be of aid in respiration as they would change the water supplied to the inhalent openings of the gill chambers. Each pleopod (fig. 39) had grown greatly in length as compared with its first appearance (fig. 19) ; the long plumose setae arose from the distal parts of the exopodite and endopodite and resembled the plumes upon the exopodites of the maxillipeds (figs. 31, 32, 33). The exopodite was still the longer and the endopodite the 34 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKTJS shorter of the two flat lobes that bear setae so that the adult relationship in size of these parts was not yet arrived at. While the telson of the first larva was nearly circular, in the second it was swollen laterally (fig. 23), and became thus transversely elongated since the sixth pleopods had now grown within it as very large lateral masses. The posterior edge of the telson was somewhat incised on the median plane and thus recalled the early bilobed condition found in the embryo some days be- fore hatching. The long plumose setae of the telson (fig. 23) that aid the larva in swim- ming are the expanded products of the radiating glands seen within the telson of the first stage (fig. 20). Thus provided with effective swimming setae and more numerous sensory setae the second stage larva gradually depends less and less iipon its mother and finally leaves her altogether. After some eight to ten days these active larvae cast off their shells and passed into a third stage. The third larva was in the main very like the second but it had advanced a very important step in freeing its sixth abdominal appendages which hence- forth are not inside the telson, but lying by the side of it to make the effective tail-fan that is used in rapid locomotion. Some hours before shedding the sec- ond larva plainly showed the sixth pleopods as dark red, partly opaque masses within the base of the telson and after shedding these appendages were ex- panded as is shown in figures 40 and 42. As both the end of the telson and the edges of these great flat sixth pleopods are set with plumose setae the combined fringe of setas augments the surface used by the larva in escaping backward by vigorous blows of the telson and sixth pleopods against the water. The details of this effective and very large sixth pleopod which has been forming slowly on each side within the base of the telson ever since the larva came out of the egg, that is from some two to three weeks, are shown in figure 42, which shows the dorsal face of the left appendage of. the sixth abdominal somite. This appendage joins onto the sixth somite and lies by the side of the telson as indicated in figure 40. The protopodite bears a prominent spine over the base of the endopodite ; the endopodite is armed with two spines near its edge and the exopodite with five spines, along the edge of the two segments into which it is divided, as in the adult, by a movable hinge. Scattered over the sur- face are a few relatively short acicular setae. It will be noted that the plumes along the edges of both endopodite and exopodite are arranged to make a most effective fan since those of the endopodite overlap some of those of the exopodite, when, as in figure- 42, the exopodite is not extended as far as possible away from the median plane. At times the exopodite may be shut in under the endop- odite like a part of a fan. The real length of the terminal plumes is somewhat greater than shown in THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 35 the figure since they are foreshortened there ; they do not stand out in straight continuation of the plane of the telson and sixth appendage but are curved downward so that their tips tend to point forward under the animal. The entire fan is thus somewhat concave on the ventral side and in life the larva carries its abdomen with its tip close to the substratum upon which it walks or stands (fig. 41), and seen from above the fan is foreshortened. Both the habit of carrying the fan inclined downward and the curved growth of the plumose setae combine to make the fan a hollow scoop, which form would seem to be a more efficient one for striking the water forwards and thus propelling the animal backward. The forward bending of the setae by making it more difficult for them to be forced back beyond the plane of the stiff parts of the fan would seem to make them a more efficient addition to the striking surface. The period of life in which the effective tail fan is formed by the libera- tion of the sixth pleopods has hitherto remained unknown for the genus As- tacus. Huxley ('80) says: "I imagine that the appendages of the sixth abdominal somite are at that time (during the first ecdysis) expanded, but nothing is definitely known at present of these changes." Faxon ('85) records that specimen of Astacus pallipes 11 mm. long and ten days old still had the sixth pleopods enclosed within the telson and supposed that they would be set free after the second or third moult. Other observations seem to be lacking. The telson seen foreshortened in the natural position figure 40, is seen in its true proportions in figure 43. From the circular form of the first stage (fig. 20) it has passed through the transversely elongated form of the second stage (fig. 23) to its present complex and angular form. By an imperfect transverse hinge it is now divided into an angular anterior part and a rounded posterior part. The fact that this transverse division of the telson does not show till the third larval stage is of interest in connection with the fact that this seems one of the recent acquisitions of the highest crayfish. In the lobsters and other marine forms, as well as in all the crayfish of the Southern Hemisphere, the telson is not at all divided and amongst the Potamobine or higher crayfish of the North- ern Hemisphere the division of the telson is much more perfect in the highest forms, such. as Cambarus affinis, less pronounced in some lower forms as Cam- barus Clarkii and in Astacus leniusculus, which is doubtless less specialized than Cambarus, the division of the telson in the adult is by no means a perfect one. In figure 43 are shown groups of acicular setae symmetrically placed right and left; the rounded, terminal lobe is the only part bearing plumose setae. These plumes stand in a single row and on the right and the left begin ante- riorly as short setae followed by others that very soon are much longer and of about constant length along the posterior border till near the median line when there is a sudden falling off in length and one very short setas ends the series. 36 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACTTS AND CAMBAEUS Just dorsal to this row of long plumes there is a row of much fewer and re- latively short acicular setae, shown in black in figure 43. In the reentrant angle between the two lobes of the telson, each side, there is a rounded spine similar to the one formed on the sixth pleopod (fig. 42) where the basal lobe of the exopodite joins the distal lobe. Beyond this perfection of the locomotor apparatus of the abdomen the third larva differs but slightly from the second though there are differences in size, proportion, color and habits. Comparing figure 40 with figure 23 it is seen that the abdomen is wider, the cephalothorax more cylindrical, the limbs stouter, the entire aspect more heavy and crayfish-like. The third larva is still sufficiently transparent to allow the heart to be seen through the shell, under the microscope, beating at about three times a second; the stomach and intestines also show dimly as dark areas. The animal is not conspicuous upon sand or mud; its color is, as before, light with fine, dark-red specks. The eyes are black and the chelae not red but pink. The liver region is greenish but the dark yolk so long conspicuous has dis- appeared with the perfection of sensory and locomotor organs. Where the head-thorax ends posteriorly there is a dark rim caused by concentration of pigment cells there and the abdomen still has a dark band across the dorsal side of the first somite. The region above the heart is quadrangular and very pale in color. Back of each eye there is a dark longitudinal band. The groove between the head and thorax dorsally is light and the pigment anterior to it is more dense. Under the microscope the arborescent red pigment cells often have a blue background and in some regions there are arborescent yellow cells amongst the red ones. The considerable increase in size in passing from the second to the third stage may be seen by comparing the measurement given above, page 28, with the following. In third stage a larva measured 14 mm. from rostrum tip to edge of telson and 15 mm. 'to end of plumose setae. The antenna was 12 mm. and the chela 10 mm. long. The width of the thorax was 3.5 mm. and its depth 4 mm. The telson was 2 mm. wide and the fan formed by it and the sixth pair of pleopods 5 mm. without the plumose setae, and 6 mm. with them. The length of the head-thorax was 7 mm. and of the abdomen 7 mm. In the third stage the larvae were active and voracious, walking and swim- ming with ease and speed so that they were hard to catch. When kept to- gether they soon lost chelae in fight with one another and greedily devoured their dead fellows. When a piece of frog's muscle was put into a dish with these larvae they seized as soon as they came into contact with it and holding the main mass with their chelae and other claws dragged it backward while tearing off fragments with their moiith appendages. Thus twenty-three to twenty-five days after hatching larvae in the third stage which had had no flesh food, unless THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 37 it were the chelae of other larvae, possessed well developed responses in the pres- ence of flesh food. When meat was put on green ooze on the bottom of small aquaria containing such larvae they showed no sign of being aware of it till in contact with it when they seized it ravenously with their mouth parts and then holding the mass with their chelae jerked back like a dog tearing meat from a bone, so strongly as to pull off mouthfuls. When frightened away from the meat, which was then placed one-third of an inch to one side of its former posi- tion in the ooze, the larva returned to the place where the meat hud been and seemed to masticate the ooze there and very slowly found the piece of meat again as if through touch, taste, or smell and not at all by sight. The pugnacity of the third larvae resulted in loss of limbs and specimens with legs pulled off at the "breaking joints" and also rapidly regenerating there were seen. Chant ran stated that larvae of Astacus would regenerate lost limbs in seventy days while the adult males required one and a half to two years and the females three or four years. Excepting the newly expanded last abdominal appendages all of the append- ages agreed with those of the second larva in most all details, but they were larger. The first antenna, however, in place of the eight sense clubs of the second stage, had eleven. These were placed as follows on the exopodite : four in a group on the distal segment; three at the distal end and one upon the middle of the under side of the penultimate segment; two at the distal end of the antepenultimate segment and one at the distal end of the next segment. Just as in the second stage the ear cavity was protected by a row of plumose setae arching over it from its external border. *% The long filament of the antenna was often broken near the tip but contained from 60 to 65 segments and some few of the terminal ones were constricted about the middle as if they might divide at the next moult. The acicular setae of the filament were about one-half as long as the seg- ment, from the distal ends of which they arose in whorls of five or six. To- ward the tip of the filament these setae were much longer than in the second larva. The mandibles, maxillae, maxillipeds, chelae, and walking legs with their gills and setaj were the same as in the second stage except for increase of size. Upon the abdomen the pleopods also were as in the second stage, except in the case of the expanded sixth pair above described. As yet no appendages were seen upon the first abdominal somite but as in this Astacus no ap- pendages were found there in the adult female it may be that only female larvae were examined. The four pleopods of the somite anterior to the sixth still had the exopodite longer than the endopodite, as was also the case in the new sixth pleopods (fig. 42). In the adult this relative size of exopodite and endopodite is reversed in the abdominal organs that serve as secondary reproductive organs. 38 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS Thus in the male the first and the second somites bear the remarkable male sperm conductors in which the endopodites greatly exceed the exopodites or else form the only part developed while in the four following ple- opods the larval relation is not much changed in the adult, as the exopodite is as large as the endopodite or, in the sixth pair, larger, and in all these four the function is not sexual but locomotor, or perhaps respiratory. In the female the same state is found in the sixth pair, the first pair are lacking, while the four other pairs have the endopodite much longer than the exopodite and both are used as reproductive organs, as supports for the eggs and larvae. Some of the larvje of the third stage were kept from May 18 to October 2, and some of the moultings and increase in size noted, but no details of the gradual completion of adult structure were studied. The fourth larval stage was reached by a moult after the larva had lived in the third stage twelve to fourteen days and was a little over one month old. The length then increased from 15 mm. to 17 mm. The color was no longer bright but dull and inconspicuous, pale grey densely spotted with almost black pigment and scarcely any flesh color though the tips of the chela? were pink. There was a marked transverse band of bluish across the posterior edge of the carapace and the abdomen was much lighter than the thorax. The fourth stage had advanced beyond the third in one important par- ticular since now for the first time the appendages of the first abdominal somite were seen in some specimens, which were probably males. These pleopods, how- ever, were as yet but very simple rounded knobs which projected from the sternal ridge of the first somite downward and decidedly inward, toward one another, and were about one-tenth of a millimeter long. At the end of June when the larvae had been in the fourth stage about a month they passed into a fifth stage which was nineteen millimeters long and in color red-brown or in some cases decidedly bluish. Kept in running water with water plants and tubifex for food and at a temperature as high as 21.5° C., they climbed about actively upon the plants or else remained buried in the ooze. From some of the larvae left in a closed aquarium with algal ooze from June 16 to October 2, there remained one survivor five months and a week old that measured 30 mm. in length, 6 mm. in width of thorax, 12 mm. in width of telson- fan, and 25 mm. along the antenna. This crayfish having areas for the ends of the oviducts upon the antepenultimate legs was a female, and it had no append- ages upon the first abdominal segment. The color was bright, finely speckled over with brown; the legs lighter; the antennae dark; the chelae purplish with red and blue spots and there was still a blue transverse band across the poste- rior edge of the thorax. The eyes were brown. The shell and flesh were stil 1 translucent so that the intestine showed through the dorsal side of the abdomen. THE YOUNG OF THE CKAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS 39 This larva buried itself in the ooze but was so active as to be caught with difficulty. By October 20, it had shed and grown to a length of 34 mm., with antenna 32 mm. long, so that with the food that had been given it it had gained 4 mm. in length in eighteen days. This larva lived till February, 1905, and died when nine months old. Another lot of larvae kept in running water from July 16 to October 2, also yielded but one survivor which had increased from less than 26 mm. to 55 mm. and had a telson-fan 25 mm. wide, thorax 13 mm. wide, and antenna 36 mm. long. This fine young crayfish five months and a week old looked like the adult and was a male with well formed male stylets upon its first abdominal somite. The body was opaque and dark ; greenish-blue and brown finely speckled ; the legs lighter; the chelae with much blue and with the conspicuous flesh-colored area that the adult has at the angle of the claw. The posterior edge of the carapace was dark blue and the antennae were bluish at the base fading to brownish at the tip. The under side of the body was pale flesh-color, or color- less with some clear blue. A third lot of larva1, 13 mm. long on May 27, and in the third stage, were kept in more favorable conditions, that is, running water in a large tank, with mud, plants, and sunlight, and on October 2 there were six survivors. The measurements of these larvae, five months and a week old are given in the table below : Larva A B C D E F Length 56 60 63 58 58? 52 Width 13 15 15 15 15 14 Antenna length ... 51 52 52 50 55 45 Sex $ 9 9 9 9 3 The males A and F had well formed male organs upon the first abdominal somite while the four females had no appendages there, but the largest females B and C had two blue spots upon that somite that suggested some connection with a possible appendage. The colors of these large young were those of adults, and though all reared in the same tank they showed individual differ- ences in : general color, some being more dark olive, others brown ; in size and color of the spot at the angle of the claw, which in one was reduced to a mere light nodule and in others was a very large area; in color of under side of claw which was dark or else bright flaming-red. The eight young reared to an age of five months and one week thus measured 30, 55, 56, 60, 63, 58, 58, 52 or an average of 54 mm. Tabulating the facts above recorded as to the size and length of duration of the larval stages as far as they were followed we find the following: 40 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS Stage. Duration. Length of body. Habit. 1 4-13 days 9 mm. Fast to parent. 2 8-10 " 11 mm. Free and gradually becom- ing independent. 3 12-14 " 14-15 mm. Independent. 4 30 '• 17 mm. Independent. 5 ? 19-20 mm. Independent. The number of moults necessary to increase the larva from the fifth stage when about 20 mm. long to the autumnal larvae ranging from 30 to 63 and averaging 54 is not known. The amount of increase at each moult above tabulated was about 3 mm. In one case above cited a larva which had grown only to 30 mm. in the autumn, when well fed quickly gained 4 mm. probably in one moult. We might expect then an increment of 3 or 4 mm. at each moult, and •growth from the 20 mm. length of the fifth stage to the average autumnal length of 54 mm. may have taken from 8 to 11 moults thus making an estimated total of 12 to 15 moults the first growing season. The size reached was, how- ever, evidently determined in part by food. On such basis it may have taken even more moults to produce the large autumn young 60 and 63 mm. long. And at all events the above larva 30 mm. long having been kept in a closed aquarium should be disregarded in reckoning the average. Rejecting this the average for the seven others reared in running water would be 57. To attain this average size it may well have required at least nine moults after the fifth stage. It seems then not improbable that this Astacus, under these conditions moulted at least a dozen times while growing to a length of over two inches in the first five months of its life. Four stageswere observed in the first two months when the length had not extended to four-fifths of an inch, and probably twice as many stages were necessary in the following three months to bring the length up to over two inches. The only previous records of the rate of growth of young Astacus seem to be those of Soubeiran, Chantran, and Steffenberg. Soubeiran ('65) from measurements of a crayfish in a French crayfish farm concluded that they did not moult more than once in the first year, and were 50 mm. long when one year old. Chantran ('70) thought the young crayfish moulted five times in 85 to 100 days of July, August, and September and no more till the end of the next April. The first moult was at ten days after hatching and the other four at in- tervals of twenty to twenty-five days each. These results were modified by his further studies, also in the laboratory, and later ('71) he stated the number of moults iii the first summer was eight and that the temperature influenced the THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 41 number of moults so that there were six in the second summer, if hot. Finally Steffenberg ( 72) gave the lengths of the Astaeus larvae in Sweden as B.5 mm. at hatching; 11 mm. in the second stage; 13 mm. in the third stage; 15 mm. in the fourth stage. Astaeus leniusculus thus agrees closely with the Astaeus of Sweden in the length of the larva in the first, second, third, and fourth stages. As far as the facts go it seems evident that Astaeus leniusculus probably has more larval stages than have been described for the first year young of the French Astaeus, but the differences are probably due more to difference in food and in temperature than to any innate differences in the species. With this close agreement in larval life between the American and Euro- pean Astaeus and the demonstrated success of rearing in the laboratory the large young from the eggs brought overland, the culture of the American As- taeus should be as successful when undertaken as has been crayfish culture in Europe. As elsewhere remarked (Andrews, :063; :064) the introduction of the western Astaeus leniusculus into Eastern waters might not only prove of economic value but also help to throw light upon the interesting problem of the nature of the causes that have brought about the present remarkable geograph- ical distribution of crayfish. And the geographical distribution of crayfish is intimately connected with the origin of species in this group. CAMBAEUS AFFINIS. As elsewhere described (Andrews, :04) this common crayfish of Maryland and adjacent States lays its eggs in the spring, and the development of the young can be followed in the laboratory. Preparatory to laying, the females carefully cleanse the parts of their bodies to which the eggs are to be attached and the eggs flow out of the oviducts into a mucous mass which covers the ple- opods upon which, after some special "turning" movements of the female, the eggs are found attached each by its own stalk (Andrews, :06). The hatching young thus find themselves upon the abdomen of the parent and here, as in Astaeus, there are special contrivances which prolong the connec- tion of parent and offspring for some time after hatching so that the attainment of a free and independent existence is a slow and gradual process. The special arrangements used in the attachment of the egg and of the larvae in the first and second stages form a series of interesting adjustments between the adult and the next generation. These successive means of association of mother and offspring will be described in what follows. We will first consider the egg and the maternal appendages. The eggs, while numerous, three to six hundred according to the size of the female, are small, scarcely 1.5 mm. as compared with 2.5 mm. in Astaeus len- iusculus. Some few become fastened to setae upon the abdominal sterna but 4 42 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAEUS most are fastened to plumose hairs upon the pleopods of the second to fifth somites inclusive, and some account of these pleopods may be given here in connection with questions as to how the eggs and larvae are attached to the mother. The posterior face of the fourth left pleopod of a female about to lay is represented in figure 44. It will be noted that the endopodite is longer than the exopodite, and both bear a fringe of long plumose setae on their right and left edges. The setae are shorter toward the base of the exopodite and of the endopodite while on the protopodite there are but a few plumose setae in two tufts upon the inner edge. The long setae make of the pleopod a wide fan or flat brush since the setae lie close together and like the wing feathers of a bird form a rather flat firm expanse. The protopodite has a basal part containing several calcified plates in a soft membrane, and a long segment that is well calcified except for a triangular soft area toward its base on the posterior face. The endopodite is made of two segments and the exopodite of one. The endopo- dite and the exopodite are also somewhat annulated in appearance owing to the grouping of the cement glands. The groups are opaque white and from each side tend to run together across the posterior face. Distally they do not meet but proximally they meet and make cross bands. Still farther toward the base the glands cover the entire surface more and more completely. The non-gland- ular areas are clear and not opaque, and in the figure are represented dark. The anterior face differs from the posterior (fig. 44) in a greater de- velopment of glands which formed transverse bands more nearly all the way to the tip. As so many of the glands are to the right and left near the setae, they are well placed to smear their secretion over the set*. Toward the tips of the pleopods the exoskeleton is so translucent that with Zeiss 2 D, the striation of the muscle fibers, the branched connective tissue cells, granular blood corpuscles, and the polygonal gland cells may be seen. The gland cells are about the diameter of a muscle fiber and larger than a blood corpuscle. In most cases the plumose setae spring from over the glands, and the base of a seta is as thick as two gland cells. The setae have a large central cavity and a thick wall which is highly refractive and clear and is of unequal thick- ness so that it projects into the cavity in lumps or waves, and gives the distal part of the axis of the seta a somewhat segmented aspect. At the base each seta is. articulated to the exoskeleton, and its central cavity is constricted by a clear refractive thickening of the wall that leaves very little communication be- tween the cavity of the setae and the cavity of the body. The side branches of the seta spring out not only along its sides but also, scatteringly, along its posterior face so that the plumose seta is more like a bottle brush than like a flat feather. While the side branches generally make THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 43 a wide angle with the main axis, toward the tip they become more nearly par- allel with it and thus a fine terminal brush is formed by the main axis coming gradually to an acute point in the midst of the surrounding side branches. The eggs are fastened to these plumose hairs by a secretion that probably comes out of the glands of the pleopods (Andrews, :062). They then look as in figure 45, which represents the anterior face of a pleopod cut off in the afternoon of April 18, 1905, from a female that had laid the night before. Most of the pleopod is concealed by the eggs which are opaque yellow balls and very elastic. The plumose setae are all bound together by a common cement or mass of glaire so that the individual setae are not seen. From this mass a clear, flat, glassy band of material goes out to each egg. Upon separating the eggs these bands are seen as clear, flat stalks, continuous at one end with the mass that binds the setae together and at the other end with the envelope about the egg. While the shorter bands are flat and wide the longer bands are more string-like and some few are twisted. Though these stalks may cross one another and be more or less intertwined they are not fastened to one another. As the setae spring chiefly from the side of the pleopod and the eggs are tied to the setae, the eggs may be combed out, as it were, into groups on each side of the endopodite and of the exopodite. Where the stalk joins the egg it is enlarged as a bell, or tent, full of liquid and its edges are continuous with the outer layer of the egg capsule. Each egg had then its own separate stalk, though a very few exceptions showed two stalks connected with an egg at different points and with a com- mon extension running over the surface of the egg from one stalk to the other. Thus very firmly attached to the mother, the eggs are waved back and forth by the mother who regulates the movements of the pleopods in accordance with the oxygen supply in the water, and thus they slowly develop till they hatch. The old egg cases and stalks still remain fast to the pleopods, and are of use to the larva as a means of prolonging its life of dependence upon the mother. We will next describe the way in which the first larva is connected with the mother. In hatching, the larva comes slowly out of the egg capsule through a rent along its back, in such a way as to draw out the legs and abdomen last of all as represented in figure 8 in a previous paper (Andrews, :04). In fact the tip of the abdomen remains inside the egg case long after the soft, helpless larva is extruded and left dangling down into the water. And all these newly hatched larvae would fall to the bottom were it not for a firm attachment of the tip of the abdomen inside the egg case. As it is some time before the respiratory move- ments become perfect, as the limbs only gradually acquire ability to move, and as the body is globose and the creature cannot stand on its legs, the larva would 44 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS probably perish but for this temporary fastening of the abdomen that tides it over the weak period till it can reach up and take hold of the egg stalk as in- dicated in figure 9 of the above paper. This attachment of the abdomen is the same phenomenon found in Astacus and is brought about by a telson thread ; but as the eggs and larvae of Cambarus are so much smaller and as the tip of the abdomen remains inside the egg cap- sule the facts are not so readily made out and in a previous notice (Andrews, :04) the telson thread was spoken of as proceeding from the anal region, though further study shows it to be fastened to glandular spines of the telson edge as in Astacus. In Cambarus affinis the tip of the abdomen is fastened by a short thread to a crumpled membrane which lies inside of the spheroidal egg case and is firmly fixed to the egg case on the side near the stalk. The short thread and the membrane together are comparable to the long membranous thread that in Astacus allows the larva to hang far down from the egg case. For conven- ience we will describe the two parts of the telson thread separately. The short part fastened to the abdomen remains on larvae 48 hours old though then broken off from the more membranous part inside the £gg case. The short part may be whipped up and down in the water like a lash when the larva flaps its abdo- men (fig. 50). At hatching, the telson (fig. 46) is a simple rounded, translucent lobe, with minute spines on each side of the median plane, which formerly fastened it to the telson thread. In this ventral view of a recently hatched larva the pleopods of the fourth and fifth somites are seen free while the sixth somite has its pleo- pods as lobes inside the telson on each side of the anus. The terminal part of the telson is traversed by radiating lines which point to spines along the edge of the telson. These lines are in reality rows of cells that are to make the plumose setae of later larval stages and the rest of the translucent flat telson is filled by a parenchymatous mass traversed by blood spaces in which float blood corpuscles. The telson thread arising from the edge of the telson is a flat band that is readily twisted and shows a striation due to fine wrinkles of the stiff chitin-like material composing this very strong but thin and translucent membrane. Twenty hours after hatching, the telson had changed form, become more quadrangular and its terminal part was somewhat three lobed (fig. 47). And as the spines to which the telson thread was attached were all on the middle lobe it seemed as if the pull of the telson thread might have aided in making the middle region protrude as a lobe. At this time the cuticle of the larva was separating from the body in preparation for the moult from the first to the sec- ond stage. THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBABUS 45 While the form of the telson is thus so different from that of Astacus (fig. 20), the mode of attachment of the telson thread is fundamentally the same. Figure 48 shows the tip of the telson of a larva torn out of its shell just before hatching ; the thread is fastened to five or six spines on each side of the median plane in the same way as in Astacus (fig. 21). Thus nearly the same number of spines are specialized in both crayfish for attachment of the thread though in Cambarus affinis the entire number of spines is much less and they are found only on the posterior part of the edge of the telson. All the spines are glass clear, ice-like in refraction; the lateral ones are bent toward the tip of the telson and the five or six specialized glandular spines converge toward a center as shown in figure 48. The lateral spines toward the posterior end tend to show blunt brushes and secreted lobes at their tips, and thus form somewhat of a transition to the effective specialized spines. These specialized central spines are much longer and thicker and bent, often at right angles. Some are fused together by their blunt ends and all seem to have flowed out at the tips as a mass which is now fibrous and which binds all of them to each other and to the telson thread. They seem compar- able to paste tubes which should squeeze out a myelin-like substance that could coagulate as strong fibrils. The appearances suggested that the rows of gland cells that later make the plumose setae of the later larva, had previously, in late embryonic life, secreted a substance which oozed out of the hollow spines and set into a firm cement; but these cells no doubt were also active in making the cuticular walls of the spines themselves, and no sharp line seemed drawn between the substance of the cuticular spines and the material that issued out of their tips. Both are pre- sumably the same exoskeleton and made from ectoderm cells that later make other exoskeletal secretions in the form of plumose setae. In Astacus (fig. 21) the distinction between spine and secretion was more evident, but in this Cam- barus (fig. 48) the spines are so minute that details are not as readily seen. While the mode of attachment of the telson thread to the telson is thus the same in Astacus and in Cambarus, the thread itself differs in appearance in the two crayfish, in the former being pulled out into a long thread, in the latter being for the most part a wrinkled mass of membrane within the egg case. While in Astacus the thread is apparently a cast off embryonic skin, this is by no means obvious in Cambarus and an interpretation of its meaning was had only from the following facts. When an egg ready to hatch was scratched with a needle the outer egg case came off and the larva popped out alive but still enclosed in a thin spheroidal membrane. This membrane was firmly fastened to the outer egg case by one small area towards which the legs con- verged and which lay opposite the claws. When the egg case was pulled it re- mained so fast to the membrane that both wei-e drawn out of shape rather than 46 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS separate. The part of the egg case attached to the membrane was often near to the stalk of the egg case, which led one to infer that the attachment of egg case and membrane and the making of the egg stalk might have some common cause very early in the life of the egg, but no observations were made to de- cide this. Left to itself a few minutes, such an embryo removed from the shell burst the membrane without the aid of the egg case. Its telson was fastened by its special glandular spines to the inside of the membrane, and soon it reached about with its claws and seized hold of the membrane. This bag-like membrane was thus the same thing as the telson thread of normal hatching. When dissected from an embryo this membrane was seen to be a bag fast to the telson spines, but with no observed special envelopes for the limbs as would be the case were it a cast skin. Before hatching, the membrane was stretched tightly all over the abdomen except where the two special groups of glandular telson spines were, and there the membrane was raised up as two swellings, one right and one left, much higher than the spines themselves. The space be- tween the membrane and the spines was occupied by a mass of seemingly liquid lumps which in some cases with 4 D showed a finely fibrous material amongst the clear spines which, in places, extended out to the membrane like a fibrous coagulum binding the spines to the membrane. On the median line the membrane was close down against the telson so that the secreted masses right and left seemed to have locally pushed the membrane away from its original connection with the telson. This membrane was well developed in embryos of stages J to K of Reich- enbach but upon dissecting, these embryos dropped out of the membrane, as the telson was then not yet fast to the membrane, though the membrane was firmly fastened to the egg case near the stalk. In the early stage F there was also a membrane over the body and this was loose over the slightly projecting, small abdomen. It seems probable that the telson thread of Astacus, which is a cuticle formed over the embryo when its limbs are well advanced and thus has tubular outgrowths to cover the limbs, is represented in Cambarus by a telson thread having the form of a sac-like membrane formed so early that the small limbs receive no special envelopes. In both cases there is a special outgrowth to cover the abdomen, but while in Astacus this is a long bag, in Cambarus it is scarcely recognizable as a separate region. In both, by some unknown process that is imagined to be associated with fertilization phenomena, the membrane is made fast to the outer egg case, and in both the membrane becomes fastened to the embryo by the activity of certain telson glands. A diagram of Astacus would represent it as escaping from a cuticle when hatching, a cuticle fastened to the egg case at one point, and near that point fastened, inside, to the telson of the larva. A diagram of Cambarus THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS 47 would represent it as casting off a membrane at hatching which is fastened as in Astacus but lacks the tubular coverings for the limbs. Here again the small size of Cambarus may have led to misinterpretation of what is plain in As- tacus. Having described this temporary, mechanical association of parent and young we will next consider the more active association that lasts during the rest of the first larval period. The larvae, supported for a time by the telson thread, soon established a second connection with the mother by seizing hold of the egg case, the egg stalk, or in many cases the matted pleopod setae, with their chelae, and thus, for a time, were fastened both by the telson thread and by the chelae. While the eggs hung loosely from the pleopod, figure 45, the young crayfish had the habit of reaching in their chelae as far as possible amongst the egg stalks and pulling themselves close to the pleopods so that they became densely crowded together in a solid mass (fig. 52). In life this mass of young cover- ing the pleopod is a curious sight suggesting mammalian young crowding for maternal milk. Each held itself close to the pleopod, and when disturbed drew itself all the closer as if eager to remain. The part exposed to view is chiefly the rounded head-thorax which is flesh-colored but is conspicuously marked by the enclosed saddle-shaped dark yolk. Here and there the legs and abdomen are seen in profile (fig. 52), but generally the abdomen and legs are under the body, the abdomen being bent somewhat as in a brachyuran (fig. 50) and a full dorsal view shows chiefly the simple head- thorax (fig. 49). The larvae thus seem egg-like, inert and inactive. The long-stalked egg cases stand out above the backs of the larvae as do also a few belated eggs which may hatch some forty-eight hours after the rest (fig. 52). By this time many of the larvae have broken the telson thread and when disturbed make slight movements with their legs and flap the abdomen to which is fastened, like a small handkerchief, the narrow telson end of the thread, while the membranous sac remains within the egg case. So closely do the larvae crowd together that only few of the pleopod setae can be seen. Figure 52 represents a case in which some of the larvae had been removed. While the color of the first larva is light flesh-color to the naked eye, under the microscope the creature is clear, and colorless, except for the scattered, arborescent, vermilion pigment cells over the carapace, abdomen, basal parts of antennae and some few segments of the legs, and except for the reddish pig- ment in the eyes and for the large red-brown yolk mass. The shape of the larva when alive is retained very well in specimens killed in Worcester's liquid, though in many other liquids the head-thorax swells and is abnormally glubose, while the branchiostegites roll back and expose the gills. 48 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBAKUS In neither the dorsal nor the side view (figs. 49, 50) can the rostrum be well seen, but in a front view (fig. 51) it is seen to be pointed, though so bent downward be- tween the eyes as to be of no use as a protection. The body is thus rounded and embryonic in proportion and lacks all the angularities of adults or of active larvae. With the clinging helpless state of the larvae is associated a lack of ordinary use of the antenna?. The second antenna?, which in larval and adult life of crus- tacea are carried out in front of the animal, are here folded down under the thorax (fig. 50), between the right and left series of legs. This peculiar posi- tion of the antennae is not found in Astacus and here is brought about at the time of hatching, for in the embryo these antennae grow backward along the edge of the carapace external to the bases of the limbs. Soon after hatching the legs get astride the antennae and this apparently useless position of the antennae is maintained during the rest of the life of the larva in its first stage. This peculiar position of the antennae as well as the down bent rostrum were observed in another species of Cambarus, C. rusticus by Faxon ('85); and later Steel e (:02) described the rostrum as bent down in C. gracilis and in other species and the legs, antenna? and abdomen of C. virilis as lying under the thorax; thus it seems possible that the first stage of Cambarus in general differs from Astacus in these characteristics of the antenna. The appendages of C. affinis in this first stage resemble those of Astacus leniusculus in being without the setae of later stages, but they differ not only ill being very much smaller but in being, in some cases, more simple. Thus the first antenna (fig. 53) has only four segments in the endopodite and in the ex- opodite in place of five, and the tip of the endopodite bears no sensory club. The antenna (fig. 54) is remarkably short, as is seen on comparing that figure with figure 7, and figure 50 with figure 3. The filament is bent back and has but twenty-five segments, or about half as many as Astacus. In the adult there may be 150 segments. Carried as it is under the thorax it reaches only to the beginning of the abdomen while in Astacus the antenna if in such a posi- tion would reach about to the end of the abdomen when stretched out. The mandible (fig. 55) has the same simple form as in Astacus (fig. 8). The first maxilla (fig. 56) is like that of Astacus (fig. 9), but more simple in lacking the few filose setae and in having fewer spines. The second maxilla (fig. 57) as in Astacus (fig. 10), has a row of plumose setae along the entire edge of the scaphognathite and is elsewhere as simple. The maxillipeds (figs. 58, 59, 60) represent in miniature the structure seen in Astacus (figs.Vll, 12, 13) with slight increase in smoothness due to the pres- ence of fewer setse and spines. There are important simplifications, however, in the gills which in some cases have but half as many side filaments as in Astacus. The chelae (figs. 61, 62) have the same recurved tips as in Astacus. Soon THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 49 after hatching the larva opens its claws widely (fig. 50), and after some failures fastens them to the egg stalk, or to the setae of the mother's pleopods. Once firmly locked in the hardened secretion that makes the egg stalks and binds the setae together, these larval chelae remain fast during the first stage. And even after the larva has escaped from its cuticle and passed into the second stage the old cuticles are left firmly hung to the mother by the cast-off chelae. As in Astacus the chela has at first a cutting edge set with a row of few and simple spines, but when the first larva is ready to moult, the loosening of the cuticle reveals the fact that each spine will be replaced by one that is ser- rated (fig. 62), owing to the presence of flat plates along the posterior face of the new spines. In addition the second stage will have on its claw some spines not represented in the first stage and also near the tips of the claw some long, simple setae in place of the blunt spines there in the first stage. This figure shows that the recurved tips will be abandoned in the second stage since there are already formed tips that are but slightly curved hooks, to take the place of former recurved tips, one of which was broken off in this specimen. The chela besides being so small and weak, is inferior to that of Astacus in having its gills less developed, the anterior arthrobranch being very short and simple and with but few side filaments. In the four walking legs (figs. 63, 64, 65, 66), we find the same proportions as in Astacus but the pleurobranchiss are absent and the arthrobranchijE are more simple, especially the anterior ones. The branchial formula for the first stage is thus the same as in the adult and is as follows : Podo- branchife. Arthrobranchise. Pleuro- branch ife. Total. Anterior. Posterior. Somite of 2d inaxilliped 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0000000 2 3 3 3 3 3 0 Somite of 3d inaxilliped Somite of chela Somite of 1st walkin*** le^1 .... Somite of 3d walkinsequeiit live figures the anterior arthrobranch has l>een dotted for distinctness. ?8 THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS PLATE IV. Figure 27. Outer face of left mandible of second stage. 2. A. 28. Inner face of left mandible of second stage. 2. A. 29. Outer face of left first maxilla of second stage. 2. A. 30. Outer face of second maxilla of second stage. 2. A. 31. Outer face of first maxilliped of second stage. 2. A. 321. Outer face of left second maxilliped of second stage. 2. A. 33. Outer face of left third maxilliped of second stage. 2. A. 34. Posterior face of left chela of second stage. 2. A. PLATE V. Figure 35. Posterior face of left second walking leg, second stage. 2. A. 36. Posterior face of left third walking leg, second stage. 2. A. 37. Posterior face of left fourth walking leg, second stage. 2. A. 38. Posterior face of left fifth walking leg and pleuro branch. 2. A. 39. Posterior face of a left pleopod of second stage. 2. A. PLATE VI. Figure 40. Dorsal aspect of living larva in the third stage in normal attitude which makes the telsou fore-shortened. 290 mm., aa. 41. Side view of living third-stage larva kept quiet by alcohol. 290 mm., aa. 42. Dorsal aspect of the left newly expanded pleopod of the sixth segment of the third-stage larva. 2. A. 43. Dorsal aspect of the tclson of third-stage larva. 2. A. CAMBARUS AFFINIS. PLATE VII. Figure 44. Posterior face of fourth left pleopod of adult female. 290 mm., aa. 45. Eggs attached to pleopod of adult female about twenty hours after being laid. 290 mm., aa. 4(5. Ventral aspect of posterior part of abdomen of first larva, showing attachment of telson thread, the concealed sixth and free fifth and fourth pleopods. From a recently hatched larva. 2. A. 47. Dorsal aspect of telson and sixth abdominal somite of first larva twenty hours after hatching. 2. A. 48. Ventral aspect of terminal middle part of tekon of first larva dissected out of egg-shell, showing attachment of telson thread to certain spines. 2. D. 49. Dorsal aspect of first larva as seen in Worcester's liquid. 290 mm., aa. 50. Right side of first larva, seen in Worcester's liquid. 290 mm., aa. 51. Front view of eyes and rostrum of first larva, seen in Worcester's liquid. 2. aa. 52. Pleopod covered by larvae in the first stage and 48 hours old; alive; some few re- moved. Camera lucida on dissecting stand, Steinheil Aplanatic, No. 9. 53. Dorsal aspect of left antennule of first stage. 2. A. 54. Lower face of left antenna of first stage. 2. A. 55. Outer face of left mandible of first stage. 2. A. 56. Outer face of left first maxilla of first stage. 2. A. 57. Outer face of left second maxilla of first stage. 2. A. 1 In Figs. 32 to 37 the anterior arthrobranch is dotted for distinctness. THE YOUNG OF THE CRAYFISHES ASTACUS AND CAMBARUS 79 Figure 58. Outer face of left first maxilliped of first stage. 2. A. 59. Outer face of left second maxilliped of first stage. 2. A. 60. Outer face of left third maxilliped of first stage. 2. A. PLATE VIII. Figure 61. Posterior face of left chela of first stage. 2. A. 62. End of chela of first stage, showing new cuticle and spines within old. 2. D. 63. Posterior face of left second walking leg of first stage. 2. A. 64. Posterior face of left third walking leg of first stage. 2. A. 65. Posterior face of left fourth walking leg of first stage. 2. A. 66. Posterior face of left fifth walking leg of first stage. 2. A. 67. Posterior face of left pleopod of first stage. 2. A. 68. Dorsal aspect of second larva, in Worcester's liquid. 290 mm., A. 69. Left side of second larva, living, copied from Andrews, :04. 70. Part of pleopod with some young in second stage left upon it. Drawn living, with dissecting stand and Steinheil Aplanatic, No. 9. 71. Ventral aspect of telson of second stage with included sixth pleopods and anal thread issuing from anus; living. 2. A. 72. Ventral view of right half of telson of second stage to show marginal papillae. 2. D. 73. Telson and part of intestine removed, with attached anal thread and portion of cast shell, ventral views. In A normal relation is shown; in B the puckering of the intestine when the cast telson shell is pulled away from the telson. 290 mm., A. 74. Portion of intestines and chitinous lining, made transparent to show the limit of the cast-off lining (y) and the region (.<•) where still attached. 2. D. 76. Dorsal aspect of left antennule of second stage. 2. A. 77. Under face of left antenna of second larva. 2. A. PLATE IX. Figure 78. Outer face of left mandible of second larva. 2. A. 79. Outer face of left first maxilla of second larva. 2. A. 80. Outer face of left second maxilla of second larva. 2. A. 81. Outer face of left first maxilliped of second larva. 2. A. 82. Outer face of left second maxilliped of second larva. 2. A. 83. Outer face of left third maxilliped of second stage. 2. A. 84. Posterior face of left chela of second stage. 3. A. 85. Posterior face of left second walking leg, second stage. 2. A. 86. Posterior face of left third walking leg, second stage. 2. A. 87. Posterior face of left fourth walking leg. 2. A. 88. Posterior face of left fifth walking leg, second stage. 2. A. 89. Posterior face of left pleopod of second stage. 2. A. 90. Dorsal aspect of living larva in third stage. 290 mm., aa. 91. Left side of living larva in third stage, reduced i/> from 2 aa. PLATK X. Figure 92. Photograph of side view of adult female and its young in third stage climbing under and about the body. 9,'!. Pbotograph of dorsal side of adult female, with its young in third stage climbing over its back. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE -ANDREWS PLATE 1 ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS: FIRST STAGE E. A. ANDREWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS' TO KNOWLEDGE-ANDREWS PLATE II ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS: FIRST STAGE E. A. ANDREWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE— ANDREWS ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS: SECOND STAGE V.. A. ANDREWS, At]. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE— ANDREWS PLATE IV 29 ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS: SECOND STAGE E. A. ANDREWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE— ANDREWS PLATE V ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS: SECOND STAGE E. A. Annmtws, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE— ANDREWS PLATE VI ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS! THIRD STAGE E. A. ANDREWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE-ANDREWS M V x / VJ PLATE VII 49 OAMBARUS AFFINIS: FIRST STAGE E. A. AHDMWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE— ANDREWS PLATE VIM CAMBARUS AFFINIS: FIRST AND SECOND STAGES E. A. ANDREWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE- ANDREWS PLATE IX 83 CAMBARUS AFFINIS: SECOND AND THIRD STAGES E. A. ANDREWS, del. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE- ANDREWS FIGURE 92 FIGURE 93 CAMBARUS AFFINIS: THIRD STAGE K. A. ANDREWS, photo. RETURN MARIAN KOSHLAND BIOSCIENCE AND TO — > NATURAL RESOURCES LIBRARY 2101 Valley Life Sciences Bldg. 642-2531 LOAN PERIOD ONE MONTH LOA?J ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. REC'D BiOJ H OCT 5 Ttt -}? 2 )PiVl FORM NO. DD8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 24M 11-02 Berkeley, California 94720-6500 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY