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O — - - - —v — 9&H I H. 1 No. 4 August 1988 ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE An International Journal PHYSIOLOGY CELL and MOLECULAR BIOLOGY GENETICS IMMUNOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY ENDOCRINOLOGY BEHAVIOR BIOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY ECOLOGY and TAXONOMY published by Zoological Society of Japan ISSN 0289-0003 distributed by Business Center for Academic Societies Japan VSP, Zeist, The Netherlands ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE The Official Journal of the Zoological Society of Japan Editor-in-Chief: Hideshi Kobayashi (Tokyo) Managing Editor: Seiichiro Kawashima (Hiroshima) Assistant Editors: Takeo Machida (Hiroshima) Sumio Takahashi (Hiroshima) Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (Hiroshima) The Zoological Society of Japan: Toshin-building, Hongo 2-27-2, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. Tel. (03) 814-5675 Officers: President: Nobuo Egami (Tokyo) Secretary: Hideo Namiki (Tokyo) Treasurer: Tadakazu Ohoka (Tokyo) Librarian: Shun-Ichi Ueno (Tokyo) Editorial Board: Howard A. Bern (Berkeley) Horst Grunz (Essen) Susumu Ishii (Tokyo) Roger Milkman (Iowa City) Tokindo S. Okada (Okazaki) Hiroshi Watanabe (Shimoda) Walter Bock (New York) Robert B. Hill (Kingston) Yukiaki Kuroda (Mishima) Hiromichi Morita (Fukuoka) Andreas Oksche (Giessen) Mayumi Yamada (Sapporo) Aubrey Gorbman (Seattle) Yukio Hiramoto (Chiba) Koscak Maruyama (Chiba) Kazuo Moriwaki (Mishima) Hidemi Sato (Nagoya) Ryuzo Yanagimachi (Honolulu) ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE is devoted to publication of original articles, reviews and communications in the broad field of Zoology. The journal was founded in 1984 as a result of unification of Zoological Magazine (1888-1983) and Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses (1897-1983), the former official journals of the Zoological Society of Japan. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE appears bimonthly. An annual volume consists of six numbers more than 1000 pages including an issue containing abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan. MANUSCRIPTS OFFERED FOR CONSIDERATION AND CORRESPONDENCE CONCERN¬ ING EDITORIAL MATTERS should be sent to: Dr. Seiichiro Kawashima, Managing Editor, Zoological Science, Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University, 1-1-89 Higashisenda-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730, Japan, in accordance with the instructions to authors which appear in the first issue of each volume. Copies of instructions to authors will be sent upon request. SUBSCRIPTIONS. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE is distributed free of charge to the members, both domestic and foreign, of the Zoological Society of Japan. To non-member subscribers within Japan, it is distributed by Business Center for Academic Societies Japan, 6-16-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113. Subscriptions outside Japan should be ordered from the sole agent, VSP, Utrechtseweg 62, 3704 HE Zeist (postal address: P. O. Box 346, 3700 AH Zeist), The Netherlands. Subscription rates will be provided on request to these agents. New subscriptions and renewals begin with the first issue of the current volume. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. © Copyright 1988, The Zoological Society of Japan Publication of Zoological Science has been supported in part by a Grant-in- Aid for 1 . Scientific Publication from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. J ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 727-731 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan REVIEW Taxon-specific Crystallins G. G. Gause Institute of Developmental Biology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR ABSTRACT — This is a short review of taxon-specific crystallins identified in eye lenses of various animal taxons during the last few years. Possible implications of this discovery for understanding crystallin evolution and lens structure are discussed. INTRODUCTION Crystallins are defined as major water-soluble structural proteins of the vertebrate eye lens. Research in the field of lens crystallins during the last two decades was dominated by concepts of (1) their strict tissue-specificity i.e. occurrence only in the lens and (2) their universality i.e. lack (with one exception of delta-crystallins) of any major qualitative differences between crystallin sets pres¬ ent in lenses of various vertebrate taxons. Experimental data, which became available dur¬ ing the last few years necessitate partial revision of these concepts. The data demonstrated the exist¬ ence of taxon-specific crystallins and pointed out relatedness between these and various cell en¬ zymes. In this review I shall try to summarize the available evidence about taxon-specific crystallins and discuss how this evidence affects our views on evolution of crystallins and structure of the lens. “STANDARD” TAXON-UNSPECIFIC CRYSTALLINS Historically, lens crystallins were studied mainly in mammals and birds [1-3]. Mammalian crystal¬ lins belong to two major protein families: the family of alpha-crystallins and the superfamily of Received April 12, 1988 beta/gamma crystallins. Alpha- and beta/gamma families of crystallins (which will be referred to as standard crystallins) do not show any sequence similarity with one another. Within the beta / gamma superfamily the sequence similarity be¬ tween beta- and gamma-crystallins amounts to about 30%. In birds and reptiles the beta/gamma superfami¬ ly is incomplete: gamma-crystallins are absent and another protein family - delta-crystallins - is pres¬ ent alongside alpha- and beta-crystallin families. The delta-crystallins were the first discovered case of taxon-specific crystallins. TAXON-SPECIFIC CRYSTALLINS Characterization of lens crystallins in the past was performed by gel-electrophoresis protein se¬ quencing and immunochemistry. More recently these approaches were complemented by methods of recombinant DNA and DNA-sequencing. These studies have been reviewed [4, 5]. As data accumulated, more species were analyzed in terms of their lens crystallin composition and more pro¬ teins meeting the operational definition of crystal¬ lins have been found and characterized. Some¬ times they were found only in one or a few genera of a given systematic group. One of such taxon- specific crystallins - rho-crystallin - has been found and characterized in our laboratory in the frog Rana temporaria [6]. 728 G. G. Gause Delta-cry stallins There is abundant literature about delta- crystallins, their genes and expression [5, 7]. For a long time delta-crystallin was “just another crystal- lin”, but occurring only in birds and reptiles. An important event was the discovery of structural similarity between delta-crystallin and arginino- succinate lyase [8]. The homology amounted to about 60% in the comparison between chicken delta-crystallin and human arginino-succinate lyase. There are no sequence data about avian arginino-succinate lyase. It remains to be seen whether chicken arginino-succinate lyase is coded by the gene distinct from that coding for delta- crystallin or there is one gene coding for both products. The case of delta-crystallin was the first example of the recruitment (the term of Wistow and Piati- gorsky) of a gene coding for an enzyme for the role of a gene of the crystallin ensemble. Structural studies of the delta-crystallin gene and experiments on its expression in various sys¬ tems resulted in the identification of its promoter [9], which showed no particular expression spec¬ ificity in the eye lens. When recombinant DNA constructs containing delta-crystallin gene se¬ quences were introduced into cell cultures, the constructs were expressed effectively in various cell types, but the expression specificity in the lens was conferred by an enhancer located within the third intron of the delta-crystallin gene . This enhancer was crucial for the lens-specific ex¬ pression. This finding is very important for the under¬ standing of the evolutionary emergence of the delta-crystallin gene. It can be proposed that the transposition of the genetic element containing lens-specific enhancer into the gene of arginino- succinate lyase resulted in the appearance of its ability to lens-specific expression and in this way arginino-succinate lyase became lens-specific pro¬ tein. It would be interesting to perform a search for characteristic sequences of mobile transposable elements in the vicinity of the lens-specific enhan¬ cer. As for possible functional consequences of such hyperexpression of the arginino-succinate lyase gene in the lens, nothing definite can be said at present. Rho-crystallin of the frog Rana temporaria Probably this protein was noticed for the first time in lens extracts of Rana pipiens and described as an unidentified crystallin. It was characterized by sequencing of a recombinant cDNA clone selected by hybridization-translation from the li¬ brary of cDNA corresponding to total lens poly(A) RNA of Rana temporaria [10]. Rho-crystallin (originally called by us epsilon-crystallin) is a pro¬ tein with molecular mass of about 35 kDa account¬ ing for about 5-10% of the total frog lens protein as shown by gel-electrophoresis comparisons and blot hybridizations between cloned rho-crystallin cDNA and total lens poly(A) RNA. We do not have structural information about 25% of the rho-crystallin sequence near the N-terminus, since this part was not present in the clone that we have characterized. We also do not know, whether the whole of the 35 kDa band in lens extracts of Rana temporaria is accounted for by rho-crystallin or this band also contains unrelated proteins with similar molecular mass. mRNA complementary to rho- crystallin-specific cDNA is detected both in de¬ veloping embryos of the frog and in RNA prepara¬ tions from adult animals, thus providing indica¬ tions that this gene is expressed effectively at different stages of ontogeny [11]. Recently two chromosomal clones containing coding sequences of the rho-crystallin gene (or pseudogene) have been isolated by us from the chromosomal library of Rana temporaria. Further characterization of this clone is now in progress. At the time when the sequence of rho-crystallin was deposited with gene and protein sequence databases, no homologues of this protein was found. Later it was proposed that by structural criteria rho-crystallin belongs to the superfamily of aldose/aldehyde reductases [12]. The homology between rho-crystallin and human aldose reduc¬ tase amounted to a greater degree. There is evidence that rho-crystallin can not have the en¬ zymatic activity of aldose reductase, since the residues of the enzyme active center important for the activity are not conserved in its molecule [12]. Recently Watanabe et al. [13] reported that rho-crystallin of the frog (they use the name epsi- Taxon-specific Crystallins 729 lon-crystallin, which we changed for rho-crystallin) has a 77% similarity (identical position + conserva¬ tive substitutions) with prostaglandin F synthase from bovine lung tissue. It thus appears that rho-crystallin may indeed be the functional pros¬ taglandin F synthase. On the basis of these data, it is highly probable that the gene coding for prostaglandin F synthase or a related reductase was altered in evolution in such a way that it acquired capacity for high expression in the eye lens and the product of this gene became a member of the crystallin ensemble. We do not know at present, whether this was associated with gene duplication and whether the enzymatic activity was retained in the case of rho-crystallin or it was lost. Since prostaglandin F synthase is an enzyme with broad tissue specificity, I assume that its promoter also has a broad spec¬ ificity and the preferential lens-specific expression of this gene was achieved in evolution by a trans¬ position of the lens-specific enhancer into its vicin¬ ity. In other words the events in the hypothetical evolutionary history of the rho-crystallin gene may well turn out to be similar to the case of delta- crystallin. Epsilon-cry stallin Lenses of some aquatic birds as well as of crocodiles were found to contain epsilon-crystallin a major protein accounting for about 20% of the total lens soluble protein and having molecular weitht of about 40 kDa [14]. Recently it has been demonstrated that the duck epsilon-crystallin was highly homologous to lactate dehydrogenase isozyme B4 (94% similarity over the length equal to 52% of the total LDH mole¬ cule). Probably epsilon-crystallin and LDH-B are coded by one gene [15]. The LDH activity in the duck lens extracts is 180 times higher than in chick lens extracts, where no epsilon-crystallin is present and the LDH activity of the purified epsilon- crystallin amounts to about 2/3 of the purified LDH-B4, the difference being ascribed to epsilon- crystallin aging in the lens. An interesting con¬ sequence of the recruitment of LDH-B for the role of crystallin is that it is now subjected to selection pressure both as an enzyme and as a lens protein. In this case again the plausible explanation of the high expression of LDH-B4 in the lens would be the migration into the vicinity of the LDH-B gene of a lens-specific enhancer, which stimulated its lens-specific expression. Tau-cry stallin Tau-crystallin is a major protein component in lenses of some reptiles, birds and lampreys [16] . Its subunit molecular mass equals 48 kDa. Se¬ quence comparisons have demonstrated that tau- crystallin has strong similarity with sequences of human and yeast enolase [8]. This is another case of recruitment of a gene coding for an enzyme to a role of the crystallin gene. SOME HYPOTHETICAL CONCLUSIONS Transposon containing the lens-specific enhancer? The above examples appear to point out a general trend operating in lens evolution, i.e. that taxon-specific crystallins originated from cell housekeeping enzymes by a mechanism which involved the exaggerated expression of the corre¬ sponding genes in lens cells. This exaggerated expression was most probably due to the integra¬ tion of a genetic element or transposon containing lens-specific enhancer into corresponding ancestral gene. As a result protein coded by such gene might become lens-specific. Whether this recruit¬ ment of housekeeping enzyme proteins for the role of crytallin followed some rules other than the integration of the lens-specific enhancer into forti- tuous chromosomal sites remains to be seen. The lens-specific enhancer was identified in the delta- crystallin gene [9]. There is a question of the evolutionary origin of the lens-specific enhancer such as one found in the delta-crystallin gene: where did it come from. At the moment this question remains without answer. One possibility is that the lens-specific enhancer(s) originates from the genes of alpha- or beta/gamma crystallins. A tissue specific enhancer was de¬ scribed in the gene coding for alpha-crystallin [17]. The alternative sources remain obscure. 730 G. G. Gause Function and adaptive value There is interesting problem of requirements if any that would allow a housekeeping enzyme to survive as lens crystallin. It appears that the recruitment for the role of crystallin is not related with the enzyme activity of the protein that was recruited. Indeed the survival of the enzyme activity was observed only in the case of epsilon- crystallin i.e. the LDH, whereas in cases of other taxon-specific crystallins no enzyme activity was reliably demonstrated. Furthermore, the substrate levels in a metabolically inert lens are low and do not require any high amounts of the corresponding enzymes. I propose that the emergence of taxon- specific crystallins is due predominantly to the intragenomic process of transposition, creating within the chromosome constructs, in which the lens-specific expression of some genes may be activated presumably by a lens-specific enhancer. This process is rare, different genes may be acti¬ vated to lens specific transcription in various tax¬ ons and sometimes these evolutionary created constructs may survive in evolutionary timescale. This brings us to a question of the adaptive value if any of the taxon-specific crystallins. The only plausible hypothesis advanced for the case of epsi- lon-crystallin [15] was that the possible adaptive value of its high abundance in the lens may be associated with the ability of LDH-B to filter-off short range UV-light due to NADH complexed with it and having absorption peak at 340 nm. The resulting light-filter protects retina from the UV- induced damage. In addition, LDH-B is thermo¬ dynamically stable and “suitable as lens protein in terms of thermodynamic stability” [15]. The “light-filter” hypothesis may possibly be invoked also for rho-crystallin if it retained NADH binding capacity since the active reductase (prostaglandin F synthase) also uses NADH as a cofactor, where¬ as this idea does not appear to work for enolase. Taxon-specific crystallins and lens structure The very existence of taxon-specific crystallins demonstrates that the optically transparent “stand¬ ard” crystallin ensemble (i.e. alpha- and beta / gamma-crystallin families packed in lens fibers) is tolerant to the incorporation of alien protein com¬ ponents i.e. taxon-specific crystallins. This is in agreement with the idea that crystallin arrange¬ ment in the lens depends on short-range interac¬ tions of protein molecules [18], and these interac¬ tions do not necessarily imply exact and invariant fitting of different crystallins to one another. The evolutionary diversity of crystallin ensembles as exemplified by the existence of taxon-specific crys¬ tallins depends on this “principle of tolerance” in the organization of lens crystallin ensemble. Are taxon-specific organ-specific proteins limited to the lens? It may happen that taxon-specific crystallins are just one example of a more general phenomenon - existence of taxon-specific variation in organ- specific proteins. Perhaps taxon-specific crystallins were discovered simply because the protein spec¬ trum of the eye lens is relatively simple and the detection of novel protein species is relatively straightforward. We can not rule out that the process similar to the evolutionary generation of new “lens-specific” proteins will be found for other organs of animals as well. “Taxon-specific” organ- specific proteins can remain undetected simply because of the heterogeneity of the protein spec¬ trum in most organs and consequent difficulty of identifying new proteins. Hypothetical taxon- specific organ-specific proteins, if they do indeed exist, would be potentially responsible for the generation of biochemical diversity in a given organ in evolution and would give potentially promising material for adaptations. CONCLUSION Discovery of taxon-specific crystallins has shaken two major dogmas in the crystallin re¬ search. Now we see that (1) at least some crystal¬ lins (e.g. epsilon-crystallin of the duck) are identi¬ cal to housekeeping enzymes and therefore are not lens-specific; and (2) the crystallin ensembles of vertebrates show far greater qualitative diversity in evolution than thought before. The latter cir¬ cumstance is a reflection of the tolerance of the “standard” i.e. alpha/beta/gamma ensemble to the incorporation of new molecular species, which thus do not destroy such important feature of the Taxon-specific Crystallins 731 ensemble as its transparence. The discovery of taxon-specific crystallins points out to one (so far hypothetical) mechanism for the generation of lens-specific proteins in evolution. In our opinion the taxon-specific crystallins are evolutionary young crystallins. It remains to be seen if “stand¬ ard” alpha- and beta/gamma-crystallins also orig¬ inated in this way. REFERENCES 1 Harding, J. J. and Dilley, K. J. (1976) Exp. Eye Res., 22. 2 Bloemendal, H. (1981) In “Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Eye Lens”. Ed. by H. Bloemendal, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 1-47. 3 Bloemendal, H. (1982) CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem., 12. 4 Gause, G. G. and Tomarev, S. I. (1987) In “Soviet Scientific Rev. Physiol, and General Biology”. Gor¬ don and Breach. 5 Piatigorsky, J. (1987) Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci., 28: 9-28. 6 Gause, G. G., Tomarev, S. I., Zinovieva, R. D., Arutyunyan, K. G. and Dolgilevich, S. M. (1986) In “The Lens: Transparency and Cataract”. Ed. by G. Duncan, EURAGE, pp. 171-179. 7 Yasuda, K. and Okada, T. S. 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In this review, we will use the term the “fertilization potential”. Does this membrane potential change serve some physiological function? Jaffe [9] proposed the hypothesis of electrical poly-spermy block which state that the fertilization potential reduced the probability of additional sperm penetration into the egg. While this hypothesis has been supported by observation on the fertilization of other animals (reviewed in [4, 6, 10, 11]), it has also suffered criticism (see [12, 13]). Much of the criticism is due to the differing opinions concerning which components comprise a fertilization poten¬ tial under physiological conditions. Another hypothesis for the function of fertiliza¬ tion potential has been proposed by E. L. Cham¬ bers and his associates [14, 15]. They suggest that membrane depolarization is required for the incor¬ Received April 27, 1988 1 Present address: Department of Anatomy, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Tsurumai-cho, Showa- ku, Nagoya 466, Japan. poration of a sperm into an egg. At least two components of fertilization potential are important in this depolarization process. Although the fertilization potential is known to consist of several components (reviewed in [7]), much experimental data from studies of the ionic and triggering mechanisms of each components has been obtained. In this review, we will focus on discussing three components of the fertilization potential; step depolarization, component A, and component B. We will discuss ways in which these three components might be related, and also what physiological functions they may serve during the fertilization potential. I. FERTILIZATION POTENTIALS OF SEA URCHIN EGGS The microelectrode recordings of fertilization potentials in Pseudocentrotus depressus ( A , B ) Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (C) and Clypeaster japonicus ( D ) eggs are show in Figure 1. As illustrated in A, C and D , the resting potentials prior to fertilization were around —70 mV, and there were no significant differences among spe¬ cies. The fertilization potential of Litechinus variegatus eggs (an American species) was also shown to be similar [16]. The early phase of the fertilization potential consisted of two main tran¬ sient components, component A and B. The first component (denoted by A in Fig. 1 or by segment (a) in [16]) exhibited a steep rising phase with an 734 H. Kuroda, S. Obata et al. Fig. 1. Typical fertilization potentials in Pseudocentrotus depressus (A, B), Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (C) and Clypeaster japonicus ( D ) eggs. Except in B , the early phase of fertilization potential consisted of two components, A and B. FM marks the beginning of fertilization membrane elevation, and sp represents the addition of sperm suspension to an experimental chamber. overshoot. The second component (B in Fig. 1 or segment (b) in [16]) was formed during the falling phase of the first component. In C. japonicus eggs, the second component was not always obvious, and appeared as a “shoulder” on chart recordings (Fig. ID). Figure IB shows the fertilization poten¬ tial of an egg which had a small negative resting potential (between —10 and —20 mV). In this case, the first component was never elicited. At present we wish to emphasize the critical importance of the relationship between the magni¬ tude of the resting potential and fertilization potential which follows, as shown in Figure 1 A and IB. II. THE TRUE RESTING POTENTIAL OF UNFERTILIZED EGGS Using glass microelectrodes, the resting poten¬ tial of unfertilized sea urchin eggs has been ex¬ amined by a number of researchers. At first, only small negative potential of about — 10 mV was recorded [2, 17-20]. However, in subsequent studies, several groups successfully recorded large negative potentials of about —70 mV [21, 22]. The potential which immediately followed insertion of the microelectrode was usually between —5 and — 15 mV. In a number of cases, the amplitude of the potential increased with time and eventually reached a potential of approximately —60 to —80 mV. Since the increased potential is associated with an increase in input resistance [16, 23], the small negative potential has generally been con¬ sidered to be an artifact caused by electrical leak¬ age around the microelectrode surface (reviewed in [4-7, 16, 21, 23]). Other methods used to estimate membrane potential have also supported the view that unfer¬ tilized eggs have a large negative membrane poten¬ tial. The fluxes of Na+, K+, CP and Ca2+ [23] or Na+ and K+ [16] through the membrane of unfer¬ tilized sea urchin eggs were measured using radioactive tracers. The membrane potential was calculated from the flux data by means of the Fertilization Potential of Sea Urchin Gametes 735 constant field equation. The calculated values were —70 mV [23] and —78 mV [16], respectively. In the same two studies, membrane potentials were also measured by microelectrodes. The meas¬ ured values were —75 ±3 mV [23] and —76 + 0.8 mV [16], and were in close agreement with the results obtained using radioactive tracers. By another nondamaging but indirect method, action current associated with fertilization was recorded extracellularly [24], By simultaneous intracellular recording, the action current was shown to corres¬ pond to the rising phase of the regenerative action potential. The occurrence of such an action cur¬ rent at the time of fertilization indicates that the resting potential of an unimpaled egg must be more negative than —50 mV, which is the threshold level necessary to induce an action potential (a detailed discussion of action potential threshold will follow). Dale and De Santis [25], however, suggest that the small negative resting potential is not an arti¬ fact, but reflects the true resting potential. Using Paracentrotus lividus and Spaerechinus granulans, they showed that the eggs from large orange-red ovaries, which were considered to be mature, had resting potentials between —10 and —30 mV (will be denoted by “ — 10 mV”, hereafter). On the other hand, eggs from small dark-brown ovaries, which were defined as suboptimal, had a large negative resting potential between —60 and —90 mV (“ — 70 mV”). Furthermore, these suboptimal eggs had low fertilization rates. Both mature and suboptimal eggs had a high specific membrane resistance. Thus, the small negative potential did not appear to be an artifact caused by an electrical leak at the microelectrode surface. They con¬ cluded that (1) both the potential levels of “ — 10 mV” and “—70 mV” were measured correctly, and (2) the difference between the values reflected the different degrees of egg maturation. The results of our experiments using four dif¬ ferent species of Japanese sea urchins: Pseudocentrotus depressus, Hemicentrotus pulcher- rimus, Anthocidaris crassispina and Clypeaster japonicus do not support the conclusion of Dale and De Santis. The resting potential of unfertil¬ ized eggs of all four species was “—70 mV”. To test egg maturity, we mixed eggs and sperms from batches used in electrophysiological measure¬ ments, and determined the rate of fertilization and the synchrony of the first cleavage. If more than 5% of these eggs failed to complete the first cleavage, we disregarded our recordings. Our results suggest that in these four species the true resting potential of eggs in good condition is “ — 70 mV”. However, this is not to say that all record¬ ings of “ — 10 mV” are an artifact due to electrical leakage. Figure 2 shows pen-recordings measured during microelectrode impalement into unfertil¬ ized eggs of Anthocidaris crassispina. In most cases the potential dropped quickly and attained a resting potential of “—70 mV” (Fig. 24), although some eggs maintained a potential of “ — 10 mV” for 10 min or longer. However, when eggs were depleted external sodium by perfusing them with Na-free artificial sea water, the egg membrane hyperpolarized from “ — 10 mV” to “ — 70 mV” (Fig. 2 B). This result suggests that Na+ per¬ meability participates in maintaining the small resting potential of “ — 10 mV”. Feasible ion chan- 25 0 > E > -50 A ■75 L Fig. 2. Pen-recordings during microelectrode impale¬ ment into unfertilized eggs of Anthocidaris crassispi¬ na. A microelectrode was bringed into contact with an egg surface at arrowhead, and was applied an oscillating current to promote microelectrode im¬ palement at arrow. A, After a noisy period of 1.3 min, the potential dropped quickly and attained a stable level of -75 mV. B, Although a small nega¬ tive potential was maintained for 5.6 min, the poten¬ tial dropped suddenly by the perfusion of sodium- free artificial sea water (Na-free ASW). 736 H. Kuroda, S. Obata et al. nels which Na+ could permeate are: (a) an electri¬ cally inexcitable and relatively non-specific chan¬ nel, (b) an electrically excitable and long-lasting channel, and (c) an intracellular Ca2+ -activated channel [26]. The existence of the channel like (a) would strongly support the hypothesis of a small negative resting potential proposed by Dale and De Santis [25]. However, it is rather difficult to determine if such a channel exists because a slight leak around the microelectrode surface is also permeable to any kinds of ions. Non-damaging methods, e. g. patch clamp experiments should solve this prob¬ lem, although none have yet been successful. We will provide details concerning voltage-gated channels in Section IV. Briefly at least two kinds of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are thought to exist, although no voltage-gated Na+ channel has been identified in the membrane of unfertilized sea urchin eggs. However, it is possible that a voltage¬ gated Na+ channel does exist, or that Na+ passes through a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel. Such a channel could be activated by a transient mem¬ brane depolarization ocurring as the result of microelectrode impalement and may thus cause the observed small negative potential. Upon mi¬ croelectrode impalement, this small negative potential of “ — 10 mV” occasionally continues for 10 min or longer before the membrane is repola¬ rized to stable potential of “—70 mV”. However, most voltage-gated channels close soon after their activation, and thus, do not elicit such a long- lasting depolarization. If a voltage-gated, Na+- permeable channel is involved in maintaining the resting potential of “ — 10 mV”, it must differ from the channels which have so far been identified. A Na+ channel which is activated by an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]j) has not been identified in sea urchin eggs, but has been observed in starfish oocytes [27]. The resting level of [Ca2+]j in unfertilized egg was estimated to be around 10~7M [28-30]. The Ca2+ concentration of standard artificial sea water is 10-2 M. Since [Ca2+]j is so lower than the external concentration, we suggest that egg impalement by a microelec¬ trode is the probable cause of the slight and transient increase in [Ca2+]i. This increase in [Ca2+]j may activate Ca2+ -activated Na+ channels and induce the small negative membrane potential which is often observed after a microelectrode is inserted into an egg. The small negative potential may persist until [Ca2+]j decreases to resting level by the Ca2+ -pumping systems of organelles and/or surface membranes. In conclusion, we suggest that the small negative resting potential does not reflect the true resting potential, but rather that it is an artifact induced by either (1) the electrical leakage around the mi¬ croelectrode surface, or (2) the opening of Ca2+f -activated Na+ channels. III. STEP DEPOLARIZATION AS THE INI¬ TIAL ELECTRICAL CHANGE In the first section of this review, we described the existence of two depolarizing components (component A and component B) of the fertiliza¬ tion potential which are thought to serve important physiological functions. However, component A is not thought to be initial electrical change which occurs upon fertilization. Figure 3 A is a typical recording of the fertilization potential of a P. depressus egg which has a resting potential of about —80 mV. Components A and B are clearly identified although another component which pre¬ cedes component A and appears to be essential for initiating component A is not observed. High speed recording (Fig. 3 B) of the same electrical changes in Figure 3 A showed the existence of gradual depolarizations (indicated by an arrow) from —80 mV to —50 mV. At —50 mV, the threshold level of voltage-activated channels, the component A is initiated and membrane potential rises steeply to — 10 mV. Eggs with small resting potentials did not elicit component A, although they clearly showed gradual depolarization fol¬ lowed by a phase of long plateau (Fig. 3D). This depolarization appeared as a step-like change in low-speed recordings (Fig. 3C). We will designate such an electrical change as “step depolarization” hereafter. Step depolarization was originally observed in “ — 10 mV” eggs. Uehara and Kato [20] observed the step depolarization during the fertilization potential of Hemicentrotus pulcherri- mus eggs, and regarded it as the “fertilization- wave” which had previously been proposed by Fertilization Potential of Sea Urchin Gametes 737 Fig. 3. Step depolarizations in Pseudocentrotus depressus eggs. A, The fertilization potential of an egg which had a large negative resting potential of -80 mV. B, High-speed recording of the early phase of the same fertilization potential as A. A step depolarization (arrow) from -80 to -50 mV was distinguished from the sharp rising limb of component A from -50 mV to -10 mV. C, Since component A was not elicited in an egg having a small negative potential, step depolarization was clearly shown even in a low-speed recording (arrow). D. High-speed recording of the same fertilization potential as C. Sugiyama [31]. Ito and Yoshioka [32] showed that step depolarization occurred concomitantly with an abrupt decrease in input resistance, and coin¬ cided temporally with the collision between an egg and a sperm at fertilization. Such a decrease in input resistance and, furthermore, an increase in voltage noise during step depolarization were also observed by Dale et al. [33]. These two groups have suggested that sperm-egg interaction opened some channel in the egg membrane and elicited step depolarization. Dale et al. [33] indirectly measured the elementary conductance of this channel and estimated it to be more than 33 pS, a value similar to conductance value for drug- induced nonspecific channels. The reversal poten¬ tial of the step depolarization was near 0 mV ([33], our unpublished data). The amplitude depends upon the external concentrations of both Na+ and K+ (our unpublished data). These results suggest that the channel involved during the step depolar¬ ization has low specificity for these ion species. Now the question arises as to what is the phys¬ iological significance of the initial electrical change or step depolarization. Electrical stimuli can elicit regenerative action potentials in unfertilized egg membranes, and the threshold level of the action potential is about —50 mV [16, 23, 24], The action potential observed on chart recording is similar to, and has the same threshold level as, component A of fertilization potentials [16, 23]. Therefore, component A is most likely the regenerative action potential which is activated by step depolarization. Conversely speaking, step depolarization is likely the trigger which induces component A. The next question of major interest concerns the mechanisms generating step depolarizations. At present, we cannot exclude the possibility for a mechanism which does not depend on the gating of an ion channel (e.g. the enhancement of an elec- trogenic pump). However, noise analysis of the 738 H. Kuroda, S. Obata et al. membrane potential [33] indicates a possibility for the participation of an ion channel during step depolarization. Possible mechanisms which may generate step depolarization are: (a) the activation of an egg membrane channel by chemical stimuli, (b) the activation of an egg membrane channel by mechanical stimuli, or (c) the activation of an egg or a sperm membrane channel by the fusion of sperm and egg membranes. These three mecha¬ nisms are discussed below: (a) : A chemical substance which is either bound to the acrosome process or secreted from the acrosomal granule in the sperm head might acti¬ vate egg membrane channels and elicit step de¬ polarization. However, such a substance has not been isolated from sea urchin sperm. (b) : Mechano-receptor channels gated by the expansion or distortion of cell membranes have been reported for many cell types from bacteria to mammalian species (see [35]). Such channels may exist in egg membranes and may be activated by the impact generated during sperm-egg collision. In general, the amplitude of a receptor potential depends on the intensity of the stimuli. In the case of step depolarization, the amplitudes are constant over several measurements. This result suggests that the impact of sperm-egg collision is constant. However, it is our understanding that collision occurs with different velocities and angles of im¬ pact, which would suggest that the impact gener¬ ated during sperm-egg collision would be variable. Presently, we cannot rule out the possibility that step depolarization is elicited by mechanical stimu¬ li, although we find little support for this hypoth¬ esis. (c) : As noted previously, step depolarization is accompanied by an increase in membrane conduct¬ ance. It is not known whether conductance in¬ crease results from (1) the insertion of new chan¬ nels into the egg membrane or (2) from opening pre-existing membrane channels which have been closed. During sperm-egg fusion it is likely that sperm channels would be incorporated into the fertilized egg membrane. The fusion must cause an increase in the total membrane area and inevit¬ ably an increase in capacitance. McCulloh and Chambers [36] measured the change in conduct¬ ance and capacitance simultaneously during ferti¬ lization in order to distinguish between the two mechanisms, (a) and (c). They observed corre¬ sponding changes in the conductance and capaci¬ tance, and concluded that an initial increase in conductance occurred when sperm ion channels were incorporated into the egg’s membrane during sperm-egg membrane fusion. However, in a col¬ laborative paper with Longo et al. [37] in the same year, they presented contradictory results. They combined electrophysiological and electron mi¬ croscopic methods to correlate the electrical changes in an egg membrane with the morpholo¬ gical changes resulting during sperm-egg interac¬ tion. Continuity between the plasma membranes of the sperm and egg was first detected 5 sec after the onset of the conductance increase. These results suggest that sperm-egg fusion did not cause, but rather followed the conductance increase, and thus their results do not support the conclusion of McCulloh and Chambers [36]. However, Longo et al. did point the possibility that membrane changes which occur during the first 5 sec following the onset of conductance, are likely to be in a tran¬ sitional or unstable state which is not maintained, or is reversed when fixative is applied [37]. Thus, the fact that they did not observe sperm-egg mem¬ brane continuity in samples fixed prior to 5 sec following conductance onset may reflect the labile state of early membrane fusion events. Hinkley et al. [38] devised an elegant technique for detecting sperm-egg continuity. They pre- loaded eggs with a DNA-specific fluorochrome and then fertilized these eggs with unloaded sperms. When eggs were fixed immediately (at 1 to 4 sec) after the onset of the conductance change, none of the sperm which had bound to the egg surface became fluorescent. However, when the eggs were fixed at 8-12 sec after the conductance change, a single sperm attached to the egg surface was viewed as a brightly fluorescent spot. They con¬ clude that cytoplasmic continuity between the sperm and the egg was established within 4-8 sec after the onset of the conductance increase. These experiments strongly support the hypothesis that sperm-egg fusion occurs after the onset of the conductance change. However, Hinkley et al. acknowledged the possibility that fusion may actually occur at an earlier period. Fertilization Potential of Sea Urchin Gametes 739 These experiments of Longo et al. [37] and Hinkley et al. [38] do not support the hypothesis that sperm-egg fusion triggers a conductance change in egg membranes. In contrast, the results obtained by McCulloh and Chambers [36] do support this hypothesis, although the details of this experiment were not described. At present, the mechanism which elicits step depolarization is un¬ clear. IV. COMPONENT A OF THE FERTILIZA¬ TION POTENTIAL If we accept the hypothesis proposed by Jaffe [9] and by Lynn and Chambers [14], the function of component A seems to be clear. A sperm could not easily incorporate into an egg having a resting potential of “—70 mV” [14]. The step depolariza¬ tion associated with “sperm-egg interaction” acti¬ vates component A at around —50 mV. During the rising limb of component A, the egg membrane must pass through a range of membrane potentials (between +17 and —25 mV in Lytechinus variega- tus eggs) necessary to facilitate sperm incorpora¬ tion into an egg [14] and, subsequently, a range of electrical polyspermy block to additional sperm penetration (> + 18 mV). What kinds of ion channels are involved in the generation of component A? In low Na+ sea water, the action potential which was elicited by an electrical stimulus or component A of the fertiliza¬ tion potential, diminished not only in amplitude, but also in duration. A 100-fold reduction in [Ca2+]0 resulted in the suppression of component A [16]. Therefore, the action potential must depend upon both external Ca2+ and Na+. A typical action potential generated either in normal sea water ([16] and also see Fig. 2 A) or in high Ca2+ sea water [39] had a threshold level of about —50 mV. Once the membrane potential overcame this threshold, it rose with a steep slope to a characteristic notch at about 0 mV, and continued to rise with a greatly diminished slope to a peak of about +20 mV. These results suggest the exsist- ence of two kinds of ionic mechanisms, one of which has a threshold level of about —50 mV and another with a threshold of around 0 mV. Vol¬ tage-clamp experiments [39] support the idea that action potentials depend upon two inward cur¬ rents. One of these currents has a threshold level of —50 mV, and is carried by Ca2 + . However, the ionic mechanism of the other inward current which has a threshold of 0 mV has not been well char¬ acterized in sea urchin eggs. Membrane excitability of starfish oocytes, has been thoroughly investigated (reviewed in [4]). Immature starfish oocytes generate action poten¬ tials which are similar to those of sea urchin eggs. Voltage-clamp studies [40] showed that there were two kinds of channels refered to as channel I and II. Channel I was activated between —55 and —50 mV and channel II was activated between —7 and —6 mV. Many of the electrophysiological prop¬ erties of channel II were similar to those of the Ca channel characterized in adult tissues. On the other hand, the current through channel I was dependent upon both external Ca2+ and Na+. However, Na+ did not appear to pass through channel I but did appear to modulate the duration of the current which passed through channl I. An interpretation of channel I was recently proposed by Lansman [27]. In this study, the inward current activated between —55 and —50 mV consisted of two components; a rapidly decaying current which flowed through Ca channels and a more slowly decaying component which was carried by Na+. This Na+ current was probably activated by cyto¬ plasmic Ca2+ which flowed into the egg through channel II and another Ca channel which carries the rapidly decaying current. The question as to whether similar channels concern the action potential or component A in sea urchin eggs remains unsolved. The threshold levels of channel I and channel II in starfish oocytes correspond to the two different threshold levels observed in sea urchin eggs. Thus, we suggest that the action potential and the first component of the fertilization potential in starfish oocytes corresponds to the action potential and component A in sea urchin eggs. Furthermore three kinds of channels appear to be involved in generating component A: a Ca channel activated between —55 and —50 mV, a Ca channel acti¬ vated between —7 and —6 mV, and a Na channel which is activated by intracellular Ca2+. 740 H. Kuroda, S. Obata et al. V. COMPONENT B OF THE FERTILIZATION POTENTIAL As we have shown, component B of the fertiliza¬ tion potential of P. depressus eggs is formed during the falling phase of component A [26]. The membrane potential reached a peak value of around +20 mV and then gradually hyperpolar- ized. The duration of component A was around 5 sec. The period from the onset of component A to the beginning of fertilization membrane elevation, which was thought to be another and more perfect mechanism of polyspermy block than electrical polyspermy block, was 20 to 25 sec. Component B appears to maintain a positive membrane poten¬ tial, which is essential to electrical polyspermy block, for 15-20 sec between the end of compo¬ nent A and the beginning of fertilization mem¬ brane elevation. Thus, both component A and component B must play important role during electrical polyspermy block. The generation of component B was observed to be dependent upon the diffusion of Na+ through the egg membrane [16, 17], However, the mem¬ brane potential at the peak of component B was less positive than the Nernst potential for Na+ [26]. Consequently, the membrane potential at this phase cannot be explained solely by the diffu¬ sion of Na+. The peak value was sensitive to the external concentrations of both Na+ and K+. These data were fitted to a theoretical line obtained from the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equa¬ tion, using a ratio of PNa: Pk7 Pci=11- 1.0: 0.0 [26]. The results of this analysis suggest that the permeability of the egg membrane to both Na+ and K+ is responsible for component B. From voltage-clamp experiments using starfish eggs, fer¬ tilization was observed to induce an increase in non-selective cation permeability [41]. The resting membrane potential of unfertilized eggs is largely dependent upon K+ permeability. What triggers the increase of permeability to both Na+ and K+ during fertilization? The [Ca2+]j of sea urchin eggs was observed to increase transient¬ ly at an early stage of fertilization [28-30]. It has been reported that this increase in [Ca2+]j induces the cortical reaction leading to the onset of ferti¬ lization membrane elevation (reviewed in [3, 7]), which was observed early during component B of the fertilization potential [26]. The calcium ionophores A23187 or X-537A (Lasalocid) in¬ duced membrane depolarization as observed by chart recordings, in a manner similar to the ferti¬ lization potential [16, 42, 43], A23187 elicited a transient depolarization in P. depressus eggs, and the peak value of this depolarization also de¬ pended on membrane permeability to both Na+ and K+ (our unpublished data). This suggests that the [Ca2+]j increase is closely associated with the generation of component B. In cultured mammalian cells, a Ca2+ -activated channel which does not discriminate between Na+ and K+ has been observed by single-channel cur¬ rent recording [44-47]. Such a Ca2+ activated non-selective channel is probably activated at ferti¬ lization. On the other hand, a Ca2+ -activated Na+ conductance [48-50], and a Ca2+ -activated K+ conductance (reviewed in [50], and see [51-53]), have also been observed. The possibility that a Ca2+ -activated Na channel and a Ca2+ -activated K channel open independently but concomitantly can not be ruled out at present. The transient increase in [Ca2+]i which occurs during the early stages of fertilization has been reported to be dependent upon Ca2+ release from Ca2+-sequestering endoplasmic reticulum. Fur¬ thermore, Ca2+ release is thought to be triggered by inositol 1, 4, 5-triphosphate (IP3) (reviewed in [8, 13, 54]). However, the mechanism by which a fertilizing sperm induces the hydrolysis of polyphosphatidyl-inositol 4, 5-bisphosphate and produces IP3 remains unclear. Finally a step depolarization does not seem to be the cause of component B as suggested by results obtained from studies using either the voltage- clamp method or the current-clamp method. In voltage-clamp experiments in which the membrane potential was clamped at negative potentials of less than —20 mV, a “brief transient current” was observed. This current corresponded to a step depolarization observed during current-clamp ex¬ periment, and was generated without a “prolonged current” which normally follows and corresponds to component B [15]. Therefore, the transient increase in [Ca2 + ]j would not be the effect of the “sperm-egg interaction” which elicits a step de- Fertilization Potential of Sea Urchin Gametes 741 polarization. VI. CONCLUSION We have shown that the fertilization potential of sea urchin eggs consists of at least three membrane events: step depolarization, component A, and component B. We have reviewed studies concern¬ ing possible ionic channels involved during these electrical events. We will now briefly summarize the possible ways in which these membrane events are related. Sperm-egg interaction apparently causes two independent events during the initial stage of fertilization. Both events have not been well characterized. One event involves the gating of channels which have low specificity to monova¬ lent cations, and elicits the step depolarization from about —70 mV to —50 mV. The local cur¬ rent of step depolarization probably activates Ca channel I, resulting in egg membrane depolariza¬ tion (from —50 mV to about 0 mV). The current which passes through channel I is thought to activate Ca channel II. Ca2+ which flows into an egg through the channels I and II probably acti¬ vates Na channels and elicits membrane depolar¬ ization, which lasts for several seconds. These three ionic mechanisms combined, are probably involved in eliciting component A. Another event which is thought to occur at the early stage of fertilization is a facilitation of PI- turnover toward the production of IP3 which, in turn, increases [Ca2+]j. This Ca2+ increase is probably responsible for opening channels which are equally permeable to Na+ and K+, and thus, results in the initiation of component B. The physiological functions of components A and B are not totally understood. However, component A appears to facilitate the incorporation of a fertiliz¬ ing sperm into an egg and components A and B both appear to be involved in electrical block to additional sperm. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Miss Marilyn L. Fitzgeral for editing this manuscript. This work was supported in part by Grant 62304062 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. REFERENCES 1 Tyler, A., Monroy, A., Kao, C. Y. and Grundfest, H. (1956) Biol. Bull., Ill: 153-177. 2 Hiramoto, Y. (1959) Exp. Cell Res., 16: 421-424. 3 Epel, D. (1978) Curr. Top. Dev. Biol., 12: 186-246. 4 Hagiwara, S. and Jaffe, L. A. (1979) Ann. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng., 8: 385-416. 5 Whitaker, M. J. and Steinhardt, R. A. (1982) Q. Rev. Biophys., 15: 593-666. 6 Shen, S. S. (1983) In “Mechanism and Control of Animal Fertilization”. Ed. by J. F. Hartmann, Academic Press, New York, pp. 213-267. 7 Whitaker, M. 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Immediately following a 1 hr exposure to white light of 4000 lux, both 4°C and 14°C animals displayed a similar loss in response amplitude, but while sensitivity recovery in the 14°C group at first progressed more rapidly, it was overtaken by animals from the 4°C population from about the second day post-exposure as witnessed by electrophysiological recordings that were carried out routinely for a period of at least 100 hr post-exposure. Supported by electron micrographs of rhabdom microvilli representing the different experimental groups, it is concluded that the initial biochemical reconstitution of excitable visual pigment occurs faster at higher temperatures, but that parallel microvillar instabilities and breakdown also proceed more rapidly at higher temperatures, leading to ion leakages, sharper response rise times, and flatter than usual V/log I curves. V/log I curves of eyes with reduced sensitivities also allowed us to conclude that the loss in sensitivity is due, at least in part, to a net loss of rhodopsin. The fact, however, that indisputable electrophysiological responses to light can be recorded at all in eyes with seriously distorted visual membranes, suggests that effective rhodopsin may not be exclusively located in intact rhabdomeric microvilli. Complete recovery of visual sensitivity to levels of the control animals was not observed either in 14°C or 4°C material, although the latter was approaching normality approximately 100 hr post-exposure. INTRODUCTION Both constant light as well as constant darkness affect the performance and organization of animal photoreceptors [1]. In the rat, for example, con¬ stant light leads to a degeneration of visual mem¬ branes and a continuous fall in rhodopsin levels [2] which would adequately explain the gradual loss of absolute sensitivity observed in eyes of rats kept under these conditions [2,3]. The visual process in the vertebrate eye commences with a change of the chromophore due to photon absorption and leads, via several steps, to a destruction of the photopig¬ Accepted October 28, 1987 Received September 2, 1987 2 To whom requests of reprints should be addressd. ment. A ‘dark’ phase is required in which protein moiety and chromophore are reassembled; only then renewed photo-excitation is possible [4]. In arthropods the biochemistry of the visual process differs and at least in insects does not normally require a dark phase for photopigment regeneration [5]. In several species of crustaceans, however, it was noticed that exposure to even moderate levels of brightness could suppress visual sensitivity for several days, if not longer [6-9]. Anatomical studies revealed that light-induced photoreceptor damage or breakdown, once trig¬ gered, continued to proceed in the dark long after the initial exposure to light [9-14] and at least in Jasus edwardsii [8] and Boreomysis megalops [15] had a direct impact on the behaviour. The fact that electrophysiologically-recorded 744 M. Lindstrom, H. L. Nilsson and V. B. Meyer- Rochow sensitivity levels apparently recovered before structural integrity was re-established, led Meyer- Rochow and Tiang [8] to suggest a simple model (Fig. 1). This stated that while degradation and removal of visual membrane were exceeding mem¬ brane synthesis and re-assembly and, thus, were the reason for the degenerated appearance of the microvilli in the electron micrographs one or more days post-exposure, the biochemical processes of photopigment regeneration could still operate fast enough to actually show up as improved sensitivity in ERG-recordings one or two days post-exposure. For how long this process would continue and to what extent it might be affected by ambient temperatures, however, were open questions, which to date had not been addressed by the appropriate research. Fig. 1. From histological examinations of visual mem¬ branes and electrophysiological tests of visual sensi¬ tivity in the rock lobster Jasus edwardsii [33] the following hypothesis was formulated: The eye, prior to illumination, is of a certain adaptational state ( = height on the ordinate). Irreversible loss of vision ( = damage) results when either visual pig¬ ment curve (solid line) or membrane curve (dotted) transect the abscissa. Interestingly, the black solid line mirrors electrophysiologically-recorded sensitiv¬ ity which is higher one day post-exposure than immediately post-exposure while rhabdom derange¬ ments are considerably more obvious one day post¬ exposure [27] than immediately post-exposure. On the one hand, Meyer-Rochow and Tiang [16] in their study of eyes of amphipod crustaceans from Antarctica have indicated that temperature alone, in the absence of light, can influence the ultrastructural organization of visual membranes. Barnes and Goldsmith [17] and Larrivee and Gold¬ smith [18], on the other hand, have found that in vitro photopigment regeneration in the lobster Homarus and the crayfish Procambarus was temperature-dependent (just like Stieve [19] on the basis of electrophysiological recordings from the eye of Eupagurus bernhardus had predicted). We decided to elucidate the combined effect of temperature and exposure to light by monitoring post-exposure ERG-determined absolute sensitivi¬ ties and effects on rhabdom morphology in Mysis relicta. Mysis relicta, the northern opossum shrimp, was chosen because (a) it was readily available, (b) the structural organization of the eyes of various spe¬ cies of mysid shrimps had previously been de¬ scribed by light- and electron microscopy [20-24], (c) it was known from ERG-recordings by Lind- strom and Nilsson [25] that at least specimens from the dark Lake Paajarvi had photoreceptors which reacted very sensitively to light, and (d) under natural conditions animals of this species can ex¬ perience temperatures from near freezing point of water to at least 15°C [26]. MATERIALS AND METHODS Electrophysiology Experimental animals were collected in late May from 8°C (surface temperature) warm Lake Paa¬ jarvi at night from a depth of 50-60 m and divided into a 4°C and a 14°C group. Each group was maintained in thermostat-controlled aerated water under total darkness, all necessary manipulations, preparations etc. being carried out in infrared light of >730 nm with the aid of a “Find-R-Scope” infrared viewer. While control animals of both temperature regimes remained in the dark throughout the entire series of the experiments, at least two days following capture, two subsets, representing the 4°C and 14°C groups, were ex¬ posed in a large Petri dish (30 cm diameter) for 1 hr at midday to artificial white light of 4000 lux coming from a ring-type (24 cm diameter) desk lamp. Four such exposures, two with 4°C and two with 14°C animals, were carried out during which no fatalities amongst experimental animals were encountered. Following the exposure to the light, Temperature-dependent Visual Sensitivity Recovery 745 the animals were immediately returned to their dark environments of their respective groups. Ex¬ posed animals were, of course, kept separately from the non-exposed controls. Tests of post¬ exposure visual sensitivity commenced 1 hr after the animals had been returned to the dark to recover and continued, at the beginning, roughly every 5 hr. From the second day onwards bigger intervals were allowed. Care was taken to test 4°C and 14°C animals alternatingly. Experimental procedures closely followed those reported previously [7]. During preparation, using infra-red image converters mounted on a Wild-5 stereomicroscope, each animal was illuminated by light that had passed through 2 Kodak Wratten 87 gelatin filters and sometimes a heat filter as well, which were inserted in the ray path of white light coming from a microscope lamp. The incident light, perpendicular to the eye surface, was cen¬ tered around the hole through which the recording electrode was lowered 40-50 pm into the eye. The light spot made by the stimulating flash was large enough to cover the entire eye. Always the same region of the eye was aimed for when inserting the electrode. Following preparations, which, on average, did not take longer than 5-10 min, the test animals were given 30 min in total darkness to recuperate from the operation. The system for stimulation consisted of an extended source (Osram 6V, 15W microscope lamp, powered by a constant voltage device) and all recordings were made in the AC-setting. All experimental response/stimulus data pairs were entered into an Exzel TP2 computer in such a way that response amplitudes were expressed in /N and stimulus intensities in nd-units. For easier reference to any particular neutral density one log unit of reduced stimulus intensity was arbitrarily divided into 120 equal nd-units, 0.5 of a log unit, thus, becoming 60, 2 log units being 240 etc. V/log I curves were printed by a Panasonic KX-P1091P printer in a double logarithmic plot. The program used was Lotus 123. Similar double logarithmic plots were used to demonstrate, response/time and stimulus intensity/time relationships for fixed neu¬ tral density and response amplitude, respectively. Finally, based on the widely used formula n = log(-V- V )/ log f we determined the slopes (nj) of our V/log I curves as n = log Vi(Vm— V2) V2(Vm-V1) logCIj) — log(I2) where Vi = response to stimulus intensity lu V2 = response to stimulus intensity I2, and Vm = max¬ imum response at log 1 = 0. Electron microscopy For electron microscopy a number of eyes from different experimental groups (Table 1) were fixed for 3 hr in Karnovsky’s well known fixative ad¬ justed to a pH of 7.2 and an osmolarity of 400 mOsmol. Sodium-cacodylate buffer was used throughout. An initial dissection of the eyes was carried out in the fixative in darkness (IR-light and IR-viewers) and after about 5 min a final dissection into small retinal pieces was carried out in faint white microscope light (ca. 4 min). The fixation was then continued in darkness. Table 1 . Number of eyes available for histolo¬ gy in the different experimental groups Dark/Light exposure DA LA LA— DA Ambient water temperature + 4°C 4 4 4 + 14°C 4 0 4 (DA = dark-adapted, LA = white light exposure 4000 Lux for 1 hr, LA— *D A = light-exposed animals post-dark-adapted for another 5 days before fixation of the eyes. Postfixation was carried out for 2 hr in 2% Os04. Dehydration was achieved in a graded series of alcohol and followed by blockstaining in 0.5% uranylacetate/1% phosphotungstic acid and embedding in Epon. Sections for electron micros¬ copy were stained in uranylacetate and lead for 30 min (LKB grid strainer). Sections were examined in a Zeiss EM10. 746 M. Lindstrom, H. L. Nilsson and V. B. Meyer-Rqchow RESULTS The physiological data obtained indicate that in Mysis relicta in agreement with the crayfish Pro - cambarus clarkii [27], but in contrast to the situa¬ tion in insects and cephalopods, where light is required for the reconversion of photopigment into its excitable form [5], the process of photopig¬ ment regeneration will take place in the dark. Not unexpectedly V/log I relationships of both 4°C and 14°C control animals exhibited the same general shape in all individuals tested and over the entire experimental period (cf. Figs. 2-4 and 5-7). In both cases threshold levels of 10 juV response amplitudes correspond to stimulus intensities of — 6 log I units or below and maximum amplitudes of around 10,000 juV were recorded in response to flashes of the brightest light available (log 1=0). Absolute sensitivities were severely reduced in animals of both temperature regimes following a 1 hr exposure to light of 4000 lux though the effect was particularly pronounced in the 4°C group. Interestingly, the V/log I curves of eyes with re¬ duced sensitivity in relation to the controls are not simply shifted down the log-response axis, but also to the right on the log I axis — a phenomenon already noticed by Cummins and Goldsmith [6] and interpreted as a loss of rhodopsin. Fig. 2. Data of 4°C animals plotted on log-log axes, showing gradual increases in sensitivity of 1 hr-22 hr post-exposure animals in relation to 1 day control animal. There was a tendency of all animals tested, irrespective of whether they came from the 4°C population or 14°C population to exhibit some degree of post-exposure sensitivity increase, but the way this sensitivity increase developed and progressed with time, definitely depended on the temperature the test animals were kept under during the recuperation period. When cold (4°C) Fig. 3. Data of 4°C animals plotted on log-log axes, showing intensity/ response curves of 37 far-72 hr post-exposure animals in relation to 2 day control animal. Fig. 4. Data of 4°C animals plotted on log-log axes, showing /intensity response curves of 100 hr- 195 hr post-exposure animals in relation to 5 day and 14 day control animal. Temperature-dependent Visual Sensitivity Recovery 747 light-exposed animals were dark-adapted again at 4°C, their eyes did not fully recover to the sensitiv¬ ity of the controls within 9 days, but appeared nonetheless capable of further sensitivity improve¬ ment, given time (Figs. 2-4, 9 and 11). On the other hand, light-exposed animals of the 14°C group kept under that same temperature to recov¬ er, reached corresponding sensitivity levels already after one day, but from then on their V/log I □ C Id +1H 0 6H A 12 H X17H Fig. 5. Data of 14°C animals plotted on log-log axes, showing intensity /response curves of 1 hr- 17 hr post-exposure animals in relation to 1 day control animal. □ C 3d + 23 H 0 24H A32H X38H Fig. 6. Data of 14°C animals plotted on log-log axes, showing intensity /response curves of 23 hr-38 hr post-exposure animals in relation to 3 day control animal. curves became flatter and frequently peak re¬ sponse amplitudes actually fell (Figs. 5-7, 10 and 12). Falling response amplitudes in the 14°C group were regularly linked to faster rise and fall speeds of the response, causing the responses to become sharper and more spike-like in appearance. For morphological correlates, see below and Figures 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Peak responses in the recovering 4°C group Fig. 7. Data of 14°C animals plotted on log-log axes, showing intensity /response curves of 42 hr-58 hr post-exposure animals in relation to 5 day control animal. n 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 < o<° o 4 t o ox o ° * O ♦ 4°C controls ° Kc • 14°C controls 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 log (hrs) Fig. 8. Slopes (n) of V/log I curves, usually calculated between log I = — 1 and —3, of 4°C and 14°C ex¬ perimental and control animals. 748 M. Lindstrom, H. L. Nilsson and V. B. Meyer-Rochow Fig. 9. Response values of 4°C animals to fixed stimulus intensities in relation to post-exposure time plotted on log-log axes. ND=60, ND = 120, and ND = 180 correspond to log I values of —0.5, —1, and —1.5, respectively. log I nd Fig. 11. Responses of 20 fN and 60 fN and their cor¬ responding stimulus intensities in 4°C animals in relation to post-exposure time plotted on log-log axes. Dotted in are the controls. Fig. 10. Response values of 14°C animals to fixed stim¬ ulus intensities in relation to post-exposure time plotted on log-log axes. ND=60, ND = 120, and ND = 180 correspond to log I values of —0.5, — 1, and —1.5, respectively. Fig. 12. Responses of 10 fN and 60 fN and their cor¬ responding stimulus intensities in 14°C animals in relation to time plotted on log-log axes. Dotted in are the controls. Fig. 13. Electron micrograph of cross section through the rhabdom layer of a fully dark-adapted eye of My sis relicta kept at 14°C. With regard to rhabdom organisation, microvillus dimensions, and degree of regularity in the visual membranes the eyes of dark-adapted 4°C (Fig. 14) animals are no different. All rhabdoms are voluminous and the screening pigment granules are restricted to a narrow cytoplasmic rim surrounding the former. Abbrevia¬ tions; Rh = rhabdom; SP= screening pigment. The scale is 5 /an. Temperature-dependent Visual Sensitivity Recovery 749 750 M. Lindstrom, H. L. Nilsson and V. B. Meyer-Rochow reached maximally 1200 pV, but in the recovering 14°C group 480 juV were not exceeded. While maximum amplitudes in the 4°C group gradually increased with time spent in the dark, a tendency for the peak amplitudes to remain depressed or actually fall while at the same time thresholds kept “creeping” towards lower levels was regularly observed in the 14°C animals. The average slopes of all the V/log I curves, obtained post-exposure along the -3 to -1 log I stretch were 0.48 + 0.15 (n = 11) for the 14°C material and 0.56 + 0.12 (n = 14) for the 4°C animals. The slopes of the V/log I curves of the 14°C and 4°C controls in the corre¬ sponding region measured 0.58 + 0.08 (n = 3) and 0.56 + 0.06 (n = 4), respectively (Fig. 8). The initial somewhat faster sensitivity recovery can also be demonstrated when response ampli¬ tudes are plotted against time for a given neutral density filter, i.e. fixed stimulus light intensity. The data, once again, reveal that while the upward trend in the 4°C animals continues (Fig. 9), the 14°C animals actually exhibit decreasing response amplitudes with time (Fig. 10). Another interesting and instructive way of com¬ paring the results from the 4°C and the 14°C population of animals is to take the 50 juV response stretch spanning from the near-threshold response of 10 /jW to 60 juV and following the corresponding stimulus intensities required to produce these two responses in relation to post-exposure time (Figs. 11 and 12). While the 50 juV stretch in all the controls of both 4°C and 14°C animals typically corresponds to little more than half of a log unit of stimulus intensity change (usually within the vicin¬ ity of log 1= —6 and logI=— 5) the situation in exposed animals is quite different. In both 4°C and 14°C animals the 50 pW stretch immediately fol¬ lowing exposure to the adapting light covers approximately 2 log units of stimulus intensities ranging from the brightest light available at log I = 0 to about 1/100 of this intensity. With time, thresholds become lower and intensi¬ ties eliciting the 10 pV and 60 juV responses move closer together: discrimination of intensity shades improves. But while the response amplitudes in the 4°C material generally progressed at least until 100 hr post-exposure (Fig. 11), those of the 14°C animals showed a different trend (Fig. 12) In the 14°C animals the 10-60 p\ bars corresponding to effective stimulus intensities became increasingly longer until after 58 hr post-exposure the 50 pV stretch covered 4 1/2 log units of stimulus intensi¬ ties (Fig. 12). Remarkably enough, thresholds, however, kept on getting lower so that increasingly dimmer flashes of light elicited responses. Exactly the same trend showed up when instead of 10-60 juV 10 and 100 pV were chosen to monitor corre¬ sponding stimulus intensities along the post¬ exposure time axis. The controls, meanwhile, irrespective of the 4°C or 14°C temperature, re¬ tained their high sensitivity and short 10-60 //V (or 10-100 juV) bars. Electron microscopy The morphological changes which are reported in this section are restricted to the main rhabdoms of My sis relicta. This species also contains a distal rhabdom (as well as a so-called epirhabdom) simi¬ lar to the one reported in Praunus flexuosus [20] . Animals kept in darkness at both +4°C and at + 14°C exhibited well preserved visual receptor cells with the photoreceptive membranes, the mi¬ crovilli, being regularly arranged (Figs. 13 and 14). Eyes from animals kept at +4°C and exposed to white light (4000 lux) for 1 hr and then fixed im¬ mediately after exposure to light showed normal Fig. 14. Electron micrograph of the rhabdom of a 4°C fully dark-adapted specimen not previously exposed to experimental light. The scale is 0.5 /urn. Fig. 15. Electron micrograph of the rhabdom of a 4°C specimen that was exposed to white light of 4000 lux for 1 hr and fixed immediately afterwards. The microvilli are well-preserved and the rhabdom shows no signs of disruption. The scale is 0.5 /an. Fig. 16. Electron micrograph of microvilli from the eye of a 4°C animal that was kept in the dark for 5 days following 1 hr exposure to white light of 4000 lux. Note the mixture of swollen microvilli, about 2-3 times the normal size, and normal-sized ones. The scale is 0.5 /an. Fig. 17. Electron micrograph of rhabdom microvilli as in Fig. 16, but of the eye of an animal kept at 14°C. Note the overall severe derangement and loosening of microvilli and membrane whorls (arrow) indicative of damage or turnover. The scale is 0.5 /an. 752 M. Lindstrom, H. L. Nilsson and V. B. Meyer-Rochow rhabdoms and well preserved photoreceptor mem¬ branes (Fig. 15). This was in strong contrast to those animals in which a dark period of 5 days followed the light exposure. The rhabdoms of these eyes showed swollen microvilli although the tight packing of the photoreceptor membranes was still maintained (Fig. 16). In terms of photoreceptor membrane integrity the worst conditions were seen when + 14°C ani¬ mals were treated as above and examined 5 days post-exposure. A marked derangement of the photoreceptor membranes was noted in distinct areas of the rhabdom. No longer was the close packing of the microvilli to be found in these areas (Fig. 17) and a rough estimation showed that a- bout 30-50% of the cross-sectional area of the electron micrographs was occupied by distorted visual membranes. DISCUSSION Initially, prior to the exposure of the adapting light, sensitivities were of equal magnitude in the two 4°C and 14°C populations and the controls. The ultrastructural organisation of the rhabdoms of the two temperature groups, too, was identical. Then, following the 1 hr exposure to the adapting light, both 4°C and 14°C animals, still in unison, displayed a similar loss in response amplitude. Rhabdoms and visual membranes still remained unaffected. The dichotomy of the two tempera¬ ture groups began with post-exposure sensitivity recovery in the dark but while 4°C and 14°C groups recovered differently, controls, kept in the dark throughout the entire test series, showed no signif¬ icant differences of their V/log I relationships. This proves that temperature does affect the pat¬ tern of recovery of the absolute sensitivity follow¬ ing exposure to light. To understand how the changes could have been brought about it seems essential to briefly examine what could have led to the dramatic sensitivity loss in the first place. The electrophysiologically-recorded eye re¬ sponse, which was used to monitor sensitivity, disregarding purely technical difficulties, depends on a number of phenomena within the eye. Firstly, there are the amounts of visually excitable photo¬ pigments and non-excitable photoproducts, which if not removed may filter and attenuate the light flux down the rhabdoms [28]. No doubt, photopig¬ ment molecules that have absorbed a photon be¬ come unexcitable and will have to be subtracted from the pool of photo-excitable substance until reconstituted. Secondly, there is the amount of visual membrane available for the photopigment molecules to be built into. With more membrane area available for photopigment to associate with, there can be a greater pool of photoexcitable substance to start with. Then there is, thirdly, the quality of the membrane, which determines its permeability characteristics. In the highly sensitive dark-adapted eye, an active sodium pump in the membrane is responsible for low intracellular Na+ levels, but upon photoexcitation Na+ ions rush inwards to produce the well-known receptor potentials. A leaky membrane or an intracellular release of Ca2+ can lead to reduced potentials similar to light-adaptation [29] and a malfunction¬ ing Na+-pump would prevent a speedy return to resting potential levels. Fourthly, and finally, the position, abundance, and chemistry of the screen¬ ing pigments, the dimensions, shapes and contents of receptor and associated cells all can influence the light flux reaching the visual membranes. In many species of crustaceans, including mysids, a certain amount of screening pigment migration is the rule, but in the compound eyes of the mysid Neomysis integer pigment movements are comparatively small, with distal pigments not passing beyond the cone and proximal pigment not leaving the rhabdom region [20]. Complete light- adaptation in Neomysis integer takes about 20 min [20]. Since even in the frigid water of the Antarctic environment, pigment migration speeds were no different from temperate regions [16, 30] we do not believe our 4°C and 14°C material would have reacted significantly differently and assume that in the eye of Mysis relicta screening pigments would have been in the extreme light-adapted position following the 1 hr exposure to the adapting light. It has been reported that unphysiologically high temperatures, probably via intracellular C02- poisoning or a lack of oxygen can cause the screening pigments to remain locked in the light- adapted position [31]. For three reasons, however, we do not believe that this would have happened in Temperature-dependent Visual Sensitivity Recovery 753 our Mysis relicta for (a) the temperatures were not unphysiologically high [26], (b) the water was aerated and control animals displayed normal, high sensitivity, and (c) the appearance of the eyes of post-exposure 14°C animals under the dissecting microscope was no different from that of 4°C animals. Much more important than the position of screening pigment seem the processes involved in membrane turnover and photopigment recovery. There is evidence that higher temperatures in crustaceans can speed up the biochemical process of photopigment restoration [17-19] so that we should expect 14°C animals to recover more quick¬ ly. At the same time, however, an animal not sufficiently acclimatised to the higher temperature regime exhibits an elevated metabolism (higher Q10-values) and respiration quotients which indi¬ cate a marked degree of conversion of carbohy¬ drates to lipid (Taylor and Meyer-Rochow, unpub¬ lished). It is known that unsaturation of lipids in membranes increases with chilling [32, 33] and presumably the opposite occurs with an increase in temperature. It is unlikely that lipid movement is achieved by an actual flow of intact membrane elements since net growth seldom occurs under stress, but more probably lipids move via an exchange process such as that known to be medi¬ ated by phospholipid exchange proteins [34]. Furthermore, Thompson [34] states that because eukaryotic cells are highly compartmentalized, most lipid modifications are brought about in one region of the cell, usually the endoplasmic reticu¬ lum. Thus, if under thermal stress sudden in¬ creases in lipid synthesis for an increased volume of endoplasmic reticulum were required (and an increase in ER has, indeed, been described by Meyer-Rochow and Eguchi [35] for retinula cells of crayfish kept at 30°C for 3 weeks), the implica¬ tion is obvious and would possibly lead to high rates of carbohydrate conversion to lipid to replace thermally-unstable membranes. The metabolic problems are more complicated still, for up to 80% of the visual membrane may not actually represent lipid, but a photopigment protein like rhodopsin [36]. A search, by the way, for de-hydro-retinal, a photopigment identified by HPLC in the eye of cold-adapted freshwater crayfish [37], occurring additionally to the photo¬ pigment rhodopsin, was negative in Mysis relicta (Suzuki, personal communication). Digitonin ex¬ tracts of two rhodopsins from the eye of Procam- barus clarkii by Larrivee and Goldsmith [18] readi¬ ly converted to stable metarhodopsin photoprod¬ ucts at 10°C, but when warmed to 22°C they bleached within minutes to retinal and opsin. As long as the photoproducts together with the rho¬ dopsins remain components of the membrane they add to the stability of the latter, but with the removal of the stabilizing protein following bleaching at the warmer temperature, serious membrane instabilities could result, prompting re¬ pairs and possibly causing leakages of the mem¬ brane with a subsequent Na+-influx and/or Ca2+- release, both of which would tend to reduce elec- trophysiologically-recorded response amplitudes [29, 38]. Our ultrastructural data on 4°C and 14°C light-exposed eyes, examined 5 days post¬ exposure, add considerable weight to the scenario suggested above. When it is remembered that responses were recorded always from the dimmest to the brightest lights up and never the other way round and this is seen in connection with the performance of mem¬ brane Na+-pumps which apparently become im¬ paired at higher temperatures [19], it becomes obvious that the capacity of the 14°C eyes to sustain the gradually improving sensitivity (as evi¬ denced by the observed increases in thresholds and derangement of photoreceptor membrane) is in¬ ferior to that of the 4°C group with regard to brighter stimuli and possibly dimmer, but longer stimuli as well. It is interesting to note that a 2-fold decrease in response amplitudes has also been reported by Oakley et al. [39] from the eye of the toad Bufo when temperature was raised from 13.5°C to 27.5°C. Most likely the performance of membrane pumps was responsible in both cases, though a small overall decrease in haemolymphatic Na+ reported to occur with an increase in temperature [40] could have been involved, at least in Mysis relicta, as well. That reduced slope of V/log I curves probably resulted from light-adaptation taking place during the initial phase of the dark- adapted receptor’s response to a bright flash, was 754 M. Lindstrom, H. L. Nilsson and V. B. Meyer-Rochow the conclusion reached by Horridge and Tsuka- hara [4]. According to Matic and Laughlin [42] this depression of peak amplitudes and the flatten¬ ing of the V/log I curve, could be explained by voltage sensitive K+ conductance and a reduction in the ratio of channels to photons occurring during the response. However, irrespective of whether Na+, Ca2+ or K+ concentrations were involved, since almost all of the discussed effects are membrane-related phenomena it seems safe to conclude that as long as the dissolution and break¬ down of visual membrane exceeds membrane synthesis, and the normal membrane turnover is out-of-balance, consistent V/log I curves of regular shapes and slopes are not likely to be encountered. It is generally assumed that newly synthesised membrane, containing excitable photopigment, is transported to the rhabdomere via the cytoplasmic route. However, the fact that clear electrophys- iological responses to light can be recorded in invertebrate as well as vertebrate eyes with seriously distorted visual membranes shown in this investigation and others [2, 8], suggests that effec¬ tive rhodopsin may not be exclusively located in the membranes of the rhabdomeric microvilli or outer segment discs, respectively. Schwemer [4] suggested that the cell membrane adjacent to the rhabdomere may be the site of new membrane insertion plus photopigment. If this were so it would explain why Drosophila with severely dam¬ aged rhabdomeres responded electrophysiological- ly to flashes of light (Eguchi, personal communica¬ tion) and why dermal chromatophores in fish con¬ taining rhodopsin [43] but no microvilli or mem¬ brane discs could react directly to light [44]. The membrane adjacent to the rhabdomere is essentially a smooth wall with few folds to increase the surface area and, thus, the holding capacity for photopigment molecules. Overstimulation would be a constant danger unless the number of ion channels to photons was reduced, effectively caus¬ ing a decrease in gain. If the increase in sensitivity in the 14°C group, because of thermal destruction of the microvillar membranes of the rhabdom, depended primarily on the amount of photopig¬ ment within newly synthesized membrane, an ex¬ haustion of photoexcitable molecules would be expected to occur much more rapidly in the 14°C than in the 4°C group, which suffered less thermal damage to its rhabdom. This might also explain the sharper rise and fall times of the responses observed under higher temperature in light- exposed animals ([19], Lindstrom and Meyer- Light Dark Time - 4 Light Dark Time Fig. 18a and b. Based on the results of this paper the scenario suggested in Fig. 1 is amended to show its temperature dependence. Prior to illumination the eye is of a certain adaptational state (DA) = height on the ordinate, which could differ between warm and cold animals, but did not in our material. The temperature difference between 14°C (Fig. 18a) and 4°C (Fig. 18b) is deemed too small to significantly alter the biochemical reaction speed with which photopigment and light interact. For that reason the excitatory visual pigment curve (solid line) follows an identical shape in (a) and (b). Recovery of photopigment in the dark is faster for the 14°C material, but so is the membrane breakdown (dotted line) which in the 14°C material (a) reaches a level that shows up as physical damage under the micro¬ scope. In the cold water animals (b) photopigment recovery is slower and though membrane disrup¬ tions characteristic of light adaptation (LA) also develop, they did not transgress into the damage zone; — at least not over the period of our observa¬ tions. Whether the 14°C eye with membrane dam¬ age, given time, can recover or loses all capacity for vision as in Bathynomus [10] and whether in (b) membrane damage levels would be reached at a later date presently remain unknown. Temperature-dependent Visual Sensitivity Recovery 755 Rochow, in preparation). In conclusion we can say that the observations reported in this paper have clearly shown that temperatures influence the pattern of in vivo post¬ exposure sensitivity recovery and the ultrastruc- tural organisation of the rhabdom (Fig. 18a, b). They also indicate that in the 14°C population threshold sensitivites improve faster compared with the 4°C group, but that flashes of increasing brightness lead to faster and longer lasting ampli¬ tude reductions in the 14°C post-exposure animals. Altered membrane properties, like voltage- sensitive K+ conductance or impaired function of Na+-pumps, removal of bleached photopigments and resulting membrane instability, as evidenced by the ultrastructure of the My sis rhabdom, and leakiness in the 14°C material are thought to be the main reason for the documented difference in post-exposure ERG-behaviours. Experiments which we have not yet been able to do, but which ought to be carried out to further clarify how temperature and light affect photore¬ ceptor function are (a) to study sensitivity recovery of animals pre-acclimated to 4°C and 14°C under reverse temperature conditions, i.e. at 14°C and 4°C, respectively; and (b) to expose animals pre- acclimated to 4°C and 14°C to light under reverse temperature conditions. Electrophysiological in¬ vestigations ought then to be paralleled by ultra- structural examination and an analysis of the de¬ gree of lipid saturation of cell membranes in the eye; a supplementary freeze-fracture study of the density of membrane particles would be desirable. Data on quantities of extracted total photopigment within the receptors of the various experimental groups should also be compared. Only then can we hope to unravel and understand some of the subtleties of the intricately interwoven processes involved in determining an eye’s sensitivity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to the Finnish Academy of Sciences for the support rendered towards this project and Mr. Svante Dagerholm for his help in the field during our nightly fishing. V. B. Meyer- Rochow, further, wishes to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Founda¬ tion (Bonn, W. Germany) and Mr. Ivan Manning (Bio¬ logical Sciences, Waikato University) for his skillful operation of the computer used in analysing the data and Dr. Mark Schroder (Department of Mathematics, Waikato University) for his advice on the mathematical treatment. H. L. Nilsson (electron micrographs) is grateful to the Swedish Medical Research Council (Plan¬ ning Group for Peripheral Visual Physiology, Grant 145— 3000) and wishes to thank Prof. R. Elofsson (Grant NFR-2760-113) for his interest and encouragement. The manuscript was completed in the stimulating sur¬ roundings of Prof. E. Eguchi’s laboratory at Yokohama City University, Department of Biology. REFERENCES 1 Eguchi, E. 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ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 759-766 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Mode of Melanosome Migration in Teleostean Melanophores Tomio Naitoh, Katsumi Takeuchi and Ikuo Takabatake Department of Biology, Shimane University, 1060 Nishikawatsu, Matsue, Shimane 690, Japan ABSTRACT — Using melanophores in scales of the fish Chaenogobius sp. 2, we observed the migratory behavior of melanosomes that delayed the start of centripetal movement from the tip of cell processes during melanosome aggregation. Melanosomes with delayed starts migrated smoothly and individually, or in a very small group in succession. When melanosome dispersion was induced before all melanosomes had reached the central mass, centripetal migration of the peripheral melanosomes and centrifugal migration of the central melanosome mass was simultaneously observed within single cell processes. This indicates that the melanophores possess two distinct intracellular activities concerning the melanosome migration: one which forces melanosomes in a periphero-central direction and the other activity which causes dispersion. Velocity for the centripetal migration of individual melanosomes showed three phases as the granules travelled along cell processes; a first phase of rapid acceleration, a second phase with slightly increasing speed and a deceleration phase. Differences in the structure of the cytoplasm along cell processes may account for the differences in velocity during the three phases of migration. There are no differences in the velocity profiles between melanophores obtained from the dark stripes of skin and those from light ones. This suggests that the differential responses of melanophores that cause the patterned skin, do not depend on their intracellular characteristics, but on the differential extrinsic stimuli. INTRODUCTION The migration of pigment granules within fish chromatophores has been of interest to many researchers. As shown in reviews [1-4], a variety of physiological, pharmacological, biochemical and electronmicroscopy studies have produced some important concepts on this phenomenon. Many methods have been used in the physio¬ logical and pharmacological study of chroma¬ tophores [1,2]. Most of them, however, deal with recording the movement of pigment granule mass. When this method is used, it is hard to analyse local activities occurring within chromatophores. In order to fully understand pigment granule migration, behavior of pigment granules in each site of cell processes should be observed. One of the best ways to study this behavior seems to be recording the translocation of individual granules along a process. Although many papers have been published on the chromatophores, only a few of Accepted November 13, 1987 Received March 31, 1987 these papers [5-9] have traced the movement of individual granules. In the scale melanophores of Chaenogobius (Gobiidae) species, it is striking that a consider¬ able number of melanosomes are commonly left at the tip of cell processes during the aggregation response of the cell, and that those granules later move to the cell center, in succession, to join the central melanosome mass. In an attempt to under¬ stand the granule migration mechanism in chroma¬ tophores, we observed the behavior of the melano¬ somes which had delayed their migration in these melanophores. MATERIALS AND METHODS Both sexes of Sumiukigori Chaenogobius sp. 2 [10] were used. They were 7-9 cm in length and were taken from the streams at Kaga and Chikumi in Shimane Peninsula, Japan. This fish has the ability of assuming a patterned background with dark and light stripes, which depends on the differential activities of melanophores, in addition to matching the background shade. 760 T. Naitoh, K. Takeuchi and I. Takabatake A scale, in which the melanophores are embed¬ ded on the outer side, was plucked from the postero-lateral region of the body trunk near the second dorsal fin. It was then set in a trough with the external surface down and single processes of the melanophore were observed with a 100 X oil-immersion objective on a binocular light micro¬ scope (Olympus BH-2). Recording of melano- some migration was done by two methods; time lapse microphotography at an interval of 1.4 to 2.6 sec with a motor-driven camera (Olympus OM-2N and a motor driving unit) and direct measurement of melanosome location through a 10 X ocular lens equipped with a micrometer. Super-imposed trac¬ ing of photographs was used to estimate melano¬ some velocity. Melanosome aggregation was in¬ duced by three methods: 1) the administration of an isotonic KC1 solution or a KC1 solution diluted 2:1 with physiological saline solution; 2) 10 norepinephrine chloride (Sankyo) dissolved in a physiological saline solution; or 3) a 20 to 50 V-60 Hz alternating current for 60 sec through a glass capillary electrode that was 25 to 50 pm in tip diameter [11]. Redispersion of the melanosomes was caused by: 1) exchanging the KC1 solution with a physiological saline solution; 2) by nor¬ epinephrine solution for 100 atropine sulfate (Sigma) dissolved in a physiological saline solu¬ tion; or 3) by removal of the electrical current, respectively. The physiological saline solution was composed of NaCl 128 mM, KC1 2.6 mM, CaCl 2 1.8 mM and buffered to pH 7.2 with Tris-HCl. The room temperature ranged between 24.0 and 24.5 °C. RESULTS General characteristics of melanophores Figure 1 shows a melanophore that is located in a Chaenogobius scale. Melanophores situated in the dark stripes of the skin were more branched and darker than those in the light stripes. The central area of dispersed melanophores was usual¬ ly less granulated. The diameter of a cell in the dispersed state was 130 to 220 pm. In this species as in many other teleostean melanophores, ap¬ plication of KC1, norepinephrine or an alternating 30pm Fig. 1. Scale melanophore of Chaenogobius sp. 2. A melanophore from a dark stripe of skin is shown in A and B; a melanophore from a light stripe, in C and D. A, C: Melanosome dispersed melanophore in physiological saline solution. B, D: Melanosome aggregation in isotonic KC1 solution for 10 min. current caused melanosomes to aggregate in the cell center, in a clump 15-55 pm in diameter. Melanosome mass was sharply outlined in the cytoplasm when mass aggregation was completed. Removal of alternating current or replacement of KC1 solution by the physiological saline solution resulted in melanosome redispersal. After nor¬ epinephrine treatment, melanosome redispersal was difficult to be produced with the physiological saline solution alone. However, application of atropine soon elicited the complete redispersal of the melanosomes. Migration of melanosomes separated from the mass Melanophore response to KC1 or nor¬ epinephrine took up to five minutes to initiate. With alternating current the response took several seconds to start. From then on, it took from five to fifteen minutes to attain the maximal melanosome aggregation, with the time depending on the indi- Melanosome Migration 761 vidual differences of melanophores, their locations in the scale, and the concentration of aggregation agents or current intensity. It was notable that a group of melanosomes was left at the extremity of the processes during the 10pm Fig. 2. Translocation of the melanosomes separated from the central mass. A: Melanosome-dispersed state in physiological saline solution. B-L: Move¬ ment of three melanosomes in a group in isotonic KC1 solution. Interval between each figure except A and B: 2.8 sec. Melanosomes indicated by arrow began their migration from the terminal location (B) and are moving to the central mass (C-L). The melanophore used in this preparation is taken from a light stripe of skin. aggregation response of melanophores. However, over a period of time all of these melanosomes moved individually or in a small group to join the central mass (Fig. 2). In the melanophores treated with norepinephrine, it usually took more than 1.5 hr for all of the melanosomes left to move to the cell center. Melanosome migration was linear, as though they ran along a narrow track (Fig. 3). Even when melanosome dispersal was allowed by removal of KC1 or electric current, or by adminis¬ tration of atropine, distal melanosomes which were separated from the mass, continued to move in centripetal direction, until their movements were overwhelmed by the central mass dispersal (Figs. 4 and 5). The velocity of the distal melano¬ somes decreased or the melanosomes made U- turns before they joined the central mass. This indicates that centrifugal migration effects the cen¬ tripetal movement even before the centrifugal melanosomes reach the inwardly migrating ones. It took fifteen to twenty minutes to recover maximal granule dispersal after removal of either KC1 or the alternating current. Treatment with atropine completed the redispersal slightly faster. During the course of redispersal, melanosomes moved back and forth over a short distance. In addition, several pulsations were occasionally observed, though no pulsations were recorded in the atropine treated cells. Velocity of the centripetal migration of individual melanosomes The speed of individual granules, which moved separately after the mass aggregation was com¬ pleted, was frequently faster than that of the mass aggregation. Furthermore, velocities of individual Fig. 3. Superimposed traces of melanosome location in the pictures B to L from Fig. 2. Locations indicated by the capital letters correspond with those of the pictures in Fig. 2, respectively. 762 T. Naitoh, K. Takeuchi and I. Takabatake 20pm Fig. 4. Observation of both centripetal and centrifugal migration of melanosomes in a sigle cell process. A: Melanosome-dispersed state. B-G: Series of photo¬ graphs taken at intervals of 2.8 sec in physiological saline solution after removal of an alternating cur¬ rent of 50 V-60 Hz. Melanosomes, indicated by the granules were slightly different depending on the processes. However, the granules which appeared to move in the same “lane” of a process had similar velocities. Average moving speed of melanosomes is shown in Figure 6. It indicates three phases of velocity; the first phase, in which aggregation of melanosomes rapidly accelerated; the second phase, ranging between about 1.5 and 2.5 //m/sec, where the speed increased only slightly; and the third phase in which the melanosomes slowed down. Basic features of the moving speed did not seem to vary with the different kinds of stimuli. DISCUSSION Previous workers [5-7, 12] have noted, that when melanophores are stimulated to aggregate, some melanosomes are usually left at the tip of the processes. The same is true, and rather striking so, in the melanophores of the present species. To investigate the dynamics of the granule migration in chromatophores, melanosomes which separate from the central mass and then later move indi¬ vidually in succession, seem particularly suitable for study. By following the movement of melanosomes at the central mass and the movement of the melano¬ somes left at the tip of a melanophore process, Kamada and Kinosita [6] observed both types of migration, centrifugal and centripetal, occurring at the same time in one process. In the present study, the same phenomenon was observed. These iden¬ tical results suggest that intracellular activities are quite different between the distal region of the cell, where melanosomes are moving centripetally, and the proximal region, where melanosomes are moving centrifugally. From this, we conclude that melanophores possess two distinct intracellular activities concerning melanosome migration; one activity which forces melanosomes to move in a central direction and the other activity which makes them disperse. The melanosome driving force is controlled locally. A balance between the arrows on the left, are migrating centripetally, while the central mass, indicated by the arrows on the right, is dispersing centrifugally. The melanophore used in this preparation is taken from a light stripe of skin. Melanosome Migration 763 Norepinephrine Atropine Fig. 5. Translocation of melanosomes traced with an ocular micrometer. A, B and C were treated with 10 /jM. norepinephrine, isotonic KC1 and an alternating current of 50 V, respectively. The stippled portion indicates the area where mass melanosomes are distributed. 1 is the trace of the outer edge of the melanosome mass. The remaining are the traces of a single melanosome or a very small number of melanosomes in a group. Both movements of the individual melanosomes and of the central mass are traced in a given cell process. Note that the melanosomes left at the extremity of the process move centripetally even when the central mass begins to disperse. The melanophore used in these preparations are taken from a light stripe of skin. areas occupied by the two different cell activities seems to determine a given state of melanosome distribution, such as complete dispersion, half dis¬ persion or half aggregation, or complete aggrega¬ tion. The origin of the pulsations is considered to be neural in some melanophores [13]. However, the phenomenon seems to be ultimately ascribable to the fluctuation in the balance of the two antago¬ nistic intracellular activities. Pigment migrating speeds in chromatophores have been recorded by some investigators [7, 9, 14-19]. In Pterophyllum melanophores, melano¬ somes treated with KC1 to induce centripetal movement travel at 0.56-3.69 pm/sec [14] or 2 /un/sec [16]; and with epinephrine at 1.5-2 /un/sec [19]. Green [7] obtained speeds of 2-6 /un/sec in Fundulus melanophores by epinephrine adminis¬ tration. In Holocentrus erythrophores, a much higher velocity was reported, 10 //m/sec with KC1 treatment [17] and 16 jum/sec with epinephrine [15]. The results we obtained are similar to the velocities in the former two species. Because pigment granules moved linearly and smoothly to the cell center, it is not hard to estimate their velocity of centripetal migration by means of mi¬ crocinematography or time lapse microphotogra¬ phy. However, except for Kamada and Kinosita [6] who mentioned a slow start for melanosomes and their slowing down after joining the mass, there have been no reports which examined the velocity throughout the whole aggregating event. Many workers have noted that centripetal migra¬ tion of pigment granules occurs in a uniform fashion [4, 6, 7, 17, 20, 21]. But, in the present study three velocity phases were revealed. The results obtained suggest that the intracellular back¬ ground of the first and second phases is stable, while that of the third phase is changeable. This is indicated by the fact that the sites where the first two phases are observed are determined according Velocity (pm/sec) Velocity (pm/sec) Velocity (pm/sec) 764 T. Naitoh, K. Takeuchi and I. Takabatake Fig. 6. Velocity of the centripetal migration of indi¬ vidual melanosomes. A: norepinephrine treatment, B: isotonic KC1 treatment, C: alternating current stimulation. •: melanophores obtained from a dark stripe of skin, <3: melanophores from a light stripe. Ordinates: Velocity of melanosome aggregation. Abscissae: Length of the cell process as the percen¬ tage of the distance between the site of the separated melanosomes in the tip of the cell process (100) and the site of the edge of aggregated melanosome mass in the cell center (0). The cell center is located at the right hand side. Each point is the mean of 10 to 19 measurements and vertical bars represent standard deviations. Rapid increase of velocity at the begin¬ ning (first phase) is followed by a gradual increase (second phase), and then deceleration (third phase). to the site of the processes, but the third phase is determined, not by the fixed site of the processes, but by the distance from the edge of the central mass that moves along the processes. Following the work of Bikle et al. [22], microtubules have been considered important in translocation of pig¬ ment granules within chromatophores [2-4]. Melanosome speed during centripetal migration may depend on intracellular structure; specifically the delayed start of granules at the extremity of the cell processes, and the velocity during the first two phases may be due to difference of microtubular density in the respective sites along melanophore processes. Junqueira et al. [18] suggested that chromatophores with granules that migrate at high velocity may have more microtubules in the cyto¬ plasm than those with slowly migrating granules. Centripetal movement of the distal melanosomes was affected by the centrifugal movement of the central melanosome mass before they joined the central mass, resulting in a lower velocity or even in a U-turn for the distal melanosomes. This observation seems to support the conclusion of Byers and Porter [20] and Schliwa [23] that the reconstruction of a microtrabecular lattice is a prerequirement for the arrival of pigment granules in the chromatophore dispersal phase. The third phase appears to be caused by an effect of granule dispersal at the perimeter of the central melano¬ some mass. The fish, Chaenogobius sp. 2, on the patterned background, such as a white-and-black checker¬ board, shows patterned skin with dark and light stripes. This is caused by the differential response of melanophores in the skin; melanophore disper¬ sion in the dark stripes while aggregation in the light stripes. However, individual melanosomes migrate similarly in melanophores located in both the dark stripes of skin and in the light ones. This suggests that the intracellular activities of mela¬ nophores in both regions are basically the same. Moreover, we can add that the driving force for each granule is the same between the mela¬ nophores obtained from the different stripes of the skin. Therefore, the differential responses of melanophores on the body surface, which cause the patterned skin on the patterned background, seems to depend not on difference in the in- Melanosome Migration 765 tracellular characteristics of melanophores, but on possible difference in information from the central nervous system. Melanophore response can be produced with various types of stimulation acting on different targets; e.g., alternating current stimulates the nerve fibers [24, 25], KC1 affects nerve terminals [26, 27], and norepinephrine stimulates mela¬ nophores directly [28]. Irrespective of the kind of stimulation, individual melanosomes moved in a similar way, with a similar velocity. Besides, it seems unlikely that alternating current and KC1 induce the liberation of the same quantity of transmitter as that of norepinephrine administered externally. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the force for translocation of the individual melanosomes does not depend on the intensity of external stimuli. The direction of movement of individual melanosomes seems to depend on the balance between aggregative and dispersal activities. The velocity of individual melanosomes, in turn, seems to depend on the shift in the balance between the two activities. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Prof. R. Wassersug and Miss K. Murphy of Dalhousie University for constructive comments on the manuscript. Lise Boylan and Christine Anjowski graciously helped with word processing. REFERENCES 1 Fujii, R. (1969) Chromatophores and pigments. In “Fish Physiology”. Vol. 3. 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ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 767-780 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Musculature and Innervation of the Internal Reproductive Organs in the Male Cricket, with Special Reference to the Projection of Unpaired Median Neurons of the Terminal Abdominal Ganglion Kouji Yasuyama, Tetsuya Kimura1 and Tsuneo Yamaguchi1, 2 Department of Biology, Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki 701-01, and 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Okayama University, Okayama 700, Japan ABSTRACT — In the male cricket, nickel back-filling of the nerve branches separating from the seventh nerve root (R7) of terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG) reveals the presence of two types of neurons running down to the internal reproductive organs (accessory glands, epididymis and ejaculatory duct). The first type is the neurons (LC neurons) which have the somata forming a cluster in the postero-lateral region of TAG, and 13 somata are present in the cluster. The second type is the dorsal unpaired median neurons (DUMR7 neurons), of which the somata form three clusters along the midline of the posterior half of TAG and the bifurcating axons extend symmetrically to the left and right R7s. The total number of somata in these clusters is 100 or more. The DUMR7 neurons probably terminate on the muscle fibers of the reproductive organs. This is based on the following evidences. First, the axon terminals, which contain both small vesicles (SVs; 40-60 nm) and large vesicles (LVs; 100-150 nm), are found in the musculature of the reproductive organs. Second, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) back-filled DUMR7 neurons exhibit that LVs are present in their somata as well as in their axons running to the reproductive organs. Third, the ligation of either R7 results in the remarkable accumulation of LVs in the cytoplasm of axon proximal to the ligature. INTRODUCTION The basic process of spermatophore formation in insects requires for both producing various spermatophore-forming materials in the accessory glands (AGs) and releasing them from AGs according to a temporal program [1]. It is most probable that in the time of release, the contrac¬ tion of muscles of AGs triggered by neural signals causes the extrusion of materials from the lumens of the gland tubules. In fact, Odhiambo [2] has shown that in male desert locust, thin single muscle layers surround individual tubules of AGs and the axons originating from the terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG) make synaptic contacts with the muscle layers. Further, distribution of the axons among the muscle layers of AGs has been de- Accepted December 2, 1987 Received October 21, 1987 2 To whom reprint requests should be addressed. scribed in other insects (in Leptinotarsa [3]; in Periplaneta [4]). Recently, Yamaguchi et al. [5] have reported that in male cricket the dorsal unpaired median neurons (DUMR7 neurons) of TAG extend their axons bilaterally through seventh nerve roots of TAG toward AGs. Howev¬ er, we have rather as yet very little information about not only the musculature and innervation of AGs relating to the neural control of sperma¬ tophore formation, but also those of other internal reproductive organs. In this paper we describe the gross morphology of the musculature and innervation of internal reproductive organs in the male cricket, together with their fine structures, and discuss the function¬ al role of the morphologically identified neurons, especially of the dorsal unpaired median neurons, in the spermatophore formation on the basis of morphological characteristics. Preliminary reports of some of this work have been already presented elsewhere [6, 7]. 768 K. Yasuyama, T. Kimura and T. Yamaguchi MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult male crickets ( Gryllus bimaculatus ) reared in the laboratory, were used for the experi¬ ments. For nickel back-filling the proximal cut end of one of seventh nerve roots (R7s) emerging bilaterally from TAG was plunged into a thin capillary filled with 1 M NiCl2 for 12-14 hr at 4°C. Then, nickel was precipitated within the neurons by addition of rubeanic acid to the saline [8] in which the preparation was immersed. After fixa¬ tion with 10% formalin, the preparation was dehy¬ drated and cleared for whole-mount viewing. Usually, the preparation stained with nickel was intensified following principally the method of Bacon and Altman [9]. For horseradish peroxidase (HRP) back-filling the proximal cut end of R7 was plunged into a thin capillary filled with 20% HRP for 24 hr at 10°C, and then TAG with the reproductive organs was fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for 2 hr, followed by washing in the buffer. The enzyme reaction was performed with three drops of 3% H202 in 1% 3, 3’- diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB) solu¬ tion for 15 min. After washing in the buffer, the preparation was fixed with 2% 0s04 in the buffer for 2 hr, then dehydrated through an ethanol series and embedded in epon resin. Sections, lOjum thick, were photographed, then reembedded and cut for electron microscopy. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. For the scanning electron microscopical study the abdomen of which the reproductive organs were exposed, was detached from the body and immersed in an ice-cold solution of 2.5% glutaral¬ dehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.3) for 12 hr. It was washed and trimmed in the same buffer to uncover the nerve branches running from TAG to the reproductive organs. This preparation was post-fixed with 1% 0s04 buffered in the same buffer for 3 hr, and dehydrated through an ethanol series, then dried in a C02 critical-point dryer. After coating with platinum palladium, the prepa¬ ration was examined in a Hitachi S 570. For the transmission electron microscopical study the reproductive organs were isolated care¬ fully with TAG from the body. This preparation was fixed with an ice-cold 2.5% solution of glutar¬ aldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.3) for 6 hr without cutting into small pieces. The prepara¬ tion was washed with the same buffer and post- fixed in buffered 1% Os04 for 2 hr. After de¬ hydration in an ethanol series, the preparation was embedded in epoxy resin. Semiserial thick (10 fjm) sections were cut and mounted on glass slides. After examination with light microscope to recon¬ struct the nerves innervating the reproductive organs, appropriate sections were reembedded and thin sections were cut for electron microscopy. In some cases, the preparation was cut into small pieces after fixation with buffered same fixative for 30 min, and fixed in renewed fixative for 2 hr. These pieces were post-fixed and embedded as described above. All thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined in a Hitachi H 500. RESULTS Gross anatomy AGs of male cricket comprise more than 600 slender tubules, and each gland tubule opens into the lobed anterior part of ejaculatory duct (ED). A pair of epididymides (Eps), which are the com¬ pactly coiled parts of vasa deferentia, also open into there. These reproductive organs are located in the mass just over TAG (Fig. 1 A). Each tubule of AGs is surrounded by a thin muscle layer which consists of striated muscle fibers arranged in a circular pattern around the longer axis of tubule (Fig. 2A). This muscular layer is only one myofi¬ bril thick for most of the length of the tubule, but it becomes multifibrillar toward the junction with the anterior end of ED (Fig. 2B). Eps also are wound around by multilayered muscle fibers. The ante¬ rior part of ED is enveloped by a thick muscular layer, but the remaining parts by an irregular network of muscle fibers. AGs, Eps and the anterior part of ED are innervated by paired nerve branches (Br3s) emerg¬ ing from the left and right R7s of TAG (Fig. IB). Each R7 arises closely to the eighth nerve root (R8, cereal nerve) from the postero-lateral margin of TAG, and soon after running under the R8 Reproductive Organs in Male Cricket 769 Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the male reproductive organs and their innervation. (A) Dorsal view of the terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG) and reproductive organs; X31. In this preparation, the accessory glands (AGs) were drawn back to expose TAG. Arrow heads indicate the left and right nerve branches innervating the reproductive organs. (B) A higher magnification view of the left nerve branches shown in A; x82. Note that the seventh nerve root (R7) emerging from TAG is divided into four nerve branches (Brl-Br4). (C) Dorsal view of Br3s innervating AGs; X33. In this preparation, the Br3s were exposed by removing the gland tubules just covering them and their neighborhood. Note that the left and right Br3s are joined to form a loop (arrow head). (D) A higher magnification view of the loop in C; X 100. Two nerve twigs (large arrow heads) with fine twiglets (small arrow heads) emerge from the loop. Ep, epididymis; R8, eighth nerve root; SS, spermatophore sac; Tr, trachea; VD, vas deferens. toward the posterior, it bifurcates: one branch (Brl) innervates the cereal muscles, and the other (Br2) divides further into two branches (Br3 and Br4). The Br3 runs into the mass of the reproduc¬ tive organs lying over TAG, and is joined with the contralateral Br3, so that both Br3s form a loop close to where paired Eps open to the anterior end of ED (Fig. 1C). Two thick nerve twigs spreading many thin twiglets arise from the region corre¬ sponding to the junction of both Br3s in the loop. 770 K. Yasuyama, T. Kimura and T. Yamaguchi Fig. 2. Polarized-light microphotographs of the muscle fibers. (A) The striated muscle fibers winding around an accessory gland tubule; X 320. This microphotograph was taken after the secretions contained in the tubule were squeezed out by the contraction of tubule which was induced by application of high K+ saline (in mM/1: NaCl, 70; KC1, 90; CaCl2, 5; buffered with 10 mM/1 Tris to pH 7.2). (B) A cross section of the lobed anterior part of ejaculatory duct on which the orifices of AGs are located; Xl60. and they intrude into the muscle layers of the reproductive organs (Fig. ID). The Br4 reaches the muscular wall of spermatophore sac. Nickel back-filling through unilateral Br3 re¬ vealed one lateral and three (first-third) median clusters of somata in the posterior half of TAG (Fig. 3). The lateral cluster lies ipsilateral to the back-filled nerve branch around the site where R7 Reproductive Organs in Male Cricket 771 Fig. 3. Light microphotographs of TAG back-filled with nickel through the right Br3. (A) Dorsal view (montage); X90. (B) Caudal view; X90. Each arrow head indicates the secondary neurites bifurcating from the primary neurites of DUMR7 neurons and extending toward the left and right R7s. Black arrows represent the lateral cluster of somata of LC neurons lying near the site where the right R7 emerges from the ganglion. A white arrow shows the soma of SR neuron which is located separately from the clusters. leaves TAG, and consists of 13 somata with the diameters ranging from 6 to 35 px n. The axons of the neurons having their somata in this cluster reach the mass of reproductive organs. This type of neurons is called “LC neurons”. The first and second median clusters are located near the dorsal midline of TAG and the third median cluster occupies rather a large area near the caudal mid¬ line (Fig. 3B). The positions of these median clusters correspond to the embryonic segments 8- 11, respectively [10], The features of soma posi¬ tion and profile of neurites show that the neurons having their somata in the median clusters are identical with DUMR7 neurons as described by Yamaguchi et al. [5]. The closer the median cluster is to the posterior end of TAG, the larger the total number of somata is in the median cluster. This number, however, varies in different preparations: 4 to 7 in the first median cluster, 26 to 43 in the second median cluster and 69 to 89 in the third median cluster. The diameters of somata range from 17 to 42 pm in the first median cluster, from 8 772 K. Yasuyama, T. Kimura and T. Yamaguchi to 46 /j.m in the second median cluster and from 4 to 46 /jm in the third median cluster. On the other hand, nickel back-filling through unilateral Br4 showed the presence of a neuron having its soma (45 fim. in diameter) which is located in seclusion near the third median cluster (Fig. 3B). The pathway of this axon is rather complex: after leaving TAG the axon runs through the Br3 and loop, passes the contralateral Br3 and Br4, and then, terminates at one of the retractor muscles of the spermatophore sac. This neuron is called “SR neuron”. It is probable that the retrac¬ tor muscle is homologous to the muscle 117 iden¬ tified by DuPorte [11]. That is, it originates from the anterior end of the ventral valve at its junction with the ductus, runs obliquely round the sac and is inserted into the lateral side of the dorsal valve at the posterior end where the chitinous plates are given off. Fine structure of HRP -labeled DUMR7 neurons HRP applied to a severed Br3 was transported to the contralateral axons of DUMR7 neurons beyond their somata within TAG. Figure 4 shows a HRP-filled soma with its primary neurite in the second cluster and the labeled axons running through the contralateral Br3 and projecting via the site, where both Br3s are joined by their appearances, into AGs. In the somata of labeled DUMR7 neurons there were many mitochondria, ribosomes and Golgi bodies. Large vesicles (LVs, 100-150 nm in dia¬ meter) were present associated with Golgi body (Fig. 5A). Similar vesicles could be found even in the primary and secondary neurites within TAG (Fig. 5B, C), and also in the peripheral axons projecting into the mass of reproductive organs (Fig. 5D). These LVs seem to be produced in the Fig. 4. Light microphotographs of DUMR7 neurons labeled with HRP through the right Br3. (A) A transverse section through TAG showing the soma and its primary neurite (arrow) of a labeled DUMR7 neuron; X200. (B) A transverse section through TAG; X200. Arrows indicate the secondary neurites. (C) A transverse section of the left Br3 carrying labeled axons (arrows); X545. This section was made at the loop where the left and right Br3s were joined together. (D) A longitudinal section of a nerve twig arising from the loop; X310. Each arrow indicates the labeled axon running through the nerve twig. Reproductive Organs in Male Cricket 773 Fig. 5. Electron microphotographs of HRP-labeled DUMR7. (A) The cytoplasm of labeled DUMR7 neuron soma; X 12,500. Arrows indicate vesicles which appear to be associated with Golgi bodies (G). (B) A labeled primary neurite (asterisk) within TAG; X 12,500. The arrow shows a vesicle. (C) A labeled secondary neurite (asterisk) within TAG; X 12,500. Each arrow indicates a vesicle. (D) A labeled axon (asterisk) passing through the nerve twig shown in Fig. 4D; X 12,500. This axon also has a vesicle (arrow). somata and transported from there to the periphery for local storage and release. To confirm this presumption, we made short-term ligature experiments of Br3. One of paired Br3s was tied by double knots using a silk thread in the neighborhood of the loop of Br3s. The other Br3 was not tied as a control. The preparation was fixed after 6 hr of ligation, and then it was prepared for electron microscopy. In the control Br3, the distribution of LVs in the axons remained unchanged (Fig. 6A), whereas in the ligated Br3 numerous LVs accumulated in the cytoplasm of axons proximal to the ligature (Fig. 6B). A cross section of Br3 which was made from an intact animal showed about 260 transverse profiles of axons with the diameters ranging from 0.2 to 3.2 jum. Accumulation of LVs in ligated axons of Br3 was seen in more than 20 axons with relatively large diameters. It is, therefore, prob¬ able that DUMR7 neurons produce LVs in their somata and transport them bilaterally to the periphery. 774 K. Yasuyama, T. Kimura and T. Yamaguchi Fig. 6. Transverse sections of the nerve branches, Br3s. (A) The non-ligated (control) Br3 contralateral to the ligated Br3 shown in B; X7,000. (B) The ligated Br3; X 14,000. Note that the accumulation of vesicles is seen in the axons (ax) with relatively large diameter. Reproductive Organs in Male Cricket 775 Axon terminals on the muscle fibers of reproductive organs The axons containing LVs are widely distributed along the muscle fibers associated with AGs (Figs. 8, 9), Eps (Fig. 11) and anterior part of ED (Fig. 10), and make neuromuscular junctions with them. Some axons which have LVs are ensheathed by Schwann cells and sent from Br3 to the muscular layer (Fig 7A). Small spherical vesicles (SVs, 40- 60 nm) besides LVs appear in the cytoplasm of axons near the neuromuscular junctions (Fig. 7B). At the axon terminal, Schwann cells are absent partially, and the axon makes synaptic contact with the muscle fiber (Fig. 8). The neuromuscular junction is distinguished both by dense postsynap- tic membrane and by a cluster of SVs at the presynaptic membrane. The aggregation of LVs is never found in the axon terminals. This type of neuromuscular junction is observed in every mus¬ cle layers of AGs, Eps (Fig. 11) and anterior part of ED (Fig. 10). The region of the muscle fiber making synaptic junction with the axon is in the form of extension Fig. 7. Axons which are distributed among the accessory gland tubules. (A) A longitudinal section of an axon passing through a thick nerve twig which emerges from the loop of Br3s; X 15,000. Arrows indicate vesicles containing in the cytoplasm. (B) An oblique section of a thin nerve twiglet near the muscle fibers (mf) of accessory gland tubules; X 16,000. Note that both small and large vesicles are visible in the cytoplasm of axons (ax). 776 K. Yasuyama, T. Kimura and T. Yamaguchi Fig. 8. (A, B). An axon terminal making the synaptic contact (arrows) with muscle fiber (mf) which envelops the accessory gland tubule; X 27,000. Both A and B show the same axon terminal (ax) in different sections. Note that the axon terminal contains many large vesicles as well as small vesicles; the latter ones cluster along the presynaptic membrane, gc, epithelial cell of accessory gland tubule. from the main body of muscle fiber. The extension often contains granular sarcoplasm and scarce con¬ tractile filaments (Fig. 8). These are prominent feature at the multifibrillar layers enveloping the proximal part of accessory gland tubules where they open to the anterior end of ED (Fig. 9). In this region, the extension of muscle fiber forms a complex series of folds about the axon terminal. Unfortunately we could not succeed in trans¬ porting HRP as far as the axon terminals under our experimental procedure. These axon terminals, however, may be identical with those of DUMR7 neurons, because LVs were present in the axons of HRP labeled DUMR7 neurons (Fig. 5D) as well as in their somata (Fig. 5A). The axons which do not bear LVs are also distributed to the musculature of the massed reproductive organs. The identified LC neurons may contribute to these axons. The investigation of this possibility must be the subject of future research. DISCUSSION Nickel back-filling of Br3 revealed the presence of 13 bilaterally paired LC neurons and 100 or more dorsal unpaired median neurons (DUMR7 neurons). All these neurons project into the muscle fibers of the internal reproductive organs, AGs, Eps and ED (Figs. 8-11). In addition, the nickel back-filling of Br4 showed the presence of SR neuron innervating the contralateral retractor muscle of spermatophore sac. Odhiambo [2] described that the individual AG of the male desert locust has highly developed muscular layer with innervation, and also that innervating axons have synaptic vesicles at their junctional regions. In his observations, however, no large secretory vesicles were found in any of the Reproductive Organs in Male Cricket 777 Fig. 9. An axon terminal within the proximal part of the accessory gland tubule, where multilayered muscle fibers are located; X 29,000. Arrows indicate the dense postsynaptic membranes. Note that large and small vesicles are present within the axon terminal (ax), and the extension of muscle fiber (mf) forms a complex series of folds about the axon terminal. axons attached to the locust AGs. In the present experiment it was found that the axons containing LVs widely distributed along the muscle fibers of the reproductive organs (Fig. 7), and they make neuromuscular junctions with the muscle fibers, where LVs coexist with SVs clustering especially at the presynaptic membranes (Fig. 8). Probably the terminal of these axons seems to be identical with those of the axons of DUMR7 neurons, since vesicles similar to the LVs in appearance are present in the peripheral axons of HRP-labeled DUMR7 neurons as well as in their somata (Fig. 5A, D) and the ligation of a Br3 carrying the axons of DUMR7 neurons reveals remarkable accumula¬ tion of the same type of vesicles as the LVs in the cytoplasm of axons proximal to the ligature (Fig. 6B). Further, these facts suggest that DUMR7 neurons produce LVs in their somata and trans¬ port them bilaterally to the periphery. On the other hand, the electron microscopical observation showed also that there exist the axons containing only SVs on the muscle fibers of repro¬ ductive organs. These axons may be derived from LC neurons. It is probable that the muscle fibers of reproductive organs of male cricket are inner¬ vated by at least two types of neurons, i.e., DUMR7 and LC neurons originating from TAG. Dorsal unpaired medial neurons (DUM neurons) exhibiting the characteristic bilateral morphology have been described in several insect species [e.g., 12-21], since first description of them in locust by Plotnikova [22]. Among these DUM neurons, the DUMETi innervating to the extensor tibiae muscle of locust is thought to release trans¬ mitter adjacent to the muscle fibers without form¬ ing an anatomically specific neuromuscular junc¬ tion, although its preterminal fine branches con¬ tain numerous large dense-core vesicles [23, 24] 778 K. Yasuyama, T. Kimura and T. Yamaguchi Fig. 10. An axon terminal within the anterior part of the ejaculatory duct where both the accessory gland tubules and epididymis open; X 29,000. Large and small vesicles are also present in this axon terminal (ax). Numerous small vesicles cluster together at the presynaptic membrane (arrow), mf, muscle fiber. and it contains the biogenic amine, octopamine to modulate the neuromuscular transmission [25-27]. In contrast, the DUM neurons in TAG of firefly have the primary function of direct initiation and regulation of an effector response, bioluminescent response of the lantern through the release of octopamine which serves a more direct role as a neurotransmitter than that postulated for its mod¬ ulatory and hormonal functions in other arthropod systems [19, 28, 29]. In this experiment, it was evident that there coexist two types of vesicles, LVs and SVs in the axons which are presumed to be those of DUMR7 neurons: at the axon terminals forming the direct synaptic junctions on the muscle fibers, SVs are distributed throughout the profile and aggregate at the presynaptic membrane, but LVs do not aggre¬ gate near the presynaptic membrane. This fact suggests the possibility of dual functions of DUMR7 neurons serving the control of move¬ ments of reproductive organs which are involved in the spermatophore formation. Recently, we have found that either of glutamate (10~5 M) and the neuropeptide proctolin (10-loM) induces a dis¬ tinct tonic contraction of AGs, and further that a certain amount of proctolin is detectable in the surrounding medium of AGs while the muscles in AGs contract tonically in response to high K+ saline [30; Kimura, Yasuyama and Yamaguchi, in preparation]. It is quite conclusive, therefore, that DUMR7 neurons are at least proctolinergic, although a function of proctolin as neurotransmit¬ ter or neuromodulator in the DUMR7 neurons- AGs system remains to be determined. In this connection, Agricola et al. [31] reported that TAG of cockroach contains numerous proctolinergic fibers whose terminals contain large dense gra¬ nules (140 to 150 nm) and numerous clear vesicles (40 to 50 nm), and proctolin immunostaining is visible at the core of large dense granules. This fact suggests the possibility that LVs may contain proctolin. On the other hand, when the electrical stimulus is antidromically applied to a Br3, AGs exhibit a monophasic mechanical response (contraction), and when it is orthodromically applied to that, AGs show biphasic mechanical response: the first phase corresponds to the contraction and the second to a decrease in basal tonus (Kimura, Yasuyama and Yamaguchi, in preparation). Therefore it is likely that DUMR7 neurons extend¬ ing their axons through both Br3s are excitatory or Reproductive Organs in Male Cricket 779 Fig. 11. A transverse section of the epididymis; X 29,000. The epithelial cells of epididymis (ec) are enveloped by multilayered muscle fibers (mf). Note that an axon terminal (ax) containing both large and small vesicles makes synaptic contact (arrow) with the muscle fiber. modulatory neurons, while LC neurons running only through a Br3 to AGs are inhibitory neurons. Further experiments on the functional role of individual neurons innervating the internal repro¬ ductive organs in the spermatophore formation and courtship behavior are being carried out. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by a Grant in Aid from Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan to T. Y. for scientific research. REFERENCES 1 Loher, W. (1974) Circadian control of sperma¬ tophore formation in the cricket Teleogryllus corn- modus Walker. J. 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The muscles were supplied by metacarpal nerve I derived from a single medio-ulnar combined nerve trunk. The diffuse type of motor endplates constant in size and shape, as well as complex and intermediate types of neuromuscular spindles, were present in all three muscles. Encapsulated Golgi tendon organs and Pacinian corpuscles were found profusely in all the muscles. Three muscle fibre types, i.e., red, white and intermediate based on lipid content were observed in the flexor pollicis brevis. Correla- tionship of function to the structures in the fruit bat’s short thumb muscles is discussed. INTRODUCTION Fingers of the bat are well developed for sup¬ porting the wing membrane, but the thumb has degenerated into a small process with a claw on the wing. Such a vestigial thumb is also seen in many digitigrade mammals as an example of the degen¬ eration in less used organs [1]. In the insectivorous bats (suborder: Microchi- roptera), the thumbs are most vestigial [2], but in the fruit bats (suborder: Megachiroptera), they are comparatively large and useful, because they are used for clutching the tree branches when the fruit bats move from branch to branch. Therefore, the thumbs of the fruit bats seem to retain some primitive or ancestral pattern. The presence of various motor and sensory endings has been re¬ ported in striated muscles of the mammals in general [3-5]. Muscle fibre types different in color, morphology, lipid content as well as other properties have been reported in mammals [6-10] and also in the flight muscles of some bats [11-13]. The relationship between structure and function concerning the types of motor endings, sensory endings and muscle fibres has also been widely studied [14-16]. However, the features and func¬ Accepted November 11, 1987 Received September 3, 1987 1 Present address: Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan. tions of the fruit bat thumbs have never been studied from such a view-point. The present work was, therefore, planned in order to elucidate muscular features and innerva¬ tion patterns in the thumb of the Burman fruit bat, Pteropus medius, as a primitive model of the bat thumbs, and to build a foundation for the future works on the degeneration of structures and func¬ tions in a series of homologous organs with vesti¬ gial counterparts. MATERIALS AND METHODS The adult fruit bats ( Pteropus medius) of both sexes were killed with chloroform and perfused with neutral formalin (10%) for 3 days. The right and left forelimbs were then dissected, and the gross attachments and innervations of the three short thumb muscles i.e. the flexor pollicis brevis (FLX), abductor pollicis brevis (ABD) and the adductor pollicis (ADD) were studied under a binocular light microscope. Muscle nomenclature was adopted from Vaughan [2]. For neurohistolo¬ gy, the muscles were dissected out from freshly killed animals, and were immediately fixed and stained according to the modified silver nitrate technique of Barker and Ip [17] for producing muscle and nerve preparations [18]. Paraffin cross- sections (10 pm) of all three muscles were made and stained for neuromuscular spindles with 782 Khin Maung Saing Weigert’s iron haematoxylin and van Gieson method [19]. For muscle fibre types, the muscles were freshly dissected out and fresh frozen cross- sections (10 p m) were prepared in a cryostat at — 20°C and stained for lipids with Sudan black B [20]. All the cross-sections and teased prepara¬ tions were examined under a light microscope and photomicrographs were taken at 400 X or 100 X magnifications. RESULTS Gross pattern of attachments of the three short thumb muscles Three intrinsic thumb muscles, that is, flexor pollicis brevis (FLX), abductor pollicis brevis (ABD) and adductor pollicis (ADD) were present in the hand (Fig. 1). The FLX originated on medial surface of the fused proximal first and second carpal bones, and inserted medially on base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. The ABD originated on the scaphoulnar carpal bone and inserted into lateral half of base of the proximal phalanx. The ADD arose from the medio-anterior margin of the ulnar carpal bone and the base of the second metacarpal bone, and the insertion was on ulnar-medial surface of the proximal phalanx. Gross pattern of innervations of the three short muscles The medium and the ulnar nerves, derived from the C8 to T1 spinal nerves in the brachial plexus, became fused into a single nerve trunk (emu) and V m4 1 cm Fig. 1. Ventral view of the hand of the fruit bat showing the three intrinsic thumb muscles and their innervation. FLX: flexor pollicis brevis, ADD: adductor pollicis, ABD: abductor pollicis brevis, int: interossei muscles, emu: combined medio-ulnar nerve trunk, mj-nis: metacarpal nerves, nerve branchlets of mj supplying the FLX, ADD and ABD, ins: insertions and ori: origins of the intrinsic thumb muscles, I-V: proximal phalanges of the digits one to five, rb: radius bone, wmb: wing membrane. Innervation of Fruit Bat Short Thumb Muscles 783 ran distally on the medial side of the radial bone (rb). In the carpal region the combined nerve (emu) sent off five metacarpal nerves (Fig. 1, mr m5). The palmar branch of the first metacarpal nerve (mi) gave off three branchlets (mn1? mn2 and mn3) supplying the ABD, FLX and ADD, respectively (Fig. 1). Motor endplates (MEP) Diffuse type of motor endplates generally con¬ stant in size and terminal arborizations were observed in all three muscles. They were situated in the mid-belly regions across the muscles in motor endplate zones. Generally, an intramuscu¬ lar nerve trunk traversed the muscle fibres at a right angle giving off many single nerve axons along the way. Typically, each axon approached each muscle fibre either obliquely or at a right angle or in parallel, and ended as a single MEP on each muscle fibre (Fig. 2A). Double “MEP”s on a single muscle fibre supplied by different axons were also noted (Fig. 2 A, two free arrows). Occa¬ sionally, a single axon divided into two branches, each branch terminating as a MEP containing thick teloglial cytoplasm on different muscle fibre (Fig. 2B). Rarely, two axons (ep2) supplied a single MEP on a single muscle fibre (Fig. 2C). Neuromuscular spindles (MSP) Complex and intermediate types of MSPs were profusely found in all three muscles. The complex type (Fig. 3 A and B) had a long and thick capsule (c) encasing in average 7 to 10 intrafusal muscle fibres (although difficult to see in the microphoto¬ graph, the intrafusal muscle fibres were exactly observed and counted carefully under a light microscope). An intra-muscular nerve plexus sup¬ plied the MSP. An afferent nerve fibre with large diameter ended as a flower-spray type of primary sensory ending (p) among all the intrafusal muscle fibres in the equatorial zone. Two secondary sensory endings (s) blunt in shape were supplied separately by two afferent nerve fibres with large diameter and were situated in the juxtaequatorial zone on either side of the primary ending. Two fine fusimotor nerve fibres formed a diffuse net¬ work (dn) in one mid-polar region with the net¬ work ending as a single small diffuse type of MEP (ep) in the polar region. Two other fusimotor nerve fibres entered the other mid-polar region, forming a diffuse network (dn) and a trail motor ending (te) in the mid-polar and polar regions, respectively. The intermediate type of MSP (Fig. 4A and B) had a long but thin capsule (c) encasing in average four intrafusal muscle fibres. The spindle had an annulo-spiral type of primary sensory ending (p) in the equatorial zone. A secondary sensory ending (s) with simple, forked blunt terminations was present adjacent to the primary ending. Two afferent nerve fibres with large diameter accompa¬ nied by six fusimotor fine nerve fibres entered the spindle capsule at the equatorial region. The primary and the secondary sensory endings were supplied by each of the large diameter afferents. The fine fusimotor nerves formed diffused net¬ works (dn) in the mid-polar regions and ended as small diffused type of motor endplates (ep) in the polar regions. One cross-section of a MSP in the ABD muscle had a thick and circular capsule (c) with the intracapsular space (s) divided into three compart¬ ments by collagenous septa (Fig. 5, arrowed). The compartments were occupied by intrafusal muscle fibres consisted of four large nuclear bag type (mi) and eighteen small nuclear chain type (m2). No attempt had been made to differentiate the nuclear bag type into nuclear bag! and nuclear bag2 cate¬ gories. Golgi tendon organs (GO) Numerous single encapsulated Golgi tendon organs were situated at musculo-tendinous junc¬ tions (Fig. 6). A typical GO had a thick cylindrical capsule (c) encasing four to five collagenous fibres which were attached at the tips to extrafusal mus¬ cle fibres (m). The other end of the collagenous fibres continued into the tendinous part (t). A large myelinated afferent nerve fibre (nt) entered the GO capsule at the mid-region and divided into numerous branchlets ending as flower-sprays among the collagenous fibres. Pacinian corpuscles (PC) Pacinian corpuscles were located near nerve trunks in the fascia of the muscles (Fig. 7). Each 784 Khin Maung Saing Innervation of Fruit Bat Short Thumb Muscles 785 Fig. 3. (A) Complex type of neuromuscular spindle in abductor pollicis brevis. Barker and Ip’s silver stain, p: primary sensory ending, s: secondary sensory ending, dn: diffuse chain network of motor fibres, ep and te: fusimotor endplate and trail ending, respectively at the polar regions, c: spindle capsule, n: nerve fibres innervating the spindle. X 100. (B) Line drawing of (A). Intrafusal muscle fibres are shown only at the poles for clarity. Fig. 2. Diffuse type of motor endplates in the intrinsic thumb muscles of the fruit bat. Barker and Ip’s silver stain, mep: motor endplate, m: muscle fibre, a: nerve axon, nt: nerve trunk, ep2: two axons supplying a single motor endplate. (A) Flexor pollicis brevis; free arrows indicate double motor endplates on a single muscle fibre supplied by different axons. X400. (B) Adductor pollicis; two motor endplates on different muscle fibres supplied by a divided single axon. X400. (C) Abductor pollicis brevis; two axons supplied a single motor endplate on a single muscle fibre. X400. 786 Khin Maung Saing Fig. 4. (A) Intermediate type of neuromuscular spindle in adductor pollicis. Barker and Ip’s silver stain, nt: nerve trunk. All other abbreviations are as in Fig. 3. XlOO. (B) Line drawing of (A). Intrafusal muscle fibres are shown only at the poles for clarity. Fig. 5. Cross-section of a neuromuscular spindle in flexor pollicis brevis. Weigert’s iron Haematoxylin and van Gieson stain, m: extrafusal muscle fibres, c: capsule of the spindle, s: intra-capsular space, mi and m2: nuclear bag and nuclear chain types, respectively of intra-fusal muscle fibres. Free arrows; intra-capsular septa. X400. Fig. 6. An encapsulated Golgi tendon organ in abductor pollicis brevis. Barker and Ip’s silver stain, c: capsule, nt: nerve supplying the tendon organ, m: muscle fibres. XlOO. Innervation of Fruit Bat Short Thumb Muscles 787 788 Khin Maung Saing capsule (cp) was an elongated oval shape with a slightly tapered and rounded tip. A small diameter afferent nerve fibre (n) entered the capsule at the base and ran along in the central axis toward the tip. The nerve fibre was covered by a dense layer of endoneurium which in turn was covered by squamous epithelium cells and connective tissue. Fig. 7. Pacinian corpuscles in adductor pollicis. Barker and Ip’s silver method, cp: capsule of the Pacinian corpuscle, n: nerve axon innervating the corpuscle. X100. Fig. 8. Fresh-frozen cross-section of muscle fibres of flexor pollicis brevis. Sudan black B stain, r: red muscle fibre type, w: white muscle fibre type, i: intermediate muscle fibre type. X400. Striated muscle fibre types based on lipid content In all three muscles, each muscle fasciculus was composed entirely of either red (r), white (w) or intermediate (i) type of muscle fibres according to Sudan black B stain densities for lipids (Fig. 8). The muscle fibre with the most sudanophilic prop¬ erties was assumed to be the red fibre type posses¬ sing high lipid and mitochondria contents. The white and the intermediate types, low and in¬ termediate in Sudan black B densities, respective¬ ly, were also observed. DISCUSSION Based on the present works, it can be said that the fruit bat intrinsic thumb muscles are profusely supplied with motor endplates, neuromuscular spindles, Golgi tendon organs and Pacinian cor¬ puscles as well as three types of muscle fibres (i.e. red, white and intermediate) based on their lipid contents reflecting the high functional state of the fruit bat’s thumb. This is in agreement with the presence of numerous motor and sensory endings in the functional limb muscles of other mammals [5, 21]. The presence of the three well developed intrin¬ sic thumb muscles in the fruit bat in this work is in agreement with the findings of Vaughan [2] in the insectivorous bat Eumops perotis. The three thumb muscles were also described in the mor- moopid and the leaf-nosed bats, but the muscles were highly variable with some muscles very small or missing in certain insectivorous species such as Mormoops megalophylla and M. blainvillii [22]. The number of the muscles is the same in both the Eumops and the fruit bat used in this work with similar insertion points. However, the origins of the muscles are placed more separately in the fruit bat which would allow easier control of the thumb. The fruit bat also uses the thumb in offense and defense purposes and for locomotion in trees [23]. Moreover, the ulnar bone in the fruit bat’s forearm is drastically reduced in length with only the radius bone remaining well developed. This might cause the fusion of the ulnar and the medium nerves into a single trunk supplying the hand including the thumb muscles. Reductive variation in the ulnar bone is also the general trend among the insecti¬ vorous bats of the families Mormoopidae and Phyllostomatidae [22]. Muscles associated with skilled activities have extrafusal motor end-plates constant in size and appearance, but muscles with continuous function with short rests such as the diaphragm have irregu¬ lar motor endplates [14]. Tuffery [24] also found Innervation of Fruit Bat Short Thumb Muscles 789 the same motor endplate structural variation in the slow muscles of cat. The motor endplates of the fruit bat short thumb muscles are all diffuse type, with generally constant size and shape suggesting skilled activity of the thumb. Some of the single muscle fibres in the fruit bat must be long and fast in contraction because they have two motor end- plates supplied by two different axons (Fig. 2A). This agrees with the statement that muscle fibres with double motor endplates might indicate high contraction speed and extra length in those fibres [25]. A single axon does not innervate more than two muscle fibres (Fig. 2B). Only one primary sensory ending is present in all the spindles ex¬ amined in the fruit bat, with a single and double secondary sensory endings present in the in¬ termediate and the complex types of spindles, respectively. All the spindles are well developed with long capsules, with trail and diffuse motor endings in the polar regions. This reflects that the fruit bat spindles would be involved mostly in tonic response to muscle stretch and contraction as reported in the snake muscles [15]. Numerous encapsulated Golgi tendon organs in the fruit bat thumb muscles indicate that the thumb is well controlled in function. The tendon organ is a stretch receptor measuring extrafusal motor end- plate activity in active muscle contraction, and at the same time measures passive stretch at the tendon. The ‘triad’ consisting the neuromuscular spindles, the tendon organ and the Pacinian cor¬ puscles was said to measure local muscle strength and tension coordinately [26]. Red muscle fibres were reported to be rich in lipids and generally involved in slow tonic contrac¬ tion and postural maintenance of the body, where¬ as white fibres were poor in lipids and involved in first phasic locomotory actions [26]. All three types of muscle fibres (red, white and intermedi¬ ate) based on sudanophilic properties in the fruit bat’s thumb suggest that the thumb has skilled activity capable of finely graded contractions, in addition to slow and fast movements. The stain density of Sudan black B was said to correspond to triglycerides, lipids and mitochondria contents as well as to succinate dehydrogenase activity in the striated muscles of the mammals [6, 9, 12]. It was reported that in the insectivorous little brown bat {My otis lucifugus), all the muscle fibres in the pectoralis flight muscle stained intensely by Sudan black B for neutral fat while the animal was hibernating in winter, but the fat content was variable in summer when the bats were actively flying, reflecting the nonfunctional and functional states of the same muscle [11]. The similarity of the fruit bat thumb muscles’ functional state to actively functioning muscles of other mammals is reflected in the presence of two types of intrafusal muscle fibres (i.e. nuclear bag and nuclear chain) in the spindles of the fruit bat thumb muscles. This is in agreement with the finding of three intrafusal muscle fibre types (namely, nuclear bagi, nuclear bag2 and nuclear chain) reported in other mammalian spindles [27], although no attempt has been made to differenti¬ ate the nuclear bag intrafusal muscle fibres into nuclear bagi and bag2 types in the present work. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to Prof. K. Yanagisawa for encouragement and Drs. T. Makioka and Y. Tanaka for their useful discussions in the prepara¬ tion of this manuscript. The author is also indebted to Mr. Hidefumi Orii for help in the preparation of figures and microphotographs. This work was done as part of M. Sc. thesis submitted at the University of Rangoon, Burma. 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Phase-contrast microscopic observations showed that the infectious form of H. obtusa consisted of a refractile part with a non-refractile tip and a dark-looking part. Since the bacterium always penetrates the macronuclear envelope with the non-refractile tip but never with its other end, this special tip seems to have functions to distinguish the nuclear envelopes of two kinds of nuclei, macro- and micronucleus and penetrate only the macronuclear envelope. Fluorescence microscopy showed that a DNA specific fluorochrome, 4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) bound only to the refractile part. This indicates that the refractile part is a nucleoid of this bacterium. It should be noted that two dotted small regions in the D API-positive part showed especially strong fluorescence. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the non-refractile tip, the refractile part and the dark-looking part were composed by an electron-translucent material, a homogeneous electron-dense material and a typical bacterial cytoplasm, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the bacterium has a smooth surface and has no remarkable difference at the both ends, but the one end which corresponds to the non-refractile tip was always depressed when the bacteria were dried without using a critical-point dryer, suggesting that the non-refractile tip has an inner-structural property to be easily depressed by a surface tension. INTRODUCTION The gram-negative bacterium Holospora obtusa is a macronucleus-specific symbiont of Para¬ mecium caudatum. The bacterium shows two morphologically distinct forms during its life cycle: an infectious long form (10-15 pm in length), a reproductive short form (1.0- 1.5 pm in length) and intermediate forms of various lengths between the former two forms. The infectious long form is observed predominantly in the nuclei of starved host cells and the reproductive short form in those of vegetatively growing cells. The intermediate forms are observed in the cells at a transition phase from log phase to stationary phase in growth, and are also observed in those at an early infection Accepted November 9, 1987 Received September 17, 1987 process. Only the infectious long form can pene¬ trate the host macronuclear envelope within 10 min, via the food vacuoles, when homogenate of bacteria-bearing paramecia or purified bacteria are added to bacteria-free paramecia [1-5]. On the other hand, the reproductive short form and the intermediate forms are always digested in the food vacuoles so that they cannot infect the host nu¬ cleus. This bacterium never penetrates the micronu¬ clear envelope. Because one end of the bacterium can be distinguished from the other as being non-refractile under the phase-contrast micro¬ scope, it has been observed that the infectious long form of H. obtusa always penetrates the macronu¬ clear envelope with the non-refractile tip and never with its other [4]. This observation strongly suggests that an affinity between this special tip of the bacterium and the host macronuclear envelope 792 M. Fujishima and K. Hoshide is responsible for the nuclear specificity of the infectivity. In other words, this special tip seems to have functions for recognition of some difference between the nuclear envelopes of macro- and micronucleus and for penetration of the macronu- clear envelope. Furthermore, it has been found that although maintenance of H. obtusa in the host macronucleus is achieved only in certain strains of P. caudatum, the bacterium can infect the macro¬ nuclei not only of P. caudatum, but also of P. aurelia species complex and P. multimicronu- cleatum. The bacterium cannot infect the macro¬ nuclei of P. jenningsi, P. bursaria, P. trichium, P. duboscqui, P. woodruffi, and P. calkinsi [4, 5]. This indicates that the infection and the mainte¬ nance of H. obtusa are separately controlled phe¬ nomena, and that the special tip of H. obtusa has functions not only for recognition of the macro- and the micronuclear membranes but also for that of some difference of the macronuclear envelopes of Paramecium species. The control mechanisms, how the bacterium distinguishes the nuclear en¬ velopes of the two kinds of nuclei and penetrates only the macronuclear envelope with its special tip, are not yet clear. The present study was intended to observe de¬ tails of the inner and the surface structures of the infectious long form of H. obtusa, especially on its special tip, by means of light and electron micros¬ copy. MATERIALS AND METHODS Strains and culture conditions The cells used in this study were Paramecium caudatum syngen 3, mating type V, strain 27aG3. The original Holospora- bearing strain C101 (syngen unknown) was collected in Munster, FRG, by Dr. H.-D. Gortz. Later, the strain 27aG3 was infected by H. obtusa and used for obtaining the symbionts in this study. The culture medium used was 1.25% (w/v) fresh lettuce juice in Dryl’s solution [6] inoculated with a non-pathogenic strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae for 1 day before use [7]. In ordinary cultures several hundred cells were inoculated into 2 ml of culture medium and then 4 ml, 10 ml and 10 ml of fresh medium were added on successive days. Cultures were kept at 25°C. Light microscopy Ordinary observation of the symbionts in host macronuclei was made with a Nomarski- differential-interference-contrast microscopy (Olympus, BHS-N) at a magnification of X 1000 or X400. Phase-contrast and fluorescent microscopy was made as follows. Infectious forms of H. obtusa isolated by squashing starved host cells were air- dried on a glass slide, fixed in an ethanol/acetic acid (3:1) mixture for 10 min and air-dried again. Then, a DNA-binding fluorochrome, 4', 6- diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, 1 ^g/ml) dis¬ solved in deionized water was dropped onto the preparations and covered with cover glasses. Observations were made with phase-contrast and fluorescent optics (Olympus, BH2-RFL) at a mag¬ nification of X400. Electron microscopy For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), H. obtusa- bearing paramecia in late log phase were fixed in 5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for 1 hr at room temperature, and washed with the same buffer. After post-fixation in cold 1% (v/v) Os04 in the cacodylate buffer for 1 hr, the cells were dehy¬ drated in a cold ethanol series and embedded in Araldite. Thin sections obtained with an LKB ultratome were stained with saturated aqueous uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed with a JEOL-100C transmission electron microscope. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 250 ml of stationary phase cultures of H. obtusa- Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of a living cell of P. caudatum with infectious long forms of H. obtusa in the macronucleus (A), and infectious long forms (B and C). A: Nomarski-differential-interference-contrast. Many rod-shaped bacteria can be seen in the macronucleus. B: Phase-contrast. Note that each infectious long form consists of a dark-looking part (single arrowhead) and a refractile part (double arrowhead) with a non-refractile tip (triple arrowhead). C: DAPI fluorescence of the bacteria in B. Note that the fluorescence appears only at the refractile part of each bacterium, and strong fluorescence can be seen in two dots. Bars, 20 // m (A) and 10 /jrn (B and C). Morphological Characters of Holospora 793 Fig. 1 794 M. Fujishima and K. Hoshide bearing paramecia were harvested by centrifuging at 380 X g for 3 min, homogenized by hand in a Teflon homogenizer at 0-4°C, and fixed in 10 volumes of 5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for 1 hr at 4°C. Then, the homogenate was washed twice by centrifuging at 880 X g for 20 min with the same buffer, fixed in cold 1% (w/v) Os04 in the cacodylate buffer for 1 hr, dehydrated in a cold ethanol series and incu¬ bated in 100% (v/v) isoamyl acetate. The sample was dried in a critical point dryer, coated with gold, and observed with a Hitachi- Akashi Mini- SEM scanning electron microscope. An aliquot of the sample was dried without using the critical point dryer. RESULTS Nomarski-differential-interference-contrast, phase- contrast and fluorescence microscopy Figure 1A shows a well-starved living cell of P. caudatum which bears many infectious long forms of H. obtusa in the macronucleus. Figure IB shows the infectious long form of H. obtusa under a phase-contrast microscope. It is evident that nearly half of the bacterial length is consisted of dark-looking part, and the remaining consisted of a large refractile part with a small non-refractile tip. Therefore, on the basis of the morphological character, both ends of the bacterium can easily be distinguished. In the same bacteria, a locality of a fluorescence of DNA binding fluorochrome, DAPI, was observed with a fluorescence micro¬ scope (Fig. 1C). It was found that DAPI fluores¬ cence appeared only at the refractile part of Figure IB, but not at the non-refractile tip and dark¬ looking part. This indicates that DNA of the infectious form of H. obtusa localizes only at the refractile part, and that the bacterium enters the macronucleus with the DNA present side fast. It is of particular interest to note that each infectious long form has two dotted small regions in the DAPI positive part in which DAPI fluorescence is especially strong. Transmission electron microscopy Cells of P. caudatum in late log phase of growth contain various developmental stages of PI. obtusa in their macronucleus (Fig. 2A, 2B): the infectious long form (10-15 pm in length), the reproductive short form (1.0- 1.5 pva in length) and the in¬ termediate forms of various lengths between the former two types. The infectious long form can be seen as being constituted with the following three distinct parts (Fig. 2A). One end of the bacterium has a sperm acrosome-like structure, in which electron- translucent material is composed. This special structure can not be observed at the other end. Remaining part of the bacterium can be divided into two parts: a homogeneous electron dense region adjacent to the acrosome-like structure and a bacterial cytoplasmic region. When the mor¬ phology of the bacterium in Figures IB and 2 A were compared, it is apparent that the acrosome- like structure, the homogeneous electron dense region and the bacterial cytoplasmic region in Figure 2A correspond to the non-refractile tip, the refractile part and dark-looking part in Figure IB, respectively. Therefore, this electron-translucent material in the acrosome-like tip and/or its surface membrane seem to possess functions for nuclear specificity and species specificity of the infectivity. Furthermore, this electron dense region in Figure 2A can be considered as a fine structure of the nucleoid of this bacterium. In the fluorescence microscopy, two dotted DAPI positive regions were found (Fig. 1C). Therefore, we searched the corresponding structures by TEM, but could not find them. The infectious long forms are always situated individually in an empty hole in the macronucleus, and have a smooth surface though a shallow de¬ pression can be seen at the border between the acrosome-like region and the electron dense re- Fig. 2. Transmission electron photomicrographs of H. obtusa in the host macronucleus. A: Longitudinal sections of infectious long forms. The infectious form consists of bacterial cytoplasmic region (single arrowhead), electron dense region (double arrowhead) and electron translucent tip (triple arrowhead). B: Cross sections of infectious long forms and reproductive short forms. The section of the infectious form (single arrowhead) is a circular shape, while that of the reproductive form (double arrowhead) is an irregular shape. Bars, 1 pm. Morphological Characters of Holospora 795 1 hi 1 |§pi 4r ^ %>». 796 M. Fujishima and K. Hoshide gion (Fig. 2A, 2B). On the other hand, the reproductive short form and the intermediate forms of various lengths do not show such in¬ tracellular differentiations as observed in the infec¬ tious long form. They have a bumpy surface and seem to be closely connected with the macronu- clear chromatin. Scanning electron microscopy If the specific infection of H. obtusa to the macronucleus depends on an affinity between the surface membrane of the acrosome-like tip of the bacterium and the macronuclear envelope, it can be expected that the surface structure of the spe¬ cial tip may be somewhat different from those of other parts of the bacterium. To confirm this possibility, infectious long forms of H. obtusa were observed with SEM. Figure 3A through 3C show the infectious long forms of H. obtusa which were dried with or without using a critical-point dryer. As shown in Figure 3 A and 3B, however, the bacterium has a smooth surface and no local difference could be detected on the surface structure. But, as shown in Figure 3C, one of the both ends of the bacterium was always depressed when the bacterium was dried without using a critical-point dryer. This depressed part seems to correspond to the non- refractile tip in phase-contrast microscopy, or to the sperm acrosome-like tip in TEM, because the size of depressed part in SEM is almost the same with that of the special tip and no similar-sized structure was observed at the other end of the bacterium as shown in Figures IB and 2A. It is evident that this special tip has an inner-structural property to be easily depressed by a surface ten¬ sion. On the other hand, a shallow depression which was observed by TEM at the border be- Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of the infectious long form of H. obtusa. A and B: Both ends of the bacterium dried with a critical point dryer. C: Bacterium dried without using the critical point dryer. Note that only one end of the bacterium (arrowhead) is depressed by surface tension. Bars, 1 /j.m. Morphological Characters of Holospora 797 tween the acrosome-like region and electron dense region was not observed in Figure 3 A and 3B. Therefore, the depression observed by TEM seems to be an artifact. DISCUSSION In the ciliate Paramecium six species of Holo¬ spora are known to occur as endonuclear sym¬ bionts [8-11]. All of them exhibit not only a species specificity but also a nuclear specificity in their habitats: H. obtusa in the macronucleus of P. caudatum, H. elegans and H. undulata in the micronucleus of P. caudatum, H. caryophila in the macronucleus of P. biaurelia, H. curviuscula in the macronucleus of P. burs aria, and H. accuminata in the micronucleus of P. burs aria. All of them are gram-negative bacteria and cannot be cultivated outside of the host cells. In the present work, we observed morphological features of the infectious long form of H. obtusa by means of a phase contrast microscope, a fluores¬ cence microscope, a transmission electron micro¬ scope. Schematic representations of each observa¬ tion are summarized in Figure 4. We found that DAPI fluorescence appeared only at the refractile part, and that in the D API-positive refractile part especially strong DAPI fluorescence appeared as two dotted regions. Locality of the DAPI fluores¬ cence had been reported in an infectious long form of H. elegans, too [12]. However, unlike the present results, in H. elegans the fluorescence had appeared only at the dark-looking part (a cytoplas¬ mic part) and no dotted strong fluorescence had been observed there. It seems unlikely that such difference is due to species-difference, because both species have almost the same inner structures in TEM. Therefore, reobservations of the locality of DAPI fluorescence are needed in H. elegans. Notwithstanding that the infectious long form of H. obtusa always penetrates the macronuclear envelope with the non-refractile tip. we could not find any local difference on its surface structure. As the failure to observe the surface membrane differetiation at the special tip of the bacterium, following possibilities are conceivable. Namely, if the difference was really present, it might be so minute to be detected by the SEM used in this study, or such differentiation may occur at or after the bacterium is incorporated into the host food vacuoles in an early infection proccess. Recently, Fujishima and Nagahara [3] succeeded in purifying the infectious long forms from homogenates of bacteria-bearing cells by a Percoll density gradient centrifugation. They also succeeded in purifying the bacterium from cells in an early infection process, and found that before penetrating the host macronuclear envelope the infectious form changed its buoyant density from 1.16 g/ml to 1.13 g/ml and 1.11 g/ml as the time passed and its nucleiod dispersed. Furthermore, they found that the bacteria, of which buoyant densities were 1.13 Phase-contrast Fluorescence Transmission Scannning microscopy microscopy electron electron microscopy microscopy non-ref racti le DAP I -negat i ve composed with easily a homogen ious depress b; electron trans- a surface lucent material tension refractile DAP I -positive composed with (two dotted a homogen ious points show electron dense especialy strong material f 1 uorescence ) non-refractile DAPI-negati ve composed with a typical bacterial cytoplasm entirely smooth surface Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the morphological characteristics of the infectious long form of H. obtusa. 798 M. Fujishima and K. Hoshide g/ml and 1.11 g/ml, were easily digested in the food vacuoles when the bacteria were added again to paramecia. Therefore, the bacterium which just penetrated the macronuclear envelope is not the same one with the original infectious long form. Since the infectious long form is hardly digested in the host food vacuoles, the above observations suggest that the nature of the bacterial surface changed immediately after invasion into the host cells. This evokes a possibility that the original infectious long form has not the infectivity to the macronuclear envelope but acquires it when the bacterium changes its buoyant density to 1.13 g/ml or to 1.11 g/ml after invasion into the host cell. If this is true, the surface structure of the special tip of the bacterium may also change when the infec¬ tious long form reduces its buoyant density. This possibility remained to be confirmed in future. Besides the differences in morphology, DNA content and transcriptional activity, several differ¬ ences have been found between the macro- and the micronucleus of ciliates: ribosomal RNA gene amplification [13-15] and lack of some micronu- clear DNA sequences in the macronucleus [16— 20], and the presence of a macronucleus-specific histone [21-23] and a micronucleus-specific his¬ tone [24]. However, difference between the nu¬ clear membranes of two kinds of nuclei, or some¬ thing associated with them, have not yet been detected. In this respect, to know the infection mechanism of the Holospora species to a specific nucleus, either the macro- or the micronucleus, can be expected to provide new evidence on nuclear membrane differentiation between the two kinds or nuclei of common genetic origin. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by grants to M. F. from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (Nos. 61740422 and 62740428), the Itoh Science Founda¬ tion, the Inamori Foundation, and the Naitoh Founda¬ tion. REFERENCES 1 Ossipov, D. V., Skoblo, I. I. and Rautian, M. S. (1975) Iota-particles, macronuclear symbiotic bac¬ teria of ciliate Paramecium caudatum clone Ml 15. Acta Protozool., 14: 263-280. 2 Fujishima, M. and Gortz, H.-D. (1983) Infection of macronuclear anlagen of Paramecium caudatum with the macronucleus-specific symbiont Holospora obtusa. J. Cell Sci., 64: 137-146. 3 Fujishima, M. and Nagahara, K. (1984) Isolation of endonuclear symbiont Holospora obtusa from mass cultures of Paramecium caudatum. VII Int. Congr. Protozool. (Nairobi). Abst., p. 301. 4 Fujishima, M. and Fujita, M. (1985) Infection and maintenance of Holospora obtusa, a macronucleus specific bacterium of the ciliate Paramecium cauda¬ tum. J. Cell Sci., 76: 179-187. 5 Fujishima, M. 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(1984) Timing of the appearance of macronuclear-specific histone variant hvl and gene expression in developing new macro¬ nuclei of Tetrahymena thermophila. J. Cell Biol., 98: 2107-2117. 24 Allis, C. D., Glover, C. V. C. and Gorovsky, M. A. (1979) Micronuclei of Tetrahymena contain two types of histone H3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 76: 4857-4861. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 801-808 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Light-induced Michaelis Constant Increase is Rapid and Inherent in cGMP Phosphodiesterase in Frog Rod Outer Segments Satoru Kawamura and Motohiko Murakami Department of Physiology , Keio University School of Medicine, Shinano-machi 35, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan ABSTRACT — On cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) activation, the Michaelis constant (Km) has been shown to increase in an intact preparation of rod outer segments from the value of O.lmM in the dark to 1 mM in the light. In the present study, firstly we obtained the evidence that this light-induced Km increase is not an artifact caused by reduced substrate accessibility. Then we tried to specify the molecular species responsible for this Km increase. An exogenous PDE activator (transducin-GMPPNP complex) induced a high Km value in the dark in intact membranes but not in freeze-thawed membranes that had lost the capability of the light-induced Km increase. The result indicated that intact structure of PDE is required to induce the Km increase. The light-induced Km increase occurred within 200 msec after a light stimulation. When in situ cGMP concentration is taken into account, the rapid Km increase might be associated with rapid turn-off of cGMP hydrolysis in situ. INTRODUCTION In rod outer segments, light illumination induces cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) activation [1] that probably leads to reduction in internal free cGMP concentration [2, 3] and thereby the reduc¬ tion in the light-sensitive conductance (see for reviews [4, 5]). In an intact preparation1 } of rod outer segments, the Michaelis constant (Km) of PDE in the dark is about 0.1 mM and it increases to about 1 mM after light illumination [6]. However, in purified, freeze-thawed or sonicated disk membranes, the Km value stays almost unchanged on light illu¬ mination (0. 1-0.3 mM, [1, 7, 8]). In our previous report [8], we characterized the chemical nature of the light-induced increase in the Km value (light- induced Km increase). It was found that the light-induced Km increase is labile to experimental manipulations such as freeze-thawing, sonication and pipetting. Since stacked disk membranes are usually observed in intact preparations (see Materials and Methods), it has been suggested that the high Km value is due to reduced substrate accessibility in Accepted November 17, 1987 Received October 23, 1987 the space between stacked membranes and that freeze-thawing increases the accessibility (see dis¬ cussion in [9]). Though this possibility was ques¬ tioned previously [8, 10], firstly in the present study, it was further examined. Secondly, we extended our previous study and tried to under¬ stand why the light-induced Km increase is not observed in freeze-thawed membranes. Finally we examined the rapid time course of the light- induced Km increase. MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of intact disk membranes and freeze- thawed membranes Retinas were obtained from dark-adapted bull¬ frogs ( Rana catesbeiana). All the following ma- Formerly [8], we termed “crude” preparation. Howev¬ er, this preparation is a minimally disrupted one and therefore must retain intactness of the membrane. For this reason we termed “intact” preparation throughout this article. Abbreviations: PDE, cGMP phosphodiesterase; GMPPNP, guanylylimi- dodiphosphate; HEPES, 4-(2-hydroxyethly)-l- piperazineethanesulfonic acid. 802 S. Kawamura and M. Murakami nipulations were carried out in the dark with the aid of an infrared image converter (NVR 2015, NEC, Tokyo, Japan). Detailed procedures for isolation of rod outer segment appeared in our previous report [8]. However briefly, rod outer segments were obtained by sucking the retinas into a pipette tip in a pseudo-intracellular solution (110 mM KC1, 10 mM NaCl, 2mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM CaCl2, 2.78 mM EGTA, 10 mM HEPES, 1 mM dithiothreitol, pH 7.8). The plasma membranes of the rod outer segments thus obtained (intact rod outer segments) are permeable to cGMP [6]. Though freshly isolated rod outer segments show a high Km value in the light, the maximal PDE activity gradually increases for 2 hr until it reaches to a steady level. For quantitative analysis, the maximal PDE activity should be constant during the course of an experiment. For this reason, intact rod outer segments were kept at room temperature for at least 3 hr or at 4°C overnight before use. During this period, rod outer segments decomposed to disk membranes (intact disk mem¬ branes [8]). However, all of the membranes were not dispersed but stacked membranes were usually observed as a minor constituent. The reason why we used intact preparation was firstly that it contains all of the necessary compo¬ nents to produce a high Km value and secondly that in frogs, the light-induced Km increase is easily lost during purification process of disk mem¬ branes [8]. Freeze-thawed disk membranes that show low Km values both in the dark and in the light were obtained by storing the intact rod outer segments at — 20°C for one or a few days. In most cases, single freeze-thawing reduced the Km value in the light to less than 0.4 mM. However, occasionally, the reduction was partial (—0.6 mM). Though the reason for this was not known, repetition of freeze¬ thawing of this preparation reduced the Km value to less than 0.4 mM. Measurement of PDE activity PDE activity was estimated from pH change caused by hydrolysis of cGMP as reported pre¬ viously [11, 12] after some modification of the method of Yee and Liebman [7]. A 200-/4 portion of a suspension of disk membranes was made 0.5 mM in both GTP and ATP. For the pH measure¬ ment except for the experiment in Figure 3, MI- 410 glass electrode (Microelectrodes Inc., London¬ derry, USA) was connected to a pH meter (PHM 82, Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). In Fig¬ ure 3, where pH change was measured with fast time resolution, a metal-type pH electrode (Beet- rode MEPH, WPI Instruments Inc., New Haven, USA) was connected to a pre-amplifier (MEZ 8201, Nihon Kohden, Tokyo, Japan). According to the manufacturer’s catalogue, a 90% response is obtained in 100 msec with this electrode2). Though the drift of this electrode was larger than that of the glass electrode, it did not disturb the rapid pH measurement that was completed within 2 sec after a light flash. In either pH measurement, calibra¬ tion was made by addition of known amounts of HC1 to the pseudo-intracellular solution. PDE activity was estimated from a tangent of the pH recording and was expessed as moles of cGMP hydrolyzed per mole of rhodopsin present per min (cGMP/rh-min). Since the dark PDE activity was negligibly low in our preparation [8], it was not subtracted from the activity in the light. The Km value in the light was determined from a single continuous recording of the pH change under steady illumination [8] except for the experi¬ ment in Figure. 3. Since the PDE activity is high immediately after the onset of light illumination but becomes constant after 15 sec [8], disk mem¬ branes were illuminated for 1 min prior to cGMP addition (final concentration, 2.7 mM) and pH change was continuously recorded. In the experi¬ ment in Figure 3, we examined the rapid time course of the light-induced Km increase. For this purpose, we added known amounts of cGMP to intact disk membrane preparations in the dark and 2) In WPI’s 1985 catalogue, the response time of this electrode was specified as 100 msec while in their 1987 catalogue, it increased to 1 sec. In response to our inquiry, they indicated that 1 sec response time is obtained by moving the electrode between two differ¬ ent pH buffer solutions. In this case, the response time depends on how quickly the first solution is replaced by the second at the electrode-solution interface. When the pH changes homogeneously throughout the solution like in our experiment, they indicated, the response time is faster and on the range of 100 msec. Km Increase of cGMP Phosphodiesterase 803 measured the PDE activities at various cGMP concentrations at each fixed time after a light flash. Because of low PDE activity in the dark in the intact preparation [8], the measurement of dark Km value was relatively difficult with the pH assay method. However, the dark Km value of PDE in our intact preparation has been reported to be about 0.1 mM [6, 8]. Rhodopsin concentration was 8-12 p. M. When cAMP was used as the substrate, rhodopsin concentration was raised to 25-40 fjM, since higher rhodopsin concentration was necessary to obtain reliable pH recordings. Light intensity was 3.7 XlO7 rhodopsin molecules bleached per outer segment per sec. Preparation of transducin' guanyly limidodiphos- phate (transducin' GMPPNP) complex PDE was activated by transducin- GMPPNP complex in Figure 2. The complex was obtained after the method of Kuhn [13] using mainly freeze- thawed disk membranes. Protein concentration was determined with the method of Lowry et al. [14]. Chemicals cGMP, cAMP, ATP, GTP, polyethylene glycol were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, USA) and the other chemicals from Nakarai (Kyoto, Japan). RESULTS Evidence that the high Km value in the intact preparation is not an artifact The high Km value of PDE is observed in intact rod outer segments or intact disk membranes [6, 8]. In the following, in order to show that it is not an artifact caused by reduced substrate accessibil¬ ity, firstly we tried to constitute a model system in which most probably the reduction in the substrate accessibility increased the Km value even in freeze-thawed membranes. Then we compared the mechanism of this Km increase with that of the light-induced Km increase. Polyethylene glycol is known to induce mem¬ brane aggregation [15] and its addition to freeze- thawed disk membranes actually caused mem¬ brane aggregation (data not shown). In the pre¬ sence of the reagent, kinetic parameters of PDE were determined. The addition of polyethylene glycol increased the Km value in the light (filled circles in Fig. la) and decreased the maximal PDE activity (open circles) in a dose-dependent man¬ ner. The effect of the reagent was reversible, since when the polyethylene glycol concentration was reduced by washing, the Km value and the maxi¬ mal PDE activity returned to the control value. We believe that in the aggragate membranes prepared as shown above, substrate accessibility was reduced for the following reasons. (1) It is reasonable to assume that membrane aggregation inhibits free access of the substrate to the enzyme. In fact, polyethylene glycol-induced Km increase did not show substrate specificity (see below). (2) Though addition of polyethylene glycol increased the viscosity of the solution, the increased viscosity was not the determinant of the high Km value in Figure la. This conclusion was drawn from a control experiment in which the viscosity of the solution was raised with sucrose. In the presence of 19% (w/w) polyethylene glycol, the Km was 2.5 mM (Fig. la) and the relative viscosity to water in this solution was 5.5. Even at a higher viscosity of 9 in a sucrose solution (44%; w/w), the Km was less than 0.5 mM. (3) The Km increase by polyethylene glycol is not due to the direct effect of this reagent on PDE, since solubilized and trypsin activated PDE did not increase the Km value even at 12% (w/w) polyethylene glycol concentration (data not shown). Then we tried to compare the mechanism of the aggregation-induced Km change with that of the light-induced Km increase. By adding appropriate amounts of polyethylene glycol to the freeze- thawed membrane preparation, we tried to obtain a preparation in which the Km value for cGMP in freeze-thawed membrane increased close to the value observed in intact disk membranes. The Km values in untreated freeze-thawed membranes, aggregated membranes in the presence of 10.6% (w/w) polyethylene glycol and intact disk mem¬ branes are shown on the upper panel in Figure lb and labeled as f thawed, -\-PEG and intact , re¬ spectively. In the same preparations used above, we measured the Km values for cAMP. Addition of polyethylene glycol to freeze-thawed mem- Michaelis constant (•) (mM) 804 S. Kawamura and M. Murakami Cb) Michaelis constant (mM] 0 0.5 1 i - 1 - r f .thawed -1 cGMP + PEG — 1 intact D 5 1 0 1 - f.thawed i — 1 ! cAMP + PEG - 1 intact Fig. 1. Effects of polyethylene glycol on the phospho¬ diesterase activity (PDE activity) and the Michaelis constant. (a) PDE activities were measured in freeze-thawed membranes from a continuous pH recording in the presence of known concentrations of polyethylene glycol. The Michaelis constant and the maximal PDE activity were determined from the double¬ reciprocal plot. The obtained maximal PDE activity (open circles) and Michaelis constant (filled circles) were plotted against polyethylene glycol concentra¬ tion (w/w). Each symbol represents single deter¬ mination. (b) Michaelis constants in freeze-thawed membranes in the absence and presence of 10.6% (final cone.) polyethylene glycol (f. thawed and + PEG, respec¬ tively). The value in intact disk membranes is also shown (intact). In cGMP experiment (upper panel), the Km values shown are 0.38 + 0.02 mM (f. thawed ; n=3, a mean±SE), 0.76 + 0.04 mM ( + PEG; n = 3) and 0.86 + 0.13 mM ( intact ; n = 8). In cAMP experi¬ ment (lower panel), the values are 3.8 ±0.3 mM (/. thawed ; n=3), 8.2+ 1.4 mM ( + P£G; n = 3) and 3.5 ±0.7 mM ( intact ; n = 17). branes increased the Km value for cAMP as well (- \-PEG in lower panel in Fig. lb). However, freeze-thawing did not reduce the Km value for cAMP (compare the Km value of “/. thawed ” with that of “ intact ” in lower panel). The result indi¬ cated that the Km change induced by membrane aggregation and thus, reduced substrate accessibil¬ ity is non-specific to substrate species while light- induced Km increase is specific to cGMP. There¬ fore, the two types of the Km changes are based on different mechanisms and the reduction in the substrate accessibility is not the mechanism that accounts for the light-induced Km increase. One may think that to solve the above issue, there might be a direct approach such as a recon¬ stitution experiment using purified components. However, at least in frogs, the light-induced Km increase is easily lost during purification process [8] and at present, it is not possible. Km increase induced by transducin' guanylylimido- diphosphate complex (transducin' GMPPNP com¬ plex) in the dark In order to study why the light-induced Km increase is not observed in freeze-thawed mem¬ branes, PDE was activated directly with trans- ducin-GMPPNP complex in the dark. In agreement with the report of Fung et al. [16], transducin- GMPPNP complex activated PDE in intact disk membranes without light illumination. Half-maximal activation was observed with addi¬ tion of 5 p\ of the extract (0.4 pg protein). Under the condition of full activation (7.7 pg protein), PDE activities in the dark were determined in intact disk membranes and in freeze-thawed mem¬ branes. The double-reciprocal plot showed that the Km was 1.1 mM in intact membranes (filled circles and solid line in Fig. 2a) and 0.23 mM in freeze-thawed membranes (filled circles and solid line in Fig. 2b). As controls, the PDE activities in the two types of the membranes were measured in the absence of the extract but in the light. The measured Km value was 0.90 mM in intact mem¬ branes (open circles and dotted line in Fig. 2a) and 0.28 mM in freeze-thawed membranes (open cir¬ cles and dotted line in Fig. 2b). It is evident from Figure 2 that transducin-GMPPNP complex in¬ creased the Km in intact membranes (Fig. 2a) but Km Increase of cGMP Phosphodiesterase 805 1/cGMP CmM'1 ) Fig. 2. Effect of transducin’ guanylylimidodiphosphate (transducin- GMPPNP) complex on the Km values in intact and freeze-thawed membranes. (a) Phosphodiesterase activity in intact disk mem¬ branes was measured in the presence of trans¬ ducin’ GMPPNP complex (TGMppNP; 7.7 pg protein) either in the dark or light. Each data point shown represents the mean±SE in triplicate determina¬ tions. Assuming linear relations, best fit lines were determined in the double-reciprocal plot in the dark (filled circles and solid line) and light (dashed line). To avoid crowdedness, the data points in the light are not shown, but the position of the data points and their deviations are quite similar to those in the dark. As for a control, relation between PDE activity and cGMP concentration was also measured in intact disk membranes in the light in the absence of the complex (open circles and dotted line). (b) Phosphodiesterase activities were measured in freeze-thawed membranes in the presence of trans¬ ducin’ GMPPNP complex in the dark (Km = 0.23 mM; filled circles and solid line) and in the absence of the complex in the light (Km = 0.28mM; open circles and dotted line). not in freeze-thawed ones (Fig. 2b). The result suggests that PDE molecules are in different con¬ formation in the two types of the membranes. In other words, PDE intact conformation is required to exert the light-induced Km increase. In the presence of transducin-GMPPNP, the Km value in intact membranes was also determined in the light. The value was almost the same (1.1 mM, dashed line in Fig. 2a) as that obtained in the dark. Rapid time course of light-induced Km increase As has been hypothesized [8], the light Km value might increase in a time-dependent manner after light stimulation. Because of low time resolu¬ tion of the pH electrode used in our previous work (~2sec), rapid kinetic measurement was not possible. In the present study, however, using a metal-type pH electrode, rapid time course of the light-induced Km increase was measured as early as 200 msec after a light stimulation. A suspension of intact disk membranes was divided into 8 portions. In the dark, ATP, GTP and known amounts of cGMP were added to one portion and a light flash of 6 msec duration was given. With various starting cGMP concentrations in 8 portions, pH changes were recorded after light flashes. Some of the recordings are shown as an inset in Figure 3a. For a reliable measurement, we used an intense light (20% bleach/flash) to accelerate PDE activa¬ tion kinetics [7] and raised rhodopsin concentra¬ tion to 30 pM. PDE activities were determined at various cGMP concentrations at various time in¬ tervals after the flash. Two examples of the double-reciprocal plot at 200 msec and 1 sec after the flash are shown in Figure 3a. The Km values were 0.76 mM at 200 msec (open circles and solid line in Fig. 3a) and 0.74 mM at 1 sec (filled circles and dashed line in Fig. 3a). Though the Km value before light flash was not measured in the present experiment (see Materials and Methods), it is about 0.1 mM in our intact preparation [8]. The Km values were plotted against time after the flash together with maximal PDE activities (Fig. 3b). PDE activity (open circles in Fig. 3b) increased gradually and reached its peak at about 1 sec after the flash, while the Km value (filled circles in Fig. 3b) increased within the time resolu¬ tion of the present measurement and stayed almost constant during this period. Though the data point slightly scattered at 150 msec (data not shown), the Km value was also found to be high. Since the Km increase is more rapid than the activity increase 806 S. Kawamura and M. Murakami 1/cGMP (mM-1) CbD 400 > § O ® CO ^ LLI O g | 200 .1 | co O 'o 0 1 2 Time after flash (sec) Fig. 3. Rapid time course of the Km increase. (a) The double-reciprocal plot of phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity versus cGMP concentration at 200 msec (open circles and solid line) and 1 sec (filled circles and dashed line) after a light flash. Inset recordings: pH recordings at varying cGMP concen¬ trations (0, 0.44 and 2.24 mM from bottom to top). The records were low-pass-filtered at 15 Hz with an 8-pole active filter. A light flash was given at the time indicated by an arrow. (b) Time courses in the changes of the Michaelis con¬ stant and the maximal PDE activity after a light stimulation. The Michaelis constant (filled circles) and the maximal PDE activity (open circles) obtained from the double reciprocal plot were plot¬ ted against time after the light flash. (Fig. 3), one might suspect that the Km value increases before PDE is activated. However, it is not the case: since the activated enzyme contri¬ butes mainly in the calculation of the Km value, the calculated Km values reflect the Km value of the activated PDE. Therefore, the result showed that the Km value becomes high within 200 msec after PDE activation. Though the Km decreased at 2 sec after the flash in Figure 3, it was not observed in other experiments. The deviation was within error of our Km estimation. DISCUSSION The present work revealed the following results. (1) Freeze-thawing specifically reduces the Km value for cGMP but addition of polyethylene gly¬ col increases the Km values non-specifically (Fig. 1). (2) When PDE is activated in the dark by transducin- GMPPNP complex, the Km value is high in intact disk membranes but low in freeze- thawed membranes (Fig. 2). (3) The light-induced Km increase occurs within 200 msec after a light flash (Fig. 3). Mechanism of light-induced Km increase There has been a suggestion that reduced sub¬ strate accessibility is the cause of the high Km value for cGMP in intact disk membranes in the light. In the present work, we tried to reduce the substrate accessibility to the enzyme by forming membrane aggregation (Fig. 1). The Km values for both cGMP and cAMP increased, but freeze¬ thawing reduced the Km value only for cGMP. This experiment indicated that the reduced sub¬ strate accessibility is not the determinant of the high Km value in intact disk membranes. Our previous work showed that even after rod outer segments were ruptured by lysis, PDE still shows a high Km value [8]. All these observations are consistent with the idea that mM level of the Km value for cGMP in intact disk membranes is not due to reduced substrate accessibility. Using re¬ constituted cattle disk membranes which showed high Km value, Sitaramayya et al. [10] found that the Km value was constant irrespective of the extent of the local rate of cGMP consumption. If the result obtained in their reconstituted system could apply to that in the intact membranes, their result also supports our conclusion. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the Km of in situ PDE in the light is close to 1 mM. As shown in Figure 2, intact conformation of PDE seemed to be required to cause the light- induced Km increase. Since we obtained trans¬ ducin' GMPPNP complex from freeze-thawed membranes (see Materials and Methods) and it had the ability to induce high Km value in intact membranes, obviously transducin is not responsi¬ ble for the light-induced Km increase. Even when Km Increase of cGMP Phosphodiesterase 807 the freeze-thawed membranes were fused with intact membranes, PDE in freeze-thawed mem¬ branes did not restore the ability of the light- induced Km increase (Kawamura and Murakami, unpublished observation). From these results, it seems that the PDE conformational change in freeze-thawed membranes is the primary cause for the loss of the light-induced Km increase. Howev¬ er, since we cannot totally exclude the possibility of the presence of the Km-increase factor [6, 8] from these results, further work is necessary to elucidate the molecular mechanism of the light- induced Km increase. If the light-induced Km increase is attained by PDE molecule itself, the chemical nature of the light-induced Km increase studied in our previous report [8] is that of PDE molecule itself. One might suspect that the high Km value is an artifact caused by the pH assay method. However, this is not the case, since conventional radioisoto¬ pic assay also shows the light-induced Km increase [6], Possible physiological significance of Km increase Using lsO labeling technique, Ames et al. [17] reported that the temporal on/off resolution of the activated PDE is fast and in a range of less than 1 sec. However, in our electrophysiological PDE activity measurement done by intracellular injec¬ tion of cGMP, the PDE activity slowly turned off after a light flash in a range of tens of sec [18, 19]. This apparent discrepancy may be explained by the following control mechanism on the PDE activity through Km regulation. Though the Km value in the light is close to 1 mM as concluded above, this does not necessarily imply that the value is constant during the entire period of PDE activation. Based on the fact that the PDE has an ability to show lower Km value in various types of preparations even in the light, we previously hypothesized that the light Km value increases in a time-dependent manner after light stimulation [8]. In the present work, it is still possible that under in situ condition, during a short period after PDE activation, the Km stays at a low value of 0.1-0.3mM as in purified disk mem¬ branes, and then rapidly increases to 1 mM within 200 msec (Fig. 3). Since internal cGMP concentra¬ tion is estimated to be in the order of pM [20, 21], the Michaelis-Menten equation predicts that this Km increase results in a decrease in in situ PDE activity to 1/3-1/10 of the initial value within 200 msec after a light flash. If this self- regulatory Km increase mechanism operates, it explains not only the in situ rapid turn-off of PDE but also the slow PDE activity recovery measured electrophysiologi- cally: intracellular cGMP injection increases in situ substrate concentration to reduce the effect of the Km increase, and therefore, PDE hydrolyzes the injected cGMP. None of the known reactions participating in the PDE inactivation is rapid enough to match the recovery time course of photoreceptor potential after a light stimulus. Therefore, even though at present, we do not have the evidence for the time-dependent Km increase in the light, the above possibility seems to deserve further investigation. Though internal free cGMP concentration might be lower than the Km value of PDE, it may be associated with the physiological significance of PDE. If the dark Km value is lower than internal free cGMP concentration, considerable amounts of cGMP bind to PDE in the dark. As far as the physiological role of PDE is concerned, the hy¬ drolysis of such bound cGMP does not contribute to rapid hydrolysis of free cGMP. Therefore, the amounts of bound cGMP are minimized in a way that the Km of PDE in the dark is above the free cGMP concentration. As stated above, we believe that 0.1 mM is the Km of the active form of in situ PDE. This value is also higher than internal free cGMP concentration. According to Fersht [22], the high Km value in the light could be the result of molecular evolution: an enzyme evolves so that it binds to the transition state of the substrate firmly, which reduces the activation energy of the enzyme reaction and induces high catalytic activity. The firm binding of PDE to the transition state of the substrate leads to weak binding to free cGMP and is characterized by a high Km value. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan to S. K. (No. 60780286) and to M. M. 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INTRODUCTION Fish hemoglobins (Hbs) are not commonly stud¬ ied as compared with Hbs of other vertebrates. So far, only studies on the primary structure of the Hbs of carp ( Cyprinus carpio) [1], catostomid {Catostomus clarkii ) [2], gold-fish ( Carassinus au¬ ratus) [3], and trout ( Salmo irideus ) [4], and a brief study on the heterogeneity of Hbs in some Ama¬ zon River fish were reported [5], In addition, the ontogenetic changes of a few kinds of trout Hbs were also reviewed recently [6], During the past few years, the Hbs from the blood of seven kinds of teleosts of the family Cyprinidae, i.e., crucian ( Carassius auratus L.), carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), blunt-snout bream ( Megalobrama amblycephala ), grass carp ( Ctenopharyngldon idellus ), black carp (Mylopharyngldon piceus ), silver carp ( Hypoph - thalmichthys molitrix) and variegated carp ( Ari - stichys nobilis ) have been investigated as one of the biochemical markers for identifying their spe¬ cies-dependent characteristics in our laboratory by using starch gel electrophoresis [7]. The starch gel electrophoretograms of these fish Hbs showed that crucian Hb has only one major band while all the other Hbs have two to four major bands. This Accepted December 18, 1987 Received December 22, 1986 1 This work was supported by research grants from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and RF 84031 from the Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.A. 2 To whom requests of reprints should be addressed. clearly demonstrates that polymorphism is com¬ mon to these fish Hbs except crucian. This unique characteristic of crucian Hb stimulated us to make further investigations on its structural properties. This paper reports the isolation of crucian Hb and its subunits, and the identification of their structural characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS Crucian ( Carassius auratus L.) of the Family Cyprinidae, Genus Carassius Nilsson, is one of the most familiar, edible fresh-water fish in China. Crucians of about one year age weighing about 500 g were bought from Beijing Wan Quanzhong Fishery in different seasons. DEAE-cellulose was purchased from Whatman (DE-52). Methanol and acetonitrile (HPLC grade) were products of Zhejiang Huangyan Chemical Factory. Isolation and purification of crucian Hb The crucian hemolysates were prepared by the method of Jeppssen et al. [8]. Crucian Hb was isolated from the hemolysates by using DEAE- cellulose column chromatography. A brief de¬ scription of the chromatography is given in the legend of Figure 1. Separation of crucian globin subunits Heme was removed by the acid-acetone proce¬ dure described by Rossi et al. [9]. The constituent chains of crucian Hb were separated by using 810 F. Hung and Y. Shaoyi Fig. 1. Chromatography of crucian Hb on DEAE- cellulose column. Crucian hemolysates were applied to a DEAE-cellulose column (1 X 15 cm) which had been equilibrated with 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.6. The materials were eluted with a linear gradient obtained from 300 ml each of the Tris buffer and 0.2 M NaCl solution at contant pH of 8.6. Every 3 ml of the effluent was collected in each tube at a flow rate of 36 ml/hr. Waters HPLC system according to Shelton et al. [10] with a minor modification. The chain separa¬ tion was carried out by reverse phase chromatogra¬ phy on a Waters /d3ondapak Qg column (10 pm, 4 X 300 mm); specific conditions for elution are given in the legend of Figure 2. Characterization of some structural properties of crucian globin subunits The urea-Triton acid polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis method of Alter et al. [11] was used for identification of crucian globin subunits. Analysis of the N-terminal sequences of globin subunits was carried out by the double-coupling method of Chang et al. [12]. The produced DABITH-terminal amino acid residues were de¬ tected on a polyamide filter. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A typical elution profile of crucian hemolysate on a DEAE-cellulose column is shown in Figure 1. This profile demonstrates that crucian Hb consists essentially of a single type which was detected at 540 nm. The peak appeared between fractions No. 22-25 in accordance with the sites for 0.022-0.025 M Na+ concentration. The yield was 86%. From the above results, since only a single type of Hb was isolated, it looks clear that there is no obvious polymorphism in crucian Hb, while the polymorphism of Hbs have been commonly re¬ ported in various kind of fish. These results are also consistent with those reported by Braunitzer et al. [13]. They analysed the amino acid se¬ quences of a- and /9-chains of a major component of goldfish Hb, and no indication of polymorphism of goldfish Hb could be found in their report. Since crucian is the wild type of the species of Carassius auratus L. while the goldfish is the domestic variety of the same species, it is reason¬ able to think that the basic structure of Hb will reveal the possibility in keeping its conservation nature during their long history in evolution. Any¬ way, this non-poly morphic characteristic of cru¬ cian and goldfish Hbs is a rare case among the fish Hbs. Fourie et al. [17] reported the phenomenon that the types of carp Hb varied in different seasons. He suggested that it might be due to the globin gene expression which was regulated and control¬ led by the change of environmental factors. In our experiment, no distinct seasonal changes in crucian Hb were observed. Two globin subunit chains of crucian hemoglo¬ bin were separated by reverse phase HPLC as shown in Figure 2. Each peak was identified by urea-Triton-PAGE to be /?- and a- type globin chain in the elution order (Fig. 3). According to the migration rates of two globin chains on the urea-Triton gel, the first peak was identified as /?-type globin chain and the second a-type. This result is similar to the results obtained by other Characterization of Crucian Hb Subunits 811 Fig. 2. HPLC of crucian globin subunits on C18 column. Buffer and solvents: Phosphate buffer (P): 6.66 g/1 of KH2P04, pH 2.5; Acetonitrile (A); Methanol (M). Solvent A consisted of 42.5% (A): 5% (M): 52.5% (P). Solvent B consisted of 50% (A): 5% (M): 45% (P). The globin sample was dissolved in solvent A and the insoluble materials were removed by centrifugation prior to application to the column. The column was washed with solvent A during the first 23 min then a linear gradient of Solvent B from 0% to 100% was employed for the elution over the subsequent 20 min. The column was washed with 100% solvent B to the end continuously. The flow rate was 1.5 ml/min. Proteins were detected at 280 nm. a b c Fig. 3. Electrophoretograms of crucian globin subunits on urea-Triton acid PAGE. a: Main fraction in Fig. 1, b: The first peak in Fig. 2 (/?-chain). c: The second peak in Fig. 2 (ar-chain). 12% polyacrylamide gels containing 6 M urea and 2% Triton X-100 in 5% acetic acid were used. The gels were laid with 10 /ug of proteins for each tube. Electrophoresis was run in 5% acetic acid following the procedure of Alter et al [11]. researchers [13-15] although it seems different from Shelton’s results [10] in which the first peak of human Hb was identified as a-chain and the second one as /?-chain. The reason for this differ¬ ence is still unknown. It has been reported that unlike mammalian Hbs, fish Hb tetramers in some species seem to be composed of two to four different subunit chains [16]. However, our results show that there are only two common subunit types, a-type and /?-type in the crucian Hb. The first three N-terminal amino acid sequences of the a- and /?-chains of crucian Hb were both identified as Val-Glu-Try. Data of sequences for several N-terminal amino acids of fish globins are listed in Table 1. It indicated that both the N- terminal amino acids of a- and /?-c hains in carp, catomostomid, trout and goldfish have the feature, Ac-Ser-Leu-Ser for a-chain and Val-Glu-Try for /?-chain. In contrast, the N-terminal amino acids of crucian a-chain are different from those of other fish Hbs. The unusual N-terminal sequence of crucian /?-chain is of particular interest because it differs significantly from that of goldfish a-chain [3]. The goldfish was separated from the crucian through an artificial selection in China about six 812 F. Hung and Y. Shaoyi Table 1. Comparison of N-terminal amino acid sequences of fish Hbs a-chain /?-chain Ref. Crucian ( Carassius auratus L.) Val-Glu-Try Val-Glu-Try This report Carp (' Cyprinus carpio ) Ac-Ser-Leu-Ser Val-Glu-Try [1], [18] Catostomid {Catostomus clarkii ) Ac-Ser-Leu-Ser Val-Glu-Try [2] Trout {Salmo irideus ) Ac-Ser-Leu-Ser Val-Glu-Try [4] Goldfish {Carassius auratus ) Ac-Ser-Leu-Ser Val-Glu-Try [3] hundred years ago. Is it possible that such a domestic selective process caused the difference of the N-terminal sequence between the ochains of crucian and goldfish Hbs? In order to clarify this question, further investigation is necessary. Espe¬ cially it should be focused on the identification and comparison of the complete amino acid sequences for both fish Hbs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Professor Huang Jifang, Institute of Developmental Biology, Academia Sinica for his reading the English manuscript and Mr. Xu Xiochang, Institute of Biophysics, Academia Sinica for his assistance in analysing the N-terminal amino acid of crucian globins. REFERENCES 1 Gillen, R. G. and Riggs, A. (1972) Structure and function of the hemoglobins of the carp, Cyprinus carpio. J. Biol. Chem., 247: 6036-6046. 2 Powers, D. A. and Edmundson, A. B. (1972) Mul¬ tiple hemoglobins of catostomid fish II. The amino acid sequence of the major a chain from Catostomus clarkii hemoglobins. J. Biol. Chem., 247: 6694- 6707. 3 Braunitzer, G. and Rodewald, K. (1980) Die Se- quenz der a- und /?-ketten des Hamoglobins des Goldfisches ( Carassius auratus). Hoppe-Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Chem., 361: 587-590. 4 Bossa, F., Barra, R., Petruzzelli, R., Martini, F. and Brunori, M. (1978) Primary structure of hemo¬ globin from trout ( Salmo irideus ): amino acid se¬ quence of a chain of Hb trout I. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 536: 298-305. 5 Unni, E. H. Fyhn, Fyhn, H.J., Davis, B.J., Pow¬ ers, D. A., Fink, W. L. and Garlick, R. I. (1979) Hemoglobin heterogeneity in Amazonian fishes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 62 A: 39-66. 6 Iuchi, I. (1985) Cellular and molecular bases of the larval-adult shift of hemoglobins in fish. Zool. Sci., 2: 11-23. 7 Jingzhi, Y., Guon, W. and Shaoyi, Y. (1986) Analysis of starch gel electrophoresis patterns of hemoglobin and red blood cell LDH isozymes of four kinds of fresh water teleost ( Mylopharyngodon piceus, Ctenopharyngodon idellus , Hypophthalmich- thys molitrix , Aristichthys nobilis). Hereditas (Beij¬ ing), 8(2): 25-27. 8 Jeppssen, J. O. (1977) Application Note, 307. LKB Inc. 9 Rossi, F. A. and Antonini, E. (1958) Studies on the structure of humoglobin. 1. Physicochemical prop¬ erties of human globin. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 30: 608-615. 10 Shelton, J. B. and Shelton, J. R. (1979) Preliminary experiments in the separation of globin chains by HPLC. Hemoglobin, 3: 353-358. 11 Alter, B. P., Goff, S. C., Eqremov, G. D., Gravely, M. E. and Huisman, T. H. J. (1980) Globin chain electrophoresis: A new approach to the determina¬ tion of the Gy/A/ ratio in fetal haemoglobin and to studies of globin synthesis. Br. J. Haematol., 45: 527-534. 12 Chang, J. Y. and Creaser, E. H. (1976) A novel manual method for protein-sequence analysis. Biochem. J., 157: 77-85. 13 Congote, L. F. and Kendall, A. G. (1982) Rapid analysis of labeled globin chains without acetone precipitation or dialysis by high-pressure liquid chro¬ matography and ion-exchange chromatography. Anal. Biochem., 123: 124-132. 14 Shelton, J. B., Shelton, J. R. and Schroeder, W. A. (1984) High performance liquid chromatographic separation of globin chains on a large-pore C4 column. J. Liquid Chromatogr., 7: 1969-1977. 15 Huisman, T. H. J. and Webber, B. (1981) In “Ad¬ vances in Hemoglobin Analysis”. Ed. by S. M. Characterization of Crucian Hb Subunits 813 Hannsh and G. J. Brewer. Alan R. Liss Inc., New York, p. 23. 16 Fyhn, U. W. H. and Sullivan, B. (1974) Hemoglo¬ bin polymorphism in fishes, I. Complex phenotypic patterns in the toadfish, Opsanus tau. Biochem. Genetics, 11: 1974. 17 Fourie, F. L. and VanVuren, J. H. J. (1976) A sea¬ sonal study on the hemoglobins of carp ( Cyprinus carpio ) and yellowfish ( Barbus holubi) in South Africa. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 55B: 523. 18 Hilse, K. and Braunitzer, G. (1966) Zur Phylogenie des Hamoglobinmolekiils fiber den Polymorphismus und die N-terminalen Aminosauren des Karpfenha- moglobins. Hoppe-Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Chem., 344: 166-168. - ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 815-822 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Meiotic Studies of Interracial Hybrids from the Wild Population of the Large Japanese Field Mouse, Apodemus speciosus speciosus Masako Saitoh* 1 and Yoshitaka Obara2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki 036, Japan ABSTRACT — The meiosis and gametogenesis were examined in interracial hybrids (Rb heterozygotes, 2n=47) between two karyotypically different races A (2n = 48) and B (2n=46) of Apodemus speciosus speciosus. Histologically gametogenesis appeared to be normal in either sex. The anomalous segregation in anaphase I disjunction was relatively higher in the male Rb heterozygotes (27.9%) than in a race A male (6.2%), though the formation of a chain trivalent between Rb metacentric and twin acrocentric chromosomes was observed in the hybrids. The post-reductional segregation of the XY bivalent was confirmed. These observations suggested that the parental forms (races A and B) have been semiisolated by the hybrid inferiority with a narrow hybrid zone and that the meiotic misdivision in the Rb heterozygotes may, at least in part, function as a post-mating isolation mechanism for maintaining the parapatric distribution of these two chromosomal races. INTRODUCTION The large Japanese field mouse, Apodemus spe¬ ciosus speciosus, consists of two chromosomal races (race A and race B) which have been formed through a Robertsonian (Rb) rearrangement [1, 2]. They distribute parapatrically with a narrow contact zone named “Toyama-Hamamatsu line”: race A (2n=48) ranges to the northward of this line and race B (2n=46) to the southward [3-6]. The interracial hybrids (Rb heterozygotes) can easily be detected within the contact zone [4-6]. Chromosomal races produce relatively unfit heterozygotes which therefore leave fewer prog¬ eny, and ultimately the pure genotypes may be maintained by their hybrid inferiority which is expected to be equivalent to the vagility [7]. Thus, in general interracial hybrids can be highly ex¬ pected to undergo meiotic drive, which causes the production of unbalanced gametes. Similar situa¬ Accepted October 26, 1987 Received September 21, 1987 1 Present address: Chromosome Laboratory, Shiseikai Dai-ni-Hospital, 5-19-1 Kamisoshigaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157, Japan. 2 To whom reprints should be requested. tion would also be expected in A. s. speciosus : the fitness of the interracial hybrids (2n = 47) may be reduced to a certain degree due to unusual seg¬ regation during meiosis. Meiotic anaphase I malsegregation attributable to the nondisjunction of the Rb trivalents has been observed in the mice heterozygous for Rb metacentrics [8-13], Such meiotic drive system would be one of the most likely factors for induc¬ ing partial sterility of the interracial hybrids [14, 15]. Therefore, it may be indispensable for inquir¬ ing into the nature of the raciation mechanism of A. s. speciosus to examine in detail the malseg¬ regation rate in meiosis of the interracial hybrids, or Rb heterozygotes. Up to now, no practical reproduction analysis of the interracial hybrids of A. s. speciosus has been made except for the cross breeding experiments of Tsuchiya [16], by which he regarded the interracial hybrids to possess “very good” fertility. The aim of this report is to investigate the fertility in the wild specimens of the interracial hybrids of A. 5. speciosus from the following viewpoints: (1) spermatogenesis and oogenesis, (2) meiotic pairing and (3) meiotic anaphase I malseg¬ regation. 816 M. Saitoh and Y. Obara In some Apodemus species including A. s. spe- ciosus, the post-reductional segregation of the sex chromosomes, which is a quite unique reduction system in mammals, has been suggested by several workers on the basis of the examination of the testis sections [17-23]. In the present study the reduction system of A. s. speciosus will also be analyzed by the air-drying and C-banding methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS Wild-caught specimens of the three karyological forms of Apodemus speciosus speciosus were used in this study; race A-type mice were from Aomori and Nagano Prefs., race B-type ones from Tottori and Nagano Prefs. and their hybrids from Ina, Nagano Pref. These karyological forms were de¬ termined by their bone marrow karyotypes. Histologic examination : Testes and ovaries (race A-5 $ , 3-?-; hybrid-3 7-£; race B-2$, 2 -£) were kept until use in PFA-3 fixative. After paraffin-embedding, the gonads were serially sec¬ tioned at 8 /an, and stained with Mayer’s haema- toxylin and eosin. Meiotic preparation : Fourteen male specimens (race A-6 $ , hybrid-6 $ , race B-2 $ ) were pro¬ vided for meiotic study. For meiotic preparation, the protocol of Evans et al. [24] was adopted. The flame-dried preparations were conventionally stained with Giemsa for chromosome counting and the air-dried ones were C-banded by the BSG Fig. 1. Gonadal transection of the interracial hybrids of and (b) oogenesis in the ovary. Scale bar, 10 /an. method [25]. Chiasma counts : Fifty-eight metaphases of the first meiotic division (M I) from three male Rb heterozygotes were photographed under micro¬ scope, and the interstitial chiasmata of the Rb trivalents were counted with the printed M I figures. M II counts : The nondisjunction rate in the M I was evaluated by scoring the frequency of the heteroploid (hypo- and hyperploid) secondary spermatocytes of a specimen of race A and two hybrids. Seven hundred and twenty-two well- spread metaphases of the second meiotic division (M II) were photographed and the printed figures of the M II metaphases were carefully traced as line drawings for reliable and correct identification of the chromosomes. RESULTS Histology of the testis and ovary Figure 1 shows the spermatogenesis (a) and oogenesis (b) of the interracial hybrids, respective¬ ly. Within the seminiferous tubules various stages of the spermatogenic cells such as spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa were in rows in proper order from the basal lamina to the lumen. All the testes of the hybrids examined were apparently normal in the cellular morphology as well as in the constitu¬ tion of the germ-lines. Moreover, just as with the A. s. speciosus: (a) germ-lines in the seminiferous tubules Meiosis of Apodemus s. speciosus 817 Table 1. Counting of CH III caused by the interstitial chiasmata in three male Rb heterozygotes at late diakinesis/M I a b c d e f Total H-l 6 2 1 1 3 13 H-2 3 1 — ■■ — 4 H-3 17 10 6 7 — 1 41 Total(%) 26(44.8) 13(22.4) 7(12.1) 8(13.8) 3(5.2) 1(1.7) 58 a, b, c, d, e and f correspond to those of Fig. 3. parental forms, some bunches of the mature sperms connected to the Sertoli’s cells. In seven female specimens of the interracial hybrids, the transition of small primary follicles to secondary ones was almost the same as that of the parental forms, race A and race B (Fig. lb). No anomalous feature could be detected, at least at the histologi¬ cal level, in the gametogenic cells of the interracial hybrids, irrespective of age and sex. Meiotic pairing Chromosomal compatibility in the interracial hybrids can be evaluated through meiotic normal¬ ity. In the present Rb heterozygotes, a typical chain trivalent (CH III) between the Rb metacentric (SMI; refer to the previous work [6]) and the twin-acrocentrics (Nos. 10 and 17) was detected without exception in addition to the twen¬ ty-one autosomal and one XY bivalents which were quite identical to those of the parental forms (Fig. 2). Such a perfect meiotic pairing in the Rb heterozygotes which can be well expected from a high degree of G-band homology between the two parental forms [6] may allow the subsequent nor¬ mal gametic differentiation. However, the chias- ma configuration in the CH Ills varied from cell to cell, as presented in Figure 3 a to f. The occurr¬ ence frequency of interstitial chiasma was 68.9% (a + b + f) in the side of the short arm-No. 17 and 62.1% (a-f-c + e) in that of the long arm-No. 10 (Table 1). What the chiasma-like loose- associations (Fig. 3 e and f) stand for, that is, whether they resulted from asynapsis or desynapsis was still uncertain. Meiotic anaphase I malsegregation The M II spreads of the male Rb heterozygotes consisted of seven classes of chromosome constitu¬ tion; n = 23 with SMI, n = 24 without SMI, n = 24 with SMI, n = 23 without SMI, n = 25 with SMI, n =22 without SMI and the other types. According to the classification of Ford and Evans [10], the Fig. 2. (a) Diakinesis/M I of an interracial hybrid showing a normal configuration including an Rb CH III (arrow) and a sex bivalent (arrow head), (b) A diagram of a typical Rb CH III. 818 M. Saitoh and Y. Obara a b c d e f Fig. 3. Demonstration of the Rb CH Ills carrying chi- asmata in Nos. 10 and 17/either arm of SMI (a), one chiasma either in the short arm/No. 17 (b) or the long arm/No. 10 (c), no chiasma (d) and loose-as¬ sociations of No. 17 (e) or No. 10 (f). first two can be attributed to “normal disjunction”, the third and fourth to “partial nondisjunction” and the fifth and sixth to “total nondisjunction”. The former six are schematically depicted in Fi¬ gure 4, A, B and C, in which the unbalanced haploid conditions are owing to the absence or the surplus of the chromosome arms taking part in the formation of the trivalent, and the last one in¬ cludes the aneuploidy due to the nondisjunctions in both of the trivalent and bivalents (Table 2, D). Taking these conditions into consideration, the M II spreads were examined in detail, paying atten¬ tion to the Rb metacentric and the chromosome number (Fig. 4). The SMI of the Rb heterozy¬ gotes could be easily distinguished from the four small metacentrics intrinsic to this species by their relative length and arm ratio at the second metaph¬ ase (Fig. 5). X2 test showed that the data from the two heterozygotes (H-l and FI-2) of Table 2 were homogeneous with each other. Therefore, they were summed up. After all the anomalous segregation occurred with a relatively high fre¬ quency, 27.9% (hyperploid: 11.2%; hypoploid: 16.7%) (Table 2). The frequency of spontaneous Table 2. Counting of M II figures in two male Rb heterozygotes A B C D Total cells 23 24 24 23 25 22 scored H-l 93 124 27 36 1 4 17 302 H-2 96 126 20 35 3 6 21 307 Total 189 250 47 71 4 10 38 609 A,B and C correspond to those of Fig. 4. D includes the nondisjunctions in both of the trivalent and bivalents. B + C+D % nondisjunction(anomalous segregation) =— — — — — — — XlOO @Normal D ©Partial ND ©Total ND 23 24 25 N RlJtln 24 23 22 Ufln (fi): in Fig. 4. Diagrams of the segregation patterns in the Rb CH Ills: (A) normal disjunction, (B) partial nondisjunction and (C) total nondisjunction. Upper row: SMl-carrying side, Lower row: SMI-missing side. The Arabic numerals indicate the chromosome numbers in M II. Meiosis of Apodemus s. speciosus 819 ft M 1 I * 1 SMI SM2 M3 SM4 M 5 L ® 1 7 A ^ * H • t i y iCUCUUTftn,,... 1 9 A Fig. 5. M II karyotypes from a male heterozygote (n=23, with SMI) (a) and a male homozygote of race A (n=24, without SMI) (b). Seventeen (a) and nineteen (b) acrocentric bivalents are all symmetric in morphology, being like a boomerang in some bivalents and straight in others. The sex chromosome is apparently asymmetric in either case, plainly indicating the post-reductional segregation in the sex bivalent of this species. malsegregation, if any, can be estimated to a certain degree by analyzing that of the homozygo- tic specimens (race A or race B). One hundred and thirteen M II spreads of a homozygote of the race A were examined in detail: 93.8% of the spreads had an intrinsic haploid set of chromo¬ somes (n = 24) and 4.4% was hyperploid (n = 25) and 1.8% hypoploid (n=23). Thus, a homozygote of A. s. speciosus may possess ordinarily some 6% of gametic aneuploidy as spontaneous malsegrega¬ tion. Reduction mechanism of the sex chromosomes dur¬ ing meiosis The conventionally stained X-Y bivalents were demonstrated together with their schematic draw¬ ings in Figure 6 a and b. The centromeric regions looked like small dense bodies associated side-by¬ side, and the proximal regions connecting to the centromeres were slightly off with a certain space between the chromatids. These configurations were certainly regarded as the chiasmata caused by the crossing-over at the proximal regions of the X and Y chromosomes. The proximal regions arranged side-by-side were darkly stained when C-banded, as indicated by the correspondence of the C-band pattern between the somatic and meio- tic cells (Fig. 6c). Following crossing-over be¬ tween the chromatids of the X and Y chromo¬ somes, the centromeres of each chromosome are splitted and the resulting sister centromeres may shift to the opposite direction together with the sister centromere of the partner to make their configuration stable. In this way, the X-Y pair of chromatids may keep on the telosynapsis at the proximal ends (centromere regions). If this is the 820 M. Saitoh and Y. Obara Y • fe * % 1 4 m mm ^ f y SM 2 M3 SM4 M5 ^ X T- I JjP i { + : C 1 (i i * * w ^ \ i ^ „ _ / . ■** • w * x 5 M ¥ C 1 2 e , ' d 1 2 '* I * - ' ^ - 8 - 19— Fig. 6. Crossing-over and meiotic segregation of the X and Y of a male A. s. speciosus: (a) three examples of the X-Y bivalents in late diakinesis/M I showing chiasma formation and (b) their handwritings (solid line for the X and dotted line for the Y). (c) Coincidence of C-banding pattern between the sex bivalent (right) and the X and Y chromosomes from a bone marrow cell (left), (d) A C-banded M II spread (right) and its karyotype (left). Note the end-to-end pairing at the centromeric C-band regions of the sex bivalent. Darkly-stained stable C-bands are shown by arrow heads. case, then an asymmetric chromosome, i.e., a chromatid pair of the X and Y, should be detected in the M II figures by applying C-staining. Figure 6d just substantiates this notion, as clearly shown by an arrow, and hence the post-reduction system in the sex chromosomes of A. s. speciosus was positively proved by C-staining for the air-dried preparations. Since the arms of the autosomal bivalents were all opened in morphology, carrying small centromeric C-bands in the middle of them, and the distal ends of the satellite chromosome (No. 7) and the long arms of M5 were darkly stained in particular (Fig. 6d), the application of C-banding to the meiotic cells may not affect, at least to a visible extent, the nature and distribution of C-bands in comparison with those of the somatic cells previously demonstrated [6]. DISCUSSION It is well-accepted that Rb rearrangements may have played a certain role in raciation and/or speciation in a variety of animals, and in some cases certainly played a major role in these evolu¬ tionary events of animals. In order to inquire into their mechanisms, the meiotic process of the in¬ terracial and/or interspecific Rb heterozygotes has been studied in several mammalian species, focus¬ ing a special attention on the isolation factors such as the chromosomal nondisjunction, production of aneuploid gametes and hybrid sterility [10, 11, 14, 26-28]. As revealed in this study, the male wild-caught interracial hybrids of A. s. speciosus carry some 28% of aneuploid spermatozoa, whereas a male race A-type homozygote only 6%. An all- Meiosis of Apodemus s. speciosus 821 acrocentric laboratory mouse strain, NMRI, had 7. 0-9. 5% of aneuploid M II [8, 9, 13]. There seems to be no significant difference in the fre¬ quency of the aneuploid M II between the homozygotic specimens of A. speciosus and Mus musculus. It was estimated, taking these findings into consideration, that the meiotic anaphase I malsegregation responsible for the nondisjunction of the Rb CH III may amount to approximately 22%. In M. musculus, the malsegregation in the male heterozygotes carrying one Rb metacentric varied from 2% to 35% in frequency, depending on the combination of the acrocentrics taking part in the Rb rearrangement [9, 10, 14]. The aneuploid spermatids from the Rb heter¬ ozygotes of M. musculus are scarcely eliminated during spermatogenesis, as revealed by measuring the DNA content of their spermatozoa [15, 29]. In other words these aneuploid sperms are able to get to the ova through female genital tracts, i.e., uterus and Fallopian tube after copulation. This view was ascertained by the back-cross experi¬ ments in the interracial hybrids of the house mouse [9-11] and the common shrew [26, 27]: the pre- and post-implantation losses in the back-cross hy¬ brids were of the same order as the frequency of the aneuploid spermatocytes resulting from the unusual segregation, because hyper- and hypo- ploidy inevitably produced trisomy and mono¬ somy, respectively, both of which become extinct practically during the early stage of the embryonic development. These findings do imply the absence of the selection pressure against the unbalanced gametes in heterozygotes untill fertilization. After all, it may also be true for the wild interracial hybrids of A. s. speciosus that the meiotic disturbance such as the malorientation of trivalents and nondisjunction leads to the selective elimination of unbalanced zygotes through the developmental breakdown and zygotic mortality at the early stages of development, and as a natural consequence reduces the litter size of hybrids, up to almost three-fourth of that in the homozygotes. Under such condition the hybrid inferiority and the intermigration of the parental forms (race A and race B) might have been well balanced in a narrow zone of hybridization, and therefore, so- called meiotic drive (i.e., chromosomal nondis¬ junction) might have played a primary role in maintaining stability of their parapatric distribu¬ tion. Since the reduced fertility of the interracial heterozygotes certainly restricts the gene flow across the hybrid zone, the genetic discrepancy will grow more and more with the progression of a vast number of generations. Moreover, since the cross¬ ing-over is slightly suppressed in general in Rb CH Ills [9, 30], the genetic variation between races will increase in a synergistic manner. Once such a condition of semiisolation or isolation is estab¬ lished, further diversification of genetic variation would be possible for such newly-established forms. Therefore, the two races of A. s. speciosus distributing parapatrically in the northern and southern districts with a narrow zone of hybridiza¬ tion may be most likely just in the speciation process through the post-mating isolation arising from such cytologic mechanisms. The post-reductional segregation has been sug¬ gested, from the inspection of the sectioned mate¬ rials, in all Apodemus species so far examined (A. sylvaticus, A. agrarius, A. flavicollis, A. semotus and A. speciosus), except for A. argenteus which in contrast shows the pre-reductional segregation [17-23]. In the present study, the post-reduction of the XY bivalent of A. s. speciosus was con¬ firmed by the C-banding method. So far as A. speciosus is concerned, the post-reduction of the XY bivalent was considered to be induced by the crossing-over between their proximal chromatids consisting of C-heterochromatin which probably contain repetitive units similar to each other. Thus, the chiasma formation in the sex bivalent may be, at least in this field mouse, a probable factor inducing the post-reduction of the sex chromosomes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to express our appreciation to Professor Kazuo Saitoh, Faculty of Science, Hirosaki University, for his helpful advice and suggestion during the course of this study and reading the manuscript with expert crit¬ icism. 822 M. Saitoh and Y. Obara REFERENCES 1 Shimba, H. and Kobayashi, T. (1969) A Robertso¬ nian type polymorphism of the chromosomes in the field mouse, Apodemus speciosus. Jpn. J. Genet., 44: 117-122. 2 Tsuchiya, K. and Yosida, T. H. (1971) Distribution of two chromosomal types of Japanese wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus. Ann. Rep. Natl. Inst. Genet. Japan, 21: 45-50. 3 Tsuchiya, K., Moriwaki, K. and Yosida, T. H. (1973) Cytogenetical survey in wild population of Japanese wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus and its breeding. Exp. Anim., 22: 221-229. 4 Tsuchiya, K. (1974) Cytological and biochemical studies of Apodemus speciosus group in Japan. J. Mammal. Soc. 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Freeman & Co., San Francisco, pp. 169-226. Redi, C. A. and Capanna, E. (1978) DNA-content variation in mouse spermatozoa arising from irregu¬ lar meiotic segregation. Boll. Zool., 45: 315-322. Cattanach, B. M. (1978) Crossover suppression in mice heterozygous for tobacco mouse metacentrics. Cytogenet. Cell Genet., 20: 264-281. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 823-832 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Sexual Dimorphism in the Genital Tubercle of the Duck: Studies on the Normal Development and Histogenesis Hideho Uchiyama and Takeo Mizuno* 1 Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan ABSTRACT — The development of the genital tubercle of the duck embryo was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The genital tubercle started to develop from the anterior region of the cloaca at day 7 in both sexes, and was initially consisted of the epidermis, the mesenchyme and the urethral plate. A blind duct became separated from the urethral plate between day 10 and day 12 in a proximal to distal direction. Marked sexual dimorphism started at day 10. Thereafter, the male genital tubercle grew spirally and proceeded to the histogenesis of a pair of cavernous bodies, an elastic ligament, a blind duct, and so on. Whereas female genital tubercle shrank continuously and did not proceed to any more histogenesis. The shrinkage of the female genital tubercle was assumed to be due to a sharp decrease of the mitotic activity and the occasional cell death in the mesenchyme of the genital tubercle. INTRODUCTION Among birds, male duck, goose, swan, and ostrich have an exceptionally well-developed copulatory organ, Phallus protrudens [1]. The anatomy of this organ in the adult duck has been well described [2-6]. However, the process of the development of this organ has not been described enough. Pomayer [7] outlined the development of the genital tubercle at its early stages in the male but not the female embryos. Wolff [8] described the genital tubercle in both sexes along the course of development, but mentioned little on the histo¬ logical aspect. The genital tubercle of the duck had been a good meterial for studying the avian sexual dimorphism. The male genital tubercle regresses to become the female type by the application of estrogen while the female one overgrows to become the “pseudo” male type by the application of androgen [8] . The genital tubercle develops into the male type irrespective of the sex of the embryo when the Accepted October 28, 1987 Received October 13, 1987 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, Sagami- ko-machi, Kanagawa 199-01, Japan. embryo is gonadectomized [9] or when cultured in vitro early in its development [10]. Hence, the male type has been considered a “neutral” type and the female type, an “induced” type by estrogens. As a first step toward analyzing the action of sex hormones in the genital tubercle of the duck embryo, we studied the ontogeny of the sexual dimorphism histologically and by scanning elec¬ tron microscopy. We obtained the result that the regression of the female genital tubercle surely accompanies the gradual decrease of its volume, and that the decrease is probably due to a decrease of the mitotic activity and to the occasional cell death in the mesenchyme. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Fertilized eggs of Pekin and Aokubi duck were incubated in a humidified incubator at 37.5°C. In these conditions, most of the egg hatched on day 27, and a few on day 28. Embryos were staged according to Kaltofen [11], The sex of the embryos was determined by the macroscopical observation of the gonad. This method was only available after day 11. 824 H. UCHIYAMA AND T. MlZUNO Histology Cloacal tissues were excised and fixed in Bouin’s fluid. Embryos of older than 16 days were anesthe¬ tized in ovo for a few minutes with chloroform or diethylether before dissection. Fixed specimens were transferred to 70% ethanol, dehydrated in a graded series of buthanol: ethanol mixtures, stored in absolute buthanol, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned at 5 pm. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, or Heidenhain’s Azan method. Scanning electron microscopy Excised cloacal tissues were fixed in 2.5% glu- 6 5 4 taraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) for 2 hr at 4°C, postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in the cacodylate buffer for 2 hr at 4°C, dehydrated with graded ethanol series, transferred into isoamyl acetate, dried in a critical point drier with liquid C02, mounted onto alminum stabs, coated with gold in an ion spatter, and examined with a Hitachi S430 scanning electron microscope. Measurement of the volume with serial sections The outlines of serial frontal sections (the outer line of the epidermis) of the genital tubercle of 5 pm thick were drawn on sheets of paper at every 5 sections by a camera lucida at the magnification of XlOO to X200. These lines were traced with a Fig. 1. Definition of the boder of the genital tubercle among other cloacal tissues. A scheme of a mid-sagittal section and several frontal sections of the genital tubercle at 10 days of incubation are shown. Anterior is to the top. The urethral plate (Up) elongates more anteriorly in deeper regions. Therefore, the anterior limit of the urethral plate (B) crosses the plane made by the anterior limits of the right and left proctodeal wall (A and C) at some depth in the cloaca (depth-5 in the figure). The genital tubercle was defined as the region more distal to the depth-5, and more posterior to the plane made by the anterior limits of the proctodeal wall (dotted portions). Although this criterion seems to be meaningless from the anatomical point of view, it is a practical way to discriminate the undifferentiated and borderless genital tubercle from surrounding tissues. Ur, urodeum; Pr, proctodeum; Cr, cloacal rim. Development of Duck Genital Tubercle 825 cursor on a degitizer (K-510 mk2, Kanto Denshi, Japan) connected with a microcomputer (PC- 9801, NEC, Japan). As the degitizer emitted a stream of X, Y coodinates at every 0.5 sec, the figure enclosed by a smooth line was converted into a polygon with 30 to 100 apexes, whose inner area was computed. The volume of the section was calculated by multiplying the area by the thickness (5 pm). The volume of a genital tubercle was approximated with the summation of the volume of each unit (5 times the volume of each section). The definition of the border between the genital tubercle and the proctodeal wall is shown in Figure 1. Colcemid treatment With a 25 p\ microsyringe (1TO, Japan), 1.2 pg/g body weight of colcemid (Nakarai, Japan; 66 pglm\ in Tyrode’s solution) was dropped onto the chorio-allantoic membrane just above the embryo through a window (about lxl cm) opened on a shell. The body weight of our embryos was presumed from the data by Romanoff [12]. After the treatment, the window was sealed with a cellophane tape, and the egg was incubated for another 4 hr. The genital tubercle was excised, fixed in Bouin’s, and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were cut frontally at 5 pm. The mitotic activity in the genital tubercle was calculated as shown in the legend of Figure 7. Histochemical staining for acid phosphatase Excised genital tubercles were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) for 2 hr at 4°C, washed in two or three exchanges of Apathy’s gum syrup for several days at 4°C, embedded in Tissue Tek II (Miles laboratories, USA), frozen in liquid isopentane cooled with liquid nitrogen, and cut at 10 pm. in a cryostat (Cryocut II, American Optical, USA) at — 20°C. Sections were floated in the ice-cold cacodylate buffer and stained with the azo-indoxyl method [13]. Nomenclature Anatomical nomenclature was mainly according to King [6]. RESULTS Observations by the scanning electron microscopy a) The genital tubercle during sexually uni- morphic phase At day 6 of incubation, a swelling is recognized between the tail and the belly (Fig. 2a). This swelling becomes the genital tubercle at day 7 (Fig. 2b). The genital tubercle first grows posteriorly (Fig. 2c), then gradually turns anteriorly around its base (Fig. 2d). The seminal groove (the anlage of Sulcus phalli, the ejaculatory groove) appears along the midline of the posterior surface at day 8. Although the sex of the embryo was not deter¬ mined before day 11, more than 10 samples of the genital tubercle showed similar appearances at each stage, suggesting that the external morpholo¬ gy of the genital tubercle before day 11 is sexually unimorphic. b) Development of the male genital tubercle after day 11 The male genital tubercle grows spirally from day 11 onward (Figs. 2e, 3a, and 3c). The rotation occurs only in the proximal part. The distal part becomes glans-like in appearance. Primitive style of Rugae phalli, the circular folds, appears from about day 20. c) Development of the female genital tubercle after day 11 The female genital tubercle is often slightly twisted at day 11. However, the growth and spiral morphogenesis never proceed further. Conse¬ quently, the female genital tubercle keeps a similar appearance from day 12 to day 18 (Figs. 2f, and 3b). From day 18, many irregular furrows appear on the epidermis of the proximal part (Fig. 3d). The genital tubercle of a newly hatched duckling is recognized as like a short rod derived from the distal part. The proximal part seems to be almost “absorbed” into the proctodeal wall (Fig. 3e). The female genital tubercle keeps this short rod-like structure at least 2 months after hatching. Observations by the light microscopy a) The genital tubercle during sexually unimor¬ phic phase At day 5, a small swelling is recognized just 826 H. UCHIYAMA AND T. MlZUNO Fig. 2. Development of the genital tubercle as observed by scanning electron microscopy, I. Anterior is to the top. (a) The cloacal region at day 6. A swelling (marked by an arrowhead) appears between the tail and the belly. X 73. (b) The cloacal region at day 7. Gt: genital tubercle; Cr: cloacal rim. x60. (c) A genital tubercle at day 8. X 70. (d) Lateral view of a genital tubercle at day 10. Seminal groove is seen on the posterior surface. X70. (e) Caudal-lateral view of a male genital tubercle at day 12. The proximal part of the genital tubercle has begun to grow spirally. In this specimen, the rotation angle is almost 45°. X 92. (f) Caudal view of a female genital tubercle at day 12. Note the small distal portion compared with the male one (e). X92. Development of Duck Genital Tubercle 827 Fig. 3. Development of the genital tubercle as observed by scanning electron microscopy, II. Anterior is to the top. (a) Lateral view of a male genital tubercle at day 18. X56. (b) Caudal view of a female genital tubercle at day 16. X80. (c) Caudal view of a male genital tubercle of a newly hatched duckling. Rugae phalli (R), the undulations on the epidermis, are seen. S: Sulcus phalli. X34. (d) Caudal view of a female genital tubercle at day 20. Irregular furrows (arrowheads) are seen on the epidermis. X 120. (e) Caudal view of a female genital tubercle of a newly hatched duckling (an arrow). The distal part is retained as a rod-like protrusion, whereas the proximal part is almost absorbed into the cloacal wall. X41. anterior to the cloacal membrane. This swelling gradually grows posteriorly with the cloacal mem¬ brane, forming the genital tubercle by day 7. Accordingly, the urodeum forms a pocket-like protrusion into the genital tubercle (Fig. 4a). This pocket-like structure gradually becomes flatter along the mid-sagittal plane of the body by day 9, so that the “pocket” becomes a plate-like structure to which we will refer as the “urethral plate” hereafter in this paper. Near the urethral plate, 828 H. UCHIYAMA AND T. MlZUNO Development of Duck Genital Tubercle 829 mesenchymal cells are dense and parallel to the plate. From day 10, a blind duct (’der Blind- schlauch’ in Pomayer [7]) becomes separated from the urethral plate in a proximo-distal sequence (Fig. 4b). The basement membrane becomes obscure at the middle of the urethral plate, and the plate becomes separated. Simultaneously mesen¬ chymal cells fill the gap between the duct and the plate. Again, more than 10 samples at each stage showed similar histology, suggesting that the geni¬ tal tubercle is sexually unimorphic histologically before day 10. b) Development of the male genital tubercle after day 10 The separation of the urethral plate is completed by day 12. The resulting blind duct becomes equipped with a little but distinct lumen from day 11. Mesenchymal cells become concentrically arranged around the blind duct. From day 16, the epidermis covering the genital tubercle multiplies its layers earlier than the epidermis in other re¬ gions of the body does. In the inner layer of the urethral plate, narrow extracellular spaces grad¬ ually appear and fuse one another to open to the outside along its entire length, resulting in the formation of Sulcus phalli. Simultaneously, in the mesenchyme of the proximal part, Corpus fibro- lymphaticum dextrum and sinistrum, a pair of cavernous bodies, begin to be formed. From day 18, Ligamentum elasticum phalli can be recognized as a collagen-rich dermal cell aggregates in the Corpus fibrolymphaticum dextrum. Additionally, Suspensorium phalli, also a collagen-rich tissue connected to and parallel with the blind duct, can also be recognized (Fig. 4c). In contrast, the mesenchyme of the distal part remains undiffer¬ entiated. From day 20, the epidermis becomes thick at each Rugae phalli. The epithelium of the blind duct is two layered at day 25. This epithe¬ lium multiplies its layers after hatching, but does not differentiate into glandular cells before a week after hatching. c) Development of the female genital tubercle after day 10 The separation of the urethral plate is completed by day 12. However, the resulting blind duct lacks a distinct lumen and ordered close cell contacts which are characteristic to the epithelial tissues. Therefore, the blind duct is a mass of cells rather than a duct (Fig. 4e). Along with the separation of the urethral plate, disintegration of the blind duct proceeds also in a proximal to distal sequence from day 10, so that the duct becomes progressively shorter. After day 10, cells with completely basophilic nuclei and therefore assumed to be dying, are observed among viable cells. Among these seemingly-dying cells are those with com¬ pletely basophilic nucleus of almost normal size, with several middle-sized fragments of heterochro¬ matin, and with a tiny fragment of heterochroma¬ tin and barely recognizable cytoplasm (Fig. 4d). Acid phosphatase-positive cells are also prominent in the female genital tubercle (Fig. 5b), and its distribution and density are quite consistent to those of dying cells. Since phagocytes are only infrequently observed, this consistency suggests that the dying cells have acid phosphatase activity. Such cells are especially prominent in the mesen¬ chyme around the blind duct, but are also dis¬ tributed everywhere in the mesenchyme of the genital tubercle. The proportion of the dying¬ looking cells in the mesenchyme at day 12 is roughly 3.5% of total cells. After day 16, the epidermis multiplies its layers as in males. Howev¬ er, the histogenesis in the female genital tubercle does not proceed further (Fig. 4d), and Rugae phalli is never formed. Fig. 4. Histology of the developing genital tubercle. Anterior is to the top. (a) The cloacal region at day 7. The urodeum forms a pocket-like protrusion (U) in the genital tubercle. Cm: cloacal membrane. Hematoxylin and eosin. X 110. (b) A frontal section of a genital tubercle at day 10. The urethral plate is separated into a blind duct (Bd) and a “definitive” urethral plate (Up). Hematoxylin and eosin. X270. (c) A frontal section of a male genital tubercle at day 25. 1: Corpus fibrolymphaticum dextrum-, 2: Corpus fibrolymphaticum sinistrum-, 3: Suspensorium phalli', 4: Ligamentum elasticum-, 5: Sulcus phalli; 6: the blind duct. Azan. X86. (d) Dying cells (arrowheads) in a female genital tubercle at day 12. D: the blind duct. Hematoxylin and eosin. X610. (e) A frontal section of a female genital tubercle at day 16. Azan. X90. 830 H. UCHIYAMA AND T. MlZUNO Fig. 5. Histochemical staining for acid phosphatase in the genital tubercle at day 12. Enzyme active sites are shown as black large spots, (a) is male and (b), female. Acid phosphatase-positive cells are very prominent near the blind duct (D) of the female genital tubercle. Volume changes in the genital tubercle during de¬ velopment We tried to determine whether the female geni¬ tal tubercle only arrests to grow or it shrinks along with the development. The genital tubercle during its early stages was too small and too ambiguously demarcated from the proctodeal wall when seen from outside for us to excise it and measure its wet weight easily. Alternatively, we measured the volume of the genital tubercle by the calculation Fig. 6. Volume changes in the genital tubercle. The volume of the genital tubercle was measured by the summation of the volume of serial sections. The volume of each genital tubercle is represented with a closed circle (female), a closed square (male) or an open circle (sex not determined). The sexual dimorphism begins from about day 10 and becomes marked after day 12. After day 12, the volume of female genital tubercle decreases steadily. based on serial sections as described in Materials and Methods. The volume of the male genital tubercle increased slowly from day 10 to day 16, then fast until day 20. Whereas the volume of female one increased more slowly than in the male from day 10 until day 12, then decreased con¬ tinuously until day 20 (Fig. 6). incubation time (day) Fig. 7. The mitotic activity in the genital tubercle dur¬ ing development. Genital tubercles of colcemid- treated embryos were serial-sectioned frontally. The percentage of metaphase cells in the mesen¬ chymal cells was scored at three regions; 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3 of the length of the genital tubercle from the apex. At each region, over 1300 nuclei were counted. The mitotic activity in the genital tubercle was defined as the average of the percentages of metaphase cells at three regions. Mean + SD of three to five specimens. After day 12, the mitotic activity in the female genital tubercle was strikingly low. Development of Duck Genital Tubercle 831 Mitotic activity in the genital tubercle The mitotic activity (defined in the legend of Fig. 7) in the genital tubercle of each sex was compared after day 8. Since cell death as the histological characteristics for the degeneration of the female genital tubercle was more prominent in the mesenchyme than in the epidermis, we counted the percentage of metaphase-arrested cells in the mesenchyme of the genital tubercle of the embryo treated with colcemid in ovo for 4 hr. Early genital tubercle had relatively high mitotic activity. After day 12, the mitotic activity was above 2.3% in the male, whereas less than 0.8% in the female. DISCUSSION There are two phases in the development of the genital tubercle: the sexually unimorphic phase (day 7-10), and the sexually dimorphic phase (after day 10). In the sexually unimorphic phase, the genital tubercle is made up simply with the epidermis, the mesenchyme, and the urethral plate (or the pocket-like structure from the urodeum). This organization is strikingly similar to that of embryonic human penis during its early phase [15, 16]. In the sexually dimorphic phase, the male genital tubercle grows spirally and forms a pair of fibrolymphatic bodies, an elastic ligament, a blind duct and other tissues. The fast increase of the volume after day 16 is assumed to be due in part to the formation of cavernous tissues. In the female embryo, the genital tubercle arrests growth, mor¬ phogenesis, and differentiation, followed by the total shrinkage. We assumed that this shrinkage is primarily accounted in terms of the cell kinetics within the genital tubercle. After day 12 in the female genital tubercular mesenchyme, less than 0.8% of the cells proliferated within 4 hr, whereas the proportion of dying cells was about 3.5%. Though we have no data on how long do dying cells remain visible by the light microscopy, if we assume the period to be 7 hr according to the majority of cases of chromatopycnotic cells [14], about 7% of the total cells would be lost in a day. This can explain semiquantitatively the slow shrinkage of the female genital tubercle. As an alternative possibility, it is still not excluded that the cells in the proximal part of the female genital tubercle migrate out of the genital tubercle. We suggested that the dying cells in the female genital tubercle have acid phosphatase activity. The parallelism between the cell death and the elevation of acid phosphatase activity has also been shown in the case of the limb bud of wingless chick embryo [17], in the interdigital cells of the rat foot [18], and in the Mullerian ducts of the male chick embryo [19]. It is possible that the cell in the female genital tubercle suicides by the activation of acid hydrolases of its own. Cell death can be classified into two groups; necrosis and apoptosis [20]. It is argued that necrosis usually affects tracts of contiguous cells, and is associated with a gross departure from physiological conditions, whereas apoptosis char¬ acteristically affects scattered individual cells and is usually seen in embryonic life or steady-state kinetics of tissues. Not using transmission electron microscopy, we could not characterize the cell death in the genital tubercle by their criteria. However, nuclei condensed rather than swelled, and these cells were sparsely dispersed among viable cells, showing that the cell death in the genital tubercle resembles to apoptosis. Wolff and Wolffs experiments indicated that gonads are not necessary for the development of the male-type genital tubercle [9, 10], and that the factor(s) to induce the regression of the genital tubercle is mimicked by estrogens [8]. Toward determining whether the cell death and the arrest of mitosis are evoked directly by estrogens, we are investigating the effect of estrogen and anti¬ estrogen on the histology of the genital tubercle, and the ontogeny of sex-steroid receptors. REFERENCES 1 Gerhardt, U. (1933) Kloake und Begattungsorgane. In “Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere”. Ed. by L. Bolk, E. Goppert, E. Kal- lius and W. Lubosch, Vol. 6. pp. 267-350. 2 Liebe, W. (1914) Das mannliche Begattungsorgan der Hausente. Jena. Z. Naturwiss., 51: 627-696. 3 Guzsal, E. 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ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 833-845 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)-immunoreactivity and Ultrastructures of Cardiocytes in Fish Tohru Hirohama, Haruko Uemura, Sumio Nakamura and Tomoji Aoto* 1 Biological Laboratory, Kanagawa Dental College, 82 Inaoka-cho, Yokosuka-shi 238, Japan ABSTRACT — The hearts of three freshwater teleosts ( Oryzias latipes, Cyprinus carpio and Tribolodon hakonensis ), three marine teleosts ( Chrysiptera cyanea, Sebastes inermis and Hexagrammos otakii) and one elasmobranch ( Triakis scyllia) were investigated immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. The immunohistochemical method using an antiserum against a-human atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP) indicated stronger response in the atrium than ventricle of Cyprinus, Tribolodon and Triakis. No hANP-immunoreactive material in the cardiocytes of Oryzias and of any of the marine teleosts in this study could be detected. Ultrastructurally, the atrial and ventricular cardiocytes of all the seven species of fish studied were found to have electron-dense secretory granules varying widely in diameter. Generally, granule size in the fish was much less than that so far reported in mammalian species. However, the ventricular cardiocytes had far less granules than the atrial cardiocytes. The negative immunohistochemical response of cardiocytes in Oryzias and marine teleosts may be not possibly due to the antibody used in this study but rather to the very small amount of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-like substance remaining in the cardiocytes, since the number of electron-dense granules was very few in these species. These findings indicate that the ANP-like substance is apparently produced by both atrial and ventricular cardiocytes in fish. INTRODUCTION The discovery of electron-dense granules in a- trial cardiocytes is attributed to Kisch [1], the first to notice in the guinea pig “many very small osmiophilic bodies of apparently spherical shape” and about 200 nm in diameter between myofibrils. Since then, a group of peptides that influence blood pressure, renal function and salt balance has been isolated from several mammalian cardiac atria and designated as the atrial natriuretic pep¬ tide (ANP) (for review, see [2]). Subsequent investigations have indicated specific granules in atrial cardiocytes to be sites for the storage of ANP [3,4]. “ANP-granules” have also been found even in the heart of non-mammalian vertebrates [5-8]. However, studies in this regard on fish are quite Accepted December 25, 1987 Received October 13, 1987 1 To whom request of reprints should be addressed. limited at present. In the present research a study was conducted on the immunohistochemistry and ultrastructure of cardiocytes in various teleosts and one species of elasmobranchs. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three species of freshwater teleosts, Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes (2. 3-2. 8 cm in total length), common carp Cyprinus carpio (18-20 cm) and river-dwelling Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis (15-18 cm), three marine teleosts, cobalt damselfish Chrysiptera cyanea (3. 2-4. 5 cm), rockfish Sebastes inermis (15-20 cm) and greenling Hexagrammos otakii (26-38 cm), and one elas¬ mobranch, banded dogfish Triakis scyllia (65-95 cm), of both sexes were used. These fishes were obtained from commercial sources except the rockfish and banded dogfish, which were caught in the sea near Yokosuka and Misaki, respectively, in Kanagawa prefecture. Also, for comparison. 834 T. Hirohama, H. Uemura et al. mouse ( Mus musculus) atrial cardiocytes were studied ultrastructurally. An anesthetic was used only in dogfish which were immersed in 0.02% MS222 (Sandoz) solution prior to dissection. For the immunohistochemical study, the heart was dissected out from decere¬ brated fish, fixed in Bouin’s solution for 24 hr at 4°C and 6 jun i thick paraffin sections were made. Deparaffinized and hydrated sections were incu¬ bated in a solution containing 10% H2O2 in metha¬ nol at 4°C for 15 min and then treated according to the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method [9] using an antiserum (Peptide Institute, Inc., Osaka) against a-human ANP (hANP) diluted 1: 660 in 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline adjusted to pH 7.3. The specificity of the immunohistochemical stain¬ ing was confirmed by replacing the antiserum with that preabsorbed by excess hANP (10 ^g/ml of hANP antiserum diluted 1:660) at 4°C for 48 hr. This procedure resulted in the complete loss of immunoreactivity in cardiocytes in all cases. For the electron microscopical study, the tissues dis¬ sected out from the animals were immediately fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde adjusted to pH 7.4 with cacodylate buffer for 2 hr at 4°C, washed in the same buffer for 24 hr and then fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 1 hr. The tissues were embedded in Spurr resin [10] and their sections examined with a JEM 100-B electron microscope following double staining with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. A- trial cardiocyte ultrastructures were observed and only granules with a clear core surrounded by a distinct limiting membrane in 15-30 cells in each species had their diameter measured. In order to know whether these are more than one type car¬ diocytes containing granules of particular size, ten cardiocytes of a Hexagrammos atrium, containing relatively large numbers of granules, were chosen and in each of these ten cardiocytes the granule diameter was measured. The homogeneity of these cardiocytes with respect to distribution of granule size was analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis method. Ventricular cardiocytes were examined for the presence of secretory granules in all species studied. RESULTS In the mouse, atrial cardiocytes contained numerous electron-dense granules of 120-430 nm (the median, 290 nm) in diameter, near the nu¬ cleus (Fig. 1). Well-developed myofibrillar bun¬ dles, Golgi complex and numerous mitochondria were also present (Fig. 2). But in the atrial car¬ diocytes of the teleosts, myofibrillar bundles, elec¬ tron-dense granules and Golgi complex were poor¬ ly developed in most cases. The ventricular car¬ diocytes had far fewer granules than the atrial cardiocytes in the teleosts. The cardiocyte charac¬ teristics of each species are described below. In Oryzias, no ANP immunoreactive material (ir-ANP) was detected in either atrial or ventricu¬ lar cardiocytes. However, only a few electron- dense granules were noted in some atrial car¬ diocytes. The granules, 50-290 nm in diameter (the median, 160 nm) (Fig. 1), were scattered throughout the cytoplasm, without being concen¬ trated at any particular area in the cell (Fig. 3). A very few ventricular cardiocytes were found to each contain a small number of electron-dense granules. In the Cyprinus atrium, nearly all cardiocytes retained a moderate amount of ir-ANP about the nucleus (Fig. 4a), but did not in the ventricle except for a few cells in the inner layer of the ventricular wall and the proximal part of the intraventricular, trabeculae carneae-iormmg septa which showed weak ANP immunoreactivity (Fig. 4b). Electron microscopy showed the cardiocytes to contain a moderate number of granules situated near the nucleus and along the cell periphery (Fig. 4c). Diameter ranged from 80-340 nm (the me¬ dian, 180 nm) (Fig. 1). In a few ventricular car¬ diocytes, a very small number of granules was situated about the nucleus. In the Tribolodon atrium, ir-ANP was rather widely distributed in most cardiocytes (Fig. 5a). In the ventricle, most cardiocytes in the inner layer of the ventricular wall and intraventricular septa re¬ tained moderate or scarce ir-ANP around the nucleus (Fig. 5b). In other areas, only a few cardiocytes were noted to contain ir-ANP and only in a small amount. Ultrastructurally, the atrial cardiocytes of this species contained thick myofi- ANP-like Substance in Fish 835 DIAMETER ( "«" ) Fig. 1. Size distribution of round electron-dense secretory granules in atrial cardiocytes. Median values are indicated by broken lines, n, number of fish used. brillar bundles (about 1 pm) and a relatively large number of electron-dense granules situated more or less about the nucleus (Fig. 6a). In some cases, however, the granules were dispersed rather wide¬ ly. The granules ranged from 50-270 nm (the median, 140 nm) in diameter and appeared to have three peaks of occurrence (Fig. 1). Compared to other freshwater teleosts, Tribolodon possessed a relatively large number of ventricular cardiocytes containing granules (Fig. 6b). In Chrysiptera, neither the atrium nor ventricle contained ir-ANP. Atrial cardiocytes contained rather thick myofibrillar bundles (1.0-1. 2 /an), and poorly developed Golgi complex. Not many 836 T. Hirohama, H. Uemura et al. ANP-like Substance in Fish 837 t w Fig. 4. Cardiocytes of Cyprinus. (a) ANP-immunoreactive material is accumulated around the nucleus of the atrial cardiocyte. X640. (b) Small amount of similar material (arrows) is seen in ventricular cardiocytes. X640. w, ventricular wall; s, proximal part of the intraventricular septa, (c) An electron micrograph of atrial cardiocytes, showing a moderate number of granules (Sg). Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Longitudinal section of mouse atrial cardiocytes, showing abundant electron-dense secretory granules (Sg) of wide range of size. G, Golgi complex; Mi, mitochondria; My, myofibril; N, nucleus. Fig. 3. An Oryzias atrial cardiocyte. Only a few secretory granules (Sg) are seen. Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. 838 T. Hirohama, H. Uemura et al. v i */ Fig. 5. Cardiocytes of Tribolodon. (a) Abundant ANP-immunoreactive material is rather widely distributed in the atrial cardiocytes. X640. (b) Ventricular cardiocytes in the inner layer of the ventricular wall (arrow heads) and intraventricular septa (arrows) retaining ANP-immunoreactive material. X640. granules were present in the cell, and most were situated along the periphery, only a few being visible about the nucleus (Fig. 7). Diameter was from 60-260 nm (the median, 130 nm) (Fig. 1). Only a very few electron-dense granules were present in ventricular cardiocytes. In Sebastes, ir-ANP was not detected in either the atrium or ventricle. The atrial cardiocytes were relatively wide and their myofibrillar bun¬ dles, rather thin (0.6-0. 8 fjm). Granules, not abundant, were distributed along the periphery of the cells (Fig. 8) and ranged from 60-280 nm in diameter (the median, 160 nm) (Fig. 1). In a few ventricular cardiocytes, a few granules were dis¬ persed throughout the cells. No ANP-immunoreactivity could be detected in Hexagrammos heart tissue. Ultrastructurally, however, a few granules, 80-250 nm (the median, 150 nm) in diameter (Fig. 1), were dispersed along the periphery of the atrial cardiocytes. The cells were filled with many myofibrillar bundles and numerous, more or less congregated mitochon- Fig. 6. A part of a Tribolodon atrial cardiocyte, showing many secretory granules (Sg) near the nucleus (N). Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. ANP-like Substance in Fish 839 . ' v • . , ,r: 840 T. Hirohama, H. Uemura et al. ANP-like Substance in Fish 841 dria. The Golgi complex was not well-developed (Fig. 9a). A few ventricular cardiocytes contained a small number of electron-dense secretory gran¬ ules (Fig. 9b). In ten atrial cardiocytes of Hexagrammos, gran¬ ule diameter’’ was measured and the results are listed in Table 1. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed granule size distribution homogeneity in a group of cardiocytes A, E, F, G, H and I, and in another group, C, D, and J. But if combined, these nine cardiocytes cease to show such homogeneity (P< 0.01). Thus, the two groups were tentatively designated as types I and II, respectively. In the cardiocyte B granule size distribution differed so much from that of the others that, on combining it with type I, the homogeneity ceased to exist (P< 0.02). Consequently, this cell was classified as type III, thus making a total of three types of car¬ diocytes discernible on the basis of diameter dis¬ tribution. The median diameters of the granules in these types were 150, 135 and 200 nm, respec¬ tively. In the Triakis atrium, most cardiocytes in the outer layer of the atrial wall showed weak ANP- immunoreactivity and immunoreactive products were dispersed throughout the entire cell (Fig. 10a). In other areas, only a few cardiocytes retained a small amount of ir-ANP near the nu¬ cleus. In the ventricle, some cardiocytes showed weak immunoreactivity near the nucleus (Fig. 10b). These cells were situated primarily in the inner layer of the ventricular wall and proximal part of the septa. Electron microscopy indicated myofibrillar bundles in atrial cardiocytes to be thick (1.5 pm) and coarse. A few secretory gran¬ ules, considerably larger in size than those in teleosts studied, were dispersed throughout the cell. Both electron-dense granules, 110-400 nm (the median, 230 nm) in diameter (Fig. 1), and small electron-lucent vesicles, about 90 nm in di¬ ameter, could be observed about the nucleus. Some vesicles, about 126 nm in diameter, had a fuzzy coating. The Golgi complex was only poorly developed (Fig. 10c). Very few ventricular car¬ diocytes possessed granules whose number was quite small. DISCUSSION Electron microscopy demonstrated secretory granules, which are probably carriers of ANP, in the cardiocytes of both atrium and ventricle in fishes. However, in the mouse (Fig. 2) and in other mammals [11], granules are found mainly in the atrium. It would be interesting to explore the phylogeny of the distribution of secretory granules in the heart tissue. Cardiocytes of fish generally have Golgi complex developed to a lesser extent than in mammals. The electron-dense granules are also smaller (Fig. 1) and fewer in number in fish than in mouse. It thus appears that secretory activity in fish cardiocytes is not very high. Although all the species examined contained elec¬ tron-dense granules in the cardiocytes of both atrium and ventricle, immunohistochemically both the atrial and ventricular cardiocytes of only Cypri- nus and Tribolodon were reactive to hANP anti¬ serum and both cardiocytes in the remaining four species were non-reactive. The negative im¬ munoreactivity in these four species may be due to insufficient ANP in the cell. In fact, cardiocytes in these species were found ultrastructurally to con¬ tain few secretory granules. However, meager ANP might be detected even in these species, provided antisera against their intrinsic ANP, in¬ stead of hANP antiserum, were used. Anyway, it is quite likely that both atrial and ventricular cardiocytes in fish possess peptides with some amino acid sequence in common with the hANP. A weak ANP-immunoreaction in ventricles has also been observed in three freshwater teleost species [12]. Among the teleosts studied, Tribolodon had the highest number of granules and Golgi complex, and in their cardiocytes, ANP-immunoreactivity was most evident, thus indicating the possibility of Fig. 7. Chrysiptera atrial cardiocytes. A few secretory granules (Sg) are seen. Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. Fig. 8. Sebastes atrial cardiocytes, containing many well-developed mitochondria (Mi) and a few secretory granules (Sg). Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. 842 T. Hirohama, H. Uemura et al. ANP-like Substance in Fish 843 Table 1. The size distribution of round electron-dense granules in ten cardiocytes (A-J) in a Hexagrammos atrium Granule diameter (nm) Number of granules A B C D E F G H I J 80 1 1 90 100 2 2 1 1 1 110 1 1 1 1 120 3 1 5 1 3 1 6 130 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 140 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 150 5 2 4 4 1 2 3 5 4 3 160 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 170 2 4 3 3 1 1 180 1 1 3 1 4 2 1 190 2 2 200 3 1 210 4 3 1 1 220 1 1 2 1 1 230 1 1 1 1 1 240 250 1 1 1 1 Total number 18 19 9 18 17 17 20 16 13 21 their strong secretory activity. Tribolodon h. is a euryhaline fish and therefore, its high adaptability to a wide range of salinity may be closely related with the active secretion of ANP-like material of this fish. The cardiocytes of marine species and Oryzias contained only a few granules. This feature perhaps can be explained by either less active synthesis or rapid release following synthesis in these species. In the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, heart extracts have been shown to contain an ANP-like substance capable of in vitro stimulation of rectal gland chloride secretion [5]. In Triakis, a similar substance from cardiocytes is assumed to play some role in osmoregulation. The presence of only a small number of granules and weak ANP- immunoreactivity in this elasmobranch may thus be deciphered as the reflection of the active release rather than the poor synthesis of this substance. In nearly all species of fish examined, granules ranging widely in size could be discerned in the atrial cardiocytes, showing seemingly three or more peaks of distribution (Fig. 1). Whether the difference in size of the granules represents dif¬ ferent steps of ANP maturation or whether the cardiocytes secrete, in addition to ANP, some substance(s) other than ANP is not known. In this respect, at least in Hexagrammos three types of atrial cardiocytes could be distinguished on the basis of granule diameter distribution (Table 1). The biological significance of occurrence of these Fig. 9. Hexagrammos cardiocytes. (a) Atrial cardiocytes, containing numerous mitochondria (Mi) and myofibrillar bundles (My). A few secretory granules (Sg) are dispersed along the periphery of the cells. Also seen on the periphery are many electron-lucent vesicles (arrows), some of which show reverse-pinocytotic feature, (b) Ventricular cardiocytes. Very few secretory granules (Sg) are seen near the nucleus (N). Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. 844 T. Hirohama, H. Uemura et al. Fig. 10. Triakis cardiocytes. (a) ANP-immunoreactive cardiocytes (arrows) in the outer layer of the atrial wall. ANP-immunoreactive products are dispersed throughout the entire cell. X640. (b) A weak ANP- immunoreactivity is mostly localized in the juxtanuclear area (arrows). X640. (c) An atrial cardiocyte, having several secretory granules (Sg) and electron-lucent vesicles (arrows). Other abbreviations are the same as those in Fig. 2. three types of cardiocytes is a problem for future research. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr. Hideshi Kobayashi for his keen interest in the present research. Thanks are due to Dr. S. Yoshitake for her competent assistance. We are also thankful to the staffs of the Misaki Marine Biological Station, University of Tokyo for collecting the banded dogfish and permitting the use of facilities. This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Ministry of Educa- ANP-like Substance in Fish 845 tion, Science and Culture. REFERENCES 1 Kisch, B. (1956) Electron microscopy of the atrium of the heart. I. Guinea pig. Exp. Med. Surg., 14: 99-112. 2 Atlas, S. A. (1986) Atrial natriuretic factor: A new hormone of cardiac origin. Recent Prog. Horm. Res.. 42: 207-249. 3 de Bold, A. J. 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ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 847-853 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai Absence of Blood Vessels in the Brain of Six Species of Primitive Salamanders Kazuhiko Tsuneki* 1 and Masami Ouji Department of Biology, Shimane University, Matsue, Shimane 690, Japan ABSTRACT — The brains of six species of salamanders belonging to the Hynobiidae ( Onychodactylus japonicus, Pachypalaminus boulengeri, Hynobius retardatus, H. nigrescens, H. okiensis, and H. stejnegeri ) were studied histologically. These salamanders are sluggish animals living under relatively cool habitats. In all species, the brain parenchyma was not vascularized, except for the olfactory bulb and neural lobe. Their brain parenchymas are relatively thin and neuronal perikarya are distributed mainly in the periventricular region facing cerebrospinal fluid which is nourished by blood vessels of the large choroid plexus. INTRODUCTION Recently, we reported that the bulk of the brain parenchyma of three species of salamanders be¬ longing to the genus Hynobius (H. nebulosus, H. naevius, and H. kimurai) lacks blood vessels [1]. This was the first report that showed the presence of vertebrates lacking parenchymal vascularization in the brain. However, the hynobiid salamanders that we have studied were all collected from a restricted part of Japan, the Shimane Prefecture. It was unknown whether this peculiar nature in the brain also occurs in the other species of the genus Hynobius and the species belonging to the Hyno¬ biidae but not to Hynobius. In this paper, we report whether the species of the Hynobiidae such as Onychodactylus japonicus, Pachypalaminus boulengeri, Hynobius retardatus (the northernmost Hynobius in Japan), and Hynobius stejnegeri (the southernmost Hynobius in Japan) also lack paren¬ chymal vascularization in the bulk of the brain. MATERIALS AND METHODS The following six species belonging to the Hyno¬ biidae were studied: Onychodactylus japonicus (8.9 to 15.7 cm in total length = TL), Pachypalami- Accepted November 13, 1987 Received September 5, 1987 1 Present address: College of General Education, O- saka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan. nus boulengeri (7.3 to 15.7 cm in TL), Hynobius retardatus (8.5 to 9.2 cm in TL), Hynobius nigres¬ cens (13.8 cm in TL), Hynobius okiensis (14.9 cm in TL), and Hynobius stejnegeri (13.5 cm in TL). After decapitation, the brains were fixed in Bouin’s solution, were embedded in paraffin, and were serially sectioned transversely at 7 pm. The sections were stained with Masson-Goldner’s method with or without prestaining with paral¬ dehyde fuchsin. For comparison, the brains of the California newt, Taricha torosa (14.0 cm in TL), belonging to the Salamandridae, and the spring salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (15.5 cm in TL), belonging to the Plethodontidae, were processed for light microscope observation as the brains of the hynobiid salamanders. When needed, we also studied histological preparations of the brains of various vertebrates of our own collection. In Onychodactylus japonicus and Pachypalami¬ nus boulengeri, the vascular system was perfused with India ink. Thus, under anesthesia with MS 222, the heart was exposed and was perfused at first with a 0.6% NaCl solution and then with India ink. The perfused brain with surrounding tissues was fixed in Bouin’s solution, embedded in par¬ affin, serially sectioned transversely at 10 pm, and observed without staining. In Onychodactylus japonicus, the vascular sys¬ tem also was demonstrated with a corrosion cast method. Under anesthesia, a 0.6% NaCl solution 848 K. Tsuneki and M. Ouji 1 * j cam Avascular Brain in Onychodactylus 849 and methacrylate resin (Mercox (Dainippon Ink Chemical) diluted with methyl methacrylate) were successively perfused intracardially. After polymerization of the resin, soft tissues were dis¬ solved with 20% NaOH. The vascular cast was observed under a binocular microscope. RESULTS Light microscopical histology Most cells of urodele amphibians, including erythrocytes and endothelial cells, are very large. Blood vessels can be easily identified in light microscopical preparations. In all studied species belonging to the Hyno- Fig. 5. The left olfactory bulb of Hynobius nigrescens. Blood vessels are not restricted in the glomerular layer (double arrows), but also seen in the plexiform layer (arrows), lv, lateral ventricle. Fig. 6. The right olfactory bulb of Onychodactylus japonicus. Blood vessels are restricted within the glomerular layer (arrows). The slit on the left represents the rostral tip of the lateral ventricle. Both figures represent transverse sections magnified to Xl05. Fig. 1. Left cerebral hemisphere of Hynobius retardatus. The telencephalic choroid plexus (cp) is seen in the lateral ventricle, dp, dorsal pallium; mp, medial pallium (primordium hippocampi). Fig. 2. Preoptic area of Hynobius stejnegeri. At this level, the third ventricle appears to be goblet-shaped. The choroid plexus is seen in the top of the goblet. The bottom of the goblet represents the preoptic recess. Fig. 3. Diencephalic-mesencephalic region of Pachypalaminus boulengeri. The diencephalic choroid plexus is seen in the wide ventricle. Arrow heads indicate the paraventricular organ, p, pineal; sco, subcommissural organ. Fig. 4. The hypothalamus of Onychodactylus japonicus. Sporadic cells in the white matter are glia cells. Arrow heads indicate the paraventricular organ. All figures represent transverse sections magnified to X105. 850 K. Tsuneki and M. Ouji biidae, the brain parenchyma is not vascularized (Figs. 1-4) except for two small areas; the olfac¬ tory bulb (Figs. 5 and 6) and the neural lobe (pars nervosa). In Pachypalaminus boulengeri and four species belonging to Hynobius, a small number of blood vessels occur not only in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb but also in the plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb (Fig. 5), as in three hynobiid species studied in a previous paper [1]. (In the previous paper [1], the moderately vascula¬ rized plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb was misidentified as the rostral tip of the cerebral hemisphere.) In Onychodactylus japonicus, the blood vessels in the olfactory bulb are restricted within the glomerular layer and never extend to the plexiform layer (Fig. 6). The brain parenchyma of Taricha torosa and Gyrinophilus porphyriticus is vascularized not only in the olfactory bulb and the neural lobe, but also in most regions of the brain (Figs. 7 and 8). In all species studied, blood vessels are distrib¬ uted in the meninx, the paraphysis, and the cho¬ roid plexus. The large telencephalic and diencephalic choroid plexuses are observed in the ventricle (Figs. 1-4, 7-10). However, these epithelial structures invaginate from the brain sur¬ face into the ventricle during the course of de¬ velopment. The blood vessels of the choroid plexus are originally meningeal blood vessels. Another epithelial structure, the paraphysis, is an evaginated circumventricular organ and the blood vessels of the paraphysis are of course meningeal blood vessels. In all species studied, the brain parenchyma is Fig. 7. The left cerebral hemisphere of Taricha torosa. Note blood vessels (arrows) in the parenchyma, dp, dorsal pallium; mp, medial pallium. Fig. 8. The right cerebral hemisphere of Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. Note blood vessels (arrows) in the parenchyma, dp, dorsal pallium; mp, medial pallium. Both figures represent transverse sections magnified to X105. Avascular Brain in Onychodactylus 851 aggregation of perikarya) and the perimeningeal white matter (an aggregation of nerve fibers) (Figs. 1-4, 7 and 8). Glia cells also are found sporadical¬ ly in the white matter. The thickness from the meningeal surface to the ventricular surface of ependymal cells of the me¬ dial pallium is 350 to 500 pm in the hynobiid salamanders including Onychodactylus japonicus and Pachypalaminus boulengeri. In Gyrinophilus porphyriticus and Taricha torosa, the thickness of the medial pallium is about 390 and 400 pm, respectively. All these values were obtained from the materials embedded in paraffin. Real values in the living state should be slightly larger than these values. In any case, the thickness of the brain parenchyma of hynobiid salamanders is thin, although not particularly so compared to the non- hynobiid salamanders of similar size range. India ink perfusion Blood vessels filled with India ink are not found in the brain parenchyma except for the olfactory bulb and the neural lobe in Onychodactylus japoni¬ cus and Pachypalaminus boulengeri (Figs. 9 and 10). Blood vessels filled with India ink are seen in the ventricle of Figures 9 and 10. They represent blood vessels of the telencephalic choroid plexus. Dark structures seen in the meninx are in majority meningeal blood vessels filled with India ink. Melanophores are dispersed in the meninx, espe¬ cially in the meninx covering the midbrain, but the Fig. 9. The left cerebral hemisphere of Pachypalaminus boulengeri perfused with India ink. India ink-filled blood vessels are restricted in the choroid plexus (left) and the meninx (right) which separates the bilateral cerebral hemispheres. Fig. 10. The right cerebral hemisphere of Onychodactylus japonicus perfused with India ink. Blood vessels are seen only in the choroid plexus (center) and the meninx (top and lower right). Both figures represent transverse sections magnified to X105. 852 K. Tsuneki and M. Ouji dark structures in the meninx of Figures 9 and 10 are roundish and it is unlikely that they represent melanophores. Corrosion cast Because of the shallow focus depth of a binocu¬ lar microscope, we could not produce photographs of good quality. Even under a binocular micro¬ scope, however, we could observe sufficient details of the vascular arrangement. Blood vessels in the meninx appear to be a net-like basket. In the telencephalic region, the basket contains the core in the center, which is the cast of entangled blood vessels of the telencephalic choroid plexus. There are no apparent twigs that leave the superficial basket net or the central core. A net in the region corresponding to the glomeru¬ lar layer of the olfactory bulb is somewhat ruffled. DISCUSSION In addition to three species studied in a previous paper [1], this study has revealed that Onychodac- tylus japonicus, Pachypalaminus boulengeri, and four species belonging to Hynobius also lack parenchymal vascularization in the bulk of the brain. These species were brought from various regions of Japan, from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and include both torrent-breeders and stagnant pond- breeders. Therefore, it is highly probable that all Japanese salamanders belonging to the Hyno- biidae lack blood vessels in the bulk of the brain parenchyma, although several species ( Salaman - drella keyserlingi and six species belonging to Hynobius) are not yet studied. Unfortunately, there appears to be no report on the brain struc¬ ture of hynobiid salamanders distributed in the East Asia outside Japan. The reason why the olfactory bulb is vascula¬ rized even in the hynobiid salamanders is un¬ known. In the couse of study of the brain develop¬ ment in the giant salamander, Andrias japonicus, we noticed that the olfactory bulb is vascularized first during development [2]. If the development would be stopped at this stage, the adult condition of the hynobiid brain might be obtained. Howev¬ er, this developmental consideration does not ex¬ plain the occurrence of the highly vascularized brain in neotaneous salamanders such as Siren intermedia [1]. Exceptionally in the Hynobiidae, Onychodacty- lus japonicus is a lungless salamander [3], In this species, gas exchange mechanisms between the external and internal environments and between blood vessels and brain parenchyma are thus most peculiar. This salamander lives in the deep forest and breeds in small torrents hardly accessible by men [4]. Under a condition of relatively high oxygen content in the relatively cool habitat, this salamander might not necessitate the lung and the vascularized brain parenchyma. Onychodactylus japonicus is also unusual in totally lacking blood vessels even in the plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb. Thus, Onychodactylus japonicus possesses the least vascularized brain among the salamander species so far studied. The main lungless salamander family is the Plethodontidae. Gyrinophilus porphyriticus is a relatively large species and possesses a vascula¬ rized brain parenchyma as Taricha torosa belong¬ ing to the Salamandridae. It may be interesting to examine brain vascularization in very small species of the Plethodontidae such as Thorius spp. The distance which materials such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, metabolic wastes, and hormones must traverse is relatively thin in hyno¬ biid salamanders. This feature may at least partly compensate the absence of parenchymal vascular¬ ization in the brain of these salamanders. The preferential distribution of perikarya in the periventricular region also may be critical. The materials essential for neuronal activity must dif¬ fuse either from the meningeal blood vessels or from the choroid plexus blood vessels. The occur¬ rence of the periventricular grey matter suggests material exchange between the periventricular grey matter and the choroid plexus blood vessels via cerebrospinal fluid. Even in non-hynobiid amphibians, it is known that a substantial portion of blood entering the brain flows to the choroid plexus [5], which is the main site of cerebrospinal fluid production. The brain parenchyma of hynobiid salamanders lacks “the first circulation” by blood vessels. The brain parenchyma in general lacks “the second circulation” by lymphatic vessels. Therefore, so- Avascular Brain in Onychodactylus 853 called “the third circulation” by cerebrospinal fluid [6] may be important for metabolism in the brain parenchyma of hynobiid salamanders. However, the preferential occurrence of the periventricular grey matter is not restricted to the hynobiid sala¬ manders, but is found in most urodeles. After a survey of the brain sections of various vertebrates of our collection, it has become apparent that in many groups of lower vertebrates the perikarya tend to appear around the ventricle more or less, but highly preferential aggregation of perikarya in the periventricular region is found in urodeles and lungfishes. Therefore, spinal cord-like distribution of perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain may characterize these animals, but this feature itself does not fully explain the occurrence of an avascu¬ lar brain parenchyma and utmost importance of cerebrospinal fluid in the hynobiid salamanders. There might be various reasons that caused the absence of blood vessels in the brain parenchyma of hynobiid salamanders. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most salamanders studied in this paper were obtained by courtesy of the following people: S. Ishii (Tokyo), M. Kakegawa (Tokyo), K. Kubokawa (Tokyo), S. Kuzumi (Nagoya), H. Nambu (Toyama), and S. Ogasawara (Kouchi). This study was partly supported by a Grant-in- Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Educa¬ tion, Science and Culture of Japan. REFERENCES 1 Tsuneki, K., Ouji, M., Akiyoshi, H. and Ichihara, K. (1985) Absence of blood vessels in the brain paren¬ chyma of hynobiid salamanders. Experientia, 41: 1400-1402. 2 Tsuneki, K., Kuwabara, K., Kobara, J. and Ouji, M. (1983) Development of the adenohypophysis and circumventricular organs in the giant salamander, Andrias japonicus. Zool. Mag. (Tokyo), 92: 149-163 (in Japanese with English summary). 3 Kudo, T. and Kitani, N. (1934) Ontogenetical and phylogenetical considerations on the lung of Onycho¬ dactylus japonicus. Acta Anat. Nippon., 7: 425-433 (in Japanese). 4 Akita, Y. (1982) Notes on the egg-laying site of Onychodactylus japonicus on Mt. Hodatsu. Jpn. J. Herpetol., 9: 111-117 (in Japanese with English summary). 5 Heisey, S. R. (1968) Brain and choroid plexus blood volumes in vertebrates. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 26: 489-498. 6 Milhorat, T. H. (1975) The third circulation revis¬ ited. J. Neurosurg., 42: 628-645. . ■ - ■ • ' ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 855-861 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Factors Regulating Urination Patterns in Male and Female Mice ( Mus musculus) Masashi Daumae and Takeji Kimura Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan ABSTRACT — Urine marking pattern of male and female mice was analyzed under several hormonal treatments. Males, ovariectomized and androgenized females and neonatally androgenized females deposited larger number of urine spots than normal females. Castration of males decreased the number of spots in a 1.5-hour test but not in a 16-hour test, suggesting that castration may induce changes in motivational state involved in the initiation of marking in novel environment; however, it does not change the mode of urination. It is probable that the behavior pattern of deposition of large number of urine spots is dependent on neonatal androgen as well as androgen in later life. Analysis of the distribution of different sizes of urine spots in the chosen size categories revealed the negative correlation between spot size and length of external genitalia. Neonatally androgenized females which have shorter genitalia than males deposited spots of larger sizes than males. It is suggested that sexual dimorphism in urination pattern of mice is basically determined by neonatal androgen, and maintained by later androgen which develops external genitalia to the form suitable for deposition of tiny spots on the one hand, and keeps motivation for frequently urinating behavior pattern on the other. INTRODUCTION Scent marking behavior is generally observed in many mammalian species. House mice ( Mus mus¬ culus) mark their home range with their own urine, usually without any particular postures. This be¬ havior is observed more frequently in males than in females. The use of ultra-violet light techniques to visualize the urine spots has facilitated the study of mouse urination pattern [1] and has provided various information about it. Male and female mice increase their rate of urine deposition when they are exposed to conspecifics of the opposite sex [2, 3]. Male mice also increase the rate in the presence of other male mice [1]. These facts suggest that mice use urine for chemical com¬ munication. However, previous works dealt only with differences in number of spots and spatial distribution patterns. If urine marking is impor¬ tant for a mouse to inform other conspecifics about its status including sex and reproductive ability, more quantitative analyses must be performed in Accepted November 19, 1987 Received August 12, 1987 order to understand the meaning of the marking. Here, we report the difference in distribution of urine spots of different sizes between male and female mice under different endocrinological treatments. We think this kind of analysis will provide more precise information concerning dif¬ ferences in urination pattern among mice of var¬ ious conditions including sex differences. The urine marking pattern of male mice is known to be dependent on androgen in adulthood [4], and it has been shown that neonatal androgen treatment enhances the marking activity in female mice [5]. In the present investigation, analysis of the marking pattern was focused on the effect of androgen given in neonatal period as well as in adulthood, and the distributions of different sizes of urine spots were compared. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals The sexually naive male and female mice of ICR/JCL strain, aged about 70 days, were used. They were reared in a room maintained at 23°C 856 M. Daumae and T. Kimura with light:dark cycle of 14: 10 (lights on at 5 a.m.). All animals were weaned at 4 weeks of age and then males and females were separated. Mice of the same sex were housed in groups of 5-6 indi¬ viduals until use. The urination patterns of castrated males were analyzed 2 weeks after the operation at 70-80 days of age and compared with those before the castra¬ tion. To see the effect of androgen in females, we first recorded the urination pattern in intact females, and then ovariectomized them at 70-80 days of age and recorded their urination pattern 2 weeks after the operation. Starting on the next day, subcutaneous injection of 50 pg testosterone propionate (TP)/0.05 ml sesame oil was given ev¬ ery day for 18 days. Urination patterns of these females were recorded at 3 days interval through¬ out hormone injection period. Neonatally androgenized females were provided by daily subcutaneous injection of 20 pg TP/0.02 ml sesame oil for 3 days beginning at 3 days old. Oil injected females served as controls. In order to eliminate the influence of ovarian hormones to urine marking pattern in these females, the ex¬ perimental animals were ovariectomized after re¬ cording of marking pattern at approximately 100 days of age and tested again 2 weeks after the operation. Testing procedures Urination patterns were collected in the arena measuring 50x30x30 cm, enclosed with walls of vinyl chloride plates, the floor being a sheet of polyethylene-backed absorbent paper (Benchkote, Whatman) with absorbent surface upper side. Subjects were tested in the arena overnight for 16 hr (1900-1100), though in some normal and castrated males 1.5-hr test (1900-2030) was also performed. To examine the relationship between the urina¬ tion pattern and the size of the external genital organ, the length of the penis in males and clitoris in females was measured for 6 animals of each experimental group. Experimental animals were killed and the entire genital organ was fixed in Bouin’s solution, and the length of penis and clitoris, from the tip to the base, was measured with a caliper rule along the caudal midline. Data analysis After the test in the arena, the subject was removed, and the absorbent paper sheets were dried in air. Urine spots were visualized under ultra-violet light (365 nm) to trace the outlines of urine spots with a pencil on the paper. The area of each spot was measured and recorded using a graphic digitizer (Oscon SQ-3000) and a micro¬ computer (NEC PC-9801). We used the three parameters to assess the urination pattern. (1) Spot number: the total number of urine spots recorded for each paper, irrespective of size. (2) Spot size: The area of each urine spot. We put the data into the histogram according to the 4 gradations of spot area to examine the difference of urination pattern. (3) Total area: In order to see the effect of the urine amount to the urination pattern, we re¬ corded total area of urine spots deposited on the paper. Statistical analysis of data was made with Wil- coxon’s matched-pair, signed ranks test, Mann- Whitney’s U-test, Friedman’s test or Kruskal- Wallis test. Lengths of penis and clitoris were analyzed with t-test. RESULT 1. Effect of androgen on the urination pattern of females As shown in Figure la, intact female mice depo¬ sited significantly fewer urine spots than males (N = 6, U=0, P<0.05, Mann-Whitney’s U-test). Ovariectomy did not induce significant change in the urination pattern of females (N=6, T=6.5, P>0.05, Wilcoxon’s test), but the number of spots gradually increased following daily injec¬ tions of TP. Significant increase was observed after the 15th day as compared to data collected when they were intact (T=0, P<0.05) or those obtained after ovariectomy (T=0, P<0.05) (Fig. lb). 2. Effect of castration in males The male urine spot number did not decrease significantly by castration in 16-hr tests (N = 6, T= Urination Patterns in Mice 857 (a) (b) Fig. 1. Mean number of urine spots ( + SE) deposited by male and female mice, (a) Mean number of urine spots in intact males (N = 16) and females (N = 12). (b) Changes in females after ovariectomy and daily injections of TP. During TP treatment, urination pattern was recorded at 3 days interval (N = 6). OVX=ovariectomized, 3TP = ovariectomized and TP injected for 3 days. 1 000' 900. 800 ■ c/3 6 00 E-t o c/3 500 400 300 1 00 1 6 hours N = 6 1 INTACT CASTRATED MALE MALE 200 200 1 50 -- 1 . 5 hours N=7 X INTACT CASTRATED MALE MALE Fig. 2. Mean number of urine spots deposited by male mice before and after castration. Left; Overnight test for 16 hr. The difference is not significant (N = 6, P>0.05, Wilcoxon’s test). Right; Short time test for 1.5 hr. The difference is significant (N=7, P<0.05, Wilcoxon’s test). 5, P>0.05, Wilcoxon’s test) (Fig. 2). This result seems to be inconsistent with the previous work [4] which demonstrated that castration induced a de¬ crease in urine marking frequency during a 1-hr test. In order to confirm whether the long term test conceals the effect of castration, we tested castrated males for 1.5 hr and found significant decrease in the number of urine spots (N=7, T= 0, P<0.05, Wilcoxon’s test) (Fig. 2). 3. Effect of neonatal treatment of females with androgen The number of urine spots of neonatally androgenized females was significantly larger than that of intact females (U = 2, P<0.05, Mann- Whitney’s U-test) and oil injected controls (U=0, P<0.01, Mann-Whitney’s U-test), but smaller than that of intact males (U = 4, P<0.05, Mann- Whitney’s U-test) (Fig. 3). The spot number of neonatally androgenized female mice increased by ovariectomy performed at 100 days of age (Fig. 3). 4. Size distribution analysis The distribution of size of the urine spots was estimated in various groups of mice. All data were collected by 16-hr test. Marked difference was found between male and female mice. Urine spots of normal male mice, as well as those of castrated males, are concentrated in smaller area group (less than 10 mm2) (normal males, £2 = 43.95. P<0.001; castrated males, S = 156.5, P<0.001, Friedman’s test). On the other hand, in females no significant difference was found among different size groups 858 M. Daumae and T. Kimura +OVX Fig. 3. Mean number of urine spots deposited by neonatally androgenized female mice. NO = neonatally oil-injected (N = 6). NA = neonatally androgenized (N = 6). OVX=ovariectomized (N = 6). (X2 = 3.2, P>0.05, Friedman’s test). In ovariecto- mized and TP treated females, urine spots were concentrated in smaller area group (S = 170, P< 0.001, Friedman’s test), and being similar to male pattern. Neonatally androgenized females showed a unique pattern. Their urine spot size was con¬ centrated in middle size (10-100 mm2) (S = 104, P <0.01, Friedman’s test), and a similar pattern was found in those androgenized females after ovariec¬ tomy (S=170, P<0.001, Friedman’s test) (Fig. 4). 5. Total area The mean values of total area of urine spot of 5 groups tested for 16 hr did not show any significant difference ( X2=1.82 , P>0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test) (Fig. 5). 6. Correlation between urination pattern and the length of external genital organs The lengths of external genital organ of 5 ex¬ perimental groups are shown in Table 1. Castra¬ tion did not induce significant change in penis length in males. Androgen treatment in ovariecto- mized females caused a very significant increase in the length of the clitoris, while the length of clitoris in neonatally androgenized females were not signif¬ icantly different as compared to intact females. Differences among each group suggest that the lengthening of external genitalia is necessary for the deposition of small spots. There was a signif¬ icant correlation between the number of small urine spots and the length of the penis or clitoris (r=0.961, P<0.05). DISCUSSION Female mice deposited significantly smaller number of urine spots than males. This result corresponds to other previous works [6]. Female mice increased their urine spot number showing male-like urination pattern following androgen treatment, we have confirmed that this effect of androgen did not last after cessation of injections (unpublished data). Therefore, androgen seems to increase the urine spot number in females revers¬ ibly. Castration of males did not decrease urine spot number when 16-hr tests were adopted, while in 1.5-hr test, castrated males clearly showed fewer spots than intact ones. Mean numbers of urine spots deposited per hour by intact males were 110.3 + 27.9 (±SE) in 1.5-hr tests and 35.4 + 9.4 in 16-hr test, while the corresponding numbers in castrated males were 22.1 + 7.4 and 22.7 + 5.3. This suggests that castration induces change in motivational state which is involved in the initia¬ tion of marking in novel environment, but long¬ term test masks the difference since the mode of urination is unchanged by castration. Therefore, it is highly probable that, in males, frequent urina¬ tion with small amount is established by irreversi¬ ble effect of androgen in neonatal period. Neonatally androgenized female mice deposited more number of urine spots than control female mice injected with sesame oil, though the number was less than that of male mice. This suggests the importance of early androgen secretion in estab¬ lishment of male type of urination pattern. In these females, however, though urine spots were scattered all over the arena as observed in male mice, the distribution of size of spots are markedly Urination Patterns in Mice 859 / / / / / / / / 10 100 1000 SPOT SIZE (mm2 ) 10 1001 000 SPOT SIZE (mm2 ) INTACT FEMALE N= 1 2 r*u i — i r~i i — 3 0 10 100 1000 / / / / 10 100 1000 SPOT SIZE (mm2 ) OVX FEMALE 1 8 DAYS TP NA FEMALE NA+OVX FEMALE 10 100 1000 SPOT SIZE (mm2 ) 10 1001 000 SPOT SIZE (mm2) 10 100 1000 SPOT SIZE (mm2 ) Fig. 4. The area; 0- urine spot distribution according to the size of each spot. Each urine spot was classified into 4 groups by 10 mm2, 10-100 mm2, 100-1000 mm2, larger than 1000 mm2. different from that of males. In males, most of spots were sized less than 10 mm2, while in neona- tally androgenized females, spots were concen¬ trated in middle size range (10-100 mm2). Maru- niak et al. [7] noted that deermice and house mice have relatively long prepuces and distribute their urine in the form of many small discrete marks, while hamsters and gerbils have relatively short prepuces and deposit their urine only infrequently and characteristically in large pools. Length of 860 M. Daumae and T. Kimura N=6 IN EVERY GROUP MALE FEMALE Fig. 5. Mean total area of urine spots in 5 groups. O VX = ovariectomized female, TP = ovariectomized and androgenized female with 18 days TP treatment, NA = neonatally androgenized female. Table 1. Mean length of penis and clitoris Group Mouse Length of penis or clitoris(mean ± S . E . ) A Male (N=6) 3.98 + 0.12 B Castrated (N = 6) 4.07 + 0.12 C Female(TP) (N = 6) 3.39 + 0.13 D Female (N = 6) 2.28 + 0.13 E Female(NA)(N = 6) 1.82 + 0.07 t-Test, A vs. B, P>0.05; A vs. C, P<0.01; C vs. D, PC0.001; D vs. E, P<0.05. Female(TP) = Ovariectomized females injected TP for 18 days. Female(NA) = Neonatally androgenized female. clitoris of neonatally androgenized females was significantly shorter than normal females (P< 0.05), being much shorter than penile length of males (P< 0.001) as shown in Table 1. Taking this into consideration together with the spot size dif¬ ference, it is suggested that, although the frequent urination is induced by neonatal androgen regard¬ less of sex, spot size is determined by the morpho¬ logical characteristics of the external genitalia. The fact that lengthening of the clitoris in females after androgen treatment in adulthood well corre¬ lates with the small urine spot size also supports this idea. As well as Maruniak et al. [7], Powell and Wolff [6] also considered the genital morphology as an important factor affecting the sex difference in spot number. However, there must be other factors that affect the trait of urine marking. Difference between urination pattern of males and that of neonatally androgenized females can be explained by the difference in genital morphology, but the difference between intact females and neonatally androgenized females cannot be at¬ tributed to morphological difference. Clearly, there must be marked difference in the manner of urination. Although thorough observation of urination behavior was not performed because of lack of any significant urinating posture in mice, the spatial distribution pattern of spots suggests that males urinate as they were moving around while females seem to urinate when they are not walking. This difference is likely to be related to the higher mechanism which controls the scent marking behavior as a whole. Neonatal effect of androgen seems to affect the mechanism possibly exists in the brain and promotes its differentiation into male-type behavior pattern. Androgen in adulthood seems to act in males to maintain the motivation level and in females to develop both motivation and genital morphology. Ovariectomy in neonatally androgenized females enhanced the frequency of urination, while in normal females, ovariectomy did not cause any significant change. This is contradictory with our previous experiment where the object marking in both normal and neonatally androge¬ nized females was inhibited by ovariectomy [5]. It is probable that marking behavior in novel en¬ vironment is differently enhanced as compared to presentation of novel object in the familiar en¬ vironment. Further research under various ex¬ perimental situations must be done to elucidate the relationship between estrogen and urine marking behavior. As shown in Figure 5, the total area of spots was not different among 5 groups, suggesting that whole amount of urine excreted in overnight time length is almost the same regardless of the sex and hormonal conditions. Desjardins et al. [1] also demonstrated that the amount of urine was not different between dominant and subordinate males, though they showed markedly different urination pattern. Urination Patterns in Mice 861 Urine marking in mice is generally considered to be important in the social and reproductive be¬ havior [e.g. 8-10]. Assuming that mice, especially males, use their urine to advertise their existence and obtain any benefit, it may be an advantage to distribute the same amount of urine by small drops all over the home range. In male mice, such basic urination pattern is assumued to be established by neonatal androgen, and their urogenital morphol¬ ogy enables to deposit tiny drops of urine. Androgen in adulthood probably maintains the motivation level which is necessary for frequent urination. These facts seem to show that both behavioral and morphological adaptations are im¬ portant for urine marking in male mice. It is suggested that male mice actively use urine odor for communication as compared to females. In females, we have reported that vaginal rather than urine odor affects both approach and sexual be¬ havior of males [5]. Further quantitative re¬ searches concerning the effect of scattering small amount of urine on social interaction will explain the significance of urine marking of mice. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported in part by grants-in-aid for special research project on the mechanisms of animal behavior and on biological aspects of optimal strategy and social structure, and also by a grant No. 61540542 from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture. REFERENCES 1 Desjardins, C., Maruniak, J. A. and Bronson, F. H. (1973) Social rank in house mice; differentiation revealed by ultra-violet visualization of urinary marking patterns. Science, 172: 939-941. 2 Maruniak, J. A., Owen, K., Bronson, F. H. and Desjardins, C. (1974) Urinary marking in male house mice: responses to novel environmental and social stimuli. Physiol. Behav., 12: 1035-1039. 3 Maruniak, J. A., Owen, K., Bronson, F. H. and Desjardins, C. (1975) Urinary marking in female house mice: effects of ovarian steroids, sex experi¬ ence and type of stimulus. Behav. Biol., 13: 211— 217. 4 Maruniak, J. A., Desjardins, C. and Bronson, F. H. (1977) Dominant-subordinate relationships in cas¬ trated male mice bearing testosterone implants. Am. J. Physiol., 233: E495-E499. 5 Kimura, T. and Hagiwara, Y. (1985) Regulation of urine marking in male and female mice: effects of sex steroids. Horm. Behav., 19: 64-70. 6 Powell, A. J. and Wolff, P. R. (1982) Sex differ¬ ences in mouse urination patterns. Anim. Behav., 30: 1207-1211. 7 Maruniak, J. A., Desjardins, C. and Bronson, F. H. (1975) Adaptations for urinary marking in rodents: prepuce length and morphology. J. Reprod. Fertil., 44: 567-570. 8 Eisenberg, J. F. and Kleiman, D. G. (1972) Olfac¬ tory communication in mammals. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 3: 1-32. 9 Bronson, F. H., (1976) Urine marking in mice: causes and effects. In “Mammalian Olfaction, Re¬ productive Processes and Behaviour”. Ed. by R. L. Doty, Academic Press, New York, pp. 119-141. 10 Wolff, P. R. and Powell, A. J. (1984) Urine pattern in mice: An analysis of male/female counter¬ marking. Anim. Behav., 32: 1185-1191. ' ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 863-868 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai Coprophagy as an Innate Behavior in the Mouse Koichi Y. Ebino, Koichiro Yoshinaga, Toru R. Saito* 1 and Kazuaki W. Takahashi2 Toxicology Division, Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Uchimoriya-cho 4321, Mitsukaido-shi, Ibaraki 302-02, and 2Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Nippon Veterinary & Zootechnical College, Kyonan-cho 1-7-1, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180, Japan ABSTRACT — In order to verify whether or not coprophagy is an innate behavior in the mouse, two kinds of experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, a fecal suspension was administered to mice to see if the frequency of coprophagy could be reduced by such treatment. Neither the frequency nor the diurnal pattern of coprophagy was affected by the treatment, which demonstrates that the nutrients in the administered feces do not cause negative feedback on the frequency of coprophagy. In the second experiment, sucklings, while still unable to open their eyes, were treated so that their ears would not open. They were forcedly weaned and reared in isolation to determine if coprophagy would appear spontaneously. The onset and posture of coprophagy in the forcedly-weaned sucklings were essentially identical to those of the controls. Moreover, there were no differences in the frequency and in the diurnal pattern of coprophagy between the forcedly-weaned sucklings and the controls at 28 days old. From these results, we concluded that coprophagy is an innate behavior in the mouse. INTRODUCTION The authors have previously studied coprophagy in mice from the viewpoints of behavior and nutrition [1-7]. The mouse obtains B vitamins through coprophagy, especially vitamin Bi2, and these vitamins are synthesized by intestinal mi¬ croorganisms. Thus, coprophagy seems to play an important role in the nutrition of the mouse [3]. However, germ-free mice exhibit coprophagy identical to that observed in conventionally housed mice [4]. In this case, coprophagy in the mouse occurred even when it was no longer nutritionally beneficial to the mouse. It appears, then, that coprophagy is essentially an innate behavior in the mouse which is performed habitually. The present study was designed to confirm that coprophagy is inherent in the mouse. The follow¬ ing two kinds of experiments were carried out. In Accepted November 19, 1987 Received July 17, 1987 1 Present address: Department of Pharmacology, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan. the first experiment, mice were administered feces in a suspension to see if the frequency of cop¬ rophagy could be reduced. In the second experi¬ ment, sucklings forcedly weaned before their eyes and ears were open were reared in isolation and observed to determine whether or not coprophagy would appear spontaneously. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiment I: Effect of oral administration of a fecal suspension on the frequency of coprophagy Male mice of the ICR strain, purchased at 6 weeks old (CLEA Japan, Tokyo), were acclima¬ tized to the experimental environment until they were 10 weeks old. Animals were kept in a semibarrier-sustained room with an ambient temperature of 24 + l°C and a relative humidity of 55 + 5%. The room was ventilated 15 times per hour with all fresh air and illuminated for 14 hr a day (lights on at 05:00 and off at 19:00). Eight animals were housed in each of several stainless steel cages (310W X 440D X 230 H mm) with raised 864 K. Y. Ebino, K. Yoshinaga et al. wire-mesh floors and supplied with a pellet diet MF (Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd., Tokyo) and water ad libitum. The suspension of feces was prepared as follows. Feces excreted by 50 male mice from 07:00 to 1 1 : 00 were collected and water was added at the rate of 1.6 ml per 9 pellets. This mixture was kneaded together by mortar and pestle to make a homogeneous suspension. The suspension was further subjected to a homogenizer (Kinematica GmbH, Switzerland) for a few minutes. The suspension was administered by a stomach tube to 8 mice at the rate of 1.0 ml per animal twice in the afternoon (around 12:00 and 15:00) when cop- rophagous activity was ordinarily lower. The number of feces administered daily, 9 pel¬ lets per mouse, was almost equal to or more than the number of pellets ingested by coprophagy, i.e., 8.6 pellets per day in male mice of 10 weeks old [5], water a fecal suspension water nmn|uiitmmm|nutn ft 1} ft ft ft ft .oration of w - 2 w - 1 treatment j : administration of water or a fecal suspension : recording of animals Fig. 1. Schedule of experiment I. The experiment was carried out as shown in Figure 1. Twelve mice were given water for one week; then 8 mice were selected by reference of weight or condition, and were given the fecal suspension for 2 weeks. Finally, water was given again for one week. When water was adminis¬ tered, the volume and the frequency of administra¬ tion were the same as those of the suspension. With this schedule, coprophagy by individual mice was recorded by videotape recorder at set points (24 hr each). An infrared ray projector was used during the dark hours of the photoperiod. Cop¬ rophagy was observed later by reproducing the tapes. When more than half of a fecal pellet was eaten, it was recorded as one act of coprophagy. During the treatment period, mice were weighed twice a week. Experiment II: Coprophagy in sucklings forcedly weaned before their eyes and ears were open, and reared in isolation thereafter Six pregnant mice were housed individually in aluminum cages with raised wire-mesh floors (210W X 330D X 140 H mm) in the same room used for Experiment I, and were allowed to give birth. On day 4 of lactation (the day of parturition was counted as day 0 of lactation), the number of sucklings was adjusted to 6 (3 animals of each sex). On day 12, the auricles of the sucklings were treated with a cyanacrylate binding agent to pre¬ vent development of the ears and hearing. On day 13 or 14 of lactation, 1 to 3 males were forcedly weaned from each litter after it was confirmed that their eyes and ears had not opened. Twelve male sucklings were then housed individually in polycar¬ bonate cages with raised wire-mesh floors (92W X 205D X 127 H mm) and were reared in isolation from other mice. Animals were provided with a pellet diet MF and water ad libitum. Coprophagous activity by these isolated mice was recorded from day 16 to day 20, and on day 28. For controls, coprophagy in another litter or 4 males and 4 females, housed in a polycarbonate cage (210W X330D X 180 H mm) with the mater¬ nal animal, was recorded from day 14 to day 19. On day 28, only the activities of 4 males were recorded. Statistical analysis Student’s Ftest was applied to evaluate any significant differences. RESULTS Experiment I No specific abnormalities were found in body weight or general condition of mice treated with the fecal suspension, demonstrating that the treat¬ ment did not have any harmful effects on them (Table 1). One out of the eight mice died from a technical error during the administration of the suspension. Observation of coprophagy revealed that nei¬ ther the frequency nor the diurnal pattern of Coprophagy in the Mouse 865 Table 1. Body weight changes during fecal suspension treatment Water Fecal suspension Water 0 2 5 9 13 16 20 23 27 days Body 37.0 37.7 36.8 36.6 36.1 36.1 36.1 36.3 36.9 weight(g) ±1.6 ±1.9 ±2.1 ±1.3 ±1.6 ±1.3 ±1.6 ±1.4 ±1.3 [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [7] [7] [7] [7] Values represent means ± standard deviation. [ ]: No. of animals. Table 2. Frequency of coprophagy during fecal suspension treatment Water Fecal suspension Water 7 9 15 21 23 28 days Frequency of 9.9 11.3 9.3 13.7 12.6 11.0 coprophagy per ±4.1 ±4.0 ±3.7 ±5.6 ±6.6 ±3.5 mouse per day [8] [8] [8] [7] [7] [7] Values represent means ± standard deviation. [ ]: No. of animals. o 0.5 -- on. - 0500 1900 Li. Time of day on the 7th day of water administration on the 7th day of a fecal suspension administration Fig. 2. Comparison of diurnal pattern of coprophagy between controls and treated mice. Each bar represents mean frequency of coprophagy by 8 mice. coprophagy was affected by treatment with the fecal suspension (Table 2, Fig. 2). Experiment II The twelve forcedly-weaned sucklings opened their eyes and ears at 14 or 15 days old; they took food and water by themselves and excreted feces autonomously. After being weaned, the animals exhibited a loss of body weight for a few days but gained weight thereafter and no abnormalities were found in their general condition and be¬ havior. Coprophagy was first observed in six of the animals at 16 days old, five more animals at 17 days and the last at 18 days old. Each animal exhibited 866 K. Y. Ebino, K. Yoshinaga et al. Table 3. Frequency of coprophagy in naturally-weaned and forcedly-weaned pups The day of Frequency of Group onset of coprophagy at coprophagy 28 days old Naturally-weaned pups 17 to 18 days old 12.0+1.8 [4] Forcedly-weaned pups 16 to 18 days old 13.4 + 3.5 [12] Values represent means + standard deviation. [ ]: No. of animals. Naturally- weaned pups Forcedly-weaned pups Fig. 3. Comparison of diurnal pattern of coprophagy between naturally-weaned and forcedly-weaned pups at 28 days of age. coprophagy as soon as it could reach its anus with its mouth. The first act of coprophagy occurred quite naturally, as of the animal had been attracted by its own feces. In the control animals, coprophagy was first observed at 17 or 18 days old, 4 or 5 days after the opening of the eyes and the ears. Coprophagy first occurred a few days after sucklings began to ex¬ crete feces autonomously. As seen in the forcedly- weaned animals, sucklings at this age were barely able to reach their anuses with their mouths. There were no differences between the ex¬ perimental and control mice in regard to the age of initiation of coprophagy or in the frequency and diurnal pattern of coprophagy at 28 days of age (Table 3, Fig. 3). DISCUSSION From the results of Experiments I and II, cop¬ rophagy appears, in fact, to be an innate behavior in the mouse. Experiment I demonstrated that nutrients in feces could not subdue the appetite for coprophagy in the mouse. Moreover, it has become evident that coprophagy itself has a steady and proper rhythm. Then, how does the appetite for coprophgy occur, and how is it subdued? From the viewpoint of behavior, coprophagy in the mouse is divided into four steps, in principle. First, judging from its posture, the mouse seems to be aware of feces coming near to the anus. The mouse excretes the feces by a defecation reflex, and takes its feces Coprophagy in the Mouse 867 directly by the mouth. Finally, the mouse masti¬ cates the feces while holding it with the forelimbs [2], Therefore, each round of coprophagy seems to begin with the entry of feces into the rectum, since the feces stretch the rectal wall and this stimulation is transmitted to the spinal cord and brain through the afferent pelvic nerve [8]. This must be the first signal to the mouse informing it of the presence of feces to be ingested. In other words, the feces itself existing in the rectum may be the sign stimulus for each round of coprophagy. However, since mice do not eat all their feces, there must be something characteristic about the feces to release coprophagy. Possibilities include the size of the feces, the number of feces con¬ nected in the colon and rectum, or the descending speed of the feces from the colon to the rectum, for mice have been observed to reingest 2 or 3 fecal pellets consecutively [2]. Furthermore, in rabbits, reingested soft feces have been reported to be excreted rapidly [9] as clusters of small, moist, discrete pellets with a distinctive sheen [10]. As for size, a cluster of soft feces is much larger than each hard fecal pellet. We suspect that the mechanism informing the host as to which feces is to be ingested is probably identical among species which practice coprophagy. On the other hand, the appetite is subdued when the end has been completed in general. Why then, were the mice not satisfied with the administered feces? Perhaps the appetite for coprophagy is subdued when each component of coprophagy has been successfully performed, and consequently, the feces have been reingested. It is certain that each component of coprophagy is conducted via a reflex circuit through the spinal cord and/or the brain, which is initiated by the presence, smell, vision, touch or taste of the feces. The mouse does not seem to be satisfied if the end result of coprophagy is achieved unless it experiences the feces with its own sensory organs. Being a kind of food when reingested, the feces must be a great attraction, particularly to the sense of smell or gustation. Then why were the nutrients in the administered feces unable to affect the frequency of cop¬ rophagy? We have already observed the suppres¬ sive effect of a vitamin B12 fortified diet on the frequency of coprophagy in the mouse [3], The fortification was magnified 365 fold against the content in the basal diet. In the present study, the amount of vitamin B12 in the administered feces, the most probable nutrient associated with cop¬ rophagy in the mouse, was estimated to be 4 fold greater, at maximum, against the daily intake of vitamin B12 from the normal diet. Therefore, the amount of nutrient(s) in the administered feces might not have been enough to affect the frequen¬ cy. Although further exeriments may be needed to answer the above question convincingly, we now feel that the frequency of coprophagy is regulated largely by the quality of the diet. The second experiment was conducted at Tin¬ bergen’s recommendation [11]. He said, in his book entitled The Study of Instinct, “The only way to find out what behaviour is innate and what is acquired during individual life is to raise indi¬ viduals in isolation, to observe the development of their behaviour, and to study the influence of different environments upon it”. Since the forced¬ ly-weaned sucklings were taken before their eyes and ears were open and were reared in isolation and sheltered from other mice, they did not have a chance to imitate their dams or other animals. Even under such conditions, the onset of cop¬ rophagy, the posture, the frequency and the diur¬ nal pattern of coprophagy at 28 days of age in the experimental group were as same as those of the controls. Furthermore, there was no chance for “trial and error” or “learning” of coprophagy judging from the quite natural and immediate onset of coprophagy when accompanied by appropriate physical development. Since any effects of isolation on coprophagy by the forcedly- weaned sucklings were absent, we have concluded that coprophagy is an innate behavior in the mouse. In summary, coprophagy is an important be¬ havior nutritionally beneficial to the mouse, and appears to be controlled as follows. Being an innate behavior, each round of coprophagy is performed reflexively as estimated above and re¬ peated to a certain degree during the day based on the quality of the daily diet. Then, a relatively steady and proper diurnal pattern of coprophagy is formed in association with the 24 hr rhythm of the 868 K. Y. Ebino, K. Yoshinaga et al. meal pattern, as has been reported in rabbits [12]. In addition, the frequency of coprophagy vacillates with changes in the nutritional requirements of the host, i.e., those caused by physiological conditions such as growth [5], pregnancy or lactation [6]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr. Yasuhiko Shirasu, Director of Toxicology Division, Institute of Environ¬ mental Toxicology, for his advice on this study. The authors are also grateful to Messrs. Hisao Kawakatsu, Yoshio Takizawa, Hiro-o Suzuki and Yoshihiro Horie, also of Toxicology Division for their assistance. REFERENCES 1 Takahashi, K. W., Saito, T. R., Suzuki, W., Ka- tsuyama, M., Sakuma, S., Tauchi, K., Kawanishi, H. and Imamichi, T. (1983) Studies on coprophagy in the mouse. Zool. Mag., 92: 397-401. 2 Takahashi, K. W., Ebino, K. Y., Saito, T. R. and Imamichi, T. (1985) Strain difference in copropha- gous behavior in laboratory mice ( Mus musculus). Zool. Sci., 2: 249-255. 3 Ebino, K. Y., Suwa, T., Kuwabara, Y., Saito, T. R. and Takahashi, K. W. (1986) Analyses of consti¬ tuents of feces and the effect of a vitamin B12 fortified diet on coprophagy in the mouse. Exp. Anim., 35: 381-386 (In Japanese with English ab¬ stract). 4 Ebino, K. Y., Amao, H., Suwa, T., Kuwabara, Y., Saito, T. R. and Takahashi, K. W. (1987) Cop¬ rophagy in the germfree mouse. Exp. Anim., 36: 33-37 (In Japanese with English abstract). 5 Ebino, K. Y., Suwa, T., Kuwabara, Y., Saito, T. R. and Takahashi, K. W. (1987) Lifelong coprophagy in male mice. Exp. Anim., 36: 273-276 (In Japanese with English abstract). 6 Ebino, K. Y., Suwa, T., Kuwabara, Y., Saito, T. R. and Takahashi, K. W. (1988) Coprophagy in female mice during pregnancy and lactation. Exp. Anim., 37: 101-104. 7 Ebino, K. Y., Yoshinaga, K., Saito, T. R. and Takahashi, K. W. (1988) A simple method for pre¬ vention of coprophagy in the mouse. Lab. Anim., 22: 1-4. 8 Jensen, D. (1976) Gastrointestinal motility and its regulation. In “The Principles of Physiology”. Prentice-Hall, New York, pp. 835-845. 9 Eden, A. (1940) Coprophagy in the rabbit: Origin of ‘Night’ faeces. Nature, 145: 628-629. 10 Thacker, E. J. and Brandt, C. S. (1955) Cop¬ rophagy in the rabbit. J. Nutr., 55: 375-386. 11 Tinbergen, N. (1969) The Study of Instinct. The Clarendon Press, Oxford, re-issued., pp. 51-54. 12 Hornicke, H. (1981) Utilization of caecal digesta by caecotrophy (soft faeces ingestion) in the rabbit. Livestock Production Science, 8: 361-366. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 869-874 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Ecological Distribution and Habitat-linked Density of Colonies of Stenogastrine Wasps in Tropical S. E. Asia* 1 Ryoh-ichi Ohgushi, Soichi Yamane2 and Shoichi F. Sakagami3 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa 920, 2 Biological Laboratory, Faculty of Education, Ibaraki University, Mito 320, and 3 Institute of LowTemperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan ABSTRACT — The species diversity and the colony density of stenogastrine wasps were compared among 3 types of vegetation in tropical S. E. Asia. A climax vegetation of submontane rain forest in Malay Peninsula, showed the largest number of both species and colonies. Native palm orchards with scattered remains of immature rain forest in Sumatera Barat, had fewer species and colonies than in the climax rain forest. Finally, a farmland at the foots of hills in Sumatera Barat, was poorest in both species diversity and colony density. Liostenogaster and Eustenogaster species were mostly confined to humid forests, while Parischnogaster , especially species of the P. mellyi- group, extended their distribution to opener habitats. The open farmland was occupied only by poor populations of P. mellyi and Parischnogaster aff. jacobsoni. INTRODUCTION Stenogastrine wasps are in distribution restricted to tropical and subtropical S. E. Asia and New Guinea. By its primitively social life [1], this group seems to be an important “missing ring” of social evolution in wasps. But our knowledge about their behavior and ecology is still insufficient because of their small and inconspicuous form and secretive life style. In recent years a considerable number of papers on the stenogastrine biology have been published. Most of them, however, either describe the nest architecture [2-5] and behavior patterns [5, 6], or deal with social relations among females [6-8]. Aspects which relate to the ecological distribution, habitat preference, colony density, etc., have not yet been thoroughly studied. In paralell with taxonomic and biological sur¬ veys of the stenogastrine wasps in Malaysia and Indonesia since 1964, we have made ecological censuses of their colonies in relation to environ¬ Accepted October 23, 1987 Received June 12, 1987 1 Contribution No. 24 of Sumatra Nature Study (En¬ tomology) mental conditions. In this paper, we try to com¬ pare the species diversity and the colony density of these wasps among three types of habitats, which may represent the humid virgin forests, immature forests intervened with palm orchards and open cultivated farmland, respectively. AREAS AND METHODS FOR STUDY Field studies were carried out at three localities, one in Peninsular Malaysia and two in the Province of Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. These areas repre¬ sent three vegetations, as mentioned above. The location of areas and the type of environments are summarized as follows. Bukit Frazer (Fig. 1): Situated on the SW-slope of 600 m in altitude of a mountaneous district at about 30 km northeast of Kuala Lumpur. Covered with a dense forest nearly comparable to the subalpine primary rain forest defined by Richards [9] and penetrated by a paved road, which was partly shaded with the forest crown. Environmen¬ tal conditions seemed to be comparable with the rain forest edge. Its ground was covered with bushes, vines and ferns. Soil was humid and run through by small streams. 870 R. Ohgushi, S. Yamane and S. F. Sakagami Fig. 1. Submontane rain forest at Bukit Frazer study area. Teluk Kabung (Fig. 2): Situated on hills at about 12 km south of Padang, along an unpaved road connecting Padang and Painan. The road ran up and down the hills of 80—150 m in altitude, which closely approached the coast of the Indian Ocean. The hills were covered mostly with planted palms mixed with some native trees and scattered re¬ mains of immature rain forest. Since the both sides of the road were relatively open, not covered with tall trees, the road was exposed to the direct sun. Tall native trees remained only sporadically. Several small streams crossed the road and the forest remained near streams or ravins. The ground of the forest and plantations were not much humid. Stenogastrine nests were mainly found in humid and shaded places near the water. Lubuk Mintrun (Fig. 3): Situated in an orchard of the Provincial Horticultural Experiment Station at about 6 km northeast of Padang. It was in a cultivated area of lowland plain covered with fruit trees of citrus, rambutan, and palms at hillside, and a rice field at the basin. Laterite soil was exposed to sunbeams and dried up. Trees in the Fig. 2. Secondary forest along a road at Teluk Kabung study area. orchards and plantations were planted sparsely and most of fruit trees were young. A small paddy field, 10 houses, 7 of which were inhabited by farmers, and a small cottage were incorporated in the area. In each area, the number of colonies was counted by a line census method. Bukit Frazer: Line census of 54 person hours Fig. 3. Citrus and rambutan orchard in a farmland at Lubuk Mintrun study area. Ecological Distribution of Stenogastrine Wasps 871 along the both sides (ca. 6 m wide for each) of the road ca. 3 km long, Teluk Kabung: Line census as above, but 30 person hours, Lubuk Mintrun: Cen¬ sus of 60 person hours in citrus and rambutan areas covering a total of 10 ha. Nests were discovered on twigs of tree, leaves of fern, tree rootlets, inside the hollows made at roadcut, underside of overhanging cliffs or rocks, edges of roofs of cottages, etc. For each nest, the species name, or if unknown, the nest type [4] was recorded. Some nests were identified only to the genus. Henceforth, the colonies mean active nests which were occupied by one or more adult wasps. Although the census at Lubuk Mintrun was not the line census in a strict sense, the counts were chiefly made along rows of planted trees, and the values could be converted into those of line-base, this area nearly equaling 4.5 km of a census line. RESULTS Table 1 shows the numbers of colonies found in the three areas and those per 100 m of census line. The values may roughly reflect the relative density of colonies in these areas, being highest in Bukit Frazer (B. F.) and lowest in Lubuk Mintrun (L. M.). The number of species was also abundant in B. F. with 9 nest types (or 9 species), while only 2 types (species) in L. M. Teluk Kabung (T. K.) occupied a position intermediate between B. F. and L. M. In the genus Parischnogaster , 5 nest types were found in B. F., 4 in T. K. and 2 in L. M. Type Ps4 (a type of the P. striatula-g roup, cf. [4]) was found only in B. F., but most abundant there. On the contrary, in T. K. P. striatula (type Psl) and P. mellyi (type Pml) were most abundant. P. mellyi was the commonest species in the three areas. This species seems to have adopted to relatively open and less humid environments such as secondary forests and abandoned farms. In L. M., only a few colonies of P. mellyi and Pjl (a type of the P. jacobsoni- group) were found. Two nest types (probably belonging to different species) of Lioste- nogaster were very common at B. F. Two nest types of Eustenogaster were found in B. F. and T. Table 1 . Number of colonies (active nests) of social wasps in three areas surveyed Species or nest types Bukit Frazer Teluk Kabung Lubuk Mintrun Stenogastrinae genus Parischnogaster P. striatula (type Psl) type Ps4 92 ( 3.1 ) 161 ( 5.4 ) 127 ( 4.2 ) P. mellyi (type Pml) 3 ( 0.1 ) 114 ( 3.8 ) 26 ( 0.6 ) type Pjl 20 ( 0.7 ) 3( 0.1 ) 5( 0.1 ) type Pj2 1 ( 0.03) 2 ( 0.07) genus Liostenogaster L. flavolineata type L3 301 (10.0 ) 57 ( 1.9 ) genus Eustenogaster type El type E2 7( 0.2 ) 3( 0.1 ) 2 ( 0.07) Total other social wasp 645 (21.5 ) 248 ( 8.3 ) not sensused 31 ( 1.0 ) Polistinae 8( 0.3 ) 21 ( 0.7 ) type Ps = the P. striatula-group\ type Pm = the P. mellyi- group; type Pj = the P. jacobsoni- group; type L = Liostenogaster-, and type E = Eustenogaster. Details see [4]- ( ) = number of colonies per 100 m of census line. 872 R. Ohgushi, S. Yamane and S. F. Sakagami Table 2. Nest sites and substrates of stenogastrine wasps observed in three areas surveyed Species or nest types Rootlet at thin (<0.3 mm) roadcut thick (0.4 mm<) Leaf or stem of fern in underbush Vine or fiber on tree or eave of hut Innersurface of concrete tunnel Parischnogaster P. striatula 213 6 type Ps4 P. mellyi 3 140 161 type Pjl type Pj2 3 29 Liostenogaster L. flavolineata 301 type L3 Eustenogaster 57 type El andE2 12 For the nest types, see Table 1 and [4], In these areas, stenogastrine nests in tree hollows or underground cavities were not found. K., with a larger number of colonies in the former. The number of polistine colonies (genera Ropali- dia and Polistes ) found in the surveyed area (ex¬ cluding T. K.) were scarce as given in Table 1. To evaluate the diversity of the stenogastrine faunas in the three areas, Simpson’s index of diversity [13] was calculated. The values were 0.302 for B. F., 0.471 for T. K. and 0.720 for L. M., respectively. Showing that the fauna is most complex and diverse in the rain forest and opposite in the farmland. As seen in Table 2, there are clear differences among the species or nest types in preference for nest sites and substrates. Two species of Liosteno- gaster and one Parischnogaster (Ps4) formed dense nest aggregations inside concrete cement pipes used for watercourse, which offered a dark and humid environment. In contrast to them, some Parischnogaster species, especially P. mellyi and Pjl built their nests in open, dry environments such as farmland, garden and edge of immature rain forests. DISCUSSION It is well known that the land faunas of mammals and insects in Malay Peninsula and Sumatra re¬ semble each other because of their connection during most time of glacial ages [10, 11], Because the areas surveyed are geographically not much distant and belonging to the same climatic zone, we can regard them as belonging to the same bio- and ecogeographical zone when we discuss the habitat preference. For social wasps and bees, the habitat offers not only the feeding and mating sites, but also the sites for settling their colonies. Thus, environmental conditions are important to determine both the diversity of species involved and the colony den¬ sity. Up to the present, some field entomologists have pointed out that the stenogastrine wasps mostly built their nests in shaded and humid places such as underbushes, underside of overhanging roadcuts, stream bank and roof of artificial build¬ ings [2, 3, 5]. Based on the present observations and previous studies [4, 5], we classify their nesting sites as follows, according to the micro- topographical factors and the conditions of sub¬ strates. a) Undersurfaces of overhanging roadcut or stream banks. b) Undersurfaces of overhanging rocks, con¬ crete bridges and inner surfaces of concrete cement tunnels for watercourse. c) Inside of tree hollows or underground cavi¬ ties. d) Twigs, stems, leaves and vines of under- Ecological Distribution of Stenogastrine Wasps 873 bushes. e) Undersurfaces of roofs, the eaves and floor of huts and houses. The nest site preference by various wasps and bees may relate to their behavioral (including social organization) and ecological prerequisites. The stenogastrine wasps, whose distribution is limited to southeast Asia and New Guinea [12], might have evolved in these areas where rain forest has been fairly prosperous. From Table 1 and a calculation of Simpson’s index, we can recognize that the highest diversity of species (or nest types) and density of colonies are found in the mature rain forests. Colonies were also abundant in immature rain forest areas, but they were found there mostly at shaded and humid microhabitats. This suggests that areas of the tropical rain forests have been their main homeland and opener and drier habitats have been secondarily colonized by them. Observations conducted at various environ¬ ments of tropical Asia [5] and results shown in Table 1 suggest that subfamilies of the family Vespidae have selected different types of environ¬ ments for nidification. Generally speaking, the Stenogastrinae have chosen dark and humid places in the climax and subclimax rain forests, while the Polistinae did lighter and drier places such as grassland and the early stages of succession. Some species of the P. mellyi- group and P. jacobsoni- group nest in open habitat outside rain forests such as roadcuts in open places, orchards and houses in villages. Hansell [14] supposed that the suburban habitats of P. mellyi seem not to be native for the stenogastrines. The P. striatula- group, another species group of Parischnogaster, however, seems to remain at darker and more humid habitats close to rain forests, such as the roadcuts under the forest canopy, underground cavities, etc. Most colonies of Liostenogaster and Eustenogas- ter were found in dark and humid places as under¬ bushes near the ground of rain forests. These environments seem to offer main habitats to them. Among these groups, L. flavolineata and L3, as well as Ps4, were found to nest inside artificial constructs, e.g. concrete cement tunnels. Their original nest sites were probably natural caves and underground cavities. These environments are presently not restricted to the rain forests, but also occur in opener and drier places. So, if these environments exist, the wasps can inhabit even the secondary forests [15]. This shows that conditions of microhabitat also affect the distribution of these wasps. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to express our hearty thanks to Prof. Tatuo Kira, the Chairman of the Osaka City University Expedition to Southeast Asia, Prof. Shunzo Kawamura, the Chairman of the Sumatra Nature Study Project and the staffs of Andalas University, Indonesia, for their help during the course of our study. We also indebted to Dr. Kimio Yoshikawa, who made the field survey in Bukit Frazer with us. These studies were suppported by Grants-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey (1981 No. 56041027, 1983 No.58041032) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. REFERENCES 1 West-Eberhard, M. J. (1978) Phylogeny and evolu¬ tion of social behaviour in wasps. J. Kansus En- tomol. Soc., 51: 832-856. 2 Williams, F. X. (1919) Philippine wasp studies. Part II. Description of new species and life history studies. Rep. Exp. Stn. Hawaii Sugar Plant. Assoc., Entomol. Ser., 14: 19-196. 3 Pagden, T. H. (1958) Some Malayan social wasps. Malay. Nat. J., 12: 131-148. 4 Ohgushi, R., Sakagami, F. S., Yamane, S. and Abbas, N. D. (1983) Nest architecture and related notes of stenogastrine wasps in the Province of Sumatera Barat, Indonesia (Hymenoptera, Vespi¬ dae). Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ., 28: 27-58. 5 Ohgushi, R. (1986) A review on the biology and ecology of stenogastrine wasps. Hymenoptelist’s Communication, No. 25/26: 1-76 (in Japanese). 6 Pardi, L. and Turillazzi, S. (1981) Behavior and social organization of Parischnogaster nigricans ser- rei (Du Buysson) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Moni- tore Zool. Ital., 15: 322-323. 7 Yoshikawa, K., Ohgushi, R. and Sakagami, F. S. (1969) Preliminary report on entomology of the Osaka City University 5th Scientific Expedition to Southeast Asia 1966, with description of two genera of stenogastrine wasps by J. Van Der Vecht. Nat. Life S. E. Asia, 6: 158-182. 8 Yamane, S., Sakagami, F. S. and Ohgushi, R. (1983) Multiple behavioral options in a primitively social wasp, Parischnogaster mellyi. Insect. Soc., 30: 874 R. Ohgushi, S. Yamane and S. F. Sakagami 412-415. 9 Richards, P. W. (1952) The Tropical Rain Forest. Cambridge University Press, London. 10 Unbgrove, J. H. F. (1949) Structural History of the East Indies. Cambridge University Press, London. 11 Kuenen, H. (1950) Marine Geology. John Willy & Sons, Inc., New York & London. 12 Vecht, V. D. (1975) A review of the genus Steno- gaster Guerin (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). J. Aust. Entomol. Soc., 14: 283-308. 13 Simpson, E. H. (1949) Measurement of diversity. Nature, 16: 688. 14 Hansell, M. H. (1983) Social behaviour and colony size in the wasp Parischnogaster mellyi (Saussure), Stenogastrinae (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Proc. Natl. Akad. Wet. C., 86: 167-178. 15 Ohgushi, R. and Yamane, S. (1983) Supplementary notes on the nest architecture and biology of some Parischnogaster species in Sumatera Barat (Hyme¬ noptera, Vespidae). Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ., 28: 69-78. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 875-881 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Pliciloricus hadalis (Pliciloricidae), a New Loriciferan Species Collected from the Izu-Ogasawara Trench, Western Pacific Reinhardt M0bjerg Kristensen and Yoshihisa Shirayama1 Institute of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark, and 1 Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 1-15-1 Minamidai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, Japan ABSTRACT — A new species of the Loricifera, Pliciloricus hadalis nov, sp. (Pliciloricidae), is described. This species is distinguished from the other Pliciloricus species by its jar-shaped lorica, the mucous coat on the larval lorica and the 30 sculptured plates in the adult thorax. This is the first discovery of Loricifera not only from the hadal bathymetric zone but also from the fine sediment (red clay). Moreover, this is the first record of Loricifera from the Western Pacific area. These facts suggest that Loricifera has a high ability of adaptation and is distributed ubiquitously in the marine environment. INTRODUCTION After the first recognition of meiofauna [1], zoologists have paid keen attention to this small¬ sized benthic organisms. Their efforts have led to numerous discoveries of new taxa. One of the most distinctive taxonomic work is the description of new phylum, Loricifera, by Kristensen [2]. This group of animals was characterized by the follow¬ ing features. 1) The body is segmented into five regions: mouth cone, head, neck, thorax, and abdomen. 2) A variable number of sensory (and possibly locomotory) appendages (scalids) are attached to the head and the neck regions. 3) The abdomen is covered with a lorica (girdle), which the name, Loricifera, has been derived from. The first species of the Loricifera, Nanaloricus mysticus Kristensen, 1983, was found in clean shell gravel at 25 m deep. Since the first description, nine species, representing three genera, two fami¬ lies and one order, have been described, all from coarse subtidal sediments of the Atlantic Ocean [2, 3], This article reports the first discovery of lori¬ ciferan from the Izu-Ogasawara Trench at a depth of 8260 m. The present discovery of new lori¬ ciferan from red clay of the hadal zone [4] of the Accepted November 27, 1987 Received September 17, 1987 Western Pacific Ocean in addition to several unde¬ scribed species from other areas, suggests a world¬ wide distribution of Loricifera [5] inhabiting a wide range of depths and sediment types within the marine environment. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present specimens were found from a box core sample collected at ST. 9 of a cruise, KH-80- 1, of R/V Hakuho-Maru, Ocean Research Insti¬ tute, University of Tokyo (ORIUT). This station was established close to the axis of the Izu- Ogasawara Trench at a depth of 8260 m [6]. This hadal-depth station was deeper than the calcite compensation depth, and the sediment consisted of pelagic “red clay” interbedded with silt and sand laminae of turbidite origin. The sediment sample was fixed and preserved using 5% seawater formalin with Rose Bengal on board ship. In the laboratory on land, meiofaunal organisms were sorted out from the sediment under a dissecting binocular microscope. Three loriciferan individuals were found from the sample. These specimens were transferred to glycerol and observed under a compound micro¬ scope. Fortunately these specimens consisted of a female, a male and a large larva, and they were revealed to be a new species of the genus Plicilori¬ cus recently described from the upper-bathyal 876 R. M. Kristensen and Y. Shirayama zone (289-439 m) off the coast of North and South Carolina, U.S.A. [3]. A full description of the present species follows. DESCRIPTION Order Nanaloricida Kristensen, 1983 Family Pliciloricidae Higgins and Kristensen, 1986 Genus Pliciloricus Higgins and Kristensen, 1986 Pliciloricus hadalis nov. sp. (Figs. 1-4) Diagnosis'. Adults with a small mouth cone without mouth tube. The first row of scalids consisting of the eight clavoscalids with pod-like tips. The fourth row consisting of 15 fleshy and claw-tipped spinoscalids, alternating with 15 unmodified very long spinoscalids. The neck with the last row of scalids consisting of seven double and eight single trichoscalids of the same length. The thorax with sculpture close to the edge of the lorica. The midventral plicae of the lorica differ only slightly from other 20 plicae. The single pair of posterior flosculi located very caudally on the ventral site. The lorica jar-shaped and globular posteriorly. The free-living larva (Higgins-larva) with a mouth cone without ventral oral setae. The buccal canal separated into an anterior part, the mouth cavity and a complex hexagonal cuticular appa¬ ratus, which joins the pharyngeal bulb. Spinosca¬ lids long (^55 ^m). Collar well defined. Lorica covered with mucoid detritus. Toes straight, spi- nose and very long (153 ^m), and pointing ante¬ riorly. Three pairs of setae at the posterior end of lorica. All setae without hair. Etymology : hadalis from the Greek word Hades (hell) used here as the Pliciloricus from the hadal bathymetric zone of the deep sea. Type material: In the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen (ZMC), Denmark. The holotypic adult female was collected on March 3,1980, at ST. 9 (28°28.3’N 143°19.6’E; 8260 m) of the cruise KH-80-1 of R/V Hakuho-Maru, ORIUT [6]. The animal was found in the layer of 1-2 cm from the surface of the sediment consisting of red clay with silt and sand laminae. The allotypic adult male and the paratypic larva were found from the same station (ST. 9) as the holotype, but were located in the surface 0-1 cm layer of the sediment. Description: The holotypic female (Figs, la and 2) was originally 219 pm long, but by an accident, the animal was drying out and partially destroyed. The mouth cone, completely extended, is 23 pm long and consists of three regions. The basal portion has eight retractor muscles, the second region has eight oral ridges, and the third region consists of tubular extensions and the flexible buccal canal, which can withdraw into the second region of the mouth cone. The head (introvert) has nine rows of appen¬ dages of typical Pliciloricus type. The first row consists of eight uniform clavoscalids, identical in both female and male. All eight clavoscalids have three distinct segments in addition to a spinose tip. The terminal segment is pod-shaped. The second row of scalids consists of five long leg-like spino¬ scalids and two partially fused smaller scalids, the double-organ [3], located in the midventral line. The long leg-like spinoscalids are segmented, while the double-organ is unsegmented and has a thin cuticle. All seven spinoscalids have large stiff hairs along the anterior margin. The third row of scalids consists of 15 small leg-shaped appendages, each with enlarged double bases and a tubercular joint with two lateral cusps. The fourth row of appendages consists of 15 long spine-shaped sca¬ lids alternating with 15 short and fleshy, claw- tipped scalids. The fifth to seventh rows of appen¬ dages are uniform, and each row consists of 30 spinoscalids. Each of the 30 spinoscalids of the eighth row possesses a basal plate that bears serrate filiform spines. The ninth row consists of 30 short, robust and scale-like scalids. The neck is marked by two constrictions, the limits of both the head and the thorax are distinct. This region has seven double and eight single trichoscalids. Both of them have two basal plates, but only the upper basal plate of the double trichoscalid has a long spine. The double (100 pm long) and the single (95 pm long) trichoscalids are serrated with a central canal in which lies a single New Loricifera from the Deep Sea 877 Fig. 1. Microscopic photographs of Pliciloricus hadalis sp. nov. a) Holotypic female. Ventral view. Note that the lorica is reflecting the light, b) Paratypic Higgins-larva. Lateral view. Scale bar=50/mi. 878 R. M. Kristensen and Y. Shirayama me in ne th - cs - sr2 - do - sr3 -sr4 -cl “Sr9 “ Sr5 -sr6 “ Sr7 “ tP -ed sr8 lo tr2 tn Pi fl Fig. 2. Holotypic female of Pliciloricus hadalis sp. nov. collected in the Izu-Ogasawara Trench at a depth of 8260 m. Ventral view; cl = claw-tipped spinoscalids (sr4); cs = clavoscalids (srx); do = double organ; ed = edge of lorica; fl = flosculus; in=introvert (head); lo = lorica; lr = double ridge of lorica; me = mouth cone; ne = neck; pl = plica; s^- sr9=scalid rows 1-9; th = thorax; tp = thoracical plate; trx = primary trichoscalid; tr2= secondary trichoscalid. cilium. Each of the double trichoscalids has a single base from which extend primary and sec¬ ondary trichoscalids of nearly the same size. The thorax has no appendages. The anterior part is unsculptured, with a very thin cuticle. The posterior part of the thorax is sculptured. The sculptured part consists of 15 small and 15 large plates. The large plate has a cuticular ridge. The thorax is well separated from the lorica. The lorica is a typical Pliciloricus type consisting with 22 New Loricifera from the Deep Sea 879 double folds (plicae). The cuticle lacks the honey¬ comb structure found in many loriciferans. The anterior margin of the lorica has two arch-like structures associated with each of 22 plicae. The midventral plica differs only slightly from the other plicae. A single pair of posterior flosculi is present OS id ph cs sr2 Sr3 Sr4 Sr5 Sr6 sr7 to ISl 1*2 se ! se2 se3 Fig. 3. Paratypic larva of Pliciloricus hadalis sp. nov. Ventral view. cs=clavoscalid (srx); co = collar; ia = internal armature of larval buccal canal; in = introvert; lo = lorica; lsx = anterolateral seta; ls2 = anteroventral seta; mc = mouth cone; os = oral stylet; ph= pharyngeal bulb; sei = posterodorsal seta; se2 = posterolateral seta; se3 = posteroterminal seta; sr1-sr7=scalid rows 1-7; th = thorax; to = toe. 880 R. M. Kristensen and Y. Shirayama in the ventral part of two other plicae. The shape of the lorica is atypical for the genus Pliciloricus that the lorica consists of a single piece and is shaped like a jar. The internal anatomy was destroyed in the holotypic female, but a single large egg has originally filled the abdomen. The gonopores are located caudo-dorsally close to the dorsal anus. The allotypic male has retracted maximally and therefore is only 145 pm long. The mouth cone, the head, the neck and the unsculptured part of the thorax are located inside of the lorica. All appen¬ dages are oriented anteriorly and extruded from the anterior margin of the lorica in the opposite way to the fully extended female (first the tricho- scalids, second the spinoscalids and third the clavo- scalids). The internal anatomy is preserved in an excellent condition. Two large dorsal testes, each with a caudal seminal vesicle, contained filiform sperms. A pair of protonephridia is located close to the genital system. Both the anus and the two lateral gonopores are located caudo-dorsally. The single paratypic larva is a typical Higgins- larva [2] of the Pliciloricus type (Figs, lb and 3). It is 262 pm long with spinose toes (153 pm long). The mouth cone is tripartite, and the two terminal portions were slightly retracted telescopically. The head, the neck, the thorax and the abdomen extended completely. The mouth opening is sur¬ rounded by six cuticular valves. The internal mouth armature is hexaradially symmetrical with six stylet-like structures. The buccal canal consists of a heavily sclerotized mouth in front of the long oval pharyngeal bulb. The pharyngeal bulb is glandular and only a few myoepithelial cells are seen. The first row of appendages consists of the eight uniform clavoscalids, each of which consists of two laterally compressed basal segments and two spinose terminal segments. The spinoscalids of the second to the fifth rows consist of two segmented, long and robust scalids. The sixth row of head appendages consists of eight double scales, called protoscalids. The seventh row of appen¬ dages consists of seven protoscalids, forming a W-shaped structure, alternating with eight single papillae each located on a basal plate. The closing apparatus, or the collar [3], is formed by the neck when the head is retracted. It is regularly folded, Fig. 4. Paratypic larva of Pliciloricus hadalis sp. nov. Lateral view, an = anus; de = detritus. but lacks collar pores. The thorax has five rows of 15 to 20 plates, forming an accordion-like system. The larval lorica has a thick unsculptured cuticle with 20 ridges. The fine structure of the lorica is hidden by a mucous layer, on which detrital mate¬ rial attached (Fig. 4). The abdomen is very wide (87 pm) and balloon-shaped. The very long toes extend from the lateroventral region of the caudal end and is oriented anteriorly. About 40% of the proximal length of the toes is hollow, while the remaining terminal 60% narrows to a solid spine. The two pairs of anterior lorical setae are branched near the tip. The three pairs of posterior lorical setae are simple. The caudal pair of lorical setae (inserting near the dorsal anus) are hollow and perhaps glandular. Flosculi are absent. New Loricifera from the Deep Sea 881 DISCUSSION Only five species, Pliciloricus orphanus, P. pro¬ fundus, P. enigmaticus, P. gracilis and P. dubius, have been described previously for the genus. The present species, P. hadalis , is closely related to P. orphanus and P. profundus, on the basis of its larval characteristics, and to a lesser extent to P. enigmaticus and P. gracilis. The larva of P. dubius is unknown. The adult of P. hadalis closely resembles P. profundus in the presence of single pair of posterior flosculi, the type of mouth cone and clavoscalids and the claw-shaped spinoscalids. Unique to P. hadalis is the shape of the lorica of both adults and larva, the mucous coat on the larval lorica and the 30 sculptured plates in the adult thorax. The habitat of Pliciloricus hadalis is different completely from the other congeneric species. All described species so far have been found exclusive¬ ly from sublittoral coarse sediments off the south¬ eastern coast of the U.S.A., e.g. coarse quartz sand of 400-439 m, coarse oolytic sand of 294 m and medium black phosphorite sand of 289 m deep [3]. On the other hand, P. hadalis was found from very fine red clay at 8260 m in the Western Pacific Ocean. This finding reveals that the genus Plicilor¬ icus thus far is the most eurybathic meiofaunal genus. Moreover, in contrast to the interstitial nature of the other species, P. hadalis most prob¬ ably burrows within the sediment, because it was collected not only from the surface but also from the subsurface layer of the sediment. Such wide variety of habitats as well as modes of life suggest that Pliciloricus has the ability to adapt to various environmental conditions without marked mod¬ ification in morphology. In addition to P. hadalis, we have three additional undescribed deep-sea loriciferan species and even an undescribed family from the Shatzky Rise, central Pacific at depths of 2430 and 3160 m, and still more species are being discovered from various areas of the world ocean. These data suggest a ubiquitous distribution of Loricifera not only in the coastal waters but also in the deep sea. Considering that loriciferans are now known to comprise many species and genera, and are distributed widely in various types of marine sediments, it is astonishing that this group of animals was not described until 1983. The reason probably lies in the labor necessary for the intensive process of meiofaunal research, the mag¬ nitude of required patience, and luck. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Captain Tadama and other officers and crew of R/V Hakuho-Maru for their help in sampling, and our colleague, Dr. R. P. Higgins, National Museum of Natu¬ ral History, Smithsonian Institution, U.S.A. for his critical reading of the manuscript. REFERENCES 1 Mare, M. F. (1942) A study of a marine benthic community with special reference to the microorgan¬ isms. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K., 25: 517-554. 2 Kristensen, R. M. (1983) Loricifera, a new phylum with aschelminthes characters from the meiobenthos. Z. Zool. Syst. Evol.-forsch., 21: 163-180. 3 Higgins, R. P. and Kristensen, R. M. (1986) New Loricifera from Southeastern United States coastal waters. Smithson. Contrib. Zool., No. 438: 1-70. 4 Bruun, A. F. (1957) Deep sea and abyssal depths. In “Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology, Vol. 1, Ecology”. Ed. by J. W. Hedgpeth, The Geological Society of America, Memoir 67, pp. 641-672. 5 Kristensen, R. M. (1986) Loricifera. In “Stygofauna Mundi”. Ed. by L. Botosaneanu, E. J. Brill, Leiden, pp. 119-121. 6 Shirayama, Y. (1984) The abundance of deep-sea meiobenthos in the Western Pacific in relation to environmental factors. Oceanol. Acta, 7: 113-121. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 883-892 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Mites of the Genus Myobia (Trombidiformes, Myobiidae) Parasitic on Apodemus mice in Korea and Japan, with Reference to their Immature Stages* 1 Kimito Uchikawa, Keisuke Nakata2 and Fritz S. Lukoschus3 Department of Parasitology, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto 390, 2Hokkaido Forest Experiment Station, Bibai, Hokkaido 079-01, Japan, and 3 Department of Aquatic Ecology, Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ABSTRACT — Myobia nodae, Myobia apodemi, Myobia agraria and Myobia kobayashii were taken from Apodemus speciosus sspp., Apodemus argenteus, Apodemus agrarius (Korea) and Apodemus peninsulae sspp. (Korea and Hokkaido), respectively, suggesting that each mite is so strictly monoxenic or specific to a host species that it may serve as an indicator in the classification of Apodemus in Korea as well as in Japan. Immature stages of the 4 Myobia species were depicted and measured. It was demonstrated that these mites were identified almost correctly in the proto- and deuto-nymphal stages and precisely in the tritonymphal stage, making mites of the genus Myobia more reliable indicators in the host classification. INTRODUCTION The genus Myobia von Heyden, 1826, is associ¬ ated exclusively with the rodent family Muridae. Myobia musculi (Schrank) infesting Mus musculus was described as early as in 1781, and its morphol¬ ogy has been observed in detail since that time. In Japan, a total of 5 species within the genus Myobia has been recorded as monoxenic mites occurring on mice of the genera Mus, Micromys and Apodemus [1], suggesting that these mites may serve as labels in classifying host mice. Myobia kobayashii Uchikawa et Mizushima, 1975, is the fifth species found on Apodemus giliacus ( =A . peninsulae ) subsequent to the finding of this mouse in Hokkaido by Kobayashi and Hayata in 1971 [2]. If myobiids of Apodemus mice had thoroughly investigated much earlier, the occurrence of A. giliacus there could have suggested from acaro- logical data. Mammalogists’ interest currently been con¬ cerned with systematics of Apodemus mice dis¬ Accepted November 9, 1987 Received October 13, 1987 1 We began this study together, but Dr. FritzS. Lukos¬ chus passed away before reading the manuscript of the present paper. tributed in Korean Peninsula and mainland China [3,4], To cope with this trend, a double-purposed study of mites of the genus Myobia parasitic on Apodemus in Korea and Japan was carried out. First, A. agrarius and A. peninsulae from Korea and A. speciosus tusimaensis from Tsushima Is¬ land, Japan, located between Japan and Korea were examined for myobiids specific to them. Second, immature stages of all Myobia species parasitic on Apodemus mice from Japan and Korea were compared with one another to check the usefulness of them as indicators in host clas¬ sification. Incidentally, those stages usually occur more abundantly on hosts than adults, and are not exactly studied yet morphologically. MATERIALS AND METHODS Skin specimens of A. peninsulae , Hang-ge-ryon, Kanwangdo, Korea, 1981-VII-9, alcoholic speci¬ mens of A. agrarius, Monehi, Korea, 1951-VIII- 27, and A. speciosus tusimaensis, Hisada, Tsushi¬ ma Island, Japan, 1957- VI-13, all of which are deposited in the collection of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, were examined for myobiids under the dissecting microscope at a magnification XlO, combing hairs with the forceps. Mites were 884 K. Uchikawa, K. Nakata and F. S. Lukoschus also taken directly as above from alcoholic speci¬ mens of A. speciosus speciosus from Matsumoto, Honshu, Japan, 1985-V-21, A. speciosus ainu from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 1983-IX-28, A. argenteus from Kamikochi, Honshu, 1983-X-18, and A. peninsulae giliacus from Oiwake-cho, Yufutsu-gun, Hokkaido, 1985-X-8. Mites were mounted on slides in the modified Hoyer’s (= Andre’s) solution according to the routine procedures, and examined microscopi¬ cally. RESULTS Host-parasite relationships The host Apodemus mice examined and Myobia mites taken from them are shown in Table 1. A. agrarius from Korea was proved to be the host of Myobia agraria Gorissen et Lukoschus, which was originally found on A. agrarius from Poland and Germany [5]. A. peninsulae from Korea harbored Myobia kobayashii. A. speciosus tusimaensis yielded Myobia nodae Matuzaki. Both A. spe¬ ciosus speciosus from Matsumoto and A. speciosus ainu from Sapporo were infested with M. nodae. A. argenteus from Kamikochi and A. peninsulae giliacus from Hokkaido harbored Myobia apodemi Uchikawa and M. kobayashii , respectively. The host-relation of the Myobia species parasitic on mice of the genus Apodemus in Korea and Japan is confirmed to be strictly monoxenic as far as the species level of hosts is concerned. Immature stages Larval and nymphal stages of the 4 Myobia species are depicted in Figures 1-25; the leg chaetotaxy is shown in Table 2; and measurements in pm are given in Table 3. Leg I is 3-segmented in the larval and 3 nymphal stages as well as in the adult. Other legs consist of the 4 segments, trochanter, femuro-genu, tibia and tarsus throughout all immature stages, whereas legs II-IV are 5-segmented in the adult. The larva is hexapodal, with leg III being much shorter than leg II and lacking terminal claw. Two pairs of propodosomal setae, vi, ve, sc i and sc e, are distinctly inferior in size to 6 pairs of hyster- osomal setae, dx_3 and lU3 (Figs. 1, 10, 15 and 21, Table 2). Only a single pair of simple setae are present on coxal regions I (Fig. 7). The protonymph is also hexapodal, with leg III bearing a terminal claw. A pair of setae each are added dorsally ( d4 ) and ventrally (modified ones) to the idiosomal chaetotaxy of the larva (Figs. 2 and 8). Leg chaetotaxy is the same as that of the larva (Table 2). The deutonymph is octopodal, but legs IV are still primordial. Idiosomal setations on the dorsum and venter are quite the same as those of the protonymph. Setae on the idiosomal dorsum ex¬ hibit great variations in shape, length and position individually and bi-laterally (Figs. 3 and 4, 12 and 13, 17 and 18, 22 and 23; Table 3). Those varia¬ tions are too diverse and irregular to ascribe them to the sexual dimorphism. Femuro-genua II and III bear 3 and 1 seta, respectively, instead of 2 and 0 on the corresponding segments of the pro¬ tonymph (Table 2). The tritonymph is octopodal, with leg IV being fully developed. Although setation on the idio¬ somal dorsum is constant throughout all nymphal stages, some setae are more developed in the tritonymph than in the preceding nymphal stages. Three pairs of setae are present on coxal regions I (Fig. 9) instead of 2 pairs of setae in the proto- and deutonymphs (Table 2). Trochanters II and III as well as tarsi II and III bear one more seta than corresponding segments of the deutonymph (Table 2). In this stage, there are larger-sized individuals with the elongate opisthosoma and smaller-sized ones with the rather contracted opisthosoma (Figs. 5 and 6, 19 and 20, 24 and 25; Table 3). This difference in idiosomal size and form may be ascribable to the sexual dimorphism. Idiosomal size is generally larger in advanced stages than in preceding stages (Table 3), yet it is not possible to separate 2 successive stages precisely from each other according to difference in size alone. In the immature stages of the 4 Myobia species, no specific characters were found in all legs and chaetotaxy of legs and idiosomal venter. Only chaetotaxy on the idiosomal dorsum seems to be characteristic of each species as shown in Figures 1-26. It is evident that M. nodae and M. apodemi are closer in general appearance that is largely Myobia Infesting Apodemus in Korea and Japan 885 formed by chaetotaxis of the idiosomal dorsum to each other than to M. agraria and M. kobayashii, which closely resemble to each other. According¬ ly, the differentiation of the paired species is of practical importance to identify the 4 Myobia species in all immature stages. Instead of describ¬ ing immature stages of each species in detail, a key to the 4 species and developmental stages is made as follows: 1. Hexapodal. Femuro-genu II bearing 2 setae; femuro-genu III lacking seta . 2. Octopodal. Femuro-genua II and III bearing 3 and 1 seta, respectively . 7. 2. Third leg without terminal claw. Hyster- osomal setae consisting of 6 pairs; d4 lacking. No seta ventrally on gnathosoma. A pair of setae ventrally on coxal regions I. ... Larva . 3. Third leg with a terminal claw. Hysterosomal setae consisting of 7 pairs; d4 present. A pair of seta ventrally on gnathosoma. Two pairs of setae ventrally on coxal regions I. ... Pro¬ tonymph . 4. 3. Larva Third leg primordial . apodemi *. Third leg well developed. ...agraria, koba¬ yashii, nodae. 4. Protonymph Distance between l3 subequal to that between h . 5. Distance between /3 distinctly larger than that between l2 . 6. 5. Seta d4 longer than 7 pm . agraria*. Seta d4 shorter than 5 pm . kobayashii* . 6. No setae dorsally on idiosoma remarkably long . nodae*. Seta /3 distinctly longer than other setae. . apodemi, nodae. 7. Fourth leg primordial or not fully developed. Two pairs of setae ventrally on coxal regions I. Trochanters II— III bearing no seta; tarsus III with 5 setae. ... Deutonymph . 8. Fourth leg well developed. Three pairs of setae ventrally on coxal regions I. Trochan¬ ters II-IV bearing 1 seta; tarsus III with 6 setae. ... Tritonymph . 11. 8. Deutonymph Distance between /3 subequal to that between l2, /3 situated anterad to d3 . 9. Distance between /3 distinctly larger than that between /2; /3 situated almost on basal level of d3 . 10. 9. Seta vi shorter than 15 pm. Posterior subme¬ dian setae d2, l2, /3, d3 and d4, inferior in size to other 6 pairs of setae (Figs. 17 and 18). . agraria. Seta vi longer than 15 pm. Propodosal setae, d\ and /i well developed; d2, l2 and /3 superior in size to d3 and d4 (Fig. 22), with a few exceptions (Fig. 23) . kobayashii. 10. Seta vi shorter than 13 pm. Forth leg primor- dium small and thumb-like (Figs. 3 and 4). Setae sc e and /3 long but l\ short on some individuals (Fig. 3), while all setae rather short on others (Fig. 4) . nodae*. Seta vi longer than 18 pm. Forth leg primor- dium large, triangular, without segmentation (Figs. 12 and 13). Setae sc e, lx and /3 long on a larger portion of individuals (Fig. 12). . apodemi* . 11. Tritonymph Seta /3 situated antero-extriad of d3. No dor¬ sal setae remakably long . 12. Seta /3 situated laterad of d3. Setae sc e, l\ and /3 remarkably longer than other setae. . 13. 12. All setae dorsally on idiosoma shorter than 30 //m(Table 3); submedian setae vi, dx, d2, l2, /3, d3 and d4 inferior in size to other setae (Figs. 19 and 20) . agraria*. Some setae dorsally on idiosoma longer than 40 pm (Table 3); setae d3 and d4 distinctly inferior in size to other setae (Figs. 24 and 25) . kobayashii* . 13. Seta vi shorter than 17 pm (Table 3). . nodae*. Seta vi longer than 20 pm (Table 3). . apodemi* . The asterisked species in the key are dif¬ ferentiated precisely from other species in each developmental stage. It is thus difficult to identify all species correctly in the larval stage. Only M. apodemi is separable from the other 3 species. In the protonymphal stage, variation in 886 K. Uchikawa, K. Nakata and F. S. Lukoschus Figs. 1-9. Idiosoma and legs I of Myobia nodae Matuzaki. 1: Dorsum of larva. 2: Dorsum of protonymph. 3: Dorsum of deutonymph, A type. 4: Dorsum of deutonymph, B type. 5: Dorsum of male tritonymph. 6: Dorsum of female tritonymph. 7: Venter of larva. 8: Venter of proto- and deutonymphs. 9: Venter of tritonymph. Bar: 50 fim. Myobia Infesting Apodemus in Korea and Japan 887 Figs. 10-14. Dorsal view of idiosoma of Myobia apodemi Uchikawa. 10: Larva. 11: Protonymph. 12: Deutonymph, A type. 13: Deutonymph, B type. 14: Male tritonymph. Bar: 50 pm. Figs. 15-20. Dorsal view of idiosoma of Myobia agraria Gorissen and Lukoschus. 15: Larva. 16: Protonymph. 17: Deutonymph, A type. 18: Deutonymph, B type. 19: Male tritonymph. 20: Female tritonymph. Bar: 50 pm. Figs. 21-26. Dorsal view of idiosoma of Myobia kobayashii Uchikawa and Mizushima. 21: Larva. 22: Protonymph. 23: Deutonymph, A type. 24: Deutonymph, B type. 25: Male tritonymph. 26: Female tritonymph. Bar: 50 pm. 888 K. Uchikawa, K. Nakata and F. S. Lukoschus Myobia Infesting Apodemus in Korea and Japan 889 Table 2. Leg chaetotaxy of immature and adult stages of mites of the genus Myobia Legs and segments L PN DN TN A trochanter _ _ _ _ 3 I femuro-genu 6 6 6 6 5 tibio-tarsus 7 7 7 7 15 trochanter _ _ _ 1 3 femuro-genu 2 2 3 3 5 femur II 7 genu tibia 4 4 4 4 6 tarsus 6 6 6 6 6 trochanter — — _ 1 3 femuro-genu — — 1 1 3 femur III 6 genu tibia 3 3 3 3 6 tarsus 5 5 5 6 6 trochanter 1 3 femuro-genu 1 3 femur IV tibia 3 5 genu 6 tarsus 5 6 L, PN, DN and TN as in Table 1. A: Adult. length of seta /3 of M. nodae makes it im¬ possible to separate this species from M. apodemi completely, while M. agraria and M. kobayashii are separable from each other. A total of 3 individuals of M. nodae that beared long /3 was found in the populations from Matsumoto and Sapporo (Table 1). Although Matuzaki [6] depicted long /3 ( = 6b in Matuzaki) of the protonymph ( = 2nd larva in Matuzaki) in the original description of M. nodae , she measured 3 examples of /3 as 35.0, 13.8 and 16.3 pm, indicating the presence of both long and short /3. It is thus reasonable to presume that both types of protonymphal M. nodae, with or without long /3, occur concomitantly in a given population, and that the protonymphs of this species may easily be identified on the basis of individuals with short /3. The deutonymphal stage is characteristic of its vast variation in arrangement and length of setae on the idiosomal dorsum. Although setal arrangement is almost specific to each mite species, the key character to separate 2 species alike to each other is the length of seta vi. M. agraria and M. kobayashii are not completely separable from each other be¬ cause of the overlap of ranges of the setal lengths at both ends, yet several individuals in a population probably indicate which spe¬ cies they belong to. The tritonymphal stage does not exhibit remarkable variation in the chaetotaxy of the idiosomal dorsum. All the 4 species are identified precisely in this stage as shown in the above key. DISCUSSION Mice of the genus Apodemus distributed in Korea and Japan have yielded a total of 4 species of myobiids of the genus Myobia. Since A. penin- sulae and A. giliacus have been thought to be conspecific [3, 4] as was dealt with above, a Myobia mite is confirmed to be monoxenic or specific to a Apodemus mouse in Korea and Japan. Some mammalogists are inclined to separate many subspecies within a Apodemus species [3, 7]. And recent karyological analyses have shown the occurrence of polymorphism in the karyotype of a given Apodemus mouse [4]. Mites of the genus Myobia parasitic on different subspecies of Apodemus species belong, however, to a single species (Table 1). Moreover, all the available data indicate that M. nodae is the sole myobiid parasitic on A. speciosus sspp. from various parts of Japan from Hokkaido to Tokara Islands [8], suggesting that the karyological difference within a host spe- 890 K. Uchikawa, K. Nakata and F. S. Lukoschus Table 3. Measurements in /mi for immature stages of 4 species of the genus Myobia parasitic on Apodemus mice in Korea and Japan nodae apodemi agraria kobayashii Larva(n) (5) (20) (9) (10) BL 175-245 143-195 175-235 165-220 BW 120-170 93-133 100-145 100-145 vi 8- 10 5- 8 7- 10 5- 8 12- 16 11- 16 11- 13 10- 13 Protonymph(n) (10) (10) (10) (10) BL 203-260 170-230 208-280 193-258 BW 153-190 130-163 128-160 130-165 vi 10- 13 8- 14 7- 10 7- 11 di 7- 13 5- 11 5- 8 5- 8 d4 8- 13 7- 10 7- 8 3- 5* h 5- 10 6- 17 3- 5 5- 6 h 12- 17 (33-35)f 27- 43* 5- 8 6- 10 Deutonymph A-type(n) (10) (10) (10) (10) BL 220-270 173-240 230-270 220-290 BW 170-210 153-185 153-190 160-190 vi 10- 13 18- 35* 7- 15 15- 23* sc e 55- 80 70- 90 9- 18 18- 30* dj 13- 18 7- 23 8- 15 15- 26* d2 8- 17 5- 20 6- 10 7- 17 h 8- 16 65- 85* 10- 15 18- 38* h 18- 55 45- 55 7- 9 10- 15* B-type(n) (10) (1) (4) (8) BL 237-320 220 240-290 200-305 BW 175-235 185 170-190 165-200 vi 12- 13 23* 8- 10 15- 20* sc e 7- 10 16 12- 20 5- 11* di 4- 11 8 8- 10 7- 15 d2 5- 10 10 7- 8 6- 8 h 4- 10 9 8- 11 4- 15 h 12- 20 23 7- 7 8- 10 Tritonymph (Small) (n) (10) (10) (10) (10) BL 222-355 220-300 220-280 270-340 BW 165-255 165-213 150-180 180-240 vi 12- 17 20- 25* 10- 14 20- 26* sc e 73-103 88-108 20- 28 25- 40 d , 6- 21 14- 20 12- 17 22- 30* d2 16- 20 17- 22 10- 16 18- 28* h 78- 95 85-103 16- 23 30- 55* l2 16- 22 17- 23 10- 15 20- 28* h 53- 68 55- 70 8- 12 16- 28* Myobia Infesting Apodemus in Korea and Japan 891 Table 3. (Continued) nodae apodemi agraria kobayashii (Large) (n) (10) (8) (10) (10) BL 410-465 325-390 310-460 400-440 BW 280-305 220-235 200-240 230-280 VI 14- 17 22- 30* 10- 16 22- 26* sc e 80-105 95-110 18- 27 28- 38* dj 15- 20 13- 23 11- 17 23- 28* d2 15- 20 13- 23 10- 15 22- 26* h 78-100 82-100 13- 25 26- 50* h 15- 20 16- 27 10- 18 18- 28* h 25- 70 58- 70 7- 12 19- 27* BL: Body( = gnathosoma + idiosoma) length, BW: Body width. * A key character for separating related species from each other, f Setal length for a total of 3 individuals with long l3 . cies is so far indifferent to the speciation of the Myobia mite. Thus mites of the genus Myobia may serve as indicators or labels in sorting out host mice at a species ranking. As was demonstrated in the present study, the mites are identified almost precisely in the proto- and deuto-nymphal stages and precisely in the tritonymphal stage. The nymphal stages are usually found even on dead hosts preserved for a long time, still attaching firmly on host skin with their oral organs. Accord¬ ingly transfer of live mites to strange hosts and post-morten transfer of mites hardly oocur in those immature stages. Moreover, the tritonymph seems to be the most dominant stage in a give population of mites of the genus Myobia (Table 1). These facts make mites of the genus Myobia more reli¬ able indicators in the host classification. Intrageneric relationships among component myobiid mites are sometimes deducible from the structure of male genital shield, including genital setae [9-11]. In the genus Myobia , the male genital shield and genital setae are, however, not so variable as to deduce such information. The present study indicates that M. nodae and M. apodemi are closer in nymphal stages to each other than to M. agraria and M. kobayashii, which are alike to each other. Our comparative study of immature M. musculi as well as the detailed study by Grant [12] demonstrates that M. musculi resem¬ bles more closely M. agraria and M. kobayashii than M. nodae and M. apodemi , although M. musculi is easily separable from the other 4 species in the immature stages, including the larval stage. It is necessary to analyse phylogenetic significance of similarity or dissimilarity in general appearance throughout whole developmental stages of all mites of the gunus Myobia. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are indebted to Dr. Mizuko Yoshiyuki, Depart¬ ment of Zoology, National Science Museum, Tokyo, for allowing KU to examine Apodemus specimens from Korea and Tsushima Island deposited in the museum collection. This study was supported financially in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research to KU (No. 57480392) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. REFERENCES 1 Uchikawa, K. (1977) Notes on the myobiid mites parasitic on Insectivora and Rodentia in Japan (In Japanese). In “Contribution to Acarology in Japan”. Ed. by M. Sasa and J. Aoki, Zukan-no- Hokuryukan, Tokyo, pp. 415-432. 2 Kobayashi, T. and Hayata, I. (1971) Revision of the genus Apodemus in Hokkaido. Annot. Zool. Japon., 44: 236-240. 3 Xia, W. (1985) A study on Chinese Apodemus and its relation to Japanese species. In “Contemporary Mammalogy in China and Japan”. Ed. by T. Kawa- michi, Mamm. Soc. Jpn., pp. 76-79. 4 Kobayashi, T. (1985) Taxonomic problems in the genus Apodemus and its allies. In “Contemporary Mammalogy in China and Japan”. Ed. by T. Kawa- 892 K. Uchikawa, K. Nakata and F. S. Lukoschus michi, Mamm. Soc. Jpn., pp. 80-82. 5 Gorissen, M. M. and Lukoschus, F. S. (1982) Myobia ( Myobia ) agraria sp. n. (Acarina: Prostig¬ mata: Myobiidae) from Apodemus agrarius (Roden- tia: Muridae: Murinae) with a key to the known species. Ann. Zool. (Warszawa), 36: 567-575. 6 Matuzaki, S. (1965) A new mite of genus Myobia (Acarina: Myobiidae) from small mammals in Japan. Bull. Kochi Women’s Univ., 13 (Ser. Nat. Sci.): 1-10. 7 Imaizumi, Y. (1960) Coloured Illustrations of the Mammals of Japan. Hoikusha, Osaka, pp. 141-147. 8 Uchikawa, K. and Suzuki, H. (1984) Medico- zoological studies in Tokara Archipelago, Kagoshi¬ ma Prefecture, Japan — Records of acari and flea found on an Apodemus mouse on Nakanoshima Island comprising the archipelago. Trop. Med., 26: 17-25. 9 Uchikawa, K. and Harada, M. (1981) Evaluation of bat-infesting Myobiidae (Acarina, Trombidiformes) as indicators in taxonomy and phylogeny of host bats (Chiroptera). Zool. Mag., 90: 351-361. 10 Uchikawa, K. (1985) Calcarmyobia from the Ethio¬ pian region (Acarina, Myobiidae). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 48: 45-55. 11 Uchikawa, K. (1986) Mites of the genus Binuncus Radford (Trombidiformes, Myobiidae) and in¬ formation on host taxonomy deduced from them. J. Parasit., 72: 257-270. 12 Grant, C. D. (1942) Observations on Myobia mus- culi (Schrank) (Arachnida: Acarina: Cheyletidae). Microent., 7: 64-76. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 893-895 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [COMMUNICATION] Phosphocalcic Response to Vitamin D3 Treatment in Freshwater Snake, Natrix piscator Ajai K. Srivastav and Ladli Rani Department of Zoology, University of Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur-237 009, India ABSTRACT — Vitamin D3 (20 IU/100 g bw) was admin¬ istered to the freshwater snake, Natrix piscator for 15 days. This treatment evokes hypercalcemia from day 3 to day 5. This response declines at day 10 and day 15. Vitamin D3 also induces hyperphosphatemia from day 5 till the end of the experiment (day 15). INTRODUCTION Little information is available on the role of Vitamin D and its metabolites in the lower vertebrates. There exist a few reports regarding the effects of vitamin D3 and its metabolites in teleosts [1-5] and amphibians [6-8]. However, in reptiles there is a single report [9] of vitamin D3-induced hypercalcemia. There seems to be no study concerning the effect of vitamin D3 on the serum inorganic phosphate concentration of rep¬ tiles. Hence, the present study was designed to investigate such an effect in freshwater snake, Natrix piscator. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult specimens (both sexes) of N. piscator (bw 90-130 g) were collected locally and acclimatized to the laboratory conditions (ambient temperature and light ranged between 22-25°C and 10: 20- 10: 50 hr, respectively) for one week prior to use. An initial sampling of blood (from 6 specimens) was taken from the non-treated (normal) speci¬ mens before the start of the experiment. Then the Accepted November 24, 1987 Received September 21, 1987 remaining animals were divided into two groups (A and B) of 30 specimens (20 males and 10 females) each. Snakes from the both groups were given daily intraperitoneal injections of the following treat¬ ments for 15 days: Group A: 0.1 ml/100 g bw of vehicle (95% ethanol) and Group B: 20 I.U. of vitamin D3/100 g bw (dissolved in 95% ethanol). Vitamin D3 was provided by Prof. A. W. Norman (Univ. of Calif.). In all cases, the injection volume was 0.1 ml/100 g bw. The injections were per¬ formed at 10: 00 each day. Six specimens (4 males and 2 females) from each group were anesthetized with ether 4 hr after the last injection on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th and 15th day of the experiment. Blood samples were collected by caudal amputation. After clotting of the blood the sera were separated by centrifuga¬ tion (3500 rpm in a refrigerated centrifuge Janetzki K 24) and analysed for serum calcium and serum inorganic phosphate according to Trinder’s [10] and Fiske and Subbarow’s [11] methods, respec¬ tively. The animals were not fed during experiment. Differences in the serum calcium and inorganic phosphate levels among different groups were analysed by Student’s r-test. RESULTS In non-treated specimens the values of serum calcium and serum phosphate are 10.42 + 0.28 and 4.38 + 0.18 mg/100 ml, respectively. Serum calcium level of N. piscator remains 894 A. K. Srivastav and L. Rani Table 1. Effect of vitamin D3 on serum calcium and phosphate in freshwater snake, Natrix piscator Days Serum calcium (mg/100 ml) Serum phosphate (mg/100 ml) Group A Group B Group A Group B 1 10.50 + 0.18 10.95 + 0.32 4.31 + 0.11 4.47 + 0.20 3 10.63 + 0.27 11.66 + 0.293 4.37 + 0.13 4.86 + 0.18 5 10.58 + 0.26 12.38±0.29d 4.27 + 0.16 4.92 + 0. 12b 10 10.45 + 0.28 12.08±0.25c 4.42 + 0.12 5.05±0.14b 15 10.63 + 0.16 11.12 + 0.28 4.32 + 0.20 5.18±0.18b The values are mean ± S.E. of 6 determinations. a, b, c, and d, indicate significant responses: P<0.05, P<0.01, P< 0.005 and P< 0.001, respectively. unaffected after day 1 following vitamin D3 treat¬ ment. After day 3, the value increases significant¬ ly. This increase continues up to day 5. Thereaft¬ er, a decline is noticed in the calcium level on day 10 and day 15 (Table 1 and Fig. 1). However, the DAYS Fig. 1. Serum calcium and phosphate in freshwater snakes ( N . Piscator ) at various time intervals after vitamin D3 treatment. The values are mean ± S.E. a, b, c, and d indicate significant responses, P<0.05, <0.01, <0.005 and <0.001, respectivety. calcium value at day 10 is still significantly higher than the control level. Serum inorganic phosphate levels of vitamin D3-treated specimens were not significantly devi¬ ated from the controls on day 3. From day 5 onwards, increased levels of phosphate are noticed (Table 1 and Fig. 1). DISCUSSION Our data demonstrate that vitamin D3 is effec¬ tive in inducing hypercalcemia and hyperphos¬ phatemia in N. piscator. These results concur with earlier studies conducted with different species of vertebrates [1-9]. As the animals were not fed in the present study, the calcium needed for the hypercalcemic response to vitamin D3 possibly was derived from the demineralization of bones. The probability of getting calcium from water cannot be ruled out. Parathyroid hormone has been reported to facilitate the transformation of the vitamin D3 metabolite 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to the active form 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [12, 13]. It has also been reported that increased calcium ions can inhibit this transformation by the direct effect on the parathyroid and calcitonin secretion rates [14]. The observed decrease in calcemic value in Natrix piscator on day 15 may be explained on the fact that the elevated blood calcium may have suppres¬ sed the secretion of parathyroid hormone and thus affecting the formation of 1 , 25- dihydroxycholecalciferol. The decline of calcium Phosphocalcic Response to Vitamin D3 895 level on day 15 can also be attributed to the possible activation of the secretion of ultimobran- chial gland, which has been reported to contain a hypocalcemic factor - calcitonin [15, 16], in re¬ sponse to prolonged hypercalcemic challenge. Suzuki et al. [17] have reported that the small granular cells of ultimobranchial gland in sea snake, Laticauda semifasciata contain highly de¬ veloped Golgi complexes which are surrounded by immature granules in the process of formation. They have explained that the activity of the glandular cells is high because the snakes live in sea where the calcium load is high. The hyperphosphatemic action of vitamin D3 suggests that nondietary phosphorus, possibly from the bone or soft tissues, can be mobilized. Prior to the present report no data have been available concerning vitamin D3 effect on serum inorganic phosphate level from reptiles. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported by a research grant F 23- 334/84-SR II from University Grants Commission, India to A. K. Srivastav. REFERENCES 1 MacIntyre, I., Colston, K. W., Evans, I. M., Lopez, E., Macauley, S. J., Peignoux-Deville, J., Spanose, E. and Szelke, M. (1976) Clin. Endocrinol., Suppl., 5: 85. 2 Lopez, E., Peignoux-Deville, J., Lallier, F., Col¬ ston, K. W. and MacIntyre, I. (1977) Calcif. Tissues Res., Suppl., 22: 19-23. 3 Srivastav, A. K. (1983) J. Fish Biol., 23: 301-303. 4 Fenwick, J. C., Smith, K., Smith, J. and Flik, G. (1984) Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 55: 398-404. 5 Swarup, K., Norman, A. W., Srivastav, A. K. and Srivastav, S. P. (1984) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 78B: 553-555. 6 Robertson, D. R. (1975) Endocrinology, 96: 934- 940. 7 Bentley, P. J. (1983) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 76B: 717-719. 8 Srivastav, A. K., Rani, L. and Swarup, K. (1987) Can. J. Zool. , 65: 2111-2112. 9 Srivastav, A. K., Srivastav, S. P., Srivastav, S. K. and Swarup, K. (1986) J. Physiol., Paris, 81: 17-18. 10 Trinder, P. (1960) Analyst, 85: 889-894. 11 Fiske, C. H. and Subbarow,Y. (1925) J. Biol. Chem., 66: 375-400. 12 Rasmussen, H., Wong, M., Bikle, D. and Good¬ man, D. B. P. (1972) J. Clin. Invest., 51: 2502- 2504. 13 Fraser, D. R. and Kodicek, E. (1973) Nature, New Biol., 241: 163-166. 14 Boyle, I. T., Gray, R. W. and Deluca, H. F. (1971) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 68: 2131-2134. 15 Uchiyama, M., Yoshihara, M., Murakami, T. and Oguro, C. (1978) Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 36: 59- 62. 16 Uchiyama, M., Yoshihara, M., Murakami, T. and Oguro, C. (1981) Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 43: 259-261. 17 Suzuki, K., Yoshizawa, H., Yoshihara, M., Sasayama, Y. and Oguro, C. (1984) In “Endocrine Control of Bone and Calcium Metabolism”. Ed. by D. V. Cohn, J. T. Potts, Jr. and T. Fujita, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, pp. 203-205. -r ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 897-900 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [COMMUNICATION] Establishment of a Multiple Recessive Tester Stock in the Fish Oryzias latipes Atsuko Shimada, Akihiro Shima and Nobuo Egami1 Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, and lThe National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ibaraki 305, Japan ABSTRACT — A multiple recessive tester stock homozy¬ gous for 5 loci has been established in the fish Oryzias latipes. The loci chosen as markers were b. Da, gu, pi, and r. No linkage relationship between Da and gu, and Da and pi was suggested so far as being judged from the analyses of segregation ratio in the F2 generation. However, no clear-cut conclusion could be obtained with regard to gu-pl pair. We believe that the first establishment of this stock obviously increased the usefulness of the Medaka as a laboratory animal particu¬ larly suitable for studying germ cell mutations by the specific-locus method. INTRODUCTION The specific-locus method has been used mainly in mice to detect visible recessive mutations in germ cells induced by radiations and/or chemicals [1]. In this method, the tester mice homozygous for 7 visible recessive loci were mated to wild-type partners subjected to various treatments. There¬ fore, it is possible and hence the major advantage of this method that recessive mutations at all the loci concerned are detected in the first filial generation after treatment of parents. We have been using the fish Medaka Oryzias latipes as a laboratory animal for studying radia¬ tion biology, aging and cancer. Very recently, we showed the validity of the Medaka for detection of germ cell mutations at the b locus in males exposed Accepted December 12, 1987 Received November 19, 1987 to acute gamma-ray irradiation [2], To make multiple visible recessive genes homozygous in a tester stock will increase the usefulness of the Medaka for detection of mutagens particularly in the aquatic environment. Hence, in order to establish the tester fish in the Medaka which is valid for the specific-locus method, attempts were made to obtain multiple visible recessive tester fish. In this report, the procedures for producing the tester as well as some problems encountered during the production process are presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mutant genes used as markers In the Medaka, over 50 visible mutant genes have already been known [3-6]. Out of these, we tentatively chose 5 mutant genes ( b: colorless melanophores, Da: double anal fins, gu: reduced deposition of guanine in iridocytes, pi: no pectoral fins throughout life, r: colorless xanthophores), based on the following criteria: (1) The recessive homozygotes are easy to culture, and (2) easy to distinguish from their wild-type counterparts. (3) The mutant phenotypes are expressed early during developmental stages and stable throughout the life of the fish. All the mutant Medaka were kindly given by Dr. H. Tomita of Laboratory of Freshwa¬ ter Fish Stocks, Nagoya University. 898 Step No. (1) A. Shim ad a, A. Shim a and N. Egami (1) b/b +/+ r/r x +/+ Do/Da +/+ I (2) b/+ Da/+ r/+ I (3) b/b +/+ pl/pl r/r x b/b Da/Da +/+ r/+ (5) b/b +/+ r/r x b/b gu/gu +/+ (4) (7) (8) (9) (10) b/b Da/+ pl/+ r/r I b/b Da/Da +/+ pl/pl r/r (6) b/b gu/+ r/+ I b/b +/+ gu/gu +/+ r/r b/b Da/+ gu/+ pl/+ r/r I b/b Da/+ gu/gu pl/pl r/r I b/b Da/Da gu/gu pl/pl r/r Fig. 1. Mating procedure for producing a multiple recessive tester stock of the Medaka. Numbers in parentheses represent the steps for crossing of the males and females. In the steps 1, 3, 5, and 7, females were shown to the left and males to the right, respectively. Procedure for producing the multiple recessive tester stock Figure 1 shows the mating procedure for pro¬ ducing the multiple recessive homozygotes. The fish of the genotypes (b/b r/r), (Da/ Da), (b/b gu/gu), and (b/b pl/pl r/r) were the starting materials. Adult fish were cultured in the glass vessell 24 cm in diameter. Each fertilized egg was plated one by one into a well of plastic microtiter plates (Microtestplatten 96-fach Type-U, Kontron Precision Products, Switzerland) [2]. This use of microtiter plates made it possible to scrutinize for any deviation in each embryo from the wild phenotypes, and also to follow the developmental fates of each embryo [2]. Both fish and eggs were kept in a culture room at 26-29°C under the illumination conditions of 14 hr light-10 hr dark. In each mating step, the Fi progeny were obtained from one pair of the parent (Steps 1, 3, 5, 7 in Fig. 1), whereas the F2 progeny were from two pairs of the F! progeny (Steps 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 in Fig. 1). Linkage analysis of genes used as markers The segregation ratios in the F2 progeny just after hatching (Step 8 in Fig. 1) were statistically examined using the chi-square test method. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phenotypic expressions in the multiple recessive tester stock In the multiple recessive tester Medaka which are homozygous for the 5 loci, the body color is white (b/b r/r), deposition of guanine in iridocytes around eyes and abdomen are reduced (gu/gu), dorsal fins resemble anal fins (Da/ Da), and pecto¬ ral fins do not exist (pl/pl). The phenotypic characters of the mutant genes and the develop¬ mental stages at which phenotypes were expressed were not affected by the presence of multiple recessive genes in homozygosity. Hence, the 5 mutant genes can be considered to be expressed independently or to have no pleiotropic effect on phenotypic expression of other’s. It is noteworthy that the vertebral column of the adult females homozygous for b. Da, pi, r, or b. Da, gu, pi, r (Fig. 1, females in the Steps 7, 10) were frequently curved dorso-ventrally. Moreover, viability of the fish homozygous for b. Da, gu, pi, and r was very low; out of 100 hatched embryos, about 10 on average grew up to adult fish. Segregation analysis for some loci The data on numbers of F2 offspring obtained Multiple Recessive Tester Medaka 899 during the production of the tester were used for segregation analysis of the 3 locus-pairs, Da-gu, Da-pl, and gu-pl, respectively (step 8 in Fig. 1). The parents were a ( b/b Dal Da +/+ pH pi r/r ) female and a ( bib +/+ gu/gu +/+ rlr) male (Step 7 in Fig. 1). The F: progeny were homozygous for b and r, but heterozygous for Da, gu, and pi. Table 1A shows the segregations within one locus. In the Da locus, the segregation ratio was not significantly different from those to be ex¬ pected (X2—3.28, 0.050.15 d.f. = 1 pl/pl pll+ and +/+ Da/Da Da/+ and +/+ 83 (104) 301 (312) 273 (312) 1007 (936) 14.89 PC0.01 14.82 0.07 P>0.7 d.f. = 1 pl/pl pl/+ and +/+ gu/gu gu/ -T and +/+ 94 (104) 270 (312) 262 (312) 1038 (936) 25.74 PC0.01 20.21 5.53 0.010.15 at any degree of freedom. This result suggested that the segrega¬ tion distortion in the Da-gu pair was not due to the linkage relationship between the loci but rather due to the segregation distortion in the loci concerned. With regard to the Da-pl pair, the same results were obtained; difference between the sum of the X2 value for the Da and pi loci and the X2 value in the Da-pl pair was 0.07 ( = 14.89 — 14.82, P>0.7 at any degree of freedom. Table IB). Therefore, we may conclude that no linkage relationship was suggested between the Da and gu , and Da and pi loci. In the gu-pl pair, however, the distortion could not be explained even by the distortions in the loci concerned; difference between the sum of the X2 value in the gu-pl pair was 5.53 (0.01 14 • a 15 Fig. 1. Karyotype of a famale Carlia fusca. The scale represents 10 pm. Scincella laterale, S. himalayanum, Riopa sunde- valli, Ctenotus lesueurii, Sphenomorphus tympa¬ num, Ctenotus spaldingi, Cyclodina oliveri, Leiolo- pisma weekesae, L. entrecasteauxii, L. guichenoti, L. trilineatum and L. telfairi, share diploid chromosome number (30) with Carlia fusca [12- 17]. From the former six species, Carlia fusca differs in possessing subtelocentric chromosomes for pair 8, since all those have metacentric pair 8. Similarly, the pair 7 of Ctenotus spaldingi is metacentric, whereas that of Carlia fusca is dis¬ tinctly submetacentric. The karyotype of Cyclodi¬ na oliveri is distinct from that of Carlia fusca in exhibiting male sex chromosome heteromorphism. Thus, the karyotype of C. fusca most closely resembles those of the Leiolopisma species, and this seems to coincide with the results of morpho¬ logical analysis by Greer [3-5], who assumed a close phylogenetic relationship between Carlia and Leiolopisma. Several authors have surmised the family Scinci- dae to be karyologically relatively conservative [10, 18]. The present results seem to support this assumption, since the karyotype of Carlia fusca exhibited several characteristics common to the known scincid karyotypes - moderate diploid number, subdivision into two size-groups, and the numerical dominance of biarmed elements in the larger group [10, 18]. Even so, however, very few karyological data have, as yet, been available considering the large number and high morpho¬ logical and ecological diversity of species belong¬ ing to the family. The lygosominae is the largest scincid subfamily and encompasses 40 to 60 genera and more than 600 species [2]. However, only about 25 species of eight genera have hitherto been karyologically examined in this subfamily. Moreover, some of these species were karyotyped only by a testis-sectioning technique, which may produce incorrect data [18]. Thus, further studies on extensive taxa are required to correctly outline the karyological divergence of the family Scin- cidae. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank H. G. Cogger for confirming our identifica¬ tion of the present materials, and H. Fukada, S. Ishi- hara, H. Nakamura and Y. Shibata for providing litera¬ ture cited here. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research on Biological Aspects of Optimal Strategy and Social Structure from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. REFERENCES 1 Dryden, G. L. and Taylor, E. H. (1969) Univ. Kan¬ sas Sci. Bull., 48: 269-279. 2 Greer, A. E. (1970) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 139: 151-184. 3 Greer, A. E. (1974) Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 31: 1-67. Karyotype of Carlia fusca 903 4 Greer, A. E. (1976) Herpetologica, 32: 371-377. 5 Greer, A. E. (1979) Rec. Aust. Mus., 32: 339-371. 6 Cogger, H. G. (1979) Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia (Revised ed.). Ralph Curtis Book, Florida. 7 Mitchell, F. J. (1953) Rec. S. Aust. Mus., 11: 75- 90. 8 Storr, G. M. (1974) Rec. W. Aust. Mus., 3: 151- 165. 9 Greer, A. E. (1975) Herpetologica, 31: 70-75. 10 Bickham, J. W. (1984) In “Chromosomes in Evolu¬ tion of Eukaryotic Groups. Vol. II”. Ed. by A. K. Sharma and A. Sharma, CRC Press, Florida, pp. 13-40. 11 Ota, H., Matsui, M., Hikida, T. and Tanaka, S. (1987) Experientia, 43: 924-925. 12 Becak, M. L., Becak, W. and Denaro, L. (1972) Caryologia, 25: 313-326. 13 King, M. (1973) Aust. J. Zool., 21: 21-32. 14 Wright, J. W. (1973) Chromosoma (Berl.), 43: 101— 108. 15 Hardy, G. S. (1979) N. Z. J. Zool., 6: 609-612. 16 DeSmet, W. H. O. (1981) Acta Zool. Pathol. Antverp., 76: 35-72. 17 Duda, P. L. and Gupta, A. (1981) Chrom. Inf. Serv., 30: 23-25. 18 Gorman, G. C. (1973) In “Cytotaxonomy and Vertebrate Evolution”. Ed. by A. B. Chiarelli and E. Capanna, Academic Press, New York, pp. 349- 424. j j ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 905-909 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [COMMUNICATION] S-100 Protein-like Xmmunoreactive Cells in the Brain-Midgut Endocrine System of the Insect Periplaneta arnericana Yasuhisa Endo and Toyoshi Endo1 Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, and 1 Department of Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College, Tamaho, Yamanashi 409-38, Japan ABSTRACT— Using an antiserum to S-100 protein which is known as a unique protein to glial cells in the central nervous system of mammals, the brain-midgut endocrine system of the insect Periplaneta arnericana was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Unexpectedly, immunoreactivity of S-100 protein was detected in the medial neurosecretory cells of the brain, and in the endocrine cells of the midgut epithelium. Immunoreac- tive neuronal processes from the medial neurosecretory cells extend to the corpora cardiaca, a neurohemal organ of insects. These results suggest that an S-100 protein¬ like substance, i.e. a substance reactive to the anti-S-100 protein serum, may be secretory and bioactive in insects. INTRODUCTION It is well known that, in mammals, brain and gut, neurons and endocrine cells, share a number of bioactive peptides. Recently Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo and Endo [1] have revealed that the insects, phylogenetically far from mammals, have a homo¬ logous brain-midgut endocrine system. The ultra¬ structure of gut endocrine cells in insects was very similar to that of mammals [2-4]. The immunohis- tochemical works indicated that the immunoreactiv- ities of pancreatic polypeptide, somatostatin and enteroglucagon were detected in different types of endocrine cells in the cockroach midgut [5, 6]. Furthermore, pancreatic polypeptide- and soma- tostatin-like immunoreactivities were frequently found in many neurons in the central and visceral Accepted October 31, 1987 Received October 5, 1987 nervous system of the cockroaches [7, 8]. S-100 protein is a Ca2+ -binding protein and first isolated as a soluble protein of the central nervous system of the cow, rabbit and pig [9]. The immunohistochemical works indicated that this protein is localized in glial cells of the central and peripheral nervous system [10, 11]. However, as later immunological studies indicated, this protein is not unique to glial cells, but contained in a wider range of cell types; for example, fat cells [12], chondrocytes [13], reticular cells of lymphoid organs [14], stellate cells of anterior pituitary [15] and some islet cells of pancreas [16]. In inverte¬ brates, there have been little informations on S- 100 protein. In the present study, we have investigated immunohistochemically of the pre¬ sence of S-100 protein in the brain-midgut endoc¬ rine system of the cockroaches. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult American cockroaches (Periplaneta amer- icana) of both sexes were used. The brain and midgut were removed in 0.01 M phosphate buf- fered-saline (0.8% NaCl, pH 7.4) and then fixed in Bouin’s fluid for 2-3 hr. The tissues were dehy¬ drated in ethanol series, cleared in xylene and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections were cut at 4-6 pm thickness and mounted on a slide glass coated with chrome allum-gelatin. Dewaxed sections were immunostained by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method [17] using a rabbit antiserum to bovine S-100 protein 906 Y. Endo and T. Endo [18]. The specificity of the antiserum was de¬ scribed previously [18]. The dilutions of anti-S- 100 protein serum, goat anti-rabbit IgG serum (Miles) and rabbit PAP complex (Miles) were 1: 1000, 1: 100 and 1: 100, respectively. Incubation of first layered antiserum was carried out at 4°C for 12-16 hr and that of other antisera was done at room temperature for 0.5-1 hr. After coloration with 3, 3' diaminobenzidine and H202, the sec¬ tions were wealky stained with hematoxylin. The staining specificity was checked as follows; 1) omission of first layered antiserum, and 2) replacement of first layered antiserum to the antiserum preabsorbed with excess antigen (bovine S-lOOb protein, 100 ^g/ml of the diluted antiserum, at 4°C for 24 hr). In both tests, the specific staining was ascertained. RESULTS We have expected that, if S-100 protein is present in the brain of the cockroaches, this protein should be contained in the glial cells as in the case of mammals. However, the cells reactive for anti-S-100 protein serum were neurons. Fur¬ thermore, the reactive neurons were only a small population and located in a specific region, pars intercerebralis of protocerebrum (Fig. 1). This region is known as the site of medial neurosecre¬ tory cell group. The size of the immunoreactive neurons was not uniform; Large (30-40 /urn in diameter) and medium (20-30 jam) sized neurons were mixed. Immunoreactivity of S-100 protein was found in their cytoplasm but not in the nuclei (Fig. 2). Their neuronal processes gathered into a bundle per each hemisphere and extended to the corpora cardiaca, neurohemal organ of insects (Fig. 3). No strongly immunoreactive cells were found in other regions of the protocerebrum including lateral neurosecretory cell group, the deutocerebrum and the tritocerebrum, although weak immunoreactive neurons were found in the ventral portion of protocerebrum. In the midgut of cockroaches, small number of epithelial cells were reactive for anti-S-100 protein serum (Fig. 4). These cells were cone-shaped and scattered in the basal portion of epithelium. Immunoreactivity of S-100 protein was found in the cytoplasm, especially in the perinucleic region. The shape and location of these cells indicated that these cells apparently belonged to basal- granulated cells. Frequency of S-100 protein immunoreactive cells was not so high in the total population of basal-granulated cells. DISCUSSION The present study revealed that the presence of S-100 protein-like substance in the brain-midgut endocrine system of the cockroaches. The fact that this substance was contained in the neurosecretory cells and gut endocrine cells was unexpected but not surprising. Even in mammals, as mentioned in the introduction, a wider range of cell types contain this protein [12-16]. The present study suggested that S-100 protein (-like substance) may be universal in vertebrates and invertebrates, although this protein was not contained in glial elements of insects. The nature of S-100 protein-like substance in insects is totally unknown. However, the specific localization of this substance in the brain and midgut suggested that -this substance may be secretory, bioactive substance in insects. Alterna¬ tively, there is a possibility that this substance may be a carrier protein containing the antigenic determinants common to S-100 protein. In mammals, two interesting data were reported on S-100 protein-producing cells except glial cells: According to Ishikawa et al. [19], cultured stellate cells of rat anterior pituitary secrete S-100 protein which stimulates release of prolactin from prolac¬ tin-secreting clonal cells in vitro. According to Girod et al. [16], some islet cells of monkey pancreas are immunoreactive for anti-S-100 pro¬ tein serum, but not for anti-insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide sera. These reports suggested the possibility that S-100 protein is a chemical messenger acting intercellu- larly. But the ultrastructural localization of this protein was not reported in both cases, although Ishikawa et al. [19] described that the stellate cells were agranular cells. Immunoelectron microscopic study should be necessary to elucidate whether or not this substance is localized in the membrane bound-secretory granules of the neurosecretory S-100 Protein Immunoreative Cells in Insects 907 Fig. 1. Frontal section view of brain of cockroach. S-100 protein immunoreactive cells are seen in the pars intercerebralis (pi) of the protocerebrum. X80. Fig. 2. Sagittal section view of pars intercerebralis of brain. Immunoreactivity of S-100 protein is found in the cytoplasm of large (arrowhead) and medium (arrows) sized neurons. X800. 908 Y. Endo and T. Endo 4 Fig. 3. Corpus cardiacum (cc) and corpus allatum (ca). Nerve fibers containing the immunoreactivity of S-100 protein (arrows) locate densely in the peripheral part of the corpus cardiacum, a neurohemal organ of insects. No immunoreactive fibers are seen in the corpus allatum. X700. Fig. 4. Cross sectional view of midgut epithelium. Immunoreactivity of S-100 protein is detected in the cytoplasm of basal-granulated cell (arrowhead). Arrows indicate non-immunoreactive basal-granulated cells, n: nidus of generative cells. X600. S-100 Protein Immunoreative Cells in Insects 909 cells and gut endocrine cells of the cockroaches. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. N. Agui (The National Institute of Health, Tokyo) for a generous supply of cockroaches. REFERENCES 1 Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J. and Endo, Y. (1984) In “In¬ sect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology”. Ed. by A. B. Borkovec and T. J. Kelly, Plenum Publ., New York, pp. 451-453. 2 Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J. and Endo, Y. (1981) Biomed. Res., 2: 30-44. 3 Endo, Y. and Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J. (1981) Biomed. Res., 2: 270-280. 4 Endo, Y. and Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J. (1982) Cell Tissue Res., 222: 515-522. 5 Iwanaga,T., Fujita, T., Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J. and Endo, Y. (1981) Biomed. Res., 2: 202-207. 6 Endo,Y., Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J., Iwanaga, T. and Fujita, T. (1982) Biomed. Res., 3: 454-456. 7 Endo, Y. , Iwanaga, T., Fujita, T. and Nishiitsutsuji- Uwo, J. (1982) Cell Tissue Res., 227: 1-9. 8 Fujita, T., Yui, R., Iwanaga, T., Nishiitsutsuji- Uwo,!., Endo, Y. and Yanaihara, N. (1981) Pep¬ tides, 2, suppl. 2: 123-131. Moore, B. W. (1965) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com- mun„ 19: 739-744. Matus, A. and Mughal, S. (1975) Nature, 258: 746- 748. Ferri, G. L., Probert, L., Cocchia, D., Michetti, F., Marangos, P. J. and Polak, J. M. (1982) Nature, 297: 409-410. Michetti, F., Dell’Anna, E., Tiberio, G. and Coc¬ chia, D. (1983) Brain Res., 262: 352-356. Stefansson, K., Wollmann, R. L., Moore, B. W. and Arnason, B. G. W. (1982) Nature, 295: 63-64. Iwanaga, T., Fujita, T., Masuda, T. and Takahashi, Y. (1982) Arch. Histol. Jpn., 45: 393-397. Nakajima, T., Yamaguchi, H. and Takahashi, K. (1980) Brain Res., 191: 523-531. Girod, C., Durand, N. and Raccurt, M. (1987) Cell Tissue Res., 247: 11-16. Sternberger, L. A. (1979) Immunocytochemistry. Wiley, New York, 2nd ed., 354 pp. Hidaka, H., Endo, T., Kawamoto, S., Yamada, E., Umekawa, H., Tanabe, K. and Hara, K. (1983) J. Biol. Chem., 258: 2705-2709. Ishikawa, H., Nogami, H. and Shirasawa, N. (1983) Nature, 303: 711-713. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 911-914 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [COMMUNICATION] Changes of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Rat Supraoptic Nucleus Cell Bodies during Water Deprivation Yuta Kobayashi and Seiichiro Kawashima1 Department of Pharmacology, Shimane Medical University, Izumo, Shimane 693, and 1 Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 730, Japan ABSTRACT — Changes of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the cell bodies of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the Sprague-Dawley/Tw male rats during water deprivation were studied using microspectrophotometry. The AChE activity was measured as the optical density at 490 nm in a 6 /mi spot on the histochem- ical reaction product in the cell bodies. A significant reduction in the mean maximum AChE activity was observed after 2 days of water deprivation. Following a moderate recovery at 4 days, the enzyme activity significantly elevated at 8 days as compared with the initial control level. The number of AChE positive cells in a section per rat increased with the dehydration period, attaining more than 2-fold at 8 days compared with that of the controls. The reduction in AChE activity at 2 and 4 days may indicate the reduction of the total enzyme activity per cell. However it may be caused by the decrease in density due to the hypertrophy of the cell bodies. Notwithstanding the hypertrophy, AChE activity was the greatest after 8 days of water deprivation. The present results suggest that the changes in AChE activity in the SON cell bodies are closely related with the response of these neurons to osmotic stress. INTRODUCTION Chronic water deprivation or salt loading effec¬ tively reduces the vasopressin and oxytocin con¬ tent in the neural lobe of rats [1], showing that vasopressin- and oxytocin-producing neurons are responsive to osmotic stress. Previous investiga¬ tors concluded that cholinergic mechanism local¬ ized in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) was involved in mediating vasopressin release ([2], for review Accepted November 20, 1987 Received October 28, 1987 see [3]). In effects, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was histochemically demonstrated in the SON by Uemura [4] and Shute and Lewis [5], and was micro-radiometrically quantified using a map¬ ping technique by Packman et al. [6]. Although histological changes of the hypothalamo-neuro- hypophysial system in rats to osmotic stress has been well documented (for review, see [7]), detailed morphometrical analysis on the changes of AChE activity in the SON has not yet been carried out. Therefore, microspectrophotometry was applied to clarify this point in the present study. MATERIAL AND METHODS Animals Twenty male rats of the inbred Spra¬ gue-Dawley/Tw strain were kept in separate cages and fed laboratory chow (CA-1, CLEA Japan Inc.) and tap water ad libitum until experiments. At 3 months of age animals were divided into four groups of five rats each; control, 2 days, 4 days and 8 days of water deprivation. Histochemistry For the demonstration of AChE activity, Karnovsky’s method [8] was em¬ ployed with a slight modification. After decapita¬ tion, the hypothalamic region was quickly dis¬ sected out in each rat and fixed in 4% formalin (pH 7.6 with 0.1 M phosphate buffer) for 16 hr at 4°C. After washing for 24 hr in 0.88 M sucrose, the tissue was frozen in isopentane cooled with dry ice-acetone and frontal sections were cut at 20 pm thickness on a cryostat and mounted on a slide. 912 Y. Kobayashi and S. Kawashima The sections on four slides from four different group rats were incubated as a single batch for 30 min at 37°C in a freshly prepared reaction mixture consisting of (1) 60 mg of acetylthiocholine iodide dissolved in 78 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydrogen maleate buffer at pH 6.0, (2) 6 ml of 0.1 M sodium citrate, (3) 12 ml of 30 mM copper sulfate, (4) 12 ml of 1 mM tetra-isopropylpyrophosphoramine (isoOMPA), (5) 12 ml of 5 mM potassium ferricy- anide and (6) 18 g of sucrose. IsoOMPA was used as a blocker of nonspecific cholinesterase. Microspectrophotometry Reaction product was reddish brown precipitates and showed the max¬ imum absorption wave length at 490 nm. In each rat one section at the middle part of the left SON was used for measurement. The optical density (OD) at 490 nm in spot of 6 pm in diameter was measured in each AChE positive cell body distrib¬ uted in the SON using a microspectrophotometer (Olympus, MMSP) and the maximum OD de¬ tected by scanning whole area of each cell body was recorded. All the cell bodies bearing the cytoplasmic space larger than the spot size were measured. For the statistical analysis, Student’s t-test and X 2-test were employed. RESULTS In the hypothalamus, relatively large amounts of AChE reaction product were found in many magnocellular cells of the SON (Fig. 1). The number of AChE positive cells measured in one section per rat of left SON increased significantly with dehydration period: control, 110 + 9; 2-day dehydration group, 182 ±17 (P26 ? >26 1986 May and Jun. Asada et al. 7. Kawakami (Okayama) 0 0 0 1985 Jul. Asada et al. 0 0 0 1986 Jul. Asada 8. Taisha (Shimane) 0 0 0 1986 Aug. Fukumitsu 9. Tsuma (Shimane) 0 0 0 1985 May Asada Shikoku d. 10. Takamatsu (Kagawa) 14 16 30 1986 Oct. Shiino 11. Tokushima (Tokushima) 8 6 14 1986 Oct. Shiino Kinki d. 12. Kobe (Hyogo) 0 0 0 1986 Oct. Shiino 13. Akashi (Hyogo) 9 12 21 1986 Oct. Shiino 14. Ieshima (Hyogo) ? ? >1 1984 Oct. Mikasa 11 7 18 1986 Oct. Asada and Shiino 15. Sumoto (Hyogo) 41 86 127 1986 Oct. Shiino 16. Kimiidera (Wakayama) 0 0 0 1986 Oct. Shiino Total >145 159 >305 specimens were caught in some localities mostly inland from the Inland Sea; e.g., Mabi (Site 4, Okayama Pref., bank, 1986), Kawakami (Site 7, Okayama Pref., grassland, 1985 and 1986), Taisha, (Site 8, Shimane Pref., brewery, 1986), Tsuma (Site 9, Shimane Pref., moor, 1985), Kobe (Site 12, Hyogo Pref., human habitation, 1986) and Kimiidera (Site 16, Wakayama Pref., orchard, 1986). As mentioned above, D. albomicans has been widening its distribution area along the coast of the Inland Sea. The situation suggests a possibility of the invasion of D. albomicnas in both the Kyushu district and the western part of the Kinki district in the near future. The sudden appearance of D. albomicans in the mainland of Japan, especially in the southern parts of Japan, is quite interesting from the standpoint of population biology; when and from where D. albomicans flies invaded into these areas, how they can succeed to widen their distribution areas from south to northward, and how is their adaptive strategy to the low-temperature northern zone, and so on. The collection data suggested a high colonizing ability of D. albomicans within a few years from 1984 although the first landing place is unknown. Ieshima Islands, where the first mainland population of D. albomicans was found, are small islands located near Kobe and Osaka, both famous for their international trading ports. Populations in the Ieshima Islands hold an important key for understanding the process of invasion of D. albomicans into the mainland of Japan. Because Drosophila albomicans in Japan 917 128 130 132 134 136 ° E Amami-oshima d Fig. 1. Map showing the collection sites in western Japan given in Table 1. White circles represent where D. albomicans were caught and the black ones represent areas where none were captured. of the extremely small size of the Ieshima Islands, it is very unlikely that D. albomicans has inhabited only that area for an extended time. Recent invasion of the species may be a more reasonable understanding. As to the route to the invasion into Japan, two possibilities are suggested. First, populations invaded some regions of southern Kyushu from the southern regions such as Amami- oshima, then widened its distribution area step-by- step through Kyushu, western Chugoku, and the eastern Chugoku districts to Okayama Prefecture, or the Ieshima Islands. Second, spontaneous invasion occurred accompanied with traffic trans¬ portation into the Osaka region directly, then the distributed area enlarged to the neighborhood regions. The latter possibility seems to be more likely than the former, although field surveys in Kyushu, western Chugoku and the Kinki districts are necessary to arrive at any conclusions. Similar to D. albomicans , D. simulans Sturte- vant is also known as a species recently colonized in the mainland of Japan [8]. D. simulans had never been captured in Japan except in the Bonin Islands, 27°N and 142°E, until one male was collected in Yakushima in 1972. Since then, its distributing area has expanded centering around both Kyushu and the Kanto-Tokai districts [9-10]. Morphological and electrophoretic studies sug¬ gested that the newly colonized mainland popula¬ tions of D. simulans did not derive from the Bonin 918 N. AS ADA Islands populations [11-12]. In order to estimate the ancestral population(s) and to reveal the process(es) of colonization of D. albomicans, in the mainland of Japan, not only further field surveys, but also molecular analyses are needed in the same manner as D. simulans. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his many thanks for invaluable criticisms to Profs. O. Kitagawa, Tokyo Met¬ ropolitan University, S. Ohba, Okayama University of Science, and T. K. Watanabe, National Institute of Genetics. He also wishes to express his hearty thanks to Messrs. K. Mikasa, Josai Dental University and T. Shiino, Tokyo Metropolitan University, who kindly provided their unpublished data, and to Dr. D. M. Kimble, Okayama University of Science for critical constructive reading of the manuscipt. To the late Prof. H. Ikeda, Ehime University, I dedicate this issue with my most heartfelt gratitude. REFERENCES 1 Wilson, F., Wheeler, M., Harget, M. and Kam- bysellis, M. (1969) Univ. Texas Publ., No. 6918: 207-253. Kitagawa, O., Wakahama, K. I., Fuyama, Y., Shi- mada, Y., Takanashi, E., Hatsumi, M., Uwabo, M. and Mita, Y. (1982) Jpn. J. Genet., 57: 113-141. Watanabe, T. K. and Kawanishi, M. (1978) Zool. Mag., 87: 109-116. Watada, M., Inoue, Y. and Watanabe, T. K. (1986) Zool. Sci., 3: 873-883. Asada, N. and Kaneko, A. (1986) Bull. Okayama Univ. of Science, 21A: 235-244. Asada, N. and Kaneko, A. (1987) Bull. Okayama Univ. of Science, 22A: 313-324. Asada, N., Fukumitsu, T. and Kaneko, A. (1988) Bull. Okayama Univ. of Sci., 23A: 75-90. Watanabe, T. K. and Kawanishi, M. (1976) Proc. Jpn. Acad., 52: 191-194. Kikkawa, H. and Peng, R. T. (1938) Jpn. J. Zool., 7: 507-552. Okada, T. (1956) Systematic Study of Drosophili- dae and Allied Families of Japan. Gihodo, Tokyo. Watada, M., Tobari, Y. N. and Ohba, S. (1978) Jpn. J. Genet., 53: 458. Watada, M. and Ohba, S. (1981) Jpn. J. Genet., 56: 648-649. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 development Published by the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists The journal is devoted to the publication of original papers dealing with any aspects of developmental phenomena in all kinds of organisms, including plants and micro-organisms. Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: developmental genetics, growth, morphogenesis, cellular kinetics, fertilization, cell division, dormancy, germination, metamorphosis, regeneration and pathogenesis, at the biochemical, biophysical and analytically morphological levels ; reports on techniques applicable to the above fields. At times reviews on subjects selected by the editors will be published. Brief complete papers will be accepted, but not preliminary reports. Members of the Society receive the Journal free of charge. Subscription by institutions is also welcome. Papers in Vol. 30, No. 1. (Feburary, 1988) 31. REVIEW: C. C. Lambert and R. A. Koch: Sperm binding and penetration during ascidian fertilization 32. REVIEW: O. Yamashita and L. S. Indrasith: Metabolic fates of yolk proteins during embryogenesis in arthropods 33. R. Masho: Fates of animal-dorsal blastomeres of eight-cell stage Xenopus embryos vary according to the specific patterns of the third cleavage plane 34. T. Kominami: Changes in the pattern of intercellular junctions during early embryogenesis of the starfish, Asterias amurensis 35. T. Nishikata, I. Mita-Miyazawa and N. Satoh: Differentiation expression in blastomeres of cleavage-arrested embryos of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi 36. G. Nardi and M. Cipollaro: l-Methyl-4-thiohistidine and glutathione in the developing embryo of the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus 37. A. S. Suzuki and K. Harada: Prospective neural areas and their morphogenetic movements during neural plate formation in the Xenopus embryo. II. Disposition of transplanted ectoderm pieces of X. borealis animal cap in prospective neural areas of albino X. laevis gastrulae Abstracts of the papers presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, 1988 Development, Growth and Differentiation (ISSN 0012-1592) is published bimonthly by The Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, Department of Biology, School of Education, Waseda University, Tokyo 160, Japan. 1988: Volume 30. Annual subscription U. S. $ 110.00 including air speed delivery except Japan. Application to mail at second class postage rate is pending at Jamaica, NY 11431, U. S. A. Outside Japan: Send subscription orders and notices of change of address to Academic Press, Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Department, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32887, U. S. A. Send notices of change of address at least 6-8 weeks in advance. Please include both old and new addresses. U. S. A. 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Sakagami: Ecological distribution and habitat-linked density of colonies of stenogastrine wasps in tropical S. E. Asia . 869 Asada,N.: Invation of Drosophila albomi- cans to the mainland of Japan (COM¬ MUNICATION) . 915 Taxonomy Kristensen, R. M. and Y. Shirayama: Plici- loricus hadalis (Pliciloricidae), a new lori- ciferan species collected from the Izu- Ogasawara Trench, Western Pacific . 875 Uchikawa, K., K. Nakata and F. S. Lukos- chus: Mites of the genus Myobia (Trombi- diformes, Myobiidae) parasitic on Apodemus mice in Korea and Japan, with reference to their immature stages . 883 ZOOLOG VOLUME 5 NUMBER 4 ICAL SCIENCE AUGUST 1988 CONTENTS REVIEWS Gause, G. G.: Taxon-specific crystallins ..727 Kuroda, H., S. Obata, K. Takemoto, M. Ishi- guro and H. Sato: The mechanism and physiological function of electrical changes during fertilization of sea urchin gametes ORIGINAL PAPERS Physiology Lindstrom, M., H. Nilson and V. B. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. © Copyright 1988, The Zoological Society of Japan T Publication of Zoological Science has been supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for 1 1 Scientific Publication from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. J ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 919-924 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan REVIEW The Pathway of Sperm-Egg Interaction in Ascidians: Biology and Chemistry Rosaria De Santis1 and Maria Rosaria Pinto1,2 1 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Villa Comunale, 80121 Napoli, and 2lnstitute of Protein Biochemistry and Enzymology, CNR, 80072 Arco Felice, Napoli, Italy INTRODUCTION Marine organisms have been the elective mate¬ rial for the understanding of many challenging problems in biology. This is particularly the case of the sea urchin, which since the second half of 19th century, has played a key role in the field of developmental biology, equaled only by amphib¬ ians. At the beginning of the century another model was proposed by E. D. Conklin. He described in detail the organization and cell-lineage of the ascidian egg, indicating that ascidians provide one of the best examples for the study of cell line segregation [1], Conklin’s comprehensive work raised a series of questions on different and also temporally distant events, paving the way for the studies that were to follow: along this line, T. H. Morgan resumed studies of the early stages of sperm-egg interaction and, in particular, that of the genetic regulation of self-sterility in Ciona intestinalis [2] . In fact ascidians are hermaphrodit¬ ic and, to some extent, self-sterile animals, hence they offer a unique opportunity to study the prob¬ lem of self-nonself recognition. Morgan suggested that in Ciona intestinalis the self-sterility barrier is under the control of more than one allele and that it resides in the egg investments [2]. These observations have been confirmed and extended: in fact it has been found that this barrier resides in Received May 11, 1988 the vitelline coat (VC) which modulates the self¬ sterility [3-5]. Since Morgan’s observations, a considerable amount of data from several labora¬ tories has shown that in ascidians, species specific binding of spermatozoa occurs on the egg ex¬ tracellular coat, the VC, and that binding is a key step in fertilization, preliminary to all the events leading to gamete fusion [5-8]. Recently efforts have been made to isolate the molecules of the vitelline coat responsible for the sperm binding: these molecules have been also characterized both biochemically and functionally [9-11]. Few studies have been conducted on the coun¬ terpart of the VC on the spermatozoon. Most of the data available deal with the structure and the physiology of this cell in relation to the binding process [12-19]. Recently studies have been undertaken aimed at identifying the molecules involved in the interaction and at clarifying the mechanism underlying these events [7, 9, 10, 12, 20-23], In this paper we review studies on the early stages of sperm-egg interaction in the ascidians with special attention to the biology and chemistry of the binding. Similarities with sea urchin and mammal fertilization are also touched upon. THE MAIN EVENTS IN SPERM-EGG INTERACTION A general and simplified scheme of the events leading to the penetration of spermatozoa into the 920 R. De Santis and M. R. Pinto perivitelline space can be drawn from observations carried out in Ciona intestinalis : the spermatozoon passes between the follicle cells and binds firmly to the VC. It is activated, it undergoes the acrosome reaction and then penetrates through the VC. Even though follicle cells are the first barrier the spermatozoon encounters in approaching the egg, they do not seem to be necessary for a successful interaction [6], A chemotactic role for the follicle cells has been proposed by Miller, who examined several ascidian species [23, 24]. This observation has been confirmed in Phallusia and in Asidia nigra , in which removal of the follicle cells results in a slight reduction of the fertilization rate [7, 25]. So far, only in the Japanese ascidian Halocynthia roretzi the follicle cells seem to be strictly neces¬ sary for fertilization [3]. The spermatozoon reaches the VC and within a few minutes binds firmly and species-specifically to the outer surface of the coat by the plasma mem¬ brane of its tip. Binding occurs at the whole surface of the VC not covered by the follicle cells, apparently without any polarity [5-8, 18]. In ascidians binding is neither preceded by a loose and nonspecific “attachment”, as described in the mouse, nor followed by a cortical reaction, as in mammals and echinoderms. Upon binding, the spermatozoon undergoes a series of changes, that can be referred to as sperm “reaction” or “activation” [16, 26]: these consist of the swelling and translocation of the cylindrical mitochondrion towards the tail and of concomitant physiological changes. The reaction culminates in the exocytosis of the vesicle/s present at the sperm tip, which is interpreted as an acrosome reaction [6, 7, 19]. The acrosome reaction leads to the penetration of the spermatozoon through the VC. Trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like proteases con¬ tained in the vesicles seem to be the lytic agents that allow the spermatozoon to penetrate through the VC [7, 27-30]. The spermatozoon passes between the test cells apparently unimpeded by these cells. Since no tool has been found whereby the activity of these cells can be discriminated from that of the VC, only indirect experimental evidence is available. Hence, even though test cells seem not to have a primary role, their participation in the interaction cannot be ruled out [3]. Once the spermatozoon has crossed this last barrier, it makes contact with the egg plasma membrane, on which fusion occurs at the vegetal pole [4, 31]. SPERM-EGG BINDING Most of the data about sperm-egg interaction in ascidians concern the binding of the spermatozoa to the VC, a preliminary and essential step for species-specific recognition between the gametes. Binding is established between the tip of sperm head and fibrils emerging from the outer surface of the VC [6, 7]. Screening of the surface of the VC with lectins and the effect of correspondent com¬ petitive sugars on binding and fertilization re¬ vealed that in Ciona intestinalis, egg fucosyl sites present on the fibrils have a key role in sperm binding [32, 33]. In Phallusia mammillata and in Ascidia nigra, N-acetylglucosamine residues pres¬ ent on the VC have the same function in sperm binding [7, 8, 34]. The biochemical and functional characterizations of the molecules involved in this interaction have been conducted mainly on Ciona intestinalis. A glycoprotein complex with sperm receptor activity has been isolated from the VC of the mature egg. SDS-PAGE analysis of this com¬ plex followed by incubation of the gel with 3H- Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin (LTA) revealed the presence of five fucosyl-containing glycopro¬ teins (FP). FP exhibited the properties expected for the receptor: i.e. they inhibited binding of the spermatozoa to the VC and fertilization. Further¬ more, spermatozoa incubated with FP were acti¬ vated and triggered into the acrosome reaction [9]. FP are synthesized by the oocyte during the vitel¬ logenic stages of oogenesis [35]. This demon¬ strates that the glycoprotein complex with sperm receptor activity, on which the fine tuning and in fact the success of fertilization depend, is synthe¬ sized under the control of the oocyte genome. These findings led to a further biochemical and functional analysis of FP purified by affinity chro¬ matography from the ovary [10], The separation by gel filtration of the fucosyl glycoproteins into the units identified by SDS-PAGE, always resulted in the elution of FP with the void volume, thus Sperm-Egg Interaction in Ascidians 921 indicating that the sperm receptor on the VC is a highly complex glycocon jugate with an extraordi¬ narily high apparent molecular weight (>107 D) and a protein-carbohydrate ratio of 2: 1. FP inhibit the binding of the spermatozoa to the VC and induce sperm activation and the acrosome reaction [10]. Exhaustive proteolytic digestion of FP yields high molecular weight glycopeptides (>4xl05), which contain N-acetylgalactosamine, fucose, galactose and rhamnose. These glycopeptides, when compared with the intact FP, have much lower capacity to inhibit sperm binding, but they do not induce sperm activation and, in conse¬ quence, the acrosome reaction [10]. These findings raise the question of the involvement of the polypeptide component in the sperm-egg bind¬ ing process, either directly or as a carrier of the carbohydrate chains. In the latter case, the polypeptide chain could provide a backbone for the specific assembly or conformation of the car¬ bohydrate component, thus allowing the most effective molecular match with the counterpart on the spermatozoon [10]. Hence, FP share many of the characteristics of both the sperm receptors of the egg of Strongy- locentrotus purpuratus [36] and of the zona pelluci- da of the mouse [37]. In the first case, in fact, the receptor for the spermatozoa is a high molecular weight proteoglycan-like molecule (greater than 107) that is responsible for the species specific binding of the spermatozoa to the egg. As to the biological activity, FP are more similar to ZP3, the zona pellucida glycoprotein of the mouse egg, which serves as both receptor for spermatozoa and inducer of the sperm acrosome reaction. Also in this case the sperm receptor activity is dependent only on its carbohydrate component, whereas the whole complex is responsible for the acrosome reaction-inducing activity [37]. While the sperm receptors on the egg have been isolated and extensively characterized in several systems, their counterparts on the spermatozoon and the mechanisms underlying the sperm-egg interaction have yet to be elucidated. In the sea urchin, upon contact with the egg jelly through a sperm plasma membrane glycoprotein [38], the spermatozoon undergoes the acrosome reaction, thus exposing “bindin”, a protein associated with the inner acrosomal membrane [39]. Bindin in¬ teracts species-specifically with the glycoprotein sperm receptor on the VC by a lectin- polysaccharide type of interaction [40], In mouse, it has been suggested that different kinds of pro¬ teins associated with the sperm plasma membrane participate in the sperm-zona interaction [37]. A galactosyltransferase localized at the sperm surface is at least one of the components involved in the sperm binding to the egg zona pellucida through an enzyme-substrate mechanism [41, 42]. Also in Ciona intestinalis there is evidence that different proteins present on the surface of the spermatozoa are involved in the sperm-egg in¬ teraction. Concanavalin A-binding sites are pres¬ ent at the tip of the sperm head: these glycopro¬ teins have been isolated by affinity chromatogra¬ phy from the tip of the sperm head and they proved to be active in the inhibition of binding [20]. Furthermore, it has been suggested that an a-L-fucosidase, isolated from Ciona spermatozoa is involved in the very early stages of binding [21, 43]. This enzyme would interact with the fucosyl- glycoproteins of the VC by forming an enzyme- substrate complex. Whether this interaction pro¬ ceeds with the hydrolysis of fucose, has yet to be elucidated. In Phallusia mammillata where ter¬ minal N-acetylglucosamine is functional in sperm binding [7, 34], it has been found that a /J-D-N- acetylglucosaminidase retains the highest activity among sperm glycosidases [21, 43], These findings support the hypothesis that in different systems glycoproteins of the egg envelope and carbohy¬ drate-binding proteins of the spermatozoon medi¬ ate the sperm-egg recognition and binding. These proteins can be roughly classified into two groups: enzymes, such as the galactosyltransferase of mouse and the a-L-fucosidase of ascidians, and lectin-like proteins, such as the “bindin” of the sea urchin spermatozoon. Indeed, the sperm-egg interaction proceeds through a far more complicated series of con¬ nected and ordered reactions, that involve differ¬ ent molecules and/or different functional sites on the same molecule [37, 44, 45]. In fact, in mouse there is evidence that, besides galactosyltrans¬ ferase, also a trypsin-like proteinase may be in- 922 R. De Santis and M. R. Pinto volved in binding [44, 46]. Furthermore, a fucose- binding protein isolated from boar spermatozoa has been demonstrated to be identical with the sperm proteinase acrosin. This molecule combines specific proteolytic activity with zona- and car¬ bohydrate-affinity properties, thus suggesting that the lectin-like activity of the acrosin directs the proteolytic activity to its structural target [45]. SPERM ACTIVATION, ACROSOME REACTION AND PENETRATION Upon binding to the VC ascidian spermatozoon undergoes a number of morphological and phys¬ iological changes called “sperm reaction” [16, 26]. Spermatozoa lack a midpiece and they have a single cylindrical mitochondrion alongside the nu¬ cleus in the head. When the spermatozoon binds to the VC by the tip of the head, the mitochon¬ drion swells, becomes spherical and starts sliding towards the tail. Occasionally, the mitochondrion may even be cast off. This reaction has been also observed in spermatozoa bound to isolated VC [16] or can be induced by the calcium ionophores [14, 22]. Since the presence of actin and myosin has been revealed by indirect immunofluorescence in the spermatozoa of several species of ascidians, it has been proposed that actin-myosin sliding is responsible for mitochondrion translocation [18]. In the sperm traversing the VC and the peri- vitelline space, the membrane of the spermato¬ zoon is anchored to the VC by the outer surface overlying the mitochondrion and to the mitochon¬ drion by its inner surface. As the mitochondrion moves along the tail, the sperm is driven across the perivitelline space. When the mitochondrion reaches the tip of the tail, it is released. Sperm reaction is accompanied by a release of H+; this causes intracellular alkalinization, which in turn increases permeability to calcium [22, 47]. Hence, the onset of binding might trigger the activation of calcium channels that promotes the uptake of Ca2+ into spermatozoa and the acro- some reaction. Changes at the tip of the spermatozoa referred to as an acrosome reaction have been described only in Ciona intestinalis and in Phallusia mammil- lata [6, 7, 19]. The reaction proceeds through the exocytosis of one or some acrosomal vesicles of the spermatozoa just about to penetrate the VC. It can be inferred that the acrosomal vesicles contain lysins necessary for the penetration of the sperma¬ tozoa through the VC [19]. In fact, a preliminary screening to detect protease activity involved in sperm penetration produced evidence indicating that in Pleurogona both chymotrypsin- and tryp- sin-like activities are necessary, while in Enterogo- na only the chymotrypsin-like activity is required for the penetration through the VC [30, 43, 48]. More recently, two types of trypsin-like proteases have been purified from spermatozoa of Halo- cynthia roretzi [28]. Whereas one of the enzymes showed properties closely related to those of mammalian acrosin, the other seemed to be a novel type of sperm acrosin-like enzyme with very strict substrate specificity. These enzymes, named ascidian acrosin and spermosin respectively, ex¬ erted lytic activity on the coat only together with chymotrypsin-like enzyme(s). It was suggested that ascidian spermosin, acrosin and chymotryp¬ sin-like enzyme are involved in a “lysin system” [28] : the timing of action of the three sperm proteases was examined by adding specific pro¬ tease inhibitors at various times after insemination [29] . It seems likely that spermosin and the chymotrypsin-like enzyme function at an early stage of the process of penetration through the egg investment, while acrosin functions at a later stage [29]. Concerning the number of spermatozoa that cross the VC, it is generally agreed that rare acrosome-reacted spermatozoa can be observed on the VC and that “few spermatozoa” can be found within the perivitelline space [4-7]. The sugges¬ tion that the VC acts as a barrier for sperm penetration and the apparent discrepancy between the number of spermatozoa bound and those penetrating the VC, indicated that in order for the attachment to be followed by the acrosome reac¬ tion there must be a precise “molecular match” between receptors on the egg and the counterpart on the spermatozoon [9]. In ascidians, morphological differences of the VC, as a consequence of the sperm penetration, have never been observed. Only in the Japanese ascidian Halocynthia roretzi is there an expansion Sperm-Egg Interaction in Ascidians 923 of the perivitelline space following fertilization, and there is evidence for the participation of a trypsin-like enzyme in this change [49]. By analo¬ gy with the role of the trypsin-like enzyme of the sea urchin, this enzyme may function in a limited proteolysis of the VC, which becomes more resist¬ ant to proteolysis than the VC of the unfertilized eggs. A block to polyspermy that requires Na+ has been found in Ascidia nigra [8] ; this block involves also the release of a protein, either an enzyme or a soluble lectin, that modifies VC N-acetylglucos- amine residues required for sperm binding. This in turn causes a rapid decline in the number of sperm bound. Information about the pathway of the spermato¬ zoon after its passage through the VC is still limited. Most of the data on the steps following penetration concern the site of fusion of the sper¬ matozoon with the egg plasma membrane [4, 31]. Spermatozoa come in contact with the egg plasma membrane and can be found randomly distributed along the animal-vegetal axis of the egg, except at the animal pole [4], At the time ooplasmic seg¬ regation is nearly completed, spermatozoa are localized only at the vegetal pole, where, after fusion, the male pronucleus is located [1, 4]. Sperm-egg fusion occurs between the plasma membrane of the postacrosomal region of the sperm head and the egg plasma membrane [7]. CONCLUDING REMARKS The process whereby gametes recognize and adhere to each other is one of the most challenging problems in cell biology. The study of the mecha¬ nisms of this interaction showed that the informa¬ tion for establishing species-specific recognition and binding lies in the expression and organization of molecules at the surface of both gametes. In this respect, gamete interaction, although retaining peculiar features, can be regarded as any other cell-cell interaction system [41-52]. In ascidians, as in the vast majority of animals, sperm receptors are glycoproteins assembled in an extracellular envelope, which is a vanguard for the interaction with the spermatozoa. In these organ¬ isms the involvement of the carbohydrate and the protein components of the sperm receptors in the binding has to be further elucidated. Concerning the molecular mechanism which regulates binding, a preliminary and essential step of the interaction, there is evidence that glycosidases on the sperma¬ tozoa interact with the glycoproteins of the VC by way of an enzyme-substrate mechanism. This mechanism has also been proposed in mouse ferti¬ lization and in other cell-cell interaction systems. However, this seems to be an oversimplification of the binding process, in the pathway of which other as yet unidentified molecules may take part. As emerges from this review, knowledge of the com¬ plex cascade of events that starts with gamete recognition and leads to the fusion of the pronu¬ clei, has grown in the last decade: however, a fundamental support to the understanding of this process will certainly come from new technologies of molecular biology. In this context, also one of the most stimulating, and still unsolved, problems in ascidian fertiliza¬ tion, namely the control of self-sterility, will cer¬ tainly benefit from these technologies. In fact, studies with the colonial ascidian Botryllus have suggested that the fine tuning of the gametic self-incompatibility is controlled by genes linked or identical to those that regulate the colony fusibil¬ ity. It seems likely that gametic and somatic self-recognition genes in protochordates represent ancient functions of primitive major histocompati¬ bility complex genes [53]. A complete understand¬ ing of this problem still awaits much more informa¬ tion. What is evident is that in this respect ascidians have proved to be a good example of how the choice of a model can answer more general questions. REFERENCES 1 Conklin, E. G. (1905) J. Acad. Natl. Sci. Phila., 13: 1-119. 2 Morgan, T. H. (1944) J. Exp. Zool., 95: 37-59. 3 Fuke, M. T. (1983) Wilhelm Roux’s Arch. Dev. Biol., 192: 347-352. 4 Kawamura, K., Fujita, H. and Nakauchi, M. (1987) Dev. Growth Differ., 29: 627-642. 5 Rosati, F. and De Santis, R. (1978) Exp. Cell Res., 112: 111-119. 6 DeSantis, R., Jamunno, G. and Rosati, F. (1980) 924 R. De Santis and M. R. Pinto Dev. Biol., 74: 490-499. 7 Honegger, T. G. (1986) Dev. Biol., 118: 118-128. 8 Lambert, C. C. (1986) Dev. Biol., 116: 168-173. 9 De Santis, R., Pinto, M. R., Cotelli, F., Rosati, F., Monroy, A. and D’Alessio, G. (1983) Exp. Cell Res., 148: 508-513. 10 De Santis, R. and Pinto, M. R. (1987) Dev. Growth Differ., 29: 617-625. 11 Pinto, M. R., DeSantis, R., D’Alessio, G. and Rosati, F. (1981) Exp. 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The same system may function in the brain of the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus [9, 10]. The APON is further concerned with female orientation to conspecific mating calls in R. pipiens pi]. Anuran mating behavior is controlled not only by neural input signals but also by various hormo¬ nal signals. Testosterone seems to be not a sole, but a crucial hormonal factor in the initiation of male mate calling behavior [12-14], In gravid female Rana pipiens , vasotocin, an anuran neurohypophysial hormone, suppressed female re¬ lease calling behavior, and in turn elevated sexual receptivity [15]. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) also increased sexual receptiv¬ ity in female Xenopus laevis [16]. Received May 27, 1988 1 Present address: Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Minamidai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, Japan. The amphibian brain shows a fundamental organ¬ izational pattern common to the structure of the vertebrate brain [17]. Clarification of neuroendo¬ crine control of mating behavior in amphibians is thus important for understanding phylogenetically fundamental control mehanisms of sexual be¬ havior. In this paper, I first describe the morpho¬ logical characteristics of the preoptic nucleus (PON), and then review recent studies concerning the neural and hormonal control mechanisms for the initiation of seasonal reproductive behavior in anuran amphibians. CYTOARCHITECTURE OF THE PON Subnuclear Organization The PON is a neuronal cell mass which sur¬ rounds the preoptic recess, and is considered to be an important neuroendocrine center. It is easily divisible into anterior and posterior halves by a relatively cell-poor zone along the sulcus preopti¬ cus (Fig. 1), and each half is composed of several subnuclei, some of which include many neuro¬ secretory neurons. Recent physiological studies indicate that these subnuclei are functionally dis¬ tinctive [18]. In the Japanese toad, the PON can be divided into seven subnuclei: the anterior part of the PON (APON), the dorsal and the ventral periventricu¬ lar parts, the dorsal and the ventral magnocellular parts ( dmc and vmc), the suprachiasmatic part, and the posterior part of the PON (PPON) [18]. The APON is composed of a rather compact cell 926 A. Urano Fig. 1. Diagram of the parasagittal midplain of the toad diencephalon. Note that the preoptic nucleus which locates antero-dorsal to the optic chiasma (OC) is divisible into the anterior part (APON) and the posterior part (PPON). AC, anterior commissure; EP, epiphysis; LT, lamina terminalis; ME, median eminence; NID, nucleus infundibularis dorsalis; NIV, nucleus infundibularis ventralis; OL, optic lobe; PD, pars distalis of hypophysis; PI, pars inter¬ media of hypophysis; PN, pars nervosa of hypoph¬ ysis; TEG, tegmentum mesencephali; TEL, telen¬ cephalon; IIIv, third ventricle, (from Urano and Ishihara [110]) mass surrounding the anterior portion of the preoptic recess in the toad brain, while, in many ranid species, APON neurons are well organized in a laminar pattern [19-21]. The dmc and the vmc consist of magnocellular neurosecretory neurons which contain immunoreactive (ir) vasotocin [18, 22], mesotocin [22], somatostatin [23] and other peptides [24]. The toad suprachiasmatic part in¬ cludes small ir-vasotocin neurons and receives direct retinal innervation (Shimotoso and Urano, unpublished). Synapses between the optic termi¬ nals and the PON neurons were observed in Rana temporaria [25]. The PPON, the name of which follows nomenclatorial usage in the brain atlas of Rana pipiens [21], is a common preoptic structure in many anuran species. Sexual Dimorphism Differences in patterns of sexual behavior be¬ tween males and females are partly due to differ¬ ences between male and female neuronal circuit¬ ries, i. e., sexual dimorphism of nervous systems. As in songbirds [26], the Japanese quail [27], and some mammalian species [28-31], the brain loci concerning male mate calling behavior showed sexual dimorphism in Xenopus [32], Rana pipiens [33] and Bufo japonicus [34]. As for the toad PON, the nuclear volume of the APON in the male was significantly larger than that in the female (male/female, 1.25-1.39). The mean of the total cell number in the male APON was 1.20 times that of the female, while the cell sizes of male and female APON neurons were in the same range [35]. These results suggest that the sexual difference in the APON volumes was caused by a greater cell number in the male APON. In addi¬ tion, the amygdala pars medialis (Am), which forms a morphological and probably functional complex with the APON [36], showed a similar Table 1. Volumes (Xl0-3 mm3, mean + S.E.) of the anterior part of the preoptic nucleus (APON) and the amygdala pars medialis (Am) in 1-year old toadlets, and hibernating and post-breeding adult toads Subnuclei Male Female M/F APON 1-year old toad 103.6±4.5 98.1+3.2 1.06 hibernating 311.5 + 23.0 224.1 + 14.2 1.39* post-breeding 250.0 + 12.3 199.3 + 9.7 1.25** Am 1-year old toad 45.9 + 2.1 35.5 + 3.1 1.30* hibernating 153.8 + 9.5 90.1 + 4.2 1.71** post-breeding 110.1 + 8.4 58.9 + 3.2 1.87** *, P<0.02; ** P<0.005 by the t-test. M/F, the ratio of the nuclear volume in the male to the female. Mating Behavior and Preoptic Neurons 927 sexual difference. Ontogenetically, the sexual difference in the Am volumes appeared in yearling toadlets, preceding the development of the APON (Table 1). The sexual dimorphism in the APON seems to be a fundamental part of vertebrate brain structure in general, since the preoptic area is sexually dimorphic in the quail [27], the rat [30] and the macaque monkey [29]. MATE CALLING TRIGGER CENTER Location in the APON Mate calling can be induced by electrical stim¬ ulation of the APON. In freely moving Rana pipiens, the effective sites for electrical evocation of calling were located in the rostral extreme of the PON [37]. Using isolated pipiens brain prepara¬ tions in which neural correlates of mate calling can be recorded, the area most sensitive to electrical stimulation was localized in the ventral half of the APON [38]. The ventrolateral border of the preoptic gray was much more sensitive than the ventricular surface. Stimulation of the same locus was also effective in inducing electrical activity correlating to mate calling in in situ perfused brains of Japanese toads (Fig. 2). Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Ventricular Surface In the anuran brain, the ventricular wall of the dorsal part of the APON is ciliated as are the surfaces of the ventricular walls in many other brain loci. However, the wall of the ventral part is only sparsely ciliated; instead, it is studded with numerous large bulbous protrusions which are large cytoplasmic extensions of ependymal cells and intraventricular dendritic end bulbs of secre¬ tory neurons [36, 39-41], This area includes almost all the portions of the ventricular wall of the rostro ventral part of the APON, and corresponds topographically to the area mentioned above that is most sensitive to the initiation of calling be¬ havior by electrical stimulation. Steroid Hormone Accumulating Neurons The APON has been considered to be a sex steroid-sensitive center that triggers sexual be¬ havior in anurans. Autoradiographic studies of the brains in Xenopus laevis [42, 43] and Rana pipiens [44] showed that many APON neurons can 0.2 mA — T*'-' I 50 pV 0.6 mA 20 jjV 1 mA 1 5 Fig. 2. Neural correlates of mate calling induced by electric stimulation (2 ms biphasic pulse, 50 Hz for 1 sec) of the APON through a fine bipolar electrode in a perfused toad brain. Electrical activity correlating mate calling was recorded at the root of the vagus nerve (n.X, upper trace) and the hyoglossal muscle (m. hg, lower trace). Magnitudes of the neural correlates increased when the intensity of stimulation was elevated from 0.2 mA to 0.6 and 1.0 mA. 928 A. Urano accumulate sex steroid hormones. Such neurons were localized throughout the dorsal-ventral ex¬ tent in the rostral part of the APON, but were found ventrally in the caudal part. This distribu¬ tional pattern of sex steroid-accumulating APON neurons corresponds to the localization pattern of the ventricular bulbous protrusions. In mammals, the medial preoptic nucleus, which is the homo- logue of the APON, includes many sex steroid- accumulating neurons [45, 46]. Intracranial implantation of testosterone into or near the APON enhanced the incidence of mate calling which was evoked acoustically by play-back of tape-recorded conspecific mating calls in Rana pipiens [14]. In mammals, steroid hormones are reported to excite electrical activity of central neurons [47-50]. At present, it is not clear whether testosterone can modulate electrical activ¬ ity of APON neurons in the amphibian brain due to the lack of any experimental data. Projection of the APON to the Brain Stem Call Center Mate calling behavior and its neural correlates could be evoked even after massive ablations or lesions to brain areas including almost all of the telencephalon, the dorsal thalamus, the torus semicircularis, the dorsal part of the isthmic nu¬ cleus and the infundibulum [38, 51]. These results indicate the presence of pathways at the ventro¬ lateral border of the central gray from the APON to the isthmo-trigeminal tegmentum. The retrograde axonal transport study in which afferents to laryngeal motor neurons were traced in the brain of Xenopus laevis showed the presence of direct projection of APON neurons to the pre-trigeminal nucleus of the dorsal tegmental area (DTAM). DTAM neurons send efferent fibers to laryngeal motor neurons [52]. The projection from the APON to the DTAM is less flourishing in the female than in the male. HUMORAL SIGNAL RECEPTIVITY As is described above, the APON from which efferent fibers project to the brain stem call center is believed to be the androgen-sensitive center for male mate calling behavior. An electrophysiolo- gical study of this locus in Rana pipiens showed the presence of neurons responsive to auditory stim¬ ulation by playback of conspecific mating calls, and injections of pituitary homogenate significantly increased the percentage of these units excited by the calls [53], Activity of APON neurons thus can be modulated by humoral signals. A Golgi- electron microscopic study revealed that a portion of the APON neurons have the proper anatomical features for detecting humoral signals (Fig. 3) [36, 54]. Fig. 3. Diagram showing CSF-contacting and BC- contacting neurons in the APON. These neurons have the proper morphological features to receive both humoral and neuronal synaptic, either chemi¬ cal or electric, input signals, be, blood capillary; EP, ependymal layer; Med, medial gray of the APON; Lat, lateral white of the APON; POR, preoptic recess, (from Urano and Ishihara [110]) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) -Contacting Neurons In many anuran species, the APON, especially its ventral half, contains CSF-contacting neurons [36, 39-41]. These neurons were rapid-Golgi stained and gold-toned, and then were examined by scanning electron microscopy after removal of surrounding tissues with hydrochloric acid and collagenase. The somata of stripped neurons bear debris of nerve terminals on their surfaces, sug¬ gesting that the neuronal activity of these cells can be modulated by various synaptic input signals. Processes of CSF-contacting neurons, probably dendritic, protrude into the preoptic recess. The dendrites projecting into the preoptic recess from preoptic neurosecretory cells can be equipped to serve both secretory and sensory functions [55]. The CSF-ventricular system is thought to distri- Mating Behavior and Preoptic Neurons 929 bute biologically-active hormonal substances with¬ in the brain, since many researchers have found various hormones in the CSF, such as LHRH and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) [56], oxyto¬ cin and vasopressin [57], and melatonin [58]. The concentrations of these hormones varied according to various physiological statuses. Further, single intraventricular injections of LHRH and TRH increased the amplitudes and frequency of elec- troencephalographic (EEG) activity recorded from the brain of a hibernating Japanese toad (Fig. 4) [59]. The effective dose of 1 jug needed for enhancement of EEG activity through a single intraventricular injection of LHRH or TRH was much less than that needed for systemic injections. It is thus possible that the CSF-contacting neurons YE 63 2 85/4/3 Ji_n_ T LHRH 1 m9 icv. JlL JU LJLIL JLIL 12 16 20 0 4 8 Dfl 4/8 T Saline 1 pi icv '!]_n _ IS _ iul IV m- n- i->- 4/9 8 12 16 20 J u 6 ' ' ' 4 ' ' ' 8 jltt juuuuulI TlT1 PVl 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 Fig. 4. Effects of intraventricularly injected LHRH and TRH on EEG activity of a hibernating Japanese toad. According to amplitudes and frequency, EEG activity was categorized into 4 levels: I, resting; II, awake; III, active; and IV, very active. Each level corresponds well to a behavioral state. Note that both LHRH and TRH induced dual fast and slow enhancements of EEG activity. Although the EEG record is not shown, the pattern of LHRH-induced fast response includes highly synchronized bursting waves that were not observed upon injection of control saline. (Fujita, thesis, Saitama University) whose dendritic processes protrude into the preop¬ tic recess detect changes in ventricular hormonal status and motivate the neuronal circuitry in pre¬ paration for mating behavior in pre-breeding anurans. Blood Capillary (BC) -Contacting Neurons The presence of BC-contacting neurons is in¬ compatible with the general concept of the rela¬ tions between brain neurons and capillaries. Blood capillaries in the vertebrate brain are gener¬ ally surrounded by astrocytic endfeet with an in¬ tervening basement membrane, so that brain neurons, even fish hypothalamic neurosecretory cells, are separated from the vascular endothelium [60]. Nonetheless, neurosecretory cells which directly come into contact with blood capillaries were shown in the toad preoptic nucleus [61]. Recently, it was found that a considerable number of peptidergic neurons come into contact with blood capillaries with only an intervening base¬ ment membrane in the APON of both the bullfrog and the Japanese toad [36]. BC-contacting neurons send their dendrites laterad toward the preoptic white matter. Although arborization is rather poor, the dendrites usually bifurcate several times and form dendritic fields. There, many axon terminals form synapses on the dendritic spines of these neurons. It is highly probable that APON neurons receive the input signals of the afferent fibers mainly through the dendritic synapses in the preoptic white matter along the border of APON cell mass, since Hal- pern [62] noted that terminal degeneration by the telencephalic lesions was located along the lateral edges of cell masses in the frog hypothalamus. The single BC-contacting neurons thus detect changes in titers of blood-born hormones, preferably sex steroid hormones which have activational effects on APON neurons, and further receive neuronal input signals through dendritic synapses to inte¬ grate hormonal and neural signals concerned with the initiation of sex behavior. 930 A. Urano AFFERENTS OF THE APON Retrograde Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Study It is important to know what neuroanatomic afferent relations the APON has with other parts of the brain. Such information is requisite for better understanding of the sensory modalities and activating or inhibiting pathways that might trigger or modulate sexual behavior through the PON. Thus, the afferents of the APON were examined in Rana pipiens (Urano and Gorbman, unpublished) and Bufo japonicus [63] using the retrograde HRP method, which is a particularly useful tool in studies of neural connections. Evidence of retrogradely transported enzymatic activity was observed in perikarya and neuropil in the following brain regions: the ventro-medial limbic cortex, the posterior part of the preoptic nucleus including the magnocellular part, the in¬ fundibular nuclei, the thalamic area, the subtectal and tegmental regions including the reticular formation, and the rhombencephalic central gray. Neurons in these regions appear to send their axons to the APON mainly via the medial and lateral forebrain bundles. Localization of some HRP-labeled perikarya and fibers coincides with that of immunoreactive perikarya and fibers con¬ taining either LHRH, vasotocin or TRH which have been considered to project to the APON [64, 65], Particular HRP-labeled loci in the ventro-medial limbic cortex included the nucleus medialis septi, the nucleus lateralis septi, the nucleus accumbens septi, the amygdala pars medialis and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. The amygdala- preoptic tract may exist in all vertebrate classes from cyclostomes to mammals [66]. The septal projection to the preoptic area in the leopard frog and the Japanese toad has an apparently homolo¬ gous relationship to a similar pattern in the lizard [67] and the rat [68, 69]. Although in anurans, the physiological significance of amygdaloid and septal projections to the APON is not clear at present, it is possible that these projections are concerned with the control of sexual behavior as has been claimed in mammals [70, 71]. HRP-labeled structures in the subtectal and tegmental regions were the nucleus anterodorsalis tegmenti mesencephali, the torus semicircularis, the nucleus posteroventralis tegmenti mesen¬ cephali, the nucleus isthmi and the mesencephalic reticular nuclei. Mesencephalic projections to the anterior hypothalamus are well known in amphib¬ ian brains [17, 19, 66, 72] as well as in other vertebrate classes [66, 73, 74], The mammalian preoptic area is directly continuous with a vast nonspecific neuronal apparatus of the brain stem reticular formation [75]. In frog brains, the mesencephalic reticular system receives afferents from various parts of the brain, such as the telen¬ cephalon [62, 76], the optic tectum [77], and the superior olivary nucleus [78]. The presence of multimodal inputs suggests a nonspecific or gener¬ alized character of function of the anuran reticular formation as a possible activating or inhibitory regulatory system which may influence the neural substrate for mating behavior. Chemical Neuroanatomy of the APON Afferents Information on the chemical nature of APON afferents is important for the examination of con¬ trol mechanisms of APON neuronal activity at the cellular and molecular levels. The HRP study mentioned above showed the presence of HRP-labeled neurons in the mag¬ nocellular part of the PON, and in the nuclei infundibularis dorsalis and ventralis in the toad brain. These regions are rich in vasotocinergic and mesotocinergic neurosecretory neurons [22], and TRH neurons [65, 79], respectively. Jokura and Urano [64] verified that varicose ir-vasotocin fibers are found in the ventrolateral region of the APON where the APON neurons have their dendritic fields. Some ir-vasotocin fibers from the vmc protrude into the APON cell mass, and appeared to come into contact with somata of APON neurons. In Japanese toads, ir-TRH neurons were localized mainly in the nucleus infundibularis ven¬ tralis (NIV) [65]. Ir-TRH fibers arising from the NIV neurons project to the median eminence to form the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract. In addi¬ tion, a considerable number of ir-TRH fibers in¬ nervate into the APON. In the APON, varicose ir-TRH fibers are scattered widely among the neuronal cell mass and the white matter. Mating Behavior and Preoptic Neurons 931 Other important loci in the toad brain where HRP-labeled neurons were found include the nu¬ cleus medialis septi and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. These loci contained many ir- LHRH neurons which project to the APON [64], Most ir-LHRH fibers emanating from the nucleus medialis septi form a loose fiber bundle with those arising from the diagonal band of Broca. These ir-LHRH fibers, which have typical beaded fea¬ tures, project to the ventrolateral border of the preoptic gray. In mammalian brains, peptidergic axonic pro¬ cesses form ordinary synapses [80] and en passant synapses with dendritic profiles [81]. Therefore, it is highly probable that varicose ir-vasotocin, ir- TRH and ir-LHRH fibers form ordinary or en passant synapses in the dendritic fields of APON neuron in the toad brain. Functional Significance of the APON Aff events The retrograde HRP study indicates that there are multimodal inputs to the APON from various regions of the brain. The septal nuclei, which send ir-LHRH fibers to the APON, receive olfactory inputs through the medial olfactory tract [82, 83], and the amygdala is innervated by projections from the accessory olfactory bulb [84]. These limbic nuclei, from which affe rents to the APON arise, may relay olfactory signals to the APON neurons. In addition, the terminal nerve, which may function in odor processing, sends an ir- LHRH-ergic projection to the preoptic region in the tiger salamander and the bullfrog [85]. Visual cues can be conveyed through direct retinal projection to the suprachiasmatic part of the PON. This was clarified in the Japanese toad by use of a cobaltic lysine method (Shimotoso and Urano, unpublished). The presence of direct retino-preoptic projetion has also been supposed in the brain of Rana temporaria [25]. Acoustic signals which excite APON neurons may reach the preoptic region through at least two ascending pathways in the brain stem [78]. One is the pathway relayed through the nucleus oliva superi¬ or and the nucleus profundus mesencephali; the other is that relayed through the nucleus oliva superior and the torus semicircularis. The thala- mo-preoptic connection is a possible pathway for transmission of tactile signals. Thus, the APON neurons may be influenced by various kinds of sensory inputs, although almost all sensory modali¬ ties are relayed and may be regulated either by sex steroid hormones or by neurohormones released from extrahypothalamic terminals of neurosecre¬ tory neurons [86, 87]. Since the electrical activity of many APON units was excited by iontophoreti- cally applied LHRH, TRH and vasotocin (Fujita and Urano, in preparation), the APON neurons probably integrate various sensory inputs under the influence of peptidergic neurosecretory neurons, and then generate neural signals for the initiation of mate calling behavior. SEASONAL VARIATIONS Many anurans, especially those in the temperate zone, are typical seasonal breeders which spawn in spring or early summer. The neuroendocrine systems associated with reproductive behavior also show seasonal changes in their synthetic and secre¬ tory activities. In bullfrogs, the plasma level of luteinizing hormone (LH), which can increase androgen secretion from the testes [88], was ele¬ vated during the breeding season [89]. In the Xenopus hypothalamus, the contents of LHRH, which can stimulate pituitary gonadotropin release in bullfrogs [90] and plasma androgen levels in Japanese toads [91], varied seasonally in corre¬ spondence to reproductive physiological states [92]. Ishii and his collaborators measured circan- nual changes in plasma levels of various pituitary hormones [93, 94], thyroid hormones [95], adrenal steroids [96, 97] and sex steroids [98]. Most of these hormones showed marked increases in their plasma titers prior to or during the breeding sea¬ son. Further, classical histochemical and mor¬ phometric studies showed seasonal morphological changes in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial neurosecretory system in Rana temporaria [99, 100]. The results of these studies suggest the possibility that the APON neurons do show some seasonal changes in their morphological and func¬ tional features, since the activity of APON neurons was modulated by administrations of tes¬ tosterone [14] and pituitary homogenates [53]. 932 A. Urano Seasonal Changes in the Volumes of PON Sub¬ nuclei Seasonal variations in the volumes of several preoptic and amygdala subnuclei were found be¬ tween hibernating and postbreeding Japanese toads [34]. The APON in the hibernating males was 125% larger than that in the post-breeding animals. The seasonal difference in the female APON was not statistically significant. In both sexes, the hibernating animals had larger ventral magnocellular parts of the PON, amygdala medialis and amygdala lateralis than the post¬ breeding animals did. The seasonal variation in the volumes of several subnuclei mentioned above may be due to hypertrophy of the neurons in these loci, since cell nulear volumes of PON neurons increase prior to the breeding season [100]. Mor¬ phological changes in the APON and the amygdala thus precede physiological and behavioral changes in the breeding season. A similar result was observed in the song control nucleus in the brain of the male canary which is larger during breeding season than in the fall when the animal is sexually inactive [101], probably because sex steroids in¬ duce dendritic growth in this nucleus [102]. Immunoreactivity of Neuroendocrine Cells It is highly probable that neuronal input signals to APON neurons differ seasonally. Therefore, seasonal variations in LHRH, TRH and vasotocin that were localized in varicose afferent fibers to the APON were examined immunohistochemically in toad forebrains and neurohypophyses [65, 103]. The immunohistochemical technique utilized was the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method, which is superior to the peroxidase- antiperoxidase method in a quantitative study. LHRH immunoreactivity (ir) was strong in both perikarya and fibers in animals captured in spring and autumn, while in summer animals, LHRH-ir was weak. Seasonal changes in TRH-ir were similar to those in LHRH-ir, while significant seasonal variations were not found in vasotocin-ir. The circannual changes in LHRH-ir appear to correspond with seasonal variations in plasma ste¬ roid levels reported by Inoue et al. [98]. This coincidence implies that LHRH and sex steroids can have synergistic effects on the control of APON neurons. Effects of Castration As is described above, testosterone may mod¬ ulate neural activity of the APON to initiate reproductive behavior. Structures of the nervous system are modified by sex steroids during both fetal and adult periods in many vertebrate species [101, 102, 104]. In Japanese toads, the volumes of the APON and the amygdala in the male are larger than those in the female. Furthermore, the volumes of these nuclei and LHRH-ir also changed seasonally. These changes appear to correlate with the annual variation of plasma testosterone levels. Castration experiments, in which the role of testos¬ terone in the control of the phenomena mentioned above was examined, showed that the effects of castration differ seasonally [105]. The volume of the amygdala medialis in autumn toads was signif¬ icantly reduced by castration; however, the reduc¬ tion in spring animals was not statistically signif¬ icant. Meanwhile, castration did not modify LHRH-ir in the median eminence in either spring or autumn toads, although dense ir-LHRH fibers were observed in the mesencephalic tegmental region in the castrated spring toads but not in the autumn toads either intact or castrated. These results suggest that seasonal influences on the effects of castration were not uniform among the different brain loci. COORDINATION OF NEURAL AND ENDOCRINE ACTIVITY Temporal coordination of neural and endocrine events is a cruial requisite for successful reproduc¬ tion. Plausible candidates for coordinating the brain and endocrine functions are LHRH-ergic and vasotocinergic neurosecretory systems, both of which send fine varicose fibers to various ex- trahypothalamic brain loci other than the median eminence and the pars nervosa [86, 87]. Both LHRH-ergic and vasotocinergic fibers innervate either sensory or motor centers concerned with reproductive behavior. LHRH applied by microiontophoresis increased discharge rates of individual neurons in the septal Mating Behavior and Preoptic Neurons 933 preoptic area of the rat [106], and in the APON of the Japanese toad (Fujita and Urano, in prepara¬ tion). An intracellular study showed that LHRH can mimic slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials when applied to the sympathetic neurons in the bullfrog [107]. LHRH at the synaptic level may play a role in increasing neuronal excitability in the loci where LHRH fibers innervate. On the other hand, LHRH applied systemically or intraventri- cularly can stimulate the pituitary-gonadal axis to elevate plasma androgen levels in male Japanese toads (Fig. 5). This evidence suggests that LHRH simultaneously affects both the neuronal activity of the APON neurons as an excitatory neurotrans¬ mitter or neuromodulator and the endocrine events of the pituitary-gonadal axis as a hypothala¬ mic releasing hormone. The endocrine functions of vasotocin in amphib¬ ians are well documented in many endocrine text¬ books. In addition, vasotocin and its homologues can excite unit-spike activity of neurons in the rat supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei [106, 108], the eel preoptic nucleus [109] and the toad APON (Fujita and Urano, in preparation). Vasotocin thus may facilitate the activity of many central neurons as a neuromodulator or a local hormone. The latter possibility is supported by the fact that 10_9M vasopressin, comparable to the effective dose of vasopressin necessary for peripheral targets, can excite rat paraventricular neurons [108]. At present, it is difficult to account for the temporal discrepancy between LHRH-induced neural events (Fig. 4) and endocrine events (Fig. 5). When LHRH functions as a neurotransmitter or a neuromodulator, its influence on target Time of ler Administration (hours) Time after Administration (hours) Time af ter Administration (hours) Fig. 5. Changes in the plasma testosterone levels after administrations of intravenous and intraventricular LHRH. Each curve represents a change in testosterone levels in an individual male toad, a, effects of intravenous saline as a control; b, single intravenous injection of 10 fig LHRH; c, single intravenous injection of 100 jug LHRH; d, continuous infusion of LHRH at a dose of 100 //g/hour for 4 hours; and e, intracerebroventricular administration of 100 ng LHRH. Note that the dose of intracranial LHRH which markedly elevated plasma testosterone was much less than that of intravenous LHRH. (Fujita, thesis, Saitama University) 934 A. Urano neurons lasted for within the order of seconds or minutes. However, endocrine events, e.g., the secretion of androgen, take a much longer time. Since the APON neurons are sex steroid-sensitive and are excited by LHRH, some unknown intrinsic cellular mechanisms within the APON neurons and neurons having the same characteristics may regulate the above temporal discrepancy in order to complete seasonal breeding successfully. REFERENCES 1 Demski, L. 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' - ■ ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 939-945 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai Activation of Respiration and Initiation of Motility in Rainbow Trout Spermatozoa Toshio Inoda* 1, Hideki Ohtake2 3 4 and Masaaki Morisawa3, 4 Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, and 2Dokkyo University, School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi 321-02, Japan ABSTRACT — It is well established that sperm motility of rainbow trout is initiated by the decrease in K+ concentration surrounding sperm which triggers the intracellular c AMP-dependent initiation process. Present study showed that K+ did not affect sperm respiration but inhibited flagellar movement and thus suggested that K+ regulates sperm motility through its effect on flagellum. On the other hand, inhibitors of respiratory chain or uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation affected sperm respiration and inhibited sperm motility, suggesting that energy producing system at mitochondria contributes to sperm motility. Motility was initiated even if 02 was eliminated from dilution medium, although C02 suppressed both respiration and motility. This result suggested that sperm motility is not (Delimited but C02 is responsible for the regulation of sperm motility through the activation of respiration. It is likely that regardless of K + -dependent cAMP system at sperm flagella, there is another system at mitochondria: enhancement of respiration by the release from C02 suppression at spawning may relate to the initiation of sperm motility in rainbow trout. INTRODUCTION Spermatozoa are immotile in undiluted semen and initiate motility on dilution into appropriate medium. As factors to cause the phenomenon, many things in the seminal plasma have been proposed (see [1]). Rothschild [2] postulated that low 02 tension in the seminal plasma is most likely responsible for the sperm immotility in the repro¬ ductive organ and that increase in 02 tension surrounding spermatozoa at spawning causes in¬ itiation of motility. Carbon dioxide was also proposed as another possible factor from the re¬ sults that C02 inhibits both respiration and motil¬ ity in sea urchin sperm [3, 4]. Johnson et al. [4] also suggested that 02 does not affect sperm Accepted January 8, 1988 Received October 24, 1987 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toho University, Funabashi, Chiba 274, Japan. 3 Present address: Misaki Marine Biological Station, University of Tokyo, Miura, Kanagawa 238-02, Japan. 4 To whom reprints should be requested. motility, since motility initiation occurs when O? was eliminated by blowing N2 gas over a thin layer of semen. These studies have focused on the contribution of energy supply system to the motil¬ ity initiation; however it is still unclear which factor is the physiological initiator of sperm motility. Morisawa and collegues recently proposed a motility initiation system from another point of view. They showed that motility of spermatozoa in salmonid fishes is suppressed by K+ and spermato¬ zoa become motile in the K+ deficient medium [5]. However, K+ can not inhibit motility of trout spermatozoa of which plasma membrane and mitochondria are removed with the detergent [6], implicating that the site of K+ action is not mitochondria but flagella. By regulating flagellar motility with or without K+, it is possible to separate the mitochondrial function from the flagellar function. Consequently, salmonid sperm seems to offer an especially convenient material for investigating which factor contributes to mitochondrial metabolism or flagellar mechanism in the initiation of sperm motility. 940 T. Inoda, H. Ohtake and M. Morisawa For clarifying this point, we compared the re¬ spiration and motility in trout sperm in the pres¬ ence or absence of K+ and furthermore examined the effects of aerobic or anaerobic condition and C02 on the sperm respiration and motility. The results suggested that K+ dependent initiation system is present in flagella, and that increase of energy supply at mitochondria by decrease of C02 may possibly contribute to the initiation of trout sperm motility. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mature male rainbow trout ( Salmo gairdneri ) was obtained from Oshino Branch of Yamanashi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station. They were kept in an aquarium with circulating and aerating water at 10°C. The semen was collected by inserting a pipette into the sperm duct. Col¬ lected sperm was preserved on ice without dilution for several hours during the experiments. For investigating the effects of K + , dilution, inhibitors of respiratory chain and uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation on sperm respiration and motility (Figs. 1-3), 100 mM NaCl or KC1 solution was kept without bubbling with any gases. With 3 ml of the above solutions 0. 1 ml semen was diluted with various conditions in the chamber of oxymeter and oxygen consumption was measured. Each plot in Figures 2, 3 and 5 was calculated from the oxygen consumption in 5 sec after dilution. On a glass slide without cover 0.1 /A of semen was suspended in 50 jA of 100 mM NaCl solution and sperm motility was observed by light microscopy using dark illumination. NaN3 and KCN were each dissolved in distilled water. CCCP (carbonyl cyanide ra-chlorophenyl hydrazone) was dissolved in 4% ethanol which did not affect sperm motility and respiration. For studying the effect of 02 (Fig. 4a), N2 gas was introduced into 200 ml of 100 mM NaCl solu¬ tion in an Erlenmeyer flask from a N2 gas cylinder. Amount of dissolved 02 was checked at an appropriate time interval with an oxymeter. A closed chamber (Bellco: 0.75 ml) was filled with the solution containing various concentrations of 02 using a syringe and 1 jA of semen was injected with a microsyringe, and then the motility of sperm in the chamber was observed under microscope. The effect of completely-02-eliminated condi¬ tion (Fig. 4b) was investigated in 100 mM NaCl solution containing various concentrations of Na2S204, which was introduced into both a closed chamber and an oxymeter, and sperm motility and oxygen content were measured. Effect of C02 on sperm motility was investi¬ gated (Fig. 5) as follows. C02 gas was bubbled into 200 ml of 100 mM NaCl solution in the flask for a few hours. pH value of the solution de¬ creased during C02-bubbling and finally reached 6.0. Media containing various concentrations of C02 were prepared with mixing the C02 saturated medium with 100 mM NaCl solution and pH was adjusted to 6.0 with HC1. Each medium was introduced into the closed chamber and oxymeter, and sperm motility and oxygen consumption were measured. Amount of C02 and pH value in these media were checked with a carbon analyzer (Mod¬ el 524 C, O. I. Corporation, U. S. A.) and pH meter respectively before experiment. Oxygen consumption was measured with an oxymeter (Yanagimoto Co., Ltd.) for 30 to 60 sec at a chart speed of 30 or 60cm/min. Solutions were buffered with 20 mM Hepes-NaOH at pH 8.0 (Figs. 1-4) and 6.0 (Fig. 5). Experiments were carried out at 10°C (Figs. 1-4) or 20°C (Fig. 5). Tracks of sperm were recorded by VTR through a video camera connected with a microscope and percentage of motile sperm and swimming speed in Figures 4 and 5 were measured as described pre¬ viously [7]. In Figures 1 and 3, the number of moving spermatozoa was evaluated in terms of grade ( — , + , +): grade +, at least over half of spermatozoa were motile in the field of view of microscope; grade ±, below half of spermatozoa were motile; grade — , all spermatozoa were im- motile. RESULTS Effect of potassium As shown in Figure 1, when spermatozoa were suspended into 100 mM NaCl solution at a dilution ratio of 1:30, in which spermatozoa initiated for¬ ward motility, they consumed oxygen at the rate of Respiration and Trout Sperm Motility 941 1 1 o 4 8 Time after dilution (sec) Fig. 1. Change in the oxygen consumption of rainbow trout spermatozoa in NaCl and KC1 solutions. Se¬ men at the volume of 0.1 ml was diluted with 100 mM NaCl solution ( - ) or 100 mM KC1 solution ( — ) buffered with 20 mM Hepes at pH 8.0. Arrows indicate the time of adding the semen. Sperm motility was exhibited in parentheses. 66.9 + 3.8 nmol/ml semen/sec from three experi¬ ments in Figure 1 in 5 sec after dilution and then the rate decreased. Spermatozoa diluted in 100 mM KC1 (1:30 dilution) were completely im- motile, however, they consumed oxygen at 67.1 + 11.7 nmol/ml semen/sec in 5 sec and then the ox¬ ygen consumption became lower. Namely the rate of oxygen uptake of the sperm which were quies¬ cent in the presence of K+ was almost the same as that of the sperm which initiated motility in the absence of K+. Effect of dilution Oxygen consumption of undiluted trout semen was almost zero (Fig. 2). When semen was diluted in lOOmM NaCl solution (1: 15 dilution), sperma- 450 Dilution rate Fig. 2. Effect of dilution on the oxygen consumption of rainbow trout spermatozoa. The appropriate volume of semen was added to 3 ml of 100 mM NaCl solution buffered with 20 mM Hepes, pH 8.0. Ver¬ tical bars represent Means + S.E. in 3 experiments. tozoa consumed oxygen at 45 + 20 nmol/ml semen/ sec. Oxygen consumption increased with the in¬ crease of a dilution rate and reached almost max¬ imum at a dilution rate of 1: 240 (365 + 26 nmol/ml semen/sec). The level was maintained until a dilution rate reached 1:480. Effects of NaN 3, KCN and CCCP Oxygen consumption of spermatozoa in 5 sec in 100 mM NaCl solution at a dilution rate of 1:30 was 69.4 + 6.2 nmol/ml semen/sec (Fig. 3a), which was almost equal to that in Figure 1. When the dilution medium contained NaN3, oxygen con¬ sumption of sperm decreased with the increase of concentration of NaN3: In the medium containing 10 mM NaN3, it was 67% of that in the NaN3 free medium. Sperm motility was almost suppressed with 5 mM NaN3 and completely suppressed with 10 mM NaN3. Oxygen consumption and motility of the sperm decreased as the concentration of KCN increased (Fig. 3b). The oxygen consumption reached to 67% of that in the KCN free condition in the presence of 10 mM KCN. Sperm motility became feeble by the addition of 5 mM KCN and was completely suppressed by 10 mM KCN. As shown in Figure 3c, when spermatozoa were diluted with lOOmM NaCl solution containing Oxygen consumption Oxygen consumption Oxygen consumption (nmol 02/ml semen/s) ZI (nmol 02/ml semen/s) " CT = (nmol 02/ml semen/s) 942 T. Inoda, H. Ohtake and M. Morisawa a I _ II _ | _ I _ 1 _ l _ l _ l 0 || 1.25 2.5 5 10 2 0 40 CCCP (carbonyl cyanide ra-chlorophenyl hydra- zone), slight enhancement of oxygen consumption was observed: In the presence of 40 juM of CCCP, it was 118 + 54 nmol/ml semen/sec, that was 1.57- fold in the absence of CCCP. Spermatozoa showed active motility at the concentrations of less than 2.5 //M of CCCP and they were completely immotile at 10 //M of CCCP. Effects of O 2 and C02 Sodium chloride solution at the concentration of 100 mM contained 345 nmol 02/ml. This value was designated as 100%. As shown in Figure 4a, when N2 gas was bubbled into the 100 mM NaCl solution for 10 min, oxygen concentration rapidly decreased to 111.2 nmol/ml (32.2%) and reached 23 nmol/ml (6.7%) with 160 min bubbling. Sper¬ matozoa were motile at any oxygen level. Oxygen concentration in 100 mM NaCl solution at pH 8.0 was reduced in the presence of Na2S204 (Fig. 4b): Only 115 nmol 02/ml (11.1%) was con¬ tained at 2.5 mM of Na2S204 and oxygen content was zero at 5 mM of Na2S204. In spite of the drastic reduction of 02 content, all spermatozoa exhibited full motility with constant velocity of 156-172. 5//m/sec in 0 to 40 mM Na2S204. When the semen was diluted with 100 mM NaCl solution at pH 6.0, spermatozoa moved with the velocity of 189 + 7.5 //m/sec and their oxygen con¬ sumption was 69 + 16.3 nmol/ml semen/sec (Fig. 5). However, when C02 content in the medium increased, motility, velocity and oxygen consump¬ tion decreased and became zero at 50 mM of C02. DISCUSSION Sperm motility of rainbow trout is suppressed in the sperm duct by seminal K+, and decrease in K+ concentration surrounding sperm at spawning into fresh water induces the initiation of sperm motility Fig. 3. Effects of inhibitors of respiratory chain and an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation on the ox¬ ygen consumption and motility of rainbow trout spermatozoa. Semen was added to 100 mM NaCl containing various concentrations of NaN3 (a), KCN (b) or CCCP (c). Vertical bars represent Means ± S.E. in 3 experiments. Sperm motility was exhibited in parentheses. CCCP (^M) Respiration and Trout Sperm Motility 943 a 100 r QA— A-A -A -A-A-A-A-A A A A - A -.100 0-0^0'0N oN O — O- I L •O - O 4) a (/) 0 10 30 50 70 100 120 140 160 Bubbling time (min) HH - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 0 2.5 5 10 20 40 Na2S204 (mM) Fig. 4. Effect of 02 on the motility of rainbow trout spermatozoa, (a). Relative percentage of dissolved oxygen (o) and motility of spermatozoa (a) in 100 mM NaCl when N2 was bubbled for indicated time, (b). Percentage of dissolved oxygen in 100 mM NaCl containing Na2S204 (O)- Percentage (a) or swimming velocity (a.) of motile spermatozoa. Vertical bars represent Means + S.E. in 20-25 spermatozoa. Swimming velocity (jum/s) 944 T. Inoda, H. Ohtake and M. Moris a wa C02 (mM) Fig. 5. Effect of C02 on the oxygen consumption and motility of rainbow trout spermatozoa. Percentage (a) or swimming velocity (a) of motile spermatozoa. Oxygen consumption of spermatozoa (#). Vertical bars represent Means + S.E. in 3 experiments. [5]. Although our recent studies have demon¬ strated the detailed mechanism of K+ dependent initiation process of trout sperm motility [1], the target site of K+ has been left somewhat unclear. In this paper, it was shown that the oxygen con¬ sumption of sperm, of which motility was suppres¬ sed by K+, was almost similar to that of motile spermatozoa in the K+ free medium (Fig. 1). This suggested that K+ does not suppress mitochon¬ drial respiration but do flagellar movement. Fur¬ thermore, target of K+ may be plasma membrane of sperm flagella since flagella of which plasma membrane was removed are able to beat in the presence of K+ [6]. It has been reported that immotile trout sperma¬ tozoa retain a high concentration of ATP, while a rapid decrease of ATP level occurs within very short period when spermatozoa initiate motility [8]. This phenomenon might be correlated with the short term oxygen consumption of trout sper¬ matozoa at the initiation of motility which occurs within a very short period. The short term oxygen consumption of trout sperm increased with in¬ crease of dilution ratio (Fig. 2). From the result, it seems to be considered that gradual activation of mitochondrial function occurs at natural spawning when spermatozoa are released and gradually di¬ luted in water. In the process, some changes of volatile factor in the circumstance of sperm may possibly relate to the initiation of energy supply and sperm motility. Thus there is some room for further examining the correlation between sperm respiration and initiation of motility. NaN3 and KCN, inhibitors of respiratory chain, or CCCP, an uncoupler of oxidative phosphoryla¬ tion, suppressed sperm motility (Fig. 3), suggest¬ ing that sperm motility seems to be restricted by the energy supplying systems. These results con¬ firmed our preliminary data [9]. Many investigators reported that sperm respira¬ tion and motility are affected considerably by 02 and C02 (see [1]). Rothschild [2] reported that sea urchin spermatozoa in a gas-tight chamber were immotile when N2 was introduced, however sper¬ matozoa became motile when 02 was introduced into the chamber. However, the opposite conclu¬ sion was proposed by Johnson et al. [4]. In rainbow trout, as shown in Figure 4, spermatozoa could initiate and maintain motility in 02 deficient medium, even in a completely anaerobic medium obtained by the addition of Na2S204. This result suggests that 02 is not a limiting factor for sperm Respiration and Trout Sperm Motility 945 motility in this species. A change from anaerobic to aerobic condition, which might occur at natural spawning, may not affect sperm motility. C02 is reported as a suppressor of sperm motil¬ ity in many animals [1]; for example, motility and respiration of sea urchin spermatozoa are revers¬ ibly suppressed by C02 [4]. In rainbow trout, CO? influenced inhibitorily to the sperm respiration and motility (Fig. 5). Thus, C02 seems to be an attractive candidate as the factor for suppressing the sperm respiration and motility in the semen in reproductive organ in which C02 is present [10]. In conclusion, although there are some doubts whether volatile factor(s) physiologically restricts the initiation of trout sperm motility, it is attractive to predict that a volatile factor dependent system at mitochondria may contribute to the initiation of trout sperm motility, independently of the estab¬ lished K+ dependent initiation mechanism at flagella. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the director and staff of Oshino Branch of Yamanashi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station for providing material. This work was supported in part by grant-in-aid from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture to M. M. REFERENCES 1 Morisawa, M. (1985) Initiation mechanism of sperm motility at spawning in teleosts. Zool. Sci., 2: 605- 615. 2 Rothschild, Lord (1948) The physiology of sea- urchin spermatozoa: lack of movement in semen. J. Exp. Biol., 25: 344-352. 3 Mohri, H. and Yasumasu, I. (1963) Studies on the respiration of sea-urchin spermatozoa. V. The effect of Pco2. J. Exp. Biol., 40: 573-586. 4 Johnson, C. H., Clapper, D. L., Winkler, M. M., Lee, H. C. and Epel, D. (1983) A volatile inhibitor immobilizes sea urchin sperm in semen by depressing the intracellular pH. Dev. Biol., 98: 493-501. 5 Morisawa, M., Suzuki, K. and Morisawa, S. (1983) Effects of potassium and osmolality on spermatozoan motility of salmonid fishes. J. Exp. Biol., 107: 105— 113. 6 Morisawa, M. and Okuno, M. (1982) Cyclic AMP induces maturation of trout sperm axoneme to initi¬ ate motility. Nature, 295: 703-704. 7 Morisawa, M., Morisawa, S. and De Santis, R. (1984) Initiation of sperm motility in Ciona intestina- lis by calcium and cyclic AMP. Zool. Sci., 1: 237-244. 8 Christen, R., Gatti, J. and Billard, R. (1987) Trout sperm motility — The transient movement of trout sperm is related to the changes in the concentration of ATP following the activation of the flagellar move¬ ment. Eur. J. Biochem., 166: 667-671. 9 Morisawa, M., Okuno, M., Suzuki, K., Morisawa, S. and Ishida, K. (1982) Initiation of sperm motility in teleosts. J. Submicrosc. Cytol., 15: 61-65. XU , ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 947-950 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Excitatory and Inhibitory Junction Potentials Recorded from the Red Muscle of Marine Teleost, Puffer Fish Tohoru Hidaka and Shiro Yukiyama1 Department of Biology, Faculty of General Education and 1 Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860, Japan ABSTRACT — Junction potentials were recorded from the red muscle of two species of the marine teleost, puffer fish, Takifugu poecilonotus and T. rubripes. Three types of potential change, the excitatory junction potential (ejp), the inhibitory junction potential (ijp) and the diphasic junction potential composed of ejp and ijp, were elicited by the nerve stimulation, and the miniature excitatory junction potential (mejp) and the miniature inhibitory junction potential (mijp) were observed in the resting muscle. Thus, this muscle received the innervations from both excitatory and inhibitory nerves and the excitatory innervations were much more abundant than the inhibitory ones. Nicotinic antagonist of acetylcholine (ACh), d-tubocurarine (d-TC), suppressed ejp, ijp, mejp and mijp and anticholinesterase, neostigmine, augmented them, while muscarinic antagonist of ACh, atropine, did not affect them. The results suggested that the excitatory and the inhibitory neuromuscular transmissions of this muscle were cholinergic and the nature of the receptors was nicotinic. The present observations obtained in the marine teleost were almost the same as those reported in the freshwater teleost, silver carp. INTRODUCTION In the vertebrate skeletal muscle, it is well known that there are two muscle types, referred as fast and slow, phasic and tonic or white and red, respectively. As reviewed by Hess [1] and Morgan and Proske [2], the white muscle produces the action potential in response to the nerve stimula¬ tion, whereas the red muscle does not initiate the spike but responds with non-propagating junction potential in various kinds of vertebrate skeletal muscle. Similar observations were obtained in the white and red muscle of freshwater teleost [3, 4]. The red muscle of a silver carp was found to elicit the excitatory junction potential (ejp) by the nerve stimulation and to generate the miniature excita¬ tory junction potential (mejp) in the resting muscle [4]. Recently, it was reported in the same nerve- muscle preparation that not only ejp but also the inhibitory junction potential (ijp) and the diphasic junction potential composed of ejp and ijp were Accepted February 2, 1988 Received January 8, 1988 elicited by the nerve stimulation and that the miniature inhibitory junction potential (mijp) as well as mejp could be recorded from the resting muscle [6]. This observation was the first demon¬ stration that ijp and mijp were recorded in the vertebrate skeletal muscle. The experiment reported below was carried out in order to evaluate if the inhibitory innervation was present in red muscle of marine teleost and to compare the innervation pattern between the red muscles of freshwater and marine teleost fishes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Two species of puffer fish, Takifugu poecilono¬ tus and Takifugu rubripes , 12-27 cm in body length, were used. Because significant differences in the results were not found between two species, the results obtained using T. poecilonotus were presented in this paper. Fishes were purchased from a fishery and were kept in the natural sea water saturated with air up to about a month. The nerve-muscle preparation was dissected from the red muscle of both sides of pectoral fin which was 948 T. Hidaka and S. Yukiyama innervated by the spinal motor nerves, Th. 1 and Th. 2, as described previously [5]. The prepara¬ tion was placed in a chamber of 5 ml in volume and was perfused at a constant flow rate of 5 ml/min with artificial sea water (ASW) of the following composition (mM); NaCl 462, KC1 9.4, CaCl2 10.8, MgCl2 48.2 and NaHC03 6.0 (pH 8.0). The methods of recording of the electrical responses and the nerve stimulation were the same as those in the previous study [6]. The following drugs were used; d-tubocurarine (d- TC, Sigma), neostigmine methylsulfate (Sigma) and atropine sulfate (Nakarai Chemicals). The effects of these drugs dissolved in ASW were tested by the bath applica¬ tion. The experiment was carried out at room temperature (18-24°C). RESULTS The resting potentials of the red muscle fiber were —70 + 1.1 mV (mean + SE, n— 25) in Takifu- gu poecilonotus and —69.5 + 0.8 mV (mean + SE, n = 25) in T. rubripes. The significant difference in the resting potential was not noted between the freshwater and the marine teleosts, the corre¬ sponding value of silver carp being —73.1 mV [5]. Figure 1 shows the typical response to the single nerve stimulation recorded from the red muscle |lOmV 100msec Fig. 1. Three types of response elicited by single nerve stimulation, a; ejp, b; ijp, c; diphasic junction potential. Records taken from different muscle fibers. Dots in this and Fig. 3 indicate nerve stimula¬ tion. fiber of T. poecilonotus. These potentials were ejp (a), ijp (b) and diphasic junction potential (c). The amplitude and the duration of three types of the response were different from fiber to fiber ex¬ amined. In the diphasic junction potential con¬ sisted of ejp and ijp, ejp consistently proceeded ijp- The amplitudes of ejps and ijps were 5.4 ±0.6 mV (mean + SE, n = 20) and 2.6 ±2.0 mV (mean± SE, n=20) respectively, and the durations of ejp and ijp were 30.7 + 3.7 msec (mean + SE, n=20) and 130.0 + 14.2 msec (mean + SE, n = 20) respec¬ tively. The amplitudes of depolarizing phase and hyperpolarizing phase of diphasic junction poten¬ tials were 6. 7 + 0. 9 mV (mean + SE, n=20) and 2. 2 + 0. 4 mV (mean + SE, n=20) respectively, and the duration of depolarizing phase and hyperpolar¬ izing phase of diphasic junction potentials were 18.4 + 2.3 msec (mean + SE, n=20) and 115.6 + 14.9 msec (mean + SE, n = 20) respectively. Thus, the amplitude of ejp exceeded that of ijp and the duration of ejp was shorter than that of ijp. This was the case in depolarizing phase and hyperpolar¬ izing phase of diphasic junction potential. In the resting muscle, the miniature junction potentials (mjps) were generated spontaneously. Figure 2 showed the sample records in which mejp (a), mijp (b) and both mejp and mijp (c) were observed in three different muscle fibers. An example generating only mijp was rare and was observed in only one fiber throughout the present experiment (b). It was noticed that mejps having two different, fast and slow, rise times were re¬ corded from the same muscle fibers (a and c). From the observations presented in Figures 1 and 2, it was suggested that the red muscle of puffer fish might receive the double innervations from both the excitatory and the inhibitory nerves and the excitatory innervation might be distributed along the muscle fiber multiply. Table 1 shows the number and the percentage, of the junction potentials (A) and the miniature junction potentials (B), which were recorded from the muscle fibers inserted with the microelectrode arbitrarily. Out of 425 muscle fibers examined, the percentages of ejp, ijp and diphasic junction potential were 56%, 16% and 28% respectively (A). Out of 120 muscle fibers, the percentages of Ejp and Ijp in Puffer Fish 949 Fig. 2. Sample records of mejp (a), mijp (b) and both mejp and mijp (c) recorded continuously from different muscle fibers. Table 1. Number (percentage) of junction potentials (jp) recorded from 425 muscle fibers (A) and of miniature junction potentials (mjp) recorded from 120 muscle fibers (B) of T. poecilonotus (A) Number (%) of jp (B) Number (%) of mjp ejp 238 (56) mejp 103 (86) flP 68 (16) mijp 1 ( 1) diphasic jp 119 (28) mejp and mijp 16 (13) total 425 total 120 the fibers generating mejp, mijp and both mejp and mijp were 86%, 1% and 13% respectively (B). These percentages might roughly reflect the dis¬ tribution of the excitatory and the inhibitory in- 10"6M d-TC 10"eM neostigmine 50msec Fig. 3. Effects of d-TC and neostigmine on diphasic junction potential, al and bl; control. a2; 15 min after 10-6 M d-TC. b2; 15 min after 10-6M neo¬ stigmine. a and b; records from different muscle fibers. Partial recovery 60 min after washing (not shown). nervations of this muscle and might suggest that the excitatory innervations are more abundant than the inhibitory ones. To investigate the nature of the neurotransmit¬ ter and the receptor mediating the neuromuscular transmission of this muscle, the effects of d-TC and neostigmine on the diphasic junction potential were examined. As shown in Figure 3, diphasic junction potential was almost eliminated by 10~6 M d-TC (a2) and was augmented by 10-6 M neostigmine (b2). Similar effects of d-TC and neostigmine were observed on ejp, ijp and mijp. Atropine (10~6M), the muscarinic antagonist of ACh receptor, had no appreciable effects on all types of junction potentials. The results indicate that the transmission is cholinergic at the neuro¬ muscular junction of this muscle and the nature of the receptor is nicotinic. DISCUSSION It was reported in the previous paper that de¬ polarizing ejp, hyperpolarizing ijp and diphasic 950 T. Hidaka and S. Yukiyama junction potential were recorded from the red muscle of the freshwater fish, silver carp [6]. This finding was the first demonstration of the inhibi¬ tory innervation in the vertebrate skeletal muscle. The present results confirmed this finding and extended it to the marine teleost, puffer fish. As presented in Table 1, ijp and mijp were recorded from extremely fewer muscle fibers than ejp and mejp in puffer fish. The generation of ijp was observed in 68 (16%) of 425 muscle fibers in which junction potentials were recorded, and mijp appeared in only one of 120 fibers in which minia¬ ture junction potentials were recorded. Thus, the inhibitory innervations seem to be also far fewer than the excitatory ones in the red muscle of puffer fish, as suggested in silver carp [6]. It was demonstrated that both the excitatory and the inhibitory neuromuscular transmissions were cholinergic and were mediated by nicotinic recep¬ tors in the freshwater [6] and the marine teleosts. In such situation, the same neurotransmitter, pre¬ sumably ACh, would be concerned in the genera¬ tion of both ejp and ijp. At present, it is difficult to determine whether both ejp and ijp are elicited by the transmitter released from the same nerve ter¬ minal or from the different nerve terminals. Also, it is not certain whether the same receptor con¬ tributes to the generation of ejp and ijp or the different receptors elicit ejp and ijp separately. The possibility that the transmitters released from the different nerve terminals activate the different receptor sites and produce ejp and ijp separately might be considered. The result that ejp and ijp were converted to diphasic junction potential by increasing the intensity of nerve stim¬ ulation [6] would support this possibility. Fur¬ thermore, since the length constant of the red muscle fiber of silver carp was measured to be 2. 1 mm [5], it might be possible that diphasic junction potential or both mejp and mijp generating at the receptors few millimeters apart were recorded with the microelectrode inserted into a certain position of the muscle fiber. However, in such a situation, since depolarizing ejp and hyperpolarizing ijp or mejp and mijp are generated by the different ionic mechanisms, it is likely that the receptor sites operating by the different ionic mechanisms are distributed in patches on a surface of a single muscle fiber. REFERENCES 1 Hess, A. (1970) Vertebrate slow muscle fibers. Phys¬ iol. Rev., 50: 40-62. 2 Morgan, D. L. and Proske, U. (1984) Vertebrate slow muscle: Its structure, pattern of innervation, and mechanical properties. Physiol. Rev., 64: 103-169. 3 Takeuchi, A. (1959) Neuromuscular transmission of fish skeletal muscles investigated with intracellular microelectrode. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 54: 211-220. 4 Hidaka, T. and Toida, N. (1969) Neuromuscular transmission and excitation-contraction coupling in fish red muscle. Japan. J. Physiol., 19: 130-142. 5 Hidaka, T. and Toida, N. (1969) Biophysical and mechanical properties of red and white muscle fibres in fish. J. Physiol., 201: 49-59. 6 Hidaka, T. and Miyahara, T. (1987) Excitatory and inhibitory neuromuscular transmission in fish red muscle. Zool. Sci., 4: 819-823. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 951-957 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai The Involvement of Microtubules in the Light Response of Medaka Melanophores Sumiko Negishi Department of Biology, Keio University, Yokohama 223, Japan ABSTRACT — The light response of isolated medaka melanophores is accompanied by remarkable changes in cell shape; the peripheral region is extended in light and retracted in the dark. This change in the peripheral region of the cytoplasm can be prevented by the antimitotic agents, colcemid and nocodazole, and by cytochalasin B. The dark-induced aggregation of melanosomes is scarcely inhibited by antimitotic agents or cytochalasin B, while the pigment dispersion induced by irradiation is prevented almost completely by antimitotic agents and partially by cytochalasin B. When melanophores are treated with colcemid or nocodazole in the dark, their radially-arrayed microtubules disappear and the cell outline becomes irregular. However, the distribution of microtubules is preserved in the light-dispersed cells even after treatment with antimitotic agents. These findings suggest that microtubules of the normal number and distribution, and not microfilaments, are required for the centrifugal pigment migration of melanophores responding to light and for the retainment of cell shape. INTRODUCTION Color changes of the integument, which are widely observed in lower vertebrates, occur due to pigment translocation in the chromatophores [1]. The force-generating mechanism in transporting pigments has been studied in conjunction with other non-muscle cell motility. However, the mechanism causing pigment migration has been too complex to be elucidated [2]. For example, for the microtubules, two studies have given contra¬ dictory results. In one, the number of microtu¬ bules in angelfish melanophores with aggregated pigments decreased to 40% in the cells with dis¬ persed pigments [3], while in another study on Fundulus melanophores, the number of microtu¬ bules in the dendritic processes remained un¬ changed before and after pigment withdrawal [4]. In general, microtubules are thought to be indis¬ pensable for the fast transport of pigments within chromatophores in some teleost species [4-6] and to be required for the development of normal cell shape and pigment distribution [7]. In Oryzias melanophores, pigment aggregation at the cell center occurs in response to a-adrenergic agonists [8], melatonin [9], melanophore-concen- trating hormone (MCH) [10, 11] and changes in illumination [12]. The reactions to the former three agents are completed within 2 min to punc¬ tate state in cultured melanophores [11], whereas 30 min is required to complete the aggregation in the dark [12], The difference in the velocity between these reactions raises the question of whether the same motive force is used for both reactions, i.e., the microtubules may not be in¬ volved in the slow reaction, the dark-induced melanosome aggregation. The present experiment was undertaken to elucidate the role of microtubules in light- dependent pigment displacement by using anti¬ mitotic agents, colcemid and nocodazole, and cytochalasin B, a drug that disrupts cytoplasmic microfilaments. A specific immunological probe for microtubules was used to study the changes in their distribution in melanophores responding to illumination. Accepted February 10, 1988 Received January 16, 1988 952 S. Negishi MATERIALS AND METHODS Melanophores were isolated from scales of the wild type medaka, Oryzias latipes (BBRR) [13], and cultured in L-15 medium supplemented with 5% FCS for 2-6 days at 25°C before use. Melano- some translocation, which was induced by changes in the illumination, was observed using an inverted microscope (Nikon Diaphoto). The intensity of the incident light was adjusted to 600 lux with a halogen lamp (12 V, 50 W) equipped with neutral density filters. The responses of melanophores were recorded with an image analyzer, Planimex 25 (Nireco). The full-aggregated state attained by epinephrine was usually corresponding to about 15% of the full dispersion in the culture medium. For indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, melanophores cultured on a cover glass were per- meabilized with Brij 58 and polyethylene glycol for 1 min [11]. After fixation with 3.7% formaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 6 min at room temperature, the cell preparations were rinsed with PBS. Next, a 1:20 dilution of anti¬ tubulin antibody (Miles Yeda) was applied to the specimen for 1 hr at 37°C. After washing with PBS, the specimen was incubated with FITC labeled IgG (Miles Yeda) for 1 hr at 37°C followed by washing with PBS, and enclosed in 90% (vol/ vol) glycerol/PBS on a slide glass. The fluores¬ cence was observed with a Nikon fluorescence microscope. All drugs, colcemid (Sigma) and epinephrine (Sigma) except cytochalasin B (Aldrich) were directly dissolved in the saline solution (127 mM NaCl/2.7 mM KCl/1.8mM CaCl2/5 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7. 3/5. 5 mM glu¬ cose). Cytochalasin B was diluted from a stock solution dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide. RESULTS When melanophores of Oryzias (Fig. la) were moved to the dark, centripetal translocation of the melanosomes occurred within 30 min at the veloc¬ ity of 0.6 + 0.02 //m/min, accompanied by retrac¬ tion of the cytoplasm in the marginal area (Fig. lb). Subsequent illumination brought about ex¬ tension of the cytoplasm in the peripheral region (Fig. lc), and then the pigment granules moved centrifugally within 5 min at the rate of 4.9 ±0.5 pm/mm (Fig. Id). These alterations in the cell outline occurred with all changes in illumination, though the dark-induced alteration in the cell shape was more remarkable than the light-induced one. There was little shape alteration in the cells when pigment was aggregated with epinephrine (10/iM) within 2 min at the rate of 20 + 1.2 pm/ min. Effect of colcemid A melanophore, when incubated with 5 pM colcemid in darkness for 60 min, showed centripe¬ tal migration of its pigment and decreased in cell size by about 35% (Fig. 2b). Subsequent illumina¬ tion for 20 min did not cause dispersion of the melanosomes (Fig. 3), and the cytoplasm in the marginal area did not extend but retracted as shown in Figure 2c. Effect of nocodazole Nocodazole, like colcemid, had an inhibitory effect on the melanophores (Fig. 4). When the melanophores were exposed to 1 pM nocodazole for 20 min in the dark, the melanosomes migrated to the cell body. However, the cell shape changed remarkably, as shown in Figure 4b. The cell processes were almost retracted and the cell size became exceedingly small. Centrifugal migration of melanosomes scarcely occurred with subsequent irradiation, while slight extension of the cytoplasm perceived (Fig. 4c). As the time period of nocoda¬ zole treatment was prolonged to 30 min, mela¬ nophores whose outlines became irregular were incapable of pigment dispersion (data not shown). Effect of cytochalasin B When melanophores were exposed to cytochala¬ sin B (10 pg/m\) in the dark for 60 min, melano¬ somes aggregated more or less incompletely as shown in Figure 5b, and the retraction in the peripheral region of cytoplasm occurred, though its extent was insufficient when compared to the untreated melanophores. Subsequent irradiation for 10 min in the drug caused pigment dispersion, whereas the extent of dispersion was inhibited by 20% (Fig. 3). The marginal area of cytoplasm scarcely expanded by this irradiation (Fig. 5c). Role of Microtubules in Melanophores 953 Fig. 1. Melanophore response to illumination, a. Dispersed state in light, b. Aggregated state after 60 min in the dark, c, d. Re-dispersed state after 2 min and 5 min illumination. (In all figures, the bar=30 /urn) Fig. 2. Light micrographs showing the effect of colcemid (5 /iM). a. Control, dispersed state, b. Aggregated state after 60 min colcemid treatment in the dark. c. Aggregated state after 20 min illumination followed the same treatment as in b. The cell shape is drawn below the micrograph of each cell. 954 S. Negishi Fig. 3. Effect of colcemid (5 /iM) and cytochalasin B (10 //g/ml) on light response of melanophores. Melanophores were treated in the dark with col¬ cemid for 60 min (a), or cytochalasin B for 60 min (•) or 120 min (o), or in the saline (□), and then illuminated at 600 lux. Each point represents the mean + S.E. for 23-30 cells. When exposure time to cytochalasin B under the dark condition was prolonged to 120 min, pigment dispersion in melanophores by the following irra¬ diation was inhibited by 60% (Fig. 3). Immunofluorescence staining of cytoplasmic micro¬ tubules As shown in Figure 6, a large number of micro¬ tubules are radially arrayed in an epinephrine- aggregated melanophore (Fig. 6a). This situation is similar to those in a dispersed cell (Fig. 6b), while fewer microtubules are found in the dark- aggregated cell (Fig. 6c). When a melanophore was exposed to 5 //M colcemid in the dark for 60 min, radial alignments of microtubules were dis¬ rupted in most areas except the cell body (Fig. 6e). In a melanophore exposed to 5 pM. colcemid in light for 60 min, a number of microtubule arrays were preserved as indicated in Figure 6d. The disruption of microtubules as described for Figure 6e was similarly observed in melanophores after treatment with nocodazole (1 ^M) (data not shown). DISCUSSION The present results suggest that diassembly and assembly cycles of microtubules in the cytoplasm participate in the light-dependent migration of pigments in Oryzias melanophores. The microtu¬ bules are thought to be indispensable for the rapid pigment migration in fish chromatophores [4-6]. However, the role of microtubules in centrifugal pigment migration remains to be clarified. In the present study, colcemid-treated melanophores, where radial alignments of microtubules almost disappeared (Fig. 6e), responded no longer to illumination with pigment dispersion as shown in Fig. 4. Light micrographs showing the effect of nocodazole (1 //M). a. Control, dispersed state, b. Aggregated state after 20 min nocodazole treatment in the dark. c. Aggregated state after 10 min illumination followed the same treatment as in b. The cell shape is drawn below the micrograph of each cell. Role of Microtubules in Melanophores 955 Fig. 5. Light micrographs showing the effect of cytochalasin B (10 /ig/ml). a. Control, dispersed state, b. Aggregated state after 60 min cytochalasin B treatment in the dark. c. Dispersed state after 10 min illumination followed the same treatment as in b. The cell shape is drawn below the micrograph of each cell. Figure 3. This observation suggests that assembly of the cytoplasmic microtubules plays an important role in the centrifugal pigment transport induced by light. The fact that the rate of centripetal melanosome migration in the dark was 20 times slower than that in the epinephrine-treated one, may suggest a difference in the transport mechanism between both kinds of pigment aggregation. The number of radial arrays of microtubules is distinctly less in the dark-aggregated melanophores than in the epinephrine-aggregated ones, suggesting that the dark-induced pigment aggregation is closely re¬ lated with disassembly of cytoplasmic microtu¬ bules. The concept that the slow speed of melano¬ some aggregation induced in the dark is probably caused by disassembly of cytoplasmic microtubules does not contradict the findings that disassembly of microtubules by means of cold treatment or treat¬ ment with antimitotic reagents causes remarkable retardation of centripetal pigment movement attained by the application of a-adrenergic agonists [3-6, 14-16]. In the melanophores, whose outlines were not changed by the treatment with cytochalasin B, pigment migration occurred in both directions. This observation suggests that microfilaments are not always important as the motile system of pigment transport in light adaptation of Oryzias melanophores. The cell shape of melanophores changed greatly with the colcemid treatment, sug¬ gesting that the microtubules, which run from the cell center to the periphery, most likely participate in the maintenance of cell shape. This agrees with the results with Holocentrus erythrophores [7]. Melanophores, in their light response, retract the cytoplasmic periphery in the dark and extend it in light, suggesting that the fluid flux in the cytoplasm may be involved in the melanosome movement derived by light on and off as demonstrated in Xenopus tadpoles [17]. However, cytochalasin B-treated cells, whose cytoplasm in the periphery scarcely changed by irradiation, are capable of transporting melanosomes. These facts suggest that the fluid flux of melanophores is not necessari¬ ly required as the driving force of pigment trans¬ location in light adaptation. Although the machanism is still not clear, it seems that light on and off starts a cycle of assembly and disassembly of microtubules, which is involved in pigment displacement of melanophores, and results in the alteration of cell shape in response to light. Thus, 956 S. Negishi Fig. 6. Localization of microtubules in melanophores revealed by immunofluorescence with tubulin antibody, a. Melanophore aggregated by epinephrine, b. The cell under light, c. The dark aggregated cell, d, e. Colcemid-treated cells in light (d) and darkness (e) for 60 min. normal number and distribution of microtubules appears to be required to support cell shape. REFERENCES 1 Bagnara, J. T. and Hadley, M. E. (1973) Chroma- tophores and Color Change. Prentice-Hall, Engle¬ wood Cliffs, New Jersey. 2 Obika, M. (1986) Intracellular transport of pigment granules in fish chromatophores. Zool. Sci., 3: 1-11. 3 Schliwa, M. and Euteneuer, U. (1978) Quantitative analysis of the microtubule system in isolated fish melanophores. J. Supramol. Struct., 8: 177-190. 4 Murphy, D. B. and Tilney, L. G. (1974) The role of microtubules in the movement of pigment granules in teleost melanophores. J. Cell Biol., 61: 757-779. 5 Porter, K. R. (1973) Microtubules in intracellular Role of Microtubules in Melanophores 957 locomotion. Ciba Found. Symp., 14: 149-166. 6 Schliwa, M. and Bereiter-Hahn, J. (1973) Pigment movements in fish melanophores: Morphological and physiological studies. III. The effects of colchi¬ cine and vinblastine. Z. Zellforsch., 147: 127-148. 7 Ochs, R. L. (1982) The role of microtubules in cell shape and pigment distribution in spreading erythrophores. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 28: 226-232. 8 Fujii, R. (1961) Demonstration of the adrenergic nature of transmission at the junction between mela- nophore-concentrating nerve and melanophore in bony fish. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. IV, 9: 171-196. 9 Obika, M. (1976) An analysis of the mechanism of pigment migration in fish chromatophores. Pigment Cell (Basel), 3: 254-264. 10 Fujii, R. and Oshima, N. (1986) Control of chroma- tophore movements in teleost fishes. Zool. Sci., 3: 13-47. 11 Negishi, S., Fernandez, H. R. and Obika, M. (1985) The effects of dynein ATPase inhibitors on melano- some translocation within melanophores of the medaka, Oryzias latipes. Zool. Sci., 2: 469-475. 12 Negishi, S. (1985) Light response of cultured mela¬ nophores of a teleost adult fish, Oryzias latipes. J. Exp. Zool., 236: 327-333. 13 Obika, M. (1976) Pigment migration in isolated fish melanophores. Annot. Zool. Japon., 49: 157-163. 14 Wikswo, M. and Novales, R. R. (1972) Effect of colchicine on microtubules in the melanophores of Fundulus heteroclitus. J. Ultrastruct. Res., 41: 189— 201. 15 Byers, H. R. and Porter, K. R. (1977) Transforma¬ tions in the structure of the cytoplasmic ground substance in erythrophores during pigment aggrega¬ tion and dispersion. I. A study using whole-cell preparation in stereo high voltage electron micros¬ copy. J. Cell Biol., 75: 541-558. 16 Obika, M., Turner, W. A., Negishi, S., Menter, D. G., Tchen, T. T. and Taylor, J. D. (1978) The effect of lumicolchicine, colchicine and vinblastine on pigment migration in fish chromatophores. J. Exp. Zool., 205: 95-109. 17 Wise, G. E. (1969) Ultrastructure of amphibian melanophores after light-dark adaptation and hor¬ monal treatment. J. Ultrastruct. Res., 27: 472-485. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 959-964 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan A Simple and Efficient Method for Photometric Estimation of the State of Pigment Aggregation in Fish Melanophores Nils Grundstrom1, Hans Sundgren2, Jan-Olof G. Karlsson1 3 and Hans Elwing2 1 Department of Pharmacology, 2Department of Applied Physics and 3 Department of Biology, Linkoping University, 581 85 Linkoping, Sweden ABSTRACT — The existing photometric methods for the assessment of the state of pigment aggregation in fish scale melanophores are not well suited for pharmacological or related investigations when an appreciable number of scales are studied simultaneously. We have therefore developed a method which make use of a new photometric apparatus, a scale photometer, for the assessment of the state of pigment aggregation; this apparatus allows a pharmacological methodology that is simple and time-efficient, but also allows investigations of time dependent processes, initialized by drugs or electrical nerve stimulation. In this article we describe the method and the novel scale photometer. The method is evaluated by means of the aggregating responses elicited either by noradrenaline and medetomidine or by electrical field stimulation. The method is discussed in relation to previously applied methods and some potential applications are suggested. INTRODUCTION The study of pigment cells with translocatable pigment granules, chromatophores, has for a long time attracted large interest [1] and a number of methods for assessing the state of pigment aggregation in chromatophores have been em¬ ployed. We have recently attempted a pharmacological characterization of the pigment aggregating adre¬ noceptors of fish melanophores using isolated scales [2, 3]. In our opinion the most efficient method for estimation of the degree of pigment aggregation in response to various pharmacologic¬ al agents has been an ocular method [2], even if a photometric method in many aspects would be preferable. The existing photometric methods, however, typically include a microscope stage in the measuring setup and only one preparation can be studied at a time [4-6], this make these methods both expensive and impractical for phar¬ macological or related applications. Accepted February 9, 1988 Received December 2, 1987 We have therefore developed a method which make use of a new photometric apparatus for the assessment of the state of pigment aggregation; this apparatus allows a pharmacological methodol¬ ogy that is simple and time-efficient, but also allows investigations of time dependent processes, initialized by drugs or electrical nerve stimulation, since it is easy to connect the apparatus to a chart recorder. In this article we describe our method and the novel scale photometer. The method is discussed in relation to previously applied methods and some potential applications are suggested. MATERIAL Isolated fish scales were obtained from the dark areas of the dermis of the Cuckoo Wrasse ( Labrus ossifagus L.) as previously described [2]. The isolated scales were suspended in a saline buffer solution of the following composition (concentra¬ tions in mM): NaCl 150.0, KC1 5.2, CaCl2-2H?0 2.9, MgS04-7H20 1.8, Na?P04-2H?0 2.4, NaHCC>3 17.9 and glucose 5.6 [7], The solution was equilibrated with 5% CO? in 02 and kept at 960 N. Grundstrom, H. Sundgren, et al. 20° and pH 7.3. The following drugs were used: 1-noradrenaline bitartrate (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo., USA), medetomidine hydrochloride (Far- mos Group Ltd, Turku, Finland) and yohimbine hydrochloride (Sigma Chemical Co.). The drugs were dissolved in saline buffer solution. METHODS Ocular estimation of aggregation The scales were placed on glass microscope slides with the dermal side down and immersed in 50 ju\ of buffer. The scales were viewed in a microscope (Leitz SM Lux) and the state of aggregation was evaluated according to a modified melanophore index [2, 8]. This index estimates the degree of pigment aggregation by the use of a scale ranging from 1 to 5 (with half-step resolution); 1 denotes complete aggregation and 5 denotes com¬ plete dispersion of the pigment. During the course of the experiments the mi- croscopist was unaware of what kind of agent, if any, that was applied to a scale. The scale photometer In combination with a well trained observer the ocular method is simple, sensitive and useful. The result of the method however is highly dependent on the ability of the observer. In order to minimize the influence of the observer, increase the resolu¬ tion, sensitivity and reproducibility and to make the observing more convenient we have developed a simple apparatus, the scale photometer. In the state of complete pigment dispersion the melanosomes are spread out and all pigment parti¬ cles are completely exposed to the incoming light. In the opposite state, when maximal aggregation occurs, the melanosomes cluster and pigment particles are only partially exposed to the incoming light. It is then expected that the amount of transmitted light through the fish scale is de¬ pendent on the state of pigment dispersion. Con¬ sequently the basic principle of an instrument would be to detect transmitted visible light through the pigmented area of a fish scale. The measuring cuvettes of the scale photometer (see Fig. 1A) are arranged five in a row in a sliding multi sample holder which can be slid into one out of five measuring positions. The multi sample holder is removable and can easily be exchanged with other identical multi sample holders. The bulk material of the multi sample holder is black acrylic plastic. The use of black material mini¬ mizes the influence of ambient light. The cuvettes are milled in the bulk material and covered by glass on two sides (see Fig. 1A). The top of the cuvettes are open to allow mounting of the scales and the addition of solutions. A scale is slid into a U-shaped groove on one of the sides of the cuvette (see Fig. 1A) and is then clamped into position by inserting a plastic strip into the upper part of the groove. The epidermal side of the scale is oriented Fig. 1. Schematic representations showing the essential parts of the scale photometer (A) and the principles of operation (B). The light source is positioned to the left in the figures and consists of a light emitting diode (LED) and a reference light detector (that is part of an intensity controller); the main light detector is found to the right in the figures. In between the light source and detector are the cuvette, containing the scale, and two apertures (12 mm apart). All parts shown in (A) with the exception of glass slides and electronic components are made of black acrylic plastic. Simple Evaluation of Pigment Aggregation 961 towards the interior of the cuvette. As light source a light emitting diode (LED) is used. This LED (H-2000, Stanley Electric Co., Ltd., Japan) has a high luminous intensity of about 2000 millicandela. The peak wavelength is 660 nm with a spectral half bandwidth of 25 nm. The light from the LED is detected by a reference photode¬ tector and a detector for the transmitted light (both detectors are PIN silicon photo diodes, BPW34, Siemens, W. Germany). The signal from the reference photodetector is fed to a light in¬ tensity controller (see Fig. IB) and compared to a preset value. The current through the LED is controlled by the light intensity controller resulting in a very stable light intensity. The emitted light passes through an aperture (diameter 1.5 mm), the cuvette containing the fish scale, another aperture (diameter 1.5 mm) and finally the remaining light is detected by the photodetector. The signal from the detector is converted to a voltage output in the current amplifier and the voltage level is directly proportional to the light transmission through the scale. Reducing the light beam through the apertures makes it possible to choose a very small detected area of the scale. The investigated area on the scale is 1.8 mm2. The radiant sensitivity of the PIN silicon photo diode is about 0.4 A/W at 660 nm and the active area is 7.3 mm2. The maximum light power exposed to the scale is less than 10 /AV which minimizes heating of the scale and buffer medium. Furthermore the power unit is separated from the rest of the device to avoid excess heating of the scales when the multi sample holders are positioned in the scale photometer. In the prototype version of the scale photometer an external digital voltmeter was used and a two- channel recorder was connected. Photometric estimation of aggregation The scales were mounted in the cuvettes and immersed in 50 jA of the saline buffer. The trans¬ mission range was defined by the intensities mea¬ sured when the light beam was either totally interrupted (0%) or allowed to pass through a buffer-filled cuvette without a scale in position (100%). Stimulation of the melanophores The melanophores were stimulated to aggregate their pigment granules, either by the addition of a pharmacological agent or by electrical field stim¬ ulation of intrinsic nerves. The electrical field stimulation was performed by means of two silver wire electrodes (0.2 mm in diameter) that was mounted, 4 mm apart, in a cuvette. A Grass S88 stimulator equipped with an isolation unit (Grass SIU 5) was used to deliver trains of varying duration at a frequency of 20 Hz (1 msec biphasic square pulses, 60 V nominally out from the stimu¬ lator). All data are presented as means + S.E.M. RESULTS The melanophores of isolated scales from Lab- rus ossifagus maintain a state of pigment disper¬ sion in saline buffer solution. The dispersed state was also maintained when the scales were posi¬ tioned for measurement of transmission in the scale photometer. It was noted that the interfer¬ ence from stray light was negligible. In Figure 2 A the size and time course of the transmission re¬ sponse after addition of two pharmacological agents are shown. Noradrenaline completely aggregated the melanophores, as confirmed in the microscope, whereas yohimbine (alpha2- adrenoceptor selective) effectively antagonized the aggregation. Repeated experiments, with addition of noradrenaline, on different scales (n — 25) showed a typical baseline transmission of 38 + 2% and a stimulated transmission of 57 + 2% after maximal aggregation as confirmed in the micro¬ scope. The function of the scale photometer was also evaluated in concentration-response tests and compared with our ocular method for estimation of pigment aggregation. Accumulated concentra¬ tion-response curves were obtained using either of the two methods. In both methods the prepara¬ tions were allowed a 5-min resting period in day light after each addition of drug. Two adrenergic drugs were used: noradrenaline and medetomi- dine, a potent alpha2-adrenoceptor selective ago¬ nist [9]. Following the resting period the state of 962 N. Grundstrom, H. Sundgren, et al. 55 50 45 40 35 Fig. 2. Effects of drugs on the state of aggregation of melanophores. (A) shows a representative recording of light transmission. The aggregating effect of noradrenaline (NA) and its reversal by the alpha2-adrenoceptor selective antagonist yohimbine (YOH) can be observed. In (B) cumulative concentration-effect curves of aggregation are shown. Filled symbols indicate data evaluated by ocular estimation (for comparison the melanophore index scale was transformed to a percentage scale) and open symbols indicate data evaluated by the photometric method. Two agonistic drugs were used: medetomidine (a, a) and noradrenaline (o, #)• The vertical bars indicate S.E.M. (n=5). AGGREGATION (%) TIME (min) TIME (s) 0 5 10 15 20 25 TIME (min) Fig. 3. Typical effects of electrical stimulation on the state of aggregation of melanophores. In (A) the transmission response to a short stimulation (10 s, curve I) and a more prolonged stimulation (60 sec, curve II) are shown. In (B) the reproducibility of repeated short (10 sec) stimulations are shown. The dots indicate the incidence of a stimulation. aggregation was evaluated using either of the two methods. The results of these experiments are presented in Figure 2B as normalized concentra¬ tion-aggregation curves. The size and time course of the transmission response following electrical nerve stimulation of the scales are shown in Figure 3A. The response is, as expected, much faster than after addition of drugs (c.f. Fig. 2A). The reproducibility of re¬ peated electrically induced aggregation was also tested as shown in Figure 3B. DISCUSSION In this paper we describe an efficient method for estimation of the state of aggregation of mela¬ nophores on fish scales; the method includes a novel apparatus, a scale photometer. The advantages of using a dedicated apparatus for the estimation of aggregation are several; e.g. there is no need for a microscope as part of the setup and the apparatus can be made very efficient for the evaluation of the state of aggregation when several scales are used in the experiments, which is Simple Evaluation of Pigment Aggregation 963 the case in pharmacological work. The apparatus was designed to be simple and reliable. The light source was chosen to be a powerful light emitting diode, emitting in the red. The advantage of using red light is that the in¬ terfering effects of other chromatophores than the melanophores, i.e. xantophores and erythro- phores, can be virtually eliminated [10]. The recording obtained by the use of the scale photometer (see Figs. 2A and 3A, B) are compa¬ rable to the recordings obtained by the use of other methods [e.g. 4, 6]. It can be noted that the change of transmission following maximal stimula¬ tion of the melanophores by drugs (Fig. 2A) or by electrical field stimulation (Fig. 3A) is of compara¬ ble size. We have previously shown, by the use of tetrodotoxin [4], that the electrical field stimula¬ tion applied in this work activates intrinsic nerves only and not the melanophores directly. The aggregating response to repeated electrical stim¬ ulation (Fig. 3B) shows a high degree of reproduci¬ bility, which may be of importance in experiments when previously induced responses are used as controls to responses elicited after treatment. The scale photometer is especially useful when concentration response curves are obtained since several multi sample holders (with five cuvettes each) can be used simultaneously. In Figure 2B the aggregating responses elicited by two adrenergic agonists are shown as a function of concentration; the response to each agonist was evaluated either by the ocular or the photometric method. It can be concluded from the figure that the two methods give very similar results, especial¬ ly if the deviations are taken into consideration. Furthermore, the form of the curve for the two agonists agree regardless of method. It is evident from the curves in Figure 2B that the deviations are substantial, this appears however to be more a characteristic of the scale melanophores them¬ selves since similar deviations appear regardless of the method applied. We have developed a method which apply a new photometric apparatus for the assessment of the state of pigment aggregation in melanophores. This apparatus, a scale photometer, allows a methodology that is simple and time-efficient and the method could find potential applications espe¬ cially in the pharmacological field where it could, e.g., complement existing models for characteriza¬ tion of alpha2-selective drugs. The method could also be of potential value as an assay during purification of pertussis toxin [11] or even used as part of a diagnostic method for whooping cough. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The excellent technichal assistance by Mr. P.-E. Ster¬ ner is gratefully acknowledged. We also wish to thank Prof. J. O. Stromberg at Kristineberg Marine Biological Station for placing laboratory resources at our disposal. Medetomidine was a gift from Farmos Group Ltd, Turku, Finland. This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Technical Development Board (86-4494), Trion AB and Centrala Forsdksdjursnamnden (87-18). REFERENCES 1 Fujii, R. (1969) Chromatophores and pigments. In “Fish Physiology, vol. 3”. Ed. by W. S. Hoar and D. J. Randall, Academic Press, New York, pp. 307- 353. 2 Andersson, R. G. G., Karlsson, J. O. and Grund- strom, N. (1984) Adrenergic nerves and the alpha2- adrenoceptor system regulating melanosome aggregation within fish melanophores. Acta Physiol. Scand., 121: 173-180. 3 Karlsson, J. O. G., Andersson, R. G. G., Elwing, H. and Grundstrom, N. (1987) Comparative studies on nerve- and noradrenaline-induced melanosome aggregation within different species of fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 88C: 287-291. 4 Fujii, R. and Novales, R. R. (1968) Tetrodotoxin: Effects on fish and frog melanophores. Science, 160: 1123-1124. 5 Nagahama, H. and Katayama, H. (1982) Ba- pulsations of innervated and denervated mela¬ nophores of the teleost fish in the presence of adrenaline. J. Sci Hiroshima Univ., Ser B. Div. 1, 30: 159-171. 6 Oshima, N. and Fujii, R. (1984) A precision photo¬ electric method for recording chromatophore re¬ sponses in vitro. Zool. Sci., 1: 545-552. 7 Nilsson, S. (1971) Adrenergic innervation and drug responses of the oval sphincter in the swimbladder of the cod ( Gadus morhua). Acta Physiol. Scand., 83: 446-453. 8 Hogben, L. T. and Slome, D. (1931) The pigmen¬ tary effector system VI. The dual character of endocrine coordination in amphibium colour change. Proc. R. Soc. B.. 108: 10-53. 9 Savola, J.-M., Ruskoaho, H., Puurunen J., 964 N. Grundstrom, H. Sundgren, et al. Salonen, J. S. and Karki, N. T. (1986) Evidence for medetomidine as a selective and potent agonist of a2-adrenoceptors. J. Auton. Pharmacol., 5: 275- 284. 10 Fujii, R. (1961) Demonstration of the adrenergic nature of transmission at the junction between mela- nophore-concentrating nerve and melanophore in bony fish. I. Fac. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Sect. IV, 9: 171-196. 11 Karlsson, J. O. G., Grundstrom, N., Wikberg, J. E. S., Friedman, R. and Andersson, R. G. G. (1985) The effect of pertussis toxin on alpha-2- adrenoceptor-mediated pigment migration in fish melanophores. Life Sci., 37: 1043-1049. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 965-971 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Non-Synaptic Release of Transmitter-Containing Vesicles from the Enteric Neurons of the Rat Small Intestine Yasuhisa Endo Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyo, Kyoto 606, Japan ABSTRACT — Exocytotic release of transmitter-containing vesicles from the neurons of the rat small intestine was investigated by electron microscopy using a perfusion method of high K+ Ringer solution to stimulate release of transmitters. Omega-shaped figures suggestive of exocytosis of large cored vesicles were frequently found at the non-synaptic sites. Exocytosis occurred not only in the surface of nerve fascicles but also in the sites facing other neuronal processes and Schwann cell’s processes. These results suggest that the terminal varicosities may not always release their chemical messengers only in the sites directly facing the target tissues. INTRODUCTION It is generally accepted that neurons have var¬ ious chemical messengers as neurotransmitters and release them toward the effector cells through synapses. However, recent electron microscopic studies demonstrated the occurrence of non- synaptic release of neurotransmitters from the neurons in the central nervous system [1] and the adrenal medulla [2]. Most of the enteric neurons of mammals have various neuropeptides which are packed in large cored vesicles (cf. [3]). Several transmission elec¬ tron microscopic studies on the enteric nervous system have been done, but exocytotic release of large cored vesicles from the neurons has not been described (cf. [4]). Recently, Endo and Kobayashi [5] studied on the three-dimensional structure of the autonomic groundplexus in the small intestine of guinea pigs, by scanning electron microscopy using a HCl-digestion method to eliminate connec¬ tive tissues. They revealed that the terminal portion of the enteric nervous system was a con¬ tinuous network of unmyelinated nerve fascicles and the many, varicose neuronal processes were exposed to the surface of unmyelinated nerve fascicles. They postulated that these exposed area Accepted January 6, 1988 Received October 21, 1987 of neuronal processes may be the sites of interac¬ tion between the enteric neurons and their effector cells. In the present study, I investigated the exocyto¬ tic release of transmitter-containing vesicles from the neurons of the rat small intestine by transmis¬ sion electron microscopy. In order to stimulate the exocytotic release of them, perfusion of high K+ Ringer solution was applied (cf. [6]). Tannic acid-glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation is known as an useful method to demonstrate the exocytotic figures of secretory granules, because this fixation renders the extracellular secretory substances highly electron dense and does not affect the ultrastructure of other cellular elements [7, 8]. This fixation method was used in this study, combining with a perfusion of high K+ Ringer solution. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult male Wistar rats (100-200 g body weight) were anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg body weight). Three animals were perfused with 50 ml of normal Ringer solution (145 mM NaCl, 5.6 mM KC1, 2.3 mM CaCl2) through the left ventricle, and then perfused with 200 ml of the fixative containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 0.5% tannic acid in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Five animals were 966 Y. Endo perfused with 50 ml of high K+ Ringer solution (30 mM NaCl, 120 mM KC1, 2.3 mM CaCl2) to stimu¬ late the release of various transmitters, and then perfused with the fixative as mentioned above. The duodenum was removed and immersed in the fresh fixative for 2-3 hr. After rinsing in the phosphate buffer, the tissues were cut into small pieces and postfixed for 1 hr with 1% 0s04 or Karnovsky’s reduced 0s04 [9] which was a mix¬ ture consisting of one part 2% 0s04 and one part 3% potassium ferrocyanide. The tissues were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, passed through propylene oxide and embedded in Epon 812. Thin sections were stained with uranyl ace¬ tate and lead citrate, and examined with a Hitachi H-700 electron microscope at 75 kV. RESULTS The enteric nervous system consisted of ganglia (myenteric and submucous) and unmyelinated nerve fascicles. The latter were distributed throughout the gut wall, i.e. the longitudinal and circular muscle coats, submucosa and mucosa. Most of neuronal processes in the fascicles had small clear vesicles and/or large cored vesicles which were thought to include various chemical messengers, i.e. acetylcholine, catecholamines and neuropeptides (cf. [3, 4]). Conventional synaptic junctions were sometimes found in the ganglia (Fig. 1), but rarely seen in other regions. Omega-shaped figures indicative of exocytosis of neurotransmitters were rarely seen in the enteric nervous system of the rats perfused with normal Ringer solution. In the rats stimulated by perfu¬ sion of high K+ Ringer solution, omega-shaped figures of transmitter-containing vesicles were fre¬ quently encountered. Therfore, the results men¬ tioned below were obtained in the rats perfused with high K+ Ringer solution. In the ganglia, small clear vesicles accumulated at the synaptic sites where characteristic thickening of cell membranes was obvious, but large cored vesicles generally located at the portion distant from the synaptic sites (Fig. 1). The exocytotic figures of large cored vesicles were found in the interspaces between neuronal processes and be¬ tween neuronal process and cell body, where no membrane specialization indicative of synaptic contact was found (Fig. 1). In the muscular coats, a large number of un¬ myelinated nerve fascicles were distributed among smooth muscle cells, especially in the innermost layer of the circular muscle coat (i.e. the deep muscular plexus). Unmyelinated nerve fascicles consisted of Schwann cells and many neuronal processes (Fig. 2). Irregularly-shaped processes of Schwann cells enclosed several neuronal pro¬ cesses. Some of neuronal processes were exposed directly to the surface of nerve fascicles. General¬ ly, nerve fascicles and smooth muscle cells ran at a distance, and both of them were wrapped with each basement membrane (Fig. 2). A few nerve fascicles were in close contact with smooth muscle cells, where the basement membrane of both ele¬ ments were absent (Fig. 3). However, the synaptic specialization was not found at these contacts (Fig. 3). Here, small clear vesicles accumulated and omega-shaped figures indicative of exocytotic re¬ lease of their contents were sometimes found (Fig. 3, arrow). Omega-shaped figures of small clear vesicles also occurred in the surface of neuronal processes relatively distant from smooth muscle cells (Fig. 4, arrow). Omega-shaped figures of large cored vesicles occurred in the nerve fascicles distant from smooth muscle cells, not only in the surface of nerve fascicles (Fig. 5) but also in the interspaces between neuronal processes (Fig. 6). In the lamina propria mucosae and the muscu- laris mucosae, numerous unmyelinated nerve fascicles were distributed, but the synaptic contact between neuronal processes and other cells was not found. Omega-shaped figures of large cored vesicles were found not only in the surface of nerve Fig. 1. A synaptic ending in the myenteric ganglion. Small clear vesicles accumlate at the presynaptic site. Exocytotic figure of large cored vesicle (arrow) is seen at the site distant from the synapse. M: mitochondria. X 65,000. Fig. 2. Unmyelinated nerve fascicle and smooth muscle cells (S) in the circular muscle coat. A nerve fascicle consists of a Schwann cell and many axons. Some axons are exposed to the surface of nerve fascicle. F: fibroblasts, N: nucleus of Schwann cell. X 16,000. Non-Synaptic Exocytosis in Neurons 967 968 Y. Endo Fig. 3. A nerve fascicle in close contact with smooth muscle cell (S) in the circular muscle coat. Exocytotic figure of small clear vesicle (arrow) is seen. X 40,000. Fig. 4. Exocytotic figure of small clear vesicle (arrow) at the site distant from smooth muscle cell (S) in the circular muscle coat. X 55 ,000. fascicles (Fig. 7) but also in the interspaces be¬ tween neuronal processes and between neuronal and Schwann cell’s processes (Fig. 8). In spite of applying the tannic acid fixation, the electron density of the exocytosed vesicles was relatively low when compared with the results of previous studies [1, 2, 7, 8]. This may be due to the use of Karnovsky’s reduced Os04 [9] which is known as the fixative preserving membrane struc¬ ture excellently. DISCUSSION In the present study, I demonstrated by electron microscopy that the exocytosis of large cored vesi¬ cles and small clear vesicles occurred in the termi¬ nal varicosities of the enteric neurons. The exocy¬ tosis theory has been commonly accepted as a release mechanism of secretory granules from the neurosecretory cells, various endocrine and ex¬ ocrine cells (cf. [6, 10, 11]). However, there have been only a few studies which demonstrated the exocytotic release of neurotransmitters in the au¬ thentic neurons. According to Nagasawa [6], the frequency of encountering the exocytotic figures is extremely rare in the neurosecretory axon termi¬ nals of the posterior pituitary when compared with other secretory cells such as the anterior pituitary or the adrenal medulla. But the stimulation of a solution containing high KC1 and CaCl2 increases the frequency of the exocytotic figures. In the present study, similar phenomenon was found also in the enteric neurons. Although the detailed mechanism of KCl-induced exocytosis is not fully understood, the sites and mode of transmitter release seem to be similar to those of the normal condition. Generally, the exocytotic release of small clear Non-Synaptic Exocytosis in Neurons 969 Fig. 5. Exocytotic figure of large cored vesicle (arrow) at the surface of nerve fascicle, distant from smooth muscle cell (S) in the circular muscle coat. X 67,000. Fig. 6. Exocytotic figure of large cored vesicle (arrow) at the site facing other neuronal process, in the circular muscle coat. X 61,000. vesicles in the neuromuscular junctions is known to occur at the conventional synaptic sites [12]. In the present study, I found the exocytotic figures of small clear vesicles not only in the vicinity of smooth muscle cells but also in the sites distant from smooth muscle cells. This difference may be caused by the absence of apparent synaptic contact between the enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells. In the central nervous system of the rabbits, Nitsch and Rinne [13] observed the exocytotic figures of large cored vesicles at the synaptic junctions of the hippocampal mossy fibers. However, recent electron microscopic studies [1, 2] demenstrated the presence of non-synaptic re¬ lease of large cored vesicles as well as the synaptic and neurohemal release. In the present study, I also demonstrated the non-synaptic release of large cored vesicles in the enteric neurons. As reported in the previous scanning electron microscopic study [5], terminal portion of the enteric nervous system consists of a continuous network of unmyelinated nerve fascicles and does not have a specialized end apparatus facing the effector cells. Therefore, the non-synaptic release coud be expected from these observations. But it was unexpected that the exocytosis also occurred in the sites facing other neuronal processes and Schwann cell’s processes. Similar phenomenon was found in the neurosecretory axon terminals of the rat posterior pituitary, where the exocytotic figures of large cored vesicles occurred not only in the sites surrounding blood capillaries but also in the sites facing other neuronal processes (Y. Endo, unpublished data). These facts indicate that the terminal varicosities of neurons may not always release their chemical messengers only in the sites directly facing the target tissues. 970 Y. Endo Fig. 7. Exocytotic figure of large cored vesicle (arrow) at the surface of nerve fascicle, distant from smooth muscle cell (S) in the muscularis mucosae. X 69,000. Fig. 8. Exocytotic figure of large cored vesicle (arrows) at the site facing Schwann cell’s process (SC), in the lamina propria mucosae. X 47,000. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks Prof. S. Kobayashi (Department of Anatomy, Yamanashi Medical College) and Prof. Y. Waku (Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of Technology) for their encouragements and valuable discussion. This work was supported by a Grant-in- Aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (No. 62770012). REFERENCES 1 Buma, P. and Roubos, E. W. (1986) Ultrastructural demonstration of nonsynaptic release sites in the central nervous system of the snail Lymnaea stagna- lis , the insect Periplaneta americana, and the rat. Neuroscience, 17: 867-879. 2 Golding, D. W. and Pow, D. V. (1987) ‘Neuro¬ secretion’ by a classic cholinergic innervation appa¬ ratus. A comparative study of adrenal chromaffin glands in four vertebrate species (teleosts, anurans. mammals). Cell Tissue Res., 249: 421-425. 3 Furness, J. B. and Costa, M. (1980) Types of nerves in the enteric nervous system. Neuroscience, 5: 1- 20. 4 Gabella, G. (1979) Innervation of the gastrointes¬ tinal tract. Int. Rev. Cytol., 59: 129-193. 5 Endo, Y. and Kobayashi, S. (1987) A scanning electron microscope study on the autonomic ground- plexus in the lamina propria mucosae of the guinea- pig small intestine. Arch. Histol. Jpn., 50: 243-250. 6 Nagasawa, J. (1977) Exocytosis: the common re¬ lease mechanism of secretory granules in glandular cells, neurosecretory cells, neurons and para- neurons. Arch. Histol. Jpn., 40 (Suppl.): 31-47. 7 Roubos, E. W. and van der Wal-Divendal, R. M. (1980) Ultrastructural analysis of peptide-hormone release by exocytosis. Cell Tissue Res., 207: 267- 275. 8 Endo, Y. and Nishiitsutsuji-Uwo, J. (1982) Ex¬ ocytotic release of secretory granules from endo¬ crine cells in the midgut of insects. Cell Tissue Res., Non-Synaptic Exocytosis in Neurons 971 222: 515-522. 9 Karnovsky, M. J. (1971) Use of ferrocyanide- reduced osmium tetroxide in electron microscopy. Proc. 14th Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Cell Biol., pp. 146. 10 Douglas, W. W. and Nagasawa, J. (1971) Mem¬ brane vesiculation at sites of exocytosis in the neurohypophysis and adrenal medulla: a device for membrane conservation. J. Physiol., 213: 94-95. 11 Normann, T. C. (1976) Neurosecretion by exocyto¬ sis. Int. Rev. Cytol., 46: 1-77. 12 Heuser, J. E. and Reese, T. S. (1981) Structural changes after transmitter release at the frog neuro¬ muscular junction. J. Cell Biol., 88: 564-580. 13 Nitsch, C. and Rinne, U. (1981) Large dense-cored vesicle exocytosis and membrane recycling in the mossy fibre synapses of the rabbit hippocampus during epileptiform seizures. J. Neurocytol., 10: 201-219. > ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 973-978 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Fibrillar System and Possible Control Mechanism for the Cycle of Contraction and Elongation of Spirostomum ambiguum Hideki Ishida* 1, Yoshinobu Shigenaka2 and Masako Imada Laboratories of Cell Biology, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 730, Japan ABSTRACT — A large heterotrichous ciliate, Spirostomum ambiguum, shows the characteristic twisting contraction when stimulated by certain mechanical or chemical factors. This contraction is attributed to a special contractile fibrillar system which is termed myoneme, while the subsequent elongation after the contraction occurred might be induced by another type of fibrillar system, longitudinal microtubular sheets (LMSs). The myoneme is composed of a great number of fine filaments which are heavily packed and lie in parallel with each other. The diameter of individual filament varies from 3 to 5 nm in the elongated state but raises up to 7 to 9 nm in the contracted state. Every nonciliated basal body has a rootlet-like structure, which is attached to the myoneme not only in the contracted state but also in the elongated state. If the myoneme and LMSs have antagonistic functions to each other, the force of each fibrillar system is assumed to be transmitted by these rootlet-like structures. On the other hand, anterior fiber sheet was found to be attached to the LMS in the extended state but detached from that in the contracted state of organism. From these observations, the switching or control mechanism was proposed and discussed for the cycle of contraction and elongation of the organism. INTRODUCTION Among a number of heterotrichous ciliates, there are some typical contractile ones such as Condylostoma , Spirostomum and Stentor. Howev¬ er, Spirostomum ambiguum is the only one show¬ ing its own characteristic twisting contraction [1- 3]. Although the contraction of the cell body of these organisms is easily induced by various kinds of stimuli this is believed to be caused directly by a special contractile fibrillar system which is termed myoneme [1-6] or M-band [7]. On the other hand, the subsequent elongation of the organism after the contraction occurred has been proposed to be attributed mainly to another fibrillar system, longi¬ tudinal microtubular sheets (LMS) [2, 3]. Regarding to the twisting contraction mecha¬ nism of Spirostomum , Yogosawa-Ohara et al. [3] have proposed the following sequence: (1) Accepted January 28, 1988 Received January 6, 1988 1 Present address: Biological Institute, Shimane Uni¬ versity, Matsue 690, Japan. 2 To whom reprint requests should be forwarded. Shortening along the long axis occurs due to the activity (probably sliding) of myonemal filaments, (2) at the moment when the body length decreases all of the neighboring LMSs slide with each other possibly involving the anterior fiber sheet, and (3) the curving of each LMS is derived from the sliding between the LMS and the sasa structure (SS) by means of obliquely arranged projections on the SS which is a bamboo leaf-like structure attached to the proximal region of every LMS. Coordination of these phenomena might result in the twisting contraction of the organism. However, the ultrastructural details have not thoroughly been studied especially with respect to the switching mechanism of contraction and elongation of Spirostomum. Therefore, the pre¬ sent study aimed to examine the details of myoneme, longitudinal microtubular sheets and their associated structures for elucidating the structural changes between two states of contrac¬ tion and elongation. As the results, a possible mechanism controlling the contraction-elongation cycle has been proposed here. 974 H. Ishida, Y. Shigenaka and M. Imada MATERIALS AND METHODS Organisms Live samples of Spirostomum ambiguum Ehren- berg were originally collected and kindly supplied by Dr. T. Suzaki from the Research School of Biological Sciences, the Australian National Uni¬ versity, Canberra, A. C. T. 2601, Australia. They were cultured in our laboratory using 0.01% Knop solution as culture medium containing some boiled wheat grains and small quantity of 0.5% hay infusion at about 24°C. Other special food sources were not supplied to the medium. Subculturing was carried out at a regular interval of about 3 weeks. Light Microscopy Light micrographs were obtained from the living organism in both states of contraction and elonga¬ tion by using a differential interference microscope (Olympus, BH). To cause the contraction, mechan¬ ical stimuli were applied to the organisms by means of tapping the specimen-loaded glass slide or electrical stimuli (35 V, DC) were given directly to the organism. In case of electrical stimulation, the organism was placed at the center between the two platinum electrodes (5 mm in distance). Electron Microscopy Prior to the fixation, living organisms were rinsed twice to clean them up with fresh culture medium, 0.01% Knop solution. Preparations in the elongated state were prepared by treating the organisms primarily with the relaxation medium containing 10 mM EGTA, 3 mM MgSOt and 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for 10 min just before the fixation. The other preparations in the contracted state were obtained by stimulating them in the fresh culture medium (0.01% Knop solution) by means of tapping the tube containing the organisms. The pre-fixation was performed in 1% glutaral- dehyde with 33 mM phosphate buffer (pPI 6.8) for 30 min at 0°C. The fixed samples were rinsed with 33 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). Following that, they were post-fixed in 1% Os04 with 33 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for 30 min at 0°C. After the double fixation, the samples were dehydrated with a graded ethanol series and embedded into Spurr’s low viscosity embedding medium [8]. Ultrathin sections were produced with a Porter- Blum ultramicrotome (MT-1) equipped with glass knives. The sections were stained with 3% aqueous uranyl acetate for 7 min and Reynolds’ lead citrate stain [9] for 3 min at room tempera¬ ture. Observations were carried out under a transmission electron microscope (JEOL, J EM 100S) at the accelerating voltage of 80 kV. RESULTS A large heterotrichous ciliate, Spirostomum ambiguum, shows the characteristic contraction when applied by chemical, mechanical or electrical stimuli [1-5, 10]. Figure 1 shows the two states of the same free-swimming organism; Figure la is in the elongated stage and Figure lb in the electrical- Fibrillar System of Spirostomum 975 ly stimulated and contracted state. When observed under an electron microscope, the cortical region of organism is characterized by three typical types of fibrillar systems and their associated structures; sub-pellicular microtubules, longitudinal microtubular sheets and myonemes (Fig. 2a). The myoneme is located at the tran¬ sitional plane between ectoplasm and endoplasm and featured by being surrounded by various sizes of vacuoles. Every myoneme is composed of a great number of filaments which are heavily pack¬ ed and lie in parallel with each other inside the myoneme. The diameter of individual filament varies from 3 to 5 nm in elongated state of the organism (Fig. 3a), but raises up to 7 to 9 nm in the contracted state (Fig. 3b). As a whole, the bundles of myonemal filaments demonstrate a mesh-like distribution throughout the cell body just beneath the arrays of longitudi¬ nal microtubular sheets as described by Yogosawa- Ohara and Shigenaka [2]. In addition to that, the present study revealed that major bundles of the myonemal meshes ran in parallel with the body axis in the elongated state of organism but altered their axes diagonally in the contracted state. In the contracted state, on the other hand, the myonemal Fig. 2. Electron micrographs of vertical sections through the area of cell cortex. Microtubular sheets (mi) and myoneme (my) lie just under the cell surface (Fig. 2a). An inserted electron micrograph (Fig. 2b) is of the rootlet-like structure in the contracted state, in which a nonciliated posterior basal body was found to be connected with the myoneme by the rootlet-like structure (arrowhead). Just under the cell membrane, sub-pellicular microtubules could be seen (s). (X 24,500). 976 H. Ishida, Y. Shigenaka and M. Imada Fig. 3. Electron micrographs of longitudinal sections through the myoneme in the extended (Fig. 3a) and the contracted (Fig. 3b) states. The bundle of myoneme consists of 3 to 5 nm filaments in the extended state and 7 to 9 nm filaments in the contracted state. Myonemal filaments run in parallel with each other. (x40,700). meshes became more compact since distances of branch to branch of the myonemal meshes became shorter. As already known, the microtubular sheets run longitudinally and just along the ciliary lines. Typically in this area, a number of mitochondria can be seen. The longitudinal microtubular sheets (LMS) do not alter the structure of their own components in both states of elongation and con¬ traction of the organism. Each LMS is composed of about 20 microtubules which are arranged in parallel with each other and connected by numer¬ ous links to one another, and derived from the nonciliated one of every basal body pair and run toward the posterior end of the organism. When the cell shape changes from extended state to contracted one, the overlapping LMSs increase in number. At the same time, the center-to-center distance of two neighboring and antero-posteriorly arranged ciliary bases becomes shorter from 3.05 ±0.05 /urn (n = 14) in the elongated state to 2.25 + 0.05 fxm (n=25) in the contracted state. Along every ciliary line, there can be seen an array of paired basal bodies which are ciliated and nonciliated or barren. Every nonciliated posterior basal body was found to be connected with the myoneme by a rootlet-like structure (Fig. 2b), which is consisted of a great number of fine filaments and connected to the myoneme in both states of contraction and elongation of the organ¬ ism. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the anterior fiber sheets derived from the space be¬ tween the pair of basal bodies were found to be attached to the LMSs in the extended state (Fig. 4a) but to be detached from them in the contracted state (Fig. 4b). This phenomenon has not been noticed by Yogosawa-Ohara et al. [3] and other investigators [1], although it might be closely re¬ lated to controlling the contraction-elongation cy¬ cle of the organism. Fig. 4. Electron micrographs of the longitudinal microtubular sheets (LMSs). The anterior fiber sheets derived between the pair of basal bodies (arrow heads) are attached to the LMSs in the extended state (Fig. 4a) but become detached from them in the contracted state (Fig. 4b). (X 12,000). Fibrillar System of Spirostomum 977 Just under the cell membrane, so-called sub- pellicular microtubules could be seen (Fig. 2a). These microtubules are closely associated to the cell membrane and run in parallel with the ciliary line, suggesting that they might have a cytoskeletal role without being related to the contraction- elongation cycle. DISCUSSION Just like in the present organism, another heter- otrichous ciliate, Stentor coeruleus , also shows the rapid contraction [11-13], although the style is not twisting contraction. This organism also has the similar fibrillar systems, myoneme and microtubu¬ lar sheets to those in Spirostomum. In this Stentor , every myonemal filament is known to be 4 nm in diameter in the extended state. In the contracted state, however, the filaments (10 to 12 nm in diameter) appear instead of them, which are to be of tubular profiles with a wall thickness of 4 to 5 nm. In the contracted state, the wall of filaments is made up of four to six subunits. As to the chemical nature of myoneme, Hobbs et al. [14] have described in Spirostomum teres that arrowhead decoration was not observed in cyto¬ plasmic filament bundles although the myosin sub¬ fragment S-l was introduced into the cells for incubation under conditions suitable for actin dec¬ oration. Furthermore, Yogosawa-Ohara and Shigenaka [2] have published in Spirostomum ambiguum that cytochalasin B treatment did not cause degradation of myonemal filaments even at a higher concentration (50^g/ml). These observa¬ tions strongly suggest that the myonemal filaments may not be actin-like, but may be similar to the spasmonemal filaments of peritrichous ciliates, Vorticella and Carchesium [15, 16] or the retrac¬ tion fiber filaments of a dinoflagellate, Ceratium [17]- On the other hand, microtubular sheets which are derived from antero-posteriorly arranged cili¬ ary pairs are overlapping and might slide relatively with each other. When contracted, the overlap¬ ping microtubular sheets increase their number in cross setions as described by Huang and Pitelka [12]. When the cell was fixed in isometric contrac¬ tion, the microtubular sheets were in the state of elongation and the overlapping microtubular sheets were at minimum in number. Moreover, the internal structure of the myoneme altered in the contracted state; the myonemal filaments be¬ came to be of tubules with the diameter of 10 to 12 nm as described above. This observation has suggested that the myoneme generates the motive force resulting into cell shortening [11]. It is thought that the myoneme and the microtubular sheets might func¬ tion as antagonistic elements to each other. That is to say, the myoneme generates the motive force for cell contraction, although the microtubular sheets slide with each other to cause only cell elongation. The present Spirostomum demonstrates the fine structures which are quite similar to those in Stentor-, the myonemal filaments change their di¬ ameters and structures themselves and the micro¬ tubular sheets increase in number as seen in a cross section of organism in the contracted state. There¬ fore, it may be said that the myoneme and micro¬ tubular sheets of Spirostomum might function just like those of Stentor. If the myoneme and the microtubular sheets have a function as an antagonistic system, the force of each fibrillar system must be transmitted to induce the movement of antagonistic systems of them. As the candidate for this, the rootlet-like structures might be considered to transmit the force of antagonistic system. On the other hand, the anterior fiber sheets are attached to the micro¬ tubular ribbons in the elongated state but detached from them in the contracted state, so they may have a function as the “trigger” or “switch” for inducing contraction and/or elongation of the cell body. REFERENCES 1 Yagiu, R. and Shigenaka, Y. (1963) Electron mi¬ croscopy on the longitudinal fibrillar bundle and the contractile fibrillar system in Spirostomum ambi¬ guum. J. Protozool., 10: 364-369. 2 Yogosawa-Ohara, R. and Shigenaka, Y. (1985) Twisting contraction mechanism of a heterotrichous ciliate, Spirostomum ambiguum. 1. Role of the myoneme. Cytobios, 44: 7-17. 3 Yogosawa-Ohara, R., Suzaki, T. and Shigenaka, Y. (1985) Twisting contraction mechanism of a hetero- 978 H. Ishida, Y. Shigenaka and M. Imada trichous ciliate, Spirostomum ambiguum. 2. Role of longitudinal microtubular sheet. Cytobios, 44: 215— 230. 4 Hamnilton, T. C. and Osborn, D. (1976) Measure¬ ments of contraction latencies to mechanical and electrical stimulation of the protozoan, Spirosto¬ mum ambiguum. J. Cell Physiol., 91: 403-408. 5 Hawkes, R. B. and Holberton, D. V. (1974) Myonemal contraction of Spirostomum. I. Kinetics of contraction and relaxation. J. Cell Physiol., 84: 225-236. 6 Yagiu, R. and Shigenaka, Y. (1961) Electron mi¬ croscopical observation of Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki & Yagiu, in ultra-thin section. VIII. Myoneme (the contractile fibrils). Zool. Mag., 70: 110-114. 7 Randall, J. T. and Jackson, S. F. (1958) Fine struc¬ ture and function in Stentor polymorphus. J. Bio- phys. Biochem. Cytol., 4: 807-830. 8 Spurr, A. R. (1969) A low-viscosity eopxy resin embedding medium for electron microscopy. J. Ultrastruct. Res., 26: 31-43. 9 Reynolds, E. S. (1963) The use of lead citrate at high pH as an electron-opaque stain in electron microscopy. J. Cell Biol., 17: 208-212. 10 Ettienne, E. E. (1970) Control of contractility in Spirostomum by dissociated calcium ions. J. Gen. Physiol., 56: 168-179. 11 Bannister, L. H. and Tatchell, E. C. (1968) Con¬ tractility and the fiber systems of Stentor coeruleus. J. Cell Sci., 3: 295-308. 12 Huang, B. and Pitelka, D. R. (1973) The contractile process in the ciliate, Stentor coeruleus. I. The role of microtubules and filaments. J. Cell Biol., 57: 704- 728. 13 Newman, E. (1972) Contraction in Stentor coeruleus : A cinematic analysis. Science, 177: 447- 449. 14 Hobbs, V. S., Jenkins, R. A. and Bamburg, J. R. (1983) Evidence for the lack of actin involvement in mitosis and in the contractile process in Spirosto¬ mum teres. J. Cell Sci., 60: 169-179. 15 Amos, W. B. (1972) Strucuture and coiling of the stalk in the peritrich ciliates Vorticella and Carche- sium. J. Cell Sci., 10: 95-122. 16 Amos, W. B. (1975) Contraction and calcium bind¬ ing in the vorticellid ciliates. In “Molecule and Cell Movement”. Ed. by S. Inoue and R. E. Stephens, Raven Press, New York, pp. 411-436. 17 Maruyama, T. (1981) Motion of the longitudinal flagellum in Ceratium tripos (Dinoflagellida): a re¬ tractile flagellar motion. J. Protozool., 28: 328-336. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 979-988 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Gonadal Maturation Independent of Photic Conditions in Laboratory-Reared Sea Urchins, Pseudocentrotus depress us and Hemic entrotus pulcherrimus Masamichi Yamamoto, Mieko Ishine and Masao Yoshida Ushimado Marine Laboratory, Okayama University, Ushimado, Okayama 701-43, Japan ABSTRACT — The gametogenesis in two species of the laboratory-reared sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , were compared under different artificial photic conditions. Juvenile sea urchins derived from zygotes of the same batch were reared under constant illumination at 20°C until they were transferred to experimental environments, where they were kept for about a year. The experimental environments were: continuous light at constant temperature (20°C) (20 LL); continuous light at ambient temperatures (Amb LL); continuous darkness at ambient temperatures (Amb DD); changing photoperiod in phase with ambient daily photoperiod at 20°C (In-phase); changing photoperiod 6 months out of phase with ambient daily photoperiod at 20°C (Out-of-phase); and ambient light at ambient temperatures (Control). The stages in gametogenesis were determined according to a histological standard. In P. depressus, the gonads in the ambient temperature groups (Amb DD, Control) matured simultaneously; the gonads in the constant temperature groups (20 LL, In-phase, Out-of-phase) also became ripe at the same time, but earlier than those in ambient temperature groups (Amb LL was lost by an accident). In H. pulcherrimus , the gonads in ambient temperature groups (Amb LL, Amb DD, Control) ripened simultaneously; but in the groups kept at 20°C (20 LL, In-phase, Out-of-phase), the gonads remained very immature. These results indicate that in the two species no specific photic conditions are required for gametogenesis to proceed. The results in H. pulcherrimus also suggest the presence of a critical temperature to permit the progression of gametogenesis. INTRODUCTION Sea urchins in shallow waters of the Temporal Zone generally have a specific breeding season. The annual reproductive cycles have been studied in detail in many sea urchin species [1-11]. In these studies, the environmental factors control¬ ling the reproductive phenomena are evaluated from links between reproductive cycles and en¬ vironmental fluctuations, or from comparisons be¬ tween populations of the same species collected from different localities — photoperiods, tempera¬ tures, foods and the lunar cycle have been pre¬ sumed to serve as seasonal cues to synchronize the reproductive cycles. There are, however, a few data on the gonadal response to experimentally Accepted February 17, 1988 Received December 26, 1987 manipulated environmental factors. To our know¬ ledge, such studies have been done only in Stron- gylocentrotus purpuratus collected from the west coast of North America [12-16]. Recently Pearse etal. [15, 16] have experimentally demonstrated in S. purpuratus that growth and gametogenesis are under photoperiodic control. We have started a series of long-term experi¬ ments on environmental control of gametogenesis in Japanese sea urchins. We used animals reared from fertilized eggs under a constant artificial condition in the laboratory so that they are as free as possible from the influence of the natural en¬ vironment. In contrast to the Pacific coast of North America, where the seasonal change in sea temperature is moderate, it is marked along the coast of Japan. It is thus conceivable that Japanese sea urchins are under different environmental con¬ trol from the -S', purpuratus. In this paper, we 980 M. Yamamoto, M. Ishine and M. Yoshida present experimental evidence showing that photoperiod is not at least a main environmental cue to synchronize gametogenesis in two common Japanese sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus . MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult sea urchins Adults of Pseudocentrotus depressus for obtain¬ ing gametes were collected from the subtidal zone near the Gaikai Fishery Experimental Station of Yamaguchi Prefecture in November 1985. The breeding season of this species there is from Octo¬ ber to December. Adults of Hemicentrotus pul¬ cherrimus for obtaining gametes were collected in the intertidal zone near the Ushimado Marine Laboratory, Okayama Prefecture, in March 1986. The breeding season of this species there is from January to March. Rearing of juvenile sea urchins The experiments were carried out in the Ushi¬ mado Marine Laboratory. Embryos were obtained by artificial fertilization of gametes spawned from one male and female on 26 Novem¬ ber 1985 in P. depressus and on 29 March 1986 in H. pulcherrimus. Larvae and juvenile sea urchins were reared according to the method by Kakuda [17-19] after slight modifications. The embryos were kept in 30 liter tanks (600 embryos/liter) at 20°C and fed with diatom Chaetoceros gracilis that was cultured in the laboratory. When the echinus rudiment became prominent in 8-armed pluteus larvae (21 day and 15 day after fertilization in P. depressus and H. pulcherrimus , respectively), metamorphosis was induced by giving plastic plates on which a film of diatoms had been pre¬ pared by soaking the plates in running sea water for several days. The plastic plates with meta¬ morphosed juvenile sea urchins were transferred into a 500 liter tank provided continuously with small amount of running sea water. The tank was kept in a water bath at 20°C under continuous illumination of the ceiling lights. When the test of the juvenile sea urchins reached about 1 mm in diameter, the sea urchins began to be fed with sea lettuce, Ulva pertusa. When the test diameters became about 7 to 12 mm in P. depressus (18 March 1986) and about 4 to 7 mm in H. pulcherri¬ mus (21 June 1986), juvenile sea urchins were divided into 7 groups of 70-80 individuals that were matched in size distribution and transferred into experimental environments. Experimental environments Individuals in each group were placed in a round plastic cage, 30 cm in diameter, and kept under one of the following experimental environments: Group 1 (20 LL); constant temperature (20°C) and continuous light. Group 2 (20 DD); constant temperature (20°C) and continuous darkness. Group 3 (In-phase); constant temperature (20°C) and in-phase photoperiod regime (see below). Group 4 (Out-of-phase); constant temperature (20°C) and out-of-phase photoperiod regime (see below). Group 5 (Amb LL); ambient temperature and continuous light. Group 6 (Amb DD); ambient temperature and continuous darkness. Group 7 (Control); ambient temperature and ambient light. For maintaining each of Groups 1-6, we used separate indoor aquaria (120x65x45 cm), each equipped with a system to recirculate constant temperature sea water. In the aquaria for constant temperature groups (Groups 1-4), the recirculat¬ ing sea water kept at 20±1°C was continuously replaced little by little by new sea water. The aquaria for ambient temperature groups (Groups 5 and 6) were continuously supplied with running sea water at ambient temperatures. The illumina¬ tion for continuous light in Groups 1 and 5 was given by some 40 W fluorescent bulbs (about 2000 lux). The aquaria for continuous darkness and photoperiodic regimes (Groups 2, 3, 4 and 6) were made light-tight using opaque plastic boards. The illumination for photoperiodic regimes (Groups 3 and 4) was given by a 40 W waterproof fluorescent bulb equipped inside each aquarium and control- Gonadal Maturation of Sea Urchin 981 led by a time switch outside. In the in-phase photoperiod regime, the light went on at local sunrise and off at local sunset. In the out-of-phase photoperiod regime, the light went on and off at the time when the light in the in-phase aquarium went off and on, respectively, thus the photo¬ period being set to be 6 months out of phase with the ambient daily photoperiod. The time switches were reset every 7 days according to the changes in the ambient daily photoperiod. The control group (Group 7) was kept in an outdoor tank supplied continuously with running sea water at ambient temperatures. The sea urchins were provided with an unlimited amount of food. They were fed with Ulva pertusa from March to October and some species of Sar- gassum (S. horneri, S. serratifolium, S. tortile etc.) from November to February. Feces and sediments were removed from the aquaria once a week. The lid of the aquaria for the continuous dark groups (Groups 2 and 6) was opened briefly (less than 15 min) every 3 or 4 days at an unfixed time for feeding and cleaning. Sampling The test diameters and wet weights of all ani¬ mals were periodically measured. Some randomly selected animals from each group were periodical¬ ly dissected for histological analysis. The gonads were weighed and pieces were fixed in Bouin’s solution. The paraffin-embedded gonadal tissues were sectioned and stained in Papanicolous’ haematoxylin and eosin. The experiments were continued until all individuals were sampled. RESULTS Stages in gonadal development The gonad index (percentage of wet gonad weight in wet animal weight) is often used as an indication of the gonadal maturation, but we think it is unsuitable to the present experiments; not only exact measuring of wet gonad weights in small sea urchins is difficult but the gonad indices do not fully correlate with gonadal maturities because of Fig. 1. Sections of the ovary in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. a, Stage 1; b. Stage 2; c, Stage 3; d. Stage 4. Scale, 100 /an. 982 M. Yamamoto, M. Ishine and M. Yoshida rapid growths of sea urchins themselves. In the present study we found it most suitable to deter¬ mine the stages of gonadal development according to a morphological standard defined in advance. Previous authors have divided the process of gonadal maturation in sea urchins into 4 to 9 stages [2, 4, 10, 11]. After a survey of many histological sections, we defined the following 5 stages in development of the sea urchin gonad. Stage 0 : No obvious germ cells are found; sexes of the gonad cannot be identified in the section. Stage 1 : Ovary — A few small oocytes are present along the periphery of the ovarian wall. No large oocytes were found (Fig. la). Testis — Small clusters of spermatogenic cells are present along the periphery of the testicular wall (Fig. 2a). Stage 2: Ovary — Many large oocytes with a prominent germinal vesicle are present in the ovarian wall. Some oocytes migrate toward the center of the ovarian lobe (ovarian cavity). No mature eggs are found (Fig. lb). Testis — The wall of the testicular lobe is lined with columns of spermatocytes. Small masses of spermatozoa are present in the center of the testicular lobe (lu¬ men) (Fig. 2b). Fig. 2. Sections of the testis in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. a. Stage 1; b. Stage 2; c, Stage 3; d, Stage 4. Scale, 100 pm. Fig. 3. The stages of the gonads of Pseudocentrotus depressus maintained under 5 experimental environments. Each symbol represents one individual. Sea urchins were reared from zygotes of the same batch fertilized on 26 November 1985 and were kept under constant illumination at 20°C until they were transferred to one of the following experimental environments on 18 March 1986: continuous light at 20°C (20 LL); changing photoperiod in phase with ambient daily photoperiod at 20°C (In-phase); changing photoperiod 6 months out of phase with ambient daily photoperiod at 20°C (Out-of-phase); continuous darkness at ambient temperatures (Amb DD); ambient light at ambient temperatures (Control). Sea water temperature near the Ushimado Marine Laboratory is shown at the top. Gonadal Maturation of Sea Urchin 983 984 M. Yamamoto, M. Ishine and M. Yoshida Stage 3: Ovary — Numerous mature eggs are pre¬ sent in the ovarian cavity (Fig. lc). Testis — The lumen is filled with large numbers of spermatozoa (Fig. 2c). Stage 4: Ovary — The ovarian cavity contains only a few relict eggs. Oocytes are few in the ovarian wall (Fig. Id). Testis — The lumen is almost empty with a few relict spermatozoa. Spermatogenic cells are few in the testicular wall (Fig. 2d). Gonadal response Figure 3 shows the stage of the gonad in each individual of P. depressus examined during the course of the experiment. When animals were transferred into the experimental environments in March, all gonads were rudimentary and their sexes cannot be identified from the histological sections (Stage 0). The sexes became evident (Stage 1) in animals larger than about 15 mm in test diameter. In January 1987, the tests had grown to 25-35 mm in diameter and the gonads to 0.6-1.2g in wet weight of the 5 lobes. We had accidentally lost Groups 2 (20 DD) and 5 (Amb LL) on the way. The gonads in all remaining groups had reached maturity (Stage 3) within a year after fertilization. The testes generally be¬ came ripe earlier than the ovaries. In the two ambient temperature groups (Amb DD, Control), the gonads reached Stage 3 almost simultaneously irrespective of the photic conditions. In the three constant temperature groups (20 LL, In-phase, Out-of-phase), the gonads reached Stage 3 earlier than those in the ambient temperature groups (Amb DD, Control), but among these three groups the timing of gonadal maturation is almost identical irrespective of the photic conditions. The gonads in the continuously illuminated group (20 LL) entered the post-spawned stage (Stage 4) earlier than those in the groups under photo- periodic regimes (In-phase, Out-of-phase). Figure 4 shows the stage of the gonad in each individual of H. pulcherrimus examined during the course of the experiment. We had lost Group 2 (20 DD) on the way by an accident. In February 1987, the tests had grown to about 20 mm in diameter and the gonads had grown from a rudimentary state in July to about 0. 6-1.0 g in wet weight of the 5 lobes. In the three ambient temperature groups (Amb LL, Amb DD, Control) the ovaries and the testes had reached the maturity (Stage 3) in some individuals in December and in almost all indi¬ viduals in January irrespective of the photic condi¬ tions. Again in H. pulcherrimus , the gonads in the continuously illuminated animals (Amb LL) en¬ tered post-spawned stage (Stage 4) earlier than those in animals kept under continuous darkness (Amb DD) or ambient daily photoperiod (Con¬ trol). In the three groups kept at 20°C (20 LL, In-phase, Out-of-phase), the gonads never de¬ veloped over Stage 1 at least up to January; the gonads were as large as or rather a little larger than those in the ambient temperature groups but they were full of nutritive cells and in many animals even the sexes cannot be identified (Stage 0). Some animals were kept under continuous light (20 LL) until June 1987 but their gonads remained at Stage 0 or 1. Body growth Pearse et al. [15] have reported in Strongy- locentrotus purpuratus that the peak in body growth rate could be sifted 6 months in animals kept under 6 months out-of-phase photoperiodic regime. We compared the growth rates among three groups kept under three different light re¬ gimes at a constant water temperature of 20°C (20 LL, In-phase, Out-of-phase). In P. depressus , the group kept under continuous light (20 LL) grew significantly faster than groups under in-phase and Fig. 4. The stages of the gonads of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus maintained under 6 experimental conditions. Each symbol represents one individual. Sea urchins were reared from zygotes of the same batch fertilized on 29 March 1986 and were kept under constant illumination at 20°C until they were transferred to one of the following experimental environments on 21 June 1986: continuous light at 20°C (20 LL); changing photoperiod in phase with ambient daily photoperiod at 20°C (In-phase); changing photoperiod 6 months out of phase with ambient daily photoperiod at 20°C (Out-of-phase); continuous light at ambient temperatures (Amb LL); continuous darkness at ambient temperatures (Amb DD); ambient light at ambient temperatures (Control). Gonadal Maturation of Sea Urchin 985 Amb L L 4 ? A © A A $ A A • A A • mm A A s® mm ■ $ A 1 1 A | l ®® 1 1 STAGE 0 A 1 □ o 2 0® 3 ■ • 4 ® Amb D D A A A A A A A | | A | j ■ ■« mm St 1 | • i i i E# | | mm mm , | i i i Control a A • • A A <§> m ■ A A <§> m ■$ A A ■ | 20 In phase A A A A A A AO AO AO A A A A ADO A ADO AD | ADO | ADQ| 20 Out of phase A A A A A A A A A A AO A A A A A AO ADO AO ADO AO 1 ADO 1 20 LL A A A A A A t>D>0 ooo A AO AO AO A A O ADO ADO A A A ADO A A A A Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr A A A A A A A AD AO ADO ADO 1986 1987 986 M. Yamamoto, M. Ishine and M. Yoshida 9 Fig. 5. The wet weight of Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus maintained under three different light regimes at 20°C: continuous light (20 LL), changing photoperiod in phase with ambient ones (In-phase) and changing photoperiod 6 months out-of-phase with ambient ones (Out-of-phase). Each point represents the mean of all individuals maintained, which were about 75 at the beginning of the experiment but decreased in number by being sampled for histological analysis during the experiments. 6 months out-of-phase photoperiodic regimes but the latter two groups grew at the same rate throughout the experimental period (Fig. 5). In H. pulcherrimus , the growth rates did not differ among the three groups under the different light regimes (Fig. 5). DISCUSSION It is difficult to evaluate the contribution of environmental factors to gonadal maturation un¬ less the conditions of animals prior to the experi¬ ment were fully evident. Boolootian [12] has reported in S. purpuratus that a population main¬ tained in a constant laboratory condition remained reproductive synchrony with the field ones over three years. Pearse et al. [20] suggested in the sea star, Pisaster ochraceus , the presence of an en¬ dogenous circannual rhythm that is set very early in life and insensitive to experimentally fixed day- lengths. In the present experiments we used sea urchins derived from fertilized eggs of the same batch and reared under a constant environment (continuous light at 20°C) until they were transfer¬ red to experimental environments. The experiments by Pearse et al. [15] have showed that in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, both gametogenesis and body growth are regulated by seasonal changes in photoperiod. The normal winter to spring spawning period of this species could be shifted to summer to fall by exposing sea urchins to changing photoperiod set 6 months out of phase with ambient daily photoperiod. Game¬ togenesis in S. purpuratus is also responsive to fixed photoperiod [16]. After one year mainte¬ nance under fixed short days (8L: 16D) or fixed neutral days (12L: 12D) the gonads became ripe, but under fixed long days (16L: 8D) the gonads did Gonadal Maturation of Sea Urchin 987 not have gametes. The present experiments show that in two com¬ mon Japanese sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus de- pressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , game- togenesis is under different environmental control from that in S. purpuratus ; no specific photic conditions are required for gametogenesis to pro¬ ceed. In H. pulcherrimus , the timings of gonadal maturation were identical among the three groups kept under different photic conditions (continuous darkness, continuous light and ambient photo¬ period) as long as the animals were kept at ambient temperatures. In P. depressus kept at ambient temperatures, the groups under con¬ tinuous darkness and ambient photoperiod had mature gonads simultaneously. Moreover, in P. depressus kept at 20°C, the gonads reached the maturity at the same time in three groups under different light regimes (continuous light, in-phase and out-of-phase photoperiod). These results indi¬ cate that gametogenesis proceeds independently of environmental photic conditions. In the two spe¬ cies, unlike in S. purpuratus [15], growth was also unaffected by difference in photoperiodic regimes, although the continuous light seems to promote the growth in P. depressus. Our experiments suggest that temperature is a factor controlling gametogenesis in P. depressus and H. pulcherrimus. In all groups of H. pulcherri¬ mus maintained at 20°C, the gonads remained undifferentiated or immature after the gonads in the ambient temperature groups became ripe. In contrast, in all groups of P. depressus kept at 20°C, the gonads reached maturity within a year after fertilization. These results suggest the existence of a species-specific temperature range permitting the progression of gametogenesis. The effect of temperatures on sea urchin gametogenesis is now being analyzed in the succeeding experiments. Although photic conditions do not seem to regulate the onset of gametogenesis in the present species, they seem to relate to the end of game¬ togenesis. In the gonads of both H. pulcherrimus and P. depressus , entrance to the post-spawned stage was promoted by a continuous illumination. S. purpuratus is also a contrast to the present two species in this respect. In the former, cold temper¬ ature treatments did not affect the onset of game¬ togenesis but high temperature treatments induced gamete resorption [13]. The difference in regulatory mechanisms of gametogenesis between the present species and S. purpuratus may be ascribed to the difference in the condition of water temperatures in the sea where they live. Orton [21] have argued that sea temper¬ ature is the main environmental factor controlling reproductive activity of many shallow-water marine animals. Seasonal changes in sea tempera¬ ture are marked along the coast of Japan: monthly means of sea water temperature range 9 to 26°C near the Ushimado Marine Laboratory. In con¬ trast, there are only weak and poorly defined seasonal changes in sea temperature on the Pacific coast of California: Monthly means of sea water temperature range 12 to 17°C [20] at Santa Cruz, California where the experiments in S. purpuratus by Pearse et al. [15] were carried out. In such a condition, the photoperiod can be a main factor to control the reproduction of marine invertebrates. Pearse’s group has reported the presence of photo- periodic control of the annual reproductive cycles in two species of sea stars from California [20, 22, 23]. Since the present materials were reared under the constant illumination at 20°C from the begin¬ ning of their lives, the experimental groups main¬ tained under continuous light at 20°C (20 LL) appear to be free from any environmental cues to start the gametogenic cycle. In such a group of P. depressus , the gonads ripened synchronously at a different time from those in the groups maintained at ambient temperatures. There may be an en¬ dogenous temporal program to start the game¬ togenic cycle. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Mr. Nobutaka Kakuda of the Gaikai Fishery Experimental Station, Yamaguchi Prefecture for kindly supplying sea urchins. Thanks are also due to Dr. Kozo Ohtsu and Messrs. Waichiro Godo and Masao Isozaki of this marine laboratory for their help in rearing and maintenance of sea urchins. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (No. 62124037). 988 M. Yamamoto, M. Ishine and M. Yoshida REFERENCES 1 Boolootian, R. A. (1966) Reproductive physiology. In “Physiology of Echinodermata”. Ed. by R. A. Boolootian, Interscience Publishers, New York, London, Sydney, pp. 465-486. 2 Yoshida, M. (1952) Some observations on the maturation of the sea urchin, Diadema setosum. Annot. Zool. Japon., 25: 265-271. 3 Holland, N. D. (1967) Gametogenesis during the annual reproductive cycle in a cidaroid sea urchin (Stylocidaris affinis). Biol. Bull., 133: 578-590. 4 Pearse, J. S. (1969) Reproductive periodicities of Indo-Pacific invertebrates in the Gulf of Suez. II. The echinoid Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville). Bull. Mar. Sci., 19: 580-613. 5 Gonor, J. J. (1973) Reproductive cycles in Oregon populations of the echinoid, Strongylocentrotus pur- puratus (Stimpson) I. Annual gonad growth and ovarian gametogenic cycles. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 12: 45-64. 6 Mori, T., Tsuchiya, T. and Amemiya, S. 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E. and Lam, T. J. (1987) Preliminary study on the pattern of gonadal de¬ velopment of the sea urchin, Diadema setosum, off the coast of Singapore. Zool. Sci., 4: 665-673. 12 Boolootian, R. A. (1964) Die Bedeutung der abio- tischer Faktoren fur die Gonadenentwicklung und Fortpflanzung der mariner Evertebraten. Helgolan- der wiss. Meeresunters., 10: 118-139. 13 Cochran, R. C. and Engelman, F. (1975) Environ¬ mental regulation of the annual reproductive season of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson). Biol. Bull., 148: 393-401. 14 Leachy, P. S., Hough-Evans, B. R., Britten, R. J. and Davidson, E. (1981) Synchrony of oogenesis in laboratory-maintained and wild populations of the purple sea urchin ( Strongylocentrotus purpuratus ). J. Exp. Zool., 215: 7-22. 15 Pearse, J. S., Pearse, V. B. and Davis, K. K. (1986) Photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis and growth in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpu¬ ratus. J. Exp. Zool., 237: 107-118. 16 Bay-Schmith, E. and Pearse, J. S. (1987) Effect of fixed daylengths on the photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Int. J. Invertebr. Reprod. Dev., 11: 287-294. 17 Kakuda, N. and Nakamura, T. (1975) Studies on the artificial seedling of the sea urchin. II. On the food for larvae of Pseudocentrotus depresssus. Aquiculture, 22: 56-60. 18 Kakuda, N. (1978) Studies on the artificial seedling of the sea urchin. III. On mass culture of pluteus larvae. Aquiculture, 25: 121-127. 19 Kakuda, N. (1978) Studies on the artificial seedling of sea urchin. IV. On culture of juvenile sea urchins. Aquiculture, 25: 128-133. 20 Pearse, J. S., Eernisse, D. J., Pearse, V. B. and Beauchamp, K. A_ (1986) Photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis in sea stars, with evidence for an annual calendar independent of fixed daylength. Am. Zool., 26: 417-431. 21 Orton, J. S. (1920) Sea temperature, breeding and distribution in marine animals. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K., 12: 339-366. 22 Pearse, J. S. and Beauchamp, K. A. (1986) Photo¬ periodic regulation in a brooding sea star from central California. Int. J. Invertebr. Reprod. Dev., 9: 289-297. 23 Pearse, J. S. and Eernisse, D. J. (1982) Photo¬ periodic regulation of gametogenesis and gonadal growth in the sea star Pisaster ochraceus. Mar. Biol., 67: 121-125. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 989-998 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai Normal Embryonic Stages of the Pygmy Cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Ortmann Masamichi Yamamoto Ushimado Marine Laboratory, Okayama University, Ushimado, Okayama, 701-43 Japan ABSTRACT — A normal table of embryonic stages for the pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Ortmann, a suitable material for developmental study of the cephalopod, is presented. A female cuttlefish kept in still sea water in a small vessel repeatedly lays 30-80 fertilized eggs every 2-7 days for more than a month. Thirty stages are morphologically defined during the embryonic period from oviposition to hatching. Hatching occurs 16-18 days after oviposition at 20°C. The external shape and some internal structures of the living embryo at each stage are illustrated, and the chronological ages and main developmental events are assembled in a tabular form. INTRODUCTION The cephalopod is unique in its developmental pattern: unlike other molluscs, its eggs are telolecithal, show no spiral cleavage and develop directly to miniature adult forms. However the developmental processes are not fully analyzed due to the difficulty of obtaining eggs, especially at early stages of development. At present, Loligo pealii [1,2] and Loligo vulgaris [3] are mainly used in experimental studies of cephalopod develop¬ ment because their eggs are obtainable compara¬ tively easily. The pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus, can be a more useful ex¬ perimental organism for the developmental study of the cephalopod. They are widely distributed along the coast of Japan [4]. They are small in size (about 15 mm in mantle length) and are easily collectable by a hand net in the eelgrass bed. The maintenance of adults and obtaining of eggs are very easy [5, 6]; no special equipment is necessary to keep them in the laboratory. They lay eggs repeatedly in small vessels; in this laboratory just laid eggs are available every day for at least half an year. The egg is very transparent and its size is suitable for handling (about 1 mm in longer di¬ ameter). Accepted December 25, 1987 Received November 10, 1987 The cephalopod generally has a long embryonic period; a miniature adult form is gradually com¬ pleted in the egg capsule. Natsukari [6] has described an outline of the development of Idio¬ sepius pygmaeus paradoxus and reported the embryonic period to be 15-17 days at about 20°C. The speed of development is so susceptible to environmental conditions, such as temperature and egg density, that it is almost impossible to designate developmental stages correctly only by chronological means. Thus, the morphological staging of Idiosepius.pygmaeus paradoxus seems to be useful for future developmental studies of this species. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Ortmann were collected by a hand net or a tow net of a coarse mesh size in eelgrass beds. Near the Ushimado Marine Laboratory, the cut¬ tlefish can be easily obtained from April to August but they disappear from autumn to winter with regression of the eelgrass beds. The male can be distinguished from the female by the white testis visible through the mantle at the caudal end. Female cuttlefish were kept in still sea water in plastic vessels (3-4 individuals per vessel of 25 cm in diameter) in a constant temperature room (20 + 1°C). The water was changed every 2 or 3 days. 990 M. Yamamoto Aeration was not necessary. The cuttlefish were usually fed with gammaridian amphipods (mainly Ampithoe valida) collected by shaking sea weeds (2-3 amphipods per individual per day.) Many other small crustaceans such as marine and terres¬ trial isopods, fully grown Artemia and marine and fresh water shrimps were usable as foods as long as they are alive and the size is appropriate. Several pieces of microscopic slides, one surface of which was covered with black adhesive tape, were leaned against the inner wall of the vessel with covered face upward. The cuttlefish usually attach to the under surface of the slide with the adhering gland present on the dorsal side of the mantle. Females begin to lay eggs in several days. The eggs are fertilized when they are laid; females have usually received spermatophores from males in the sea. Two maturation divisions begin succes¬ sively after oviposition. The eggs, each wrapped with a thin vitelline membrane, several layers of gelatinous coats and a transparent egg-capsule (Fig. 2 lb), are laid into an one-layered compact mass on the under surface of the slide. One female kept laying 30-80 eggs every 2-7 days for more than one month in the laboratory; the duration between two ovipositions varied but the rate of egg production was not only constant in a female but almost equal among females (mean egg production rate (eggs/day)±s.d. = 13.7 ±0.4, n=6). The slide with eggs on one face was transferred to a petri dish and kept at 20±0.5°C. Develop¬ ment tended to be retarded in the eggs laid in the central area of an egg mass. In order to keep synchronous development among embryos, some eggs were removed from the slide so that no eggs were closely surrounded by others. Developing embryos were periodically observed under a stereoscopic microscope (Nikon, SMZ-10) at the magnification of 40-60. The external shapes and some internal structures observable from the out¬ side were sketched with the aid of drawing appa¬ ratus. Preliminary staging was made by comparing more than 10 series of sketches of separate batch¬ es. The final staging was constructed by correcting the preliminary one through checking it against the development of further 8 batches. The chronolo¬ gical ages are determined by averaging the time data obtained from 10 developmental series of separate batches. Explanatory illustrations of organ primordia are presented in Figure 1 for the sake of convenience. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The developmental period of Idiosepius pyg- maeus paradoxus from oviposition to hatching was Fig. 1. Organ primordia in the embryo of Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus. The illustrations are only explanatory and do not represent any particular stages. Left, dorsal view; right, ventral view, a, arm; an; anus; c, chromatophore; e, eye vesicle; f, fin; ff, funnel fold; g, gill; H . organ of Hoyle; 1, lens; m, mantle; mo, mouth, o, olfactory organ; ol, optic lobe; r, retina; s, sucker; sc, secondary cornea; sg, shell gland; sp, siphon; st, statocyst; y, yolk; ys, yolk sac. Normal Embryonic Stages of Cuttlefish 991 divided into 30 stages on the basis of morphologi¬ cal features of living embryos. The external shapes and some internal structures of the embryos are illustrated in Figures 2 to 6. Main developmental events to characterize each stage and the mean time to attain the stage after oviposition are pre¬ sented in Table 1. I think that these 30 stages are discrete but some Fig. 2. Normal embryonic stages of Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus : Stages 1 to 12. The egg envelopes are shown only in one drawing in the upper left, the lateral view of the egg at stage lb: c, egg capsule; g, gelatinous layer; p, perivitelline space; v, vitelline membrane. The other drawings are views from the animal pole. Each number indicates the stage number. 992 M. Yamamoto 1 mm Fig. 3. Normal embryonic stages of Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus : Stages 8-18. The lateral or dorsal views. Normal Embryonic Stages of Cuttlefish 993 experience and familiality with materials may be required to determine stages accurately. It must be taken into consideration that the stages are artificially constructed by dividing a continuous change into steps. Naturally, there will often be discrepancies between actual embryos and illustra¬ tions. Stages of such embryos should be described such as, for instance, “early stage 20” or “late stage 21.” Some developmental events described in Table 1 may be less reliable than others as developmental criteria. It is relatively difficult to distinguish organ primordia in living embryos from stages 17 to 19, though they are observable more discretely in fixed or properly stained embryos. The earliest stage when the heart beat is recognizable in some embryos is stage 23 but the heart beat is observable in all embryos at stage 27. It is also difficult to 19 1 mm Fig. 4. Normal embryonic stages of Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus : Stages 19-21. The left, middle and right drawings in each stage are the dorsal, ventral and animal pole views, respectively. 994 M. Yamamoto determine the precise stage for the secondary necessary to use several criteria to identify stages cornea to cover the eye. The retina shows differ- correctly. ent colorations under different illuminations. The time data presented in Table 1 is useful only Hatching occurs precociously at stage 28 if as an approximation. The speed of development embryos are mechanically agitated. Thus, it is varies among individuals or batches. Cleavage Normal Embryonic Stages of Cuttlefish 995 Fig. 6. Normal embryonic stages of Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus : Stages 27-30. The left and right drawings in stages 27 and 28 are the dorsal and ventral views, respectively. Only the dorsal views are shown in stages 29 and 30. 996 M. Yamamoto Table 1. Normal embryonic stages of the cuttlefish Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Stage No. Time after oviposition (20±0.5°C) Main developmental events 1 Precleavage stage. First polar body appears 45-60 min after oviposi¬ tion (la). Blastodisc becomes evident about 2 hr 30 min and second polar body appears about 3 hr 30 min after oviposition (lb). 2 5.5 hr 2 cell stage. First cleavage plane occurs along the plane of bilateral symmetry of the embryo. 3 7.0 hr 4 cell stage. Second cleavage plane occurs obliquely to the first one and the embryonic anterior (future dorsal) and posterior (future ventral) become evident. The polar bodies are present in the anterior. 4 8.5 hr 8 cell stage. Division is unequal. 5 10.0 hr 16 cell stage. Division is unequal. 6 12.0 hr 32 cell stage. Division is unequal and asynchronous. 7 14.0 hr About 64 cell stage. 8 16.0 hr Blastoderm is spreading by division of marginal cells. 9 20.0 hr Blastoderm is indented in outline with increasing marginal cells. 10 24.0 hr Blastoderm is decreasing in diameter by centripetal migration of marginal cells. 11 1 day 05 hr Blastoderm is smooth in outline and smallest in diameter. A papilla of yolk is visible in the center of the blastoderm. 12 1 day 14 hr Yolk papilla becomes flattened. Blastoderm has slightly increased in diameter. 13 2 day 00 hr Epiboly begins. About 1/6 of the egg surface is covered by the blastoderm. 14 2 day 13 hr About 1/4 of the eggs surface is cellulated. 15 3 day 01 hr About 1/3 of the egg surface is cellulated. 16 3 day 14 hr About 1/2 of the egg surface is cellulated. 17 4 day 03 hr About 2/3 or more of the egg surface is cellulated. Major organ primordia appear as thickenings in the blastoderm. 18 4 day 16 hr Most of the egg surface is cellulated. Primordia of the mantle, shell gland, mouth and arms are discernible but very faintly. Egg changes in shape from ovoidal (18a) to discoidal (18b) and begins to rotate very slowly. 19 5 day 05 hr Cellulation is complete. Primordia of the gills, funnel folds and statocysts are visible faintly. Invagination of the eyes and shell gland has begun. Embryos rotate rapidly. 20 5 day 18 hr Primordia of the mantle, funnel folds, gills and arms become discrete by elevation from the embryonic surface. Anus primordium is evident. Sucker primordia appear on some arms. Yolk sac begins weak pulsation. 21 6 day 07 hr Embryonic body begins to stand up from the egg surface. Eye vesicles have just closed. Optic lobe primordia are visible. Sucker primordia have increased in number. Mantle begins to grow downward. Ventral funnel folds are bent toward the midline. (continue) Normal Embryonic Stages of Cuttlefish 997 Table 1. (continued) Stage No. Time after oviposition (20 + 0.5°C) Main developmental events 22 7 day 00 hr Fins are discernible with care. Funnel folds have just formed the siphon at the ventral proximities. Yolk sac is separated from the embryonic body by a constriction. Eye vesicle is spherical in shape. Lens is visible as a small dot. Retina is dish-shaped and very pale yellow. 23 7 day 18 hr Mantle completely covers the gills. Fins are evident. Median margins of the ventral funnel folds are fusing. Retina is cup-shaped and reddish orange in color. Lens is evident as a refractile rod. Iris fold is being formed. Rotational movement gradually ends but pulsation of the yolk sac becomes strong. Heart beat begins in some embryos. 24 8 day 16 hr Organ of Hoyle is discernible with care. Retina is reddish brown. Iris is prominent as a colored circle. Mantle completely covers the margin of the funnel. 25 9 day 16 hr Chromatophores, very pale yellow in color, appear on the dorsal face of the mantle, at first, and of the head, later. Organ of Hoyle is discrete. Secondary cornea has just begun to cover the eye. Retina is dark brown. Olfactory organs are evident. Pulsation of the yolk sac weakens. Mantle sometimes contracts. 26 10 day 16 hr Chromatophores, orange in color, appear on the whole embryonic surface. Secondary cornea is covering the eye. The mantle, head and yolk sac are approximately equal in size but the head is somewhat larger in width than the mantle. Embryos begin to move the fins, siphon and arms and often change position within the egg capsule. 27 12 day 06 hr Secondary cornea has just covered the eye. Retina is reddish black. The mantle is slightly larger in width than the head. 28 13 day 22 hr The mantle is prominently larger in size than the head. Yolk sac is decreasing in size. Chromatophores are usually contracted. Embryos move vigorously in the capsule. 29 15 day 22 hr Yolk sac is very small or almost invisible but a mass of yolk remains in the embryonic body. Some embryos hatch. 30 18 day 05 hr Yolk mass is completely lost. The remaining embryos hatch. proceeds fairly synchronously within a batch but after epiboly, time variation between individuals gradually increases with stages; the fastest reaches stage 19 about 24 hr earlier than the latest. De¬ velopmental speed is also dependent on tempera¬ ture and density of eggs. The duration from oviposition to hatching was about 12 days at 23°C and more than 1 month at 17°C. The embryos located in the central area of a broad egg mass always develop more slowly than those in its periphery and sometimes show abnormalities in shape, especially at late embryonic stages; the development may be susceptible to oxygen con¬ centration. The egg envelopes are omitted from the illustra¬ tions except one drawing in Figure 2. The peri- vitelline space between the egg and the vitelline membrane is narrow up to stage 17 but gradually increases in volume after stage 18. The first slight increase in volume at stage 18 may give the egg a room to change the shape and to rotate. Gomi et al. [7] have suggested in Sepiella that pro¬ teinaceous osmoactive substance produced by the embryo causes water intake into the perivitelline space. There are many reports on the developmental process of the cephalopod [2, 8] but only a few are usable as normal tables of embryonic develop¬ ment. Naef [9] has presented the developmental series for many cephalopods in his extensive 998 M. Yamamoto monograph but cleavage is neglected in his stag¬ ings. Arnold [1] has divided the embryonic period of Loligo pealii into 30 stages, which do not always correspond to the present 30 stages. Yamamoto [10] has defined 40 stages in the embryonic de¬ velopment of Sepiella japonica. The embryo of Sepiella japonica is seemingly different from that of the present material; in the former the orga- nogenetic period is longer and more stages are definable there than in the latter. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank Messrs. W. Godo and M. Isozaki of this Marine Laboratory for their help in collecting the cuttlefish. This work is supported by a Grant-in- Aid from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (No. 60540463). REFERENCES 1 Arnold, J. M. (1965) Normal embryonic stages of the squid, Loligo pealii (Lesueur). Biol. Bull., 128: 24-32. 2 Arnold,!. M. and Williams- Arnold, L. D. (1977) Cephalopoda: decapods. In “Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates”. Ed. by A. C. Giese and J. S. Pearse, Academic Press, New York, pp. 243-290. 3 Marthy, H. J. (1982) The cephalopod egg, a suit¬ able material for cell and tissue interaction studies. In “Embryonic Development, Part B: Cellular Aspect”. Ed. by M. M. Burger and R. Weber, Alan R. Liss, New York, pp. 223-233. 4 Sasaki, M. (1929) A monograph of the dibranchiate cephalopods of the Japanese and adjacent waters. J. Coll. Agr. Hokkaido Univ., 20: Suppl., 132-134. 5 Sasaki, M. (1923) On an adhering habit of a pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus Steenstrup. Annot. Zool. Japon., 10: 209-213. 6 Natsukari, Y. (1970) Egg laying behavior, embryonic development and hatched larva of the pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Ortmann. Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., 30: 15- 29. 7 Gomi, F., Yamamoto, M. and Nakazawa, T. (1986) Swelling of egg during development of the cuttlefish, Sepiella japonica. Zool. Sci., 3: 641-645. 8 Hamabe, M. (1983) Cephalopoda. In “Musekitsui Dobutsu no Hassei, Jou.” Ed. by K. Dan, K. Seki- guchi, Y. Ando and H. Watanabe, Baifukan, Tokyo, pp, 343-360. 9 Naef, A. (1928) Die Cephalopoden. Monographic 35, Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli. 10 Yamamoto, M. (1982) Normal stages in the de¬ velopment of the cuttlefish, Sepiella japonica Sasaki. Zool. Mag., 91: 146-157. j ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 999-1006 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Absence of Androgen Receptors in the Prostatic Glandular Epithelium Derived from Testicular Feminization Mutant ( Tfm ) Mice Takeo Mizuno1,2, Hiroyuki Takeda, Naoya Suematsu, Noriko Hironaka and Ilse Lasnitzki3 Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan and * 1 2 Strangeway s Research Laboratory, Wort’s Causeway, Cambridge CB1 4RN, England ABSTRACT — Urogenital sinus epithelium from male embryos of Tfm androgen receptor defective mice was combined with urogenital sinus mesenchyme from normal rat embryos and the recombinates were grown underneath the kidney capsule of male nude mice. The Tfm epithelium formed prostatic buds which developed into fully formed glands. A few recombinates also formed seminal vesicles and coagulating glands. A study of androgen receptors by steroid autoradiography showed that labelling was absent in the epithelium but present in the mesenchyme surrounding the epithelium. In the control recombinates in which epithelium from normal wild type mice was combined with the rat mesenchyme both epithelium and mesenchyme were androgen-labelled. A study of the fine structure of the Tfm epithelium and its enzyme activity showed that both approximate those seen in the control epithelium. The results suggest that epithelial androgen may not be required for the cytodifferentiation of the epithelium and that both bud formation and cytodifferentiation are induced by the androgen activated mesenchyme. The possibility that androgens are necessary for epithelial cell proliferation and the synthesis of specific prostatic proteins, is discussed. INTRODUCTION Prostatic glands develop from the urogenital sinus as epithelial buds projecting from the sinus epithelium into the surrounding mesenchyme under the influence of androgens [1]. Epithelial mesenchymal recombination experiments between androgen deficient ( Tfm mutant) epithelium and wild type mesenchyme [2] suggested that the mesenchyme is a target for androgen and that epithelial buds are induced by androgen primed mesenchyme. This concept has been supported by steroid autoradiographic analysis which showed androgen-binding sites in the mesenchyme throughout all fetal stages [3], In contrast Accepted January 29, 1988 Received January 7, 1988 1 Present address: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, Sagamiko, Kanagawa, 199-01 Japan. 2 To whom reprints should be requested. androgen binding sites were absent in the fetal epithelium but appeared after birth coinciding with the cytodifferentiation of the postnatal epithelium [4, 5], This paper attempts to relate the presence of androgen to the development and cytodifferentia¬ tion of the mouse prostate gland, and also to determine whether the urogenital sinus mesen¬ chyme will induce androgen receptors in the androgen receptor deficient Tfm epithelium. For this purpose urogenital sinus epithelium from the Tfm mouse fetuses was combined with urogenital sinus mesenchyme from normal rat fetuses and the recombinates grown under the kidney capsule of normal host mice, for up to 8 weeks. The fine structure of its epithelium and the enzyme activity of epithelium and mesenchyme such as alkaline phosphatase and nonspecific esterase activity were determined. The uptake of labelled androgen by the mesenchyme and epithelium was analysed by steroid autoradiography and the results correlated 1000 T. Mizuno, H. Takeda et al. with the degree of cytodifferentiation and enzyme activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Mice carrying the Tfm- mutation gene and wild- type mice were kindly provided by Dr. Mary F. Lyon (MRC, Harwell, Oxon) and bred in inbreed¬ ing in our laboratory. Mutant male (XTfm/Y) embryos were obtained by mating XTfm/X+ females with wild males (X+/Y). Wistar-Imamichi rats were purchased from Imamichi Institute for Animal Reproduction, Oomiya, Japan. The ani¬ mals were mated during the night and copulation was confirmed by the presence of spermatozoa in the vaginal smears on the next morning. The conceptus was considered to be 0.5-day old at 12:00 of this day. Male fetuses of 15.5- and 16.5-days were obtained from mother mice and rats, respectively. Post-natal Wistar-Imamichi rats were also used for control. Identification of Tfm-mutant fetuses Fragments of pectoral skin of all male mouse fetuses used for the study were examined histologi¬ cally. Mammary rudiments regressed and no hair follicles appeared in 15.5-day wild-type (X+/Y) fetuses, while both rudiments were developed in mutant (Xr/m/Y) ones. Chemicals Cold testosterone (Koch-Light Laboratories, Colnbrook) and [1, 2, 6, 7-3H] testosterone (83.4 Ci/mmol; Amersham International PLC, Bucks) dissolved in propylene glycol and this stock solu¬ tion was further diluted with medium 199 (Earle’s salts, GIBCO Laboratories, Grand Island, NY, U.S.A.). Collagenase (Worthington Biochemical Corporation, Freehold, NJ, U.S.A.; Code CLS 149 U/mg) was dissolved in Tyrode’s solution. Separation of epithelium and mesenchyme Urogenital sinuses of fetal male mice and rats were treated with 0.06% collagenase solution (Worthington Biochemical Corp., Code CLS) for 40 min at 37°C, and the epithelium and mesen¬ chyme were separated carefully by fine two pairs of forceps. The tissues were then thoroughly washed in Tyrode’s solution supplemented with 50% fetal bovine serum. Recombination of epithelium and mesenchyme and cultivation of recombinates Epithelia isolated from Tfm or wild-type fetuses were recombined with mesenchymes isolated from normal rat fetuses. Recombinates were cultured in vitro for one day by a modified Trowell technique [6, 7] in Earle’s Medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 0.01 pglm\ cold testos¬ terone. The recombinates were then grafted be¬ neath the kidney capsule of male athymic ICR nude mice (Charles River Japan Inc., Atsugi, Japan), and cultured for 4, 6 and 8 weeks. Histology and ultrastructural study The grafts were removed from the kidney cap¬ sule in Tyrode’s sloution supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and were divided into frag¬ ments approximately 1 mm thick. Some fragments were fixed in Bouin’s fluid and the sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin. Some fragments were fixed in a modified Karnovsky’s fixative [8] at 4°C for 3 hr and post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.5) at 4°C for 2 hr, and carried through a graded series of alcohols, and embedded in epoxy resin according to the method of Luft [9]. Ultra-thin sections were cut on a Porter-Blum MT2 microtome, and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. They were ex¬ amined with a JEOL 100 CX electron microscope. Enzyme histochemistry Some other fragments of the grafts were fixed in ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7. 2-7. 4) for 2 hr, washed overnight in several changes of 5% sucrose at 4°C and frozen in isopentan ( — 190°C) chilled with liquid nitrogen. Sections, 5 pm thick, were cut in a cryostat (Cryo- cut II; American Optical, Buffalo, NY, U.S.A.) at about — 25°C. Alkaline phosphatase activities were assessed by tetrazolium reaction (modified after McGadey, [10]) with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- indoxyl-phosphate as the substrate and tetranitro- blue-tetrazolium as the coupling dye at pH 9.2- Prostate Formation without Androgen Receptors 1001 9.4. Nonspecific esterase activities were assessed at pH 5.0 by an azo-coupling method [11] with 1-naphtyl acetate as the substrate and hexazotized para-rosaniline as the coupling dye. Labelling procedure and autoradiography Steroid autoradiography for locating androgen¬ binding sites was carried out according to the method of Stumpf and Sar [12]. The details of the labelling procedure and autoradiographic tech¬ niques were described in the previous paper [4], The hosts were castrated 4-days before labelling to reduce the level of endogenous androgens. Tissue recombinates were divided into small fragments approximately 1-2 mm thick. They were incu¬ bated in Medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 2.5 pC\lm\ [1, 2, 6, 7- 3H]testosterone. The incubation was carried out at 37°C in a gas phase of 50% 02 and 5% C02. After 15 hr incubation the tissues were washed with Tyrode’s solution for 3 hr and were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen. Five-//m frozen sections, cut in a cryostat, were thaw-mounted onto the emulsion-coated slides and exposed for 2-3 weeks at 4°C. To assess the specificity of the binding of [3H]testosterone, we added a 400-fold excess of unlabelled testosterone to the medium containing [3H]testosterone. Identification of tissues Sections cut in a cryostat were stained with Hoechst dye #33258 (Calbiochem-Behring, La Jolla, CA, U.S.A.). By this staining, we can distinguish mouse nuclei from rat ones. Mouse nuclei contain several small discrete intranuclear fluorescent bodies, absent in rat nuclei. RESULTS Morphology of prostate glands induced in recom¬ binates Histological examination of the recombinates showed that most of them developed prostate glands. In recombinates of wild type epithelium and rat mesenchyme the acini had a wide lumen lined with columnar secretory epithelium which exuded much secretory matter. The lamina pro¬ pria surrounding the epithelium was poor in cells and fibres (Fig. 1). Recombinates with Tfm epithelium and rat mesenchyme also formed glands but their tubules were narrower and the epithelium was lower with a reduction of the supranuclear cytoplasmic area. In contrast to glands induced from normal epithelium the con¬ nective tissue surrounding the epithelium was in¬ creased significantly (Fig. 2). With the increase of the culture period to 6-8 weeks the diameter of the tubules increased and there was some secretory matter. Some recombinates also formed seminal vesicles, and urethral and coagulating glands (Table 1). Hoechst staining confirmed that the epithelium in the recombinates consisted of mouse cells only (Fig. 3). Ultrastructure of induced glands in the recombi¬ nates In the recombinates of Tfm epithelium with rat mesenchyme after 4 weeks growth microvilli de¬ veloped at the apical surface of the epithelial cells, which also possessed a well developed rough sur¬ faced endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Many secretory granules were seen in the apical cytoplasm (Fig. 4). These features were similar to those of the ventral prostate of the wild-type mouse at 4 weeks of age (Fig. 5). Enzyme histochemistry Alkaline phosphatase and nonspecific esterase activities were examined histochemically (Table 2). Recombinates of the sinus epithelium of Tfm mice and the sinus mesenchyme of normal rats showed similar activities to those of the control explants; the alkaline phosphatase activity was localized only in the lamina propria surrounding the epithelium which showed no activity (Figs. 6 and 7). In contrast, the nonspecific esterase activ¬ ity appeared mainly in the cytoplasm of the epithe¬ lium (Figs. 8 and 9). These features are the same as those seen in normal prostate glands of the same age or in glands in the control explants. Androgen receptors in the explants We examined, then, whether androgen recep¬ tors were induced in the prostatic epithelium de- 1002 T. Mizuno, H. Takeda et al. Prostate Formation without Androgen Receptors 1003 Table 1. Prostate gland formation in the recombinates of the urogenital sinus epithelium of Tfm or wild-type mice with the urogenital sinus mesenchyme of normal rats Recombinates (epithelium/ mesenchyme) Culture period (weeks) Prostate glands Seminal vesicles Coagulating glands Urethral glands 4 15/16 4/16 3/16 9/16 T/m-mouse/ 6 5/5 1/5 0/5 4/5 Rat 8 4/4 1/4 0/4 4/4 Wild-mouse/ Rat 4 11/11 6/11 1/11 4/11 Table 2. Alkaline phosphatase and nonspecific esterase activities in the prostatic glands induced in the explants Recombinates (epithelium/ mesenchyme) Culture period (weeks) Number of explants Tissues Alkaline phosphatase activity Nonspecific esterase activity 4 9 E — + - + + + T/ra-mouse/ M ++-+++ - Rat 8 4 E NE - M NE - Wild-mouse/ 4 5 E — + - + + + Rat M + + - + + - NE: not examined, — : negative, +: weak, + + : strong, + + + : very strong. E: epithelium, M: lamina propria. rived from the sinus epithelium of Tfm mice. The results are summarized in Table 3. In control explants, the epithelial nuclei of the glands were labelled strongly and the nuclei of the lamina propria moderately (Fig. 10). In contrast, the nuclei of most of the glandular epithelium derived from the Tfm mice were negative but the intensity of labelling in the lamina propria was similar to that in the control explants (Fig. 11). In competi¬ tion experiments, unlabelled testosterone abol¬ ished nuclear labelling completely. The results show that in the recombinates with Tfm epithelium the androgen receptors were localized in the lami¬ na propria of the prostate, that few or no receptors were induced in the Tfm epithelium, and that practically no androgen was transferred into the epithelium from the lamina propria. Nevertheless prostatic gland formation took place in the recom¬ binates of the androgen-receptor defective epithe¬ lium with the normal mesenchyme. DISCUSSION The results presented here show that the sinus epithelium of Tfm mice forms functional prostatic glands under the influence of the sinus mesen¬ chyme of wild type rats in the presence of androgens, that the nuclei of the lamina propria Figs. 1 and 2. Histology of prostatic glands induced in the recombinates of the sinus epithelium of the wild-type (Fig. 1) or of the Tfm-type (Fig. 2) and the sinus mesenchyme of the wild-type. The culture period was 4 weeks. Magnification X760. Haematoxylin-eosin staining. Fig. 3. Hoechst staining of the prostatic glands induced in the recombinates of the mouse epithelium of Tfm- type and the rat mesenchyme. All the epithelial cells were mouse cells. Figs. 4 and 5. Epithelial cells of the prostatic glands induced in the recombinates of the Tfm-e pithelium and the rat mesenchyme (Fig. 4) and those of the ventral prostate of a mouse of 4 weeks old (Fig. 5). Magnification X5,000. 1004 T. Mizuno, H. Takeda et al. >0 * •*.' '***' **4 * 1 , ^ . .>• . - ** . r j>r;- ' \:u *> - %7v ' * % ^’Wil v *•> *-t?r * * . .. . . . ■' ••••’• f 3v- / \* N#/ ‘ . k r. •*.* • \ »* * #• Prostate Formation without Androgen Receptors 1005 Table 3. Incorporation of [3H]testosterone into the nuclei of the epithelium and mesenchyme of the induced prostatic glands Recombinates (epithelium/ mesenchyme) Culture period (weeks) Number of explants Tissues Nuclear androgen incorporation T/ra-mouse/ 4 5 E - Rat M + Wild-mouse/ 4 5 E + + Rat M + — : negative, +: positive, + + : heavily, E: epithelium, M: lamina propria. surrounding the epithelial buds incorporate androgens but that the epithelium remains recep¬ tor negative (see also [13]). This is in contrast to previous findings on androgen receptors in the developing rat prostate gland [5]. These showed receptor positive mesenchyme surrounded recep¬ tor negative epithelium during fetal and early postnatal stages while epithelial receptors appeared and mesenchyme ones declined from day 10 postnatal coinciding with the beginning of cyto- differentiation. The results suggested that androgen-activated mesenchyme induced bud formation and that epithelial androgen stimulates cytodifferentiation. The present results do not bear out this interpretation. The fine structure and enzymatic activity of the receptor negative Tfm epithelium approximate that seen in the sinus epithelium from normal mouse embryos and it is possible that epithelial androgen is not required for its cytodifferentiation. However, the result does not necessarily deny that the Tfm epithelium does not express some androgen-dependent pro¬ teins which the normal prostatic epithelium ex¬ presses [14]. The exact function of epithelial androgen is still uncertain. It may be a mitogen. In rat and mouse prostate glands in organ culture androgens in¬ creased epithelial proliferation in a dose depend¬ ent manner [15], but in cell cultures of isolated rat epithelium they did not influence the rate of prolif¬ eration [16]. On the other hand, the hormone may be involved in the production of functional sub¬ stances specific for the fully developed prostate gland such as prostatic binding protein [17], prostatic secretion protein [18], prostatic basic protein, probasin [19] or prostatic acid phospha¬ tase [20]. In addition to the formation of prostate glands the Tfm epithelium associated with the rat mesen¬ chyme developed a small number of coagulating glands and seminal vesicles. The coagulating glands originate from the urogenital sinus and the seminal vesicles from the proximal part of the Wolffian ducts and it seems that androgen recep¬ tors in the sinus epithelium or Wolffian ducts are also dispensable for the development of these accessory male sex organs. Finally, the results suggest that the mesenchyme does not induce a synthesis of androgen receptors in the Tfm epithe¬ lium. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. We are also greatly indebted to Dr. Mary F. Lyon of the MRC Radiobiology Unit, for the gift of the mutant Tfm mice used in the present investigation. Figs. 6 and 7. Histochemistry of alkaline phosphatase activity of the prostatic glands induced in a recombinate of the epithelium of wild-type (Fig. 6) or Tfm (Fig. 7) and the rat mesenchyme. Magnification X760. Figs. 8 and 9. Histochemistry of nonspecific esterase activity of the prostatic glands induced in a recombinate of the epithelium of wild-type (Fig. 8) and Tfm (Fig. 9) rat mesenchyme. Magnification X760. Figs. 10 and 11. Autoradiographs of explants incubated with [3H]testosterone. Sections were stained with haematoxylin. The exposure period was 3 weeks. The glandular epithelium was induced from the sinus epithelium of a wild-type mouse (Fig. 10) and that of a Tfm mouse (Fig. 11) in the presence of the rat mesenchyme that incorporated androgen heavily. Magnification X 1,000. 1006 T. Mizuno, H. Takeda et al. REFERENCES 1 Lasnitzki, I. and Mizuno, T. (1977) Induction of the rat prostate gland by androgens in organ culture. J. Endocrinol., 74: 47-55. 2 Lasnitzki, I. and Mizuno, T. (1980) Prostatic induc¬ tion: Interaction of epithelium and mesenchyme from normal wild-type mice and androgen- insensitive mice with testicular feminization. J. En¬ docrinol., 85: 423-428. 3 Shannon, J. M. and Cunha, G. R. (1983) Auto¬ radiographic localization of androgen binding in the developing mouse prostate. Prostate, 4: 367-373. 4 Takeda, H. and Mizuno, T. (1984) Incorporation des androgenes au moment de la cytodifferenciation de l’epithelium prostatique chez le Rat. C. R. Soc. Biol., 178: 572-575. 5 Takeda, H., Mizuno, T. and Lasnitzki, I. (1985) Autoradiographic studies of androgen-binding sites in the rat urogenital sinus and postnatal prostate. J. Endocrinol., 104: 87-92. 6 Lasnitzki, I. (1976) The action of androgens on rat prostate glands in organ culture. In “Organ Culture in Biomedical Research”. Ed. by M. Balls and M. A. Monnickendam, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cam¬ bridge, pp. 241-256. 7 Trowell, O. A. (1959) The culture of mature organs in a synthetic medium. Exp. Cell Res., 16: 118-148. 8 Karnovsky, M. J. (1965) A formaldehyde- glutaraldehyde fixative of high osmolality for use in electron microscopy. J. Cell Biol., 27: 137A. 9 Luft, J. H. (1961) Improvements in epoxy resin embedding methods. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol., 9; 409-414. 10 McGadey, J. (1979) Tetrazolium reaction. In “En¬ zyme Histochemistry”. Ed. by Z. Lojda, R. Gossrau and T. H. Schiebler, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-63. 11 Davis, B. J. and Ornstein, L. (1959) Simultaneous azo-coupling with 1 -naphthyl acetate. In “Enzyme Histochemistry (1979)”. Ed. by Z. Lojda, R. Goss¬ rau and T. H. Schiebler, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 109-110. 12 Stumpf, W. E. and Sar, M. (1975) Autoradio¬ graphic techniques for localizing steroid hormones. Methods in Enzymol. 36: 135-156. 13 Mizuno, T., Takeda, H. and Suematsu, N. (1986) Recepteurs d’androgenes de l’epithelium au cours de l’induction des glandes prostatiques a partir de Pepithelium du sinus urogenital de la Souris Tfm- mutant. C. R. Soc. Biol., 180: 593-595. 14 Suematsu, N., Takeda, H. and Mizuno, T. (1988) Glandular epithelium induced from urinary bladder epithelium of the adult rat does not show full prostatic cytodifferentiation. Zool. Sci., 5: 385-395. 15 Lasnitzki, I. (1965) Action and interaction of hor¬ mones and 3-methylcholanthrene on the ventral prostate gland of the rat in vivo. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 35: 339-348. 16 McKeehan, W. L., Adams, P. S. and Rosser, M. P. (1984) Direct mitogenic effects of insulin, epidermal growth factor, glucocorticoid; cholera toxin, un¬ known pituitary factors and possibly prolactin, but not androgen, on normal rat prostate epithelial cells in serum-free, primary cell culture. Cancer Res., 44: 1998-2010. 17 Heyns, W. and De Moor, P. (1977) Prostatic bind¬ ing protein. A steroid-binding protein secreted by rat prostate. Eur. J. Biochem., 78: 221-230. 18 Pousette,A., Bjork, P., Carlstrom, K., Forgren, B., Hogber, B. and Gustafsson, J.-A. (1981) In¬ fluence of sex hormones on prostatic secretion pro¬ tein, a major protein in rat prostate. Cancer Res., 41: 688-690. 19 Matsuo, Y., Nishi, N., Muguruma, Y., Yoshitake, Y., Kurata, N. and Wada, F. (1985) Localization of prostatic basic protein (“Probasin”) in the rat pros¬ tates by use of monoclonal antibody. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 130: 293-300. 20 Perrin, P., Clairet, F. and Fleury-Goyon, M. C. (1984) Place des phosphatases acides prostatiques dans le traitement des adenocarcinomes de la pros¬ tate. J. Urol., 1: 19-22. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1007-1012 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Plasma Levels of Androgens in Growing Frogs of Rana nigromaculata Sumiko Tanaka, Hisaaki Iwasawa1 and Katsumi Wakabayashi2 Department of Pathology, Kagawa Medical School, Kagawa 761-07, 1 Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata 950-21, and ~lnstitute of Endocrinology, Gunma University, Maebashi 371, Japan ABSTRACT — Using young, subadult and adult Rana nigromaculata of both sexes, plasma testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. In young male frogs, the testosterone concentration was almost constant at ca. 100 pg/ml from just after metamorphosis to July of the next year, while the DHT concentration showed a gradual upward tendency and reached a level twice that of newly metamorphosed frogs by May of the next year. In first-year female frogs, the concentrations of testosterone and DHT were ca. 100 pg/ml, and had doubled by June of the next year. In second-year male frogs, testosterone and DHT concentrations increased remarkably in autumn, especially in DHT, and reached 8.7 ng/ml. In second-year females, testosterone also increased from July on, and reached 1.1 ng/ml in the breeding season (the first half of May) of the following year, though the DHT level remained low. Androgen concentrations in adult males were remarkably low just after hibernation compared with those in the preceding autumn (especially in DHT), decreased further until June, and increased again from July until October as the same manner in second-year males. Testosterone concentrations in adult females showed similar changes, though always slightly lower than those of the male frogs of the same age. INTRODUCTION The development of radioimmunoassay (RIA) has enabled one to determine quantitatively very small amounts of hormones in blood. In adult frogs of some anuran species, seasonal changes in the levels of circulating sex hormones have been reported [1-3]. On the other hand, plasma androgen levels in young and subadult frogs have been poorly documented [4]. It is, therefore, difficult to discuss in detail the correlation between plasma androgen concentration and the develop¬ ment of genital tracts, or spermatogenic progress. The present paper describes the changes in the plasma levels of testosterone and DHT in young, subadult and adult frogs of Rana nigromaculata, and discusses the relationship between androgen levels and the development of sexual organs in this species [4-8]. Accepted December 26, 1987 Received October 23, 1987 MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and serum samples Young, sub¬ adult, and adult frogs of Rana nigromaculata were collected monthly from May to October, provided that subadult and adult female frogs were to September, at Kanazuka, Niigata Prefecture. The animals collected each time were divided into 6 groups according to sex and age, i.e., first-year (young), second-year (subadult), and third-year or more aged adult males and females. The body length and weight of these frogs were determined, and animals within the range of standard deviation were used as materials. Blood samples were collected in microtubules from the heart of frogs anesthetized weakly by immersion in a 1% solu¬ tion of MS-222, the blood was centrifuged at 15,000 g for 5 min at 4°C. The separated sera were stored at — 80°C. Each time serum samples for RIA were made from 6 points. The number of frogs used each point was 6-10 young frogs, 2-4 subadults, and one adult. 1008 S. Tanaka, H. Iwasawa and K. Wakabayashi Separation of testosterone and DHT After the addition of 1,000 cpm of 3H-testosterone and 3H-DHT, 200 p\ of the serum was extracted twice with 4 ml of diethylether. After evaporation of the solvent, the extract was redissolved in 200 p\ of an isooctane-benzene-methanol mixture (90:5:5). Testosterone and DHT were then chromato¬ graphed on Sephadex LH-20 (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals). One half of the testosterone or DHT fraction was used for assay and the other half was retained to determine recovery with a liquid scin¬ tillation counter. RIA RIA was carried out by a double antibody method according to the method of Ismail et al. [9] with minor modification. For the iodination of testosterone-3-carboxymethyloxime- tyrosinemethylester, the chloramine-T method [10] was used. The assay system consisted of: 1) standard or sample dissolved in 200 p\ of 1% BSA borate buffer (pH 8.0), 2) 100/4 of diluted anti¬ serum (1:8000, Eiken Immunochemical Labora¬ tory, Tokyo) in 1% normal rabbit serum with 0.05 M EDTA borate buffer (pH 8.0), and 3) 100 p\ of 125I-labeled hormone in 1% BSA borate buffer (pH 8.0). The reaction was carried out at 4°C for 2 days. A goat anti-rabbit gamma-globulin serum was used as the second antibody. The amount of labeled testosterone bound in the precipitate was determined with an automatic gamma counter (Beckman, System 8000). Statistical analyses The data were treated according to the method of one way analysis of variances, and comparison of means were carried out by Duncan’s new multiple range test, Student’s t-test or Cochran-Cox test depending on the uni¬ formity of variances. RESULTS Plasma testosterone concentrations in young male frogs were nearly unchanged from just after metamorphosis to the spring of the next year, showing a slight rise in the middle of June (P<0.05 vs. August in first year). DHT levels showed a tendency to rise from middle July to October in the first year (P<0.25, one way analysis of variances), and showed a big variation in May of the next year. The level was high in early June (P<0.01 vs. July and August in first year) and then fell down until late June. This seasonal change was highly signif¬ icant (P< 0.025, analysis of variances). In young females, on the other hand, plasma testosterone levels were constant during the first year, and rose in early June in the second year (P <0.05 vs. first year September and October). Plasma DHT levels in females showed a gradual increase from May to middle June in the second year, then fell down sharply. These changes were significant (P<0.05) when examined by the analy¬ sis of variances. The mean level in the middle June was significantly higher than those in the first year August and October (P<0.05) and than that in middle July in the second year (P<0.01) (Fig. 1). In second-year male frogs, both testosterone and DHT showed a similar fluctuation pattern. That is, they clearly increased in August (P<0.1 and P<0.01 vs. July, respectively), the concentra¬ tion of testosterone was ca. 0.5 ng/ml and DHT was ca. lng/ml, decreased temporarily in Septem¬ ber (P<0.1 and P<0.05 vs. August, respectively), and then increased markedly in October to 2.5 ng/ml of testosterone and 8.7 ng/ml of DHT. This rise in October was especially remarkable in DHT; the level of DHT was three times higher than that of testosterone. In adult male frogs, high testosterone levels were found in May, but noticeable individual differences were seen. Then testosterone and DHT concentrations decreased until the middle of June, and increased again from July (P<0.1 and P <0.01 middle June vs. September, respectively), about a monthe earlier than in subadult male frogs. The concentrations of testosterone and DHT decreased (P<0.1 and P<0.05 vs. August, respectively) briefly in September and increased strikingly in October. As in the case of second- year male frogs, the concentrations of DHT in the summer and autumn months were always greater than those of testosterone. In second-year females, the DHT concentration remained at a certain low level from July on. On the other hand, the concentration of testosterone gradually increased from July to September (P< 0.001 July vs. September, P<0.01 July vs August), Plasma Androgens in Growing Frogs 1009 1st year frogs 2nd year frogs Fig. 1. Concentrations of plasma testosterone and DHT in the frogs from metamorphosis to just before the appearance of secondary sexual characters. Vertical lines indicate S.E. The relation between the two is *: P< 0.05 and **: P<0.01. and reached l.lng/ml in adult female frogs just after hibernation. The level of testosterone was at its minimum after the breeding season (P<0.05 May vs. middle June), and increased again after July on (P<0.01 middle June vs. September). In subadult and adult female frogs, unlike the male frogs of the same age, no decrease in androgen was seen in September (Fig. 2). DISCUSSION Gonadotropins and plasma androgen levels in male frogs As in the reproductive endocrine system in other vertebrates, a close relationship exists between gonadotropin secretion and androgen production in anurans [11-14]. Licht et al. [3] reported that in male Rana catesbeiana the concentrations of circu¬ lating LH and androgen fluctuated almost in paral¬ lel. From the ultrastrucutural quantitative data on gonadotropin-producing cells in subadult male frogs of R. nigromaculata [7], gonadotropin con¬ trol of androgen production is clearly suggested. That is to say, the changes in the number, size, and ultrastructure of gonadotropin-producing cells coincide well with the fluctuation in plasma levels of androgens, especially in the DHT observed in the present study. Plasma androgen level and spermatogenesis In newly metamorphosed frogs of R. nigromacu¬ lata , the seminiferous tubules are almost filled with primary spermatogonia. On the other hand, in young summer and autumn frogs, fairly active spermatogenesis is seen in some parts of the semi- 1010 S. Tanaka, H. Iwasawa and K. Wakabayashi 2nd year frogs adult frogs Fig. 2. Concentrations of plasma testosterone and DHT in subadult (2nd-year) and adult frogs. Vertical lines indicate S.E. The relation between the two is *: P<0.1, **: P<0.05 and ***: P<0.01. niferous tubules, and most of these spermatogenic cells disappear during hibernation [6, 8, 15]. Judg¬ ing from the results of the present study, it seems that this uneffective spermatogenesis is caused by the deficiency of androgens. Effective sperma¬ togenesis begins in late spring in second-year frogs. In August, in which a remarkable increase in the number of spermatids and spermatozoa is seen, androgen concentrations increased remarkably, and a further increase was seen in October. The thumb pads begin to develop in August, and develop highly in October in this species [4, 5], Therefore, the progress of spermatogenesis and the development of thumb pads well agree with the increase in the concentration of plasma androgens. The reason for the decrease in androgen seen in September is unknown. A wide variation in the concentration of plasma testosterone was seen in adult male frogs of the breeding season. This phenomenon may be due to the use of frogs having different breeding activi¬ ties, and it seems that the testosterone concentra¬ tion rapidly decreases toward the end of the breed¬ ing season. It is interesting that the available androgen in the breeding period is testosterone rather than DHT. The changes in the plasma androgen concentra¬ tion observed in the present study coincided with the results of Kera and Iwasawa [4], except for the values in second-year May frogs, and the reason for this disagreement is not known. Plasma androgen level and development of genital tracts Sexual difference in genital tracts in R. nigromac- ulata appeared rapidly and remarkably in second- Plasma Androgens in Growing Frogs 1011 year frogs [8]. This mode of appearance coincides well with the increasing change in the plasma concentrations of testosterone and DHT. It is known that testosterone is capable of conversion to DHT or estrogen, but DHT is not capable of further change and is an androgen with the strongest physiological activities [16, 17]. In maturing male frogs, the levels of plasma DHT were always higher than those of testosterone, whereas in subadult and adult female frogs, only testosterone fluctuated, and DHT remained at a constant low level except for a peak which appeared in the second-year June frogs. It is known that in adult males of some Rana species DHT is a major component of serum androgens [3, 18-20]. Iwasawa and Kobayashi [21] reported that the administration of testosterone and estradiol to first-year frogs induced considerable development of both Wolffian and Mullerian ducts. These results suggest that a good deal of androgen de¬ tected in second-year late spring male frogs and early summer female frogs has a stimulative effect on the development of genital tracts. Role of plasma androgens in female frogs In the present study, the plasma testosterone levels in female frogs were not so low as compared with those in male ones, except for second- and third-year male frogs in autumn when the concen¬ tration of plasma androgen showed a marked increase. In R. esculenta [1] and R. catesbeiana [3] also, the concentrations of testosterone in the serum of adult female frogs are almost the same, or even greater than those in adult male ones, and the levels of testosterone are higher than those of estradiol. Delrio et al. [22] showed that testosterone and DHT were produced in the ovaries of R. esculenta. Fortune and Tsang [23] reported that the ovaries of Xenopus laevis produced a large amount of testosterone after treatment with frog pituitaries. Habbard and Licht [24] found, in R. pipiens and R. catesbeiana , that gonadotropin stimulated the secretion of testosterone and progesterone in the ovaries, and oocyte maturation occurred simul¬ taneously. Licht et al. [3] reported that the plasma androgen levels in adult females were highly corre¬ lated to the developmental condition of the Mulle¬ rian ducts. A similar phenomenon was observed in subadult female frogs of R. nigromaculata [8]. Considering these facts together with the results of Iwasawa and Kobayashi [21], it is conceivable that the androgens found in the serum of female R. nigromaculata are produced by the ovaries, and that the serum testosterone in the female frogs acts not only as the precursor estrogens [22], but acts stimulative ly on the sex organs as an androgen. We think that the number of adult frogs used in the present study is not enough to clarify the pattern of seasonal changes in androgen levels compared with other anuran species, so we have not referred to the problem in this paper. REFERENCES 1 D’Istria, M., Delrio, G., Botte, V. and Chieffi, G. (1974) Radioimmunoassay of testosterone, 17/?- oestradiol and oestrone in the male and female plasma of Rana esculenta during sexual cycle. Ster¬ oids Lipids Res., 5: 42-48. 2 Siboulet, R. (1981) Variations saisonnieres de la teneur plasmatique en testosterone et dihydrotesto¬ sterone chez le crapaud de Mauritanie ( Bufo mauri- tanicus ). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 43: 71-75. 3 Licht, P., McCreery, B. R., Barnes, R. and Pang, R. (1983) Seasonal and stress related changes in plasma gonadotropins, sex steroids, and corticoster¬ one in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 50: 124-145. 4 Kera, Y. and Iwasawa, H. (1981) Functional histol¬ ogy of the testies in the process of sexual maturation in the frog, Rana nigromaculata. Zool. Mag. (Tokyo), 84: 109-114. (in Japanese with English summary) 5 Iwasawa, H. and Asai, O. (1959) Histological observation on the seasonal change of the testis and the thumb pad in the frog, Rana nigromaculata. J. Fac. Sci. Niigata Univ., Ser. II, 2: 213-219. 6 Iwasawa, H. and Kobayashi, M. (1976) Develop¬ ment of the testis in the frog Rana nigromaculata, with special reference to germ cell maturation. Copeia, 1976: 461-467. 7 Iwasawa, H. and Kera, Y. (1982) Structural change in gonadotropin-producing cells of male frogs, Rana nigromaculata, in the process of sexual maturation. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 46: 236-245. 8 Iwasawa, H., Nakazawa, T. and Kobayashi, T. (1987) Histological observations on the reproduc¬ tive organs of growing Rana nigromaculata frogs. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser. D, 24: 1-13. 9 Ismail, A. A. A., Niswender, G. D. and Midgley, 1012 S. Tanaka, H. Iwasawa and K. Wakabayashi A. R. (1972) Radioimmunoassay of testosterone without chromatography. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 34: 177-184. 10 Greenwood, F. C. and Hunter, W. M. (1963) The preparation of 131I-labelled human growth hormone of high specific radioactivity. Biochem. J., 89: 114— 123. 11 Lofts, B. (1974) Reproduction. In “Physiology of the Amphibia”. Ed. by B. Lofts, Academic Press, New York, vol. 2, pp. 107-218. 12 Lofts, B. (1984) Amphibians. In “Marshall’s Phys¬ iology of Reproduction”. Vol. 1, Ed. by G. E. Lam¬ ming, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 127- 205. 13 Licht, P. (1979) Reproductive endocrinology of reptiles and amphibians: gonadotropins. Ann. Rev. Physiol., 41: 337-351. 14 Muller, C. H. and Licht, P. (1980) Gonadotropin specificity of androgen secretion by amphibian testes. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.. 42: 365-377. 15 Kobayashi, T. and Iwasawa, H. (1986) Effects of testosterone on spermatogenic process and sperm preservation in late autumn young Rana nigromacu- lata. Zool. Sci., 3: 387-390. 16 Gower, D. B. and Fotherby, K. (1975) Biosynthesis of the androgens and oestrogens. In “Biochemistry of Steroid Hormones”. Ed. by H. L. J. Makin, Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, pp. 77-104. 17 Gower, D. B. (1984) Biosynthesis of the androgens and C19 steroids. In “Biochemistry of Steroid Hor¬ mones”. Ed. by H. L. J. Makin. Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, pp. 170-206. 18 Wada, M., Wingfield, J. C. and Gorbman, A. (1976) Correlation between blood level of androgens and sexual behavior in male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 29: 72-77. 19 Muller, C. H. (1976) Steroidogenesis and sperma¬ togenesis in the male bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana : Regulation by purified bullfrog gonadotropins. Ph. D. Dissertation, Univ. California, Berkeley. 20 Muller, C. H. (1977) Plasma 5a-dihydrotestos- terone and testosterone in the bullfrog, Rana cates¬ beiana: Stimulation by bullfrog LH. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 33: 122-132. 21 Iwasawa, H. and Kobayashi, M. (1974) Effect of testosterone and estradiol on the development of sexual characters in young Rana nigromaculata. Biol. Reprod., 11: 398-405. 22 Delrio, G., D’lstria, M., Iela, L. and Chieffi, G. (1979) The possible significance of testosterone in the female green frog Rana esculenta during sexual cycle. Boll. Zool., 46: 1-9. 23 Fortune, J. E. and Tsang, P. C. (1981) Production of androgen and estradiol-17/? by Xenopus ovaries treated with gonadotropins in vitro. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 43: 234-242. 24 Hubbard, G. M. and Licht. P. (1986) In vitro ova¬ rian responses to pulsatile and continuous gonado¬ trophin administration on steroid secretion and oocyte maturation in the frogs, Rana pipiens and Rana catesbeiana. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 61: 417-423. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1013-1018 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai Vascular Supply of Hypophysis in the Turtle, Geoclemys reevesii Yoshihiko Oota and Ichiro Koshimizu Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University, Shizuoka 422, Japan ABSTRACT — The vascular route in the hypothalamo-hypophysial complex was studied histologically in the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii. Distinct anterior and posterior groups of portal vessels originating from the anterior and posterior capillary plexus of the median eminence have been demonstrated. The anterior group of portal vessels breaks up into capillaries in the cephalic lobe of the pars distalis, whereas the posterior group of portal vessels is continuous with a capillary network in the caudal lobe of the pars distalis. It is suggested that the presence of two distinct groups of vascular routes is correlated with the cytological differentiation of the pars distalis. INTRODUCTION The vascularization of the hypothalamus and hypophysis has been described in detail for various vertebrate species. The reptilian hypophysial por¬ tal system has been investigated previously by Enemar in the lizard and the snake [1], by Green in the turtle and several other species [2], by Wingstrand in the snake [3]. Such studies have demonstrated the significance of the hypophysial portal system by which hypophysiotropic neuro¬ hormones may be transported from the median eminence (ME) into the pars distalis (PD). In the previous studies on the vascularization of the hypophysis of the turtle, Pseudemys scripta , the presence of two distinct anterior and posterior groups of capillary plexus and portal vessel system arising from the anterior and posterior primary capillary plexus of the anterior and posterior divi¬ sions of the ME has been estimated briefly [4]. Reported here are the precise results of an investigation designed to ascertain whether the division of portal vessels into anterior and pos¬ terior groups is present in the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii. Since there is clear differential distribu¬ tion of the PD cells, the correlation between the vascular supply and the cytological differentiation Accepted February 8, 1988 Received November 26, 1987 of the PD cells is also examined. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult male and female turtles were obtained from a dealer. The hypothalamic regions of 10 animals were fixed in Bouin’s solution and pre¬ pared for routine histology. Thin paraffin sections of 6 pm were stained with Heidenhain’s Azan technique or Gomori’s paraldehyde fuchsin (AF). For the study of the vascularization, 8 animals were injected with filtered India ink-saline solution (1:1) through the ventricle of the pulsating heart or into the left carotid artery. After decapitation, the brains were fixed in Bouin’s solution. Subse¬ quently they were trimmed to small pieces. Thick paraffin sections of 100 pm were prepared without any staining procedure. RESULTS In the turtle, the ME forms a well-developed swelling on the ventral side of the infundibulum and can be divisible into anterior and posterior regions (Fig. 1). Both regions of the ME are supplied with distinct components of fibers from different areas of the hypothalamus, preoptic hypothalamic, and tuberal regions. The anterior ME receives a rich supply of fibers containing AF-stainable neurosecretory material from the 1014 Y. OOTA AND I. KoSHIMIZU Fig. 1. Mid-sagittal section through the infundibulum and hypophysis. AME, anterior ME; Ca, caudal lobe of PD; Ce, cephalic lobe of PD; PI, pars intermedia; PME, posterior ME; PN, pars nervosa; PT, pars tuberalis. Dotted line represents the boundary between Ce and Ca. AF stain. x60. anterior hypothalamus, whereas the posterior ME receives only a few fibers of neurosecretory nature. The ME is covered by a very dense primary capillary plexus deriving from branches of the infundibular arteries. Some of the capillaries penetrate deeply into the palisade layer of the ME. As shown in Figure 2, there are two distinct ante¬ rior and posterior capillary plexus, corresponding to the anterior and posterior regions of the ME, respectively. At the mid-ventral surface of the ME, these two groups of capillary plexus converge into two groups, anterior and posterior, of portal vessels. The vascular connections between the capillary plexus of the ME and the portal vessels can be demonstrated in transverse sections of the India ink-injected specimens (Fig. 3). Several large portal vessels pass vertically down¬ ward from the primary capillary plexus of the anterior ME, and break up into a secondary sinu¬ soidal-capillary net within the anterior portion of the PD, cephalic lobe. Similarly, the capillaries of the posterior ME converge to form large portal vessels leading to the secondary sinusoidal¬ capillary net within the posterior region of the PD, caudal lobe (Figs. 2 and 3). The elongated PD consists of well-defined cephalic and caudal lobes, which are distinct in their cellular constituents (Fig. 1). At least four types of secretory cells are characterized by the cell size and tinctorial affinities for specific dyes. The regional patterns of the cellular distribution are demonstrable in the two lobes. The cephalic lobe is occupied by abundant carminophilic acidophils and amphophils, whereas the caudal lobe contains orangeophilic acidophils and basophils (Fig. 4). The capillaries in the cephalic and caudal lobes are almost independent of each other and form a dense network around the secretory cells of ce¬ phalic and caudal lobe, respectively. DISCUSSION The vascularization of the turtle hypophysis has been investigated previously, and the presence of portal system which supplies the PD with venous blood from the capillaries of the primary capillary plexus in the ME has been demonstrated [2, 5-8]. The primary capillary plexus of the ME arising from the branches of infundibular arteries is well developed and the blood supply to the hypophysis is fundamentally the same as in the other reptilian species [9]. Although there are species differ¬ ences, these previous studies reveal that the portal Hypophysial Portal System in Turtle 1015 Fig. 2. Mid-sagittal section through the infundibulum and hypophysis of India ink-injected specimen (A). Note the two groups of primary capillary plexus and the portal vessels (B). a, primary capillary plexus in the anterior ME; b, anterior group of portal vessels; c, secondary capillary plexus in the cephalic lobe: d, primary capillary plexus in the posterior ME; e, posterior group of portal vessels; f, secondary capillary plexus in the caudal lobe; Arrows with A-D represent the transverse planes of the sections in Fig. 3. A, X45; B. X77. vessels collect the effluent blood from the primary capillary plexus of the ME and pass vertically downward to the PD. The present study indicates that the ME has distict anterior and posterior regions and is cov¬ ered by a well developed capillary network, corre¬ sponding to the anterior and posterior capillary plexus. Moreover, there are distinguishable ante¬ rior and posterior groups of portal vessels originat¬ ing from the anterior and posterior capillary plexus of the ME, respectively. These observations sug¬ gest that there are regional specialization of the vascular system corresponding to the drainage of the ME capillary blood containing hypothalamic neurosecretory factors. The existence of regional specialization of the vascular system in the ME is 1016 Y. OOTA AND I. KOSHIMIZU Fig. 3. Transverse sections through the infundibulum and hypophysis of India ink-injected specimen. Primary capillary plexus penetrating into the anterior ME is indicated in A. Secondary capillary plexus in the cephalic lobe occupies the bottom of B. Anterior group of portal vessels can be noted in C. Primary capillary plexus in the posterior ME and secondary capillary plexus in the caudal lobe are indicated in D. A-D, X45. in good accord with previous findings in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta [4]. In the turtle, Chrysemys picta , the primary capillary net forming a dense plexus in the ME does not show any anatomical division into anterior and posterior plexus [2]. Holmes and Ball [10] have demonstrated that the reptilian ME is divisible into anterior and posterior regions, as in birds. Using electron microscopy, structural difference between the anterior and posterior ME has been reported in Hypophysial Portal System in Turtle 1017 Fig. 4. Part of the cephalic lobe (A) and caudal lobe (B). 1, carminophilic acidophils arranging in cords around sinusoid; 2, amphophils; 3, orangeophilic acidophils of small size; 4, basophils. Azan stain. A-B, X460. the turtle [11-13]. The portal vessels break up into secondary capil¬ lary plexus in the PD. In the present studies, the capillaries deriving from the anterior group of portal vessels mainly supply blood into the cephal¬ ic lobe of the PD, whereas the capillary plexus deriving from the posterior group of portal vessels supply blood into the caudal lobe of the PD. This arrangement of the vascular supply is also in good accord with previous reports [4], It should be noted that the portal vessels and secondary capil¬ lary net in the turtle, Chrysemys picta are not separated [2]. It has been clearly demonstrated that there is distinct cytological differentiation between the cephalic and caudal lobes of the turtle PD. Early investigations based on tinctorial studies have shown five chromophilic cell types, consisting of two types of acidophils, and three basophils in the turtle PD [8, 9, 14, 15]. The close relationship between the chromophilic cell types and the spe¬ cific hormone secretions has been studied by using immunocytochemical techniques [16, 17]. Recent¬ ly, Mikami [18] has identified five types of secre¬ tory cells in the turtle PD ( Geoclemys reevesii ): cephalic lobe (carminophilic acidophils as prolac- tin-immunoreactive cells, amphophils as adreno¬ corticotropic hormone-immunoreactive cells), and caudal lobe (orangeophilic acidophils as growth hormone-immunoreactive cells, two types of basophils as gonadotropin- and thyrotropin- immunoreactive cells, respectively). In the previous study of the vascularization of the turtle, Pseudemys scripta, we raised the ques¬ tion that the presence of two distinct groups of capillary plexus and portal vessel system might be correlated with the cytological differentiation of the PD. The present study has clearly showed that the regional specialization of two distinct groups of portal vessels is correlated with the cytological differentiation of the PD in the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii. It may be also postulated that the anterior region of the ME controls the cephalic lobe and the posterior region of the ME controls the caudal lobe of the PD. Similar structural differentiation of the vascular system of the hypophysis has been demonstrated in the bird and the functional rela¬ tionship between ME and PD has been suggested [19-21]. Few references correlating immunocytochemical studies can be found for the hypophysiotropic factors of reptiles. There is strong evidence that the release of luteinizing hormone from the PD is controlled by luteinizing hormone releasing hor- 1018 Y. OOTA AND I. KoSHIMIZU mone (LHRH). The occurrence of LHRH-nerve terminals has been demonstrated in the ME of various reptiles including the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii [22]. In the lizard, neurons containing immunoreactive somatostatin or /9-endorphin have been detected in the ME [23, 24], The presence of the fibers containing the hypophysiotropic factors in the ME may be involved in the control of the PD function by portal vascular system. REFERENCES 1 Enemar, A. (1960) The development of the hypophysial vascular system in the lizards Lacerta a. agilis Linnaeus and Anguis fragilis Linnaeus and in the snake Natrix n. natrix (Linnaeus), with compara¬ tive remarks on the amniota. Acta Zool., 41: 141— 237. 2 Green, J. D. (1951) The comparative anatomy of the hypophysis, with special reference to its blood supply and innervation. Am. J. Anat., 88: 225-311. 3 Wingstrand, K. G. (1951) The Structure and De¬ velopment of the Avian Pituitary. From a Compara¬ tive and Functional Viewpoint. C. W. K. Gleerup, Lund. 4 Oota, Y. and Kawada, M. (1986) On the vascular supply of hypophysis in the turtle, Pseudemys scrip- ta. Proc. Japan Acad., 62B: 69-71. 5 Diepen, R. (1952) Vergleichend-anatomische Un- tersuchungen fiber das Hypophysen-Hypothalamus- System bei Amphibien und Reptilien. Verh. anat. Ges., Jena, 50: 79-89. 6 Tayler, S. J. (1952) Vascularity of the hypophysis of lower vertebrates. The painted turtle, Chrysemys picta marginata Agassiz. Can. J. Zool., 30: 134-143. 7 Grignon, G. and Grignon, M. (1962) La vascular¬ ization de l’hypophyse chez la tortue terreste ( Testu - do mauritanica) . Anat. Anz., 109: 492-506. 8 Saint Giron, H. (1970) The pituitary gland. In “Biology of the Reptilia Vol. 3”. Ed. by C. Gans, Academic Press, London and New York, pp. 135— 199. 9 Ball, J. N. (1981) Hypothalamic control of the pars distaris in fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 44: 135-170. 10 Holmes, R. L. and Ball, J. N. (1974) The Pituitary Gland. A Comparable Account. Cambridge Univ. Press, London. 11 Tsuneki, K. (1976) Neurosecretory axo-axonic synapses in the median eminence of the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii. Neuroendocrinology, 20: 59-67 . 12 Oota, Y. (1980) Ultrastructural aspects of the ante¬ rior region of the median eminence of the turtle. Geoclemys reevesii. Rep. Fac. Sci., Shizuoka Univ., 14: 75-88. 13 Oota, Y. (1981) Ultrastructural aspects of the pos¬ terior region of the median eminence of the turtle, Geoclemys reevesii. Rep. Fac. Sci., Shizuoka Univ., 15: 29-38. 14 Doerr-Schott, J. (1976) Immunohistochemical de¬ tection, by light and electron microscopy of pituitary hormones in cold-blooded vertebrates. II. Reptiles. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 28: 513-529. 15 Licht, P. and Pearson, A. K. (1978) Cytophysiology of the reptilian pituitary gland. Int. Rev. Cytol., Suppl., 7: 239-289. 16 Pearson, A. K. and Licht, P. (1982) Morphology and immunocytochemistry of the turtle pituitary gland with special reference to the pars tuberalis. Cell Tissue Res., 222: 81-100. 17 Pearson, A. K., Wurst, G. Z. and Cadle,J. E. (1983) Ontogeny and immunocytochemical dif¬ ferentiation of the pituitary gland in the sea turtle, Caretta caretta. Anat. Embryol., 167: 13-37. 18 Mikami, S. (1986) Comparative cytology of the anterior pituitary of higher vertebrates. In “Pars Distalis of the Pituitary Gland — Structure, Func¬ tion and Regulation”. Ed. by F. Yoshimura and A. Gorbman, Elsevier Sci. Publ. B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 71-79. 19 Vitums, A., Mikami, S., Oksche, A. and Farner, D. S. (1964) Vascularization of the hypothalamo- hypophysial-complex in the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Z. Zellforsch., 64: 541-569. 20 Vitums, A., Ono, K., Oksche, A., Farner, D. S. and King,J.R. (1966) The development of the hypophysial portal system in the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Z. Zell¬ forsch., 73: 335-366. 21 Dominic, C. J. and Singh, R. M. (1969) Anterior and posterior groups of portal vessels in the avian pituitary. Gen. Comp. Endocrionol., 13: 22-26. 22 Nozaki, M., Tsukahara, T. and Kobayashi, H. (1984) Neuronal systems producing LHRH in verte¬ brates. In “Endocrine Correlates of Reproduction”. Ed. by K. Ochiai, Y. Arai, T. Shioda and M. Taka- hashi, Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo/Springer- Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3-27. 23 Fasolo, A. and Gaudino, G. (1982) Immunohis¬ tochemical localization of somatostatin-like im- munoreactivity in the hypothalamus of the lizard, Lacerta muralis. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 48: 205- 212. 24 Vallarino, M. (1986) /?-Endorphin-like immuno- reactivity in the brain of the lizard, Lacerta muralis. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 64: 52-59. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1019-1032 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Fetal and Postnatal Development of Arginine Vasopressin-Immunoreactive Neurons in the Mouse Tomoo Yamashita* 1, Keiichi Kawamoto2 and Seiichiro Kawashima3 Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 730, and 3 Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 1 13, Japan ABSTRACT — The ontogeny of arginine vasopressin (AVP)-producing neurons in the hypothalamo- neurohypophysial system (HNS) was immunocytochemically studied in fetal and postnatal mice. Presumptive AVP neurons underwent proliferation in the vicinity of the third ventricle and migrated to settle in the final loci by fetal age of 18 days (FA 18). AVP-immunoreactive neurons were first detected on FA 14 in the presumptive supraoptic (SON) and retrochiasmatic nuclei (RCN). AVP- immunoreactive axons and terminals were present in the median eminence and pars nervosa of the neurohypophysis on FA 15, but not on FA 14. Immunoreactive neurons were recognized in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on FA 15 and their terminals in the external layer of the median eminence became immunoreactive on FA 18. In the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) AVP- immunoreactive perikarya appeared on FA 16. The number of AVP neurons in the SON and RCN markedly increased during fetal life. Postnatal increase in the number of immunoreactive neurons in the PVN and SCN as well as that of the SON and RCN was apparent. To sum up, the present study shows that cytodifferentiation of AVP-producing neurons in the HNS takes place during early days of last trimester of pregnancy and that the HNS completes the general morphological changes before birth. INTRODUCTION Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is synthesized mainly in the magnocellular neurons in the supra¬ optic (SON), retrochiasmatic (RCN) and paraven¬ tricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus in mam¬ mals [1-5]. AVP is transported through the fiber layer of the median eminence (ME) to the pars nervosa (PN) of the pituitary and to the external layer of the ME [6]. Some other AVP-producing neurons are present among the parvocellular neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the axons originating from which projecting to the brain regions other than the PN and ME [7, 8]. Besides the vasopressinergic pathways from the Accepted January 5, 1988 Received December 5, 1987 * Fetal ages in the cited paper were rearranged for convenience of comparison with the present study, so that the day when vaginal plug was observed was designated as FA 0. 1 Present Address: Numata High School, Tomo 161-1, Numata-cho, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima 731-31. 2 Present Address: Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 734. 3 Reprint requests to: Dr. S. Kawashima. PVN to the PN and ME [9-12], extrahypothalamic projections have also been documented, for exam¬ ple, to the forebrain [8, 12], the brain stem [8, 13] and the spinal cord [8, 13, 14]. Therefore, AVP has been proposed to act not only as the antidiure¬ tic hormone but also as a neurotransmitter. During the last ten years the ontogeny of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system (HNS) has been investigated in some species of rodents. His¬ tological staining [15], electron microscopy [16- 20], immunocytochemistry [21-23] and radioim¬ munoassay [19, 24, 25] were applied for the study of development of the HNS. These studies have demonstrated that AVP synthesis in the mag¬ nocellular neurons begins to occur and rapidly elevates during the late gestation period and that the HNS completes its maturation by the end of the first month of life. Compared to the studies on other species of mammals, however, developmen¬ tal study on the mouse HNS is scanty. Therefore, in the present study the development of AVP-producing neurons of the HNS in fetal and postnatal mice was examined by means of AVP immunocytochemistry. 1020 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Mice of the C57BL/6NCrj strain maintained in this laboratory were used in the present study. They were housed in a temperature-controlled room at 12-hr light (06: 00-18: 00 hr) and 12-hr dark cycle with free access to laboratory chow (CA-1, Japan Clea Inc.) and tap water. Female mice were placed in a cage with males in the evening and separated from males in the next morning. The day was designated as fetal age of 0 day (FA 0) for successful pregnancy. Most preg¬ nant mothers delivered their pups in the morning on FA 19. The day of birth was designated as postnatal age of 0 day (PA 0). Tissue preparation Fetuses between FA 14 and FA 18 regardless of sexes were taken out by Caesarean cut at 13: 00 hr from at least two different litters at each fetal age. After birth, in order to exclude any possible sex difference, only male mice were chosen and killed at 13: 00 hr on PA 2, 14, 30 and 90. Five animals were used for each fetal and postnatal age groups. Animals were killed by decapitation, and the brains were taken out and fixed in Bouin’s fluid for two days. After trimming all the brains were kept in 70% ethanol overnight. Dehydration in a graded series of ethanol and embedding in para- plast were completed within the following day. Serial frontal sections were cut at 6 pm in thick¬ ness, and every fifth sections were mounted on albumin-coated glass slides for immunocytochem- ical staining. The adjacent sections were stained with Ehrlich’s haematoxyline-eosin (fetuses) or thionine (postnatal mice) for general histological changes during development of the HNS. Immunocy to chemical procedures Immunocytochemistry for AVP was performed by means of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) technique [26]. Deparaffinized sections were reacted with the following sequence of solu¬ tions: (1) rabbit anti-AVP serum (RV-1K, raised in this laboratory) (1:6,400) for 24 hr at 4°C, (2) biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG serum (Vector Laboratories, California) (1:200) for 30 min at room temperature (RT), (3) 0.3% H202 for 30 min at RT, (4) ABC reagents (avidin DH and biotinylated horseradish peroxidase H) of the ABC kit (Vector Laboratories, California) (1: 100) for 30 min at RT and (5) 0.015% 3,3'- diaminobenzidine in 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4) containing 0.01% H202 for 10 min at RT. Sections were washed three times with 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) at 4°C, 5 min each, between each step. The characterization of anti-AVP serum was reported previously [27]. After washing in three changes of distilled wa¬ ter, the preparations were dehydrated with graded series of ethanol and mounted with balsam. Morphometry The right halves of the hypothalamus were used for morphometry. In immunocytochemically stained sections, only those cells that showed dis¬ tinct nucleoli and contained brown reaction prod¬ ucts were counted as AVP-producing neurons. The total number of cells (N) per animal was calculated from the total number of cells (n) in every fifth sections by the formula: N = 2x5xn. RESULTS 1. Development of the HNS FA 14. General morphology of the hypothala¬ mus was extremely different from that in the adults (Fig. la). Presumptive magnocellular neurons appeared to be produced in the diamond-shaped region around the third ventricle at the junction of the ventral and medial lobes of the diencephalic neuroepithelium. Ependymal cells were spindle¬ like in shape, forming two or three layers. The condensation of the SON, RCN and PVN was not completed on FA 14. However, in the presumptive region of the SON, the magnocellular neurons were a little more concentrated than the surrounding area. The presumptive PVN con¬ tained the cells migrating from the neuroepithe¬ lium to the final locus in the hypothalamus. The SCN was not yet demarcated from the adjacent area. The ependymal cells along the ventral floor of the third ventricle were still undergoing mitosis. Development of AVP Neurons in Mice 1021 Fig. 1. Frontal sections of the hypothalamus (right side) during development. Stained with haematoxyline and eosin (a-c), or thionine (d). a, FA 14; b, FA 16; c, FA 18; d, PA 14. IIIV, third ventricle. Bars: 200 /an. 1022 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima The ME was consisted of the ependymal and fiber layers, and the external layer was not yet differentiated. Scattered cells of the pars tuberalis were visible under the ME. The PN was immature and full of glial cells (primordial pituicytes) sur¬ rounding a central cavity and possesed very few, if any, axonal termini. The periphery of the PN was well vascularized. FA 15. Ependymal cells in the diamond¬ shaped region around the third ventricle continued to divide, and some of them might differentiate into the hypothalamic cells, because the migratory paths of cells from the matrix layer along the third ventricle to the ventro-lateral region of the hypothalamus was observed. At this fetal age the SON could be recognized as the cell cluster laterally to the optic tract, but many neurons were still migrating to the SON. The PVN appeared to contain both migrating and settled cells. The RCN and SCN were not clearly demar¬ cated. The fiber layer of the ME was better developed than that on FA 14. Though the external layer of the ME was not at all differentiated, the number of cells of the pars tuberalis was increased on the ventral surface of the ME. Because of the penetra¬ tion of axons to the outer area of the PN, it was clearly divided into two areas; the inner pituicyte- rich area and the outer fibrous area. FA 16. By this day, most ependymal cells lining the third ventricle appeared to cease any further mitotic divisions, and the neurons migrat¬ ing to the ventrolateral regions of the hypothala¬ mus were very few (Fig. lb). Morphogenesis of the SON was almost completed on FA 16, but a few neurons were still migrating to this nucleus. The RCN and PVN were clearly recognized as cell clusters. The SCN showed itself as a slightly dense area on the optic chiasma. General morphology of the neurohypophysis (ME and PN) did not show much difference as compared to that on FA 15. The penetration of blood vessels into the pars tuberalis and the inner area of the PN was the characteristic phenomenon at this stage. FA 17. The cytoplasm of magnocellular neurons in the SON and PVN was not well- developed. The parvocellular SCN formed a dis¬ crete structure, locating as a pair close to the medial optic chiasma. The external layer of the ME was developed. The PN was markedly developed on FA 17, and in some fetuses the central cavity had disappeared. Pituicytes dispersed all around the PN and inter¬ mingled with axons, so that exclusively fibrous area was left only at the periphery. FA 18. On this last day of embryonic life, the hypothalamic nuclei containing AVP-producing neurons completed development (Fig. lc). The adult-type partition of the RCN into lateral and medial groups was observed. Further development of the external layer of the ME was seen, but the layer was thinner than that in adult animals. Pituicytes further dispersed in the PN, and among these cells a greater number of axons was present than on FA 17. These observations indicate that the mor¬ phogenesis of the HNS is almost completed prior to the delivery. Postnatal development. The postnatal develop¬ ment of the hypothalamus was characterized by the hypertrophy of each neuron (Fig. Id). The nucleoli in the neuronal nuclei became distinct. Though the hypothalamic neurons were still undergoing condensation on PA 2, the intercellu¬ lar spaces became spread after PA 14. However, the hypothalamic nuclei were obviously distin¬ guished from the surrounding area during the postnatal maturation. After birth, the development of the fiber and external layers of the ME further advanced, and the growth of the PN was apparent. 2. Development of AVP-producing Neurons The changes of AVP immunoreactivity of the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis during fetal and postnatal development are summarized in Table 1. Fetal life Development of the hypothalamus. On FA 14, some neurons of the presumptive SON in three out of the five fetuses were weakly reactive to anti- AVP serum. Weak AVP immunoreactivity was also detected in the ventro-caudal part of the RCN in all animals. The number of immunoreactive Development of AVP Neurons in Mice 1023 Table 1. Resume of AVP immunoreactivity of the mouse hypothalamus and neurohypophysis during fetal and postnatal development Age (days) Hypothalamus Neurohypophysis SON RCN PVN SCN Ace. ME f.l. e.l. PN Fetal age 14 + + - - - - - - 15 + + + - + + - + 16 + + + + + + - + 17 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 18 + + + + + + + + + + + + + Postnatal age 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 14 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 30 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 90 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Staining intensity was arbitrarily graded as: — , none; + , weak; + + , moderate; + + + , intense. Abbreviations: SON, supraoptic nucleus; RCN, retrochiasmatic nucleus; PVN, paraventricular nucleus; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; Ace., accessory nuclei; ME, median eminunce; f.l., fiber layer; e.l., external layer; PN, pars nervosa. Accessory nuclei are consisted of the anterior commissural nucleus, nucleus circularis, and anterior and posterior fornical nuclei. Fig. 2. Frontal sections of the right supraoptic nucleus during development. Stained with anti-AVP serum, a, FA 15; b, FA 18; c, PA 14; d, PA 90. OC, optic chiasma. Bar: 50 fj.m. 1024 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima neurons in the RCN was more than in the SON. There was no AVP immunoreactivity in other nuclei of the hypothalamus. On FA 15, the AVP immunoreactivity of the SON and RCN neurons became apparent, though the stainability was still weak (Figs. 2a and 3a). Each cell nucleus was enclosed in a thin rim of cytoplasm. There were some neurons which did not completely settle in the SON. A few neurons in the PVN and internuclear magnocellular (acces¬ sory) nuclei between the SON and PVN became first stainable on this day. But no immunoreactive material was detected in the SCN. AVP immunoreactivity in the PVN on FA 16 was almost the same as that on FA 15 (Fig. 4a). Weak AVP immunoreactivity was first detected in the SCN in one of five FA 16 fetuses. Adult-type partition of immunoreactive neurons in the RCN into medial and lateral groups was observed as early as this fetal day. Immunostainability of the SON and RCN neurons increased on FA 17 (Table 1). The SCN neurons were only weakly stainable with the anti¬ serum in three fetuses on FA 17 (Fig. 5a). On FA 18, many neurons in the SON and RCN accumulated the AVP-immunoreactive material in their cytoplasmic rim. Axonal fibers from the neurons with the bead-like deposits were encoun¬ tered in these nuclei (Figs. 2b and 3b). Numbers of immunoreactive neurons (Fig. 8). During the fetal life, magnocellular neurons in the SON, RCN and PVN did not grow as large as those of the adult. The number of immunoreactive neurons generally increased during the gestation period. In the SON and RCN, the number of AVP-immunoreactive neurons rapidly increased between FA 14 and FA 18. More immunostained cells were counted in the SON than in the RCN, Fig. 3. Frontal sections of the right retrochiasmatic nucleus during development. Stained with anti-AVP serum, a, FA 15; b, FA 18; c, PA 14; d, PA 90. Arrows show the weakly AVP-immunoreactive neurons. IIIV; third ventricle. Bar: 200 /j.m. Fig. 4. Frontal sections of the right paraventricular nucleus during development. Stained with anti-AVP serum, a, FA 16; b, PA 2; c, PA 14; d, PA 90. IIIV, third ventricle. Bar: 50 //m. (in page 1025) Development of AVP Neurons in Mice 1025 M 4 1026 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima Development of AVP Neurons in Mice 1027 Fig. 6. Frontal sections of the median eminence during development. Stained with anti-AVP serum, a, FA 15; b, FA 18; c, PA 14; d, PA 90. Arrows show the AVP-immunoreactive axonal termini in the external layer of the median eminence. IIIV, third ventricle; PT, pars tuberalis; bv, blood vessel. Bar: 50 /an. except on FA 14. In comparison with these nuclei, the numbers of immunoreactive neurons in the PVN, SCN and accessory nuclei showed a slight increase during the fatal life. Development of the neurohypophysis. With the maturation of AVP-producing neurons, stainabil- ity of the ME and PN was also enhanced. AVP immunoreactivity was first detected on FA 15 in the ME and the peripheral edge of the PN (Figs. 6a and 7a). AVP-immunoreactive axonal termini in the external layer of the ME first appeared on FA 18 (Fig. 6b). Immunoreactive area in the PN indicated the preferential peripheral localization at the early stage of development (Fig. 7ab), and it gradually expanded to the central area. However, even on FA 17 and 18 strong immunoreactivity was confined to the peripheral area (Fig. 7cd). Postnatal life Development of the hypothalamus. After birth, the maturation of magnocellular neurons in the SON, RCN and PVN further advanced. The cells were hypertrophied and became oval in shape. The hypertrophy was generally accompanied by the accumulation of AVP-immunoreactive mate¬ rial (Figs. 2cd, 3cd and 4d). On PA 2, immunoreactive area of the PVN became triangular in shape like that of the adult. With the rapid increase in the number of im¬ munoreactive cells in the PVN between PA 2 and PA 14, stainability of the cells also increased (Fig. 4bc). In the parvocellular SCN the increase in AVP immunoreactivity occurred mainly during postna- Fig. 5. Frontal sections of the right suprachiasmatic nucleus during development. Stained with anti-AVP serum, a, FA 17; b, PA 14; c, PA 30; d, PA 90. Arrows show the weakly AVP-immunoreactive neurons. OC, optic chiasma. Bar: 50 /an. (in page 1026) 1028 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima Fig. 7. Frontal sections of the pars nervosa (PN) during fetal development. Stained with anti- A VP serum, a, FA 15; b, FA 16; c, FA 17; d, FA 18. Arrows show the AVP-immunoreactive area in the periphery of the PN. Weak non-specific reactivity is seen in the pars intermedia (PI) and pars distalis (PD). Bar: 50 //m. Fig. 8. Total number of AVP-immunoreactive neurons in the mouse hypothalamus during fetal and postnatal development. Vertical bars indicate the standard errors of the means. The number of animals was five in all age groups. For abbreviations, see the footnotes of Table 1. Development of AVP Neurons in Mice 1029 tal development (Table 1). Adult-like distribution consisted of the dorso-medial and ventro-lateral groups was seen on PA 30 (Fig. 5c). Many neurons were weakly stained with the antiserum (Fig. 5d). Bead-like structure of immunoreactive axons became more frequently encountered in the vicin¬ ity of the neurons as the accumulation in the perikarya proceeded. For example, the axons containing AVP-immunoreactive material were found in the PVN and SCN (Fig. 5b) on PA 2 and PA 14, respectively. Most of the neurons of the accessory nuclei were strongly immunoreactive to anti- A VP serum after birth (Table 1). Numbers of immunoreactive neurons (Fig. 8). The numbers of AVP-immunoreactive neurons in the RCN and accessory nuclei were stable after PA 2. The numbers in the SON and PVN continued to increase until PA 14 and maintained the level of PA 14 thereafter. However, there was a marked difference in the number of AVP-immunoreactive neurons between the SON and PVN. On the other hand, the number of immunoreactive neurons of the SCN continued to increase until PA 90. Development of the neurohypophysis. AVP im- munoreactivity in the fiber layer of the ME and the PN on PA 14 was stronger than on PA 2, but after PA 14 it was almost constant (Table 1). Postnatal development of the external layer of the ME was marked (Fig. 6c). Many AVP-immunoreactive ax¬ ons with the bead-like deposits grew out from the fiber layer down to the external layer of the ME, and their termini were settled on the primary capillary plexus (Fig. 6d). AVP immunoreactivity in the external layer of the ME has decreased concomitantly with the development of the ME (Table 1). DISCUSSION Several investigators have reported the develop¬ mental changes of neurons in the hypothalamic nuclei by means of [3H]-thymidine autoradiogra¬ phy [28, 29]. In the rat, Ifft [28]* showed that the * Fetal ages in the cited paper were rearranged for convenience of comparison with the present study, so that the day when vaginal plug was observed was designated as FA 0. neurons of the SON became visible between FA 11 and FA 15, those of the RCN between FA 11 and FA 17, those of the PVN between FA 11 and FA 16, and those of the SCN between FA 11 and FA 17 in the matrix layer surrounding the third ventri¬ cle. On the other hand, in the mouse of which gestation period is about two days shorter than that of the rat, Okamura et al. [29] reported the time of origin of AVP-producing neurons by com¬ bined technique of immunocytochemistry and autoradiography. According to their results, AVP-producing neurons in the SON and PVN seem to differentiate between FA 10 and FA 12. In the SCN the neurons proliferate between FA 10 and FA 14, and most of them appear to be produced in the latter half of this period. After the final division in the matrix layer, hypothalamic neurons migrate to occupy the final loci within 24 hr [30]. In addition, Altman and Bayer [31] suggested that there is a general lateral-to-medial internuclear differentiation gradient of the hypothalamic neurons. In the present study, AVP-immunoreactive neurons were first detected on FA 14 in the SON and RCN but not in other nuclei of the mouse hypothalamus. Evidently, there was a time lag between the stage of neuronal proliferation and the stage of AVP synthesis. Since we could not observe immunoreactivity in the neurons migrat¬ ing to the SON and RCN, the settlement of cells in the final loci may have some positive effects on the initiation of AVP synthesis. Silverman et al. [32], however, reported that on FA 13 some presump¬ tive SON neurons synthesized the AVP carrier protein, neurophysin, while they were still migrat¬ ing. Because of the limit of sensitivity of im- munocytochemical reaction, it is possible that there was an earlier onset of AVP synthesis in the hypothalamic neurons and/or that many more cells contained subdetectable levels of AVP. In fact, a very small amount of AVP was detected by radioimmunoassay in the mouse brain on FA 13 (our unpublished observation). If immunocy¬ tochemistry using antibodies to the hormone pre¬ cursor or autoradiography using the labelled oligo¬ nucleotide probe to AVP messenger RNA was performed, the time of cytodifferentiation of AVP neurons might be found at earlier embryonic life. 1030 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima Magnocellular neurons developed rapidly dur¬ ing the fetal life. Especially in the SON and RCN, the number of AVP-immunoreactive neurons in¬ creased linearly during the fetal life and reached the adult level on PA 2. On the other hand, the PVN appeared to develop later than the SON and RCN, although the number of AVP- immunoreactive neurons of the PVN reached the adult level on PA 14. These results are consistent with the previous studies [21, 22, 32], Since the neurons of the SON, RCN and PVN cease to divide and start migration almost at the same time [28, 29, 31, 33], it needed to be clarified why the SON and RCN neurons should be so advanced in increasing their numbers. The SCN neurons be¬ came immunoreactive in one animal on FA 16. The later accumulation of AVP in the parvocellu- lar neurons may be related with their late with¬ drawal from the mitotic cycle as compared to the magnocellular neurons [28, 29, 31, 33]. This delay might imply a less significant physiological import¬ ance of the SCN than the SON, RCN and PVN during perinatal period. Because parvocellular neurons are known to project their axons to the forebrain and brain stem [7, 8], but not to the PN and ME, they may not be related to the regulation of water and electrolyte metabolism. It is likely that AVP in the SCN neurons begin to function as a neurotransmitter after birth, concomitant with their increase in AVP immunoreactivity. The adult-type distribution pattern of SON neurons completes during fetal life, that is, more AVP neurons are present in the caudal region of the SON than the rostral region. This particular distribution pattern has also been shown in the rat [34]. The occurrence of bead-like deposits along the axons implies the active transport of neurosecre¬ tory material from the hypothalamus to the PN and ME. After birth, many large-sized deposits or Herring bodies could be observed in the axons of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tracts. Axonal outgrowth from the PVN neurons also occurred relatively quickly after the appearance of im¬ munoreactivity in the perikarya. AVP-immuno¬ reactive cell bodies were encountered in the SON and PVN on FA 15, and their termini in the external layer of the ME, which recieves projec¬ tions of AVP-immunoreactive fibers almost exclu¬ sively from the PVN [11, 12], were detected on FA 18. Immunoreactive axons were first observed in the peripheral area of the PN on FA 15. The age of the fetus at which AVP-immunoreactive axons were first detected in the present study was older as compared with the result using neurophysin immunocytochemistry by Silverman et al. [32], The findings in the present study were in harmony with those by Eurenius and Jarskar [17] in that small fiber bundles were found in the PN, primari¬ ly in the region bordering the intermediate lobe on FA 14. Their data suggest that axonal outgrowth is initiated at least in some cells very shortly after their arrival at the presumptive locus of the hypothalamic nuclei (the arrival is between FA 13 and FA 14). Our results seem to show that the transport of the AVP begins after the projection of axonal termini reaches the PN. At present we don’t know how long the time lag for the transport of AVP from the perikarya to the termini last, but if it is very short, then it is possible that the hormone is present in the growth cone, the very front of the axonal growth. Previous studies suggested that the fetal PN is a heterogeneous structural entity and that there are distinct territor¬ ies for ingrowing fibers [17, 32]. Present observa¬ tions also demonstrated that in the fetal PN AVP- immunoreactive axons were exclusively present in the peripheral area. The fact that the central area of the developing PN was occupied by proliferating pituicytes may have some is closely related to the peripheral distribution of growing fibers. The present study clarified the developmental events of AVP-immunoreactive neurons of the mouse HNS. To sum up, the present results show that (1) there may be a time lag between the withdrawal from mitotic cycle and the initiation of peptide synthesis in AVP neurons, that (2) the HNS develops rapidly to attain the adult-like pat¬ tern during fetal life, and that (3) the HNS nearly attains complete maturity by the time of weaning. REFERENCES 1 Vandesande, F. and Dierickx, K. (1975) Identifica¬ tion of the vasopressin producing and of the oxyto- Development of AVP Neurons in Mice 1031 cin producing neurons in the hypothalamic mag- nocellular neurosectetory system of the rat. 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ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1033-1042 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Molecular- and Immuno-histochemical Study on Expressions of Vasopressin and Oxytocin Genes Following Sodium Loading Susumu Hyodo* 1, Mamoru Fujiwara, Moriyuki Sato2 and Akihisa Urano1 Department of Regulation Biology, Faculty of Science, Saitama University, Urawa, Saitama 338, and 2 Tokyo Research Labolatories, Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Machida, Tokyo 194, Japan ABSTRACT — We investigated the effects of drinking hypertonic saline on expressions of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT) genes in neurosecretory neurons of the supraoptic (SON) and the paraventricular (PVN) nuclei in rats with the oligonucleotide-mRNA in situ hybridization and the immunohistochemical avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) methods. Autoradiographic hybridiza¬ tion signals that indicate the localization of AVP mRNA were significantly increased in the SON 4 days after the commencement of the sodium loading, while the signal increase in the PVN was less conspicuous than that in the SON. Signals for OXT mRNA in both the SON and the PVN were rapidly increased and attained to a peak level by the second day after the onset of sodium loading. In the hypothalamic sections adjacent to those used for in situ hybridization, the number of immunoreactive (ir) AVP neurons was decreased in the PVN by day 7. The percentage of heavily stained AVP neurons to all ir-AVP ones was decreased in the SON by day 7. Changes in the number of ir-OXT neurons and the percentage of heavily stained OXT neurons were insignificant. Significant hypertrophy was found in both AVP and OXT neurons in the SON and the PVN after day 2. The present results thus indicate that the AVP and OXT mRNAs are increased by sodium loading. It is probable that supraoptic AVP neurons are more sensitive to changes in extracellular sodium concentration than paraventricular AVP neurons, and that OXT neurons have some physiological role in the water and salt metabolism. INTRODUCTION Arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT), mammalian neurohypophysial hormones, are synthesized in the hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory neurons, transported mainly to the neurohypophysis, and are released into the circula¬ tion. Following a rise in plasma osmolality or plasma Na+ concentration, the number of action potentials in magnocellular AVP neurons and the plasma level of AVP were increased [1]. OXT release was also stimulated by sodium loading [2- 4]. OXT could stimulate electrolyte excretion [2], It is possible that OXT is involved in the regulation Accepted January 22, 1988 Received December 18, 1987 1 Present address: Ocean Research Institute, Universi¬ ty of Tokyo, Minamidai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, Japan. of water and salt metabolism, although any phys¬ iological significances of OXT for water and salt metabolism have not been clarified yet. Chronic water deprivation and sodium loading elevated amino acid incorporation into the neurosecretory neurons [5, 6]. These stimuli fur¬ ther induced cytological changes in these neurons, e.g., hypertrophy, an increase in nuclear and nu¬ cleolar diameters, dilation of endoplasmic reticu¬ lum, and an increase in the number of free ribo¬ somes [7]. These data strongly suggest that bio¬ syntheses of the neurohypophysial hormones are elevated by water deprivation and sodium loading. Nevertheless, the intensity of immunoreactivity, especially that in AVP neurons, was decreased by these stimuli [8]. An investigation of gene expres¬ sions is thus required for further understanding of the biosynthetic activity of AVP and OXT neurons. 1034 S. Hyodo, M. Fujiwara et al. Since an in situ hybridization (ISH) method can be an appropriate method for a gene expression study, we have developed an ISH method using synthetic oligonucleotide probes which can dis¬ criminate the AVP mRNA from the highly homo¬ logous OXT mRNA [9-11]. Several investigators including us have now clarified using various hy¬ bridization methods that the AVP mRNA is in¬ creased by sodium loading and water deprivation [10-18]. The OXT mRNA is also increased by sodium loading and water deprivation [17, 19]. However, at present, little information has been available concerning the time courses of changes in AVP and OXT gene expressions, especially those of alterations in cellular and immunocytochemical aspects of neurosecretory neurons. Such informa¬ tion is the indispensable requisite for understand¬ ing how AVP and OXT neurons in the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei are in¬ volved in osmoregulation. In the present study, changes in the levels of AVP and OXT mRNAs in magnocellular neurons of the rat hypothalamus were examined after oral intake of hypertonic saline for 2 to 7 days with the ISH method using synthetic oligonucleotide probes. Furthermore, adjacent tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained, and staina- bility and sizes of single AVP and OXT im- munoreactive neurons were determined. Pre¬ liminary results appeared elsewhere [13, 17]. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Male Wistar-Imamichi rats (Imamichi Institute for Animal Reproduction, 140-160 g) were housed in individual cages with 14L: 10D light schedule. Animals were allowed free access to tap water and standard laboratory chow (Charles Riv¬ er) for at least 3 days prior to the start of the experiment. They were then divided into 4 ex¬ perimental groups, each of them included 7 rats, and were given orally a 2% sodium chloride solu¬ tion as drinking water for 0, 2, 4 and 7 days prior to sacrifice. A preliminary study showed that effects of sodium loading on AVP gene expression first appeared on the second day of treatment [13]. Daily water intakes and urine volumes were mea¬ sured and urine samples were kept at — 20°C to determine their osmolality and Na+ concentra¬ tion. The animals were killed by decapitation between 10: 00 to 12: 00 to avoid possible circadian fluctuations in AVP and OXT gene expressions [20]. Their hypothalami and pituitaries were im¬ mediately removed and were immersed in a fixa¬ tive solution containing 2% paraformaldehyde, 1% glutaraldehyde and 1% picric acid in 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.3). At the same time, blood was collected and centrifuged. Plasma sam¬ ples were stored at — 20°C. Plasma and urine Na+ concentrations were measured later with an atomic absorption spectrometer (Hitachi 180-50). Their osmolality was determined by the freezing point method. In situ hybridization and quantitation of auto¬ radiographic signals The individual tissues were paraffin-sectioned, divided into several groups, and were processed for in situ hybridization and immunohistochemis- try. The precise procedures for tissue preparation and ISH were described previously [9]. Two types of 22mer synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide probes, complementary to the loci of rat mRNAs encoding AVP-neurophysin (NP) (1-8) and OXT-NP (1-8), were used in this study. For semiquantitative expression of hybridization signals, the numbers of autoradiographic silver grains in 100 /mi X 100 pm squares settled in each of the SON and the PVN (Fig. 1) were counted. Then the numbers of grains in the areas adjacent to the SON and the PVN, that is, the background levels, were counted, and were subtracted from the corresponding values in the SON and the PVN. Thereafter, the single cellular numbers of grains were calculated by dividing the specific number of silver grains by the numbers of immunoreactive neurons within the 100 /mix 100 pm squares. Immunohisto chemistry The sections adjacent to those used for grain counting were immunohistochemically stained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method, the detailed procedure of which was described previously [21]. Specificity tests of im- AVP and OXT Gene Expressions 1035 Fig. 1 . Schematic diagram showing the loci of 100 /mi x 100 /mi squares in which autoradiographic signals were quantitated. The numbers of silver grains in regions 3 (AVP region in the SON), 4 (OXT region in the SON), 6 (AVP region in the PVN), and 7 (OXT region in the PVN) were counted, and then the numbers of grains in the adjacent squares (2 and 5) were subtracted to obtain the specific numbers of signals. The numbers of grains in the regions 2 and 5, which are fibrous neuropil areas, were statistically in the same range with that in the anterior hypotha¬ lamic nucleus (AH, 1). OT, optic tract; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus. Fig. 2. AVP immunoreactive (ir) neurons and in situ hybridization of AVP mRNA in the SON of normal (a, b) and 7-day sodium loaded rats (c, d). Note the density of silver grains over the SON of the sodium loaded rat (d) is higher than that in the control rat (b). On the contrary, stainability of ir-AVP neurons in the sodium loaded rat (c) is reduced from that in the control rat (a). OT, optic tract. Scale bar, 50 /mi. 1036 S. Hyodo, M. Fujiwara et al. munohistochemistry were also described previous¬ ly [9, 11]. The ABC method is considered to be superior than the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method for a quantitative study [21]. In this study, primary antisera were used as follows: rab¬ bit anti-AVP (UCB-Bioproducts) was diluted 1: 32,000 with phosphate buffered saline containing 0.5% BSA (PBS-BSA, pH 7.6) and rabbit anti- OXT (a gift from Professor S. Kawashima, Hiroshima University) was diluted 1:20,000 with PBS-BSA. These values for dilution gave half- maximal staining of AVP and OXT neurons in normal non-treated rats, and are considered to be theoretically appropriate for quantitative immuno- histochemistry by an analogy of radioimmunoas¬ say. The values for dilution were determined by serial dilution experiments. Submaximally stained and faintly stained sections were first selected by microscopic observation. By comparison with them, the medially stained section was singled out Fig. 3. OXT immunoreactive neurons and in situ hyridization of OXT mRNA in the PVN of normal (a, b) and 2-day sodium loaded rats (c, d). Note the density of silver grains over the PVN of the sodium loaded rat (d) is higher than that in the control rat (b). Scale bar, 50 /um. AVP and OXT Gene Expressions 1037 as the half-maximally stained one. Intensity of immunohistochemical stainability in each magnocellular neuron was scored according to the following criteria: not stained, weakly stained and heavily stained, by consulting to the arbitrarily selected standard sections. Im- munoreactivity was shown by the number of im- munoreactive (ir) neurons and the percentage of heavily stained neurons in each of the SON and the PVN. In addition, after depicting the outline of individual ir-neurons with a camera lucida, their cellular areas were determined with a tablet dig¬ itizer-microcomputer system. RESULTS Autoradiographic signals of the AVP-NP and OXT-NP probes were densely localized over the magnocellular neurons in the SON, the PVN and several accessory magnocellular nuclei, as was previously reported [9]. The distribution of AVP- NP and OXT-NP probes coincided well with the immunohistochemical localization of AVP and OXT, respectively. The ventral region of the SON and the dorsolateral region of the PVN were predominantly composed of ir-AVP neurons. The AVP-NP probe was localized in these regions (Fig. 2). While, the dorsal region of the SON and the ventromedial region of the PVN were rich in ir-OXT neurons. This distributional pattern coin¬ cided well with the localization of the OXT-NP probe (Fig. 3). AVP neurons The density of autoradiographic signals repre¬ senting the localization of the AVP mRNA was Days Days Fig. 4. Effects of sodium loading on the AVP and OXT mRNA levels in the SON and the PVN. The mRNA levels are expressed relatively as percent changes to the level of day 0. The numbers of silver grains/ir-cell on day 0 are: AVP mRNA in the SON, 122.2 + 13.2; AVP mRNA in the PVN, 177.6+13.8; OXT mRNA in the SON, 85.9 + 9.8; OXT mRNA in the PVN, 122.4+10.1. Each point represents the mean + S.E. The number of animals is given in parentheses. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; by the t-test compared to day 0. 1038 S. Hyodo, M. Fujiwara et al. markedly increased in the SON by the sodium loading. The increase became statistically signif¬ icant after day 4 of the treatment (Figs. 2 and 4). On the other hand, the increase in the hybridiza¬ tion signals in the PVN was much smaller than that in the SON, and was not statistically significant during the treatment (Fig. 4). The number of ir-AVP cells was decreased in the PVN on day 7, while the percentage of heavily stained cells was significantly reduced in the SON (Figs. 2 and 5). Significant hypertrophy of ir-AVP neurons was observed after day 2 of the treatment in both the SON and the PVN (Figs. 2 and 7). The hypertrophy of supraoptic neurons was more con¬ spicuous than that of paraventricular neurons. The density of silver grains in the suprachias- matic nucleus which also includes ir-AVP was only slightly higher than the background level, and was not changed noticeably by the sodium loading. OXT neurons The density of hybridization signals for the OXT mRNA was drastically increased and attained to peak levels in both the SON and the PVN on day 2 of the sodium loading. The increase in the PVN was statistically significant (Figs. 3 and 4). The signal levels in the SON were maintained around the peak level, while those in the PVN were somewhat decreased after day 4 (Fig. 4). The numbers of stained cells and the percent¬ ages of heavily stained cells were not significantly changed in both the SON and the PVN (Figs. 3 and 6). The number of stained cells was slightly increased on day 7. On the contrary, the percent¬ age of heavily stained cells was gradually de¬ creased, although it was increased in the PVN on day 2. Significant hypertrophy of ir-OXT neurons was observed after the second day of the sodium loading (Figs. 3 and 7). The temporal pattern of changes in magnitudes of hypertrophy that was found in supraoptic and paraventricular OXT neurons was similar to that observed in paraven¬ tricular AVP neurons (Fig. 7). Neurohypophysis Although immunoreactivity of the neurohy¬ pophysis was not analyzed quantitatively, it appeared that AVP and OXT immunoreactivities were markedly decreased after day 4 and day 7 of the sodium loading, respectively, indicating a de- Fig. 5. Effects of sodium loading on the number of stained AVP neurons (percent change) compared to day 0 (the numbers per section are: SON, 47.0 + 2.5; PVN, 54.8 + 4.3), and the percentage of heavily stained AVP neurons per total stained AVP neurons in the SON and the PVN. Each point represents the mean + S.E. (n=7). *, p< 0.05; **, p<0.01; by the t-test compared to day 0. AVP and OXT Gene Expressions 1039 Fig. 6. Effects of sodium loading on the number of stained OXT neurons (percent change) compared to day 0 (the numbers per section are: SON, 45.1 + 6.9; PVN, 72.8 + 3.9), and the percentage of heavily stained OXT neurons per total stained OXT neurons in the SON and the PVN. Each point represents the mean + S.E. (n = 7). Fig. 7. Effects of sodium loading on sizes of the AVP and OXT immunoreactive neurons in the SON and the PVN. The values of cell areas (xl0-4mm2) on day 0 are: AVP neurons in the SON, 2.54 + 0.08; AVP neurons in the PVN, 3.25 + 0.11; OXT neurons in the SON, 2.57 + 0.12; OXT neurons in the PVN, 2.34 + 0.09. Each point represents the mean + S.E. (n=7). ***, p<0.001; by the t-test compared to day 0. 1040 S. Hyodo, M. Fujiwara et al. Days Fig. 8. Changes in oral intake (hatched bars) and urine volume (open bars) by oral hypertonic saline. Each point represents the mean±S.E. (n=7). ***, p< 0.001; by the t-test compared to day 0. pletion of stored pools of neurohypophysial hor¬ mones. Changes in plasma and urine by oral hypertonic saline The oral intake of 2% hypertonic saline was progressively increased during the experimental period, and attained to the maximum equilibrium rate by day 6. The urine volumes were similarly increased (Fig. 8). The plasma osmolality and the plasma Na+ concentration were elevated to the significant level within 2 days after the onset of oral hypertonic saline, and were further increased linearly at the same rate (Fig. 9). The urine Na+ concentration was also significantly increased after day 2 of the treatment. On the contrary, the urine osmolality was drastically decreased after day 2 of the treatment (Fig. 9). These results indicate that the animals under the oral hypertonic saline regi¬ men were exposed to an osmotic stimulus with hypertonic plasma sodium. DISCUSSION The present study showed that the hybridization signals for the AVP and OXT mRNAs were increased in the SON and the PVN by oral hyper¬ tonic saline, indicating that the AVP and OXT mRNA levels in magnocellular neurons were ele¬ vated by hypertonic sodium stimulation. This result implies that the sodium loading stimulated cn E ID o 320 i 300 o E ID ° 280 ra E ID TO Q. '' o L E (0 O Days Days Fig. 9. Changes in plasma osmolality, plasma [Na+], urine osmolality and urine [Na+] by oral hypertonic saline. Each point represents the mean + S.E. (n=7). *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; by the t-test compared to day 0. AVP and OXT Gene Expressions 1041 transcription of the genes encoding neurohypophy¬ sial hormones in both the SON and the PVN. In addition, the sodium loading induced significant hypertrophy of both AVP and OXT neurons. This fact indicates that translation rates of AVP and OXT precursors were also increased by the sodium loading, since chronic dehydration elicited several changes which indicate stimulation of protein syntheses in magnocellular neurosecretory neurons, that is, an increase in amino acid incor¬ poration [5, 6], increases in nuclear and nucleolar diameters and dilation of endoplasmic reticulum [7]. Nevertheless, stainability of ir-AVP neurons was reduced in both the SON and the PVN, probably because of a rapid transport of newly synthesized AVP to the neurohypophysis, as was discussed in the previous paper [11]. Although the increase in the AVP mRNA level was observed in both the SON and the PVN, it was more rapid and marked in supraoptic AVP neurons. This result agrees with the report of Sherman et al. [15]. In the present study, the hypertrophy of AVP neurons was also more marked in the SON than in the PVN. Similar differences in response to sodium loading have been observed between the SON and the PVN by several investigators. A significant increase in incorporation of cytidine into RNA [22] and that of tyrosine into peptides [6] in response to oral hypertonic saline were demonstrated in the SON, but not in the PVN. Activation of the electrical activity of paraventricular AVP neurons in re¬ sponse to an increase in plasma osmolality was much less than that of supraoptic AVP neurons [3]. Furthermore, the possibility that supraoptic neurons are directly osmosensitive and play a part of an osmoreceptive complex has been indicated [23, 24]. These results suggest that AVP neurons in the SON are more responsible for osmotic regulation than paraventricular AVP neurons. The OXT mRNA was increased by the sodium loading. Marked hypertrophy was also observed in ir-OXT neurons within 2 days after the onset of the treatment. These results may imply that OXT neurons have some physiological role in the water and salt metabolism. This possibility is supported by the facts that OXT release was stimulated by sodium loading, and that OXT has been implicated in the control of renal functions [2], In addition, the increase in the OXT mRNA was more rapid than that in the AVP mRNA. Since OXT neurons released more products than AVP neurons in response to an acute increase in plasma osmolality [4], OXT neurons may be more sensitive to an acute increase in plasma osmolality than AVP neurons. A rise in plasma osmolality immediately in¬ creased the firing rates of AVP and OXT neurons in both the SON and the PVN, and then plasma AVP and OXT levels were rapidly increased [3]. On the contrary, the present study showed that statistically significant increases in the AVP and OXT mRNA levels were detectable after 4- and 2-day sodium loading, respectively. The reason for this difference in the onsets of secretory activity and synthetic activity is not clear at present. It may reflect the presence of abundant storages of these hormones in the neurohypophysis and/or the hypothalamic nuclei. Further investigations are required to clarify signals by which the onset of gene expression is stimulated. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Drs. T. Hirano and T. Ogasawara and Ms. S. Hasegawa, Ocean Research Insti¬ tute, University of Tokyo, for the use of an atomic absorption spectrometer and an osmometer, and Prof. S. Kawashima, Hiroshima University, for providing the antiserum to oxytocin. REFERENCES 1 Poulain, D. A. and Wakerley, J. B. (1982) Elec¬ trophysiology of hypothalamic magnocellular neurons secreting oxytocin and vasopressin. Neuroscience, 7: 773-808. 2 Balment, R. J., Brimble, M. J. and Forsling, M. L. (1980) Release of oxytocin induced by salt loading and its influence on renal excretion in the male rat. J. Physiol., 308: 439-449. 3 Brimble, M. J. , Dyball, R. E. J. and Forsling, M. L. (1978) Oxytocin release following osmotic activa¬ tion of oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei. J. Physiol., 278: 69-78. 4 Cheng, S. W. T. and North, W. G. (1986) Respon¬ siveness of oxytocin-producing neurons to acute salt loading in rats: comparisons with vasopressin- producing neurons. 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The continuous supply of drinking water containing 200 mg/1 MnCl2-4H20 induced mild goiter only in female mice. The manganese treatment did not significantly affect the serum thyroxine (T4) levels in dams or the plasma levels in neonates, suggesting that the effect was not severe. The syntheses of T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) were examined in hydrolyzed thyroids. The results showed that ratios of radioiodide activity in hormonal fractions of the manganese-given groups to those of control groups were greater than 1 for all three generations of female mice. These results indicated that newly synthesized hormones were retained in thyroids of the manganese-treated female mice. On the other hand, in males, the ratio was reduced to less than 1 as the numbers of generations increased. “Dwarf” neonates born in the third generation of the manganese-treated group showed an ataxial motion in their gait of walk. However, histological examination of cerebral and cerebellar regions of the dwarfs revealed no severe changes. INTRODUCTION It has been shown that excess manganese in¬ duces an endemic goiter when iodide intake is low [1, 2]. In laboratory experiments, acute and sub¬ acute administrations of manganese suppressed thyroidal iodide uptake and affected iodide meta¬ bolism [3, 4]. The authors also demonstrated that the radioactive manganese accumulated to a high level in mouse thyroid as well as in other endocrine organs, such as the pituitary, pancreas and adrenal [5]. Furthermore, it was found that under ordinary iodide intake, a 7 week administration of man¬ ganese in the drinking water resulted in thyroid enlargement in female mice, but not in male mice [5], For goiter formation, a prolonged manganese treatment through an oral route was necessary because a single [3, 6] or a sustained [4] parenteral injection of manganese caused very severe reduc- Accepted February 10, 1988 Received August 3, 1987 tions of iodide uptake and synthesis of thyroid hormones, but did not induce thyroid enlarge¬ ment. Although prolonged treatment increases thyroid hormone levels in the gland and reduced the hormones in the blood [5], the mechanism of goiter formation by manganese is not well under¬ stood. Thus, we were interested in determining whether oral administration of manganese for several generations caused larger goiters, and also whether hereditary factors were involved in the manganese-induced goiter. In this study, we ex¬ amined the chronic effects of manganese on growth, thyroid function and brains of mice in three consecutive generations. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals The chemical reagents used in this study were purchased from Wako Pure Che¬ mical Industries (Osaka, Japan) and oxytocin was from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO., USA). [125I]Na was purchased from New England Nu- 1044 M. Nishida, J. Kawada et al. clear Co. (Boston, MA., USA). The radioimmu¬ noassay kit, SPAK T4 was purchased from Daiichi Isotope Institute (Tokyo, Japan). Pronase was a product of Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. (Tokyo, Japan), and filter paper No. 51 for chromatogra¬ phy was obtained from Toyo Roshi Co. (Tokyo, Japan). Animals Male and female ddY mice weighing 18-20 g (4 weeks old) were obtained from a local supplier and maintained on a 12 hr light-dark cycle in an air conditioned room at 23- 24°C and 50% moisture. Animals were allowed free access to solid food (Type MF, Oriental Yeast Co. Tokyo, Japan) and tap water for the control. The iodide and manganese contents in the food pellets were 1.04 and 64.5 //g/g, respectively, as reported previously [5]. Mice were given 200 mg/1 of MnCl2-4H20 in the drinking water for 7 weeks. These animals were designated as the first genera¬ tion of manganese-treated mice (parents). Some mice were sacrificed at 11 weeks of age to examine thyroid enlargement. The remaining mice were mated to provide the second generation of man¬ ganese-treated mice. During mating and subse¬ quent pregnancy, manganese administration was continued. The offsprings from these parents with manganese treatment were designated as the second generation. The third generation of man¬ ganese-treated mice was obtained by a brother- sister mating of the second generation with man¬ ganese treatment. On day 1 when neonates were born, they were anesthetized with ether and blood was collected into a heparinized test tube by cutting the carotid artery. The blood from a litter was pooled and centrifuged to obtain plasma for hormone analysis. Another group of neonates was sacrificed on day 5 to collect plasma. Dams were also sacrificed on day 1 and day 5 after delivery. Blood samples were taken from the dams. The thyroids were excised and their weights were recorded. Intrathyroidal iodine metabolism Mice treated with manganese and the control were intraperitoneally given 3-4 /j.C\ [123I]Na per animal 24 hr prior to sacrifice. At autopsy, the thyroids were excised, weighed and pooled in each group because an individual thyroid was insufficient for analysis. The thyroids were added to a test tube containing 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 1 mM methylmercaptoimidazole and two drops of ethanol. The mixture was subjected to proteolytic hydrolysis with Pronase (20: 1 weight ratio). For this purpose, the test tube was bubbled with N2 gas, sealed with a stopper and incubated at 37°C for 24 hr. Digestion was terminated by immersing the tube in boiling water. Samples of the hydroly¬ sates were spotted on paper and subjected to paper chromatography using two different solvent sys¬ tems (n-butanol : acetic acid : H20=4:l:2, v/v and n-butanol : ethanol : 2N ammonium hydroxide =5:1:2, v/v). Radioiodinated compounds were analyzed by autoradiography. Areas on the paper showing dark spots were cut and their radioactivi¬ ties were measured by an auto gamma scintillation counter. Hormone measurement Serum was pre¬ pared from adult animals, but pooled plasma was prepared from neonates because of an insufficient volume of blood from an individual neonate. Cir¬ culating T4 was assayed by SPAK T4 RIA kit. In this assay system, 25 ju\ of specimen were used in a single measurement and at least duplicate measurements were carried out for each specimen. A cross reaction with T3 was not detectable with this kit. Histological study Thyroids were excised and fixed in Bouin’s fluid. Using ordinary process¬ es, samples were embedded in a paraffin wax, sliced and sections were stained in hematoxylin- periodate. Whole brain regions were fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution and embedded in an epon. The specimens were stained in luxol fast blue- cresylechtviolet solution for simultanous staining of Nissl bodies and the myelin sheath, and in hematoxylin-eosin solution for ordinary staining. Stainability and histological changes were ex¬ amined under a light microscope. RESULTS Thyroid enlargement by manganese A morphological study of thyroids of female mice treated with 200 mg/1 manganese chloride for 7 weeks revealed moderate size goiters with colloid filled lumens and flattened epithelial cells. Table 1 Manganese as Goitrogen in Mice Table 1. Manganese effect on body and thyroid weights in three generations of mice 1045 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation C Mn C Mn C Mn Female No. of animal 14 12 11 10 9 9 Body ( weight V6/ 31.0 + 3.9 32.5 + 2.5 32.0 + 3.0 32.3 + 2.4 32.0 + 3.9 31.2 + 2.5 weghTW) 2. 7 + 0. 3 3. 3 + 0.3 3. 1 + 0.3 4. 3 + 0. 4 2. 8 + 0.5 3. 7 + 0. 4 p<0.001 p<0.001 pCO.001 Male No. of animal 9 11 16 11 11 11 Body , , weight V6' 40.6 + 3.4 40.9 + 3.0 42.2 + 4.1 43.2 + 3.8 41.5 + 3.4 44.3 + 3.4 3. 3 + 0.4 3. 8 + 1.0 3. 5 + 0. 4 3. 8 + 0. 3 3. 6 + 0.3 3. 6 + 0. 3 NS NS NS C: Control, Mn: Mn treated, NS: Not significant. shows that, in the first generation, thyroids of female mice were enlarged by manganese chloride, but thyroids of male mice were unchanged by the same treatment. When the mice with manganese treatment were mated, 9 out of 15 females became pregnant (60%), whereas in the control group 8 out of 12 became pregnant (67%). In the second generation, the frequencies of pregnancy of the manganese-treated female mice and the control were 7/14 and 10/15, respectively. The body weight gain and other external appearances were not changed by manganese treatment. At delivery time, the average number of neonates bred and their mean body weight were also similar to those of control group. When animals of the second generation were 11-12 weeks old, some were sac¬ rificed to examine their thyroids. The thyroid weight of the females of the second generation was slightly greater than that of the first generation. In the third generation, the size of glands was similar to that of the first generation but smaller than that of the second generation. Manganese effect on circulating T4 level The results of the circulating T4 levels of non¬ pregnant adult female mice, dams after delivery (day 1 and day 5) and neonates (day 1 and day 5) are summarized in Table 2. Just after delivery, serum T4 levels of dams were within normal ranges and not influenced by the birthing process. Dams with manganese treatment maintained normal T4 levels at day 1. However, the T4 levels of dams in both groups fell to subnormal levels during the term of lactation (day 5). T4 levels of neonates on day 1 were very low but increased slightly during the first five days. This increase in T4 level was also observed in the manganese-treated group. Thus, there was no significant effect of manganese on circulating T4 levels. Manganese effect on radioiodide uptake into hor¬ monal fraction of thyroid In order to determine whether manganese inter¬ feres with hormone synthesis, the radioiodide up¬ take into intrathyroidal hormonal fractions was examined in control and manganese-treated mice through three generations. Table 3 shows the radioiodide distribution in T3 + T4 fractions of each group. 125I activity in the females treated with manganese was much higher (10-20%) than that of the control group, resulting in the ratios of Mn/C being greater than one or at least equal to one. On the other hand, in males, the ratios of Mn/C were always less than one. Furthermore, as 1046 M. Nishida, J. Kawada et al. Table 2. Manganese effect on thyroxine level in blood Group 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation ng/ml ng/ml ng/ml Non-pregnant Control 38.5 + 5.0 (n=4) 38.9 + 7.9 (n=4) adult female Mn- 33.5 + 2.5 40.8 + 8.5 treated (n=4) (n=5) Control 38.0 + 4.7 28.1 + 1.9 (n=6) (n=4) Day 1 Mn- 37.5 + 14.2 30.8 + 7.6 treated (n = 5) (n=6) Dam Control 17.6 + 4.2 16.8 + 1.0 Day 5 (n— 6) (n=4) Mn- 21.8 + 8.7 16.5 + 1.6 treated (n=6) (n = 6) Control 6. 4 + 6. 3 9. 4 + 3. 9 (n = 4) (n=4) Day 1 Mn- 5. 1 + 2. 9 14.1 + 5.9 treated (n=5) (n=6) Neonate Control 10.3 + 0.6 14.9 + 1.9 (n=3) (n=4) Day 5 Mn- 18.1 + 0.1 17.9 + 1.6 treated (n=2) (n=6) Data show serum hormone levels for adults and plasma hormone levels for neonates. Each value is the mean + SD. The numbers within the parentheses for the adult females and dams represent the numbers of mice used in the study. However, the numbers within the parentheses for neonates represent the numbers of litters in each group. the number of generations increased, the ratios became smaller in male mice. “ Dwarfs ” and the histological examination of their brains Continuous manganese administration did not affect the growth of parents and the second gen¬ eration of mice when their body weights were monitored. However, in the third generation of the manganese-treated group, some smaller neo¬ nates were observed, although the incidence was not high: 0/11 for the control and 3/17 for the manganese-treated group (The numerator and de¬ nominator represents numbers of dams which bred a “dwarf” and total numbers of dams examined, respectively. In this experiment, the term “dwarf” is defined for neonates weighing less than 70% of the average body weight of siblings in the same litter on day 1). After a half number of normal siblings were isolated from their mother, dwarfs were still unable to grow at the rate of normal mice, suggesting that the dwarfs were not the results of interrupted lactation but of some other endogenous dysfunctions. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the growth curves and the photograph of normal and dwarf mice, respec¬ tively. Dwarfs grew slowly and never reached the level of body weight of normal animals. Since Manganese as Goitrogen in Mice Table 3. 125I incorporation into iodothyronine fraction in thyroid 1047 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation c Mn Mn/C C Mn Mn/C C Mn Mn/C % % % % % % Female 8.92 11.05 1.24 6.18 7.05 1.14 5.85 7.09 1.21 (11.56) (10.73) (0.93) (10.60) (10.10) (0.95) (6.09) (7.68) (1.26) Male 5.18 3.82 0.74 9.08 6.12 0.67 7.45 3.42 0.46 (5.88) (4.95) (0.84) (11.50) (9.57) (0.83) (9.87) (5.32) (0.54) C: Control, Mn: Mn treated. The values represent the percentages of 125I activity in T3 + T4 fractions to total radioactivity on chromatograms. Values were obtained by using developing solvent system of n-butanol:ethanol:2N ammonium hydroxide = 5: 1: 2 (v/v) and the values in parentheses were obtained by using a system of n-butanol : acetic acid : H20=4:l:2 (v/v). some dwarfs showed ataxial motion, the brains of dwarfs were subjected to histological examination. Although the photographs are not shown, both control and dwarf neonates displayed regular lamination of nerve cells in the motor area of the cerebral cortex, and the dwarfs exhibited nerve cells which were stained lighter than the control. There was no critical difference in lamination of nerve cells of cerebellar cortex between the two groups. In the dwarfs, however, many swollen and lightly stained Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex were seen as well as an increased number of nerve fibers in the cerebellar medulla, there was no difference in stainability of the Nissl bodies of the nuclei cerebri in normal and dwarf mice. Fig. 1. Growth curve of normal and dwarf neonates. The normal group consisted of 13 male and 9 female mice from 2 litters and for the dwarfs, one male and one female. The vertical bar represents the standard deviation. Fig. 2. A photograph of normal and dwarf neonates. The photograph shows a dwarf (upper) and a normal (lower) neonate on day 9 after birth. 1048 M. Nishida, J. Kawada et al. DISCUSSION Although symptoms caused by manganese de¬ ficiency [7] and neurological dysfunctions by excess manganese [8] have been well documented, know¬ ledge of neonatal endocrinology related to excess manganese ingestion is scant. Previously, we stated that even with sufficient iodide supply, excess manganese can be goitrogenic in the female mouse thyroid, but not in the male mouse thyroid [5]. The present study provided additional con¬ firming evidence to support the observation men¬ tioned above. Moreover, goiters were always produced in three generations by continuous admin¬ istration of manganese. However, the size of goiters did not increase from one generation to the next as shown in Table 1. Initially, we assumed that the condition of goiter would become more severe with each succeeding generation if genetic factors affected goiter formation by manganese. Judging from the result in Table 1, there was no such hereditary influence in the manganese effect. Histological observations revealed that the goi¬ ter caused by manganese consisted of flattened epithelial cells with ample colloid in the lumen. This feature of colloid filled goiter suggests that the thyroid must be in a hypofunctional state, perhaps due to the second phase of Marine Cycle [9]. Therefore, it is likely that the use of colloid by epithelial cells was blocked by manganese in female mice. This speculation is supported by the fact that radioiodide activity in the intrathyroidal T3 + T4 fraction was slightly but steadily higher in female mice with manganese treatment than in control mice (Table 3). This result suggests that in females, the de novo synthesized hormones remain in the lumen, and in males, the hormones are promptly released from the lumen. From the present study, it is not known whether TSH levels were altered by manganese. We attempted to use a rat-TSH antibody to measure mouse TSH level by radioimmunoassay, but the rat-TSH antibody did not react with the mouse TSH. Buthieau and Autissier reported that the serum TSH level was reduced in manganese in¬ jected rats [4], If one could extend this evidence to mice, excess manganese may depress the thyroid and the pituitary functions. Na+, K+-ATPase, which suplies energy to epithelia for colloid en- docytosis, was not significantly inhibited by man¬ ganese in vitro (authors, unpublished). This evi¬ dence was compatible with the fact that the pro¬ longed oral administration of manganese only slightly affected the ratio of 125I activity in tissue to that in serum [5]. Therefore, this feature was entirely different from the acute parenteral treat¬ ment [3]. At present, the cause of the sex differ¬ ence in the manganese effect on colloid accumula¬ tion is not clear, but in castrated male mice, goiter was induced by manganese, suggesting levels of male and female hormones with manganese may somehow bring about the formation of goiter [5]. Serum T4 levels in non-pregnant females, dams and the plasma of neonates were not significantly affected by manganese administration. Perhaps the manganese effect was mild so that regulatory processes to maintain homeostasis of the hormone level could operate properly in all ages of animals examined. Since the presence of manganese trans¬ ferrin has been demonstrated in sera from several species [10-12], a similar carrier protein may exist in the mouse to reduce the toxic effects of an overload of manganese. In the third generation of manganese treatment, dwarfs were born, but there is no information suggesting that this was specifically due to man¬ ganese treatment. When the manganese content in milk of the treated dams was measured, it was not significantly different from the control milk (data not shown). The course of dwarfism may occur during the period of pregnancy. Dwarfs could grow, but showed ataxial motion. We do not know whether the ataxia in dwarfs mimics Parkinsonism in humans caused by manganese intoxication [8]. When organ distribution of manganese was ex¬ amined, the level of manganese content in the entire brain was not high compared with other organs [5, 16]. However, high amounts of endoge¬ nous manganese was found in the hypothalamus region of rats [13], indicating that manganese could be localized in narrow regions to cause aberrations in the nervous system. Donaldson et al. [14] have shown that man¬ ganese can exist in vivo as either an oxidant or an antioxidant, depending on its valency state; Mn2+ may reduce norepinephrine levels in brain regions Manganese as Goitrogen in Mice 1049 whereas Mn3+ enhances lipid peroxidation and formation of free radicals. Our recent study on partition of Mn2+ and total manganese in rat organs showed that only a very small fraction of the total manganese remained in the form of Mn2+ in most organs after manganese chloride adminis¬ tration [16]. These data suggest that transvalency of manganese by biological systems is very active. Histological study of the brain region of dwarfs exposed to manganese in early developmental stages showed no drastic alterations. It is likely that the effect of excess manganese on the perinat¬ al nerve systems may not be drastic but mild and latent in nature. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research was supported in part by a Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Welfare of Japan. REFERENCES 1 Manescu, S., Negoescu, I., Lupulescu, A. and Di- aconescu, M.-L. (1960) Investigations on the goi¬ trogenic action of manganese. Rumanian Med. Rev., 5: 88-90. 2 Savina, P. N. (1969) Importance of manganese in the formation of endemic goiter. Tr. Tomsk. Nauch.-Issled. Inst. 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Tadakatsu Masaki, Katsuhiko Endo* 1 and Kanji Kumagai2 Environmental Biology Laboratory, Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753, and 2 Biological Institute, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753, Japan ABSTRACT — In the butterfly, Polygonia c-aureum L., a physiological mechanism underlying the photoperiodic control of seasonal-morph development involves a summer-morph-producing factor (SMPH). Amounts of SMPH present in the brain-extracts of Polygonia pupae as well as in those of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, were evaluated by Polygonia pupal assay for SMPH. The factors responsible for SMPH-activity in the Polygonia and Bombyx brain-extracts were heat-stable (95°C for 5 min), but they were thought to be peptide hormones since the brain-extracts became SMPH-inactive by hydrolyzing with trypsin (24 hr at 25°C). According to the Sephadex G-50 gel-filtration pattern of SMPH-activity, the ultimate molecular weight of SMPH was though to be 4500, which is almost the same size as the small prothoracicotropic hormone purified from the silkmoth, B. mori (4K-PTTH or bombixin: M. W. 4400). This finding is also supported by evidence in our present study that 2 (out of 4) Sephadex G-50 fractions judged as being SMPH-active showed 4K-PTTH-activity by Papilio pupal assay. However, the factor showing SMPH-activity was not thought to be identical with the one showing 4K-PTTH-activity in P. c-aureum since they were separated by reversed-phase HPLC. INTRODUCTION The Asian comma butterfly, Polygonia c- aureum L., exhibits seasonal dimorphism, i.e., summer and autumn morphs. Development of the seasonal morphs is governed by photoperiod and temperature exposure during the larval stages [1, 2]. A physiological system underlying the photo- periodic control of seasonal-morph development involves a neuroendocrine system of brain-corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum, which secretes a sum- mer-morph producing factor (SMPH) in the early pupal stage [3, 4]. The factor showing SMPH- activity is present in the brains of P. c-aureum as well as in the brains of several other lepidopteran insects, Bombyx mori , Papilio xuthus and Lycaena Accepted January 11, 1988 Received October 24, 1987 1 To whom reprints should be requested. phlaeas daimio [5]. The SMPHs could be extracted and precipitated in almost the same manner as has been demonstrated in the small and big prothoraci¬ cotropic hormones (4K- and 22K-PTTHs) of B. mori [5]; the PTTHs were extracted with 2% NaCl, but not with acetone and 80% ethanol, and were precipitated by ammonium sulfate at 80% saturation [6]. The present study was designed to determine whether the factors showing SMPH-activity are identical to the 4K- and/or 22K-PTTHs in lepidop¬ teran insects, P. c-aureum and B. mori. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Larvae of P. c-aureum and P. xuthus were held in either transparent plastic con¬ tainers of 0 9x5 cm3 or 19x13x5 cm3 and ex¬ posed to short-day (SD) conditions alternating periods of 8-hr of light and 16-hr of dark. The 1052 T. Masaki, K. Endo et al. rearing containers were placed in a cabinet at constant temperature (20°C or 25°C) and were illuminated by two 20 W white fluorescent tubes which were controlled by a 24-hr time-switch. During the light period, light intensity was pro¬ vided at about 500 lux. Larvae of Polygonia and Papilio were fed on leaves of Humulus japonicus and Fagara ailan- thoides, whereas those of the silkmoth, B. mori , were fed on leaves of Morus tiliaefolia. Fresh leaves were provided daily. Under the short-day condition, Polygonia larvae and pupae all developed into butterflies of autumn morphs, whereas those of Papilio entered diapause in the pupal stage. Extraction ofSMPH Brains were obtained from 0-day-old Polygonia pupae (4 to 12 hr after larval-pupal ecdysis) and the silkmoth, B. mori , by dissection in saline (0.9% NaCl) and stored at — 85°C. Four hundred brains were grouped, homogenized with a Teflon homogenizer in ice- cold acetone (a total volume of ca. 4 ml), washed 3 times in 80% ethanol (a total volume of ca. 0.8 ml) and extracted 3 times with 2% NaCl (a total volume of ca. 0.6 ml) at 0°C. At each step, insoluble materials were removed by centrifuga¬ tion at 12,000 Xg for 30 min. The brain-extract of 2% NaCl was heated in a boiling-water bath for 5 min, rapidly cooled and centrifuged at 12,000 Xg for 30 min. The supernatant was added to solid ammonium sulfate up to 80% saturation to precipi¬ tate the factor. Then the precipitate was dissolved in 0.1 M ammonium acetate (pH 7.02) and stored at — 85°C. The solution was used as crude SMPH. Trypsin-hydrolysis The crude SMPH was derived from 800 brains of 0-day-old SD-pupae, dissolved in 0.2 M ammonium acetate containing 0.01 M calcium chloride (700 pg protein/230 p\) and incubated with trypsin (7 //g/230 p\) for 20.5 hr at 25°C. Twenty-four hours later, the incubation mixture was heated in a boiling water bath (95°C) for 3 min, rapidly cooled and centrifuged again at 12,000 Xg. The supernatant was bioassayed for SMPH in addition to a control sample heated before incubation. Sephadex G-50 gel-filtration The crude SMPH from 800 brains of Polygonia pupae or from 250 brains of the silk moth, B. mori, was applied on to a column (10.2x912 mm) of Sephadex G-50 (Pharmacia, superfine) and eluted with 0.1 M ammonium acetate (7.3 ml/hr-cm). Sample frac¬ tions consisting of 100 drops each (3.9 ml) were collected for about 15 hr, lyophilized and stored at — 85°C. Reversed-phase HPLC Sephadex G-50 Polygonia fractions showing SMPH-activity and a highly purified 4K-PTTH of B. mori (bombixin) [7] — a gift from Professor H. Ishizaki of Nagoya University — were dissolved in 100/4 of 0.2 M ammonium acetate, subjected to reversed-phase HPLC (Shimadzu LC-3A, Tokyo) on a column of Hi-Pore RP-308 (Toyo Soda, Tokyo). Linear gradient elution with 10-40% acetonitril in 0.1 M ammonium acetate was performed over 65 or 90 min. Sample fractions through reversed-phase HPLC were collected at 4- to 6-min intervals, lyophilized and stored at — 85°C. Bioassay of SMPH Five microliters of samples with/without brain-extracts or the highly purified 4K-PTTH of B. mori were injected into the abdomens of 0-day-old female Polygonia pupae (4 to 12 hr after larval-pupal ecdysis) at different doses (1- to 100-brain equivalents). The recipient pupae were allowed to develop at 25°C. On the day of emergence, butterflies derived from the treated pupae were classified into one of the grades 0-4. An average grade score (AGS) for summer morphs, on which the SMPH-activity of the sample was evaluated, was obtained from the response of 6-20 insects. The classification was based on a gradient used to judge the color of the ventral side of the wings [4]. Bioassay of 4K-PTTH Five microliters of samples with/without brain-extract (1- to 100-brain equivalents) were injected into the abdomens of diapausing Papilio pupae (15 days after larval- pupal ecdysis at 25°C). The recipient pupae were placed at 25°C and observed to see whether or not they showed any sign of adult-development (eye- pigmentation). When the pupae exhibited this sign Summer-morph-producing Hormone 1053 of adult-development within 15 days after treat¬ ment, the test-sample was judged as showing 4K- PTTH-activity. RESULTS Fractional precipitation of SMPH-activity with ammonium sulfate An extract from 200 brains of Polygonia SD- pupae (0-day-old) was made with 2% NaCl and fractionated by adding solid ammonium sulfate up to 0.8 saturation. Each precipitate was dissolved in distilled water and bioassayed using female Poly¬ gonia SD-pupae (0-day-old). Figure 1 shows that an approximately half of the SMPH-activity present in the 2%-NaCl extracts was precipitated by ammonium sulfate between 0.5-0.65 saturation. SMPH-activity was mostly precipitated by ammonium sulfate at 0.8 saturation as has been demonstrated in the case of 4K- and 22K-PTTHs of B. mori [6, 7], Saturation of ammonium sulfate Fig. 1. Fractional precipitations of SMPH-activity with ammonium sulfate. Histograms show the percent¬ ages of SMPH-activity recovered from the precipi¬ tates of fractional precipitations. Effects of heating and trypsin-hydrolysis on the SMPH-activity To determine whether or not the factor re¬ sponsible for SMPH-activity in Polygonia brain- extracts is heat stable and also is resistant to trypsin hydrolysis, a 2%-NaCl extract was pre¬ pared from 800 brains of Polygonia pupae. The extract was divided into 4 parts, heated in a boiling-water bath (95°C) for different time- periods (0, 1, 3 or 5 min), rapidly cooled and centrifuged. The supernatants were bioassayed for SMPH. In addition, an extract was made from 800 brains of Polygonia pupae in the same manner as above, hydrolyzed with trypsin for 24 hr at 25°C and bioassayed for SMPH along with a sample incubated without trypsin. A high recovery (86%) of SMPH-activity was obtained from the heat-treated crude SMPH pre¬ paration (Table 1). However, no activity was detected in the trypsin-hydrolyzed extracts by Polygonia pupal assay for SMPH (Table 1). The results indicated that the factor responsible for SMPH-activity of the Polygonia brain-extracts was stable upon heating but appeared to be a peptide hormone since it was hydrolyzed by trypsin. Gel-filtration of the crude SMPH preparations through Sephadex G-50. Crude SMPH was provided from either 800 brains of Polygonia SD-pupae or from 250 brains of the silkmoth, B. mori , lyophilized, dissolved in 400 p\ (350 p\ in B. mori) of 0.2 M ammonium acetate, applied to a column of Sephadex G-50 (Pharmacia, superfine), and eluted with the same solution (7.3 ml/hr-cm). SMPH-activity was detected from 5 of 13 gel- filtrated fractions (tubes no. 11-15), in which Polygonia and Bombyx materials of M.W. 3500- 5500 were thought to be collected (Fig. 2). Re¬ coveries of the SMPH-activity by the gel-filtration through Sephadex G-50 reached 40-50% and 56- 62% in the Polygonia and Bombyx crude SMPH preparations, respectively. Furthermore, two Sephadex G-50 fractions of the Bombyx crude SMPH (tubes no. 12 and 13) which showed higher SMPH-activity than the others were judged as being 4K-PTTH-active by Papilio pupal assay (Fig. 2). The results indicated that the molecular sizes of the Polygonia and Bombyx SMPHs are about 4500 (3500-5500), which are almost the same size as the 4K-PTTH of B. mori (M.W. 4400) but are far smaller than the size of the 22K-PTTH (M.W. 22,000). However, the SMPHs could not be 1054 T. Masaki, K. Endo et al. Table 1. Effects of heating and trypsin-hydrolysis on the SMPH-activity in brain-extract of Polygonia pupae. Treatments No. No. of butterflies classified into grades: AGS 0 1 2 3 4 Heating at 95°C for 0 min 9 0 0 0 0 9 4.0 1 min 9 0 0 0 2 7 3.8 2 min 10 0 0 0 3 8 3.7 5 min 11 0 0 0 3 8 3.7 Trypsin-hydrolysis at 25°C for 0 hr 6 0 2 3 0 0 1.8 20.5 hr 6 6 0 0 0 0 0.0 20.5 hr (without trypsin) 10 0 0 0 2 8 3.8 Each recipient was injected with the brain-extract of 10-brain (heating) or 20-brain (trypsin-hydrolysis) equivalents. An AGS (average grade score) for summer morphs was obtained by using a gradient to judge the color of the ventral-side of the female wings. i- i i i r i i r i i r i i i 10 15 20 Fraction No. Fig. 2. Sephadex G-50 gel-filtration patterns of Bombyx (upper panel) and Polygonia crude SMPH preparations (lower panel). Curved thin lines show absorbance at 254 nm (upper panel) and 280 nm (lower panel), respectively. Histograms show SMPH-activity detected from the fractions. Double-sided arrow indicates the fractions judged as being 4K-PTTH-active by Papilio pupal assay. Summer-morph-producing Hormone 1055 separated from the 4K-PTTHs by gel-filtration through Sephadex G-50 in both P. c-aureum and B. mori. Reverse-phase HPLC in the highly purified 4K- PTTH of B. mori (bombixin) and the Polygonia Sephadex G-501 SMPH-active fractions SMPH-activity of highly purified 4K-PTTH (bombixin) was bioassayed using short-day Poly¬ gonia pupae. As a result, it was found to show SMPH-activity as strong as the Polygonia and Bombyx crude SMPH preparations showed (Fig. 3). In order to separate the SMPH from the 4K- PTTH, the highly purified 4K-PTTH (1000-brain equivalents) was dissolved in 0.2 M ammonium acetate, applied to on reversed-phase column of HPLC (Hi-Pore RP-308) and eluted by a linear gradient of acetonitril concentration of 10-40% in 0.1 M ammonium acetate. The Polygonia SMPH- active fractions from Sephadex G-50 were lyophi- lized and applied to the reversed-phase HPLC in the same manner as above. Sample fractions were divided into two parts, lyophilized, dissolved in distilled water and assayed for SMPH- and 4K- PTTH- activity, respectively. According to the result of reversed-phase HPLC Fig. 3. Dose-dependent response curve of SMPH- activity obtained by highly purified 4K-PTTH of Bombyx mori (curved thin line with open circles). Broken lines with letters SD and LD show the does-dependent response curve obtained from the brain-extracts of short-day and long-day pupae [5]. E c o CNI qj u c qj -Q o i r> _o < E c LD CNI qj < 500 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL DATE OF OVIPOSITION Fig. 2. Breeding period in each population. Open circle: mean date of oviposition used for statistical analysis. Solid line shows the case that egg sacs had been deposited at first visit to breeding pond. Dash shows beginning or end of breeding period in each population. the disappearance of snow was delayed in more southern lowland populations than northern low¬ land ones (n = 16, 0.76, P<.01). 2. Relationships of clutch size, egg size and total egg volume to altitude and date of oviposition Variations in the egg number, egg size and total egg volume with changes in altitude and date of oviposition are shown in Figure 3. The maximum mean number of eggs was 70.2 in population No. 2, and the minimum was 19.5 in No. 26. Rela¬ tionships between the mean number of eggs and altitude, and between the mean number of eggs and the date of oviposition are shown in Figure 3a, b. There was a negative correlation between the mean number of eggs and altitude among montane populations and among whole ones. However, there was no correlation between the mean num¬ ber of eggs and altitude among lowland popula¬ tions. The mean number of eggs varied conspi¬ cuously among lowland populations, while varied little among higher altitude ones. The mean number of eggs was significantly correlated with the date of oviposition; and decreased as the date of oviposition was postponed. The maximum mean egg diameter was 2.92 mm (egg volume: 13.03 mm3) in population No. 26, and the minumum was 2.17 mm (egg volume: 5.35 mm3) in No. 16. Egg size significantly differed among all the populations examined, among low¬ land and among montane populations. The rela¬ tionship between mean egg size and altitude is shown in Figure 3c. There was a positive correla¬ tion between mean egg size and altitude among all the populations and among the montane ones. The relationship between the mean egg size and the date of oviposition is shown in Figure 3d. Among lowland populations, the mean egg size decreased as the date of ovipositions was delayed. Among montane populations, however, the mean egg size increased as the date of oviposition was delayed. The mean total egg volume was negatively correlated with altitude and with the date of ovi¬ position among all the populations examined (Fig. 3e, f). Particularly among lowland populations, Reproductive Variation in Salamander 1077 70 r ° a r ° K o rs i - 0-140 o : rSr- 0-670** CL LLI CD 60 • : rs=- 0-591* o+# rs = - 0-798** • : rsr-0 641** o+*: rs = - 0 888** 3 50 o o o o _ L - 8 ° 3 °°a9 ° O ° ° O O 0 40 " <8

900 " ° o o " ° oo 0 0 LU _l 700 O O o of •• o o /• . . < 1- o 500 cP o \ • t * *.* • • • • * • * • • • 1— 300 1 L • l ■. i 1_ 1_ L 1_ l I _ I _ I _ „_l _ _ 1 _ 1 _ L__ _ I _ l 0 500 1000 2000 APR MAY JUN JUL ALTITUDE (m) DATE OF OVIPOSITION Fig. 3. Variations in egg number, egg size and total egg volume with changes in altitude and spawning date. Open circle: lowland population, Solid circle: montane population, *: significant at<.05, **: significant at<.01, a: relationship between egg number and altitude, b: relationship between egg number and date of oviposition, c: relationship between egg size and altitude, d: relationship between egg size and date of oviposition, e: relationship between total egg volume and altitude, f: relationship between total egg volume and date of oviposition. mean total egg volume varied conspicuously, and a highly negative relationship was observed between the mean total egg volume and the date of oviposi¬ tion. However, among montane populations, there was a positive correlation between the mean total egg volume and altitude. The relationship between the mean number of eggs and egg size among populations is snown in Figure 4. Among all the populations, there was no significant correlation between egg number and egg size (n = 32, rs= — 0.307), but, there was a negative correlation between the mean number of eggs and mean egg size among montane popula¬ tions (n = 16, rs= — 0.738, P<.01). Among the lowland populations, a weakly (not significant) positive correlation (n = 16, r5=0.413) was seen between mean egg number and mean egg size. 3. Analysis of variations in the egg number, egg size and total egg volume As a result of simple correlation, the number of eggs, egg size and total egg volume related in a complex manner with the difference in altitude and the date of oviposition. On the whole, the date of oviposition was significantly correlated with alti¬ tude. Among lowland populations, however, the 1078 H. Takahashi and H. Iwasawa 90 70 60 a: m 50 Z Z> z o o 40 UJ 30 20 l 12 o=s> 25 24 32 29. 30 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 EGG DIAMETER ( mm ) Fig. 4. Relationship between mean egg number and mean egg size. Vertical and horizontal lines: standard deviations, Open circle: lowland population, Solid circle: montane population. number of eggs, egg size and total egg volume varied independently from altitude. For the above reason we estimated that the altitudinal and breed¬ ing-seasonal factors are independent of each other as far as the variation in the number of eggs, egg size and total egg volume are concerned. In order to analyze these variations from the viewpoints of both the effect of altitude and the breeding season, each variation was examined by the multiple re¬ gression analysis using altitude and the date of oviposition as predictor variables (Table 2). These regression equations were fairly effective in ex¬ plaining the variations in the mean number of eggs and total egg volume. According to the results of the test of significance in the partial regression coefficient in Table 2, both the differences in alti¬ tude and the date of oviposition are significant in regard to the variations in the number of eggs and total egg volume among all the populations ex¬ amined. These regression analyses showed that the mean number of eggs and mean total egg volume increased with altitude, but decreased with the postponement of ovipoition. These results also showed that the altitude and the date of oviposi¬ tion are factors independent of each other. Variation in egg size cannot be adequately ex- Reproductive Variation in Salamander Table 2. Results of multiple regression analyses 1079 Criterion Multiple Analysis of variance Constant Predictor Partial Standard Test of significance in coefficient Standard partial variable R (xio-2) variable regression error regression F-ratio P r-val P coefficient coefficient a) Analyses to explain each reproductive characteristic by altitude and date of oviposition Egg number (X 102) 0.857 40.4 <.001 64.7 Altitude 0.86 0.38 2.296 <.05 0.422 Date of oviposition -45.70 0.07 -6.476 <.001 -1.190 Egg size (XlO3) 0.534 5.8 <.01 25.2 Altitude 0.19 0.08 2.404 <.05 0.726 Date of oviposition — 1.19 1.49 -0.800 >•1 -0.242 Total egg volume 0.810 27.7 <.001 11.6 Altitude 0.30 0.08 3.881 <.001 0.813 Date of oviposition -9.56 1.45 -6.616 <.001 -1.386 b) Analysis to explain egg size variation by altitude, latitude and population size Egg size 0.787 15.2 <.001 -69.1 Altitude 0.17 0.04 4.619 <.001 0.657 (XlO3) Latitude 0.25 0.07 3.724 <.001 0.503 (XlO3) Population 0.11 0.04 2.562 <.05 0.322 size plained by the difference in the altitude and the breeding season (Table 2a). According to the results of the test of significance in the partial regression coefficient, altitudinal difference is sig¬ nificant in regard to the variation in egg size among all the populations examined, but the difference in the date of oviposition is not significant. In order to analyze the factor of egg size variation, multiple regression analysis was performed again to use altitude, latitude and population size (number of egg sacs) as predictor variables (Table 2b). This regression was effective in explaining the variation and the test of partial regression coefficient re¬ vealed that altitude, latitude and population size are significant factors in egg size variation. The results of this regression analysis showed that mean egg size increased with altitude, latitude and population size. Similar analyses were per¬ formed for the number of eggs and total egg volume. However, latitude and population size were not significant as the variables to explain the variations. Effectual results which were obtained by linear regression models on the variations in the egg number, egg size and total egg volume meant that the variations in the egg number, egg size and total egg volume were clinal variations which corre¬ sponded with gradual environmental changes. DISCUSSION 1. Breeding seasonal and altitudinal effects on the number of eggs and total egg volume We collected many adult specimens of this spe¬ cies in several breeding ponds, and found no evidence of food ingestion at the time. So the active period of this species is estimated to be between the ending of breeding and snowfall in Niigata area. Therefore, delayed breeding shor¬ tens the active period of salamanders, and, as a result, a decrease in the total amount of food ingested throughout the year may occur. It is conceivable that total ingestion is one of the fac¬ tors which restrict total egg volume. Fraser [9] showed experimentally in Plethodon cinereus and 1080 H. Takahashi and H. Iwasawa Kaplan [10] showed in Bombina orientalis that a difference in the nutritional condition of the female affected the process of oocyte growth. Such a phenomenon may be occurring among different populations of H. nigrescens. It seems that the decrease in total egg volume is induced by the nutritive deterioration that is brought about by the delay of oviposition, and that the number of eggs decreases to correspond with the decrease in total egg volume. It has been shown in several species that the altitudinal difference induced variations in life history traits which include variation in the age and size at maturity [6, 11-14]. These variations in life histrory traits had different patterns according to circumstances. In Desmognathus ochrophaeus [11] and Rana sylvatica [6] , sexual maturation occurred later in montane than in lowland populations, and the body size of females increased with the post¬ ponement of sexual maturation. In Rana pretiosa [12] , sexual maturity was delayed remarkably in a high elevation population compared with a low¬ land populaton, but the body size at maturity was similar in both populations. On the other hand, it was estimated that sexual maturity was delayed in high elevation populations, and the body size of females was smaller in high elevation populations than in low elevation ones in Ambystoma gracile [13] . These high elevation populations had a 4 months shorter active period than low elevation ones. These reports showed that sexual maturity is reached later in higher altitude populations than in lower altitude ones, and that the growth rate of most females in high altitude populations is re¬ duced by reason of the decrease in the length of the active period in high altitude populations. In northern populations of Plethodon glutinosus, growth was greatly retarded owing to a longer hibernating period in comparison with southern populations which did not hibernate [15]. In general, the clutch size and the total egg volume are closely correlated with the body size of females [1, 2, 16]. It is conceivable that the increase in the number of eggs and total egg volume with altitude in the multiple regression analysis is a reflection of the relative increase in female body size resulting from the postponement of sexual maturation. However, if the growth of females is restricted by a remarkable delay in the breeding season, the body size of adult females is reduced inspite of the delay of sexual maturation. After all, it seems that the relationship between the two variables (the date of oviposition and altitude) in multiple regression equations for the number of eggs and total egg volume means the relationship between the en¬ vironment effect in growth or vitellogenic process, and the age of maturation of females. 2. Variation in egg size It has been known that in some amphibian species the egg size is closely related to the altitude [3, 4, 6] or latitude [17, 18]. The present study showed that egg size varied clinally with altitude and latitude. It is thinkable that the egg size variation is related to pond temperature in parallel with altitude and latitude. However, in the breed¬ ing ponds examined in the present study, the seasonal variation in water temperature within a pond tended to be greater than geographical varia¬ tions among ponds (unpublished data). That is, the variation in pond temperature in breeding and hatching is mostly determined by the difference of the date of oviposition among populations. So, we cannot assert that the difference of water tempera¬ ture based on the altitude and latitude is one of the factors inducing these altitudinal and latitudinal egg size dines. On the other hand, egg size was significantly related with population size. It seems that the number of egg sacs in one breeding pond is an indicator of the degree of intraspecific competi¬ tion, of relative food density per larva and of larval density in the breeding ponds. It is conceivable that other pond-specific factors are also involved in egg size determination. However, these factors could not eliminate the altitudinal and latitudinal egg size dines. Populations Nos. 1-5 and 7 were located in the same heap of mountains and at a similar altitude. Furthermore, these populations had a similar breeding period. In spite of the various environmental conditions in their breeding ponds, mean egg size did not vary conspicuously among populations. 3. Relationship among reproductive traits Berven [6] discussed the relationships among the Reproductive Variation in Salamander 1081 number of eggs, egg size, total egg volume, body size and age at first reproduction. He proposed that selection had acted on egg size, and that other reproductive traits had evolved secondarily. Re¬ sults of the multiple regression analyses in the present study showed that the number of eggs and total egg volume were affected by the date of oviposition. As stated above, it is estimated that the date of oviposition affects the growth of female and the vitellogenic process. Several studies have shown that the differences in growth rate and body size of amphibians were influenced by environ¬ ment [6, 19, 20]. It is conceivable that the body size of female is one of important factors which determine the number of eggs and total egg volume. Thus, number of eggs and total egg volume in each population appear to be largely environmentally determined. On the other hand, it is conceivable that egg size was not affected by the date of oviposition, but varied in parallel with altiudine and latitude. It seems that the egg size varied in adaptation to the altitudinal and latitu¬ dinal changes in environment. From the negative correlation between the number of eggs and egg size among montane populations (Fig. 4), it is suggested that high altitudinal populations pro¬ duce optimal sized eggs at the expense of the number of eggs. REFERENCES 1 Salthe, S. N. (1969) Reproductive modes and the numbers and size of ova in the urodeles. Am. Midi. Natur., 81: 467-490. 2 Salthe, S. N. and Duellman, W. E. (1973) Quan¬ titative constraints associated with reproductive mode in anurans. In “Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans”. Ed. by J. L. Vial, Univ. Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri, pp. 229-249. 3 Pettus, D. and Angleton, G. M. (1967) Compara¬ tive reproductive biology of montane and piedmont chorus frogs. Evolution, 21: 500-507. 4 Kozlowska, M. (1971) Differences in the reproduc¬ tive biology of mountain and lowland common frogs, Rana temporaria L. Acta. Biol. Crac., Ser. Zool., 14: 17-32. 5 Woodward, B. D. (1982) Local intraspecific varia¬ tion in clutch parameters in the spotted salamander ( Ambystoma maculatum). Copeia, 1982: 157-160. 6 Berven, K. A. (1982) The genetic basis of altitudi¬ nal variation in the wood frog Rana sylvatica. I. An experimental analysis of life history traits. Evolu¬ tion, 36: 962-983. 7 Kurasawa, J. and Iwasawa, H. (1977) Correlation between the number of eggs deposited in the egg sacs and the altitude of the spawning place in the salamander Hynobius nigrescens. Jpn. J. Herpetol., 7: 27-31. (in Japanese with English summary) 8 Takahashi, H. and Iwasawa, H. (1988) Changes in the size of egg-form embryos with the advance of development in the salamander Hynobius nigres¬ cens. Jpn. J. Herpetol., 12: 124-126. 9 Fraser, D. F. (1980) On the environmental control of oocyte matulation in a plethodontid salamander. Oecologia, 46: 302-307. 10 Kaplan, R. H. (1987) Developmental plasticity and maternal effects of reproductive characteristics in the frog, Bombina orientalis. Oecologia, 71: 273- 279. 11 Tilley, S. G. (1973) Life histories and natural selec¬ tion in populations of the salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus. Ecology, 54: 3-17. 12 Licht, L. E. (1975) Comparative life history fea¬ tures of the western spotted frog, Rana pretiosa, from low- and high-elevation populations. Can. J. Zool., 53: 1254-1257. 13 Eagleson, G. W. (1976) A comparison of the life histories and growth patterns of the salamander Ambystoma gracile (Baird) from permanent low- altitude and montane lakes. Can. J. Zool., 54: 2098- 2111. 14 Tilley, S. G. (1980) Life histories and comparative demogrphy of two salamander populations. Copeia, 1980: 806-821. 15 Highton, R. C. (1962) Geographic variation in the life history of the slimy salamader. Copeia, 1962: 597-613. 16 Kaplan, R. H. and Salthe, S. N. (1979) The allometry of reproduction: an empirical view in salamanders. Am. Natur., 113:671-689. 17 Moore, J. (1949) Geographic variation of adaptive characters in Rana pipiens Schreber. Evolution, 3: 1-24. 18 Matsui, M. (1987) Geographic variations in repro¬ ductive traits and the factors of the variations. In “Biology of Toad”. Ed. by A. Urano and K. Ishi- hara, Shokabo, Tokyo, pp. 19-31. (in Japanese) 19 Berven, K. A. (1982) The genetic basis of altitudin¬ al variation in the wood frog Rana sylvativa II. An experimental analysis of larval development. Oeco¬ logia, 52: 360-369. 20 Harris, R. N. (1984) Transplant experiments with Ambystoma larvae. Copeia, 1984: 161-169. ■ ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1083-1088 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Thyroid Status and Ambient Temperature as Influences on Weaning in Young Mice Lee A. Meserve and Mary Ann R. Gonzalez Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0212, USA ABSTRACT — Depressed thyroid status has been long known to delay normal mammalian development of physiological and behavioral processes. Investigations of young rats made hypothyroid by chemical goitrogenesis have demonstrated that such a treatment disrupts normal weaning behavior which can be restored by thyroxine (T4) injection. The present study was done to determine the influence of chemically-induced hypothyroidism on weaning in the mouse, an experimental rodent closely related to, but somewhat metabolically different from the rat. Hypothyroidism was instituted by incorporation of thiouracil (0.25%) into the maternal diet from the day of mating. Daily from day 6 of life, half the pups in each litter born to euthyroid or hypothyroid dams were injected with a physiological dose (50 ng/g body wt) of T4, with the remaining pups receiving vehicle. At 17, 21, or 24 days of age, pups were allowed to indicate a preference between maternal food or non-maternal (chow) food choices at either room (24°C) or incubator (35°C) temperature. After spending the night following preference testing in the home cage, stomach contents of pups were analyzed for proportions of milk and chow. Thyroxine injection of euthyroid pups did not significantly modify body weight, circulating T4 levels, or behavioral progression to weaning, suggesting the dose to be physiological. Hypothyroidism effectively eliminated weaning behavior within the normal time frame, but the behavior was restored by T4 injection. Elevation of ambient temperature generally increased pup preference for a non-maternal food source at 21 and 24 days, however the increases were small and did not represent accelerated weaning in euthyroid pups nor normal weaning in hypothyroid mice. In general, the influence of thyroid status on normal weaning in mice appears to be very similar to that reported in rats. INTRODUCTION The influence of insufficiency of thyroid hor¬ mone on pre- and postnatal developmental pro¬ cesses has been known for some time [1]. Howev¬ er, details regarding the presence or severity of specific developmental deficiencies remain to be investigated in hypothyroid experimental animals. The normal process of weaning from total reliance upon mother’s milk has been well established in the rat [2], with the first appearance of solid food in the stomach occurring between days 15-17 [3], and the disappearance of milk between days 24-28 [4]. Recent studies have also found this precisely timed developmental process to be delayed by depressed thyroid status [5, 6] which may result in part from disrupted temperature control mecha¬ nisms which occur because of hypothyroidism [5]. To our knowledge, similar studies have not been done in the laboratory mouse, a species in which adult body weight is about 10% of that in the rat [7] and in which metabolic rate is about twice that of the rat [8]. Thus, the present study was carried out to determine whether hypothyroidism delayed weaning in the mouse, and if so, whether replace¬ ment of thyroxine (T4) or elevation of ambient temperature would ameliorate this delay. These determinations were made by conducting dietary preference tests after fasting at 17, 21 or 24 days of age (bracketing the time of normal weaning in rats), and by measuring the proportion of stomach contents comprising milk and solid food the next day, after pups had spent the night with the mother mouse. Accepted January 11, 1988 Received December 16, 1987 1084 L. A. Meserve and M. A. R. Gonzalez MATERIALS AND METHODS Mice derived from the Swiss-Webster strain were mated, with successful matings being deter¬ mined by presence of a vaginal plug. On the first day of pregnancy, females were isolated in opaque polystyrene cages under controlled temperature (22 + 10°C) and lighting (12L: 12D) conditions, and were fed either standard laboratory chow or Lab Blox Mash (Wayne Animal Foods Division, Chicago, Illinois) to which 0.25% by weight 2- thiouracil (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri) had been added to induce hypothyroid¬ ism. The dietary regimen of each pregnant or lactating mouse remained in the same through testing of young around the time of weaning. On day 5 after birth of each litter, pups in excess of a total litter size of 8 were removed from the nest. The study population consisted of 112 con¬ trol pups from 18 different litters, and 111 chemi¬ cally hypothyroid pups from 27 litters. Both male and female animals were used in each experiment. On day 6 of life, and daily thereafter, half the pups in each litter received a physiological dose of thyroxine (T4, 50 ng/g body wt) [5] by sub¬ cutaneous injection, and the remaining pups were administered an equivalent volume of the hor¬ mone injection vehicle (0.3 mM NaOH). The weaning status of all pups was tested using two measures; a dietary preference test in the absence of the natural mother, and a determina¬ tion of stomach contents the morning after the dietary preference test, the pups having spent the night in the cage with the natural mother. The dietary preference test essentially followed the regime used by Blake and Henning [5] with young rats. Seventeen, 21, or 24 day old mouse pups were incubated (35±2°C) and fasted with avail¬ able drinking water for 10 hr, after which a vehi¬ cle-injected and T4-injected pair were placed mid¬ way between chow mash, chow pellets, and a lactating Nembutal-anesthetized foster dam with nipples exposed at either room (24°C) or incubator (35°C) temperature. Behaviors were catalogued by observation at 10 sec intervals over a total test time of 5 min, with the summed percentage time spent eating mash or pellets used to indicate weaning. After dietary preference testing, pups were returned to the maternal cage overnight. The next morning (day 18, 22 or 25) pups were decapi¬ tated and blood was collected from the severed neck vessels. Serum was extracted by centrifuga¬ tion and frozen at — 20° C for future estimation of T4 concentrations. After determination of carcass weight to the nearest 0.1 g, stomachs were rapidly excised and iced for 20 min to coagulate milk [5], Total stomach contents were removed and weighed, then the chow component was weighed alone. The percentage of total stomach contents represented as chow was used as an index of weaning. Serum T4 concentrations were determined to measure the effectiveness of thiouracil in depress¬ ing thyroid status, and the degree of T4 replace¬ ment affected by injecting the hormone. Serum samples were pooled with regard to maternal diet (with or without thiouracil) and pup injection (vehicle or T4), but without regard to age, since T4 levels of normal mice are fairly consistent across this age range [9]. T4 concentrations were deter¬ mined using radioimmunoassay kits generously donated by Micromedic Systems, Inc. (Horsham, Pennsylvania). T4 sensitivity of these kits was 0.3 ng/dl, having a within assay variation of 6.5% and a between assay variation of 7.1%. Data were statistically analyzed for main effects of thyroid status and ambient temperature upon dietary preference, and of thyroid status on stom¬ ach contents and body weight, by analysis of variance, with individual comparisons of means performed using Tukey’s test [10]. Differences in serum T4 concentrations between vehicle- and T4-injected pups were evaluated with Student’s t-test. In all cases significance was ascribed to P<0.05. RESULTS The linear growth of euthyroid pups between days 18-25, expressed by the relationship Y— 2. OX + 4.7 (slope=2.0 g/day; r=0.87), was not altered by daily injection of 50 ng T4/g body weight, suggesting that this dosage represented a truly physiological level which had largely turned off endogenous thyroid hormone production. This supposition is substantiated by the levels of circu- Thyroid and Weaning in Mice 1085 lating T4 which, while slightly elevated in T4- injected normal animals, was not significantly so (Table 1). Furthermore, administration of this dosage of T4 increased circulating hormone levels to over 75% of normal in chemically hypothyroid pups, and elevated severely depressed body weights to normal levels. During the early stages of the weaning process at 17 days of age neither depression of thyroid status with thiouracil nor administration of T4 by injec¬ tion to euthyroid pups altered the amount of time spent with the mother or alternate food choices, regardless of the ambient temperature. In all cases, pups spent 2% or less of the test time with food choices alternative to the anesthetized foster dam. However, T4 administration to thiouracil-fed pups significantly elevated the time spent with non-maternal food options to above 3%, and this influence was augmented to greater than 5% by elevating environmental temperature (P<0.05, Fig. 1). After pups spent the night with the natural mother, analysis of stomach contents revealed that young of euthyroid mice had begun to consume chow at this age, at a percentage of total intake unmodified by T4 injection (approximately 5% of stomach contents). On the other hand, stomach contents of 18 day old pups from thiouracil-fed dams contained no chow, an observation which was not altered by administration of exogenous T4 (Fig. 2). By 21 days of age the depressive influence of thiouracil-induced hypothyroidism on develop¬ ment of weaning behavior had become obvious. Pups in this group spent less than one-tenth the time with non-maternal food as did normal pups (with or without T4 injection) or thiouracil-fed animals injected with T4 (Fig. 1). As at 17 days, elevation of ambient temperature only increased the amount of time spent with non-maternal food by hypothyroid animals injected with T4. The general trend was for all incubated pups to spend more time away from the foster dam than pups at room temperature, except by normal pups given T4. On day 22, chow represented over 50% of stomach contents in normal pups, and was not influenced by T4 injection. While only traces of chow were found in the stomachs of vehicle- injected hypothyroid pups (less than 2% of total contents), T4 injection resulted in the proportion of chow approximating that seen in normal animals (Fig. 2). For all intents and purposes, the weaning pro¬ cess was completed by 24 days of age in normal animals, with an average of over 90% of dietary preference test time spent with food sources other than the foster dam. This proportion could be driven to nearly 95% by increasing environmental temperature to 35°C. The completeness of wean¬ ing was further substantiated by the presence of 100% chow in the stomachs of these pups on day 25 (Fig. 2). Hypothyroidism continued to delay weaning behavior, with about 5% of the test time being spent with non-maternal food sources, but at this age increased ambient temperature significant¬ ly elevated time spent with chow to about twice the average (Fig. 1). Nonetheless, only trace amounts Table 1. Body weights and relative circulating thyroxine (T4) concentrations of normal and thiouracil-fed mice with or without T4 injection Treatment Injection Body Weight (g) T4 levels4) (% of control) 18 days 22 days 25 days Lab Chow Vehicle 6.8 + 0. l(18)1)a 8.2±0.1(18)d 10.2±0.3(20)f 100.0±7.5(12)h t43) 6.4 + 0. l(18)a 7.6±0.2(18)d 10.5±0.4(20)f 117.3±9.9(12)h Lab Chow Vehicle 4.8±0.2(18)b 6.3+0.2(19)® 8.2±0.2(19)g 24.0 + 2.0(12)* plus Thiouracil2) t43) 6.1±0.2(17)c 7.8±0.2(19)d 10.4±0.2(19)f 77.9±4.0(12)j x) Mean±SEM(n). Values in the same column with the same superscript are not significantly different (P >0.05). 2) 0.25% of maternal diet by weight from day 1 of pregnancy. 3) 50 ng/g body weight 4) 100% T4 in controls represents a mean concentration of 10 ^g/dl. 1086 L. A. Meserve and M. A. R. Gonzalez Days of Age Fig. 1. Percent of dietary preference test time that 17, 21, or 24 day old mouse pups spent with a food choice other than an anesthetized foster dam. A. Vehicle (0.2 mM NaOH)-injected euthyroid pups. B. Littermates of A injected daily with 50 ng TVg body weight from day 6 to day of testing. C. Vehicle-injected chemically hypothyroid pups (0.25% dietary thiouracil from conception). D. Littermates of C injected as in B. Each data point used to draw the curves is the mean ± standard error of 17-20 pups. At points without bars of error was smaller than the symbol. Hatched bars represent dietary preference of half these animals at room temperature (24°C) and open bars represent preference of the remaining pups at incubator temperature (35°C). Note that in only one case (B., 21 day) did the room temperature value excede the incubator value. of chow were present in the stomachs of these animals on day 25. Twenty-four day old hypothy¬ roid pups injected with T4 did not spend an obviously greater amount of time with chow than they had spent at 21 days (Fig. 1), but their stomachs contained 100% chow the next day after spending the night with their mothers. DISCUSSION The experimental procedures performed with mice in the present study were designed to parallel as closely as possible the portion of an earlier investigation concerning thyroid status and wean¬ ing progression done by Blake and Henning in rat pups [5]. Procedural deletions from the rat study Thyroid and Weaning in Mice 1087 Days of Age Fig. 2. Percent of total stomach contents as animal chow found in the same pups given the dietary preference test, after spending the night in the home cage with the natural dam. Circles: pups of euthy¬ roid dam. Triangles: pups of thiouracil-fed dams. Closed symbols: vehicle-injected pups. Open sym¬ bols: T4-injected pups. included the determination of rectal temperature and of incisor length because of the small size of mouse pups. In addition to those measurements made in rats, we included observations of the influence of administered T4 on weaning of pups from euthyroid dams, and a determination of circulating T4 levels at the end of the experiment. It was deemed necessary to include these aspects to ensure that the T4 dosage of 50 ng/g body weight represented a physiological dose in mice as well as rats. Since T4 injection of euthyroid pups did not significantly modify body weight gain or circulating T4 levels (Table 1) and since weaning measures of these animals closely paralleled those of vehicle- injected littermates (Figs. 1 and 2), the dosage of exogenous T4 was considered physiological. It is of interest that T4 injection of 21 day old euthyroid pups was the only treatment to result in pups spending more time with non-maternal food choices at room temperature than at incubator temperature. While the difference was not statisti¬ cally significant, it may support a previously re¬ ported acceleration of locomotor development with T4 augmentation in mice [11]. The appro¬ priateness of this T4 dosage was further supported by replacement injection at this level returning the growth rate of chemically hypothyroid mice to normal and significantly improving severely de¬ pressed circulating T4 levels (Table 1). As reported in rats [5], chemically-induced hypothyroidism severely retarded the normal progression of weaning in the present study, whether assessed by dietary preference test or by analysis of stomach contents. Indeed, the values reported here for percent time spent with a non- maternal food source during dietary preference testing (Fig. 1, C and D) are nearly identical, at each age and environmental temperature used to test chemically hypothyriod and hypothyroid T4- injected mice, with those measurements made by Blake and Henning [5] in rats. Investigators using the hamster to study the process of weaning have suggested important maternal influences upon its development [12]. Although there may be informational cues pro¬ vided by the mother mouse as well, these do not seem to be the primary motivation to weaning since dietary preference of normal pups shifted with age to a greater proportion of non-maternal food choice, even though the maternal food source was an immobile anesthetized foster dam. Similar conclusions have been drawn using rats [5]. Fur¬ thermore, elevation of environmental temperature in an attempt to provide the pups with the body temperature normally maintained by the maternal sharing of body heat failed to normalize weaning in hypothyroid mice or to accelerate its progression to any great degree in normal mice. Analysis of stomach contents found T4 injection of hypothyroid pups to have no effect on the percent chow consumed at 18 days of age, but to return chow consumption toward normal at 22 days and completely to normal at 25 days when stomachs of treated pups contained chow alone as did those of normal mice (Fig. 2). This is an interesting finding in light of the dietary preference results which suggest that T4-injected hypothyroid mice spent 45% of the test time with non-maternal 1088 L. A. Meserve and M. A. R. Gonzalez food at 24 days of age, whereas normal pups spent 92% of the test time away from the mother at the same age (Fig. 1, A and D). This apparent contra¬ diction is likely to be the result of a combination of a number of factors including the following. The T4-injected pups may progress in weaning be¬ havior from 24 to 25 days of age rapidly enough to demonstrate an obvious developmental spurt. Additionally, the dosage of thiouracil adminis¬ tered may be sufficient to inhibit conversion of some proportion of injected T4 to triiodothyronine (T3), the biologically active molecule [13]. Perhaps such a situation is more detrimental to normal development of locomotor and discrimina¬ tory behaviors, as evidenced by the dietary prefer¬ ence test, than to factors controlling actual con¬ sumption of chow. The latter suggestion is an attractive one since the concentration of goitro¬ genic material used in this and previous studies [5], which appears to prevent weaning, has been a relatively high one. Blake and Henning [6] have found relatively low doses of the propyl ester of thiouracil (PTU) to allow weaning to occur in rats, but with an approximate 3-5 day delay past nor¬ mal. It would be of interest to determine whether high and low doses of goitrogen or genetic hypothyroidism [14] have differential effects on the liver deiodinase enzyme responsible for con¬ verting T4 to T3, and whether such differences play a role in determining if a rat or mouse weans normally, weans late, or does not wean at all. Taken together, the dietary preference tests and analyses of stomach content performed in the present study suggest that the influence of thyroid status on the weaning process in mice is very similar to that previously reported in rats [5] even though adult mice are much smaller and have a significantly higher metabolic rate than rats [7, 8]. Thyroid hormone appears to be required to allow normal progression of weaning from milk to chow, regardless of ambient temperature. Further stu¬ dies of the importance of conversion of T4 to T3 for normal weaning in the mouse are planned. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by the Department of Biological Sciences, BGSU. The authors thank D. Colon, J. Landis, B. Murray, L. Parsons, C. Santorelli, and L. Shaffer for critically reviewing early versions of this paper and L. Floro for expert secretarial assistance. We thank E. Harris for donating T4 RIA kits. REFERENCES 1 Hamburgh, M. (1968) An analysis of the action of thyroid hormone on development based on in vivo and in vitro studies. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 10: 198-213. 2 Hall, W. G. , Cramer, C. P. and Blass, E. M. (1975) Developmental changes in suckling of rat pups. Nature, 258: 318-320. 3 Redman, R. S. and Sweeney, L. R. (1976) Changes in diet and patterns of feeding activity of developing rats. J. Nutr., 106: 615-626. 4 Henning, S. J., Chang, S.-S. P. and Gisel, E. G. (1979) Ontogeny of feeding controls in suckling and weanling rats. Am. J. Physiol., 237: R187-R191. 5 Blake, H. H. and Henning, S. J. (1983) Weaning in the rat: a study of hormonal influences. Am. J. Physiol., 244: R537-R543. 6 Blake, H. H. and Henning, S. J. (1985) Effect of propylthiouracil dose on serum thyroxine, growth, and weaning in young rats. Am. J. Physiol., 248: R524-R530 7 Crispens, C. G., Jr. (1975) Handbook on the Laboratory Mouse. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, pp. 80-137. 8 Pasquis, P., Lacaisse, A. and Dejours, P. (1970) Maximal oxygen uptake in four species of small mammals. Respir. Physiol., 9: 298-309. 9 Meserve, L. A. (1987) Hypothalamic CRF im- munoreactivity in genetically hypothyroid ( hyt/hyt ) mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 185: 335-338. 10 Zar, J. H. (1984) Biostatistical Analysis. Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 2nd ed., pp. 162-187, 196-190. 11 Murphy, J. M. and Nagy, Z. M. (1976) Neonatal thyroxine stimulation accelerates the maturation of both locomotor and memory processes in mice. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 90: 1082-1091. 12 Swanson, L. J. and Campbell, C. S. (1981) The role of the young in the control of the hormonal events during lactation and behavioral weaning in the golden hamster. Horm. Behav., 15: 1-15. 13 Kaplan, M. M. (1984) The role of thyroid hormone deiodination in the regulation of hypothalamo- pituitary function. Neuroendocrinology, 38: 254- 260. 14 Beamer, W. G., Eicher, E. M., Maltias, L. J. and Southard, J. L. (1981) Inherited primary hypothy¬ roidism in mice. Science, 212: 61-63. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1089-1093 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan A Ghost Shrimp with Four- Articulate Fifth Pereopods (Crustacea: Caprellidea: Phtisicidae) from Northwest Australia Akira Hirayama Biological Laboratory, Department of Liberal Arts, Asia University, 5-24-10 Sakai, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180, Japan ABSTRACT — Quadrisegmentum triangulum gen. et sp. nov. was found in a gorgonian host, Isis hippurus, on Ashmore Reef, Northwest Australia. The new genus is unique in the subfamily Phtisicinae in having four-articulate fifth pereopods. Genera having six-, five- and three-articulate fifth pereopods were previously known in this subfamily. Generic relationships within the Phtisicinae are discussed. INTRODUCTION The specimens reported herein were collected by H. K. Larson from a gorgonian host, Isis hip¬ purus Linnaeus, on Ashmore Reef in Northwest Australia on 24 July 1986 and were sent to me for identification by A. J. Bruce. They are members of the subfamily Phtisicinae on the basis of the 3-4 fully segmented pereopods [1, 2] but do not fit any definition of the known genera in terms of the numbers of segments in pereopod 5. The new ghost shrimp is 4-articulate, while the known genera of this subfamily are 6-, 5- and 3-articulate [1-6]. These characters are important to the construction of a phylogeny in the subfamily Phti¬ sicinae because they show successional changes in the segmentation of pereopod 5. The new ghost shrimp is described and generic relationships with¬ in the subfamily Phtisicinae are discussed on the basis of these characters and other generic ones. All the specimens described herein are depos¬ ited in the collection of the Museum and Arts Galleries of the Northern Territory, Darwin, Aus¬ tralia. Quadrisegmentum gen. nov. Diagnosis Flagellum of antenna 2, 7-articulate in male and Accepted February 22, 1988 Received July 8, 1987 5-articulate in female. Mandibles lacking molar process, provided with 3-articulate palp. Inner and outer plates of maxilliped subequal in size. Gills present on pereonites 2-4, small. Pleonal appen¬ dages 2-paired, 2-articulate. Pereopods 3-4, 6- articulate; pereopod 5, 4-articulate. Type species. Quadrisegmentum triangulum sp. nov. Etymology. The generic name refers to the four- articulate fifth pereopods. The gender is neuter. Remarks The new genus apparently belongs to the sub¬ family Phtisicinae Vasilenko, 1968 [1, 2, 8] with the following diagnostic characters: Gills present on pereonites 2-4; mandibles lacking molar, fur¬ nished with 3-articulate palp; pereonites 3-4, 6- articulate. However, it may be clearly disting¬ uished from other genera within this subfamily by unique segmentation of pereopod 5; it is 4- articulate in the new genus and 6-, 5- and 3- articulate in the known genera. Within the subfamily Phtisicinae, two-paired and bi-articulate pleonal appendages suggest that the new genus is related to six genera: Paraproto Mayer, 1903 [3], Pseudoprotomima McCain, 1969 [5], Phtisica Slabber, 1769 [3, 4, 8], Protomima Mayer, 1903 [3, 7], Protoplesius Mayer, 1903 [3] and Chaka Criffiths, 1974 [6]. All these genera, including Quadrisegmentum gen. nov., can be di¬ vided into four groups based on the segmentation 1090 A. Hirayama of pereopod 5: 1) 6-articulate group ( Paraproto , Pseudoprotomima), 2) 5-articulate group ( Phtisi - ca, Protomima, Protoplesius) , 3) 4-articulate group ( Quadrisegmentum gen. nov.) and 4) 3- articulate group ( Chaka ). These groups suggest an evolutionary change in the phylogeny of the sub¬ family Phtisicinae, i.e., the 6-articulate fifth pereopods evolved to 3-articulate through 5- articulate and 4-articulate fifth pereopods. Other generic characters listed to date [1-8] do not indicate successional or phylogenic relationships within this subfamily. For example, the setal formula on the terminal segment of the mandibu¬ lar palp is 1-x-l, where x indicates the number of short setae held between longer setae at both ends of a setal row. The x, however, shows irregular variations at the generic and specific levels [3-8]. Further, the segmentation number of the flagellum of antenna 2 is irregularly variable in the six genera: 14-articulate (males) and 10-articulate (female) in Paraproto , 7-articulate (males) and 5-articulate (females) in Quadrisegmentum gen. nov., 2 to 5-articulate in Phtisica, 2-articulate (males) and 5-articulate (females) in Protoplesius, 4-articulate in Pseudoproto and Protomima, and 3-articulate in Chaka. Although the evolutionary tendency of the flagellum segmentation generally shows a reduction in the caprellid amphipods [4,7, 8], this phenomenon can not be observed in the subfamily Phtiscinae. Therefore, I present the phylogenic assumption that the genera in the sub¬ family Phtisicinae have evolved from the group with the 6-artiulate fifth pereopods to the group with the 3-articulate ones through the groups with 5- and 4-articulate fifth pereopods and that the new genus Quadrisegmentum is at an intermediate state on the evolutionary line. Quadrisegmentum triangulum sp. nov. (Figs. 1-3) Description of the male holotype (8.0 mm) Body Not spinose. Length ratios of pereonites 1- 7, 3:4:5:6:9:8:2. Gills present on pereonites 2- 4, small. Pleonal appendages 2-paired, 2- articulate, serrate on inner margins. Antennae Antenna 1: Length ratios of peduncular segments 1-3, 3:4:5; flagellum 10- articulate, each segment furnished with 1 aesthe- tasc. Antenna 2: Gland cone of peduncular seg¬ ment 2 distinct; length ratios of peduncular seg¬ ments 3-5, 1:3:3; flagellum consisting of 7 seg¬ ments, distal one rudimentary. Mouthparts Upper lip symmetrically bilobate. Lower lip: Mandibular process medium. Maxilla 1: Outer plate provided with 6 tooth-like spines; palp consisting of 2 segments, distal one provided with 4 teeth, 1 apical spine and 3 setae on distal half of outer side. Maxilla 2: Both plates provided with 5 apical setae. Mandibles similar to each other; incisor provided with 4 large teeth; lacinia Fig. 1. Quadrisegmentum triangulum gen. et sp. nov. A: Holotype, male, 8.0 mm. B: Paratype (no. 2), female, 5.2 mm. New Genus and New Species of Ghost Shrimp 1091 Fig. 2. Quadrisegmentum triangulum gen. et sp. nov., male holotype. A: Head. B: Peduncle of antenna 2. C: Upper lip. D: Lower lip. E: Maxilla 1. F: Maxilla 2. G: Left mandible. G-l: Palp of left mandible. H: Right mandible. I: Inner and outer plates of maxilliped. 1-1: Outer plate and palp of maxilliped. J: Coxa 2. K: Coxa 3. L: Coxa 4. M: Coxa 5. N: Pereonites 6-7. O: Pleonal appendages. P: Gnathopod 1. P-1: Palmar cusp of gnathopod 1. Q: Gnathopod 2. Q-l and Q-2: Palm of gnathopod 2. R: Pereopod 3. R-l: Propod and dactyl of pereopod 3. S: Pereoped 4. T: Pereoped 5. U: Pereopod 6. mobilis consisting of 3 large and several small plates; accessory setae 3 in number; palp consisting of 3 segments, of which middle one is furnished with 1 distal seta, terminal segment of palp pubes¬ cent and bearing 2 setae on distal half. Maxiliped: Inner plate serrate distally, armed with 3 apically serrate spines; outer plate subequal to inner plate in size, provided with 6 inner marginal setae; palp consisting of 4 segments, of which the penultimate one is prominently protruded distolaterally. Coxae Coxae 1-5 coalescent with pereonites, vestigial; coxae 6-7 absent. Gnathopods 1-2 Gnathopod 1: Length ratios of segments from basis to propod approximately 16:3:7:9:10; carpus compressed at 1/3 from pro¬ ximal end; propod triangular; palm defined by 1092 A. Hirayama Fig. 3. Quadrisegmentum triangulum gen. et sp. nov. , female paratype (no. 2). A: Ventrolateral part of pleonites 3- 4. B: Pleonal appendages. C: Gnathopod 1. D: Gnathopod 2. D-l: Merus, Carpus, propod and dactyl of gnathopod 2. E: Pereopod 3. F: Pereopod 4. G: Pereopod 5. H: Pereopod 7. FI-1, H-2 and H-3: Spines on propod of pereopod 7. prominent, curved, bifid process with 2 accom¬ panying spines; dactyl reaching cusp when closed. Gnathopod 2 slender, feeble on segments from basis to carpus; length ratios of segments from basis to propod approximately 9 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 7; merus and carpus not prominently overlapping each other; propod quadrangular; palm extending on more than half of posterior margin of propod, truncate and serrate distally, defined by both pal¬ mar and poison projections, each of them armed with 1 spine; dactyl reaching palmar protrusion when closed, provided with numerous pits on grasping margin. Pereopods 3-7 Pereopods 3-4: 6-articulate, slender, feeble; pereopod 3, 0.78 as long as pereopod 4; length ratios of segments from basis to dactyl approximately 9 : 1 : 7 : 5 : 4 : 3 in pereopod 3, 15 : 1 : 9 : 5 : 5 : 3 in pereopod 4; propod slightly dilated at 3/7 from proximal end, bearing 4 spines on distal 4/7 of inner margin, distal spine of them small. Pereopod 5: 4-articulate, slender; length ratios of segments 1-4, 4 : 5 : 4 : 2; propod uniform in width; dactyl falcate. Pereopod 6: 6-articulate, slender; length ratios of segments from basis to dactyl approximately 14:1:7:4:7:3; propod pro¬ vided with inner medial tooth bearing 2 paired spines basally, also with 4 inner spines in addition to these two paired spines; dactyl falcate. Pereopod 7 missing. Description of female paratype (no. 2, 5.2 mm) Antenna 2: Flagellum consisting of 4 segments and a rudimentary one. Gnathopod 1 similar to that of female. Gnathopod 2: Length ratios of segments from basis to propod 16:2:5:4:11; merus and carpus obliquely articulate; segmenta¬ tion scar visible between carpus and propod; pro¬ pod semilunar; palm defined by palmar protrusion, which is amred with 1 spine, slightly rounded, finely serrate from proximal 2/3 point to distal end of itself; poison tooth present near palmar spine, amred with 2 paired spines; dactyl reaching poison tooth when closed. Pereopods 3-4: Propod not dilated, provided with 3 small spines; dactyl slight¬ ly dilated proximally. Pereopod 5 similar to that of male. Pereopod 6 missing. Pereopod 7: Merus, carpus and propod equal in length, slightly longer than basis; carpus provided with 2 spines; propod with 1 medial tooth bearing 2 paired spines basally, also with 1 proximal and 2 distal spines; dactyl falcate, reaching opposite proposal tooth when closed. New Genus and New Species of Ghost Shrimp 1093 Material examined Holotype: Male, 8.0 mm, taken from gorgonian host, Isis hippurus Linnaeus, in 18 m on west islet of Ashmore Reef, Northwest Australia (12°14.28'S., 122°59.14'E.); 24 July 1986; coll. H. K. Larson. Paratypes: One male (no. 1) and two females (nos. 2-3), collected with the holotype. Holotype and paratype no. 2 are mounted on slide glasses in a gum-chloral medium. Collection num¬ ber: NTM Cr. 00447. Etymology The specific name, triangulum, is derived from the triangular propod of gnathopod 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Drs. H. K. Larson and A. J. Bruce of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences, Australia, for giving me the opportunity to examine the present materials. Thanks are also due to Dr. Yoshihide Suzuki of Asia University for providing me with working space and facilities. REFERENCES 1 Vasilenko, S. V. (1968) On the question of systema- tics and the basic line of development in the family Caprellidae. Doklady Akademija Nauk USSR, 183: 1461-1464. (In Russian) 2 McCain, J. C. (1968) Familial taxa within the Caprel- lidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 82: 837-842. 3 Mayer, P. (1903) Die Caprellidae der Siboga- Expedition. Siboga Exped., 34: 1-160, pis. 1-10. 4 McCain, J. C. (1968) The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of the western North Atlantic. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 278: 1-147. 5 McCain, J. C. (1969) New Zealand Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda). N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res., 3: 286-295. 6 Griffiths, C. L. (1974) The Amphipoda of Southern Africa. Part 3. The Gammaridea and Caprellidea of Natal. Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 62: 209-264. 7 Arimoto, I. (1976) Taxonomic studies of caprellids (Crutacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) found in the Japanese and adjacent waters. Spec. Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 3: 1-299. 8 Vasilenko, S. V. (1974) Caprellids of the sea of the USSR and adjacent waters. Akademija Nauk USSR, 107: 1-288. (In Russian) ' ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1095-1103 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan The Drosophila immigrans Species-group of the Subgenus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Yunnan, China Wen Xia Zhang and Masanori J. Tod a1,2 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, China, and 1 Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan ABSTRACT — A total of 22 species of the Drosophila immigrans species-group are reported from Yunnan, China, with description of 4 new species, redescription of 2 known species and new records of 14 known species from China. INTRODUCTION The Drosophila immigrans species-group con¬ sists of four subgroups: the immigrans , nasuta, hypocausta and quadrilineata subgroups [1-3]. This species-group comprises the greater part of the drosophilid fauna in the Oriental Region [4-6]. Up to the present, 6 species of this group, D. immigrans Sturtevant, 1921, D. nixifrons Tan, Hsu et Sheng, 1949, D. hexastriata Tan, Hsu et Sheng, 1949, D. annulipes Duda, 1924, D. spuricurviceps Zhang et Gan, 1986 and D. ruberrimoides Zhang et Gan, 1986, have been reported from China [7, 8]. Based upon collections from Yunnan, this paper adds 4 new and 14 known species to the faunal list of this group in China. The 14 species new to China are D. formosana Duda, 1926, D. shwezayana Toda, 1986, D. burmae Toda, 1986, D. ruberrima Meijere, 1911, D. pentafuscata Gup¬ ta et Kumar, 1986, D. metasetigerata Gupta et Kumar, 1986, D. albomicans Duda, 1924, D. sulfurigaster albostrigata Wheeler, 1969, D. kohkoa Wheeler, 1969, D. siamana Ikeda et al., 1983, D. notostriata Okada, 1966, D. flavitibiae Toda, 1986, D. obscurinervis Toda, 1986 and D. quadrilineata Meijere, 1911. D. immigrans and D. annulipes were also collected from Yunnan. In total, 24 species of the immigrans group (11 spp. of Accepted September 16, 1987 Received August 4, 1987 2 To whom requests of reprints should be addressed. the immigrans subgroup, 4 spp. of the nasuta subgroup, 1 sp. of the hypocausta subgroup, and 8 spp. of the quadrilineata subgroup) have been recorded from southern China. This number is the largest on the world, followed by Burma (18 spp.), Taiwan (17 spp.), India (17 spp.), Borneo (15 spp.), Malaya (12 spp.) and Sumatra (11 spp.), suggesting that the southwestern part of China is an evolutionary center of this species-group, espe¬ cially the immigrans and quadrilineata subgroup. Two known species which were originally de¬ scribed in Chinese [8] are redescribed here in English, along with 4 new species. All holotypes and paratypes are deposited in the Kunming Insti¬ tute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, China. The diagnoses of the subgenus, species-group and spe¬ cies-subgroups were previously given by Toda [3]. D. IMMIGRANS SPECIES-SUBGROUP Drosophila (Drosophila) spuricurviceps Zhang et Gan (Figs. 1-4) Drosophila (Drosophila) spuricurviceps Zhang et Gan, 1986 [8]: 359. $ , Body ca. 4. 0-4. 5 mm wing ca. 4. 0-4. 5 mm in length. Head: Eye purple red, with thin pile. Second joint of antenna yellow, with 2 stout setae; 3rd joint yellow. Arista with 4 dorsal, 1 ventral branches and moderate terminal fork. Palpus yellow, with 2 stout bristles and a few small hairs. 1096 W. X. Zhang and M. J. Toda Ocellar triangle black, with a few hairs; ocellars long. Periorbit yellowish. Frons orange yellow. Clypeus dark brown. Frons ca. 1/2 as broad as head, with a few frontal hairs. Face brownish. Carina low and short, without sulcus. Cheek yellow, black at base of vibrissa, ca. 1/5 as broad as greatest diameter of eye. Posterior reclinate orbit¬ al nearer to proclinate than to inner vertical. Anterior reclinate orbital ca. 2/5 length of poste¬ rior reclinate; proclinate ca. 4/5 length of posterior reclinate. Vibrissa long, stout and black, 2nd oral ca. 1/5 length of vibrissa. Thorax: Mesoscutum dark brown, with 6 obscure black longitudinal stripes; median 2 stripes between dorsocentrals, sometimes fused to each other at anterior part; 2 stripes running along line of dorsocentrals; outer 2 stripes from transverse suture. Scutellum brownish black, paler at anter¬ ior corner and tip. Thoracic pleura brown, with 3 obscure black longitudinal stripes; upper one nar¬ row, short from lower part of episternum to base of wing; middle one broad, slightly fused anterior¬ ly with upper one, running from upper part of propleurite to base of haltere; lower one broad, running through nearly entire length of sternoepi- sternum. Sometimes thoracic pleura entirely dark brown. Humeral plate brownish; humerals 2, upper one longer. Acrostichal hairs in 6 rows. Anterior dorsocentral ca. 0.6-0. 7 length of poste¬ rior; cross distance of dorsocentrals ca. 2.0 length distance. Anterior scutellars parallel, as long as posterior; posteriors convergent and crossed. Ster- no-index ca. 0.5-0. 6. Legs yellow. Fore femur with row of ca. 10 spinules. Preapicals on all tibiae; apicals on fore and mid tibiae. $ fore tarsus neither modified nor ornamented. Mid and hind tarsi without row of minute cuneiform bristles on underside. Fore metatarsus as long as 2 succeeding tarsal joints together; mid and hind metatarsi slightly shorter than rest together. Apical 2 tarsi brown. Wing hyaline. Veins brown; anterior cross vein slightly cloud; posterior cross vein cloud; R4+5 and M parallel. Ci-bristles 2, subequal. Figs. 1-4. Drosophila (Drosophila) spuricurviceps Zhang et Gan, 1986. 1: Periphallic organs. 2: Aedeagus (dorsal view). 3: Ditto (lateral view). 4: Ditto (ventral view). Scale-line =0.1 mm. D. immigrans Species-group from Yunnan 1097 Wing indices: C ca. 4. 0-4. 5, 4V ca. 1.6, 4C ca. 0.6, 5x ca. 1.3, Ac ca. 1.8, C3F ca. 1/3— 1/4. Haltere milky white. Abdomen: $ tergites black, except yellow 1st tergite. tergites yellow, each with uninterrupted caudal black band. Sternites pale yellow. Periphallic organs (Fig. 1): Epandrium in up¬ per part dark brown, with 8 bristles; in lower 1/3 pale yellow, with ca. 16-17 bristles; ventrally truncate. Surstylus with slightly concave row of ca. 8 primary teeth on middle margin; lower part convex, with small bristles; upper part strongly convex, bare; medio-inner surface with small bris¬ tles. Cercus setigerous except ventral margin, brown except anterolateral (black) and ventral (yellow) margins, caudo-ventrally with flap bear¬ ing V-shaped row of stout bristles on ventral margin. Phallic organs (Figs. 2-4): Aedeagus round at tip, apicoventrally with 1 pair of marginally serrate flaps, dorsomedially and ventrobasally serrate on lateral margins. Dorsal process elongated and flattened flap, apically bifid. Apodeme broad in lateral view. Novasternum nearly quadrate; hypandrial plate triangular, with 1 pair of small submedian spines. Ovipositor yellow, apically broad and round, with ca. 22 marginal but no discal teeth. Specimens examined. China: 6$, l-£, Kun¬ ming, Yunnan Province, 21.11.1987 (M. J. Toda). Distribution. China: Yunnan. Relationships. This species is closely related to D. curviceps Okada et Kurokawa, 1957, but differs from the latter in the morphology of aedeagus, surstylus and carina. Zhang and Gan [8] regarded the presence of V-shaped row of stout bristles on caudoventral expansion of cercus as an important diagnostic character by which the present species is distinguished from D. curviceps, based on the ignorance of similar character in the original de¬ scription of the latter species [9]. However, one of us (M. J. T.) confirmed the presence of the similar structure, i.e. caudoventral expansion with numer¬ ous stout bristles, in Japanese specimens of D. curviceps. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) ruberrimoides Zhang et Gan (Figs. 5-8) Drosophila ( Drosophila ) ruberrimoides Zhang et Gan, 1986 [8]: 360. $ . Body ca. 4. 0-4. 5 mm, wing ca. 4. 0-4. 5 mm in length. Head: Eye tannish red, with thick pile. Second joint of antenna dark brown, with 3 stout setae; 3rd joint yellow. Arista with 6 dorsal, 4 ventral long branches and moderate terminal fork. Palpus yellow, with 2 long stout bristles at tip and a few small hairs. Ocellar triangle black, with sil¬ very-white shinning on outside margin of ocelli in frontal view, with a few small hairs; ocellars long and divergent. Periorbit shinning silvery-white in frontal view. Frons brownish yellow in frontal view but shinning silvery-white in lateral view, anteriorly orange-yellow. Clypeus brown. Frons ca. 1/3 as broad as head, with a few frontal hairs. Face brown. Carina high, wider in lower part. Cheek yellow, ca. 1/7 as broad as greatest diameter of eye. Occiput medially black. Posterior recli- nate orbital nearer to proclinate orbital than to inner vertical. Anterior reclinate orbital ca. 1/3 length of posterior reclinate; proclinate ca. 3/4 length of posterior reclinate. Vibrissa and 2nd oral stout, black and long; 2nd oral as long as vibrissa; other orals small. Thorax: Mesoscutum yellow. Scutellum brown¬ ish yellow, quadrate. Thoracic pleura yellow. Humerals 2, subequal. Acrostichal hairs in 8 rows. Anterior dorsocentral ca. 2/5 length of posterior; cross distance of dorsocentrals ca. 3.0 length dis¬ tance. Anterior scutellars divergent; posteriors convergent. Anterior scutellar as long as poste¬ rior. Sterno-index ca. 0.6; mid sternopleural near¬ ly equal to anterior. Legs yellow. Fore femur thick, with row of ca. 13-17 spinules. Preapicals on all tibiae, apicals on mid tibia. $ fore proximal 2 tarsal joints thin and short, each with thick hair tuft on inner side and 1 black, long bristle at distal end. Mid and hind tarsi each with row of minute cuneiform bristles on underside. Fore metatarsus shorter than 2 suc¬ ceeding tarsal joints together; mid and hind meta¬ tarsi slightly shorter than rest together. 1098 W. X. Zhang and M. J. Toda Figs. 5-8. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) ruberrimoides Zhang et Gan, 1986. 5: Periphallic organs. 6: Aedeagus (lateral view). 7: Ditto (ventral view). 8: Novasternum (ventral view). Scale-line =0.1 mm. Figs. 9-13. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) serraprocessata sp. nov. 9: Periphallic organs. 10: Surstylus. 11: Phallic organs (ventral view). 12: Aedeagus (lateral view). 13: Ditto (dorsal view). Scale-line = 0.1 mm. Wing hyaline. Veins yellow; anterior cross vein clear; posterior cross vein cloud; R4+5 and M parallel. Q-bristles 2, subequal. Wing indices: C ca. 2. 5-2. 6, 4V ca. 1.4, 4C ca. 0.8-0. 9, 5x ca. 0.8, Ac, ca. 2.5, C3F ca. 4/5. Haltere yellowish white. Abdomen: Tergites yellow; 2nd to 5th tergites each with medially interrupted, caudal, dark brown band; 6th tergite almost entirely dark brown. Periphallic organs (Fig. 5): Epandrium black, paler in lower part, with 1 bristle near base of surstylus; toe narrow, with 2 stout black teeth. Surstylus brown, bell-shaped, with black, stout primary teeth arranged in U-shaped row. Cercus slightly oval, black, with many bristles. Phallic organs (Figs. 6-8): Aedeagus black, slightly curved ventrad; dorsal process articulated with aedeagus, with many small spinules on sur¬ face; membranous structure surrounding aedeagus, with small warts on surface. Anterior paramere fused to hypandrium, with 1 sensillum. Novasternum with 1 pair of stout submedian spines. Specimens examined. Holotype $ , China: Kunming, Yunnan Province, 1. VII. 1984 (W. X. Zhang). Paratype, 1 $ , same data as holotype. Distribution. China: Yunnan. Relationships. This species belongs to the D. immigrans species-subgroup, because of having a characteristic dorsal process on aedeagus, resem¬ bles somewhat D. ruberrima in body color and $ fore metatarsus, but differs from the latter in the structure of $ genitalia. D. immigrans Species-group from Yunnan 1099 Drosophila (. Drosophila ) serraprocessata sp. nov. (Figs. 9-13) $ . Body ca. 3. 0-3. 5 mm in length. Head: Eye tannish red, with pile. Second joint of antenna yellow, with 3 stout setae; 3rd joint yellowish. Arista with 7 dorsal, 3 or 4 ventral long branches and moderate terminal fork. Palpus yellow, with 1 long stout bristle at tip and a few small hairs. Ocellar triangle yellow, black on inner margins of ocelli, with a few small hairs; ocellars long. Periorbit yellow. Frons yellowish red; periorbit and anterior part of frons shinning sil¬ very-white in lateral view. Clypeus medially yel¬ low, laterally brown. Frons ca. 1/2 as broad as head, with a few frontal hairs. Face brownish. Carina high, upper narrow and lower wide. Cheek yellow, brown at base of vibrissa, ca. 1/9 as broad as greatest diameter of eye. Posterior reclinate orbital nearer to inner vertical than to proclinate orbital. Anterior reclinate orbital ca. 3/7 length of posterior reclinate; proclinate ca. 9/10 length of posterior reclinate. Second oral as long as vibrissa. Thorax: Mesoscutum brownish yellow. Scutellum brownish yellow. Thoracic pleura yel¬ low. Humerals 3; upper one smallest. Acrostichal hairs in 8 rows. Anterior dorsocentral ca. 1/2 length of posterior; cross distance of dorsocentrals ca. 2.4 length distance. Anterior scutellar as long as posterior. Sterno-index ca. 0.7. Legs yellow. Fore femur with row of ca. 11-12 spinules. Preapicals on all tibiae; apicals on mid tibia. $ fore tarsus anteriorly with long recurved hairs; proximal 2 tarsal joints with thick hair tuft on inner side. Mid and hind tarsi each with row of minute cuneiform bristles on underside. Fore metatarsus shorter than 2 succeeding tarsal joints together; mid and hind metatarsi as long as rest together. Wing hyaline. Veins brownish yellow; anterior cross vein clear; posterior cross vein cloud; R4+5 and M nearly parallel. Q-bristles 2, upper one larger. Wing indices: C ca. 2.8, 4C ca. 0.75, 4V ca. 0.65, 5x ca. 1.0, Ac ca. 2.6, C3F ca. 6/7. Haltere yellowish. Abdomen: Tergites yellow; 2nd to 5th tergites each with narrow, not sharply demarcated, medial¬ ly interrupted, caudal dark brown band; 6th tergite entirely yellow. Periphallic organs (Figs. 9 and 10): Epandrium brown and shinning, with 1 bristle at base of surstylus and 2 black stout teeth on toe. Surstylus (Fig. 10) with ca. 14 black primary teeth in con¬ cave row on entire distal margin. Cercus large, oval, brown, with many long bristles; ventral part paler, with ca. 3 short bristles. Phallic organs (Figs. 11-13): Aedeagus brown, subapically somewhat dilated, dorso- medially with knob; dorsal process membranous, hairy on upper half surface, basally with 1 pair of recurved, thin, bare branches. Hypandrial process with deep incision and serration on apical margin. Novasternum nearly quadrate, with 1 pair of sub¬ median spines near bases of hypandrial processes. Holotype $ , China: Meng-long, Meng-la Country, Yunnan Province, 3. X. 1985 (W. X. Zhang). Distribution. China: Yunnan. Relationships. This species somewhat resem¬ bles the foregoing species, D. ruberrimoides, in the morphology of aedeagus and epandrium, but dif¬ fers from the latter in hypandrial process and surstylus. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) parustulata sp. nov. (Figs. 14-16) $ . Body ca. 3. 5-4.0 mm in length. Head: Eye tannish red, with thick pile. Second joint of antenna yellow, with 2 stout setae; 3rd joint yellowish. Arista with 7 dorsal, 5 ventral branches and small terminal fork. Palpus yellow, with ca. 3 or 4 long stout bristles and a few hairs. Ocellar triangle yellowish red, with a few small hairs; ocellars long. Periorbit yellow. Frons yel¬ lowish red. Clypeus medially yellow, laterally brown. Frons ca. 1/2 as broad as head, with a few frontal hairs. Face yellow. Carina high, wider in lower part. Cheek yellow, ca. 1/7 as broad as greatest diameter of eye. Posterior reclinate orbit¬ al nearer to proclinate orbital than to inner verti¬ cal. Anterior reclinate orbital ca. 1/3 length of posterior reclinate; proclinate ca. 2/3 length of posterior reclinate. Vibrissa and 2nd oral long and 1100 Z. W. Xia and M. J. Toda Figs. 14-16. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) parustulata sp. nov. 14: Periphallic organs. 15: Phallic organs (ventral view). 16: Aedeagus (lateral view). Scale-line =0.1 mm. stout, 2nd oral ca. 3/4 length of vibrissa; other orals short and thin. Thorax: Mesoscutum and scutellum yellowish red. Thoracic pleura yellow. Flumerals 2, sub¬ equal. Acrostichal hairs in 8 rows. Anterior dorsocentral ca. 5/7 length of posterior; cross distance of dorsocentrals ca. 2.4 length distance. Anterior scutellars convergent, ca. 3/4 length of posterior; posteriors convergent and crossed. Sterno-index ca. 0.65. Legs yellow. Fore femur with row of ca. 13-14 spinules. Preapicals on all tibiae; apicals on mid tibia. $ fore tarsus without thick hair. Mid and hind tarsi each with row of minute cuneiform bristles on underside. Fore metatarsus as long as 3 succeeding tarsal joints together; mid and hind metatarsi as long as rest together. Wing hyaline. Veins brownish yellow; anterior cross vein clear; posterior cross vein cloud; R4+5 and M nearly parallel. Ci-bristle 1. Wing indices: C ca. 4.9, 4C ca. 0.4, 4V ca. 1.1, 5x ca. 0.5, Ac ca. 1.4, C3F ca. 5/9. Haltere yellowish. Abdomen: Tergites yellow; 2nd to 5th tergites each with narrow, caudal dark brown band. Periphallic organs (Fig. 14): Epandrium pubescent dorsocaudally, with ca. 6 bristles in upper part and ca. 4 at base of surstylus, ventrally narrow and with ca. 5 short bristles. Surstylus deeply concave on distal margin, with ca. 5 teeth on upper distal margin, ca. 7 smaller teeth on lower distal margin and 2 long bristles. Cercus pubescent, with many bristles and tuft of several short bristles at caudoventral corner. Phallic organs (Figs. 15 and 16): Aedeagus dis- tally membranous and expanded like trumpet, laterally with 1 pair of acute, sclerotized projec¬ tions, medioventrally with apically bifid, flattened appendage. Hypandrial process narrow. Nova- sternum large, V-shaped, with 1 pair of submedian spines near bases of hypandrial processes. Anter¬ ior parameres attached to lateral corners of nova- sternum, apically with 2 sensilla. Holotype $, China: Meng-men, Meng-la County, Yunnan Province, 1.X.1985 (W. X. D. immigrans Species-group from Yunnan 1101 Zhang). Distribution. China: Yunnan. Relationships. This species somewhat resem¬ bles D. ustulata Takada, Momma et Shima, 1973 in the shape of phallic organs, but differs from the latter in having hypandrial process, aedeagus later¬ ally with 1 pair of acute sclerotized projections and medioventrally with an appendage, and surstylus with different arrangement of primary teeth. D. QUADRILINEATA SPECIES-SUBGROUP Drosophila ( Drosophila ) nullilineata sp. nov. (Figs. 17-20) Body length $ ca. 2. 5-3. 0mm. ca. 3. 0-3. 5 mm. Head: Eye tannish red, with thin pile. Second joint of antenna yellow, with 2 stout setae; 3rd joint yellowish. Arista with 5 dorsal, 2 ventral branches and moderate terminal fork. Palpus yellow, with 2 long stout bristles apically and subapically and a few hairs. Ocellar triangle yellow, brownish on inner margins of ocelli, with a few small hairs; ocellars long. Periorbit yellow. Frons yellowish red, with a few hairs in anterior part. Clypeus brownish. Frons ca. 1/2 as broad as head width. Face yellow. Carina high and narrow. Cheek yellow, ca. 1/6- 1/7 as broad as greatest diameter of eye. Posterior reclinate orbital nearer to proclinate orbital than to inner vertical. Ante¬ rior reclinate orbital ca. 1/2 length of posterior reclinate; proclinate ca. 4/7 length of posterior reclinate. Vibrissa long, stout and black; 2nd oral ca. 1/2 length of vibrissa. Thorax: Mesoscutum entirely yellow without stripes. Scutellum yellow. Thoracic pleura yellow with 2 brownish longitudinal stripes; upper one from upper part of propleurite to base of haltere; lower one running through nearly entire length of sternoepisternum. Acrostichal hairs in 6 rows. Anterior dorsocentral ca. 5/8 length of posterior; cross distance of dorsocentrals ca. 1.8-1. 9 length distance. Anterior scutellars divergent, posteriors Figs. 17-20. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) nullilineata sp. nov. 17: Periphallic organs. 18: Caudo ventral apex of cercus. 19: Phallic organs (ventral view). 20: Aedeagus (lateral view). Scale-line =0.1 mm. Figs. 21-25. Drosophila (Drosophila) flavimedifemur sp. nov. 21: Periphallic organs. 22: Caudoventral apex of cercus. 23: Aedeagus (ventral view). 24: Ditto (lateral view). 25: Novasternum. (Scale-line =0.1 mm. 1102 W. X. Zhang and M. J. Toda convergent and crossed; anterior ca. 1.2 length of posterior. Sterno-index ca. 0.7. Legs yellow. Fore coxa brownish in proximal part and inner margin. Fore femur with row of ca. 9-10 spinules. Preapicals on all tibiae; apicals on fore and mid tibiae. Fore metatarsus as long as 3 succeeding tarsal joints together; mid and hind metatarsi as long as rest together. Mid and hind tarsi without row of minute cuneiform bristles. Wing hyaline. Veins yellow; anterior and pos¬ terior cross veins clear; R4+5 and M slightly con¬ vergent; R-2+3 slightly curved to costa at tip. Cr bristles 2, upper one larger. Wing indices: in $ C ca. 3.6, 4C ca. 0.7, 4V ca. 1.8, 5x ca. 1.75, Ac ca. 3.0, C3F ca. 1/3; in $ C ca. 4.4, 4C ca. 0.6, 4V ca. 1.7, 5x ca. 1.6, Ac ca. 2.4. Haltere yellowish. Abdomen: Tergites yellow; 2nd to 5th tergites each with medially interrupted, laterally narrow¬ ing, dark brown caudal band and 1 pair of spots on lateral margins. Periphallic organs (Figs. 17 and 18): Epan- drium entirely pubescent, broad especially in sub- apical part, with ca. 12 bristles in middle to lower part. Surstylus with straight row of ca. 7 or 8 primary teeth on middle to lower distal margin; upper half strongly convex and bare. Cercus oval, pubescent, separate from epandrium, with many long bristles and ca. 5 short bristles at caudoventral apex (Fig. 18). Phallic organs (Figs. 19 and 20): Aedeagus slender, longer than apodeme, apically tapering, transparent and with small spines, serrate on ven- trosubmedial margins. Anterior paramere broad, oval in lateral view, separate from novasternum, with ca. 2 sensilla. Posterior paramere absent. Novasternum quadrate, pubescent around bases of 1 pair of submedian spines. Holotype $ , China: Shang-yong, Meng-la County, Yunnan Province, 27. IX. 1985 (W. X. Zhang). Allotype ■£, same data as holotype. Distribution. China: Yunnan. Relationships. This species certainly belongs to the D. quadrilineata species-subgroup because of having genitalia characteristic to this species- subgroup, but is unique in having mesoscutum without longitudinal stripes. Drosophila ( Drosophila ) flavimedifemur sp. nov. (Figs. 21-25) $ . Body ca. 4. 0-4. 5 mm in length. Head: Eye tannish red, with thick pile. Second joint of antenna brown, with 2 stout setae; 3rd joint paler. Arista with 4 or 5 dorsal, 2 ventral branches and moderate terminal fork. Palpus apically brownish, basally yellow, with 1 long stout bristle at tip, 1 in subapical part and a few hairs. Ocellar triangle yellow, black on inner margins of ocelli, with a few small hairs; ocellars long. Perior- bit yellow. Frons yellow with 2 anteriorly conver¬ gent brown stripes, with a few frontal hairs on anterior part of stripes. Clypeus brown. Frons ca. 1/2 as broad as head width. Face yellow. Carina high, not so wide, brown in lower part. Cheek yellow, brown at base of vibrissa, ca. 1/6 as broad as greatest diameter of eye. Posterior reclinate orbital nearer to proclinate orbital than to inner vertical. Anterior reclinate orbital ca. 2/3 length of posterior reclinate; proclinate ca. 7/9 length of posterior reclinate. Vibrissa long, stout and black; 2nd oral ca. 1/2 length of vibrissa. Thorax: Mesoscutum yellow, with 7 brown longitudinal stripes; medial stripe wider, including 2 rows of acrostichal hairs, and running through nearly entire length of mesoscutum; inner pair of stripes starting slightly posteriorly, running along line of dorsocentrals, and continuing to stripes on scutellum; middle pair paler, from transverse su¬ ture to base of inner postalar; outer pair from anterolateral corner just above humerus to base of outer postalar, interrupted at transverse suture. Scutellum yellow, with 1 pair of brown longitudi¬ nal, posteriorly convergent stripes. Thoracic pleura yellow, with 3 brown longitudinal stripes; upper one short, from upper part of episternum to base of wing; middle one broad, long from upper part of propleurite to base of haltere; lower one broad, running through nearly entire length of sternoepisternum. Humerals 2, upper one longer. Acrostichal hairs in 6 rows. Dorsocentrals 2 pairs; anterior ca. 3/5 length of posterior; cross distance of dorsocentrals ca. 2.0 length distance. Anterior scutellar slightly longer than posterior; anteriors parallel, posteriors crossed. Sterno-index ca. 0.5. Legs yellow. Fore coxa brown in proximal part; D. immigrans Species-group from Yunnan 1103 mid and hind coxae partly brown. Fore femur brown on outside; mid femur yellow; hind femur slightly brownish on outside. Fore femur with row of ca. 11 stout spinules. Preapicals on all tibiae; apicals on fore and mid tibiae. Fore metatarsus as long as 3 succeeding tarsal joints together; mid and hind metatarsi slightly shorter than rest together. Mid and hind tarsi without row of minute cuneiform bristles. Wing hyaline. Veins brownish yellow; anterior cross vein clear; posterior cross vein slightly cloud; R4+5 and M nearly parallel. Ci-bristles 2, sub¬ equal. Wing indices; C ca. 4.4, 4C ca. 0.5, 4V ca. 1.35, 5x ca. 1.2, Ac ca. 2.1, C3F ca. 1/4. Haltere milky white, with dark brown stalk. Abdomen: Tergites yellow; 1st tergite with medially uninterrupted, dark brown caudal band and 1 pair of dark brown spots on lateral margins; 2nd to 6th tergites each with medially interrupted, dark brown caudal band and 1 pair of spots on lateral margins; lateral spots sometimes fused to caudal band. Periphallic organs (Figs. 21 and 22): Epan- drium pubescent, broad especially in subapical part, with ca. 17 bristles. Surstylus broad, with straight row of ca. 9 primary teeth on submedial margin and a few small setae on inner surface; upper and lower apical part bare. Cercus oval, pubescent, separate from epandrium, with many long bristles and ca. 10 short bristles at caudoventral apex (Fig. 22). Phallic organs (Figs. 23-25): Aedeagus slen¬ der, apically not so round in ventral view, serrate on ventrosubmedial margins. Anterior paramere broad, oval in lateral view, fused to novasternum, apically pubescent and with ca. 3 sensilla. Poste¬ rior paramere absent. Novasternum quadrate, submedially pubescent, with 1 pair of submedian spines on inner margins. Holotype £, China: Kunming, Yunnan Pro¬ vince, 21.11.1987 (M. J. Toda). Distribution. China: Yunnan. Relationships. This species is similar to D. flavitibiae or D. clarinervis Toda, 1986 in the coloration of body, but distinguished from the latters in having entirely yellow mid femur, short mid sternopleural and different structure of $ genitalia. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Over¬ seas Scientific Survey from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan (Nos. 60041061, 61043056). REFERENCES 1 Wilson, F. D., Wheeler, M. R., Harget, M. and Kambysellis, M. (1969) Cytogenetic relations in the Drosophila nasuta subgroup of the immigrans group of species. Univ. Texas Publ., 6918: 207-270. 2 Okada, T. and Carson, H. L. (1983) The genera Phorticella Duda and Zaprionus Coquillett (Diptera: Drosophilidae) of the Oriental Region and New Guinea. Kontyu, 51: 539-553. 3 Toda, M. J. (1986) Drosophilidae (Diptera) in Bur¬ ma II. The Drosophila immigrans species-group of the subgenus Drosophila. Kontyu, 54: 634-653. 4 Bock, I. R. and Wheeler, M. R. (1972) The Dro¬ sophila melanogaster species group. Univ. Texas Publ., 7213: 1-102. 5 Throckmorton, L. H. (1975) The phylogeny, ecolo¬ gy, and geography of Drosophila. In “Handbook of Genetics, Vol. 3”. Ed. by R. C. King, Plenum Publ.. New York, pp. 421-469. 6 Okada, T. (1981) Oriental species, including New Guinea. In “The Genetics and Biology of Drosophila, Vol. 3a”. Ed. by M. Ashburner, H. L. Carson and J. N. Thompson, Jr., Academic Press, London, pp. 261-289. 7 Tan, C. C., Hsu, T. C. and Sheng, T. C. (1949) Known Drosophila species in China with description of twelve new species. Univ. Texas Publ., 4920: 196- 206. 8 Zhang, W. X. and Gan, Y. X. (1986) Descriptions of eight new species of drosophilid flies from Kunming (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Zool. Res., 7: 351-365. (In Chinese with English summary). 9 Okada, T. and Kurokawa, H. (1957) New or little known species of Drosophilidae of Japan (Diptera). Kontyu, 25: 2-12. . . ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1105-1120 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Larval Stages of Coenobita purpureus Stimpson and C. cavipes Stimpson Reared in the Laboratory and Survival Rates and Growth Factors of Three Land Hermit Crab Larvae (Crustacea: Anomura) Yukio Nakasone Biological Laboratory, College of Education, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-01, Japan ABSTRACT — The complete larval development of Coenobita purpureus and the glaucothoe of C. cavipes are described and illustrated based on larvae reared in the laboratory. C. purpureus has five zoeal and one glaucothoe stages. It seems very likely that the first zoea of C. rugosus described by Yamaguchi belongs to C. purpureus. The mean points of 50% survivorship of starved larvae of C. purpureus, C. rugosus and C. cavipes at a seawater temperature of 28±0.9°C were about day 8, 11 and 7, respectively and none of them molted to the next stage; those of fed larvae were about day 19, 19, 16, respectively. The duration of the fourth stage was shortened in C. rugosus and C. purpureus. The greatest growth occurred between the second and third zoeal stages in C. purpureus and C. rugosus, between the fourth and fifth stages in C. cavipes. The first glaucothoes of C. rugosus, C. purpureus and C. cavipes emerged on the 16th, 17th and 25th days of their larval life, respectively. After the appearance of glaucothoes, survival rates of the larvae rapidly declined due to both predation of the fifth zoeae by the glaucothoes and cannibalism of the glaucothoes. The death during the molt to glaucothoes also was another factor that lowered the survival rates. Some glaucothoes of C. purpureus entered shells on the 10th day after their appearance. INTRODUCTION Borradaile [1] first pointed out that the youngs of Coenobita rugosus and C. perlatus hatch as zoeal larvae which are released in the sea. He [2] illustrated the first zoea of C. perlatus. The first zoea and glaucothoe of C. rugosus were described and illustrated by Yamaguchi [3] who studied the reproductive ecology of this species in Kikaijima Island of the Amami Islands. Provenzano [4] was the first to report on the complete larval develop¬ ment in Coenobita, describing and illustrating in detail the larval development of C. clypeatus. Recently, Shokita and Yamashiro [5] described and illustrated the larval development of C. rugo¬ sus and the zoeal stages of C. cavipes. It is known that some land hermit crabs and the coconut crab of the family Coenobitidae pass through five zoeal and one glaucothoe stages in the larval development [4-6]. The shell use of glaucothoe has also been observed [4, 6, 7]. The mean total growth and mean incremental growth factors of zoeae have been calculated on the basis of the larvae of two species [8]. However, the survival rates of zoeal larvae under fed and starved conditions are little known for any species of the family. During my current studies on the ecology and distribution of land hermit crabs in Okinawa Pre¬ fecture, Japan, I had an opportunity of studying the larval development and survival rates of C. purpureus, C. rugosus and C. cavipes under laboratory conditions. In the present paper, the complete larval development of C. purpureus and the glaucothoe stage of C. cavipes are described, and the larval survival rates and growth factors of the three species are noted. Accepted January 20, 1988 Received October 19, 1987 1106 Y. Nakasone MATERIALS AND METHODS One ovigerous female of C. cavipes was col¬ lected from Hyakuna, southern Okinawa, at night on 6 July, that of C. purpureus from the same place on 21 July and C. rugosus from the same place on 5 August, 1986. They released the larvae shortly after being placed in a plastic bucket containing sea water. Three groups each of 50 zoeae of each species were reared in plastic bowls each containing 1.2 liters of filtered, moderately aerated sea water. Newly-hatched Artemia nauplii were given as food daily and the larvae were transferred to fresh filtered sea water every four or five days. Water temperature was 28±0.9°C. The larvae of each stage were preserved in 5% seawater-formalin. Dissection was done in glycerin. The total and carapace lengths of the larvae were measured before dissection using an ocular micrometer. To¬ tal length was measured from the rostral tip to the posteromedial end of the telson exclusive of setae. Carapace length was measured from the rostral tip to the posteromedial end of the carapace. Draw¬ ings were made with the aid of an ocular micro¬ meter. Three or four larvae of each stage were examined for confirmation of zoeal characters. To compare survival rates of larvae of C. rugo¬ sus, C. purpureus and C. cavipes, 6 groups each of 50 zoeae of each species were reared in bowls. For feeding and starvation experiments, 3 of the 6 bowls were given Artemia nauplii and the other 3 were not. Each bowl was examined daily for live and dead larvae, which were confirmed under binocular stereomicroscope. RESULTS Coenobita rugosus, C. purpureus and C. cavipes passed through five zoeal and one glaucothoe stages, but the glaucothoes all died without molt¬ ing to the first crab stage. For zoeal stages of C. cavipes and complete larval stages of C. rugosus, the reader is referred to Shokita and Yamashiro [5]. The duration of zoeal and glaucothoe stages and the sizes of larvae of these three species are summarized in Figure 10 and Table 1. Description of zoeal stages of C. purpureus First zoea Carapace (Fig. 1, A): Long pointed rostrum Table 1. Comparison of total and carapace lengths (mean + SD) in each stage zoea and glaucothoe of three species of Coenobita Species Size of each stage zoea and glaucothoe (mm) I II III IV V G Coenobita TL* 2.70 3.27 4.20 4.57 5.15 4.28 purpureus ±0.03 ±0.11 ±0.14 ±0.05 ±0.13 ±0.04 (n = 5) (n=4) (n=5) (n=4) (n=5) (n = 5) CL** 1.16 1.39 1.91 2.26 2.34 1.50 ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.02 ±0.09 ±0.04 (n=5) (n=4) (n = 5) (n=4) (n = 5) (n = 5) Coenobita TL 2.59 3.10 4.23 4.48 4.85 4.00 rugosus ±0.04 ±0.15 ±0.07 ±0.19 ±0.08 ±0.02 (n=5) (n = 5) (n=5) (n=5) (n=5) (n = 5) CL 1.16 1.45 1.91 2.02 2.16 1.37 ±0.03 ±0.07 ±0.06 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.07 (o — 5) (n=5) (n = 5) (n=5) (n = 5) (o = 5) Coenobita TL 2.26 2.68 3.25 3.78 5.13 4.33 cavipes ±0.04 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.14 ±0.15 ±0.21 (n = 5) (n=5) (n = 4) (n=5) (n=4) (n=4) CL 1.00 1.19 1.41 1.67 2.31 1.39 ±0.02 ±0.08 ±0.04 ±0.08 ±0.10 ±0.11 (n = 5) (n = 5) (n = 4) (n=5) (n=4) (o=4) *) Total length from rostral tip to posterior margin of telson. **) Carapace length from rostral tip to posteromedial end of carapace. Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1107 Fig. 1. Coenobita purpureus. First (A, a) to fifth (E, e) zoeae. Upper, dorsal view (A-E); lower, lateral view (a-e). Scales show 1.0 mm. extending beyond tip of antennal scales. Rostrum and carapace smooth. Eyes sessile. Antennule (Fig. 2, A): Unsegmented, termi¬ nally provided with 3 aesthetascs (one of them short) and 3 plumose setae (one of them long), subterminally with 1 long plumose seta. Antenna (Fig. 2, F): Biramous; unsegmented endopod fused with protopod, bearing 3 terminal plumose setae. Antennal scale distolaterally pro¬ duced into sharp spine, provided with 10 plumose setae on distal and mesial margins, one of them short, directly inner to distolateral spine, and with fine setules on inner margin. Protopod provided with 1 setiferous spine subterminally. Mandible: No observation. Maxillule (Fig. 3, A): Three-segmented en¬ dopod with 2 terminal setae. Basal endite with 2 strong denticulate spines and 2 short simple setae. Coxal endite with 5 long plumose and 2 short simple setae. Maxilla (Fig. 3, F): Endopod unsegmented, bearing 3 terminal and 2 subterminal setae. Pro¬ ximal lobe of basal endite with 5 setae and distal lobe with 3 setae. Proximal lobe of coxal endite with 7 setae and distal lobe with 4 setae. Scaphog- nathite incomplete, posterior lobe absent, anterior lobe with 4 plumose setae. First maxilliped (Fig. 4, A): Basis provided with 1 hook-like process proximally, setal formula progressing distally 2, 3, 2. Exopod with 4 nata¬ tory setae. Endopod five-segmented, setal formula progressing distally 2-2-3-2-5; second to fourth segments with some setules. Second maxilliped (Fig. 4, F): Basis with 2 setae. Exopod with 4 natatory setae. Endopod four-segmented, setal formula progressing distally 1108 Y. Nakasone Fig. 2. Coenobita purpureus. Antennules (A-E) and antennae (F-J) of zoeal stages I-V. Scales 0.2 mm. 1-2-2-5; second and third segments with some setules. Third maxilliped (Fig. 5, A): Uniramous and rudimentary. Abdomen (Fig. 1, A): Consisting of 5 somites and telson. Second somite with 1 conspicuous middorsal spine, third and fourth somites each with 1 very small middorsal spinule, fifth somite with 1 large middorsal spine and 1 large postero¬ lateral spine on each side. Telson (Fig. 6, A): Bearing 7+7 processes, outermost one (first) a fixed spine, second a fine simple hair and third to seventh articulated plu¬ mose setae, fifth and seventh of them provided with spinules; posteromedian notch semicircular; posterior margin of telson provided with spinules on notches. Second zoea Carapace (Fig. 1, B): Similar to first stage, but eyes mobile. Antennule (Fig. 2, B): Provided terminally with 4 aesthetascs (one of them short) and 3 plumose setae (one of them long), subterminally with 3 short and 1 long plumose setae. Antenna (Fig. 2, G): Similar to first stage. Basis with 1 tiny spine near junction with scale in addition to 1 distinct subterminal spine. Mandible: No observation. Maxillule (Fig. 3, B): Endopod nearly as in first stage, but one of two terminal setae plumose. Basal endite with 4 strong denticulate spines and 2 short smooth setae. Coxal endite as in previous stage. Maxilla (Fig. 3, G): Endopod with 5 setae. Setal formulae of basal and coxal endites as repre¬ sented by 4 + 3 and 7 + 4. Incomplete scaphog- nathite with 8 plumose setae. First maxilliped (Fig. 4, B): Setal formula of basis progressing distally 1, 1, 3, 3. Exopod with 6 natatory setae. Setal formula of five-segmented endopod progressing distally 4-3-2-1-5. Second maxilliped (Fig. 4, G): Basis with 3 setae. Exopod with 6 natatory setae. Setal formu¬ la of four-segmented endopod progressing distally 2-3-3-5. Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1109 Fig. 3. Coenobita purpureus. Maxillules (A-E) and maxillae (F-J) of zoeal stages I-V. Scales 0.1 mm. Third maxilliped (Fig. 5, B): Now composed of exopod with 5 natatory setae and lobe-like endopod. Pereiopods (Fig. 1, b): Very small buds found behind third maxilliped in lateral view. Abdomen (Fig. 1, B): Sixth somite still not separated from telson. Telson (Fig. 6, B): 8 + 8 processes including additional pair of short plumose setae; fifth to eighth plumose setae with spinules. Median telson notch indistinct. Third zoea Antennule (Fig. 2, C): Two-segmented; distal segment with 5 aesthetascs (one of them short) in addition to 2 short plumose setae; proximal seg¬ ment with 3 long plumose and 4 short smooth setae and bud of inner flagellum small. 1110 Y. Nakasone Fig. 4. Coenobita purpureus. First (A-E) and second (F-J) maxillipeds of zoeal stages I-V. Scale 0.2 mm. Fig. 5. Coenobita purpureus. Third maxillipeds (A-E) of zoeal stages I-V. Scale 0.2 mm. Antenna (Fig. 2, H): Endopod articulated with basis, bearing a terminal seta. Scale with 13 plumose setae. Mandible: No observation. Maxillule (Fig. 3, C): Endopod and basal en- dite as in preceding stage, but denticulate spines on basal endite relatively large. Coxal endite with 6 plumose and 2 short simple setae. Maxilla (Fig. 3, H): Setation of endopod as in second zoea. Setal formula of basal endite 5+4, that of coxal endite 9 + 4. Scaphognathite incom¬ plete, anterior lobe with 10 plumose setae. First maxilliped (Fig. 4, C): Exopod with 6 natatory setae. Setal formula of five-segmented endopod progressing distally 3-3-2-2-5. Second maxilliped (Fig. 4, FI): As in previous stage. Third maxilliped (Fig. 5, C): Exopod with 6 natatory setae. Endopod somewhat larger than in previous stage, bearing 1 short terminal seta. Abdomen (Fig. 1, C): Sixth somite distinct, provided with sharp mediodorsal spine. Sixth somite provided with uropods each consisting of exopod and endopod; exopod with 8 plumose setae, endopod naked, much smaller than exopod. Telson (Fig. 6, C): 8 + 1 + 8 processes; a short median plumose seta flanking 8 processes; first process being a short spine, second a fine simple Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1111 Fig. 6. Coenobita purpureus. Telsons and uropods (A-E) of zoeal stages I-V. Scale 0.3 mm. hair, third an articulated plumose seta, fourth a large fused spine, fifth to eighth articulated plu¬ mose setae; third, fifth to eighth and median plumose setae with spinules. Fourth zoea Antennule (Fig. 2, D): Bud of inner flagellum distinct. Distal segment (outer flagellum) with 4 aesthetascs (two of them long) and 1 long and 1 short plumose setae, proximal segment with 4 very short smooth and 4 long plumose setae (one of them subterminal). Antenna (Fig. 2, I): Unchanged. Mandible: No observation. Maxillule (Fig. 3, D): Basal endite with 6 strong denticulate spines and 2 short smooth setae; coxal endite with 6 pronounced and 2 short setae. Maxilla (Fig. 3, I): Setation of endopod as in previous stage. Basal and coxal endites with 5 + 4 and 8 + 4 setae, respectively. Anterior lobe of scaphognathite with 13 plumose setae. First maxilliped (Fig. 4, D): Natatory setae as in previous stage. Setal formula of endopod prog¬ ressing distally 4-3-2-2-5. Second maxilliped (Fig. 4, I): Exopod with 8 natatory setae; setation of endopod unchanged. Third maxilliped (Fig. 5, D): Nearly as in pre¬ vious stage, but 1 subterminal plumose seta on endopod. Abdomen: Exopod and endopod of uropod (Fig. 6, D) distinctly articulated with protopod, exopod provided with 1 sharp posterolateral mar¬ ginal tooth and 10 plumose setae, endopod with 6 plumose setae. Telson (Fig. 6, D): Unchanged. Fifth zoea Antennule (Fig. 2, E): Distal segment (outer flagellum) bearing 4 terminal (one of them short) and 2 subterminal (one of them short) aesthetascs 1112 Y. Nakasone and 3 plumose setae (one of them long); proximal segment with 4 short smooth and 4 long plumose setae (one of them subterminal). Bud of inner flagellum remained undeveloped. Antenna (Fig. 2, J): Endopod two-segmented, terminating in 1 seta, scale with 14 plumose setae. Mandible: No observation. Maxillule (Fig. 3, E): Unchanged. Maxilla (Fig. 3, J): Scaphognathite still incom¬ plete, anterior lobe bearing 17 plumose setae. First maxilliped (Fig. 4, E): Nearly as in pre¬ vious stage, setal formula of endopod progressing distally 3-3-2-2-5. Second maxilliped (Fig. 4, J): Unchanged. Third maxilliped (Fig. 5, E): Similar to pre¬ vious stage but endopod larger. Buds of pereiopods and pleopods (Fig. 1, e): More distinct. Abdomen: Exopod and endopod of uropod (Fig. 6, E) with 11 and 7 plumose setae, respec¬ tively. Telson (Fig. 6, E): Unchanged. Description of glaucothoe stages of C. purpureus and C. cavipes The following description is generalized for two species except differences that are mentioned. Carapace (Fig. 7, A): Shorter than abdomen including telson. Rostrum rounded, extending beyond front. Eyes and eyestalks well-developed. Antennule (Fig. 7, B): Bearing unsegmented outer and inner flagella; outer flagellum with 8 aesthetascs and a few setae; inner one with 4 terminal setae in C. purpureus , 5 setae (3 terminal and 2 at midlength) in C. cavipes ; 2 proximal C-F, C'-F'. Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1113 segments each with a few short setae. Antenna (Fig. 7, C): Composed of 3 peduncu¬ lar segments and six-segmented flagellum; termi¬ nal flagellar segment with 1 long apical and a few short setae, other segments each with a few setae; scale reduced to a small knob. Mandible (Fig. 7, D): Palp three-segmented, ultimate segment with 6-9 plumose setae in C. purpureus, 8-11 plumose setae in C. cavipes; cutting edge of molar process chitinous and brown¬ ish. Maxillule (Fig. 7, E): Endopod unsegmented in C. purpureus , two-segmented in C. cavipes ; bearing 2 short setae, one of them arising from a process on proximal half of unsegmented endopod or proximal segment of two-segmented endopod; basal endite bearing 8 setae (6 plumose and 2 smooth) and 15 spinules in C. purpureus , 13 setae (4 plumose and 9 smooth) and 12 spinules in C. cavipes ; coxal endite with 15 plumose setae in C. purpureus and 16 plumose and 1 smooth setae in C. cavipes. Maxilla (Fig. 7, F): Endopod with 2 setae in C. purpureus, 1 seta in C. cavipes', distal lobe of basal endite with 2 plumose and 8 smooth setae in C. purpureus, 10 smooth setae in C. cavipes', proximal lobe with 7 setae; distal lobe of coxal endite with 7 setae in C. purpureus, 6 setae in C. cavipes', proximal lobe with 16 plumose and 11 smooth setae in C. purpureus, 29 smooth setae in C. cavipes', scaphognathite with posterior lobe com¬ plete, bearing 51 plumose setae in C. purpureus, 75 in C. cavipes. First maxilliped (Fig. 8, A): Endopod unseg¬ mented; without setae in C. purpureus, bearing 2 terminal setae in C. cavipes', exopod bearing 6 lateral marginal plumose setae in C. purpureus, 1 short terminal and 7 lateral marginal plumose setae in C. cavipes', basal and coxal lobes bearing 18 and 10 plumose setae respectively in C. pur¬ pureus, 20 and 7 in C. cavipes. Second maxilliped (Fig. 8, B): Endopod four- segmented, each segment bearing a few plumose setae; exopod two-segmented, distal segment bearing 6 plumose setae in C. purpureus, 7 in C. cavipes. Third maxilliped (Fig. 8, C): Endopod five- segmented, each segment with a few or numerous setae; exopod three-segmented, ultimate segment setaless in C. purpureus, bearing 1 plumose seta in C. cavipes. Chelipeds (Fig. 8, D): Similar and almost Fig. 8. Coenobita purpureus (A-E) and C. cavipes (A'-E'), glaucothoes. A, A', first maxillipeds; B, B , second maxillipeds; C, C', third maxillipeds; D, D\ left chelipeds; E, E\ second pereiopods. Scales 0.2 mm for A-C, A'-C’, 0.3 mm for D, D\ E, E'. 1114 Y. Nakasone equal in length; dactylus subequal in length to palm; each segment with scattered setae. Second (Fig. 8, E) and third pereiopods: Each ending in a corneous claw, bearing a few scattered setae. Fourth pereiopod (Fig. 9, A): Sparsely setose on each segment; propodus bearing some corneous granules or blunt spines in C. purpureus , two rows of spinules in C. cavipes, dactylus with 1 long and a few short setae. Fifth pereiopod (Fig. 9, B): Distal two seg¬ ments sparsely setose, some setae long and curved; bearing a few corneous granules and spines in C. purpureus , corneous spines only in C. cavipes. Pleopods: Present on second (Fig. 9, C) to fifth abdominal somites; biramous; endopod being a small lobe, bearing 2 short, curved setae subtermi- nally; exopod well-developed, bearing 9 plumose Fig. 9. Coenobita purpureus (A-D) and C. cavipes (A'-D'), glaucothoes. A, A', fourth pereiopods; B, B\ fifth pereiopods; C, C\ second pleopods; D, D\ telsons and uropods. Scales. 0.2 mm. Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1115 setae. Abdomen (Fig. 7, A): Dorsal and lateral spines absent. Uropodal exopod (Fig. 9, D) of C. purpureus with 22 plumose and a few smooth setae and 11 corneous blunt spines on lateral margin, endopod of same with 11 plumose and a few smooth setae and 8 corneous blunt spines on lateral margin. Setation and spination of uropod in C. cavipes somewhat reduced in number, exopod with 18 long plumose and a few short smooth setae and 4 corneous spines, endopod with 8 long plu¬ mose and a few short smooth setae and 2 or 3 corneous spines. Protopod of uropod with 3 plumose and 1 short smooth setae on lateral mar¬ gin; sixth abdominal somite sparsely provided with smooth setae on posterior margin. Fig. 10. Survivorship curves for starved (solid circles) and fed (open circles) larvae of Coenobita purpureus (A), C. rugosus (B) and C. cavipes (C) at 28±0.9°C. Horizontal bars (I-V) indicate the duration of zoeal larvae from first to fifth stages; arrows of bars (G) show existence of glaucothoes. Telson (Fig. 9, D): Bearing 9 long plumose setae on posterior margin, some smooth setae on lateral margin and dorsal surface. Pereiopods and pleopods well-developed, func¬ tional. Survival rates of larvae of three Coenobita species and duration of each zoeal stage Survivorship curve of larvae of each species and the duration of each zoeal stage in both fed and starved conditions are shown in Figure 10. The starved first zoeal larvae of C. purpureus , C. rugosus and C. cavipes all died in 12, 15 and 9 days after hatching, respectively and none of them molted to the next stage. The mean points of 50% survivorship of starved larvae of C. purpureus , C. rugosus and C. cavipes were about day 8, 11 and 7, respectively. The larvae of C. rugosus had greater tolerance for starvation than those of the other two species. The mean points of 50% survivorship of fed larvae were about day 19 in both C. purpureus and C. rugosus and day 16 in C. cavipes. The death rates of the first and second zoeae of C. cavipes were higher than those of the other two species, thus their survivorship curve showed a different pattern. The durations of the first to fifth zoeal stages were 6, 4, 5, 2, 10 days in C. purpureus, 5, 4, 5, 1, 10 days in C. rugosus and 7, 8, 5, 10, 15 days in C. cavipes. The fourth zoeae of C. rugosus and C. purpureus molted to the fifth zoeae in one or two days. But, most of C. rugosus third zoeae directly molted to the fifth zoeae. The duration used here indicates the length of time that all survivors in a certain stage needed till the completion of the succeeding molt, although the speeds of molting differed with individuals. The appearance of glaucothoes obtained in this study ranged from the 17th to 23rd days of the larval life in C. purpureus, from the 16th to 19th days in C. rugosus and from the 25th to 38th days in C. cavipes. The first glaucothoes emerged on the 5th day after the appearance of the fifth stage zoeae in C. purpureus, on the 4th day in C. rugosus and on the 2nd day in C. cavipes. The survival rates of larvae (including the fifth zoeae and glaucothoes) after the appearance of glaucothoes 1116 Y. Nakasone Zoeal and glaucothoe stages Fig. 11. Comparison of larval growth rates of three species of Coenobita. rapidly declined in all the three species, as shown in Figure 10. Three of the 8 glaucothoes of C. purpureus used in shell utilization experiment en¬ tered small shells provided in an aquarium on the 10th day after their appearance, one glaucothoe did not enter shell. For the remaining four it was not certain whether they had died or hurried in sand provided in the aquarium. Total and carapace lengths of each stage zoea and growth factors The mean total and the mean carapace lengths of each stage zoea of the three Coenobita species are summarized in Table 1 and are plotted in Figure 11. Both the total and the carapace lengths of C. cavipes zoeae from the first to fourth stages were usually small as compared with those of C. purpureus and C. rugosus. C. cavipes showed nearly a linear growth in both the total and the carapace lengths from the first to fourth zoeal stages. The second stage zoeae of C. purpureus and C. rugosus rapidly grew when they molted to the third stage, while the fourth stage zoeae of C. cavipes did when they molted to the fifth stage. And finally the last (fifth) stage zoeae of C. cavipes and C. purpureus attained to the same size. Also, the fifth stage zoeae of C. rugosus reversely be¬ came much smaller than those of C. purpureus and C. cavipes which are large-sized species. However, the glaucothoes of C. rugosus showed almost the same size as those of C. cavipes in carapace length. All the glaucothoes obtained of the three species became smaller than the fifth stage zoeae in both total and carapace lengths, but this was due to inclusion of rostrums for measurement. The zoeal larvae of C. purpureus, C. rugosus and C. cavipes showed the mean total and the mean growth factors (cf. Gore [8]) of 1.91, 1.18, 1.87, 1.18 and 2.27, 1.23, respectively. These values were calculated using total length. Thus, the greatest total growth factor was 2.2 7* in C. cavipes. Instar growth factors using total length ranged from 1.09 to 1.28 in C. purpureus, from 1.06 to 1.36 in C. rugosus, and from 1.16 to 1.36 in C. cavipes. Both C. rugosus and C. cavipes had the same greatest instar growth factor (1.36), but the stages were different: between the second and third stages in C. rugosus, between the fourth and fifth stages in C. cavipes, as shown in Figure 11. DISCUSSION As shown in Table 2, zoeal characters in each stage were so similar among the three species that it was difficult to find the recognition characters for each species. Also, there were some observational differences in minor features such as setation of appendages in the same species between Shokita and Yamashiro’s [5] and the present studies. The Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1117 Table 2. Major differences in zoeal characters among Coenobita rugosus [5], C. cavipes [5] and C. purpureus Item C. rugosus C. cavipes C. purpureus Zoea I Antennular aesthetascs 3(4) 3(3) 3 Setation of antenna Endopod and scale 3(2) and 10(10) 3(2) and 10(8) 3 and 10 Setation of maxillule Endopod and coxal endite 3(2) and 7(5) 2(2) and 7(5) 2 and 7 Setation of maxilla Scaphognathite 5(3) 4(4) 4 Endopod 3+2(3 + 2) 2 + 2(4+4) 3+2 Basal endite 4 + 4(3 + 3) 4+4(3 + 2) 3 + 5 Coxal endite 4+7(3+7) 4+7(2+2) 4+7 Setation of 1st maxilliped Exopod 4(3) 4(3) 4 Setation of 2nd maxilliped Exopod 4(3) 4(3) 4 Zoea II Setation of antenna Scale 10(10) 10(10) 10 Setation of maxillule Endopod and coxal endite 2(2) and 7(5) 2(2) and 7(4) 2 and 7 Setation of maxilla Scaphognathite 6(5) 7(7) 8 Basal endite 4+5(4+3) 4 + 5(4+3) 3+4 Coxal endite 4+7(3 + 3) 4+7(2+3) 4+7 Setation of 1st maxilliped Exopod 6(3) 6(5) 6 Setation of 2nd maxilliped Exopod 6(4) 6(4) 6 Setation of 3rd maxilliped Exopod 5(2) 5(4) 5 Zoea III Setation of antenna Scale 13(13) 12(13) 13 Setation of maxillule Endopod and coxal endite 2(2) and 8(6) 2(2) and 7(7) 2 and 8 Setation of maxilla Scaphognathite 8(10) 10(7) 10 Basal endite 4+4(4+4) 4+5(4+4) 4+5 Coxal endite 4+7(4+3) 4+7(3 + 6) 4 + 9 Setation of 1st maxilliped Exopod 6(5) 6(5) 6 Setation of 2nd maxilliped Exopod 6(5) 6(5) 6 1118 Y. Nakasone Table 2. (Continue) Item C. rugosus C. cavipes C. purpureus Zoea IV Setation of antenna Scale 14(14) 15(15) 13 Maxillule Spines of basal endite 5(4) 6(5) 6 Setation of maxilla Scaphognathite 11(10) 11(12) 13 Setation of 1st maxilliped Exopod 6(5) 6(4) 6 Setation of 2nd maxilliped Exopod 8(5) 7(6) 8 Zoea V Antennular aesthetascs 4 + l(5 + 2) 4+2(5 + 2) 4+2 Setation of antenna Scale 15(15) 16(15) 14 Setation of maxilla Scaphognathite 15(11) 17(10) 17 Setation of 1st maxilliped Exopod 6(5) 6(6) 6 This table was made on the basis of Shokita and Yamashiro [5]. Figures in parentheses are based on Shokita and Yamashiro’s study [5], first zoea of C. rugosus reported by Yamaguchi [3] shares some characters with that of C. purpureus. As pointed out by Shokita and Yamashiro [5], Yamaguchi’s description on the coxae of the fifth legs in the adult male of C. rugosus fits well the character of C. purpureus , which differs from that of C. perlatus [9]. In Kikaijima Island where Yamaguchi studied C. purpureus was the most abundant species, but the other species were not found [10]. Judging from these facts, it seems very likely that the first zoea of C. rugosus described by Yamaguchi belongs to C. purpureus. The zoeal characters of the three species were nearly similar to those of C. clypeatus [4] except minor differ¬ ences such as the setation of appendages. The general features of the glaucothoe of the three species are similar, but segmentations and setations of appendages are different, as shown in Table 3. It seems possible that these glaucothoe larvae are separated by the combination of some of the characters listed in it. Yamaguchi’s glaucothoe differed from those of C. purpureus and C. rugo¬ sus , both obtained in this study, in that the antenna has seven flagellar segments as in C. clypeatus [4] and the antennule has two outer flagellar seg¬ ments. Figure 10 shows that the larvae of C. rugosus had greater tolerance for starvation than those of the other two species. This may suggest that the larvae of C. rugosus have a more fortunate chance of survival when they suffered a temporary food shortage in natural environments. The survival rates of fed zoeal larvae were higher in C. pur¬ pureus and lowest in C. cavipes. Fed fourth zoeae of C. rugosus and C. purpureus molted to the fifth zoeae in one or two days, but those of C. cavipes took seven to ten days. However, the duration of the fifth zoeae was reversely longer in C. pur¬ pureus and C. rugosus than in C. cavipes. According to my interpretation of Provenzano [4], the mean instar growth factor was 1.17 be¬ tween the first and second stages and 1.11 between the fourth and fifth stages in C. clypeatus , in which the greatest instar growth factor was 1.21 between Development and Survival of Coenobita Larvae 1119 Table 3. Major differences in glaucothoe characters among Coenobita rugosus, C. cavipes [5] and C. purpureus Item C. rugosus C. cavipes C. purpureus Antennular aesthetascs 7(6) 8 8 Antenna No. of flagellar segments 6(6) 6 6 Mandible No. of palpal segments and 2(0) and 5-8(8) 3 and 8-11 3 and 6-9 setae on distal segment Maxillule Segmentation of endopod segmented(non) segmented non Setation of maxilla Endopod 1(1) 1 2 Scaphognathite 51(50) 75 51 Basal endite 10 + 5(7 + 4) 10 + 7 10 + 7 Coxal endite 5 + 21(7 + 19) 6+29 7+27 Setation of 1st maailliped Endopod 0(2) 2 0 Exopod 5 + 2(9) 7+1 6+0 Basis Distal lobe 13(12) 20 18 Proximal lobe 9(11) 7 10 2nd maxilliped Segmentation of exopod 3(1) 2 2 Setae on distal segment 7(4) 7 6 of exopod 3rd maxilliped Segmentation of exopod 2(2) 3* 3 Setation of telson 9(11) 9 9 Setation of uropod Endopod 10(13) 8 11 Exopod 17(22) 18 22 *) Bearing one terminal plumose seta on distal segment. Figures in parentheses are based on Shokita and Yamashiro’s study [5]. the third and fourth stages; the mean growth factor was 1.17 and the mean total growth factor was 1.85. These values were calculated using total length. In Birgus latro, the maximum of instar growth factor was 1.21 between the first and second stages, the mean growth factor was 1.13 and the total growth factor was 1.64, by my interpretation of Reese and Kinzie [6]. The growth factors of five species of Coenobitidae including the above two and the three species of Coenobita here studied were 1.18 in mean in¬ cremental growth and 1.91 in mean total growth, which were nearly similar to the values obtained by Gore [8]. Also, the instar growth factor ranged from 1.06 in C. rugosus to 1.36 in both C. rugosus and C. cavipes. The total growth factor ranged from 1.64 in B. latro to 2.27 in C. cavipes. After the appearance of glaucothoes, the surviv¬ al rates of larvae (including fifth zoeae and glaucothoes) rapidly declined in the three species studied (Fig. 10). This decline was due to preda¬ tion of fifth zoeae by glaucothoes and cannibalism 1120 Y. Nakasone of glaucothoes. The death occurred during the molt to glaucothoes also was one of the factor that lowered the survival rates. In C. purpureus , the predation of the fifth zoeae by the glaucothoes was the chief (first) factor in the decline of the survival rate and the cannibalism of the glaucothoes was the next factor. The death during the molt was the main factor and cannibalism was the next in C. rugosus. Both the death during the molt and cannibalism were the chief factors in C. cavipes. It seems likely that both the predation and cannibal¬ ism result from the narrow rearing bowl and do not occur in the sea. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Mr. M. Toyama, Cultural Administration Sec¬ tion, Okinawa Prefectural Office of Education, for the opportunity of studying the larval development of land hermit crabs, Messrs. E. Matsumoto, N. Miyazato and M. Zaitsu, graduates of College of Education, University of the Ryukyus, for rearing the larvae and illustrations. I express my thanks to two anonymous reviewers whose comments improved the manuscript essentially. This work was supported by Agency for Culture Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. REFERENCES 1 Borradaile, L. A. (1899) A note in the hatching- stage of the pagurine land-crabs. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899: 937-938. 2 Borradaile, L. A. (1903) Land crustaceans. In “The Fauna and Geography of the Maidive and Laccadive Archipelagoes”. Ed. by J. S. Gardiner, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, vol. 1, pp. 64-100, pi. 3. 3 Yamaguchi, S. (1938) Spawning and development of Coenobita rugosus. Bulteno Science, Imp. Univ. Kyushu, 8: 163-177, 2 pis. (In Japanese with English summary). 4 Provenzano, A. J., Jr. (1962) The larval develop¬ ment of the tropical land hermit Coenobita clypeatus (Herbst) in the laboratory. Crustaceana, 4: 207-228. 5 Shokita, S. and Yamashiro, A. (1986) Larval de¬ velopment of the land hermit crabs, Coenobita rugo¬ sus H. Milne Edwards and C. cavipes Stimpson reared in the laboratory. Galaxea, 5: 267-282. 6 Reese, E. S. and Kinzie, R. A., Ill (1968) The larval development of the coconut or robber crab Birgus latro (L.) in the laboratory (Anomura, Paguridea). Crustaceana, Suppl., 2: 117-144. 7 Reese, E. S. (1968) Shell use: An adaptation for emigration from the sea by the coconut crab. Sci¬ ence, 161: 385-386. 8 Gore, R. H. (1985) Molting and growth in decapod larvae. In “Crustacean Issues 2, Larval Growth”. Ed. by A. M. Wenner, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 1-65. 9 Nakasone, Y. (1988) Land hermit crabs from the Ryukyus, Japan, with a new species from the Philip¬ pines (Crustacea, Decapoda, Coenobitidae). Zool. Sci., 5, 165-178. 10 Saisho, T. and Suzuki, H. (1987) An urgent study on the distribution and ecology of land hermit crabs, genus Coenobita, in Kagoshima Prefecture. Kagoshima Prefectural School Board, 1-64. (In Japanese). ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1121-1136 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan Biochemical Differentiation in Japanese Newts, Genus Cynops (Salamandridae) Terutake Hayashi and Masafumi Matsui1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, and 1 Biological Laboratory, Yoshida College, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, Japan ABSTRACT — Genetic variation was surveyed in 38 populations of Japanese newts of the genus Cynops using starch gel electrophoresis. C. ensicauda from the Ryukyu Archipelago was shown to be genetically well differentiated from C. pyrrhogaster from the Japanese main islands. Separation of these two forms at the species level is supported. C. ensicauda is genetically divided into two groups, each of which corresponds to previously recognized subspecies. On the contrary, protein variation patterns in C. pyrrhogaster are not consistent with the previously recognized subspecies or local races. From available geological information, the electrophoretic clock is calibrated at ID = 13-22 MY in Japanese Cynops. INTRODUCTION Two allopatric newt species of the genus Cynops are known from Japan. C. pyrrhogaster occurs on the main islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, while C. ensicauda inhabits the Amami and Okina¬ wa Groups of the Ryukyu Archipelago. A marked geographic variation in external morphology has been detected within each species [1, 2]. Some authors [3, 4] considered morphological variations of these two species to overlap with each other and doubted the specific validity of C. ensicauda, treat¬ ing it as a subspecies of C. pyrrhogaster. However, only a few comparative studies have been made between these two species [3, 5], and clarification of the taxonomic relationships of these newts requires an extensive survey of geographic varia¬ tion in Japanese Cynops from many approaches. Although North American and European newt species belonging to Taricha, Notophthalmus , and Triturus have been studied electrophoretically for the purposes of population genetics, taxonomy, and evolutionary biology [6-9], no comparable studies have been done on Asian newts. Available data indicate that genetic distance values calcu- Accepted January 14, 1988 Received December 15, 1987 lated between populations can differentiate named species or subspecies and, therefore, seem to pro¬ vide rough estimates of the limits of species within the family Salamandridae. Thus, an electrophore¬ tic analysis should be a useful tool for investigating taxonomic problems among Japanese newts. The present study was undertaken mainly in order to understand the amount of genetic differentiation between C. pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda, as estimated from an electrophoretic analysis of pro¬ tein variation. Moreover, based upon geological data, we have derived a calibration for the elec¬ trophoretic evolutionary clock in Japanese Cynops and compare the value with those proposed pre¬ viously [10, 11]. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 610 newts from 23 populations of Cynops pyrrhogaster in western Honshu and Kyushu Islands and 15 populations of C. ensicauda in three islands in the Amami Group and four in the Okinawa Group, the Ryukyu Archipelago, were analyzed electrophoretically (Fig. 1 and Table 1). We used southwestern populations of C. pyrrhogaster for comparison with C. ensicauda since they are geographically adjacent to the range covered by C. ensicauda. 1122 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui Fig. 1. Geographic localities from which samples of Cynops were collected. Localities of C. pyrrhogas¬ ter are indicated by circles (1-23) and localities of C. ensicauda by triangles (24-38). Samples of liver were removed and maintained frozen at — 84 °C until used in electrophoresis. Voucher specimens were fixed in 10% formalin, later preserved in 70% ethanol and deposited in Hayashi’s collection at Kyoto University. Homogenized tissue extracts were analyzed by standard horizontal starch gel electrophoresis [12- 15], using Connaught starch at a concentration of 11.5%. The enzymes examined and locus designa¬ tions are listed in Table 2. The buffer system employed in the electrophoretic analysis was 0.155 M tris / 0.043 M citrate, pH 7.0 (1: 15 dilution of electrode buffer for gel) for all enzymes. Genetic interpretations of allozymic data were based on criteria developed by Selander et al. [16]. Enzyme nomenclature and E. C. numbers follow the most recent recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Bio¬ chemistry [17] and abbreviations and isozyme de¬ signations follow recommendations of Murphy and Crabtree [18]. Electromorphs were designated by letters with “a” representing the most rapidly migrating anodal variant. The unbiased minimum genetic distance be¬ tween populations (D) recommended by Nei [19] was computed from observed electromorph fre¬ quencies. According to Nei’s suggestion [19], all negative values obtained using the collection for small sample sizes were regarded as being equal to 0. A UPGMA phenogram [20] was constructed from genetic distances. A contingency Chi-square test was performed to test for inter-sample electro¬ morph frequency heterogeneity [21], All samples were also tested for conformance to Hardy- Weinberg expectations with the Chi-square test. For statistical tests, P<0.05 was regarded as sig¬ nificant. RESULTS A locus was considered polymorphic when two or more electromorphs were detected. Only one of the 15 loci resolved ( Ap-A ) was monomorphic for the same electromorph in all individuals. Table 3 summarizes electromorph frequencies for the remaining 14 polymorphic loci. Fixed differences between C. pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda were identified at three loci (Acp-A, Iddh-A and M-Me- A). Ten of the remaining 11 loci showed significant heterogeneity in electromorph frequencies (Table 4). At four of these 11 loci, a single electromorph predominated in all populations ( Ldh-A , Ldh-B, M-Mdh-A and Pgdh-A ). At Ldh-A and M-Mdh-A loci, electromorphs other than the common one were unique to single populations. Among the remainder of these four loci, some electromorphs with low to moderate frequency of occurrence were shared among two or more populations. Seven other loci had different variants predomi¬ nating in different populations ( S-Aat-A , Est-1 , Gpi-A, S-Mdh-A, S-Me-A , Pgm-A, S-Sod-A ). Within C. pyrrhogaster , three loci were mono¬ morphic (Acp-A, Ap-A and Iddh-A) and all of 12 polymorphic loci showed statistically significant heterogeneity in electromorph frequencies (Table 4). C. ensicauda had six monomorphic loci (Ap-A, Iddh-A, Ldh-A, M-Mdh-A, M-Me- A and S-Sod- A) and significant heterogeneity in electromorph frequencies was observed at seven of nine poly- Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1123 Table 1. Species, sample size, and locality data for the animals used for electrophoretic analysis Species Population number Locality N Cynops pyrrhogaster 1 Shigaraki, Shiga 20 2 Miyama, Kyoto 39 3 Kyoto, Kyoto 16 4 Kameoka, Kyoto 8 5 Kumihama, Kyoto 4 6 Tottori, Tottori 19 7 Ningyo Pass, Okayama 20 8 Mt. Daisen, Tottori 8 9 Hirose, Shimane 20 10 Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi 20 11 Sanyo, Yamaguchi 20 12 Yukuhashi, Fukuoka 20 13 Higashiseburi, Saga 20 14 Isahaya, Nagasaki 21 15 Usuki, Oita 5 16 Shiranui, Kumamoto 20 17 Kamijima Isl. , Amakusa Isis. 18 18 Shimojima Isl., Amakusa Isis. 20 19 Minamata, Kumamoto 20 20 Tsuno, Miyazaki 20 21 Miyazaki, Miyazaki 17 22 Tano, Miyazaki 11 23 Kanoya, Kagoshima 18 Cynops ensicauda 24 Naze, Amami-Oshima Isl. 27 25 Mt. Kochi, Amami-Oshima Isl. 20 26 Ukejima Isl. 9 27 Yorojima Isl. 21 28 Kayauchibanta, Okinawajima Isl. 5 29 Mt. Yonaha, Okinawajima Isl. 8 30 Motobu, Okinawajima Isl. 5 31 Mt. Nago, Okinawajima Isl. 10 32 Ginoza, Okinawajima Isl. 10 33 Nakagusuku, Okinawajima Isl. 18 34 Tamagusuku, Okinawajima Isl. 10 35 Chinen, Okinawajima Isl. 9 36 Sezokojima Isl. 4 37 Zamamijima Isl. 30 38 Tokashikijima Isl. 20 1124 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui Table 2. Enzymes and loci analysed in Japanese Cynops Enzyme Enzyme commis¬ sion number Locus Acid phosphatase 3. 1.3. 2 Acp-A Aminopeptidase Ap-A Aspartate aminotransferase 2.6.1. 1 S-Aat-A Esterase — Est-1 Glucose phosphate isomerase 5.3. 1.9 Gpi-A L-iditol dehydrogenase lddh-A Lactate dehydrogenase Ldh-A Lactate dehydrogenase Ldh-B Malate dehydrogenase M-Mdh-A Malate dehydrogenase S-Mdh-A “Malic Enzyme”* M-Me-A “Malic Enzyme”* S-Me-A Phosphoglucomutase 5. 4.2.2 Pgm-A Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Pgdh-A Superoxide dismutase S-Sod-A Mitochondrial and supernatant loci are denoted by M- and S- prefixes, respectively. *NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase morphic loci. Among Amami Group populations of C. ensicauda, another monomorphic locus was recognized ( Est-1 ) and five of eight polymorphic loci were significantly heterogeneous. Among Okinawa Group populations, eight loci were monomorphic and four of seven polymorphic loci showed significant heterogeneity. The proportions of polymorphic loci ranged from 20.0% (populations 1 and 22) to 53.3% (populations 6, 13, 18 and 19) (x— 37.7%) in C. pyrrhogaster and ranged from 13.3% (population 32) to 40.0% (population 33) (x=27.2%) in C. ensicauda (Table 3). The mean number of electro- morphs per locus was 1.44 (range 1.20-1.60) in C. pyrrhogaster , and 1.32 (range 1.13-1.47) in C. ensicauda. The frequencies of genotypes were in good agreement with Hardy-Weinberg proportion in most cases, but the significant heterozygote deficiencies occurred at the S-Aat-A locus in one population (population 33), at the M-Me-A locus in five populations (populations 12, 13, 16, 19 and 20) and at the S-Me-A locus in six populations (populations 2, 7, 8, 9, 14 and 16). Figure 2 presents a UPGMA phenogram based on the Nei’s D values, which are shown in Table 5. The first major dichotomy separates populations of C. ensicauda from those of C. pyrrhogaster with the mean D value between them being 0.356 (range 0.239-0.724). The mean intraspecific D values are 0.035 (range 0-0.133) in C. ensicauda and 0.060 (range 0-0.336) in C. pyrrhogaster. The cluster of C. ensicauda is divided into two distinct regional groups, with the mean D value between these two groups being 0.078 (range 0.041-0.133). One subcluster is composed of populations from the Amami Group and another of populations from the Okinawa Group. The mean D values are 0.006 (range 0-0.013) within the former and 0.004 (range 0-0.015) within the latter. The cluster of C. pyrrhogaster is also divided into two distinct groups. One subcluster contains three populations from southernmost part of Kyushu (populations 21-23) and another contains all the remaining populations. The mean D value is 0.156 (range 0.044-0.336) between these two groups. The mean D value between populations of C. ensicauda and three southernmost populations of C. pyrrhogaster is 0.532 (range 0.326-0.724), while Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1125 TableS. Electromorph frequencies and variability estimates for polymorphic loci in 38 populations of Japanese Cynops C. pyrrhogaster Locus Sasayama race Hiroshima race 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Acp-A c c c c c c c c c c S-Aat-A b a(.069) a(.107) a(.125) b b(.974) b b a(.139) b b(.914) d(.017) b(.893) b(.875) d(.026) b(.861) Est-1 b b b b b b(.947) b(.947) b b b c(.053) c(.053) Gpi-A c(.975) b(.013) b(.063) b(.125) c c c c c a(.150) d(.025) c(.884) c(.906) c(.750) c(.750) d(.103) d(.031) d(.125) c(.100) Iddh-A b b b b b b b b b b Ldh-A b b b b b b b b b b Ldh-B c c c c a(.125) a(.233) a(.175) a(.063) c c c(.875) c(.767) c(.825) c(.937) M-Mdh-A b b b b b b b b b b S-Mdh-A c b(.016) c(.937) c(.937) c(.875) a(.026) a(.025) c(.438) c c c(.968) d(.063) e(.063) d(. 125) c(.974) c(.725) d(.562) d(.016) d(.250) M-Me-A b(.941) b(.677) b(.438) b(.375) b(.375) b(.895) b(.667) b(.875) b(.643) b(.333) c(.059) c(.323) c(.562) c(.625) c(.625) c(.105) c(.333) c(.125) c(.357) c(.667) S-Me-A b a(.219) b b b b b(.950) b(.750) b(.850) b b(.781) c(.050) c(.250) c(.150) Pgm-A a(.025) b(.516) a(.031) b(.375) b(.250) a(.053) b(.450) b(.313) a(.025) a(.150) b(.500) d(.484) b(.375) d(.625) d(.750) b(.342) d(.550) d(.687) b(.950) b(.775) d(.475) d(.594) d(.605) d(.025) d(.075) Pgdh-A b b b b b b(.972) a(.025) b b(.900) b c(.028) b(.975) b c(.100) S-Sod-A b b b b b b b b b a(.150) b(.850) % loci 20.0 40.0 33.3 33.3 26.7 53.3 46.7 33.3 33.3 26.7 polymor¬ phic number of alleles per locus 1.27 1.60 1.47 1.40 1.27 1.60 1.53 1.33 1.40 1.40 Mean hetero¬ zygosity .041 .083 .106 .108 .117 .113 .093 .075 .060 .085 1126 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui Table 3. Continued C. pyrrhogaster Locus Hiroshima race 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Acp-A c c c c c c c c c c S-Aat-A b b(.853) a(.050) b(.950) b b(.775) b a(.025) b(.944) b(.950) c(.147) b(.950) e(.050) a(.225) b(.975) d(.056) d(.050) Est-1 a(.025) a(.075) a(.250) b b(.800) a(.575) a(.306) a(.100) a(.250) b b(.975) b(.925) b(.750) c(.200) b(.425) b(.694) b(.900) b(.750) Gpi-A a(.100) c(.975) b(.025) c(.955) c c c(.972) b(.425) b(.025) c(.975) c(.850) d(.025) c(.900) d(.045) d(.028) c(.575) c(.975) d(.025) d(.050) d(.075) Iddh-A b b b b b b b b b b Ldh-A b a(.075) b(.925) b b b b b b b b Ldh-B c c b(.075) c(.925) c c c c c c c M-Mdh-A b b b a(.050) b(.950) b b b b b b S-Mdh-A c c c b(.048) b(.300) b(.050) c b(.025) b(.026) c(.974) c(.857) d(.095) c(.700) c(.950) c(.975) c(.974) d(.026) M-Me-A b(.684) b(.472) b(.769) b(.735) b(.500) b(.529) b b(.971) b(.393) b(.154) c(.316) c(.528) c(.231) c(.265) c(.500) c(.471) c(.029) c(.607) c(.846) S-Me-A b(.975) b b a(.045) b b(.800) b b a(.025) b c(.025) b(.955) c(.200) b(.950) c(.025) Pgm-A a(.050) b a(.075) a(.045) b(.800) b b a(.025) a(.300) a(.100) b(.800) d(.075) e(.075) b(.925) b(.955) d(.200) b(.975) b(.700) b(.900) Pgdh-A b a(.025) a(.075) b a(.100) b a(.118) a(.125) b b(.950) b(.950) c(.025) b(.925) b(.900) b(.882) b(.875) c(.050) S-Sod-A b(.950) b(.975) b(.750) b b b(.725) b(.750) b(.950) b(.900) b c(.050) c(.025) c(.250) c(.275) c(.250) c(.050) c(.100) % loci 40.0 46.7 53.3 46.7 33.3 40.0 26.7 53.3 53.3 40.0 polymor¬ phic number of alleles per locus 1.60 1.53 1.60 1.53 1.33 1.40 1.27 1.53 1.60 1.40 mean .061 .049 .090 .042 .129 .097 .068 .074 .091 .027 hetero¬ zygosity Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1127 Table 3. Continued C. pyrrhogaster C. ensicauda Locus Hiroshima race Amami Group Okinawa Group 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Acp-A c c c a a a(.917) b(.083) a a a S-Aat-A b(.722) b(.357) a(.056) a(.058) a(.050) b(.944) a(.025) a(.100) a(.125) d(.278) d(.643) b(.500) b(.942) b(.900) d(.056) b(.975) b(.900) b(.687) d(.444) d(.050) d(. 188) Est-1 b b b b b b b b b Gpi-A b(.971) b(.955) b(.333) c c c b(.029) c b(.125) c(.029) c(.045) c(.667) c(.971) c(.875) Iddh-A b b b a a a a a a Ldh-A b b b b b b b b b Ldh-B c c c b(.096) b(.275) c c c c c(.904) c(.725) M-Mdh-A b b b b b b b b b S-Mdh-A c c b(.028) d d(.921) d d c(.800) c(.438) c(.972) e(.079) d(.200) d(.562) M-Me-A b(.500) c b(.429) a a a a a a c(.500) c(.571) S-Me-A b b b b b(.875) b b b(.300) b(.313) c(.125) c(.700) c(.687) Pgm-A a(.500) a(.727) a(.222) b(.944) b b(.944) b b(.625) b b(.500) b(.273) b(.750) d(.037) f(.056) d(.375) c(.028) e(.019) Pgdh-A b b b a(.042) a(.025) a(.333) a(.350) b b b(.937) c(.021) b(.975) b(.667) b(.650) S-Sod-A c c b(.361) c(.639) b b b b b b % loci 26.7 20.0 40.0 26.7 33.3 28.6 20.0 28.6 28.6 polymor¬ phic number of alleles per locus 1.27 1.20 1.53 1.40 1.40 1.29 1.20 1.29 1.36 mean hetero¬ zygosity .147 .040 .152 .031 .054 .060 .044 .111 .098 1128 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui Table 3. Continued Locus C. ensicauda Okinawa Group 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Acp-A a a a a a a a a a S-Aat-A a(.100) b(.900) b b(.972) a(.056) a(.100) b(.750) a(.037) b(.833) b(.800) d(.100) d(.028) b(.944) b(.900) d(.250) b(.815) d(.167) d(.100) d(.148) Est-1 b b b a(.028) b b b b b b(.944) c(.028) Gpi-A c b(.050) c c(.861) c c b(.125) b(.033) c c(.900) d(.139) c(.875) c(.967) d(.050) Iddh-A a a a a a a a a a Ldh-A b b b b b b b b b Ldh-B c c c c c c c c c M-Mdh-A b b b b b b b b b S-Mdh-A c(.500) c(.850) c(.550) c(.719) c(.556) c(.600) b(.333) c(.696) c(.550) d(.500) d(. 150) d(.450) d(.281) d(.444) d(.350) c(.667) d(.304) d(.450) e(.050) M-Me-A a a a a a a a a a S-Me-A b(.100) b(.450) b(.300) b(.306) b(.278) b(.300) b(.125) b(. 1 17) b(.400) c(.900) c(.550) c(.700) c(.694) c(.722) c(.700) c(.875) c(.883) c(.600) Pgm-A b b b b b b(.950) b b b(.950) d(.050) d(.050) Pgdh-A b b b b(.972) b b b b(.981) b c(.028) c(.019) S-Sod-A b b b b b b b b b % loci polymor¬ phic 21.4 26.7 13.3 40.0 28.6 21.4 28.6 35.7 26.7 number of alleles per locus 1.29 1.33 1.13 1.47 1.36 1.21 1.29 1.43 1.27 mean hetero¬ zygosity .086 .053 .047 .081 .079 .079 .119 .073 .096 Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1129 Table 4. Probability levels of electromorph frequency heterogeneity with a contingency Chi-square test Locus Total C. Pyrrhogaster C. ensicauda Total Amami Okinawa Acp-A .001 _ .05 .05 _ S-Aat-A .001 .001 NS NS .05 Est-1 .001 .001 NS — NS Gpi-A .001 .001 .001 NS .01 Iddh-A .001 — — — — Ldh-A .001 .001 — Ldh-B .001 .001 .001 .001 — M-Mdh-A NS .05 — S-Mdh-A .001 .001 .001 .05 .001 M-Me-A .001 .001 S-Me-A .001 .001 .001 .01 NS Pgm-A .001 .001 .001 NS .001 Pgdh-A .001 .001 .001 .001 NS S-Sod-A .001 .001 — — — NS indicates statistically insignificant difference at P<0.05. C.p.sasayamae C.p.pyrrhogaster C.e.ensicauda C.e.popei .4 L 2. UPGMA phenogram of populations of Japanese Cynops studied. Scale is in genetic distance units of Nei (1978). 1130 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui Table 5. Nei’s genetic similarity (below diagonal) and distance (above diagonal) between populations of Japanese Cynops studied C. pyrrhogaster Sasayama race Hiroshima race 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 0.007 0.017 0.024 0.023 0.004 0.010 0.026 0.022 0.038 2 0.993 0.006 0.008 0.011 0.012 0.009 0.029 0.017 0.024 3 0.983 0.994 -0.005 -0.005 0.017 0.007 0.034 0.026 0.018 4 0.977 0.992 1.005 -0.004 0.024 0.011 0.040 0.031 0.017 5 0.977 0.989 1.005 1.004 0.015 0.003 0.028 0.041 0.028 6 0.996 0.988 0.983 0.976 0.985 0.006 0.025 0.035 0.049 7 0.990 0.991 0.993 0.989 0.997 0.994 0.010 0.026 0.032 8 0.974 0.971 0.967 0.961 0.973 0.976 0.990 0.057 0.076 9 0.978 0.984 0.974 0.969 0.960 0.966 0.974 0.944 0.014 10 0.962 0.977 0.982 0.983 0.973 0.952 0.969 0.927 0.986 11 0.987 0.988 0.980 0.977 0.969 0.975 0.981 0.951 0.997 0.991 12 0.967 0.976 0.973 0.970 0.961 0.954 0.968 0.927 0.997 0.992 13 0.976 0.973 0.961 0.956 0.946 0.963 0.966 0.933 0.990 0.977 14 0.982 0.983 0.970 0.965 0.958 0.968 0.977 0.952 0.998 0.983 15 0.980 0.987 0.988 0.984 0.982 0.972 0.989 0.957 0.994 0.991 16 0.937 0.946 0.938 0.934 0.925 0.925 0.937 0.903 0.969 0.958 17 0.973 0.960 0.939 0.931 0.924 0.957 0.954 0.929 0.979 0.953 18 0.972 0.963 0.945 0.943 0.925 0.955 0.953 0.928 0.978 0.958 19 0.963 0.974 0.978 0.974 0.969 0.955 0.969 0.929 0.986 0.992 20 0.944 0.964 0.974 0.973 0.966 0.934 0.958 0.911 0.983 0.995 21 0.844 0.854 0.860 0.870 0.839 0.833 0.836 0.802 0.853 0.884 22 0.750 0.778 0.805 0.819 0.788 0.746 0.760 0.715 0.775 0.828 23 0.919 0.932 0.936 0.938 0.919 0.908 0.918 0.879 0.945 0.956 24 0.712 0.714 0.719 0.713 0.718 0.698 0.741 0.748 0.732 0.724 25 0.704 0.707 0.709 0.703 0.709 0.691 0.734 0.740 0.729 0.717 26 0.685 0.685 0.690 0.684 0.689 0.668 0.715 0.721 0.709 0.698 27 0.701 0.702 0.707 0.701 0.705 0.685 0.729 0.735 0.725 0.715 28 0.736 0.747 0.742 0.737 0.740 0.724 0.741 0.741 0.751 0.731 29 0.688 0.702 0.692 0.688 0.681 0.667 0.702 0.711 0.732 0.704 30 0.678 0.693 0.680 0.673 0.671 0.658 0.692 0.705 0.725 0.692 31 0.752 0.762 0.752 0.748 0.741 0.734 0.752 0.737 0.787 0.769 32 0.729 0.739 0.729 0.723 0.723 0.711 0.740 0.744 0.765 0.743 33 0.733 0.745 0.733 0.729 0.723 0.715 0.738 0.733 0.770 0.751 34 0.713 0.724 0.714 0.708 0.706 0.694 0.722 0.723 0.751 0.725 35 0.705 0.717 0.706 0.699 0.698 0.685 0.717 0.721 0.746 0.720 36 0.689 0.704 0.688 0.683 0.675 0.668 0.688 0.684 0.735 0.705 37 0.690 0.704 0.690 0.684 0.679 0.670 0.696 0.698 0.736 0.705 38 0.735 0.745 0.737 0.732 0.731 0.718 0.746 0.748 0.768 0.747 Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1131 Table 5. Continued C. pyrrhogaster Hiroshima race 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 0.013 0.034 0.024 0.018 0.020 0.065 0.028 0.029 0.037 0.058 2 0.012 0.025 0.027 0.018 0.013 0.056 0.040 0.037 0.026 0.037 3 0.020 0.027 0.040 0.030 0.012 0.064 0.062 0.057 0.023 0.027 4 0.023 0.030 0.045 0.036 0.016 0.069 0.071 0.058 0.026 0.027 5 0.032 0.040 0.055 0.043 0.018 0.078 0.079 0.078 0.032 0.034 6 0.025 0.047 0.037 0.033 0.028 0.078 0.044 0.046 0.046 0.068 7 0.019 0.033 0.035 0.023 0.011 0.065 0.047 0.048 0.032 0.043 8 0.051 0.075 0.069 0.049 0.043 0.102 0.074 0.075 0.073 0.093 9 0.003 0.003 0.010 0.002 0.006 0.031 0.022 0.023 0.014 0.018 10 0.009 0.008 0.023 0.017 0.009 0.043 0.048 0.042 0.008 0.005 11 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.005 0.035 0.018 0.017 0.012 0.021 12 0.994 0.012 0.007 0.004 0.027 0.028 0.031 0.009 0.008 13 0.994 0.988 0.009 0.014 0.017 0.002 0.015 0.014 0.035 14 0.998 0.993 0.991 0.004 0.037 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.024 15 0.995 0.996 0.986 0.996 0.030 0.028 0.031 0.007 0.010 16 0.966 0.974 0.983 0.964 0.970 0.026 0.054 0.019 0.043 17 0.983 0.972 0.998 0.983 0.972 0.974 0.016 0.034 0.064 18 0.983 0.969 0.985 0.983 0.970 0.947 0.984 0.043 0.062 19 0.989 0.991 0.986 0.983 0.993 0.981 0.966 0.958 0.009 20 0.980 0.992 0.965 0.976 0.990 0.958 0.938 0.940 0.991 21 0.874 0.858 0.886 0.854 0.849 0.861 0.861 0.891 0.880 0.856 22 0.791 0.791 0.795 0.768 0.779 0.797 0.753 0.784 0.826 0.815 23 0.949 0.951 0.956 0.941 0.941 0.947 0.933 0.935 0.957 0.947 24 0.730 0.733 0.716 0.747 0.747 0.695 0.707 0.707 0.721 0.734 25 0.724 0.728 0.712 0.742 0.740 0.694 0.701 0.701 0.715 0.729 26 0.705 0.710 0.692 0.724 0.727 0.667 0.686 0.686 0.695 0.711 27 0.721 0.726 0.710 0.739 0.742 0.687 0.704 0.706 0.712 0.727 28 0.740 0.734 0.715 0.738 0.739 0.711 0.704 0.703 0.730 0.734 29 0.713 0.717 0.694 0.725 0.715 0.698 0.684 0.692 0.703 0.715 30 0.703 0.705 0.683 0.714 0.704 0.692 0.675 0.674 0.694 0.704 31 0.776 0.778 0.760 0.779 0.771 0.755 0.750 0.753 0.766 0.775 32 0.752 0.753 0.734 0.760 0.753 0.733 0.726 0.725 0.743 0.751 33 0.758 0.758 0.742 0.763 0.755 0.741 0.733 0.734 0.748 0.756 34 0.734 0.736 0.715 0.742 0.735 0.714 0.706 0.705 0.725 0.734 35 0.729 0.731 0.711 0.739 0.730 0.710 0.702 0.701 0.720 0.730 36 0.715 0.717 0.694 0.721 0.718 0.706 0.685 0.693 0.706 0.714 37 0.715 0.717 0.695 0.722 0.711 0.704 0.687 0.688 0.706 0.715 38 0.755 0.757 0.738 0.764 0.758 0.738 0.729 0.728 0.747 0.756 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui Continued C. pyrrhogaster C. ensicauda Hiroshima race Amami Group Okinawa Group 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0.169 0.287 0.084 0.339 0.351 0.378 0.355 0.307 0.374 0.388 0.158 0.251 0.071 0.337 0.347 0.378 0.353 0.291 0.354 0.366 0.151 0.217 0.066 0.330 0.344 0.370 0.347 0.298 0.368 0.386 0.139 0.200 0.064 0.338 0.352 0.380 0.355 0.305 0.374 0.396 0.176 0.238 0.085 0.331 0.344 0.372 0.350 0.302 0.384 0.399 0.183 0.293 0.096 0.359 0.369 0.404 0.379 0.323 0.404 0.418 0.179 0.274 0.085 0.300 0.310 0.336 0.316 0.299 0.353 0.368 0.220 0.336 0.129 0.291 0.301 0.327 0.309 0.300 0.341 0.350 0.159 0.255 0.056 0.312 0.316 0.344 0.321 0.286 0.312 0.322 0.123 0.189 0.045 0.323 0.332 0.359 0.335 0.313 0.351 0.368 0.135 0.235 0.052 0.315 0.323 0.350 0.327 0.301 0.338 0.353 0.153 0.234 0.051 0.310 0.317 0.342 0.320 0.309 0.333 0.349 0.121 0.229 0.045 0.333 0.340 0.369 0.342 0.336 0.365 0.381 0.157 0.264 0.061 0.291 0.298 0.323 0.302 0.303 0.321 0.337 0.163 0.249 0.061 0.292 0.301 0.319 0.299 0.303 0.336 0.352 0.150 0.227 0.054 0.363 0.365 0.405 0.376 0.341 0.359 0.368 0.150 0.284 0.070 0.346 0.355 0.377 0.350 0.351 0.379 0.393 0.115 0.243 0.067 0.346 0.355 0.377 0.348 0.352 0.368 0.394 0.128 0.191 0.044 0.327 0.335 0.364 0.340 0.315 0.352 0.366 0.155 0.205 0.054 0.309 0.317 0.341 0.319 0.309 0.335 0.351 0.009 0.027 0.537 0.551 0.604 0.549 0.544 0.558 0.613 0.991 0.069 0.644 0.658 0.723 0.660 0.650 0.657 0.724 0.974 0.934 0.397 0.405 0.443 0.411 0.399 0.408 0.444 0.585 0.525 0.672 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.093 0.054 0.081 0.576 0.518 0.667 0.997 0.013 0.013 0.085 0.043 0.067 0.547 0.485 0.642 0.995 0.987 -0.002 0.104 0.062 0.090 0.578 0.517 0.663 0.994 0.987 1.002 0.106 0.063 0.091 0.580 0.522 0.671 0.911 0.919 0.901 0.900 0.015 0.011 0.572 0.518 0.665 0.948 0.958 0.940 0.939 0.985 -0.003 0.542 0.485 0.642 0.922 0.936 0.914 0.913 0.989 1.003 0.638 0.578 0.722 0.928 0.936 0.915 0.921 0.995 0.989 0.986 0.600 0.537 0.687 0.945 0.900 0.876 0.876 0.989 0.990 0.995 0.613 0.550 0.696 0.929 0.917 0.896 0.895 0.992 0.995 1.002 0.571 0.507 0.667 0.935 0.960 0.942 0.944 0.992 1.001 0.998 0.565 0.500 0.661 0.939 0.949 0.931 0.931 0.993 1.000 1.003 0.575 0.521 0.666 0.884 0.945 0.926 0.926 0.998 0.999 1.001 0.561 0.503 0.657 0.903 0.954 0.934 0.938 0.992 0.999 1.001 0.609 0.555 0.702 0.952 0.938 0.916 0.922 0.994 0.993 0.995 Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1133 Table 5. Continued C. ensicauda Okinawa Group 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 0.285 0.316 0.310 0.338 0.349 0.373 0.371 0.308 2 0.272 0.302 0.294 0.323 0.333 0.351 0.350 0.294 3 0.285 0.316 0.311 0.337 0.349 0.374 0.372 0.305 4 0.291 0.324 0.316 0.346 0.358 0.381 0.380 0.313 5 0.300 0.325 0.324 0.348 0.360 0.394 0.387 0.314 6 0.309 0.341 0.336 0.366 0.378 0.403 0.401 0.331 7 0.285 0.300 0.304 0.326 0.333 0.373 0.362 0.292 8 0.305 0.296 0.310 0.325 0.328 0.380 0.359 0.291 9 0.239 0.267 0.261 0.286 0.293 0.308 0.307 0.263 10 0.262 0.297 0.287 0.321 0.328 0.349 0.350 0.292 11 0.253 0.286 0.277 0.309 0.315 0.336 0.336 0.281 12 0.251 0.284 0.277 0.307 0.313 0.333 0.333 0.278 13 0.275 0.309 0.299 0.336 0.342 0.365 0.363 0.304 14 0.249 0.274 0.271 0.298 0.302 0.327 0.326 0.269 15 0.260 0.283 0.281 0.308 0.314 0.331 0.341 0.278 16 0.280 0.310 0.300 0.337 0.342 0.348 0.351 0.303 17 0.287 0.320 0.311 0.348 0.353 0.378 0.375 0.316 18 0.284 0.321 0.309 0.350 0.355 0.367 0.374 0.317 19 0.266 0.298 0.290 0.322 0.329 0.349 0.349 0.291 20 0.256 0.286 0.280 0.309 0.315 0.337 0.336 0.280 21 0.450 0.511 0.489 0.561 0.570 0.554 0.579 0.496 22 0.547 0.622 0.597 0.678 0.693 0.652 0.686 0.589 23 0.326 0.375 0.363 0.405 0.414 0.406 0.421 0.354 24 0.075 0.056 0.074 0.067 0.063 0.123 0.102 0.049 25 0.066 0.047 0.064 0.057 0.053 0.105 0.087 0.041 26 0.088 0.068 0.088 0.076 0.071 0.132 0.110 0.060 27 0.083 0.064 0.082 0.077 0.072 0.133 0.111 0.057 28 0.005 0.008 0.006 0.002 0.007 0.011 0.008 0.008 29 0.011 0.001 0.007 0.001 0.000 0.011 0.005 -0.001 30 0.014 -0.001 0.005 -0.001 -0.003 0.005 -0.002 0.002 31 0.005 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.004 32 0.995 0.001 -0.003 -0.004 0.011 0.004 0.000 33 1.000 0.999 -0.001 0.000 0.006 0.004 0.003 34 0.997 1.003 1.001 -0.004 0.007 0.002 -0.001 35 0.994 1.004 1.000 1.004 0.009 0.002 -0.001 36 0.993 0.989 0.994 0.994 0.991 0.000 0.012 37 0.992 0.996 0.996 0.998 0.998 1.000 0.006 38 0.996 1.000 0.997 1.001 1.001 0.989 0.994 1134 T. Hayashi and M. Matsui the mean D value between C. ensicauda and 20 remaining populations of C. pyrrhogaster is 0.330 (range 0.239-0.418). Thus, in spite of their ad¬ jacency to the range of C. ensicauda , southernmost populations of C. pyrrhogaster reach higher level of genetic differentiation from C. ensicauda than do remaining conspecific populations. DISCUSSION No overlap of electromorphs was detected at three loci {Acp-A, Iddh-A and S-Me-A) between C. ensicauda and C. pyrrhogaster, and no indi¬ vidual showed any intermediate condition. Fur¬ thermore in specimens of C. pyrrhogaster from northeastern Japan, we have not detected any individual sharing any electromorph with C. en¬ sicauda at the three loci (Hayashi and Matsui, unpublished). Therefore, it is clear that C. en¬ sicauda and C. pyrrhogaster are genetically distinct from each other. Levels of genetic differentiation have been in¬ vestigated at the interspecific and intersubspecific ranks in other genera of the family Salamandridae ( Taricha [6] and Triturus [22]). Genetic dif¬ ferentiation estimates derived from these data might provide an indication of the range in values one might expect between biological species within this family. Nei’s D values identified between the two species of Japanese Cynops have the range of 0.239 to 0.724 (x = 0.356) and are smaller than interspecific values calculated in Triturus species (range from 0.702 to 1.321, x = 1.117), but nearly correspond with the values estimated for three species of Taricha (range from 0.261 to 0.687, x= 0.466). It is also noteworthy that the greatest genetic difference was observed between geo¬ graphically most adjacent populations of C. pyr¬ rhogaster from southernmost Kyushu and C. en¬ sicauda. From these genetic view points, two forms of Japanese Cynops, one from the main islands {pyrrhogaster ) and another from the Ryukyu Archipelago ( ensicauda ), are judged to be well differentiated from each other at the species level, and the designation of the latter form as a subspecies of the former is unfounded. Inger [1] studied morphological variations in newts from Okinawajima and Amami-Oshima Is¬ lands, and considered the differences between these two populations sufficient to warrant subspe¬ cific distinction. Thus he described the Okinawa population as a distinct subspecies, Triturus en- sicaudus popei. On the contrary, Koba [23] and Nakamura and Ueno [4], without presenting valid evidence, opposed such a distinction. Our bio¬ chemical analysis shows that populations from the Amami Group form a group distinct from those from Okinawa Group with Nei’s D values between them ranging from 0.059 to 0.140 (x = 0.084). Although the amount of genetic differentiation between these two groups is smaller than values estimated among intersubspecific populations in Taricha (range 0.104-0.309) [24], the geographic pattern of biochemical variation is consistent with the pattern of morphological variations reported by Inger [1], and seems to support the subspecific status of C. ensicauda popei (new comb.). Sawada [2] divided C. pyrrhogaster into six “local races” (Hiroshima, Sasayama, Atsumi, Kanto, Tohoku and Intermediate races) from the analysis of the geographic variations in the pattern of ventral markings and body proportions. Later, Mertens [25] gave a name Triturus ( = Cynops) pyrrhogaster sasayamae for “Sasayama race” and the other “races” have remained unnamed and included in a single subspecies C. p. pyrrhogaster. Our biochemical study contained specimens of two “local races” belonging to different subspecies (“Sasayama rac e” = C. p. sasayama, distributed in northern Kinki and eastern Chugoku Districts (populations 1-8), and parts of “Hiroshima race” = C. p. pyrrhogaster, distributed in Kyushu, Shi¬ koku and western Chugoku Districts (populations 9-23)). In the present study, C. pyrrhogaster showed significant heterogeneity in electromorph frequencies at all polymorphic loci (Table 4) and it is clear that local populations are genetically well isolated and diverged. Especially, southernmost Kyushu populations (populations 21-23) showed a high level of genetic differentiation from others, and consequently populations of Hiroshima race (i.e. C. p. pyrrhogaster ) did not form a single group (Fig. 2). This unexpected result indicates that the widely ranging “Hiroshima race” contains at least two distinct groups. By contrast, the “Sasayama race” was found to form a single group. Allozymic Variation in Cynops 1135 Our data offer an interesting perspective not only into taxonomic problems but also into genetic divergence in C. pyrrhogaster. We are currently conducting an extensive sampling throughout the range of this species and additional electrophoretic studies are in progress. The molecular clock hypothesis has been ap¬ plied to date divergence events of taxa [26, 27]. Since molecular clocks need calibrations before applied, some calibrations were estimated for elec¬ trophoretic clock, which is a kind of molecular clocks, from different sources. Nei and Roychoudhury [11] originally suggested a calibra¬ tion of ID = 5 MY irrespective of animal groups. Later, Maxson and Maxson [10] calibrated the electrophoretic clock at ID = 14 MY in plethodon- tid salamanders based on the correlation with the albumin clock, and the value has generally been used [28, 29]. Calibration could be obtained if geological information of the time of isolation between two populations is available. Because newts cannot cross over the sea, a strait must be a sufficient barrier for gene flow between popula¬ tions. The formation of the straits between the Japanese main islands and the Ryukyu Archipela¬ go assuredly marked the cessation of gene ex¬ change between populations separated by the sea. The formation of the strait between the Amami and Okinawa Groups also must have prevented newts from gene exchange between isolated populations. Kizaki and Oshiro [30, 31] estimated that the strait between the mainlands and the Ryukyu Archipelago south of Amami Group was formed about 8 MYBP during late Miocene times and that the strait between the Amami and Okinawa Groups was formed between 1 and 1.5 MYBP during middle Pleistocene times. If the mean D value between C. ensicauda and C. pyrrhogaster (0.356) corresponds to 8 MY, a calibration of 1D = 22 MY is obtained. On the other hand, when the mean D value between populations of the Amami and Okinawa Groups (0.078) is compared to the duration between 1 and 1.5 MY, the electrophore¬ tic clock is calibrated at ID = 13-19 MY. Since both genetic and geological estimates themselves may contain a considerable amount of errors, the difference in these two estimates may not be so great. At least, calibrations of electrophoretic clock in Japanese Cynops are regarded as far greater than Nei’s original estimate (ID = 5 MY) and are more similar to the calibration used in plethodontid salamanders (ID = 14 MY). This result seems to suggest the presence of limited range of calibration which is specific to the order Caudata. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to Dr. M. Tasumi, supervisor of the senior author, for his continued support and encourage¬ ment. Dr. D. M. Green and Mr. T. Hikida reviewed an early draft of this manuscript. We thank the following persons who provided specimens and aided in field work: Messrs. T. Hikida, M. Hinoue, N. Honda, T. Izumi, A. Mori, H. Okawa, I. Okouchi, H. Ota, S. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, Y. Utsunomiya, and S. Watanabe, Ms. T. Utsu- nomiya and Professor T. Seto. For computer assistance, we thank Messrs. T. Hikida and R. Kitamura. Dr. R. Murphy provided many helpful comments. REFERENCES 1 Inger, R. F. (1947) Preliminary survey of the amphibians of the Riukiu Islands. Fieldiana : Zool., 32: 295-352. 2 Sawada, S. (1963) Studies on the local races of the Japanese newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster Boie. I. Mor¬ phological characters. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, 1, 21: 135-165. 3 Kawamura, T. (1950) Studies on hybridization in amphibians. III. Reciprocal hybrids between Tritu¬ rus pyrrhogaster (Boie) and Triturus ensicauda (Hal¬ lowed). J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, 1, 11: 71- 79. 4 Nakamura, K. and Ueno, S.-I. (1963) Japanese Reptiles and Amphibians in Colour, Hoikusha, Osa¬ ka. 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I. Phylogenetic inferences from pro¬ tein comparisons. Herpetologica, 39: 85-99. Larson, A., Wake, D. B., Maxson, L. R. and High- ton, R. (1981) A molecular phylogenetic perspec¬ tive on the origins of morphological novelties in the salamanders of the tribe Plethodontini (Amphibia, Plethodontidae). Evolution, 35: 405-422. Kizaki, K. and Oshiro, I. (1977) Paleogeography of the Ryukyu Islands. Marine Sciences Monthly, 9: 542-549. (In Japanese with English summary) Kizaki, K. and Oshiro, I. (1980) The Origin of the Ryukyu Islands. In “Natural History of Ryukyu”. Ed. by K. Kizaki, Tsukiji-Shokan, Tokyo, pp. 8-37. (In Japanese) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1137-1139 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [COMMUNICATION] Effects of Adult Male Cohabitation on Precocious Puberty in Early Weaning Female Guinea Pigs Tadashi Kosaka, Masaki Obata, Toru R. Saito and Kazuaki W. Takahashi1 Toxicology Division, Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Suzuki-cho 2-772, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo 187, and 1 Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Nippon Veterinary & Zootechnical College, Kyonan-cho 1-7-1, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180, Japan ABSTRACT — The effects of adult male cohabitation with infant female guinea pigs weaned at 2 days or 4 days of age on the onset of puberty were investigated. The females weaned at 4 days had no growth abnormalities, while 2 of 20 females weaned at 2 days died due to developmental abnormalities. Cohabitation with an adult male significantly advanced the day of vaginal opening in the females weaned at 4 days. During the first vaginal opening, 4 of 9 and 7 of 10 females with male cohabitants in the groups weaned at 2 and 4 days old, respectively, copulated, became pregnant and delivered normally. These results indicated that advancement of female puberty was produced by continuous exposure to an adult male even in infant female guinea pigs weaned at 4 days. INTRODUCTION Social stimuli that operate primarily through olfactory mechanisms, including presence of males, influence reproductive biology in mice [1- 4]. Similar sensory mechanisms are undoubtedly involved in modifying animal reproduction. Pre¬ vious reports have shown that the presence of an adult male accelerates the sexual maturation of female mice [1, 2, 5-9], rats [3], pigs [10] and human beings [11]. In guinea pigs, our previous work [12] indicated that a similar advancement in puberty was caused by adult male cohabitation from the day of normal weaning (1 or 2 weeks of Accepted February 15, 1988 Received October 28, 1987 age). It is known that newborn babies of guinea pigs are well-developed compared with other rodents, i.e., the babies have a fully developed coat, walk immediately and eat food; their teeth are useful and their eyes are open. Thus, it seems possible that social stimuli can play a useful role in infant guinea pigs weaned earlier than normal. The present study, therefore, was designed to investigate the influence of continuous exposure to an adult male on the onset of female sexual maturation in infant female guinea pigs weaned early. MATERIALS AND METHODS Albino guinea pigs of the Hartley strain were used. They were kept in a controlled semi-barrier system room with a temperature of 22±2°C, a photoperiod of 14 hr light/10 hr dark (lights on from 05:00 to 19: 00 hr) and ventilation 12 times an hour. The females were housed individually, either alone or with an adult male cohabitant in an aluminum cage (260W X 400D X 200H mm), and given commercial pellets (GB-1, Funabashi Farm Inc.) and tap water ad libitum. Infant female guinea pigs were weaned at the age of 2 days (group A) and 4 days (group B). Each group was then divided into two subgroups. One subgroup of females was continuously ex¬ posed to an adult male (5 to 12 months old) with proven fertility from the time of weaning until the 1138 T. Kosaka, M. Obata et al. end of the first vaginal opening by placing the male directly in the cage containing the female; the other subgroup of females was housed alone. Vaginal closure membranes were examined once a day until the end of the second vaginal opening. Vaginal opening was determined to be positive when the vaginal membrane was ruptured. Each animal was weighed at the first vaginal opening. In the females mating with males during the first vaginal opening, the gestation period and litter size were recorded. The day when spermatozoa were found in vaginal smears was designated as day 0 of pregnancy. Student’s t test was used to determine the level of significance. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results are summarized in Table 1. With regard to growth after weaning, 2 of 20 females weaned at 2 days of age (group A) died 2 days after weaning due to developmental abnormalities. In the group weaned at 4 days (group B), the mean age at the first vaginal opening in the females housed with a male was significantly younger compared with females housed alone. In females weaned at 2 days (group A), however, the females with a male had a slight but not significant advancement of the first vaginal opening over females housed alone. The mean body weight at the first vaginal opening in females with a male was significantly less than that of females without a male in both groups A and B (group A, P<0.05; group B, P<0.01). Mean duration of the first vaginal opening did not differ between the sub¬ groups of group A, but it was significantly reduced in females together with a male in group B (P< 0.05) when compared with females housed alone. During the first vaginal opening, 11 out of 19 females housed with a male (4 of 9 females in group A and 7 of 10 in group B) copulated and became pregnant. The mean gestation period in group A, 72.8 + 1.8 days, was longer than that in group B, 69.3 + 1.8 days (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the mean litter size in the groups weaned at 2 and 4 days, 2.3 ± 1 .0 and 2.0 ±0.8, respectively. Concerning the relationship between the time of vaginal opening and body growth, it is unclear whether or not precocious puberty caused by the presence of males is controlled by body growth. In this study, acceleration of the first vaginal opening due to male cohabitation was induced without the female reaching a body weight, as high as that of females housed alone at the time of first vaginal opening. Damon et al. [13] indicated that physical growth and sexual maturation might be a separate process. The presence of the male, therefore, which is an olfactory stimuli, and not physical growth, may lead to the hastening of puberty. Our previous work [12] reported that female guinea pigs with an adult male cohabitant from the time of normal weaning (1 or 2 weeks old) Table 1. Effects of an adult male cohabitant on the age at vaginal opening, the opening duration and body weight at the first vaginal opening in female guinea pigs Age at weaning (Group) Cohabitant No. of animals examined Age at first vaginal opening (days) Duration of first vaginal opening (days) Body weight at first vaginal opening (g) 2 days (group A) None 9 36.9 + 3.6 5. 1 + 0. 6 312.3 + 11.4 Male 9 33.2 + 5.8 6. 6+1.0 269.4+14.1* 4 days (group B) None 10 37.3 + 1.8 7.4 + 0. 7 306.7+ 6.2 Male 10 28.1 + 2.5** 4.8 + 0. 7* 259.0 + 12.0** All data represent mean + S.E. *, **: Significantly different from the non-cohabitant subgroup of each group at the 5 and 1% level of probability, respectively. Precocious Puberty in Female Guinea Pigs 1139 accelerated puberty. In this paper, the presence of males resulted in precocious puberty characterized by advancement of vaginal opening in infant female guinea pigs weaned earlier (group B) than normal. In group A, the time of first vaginal opening in females with and without males ranged from 16 to 66 and from 29 to 64 days of age, respectively. In the females housed with a male, the age at the first vaginal opening was slightly but not significantly accelerated, that is, the ages at the first vaginal opening of 5 females (16, 19, 22, 25, 27 days of age) out of 9 were hastened, when compared with the age at the first vaginal opening (29 days) in the females housed alone. Precocious puberty caused by the presence of males might be not related to the exposure time. Takahashi et al. [14] reported that the shortening of the rat estrous cycle caused by the presence of males was observed in higher incidences when different adult male rats were frequently exposed to females. In this study, the exposure of a fresh male to the females of groups A and B was started at 2 and 4 days of age, respectively. If the critical age of sensitivity to the fresh stimuli of a male cohabitant existed around 2 days of age in female guinea pigs, the above-mentioned slight acceleration of puberty should be induced. However, during the first vaginal opening, 7 out of 10 females in the group weaned at 4-days-old copulated, became pregnant and delivered normally. These results, therefore, indicate that weaning at 4 days was the earliest time at which male cohabitation had an effect on the precocious sexual maturity in the females. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to Dr. Yasuhiko Shirasu, Toxicology Division, Institute of Environmental Toxicol¬ ogy, Tokyo, for his valuable comments during this study. REFERENCES 1 Vandenbergh, J. G. (1967) Endocrinology, 81: 345- 349. 2 Vandenbergh, J. G. (1969) Endocrinology, 84: 658- 660. 3 Vandenbergh, J. G. (1976) J. Reprod. Fertil., 46: 451-453. 4 Parkes, A. S. and Bruce, H. M. (1961) Science, 134: 1049. 5 Eisen, E. J. (1975) J. Anim. Sci., 40: 816-825. 6 Kennedy, J. M. and Brown, K. (1970) Dev. Psycho- biol., 3: 179-189. 7 Marsden, H. M. and Bronson, F. H. (1965) J. En¬ docrinol., 32: 313-319. 8 Nobunaga,T., Nakamura, K. and Yoshida, Y. (1965) Japan. J. Anim. Reprod., 11: 7-15. 9 Takahashi, K. W. (1971) Japan. J. Anim. Reprod., 17: 47-54. 10 Brooks, P. H. and Cole, D. J. A. (1970) J. Reprod. Fertil., 23: 435-440. 11 McClintock, M. K. (1971) Nature, 229: 244-245. 12 Saito, T. R., Obata, M. and Takahashi, K. W. (1982) Japan. J. Anim. Reprod., 28: 141-144. 13 Damon, A., Damon, S. T., Reid, R. B., and Vala- dian, I. (1969) Hum. Biol., 41: 161. 14 Takahashi, K. W. , Saito, T. R. and Amao H. (1986) Bull. Nippon Vet. Zootec. Coll., 35: 124. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1141-1143 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [COMMUNICATION] Maternal Behavior in Virgin Female Rats Following Removal of the Vomeronasal Organ Toru R. Saito, Kunie Kamata, Mikio Nakamura and Minoru Inaba Department of Pharmacology, Kyorin University School of Medicine, 6-20-2 Shinkawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan ABSTRACT — Induction of the maternal behavior in virgin female rats exposed continuously to young foster pups was studied. The vomeronasal organ (VNO) ablation accelerated the onset of maternal behavior of virgin females following continuous exposure to foster pups. It may be possible that the neural substrates of the VNO play an inhibitory role in expressing the maternal behavior in virgin female rats. INTRODUCTION The vomeronasal organ (VNO) in most mammalian species consists of a bilaterally paired tubular structure lying on either side at the base of the nasal septum. Peripheral receptor neurons within the VNO innervate the accessory olfactory bulbs (AOB) and are anatomically independent of the olfactory receptor neurons within the olfactory epithelium, which project to the main olfactory bulbs (MOB). In turn, the AOB and MOB give rise to separate afferent pathways which terminate in different areas of the pyriform lobe and amygda¬ la (AMYG). From the AMYG, vomeronasal pathways project to the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) [1]. Functionally, the VNO conveys chemosensory informations to its parts of the hypothalamus thought to be important in the regulation of reproductive physiology and behavioral functions. Saito and Moltz [2, 3], for example, showed that Accepted January 21, 1988 Received December 22, 1987 ablation of the VNO reduced the incidence of sexual behavior in rats and Saito [4] suggested that the vomeronasal inputs from pups facilitated the maternal behavior of lactating rats. It is well known that maternal behavior in the lactating rat is observed within a few hours of parturition. The virgin rat, however, does not show immediate maternal responsiveness toward foster pups. If virgin rats are exposed continuously to young foster pups, they begin to show maternal behavior within 10 days [5], The purpose of the present experiment was to determine the role of the vomeronasal system in maternal behavior of virgin female rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subject : Eighteen virgin female Wistar rats (250-300 g) were used in this experiment. The animals were kept in the room of a temperature of 23-25°C and exposed to a light-schedule of 12 hr light and 12 hr darkness (light on at 0600). They received standard laboratory diet and tap water ad libitum. Upon reaching 100-150 days of age, these females underwent either the removal of the VNO (VOX, n = 9) or a sham surgical procedure (SHAM, n = 9), as detailed by Saito and Moltz [2, 3] and Saito and Mennella [6]. After the opera¬ tion, each female was housed individually in a wire mesh cage (50x50x40 cm) faced with Plexiglas. Shredded paper was supplied as nest material. Procedure : Two weeks after the operation, 6 1142 T. R. Saito, K. Kamata et al. foster pups of the same strain, 1 to 2 days old, were placed in the quadrant of the cage diagonally opposite to the nest area. Each day, pups were left with the female for a 24-hr period, after which they were removed and then replaced by different fresh pups. After introducing pups, the institution of maternal behavior of the female was observed for 1 hr every day. To be scored as maternal, a female was required not only to retrieve all the 6 pups, but to build a nest, assume a nursing posture, lick the young, and keep them warm. Observations were conducted for 8 days. Histology. At the end of the examination, each female was sacrificed for histological observations. The animal was perfused with 10% formalin and the head was decalcified in a formic acid solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 40 /an and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Statistical analysis : Data were analyzed with Fisher’s exact probability test and Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows that effects of the vomeronasal organ ablation on the induction of maternal behavior. Of the 9 VOX females, all showed the maternal behavior, while only 2 of 9 females in SHAM group did within 5 days after exposure of pups (P<0.001). The remaining 7 females in SHAM group did not show the maternal behavior during an 8-day observation period. The average latency for the onset of maternal behavior in VOX group was 2.6 days (range: 1-5 days). There was a significant difference in the latency between VOX and SHAM groups (P<0.001). Histological examinations confirmed that the removal of the VNO was complete in all of VOX females whereas the VNO was intact in all SHAM females. These results are somewhat contrasted to that in the lactating rats [4]. In lactating females removal of the VNO severely depressed retrieval, one of maternal behaviors. Numan [7] showed that the MPOA was essential for all components of mater¬ nal behavior in the rat. Since the VNO is located in the nasal septum and has fiber connections with the AOB which gives projections to the AMYG Days I _ I - 1 _ _l _ J _ L _ I _ I _ I 01 2345678 Days Fig. 1. Latency in time of onset for the display of maternal behavior in the vomeronasal organ-ablated (VOX) and sham-operated (SHAM) virgin female rats. Arrow indicates that the animal failed to act maternally at the conclusion of the observation period. and the MPOA [1], the vomeronasal cues emanat¬ ing from pups may reach the MPOA and depress the outputs of the MPOA, in this way inhibiting maternal behavior. In case of the lactating rats, the hormonal changes which occur around the time of parturition on the MPOA may act on the VNO to reduce this inhibitory influence and/or to play a facilitatory role in displaying maternal behavior. Further study is needed to clarify these points. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Professor H. Moltz, De¬ partment of Behavioral Sciences, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A. for his valuable advice and suggestion on this study. We also thank Former President Dr. T. Imamichi, Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College, Musashino, Tokyo 180, Japan, for his helpful discussion. Vomeronasal Organ and Maternal Behavior 1143 REFERENCES 1 Scalia, F. and Winans, S. S. (1975) J. Comp. Neurol., 161: 31-55. 2 Saito,T. R. and Moltz, H. (1986) Physiol. Behav., 37: 507-510. 3 Saito, T. R. and Moltz, H. (1986) Physiol. Behav., 38: 81-87. 4 Saito, T. R. (1986) Zool. Sci., 3: 919-920. 5 Rosenblatt, J. S. (1967) Science, 156: 1512-1514. 6 Saito, T. R. and Mennella, J. A. (1986) Exp. Anim. 35: 527-529. 7 Numan, M. (1974) J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 87 746-759. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1145-1148 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai [COMMUNICATION] Colony Composition of the Wood-feeding Cockroach, Panesthia australis Brunner (Blattaria, Blaberidae, Panesthiinae) in Australia Tadao Matsumoto Department of Biology, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan ABSTRACT — The wood-feeding and subsocial cock¬ roach, Panesthia australis was investigated with special reference to colony composition in the eucalypt forests in New South Wales, Australia in October 1986. Twenty seven adults and 185 nymphs were collected in the study areas. The field evidence presented here shows that this cockroach lives in the family groups and the intimate adult-offspring relationships may continue for a long time. INTRODUCTION The order Blattaria is of special interest in discussion of the evolution of eusociality in Iso- ptera, it is regarded as a modified side branch of the latter. Of the 4000 species of cockroaches in the world, a wood-roach, Cryptocercus punctulatus (Cryptocercidae) is believed to be in the position nearest to the lower termites in phylogenetic relationship [1, 2]. There are some morphological similarities between them, and the wood-roach’s hindgut fauna of symbiotic cellulose digesting Protozoa closely resembles those of lower ter¬ mites. The wood roach lives in monogamous pairs or in intimate family groups. It dwells in the rotting wood of fallen logs and is frequently mentioned in discussions of the origins of termite sociality [3-5], Besides Cryptocercus , some other blaberid genera (e.g. Panesthia and Salganea ) of the Panesthiinae are also known as wood-dwelling and wood-feeding roaches that live in family Accepted January 18, 1988 Received October 2, 1987 groups [6, 7]. The life history characteristics of only a few Australian species of the genus Panes¬ thia have so far been reported and available information are still fragmentary. According to Shaw [8] both Panesthia australis and P. laevicollis appear to live in families, and that one usually finds a pair of adults often associated with from 12 to 20 nymphs in different stages of development (see also Tillyard [9]). The Panesthiinae occurs principally in the Indo-Malayan and Australian regions with a few extending into the Palaearctic region having ten genera [10]. In Australia the subfamily is represented by seven genera and largely restricted to the eastern part of the conti¬ nent. In 1986, I had an opportunity to study some wood roaches in New South Wales Queensland. This paper reports the colony composition and some life history characteristics of one species, Panesthia australis Brunner. STUDY SITE AND METHOD Social groups of P. australis were collected from rotten logs in eucalypt forests along road from Braiwood to Batemans Bay in New South Wales. Logs were inspected for evidence of roach activity, and if entry holes were present, the course of the irregularly-shaped gallery were traced with a chisel hammer until the end points of the gallery system were reached. All roaches in one gallery system were considered to be members of a social unit. Logs larger than 30 cm in diameter were not 1146 T. Matsumoto inspected because preliminary check showed that numerous and complex gallery systems made it difficult to discern the limits of individual social units. The gallery systems of families with small nymphs were shorter and simpler than those of families with larger nymphs. The wall of galleries are built out of frass, and many frasses also were deposited in or near entrances of a gallery. The Table 1. Group composition and size distribution of Panesthia australis in October 1986. (Figures indicate number of individuals) Presence of adults Number of nymphs by size class (body length, mm) Total Type of number group * $ 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 + + + + 2 1 14 1 3 1 2 1 1 16 A 6 A + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 12 12 111 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 1 1 7 9 1 7 2 4 24 13 11 11 10 9 9 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B + 1 1 + 3 C 2 C 1 1 - 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9 D 6 D 6 D 5 D 4 D 3 D 3 D 3 D 2 D + + + + 2 E 2 E A: families with an adult pair a»d nymphs B: families consisting of a group of nymphs together with an adult female C: families consisting of a group of nymphs together with an adult male D: groups of nymphs E: adult pairs Colony Composition of Subsocial Cockroach 1147 numbers of adults and nymphs were counted and their sizes were measured by using calipers. P. australis adults are about 34 mm long and black in color. The tegmina and wings are fully developed but they are dropped after the pair formation. As the sexual dimorphism is negligible in size and shape, sex of adults were determined by inspection of external genitalia. As P. australis is ovovivipor- ous, the number of nymphs (cluch size) in uterus could be determined by dissection of adult females. The number of nymphal instars, and time required for nymphal development, are unknown. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Forty eight social units (27 individuals of adults and 185 individuals of nymphs) were collected in the study areas. Table 1 summarises the composi¬ tion of P. australis social units found in October 1986. Besides 3 solitary females I could classify 29 groups into 5 types (A-E). This means most individuals belonged to ‘family’ in a wide sense. Families consisting of a group of nymphs together with an adult female (type B) comprised 29.1 % of the total social units (51.9 % of total number of adults, i.e. 14/27). Families with a male adult and nymphs (type C) or families with an adult pair and nymphs (type A) were fewer than type B families. Table 1 also shows the size distribution of nymphs in ‘family’ groups, i.e. family groups (type A-C) and groups of nymphs (type D). Overall mean brood sizes (number of nymphs) of family groups were 7.1 (n = 18, SD = 5.3). Total number of nymphs in ‘family’ type (A-D) was 169 and mean body length was 16.7 mm (SD = 7.8 mm, range = 7-35 mm). Besides family groups, I collected 16 individuals of solitary nymphs and their mean body length was 23.4 mm (SD = 6.6, range = 15-35 mm). This sug¬ gested that small nymphs less than 15 mm body length do not disperse from groups or they could not live alone. The nymphs within some families were not similar in size and color. As the growth rate of cockroaches is known to be quite slow, these families possibly contained two or three broods. For example, one of type B groups had older nymphs (ca. 26 mm) and younger nymphs (ca. 11 mm). This also means that adult-offspring relationship might continue for long time. Thus, it can be said that P. australis is a subsocial wood roach in a wide sense. Mean clutch size of dissected female was 15.7 (n=4, SD = 1.5, range = 14-18). The clutch size of P. australis was lower than that of Cryptocercus punctulatus (Nalepa 1984; n=33, mean size = 22.7, SD = 10.8, range = 4-42) [5], The genus Cryptocercus was placed near or in the Panesthiinae (or Panesthiidae) by many earlier taxonomists. However, McKittrick [1] revealed that the resemblance of some panesthiines to Cryptocercus is due to convergence, and they are belonged to different superfamilies (Blaberoidea and Blattoidea). She concluded that there are two phyletic lineages, one of which evolved ovo vivi¬ parity (Blaberoidea) and the other remained ovi¬ parous (Blattoidea). The Panesthiinae are all ovoviviparous and are placed in Blaberoidea. The ovoviviparous cockroaches (Blaberidae) are fre¬ quently subsocial and associations of adults and young nymphs in 11 genera have been observed in the field or in laboratory colonies [9]. But in most cases, the associations are those between mother and her offspring, not between an adult pair and their offspring, and the intimate mother-offspring relationship continues usually for a short time as aggregation of newly hatched offspring around their mother [10]. The family groups which continue for a long time as in Panesthia ([7] and the present paper) and C. punctulatus [4, 5] are so far not well-known. The adaptive value, especially from a sociobiological perspective, of a lasting- family formation in wood-feeding cockroaches has still to be considered. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Prof. Y. Ito, Laboratory of Applied Entomol¬ ogy and Nematology, Nagoya University for advice and encouragement, and Dr. R. W. Taylor, Division of Entomology, CSIRO for providing accomodation and transportation. This work was supported by Grants-in- Aid for the Overseas Scientific Survey on Ecology and Taxonomy of Australian Social Insects (No. 61042002) and for Scientific Research (No. 61540471) from the Japan Ministry of Science, Education and Culture. 1148 T. Matsumoto REFERENCES 1 McKittrick, F. A. (1964) Cornell Univ. Agr. St. Mem., 389: 1-197. 2 McKittrick, F. A. (1965) Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 58: 18-22. 3 Cleveland, L. R., Hall, S. R., Sanders, E. P. and Collier, J. (1934) Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 17: 185-342. 4 Seelinger, G. and Seelinger, U. (1983) Z. Tier- psychol., 61: 315-333. 5 Nalepa, C. A. (1984) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 14: 273-279. 6 Deleporte,P. (1985) Actes Coll. Insectes Soc., 2: 27-33. 7 Matsumoto, T. (1986) Proc. 10th Int. Nat. Congr. IUSSI., Munchen, p. 129. 8 Shaw, E. (1925) Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 50: 171- 213. 9 Tillyard, R. J. (1926) The Insects of Australia and New Zealand. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 560pp. 10 Roth, L. M. (1977) Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 48: 1-112. 11 Roth, L. M. and Willis, E. R. (1969) Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 141: 1-470. 12 Liechti, P. M. and Bell, W. J. (1975) Insectes Soc., 22: 469-470. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1149-1152 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japai [COMMUNICATION] The Life Span of Wild Populations of the Fish Oryzias latipes under Natural Conditions Nobuo Egami, Osamu Terao1, and Yasuhiro Iwao2 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753, 1 Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University, Tokyo 113, and National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ibaraki 305, Japan ABSTRACT — Wild populations of the medaka, Oryzias latipes, were collected from irrigation canal or pond near Imbanuma in Chiba Prefecture and irrigation pond in Yamaguchi City at different times of the year. The frequency distribution of the body length of each population was then examined in order to provide information on the breeding season, the rate of growth, and the life span under natural conditions. From the data it is likely that (1) the breeding season of the fish extends from May to August, (2) the fish grow during the spring and summer seasons, and (3) the life span of the wild medaka is normally one year and a few months. It was, however, demonstrated that if yearling fish were trans¬ ferred to aquaria and kept under favorable conditions, some fish could survive more than two years. From the present results and the life-span data obtained by our previous observations under laboratory conditions, it is concluded that life span of this species is quite different between wild and captivity conditions; the longevity is markedly modified by environmental conditions. INTRODUCTION The medaka, Oryzias latipes (small freshwater teleost), is native to Japan and its adjacent regions. This species has come to be widely used as a laboratory animal in various fields in biology. Because it is a laboratory animal, the life span of the species under various conditions should be examined. As a part of the examination, the present observation was carried out. Life-span data for the orange red variety of this fish under Accepted January 9, 1988 Received November 18, 1987 captivity conditions in laboratory aquaria have been reported; the mean life span is about 1,000 days, and the longest record 1,838 days [1,2]. On the other hand, according to some observations [3-6], the life span of the wild population of this fish under natural conditions seems to be shorter than under laboratory conditions; therefore, we examined the body length distribution of samples collected randomly from wild populations in var¬ ious seasons and estimated the life span of the fish from the data. Furthermore, wild fish were transferred to aquaria, and the subsequent survival of the fish was examined. The results suggest that the life span of this species is quite different between favorable labora¬ tory conditions and natural conditions and that the longevity is modified by environmental conditions. The data will be briefly presented in the present report. MATERIALS AND METHODS Two series of collections were carried out. In the first series, samples were collected from the irrigation canals of rice fields or small ponds near Imbanuma, Chiba Prefecture, by O. Terao. The date of each collection is given in Figures 1 and 2. All fish caught were preserved in 70% ethanol after fixation in formalin, and the standard length of fixed individuals was measured. In the second series, the sampling was carried out at a small pond in Yamaguchi City, near 1150 N. Egami, O. Terao and Y. Iwao Yamaguchi University, by N. Egami and Y. Iwao and their students in 1985. After an examination of the parasites of the fish, the total length of each fish was measured (Fig. 3). Then, some live fish were transferred to cylindrical aquaria 24 cm in diameter in order to observe their mortality. The transferred fish were subjected to disinfection with methylen-blue, kept in well water, placed under natural temperature and daylight conditions, and fed with Tetra-Min food (Tetra Werke, West Germany). In both series, fish were caught at random by the use of a dip net during the daytime. Since the fish are in the habit of swimming near the surface of the water in schools, frequently several fish were caught at one time. Fish smaller than 10-15 mm in body length could not always be collected by the net. The ecological conditions of the collection field and the stomach contents and gonadal condi¬ tions of the fish examined will be reported else¬ where by Terao. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The date of collection, the number of fish examined, and the frequency distribution of the body length of each sample are given in Figures 1 , 2 and 3, respectively. Figure 1 shows the results of 1983 and 1984, and Figure 2, those of 1985, in Chiba Prefecture (eastern Japan). Figure 3 shows the results of 1985 in Yamaguchi Prefecture (western Japan). The standard length of the fixed samples was measured in the first series (Figs. 1 and 2), while the total length of the live fish was measured in the second series (Fig. 3). A perusal of Figures 1, 2 and 3 shows no significant differences in the body size of matured fish between these two series. From Figure 1, the following conclusions may be drawn: (1) The growth of fish during October to March was almost nil, since no significant difference in body-length distribution is observable among the samples collected in October, November, December, Janu¬ ary and March. (2) Both the yearling and under¬ yearling fish grew from spring to summer, since the mean body length of both populations increased. (3) In July, most yearlings disappeared from the population while, on the contrary, a population of 1 1 2 30 NOV. ’83 90 29 Dec. ’83 84 28 Jan. ’84 86 2 March ’84 78 29 March ’84 155 W 24 April ’84 1 03 26 May ’84 84 1 6 June ’84 1 55y 2 July ’84 1 1 - 1 0 Aug. ’84 124 77V 1 Sept. ’84 121 10 15 20 25 30 5 Oct. — _ i _ 35 ’84 Number of Fish Standard Length ( in mm ) Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of body length of fish caught in 1983 and 1984 in Imbanuma. small fish (less than 20 mm in standard length) appeared. (4) In August the population of larger fish (yearling fish) completely disappeared, and a growth of the smaller fish (under-yearling fish) took place from July to October. (5) In October and later, the addition of young fish to the population did not occur, since no individuals smaller than 15 mm in standard length were found. As is shown in Figure 2, a similar, successive change in body length was observed in the 1985 seasons. In 1985, newly hatched young appeared earlier than in 1984, but there were no essential differences in seasonal change in body length distribution between those two years. From these facts, it is evident that the breeding season of this fish is from May to July. A small number of under-yearlings bred in August. In the Yamaguchi population (Fig. 3), two groups of different sizes are clearly distinguishable in May. It was clear from the observation that the Life Span of Oryzias latipes 1151 Number of Fish Standard Length (in mm) Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of body length of fish caught in 1985 in Imbanuma. larger fish were yearling males and females, while the smaller ones were newly hatched young. The male secondary sexual characteristics had not developed in the under-yearling fish in May, but they became clearly observable in June in some large individuals. In July the under-yearling fish grew rapidly and bred, while the yearling fish disappeared. It is clear from these data that the succession of generations took place earlier in Yamaguchi than in Chiba and that the breeding season is from April to August. A perusal of Figures 1, 2 and 3 will show (1) that the breeding season of the fish extends from April-May to August, (2) that the fish grow during the spring and summer seasons, (3) that the yearling fish and the under-yearling fish are dis¬ tinguishable by their body length, and (4) that the yearling fish are not able to survive until the end of 108 J\ 8 May ’85 : 1 74 1 1 1 A 2 1 May ’85 189 j. ifiTV y^^iniTTTmTK 20 5 - - 22 July 'SS _ : _ .... . rtTTmfta*. _ 175 1_ L i / - 20 Aug.’ 85 i_ i ITITMTITt^ i _i _ i _ i _ i _ i 1 1 1 ill 1 1 ill M II [rm-Ai _ l_ 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Number of Fish Total Length ( in mm ) Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of body length of fish caught in 1985 in the irrigation pond in Yamaguchi. Hatched areas show males. summer. Therefore, the life span of the wild fish is one year and a few months. In other words, the maximum life span under natural conditions is shorter than one and a half years. Kamito [5], Kubo and Sakurai [3], and Awaji and Hanyu [4] have reported on the life cycle of this species on the basis of natural observation or the annual change in body size. As to the life cycle of wild fish, the present data are in agreement with their reports in important points. It was observed in the Yamaguchi populations that the majority of the yearling adults were slim in shape and that most yearling fish were infected with carp-lice ( Argulus japonicus ) or Lernaea cyprinasea (Table 1). In order to establish the probable cause of death under natural conditions, on May 21 and June 15, 1985, 15 and 10 yearling fish respectively were placed in cylindrical aquaria after the parasites had been removed. Some fish died within a week after the transfer; however, those fish which did not die soon could survive for a long time. On September 18, more than a half of the fish still survived (Table 2); these survivors were plump and healthy in appearance. Six survivors on September 18 (from 1152 N. Egami, O. Terao and Y. Iwao Table 1 . Number of fish infected with Argulus and Lernaea Date of examination Number of fish examined Total Infected May 8, 1985 40 28 June 15, 1985 48 35 Table 2. Number of fish transferred to aquaria and survivors Date of Number of Number of survivors transfer fish transferred Sept. 18, 1985 Sept. 30, 1986 May 21, 1985 15 8 - June 15, 1985 10 6 2 Fig. 4. Example of fish infected with Lernaea. Besides a large parasite, small parasites are observable on the anal fins. among those caught on June 15) were continuously kept in captivity, and two of them survived until the end of September, 1986 (Table 2). From these facts, it seems highly probable that the fish have the ability to survive more than two and a half years if kept under favorable conditions, but they die of environmental factors (such as infection, unsufficiency of food, or being caught by a natural enemy), not of any intrinsic cause, under severe wild conditions. We have already reported that the mean life span of Oryzias latipes under captivity conditions is about 1,000 days, the longest life span being 1,838 days. The present results show that, under natural wild conditions, the longest life span is less than 1.5 years. It is highly probable that the main cause of death under natural conditions is one ecological factor or other and that the ecological life-span and the physiological one are quite different in this species. We must keep in mind, when using this material as a model animal in biology, that the ecological and physiological life spans of this fish are quite different. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Messrs. H. Yamazaki, H. Tajiri, K. Ooya, M. Kumagai, S. Tanaka, S. Ito, and Miss M. Nakaya of Yamaguchi University for their help in collecting the fish. Acknowledgement is also due to Professor A. Shima of Tokyo University for his en¬ couragement to O. Terao. REFERENCES 1 Egami, N. and Etoh, H. (1969) Exp. Gerontol., 4: 127-129. 2 Egami, N. (1971) Exp. Gerontol., 6: 379-382. 3 Kubo, I. and Sakurai, H. (1951) Japan. J. Ichthyol., 1: 339-346. 4 Awaji, M. and Hanyu, I. (1987) Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 53: 959-965. 5 Kamito, A. (1928) J. Coll. Agric., 10: 21-38. 6 Terao, O. (1985) The Heredity (Iden), 39(8): 47-50. Published by the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists Papers in Vol. 30, No. 5. (October 1988) 38. REVIEW: W. H. Clark, Jr. and F. J. Griffin: The morphology and phusiology of the acrosome reaction in the sperm of the decapod, Sicyonia ingentis 39. P. V. Davydov, O. I. Shubravyi, and S. G. Vassetzky: Larval development of starfishes as revealed by long-term culture of the embryos 40. T. Matsuzawa, S. Ojima-Kasahara and M. Kitamura: Differential expressions of two types of alkaline phosphatase during developmental growth of embryoid bodies of mouse terato- carcinoma OTT-6050 in vitro 41. C. Nislow and J. Morrill: Regionalized cell division during sea urchin gastrulation contributes to archenteron formation and is correlated with the establishment of larval symmertry 42. Y. Fukui: Cell proliferation during bud formation of the quail uropygial gland 43. M. Yamasaki and A. Tonesaki: Developmental stages of the society finch, Lonchura striate var. domestica. 44. Y. Matsumoto, T. Kominami and M. Ishikawa: Timers in early development of sea urchin embryos * 45. N. Tsuchimori, S. Miyashiro, H. Shibai and S. Ikegami: Significance of an increase of in- teracellular adenosine concentration for dormancy in starfish blastulae 46 T. Yamashita, K. Kawamoto and S. Kawashima: Arginine vasopressin contents of the hypothalamus and pictuiary during fetal and postnatal development in the mouse 47 M. Maeda: Dual effects of cAMP on the stability of prespore vesicles and 8-bromo cAMP- enhanced maturation of spore and stalk cells of Dictyostelium discoideum 48 K. A. Tobal, D. K. Ellis and D. I. De Pomelal: Cellular src gene expression associated with lenthoidogenesis in transdifferentiating cultures. Development, Growth and Differentiation (ISSN 0012-1592) is published bimonthly by The Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, Department of Biology, School of Education, Waseda University, Tokyo 160, Japan. 1988: Volume 30. Annual subscription U. S. $ 110.00 including air speed delivery except Japan. Application to mail at second class postage rate is pending at Jamaica, NY 11431, U. S. A. 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VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PROTOZOOLOGY TSUKUBA, JAPAN July 10- 17, 1989 Abstract Deadline: Feb. 28, 1989 PLENARY LECTURES 1 . Evolution of nuclear phenomena in protozoa 2. The contribution of hypotrich ciliates to our understanding of molecular biology and evolution of ciliates. 3. Cilia in cell motility: membrane-controlled rotary engines 4. Molecular basis of differentiation in African trypanosomes 5. Advances in the biology of intestinal protozoa: Entoamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia 6. The role of protozoa in nature in terms of physiological constraints of protozoan organization SYMPOSIA 1. Genome organization and reorganization in ciliated protozoa 2. Protozoan genes: their structure, products and regulation of expression 3. Regulation of cell structure 4. Cell interactions in sexual phenomena 5. Role of cell membranes and cytoskeletal organization in cell motility 6. Cytology and cytochemistry of rumen protozoa 7. Immunology and chemotherapy of Plasmodium 8. Biology of haemoflagellates 9. Cyst-forming coccidia 10. Surviving mechanisms of intracellular protozoa 11. Piroplasmids 1 2. Dynamics of ecology of free-living protozoa 13. Endosymbionts of protozoa 14. Phylogeny and evolution of protozoa 15. Marine protozooplankton 16. Role of protozoa in biotechnology CONTRIBUTED PAPER - 28 SESSIONS (PLATFORM OR POSTER PRESENTATIONS) For more information, contact: Yoshinori Nozawa Secretary General VIII International Congress of Protozoology Department of Biochemist™ Gifu University School of Medicine Tsukasamachi-40, Gifu 500, Japan Typesetting on Linotronic 300R, by the courtesy of Iwata Co., Ltd. NARISHIGE THE ULTIMATE NAME IN MICROMANIPULATION OUR NEW MODELS MO-102 and MO-103 MAKE PRECISION MICROMANIPULATION SO EASY! (Photo: by courtesy of Olympus Optical CO., LTD.) SOME FEATURES of MO-102 and MO-103: * The manipulator head is so small that it can be mounted directly on the microscope stage. There is no need for a bulky stand. * Hydraulic remote control ensures totally vibration-free operation. * 3-D movements achieved with a single joystick. Micromanipulators Microelectrode pullers Stereotaxic instruments NARismoE) NARISHIGE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT LABORATORY CO., LTD. 4-9-28, Kasuya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157 JAPAN Telephone: 03-308-8233 Telex: NARISHG J27781 (i Contents continued from back cover) identical to the small prothoracicotropic hor¬ mone (4K-PTTH)? . 1051 Reproductive Biology Awaji, M. and I. Hanyu: Effects of water temperature and photoperiod on the begin¬ ning of spawning season in the orange-red type medaka . 1059 Kosaka, T., M. Obata, T. R. Saito and K. W. Takahashi: Effects of adult male cohabita¬ tion on precocious puberty in early weaning female Guinea pigs (COMMUNICATION) . 1137 Morphology Chiba, A. and Y. Honma: Fine structure of agranular cells in the gummy shark {Mustelus manazo) adenohypophysis . 1065 Behavior Biology Saito, T. R., K. Kamata, M. Nakamura and M. Inaba: Maternal behavior in virgin female rats following removal of the vomer¬ onasal organ (COMMUNICATION) . . 1141 Ecology Takahashi, H. and H. Iwasawa: Interpopula¬ tion variations in clutch size and egg size in the Japanese salamander, Hynobius nigres- 1073 Meserve, L. A. and M. A. R. Gonzalez: Thyroid status and ambient temperature as influences on weaning in young mice . . . 1083 Matsumoto, T.: Colony composition of the wood-feeding cockroach, Panesthia australis Brunner (Blattaria, Blaberidae, Panes- thiinae) in Australia (COMMUNICATION) . 1145 Egami, N., O. Terao and Y. Iwao: The life span of wild populations of the fish Oryzias latipes under natural conditions (COM¬ MUNICATION) . 1149 Taxonomy Hirayama, A.: A ghost shrimp with four- articulate fifth pereopods (Crustacea: Cap- rellidea: Phtisicidae) from northwest Aus¬ tralia . 1089 Zhang, W. X. and M. J. Toda: The Dro¬ sophila immigrans species-group of the sub¬ genus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Yunnan, China . 1095 Nakasone, Y,: Larval stages of Coenobita purpureus Stimpson and C. cavipes Stimpson reared in the laboratory and survival rates and growth factors of three land hermit crab larvae (Crustacea: Anomura) . 1105 Hayashi, T. and M. Matsui: Biochemical dif¬ ferentiation in Japanese newts, genus Cynops (Salamandridae) . 1121 cens ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE VOLUME 5 NUMBER 5 OCTOBER 1988 CONTENTS REVIEWS De Santis, R. and M. R. Pinto: The pathway of sperm -egg interaction in ascidians : biolo¬ gy and chemistry .............. _ ....... 919 Urano, A.: Neuroendocrine control of anu- ran anterior preoptic neurons and initiation of mating behavior . . . 925 ORIGINAL PAPERS Physiology Inoda, T., H. Ohtake and M. Morisawa: Activation of respiration and initiation of motility in rainbow trout spermatozoa . . . 939 Hidaka, T. and S. Yukiyama: Excitatory and inhibitory junction potentials recorded from the red muscle of marine teleost, puffer fish . . . 947 Negishi, S.: The involvement of microtubules in the light response of medaka mela- nophores . . 951 Grundstrom, N., H. Sundgren, J.-O. G. Karlsson, and IT El wing: A simple and efficient, method for photometric estimation of the state of pigment aggregation in fish melanophores . . . . . . . 959 Endo, Y.: Non-synaptic release of transmit¬ ter-containing vesicles from the enteric neurons of the rat small intestine ........ 965 Cell Biology Ishida, H., Y. Shigenaka and M. Imada: Fi¬ brillar system and possible control mecha¬ nism for the cycle of contraction and elonga¬ tion of Spirostomum ambiguum . 973 Developmental Biology Yamamoto, M. , M. Ishine and M. Yoshida: Gonadal maturation independent of photic Indexed in- Current Contents/LS and AB & ES, Science Citation Index , ISI Online Database , CABS Database , INFOBIB conditions in laboratory-reared sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentro - tus pulcherrimus ......................... 979 Yamamoto, M.: Noma l embryonic stages of the pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Ortmann ...................... 989 Mizuuo, T. , H. Takeda, N. Suematsu, N. Hironaka and I. Lasnitzki: Absence of androgen receptors in the prostatic glandular epithelium derived from testicular feminiza¬ tion mutant (Tfm) mice .... . . . 999 Endocrinology Tanaka, S., H. Iwasawa and K. Wakabayashi: Plasma levels of androgens in growing frogs of Rana nigromaculata . . . . 1007 Oota, Y. and I. Koshimizu: Vascular supply of hypophysis in the turtle, Geoclemys reeve - sii ...................................... 1013 Yamashita, T., K. Kawamoto, and S. Kawashima: Fetal and postnatal develop¬ ment of arginine vasopressi n-im rn uno- reactive neurons in the mouse . . 1019 Hyodo, S., M. Fujiwara, M. Sato and A. Ura¬ no: Molecular- and immuno-histochemical study on expressions of vasopressin and ox¬ ytocin genes following sodium loading . 1033 Nishida, M., I. Kawada, H. Ishizuka and S. Katsura: Goitrogenic action of manganese on female mouse thyroid through three gen¬ erations _ ............................ 1043 Masaki, T., K. Endo and K. Kumagai: Neuroendocrine regulation of the develop¬ ment of seasonal morphs in the Asian com¬ ma butterfly, Polygonia c-aureum L. : Is the factor producing summer morphs (SMPH) (Contents continued on inside back cover) Issued on October 15 Printed by Daigaku Printing Co., Ltd., Hiroshima, Japan - ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Proceedings of the Fifty— Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan October 8-10, 1988 Sapporo Vol. 5 No. 6 December 1988 published by Zoological Society of Japan . Business Center for Academic Societies Japan distributed by ysp ^ The Nether|ands ISSN 0289-0003 ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE The Official Journal of the Zoological Society of Japan Editor-in-Chief: Hideshi Kobayashi (Tokyo) Managing Editor: Seiichiro Kawashima (Tokyo) Assistant Editors: Takeo Machida (Urawa) Sumio Takahashi (Hiroshima) Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (Hiroshima) The Zoological Society of Japan: Toshin-building, Hongo 2-27-2, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. Tel. (03) 814-5675 Officers: President: Nobuo Egami (Tokyo) Secretary: Hideo Namiki (Tokyo) Treasurer: Tadakazu Ohoka (Tokyo) Librarian: Shun-Ichi Ueno (Tokyo) Editorial Board: Howard A. Bern (Berkeley) Horst Grunz (Essen) Susumu Ishii (Tokyo) Roger Milkman (Iowa City) Tokindo S. Okada (Okazaki) Hiroshi Watanabe (Shimoda) Walter Bock (New York) Robert B. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. © Copyright 1988, The Zoological Society of Japan [ Publication of Zoological Science has been supported in part by a Grant-in- Aid for Publicaton 1 I of Scientific Research Result from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. J ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1153-1163 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan REVIEW Planarian Regeneration: An Overview of Some Cellular Mechanisms Vittorio Gremigni Dipartimento di Biomedicina Sperimentale, Infettiva e Pubblica-Sezione di Biologia e Genetica, Universita di Pisa, 56100 Pisa, Italy INTRODUCTION Planarian regeneration has always attracted the attention of naturalists and biologists w'ho in past centuries tackled the problems related to this phenomenon by means of various experimental approaches (see [1] for a comprehensive, historical review). One of the main stimuli leading to investigations of planarian regeneration has been the curiosity as to the mechanisms by which even very small pieces of a worm (down to about l/300th of the body according to Morgan [2]; 0.08 mm3 fragments corresponding approximately to 1 X 104 cells according to Montgomery and Coward [3]) can reconstitute the entire organism. Thus, this field of research also has the advantage that most experimental procedures elude even ethical problems related to vivisection. Another reason for the continuous interest in planarian regeneration is probably due to the fact that, despite the enormous number of papers published on the topic, several important problems remain unsolved, and many points are still con¬ troversially debated by different researchers. This is partly due to difficulties and delays in adopting modern techniques such as those commonly em¬ ployed in molecular biology and genetics, but it also reflects, in my opinion, the fact that the designing and interpretation of useful experiments must necessarily involve a deep knowledge of the basis for previous hypotheses and theories and above all take into account previous data available Received June 27, 1988 on the topic concerned. Unfortunately, these elementary scientific rules have not always been applied. From a general point of view, the term “Regen¬ eration”, as applied to planarians, refers to both organismic and cellular repair, and is commonly applied to phenomena and processes which may have different origins and mechanisms. Therefore, I believe that a subdivision would be suitable at least between: A) Traumatic or Reparative Regen¬ eration and B) Physiological Regeneration. Traumatic regeneration is by far the more stu¬ died type of regeneration in planarians and is commonly obtained by cutting a worm at one or more levels and studying the subsequent steps of restoration of the missing body parts. This type of regeneration involves as a first step wound closure and healing and the formation of a blastema from which the amputed tissues and organs are rebuilt. Variations of the classical traumatic regeneration that do not involve healing and blastema formation include those following X-ray irradiation or pro¬ longed starvation. Physiological regeneration, on the other hand, occurs for example during: a) asexual reproduction (also called somatic embryogenesis) ; b) normal tissue renewal for maintainance and c) regrowing and organ differentiation in species or populations undergoing seasonal (sexual and asexual) cycles. During physiological regeneration, neither wound healing nor blastema formation occurs. An accurate analysis of different types of plana¬ rian regeneration involves many problems from the morphogenetic to the cellular and molecular 1154 V. Gremigni levels (see [1, 4-6] for comprehensive reviews). This article addresses only a few problems related to cellular mechanisms in traumatic regeneration and in particular discusses some of the crucial points which are presently object of debate. WOUND CLOSURE AND HEALING In planarians a wound is commonly defined as an injury characterized by an interruption of the body surface including the loss of at least some epidermal and underlying subepidermal and mus¬ cle tissues and thus opening the unprotected parenchyma to the external environment. Wound closure or epidermal healing is the first cellular event occurring immediately after a transection or injury, and according to Pedersen [7]; p. 267, can be considered complete when an uniterrupted epidermal covering is formed and “...no morpho¬ logical differences between adjacent old epidermal cells and newly formed epidermal cells can be discerned”. Wound healing is a more complex process consisting not merely of a restoration of the epidermal layer, but also of repair of the subepidermal membrane and of the underlying muscle layers. It involves many basic cellular events such as cell locomotion and migration, division, differentiation, interaction etc. This pro¬ cess seems to require different times depending mainly on the different methods and criteria used by various workers for evaluating when wound closure and/or healing is complete. Moreover, the time needed for this process varies according to many internal and environmental factors such as: the species or population type, the age of the worm, the region of the body, the size of the wound, the season, temperature, light conditions etc. According to well-documented S.E.M. inves¬ tigations, Pedersen [7] concludes, in agreement with most of the ultrastructural literature, that the median time values necessary to complete wound healing in planarians is between 1 and 3 days, even though a protective epidermal covering, not due to newly differentiated epidermal cells, often appears much earlier [8-10]. According to more recent conventional S.E.M. and T.E.M. studies and to cytochemical, im- munoelectronmicroscopical and autoradiographic investigations [8, 11-16], at transection the wound surface shows the presence of rounded free cells, damaged cells, cell fragments and debris, compo¬ nents of which are often ejected by muscle contrac¬ tion. Secreted material is also spread over the wound region, while epidermal cells in the vicinity of the wound contain many lysosomes and are probably involved in autophagic activity. Soon after transection, the wound is reduced in size by strong, rapid contractions of the muscle layers lying beneath the epidermis. Then muscle contrac¬ tions stop, and stretching and flattening of the poorly differentiated old epidermal cells bordering the wound occur which contribute to the formation of a very thin (1.5 //m), initially poorly organized, heteromorphic epidermal layer. During subse¬ quent stages (between 2 and 3 days after transec¬ tion according to Hori [13]) the epidermis is rapid¬ ly recruited by newly differentiated epidermal cells coming from the underlying parenchyma. These cells become intermingled with the former reorga¬ nized tissues. According to most authors, the newly differentiated epidermal cells are derived from free immature parenchymal cells which actively migrate to the wound. Both flattening and short migration (spreading at the wound) of local old epidermal cells, and migration of newly dif¬ ferentiating cells from the parenchyma were de¬ monstrated by the brilliant cytochemical and im- munoelectronmicroscopical investigations on the cytoskeleton of Pascolini et al. [14, 15] who de¬ tected the presence of actin and adenylate cyclase activity in migrating epidermal and parenchymal cells during wound healing. Cell motility was inhibited and wound closure consequently delayed after cytochalasin B treatment. Cell migration appears to depend on the presence of a suitable substrate composed of secretory material released by rhabdite-forming cells during wound healing. Finally the basement membrane is reconstituted by an interaction between the epidermal cells and myoblasts [17, 18]. No cells in the wound area appear to divide or to be involved in DNA or intense RNA synthesis during the first hours of healing when cell autolysis is a common pattern and true regeneration has still to begin. This was clearly shown by Palmberg [16] through autoradiographic experiments performed Cellular Aspects of Planarian Regeneration 1155 in Microstomum. Experiments involving exposure to massive X- ray doses before transection and colchicine treat¬ ment just after transection showed that wound closure by old epidermal cells starts as usual but fails to form a complete epithelial layer. Thus, it was suggested that pre-existing specialized epidermal or rhabdite-forming cells alone do not allow complete healing by morphallaxis and that lost epidermal cells must be recruited from newly differentiating parenchymal or blastema cells by epimorphosis [13]. REGENERATION BLASTEMA Blastema formation involves by far the most debated and unresolved problems concerning the cellular mechanisms of planarian regeneration, despite the variety of experimental approaches used to clarify them. Blastema morphology The blastema is commonly defined as an accu¬ mulation of undifferentiated or poorly differenti¬ ated cells at the injured area extending between the wound and the old stump. The first problem concerning the blastema is to clearly define and circumscribe as well as possible its borders. It has been hypothesized that the blastema begins to form soon after wound closure or healing [6, 8] even though the first accumulation of blastema cells probably occurs contemporaneously with wound healing. A few days after transection, the blastema usually reaches a large size and becomes clearly visible even to the naked eye in pigmented specimens as un unpigmented area posterior to the wound. But the true boundaries between the blastema and the old stump are not so easily distinguishable and can be identified only by elec¬ tron microscopy which reveals small differences between blastema cells and cells of the old tissues. This point is not irrelevant if one considers that some of the controversy concerning blastema cell origin, activity and fate is possibly due to an imperfect definition of this crucial structure. Electron micrographs indicate that the blastema is first formed by a homogeneous population of roundish or elliptical undifferentiated cells 7-10 Fig. 1. Electron micrograph of a 36-hrs-old blastema showing portions of three undifferentiated cells with the characteristic thin cytoplasm rich in free ribo¬ somes. Some scattered chromatin clumps and a nucleolus are visible within the nucleus. X7,000. pm in diameter (Fig. 1) intermingled with some specialized, often degenerating cells. Later on, an increasing number of cells showing progressive signs of differentiation, appear in the distal region of the blastema, while mostly undifferentiated cells continue to characterize the proximal region adja¬ cent to the stump. No membrane or specialized structure has been described to delimit the blaste¬ ma from the old tissues; they are in continuity each other. The early blastema also appear to be characterized by a certain looseness in structural organization i.e. by large intercellular spaces con¬ taining a homogeneous material, perhaps useful for cell locomotion, that is unusual in contrast to the neighbouring old stump. Great attention must therefore be taken in defining the various zones involved in regeneration, i.e. preblastema, blaste¬ ma, postblastema, prestump, stump etc. The origin of blastema cells The crucial point debated in blastema formation is the origin of blastema cells about which even the recent literature reveals strongly contradictory theories. Two main theories have been proposed and strongly supported or criticized: A) ‘The Neoblast Theory’ and B) ‘The Dedifferentiation Theory’ [19]. The neoblast theory, first proposed in the last century (see [1, 20] for references) has been clearly reproposed and variously supported by the French school of Etienne Wolff (see [1, 4, 5] 1156 V. Gremigni for references). It claims that the blastema is exclusively built up by specific totipotent, embryonic reserve cells “The Neoblasts ”, which remain distributed throughout the body of the planarian throughout its life and are capable of migrating and proliferating following a regenera¬ tive stimulus. The dedifferentiation theory supported among others by Steinman [21], Lang [22], Hyman [23], has recently been reproposed by Flickinger [24], Hay [25] and Coward [26]. This theory claims that a stock of embryonic, totipotent cells does not exist in adult planarians or, if it does, it is not involved in blastema formation. Therefore, regen¬ eration is always due to dedifferentiated cells. Several variations of these two theories and conciliatory hypotheses have been proposed by different authors who approached the problem [27, 28, 29]. I am among these [30] and would like to recall the words of Pedersen [17], p. 135 who, on the basis of the information available at the time, clearly summarized the state of art on the point, writing that “•••it is unrealistic to be too strict in the concept of only one mechanism being operative in the formation of the blastema. Both processes, activation of neoblasts and dedif¬ ferentiation of specialized cells, may be operative, and depending on the circumstances one or the other mechanism may be dominating’5. Neoblast structure The existence in both embryonic and adult stages of planarian life of undifferentiated cells more or less uniformly distributed troughout the body is undeniable. Light and electron microscope observations confirm these data and define the morphological characteristics of the so-called neoblasts even though they do not lead to any clarity about their origin. Neoblasts are small, usually ovoid or pear-shaped, cells (6-10 ^mx4-6 fjx n in diameter) with a very high nucleo- cytoplasmic ratio. They have a very large, round or ovoid nucleus with a small nucleolus and mostly diffused or finely clumped chromatin. The cyto¬ plasm is reduced to a strongly basophilic narrow rim, rich in free ribosomes and containing few mitochondria. Transmission electron microscopy is essential for recognizing and characterizing neoblasts, since many other cells appear similar, during their cell cycles, at the level of light micros¬ copy. However, when properly studied, these cells show important differences with truly undifferenti¬ ated cells, i.e. clear signs of cell differentiation or dedifferentiation [31]. It is noteworthy that cells reaching up to 15-20 pm and even more in dia¬ meter have often been erroneously interpreted as neoblasts at the light microscope level. Nearly all researchers who tackled this point by means of electron microscopy agree with the view that cells with the above described morphological and ultrastmctural features are freely scattered in developing embryos [32, 33] as well as in the parenchyma of intact and regenerating adult planarians [34-38] and in the blastema [17, 37, 39, 40]. What then divides the supporters of the two conflicting theories? According to suporters of the neoblast theory, the undifferentiated cells of adult planarians are embryonic, totipotent cells which have never undergone differentiation and maintain the capability of dividing. They constitute a permanent stock of cells ready to become active after every type of traumatic or physiological re¬ generation (see [1, 41] for references). By con¬ trast, according to the dedifferentiation theory supporters, the undifferentiated cells are not embryonic, reserve cells, but rather dedifferenti¬ ated cells with a very short life span. They would mostly represent stages in the cycles of secretory, gastrodermal, muscle cells etc. [31, 42]. There¬ fore, they would not necessarily be totipotent cells. Cell markers and experimental approaches Many attempts have been made to resolve this intriguing conflict and numerous presumptive une¬ quivocal proofs have been claimed by differnt authors supporting one or the other theory. As a matter of fact, I believe that morphological observations alone, even though made at the E.M. level, cannot completely clarify the origin of blas¬ tema cells. Thus, the best way to answer this question is, in my opinion, to look for true and permanent cytological or molecular markers that can allow one to easily and surely distinguish between embryonic undifferentiated cells and differentiated somatic or germ cells. Some years ago I had the chance to tackle this Cellular Aspects of Planarian Regeneration 1157 Fig. 2. Scheme of the chromosome cycle of the triplo-hexaploid population from the lake of Iseo. problem, thanks to the availability in our labora¬ tory of a pseudogamic population of the Dugesia lugubris-polychroa group provided with a perma¬ nent karyological marker allowing one to easily recognize male and female germ cells from embryonic and somatic cells. In these specimens Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the transection ex¬ periments through which the presence of diploid or hexaploid cells were alternatively observed in the regenerative blastemas. a.r. = anterior regenerant; a.r.b.=anterior regenerant blastema; p.r.=post- erior regenerant; p.r.b. ^posterior regenerant blas¬ tema; o = ovaries; t = testes. the zygote (or pseudozygote) as well as embryonic and somatic cells are triploid (3n = 12 chromo¬ somes), while germ cells before undergoing meiosis are diploid (male germ cells 2n = 8 chromosomes) or hexaploid (female germ cells 6n =24 chromosomes) [43]. (Fig. 2). In an initial series of karyological and ultras- tructural experiments [40, 44] we demonstrated that following a transection made just beneath the ovaries or behind the testes, the blastemas formed by regenerates which were provided with alterna¬ tively female or male gonads, contained a small percentage of hexaploid (female, about 1%) or diploid (male, about 5%) cells along with a high percentage of triploid (embryonic reserve or soma¬ tic dedifferentiated) cells (Fig. 3). These findings showed that cells which had already undergone an important nuclear differentiation (or determina¬ tion) and became germ cells, can contribute to blastema formation. In a second series of karyological and cytopho- tometric (nuclear DNA content) experiments [45, 46] it was demonstrated that germ cells which contributed to blastema formation can colonize regions of the body devoid of gonads (and where gonads will never be formed) during regeneration (Fig. 4). From these experiments we hypothesized that germ cells, once reaching the blastema, be¬ have as all other blastema cells taking part in the rebuilding of any removed part of the body, even though devoid of gonads. In other words, we suggested that original germ cells taking part in blastema formation behave as pluripotent instead of unipotent cells. Finally, in a third series of cytophotometric and karyological experiments [47, 48] we showed that the original germ cells which took part in blastema 1158 V. Gremigni A B Fig. 4. Schemes of the experiments carried out to obtain cephalic (I) or caudal (II) blastemas from regenerated planarians. The hatched area represent the regenerated portion of the body. A : dividing cells from a 36-hrs-old cephalic blastema (ce.r.b.); B: dividing cells from a 36-hrs-old caudal blastema (ca.r.b.); ce.r=cephalic regenerant; ca.r.=caudal regenerant. formation are also capable of differentiating into different cell types, i.e. somatic (pharyngeal mus¬ cle) or germ (male to female) cells, during regen¬ eration (Fig. 5). From the experiments described above we argued that in planarians; a) blastema formation and the subsequent regeneration of re¬ moved tissues are due mainly to undifferentiated cells which, on the basis of other previous inves¬ tigations [49], can be interpreted as reserve, embryonic cells or neoblasts; b) a small percentage of premeiotic germ cells can participate in blaste¬ ma formation, thus becoming pluripotent again; c) a similar process of dedetermination-dedifferen¬ tiation may also occur in some somatic cell types, Cellular Aspects of Planarian Regeneration 1159 Fig. 5a. Scheme of the transection experiments carried out to obtain a regenerated pharynx from regenerans containing testes. The histogram represents the distribution of optic absorbance in Feulgen treated nuclei of muscle cells from the regenerated pharynx. The small peak on the left (mean value about 30 a.u.) is formed by diploid nuclei. The high peak on the right (mean value about 45 a.u.) is formed by triploid nuclei. Fig. 5b. Scheme of the experiments in which eggs with 8 bivalents (along with eggs with 12 bivalents as usual) were laid by animals provided with regenerated ovaries. ph.= pharynx. provided they did not reach an irreversible stage od specialization (for example spermatids and spermatozoa do not dedifferentiate, but eventually degenerate following transection near the testes [49, 50]). This suggestion was also based on some ultrastructural observations [31, 40] but cannot be proven by the karyological marker available since the latter does not allow descrimination between neoblasts and specialized somatic cells; d) all blas¬ tema cells, whatever their source, are capable of differentiating into any cell type during regenera¬ tion, giving rise to the rebuilt tissues, depending on the field influence they encounter [51, 52]. There¬ fore, some cells in planarians (germ cells in our experiments) my undergo transdifferentiation, or at least transdetermination as suggested by Baguna [53]. A similar approach based on the use of specific nuclear or cytoplasmic markers has been proposed and preliminarly used by Baguna and his cowor- 1160 V. Gremigni kers (see [9] for general reference). To date they report the identification of two separate cell populations: a) neoblasts and b) differentiated cells, by serial filtration through nylon and discon¬ tinuous density gradients, respectively. Moreover, they labeled some specialized cells with fluorescent latex beads that were taken up by pinocytosis and remained within the cell for long periods of time [54]. Through this technique, combined with graft¬ ing experiments, the authors obtained evidence that only neoblasts take part in blastema forma¬ tion. The avenue of research followed is stimulat¬ ing, and it is hoped that in the near future ultras- tructural investigations will confirm the true nature of the different cell populations, and that specific antibodies will be obtained to label different cell types. The preliminary investigations of Collet et al. [55] who identified some soluble or particulate proteins and isolated them from undifferentiated or differentiated cells appear to be very en¬ couraging. Blastema cell proliferation This is another contested area in planarian re¬ generation still debated by some authors, but in my opinion it is a trivial point. It is widely known that the regeneration blastema is by definition an accumulation of undifferentiated cells capable of dividing and then differentiating. Moreover, it is well known to every planarian student that when a careful chromosomal and karyometric analysis is needed, the best way to proceed is to induce by a terminal transection the formation of a blastema where, following colchicine treatment or not, a great number of dividing cells is encountered. Mitotic cells have also been identified in sectioned specimens within the blastema at both the light and electron microscope levels (see [1, 13, 25]). However, a few papers refer to the absence of mitotic activity within the blastema [8, 55, 56]. In particular, the latter authors suggest that cell divi¬ sion does not occur within the blastema, but rather in the area they call the “postblastema” where proliferating, undifferentiated cells accumulate be¬ fore “crossing” into the blastema. My opinion is that agreement as to the correct definition of blastema could remove this problem. Nobody doubts the fact that many undifferentiated cells grouped near the wound begin to divided soon after transection and that a number of mitotic cells continue to be evident a few days later in the area behind the wound. Why not to define as “blaste¬ ma” this accumulation of proliferating, undiffe¬ rentiated cells which is lacking in intact animals where free neoblasts are randomly scattered in the parenchyma ? I suggest that both the body area located just beneath the newly formed epidermis, which mainly consists of non-dividing, differentiat¬ ing cells (Distal Area), and the area adjacent to the old stump, which is mainly composed of un¬ differentiated, dividing cells (Proximal Area), are part of the blastema. As far as the nature of cells undergoing mitosis is concerned, there is no doubt that only undiffe¬ rentiated, and not also specialized cells, are cap¬ able of dividing, but the problem is to know whether presently undifferentiated cells are solely neoblasts (see the orgin of blastema cells). The finding that in the very first few hours following transection a high mitotic index occurs [56-58] led to the suggestion that the first cells to be activated and to proliferate after transection are free neob¬ lasts in the G2 period of the interphase. This hypothesis appears to be internally consistent (even though timing of the neoblast cell cycle has not been yet determined), but does not exclude the possibility that later on, when a second peak of mitotic activity occurs, dedifferentiated cells also undergo mitosis. Migration of blastema-forming cells Another problem in planarian regeneration con¬ cerns the migratory capability of blastema cells, whatever their source might be. The majority of investigations performed thus far seem to indicate that cells also coming from distant areas of the body can take part in blastema formation along with local cells, particularly in the days following transection. Among these, the classical studies of Wolff and Dubois [59, 60] and Dubois [61, 62], later confirmed by Cecere et al. [63], deserve citations for the originality of their approaches. This convinction has been rejected by some researches (see [28, 53, 58] for references) accord¬ ing to whom neoblasts (or whatever blastema¬ forming cells) only spread randomly over the area Cellular Aspects of Planarian Regeneration 1161 near the wound following proliferation. The last authors, however, admit that neoblasts are “wandering cells” able to move and that the epi- morphic process in planarian regeneration involves “cell migration” [56]. Thus, the problem appears to confined to determining the distance blastema¬ forming cells migrate and the orientation of their movements. In our laboratories some clear morphological and ultrastructural evidence supporting the hypothesis that cells taking part in blastema forma¬ tion do migrate to the wound was obtained [48]. The same sets of experiments also showed that blastema formation and regeneration are much faster when transection is performed in areas of the body where a great number of undifferentiated and/or poorly differentiated cells are present. These results support the view that the first accu¬ mulation of blastema cells has a local origin. CONCLUSIONS Some of the points discussed above for trauma¬ tic regeneration could be reproposed as well for the various types of non-traumatic regeneration where a blastema is not formed, but where re¬ generating cells might be either neoblasts or de¬ differentiated cells, or both, and might migrate or not, etc. The great majority of data published until now favors a unique or major role of the neoblasts in regeneration, but are mainly based on indirect evidence, while only some but increasingly more direct evidence seems to support the hypothesis that dedifferentiated cells can also take part in regeneration. My personal convinction is that both neoblasts and dedifferentiated cells (at least those not yet completely specialized) can take part in each type of regeneration process in planarians. However, perhaps most authors have planned their experiments and interpreted their data with the inconscious hope of demonstrating that only one of the theories proposed is right and that the other is wrong. I also believe that the avenue of investigation suggested by the experiments of my group through the use of permanent cell markers is presently the most likely to lead to unequivocal answers to most of the problems still debated on planarian regeneration. I also feel that paradox¬ ically enough, this type of approach is more useful for demonstrating the eventual occurrence of cell dedifferentiation and transdifferentiation, than for following the fate of embryonic, reserve cells which presumably have few structures and mole¬ cules that lack in every differentiating or special¬ ized cells. 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This name first appeared in publications in 1968 [1,2] and opened the doors to a wide range of research opportunities. For a long time, many investigators including ourselves looked for actin and myosin as “contrac¬ tile proteins” in flagella and cilia in order to establish a similarity on a molecular basis between muscle contraction and flagellar or ciliary move¬ ment. Although several reports suggested the presence of myosin-like protein and actin-like pro¬ tein in sperm flagella [3-6], these pioneer studies were not sufficient to prove that the proteins in question were really myosin and actin. A new approach to this problem was taken by Gibbons in 1963 when he subjected Tetrahymena cilia to chemical dissection, a combination of de- membranation with digitonin and dialysis against a solution of low ionic strength [7]. Thus, a new ATPase protein, dynein, was isolated and iden¬ tified as the arms projecting from the outer doublet microtubules in ciliary and flagellar axonemes [7- 10]. Since then, it has been established that dynein, not myosin, is the force-generating compo¬ nent at least in cilia and flagella causing sliding Received August 16, 1988 between adjacent outer doublet microtubules [11- 13]- Then the question arose as to which component is the counterpart of dynein in such organelles. It is evident that the most prominent structure in the axoneme is 9 + 2 microtubules. Microtubules (the outer doublets) competent for biochemical analy¬ ses were first made available by Gibbons’ chemical dissection [7]. In parallel with other groups’ work [14-17], we characterized the protein constituting the outer doublet microtubules from sea urchin sperm flagella [2, 18-20]. In comparison to actin and flagellin, which were considered to be “con¬ tractile proteins” in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells respectively at that time, the protein differed from them in interactions with myosin, by its binding nucleotides which were GTP and GDP, in amino acid composition*, in molecular weight, in monomeric and polymeric forms, etc. On the basis of these differences, the main constituent of the microtubule was given the name tubulin [1]. The name tektin had been proposed for structur¬ al proteins of the mitotic apparatus, cilia and flagella, membrane, etc. [21], but it covered a wide variety of proteins including actin and other non¬ tubulin proteins. Recently, this term was assigned to the protein of certain filaments of flagellar microtubules which has similar properties to in- * Gross amino acid compositions of tubulin and actin were rather similar to each other, although those of tubulin and flagellin were quite different. Star dia¬ grams illustrating the amino acid composition of pro¬ teins first appeared in our paper [1], but it had originally been invented by Koscak Maruyama. 1166 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya termediate filament proteins [22]. Another line of work revealed the ubiquitous localization of col¬ chicine-binding protein in dividing cells, cilia and flagella, brain tissue, etc. [16, 17, 23]. The colchi¬ cine-binding protein was identified as tubulin. Tubulin is a heterodimer of a- and /?-tubulin [24]. According to sequence data of a- and /?- tubulin (e.g. [25, 26]), its molecular weight is about 100,000. Establishment of the conditions for assembly and disassembly of brain tubulin into and from the microtubule by Weisenberg in 1972 [27] brought about a great advance in the purification and characterization of tubulin and microtubule- associated proteins (MAPs). Tubulin can be fur¬ ther separated from other components by chro¬ matography on a phosphocellulose column [28]. Complete sequences of a- and /?-tubulin were determined from both Edman degradation [25, 26] and from the nucleotide sequence of cDNA [291 in 1981. It is well recognized that microtubules partici¬ pate in diverse cell functions such as cell motility, intracellular transport, differentiation and mainte¬ nance of cell structures, etc. Furthermore, differ¬ ent microtubule classes exhibit differences in sta¬ bility under physiological conditions and with re¬ spect to physical and chemical treatments. What is the cause of such functional and biochemical di¬ versity among microtubule classes? There are various MAPs and proteins which interact with microtubules. It is certain that these proteins modify assembly and disassembly of mi¬ crotubules and contribute to the versatile functions of microtubules. However, the idea that different classes of microtubules consist of somewhat differ¬ ent tubulin molecules has long been postulated (cf. [30]), although tubulin was considered to remain conservative during evolution. Much evidence is now accumulating to indicate the heterogeneity of tubulin and the presence of isoforms of both a- and /?-tubulins by the finding of multiple genes encod¬ ing different tubulin species and post-translational modifications of tubulin molecules. The present review will focus on this problem in order to give insight into the multiple physiological functions displayed by the fascinating cell struc¬ ture, the microtubule. Several reviews and books are available for a more detailed description of tubulin and microtubules [31-38]. HETEROGENEITY OF TUBULIN Alpha- and (3-tubulin Before going further into the heterogeneity of tubulin, it should be noted that the subunits of the tubulin molecule, a- and /?-tubulin, are not identi¬ cal. Originally, the slower migrating polypeptide on an electrophoresed urea-polyacrylamide gel was designated a-tubulin and the faster one, (3- tubulin [24]. However, the relative electrophoretic mobility of both subunits varies depending upon the conditions for electrophoresis [39]. The rela¬ tionship is reversed under certain conditions and in certain species even under the same conditions [39-41], as revealed by the two-dimensional elec¬ trophoresis of O’Farrell [42], i.e., isoelectric focus¬ ing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and by immuno- blotting with antibodies specific to each subunit. Alpha- and /?-tubulin can be isolated not only by preparative gel electrophoresis but also by hydrox- ylapatite column chromatography [43]. The primary structures of a- and /?-tubulin differ from each other (Fig. 1); the different genes en¬ coding each subunit as will be described in the following sections. Generally, a-tubulin possesses tyrosine at the C-terminus encoded by mRNA and /?-tubulin is slightly shorter in chain length and more acidic. Exchangeable GTP binds to /?- tubulin [44]. Species differences, however, exist in both subunits among metazoans, protists, slime mold, yeasts and higher plants [45, 46], although tubulins from different sources such as mammalian brain and yeast [47] co-assemble into microtubules in vitro. Accordingly, they are immunologically different and polyclonal and monoclonal specific antibodies have been prepared [48-50] and are now even commercially available. The two sub¬ units also appear different in reconstructed images from optical diffraction data of electron micro¬ graphs [51, 52]. Gel electrophoresis As mentioned above, the electrophoretic mobil¬ ities of both a- and ^-tubulin vary among different Multi-facets of Tubulin 1167 a MET-ARG-GLU-CYS-ILE-SER-ILE-HIS-VAL-GLY-GLN-ALA-GLY-VAL-GLN 8 MET-ARG-GLU-ILE-VAL-HIS-ILE-GLN-ALA-GLY-GLN-CYS-GLY-ASN-GLN -ILE-GLY-ASN-ALA-CYS-TRP-GLU-LEU-TYR-CYS- -ILE-GLY-ALA-LYS-PHE-TRP-GLU-VAL-ILE-SER- LEU-GLU-HIS-GLY-ILE-GLN-PRO-ASP-GLY-GLN-MET-PRO-SER-ASP-LYS- ASP-GLU-HIS-GLY-ILE-ASP-PRO-THR-GLY-SER-TYR-^-GLY-ASP-SER- THR-ILE-GLY-GLY-GLY-ASP-ASP-SER-PHE-ASN- ASP-LEU-GLN-LEU-GLU-ARG-ILE-g^-VAL-TYR- a THR-PHE-PHE-SER-GLU-THR-GLY-ALA-GLY-LYS-HIS-VAL-PRO-ARG-ALA-VAL-PHE-VAL-ASP-LEU-GLO-PRO-THR-VAL-ILE- 8 TYR-ASN-GLU-ALA-ggg-g^-^g-LYS-TYR-VAL-PRO-ARG-ALA-ILE-LEU-VAL-ASP-LEO-GLU-PRO-GLY-THR-MET-ASP-SER- a ASP-GLU-VAL-ARG-THR-GLY-THR-TYR-ARG-GLN-LED-PHE-HIS-PRO-GLU 8 VAL-ARG-SER-GLY-PRO-PHE-GLY-GLN-ILE-PHE-ARG-PRO-ASP-ASN-PHE -GLN-LEU-ILE-THR-GLY-LYS-GLU-ASP-ALA-ALA- -VAL-PHE-GLY-GLN-SER-GLY-ALA-GLY-ASN-ASN- a ASN-ASN-TYR-ALA-ARG-GLY-HIS-TYR-THR-ILE-GLY-LYS-GLU-ILE-ILE- 8 TRP-ALA-LYS-GLY-HIS-TYR-THR-GLU-GLY-ALA-GLU-LEU-VAL-ASP-SER- 125 ASP-LEU-VAL-LEU-ASP-ARG-ILE-ARG-LYS-LEU- VAL-LEU-ASP-VAL-VAL-ARG-LYS-GLU-SER-GLU- a ALA-ASP-GLN-CYS-THR-GLY-LEU-GLN-GLY-PHE-SER-VAL-PHE-HIS-SER 8 SER-CYS-ASP-CYS-LEU-GLN-GLY-PHE-GLN-LEU-THR-HIS-SER-LEU-GLY -PHE-GLY-GLY-GLY-THR-GLY-SER-GLY-PHE-THR- -GLY-GLY-THR-GLY-SER-GLY-MET-GLY-THR-LEU- a SER-LEU-LEU-MET-GLU-ARG-LEU-SER-VAL-ASP-TYR-GLY-LYS-LYS-SER 8 LEU-ILE-SER-LYS-ILE-ARG-GLU-GLU-TYR-PRO-ASP-ARG-ILE-MET-ASN a GLN-VAL-SER-THR-ALA-VAL-VAL-GLO-PRO-TYR-ASN-SER-ILE-LEU-THR- 8 SER-ASP-THR-VAL-VAL-GLU-PRO-TYR-ASN-ALA-THR-LEU-SER-VAL-HIS- -LYS-LEU-GLU-PHE-SER-ILE-TYR-PRO-ALA-PRO- -THR-PHE-SER-VAL-VAL-PRO-SER-PRO-LYS-VAL- 200 THR-HIS-THR-THR-LEU-GLU-HIS-SER-ASP-CYS- GLN-LEU-VAL-GLU-ASN-THR-ASP-GLU-THR-TYR- a ALA-PHE-MET-VAL-ASP-ASN-GLU-ALA-ILE-TYR-ASP-ILE-CYS-ARG-ARG 8 CYS-ILE-ASP-ASN-GLU-ALA-LEU-TYR-ASP-ILE-CYS-PHE-ARG-THR-LEU a ASN-LEU-ASN-ARG-LEU-ILE-GLY-GLN-ILE-VAL-SER-SER-ILE-THR-ALA 8 ASN-HIS-LEU-VAL-SER-ALA-THR-MET-SER-GLY-VAL-THR-THR-CYS-LEU 225 -ASN-LEU-ASP-ILE-GLU-ARG-PRO-THR-TYR-THR- -LYS-LEU-THR-THR-PRO-THR-TYR-GLY-ASP-LEU- 250 -SER-LEU-ARG-PHE-ASP-GLY-ALA-LEU-ASN-VAL- -ARG-PHE-PRO-GLY-GLN-LEU-ASN-ALA-ASP-LEU- a ASP-LEU-THR-GLU-PHE-GLN-THR-ASN-LEU-VAL-PRO-TYR-PRO-ARG-ALA GLY 8 ARG-LYS-LED-ALA-VAL-ASN-MET-VAL-PRO-PHE-PRO-ARG-LEU-HIS-PHE 275 -PRO-VAL- .HIS_pHE_pDn-T.EU- ILE PHE PR° LEU ALA ARG PHE ASX ■PHE-MET-PRO-GLY-PHE-ALA-PRO-LEU-THR- SER ALA" 300 a ILE-SER-ALA-GLU-LYS-ALA-TYR-HIS-GLU-GLN-LEU-SER-VAL-ALA-GLU 8 ARG-GLY-SER-GLN-GLN-TYR-ARG-ALA-LEU-THR-VAL-PRO-GLU-LEU-THR -ILE-THR-ASN-ALA-CYS-PHE-GLU-PRO-ALA-ASN- -GLN-GLN-MET-PHE-ASP-ALA-LYS-ASN-MET-MET- a GLN-MET-VAL-LYS-CYS-ASP-PRC-ARG-HIS-GLY-LYS-TYR-MET-ALA-CYS- 8 ALA-ALA-CYS-ASP-PRO-ARG-HIS-GLY-ARG-TYR-LEU-THR-VAL-ALA-ALA- CYS-LEU-LEU-TYR-ARG-GLY-ASP-VAL-VAL-PRO- VAL-PHE-ARG-GLY-ARG-MET-SER-MET-LYS-GLU- a LYS-ASP-VAL-ASN-ALA-ALA-ILE-ALA-THR-ILE-LYS-THR-LYS-ARG-g“^-ILE-GLN-PHE-VAL-ASP-TRP-CYS-PRO-THR-GLY- 8 VAL-ASP-GLU-GLN-MET-LEU-ASN-VAL-GLN-ASN-LYS-ASN-SER-SER-TYR-PHE-VAL-GLU-TRP-ILE-PRO-ASN-ASN-VAL-LYS- a PHE-LYS-VAL-GLY-ILE-ASN-TYR-GLU-PRO-PRO-THR-VAL-VAL-PRO-GLY 8 THR-ALA-VAL-CYS-ASP-ILE-PRO-PRO-ARG-GLY-LEU-LYS-MET-SER-ALA 375 -GLY-ASP-LEU-ALA-LYS-VAL-GLN-ARG-ALA-VAL- -THR-PHE-ILE-GLY-ASN-SER-THR-ALA-ILE-GLN- a CYS-MET-LEU-SER-ASN-THR-THR-ALA-ILE-ALA-GLU-ALA-TRP-ALA-ARG- 8 GLU -LEU- PHE- LYS- ARG- ILE- SER-GLU-GLN- PHE- THR- ALA-MET- PHE -ARG - 400 LEU-ASP-HIS-LYS-PHE-ASP-LEU-MET-TYR-ALA- ARG-LYS-ALA-PHE-LEU-HIS-TRP-TYR-THR-GLY- a LYS-ARG-ALA-PHE-VAL-HIS-TRP-TYR-VAL-GLY-GLU-GLY-MET-GLU-GLU 8 GLU-GLY-MET-ASP-GLU-MET-GLU-PHE-THR-GLU-ALA-GLU-SER-ASN-MET 425 -GLY-GLU-PHE-SER-GLU-ALA-ARG-GLU-ASP-MET- ASN-ASP-LEU-VAL-SER-GLU-TYR-GLN-GLN-TYR- a ALA-ALA-LEU-GLU-LYS-ASP-TYR-GLU-GLU-VAL-GLY-VAL-ASP-SER-VAL 8 GLN-ASP-ALA-THR-ALA-ASP-GLU-GLN-GLY-GLU-PHE-GLU-GLU-GLU-GLY Fig. 1. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of porcine brain [25] and [26]. Both tubulins show more than one residue at genes. -GLU-GLY-GLU-GLY-GLU-GLU-GLU-GLY-GLU-GLU-TYR -GLU-GLU-ASP-GLU-ALA a- and /9-tubulins. Data are taken from references six positions, suggesting the existence of multiple 1168 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya species. In the early 1970s, resolution of tubulin into several (not two) distinct bands by isoelectric focusing was reported in the mammalian brain and Chlamydomonas flagella [53, 54] and raised the possibility of the presence of tubulin heterogeneity within a single species or cell. Chlamydomonas flagellar tubulin also yielded several bands on SDS-PAGE [55]. Resolution of a-tubulin into two distinct bands in the SDS-urea gel system was observed with mitotic apparatus and cilia of sea urchin embryos, but not with sea urchin sperm flagella [56]. Furthermore, hydroxylapatite col¬ umn chromatography of brain tubulin yielded three peaks referred to as a2 and /9 [43]. We separated flagellar tubulin of starfish spermatozoa into an a- and a /9-peak on a hydroxylapatite column, and found that each of these is further split into several bands by isoelectric focusing [57]. Amino acid compositions and peptide mappings of the a- and the /9-tubulins of sea urchin cytoplasmic, ciliary and flagellar tubulins could be distingiushed from each other [58]. Development of two- dimensional electrophoresis by O’Farrell [42] and one-dimensional peptide mapping after limited proteolysis by Cleveland et al. [59] further facili¬ tated the detection of heterogeneity among tubu¬ lins. Thus, at least three species of a-tubulin and two species of /9-tubulin, one of each residing in the partition wall between the A- and B-tubule of the outer doublet, were distinguished in starfish sperm flagella [60]. A similar separation of both a- and /9-tubulin into several isoforms by isoelectric focusing or two dimensional gel electrophoresis has been reported in the vertebrate brain [53, 61-69], with improved methods yielding 6-7 a-tubulin and 12-14 /9- tubulin isoforms. This brain tubulin heterogeneity increases during development and aging, especial¬ ly regarding the number of /9-tubulins [63-65, 67]. The high level of heterogeneity is peculiar to brain tubulin, since tubulins from other sources such as the glial cells are less heterogenous (cf. [63, 68]), and it does not seem to be due to artificial mod¬ ifications such as hydrolysis by proteases during experiments. Since only several /9-tubulin genes may exist in the chicken as compared with the 12- 14 /9-tubulin isoforms observed, both the express¬ ion of multiple tubulin genes and post-translational modification of the tubulin polypeptides would account for the heterogeneity (cf. [38]). As men¬ tioned above, tubulins from different sources are not identical as revealed by gel electrophoresis. For instance, the isoelectric points of /9-tubulins from chick brain and erythrocytes were pH 5.1 and 5.4, respectively [70]. Even among brain tubulins, the subspecies found in cold-adapted Antarctic fishes differed significantly from those of temerate fishes and mammals, the former being more basic than the latter [71]. A change in the composition of a-tubulin was revealed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and peptide mapping during axon¬ al transport [72]. A combination of genetic analysis and gel elec¬ trophoresis revealed that a testis-specific /9-tubulin, which has multiple functions during spermatogene¬ sis, is present in Drosophila melanogaster and a mutation in the structural gene for this /9-tubulin results in the production of non-motile spermato¬ zoa [73, 74], Similar experiments with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, Aspergillus nidulans, and others, indicated that mutants resistant to anti-microtubule drugs have altered /9-tubulins (cf. [75] ). Antigene city Although an antibody against tubulin from a certain source widely cross-reacts with microtubu¬ lar structures in diverse plant and animal cells as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy (cf. [76] ), some immunological differences were observed among tubulins from different sources in earlier studies [77, 78]. The antiserum to a-tubulin from porcine brain did not cross-react with Chlamydomonas tubulin, although the antiserum to /9-tubulin from Chlamydomonas reacted with brain tubulin [79]. Quantitative immunological differences exist among brain tubulins from differ¬ ent species [80]. The introduction of the monoclonal antibody technique has provided a useful means for reveal¬ ing the heterogeneity of tubulin. Thus, monoclon¬ al antibodies raised against brain tubulin labeled different bands of /9-tubulin separated on isoelec¬ tric focusing gels into different intensities [49]. Using the monoclonal antibodies to a-tubulin which differ their epitope specificities, it was de- Multi-facets of Tubulin 1169 monstrated that tubulins from different sources and even from different tissues of the same spe¬ cies, such as egg and sperm, were not identical [81]. One of these antibodies bound only a sub¬ class of cytoplasmic microtubules in fibroblasts which remained after the treatment of the cells with colcemid [82]. Monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies specific for the tyrosinated form and the acetylated form of a-tubulin were obtained [83— 86], and have been used for localizing the antigens and characterizing different classes of microtu¬ bules as will be described below. Amino acid sequence More direct evidence for the heterogeneity of tubulin can be obtained from sequence data de¬ rived from purified proteins and cDNA clones. An early work by Luduena and Woodward [87] showed that /9-tubulins from chick brain and sea urchin spermatozoa differ at only one position of 25 residues in the N-terminal region. The result interpreted as evidence indicating the conserva¬ tiveness of the tubulin molecule during evolution and led to the idea that tubulin is rather common among different tissues and organisms in spite of the multiple functions of microtubules. In their first complete analysis of the amino acid sequence of brain tubulin, Ponstingl’s group [25, 26] found that both a- and /9-tubulin carry more than one amino acid residue at least at six positions (see Fig. 1), and indicated the presence of at least four different a-tubulins and two slightly differing /9- tubulins in porcine brain. On the other hand, using tubulin mRNAs from embryonic chick brain, Cleveland and his colleagues [29, 88] succeeded in the construction and identification of cloned cDNA sequences for a- and /9-tubulin. They confirmed not only the conservation of tubulin sequences among metazoans (this was slightly modified later), but also the existence of multiple tubulin genes in one organism. The list of cloned tubulin genes is now expand¬ ing from vertebrates including the human to in¬ vertebrates, protists, slime mold, fungi, yeasts and higher plants [38, 89-104]. Some of them are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. In general, predicted amino acid sequences are more homologous among the organisms evolutionally more intimate with each other, even though there are ‘silent’ changes in nucleotide sequence that do not affect the amino acid sequence, and much higher diver¬ gences at the non-coding sequences of tubulin genes. Based on the largest difference observed when comparing any given tubulin to tubulins of yeasts lacking cilia, it has been suggested that structural constraints caused by interactions with other components of the ciliary axonemes would affect the mutation rate of tubulin [47], Recently, predicted amino acid sequences en¬ coded by a family of seven /9-tubulin genes have been characterized in the chicken [105]. In com¬ parison with mammalian /9-tubulins, especially in the C-terminal variable region, these /9-tubulins are classified into six isotypes [105-107]. Among them, chick /97 (c/97) belongs to class I isotype (EEEEDFGEEAEEA) expressed in all tissues. Both c/91 and c/92 correspond to class II isotype (DEQGEFEE^EDEA) detected predominantly in brain, whereas c/94 belongs to class III isotype (EEEGEMYEDDEEESE-QG-K) found as a minor neuronal component. Class IV isotype (EEEGEFEEEAEEE-) which is expressed in brain or testis includes c/93, and c/95 is classified as class V isotype (NDGEE AFEDDEEEINE) , which is ubiquitous except in the brain. The sixth isotype (c/96) represents erythroid-specific tubulin and shows considerable divergence in its overall sequence. Polyclonal antibodies raised against synthetic polypeptides corresponding to these C- terminal sequences revealed that each class of microtubules in vivo are random copolymers of available isotypes, although in chicken erythro^ cytes, c/96-rich microtubules are more cold-stable than c/93-rich microtubules [107, 108]. The C- terminal region of both a- and /9-tubulin is variable and binds to, for instance, MAP-2 [109], thus regulating tubulin assembly. As described above, a testis-specific /9-tubulin (/92) was found in Drosophila [73, 74]. Among four /9-tubulin genes with distinct developmental expression, complete sequences for Drosophila /91 and /92 tubulins have been determined [110]. Two (al and «3) of four Drosophila a-tubulin genes are constitutively expressed, whereas a2 is testis- specific and a4 is specific to early embryo and ovary. The last one encodes the C-terminal phen- 1170 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya Human MRECISIHVGQAGVQIGNACWELYCLEHGIQPDGQMPSDKTIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGKHVPRAVFVDLEPTVIDEVRTGTYRQLFHPE Rat - - Drosophila - V - V - Phvsarum ---V - 1 - T-Vr - SV-Y---A - L - -- - Yeast ---i--- - t - N-Y-NP-TASQNS-GG-S - Q--Y---SI - N---Q---DP--D - . . . . . . . . ISO Human QLITGKEDAANNYARGHYTIGKEIIDLVLDRIRKLADQCTGLQGFLVFHSFGGGTGSGFTSLLMERLSVDYGKKSKLEFSIYPAPQVSTA Rat - Drosophila - V - 1 - A - Phvsarum - V--C---V - S - V - G---L - D-CV--S - Yeast - S - V - LV-E-T-K--RIG-N-S - GA--L---AME-T - Q--V - S Human VVEPYNSILTTHTTLEHSDCAFMVDNEAIYDICRRNLDIERPTYTNLNRLISQIVSSITASLRFDGALNVDLTEFQTNLVPYPRIHFPLA Rat - G - - - - - Drosophila - G - V Phvsarum - V-S--SL---T-V---L - L-KKA - D - VA-VI--L-T - 1 - M-C Yeast - V - A--DLA--T - SC - S-E - A-V - E-S - A - V . . . . . . . . 360 Human - TYAPVISAEKAYHEQLSVAEITNACFEPANQMVKCDPRHGKYMACCLLYRGDVVPKDVNAAIATIKTKRTIQFVDWCPTGFKVGINYQPP Rat - Drosophila - M - - - Phvsarum S - T - SV - SM-A - M - SV-V - C - Yeast - IV--A--F--SN--Q - Q - Y - A-R---T - I-R--Q--VT---A - I--CDR-- Human TVVPGGDLAKVQRAVCMLSNTTAIAEAWARLDHKFDLMYAKRAFVHWYVGEGMEEGEFSEAREDMAALEKDYEEVGVDSVEGEGEEEGEEY Rat - - - - - - - Drosophila - - - L - M--GD - GAE-Y Phvsarum - VFS-I - - L - AE-S-AG-D - Y Yeast QHIE-SEI - D - S - S - S - L - R - Q--M-VDYM-AD - Fig. 2. Comparison of a-tubulin sequences of various organisms. Data shown are from the following sources: human [92], rat [90], Drosophila al [111], Physarum myxamoeba, unidentified residues being tentatively replaced by those of Physarum plasmodium [98], and yeast, Shizosaccharomyces pombe al [102]. ylalanine instead of tyrosine and differs from al by 149 residues [111]. Testis-specific tubulins have also been found in mammalian and chicken testes. Chicken testicular a-tubulin ends with the C- terminal serine [112], whereas a mouse testicular a-tubulin has an extended C-terminal region which does not terminate with tyrosine [113]. Two Aspergillus ^-tubulins encoded by ben A and tub C are also unusually divergent in amino acid se¬ quence, the two tubulins differing by 78 residues [99]. In Physarum , plasmodial a-tubulin has the C-terminal methionine as compared with amoebal a-tubulin ending with tyrosine [114], There are many other cases revealing the heterogeneity of predicted amino acid sequences among a- and /?-tubulin genes in a single organism. MULTIPLE TUBULIN GENES Tubulin gene families As described in the preceding chapter, the exist¬ ence of multiple genes encoding different isoforms of tubulins has been established over the past ten years. Since there are several excellent reviews [38, 89, 115, 116], this topic is dealt with only briefly in this article. Before the successful construction of cDNA clones, - in vitro translation of rat brain tubulin mRNA indicated that there are different mRNA species for distinct tubulin isoforms [117, 118]. In Drosophila , the testis-specific /?-tubulin (f!l) was found in addition to the ubiquitous /?1 tubulin, and its structural gene was localized on the third chromosome by genetic analysis [73, 74]. The earliest determination of cloned sequences com¬ plimentary to chick brain a- and /?-tubulin mRNAs was made by Cleveland et al. [88]. Since then, cDNA clones have been obtained from various sources either by using enriched mRNA fractions or by screening cDNA libraries and their se¬ quences have been identified. In mammals, there are 10-20 genes each for a- and /?-tubulins (cf. Table 1 of [38]), although many of them have been shown to be pseudogenes which have multiple deletions and/or termination codons Multi-facets of Tubulin 1171 Human Chicken Drosophila Chlamvdomonas Yeast MREIVHIQAGQCGNQIGAKFWEVISDEHGiDPTGTYHGDSDLQLDRISVYYNEATGGKYVPRAILVDLEPGTMDSVRSGPFGQIFRPDNF - S - - E--N . - N - - ---- - - - G - - v__ - E - F- - -----R - - M - . . Y- . . - !--S - Y - A - T-CG - L-FN - HD-I-KE-LN--F---SS--T---S-N - W-I-A--NSAI-NL . Y . . . . . . . - . 180 Human VFGQSGAGNNWAKGHYTEGAELVDSVLDVVRKEAESCDCLQGFQLTHSLGGGTGSGMGTLLISKIREEYPDRIMNTFSVVPSPKVSDTVV Chicken - S - M - Drosophila - S-G - Chlamvdomonas - T - 1 - VC - M-L - Yeast I - S - V - M--I-R---G--S - 1 - F---K--L---M-A - L - T - Human EPYNATLSVHQLVENTDETYCIDNEALYDICFRTLRLTTPTYGDLNHLVSGTMECVTTCLRFPGQLNADLRKLAVNMVPFPRLHFFMPGF Chicken - - - K - A--SG - Drosophila - K - A--SG - Chlamvdomonas - A--CMVL - K - F - I-AV-SGI-C - LI - V— Yeast - HS - F - Q---K-NQ-S - N---SV-SG---S--Y - S - L - V-Y Human APLTSRGSQQYRALTVPDLTQQVFDAKNMMAACDPRHGRYLTVAAVFRGRMSMKEVDEQMLNVQNKNSSYFVEWIPNNVKTAVCDIPPRG Chicken - E - M--S - 1 - Drosophila - E - M - 1 - F - C - Chlamvdomonas T - E - MW - C-A - AS-L - T - SS - K- Yeast - AI - SF-S - E - M-E - A---N - F---KV-V---EDE-HK--S---D - Q - SVA-Q- Human Chicken Drosophila Chlamvdomonas Yeast LKMAVTFIGNSTAIQELFKRISEQFTAMFRRKAFLHWYTGEGMDEMEFTEAESNMNDLVSEYQQYQDATAEEEEDFGEEAEEEA - SA - D-QGE-E--G--DEA - SA - V - E - D--GE-D-DE--GGGDE - SA - M - V - S - GE-EG-E- -A -D--A - A - S - VGD--S - K - S - L--S - E--V-DD-EVD-NGDFG-PQNQDEPITENFE Fig. 3. Comparison of /7-tubulin sequences of various organisms. Data shown are from the following sources: human D-/71 [91], chicken /?2 [29], Drosophila pi [93], Chlamydomonas [95] and yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae [101]. within the exon sequences [119]. In the mouse, for instance, six a-tubulin genes and five /7-tubulin genes are functional ones [120, 121]. As already mentioned, seven /7-tubulin genes give rise to six isotypes [105] and 4-5 o-tubulin genes [88] are expressed in the chicken. Both a- and /7-tubulin genes constitute dispersed multigene families, since they are not closely linked to each other and are located on different chromosomes [122]. The same is true in Drosophila which expresses all of four genes for both a- and /?-tubulins [123, 124], In contrast, some genes within the same family which consists of more than 10 genes are clustered in the sea urchin [94], and the majority of multiple genes in Trypanosoma are arranged in a tightly packed cluster of alternating a- and /?-tubulin genes [125], In Leishmania , both a- and ^-tubulin genes are found in separate tandem repeat clusters, the latter also existing as dispersed genes [126, 127]. Another protozoan parasite, Crithidia , however, exhibits a dispersed arrangement of multiple tubu¬ lin genes [128]. Physarum , Aspergillus and Chlamydomonas possess 2-4 different DNA sequ¬ ences for a- and /7- tubulin, respectively, which are also dispersed (cf. [38]). It appears that at least two a-genes are functional among eight a-tubulin- like sequences in Naegleria [129]. On the other hand, the presence of a single gene was reported for Tetrahymena a-tubulin ([130], listed as /? in Table 1 of [38]), Candida /7-tubulin [100] and yeast /?-tubulin [101], although two a-tubulin genes, essential and dispensable, have been found in yeast [102, 131]. The genome of higher plants also contains a /7-tubulin gene family consisting of 5-6 distinct genes and/or pseudogenes [41, 104]. In some cases, different genes code for the same tubulin. For instance, two Chlamydomonas /?- tubulin genes are somewhat different, yet encode an identical protein [95]. Two mammalian genes encode the class IV /?-tubulin isotype [116]. Further¬ more, the class II /?-tubulin isotype is expressed by c/?l and c/72 through different pathway in the chicken [132]. Differential gene expression The finding of multiple tubulin gene families 1172 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya raises the question as to how these genes are expressed, coordinately or selectively, during cell differentiation, embryonic development or life cy¬ cle. As mentioned earlier, tubulin heterogeneity appears most extensively in mammalian brain and increases during development and aging. It is most likely that at least some of the heterogeneity is due to the expression of different genes and the rest to post-translational modification. In the mouse, mal a-tubulin mRNA decreases during embryogenesis and postnatal development of the brain, whereas ma2 mRNA remains relatively constant [133]. Among /?-tubulin isotypes, neurospecific m/22 and constitutive m/?5 /?-tubulin mRNAs are expressed very early in development. On the contrary, another neurospecific m/?4 mRNA is expressed later in the developing brain [134]. In the rat, Tal a-tubulin mRNA is abundant in regions with neurons undergoing neurite extension, whereas expression of T26 a-tubulin mRNA is relatively constitutive [135]. As described in the preceding chapter, chick c/71 and c/?2 genes are expressed predominantly in the brain during development, other /7-tubulin isotypes being constitutive or spe¬ cific to other tissues or cells [105-107, 136]. Simi¬ larly, the expression of human h5/7 is significant in cells of neural origin, but h/?2 is expressed in numerous human cell lines [137]. The existence of testis-specific tubulin (/72) was first demonstrated in Drosophila [73, 74]. Muta¬ tion in the structural gene for pi causes various defects not only in the sperm axoneme but also in the meiotic spindle and in the cytoplasmic microtu¬ bules, suggesting multiple functions for this spe¬ cific /?-tubulin [115, 138]. On the other hand, the expression of /71 is ubiquitous during early embryogenesis and predominant in neural deriva¬ tives during later stages, whereas p3 is expressed at mid-embryogenesis with /73 mRNA being re¬ stricted to the mesoderm [139, 140]. Among four Drosophila a-tubulin genes, a2 is male-specific in adults and a\ is maternal and found in nurse cells, eggs and early embryos, while the other two genes are constitutively expressed [111, 115]. Testis- specific o-tubulins also exist in the mouse [113, 120] and in the chicken [112]. In the former, an a-tubulin gene appears to be expressed only in post-meiotic cells [141]. The antiserum against novel synthetic peptides corresponding to the uni¬ que C-terminal sequence of a mouse testicular a-tubulin specifically binds to the manchettes and meiotic spindles of the mouse testis, but not with neuronal microtubules [113]. In the chicken, c/73 /?-tubulin is testis-specific and c/?6 is erythroid specific, assembling into marginal band microtu¬ bules in nucleated erythroid cells [136, 142]. Cilia and flagella are organelles specializing in cell motility. Since they are formed at restricted stages during embryogenesis or the life cycle, and also regenerate after removal or resorption into the cell body, these organelles provide us with good material for elucidating the mechanisms of specific induction and regulated expression of spe¬ cific genes. Transit elevation in translatable mRNAs for tubulin and other ciliary and flagellar components was observed within short periods after amputation of cilia and flagella in sea urchin embryos [143], in Tetrahymena [144] and in Chlamydomonas [145-147]. A similar phe¬ nomenon was observed after the initiation of dif¬ ferentiation from amoebae to flagellates in Naeg- leria [148]. Specific tubulin synthesis also occurs in the differentiation of a parasitic protozoan Leish- mania from nonmotile amastigotes to motile pro- mastigotes [149]. Deflagellation induces the coor¬ dinately regulated transcription of the two a- and two /?-tubulin genes of Chlamydomonas [95, 150, 151], and the stabilization of tubulin transcripts [152]. Coordinate regulation of mRNAs for a- and /?-tubulin as well as calmodulin was observed in the differentiation of Naegleria [129]. In sea urchin embryos, the accumulation of three /?-tubulin mRNAs (/? 1, p2 and /73) from a multiple gene family are coordinated with ciliogenesis, whereas another /7-tubulin mRNA, /74, is not induced [153]. The above three /7-tubulin mRNAs are later en¬ riched in the pluteus ectoderm. In contrast, /74 mRNA is enriched in the endomesoderm after the gastrula stage. Post-translational modification of tubulin for cilia and flagella will be described in the following chapter. Aspergillus nidulans has two /?-tubulin genes, ben A and tub C. The former is involved in both vegetative growth and asexual sporulation and the latter is involved mainly in asexual sporulation [99]. A heat-sensitive mutation at the structural Multi-facets of Tubulin 1173 gene of ben A blocks both nuclear division and nuclear migration at a restrictive temperature [154]. The tub A a-tubulin gene must also be concerned with both processes. Such temperature- sensitive mutations in a- and /9-tubulin also affect spindle formation in CHO cells [155]. In slime mold, Physarum, an a-tubulin gene is expressed in the plasmodial phase, whereas another a-tubulin gene is transcribed in the amoebal phase of the life cycle [98, 114]. In a similar manner, one of the two /91 isotypes appears in the myxamoeba, the /92 isotype being found only in the plasmodium. Another /91 isotype is expressed both in the myx¬ amoeba and in the plasmodium [41]. Among higher plants, tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific accumulation of /9-tubulin isotypes was reported in the carrot. In the floret except for the pollen, /91, /92 and /93 isotypes are present, whereas the /94 isotype is detected in the stamen and pollen. The /95 isotype is differentially ex¬ pressed in the stem and leaves, and the /96 isotype is found only in seedlings [41]. Such a specific expression of both a- and /9-tubulin genes has also been reported in Arabidopsis thaliana [104]. Concerning the regulation of tubulin gene ex¬ pression, Ben-Ze’ev et al. [156] reported that tubulin synthesis in mouse 3T6 cells is depressed by colchicine which elevates the level of unassem¬ bled tubulin subunits in the cell. Since then, such a feedback control for the synthesis of both a- and /9-tubulin has been ovserved in various vertebrate cells by using antitubulin drugs or by direct mi¬ croinjection of purified tubulin [38, 157-160]. Change in the rate of tubulin synthesis is closely associated with change in the amount of tubulin mRNAs. Autoregulatory control of tubulin gene expression appears to be the result of a cytoplas¬ mic event which modulates stability of the mRNAs bound to polysome, and not due to changes in transcription rates. Recently it has been shown that changes in the stability of polysome-bound /9-tubulin mRNAs are specified by the first 13 translated nucleotides which encode the first four /9-tubulin amino acids, Met-Arg-Glu-Ile [161]. Either the binding of tubulin subunits to the N- terminal coding sequences of a translating J3- tubulin RNA or the interaction of free subunits with the nascent tubulin polypeptides emerging from the ribosome would stimulate tubulin mRNA degradation. Similar autoregulation has been documented in Chlamydomonas [152, 162, 163] and sea urchin embryos [153, 164], although en¬ hanced transcription of tubulin genes after decilia- tion or deflagellation occurs independently of the amount of unassembled tubulin molecules [146, 164-166]. As mentioned already, there are multiple func¬ tional genes for both a- and /9-tubulin isotypes and each isotypic class is expressed in a unique manner during development. However, in studies where antibodies were raised against synthetic poly¬ peptides corresponding to the C-terminal variable domain sequences of different vertebrate /9-tubulin isotypes, it was revealed that each type is present in vivo an apparently uniform distribution in all classes of microtubules in cultured cells, with a similar level of each isotype present being in the assembled form [107]. In contrast, microtubules enriched in the c/93 isotype were found to be less cold-stable than those enriched in c/96, which is preferentially expressed in erythroid cells and thrombocytes [108]. In the nematode, Caeno- rhabditis elegans , most cells have microtubules with 11 protofilaments, but the touch receptor neurons have microtubules with 15 protofilaments as compared with the 13 protofilaments in usual microtubules [167]. The 15 protofilament microtu¬ bules are lost by colchicine-treatment or by gene mutation concomitant with the loss of touch sensi¬ tivity. Diversity in functions of microtubules, therefore, would be manifested by interactions of tubulin with other specific microtubule proteins. Recently, the microinjection of biotin-labeled tubulin before fixation and the staining with anti¬ tubulin and a fluorescent secondary antibody were combined in order to provide a quantitative analy¬ sis of dynamics at the single microtubule level [168]. Such a technique would be also useful for analyzing functions and dynamic states of specific tubulins. The problem of spatial organization of microtubules for morphogenesis was reviewed by Kirschner and Mitchison [169]. 1174 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya POST-TRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATION OF TUBULIN Phosphorylation Results showing the phosphorylation of brain tubulin by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase firmly associated with tubulin preparation was first described by Goodman et al. [170], although sub¬ sequent work indicated that the preferred sub¬ strates of protein kinase are MAPs which co-purify with tubulin (cf. [171]). Tetrahymena axonemes also contain such protein kinase(s), which pre¬ ferentially phosphorylate tubulin among the ax- onemal proteins [172]. It was reported that only /?-tubulin was specifically phosphorylated in vivo at a serine residue near the C-terminus in the mammalian brain [173, 174]. Only certain species of /?-tubulin separated by isoelectric focusing were phosphorylated [175]. In differentiated neuroblas¬ toma cells, the phosphorylated isotype was iden¬ tified as pi (class III isotype) [176]. However, there have been reports revealing the phosphoryla¬ tion of brain a-tubulin as well as /?-tubulin [177— 179], On the contrary, in the axonemes of Chlamydomonas grown in the presence of 32Pi, the phosphorylation of only a few components of a-tubulin was observed [180]. Both a- and /?- tubulin were found to be phosphorylated in the platelets [181, 182]. In the uterine smooth muscle of a parturient rat, it was observed that phosphoryl¬ ation of /?-tubulin switched to ^-tubulin during labor [183]. Several kinds of protein kinases distinct from cAMP dependent protein kinase engage in the phosphorylation of tubulin. Thus, Ca2+- calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (kinase II) which phosphorylates both a- and /?-tubulin at their C-terminal region was obtained from brain tissues [178, 179, 184]. The phosphorylation occurred mainly at serine residues, although threonine residues were also phosphorylated. The phosphorylation of tubulin causes reduction in its ability to polymerize, and to bind to MAP-2, and an enhancement in disassembly of microtubules [179, 184]. The phosphorylation also enhances the association of tubulin with phospholipid vesicles [185]. Such a system would participate in the release of neurotransmitters from the synapto- somes [178, 184], Casein kinase II, which appears to be present in brain, phosphorylates a serine residue at the C-terminal region of /?-tubulin [186]. Tubulin phosphorylated by this enzyme retains its ability to polymerize. Casein kinase I was reported to phosphorylate multiple sites of tubulin [187]. The presence of tyrosine kinases which phosphory¬ late tubulin, including the src oncogene product, has also been reported [188-190]. Among them, insulin receptor kinase phosphorylates the C- terminal tyrosine of a-tubulin resulting in the dis¬ appearance of the ability of tubulin dimer to assemble into a microtubule. On the other hand, it phosphorylates tyrosine residues located in other parts of the molecule when a-tubulin is not tyrosin- ated at the C-terminus, and the phosphorylated tubulin retains its assembling capacity [188]. An endogenous protein kinase in the growth cone of a neonatal rat brain phosphorylates tyrosine and serine residues of both a- and /?-tubulin, the result¬ ing phosphotyrosine exceeding phosphoserine [189]. As can be seen from the statements above, the phosphorylation of tubulin in situ would affect the assembly and disassembly of microtubules and their multiple functions. The phosphorylation of /?-tubulin increases with microtubule assembly dur¬ ing neurite growth in neuroblastoma cells [191]. It is possible that the phosphorylated /?-tubulin iso¬ type in neuroblastoma cells has its assembly and/or function regulated by phosphorylation, whereas the other isotypes are regulated by MAPs [176]. In the platelets, stimulation by agonists such as thrombin results in a reduction of phosphate incor¬ poration into tubulin [182]. It has been suggested that phosphorylation of a- and /?-tubulin at their C-terminal region by different kinases would reg¬ ulate tubulin assembly and its interactions with MAPs and other cellular components [186, 188]. Apart from the phosphorylation of tubulin itself, phosphorylation of MAPs also affects their in¬ teractions with microtubules (for review, see [192]). Thus, phosphorylation of MAP-2 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibits microtu¬ bule assembly [193]. Extensive phosphorylation of MAP-2 reduces its binding to formed microtubules [194], A calmodulin-dependent protein kinase Multi-facets of Tubulin 1175 appears to be more active than the cAMP- dependent kinase in the phosphorylation of MAP- 2 [195], MAP-1, tau and other MAPs can also be phosphorylated, resulting in the modulation of their association with microtubules (cf. [192]). Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of a 62K protein induces disassembly of microtubules in sea urchin mitotic apparatus, probably at ana¬ phase [196]. cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of certain protein(s) has been reported to be re¬ sponsible for the initiation of sperm flagellar motil¬ ity [197,198]. Bi-directional pigment granule movements along microtubule arrays in mela- nophores are regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of a 57K protein [199]. Tyrosination Another post-translational modification is tyro¬ sination and detyrosination of a-tubulin. Incor¬ poration of tyrosine or phenylalanine into the C-terminus of a brain protein was first described by Barra et al. [200]. The protein was subsequently identified as a-tubulin [201, 202]. An enzyme which adds a tyrosine residue to a C-terminal glutamate of a-tubulin, tubulin-tyrosine ligase (TTLase), has been found in extracts of all verte¬ brate tissues and cultured cells [203-206] and has been highly purified from the brain [207]. TTLase is also present in sea urchins, but not in Tetrahyme- na [208]. The proportion of a-tubulin which can be tyrosinated by the ligase increases after treatment of a-tubulin with carboxypeptidase A. On the other hand, a carboxypeptidase which releases tyrosine from the C-terminus of a-tubulin, tyrosyl- tubulin carboxypeptidase (TTCPase), has been obtained from brain tissue [209-211]. It was first postulated that the primary post-translational modification of a-tubulin is tyrosination. Howev¬ er, subsequent identification of the codon for the C-terminal tyrosine in a-tubulin mRNAs indicated just the reverse situation, i.e., the primary mod¬ ification of a-tubulin is detyrosination by TTLCase leaving glutamic acid as the C-terminal residue and TTLase restores the original state of a-tubulin (cf. [38]). Unassembled tubulin dimer is the substrate for TTLase, although both tyrosinated and detyro- sinated dimers can assemble in vitro [203, 204, 212, 213], whereas TTLCase removes tyrosine pre¬ dominantly from tubulin dimers of assembled mic¬ rotubules [210]. TTLase has a binding site on /?-tubulin [213]. The proportion of tyrosinated and non- tyrosinated tubulins and the level of the enzymes participating in the modification vary among differ¬ ent materials. In the mammalian brain, non- tyrosinated tubulin occupies 25-50% of the total soluble tubulin while tyrosinated tubulin accounts for a lesser amount [204, 208, 214-216]. Further¬ more, some percentage of tubulin remains non- tyrosinable even after treatment with carboxypep¬ tidase A. The fraction of tyrosinated tubulin changes with the stage of development and aging of the animal. Even among nerve tissues, cyto¬ plasmic tubulin from the squid nerve is fully tyro¬ sinated as a result of very little activity of TTCPase and definite activity of TTLase, in contrast to the situation in mammalian brain [216]. On the other hand, membrane-bound tubulin from both squid ganglion and mammalian brain contain only small amount of tyrosinated tubulin [216, 217]. Lack of C-terminal tyrosine appears to be a characteristic of membrane tubulin (cf. [218]). In the giant axon of the squid restoration of membrane excitability which had once been destroyed was achieved by perfusing TTLase in combination with tyrosine, tubulin and some other factors [219, 220]. Non- tyrosinated tubulin is absent in toad oocytes and early embryos, whereas the toad brain contains a higher proportion of the non-tyrosinated form [221]. TTCPase is not detectable in the former, but is comparable to that found in mammalian brain in the latter. Little tyrosinable tubulin is present in Tetrahymena where no TTLase activity has so far been detected [208]. It was reported that MAP-2 bound to microtubules made with detyro- sinated tubulin to a lesser extent than to those made with tyrosinated tubulin [222]. Replacement of the C-terminal tyrosine by phenylalanine was observed in the infant rat brain after induction of hyperphenylalaninemia [223]. As a useful tool for analyzing the behavior of tyrosinated (Tyr) and detyrosinated (Glu) a- tubulin within cells, a rat monoclonal antibody (YL1/2) raised against yeast tubulin [83] was found to specifically react with the tyrosinated form of brain a-tubulin [84], The antibody also reacted 1176 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya with the synthetic peptide Gly-(Glu)3-Gly-(Glu)2- Tyr, but did not react with Gly-(Glu)3-Gly-(Glu)2. In vitro assembly of the microtubule was not affected by the antibody. When injected into 3T3 cells, the antibody bound to microtubules without affecting their distribution at low concentration, but inhibited saltatory movement of organelles and mitosis at higher concentrations [84, 224]. Polyc¬ lonal antibodies specific for the C-termini of either Tyr a-tubulin or Glu a-tubulin have also been prepared against the corresponding synthetic polypeptides [85]. Investigations with these anti¬ bodies revealed a distinct, but overlapping dis¬ tribution of subclasses of microtubules in cultured cells [85, 225]. For example, microtubules with Tyr a-tubulin are present both in the spindle and asters, but those with Glu a-tubulin are restricted to half spindles and the interzone at telophase during mitosis. In contrast to proliferating cells, the level of Glu a-tubulin is higher in stable microtubules of differentiated cells such as those in sperm axonemes [226]. Based on the staining pattern of a trypanosome with the YL1/2 during the cell cycle, it has been suggested that Tyr a-tubulin is a marker of newly formed microtu¬ bules, the detyrosinated one accumulating in ‘old’ microtubules [41]. A similar conclusion that the turnover rate of Tyr microtubules is higher than that of Glu microtubules has been reached using these antibodies in an epithelial cell line [227]. It appears that Tyr tubulins predominant in the tubu¬ lin pool assemble to give Tyr microtubules which are converted into Glu microtubules by TTCPase. When the Glu microtubules disassemble, the re¬ sulting Glu tubulins may be efficiently retyrosin- ated by TTLase [228]. Acetylation In Chlamydomonas, the post-translational con¬ version of an a-tubulin (al) confined to the cell body into a major flagellar a-tubulin (a3) was observed during regeneration after deflagellation [146, 229]. The a-tubulin translated in vitro from mRNA isolated from cells during regeneration was identified as al, while there was no detectable synthesis of a3. Similar post-translational mod¬ ification of flagellar a-tubulin was also described in the alga Polytomella [230] and in the trypanosome, Crithidia fasciculata [231, 232]. The modification was reversible and the flagellar a3 tubulin was deacetylated to the cytoplasmic al form during flagellar resorption, which is accompanied by mic¬ rotubular disassembly [233]. From these findings, a close relationship between the post-translational modification and flagellar assembly was post¬ ulated. Soon after it was revealed that the post- translational modification of a-tubulin in Chlamy¬ domonas was due to acetylation of the e-amino group of lysine(s) [234]. The same was true in the flagellar axonemal microtubules of Trypanosoma brucei [41]. Furthermore, both al and a3 tubulin appear to exist in both tyrosinated and detyrosin¬ ated forms, the al being the true substrate for TTLase. As mentioned above, specific monoclon¬ al antibodies were raised against acetylated a- tubulin from sea urchin sperm axonemes [86]. The antibodies bound to the axonemal a-tubulin of different organisms, but did not recognize non- acetylated a-tubulin such as that of unfertilized sea Fig. 4. Immunofluorescence of the mitotic apparatus of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera. Mitotic apparatus was double-stained with a polyclonal antibody against sea urchin tubulin (a: Polyscience Inc.) and a monoclonal antibody specific for acetylated a- tubulin (b: named 6-11B-1, a kind gift from Dr. G. Piperno, Rockefeller University, NY). Multi-facets of Tubulin 1177 1 2345 12345 12345 Fig. 5. Analysis of the acetylation of tubulin from several sources. Bands represent the following samples: egg extract and sperm flagellar fraction of starfish, Asterias amurensis (1,2), egg extract of sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (3), egg extract and sperm axoneme fraction of sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina (4, 5). Samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE, followed by electrophoretical blotting to nitrocellulose membrane, a: Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) staining of gel, b: immunostaining of nitrocellulose with a monoclonal antibody against a-tubulin (Amersham), c: immunostaining of nitrocellulose with 6-11B-1 (see Fig. 4). T: tubulin. urchin eggs (Figs. 4 and 5). The antigen, however, was not restricted to the flagellar and ciliary ax- onemes. Microtubules containing acetylated a- tubulin have been found in basal bodies, cen- trioles, mitotic spindles, midbodies and certain subclasses of cytoplasmic microtubules by im¬ munofluorescence microscopy using one of the monoclonal antibodies [41, 86, 235, 236]. In the life cycle of Physarum , acetylated a-tubulin is localized in the flagella of the flagellate and in the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of the amoeba, but is not detected at the plasmodial stage [237]. Acetylated a-tubulin is abundant in neural tissues [238, 239]. Thus, the acetylation of a-tubulin is not confined to flagellar and ciliary assembly. In addition to axonemal microtubules, acetylated a-tubulin is present in cytoplasmic microtubules resistant to depolymerizing drugs such as nocodazole or col¬ chicine, but not in cold-resistant microtubules [41, 235, 236, 238]. Tubulin acetylation is also en¬ hanced by the treatment of PC12 cells with nerve growth factor which reduces the susceptibility of microtubules to depolymerizing agents [238]. Furthermore, it has been reported that tubulin polymer is a better substrate than tubulin dimer for partially purified a-tubulin acetylase [240]. The acetylation of a-tubulin may contribute to the stabilization of certain classes of microtubules, especially those forming special arrays such as in elongated structures. In some cell types, acety¬ lated tubulin and detyrosinated tubulin reside in the same subclass of microtubules. However, this is not the case in other cell types [241, 242]. Post-translational modification, therefore, is not always a prerequisite for microtubule stability. It is not certain whether acetylation increases the lipid solubility of tubulin. Glycosylation and other modifications It was reported that tubulin preparations from the mammalian brain contain appreciable amounts of carbohydrates [243, 244]. That [14C]glu- cosamine is incorporated into tubulin in vivo and recovered as a mixture of glucosamine and galacto- samine, was shown in the mouse brain [245]. Binding of concanavalin A and other agents con¬ sidered to have specificity for complex carbohy¬ drates to microtubules was also demonstrated [246, 247]. Ciliary membrane tubulin was found to be periodic acid-schiff (PAS) positive, whereas axonemal tubulin was not significantly positive 1178 H. Mohri and N. Hosoya [248]. Furthermore, a dramatic increase of tubulin glycosylation was observed in diabetic rats, reduc¬ ing the ability of tubulin to undergo normal in vitro assembly [249]. In spite of these findings, specific glycosylation of tubulin as a post-translational modification still remains unproven. On the other hand, we detected the presence of lipids in the outer doublet fraction in sea urchin spermatozoa [250]. Microtubules isolated after the incubation of chick embryos or Hela cells with 32Pi contained labeled phospholipids [251]. In addi¬ tion, it was reported that brain tubulin contained phospholipids and assembled into membranous forms [252], Since Feit and Barondes [253] pro¬ vided the evidence for tubulin localization in mem¬ brane fractions from nervous tissue, membrane- associated tubulin has been obtained from various sources such as thyroid [254] and cilia [255] (for review, see [218]). Tubulin can be found in lipid-soluble or water-soluble forms. Membrane tubulin appears to form a high molecular weight complex with lipids and other proteins. Even though tubulin is a constituent of membrane, the association of specific lipids with tubulin remains to be elucidated. Recently, methylation of tubulin and high molecular weight MAPs by protein carboxy- methyltransferase was reported [256]. The enzyme is rich in the brain and testes. Its roles in sperm motility [257] and other functions have been sug¬ gested. There is a report that reductive methyla¬ tion of a highly reactive lysine residue of a-tubulin (Lys-394 of bovine brain tubulin) renders tubulin assembly incompetent [258]. Some evidence was obtained which indicates that tubulin is a zinc- containing protein [259], without any further sup¬ port. However, it is certain that zinc ions modify tubulin polymerization, bringing about a zinc- induced sheet [260]. We have followed changes in the cytoskeleton 2 3 I M I M | M > ' • A06 J* A . V Fig. 6. Analysis of isoforms of tubulin at immature (I) and maturing (M) stages of starfish oocytes, Asterina pectinifera. Samples were subjected to isoelectric focusing in a one-dimensional slab minigel system. Proteins were then electrophoretically blotted to a nitrocellulose membrane and stained with anti a-tubulin (1) and anti /?-tubulin (2) monoclonal antibodies (Amersham). Proteins were further analyzed by subsequent SDS-PAGE. After isoelectric focusing, the slab gel was sliced into strips, applied to SDS-PAGE as the second dimension using the same minigel system, and stained with CBB (3). Large arrow heads indicate a- and ^-tubulin. Small arrow heads indicate major proteins which did not change isoelectric points at these two stages. Multi-facets of Tubulin 1179 during the maturation of starfish oocytes [261]. In immature oocytes with germinal vesicles, the mi¬ crotubule network is widely distributed in the cortex and within the cytoplasm. When the oocytes are subjected to treatment with 1 -methyl adenine, the germinal vesicle breaks down and the first meiotic spindle is formed concomitant with a reduction in the number of cytoplasmic microtu¬ bules. Such a change is repeated during the second meiotic division. In a preliminary experiment, the total amount of tubulin varied only slightly during maturation, but both a- and /?- tubulin exhibited a characteristic cyclic change. Namely, among the four isoforms of a-tubulin distinguishable by isoelectric focusing, two basic isoforms dis¬ appeared cyclically during meiotic divisions. Such a cyclic shift to more acidic forms also occurred in /?-tubulin (Fig. 6). It appears that this is not due to degradation and synthesis of these isoforms, but is a post-translational modification. However, phos¬ phorylation, tyrosination and acetylation (see Fig. 5) so far do not seem to be the cause, but the change was found to be Ca2+-dependent. Further experiments are needed to elucidate this peculiar phenomenon. SUMMARY AND PERSPECTIVE During the two decades since the naming of tubulin, it is apparent that much information has been accumulated in relation to tubulin and micro¬ tubules. Thus, the multiple functions of tubulin even in a single cell has been established, even though tubulin has been a relatively conservative protein during evolution. There are multiple gene families for both subunits of tubulin, and each of the genes are dispersed in the genome and are transcribed coordinately or selectively during de¬ velopment or a life cycle. Even though different tubulin isotypes copolymerize to microtubules, certain tubulin isotypes are expressed in special tissues and/or at specific stages of embryogenesis, and form special classes of microtubules. These different classes of microtubules exhibit a different stability to cold and various drugs and have specific interactions with MAPs and other cellular compo¬ nents which have not been treated in this article. Furthermore, post-translational modification gives rise to more tubulin isoforms than the num¬ ber of expressed genes. It appears that phosphoryl¬ ation of the C-terminal region by different protein kinases regulates the assembly of tubulin and interactions with MAPs, etc. Conversely, phos¬ phorylation of MAPs and other proteins would also modify tubulin assembly and various functions of microtubules. Most, but not all of the newly formed tubulin species have the C-terminal tyro¬ sine. When assembled into microtubules, Tyr tubulin is detyrosinated by TTCPase, and if such microtubules are degraded, Glu tubulin in the dimer pool is retyrosinated by TTLase. The activi¬ ties of these enzymes would affect the proportion of Tyr and Glu microtubules within cells. Acetyla¬ tion of tubulin may contribute to the stability of certain classes of microtubules. It is conceivable that glycosylation and binding to specific lipids are concerned with the various phenomena shown by membranes. Tubulin would be modified by other as yet unknown processes. Presently and in the coming years, specific anti¬ bodies against the known sequences of individual tubulin isoforms will be utilized to distinguish different classes of microtubules in various cell types and to follow their temporal and spatial changes immunocytochemically, although this is not almighty. Such antibodies would also reveal the nature of specific interactions of different tubulins or microtubules with MAPs and other cellular components. The genetic approach, such as the isolation of new tubulin mutants or the introduction of in vitro engineered genes into cells will further contribute to understanding the struc¬ ture and function of specific tubulins and microtu¬ bules. Studies of genes other than tubulin genes are also needed to elucidate the mechanisms of tubulin gene regulation or construction of specific microtubule arrays. 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Sci., 4: 1046. - 1187 Proceedings of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan October 8-10, 1988 Sapporo Suffixal letters of abstract number refer to the abbreviated subfields of zoology PH : physiology GE : genetics BI : biochemistry DB : developmental biology EN : endocrinology MO : morphology BB : behavior biology EC : ecology TS : taxonomy and systematics ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1189 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRIZE] Structure and Function of Nonspiking Interneurons Mituhiko Hisada Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060 Our study of nonspiking interneurons has arisen out of an attempt to understand how the central nervous system of the crayfish selects and com¬ mands a certain behavioral act. In contrast to the general notion that the neural system is comprised mainly of spiking, action- potential generating neurons, we have found that a large proportion of the total neurons in a ganglion of the crayfish is the local nonspiking type of neuron. Nonspiking neurons can exert motor effects according to their membrane potential change. Current injection through a microelectorode into the nonspiking neurons results in an extensive change in motoneuron activity. The transmission is chemical. Some nonspiking neurons can mod¬ ulate the motoneuron activity even when they are hyperpolarized. This indicates that they have a continuous release of transmitters at their “rest¬ ing” potential. Although we were able to classify the nonspik¬ ing neurons with regard to their postsynaptic effect and mode of transmitter release, no exact struc¬ tural correlate to these functional types has so far been found. There is a high possibility that their individual branches function rather independently, forming numerous local circuits. Input and output synapses found distributed in close proximity support this notion. This is an important aspect to be incorporated in the evaluation of any neural network involving this type of neuron. Yet another important aspect is that by gathering many synaptic inputs from various branches, nonspiking neurons could exert a smooth sustained output suited for control of the relative threshold of the postsynaptic cells by modulating their resting membrane potentials. Having gained this basic knowledge about non¬ spiking neurons, we hypothesize that the nonspik¬ ing neurons act as a heterosynaptic facilitatory element to a given reflex pathway, i.e., a gating or a biasing element in the selection of the behavioral output. This possibility is tested vigorously in the interaction of the abdominal movement system and uropod steering system. Intracellular analysis revealed that the uropod motoneurons are con¬ tinuously depolarized while the abdominal system is in operation. This depolarization is found to be mediated by nonspiking neurons. Subthreshold excitatory postsynaptic potentials from the des¬ cending pathway can elicit spike activity in the motoneurons only while this continuous back¬ ground depolarization takes place via nonspiking neurons. Nonspiking interneurons are thus in¬ volved, not merely in the direct control of behavioral acts but also in the modulation and coordination of single and multiple action. Injection of current subthreshold to the spike initiation into some dendritic branches of an ordinary spiking motoneuron in the crayfish mod¬ ulates the activity of neighboring motoneurons. This indicates that the nonspiking mode of signal transmission is far more widely used in the central nervous system of arthropods than generally be¬ lieved. This finding together with the presence of a large number of nonspiking neurons necessitated a radical revision of our understanding of how the central nervous system operates in these animals. It remains to be seen whether the nonspiking mode of transmission is a primitive form of intercellular communication. Yet at present, it appears reason¬ able to assume that the nonspiking neurons are the products of an evolutionary process during which the behavior to be executed has become more and more complex, though the total number of neurons has remained limited. The hope is that in time we will be able to answer many of these unsettled questions. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1190 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRIZE] The Intracellular Symbiont of Insects as a Genetic Element Hajime Ishikawa Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113 Since the discovery of intracellular symbionts as Blochmann bodies in several insect tissues in the late 19th century, studies of symbionts have centered upon their structure and nutritional biochemistry in relation to the physiology of host insects. Until quite recently, it had scarcely drawn biologists’ attention that the intracellular symbiont serves as a genetic element with a genome distinct from that of the host. It is our work on aphid symbionts that brought about a breakthrough in symbiology in this respect. Intracellular symbionts of aphids are harbored by the mycetocyte, a cell differentiated specifically for this purpose. The aphid embryo growing parthenogenetically in its mother’s ovariole is infected with symbionts at an early stage of development, and the symbionts are thereby trans¬ mitted from generation to generation of the host insect without ever having a free-living stage. Probably because of this, the symbionts cannot successfully replicate themselves extracellularly. Conversely, aposymbiotic aphids are completely sterile, suggesting that the host depends on the symbionts for its reproduction. Such a close interdependence between the host and symbionts is rarely observed in other organisms, including insects that contain endosymbionts. The primary symbiont of the pea aphid, Acyr- ihosiphon pisum, possesses a genome a few times larger than that of E. coli. The symbiont’s genomic DNA is characteristic in that its G + C content is as low as 30%. While the symbiont synthesizes several hundred proteins when incu¬ bated in vitro, it synthesizes but one protein, symbionin, when present inside the host cell. One possibility that has been raised is that symbionin is coded for by the host genome and is synthesized by the symbion’s ribosomes. Implicit in this assump¬ tion is the belief that the mRNA of symbionin is transferred across the boundary from host to symbiont in order to be translated. Symbionin is an acidic protein with a molecular mass of 63 kDa, and is produced primarily by the symbionts har¬ bored by the embryo inside the mother’s ovariole. Symbionin may either be a storage protein to be consumed over the course of post-embryonic development of the host insect or an enzyme involved in the recycling of nitrogen compounds essential to the host. Since most of the aphid symbiont’s genes are not expressed inside the host cell, like pseudogenes, they are neutral to Darwinian selection and thus, are fully susceptible to mutation. Actually, it has been suggested that the aphid symbiont’s genome is undergoing evolution much more rapidly than that of the host genome. According to the Serial Endosymbiosis Theory, cell organelles containing DNA are looked upon as intracellular symbionts which have become specialized through the loss of much of their genetic coding capacity. If at present, a symbiont tends to become specialized functionally through evolution in response to its intracellular environment, we may well suppose that similar events in the past eventually led to the production of cell organelles such as mitochondria and plastids. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5: 1191 (1988) © 1988 Zoological Society of Japan [THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRIZE] Developmental and Molecular Analyses of Ooplasmic Factors Required for Pole Cell Formation Masukichi Okada Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305 It was in the second decade of this century that germ plasm, a locally specialized ooplasm, was observed to participate in the establishment of the germ line in some developmental systems. The aim of our present studies is to attain an under¬ standing of the role of the germ plasm in germ line formation on a molecular level. The germ line cells, which are called pole cells in Drosophila melanogaster, are formed at the early syncytial blastoderm stage. Pole cell formation is inhibited if an early cleavage embryo is uv- irradiated posteriorly at its germ plasm. However, we found that the irradiated embryo restored its ability to form pole cells if it was microinjected with intact germ plasm immediately after irradia¬ tion. This showed that a germ plasmic factor could be transplantable without losing its ability to form pole cells. Furthermore, this raised the possibility that one could use this uv-irradiation-micro- injection procedure for monitoring the factor during its isolation from embryos. Testing every subcellular fraction using this procedure, we scruti¬ nized embryo homogenates and found that the ability to restore pole cell formation was retained in the postmitochondrial fraction sedimented from a homogenate of early cleavage embryos and oocytes. The postmitochondrial fraction was analyzed in order to find the component(s) responsible for the restoration activity. Digestion of the fraction with a protease did not affect the restoration activity of the fraction, but RNase treatment dramatically decreased the activity. Encouraged by these results, we extracted RNA from the post¬ mitochondrial fraction to test its restoration activi¬ ties. Only poly(A) +RNA could restore pole cell forming ability to uv-irradiated embryos. For further analysis, a cDNA library was generated from the poly(A) + RNA and was screened in order to select a cDNA of the RNA responsible for the restoration activity. Since we had found a stage specific mode of occurrence of poly(A)+RNA with restoration activity, cDNA clones that hybridized with poly(A)+RNA present in young cleavage embryos but not in blastoderm embryos were selected, using the colony hybridization technique. DNA extracted from each of those clones was tested as to whether it hybridized with poly(A) + RNA that had restoration activity. Finally, such a cDNA clone (pDE20.6) was obtained. The cDNA insert of pDE20.6 hybri¬ dized with a 1.5 kb RNA on a northern blot. No southern blot signal was detected from nuclear DNA, nor was an in situ hybridization signal found on salivary gland chromosomes. Furthermore, a search in a computerized data base for nucleotide sequences homologous to pDE20.6 cDNA pro¬ duced only mitochondrial large ribosomal DNA of Drosophila yakuba. The homology was 98%. Tracing the properties of a cytoplasmic factor to restore pole cell formation to uv-irradiated embryos, we have encountered the mitochondrial IrRNA. On the other hand, our biological studies suggest that more cytoplasmic factors involved in the pathway of pole cell formation and germ cell differentiation should be found in germ plasm. Thus, our conclusion for the present is that germ plasm is not simply a germ cell determinant but a complex of cytoplasmic factors encoded by mitochondrial as well as nuclear genes. The role of every factor must be elucidated before we can reach the goal of our studies. 1192 Physiology PH 1 BACTERIAL CHEMOTAXIS AS AN ORIGIN OF NEURONAL TRANSDUCTION. T. Shinozawa-*- and S. Fukunaga^ . Dept, of Natural Science, Naruto Univ. of Education. Naruto. Tokushima. _ _ There are several analogical points in the mechanism of bacterial chemotaxis and neuronal transduction. In both systems, the adsorption of some chemicals (ligands) triggers the transduction and several amino acids act as triggers in both systems. Therefore, we supposed that the origin of neuronal transduction is the bacterial chemotaxis. The effect of some chemicals affecting the neuronal system were tested on the bacterial chemotaxis. Chemotaxis of Escherichia coli was assayed by the modification of Adler's method using 1 ;ul capillary and also by the swarming method on the semisolid agar plate. More than lO-^ M of methamphetamine (called "HIROPON" in Japan) attracted EU_ coli . Acetylcholine was not an attractant or a repellent for this bacteria. However, more than 10~^ M of this chemical inhibited the chemotaxis of this bacteria for aspartate. These data support the above idea concerning the origin of neuronal transduction system and now more precise experiments are under investigation. (Present Address: 1; Dept, of Polymer Science, Faculty of Technology, Gunma University. 2; Hitoyoshi Educational Institution for Agricultural Technology) PH 2 AN ANTIGEN FOR A MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY WHICH DEPRESSES THE RESPONSE EVOKED BY GLUTATHI¬ ONE IN HYDRA , PROBABLY A RELEVANT RECEPTOR K. Ohta , K. Hanai and H. Morita. Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka There are at least 5 components of the behavioral response (R1-R5) which are evoked at different concentrations of GSM ( S-methy lglutathione ) . We have prepared several monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) each of which specifically depresses some of the components. Specific effects on the response and specific structures stained by these Mabs suggest that these Mabs bind to receptors mediating the response. As we could only detect the antigen correspond¬ ing to R5 , we analysed the R5 antigen in detail. Mab J245 is one of these antibod¬ ies and depresses R2 , R4 , and R5 . We exam¬ ined the interactions between the antigen for J245 and ligands. We labelled the solubilized membrane fraction with GSPAP ( S- ( p-azidophenacyl ) -glutathione ) which specifically depressed R5 . We analysed the labelled antigen with HPLC after extrac¬ tion by the immunoprecipitation . We could detect a 250kDa protein as the R5 antigen. GSM or L-glu , a competitive inhibitor of the response, dose-dependently reduced the amount of 35S-GSPAP bound to the antigen. The dissociation constants for GSM and L- glu were 55 yM and 90 yM, respectively. These values were consistent with those estimated from the behavioral experiments. The antigen may be a glutathione receptor mediating R5 . PH 3 GENETIC ALTERATION OF MULTIPLE TASTE RECEPTOR SITES FOR SUGARS IN Drosophila. T. Tanimura. Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Fukuoka Univ., Fukuoka Several lines of evidence suggest that there are multiple taste receptor sites for sugars in Drosophila. Mutants of Drosophila with an altered taste sensitivity to a particular group of sugars can provide a direct evidence for the presence of multiple sugar receptor sites. If a gene coding the receptor molecule has been identified, we would know the nature of the molecule through cloning the gene. Employing the two-choice behavioral preference test utilizing two kinds of food-colors, autosomal mutants with a reduced sensitivity to glucose were isolated through a mutagenesis with ethylmethane sulfonate. A free recombination and selection procedure was used to eliminate lethal mutations and to isolate dominant mutants. Three mutants were isolated and genetic analyses showed that they belong to a same complementation group. The gene was mapped on the left arm of the third chromosome. Two-choice preference tests with different combinations of two kinds of sugars suggested that the taste sensitivity to both glucose and sucrose is reduced, while the sensitivity to fructose do not change in the mutant. Experiments on the time course of feeding of a single sugar solution also supported the idea. Electrophysiological analyses of the mutant would reveal the precise role of the gene in the taste receptor mechanisms. PH 4 RESPONSES OF TARSAL SUGAR RECEPTOR IN DROSOPHIRA . A . Shiraishi 1 , T.Koga^-, T . Tanimura^ . iDept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka and ^Dept. 0f Biol., Fac. of Sci., Fukuoka Univ., Fukuoka. Two strains, C~anton-S and mutant, Tre, in Drosophira were used through¬ out^ this work. Flies after emergences were raised on 0.1 M sucrose and tap water during three or four days and used in the experiment. Ambient temperature during the experiment was between 22°C and 23° C . Relative humidity was above 80 %. Tip-recording method was adopted to record impulses from the largest chemo- sensory hairs located at the ventral side of tarsus. Stimulus sugar solution was dissolved into 0.001 M LiCl to maintain electric conductivity. Two kinds of impulses were recorded on stimulation by NaCl . The large spikes were presumed to be from salt receptor. The small spikes did not suppressed by higher concentration of NaCl but, presumed to be from water receptor. Responses on stimulations by various sugars were also recorded from the largest hair. Therefore, it was concluded that one hair contained three kinds of chemoreceptors , sugar, salt and water receptor, respectively. Response of tarsal sugar receptor of the mutant, Tre , was suppressed only to treharose stimulation . Physiology 1193 PH 5 TASTE CELL ADAPTATION AND CALCIUM. M. Ozaki and T. Amakawa. Dept, of Biol., Col. of Gen. Educ., Kobe Univ. , Nada, Kobe. Following the report in visual and olfactory cells, also in vertebrate sugar taste cells, it has been reported that cyclic nucleotide acts as intracellular messenger for the sensory-transduction. Here we report that Ca2 + may cause negative feed back to the transduction cascade in sugar receptor cell of the blowfly, Phormia regina , promoting adaptation of the cell. Increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration and application of IP^ into the cell accele¬ rated adaptation. Moreover, phorbol ester accelerated the adaptation. Therefore, sugar reception may trigger not only the transduction cascade but also the inositol phospholipid pathway as adaptation cascade. That is, sugar reception couples with PIP- hydrolysis producing IP-, IP-, -> mobilizes intracellular Ca2+, ana the Ca2+ may promote the adaptation probably via protein kinase C. _ Involvement of Ca2+ in the adaptation mechanism has been documented in visual cells, ^ut in this case, it is thought that Ca2+ permeates the stimulus-regulated sodium channel into the cell and acts via guanylate cyclase. PH 6 PHYSIOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY OF SEX PHEROMONE RESPONSIVE RELAY NEURONS IN DEUTOCEREBRUM OF THE MALE AMERICAN COCKROACH T.Hanada and T.Shibuya. Inst. of Biol. Sci.,Univ. of Tsukuba, Ibaraki . Responses to periplanone A and B of deutocerebral relay neurons of male american cockroach Periplaneta americana were recorded intracellular ly. The relay neurons responded to these phromone components were devided into three types of macroglomerular (MG) neuron and two types of ordinary-glomerular (OG) neuron according to their arborization patterns in the glomeruli. MG relay neurons which arborized both whole part and ventral part of MG responded to both periplanone A and B strongly, but two types differed in pattern of the dose-response relationship. In these two types of neuron, the dose-response curves to periplanone A were parallel to that of periplanone B, but shifted at the higher concentration. Other types of MG relay neuron which has arborization in the dorsal part responded to periplanone A preferentially. Some OG relay neurons also responded to pheromone components with excitatory or inhibitory response. But pheromone responses of these neurons were more gentle in increase of frequency of spikes than general odor responses. These results suggest pheromone information is mainly processed in MG labelled line system for their mating behavior, but other system exists for utilization of pheromone information in some aspects of behavior. PH 7 ANTENNAL CONTACT CHEMORECEPTOR CELLS RESPONDING TO INTERMALE RECOGNITION PHEROMONE IN THE MALE LOBSTER COCKROACH A.Watanabe and T.Shibuya. Inst, of Biol. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba, Ibaraki. In adult males of the lobster cockroach Naupheta cJnerea, sexual recognition occurs through antennal contact. To a conspecific adult female, a male responds with wing-raising display as a courtship behavior. A male responds to other males with aggressive actions, though the releaser pheromone of wing-raising display (wing-raising stimulant) exists in cuticular wax of both sexes. The inhibition of wing-raising display and release of aggressive behavior are due to intermale recognition pheromone called nauphoetin ( octadecyl ( Z ) -9-tetracosenoate ) . Spike responses to nauphoetin were obtained by means of tip recording method from chaetic sensilla. These excitatory responses were observed in 4.72% of tested chaetic sensilla. Wing-raising stimulant did not elicite spikes in chaetic sensilla responsive to nauphoetin. Excitatory response elicited by wing-raising stimulant was not suppressed by nauphoetin. In these contact pheromones, response spectra of chaetic sensilla did not overlap at all. These results suggested that peripheral input of these contact pheromones was sent in parallel to central nervous system. It was inferred that the inhibition of wing-raising display by nauphoetin depended upon central processing in the brain. PH 8 TASTE SYSTEM OF MEXICAN SALAMANDER, AXOLOTL . T. Nagai. Dept. Physiol., Teikyo Univ. Sch . Med , , Tokyo 1 73 _ The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, is a neotonous salamander, and is normally aquatic for its entire life cycle. It is easily maintained in the laboratory. It has a large non-distendible tongue devoid of hypoglossal innervation. From glosso¬ pharyngeal nerve bundle, the afferent responses were recorded and integrated, to salts ( K C 1 , NaCl, C a C 1 - ) , citric acid, quinine-HCl, sucrose, and amino acids (Phe, Arg, Gly, Ala, Glu). The responses to salts were robust, but not to amino acids even at 50 mM, although axolotl is carnivore. In contrast, a mechanical stimulation onto a single taste bud induced a brisk response. The induced units were larger in amplitude than chemosensitive units, suggesting the presence of fibers with a 1 arger diameter. A tentative study on taste-induced behaviour was done in avoidance reaction to bitter taste. The axolotl in my laboratory, usually fed on dog food pellets, rejected the pellet containing quinine-HCl of more than 10 mM. A Co-Lys complex applied to the distal cut end of glossopharyngeal nerve stained the cell bodies (20 - 3b urn in diameter) and fibers in the ganglion. I ntracel 1 u 1 ar recording as well as staining is in progress to more study the morphology and physiology of the ganglion cells. 1194 Physiology PH 9 LOBULE STRUCTURE AND SOMATOTOPY OF THE MEDULLARY FACIAL LOBE IN THE CHANNEL CATFISH. T. Hayama and J. Caprio. Dept, of Zool. and Physiol., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA _ , Correlation of somatic organization with lobule structure in the facial lobe (FL), a primary medullary gustatory nucleus of the freshwater channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus , was examined. Histo¬ logical examination revealed six longitudi¬ nal columns (i.e. lobules) extending ros- trocaudally in the FL. Elec t r ophy s i o 1 o- gical mapping indicated that each of the 6 lobules receives segregated input from dis¬ crete portions of the external body sur¬ face; four barbels (the medial mandibular, lateral mandibular, and maxillary and nasal barbels), the face-flank and the pectoral fin. The proximal-distal axis of each of the barbels and the an t e r o-po s t e r i o r body axis are represented in a po s t e r o-an t e r i or lobule axis, indicating that the fish in the FL is facing caudally. Taste responses within the three barbel lobules examined were generally observed in the dorsal regions, while tactile responses were throughout the lobules. The findings indicate that the FL of the channel catfish is highly organized to localize tactile and taste stimuli on the external body surface and further suggest that the lobule of the FL is differentiated into two portions, a dorsal taste and tactile, and a ventral, primarily tactile region. PH 10 CATION SELECTIVITY OF CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE¬ GATED CONDUCTANCE IN ISOLATED OLFACTORY RECEPTOR CELLS. N. Suzuki. Zool. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Hokkaido Univ. , Sapporo. Cation selectivity of cyclic nucleo¬ tide-gated conductance to alkali metal and organic ions was studied in enzymatically isolated bullfrog olfactory receptor cells by means of whole-cell clamp technique. Under voltage-clamp at -75 mV, 0.5 mM cGMP in Cs+-internal solut ion ; ( mM ) CsCl 95, CaCl2 0.7, MgCl2 2, EGTA-2Na 11, HEPES 10, NaOH 6, pH 7.2, was injected into olfacto¬ ry receptor cells in Ca^+-free external solution; (mM) NaCl 110, KC1 2, CoCl2 3, MgCl2 1, glucose 10, HEPES 5, NaOH 1.76, pH 7.2. Current-voltage relations for the c-GMP-gated conductance were determined by exchanging external solutions, in which Na ions were replaced by other cations. After corrections for non-specif¬ ic leak and voltage-dependent currrents, reversal potential measurements showed that the selectivity among alkali metal ions was weak with a sequence, Li> Na > K > Rb > Cs, and permeability ratios of 1.03, 1.0, 0.95, 0.78, and 0.75. Organic cations, choline, tetramethylammonium and tetraethylammonium , were less permeable and permeability ratios to Na+ were 0.39, 0.19 and 0.17. Results suggest that the cyclic nucleotide-gated conductance is the pore with relatively high electric field and its size is ~ 7 Angstroms in diameter. PH 11 ODORANT-ACTIVATED CATIONIC CONDUCTANCE IN THE OLFACTORY RECEPTOR CELLS OF NEWT T. Kurahashi and T. Shibuya. Inst. Biol. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba, Ibaraki . Some properties of the odorant-activated conductance in the solitary olfactory receptor cells was compared with those of the olfactory receptor potential in situ. (1) The sensitivity to odorants was locarized at the apical dendrite. This is well agreed with the results derived from the elec trophysiologi cal and biochemical study for the site of olfactory transduction . (2) The conductance showed time dependent-inactivation which is comparable to the adaptive properties of the olfactory response . (3) Permeability to each alkali metal ion was almost identical, but little to the anion, indicating the conductance to be a cation-selective conductance. The permeability ratio between K and Na, almost 1, well explained the reversal potential value of receptor potential in in situ cell, 0 mV. These observations strongly suggest that the olfactory receptor potential arises from the activation of cation-selective conductance . PH 12 ACTIVE POTENTIAL OF DISSOCIATED NERVE CELLS OF HYDRA. H.Kusaka, T.Itayama and Y.Sawada. Res. Inst. Elect. Comm., Tohoku University, Sendai. Hydra is one of the simplest animal which has a neural network system. In order to understand the information processing mecha¬ nism in this system, it was planned to study activation potential of a neural network system placed on a multi-micro electrode plate fabricated by a micro electronics technics . Hydra cells are dissociated by being pipetted after soaked in a medium of high osmotic pressure. Nerve cells are sucked by a micro-pipet and placed on the electrodes covered with the dissociation medium. Each electrode is 30 microns wide and is separa¬ ted from each other by 30 microns. Only a small circular part of 5 micron diameter at the tip of each electrode is deinsulated by use of exima laser. The resistance of the electrode is in general several tens M-ohm, and the capacitance between the neighboring electrodes is several f-farad. Under a favorite condition signals which might be single electric pulses or an pulse train are observed. In the present stage, however, network formation has not been observed on the electrode plate. Also it is difficult to obtain the reproducible data. The most important things we have to achieve may be to construct an electrode facilita¬ ting cell adhesion and to develop a technic to place nerve cells precisely on the spot. Physiology 1195 PH 13 POSSIBLE ROLE OF PROCTOLIN AS NEURO¬ MODULATOR IN THE COCKROACH LEG MUSCLE. H. Washio, S. Ishikawa, A. Ohmori and M. Maruyama . Mitsubishi Kasei Inst. Life Sci. Machida, Tokyo. The modulatory action of the exogenous proctolin and octopamien applied upon neurally-generated contraction was studied on the coxal depressor muscle 177d of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Proctolin increased the basal tension marckedey and decreased the relaxation rate of the contraction, while octopamine increased the contraction and relaxation rates and decrased the amplitude of the tetanus tension. Stimulation of one of the DUM neurons intracellularly during production of tetanus of the muscle reduced the amplitude of tetanus tension and induced a rise in the basal tension of this mucle. The biological responsiveness to the extract of DUM neurons was reduced by dilution in a way which paralleles changes in the responsiveness to different concentrations of authentic proctolin. The single peak of proctolin-like bioactive materials which were partially purified from the DUM cell extract coincided with that of authentic proctolin. These rsults implies the possible involvement of proctolin in the DUM neuron with the increase in the basal tension of the coxal muscle in the cockroach together with biogenic amine, octopamine. PH 19 AMINE-CONTAINING NEURAL PROCESSES IN THE GILL OF APLYSIA. M. Kurokawa, K. Kuwasawa and M. Otokawa*. Dept, of Biol., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. , "Biol. Lab., Hosei Univ. , Tokyo. _ The aminergic constituent elements of the gill of A. kurodai and A. j uliana were examined using histochemical and HPLC techniques. In both whole-mounted preparations and frozen sections treated with glyoxylic acid, yellowish green fluorescent fibers were observed in the branchial nerve and in the branchial ganglion. Fluorescent network structures were observed in the branchial vessels and pinnule. The structures contained cell bodies having one or a few thin processes and a dendritic process. Immunoreactive fibers to rabbit antiserotonin antiserum were observed in the branchial nerve and around neurons in the branchial ganglion (BGNs) . HPLC analysis showed that there was a greater content of serotonin than dopamine in the branchial nerve, whereas the branchial ganglion, efferent vessel and pinnule had greater contents of dopamine than serotonin. These results suggest the presence of the central serotonergic innervation to the gil 1 , and dopaminergic neurons in the gill periphery. It was shown that serotonin depressed EJPs induced by an identified central motor neuron in the gill muscle cells, and that dopamine produced excitatory effects on BGNs. The results suggest that the aminergic cellular organization of the gill involves dopaminergic sensory neurons, and serotonergic presynaptic inhibitory fibers originating from the abdominal ganglion. PH 15 EFFECTS OF THE Ca2t IONOPHORES, X-537A AND A23187, ON THE NEUROMUSCULAR TRANSMISSION IN THE FISH RED MUSCLE. H. Igata1 and T. Hidaka. Dept. Biol., Fac. Gen. Edu. , and ‘Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., Kumamoto. Effects of Ca2* ionophores, X-537A and A23187 were investigated on neuromuscular transmis¬ sion using the red muscle, M. levator pinnae pectoral is of freshwater teleost (carp, Cypr- inus carpio) and marine teleost (puffer fish, Takif ugu rubripes and T. poeci lonotus) . Both T(-537A and A23187 had similar actions. On the application of these agents, the amplitude of excitatory junction potential (ejp) and inhi¬ bitory junction potential (ijp) and the fre¬ quency of miniature excitatory junction po¬ tential (mejp) increased transitorily and then decreased gradually after maximum increase as reached. Finally, ejp and ijp disappeared. Therefore, to confirm if these effects were presynaptic or postsynapt ic, effects of these agents on ACh potential and nerve action po¬ tential were investigated. From the results, it is suggested that X-537A and A23187 increase the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in the nerve terminals, and consiquently accelerate ACh release, which leads to increase in the amplitude of ejp and ijp and the frequency of mejp. The decrease in these junction potentials might be explained by the desensitization of ACh receptor by these agents. Final di sappearence of ejp and ijp would be attributed in part to block of nerve action potential by X-537A. PH 16 DISTRIBUTION OF THE EXCITATORY AND INHIBI¬ TORY ACH RECEPTORS IN THE FISH RED MUSCLE. T. Hidaka and T. Kita1. Dept. Biol., Fac. Gen. Edu., and ‘Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., Kumamoto. The excitatory junction potential (ejp), the inhibitory junction potential (ijp) and the diphasic junction potential were elicited by the nerve stimulation in the red muscles of the freshwater and marine teleosts. In the resting muscle, the mini¬ ature excitatory and inhibitory junction potentials were observed. The previous studies showed that the neuromuscular transmissions were mediated by ACh and the nature of receptors was nicotinic. In the present study, it was intended to record ACh potential elicited by the iontophore- tic application of ACh and to reveal the distribution of ACh receptors in the red muscle of carp. The ACh pipette was in position on the surface of the muscle fiber within 100 n m from the recording electrode. ACh poten¬ tials and junction potentials could be recorded from the same neuromuscular junc¬ tion. Three types of ACh potentials, depo¬ larizing, hyperpolarizing and diphasic ones, were recorded. The directions of the potential change of ACh potentials and junction potentials were same in some muscle fibers and were different in other fibers. Thus, it was demonstrated that the excitatory and inhibitory ACh receptors were closely distributed in this muscle. 1196 Physiology PH 17 EFFECT OF ALCOHOL COMPONENT TO INITIA¬ TION OF MATING BEHAVIOUR IN MALE BEET ARMYWORM . F. Mochizuki1 and T. Shibuya2. 1 Shin- Etsu Chemical. Co. LTD., Tokyo and 2Inst. of Biol. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba , Ibaraki . Sex pheromone components of the beet armyworm.Spodoptera exiqua , were recently identified as [ Z9 , El 2-1 4 : Ac ] and [Z9-14:OH], The impulse responses of a single sensillum to both components were extracellularly recorded. A single sensillum responded with different amplitude of impulses to each component. Large impulses (about ImV) of "A" cell in the sensillum appeared mainly to [ Z9 , El 2-1 4 : Ac ] and small (about 0 . 5mV) of "B" cell to [Z9-14:OH], Concentration of threshold to the former was lower about ten times than to the latter. To the mixture of both components, impulse frequency of "A" cell was decreased with increase of [Z9-14:OH] concentration and impulse initiation was delayed at high ratio. The results may be shown some in¬ teraction between the sensillum cells to mixture stimulation. Then responses to [ Z 9 , El 2-1 4:0H] which has characteristic of both [Z9,E12-14: Ac ] and [Z9-14:OH] were recorded. The substance initiated impulses of "B" cell mainly. Moreover, mixture of ( Z9 ,E1 2-1 4 : Ac ] and [Z9,E12- 1 4 : OH ] acted as an attractant in wind- tunnel-test. These results indicate that [-0H] may be neccessary for excitation of "B" cell. PH 18 FUNCTION OF TEGULA ON THE SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLY, Papilio xuthus . T. Satoh and K. Aoki. Life Sci. Inst., Sophia Univ. , Tokyo In normal insect flight, it has been known that the centrally generated flight pattern is subject to beat-by-beat control of sensory inputs. We examined such a sensory control system of wingbeat putting a highlight on the tegula. Methods were video recording of tethered flight with the high speed CCD camera and cobalt chloride filling of both tegula and thoracic ganglion through the Nib root. The intact wingbeat frequency was 6 to 8 Hz. When both forewings were cut off 1/4, 1/3 and 1/2 of the wing length, the animal showed graded and significantly higher wingbeat frequency than frequency of the previous length. The animal showed apparently abnormal wingbeat pattern after partial lesion of tegulae. The tegula (3 - 3.5 mm long and 2 mm wide) covers wing hinge of the forewing from the top side. It has clustered hairs along the lateral side. Whole mount preparation of the tegula after cobalt chloride filling shows each bipolar sensory nerve extends the dendrite into a hair. Central arborization was observed in prothoracic and ptero- thoracic ganglia. PH 19 INNERVATION AND ACTION OF DUM-NEURON IN TfiE TERMINAL GANGLION ON FEMALE CRICKET, ' TBLEOGRYLLUS COMMODUS , TO RETRACTOR. H.Ai and N.Ai. Dept, of Biol., Tokyo Gaku- gei Univ., Koganei, Tokyo. _ _ _ _ In adult female cricket, five clusters of DUM are oriented on the dorsal region. Their innervation has been investigated by using back-fill staining respectively . . In the experiment , DUM located in posterior portion of AG-V( abdominal ganglion-V) is usbd. The DUM-neuron cluster is formed five cells constantly. One of them is innervated to posterior tergosternal muscle (M-4 )as re¬ tractor of ovipositor. Others are similarly innervated to the common oviduct. Process of DUM runs along the 7th lateral root of AG-V. From the cut end of periphery located to M-4,NiCl2 was. flowed by back-fill method. One DUM and five motoneuron were cleraly stained, and motoneurons were oriented on the basal part of N-7 root. Intracellular activities of DUM were recorded with burst or spike train. But their time courses are slightly long than that of motoneuron. In retractor muscle M-4, junction potentials and spontaneous oscillatory ones were re¬ corded intracellularly . However, when the anterior connective was stimulated electri¬ cally and externally, only oscillatory potentials were gradually disappeared, but not junctional potentials .Repetitive stimu¬ lation to connective may yield the DUM's activity, and DUM-neuron would be risen long-lasting depression effect to muscle activity for ovipositor movement. PH 20 ULTRASTRUCTURAL AND IMMUNOHISTOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SPERMATHECAL DUCT OF THE FEMALE CRICKET, GRYLLUS BIMACULATUS . K . Yasuyama 1 , T . Kimura 2 and T . Yamaguchi 2 . rDep. of Biol., Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki and 2Dep. of Biol., Fac . of Sci., Okayama Univ. , Okayama. _ _____ The ultrastbueture of the spermathecal duct(SD) and the distribution of the serotonin- and proctolin-immunoreactive ( 5- HTi and PROi) nerve fibers in its muscular envelop were investigated. The wall of SD consists of three cellular types: epithe¬ lial cells, secretory cells having a cavity formed by an invagination of apical cell membrane, and ductule cells carrying a thin cuticular ductule. The secretory and duc¬ tule cells are restricted to the median region where SD is highly convoluted, and are absent from the proximal region near the junction with the genital chamber and from the distal region near the junction with the spermatheca. When an isolated SD was incubated in 5 mM ionic lanthanum solu¬ tion, lanthanum entered the cuticular duc¬ tule and reached not only the secretory cavity, but also the lumen of SD. This fact suggests that the cuticular ductule may be an ionic pathway connecting the hemocoel with the secretory cavity and lumen of SD. 5-HTi fibers are distributed in the proxi¬ mal region, while PROi fibers are extensi¬ vely distributed throughout SD. These results reveal the presence of the morpho¬ logical differences among the proximal, median and distal regions of SD. Physiology 1197 PH 21 PH 23 Effect of some drugs and the bioactive substance derived from the spermatophore on the mechanical activity of the spermathecal duct in the female cricket. T. Kimura1 , K. Yasuyama2 and T. Yamaguchi 1 * * . ^ept . of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Uni v. of Okayama, Okayama and 2Dept. Biol., Kawasaki Med. Sch . , Kurashiki . The u 1 t r as t r uc t ur a 1 and immunocyto- chemical study of the spermathecal duct (SD) showed the presence of a noticeable difference among the proximal, median and distal regions of SD (Yasuyama e_t a 1 . . 1988). Proctolin (Pr:>10_9M) increased both the frequency and amplitude of rhythmic small contractions of the distal region near the spermatheca in a dose dependent manner, and octopamine (OA: >10“6 *M) and 5-HT (>10_4M) decreased both of them, but the bioactive substance derived from the spermatophore (BSS) had no effect on this region. On the contrary, OA and 5-HT decreased the frequency of rhythmic large contractions of the proximal region near the genital chamber as well as its amplitude, and BSS increased only its frequency enormously. However, Pr never changed the mechanical activity of this region. Although the median region did not show spontaneous contractions, Pr of low concentration (<10"19M> induced the rhythmic contractions, while Pr of high concentrations (>10~8M) suppressed the mechanical activity of the median region. NONSPIKING GIANT INTERNEURONS (NGIs) IN THE CRAYFISH BRAIN AND THEIR RESPON¬ SIVENESS TO MULTIMODAL SENSORY INPUTS. Y.Okada and T . Yamaguchi . Dep. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Okayama Univ. , Okayama. Five pairs of NGIs (G1-G5) were identified morphologically and function¬ ally in the crayfish brain: G1 , G2 and G3 are contained in one cluster, and G4 and G5 are separate (Okada and Yamaguchi, 1988). Illumination of the contra- and ipsilateral eyes, respectively elicits de¬ polarizing and hyper po 1 ar i z i ng graded potentials in each of G1 , G2 and G3. These three NGIs are also sensitive to a body tilt around the length axis of the body: they respond with depolarizing and hyper- polarizing potentials to the body rolling to the ipsilateral and contralateral sides, respectively. In the sinusoidal body rolling with the amplitude of 8 and the frequency ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 Hz, the higher the frequency of body rolling is, the larger the response occurrs. The dorsal illumination increases significant¬ ly the amplitude of response to body rolling. Depolarizing and hyperpolar izing current injection into a NGI increases and decreases the firing rate of the eye-down fibers, respectively. These results suggest that the NGIs integrate the visual and gravitational inputs to control the compensatory eyestalk movement. PH 22 MORPHOLOGY AND RESPONSE PROPERTIES OF LOCAL NONSPIKING INTERNEURONS IN THE COCKROACH CERCAL SYSTEM J. Okuma, H. Morishita and Y. Kondoh Wako Research Center, Honda R&D Co. LTD., Wako, Saitama 351-01, Japan 1. Local nonspiking interneurons in the cereal sys¬ tem of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, have been studied by intracellular recording and staining. Eleven pairs of local nonspiking inter¬ neurons were identified morphologically and charac¬ terized physiologically by their response properties to low frequency airborne sound. 2. The interneurons form two different morphological categories: those having their dendritic fields on both side of the ganglion (neurons 101 to 107) and those having their dendritic fields on one side of the ganglion ipsilateral to the cell body (neurons 201 to 204). 3. The stimulus of a low frequency sound modulated by a sine wave (5-150Hz) and a Gaussian white noise (cutoff frequency of 150Hz) was applied to the cockroach from different directions. Over the frequency band 20-100Hz the gain of neuron 101 approximates a 20dB/decade slope in gain in time derivative system. Moreover, a first-order wiener kernel of neuron 101 well matched the time deriv¬ ative of a pulse. The wave form of the kernel was able to reverse when the stimulus was applied from the opposite direction. At frequencies below 10Hz there is a significant increase in gain. This may correspond to a nonlinear component predicted from the 2nd-order kernel. Thus, neuron 101 would encode the time derivative of the signal (i.e., the dis¬ placement of the signal) in a frequency range of 20- 100Hz and the direction of the stimulus source. PH 29 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCE OF STATOCYST INTERNEURONS AND PROJECTION IN THE OPTIC LOBE. H. Nakagawa and M. Hisada, Zool. Inst., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo _ In the crayfish Procambarus clarkii, we found that the positional and vibration information was carried by two different groups of statocyst interneurons. The position sensitive interneurons project to the optic lobe, while the vibration sensitive ones do not. A ^descending interneuron (Bj) which reliably responded to substrate vibration was identified in the circumesophageal connective. The interneuron received input from bilateral statocysts. The frequency response of Bj was examined by artificial bending of statocyst hairs at various frequencies and was compared with that of the position sensitive descending interneuron Cj (1982). Cj showed directional tonic response to the stimulation at low frequency (5Hz). The results suggest that Cj and Bj carries different information, positional and vibration information, respectively. The morphology of Bj in the brain was revealed by combining electrical stimulation of statocyst nerve and intracellular injection of NiC^ followed by silver intensification. Bj projects to the bilateral deutocerebrum and the tritocerebrum ipsilateral to the axon. However, unlike position sensitive descending statocyst interneurons such as C j ( 1 987), Bj does not project to the optic lobe. Several other brain interneurons were also analyzed for their vibratory and equilibrium sense and also tested for the presence of projection in the optic lobe. Again position sensitive ones were found to project to the optic lobe .while vibration sensitive ones did not. 1198 Physiology PH 25 IDENTIFIED LOCAL NONSPIKING INTERNEURONS INVOLVED IN THE ABDOMINAL POSTURE CONTROL SYSTEM. T.Toga, M.Hisada. Zool. Inst., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo. We identified the local nonspiking interneurons which facilitated the abdominal extension movement of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. The interneurons were located in the fourth abdominal ganglion. They had bilaterally extending structure connected by a thick process. These local bilateral interneurons (LBs) could be further classified into two morphological types. One type of LBs extended their dendrites in both hemiganglia, and there were a few dendrites near the midline of the ganglion. The other type had many dendrites near the midline, and had asymmetric distribution of dendrites in both hemiganglia. These morphological types, however, could not be related to any difference in their physiological characteristics. Intracellular injection of depolarizing current into a LB cell decreased the spontaneous spike discharge rate of the slow extensor inhibitor in the second roots and the slow flexor excitors in the third superficial roots of the fourth ganglion. The result suggests that LBs are involved in the abdominal posture control system. In order to examine the membrane potential change of LBs during the abdominal posture movement, we adopted the dorsal whole animal preparation. During the fictive abdominal extension movement, LBs showed continuous depolarization. The LB cells may receive excitatory input from extension command fibers, and facilitate the extension movement by inhibiting the neuronal activity operating antagonistically to the movement. PH 26 FUNCTION OF LOCAL NONSPIKING INTERNEURON AS THE LOW-PASS FILTER IN THE CRAYFISH MOTOR CONTROL SYSTEM. M.Takahashi , T.Takahata , M.Hisada1 and K.Naka . ^Zool. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Hokkaido, Sapporo and ^Natl. Inst, for Basic Biol., Okazaki. _ The signal transmission characteristics between the premotor local nonspiking interneurons and uropod motoneurons were studied by intracellular injection of sinusoidally or white-noise modurated current into the interneuron neurites through glass microelectrodes in the terminal abdominal ganglion of crayfish. The spike activity of motoneurons was recorded extracellularly from their axons. We found that the effect of current injection became weaker with the increase in current stimulus frequency. The cutoff frequency was about 10Hz and the attenuation constant was -10 db/oct, indicating that interneurons would operate as the low-pass filters. When the current was injected into the motoneurons themselves, the cutoff frequency was about 100Hz with the attenuation constant of -5dB/oct. This observation indicates that the motoneurons would also work as the low- pass filters, but with the higher cutoff frequency than the nonspiking interneurons. The result stands with the idea that local premotor nonspiking interneurons integrate discrete post synaptic potentials into the DC signal so that they can control motor output continuously and in a graded way. PH 27 CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MOTOR- AND LOCAL NONSPIKING INTERNEURON M.Sato1 and M.Hisada2. ^Biology, Rakuno Gakuen Univ., Ebetsu, Hokkaido. 2Zool. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo. The connection between a local nonspiking interneuron ( LNSN ) and an adductor exopodite motor neuron (Add MM) in the 6th abdominal ganglion of the crayfish was investigated using a double marking method ( whole-mount silver intensifi¬ cation and HRP marking) for both light- (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). LNSN was marked with HRP, and Add MN with silver. Then the resin embedded specimen was sectioned 50pm thick. On the LM observation of these two neurons, numerous contacts of two neurons were found. However on the EM, direct connection is found to be scarce, and that synapses from the LNSN to the Add MN were recognized only two in the present study. Electrophysiological ly, Add MN received a signal from LNSN. This response of Add MN was a low depolarizing change (l-2mV), when a 5nA depolarizing current was injected i n t r ace 1 1 u 1 ar 1 y to LNSN. The low response appears to reflect the scarcity of synapse. Alternatively, the depolarizing input to LNSN may induce a inhibitory input onto Add MN through other uncertain neurons. PH 28 BEHAVIORAL SIGNIFICANCE OF A BURSTING OR NON-BURSTING DISCHARGE PATTERN IN A CRAYFISH ANAL MOTONEURON. A. Muramoto, Fukushima Biomed. Inst, of Envir. & Neopl. Pis., Fukushima. An identifiable anal motoneuron (AML) of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii which is capable of driving rhythmic anal contrac¬ tions can fire spontaneously in two differ¬ ent discharge patterns, bursting (phasic) and non-bursting (tonic) . In this study, the possible significance of these two different firing states on behavior was elucidated . Simultaneous recordings of AML output and anal rhythm in isolated abdominal preparations proved that both bursting and non-bursting patterns are able to generate the same anal contractions under conditions where there is no defecatory response. On the other hand, intact, normally behaving animals expel thick feces or a thin fecal strand. In the former case, vigorous contractions of the anus with big amplitude could be seen and in the latter case, the anus contracted weakly with almost constant amplitude. Such powerful contractions followed phasic firing in the AML, whereas its tonic firing participated with weak contractions . These results provided evidence that the different discharge patterns in the moto¬ neuron might actually influence different behavior . Physiology 1199 PH 29 NEUROANATOMICAL STUDIES OF OKN IN THE MIDBRAIN OF THE MEDAKA, ORYZIAS LATIPES. K. Aoki and Y. Kasuya, Life Sci. Inst., Sophia Univ. , Tokyo. Electrophysiological studies concerning visual events have presented the data in the fish brain of medaka. 1) Fifty-six movement-sensitive units were recorded in the midbrain of the anesthetized medaka stimulated by a rotating striped drum. In the 56 units obtained, 24 units exhibited directionally selective response. These units were recorded mainly from around the area pretectalis, the tractus opticus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the optic tectum, midbrain tegmentum, corpus glomerulosum and immediately above the area ventralis lateralis. 2) OKN (opto¬ kinetic nystagmus) were evoked by electri¬ cal stimulation in the midbrain. The neurons evoked eye movement by electrical stimulation were located on the dorsal part of the midbrain: the area pretec¬ talis, around the posterior commissure, the optic tectum and midbrain tegmentum. 3) Several kinds of eye movements were evoked by electrical stimulation in the midbrain. In 8 cases of evoked eye move¬ ments, horizontal conjugate movements were observed in 6 cases. After the electrical stimulation, cobalt-lysine complex was in¬ jected extracel lular ly at. the stimulus sites. The process of neurons stained by cobalt-lysine in the midbrain extended into the forebrain and the cerebellum. PH 30 VISUAL STIMULUS SELECTION AND ATTENTION IN THE GOLDFISH ( CARAS SIUS AURATUS) K. Ohnishi. Dept, of Physiol., Nara Medi. Uni., Kashihara _ The goldfish processes and stores only one aspect (pattern) in the visual discrimination between the compound stimuli containing heterogeneous aspects, color and pattern (Ohnishi, 1987). The present study was performed to examine whether such instru- mentally guided visual stimulus (or aspect) selec¬ tion results from the fish's selective attention to the aspect (pattern). It is thought that the fish actively attends to the presented visual stimuli in the discrimination process but does not in the rein¬ forcement process. Therefore, if the fish processes and stores it in the discrimination process, atten¬ tion will actively take part in the stimulus selec¬ tion. Furthermore, since the goldfish's telen¬ cephalon is known as an attention or arousal center during learning, it is presumed that telencephalic ablation makes great effects on the stimulus selec¬ tion. Two runways training apparatus used in the present study was designed to separate spatially and temporally the presentations of the discrimi¬ native stimuli (DS) and the stimuli at reinforce¬ ment (SR). When the fish were trained in the case that DS were the compound stimuli (green-vertical vs blue-horizontal) and SR were the neutral stimuli (gray), the fish showed no learned performances. While, in the case that DS were the simple stimuli (black vs white) and SR were the compound stimuli, the normal fish showed learned performances but the operated fish did not, and in memory tests, the both groups could discriminate the compound stimuli and pattern ones but not the color ones. These data suggest that the stimulus selection may be not mediated by the fish's selective attention. PH 31 DESCENDING PATHWAYS TO THE BULBOSPINAL REGION IN THE JAPANESE TOAD. K.Takei1 , T. Matsushima 2 , Y.Oka2, M.Satou2 and K.Ueda2. ’Dept, of Physiol., Keio Univ. School of Med., Tokyo and 2Zool. Ins., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo. _ As a step in elucidating the neural network involved in the prey-catching behavior in the Japanese toad, we studied neuroanatomically the descending pathways to the hypoglossal motoneurons which control the tongue movements. We labeled retrogradely origins of projections to the hypoglossal motoneurons after the injection of horseradish peroxidase and/or cobalt ic lysine complex into the dorsomedial nucleus (DMN) of the hypoglossal nucleus (XII) . The labeled cell groups in the mesencephalon were found in the pretectal, the tectal, the subtectal and the tegmental regions. The labeled cell groups in the rhombencephalon consisted of the rhombencephalic reticular formation and the nucleus ventralis nervi octavi. Similar results were obtained after the application of these tracers at the level of the rostral spinal cord. These findings indicate that the origins and pathways of cells descending to the DMN of the XII and the spinal cord are considerably overlapped. PH 32 QUANTITATIVE EM ANALYSIS OF THE SYNAPTIC INPUTS TO THE TOAD VAGUS MOTONEURON LABELED WITH COBALTIC LYSINE COMPLEX. Y. Oka, M. Satou and K. Ueda. Zool . Inst., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo. As a morphological basis for the study of the neuronal circuitry involved in the sexual calling behavior of the toad, we studied the synaptic organization of the vagus motoneurons, which control the laryngeal muscles (effector organ of calling) , using a computer-aided quantitative analysis of cobaltic lysine- labeled neurons at the electron microscopic level. The synaptic terminals on the motoneurons could be classified into 4 types, the Type S (containing spherical and larger synaptic vesicles) , Type F (containing flat and smaller vesicles), Type C (having subsynaptic cistern) and Type G (having granular vesicles). The percentage of the total number of synapses was 63.3% (Type S), 33.9% (Type F), 1.3% (Type C) and 1.5% (Type G) . The ratio of the occurrence of the Type S (probably excitatory) synapses to that of the Type F (probably inhibitory) synapses increased as a function of the distance from the center of the vagus motor nucleus. The synaptic density remained almost constant over the whole neuronal somatodendritic membrane. Origins of these synaptic terminals should be clarified to know the functional significance of this synaptic organization 1200 Physiology PH 33 The retinoid composition and the structure of the aeschnid compound eye before and after eclosion. T.Seki1, S.Fujishita1 and E.Eguchi2. 'Dept. Health Sci . , Osaka Kyoiku Univ., Osaka, 2 Dept . Biol., Yokohama City Univ., Yokohama . _ A compound eye of an adult true dragonfly is composed of two regions: dorsal large facet region (LFR) and ventral small facet region (SFR) . The LFR contains only retinal and the SFR both retinal and 3-OH retinal; the 3-OH retinal is predominant in the SFR. Lew (1933) has reported that the LFR is formed during the eclosion from the non-functional tissue which occupied the posterior corner of the nymphal eye (X-tissue) , while the nymphal compound eye is retained at the posterior portion of the SFR of the adult aeschnid eye. The retinoid compositions in the functional nymphal eye and the X-tissue were then examined separately. The former contained both retinals at the molar ratio similar to that in the SFR of the adult eye, but the latter no retinal at all. Retinoids contained in the X-tissue were retinyl and 3-OH retinyl esters, which were 1 1 -cis isomers mainly. Rhabdomal structures were observed by an electron microscopy. The diameter of the rhabdom in the functional nymphal eye (~ 5 M.m) was larger than that in the adult LFR 3 p.m) . The X-tissue was also observed and it was found, against our expectations, that the rhabdom has already been formed; the diameter was about 1 ^m . The rhabdom in the X-tissue is supposed to have contained no visual pigments. PH 3 4 RETINOID METABOLISM IN THE COMPOUND EYE OF DROSOPHILA - FORMATION OF 1 1 -CIS 3- HYDROXYRETINOL WITH BLUE-LIGHT. T. Ishizaki, A. Terakita and K. Ozaki. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Osaka Univ., Toyonaka , Osaka 560. _ _ When the fruit fly. Drosophila, is kept in the dark, all-trans 3 -hydroxyret inal (AT-3-OH RAL) which keeps away from opsin is accumulated in their eyes. Recently, we found that, by exposing a fly to blue- light, the amount of accumulated AT-3-OH RAL was greatly decreased accompanied by the formation of 11 -cis 3-hydroxyretinol (11 -3-OH ROL). When the fly was returned to the dark again, thus formed 1 1 -3-OH ROL disappeared. We therefore expected that 11 -3-OH ROL might be a direct precursor of 11 -3-OH RAL, a chromophore of rhodopsin. In order to examin this point, we prepared the fly which lacks chromophore of visual pigment but maintains the accumulation of AT- 3 -OH RAL. With blue light, AT-3-OH RAL in this fly was converted into 11 -3-OH ROL, as was seen in the normal fly. Dur¬ ing the subsequent dark period, 11 -3-OH ROL decreased and 1 1 -3-OH RAL increased instead. All those changes followed stoi¬ chiometric relationships. The finally formed 11 -3-OH RAL was shown to be a rhod¬ opsin chromophore, since it was changed to all-trans and backed to 1 1 -cis with blue and red light respectively. In conclu¬ sion, AT-3-OH RAL stored in the eye of Drosophila is first converted to 1 1 -3-OH ROL with blue light, and then into 1 1 -3-OH RAL to be a chromophore of visual pigment. PH 35 3 -HYDROXYRETINOL IN THE RETINA WITH RHODOPSIN-PORPHYROPSIN PIGMENT SYSTEM. T. Suzuki Dept, of Pharmacol., Hyogo Coll, of Med., Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663. The crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has both rhodopsin and porphyropsin in the retina. The proportion of porphyropsin varies with seasons, being at a high level in winter and a low level in summer. 3,4- Didehydroretinyl ester, which is found in the retina of winter crayfish, is probably the chromophore precursor of porphyropsin. We found a new retinoid in the crayfish retina which had a high proportion of porphyropsin. This retinoid was identified to be 3-hydroxyretinol from its UV-spectrum and fluorescence. The 3-hydroxyretinol was present exclusively in 11 -cis configuration and esterified form. This compound accoun¬ ted for 3-9% of total retinyl esters in the retina. 3-Hydroxyretinal , which is known as a visual pigment chromophore in insects, has not been detected in the crayfish. When the animals were kept under 25°C,LD condi¬ tions, both 3-hydroxyretinol and dehydro¬ retinol disappeared. Dehydroretinol and 3-hydroxyretinol accumulated in the retina when the animals were kept under 10°C,DD conditions. These results suggest that the 3-hydroxyretinol is an intermediate in the conversion of retinol to dehydroretinol and that the low temperature stimulus triggers the synthesis of 3-hydroxyretinol. PH 36 HISTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION AND CHROMOPHORE OF PHOTOPIGMENTS IN MULTIPLE PHOTORECEPTIVE SYSTEM IN ONCHIDIUM VERRUCULATUM Y. Shimatani 1 , N.Katagiri?, Y.Katagiri1. and T. Suzuki3 , 'Dept. of Physiol., 2Dept. of Anat., Tokyo Women's Med. Coll., Tokyo, 3 Dept. of Pharmacol., Hyogo Coll, of Med., Nishinomiya The localization of rhodopsin and r;etinochrome in the stalk eye (SE), dorsal eye (DE) and dermal photoreceptor cells (DP) of marine gastropod Onchidium was investigated using a histochemical fluorescence technique (Ozaki et al., Cell Tissue Res., 233, 1983) and a microscopic high speed video system with high sensitive image intensifier (NAC, MHS-200). Retinochrome was localized in the photoreceptor cell cytoplasm of SE and DP, which were occupied by a large mass of photic vesicles. Rhodopsin was localized in the microvillar layer of SE. Both pigments could not be demonstrated in DE by this method. They may not be reduced: to N-retinyl protein. Chromophore of photopigment in SE and DE was extracted as retinal oximes after dark-adaptation, then analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. All- trans- and 1 1 -cis-retinal were detected in both SE and DE. Total amount of retinoid was 0.41 pmol/SE in average (n=17) and 0.17 pmol/DE (n=50). Proportion of 1 1 -cis- and all-trans -isomers was 41% and 59% in SE, 60% and 40% in DE. Physiology 1201 PH 37 DOES CEPHALOPOD HAVE COLOR VISION ? LOCALIZATION OF THREE VISUAL PIGMENTS IN' THE RETINA OF Watasenia scint illans 1Y. Kito^M. Seidou^S. Matsui, 2M. Michinomae and3K. Yoshihara. 1Dept. Biol., Osaka Univ. Toyonaka , 2Dept . Biol., Konan Univ., Kobe, 3SUNBOR, Mishima-gun. Osaka. Three visual pigments were found in the eye of the firefly squid, W. scintillans (1). The chromophores of major pigment ( Amax: 484 nm) , second one (Amax: about 500 nm) and third one (A max: about 470 nm) were retinal (A1 pigment), 3-dehydro- retinal (A2 pigment) and 4-hydroxyretinal (A4 pigment) (2). In this paper, it was determined by microdissection and HPLC analysis that A2 pigment located at the proximal area of the long rhabdome of ventral retina and A4 pigment at the distal area. A1 pigment was not found in the long rhabdome. Ultrastructure of the long rhabdome revealed a complex of two cells which suggested that A2 and A4 pigment contained each in different photoreceptor cell. Primary structures of retinal binding site of three pigments were identical ( 3 ) . Extraocular photo¬ sensitive vesicles contained only retinal (possibly A1 pigment). Hepatopancreas contained only 11-cis retinylester . Eggs contained retinol and a little amount of 4-hydroxyretinol . These facts suggest that 3-dehydroretinal and 4-hydroxy¬ retinal were synthesized in the specific photoreceptor cells of the retina. (1) S. Matsui et al., 1988, J. Gen. Physiol., 92 , 55-66 . (2) S. Matsui et al. , 1988, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 370- 374 (3) M. Seidou et al., 1988, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, in the press. PH 39 X-RAY DIFFRACTION OF THE LIVE RETINA OF THE FIREFLY SQUID. WATASENIA SCINTILLANS M. Seidou1, Y.Kito , T . Hamanaka2 , JT! 7 o i Wakabayashi and Y.Amemiya . Dep. of O Biol., Osaka Univ., Toyonaka, Dep. of Biophs. Egn. , Osaka Univ., 3PF, Lab. of High Energy Phys., Tsukuba. _ The specific area of ventral retina locating just behind a row of eye photophores have very long outer segments (~500 /zm) and few pigment granules are spread in the outer segment layer. These features of the firefly squid retina give a favarable sample for x-ray diffraction. By using conventional apparatus for x-ray analysis, it took more than ten hours to get a diffraction pattern from glutaraldehyde fixed retina. In this paper, by use of synchrotron radiation at Photon Factory and the imaging plate (Fuji film, Tokyo), it was made possible to get the pattern from the live retina within five minutes exposure. The experiment was carried out by using the mirror-monochrometer optics (BL-15A1) at Photon Factory. The specific area of the retina was cut into a piece (3mm x 1mm) and measured in the dark. The diffraction pattern recorded on the Imagining Plate showed reflection spots from hexagonal lattice with about 570 A. unit cell constant at low angle. This means that rhabdome is made of microvilli arranged in hexagonal lattice. Diffused spots existed at the vertexes of a hexagon corresponding to spacing of about 40 A. This pattern probably originates from internal structure of the microvilli membrane. In both diffraction patterns, x-ray intensity of diffraction spots along vertical axis were stronger than that of ones along other axes. PH 38 LIGHT AND ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE IN THE RETINA OF THE FIREFLY SQUID, WATASENIA SCINTILLANS 'H.Masuda, 1 M. Michinomae, ZM. Seidou andzY. Kito l)Dep. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ., Kobe Hyogo. 2)Dep. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Osaka Univ., Toyonaka Osaka. The cellular architecture of the retina was observed with light and electron micro¬ scopes. The rhabdome in the small area of the ventral retina was more than two times as long as in the other parts of retina. Histological analysis of the ventral retina revealed that two cell types, long retinula cells (500-600 pm) and short retinula cells (100-200 pm), were found in there and it represented mosaic of both long and short retinula cells. There also appeared to be two types of retinula outer segment (OS). Type 1 were long, while Type 2 were short OS Type 1 OS well developed from basement membrane to distal end of the retina. Type 2 occupied the proximal 200 pm of OS. The microvilli of a single OS form two parallel rows oriented perpendiculaly. The micro¬ villi of Type 1 OS appeared only in distal 400 pm area. On the other hand, micro- dissection and HPLC analysis revealed that 3-dehydroretinal (A2) located at the proximal area of the ventral retina and 4-hydroxy¬ retinal (A4) at the distal area. As a result, A4 and A2 pigment were synthesized in Type 1 and Type 2 OS, respectively. Therefore, the firefly squid is supposed to be capable of color vision. PH 40 MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF SQUID RETINAL- BINDING PROTEIN. K.Ozaki^, A.Terakita1 1 , R.Hara1 , T.Hara1 , M.Ozaki , M. Nishimura3 , I . H. -Nishimura3 and H.Mori . 'Dept. Biol. , Fac. Sci. , Osaka Univ., Toyonaka, 2Dept.Biol., Col . Gen. Educ . , and 3Dept. Biol. , Fac. Sci. , Kobe Univ. , Kobe and 4Meiji Inst. Health Sci., Odawara. _ From the squid retinal cDNA library, clones which carried the cDNA inserts (^2.8 kbp) covering the complete coding region of the squid retinal-binding pro¬ tein ( RALBP ) mRNA were isolated. In the cDNA, only one open reading frame (1032 bp) was long enough to encode the entire RALBP polypeptide and was located upstream of an extensive nontranslated region at 3' end. Northern hybridization analysis revealed that the cDNA prove hybridized with a single retinal RNA species about 2800 nucleotides long, suggesting that the cDNA is originated from the intact mRNA of RALBP. The primary structure of the pro¬ tein was deduced from the nucleotide se¬ quence and verified with the amino-acid compositions of polypeptides derived from the purified RALBP. The translation prod¬ uct was highly hydrophilic and had an abundance of acidic amino-acid residues. A hydrophobic region ( 'v 20 amino-acid residues) was found in the middle of the polypeptide chain, where high possibility of (3-sheet structure was also suggested. Since this region reveals week homology to the bovine cellular retinal -binding protein, we consider that the structure might be essential to retinal binding. 1202 Physiology PH 41 AMINO ACID SEQUENCE OF OCTOPUS RHODOPSIN AND ITS HOMOLOGY TO OTHER VISUAL PIGMENTS M. Tsuda1 , N. G. Abdulaev2 , and T. Miyata3 . ^ept. of Phys., Sapporo Medical College, 2 Shemyakin Inst. of Bioorganic. Chem., Moscow, USSR, 3Dept. of Biol., Kyushu Uni¬ versity, Fukuoka We determined the nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding octopus rhodopsin and on the primary structure of this protein. Amino acid sequence of octopus rhodopsin was compared with those of other visual pigments. Octopus rhodopsin, like mamalian and Drosophila pigments, has lysine (306) corresponding to position 296 of bovine rhodopsin, the site of covalent attachment of 11-cis retinal. The polypeptide chain is divided into several alternating hydro- phobic and hydrophilic sequences, the lat¬ ter being much more extended than those in bovine and human opsins. A characteristic feature of the octopus rhodopsin polypep¬ tide chain is the unexpected long C-termi- nal adjacent to the last hydrophobic strech. This tail contains a large number of prolines and glutamines clustered into eleven blocks of repetitive sequences of Tyr-Pro-Pro-Gln-Gly . Octopus rhodopsin was shown to interact with mamalian G-protein. This implies that a binding site for G- protein should be conserved in both inver¬ tebrate and vertebrate rhodopsin. Close homology of cytoplasmic loops in visual pigments is indicative of G-protein inter¬ acting with one or more of these loops. PH 43 VISUAL PIGMENTS OF LAMPREY O.Hisatomi , T.Iwasa"' , F.Tokunaga”' , M. Ishikawa2 and A.Tonosaki2. 1 Dept, of Phys., Fac. of sci., Tohoku Univ. , Sendai, 2Dept. of Anat. , Yamagata Univ., Sch. of Med., Yamagata . The similarity in the amino acid sequence among visual pigments in human suggests that there was a common ancestor. It is important to clarify when rhodopsin and color pigments differentiated from this protein. Lamprey, which is one of the most primitive vertebrates, is the most suitable object for studying the origin of the color pigments . The visual pigments of lamprey was purified by Con A column chromatography. The purified pigment had the absorption maximum at 503 nm and had high affinity to anti-bovine rhodopsin antibodies, suggest¬ ing that it was the pigment in the short cell and was regarded as lamprey rhodopsin. The lamprey rhodopsin was slowly bleached in the presence of 100 mM NH2OH in the dark, but did not show chloride effect. Genomic DNA was extracted from lamprey livers. The extracted DNA was digested by restriction enzymes (BamHI, EcoRI , Hindlll, PstI) and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with cDNA's of bovine rhodopsin and human red and blue visual pigments as probes. The patterns of the bands of DNA fragments hybridized by the probes were quite different among the used probes, suggesting that lamprey has homologous genes to those of rhodopsin and blue and red visual pigment genes. PH 42 PH 44 METABOLISM OF RETINOIDS' DURING DEVELOP¬ MENTS OF XENOPUS LAEVIS AND RHACOPHORUS ARBOREUS. M. Azuma, T. Seki and S. Fujishita. Dept, of Health Sci. , Osaka Kyoiku Univ. , Osaka. Retinoids in the eggs and larvae of Xenopus and Rhacophorus were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) . Xenopus eggs included all-trans retinal and 3-dehydroret inal (1:1). The retinals were converted to all-trans retinyl ester and 3-dehydroret inyl ester during development until stage 46. The proportion of all-trans 3-dehydroret inal scarcely changed, but that of all-trans 3- dehydroret inyl ester increased after stage 42. 1 1-Cis retinal and 3-dehydroret inal emerged in the eyes at stage 40 (1:1). The proportion of 1 1-cis 3-dehydroret inal increased after stage 43. Rhacophorus eggs mostly contained all-trans retinal, which was converted to all-trans retinyl ester during development. 1 1-Cis retinal appeared in the eyes at stage 33, but 11- cis 3-dehydroret inal did at later stages. These larvae also contained all-trans 3- dehydroret inyl ester. 1 1-Cis retinal and 3-dehydroret inal must be supplied from all-trans retinyl ester and 3-dehydro¬ ret inyl ester via retinol and 3-dehydro- retinol. The result that the proportions of 1 1-cis 3-dehydroret inal are generally greater than those of all-trans 3-dehydro¬ ret inyl ester, suggests that 3-dehydro- retinol is more efficiently used than retinol for visual pigment chromophore. PURIFICATION OF A CONE VISUAL PIGMENT, IODOPSIN, AND MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES TO IT. T.Yoshizawa1 , Y.Shichida1, Y.Fukada1 Y.Taniguchi1 , O.Kuwata1, M.Takeichi1 and S.Horiuchi2. ^ept. of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Kyoto Univ., Kyoto and 2Dept. of Biol., Col. of Gen. Educ. , Osaka Univ., Toyonaka, Osaka. Spectroscopic studies of iodopsin have been carried out using a crude extract of iodopsin in the presence of rhodopsin or its opsin. For biochemical investiga¬ tions, it is essential to separate iodopsin from rhodopsin or its opsin. We first purified iodopsin, to which mono¬ clonal antibodies (mAbs ) were prepared. Membrane proteins extracted from outer segments of chicken visual cells with 2% digitonin were subjected to a Con A- and a DEAE-Sepharose columns to separate iod¬ opsin from rhodopsin and other proteins. The iodopsin thus purified was used for immunization and screening, and four kinds of mAbs were obtained. Immunoblotting and immunoprecipi tat ion- spectroscopic analyses revealed them to be highly specific for iodopsin. Immunohistochemical studies proved that iodopsin was localized at a majority of the cone outer segments of chicken retina. The absorption maximum of iodopsin was shifted about 20nm to the blue in the presence of one of the mAbs, showing that the binding of the mAb induced a conforma¬ tional change of iodopsin. Physiology 1203 PH 45 LOCALIZATION OF IODOPSIN IN THE RETINA AND THE PINEAL OF CHICKENS AND QUAIL. T. Oi^hi , A. Kawata^ ■£> . Kojima , Y. Fukada^ and T. Yoshizwa , Dept. of Biol., Fac . of Scj., Nara Women's University, Nara, and ^Dept. of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Kyoto, Kyoto. Localization of iodopsin in the retina and the pineal of chickens and Japanese quail was studied immunohistochemically using monoclonal antibodies against chick¬ en iodopsin. Paraffin sections (4pm) were stained with iodopsin monoclonal anti¬ bodies with avidin-biotin system (Vector) . In both chickens and quail, outer segments of cones (double cones and some single cones) were stained, but those of rods and some single cones were not stained. To identify types of cones by the color of oil droplets, we made whole mount prepara¬ tions of the retina fixed in 10% formalin with 0.3% Triton X-100. Cones with green oil droplets (double cones) and red oil droplets (single cones) were positively stained, but cones with yellow, colorless and blue oil droplets were not stained. In the pineal body, degenerated outer semgments of pinealocytes were stained. But intensity of staining was less in the pineal than in the retina, indicating less amount of iodopsin exists in the pineal. Localization of iodopsin in the brain is now under investigation. PH 46 ISOLATION OF A cDNA CLONE USING MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES TO CHICKEN IODOPSIN. O.Kuwata, Y.Fukada, Y.Shichida, T.Yoshizawa, K.Yasuda and Y.Shimura. Dept, of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Kyoto Univ., Kyoto. Among cone pigments for color vision, only chicken iodopsin, a red-sensitive one, has been considerably characterized by biochemical and spectroscopic studies. As the first step of investigation into the relationship between the structure and the physiological function of iodopsin in a cone cell, we have prepared monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against purified iodopsin. They are so specific for iodopsin as to enable us to isolate a cDNA of iodopsin. Chick retina has been confirmed to contain iodopsin by immunoblotting analysis. Double-stranded cDNAs for poly(A)+ RNAs of the chick retina were synthesized, and cloned into the expression vector, Agtl 1 to construct a cDNA library of the chick retina. Plaques bearing the products of each expressed cDNA were screened using the iodopsin- specific antibodies as a probe. A northern blotting analysis revealed that one of the positive cDNA clones specifically hybridized with an mRNA (about 2.2kb) in the chick retina. Analyzed sequence of the cDNA clone (562bp) suggested that it might be consisted of two smaller cDNA fragments. PH 47 EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION OF FOUR KINDS OF CHICKEN CONE PIGMENTS T.Okano, Y.Fukada, I.D. Artamonov and T.Yoshizawa . Dept. of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Kyoto University, Kyoto. In order to elucidate the transduction process and the regulation mechanism in cone cells which are responsible for color vision, we first attempted to isolate all the visual pigments in separate forms. By use of CHAPS in the presence of phosphatidylcholine, a mixture of rhod- opsin and cone pigments was solubilized from outer segments of chicken visual cells. The mixture was successively chro¬ matographed on Con A- and DEAE-Sepharose columns. Then we obtained fractions of rhodopsin (96% purity), iodopsin (95%), green pigment (74%), and a mixture of blue and violet pigments with admixture of iod¬ opsin. By means of partial bleaching, ab¬ sorption maxima of the difference spectra between the pigments and retinal-oxime were estimated as follows; rhodopsin: 503 nm, iodopsin: 571 nm, green: 508nm, blue: 455nm, violet: 425nm. When the spectra of five kinds of chicken visual pigments were plotted on a scale of "fourth root of wavelength", they were in good agreement in the long wavelength side with each other except for violet pigment. Then the absorption maximum of violet pigment was estimated at 41 5nm from a spectrum of the pigment corrected by other pigments. PH 48 THE PHOTOBLEACHING PROCESS OF IODOPSIN IN THE PRESENCE OF NITRATE ION Y.Imamoto, T.Okano, H.Kandori, Y. Fukada, Y.Shichida and T.Yoshizawa Dept, of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Kyoto Univ. , Kyoto There are many differences in chemical nature or photochemical behaviour between iodopsin and rhodopsin. One of the noticeable differences is the thermal reaction of bathointermediates produced by irradiation at liquid nitrogen tempera¬ ture; bathoiodopsin was converted to original iodopsin, while bathorhodopsin was converted to a next intermediate, lumirhodopsin. Another is the dependency of the absorption spectrum of iodopsin on the concentration of Cl-. The present paper reports some differences in photo¬ chemical behaviour at low temperature between original iodopsin (Cl- binding form) and N-iodopsin (prepared by substitution of Cl- to NO^-). On irradiation at -T85°C, both of iodopsin and N-iodopsin were converted to batho-intermediates . Prolonged irradi¬ ation of each pigment produces a photo¬ steady state mixture composed of original pigment, batho-, and iso-pigments. Most of bathoiodopsin was thermally reverted to iodopsin, while N-bathoiodopsin was converted to the next intermediate and bleached at room temperature. These results suggested that the reversion of bathoiodopsin to iodopsin requires Cl-. 1204 Physiology PH 49 PRIMARY INTERMEDIATE OF CHICKEN IODOPSIN AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. H.Kandori, Y.Imamoto, T.Okano, Y.Fukada, Y.Shichida and T.Yoshizawa. Dept, of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Kyoto University, Kyoto. Picosecond laser photolysis of chicken iodopsin was carried out at room tempera¬ ture. Immediately after excitation, a bathochromic photoproduct was observed, which was stable on picosecond time scale. This may correspond to "bathoiodopsin" , which was discovered by low temperature spectrophotometry (Yoshizawa and Wald, 1967). Our finding suggests as follows : (1) Bathoiodopsin is the primary inter¬ mediate under physiological temperature. (2) The primary photochemical event of iodopsin is an isomerization of the chromophore . (3) The primary photochemical reaction would be faster or simpler in iodopsin than in rhodopsin, because no precursors of bathoiodopsin were observed within our time resolution (< 20 psec) and no appar¬ ent absorption change due to an intense excitation was observed in iodopsin. (4) The relaxation process of batho¬ iodopsin at room temperature is different from that at low temperature. Batho¬ iodopsin seems to proceed to bleaching at room temperature, while bathoiodopsin at low temperature reverted to the original pigment (iodopsin) on warming. PH 50 ACTIVATION OF GTP-BINDING PROTEIN BY A PHOTOBLEACHING INTERMEDIATE OF IODOPSIN. Y.Fukada, T.Okano, I .D. Artamonov and T.Yoshizawa. Dept, of Biophys., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Kyoto, Kyoto. Electrophysiological studies have suggested that the visual transduction process in cone cells is similar to that in rods. For complete understanding of the molecular mechanism in cones, activation of GTP-binding protein (transducin: T) by a photobleaching intermediate of a cone visual pigment was investigated. One of the cone pigments, iodopsin was purified from chicken retinas, and then reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine liposomes. Since we have not succeeded to isolate a cone-specific T, we purified T from bovine retinas in which rod cells are predominant. Measurements of [^HJGppNHp (GTP analogue) binding to T in the presence of the reconstituted iodopsin showed that T was remarkably activated only when iodopsin was irradiated. The degree of the light-dependent activation was similar to those observed in the presence of bovine or chicken rhodopsin. These observations indicate that the active site of the visual pigment, which is responsible for the activation of T, is conserved in iodopsin, and suggest that the first step of the visual transduction process in a cone cell should be the activation of T by a photobleaching intermediate of the visual pigment. PH 51 THREE DIMENSIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE CYTOSKELETON IN THE RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM. Jiro USUKURA, Dept, of Anat. Nagoya Univ. Nagoya The Retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ) supports in a crucial way the life of neural retina through many complex functions such as phagocytosis and pigment migration. Cytoskeletal mechanisms play strategic roles in these processes. The purpose of current study is to reveal three dimensional architecture of the cytoskeleton by freeze-etching using rapidly frozen frog retina and to identify its components by immunocytochemistry. The cytoskeleton of RPE was mainly composed of actin filaments and vimentin. Actin filaments were mostly localized at the apical region and beneath the lateral membrane of the junctional area. In apical microvilli, many actin filaments extended longitudinally as making bundles. Large globular substances were attached on actin filaments, and frequently linked them each other. Actin filaments were closely associated with pigment granules and microvillar membrane. On the other hand, vimentin was localized predominantly in basal regions of the cell body. Myosin and -actinin were also detected by immunoassay, though it was difficult to demonstrate their morphological counterparts because of dispersed localization. No prominent morphological changes in the cytoskeleton were induced by light conditions. PH 52 THE INFLUENCE OF MONOCHROMATIC STIMULI TO THE BRAIN ON VISUALLY INDUCED PHOTOTACTIC BEHAVIOR OF ORB WEAVING SPIDERS. S. Yamashita. Biol. Lab., Kyushu Inst, of Design, Fukuoka. On a dark background, tethered orb weaving spiders^ Argiope amoena and Nepbrila clavata , which walked on a y-maze globe showed a negative phototaxis to light aimed at the eyes. When the brain was illuminated through the cuticle covering it, the spiders showed a positive phototaxis to light aimed at the eyes (Yamashita and Tuji, 1987). The spectral effectiveness of monochromatic lights shown on the brain in changing phototactic behavior from negative to positive was tested with various wavelengths. The spectral effectiveness function was found to have a maximum at about 420-440 nm. The photosensitive neurons in the brain reported by Yamashita and Tateda (1983) have a maximum sensitivity at about 420- 440 nm, suggesting that the cerebral photosensitive neurons control the visual phototactic behavior of the spiders. Physiology 1205 PH 53 STRUCTURE OF THE COMPOUND EYE AND THE OPTIC NEUROPIL OF THE TIGER BEETLE (CICINDELA CHINENSIS). Y. Toh and A. Mizutani. Dept, of Biol., Fac . of Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka. _ The visual system of the adult tiger beetle consists of ommatidial layer and underlying three optic neuropils (lamina, medulla, and lobula) . Each ommatidium contains eight retinular cells, which are classed based upon the level of their rhabdomeres into one distal cell, six proximal cells and one basal cell. Rhabdomeric microvilli of the distal cells, four proximal cells and the basal cell align vertically, whereas those of two proximal cells align horizontally. No twist of rhabdoms occur in the dorsal area of the compound eyes. Eight retinular axons from each ommatidium project into an optic cartridge in the lamina, where they synapse with several lamina monopolar neurons. In addition to afferent synapses reciprocal synapses between retinular axons and between monopolar neurons as well as feedback synapses from monopolar neurons upon retinular axons occur. Dendrites of most lamina monopolar neurons are limited in the individual cartridge, but some monopolar neurons extend horizontally long collaterals. Moreover, dendrites of several medulla neurons widely spread in the lamina. These structures are discussed in relation to possible visual function of this insect. PH 54 MOVEMENT SENSITIVE NEURONS IN THE LOBULA OF THE VISUAL SYSTEM OF THE TIGER BEETLE (CICINDELA CHINENSIS ) LARVA. A. Mizutani and Y. Toh. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka. _ The larva of the tiger beetle possesses six ocelli on either side of the head, two of which (St.l and St . 2 ) are larger than the others. St.l orients dorso- posteriorly, whereas St. 2 orients dorso- anteriorly. Two layered optic neuropils (lamina and medulla) occur beneath each ocellus. The optic neuropils of St.l and St. 2 occur side by side, and they converge upon the common third optic neuropil (lobula). In the present study responses of visual interneurons in the lobula to moving objects over the head have been intracellularly recorded, and the recorded cells have been morphologically identified by ionophoretic fluorescent dye injection. Most of recorded cells extend distally dendritic processes towards the medulla, and proximally a single axon towards the brain. The cells exclusively responding to transverse movement of the object over the head possess extensive dendritic arborizations in only one of two medullae, which suggests movement detection by one ocellus. The cells exclusively responding to antero-posterior movement of the object possess extensive dendritic arborizations in both St.l medulla and St . 2 medulla, suggesting co-operation of the two (St.l and St. 2) ocelli for movement detection. PH 55 PARTICIPATION OF THE COMPOUND EYES IN THE SPECTRAL SENSITIVITY OF THE OCELLI OF A NOCTUID MOTH. S. Yamazaki1, S. Yamashita2 and M. Sasaki1. i-Lab. of Entomol., Fac. of Agr . , Tamagawa Univ., Tokyo and 2Biol. Lab., Kyushu Inst, of Design, Fukuoka. The spectral sensitivity of the ocelli in the noctuid moth, Anadevidia peponis , was investigated by recording ERG ' s . Under conditions of constant darkness, the peak sensitivities were observed at about 340 nm in the ultra¬ violet and at about 480-540 nm in the visible. On a light background, the sensitivity to each monochromatic light decreased, as compared with the sensitiv¬ ity for the dark-adapted ocellus. The decrease in sensitivity was large in the visible, but small in the ultraviolet. The decrease in the retio of visible to ultraviolet sensitivities ( v I s/uv) under the light was not observed in moths whose compound eyes were removed or whose ocellar nerves were cut. On the other hand, when a small light spot for back¬ ground illumination was presented to only a portion of a compound eye, VIS/UV for the dark-adapted ocelli decreased. These observations show that the decrease in ocellar VIS/UV under light is mediated by signals from the compound eyes. PH 56 HISTOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION OF THE RED RECEPTOR AND ITS CENTRAL PROJECTION IN THE CABBAGE BUTTERFLY'S COMPOUND EYE M. Shimohigashi and Y. Tominaga. Biol. Lab., Fac. Sci., Fukuoka Univ., Fukuoka The ommatidium of the compound eye of a cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae , has nine retinula cells (Rl-9). The aim of this study is to clarify which type of these retinula cells undertakes the red color reception. By intracellular recording, five different types of spectral sensitivity curves were obtained. Each curve had a peak at near 340 nm (UV) , 420 nm (violet) , 480 nm (blue) , 560 nm (yellow- green) and 620 nm (red), respectively. Intracellular dye injection with cobalt- lysine clearly indicated that the basal retinula cell (R9) was sensitive to red color, and in addition, one distal cell ( R 5 ) to UV and another (R3) to yellow- green. The electron microscope observation of tissues partially injected with HRP gave the following results concerning the central projection of retinula cells. (1) The red receptor extended the long fiber to the medulla. (2) The UV receptors also had the long fibers, which possessed en passant synapses with the lamina neurons. (3) The violet, blue and yellow-green receptors had the short fibers, which terminated at the lamina cartridges. 1206 Physiology PH 57 HISTAMINE AS A PHOTORECEPTOR TRANSMITTER IN THE COCKROACH ( PERIPLANETA AMERICANA) OCELLUS J. T. LIN, M. MIZUNAMI, Y. TOH and H. TATEDA Dept, of Biol., Fac . of Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka. _ To identify the neurotransmitter at the synapses from retinular axons to the second-order neurons ( L-neurons ) in the cockroach ocellus, the effects of serval putative neurotransmitters ( GABA, ACh and histamine ) of insect photoreceptors on L-neurons were examined. Responses of L-neurons to application of putative transmitters were intracellularly recorded. Ionophoretically applied histamine induced a dose-dependent hyperpolarization as did the ocellar illumination, whereas GABA and ACh had no significant effects. By perfusion, histamine hyperpolarized the L-neurons, and all the tested histamine antagonists ( Hi: promethazine, mepyramine; H2 : cimetidine, ranitidine ) completely, reversibly inhibited the photoresponses of L-neurons except cyclizine. Curare is well known specific antagonist to ACh receptors, but it inhibited both photoresponses and histamine-induced responses of L-neurons. Therefore, curare can be considered as a histamine antagonist in the cockroach ocellus. GABA, picrotoxin, ACh, carbachol, eserine, neostigmine, and oC-BGTX, had no significant effects. These results suggest that histamine is a photoreceptor transmitter in the cockroach ocellus. PH 58 DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS OF VISUAL FUNCTION DURING LOWERING OF THE NEURONAL ACTIVITY IN THE FLY. K. Mimura, Nagasaki Univ., Fac. of Liberal Arts, Nagasaki. The development of some of the visual function in the flesh-fly depends on the visual experience in the early and short period of post-emergence (Mimura 1986, 1987, 1988). This report attempted to in¬ vestigate the detailed developmental proc¬ ess of the visual function (pattern dis¬ crimination) by short-term suppression of neuronal activity at various stages of post-emergence. The suppression was brought on by lowering the environmental temperature to 10 °C or less. Results were as follows: (1) Very short-term (20-30min) and normal neuronal activity immediately after visual experience is necessary for actuating the development of pattern dis¬ crimination. (2) Normal neuronal activity for 5h after the first visual experience is needed for the sufficient development of pattern discrimination. Additionally, it was demonstrated that by applying some inhibitors of protein synthesis, phototaxis is not impeded but pattern discrimination is. This finding illustrates the developmental difference between innate and acquired functions. PH 59 DISCRIMINATION OF COLOURED PAPERS IN THE WALKING BLOWFLY, LUCILIA CUPRINA. T . Fukushi Dept, of Biol., Miyagi Coll, of Educ., Sendai. An individual blowfly is trained by presented it with a droplet of sugar solution on a patch of coloured paper (colour mark 1X1 cm) . After having consumed the sugar droplet, the fly starts a systematic search. While searching, it is confronted with an array of colour marks consisting of 4 colours and displayed on the test cardboard . The flies trained to one of blue, green, yellow or red prefer this colour significantly when confronted with an array including these 4 colours. The blue and yellow marks are learned easily. Do the flies discriminate between blue and yellow by the hue of colour or the brightness? To answer this question, the following experiments are carried out. (1) The test array including white instead of green is used. (2) The flies are trained to blue or yellow with reduced light intensities - of reflection and tested on the standard test cardboard. (3) The test array including blue (or yellow) , white and two grades of grey is used. The results show that the fly discriminates between blue and yellow by means of the hue of colour. PH 60 SIGN CHANGE OF PHOTOTAXIS IN WHITE-EYE SILK¬ WORM MUTANT (W- 1 ) I. Shimizu. Res. Sect.of Environ. Biol., Labo. for Plant Ecological Studies, Fac.of Sci., Kyoto Univ., Kyoto. A white-eye mutant(w-l) of the silkworm ( Bombyx mori) lacks ommochome pigments due to a defect -of kynurenine 3-hydroxylase. Their laravl stemmata and adult compound eyes are pale white. The phototactic behavior of the mutant varied with light and dark adaptations. Light-adapted newly-hatched larvae showed positive phototaxis at low intensities of a test yellow light, and negative phototaxis at intense test lights. After dark-adaptation they showed negative phototactic response from low to high intensities of test light. Green light was effective in both positive and negative responses. The half-time of sign reversion in the phototaxis was approximately 20-30 min in dark and light-adaptation. Mature w-1 larvae showed ordinary positive phototaxis to the target of light after light-adaptation. On the other hand dark-adapted larvae showed a series of complex but stereotyped behavior. At first they orientated themselves to the opposite of the light-target and turned toward the light-source again and moved their heads from side to side for a while. Finally they turned to the opposite side again and moved away. F-l hybride between the mutant (wl/wl) and a black-eye race showed strong positive phototaxis irrespective of light and dark adaptation:the phototactic character of the mutant is apparently recessive. Physiology 1207 PH 61 TRANSRETINAL RESISTANCE CHANGES INDUCED BY LIGHT AND BY DEPLETION OF CALCIUM FROM THE EXTERNAL MEDIUM IN THE OCTOPUS RETINA. K. Ohtsu. Ushimado Marine Laboratory, Fac. of Sci., Okayama Univ., Okayama. In octopus retinae, conductance of photoreceptor cell membranes increases upon illumination, resulting in a vitreous-negative electrical change, ERG, in a transretinal recording configuration. A similar electrical change, transretinal voltage (TRV), was generated without i 1 luminaion by incubating the retina in Ca2+-free artificial sea water (ASW) . The TRV, however, disappeared in a few min after the addition of 10 mM Ca2+. It seems likely that photoreceptor membrane resistance changes are reflected in transretinal electrical resistance ( TRR ) . It is therefore to be expected that the TRR decreases upon illumination or depletion of Ca2+ from an external medium and increases after the addition of Ca2+. Unexpectedly, however, the TRR increased transiently upon dim illumination and decreased after the addition of Ca2+, whereas, an intense light stimulus decreased transiently the TRR. This inconsistency might be attributed to decreased extracellular space because the TRR is partially a function of the resistance of the retinal extracellular space. The results here suggest that the rhabdomeric microvilli may have swelled upon illumination or depletion of Ca2+. PH 62 EFFETS OF [Ca2+] AND IBMX ON PHOTORESPONSES OF DETACHED FROG RODS. K. Azuma , Dept. of Biol., Osaka Med. Coll., Takatsuki , O^aka 569 _ _ Effects of [Ca^+] and IBMX on the light sensitivity of rods detached from the frog Rana catesbeiana retinas were investigated by sucking the inner segments into pigettes. Reducing [Caz ] and the presence of IBMX influenced amplitudes and time courses of the photoresponses. Low Ca (90 juM) and IBMX ( 50 juM) induced increases in the amplitudes of the responses. Low Ca caused a shortening in the falling phase of the responses and IBMX slowed rising and falling phases of the responses. At normal Ca, the onset of adaptation light produced a steady outward change of membrane currents which tended to recover to the initial dark level at the offset of the light. At low Ca and in the presence of IBMX the offset of the light induced a large inward change of membrane current which transiently overshot the initial dark level. In the overshoot state, which was caused by a transient increase of membrane current, flash lights evoked photoresponses which were about 1.2 -1.4 times larger than those in the initial dark (called hypersensitivity). Thus hypersensitivity of detached rods was observed at low Ca and in the presence of IBMX. These results indicated that the hypersensitivity was caused by the rod photoreceptor itself. PH 63 INTRACELLULAR POTASSIUM ACTIVITY OF THE HORIZONTAL CELLS IN THE STINGRAY RETINA. M.Fu jimoto, H.Yanase and J.Katayama. Zool . Inst., Fac. of Sci., Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima . The horizontal cells in the stingray retina are very large. Making use of this characteristics, intracellular activities of potassium in the horizontal cells were studied by means of ion-exchanger micro¬ electrodes. Double-barrelled electrodes, having a tip diameter of 1-2 pm, were used and the distal portion of one barrel was filled by K+ exchanger resin (Corning no. 477317). The electrodes were calibrated in a set of 7 (KCl+NaCl) solutions of 300 mM constant ionic strength; the K+ concentra¬ tions were 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 mM. The average membrane potential and activity of potassium ions in HI horizontal cells (luminosity type) were -13.8+1.8 mV and 126.1+8.5 mM (n=24), respectively. The membrane potentials of H3 horizontal cells ( chromaticity type) were often larger than those of HI cells. During light-evoked hyperpolarization, the intracellular K+ activity decreased. On the other hand, light-evoked depolariza¬ tions in H3 cells were found to be accom¬ panied by increase in the K+ activity. These light-evoked changes in intra¬ cellular K+ activities are incompatible with those deduced from the light-evoked change in Na+ activity. PH 64 EFFECT OF DOPAMINE ON BIPOLAR CELLS IN THE CARP RETINA. T.SAITO1 and M.YAM^DA . 1Inst.of Biol. Sc., Univ. of Tsukuba, Electrotechnical Lab . , Tsukuba-shi , Ibaragi, 305 Bipolar cells in the carp retina are elec¬ trically coupled, which makes the recept¬ ive field size of these cells much larger than their dendritic field, we have used a long narrow slit of light(170um width and 4mm length) of different positions to char¬ acterize the receptive field profile of ON bipolar cells. Stimulation at the receptive field center produced a large depolarizing response followed by a hyperpolarizing one. Both responses decresed in their amplitude with the slit displacement from the center. The spatial distribution of the hyperpola¬ rizing response was much larger than that of the depolarizing one, suggesting that the hyperpolarizing response is mediated by horizontal cells. The peak amplitude of the depolarizing response was plotted against the slit displacement from the center in semilogarithmic ordinates. The decay of the response could be fitted by a straight line whose slope allowed the measurement of the length constant value(52-98 urn). Dopamine (50 urn) hyperpolari zed the membrane poten¬ tial, enhanced the depolarizing response and reduced the hyperpolarizing response. Dopamine also produced a narrowing of the receptive field surround, while had little effect on the central receptive field size. 1208 Physiology PH 65 STRETCH RECEPTOR ORGANS IN THE THORAX OF THE PILL BUG ( ARMADI LLI PI UM VULGARE) . A. Niida, K. Sadakane, and T. Yamaguchi. Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Okayama Univ. , Okayama. Bilateral arrangement of four types of stretch receptor organs (SROs) responsive to displacement of the tergites was found in the thorax of pill bugs. The first type is the most anterior SRO whose dendrite spreads over a non-spec i al i zed muscle lying between the second and third segments. The second and third types are well-developed muscle receptor organs with receptor cells, each of which the dendritic field extends on to a distinct receptor muscle, and the receptor muscle for the former lies between the third and fourth segments and that for the latter does in the fourth segment. The fourth type is located in each segment posterior to the fifth segment: a pair of sensory cells spread the dendrites on a single receptor muscle lying in their own segment. Both of the sensory cells have slowly adapting property, but one member has a low threshold and optimal sensitivity to rather small bending of the thorax, while other member has the opposite properties. This suggests that in a sequence of bending, optimum response ranges are shared with the two sensory cells . PH 66 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONSES AND THE CENTRAL PROJECTIONS OF AN ANTENNAL COLD RECEPTOR ON THE COCKROACH, PERI PLANETA AMERICANA L. M. Nishikawa, F. Yokohari, and T. Ishibashi Biol. Lab., Fac. Sci., Fukuoka Univ., Fukuoka The antennal cold receptors occur in two types of sensilla, the olfactory- ther- moreceptive sensillum (OT type) and the hygro- thermorecept ive sensillum (HT type) . The following report shows the characteris¬ tics of responses of HT type cold recep¬ tors . 1. The static activity at constant temper¬ atures (T) was lower at higher tempera¬ tures. The static activity was linearly correlated with constant temperatures in the range of 20-30°C. This is remarkably different from that of the OT type which did not show any high correlation. 2. The response to constant rate of temp¬ erature falling (-dT/dt) was higher at higher rate of temperature falling. At the same time the sensitivity to temperature drops was lower at higher instantaneous temperatures . 3. The response of the cold receptor does not depend on the temperature difference (-^T) . The central projections of the recep¬ tors in the sensilla were examined with extracellular cobalt-lysine staining meth¬ od. Some neurites of the receptors of the both sensilla terminated at the same area. PH 67 RESPONSES TO HYGRO-STIMULATION IN THE ANTENNAL LOBE OF HONEY BEE( Apis mellifera) . T. Itoh, F. Yokohari and Y. Tominaga. Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Fukuoka, Fukuoka. _ _ About 50 hygro-thermoreceptive sensilla have been found on an antenna of the honey bee ( Apis mellifera ) . Each of them contains at least three sensory cells, a dry, a moist and a cold cell. Their axons are sent toward the brain via the antennal nerve. In the brain, most of antennal nerve fibers enter the antennal lobe. Responses to hy gr o-stimulation applied to the antenna were recorded extracellularly from the dorsal region of the antennal lobe. Two types of responses were recorded, dry responses and moist responses. Dry responses were phasic or tonic in their response time course. Their impulse frequency was increased with relative humidity decrease. Moist responses were phasic-tonic. Their impulse frequency was increased with relative humidity increase. Extracellular cobalt injection via a recording electrode revealed two types of olfactory lobe neurons. One type is a local interneuron which has wide branching pattern restricted in the antennal lobe. The other is output neuron which innervates single glomerulus in the dor so-postero region of the antennal lobe and sends an axon toward protcerbrum. We consider that humidity information may be processed via a neuronal system resembling olfactory information processing system. PH 68 MOTOR OUTPUTS OF THE DESCENDING OCELLAR INTERNEURON OF THE AMERICAN COCKROACH. T. OHYAMA and Y. TOH . Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka. Two types of descending ocellar interneurons have been reported in the American cockroach in the previous study (Ohyama & Toh, 1987). They responded to ocellar illumination with a few off-spikes and to air puffs to cerci with continuous spike discharges. The continuous spike discharges caused by cereal stimulation were suppressed by ocellar illumination. In the present study, motor outputs of the descending ocellar interneuron were examined by recording activities of the peripheral nerves of the metathoracic ganglion during intracellular stimulation of the descending ocellar interneuron. The nerves were named after Pipa and Cook (1959). Intracellular stimulation of the descending interneuron elicited continuous spike discharges in the N2 and N6 ipsilateral to the axon of the descending interneuron, but did not in the ipsilateral N3 and N5, and contralateral N2, N3 and N5. These data show that some of the metathoracic motoneurons are activated by the descending ocellar interneuron, though such motoneurons have not been morphologically identified. It has been reported that the N2 and N6 innervate flight and leg muscles (Pipa & Cook, 1959). The present data together with previous data are suggestive of ocellar control of flight or locomotion activities through the descending ocellar interneuron. Physiology 1209 PH 69 DIRECTIONAL SENSITIVITY OF CRICKET CERCAL SENSORY INTERNEURONS TO AIR-CURRENT STIMULUS M. Kanou. Biol. Inst., Fac. of Gen. Educ., Ehime Univ., Matsuyama Directional sensitivity of cereal sensory interneurons (CSIs) of the cricket, Gry 1 1 u s bimacula tus D, was investigated using a unidirectional air- current stimulus. The stimulating apparatus was a wind tunnel consisted of a pair of push-pull driven loud-speakers. The directional characteristics of CSIs was recorded intracellularly and was expressed by the frequency threshold curves to air-current stimuli from different orientations. Recordings were obtained at 6 positions at 30 or 120 intervals around the animal in the horizontal plane. CSIs of 8-1 ( MGI : medial giant inter¬ neuron), 9-2, 9-3, 10-2 and 10-3 were investigated. The optimal directions of CSIs to air-current were different from each other. The optimal directions and other directional characteristics of a pair of (right and left) CSIs were symmetry with respect to the body axis. On the other hand, the optimal directions of CSIs in the same type (8-1 , 9-2 and 9-3 in PT-type; 10-2 and 10-3 in T-type: Kanou and Shimozawa 1984, J. Comp. Physiol.) were symmetry with respect to the transverse axis of the body. PH 71 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND LACTATE CONCENTRATION ON THE ISOLATED HEART ACTIVITY OF THERMALLY ACCLIMATED GOLDFISH. H.Tsukuda. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Osaka City Univ. , Osaka The frequency and the amplitude of ventricular contraction were recorded for the isolated heart of 10°C- of 25°C- acclimated goldfish. Total activity of the heart was evaluated by the power calculated from the frequency and the amplitude. Lactate induced the frequency to increase in 25°C-fish heart. In general, 5mM lactate was effective in the mainte¬ nance of heart activity, while 1 OmM as well as 20mM lactate showed negative effect. Increase in temperature enhanced decrease in the heart activity for one hr. The decrease was faster in 10°C-fish than in 25°C-fish, especially at higher temperatures. The frequency increased in every case with increase in temperature between 5° and 30 °C. The frequency of 10°C-fish heart was significantly higher at 10°C and lower at 30°C than that of 25°C- fish heart. The amplitude of 10°C-fish heart decreased with increase in temperature and that of 25°C-fish heart showed the maximum at 15°C. The maximum power was attained at 20 °C irrespective of acclimation temperature, but the power of 10°C-fish heart was higher at 5° and 15°C and lower at 20°, 25° and 30°C than that of 25°C-fish. These results indicate adaptive effect of thermal acclimation. PH 70 COMPARISON OF FREEZING-TOLERANCE BETWEEN TWO SPECIES OF DROSOPHILIDAE , CHYMOMYZA COSTATA AND C. FUSCIMANA. 2 1 K. Shimadal and A. Riihimaa . iInst. Low Temp. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo and ^Dep. Genet., Univ. Oulu, Finland. Many species of Drosophilidae inhab it - ing in temperate and frigid regions enter reproductive diapause at the adult stage. The overwintering or laboratory cultured diapausing adults are usually susceptible to freezing. Unlike those species, C. cos - tata and C. fuscimana have a larval dia¬ pause. The diapausing larvae of both spe¬ cies are potentially tolerant to freezing at temperatures below -80°C. They exhibit¬ ed the freezing- tolerance when they were acclimated to 4°C for 1 month, initiated to freeze with ice inoculation at nearly below 0°C and cooled at a constant rate of 0.1°C/min. The slow freezing conditions were essential for their post-thawing sur¬ vival. Between the two species, C. fusci¬ mana larvae were more sensitive to cooling velocity. As natural cryoprotectants , tre¬ halose and proline were detected in C_. cos- tata larvae. During the cold acclimation, the” trehalose and proline contents were increased to 22 and 175 nmole/mg fresh weight, respectively. The remarkable in¬ crease in proline content seems to be in¬ volved with the occurrence of freezing- tolerance in C. costata . In C. fuscimana , its proline content is still unknown. PH 72 EFFECT OF THERMAL ACCLIMATION ON HEART LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE IN GOLDFISH. T.Yonehana and H.Tsukuda. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Osaka City Univ., Osaka. Goldfish were acclimated to 10° or 25°C for more than two months before isolation of heart. Enzyme materials were prepared by Sephadex gel filtration of the centri¬ fuged supernatant of heart homogenate. Vmax and Km values were calculated by Lineweaver and Burk's plot. The enzyme activity increased with increse in temperature between 10° and 40°C, and the higher concentration of substrate showed inhibition effect at lower temperatures. There was no difference between apparent Km values as function of temperature in 10°C- and 25°C-fish. The ratio of pyruvate reduction to lactate oxidation at 10°C was higher in 10°C-fish than in 25°C-fish. In 10°C-fish, the Q1 0 value calculated from the Vmax was lowest in temperature range from 10° to 15°C for the lactate oxidation and 15° to 20°C for the pyruvate reduction, while in 25°C-fish, that was lowest in temperature range from 20° to 25°C for the pyruvate reduction as well as the lactate oxidation. Thus, the Q1 0 value of either tempera¬ ture fish was lowest at temperature near the each acclimation temperature. This seems to be one of acclimation phenomena to temperature in ectotherms and important ability of them for survival. 1210 Physiology PH 73 THE EFFECT OF BREEDING TEMPERATURE ON WING- LENGTH OF THE WATERSTRIDER , GERRIS PALUDUM. T.Harada and K. Taneda. Dept, of Biol. Fac. of Sci., Kochi Univ., Kochi. Gerris paludum is known to show an alary dimorphism (macroptera and brachyptera ) . Our field investigation showed that there were differences among the generations in the component ratio of the alary di¬ morphism. G^ paludum is usually tri- voltine in Kochi. The frequency of macro- pterous specimens in the 2nd generation (late summer generation) was higher than that in either of the other generations. This finding suggests that wing-length is correlated with breeding temperature. First instar nymphs were bred at high (30°C) or low temperatures (20°C) until they became adults. The frequency of macropterous specimens was higher in the high temperature breeding group than in the low temperature breeding group. The 5th instar nymphs, which had grown and just molted in the field, were bred at the high or low temperature. There was little difference in the frequency distribution of wing-length between breeding temperatures. Thus, it seems that the breeding temperature at the 5th instar nymph stage does not affect the wing-length. The ecological significance of the present findings was also discussed. PH 74 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF REFLECTING PLATELETS IN FISH IRIDOPHORES AND THEIR LIGHT-REFLECTING PROPERTIES. R.Fujii, N.Oshima, M.Aihara, H.Kasukawa and N.Arakawa. Dept, of Biol., Fac. Sci., Toho Univ., Funabashi. Chemical nature of thin reflecting platelets in iridophores of some teleosts was studied by thin-layer chromatography on crystalline cellulose. The platelets from blue damselfish (Chrysiptera c y anea ) are composed exclusively of guanine, as judged by the limits of sensitivity of this method. By contrast, chromatograms of the plalelets from carp ( Cy pr inus car pio ) revealed that hypoxanthine is present in addition to the main component, guanine. In tilapia ( Sarotherodon niloticus) , trace of unknown fraction was detected. Judged from Rf value and fluorescence, it might be xanthine. In the blue-green damselfish ( Chr omis viridis) , the platelets from dorsal skin are composed almost purely of guanine, while those from ventral skin contained hypoxanthine besides guanine. In neon tetra ( Paracheir odon innesi ) , plate¬ lets either from dorsal or ventral skin contained small fractions of two sub¬ stances, presumably hypoxanthine and xanthine. It is suggested that very thin platelets, such as those from blue damselfish, are composed of guanine, while usual thicker ones contain other purines, though they are closed related to their common and main component, guanine. PH 75 MOTILITY OF THE IRIDOPHORES IN THE NEON TETRA -- I. THE LIGHT-REFLECTING PROPERTY. H.Nagaishi, K.Miyaji, N.Oshima and R.Fujii. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Toho Univ., Funabashi . The color change in lateral stripe of the neon tetra, Par ache _ir odon in n e j; i_ , originates from the physiologically active iridophores sensitive to light. Like the iridophores of the blue damselfish, they contain the stacks of guanine plates, and reflect the brilliant color due to the multilayered thin-film interference phenomenon of the "non-ideal" type. When illuminated from direction of the dorsal side, the stripe reflected iridescent color, but the illumination from the direction of ventral side did not induce the reflection from the stripe. The fact may imply that the every guanine plate in the iridophores arranges regularly forming a constant angle with the surface of the skin. The peak of wavelength of reflected light from the iridophores was shifted toward the longer wavelengths by illumi¬ nation or application of norepinephrine and so on. In that case, the relative reflectance decreased. From the optical analysis, it was also suggested that the shift of the spectral peak may be caused by the changes in the angle of inclination of guanine plates within the iridophores. PH 76 MOTILITY OF IRIDOPHORES IN THE NEON TETRA — II. REGULATION OF MOTILITY. N.Oshima, H.Nagaishi and R.Fujii. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Toho Univ., Funabashi. The color of stripe of the neon tetra, Paracheirodon innesi , changes from green in the daytime to blue-violet at night. This phenomenon may be due to the responses of iridophores to light, since similar changes were observed in the fish denervated by reserpine. However, the color of stripe changes rapidly to yellowish green, when the fish are subjected to the stresses or eat baits. Therefore, the possible involve¬ ment of endocrine and nervous system in the iridophore motility was examined. The skin forming the stripe was excised carefully, and various substances were exogenously applied. The responses were microphoto- graphed or recorded photoelectrically . K+ and norepinephrine (NE) caused the shift of the spectral peak of light reflected from the iridophores toward longer wavelengths. Adenosine and ATP, co¬ transmitters, were found to reverse the action of NE. MCH and tf-MSH also caused the shift of the spectral peak toward longer and shorter wavelengths, respectively. Melatonin showed only a little effect at high concentrations. These results suggest that, although the neon tetra iridophores are fundamentally under the direct control of light, neural and hormonal regulation may contribute to the dynamic or minute changes in color of stripe. Physiology 1211 PH 77 RECEPTOR MECHANISMS OF MOTILE IRIDOPHORES OF THE FLOATING GOBY , CHAENOGOB I US ANNULARIS. T. Iga, N. Maeno and T. Asari. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sc i . , Shimane Un i v . , Matsue Recently, we found that iridophores of the floating goby, Chaenogob i u s annularis (brackish form), are motile. These irido¬ phores responded to some stimuli with intra cellular translocation of the platelets within the cells. High K solution induced dispersion of the platelets within the cells. This response was lost in irido¬ phores in denervated scale preparations. Noradrenaline caused dispersion of the platelets. The action was inhibited by alpha adrenergic antagonists, but not blocked by beta adrenolytic agents, indi¬ cating that noradrenaline acts on the alpha adrenoceptors of the iridophore membrane to induce platelet dispersion. Isoprotere¬ nol brought about platelet aggregation and its action was antagonized by propranolol, but not by phenoxybenzam i ne , suggesting that the iridophores possess beta adreno¬ ceptors which function in platelet aggre¬ gation within the cells. Forskolin was effective in inducing aggregation of the platelets. Melatonin enhanced aggregation of the platelets. Based on these results, it was concluded that the motile irido¬ phores are under the dual control of the sympathetic adrenergic nerves and hormones, and that an increase in intracellular cAMP induces platelet aggregation within the cel Is. PH 7°, BETA-1 AND BETA- 2 ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS COEXIST IN THE MELANOPHORE OF GOBY, TRIDENTIGEE OBSCURES. H. Katayama. Mukaishima Mar. Biol. Stat. , Fac. of Sci., Hiroshima Univ. , Mitugi-gun. Effects of several 3-adrenergic agonists and antagonists on denervated melanophores were examined to study subtype of 3-adren- ergic receptors of the melanophore. Pigment of melanophores was made to aggregate with¬ in the cells by bathing a split caudal fin- ray isolated from the goby in physiological solution containing lOOyM verapamil and 10 yM phentolamine. The 3-agonist isoprenaline (ISO), epinephrine (E) , norepinephrine (NE) , salbutamol (SAL) or dobutamine (DOB) caused redispersion of aggregated pigment of the melanophores in the presence of verapamil and phentolamine. The order of effective¬ ness of the 3-agonists was ISO > E ^ NE ^SAL > DOB . The pigment dispersing effect of all these 3-agonists was completely inhibited by propranolol. The 3-1 specific antagonist metoprolol completely inhibited the effect of the 3~1 agonists NE and DOB, and it par¬ tially inhibited the effect of nonspecific agonists ISO and E, while it did not inhib¬ it the effect of SAL, a 3~2 specific ago¬ nist. Butoxamine , a 3-2 antagonist, par¬ tially inhibited the effect of SAL and E. It is reasoned from these results that NE and DOB act on 3-1 adrenergic receptors of the melanophore, ISO and E stimulate both types of receptors, while SAL selectively stimulates 3-2 receptors, and hence 3-1 and 3-2 receptors coexist in the melanophore. PH 79 ALPHAz-ADRENOCEPTORS AND INHIBITORY GTP- BINDING PROTEIN IN FISH MELANOPHORES. F. Morishita and K. Yamada. Zool. Inst., Fac. Sci., Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima. Study was made on the effect of per¬ tussis toxin (IAP), on alpha2-adrenoceptor- mediated pigment-aggregation response of scale melanophores of black goldfish, Carassius auratus , to ascertain the in¬ volvement of inhibitory GTP-binding protein (Gi) in the response. IAP (2yg/ml) markedly inhibited the aggregation response of melanophores to norepinephrine (NE) , where¬ as it had no effect on NE-treated aggre¬ gated melanophores. When the homogenate of the scales was treated with 32P-NAD and IAP-,- a protein band at the molecular mass of 43 kDa was labeled in SDS-polyacrylamide gel. The labeling was markedly reduced when NE and GTPyS, an analogue of GTP, or nicotin¬ amide were added to the reaction mixture. These results indicate that the observed band correspond to the substrate for IAP, i . e . Gi . These findings suggest that Gi is in¬ volved in alpha2-adrenoceptor-mediated response of goldfish melanophores to NE and that the bindig of NE with the adrenoceptor brings about dissociation of Gi , which in¬ hibits adenylate cyclase activity and causes aggregation of pigment within the melanophores . PH 80 BODY COLOR CHANGE AND BEHAVIOR IN UPSIDE- DOWN CATFISH ( SYNODONTIS NIGRIVENTRIS ) . H.Nishi, H.Nagaishi, R.Fujii and N.Oshima. Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Toho Univ., Funabashi . As its name denotes, upside-down catfish ( Synodont i s nigriventris) normally swim upside down, and can rest in many postures. Besides those interesting behaviors, unique morphology may be noticed: Having melano¬ phores, its abdominal skin is dark like the dorsal skin. Such coloration should be advantageous for survival, since it is dif¬ ficult for the predators to find the fish from above. Although the melanophores on both dorsal and ventral skin were likewise controlled quite orthodoxly, there was a little difference in the effective concentrations of exsogenously applied neural and hormonal substances. Excitement darkening and blanching were observed in this fish species. When electric shock was applied to the white- adapted fish, it darkened very rapidly, in comparison with the adaptation to the black background. This response was suppressed by the previous injection of propranolol, a beta-blocker. Moreover, under the stresses, the fish stopped swimming. These responses to the stress and unplesant factors appear to be reasonable, since they are nocturnal in their habits and pale at night by the action of melatonin. 1212 Physiology PH 81 ULTRASTRUCTURES OF CONTRACTILE BUNDLES IN EPITHELIAL CELLS OF THE SPONGE. A.Matsuno, H.Ishida, M.Kuroda and Y.Masuda Dept, of Biol., Fac . of Sci., Shimane Univ. Matsue and ^ Dept . of Biol., Kawasaki Medi¬ cal School, Kurashiki. Epithelial cells in the oscule and body wall of the sponge bear bundles of thin filaments ( 4-6 nm in diameter ) . These bundles originated from a desmosome of one end of the cell and ran through to the one of the opposite end. Thin filaments con¬ nected directly with tono-f ilaments of the desmosome. We supposed that those thin filaments in the bundles are constructed by actin and able to contract. Contraction of the bundles subsequently lead transform of the cell-shape. Consequently, the oscule and body wall show dynamic contraction. Actin filamets in cells were idenfied using 1 ) Observations by f luorescence- phallacidin staining and 2) Electron micro¬ scopic examinations of arrowhead decoration with rabbit heavy meromyosine. 1)Fluo- rescence-phallacidin staining revealed bundles of actin filamets running across the cell. They ran radially from the central area in some cases. 2) From E.M examinations, HMMwere found irregularly on the thin filaments, but did not show ordered arrowhead. PH 83 BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF GANGLION EXTRACTS FROM THE MOLLUSC FUSINUS FERRUGINEUS. T.Kanda1, I . Takabatake^ , Y.Fujisawal, T. Ikedal, Y.Muneokal and M. Kobayashil . -'-Fac. of Integrated Arts and Sci., Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima and ^Dep . , Biol., Fac., Sci., Shimane Univ., Matsue. _ Acetone extract of the ganglia of a prosobranchi mollusc, Fusinus ferrugineus, was forced through a C-18 cartridge. The retained material was applied to a column (2.6 X 40 cm) of Sephadex G-15. Fractions of 4 ml each were collected, and their biological activities were first assayed on twitch contractions of the radula retractor muscle of Fusinus . Three peaks (E^ , E2 and E3) of contraction-potentiating activity and one peak (I) of contraction-inhibiting activity were found at fraction No. 22, 45, 50 and 29, respectively. All of the activ¬ ities of these peaks were destroyed by incubating the fractions with the protease subtilisin. Using several molluscan muscles, the actions of the substances in these peaks were examined in more detail. The obtained results suggested that the substance in peak El may be a novel excita¬ tory peptide of which molecular weight is more than 1500, and that the substances in peak E2 and peak E3 are FMRFamide-like peptides. The results also suggested that the substance in peak I consists of at least two peptides having molecular weight of 800-900, and that one of them is a catch-relaxing peptide or a peptide related to it . PH 82 BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF METHANOL EXTRACTS OF THE DEMOSPONGES, SUBERITES SERICEUS AND CHOANITES FICUS. Y. Fujisawa, K.Kanda, T.Ikeda and Y.Muneoka. Fac., Integrated Arts and Sci., Hiroshima Univ. , Hiroshima. _ S. sericeus and C. ficus are symbiotic demosponges which cover the shell surface of the mollusc Fusinus ferrugineus . In the present experiments, we first confirmed that methanol extract of the sponges has various kinds of activity on molluscan muscles. In the second series of the experiments, the extract was forced through C-18 cartridges and the retained and flowthrough materials were respectively assayed on the ABRM of Mytilus . The results showed that both of the materials have some kinds of activity, and that these activities vary with the season. In the third series of the experi¬ ments, the materials were fractionated with a column (2.6 X 40 cm) of Sephadex G-15, and the activities of the fractions were assayed on the ABRM. From the fractions of the retained material, we , obtained two peaks of contraction-potentiating activity and one peak of contraction-inhibiting ac¬ tivity. From the fractions of the flow¬ through, we obtained two peaks of contrac¬ tion-potentiating activity and two peaks of contractile activity. We also obtained con¬ traction-inhibiting activity at the posi¬ tion of fractions 27-36 .However , the peak position of this activity was not detected clearly, since most of these fractions also showed the foregoing contractile activity. PH 84 FURTHER ANALYSIS OF THE SMOOTH MUSCLE CONTRACTION- INDUCING FACTOR IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT OF THE SEA URCHIN. N. Takahashi1 , N. Sato2, I. Oota3 , M. Takahashi1 and K. Kikuchi2 . 'Marine Biomed. Inst., 2 Dept, of Pathology and 3Dept. of Physiology, Sapporo Med. Coll., Sapporo. _ According to our paper submitted in 1987, a contraction-inducing factor (s) (CF) of gonadal smooth muscle is present in the digestive tract of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermedius . Data obtained so far indicate this substance to possibly be a glycoprotein: by the Molish reaction, a glycoprotein was positive at the CF fraction of gel filtration and two reactions of purified CF with coomassie blue and PAS in SDS-PAGE were also positive. Our previous study indicated the molecular weight of CF to be from 2,000 ~ 4,000 and this factor to resist the action of various proteases. In the present study, CF fractions treated with L-glycosidase and cellulase for 1 2 hours at 37 °C were found to be less capable of causing contraction. CF is thus concluded to be glycoprotein and apparently, its glyco-component induces contraction of smooth muscle. Physiology 1213 PH 85 SIMULTANEOUS MEASUREMENTS OF TENSION AND INTRACELLULAR FREE CALCIUM IN SINGLE MOLLUSCAN SMOOTH-MUSCLE CELLS. N. Ishii^, A.W.M. Simpson2 and C.C. Ashley2. 1 Zool. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo and 2Univ. Lab. of Physiol ., Oxford, U.K. _ In order to learn the role played by calcium ions in the 'catch' contraction, we have measured intracellular free- calcium concentration ( [ Ca^ + ] ^ ) in intact, single smooth-muscle cells iso¬ lated from the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis. Smooth-muscle cells were enzymatically dispersed and loaded with a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2, as previously described (Ishii et al., 1988). [Ca2+]i and tension were simultaneously measured on an epifluores- cence microscope by employing a dual¬ excitation fluorimeter (PTI Inc.) together with a sensitive force transducer. A brief electrical stimulation evoked a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i from a mean resting value of 138 nM to ca. 500 nM, which was associated with a catch con¬ traction (half relaxation time, ca. 200 s). However, [Ca2+]i quickly declined towards its resting level (T-| /2/ ca. 10 s) and was unaffected by 10 uM 5-hydroxy- tryptamine which brought about a rapid relaxation. The results suggest that both maintenance and relaxation of the catch tension are independent of [Ca2+Ji. Reference: Ishii, N., Simpson, A.W.M. & Ashley, C.C. (1988). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1 53, 683-689. PH 87 SHORTENING VELOCITY OF BARNACLE STRIATED MUSCLE H. Iwamoto, A. Goto, A. Muraoka and H. Sugi. Dept. Physiol., Sch. Med., Teikyo Univ, Tokyo The unloaded shortening velocity of the adductor scutorum muscle from a barnacle, Tetraclita squamosa, was measured at various timings during a contraction elicited by 8 s AC stimulation at 5°C. During the period of stimulation, the velocity was fairly constant. During relaxation, the velocity declined much faster than the force, in marked contrast to the frog skeletal muscle in which the velocity is constant over the period of a twitch. The rate of rise in force after a quick reduction in length behaved in a similar manner. The results suggest that the barnacle muscle maintains its force economically during relaxation with a reduced rate of crossbridge cycling, as vertebrate vascular and molluscan smooth muscles. Effect of changing the intracellular Ca level on the unloaded shortening velocity was examined by altering the external Ca concentration from 2 to 100 mM. The velocity increased with increasing external Ca, but its concentration dependence was smaller than that of the force. Therefore, the reduction in the intracellular Ca level alone does not account for the dissociation of the force and velocity during relaxation. PH 86 PROPERTIES OF A HIGH-MOLECULAR WEIGHT CAL¬ CIUM BINDING PROTEIN ISOLATED FROM PLASMA MEMBRANE-ENRICHED FRACTION OF A MOLLUSCAN SMOOTH MUSCLE T . Yamanobe1 , T.Mimura1 and H.Sugi2. 1Central Lab. Analyt. Biochem. and zDept. Physiol., Sch. Med., Teikyo Univ., Tokyo. In the anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis, Ca ions are accu¬ mulated at the inner surface of the plasma membrane, and are released into the myoplasm to cause contraction (Atsumi and Sugi, 1976) To study the mechanism of Ca accumulation and release at the plasma membrane, we have isolated a 450K Ca-binding protein charac¬ teristic of the plasma membrane-enriched fraction of ABRM (Yamanobe, Mimura and Sugi, 1985). The protein exhibits Ca dependent changes in the ultraviolet circular dichroic spectrum. The downward shift of the spect¬ rum by Ca indicates Ca-induced increase in the a -helix content of the 450K protein. And the protein exhibits distinct changes in fluorescence and UV absorption by the change in pCa from 7 to 5. These results are consistent with the view that the 450K protein may be involved in the regulation of mechanical activity of the ABR M in physiological range of pCa. Experiments are progress to elucidate the physiological role of the 450K protein in the contraction- relaxation cycle of the ABRM. PH 88 STRUCTURE AND PROTEIN COMPOSITION OF Z-SEGMENTS. M. Kuroda, T. Matuno and H. Ishida. Dept, of Biology, Fac. of Sci., Shimane Univ. Matsue. Major body of contractile proteins were removed by extracting myofibils with low concentrations of lactic acid. When the acid-extracted fibrils were viewed under a phase microscope, scaffolding structure of myofibrils with un-extracted Z-disks were detected (called as Z- segments). The structure was quite similar to Kl-extracted ghosts from myofibrils. Immunoblotting combined with SDS-PAGE showed that actin, alpha-actinin and desmin were major constituents of the stucture. Myosin and a M-line components persisted even after the repeated extraction of the segments with lactic acid. The result of immunof louresence microscopy indicated that actin and alpha-actinin exclusively localized at Z-disks of the segment. On the other hand, anti-desmin stained both Z-disks and inter-Z-disk spaces where no obvious structure was shown under phase microscope. Electron microscopic images of the segments revealed branching filaments which interconnected the adjacent Z-disks. 1214 Physiology PH 89 PURIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION OF SPECIFIC PROTEIN COMPONENT DECREASED IN ATROPHIED SOLEUS MUSCLE IN RAT, Y. ATOM I, S.YAMADA, H.HATTA and R.STROHMAN1 Dept, of Sports Sci . College of Arts and Sci. Univ. of Tokyo, 1 Dept. Zool. Univ. of CAL. Hypoactivity atrophy in rat skeletal muscle was induced by the tail suspension and the protein components of the atrophi¬ ed soleus muscle were compared with those of the control muscle by one- and two-dim- entional gel electrophoresis. A protein component, referred to as 24-kDa protein significantly decreased in quantity in the suspended soleus. 24-kDa protein was pur¬ ified by gel filtration and ionchromatogr- aphy. Immunoprecipitation of 24-kDa prot¬ ein with its antibody in vitro culture of muscle cells provided an evidence showing that 24-kDa protein is synthesized in the muscle cells and the rate of its synthesis is significantly smaller in the atrophied muscle, however, that in the stretched and suspended muscle was twice higher compared with the control one after 1 week suspen¬ sion. FITC-staining with anti 24-kDa pro¬ tein antibody in glycerinated myofibril showed the localization at Z line of myo¬ fibrils. From these results, 24-kDa pro¬ tein which fractionated in low salt buffer and might bind to myofibril could be used as a clue to solve the mechanism of soleus muscle atrophy. PH 90 IMAGE ANALYSIS OF MYOFILAMENT LATTICE IN FROG SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS SLOWLY STRETCHED DURING CONTRACTION. T. Tsuchiya, S. Suzuki, Y. Oshimi, T. Takei and H. Sugi. Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Teikyo University, Tokyo. Frog single muscle fibers were fixed with 2% OsO^ in resting, during isometric tetanus and during tension enhancement after stretch (from 2.3 to 2.6 um in sarcomere length) to examine whether the force enhancement after slow stretch of the isometrically tetanized skeletal muscle correlated with the distortion of myofilament lattice. The transverse section was observed with electron microscope (JEOL 100CX, 2000FX) and the array of myofilament lattice was examined using image analyzer (Toshiba Tospix II). Fourier transform and rotation averaging of the transverse section image indicated that the distortion of myofilament lattice was larger in the fiber stretched in tetanus than in the isometrically tetanized fiber and in the relaxed fiber. The isometrically tetanized fiber showed the best hexagonal array in the above three states. The geometrical measurement of displacement of actin filament from the position stabilized by electrostatic repulsion force in myofilament lattice also showed similar results. It is concluded that the distortion of myofilament lattice may be associated with the force enhancement of the tetanized fiber by slow stretch. PH 91 EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FISH SWIM- BLADDER MUSCLE. T . Kobayash i 1 , K.Ooiwa1* A. Goto1, Y.Tani- guchi3 and H.Sugi1. 1Dept. of Physiol., Sch. of Med. Teikyo Univ. , Tokyo and =Dept . of Cell Biol., Sch. of Med., Tokai Univ . , I sehara . _ _ The effects of temperature on the mem- brane potential and force of a swimbladder muscle in a sound producing fish, Sebast i s- cus marmoratus were studied. The muscle fiber bundles exhibited extremely rapid twitches lasting 15 msec at 20 °C . The iso¬ metric twitch force was maximum at about 12 °C, and decreased with decreasing tempera¬ tures. With repetitive stimuli of 200 Hz, the twitches summated to produce a larger force, but steady tetanic force was not maintained due to extremely rapid spontane¬ ous relaxation. In the electrical properties, two types of muscle fibers were found. The fibers of one type gave propa¬ gated action potential with small or no overshoot, while the fibers of other type never showed it, but an abortive spike was seen. The amplitude of action potential of some fibers decreased monotoni cal ly , but that of other fibers did not with decreas¬ ing temperatures. On the other hand, the isometric force in Ca2+ activated chemical¬ ly skinned fibers was not affected by temperature changes. These results suggest that there are multi-fibers in swimbladder muscle, and part of the E-C coupling processes is inhibited at low temperature. PH 92 IDENTIFICATION OF TWO CARDIO-ACCELE RATORY NEURONS IN AN ISOPOD, BATHYNOMUS DOEDERLEINI . K. Tanaka and K.Kuwasawa. Dept, of Biol., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Tokyo. The 1st and 2nd cardio-acceleratory axons ( CAl and CA2 ) arise from the 3rd roots of, respectively, the 2nd thoracic ganglion ( TG2 ) and the drd thoracic ganglion (TG3). While impulse activities of candidate cell bodies for CAl or CA2 located at the center in a posterior half of the ganglion were intra- cellularly recorded, impulse activities of single CAl or CA2 axon were extracellularly recorded and each of the axons was stimulated at the periphery. Impulses recorded from the candidate cell bodies show a one-to- one manner to, respectively, peripheral impulses and antidromic stimulus pulses. EPSPs and IPSPs were recorded from them in response to stimulation of connectives anterior or posterior to TG2 or TG3 . Cobalt ions and lucifer yellow dye were iontophoretically injected into candidate cell bodies for CAl and CA2 . Each of the cell bodies is 50 pm in diameter. Their axons run from the ventral side to the dorsal side and then to basal regions of the 3rd roots arising from their own ganglia, and bifurcate there. In either one of the two neurons, one branch runs to the anterior ganglion and another one, into the 3rd root of the own ganglion. From these electrophysiological and anatomical results, we identified the candidate cell bodies with CAl and CA2 neurons themselves. Physiology 1215 PH 93 SYNCHRONIZATION MECHANISMS OF AURICULAR BEATS IN AN OYSTER CRASSQSTREA GIGAS H. Yamagishi , H. Uesaka7 and A . Ebara iInst. of Biol. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba , Tsukuba. 2FACOM Dep . FACOM HITAC Ltd. Tsukuba Bra., Tsukuba. _ Two auricles and a ventricle of the oyster beat coordinately i n situ when perfusing the pericardial cavity. We have reported that coordination of the beat rhythms between auricle and ventricle was achieved by their mechanical interaction. To understand the mechanism of synchronization of the auricular beats, interaction between two auricles was examined . Two auricles were linked with each other through several myocardial bundles at the portion near their venous ends. Myocardial cells in the two auricles were electrically coupled and action potentials in the two auricles were synchronized by their electrical interaction. Even when electrical interaction between the two auricles was eliminated by cutting the junction between them, the auricular beats became synchronized by repetitive ventricular stretching. This could be predicted from the mechanical interaction between the auricles and ventricle . Ventricular stretching may be fundamental in synchronization of auricular beats in the heart of many bivalves where two auricles are separately connected with the ventricle. PH 95 NEURAL REGULATION OF THE HEART BEAT IN A PULMONATE ACHAT INA FULICA. M.Kobayashi, Y.Furukawa and K.Hori. Fac . of Integrated Arts and Sci. , Hiroshima Univ. , Hiroshima. Nine neurons regulating the heart beat were identified in the central nervous system of Achatina fulica.. A pair of neurons in the cerebral ganglia (CG) was found to have excitatory connections with some heart excitatory neurons including a periodically oscillating neuron (PON) and three tonically autoactive neurons (3 TANs) in the suboesophageal ganglion. Firings of the CG neurons or the application of serotonin (5-HT) produced a slow depolariz¬ ing potential in PON which was found to be due mainly to the decrease of background K+- conductance . The depolarization was de¬ pressed by a 5-HT antagonist, methysergide . Similar phenomena were also observed be¬ tween the CG neurons and 3 TANs. By con¬ trast, the application of the peptide Phe- Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRFamide) induced a hyperpolarization in PON and 3 TANs and inhibited their activities . Action poten¬ tials of PON and 3 TANs were broadened by firings of the CG neurons and 5-HT appli¬ cation, whereas FMRFamide shortened them. These results suggest that the excitatory neurotransmitter of the two CG neurons to PON and 3 TANs is 5-HT and FMRFamide may act inhibitorily at these synapses. The broadening of action potentials may be ef¬ fective for more release .of transmitters resulting in the enhancement of heart beat. PH 94 HISTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF AMINERGIC NERVOUS SYSTEMS IN THE PERICARDIUM AND THE HEART OF LIOROPHURA JAPONICA. S.Matsumura and K.Kuwasawa. Dept, of Biol., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Tokyo. PH 96 HIBERNATION-RELATED CHANGES IN CARDIAC FUNCTION AND SERUM COMPONENTS. N.Kondo' and J.Kondo . ^Dept. of Muscle Physiol. Mitsubishi kasei Inst, of Life Sci., Machida, Tokyo and ^Mitsubishi Kasei Corp. Res. Center, Yokohama, Kanagawa. The pericardium and the heart receive ex¬ citatory innervation from both the lateral and ventral nerve cordsClnc and vnc). Bath-applied 5-HT (threshold, 10"°M) produced excitatory effects on the pericardium and the heart. Yellowish-green fluorescent fibres were observed in whole-mount preparations of the pericardium and the heart. The fibres possessed swelling structures in their routs. Yellowish-green fluorescent cells were observed in frozen sections of Inc and vnc. Serotonergic nervous plexuses were revealed by a immunohis tochemical technique using rabbit anti-serotonin antiserum in whole-mount preparations of the pericardium and the heart. Cell body-like swelling structures were 3.9±1.4pm and 4.4±1.6pm in diameter, respectively in the pericardium and the heart in the immunoreact ive neural plexuses. In paraffin sections of Inc and vnc, immunoreact ive cells ( 4-10pm in diameter ) exist in clusters. Results suggest that the pericardium and the heart receive serotonergic excitatory innervation from the nerve cords either directly or through the plexuses . Functions of the neural plexuses remain to be examined. The presence of the neural plexuses may show phylogenically primodal innervation of the pericardium and the heart in Mollusca. From our previous finding that the changes in cardiac properties observed in hibernating chipmunks occur before entering into hibernation, the possible involvement of as yet unknown substance(s) in hibernation has been suggested (Kondo, 1987). Therefore, we attempted to search component (s) in serum associated with the changes in cardiac function in hibernating and nonhibernating states by using high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and electrophysiological techniques. In serum from hibernating animals, the fraction corresponding to M.W.140K was found to be much less than that from non¬ hibernating animals during summer season. In many of sera from nonhibernating animals during winter season, this fraction was also reduced. In cardiac muscles from these animals, the electromechanical responses were similar to those observed in hiberna¬ ting preparations which were characterized by a reduced amplitude of action potential plateau and a frequency-dependent decrease in contraction. The present results indicate the existence of hibernation- related component (s) in serum associated with changes in cardiac function. 1216 Physiology PH 97 PH 99 THERMORECEPTION AND THERMOTACTIC BE¬ HAVIOR IN PARAMECIUM CAUDATUM T. Tominaga and Y. Naitoh, Inst. Biol. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305. Thermotactic distribution of the specimens of Paramecium caudatum in an area, half of which has a temperature different from the other half, depends on the kinetic activities of the specimens in each half of the area and on the phobic responses exihibited by the specimens upon their encountering a border between the two halves. To un¬ derstand mechanisms of the phobic responses at the temperature border, we examined membrane potential responses of the specimen to the heat applied locally to the cell surface. Tip of a 3M KCl- filled glass microcapillary electrode was placed close to the cell surface, then 70 KHZ current was passed through the electrode to produce the heat at its tip. Thus a limited area of the cell surface could be heated up. When an¬ terior end of the cell was heated, a transient hyperpolarization took place. Upon cessation of heating a transient depolarization was observed. On the contrary, heating of the posterior end produced a membrane depolarization fol¬ lowed by a Ca spike. Upon cessation of heating a transient hyperpolarization was seen. Degrees of these electric responses increased with increasing both intensity and area of heating. CONTROL OF THE ORIENTATION OF CILIA ON THE MEMBRANE FRAGMENT OF TRITON-GLYCEROL- EXTRACTED PARAMECIUM CAUDATUM. M. Noguchi and Y. Nakamura. Dept, of Biol,, Fac. of Sci., Toyama Univ., Toyama. We examined the direction that the cilia pointed when observed from above. In order to observe the cell surface from above, ciliated sheets of surface struc¬ ture were formed by mechanical fragmenta¬ tion of the cell model. The ciliated sheets which stuck to the glass surface were perfused successively with reactiva¬ tion solutions. Cilia gradually changed their orientation clockwise from 12 o'clock to 5 o'clock (with the anterior of the cell defined as 12 o'clock), when Ca^+ concentration was decreased gradually from 10-6 M to 10“^ m. Cyclic AMP changed the orientation of cilia from 12 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the presence of 10“^ m Ca^+. The top view of the reorienting cilia revealed that the orientation of cilia is controlled by Ca^+ and cAMP within the range of 12 to 5 o'clock. When the ciliated sheets were perfused with a tryp¬ sin containing solution in the presence either EGTA or cAMP, posteriorly oriented (4-5 o'clock) cilia gradually changed their orientation counterclockwise and finally pointed toward the direction between 12 and 2 o'clock depending on the Ca2 + concentration. This suggests that some component of the Ca^+ sensitive mechanism(s) retains its function after trypsin digestion. PH 98 THE MECHANISM OF RHEOTAXIS IN PARAMECIUM CAUDATUM. K. Itogawa and K. Taneda. Dept, of Biol. Fac. of Sci., Kochi Univ., Kochi. The motile behavior of a specimen showing rheotaxis in the current of a test solution was recorded on videotape. The picture was analyzed with reference to the angular change in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the specimen. It was found that the motile tracks of the specimens consisted of two phases, rheotactic and non-rheotactic . The angular rate of upstream orientation (orientation rate) was measured only during the rheotactic phase. The orientation rate increased with increasing flow rates of the surrounding medium. Culture age was not a factor in the orientation rate. The CNR mutant ( cauda tum-non-reversal ) showed con¬ spicuous rheotaxis. Postural change in Ni- immobilized specimens flowing down in the current was also recorded on videotape. The most probable mechanism of rheotaxis in Paramecium was discussed on the basis of the results. The model in which the up¬ stream torque is produced by the two forces (gyration and flowing) acting at the different centers was best supported by the results. The other additional force of the torque seems to be caused by the asym¬ metrical shape of the cell. PH 100 DISTRIBUTION OF IONIC CHANNELS IN THE MEMBRANE OF NOCTILUCA MILIARIS K. Oami and Y. Naitoh, Inst, of Biol. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305. Marine dinof lage 1 late Nocti luca mi liaris exhibits spontaneous membrane potential responses wlric-h regulate movement of food gathering tentacle (TRPs). The TRPs include a depolarizing Na spike and a hyperpolarizing Cl spike. We examined distribution of ionic channels in the membrane responsible for the spikes by measuring regional impedance change and localized current. A decrease in the impedance occurred in association with a depolarizing Na spike restrictedly at the region around the cytostome and the tentacle. An impedance decrease during hyperpolarizing Cl spike was observed anywhere on the cell surface. An inward membrane current was always associated with a Na spike when the external¬ recording electrode was placed around the cytostome and the tentacle. The current was outward when the electrode was placed on the other membrane area. Diphasic membrane current was recorded anywhere on the cell surface in associa¬ tion with the Cl spike. We concluded that depolarization-sensitive Na chan¬ nels were localized at the region around cytostome and the tentacle, while hyperpolarization-sensitive Cl channels were present anywhere on the cell sur¬ face . Physiology 1217 PH 101 CONTRACTION OF VORTICELLA IN RESPONSE TO A MECHANICAL STIMULUS I. LOCALIZATION OF MECHANORECEPTION MECHANISM K. Katoh and Y. Naitoh, Inst. Biol. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305. A fresh water protozoan Vorticel la ex¬ hibits a contraction (coiling of the stalk plus shrinkage of the cell body) in response to a mechanical stimulation. The response is of all-or-none type. Mechanical threshold for the contraction was the smallest at the distal end of the cell body and largest at the proximal end of the stalk. The mechani¬ cally induced contraction was indepen¬ dent of the external ions. That is, the contraction was seen in K+-rich solu¬ tion, Ca2+-rich solution, distilled water and even in an EDTA-containing solution. Thses results indicate that activation of ionic channels in the cell membrane is not involved in the mechanoreception for the contraction. When the cell was extracted with 0.01 % Triton X-100 at 20°C, the mechanical threshold increased rapidly with time, and became infinite in 7 min. External application of Ca2+ ions (10-4M) produced the contraction in the 7 min- extracted cells. This fact indicates that contractile mechanism remained un¬ disrupted by the extraction. We con¬ cluded that the mechanoreception mechanism for the contraction resides in membrane systems of the cell. PH 102 DIRECTIONAL EFFECT IN INDUCED ROTATION OF THE FLAGELLAR BEAT PLANE IN SPERM WITH IM¬ POSED HEAD VIBRATION. Chikako Shingyoji, Jun Katada, Keiichi Takahashi and I. R. Gibbons. Zool. Inst., Fac. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Tokyo, and Pacific Biomed. Res. Center, Univ. of Hawaii. When the head of a sea-urchin sperm is held by a suction pipette and vibrated laterally, the flagellum becomes to beat in phase with the im¬ posed vibration. Rotating the plane of vibration around the head axis induces rotation of the beat plane ("winding"). Termination of the vibration after the winding is followed by a spontaneous "unwinding" of the beat plane (Gibbons et al., Nature, 325: 351-352, 1987). We studied the effect of the direction of winding on the induced rotation and unwinding of the beat plane in the spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. The beat plane could be wound up for up to 10 revolutions in both clockwise (cw) and counterclockwise (ccw) direc¬ tions. However, a nearly complete unwinding was observed only after a ccw winding; the number of unwinding cycles was almost equal to that of the winding cycles after a ccw winding but was much less after a cw winding (less than a few cycles even after 10 cycles of winding). The maximum angular velocities of spontaneous un¬ winding were, however, almost the same in both directions. The results indicate that the mechanism controlling the flagellar beat plane has rotational directionality, the nature of which is, however, still unknown. PH 103 RESPONSE OF REACTIVATED SPERM FLAGELLA TO IMPOSED HEAD VIBRATION. Jun Katada, Chikako Shingyoji and Keiichi Takahashi. Zool. Inst., Fac. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Tokyo. Gibbons et al. (Nature, 325: 351-352,1987) have shown that, by holding the sperm head with a suction pipette and vibrating the pipette laterally in a plane that rotates around the head axis, the flagellar beat plane can be rotated through several cycles of revolution. Spontaneous unwind¬ ing of the beat plane occurs on cessation of the vibration. To study the mechanism of the rotation of the beat plane, we applied rotatory vibration to the heads of reactivated spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. In the conventional Triton-extracted sperm, we could not rotate the beat plane by more than 360 degrees. Substitution of Nonidet P-40 for Triton X-100 in¬ creased the proportion of the sperm showing rotation of the beat plane, but the plane rotated through only a few cycles. Demembranation with the zwitterionic detergent 3-[ (3-cholamidopropyl)- dimethyl-ammonio]-l-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) as the sole detergent did not give good results be¬ cause of a low reactivation rate, but the sper¬ matozoa demembranated with a solution containing 0.04% CHAPS and 0.01% Nonidet P-40 showed a high reactivation rate, and the reactivated sper¬ matozoa responded to the imposed rotatory vibra¬ tion by rotating their flagellar beat plane through more than 10 cycles of revolution. It is expected that the new method of demembranation will be useful for the study of the mechanism controlling the flagellar beat plane. ph m EFFECTS OF THE LENGTH OF A FLAGELLUM ON ITS MOVEMENT IN DEMEMBRANATED SEA-URCHIN SPERM. Y. Taniguchi, Y. Mogami and S. A. Baba. Dept, of Biology, Ochanomizu Univ., Tokyo. We analyzed the movement of a flagellum of various length to clarify the length effect on flagellar movement. Sperm from Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus were demembranated with Triton X-100, severed by pipetting and reactivated with ATP of 0.2- 1.0 mM under either potentially asymmetric (PA) or symmetric (PS) conditions. The beat frequency of severed flagella decreased linearly with the flagellar length up to about half the wavelength of full length flagella as reported with live sperm by Baba, S. A. , Mogami, Y. , Yogo, A. and Imamura, Y. (Zool. Sci. 4: 972, 1987). The relation between the beat frequency of 5-pm-long flagella determined from the regression line for flagella shorter than the critical length and the ATP concentration is found to be similar in form to the Michaelis-Menten law of enzyme kinetics. Under PA conditions Kn was determined to be 0.23 mM , which was not much different from 0.25 mM for the full length flagella. However, VBax was 45.5 Hz and therefore significantly higher than 38.5 Hz for the latter (under PS conditions reliable values for K» and Vmax were not obtained). The dependence of kinetic parameters on the flagellar length described here may provide criteria in simulation experiments with many proposed sliding-bending conversion models. 1218 Physiology PH 105 EFFECTS OF THE SEMINAL PLASMA MOTILITY INHIBITOR ( SPMI ) AND POLY AMINO ACIDS ON MOTILITY OF THE DEMEMBRANATED SEA URCHIN SPERM FLAGELLA. M. Okuno. Dept. Biol., Coll. Arts & Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Tokyo. In order to get deeper insights, into the mechanism of the inhibition of SPMI on flagellar movement, we looked at the effects of poly amino acids on motility of the demembranated ' sea urchin sperm flagella. The present experiments showed that only the basic poly amino acids, especially the high molecular weight (15 KD or more) poly-L-Ly sine (PLL) inhibited the motility of the demembranated flagella. When the concentration of PLL was changed, the flagellar movement stopped suddenly at a. critical concentration (approximately 0.5 pg/ml). The motility and the beat frequency did not change much at the concentrations lower than the critical concentration, however, the bend angle decreased with the concentration. The rigor bends of flagella incubated with PLL were preserved even when MgATP was added. The sliding disintegration of doublet microtubules was also inhibited by PLL. However, ATPase activity of the axoneme"was not inhibited by PLL. Since the feature of the several effects of SPMI on flagellar movement were very similar t'o those of PLL, it was likely that both, of the molecules interacted with the flagellar axoneme and inhibited the motile mechanism of flagella in a similar manner. PH 107 MEASUREMENT OF INTRACELLULAR CA2+ IN THE RAINBOW TROUT SPERMATOZOA USING FLUO¬ RESCENCE MICROSCOPE/VIDEO-CAMERA SYSTEM M. Morisawaj Y. Kudci T. Inoda and S. Tanimoto . 1Misaki Mar. Biol. St. Univ Tokyo, Miura,„ Mi t sub i sh i -Kase i Inst. Life Sci., Tokyo, JFac. Sci. Univ, Toho , Chiba. 2 + Using a Ca -indicator fura-2, we foun48) indicates the degree of karyotype evolution by pericentric inversion (Uwa et. al. , 1 983; Uwa, 1 986). According to this hypothesis, 0. curvinotus belongs to a subgroup with NORs -chromosomes of SM type, and seems to be more related to 0^_ latipes than 0. iU Y. ° II® IL s_L.§_ • This conjecture seems to coincident with results of interspecific hybridizations among these three species. Genetics, Biochemistry 1225 GE 13 ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A REPETITIVE SEQUENCE (OLR1) IN THE JAPANESE MEDAKA, ORYZIAS LATIPES . K.Naruse, H.Mitani and A.Shima. Zool.Inst., Fac. of Sci.. Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo. _ In order to characterize Medaka genome at DNA level, we isolated and cloned 1 k base- pairs DNA fragment containing repetitive sequence (0LR1) from our genomic library of the Medaka, Oryzias latipes . 536 base-pairs of 0LR1 DNA were sequenced. 0LR1 was very AT rich. GC content of 186 base-pairs of 5' end was 26.8 % and that of 350 base-pairs of 3’ end was 30.5 %. About 6000 copies of 0LR1- related sequences were found in the Medaka genome. OLRl-related sequences were trans¬ criptionally active in the cultured Medaka cells ( 0L32 ) . We examined the distribution of OLRl- related sequences among 9 fish species, Oryziatidae (7 species) and Poeciliidae (2 species). Genomic DNA gel blot and slot blot analyses showed that OLRl-related sequences were conserved in the following 3 species; O . curvinotus , 0 . luzonensis , and 0 . mekongnensis . These 3 species are classified by Uwa (1985) into the biarmed type in karyotype analysis. In the following 6 species, the sequences could not be detected ; 0^ .javanicus , 0 . minutillus , 0 . cerebensis , 0 . melastigma , P . sphenopus and P . formosa. We believe that 0LR1 is a useful DNA marker to study the phylogenic relationship among genus Oryzias . GE 14 USEFULNESS OF SPECIFIC-LOCUS MUTATION ASSAY SYSTEM ESTABLISHED IN THE MEDAKA ORYZIAS LATIPES FOR STUDYING REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION DURING EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT AND SPERMATOGENIC MATURATION. A.Shima and A.Shimada. Zool.Inst., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo. We have recently established the tester Medaka Oryzias latipes which are multiple recessive homozygous for the 3 loci. By the use of this tester, we are examining the relationship between gamma-ray doses and frequencies of mutations induced in male germ cells of various spermatogenic stages. Because we chose such marker genes whose mutant phenotypes can be recognized early during development, and also because we are now able to culture somatic cells from indi¬ vidual mutant embryos almost all of which would eventually die before hatching, we can save, as cultured cells, the mutants which would be concealed due to dominant lethals. These cultured cells would be useful for somatic cell genetic analysis of the marker as well as lethal genes of the Medaka. On the other hand, the dose-response analysis revealed the spermatogenic stage-specific responses with regard to induced mutageni¬ city. The specific-locus mutation rate (per locus) was highest in sperm, middle in spermatids and extremely low in spermato¬ gonia. These results indicate the increase with differentiation of the mutagenicity of male gametes, affording interesting subject to study differentiation and DNA repair. GE 15 THE NEW BODY COLOg MUTANT IN THE MEDAKA. H.Tomita. Lab. of Freshwater Fish Stocks, Fac. of Sci., Nagoya Univ., Nagoya. _ The mutant(mo) in the medaka (Oryzias latipes ) was found in the offsprings of brown type in orange-red stocks in the market. The BmoR fish is light brown in a body color. It has few visible leucophores, light colored melanophores , and ordinary iridocytes. The eyeballs of this mutant larvae are black color because of small quantity of guanine in iridocytes, while normal ones show metallic reflection. These black eyeballs gradually change to normal ones following to growth. The other iridocytes in skin have also small quanti¬ ty of guanine in this mutant young, and quantity of guanine increases to normal at the adult stages. The larvae of this mutant (BmoR) has light colored melanophores and dilute leucophores. In this mutant, most leuco¬ phores disappear till 7 mm body length. The mo Ulotant is easily detected in black eyeballs at the larval stage and in few visivle leucophores and light colored melanophores at the adult stage. The mo mutant is recessive and autosomal. The mo alleles may be not linked to the b, the ci , the gu, the _i, and the ml-3 alleles . BI 1 THE cAMP-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE IN THE SEA URCHIN SPERMATOZOA E. YOKOTA1’2 I. M ABUCHI 1 , A, KOBAYASHI3 and H. SATO2. Dept. Biol., Coll. Arts and Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Tokyo, ^Sugashima MBL, Nagoya Univ., Toba, JDept. Agric. Chem. , Okayama Univ., Okayama . _ It is considered that c AM P-d e p e nd e n t protein kinase (cA kinase) plays an important role in the flagellar movement of spermatozoa. We investigated the extr actabi 1 ity and properties of the cA kinase of sea urchin spermatozoa. The cA kinase activity was detected in a Triton X- 100-soluble fraction of whole sperm. Further extration of the isolated axonemes with Triton X-100 again released a considerable amount of the cA kinase activity. When the axonemes extracted three times with Triton X-100 were treated with 0.6 M KC1, only a small amount of the cA kinase activity was released. However, when these high s a 1 1 -e x t r a c t ed axonemes were further extracted with a low salt solution, the cA kinase activity was again released. The flagellar movement of Triton model freed from Triton-soluble materials by sucrose density gradient centrifugation was induced by the addition of ATP and inhibited by K-26, an inhibitor of cA kinase. From these results, cA kinases remained in the axonemes after the first extraction with Triton X-100 may be involved in the regulation of flagellar movement in the Triton model. 1226 Biochemistry BI 2 TROPOMYOSIN IN THE SEA URCHIN EGG CORTEX. S.Maekawa, M.Toriyama and H. Sakai. Dept, of Biophys. and Biochem. , Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo. _ A heat stable actin binding protein was purified from the Triton-treated cortex fraction of fertilized sea urchin eggs and identified to be tropomyosin(TM) . Egg TM showed characteristics typical of nonmuscle TMs such as low molecular weight, low Lys/ Arg ratio, high Mg2+ requirement in binding to F-actin, short periodicity of Mg^+para- crystal, in addition to the common propert¬ ies of all TMs, namely, stability to high temperature, anomalous migration on SDS urea gel, dissociation from F-actin under high salt condition and very acidic isoelectric point. Co-sedimentation assay indicated that the binding of egg TM to F-actin was non-competitive with 260K act in-binding pro¬ tein previously purified. It was suggested that both the proteins play a cooperative role in the formation of actin filament- based cytoskeletal structure in the cortex. BI 3 AN N-TERMINAL SEGMENT OF DEPACTIN PARTICIPATES IN INTERACTION WITH ACTIN. K. Sutoh and I. Mabuchi2. ^Dept. of iochem. and Biophys., Fac. of Sci., and Dept, of Biol., Coll, of Arts and Sci., University of Tokyo, Tokyo. One-to-one complex of actin and depactin, an ac t in-depo 1 y mer i zing protein isolated from starfish oocytes, was cross- linked with 1-e t h y 1 -3- [ 3-( d ime t h y 1 amin o ) propyl ]carbodiimide to introduce covalent bonds at their contact site. Locations of cross-linking sites were identified along the depactin sequence by the end-label fingerprinting, which employed site- directed antibodies against the N- and C— termini of depactin as end-labels. Mapping with these end-labels have revealed that the N-terminal segment of depactin (residues 1-20) contains sites in contact with the N-and C-terminal segments of actin, both of which participate in interaction with depactin [Sutoh, K. & Mabuchi, I. (1986) Biochemistry 25: 6186- 6192] . 1P* ' ,8DENVKEEIRAFK19 BI 4 AMINO ACID SEQUENCE OF PROFILINS OF SAND DOLLAR ( Clypeaster j aponicus ) AND SEA URCHIN ( Anthocidaris crassispina ) EGGS. T. Takagi1 , 12 Mabuchi2 and H. Hosoya . ^Biol. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Tohoku Univ., Sendai, 2Dept. of Biol., Coll. Arts and Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, 2Dept. of Ultrastruct. Res., The Tokyo Metropolitan Inst., of Med. Sci., Tokyo _ The amino acid sequences of profilins obtained from eggs of sand dollar ( C. j aponicus ) and sea urchin (A^_ crassispina ) have been determined. Both were composed of 139 amino acid residues and the N- termini were blocked by acetyl group. Both sequences are very homologous ( 1 4% diffe¬ rence ) . When the amino acid sequences of profilins so far sequenced are compared (Human platelet. Calf spleen, Acanthamoeba Ia/b and II, Sand dollar, Sea urchin), homologous sequences were found in about 30 residues of both N- and C-terminal parts. On the other hand, frequent amino acid replacements were observed in the middle region. These results suppose to indicate that both N-and C-terminal parts of profilins participate in actin binding. The amino following. acid sequence of : CL 1 aponicus is S W D S Y I D N L V A Q T X D A S G T A H S D R A C I I G L D G G A P W T T A G H A N A L X L Q G. T E G A N I A X C F X S K D F S A F M A G G V H A E G L X Y Q F L R E E D A X L V L A X X X G E G A I T L Q A S X T A I V I A H C P E G G Q Q G N T N K G V S V I A E Y L E S L G M BI 5 THREE ISOFORMS OF 45K PROTEIN FROM SEA URCHIN EGGS. M. Ohnuma and I. Mabuchi. Dept, of Biol., Coll, of Arts and Sci., Univ. of Tokyo. 45K protein purified from sea urchin egg severs actin filament and forms a 1 to_ 1 complex with actin in the presence of Ca^ . This complex caps the barbed end of the actin filament in a Ca^+- independent manner and thereby causes depolymerization of actin . By means of isoelectric focusing in the presence of 8M urea, it was found that the 45K protein consisted of three components which migrated very closely with each other. These three components were digested with trypsin, GTP > CTP ■"ITP like rabbit skeletal muscle SR. 1 00K protein of scallop SR was phospho¬ rylated by [ r - 2P]-ATP in the presence of 1 m M Ca2 and 5mM M g 2 + at 0°C. The phosphorylated protein was acid stable and sensitive to hydroxy lamine. These results indicate that the phosphorylated protein is the intermediate of Ca2+-ATPase of SR. Although the amount of the phosphorylated protein of scallop SR was about a half of that of rabbit SR, the ATP hydrolysis activity was about five times higher than that of rabbit SR at 1 2°C. Ca2+ transport of scallop SR was also higher than that of rabbit SR. These results suggest that the rate of dephosphorylation from the phosphorylated intermediate is much higher than that of rabbit SR at such a low temperature. 1232 Biochemistry BI 26 AMINO ACID SEQUENCE OF SARCOPLASMIC Ca- BINDING PROTEIN (SCP) FROM EARTHWORM, EISENIA FOETIDA. T.Furukohri , T. Suzuki', and K. Nakamura2. ' Dept . of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Kochi Univ., 2Dept. of Life Sci., Hiroshima Women's Univ., Hiroshima. Amino acid sequence of sarcoplasmic Ca- binding protein (SCP) from earthworm, Eisenia f oetida , was determined. Earthworm SCP consists of 175 amino acid residues, and the N-terminus is acetylated alanine. The molecular weight is calculated to be 19553. The established sequence showed that earthworm SCP is composed of 3 calcium binding domains, domain I, domain III and domain IV, same as polychaete SCPs. The sequence of domain I, III and IV of earthworm SCP shows a high degree of homology to polychaete SCPs , but the region of sequence number 35 to 92 is very different to corresponding sequence region of those SCPs. The complete amino acid sequence of earthworm SCP is following: Ac - AF VERKLKTY ADRFVESEKL VVSDGTKHKL ALAGPLPLFF QILGIDPKLA VTAGTEFFTS FKRIDFDKDG DAARGADLKL TEPVFVETVK SAVDANADGK AASFSAIDTN EDEKSPSQHF AITRNDFESM VQVWEQYLKG KQLHSAKLKE IQTEEYAIFF HDGDISLDEF WGPLV. BI 28 ON THE HETEROGENEITY AND TISSUE SPECIFICITY OF SPINY LOBSTER MUSCLE TROPOMYOSIN. M.Itoh, H.Koyama and T . Ishimoda-Takagi . Dept, of Biol., Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Tokyo. Heterogeneity and tissue specificity of muscle tropomyosin (TM) of the spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus , were investigated. TM preparation purified from abdominal muscles of the spiny lobster contained three major TM isoforms (designated as a, b and c compo¬ nents) and several minor TM components. To investigate the detailed distribution of the major TM isoforms in spiny lobster muscles, TM was extracted from each of classified muscle tissues and examined electrophoretic- ally. Flexor-type muscles contained a large amount of a component, a small amount of c component and a very little amount of b com¬ ponent. Extensor-type muscles contained a significant amount of a and c components and a small amount of b component. Leg muscle contained only b component, and this compo¬ nent was also involved exclusively in intes¬ tine. Cardiac muscle contained a single TM isoform which was distinguishable from other TM isoforms. Similar heterogeneity and tis¬ sue specificity of TM were also observed in another species of the spiny lobster, P. cygnus. In order to investigate the correla¬ tion of distribution of TM isoforms with functional roles of muscles, the leg muscle was divided into fast and slow muscles and difference in the distribution of TM isoforms was examined. However, no difference in the distribution of TM isoforms was observed in fast and slow muscles of the leg muscle. BI 27 TISSUE-SPECIFICITY OF CRUSTACEAN TROPO¬ MYOSIN J. Miyazaki and T. Hirabayashi. Inst, of Biol. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Many tropomyosin ( TM ) isoforms, which show tissue-specific distributions, have been found in vertebrates. However, we previously reported that TM isoforms of a horsehoe crab showed no tissue-specificity. To find either tissue-specific or non¬ specific distributions of TM isoforms, we examined them in five species of crusta¬ ceans. We identified spots of TM isoforms by preparation of TM from Procambarus clarki , electrophoresis in the presence of urea, and cross-reaction with an antiserum against TM from P. clarki . We found 4 to 6 isoforms in muscle tissues and several peptides in nonmuscle tissues which cross- reacted with the antiserum. The latter seems to represent nonmuscle TM isoforms. The former TM isoforms showed tissue- specific distributions. Among them there was an isoform which was found in cardiac muscle as a single major component and in other tissue in an extremely reduced or undetectable amount. Therefore, we can expect some tissue-specific function in the heart isoform, however we can not expect it in other isoforms, because of their complex distributions. We think that most TM isoforms have the same function, but their modes of expression are controlled by tissue-specific mechanisms. BI 29 ON THE HETEROGENEITY AND TISSUE SPECIFICITY OF BIVALVE MUSCLE TROPOMYOSIN. T. Ishimoda-Takagi , M.Ueda and T.Inoue. Dept, of Biol., Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Tokyo. Heterogeneity and tissue specificity of tropomyosin (TM) in adductor and cardiac muscles of twa_species of the bivalve, Scapharca br ought onii and Atrina pectinida, were investigated. Two major isoforms of TM (refered to as a and B components) were re¬ cognized in both species. However, distribu¬ tion of the TM isoforms in adductor and car¬ diac muscles of these two species was dif¬ ferent from each other. In the translucent portion of S. brought onii adductor muscle, only B component was detected, whereas, a large amount of a component and a small amount of B component were detected in the opaque portion of adductor muscle. Cardiac muscle of S. brought onii contained B compo¬ nent as a major TM component and a component as a minor one. In the translucent portion of A. pectinida adductor muscle, only a com¬ ponent was detected, and a component was also detected as a major TM component in the opaque portion of adductor muscle and cardi¬ ac muscle. The opaque portion of adductor muscle and cardiac muscle further contained B component as a minor TM component. From these results and our previous results ob¬ served in scallop and eulamellibranch mus¬ cles, we concluded that tissue-specific dis¬ tribution of TM isoforms in muscle tissues were not necessarily observed in bivalve muscles, although two major TM isoforms were commonly involved in bivalve muscles. Biochemistry 1233 BI 30 TYPING OF COLLAGENS FROM TESTS OF SEA URCHIN. K. Shimizu and K. Yoshizato. Develop. Biol. Lab., Dept, of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. , Tokyo. _ _ We have already reported about biochemical and immunological characteriza¬ tions of collagens from tests of sea urchin, Asthenosoma i j imai (Zool. Sci.., 4, 1020). Types of sea urchin collagens (SUC) and properties of their subunits, 1-chains, were investigated in this report. SUC were fractionated with selective salt precipitation. SUC, same as mammal collagen type I, were precipitated at 0.7 M NaCl in HC1 , pH 3.0 and between 2.2 M and 3.0 M NaCl in 0.05 M Tris HC1, pH 7.5. Four d- chains with 143 k, 126 k, 116 k and 103 kDa were observed in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS-PAGE ) . Chains with 126 kDa and 103 kDa were strongly stained with anti SUC sera in immunoblots. The 143 kDa i-chains was a glycoprotein because it was positive in SDS-PAGE with PAS stain. A mixture of rf-chains of SUC was separated to four fractions on CM-cellulose ion exchange chromatography. These results suggested that SUC had four «r-chains and that they consists of two species of collagens. As chains with 143 kDa and 126 kDa were solubilized earlier than the others in the pepsin extraction process, one of the two collagens has molecules with 143 kDa and 126kDa as «f-chains; the other has 116 kDa and 103 kDa molecules. One of the two collagens might be a new species of type 1 collagen or a new type not reported hitherto . BI 31 PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A NUCLEAR PROTEIN KINASE Nil FROM SEA URCHIN EMBRYOS. Y.Masuyama, l.Yasumasu. Dept, of Biol., Sch . of Educ . , Waseda Univ . , Tokyo . _ Polyamine- stimulated protein kinase was estimated in isolated chromat in from sea urchin embryos and the activity was changed during early development. The enzyme phosphorylated endogenous and exogenous non-histone protein (acidic protein) but not histone. The protein kinase extracted from isolated nuclei of sea urchin embryos with 0 . 4M NaCl, was purified by FPLC anion- exchange, casein-phosvit in-Sepharose and FPLC gel chromatographies. 0.4M NaCl extract contained only one type of nuclear protein kinase, Nil • NI activity was not found in 0 . 4M NaCl extract. The molecular weight of partial purified Nil enzyme were about 100,000 as determined by gel chromatography. The enzyme consists of three subunits of molecular weights 42,000, 39,000 and 28,000 as determined by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and they were close to mammalian a , a ’ and /? , respectively. Partial purified Nil enzyme activity was stimulated by polyamine. Heparin inhibited Nil activity but its inhibition was not so strong as the other reported N II or casein kinase II in mammal, Drosophila or yeast. BI 32 PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF SEA URCHIN EGG ARGININE KINASE. Y.Yazawa, Dept, of Nutritional Physiol., Hokkaido Univ. of Education at Asahikawa, Asahikawa , Hokkaido . Arginine Kinase(AK) was isolated and purified from sea urchin unfertilized eggs with ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-Tovopearl column chromatography, gel filtration, and hydroxylapatite column chromatography. The M.W. of 43K was esti¬ mated from SDS-PAGE and 86k was estimated from gel filtration under the physiologi¬ cal conditions. The pH-activity curve for the forward reaction showed optimum at pH 6.0 and the specific activity was 2.57 piol Arg/mg.min. It was very low compared with them of arginine kinases isolated from nonvertebrate muscles. In the rever¬ se reaction, a plateau was shown between pll8 . 0 and 9*6 and the specific activiti¬ es were 1.14 umol Pi/mg. min. BI 33 ISOLATION AND PROPERTIES OF PALOLO-WORM CREATINE KINASE Y.Yazawa and Y. Yamamoto, Dept, of Nutri¬ tional Physiol., Hokkaido Univ. of Educ¬ ation at Asahikawa, Asahikawa, Hokkaido. Creatine kinase (CK) was purified from palolo— worm with ammonium sulfate fract¬ ionation, DEAE-Toyo pearl column chromat¬ ography, gel filtration and hydroxylapa- tite column chromatography. The prepara¬ tion, CK, was homogeneous from SDS-PAGE. The M.W. of palolo worm was estimated to be 43K from SDS-PAGE and about 86k from gel filtration under the physiological conditions. This enzyme was composed of 378 amino acids and the star diagram was very similar to that of rabbit ske¬ letal CK . Rabbit antiserum to palolo worm CK was prepared. It cross-reacted with chicken skeletal CK but sis not cross-react with chicken brain type CK. Enzymatic properties of palolo worm CK were investigated and compared with th¬ ose of rabbit skeletal CK. 1234 Biochemistry BI 34 PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF CRAYFISH ARGININE KINASE. Y.Yazawa and Y.Ota, Dept, of Nutritional Physiol. , Hokkaido Univ. of Education at Asahikawa, Asahikawa, Hokkaido. Arginine kinase was purified from tail muscle of crayf ish( Procambarus ) with am¬ monium fractionation and DEAE-Toyopearl column chromatography. The preparation was shown to be homogeneous and the M.W. was estimated to be 4 OK from SDS-PAGE. Procambarus AK was composed of 348 ami¬ no acids and it was very similar to th¬ at of Cambarus AK (352 amino acids) re¬ ported previously by us. Rabbit antise¬ rum to Cambarus AK cross-reacted with Procambarus AK by immunoblotting. Its enzymatic properties were investigated under the variable conditions. Effects of pH, bimetal ions and KC1 concentrat¬ ions on AK activity were studied. BI 35 DISTRIBUTION AND INTRACELLULAR LOCALIZATION OF CATHEPSIN E IN MAMMALIAN BLOOD CELLS S. Yonezawa, Dept, of Zoology, Fac . of Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo. The intracellular localization of rat neutrophil cathepsin E was examined by a method involving disruption of cells in a Parr cell disruption bomb and density cen¬ trifugation of the cavitate on discontinu¬ ous Percoll gradients, which allows the segregation of three particulate fractions; azurophil granule-rich (PI) , specific gra¬ nule-rich (P2) and plasma membrane-rich (P3). A combined application of immunochemical and electrophoretic methods revealed that cathepsin E was associated with P3 and the soluble fraction, strongly suggesting that the enzyme is a nonlysosomal acid protease in rat neutrophils (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 267 (1988) in press) . A survey of acid proteases in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PNL) , mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) and erythrocytes (RBC) from other mammals with anti-cathepsin D and anti-cathepsin E anti¬ bodies demonstrated that the distribution of cathepsin E in mammalian blood cells was species-specific: Cathepsin E was detected in PNL, MNL and RBC from rats and rabbits, in PNL and MNL from guinea gigs, and in RBC from humans, but not in RBC from guinea pigs, pigs or cows, nor in PNL or MNL from humans, pigs or cows. The results would preclude a possibility that the function of cathepsin E may be directly or closely re¬ lated to specialized biological functions of these cells. BI 36 Z-PHE-ARG-MCA HYDROLYZING ACTIVITY IN THE TADPOLE TAIL OF BULLFROG, RANA CATESBEIANA. K. Kobayashi and S.Horiuchi. Life Sci. Inst., Sophia Univ., Tokyo. Z-Phe-Arg-MCA is the substrate of lyso- somal thiol proteinases, cathepsins B and L. A Z-Phe-Arg-MCA hydrolyzing activity was detected in a tadpole tail. The enzyme activity in a tail extract showed the maximal velocity at pH 7.6. Dithio- threitol activated the enzyme(s), and leupeptin, E-64 and iodoacetic acid inhibited it. The enzyme(s) is probably a thiol proteinase. The activity in fin and skin was 29.1 mU/mg at premetamorphic stage (St.IX-XV), 28.1 mU/mg at the onset of metamorphosis (XIX) and 22.3 mU/mg at the climax of metamorphosis (XXI). On the other hand, the activity in the other tissues was 1.5 mU/mg (IX-XV), 1.8 mU/mg (XIX) and 3.6 mU/mg (XXI). Tissue fractionation studies showed that the most of Z-Phe-Arg-MCA hydrolyzing activity was found in nuclear fraction, and distribution pattern of activity was different from those of lysosomal acid proteinases. The enzyme(s) was extracted by sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 0.1 1 Triton X-100 and subjected to acetone fraction¬ ation (0-70%). Gel filtration of acetone fraction on a Sephadex G-100 column showed that the most of the activity was eluted at the void volume and the remaining activity was eluted at the position of molecular weight of 20,000-30,000. BI 37 ENDOGENOUS INHIBITORS AGAINST THE THIOL PROTEINASE IN METAMORPHOSING TADPOLE TAIL OF RANA CATESBEIANA. S.Fujita, K.Kobayashi and S.Horiuchi. Life Sci. Inst., Sophia Univ., Tokyo. Endogenous thiol proteinase inhibitors were found in metamorphosing tadpole tail. These inhibitors specially adsorbed on CM- Papain Agarose, and further purified by gel filtration and ion exchange column chroinatography with Superose 12, Mono S and Mono Q in FPLC system. Molecular weight of these inhibitors were determined as 140,000 and up to 2,000,000 by gel filtration, and smaller one contained two kinds of the inhibitors which were pi 9.6 and 5.9. 20jug of the inhibitor (pi 9.6) inhibited the activity of 0.125pg of the thiol proteinase in tadpole tail. Also the activities of ficin and papain were inhibited by this inhibitor, but the activities of tadpole tail cathepsin D- like proteinase, bovine cathepsin D, pepsin, chymotrypsin and trypsin were not inhibited . It seems that these inhibitors involved in the regulation of proteolysis in metamorphosing tadpole tail resorption. Biochemistry 1235 BI 38 PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NUCLEIC ACID-STIMULATED PROTEASE FROM XENOPUS EMBRYOS. Is. Miyata, M. 2 Sendai and1 H. K. Kihara 1 . Lab, of Research for Biosynthesis and Metabolism, Keio Uni., School of Medicine, Tokyo. 2. Dep. of Chemistry, College of Humanities and Science, Nihon Univ. Tokyo . A thiol protease was purified from Xenopus embryos. This protease had a molecular weight of 43,000-44,000 and was composed of two subunits with molecular weight 30,000 and 13,000. The optimal pH of the reaction catalyed by the protease was around pH 3.8 but, in the presence of RNA, the optimal pH was shifted from pH 3.8 to pH 4.2. The protease was activated by addition of total RNA of Xenopus embryos or nucleotides. In contrast, on addition of tRNA, the activation of the protease was not observed. The results obtained suggest that the protease may participate in the degradation of proteins in reactions that are activated by nucleic acids or nucleotides . BI 39 EXPRESSION OF SUBSTANCES IMMUNOLOGICALLY RELATED TO EMBRYONIC CHICK PEPSINOGEN IN STOMACHS OF ADULT LOWER VERTEBRATES. S.Yasugi1, T.Matsunaga1 and T.Mizuno2. 1Zool. Inst., Fac. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo and 2Fac. Pharmac. Sci., Teikyo Univ., Kanagawa. _ We have shown that the stomach gland cells of embryonic and adult chick express embryo-type (ECPg) and adult-type (ACPg) pepsinogen, respec¬ tively, and that all vertebrate species examined contained substances immunoreactive to the anti-AC Pg antiserum. In the present study we studied the occurrence of substances immunologically related to ECPg, an avian homologue of mammalian pro- chymosin, in the stomach gland cells of 21 adult vertebrate species by immunohistochemistry . Gland cells of higher vertebrates did not show reac¬ tivity against anti-ECPg antiserum, but those of teleosts and elasmobranchs reacted to the anti¬ serum. Zymogram and immunoblot of stomach extracts revealed that anti-ECPg-reactive substances possess true peptic activity. The results suggest that ACPg- and ECPg-type pepsinogens originated as early as with evolution of teleosts and elasmo¬ branchs, and that ECPg-like pepsinogens are expressed in the stomachs of adult fish whereas their expression is confined to the embryonic or young periods in higher vertebrates. BI 40