LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF 8 6 TL.I. Hartford, Com. JEntered, according to Act of Congress, in th« year J857, IjrE.B,anaB.C.KEiL06G, ' Clerk'5 0-ffice of tiieDistrtctCcmit of-die"Di»h-ict of CoimecSCnt ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE NATURE U LIYING FORMS, ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS PLATES. ADAPTED TO ELUCIDATE THE CHART OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, BY A. M. KEDFIELD, AND DESIGNED FOR THE HIGHER SEMINARIES, COMMON SCHOOLS, LIBRARIES, AND THE FAMILY CIRCLE. 44 Ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee ; and the fowls of the air, and they ohall tell thee ; or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee ; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the baud of the Lord hath wrought this ? " (Job xii. 7.) E. B. & E. 0. 87 FULTON ST., NEW YORK. FREDERICK COHOON, COLUMBUS, OHIO. 1858, i> DEDICATION. Tsra following work has with my aid been prepared by an esteemed and highly competent friend, to whom I am also much indebted for valuable assistance rendered in connection with the publication of the Chart which it is adapted to elucidate. Prepared, as it has been, with the utmost care and exactness ; with mr usual regard to order, and fullness of explanation as to the terms employed, I am sanguine in the belief it will every where meet with a cordial welcome as a suitable accompaniment of the Chart. Though both are capable of being used separately, each will be found to shed light upon the other. To Teachers, to Parents and Heads of Families, to all who are lovers of Natural History and desire its advancement, I humbly but respectfully ded- icate this volume and the Chart it is intended to explain and illustrate. ANN M. KEDFIELD. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by E. B. Carpophaga (Fruit-eaters). Phalangers. Poephac/a (Grass-eaters). Kangaroos. ( Sub-order RJdzophaga (Root-eaters). Wombats. ( MONOTREMATA (Monotremes). Echidna and Ornithorhyncus or Water-Mole. VI CLASSIFICATION. (5.) EDENTATA (Toothless or without front teeth). Four families. Bradypodida (Slow-footed) or Tardigrada, Sloths. MegatheriadcK (Great-beasts). Fossil Sloths. Myrmecophagada (Ant-eaters). Armadillidce (Armadillos). (6.) RODENTIA (Gnawing Quadrupeds). Seven families. Sciuridce (Squirrels). Muridce (Mice & Rats). CastoridcB (Beavers). Hystricida (Porcupines). Cavidce(Ceiviea or Guinea Pigs). Chinchlllida (Chinchillas). Leporida (Hares). SECOND SUB-CLASS, FNGULATA (with hoofs). (7.) PACHYDERMATA (Thick-skinned Quadrupeds). Three families. JElephantidcB (or Proboscideans,) Elephants, &c. Suida, Swine, Rhinoceros, &c. £p*fa, Hopses, Zebras, &, { (8.) RUMINANTIA (Cud-chewing Quadrupeds). Eight Families. Camelid<%, Camels, Llamas. Camelopardce, Camelopards or Giraffes. Mosckidce, Musk-Deer. Cervida, Deer or Stags. Bovidcs, Oxen, Bison, (Buffalo,) &c. Ovidce, Sheep. Capridte, Goats. Antilopidce, Antelopes. THIRD SUB-CLASS, MARINE MAMMALS. (9.) CETACEA (Whale-tribe). Four families. Balcenida, Baleen or Whale-bone Whales. rSffSi, °r \ B1°«rs Delphinida, Dolphins, Porpoises, &c. II. DIVISION of WARM BLOODED VERTEBRATES. BIRDS : Land Birds, five orders ; Water Birds, two orders. (1.) RAPTORES (Raveners or Birds of Prey). Three families. Falconidce, Falcon tribe. Three families. Sub-families, Aquilince, Eagles. Milvince, Kites. Buteonince, Buzzards. Falconince, Falcons. Accipitrince, Hawks. Vulturidce, Vultures. Strigidce, Owls. (2.) INSESSORES (Perchers). Four sub-orders. FISSIROSTRES, DEN- TIROSTRES, CONIROSTRES, TfiNUIROSTRES. CLASSIFICATION. 1. FISSIROSTRES (Cleft-bills). Seven families. Caprimulgida, Night-jara. Hirundinida, Swallows. Meropidce, Bee-eaters. Todida, Todies. Trogonida, Trogons. Halcyonid*Qr\^ ng-fishers. Alcedimdce, ) Trogonida, Trogons. 2. DENTIROSTRES (Toothed-bills). Silviadce, Warblers. w Thrushes. Turdimda, ) Muscicapidce, Fly-catchers. Ampelida>, Chatterers. Laniada, Shrikes or Butcher Birds. 8. CONIROSTRKS (Cone-billed). Seven families. C'orvida, Crows, sub-fam. : Paradiseada, Birds of Paradise. Sturnidce, Starlings. Fringillida, Finches. Loxiadce, Cross-bills. Bucerotida, Hornbills. Musophagida, Plaintain-eaters. 4. TENUIROSTRES (Thin-billed). Five families. Promeropida or Upupadce, Hoopoes. Sun-birds> Honey-suckers or Nectar Birdi. Trochilidce, Humming-birds. MeliphagidcE, Honey-eaters. Certhiada:, Creepers. (3.) SCANSORES, Climbers. Four families. Rhamphastida, Toucans. Psittacidce, Parrots. Picida, Wood-peckers. CuculidcR, Cuckoos. (4.) RASORES or GALLING, (Scratchers, Poultry Birds.) Seven families. Colwnbidas, Pigeons. Cracidce, Curassows. Megapodida, Megapodes or Great-foots. Phasianidce, Pheasants, &c. Tetraonida, Grouse. Chionida:, Sheath-biUs. TinamidcB, Tinamous. (5.) CCJRSORES (Runners). One family. Struthionida, Ostriches, &c. (6.) GRALLATORES, (Waders.) Six families. Aquatic Birds. Charadriadce, Plovers. Ardeida, Herons. Rostrida, Spoon-bills. Tantalida, Ibises. Scolopacida, Snipes. !, Rails. Vlll CLASSIFICATION. (7.) NATATORES, (Swimmers). Six families. Anatidce, Ducks. Colymbidce, Divers. Alcidoe, Auks. Procellarida, Petrels. Larida, Gulls. Pelecanidce, Pelicans. The COLD BLOODED Division includes REPTILES and FISHES. I. REPTILES, four orders, viz. CHELONIANS (Turtles). SAURIANS (Lizards, Crocodiles). OPHIDIANS (Snakes). AMPHIBIANS (Frogs, Toads, &c.) 1st. CHELONIANS, (CHELONIA,) arranged by Agassiz in his late work, as follows : Sub-orders. ORDER, TESTUDINATA. 2d. SAURIANS. ORDER, SAURIA. 1. Amydte, 2. Chelonii, • Marsh and River Tor- toises. Families. ' Testudinina, Land Tortoises. EmydoidcR, "j Cinostcrnoidee, Chelydroidte, Hydraspidce, Chelyoidee, Trionychidce, J •Chelonidx, Uea Turtles. Sphargidce, ) C Alligators or Caimans of America. Fan, CrocoXKte. \ g^of3 tl". [ Enaliosauria, (Fossil Fish-Lizards). " Chameeleonida:, Chamaeleons. " Geckotida:, Geckos. " Iguanida, Iguanas. Varanidfe, Varans. Teidte, Teguixans. Lcuertida, True Lizards. ChalcidcR, Snakelike do. Scincida, Scinks. (Family Colubrida, (mostly) harmless Snakes. ^ Sub-order " Boida, Boas and Pythons. V COLU- " Hydridte, Water (Venomous) Snakes. ) BRINA. " Viperida, Vipers, do. 5 Sub-order " Crotalidce, Rattle Snakes (all kinds.) ] VIPERINA 4th. AMPHIBIANS, sub-order. Caducibranchiata, (Gills perishable in the tadpole state.) 'Family Ccedliida, (Caecilia.) Apodous or without feet. Ranid^ (Frogs.) ) A ^ Bufoidce, (Toads.) ) Salamanders Salamandridce, ORDER AMPHIBIA. Land-Newts [- Tritons, Water-Newts. ) ta Amphiuma } Amphiumida, Menopoma or [• Mud-devil. ) [gills.) Sub-order PERENNIBRANCHIATA, (with enduring Proteidce, (Proteus, Axolotl, Siren.) CLASSIFICATION. IX *H. FISHES. THREE GROUPS or DIVISIONS based upon the distinctive character of the fins, viz. ACANTHOPTERTGII, (Spine-rayed fins.) MALACOPTERYGII, (Soft-rayed fins.) CHONDROPTERYGII, (Cartilage-fins. ) bases the orders upon the scales and makes them four. Ctenoids, (Comb-like.) Cycloids, (Circle-like.) Ganoids, (Splendor-like.) Placoids, (Plate-like.) 1st ORDER. ACANTHOPTERYGJI, (Spine-rayed,) or CTENOIDS. Family Percidce, (Perch.) Triglidce, (Gurnards.) Scienidce, (Maigres, Sheep's-heads, Drum-fish, &c.) Sparidce, (Sea-Breams.) Chcetontidce, (Chaetodons, Moon-fish, Razor-fish.) Scombridce, (Mackerel.) Anabassidce. (Climbing-Perches.) 2d ORDER. MALACOPTERYGII, (Soft-rayed) or CYCLOIDS. Abdominales, (Ventral fins behind the pectoral.) Sub-brach- ials. (Ventral fins under the pectoral.) TeuthidfK, (Surgeon-fish.) Atherinidce, (Silver-sides.) Mugilidce, (Mullets.) Gobida, (Gobias.) Lophida, (Crested or Toad-fish.) , Labridce, (Wrasses or Rock-fish.) Siluridce, (Cat-fish.) Cyprinidce, (Carps.) Esocida, (Pikes.) Fistularidee, (Pipe-fis Salmonidce, (Salmon.) Clupeida, (Herring.) Gadidce, (Codfish.) Pleuronectidce, or Planidce, (Flat-fish.) Echeneidee, (Sucking-fish.) Cydopteridce, (Lump-fish.) j Apodes, without ) Murcenida or ) /-weig \ \ ventral fins. j" Anguillidce, f ^ '•' ( Lophobranchia or } •j Lophobranchii, [• Syngnathida, (Sea-horse, &C.) ) Gvmnodontidce, Balloon-fish.) Balistid(g) ( Ostracionida, (Trunk-fish.^) ((Tufted-gills.) C Plectognathi, ( (Plaited jaws) See Page 660. CLASSIFICATION. CHONDROPTJSRI GII . ARTICULATES. I. INSECTS, Twelve ORDERS Of TRUE INSECTS. GANOIDS. Saurida, (Gar-fish, &c.) " Eleutheropomi, (gills free.) Chimceridte, (Sea Monsters.) Sturionidce, (Sturgeons.) Plagiostomi, (transverse mouths.) j Squalida, (Sharks.) PLACOIDS-^ ( Raiidce, (Rays.) Cyclostomi, (Round fleshy mouth or lip.) [Petromyzonida, (Lampreys.) IBranchiostoma, (Gill-mouth, i. e., having cirri, or curled filaments in the mouth.) [Amphioxidce, (Lancelots.) Very anomalous, and sometimes included with the Cyclostomi. Three classes. INSECTS. CRUSTACEANS. WORMS or ANNELIDANS. 1. COLEOPTERA (Sheath-wings), Beetles, Hornbugs. 2. STREPSIPTERA (Twisted-wings), Wasp-flies. 3. DERMAPTERA (Skin-wings), Ear-wigs. 4. ORTHOPTERA (Strait-wings). Sub-orders, CURSORIA (Runners), Cockroaches. RAPTORIA (Graspers), Mantises. With biting I AMBULATORIA (Walkers), Walking mouths. Sticks. SALTATORIA (Leapers), Grasshoppers, Crickets, &c. 5. TRICHOPTERA (Hair-wings), Caddice-flies, &c. 6. NEUROPTERA (Nerve-winga), White Ants, Dragon- flies, &c. [&c. 7. HYMENOPTERA (Membranous-wings), Bees, Wasps, 8. LEPIDOPTERA (Scale-wings), Moths, Butterflies, &c. 9. HEMIPTERA (Half-wings), Fruit-bugs, Bed-bugs, &c. With sucking 10. DIPTERA (Two-wings), Flies, Musquitoes, &c. mouths. 11. APHANIPTERA (Invisible or rudimental wings), Fleas, Jiggers. 12. APTERA (No wings), Lice, Lepismas. Sometimes railed 13' MYRIAPODA (with innumerable feet), Thousand-leg- Sub-classes &ed Worms, Centipedes. 14. ARACHNIDA, Spiders, Scorpions, Ticks, Mites. 2d. CRUSTACEANS. Five orders (or sub-classes,) (Dana). 1. Decapoda (Ten-footed), Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps. 2. Tetradecapoda (Fourteen-footed), Sow-bugs, Sand-fleas, &c. 3. Entomostraca (Shell insects), Cyclops, Daphnia, Cypris, Limulus, (Sea-Spiders), and possibly also the TRILOBITES. 4. Cirripedes (curled jointed-feet), Barnacles. 5. Rotatoria or Rotifera — Wheel Animalcules. 8• Three families, ( for swimming. ) Hyalaida, Hyalaea, Cleodora. Limacinidce, Limacina, Spiralis. Clionidce, Clio. (3). (1). Pulmobranchia (Lung-like Gills). (Four families.) Limacidce, (from Limaxt) Slugs. HelicidcE, (from Helix,) Snails. Auriculida, (from Auricula*} Ear-shaped Shells. Limnaeida, ( " Limncea, Aquatic-Snails. (2). Pectinibranchia, (Comb-like gills.) (Nine families.) Trochidce, (from Trochus,) Trochi. Turbinidee, (from Turbo,) Turbines, Periwinkles. MuricidcB, ( " Murex,) Murices. Strombidce, ( " Strombus>) Conch-Shells. Succinida, ( " Buccinum,} Harp-Shells, Whelkfl. Cyprceidce, ( " Cyprcea,) Cowries. Conida, (from Genus,) Cones. Volutidee, (from Valuta,) Volutes, Olives, Mitres. Capuloidea, (from Capula,) Cup-shaped Shells. Tubulibranchia, (Tubular-gills,) Yermetus, Siliquaria. Scutibranchia or j Gills shielded, by ) „ ,. .. Mpidobranchia,( the Shell. ' f UaUotls- T GiUs circular, i. e., ) G,. Cyclobranchia, •< around the body of XT- * ( the animal. ) ***&*• xu CLASSIFICATION. Tectlbranchia, Infer obranchia, JNudibranchia , CoVered-gillg, ) Bulla or i. e., by the mantle, j Bubble. Under-gills, i. e., } under the edge v of the mantle. ) Naked-gills, i. e., ) Glaucus, without Shells. } Doris. 1, i. e., feet ) Carinaria, the others, f Firola. II. ACEPHALA. HEADLESS MOLLUSKS. Four orders. [like gills.) (1). CONCHIFERA (Shell bearing) or LAMELLIBKANCHIA, (Plate or leaf- (Oyster Family) Ostracece- sub-families-^nomuWa?, Anomia. ^ ,, P//»/-,*«i»///p Pi™,,™ I Monomy- PlacunidcB, Placuna. I Ostreida, Ostrea. }• aria or Peetinida , Pecten. j £™g °ne Amculida, Avicula. J muscle' (Fresh Water Mussels) 4 Naiades or Unionidce, Unio, Anodon, -i Alasmodon. (Salt-water do. ) 4 Mytilaceee, Mytilus, Modiola, Pinna, Crenella. 4 CAamacc Lingula, ( of protrusion. } Orbicula. ( Coated, i. e., body enveloped in an elastic ) including { tunic or coa-t, ) the Ascidians (or Mollusks of a Leathern bottle-shape). Gr. Moss-animals, i. e., largely aggregated like ) corallagineous Zoophytes. ) (3). TUNICATA, ' Brvozoa. "v0*03* CLASSIFICATION. Xlil (Agassiz proposes the following classification, Contributions to Nat. Hist., Vol. 1, page 185.) 1st Class. Acephala, (orders as already given. ) 2d do. Gasteropoda, with three orders, Pteropoda, Heteropoda, and Gasteropoda proper. 3d do. Cephalopoda, with two orders, Tetrabranchiata and Dibranchiata. RADIATES. Four Classes. I. ECHINODERMS, (Gr. JEchinos, the Sea-urchin ; derma skin.) Four orders. (1). HOLOTHURIDEA, (Gr. Holothourion,) Sea-slugs or Sea-cucumbers. (2). ECHINIDEA, (Gr. echinos). Sea-urchins. (3). ASTERIDEA, (Gr. aster, a Star.) Star-fish. (4). CRINOIDEA. (Gr. krinon, a lily, lily-like). Encrmites. II. ACALEPHS., (Gr. akalephe, a nettle). Three orders. (1). PCLMONIGRADES, (pulmo, lungs ; gradior, to advance, t. e., con- tracting or expanding their umbrella-shaped disk, thus showing a resemblance to the motion of the lungs in breathing. (2.) PHYSOGRADA, (Gr. phusao, to inflate ; gradior, i. e., supported and moving in the water by means of one or more bladders, capable of being filled with air at the will of the animal). Hydrostatic Acalephs of Cuvier. (3). CILIOGRADA, (cilia, vibratile hairs ; gradior, i. e., moving by means of vibratile cilia disposed on the surface of the body.) The orders are otherwise named thus : DISCOPHORA, (Disk-bearing) Medusae or Jelly-fish. SIPHONOPHORA, (Siphon or Sucker-bearing, i. e., having aerial vesicles.) CTENOPHORA, (Comb-bearing, i. e., moving by vibrating hairs resembling the teeth of a comb.) III. PHYTOZOA or ( (phut on, a plant ; zoon, animal, ^ Plant-like animals. ZOOPHYTA, ( Two orders. Pol s \ ACTINOIDS, (aktin, a ray,) Ray-like animals. [animals. yp ' ( Hydroids, (hudra, a hydra or water-snake,) Hydra-like IV. PROTOZOA, (proton, first ; zoon, animal : i. e., the lowest form of or- ganized bodies.) [The last is a very numerous, but a very uncertain class. Linnaeus placed them all at the end of Worms, and called them Chaos. So great is the number of the INFUSORIES that they have sometimes been arranged into Legions. Some have been transferred to the Articulates ; others have been removed to the Vegetable Kingdom. Prof. Agassiz is of the opinion that the entire class will soon be dispensed with. NOTE. An interesting and instructive use of the " Chart of the Animal King' dom " will be to employ the method of CLASSIFICATION, which it embodies, in tracing an individual of any species, through the successive gradations, to the Sub-Kingdom to which it belongs. 1. In the VERTEBRATES, take, for example, the Common Dog, Canisfamil- iaris; and it may be traced as follows: The generic term (which is always placed before the specific, or stands alone when the specific term is omitted) is Canis; familiaris is the specific term. ."Genera are formed into families ; the family name is Canidce ; families are formed into sub-orders or orders (the orders are in larger or capital letters) ; Canidce belongs to the sub-order DIGITIGRADA ; to the order Carnivora. Orders are formed into classes. CARNIVORA belongs to the sub-class UNGUICULATA ; to the class MAMMALS. Classes (denoted by larger letters) are formed into SUB-KINGDOMS. The MAMMALS belong to the Sub-Kingdom VERTEBRATES, denoted by letters next in size to those of the "ANIMAL KINGDOM." 2. In the ARTICULATES, take the Lobster, Astacus marinus. Marinus de- notes the species; Astacus, the genus — of the order (or sub-class) MALACOSTRACA, of the class CRUSTACEA, of the Sub-Kingdom ARTICU- LATES. 3. In the MOLLUSKS, take the Shell, Mitra episcopates. Episcopalis is the name of the species : Mitra, of the genus. This genus belongs to the fam- ily Volutidce. The family Volutidae belongs to the order PECTINIBRAN- CHIA ; this order to the class GASTEROPODS ; this class to the UNI- VALVES, the first grand division of the Sub-Kingdom MOLLUSKS. 4. In the RADIATES, take the Portugese Man of War, Physalis pelagica. The generic term is Physalis ; the specific term, pelagica; Physalis belongs to the order SIPHONOPHORI, to the class ACALEPHS, to the Sub- Kingdom RADIATES. The above are given as specimens in the several sub-kingdoms, showing the manner in which the species named in the Chart, may in conformity with the system of Classification, be followed up to their respective places. NATURAL HISTORY. SECTION I. THE science of Natural History is truly vast in its extent, including all bodies found on the earth, or of which its mass is composed. Its most general divisions are MINERALOGY, BOTANY and ZOOLOGY. These divisions are founded upon the different and distinguishing characters and states of the various objects which they respectively include. Minerals are inorganic bodies ; they are without life, and incapable of increase or diminution except by means of some force outwardly applied. These are earth, rock, metals, &c. ORGANIC bodies are divided into ANI- MATE and INANIMATE. The former comprehend substances en- dowed with sense and motion and belong to the department of ZOOLOGY ; the latter are without the faculties of sense and mo- tion, and included in BOTANY. Organized beings, whether ani- mate or inanimate, differ from inorganic ones in having the power of reproduction, or continuing the existence of beings like them- selves. Animals derive their nourishment either directly or in- directly from vegetables, of which hydrogen and carbon are the principal ingredients. The latter derive their nourishment from the soils of the earth and from the atmosphere. In the survey of objects so numerous and possessing such varied characteristics as those of Natural History, classification is obvi- ously of high importance. A Union of several traits is almost always required to distinguish a single being from others around it which have some, but not all of the same traits, or have them in combination with others of which that single being is destitute. In the work of classification a number of neighboring beings are compared with each other; and their differences, which are supposed to be the least part of their for- mation, are made indexes of their character. The union formed by the comparison of objects which agree, but with certain differences, is called a genus ; a union with fewer differences 10 NATURAL HISTORY. is called a species. Genera are formed into orders, and orders into classes. ' The CHART of which this volume is explanatory, exhibits the "Animal Kingdom " by means of a Tree having four branches, each representing one of the four sub-kingdoms into which it is divided, viz., VERTEBRATES, ARTICULATES, MOLLUSKS and RADI- ATES. Each branch puts forth other branches bearing subdivis- ions—classes, orders, families, genera, &c., illustrated by nu- merous and appropriate figures, and so variously lettered and marked as to be easily distinguished. It was prepared with great labor, and in the use of much research, in order to facil- itate acquisitions in the department of physical science which it de- lineates and with the hope of thus encouraging a more general in- troduction of the Study of Natural History into our Seminaries ol learning, from the Common School to the College and University. " Man," said Lord Bacon, " is the minister and interpreter of NA- TURE." More attention should be given in the domestic circle, and in the various schools of instruction to the business of training the young to be observers of nature. A fondness for the lessons and resear- ches of natural history, implanted in the mind during the period of youth, will, in all probability, last through life, affecting fa- vorably the entire mental development. None should neglect the investigations to which by the " View of the Animal Kingdom," they are invited. Such investigations, it should be remembered, pertain neither to fiction nor hypothe- sis — but to realities. They seem specially adapted to man's endowments in his present state of existence ; but the facts and impressions which he derived from an earnest contemplation of the works of God, memory will embalm and render immortal. " And as now the memory of home is pleasurable in proportion to the vividness and distinctness of its image ; as we now attach importance to the most insignificant object around the place of our birth ; as we regard with intense interest the old elm, the green lawn, the hawthorn bush, the rivulet because they are in- separably connected with our developments of mind, even so perhaps may we then, after millions of ages shall have elapsed, recall with increasing pleasure the physical scenery of this birth-place of our existence." QUESTIONS ON SECTION I. ence of Natural History include ,t are minerals? How are org Which belong to Zoology ? Which to Botany ? How do organic bodies What does the science of Natural History include? What are its gen- eral divisions ? What are minerals ? How are organic bodies divided ? THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 11 differ from inorganic ? From what do animals derive their nourishment ? Of what do vegetables principally consist ? From what do they derive their nourishment ? What is necessary to distinguish one being from another ? How do you proceed in classifying objects? What is a genus? What is a species ? Of what are orders and classes formed ? What is the defi- nition of genus and species at the bottom of the chart on the left hand ? What are minuter differences called ? Answer. Varieties. What does a generic name signify or comprehend ? Ans. It comprehends all the species ; C'anis, for example, is the generic name of animals of the Dog kind, includ- ing the Fox (Canis Vulpes,) the Wolf (C. Lupus,} the Jackal (C. aureus,) and the domestic Dog (C. familiaris.} How are generic terms printed on the chart ? Ans. Always larger than the common name by which the ani- mal is known, and commencing with a capital letter. How do you distin- guish the specific from the generic name ? Ans. It follows the generic term in letters of the same size, and should not commence with a capital, unless it is derived from some person or place, or is sometimes used in a generic sense. Why is the name of the species often omitted on the chart ? Ans. For want of room, and fear of confusing the student by crowding too much in a small space. How are the families distinguished on the chart ? Ans. By their terminating in idae, as mustelidae for the Weasel Tribe, or Family. How can you distinguish the orders ? Ans. They are printed in CAPITALS, and the number of orders is mentioned on the branch, as in the Ungidata, or hoofed Mammals. Are there any other divisions or dis- tinctions on the chart? Ans. Several, as among the cud chewing some have solid horns, some are hollow, and some are entirely without horns ; some shed them annually as in the deer, in others they are permanent, as in the ox or sheep. Some birds are terrestrial, others aquatic ; some insects and reptiles are venomous (poisonous ;) others are non-venomous, or harmless. Wherever there is room, you will find these things noticed on the branches, or as near the classes, orders or figures as practicable. Dots are often added to make the connection or relation still plainer ; and where there is but small space allotted to explanation or figures, the defi- ciency will be remedied as we proceed. How many ranks, or grades of groups does Swainson enumerate ? Ans. Nine, commencing with the high- est, and terminating with the lowest assemblages. 1. Kingdom; 2. Sub- kingdom; 3. Class; 4. Order; 5. Tribe; 6. Family; 7. Sub-family; 8. Genus; 9. Sub-genus. Name the four great Classes, or Sub-Kingdoms from the chart. SECTION II. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. THE system of Zoology places MAN at the head of this King, dom. As he is endowed with intellectual and moral faculties, and fitted for responsible action, there is room for doubt whether, in his pre-eminence, he should have a place among the tribes of animals. But as his being is compound, he becomes the con- necting link between them and beings purely spiritual. To the former he is allied by his bodily frame with its appetites and passions ; to the latter by his reason and mental susceptibilities. INSTINCT distinguishes the lower animals — truly wonderful in 1'2 ANIMAL KINGDOM. some of its actings as will be shown hereafter ; but yet only a mere internal impulse, and incapable of improvement. The bird shows it in building its nest ; the bee in constructing its cells ; but both the nest and comb are made as skillfully at the first as in any subsequent trial. There seems no occasion to mistake by referring to mineralogy or botany what properly belongs to the Animal Kingdom ; and yet in such animals as the oyster we discern but little of the sen- sibility and capacity for voluntary motion which are usually ad- duced as characteristics of the animal tribes. Chemistry has ascertained that the substances found both in ani- mals and vegetables are chiefly formed of four elements, viz., car- bon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. These have, therefore, been called organic elements. The opposite and distinctive natures of plants and animals may be seen in the functions which they perform dependently one on another. In animal respiration, the oxygen of the atmosphere is combined with the blood, forming carbonic acid gas, which is thrown off from the entire surface of the body in some animals ; from the gills of those that live in water, and the lungs of those that live in air. Animals thus consume oxygen — to them it is pabulum vitae — the food of life. Plants, on the contrary, consume carbonic acid and give off oxygen. They thus become able to furnish animals with carbon. Animals, in their turn furnish food to plants. The excretions which they throw off, yield ammonia (consisting of hydrogen and nitrogen,) from which substance vegetables princi- pally derive their nitrogen. The animal derives the constitu- ents of its body from the vegetable kingdom ; the plant obtains its elements from the mineral kingdom. The tissues of the plant change mineral into organic substances; those of the animal change organic substances into mineral. A further contrast between plants and animals is presented in the effects produced upon them, respectively, by light and heat. Both of these are indispensable to the proper growth of plants. The productions found in their tissues are but the expression of the light and heat they have, as it were, appropriated. Many of the substances in this way formed, are taken as food into the systems of animals ; but in them are again set free in the form of "vital animal forces." Differences of structure also constitute an important ground of distinction between the animal and vegetable kingdoms ; yet, sometimes, as in the sponge, it is only by considering to which there is the greatest general resemblance, it can be decided ANIMAL KINGDOM. 13 whether a particular being should be classed as an animal or vegetable. The different methods by which they receive food, and assim- ilate it or convert it into their own substance, form another dis- tinction between animals and plants. Vegetables imbibe their nourishment through their outward surface, or through their roots and leaves ; but animals, for the most part, have a stomach, or internal cavity, into which the food is received, where it is digested, and by appropriate vessels, absorbed into the body. The food of animals is generally in a solid state, and must be rendered fluid before it can be formed into the tissues. Taken at intervals, and stored in the stomach, it does not hinder their movements from place to place. During the intervals of its re- ception, it is kept in contact with the absorbent vessels. Hence, animals are said to "bear their soil about with them." The earth is called "the stomach of plants." The habits and instincts of animals must also be considered by the zoologist in making up the account of the differences be- tween them and plants. This is a field which affords a wide scope for comparison and research in tracing analogies between objects in many respects diverse, and one which teaches many lessons concerning the Divine wisdom and benevolence. The chart of "the Animal Kingdom" presents a view of that branch of Natural History which is called ZOOLOGY, a term de- rived from the Greek Zoon, an animal, and logos, a discourse. This includes nine divisions, viz. ; I. Mammalogy, which treats of the Mammalia, or animals that nurse their young ; II. Orni- thology, which relates to Birds ; III. Erpetology, which includes the Natural History of Reptiles ; IV. Ichthyology, which gives the Natural History of Fishes ; V. Entomology, which gives the Natural History of Insects ; VI. Crustaceology, which treats of Crabs, Lobsters, &c. ; VII. Helminthology, which treats of Worms ; VIII. Malacology, which includes Conchology, and describes soft-bodied animals, with and without shells; IX.* Ac- tinology, which treats of radiate animals, as the Star-fish, Sea- Anemone, &c. The Animal Kingdom is divided, as on the chart, into four sub-kingdoms, viz. : Vertebrates, Articulates, Mollusks, and Radiates. * We have ventured to introduce this new term, formed from the Greek word aktin, a ray, (corresponding with the Latin radius,) and logos, a dis- course, in order to have the names of the several branches alike as to their termination and Greek derivation, though the terms actinia and actiniadae, (generic and family,) refer distinctively to the Sea- Anemones. 14 ANIMAL KINGDOM. The VERTEBRATES, (from tne Latin vertebra, a joint, which comes from'verteret to turn,) have a jointed backbone, or inter- nal bony skeleton. They are divided into WARM and COLD BLOODED ; the former, including Mammals, (Mammalia.} and Birds, (Aves ;) the latter, Reptiles, (Reptitia.) and Fishes, Pisces.) The Whale tribe. (Cetacea,) inhabiting the sea, form one order of the Mammalia. ARTICULATES, (from the Latin articulus, a ring or joint,) are animals in which the body and legs are jointed, and the hardest parts are outside. These are arranged into three classes, viz. : Insects, Crustaceans, and Worms. MOLLUSKS, (from the Latin mollis, soft,) are shell-fish whose nervous system is composed of several scattered masses, or gan- glions, united by means of nervous threads, and whose soft bod- ies are generally protected by a shell. RADIATES, (from the Latin radius, a ray,) are animals whose parts are disposed in the form of rays, tending to a common cen- ter, where the mouth is placed, as in the Star- fish. QUESTIONS ON SECTION 2. Who is placed at the head of the Animal Kingdom ? With what is he endowed ? For what is he fitted ? What does his compound being consti- tute him? How is he allied to animals ? How to spiritual beings? What guides the lower animals instead of reason ? Does the bird or bee con- struct its last nest or comb with more skill than the first ? Is there any need of mistake in referring to Mineralogy or Botany, what properly belongs to the Animal Kingdom ? How is it with the Oyster ? What are the four elements both in vegetables and animals ? What name is given to these elements? What shows the opposite natures of plants and animals? When animals breathe, what is combined with the blood? What gas is thus formed ? How is this thrown off in some animals ? How in others ? What is oxygen called ? On what do plants live ? What do they give off? What do they furnish to animals? What do animals furnish plants? What is obtained from animal excretions? What do vegetables derive from it ? Whence does an animal derive the constituents of its body, and whence the plant its elementary ingredients ? What is a further source of contrast between plants and animals ? -What additional ground of distinc- tion is there between the animal and vegetable kingdoms ? In some cases, how is it determined to which of the two a particular being belongs? What further distinction between plants and animals is referred to ? How do vegetables take in their nourishment? How animals? What is said about the food of animals ? What are animals said to do ? What has the earth been called ? What is said of the habits and instincts of animals as relates to the differences between them and plants ? What benefits flow from tracing the analogies between animals and plants ? Is this a wide field and what does it teach ? What does the Chart present ? From what is the term ZOOLOGY derived ? Of which of the three kingdoms of nature is this Chart a general view ? PL.1I. EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. VEBTEBRATES, ARTICULATES, MOLLUSKS AND RADIATES. VERTEBRATES. 1. Homo sapiens, Man. 2. Cebtis, Monkey. 8. Camelus Dromedarius, Dromedary. 4. Ai'ix, Bird. 5. Ciconia Alba, White Stork. 6. Pisces, Fishes. 7. Ophis, Snake. 8. Rana pipiens, Bull-frog. 9. Alligator Lucius, Alligator. ARTICULATES. 1. Astacus mar inns, Lobster. 2. Papilio, Butterfly. 3. Cu' ex pipiens, Mosquitoe. 4. Musca, domestica, Common House Fly. 5. Larva, or Caterpillar of a Moth or Butterfly. 6. Tettigonia verrucivora, Spotted Grasshopper of Europe. 7. Clerus apiarius, Hive Beetle. 8. Lucanus cervus, Stag Beetle. MOLLUSKS. 1. Buccinum, Whelk. 2. Mitra Episcopalis, Bishop's Mitre. 3. Tridacna gig as, Giant Tridacna. 4. Planorbis, Coil-shell. 5. Siliquaria. 6. Nautilus umbiculatus, Umbilicated Nautilus. 7. Loligo vulgarise, Common Calamary. 8. Triton variegatus, Variegated Triton. 9. Physa fontinalis, Bubble-shell. Fig. 1. Corallum rubrum, Red Coral. 2. Apiocrinites rotundus. 3. Edwardsia vestita. 4. Diancea, a Jelly-fish, or Medusa. 5. Tima flavilabris, Jolly-fish. 6. Asterias, Star-fish. 7. Zoanthus Sol'anderi, Animal Flower, or Zoophyte. 8. Astrcea ananas, Pine-apple Coral. 13 ANIMAL KINGDOM. How many divisions does it include ? Of what does Mammalogy treat ? To what does Ornithology relate? What does Erpetology include? What does Ichthyology give? What science treats of Insects? What of Crabs, Lobsters, and Barnacles? Of what does Helminthology treat? What does Malacology include and describe? Of what does Actinology treat ? QUESTIONS ON THE CHAET. How is the Animal Kingdom divided on the Chart ? To which of these four great Classes, or Sub-kingdoms, do the first four of the above nine divisions belong? Point out each division of this right hand branch. Give the name of the science pertaining to or describing each. In what particular do they all agree? Ans. In having a backbone, or spinal column. Define vertebra and give its derivation. Which are warm blooded ? Which are cold blooded? How cold or warm are they ? How many orders of Reptiles? How many of Fishes? How many of Mammals? Which order ranks first, and is far above all others ? What is said of man, near the bottom on the right hand of the chart ? What is said of his brain ? What of his birth? What of his wants? How does he compare with others in regard to strength, speed, &c. ? Is his reason an improvable gift ? Does it supply the place of strength ? What order comes next to man ? How do the Quadrupeds differ from QUADRUMANA? What marine animals belong to the class MAMMALIA? In what element do they live ? With what organs do they move ? Is the largest living animal found in this class ? What is its name and what are its uses? Which of the VERTEBRATES live in the water? Which on land? Which in the trees? Which fly? Which swim ? Which crawl ? Which are covered with feathers ? Which with hair? Which with scales? Which are born alive, (viviparous?) Which hatched from eggs, (oviparous ?) Which are entirely without limbs ? Which have but two ? In which Sub-kingdom, or on what branch do you find Insects, Crusta- ceans, and Worms or Annelidans ? From what is the name Crustaceans derived ? In what do they resemble one another ? Have they any internal skeleton? Where are the hardest parts? Which is the largest of all articulated animals? Ans. Lobsters. Name some of the worms on the chart. Of what use is the leech ? Of what use is the earth or angle worm, (Lumbricus terrestris?) Ans. This despised creature is of great use in loosening the earth, so that air and water can pass through it freely, and in covering barren tracts of land with their worm casts, thus rendering them productive. Mention some of the Insects and Crustaceans. Name the sciences describing them. Are Insects a numerous class ? Ans. They out- number all other classes together. There are 80,000 species of the beetles alone, (order Coleoptera.) Here you find the Curculio, or weevil, death- watch, lightning-bug, horn-bugs, &c., &c. From what is the name of the third branch, (Mollusks,) derived? How are these soft bodies protected ? How are Mollusks divided ? Which have heads ? Which none ? To which division do snails and slugs belong ? On which branch do you find Oysters and Clams? Which move about, (are free ?) Which are fixed, (stationary ?) Is the Oyster always attached to other substances ? Ans. No. Which branch of the Mollusks are entirely aquatic, or never leave the water? Are the TUNICATA, or ASCIDIANS pro-* VERTEBRATES. 19 tected by shells ? Name from the chart the largest genus of known shells. Is it a bivalve, (of two pieces,) or a univalve, (of one piece?) Which is the fourth, last and lowest branch of the Animal Kingdom ? Define Radiate. How are the parts disposed ? Where is the mouth,? From what is the term derived ? Are they aquatic ? What is said of these ani- mals near the bottom of the chart, on the left hand ? Are they less per- fect of their kind than those on the right branch ? Why, then, are they said to be the lowest in the scale of animal life? Which animals are always lowest in organization in the class, division, or order to which they belong ? Which rank next in the ascending scale ? Which rank highest of all ? Which is the lowest order of land animals which nurse their young ? Ans. The. MONOTREMATA and MARSUPIALS. Why are the branches of the orders Marsupialia and Rodentia, (gnawers,) bent and carried around next the marine mammals ? Aus. To show that though having nails, they come next the order Cetacea, (Whales, Dolphins, &c.,) in organization. Which is the lowest or most simply organized class of animals? Mow many orders does it contain? What does proto signify? Is it a well established class ? What is said of it ? What animals are found on the chart among the RADIATES? Which are microscopic? Which fossil? Which used as food ? What is said of Sponge ? Where does Agassiz class it? Are Animalcules, Infusories, and Microscopic or very minute animals common ? Ans. They are dispersed like seed through all nature. Are Animalcules tenacious of life? Ans. It is so difficult to kill them that they can be repeatedly dried and kept for a long time, and will revive or come again to life, as soon as put into water. FIRST BRANCH OF ZOOLOGY. MAMMALOGY, (Gr. /ua^a, mamma, a breast; Myos, logos, a discourse.) L GRAND DIVISION OF VERTEBRATES, (Warm-Blooded Animals,) SECTION III. VERTEBRATES. (Lat. Vertebrata, possessing Vertebra, or joints in the backbone.) The first class of the Vertebrates consists of the Mammals, or Mammalia, (Gr. Mamma, a breast.) a term first used by Linnseus and designating all animals which nurse their young. The highest position in the Animal Kingdom is given to this class, composed as it is of beings whose faculties are the most numer- ous, which are most perfect in tbeir structure and capable of the most varied movements, and whose intelligence is most largely developed. A large part of the Mammals are formed for walk- irj£ ; some can fly in the air, and water is the element in which others live and move. Their skeletons are all constructed 20 VERTEBRATES. after the same general plan, changed, however, and modified in certain parts or organs, to fit them for the stations which they are designed to occupy. (See Plates III. and XII.) All of them are viviparous, (born alive.) The young, as the name of the class denotes, are, for a longer or shorter time, nourished by the milk of the mother. Sometimes they are born with their eyes open, and able immediately to move about and seek their own food ; hut not a few of them are born with their eyes closed, and in a state of extreme helplessness. The leading characters of the Mammalia are founded on the number and kind of their teeth, (see Plate IV.) and the construc- tion of their hands and feet. (See Plates III. and VI.) The expertness of these animals is closely connected with the per- fection of the organs of touch. The nature of their food and their digestive functions may, in great part, be inferred from the number and structure of their teeth. (See Plates III. and VI.) They are divided into three sub-classes, viz. : UNGULATA, (lat. ungula, a hoof,) animals with hoofs ; and UNGUICULATA, (lat. Uiiguiculus, a soft, small nail.) animals with nails or claws ; and CETACEA, with fins, (Gr. Ketos,) a whale, or sea monster. The Mammals are, (on the Chart.) arranged into nine orders, after the plan of Cuvier, that arrangement being deemed, on the whole, the most satisfactory The number of well established species, according to Dr. Hitchcock, is somewhat more than 2000. The names of the nine orders are, I. BIMANA ; II. QUAD- RUM ANA ; III. CARNIVORA; IV. MARSUPIALIA; V. EDENTATA; VI. RODENTIA; VII. PACHYDERMATA ; VIII. RUMINANTIA ; IX. CETACEA. Some naturalists have elevated the CHEIROPTERA, the INSEC- TIVORA, and the MONOTREMATA to the rank of orders, making the number XII ; but the first two of these are flesh-eaters, and therefore properly included among the Carnivora, (or the Carnas- siers of Cuvier;) and the MONOTREMES, including but two gen- era, have such points of resemblance to the MARSUPIALIA, as justify referring them to that order. QUESTIONS ON THE VERTEBRATES. What is the first class of Vertebrates? Who first used the term ? Who was Linnaeus ? Ans. An eminent Swedish naturalist. He was the author of the Linnaean, or artificial system of Botany. What does the term Mammals, or Mammalia designate? What position in the ANIMAL KINGDOM does this class occupy? Of what beings is it composed? For what are a large part of the Mammals formed? How do others of this class live and move? What is said of their skeletons? Are BIMANA. 21 all able at first to move about, use their eyes, and eeek their own food ? Upon what are the prominent characters of the MAMMALIA founded ? "What distinguishes the three sub-classes into which all Mammals are divided? Spell, define and give the derivation of these words. Which have nails ? Which hoofs? Which fins? Which have hair? Which live on land? Which in the water ? Under how many orders are the Mammals on the chart arranged? Whose arrangement is this, and why adopted? Who was Cuvier? Ans. An eminent French naturalist who could, like Prof. Owen, of England, describe an animal by seeing a single bone, and the na- ture of its food, by looking at its teeth, or examining its intestines. Name the nine* orders from the chart, giving examples of each. Read the explanations along the sides of the branches and limbs, as you trace them up from the root or foundation of the tree. To what rank have some naturalists elevated the CHEIROPTERA, INSECTIVORA, and MONOTREMATA? What animals on the chart belong to these sub-orders ? What reason is assigned for giving them this rank ? SECTION IV. FIRST SUB-CLASS. UNGUICULATA. FIRST ORDER. BIMANA, (Lat. bis, twice ; manus, hand ; two-handed.) MAN fills the first place in the animal series. In reality, he stands alone, sole order, genus and species. His full zoological relations are : class, VERTEBRATA ; order, MAMMALIA ; genus HOMO ; species, SAPIENS. The position at the head of the Ani- mal Kingdom, given to man by the great body of zoologists, is, however, objected to by some eminent naturalists, "who are not disposed to admit that because he possesses certain zoological characters which are entirely secondary and subordinate, he should be classed with brutes, when his noblest attribute, reason, destroys every vestige of affinity, and places him immeasurably above them all."* The most prominent of the characters by which man is distinguished from the lower animals, are as follows : Rational ; endowed with speech ; able to walk erect, two handed ; having a prominent chin ; four incisor (cutting) teeth above and below ; and all the teeth side by side ; the canine (eye) teeth of the same length as the others ; the lower cutting teeth erect; a peculiar relative proportion of the thighs and arms, and wide soles to the feet. Considering him in his higher or spiritual nature, we may name his sentiments, feelings, sympathies, internal consciousness and purposes ; and the courses of action thence resulting as among his proper and essential characteristics. Even physically, he is first of all the living creatures on earth ; not, however, in size, or in animal strength, in which respects many of the Ver- * Zoology of New York, by Dr. De Kay. 2 22 BIMANA. tebrates excel him, — but in the plan or model after which he is constructed The eagle, for example, has a more powerful vision ; the hare is more keenly sensible to sound ; the dog and vulture are more ready to catch the scent which is borne upon the breeze ; but in man is found a nice adjustment, a "peculiar and felicitous accuracy " of the senses, which, while ministering to his enjoy- ment, enables him to cultivate a more thorough and pleasing acquaintance with the objects by which he is surrounded. In the power of speech, and the various exercises of this power by which he makes known his wants, his desires, and his most ab- stract mental conceptions ; in his processes of reasoning and in his susceptibility of endlessly progressive improvement, he rises high above every other animal existence. The several parts of the living human frame are suited to the erect attitude for which it is distinguished. (See Plate III.) Man's structure fits him for moving in an erect posture, and unfits him for moving with ease in any other. He has, however, the ability to imitate almost every motion but that of flight. As aids to such imitation, he possesses, when in maturity and health, sixty bones in his head, sixty in his thighs and legs, sixty -two in his arms and hands, and sixty-seven in his trunk, and he has also four hun- dred and thirty-four muscles. His foot is, in proportion to his whole body, larger, broader, and stronger than that of any other animal. The muscle called "flexor longus policis pedis" (the muscle of the great toe,) terminates in a single tendon, and its force is centered in the great toe, the chief point of resistance in raising the body upon the heel. In the Orang-outang, the cor- responding muscle terminates in three tendons, separately and exclusively inserted in the three middle toes, to enable him to grasp an object more forcibly in climbing, and thus more fully meeting the wants of an animal that makes its home in the trees. "Surely," says Professor Owen, "it is asking too much to be- lieve that in the course of time, these three muscles should, un- der any circumstances, become consolidated into owe, and that one implanted in a toe to which none of the three tendons were before attached." The teeth, bones and muscles of the monkey decisively forbid the conclusion that he could by any ordinary natural process, ever be expanded into a MAN. Man alone is two handed ; in him the faculty of opposing the thumb to the other fingers is carried to the highest perfection. In his " Bridge- water Treatise," Sir Charles Bell says: "The structure of the human hand is so much more complicated, and suited to so many different offices, we ought to define the hand as belonging PL/Ill EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. Fig. 1. The HUMAN SKELETON divided into three principal parts ; the Head (1,) the Trunk (2,) and the extremities (3 and 4.) Physiologists enu- merate as many as 260 bones ; but some of these bones, which are separated in early life, are afterwards united, so as to admit of the fol- lowing enumeration : Cranium, 8 ; Face, 14 ; Internal ears, 8 ; Verte- bral column, 24 ; Chest,-26; Pelvis, 11; Upper extremities, 68; Lower extremities, 64 ; in the whole, 223. 1. The bones of the Skull, divided into two sets, viz., those of the Cranium, or case for the brain, and those of the Face. 2. The Trunk, composed of the Spine, or Vertebral column, extending from a to dj the Chest, including the Ribs, and Sternum or Breast-bone, (e;) the Pelvis ; the circle of bones on which the Spine rests. The Spine, extending from a to c?, in the erect man, supports the head upon its summit, (a,) while its base rests upon the sacrum (d.) It consists of 24 bones, called Vertebrae, (Lat. verto, to turn,) because the trunk is turned by their motion upon each other. It is the center about which the limbs move, and the chief support of the skeleton. The Cervical vertebrae, (the 7 bones of the neck,) extend from a to 6; the middle, dorsal or back vertebrae, from b to c, and the 5 lowest or lum- bar vertebrae, from c to d. 3. and 4. Are the last main divisions, consisting of the upper and lower extremities. 3. The upper extremities (the arms) consist of the scapula, A, or shoulder- blade, the Clavicle or collar-bone, B, the Humerus, or bone of the upper arm, (c,) the Ulna, (D,) situated on the inner side, and the Radius, (E,) on the outer side of the fore-arm, the Carpus, (Car;) the 8 small bones of the wrist, the 5 bones of the metacarpus between the wrist, and the bones of the fingers, (Met.,) and the bones of the fingers, called Pha- langes, (Pha ,) of which the thumb has two, and the fingers three each. 4. The lower extremities, or legs, consist of the Femur or thigh bone, (F,) which is the largest bone of the body, the Tibia or shin-bone, (G,) on the front and inner part, and the Fibula, (H,) at the outer part of the leg, the Patella or knee-pan, (i,) the Tarsus, the 7 bones forming the heel and instep, (Tar.,) the metatarsus (Met.,) between the instep and the toes, and Phalanges of the toes similar in number and arrangement to those of the fingers. Fig. 2. SKELETON OF A CHIMPANZEE. The ape that comes nearest to man. 3 and 4 show how the extremities terminating with long fingers, and a small feeble thumb set far back, adapt it for climbing rather than walk- ing, thus differing from those organs in man. 1. The Cranium, — showing none of the fine sweep of the forehead seen in man, and indicating a small cerebral development as compared with him. 2. The Vertebral column, without the pyramidal form seen in man, and not adapted to an erect posture. Pelvis, narrow as compared with that of man. (See description in the text.) 26 BIMANA. exclusively to man. The whole frame conforms to the hand, and acts with reference to it." The human hand is not only power- ful, but exquisitely susceptible of impressions, and possesses the most delicate touch. Every finger, except the one called the ring finger, is capable of independent movements, — a power possessed by no other mammal. The thumb is lengthened so as to meet readily the tips of any of the fingers ; the fingers them- selves, and especially the pulpy tip at their ends, are supplied with a nervous tissue endowed with a discriminating sensibility that is peculiar to man. " The difference in the length of the fingers serves a thousand purposes, adapting the hand and fingers, as in holding a rod, a switch, a sword, a hammer, a pen or pencil, engraving tool, etc., in all which a secure hold and freedom of motion are admirably combined. Nothing is more remarkable, as forming a part of the prospective design to prepare an instrument fitted for the various uses of the human hand, than the manner in which the delicate and moving apparatus of the palm and fingers is guarded. The power with which the hand grasps, as when a sailor lays hold to raise his body to the rigging, would be too great for the texture of mere tendons, nerves and vessels ; they would be crusked were not every part that bears the pressure defended with a cushion of fat as elastic as that we have des- cribed in the foot of the horse and camel. To add to this purely passive defence, there is a muscle which runs across the palm, and more especially supports the cushion on its inner edge. It is this muscle which, raising the edge of the palm, adapts it to lave water, forming the cup of Diogenes."* The brain of man, in proportion to the residue of the human system, surpasses in volume or extent that of every other mam- mal, as is shown by the proportion which the cavities con- taining the brain and face bear to each other. The size of the brain is sometimes estimated by the facial angle,f which, in the average of Europeans and their descendants on this continent, is 80o ; but in the adult Chimpanzee is only 35o, and in the Orang or Satyr is, .according to Professor Owen, 30o. The blood necessary for an organ so developed as the human brain, is carried to it by arteries which do not subdivide as in * Sir C. Bell's Bridgewater Treatise on the Hand. " \ The facial angle is found by drawing a line from the most prominent part of the forehead to that of the upper jaw bone, and observing the angle which it "forms with another line through the external auditory canal to the base of the nose, or, (the head being in a vertical position,) with a horizontal line." BIMANA. 27 most quadrupeds, but allow of the full and free circulation which its energies require. The fine sweep of cranium and the smooth spherical surface of the human skull, showing the volume of the interior brain, are also noticeable, as contrasting strikingly with the heavy ridges, the irregular prominences and the small capacity of the Mon- key's skull. The face of the Monkey is an aid to him in pro- curing food, and a weapon for attack and defence ; Man's face bespeaks the workings of the inner MIND. He uses his hands to procure his food, and naturally unarmed, protects himself with weapons which he has manufactured. His jaws and teeth are both as small as could consist with the preservation of life. Though at first weak and defenceless, he becomes able not only to assert his dominion over animated nature, but to make the very elements subserve his designs. No monkey or ape has ever been able to make weapons of either attack or defence ; nor can he procure fire or renew it, which the lowest of the hu- man species readily does. The most benighted Hottentot can form weapons with which he is able to destroy the ferocious lion, the swift antelope, and the wary ostrich ; " he constructs for himself a hut by the side of his prey, strikes fire, fetches fuel, and dresses his meat." There seems, as BufFon has intimated, no anatomical reason why an ape should not speak ; but it has no language, and cannot by the most patient labor, be taught to speak. Articulate language, of itself, tnakes a difference, vast in extent, between man and every other tribe of the Mammalia. His physical system is peculiar in the readiness with which it accommodates itself to the variations of climate, and in modes of living. The Arctic explorations of Captains Ross and Parry, of Sir John Franklin, and of our own lamented Dr. Kane, have signally evinced the capacity of the human constitution for en- during with safety, the intensest cold. On the other hand, men long accustomed to the air of the temperate zones, have pene- trated far into the interior of Africa, and traversed other equato- rial regions, without experiencing any serious evils from the heat. QUESTIONS ON THE ORDER BIMANA. What is the first order ? How is it spelled, defined, and from what derived ? Who is at the head, or fills the first place in the animal series ? What is said of him, and to what class, order, genus, and species does he be- long ? Are all Zoologists agreed as to the propriety of placing man with ani- mals ? What places him immeasurably above them all ? What are his most prominent distinctions, or what is said of his speech, walk, chin, teeth, &c. ? Contrast these with those of the inferior animals. What is said of man, physically ? In what respect does he surpass all other created beings ? 28 VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN RACE. In what senses is he inferior, or in what way does the eagle, hare, dog, or vulture surpass him ? What is found in man ? What does this enable him to cultivate ? What elevates him so highly above other animal existences ? To what are the several parts of the human frame suited ? For what does a man's structure fit him ? For what does it unfit him ? Has he the power of imitation ? What aids this power or faculty ? How many bones and muscles has he ? What is said of his foot ? What is said of the muscle of the great toe in man? Give its technical name. What of the correspond- ing muscle in the Orang Outang ? What does Prof. Owen say in relation to this, and how does this bear upon the development theory ? What do the teeth, bones, and muscles of the monkey forbid ? What is said of the hands, thumbs, and fingers of man ? What does Sir Charles Bell say in his "Bridgewater Treatise?" What is further said of the human hand? What of the ring finger ? What of the thump and other fingers ? Of what use is the different length of the fingers ? Does it evince design, or did it occur by chance ? What is chance ? What is the cup of Diogenes, and how is it formed ? Who was Diogenes ? Ans. A celebrated Cynic phi- losopher, of Greece, who died in great misery and indigence, B. C. 324, at the age of 96. What is said of the human brain ? How is this shown ? How is the size of the brain sometimes estimated ? How is this angle found ? What is said of the arteries supplying blood to the human brain? How does the cranium, or human skull, contrast with that of the monkey ? What is said of the monkey's face ? What of man's ? Which bespeaks the most intel- ligence ? For what does he use his hands ? How does he protect himself? What is said of his jaws and teeth ? What are monkeys unable to do ? By whom are they surpassed ? Is there any anatomical reason why an ape should not speak ? Have they ever been taught to speak ? What makes a vast difference between man and all other mammals? In what is man's physical system peculiar? What have Arctic and African explorations shown ? VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN RACE. The variations of mankind, in respect to climate and modes of life, are connected with changes in complexion and feature, with differences in the skull, in the color and nature of the hair, etc. The divisions of the race to which these differences have given rise, are stated diversely by naturalists, some numbering more, and others fewer varieties. The Caucasian, Mongolian, and Nigritian tribes, are by some regarded as the three distinctly marked types; and the other varieties as but a blending of these and their peculiarities, and hence merely sub-typical. The "Chart of the Animal Kingdom " exhibits the" division of Blumenbach, the one which has commonly been made, which, separating the Malay and American varieties from the Mongolian, one of the distinctly marked types, makes the number FIVE, viz. : 1. THE EUROPEAN or CAUCASIAN; 2. THE ASIATIC, MONGO- LIAN, or TURANIAN, of Dr. Pritchard ; 3. THE MALAY or AUS- TRALIAN ; 4. THE AMERICAN ; 5. THE ETHIOPIAN or AFRICAN. 1. THE CAUCASIAN VARIETY was so called because it origi- VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN RACE. 29 nated among the tribes of men found in the region of the Cauca- sus. It is distinguished for general symmetry and regularity of outline. The head is, in the Caucasian, almost round, the face oval, the forehead much expanded, the features not very promi- nent. The skin is white, the hair soft, long and brown, more or less dark, and curled. The facial angle is from 80o to 90o. The entire conformation of the head shows a superior intellectual organization. In respect both to mental power, and attainments in art and science, the Caucasians have ever stood in the fore- most rank. 2. THE ASIATIC OR MONGOLIAN VARIETY. — This variety is remarkable for a feminine aspect in both sexes; the color is, for the most part, pale yellow or olive; the head almost square; the facial angle 80o ; the cheek bones are prominent ; the face broad and flattened, and without a beard ; and the hair straight and black. 3. In the MALAY or AUSTRALIAN, the color varies from a clear mahogany to dark chestnut brown; the hair is black and bushy; the beard thin j the nose broad, and the mouth wide ; the fore- head slightly arched ; the upper jaw projecting; the eye is more sunken and piercing, and the lips less uniformly thick than in the negro. \ 4. THE AMERICAN VARIETY is allied to the Malay and Mon- golian varieties. It includes Indians, or native Americans, Tol- tecans, &c. In these, the cheek bones are prominent ; the face broad ; the forehead low ; the eyes deeply seated ; the hair black and straight. 5. THE ETHIOPIAN OR BLACK VARIETY includes Negroes, Africans, Hottentots, Bushmen, (Bosjesmans,) Bochmen, (Bech- uanas.) The color is black, with greater or less intensity ; the lips extremely thick ; the nose flat and thick ; the nostrils wide ; the hair black and frizzly like wool ; the head narrow ; the fore- head convex ; the face projecting ; the facial ajigle 70o. Be- tween this and the European or Caucasian variety, the differen- ces are marked; but there is no character in which the contrast between the lowest negro and highest ape is not many times greater than between the same negro and the highest European. The differences in respect to structure between the Ethiopian and the other varieties, would not be deemed sufficient to consti- tute a specific character among the lowest animals. In regard to the varieties above described, it will be seen that one of the enumerated distinctions relates to the color and nature of the hair. At a trial held in South Carolina, in which the 30 VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN RACE. point in dispute, property in a mulatto girl, rested on a question of race, Dr. Gibbs stated, as a curious fact resulting from micro- scopic observation, that in the mulatto cross the hair of one or the other parent was present, and sometimes hairs of both, but never a mongrel hair ; that no amalgamated hair existed ; that the mulatto as often had straight hair as kinky. He stated that the microscope revealed that the hair of the white race is, when transversely divided, oval; that of the Indian, circular; and that of the Negro, eccentrically elliptical with flattened edges ; that of the Negro is not hair, but wool, and capable of being felted ; that the coloring matter of true hair is in an internal tube, while in the negro it is in the epidermis, or scales covering the shaft of hair. In corroboration of the statement that both white and negro hair were sometimes found in the same head, a singu- lar case was mentioned by Dr. Gibbs. He remarked that he once attended a half-breed Indian and Negro, who had straight Indian hair. He was ill and had his head shaved and blistered. On his recovery, when his hair grew out, it was negro hair, crisped and wiry. The late Dr. Morton, of our own country, in a disquisition rela- tive to the "Size of the Brain" in the different varieties, presents the following results : " The ancient Egyptians, whose civilization antedates that of all other people, and whose country has been justly called 'the cradle of the arts and sciences,' have the least sized brain of any Caucasian nation, excepting the Hindoos. The Negro brain is nine cubic inches less than the Teutonic, and three cubic inches larger than that of the ancient Egyptians. The brain of the Australian and Hottentot falls far below that of the Negro, and measures precisely the same as the ancient Peruvian." (See Silliman's Journal.) QUESTION.S ON THE VARIETIES OF THE HUMAN RACE. With what are the variations of the HUMAN RACE connected ? Are nat- uralists agreed as to the number of these varieties ? What three are by some regarded as distinctly marked types? What do they consider the other varieties ? How many distinct types or races are named on the chart ? Whose arrangement has been followed ? From what did the Caucasians derive their name ? What nations belong to this variety? [See the chart.] For what are they distinguished ? What are their characteristics ? What does the entire conformation of the head show ? What is said of their mental attainments ? For what is the MONGOLIAN variety remarkable ? What na- tions does it include ? How do you describe the MALAY or AUSTRALIAN variety ? Name the people or nations belonging to this variety. To which variety is the AMERICAN allied ? Name the tribes or people which it in- cludes. [See on the chart.] What are their distinguishing peculiarities ? QTJADRUMANA. SI What does the Ethiopian or black variety include ? Describe their features, color, hair, &c. Is there a greater contrast between the highest European and the negro, than between the same negro and the ape ? What is said as to the difference in respect to structure between the Ethiopian and the other varieties ? In what respect does the hair of the Caucasian, Indian, and Ne°ro varieties differ? What cases corroborate this curious fact? What were the results arrived at by Dr. Morton, of Philadelphia? ORS. Here is a good opportunity for a general exercise about the people of the different varieties, the countries they inhabit, their customs, religion, degrees of civilization, &c., showing the pupil how to apply his geographi- cal or historical knowledge. SECTION V. SECOND ORDER. QUADRUM ANA.— FOUR HANDED. (Lat. quatuor, four, and manus, hand.) This order includes the Shniadae, (Lat. Simia, an ape, — ape- kind;) CeMdae, (Gr. ^3o;, kebos, a monkey, — monkey tribe;) pronounced kebidae ; Leinuridae, (Lat. Lemures, ghosts, — ghost- like.) The SIMIADAE are spread over the tropical regions of Asia and Africa, including the larger islands of the Indian Ocean ; the CEBIDAE are found in South America ; the LEMURIDAE, in Madagascar and the smaller adjacent islands. The name "QUADRUMANA" is given to these animals because, while having two hands, resembling those of man, they have feet which are also formed like hands, and can grasp branches of trees. Like man, they have no natural means of defence ; but they are endowed with a cunning, a quickness and agility not often equaled and never surpassed by any other quadrupeds. The peculiarities of their structure do not adapt them either to an erect or a horizontal position, but to one that is diagonal or sloping. Their great muscular strength, combined with the fac- ulty of climbing, enables them to escape from the carnivorous quadrupeds which are found in the same forests with themselves. " Leaping from bough to bough, they pass through the most en- tangled forests with greater swiftness than an ordinary horse would travel on a turnpike road. The apes upon the rocks of Gibraltar, (Barbary apes, which are the only ones found in Eu- rope,) can never be approached by the most cautious sportsmen. They climb, with the greatest facility, among frightful preci- pices, where neither dogs nor men can follow."* The hand of the highest Quadrumana is greatly inferior to' that of man, both in respect to its structure, and the uses for * " Swainson's Habits and Instincts of Animals." 32 . QUADRUMANA. which it is fitted. The thumb is a mere rudiment, and in some species, entirely wanting. The fingers are very long, and fitted for hooking an object, but have but little power of separate motion among themselves ; the palm, instead of being hollow, is narrow and flat, and tapers from the wrist. All of them have- three sorts of teeth, like man, but the canine, (eye) teeth, are more developed in the Quadrumana than in him, and there are spaces between them and the other teeth. The principal food of these animals is fruit, which Providence furnishes them most plentifully in tropical countries, though occa- sionally they prey upon the young and eggs of birds, also upon lizards and insects. When captured and domesticated, they be- come almost omnivorous, (Lat. omnis, all, and voro, to devour.) They are peculiar to tropical regions, and are useful there as tending to diminish the annoyances which might otherwise arise from the insects which they consume for food. In some coun- tries these animals are themselves used for food, and their skins converted into leather. The SIMIADAE include three divisions : I. The APES, without 1aiU ; II. the BABOONS, with short tails and sometimes none ; III. the MONKEYS, with tails, which as connected with this fam- ily are adroit, agile, and restless, but usually live only two or three years. In this family, the tail has no prehensile, or grasp- ing power. Their teeth, of which there are ten molar in each jaw, are thirty-two in number ; their nostrils separated by a very narrow division. The larger portion have cheek pouches and callosities, (hard parts,) on the hind parts of the body. Of the Apes we name first the Troglodytes, (Gr. tQuylrj, trogle, a hole ; dvvw, duno, to creep, a creeper into holes.) This is the CHIMPANZEE, (not to be confounded with the Orang- Outang,) found ratlier commonly on the banks of the Gambia and Congo. It is more man-like than any other animal, espe- cially when young. When full grown, its height is at least five feet, and according to some naturalists, six or seven. The hair is black, long and coarse, falling down on each side of the head, forming large whiskers on the cheeks; the eyes are hazel, deep set and lively; the ears h rge and spreading; the lips covered with a thin white beard, and large and wrinkled; the face and hands, of a dark brown color. An officer in the English navy, who saw the animal in 1838, says that in its natural state, "it mounts trees only for food or observa- tion, has enormous' strength, easily snapping boughs from trees which the united strength of two men could scarcely bend." These animals reach their full growth when between eight and nine years old. They travel in large bands, armed with sticks, QUADRUMANA. gg which they handle with great dexterity ; and sometimes are so full of courage and fury that they drive the elephant and lion from their haunts. As their name imports, they spend much of their time in holes, or rocky caves. They are very watchful, even when united in a herd ; and the first one who notices the approach of a stranger, utters a long drawn cry, which resem- bles that of a human being in distress. This is done to notify the herd of the stranger's coming. They then immediately leave any place which would expose them to danger, and betake themselves to the bushes. It is said to be very difficult to obtain them alive, owing to a superstitious notion of the natives that they have the " power of witching." Several young Chimpanzees have, at different times, been im- ported into England and the United States. These appeared to be mild and docile, but were short lived, being unable to endure the changes to which they were subjected in respect to climate and mode of living. Had they lived to full age, they would probably have manifested the ape's naturally fierce and obstinate disposition. One of them, which lived about a year in the me- nagerie of the British Zoological Society, is described as appear- ing like " an old, bent, and diminutive negro." The appearance of age was increased by its short white beard and wrinkled face, though at the time not more than two and a half years old. All its actions seemed child-like. It would " examine every object within its reach with an air so considerate and thoughtful as to create a smile on the face of the gravest spectator. When per- fectly free and unconstrained, Tommy's usual mode of progression was on all fours. His feet, and particularly his heels, were broader and better adapted for the biped race than those of the Orang- Outang, and this he adopted when occasion required. He fre- quently indulged in a kind of rude, stamping dance ; would seat himself in his swing with great good humor, when ordered to do so, stretching out his foot to some of the company to set him in motion ; and interpreting your wishes and intentions from your looks, tones, and gestures, exhibited the most wonderful quick- ness of apprehension." PitJiecus Satyms. (Gr. niOijxog, pithecos, ape ; acnvQbg, saturos, satyr. ) The ORANG-OUTANG, or wild man, (from Orang, the Malay term for man, and Outang, wild.) The Orang-Outang is found in the islands of Borneo and Sum- atra. Though called by this name, it is less man-like than the 34 QUADRUMANA. Chimpanzee. In the young animal, the forehead and skull ap- pear well developed and somewhat human ; in the adult, the bones of the face are so increased in size that they throw the skull backwards, which, combined in its effect with other differ- ences, takes away the resemblance, which is seen in the younu;, to the human face. The arms are so long that they reach the ground, or nearly so, when the animal stands erect ; and the palms of the hands show lines and papillae, like those of ma-n. The ears are small ; the eyes dark and round ; the throat is swollen, the skin about it being loose and folded, and enveloping a double membranous sac, which connects with the larynx or wind-pipe, and becomes inflated when the animal expresses pleas- ure or anger. The body is stoutly built and very muscular ; the belly round and protuberant ; the hair is of a reddish brown hue, long and coarse. The Ornng has no tail or cheek pouches. A very marked characteristic is the disproportion be- tween the size and length of the arms, as compared with the legs, which, viewed in connexion with the long and hooked hands, indicates that the animal is, more than the Chimpanzee, formed to live on trees. Among the branches, he moves with surprising facility. By weaving these together, he constructs a sort of rude hut, which he seldom leaves, except when forced by the calls of appetite. In Borneo, the natives call the two species found there, mias-kassar and mias-pappan. Of these the latter is much the larger and more powerful, and justly named Satyrus, from his ugly face and disgusting callosities. Some naturalists consider the Orang of Sumatra to be a distinct species. The Orang may be ranked as the largest of the apes. A specimen from Borneo was in height five feet ten inches, and one from Sumatra reached the enormous stature of seven feet six inches. Those animals are described by persons who have seen them in their native climes, as "leading a solitary life, more than two or three never being found together;" and as "roused from their habitual dullness by nothing but hunger or the approach of danger." Their strength is so great they can not be safely encountered except with fire-arms. A female Orang snapped a strong spear asunder, after receiving many wounds. Hence, the natives of Borneo hold these animals in especial dread, and carefully avoid them., (Gr. "vfy, liule, a wood ; flalvat, baino, to traverse,) LONG AHMED APE, or GIBBON. H. Syndactuhis, (Gr. 2w, Sun, connected, together; daxivkos, daktulos, a finger.) This species of Gibbons receives the name Syndactylus, from hav- QUADRUMANA. 35 ing the second and third toes of the hind foot united by a narrow membrane the whole length of .the first joint. As the generic name, Hylobates, imports, this animal lives in the recesses of dense woods, (in the East Indian islands and the Malay penin- sula.) The hands are extremely powerful, and so long that they reach to the heel, and their span extends from four to six feet. These greatly assist him in making his rapid movements among the trees. The fur is longer and more abundant than that of the Orangs. The animal is like the Orang in temper . and manners, but much smaller, when standing upright, being but two feet four inches. It is a better walker than the Orang, but its gait is unsteady, and it frequently places its hands on the ground to assist its position. An adult male of this species was taken in 1830, but died while on ijs way to England. It fed on vegetables, yet eagerly accepted animal food ; fowls it especially preferred. It appeared to be good tempered and affectionate; "when pleased, uttering a chirping note; when frightened or angry, uttering the loud guttural sounds of ra, ra, ra." It was fond of play and became quite attached to a Papuan girl who was on board the vessel — "would sit on the capstan with its long paw around her neck, and lovingly eat biscuit with her." This Gibbon is sometimes called the SIAMANG, and is said to be cele- brated for the pains which it takes to wash the face of its young, which it does with maternal faithfulness, in spite of its screams and struggles. H. agilis. The AGILE, or SILVERY GIBBON, also called the Uiiglta, or Oungka. This species is a native of Sumatra, deriving its name, agilis, (active,) from its remarkable activity in leaning among the branches. One of these animals, which was exhibited in Lon- don some years since, " sprang with the greatest ease through distances of twelve and eighteen feet ; and when apples or nuts were thrown to her while in the air, she would catch them with- out discontinuing her course. Sh'e kept up a succession of springs, hardly touching the branches in her progress, continually uttering a musical but almost deafening cry. She was very tame and gentle, and would permit herself to be touched or ca- ressed." This Gibbon is distinguished by its low forehead, as well as its activity. The color varies a good deal, according to the sex or age, but is usually brown. In the male, a white band t over the eyes unites with the whitish whiskers. The hair is fine except about the neck, where it is rather woolly and curled. 36 QUADRUMANA. BABOONS. The most striking peculiarity of these animals is the resem- blance of their head and face to those of a large dog. Their muzzles are long and truncated. They have cheek pouches, short tails and sharp claws. The malignant expression of their countenances, their gigantic strength and the brutal ferocity of their manners, render them decidedly the most frightful and dis- gusting of all the Qtiadrumana. Their home is Africa, where they frequent rocky ridges more than the forests. They live mostly on scorpions, which they find under stones and deprive of their stings by a skillful application of the thumb and finger. In the Baboon, the facial angle is reduced to 30°. The name is from the Italian Babbaino, from which comes the Latin word Papio, applied to these animals especially in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In brilliancy of color, they vie with the gorgeous plumage of the tropical birds. " They are distinguished from the Apes, by the equality of their members, their cheek pouches and ischial callosities; from the Monkeys, by the short robust make of their bodies and extrem- ities, their tubercular tails, too short to execute the functions usu- ally assigned to that organ, and the mountain rather than silvan habitat which this conformation necessarily induces." Cynoceplialus, (Gr. Kfav, Kuon, a dog; Keyah^ Kephale, a head ;) Dog-headed. C. Mormon, (Gr. 3fooawj>, Mormon, a bogie.) This is the MANDRIL, or GREAT VARIEGATED BABOON. The Mormon resembles the dog and bear. It is a native of Guinea and West Africa, has a short, erect and stumpy tail, by which, and the enormous protuberances of its cheeks, it is read- ily distinguished from the other species. This is not only the largest of all the Baboons, but the most brilliant in its colors. When upright, its height reaches five feet. The muzzle is of a bright scarlet color ; a stripe, of vermilion runs along the center of the nose, and spreads over the lip ; the cheeks are also of a rich violet hue, and elevated on each side by a singular development of the bone, which forms a socket for the roots of the immense canine teeth. The hair is of a greenish brown color, caused by alternate layers of yellow and black present in each hair. On the temples it is directed upwards, so as to meet in a point on the crown of the head. The brilliancy of the colors is connected with the skin, and disappears when the animal dies or is sick. The Mandril frequents forests filled with brushwood, whence it sallies forth to plunder the nearest villages. Its bulk is great in QUADRUMANA 37 proportion to its height and strength, and its ferocity great, so that it is a terror to the natives. Cuvier says he has seen it expire from the violence of its fury. Semnopitliecus, (Gr. o-e/uvos, Semnos, to be reverenced ; nlOyxog, pithccos, Ape.) This genus includes animals resembling, in many points, the Gibbons. As in the latter, their extremities are of great length as compared with the size of the body, which in its form is long and slender. But they differ from the Gibbons in having the j hinder extremities longer than the front ones, which is the reverse of what occurs in the Gibbons. They are distinguished by hav- ing a very long, slender and muscular tail, terminated by a close tuft of long hairs. The color of the adult animal is intensely black, except the breast, the abdomen, and the root of the tail, which are gray. The black hairs on the top of the head are tipped with gray, and as age advances, the latter color is extended to the upper parts of the body. The hair is long, soft, and silky. The eye-brows consist of long stiff hairs, pointing forward. The stomach is three fold, one of the divisions being puckered into a number of distinct sacs; and its teeth resemble, in some degree, those of a ruminating animal. It evinces less restless- ness, petulance and curiosity, but has more of real intelligence than the common monkeys. The animals of this genus are found in Cochin China, the East Indies and the neighboring islands. •S. Maurus. (Gr. fiavgog, mauros, a fool ?) The BUDENG. This species abounds in the extensive forests of Java, and forms its dwelling on trees. Troops of more than fifty individ- uals are found together. When approached, they scream loudly, and by their movements branches of decaying trees are often thrown down upon the spectators. The natives chase them on ' account of their fur ; attended by their chiefs, attacking them with stones and cudgels, and often destroying them in great num- bers. The furs of these animals are used both by the natives and Europeans, in preparing riding equipages and military ornaments. S. Entellus. (Lat. the proper name of a Roman athlete.) THE ENTELLUS, OR COCHIN CHINA MONKEY. The HOONUMAN of the Hindoos. This species is one of the most common in Hindoostan and the Indian Archipelago, and in India is the object of a blind adora- tion. According to the popular superstition, he who puts to death an Entellus Monkey, will surely die within the year. Its form is slight, the limbs long and slender, the length of the body 38 QUADRUMANA. from the muzzle to the tail is, in the full grown animal, four and a half feet, and the tail is even longer than the body. When young, they seem gentle and free from malice ; but their charac- ters do not improve by age. This animal is very active in the capture of serpents, stealing upon the poisonous reptile when asleep, and grinding down the reptile's head until the poisonous fangs are destroyed. QUESTIONS ON THE QUADRUMANA. What is the second order of animals ? What three families does this order include? Give the derivation of the order and the families. Where is their location or habitat? Why was the name Quadrumana given to these animals ? Have they any weapons for defence ? With what are they endowed ? For what does their peculiar structure adapt them ? Of what benefit is their muscular strength ? What is said of their leaping powers ? What of the Barbary apes ? Where are these found ? Are any other of the Quadrumana found in Europe? How does the hand of the most perfect Quadrumana compare with man's ? What is said of the thumb ? Of the fingers and of the palm? What of the teeth and the hair? What is their principal food ? What change occurs from domestication ? Spell and define the following words, giA7ing examples of each as you proceed: Carnivorous, flesh-eating; (Lat. caro, flesh, and voro, to devour.) 2, louo, to wash.) This genus includes a species known as the common or river Otters, whose habits are aquatic, and whose food is fish, and also the Sea Otters. In their skulls and muzzles, there are points of resemblance to the Seal, (pkoca vitulina.) The limbs are short and strong, and so articulated as to allow of free motion ; the animal being able to turn them easily in almost any direction, and bring them on a line with the body, so as to act like fins. The teeth are sharp and strong, and the tubercles of the molars very pointed; which aids them in taking and destroying their slippery prey. Their intestines are very long. The body is covered outwardly with long and glossy hair, with a softer, short- er, downy fur, intermixed. The Otter is fierce, wild, and shy, and its habits principally nocturnal. The hunt of this animal has been a favorite, but a cruel sport Pursued, he betakes himself CARNIVORA. 77 to the water, where he is more than a match for the strongest dog. His determined courage holds out to the last, and pierced with spears, he dies without uttering a cry. Eleven species are enumerated. Lutra vulgaris. The COMMON OTTER. This species is about two feet long, and its tail fifteen inches in addition. The tail is flat and broad, and the toes of the feet are connected by a com- plete web. In its entire structure, the animal is well adapted for an aquatic life ; diving and swimming with- great readiness, and with much ease and elegance of movement. It has a black nose, and long whiskers. The ears are small and erect, the eyes very small, and nearer the nose than in most animals. The color is brown except small patches of white on the lips and nose. The size varies from two to three and a half feet. When it has seized a small fish, it immediately leaves the water and eats it, begin- ning with the head, while the body is held in the fore paws. Larger fish are held down by the paws, and the head and tail often left uneaten. These animals destroy multitudes of fish, in ponds and rivers, eating but a small portion of the fish, when they have an abundance of prey. When fish are scarce, and they are pressed by hunger, it is said, they sometimes go far inland and attack lambs, sucking pigs and poultry, and even feed upon larvae and earth worms. The Otter's place of retreat is beneath roots of trees, or in holes near ponds and rivers. The female bears from three to five young at a time. The Common Otter is capable of domestication, but most readi- ly when taken young, and fed with small fish and water. Some- times it shows attachment, but if offended, "bites grievously." In some instances, it has been trained to catch fish, or to assist in fishing. When tamed, "they will allow themselves to be gently lifted by the tail ;" though they "object to any interference with the snout, which is probably with them the seat of honor." Usually they resort to fresh waters, but in some regions frequent the sea, and hunt far out from land. Few animals show more attachment for their young than the Otter. When these are taken from them, they express their sorrow in tones resembling the crying of children. Lutra Canadensis. The CANADA OTTER. This is larger than the Common or European Otter, having dark, glossy brown hair, with the chin and throat dusky white, and is five feet in length. The longer and outer hairs are glossy and stiff, but the inner fur is soft, dense, and nearly as fine as that of the Beaver. The ears are closer together than in the Common Otter, and the tail flattened horizontally for half its 78 CARNIVORA. length. The American Otter frequents running streams and large ponds, and sometimes is found on the shores of some of our great lakes. It prefers those waters which are clear, and a bur- row in the banks, the entrance to which is under water. Their favorite sport is said to be sliding down steep banks, head fore- most, sometimes for the distance of twenty yards. When shot and killed in water, they sink from the weight of their bones, which are solid and heavy, so that in deep water, the hunter may lose his game. The American Otter, like the European, when taken young, is easily tamed, will follow its owner, and sometimes is playful. Audubon had one which was very familiar, and much attached to him. And he relates that a landlord in the in- terior of Ohio, had four Otters alive which were so gentle that they would come when he whistled for them, and approach him with much apparent humility. This species ranges almost the whole of North America, but is now obtained most readily in Maryland, and the western parts of the United States. The Brit- ish provinces of North America annually furnish a considerable number. Their furs are much esteemed. Enhydra marina. (Mustela Lutris, Linnaeus.) SEA OTTER. The generic name enliydra, is from the Greek evvdgog, (enu- dnos,) ev, (en, in,) 'vdag, (hudor, water.) The palmated feet, and the teeth of this genus are so modified as to connect this Otter with the Seal, (Otia,) which have ears. The color is chestnut brown or black ; the fur exceedingly fine and velvety ; the size about twice that of the Common Otter. In length it is from four to five feet. The hind legs and thighs are short, and better adapted for swimming than in other mammalia, seals excepted ; the hind feet are flat and webbed, and clothed with glossy hairs. The hair, both on the body and tail, is of two kinds ; the longer hairs are silky and glossy, but not very numerous ; the fur is shorter hair, exceedingly fine and soft. This Otter runs very swiftly, and swims with great rapidity, either on its back or sides, and sometimes as if upright in the water. It has very long intestines, they being twelve times as long as the animal, while those of the Common Otter are but three and one-fourth times its length. It seems to have more the manners of a seal than a land otter; haunts sea-washed rocks, and lives mostly in the water. The female brings forth its young on land, and though the animal is marine, it is found occasionally, very far from the sea. The Kamtschatdales, on whose coasts the greatest numbers of these animals are killed, exchange the skins with the Russians, for those of the fox and sable ; and the Russian merchants for- CARNIVORA. 7'J merly sold thrm to the Chinese, at a very high price, even as high as from eighty to one hundred dollars each. The fur is not prized so high as formerly. The Sea Otter is caught by placing a net among the sea weeds, or by chasing it in boats. It inhabits the waters that bound the northern parts of America and Asia, and the seas and bays from Kamtschatka to the Yellow Sea, on the Asiatic side, and from Alaska to California on the American. How are Weasels readily distinguished? What is their character? What their habits ? How many species of true Martens does Audubon in- clude in this family ? Who was Audubon ? Answer. One of the most en- thusiastic, industrious and observing American naturalists. Died near New York city four or five years since, aged 76. How many of these inhabit North America? What is said of the Common Weasel? Describe the Ermine or Stoat. Describe its winter and summer dress. Which is the Ermine dress? For what was this fur particularly used? What places does it frequent? What is its pace? Give the meaning of the generic term MEPHITES. Why is this genus so called ? What is said of their name ? What is said of the nails of these animals ? What of the tail ? What is their distinguishing color ? How are they striped ? What is said of their movements ? What gives them their power ? Upon what do they feed ? How many species have been enumerated? How many in the United States ? How many in Africa ? Where are the rest found ? What is said of their varieties ? To what do these varieties refer ? Give some account of the Skunk. What places does it frequent? Describe the Common American Skunk, and give its peculiarities. When in the Northern States, does it retire to its burrow, and when reappear ? How is it in the Southern States ? What is said of its flesh ? What is said of the Large Tailed Skunk? Where found? What is said of the California Skunk ? What of the African Zorilla ? What of the Mexican ? What of the Teluda of Java, and what docs it resemble ? How many varieties of the Marten ? What is said of their motion ? Where do they reside ? What is said of the fur ? Where is the Beech, or Stone Marten found ? What distinguishes it ? What is said of its fur ? What is it called in trade ? Whence are many skins obtained, and what is said of their fur ? What distinguishes the Pine Marten ? What is the gen- eral color ? Where is it found ? In what places is it particularly abun- dant ? In what part of the United States has it been found ? What is said of its fur and flesh ? Which is the most celebrated of the Weasel tribe ? What countries does it inhabit ? At what time are the skins of the Sable in the highest perfection ? How are they taken ? How does the fur differ from the Marten ? What others are mentioned, either on the chart, or in the text? From what animal is the fur called Fitch obtained? Mention the varieties and habits of the Mink ? Where is it numerous ? What use is made of its skin ? What is said of the Ferret ? Which is the smallest Weasel ? Give the derivation of LUTUA ? Describe the Otters ? Repeat the description given of the Common Otter ? How does the Canada Otter compare with the European Otter ? Give some account of it. How exten- sive is its range ? What is said of its fur ? What is the meaning of ENHY- DRA ? In what respect does the Otter resemble the Seal ? What is said of its size, speed, fur, &c. ? For what do the Russians exchange its fur ? In what waters is it found ? 80 CARNIVORA. SECTION XIV. III. DIVISION of THE CARNIVORA. II. PLANTIGRADA. (Lat. pfanta, sole of the foot, gradior, to walk.) This name is given to those carnivorous animals which apply the whole, or part of the sole of the foot to the ground in walking. They are able to raise themselves on their hinder limbs or haunches, and easily keep an upright position. There is a slowness and heaviness in their motions; their habits are generally nocturnal, and in northern latitudes, they are in a lethargic condition during the winter. First in order are the URSIDAE, (Lat. ursus, a bear,) the Bears forming a connecting link between this family and the herbivo- rous animals. These lay the whole of the foot upon the ground in walking, which occasions their well known heavy, shuffling gait, but allows them to raise themselves with facility, and to maintain an erect position. When in this position they fre- quently use the fore paws in self defence, or else to strike or hug an assailant to death, by muscular pressure. The entire soJe of the foot is naked. The feet have five toes each, fortified with strong, curved, and somewhat obtuse claws, adopted for digging; their grinding teeth are more or less tuberculated, and the food is either animal or vegetable. In form they are generally robust. The genera of this family inhabit both continents. Ursus. The BEAR. Of this animal, according to Audubon, eight species have been described, "three existing in Europe, one of which, the Polar Bear, is common also to America; one in the mountainous districts of India ; one in Java ; one in Thibet ; and three in North America." The head of the Bear, is large, the body stout, and thickly covered with coarse, shaggy hair ; the ears are large and slightly pointed ; the limbs are stout and massive ; the five toes have strong curved claws, fitted for digging rather than for taking prey ; the tail is short, and usually hidden in the hair of this animal ; the teeth are forty- two in number ; the grinders have flattened crowns, surmounted with tubercles, and are fitted for bruising vegetables, rnther than cutting flesh, and the incisor teeth give these animals but a limited power of cutting it, so that they are ranked as the most omnivorous of all the Carnivora. Some of them subsist on vegetable food alone, and nearly all are capable of supporting themselves upon it. They are nocturnal, but often seen wander- ing about during the day. Their habits are unsocial, most of them frequenting the recesses of mountains and caverns, and the CARNIVORA. 81 depths of forests. In winter, they dwell in caves and hollow trees, almost without food, and comparatively dormant. In that season the female produces her young. Though widely diffused throughout both continents, they are seldom met with in Africa. Bears are said to be very fond of honey, and will climb trees in order to get at the nests of wild bees, for though clumsy ani- mals, they are expert climbers. In Russia and other northern regions, the skins of bears are among the most useful as well as most comfortable articles of winter apparel. They are made into beds, coverlids, caps and gloves, and used also for the ham- mer cloths of carnages, for pistol holsters, etc. ; and the leather prepared from them is used in harness, and for other purposes where strength is requisite. Ursus Arctus, (Gr. a^xrog, arktos, a be-ar.) This bear is found in mountainous districts of Europe, from very high lati- tudes to the Alps and Pyrenees. It was once common in Great Britain ; but centuries ago was there extirpated. This bear of Northern Europe seems to be the only one with which Linnaeus was acquainted. To the people of Kamtschatka it gives the necessaries, and even the comforts of life ; its skins forming their beds and coverlids, bonnets for their heads and collars for their dogs; overalls are also made of the skins, and drawn over the soles of their shoes, to prevent them from slipping on the ice ; the intestines yield them material for masks or covers for their faces, to protect them from the glare of the sun in spring, and as substitutes for glass, cover their windows. The flesh is much esteemed as food, and the hams and paws con- sidered great delicacies. So great are the benefits which it yields, that the Laplanders, it is said, call it "the dog of God; " while the Norwegians say, " it has the strength of ten men and the sense of twelve." If this bear is unable to find a hollow tree or cavern for its wintry home, it constructs a habitation for itself, out of branches of trees, lined with moss, where it contin- ues dormant and without sustenance until spring. The female produces two cubs at a birth, which at the first are about the size of puppies. The brown bear is long lived. One in the menagerie at Paris, France, is spoken of as forty-seven years old. This animal is four feet in length, and about two and a half feet in height. Ursus ferox, (Lat. ferox, fierce.) The GRIZZLY BEAR is the most ferocious and powerful of the family, frequently attack- ing man. It sometimes weighs more than 1,000 pounds. The Indians fear it so much that a necklace of its claws, which may 82 CARNIVORA. only be worn by one who has destroyed this bear, is an orna- ment that entitles the wearer to distinguished honor. In Califor- nia it keeps among the oaks and pines, on the acorns and seeds of which it feeds. It is strong enough to overcome and carry off a Buffalo. U. Americanus. The AMERICAN BLACK BEAR is smaller than the Grizzly bear, and of a more clumsy appearance. It feeds upon berries, succulent roots, and juicy plants. When in swamps, it wallows in the mud like a hog, living on cray fish, roots, and nettles ; sometimes it seizes on a pig, or sheep, or calf, or even a full grown cow. In robbing bee trees it is peculiarly expert. The young are at first not larger than kittens. The Cinnamon Bear, which is a permanent variety of this species, is quite a northern animal, and its fur is more valuable than that of the black bear. Ursus maritimus, (Lat. belonging to the sea.) or thalarctos, (Gr. Oakaaaa, tJialassa, the sea, agxiog, arktos, a bear.) The POLAR BEAR. This formidable species of bear has a long and narrow head, prolonged in a straight line with the forehead, which is flattened ; a long neck, and long, soft hair or fur, of considerable value. Its average length, when full grown, is from six to seven feet. Capt. Ross brought back a specimen measuring seven feet ten inches, and the weight of which, after losing thirty pounds of blood, was 1131 Ibs. Another specimen, described by Capt. Lyon, measured eight feet seven and a half inches, and weighed 1600 Ibs. The Polar Bear is entirely white, except the tip of the nose and claws, which are jet black. Dr. Kane, in his "Arctic Explorations," remarks that this animal is, " next to the Walrus, the staple diet to the North ; and excepting the Fox, supplies the most important element of the wardrobe." " The liver of the animal," he says, " is, for some reason, poisonous, though eaten with impunity by the dogs." The chief diet of the Polar Bear is obtained from the floating carcasses of whales and fishes, which often carry him, as a swim- mer, far away from the shore. He also makes unceasing war upon the seals and walruses, and neither refuses the animal exuviee which the waters cast upon the land, nor the few berries afforded by the shrubs of an arctic climate. On the land, these animals prey upon hares, young birds, etc. Their lodges are dens formed in layers of ice which are piled up so as to make stupen- dous masses. The males are said not to hybernate, but to brave the severity of the winter upon the ice of the open sea, wander- ing along the margin and swimming from floe to floe in search CARNIVORA. 83 of prey. The females, however, do not appear until the approach of milder weather, when they sally forth from their retreats, ac- companied by two cubs. At this period, gaunt, lean and fam- ished, they are peculiarly formidable, hunger and the presence of their young adding to their natural ferocity. This bear is, however, formidable at all times, strong and active as it is, run- ning with great swiftness either on the ground or on the ice, and with its claws, easily ascending the slippery sides of icebergs. The affection of this animal for its young is much celebrated, and its sagacity is great. U. ornatus, (Lat., furnished or adorned.) The SPECTACLED BEAR, in the Cordilleras of the Andes, in Chili, has two semi-cir- cular marks of a buff color above the eyes, appearing somewhat like a pair of spectacles. U. collaris, (Lat. collar e, a collar.) The BEAR OF SIBERIA has a large white collar passing over the neck and shoulders, on to the breast. U. Syriacus. The SYRIAN BEAR, mentioned in 2 Kings, ii, 23, is probably the first of which there is any record. U. labiatiiSi (Lat. labia, a lip.) The LABIATED or SLOTH BEAR, was, sixty years since, called the Five-fingered Ursine Sloth. The cartilage of the nose is capable of extension, and the lips of considerable^ protrusion. U. Malayanus. The MALAYAN BEAR. The long tongue of this Bear aids it in feeding upon the honey of bees, of which, as of other delicacies, it is extremely fond. It has also a taste for the young shoots of the Cocoa trees. The existence of bears in Africa was doubted by Cuvier, but there is now good reason to believe the animal is found in Ab- yssinia, and the mountains of Arabia Felix. Procyon lotor, (Gr. ngoxvwv, prokuon, nqoy pro, before, xvcav, a dog.) The RACOON. The remaining animals of this group form a sort of connect- ing link between the plantigrade and digitigrade carnivorous tribes. The Racoon, which with one or two other species, was formerly included in the genus Ursus, is now separated from it, and included in the new genus Procyon. It is a native of this continent, and numerously found in its northern territories, also in the Eastern, Northern and Middle States of the American Union, and yet more abundantly in some of the Southern States. The average length of the animal is about two feet, from the nose to the tail. The head is somewhat like that of a fox, the forehead being broad and the nose sharp ; the ears are short, and slightly rounded ; the body is broad and stout ; the back arched ; 84 CARNIVQRA. the limbs rather short, and the fore legs shorter than the hindor. The upper part of the body is of a grayish color mixed with black. The ears nnd under part whitish, with a black patch across the eye. Varieties, however, are seen, some of which are black, others, yellowish white. The tail is bushy, and rather long, with rings of black and gray. Albinos are some- times found, with red eyes and only faint traces of rings on the tail. In its feet the Racoon is only partially plantigrade, and when it sits, it often rests the whole hind sole of the foot on the ground, in the manner of a bear. The nails are strong, hooked, sharp and without hair. The outer hair is long and coarse; the inner> softer and more like wool. The Racoon is a cunning, and when mature and in good case, quite a handsome animal. It mounts trees with facility, and fre- quently invades the woodpecker's nest ; and it digs up and de- vours the eggs of the soft-shelled turtle. This animal sometimes makes great havoc among wild as well as domesticated birds, eating only the head, or the blood which flows from their wounds. Occasionally it ravages plantations of sugar cane and Indian corn, especially when the latter is young. Oysters are also a favorite article of food with the racoon. These it is very expert in opening, biting off the hinge, and dexterously hooking out the contents of the shells. Audu- bon remarks that " the habits of the muscles, (unios ) which are found in our fresh water rivers, are better known to the Racoon than to most conchologists, and their flavor is as highly relished by this animal as is that of the best bowl of clam soup by the epicure in that condiment." Swampy or marshy lands, abound- ing in trees and coursed by small streams, are the Racoon's fa- \5orite resorts ; it traverses the margins of creeks and other wa- ters, looking after frogs and muscles, which are found along their banks. It feeds chiefly by night, keeping by day in its nest or lair, which is usually made in the hollow of some broken branch of a tree. It rolls itself up, with the head between the hind legs, and sleeps away the time until the approach of darkness, when it goes forth in search of food. Sometimes, however, it is seen in corn fields ; occasionally it will make an onset upon poultry during the day. The universal testimony is that it shows great slyness and cunning in its tricks and devices for procuring food. When in captivity, kind treatment soon renders it docile ; it learns to be active during the day and to remain quiet at night. It shows an insatiable curiosity, prying into every corner and crev- ice with the greatest assiduity. In its habits it then becomes omnivorous, eating any thing, "vegetable or animal, cooked or CARNIVORA 83 uncooked," with equal avidity. The Racoon exhibits a peculiar fondness for sweets of every kind, and a great dislike for acids. It is fond of water, and before eating its food usually washes it ; hence its name Zo/or, or washer. When hard pursued by the hunter, the animal takes to a tree, but unless the tree is very large, the pursuer is still after the " coon." If he cannot be taken otherwise, the axe levels the tree to the ground, when he is soon dispatched. The more common method of taking him is by box traps, baited with an ear of corn, a fish or a squirrel. For several months during winter, this animal hibernates in the hollow of some large tree, leaving its retreat only occasionally and when the weather is warm. The flesh is eatable, and the fur considered by hatters next in value to that of the beaver. Proycyon cancrivorus, (lat. cancer, a crab; two, to devour.) CRAB EATING RACOON. This species has a longer and more slen- der body than the common racoon. As observed in California, it conceals itself during the day, in the holes of decayed oak trees, which exist in the branches, not in the trunk itself, (Aud.) Be- sides crabs, frogs and fish, it feeds on birds, eggs, fruits, etc., and is said to be specially fond of the sugar cane. Nasua, (lat. from nasus, a nose.) The COATI-MONDI, found in Brazil, Guiana, and Paraguay, — is like the Racoon, characterized by nocturnal habits, a semi-plantigrade mode of progress, and facility of climbing, but is readily distinguished from the racoons by its snout, which is quite long and extremely flexible ; also by its longer and more slender body, and by its feet, which are stronger and well fitted for digging. The animal uses its snout in routing the worms and insects, which it digs up. The size is about that of a large cat, and in addition to insects and worms, it eats birds and eggs, and sometimes roots. Like the cat, it descends a tree with the head downwards, and it is even more active than that animal. The smell of the Coati seems to be more highly devel- oped than any other sense. It is easily tamed, but is irritable and not to be touched without caution. Cercoleptes, (Gr. x^wos, kerkos, a tail, ACTTOS, Zeptos, thin.) caudivolvulus, (Lat. cauda. tail, volvulus, twisted.) The POTTO KINKAJOU, or MEXICAN WEASEL, — is found in Mexico, and the warmer parts of South America, resembling the Coati in its habits, but showing more activity, and having a long tail, which is prehen- sile, and used after the manner in which the spider monkeys use theirs. Its size is that of a cat, but its limbs are shorter, thicker and more muscular. The tongue is long, slender, and very ex- tensible, and used for drawing out of crevices, insects which are beyond the reach of its paws. This animal is a great 83 CARNIVORA. of the nests of wild bees, for the sake of obtaining the honey, of which it is very fond, and has, therefore, been called the "Honey- bee." Metes, (Lat. a badger.) M. vulgaris, (Lat. common.) The BADGER. The Badger has teeth which are best suited for masti- cating and bruising vegetable substances, and is less carnivorous than any of the PLANTIGRADES, except perhaps the bears. It is about as large as a dog of medium size, being about two feet three inches in length, but stands much lower on the legs, and has a broader and flatter body. The hairs taken separately are yellowish white at the bottom, black in the middle, and ashy gray at the point; the last color alone appears externally, and gives a sandy gray shade to the upper parts of the body. The face is white, and a long band of black runs along each side of the head, to the upper parts of the body. It is a quiet and inoffen- sive animal, but is often subjected to such ill-treatment, that " badg- ering" a person is a phrase used to express irritating him in every variety of manner. This animal inhabits most parts of Europe and Asia, but in some places is less common now than it once was. It is rather solitary and stupid, seeking refuge in retired places, where it excavates deep burrows, and shuns the light of day. The cruel sport of " baiting the badger," which consists in putting him in a kennel, and setting dogs to bite him through his thick hair and tough skin, is in some parts still continued. The Badger defends itself with great resolution, and sometimes to the destruction of its assailants. The flesh is esteemed a delicacy in Italy, France and China, and may be made into hams and bacon. The skin, when dressed with the hair, is impervious to the rain, and makes ex- cellent pistol furniture and covers for traveling trunks, while the hairs or bristles are made into paint brushes. M. Labradorius. The AMERICAN BADGER. The general characteristics of the American are the same as those of the Eu- ropean Badger. There is, however, a difference in the teeth af the American animal, and it has one tooth less than the Common Badger, on each side of the lower jaw. The length of this spe- cies is about two and a half feet. The body is very thick and fleshy, the nose thinner than that of the European species, and the claws of the fore feet much larger in proportion, while the tail is comparatively shorter; its fur is also of a quite different quality, and its appetites more carnivorous. The hair of the head and extremities is short and coarse ; that of the other parts is fine and silky. At the roots it is dark gray, then light yellow, then black tipped with white, so that in winter it has an aspect of hoary gray ; but in summer is more nearly a yellowish brown. It abounds in CARNIVORA. 87 the plains watered by the Missouri, and has been traced as far north as the banks of the Peace River. It is known to inhabit Mexico, but its exact southern range is perhaps not accurately determined. The sandy plains on the borders of Lake Winnipeg, are perforated with innumerable badger holes, which greatly annoy horsemen, particularly when covered with snow. Its bur. rows are sometimes six or seven feet deep, and run beneath the ground to the distance of thirty feet. It enlarges and pene- trates the burrows of marmots, ground squirrels, etc., and feeds upon these animals, which it cannot obtain when the ground is frozen. During the snowy season, or from November to April, it remains in a half torpid state. The badger is a slow and timid animal, taking to the ground when pursued, and to escape from danger, burrowing in the sandy soil with the rapidity of a mole. "The strength of its fore feet and claws is so great that one which had insinuated only its head and shoulders into a hole, resisted the utmost efforts of two stout young men, who endeavored to drag it out by the hind legs and tail, until one of them fired the contents of his fowling piece into its body." Early in the spring, badgers come abroad, at first fat, but soon become lean. At that time, 'they may be easily caught by pouring water into their holes, for the water not penetrating the frozen ground, soon fills the hole, and the animal is forced to come out. In this as in the Oois montana, the Rocky mountain sheep, the fur, during the winter, changes from a furry texture to a woolly covering. In confine- ment, the American Badger appears gentle, and "allows himself to be played with, and fondled by his keeper, but does not appear to be well pleased with strangers." It produces from three to five young at a litter. M. collaris. The INDIAN BADGER, or BEAR PIG of the Hin- doos,— is about the size of the common badger. It has the body and limbs of a bear ; the snout, eyes and tail are those of a hog. Gulo, (Lat. a glutton.) This genus includes the GLUTTON, or WOLVERINE, and the GRISON. These animals are semiplanti- grade in their walk, but resemble the weasel tribe in their teeth, and their thoroughly carnivorous propensity, as well as in the lengthened form of their bodies. Four species of this genus have been described. G. Arcticus. This species is found in the Arctic, or northern regions of both continents ; in size is about equal to the badger, but is more slender in body, and much more active. It seems to be intermediate between the badger and the polecat; in its general figure and aspect resembling the former; in its teeth the latter. The hair is of a chestnut color, verging, in some in- 88 CARNIVORA. stances, towards black ; its head is something like that of the polecat, hut broader, and indicates greater strength of jaw. The nature of the Glutton is indicated by its name ; and its laniary teeth evince its voracious and blood thirsty appetite. It is sometimes called the "Quadruped Vulture," from the fact that it preys occasionally upon dead bodies of quadrupeds, chiefly those which have been killed by accident. It is said, these animals "do more damage to the fur trade than all other animals conjointly. They follow the Marten hunter's path round a line of traps, extending forty, fifty or sixty miles, and render the whole unserviceable, merely to come at the baits, which are generally the head of a partridge, or a bit of dried venison. They are not fond of the Martens themselves ; but they never fail to tear them in pieces, and bury them in snow at a consider- able distance from the trap. Drifts of snow often conceal the repositories thus made of the Martens, at the expense of the hunt- er, in which case, they furnish a regale for the hungry fox, whose sagacious nostril guides him unerringly to the spot, and two or three foxes are often seen following the Wolverine for this purpose." Perhaps these attendant foxes have given rise to tlie roinurk that the Arctic Fox is the "Jackal or provider" of the Glutton. The Glutton feeds upon meadow mice, marmots and other rodentia, aad occasionally upon disabled quadrupeds of a larger size. It resembles the bear, but is not as fleet ; is industrious, feeds well, and is generally fat. It goes abroad much in the win- ter, and the track of its journey in a single night, may often be traced *0r miles. From the shortness of its legs, it moves with difficulty through the loose snow. Sir John Richardson says " the Wolverine is a great destroyer of beavers." It must, how- ever, be only in summer, when these animals are at work, that it can surprise them, for an attempt to break through their frozen mud-walled hoiwe, would drive the beavers into the water, to seek shelter in their vaults, on the borders of their dam. What- ever the boldness of the Wolverine, in defending itself against other quadrupeds, "it makes but a poor fight with a hunter, who requires no other arms than a stick to kill it." This animal has two secretory organs, from which he, on oc- casion, discharges a yellowish brown fluid that gives forth an offensive odor. The female brings forth yearly from two to four cubs, covered with a downy fur, of a pale cream color. The Wolverine remains through the winter, as far north as 70o 11' latitude, but does not change its color on account of the intense cold. According to Lesson, it inhabits a complete circle CARNIVORA. 89 around the North Pole, in Europe and Asia, as well as America. The skins furnished by Wolverines, do not compensate for their destructive habits. The fur resembles that of a bear, and is much used for muffs, and when. several skins are sewed together, makes a beautiful sleigh robe. In Kamtschatka, the women dress their hair with the white paws of this animal, which they esteem a great ornament. G. vittatus, (Lat. from vitta, a band or fillet,) the GRISON. A white line or band passes on each side of the front to the shoulders. They are most numerous in Guiana and Paraguay. G. or Ratellus mellivorus, (Lat. mel, honey, voro, to devour.) The RATEL of the Cape of Good Hope, in general characters, cor- responds with the glutton; in size is about equal to the badger. The color is of a dull ash gray, but whitest towards the head. It is said to feed principally upon the honey of bees, which inhabit the deserted lairs and burrows of the Ethiopian boar, the porcu- pine, etc. Ailurus Julgens, (Lat. shining,) the PANDA, or WAH, — is found in the Himalaya chain of mountains, between Nepaul and the Snowy mountains. Cuvier declared this to be one of the most beautiful of quadrupeds, and included it in the Bear tribe. In the arrangement and form of the teeth, it shows some resemblance to the Nasua and Procyon. It is about the size of a large cat ; the soft and thickly set fur is above, of the richest cinnamon red, behind more fulvous, and beneath, deep black, while the head is whitish, and the tail whitish, annulated with brown. Its loud cry resembles the word wah, whence its name. " This elegant animal frequents the vicinity of rivers and mountain torrents, passes much of its time on trees, and feeds upon birds and the smaller quadrupeds." The generic name is from the Gr. ailouros, a cat. To what animals is the name PLANTIGRADES given ? What is the derivation of the word ? What their movements and habits ? When and where are they in a lethargic state ? From what is the family name URSIDAE derived ? To what animals are the bears a connecting link ? What is said of their gait ? What use do they make of their fore paws? Describe their claws. To what kind of food are their teeth adapted ? Where are the genera of this family found? According to Audubon, how many species of the genus TTRSUS have been described? Give their locations. Describe the bear. What is said of the number and kind of their teeth ? Which of the carniv- orous animals is most omnivorous ? Do any bears subsist on vegetable food alone ? What are their habits ? What is their condition in the winter ? In what part of the world are they seldom met ? What use is made of their skins ? Where is the common bear found ? Is it now met with in Great Britain? What was the only species known to Linnaeus? What does it furnish the people of Kamtschatka ? What do the Laplanders call it ? Why ? What do the Norwegians say pf it ? What is said respecting its 93 CARNIVORA. winter home ? Is it long lived ? "What is said of the age of one in the Menagerie at Paris ? What is its size ? What is said of the ferocity of the Grizzly Bear? What use is made of its claws? How much does it weigh ? Upon what does it feed ? What is said of its strength ? What is said of the size, appearance and food of the American Bear ? What is the size of the young at first ? What is said of the Cinnamon Bear ? Describe the Polar Bear. What is its average length ? What is said of its weight ? What does Dr. Kane remark respecting this animal ? What is its chief diet ? On what else does he feed ? What do these animals eat when on the land ? What is said of their dens ? How do the males spend the win- ter? Define and spell hybernate, migrate and emigrate. When do the female bears sally forth from their winter retreats, and what is their appear- ance, and the degree of their ferocity? What is further said of the Polar Bear ? What is said of the Spectacled Bear ? What of the Siberian Bear ? What of the Syrian Bear ? What of the Sloth Bear ? What of the Malayan Bear ? Are bears found in Africa ? Were they known to exist there dur- ing Cuvier's life ? What is said of the remaining animals of this group ? What name is given to the Racoon ? Give the meaning of the generic and specific terms ? How were the racoon and other species formerly arranged? To what continent does it pertain ? On what part is it numerously found ? Describe the ani- mal in his appearance and habits ? What is a favorite kind of food with the racoon? How does it get at the contents of the shells? What does Audubon say as to the racoon's knowledge of the habits of fresh water muscles ? What are its favorite resorts ? How does it appear in captivity ? What is said of its curiosity? Why is it called lotor? How does it spend the winter ? What is said of its flesh and fur ? How does the Crab-eating Racoon differ from the Common Racoon ? Where does it conceal itself in the day time ? On what does it live ? From what is the generic term nasua derived ? Where is the Coati mondi found ? What are its charac- ters? How is it distinguished from the Racoon? How does it use its snout? What is its food? In what respects does it resemble the cat? What is further said of it ? Give the derivation and meaning of CERCOLEP- TES. Where is the Mexican Weasel found? What other names has it? What animal does it resemble ? What is said of its tail and size ? What use does it make of its tongue ? What name has been given it ? Why ? What is said of the Badger's teeth ? What of its food ? What of its size and hair? What does "badgering" a person mean? Where is the animal found ? What are its habits ? What is " baiting the Badger?" What is said of the flesh, and what use is made of the skin ? Wherein does the Ameri- can Badger differ from that of Europe ? Where does it abound ? What is said of its Northern and of its Southern range ? What is said of its bur- rows ? How does it annoy huntsmen ? How long and at what season is it torpid ? What is said of the strength of its fore feet and claws ? How are these animals easily caught in the spring ? How do they appear in confine- ment ? What changes does the fur undergo ? What is said of the Indian Badger? What does the genus Gulo include ? Give the characteristics of these animals. How many species ? To what is the species Gulo arcticus intermediate ? What is it sometimes called? Why ? How do these animals injure the fur trade? Upon what does the Glutton feed? What animal does it resemble? What more is said of it? How is the Grison marked, CARNIVORA. 91 and where most numerous ? Describe the Rattel ? Where is the Panda or Wan found ? What animals does it resemble ? What are its resorts ? SECTION XV. SUB-ORDER AMPHIBIA, (Gr. 'a^cplCiog, amphibios, having a double life.) -, | The term Amphibia, is, strictly speaking, applicable only to such animals as have double sets of lungs, or gills, giving them the power of living, indifferently, at the same time, either upon land or water ; but it is commonly given to seal, otters, beavers, etc., and to many reptiles whose habits are at once terrestrial and aquatic. (PL VI. fig. 11.) PHOCIDAE, (Gr. qpow^, PhoM, a sea-calf or seal.) This tribe of animals, belonging to the carnivorous order, show a peculiar adaptation to the sphere assigned them by the All-wise Creator. None of the four-limbed mammalia display such complete adapta- tion to residence in the water. Seals resemble quadrupeds in some respects, and fishes in others. They have round heads, and broad noses, not unlike those of dogs, with the same mild and ex- pressive physiognomy ; large whiskers ; oblong nostrils, and large, sparkling black eyes. In the seal there is no external ear; but a valve exists in the orifices which he can close at pleasure, in order to keep out the water; a valve is also found in the nostrils, which is useful for the same purpose. The body is covered with stiff, glossy hairs, which are closely set against the skin ; it is elongated and conical in form, gradually tapering from the shoul- ders to the tail. The feet of the seal differ from those qf all other quadrupeds. They have the same number of bones, but are covered with a membrane which would make them resemble fins more than feet, but for the sharp, strong claws with which they are pointed. The limbs may be viewed as a sort of oars, or pad- dles. In the front pair, the arm and forearm are very short, so that but little more than the forearm advances from the body ; the hind limbs are directed backwards so as to almost seem like a continuation of the body; the thighs and legs very short; the tail is short and thick ; the foot is formed on the same plan as the forepaw ; but the toes are in contact ; the web is folded when not in use as a paddle ; but spread out when the animal is swimming. The seal moves in the water with great ease and rapidity, but on the land, or on masses of ice, with extreme awkwardness. It is gregarious, living in herds more or less numerous, along the shores Of the sea. The cellular tissue, situated between the skin and muscles, is very loose and fibrous, and seems to be a receptacle 92 CARNIVORA. for the blood, during the suspension of breathing under water. It can remain in that element a long time without injury ; when it is submerged, the blood not freely circulating, and thus accu- mulating in the larger veins. Its tissue appears designed in part to relieve the animal from the pressure of the superincum- bent water. The blood is abundant and dark in appearance, showing that it has less oxygen than that of strictly terrestrial animals. Seals are found in almost every quarter of the globe, but they are most numerous in frozen and temperate regions. They exist in vast numbers in the seas around Spitzbergen, and on the coasts of Labrador, and Newfoundland. About thirteen species are included in the genus Phoca. In their wide range, seals are sometimes found within the waters of the state of New York, About the middle of the Spring of the year 1857, one wa% taken in the Hudson river, and another on the borders of Long Island. Dr. Dekay (N. Y. State Nat. Hist.) describes a female seal caught in Long Island Sound, near Sand*s Point. At a for- mer period, these animals were abundant in our waters. "A certain reef of rocks in the harbor of New York, is called Robin's Reef, from the numerous seals which were accustomed to resort thither; robm, orrobyn, being the name in Dutch for seal."* In the Kingston (U. C.) Chronicle, of February, 1823 or 1824, there was a notice of a seal taken on the ice of Lake Ontario, near Cape Vincent, (Jefferson county,) N. Y. In August, 1824, a seal was exhibited alive in New York, which had been taken in a seine in the Chesapeake, near Elkton, Maryland. A seal, said to have been beautifully spotted on the under side, was taken some years since near Lynn, Mass. The length of the common seal, Phoca concohr, or P. vitutina, (Lat. calf-like,) (see Plate VIII. fig. 1.) is, on an average, about five feet; the color, yellowish gray, clouded with brown or yellow. The female produces her young during the winter, taking care of them at the place of birth for a few weeks, until they become sufficiently strong to be taken to the water, to which they are then removed by the parent, not without solicitude for their safety. By her they are taught to swim, and seek for fish, and when they are fatigued, she carries them on her back. As might be expected from the nature of its food, the seal has a fishy smell. It is reported that when assembled in numbers on shore, the odor is perceivable at some distance. In pursuing their watery prey, seals display much cunning and power of swimming. * Nat. Hist, of State of New York. CARNIVORA. 93 The voice of the animal when old, is a hoarse, gruff bark ; when young, a peculiarly plaintive whine. " With a good glass," says Dr, Kane,* *• you may study these animals in their natural habit- udes, undisturbed by suspicion. As thus seen, in the centre of a large floe, and within retreating distance of his hole, the seal is a perfect picture of solitary enjoyment, rolling not unlike a horse, stretching his hide, awkwardly spreading out his flippers, and twisting his rump towards his head. Again he will wriggle about in the most grotesque manner; the sailors call it 'squirm, ing,' every now and then rubbing his head against the snow. The shapes of a seal, or rather his aspects, are full oi strange variety. At a side view, with his caudal end slued round 10 the side from you, and his head lifted suspiciously in the air, he is the exnct image of a dog, cluen de mer. During his wriggles, he resembles a great snail; a little while after, he turns his back to you, and rises up on his side flippers, like a couching hunter, pre- paring for a shot, the very image of an Esquimaux." The seals are proverbially shy. The Esquimaux and Greenlanders, to whom these animals are of inestimable importance, as furnishing them with the chief means of subsistence, are from earliest youth, trained to the pursuit of them, and look upon the most successful hunters of them as their great men. "No one can pass for a right Greenlander who cannot catch seals." This is not strange, considering the manifold benefits furnished the northern tribes by these animals. The boat, or kajah in which they brave the violence of a northern sea, and the perils of the chase, con- sists of the skin of the seal placed over a light frame work of wood. The same skin furnishes the material for his dress; the flosh of the animal supplies him with his " most palatable and substantial food ; the fat gives him oil for lamp-light, chamber and kitchen fire. He can sew better with fibres of seal's sinews than with thread or silk. Of the skins of the entrails, he makes the windows of his house, curtains for his tents, his shirts; and part of the bladders they use at their harpoons, and he makes train bottles of the maw or stomach." Seal skins and oil are to him also important articles of commerce. The fishing com- mences in autumn, and is practised by means of nets stretched across narrow sounds where the seals are in the habit of swimming. Only the young ones can be taken in these nets ; the old ones are shot, or else the boatmen enter the recesses of the animals at night, with torches and bludgeons, and despatch them, winch they do easily with a slight blow on the forehead or muzzle. * Grinnell Arctic Expedition. 91 CARNJVORA. x "To shoot seal," says Dr. Kane, "one must practise the Esqui- maux tactics, of much patience and complete immobility. It is no fun to sit motionless and noiseless as a statue, with a cold iron musket in your hands, and the thermometer 10o below zero. Very strange are these seal ! a countenance between the dog and the ape; an expression so like that of humanity, that it makes gun-murderers hesitate. At last, at long shot, 1 hit one. The ball did not kill outright ; it struck too low. He did drown finally and sunk, and so I lost him. Curiosity, contentment, pain, re- proach, despair, and even resignation, I thought I saw on this seal's face." . . . " A Danish boy who had joined us by stealth at Disco, told us that the animal's sinking was a proof that he had no blubber, and he was probably right." Though the orifice of the ear, as we have said, contains a valve which closes, yet the seal has a most delicate sense of hearing, and delights in musical sounds, a fact not unknown to the ancients. Laing, in his ac- count of a voyage to Spitsbergen, states that when the violin was played, "a numerous audience of seals" would generally collect around the vessel, following her course for miles. In allusion to this peculiarity of the seal, Sir Walter Scott says, " Rude Heiskar's seals, through surges dark, Will long pursue the minstrel's bark." The seal has often been domesticated, and it is said, made use of in fishing. The following is among the anecdotes illustrating this remark. "In January, 1819, a gentleman residing in the county of Fife, Scotland, completely succeeded in taming a seal. Its singularities attracted the curiosity of strangers daily. It ap- peared to possess all the sagacity of a dog, lived in its master's house, and ate from his hand. In his fishing excursions, this gentleman generally took it with him, when it afforded no small entertainment. If thrown into the water, it would follow for miles, the track of the boat, and though thrust back by the oars, it never relinquished its purpose. Indeed it struggled so hard to regain its seat, that one would imagine its fondness for its master had entirely overcome the natural predilection for its native element." When companies of seals are seen at some distance " walking the water," their heads peering above it, they assume sometimes such appearances as have given rise to the stories of TRITONS, SIRENS and MERMAIDS, concerning which many marvelous things have been written. The Phoca Groenlandica, or HARP SEAL, is about six feet in 95 length, and noted for the variations of its color, as it advances towards maturity. The Phoca barbata, (Lat. bearded.) is larger, and has thicker and stronger moustaches than the others. Its length varies from seven to ten feet. Dr. Kane speaks of one which was shot by Capl. Haven, of the Grinnell Arctic Expedition, measuring " eight feet from tip to tip ; five feet eleven inches in his greatest circumference, and five feet six inches in girth behind the fore- flippers." " His carcass," says the Dr. "was a shapeless cylin- der, terminating in an awkward knob, to represent the head." P. cristatus, (Lat. crested,) or Slemmatopus, (Gr. stemma, a wreath; dps, face,) or HOODED SEAL, is distinguished for having a globular sac, which can be swelled upon the top of the head, in the male animal. This species reach the size of seven or eight feet, and live in the seas about Greenland and Newfoundland. The ELEPHANT SEAL, or SEA ELEPHANT, P. Macrorhinus, (Gr. makros, long, rhin, nose,) proboscideus, (Gr. proboskis, a trunk,) is the largest known species, being from twenty to thirty feet long, and having a girth at the largest part of the body, of eighteen feet. A full grown male of this species will yield seventy gallons of oil. This kind of seal is found on the southern coasts of Austra- lia, Juan Fernandez, and the neighboring parts of South Ameri- ca. Its voice is like the lowing of cattle, and it is inert in its habits. The name " Elephant Seal/' is given to the animals of this species, partly on account of the large size of their tusk-like canines, and partly from their power of lengthening the upper lip into a kind of proboscis. They are much sought after on ac- count of the quantity of oil which they yield, and also of their strong skins, which are valuable for harness making. The SEA LION, Plalyrhyncus leoninus, found on the north and south coasts of the Pacific, is from six to ten feet in length, and of a yellowish brown color. The males have a large mane upon their necks, partly covering the head and shoulders, and a very powerful voice, whence their name. The SEA BEAR, Arctocephalus ursinus, is so called from the fur and shape of the head. It grows to the length of five or six feet, and has small external ears. The membrane of the hind feet is prolonged into as many lobes as there are toes, and the fore feet are placed very far back. The color of the fur is brown, but when it is old, assumes a grayish tint. This species inhabits the coasts of the South Pacific, and is also said to be found in the northern hemisphere. Tricliccus Rosmarus, the WALRUS, MORSE, or SEA Cow. 93 CARNIVORA. This animal resembles the seal in its general conformation, but is much larger, and more thick and clumsy in its proportions. Its distinguishing peculiarity is the construction of the skull. The lower jaw is without incisor and canine teeth, and is compressed laterally to fit in between two enormous canine teeth, or tusks, which arise out of the upper jaw, and are inclined downwards with a gentle curve. The length of the tusks is sometimes two feet. The alveoli, or sockets of these tusks, occupy the whole of the front portion of the upper jaw, and give a roundness to the form of the muzzle ; the nostrils do not end in a snout, but are far above the mouth, or what seems the middle of the face. The development of the brain is less in the Walrus, than in the seal, and it shows less intelligence. The ears are merely two small orifices; the head is small in proportion to the bulk of the body; the neck short; the lips are thick, the upper one divided by a longitudinal furrow, and studded with strong bristles ; the skin is very thick and impenetrable, and covered with smooth, yellowish hair. This huge animal is often eighteen or twenty feet in length, and ten or twelve in circumference, around the chest. The Walrus is found in the icy seas of the north. Like the seal it is gregarious. It is not a ferocious animal, but on account of its great strength, and formidable tusks, is dangerous when attacked ; and the more dangerous because many hasten to the help of a companion when in trouble. They are said to be mo- nogamous. The females defend their young with great resolu- tion and perseverance. These animals resort to islands of ice, or the ice-bound shore. The tusks furnished them by the Crea- tor, assist them to mount the slippery acclivities, or ledges of ice, they striking the points of the tusks into the glassy surface in order to secure themselves firmly, and drawing up their unwieldy bodies. It is said their hind feet are furnished with suckers, which act on the principle of cupping glasses, exhausted of air, so that the feet adhere to the ice, and thus help the animals to propel themselves forward. Thus the Walrus can climb the ice- berg with security, pass over its surface and betake itself at pleasure to the waters of the ocean. Captain Cook, in his Journal of his Voyages, speaks of meet- ing with Walruses off the northern coast of America. "They lie," says he, "in herds of many hundreds, upon the ice, hud- dling over one another like swine, and roar and bray so very loud that in the night, or in foggy weather, they gave us notice of the vicinity of ice before we could see it. We never found the whole herd asleep, some being always on the watch. These, CARNIVORA. 97 on the approach of the boat, would awaken those next to them, and tjie alarm being thus gradually communicated, the whole herd would be awake presently; but they were seldom in a hurry to get away till after they had been once fired at ; they would then tumble over one another into the sea, in the utmost confusion, and if we did not at the first discharge, kill those we fired at, we generally lost them, though mortally wounded. The dam, when in the water, holds the young one between her fore arms." The chief use of the walrus to man, is in its tusks, which yield the finest ivory, and in its abundant blubber, or fat, which yields oil. They, and indeed all the marine mammalia which are found in the Arctic seas, have abundant fat, as their defence against the cold. A beautiful and striking evidence of kind and intelligent design, of which numberless instances are presented to the student of Natural History, is seen in the fact that immediately beneath the skin, a thick layer envelopes the body, and being a bad conductor of caloric, besides other advan- tages already referred to, prevents the vital heat from passing off. With the Polar Bear, U. Maritimus, the Walruses have frequent and desperate conflicts. They feed upon shell fish, and marine vegetables, and perhaps a further use of their tusks is to root up their food from the spot to which it adheres. Their flesh, like that of the seal, is highly valued by the inhabitants of Arctic re- gions, and northern voyagers have often found it a most accepta- ble repast. Give the derivation and meaning of AMPHIBIA. To what animals alone does it strictly apply ? To what others is it commonly given ? From what is PHOCIDAE derived ? What is said of their adaptation to a watery resi- dence ? Describe the Seal. What is said of its habits ? How is it enabled to remain in water a long time without injury ? Where are Seals most nu- merous? How many species does the genus include? Where have they been found in this country ? What is their size ? What does Dr. Kane say of these animals ? To what people are they of inestimable importance ? Relate the particulars which are given respecting them. What has occa- sioned the stories respecting Tritons, Syrens and Mermaids? What is said of the Harp Seal ? Give some particulars of the Bearded, Hooded and Ele- phant Seals. What is said of the SEA LION ? Why is it so called ? Give some account of the SEA BEAR. What animal does the Walrus resemble ? What other names has it? What is its distinguishing peculiarity? How long are the tusks ? Give its general characteristics. What is said of its intelligence? What is its length? Where is' it found? What are its habits and disposition ? With what are its hind feet furnished ? What does Captain Cook relate respecting Walruses ? Who was Captain Cook ? Ans. A celebrated English circumnavigator, who was killed by the natives at Owyhee, Sandwich Islands, in 1779. What is their chief use to man ? What evidence do they give of kind and intelligent design on the part of the 5 93 CARNIVORA. Creator? With what animal doep the Walrus have severe conflicts? What is its food ? What is said of its flesh ? •» SECTION XVI. SUB-ORDER INSECTIVORA. (Lat. insecta, insect, voro, to eat.) The INSECTIVORA, as the term denotes, comprehends those ani- mals whose food is especially insects, but not exclusively, as sometimes they feed on other, and even vegetable substances. They walk on the sole of the foot, (plantigrada.) The sub-or- der includes three families. Their motions are feeble, feet short and slender, snout lengthened. In cold climates they pass the winter in a dormant state. HEDGE-HOGS, (Erinaceadce, from erinaceus, Lat. for hedge-hog.) The true hedge-hogs are found in Europe, Asia and Africa, while others are found in Madagascar and the Oriental Islands. They are slow and inoffensive, but are self-defended by a coat of stiff, tough spines or prickles. They roll themselves up into a round ball, and thus the spines project from every part of the surface, and are a defence and safeguard. They lie concealed in some crevice between the moss-grown roots of a tree, among a mass of withered leaves, or in a hole which they have exca- vated ; and in this condition, the animal remains during the day, protected from injury in the way before described, should its retreat be discovered. As the dusk of evening comes on, it issues from its lurking place and prowls about for food. If pursued it makes no defence, but rolls itself up and trusts to its spines for safety. These are, indeed, the only means of defence bestowed upon this little, weak and timid animal. It feeds upon insects, frogs, snails, fruits, and esculent roots. It is useful in gardens, and often kept in large kitchens for the destruction of beetles and cockroaches. The TENREC, (Centetes, Gr. xevrfa, kenteo, to sting or prick,) called also the Asiatic or striped hedge-hog, of Madagascar, has no tail, but is covered with a spiny coat of mail. It rolls itself up in the way of the hedge-hog already mentioned, though not so easily, is nocturnal, and passes three months of the year in sleep. Some are not larger than a mole. The species are Tenrec Centetes acaudatus, Lat. a, without, cauda, a tail.) C. setosus, (Lat. bristly.) Its spines are short and rigid. Vaiied Tenrec, C.semi-spinosus, (Lat. semi, half, spina, spine.) Its body is clothed with a mixture of spines and bristles. SOREX, (Lat. shrew.) The SHREWS have usually been con- sidered a kind of mice and of the order Rodentia. They are, CARNIVORA. 99 however, distinguished from the latter by their teeth, and the con- ical form of the head, and nose tapering to a long point. They place the entire sole of the foot upon the ground, which makes their legs appear short. They have glands along the side of the body, which secrete a humor of an unpleasant and peculiar odor. Their shrill, piercing cry may often be heard in spring and summer. Water shrews, which are twice the size of the others, are found upon the banks of rivers, ponds, and marshes, and appear to collect their food, consisting of the larvee of the ephemeral flies, from the loose mud. Stationing themselves at the mouths of their holes, they look intently on the water, and if a shoal of minnows pass by, they plunge in among them, diving with much adroitness. Their fur repels the water, and while submerged they appear almost white. The Common Shrew, S. araneus, (Lat. Spiders,) is covered with soft velvety fur, is easily distinguished from the mouse by its long, tapering and cartilagin- ous snout; the eyes, too, are very minute, almost hidden in the surrounding hairs, and the ears are round and close. It is usu- ally of a reddish mouse color above, grayish beneath, and some- times tinged with yellow. Its entire structure is well adapted to burrow under the earth, but it can also move rapidly upon the surface. Its length, from the snout to the tail, is about five inches ; its tail is one inch long ; it feeds upon insects, worms and grubs. Sorex fodiens, (Lat. digging.) The WATER SHREW closely resembles the common shrew in its conformation. Its feet are rather broad and formed for swimming, having a lock of stiff hairs on the end of the toes ; its tail is rather slender and fringed with stiff hairs. Its swimming is principally effected by the al- ternate action of the hind feet. The appearance of these ani- mals, and their motions in water are quite amusing. A sort of musk is expressed from the region about the tail, and the skins are put into chests and wardrobes, among clothes, to preserve them from moths. The DESMAN or MUSK RAT, Mygale (Gr. spider-mouse,) mos- cliata. This is known as the Russian Musk Rat, is about the size of a hedge-hosj and distinguished from the shrews by its long scaly tail, flattened at the sides. Under the tail of the Des- man are two small follicles, containing a kind of unctuous sub- stance of a strong musk odor, from which the name of musk rat is given to it. The SCALOP, to which Linnssus gave the name of Sorex aquaticus, is a native of Canada and is now separated from the true shrews. 100 CARNIVORA. We come now to notice the MOLE (Ta/pa) — Family, Tatyida. This animal is five or six inches in length and formed for an un- derground life. Its body is thick and cylindrical ; the he id is pro- longed, especially the muzzle, which projects far beyond the jaws, and is very flexibile and strong, serving to convey the food to the mouth ; it has no external ears, but the auricular appara- tus is highly developed, and the sense is very acute ; its ey$s are very small and concealed by its fur, so that it is a vulgar opinion that it is deficient in these important organs. The head is not distinguished from the body by any appearance of neck ; the legs do nor project perceptibly from the body. The mole is accustomed to burrow for its food, forming its abode or "encampment" under ground, and raising a larger hil- lock than the rest for the reception of its young. Its subterra- nean excavations are most distinctly and determinately made, having passages or " high roads " from one part of its domain to another. Into these roads open the excavations in which it daily searches for food. In this home, which is separated from that in which its nest is formed, it dwells from autumn to spring. The mole is essentially an accomplished miner, and unlike most of the mammalia, finds his happiness and his home in the subterra- nean (underground) galleries which he excavates with admirable skill and industry. Its fore feet, which are broad and muscular, are constructed like hands and form complete paddles for throw- ing the soil behind the animal. (See Plate VI, fig. 4 of Mole's foot.) It has been mentioned that there is no external conch to the ears, as the auditory opening concealed by the fur is small. "A valve, capable of being raised or lowered like an eye-Hd, the mechanism of which is visible if the fur be shaved away, closes this aperture at the will of the animal, so as to ex- clude any particle of earth or sand." The eyes, too, which are exceedingly small and buried in the fur for protection, may be uncovered at pleasure, when it emerges to the light. The Crea- tor has given it the power of vision, but in a very limited degree ; in fact it is in the very lowest stage of development, but it has all in this respect that is needed. Its keen sense of smell is its chief guide in searching for food, and dwelling as it does, in darkness, this sense is remarkably perfect. The structure of the mole is such as to concentrate the whole force and energy of the animal in the anterior portion, and thus is adapted to its habits and mode of life ; the hands are large, bread, and thick ; the bones knit firmly and solidly together; the claws are enormous — these are the organs by which it throws CARNIVORA. 101 up the earth ; the head is an organ for boring or digging, very iong and flat, with the cartilages of the nose ossified ; the liga- ment of the neck, which in other animals is elastic, is here bone also, so that the strain in digging is better borne ; the pelvis is very small ; the bones of the hind limbs are small and slender and the hind feet, though having claws, are feeble in comparison with the spade-like hands, thus hindering not its course through its under-ground roads, but yet having sufficient strength, and not in the way. In short, were we called upon for striking evidence of the de- sign and attentive care of GOD. we would point to the habits and manners of the MOLE, and the fitness and adaptation of the means and instruments with which it is provided. The mole does not, of its own accord, emerge from its subterranean abode, except to seek for some more favorable soil in which to construct its halls and winding galleries. Rich and cultivated meadows, abounding in worms and other insects, are its favorite localities in which it makes its burrows. Unlike the dormouse or marmot, it is not less active in winter than in summer ; the twilight hours of morning and evening are its period of labor. The nest where the female mole nurses her helpless young, (of which she has one brood yearly, generally four or five, some- times as few as three, rarely six,) is formed in a vault, carefully constructed at the center of diverging passages, made soft with leaves, grass, and scales of bulbous roots. '• The parents afford a pattern of mutual affection and assistance." The food consists of worms, insects, and when it can obtain them, small birds or quadrupeds, to which roots are also added. It is impatient of hunger, and cannot endure a fast of more than six hours' duration ; an abstinence of twelve hours is said to produce death. Agriculturists complain that they suffer injury from the young corn which moles carry off for constructing their nests ; but its turning up and lightening the soil, and its destruction of insects, earth worms and noxious creatures found near the surface of the ground and so hurtful to grass, corn and other, plants, furnish advantages to the farmer which probably more than counter- balance any injuries which he suffers from the doings of the rr.ole ; at the same time, we should guard the undue increase of these mining animals. CONDYLURA, (Gr. xavdvlr], kondule, a knob, otigd, oura, a tail ; knobbed tail.) CRESTED or &TAR-NOSED MOEE. This name was given to this animal, by Illiger, under an erroneous 102 CARNIVORA. impression that the tail is " knobbed." There is but one spe- cies well known, cristata, (crested,) found in various parts of the United States. The nostrils are surrounded by movable carti- laginous points that radiate like a star when expanded. The color is brownish black above, a shade lighter beneath. The head is remarkably large ; the body thick and short, growing narrower towards the tail, which is smaller at the root, large in the middle, and tapering to a fine point at the tip ; the fur on the body is very fine, soft and shining. The shape of the body resembles that of the common shrew mole, and it is similar in its habits. The BANXRINGS, (Tupaidce,) of Sumatra and Java, are remark, able insectivorous animals. They are nocturnal, and squirrel- like in their appearance and habits. QUESTIONS ON THE INSECTIVORA. How many families does the INSECTIVORA include ? On what do they feed? What is said of their motions and habits? Where are the true Hedge-hogs found ? Where others ? How are they self-defended ? How do they conceal themselves ? How is the day spent ? When does it seek its food? How act when pursued ? For what is it useful ? Where is the Tenrec found ? What is it called ? How covered ? What are its habits ? What its size ? How many species ? Give their names and derivation. To what order have Shrews commonly been referred? How are they distin- guished from mice ? How do they tread ? What have they upon the side of the body ? What is said of their cry ? To what places do Water Shrews resort ? What do they use for food ? What is said of their watching for minnows? What effect has their fur upon the water? How is the shrew distinguished from the mouse ? What is its color ? For what is it well adapted ? What is said of the Water Shrew ? What of the Russian Musk Rat? What of the Scalop ? For what kind of life is the mole formed? Describe the animal. How does it obtain its food? What is said of its ex- cavations ? How are its fore feet constructed ? What is remarkable about the ear ? What is said of the sight and smell ? In what part of the body is the strength concentrated ? Give particulars as to its structure. Wherein does it give proof of divine care ? Why does it leave its subterranean abode ? In what respect is it unlike the dormouse or marmot ? What is said of its nest? What of its abilities to fast? Why do agriculturists com- plain of the mole ? What benefits does it confer upon the farmer ? From what is the term Condylura derived ? Was it rightly given ? Why is this animal called Crested or Star-nosed ? Describe it. What is said of its shape and habits? What is said of the Banxrings? OBS. Here, at the close of the order CARNIVORA, and every other order, let the teacher have a general review, naming the sub-orders, tracing out the genera, families, &c., giving the specific name to each as he describes the animal, pointing them out when on the chart, telling all he can remem- ber about them, either from the book or chart. If he omits anything, let it be mentioned by other members of the class. No pupil should ever be per- mitted to pass the name of a person, or place, or even a word, without knowing who the person was, where the place is, and what the word means. MARSUPJALIA. 103 SECTION XVII. FOURTH ORDER. MARSUPIALIA, OR MARSUPIATA. (Lat. marsupium, a purse or bag.) This order is arranged into two sections, — Marsupials and Monotremata. These are not unfrequently regarded as separate orders, constituting a sub-class termed Ovo-vivipara, (Lat. ovum, an egg ; irivo, to live, and pario, to produce,) and intermediate between the truly viviparous mammals and the oviparous birds and reptiles. The animals of this order are numerous and quite different in their organs from all other mammals. So peculiar is their internal structure that Cuvier remarks they may be looked upon as containing several orders running parallel with the or- ders of ordinary quadrupeds. Their rank is low in the scale of intelligence. Of the two sections the marsupials show the least departure from the general type of the Mammalia. The most striking peculiarity, common to them all, is the immature state of the young at birth, they being much like the half formed chick in an egg which has been but a few days incubated •, and their reception, into a pouch or fold of a skin in the female, in which they .are nourished, remaining there five or six weeks, until they increase in size and are able to take care of them- selves. Even for some time after the young one can procure its own living^ and runs and plays by its mother's side, it instinct- ively flies to the maternal pouch for protection from threatening danger. The pouch is supported by two bones placed amidst the abdominal muscles and called the marsupial bones. They are found in the male as well as in the female, and even in species where the pouch- formed fold of the skin is scarcely perceptible. It is remarkable that these mammals are confined almost entirely to Australia, including New Guinea and the islands immediately adjacent, excepting the Opossums, whose home is South America, but which are also found abundantly in the United States, resid- ing in woods and thickets near hamlets and villages. Appear- ances of secondary rocks seem, however, to indicate that at for- mer periods they were more widely spread over the earth's sur- face than they are at present. The Marsupials include between seventy and eighty known spe- cies, arranged by Prof. Owen into sixteen genera. The whole are divided into five families, named from the more usual char- acter of their food. I. The SARCOPHAGA, (Gr. ow£l, sarx ; qpaycu, phago, to eat.) FLESH-EATERS. These are found in New Holland and Van Diemen's Land 104 MARSUPIALIA. alone ; though remains of them have been found in the Stonefielcl slate, (England,) and in the gypsum quarries of Paris, (France.) They show great varieties of size, from that of a small wolf to a mouse, the larger ones being considerably fierce, des- troying sheep, and even making their way into houses ; others attack poultry and suck their blood. Those of the smallest size show a likeness to the Insectivora, and live on trees. Prof. Owen enumerates three genera of the Sarcophaga, viz. : Thyla- cinus, Dasyurus and Phascogale. These, with others of the or. der, show a tendency to the multiplication of teeth, and peculiar, ities of the arterial system and bodily organs. The Thyladnus, (Gr. Oulaxog, thulacos, a sac ; Iviq, inis, offspring,) has incisors, f.; Canines, |;f ; Molars, ^:^ =46. The species T. cynocephalus, (Gr. xvuv, kudn, a dog ; xecpal^ kephale, head,) Dog-headed Thy- lacinus, Tasminian or Zebra Wolf, is an extremely active animal, of the size of a young wolf; has short smooth hair, of a dusky brown above, but barred or zebraed on the lower part of the back with about sixteen jet-black transverse stripes. This has to the other animals of the group, relations similar to those which the lion and tiger have to the larger quadrupeds of Africa and Asia. Formerly it preyed chiefly upon Phalangers and Kangaroos, re- jecting the flesh of the Wombat, an animal common in the dis- trict which it inhabits. Since sheep have been introduced, its favorite food is mutton, which puts shepherds on the alert to des- troy these animals by every possible means. The Dasyurus, (Gr. daaf>st dasus, thick ; ou^ct, dura, tail,) has a conical shaped head, and on the hind feet the great toe is reduced to a tubercle, or entirely absenf. It has four less molar teeth than the Thyla- cinus, making the number forty -two. One species is named D. ursinus, (Lat. ursus, a bear,) — Ursine Dasyurus — having very strong muscular jaws, and in its movements resembling the bear. Its vulgar name is " Native Devil." The Dasyurus is very destructive to poultry, eats raw flesh of all kinds and probably dead fish and blubber, as its tracks are found on the sea shore. In confinement it appears untamably savage, biting severely, and uttering at the same time a low, yelling growl. The Phas- cogale, (Gr. cpagx&hov , phaskoUon, a bag; y«^£, gale a weasel.) has seven molars instead of six, on each side, above and below, making the whole number forty-six. The species P. peniciUala, (Lat. penicillus, a little tail,) lives on trees, has fur short, woolly and thick, and is rather larger than the brown rat. II. FAMILY, the ENTOMOPHAGA, (Gr. Iviopn, entoma, insect; qpayw, to eat.) INSECT EATERS. These have three kinds of teeth in both jaws and a simple MARSUPIALIA. 105 stomach, like the preceding family, but more complicated in- testines. This family includes three branches, or sub-fami- lies; Ambulaloria, (walking;) Saltatoria, (leaping;) Scan- soria, (climbing.) The only genus of the Ambulatoria, or Walking section, is Myrmecobius, (Gr. {ifyuii%, murmex, an ant ; fiioo), biod, to live. The only species is M. fasciatus, (Lat. swathed,) which feeds on ants and has the reddish black of the body adorned with nine white bands, whence the specific name. Its length is ten inches. The Perameles, (BANDICOOTS,) is of the Leaping section, including animals which, in their general struc- ture, form a link between the Opossums and the Kangaroos, evi- dently approaching the latter in their form, and particularly in the development of their hind quarters ; with the Opossums they agree in having a simple stomach and ten incisors in the upper jaw. Some species, as P. lagotis, (Gr. Aayo>g, logos, a hare,) make large and almost exclusive use of vegetable food. In most of this family the pouch opens backwards, the reverse of what occurs in the other Marsupialia, though in P. lagotis it opens anteriorly. The species are found in Van Diemens' Land and in New Guinea. The Scansoria, or Climbing section, include the DidelphidtB, or OPOSSUMS, in their geographical distribution confined to this continent. These animals are all small, the larg- est being about the same size as the domestic cat, while some of them are no larger than mice. They number about thirty spe- cies, ranging from Brazil to Virginia, under one genus Didelphis, (Gr. dig, dis, double ; dehyig, delphis, a pouch,) with the exception of a single species, found in Surinam, in size larger than a rat, and from its aquatic habits, as shown by its broad webbed feet, ranked as a sub-genus, under the name Cheironectes, (Gr. %elg, cheir, hand ; vrjxxi\<;, nekles, a swimmer.) The true OPOSSUMS, (Didelphis,) have fifty teeth, viz. : ten incisors above and eight below, four canines, twelve false molars, sixteen molars. The incisors are small and disposed in the form of a semi-circle ; the canines are large and strong ; the molars are crowned with sharp tubercles. The feet have each five toes, armed with strong curved claws ,• the inner toe of the hind feet, however, is desti- tute of a claw, and is so placed as to be opposable to the oth- ers, thus constituting a true thumb. The tail is more or less prehensile at the tip, and hence they are arboreal. The soles of their feet are covered with a naked skin of great sensibility ; the ears and tip of the muzzle are likewise naked. In some species, as D. dorsigerus, (Lat. dor sum, a back ; gero, to carry,) the pouch exists only in a rudimentary state, or slight folds of the skin. The young of these species, when of sufficient size, 106 MARSUPIALIA. leave the pouch of the parent and are carried on her back, where they hold themselves by entwining their prehensile tails around that of the parent. (See Plate V. fig. 7.) The species best known is the common Opossum, D. Virginiana, of the United States, as early as 1649 thus described : " This beast hath a bagge un- der her bellie, into which she taketh her young ones, if at any time they be affryghted, and carry eth them away." The food of the Opossum is roots, poultry, and wild fruits. Like the spi- der monkeys,, this animal uses the tail for climbing and swinging from branch to branch ; it crawls slowly on the earth. When attacked it will feign itself dead, and no. beating will induce it to show any signs of life. Even dogs are deceived, and turning it over, pass it by, The initiated determine whether it be alive or not " by the appearance of the last joint of the tail, which is never relaxed." From its assuming a feigned character, any adroit cheat, or sly deceitful acting, is said to be " possuming," or " playing possum." It has been said, "if a cat has nine lives, this creature surely has nineteen ; for if you break every bone in their skin and mash their skull, leaving them for dead, you may come an hour after and they will be gone quite away, or perhaps you may meet them creeping away." — (Lawson.) The color of the Opossum is greyish white, darker along the sides ; the flesh is very white and well tasted ; for this it is hunted, but not for its fur. When disturbed or alarmed it gives out a very unpleasant odor. The Virginia Opossum is about the size of a domestic cat. Its hair is of two kinds ; the lowest a long woolly down, brownish at the tip, through which pass the long hairs of a pure white on the head, neck, and upper parts of the body. The tail is not so long as the body, covered at the base by long hairs, but only scantily furnished with bristles which come out from be- tween the whitish scales that protect it for the greater part of its length. III. Family, the CARPOPHAGA, (Gr. xagnog, Icarpos, fruit ; qpayoj, phago, to eat.) FRUIT EATERS have large and long inci- sors in both jaws ; the canines sometimes wanting, and a still longer intestinal canal. They resemble the squirrel tribe, but are more closely related to the Kangaroos, the Kangaroo-rats, (Hypsiprimnus, Gr. "vywyviuvog, hupsiprimnos, high extremity or stern,) affording the connecting link. Of this family are the PHALANGERS, Phalangista, (Gr. rhiza, root; s, odous, a tooth.) This fossil Edentate, according to Professor Owen, "holds an intermediate place between the Ai and the Great Armadillo." It must have had the size and proportions of a Rhinoceros, but with the limbs still more massive. So great was probably its muscular strength, it could overthrow trees ; and as it was a leaf-eater, and too bulky and ponderous for climbing, it could thus feast at its ease, on the abundant foliage. Scelidotherium, (Gr. oxehls, skelis, a haunch, or thigh ; tlierion, a wild beast.) This large extinct Edentate was allied to the Megatherium, and the Orycteropus, Cape Ant-Eater. What is the fifth Order of the MAMMALS ? Why did Cuvier give this name to the animals of this order ? Is it strictly applicable to all the genera? To which is it applicable ? Name the first family. What is its meaning ? Give the other name of this family and its significations. How many genera does it include ? What are the leading characters and habits of the Sloth or Ai ? What gives them a firm hold on the branches of trees ? Do they ever leave them ? On what part do they rest ? What is said of their sleep during captivity ? What is said of the habits of the Unau and other tropical Sloths ? Where are they all found ? Give the name of the second family. What is its derivation? How are the ANT-EATERS distinguished? What peculiarly separates them from Pangolins? What is said of their jaws, phalanges (small bones of the fingers and toes,) and toes? Are the toes capable of separate motion? How do they walk? Describe the tongue and its uses. What is said of the other parts of the animal? How many species of the ANT-EATERS PROPER are named? What is said of the size of the animal ? How many toes has it ? Why is it sometimes called Ant- Bear ? Why Jubata or crested ? What more is said of it ? What is said of the size of the Tamandua ? In what respect does it differ from the Great- Ant-Eater ? How is the Little, or Two- Toed Ant- Eater distinguished, and in what particular respect or feature does it differ from the other two spe- cies ? Where is the Aard- Vark or Earth-Hog found ? What animals does it resemble ? What is its size ? Does its tongue differ from that of the A. E. Proper? Why was the name Pangolin given to the Scaly Ant-Eaters? To what region is it confined ? How does it resemble the Hairy Ant-Eaters, and how differ from them ? For what are these animals particularly remark- able ? Where is the Long-tailed species found ? What is said of the scales ? Where is the Short-tailed species found? What names has it received? 6 122 RODENTIA. How does it differ from the Long-tailed species? "What more is said of it? What is the name of the Third Family ? How does Cuvier arrange it ? Has it teeth? What is the chief distinction of the Armadillos? Describe them. What is the origin of the name? What is said of the tail? How doee the number of the teeth vary ? How do they resemble those of the Dolphin? What further is said of these animals? Where is the Peba found? How long is it? On what account is it hunted? What is said of animals of this species in the Zoological Gardens of England ? What dis- tinguishes the Mataco from all others of the genus ? What is said of the toes and claws of the Great Armadillo? What is its size? How is it separated from the other species ? What is reported by the collectors of the Jesuits' bark ? Give some account of the Chlamyphorus ? What does Dr. Harlan remark ? What is its size ? What is the Fourth Family ? What is said of the size and proportions of these animals ? What of their fossil remains ? How many species does Prof. Owen name ? How has the structure of this animal been made out ? What suggestion has been made respecting it ? To what animals were they most nearly allied ? What is said of their size ? What of its fore feet and tail ? For what was it adapted ? Give the quotation from Dr. Buckland. Define the term Megalonyx. Why was this name given ? State Jefferson's views of this animal. What did Cuvier show ? Who arranged it as a dis- tinct genus ? What is the import of the term Glossotherium ? Upon what was this genus based ? How did Prof. Owen determine their relation to Ant- Eaters ? Explain the term Mylodon. What place does Prof. Owen assign it ? What is said of its size ? Define the term Scelidotherium. To what does it relate? What is said of the MEGATHERIUM on the chart ? Give its dimensions and trace it from its position among the Sloth Family, BRADYPIDAE, through all its grades. Trace the Armadillo in the same way. SECTION XIX. SIXTH ORDER. — RODENTIA. (Lat. rodo, to gnaw.) RODENTS or GNAWERS. The GLIRES of Linnaeus. The animals of this order may be at once known by their hav- ing, for the most part, two incisors or front teeth in each jaw, remote from the back teeth or grinders; (the Hare family have two, four, and sometimes six in the upper jaw.) There are no canine teeth, but a vacant space appears between the front and back teeth. The greatest number of cheek teeth is twenty-two. The incisors have no roots, but are deeply inserted in their sock- ets. The enamel of the front side being more durable than the other bony matter of the teeth, always preserves their chisel- like edge. The jaws are so articulated that the lower jaw, (be- sides opening and shutting.) simply moves backwards and for- wards, or horizontally ; so that the front teeth serve to file down, or reduce to fine particles, the hard substances which are brought RODENTIA. 12.3 under their action. To meet the wear of the enamel and other parts, the teeth constantly grow in a ratio corresponding with the decrease or wear. Should one tooth be lost by accident, or dis- placed, the counter one of the opposite jaw becomes enormously long, so as to impede its feeding, as is seen in rabbits. The mo- lar teeth have flat surfaces, with ridges of enamel running trans- versely across, so as to be opposed to the horizontal movement of the jaw, and thus more readily grind their food. The entire dental arrangement evinces admirable beauty and simplicity of design. The Rodentia, according to De Kay, include not far from 300 species, spread over the globe, (except Australia,) of which seventy are found in North America. They are generally inof- fensive, being of a gentle and timid disposition, and trusting for protection to flight or concealment ; seldom more than of a mod- erate size, while a portion of them are the smallest of the mam- mals. Of these last the Harvest Mouse is an example ; the lar- gest Rodents are .the Beaver, Capybara, and Porcupine. The Rodents feed upon the harder sort of vegetable matter, as nuts, grain, roots, twigs, etc., (except rats and mice, which are omnivorous, eating anything that comes in their way, as most house-keepers know to their sorrow.) The Rodents have gener- ally six or eight young at a birth, and this two, three, and even four times in a year. They are, however, kept from overrun- ning the earth by the rapacity of beasts and birds that live upon them. Many are remarkable for their soft and beautiful fur. The Beaver, Chinchilla and Grey Squirrel are valuable in commerce. Some of them, as the squirrel and dormouse, use the fore paws to convey food to the mouth, to hold an object, and to climb. The form of the body is usually more or less conical, the chest and shoulders being small, whilst the loins and haunches are robust and muscular ; the hinder limbs are longer than the fore ones, whence their movement is that of leaping or hopping along. "Most of them are nocturnal or crepuscular in their habits; many dwell in burrows ; some conceal themselves amidst herbage, some among the foliage of trees, and some build for themselves habitations which have exteited the interest and admi- ration of men." (Pict. Museum.) We arrange the numerous animals of this order into eight fam- ilies, viz. : 1. SrrTRina:, (Squirrels,) 2. ARCTOMYDJE, (Marmots;) 3. GERBILLTDJE, (Jerboas;) 4. CASTORIDJE, (Beavers;) 5. HYS- , (Porcupines;) 6. MURIDJE, (Rats and Mice ;) 7. CAVI- (Cavies :) 8. LEPORID.E, (Hares) Our limits will not 121 RODENTIA. allow us to do more than to give brief accounts of some of the principal genera and species. T. Family Sciuridse, (Lat. Sciurus, a squirrel,) SQUIRRELS. This includes between sixty and seventy species. Audubon says about twenty well determined species are found in North America. They are arranged into two groups, viz. : I. Squir- rels with free limbs; II. Squirrels with their limbs invested in the skin at the sides. These are not only the most elegant and sprightly, but the most numerous and widely scattered of the Rodents. They are distinguished by their simple grinders, hav- ing tuberculous summits, and the lower front teeth paired and much compressed at the sides. The toes are long and accompa- nied with sharp and hooked claws, and the rudiments of a thumb. There are four claws on each fore foot and five on the hind. The full development of the collar bones, (clavicles,) gives them much facility in using their paws as hands. In eating, the squir- rels usually sit upon their haunches, and holding the food be- tween the rudimentary thumbs of both paws, nibble it away un- til the whole is consumed. The head is proportionably rather large ; the eyes full and prominent ; the tail long, with the fur disposed on its sides like a feather ; the ears in many species are tipped with a pencil of hairs. These animals are easily tamed, and from their playful and graceful manners, often be- come great pets. Most of the species resort to trees, but the Ground Squirrel, ( Tamias or , allomai, to leap; [ivg, mus, mouse;) or Pedestes, (Illiger,) (Lat. Pes, a foot; sto, to stand.) The animals of this genus have eight molar teeth beneath ; the front legs are quite short; the hind ones very long, and both armed with exceeding long claws ; the tail is long and very bushy. This includes the P.Capensis, of the Cape of Good Hope, the largest of the Jerboas; (length from nose to tail, about fourteen inches; of the tail, nearly fifteen inches ;) which leaps from twenty to thirty feet at a bound, and sleeps in a sitting posture, placing the head between the legs, and holding its ears over its eyes, with its fore legs. It is a very strong and rapidly burrowing animal. (Plate V. fig. 1.) Myoxus, (Gr. fivo$og, muoxos, a Dormouse.) The DORMOUSE is intermediate between the Squirrels and Mice ; is found in temperate and warm countries, and lives en- tirely on vegetable food. It has the two cutting teeth of the fam- ily, in each jaw, and the grinders simple, with divided roots; four toes before, and five behind, (the reverse of the preceding genus;) and naked ears. When in its winter retreat, this animal rolls itself up, and becomes torpid, occasionally rousing itself and par- taking of its stores of food. Of this genus there are several spe- cies. M. avellanarius, (Lat. avellana, a filbert,) is the Common Dormouse, about as large as a common Mouse, but more plump, with a less sharp nose, and large black eyes ; its color is a tawny red ; the fur remarkably soft. Chinchilla. This genus is regarded as a connecting link be- tween the Hares and Jerboas. C. lanigera, (wool-bearing,) is found in the valleys along the line of the Andes ; inhabiting re- gions where the temperature is below a moderate degree. It lives in companies, making burrows in the earth. Its food is en- tirely vegetable, and principally consists of bulbous roots. The Chinchilla has an exquisitely fine downy fur. The Creator has thus protected it against severe frosts. The length of the fur well adapts it for spinning ; and the ancient Peruvians manufactured it into stuffs as articles of clothing. Numbers of these animals are annually destroyed for the sake of their skins. In size and appearance, they are like young rabbits ; but the tail, like that of the squirrel, is usually held turned up over the back, and the ears, though long, are naked, broad, round and open. The color of the fur varies in depth, in different individuals; is of a dark, clear gray, lighter beneath. The Chinchilla is mild and inoffen- sive, but does not, in captivity, exhibit mucfi «prightliness, or in- telligence. Its length is about nine inches, exclusive of the tail, which measures about five. (Plate V. fig. 6.) RODENTJA. 133 4th. The BEAVER FAMILY. Castoridae, (Gr. x^orwo, kastor, a Beaver.) The animals of this family have bodies covered with two sets of hair, viz., fine and soft, down, and long and rather rigid hairs. The tail is flattened and covered with rounded or hexagonal scales. The hind feet are the longest ; the ears short. In hab- its, these animals are aquatic and social. Some species have webbed feet, and all a musky smell. The range of these animals on this continent is more limited than in former periods, when it extended from 680 to 30o. N. L. They are still common on the Euphrates, and along some of the larger European rivers, as the Rhone and the Danube. In England, they have not been seen since 1188. Castor fiber, (Lat. Beaver.) The beaver is of a yellowish brown color, and from two to three feet long; it has four incisor teeth in both jaws; no canines, and sixteen molar teeth. The toes of the hind feet are webbed. It has also a glandulous follicle on the lower part of the body, producing an article called castor, (not castor oil,) and which is used in medicine. The flattened and scaly tail, it uses as a kind of paddle. By this, it is enabled, when loaded with a mass of timber, to stem a rapid current ; and by making strokes up and down with its tail, it can dive or rise with great celerity : tradition says, but untruly, that the Beaver uses its tail in plastering its habitation. It moves more easily in water than on land ; the eye is small, better suited to twilight than the glare of the sun. The external openings of the ear and of the nostrils are capable of being closed, which is a divine pro- vision suited to its diving habits, and its continuance under water. The Beaver's great incisor teeth are his only tools ; and most effective they are, for with them " he can divide a common sized walking stick at a bite, as cleanly as if severed with a knife." In doing his work, he goes up the stream from the site which he has chosen for his dwelling, so as to have the advantage of the cur- rent. Summer is the season ; night the time of his labors. The skill, perseverance and toil which he exhibits in constructing his habitation, and storing it with food, have given to this animal great celebrity. In this, its instinct begins and ends ; in other respects, it is very stupid, not comparing well with the Dog, Ele- phant and other quadrupeds. The fur of the Beaver is highly valued, especially for the manufacture of hats; and is an article of extended commerce. In one year, (1808,) Quebec alone ex-' ported nearly 127,000 furs, worth eighteen shillings sterling, each. C. fiber, (Americanus,) is a variety of this animal. Fiber, (Illig^r.) Th3 animals of this genus have long, nar- 134 RODENTIA. row, and somewhat flattened tails; twelve molar teeth; and the toes of the hind feet partially webbed. The species F. Zibethicus, is the MUSK-RAT, called in Canada, MUSQUASH ; about the size of a small rabbit, and of a reddish brown color ; sometimes black, or black and white. This animal has four strong cutting teeth, of which those in the under jaw are nearly an inch long ; in in- stincts and disposition, it is similar to the Beaver. It receives its name from its strong musky odor, deposited in glands, near the origin of the tail. Its length varies considerably, but is generally from eighteen to twenty inches, while the tail alone is from seven to ten inches. The Musk rat frequents swamps and low, marshy grounds ; and is specially fond of the calamus root, and of fresh water muscles, or clams. Its utility consists in its fur, which is soft and glossy, and used in hat making. The territorial range of this animal is similar to that of the Beaver. 5th FAMILY, PORCUPINES. Hystricidae, (Gr. "vcrr^l, hustrix, a porcupine ; 'Wr^-if, from °v$. hits, a hog; 0§*£, thrix, a bristle.) We have already contemplated in the Insectiuora, a group of animals (Hedgehogs,) protected by a coat of spines. In the pres- ent family, this spinpus defence is more strongly and decidedly exhibited. The hollow tubes of the Porcupines are somewhat like the quills of feathers. They usually terminate in a fine point of hard enamel, but sometimes open at the end, as if cut off at their greatest thickness. These quills seem to be a smooth, glossy envelope of horn, with an inner pith or marrow of soft texture, and pure white. "They grow from a bulbous root, formed within a cell below the true skin, or cutis, and containing also a portion of fat, in which the vessels supplying its pulp and capsule, are imbedded. The capsules consist of three mem- branes, of which the innermost secretes the horny envelope, while the pulp supplies the pith of the spine." The spines vary in size ; some are very long, slender and weak ; generally, they are from four to eight inches in length, and very strong; thick in the middle, and tapering to a point at the extremity. (See fig. on the Chart.) They are less thickly set in the tail, which is short; their place there is supplied by numerous, open, hollow quills, raised on slender stalks, so as to vibrate with every movement. When angry, the porcupine clashes these hollow quills together, making a rustling noise, resembling; that of a rattlesnake. In his undisturbed state, the spines lie down in regular order, with the points all directed backwards; but when he is angry, they are raised up by means of a peculiar muscular expansion under the skin, and joined to it, which by its action, influences their elevation RODENTIA. 135 and depression. When clashed violently together, one or two more loose than the rest, may be disengaged and fall ; but the story that they dart out their spines like javelins, is pure fable ; however, by pushing backwards or sidevvise, quickly and with violence, the Porcupine can both defend itself, and inflict wounds on its enemies. The head of this animal is thick ; his eyes small ; his face very round or convex ; and his muzzle blunt. His cutting teeth are very large and strong, so that he can gnaw through the thick- est and hardest boards. He is unsocial in his habits; when taken captive, is " neither familiar nor intelligent ; in his native state, digs burrows in dry and barren situations, as far removed as possible from the haunts of men. These burrows have several entrances leading to a chamber in which it passes the day in silence and in solitude." As the light recedes, it cautiously ventures out in search of food, such as birds, roots, fruit and other vegetables. In winter, it goes out only occasionally for food. The CREATOR has given to the Porcupine special endowments for his course of life. The animal burrows in hard and stony soil, and for that purpose is provided with digging implements; his limbs are short, strong and thick ; and his toes, four before and five behind, on each foot, have thick and powerful nails or claws ; the tongue is roughened with scaly prickles, directed backwards. The length of the Porcupine is about two feet ; his general color a grizzled black, the spines being elegantly ringed with alternate black and white, and the limbs entirely black. This family of animals was originally introduced from Africa into Europe and America. The description above given is that of the COMMON PORCUPINE, viz., Hystrix cristata, (Lat. crested.) The Hystrix dorsata, (Lat. ridged,) (or Hystrix Hudsonius, of De- Kay,) otherwise called the Canada and North American Porcu- • pine, ranges as far north as 67o N. L., and in New York, Penn- sylvania, the northern parts of Virginia and Kentucky, and west as far as the Rocky Mountains. It is said to be increasing in the western parts of New York ; in this species, which is from two to two and a half feet long, the spines are almost concealed by the hair with which they are intermingled; the fur of a soft and dusky brown color, is remarkable for its length and fullness; that of the Canadian animal is almost black. The incisors are of a deep orange color. This Porcupine is inoffensive, and of gentle manners ; in size well comparing with that of a fox ; it feeds on the leaves and bark of hemlock, bass-wood and ash trees ; is fond of fruit and maize; and when confined, eats almost every kind of vegetable. The spines or quills vary in length from one to ISO RODENTIA. four inches; by a strong muscle in the skin, those of the back, when the animal is irritated, are erected and extended in various directions ; the tail is also erected, and by a quite sudden move- ment, he is enabled to strike, leaving the loosened spines in the body of his assailant. The flesh of the Porcupine resembles young pork, and is by the Indians very highly esteemed. Spines dyed of various colors, form ornaments for their dresses. (De Kay.) 6th. THE MICE FAMILY. Murida, (Gr. (tvg, mus, a mouse.) This numerous family have in each jaw, besides the two cut- ting teeth common to the Rodentia, six molars (usually) in each jaw, surmounted by blunt tubercles. The teeth of the upper jaw shelve backwards ; those of the lower, forwards ; the feet are neither webbed nor fringed with stiff hairs, but several spe- cies swim with much ease. The tail is round, usually naked or thinly haired. Most of this family are small burrowing ani- mals; some genera are furnished with cheek pouches. Dr. De Kay, (N. H. S. N. Y.,) arranges all into two groups, I. those having, II. those not having cheek pouches. The ordinary food of these animals is grain, seeds, and other farinaceous matter, for bruising which their teeth are well fitted ; but they .are really omnivorous. Musdecumanus, (Lat. tenth.) The NORWAY or BROWN RAT is of a grayish brown color above and white beneath ; in length, from the head to the end of the tail, about twenty inches, having the tail quite as long as the body. It was originally introduced into Europe from the southern parts of Asia ; from its superior strength and ferocity, has in some places almost entirely expelled the Black Rat, (M. rattus.) It came to the United States with the foreign mercenaries during the war of the Revolution, and is now spread over the United States and Canadas. It infests wharves and has been called the WHARF RAT, or DOCK RAT ; the name decumanus alludes to the tithe or tenth of everything taken by this voracious creature. M. musculus, (Lat. dim.) The COMMON MOUSE is of a dusky gray color, has ears about half the length of the head, a long, bare and scaly tail, and in constitution and disposition is similar to the rat. It breeds at various seasons of the year, from six to ten at a litter ; is omnivorous, but prefers vegetable food. The young are, in about a fortnight, strong .enough to collect their own food. The mouse is said to be very susceptible to the power of music. An anecdote is related of a gentleman who was playing a violin, seeing a mouse run along the floor and jump about as if distracted. He continued the strain, and after some RODENTIA. ] 37 time the mouse, apparently exhausted with its exertions, dropped dead on the floor. M. leucopiis, (Gr. Isvxog, leukos, white; novs,pous, foot.) This little animal is of a brownish color above ; the feet and all beneath, white; the ears large; the tail hairy and as long as the body. The whole length is six inches. The colors and proportions give this mouse a delicate and beautiful appearance. Like the Deer mouse, it is, from its agile, jumping movement^ called the "Jumping Mouse." It feeds on grains and grasses. M. messorius, (Lat. messis, a harvest.) This is the smallest and one of the most beautiful of the mammalia, called the HAR- VEST MOUSE. It is scarcely half the size of the common mouse. The color is of a reddish brown or squirrel-like aspect above ; the under parts white ; its eyes are dark ; its action lively. In winter it lives under ground in burrows, but it breeds in grassy compact nests of the size of a cricket-ball, like those of a bird, made among the stalks of the standing corn, and supported on two or three straws. The principal food of the harvest mouse is corn ; but it is also fond of insects. Arvicola, (Lat. arva, corn-fields ; co/o, I inhabit.) This genus includes many species known under the names of FIELD MICE arid FIELD RATS, differing from the mice proper in the structure of their teeth, and the length and hairy covering of the tail. A. amphibius is the Water Rat common on the banks of riv- ers, brooks, &c. Geomys, (Gr. 7*7, ge, earth ; a tooth.) (Plate IV. fig. 9.) This is the name of an extinct genus of gigantic Pachyderms whose remains are found abundantly in tertiary and sometimes in secondary deposits. The animal must have equaled or exceeded the elephant in bulk, and greatly resembled him in shape ; the tusks, proboscis, and the general conformation of the body and the limbs were similar. The principal distinction between the two genera was formed by the molar teeth, the crown of which, unlike those of the elephant, exhibited, on cutting the gum, large conical points of a mammiform structure, whence the animal derived its name. The whole number of teeth was twenty-six. The Mas- 150 PACHYDERM ATA. todon was probably less exclusively herbivorous than the ele- phant* "There is scarcely a state east and south of the Hudson River which has not afforded specimens of the Mastodon." The gen'is pjmbraces species which " have been found in almost every partof the world, and in all latitudes." The term mammoth, which wa& specially applied by the inhabitants of Siberia to a fossil elephant, has sometimes been improperly given to this animal. M. gigaitfeus, now one of the attractions of the British Muse- um, was found near the banks of the river La Pomme de Terre, a branch of the O.sage River, in Burton Co., Missouri, imbedded in a brown sandy deposit, full of the remains of cypress, tropical cane, swamp moss, stems of palmetto, &c. Five arrow heads were found with the remains, which were 20 feet 2 inches long, and 9 feet 6| inches high. These remains were exhibited in London in 1842-3, under the name of the Missouri Leviathan. At the Bi* eminence, is not bony, but composed entirely of fat, and incapzx ble of separate movement ; and the tail is without any osseous part within. The fat, or blubber is white, from one to two inches thick, and when heated yields an oil that is fine and much val- ued. It is "cut through on the back and belly and is peeled off in halves; it is scraped off with an instrument resembling a currier's knife, and the skin is then sent to the tanner. The leather made from thisskin is said to be the strongest known, and is used more particularly for the upper leather of boots and shoes.'* (N. H. S. N. Y.) The deep bluish color of the Porpoise fades away on the sides, till it acquires a silvery whiteness. It has ninety-two teeth, cutting and somewhat rounded at the edge. The brain is large and has deep convolutions lying over the cere- bellum. The porpoise, the dolphin, and the monkey are the only animals that in this respect resemble man. The food of por- poises is chiefly fish, and they occasionally pursue shoals of her- ring and mackerel, which they drive into the bays in very great apparent terror. They are great enemies of salmon, which, when pursued by the porpoise, often spring several yards out of the water ; but from the quickness of their foe, are unable * escape. The flesh of the porpoise was once esteemed a volu tuous kind of food, and is said to have been found on the table, of the old English nobility as late as the time of Queen Eliza- beth. Later than, this it was extensively used in some countries, especially during the time of Lent. GRAMPUS. (Phoccena orca.) The term Grampus is a corrup- tion of the French, Grand-poisson, great fish, pronounced by the Normans, Grapois, whence came the English word GRAMPUS. American sailors have given it the names of "Killer and Thrash- er." By some, (see Cat. of British Museum in Eng. Cyc.,) a por- tion of the animals once included under the genus Grampus, has been formed into a new genus, "Orca," which includes the J KILLERS proper, and has four species. The body is thick in proportion to its length, and of oval shape. The snout short and roundish , the lower jaw somewhat bent upwards, broader, but not so long as the upper. The teeth are 25*2 CETACEA. forty-four in number, eleven on each side above and below, va- rying in number with age, sometimes are as many as sixty, and interlocking when the jaws are shut. The dorsal elevation, im- properly called a fin, is from four to six feet high; the pectoral or swimming fins are large and oval, and it has a strong tail. The color is glossy black above, white beneath ; occasionally there is a large white patch behind the eye, resembling an eye- lid. The length is from twenty to thirty feet ; the circumference from ten to twelve. The favorite abode of the Grampus is the coast of Greenland, Spitzbergen, and Davis' straits ; it is also found in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. It was formerly numerous on the coast of New York State. It is a very powerful and vora- cious animal, devouring great numbers of fishes, large ones es- pecially, such as the cod, haddock, and turbot, and even seals and porpoises have been found in their stomachs. *' They go in company by dozens, will attack a young whale, and bait him like so man)' bull-dogs." The oil which they yield is of excellent quality. Fishermen sometimes call them Finners, or Black-fish Whales. Stories are told of their attacking whales, joining in herds for that purpose ; but these perhaps need confirmation. Sir Joseph Banks says of one that was captured in the Thames, (Eng.,) "It pulled the attached boat twice from Black wall to Greenwich, and once as far as Dept- ford, at the rate of eight miles an hour, and it was for a long time unimpeded by the lance wounds which were inflicted on it when it came to the surface. So long as it was alive, no boat would venture to approach it ; and the dying efforts of this formidable creature were terrible. It was finally killed opposite the Greenwich Hospital." G. Cuvieri, or Phoccena grisea, (of Lesson,) is a handsome species inhabiting the North Sea ; has been taken on the West coast of France ; is ten or eleven feet long ; has only eight teeth, and these in the lower jaw. It is famous for uttering loud cries like the Deductor (or Howling) whale, and associating in groups like that whale. Delphinapterus. This genus includes two species, D. Peronii, Peron's Dolphin, and D. Borealis. The head is rather convex in front, nose depressed, forming a slender beak, and there is no dorsal fin. The form and proportions are elegant. The snout, as far as the eye, and the under parts of the body and the tail are of silvery whiteness; a bluish black covers the upper parts of the body, giving it the appearance of having on a black cloak. The iris is of an emerald green color. The D. Peronii is the Right- Whale Porpoise of the Whalers, found in the higher CETACEA. 253 southern latitudes. The D. Borealis inhabits the North Pacific. (See Peale's description in the U. S. Exploring Expedition.) GloUceplialus. (Globe-headed.) This contains five species, viz. : G. Swineval, Pilot- Whale, (North Sea;) G. intermedius, the Black Fish, (N. America ;) G. affinis, Smaller Pilot- Whale, (locality unknown;) G. Sieboldii, Naiso Gota, (coast of Japan;) G. macrorhync hus, South Sea Black Fish. They are character- ized by the absence of a snout, by having a globular head, an eminence resembling a fin on the back, and a single spiracle, sit- uated near the back of the head. The length varies from six- teen to twenty-four feet; the pectoral fins are from six to eight feet, and the tail five feet in length. The second species resem- bles the Grampus in size, and is probably often confounded with it. The teeth am from twenty to twenty-eight in number in each jaw, and when the mouth is closed, they " shut together like a rat- trap." It is called the Deductor. With blind confidence, these animals follow one as a leader, the main body keeping close to him, " as sheep follow the wether." Efforts are therefore made to en- trap the leaders, and then many others are taken. They are in- offensive, and so timid that men in boats, with ineffective weapons, and with shouts and noise in the water, drive them in great num- bers to the shore, to their own destruction. When any one strikes the ground, it is said that it sets up a howling' cry, and immediately others crowd to the spot as if for its relief. This circumstance has given it the name of theca'ing (calling) whale. It is also called the Black Whale Fish, (species G. inlermedius, or melas,) and Bottle-head. Of all the Cetacea it is the most so- ciable, vast numbers being found together, whence it is named the Social Whale. Large herds *of these whales are fre- quently stranded and perish on the coast, particularly in high northern latitudes. "At Wellfleet, near Cape Cod, in 1822, a herd of one hundred, varying in length from ten to fifteen feet, were stranded and captured. In 1823, one was taken in Salern harbor, Mass. ; in 1832, one at Fairfield Beach, Conn. ; in 1834, two on the east end of Long Island." (Nat. His. S. N. Y.) II. CATODONTID^E. (Gr. H«T«, kata, under ; odovg, odous, a tooth ;) or PHYSETERID^E, (Gr. cpvcnjTfy, Phuseter, a blow-pipe, or bellows.) TOOTHED WHALES. This family of the Cetacea are distinguished by the enormous size of the head, which occupies more than one-third of the whole bulk of the animal, and ends in a broad muzzle, appearing as though it had been abruptly cut off. The lower jaw is narrow, ';.« : •'• 1 "' :.». 254 CETACEA. 9 slender and pointed, and has numerous stout conical teeth, while the upper jaw contains either none or a few which do not per- fjrate the gums. Hence the name Catodontida. The blow-holes have but one orifice, situated at the top of the muzzle. The three genera constituting the family, agree in their essential char- acteristics; we therefore omit a detailed and 'separate description and confine our remarks to the Calodon, or Physeter macrocepha- lus, (juax^oj, long; xsqpaAy, a head,) the Northern Sperm-Whale. It is sometimes called the Cachalot, a term derived from Cachon, a tooth, in the Basque (Spanish) language. The Sperm-Whale (Plate VIII. fig. 3,) is of enormous size, being between seventy and eighty feet in length, and from thirty to thirty-five in circum- ference. From its frequent paroxysms of fury it is one of the most dangerous monsters of the deep. Jt is found in all latitudes, but is a native of the Arctic and Antarctic Seas, where it is seen attended by its young. Sperm- Whales usually appear in parties of from two to five hundred, guarded by one or two males of the largest size. In the upper part of the head there is an immense cavity, divided into compartments and smaller cells, filled with oil which is fluid when the animal is alive, but hardens when cooled or after the animal is dead, and is known under the name of sperm- aceti. A hole is made in the head as soon as the whale is killed and the spermaceti is. baled out with buckets. When the first process of squeezing and draining the oil is over, the yellow, unctuous and impure mass of cetine is put into bags made of hair or woolen, and further pressed between plates of iron in a screw press until it becomes hard and brittle ; it is then broken into small pieces and thrown into boiling water, where it melts and the impurities are separated from it. After being cooled and taken from the first water, it is put into a boiler of clean water and a weak solution of potash is gradually added. This is thrice repeated, after which the whole is poured into coolers, where it crystalizes, and on being cut, exhibits the beautiful flaky appearance belonging to the spermaceti of commerce. An ordi- nary sized whale will yield from ten to twelve barrels of crude spermaceti. Ambergris, which is used as a perfume, and often found floating on the surface of the sea, is a fatty concretion formed by disease in the intestines. Upon the ivory teeth of the Sperm-Whales, sailors often show their taste in carving fig- ures of various kinds. These whales produce but one young at a time, about fourteen feet in length, and having a skin much thicker than that of the old ones. The milk by which the young are nourished resembles that of quadrupeds. The throat of the Sperm-Whale is capacious enough to give passage to the body CETACEA. 255 of a man, presenting a strong contrast to the contracted gullet of the mysticctus, or Greenland Whale. The mouth is lined with a pearly white membrane. The eyes are small in proportion to the size of the animal, and furnished with eye-lids ; the skin is usually smooth, but in old whales sometimes wrinkled. At each breathing time, the Cachalot makes from sixty to seventy expira- tions, remaining at the surface of the water ten or eleven min- utes. It continues below the surface for periods of from an hour to an hour and twenty minutes, consuming about one-seventh of its time in respiration. The Sperm- Whale feeds upon seal and fishes, which it pursues with great pertinacity ; but a large species of cuttle fish, (Octopus,) is said to constitute its principal food. Its forty-eight huge teeth, which it sometimes employs in biting boats, make it formidable to whalers. Sometimes it swims off to a distance, and then rushes at the boat with its head, thereby knocking it to pieces. One of these whales sunk a ship by three or four blows from its head. The Sperm-Whale fishery is a principal branch of the industry of the United States, hundreds of ships being engaged in this important branch of the fisheries. The names of the genera as given in the Catalogue of the British Museum, are Genus I. Catodon, 3 species; C. macroce- phalus, Northern Sperm-Whale ; C. colueti, Mexican Sperm- Whale ; C. polycyplius, South Sea Sperm-Whale. Genus II. Kogia, one species ; K. breviceps, Short-Headed Whale. Genus III. Physeter. P. tursio, the Black Fish. III. BALAENID.E. (Gr. fibluivat, balaina, a whale.) TRUE or WHALE-BONE WHALES. These include but a limited number of species, comprised in four, or according to Dr. J. E. Gray, three genera. They equal the Sperm-Whale in size. The head is very large, but does not, like theirs, terminate in a broad, abrupt muzzle. They have two nostrils, separate and longitudinal. The jaws are toothless; the blow-holes distinct, situated on the top of the head and each a foot long. The absence of teeth specially distinguishes these from other whales ; their place in the upper jaw, which is ex- tremely narrow, is supplied by baleen, or whalebone, consisting of pendent, horny plates, or lamina (see Chart,) each fringed so closely as to fill up the cavity of the mouth and form a strainer retaining the Clio Borealis. minute crustaceans, and other small tenants of the sea. These are carried by thousands into the vast spoon-shaped lower jaw. The laminae or plates are three or four hundred in 256 CETACEA. number on each side, the longest often fifteen feet long ; the Baleen of the Balaena alone is designated as Whalebone, or Whalefin, as it is called in commerce. That of the other genera, (Bal&noptera and Megaptera.) is called Finner-Fin, or Hump- back-Fin ; the tongue is very large, thick and fleshy, fat, soft and spongy, not unfrequently twenty feet long, and nine or ten wide. The blubber obtained from these whales is extremely abundant, a single whale often yielding forty tuns, or three hundred and twenty barrels of thirty-one and a half gallons each ; much more than this is frequently yielded. The Arctic and Antarctic Seas are the principal, but not the exclusive re- sorts of the True Whales. See "Note" at the end of the "Cetacea." Balaena mysticetus. (Gr. (*vaTu%, mustax, a moustache ; xijroj, a whale.) This is the Common Greenland Whale, sometimes called the Black Whale and Right Whale. Though not the largest of the tribe, it is, in a commercial point of view, most valuable for its oil and other products. It is without a fin on the back. The two pectoral fins are about two feet beyond the angle of the mouth, about nine feet long and five broad. It is thirty feet in height, and from sixty to eighty feet long ; in weight, from sixty to one hundred tons, or as heavy as three hundred fat oxen. The enormously large and fat tongue is very soft and delicate, giving it the appearance of white satin ; it is entirely incapable of pro- trusion, being fixed from the root to the tip. The front extrem- ity of both jaws is surmounted by a few scattered hairs, to which the name Mysticetus has reference. The back, most of the up- per jaw and part of the lower jaw, together with the fins, are black; the other parts gray and white, with a tinge of yellow. The older the animals the more they contain of white and gray, and some are all over piebald. When of the largest size they yield a ton of baleen. The blubber resembles the substance of salmon ; in the younger whales is yellowish white, from eight to twenty inches thick, and when fresh, free from all unpleasant smell. A Greenland whale, sixty feet in length, will frequently yield more than twenty tuns of pure oil. The flesh of a young Mysticetus is of a red color, and if cleared of fat, broiled and seasoned with pepper and salt, is said to have a relish not unlike that of coarse beef. That of the old whale becomes blackish and is exceedingly coarse. The tail is very fibrous and sinewy, and extensively used in the manufac- ture of glue. The bones are quite porous and contain large quantities of fine oil, and the jaw bones, from twenty to twenty- five feet in length, are often preserved, chiefly on account of the CETACEA. 257 • oil which drains out of them. The external surface, even of the most porous bones, is, however, compact and solid. The Green- land Whale remains at the surface to breathe for about two min- utes, " blows " eight or nine times, then descends for five or ten, sometimes when feeding, for fifteen or twenty minutes. It blows most strongly and densely when alarmed, or when coming to the surface after having been a long time down. When harpooned, it has been drawn up by the attached line, and found to have broken its jaws, and sometimes the crown bone, by the blow which in its descent was struck against the bottom. Having no teeth, the Mysticetus cannot prey on its own kind, or on the larger fishes. Its throat is exceedingly straight and narrow, not more than an inch and a half in width. So very small is it that it could not dispose of a morsel which might be swallowed by an ox ! In this respect it differs widely from some others of the Cetacea. Divine beneficence has, however, abundantly provided for its sustenance. A considerable proportion of the limits within which this whale is found, is occupied by what is called green water. This forms about one-fourth part of the Greenland Sea, between 74o and 60o N. Lat., equal to about 20,000 square miles. This body of water is colored by immense numbers of animalcules, for the most part invisible except with the aid of the microscope. These afford sustenance to multitudes of minute crabs, lobsters and sea snails by which the Mysticetus is nourished. This whale seems to attain its full growth at the age of twenty or twenty -five years. It is thought to attain a great age. Our limits do not allow us to enter into details of the perils and hardships connected with the chase and capture of the whale. We may say here, however, the instinctive attachment between the parent and its offspring, is a circumstance of which whalemen often ayail themselves in order to secure their prize. The young cub, reckless of danger and easily harpooned, is often struck as a snare to the mother. Says the well known Capt. Scoresby, " at such a time, she joins her young one at the surface of the water whenever it has occasion to rise for respi- ration ; encourages it to swim off; assists its flight by taking it under her fin, and seldom deserts it while life remains. One of my harpooners struck a sucker with the hope of its leading to the capture of the mother. Presently she arose close by the * fast boat,' and seizing the young one, dragged about a hundred fathoms of line out of the boat with remarkable force and veloc- ity. Again she rose to the surface^ darted furiously to and fro; frequently stopped short or suddenly changed her direction, and gave every possible intimation of extreme agony. For a length 258 CETACEA. of time she continued thus to act, though closely pursued by the boats; and inspired with courage and resolution by her concern for her offspring, seemed regardless of the danger which sur- rounded her. At length one of the boats approached so near that a harpoon was hove at her; it hit, but did not attach itself. A second harpoon was struck ; this also failed to penetrate, but a third was more effectual and held. Still she did not attempt to escape, but allowed other boats to approach, so that, in a few min- utes, three more harpoons were fastened, and in the course of an hour afterwards, she was killed." The Right Whale was formerly found in great numbers along our own coast. The whale fishery, including this and the Sperm- Whale, is prosecuted largely and with great success by individuals and companies of men, subject however to great fluc- tuations. "The first vessel constructed expressly for this fishery was built at Nantucket in 1690." Of this genus, the other species are the B. marginata, Western Australian Whale, Cape Whale; B. Japanica, Japan Whale; B. antarctica, New Zealand Whale ; B. gibbosa, Scrag Whale ; and the B. austrahs. Balaena Australis is the Cape or Southern Whale, inhabiting the South Seas and of a uniform black color, measuring from thirty-five to fifty feet. Its baleen, owing to the great curve of the upper jaw, appears relatively longer than in the Northern Balaena, usually reaching to about nine feet in a whale of forty feet. The head is frequently covered with barnacles, layer above layer, which, concealing its true color, give it a whitish appearance quite unlike that of its northern relative. The pectoral fins are longer and more pointed, while the lobes of the tail are less marked than in the former species. II. GENUS. MEGAPTERA. (Large-finned.) This genus includes the Hump-Backed Whales, easily known from the "Finners" by "being shorter and more robust, in hav- ing the skull nearly one-fourth the entire length, the head wide between the eyes, the mouth larger, the lip warty, and the nose large and rounded. The plaits of the belly andthroat are broad. The skull is intermediate between that of the Balaena and the Ba- laenoptera. Four species are enumerated : M. longimana, found in the North Sea, described by Dr. Johnson from a specimen cast ashore at Newcastle, Eng., a*cl called Johnson's Hump-Backed Whale ; M. Poeskop, the Poeskop, or Cape Hump-Back ; it is the Roqual du Cap, of Cuvier, the Hump-Backed Whale of Ross' CETACEA. 259 "Antarctic Voyage," and an inhabitant of the Seas of the Cape of Good Hope ; M. Kuzira, the Kuzira, inhabiting the Japanese Seas; M. Americana, the Bermuda Hump-Back, is of a black color with a white belly, and has its head covered with tubercles. It is found at Bermuda from March to the end of May, when it departs. The baleen of this whale is extensively imported from Bermuda. Balaenoptera Rorqualus. The RORQUALS. These include several species closely allied to those of the ge- nus Balaena, but which have been separated from it, and formed into a distinct genus. Among them are the largest of the Whale tribe, and probably the largest and most powerful animals found on our globe. They are often from a hundred to one hundred and twenty feet in length ; the head is about one-fourth part of the length. These whales differ from the Mysticelus, in having bodies which are longer and in their form more slender and cy- lindrical ; in possessing a dorsal fin ; in having blubber which is thinner, being generally not more than six inches thick, and yield- ing an oil of inferior quality and less in quantity ; in theirgreater speed, quicker action and bolder conduct; in their more violent blowing ; and in having shorter and less valuable baleen. Hence they are avoided by whalers as not repaying for the hazard of their capture. The upper jaw of the Mysticetus is relatively longer and more curved ; consequently, the plates of baleen are long in the Mysticetus and short in the Rorquals. In the latter, the longest laminae measure only three or four feet; the smallest are reduced to mere bristles, so that the animal has not fewer than four or five thousand distinct plates of whalebone. The poste- rior arch of the palate is so large that it could easily admit some modern Jonah, forming a great vestibule to the wind-pipe and gullet. This last is somewhat larger than a man's fist. The Rorquals feed not only upon the small medusae, shrimps, etc., which form the food of the Mysticetus, but upon medusas of a larger size, and such fish as herring, haddock, salmon, etc. This could not be unless the baleen were coarser and the swallow larger than in the Mysticetus. The Rorquals are sure to be in the track of the fish just referred to, and they devour them in quantities almost beyond imagination. M. Desmoulins states that six hundred great cod, and immense quantities of pilchards have been found in the stomach of one of these whales. Unlike the Common Greenland Whale, the animals of this genus often leave their native seas and stray far away to other waters and shores. N. B. In the Catalogue of the British Museum, the genus Balaenoptera has but one species, — the B. rostrata, Pike Wbale — £60 CETACEA. the Rorqualus restrains, of DeKay. It is of a black color, un- derneath of a reddish white ; inhabiting the North Sea, and has been found at Volognes, in France, in the Thames, at Deptford, Eng., and in the bay of New York. The other species, eight in number, are included in a fourth genus, Physalus. The names of the species, as given in the catalogue above referred to, are P. an- tiquorum, the Razor Back, or Great Northern Rorqual; P. Boops, of which a specimen, thirty-eight feet in length, is in the British Museum. This is probably one of the smaller Rorquals, and was taken in 1846. P. Sibbaldi, another Rorqual, of which a speci- men is found in the Museum at Hull, Eng., forty feet long; P. fasciatus, the Peruvian Firmer, found on the coasts of Peru ; P. Iwasi, the Japan Finner. It is very rare. A specimen, taken nearly a century ago, was twenty-five feet long ; — P. antarcticus, so named by Dr. I. E. Gray, from the baleen of a New Zealand species; P. Brasiliensis, the Bahia Finner, named from baleen, brought from Bahia. P. austratis, the Southern Finner, found in the seas of the Falkland Islands. The genus Balaenoptera, is divided into two sections, — one distinguished by the smoothness of the skin, of the throat and under parts, of which there is one species, Balaenoptera physalus, called the Finfish. The other section is characterised by the deep longitudinal regular folds into which the skin of the throat and under parts is thrown, and which are supposed to be capable of great dilatation. Of this there are several species. The name Rorqual, which they bear, is of Norwegian origin, meaning " whale with folds." The Rorquals have sometimes been arranged into greater and lesser Roi'qua]s,(majores et minores.) Twenty-five feet is said to be the limit, as to length, of the smaller division. Their baleen is white and short; the folds are of a rosy tint. They frequent the rocky bays of Greenland, (especially during summer,) and the coasts of Iceland and Norway, rarely descend- ing into lower latitudes. They are very active in their habits, so that, although valued in northern climates for the extreme delicacy of their flesh, yet the natives do not attempt to harpoon them, but wound them with their darts and spears, and after a fortunate hunt, hope to discover them dead and stranded. The smaller Rorquals yield an oil peculiarly delicate, and esteemed by the Icelanders as an article of their materia medica. The Rorqual of the Southern Seas, B. Australis, resembles the Northern Rorqual. Its great power and velocity make it difficult of cap- ture, and its products by no means repay the risk and labor of taking it. It is sometimes called the Black Whale, and has been found in considerable numbers on the shores of California. CETACEA. 261 These Southern Whales are fond of placing themselves in a per- pendicular position, for the purpose of surveying more easily the expanse of waters ; at a distance, resembling large black rocks in the midst of the ocean. Fossil Rorquals have been found in Britain and other parts of Europe. IV. HERBIVOROUS CETACEA, or AQUATIC PACHYDERMS. This family of the Cetacea have teeth with flattened surfaces, and adapted to the herbivorous nature of their food ; the skin is thick, and more or less horny; the stomach divided into four cavities. They have stiff moustaches on their lips, and pectoral mammae,— peculiarities which, when their bodies are partly raised out of the water, give them a somewhat human look, and probably are connected with the fanciful stories which have been often told about "Mermaids." They are frequently called "Sea Cows, Sea Calves/' etc. The favorite haunts of these animals, are the mouths of rivers or straits, where the water is only three or four fathoms deep. Here, where the sea-weeds grow luxu- riantly, they feed in troops,, rising frequently to the surface, in order to take breath. This group includes three genera, and about twice as many species. Manatus or Lamanline. The MANATEE, or SEA Cow. (Plate VIII. fig. 2.) The animals of this genus, are confined to three or four spe- cies, having oblong bodies, which are from ten to fifteen, and sometimes twenty feet long; long, rounded tails, and eight grind- ers in each jaw. They are gregarious, and strongly attached to each other, as well as their young, which the female defends, regardless of her own danger. Their flesh resembles fatted pork, and when salted, makes excellent sea-store. They are much sought after, being captured with a harpoon attached to a stout cord. The skin is of a blackish color, very tough and hard, full of inequalities, and sprinkled with a few bristly hairs about an inch in length. The Manatus Americanus is found at the rnouth of the Amazon, Oronoco, and other rivers of South America, and one species is still hunted among the lagoons and keys of Florida. Its exhibits rudimentary nails upon its nippers, and by their aid, sometimes drags its unwieldy body on shore to bask in the sun, or seek for herbage growing on apd near the banks. Halicore Dugong. This genus is similar to the preceding one ; has one species, (Dugong,) and is found in the waters of the East Indies, and EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIII. Fig. 1st. Common Seal, or Sea-Dog, Phoca vitulina. It has five or six rows of white whiskers, short fore feet, with webbed toes, serving as oars for swimming, but upon land only available for creeping or shuffling along as it comes out to bask in the sun. The hind feet have short flattened claws, of which the three middle ones are smallest, giving the feet a forked appearance. Fig. 2d. Manatee, Sea Cow, Siren, or Mermaid of the ancients, Manatus Americanus. The nostrils are in the skin, near the end of the muzzle. It has flippers or pectoral fins, or fin-like forearms, having their five fin- gers enveloped in a membrane or skin, with nails, or rudiments of nails, which terminate four of the fingers. Fig. 3d. Sperm- Whale, Physeter, or Cachalot macrocephalus. The head forms one-third of its bulk ; the nostril, spiracle, or spout-hole, is a slit a foot long and shaped like the letter /. The case above the brain con- tains the sperm oil. In a large whale the cavity will contain a tun, or more than ten barrels. The portion just above the mouth, called the Junk, is formed of elastic, strong fibres, permeated with fine sperm oil and spermaceti. The eyes are small, and the two are said to be unequal in size. The ear-openings are behind the eyes, and only large enough to admit a small quill. On the neck is the Bunch, (Bunch of the neck,) and on the back the Hump. Although this animal is of enormous size, the Small, near the Flukes or Tail is not thicker than a man's body. Fig. 4th. The True Dolphin of the ancients, Delphinus delphis, has a spira- cle or blow-hole on the summit of the head, above the eyes, which are small and low down, near the angle of the mouth. The beak is of the same length as the head, with from forty to forty-eight teeth on each side, above and below, interlocking with each other. The swimming paws are placed low and half way between the end of the beak and the dor- sal eminence. EL.Vffl. f>eal,T)hoca vitulJna Man a.tee , Man ahis, America nus . Sperm "Whale Fhys eter TnacroceplialiLS D olphin , I) elpJii nu s D elplri s CETACEA. 265 those of the Northern line of Australia. The most conspic- uous difference between this and the Manatus is, that it has no traces of nails. The tail is truncated, or two- lobed, and there are five grinders in each jaw; the body is round and tapering. To aid it in browsing upon fuci and submarine vegetables, the front part of the jaw is bent downwards, so as to bring the mouth in nearly a vertical position. A great peculiar- ity of the animal is, that the ventricles of the heart are detached from each other, being connected at their base only. The body is seven or eight feet long ; the flesh tender and not unlike beef. Halicore Tabernacuti, the Dugong of the Red Sea, is consid- ered a distinct species by Rupel, who gave it the specific name, supposing, that with its skin, the Jews were required to veil the tabernacle. Stellerus. This third genus is found in the Polar regions, and especially in the vicinity of Behring's Straits, where, in great numbers, the animal frequents the shallow parts of the shore, and the estuaries of rivers. The skin is remarkably thick and hard. The head and mouth are small ; the lips appear to be double, i. e., inner and outer. The space between them is filled with strong bristles, (one and a half inches long, and as thick as pigeons' quills,) — which are, to this animal, what the whale-bone is to the largest Cetacea. It has no teeth ; but in place of them, has two horny substances adhering, the one to the palate, the otr^er to the lower jaw. The length of the body is twenty- eight feet; the weight of a large one, eight thousand pounds. The skin is used by the natives for covering their boats. They esteem the blubber of the animal as good as (* May butter." The flesh of an old Stellerus, when well boiled, resembles beef; that of the young one is like veal. Zeuglodon. This is an American fossil, whose name was suggested by the back molar teeth, which resemble two teeth yoked together, — as the generic name signifies. Remains of this extinct animal have been found in Maryland, Alabama and Ar- kansas, (U. S.) Professor Owen supposes it to be allied to the Dugong and Manatee. NOTE. According to Lieut. Maury, (see Phys. Geog. of the Sea,) " the tropical regions of the ocean are to the Right or True Whale, as a sea of fire, through which he cannot pass, and into which he never enters ; " but "whales, with harpoons jn them bearing the stamp of ships known to cruise on the Baffin's Bay side of the American Continent, have repeatedly been taken near the Behring's Strait side ; — and as, in one or two instances a very short time had elapsed between the date of the capture in the Pacific 260 CETACEA. and the date when the fish must have been struck on the Atlantic side, it was therefore agreed that there is a north-west passage by which whales passed from one side to the other, since the stricken animal could not have had the harpoon in him long enough to admit of a passage around either Cape Horn, or the Cape of Good Hope." He adds, "It is found also that the Right Whale, of the Northern Hemisphere, is a different animal from that of the Southern." QUESTIONS UPON MARINE MAMMALS. What is said of the size, organization and movements of Marine Mammals ? What have they been called ? How do the paddles appear when dissected ? What is their chief use ? Why must the Whale resort to the surface ? How great a pressure does it sometimes encounter? How is it guarded from injury which might thence arise ? Describe the uses of the blubber. Give particulars respecting the eyes of the Cetacea. What author has referred to them as showing Divine contrivance? What is one of the most remarkable things in the economy of the Whale ? How are they able to remain so long under water? In what manner do they breathe? Why are these called blow-holes? What is said of their sportings? How do the Whales usually take their food? What is said of their hearing? Have they the sense of smell? What is said of their stomach and other organs? What more is said of them ? Into what families may the Cetacea be divided ? Give a general view of the Dolphin tribe? How many species does thi? family include? What is said of the "number of the teeth in the Common Dolphin? What of their form and use? How long is it? What gives interest to this animal? How was it regarded by the ancients? What is said of the colors of the Dolphin? Does its color change while dying? What are its habits? How are these illustrated by Ancient naturalists? What is the meaning of the term Monodon ? What of Narwhal ? What other names are given to it ? Has it teeth ? What is said of its tusks ? What virtues have been attributed to them? What use does the animal make of them? What other species of Whales does this precede ? Does Dr. Scoresby describe the Narwhal ? What is said of them by Dr. Kane ? Name the sp. of the Beluga, or White Whale ? Give some account of this W. What are their favorite resorts ? Why are they not more often pursued by whalers ? At what season are they very useful to the Greenlander ? Give the character- istics of the Porpoise. What is said respecting the wide diffusion of the Common P. ? What of its resemblance to the Dolphin ? What is said of the leather made from its skin ? What is said of the brain and teeth of the P. ? What of the word Grampus ? Upon what do they feed ? How was its flesh formerly regarded ? What is the meaning of the term Grampus ? What is it called by American sailors ? Describe it. Where is its favorite abode? What is said of its voracity? What incident is related by Sir Joseph Banks? Name the sp. found on the coast of France. For what is it famous ? Give the sp. included in the gen. Delphinapterus, and describe it? What do whalers call it? Where is it found? How many sp. do the gen. Globicephalus include ? How are they characterized ? How do the teeth shut into one another ? What is this W. called ? By what method are they taken ? What additional names are given to this W. ? How are the second fam. of Cetacea distinguished? Why is the name CATODONTIDAK given to it? What names are applied to the Sperm W. ? Describe it. What peculiar substance does it yield ? Describe the process for obtaining the pure Spermaceti of commerce. What is Ambergris ? What is said of the CETACEA. throat of the Sperm Whale? What other peculiarities of structure are mentioned ? On what does it feed How does it sometimes use its huge teeth ? What is said of the Sperm W. Fishery ? What is said of the size of the True W. ? How are they specially distinguished from other W. ? What supplies the place of teeth in the upper jaw ? Describe the Baleen and its uses. How much blubber is yielded by one of these W. ? What are their principal resorts ? Which of the W. is most valuable in a com- mercial point of view ? Give the derivation of its specific name. What renders it appropriate ? What is said respecting the quantity of baleen and oil yielded by a Greenland W. ? Of what use are the bones ? What is said of their blowing ? In what respects do they differ from other W. ? How- extensive is the area of the green water ? What occasions its peculiar color ? What is said of the age Of these W. ? How are their instinctive attachments illustrated ? When was the first American whale-ship built ? What is said of the Humped-backed W. ? How many •sp. are enumerated ? To what are the Rorquals allied? What is said of their size and strength? How do they differ from 'the Mysticetus ? Why are they avoided by sailors ? What is said of the arch of the palate? On what does the animal feed? Illus- trate its voracity. Name the two sections of the genus Balaenoptera ? What is the meaning of the term Rorqual ? How large are they ? What waters do they frequent ? What is said of the oil which they yield ? Are they easily captured? In what position are the Southern Rorquals found? Give the peculiarities of the Herbivorous Cetacea. What are they fre- quently called ? Where are their favorite resorts? How many sp. does this group include ? Describe the Manatee, or Sea Cow. Where is the M. Amer- icana found ? Where is the Dugong found ? What is the chief difference betwen this and the Manatus? In what respect is it very peculiar ? Where is the Stellerus found? Describe it. Mention the name and localities of the A erican fossil sp. What species of Whale is figured on the Chart? Trace and describe it. What other Cetaceans are named upon the Chart? Refer to the figures and species of this order, tracing each, giving their charac- teristics and habits, size, &c., &c. ORNITHOLOGY. SECOND BRANCH OF ZOOLOGY. SECTION I. ORNITHOLOGY. (Gr. 6^^t?, ornis, a bird ; Ao/og, logos, a dis- course.) BIRDS, (Aves,) — 2d Division of the WARM BLOODED ANIMALS. The numerous class of vertebrated animals which this term includes, are prominently distinguished from the Mammalia by their general form and feathery covering, and by producing their young from eggs. They fall below quadrupeds in the scale of nature,* but they far surpass fishes and insects in point of saga- city, and in the structure of their bodies. Though called bipeds, they nearly approach to quadrupeds, as may be seen by looking at a plucked pigeon, and observing how, in respect to limbs, it resembles a skinned rabbit, except that the forelegs have no feet or toes at their tips. Birds are formed for flight ; they have been, not unaptly, styled, "the Insects of the vertebrated series." The organiza- tion of the greater part is wisely adapted both for suspension in the air, and for motion through it. Their activity in so subtle a medium, required various conditions and adaptations of structure which an attentive examination clearly presents, as combined in their organization by the all-wise Creator. The shape of the body is sharp before, to pierce and make way far itself through the air ; it rises by gentle swelling, and falls off by an expansive tail, that helps to keep it buoyant, while the foreparts are cleaving the air by their sharpness. Hence, they may be compared to a bark making its way through the water ; — the trunk of the body answering to the hold ; the head to the prow ; the tail to the rudder ; and the wings to the oars. * The following scale is given, showing the size of the brain as com- pared with that of the body: — Eagle, l-260th of the body; Sparrow, l-25th; Chaffinch, l-27th ; Redbreast, l-32d; Blackbird, l-68th; Canary- bird, l-14th ; Cock, l-25th ; Duck, 1-257 th ; Goose, l-360th. ORNITHOLOGY. 2 09 The rapidity and variety of motion of which Birds show them- selves capable, may well excite admiration. The Swallow arid the Eagle can dart through the air at the rate of sixty miles an hour; the Falcon at the rate of forty or fifty miles in the same time ; the Passenger Pigeon outstrips the wind, which, when most vio- lent, traverses only sixty miles an hour; the Curlew traverses three elements with ease, — running rapidly upon the ground ; perfectly at home on the ocean wave, and borne in the air as it flies swiftly from one continent to another. For this fleetness of motion, the skeleton of a bird is strikingly adapted. (Plate XII. fig. 2.) It unites lightness with firmness; the great bones of the limbs, and many of those of the body, are hollow reservoirs of air, communicating with the lungs. Sacs, or bladder-like receptacles, which can be filled with air, are dis- tributed about the body ; some of them internally ; others be- tween the muscles and the skin, down the throat and chest, or along the tendons of the shoulder ; and these communicate with eacii other and with the lungs. The last named organs adhere closely to the ribs, occupying (Plate XII. fig. 2, E.) the hollows between them and on each side of the spine ; the lungs are very large, but can be very little expanded or contracted. To compensate for this incapacity, which might impede their breathing, the ends of the branches of the wind pipe open into them ; but these again communicate with the membranous sacs, or buoyant air cells, that run along the whole length of the body, — so that a probe thrust into the lungs of a fowl, easily finds a passage into the in- ternal parts of the frame ; and air blown into the wind-pipe, will be seen to distend the bird's body like air blown into a bladder. By the great development of ^the breathing apparatus, the blood is more rapidly and effectually oxygenized, and muscular energy accumulated for the action of flight; while, by the animal heat which is thus given out, the air contained in -the complex respir- atory apparatus is rarified ; and thus the body is increased in bulk, but rendered specifically lighter. The wings of a bird correspond to the arms and hands of man ; but the hand in the bird consists of only two fingers, (Plate XII. fig. 2d, N.,) and a thumb, all of which are rudimentary. From the bones of the bird's hand (M) arise the primaries, or great quill-feathers of the wings, — ten in number, and by their form, stiffness, and relative strength, indicating the character and the power of the flight. The secondaries spring from the principal bone of the forearm, (K. L. ;) the number of these varies in dif- ferent species ; they are generally stouter, longer, and more flex- ible than the primaries, and differ less in form from the general 270 ORNITHOLOGY. covering of the body. The bone of the upper arm (humerus, I.) gives rise to another series of feathers, called tertiaries, which, in such birds as the Plovers, Curlew, etc., .are greatly lengthened ; but in their structure are yet weaker than the secondaries. Fastened to the little bone which represents the thumb, are two or three short and stiff feathers, called the winglel, (or bastard-wing ;) they lie upon the base of the first primaries, at the edge of the wing. Corresponding with the series of feathers, there are both on the outer and inner surface of the wing, several rows of smaller ones, called coverts, from their office of protecting the basal part of the quills; the feathers covering the shoulder-blade, or scapula, are called scapulars. If we examine each feather separately, we find it composed of two parts ; (1) a light but firm shaft, hollowed below for strength and lightness, into a horny tube, containing the blood-ves- sels by which it is sustained ; (2) the vane, or beard of the feather, composed of a double series of layers, or thin parallel plates on each side of the shaft, and set at an angle to it. Towards the shaft of the feather, these layers are broad, and of a semi-cir- cular form, to serve for strength, and for the closer grafting them one against the other, when in action. Towards the outer part of the vane, the layers grow slender and taper, to be more light. On their wider side, they are thin and smooth ; but their upper outer edgs is parted into two hairy edges, each side having a dif- ferent set of hairs, broad at the bottom, and slender and bearded above. By this means, the hooked beards of one layer always lie next the straight beards oC.the next, and lock and hold each other. No resistance is offer^l to the flight of birds by this ar- rangement; while beneath thes^Jkere is a layer of soft down, which preserves them from coldBjfthe effects of which, but for this provision, they would have beenNmuch exposed. The wings are usually placed at that part of the body which serves to poise the whole and to support it. The feathers oftfie wing overlap each other, and present a continuous surface of great breadth, by repeated strokes of which upon the air, the bird performs its flight. (Plate X. fig. 2.) "Each feather is concave, whether we regard it transversely or longitudinally ; its stem, or middle, is remarkably strong, though very light, and the beards which present their edges in the direction of the stroke, are linked to each other by a series of minute hooks." These arrangements add to the power of the wings in their downward strokes upon the air. Every part of a bird, except the beak and the lower, or poste- rior extremities, is, in general, clothed with feathers. Tne feet ORNITHOLOGY. 271 are protected by a naked, scaly skin which, in some cases, ex- tends above the tarsus, and partly up the leg. The soles of the toes are covered with a granulated and callous modification of this skin. (Plates IX. and X.) In Birds, particularly those of extended and powerful flight, the greatest part of the muscular force centers in the wings. The muscles which produce the downward stroke of the wing, are enormous; for their attachment, the breast-bone is greatly enlarged, and its surface is also increased by having its middle portion raised into a perpendicular ridge, the two faces of which, from their direction, afford an advantageous point of resistance, or purchase. A bird can move its wings with a degree of strength which, when compared with the animal's size, is almost incredible. The flap of a Swan's wing has power sufficient to break a man's leg ; and a similar blow from an eagle has been known to produce instant death. The powerful muscular action involved in flight, would nat- urally tend to draw the shoulders together; b it this tendency is resisted by the insertion between the two bones (coracoids) to which the shoulder bones (H) are joined, — of a singular arched bone, called the wish-bone or merrythought, (G.) In the domes- tic fowl, the bone is feeble; but in birds of powerful flight, as the Hawks, the Swallows, and the Humming-Birds, it is very strong and elastic. On the other hand, when the bird never rises upon the wing, as in the case of the Ostrich and Emu, this bone is reduced to a mere rudiment. The bones of the lower, or pos- terior extremities also differ materially in structure from those of quadrupeds. These consist of (1) a thigh-bone, (or femur,) R. ; leg. bones, (tibia and fibula,) S. ; (these leg-bones are really two, but the fibula is very small, and becomes anchylosed to the tibia; i. e., immovably fixed by a continuation of bony secre- tion ;) (2) the metatarsal,or shank-bones, U. U., at the lower end of which there are as many processes as there are toes, each pro- cess being furnished with a pulley for moving its corresponding toe ; (3) the toes, of which the usual number is four, — a number never exceeded ; while a few birds have only three ; and the Ostrich only two. The three toes are directed forwards, and one, answering to the great toe, backwards. This, at least, is the general rule. The back, or great toe, is wanting in some birds. In the Swallows it is directed forwards ; but in the Climbing Birds, as the Parrots and Woodpeckers, the outer toe and back toe are both directed backwards; while the Swifts have all the four toes directed forwards. As the upper limbs, or anterior extremities, are exclusively for EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. BEAKS AND HEADS OF BIRDS. 1. Owl's head, showing the egrets or tufts of feathers on each side, close to the ears. 2. Head of an Eagle, showing the strong curved beak of a raptorial bird. Order Raveners, (birds of prey.) 3. Falcon's beak, showing the notches and teeth near the tip of each man- dible, for holding its prey. 4. Recurved beak of the Avoset, Stilt Plover, &c. 5. Merganser's bill, with serrated margins and abruptly hooked tip. 6. Long, slender, curved bill of the Curlew, formed for penetrating the mud on the sea-shore, ki search of insects, slugs and small testaceans. 7. Bill of the Humming Bird, formed for searching out insects in flowers and sipping the honey dew. Order Tenuirostres, (slender bills.) 8. Beak of the Crossbill, the crossed points of which it inserts to open the cones of pines and fir trees, upon the seeds of which it feeds. 9. Beak of Parrots, Mackaws, Lories, &c., having the upper mandible greatly curved over the lower, which is considerably shorter. 10. Beak of the Petrel, so furrowed as to appear of distinct pieces. 11. Puffin's beak, transversely furrowed on both sides, appears as though a sheath had been slipped over both mandibles. 12. Duck's bill, broad, long and soft, with plaits on each side for straining insects, worms, &c., out of the mud. 13. Beak of the Hornbill, of a light honeycomb structure ; the horn or hel- met is hollow, and by some supposed to act as a sounding board. 14. Beak of- the Whip-poor- Will, deeply cleft; the mouth fringed with strong, stiff hairs, (vibrissae.) Order Fissirostres, (split bills.) TAILS OF BIRDS. 15. Fan shaped or rounded tail. 18. A forked tail, indicating a swift flyer, as in fly-catchers, (Muscicapidae.) 17 and 18. Lyre shaped tails, as in the Chatterers, (Ampelidae.) 19. Doubly forked tail, as in Psalurus bifurcatus, a species of night-jar found in Brazil ; very rare. FEET OF BIRDS. 20. Foot of the Golden Eagle, showing its feathered tarsi, and the power- ful talons of a rapacious bird. 21. Foot of a scratching bird, showing the three front toes united by a mem- brane up to the first joint, the hind toe articulated upon the tarsus, and the horny spur in the male bird. Order Rasores, (scratchers.) 22. Foot of the Ptarmagin, covered with hairlike feathers as far as the claws. 23. Woodpecker's foot, with toes in pairs, (yoke-footed, or Zygodactylus.) Order Scansores, (climbers.) 24. Webbed foot of a swimming bird. Order Natatores, (swimmers.) 25. Foot of a Phalarope, with lobate membranes or festoons on the toes sufficiently broad to assist them in swimming. 26. Grebes' foot, not webbed as in most water birds, but each toe flattened so as to serve as a separate paddle. 27. Foot of the Sacred Ibis, a wading, shore, or stilt bird. Order Gralla- tores, (waders.) 28. Claw of Heron, showing the comb-like divisions of its inner edge. mix. BEAKS AND HEADS OF BIRDS FAILS OF BIRDS FEET OF BIRDS ORNITHOLOGY. 275 flight^ and the bird depends principally on its bill for gathering its food, it became necessary, as the bones of the back have scarcely any motion, that the neck should be as it is, long and flexible. Hence, while in the mammals, the vertebras of the neck are seven, — there being no more even in the Camelopard, — the deficiency of motion in the back is made up in birds by an increase in the vertebras of the neck, (B.) proportioned to their wants Thus the Raven has twelve neck bones, the Domestic Cock thirteen, the Ostrich eighteen, the Stork nineteen, and the Swan twenty-three, which is the largest number yet ascertained, while the smallest is ten. These are so joined together, that the head can be turned completely around, (the position which the bird takes when at rest,) or moved in any direction, so that the bird can touch every point of its body with its bill. The trunk is sustained on the thighs by very powerful mus- cles ; another set of which passes from the lower part of the thighs to the toes, turning over the knee and heel, in such a way that the flexion or bending of these joints shall shorten them. Hence, the simple weight of the body flexes the toes, so that birds are enabled to sleep perched on one foot. But the pectoral mus- cles, as a general rule, show the greatest development. The breast bone, or sternum, is made to project forwards with an ele- vated ridge or keel. To this, the powerful muscles which depress the wings, are attached, The depth of the keel is a partial criterion as to the power of flight; in the Harrier it is deep; in the Ostrich, where the wings are not sufficiently developed to raise the bird from the ground, it is quite flat. The jaws of the bird are not furnished with teeth, but the place of these organs is supplied by a casing of horn, termina- ting in a point at the tip, and brought to an edge on the side of the jaw. This horny casing is known as the beak or bill ; the name mandibles is given to the upper and lower divisions. In Birds of Prey, \see Plate of Birds' Beaks and Heads,) the beak is like a carving or dissecting knife ; in the Woodpeckers it is an effective chisel ; in the Snipe and Woodcock, it is a long and slender probe, furnished at the tip with copious nerves of sensa- tion for feeling in the deep earth of bogs and marshes ; in the Parrots, it is a climbing hook, or a fruit knife ; in the Swallows and Goat Suckers, it is a fly-trap; in the Swans, Geese and Ducks, it is a flattened strainer, with nerves on the inside for the detection of the food remaining after that particular operation which almost every one must have observed a duck perform in muddy water ; in the Storks and Herons, it is like a fish-spear; in the Cross-Bills, or Seed-eating Birds, it forms a pair of Seed- 12 276 ORNITHOLOGY. crackers for extricating the kernel from the husk which cov- ers it.* Varying as the beak does in different kinds of birds, it in no instance performs a proper masticating function ; though it may divide flesh, crack a nut, and with the assistance of the tongue, shell it ; and though it may separate the grain from the husk, as is constantly seen in the Goldfinch and Canary. A nearer ap- proach to mastication, is the bruising down of hard seeds by means of a knob in the middle of the palate, as is seen in the Buntings. The stomach in Birds, consists of three parts, (not always, however, distinctly developed,) viz., the crop or craw, the mem- branous stomach, and the gizzard. From the want of masti- cating power in the bird, it, of course, swallows its food entire. When the food is flesh, the process of digestion is sufficiently simple, and so rapid as to need no preparation. To prepare for the digestion of hard grains and seeds, which are the food of so large a number of species, a sort of internal grinding mill is fur- nished by the gizzard. This organ, which is seen to most advantage in grain-eating birds, is made up almost entirely of two semi-globular masses of dense muscle, whose flat faces, covered with a thick leathery skin, work over each other like a pair of millstones, and by the aid of small angular stones, sand, etc., swallowed for the pur- pose, very quickly grind down the hardest substances. In the Museum of the College of Surgeons, (London,) is a large glass bottle entirely filled with pebbles, &c., taken from the stomach of an ostrich. The experiment has been made, without injury, of conveying bullets beset with needles, and even lancets into the stomachs of granivorous birds, with the effect of the total destruction of those sharp instruments in a short period. The organs of the voice in birds bear a striking resem- blance to certain musical wind instruments. The larynx is made up of two parts ; the second part, or lower larynx, contains a second rima glottidis, (cleft or opening of the throat,) furnished with tense membranes which perform, in many birds, the same office that a reed does in a clarionet, or hautboy, while the first tor upper rima, (cleft or opening,) of the throat, like the ventage or hole of the instrument, gives utterance to the note. None of the endowments of this interesting class more minister to the pleasure and delight of man than their powers of song. The development of the senses of birds varies in the different * See Penny Cyclopedia ; Art. Birds. ORNITHOLOGY. 277 tribes, according to the mode in which they are adapted to take their prey. Of the five senses, sight, smell and hearing are most acute in birds. The crystalline humor of the eye is flat in birds; the vitreous humor is very small. The color of the iris varies in different species, and in many cases is very brilliant. Birds have three eyelids, two of which, the upper and lower, are closed in most of the race by the elevation of the lower one, as may be seen in our domestic poultry. But the third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, forms the most curious apparatus. When at rest it lies in the corner of the eye ; but by the combined action of two muscles which are attached to the back of the sclerotic cjat, (the white,) of the eye, it can be drawn out so as to cover the whole front of the eye-ball, like a curtain, and its own elasticity restores it to its resting place. This, it is said, enables the eagle to look at the sun. The rapacious birds seem most remarkable for their length of sight; others, as the swallow tribe, which fly with extraordinary swiftness, have an almost inconceivable quickness of sight. The sense of hearing in birds appears to be in general tolera- bly acute, especially in the nocturnal birds of prey, which have what other birds are without, an external cartilaginous ear. The sense of smell does not seem to be very highly devel- oped in the birds as a class, but is strong in the vultures. Few of them have a tongue which serves as an organ of taste, but some of the swimmers and the parrots generally have one that is soft, thick and covered with papillae, and there can be no doubt that these taste food of a soft or fluid nature, and select that which they like best ; for the most part, however, the tongue is an organ for taking food rather than of taste. The sense of touch is in birds generally very obtuse. The dress or plumage of birds is admirable for its fitness to the ends for which it was designed ; for its softness, smooth- ness, compactness, and various hues. The most brilliant col- ors are lavished upon the " winged denizens of the air." This is particularly true of birds of the torrid zones. Those of the temperate zones are not so remarkable for the elegance of their plumage ; but the smaller kinds make up for this defect by the melody of their voices. While the birds of the warmer regions are very bright and gorgeous in their colors, they have scream- ing voices, or are totally silent. The frigid zones, where the seas abound in fish, are stocked with £>irds of the aquatic kind far more than any other regions. These usually have a warmer coat of feathers, or they have large quantities of fat lying under- neath the skin, which serves to defend them from the rigors of the climate. 278 ORNITHOLOGY. Birds are oviparous; in other words, are produced from eggs consisting of a living point attached to a globular sac of nutri- ment called the yelk, surrounded by a layer of albumen, the glair or white part, and enclosed in two series of membrane and a hard calcareous shell. The egg is developed into a living, ac- tive chick, by the warmth which the parent supplies while sitting upon the nest wherein the eggs are deposited ; or it may be hatched in a breeding machine, by means of artificial heat of about 96o Fahrenheit. The instinct of birds is wonderfully ex- hibited in constructing and locating their nests as places of com- fort and concealment, and in the exquisite workmanship displayed in some of them. The process of incubation lasts a few weeks, when the young is ready for exclusion. By means of a horny pointed scale at- tached temporarily to the tip of its beak, it succeeds in breaking the egg-shell and forcing its way to freedom. "At the end of the second day, the first moving of the heart is perceptible, and on the fifth, the whole frame of the little creature can be dis- tinctly seen in motion. The feathers make their appearance in a fortnight. At the commencement of the fifteenth day, the chicken begins to breathe, and on the nineteenth it is able to peep." The gallinaceous and swimming birds can run about and pick up their own food as soon as they escape from the egg ; but more commonly the young are, for several days, unable to quit the nest, and as is well known, are anxiously fed and cared for by the parent birds. Few things have attracted more attention than the migration of birds. The immediate cause of this is doubtless to be traced to temperature and to food, particularly that which is adapted to the sustenance of the young; and the instinct of the bird accord- ingly leads it from one climate to another. The change of plumage, termed moulting, takes place in all birds at least once a year, and sometimes oftener. Apart from the ailment connected with this change, birds are subject to very few diseases. In all countries they are said to be more long lived than the quadrupeds of the same climate. Fowls sometimes live 20 years. Linnets and other little birds shut Pigeons, longer. up in cages often live 15 years. Canaries, 25 years. Robins, 17 do. Parrots, 30 do. Eagles, over 100 do. Pelicans, 80 do. Cockatoos, reach 120 do. Geese, 80 or 90 do. Swans, from 300 to 360 do. The fossil remains of birds, though not numerous, are entitled ORNITHOLOGY. 279 to attention. Considerable interest was awakened by the discov- ery, by Prof. Hitchcock, of Amherst College, of many large bird tracks in the new red argillaceous sand-stones of the valley of the Connecticut river. Remains of. colossal birds of the Os- trich type have also been obtained from Australia, which possess peculiar value from their relation to such birds as the DODO, known to have existed at a former period, but now no longer to be found. The classification of birds into orders is founded upon charac- ters derived from the beak and feet. The subordinate divisions take their rise chiefly from the form of the beak, and run into each other by almost imperceptible gradations. The number of species has been estimated at six thousand. These have been arranged into two grand divisions, viz. : LAND and WATER, or TERRESTRIAL and AQUATIC BIRDS, the former being divided into five, the latter into two orders, making the whole number seven. RAPTORES, (Raveners,) INSESSORES, (Perchers.) SCANSOKES, (Climbers,) }• LAND BIRDS. ORDERS. w B L NATATORES, (Swimmers,) J V What is the second branch of Zoology called ? Give the derivation of the word. To what division of animals do birds belong? How are they distinguished from the Mammalia or first division of warm blooded animals ? Are they Bipeds or Quadrupeds ? What have they been styled ? What does their formation for flight involve ? Explain or show how their struc- ture is adapted to it. What is said of the rapidity and variety of their motions ? Explain the skeleton of the bird as given on Plate XII. Name the different kinds of feathers and their situation, as illustrated in Plate X. Name the parts of which each feather is composed. In what doea the greatest part of the birds' muscular force center? Illustrate its power. Show the use of the wish-bone or merrythought. Give some account of the bones of the lower extremities as illustrated in Plate XII. State the variations as to the number and direction of the toes in different birds. Show the benefit accruing from the numerous joints or vertebras in a bird's neck. State the number found in different birds. Give some ac- count of the muscles of a bird and their action. Strictly or properly speak- ing, have birds any teeth ? What supplies their place ? What are its up- per and lower divisions called ? Describe the different kinds of beaks. Do birds really masticate their food ? What approach to mastication is seen in the Bunting? Of how many parts does the stomach consist? What are their uses? What facts show the power of the gizzard? What do the birds' organs of voice resemble ? Illustrate this. What senses are most acute in birds ? What is said of the eye and its appendages ? What birds are most remarkable for their length of sight? What for quickness? What is said of their senses? What of their plumage? How are their 280 RAPTORES. young produced ? What is said of their nests ? Describe the different stages of the incubated egg. What is said of the migration of birds? What does the term moulting mean? How often does it occur? Are birds long lived? What facts show it? What is said of their fossil remains? Upon what is the classification of birds based ? What is the estimated num- ber of species? What are the Grand Divisions of birds? In how many orders are they respectively included ? Name them. SECTION II. LAND-BIRDS. (FIRST DIVISION.) FIVE ORDERS. 1. ORDER. — RAPTORES. (Lat. rapio, to seize.) BIRDS OF PREY, or RAVENERS. This order is sometimes named ACCIPITRES, (Lat. Hawks,) and divided into two sub-orders: 1. Acclpilres diurni, (Lat. Hawks of the Day,) 2. Accipitres nocturni, (Hawks of the Night.) The BIRDS OF PREY are among the largest and the most mus- cular and powerful of all the feathered tribes. They are easily known by their strong hooked beak, and large acute talons or claws. (Plate IX. fig. 20.) By the claws the first blow is given to the prey, which, when grasped by the feet, is torn open by the bill. For aid in this operation, the typical Raptores, (the Fal- cons proper,) have a strong and sharp tooth-like projection from one or both of the mandibles ; (Plate IX. fig. 3 ;) but in those of this order that feed upon carrion or small animals, this projection is nearly or entirely deficient. The base of the beak is covered with a naked skin called the cere, in which the nostrils are pierced ; the stomach consists of a membranous sac, without a muscular gizzard. The flight of these birds is lofty, vigorous and long-sustained. Their increase is slow, and they are comparatively few in num. ber. They annually produce not more than two or three eggs, generally pure white. The females of the order, contrary to the general rule in birds, are one-third larger than the males. The Birds of Prey are found in all parts of the world. They include three distinctly marked families, viz. : 1. Falconida, the Falcons ; 2. Vulturinida, the Vultures ; 3. Strigida, the Owls. FIRST FAMILY. — THE FALCONS. Falconidce, (Lat falco, a falcon.) This family is arranged by Swainson into five sub-families, viz. ; (1) Aquilina, Eagles; (2) Milvina, Kites; (3) Buteonince, Buzzards; (4) Falconina, Falcons; (5) Accipitrina, Hawks. RAPTORES. 281 The Falcons, as a family, exhibit, in their structure and habits, the highest development of the destructive faculty. In these the head is wholly covered with feathers, except the cere at the base of the beak ; and the leading genera have, in the beak, the sharp projecting tooth referred to above. (See Plate IX. fig. 3.) The eyebrows usually overhang the eye, giving a stern expression to the countenance. The points of the strong and highly curved talons are kept from injury by a mechanism for raising them from the surface on which the bird rests ; a process analogous to the sheathing of the claws in the Cat Family of the Mam- malia. The falcons are widely diffused ; some species have been re- claimed and trained for the pursuit of game. NOTE. — It would be interesting and might be instructive to give minutely the characteristics and habits of all the genera and species included in this and in the other orders and families of the Birds ; but from the restricted limits of the present volume, and the great number of species, (6000,) in the feathered tribe, our notices, when given, will necessarily be brief, while very many species must be passed by altogether. 1st SUB-FAMILY. Aquilince. (Lat. aquila, an eagle.) The first place is given to the EAGLE, (in treating of the Fal- con tribe,) riot because it presents most distinctly the family traits, but on account of its great size and strength, the grandeur of its aspect, and the dignity of its movements. This bird was honored by being in the Holy of Holies of the ancient Jewish temple, and every tyro in classical study knows that the old Romans re- garded it as the " Bird of Jove." Eagles are birds of high and powerful, but not of rapid flight. Usually they prefer to strike their prey upon the ground. They breed in solitude on the inaccessible crags of lofty mountains. In these birds, the notch or tooth of the upper mandible is almost obliterated ; the claws are remarkably strong and curved ; the under surface is grooved ; the hind and outer claws are the longest. (See Plate IX. figs 2. of Beaks, and 20 of Feet.) The GOLDEN EAGLE, Aquilachrysaetus,(Gr.chfusaetus, golden eagle,) is a truly magnificent bird, about three feet in length, having plumage of a deep and rich umber brown, glossed on the back and wings with purple reflections ; the feathers of the head and neck are of an orange-brown hue, and when under the rays of the sun, have an almost golden appearance ; the tail is striped with gray and obscure brown, but in the young bird is, in the under part, white. (This variation in the plumage of the young bird has led some to describe it as a distinct species, by the name of the Ring-tailed Eagle.) 282 RAPTORES. The longevity of the Golden Eagle is almost proverbial. One that died in Vienna, (Austria,) is said to have lived in confine- ment one hundred and four years. This species is found throughout the middle and north of Europe, and in North Amer- ica. 'The BALD or WHITE-HEADED EAGLE, Haliaetos, (Gr.hals, the sea; aetos, an eagle;) leucocephalus, (Gr. white-headed,) is, when full grown, three feet long, and more than seven feet across at the expanse of wings. The general color of the upper parts is a deep, dark brown ; the head, chief part of the neck, and the lower parts are white. The wing is admirably adapted for the support of so large a bird, measuring two feet in breadth on the greater quills, and sixteen inches on the smaller. The Bald Eagle is an occasional visitant to the Northern Hem- isphere of the old world ; on this continent it is common, breed- ing, according to Audubon, as far south as Virginia, though its nests are most frequent in the fur countries. The ardor and energy of this bird might awaken deep interest were they not associated with so much of robbery and wanton exercise of power ; for it habitually spoils the Osprey or Fish- Hawk, (Plate X. fig. 3, a,) of his watery prey, and will even, in "hard times," steal from the vultures the carrion on which they are feeding. The falls of Niagara are one of its favorite haunts on account of the fish caught there, and the attraction presented by the numerous remains of squirrels, deer and other animals which perish in attempting to cross the river above the cataract. The nest of the Bald Eagle is usually placed on a very tall tree that is destitute of branches to a considerable height ; it is never seen on rocks. Dr. Franklin thus speaks of this eagle, the em- blem of our national union : " For my part, I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country. He is a bird of a bad moral character ; he does not get his living honestly. You may have seen him perched upon some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches for the labors of the fishing- hawk ; and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to its nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the f Bald Eagle pursues him, and takes it from him. With all this injustice he is never in good case, but like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and very oft- en lousy. Besides, he is a rank coward ; the little King-bird, not bigger than a sparrow, attacks him boldly and drives him out of the district. He is therefore by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America, who have driven RAPTORES. 233 out all the King-Birds from our country, though exactly fitted for that order of knights which the French call Chevaliers d' Industrie." WASHINGTON SEA-EAGLE, H. WasJiingtonii, is a new species first observed by Audubon in 1814, who named this " magnificent bird," the largest of the eagles, after Washington, the "father of his country." The HARPY EAGLE, Harpuia, (Gr. harpuia, from harpazo, to seize,) destructor, (Lat. destroyer,) is one of the " Short- Winged " Eagles found in New Mexico, New Granada, and Guiana. In size and powers of body it equals the Golden Eagle. (See Chart.) The beak above is convex ; the upper mandible is slightly notched, somewhat like the True Falcons ; the tarsi are lengthened, very strong and feathered at the base. When full grown, this bird's head has a thick downy plumage, of a light slaty-gray color. On the back part of the head, there is a crest of dull black feathers, which ordinarily is slightly raised above the level of the feathers on the back of the neck, but on any sudden excite- ment is elevated at right angles to them ; the back and wings are black ; the under surface is pure white ; the tail has four transverse black bands, alternated with whitish, or ash-colored spaces. (See fig. on Chart.) In the nakedness of its legs, it approaches the Sea-Eagles. The Harpy is a solitary bird, frequenting the thickest forests, where it feeds upon the sloths ; it also preys upon fawns and young quadrupedvS. One of these birds, taken near the mouth of the river Amazon, while on its passage to England, is said to have destroyed and eaten a King of the Vultures. After its ar- rival, a cat was put into its cage, and the eagle, with one blow of its immense foot, broke its back. The BRAZILIAN CARACARA EAGLE, Poly'borus or Aquila Bra- ziliensis, differs from the Harpy Eagle in having more slender and lengthened tarsi, and in the comparative weakness of its toes. It is of the size of the common Kite, and has a tail nine inches long. It is all over covered with dusky and blackish feathers ; hence is called by some morphnus, (Gr. morpTinos, ob- scure, or dark.) For its food it seems content with any animal substance ; it is by no means shy, but is seldom attacked, as it rarely molests domestic poultry. The FISH HAWK, or BALD BUZZARD, Pandion, (Gr. proper name,) halietus, has very long and curved talons, the outermost versatile, or capable of being revolved. These are well adapted for holding this bird's slippery fishy food. As already said, it has, in the Bald Eagle, a persecutor that often snatches from it ;f~ hard-earned prey. (Plate X, fig. 3, b.) The nlum— -* 2S4 RAPTORES. Fish-Hawk is much like that of water fowl, white below, with a few brown streaks or speckles on the throat. This bird is spread over Europe and part of Asia ; it is found in North America from Labrador to Florida. The HARRIER, CIRCUS, (Gr. kirkos, a circle,) has the sides of the head furnished with a circle of feathers much like the disk of the Owl's head. The COMMON HARRIER, C. cyaneus, (Gr. kuaneos, dark blue,) ranges from Labrador to Texas, and sometimes is seen in the Western prairies in flocks of thirty or even forty in number. The notes of this bird, while on the wing, " sound like the sylla- bles, pee, PEE, PEE, the first slightly pronounced, the last louder, much prolonged, and ending plaintively." The Common Harrier feeds on insects, small lizards, frogs, &c., but occasionally will attack partridges and plovers. SECOND SUB-FAMILY. KITES. Milvina. (Lat. milvus, a kite.) The length of the wings and the forked tail are the characters which most separate the Kites from the rest of the Birds of Prey. The COMMON KITE, or GLEDE, M. ictinus, (Gr. iktinos, a kite,) or M. regatis, (Lat. royal.) is found in various parts of Europe. According to Charles Lucien Buonaparte, it is very common near Rome, (Italy,) especially about herds of cattle. Formerly, more numerous than now, it was a great scourge to the poultry yard. In falconry, the Glede was very docile, being used both as pur- suer and pursued. THE SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK, or FORK-TAIL, Nauclerus, (Gr. naukleros, a ship master,) furcatus, (Lat. forked,) differs from the true kite, (mifous,) in having a more largely forked tail. The Fork-tail, in steering its course through the air, reminds one of the helmsman who is guiding some noble bark amidst the waves. Its flight is graceful and long protracted. It has been seen as far north as Pennsylvania; in Mississippi and Louisiana it is abundant. The Swallow-tailed Hawks always feed upon the wing. In calm and warm weather they are seen soaring very high, and pursuing the large insects called " Musquito Hawks." The upper plumage is black with reflections of purple ; the head and under parts white. The genus Elanus has several species, among which are E. melanopterus, (Gr. black-winged.) the BLACK- WINGED SWALLOW- HAWK, of Africa; E. dispar, (Lat. dissimilar.) the BLACK-SHOUL- DERED HAWK, a beautiful bird found from Texas to South Caro- lina. RAPTORES. 285 The genus Ictinia, (Gr. iktin, a kite.) is characterized by its strong and short bill, the upper mandible of which is "somewhat angularly festooned," and the lower distinctly notched. The MISSISSIPPI KITE, /. plumbeus, (Lat. leaden or dull,) is by some naturalists ranked among the Buzzards. Twenty or more of these birds are sometimes seen together, sweeping around some tree, and catching the locusts which are numerous early in the season. The back and wings of this bird are of a slate blue ; the head and under parts whitish, spotted with brown. This Kite is said to fly to a great height, where it remains for a while poised ; it cleaves the air rapidly, in order to seize the insects which are its prey, added to reptiles and birds. THIRD SUB-FAMILY. The BUZZARDS. Buteonina. (Lat. buteo, a buzzard.) Buteo, sub-genus of Falco. The Buzzards are, as a group, distinguished by their short beaks, expanded wings, and squared tails. They are com- mon in most of the wooded districts of Europe, and the adjacent parts of Asia, and have been met with in the fur countries of North America. They are indolent, sluggish birds, often remain- ing perched on the same bough the greatest part of the day ; and generally feed upon small quadrupeds, reptiles, and various spe- cies of insects. The skins of the Buzzards are covered with fine down. In Cairo, (Egypt,) and in some other places in the East, the skins, after the feathers are removed, are tanned with the down upon them ; as thus prepared, they are used by wealthy Turks and Persians for lining their silk robes. The COMMON BUZZARD, B. vulgaris, has a general plumage of chocolate brown ; the primary feathers are black with the in- ner webs white, barred with brownish black ; the tail has ten dusky bars on a reddish brown ground ; the under parts are yel- lowish white. This bird builds its nest on high trees, though it has been known to construct it upon rocks. It often seizes upon the nest of a crow, which it enlarges and lines with wool and other soft materials. The female lays from three to five eggs of a whitish cast, spotted with pale brown, and almost without any of the tinge of red which is peculiar to diurnal birds of prey. The length of the Common Buzzard is about twenty-nine inches; the expanse of the wings about fifty inches. The RED-TAILED BUZZARD, B. Borealis, (Lat. northern,) pe- culiar to the American Continent, is found throughout the United States. This is a very wary bird, and hard to be approached by any one bearing a gun. In common with some other Falcons, it 286 RAPTORES. is much annoyed by parasitic fly-ticks. Unlike the eagles, pairs of these birds, after rearing their young, "become as shy to each other as if they had never met, and will " chase and rob each other of their prey on all occasions." Farmers, to whom this bird is known as the Hen-hawk, usually regard it with anything but com- placency. Other species of the genus Buleo found in the United States, are the RED-SHOULDERED BUZZARD, B. lineatus, (Lat. marked with lines,) of the Western and Southern sections of the Union ; the Rough-legged Buzzard, B. lagopus, (Gr. hare-footed.") found east of the Alleghanies, also in the north of Europe, and noted as a great destroyer of meadow mice. The HONEY BUZZARD, Pernis, (Norman, perner, to take,) apt- vorous, (Lat. bee-eating.) is distinguished by having a feathered band about the eyes. This bird is found in the warmer parts of Europe and of Asia. Its food does not consist of honey, as its specific name seems to indicate, but of bee.s, wasps, and their lar- vae. It is a bird of passage, leaving Europe in the beginning of winter. Its length is about two feet ; expanse of the wings fifty -two inches. FOURTH SUB-FAMILY. The FALCONS, Proper. Fakonina. (Lat. /aZco, a falcon.) (Falco is the typical genus of the Falconidce, and includes the greater portion of this sub-family.) The PEREGRINE or SULTAN FALCON, JP. peregrinus, (Lat. wan- dering,) is one of the most remarkable members of the Falcon family. It ranges over Europe, the north of Asia, America and New Holland. When full grown it is a foot and a half in length. We have already referred to the Falcon's strongly notched beak. The beak is of a blue color, approaching to black at the point; the back and upper surface of the bird is of a bluish slate color ; the breast reddish white, with dark brown transverse bars. On account of the large size of this bird's feet, it is called the Great- footed Hawk ; from -its successful chase of ducks, it is sometimes named the Duck-Havvk. The flight of the Peregrine Falcon is amazingly rapid. It does not merely dash at its prey and grasp it with his claws, but strikes its victim with its breast, and actually stuns it with the violence of the blow be- fore seizing it with its claws. Peculiar interest attaches to the "Sultan" bird from its connec- tion with falconry, an art of great antiquity and extensively prac- ticed by English nobles from the period of the Heptarchy to the RAPTORES. 287 days of Charles II. Indeed, a person of rank in England would at one period of her history scarcely be seen out of doors unless he had upon his hand a hawking bird. This in old illuminations and ancient seals is the criterion of nobility. At the present day hawking is still practised in some Oriental countries. So bold is the Falcon, it was generally employed to take the formidable Heron. When used anciently for hawking, the fal- cons were taken into the field with hoods over their eyes, and with little bells on their legs; the sportsman carried a lure to which the bird had been trained to fly by being fed regularly upon or near it with fresh killed meat. When the falcon closed with its prey, they both came to the ground together, and it was the sportsman's business to reach the place of conflict as soon as possible, and assist the falcon in vanquishing its prey. This bird constructs its nest on ledges of rocks, laying four eggs of a reddish brown color. The GYRFALCON, or JERFALCON, F. gyrfalcon. The name Jer- falcon is a corruption of Hierofakon, Sacred Falcon. This bird is by some regarded as the boldest and most beautiful of the tribe, approaching in size nearly to the Osprey. It is a native of Ice- land. In the days of falconry, the Jerfalcon was highly esteemed, and used for the larger game, such as cranes and herons. Its plumage is white with dusky lines. "^The MERLIN or STONE FALCON, .F. cesalon, (Gr. aisalon,) is the smallest of the European species, being not much larger than a black-bird ; in olden times it was considered as the " lady- bird," and used for taking partridges, which it would kill by a single stroke of the neck. It is not uncommon both in Europe and America, and is a migratory bird. The KESTRAL, or WINDHOVER, F. tinnunculus, (Lat. akestral,) inhabits Asia and Africa, as well as Europe. Its length is from fourteen to fifteen inches. Farmers often mistake it for the Spar- row-Hawk, and take every opportunity to destroy it ; but as its natural food is field-mice, they ought to look upon it as a bene- factor, and protect, instead of remorselessly killing it. Its nest is usually built in some deserted one of a crow or magpie. FIFTH SUB-FAMILY. HAWKS. Accipitrina. (Lat. accipiter, a hawk.) The Hawks have short beaks, hooked from the base; and short wings, reaching no farther than two-thirds of the extent of the tail. The upper mandible has & festoon, or prominence in place of the notches of the true Falcons. 283 RAPTORES. Of the genera, we name Astur, (proper name,) characterized by its short beak, its somewhat oval nostrils, and the scutellated acrotarsia, or highest parts of the tarsi. The GOSHAWK, (or Goosehawk,) A. palumbarius, (Lat. from Palumbes, a wood-pigeon,) receives its name palumbarius, from its preying upon pigeons. These, together with pheasants, par- tridges and grouse, constitute its food. Hares and rabbits, also, it sometimes devours. A full grown female is about twenty-four inches in length ; the male bird is one-fourth, and sometimes one-third less. The upper surface of the wings and tail feathers is black; the throat and under parts nearly white, with spots and bars of black. The Goshawk flies low, pursuing its prey in a line after it, or in a manner which falconers call "raking." It abounds in the forests of Continental Europe, and is found in the temperate regions of Asia and America. It has been seen in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, (Penn.) The Goshawk was also one of the falconry- birds ; the female generally " flown " at the large- winged bird ; the male at par- tridges. Birds of the genus decipher have smooth and elongated tarsi. The SPARROW-HAWK, A. fringiUarius, (Lat. fringilla, a chaf- finch,) is the type-bird cf this Sub-family. It is widely spread throughout Europe ; found also in Japan and Southern Africa. The adult male is about twelve inches, the female fifteen inches long. The individuals of this species show considerable diver- sity of color. The Sparrow-Hawk is a great enemy of quadrupeds and small birds, and is often very destructive to poultry. When taken young, it is easily tamed, and then will " associate with quite in- congruous companions." "A gentleman had a Sparrow-Hawk which used to live in his dove-cote among his pigeons ; would ac- company them in their flights, and be uneasy if separated from its strange friends." It builds its nests upon high trees, laying four or five eggs of bluish white, marked with dark brown. The CHANTING-HAWK, Melierax, (Gr. meh, honey ; hierax, a hawk,) is the only known bird of prey whose voice has any sweetness, or is at all pleasant to the ear. It is a native of Af- rica. This Hawk chants every morning and evening ; sometimes it continues its notes the whole night long. In size it equals a Goshawk. RAPTORES. 289 SECOND FAMILY. THE VULTURES. Vulturidae. (Lat. vultur, a vulture.) This Family of the Raptorial Birds, feed on the flesh of ani- mals already dead. Decomposition is not, however, a necessary condition of their food, as is shown by the fact that they may fre- quently be seen regaling themselves on -the flesh of an animal within half an hour after it has been killed. Their geographical distribution is confined to warm climates, where they act as scavengers to purify the earth from the putrid substances with which it otherwise would be encumbered. They are generally protected by the natives of the countries which they inhabit, on account of their utility in disposing of decayed animal remains. It has been a disputed point, whether Vultures are directed to their fetid food by the sight, or the smell. Audubon was in favor of the former, as the directing power ; and their lofty flight and telescopic eye, are extremely well adapted to assist these birds in detecting any dying or dead animal ; but many facts mignt be adduced, tending to show that these birds are guided to their food by the action of both sight and smell. The Vulture tribe are, on the whole, considerably larger than the Falcon birds, but they are much less courageous. The beak is lengthened, curved downward at the point, and not in the least notched ; the talons are comparatively weak, by no means corresponding with the stature of these birds, and used by them far less than the beak. In order that the parts of the bird which come in contact with its offensive food might not become soiled or matted, as feathers, of course, would be by such con- tact, the head, and sometimes the neck, in a greater or less de- gree, are naked, or else covered only with a thin down ; the legs, also, at the lowest part, are covered with scales, and not with feathers, as in the Eagle. The wings are strong and large, and the general plumage uncommonly thick and coarse. THE GRIFFON VULTURE, Vultur fulvus, (Lat. tawny,) is found throughout a large extent of the Eastern Continent. This Vulture has its head and neck covered with close set, short and white downy feathers. The general color is yellow brown; the length more than four feet. CATHARTES. (Gr. Kathartes, a purifier.) The Vultures of this genus have a stout beak, but not the fleshy crest which these birds sometimes exhibit ; and the head and neck are plumeless. THE TURKEY VULTURE, or TURKEY BUZZARD, C. Aura, (Gr. aura, air,) is a species that inhabits a vast range of territory in 290 RAPTORES. the warmer parts of this continent. In the Northern and Middle States of the American Union, it is partially migratory, the greater part returning to the South on the approach of cold weather. When full grown, it is not far from three feet long ; and the wings expand six and one-third feet. The Turkey Buz- zards live upon all sorts of foodj "they suck the eggs and devour the young of many species of birds, and even eat birds of their own species when they find them dead. They are daily seen in the streets of the Southern cities, along with their relatives, and often roost with them on the same trees." (And.) In Jamaica, this bird is protected by a fine of five pounds ster- ling inflicted upon any one who destroys it within a prescribed distance from the principal towns. THE BLACK VULTURE, or CARRION CROW, C. atratus, (Lat. clothed in black,) — is smaller than the preceding; — less elegant in form, and less graceful in flight. It is a constant resident of all the Southern States, and is seen, during the whole day, in the principal Southern cities, flying or walking about the streets. Those of Charleston resort at night to a swampy wood across the Ashley river. Audubon, and "his friend John Bachman, vis- ited this roosting place together." They estimated the number of these vultures which they saw, at several thousands, spread over an extent of two acres. THE CALIFORNIA VULTURE, C. Calif or nianus, is found in the valleys and plains of the Western Slope of this Continent, and in size bears the same proportion to the other species as a Golden Eagle to a Goshawk. The length of this Vulture is fifty-five inches. It builds its nest upon the loftiest trees ; the eggs are two, nearly spherical, and jet Mack. THE EGYPTIAN VULTURE, Neophron percnopterus, (Gr. perknos, black ; pteron, wing ;) sometimes called Pharaoh's Chicken, or Hen, has a pure white plumage, except the great quill-feathers, which are black ; the length is a little more than two feet. Sarcoramphus. (Gr. sarx, flesh; rhamphos, beak.) The Vultures of this genus, have a fleshy tuft growing on their beaks, somewhat like the wattles, or fleshy excrescences of the Turkey ; they have also the Turkey's naked neck and long and oval nostrils. THE CONDOR, S. gryphus, (Gr. grups, a griffon,) — is a bird respecting whose magnitude exaggerated statements have been often made. It may, indeed, be ranked among the largest birds which have the power of flight ; but the greatest authentic meas- urement makes its length not more than five feet, and its expanse of wings not more than fourteen. RAPTORES. 291 The beak of the Condor is four inches long, and straight at the base, but the upper mandible becomes arched to a point, and terminates in a strong, well covered hook, — so strong as to be able to pierce the body of a bullock. Around the lower part of the neck in the male and female birds, there is a broad white ruffof downy feathers, which forms the line of separation between the naked skin above, and the true feathers covering the body below it ; on the head is a species of comb. (See figure of Con- dor on the Chart.) The Condor is found in the Andes from one end of South America to the other; but is most numerous in Peru and Chili, and is frequently met with at an elevation of from 10,000 to 15.000 feet above the level of the sea. Here, amidst perpetual snow, Condors may be seen in groups of three or four, but never in larger companies, like the true Vultures. The Condor descends to the plains only when driven by the demands of appetite ; but soon leaves them again for a lighter atmosphere. " The pecul- iarities of structure," says Dr. Roget, "have probably a relation to the capability we see them possess, of bearing with impunity, very quick and violent changes of atmospheric pressure. The Condor of the Andes is often seen to descend rapidly, from a height of above twenty thousand feet, to the edge of the sea, where the air is more than twice the density of that which the bird has been breathing, thus encountering, in its descent, varia- tions of barometrical pressure extending from twelve to twenty- nine inches." The general color of the Condor is brownish ; the feathers on the back, however, are sometimes perfectly black. This bird does not build any nest, but, after the manner of many sea-birds, lays two white eggs, somewhat larger than those of a Turkey, on the bare lofty rock. It is very strong, and highly tenacious of life. Two Condors will attack and kill the Llama, or even the Puma; by their repeated buffeting and pecking, wearying it so completely that it finally yields to their power. So destruc- tive is the Condor, that various methods are employed by the natives in S. A. to capture it. Sometimes a person clothed in the skin of a newly killed animal, goes out, and entices the Condor to attack him ; while companions, who have secreted themselves, rush out from their hiding places, and seize it. THE KING VULTURE, S. papa, is much smaller than the Con- dor, but of a brighter plumage, and among the handsomest of the Vultures. When pressed with hunger, he will, in the absence of his favorite carrion, feed upon snakes and lizards. He is said to be called the KING Vulture, because he keeps some smaller 292 RAPTORES. Vultures under subjection, and " does not suffer them to approach a dead body until he has completely satisfied his own appetite, which is certainly none of the smallest." This Vulture is a native of South America ; near the central portions of which it is abundant, and it is occasionally seen in Florida, U. S. Gypaetus. (Gr. gups, a vulture ; aetos, an eagle.) The birds of this genus, are included by Gmelin, under the genus Falco. On the Chart, these are accordingly arranged with the Falconida, but they perhaps approach most nearly to the Vul- tures in habits and conformation, and we have thought best to place them with the Vulture Family, as is done by Prince Buona- parte and Mr. Gray. They have the weaker talons of the True or Griffon Vultures; the head and neck, however, are feathered, like the Eagles, and they reject putrid matter unless hard pressed by hunger. THE LAMMERGEYER, (German, Lamtfs Eagle,) or BEARDED VULTURE, G. barbatus, (Lat. bearded,) is a celebrated bird, — not, however, strictly a true Vulture, as its head and neck are feath- ered, and it rejects putrid flesh, except when pressed with hunger. The term bearded is applied to this bird on account of the long tuft of hairs with which each nostril is clothed. It destroys hares, and young or sickly sheep and goats ; when emboldened by hunger, it does not fear even to attack man himself. The young Chamois, the Mountain Hare, and various kinds of birds fall victims to its appetite. The head and neck of this Vulture, are a dirty white ; the lower parts of the neck, breast, and belly, orange red ; the back, and wing-coverts, deep gray brown. The Bearded Vulture, the largest bird of Europe, is a little more than four and a half feet in length; the expansion of its wings is from nine to ten feet. This Vulture inhabits the highest mountains of Europe and Asia, and is also found in the lofty mountains of Central Africa. THE SECRETARY- VULTURE, or SERPENT-EATER, Gypogeranus. (Gr. gups, a vulture ; geranos, a bird,) has, in regard to its true position, been a puzzle to naturalists. This very remarkable bird has long legs like a wading bird, but, in other respects, seems to rank between the Vulture and the Eagle. It feeds exclusively upon reptiles and serpents. A pendent crest appears on the back of the head, reminding the beholder of the pen stuck behind the ear by writing clerks, — hence, the name " Secretary." It chiefly inhabits the arid plains in the neighborhood of the Cape of Good Hope. Attempts have been to introduce this bird into the Antilles with a view to diminish the Yellow Serpent, Trigonocephalus, (triangular-head,) which is six or seven feet long, poisonous, and in those islands, very abundant. RAPTORES. 293 THIRD FAMILY. OWLS. Strigida. (Gr. or^'s, strix, a screech-owl.) The family of Strigida comprise the Hawks of the night, (Accipitres nocturni.) They have the head very large, with great, dilated and projecting eyes, looking forwards, and capable of taking in every ray of light. The power of vision is increased by the manner in which the eye is fixed in a bony socket, just like ' the watch-makers glass. The pupil is so long that the bird is daz- zled in full day, and hence in part arises the stupid appearance which Owls exhibit in the sun-light. Each eye is encircled by a concave disk, or circular fringe, formed of singularly diverg- ing feathers, and assisting these birds to concentrate their whole faculty of sight upon the object directly before them, just as we use a tube in looking at a painting, or some object which we wish to see more distinctly. In those Owls which are partly diurnal in their habits, this circular fringe is scarcely discernible. When the feathers which form the hinder part of the disk are separated, the great ear is seen, enclosed between two valves of thin skin, from whose edges these feathers grow, and which are capable of being widely opened, at the bird's will, so as to catch every sound that may give notice of its prey amidst the silence and darkness. The plumage is loose and downy, — a character which reaches even to the wing-quills; hence the flight of the Owl is almost, or entirely noiseless. The downy feathers present various tints of dull yellow, and brown and white ; often they are spotted minutely, and very delicately penciled. The Owls have the strong hooked beaks and acute claws of the raptorial birds. In some species of this family, there is a series of feathers more or less lengthened, on each side of the top of the head, and which can be erected at pleasure ; when raised, they have some little resemblance to horns, or to the erect ears of a cat. These are called HORNED, or EARED OWLS. (PL IX. fig. 1.) The geographical distribution of the Owl family is very wide, species being found in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Aus- tralia. They feed on birds and quadrupeds, and some species on fish. The large-horned Owls, of Europe and America, at- tack hares, partridges, grouse, and even the turkey ; but mice, shrews, small birds, snakes and crabs, suffice for the inferior strength of the smaller Owls. THE OWL FAMILY may be arranged into three divisions: (1.) the BARN OWLS; (2.) the TUFTLESS OWLS ; and (3.) the HORNED 294 RAPRODES. OWLS. The species are exceedingly numerous, and our notices of them must be few and general. (1.) BARN OWLS. Strix. (Gr. from strizo, to screech.) This genus includes the Barn, or typical group of Owls, having great ears, covered with a large operculum, or ear-flap. The beak is lengthened, and covered only towards the point ; the tarsi are rather long and feathered, and the toes clothed with hair. The Barn Owls are eminently nocturnal ; they are without egrets, or tufts of feathers upon the head ; their colors are generally white and pale buff, marked and speckled with bluish gray ; their voices loud and discordant. The Barn, or Screech Owl, S. flammea, (Lat. flaming,) is common in the temperate and warmer regions of Europe. It hides during the day "in deep recesses, among ivy-clad ruins, in antique church towers, in the hollows of old trees, in barn-lofts, and in similar places of seclusion." At night it sallies forth for prey, which consists of mice, rats, moles, and shrews. The length of this Owl is about thirteen inches. THE AMERICAN BARN OWL, S. -Americana, is closely allied to the European Barn Owl ; the color is of a darker brown, with the ruff red, and the length from seventeen to eighteen inches. It is much more abundant in the Southern section of the Union than in the other parts, and is also found quite plentifully in Cuba. (2.) TUFT LESS OWLS. These differ from the rest of the family, (excepting the Barn Owl.) in the extraordinary extension of the fringes of feathers about the eye ; and also differ among each other in their adapta- tion to diurnal or nocturnal habits. Like the Barn Owls, they are widely diffused over the globe. Surnium. (Gr. owl, or inauspicious bird.) THE HOOTING OWLS. The Owls of this genus hoot, and are of very large size. The legs are rather short, with the toes feathered. The plumage is very soft and downy ; ^the facial disks are complete ; the wings, very large and much rounded. THE GREAT CINEREOUS OWL, S. cinereum, (Lat. ash-colored.) is very large, the female being about two and a half feet long. They range from the North-East coast of the United States to the Columbia river. The comparatively small size of their eyes seems to indicate that they hunt by day, as Audubon suggests ; RAPTORES. ^ 295 the unusually small feet and claws also indicate that they do not prey on large animals. They are not found in any great numbers. Surnia. (Gr. owls.) This is a genus of Owls having small heads, feathered claws, and wedged tails. Unlike the Barn Owl, they seek their food during the day. Among the species is the BURROWING OWL, '^ f OFTri£ \ I UNIVERSITY \ 322 INSESSORES. bristles at the base ; tbe wings are rounded ; the third and fourth primaries the longest ; the first scarcely longer than the sixth. The color is a greenish olive ; the length seven inches. This bird attracts attention by its singular notes, and the oddity of its mo- tions. It comes from the tropical regions of America early in May ; along the Atlantic does not advance farther than the southern part of New York ; it is, however, not uncommon in the Western States. It leaves us among the earliest, going South about the middle of August. FOURTH FAMILY. CHATTERERS, or WAX- WINGS. Ampelida, (Gr. afinellg, ampelis, a vine or singing bird.) The beak in the Chatterers is stouter in proportion to its length than in the Fly-catchers, the form of the lower mandible ap- proaching that of the cone-billed birds ; the upper mandible is, however, rather broad at the base, flat, with the upper edge more or less angular and ridged, and the tip distinctly notched. The feet are, for the most part, stout, with the outer toe united to the middle one as far as, or beyond the first joint. In many, the wide gape extends beyond the eye, and in some it is nearly as wide as in the Night-jars. The absence of bristles from the gape indi- cates that the wide opening is not to catch insects on the wing, as in the Swallow family. The Chatterers feed chiefly on ber- ries and other soft fruit, which they swallow whole ; and this food naturally requires a wide passage ; occasionally they feed on insects. Their home seems to be in fruit-bearing trees, and they very seldom come to the ground. The species in this family are not very numerous ; but they are of varying forms, and widely scattered. Many of them are distinguished for their soft and silky plumage and the brilliant colors which adorn it. The plumage of the head forms a long and pointed crest, which is capable of being erected, and is com- mon to both sexes. Some of these birds are distinguished by hav- ing singular appendages to the secondaries of the wing, and sometimes to the feathers of the tail ; the shaft of the feather being extended beyond the vane, and its tip dilated into a flat oval appendage of a brilliant scarlet hue, and exactly resembling the appearance of red sealing-wax. Hence they are sometimes called Wax-wings ; from the silky softness and smoothness of their plumage, and particularly that of the tail, they are also named SILK-TAILS. The BOHEMIAN CHATTERER, or SILK-TAIL, A. garrulus, or Bombycilla, (Gr. Bombux, silk-worm,) garrulus, is the only spe- INSESSORES. 3J3 cies known in Europe ; south-east of Germany it is quite abun- dant. Its general plumage is of a purplish red hue ; the crown and crest are of a chestnut brown ; some five or six of the secondary feathers, and, in very old males, some of the tail feath- ers also, have the extended scarlet appendages which are refer- red io above. Prince Bonaparte gives a very amiable charac- ter of the European Wax-wing in a state of nature. In the spring it eats all sorts of flies and other insects ; in autumn and winter different kinds of berries. It is fond of the berries of the mountain ash ; of grapes it is exceeding greedy, and is, therefore, with reason, called ampelis. When taking wing it ut- ters a note resembling the syllables zi, zi, zi, but it is generally silent, though it bears the name of Chatterer. In captivity it eats almost any vegetable substance, losing at the same time, all its vivacity and its amiable social habits. Its length is nine or ten inches. This bird was seen by Dr. Richardson in N. Lat. 50o, in flocks, near the Great Bear Lake ; it has also been pro- cured in the vicinity of Philadelphia. The CEDAR WAX-WING, or CEDAR BIRD, B. Carolinensis, ranges from Texas as far north as the Fur countries, and west- ward to the Columbia river. Its nest is built in the fork of a cedar or apple tree, and is composed of stalks of grass, coarse without and fine within. In this it lays three or four eggs of a bluish white, marked with dots of black and purple. It devours every fruit or berry that comes in its way. Dr. Brewer says it remains all the year round at Boston, and confers great benefit on the farmer by destroying thousands of the destructive canker- worm. Audubon thinks the name of Fruit devourers would be more appropriate for these birds than that of Chatterers. " By way of dessert," however, they eat largely of winged insects, being troubled with most voracious appetites. The A. cotinga, (Gr. from kotillo, to chatter,) (see Chart,) an inhabitant of Brazil, is sometimes called the Pompadour Chat- terer, from having been introduced into Europe by the thought- less and extravagant mistress of Louis XV. The RED, or JAPANESE WAX- WING, B. phcmicoptera, (Gr. phoinicos, red; pteron, wing,) bears great resemblance to the Cedar Bird. It was discovered by means of the scientific mission to Japan, instituted by the government of the Nether- lands. The BELL- BIRD, Procnias, (Gr. prokne, a proper name or Swallow,) carunculata, (Lat. from caruncula, a small piece of flesh.) is a species of the Chatterers distinguished by the soft car- buncle or fleshy excrescence at the base of the beak. It is the 324 INSESSORES. celebrated Campanero of South America, whose voice, during the stillness of mid-day, it is said, exactly resembles the tolling of a bell. At uncertain intervals, the Chatterers appear in particular districts in immense flocks, and so remarkable have such visita- tions appeared, that they have been recorded as events of history, and regarded as ominous, in some way, of great public calami- ties. FIFTH FAMILY. SHRIKES, or BUTCHER BIRDS. Laniadce, (Lat. lanius, a butcher.) The structure of these birds closely resembles that of the Perchers, but their beak is very similar to that of the falcons, in its strength, its arched form, its strongly hooked point, (see Chart,) and in the distinct tooth which precedes the usual notch of the tooth-billed tribe. This peculiarity of beak is accompanied by a carnivorous appetite, a rapacious cruelty, and a courage alto- gether raptorial, and which, as indicating a kindred nature, have induced naturalists to associate them with birds of prey. The Shrikes not only devour the larger insects, especially grasshoppers, but even attack and overpower small birds and quadrupeds, seizing them with their beak or claws, and bearing them to some station near to tear them in pieces with their toothed and crooked beak. These birds live in families for a few weeks after the breeding season ; they fly irregularly and precipitately, uttering shrill cries ; nestle on trees or in bushes ; lay five or six eggs and take great care of their young. Many of them have the curious habit of impaling their prey upon a large thorn, and then pulling it to pieces and'devouring it at their leisure. Hence they have derived the name of Butcher-birds. Mr. Bell, when traveling in Russia, had one of these birds given to him, which he kept in a room, having fixed up a sharpened stick for him in the wall ; and on turning small birds loose in the room, the Butcher-bird instantly caught them by the throat in such a manner as soon to suffocate them, and then stuck them on the stick, pulling them on with bill and claws ; and so served as many as were turned loose, one after another, on the same stick. The power which the Shrikes have of clutching with their toes is remarkably great. They always hold their prey in one foot, resting on the tarsal joint of that foot, unless when they have fastened the prey upon a thorn, when they pull it to pieces in a contrary direction. They show great boldness in defending INSESSORES. 325 themselves and their nests from their more powerful enemies ; and the parents evince great attachment to each other as well as to their young. This family comprises a large number of species, distributed through all quarters of the globe. Some of them have a remarkably melodious song. The GREAT GRAY SHRIKE, L. excubitor, (Lat. a sentinel,) re- ceives its specific name from its habit of watching for birds of prey, and chattering loudly as soon as it perceives them. Bird- catchers sometimes avail themselves of this peculiarity in taking-; hawks. A pigeon is fastened to a net by way of bait. A string is attached and brought within the turf hut where the bird-catcher sits. Close to the hut a shrike is tied to the ground, and two pieces of turf are set up as a shelter for the bird from the weather, and as a refuge from the hawk. As soon as the hawk appears in the distance, the shrike becomes agitated ; as it draws nearer, he begins to scream with fright; and just as the hawk pounces on the pigeon, he runs under his turf, which is the sig- nal to the bird-catcher to pull the string, thereby enclosing the hawk within the folds of the net. The nest of this bird is built on trees, and contains about six grayish-white eggs, ash-colored on the larger end. The length of the Great Gray Shrike is from nine to ten inches. The GREAT AMERICAN SHRIKE, L. borealis, (Lat. northern,) is larger in size, but in other respects, does not differ much from the preceding European Shrike. The RED- BACKED SHRIKE, L. coUurio, (Gr. kollurion) has derived its English name from having the back, scapulars, and wing-coverts of a rusty red color. (See Chart.) What is the 2d DIVISION of the PERCHERS? Why are they so called? In what birds is the notch most remarkable? What are their habits? How does their beak differ from the Falcons' ? What is said of the TOOTH-BILLED BIRDS? Do they include all the musical birds? What is the exception? Into how many FAMILIES are these birds divided? What is the 1st FAMILY? What is said of their numbers? How many American sp. does Audubon enumerate? What is said of the habits and size of these birds? What office do they perform? What is said of their migrations? Into how many GROUPS may they be arranged? Which are the TRUE WARBLERS? What sp. are particularly mentioned? Which is the smallest of European birds? What birds are included in the 2d GROUP ? What in the 3d GROUP? What celebrated bird is found in this group? How does it differ from the A. Robin? What is the 4th GROUP? What A. sp. is mentioned? What is the 5th GROUP? What is a familiar example? Why is the Penduline Tit OP Bottle Tit so called ? Name the 2d FAMILY. What is said of their numbers, favorite haunts and average size ? What of their beak, food and plumage ? For what are 14 gO(J INSESSORES. the ORIOLES distinguished ? For what the BREVES and AFRICAN THRUSHES ? What sp. illustrate the general character and habits of this family ? To what sub-family does the AMERICAN ROBIN belong? What is said of the Mocking-bird? What of the Cat-bird? Of the Misletoe Thrush? Of the Water Ouzel or Dipper ? What is the 3d FAMILY ? Why are they so called ? How do they appear to connect the Split-billed and Tooth-billed birds? Into how many genera does Audubon arrange them? What are the EUROPEAN FLY-CATCHERS sometimes called and why? Mention the sp. What is said of the King- bird? What of the Phebe B. ? What of the Wood Pewee and the Amer- ican Redstart? How have the Greenlets been arranged? What is said of them? What is the 4th FAMILY? Give the characteristics of these birds. What is their food ? What is said of their plumage ? Why are they called WAX- WINGS? Name and describe the only E. sp. ? What is said of the Cedar B.? What of the Pompadour Chatterer ? Of the Asiatic Wax-wing ? Of the Bell B. ? What has been inferred from the appearance of immense flocks of Chatterers in certain districts ? What is the name of the 5th and last FAMILY? What is said of the structure of these birds? What accompanies their peculiarity of beak? Is their food confined to the larger insects? What curious habit have they? What name is hence given to them? What is related by Mr. Bell? What is said of the power of their toes? What of their boldness? Does this family include many sp. ? What is said of the G. G. SHRIKE ? What of the Great American S. ? What of the Red-backed S. ? Trace those mentioned on the Chart. SECTION V. THIRD DIVISION OF THE PERCHERS. CONE-BILLED BIRDS. Conirostres. (Lai. conus, a cone ; rostrum, a beak.) This division is less numerous than the Dentirostres, but still includes a great number of birds of varying size, structure and habits. Naturalists regard this tribe as typical, not only in the Order of the Perchers. but in the whole Class of Birds. The chief character by which they are associated together, is found in the beak, which, though differing in shape and compar- ative size, is generally short ; at the same time, it is thick, and very strong, more or less conical in form, and usually without a notch at the tip. In one ^pretty large group, however, the TANAGERS, of Louisiana, and South America, — gay, fire-colored birds, — the beak, while partaking of the conical form of this division, is distinctly notched ; constituting them one link of connexion between this and the preceding tribe, (Dentirostres.) INSESSORES. The feet in the Cone-billed Birds are, upon the whole, formed more for perching than for walking, though many birds of this division, walk habitually upon the ground. Seeds and grain are the principal food of these, the * Hard- billed " Birds ; and for opening the different capsules, and seed vessels, as well as for crushing hard seeds themselves, their stout and horny beaks are peculiarly fitted. Some of these birds, however, join insects to vegetable food ; and a part of them are nearly or quite omnivorous. As the form of the beak varies from that of a short and broad cone, so does the appetite proportiona- bly vary from an exclusive seed diet. The Cone-billed Birds, particularly the FINCHES, seem to prefer the temperate and colder to the warmer regions; but they are represented in all the countries of the globe. The families of this tribe are the follow- ing, viz: (1.) Corvidce, or Crows ; (2.) Slurnidce, or Starlings; (3.) Fringillida^ or Finches; (4.) Loxiada, or Cross-bills; (5.) JBucerotidcB, or Horn-bills; (6.) Musophagida, or Plantain Eaters. FIRST FAMILY. THE CROWS. Corvida, (Lat. corvus, a raven.) THE CROWS are among the largest of the Passerine, or Perch- ing Birds. They are widely spread, but yet comparatively few in number. Their beak is powerful, more or less compressed at the sides, conical, but long, having the upper mandible usually arched, the gape nearly straight, and the nostrils concealed by stiff bristles, pointing forwards. The plumage is dark and som- bre, often black, -more or less glossed, and sometimes varied with gray or white. To this sombre coloration, the Jays, however, are an exception, being usually arrayed in the richest azure and purple. They are also more exclusively arboreal than others of the family which walk a great deal on the ground. The Corvidce. are birds of firm and compact structure ; their wings are long, pointed and strong ; their feet and claws robust. Their disposition is bold and daring ; they are very sagacious ; easily tamed, and rendered familiar. Most of them have the faculty of imitating with much accuracy the sounds which they hear, and even words of human language. They show a strange propensity for thieving, and for hiding substances that can be of no use to them whatever, particularly if they display metallic or polished surfaces, or brilliant colors. They may be ranked as omnivorous ; insects and their larvae, grain, fruits, bread, flesh, 323 . INSESSORES. both when fresh and when putrid, they can, by turns, devour with avidity. "THE CROW, (Corvus,) "as Swainson strikingly remarks, "is the type of types, or the preeminent type of all birds, uniting a greater number of properties than are to be found in any other genus of birds. Like the Hawk, it soars in the air, and seizes living birds; like the Vulture, it devours putrid substances, and picks out the eyes of young animals; like the Climbers, it dis- covers its food when hidden from the eye, by pecking ; like the Parrot -family, it has a taste for vegetable food; has great cun- ning, sagacity, and powers of imitation, even to counterfeiting the human voice; like the Waders, it walks with facility, and has great powers of flight; like the Aquatic birds, it can both catch and feed upon fish. Thus it unites some of the properties of all other birds, and stands the preeminent type ofthe Perchers." The largest and most powerful species of the genus Corvus, is the well known Raven, C. corax, (Lat. a raven,) — the CORBIE, of Scotland^ celebrated even from the time of the universal deluge, and ever looked upon as a bird of dark omen. It is twenty-five inches in length, and fifty inches in the spread of the wings, — ranging from the Arctic seas to the Cape of Good Hope, in the Eastern Continent, and from the same seas to Mexico, on the Western; unchanged in character, amidst all the variations and extremes of heat and cold ; traveling in pairs, and flying so high that it would escape notice but for its frequent cry ing j in all times and places, showing itself possessed of acute and powerful sight and smell ; and at perpetual variance with all other feathered tribes. THE COMMON 'CROW, C. Americanus, is seventeen inches in length, being somewhat smaller than the Common Carrion Crow of Europe, from which it differs in its voice, its gregarious habits, and the shape of its tongue. Both are regarded and treated as nuisances. Tens of thousands of them are shot every season. They may be of some use to farmers in ploughing time, by picking up worms and the larvae of insects; but of other good deeds of the Crow, we are ignorant. No sooner are the seeds in the ground, than he begins to search after and devour them ; for Indian Corn and eggs he seems to have a wonderful inclina- tion; and even relishes young chickens, turkeys and goslings; at the same time, he is very cunning in avoiding the sn ires which are devised to entrap and destroy him. The FISH CROW, C. ossifragus, (bone-breaker,) — found on the sea-coast as far North as New York, like the Raven and Common Crow, robs other birds of their eggs and their young; but, being regarded INCESSORES. 329 as inoffensive, it is usually unmolested. It takes the liberty, however, to feed with great freedom on the best garden fruits. The MAGPIES, Pica, (Lat. magpie,) and the JAYS, Garrulus, (Lat. chatting, or talkative,) are near relatives of the Crows. The well known BLUE JAY, G. cristatus, (crested,) is capable of living in cold as well as warm climates, and is found in all parts of the United States. It is truly omnivorous, and, in times of scarcity, has been known to feed even on carrion. Though extremely beautiful in its appearance and graceful in its movements, (see Plate X. fig. 4c.) it is a deceitful, and often a very mischievous bird. The NUT-CRACKERS, Nucifraga, (Lat. nux, a nut; frango, to break.) all belong to this family. In their habits, they resem- ble both the Jays and the Woodpeckers, — climbing trees and perforating their bark, and devouring all sorts of fruits and insects, as well as small birds. The FRUIT CROWS, Coracina, are a sub-family of South American Birds, about whose proper place there has been some question among naturalists, but which are placed by Swainson with the Corvida. The most remark, able of these are the Capuchin Baldhead, Coracina gymnocephala, (Gr. bald headed,) a bird about as large as the Common Crow, of Spanish-snuff color, or, as some say, capuchin color. Its large beak and ample forehead, bare of feathers, to which the specific name refers, give it a very singular appearance. The Crested Crow, C. cephaloptera, (Gr. head-winged,) is also a sin- gular looking bird, of a uniform blue-black hue, having the head and base of the bill ornamented with a crest, forming a sort of parasol, to shade the face, and reaching to the end of the bill, compressed in the same manner as in the Rupicola, or Cock of the Rock. " The sides of the neck are naked, but long feathers forming a loose pelerine, and hanging down lower than the breast, spring from beneath the throat and from the sides of the neck. This crest and feathers of the pelerine give metallic reflections/' (Lesson.) In the family of the Corvida are included the Birds of Para- dise, which some naturalists have, with reason, erected into a separate family, called Paradiseadce, including some of the most singular and magnificent of the feathered tribes. They are natives of New Guinea, to which they are almost confined. Of these birds, splendid as they are, fiction has presented many strange and exaggerated descriptions. For a long time, it was asserted that some of them are without legs ! They considera- bly resemble the Crows in their general structure, and they also approach them in size. In these birds, the wings are long and round, the tail varying in length at the extremity, or else g30 INSESSOBES. rounded. The tarsi are robust, long, and covered by a single feathered scale ; the toes long and strong, especially the hind toe ; the claws large, curved, and powerful. The sides of the body, the neck, the breast, the tail, and sometimes the head, are ornamented with lengthened and peculiarly developed showy feathers ; the plumage of the face and throat, is commonly of a scaly or velvety texture, and most richly glossed with metallic hues, while other parts of the body are frequently arrayed in rich and brilliant colors. There are several species of these birds, but the EMERALD BIRD OF PARADISE, which is figured on the Chart, is the one best known. It is impossible adequately to describe its beauty of form, and the vivid and changing tints of its plumage. The generic part of the scientific name, Paradisea apoda, is from the Greek Paradeisos, a pleasure-ground ; th^ specific name, which means footless, was given it by Linnaeus, " because the older naturalists called it footless. 'r The truth is, the natives of New Guinea were accustomed to dry birds of this species, (having first cut off the legs,) and to offer them for sale. They were taken to other countries in this "footless" condition ; and hence, conjectures arose that they lived in the air, buoyed up by the light- ness of their feathery covering ; that the shoulders were used for a nest ; that the only rest which they took, was by suspending themselves from a branch by the filamentary feathers of the tail , that their food was the morning dew, — and other things of a like character, — amusing enough, but entirely without foundation, in fact. So far from living wholly on dew, this bird eats no small amount of insects, such as grasshoppers, etc., which, however, it will not touch when dead ; it also feeds largely on the seeds of the teak tree, and on figs and aromatics ; when alive, it is about the size of a Common Jay, or Pigeon ; its note is like that of the Starling. The body, breast, and lower parts, are of a deep rich brown ; the forehead is clothed with close-set feathers of a velvety black shot with green ; the throat of a rich golden green ; the head yellow ; the sides of the tail are clothed with a splendid plume of downy feathers of a soft yellow color. By these are placed two long filaments, or thread-like shafts, which extend nearly two feet in length. (See figure on the Chart.) "Of these beautiful feathers, the bird is so proud, that it will not suffer the least speck of dirt to remain upon them, and it is constantly examining its plumage, to see that there are no spots on it. When in its wild state, it always flies and sits with its face to the wind, lest its elegant flying plumes should be dis- arranged." The female is without these floating plumes of the INSESSORES. 331 male, and her colors are less lustrous. The Emerald, in its motions is lively and agile, and, in general, it perches only upon the tops of the most lofty trees. These birds are killed by the natives with blunt arrows, and sold to the Europeans ; this forms a gainful traffic ; and hence, the Chinese, it is said, fabricate imitations of these " celestial fowls," of the feathers of Parrots and Paroquets, which they sell at high prices to strangers. SECOND FAMILY. THE STARLINGS. Sturnida. (Lat. Slurnus, a starling, or stare.) THE STARLINGS are a numerous and widely distributed fam- ily ; larger, for the most part, than the average of the birds ; but of less size than the Crows, which, in structure and manners, they much resemble. The beak in these birds, is of a form well adapted for penetrating the earth in search of the worms and underground larvae upon which they feed. The plumage is commonly of dark colors, but has a peculiar richness; black, glossed with lustrous hues of steei blue, purple, or green, of the prevailing color, but occasionally it is relieved by broad masses of crimson or yellow, (and, in a lew instances, of white,) as in the Icterus, or Baltimore Oriole. The Starlings live in societies, sometimes immensely numer- ous, and seem universally to prefer the locality of plains fre- quented by cattle ; in this particular, resembling the Maize Birds. THE COMMON STARLING, (S. vuJgaris,) it has been observed, becomes wonderfully familiar in the house ; is very docile ; always gay and wakeful ; soon knows all the inhabilants of the house, remarks their motions and air, and adapts himself ».o their humors ; he repeats correctly the airs which he is taught, imitates the cries of men and animals, and the songs of all the birds in the same room with himself; but his acquirements are of little value, for he forgets as fast as he learns The Starling lays, twice in a year, from four to six eggs of a delicate pale blue, or of an ashy green color. It is about the size of the Blackbird. THE MEADOW STARLING, or Meadow Lark, (Sturnella ludo- viciana,) is a beautiful bird, found abundantly throughout the United States, and as far North as the Fur countries, wintering in the Carolinas, or Florida. It builds its nest at the foot of some tall, strong grass. This bird, though useful in destroying 332 INSESSORES. thousands of larvae in meadows, is a little too fond of scratching up the seeds of grain, and of plucking up young corn; it has been known even to kill and eat small birds. The male is about eleven inches in length. THE RED-WINGED STARLING, S. prcedatorius, (Lat. plunder, ing,) ranges from Labrador to Mexico, — north of Maryland being migratory. From its strong predilection for corn or maize, and its extensive depredations upon the young ears, it has acquired a bad reputation, having among other names, that of CORN or MAIZE THIEF. A remarkable characteristic of this bird is, that the male is nearly two inches longer than the female, and of proportionate magnitude. THE BOAT- TAILS are American Birds, and the largest of the Starling family, and might easily be mistaken for Crows. Their t ills are so concave on their upper sides as to resemble a boat, whence the sub-family name, ScaphiduriiKZ, (Gr. skaphis, a boat; oura, a tail.) The typical birds of this group, (Scaplii- dura?) are found in South America. Another genus, sometimes included in the Boat-tail Birds, is Quiscalus, which has several representatives in the United States. Among these are (1) the Boat-tailed Grackle, or Great Crow Black Bird, Q. major, (Lat. greater,) about sixteen inches in length, and found in the Southern States, particularly on the sea-coast. The food of this species consists, principally, of the small crabs, called * fiddlers;" (2.) the Purple Grackle, or Common Crow Black- bird, is a constant resident in the Southern States, but migrating very far North. It appears in the State of New York about the middle of April, and is notorious, and dreaded for its attacks on Indian Corn ; (3,) the Rusty Crow Blackbird, Q.ferrugineus, (Lat. iron-colored,) of similar character and habits with the pre- ceding, but ranging still farther North. The sub-family, Lamprotornina, (Gr. lamprotes, splendor; onus, a bird,) includes Grackles found in Asia and Africa, in which they represent the Boat-tails of America. THE ORIOLES, or Hang-Nests, Icterus, (Gr. Yellow Thrush,) — sub-family, Icterina, — are a numerous and beautiful group of American Birds, of which the Baltimore Oriole, /. Baltimore, is the most noted. This is sometimes called Golden Oriole, Golden Robin ; and also Fire-Bird, Fire Hang-Bird, from the bright orange seen through the green leaves, and resem- bling a flash of fire; but more generally, the Baltimore Bird ; its colors of black and orange, resembling those of the arms or livery of Lord Baltimore, formerly proprietary of Mary- land. The materials which this bird uses for making its nest, INSESSORES. 333 vary with the temperature. In Louisiana, its nest (see Plate XI. fig. 4) is constructed of moss, woven throughout, so that the air can easily pass through it, and it is placed in the coolest posi- tion", so strongly is it secured, that no wind can carry it off without breaking the branch to which it is suspended. In Penn- sylvania and New York, the nest is constructed of the warmest and softest materials, and so placed as to be exposed to the sun's rays. In summer, the Baltimore Orioles are dispersed over the United States, and as far North as Nova Scotia. The song of this bird, is a clear, mellow whistle, repeated at short intervals. The male, according to Audubon, does not receive its full plumage until the third spring. The principal food of the Oriole consists of caterpillars, beetles, and bugs, particularly one of a brilliant glossy green. Dr. DeKay, in the Natural History of New York, includes the Crow Blackbirds, (Quiscalus,) the Orioles, (Icterus,) the Cow Bunting, (Molothrus,) and the Bob-o'link, (Dolichonyx,) in one family, Quiscalida. But Audubon arranges these together, with the Marsh Blackbird, Agelaius, in the family AgelaincB, MINO BIRD. — Among the Starlings we also place the Mino Bird, Eulabes, (Gr. eulabes, circumspect, or religious,) Javana- cus, or Gracula religiosa ; following Swainson in this arrange- ment, who deems it quite unreasonable to place this long-legged Grackle close to the short-legged ROLLERS, as M. Lesson has done. This bird has a short and stout beak, with the tip dis- tinctly notched. Its plumage is of a deep velvety black, with a white space in the middle of the wing ; behind the eye spring fleshy carbuncles of a bright orange color. The Mino Bird feeds on insects and fruits. It is easily tamed ;. learns to whistle and talk with great facility, and is therefore a great favorite with the Javanese. Marsden says, it has the fac- ulty of imitating human speech in greater perfection than any other of the feathered tribe. There is said to be a smaller variety of this bird in India. THIRD FAMILY. FINCHES. Fringittida. (Lat. Fringilla, a finch.) The Finches are a large and interesting family, the smallest of the Perchers, and, for the most part, excellent songsters. They have short, thick, and powerful beaks ; both mandibles are usually of equal thickness, and their length and breadth nearly alike, so that when the beak is closed, it generally appears like a. very, short cone divided in the middle by the gape. In some EXPLANATION OF PLATE XI. Fig. 1. Nest of the CHESTNUT CROWNED TITMOUSE, suspended from the fork of a twig, nine inches long, more than three in diameter, entrance at the top less than an inch wide, made of the softest materials. Fig. 2a. Nests of the AFRICAN WEAVER-BIRDS, (REPUBLICAN GROSBEAKS of Swainson.) The numerous entrances to this BIRD TOWN lead to regu- lar streets, having nests on each side, at about two inches distance from each other ; the general roof or cover is built by the united labors of the birds, and sometimes shelters hundreds. That from which this fig- ure was taken was thought to contain a society of eight hundred or a thousand. Fig. 2b. Hive nests of the SOCIABLE WEAVER-BIRDS. The lower surface abounds with perforations admitting the birds to their nests, but ex- cluding snakes and other intruders. They never occupy the, old nests, but continue to add successive tiers until the branches yield to the ac- cumulated weight. Fig. 3. Nest of the WOOD SWALLOW. Fig. 4. Nest of the BALTIMORE ORIOLE, closely interwoven with flax, hemp, tow, hair, and bits of thread, cord, &c., stitched through and through with horse hair, securely suspended from the branch of a tree. Fig. 5. Nest of the PENDULINE TITMOUSE, or BOTTLE TIT, made of the down of the willow, poplar, and thistle, lined with feathers, containing from ten to fourteen eggs. Fig. 6. Nest of the PENSILE WEAVER-BIRDS, or WEAVER FINCHES, shaped like a Chemist's retort ; suspended over water from trees ; entrance from beneath. Fig. 7. Nest of the WREN ; of hay, if against a hay-stack ; of moss, if against a mossy tree. Fig. 8. Nest of the TAILOR-BIRD, or TAILOR WARBLER, of Ceylon, curi- ously formed by stitching with plant fibres or threads of cotton a dead leaf to a living one ; nest open at the top and filled with fine down. A species in Italy are said to sew th«ir materials together with spiders' webs. Fig. 9. BAR-TAILED HUMMING BIRD, of Peru; the nest of soft delicate materials, is often warped or woven together with spiders' webs. Fig. 10. Nests of the BANK SWALLOWS or SAND MARTINS, numerous in sand banks or artificial excavations, such as gravel-pits. Audubon says, "the little creatures are so industrious he has known a hole dug to the depth of three feet four inches, the nest finished in four days, and the first egg deposited on the morning of the fifth." Fig. 11. GOURD-SHAPED nests of the REPUBLICAN or CLIFF SWALLOW, built of muddy sand under the eaves or cornices of buildings, or attached to rocks overhanging rivers, where they are found grouped by hundreds. NOTE. — The nests of RAPTORIAL birds are seldom met with, as they are usually built in lofty trees or inaccessible precipices. OWLS do not usually construct nests, but deposit their eggs in some hole, in a tree, an old build- Ing, or in the ground. INSECTIVOROUS birds are solitary builders ; among the Shrikes, Thrushes, Warblers, Tit-mice, and Fly-catchers, there is not r>ne instance of a species either living or building in societies. Pensile lests are altogether peculiar to perching birds, and are more common in tropical than temperate latitudes. Hundreds of hang-nests may be seen in Brazil attached to a single tree; some of them are said to measure between four and five feet. Other nests are said to have a portico or ante-room where the male bird often sits during the time of the female's incubation. PI . INSESSORES. 337 genera, however, the conical form is less obvious, by the lateral and vertical swelling of its outline. The GROSBEAK, or HAW- FINCH, Coccothraustes, (Gr. kokkos, grain; thraud, I break,) has a beak enormously thick in proportion to its length, and in com- parison with the size of the head. In this bird, and, indeed, in all the Finches, the great strength of the beak well adapts it for the uses to which it is destined, as the food of this bird consists of seeds often enclosed in woody capsules of great hardness, or the kernels of stone fruits, which must either be opened by a forcible wrench, or crushed by a strong pressure. The Finch- es, besides seeds, also feed on grain, and occasionally on insects. These birds frequent fields, groves, and woodlands ; numbers of them are found in gardens, building their nests in bushes. Many of them, in a state of captivity, are rendered subservient to human improvement, and become favorite domestic pets. So numerous are the genera and species of this family, it is impos- sible, within the limits of this volume, to give any more than the briefest notices of some of the more prominent ones. 1. We notice the WEAVERS, sub-family, Ploceina, (Gr. plo- keus, a weaver ) These birds build their nest upon branches extending over a river or' pool of water ; it is shaped exactly like a chemist's retort, (Plate XI. fig 6 ;) and is suspended from the head ; and the shank, of eight or nine inches length, at the bottom of which is the opening, almost touches the water. It is made of green grass, and curiously woven. The Weaver Birds also construct the celebrated hive-shaped nests. (See nests of the Social Weaver Birds, Plate XL fig. 2.) The Textor, (Lat. Weaver,) erythrorhyncus, (Gr. eruthros, red ; rhunchos, a beak.) The RED-BEAKED WEAVER, of South Africa, companies with Buffa- loes, and obtains from their hides its supply of food. It serves these animals by ridding them of the insects with which their hides are infested, and by flying up on any alarm, it becomes to them as a sentinel, indicating the approach of danger, or of any thing unusual. This bird does not appear to attach itself to any quadruped but the Buffalo. THE WIDOW BIRDS, or Whidah Finches, ranged by Swainson under the sub-genus Vidua, (Lat. a widow,) — have long boat- shaped tails, with the two middle feathers excessively lengthened, and generally broad and convex. In Senegal and South Africa, is found the Widow Bird of the "English salesmen and fanciers," V.paradisea, about the size of a Canary bird, — but the two feathers next to the middle tail- feathers are a foot in length from the base, 333 1NSESSORES. and about three-fourths of an inch in width ; the two middle feathers have very broad webs on their basal half, (or extending about three inches midway,) but the remainder of the shaft becomes like a plumeless, hair-like process of the same length. The term, -; widowed," is applied to this group from the sombre hue which prevails in the plumage, "suggesting the idea of widow's weeds." Among the Ploceina, Svvainson places the JAVA SPARROW, Amadina, represented by the Tiaris, or Creslc-t, in South America, in which the thickness of the beak is enormous in proportion to its length, and the middle feathers of the tail are the longest. This bird is frequently kept as a pet in cages, living on seeds. II. THE BUNTINGS, sub-family, Emberizidtz, are an interest- ing group of Passerine birds, differing from the Finches proper, chiefly by having a knob on the "palate," or on the under man- dible,— the sides of the under mandible bending inwards ; their strong conical beak is well adapted for breaking the seeds which constitute their principal food. THE LARK BUNTINGS, Plectrophanes, (Gr. plectron ; phaino, to display,) have moderately long tarsi ; the side toes of equal length ; the hind toe strong, with a lengthened and nearly straight claw. There are several species of these birds, among which is the SNOW LARK BUNTING, P. nivalis, (Lat. snowy,) which appears in the Eastern part of the United States early in November, and in some parts, remaining until March. The summer plumage of the Snow Bunting, is pure white and black, but it is found in all varieties of plumage. In the Highlands of Scotland, it is called the Snow Flake ; in Labrador, New Found- land, and elsewhere, the White Bird; and also the White Snow- Bird, to distinguish it from the COMMON SNOW BIRD, Siruthus, (Gr. strouthos, a sparrow;) hyemalis, (Lat. of winter.) The Arctic Bird, the Lapland Snow-B:rd, or Bunting, P. Lapponicus, breeds in moist meadows, on the shores of the Arctic seas; and in the State of New York, is seen during1 the extreme cold of winter. Audubon observed these birds in Kentucky and Missouri. They have been seen as far North as 74o Lat. THE BUNTINGS, Emberixa, include a large number of species. The BLACK THROATED BUNTING, E. Americana, is abundant in the Middle and Atlantic districts of the Union, but exceedingly so in the vast prairies of the West. Its simple and unmusical notes, are said to resemble those of the CORN BUNTING, of Europe, E. miliaria, (Lat. of millet.) Its length is six inches. The YELLOW WINGED BUNTING, E. passerina, (Lat. sparrow-like,) is a, small bird, only four and a half inches long, which "passes, un- INSESSORES. 339 observed, from Mexico to Connecticut. The individuals seem to move off in a sulky mood, and in so concealed a way, that their winter-quarters are yet unknown." The FIELD BUNTING, E. pusilla, (Lat. very small, or weak,) breeds from Maryland to Maine. It is social and peaceable, and trills its notes like a young Canary Bird. In length it is six inches. THR CHIPPING BUNTING, or CHIP-BIRD, E. socialis, (Lat. so- cial,) is known to all. It is confined to the United States and the adjacent Eastern provinces; associating with the Song Sparrow, or Finch, Fringilla melodia, and other birds of the same genus. The Chip-Bird builds its nest on some low bush and lines it with cow-hair; lays from four to five bright greenish blue eggs, spotted with brown chiefly at the larger end. It seerns determined to make up in quantity any defect in the quality of its notes, for it sings all the day long. It migrates to the Southern States in the winter, and is among the earliest of the Spring birds. This bird may be noticed, gleaning up crumbs from our yards, and our very doors, — it will even ap- proach the threshold to pick up the crumbs thrown to it, — in this social characteristic, it is singular ; it is distinguished by its black bill and frontlet. Its length is five and a half inches. This bird seems to represent, in America, the Common, or House Sparrow, of Europe, Pyrgita domestica ; but it is less bold and crafty than the latter bird, and probably less voracious also. BufFon estimated that a pair of Sparrows will destroy about 4,000 caterpillars weekly in feeding their young; this is some compensation for the birds' devastation in granaries and barns. THE TREE SPARROW, or CANADA BUNTING, E. Canadensis, breeds in the Fur countries. Audubon thinks it also breeds in Maine. This bird may be seen in the magnificent elms that ornament Boston and its adjacent villages. It is a sweet songster. The well known SNOW BIRD, Struthus hyemalis, or Nipluza, (snowy,) hiemalis, Aud., migrates from the North, at night, as far as 30o N. L. It is common to the northern parts of the conti- nent of Europe. This is a shy, timorous bird, and is rarely seen except in snow-storms, when it appears in flocks around dwellings. At night, it resorts to stacks of corn or hay, making there a hole for its resort in cold weather. Its nest is built on the ground ; the eggs are usually four in number, of a spherical form, yellowish white, and sprinkled with reddish brown dots. Length six and a quarter inches. THE INDIGO BUNTING, or INDIGO BIRD, Spiza, (Gr. from spizo, to chirp ;) cyanea, (sky-blue,) is one of our beautiful birds coming from the South, and appearing in New York late in May, — it is -• 340 INSESSORES. seen throughout the United States. Its note nearly equals that of the Canary, but is not so sonorous. This bird seems gradu- ally to lose its brilliant tints when caught and caged, as does the PAINTED BUNTING, S. ciris, (Gr. keiris, name of a bird,) of Caro- lina, Louisiana, and South America. In certain lights, the plumage of the Indigo Bird appears of a rich sky-blue, and in others, of a vivid verdigris green ; so that "the same bird, in passing from one place to another, before your eyes, seems to undergo a total change of color." (Wilson.) Its length is five and a half inches. The Painted Bunting is found in the orange groves of the South. It is abundant in the vicinity of New Orleans, where it is caught in trap-cages. THE SHORE FINCHES, Ammodramus, (Gr. ammos, sand ; dra- mein, to run,) are found on the Atlantic coast from Texas to Massachusetts, — and in summer, in our salt marshes, where they breed. The Seaside Finch, A. marilimus, (of the sea,) feeds chiefly on marine Crustacea, and such insects as are found on the seashore. Its builds its nest on the ground ; and lays from four to six grayish white eggs, speckled with brown. Length from seven to eight inches. The SWAMP SPARROW, A. palustris, forms the principal food of the Sparrow Hawks and Hen- Har- riers. In New York, it is often called the Red Grass-bird. Swamp Sparrows have been found abundantly in the marshes of Cayuga Lake. Their note is a harder tone than that of other Sparrows. The length is about six inches. This bird ranges from Texas to Labrador. It is said to be abundant about Boston during the winter ; has a short, conical bill, higher than broad at the base, unci very acute at the tip. THE LINNETS, Linaria, include several species. The BROWN LINNET, L. iinota, is a song-bird common in every part of Eu- rope. Of this Linnet, it has been said, "it is the cleanliest of birds, delighting to dabble in the water, and to dress its plumage in every little rill that runs by. The extent of voice in a single bird is not remarkable, being more pleasing than powerful, yet a large field of furze, in a mild sunny April morning, animated with the actions and cheering music of these harmless little creatures, united with the bright glow and odor of this early blossom, it not without its gratification." The Common Linnet frequents commons and neglected pas- tures, and builds its nest in the center of a large and dense brush. THE LESSER RED-POLL, L. minor, in length about five inches, and the MEALY RED POLL, L. borealis, in length, five inches and a half, are found within the United States. The Pine Linnet, L. pinus, (Lat. pine,) sings while on the wing, like the Goldfinch. INSESSORES. 341 It feeds among the branches of the tallest Fir trees, as well as on the seeds of Thistles, much in the manner of the European SISKIN, on the Fringilla Spinus, (Lat. black-thorn.) Its length is a little less than five inches. THE AMERICAN GOLDFINCH, or YELLOW BIRD. Carduetis, (Lat. a thistle-finch,) tristis, (Lat. sad,) (see Chart,) is a well known and handsome bird, similar in" its song and flight to the Goldfinch. Its plumage and notes make it universally agreea- ble. The Yellow Bird is abundant in the middle districts of the Union, in summer, and so hardy is it, that it often remains there during the whole winter. It ranges from the tropics to the northern and southern regions. Its length is four and a half inches. This bird feeds principally on the seeds of hemp, the sun-flower, and various species of thistles. From its fondness for the thistle down, it has been called the THISTLEFINCH. It is sometimes kept in cages for song, and will live to a great age in a cage or room. Audubon says he has known instances in which birds of this species had been confined for ten years. They had been taken in trap-cages, as the writer has taken them, in the vicinity of New York city. This bird is not only beautiful, but seems to give evidence of unusual sagacity. It can be trained to draw water for its drink from a glass, — and when it alights on a twig covered with bird-lime, for the purpose of securing it, "it no sooner discovers the nature of the treacher- ous substance, than it throws itself backwards, with closed wings, and hangs in this posture until the bird-lime has run out in the form of a slender thread considerably below the twig, when, feeling a certain degree of security, it beats its wings, and flies off," — and, says Audubon, from whom we now quote, "I have observed Goldfinches that had escaped from me in this manner, when about to alight on any twig, whether smeared with bird- lime or not, flutter over it, as if to assure themselves of its being safe for them to perch upon it." Its length is four and a half inches. Several species of Goldfinch are found in the United States. THE FINCHES PROPER, Fringilla, include quite a number of species, among which are the SONG SPARROW, F. melodia, (Gr. song,) which presents two varieties; one having spots generally distributed over the breast; the other having fewer spots on the breast, but a large black one in the center, — appearing among us even before the Pewee and Blue Bird. The SONG SPARROW is the harbinger of spring; it is "the earliest, sweetest, and most lasting songster." The first named variety builds its nest in low shrubs a few feet from the ground ; the other builds it upon 3|3 INSESSORES. the ground. It feeds chiefly upon insects. Its length is about six and a half inches. THE FOX-COLORED FINCH, or SPARROW, .F. iliaca, (Lat. from ilia, flanks,) is one of the largest of the genus, being seven and a half inches long, and breeds in countries North of the United States. It has been seen as far North as 680 Lat., and ranges South to within 30o of the equator. THE BAY-WINGED SPARROW, or GRASS BIRD, GREY GRASS BIKD, F. graminea, is ranked by Audubon and Wilson with the Buntings. We follow Dr. DeKay in placing this familiar Spar- row with the Finches proper. It feeds on grass seeds and insects. Length five and a half inches. THE WHITE-THROATED FINCH, F. Pennsylvanica, is an active Northern Sparrow, appearing in New York, more or less, during the whole year, and advancing as far as 660 North. THE GROUND FINCHES, Pipilo, (Lat. to peep, or chirp,) scoop out the earth and build their nests on the ground. They live on grubs and earth and wire-worms. THE TOWHEE GROUND-FINCH, P. erythrophthaJmus, (Gr. eru- thros, red ; ophlhalmos, eye,) is found in large numbers on the Pine Barrens of Kentucky, It breeds in New York State, and is known "under the name of CHE WINK from its peculiar note, and of GROUND ROBIN, from its seldom attempting to fly high." In Louisiana it is called GRASSET, and esteemed by epicures. There are several species of PURPLE FINCHES, Erythrospiza, (Gr. fruthros, red; spiza, a bird like a sparrow.) The CRESTED PURPLE F;NCH. E, purpurea, (Lat. purple,) frequently associates with the Cross- bills, and feeds upon the same trees, — it ranges from Texas to Labrador. Length six inches. This bird is seen on the Atlantic coast of New York State as late as December and January. THE PINE BULL-FINCH, or Common Pine Finch, Corythus, (Gr. korus, a crest;) enudeator, (Lat. kernel, or seed-sheller,) is a most beautiful bird, and a charming songster; of a red color, (the female olive-green,) with the wings and tail brown, — ranging from Pennsylvania to Newfoundland, and breeding from Maine northward. The length is eight and a half inches. It has been seen in large flocks in the vicinity of New York city. Nuttall, Bonaparte, and others, name this bird Pyrrhula, (Gr. purrhouJas, from puros, red,) enudeator. THE CARDINAL GROSBEAK, or CRESTED RED BIRD, Pitylus, (Gr. pitulos, frequent agitation and movement,) cardinalis, — is a bird which no one can see without admiring. In richness of plumage, elegance of motion, and strength of song, this species INSESSORES. 343 surpasses all its kindred found within the United States. Length eight inches. It breeds abundantly from Texas to New York. In some parts, it is called the Virginia Nightingale. THE BLUE GROSBEAK, Coccoborus c&ruleus, and the ROSE- BREASTED GROSBEAK, Coccoborus ludovicianus, are also very beautiful species. THE SUMMER RED BIRD, Pyranga cestiva, (Lat. of sum- mer,) coming from Mexico and farther South, is seen among us in the hottest part of summer, rarely moving eastward of New York. It feeds on insects, particularly the largest beetles. This bird cannot bear cold, or even temperate weath- er, and its stay in the United States, (where it breeds,) scarcely exceeds four months. Length seven and a half inches. This bird is also called Tanagra, (Gr. a brazen- vessel,) in allusion to the color of the female bird. The BLACK-WINGED RED BIRD, or TANAGER, is seven inches in length ; reaches New York about the middle of May, and goes as far as 49o N. L. It migrates by night in September. LARKS. Sub-family Alaudina, (Lat. alauda, a lark.) Of these singing birds there are many species, characterized by a long and straight hind claw, a strong straight bill, and by being able to raise the feathers on the back part of the head in the form of a crest. The greater part of them are migratory ; they build their nests on the ground and may be regarded as pe- culiarly birds of the fields and meadows. The Larks are every where distinguished for their vigilance and their song. The con- formation of their feet does not adapt them for perching, but rather for walking on the earth. They accordingly always build on the ground, making usually a rather slight, though neat nest, and laying about five eggs, for the most part of a grayish white, with specks of a brown color. They frequently rear two broods of young during the summer. These birds are famed for singing while in flight, and soaring to great heights in the air. From the situation of their nests, they are much exposed to the attacks of predaceous animals of the weasel kind, which destroy a great many of the eggs and young. During their migrations, immense numbers of these singing birds are, contrary to our sense of justice, taken in nets to increase the pleasures of the table, particularly on the conti- nent of Europe. Swainson considers the genus Alauda to be of 341 INSESSORES. the Fissirostral type, but they are more commonly ranked with the Cone-billed birds, where we have placed them. The SKY-LARK, A. avensis, the Alouette of the French, the Feld Lerche of the Germans, and the Lodola of the Italians, is widely celebrated for its inexpressibly beautiful song, chanted far up in the air, when the bird is at liberty and in its natural state. It commences to sing early in the spring, and continues its song during the entire summer. " When this Lark first rises from the earth, its notes are feeble and interrupted ; as it ascends however, they gradually swell to their full tone, and long after the bird has reached a height where it is lost to the eye, it still continues to charm the ear with its melody." Its food consists of insects and their larvae, with many sorts of seeds and grain. The Sky-lark is about seven inches in length. It is found throughout Europe ; also in Asia and the northern parts of Africa. The WOOD-LARK, A. arborea, is smaller and can perch on trees, a power deniedsto the Sky-lark. The HORNED LARK, A. cornuta, (Lat. horned,) is an Ameri- can species of a dusky brown color, seven and a half inches in length. Its head has erectile feathers. This Lark ranges from 680 N. Lat. to Texas. It is seen during the coldest weather. Dr. Buckland figures a Lark, (alauda,) among the land mam- mals and birds of the third period of the Tertiary series, in the first plate of his illustrations of his " Bridge water Treatise." SUB-FAMILY. The COLIES. Coliada, (Gr. xo^oj, kolids, the name of a bird.) The Colies are ranked by Svvainson among the Muscophagada, or Plantain-eaters. Others rank them among the Finches. Gosse, jn his work on Birds, raises them to the rank of a family, and places them between the Finches and Plantain-eaters. They are few in number and confined to Africa and India. The two mandibles of the short, conical beak, are, in these birds, arched, the point of the upper slightly overhanging the lower. The feath- ers of the tail are exceedingly long and stiff; like the Humming Birds, they deviate from the general rule of twelve tail-feathers, having but ten, agreeing in this respect with the Swifts, and also in having the hind toe capable of being turned forwards, so that all the four toes point in one direction. In their general form and habits, they do not, however, show any likeness to the Swifts. The Colies live mostly on trees, climbing about much in the manner of Parrots. They go in large flocks and even INSESSORES. 345 breed in communities, constructing numerous large and round nests in the same bushes ; in each nest five or six eggs are de- posited. It is said these birds sleep suspended from a branch, with their heads downwards, many of them together ; and that when the weather is cold, -as it sometimes is in South Africa, they are found so benumbed in the morning that they may be readily taken, one after another, without their making an effort to escape. The plumage of the Coly, (Colius,) is short, thick, and smooth, with a silky appearance. The feathers of the head are lengthened, forming a long pointed crest, which can be erected at pleasure. The prevailing colors are gray or ashy, . from which circumstance, and that of their crawling about trees, they are, at the Cape of Good Hope, called Muys-vbgel, or Mouse birds. The Colies live chiefly on fruits, the buds of trees, and the tender sprouts of vegetables. On account of the mischief which they do in gardens, they are much disliked. They are bad walkers, but expert climbers, clinging to the branches in all sorts of attitudes. Their cry is monotonous, (the wind-pipe, (trachea,) being furnished with but a single pair of vocal muscles,) and that of the largest species is said to resemble the bleating of a lamb. The flesh of the Colies is of a delicate flavor and highly esteemed. It forms the common food of several species of the Birds of Prey. The C. Senegalensis, as its name imports, is a native of West Africa. It has a pearly-gray plumage with greenish reflections ; the forehead is yellow ; the under part of the body ruddy ; and a naked reddish skin surrounds the eye. FOURTH FAMILY. CROSS-BILLS, Loxiadce,' (Gr. Ao£6g, lows, oblique.) The beak of the CROSS-BILLS, (Plate IX. fig. 8,) is of unique form, the mandibles curving to the right and left, and always in opposite directions to each other. In some of these birds the upper mandible is turned to the right, the lower mandible curved to the left ; in others the position of the mandibles is reversed as to their direction. The upper mandible has a limited degree of motion on the head or cranium, the upper jaw bones and the nasal ones being united to the frontal bone by flexible osseous laminae. The lower jaw is remarkably strong, and the muscles by which this and the upper mandible are moved, are large, par- ticularly in the lower jaw, and act with great power in asidewise direction. By this extraordinary bill, these birds are enabled to extract the seeds from pine cones with remarkable facility ; and 346 INSESSORES. they are confined to localities in which these cones can be ob- tained, such as the Hartz, or great pine forests of Germany. They first fix themselves across the cone, then bring the points of the mandibles from their crossed position to be immediately over each other. In this reduced compass, they insert their beaks, and then opening them, not in the usual manner, but by drawing the lower mandible sidewise, they force open the scales. In this process, they are aided by the beautiful and peculiar adap- tation of the tongue, an additional portion, partly osseous, with a horny covering being articulated to the front end of the bone of the tongue, (os hyoides.) Underneath this grooved appendage is another small muscle which is attached at one end to the bone of the tongue ; at the other, it is joined to the movable piece, and by its erection bends the point downwards and backwards; whilst, therefore, the points of the beak press the shell from the body of the cone, the tongue, brought forward by its own muscle, is enabled, by additional ones, to direct and insert its cutting scoop beneath the seed, and the food thus dislodged is transferred to the mouth. While these birds are at work on the fircones, they send forth a gentle twitter, and may be seen climbing among the branches like parrots ; but they are also said to have a pleasant song, poured forth only in the winter months, or at the season of incu- bation. The Cross-bills are subject to considerable changes of color. The male of the COMMON CROSS-BILL, Loxia curviroslra. (Lat. curve-beaked.) varies from a beautiful red to an orange color on the head, neck, breast and back ; the female is generally of a dull olive green on those parts which are red in the male. It is sometimes called the German Parrot, and on account of its sweet and well tasted flesh, is in special request in the bird-market of Vienna, (Austria,) for the purposes of the table. This bird is five and three-fourths inches long. It is a regular inhabitant of all our pine forests (situated north of 40o N. Lat.,) from the be- ginning of September to the middle of April, building its nest on the highest part of the fir trees, and making use of the resinous matter which exudes from them for fixing it to the trees. The AMERICAN CROSS-BILL, L. Americana, is of a red color, with brownish tail and wings, from six and one-half to seven inches in length ; feeds on the cones of the hemlock, and on apples and other fruits, which the bird breaks open for its seeds. Bonaparte and other naturalists consider this species as distinct from the European Cross-bill. It is a northern-bird, but breeds as far south as Pennsylvania. Another species is the WHITE WINGED CROSS-BILL, L. leucop- INSESSORES. 347 tera, (Gr. white winged,) which is somewhat less than a Gold- finch, (according to DeKay, six and one-half inches long.) It ranges from 40o to 680 N. Lat., and is common on the shores of Lake Ontario. (N. B. These Cross-billed birds are included by Audubon in the family of Finches. In the N. Y. State Nat. Hist, they have a like arrangement.) FIFTH FAMILY. The HORN BILLS. Bucerotida, (Gr. ^ovxe^wj, boukeros, ox-horned.) The characteristics of the birds of this family which most ar- rest the attention, are the enormous extent, and singular protu- berances of the beak. In many of the species this organ is con- siderably larger than the head ; there is a large, uncouth look- ing projection, various in form, on its summit. This projection sometimes resembles a horn, or the crest of a hejmet which often encroaches upon the skull towards the crown of the head. The mandibles in adult birds are both notched on the edges. The protuberance on the upper mandible is small when the bird is young, and does not attain its great size until the bird is fully grown. (Plate IX. fig. 13.) By a beautiful provision of the Creator, for birds supporting so large an organ, the horny case of the beak is very thin, thus diminishing the weight ; and, at the same time, the bony core is hollowed into numerous cells of various sizes and forms, with very thin walls between them, so that the needed firmness is preserved in union with remarkable lightness. The bones of the body are also permeated with air more than those of any other bird. The tongue in the Horn- billed birds is fleshy, and like that of the Birds of Prey, short and deep in the throat ; the tail is long, broad, and more or less rounded at the extremity, consisting of only ten feathers ; the feet are short, strong and formed for walking or perching ; the claws short and blunt. The Bucerotidse are large sized birds; they are gregarious and noisy, and live both on animal and vegetable food ; few are smaller than a Crow, and some are much larger than a Raven. The plumage is usually of a sombre cast, but frequently relieved with masses of white; the beak and naked skin often exhibit bright colorings during life. The abode of these birds is lim- ited to Africa, India, and the large islands adjacent. The Horn-bills seem to be most nearly related to the Crows on the one hand, and to the Toucans on the other, thus connect- ing the Perchers and the Climbers. That they form a link be- tween these two orders was proved from anatomical examina- 348 INSESSORES. tions of the bird made by Professor Owen. More than twenty species of the genus Buceros have been named. The ITALIAN RAVEN, B. hydrocorax, (Gr. Water Raven,) found in the Moluccas and in Africa, has the walk of the Crow, but is unlike that bird in its food, rejecting carrion, and being particularly fond of nutmegs, devouring them so greedily as often to do serious damage. The flesh is very delicate, and when roasted, possesses an aromatic flavor derived from its food. The RHINOCEROS HORN-BILL, B. Rhinoceros, differs from the In- dian Raven in living upon carrion ; it " casts forth a strong smell, and hath a foul look, and much exceeds the European Raven in bigness." This bird is about the size, though rather more slender than a hen-turkey ; its color is black, except the lower part of the belly and the tip of the tail, which are white ; the bill is usually about ten inches long and of a yellowish white ; the upper mandi- ble red at the, base ; the lower, black ; the legs are short, strong, and of a pale yellow color. The cry consists of a short hoarse croak, but when the bird is excited, this is changed to a loud discord, ant noise. It breeds in the hollows of lofty trees. The flight of the Horn-bills is sailing and resembles that of the crow ; on the ground, they advance by a leaping kind of movement, assisted by the wings. When making their leaps on the highest branches oi' trees, and in their loud call note to their mates, the hollow protuberance of their beaks seems to be to them like a sounding board, increasing the reverberations of the air. The beak, it is thought, "constitutes a necessary defence against monkeys and other animals which may seek to assail its nest ;" or it may be used in " drawing snakes and lizards from their lurking places, and young birds and eggs from the recesses of old and decaying trees." SIXTH FAMILY. PLANTAIN- EATERS. Musophagada, (Gr. ftovaa, musa, gen. term for plantain ; do not differ much from the Curassows in their habits. They are known in Brazil by the name of Jacu, (pronounced Yacou,) derived, it is said, from their note. The length is thirty inches, The HOAZINS, Opisthocomus, (Gr. opisthen, behind ; kome, hairs or bristles,) crisiatus, live in pairs or small companies of six or eight, in the flooded savannahs of South America. They seek for their food the leaves of a species of arum which is found in such places. Unlike other gallinaceous birds, their toes are without, or have only rudimentary membranes. In stature and gait they resemble the peacock. The generic name refers to the bristles which* diverge from the base of the bill. The name Hoatzin, or Hoazin, is given to these birds from its imagined resemblance RASORES. 375 when pronounced, to their shrieking cry. They are nearly as large as the Guans. THIRD FAMILY. MEGAPODES, or GREATFOOTS. Megapodiidcz, (Gr. ^/«£, m£gas, great ; noug, a foot.) This family are scattered over Australia and the islands of the Indian Archipelago. Their characters may be given thus : the beak is vaulted, somewhat compressed ; the wings short and rounded ; the tail short, varying in the number of its feathers from twelve to eighteen ; the feet of disproportionate size and strength, the tarsi being stout, elevated, and strongly scaled ; the toes long, robust, and armed with strong, flat, rasorial claws. The flesh of these birds is white, and much valued for its tenderness and flavor. The eggs are enormously large, as com- pared with those of other birds. The BRUSH TURKEY, Talegalla Lathami, (of Latham,) is so called from being found principally in the thick brushwood of New South Wales. Mr. Gould has given an account of the curious nests of these birds. In making them, the bird never uses its bill, but always grasping a quantity of material in its foot, throws it backward to the common centre ; and thus clears the surface of the ground for a considerable distance so com- pletely, that scarcely a leaf or blade of grass is left. After heat is engendered in the mound, the eggs are planted at the distance of nine or twelve inches from each other, and buried nearly at arm's depth, perfectly upright, with the large end upwards. They are covered up as laid, and allowed to remain until hatched. It is said nearly a bushel of eggs is not unusually obtained, at one time, from a single heap ; and as they are deli- cious eating, they are eagerly sought. The MOUND-MAKING MEGAPODE, Megapodius tumulus, (Lat. a mound ) confines itself to thickets near the sea-shore, and is called the Jungle-fowl. It is of a bright red brown color, about as large as a common fowl, arid lays its eggs in mounds, not at intervals, like the Brush-Turkey, but at the bottom of the mound, usually five or six feet in depth. Sometimes the mounds are excessively large. One is spoken of as fifteen feet in height, naving a circumference of sixty feet at its base! From their small brain, and not sitting upon their eggs, but leaving them to the warmth of the sun's rays, or the fermentation of vegetable matter, the Megapodes are supposed to be the lowest representa- tives of their class. 16 RASORES. FOURTH FAMILY. PHEASANTS. Phasianida, (Gr. a proper name.) These are birds which, in their general habits and conforma- tion, closely resemble the Storks; they chiefly inhabit warm countries, but except in very cold regions, they are to be found in all parts of the world. The bill is very long, robust at the base, and curved at the tip; the face is naked ; the throat dilatable ; the legs are long, and have four toes ; the front toes are webbed at their base as far as the first joint ; the hind toe is very long, and rests upon the ground. The Ibises frequent the borders of rivers and lakes, feeding on insects, worms, mollusks, and occasionally on vegetable matter. They perform powerful and elevated flights, extending their neck and legs, and uttering a hoarse croak. The family includes between twenty and thirty species, which are distributed over the globe. Four of these are found within the limits of the United States. The GLOSSY IBIS, Tantalus faldnellus, (Lat. from fah, a sickle,) is about two feet in length. In the matured bird, the neck, breast, top of the back, and all the lower parts of the body, are of a bright red; the wing coverts, quills, tail-feath- ers, arid the rest of the back, of a dusky green, glossed with bronze and purple; but the bird varies much in its plumage at different ages. This species nestles in Asia, and is found on the streams and lakes in flocks of thirty or forty. They migrate periodically to Egypt, and pass in considerable numbers into Europe. The Glossy Ibis is also found, in the United States. Audubon saw flocks of it in Texas, but it is only a summer resi- dent there, associating with the White Ibis. Vast numbers of 402 GRALLATORES. it are seen in Mexico. Cuvier says, this, to all appearance, is the species which the ancients called Black Ibis. The WHITE or SACRED IBIS, Ibis religiosa, (see Chart.) is, per- haps, the most celebrated species. Arriving in Egypt about the time that the inundation of the Nile commences, its numbers increase or diminish with the increase or diminution of its wa- ters. It migrates about the end of June, at which time, it is first noticed in Ethiopia. This species does not collect in large flocks, more than eight or ten seldom being seen together. They are about as large as a hen ; the head and neck are bare ; the body white ; the primaries of the wings tipped with shining, ashy black, among which the white forms oblique notches; the secondaries are bright black, glossed with green or violet ; the quill-feathers of the tail, white. This, and the preceding species, were venerated by the ancient Egyptians, who used to rear them in their temples, and after death, to embalm them. Their mummies are found, to this day, in the vast catacombs of ancient Memphis. Herodotus supposed that the Egyptians wor- shipped the Ibis for services which it rendered in freeing them from winged serpents. But this is contradicted by the bird's structure : its bill is not fitted either to divide or pierce serpents, but rather for dabbling in marshes an.d moist grounds. This species is found throughout the extent of Africa. The WHITE IBIS, of the American Continent, Ibis alba, is about two feet in length. It is a constant resident in South Florida, where it abounds, but also breeds along the coast to Texas, — sometimes inland as far as Natchez and Red river, and Eastward to New Jersey. Audubon says, Sandy Island, near Cape Sable, in Florida, is remarkable for the number of these birds found there. He counted forty-seven nests in a single palm-tree, "The nests are fifteen inches in their largest diameter, formed of long twigs, in- termixed with fibrous roots and green branches of the trees growing on the island; the interior of them is flat, being fur- nished with leaves of the cane and some other plants." The bird lays but three eggs, once a year. Its flight is described as l' swift and long continued. Sometimes it rises to an immense height in the air, while it performs beautiful evolutions." It feeds on small crabs, slugs, and snails ; showing great ingenuity in procuring cray-fish ; — breaking up the upper part of the mud which the latter throws up in forming its hole, and dropping the fragments into the cavity. The cray-fish, burdened by the load of earth^ makes its way to the entrance of the burrow, when the GRALLATORES. 4Q3 Ibis immediately seizes it with its bill. This bird is known in Louisiana by the name of "Spanish Curlew." The SCARLET IBIS, Ibis rubra, is a splendid bird, sometimes, though rarely, seen in Louisiana and the adjacent States, but in the hottest portions of this continent, is found in large flocks. This bird flies rapidly, but rarely, except at morning and evening, in search of food. The plumage is scarlet ; beak naked ; part of the cheeks, legs and feet, pale red. Its length is twenty-nine inches. The WOOD IBIS, Tantalus loculator, is an extremely large species, being forty-four inches, with a bill that is nine inches in length. It is found in deep woody swamps, (where it breeds on trees ;) also in fresh water lakes. These birds, after gorging themselves with their fishy or reptile-food, taken in shallow, muddy streams, walk to the nearest margin and arrange them- selves in long rows, with all their breasts turned towards the sun, in the manner of Pelicans and Vultures, and thus remain for an hour or more. In flying, their long necks and legs are stretched out to their full extent, the pure white of their plumage contrasting beautifully with the jet black of the tips of the wings. Although generally fat, they are unfit for food, their flesh being tough and oily. They are resident from Texas to North Carolina. Other species of the Ibis are found in India, Mada- gascar, and the Cape of Good Hope. The OPEN-BEAKED BIRDS, Anastomus, (Gr. ana, through ; stoma, mouth,) are included by Swainson in this family. The generic name was given to these birds by llliger; that of Lace- pede, is Hians, (opening and gaping,) They have a straight h°ad and heavy bill, marked with wrinkles running lengthwise. The upper mandible is very straight ; the base thickened at the top, and as high as the crown ; the tip notched ; the margin dentated; the under mandible is greatly curved upwards, only touching the upper at the base, and at the tip, and thus leaving an opening through or between the two portions of the bill. Not much is known respecting the economy of these birds, and hence it is not easy to explain the purpose of the unique structure shown in the beak. Cuvier places the genus Tantalus between these birds and the Spoonbills, (Platalea.) FIFTH FAMILY. SNIPES. Scolopacida, (Gr. axoldnaZ, scolopax, a snipe.) The most prominent characteristic of this family, is the extreme length and slenderness of the beak. This is covered with a soft 404 GRALLATORES. skin, which is extremely sensitive ; and the organ is much used in probing the soft mud or earth for the capture of minute in- sects. The hind toe is pointed on the tarsus above the level of the fore toes, and so short as to be unable to reach the ground ; in some of the family, it is wanting. The Snipes have mode- rately long feet and necks ; the wings are long and pointed ; and their flight swift and well sustained ; the tail is short and even ; the front toes are frequently united by a membrane, more or less large. The plumage is of subdued and varied shades; black, white, and red being intermingled and contrasted ; sometimes, the prevalent hue is a grayish olive. The flesh of these birds is held in high esteem. They frequent marshes, the banks of lakes and rivers, or the sea-coast, on which they run with great swift- ness. With considerable powers of flight, they have also the faculty, in part, both of swimming and diving. The females are usually larger than the males. They lay four eggs, with but little nest, on the ground, of inland moors or fens. The young, when they escape from the shell, are clothed with down, and immediately begin to run about. The Snipes are widely distrib- uted, and more or less migratory in their habits. Mr. G. R. Gray divides them into six sub-families, viz : (1) NumenincK, of which Numenius, (Curlew,) is the typical genus; (2) Totanina, typ. gen. Totanus, Tatler. Sand Lark, or Willet ; (8) Recurvirostrina, typ. gen. Recurvirostra, Avoset:) 4) Tringince, typ. gen. Tringa, Sand-piper; (5) Scolopacina, olopax, Common Snipe ; (6) Strepsilince, Strepsilas, (included by others in the Charadriada, or Plovers, which see ;) (7) Phal- aropodina, PhaJaropus, Phalaropes. Of these, he enumerates thirty-four British species. De Kay (1843) says, this family contains, at present, upwards of one hundred species, distributed over the globe ; of these, about twenty-eight, (according to Au- dubon, thirty-two,) are in the United States. CURLEWS. The LONG-BILLED CURLEW, Numenius longirostris, is the largest of the genus found in North America, — known to sports- men under the names of Big Curlew, and Sickle-bill. Its length is from twenty-five to twenty-seven inches ; the color is blackish brown above, with spots of a red hue beneath. The great length of the bill, (Plate IX. fig. 6,) (seven to nine inches,) distinguishes it from every other species. The Curlew forms a small nest for its young on the ground. The day, the Curlew spends in the sea marshes, but resorts at night to the sandy beaches of the sea- shore. The number collected at their nightly retreat, it is said, GRALLATORES. ^3", sometimes amounts to several thousands. The food of theso birds consists chiefly of the small crabs, called "fiddlers;" they are also fond of sm'all salt-water shell fish ; and thrust out the bill to its full length into the wet sand in search of sea-worms and insects. The Long-billed Curlew resides in Texas and on the Islands of South Carolina; but wanders North along the coast, and is occasionally seen in the interior. Dr. Kirtland observed it in Ohio ; others have seen it in Kentucky and Mis- souri. . Smaller species are the JACK CURLEW, or Short-billed Curlew, N. Hudsonicus, closely allied to the Whimbrel, of Europe ; it breeds in the Northern regions. This species, in addition to the food of the preceding species, makes use of berries. Its length is sixteen inches. The SMALL ESQUIMAUX CURLEW, N. borealis, is known under the names of Little Curlew, and Dough-Bird, and much esteemed by epicures. Its length is fifteen inches. Nuttall says it ranges from Paraguay to the 70o N. L. TATTLERS. The TELL-TALE TATTLER, Totanus vociferus, receives its name from its frequent cries, uttered' quite as much for its own sake, as tc give warning to others. It ranges widely over the United States, and is found at all seasons. In Maine and New Bruns- wick, it is called " Humility," — a name that does not seem to agree, with its "vociferous habits." These birds "congregate in great numbers in the inland marshes of Florida, and along its rivers, during the winter." Though found near both salt and fresh water, they seem to prefer the latter, selecting ponds of which the water is shallow, and the shores muddy, affording places where they can walk and wade with ease. In the West- ern country, it is called the "Great Yellow-Shank." The upper parts are generally black, glossed with green, each feather mar- gined with white triangular spots; the throat, breast and abdo- men, are pure white. Length about fourteen inches. The SPOTTED SAND-LARK, T. macularius, is a familiar bird, of a glossy olive brown color, with blackish waves, — found through- out the Union in small families, along almost every stream, and the borders of ponds and lakes. In allusion to its notes, it has the common name of Peet-weet ; from its repeated grotesque, jerking motions, it is called Teeter, and Tittup. It feeds on insects and worms; breeds in New York and farther North. Occasionally it is found in Europe. The length is eight inches. The GRAY PLOVER, T. Bartramius, is twelve inches in length, 408 GRALLATORES. and is much esteemed for game, but shy, and not easily obtained by sportsmen. It is described as Bartram's Tattler and Sand Piper; among its common names, are GRASS-PLOVER and FIELD- PLOVER. This bird is not found on the coast, — its bill is very short, scarcely longer than the head. In July and August, it is seen in large flocks on its way South. It is fond of grass-hoppers. AVOSETS. The AVOSET, Recurvirostra, (Lat. up-turned bill,) Americana, (see Chart,) is, from its "perpetual clamor and flippancy of tongue, called by the inhabitants of Cape May, the Lawyer ; the comparison, however, reaches no further; for our Lawyer is simple, timid, and perfectly inoffensive." Wilson. The back and under parts, are white ; the wings brownish black, with a broad band of white. The bill is more than twice the length of the head, very slender, tapering to a point, and somewhat re- curved, or upturned, (Plate IX. fig. 4 ;) the legs are very long and slender. This bird builds its nest among the tallest grass. The eggs, like those of other Waders, are four in number, pear- shaped, of a dull olive color, with blotches of black. Like the Roseate Spoon-bill, it moves its head "to and fro sideways," while it is passing its bill through the soft mud in search of insects; in deeper water, it immerses the entire head and a part of the neck, after the manner of the Spoon-bill and Red-breasted Snipe. The notes of this bird resemble the syllable click. Length eighteen inches. The Avoset ranges from Texas north- ward, and is abundant in the Rocky Mountains and the Fur countries. In New Jersey, where it breeds, it is, from the color of its legs, called Slue- Stocking. The food varies with its place of resort, consisting of insects, crabs, fishes, marine worms, and small mollusks. The BLACK-NECKED STILT, Himantopus, (Gr. himas, a thong ; pous, a foot,) nigricollis, (Lat. black-necked,) has white plum- age with the head, neck, back, and wings, above, black. To this bird is assigned the name of LAWYER, (N. H. S., N. Y.,) it is also called Tilt and Longshanks. (See Chart.) It is a rare species; but ranges from the Equator to the 41o N. L. Its length is about fourteen inches. NOTE>_pr. DeKay (see N". H. S. N. T.) has arranged the species of the two preceding genera into a separate family, Recurvirostridtz. The KNOT, or RED-BREASTED SANDPIPER, Tringa cinerea, (Nutt.,) T. canulus, (Linn.,) has a slender, straight bill, rather longer than the head ; the toes have a narrow membrane. This GRALLATORES. 407 bird varies much in its plumage, and has, therefore, received different names. It is common to Europe and America; rang- ing in the latter, from the tropics to Labrador, and breeding in the Fur countries to a high latitude. The Knot is seen on the shores of New York in May, and is called by sportsmen, the Robin Snipe. From August to October, it migrates Southward in large flocks, when, in place of the red feathers, it has a white plumage, spotted with dusky, ash-colored above; it is then called White Robin Snipe, and Gray-back. Its length is ten inches. WILSON'S SANDPIPER, T. pusilla, or the Little Sandpiper, (Plate X. fig. 8c,) is about four inches long, with a slender, dusky green tapering bill, and short neck ; the tail is doubly emarginate. In summer, it is blackish and rufous ; beneath white ; in winter, ash ; beneath, whitish, spotted with dusky. It is known as the Peep, so named from its usual note ; and as the Ox-eye, from the size and brilliancy of its eye. This species pervades North America from Mexico to 680 N. L., and is one of the most abundant of the group, being found in the interior as well as on the sea-coast. The SANDERLING, Calidris arenaria, or T. arenaria, has a straight bill, shorter than the head ; thin in the middle, and widened towards the tip ; the tail is short, the middle and outer feathers the longest; the toes have* a warty membrane on each side. They are three in number, while the preceding genus has four. The female is larger than the male, being about seven inches long. The plumage above is bluish in summer, but light ash in winter : in both sexes, it varies quite as much as in the Turnstones, (Strepsilas.) In flying, these birds have fewer evo- lutions than the Sandpipers. They afford good eating, especially when young. In autumn, they are very fat, and highly relished by epicures. They are said to occur all over the globe. The RUFF, of the Old World, (female REEVE,) machetes, (Gr. a fighter,) pugnax, (Lat. combative,) the Combattantofthe French, has a long and slender bill ; legs very long, slender, and naked high above the tarsal joint; three toes before, and one (short) behind; the tail is rounded. The hues of the plumage are so variable, that it is very difficult to find any two that perfectly resemble each other; but the prevailing ground color is brown, inclining to ash, with lateral, and under covers, white ; in the autumn or winter, the plumage is more spotted, particularly in the under part, and a bunch of feathers or ruff appears on each side of the head in the male. The females, which are called Reeves, are smaller than the males, and have no ruff. The food of these birds consists of worms and insects, which they pick 403 GRALLATORES. up in marshy places ; in captivity, they are fed with bread and milk, or boiled wheat. They have sometimes been caught in nets, being decoyed by stuffed birds of their species. The Ruff is a very pugnacious bird ; it weighs seven ounces, and is a foot in length. ,* PHALAROPES. The RED PHALAROPE, Phalaropus, (Gr. phalaros, bald or naked ; pous, foot,) fulicarius, (Lat. from fuIicd, coot.) has a long, slender, weak, and strait bill, both mandibles furrowed to the point, and the end of the upper curved over the lower one ; the front toes are united up to the first joint; the others with fes- tooned or lobated membranes, (Plate IX. fig. 25.) toothed on the edges; the hind toe without a membrane. The Red Phalarope is found in flocks in Kentucky, on the Ohio, and during autumn, is often seen at sea, as far as Newfoundland. It breeds in high northern latitudes, as far as Melville Peninsula. The route of this species towards the warmer regions, is along the Pacific coast. The length is seven and a half inches. These birds are said to breed in great numbers far North ; their flight is rapid, resembling that of the Red-backed Sandpiper ; sometimes they skim over the water, when they increase their, distance from each other. They feed chiefly on insects and crustaceans, which live on the surface of the water. The HYBERBOREAN PHALAROPE, or LOBEFOOT, Lolipes hyper- loreus, procures its food principally upon the water, on which "they alight like Ducks, float as light as Gulls, and move about in search of food with much nimbleness." Length six inches. MARLINS or GODWITS. The MARLIN or GREAT MARBLED GODWIT, Limosa fedoa, has a recurved and tapering bill of great length, and long and slender le^s ; the tibia is bare for about one-third of its length ; the toes are four in number; the hind one small, and touching the ground at the tip, — the plumage above is dark brown, varied with red and gray; below, pale reddish brown or buff, with small dusky spots on the neck. The length is from about sixteen to nine- teen inches; the female is considerably the larger. This is a very shy and vigilant bird, moving in large flocks, with irregular and rather quick flight, though less rapid than the Curlews. The flesh is tender and much esteemed. It is some- times called the Red Curlew, the Strait-billed Curlew, and Dough- bird. The Marlins move along the coast in immense flocks, as far as Massachusetts, (reaching New York in May,) and are GRALLATORES. 409 supposed to cross the land to Saskatchewan, where they breed. (Aud.) They return from the North in August, remaining in New York until their removal, in November, to their wintering places South of the United States. They feed on aquatic in- sects, leeches, small marine mollusks, crabs and worms. The RING-TAILED MARLIN, Lwiosa Hudsonica, called in Bos- ton, the Goose-bird, is sixteen inches long, and breeds in high northern latitudes. The SNIPE, or WOODCOCK, Scolopax, — common species, S. Wilsonii, Wilson's Snipe, is about eleven inches long, and much sought by the younger gunners, and sometimes, by the keenest sportsmen. Its summer range is considerably beyond the north- ern boundary of the United States. It resembles the Common Snipe, of Europe, S. gallinago, and is sometimes called the Eng- lish Snipe, but is, in fact, a different species. It breeds from Virginia northward, — it does so abundantly in New York. It resides in Kentucky and the Southern States, during the winter. In flying early in the spring, it soars high in the air, making a remarkable booming sound ; its notes are said to differ from those of the Common Snipe, of Europe. It is fond of marshy, swampy places, and selects such for breeding. On the back, the brown- ish black feathers are edged with cream color, and barred minutely with reddish brown; the throat and breast are buff, spotted with brown and gray. The GREAT SNIPE, of Europe, S. major, has a tail composed of sixteen feathers, — (the normal number is fourteen.) Sir Humphrey Davy, in noticing the breeding of this species in the great royal decoy, near Hanover, says that they require solitude and perfect quiet, and their food being peculiar, they need a great extent of marshy meadow. They feed on the larvas of Tipula, (Father Longlegs,) or kindred flies, and, according to the same author, their stomach is the thinnest among the tribe of Snipes. The nest of the Great Snipe, like that of the Common Snipe, is usually placed on the borders of a swamp, and on a tuft of grass, or a bunch of rushes,-— often it is found near wil- low-bushes. The eggs are three or four, yellowish olive brown, with great spots of reddish brown. Two other Snipes, accord- ing to Mr. Gould, exceed this in size,— -one found in the hilly districts of India, the other in Mexico. The AMERICAN WOODCOCK, Rusticola minar, was separated by Nuttall from the genus Scolopax. It has a straight and knobbed bill, slightly drooping at the tip. 410 SIXTH FAMILY. BUSTARDS. Otida, (Gr. (axis, otis, a bustard.) The proper position of these birds has been a disputed point among Ornithologists. Temminck ranks them with the RUN- NERS, (Cursores,) and includes them with the Ostrich family. M. Vigors also places them among the same birds ; but in loca- ting them on the Chart, we have followed Cuvier and others, who have included them among the Stilt-birds. The Bustards are comprehended in one genus, Otis. The bill in these birds, is of the length of the head, or shorter, straight, conical, and slightly depressed at the base; the point of the upper mandible is a little arched ; the feet are long, and naked above the knee, with three toes in front, short, united at their base, and bordered by membranes ; the wines are of mod- erate size, the third quill longest in each wing. The chin feath- ers and moustaches, (seen in the male bird ) are composed of long wiry-feathers, and the barbs disunited and short ; the scapulars are of a buff orange color, barred, and spotted with black ; the back and tail coverts, reddish orange, barred, and variegated with black ; the greater coverts, and some of the secondaries, are bluish gray ; the sides of the neck white, tinged with gray ; the lower part of the neck is fine reddish orange ; the under parts white. This description of plumage applies to the Great Bustard, O. tarda. The male bird of this species, is about four feet long, and nine feet in the expansion of the wings, being (except the Lammergeyer,) the largest of the European birds. Its weight is, on an average, twenty-five pounds. The female is not more than half the size of the male. This bird is noted for its shyness, and its power of running ; ihe young birds have sometimes been run with greyhounds. And yet, in its wild state, unlike the Ostrich, the Great Bustard, upon being disturbed, rises easily upon the wing, and "flies with much strength and swiftness, usually to another haunt, sometimes to the distance of six or seven miles." It was formerly said, this bird "has a pouch in the fore part of the neck, capable of con- taining nearly two quarts," — but Mr. Yarrell, in dissecting a male Bustard, " failed to detect this organ." This Bustard is common in some parts of Europe, but is becoming very rare in England. It feeds upon corn, seeds of herbs, colewort. dande- lion leaves, &c., and also upon insects and worms. Turnip-tops are said to be peculiarly agreeable. The eggs of the Bustard are two in number, generally, sometimes three, laid upon the UNJVERSITV GSALLATORES. bare ground, a little hollowed out for the purpose, either among clover, or, more frequently, in cornfields. The flesh is highly esteemed for food ; it is dark in color, and short in fibre, but sweet and well-flavored. The LITTLE BUSTARD, O. tetrax, is another smaller species, found in Europe and Africa. The BLACK-HEADED BUSTARD, O. nigriceps, is a native of Asia, verging towards five feet in length, and having a crested head. It is found in large flocks in the open country of the Mahrattas, as well as in the highlands of the Himalaya. Its flesh is con- sidered a very great delicacy. The AFRICAN BUSTARD, O. Denhami, is a magnificent species, which was discovered by Mr.Denham in Africa, near the larger towns. It frequented moist places where the herbage was pure and fresh, and almost always appeared singly. This bird was ever found in company with the Gazelles; "whenever a Bus- tard was observed, it was certain that the Gazelles were not far distant." The eye is said to be large and brilliant; the Arabs "are accustomed to compare the eyes of their most beautiful women to those of the OUBARA," — the general name for the Bus- tards in Africa. The Koni BUSTARD, O. Kori, is a species discovered by Mr. Burchell in South Africa, — the most gigantic of the family, — standing upwards of five feet high. Mr. B. says, "its body was so thickly protected by feathers, that our largest sized shot made no impression, and, taught by experience, the hunters never fire at it except with a bullet." The AGAMI, or GOLD-BREASTED TRUMPETER, Psophia, (Gr. psopheo, to make a noise,) crepitans, is an interesting bird, de- riving its name from the peculiar noise which it makes without opening its bill. It is about the size of a Pheasant or large Fowl, being twenty-two inches in length ; has long legs, and a long neck,, but a very short tail, consisting of twelve black feath- ers, over which the rump-plumes hang droopingly. It inhabits the forests of South America, where it is found in numerous flocks; it is a swift runner, and when pursued, trusts more to its legs than its wings. When domesticated, it shows great fond- ness and fidelity; and is so regardful of its owner's interests, that it attacks the dogs and other animals that venture near him. Sometimes it is used to protect domestic poultry from the onsets of birds of prey. GRALLATORES. SEVENTH FAMILY. RAILS. Rallidce, (Genus, rallus, a rail.) The RAILS are separated from the other families of this order by the shape of the body, (Plate X. fig. 8b,) which is compressed and flattened at the sides, in consequence of the narrowness.of the sternum. The compressed and keel-like form assists their motion in the water, and as M. Vigors remarks, " is intended to counterbalance the deficiency in the formation of the foot, which separates them from the truer and more perfectly formed water- birds." It is certain that the greater portion of these birds are excellent swimmers ; and in such habits, as well as in the short- ness of their tarsi, they are found to deviate from all the remain- ing groups of the present order. The Rails have been designated by that name on account of their peculiarly harsh notes. They differ from the Sand-pipers and Plovers in the great size of the leg, and the length of the toes. Swainson speaks of the structure of their bodies as spe- cially adapted to the tangled recesses in which they live, consist- ing of reeds and aquatic vegetables, which clothe the sides of rivers and morasses. Their flesh is delicate, and from living chiefly upon aquatic seeds and vegetable aliment, they may be regarded as aquatic Gallinacece. Many of them build nests of accumulated materials, and lay a great number of eggs. The length of the toes enables these birds to walk, without sinking, on aquatic herbage, or in the soft mud of morasses. Although their feet are not webbed, they swirn and dive with a facility un- surpassed by that of any of the ducks. The sternum is narrow ; wings short and sustained by feeble muscles ; hence, the flight is but for short distances, and is slow and heavy ; while on the ground, whether among the reeds or tall grass of the meadow, they thread their way with surprising ease and celerity. Among the well known species is the COMMON GALLINULE, or WATER-HEN, Gallinula chloropus, (Gr. chloros, green ; pous, a foot.) This bird swims in the open water of rivers and ponds, and with much grace and swiftness, constantly nodding its head ; it also dives with great skill and rapidity. It is shy and easily alarmed, in which case it dives under floating herbage, and re- mains with its beak above water until the danger is over. On account of this habit, it is impossible to take it unless accompa- nied by a dog. The nest of the Water-hen is built among sedges and reeds near the water, and contains from five to nine eggs, of a cream color spotted with brown. These birds show GRALLATORES. 413 great sagacity in protecting their young, as the latter do in obey. ing the monitory signals'of their watchful parents. The young have their legs and feet of their full size even while the feathers are only beginning to appear, showing how the organs of flight are subordinate to those of walking and swimming. The female has, contrary to the usual rule, a richer plumage than the male. The pike is the chief enemy of the Water-hens, and destroys many by darting at them from under the cover of water-lilies or other plants. Other species are (1) the SALT WATER MEADOW HEN, Rallus crepitans, fourteen inches long, sometimes called the Clapper Rail, or Mud Hen, which is seen in New York the last of April, leaves for the South in October, and during the season is very abundant. It lays from eight to fifteen whitish eggs with reddish spots, which are highly valued and much sought for ; (2) the FRESH WATER MEADOW HEN, or Great Red-Breasted Rail, R. elegans, a rare species eighteen inches in length ; (3) the MUD HEN, or Vir- ginia Rail, R. Virginianus, (Plate X. fig. 8b.) length ten inches; (4) the SORA RAIL, Ortygometra, (Gr, migrating with the quails,) Carolina, the same as the English Rail, or Coot, O. krex, (Gr. krex, a name derived from its cry,) and the species of the South- ern States ; numerous in New Jersey, and ranging to the 62o N. L. ; length nine inches ; (5) the NEW YORK RAIL, O. Noveloracen- sis ; length five and one-half inches ; a shy bird, and not seen in flocks like the preceding species ; feeding on seeds and aquatic insects; breeding extensively throughout the United States; (6) the FLORIDA GALLINULE, Gallinula gafeata, (Lat. helmeted,) four- teen inches in length, closely allied to the European species, G. chloropus, (referred to above,) and ranging from Mexico to Mas- sachusetts. SUB-FAMILY. FLAMINGOES. Phoenicoptince, (Gr. (poivixdirTeQog, phoinikopteros, red-winged.) These birds are included in one genus, Phoenicoplerus. Their proper position has been a matter of considerable doubt. Swain- son places them with the Ducks, among the Swimmers, though he remarks : " The Flamingo, which has the longest legs in the Natatorial order, is so good a walker that it only swims occa- sionally." We give them a place among the Grallatores, to which order they have more commonly been assigned, but im- mediately before the Swimmers. The genus Plwenicopterus has the bill strong, higher than it is large, toothed and conical to- wards the point ; the upper mandible is suddenly bent, curved -414 GRALLATORES. at its point on the lower mandible, which is larger than the up. per ; the legs are of excessive length ; the feet also very long, three toes in front, hind one very short and articulated high up on the tarsus ; the wings moderate ; first and second quills longest. The EUROPEAN FLAMINGO, P. ruler, is found in the warmer parts of Europe, but is common in Asia, and the coasts of Af- rica. The beak is evidently adapted to its long and flexible neck. When this bird wishes to feed, it merely stoops its head to the water ; the upper mandible is then lowest, and as is the case with the Duck, the edges of the beak filter what is received. Pestilent marshy places, which urge man to a distance, are boldly and safely frequented by this bird. Its plumage is a deep brilliant scarlet, except the quill feathers, which are black. Ar- ranged in a line, these birds appear like a file of soldiers ; but the miasma of the regions in which they dwell, is more deadly than the rifle, and its breath more surely fatal than the ball of the cannon. The nest of the Flamingo is a conical structure of mud, with an opening on the summit, in which are placed two or three dusky white eggs, somewhat larger than those of a goose. The nest is so high as to permit the bird to sit, or rather stand, her long legs hanging down on each side at full length. The height of this bird is five or- six feet, (see fig. on Chart.) The flesh is said to be pretty good meat ; the young are thought by some equal to a partridge. Juvenal, in his Satires, notes the Flamingo, (Phoenicoplerus ingens.) as among the luxuries of the table; the brains and the tongue formed one of the favorite dishes of Heliogabalus. By some, however, the flesh is thrown away as fishy, while the feathers are used to ornament other birds served up at special entertainments. The American species, P. ruber* or P, chilensis, scarcely dif- fers from the European. It is remarked that " the development of the gizzard in this genus makes it very probable that vegeta- ble substances form part of the diet of the Flamingo ; but it is not likely that large fish, or indeed water animals of any great size, are ordinarily devoured by these birds. The bill is a col- ander, admirably contrived for separating the nutritious portions whether animal or vegetable, from the mud and other useless parts." The Red Flamingo is found in the warmer regions of North America. C. L. Bonaparte says it is very rare and acci- dental in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. In South America and the West India Islands it is also found. It is particularly abundant in the Bahamas, where it breeds. GRALLATORES. 415 What is the 1st order of AQUATIC BIRDS? To what birds are they inter- mediate ? Mention their distinguishing characteristics. What is peculiar in their flying ? What power do they possess ? Where and how do they build their nests, &c. ? What FAMILY does the order include? How are the PLOVERS distinguished ? What use do they make of their beaks ? What is said of their plumage and diffusion? Repeat what is said of the LAP- WING or Pee-wit. What is the generic name of the Great P. and why given? Is it an American sp. ? What is said of the Golden P. of A.? How does it differ from the Golden P. of Europe? What is it sometimes called? What is the generic name of the Oyster-catcher and why given? What is said of it ? What of the Gray P. ? Of the Turnstone ? Of the Dotterel? Of the Swift-foot? Of the Pratincole ? What other sp. are mentioned ? What is the 2nd FAMILY ? What GROUPS of BIRDS does this include ? What is said of the CRAKES? Of the Spoon-bills? Of the Herons? Repeat what is said of the A. Crane. What of the Common C. of Europe ? Where is the DEMOISELLE found? What is said of its plumage, size, &c. ? How long did one of these birds live in Versailles, (Fr. ?) What is said of the Crowned Crane? Are the TRUE HERONS numerous? What use was for- merly made of them, and how were they esteemed for food? In what ge- nus does Aud. include the Egrets and Bitterns ? What is said of the Com- mon Heron ? What of the Great Blue Heron ? Of the Greenish B. H. ? Of the Black-Crowned Night H. ? Of the Great American White Egret? What is said of the diffusion, &c. of Bitterns? For what are they noted? What popular names have been given them and why ? To what does the English name Bittern refer? Was the Common B. formerly sought in fal- conry? In what estimation has it» flesh been held? What use was made of its hind claw ? How does it compare in size with the Common Heron ? What is said of the American Bittern ? Of the Small B. ? Why is the Common Boat Bill so named? On what does it feed ? How do Storks com- pare with the other birds of this family? Where do they build their nests? What is the shape of their bills? Why are they a privileged race? What is the length of the Common White S. ? What is said of its familiarity and of its appearance in European towns? What did Dr. Shaw witness? For what has the S. ever been noted ? How regarded among the ancients ? What is said of the Black Stork? Where is the Adjutant found? Describe this bird. What is said of its voracity? What does Dr. Latham say of these birds ? What is said of the Marabou Crane or Giant Stork of Af rica ? Where is a similar species found ? What name is given to the beau- tiful plumes of these birds ? What is said of the Jabiru ? What is the 3cl FAMILY ? With what family are these birds often in- cluded? Give their characters and habits. What is said of the Common White Spoonbill? What of the Roseate S.? What is the generic name of the OPEN-BEAKED BIRDS? Describe the beak. Where does Cuvier place them? What is the 4th FAMILY? To what birds are those of this family allied? What countries do they chiefly inhabit? What characters are given? On what do they feed ? How many species does this family include ? How many in the U. S. ? Where is the Glossy Ibis found ? With what sp. known to the ancients is it identical? At what time does the sacred Ibis appear 416 NATATORES. in Egypt? What is said of its size and plumage? How was this and the preceding sp. regarded by the ancient Egyptians? What is the length of the American White Ibis ? What Island is noted as a resort for these birds? How many of their nests did Aud. count in a single tree? What else is said of the White I.? Give an account of the Scarlet I. Of the Wood I. Where are other species found? What is the 5th FAMILY ? What is the most prominent character of this family? What use is made of this organ? What other characters are mentioned? What is the color of their plumage? To what places do they resort? What is said of their distribution? How does Mr. G. R. Gray divide them? Which is the largest of the Curlews? What is the generic name? What other sp. are mentioned? What is the generic name of the Tattler? Why is the Tell-Tale Tattler so called? What is said of it? What of the Spotted Sand L. ? Of the Gray Plover ? Of the Avo- set ? Of the Blue-necked Stilt ? Of the Knot ? Of Wilson's Sand-Piper ? Of the Sanderling? Of the Ruff? Mention the 6th FAMILY. In what genus are they comprehended? What is said of the bills, &c. ? How large is the Great Bustard? Does any other European bird exceed it in size? For what is it noted? Has it a gular pouch? What else is said of it. What sp. of Bustards are mentioned? What is said of the Agama, or Gold-breasted Trumpeter ? What is the 7th FAMILY ? How are they separated from the other fami- lies of this order? How are they aided by their keel-like form? In what respects do they deviate from the other groups of wading birds? Why are they called Rails? What does Swains&n say of their structure? What is said of their flesh, nests, toes, &c. ? What of their motion in the air and on the ground? Which are the different sp. and what is said of them? What SUB-FAMILY is mentioned ? What is said respecting their proper po- sition? Give the characters of the gen. Phoenicopterus. Where is the European Flamingo found? What places does it frequent? What is said of it? Does the American sp. differ much from the E. ? Upon what does it feed? Do vegetable substances form any part of its diet? What may its bill be called, and why ? Where is the Red Flamingo found? SECTION XL SECOND ORDER. WEB-FOOTED BIRDS. NATATORES, (Lat. Swimmers.) ANSERES, (Lat. anser, a goose.) Linn. We come now to the last order of birds, viz. : those which are web-footed. These are numerous and widely distributed. Mov- ing in an element which is everywhere essentially the same, we find, as we might naturally expect, that these birds are repre- sented, not only by peculiar genera in every part of the world, but that particular species, as of the Ducks, the Terns, and the Petrels, encircle the globe. N ATA TORES. 417 The foot of the Grebes is not webbed, but has each toe sepa- rate and flattened, (Plate IX. fig. 26,) somewhat like that of the Coot in the last order, with this exception, the Swimmers are all marked by having the toes united by a membrane, giving to the foot the form of a powerful oar, as in the common Duck or Goose, (Plate IX. fig. 24.) In those species which are eminently aquatic, the feet are placed far back on the body, (see Auk on the Chart,) which renders their gait clumsy and shuffling on land, but gives to the backward stroke of the foot in the water an im- petus that helps them in swimming ; the tarsus is also flattened sidewise, diminishing the resistance to progression in the water. The form of the body is flattened horizontally, (not laterally, as in the Waders.) the better to float on the surface. The plu- mage is remarkably thick and close, particularly on the under parts of the most aquatic kinds ; besides which the skin is cov- ered with a dense coat of soft down. The outer surface is usu- ally polished and satin-like, probably from the oily secretion which the bird frequently applies to it. The larger part of the Swimmers have a copious and peculiarly oily secretion of fat. As Cuvier remarks, these are the only birds in which the neck is longer than the legs, which is sometimes the case to a consid- erable extent, for the purpose of enabling them to search for food in the depths below, while, they swim on the surface. The tail is generally short, and so are the wings; hence, flight is in most feeble, and in some altogether denied : and yet it must be noted, that in the order Natatores are found examples of the long- est wings, and the highest powers of flight of the entire class of Birds, as, for example, in the Frigate Pelican. The Petrels and Terns have also great length of wing. The web-footed fowl resort to fens, morasses, broad rivers, inland lakes, rocky coves, &c., and they are found also on the ocean's wide expanse. The marine kinds are more numerous in the colder seas of the North, than in those of tropical regions. This order includes the following families: (1) Anatida, Ducks; (2) Colymbida, Divers ; (3) Akida, Auks; (4) Procel- larida, Petrels ; (5) Larida, Gulls 5 (6) Pelecanida, Pelicans. FIRST FAMILY. DUCKS. Anatida, (Lat, anas, a duck.) This numerous family have the beak thick and broad ; high at the base, and covered throughout almost its whole extent with a soft skin, the tip alone being horny; the edges are cut into thin parallel ridges, or small teeth ; the tongue is large and fleshy, 418 NATATOHES. with its edges toothed ; the wings are of moderate length. The males have, for the most part, the wind-pipe enlarged into a bony chamber, varying in form and size; sometimes this tube is much prolonged, and bent back in folds within the swollen keel of the breast bone, peculiarities of organization probably connected with the loudness of the voice. The gizzard, especially in the land species, is large and muscular. The Ducks mostly build their nests upon the ground, but some on trees, and lay numerous unspotted eggs. The young are at first covered with soft down, and can run and swim as soon as they leave the shell. The laminated structure at the edges of the mandibles, (Plate IX. fig. 5,) has often been referred to as showing special adaptation to the habit of feeding in birds of this family, enabling them to take with facility minute animals which swarm in rivers, and those equally numerous found on the sides of rivers and inland streams. By means of their broad beak, they capture at one effort, considerable numbers, and as they are drawn forth, covered with mud, this offensive part is thrown out between the interstices, or tooth edges of the mandibles, (Plate IX. fig. 5,) which, however, are not sufficiently wide to allow of the passage of the insect food at the same time, so that the beak operates as a sifter, expelling the refuse, but retaining the food. It is probable that the large and fleshy tongue is an assistant in this separating process. GEESE seem to form the connecting link between the Swim- ming and Wading Birds, retaining as they do the manners of the Waders, but walking much more than they swim. Their food consists more of grains and insects than of fishes; their legs are long, arid they have a considerable space above the tarsal joint. These birds, in common with the SWANS, have rather long necks. The TRUE DUCKS include a large variety of species and are found in almost every part of the world. TheSnovELER, or SPOON-BILL, A. clypeata, (Lai. furnished with a shield.) is in length from seventeen to twenty inches ; it is named from its broad, shovel-like bill. Usually it breeds far North, but to this there are exceptions. Some think its flesh ex- ceeds that of the Wild Duck. The MALLARD, or WILD DUCK, A. loschos, (Gr. loslas, a mal- lard, from boske, a pasture,) is the parent of our domestic broods. The ordinary length is about two feet, but one variety is said to measure thirty inches. Its flesh is much esteemed. Richard- son says " the Widgeon or Wild Duck is a strange eater of grass ; " to this the specific term refers. The SOFT-BILLED SHOVELER, Malacorhyncus, (Gr. mafakos, NATATORES. 419 soft ; rhunkos, a bill,) found in Australia, has a very peculiar bill, the edge of the upper mandible having on it a thin mem- brane or skin, which hangs down like a wattle on each side. The TAME DUCK, (from A. boschas,) is nearly omnivorous in its indiscriminate appetite and its voracity. In the natural state the Duck is a little more particular in its diet. The GREEN WINGED TEAL, A. Carolinensis, is during the autumn and winter, common in all our fresh water lakes and ponds ; its flesh is very well tasted. Length fourteen inches. The PIN-TAIL DUCK, A. acuta, (Lat. sharp,) affords similar food to the preceding. It is about two feet long. This Duck is particularly abundant on the shores of Lake Ontario; ranging, however, during winter and spring, across this Continent; and breeding in high northern latitudes. The BLACK DUCK, A. obscura, (Lat. obscure or dark,) breeds from Texas to Labrador. Its length is about two feet. Few Ducks are more highly prized than this species. The AMERICAN WIDGEON or BALD-?ATE, A. Americana, is very generally distributed. It feeds chiefly on aquatic vegeta- bles, and is esteemed for its delicate flavor. Length from eighteen to twenty inches. The Widgeon of the Eastern Conti- nent, A. Penelope, is also found in this hemisphere. SUB-FAMILY FuligilincR^ (from Lat.y*wZzgo, soot.) SEA-DUCKS. The Sea-Ducks include four genera, with a variety of species. They principally frequent the sea ; but many of them are to be found in the fresh water lakes and rivers, where the water is deep. Their plumage is very close and thick, in comparison with that of the True Ducks, (Anas,) and the covering of the female differs much in hue from that of the male. The Sea- Ducks are not good walkers, though they can run or shuffle along rapidly. They swim remarkably well, but low in the water, and excel in diving, on which they rely when in danger, more than on their power of wing. Usually, they fly low, labori- ously, and with a whistling sound. They are mostly found at the north ; but some species are spread over the entire globe. Large flocks migrate periodically, chiefly on the line of the sea- coast,flying and feeding generally by night. They often make their nests near fresh water; both parents, in several of the spe- cies, strip off their down as a covering for their numerous eggs. The genus Somateria, (Gr. so?na, body ; eria, wool, or teiro, to wear away,) includes Ducks which are peculiarly marine; according to Sir John Richardson, never found in fresh water. I 420 NATATORES. Their food consists principally of mollusks found in the Arctic Sea. The EIDER DUCK, ToSfoea (6) Chelyoida, (7) TrwnycUda, ) II. CHELONII, with two families. (1) Chelonioida, (2) Sphargidcz, Marine Turtles. FIRST SUB-ORDER. AMYD.E. DIGITATED. This sub-order includes, besides the Land Tortoises, the Marsh and River Tortoises, intermediate in form between the Marine and Land Tortoises. The Marsh Tortoises proper, are sometimes arranged into two divisions, viz: (1) the Pleurodera, (Gr. pleuron, a side ; deire, neck,) — so named because the head is concealed, not by being drawn back in a straight line, but by the neck folded to one side of the opening of the shell. ,. The arms are also incapable of being completely drawn within the cara- pace and plastron. Seven is said to be the number of the genera included in this division, None of the species belong to North America, but many to South America. (2) The Cryptodera, (Gr. krupto, to conceal ; deire, neck,) in which the cylindrical shaped neck can be folded back upon itself under the center of the forepart of the carapace. The pelvis is articulated to the internal surface of the carapace, while in respect to the plas- tron, it is free ; this gives to many of the Marsh qr Pond Tor- toises a power to .move the under portions of the osseous box ; and this, accordingly, has a less degree of solidity ; whereas, in the Pleurodera, the pelvis is firmly fixed to the roof of the cara- pace above, and to that of the plastron beneath. The species of this division are very numerous, and many are found both in North and South America. * Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. Vol. I. 460 CIIELONIANS. FIRST FAMILY. Testudinina, (Lat. Tesludo, a tortoise.) LAND TORTOISES. First Sub-Order, Amydse. The Tortoises of this family exhibit the greatest symmetry of form, and are, on various accounts, entitled to the first rank in the order. They are distinguished by their highly arched cara- pace, and still more, by their short, clubby feet, terminating in flat, spade-like nails. The outward armor is entirely ossified, and harder and thicker, in proportion to the animal's size, than in the Aquatic Tortoises. The shield is covered, externally, •with epidermal scales, and the skin everywhere more or less protected with them ; on the most exposed parts, they are thick and stiff, and form a continuous hard covering. The neck and legs are short, and can be drawn entirely within the shell. (See Radiated Tortoise on Chart.) The Land Tortoises show nothing of the fierce dispositions exhibited by most of the other groups. — never attacking or making resistance, but resorting to the shield, and trusting to that alone for protection. Their feet, which, in shape, have some resemblance to those of the Elephant, are adapted to walking on solid ground only ; when placed in water, these animals endeavor to walk, as if upon land, having no swimming motion. Their movement on dry ground is firmer and more steady, the weight being almost equally supported by both pair of limbs ; and they can travel for a distance at a pace less slow than any other Tor- toises. The fore feet have, usually, five toes, and the hind ones, four, which are furnished with short conical claws, well adapted for digging. The food of the Land Tortoises is entirely vegeta- ble. They appear most fond of the succulent stems of plants and fleshy fruits. ''I have often," says Agassiz. "seen our Gopher gnawing the stumps of cabbage, and apples falling from the trees in my garden, as the Squirrels do, holding them between their feet," The lungs are very much larger in the Land Tor- toises than in any other family of the first sub-order. Their size is also, on the whole, larger than that of any other family of that division. The Land Tortoises include four genera. (1) tCinixys, of which there are two or three species found in Guiana. In thes'e, the hind part of the carapace is not united to the front part, and is movable, so that the animals can shut in their hind limbs and tail. (2) Pyxis. (Gr. puxis. a box.) This genera includes the Land Box Tortoises, having the front part of the plastron mova- CHELONIANS. 461 ble on a hinge, so that they can conceal the head and fore limbs within the carapace. (3) Homopus, (Gr. homos, like each other; pous, foot,) in- cluding Land Tortoises which have the carapace and pastron immovable. They have but four nails on the fore feet, while the other genera have five. The VERMILION TORTOISE, H. are- . olatus, (Lat. divided into areas, or spaces.) is a species of this genus, found in Eastern Africa and Madagascar, and one of the smallest known of Land Tortoises, being seldom more than five inches in length. (4) Testudo, having the carapace and plastron immovable. Of this genus, only one species is indigenous to North America, viz: T. Carolina or T. Polyphemus, — [Xerobates] (Gr. xeros from xera land ; baino, to go,) Carolina, Ag., — the GOPHER TORTOISE, ranging from Florida to Georgia. It is from fifteen to seventeen inches in length. Its strength is so great that it can move easily with a man standing on its back. In habits, it is noc- turnal ; its flesh is excellent, and much sought after for the table. In sandy districts, it excavates holes in the ground, which much impede the movements of horsemen. The ELEPHANTINE TORTOISE, T. Indica, (T. Elephantina.) Cyl- indraspis, (Gr. rolling or cylindrical shield,) Indica, is from three to four feet in length ; and every way a huge animal. It sometimes has been known to weigh not far from three hundred pounds. The Elephant Tortoises are found in great numbers in the Galapagos islands, but, comparatively, not large, — averaging sixty pounds in weight. They are eagerly sought by crews of vessels. When captured, they serve for fresh meat, as they can be kept for a year in the hold of a ship without food or drink. The GREEK or EUROPEAN TORTOISE, T. Graca, is a well known species, found in the South of Europe. The GEOMETRIC TORTOISE, T. geometrica, is a beautiful little creature, about six inches in length, found in South Africa and Madagascar. It has its specific name from the radiating lines of yellow, forming angular figures on the plates of the carapace. The Charcoal Tortoise, IT. carbonaria, is common in Brazil and other parts of South America. The carapace is deep black, and eighteen inches long. This kind is sold as a great delicacy in the markets at Caraccas. The RADIATED TORTOISE, T. radiata, a handsome species, is a native of Madagascar, whence it is frequently taken to the Cape of Good Hope, and to the Mauritius and Bourbon isles. The carapace is hemispherical ; the plates are simple and black, with a yellow central spot, whence diverge lines of the same color; the plates of the plastron are ornamented with black and yellow. 402 CHELONLANS. SECOND FAMILY. Emydoida, (Gr. sptg, emus, a fresh-water tortoise.) This is a most numerous family, including a large number of well known species, which present great varieties of habit, size, and structure. Dumeril and Bibron unite the Emydoida and Chetyoida into one family, under the name of ELODITES, refer, ring the Emydoidce to the division Cryptodera, and the Clielyoida to the division Pleurodera. Our limits do not allow us to detail minutely the distinctive peculiarities of this family, or to assign at large the differences existing in the various sub-divisions un- der which it is exhibited. In these Tortoises, the box in which the animal is enclosed, is less thick and strong than in the Land Tortoises, not becoming completely ossified until late in life; its figure is oval, for the most part, broader behind than before. All the bony plates show great constancy and regularity of arrangement. The outside of the whole shield is covered with scales, as is, more or less, the skin of the head, neck, limbs, and tail; the tympanum is visible, and the eyelids are of equal height. Nearly the whole of these are eminently MARSH TORTOISES. Almost all of them can withdraw and conceal their limbs within the carapace and plastron ; but in the Platysternvn, (Gr. broad- sternon,) the plastron or sternon from its width, suffices to con- ceal the limbs when folded ; yet the head remains constantly exposed. The food of these Tortoises is both vegetable and animal. None of them catch active prey, or are in any way ferocious; when hard pressed, however, they defend themselves by biting. They lay their eggs on dry land, in holes which they dig with their hind legs; the land species, from two or three to five or seven ; the water species, from ten or fifteen to twenty, thirty, or even more. (Agassiz.) The shell of the eggs is never brittle, but rather flexible, and less calcareous than in some other families. The genera Emys and Cistudo, are prominent representatives of this family. In the Emys, the fore feet have five toes; the hind feet, four; the plastron is broad, immovable, solidly united to the carapace, and covered with twelve plates; the head is about the ordinary size ; the tail long. Emys Muhlenbergii, or Muhlenburg's Tortoise, is the smallest known species, about four inches in length ; found in New Jer- sey and the eastern part of Pennsylvania. E. rugosa, (Lat. wrinkled,) or E. rubriventris, (Lat. red- CHELONIANS. 463 bellied,) — the Ptychemys, (Gr. ptuche, a fold; emys.) rugosa, of Agassiz, — is found as far South as Virginia, and North as far as the neighborhood of New York City. It is known by the name of the Red-bellied Terrapin, and as food is prized by epicures. Length from ten to seventeen inches. (Agassiz says fifteen inches.) Emys concinna, (Lat. polished, beautiful,) is a handsome spe- cies, found in Georgia; in length, according to Agassiz, fifteen inches. This, and the preceding species, are the rarest of the family. E. concentrica, is found both in North and South America. New York is said by DeKay to be its northern limit. It gives the preference to salt-water marshes, and is therefore called the SALT-WATER TERRAPIN. The flesh of this species is in particu- lar request for the table. The plates of the carapace are olive- green, with concentric lines of brown, whence the specific name, concentrica. Sometimes it is called E. palustris. These Tortoises bury themselves in mud during the winter; they are then very fat, and taken in large numbers.^ The length is from seven to ten inches. E. picta, (Lat. painted,) or Chrysemys, (Gr. gold-colored Emys,) picta, Ag., — is probably the most essentially aquatic Tortoise of the entire family ; in fact, it soon perishes, if removed from the water. The PAINTED EMYS (see Chart) is very common in the United States, but on account of the ill flavor of its flesh, never used for food. The plates of the carapace, which is con- siderably depressed, are of a deep brown color; the plastron is of a yellow or gold color. For the variety and beauty of its markings, this may be esteemed the handsomest of all the fresh- water Tortoises. It seems to enjoy much the rays of the sun, and sometimes floats in the water with the head just emerging from the shell, luxuriating in the genial temperature. It inhab- its stagnant ponds or lakes, and is never found in rivers or run- ning streams. Its length is from five to nine inches. When young, its contour is circular rather than oval. It is remarkably slow in coming to maturity, not laying eggs before it is seven years old. E, guttata, (Lat. speckled,) the SPOTTED TORTOISE, is a small species found throughout the Union. Its length is about four inches. The carapace is black, or deep brownish black, with distant rounded yellow dots, occasionally with a few orange spots. It shows a preference for streams and ponds which have a muddy bottom. On a warm day, Speckled Tortoises may be seen basking in the sun, on a log or rock ; but on the approach 464 CHELONIANS. of any person, they slip suddenly into the water. This species is the Nanemys, (Gr. dwarf-emys,) gutiata, of Agassiz. The genus Cistudo, (Lat. a box.) includes TERRAPINS, or Box TORTOISES. These, like the Emydes, have five toes on the fore feet and four on the hind ones. The head is very high ; the plastron, broad, oval, and divided by a transverse hinge into two movable portions or valves, by means of which the whole body may be shut in. The beak of the upper jaw projects downward in the middle ; the lower jaw is sharp pointed in front ; the hind foot plantigrade. These Tortoises never take to the water from choice, and would be drowned if detained there. Indeed, they are so much on dry land as to be sometimes called Land Tor- toises. The CAROLINA TERRAPIN, or Box TORTOISE, C. Carolina, or C. Virginia, (Agassiz,) is found in New England, also westward as far as Michigan, and southward as far as the Carolinas. In its general habits, in the vaulted form of its carapace, and in the structure of its feet, which are but slightly palmated, it appears to be a link between the Marsh and Land Tortoises. This spe- cies is not aquatic, preferring woods and dry places and living on vegetables and insects; occasionally, however, it is met with in swamps and moist places. Of all the Marsh Tortoises, it has the shortest and most convex carapace. The general color is dark brown with stars and blotches. The flesh is not much es- teemed, but the eggs, which are about as large as a pigeon's, are thought to be excellent, and are much sought for. The length of this species is from five to seven inches. BLANDING'S Box TORTOISE, C. Blandingii, has a shell less raised than that of the Carolina Terrapin,^and the lower jaw is hooked instead of the upper, as in the Carolina species. Its length is from seven to eight inches. This species was first ac- curately described and figured by Dr. Holbrook, in his valuable work on North American Herpetology. According to Agassiz, who deems this a "true Emys," the oldest name is E. meleagris. The EUROPEAN Box TORTOISE, C. Europaa, is widely dif- fused. It differs from the Carolina Terrapin in giving the pref- erence to still waters, ponds and marshes, in the mud of which it delights to bury itself. This species is particularly fond of small fishes. These it kills previously to .devouring them, but rejects the air sac, which rises and floats on the surface, so that the abundance or scarcity of these animals in any pool or sheet of water, is judged of by the numbers of these floating air sacs. The flesh of the European Box Tortoise, though not very deli- cate, is nevertheless eaten. CHELONIANS. THIRD FAMILY. Cinosternoida,- (Gr. xtyew, kineo, to move; v, sternon.) MUD and MUSK TORTOISES. The Tortoises of this family have long and narrow bodies, covered by a shield which is entirely ossified. The marginal plates are twenty-four in number ; the plastron is divided into three sections, and, " at least in the adult species, is made up of eight plates, there being no odd one, as in all the other families of the sub-order." (Ag.) The shield or carapace is covered with large horny scales ; the head is large, elongated, and pyr- arnydal in form ; the mandibles are hooked, and in the under jaw covered with fleshy excrescences. In the female, the tail is short ; in the males, thick and long. Their legs are slender, ill fitted for land travel, but easily carrying the body through the water over the bottom. As a family, they are dwarfish in their forms, the largest not being more than nine inches long, and the smallest not more than four inches. These Tortoises smell strongly of musk. Their disposition is a blending of shyness and ferocity. " They remind us," says Agassiz, " of the Insec- tivora among the Mammalia, the rapacious habits of which are in strange contrast with their size and feebleness." Their movements are abrupt and quick, but have little power ; their food is chiefly animal ; their habits aquatic, though sometimes they bask in the sun on the shore. They lay only from three to five eggs, having the shape of a lengthened ellipse with very blunt ends, and a glazed, shining surface, much smoother than that of the other turtles' eggs, and also quite thick and brittle. This" family, entirely American, is represented by the genera Cinosternon and Sternotharus, (Gr. sternon; thairos, a hinge.) The former has both the front and hind parts of the plastron movable upon an intermediate fixed position ; the latter has the plastron solid, with the front part movable. Cinosternon represents the MUD TORTOISES, or Cinosteroids. Several species are described. C. Pennsylvanicum, or Thyrosternum, (Gr. thuron, porch ; sternon,) Pennsylvanicum, (Ag.) is very common in various parts of the United States. It inhabits ditches and muddy ponds, and often takes the hook. Its food consists of frogs and small fishes. The length is seven or eight inches. Sternothcerus, or Ozotheca, (Gr. ozo, to smell ; theke, repos- itory,) Ag., of sub-family Qzothecoidce, includes the MUSK TOR- TOISES. Of the species the Musk Tortoise, S. odoratus, or O. odorata, Ag., is the most common and the smallest one known, being 466 CHELONIANS. less than four inches in length. It is common in marshes and ditches from Maine to Florida. The carapace is gibbous or ob- long, of a brownish color, with streaks of green. The color and marking are, however, not easily detected, as the animal is usu- ally covered with mud, and an agglutination of water plants. It is sometimes called Mud Terrapin, and, on account of its dis- agreeable odor, Stink-Pot, and other names equally savory. FOURTH FAMILY. Chelydroida, (Gr. xefodgog, cheludros, a water-tortorse.) SNAPPING TURTLES. The body of these Tortoises is high in front and low behind, the upper surface is "like a shed-roof falling backwards, curved down on either stde, lowest about the middle, less and less to- wards the ends." The carapace projects beyond the attached surface of the body, except at the neck, where it is joined with the plastron ; the latter is not movable, of a cross-like shape, and covered with twelve plates. The head is very large and cov- ered with small plates ; the upper mandible is hooked ; below the under mandible are two small wattle-like excrescences. The tail is extremely long, compressed and surmounted by a ridge of strong scales, as in the crocodile. The limbs are very robust, and the nails of the toes are strong, hooked and sharp. The head, though of great size, can be withdrawn within the cara- pace ; but not so the tail and limbs. " The animal lives mostly in the water, but makes considerable passages over land. It does not, like the Trionychida, remain burrowed in the soft muddy bottom, but rather lies in wait for prey under shelving banks, or among the reeds and rushes." This family is represented by the ALLIGATOR TORTOISE, or SNAPPING TURTLE, to which naturalists have given various names, among which are Chelonura, (Gr. chelone, tortoise ; oura, a tail,) Serpentina, (Say ;) Gypochelys, (Gr. gups, a vulture ; chelus, a tortoise.) Serpentina, (Agassiz.) Both internally and externally, it exhibits an approach to the alligator, and perhaps may be viewed as an intermediate link. When adult, it exceeds •^ three feet in its total length. So great is the strength of its jaws that a large one has been seen to bite off a piece of plank more than an inch thick. It eats frogs, other aquatic reptiles, and even fish ; it swims with celerity, and is prone to snap at every thing coming near it. Woe to the unwary duck or other animal that swims unguardedly within its reach. . The Alligator Tor- toise is a native of Carolina and the warmer districts of North CHELONIANS. 467 America. This Tortoise, according to De Kay, lays from sixty to seventy eggs, about the size of a small walnut. FIFTH FAMILY. HydraspicUt, (Gr. vdga, hudra, a water-snake ; acTTilg, aspis, a shield.) This family includes four genera, viz. : Platemys, (Gr. pla~ tus, broad; emus, emys:) Rhinemys, (Gr. rhin, nose; emus, emys ;) Phrynops, (Gr. phrunos,* a rubeta, or venomous toad ; ops, face;) Hydraspis. The whole are included by Wagler in one genus, Platemys. They have the head flattened and covered with a single delicate scale, or with a number of small irregular plates ; the jaws are simple ; two barbels appear under the chin ; the carapace is very much flattened ; the plastron is immov- able ; there are five claws on the fore feet, four on the hind. One species is found on the banks of the Macquarie River, (Australia ;) other species are found in South America, living in marshes or else on the banks of rivers. So far as the head and neck are concerned, some of these animals, as the Chelodina of New Holland, appear more like a snake than a tortoise. SIXTH FAMILY. Ckelyoidce, (Gr. /e^v?, chelus, a tortoise.) The Tortoises of this family have a shield that is thick, .com- pletely ossified, and regularly divided into plates ; the head is extraordinarily large, flat and triangular ; the jaws are weak, neither pointed nor sharp edged, unfit for catching large active prey, or for tearing any tough vegetable or animal matter ; the mouth is broad, but very close when its roof and floor are brought together, being well adapted for catching and swallow- ing minute animals ; the legs are strong ; the feet broad and compact, with long and sharp claws, the fore feet having five, the hind feet four. This family includes but one genus, Chelys. The only recognized species is the MATAMATA, C. matamata, (an aboriginal name,) found in Cayenne and Guiana, having the neck furnished with long cutaneous appendages, and two barbels on the chin. The head looks as if it had been crushed, and this, together with its fringes and skinny enfoldings, gives it a singu- larly grotesque appearance. Decidedly, it is the most remark- able of the Pond or Marsh Tortoises. When full grown, the Matamata is about two and a half feet in length. 468 CHELONIANS. SEVENTH FAMILY. TrionycJiida, (Gr. tg^s, treis, three ; "ovv^, onux, nail.) SOFT-SHELLED OR RIVER TORTOISES. These Tortoises are distinguished by the complete absence of scales from the body, the shell being covered with a soft skin. The feet are broad, webbed, and move horizontally ; of the toes, three on each foot are provided with nails or claws, whence the term Trionyx, (see derivation above.) The form is that of a flat orbicular disk, slightly elongated, with a long pointed head pro- jecting upon a lengthened, slender neck. The structure of these animals is well adapted to life and motion in the water. They swim with great facility. In this process they are aided, not by their flattened and webbed feet alone, but by the loose and flex- ible skin of the body, forming a narrow flap or border around the edges of the shell, and performing the office of a fin. The soft carapace is generally dark colored, variegated with brown ; but the plastron and all the under parts are pale, like the turbot. The plastron is not entirely ossified in the Trionyx proper, and is united to the carapace by cartilage. These Tortoises live mostly on the muddy bottom of shallow waters, burying them- selves in the soft mud, leaving only the head, or a small part of it exposed. Sometimes they remain under water as long as half an hour, without coming to the surface to take breath. They are rarely seen on land, where, to them, locomotion is labored and unsteady. They lay from a dozen to twenty or more eggs, of a spherical form, having a thick but brittle shell, and about the size of a musket ball. They feed upon fish, reptiles, and mollusks, especially Ana- dontas and Paludinas, fragments of which have been found in their intestines. Two genera represent this family. (1) Gymnopus, (Gr. naked-footed,) or PlatypeUes, (Gr. plains, broad ; pelte, shield ;) (2) Cryptopus, (Gr. krupto, to hide ; pous, foot,) or, (Gr. aspis, shield ; nectes, a swimmer,) Agassiz. The type of the genus Gymnopus, or Platypeltes, is the Trionyx fer ox, the species of this country earliest known to foreign naturalists. The Tryonyx ferox, or P. ferox, (Lat. fierce,) is found from Georgia to Western Louisiana. Though fierce, it is not very large. Agassiz says the largest tortoise which he ever saw or heard of belonging to this species, was one foot and a half in length. As the generic name, Platypeltes, in- dicates, the carapace is broad. The great breadth of the carti- laginous circumference of the carapace, and the narrowness of CHELONIANS. 469 the plastron, are distinctive marks of this tortoise. In its native regions it reigns as a tyrant, producing great havoc among the finny tribes ; it is very voracious, and eagerly seizes a hook baited with a fish. The females visit the shore in May to lay their eggs. These are globular in shape and brittle ; they are hatched in July. It is said that in its fierceness and voracity, this Tortoise will at- tack small quadrupeds, aquatic birds, and young alligators. The Trionyx of the Nile, G. JEgyptiacus, is much valued in Egypt, on account of the services it renders in devouring the eggs and young of the crocodile. Tortoises of the genus Cryptopus, or Aspidonectes, have the plastron broad, and capable of closing up in front, so as to shut in the retracted head and limbs ; in the rear they have a cartila- ginous valve on each side, for shutting in the 4iind limbs. A. spinifer, (Lat. thorn-bearing or prickly,) is a species com- mon in Lake Champlain, and in most of our western rivers. Length fourteen inches. SECOND SUB-ORDER. CHELONID.E, OR CHELONII. SEA TURTLES. PINNATED. The entire structure of the Sea Turtles shows an express adaptation to aquatic habits. Not only is the carapace greatly flattened, but the limbs, in which the toes are not externally dis- tinct, are likewise flattened and modified into large oars. On land, these animals shuffle along in the most awkward manner, and make, with toilsome efforts, only a slow progress ; but they plough the waves, dive and ascend with admirable address and dexterity. They swim almost entirely by means of their front limbs; the other pair acting independently and being chiefly useful in aiding to balance the body, and guide the general course. They feed chiefly on marine plants. The gullet of these Turtles is lined with long cartilaginous processes, all tend- ing towards the stomach. These appear designed to prevent the return of the food when the water which is swallowed in con- nection with it is regurgitated. The Sea Turtles never resort to the shore, except to deposit their eggs. They lay them at night and in large companies. Those of most of the species are both nutritious, and agreeable to the taste. "American Sea Turtles," says Agassiz, " lay their eggs towards the end of May, or in the beginning of June. They lay a large number of them, about one hundred at a time, or even more, which they deposit on shore, in the dry sand. Their UNIVERSITY OF » lc-xvovi\k^ 470 CHELONIANS. eggs are not large, in comparison to the size of the animal, and not perfectly spherical, their orbicular outline being more or less irregular." "I have no reason," he says, "to trust the reports that they lay eggs more than once a year." Other writers, how. ever, say "the process is repeated three times a year." The eggs are almost unprotected by a shell, and hence it is necessary that the sand in which they are laid to be hatched by the heat of the sun, should be soft and movable. To obtain a suitable local- ity for their eggs, they often travel many hundred leagues. As- cension Island is to them a favorite place of resort. At the breeding season the Turtle-fishery is carried on. The flesh of the females is in the highest estimation, and at this sea- son, it is supposed to possess its best quality. " The fish- ers suddenly advance from their watching places, and despatch the Turtles with clubs, or turn them quickly over upon their backs, in doing which, it is often necessary to use levers, several men at the same t;me combining their strength. A few skillful men, in the course of three hours, may turn over, and thus secure forty or fifty turtles." On the coast of Guiana, haul nets are employed for the capture of these creatures. In the Chinese and Indian seas, and also on the shores of Mozambique, boatmen take them by availing themselves of the natural powers and instincts of certain fishes, named poissons pecheurs, or Fish- fishers. The Turtles are usually met with in the warm latitudes of the ocean, and especially towards the torrid zone. FIRST FAMILY. Chetonioida. This family are characterized by having the carapace very broad, more or less depressed, of a somewhat heart-shaped out- line, covered with horny scales, and bordered by a distinct mar- ginal rim ; also by having a flat nail on the thumb of each pad- dle. Three well defined genera are found along the coast of the .United States; the greatest difference between them has relation to the structure of the mouth. Their food consists of aquatic plants, sea-weeds, and the like. In size, they much surpass the average size of the Amydce,', yet they are shy and inoffensive, not biting when hard pressed, but striking with their powerful flappers, and endeavoring to escape by quickening their speed. They lay their eggs at the end of May or begin- nina; of June. The GREEN or ESCULENT TURTLE, Chelonia mydas. is consid- ered the most important of the Turtles, its flesh being in great request as a luxury for the table, and as furnishing abundant and CHELONIANS. 471 wholesome food to voyagers in tropical climates. It has twelve pair of scales of a greenish color, but they do not overlay each other, and are of no use in the arts. Green Turtles are very common in shallow parts of the sea near the islands and the shores of continents, within the tropics, where they may be seen in great numbers among the sea-weeds, grazing like a herd of cattle ; occasionally coming to the surface to breathe, and some- times remaining there, basking in the sunshine. They are often caught at sea in calm weather, a harpoon and line being used. The usual length is four or five feet, arid the weight from four hundred to eight hundred pounds ; but this Turtle has been known to " reach the length of eight feet, and a weight of fif- teen hundred pounds." The flesh of the smaller ones is, how- ever, the more highly esteemed. The coast of Florida is one of the resorts for the females, which deposit each, every spring, between one hundred and two hundred eggs in the sand, where they hatch in about seven or eight weeks. But scarcely a thirtieth of this number gain the sea, or live a week after reaching it. Birds and beasts of prey thin the number of those hatched ; and crocodiles and rapacious fishes are ready to seize upon such as escape destruction on land and gain the water. The TORTOISE SHELL TURTLE, Chelonia imbricata, or Eret- mochelys, (Gr. eretmon, an oar; chelus, a tortoise,) imbricata, (Ag.,) has the horny muzzle somewhat lengthened into a sharp point, and the lower jaw is received into a groove of the upper, so that the food can be cut as well as bruised by it. The shield has twelve pair of scales. They overlap each other, at least one-third of each lying over the one behind it ; hence this spe- cies is named imbricata, (imbricated.) The plates increase only in front. As they enlarge there, " the older parts move back- wards, where they are worn off by external mechanical agencies. This process goes on so fast that in a specimen of two feet in length, no trace of those primary scales which covered the whole shield, during the first year, could be found. This mode of growing and moulting, if we may call it so, is very similar to that in the human nail." (Ag.) The flesh of this Turtle has a disagreeable flavor, probably arising from the nature of its food. The animal is chiefly sought for the plates of the cara- pace, called " Tortoise Shell," and which are much thicker and stronger, as well as more clouded in color than those of any other species. The shell procured from the live Turtle is thought to be the finest. The epidermis, or outer shell, is said to change every year. The shell is removed from the bone of the cara- 47-2 CHELONIANS. pace by presenting its convex surface to a glowing fire. The ap- plication of boiling water to the shell when removed, so mollifies it that it may be acted on like a soft mass, and by pressure in metallic moulds, made to assume a great variety of forms. A single Turtle yields about ten or twelve pounds of Tortoise Shell. When the stripped animal is set at liberty, the shell grows again ; and hence it sometimes happens that in after years, the stripped Turtle is recaptured, and subjected to a sec- ond ordeal, but the shell in that case obtained is very thin. The Tortoise Shell Turtle never reaches so large a size as the Green or Esculent Turtle. Sometimes it is called the Hawk's-bill Tur- tle. (See Chart.) It is found in the warmer latitudes of the seas and coasts of this continent, and also in the seas of Asia. Com. Wilkes, in his " Exploring Expedition," states that the chiefs in the Fejee Islands, keep Tortoise Shell Turtles in pens. Tortoise Shell " sometimes sells in Manilla for from two to three thousand dollars the picul, (one hundred and thirty-three English pounds.") The LOGGERHEAD TURTLE, C. caretta, or Thalassoclielys, (Gr. Sea-Turtle,) Caouana, differs from the tortoise shell Turtle, in having thirteen pairs of scales, and these not imbricated. The flesh is not much valued, though wholesome. The Loggerhead Turtle feeds upon fish and mollusks. It yields abundance of oil, for which alone it is sought. This species is numerous in the Mediterranean. SECOND FAMILY. Sphargida, (from Gr. cr^a^ayew, spharageo, to roar loudly.) These Sea-Turtles have the bony structure of the carapace covered with a thick layer of leathery skin, instead of plates or scales ; the form may be compared to a flattened cone, with an- gular sides ; the skeleton is light, and the shield narrow and small, compared with the size of the animal ; in the full grown Turtle, the skin is quite smooth ; but in the young is tubercu- lous. The paddles are without any distinct nails. These Tur- tles are the largest in size and lay a great number of eggs. Only one species is as yet recognized. The LEATHERY TURTLE, Sphargis coriacea, (Lat. leathery.) This has jaws of immense strength, the lower one being sharp edged, and turning up at a point which when the jaws are closed is received into a central indentation or notch of the upper jaw, The carapace is heart-shaped and has seven longitudinal ridges at equal distances from each other. (See Chart.) The eyes CHELONIANS. 473 open almost vertically, which gives to the animal a strange as- pect. This Turtle exceeds all others in size; the carapace is sometimes fifteen feet in circumference, and nearly seven feet in length. It sometimes weighs more than eighteen hundred pounds. Agassiz states he has seen those that weighed over a ton. The Leathery Turtle feeds upon marine animals, as well as plants. When aged, it is said " to carry on its carapace ** a world of parasites." This gigantic species is found in the Med- iterranean, and in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It breeds on the Tortugas or Turtle islands, on the Bahama islands and Keys, and on the coast of Brazil, laying, on an average, about three hundred and fifty eggs, in two sets. A large sized specimen of this species, taken off Sandy Hook in 1816, is now in the Ameri- can Museum, New York city. The Leathery Turtle was known to the ancient Greeks, and of its carapace the first lyre is sup- posed to have been formed ; the seven ridges on the back sug- gesting the adoption of seven strings, which was the ancient number. Hence, it is sometimes called the LUTE TURTLE. CHELONIANS. Into what divisions may this Order be arranged ? In what respects do they widely diifer from the general form of the class ? What is the shield of the back called? Of what does this consist? What in the TORTOISES represents the sternal or breast ribs of the lizards, &c. ? What is the name of the lower plate of the armor ? What is said of it ? What is the sec- ond distinction between CHELONIANS and other reptiles? How are they compensated for the want of teeth? What is said of the armor of the LAND TORTOISES? What is peculiar in that of the genus Pyxis ? In that of the genus Cinixys ? How is it in the aquatic species ? What is said of the organs of sense in Tortoises? What of their food? Of their pow- ers of abstinence ? Of their growth ? Of their age ? What does Agassiz say of their eggs? Into how many SUB-ORDERS does he divide the order Chelonia? Name the families included in AMYDJS, or DIGITATED TORTOISES. Also those included in CHELONII or PINNATED, (finned, ) T. What groups besides the Land Tortoises does the Sub-order Amydae include ? Into what two divisions are the strictly Marsh Tortoises sometimes arranged ? Are the sp. of this Sub-order numerous ? What is said of the forms of the Land Tortoises? What of their distinguishing characteristics? Of their disposition, habits, &c. ? Name the sp. which are mentioned. Which of these are found in the U. S. ? What is said of it ? What can you say of the others ? Which is the 2nd and most numerous FAMILY ? How does the box or armor of these T. differ from that of the Land T. ? Where are the largest part of them found ? How is it with the Cistudo ? What gen. are promi- nent in this family ? Which is the smallest sp. of Emys ? Which is the largest ? What is said of the SALT WATER TERRAPIN ? Which is the most essentially aquatic ? What is said of it ? Which gen. includes the Box 20 474 CHELONIANS. TORTOISE ? What is said of the CAROLINA TERRAPIN ? Of the European BoxT.? Which is the 3rd FAMILY ? Describe them. Of what does Agassiz say they remind us ? What is said of their movements, food, &c. ? On what continent are they all found ? What genera represent this family ? Which genus includes the MUD Tortoises? Which the MUSK T. ? What is the 4th FAMILY? Describe them. What turtle represents this family ? How does it resemble the ALLIGATOR ? What is said of its strength, food, &c.? What is said of the 5th FAMILY? How many gen. does it include? Where are they found ? What other reptiles do some or all of these resemble ? What is the 6th FAMILY ? Name their characteristics. What gen. does it include ? What is the only recognized sp. ? What is said of it ? What is the 7th FAMILY ? In what respects are these distinguished ? For what element does the structure of these animals fit them? What helps them in swimming ? In what waters are they usually found ? Upon what do they feed? What gen. are mentioned? What is the type of the gen. Platypeltes ? What is said of it ? What of the Trionyx of the Nile ? What is said of the plastron of Aspidonectes ? What sp. of this gen. is mentioned? What is the 2nd SUB-ORDER ? How does the structure of the SEA TUR- TLES fit them for aquatic habits? What is said of their motion ? Which limbs do they use in swimming ? What is the chief use of the hind limb ? On what do they feed ? Are they ever found on shore ? When do they lay their eggs and what is said of them ? What is to them a favorite breed- ing place? At what time is the T. Fishery carried on? How are the Tur- tles secured? How do the Chinese boatmen take them? In what lati- tudes are the Sea T. found? What is the 1st FAMILY? How is it charac- terized? How many well defined gen. on the coast of the U. S. ? What is said of their food, &c. ? Which is the most important of the SEA TUR- TLE? Why? Where is it very common? How often caught at sea? What is said of the size and weight ? What resort for the female is men- tioned? What is said of their eggs? Do their young, when hatched, all reach the sea ? How many pair of scales has the Tortoise-shell T. ? Why are they said to be imbricated ? At what part do the plates increase ? What effect has this upon the older part ? What does this mode of growing and moulting resemble ? For what is this animal chiefly sought ? Which shells are the best? How is the shell removed from the carapace? How is it made to assume various forms ? Is the shell renewed upon the stripped animal? Where is this T. found? How does the Loggerhead T. differ from the Hawks-bill or Tortoise shell T. ? For what is it sought? What is the 2nd FAMILY ? From what is the family name derived ? What Sea T. does it include? What is said of the jaw, carapace, &c. of the LEATHERY T. ? What of its size, weight, &c. ? Where is it found ? What breeding places are spoken of? Why is it sometimes called the LUTE T. ? How are the Ohelonidae or Testudinata usually divided, as given on the Chart? What is Prof. Agassiz' first division of them as there shown? SAURIANS. 475 SECTION III. SECOND ORDER. SAURIANS. Sauria, (Gr. cravgog, sauros, a lizard.) This order contains a numerous assemblage of animals re- markable for the differences in their size, which varies from a few inches to thirty feet ; and not less so for differences in re- : spect to strength, form and habit. All, however, agree in cer- tain essential characters. Many species, generally of great dimensions, are known only in a fossil state. The general contour of the body is lengthened ; the skin is protected either by horny plates, by scales of various sizes and figures, or by granulations. The limbs are usually four in num- ber ; the toes armed with claws. The body always terminates in a tail, which is frequently of considerable length. The eyes are protected by eye-lids, except in certain instances ; and in most species a tympanic membrane covers the orifice leading to the internal organs of hearing. The ribs, unlike those of the Tortoises, are distinct and movable; and there is a sternum or breast-bone, which is not found in serpents. The jaws are armed with teeth, as in snakes ; but the bones of the jaws are firmly united together, and not separable into distinct parts, as in the latter animals. The eggs of the Saurians have a hard calcareous shell ; the young undergo no metamorphoses or changes like those of the newt and frog. The tongue, in these animals, differs greatly in its form, and in the degree of freedom which it enjoys. In the Crocodile it is undeveloped and scarcely distinguishable from the general floor of the mouth, between the branches of the lower jaw. In other groups, it is broad, fleshy, and free only at its point; in the Chameleons, it is fleshy, cylindrical, and capable of being projected to a great distance, and then completely redrawn. In some genera, it is slender and deeply forked, like that of a snake, and when at rest drawn into a sheath ; while in others, it is flat, very movable, and notched or forked at the tip. It is, in all, lu- bricated with a glutinous saliva, but does not appear to be en- dowed with a high sense of taste. In most of the Saurians, the body is so remarkable for its length and cylindrical figure that, as Aristotle has observed, they resemble snakes with the addition of limbs. "Among all the reptiles," says M. Bibron, "these undoubtedly approach nearest 478 SAUKIANS. to the Mammalia, both in the variety and rapidity of their differ- ent movements, especially if we compare their progression with that of Tortoises. There are, indeed, among the Saurians, spe- cies which enjoy many modes of progression ; for they can creep, walk, run, climb, swim, dive, and even fly. Nevertheless, the elongated and heavy trunk of these Reptiles is not supported by the limbs without effort ; they walk in general, with constraint and slowly, forthe arms and thighs are short, slender, but slightly muscular, and directed outwardly ; while the elbows and knees are too angular to support with ease the superincumbent weight. Still, however, notwithstanding this conformation, so faulty in ap- pearance, (though not in reality,) they are capable of executing a great variety of movements, all bearing on progression." The form of the tail, the length of the body, the structure of the toes, and the shape of the claws determine the character of the movements, and correspond with the general habits of the animal. The hotter climates of the globe are the great nurseries of the Saurians. Persons who live in northern latitudes are ordinarily not likely to form any adequate idea of the variety of these crea- tures, which tenant their favorite abodes. " In the intertropical latitudes, they obtrude themselves upon notice ; they are in the common pathway, and even haunt the abodes of men ; they swarm among the trees; they lie motion- less upon the surface of the water, enjoying the hot rays of the sun ; they cover banks and walls or crumbling ruins, and min- gle their sparkling hues with those of the blooming vegetation amidst which they nestle." Like the snake tribe, the Saurians moult their skin during the spring or summer, appearing afterwards in bright colors. None of the Saurians are poisonous; none have poison fangs, though the ancients regarded many as venomous in the extreme. Of these an imaginary animal termed the Basilisk, (Basilicus,) was especially celebrated ; a name which modern naturalists apply to a genus peculiar to South America. Though the Lizard race do not possess the medical properties which have been ascribed to them, many of them, as the Igua- nas, hold a high rank as articles of luxury for the table; and the flesh and eggs of the Teguixin or Monitor, a large species found in Brazil and other parts of South America, are esteemed for food. The Saurians are divided into the following families, viz. : (1) Crocodilida, Crocodiles; (2) ChamaeleonidcB, Chameleons; SAURIANS. 477 (3) Geckotidcz, Geckos ; (4) Iguanida, Iguanas ; (5) Varanida, Varans; (6) Teida, Teguixins; (7) Lacertidce, Lizards; (8) Chalcida, Chalcides ; (9) Scincida, Scinks. FIRST FAMILY. CROCODILES. Crocodilida, (Gr. xQoxtidedos, krokodeilos, a crocodile.) This family includes three genera, closely related to each other, and agreeing in the general details of their structure. They are the largest of the Lizards found in America. They are called Alligators in the southern parts of the United States, and Caimans in the Antilles and South America. In Africa and Asia they are called Gavials. Those of America are distin- guished by a broad and rounded snout; those of Africa by an elongated flat snout, and those of Asia by a pointed one like the beak of a bird. They differ from other reptiles in the tongue, which is thick, flat, and attached so much to the mouth that the ancients believed this member was altogether wanting. "To it, of all animals," wrote Herodotus, "nature has not given a tongue." The power of swimming is shown by the palmated feet, and by the lateral compression of the tail, which thus acts as a large and powerful fin ; the tail is no doubt used as a wea- pon of defence, being armed with a serrated ridge of strong square scales. The lower jaw is rather longer than the upper, and both are armed with a single row of pointed teeth, the num- ber of which does not vary with age, as in other animals. The Crocodiles are all inhabitants of the rivers and fresh waters of warm countries ; but are most abundant in those latitudes which approach nearest to the equinoctial line. Their mode of feed- ing is very peculiar. They do not swallow their prey upon seizing it, nor is it ever eaten while fresh ; but the victim is first drowned, and then conveyed to some hole at the edge of the wa- xter, where it is suffered to putrify before it is devoured. Their food consists principally of fish, crabs, and such other animals as they can catch. They seem to manifest an affinity to the Tor- toises in the coverings of their bodies, being defended, like them, by plates or shields; with this difference, however, that in the Tortoises the plates are compactly united at the edges, while in Crocodiles they are sufficiently far apart to admit the free mo- tion of all parts of the body and limbs. Owing to a peculiarity in the vertebrae of the neck, which bear upon each other by means of small false ribs, that render motion sidewise somewhat difficult, these creatures can not turn about with much facility, 478 SAURIANS and may be avoided without difficulty, when on land they at- tempt the pursuit of man. The Crocodiles of the Nile were regarded as sacred by the ancient Egyptians, and sometimes, when caught young, they were so tamed as to follow in the train of their religious proces- sions. In some localities they have been killed of the length of thirty feet, (Swain.) Those of Egypt and Senegal, (Africa,) are less numerous, but more dangerous than those of this conti- nent. No living species of this family is found in Europe, nor has any yet been detected in Australia, but remains have been discovered which indicate the former existence of this animal in territory now included in the British dominions. Alligator (Lat. a binder) Champsa, (Gr. Crocodile, Hesiod.) ALLIGATORS. (See fig. on Chart.) These have the head broad ; the muzzle wide and rounded ; the teeth of unequal length; the fourth or canine tooth of the lower jaw, (counting from the fore part of the jaw,) is the longest and is received into a corresponding cavity or pit in the upper jaw, when the mouth is closed, so that it is concealed. The hinder limbs are rounded and destitute of rigid scales ; the webs between the toes are short. The Alligators pursue fish with much dexterity, driving a shoal of them into a creek, and then getting into the midst of their prey and devouring them at pleasure. They also seize and feed upon dogs, frogs, pigs or other animals incautiously ap- proaching too near to their lurking places. The usual method of capturing the Alligator is by baiting a large four-pointed hook and suffering it to float in the river. When the creature has swallowed the hook, he is hauled on shore and killed. Audubon gives an interesting account of the chase of a wounded Ibis by one of these animals. It had almost reached the terrified bird, " when," says he, "by pulling three triggers at once, we lodged the contents of our guns in the throat of the monster. Thresh- ing furiously with his tail, and rolling his body in agony, the Alligator at last sunk to the mud ; and the ibis, as if in grati- tude, walked to our very feet, and then Iving down, surrendered to us." The principal species are the Caiman with bony eye-lids, A. palpelrosus, (Lat. from palpebra, an eye-lid.) found in Cayenne and Brazil, also in the Mississippi, as high as the Red River, in Carolina and Florida, and sometimes twenty feet in length. The PIKE-NOSED ALLIGATOR, (see Chart.) A. Indus, (Lat. a pike,) found in the southern rivers of North America. In Louisiana, the Alligators of this species bury themselves in SAURIANS. 479 mud, where they become stiff, without being frozen. So intense is their lethargy, when the cold is severe, that they may be cut deeply without being roused. Their eggs are less in size than those of the Crocodile, being not much larger than a hen's. A peck of them are sometimes taken out of the place of deposit in the sand. The SPECTACLED CAIMAN, A. sclerops, (Gr. skleros, hard ; ops, face,) is a native of Cayenne, Brazil, and Paraguay. It has its English name from a ridge across the forehead, and another before each eye, showing some resemblance to a pair of specta- cles. The eggs are as large as those of a goose ; usually about sixty are deposited. The Indians esteem them as food, and even relish the flesh of the Yacare, as the animal is called in Para- guay. Crocodilus. The CROCODILE. (See Chart.) This genus is distinguished from the preceding by the sudden narrowness of the muzzle behind the nostrils, which produces a large notch for the lodgment of the fourth tooth of the upper jaw, when the mouth is closed. The hinder margin of the leg is orna- mented with a series of ridged scales, and the hind toes, espe- cially the three outermost, are joined by webs to their point. The sublime description of the Leviathan in the book of Job, (chap, xii.,) evidently relates to the Crocodile. The most favor- a.ble season for catching the animal, is the winter, when it usually sleeps in sand banks, enjoying the warmth of the sun ; or else, in the spring, while the female is " watching the sand islands, where she has buried her eggs." Sometimes it is harpooned, the coat of mail which protects the animal, being pierced by the weapon. The eggs of this formidable creature are but little larger than those of a goose. Many of them are destroyed yearly by birds of prey and quadrupeds, particularly the Ich- neumon. Herodotus speaks of a bird called Trochilus, (sup- posed by some to be one of the Plovers,) which entered the jaws of this animal unmolested, and picked out, and devoured the bdellte) suckers or gnats. These insects also infest the mouths of the Caimans, of South America. Two species of this genus are found in this hemisphere, viz : the C. rhombifer, (Lat. rhombus, a rhomb; fero, to bear,) found in Cuba; and the SHARP-NOSED CROCODILE, C. acutus, (Lat. sharp,) found in St. Domingo and Martinique. The other species all belong to the Eastern Con- tinent. The COMMON CROCODILE, C. vulgaris, is found in the Nile, the Senegal, and the Ganges, and along the coast of Malabar. 480 SAURIANS. The HELMETED CROCODILE, C. galeatus, (Lat. helmeted,) is found in Siam. The Two-RiDGED CROCODILE, C. Mporcalus, (Lat. Us, twice ; porcatus, ridged.) occurs in the Ganges, in the rivers of Pondi- cherry, and in those of Java. The CUIRASSED CROCODILE, C. cataphractus, (Gr. kataphractos, mailed,) is found in the river Galba, near Sierra Leone, (Africa.) The GAVIALS. Gamalis. This genus is at once distinguished by the length and narrowness of the jaws, which are prolonged in a straight beak-like snout, armed with ranges of formidable teeth. Of this genus there is but one known species. The GAVIAL OF THE GANGES, Gavialis Gangeticus, (see Chart,) one of the scourges of that celebrated river. The dying Hindoo, exposed upon its bank, and the dead body committed to its waters, become, not rarely, the food of this ferocious animal. "In the living sub-genera of the Crocodilean family," observes Dr. Buckland, ('Bridgewater Treatise,' pp. 20,) "we see the elongated and slender beak of the Gavial of the Ganges, con- structed to feed on fishes; while the shorter and stronger snout of the broad-nosed Alligators, gives them the power of seizing and devouring quadrupeds that come to the banks of rivers in hot countries. As there were scarcely any mammalia during the secondary periods, whilst the waters were abundantly stored with fishes, we might, a priori, expect that if any crocodilean forms had then existed, they would have most nearly resembled the Common Gavial ; and we have hitherto only found those genera which have elongated beaks in formations anterior to, and including the chalk, while True Crocodiles, with a short and broad snuut, like that of the Caiman and the Alligator, appear for the first time in strata of the tertiary periods, in which remains of the Mammalia abound." FOSSIL CROCODILES. These have been found in the Eocene or early tertiary depos- its of England. About seventy fossil members of the Crocodile family are known ; but not many belong to the United States. In their structure, they conform most nearly to the Gavial of the Ganges. The genus Steneosaurus, (Gr. stenos, narrow or straight; sauros, a lizard), affords the nearest link to the living species of the crocodile family. The genus Teleosaurus, (Gr. teleios, perfect ; sauros, a lizard,) SAURIANS. 481 resembles the living Saurians in the general contour of the head and jaws, but differs from them widely in the conformation of the muzzle, and the opening of the nose. Many species of the fossil Crocodiles were of enormous size, much larger than the living ones of the present day. SUB-FAMILY. MARINE FOSSIL LIZARDS. Enaliosauria, (Gr. sv&hog, enalios, marine; crai5^o?, sauros, a lizard.) This group includes some very extraordinary fossil Saurians. Little else than the bones have been preserved, and from these alone the structure and habits are inferred. It is hence impos- sible to speak with certainty in regard to many parts of the living organization ; while yet it is made quite clear, that in these ex- tinct and gigantic reptiles, the extremities were flattened into fin-like flippers, connecting them with the CHELONIA, and, to- gether with other peculiarities of their structure, pointing out the animals as exclusively aquatic. The Enaliosaurians " inhabited the seas of Europe during the Trias and Jura formations." We are not aware that any species have as yet been discovered in North America. The two genera, are, 1st, Ichthyosaurus, (Gr. ichthus, a fish; sauros, a lizard.) (See Chart.) This reptile is, according to Prof. Owen, a singu- lar compound, in which the characters of the fish, the cetacea, and the bird are engrafted upon an essentially Saurine type of structure. Dr. Buckland, in his "Bridgewater Treatise," says of it, "It presents combinations of form and mechanical con- trivances, which are now dispersed through various classes and orders of existing animals, but are no longer united in the same genus. Thus, in the same individual, the snout of a Porpoise is combined with the teeth of a Crocodile ; the head of a Lizard with the vertebrae of a Fish ; and the sternum of the Orni- thorhyncus with the paddles of a Whale." The general outline of an Ichthyosaurus "must have most nearly resembled the modern Porpoise or Grampus. It had four broad feet or paddles, and terminated behind in a long and powerful tail." The struct- ure of the skeleton is like that of a Saurian ; but the vertebral column consists of more than a hundred vertebrae, each of which is hollow, and fashioned like those of fishes. The form of the sternal arch and the broad surfaces of the clavicles are adapted to give great strength to the chest, and enable the animal to breast the most disturbed waters. Dr. Buckland remarks, that " the bones composing the arch are combined nearly in the same 482 SAURIANS. manner as the Ornithorhyncus, of Australia, which seeks its food at the bottom of lakes and rivers, and is obliged, like the Ichthy- osaurus, to be continually rising to the surface to breathe air." To this sternal arch the front paddles are articulated; they are nearly one-half larger than the posterior paddles, and in this part of the structure the cetaceous type appears to have been flattened. The bones of the head, the length of the muzzle, and the teeth, sometimes amounting to one hundred and eighty in number, pre- sent analogies to those of the Crocodile. The eyes, however, were extremely large, much larger than those of the latter ani- mal, and we can easily imagine, glared ferociously as the mon- ster darted towards its prey. Six different species have been enumerated. The commonest species, 7. tenuirostres, (Lat. thin- beaked,) reaches the length of fourteen feet. The species /. platyodon, (Gr. plains, broad or large, and odous, tooth,) has been seen in specimens thirty feet long. The teeth are some- times two and a half inches in length ; and the orbit (of the eye) one foot in diameter. The vertebrae are one hundred and twenty in number. There is no evidence whatever that one species has succeeded, or been the result of the transmutation of a former species. It should be added, that the first remains of the Ichthyosaurus were collected by a lady, — Miss Anning, — from the cliffs of Lyme Regis, Eng. The Ichthyosaurians are abundant through- out the Lias and Oolitic formations. Phsiosaurus, (Gr. plesios, next; sauros, a lizard.) This genus was first described by Conybeare, in 1821. Its most remarkable character pertains to the vertebrae of the neck, which are from twenty to forty in number, (see Chart;) — more than in any other known animal. Conybeare conjectures, that as this creature 4^'eathed air, and had frequent need of respira- tion, it usually swam upon or near the surface of the water, arching back its long neck like the Swan, and plunging down- wards at the fishes coming within its reach. Cuvier asserts, — " To the head of a Lizard, the Plesiosaurus united the tail of a Crocodile ; a neck of enormous length, resembling the body of a Serpent ; a trunk and tail having the proportions of an ordinary quadruped ; the ribs of a Chameleon, and the paddies of a Whale." The greater length of its extremities would seem to indicate that movement on land was probably less difficult for this creature than for the Ichthyosaurus. It was, probably, in general, about ten feet long; though some species of this genus and the preceding one, must have exceeded twenty feet in length. SATJRIANS. 483 Prof. Owen enumerates no less than sixteen species of this extinct and most anomalous animal. Pterodactylus, (Gr. pteron, wing ; daktulos, a finger or toe,) The PTERODACTYLE, (see Chart,) The researches of geology have brought to light this Flying (fossil) Lizard, which received its name from Cuvier. The construction of the skeleton fully proves that it was capable of flying, or of skimming from one spot to another. The wings were, probably, much like those found in the Bat. The neck was very long and bird-like ; the head large ; the jaws armed with pointed teeth ; and the tail very short. Six or seven species of this genus have been distinguished ; one is almost the size of a Thrush ; one of a Common Bat ; and another consider- ably larger than the first. To these extinct reptiles, the little Dragons, (Draco,) have but a distant resemblance. The food of the smaller species consisted of insects, the larger preying upon the fishes, or the marsupials of their day. These very singular animals have only, within a comparatively short period, been admitted to a place among the Reptiles. Iguanodon, (Iguana, and odous, a tooth.) This name has been given to the fossil remains of an extinct animal related to the Iguana; but which attained a far more enormous bulk. The bones were discovered by Dr. Mantell in the strata of Tilgate forest, Eng. The teeth are so much like those of the Iguana, as to show beyond question, its relation to this gigantic Saurian, which could not have been less than seventy feet in length. The teeth of the Iguanodon disclose some peculiar me- chanical contrivances, fitting them for cropping tough vegetable food, such as that furnished by the plants found imbedded with it. SAURIANS. What is the SECOND ORDER OF REPTILES ? Give the general characteris- tics of this order. What did Aristotle observe respecting the SAURIANS? In what respects do they come nearer the Mammalia than other reptiles? In what climates are they most numerous ? At what season do they moult their skin? Are medicinal properties justly ascribed to them? Into how many families are they divided? What is the First Family? How many genera does this family include ? How do they compare in size with the rest of the LIZARDS? Where are they called ALLIGATORS ? Where CAI- MANS? Where GAVIALS? How are these severally distinguished? In what particulars do they differ from other reptiles? What evinces their power of swimming? How are the jaws armed? Where are Crocodiles most abundant ? What is peculiar in their mode of feeding? How are they related to the Tortoises? How did the ancient Egyptians regard them ? Is any species found in Europe or Australia ? What characters of the ALLIGATOR are given ? What is said of its pursuit of fishes ? How is it captured? What incident is related by Audubon? Mention the princi- pal species. How does the gen. Crocodilus differ from the gea. Alligator ? 484 SAURIANS. Mention the species found in this Hemisphere. Also the other species and their localities. How is the gen. Gavialis at once distinguished? What is said of the Gavial of the Ganges? What is the remark of Dr. Buckland? What is said of Fossil Crocodiles? From what is the name Enaliosauria derived ? Upon what is this group of marine Fossil Lizards founded ? What two genera does it include? What does Prof. Owen say of the Ichthyosau- rus? What does Dr. Buckland say respecting it? What further is said of it? How many species have been enumerated? Who first described the gen. Plesiosaurus? What is its most remarkable character? What was the conjecture of Conybeare? What else is said of this gen.? How many species have been enumerated? What is said of the Pterodactyle ? What of the Iguauodon? Of the Chameleon? Illustrate this order from the Chart, tracing the gen. and families as there given. SECTION IV. SECOND FAMILY. CHAMELEONS. Chamaleonida, (Gr. #a,wattaW, chamaileon, a Chameleon, Chameleon-kind.) These are a group of singular reptiles, not immediately rela- ted to any other family, but perhaps succeeding the Crocodiles as fitly as it would any other reptiles. It contains but a single genus, Chamcekon; the first peculiarity whereof consists in the absence of scales, — instead of which, the surface of the skin is covered with horny granulations of unequal size, but of sym- metrical distribution; (2) the body is of a deep, compressed form, surmounted on the back by a sharp ridge; (3) the Parrot- like structure of the feet, (Plate XII. fig. 6,) longer in proportion than those of any other Saurian, having each five toes, divided into two opposing sets, one including two, and the other three, armed with five sharp claws, and connected together as far as the claws by the skin. The internal organ of hearing is entirely hidden; the head is very large, and seems to be set upon the shoulders; the upper part usually showing an elevated crest or casque; and a ridged arch is over each of the large orbits to the muzzle. The mouth is very wide ; the teeth are sharp, small, and three lobed. The eyes, though in themselves small, appear extremely minute ; the whole of the ball, except the pupil, being covered with skin, forming a single circular eye-lid with a central dilatable aperture, The furrow between the ball of the eye and the edge of the orbit is very deep; and the eye-lid closely attached to the ball, moves with it. Each eye has the power of motion independent of its fellow ! — so that we may see the axis of one directed up- SATJRIANS. 485 wards or backwards, while that of the other is in a contrary direction, giving a strange and most ludicrous aspect to the ani- mal, in unison with its general contour and slow movements. In consequence of this independent motion of the eyes the animal when agitated, appears, in its movements, as if it were joined to another, with which it has no unity of purpose or action. For this reason, the Chameleon never goes into the water. He can- not swim ; when in the water his power of concentration is lost; and he tumbles about as if in a state of intoxication. Moreover, he may be asleep on one side, and awake on the other ! As Cuvier observes, the only part of the Chameleon which moves with quickness, is its tongue. This organ is cylindrical and worm-like in shape, capable of being greatly elongated ; it terminates in a fleshy tubercle, and is lubricated with a viscous saliva. When not in use, it can be withdrawn into the mouth, but is thrust forth with noiseless and arrow-like rapidity after in- sects, slugs, and the like, which come within its reach. On these • the animal lives, and not "on air," as many of the ancients sup- posed. The gummy secretion at the tip of the tongue enables it to secure its food readily. When fully protruded, the tongue reaches to a distance equal to the length of the animal's body. "An insect on a leaf at an apparently hopeless distance, or. a drop of water on a twig, disappear as if by enchantment, before the Chameleon," so marvelously rapid is the movement of its tongue ; and here, doubtless, is the origin of the old idea relating to the airiness of its food. The structure of the grasping power of the tail in these animals can hardly fail to remind the beholder of the Spider Monkeys, and distinctly points to their arboreal habits ; when they descend to the ground, their actions there appear strange and awkward. The females of this group dig a hole in the ground for the reception of their eggs, which they cover with earth and dry leaves. In captivity, the Chameleons have little in their habits or manners that is pleasing or attractive. Like all the Lizard tribe, they are capable of enduring long-continued abstinence from food, and apparently without injury. Fifteen species, mostly African, are described as belonging to the genus Chamodeon. The COMMON CHAMELEON, C. vulgaris, is found in the south of Europe, as well as in Africa. This species, the emblem of hypocrisy and inconstancy, is the one so well known to the an- cients, and respecting which so much has been said relative to its power of changing its form, and taking the color of near ob- jects, and which was believed " to live on air." 486 SAURIANS. The FORKED-NOSED CHAMELEON, C. lifidus, (Lat. divided into two parts,) is a very singular species, found in the Moluccas, India and Australia, having the top of the head flat, and the snout prolonged into two distinct branohes. The WARTY CHAMELEON, C. verrucosus, (Lat. warty,) is one of the largest species, averaging twenty inches in' its total length. It is a native of Madagascar. THIRD FAMILY. Geckotidce. The GECKOS. The Geckos are a numerous family, divided by Cuvier into seven sections, according to the structure of the toes, but bear- ing a strong resemblance to each other in their general charac- ters, and are distinguished for their nocturnal habits. Their flattened form and broad head give them a peculiarly disagree- able appearance, which is increased by their sombre and rather toad-like hue : whence they have been subjected to the unfounded imputation of being venomous creatures, producing, by their touch, malignant disorders of the skin. Their limbs are short and the toes, which are nearly of equal size, are flattened and expanded on their under surface, either throughout the whole or a greater part of their length ; the dilated parts, or the disks, are often marked with regular but minute plates, so ranged as to pro- duce a striated surface, and acting as suckers. The nails are sharp, hooked, and retractile, like those of a cat, so that their points may not become worn or blunted. The tongue is fleshy and broad, but short and capable of little protrusion, and notched at the tip, which alone is free. The eyes are large and full, with extremely small eye-lids, which, as in the Chameleon, form only a single membrane, leaving, however, a large aperture, and exposing the nictitating membrane. The pupil, as in the cat and other nocturnal animsils, is linear when undilated, and con- tracts under the influence of light. The orifices of the ears are placed on the sides of the head, the tympanum being considerably below the surface. The mouth is extremely wide ; the teeth are small, uniform, and im- planted along the inner margin of the jaws ; the nostrils are placed laterally. The skin is more or less covered with granulations or horny tubercles; and in some species, it is extended along the sides and limbs into a kind of marginal fringe. The voice of these reptiles is a sort of clucking cry, of which the term GECKO, uttered in a shrill tone, is an imitation. Their food consists of insects and caterpillars, which they SAURIANS. 437 often obtain by waiting in ambush for them, or by pursuing them into the holes and crevices to which they retreat for refuge. The imbricated suckers of the feet permit these reptiles to traverse ceilings, and suspend themselves on the under side of a leaf, while^ watching the movements of their prey. Their sharp, hooked-like claws enable them to climb the bark of trees with perfect facility ; to penetrate the cavities and clefts of rocks, and to ascend walls for the purpose of finding chinks or hollows in which they conceal themselves during the day, rest- ing motionless, and affixed by the feet, with the back downwards. We must not fail to notice the singular power which the Geckos have of reproducing the tail when it is lost by accident. Indeed, the tail appears to be brittle ; and when broken off, it is soon replaced ; but a swelling at the base of the reproduced member, marks its line of union. These reptiles, though persecuted, seem partial to the habita- tions of men ; attracted thither by the flies which swarm in the regions of their abode. It is useless to try to seize them. Their power of adhesion is instantly overcome in the case of danger; in their quick escape, not the slightest noise or rustle is heard, so that they vanish as if by magic. Mrs. Mason, of the Baptist mission in Burmah, says: "The first reptile that attracts the attention of new comers, is the Gecko, or House Lizard. They are every where ; under the sides of tables and chairs ; in the closets and book-cases, and among the food and clothing. They sometimes tumble from the roof upon the tables, but they usually come struggling with a centipede, or some other vermin in their mouths." So far from having any wish to destroy them, Mrs. Mason says their services were invaluable, the best " help " sho had. " This harmless little creature," she continues, "is repre- sented by English, French, and German authorities, as ' a species of poisonous lizard ; ' yet I have had them rest on the back of my hand, and hang suspended from my fingers, without the slightest disagreeable effect being produced." This is the ani- mal mentioned in Prov. xxx., 28, correctly rendered by Jerome, " The Gecko taketh hold with her hands, And dwelleth in kings' palaces." The Geckos are arranged, by some naturalists into seven ge- nera, based upon the distinctive form of the toes and including about sixty species. They are found in Asia, Africa, America and Australia. The COMMON GECKO, G. verus, (Lat. true,) was noticed by 488 SAURIANS. Pliny and others of the ancients, under the name of Stellio, (Lat. a newt, or an animal having star-like spots upon its back.) The BANDED GECKO, Diplodactylus, (Gr. diploos, double ; dactulos, finger,) vittalus, (Lat. banded or filleted,) is a singu- lar species, found in Australia. The LEAF-TAILED GECKO, Phyllurus (Gr. phullon, a leaf; oura, tail,) platurus, (Gr. plains, broad ; oura, tail,) is a curious New Holland species, first described by Dr. Shaw, having a tail which is flattened horizontally in the shape of a leaf. The WALL GECKO, Platydactylus, (Gr. broad-fingered,) mura- lis, (Lat. of a wall,) is a species common in southern Europe, where it attracts attention by its power of ascending smooth per- pendicular walls. * It is this species which is called by the Ital- ians, Tarantola, or Tarantula. The LEAF-FINGERED GECKO, Phyllodactyla. (Gr. leaf-fingered,) tuberculosus, (Lat. pimpled or tuberculated,) is found in Cali- fornia. The SMOOTH GECKO, G. lams, (Lat. smooth.) or Platydactulus theconyx, (Gr. theke, a bag or sheath ; onux, a nail,) is a native of South America and the Caribbee Islands. Specimens of this spe- cies, in which the tail has been broken off and replaced by another of imperfect growth, are seen in cabinets. FOURTH FAMILY. Iguanida. The IGUANAS, or Thick-tongued Lizards. These form a very numerous group of reptiles, of which the ¥mus Iguana, (aboriginal name,) may be considered the type, he whole have been comprised, (see Chart.) in forty-six genera and one hundred and fifty species. Further discoveries, together with modifications of former classifications, have increased the number of genera to over fifty. Of the entire number of spe- cies belonging to this family, about one hundred are natives of America. North America possesses a considerable number, but not more than three species are found within the limits of the United States. In all the genera of the Iguanas, the body is covered with horny plates or scales, often keeled, spinous or tuberculated, but never investing bony centres'or rings. Nearly all have a horny ridge or crest along the middle of the back and tail. The teeth vary in their mode of attachment, but are never rooted or fixed in sockets. The tongue is of moderate size and free at the ex- tremity only; it is thick, fleshy and spongy or velvety on its sur- SAURIANS. 4?9 face, never cylindrical, nor playing in a sheath. The eyes are protected with movable eyelids. The fingers are free, distinct, and all furnished with claws. The auditory orifice is usually visible, and often surrounded with pointed scales. . The senses of sight and hearing in the Iguanas, appear to be well developed ; taste they seem to have in a fair degree, but not smell ; the touch is moderate. MM. Dumeril and Bibron divide these reptiles into two sub- families; (1) the Pleurodonta, (Gr. pleuron, side; odous, tooth,) having the teeth palatine, or in a sort of furrow running along the jaw bones and to which they adhere simply by their inner surface. All the genera are American, with the exception of one genus, Brachylophus, (Gr. brachus, short; lophos, crest,) found in India. (2) The Acrodonta, (Gr. akros, the highest part or summit ; odous, tooth,) having the teeth soldered to the ridge or upper edge of the jaws, of which they appear to be a continuation, and from which they rise. Our space allows us to notice but a few of the genera and species. I. Iguana, distinguished by having a long flap or fold of skin under the throat, on the part nearest the chin, somewhat like a dewlap, and by having two series of palatine teeth, a long com- pressed tail, and a dentated crest along the back. The animals of this genus are arboreal in their habits, but often, however, visit the ground, and occasionally take to the wa- ter, in which they swim with ease and rapidity. They are easily tamed, though they retain a degree of fierceness, and will often attempt to bite. The female visits the sea shore, or the borders of rivers, in order to deposit her eggs in the sand. The incessant destruction of these creatures for the sake of their flesh, has rendered them exceedingly scarce in localities where they were once abundant. Their eggs are much es- teemed. When attacked, they seldom attempt to escape, but gaze at their assailants, inflating their throats prodigiously, and assuming as formidable an air as possible, They show them- selves to be very tenacious of life, and are generally killed by plunging a sharp instrument into the brain. A well known spe- cies inhabiting South America and the West India Islands, is the Iguana tuberculata, (Lat. having tubercles,) often reaching five feet in length, and sometimes measuring even six; the sides of the neck are covered with tubercles, whence the specific name. The general color of this species is green, more or less tinged with olive ; or yellowish, marbled with a brighter tint ; the tail is ringed with dusky black. It is fierce in its aspect and dispo- sition. On account of the excellence of its flesh, the animal 4C9 SAURIANS. has also the specific name sapidissima, (Lat. most savory ;) it does not, however, suit " some constitutions." II. Anolius, or Anolis. This genus is distinguished by an ex- pansion of the skin on the last joint but one, (or the penultimate joint,) of the toes ; by the possession of two rows of palatine teeth ; by the absence of pores from the thighs. In some species, both the back and tail are without a ridge or crest ; in others, a crest consisting of minute scales runs along the middle line of the back, and sometimes along the tail. Like the Chameleons, the animals of this genus have the power of changing their color. They are smaller in size, the largest being not more than a foot in length ; climb the branches of trees with great facility ; and even rest upon the leaves, secured by the disks with which their toes are provided. The males are said to make a barking noise like that of a small dog, and to curl the tail over the back while running. In these ani- mals, as well as those of the preceding genus, the middle parts of the body and the tail are more slender and fragile than the other portions, so that they often suffer a break, followed, however, by a reproduction and consequent deformity. One species is found in the United States, viz. : the CAROLINA ANOLIS, A. Carolinen- sis. It is very abundant in the southern sections of the Union, where it is known as the Green Lizard or Chameleon. This is a very beautiful animal, of a light golden green above and green- ish white beneath ; the throat pouch, when inflated with air, is of a vermilion color. It keeps about gardens, and often, in search of flies, enters the windows of houses, and can even walk upon glass by means of the disks of the toes. The GREAT CRESTED ANOLIS, A. velifer, (Lat. sail-bearing,) is one of the species which have upon the back a sail-like crest. III. Basilicus, (Gr. lasilikos, a kinglet.) This genus varies from the Iguana, in the absence of femoral pores, and in having a more contracted dewlap. A triangular fold of thin skin, sus- tained by a cartilage, and rising vertically from the middle lon- gitudinal line of the back of the head, gives a singular aspect to the animals of this genus, which appear as if crowned with a raised hood or pointed cap. An elevated, serrated ridge or crest of scales passes along the middle of the back and tail, in the males of one or two of the species, supported by bony appenda- ges, and presenting the appearance of a continuous fin. The MITRED BASILISK, B. mitratus, (Lat. mitred,) found in Mexico and regions further south, receives its name from the conspicuous pointed hood or crest on the occiput or hind part of the head. It should be noted that the Basilisk of modern natu- SAURLANS. 491 ralists, is not to be confounded with the Malignant Basilisk, or serpent of the African deserts, pictured by the fancy of poets, whose very glance the ancients believed to be fatal to all who came within its influence. The true Basilisk or Cockatrice is, notwithstanding its formidable appearance, a perfectly harmless reptile, possessing great activity and seeking its insect food among the trees. IV. Amblyrhyncus, (Gr. aniblus, blunt ; rJiunchos, a beak or muzzle,) is an anomalous genus found in the volcanic Galapa- gos islands, so noted for their peculiar forms. The head is short and has a blunt muzzle ; the scales of the body are not tuberculated ; the skin of the throat is dilatable, but not formed into a dewlap ; a high crest appears upon the back and tail. Two species are found in the Galapagos islands, one terrestrial and burrowing under ground, A. subcristatus, (Lat. somewhat crested ;) the other marine, A. cristatus, (Lat. crested,) living exclusively on the rock-bound sea, feeding on sea-weed, and sel- dom found at much distance from the shore. "It is of a dirty black color ; stupid and sluggish in its movements. The limbs and strong claws are admirably adapted for crawling over the rugged and fissured masses of lava which every where form the coast ; on the black rocks, six or seven of these hideous reptiles may oftentimes be seen basking in the sun." (Darwin's " Voy- ages of the Adventure and the Beagle.") V. Tropidolepis, (Gr. tropis, a keel ; lepis, a scale.) is a ge- nus confined to North America, and embracing ten species. The Lizards which it includes have rough carinated (keel-like) scales on the back and sides, while those of the other parts are imbri- cated. The body is depressed and oblong in shape ; the head short, depressed and rounded in front ; the neck contracted and smooth beneath ; the thighs have a series of distinct pores, but there is no crest either on the back or -tail. The Brown Swift, T. undulatus, (Lat. varied with waves,) is found within the Atlantic states as far north as New York, and also in the Western States. It is often seen running along fences or among trees, particularly in hilly or sandy districts, abounding in pine trees, among which it seeks its insect food ; and hence is called the Pine or Fence Lizard. This little creature, from five to eight inches lonor, is venomous in its aspect, but really harmless. Like the Chameleon, it changes its color. It is very active, and therefore called Swift. VI. Phrynosoma, (Gr. phrunos, a toad ; soma, body.) (Hoi- brook.) The genus Agama formerly included both Tropidolepis and 492 SAURIAN S. Phrynosoma, but as now restricted, it contains no American spe- cies. The genus Phrynosoma is closely allied to the preceding. It includes several species inhabiting Texas, Mexico and Califor- nia. The short, squat, nearly orbicular body, the feeble limbs, the long spines fringing the hind part of the head, and the shorter ones scattered along the back, give the animal quite a singular appearance. The species which are most numerous are P. cornuta, (Lat. horned,) or spinosa, (Lat. spiny ;) P. or- biculare, (Lat. orbicular.) They are named Tapayaxan, or Horned Frog, from their fancied resemblance to the latter animal. These species feed upon insects, which they take by stealing upon them imperceptibly : they have the strange habit of feigning death when handled or even approached. SECOND SUB-FAMILY, Acrodonta, without palatine teeth, and the greater part without any external auditory orifice. All the species are found in the old world. We barely notice some of the more prominent genera. I. Draco, (a dragon,) including eight or nine species found in India, Java, Sumatra, etc. These Lizards are of small size, and at once distinguished from all other Saurians, by the possession of a pair of parachute appendages, formed by the horizontal extension of the 'wings of the sides, and resembling those of a butterfly. They are the only living representatives of the fabulous dragons of olden timo, celebrated in romance and fable. The " wings" can be folded up or expanded at will, but they can not be made to strike the air, and raise the animal after the manner of a bird or bat ; they, however assist this little dragon, only a few inches in length, in fluttering from branch to branch in search of insects, or when, like the Pteromys, or Flying Squirrel, it shoots from tree to tree. One of the most common species is the D. Daudini, of Bibron, or D. volans, (Lat. flying,) of Gmelin, found in Java. II. Stellio, (Lat. a newt or stellion.) is a genus characterized chiefly by having the tail encircled with rings of large scales that are often spinous. It furnishes the only European repre- sentative of the present family, viz. : S. vulgaris, the COMMON STELLION. III. Grammatophora. (Gr. Grammata, letters ; phoreo, I carry,) so called from a fancied resemblance of the tubercles of the neck to letters. The back is without a crest, but has cross-rows of large scales. Some have a fold across the throat. One spe- cies is the G. muricata, the MURICATED LIZARD. SAURIANS. 493 FIFTH FAMILY. VARANID^E. VARANS. The Varans are worthy of particular attention on account of the light which they shed upon the organization of certain fossil Saurians. They are also interesting on account of the size of some of the species, which is inferior only to that of Crocodiles. These reptiles are covered with non-imbricated tubercles; i.e., they do not overlay each other, like tiles on a roof. These are set in the skin, rounded (except on the under part of the body, where they are angular in shape,) and arranged in circular bands or rings. The body is elongated, rounded, and without dorsal crests ; the toes are distinct, very long, and armed with strong claws. The tail is more or less compressed, and at least twice as long as the body ; the tongue is fleshy and very extensi- ble, being, when fully protruded, twice as long as the head ; it is of a slender figure, and deeply forked at the tip, like the tongue of a snake. The Varans are divided into two distinct groups, viz : (1) the eminently Terrestrial group, which have the tail nearly conical in shape, and which dwell far from the water, in desert and sandy places ; (2) the Aquatic group, consisting of those which inhabit the banks of rivers and lakes. In this latter group, the tail is compressed laterally, and surmounted by a ridge, formed by two series of flattened scales. In these the tail is an important organ of progression in the water; they lash it rapidly and powerfully from side to side, and thus propel themselves along with great celerity, cleaving the water like an arrow. The body, in con- sequence of the air with which the lungs are filled, floats on the surface, and is directed by this powerful organ, at once a rudder and an oar. The motions of these animals on land, are quick and active. It is not certain that any of them are arboreal, or able to climb trees, but they can scramble up rocks and craggy precipices. They run with facility ; but owing to the length of the tail and manner in which they work it from side to side, pressing, at the same time, against the ground, their movements are sinuous, like those of a serpent; and they can spring upon their prey. The pupil of the eye is circular, and yet many are said to be nocturnal in their habits; others, however, are undoubtedly diurnal. The food of the Varans consists of the larger kinds of insects, such as locusts, crickets, and beetles, — of birds, eggs, and small mammalia. It is said, "they unite themselves in packs on the 494 SAURIANS. borders of lakes and rivers, to attack quadrupeds which unsus- pectingly approach to quench their thirst." M. Dumeril quotes Latour as saying that he had "seen them hunt down a young deer which was crossing a river, and succeed in drowning him;" and, on one occasion, had "found a bone of the thigh of a sheep in the stomach of one of these animals which he dissected." No evidence exists that they ever attempt to injure man unless previously molested by him. Such are the animals which, in certain parts of their organ- ization, bear the closest resemblance to the extinct Saurians. If the habits attributed to these Varans bear any relation to those of the Saurians now swept from the earth, then " we might have in those annihilated giants, no bad representatives of the dragons of our wildest legends." The species of this family are not numerous, though widely distributed. But one belongs to the North America, viz : the Mexican HeJoderma, Heloderma horrida, one of the Aquatic Varans. In Mexico, the belief is general, but erroneous, that the bite of this species is fatal. Others are found in Asia, Africa, and Oceanica. Only two species of Terrestrial Varans are known ; one is peculiar to the island of Timor, (F. Timor iensis ;) the other is The DESERT VARAN OF EGYPT, V. arenarius, the Ouaran-el- hard of the Arabs, — about three feet in its total length. It is less active than the aquatic species, and especially than that in- habiting the Nile. The VARAN OF THE NILE, V.Niloticus or Monitor Niloticus, Nilotic monitor, is a noted aquatic species, attaining the length of five or six feet, and common in the Nile. It u as held in great veneration by the ancient Egyptians, probably, says Cuvier, because it destroyed the eggs of the Crocodile, of the approach of which it is said to warn persons by a hissing noise, and hence was called monitor. There are several conspicuous fossil Sau- rians, some of which seem to be allied to the Varans, and which are represented in the Cretaceous (Lat. creta, chalk) system of the United States, (1) The Geosaurus, (Gr. ge, the earth, sauros, a saurian.) This name was given to this fossil by Cuvier, not in reference to its habits as a living animal, as it was no doubt aquatic, but in "allusion to the earth, — the Ge (TTj) of the Greeks, as the fabled mother of the Giants." Remains of this animal were first ob- tained from the white lias, at Manheim, Franconia. According to DeKay, remains have also been found in the marl of the green sand in New Jersey, and named G. Mitchelli, after the late Dr. SAURIANS. 495 Samuel L. Mitchell, (Ann. of the Lye. of New York, Vol. III.) Cuvier judged from the remains, that the animal was inter- mediate between the extinct Enaliosauria, or Sea-Lizards, and the living ones. The length of this fossil species is estimated at from fifteen to twenty-five feet. (2) The animal of Maestritcht, Mosasaurus, (Lat. mosa, the Latin name of Maestricht, and Gr. sauros, a lizard,) named by Conybeare from a fine specimen ob- tained from Maestricht, at the time of its, capture by the French army. Specimens of this fossil, M. maximiliani or M. major have been obtained from New Jersey and the banks of the Yellow Stone River. DeKay gives the length, from four- teen to fifteen feet ; but Dr. Buckland judges the animal to have been twenty-five or twenty-eight long, (see his " Bridgewater Trea- tise,") and so constructed as to "possess the power of moving in the sea with sufficient velocity to overtake and capture such large and powerful fishes as, from the enormous size of its teeth and jaws, we may conclude it was intended to devour." SIXTH FAMILY. Teida. TEGUIXINS. The Lacertida have been arranged, by M. Dumeril, into two divisions, viz : (1) Pleodonta, (Gr. pleos, full, not hollow; odous, odontos, a tooth,) distinguished by having solid and rooted teeth ; (2) Coelodonta, (Gr. koilos, hollow,) which have the teeth hol- lowed by a sort of canal, and but slightly adherent to the bones of the jaws. The latter are peculiar to the Old World ; the Pleodonta are confined to this continent, and none are included in the family Teidce, which have the head-plate horny, and the scales small and granular, and sometimes with large plates. This division is clearly separable from the Helioderms, of Mex- ico, which have the head shields and scales of the body tubercu- lar and the teeth groved within the ridge of the jaw. The present family of Lizards includes twelve genera, which may be divided into two groups, the one with the tail compressed or flattened vertically; the other with rounded tail; or they may be divided into those in which the front has the cross-folds, with six-sided scales between ; (2) those in which the throat has a collar of large shields. Those which have compressed tails, show a marked resem- blance to the Crocodiles, which is increased by their great size. The tail is flattened somewhat like an oar, and the surface being increased by caudal crests, these animals are able to move in the water, which they inhabit, with nearly or quite as much facility as the Crocodiles. 498 SAURIANS. The species Crocodilurus, (Gr. Crocodile-tailed,) lacertinus, is nearly six feet in length ; inhabiting the waters of Guiana and Brazil. This is sometimes called the Tupinambis. The Teius Teguixin, or Teguixin Monitor, of Gray, Tupinam- bis Monitor, (Daudin,) is the true Tupinambis, the Sauvegarde, (the Safeguard.) of Cuvier. This is one of the most noted species. In their habits, the SAFEGUARDS are highly aquatic. They are, indeed, able to run with, great swiftness along the ground, and they dig for themselves burrows or hiding places in the earth, but when hard pressed, are sure to take to the water. They are found in South America, and reach from four to six feet in length. Sometimes they are seen as long as eight feet. D'Ayara states, that " they feed on fruits and insects," and that "they also eat serpents, toads, young chicks and eggs." He also relates that "they are fond of honey; and in order to obtain it without injury from the bees, they come forward at in- tervals, and as they run away, each time, give the hive a blow with their tail, until, by repeated attacks, they weary out the in- dustrious insects, and drive them from their home." The Thorictes, (Gr. from thorax, coat of mail,) draccena, is a very large species found in Guiana, and, in some instances, being almost seven feet in length, of which the tail occupied five feet. This, and the species Crocodilvrus lacertinus, were for- merly included in the genus Ada, divided into the two genera by M. Bibron. The genus Ameiva includes six species, some of which have the tail more rounded or conical, and two plates on the throat. These are more terrestrial or arboreal in their habits. The genus Cnemidophorus, (Gr. knlmis, a greave or Irggin ; phoreo, I carry.) is interesting as including the only representa- tive of the family in North America. This is the C. sex-Iineaius, (Lat. six-lined,) which is abundant in the Southern States, and as far North as North-eastern Maryland. It is easily known from the other Lizards by the six yellow lines along the back, and the long tail. When pursued, it runs with almost incredible swift- ness; climbing trees with great facility, but not leaping from branch to branch, like the Green Lizard, Anolis Carolinensis. Acrantus, (Gr. akrantos, imperfect,) is a large South Ameri- can genus, which has but four toes visible on the hind feet. SAURIAWS. 497 SEVENTH FAMILY. Lacertida, (Lai. lacerta, lizard.) SLENDER-TONGUED LIZARDS. This family includes the Coelodonta, already defined ; and which are found in the Old World. No true Lizard has yet been discovered either in Australia or the Polynesian islands. In many respects, these and the American Teidee agree. The body is rounded and elongated ; the tail generally exceeds the body in length, and is always well developed ; the head is pyra- midal, flattened above, and covered with plates; the tympanum is distinct, and sometimes externally apparent; the feet have each four or five separate toes, armed with hooked claws ; the eyes have the nictitating membrane in addition to the ordinary eye- lids; the rnouth is very wide, and its edges are covered with large (labial) plates; the teeth hollowed and placed in a groove within the ridge of the jaw. The True Lizards inhabit all the warm countries of the Old World, and some of those which are considered temperate ; but in the latter, they pass the winter in a torpid state. When ex- cited by the heat of the sun, they are extremely active and vivacious, — the most so indeed of all the Saurians. It is, how ever, only by sudden darts, and for short distances, that they perform their movements. If these animals do not soon gain their burrows, or hiding places, they become fatigued, and fall an easy prey to their enemies. Hence, they never undertake long excursions from their native spot, or from the retreat which they have chosen. In their course over the ground, or when making their way among tangled herbage, the movement of their bodies is serpentine. They help themselves onward not simply by their limbs, but also by the body, and especially the tail. The latter is so brittle, that it breaks off easily, but it is soon renewed ; the renewed part being clearly distinguishable by a difference of coloring from the rest, and the vertebrse, instead of being hard and bony, are cartilaginous. Although quite inoffensive, Lizards defend themselves with much energy when attacked, and bite more sharply than might be supposed. The larger part of them feed upon insects; though some of them prey upon small animals, such as mice or frogs. The typical genus, Lacerta, contains species which are widely spread over Europe and Africa, and remarkable for their brilliant colors, as well as their quick movements. The Lizards of this genus are easily distinguish ?d by the throat collar of broad 21 498 SAUEIANS scales ; the tongue is long and forked ; the scales of the tail are disposed in rings ; a minute plate of bone above protects the orbits of the eyes ; a long row of pores runs down each thigh ; the palate is toothed. The EYED LIZARD, L. ocellata, of Southern Europe, attains to about sixteen inches in length. Its ground color is a bright glossy green, ornamented with round eye-shaped spots of gold and blue, and with rings and irregular markings of black. It is very bold and resolute ; when attacked by a dog, it fastens itself on the muzzle of its enemy, and will suffer itself to be killed be- fore it will let go its hold. The female lays seven or eight oblong eggs. The GREEN LIZARD. L. viridis, is an elegant species, but in size is much less than the preceding. It is readily tamed, and taught to come to the hand for food; will lie coiled in the hand without attempting to escape ; on account of its beauty and grace- fulness, it is often kept in cages furnished with an inner com- partment filled with dried moss or bran; amidst which it buries itself in order to pass the winter. It seldom bites ; and, indeed, its bite is said to be "a pinch scarcely to be felt." The SAND LIZARD, L. agilis, is considerably larger than the Green Lizard ; is a native of England and most parts of the Continent of Europe. Its general color is a sandy brown, spot- ted with black on the sides, each spot having a white or yellowish dot in the center. Unlike the Green Lizard, it is impatient of confinement, and soon pines to death, never growing familiar. It is sometimes a foot long, measuring from the nose to the ex- tremity of the tail. The female buries her eggs in the sand, and leaves them to be hatched by the heat of the sun. The VIVIPAROUS or SCALY LIZARD, Zootoca, (Gr. zoos, living ; tikto, to bring forth,) vivipara. This species of the sub-genus Zootoca is characterised by the palate being toothless. This is also found in Great Britain and in the Continent of Europe, and is "a pretty, active little creature, frequenting dry, sunny banks, thickets and copses." It seldom exceeds five or six inches in length, and is very gentle and harmless. It differs from the preceding species in producing living young. The eggs are hatched before exclusion, and not deposited in the sand ; hence, the term applied to it, "viviparous." This Lizard ordinarily produces four or five young, often seen in company with the mother, and for sometime, probably, guided by her, but lively and alert, and capable of procuring their own food. This species presents various markings, but in most, the upper parts are of a greenish or olive brown, with lines of dark brown on the back SAURIANS. 499 and side ; the under parts orange, spotted with black, or, in the female, pale gray, with a tinge of green. The genus Ophiops, (Gr. ophis, serpent ; dps, eye,) is princi- pally distinguished by having no eye-lids, or merely rudimentary ones, like the Serpents. The species Ophiops Megans, is of an olive color above, with two lines of yellow on each side of the body, having two rows of black spots between them. EIGHTH FAMILY, CTidlcid®. CHALCIDES. This and the succeeding family of Skinks, each conduct to the Ophidia, or Snakes. These two families have, therefore, some- times been regarded as constituting an intermediate order be- tween the Saurians and Ophidia, and termed Saurophidia, or Lizard-Snakes. Some of the genera of the present family are, by Cuvier, classed with the Snakes, as they are without limbs, and resemble the latter in other respects in their structure. The animals of this family are readily distinguishable by the arrangement of the scales or markings of the skin, and by the lateral furrow found in many species. Some of them are fur- nished with four legs; others with but two; while another por- tion of the family are entirely serpent-like in their appearance, in consequence of the absence of these members outside of the skin. The trunk of the body blends with the head and tail, without any distinct lines of division, and is covered with scales which, instead of being imbricated like those of fishes, are ar- ranged in whorls or rings enclosing the body. Where the scales are absent, furrows in the hardened skin exhibit similar mark- ings. The teeth are not implanted in the jaws, but appended along the margin or internal edge, — thus showing the true pleurodont character; the tongue is free, but not very extensi- ble ; it is broad, and covered with papillce, and is notched at the front ; the ears are apparent externally in some species, while others present no such indications. The eyes are generally small and slightly developed. Some species have movable eye- lids; in others, these organs are not movable ; while a few have the entire ball of the eye covered by the skin. The Reptiles are confined chiefly to Africa and America. Mexico, California, and the Southern parts of the Union have quite a number of species, some fifty of which have been de- scribed and arranged in sixteen or more genera. They have been divided into two sub-families, according as the skin is cov. ered with scales, or destitute of them. (1) Ptychopleura, (Gr. 500 SAURIANS. ptuche, a fold ; pleura, side,) distinguished by a fold of the skin upon the side ; (2) Glyptoderma, (Gr. gluptos, graved or carved ; derma, skin,) distinguished by square or card-like divisions, sometimes colored, and then, like mosaic work, extending in reg- ular order over the skin. The first sub-family have scales ar- ranged in the manner described above. All have a fold or furrow on each side, and are in possession of eye-lids. Of these may be mentioned the Ophisauros, (Gr. serpent- lizard,) found in North America, having, with the head of a lizard, the body of a snake, and the snake-like manners which such a form involves. It is called the Glass-snake, from the fact that the body is very brittle, and may be broken by a slight blow. Two species exist in the United States, viz: (1) O. ventralis, which is limited to the Southern or South-Eastern States; (2) O. lineatus, which is met with in the South- West, and as far North as Michigan. II. Genus Pseudopus, (Gr. pszudos, false; pous, foot.) includ- ing reptiles which, in their form and movements, resemble snakes, — having no front limbs, and hind limbs which are mere scaly, undivided appendages. The SCHELTOPUSIK, (P. Pallasii, Cuv.,) is so named by the natives of the desert of Naryn, near the Volga, (Russia.) It is a native, not of Europe only, but of Africa and Asia. This rep- tile is eighteen inches long; of a reddish yellow or chestnut color, clouded with black. It frequents wooded valleys and gives chase to small Lizards, which, together with insects, con- stitute its food. Being of a quiet and inoffensive disposition, it is, when captured, sometimes kept alive in rooms. It is re- corded, however, that on one occasion, one of these reptiles so kept, got access to a nest of young birds, which it soon demol- ished, and, no doubt, fully enjoyed. III. Genus Chalcides, 'includes species chiefly found in South America, having both fore and hind limbs, but in a rudimentary condition. The front pair terminate in three or four scaly tubercles; the posterior pair are represented by two. slender spines ; the tongue is arrow-like in figure, with a sharp, two- cleft point ; the surface is covered with large, flat, imbricated papillae, resembling in form and arrangement, the scales of a fish. Four species are described. One, (C. Schlegii,} a native of Java; the others are found in Guiana, Columbia, and Chili. These reptiles have no external ear, by which they are distin- guished from the following genus. IV. Genus Chamaesaura, (Gr. chamai, on the ground ; sou- rat a lizard,) which has an outward auditory cavity, and the SAURIANS. 501 rudimentary limbs without any sub-division, or but one toe on each foot. The only species is the C. anguina, of the Cape of Good Hope, having the head covered with many side shields or scales, and the cylindrical and elongated body covered with elongate, keeled scales. V. Genus Saurophis, (Gr. Lizard-Serpent,) — includes reptiles with more highly developed extremities, each foot having four toes. The only species known, is the S. tetradactylus, which inhabits the southern part of Africa. The other genera of this sub-family have four- toes on each foot, of these we can only refer to the genus. VI. Gerrhonotus, (Gr. shield-back,) of which there are eight specie's, seven inhabiting Mexico, and one California. In these reptiles, the thighs are destitute of the pores. They produce their young alive; and in their habits, closely resemble the Lizards. VII. Zonurus, (Gr. zone, belt; oura, tail,) is a genus in which the limbs are four and robust; the feet each furnished with five toes ; the tail is short, and the head triangular and flattened ; the scales of the back and sides are square, in a close cross series. The CORDYLE LIZARD, Z. griseus, (Bibron,) or Cordylus (Gr. a knotty club,) griseus, (Cuvier,) is an example of this genus. It is a native of South Africa, where it is common. VIII. Tachydromus, (Gr. swift runner,) is a genus found in Cochin China, China, Borneo, and Java, distinguished by having keeled ventral shields ; and the throat with keeled scales. It has, like the preceding, four lirnbs, but they are less robust ; five toes, but three not fully developed, and a greatly elongated form. The TACHYDROME, T. sexlineatus, (Lat. six-lined,) receives its specific name from having three lines extending longitudi- nally on each side. Second sub-class. Glyptoderma, (Gr. carved -skin.) This division nearly corresponds with the family Ampliisbaenida, of some authors. The lateral furrow peculiar to these reptiles, is faintly seen in the more typical Chalcides referred to above. Most of the species have been classed by some with the Ophidia, which they greatly resemble. From the latter, however, they are dis- tinguished by their Saurian head and tongue; and by having the vertebrae united by fibrous or thread-like cartilage. I. Genus Amphisbaena, DOUBLE WALKERS, so called from the strong resemblance between the front and hind extremities of the membranous body, the head, tail, and intermediate part being of - the same circumference. Appearing to have a tail at each end, they are supposed to be capable of progression in either direction. 502 SAURIANS. M. Bibron enumerates ten species, of which two are natives of Africa, the rest of America. The DUSKY AMPHISBAENA, A. fuliginosa, and the WHITE AM- PHISBAENA, A. alba, are species measuring nearly two feet in length ; found in Brazil and Cayenne. They bore the ground like worms, and, it is said, move either way with equal facility. They are often found in the earthy habitations of the Termite- Ants, which they follow through their winding galleries, for the purpose of feeding on them. The flesh of these creatures, dried and reduced. to a fine powder, is sometimes administered as an infallible remedy in cases of broken bones, or dislocated joints ; on the inference, that as it has the power of uniting its own body, if cut in two, and of healing, in so marvelous a manner, amputa- tion in itself, it has at least the power of curing a simple fracture in another ! II. Genus Chirotes, (Gr. from cheir, hand,) has no hind limbs, but has a pair of short front limbs placed near the head, and what is remarkable among Saurians, each having five fingers, or at least four fingers or toes, armed with claws, and a tubercle rep- resenting the fifth. The possession of a sternum distinguishes these reptiles from the Amphisbaena. The body is snake-like ; the head, neck and trunk, are of equal circumference. Only one species is known ; The CHANNELED CHIROTES or BIPED, C. canaliculatus, (Lat. channeled,) — eight or ten inches in length, a native of Mexico, and extending to the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains. The eyes are almost imperceptible, covered with transparent skin, but destitute of eye-lids. Its upper surface is yellow ; the under, white, and the whole body covered with little square compart- ments, disposed circularly. In the absence of hind feet, while the front ones are present, this creature presents a strong resem- blance to the Siren, a genus of the Batrachians. NINTH FAMILY. SCINKS, (or SKINKS,) or LEPIDOSAURIANS. Scincida, (Gr. axlyxog, skinkos, a kind of lizard.) We come now to the last family of the Saurians, which, to the general characters of the order, join many distinguishing pecu- liarities. They have the head covered with large plates, which have angular and regular shapes. These render them distin- guishable from all the other families of the order, except the True Lizards and the Chalcidians, which, as we have seen, pos- sess them also. The rest of the body is invested with scales, of greater or less magnitude, and of variable forms; but always SAURIANS. 503 arranged in a quincunx or five • fold order, and overlaying each other like the tiles of a house, as we see in large scaled fishes, as, for instance, the Carp. The scales of the under parts and sides, are nearly of the same size and shape as those of the back. This distinguishes them from the True Lizards, in which the ventral scales are much larger than those of the back, with the outlines angular. There are no lateral furrows or folds of skin extending along the flanks; this again separates them from the Chalcidians. The tongue is free, fleshy, notched at its point, without a sheath, and covered either altogether, or in part, with papillae. The whole surface of the scales being generally smooth and polished, many of these reptiles, glide easily into small crevices ; and they creep by giving a tortuous and snake- like motion to the trunk and tail. The limbs vary in different groups, being four, two, or none; when present, they are short. The Skinks include about a hundred species, variously dis- tributed over the globe. The largest number of species is found in Australia, which has nearly forty peculiar to itself. Asia claims the next largest number; then comes Africa, and after- wards America. Europe numbers scarcely more than six or eight species. Five species are found within the limits of the United States. The Skinks have been arranged into three sub-families, dis- tinguished from each other by peculiarities relating to the eyes. I. Saurophthalmia, (Gr. sauros, a saurian ; ophthalmos, an eye.) The members of this sub-family have movable eye-lids, which can be brought together so as to entirely cover the eye. Most of them have four feet, but some have two, while others appear to have none. All are without femoral pores. The lowest form of this group is the Acontias, (Gr. a serpent that darts from a tree on its prey.) Of this, only one species is known, the Acontius meleagris, found at the Cape of Good Hope. Though much like a serpent in the absence of feet, and of a tympanic orifice, it possesses most of the characters of the Skinks. The tongue, as in the Blind or Slow Worm, is flat, and like an arrow-head, with scarcely any notch at the tip. The eyes are very minute, and there is only a single eye-lid, which proceeds from the lower part of the orbit. The scales are smooth and imbricated. II. Genus Anguis, (Lat. a snake,) is probably the best repre- sentative of the Serpentine or Footless Skinks. This is charac- terised by a cylindrical aad snake-like body and tail, as well as by the absence of limbs. The eyes, as in the preceding species, are very minute. Only one species is known, viz : the SLOW 504 SATJRIANS. WORM or BLIND WORM, A.fragilis, (Lat. brittle.) When irri- tated or alarmed, the Slow Worm, by a forcible contraction of all the muscles of the body, becomes perfectly stiff, and then breaks in two, with the slightest blow, or upon an attempt to bend it. Hence, Linnaeus applied to it the iermfragihs. This beau- tiful and harmless reptile, is found in various parts of Europe, appearing early in the spring, and going into winter quarters in October. It feeds on insects, earth-worms and slugs; being particularly partial to the latter. The Slow Worm is said to shed its skin like the true snakes. The female produces her young alive, in July or August, or at least lays from ten to six- teen eggs, from which the young soon escape; development having considerably advanced previous to the deposit. The general color is yellowish brown or yellowish gray, with lines and spots of black ; the under parts are white, with whitish retic- ulations or net-work. III. Tropidophorus, (Gr. tropis, carina or keel ; phoreo, to carry.) In this genus there are four strong limbs, each with five compressed toes. The body is fusiform or spindle-shaped. The scales upon the body are thick and striated, but rounded on the muzzle; the tail has four spinose keels above, but is smooth on the sides. The species T. Cocincinensis, is a native'of Cochin China. It is, on the upper parts of the body, of a color inclining to olive, or a yellow brown. The neck is banded, the color being brown ; with marks of a much deeper shade, representing a succession of figures like the letter X; spots of deep brown also appear on the tail ; and a row of whitish points along the lower parts of the sides. IV. Genus Seps, (Gr. a small serpent.) exhibits a form some- what snake-like, it being much elongated, but still provided with four limbs. These, however, are very small and weak, and have toes of unequal length. This is represented by a single species, mon hen when she has not enough calcareous matter in her food, called soft eggs. Their color is ordinarily yellowish or grayish white. The Creator has in this as in other instances, benefi- cently provided against the increase of dangerous animals, by OPHIDIANS. 511 assigning a small number of young to the venomous species, while many of the harmless kinds are extremely prolific. The females often take care of their young for a time. On the ap- proach of danger, they have been seen to receive the whole fam- ily into their throats, and when it has passed, to restore them again to the open air. The voice or hiss of serpents, which is often exerted, is more or less loud and piercing. It is the expression of anger or im- patience ; the warning of an attack, or the signal of defiance. Their senses exhibit different degrees of development. They cannot be said to possess that of touch in a high degree, though they have what is sufficient to regulate their progression, and indicate the kind of surfaces with which their bodies are brought into contact. The tongue is soft, fleshy, bifid (or divided into two branches) at its extremity, and working in a sheath. It is never venomous, as is commonly supposed. As an organ of taste, it cannot be very susceptible. The prey is swallowed entire, and under cir- cumstances which afford little or no opportunity for the exercise of taste by the tongue. The sense of smell, judging from the structure and habits of these reptiles, cannot be very acute. The eyes are generally very small, not protected by movable eye-lids, nor by a nictitating membrane, so that they always ap- pear to be fixed or on the watch. It is remarkable that the trans- parent cornea seems to form part of the skin and epidermis, with which it is detached at each moult of the reptile. Vision, excepting for a time previous to a change of the skin, when it is evidently less perfect, appears sufficiently acute in reptiles of the present order. Serpents sometimes grow from a length of twelve or fourteen inches, when they are first excluded, to that of twenty-five or thirty feet, and attain 'to a great age. They are extremely tena- cious of life, often surviving very severe wounds. Instances have occurred in which the head, severed from the body, has, after a considerable time, not only retained vitality, but bitten with fury. The popular opinion that serpents are capable of exercising a power of fascination over their intended victims, is perhaps not well founded. The most eminent ornithologists refer the effects produced upon birds by the presence of these reptiles, to the fear amounting to terror which is thus occasioned, and to the instinc- tive solicitude for their young, which induces them to approach these reptiles too nearly for their own safety. The serpent 512 OPHIDIANS. tribes are indeed very generally regarded with feelings of horror and aversion, for which it would not be difficult to account ; and yet to some these reptiles have furnished objects of religious veneration. The ancient Mexicans adored the Boa, and in the blindness of their superstition, sought to propitiate it with human victims. Among the bronze relics of the Egyptians, is a figure of the Cobra, with expanded hood, which was probably regarded as the image of a divinity, or one of the household gods. Fig- ures of the Hindoo Chrisna sometimes present him entwined by a large Cobra, which is fixing its poisoned fangs in the heel; and again they represent him as crushing the head of the Serpent, while he triumphantly tears the creature from his body. The origin of these emblems cannot well be doubted ; they, in all probability, spring from traditions related to the great prophetic promise of scripture, Gen. iii. 15. " The serpent stands as an emblem of the principle of evil to be ultimately destroyed with the poison of death itself, by the seed of the woman." The divisions of the present order have been variously given by systematic naturalists. We like the arrangement of Mr. J. E. Gray, who divides the order into five families, viz. : (1) Co- lulrida; (2) Boida ; (3) Hydrida; (4) Viperida ; (5) Crota- tida. (On the Chart the reptiles of the last two families are, for convenience, arranged among the Boidce.) Between three and four hundred species are enumerated, of which about one-fifth are venomous. But few species of Ophi- dia have been found in a fossil state. FIRST FAMILY. Colubrida. (Lat. coluber, a serpent.) This family of the Ophidians includes snakes the larger por- tion of which are harmless, but few being provided with poison- ous fangs. They are distributed over the globe, and are more numerous, considered both as individuals and species, than any other family of the order. Dr. Gray arranges them, together with the Boidce and Hydri- dee, into the sub-order Colubrina, of which he gives the follow- ing definition : "Jaws strong, both toothed, sometimes with fangs in front or grooved teeth behind. Head moderate or indistinct ; crown often covered with regular shields." The section Colu- bridtz have the belly covered with broad scales ; the tail conical and tapering, and rarely compressed ; the nostrils are open and placed at the side of the muzzle, near the top. The head is usually covered with large regular plates, the variations of which OPHIDIANS. 513 as to number and shape, afford good specific distinctions. The Colubridse are mostly oviparous and carnivorous. The leading genera of this family as found so numerously in the United States, are Coluber and Tropidonotus, (Gr. tropis, a keel ; ndtos, back.) The genus Coluber includes most of the larger familiar spe- cies which have smooth scales, without the keel, or longitudinal ridge along the center, which appears in the Tropidonotus. The body is usually slender and cylindrical. The snakes of this genus are rarely seen in water ; they deposit their eggs in de- cayed wood, sand, or other localities. Of the well known species found in the United States are (1) the CHAIN SNAKE, C. getulus, from its quick movements also called the racer ; length four to six feet ; (2) the MILK SNAKE, C. eximius, (Lat. select or distinguished,) sometimes, from its chestnut colored spots and light colored ground, called the Chequered Adder; also named the House Snake; it is not un- frequently found in dairies and cellars in which milk is kept, which it is said to seek with avidity ; length two to five feet; (3) the GRASS SNAKE, or Green Snake, (see Chart,) C. vernalis, (Lat. vernal,) is found from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania, has been numerous in the marshes about Salina and Cayuga, (N. Y. ;) length from twelve to twenty-four inches ; (4) the RINGED SNAKE, C. punctatus, (Lat. dotted,) (see Chart;) it emits a disagreeable odor ; occurs from Maine to Louisiana, under rocks and the bark of decayed trees ; length twelve to eighteen inches ; (5) BLACK SNAKE, C. constrictor, (Lat. one who binds together); abundant in all parts of the land and from three to six feet in length. It climbs trees with great facility, and moves very rap- idly over the ground. This, as well as the species above men- tioned, is called the Racer, on account of its pursuit of terror- stricken persons fleeing before it, an enemy it were wiser reso- lutely to face. Its climbing power renders it formidable to birds and young squirrels in their nests. It has been supposed to ex- ert a fascinating influence over birds ; we have already inti- mated that the unusual actings of a bird in its presence may be occasioned chiefly by the danger threatening its brood, which the reptile might devour at a single meal ; (6) C. Alleghaniensis, is -a larger species of Black Snake, from five to eight feet in length, said, however, to be much more gentle than the other, seldom showing any disposition to bite, which the Common Black Snake is very likely to do. Both of these species, and indeed all the Colubrines in North America, are non. venomous and harmless. The Black Snakes and some of the other larger spe- 514 OPHIDIANS. cies are exceedingly bold and resolute, and defend themselves obstinately when attacked. They even engage in deadly con- flict with the Rattle Snakes ; and owing to their superior agility, are generally victors, evading the poisonous thrusts of their an- tagonists, and seizing the opportunity to strangle them in their folds, like the Boa or Python ; indeed, the specific name, Con- strictor, is given in allusion to the mode in which the Black Snake kills its prey. The snakes of the genus Tropidonotus, differ from the True Colubrines, in possessing the power of flattening or depressing the body. This enables them to swim well, and hence, they are all more or less aquatic. They are generally viviparous, the eggs being developed previous to exclusion. Of this genus, (1) the familiar STRIPED or GARTER-SNAKE, T. tania^ (Lat. a ribbon,) or T. sirtalis, (two to five feet long,) is the typical representative. Though frequently found about the water, or in marshy places, it is as often on high dry ground, and has been noticed at an elevation of two thousand feet above tide water. When irritated, without the means of escape, it raises its scales so as to give the body a roughened appearance ; and under such circumstances, it will bite, leaving a troublesome, though not dangerous wound. Its fecundity is so great, that in one instance, it is said, eighty-one young, each over nine inches in length, were taken from a single female ; (2) the Water- Snake, T. sipedon, also called the Water-Adder, sometimes the Moccasin-Snake, and erroneously thought to be poisonous, is found rather abundantly in the Northern States, and also, to some extent, in the Middle States. This Snake is from two to five feet in length ; it moves in the water with great ease, and may be said to live in it habitually. In the Southern States, its place is supplied by the beautiful GREEN-SNAKE, Leptophis, (Gr. leptos, thin ; aphis f snake,) ceslivus, about two feet in length. Another species, L. saurita, is found in the Northern, and, to some ex- tent, in Western States. It is the Ribbon-Snake, or the Little Garter-Snake, as it is called in New York, of a chocolate brown color, gentle but very nimble, climbing trees with facility. Length from one two feet. These are the only species of the genus Leptophis. Both have long and slender bodies, carinate scales, and very long tails. The SAND-SNAKE, Psammophis, (Gr. sand-snake,) jlagettifor- mis, (Lat. of whip-form,) is a long, slender, and exceedingly swift species, found in South Carolina and Florida, — its tail having unimbricated scales, and being one-fourth its length. The- DIAMOND-SNAKE, Coronella Sayi, is conspicuous for its OPHIDIANS. 515 minute white specks, scattered over a dark ground. It is one of the Snakes that often engage in successful conflict with the Rattle-Snake. The HARLEQUIN or SCARLET-SNAKE, Elaps fulvus, (Lat. red or tawny,) is found in Carolina, Louisiana, and Upper Missouri. It is distinguished by having a fang permanently fixed on each side of the upper jaw, with which may be connected a rudimentary poisonous gland; but the animal is considered entirely harmless. The head is scarcely larger than the body ; the length twenty inches. The RED-SNAKE, Calamaria amcena, (Lat. delightful to the eye,) is a beautiful little serpent, of a reddish brown color, from six to twelve inches in length, and found in the Eastern and Middle States, under stones and logs. It has a small head, smooth scales, and a short, abrupt tail. The HOG-NOSED-SNAKE, Heterodon, (Gr. different or unequal teeth,) platy rhinos, (Gr. broad-nosed,) is two feet in length, — called also the Buckwheat-nose, (from a fancied resemblance between that grain and its rostral plate,) — and also the Deaf Adder and Yellow Viper. This species is well known, through- out the United States, and H. niger, (Lat. black,) is known as the BLACK VIPER, about three feet in length, and found in Georgia and Tennessee. Both present a formidable appearance, from flattening the head and whole body when irritated ; but are entirely harmless. Passing over many colubrine species found in the United States and elsewhere, we name the C. quadrilinea- tus, (Lat. four lined,) which is the largest of the European Ser- pents, often attaining to six feet in length, and found in Spain arid Italy. This formidable, though not venomous snake, is probably the Boa, of Pliny. We must also not omit to notice an African genus, Deirodon, (Gr. deire, neck ; odous, tooth,) — which strikingly illustrates the special adaptations to particular uses and ends, which are presented in the animal kingdom. This snake is said to live almost entirely on the eggs of birds, and for this its entire organ- ization seems expressly designed. The mouth, when full grown, has no teeth whatever, so that the egg is readily received into the open jaw, and there is no hazard of its being prematurely broken. The inferior spinous processes of the seven or eight lower cervical vertebrae, shoot forward with the gullet or sesopha- gus, where they are overspread with a layer of hard cement, and made to resemble long, sharp teeth. The eggs, in their de- scent, press against these teeth, and are sawed open length- wise,— then crushed by the contraction of the gullet, and carried 516 OPHIDIANS. into the stomach ; the shell, as well as its contents, subserving the purposes of food. SECOND FAMILY. Boida. BOAS AND PYTHONS. This family includes species which, although not venomous, are exceedingly terrific on account of their gigantic size and amazing strength. In these, the ventral shields are narrow, transverse, and often six sided ; the pupil is oblong and erect, excepting in the genus Tortrix. But perhaps the most marked peculiarity, is their possession, — contrary to the general rule in serpents, — of hooked. like claws, connected internally with a series of bones, representing, though imperfectly, those of the lower limbs. The tail is prehensile, and can be firmly twined around any object. The Boas are natives of South America ; the Pythons of Asia and South Africa. Some serpents, kindred to these, are also seen in Australia. Imagination finds it difficult to picture more formidable objects than the reptiles of this group ; and yet, if we can credit the statements of ancient writers, serpents far more terrific than these, were once found in the Eastern Continent. Livy refers to one which "had its lair on the banks of the Bagradas, near Utica, and swallowed many of the Roman soldiers in the army of Regulus," and which was finally killed by stones discharged from military engines. The skin, afterwards taken to Rome by Regulus, it is said, "measured one hundred and twenty -three feet ! " This, however, may be an exaggeration, or the term " feet," is, perhaps, to be understood in a more limited sense than that which we assign to it. The Boas, properly so called, sometimes reach the length of forty feet. In their entwining folds, acting with the combined energy of thousands of muscles for crushing their victims, they possess a power which no man or animal can successfully resist. To climb, to swim, to dart along the ground, are endowments of these powerful reptiles, and they avail themselves of each as occasion requires. In the Boas, the head is covered with small scales to the muz- zle; and the scuta of the tail are undivided. In the Pythons, there are plates over the anterior part of the head, and the scuta of the tail are divided. The EMPEROR BOA, Boa constrictor, (see fig. on Chart,) is characterised by a broad chain extending along the back, and consisting alternately, of large, blackish, and somewhat hexa- gonal marks, and of pale, oval dashes or spots. The epithet OPHIDIANS. 517 " Emperor," given to this Boa, indicates the religious veneration with which it was regarded anciently by the natives in Mexico and South America. It is more terrestrial in its habits than the Anaconda; resorting to dry places, among bushes, trees, and rocks. It climbs trees with great facility, and hangs suspended from them by its prehensile tail, ready to drop upon and crush any unfortunate creature that may pass beneath. Its length is from thirty to thirty-five feet. The ANACONDA, Boa scytale, (Gr. skutale, a club or rod,) or JEunectes, (Gr. a good swimmer,) murinus, (Lat. from mus, mouse.) This species is of a brownish color, with a double series of roundish, black blotches running along the back. The spots on the sides are annulated and ocellated, the disks being white, surrounded by blackish rings. The trivial specific name, murinus, is given to it, because it is said "to lie in wait for ice." These, together with fish, frogs, etc., are truly "small game" to this creature, which constricts, and swallows down whole Sheep, Peccaries, Agoutis, etc. When the prey is dead, this, and the other Boas, thrust out their tongue, vibrating in token of their desire of food ; the jaws and throat become lubri- cated with saliva, as a preparation for swallowing the enormous meal. The position of the mass in the alimentary tube indicates the completion of the process. When gorged with food, the ani- mal is for some time torpid and defenceless, and may easily be killed. Occasionally, it is destroyed by shooting, lassoing, etc. The thick skin is frequently tanned, and converted into leather for boots and saddles. The Anaconda is said to attain the length of from thirty to forty feet ; but the common specimens seen in museums and menageries, rarely exceed ten or fifteen. Among the other species, are The ABOMA, Boa cenchris, (Gr. spotted,) — found in South America and the West Indies, is one of the largest of the family, sometimes attaining a gigantic size. It is of a yellowish color, with a row of large brown rings, running the whole length of the back, and variable spots on the sides. The BOJOBI of the Brazilians, or the GREEN BOA, B. canina, or Xiphosoma, (Gr. sword-body,) caninum, (Lat. dog-like,) having a muzzle which shows some resemblance to that of a do£. The CORAL-SNAKE, Tortrix corallinus, found as far North as Florida, and often kept tame in houses, belongs to this family. The PYTHONS are natives of East India and its islands, and of Southern Africa. Two species are distinguished by placing their eggs in a group, and covering them with their bodies. One of these, is 518 OPHIDIANS. The TIGER PYTHON or ROCK-SNAKE, Python, (Gr. puthon,) tigris, a native of India and Java, and elegantly marked. It is said to be as large as the largest Boa, but more slender, and greatly to be feared. Stories are told of the tiger falling a prey to this formidable reptile. The RETICULATED PYTHON, P. reticulatus, is found in Hindos- tan, Ceylon, and Java. It is said to increase until it reaches thirty feet in length, and can " manage a buffalo," crushing it in its huge folds. It is one of the most brilliant species of the entire family, "the whole body being covered with a gay lacing of gold and black." The Pythons, in the British Zoological Gardens, " are fed with rabbits, which they destroy by winding round and crushing them ; they are then easily swallowed ; the expansive power of the jaws permitting a very small specimen to manage such animals." THIRD FAMILY. MARINE SNAKES. Hydridcz, (Gr. vd^a, hudra, a water- snake.) The truly Aquatic or Marine Snakes, are all confined to the intertropical regions. They are mostly found in the seas and rivers of the East Indies. These singular reptiles, excepting that they are destitute of fins, are not unlike the eel, particularly in the form of the tail, which is expanded in a vertical direction, and flattened laterally, so as to act the part of a paddle. Some species, however, have conical tails, and these are thought to live in fresh water. In the Indian Seas, numbers of these snakes collect together, forming shoals, which may be seen swimming about in pursuit of fishes and other prey. It is very seldom that the true sea snakes visit the land. Sometimes they coil themselves up on the shore, where they lay their eggs. It is supposed that they live on sea-weed. They are often found asleep on the surface of the sea, when they are easily caught, as they are unable to descend without throwing themselves on their backs, probably for the purpose of expelling the air from their capacious lungs. They are frequently thrown ashore in the surf, to the terror of the natives. Occasionally, they are carried up rivers by the tide; but they cannot long live in fresh water. The fishermen of the Eastern seas, often take them in their nets, and greatly dread them on account of the poison of their bite. The species are said to be, without exception, venomous. Dr. Cantor, who was in the service of the East India Company, and OPHIDIANS. • 519 had favorable opportunities of studying the peculiarities of these serpents, captured by him in fishing nets, refers to the case of a British officer, who "died within an hour or two after the bite of a serpent caught at sea;" and also to numerous experiments of his own, " in which fowl, fish, and other animals, invariably died within a few minutes after the bite had been inflicted." We refer to these facts, because it has been stated, that "the Marine Serpents are harmless." Rev. John Williams, in his "Narrative of Missionary Enter- prises in the South Sea Islands," says : " That in the Samoa group are water snakes, some of them beautifully marked with longitudinal stripes of yellow and black, and others with rings alternately white and black." He adds, "the natives esteem both the Land and Sea Snakes as good food." The MARINE SNAKES, in common with the BOIDJE, have nar- row, elongated scales on the belly, nearly resembling those on the back; the ventral shields are narrow, hexagonal, or band- like, — the eyes and nostrils look upwards, the latter usually placed in the middle of a shield, with a slit or groove on its outer edge ; the fangs are of moderate size, and intermixed with the. maxillary teeth ; the pupil is small and round. Of the species with compressed teeth, or true Marine Snakes, aretheTwo-coLOREoPELAMYS, Pelamys bicolor, with hexagonal scales, found in the Pacific Ocean ; and the BANDED SEA-SNAKE, Chersydrus, (Gr. chersudros, an amphibious serpent,)/ascza/MS, (Lat. banded,) or C. granulatus, found in meadows. (For figure of which see Chart.) FOURTH FAMILY. VIPERS. Sub-order VIPERINA, (venomous snakes.) Viperida, (Lat. vipera, a viper.) »., This family contains nine genera and twenty species, found chiefly in Asia and Africa ; none of them have been discovered on the American continent. Unlike the Colubrine Snakes, these have few if any teeth in the upper jaw ; but they have, in com- mon with the Crotalidsa, glands secreting a poisonous fluid, which, on occasion, they discharge through their fangs in front. These glands are connected with muscles which are capable of exerting a powerful compression, and thus of ejecting the venom with great force into a wound. The shields of the muzzle in this family, are broad and band-like; the scales keeled, except in the genus Acanthophis, (Gr. spiny. serpent ;) the tail is short and tapering. 520 OPHIDIANS. The Common Viper, of Europe, Vipera berus or V. communis, is greatly feared, though its venom is said not to be as virulent as that of the kindred reptiles found in -hotter regions of the globe. It does not often happen that death follows the bite of this species in the case of human beings. Ammonia or harts- horn, given internally, and fomentations applied to the part, to be gently rubbed afterwards with oil, are the remedies usually employed. To persons laboring under general debility, or to children of weak and irritable constitution, especially if the rep- tile be in full energy, during the heat of summer, the bite of the Common Viper is known to prove fatal. The surest remedies for its bite, are the immediate removal of the poison by suction, washing, excision of the part, &c. The Viper, as already intima- ted, brings forth its numerous young alive. These, though but a few inches in length, crawl about, and are as fierce as the parent, — throwing themselves into an attitude of defence when molested, and hissing with anger. Mice, lizards, and nestling birds, are the food of this species. The ESPING, of Sweden, or Aspic, of England, V. chersia, is perhaps only a variety of the Common Viper, — but is even more virulent; seldom, however, more than six inches in length. The rapid reproduction of the Common Viper, renders ineffectual the many efforts which are made for its extermination. The genus Naja contains the HOODED or SPECTACLED SER- PENTS, Cobra de Capello, — characterized by having the head covered with large plates, and the skin of the upper part of the back dilatable, or capable of such expansion as to form a sort of hood, impressed with a mark somewhat like a pair of spectacles. (See Chart.) Their bite is deadly in the extreme. They are found in Ceylon, from six to fifteen feet in length. The hood and spectacles show themselves when the reptile is enraged and preparing for an attack. The extension of the membranous skin serves as a warning to those who are within reach of the animal. The Naja tripudians, (Lat. dancing,) N. larvata, (Lat. frightened, distracted,) are species of India. To N. tripudians, the Portuguese originally gave the name of Cobra de Capelio. The Naja haje, (see Chart,) is an African species, and indubita- bly the one which the ancients have described under the title of the Asp, or Aspis of Egypt, or of Cleopatra. The Najahs of South Africa are said, when irritated, to expel poison from the points of their fangs, and are supposed to have the power of ejecting the poison to a distance. The Cobras are the serpents upon which the serpent charmers in India and Egypt chiefly practice their arts, and which are OPHIDIANS. 521 often taught to dance to their rude music. It should be noted with reference to the contest in the- presence of Pharaoh between Moses and Aaron and the magicians of Egypt, (Exodus viii., 9 — 12,) that it is stated, on good authority, the modern Egyptian jugglers possess the power of throwing the N. Jiaje into a state of catalepsy, and rendering it still and immovable, in other words, changing it into a rod, by pressing the nape with the fingers. Dr. Cantor has brought to notice a new genus of snakes, nearly allied to the Cobras, called Hamadrydas, (Gr. hama, together with ; drus, an oak or any tree,) which has a few maxillary teeth beyond the poison fangs, thus connecting the venomous serpents to the harmless, that have a complete row of maxillary teeth. According to Dr. C., the Hamad rydas feeds upon other serpents. It is said to be from eight to twelve feet in length, and exceedingly fierce, not merely ready to defend itself, which is all the common Cobra does unless greatly provoked, but quick to attack and to pursue when opposed. Its poison is a "pellucid tasteless fluid, in consistence like a thin solution of gum arabic in water," and reddening litmus paper, like that of other mem- bers of the family. The Cerastes or HORN SNAKE, (see Chart,) is a native of Egypt and Lybia, and characterized by having a group of ele- vated horn-like scales over each eye. Its general length is about two feet. The color is sandy red, with irregular brownish markings ; hence it cannot easily be distinguished from the sands of the desert, in which it dwells ; so that it may be trodden upon unsuspectingly by man or cattle, and inflict a poisonous wound before its presence is perceived. It moves with great rapidity and in all directions, forwards, backwards, and sidewise, which makes it the more dangerous. Another most deadly snake, called the DEATH ADDER, and BLACK SNAKE, Acanthophis tortor, (Lat. torturer,) is found in Australia. The small woods and sandy heaths around Botany Bay are largely infested with it, and every where it is greatly dreaded by the colonists, on account of the mortal wounds which it inflicts. It is hideous in its aspect and thick in proportion to its length, which is two or three feet. The genus Acanthophis links the Viperine group to the Rattle snakes; the tail terminat- ing in a single horny spine, instead of being invested as in the Rattle Snakos, with dry scaly pieces, resembling so many bell- like appendages, and forming a rattle. The head is covered in front with large plates ; the scuta, or plates beneath the tail, are double. 22 522 OPHIDIANS. FIFTH FAMILY. RATTLE SNAKES. Crotalida, (Gr. xgtiralov, krotalon, a rattle or bell.) The Crotaline group, including Rattle Snakes, exhibit the fol- lowing characters : the face has a large pit on each side ; the head is large behind, crown flat, covered with scales or small shields ; the jaws weak, the upper with long fangs in front, and no teeth ; the belly is covered with broad band-like shields, and there are no spurs or rudimentary feet. The species are all more or less venomous ; a part of the family are viviparous, the rest ovo- viviparous. The Crotalus, or Rattle Snake, is the type genus of this fam- ily. All the species are distinguished from the others of the group by the presence of a rattle at the end of the tail, (see Chart.) This consists of a number of joints of a horny texture, loosely joined together, so that when rapidly vibrated, they make a distinct whirring noise, which has been compared to that of peas shaken about in a dry bladder, or to the sound produced by the locust, and is heard at some distance. The rattles vary in number according to age; the basal bell or rattle is the last formed and the largest ; one is erroneously said to be added every year. The head is covered with scales, but in one sub- genus with plates. Rattle Snakes, especially when irritated, exhale a disgusting odor. The peccary is said to destroy and devour them, as does the common hog also ; but horses and dogs avoid them. They are sluggish and inactive in their movements; and, though highly venomous, seldom attempt to inflict any injury upon man unless molested by him. His approach calls forth the noise of the rattle, which usually precedes any blow. These reptiles never ascend trees, always capturing their prey upon the ground. Usually they rest coiled spirally, in paths, or clear spots in the woods, waiting for their prey, upon which they dart, when within the proper distance. In mid-winter and during hard frosts these serpents intertwine themselves together, in ball-like masses, and become totally torpid. At that season they may be handled without danger. They eat indifferently all kinds of birds, but not frogs, to which the Black Snake is so partial. Their food also consists of small animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, rats, &c., and sometimes even dogs are killed by them. Two or three species of the genus Crotalus are found in North America. The COMMON or BANDED RATTLE SNAKE, C. durissus, is dis- persed abundantly throughout the United States, though rarely OPHIDIANS. 523 met with north of the parallel of 45o. It is particularly numer- ous in the region of the Alleghany mountains. The length is not often more than four feet. The DIAMOND RATTLE SNAKE, C. adamanteus, (Lat. adaman- tine,) is more formidable than the preceding species. This is found on the coast of the States south of North Carolina. It has been known to exceed eight feet in length, and in thickness to equal that of a stout man's leg. Those of this species are seen much about water, and are therefore called WATER RAT- TLES, to distinguish them from the common species, which keeps on dry land. The CASCAVELLA, C. horridus, is common in South America. The kindred genus Crotalophorus, (Gr. krotalon, a rattle ; phoreo, to carry.) has several species in North America, which are usu- ally termed Ground Rattle Snakes. These have the head cov- ered with shields, and the rattles very small. The Miliary or LITTLE CAROLINA RATTLE SNAKE, C. miliarius, though but twelve or fourteen inches in length, is dreaded on account of the intensity of its venom. The MASSASAGUA, C. Kirtlandi, is another species found in northern Ohio and Michigan. Length twenty-seven inches. The BOIQUIRA, or as the natives term it, the Queen of Ser- pents, is found in Brazil. The MINIM ARU, or Jergon, Lachesis (Gr. name of one of the Parca, or Fates) picta, is a species found in Peru, having the head heart-shaped and covered with scales, and a thick upper lip. It haunts the higher forests, while in those lower down its place is filled by its no less fearful relative, the BUSH-MASTER, L. rhombeata, (Prince Max,) which is from six to eight feet in length. The genus is characterized by double scuta beneath the tail, which ends in a short horny point. The COPPERHEADS, (genus Trigonocephalus, triangular-headed,) are perhaps even more to be dreaded than the Rattle Snakes, since they are equally venomous and give no warning of their presence. The COPPER-HEAD, T. contortrix, in length two to three feet, is most extensively distributed. Damp meadows are its favorite re- sorts, where it shows itself to the peril of persons who are engaged in mowing or passing through them. It sometimes finds its way into damp cellars, where, however, it makes itself useful by des- troying rats and mice. This and the Banded Rattle Snake are the only really venomous kinds found in the middle and north- ern States. The WATER MOCCASIN, T. piscivorus, (Lat. piscis, fish ; voro, 524 OPHIDIANS. to devour,) is the pest of southern plantations. This species, like the harmless water snakes of the Middle States, may be seen lying over bushes which overhang the water, into which they plunge on the slightest alarm. The LANCE-HEADED VIPER, T. lanceolatus, is abundantly dis- tributed through several of the West India Islands. It attains six or seven feet, and sometimes even nine feet in length, and is greatly dreaded. It is said to be remarkable for its activity, and to abound among the sugar plantations, in which many of the laborers fall victims to its bite. What is the 3rd ORDER of REPTILES ? How are they particularly distin- guished ? What does Cuv. say of them ? What is said of their form ? What of their covering ? Describe the upper and lower scales. State the diiference in their arrangement and give their respective names. At what time and in what manner do they change their skin ? What are the parts of the skeleton? Describe the vertebral column. How do you account for the flexibility of Serpents ? What is said of the number of their bones ? What are their agents of locomotion ? How ? To what may the ribs be compared ? What is said of their various modes of progression ? Why do the bones of the face deserve especial notice? How is the lower jaw articulated? How are its extremities connected? How are these things related to the serpent's swallowing its food ? Have they two lungs ? What is said of their teeth ? What is peculiar to the venomous species? Describe the action of the poison fang ? Does the serpent sting ? What is said of the young of venomous serpents? What of the non-venomous? How,is the goodness of the Creator herein displayed? Do serpents care for their young ? What is said of their voice or hiss ? What of their senses ? What of their growth and tenacity of life ? What of their powers of fas- cination? How were they regarded by the ancient Mexicans, Egyptians and Hindoos? Into how many families does Mr. J. E. Gray divide this order ? In what family are the last two included on the Chart ? How many sp. are enumerated? What proportion is venomous? Have any been found in a fossil state ? What is the 1st FAMILY ? What does it include ? What family compose the SUB-ORDER COLUBRINA ? What are the characters of the Colubridae ? What its leading gen. ? What well known sp. of the gen. Coluber is found in the U. S. ? Repeat what is said of them severally. How does the gen. Tropidonotus differ from the true Colubrines ? State what is said of the two sp. mentioned. What of the other gen. and sp. of this family? What is the 2nd FAMILY? Why are the sp. of this family very terrific? What is said of their shields ? Name a more marked peculiarity. Is the tail prehensile ? Where are the BOAS found ? Where the PYTHONS ? What statements are made by Livy ? What is said of the size, &c., of the Boa ? Repeat what is said of the EMPEROR BOA. Of the ANACONDA. Of the ABOMA. Of the BOJOBI or GREEN BOA. Of the CORAL SNAKE. What two sp. of Pythons are mentioned? What is said of them? How are the P. in Zoological gardens of London fed 9 AMPHIBIA. 525 What is the 3rd FAMILY ? Where are they mostly found ? In what re- spects do they resemble the Eel ? Do true SEA SNAKES visit the land ? Are they easily caught? Can they live in fresh water? Are they venom- ous? What is said by Dr. Cantor? What by the Rev. I. Williams? What kind of scales have the Marine Snakes ? What species of true Ma- rine Snakes are mentioned ? What is the 4th FAMILY ? How many gen. does it contain ? Are any found on this continent? What is said of their teeth and shields? What is said of the bite of the COMMON VIPER of Europe ? What remedies for this bite are mentioned? What is said of the young, &c., of the Viper? What of the Esping or Aspic ? What gen. contain the HOODED or SPEC- TACLED SERPENTS? How characterized? What is said of their bite? When do the hood and spectacles appear? What sp. are mentioned? Which is the ASP OP CLEOPATRA ? What is said of the powers of jugglers ? What new gen. has Dr. Cantor brought into notice ? What is said of the Cerastes or Horned Snake ? What of the Death Adder ? What link does this form? What is the 5th FAMILY ? By what characteristics are they distinguished ? What is the type of this family ? How is it distinguished from the others ? Describe the Rattle Snake. What is said of their habits and movements ? What is their condition in mid-winter ? What is said of their food? Men- tion the sp. found in N. A., also those of S. A. What gen. includes the Copper-heads ? Why are they to be especially dreaded ? What sp. is found in the Northern and Middle States ? What are its favorite resorts? What is said of the Water Moccasin? What of the Lance-headed Viper? Name and trace those figured or mentioned on the Chart. SECTION VI. FOURTH ORDER. AMPHIBIA, (Gr. 'a/ncpi^ios, amphibios^ having a double life.) The Reptiles of which we have treated in the preceding sec- tions, are covered with plates, shields, or scales. In those of the present order, the skin is naked, smooth, and often moist, or lu- bricated with a fluid secretion, which, in some cases, is acrid and apt to irritate the skin of the persons who handle it. As in snakes and lizards, the skin is frequently shed ; in some species in shreds; in others entire. In some, as in the frog, the blood, through the delicate vessels of the skin, as well as in the vessels of the lungs and gills, undergoes those changes which are nec- essary for the maintenance of animal liTe. This cutaneous res- piration can, however, take place only while the skin is kept moist ; the same remark may be made respecting the gills of fishes, of tadpoles, and various Crustacea. To meet this exi- 526 AMPHIBIA. g fl ency, the Reptiles have a skin which is capable of secreting a uid by which it is preserved in a humid condition. The healthy action of the skin, co-operating with that of the lungs, is really essential to their existence. Dr. Townson, of England, in his tracts on the " Respiration of the Amphibia," states from actual experiment, that a frog, when placed on blotting paper well soaked with water, absorbed nearly its own weight of the fluid in the short time of an hour and a half; and, it is believed, these reptiles never discharge it, except when they are disturbed or pursued, and then only to lighten their bodies and facilitate their escape. The form of the Amphibians is variable. Besides the naked skin, we may mention, as general characters of the pres- ent order, that the skull is united to the column of vertebrae by two condyles, (Gr. kondulos, a protuberance or knot on the end of a bone,) situated on the back of the head ; the teeth are gen- erally numerous, of small and equal size and close set ; the toes usually unfurnished with claws ; the ribs either wanting, (Plate XII. fig. 4,) or rudimentary and not attached to the breast-bone ; and the animals are oviparous, the eggs having soft, not calcare- ous shells. A change of form and habit, as we have stated in our general description of the Reptiles, occurs in many, which begin their existence with branchiae, or gills, that afterwards be- come obliterated ; while in others, the branchiae continue through- out their lives. Several prominent naturalists, including Prof. Agassiz, are inclined to separate the Amphibians from the Class of Reptiles, regarding them as possessing the distinguishing characters upon which classes are founded ; but as this point seems not perfectly settled, and they have usually been numbered with the Reptiles, they are so arranged on the Chart. The Amphibians may be divided into two sub-orders. FIRST SUB-ORDER. CADUCIBRANCHIATA, (Lat. caducus, perish- able ; branchia, gills.) The distinguishing characteristic of this sub-order is that the Amphibia which it includes, commence life with gills for the aeration of the blood, i. e., the air effects, through the medium of the gills, a change corresponding to the arterialization of the blood through the medium of the lungs, in other animals. The gills, however, are possessed only in the early or tadpole state ; they become gradually obliterated, and lungs are developed. This sub-order includes five families, viz.: (1) CcBciliida, Csecilia ; (2) Ranidce, Frogs ; (3) Bufoidcz, Toads ; (4) Salaman- drida, Salamanders ; (5) Amphiumidce, Menopoma, &c. AMPHIBIA. 527 FIRST FAMILY. Caciliida, (Lat. cacilia, from ccecus, blind ;) Apodous, (or footless.) The Reptiles of this family, Cuvier, following Linnaeus, placed in his third and last family of Ophidians, calling them naked serpents, and observing that those who placed it among the Batrachians, "did not know whether the form underwent a meta- morphosis or not." Muller, however, has proved that the Caecilia has, at a very early period, gills, which are soon lost. The name Csecilia was given to these Reptiles on account of their supposed blindness. The eyes are, in fact, exceedingly small, and nearly hidden under the skin. Cuvier asserts that in some species the eyes are wanting altogether. The Caecilia are named by Dumeril, Ophiosomata, (Gr. ophis, a snake ; soma, a body.) They have a snake-like body, destitute of limbs, and with vertebrae resembling those of fishes, short ribs, and no sternum or breast- bone. They are undoubtedly to be regarded as a con- necting link between the Ophidians and the Amphibia. Their skin is smooth, viscous, and marked with a regular series of ring-like furrows ; and the scales, which are very minute, are not to be found, except by an examination of the substance of the skin itself. The head is depressed ; the tongue is thick, rounded and velvety; the skull united to the vertebrae by two tubercles or condyles, as in the other Batrachians, whereas there is only one in snakes. There are both maxillary and palatal teeth. In their intestines, Cuvier says there is to be found " a quantity of vegetable matter, vegetable earth and sand." Nine species of this singular group are described as belonging to Asia and America. These Reptiles are ovo viviparous, producing their young alive, to the number of six or seven. Not much is known respecting their general habits ; they bury themselves in the soft mud of marshy places, piercing through it, in a worm- like manner, often to the depth of many feet ; they creep slowly on the ground, and, when in water, swim like an eel, striking to the right and left with their tail. The RINGED CJECILIA, C. annulata, (Lat. ringed,) which is figured on the Chart, is an inhabitant of Brazil, Cayenne, and Surinam. It is remarkable for the bluntness of the tail, the dis- tinctness of the rings, extending from the head over its whole length to the tail, and for the position of the false nostrils, be- low and a little before each eye. 528 AMPHIBIA. ANOURA, OR TAILLESS AMPHIBIA. This group comprises the Frogs, the Toads, with their allied forms, constituting, in the whole, a numerous assemblage. In these animals, the form of the body is short and broad. During the tadpole state, there are no limbs, but a long compressed tail, is their organ of locomotion, (Plate XIII. figs. 1, 2, 3, 4;) in this state it is called a tadpole ; subsequently four limbs are developed, (figs. 5 and 6,) and the tail disappears, (fig. 8.) The skull is very short and broad. Ribs are wanting ; the seven or eight anterior vertebrae only are distinct; the tympanic orifice is open; the breathing is at first effected by gills, and afterwards by lungs. Warm and temperate, but moist climates are the localities most favorable to the Anourous Amphibia. SKCOND FAMILY. Ranidtz, (Lat. rana, a frog.) FROGS. In this family of tailless Batrachians, the posterior legs are long and formed for leaping ; the hind toes are webbed ; teeth are found both on the upper jaw and on the palate ; the mouth is wide ; the tongue folded back, broad, soft, fleshy, and notched ; the eyes are prominent, and they are protected by a movable membrane well adapted to guard them against those injuries to which, from the Frogs' mode of life, they would be peculiarly liable. In the tailless Frogs, which are nocturnal in their habits, the pupil is linear. The ears are extremely small, yet by the answers which the Frogs make to each other, even at a great distance, by croaking, they show that they have powers of hear- ing which meet their wants. To enter into a more minute des- cription of these harmless, and in gardens, highly useful Reptiles, seems unnecessary. All are familiar with their croak, their mode of leaping and swimming, their bright eyes and their col- oring. The Frogs, like other Reptiles, pass the colder months of the year in a state of torpor, buried deep in the mud at the bottom of ponds or sluggish streams, and so mingled together as to form almost a continuous mass. In the spring they emerge, when they begin their singing, which has some meaning besides mere noise, each male frog having a different note from his neighbor. The Ranidse are more or less accustomed to dwell in the water or its neighborhood, voraciously consuming the larger in- sects, and especially slugs, which are a favorite food. It is, therefore, the opinion of some, that instead of being wantonly and cruelly destroyed, they ought to be protected. The Frog AMPHIBIA. 529 seizes its food with great rapidity, using its tongue for that pur- pose, which, being quite as long as the animal's body, darts at prey with arrow-like speed, and it is swallowed entire, secured by the glutinous adhesive secretion which lubricates the extrem- ity of that organ. This rapM swallowing seems to indicate that the taste is not very acute. The focal axis of a Frog's eye is precisely as far distant as the length of each Frog's tongue, and at that angle these animals catch their prey. The eggs of Frogs are gelatinous and numerous ; some natu- ralists represent the number as thirteen hundred, and even as many as fourteen hundred. The black points discernible in the eggs are the germs of the Tadpole, or immature young. The development is rapid, but few days elapsing, in some places, be- fore the young is hatched, though where the climate is less mild it is not hatched before the expiration of a month or more. The tadpole state is quickly passed, and the metamorphosis becomes complete. With the disappearance of the gills and tail, the habits of the animal are changed ; atmospheric air now becomes the sole element of respiration. While yet tadpoles, they were the prey of fishes; now they become the prey of the weasel, the snake, and various kinds of water-fowl, which feed eagerly upon them. Very few out of every thousand that are hatched survive the summer. Frogs are capable of being tamed, and instances are related of their visiting houses regularly at the hour of meal- time, and partaking of offered food. A story is related by Mr. Bell of one which had such strong partiality for warmth, that during the winter seasons, he " regularly and contrary to the cold-blooded tendency of his nature, came out of his hole in the evening and directly made for the hearth in front of a good kitchen fire, where he would continue to bask and enjoy himself till the family retired to rest . . . frequently nestling under the warm fur of the cat, whilst the cat appeared extremely jealous of interrupting the comforts and convenience of the frog." Besides the change of form in the Frogs, and the power of the naked skin to act upon the air in such a way as to fulfil, in a great degree, the office of lungs, and the fact that aerated water may be made to subserve this process of cutaneous respiration ; besides, also, their power of long abstinence from food, their hy- bernation, and their age, as great as thirty-six years, in the case of the tailless species, startling stories are told of their issuing forth alive from the heart of trees, or the solid rock, after the confinement of centuries. The experiments of Dr. Buckland, however, favor the idea that frogs and toads cannot live more 530 AMPHIBIA. than one or two years, completely excluded from air and desti. tute of food. Sixteen genera of these Amphibia have been enumerated, three of which are found in North America. It is worthy of being noted that Frogs were introduced into Ireland from Eng- land, as late as the year 1696, by Dr. Gwythers, a fellow of the University of Dublin, (and we add here that still more recently were snakes imported into that country.) The BULL FROG, or Croaker, Rana pipiens, (Lat. chirping,) is peculiar to North America, and found throughout the Union. It is very large, the body being from six to twelve inches long, and a half pound or more in weight. Sometimes they have been known to " measure two feet from one extended extremity to the other." This species are noted for their bull-like bellow, ings, which may be heard to a great distance. They are vora- cious and predatory, devouring insects, fish, and even snakes. Their hind legs are used for food and are " excellent eating." These Frogs are sometimes reared specially for the table. The MARSH FROG, R. palustris, (Lat. marshy,) is one of our most beautiful frogs, and extremely active. Length, three inches. The EDIBLE, or GREEN FROG, R. esculenta, found in Conti- nental Europe and in parts of Asia and Africa, is essentially aquatic, inhabiting either running or stagnant streams. The croak of the male in the summer months, where the numbers are large, is said to be almost intolerable. The meat of these frogs is described as delicate and well flavored. In Vienna, (Austria.) they are considerably used, being preserved for eating, and fat- tened in " froggeries." The WOOD FROG, R. sihatica, (Lat. woody.) is found from Massachusetts to Virginia; it is in length two and a half inches. It may be at once known in the woods by its wonderful and rap- idly repeated leaps, which render its capture very difficult. To this nearly corresponds the Red or Common European Frog, R. temporaria, (Lat. temporary or changeable. ) In the West Indies and South America is a species Cystignatlms (Gr. vesicated jaw,) ocellatus, called Bull Frog, and distinguished by the entire absence of a web on the hind feet, Which can clear a wall five feet in height. The palm of the hand is provided with quite large tubercles ; that at the base of the inner finger is the largest of all. The first phalanges are marked beneath by similar tubercles. Small tubercles also appear under the articulations of the first and second phalanges, except under the inner toe. In AMPHIBIA. E31 the Antilles these frogs are reared in a state of domestication, and said to become familiar. The genus Ceratoplirys, (Gr. horned eye-lid,) includes frogs of beautiful colors, found in South America, having a granular or tuberculous skin, with the edge of the upper eye-lid prolonged to a point, resembling a horn. The species C. granosa, (Lat. full of grains,) is figured on the Chart. The PAINTED FROG, Discoglossus, (Gr. orb-like tongue,) pic- tus, is somewhat remarkable for its rounded tongue, and the markings of its skin. The THIMBLE FROGS, Dactylethra, are a peculiar kind of Frogs found in Africa, and deriving their name from having some of their toes enveloped at their tips by a conical horny claw or cap. The TREE FROGS, (Hyladce,) are arboreal in their habits, and capable of leaping, like birds, among the branches. They are described as beautiful, both in form and coloring. The foot of these Frogs differs in its structure from that of the other animals that make their home in trees ; it is not a grasping organ, nor is it furnished with claws for clinging, but has suckers somewhat like those we have described as belonging to the Gecko. The enlarged and rounded tip of each finger, both of the fore and hind paws, has an apparatus consisting of a little cushion moist with a thick glutinous fluid, and applying itself so closely to the surface it touches, as to support the animal's weight. It disen- gages or fixes its fingers at will. The cushioned apparatus is like an air-pump at the extremities of the fingers, giving the animal the ability to walk on the ceiling, on the polished surface of a mirror, even to suspend itself by one finger, if so disposed. Tree Frogs are numerous in some of the Southern, and Western States. The frogs of the genus Hyla, (Gr. hule, a wood,) differ from the common frog, (Rana,) in the greater length of the hind legs, and also in the male having a membranous sac under the throat, which is distended during their hoarse and oft-repeated croaking. So alert are these Frogs that they have been known to clear an interval of twelve feet in descending from one branch to another. Their leaps are also made with much address and precision, indicating great distinctness and power of vision. It must not be supposed that these Frogs pass all their lives on trees. On the contrary, like others of the race, they are at first aquatic animals, and when adult, visit the water to deposit their eggs, which is generally done in April. They also hyber- nate in the mud at the bottom of lakes and marshes. At this time their croakings are so loud and discordant, that " they might 532 AMPHIBIA. be taken for the cry of a pack of hounds in full chase ;" and in the stillness of night, "the din of their united voices may fre- quently be heard at the distance of a league, especially on the approach of rain." After the young are hatched by the heat of the sun, as in the case of the Common Frog, they continue in the tadpole state about two months, swimming in the water and feeding upon insects and worms. When the tail and gills have disappeared, they, with unerring instinct, take to the woods. The Tree Frog lives about thirty-six years. It is slow in attain- ing its full growth, which does not take place until the fourth year; nor does it breed before this period. Its fine green color is not perpetual ; after the breeding season, the animal becomes of a reddish brown, which soon changes to gray, mottled with reddish ; the color next assumed is blue, and this again changes to green, which is the summer tint. The agreeable colors and sprightliness of this frog, occasion it, not unfrequently, to be kept in cages. The NORTHERN TREE FROG, H. versicoJor, (Lat. changing color,) is spread over a large part of the United States. This Frog is particularly clamorous in rainy weather. Dr. DeKay says he has been assured "that it possesses ventriloquial powers in no inconsiderable degree." It appears to assimilate its color to that of the tree on which it rests. This species is very simi- lar to H. viridis, of Europe, (see Chart.) THIRD FAMILY. Bufoida, (Lat. bufo, a toad.) TOADS. In the Toads, the tailless Batrachian structure has its highest development. Cuvier distinguishes them as having an inflated body, a warty or tuberculous skin, and a tumor of variable size behind each eye, consisting of a gland from the pores of which exude an unctuous and offensive fluid. They have no teeth; the hind limbs do not much exceed in length the fore pair. They crawl rather than leap, and after passing from the tadpole state, retire from the neighborhood of water to dry situations. Their saliva has been supposed to be poisonous; but this is a mistake. There are, however, glands on the skin of the back and sides, that give out a fluid which in some species is acrid, capable of producing irritation in a very sensitive skin, and probably intend- ed for the defence of the Toad against the attacks of carnivorous •animals. Toads are nocturnal in their habits, evening and night being the principal season of their activity, and their favorite slugs then also creeping abroad. They hibernate in holes in the ground, AMPHIBIA. 533 the interstices of walls, or other similar retreats, in the spring emerging from their state of rest and seeking the water in order to deposit their eggs, in the form of strings of jelly three or four feet long, with a double row of black dots, when their loud croak may be heard at a considerable distance. They are two or three weeks later than the Frogs in depositing their eggs, after which process they return to the land. In August, the tadpoles, having completed their transformation, leave their native element for the land, dispersing themselves in all directions. Of the genus Bufo, about twenty species are enumerated ; several are found in the United States, but only one is seen in the northern parts of the Union. These have simple toes and a distinct tympanum. The COMMON AMERICAN TOAD, B. Americanus, (B. vulgaris, Storer,) is about three inches in length. It is furnished with a sac for holding the water which it obtains through the skin. The skin, shed at certain intervals, is, according to Mr. Bell, swal- lowed as soon as it is detached. The NATTER JACK, or RUNNING TOAD, B. calamila, is a spe- cies of toad of a yellowish brown color, with a bright yellow line running down the middle of the back. It never leaps, nor does it crawl with the usual toad-pace, but its motions are more like running. This species is found in Ireland. The BAHIA TOAD, Phryniscus nigricans, is a species noticed by Mr. Darwin, at Bahia Blanca. He graphically says of it, "If we imagine, first, that it had been steeped in the blackest ink, and then, when dry, allowed to crawl over a board freshly painted with the brighest vermilion, so as to color the soles of its feet and parts of its stomach, a good idea of its appearance will be gained." Instead of being nocturnal, like other toads, it crawls about during the heat of the day, over dry sand-hillocks and arid plains. The MITRED TOAD, B. margaritifer, (Lat. pearl-bearing,) re- ceives its name from the peculiar conformation of the head. It is an American species. The SURINAM TOAD, (see Chart,) Pipa Surinamensis or mon- strosa, is from six to eight inches in length, and four to five in breadth. It has a large and triangular head, is without teeth or a tongue ; its tympanum is concealed beneath the skin ; its eyes are small and placed near the margin of the upper jaw. The skin is of dirty brown color, thickly studded with reddish tubercles. The general uncouthness of its appearance is increased by a phenomenon almost unexampled in the animal kingdom. The female has the back pitted with a great number of small cells, 5H4 AMPHIBIA. and in these the male carefully places the eggs which she has deposited. When this has been done, she repairs to the water : the skin of the back now swells ; the pits deepen, and in due time the Tadpoles appear; on the back they pass the Tadpole state, and do not emerge till they have lost their tail and their limbs are developed. The female then returns to the land.