- A PRELIMINARY REPORT FISHES GF MINNESOTA /OOLOGICAL, SERIES 111 or; ) Q / —_* j a £6 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF MINNESOTA HENRY F. NACHTRIEB STATE ZOOLOGIST A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE ponks OF MINNESOTA ZOOLOGICAL “SERIES “Ill MARCH 1807 SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNHSOTA. The Hon. JoHN S. PILLSBURY, Regent for Life, - - - - Minneapolis. The President of the Board. The Hon. DAviID M. CLouaH, Ex-Officio, - - - - - - Minneapolis. The Governor of the State. Cyrus NortHrop, LL. D., Ex-Officio, - - - - - - Minneapolis. The President of the University. The Hon. W. W. PENDERGAST, M. A., Ex-Officio, - - - - Hutchinson. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Hon. L. S. SWENSON, ~ - - - - - - - Albert Lea. The Hon. WILLIAM LIGGETT, - - - - - - - - Benson. The Hon. JoEL P. HEATWOLE, - - - - - - - - Northfield. The HON. GREENLEAF CLARK, M. A., - - - - - - St. Paul. The Hon. CUSHMAN K. DAvis, M. A., - - - - - - St. Paul. The Hon. STEPHEN MAHONEY, B. A.,-~ - - - - - - Minneapolis. The Hon. SYDNEY M. OWEN, - - - - - - - Minneapolis. The Hon. ALPHONSO BARTO, - - - - - - - - Sc. Cloud. THE PIONEER PRESS CoO., St. Paul, Minn. CONTENTS. 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THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., Dec. 10, 1896. To the President of the Board of Regents of The University of Minnesota. Sir: I have the honor herewith to submit a preliminary report on the fishes of Minnesota. This report, which should be considered simply as an aid toward a final comprehensive report, has been prepared by Mr. Ulysses O. Cox, Head Professor of the Department of Biology and Geology of the State Normal School at Mankato, who has been assisting in the field work of the survey and has gratuitously prepared this brief statement. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, HENRY F. NACHTRIEB, State Zoologist. PREFACE. The object of this bulletin is, 1. To state in a very brief way most of the facts thus far ascertained concerning the fishes of the state; 2. To indicate those inquiries concerning which information is desired; 3. To stimulate those interested in the subject to assist the zoélogist of the survey as far as possible in collecting data and material for a final report. It is hoped that by paying some attention to the lines of inquiry noted below, correspondents in different parts of the state may fur- nish the survey with facts and material that otherwise would be lost. Full recognition of assistance will be accorded in the final report. This final report, as planned, will contain as complete an account as possible of the habits, distribution, structure, develop- ment, classification, and economical bearings of our fishes. Specimens can be sent frozen during the cold weather, and during the summer months they can be shipped packed in salt or sawdust and ice. They should be shipped promptly and should be plainly addressed. Correspondence is solicited in regard to:— The abundance, distribution and disappearance of any of the common fishes. The contents of the stomachs of the large fishes. Careful measurements and descriptions, following the plan of this bulletin, of fishes that are little known. Carefully tabulated data concerning any of ee fishes here de- scribed about which there is any question. The facts concerning the breeding habits, the diseases, parasites and enemies of the fishes. Observations on other animals that bear a more or less definite relation to the fishes. Newspaper clippings and photographs concerning any unusual fish. In order to determine the adaptability of the lakes and streams in the state to the various fishes it is necessary to know,* among other things :— *Consult a paper on the Investigation of Rivers and Lakes by Dr. B. W. Ever- mann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 1893, p. 69, from which many of the points in regard to observations on lakes have been taken. val PRELIMINARY REPORT The area, depth and temperature of the water at various seasons of the year, especially the highest and the lowest temperatures in summer. The thickness of the ice in winter and whether or not there are constantly open air holes. The purity of the water, whether it is free from organic and inor- ganic impurities. The nature of the bottom. The kind of shores. The source of the water supply. ° The nature of the outlet. Whether dams or other obstructions at the inlet or outlet or at any other point may interfere with the migration of the fishes. The rainfall of the region and the prevailing winds. The species and abundance of aquatic plants and the abundance of smaller animals, such as the Entomostraca, for example. Also the species of trees, shrubs and other plants that are found on the shores. In a stream the velocity of the current and the rise and fall of the stream should also be noted. Detailed and accurate maps indicating the present or past con- dition of lakes are very desirable. This report consists of rather brief descriptions of the fishes known at present to occur in the state, simple keys by which the species may be determined and very brief notes on the distribution of the various species. No attempt is made to give detailed notes on the distribution, except where the species is thought to be rare, and in several cases where the species is known to be very common the distribution is indicated by a general statement. No originality is claimed for the keys and descriptions, except in a few cases, they having been adapted mainly from Jordan and Gilbert’s Synopsis of the Fishes of North America; Jordan’s Manual of Vertebrates; Jordan and Evermann’s Fishes of North and Middle America, of which the first part has just been issued as Bull. 47 of the United States National Museum, many. of the proof sheets of which were kindly loaned to me by Dr. Evermann; and from the various Reports and Bulletins of the United States Fish Commission. Statements, sentences and phrases have been used freely from all of the above works without quotation marks. The descriptions, however, have not been merely copied but have been verified in nearly all cases by the examination of a series of specimens. In writing the de- scriptions the order of the topics has been determined mainly by FISHES OF MINNESOTA VII the thought of placing first and most conspicuous those points which would first attract the eye of the untrained observer. This method is somewhat unscientific in many cases, yet it is thought to be best for this report, since it is intended for the use of persons who have not had special training in this line. The nomenclature and arrangement of the various classes, orders, families, genera and species is that of the Fishes of North and Middle America referred to above. The classes, orders and genera have not been character- ized and the sub-classes have been entirely omitted. There has been very little matter published concerning the fishes of Minnesota. An occasional note is found in the Proceedings and the Journal of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia; in the Reports and Bulletins of the U. S. Fish Commission; and sev- eral references are found in Agassiz’s Lake Superior. A paper on Ichthyological Investigations in Western Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota by Prof. A. J. Woolman of Duluth has appeared as a part of Part XIX. of the U. S. Fish Commission, the proof sheets of which were kindly-loaned me by the Fish Commission. These are all the sources of any importance from which information can be gained except from the fishes themselves. In the museum of the University there is a small collection of fish which was made chiefly in the region of Minneapolis, and classified in 1879 by Dr. T. S. Roberts, and a few specimens that were collected by Prof. Hall, C. L. Herrick and others about the same time or before. In 1891 Professors Nachtrieb and Lugger with A. D. Meeds and A. Bothe made collections in the region of Lake Vermillion. In 1892 under the direction of the Natural History Survey a party consisting of A. Schneider, J. A. Crecelius, F. B. Sumner and Clarke Barrows made collections in Ramsey County and in the region of Mille Lacs. In the same year, under the direction of the U. S. Fish Commission, Prof. A. J. Woolman and the writer made collections in Trav- erse and Big Stone lakes: and tributaries at Brown’s Val- ley, Big Stone Lake at Ortonville, and the Minnesota River and tributaries at Appleton and Montevideo. Mr. Woolman continued the investigations along the Red River of the North and its tributaries to the Canadian line. In 1893 under the direction. of the Natural History Survey a party consisting of F. B. Sumner, John A. Crecelius, Clarke Barrows and C. H. Topping made ex- tensive collections in the lakes of Hubbard County and the lakes and streams at the headwaters of the Mississippi as far down as Grand Rapids. Another party consisting of August Bothe, Geo. D. Head, Frank Manson, and Clarence Whitman made extensive VIII PRELIMINARY REPORT collections near Brainerd in Cass and Crow Wing Counties. In 1894, under the direction of the U. S. Fish Commission, the writer made collections in the lakes in the vicinity of Worthington, Heron Lake and some small streams at Heron Lake, Wood Lake and the Des Moines River at Windom and Lake Washington near Mankato. The same season, under the U. S. Fish Commisson, Mr. Woolman and I made collections in the Lake of the Woods and took some ob- servations on Lake Superior; also collections on the Upper Missis- sippi in the region of Deer River and Grand Rapids and on the St. Louis River and tributaries at Floodwood and Stony Brook. In 1895, under the direction of the Natural History Survey, Mr. L. E. Griffin and I made collections on the Western arm of Leech Lake and its tributaries. I have made collections in the Minnesota and Blue Earth Rivers and several lakes in the vicinity of Mankato each season since the fall of 1891; considerable data and many specimens have been collected in the region of Minneapolis at various times; Prof. J. M. Holzinger of Winona has made a small collection at that place and Prof. Woolman has collected at various places in the northern part of the state and at various times but the results of his later collections have not been published, so are not included in the report. Mr. F. B. Sumner classified and catalogued a large number of the specimens collected by the Natural History Survey but very much of this material had not been opened after being sent in from the field until it was examined for this report. The material and notes of the above collections form the basis of this work. I here acknowledge my sincere thanks to Dr. B. W. Evermann of the United States Fish Commission who, in addition to the loan of many of the proof sheets of volume I. of the Fishes of North and Middle America, has assisted in the identification of a number of difficult specimens and has offered many valuable suggestions; also to Prof. Henry F. Nachtrieb, State Zodlogist, for many favors and directions in regard to the report. Us. On€: MANKATO, MINN., Feb. 18, 1896. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fic. I. The Common Perch. (Perca flavescens. ) A. Anal fin. C. Caudal fin. I. Op. Interopercle. M. Maxillary. Op. Opercle. P. Pectoral fin. P. M. Premaxillary. P. Op. Preopercle. P. Orb. Preorbital. S. D. Spinous dorsal fin. Sfd. D. Soft dorsal fin. S. Op. Subopercle. Vv. Ventral fin. Fic. Il. Head of a Calico Bass. (Pomowis sparoides.) S. M. Supplemental maxillary bone. Fia. Ili. Common Red Horse Sucker. (Moxostoma aureolum. ) Tsth. Isthmus. G. U. Gill membranes united to the isthmus. Fic. IV. The Common Perch dissected so as to show some of the internal organs. A.B. Air-bladder. G. Gills. G. R. Gill-rakers. I. Intestine. P.C. Three pyloric ceca. S. Stomach. U. B. Urinary bladder. INTRODUCTION. ANATOMY. Since this report is to be brief and preliminary only those points concerning the anatomy used in determining the systematic posi- tion of the different fishes will be considered. To arrive at these points it will be well to study the common perch (Perca flavescens), which abounds in all the waters of Minnesota. Besides being a familiar fish, the perch represents a type with which we can com- pare the anatomy of all our other fishes. The fins on the back are called the dorsal. In the perch there are two, a front or anterior one called the spinous dorsal, and a back or posterior one called the soft dorsal. The spinous dorsal possesses stilf, sharp spines called rays, while the soft dorsal possesses many- jointed very flexible rays that do not end in hard, sharp points. These fins may be near each other, as is the case with the perch; they may be widely separated, or there may be but one and that a soft dorsal, like the posterior dorsal fin of the perch. In some fishes, cat-fish, white-fish and others, the posterior dorsal is simply a fatty lobe, and it is then called the adipose fin. In a few of the cat-fishes this adipose fin is continuous with the tail or caudal fin. The caudal fin may be entire, said of it when the posterior edge is about even, or forked, when the posterior edge is notched. When the two lobes of the caudal are of about the same size it is said to be homocercal, but when the upper lobe is larger and longer than the lower lobe and has in it the continuation of the spinal column, the caudal fin is said to be heterocercal, illustrated in the sturgeon. The fin on the lower or ventral side of the body nearest the caudal is the anal. It may be made up of soft rays entirely or of both spines and soft rays, as it is in the perch. Its length, kind and number of rays are often essential in identification. The two fins just in front of the anal are the ventrals. These may be placed far forward, as they are in the perch, when they are said to be thoracic or jugular or they may be near the middle of the belly, as in the suckers, when they are said to be abdominal. The remaining fins are the pectorals. These may vary some- what in size and location, but otherwise are about constant. When FISHES OF MINNESOTA 3 the ventrals are thoracic the pectorals are generally situated on the sides of the body, as is shown in the figure of the perch, but when the ventrals are abdominal the pectorals are more ventral. The dor- sal, caudal, and anal are sometimes called the vertical or unpaired and the ventral and pectoral the paired fins. The length of a fin is the distance along its base and the height is the length of its longest ray. The number of rays in any fin is indicated by the arabic numer- als alone if soft, but, if it contains spines also, the number is repre- sented by a combination of the Roman and the arabic numerals. The number of rays in the dorsal fin of the perch would be indi- cated thus: XIII-I, 14, which signifies that there are thirteen rays in the spinous dorsal, one spine and fourteen soft rays in the soft dorsal. The number of rays is important in the dorsal, anal, and sometimes the ventral, but not in the other fins. The body may be covered with scales, as in the perch, or may be naked, as in the bull-head. When the posterior edge of the scales is smooth they are said to be cycloid, when rough or toothed, ctenoid. Most fishes have a modified line of scales, the lateral line, extending along the sides of the body. Each scale in this line pos- sesses a hole or pore which is related to deeper lying sense organs. The lateral line may be entirely absent or only partially developed, and this is sometimes an’ essential character in the determination of species. When curved downward it is said to be decurved. The number of scales in the lateral line is often very essential. In specific determination it is often essential not only to know this, but to know the number of rows of scales between the front of the dorsal fin and the lateral line, also the number of rows between the lateral line and the vent. A hand lens will be necessary to count the scales in some cases. In the description of the perch the number of scales would be written thus: 5-55-17, which indicates that there are five rows of scales above the lateral line (between the front of the dorsal fin and the lateral line), 55 in it and 17 below (between the lateral line and the vent). These numbers are not ab- solutely constant and those given in the descriptions are generally averages. Just in front of the pectoral fins of the perch on each side of the body are the gill openings. The posterior portions of the coverings to these openings are the opercles, which name applies strictly to the bones themselves (Fig. I., Op.). Along the lower side of the opercle is the subopercle (Fig. I., S. Op.). In front of the opercle is the preopercle (Fig. I., P. Op.), which 4 PRELIMINARY REPORT borders the cheek on its posterior and ventral edges and which in the perch is toothed or serrate. Under the preopercle and in front of the subopercle is the interopercle (Fig. I., I. Op.) The bone just in front of the eye is the preorbital (Fig. I., P. Orb.); the one just be- low the eye is the swborbital, and this bone sometimes bears a bony stay which extends across the cheek towards the preopercle. | The mouth varies greatly in the different species of fish, but that of the perch may be considered typical. Each side of the upper jaw is formed by the premasxillary bone which bears teeth. (Fig. I., P. M.). At the middle of the snout there is a backward projection on the premaxillary, and when this and the remainder of the bone is fastened by the skin and muscles alone the pre- maxillaries can be drawn forward, and are then said to be pro- tractile. This character is often essential in identification. Back of the premaxillary, on each side of the head, is the mazillary (Fig. I., M.). This bone varies greatly in the different families. Thus in the cat-fish family it is much absorbed and ends in a long fleshy filament called a barbel, while in the perch it is well developed. In the bass and sunfish there is an additional supplemental bone on the upper side of the maxillary (Fig. II., S. M.), the presence or ab- sence of which is essential in determining the species of sun-fish. The dentary (tooth bearing) bones form the lower jaw. The mouth is said to be inferior when drawn down like that of the sucker, horizontal when about on a line with the axis of the body, and fies se when opening at an angle like that of the perch and bass. The thin membrane under the opercle and sub-opercle is the branchiostegal membrane, and the curved bones in it are the branchi- ostegal rays, which, in the perch, number seven. The number of these rays is often an essential character. The narrow part of the body near where the branchiostegal membranes of each side join is called the isthmus and when the gill membranes are joind to it (Fig. III.) thy are said to be united to the isthmus, as is the case in the red horse sucker. When joined to each other and not directly tu the body, as in the perch, they are said to be free from the isthmus. For the reason that the size of the mature fish is an indefinite thing most of the measurements used are comparative. The length, however, is given and, when so, it is supposed to be the average length of the mature fish. This length is the distance from the tip of the snout to the base of the caudal fin, or end of the spinal column, and not to the tip of the tail. Head in length means the number of times the distance from the tip of the snout to the posterior edge FISHES OF MINNESOTA 5 of the opercle is contained in the length of the fish. Depth in length means the number of times the greatest distance from the back, or dorsal side, to the belly, or ventral side, is contained in the length of the fish. Hye in head, the number of times the width of the entire eye is contained in the head, measuring from the tip of the snout to the posterior edge of the opercle. Eye in snout, the number cf times the width of the eye is contained in the length of the snout, measuring from the anterior edge of the eye to the tip of the snout. Occasionally the length of spines, length of fins and also other parts are compared with the total length and with other measurements. The above expressions are often abbreviated as “Head 4,” which means that the head is contained four times in the length of the fish. A fish is said to be compressed when flattened laterally, as is the case with the white-fish and even the perch, and depressed when flattened from above, or dorso-ventrally. The head of the cat-fish is much depressed. The heads of the various species vary greatly in other respects than those already considered. There are always four nostrils, the posterior and anterior on each side, being near each other or well separated. In the cat-fishes the posterior nostril is accom- panied by a barbel. In addition to the nasal and maxillary barbels there may be barbels on the lower jaw. The snout in some fishes is long and pointed, while in others it is blunt and rounded. It is necessary to study the snouts in identifying minnows. Besides the teeth in the upper and lower jaws already referred to, some fishes have teeth on the vomer, a bone located under the nasal openings in the front of the roof of the mouth, on the palatine bones, which are located just back of the vomer, on the pterygoids, which are located back of the palatines, and some on the tongue itself. Teeth located in any or all of the above named places are known as the ordinary teeth. In some fishes they are present on all these bones, while in others on only a portion of them, and in many there are no ordinary teeth at all, viz., the suckers and min- nows. The perch has teeth on the upper and lower jaws and the vomer. Fishes breathe by means of gills, the perch having four pairs borne on the curved bones known as the gill-arches. Each gill is composed of numerous fringe-like filaments through which the blood circulates and comes in contact with the oxygen absorbed in the water. The openings between the gills are known as the gill-slits. The one found behind the fourth gill in the perch is ab- sent in some fishes. On the front and sides of the gill arches are the 6 PRELIMINARY REPORT gill-rakers which vary greatly, in the different species of fish (Fig. 1V., G. R.). Occasionally the nature and the number of the gill- rcakers borne on the first gill arch is important in identification. If a description should state that the gill-rakers were 5+15 this would indicate that there were 5 above the posterior angle (Fig. IV., P. A.) of the arch and 15 below it; if X+15 it would indicate that the number above the posterior angle was indefinite and the number below 15. The gill-rakers can be counted in most fishes by lifting the opercular flap. The bones of the fourth gill arch and those of the fifth arch are modified and bear teeth, the former being known as the upper pharyngeals and the latter as the lower pharyngeals. In the perch these teeth are very numerous, fine, and set in several masses, usually two masses in the upper and two in the lower. It is often necessary to know the nature of the lower pharyngeal bones and teeth in identification, especially in the suckers, minnows and sun- fish. In the suckers these teeth are arranged in a single row on each side, each row containing numerous teeth which are in some species all of about the same size; in others the lower teeth are very large, graduating to smaller ones as they proceed upwards. In the minnows they may be either in one or two rows, but in any case the outer row contains the largest teeth and scarcely ever more than five of them. Teeth in this row may have developd on each a grinding surface and in some species of fish they are hooked. It will be necessary for those who expect to identify minnows to make themselves acquainted with the different kinds of pharyn- geal teeth. These teeth may be removed from a fish without mutil- ating its general appearance by lifting up the gills and loosening the nearest pharyngeal bone with a strong needle and lifting the bone out. If the teeth are stout they may at once be freed from the adhering flesh with a needle or brush, but if they are weak, as is the case with most minnows, the mass of the flesh had better be re- moved gently and then the bone be laid aside until the remainder dries; otherwise some of the teeth will be removed in the opera- tion and the conclusion will be incorrect. The teeth in the second row are very liable to be broken in cleaning. In examining a fresh fish some prefer to boil the bones with the flesh before attempting to remove the latter. In describing the various species of fish the pharyngeal teeth are generally indicated by a formula. Thus, 2, 4-5, 2 signifies that there are two teeth in the lesser row on one side, four in the main row on the same side, five in the main row on the other side and two in the lesser; 4-4 signifies that there are two main rows with four teeth in each. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 7 In the sun-fish the pharyngeal bones are similar to those of the perch and in the identification of this group of fishes much depends on the sharpness of the pharyngeal teeth and the manner in which they are massed together. On the underside of the gill-flap, where the opercle joins the preopercle, there are in some fishes a set of false gills called pseudo- dobranchia. In most of our fishes these are small or even absent, but in a few they are of family importance, viz., the Serranidze or Sea Bass, represented by our white bass, Roccus chrysops. The alimentary canal in the perch consists of the cesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. The stomach, and, in fact, the entire alimentary canal varies greatly in the differ- ent orders and families of fishes. In the perch the small intestine leaves the stomach toward the latter’s anterior end and just at the beginning of the intestine there are three tube-like appendages known as the Pyloric ceca (Fig. IV., P. C.). In the white-fish the pyloric czeca are very numerous and in some fishes their number is one of the specific characters, viz., the wall-eyed pikes (Stizostedion). It is generally considered that carniverous fishes possess short intestines and herbiverous ones long intestines. In certain minnows the length of the intestine is an important gen- eric character, hence it is very often necessary to open the abdomen and examine the intestine. In a minnow called the stone lugger (Campostoma anomalum) the intestine is very long and coiled many times around the air bladder. In a few fishes there is a spiral ar- rangement in the intestine known as the spiral valve. The air-bladder is a sac, situated in the upper portion of the ab- dominal cavity of fishes, which contains gases and which can be compressed by the action of the muscles or allowed to expand and thus regulate, in a measure, the specific gravity of the fish. In some of the lower orders this air-bladder is cellular and connected by a tube with the cesophagus and, it is supposed, can be used to some extent as a lung; but in most of our fishes it is not connected with the exterior and is not divided into more than two or three divi- sions. Occasionally the number of the divisions in the air-bladder is essential in determining the genus, and in this case the abdomina' cavity must be opened and the air-bladder examined 2 THE FISHES OF MINNESOTA. KEY TO THE CLASSES. A. No paired fins; skeleton not well developed; mouth a sucking disk Done ae : (Lampreys.) Marsipobranchii, 8* AA. Paired fins and bony ieeletan well developed. (True fishes.) Pisces, 10 cass MARSTPOBRANCHIL. the tampreys. Order HYPEROARTII. Family PETROMYZONIDEH. The Lampreys. According to Theodore Gill the lampreys are not included with the fishes, but are placed in a separate class, differing from the true fishes in having very rudimentary skeletons. The body is long and eel-shaped; mouth somewhat circular and beset with horny teeth which point towards the center. On each side of the body just back of the head are seven small, circular holes, the gill openings. There is but one nostril, and that is located on the top of the head just in front of the eyes; dorsal fin notched; a spiral valve in the intes- tine. The young of the lamprey undergo a sort of metamorphosis. Being so different from anything else the lamprey is easily recog- nized. It migrates in the spring with the fishes and is often attached to them. With its sucker-like mouth it can work its way into the body of the fish and may even cause the death of its host. The fish’s eye is the part often attacked. *These numbers refer to pages. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 9 Genus ICHTHYOMYZON Girard. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ICHTHYOMYZON. A. First row of teeth above the mouth (supraoral lamina, or max- illary tooth) two pointed (bicuspid); no bicuspid teeth on the sides of the mouth. : : . , - concolor, AA. First row of teeth above the mouth three pointed (tricuspid) , some of the teeth on each side of the mouth bicuspid. castaneus: Ichthyomyzon concolor (Kirtland). The row of teeth above the mouth consists of two cusps; row be- low the mouth with 7 cusps; all the other teeth simple and ar- ranged in about four concentric circles around the mouth. Head contained 74 times in the length. Head with gills contained 4% times inthelength. Fifty-one muscular bands between the last gill opening and the vent. Color bluish, occasionally marked with dark spots; a blue spot above each gill opening. Generally small but individuals may reach a length of 12 inches. Very common in the Lake of the Woods, where it is parasitic on the sturgeon and other large fish. Twenty-eight fine specimens were taken in the above mentioned region in 1894 (Nat. Hist. Surv.). ° Ichthyomyzon castaneus Girard. Three closely set teeth in the first row above the mouth; a row of bicuspid teeth on each side of the mouth; 7 to 12 pointed teeth in the row below the mouth; all other teeth simple and somewhat hooked; teeth of this species a little longer than those of the next. Dorsal fin continuous with the caudal but broadly notched. Color somewhat yellowish, varying to brown. Length 10 inches. A speci- men taken in 1853 by Dr. Geo. Suckley is listed from Galena, Minn., in the Rept. Pac. R. R. Sury., Fishes, p. 381, by Charles Girard. The same is referred to in Jordan & Gilbert’s Synopsiz. :2797 it. Three specimens of Lamprey from the Red Lake River are hmea as Ammocetes branchialis by Prof. A. J. Woolman (Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 369). I have examined one of the specimens taken by Mr. Woolman, and it is evidently P. castaneus. Its supraroral lamina consists of 3 closely set teeth, there is a row of 4 bicuspid teeth on each side of the mouth and the infraroral lamina (the row below the mouth) has 7 cusps. A poorly preserved specimen was taken from the Minnesota River at Mankato in 1892 which seems to be this species. 10 PRELIMINARY REPORT Class PISCES. The True Fishes. KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF PISCES. A. Vental fins present, abdominal. B. Dorsal fins two, the anterior rayed, the posterior adipose. C. Body not covered with scales; head with four to eight barbels; dorsal and pectoral fins with a stout spine. (Cat-fishes) Siluridze, 15 CC. Body covered with scales and withoat barbels or spines. D. Head not covered with scales; maxillary bones distinct. E. Scales ctenoid; margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries alone. (Trout-perches) Percopsidze, 52 EE. Scales cycloid; maxillary bones forming a part of the upper jaw; stomach with many pyloric ceca. (White Fish, Trout) Salmonidee, 43 BB. Dorsal fin single, preceded by several unconnected spines; very small fishes. . ; (Sticklebacks) Gasterosteide, 51 BBB. Dorsal fins two, the anterior of three to eight spines; the posterior of soft rays; anal spine one. (Silversides) Atherinidee, 53 BBBB. Dorsal fin one, composed of soft rays only. C. Tail with spinal column ending in its upper portion (heterocercal). D. Caudal fin forked. E. Snout long, broad and shovel-like, nearly one-half the length of the body. Body naked. ‘ (Paddle Fishes) Polyodontidee, 12 EE. Snout shorter; body covered with bony ‘shields... : (Sturgeons) Acipenseridze, 12 DD. Caudal fin not forked. E. Jaws long, the sharp teeth conspicuous. (Gar-fishes) Lepisosteidze, 14 EE. Jaws short, head thick; dorsal fin long. (Dog-fish) Amiideze, 15 CC. Tail with the spinal column ending in its center, lobes equal (homocereal). D. Scales cycloid. E. Head scaly. F. Upper Jaw not protractile; its posterior edge formed by the maxillaries. G. Teeth unequal, coarse and sharp. (Pikes; called pickerels in Minnesota) Luciidae, 48 GG. Teeth equal, weak and set close to each other. (Mud Minnews) Umbride, 48 FISHES OF MINNESOTA a (a FF. Upper jaw protractile; formed entirely by the premaxillazies. (Killifishes) Poeciliidze, 50 EE. Head without scales. F. Gill membranes united with the isth- mus; ordinary teeth absent. G. Dorsal fin with less than ten rays; pharyngeal teeth in one or more rows, less than eight in the main row. (Minnows) Cyprinidze, 26 GG. Dorsal fin with ten or more rays; pharyngeal teeth in one row and numerous. (Suckers) Catostomid 2, 20 FF. Gill membranes free from isthmus. G. Lateral line present; tongue with sharp teeth. (Moon-eyes) Hiodontidze, 42 GG. Lateral line absent; mouth small and toothless; stomach gizzard- like. (Gizzard Shads) Dorosomidze, 42 AA. Ventral fins present, throacic or jugular. B, Body covered with scales or bony plates. C. Rays of the ventral fins I, 5. D. Vomer with teeth. E. Anal spines, one or two. F, Anal rays, less than twenty. (Perch) Percidze, 62 EE. Anal spines, three. F. False gills (pseudobranchia) on the under side of the opercles small and covered by skin. (Sunfishes) Centrarchidee, 54 FF. Pseudobranchia well developed. (Sea Bass) Serranidze, 72 EEE. Anal spines4to10. (Sunfishes) Centrarchidee, 54 DD. Vomer without teeth. E. Anal spines, one or two; a large slit behind the fourth gill. F. Lateral line extending on the caudal fin; snout scaly. (Drums) Scizenidze, 73 FF. Lateral line not extending on the cau- dal; snout not scaly. (Perch) Percidz, 62 CC. Rays in ventral fins not I, 5. D. Dorsal fin of spines anteriorly; soft rays pos- teriorly. E. Vent far forward; ventral rays 7; dorsal spines 3 or 4. (Pirate Perches.) Aphredoderide, 53 EE. Vent normal; ventral rays I, 1; dorsal spines unconnected. (Sticklebacks) Gasterosteidz, 51 DD. Dorsal fin of soft rays only; dorsal and anal free from the caudal. ; (Cod-fishes.) Gadidze, 75 12 PRELIMINARY REPORT BB. Body scaleless, smooth or more or less prickly or warty. D. Cheek (suborbital bone) with a bony stay. (Blobs) Cottidze, 74 DD. Cheek without a bony stay; dorsal spines 4 to 6. (Sticklebacks) Gasterosteidze, 51 AAA. Ventral fins absent. B. Body long and snake-like; skin covered with elongate, imbedded scales which are arranged at right angles with each other. é : - : (Eels.) Anguillidae, 41 Order SELACHOSTOMI. Family POLYODONTIDA. The Paddle-fishes. Body covered with rather smooth skin; snout prolonged into a long, thin, paddle-shaped projection which is somewhat flexible, and whose upper surface is somewhat reticulated. The mouth is large; there is no tongue present and no barbels on the head. Tail heterocercal. But one genus and one species found in North America. Genus POLYODON Lacépéde, Paddle-fishes. Polyodon spathula (Walbaum). Paddle-fish. Spoon-bill. Duck-billed Cat. A peculiar fish which is at once recognized by the long paddle- shaped snout that reaches about one-third the length of the body; skin on the opercle extending in a long narrow flap; gill mem- branes connected, but free from the isthmus; teeth numerous but small, disappearing with age; tail heterocercal; gill rakers long and in two rows; length six feet; color bluish or greenish; common in the larger streams of the Mississippi valley. Its food is thought to consist of the small life forms which it roots from the mud with its paddle-shaped bill. Specimens have been taken in Minne- sota from the Minnesota River at Mankato (Cox, 1894), and from the Mississippi River at Minneapolis (Nat. Hist. Surv.). Order CHONDROSTEI. Family ACIPENSERIDA. The Sturgeons. Body long, spindle-shaped, covered with bony plates, some of which are small and flat, while others are keeled and arranged in rows. The snout is usually somewhat triangular and projects beyond the mouth. Mouth inferior, toothless, extensible for suck- ing up food; four barbels in front of the mouth; gills four in num- ber; tail heterocercal. There are no branchiostegal rays; head covered with bony plates; gill membranes joined to the isthmus; dorsal and anal fins inserted far back; air-bladder large. Two genera and two species occur in Minnesota. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 13 KEY TO THE GENERA OE ACIPENSERID#. A. Snout not flat but rather conical; spiracles present; bony plates not coming together on the tail; gill-rakers long and not fan-shaped . ; ‘ (Common sturgeon) Acipenser. AA. Snout flat, broad and shaves aepeds no spiracles present; bony shields coming together and completely covering the tail; gill- rakers fan-shaped. . (Shovel-nosed Sturgeon) Schaphirhynchus. Genus ACIPENSER Linneeus. Acipenser rubicundus Le Sueur. Lake Sturgeon. Rock Sturgeon. Young with snout long, somewhat like Scaphirhynchus platoryn- chus; bony shields much keeled with hooked spines; adult snout comparatively much shorter than in the young; shields disappear- ing with age on the lower parts and becoming smooth on the upper surface; dorsal shields 11 to 16; lateral shields 30 to 39; ventral plates 8 to 11; three shields in a single row between the anal fin and vent. Dorsal with 35 rays and anal 26. A large fish which reaches a length of 6 feet and a weight of one hundred pounds. Two mounted specimens are now in the museum of the University of Minnesota which were taken from the Mississippi River at Minne- apolis. They abound in the Lake of the Woods, and are often taken in Lake Superior. On portions of the Lake of the Woods sturgeon fishing is the chief occupation, thousands of large fish being taken annually. Genus SCAPHIRHYNCHUS Heckel. Seaphirhynchus platorynechus (Rafinesque). Shovel-nosed Sturgeon. White Sturgeon. Body rather long, tapering much toward the heterocercal tail; tail flattened from above, continued in a long filament; bony shields with a sharp ridge or keel; dorsal shields 15 to 20 in number; those in the lateral line numbering 41 to 46, and those on the belly or ventral surface 11 to 13. Specimens are often taken which are 5 feet in length. It has been taken in the Minnesota River at Man- kato (Cox, 1893); in the Mississippi River at Winona (Holzinger, 1894); in the Mississippi River at Minneapolis (reported by fisher- men), and further collection of data will, no doubt, show that it is common, especially in the tributaries of the Mississippi. 14 PRELIMINARY REPORT Order RHOMBOGANOIDEA. Family LEPISOSTEIDH. The Gar-fishes. Body slender, cylindrical, covered with diamond-shaped scales which are very evenly distributed over the body; jaws long and set with sharp, prominent teeth; upper jaw longest; vomer and palatines covered with teeth; tongue toothless; nostrils near the end of the snout; air-bladder somewhat lung-like and joined by a tube to the esophagus, thus aiding in respiration. Tail heterocer- cal; pyloric ceca many. One genus and two species known at pres- ent in Minnesota. Genus LEPISOSTEUS Lacépéde. KEY TO THE SPECIES 0F LEPISOSTEUS. A. Snout slender and more than twice the length of the head. . . osseus. AA. Snout broad and not much longer than the head, without snout. . Z ; : 3 : : : i . platostomus. Lepisosteus osseus (Linnzus). Common Gar-pike lLong-nosed Gar. Bill-fish. Snout more than twice the length of the rest of the head; large teeth of the upper jaw in one row in the adult. Olivaceous on the back and sides and pale below; vertical fins and the posterior part of the body with circular black spots; young with a vertical black stripe. Head contained three times in the length. Dorsal with eight rays. Anal9. Ventrals 6. Pectorals 10. Lateral line with 62 scales. An interesting fish which reaches a length of five feet, and is found in nearly every lake and stream in Minnesota. Specimens have been recorded from the Mississippi River, Minneapolis (Uni- versity 1874, 1880); Minnesota River, Ortonville (Woolman & Cox, 1892); Otter Tail River, Breckenridge (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 369), Lake Washington, near Mankato, very common (Cox, 1894). Lepisosteus platostomus Rafinesque. Short-nosed Gar. Snout equal to or a little longer than the rest of the head; much broader than in the preceding species. General characters much the same as those of L. osseus. Head 34 in the length. Depth 8. Dorsal with 8 rays. Anal 8. Ventral: 6. Lateral line with an average of 56 scales. When mature, this species reaches a length of 2 to 3 feet. But two specimens have been recorded from the state, and these are in the University Museum. They were taken from the Mississippi at Minneapolis, near the University. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 15 Order CYCLOGANOIDEA. Family AMIIDA. The Bow. fins. Body stout and covered with heavy, smooth edged scales; head bluntish, bones of the upper portion thick and strong. Mouth rather large, horizontal; jaws with two kinds of teeth, the larger and outer conical; vomer, palatines and pterygoids with small teeth; anterior nostril with a barbel. Dorsal fin very long and not high; tail heterocercal; air-bladder somewhat lung-like and con- nected with the pharynx; no pyloric ceca. But one species known. Genus AMIA Linneeus. Amia ecalva Linneus. Mud-fish. Dog-fish. Bow-fin. ‘John A, Grindle.’’ Lawyer. Color, dark olive; sides with dark reticulations; male with a round black spot, which is edged with yellow, on the base of the caudal fin; lower jaw with dark spots. Head 3%. Depth 4 to 43. Dorsal with 42 to 53 rays. Anal 10to12. Lateral line with 65 to 70 scales. The female reaches a length of two feet, but the male does not exceed eighteen inches. A very common and voracious fish in all the lakes and streams of Minnesota, especially the northern part. Specimens have been recorded as follows: Lakes and streams of the upper Mississippi, very common (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-3); Le Sueur River near Mankato (Cox, 1893). Order NEMATOGNATHI. Family SILURIDEH. The Cat fishes. Body somewhat elongated, and instead of scales, covered with a soft, slimy skin; mouth broad, the upper jaw in front formed by the premaxillaries; teeth numerous, slender and weak and _ ar- ranged in bands; maxillary ending in a long barbel; six other bar- bels on the head. In our species, two dorsal fins, the posterior adi- pose. The dorsal and pectoral fins usually with a stout, sharp spine; air-bladder large. Four genera and ten to twelve species will be found in Minnesota. 16 PRELIMINARY REPORT KEY TO THE GENERA OF SILURIDE. A. Adipose fin conspicuous, its posterior margin free and not contin- nous with the caudal. B. Teeth on the premaxillaries arranged in a slight curve, the ends of the band not extending back on the sides of the mouth. C. Bones of the head continuous with those at the base of the first dorsal (determined by pressing gently on the upper part of the body between the dorsal fin and the head). Caudal fin deeply forked. (Channel Cat) Ictalurus, 16 CC. Bones of the head not continuous with those at the base of the first dorsal (determined as in C). (Bull-head) Ameiurus, 17 BB. Premaxillary band of teeth arranged in horseshoe-shape, the ends extending back on the sides of the mouth; dorsal spine little developed. : : : : (Mudcat) Leptops, 19 AA. Adipose fin continuous with the caudal. B. Band of teeth on the upper jaw with a backward extension on each end. ; i : (Stone Cats) Noturus, 19 BB. No backward extension at the eritte of the band of teeth on the upper jaw. 2 ; : 4 (Mad Toms) Schilbeodes, 19 Genus ICTALURUS Rafinesque. Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). Channel Cat. Silver Cat. White Cat. Barbels long, color light olive; lighter on the sides; scarcely ever dark like the bull-heads; generally covered with dark, circu- lar spots; body rather slender; spines large, strong and sharp, the pectoral serrate behind; eye large, located about midway between snout and the end of the opercle. Mouth small; head contained four times in the length; depth 5. This fish reaches a length of three feet and a weight of 20 to 25 pounds. It is reported by Mr. Cram as common in the Minnesota River near Mankato each spring. It is no doubt common in all the large streams in the state. It has been taken in the Red River of the North at Moorhead and at Grand Forks (N. D.); in the Otter Tail River at Breckenridge and Red Lake River at Grand Forks (N. D.) and Crookston (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893). FISHES Of MINNESOTA 17 Genus AMEITURUS Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF AMEIURUS. A. Caudal forked. B. Anal with 25 to 35 rays. ; : : : ‘ lacustris, 17 AA. Caudal not forked, generally comatien” B. Anal rays, including rudiments, 22 to 27, base of the anal fin more than one-fourth the length of the body. ; . nhatalis, 17 BB. Anal rays 15 to 22; base of anal fin contained 4 to 5 times in the body. C. Lower jaw projecting beyond the upper. 4 : vulgaris, 18 CC. Lower jaw not projecting beyond the upper. D. Anal rays more than 20; pectoral spines contained 2 to 23 times in the head.. : F . nhebulosus, 18 DD. Anal rays less than 20 (17 to 19); pectoral spines contained 24 to 3 times in the head. : : melas, 18 Genus AMEIURUS Rafinesque. Ameiurus lacustris (Walbaum). Great Cat-fish. Great Fork-tailed Cat. Mississippi Cat. Florida Cat. Cai-fish of the Lakes. Flannel-mouthed Cat. Dark slaty-blue, growing darker with age; interruption between the bones of the head and base of the first dorsal but slight; body more slender than the others of this genus, but somewhat heavier than Ictalurus punctatus; head depressed; eye moderate, in front of the middle of the head; barbels long, colored black; caudal fin deeply forked. Head contained four times in the length of the body. Depth 5. Dorsal I, 5 or 6 rays. Pectorals, I, 9. Anal long, with 25 rays. One of the largest fishes, reaching a weight of one hundred pounds or more. So far I have no definite record of the occurrence of this fish in Minnesota, but as cat-fish of this description have been reported by fishermen and as this state is evidently within its range there is but little doubt that it has been taken in the larger streams, es- pecially in the Mississippi. Ameiurus natalis (Le Sueur). Yellow Cat. Color varying from yellowish to greenish or blackish; body heavy and short; head short and broad; mouth wide; anal rays 24 to 27; base of the anal fin more than } the length of the body. Length 15 inches. This is considered a very variable fish, and pres- ent information indicates that it is not very common in Minne- sota. The number of anal rays is the chief characteristic which distinguishes it. Specimens in the University Museum were taken as follows: Lake Johanna, Ramsey Co., and Spirit Lake, Aitkin Co. (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892); Lake Kilpatrick, near Gull Lake, sev- eral reported (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893). 18 PRELIMINARY REPORT Ameiurus vulgaris (Thompson). Lower jaw projecting beyond the upper; color dark brown or even black on the upper parts and sides; lower parts lighter; anal fin with 18 to 22 rays, its base contained 4 to 5 times in the body; lower jaw projecting beyond the upper. Body moderately elon- gated; head somewhat longer than broad; mouth large and wide; maxillary barbels long; back considerably elevated; head con- tained 34 to 4 times in the length. Pectoral spines contained 2} times in the head. Depth contained 43 to 5 times in the length. Length 18 inches. This fish is probably common in most of the waters of Minnesota and is distinguished from the others of the genus chiefly by the number of rays in its anal fin and by its project- ing lower law. Specimens have been taken in Lake Amelia, near Ft. Snelling (Collected by Dr. Geo. D. Suckley and described as Pimelodus ailurus by Chas. Girard, U. S. Pac. R. R. Explorations, Fishes, 1858, 210); Lake Minnetonka (C. H. & T. S. Roberts, 1879); Minnehaha Creek, Minneapolis and Fish-hook Lake, Hubbard Co. (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892). Ameiurus nebulosus (Le Sueur). Common Bull-head. Horned Pout. Color varying from yellowish to black; anal fin with 21 to 22 rays, its length contained four times in the body; upper jaw usually longer than the lower; pectoral spine contained 2 to 24 times in the head. It reaches a length of 18 inches. Not very common in Min- nesota, as far as present observations have gone. It can be dis- tinguished from the following only by its anal fin and the length of its pectoral spines. Three specimens were taken in the Blue Earth River, Mankato (Cox, 1891); Red River of the North and tributaries, several (Wool- man, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 369). Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque). Color usually black; body stout; head flat; anal fin shorter than in the preceding, its rays 17 to 19 and light colored; its length contained five times in the body; jaws about equal; young slender, growing heavier with age. Very common in all the waters of Minnesota. Specimens have been taken from Basset’s Creek, Minneapolis (T. 8S. Roberts, 1879); Big Stone Lake and the Upper Minnesota River (Woolman & Cox, 1892); lakes and streams of the Upper Mississippi, common (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-3); streams and lakes near Mankato, also South- western Minnesota (Cox, 1892-5); Lake of the Woods, St. Louis River and Upper Mississippi (Woolman & Cox, 1894). FISHES OF MINNESOTA 19 Genus LEPTOPS Rafinesque. Leptops olivaris (Rafinesque). Mud Cat. Flat-head Cat. Russian Cat. Yellowish, mottled with brown; head much depressed; lower jaw longer than the upper; premaxillary band of teeth with back- ward processes; dorsal spine weak and not ending in a sharp point; anal fin with 12 to 15 rays. A large fish which sometimes reaches a weight of 50 to 75 pounds. No definite record of its occurrence in Minnesota has been made so far, but it has probably been taken in the Mississippi River and other large streams, as large cat-fish resembling this have been re- ported by fishermen. Genus NOTURUS Rafinesque. Noturus flavus Rafinesque. Stone Cat. Color uniform yellowish brown; body rather slender; head flat and broad; tail compressed; head contained 44 times in the length; barbels short; dorsal spine long; pectoral spine serrate in front, its teeth pointing towards the body. Anal rays 16. A fish that reaches a length of 12 inches. It is not common in Minnesota so far as known. One specimen has been recorded from the Blue Earth River at Mankato (Cox, 1893). Several were seen in the same river a year later. Genus SCHILBEODES Bleeker. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF SCHILBEODES. A. Pectoral spine smooth on its posterior edge, but with a longi- tudinal groove; adipose fin not notched. : . gyrinus, 19 AA. Pectoral spine with spines on serre (serrate) on ite posterior edge; adipose fin somewhat notched. : : : 5 exilis, 20 Schilbeodes gyrinus (Mitchill). Adipose fin continuous with the caudal; color varying from yel- lowish brown to almost black above, darker below; some longitu- dinal dark streaks. Pectoral spine smooth, but with a long longitu- dinal groove on the posterior edge, smooth on the anterior edge, contained 2 times in the head; in general, spines stout and rather long. Anal fin with about 13 rays. Length 5 inches. A fish similar in habits to the VN. exilis. Quite common in Min- nesota, but not generally distinguished from the young of Ameiwrus melas or A. nebulosus. It can be told at once from these by its adi- pose fin. Specimens are recorded from the streams and lakes of the 20 PRELIMINARY REPORT Upper Mississippi (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-3-5); Pomme de Terre River, Appleton, and Chippewa River, Montevideo (Woolman & Cox, 1892); Red River of the North and tributaries (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 369); Upper Mississippi (Wool- man & Cox, 1894). Schilbeodes exilis (Nelson). Adipose fin continuous with the caudal; color dark brown or blackish; pectoral spine roughish in front, serrate on its posterior edge; head rather small and not much depressed; jaws about equal; dorsal spine not high and inserted midway between the tip of the snout and front of the anal fin. Length four inches. Found in rivers under stones. Either not common or because of its pe- culiar habits has not been observed. One specimen has been taken in the Blue Earth River at Mankato (Cox, 1898). Order PLECTOSPONDYLI. Family CATOSTOMIDE. The Suckers. Body generally elongate, in some species much compressed, while in others heavy and depressed; covered with smooth-edged scales; head scaleless; no barbels; mouth varying in size, but always so constructed that it can be drawn out to a considerable extent, thus enabling the fish to take food from the bottom of the stream or lake. No teeth in the jaws; pharyngeal bones set with numerous teeth which are somewhat similar to a comb. Gill mem- branes united to the isthmus; dorsal fin contains many soft rays; no spines; caudal fin forked; ventral fins inserted far back on the abdomen; pectoral fins inserted on the lower part of the body. In- testine long; air-bladder large and in two or three parts. Five genera and eleven species are known at present in Minnesota. KEY TO THE GENERA OF CATOSTOMIDE. A. Dorsal fin long, its rays 25 to 50; air-bladder in two parts. B. Top of the skull with a soft spot (fontanelle), (determined by pressing on the part); scales rather large, 34 to 42 in the lateral line. C. Mouth large, terminal, protractile forwards. . Ictiobus, 21 CC. Mouth small, inferior, protractile downward. Carpiodes, 22 BB. Top of the skull without a fontanelle, scales rather small, about 56 in the lateral line. ‘ ‘ : : . Cycleptus, 23 AA. Dorsal fins short, its rays 10 to 18. B. Seales small (48 to 100 in the lateral line); air-bladder in two parts; pharyngeal teeth small. (Fine-scaled Suckers) Catostomus, 24 BB. Scales large (less than 48 in the lateral line); air-bladder in three parts; pharyngeal teeth increasing in size down- wards. : : : : , . (Red-horse) Moxostoma, 25 FISHES OF MINNESOTA 21 Genus ICTIOBUS Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ICTIOBUS. A. Mouth large, protractile forwards; lips thin. ; : cyprinella, AA. Mouth smaller, protractile Soweanates lips rather thick. : bubalus. Ictiobus cyprinella (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Common Buffalo-fish. Red- mouthed Buffalo. Body heavy, compressed but only moderately so for a buffalo, back much curved; head large and thick; mouth nearly horizon- tal, large and constructed as to be drawn forward rather than downwards; lips little developed; pharyngeal teeth weak; air- bladder in two parts; opercle coarsely striate and large; color of both body and fins dark; scales large, 7-37 to 41-6. Head contained 34 times in the body. Depth 3 in the length. Dorsal fin with 27 to 29 rays. Anal 9. Length 3 feet. A fish which when mature weighs from 20 to 40 pounds. Rather common in the large streams and some of the lakes. A specimen was examined in the hotel at Grand Rapids, Minnesota, in August, 1894, by Woolman & Cox, which had been taken in the vicinity and which weighed thirty pounds; a buffalo which is probably this species was reported very common in Big Stone Lake in 1892. Many interesting reports are heard of the immense numbers of large buffalo that have been seen and taken in Lake Washington near Mankato during the spawning season, and the same report comes from the Okabena lakes at Worthington. Whether the fishes referred to in these reports were Ictiobus cyprinella is uncertain, but the probabilities are that they were this species. Note—The specific characters of the buffalo are as yet rather uncertain, and the number collected in Minnesota so far is quite small, consequently the descriptions given here may need altera- tion after further collection and study. Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque). Sucker-mouthed Buffalo. Small-mouthed Buffalo. Mouth smaller than in the preceding and capable of being drawn downward rather than forward; body more compressed than in the preceding; back much elevated; head not very blunt; pharyn- geal teeth rather strong, increasing in size downward; longest dorsal ray longer than the base of the dorsal fin. Color dark or dusky, but the fins not darker than the body. Eye 4 to 5 in the head. Head 4in length. Depth 2%. Dorsal with 29 rays. Scales 8-39-6. So far as known specimens have been taken only in the Minnesota River at Mankato (Cox, 1892), but it is probably common in the larger streams and possibly some of those referred to under I. cyprineila are this species. 22 PRELIMINARY REPORT Genus CARPIODES Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CARPIODES. A. Back not greatly elevated, depth about 3 in length; lips thin, the halves of the lower lip meeting at a wide angle. : : carpio, 22 AA. Back considerably elevated, depth about 2% in length. B. Lips thin, silvery white in life, the halves of the lower lip meeting at a wide angle as in C. carpio. : : . difformis, 22 BB. Lips thick, reddish in life, the halves of the lower lip meet- ing at an acute angle. : ; : : : ; . velifer 23. Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque). Carp Sucker. Lower pharyngeal bones narrow, the teeth weak. Coloration, light silvery, sometimes brassy, some scales occasionally brownish at the base. Back compressed and not so much elevated as in the preceding species; head rather short, contained 4 to 5 times in the length of the body; first rays of the dorsal fin short, longest rays 2 to 3-5 the length of the dorsal, never extended in long filaments, thickened at the base so as to be quite stiff in the adult; front of dorsal fin nearer the snout than the base of the caudal; caudal fin forked; snout a little longer than the width of the eye, not project- ing far beyond the mouth. Eye 44 to 5 in the head. Head 4 in length. Depth 3. Dorsal fin with 25 to 30 rays. Scales 7-37-5. Many small specimens were taken in the Minnesota River at Ortonville which are thought to be this species (Woolman & Cox, 1892); a specimen in the University Museum was taken from the Mississippi River at Minneapolis (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893). Further collections will probably prove it to be common, especially in the streams of the Mississippi system. Carpiodes difformis Cope. Snout very blunt, the front of the lower jaw about even with the front of the eye socket, the maxillary bone extending back to the anterior edge of the eye; nostrils inserted very near the tip of the snout; eye large, contained 34 to 4 times in the head. Lower lip ()-shaped below. Head contained in the length 45 times. The back considerably elevated and the depth less than half the length. Scales 6-35-4. Dorsal fin very high and averaging 24 rays, its first ray inserted nearer the snout than the base of the caudal fin. Not common in Minnesota and further study and collections are needed to determine its distribution. Several small specimens have been taken in the Blue Earth River at Mankato (Cox, 1892). FISHES OF MINNESOTA 23 Carpiodes velifer (Rafinesque). Quill-back. Spear-fish. Skim-back. River Carp. Body much arched above. First rays of the dorsal fin long and filamentous, often as long as the base of the fin; snout conical pro- jecting beyond the mouth, obtusely pointed, anterior nostril behind the front of the upper lip, farther froin the tip of the snout than half the diameter of the eye; lower lip A-shaped below. Coloration generally bright; eye moderate, contained four to five times in the head. Head 33 to 4. Depth 24 to 3. Dorsal with 26 rays. Scales 7-35-5. Several specimens have been taken from the Minnesota and Blue Earth Rivers at Mankato (Cox, 1892-3). Pomme de Terre River, Appleton, abundant (Woolman, 1892, Report U. 8S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 356). Genus CYCLEPTUS Rafinesque. Cycleptus elongatus (Le Sueur). Black Horse. Gourd-seed Sucker. Mis- souri Sucker. Head very small and slender; eye small and located well back from the tip of the snout; mouth entirely inferior and small; snout projecting beyond the mouth; the upper lip thick, covered with 3 to 5 rows of tubercles; the lower lip of moderate size. Pharyngeal teeth well developed and increasing in size downward, not very close to each other. Body rather long and not compressed for fishes of this genus; back not greatly elevated. Head contained 6 to 84 times in the length, covered with tubercles in the spring males. Depth contained 4 to 5 times in the length. Scales 55 to 60 in the lateral line, which is nearly straight and well developed. Seventeen rows between the dorsal and ventral fins. Dorsal fin with 30 rays. Anal 7 or 8. Eye small, contained 6 or 7 times in the head. Length 24 feet. Probably common in the streams of the Mississippi system, but the only record of its occurrence in the state is in the museum cata- logue of the University of Minnesota where a specimen is recorded as having been taken by W. H. Chambers at Minneapolis, May 15, 1880. Some of the specimens in the museum were destroyed by fire in December, 1889, and this was, no doubt, among them, as it can- not now be found. It should be looked for in collections from the Mississippi River. 3 24 PRELIMINARY REPORT Genus CATOSTOMUS Le Sueur. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CATOSTOMUS. A. Scales very small, about 100 in lateral line. : ; eatostomus, 24 AA. Scales about 65 in the lateral line. ; : . Gommersonii, 24 AAA. Scales 48 to 55 in the lateral line. : : ‘ . . higricans, 25 Catostomus catostomus (Forster). Northern Sucker. Long-nosed Sucker. Body long and slender; head also long and slender, flat above; a long and tapering snout which overhangs the large mouth; upper lip thin with two to four rows of papillae; anterior edge of lower jaw rather hard; eye small and inserted back of the middle of the head. Scales small, 95 to 114 in the lateral line. Dorsal with 10 or 11 rays. Head contained 44 to 43 times in the length. Depth 4/ to 4% in the length. The spring males have the head and anal fin covered with tuber- cles and a rosy lateral band. This is probably a common fish in the streams and lakes of the northern part of the state, but at present it is known only from the mouth of Rapid River, a southern tributary of the Rainy River from the Red Lake Indian Reservation, where it is quite common (Woolman & Cox, 1894). Catostomus commersonii (Lacépéde). Black Sucker. Common Sucker. Fine Scaled Sucker. Color very variable, being sometimes quite dark, hence giving rise to the name, black sucker, and again specimens will be found that are quite light, and in certain localities these are termed white suckers; generally dark olivaceous on the back, lighter below, males rose tinted on the sides in spring. Head large; snout coni- cal, extending but little beyond the mouth; mouth large, the lips covered with papillae; scales small, smaller forward, 10-64 to 70-9. Head contained 4 to 44 times in the length. Depth 44. Dorsal with 12 rays. Length when mature 18 inches. Common in all our lakes and streams. Specimens have been recorded from Vermillion Lake, St. Louis Co. (Nat. Hist. Sury., 1891); the stream and lakes in the vicinity of Mankato and South- western Minnesota (Cox, 1891-5); Big Stone Lake, Upper Minnesota River and tributaries (Woolman & Cox, 1892); Mantrap Lake, Up- per Mississippi River from its source to Grand Rapids, with its tributaries; Gull Lake and tributaries; Mille Lacs and tributaries (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-5-5); Lake of the Woods, Lake Superior, St. Louis Rivers and Upper Mississippi, in the region of the Deer River and Grand Rapids (Woolman & Cox, 1894). FISHES OF MINNESOTA 25 Catostomus nigricans LeSueur. HogSucker. Stone Roller. Stone Lugger. Stone Toter. Hammer Head. Crawl-a-bottom. Hog Molly. Hog Mullet. Back with several dark, irregular cross-blotches; lower parts white; lower fin sometimes tinged with red; young more mottled than the adult. Head large and flattened above; lips thick and large, papillae numerous. Dorsal with 10 to 11 rays. Pectoral fins very large. Scales small, 48 to 55 in the lateral line. Length 2 feet. Probably common in Minnesota, but so far it has been noted only in the Minnesota and Blue Earth rivers at Mankato (Cox, 1892-3), where it is very common. The writer once saw a school of several hundred quite large ones in the Blue Earth River at the above place. The young resemble very much those of the C. com- mersonti, but can be distinguished from them by the smailer number of scales in the lateral line, the mouth and head, and the mottled markings. Genus MOXOSTOMA Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF MOXOSTOMA. A. Dorsal fin large, 15 to 18 developed rays. : F : : anisurum. AA. Dorsal fin smaller, 12 to 14 developed rays. . : : : aureolum. Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque). White-nosed Sucker. Color somewhat lighter than the following; body rather heavy, compressed; lips rather thin; the two edges of the lower lip form- ing an A-shaped angle where they come together. Dorsal fin large, its rays 15 to 18, free edge straight, the first ray equaling the length of fin. Upper lobe of the caudal longer than the lower. It can be distinguished from the following by the caudal and dorsal fins. Not common in Minnesota. One specimen has been taken from the Des Moines River at Windom (Cox, 1894). Moxostoma aureolum (Le Sueur). Red Horse. Mullet. White Sucker. Large Scaled Sucker. Olivaceous on the back, shading to silvery on the sides, lower fins red in the adult; head flattened above; mouth large; lips thick; eye large. Dorsal fin with 12 to 14 rays, its edge nearly straight and its first ray shorter than the head. Anal with seven rays. Scales large, 5-45-4. Head contained 4 to 5 times in the length of the body. Length 2 feet. Very common in the lakes and rivers of Minnesota. Specimens have been recorded from the lakes and streams of the Upper Mis- sissippi (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-3-5; Woolman & Cox, 1894); lakes 26 PRELIMINARY REPORT and streams in the vicinity of Mankato and in Southwestern Minn. (Cox, 1891-5); Big Stone Lake and the Upper Minnesota River and tributaries (Woolman & Cox, 1892); Red River of the North and tributaries (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893); Lake of the Woods and tributaries (Woolman & Cox, 1894). Family CYPRINIDEH. The Minnows. Head scaleless, lips thin, mouth never sucker-like. Anal fin short; dorsal with not more than ten rays; ventral fins inserted far back on the abdomen, jaws toothless; sometimes 2 to 4 barbels, but these generally absent. Pharyngeal teeth well developed and important in noting specific characters, the number of pharyngeal teeth small, arranged in one or two rows; no adipose fin; air-blad- der usually large and in two parts. Nearly all fishes of small size, the number of species being very large and difficult to determine, owing to their likeness in structure, color and other characters. In the spring the males of many spe- cies assume rich colors which they do not have at other times; their snouts become covered with tubercles and, in some species, more blunt and are thus so disguised that they are thought by many fishermen to be different species. Every collector has lis- tened to the description of some “peculiar” fish which is said to have been found but once or twice in the given region, and then only in spring time, which fish usually proves to be none other than the common “Blunt-nosed Minnow,” Pimephales notatus, which was ar- rayed in its breeding costume. The cultivated Carp (Cyprinus carpio Winneeus) and the Gold-fish (Carassius auratus Linneus), both of which have been introduced from Europe, belong to this family. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 27 KEY TO THE GENERA OF CYPRINIDE. A. Intestine very long and wound many times around the air- bladder. : : : Campostoma, 28 AA. Intestine not wound “ae tie ain hladder air-bladder in the upper portion of the abdominal cavity. B. Digestive canal long, usually more than twice the length of the body; inside coat of the abdominal wall usually black; pharyngeal teeth one rowed, the grinding surface well developed. C. Pharyngeal teeth 5-5 or 4-5; dorsal fin inserted behind the ventrals; scales very small; lateral line incomplete. Chrosomus, 28 CC. Pharyngeal teeth 4-4; dorsal fin inserted over the ventrals; scales rather large. D. Less than 15 scales before the dorsal fin; the first (rudimentary) ray of the dorsal fin firmly joined to the next. ; ‘ ‘ Hybognathus, 28 DD. More than 20 scales batons the dorsal fin; first ray of the dorsal blunt and not firmly sonied to the second but connected withit by a membrane. Pimephales, 29 BB. Digestive canal short, less than twice the length of the body; inside coat of the abdominal wall generally of pale coloration. C. Pharyngeal teeth in the main row 5-5 or 4-5. D. Abdomen behind the ventral fins not compressed into a sharp edge but rounded, the scales pass- ing over it. E. Maxillary bones ending in a small barbel; premaxillaries protractile. : . Semotilus, 30 EE. Maxillary without a barbel; pharyngeal teeth two rowed and usually two teeth in the inner row, teeth strongly hooked; scales small. ; ; ‘ . Leuciscus, 30 DD. Abdomen compressed to a ‘aha ridge so that the scales do not pass over it; rays in the anal fin 12 to 18; lateral line much decurved. E . Abramis, 32 CC. Pharyngeal teeth in the main row 4-4. D. Maxillary bone not ending in a barbel; upper jaw protractile; scales large, 30-50. ‘ Notropis, 33 DD. Maxillary with a barbel, though small. E. Scales small, 60 or more in the lateral line, premaxillaries not protractile; teeth 2, 4-4, 2. Rhinichthys, 38 EE. Scales large, 35 to 55; premaxillaries protract- ile, teeth 4-4 or 1, 4-4, 1 or 0. ; Hybopsis, 40 28 PRELIMINARY REPORT Genus CAMPOSTOMA Agassiz. Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque). Stone Roller. Stone Lugger. Steel- backed Chub. Mammy. Dough-belly. Color brownish with a slight yellowish luster; scales mottled with brown; a dark bar behind the opercles; a dark bar across the dorsal and anal fins, the remainder of these fins bright red in the spring males. The most characteristic point about this fish is the great length and peculiar arrangement of the intestines, which is wound many times around the air-bladder. It needs but one peep at the internal anatomy of this fish to determine its genus. Snout somewhat decurved; scales small and crowded forward, 7-53-8. Dorsal fin with 8 rays. Anal7. Teeth 4-4. Length 4 to 8 inches. Not very common in Minnesota. Specimens have been taken in the Minnesota and Blue Earth rivers at Mankato, where it is quite common (Cox, 1891-5); Pomme de Terre river at Apple- ton (Woolman & Cox, 1892), Genus CHROSOMUS Rafinesque. Chrosomus erythrogaster Rafinesque. Red-bellied Dace. Body not much compressed, oblong, largest in the middle and ta- pering towards each end. Head somewhat pointed; mouth terminal, oblique, jaws equal or about so. Fins not large, the dorsal and anal high and short. General color brownish olive; a dark dorsal line and sometimes black spots; two dark bands on each side with a silvery band between them; a black spot at the base of the caudal fin; belly silvery; spring males with the belly, space between the dark lateral bands and the bases of the vertical fins scarlet; occa- sionally the body is covered with tubercles and the fins are bright vellow; females not so conspicuously marked. Head 4 in length. Depth 4. Dorsal rays 7. Anal 8 Scales small, 16-85-10, not over- lapping much. Pharyngeal teeth usually 5-5. Length 2 to 3. inches. Not common in Minnesota so far as known. It has been reported as rare at Austin by Dr. S. E. Meek (Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. X, 1890, p. 233). Genus HYBOGNATHUS Agassiz. Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz. Silvery Minnow. Intestine long, 7 to 10 times the length of the body. Color sil- very with bright reflections, darker above; color varies greatly with the conditions. Body rather slender; head rather short; FISHES OF MINNESOTA 29 lateral line decurved. Head contained 44 to 5 times in the length of the body. Eye 4 in head. Dorsal fin with 8 rays. Anal 7. Scales large, 5-38-4. Length 4 to 7 inches. This fish can always be distinguished by its long intestine, if not from its general ap- pearance. It is probably common in the southern part of the state but rare in the northern part. Specimens have been taken at sey- eral places on the Upper Mississippi and in Minnehaha Creek, Min- neapolis, rare (Nat. Hist. Sury., 1892-3-5); in the streams and lakes in the vicinity of Mankato, common (Cox, 1891-5). Genus PIMEPHALES Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF PIMEPHALES. A. Lateral line generally incomplete; body short. : : - promelas. AA. Lateral line complete; body more elongate. : : : notatus. Pimephales promelas Rafinesque. Flat-head. Black-headed Minnow. First ray of the dorsal fin large and blunt in the adult males. Intestine long, more than twice the length of the body; teeth 4-4; lateral line incomplete or wanting. Body rather short and heavy; head short, contained 4 times in the length of the body, much rounded in the adult male; mouth small. Color of the immature and females, olivaceous; dorsal fin with a black bar across it, this not very distinct in the young. Mature males vary from bluish to black in color; snout with tubercles. Dorsal rays I, 8. Anal 7. Scales 7-43 to 47-6. Length 24 inches. Common everywhere in both lakes and streams. Specimens have been recorded from almost every lake and stream in the state where collections have been made, and it is so common that specific notes on its distribu- tion are here omitted. It is often found with the next. Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque). Blunt-nosed Minnow. First ray of the dorsal fin distinct and spine-like in the adult male; intestine, teeth and snout same as in P. promelas. Lateral line complete. Body slightly elongate; head moderate, top de- pressed, mouth small. Fins small. Color olivaceous, sides bluish, a black spot on the front of the base of the dorsal fin; the base of the caudal dusky; the fins sometimes tinged with red. Adult male in the breeding season with very much more black and with tuber- cles on the black, round snout. Head 44. Dorsal rays I, 8. Anal 7. Scales 6-45-4. Teeth 4-4. Length 4 inches. Abundant in Min- nesota and often found with P. promelas. Specimens have been recorded from all parts of the state where collections have been made. Very common, especially in small brooks and pools. 30 PRELIMINARY REPORT Genus SEMOTILUS Rafinesque. Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill). Horned-dace. Creek Chub. Body rather stout; head large; mouth large and broad, oblique; generally a small barbel on the maxillary in mature specimens, not distinguishable in small specimens. Color dark above, sides with a black lateral band in the young, this disappearing with age; under parts yellowish, tinged with red in the spring males; dorsal fin small, with a black spot at its base in front, edged with red in the male in the breeding seasons; a dark bar behind the opercles; scales edged with dark dots; young with a small dark caudal spot; snout in the males covered with tubercles in the spring. Scales fine, 9-55-6, averaging 55 in the lateral line but varying from 50 to 60; 30 scales before the dorsal fin. Pharyngeal teeth 2, 5-4, 2. Head contained 3% times in the length. Eye 5 in the head. Dorsal fin inserted behind the ventrals, contains 7 rays. Anal 8. Length 10 inches. A very common minnow in Minnesota. It has been taken at every place where collections have been made. Genus LEUCISCUS Cuvier. Leuciseus nachtriebi Cox.* Body rather heavy, not greatly compressed; back slightly elevated, its curve a little greater than that of the belly; caudal peduncle rather stout, its depth 3 the length of the head. Head rather short, not any more compressed than the body, upper surface slightly flattened; snout quite blunt in mature specimens, its length 1 1-6 times the width of the eye; mouth not very large, but little oblique, lower jaw included, maxillary scarcely reaching to the front of the orbit of the eye; eye small, contained 4 times in the length of the head; pharyngeal teeth 2, 4-5.2. Dorsal fin with 8 rays, its first rays inserted nearer the base of the caudal than the tip of the snout, also slightly back of the ventrals; caudal fin forked; anal with 8 rays, econ smaller than the dorsal; ventrals small, not reaching the vent by 4 their length; pectoris inserted rather high, not reaching the vende by # their length. Scales small, 12-72 9, lateral line complete on iatnrs specimens, decurved, the pores extending on the head in several lines, one passing back *Since the following description of this new species was written it was found that there would be considerable delay in the publication of the present report, consequently the de- scription was printed in the report of the U.S, Fish Comm. for 1894, p. 605. (Dec. 14, 1896.) FISHES OF MINNESOTA 31 of the eye, another down to the nostril. General color dusky, dark- est on the back; the sides above the lateral line dull silvery, below the lateral line light silvery; a faint dark dorsal band in some speci- mens, in others absent; no black lateral band but some specimens have a very faint dusky shade along the lateral line; no light stripe above the lateral line; upper portion of the opercles with a dusky shade, lower part bright silvery; upper part of the head dark col- ored; a faint rose colored lateral band generally present in fresh specimens; all the above colors typical in the young as well as the adult. Head contained 44 (4 to 44) times in the length of the body. Depth 5 (44 to 53). Length 4 inches. L. nachtriebi differs from L. neogeus in having a_ well developed lateral line, a smaller eye, fewer scales, less oblique mouth, a shorter maxillary and in being a larger fish and differ- ently colored. It differs from L. elongatus, a species which might occur in the state, in having a smaller mouth, the lower jaw never projecting, head less pointed, a shorter maxillary, finer scales and the absence of the black lateral band. The accompanying tabu- lated measurements will give some idea of the variation of the species. At present this fish is known from but two localities, viz., Mille Lacs Lake, Atkin County, where several specimens were taken by the Nat. Hist. Surv. in 1892, and in Man Trap, Mud and Elbow Lakes in the region of Park Rapids, Hubbard County, where sev- eral specimens were taken by the Nat. Hist. Sury. in 1893. In all, about 40 specimens have been taken, several of which were tagged and examined by Mr. F. B. Sumner, then of the University, who was in charge of the survey party that took these fish and who, himself, thought that they were new, but did not describe them. The species is named for Prof. Henry F. Nachtrieb, State Zodlogist of Minnesota. 32 PRELIMINARY REPORT eo 5 3 LATERAL LINE, me) ca] oh'= Palle eal fe ee al ee | ele lzis| 3 a| of | Oo] © |dl¢q s S | &| 3 mo | lalz 2 RIGHT. LEFT. | | itasies 25. *4) 384 | 444) 5 | 8} 8) 12-75- 9} Complete. .| Complete. 5| 894 | 444) 47%) 8) 8) 1x-72- 9, Complete. -| Complete except about 6 scales. Bii3%2 444) 5) SI BiR=78—18) (Completers cerese ceoseesnces-neeesnucces Complete. t7| 88¢ | 444) 5 | 8} 8) 12-72- 9| Complete ex Complete except 3 or 4 scales. 8} 324 | 4%) 47%) 8) 8| 13-74- 9) Complete Complete. 9| 344 | 4%) 5 | 8) 8/11 74- 9 Complete except 3 or 4 scales| Complete except 3 or 4 scales. 10| 3 414) 5 | 8) 8/12-76-10| Complete ................00000 Complete. 11] 34 | 4441 5. | 8} 8) 12-72— 9) Complete ...............ccccsese0s Complete. 12| 4 4¥6| 5%] 8] 8| 12-79- 9] Complete ...........2...cccseesess Complete. TB) 375: | ye) 45) il Bi Bie 74— Oi Commplevercressrsuserscsvessreearouaees Complete. 14] 234 | 4 | 484) 8] 8) 12-72- 9} Complete .....01...cc.csseccceeeseeenseees Complete. 15) 24% | 4 4% 8] 19) 12-19 NComipletGin cssetemederctonenedeateees Complete. 16} 25-16) 414) 47] 8) 8) 12-71— 9] Complete .............-.ssccccessveeceeees Complete. 17) 2% | 4 | 4%} 8) 8) 12-72- 9} Complete except 3 or 4 scales} Complete except 3 or 4 scales. 18| 28-16) 414) 5 | 8| 8) 12-71- 9} Complete except 15 scales......| Complete except last few scales. 19} 24 5_ | 8) 8) 12-71- 8) Complete exc. last 3 or 4scales| Complete exc. last 3 or 4 scales. 20) 244 4 | 47} 8] 8] 12-74- 9| Nearly complete...........000. 000. Nearly complete. 21) 244 | 44) bi | 8) 8112-718} Complete te, 2.0 ccccdeccasscseeducse: Complete. 22| 214 444) 5 | 8} 8) 12-72— 8] Complete ............c.seccoose.coseoeces Complete except 30 scales. *Co-type in Leland Stanford, Jr., University Museum. tType 47688, United States National Museum. Eight specimens 14 inches in length from the same locality as numbers 14 to 22 are similar in color and other characters, but the lateral line is entirely absent. Some of the pores are developed on the head. Numbers 4 to 11, inclusive, are from Mille Lacs lake, Aitkin county, and numbers 12 to 22 are from Mud and Elbow lakes, Hubbard county. All specimens excepting those tagged 4 and 7 are in the museum of the University of Minnesota. Genus ABRAMIS Cuvier. Abramis crysoleucas (Mitchill). Golden Shiner. Bream. Body much compressed, rather long; lateral line much de- curved. Color greenish above; sides, belly and fins yellowish, sometimes with golden reflections. Head short, compressed; mouth small, oblique. Eye contained 3 to 4 times in the head. Head 4$. Depth 3. Dorsal 8. Anal 12 to 14, averaging 18. Scales 10-46 to 51-3. Teeth 5-5. . FISHES OF MINNESOTA 61 Common in the state. Numerous specimens have been taken in the lakes and streams of the Upper Mississippi (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893). Genus MICROPTERUS Lacépéde. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF MICROPTERUS. A. Maxillary bone in the adult not extending beyond the posterior marginofthe eye; mouthof medium size; scalesabout 11-74-17, 17 rows on the cheek. : : : G ; ; ; dolomieu. AA. Maxillary bone in the adult extending beyond the posterior mar- gin of the eye; mouth large; scales about 7-68-16, 10 rows on the cheek. ; : 5 : : ; : : ; salmoides,. Micropterus dolomieu Lacépéde. Small-mouthed Black Bass. River Bass. Color dark green with golden reflections; sides spotted with dark colors in the young, these spots forming vertical bars in some cases, no dark lateral bands; cheek and opercle with 3 bronze bands; lower parts light; caudal fin tipped with a light colored band, a dark band across the middle of this fin, light colored at the base; dorsal fin not edged with a pale band. Body considerably elongate, moderately compressed; mouth rather large, but not as large as the next, maxillary bone generally reaching the middle of the eye, but rarely extending beyond its posterior edge. Gill rakers X+6 or 7. Head contained 24 to 34 times in the length. Depth 34. Eye 14 to 2 in the snout, 5 to 64 in the head. Dorsal fin X, 13 to 15, deeply notched. Length 1 to 2 feet. A very valu- able fish. Common in the state, especially in the streams. Numerous specimens have beep taken from the Minnesota and Blue Earth rivers at Mankato (Cox, 1891-4); Little Minnesota River at Brown’s Valley; Big Stone Lake at Ortonville and Chippewa River at Mon- tevideo (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893, pp. 352 and 358). Micropterus salmoides (Lacépéde). Large-mouthed Black Bass. Oswego Bass. Green Bass. Bayou Bass. Dark greenish above, lower parts and sides somewhat silvery; young with a dark lateral band; checks and opercles with three dark stripes; caudal fin wth a pale edge; colors becoming darker with age. Body somewhat elongate, compressed, the adults deeper in proportion than the young. Head large; mouth very large, thes maxillary extending beyond the eye in adults, not so long in the 62 PRELIMINARY REPORT . young. Head contained 3 to 35 times in the length. Depth 3 to 34. Eye 13 to 2 in the snout, 5 to 6 in the head. Dorsal fin X, 12 to 13, deeply notched. Anal II, 10 or 11. Seales 7-65 to 70-18, about 10 rows on the cheek. Length 12 to 18 inches. This valuable food fish is very common in nearly all parts of the state, especially in the lakes; much more common than the preceding. Specific notes concerning its distribution are unneces- sary here, since it has been taken in nearly all the regions where the Nat. Hist. Surv. and others have made collections. Family PERCIDH. The Perches. Body elongate; generally covered with ctenoid scales, lateral line usually present, but not always; mouth variable; upper jaw protractile; no distinct supplemental maxillary bone. Teeth pres- ent on the jaws and usually also on the vomer and palatines; a spine generally present on the posterior edge of the opercle; bran- chiostegal rays 6 or 7. Gill membranes free from the isthmus; a slit behind the fourth gill; gill-rakers slender and toothed; pharyn- geal teeth sharp. Dorsal fins 2, 6 to 15 spines in the first; anal fin with 1 to 2 spines; ventral fins inserted far forward (thoracic) their rays I, 5. Airbladder small or even absent; a small number of pyloric ceca. This interesting family is known at present to be represented in our state by 9 genera and 16 species, 3 species being valuable food fishes, the remainder never reaching more than a few inches in length and not generally distinguished from the minnows by the ordinary fishermen. ie FISHES OF MINNESOTA 63 KEY TO THE GENERA OF PERCIDE. A. Branchiostegal rays 7; preopercle serrate; pseudobranchia (false gills on under side of the opercle) well developed; mouth large. B. Canine teeth (large conical teeth) present on the jaws and pal- atine bones. 5 : ; , : Z Stizostedion, 64 BB. No canine teeth SP : : > . Perea, 65 AA. Branchiostegal rays 6; preopercle very little if ait all serrate; pseudobranchia very little developed; all small fishes. B. Upper portion of the skull rather depressed, very little convex when seen in cross section. C. Space between the eyes wide, upper jaw not protractile; snout sharp and conical, projecting beyond the mouth. Percina, 65 CC. Space between the eyes not wide, snout not projecting much beyond the mouth. D. Body not semitransparent in life; not greatly elon- gate; well eovered with scales. E. Upper jaw not protractile, no groove separating the skin which covers the premaxillaries from the skin of the forehead; anal fin large; scales of the middle line of the belly often dropping off, leaving a naked space. : Hadropterus, 66 EE. Upper jaw protractile, a groove separating the skin which covers the premaxillaries from the skin of the forehead; anal spine one, this very small; anal fin shorter than the soft dorsal. Boleosoma, 67 DD. Body semitransparent in life; very long and slender; belly naked; upper jaw protractile; a row of black dots along the lateral line. ; ? Ammocrypta, 68 BB. Upper portion of the skull not depressed, convex in cross section; upper jaw not protractile. C. Lateral line developed, at least on the anterior portion of the body; dorsal spines 8 to 14. D. Lateral line straight; body rather heavy. Etheostoma, 69 DD. Lateral line slightly curved, running high ante- riorly; dorsal fins well separated; body slender. Boleichthys, 71 CC. Lateral line not at all developed; dorsal spines 6. Microperea, 72 64 PRELIMINARY REPORT Genus STIZOSTEDION Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF STIZOSTEDION. A. Rays of the soft dorsal fin about 20, its base + shorter than the spinous dorsal; pyloric ceca 3, each about equal to the length of the stomach; a black blotch on the last dorsal hea no black blotch on the base of the pectoral fins. 5 vitreum. AA. Rays of the soft dorsal fin about 17, its base } less than the spinous dorsal; pyloric czeca 4 to 7, shorter than the stomach and unequal in length; no black blotch on the last dorsal spines; _a black blotch at the base of the pectoral fins. : s canadense. Stoizostedion vitreum (Mitchill). Wall-eyed Pike. Pike Perch. Dory. Glass-eye. Yellow Pike. Blue Pike. Jack Salmon. White-eye. Color dark olive, mottled with brassy; a network of lines on the sides of the head; lower parts and lower fins sometimes pinkish; a large black spot on the last dorsal spines; soft dorsal mottled with dark colors; no black spot at the base of the pectoral fins. Body rather long and slender, heavy; 8 rather long pyloric ceca, as long as the stomach. Head contained 33 times in the length. Depth about 44. Eye 43 to 5 in the head, not as wide as the length of the snout. Dorsal fin XII to XVI, 19 to 21, its longest spine more than half the length of the head. Anal II, 12 to 14, its length greater than its height. Scales 10-110 to 182-25, very few on the cheeks and upper surface of the head. Length 18 inches to 3 feet. A very common and valuable food fish. Its definite range has not been determined, but it seems to be very widely distributed. Specimens have been recorded from all the lakes and streams of the Upper Mississippi, where collections have been made (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893-5); common in the lakes in the vicinity of Mankato, Okabena lakes at Worthington and Round Lake near the same place (Cox, 1894); common in Big Stone Lake (Woolman & Cox, 1892); Otter Tail River at Breckenridge, Red River of the North at Grand Forks (N. D.); Red Lake River at Grand Forks and Crooks- ton (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1893). Very little attention has been given by collectors in the state to these two species of fishes, but it seems that S. vitrewm is the one commonly taken. Stizostedion canadense griseum (De Kay). Sauger. Sand Pike. Color grayish with brassy reflections, the young more distinctly marked than the adult; 2 or 3 rows of circular black spots on the first dorsal fin, no black spot on the last spines; 3 irregular rows of dark spots on the soft dorsal; a large black spot at the base of | | 4 x 4 ‘ ¥ FISHES OF MINNESOTA 65 the pectoral fins. Body elongate, more cylindrie¢al than S. vitrewm; head depressed, pointed; opercular spines few and not very promi- nent. Head contained 3} times in the length. Depth 4$ to 6. Eye 5 in the head. Dorsal fin XI to XV-1, 17 to 19. Anal II, 11 or 12. Scales 9-100 to 125-127. Pyloric ceca 4 to 7, unequal and shorter than the stomach. Length 10 to 18 inches. The variety grisewm differs from the typical canadense, which it is supposed is found only farther east, in having fewer and less developed opercular spines and the head more naked. It seems that this species is much less abundant than SN. vitrewm. Specimens were described from Lake Pepin as Luciopterca pepi- nus Estes (Hallock’s Sportsman’s Gazette, 322, 1877); a few speci- mens have been taken in the Big Gull Lake and Mayo Creek, a tribu- tary of the same (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893). The representative of the genus Stizostedion needs some careful study and the Nat. Hist. Surv. will be glad to get any reliable in- formation on the subject. ‘ Genus PERCA (Artedi) Linnzeus. Perea flavescens (Mitchill). Yellow Perch. American Perch. Ringed Perch. Raccoon Perch. General color yellow; dark, sometimes quite black, on the back; six or eight dark cross bars on the sides; upper fins rather dark; lower fins orange, sometimes tinged with red. Body elongate, compressed; back elevated; mouth rather large; maxillary reach- ing nearly to the middle of the eye; snout a little longer than the width of the eye. Gill-rakers X+15. Head 34 in the length. Depth 34. Dorsal fin XIII to XVII, 18 to 15. Anal II, 7 or 8. Scales 7-74 to 88-17; cheeks covered with scales, opercles nearly naked. A spine on the posterior edge of the opercle, preopercle strongly serrated. Upper jaw protractile; jaws, vomer and palatines set with moderate teeth. Branchiostegal rays 7; pyloric ceca 3. Length 12 to 15 inches. , This well known fish is found in all the waters of the state and generally in abundance. So common is it that specific notes con- cerning its distribution are here omitted. Genus PERCINA Haldeman. Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Log Perch. Rock-fish. Hog Molly. Hog-fish. The zebra-like markings on the sides, which are black stripes on a yellowish background, at once distinguish this darter from all the others. Sides with about 15 dark stripes, these alternating 66 PRELIMINARY REPORT with shorter and fainter ones; caudal fin with a black spot at its base; fins barred with black. Body elongate, not much com- pressed; head depressed and pointed; mouth small and inferior; snout drawn out, but blunt on the end; premaxillaries not -pro tractile. Head contained 4 to 4? times in the length. Depth 5 to 64. Eye 15 times the length of the snout, contained 4 times in the head. Dorsal fin XIIT to XVII, 12to 17. Anal 11,9 to 12. Scales ctenoid, 9-90 to 95-15; present on the cheeks, opercles and back of the neck. Length 6 to 8 inches. A very common darter in the lakes and streams of the northern part of the state. A large series of specimens have been taken in the Upper Mis- sissippi and its tributaries (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893-5); Upper Mis- sissippi and tributaries and St. Louis River and tributaries (Wool- man & Cox, 1894). Percina caprodes zebra (Agassiz). Manitou Darter. This variety differs from the typical caprodes in having the back of the neck naked, the cross bars more indistinct and about 20 in number. There is a black caudal spot; dorsal and caudal fins mottled with black. Head contained 44 times in the length. Depth 7. Dorsal fin XV, 14.' Anal TJ; 10. The. lateral line contamms about 90 scales. The only record we have is its occurrence in Lake Superior, from which it was described as Pileoma zebra Agassiz (Lake Superior, 308, 1850), and some specimens in the University museum taken from the north shore of Lake Superior (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1878). This variety needs some study. Genus HADROPTERUS Agassiz. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF HADROPTERUS. A. Scales small, about 60 to 70 in the lateral line; cheeks with small scales, larger ones on the opercles; several large, black blotches on the sides. ; ; : : : : : aspro, 66 AA. Scales 50 to 60 in the lateral line; cheeks and opercles with some large scales... 3 : : : : : guntheri, 67 Hadropterus aspro (Cope & Jordan). Black-sided Darter. Sides with about seven dark spots whose edges join each other; general color yellowish ‘or greenish; upper parts mottled with black. Body elongate, not much compressed except posteriorly, head somewhat elongate; mouth moderate, lower jaw not project- ing, maxillary reaching just beyond the front of the eye. Head con- a FISHES OF MINNESOTA 67 tained 4 times in the length. Depth 5 to 6. Eye equal to the length of the snout, contained 4 times in the head.. Dorsal fin XIII to XV-11 to 13. Anal II, 8 to 10. Scales 9-65 to 80-17, cheeks with very small scales; lateral line also straight; breast naked; back of the neck sometimes naked; middle line of the belly with large scales, which soon drop off, leaving a naked space. Pyloric ceca 3. Length 3 to 4 inches. Very common in the Minnesota River at Mankato, where a num- ber of specimens have been taken (Cox, 1891-4); a few taken from the Little Minnesota River and Big Stone Lake at Brown’s Valley; Minnesota River at Ortonville, rare; Chippewa River at Monte- video, common; Red River of the North at Moorhead, rare; Otter Tail River at Breckenridge, not common (Woolman, 1892, Report U.S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 372). Hadropterus guntheri (Eigenmann & Eigenmann). General color yellowish; a series of large dark blotches along the sides similar to those of H. aspro; upper parts mottled with black; dark lines before and below the eye; a dark blotch on the anterior and posterior portions of the dorsal fins. Upper jaw not protractile; gill membranes little connected; middle line of the belly with enlarged scales; lateral line complete; well developed teeth on the palatine bones; preopercle not serrate; back of the neck and breast, except the median line naked; 3 series of large seales on the cheeks and opercles; opercle with a stiff spine. Head contained 3 4-5 to 4 times in the length. Depth 5} to 6. Dorsal fin X-13 or 14. Anal II, 9 to 11. Scales 5-56 to 57-9. The only specimens known in Minnesota were taken in the Red River of the North at Moorhead and Red Lake River at Crookston 979)) (Woolman, 1892, Report U. 8. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 575). Genus BOLEOSOMA De Kay. Boleosoma nigrum (Rafinesque). Johnny Darter. General color yellowish brown; upper parts marked with many irregular darker lines; sides with 7 or 8 W-shaped markings, these very characteristic of this darter; upper part of the head blaek in spring males, in others dotted with brown; a black line extending from the front of the eye toward the snout, a similar one sometimes extencing from the eye downward; fins barred with dark brown; sometimes the whole anterior portion of the body is black in spring males. Body elongate, somewhat cylindrical; head pointed, the snout a little decurved, lower jaw not projecting beyond the upper. 58 PRELIMINARY REPORT Fins large, the pectoral about the length of the head; spinous dor- sal about equal to the soft dorsal in height, the former a little the longer; anal fin small, its spines very small and weak. Head con- tained 5% to 44 times in the length. Depth 5 to 6. Eye 32 to 4 in the head, about equal to the snout. Dorsal fin IX, 12 to 14. Anal I, 7 to 9. Scales 5-44 to 55-9, none generally present on the cheeks and breast; opercles, and generally the back of the neck, covered with scales. Opercle with a strong spine. Pyloric ceca 3 to 6. Length 2 to 24 inches. This interesting little fish is everywhere common in the state. Specimens were described from Lake Superior as Boleosoma macu- latum Agassiz (Lake Superior, 305, 1850); it is reported very com- mon from the Lake of the Woods (Woolman & Cox, 1894); all the. streams and lakes of the Upper Mississippi (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-5-5); the Minnesota and Blue Earth rivers and tributaries near Mankato (Cox, 1891-5); Des Moines River and tributaries (Cox, 1894); Upper Minnesota River and tributaries and tributaries of the Red River of the North (Woolman, 1892, Report U. 8S. Fish Comm., 1893, p. 372). Genus AMMOCRYPTA Jordan. Ammocrypta pellucida clara (Jordan & Meek). Sand Darter. Semitransparent in life; light yellow after being placed in alco- hoi; sides with a row of dark dots; a row of dark spots along the back; scaies with minute black dots. Body very slender and some- what cylindrical; head rather large, mouth rather wide; snout sharp, extending beyond the mouth; upper jaw protractile; jaws and vomer with teeth. Head contained 4 to 4% times in the length. Depth 7 to 83. Dorsal fin X-10. Anal I, 8 to 10. Scales ctenoid, 6-67 to 73; no scales on the back of the neck and none on the sides anteriorly, except 5 or 6 rows along the lateral line; few scales on the cheeks. Pyloric ceca 4. Length 3 inches. The variety clara differs from the typical] pellucida only in having no scales on the back of the neck and none on the sides anteriorly, except the 5 or 6 rows along the lateral line. It is doubtful whether such a variety should be recognized. The only place in the state where this interesting little darter has been taken is in the Minnesota and Blue Earth rivers at Man- kato, where it is very common (Cox, 1891-5). FISHES OF MINNESOTA 69 Genus ETHEOSTOMA Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ETHEOSTOMA. A. Lateral line complete. B. Anal spines 2; cheeks and opercles scly; body slender; dorsal fin X-11; scales 50; no distinct dark spots along the series of scales. : ; zonale, €9 AA. Lateral line generally incomplete; ventral fins tee au eather, first dorsal and anal very small; anal spines 2; lower jaw not projecting; dorsal fins well separated. B. Shoulder without a distinct scale-like process. C. 4 to 7 rows of scales above the lateral line. D. Cheeks and opercles scaly; scales small, about 60 in the lateral line. . : : iowe, 70 DD. Cheeks not entirely scaly, nearly sdidede Goenales scaly, scales large, about 48 in the lateral line; males with red and blue cross bars. . coe ruleaat: 70 BB. Shoulder with a distinct black process or scale. C. Cheeks and opercles naked; lower jaw projecting; dorsal spines low, each projecting in a small fleshy knob in the male. : ; : : 2 flabellare, 71 Etheostoma zonale (Cope). Upper parts olivaceous, lower parts yellowish; six dark spots on the back, these connected by alternate spots with the broad, brown lateral band; eight narrow bluish bands, alternating with the brown, which extend down on the belly; all of the fins, except the dorsal, golden yellow, spotted with brown; middle of the spinous dorsal crimson; some round crimson spots at the base of the soft dorsal; top of the head, a line on the snout and one below the eye black; a black spot on the opercle and one at the base of the pectoral fins; females with the bright colors more indistinct. Body slender, compressed; head small and short; mouth small and somewhat inferior; snout short and decurved, rather blunt; teeth not well developed; dorsal fins well separated; second dorsal higher and shorter than the first, but larger than the anal. Head contained 4 to 5 times in the length. Depth 5 to 6. Dorsal X or XI-10 to 12. Anal II, 6 to 8. Scales 6-48 to 53-9, present on the cheeks, opercles and back of the neck; breast generally naked. Length 3 inches. Not common in the state. A few specimens have been taken from the Blue Earth River at Mankato (Cox, 1891-2). | 7 ; 70 PRELIMINARY REPORT Etheostoma iowze Jordan & Meek. Color in life bright green, much mottled with dark brown; green patches on the opercle; about 11 reddish spots on the sides; a series of dark cross bars present on the sides of some specimens. . Spinous dorsal with reddish, greenish and brown longitudinal bands; caudal and pectoral fins often with yellow and green spots; a black line below the eye extending to the lower jaw; general color varying considerably, some specimens being almost black, while others are quite light. Body elongate, not much compressed; snout rather pointed, decurved, its length generally a little less than the width of the eye; mouth small, horizontal, the lower jaw not projecting beyond the upper; maxillay bones reaching beyond the front of the eye. Teeth small; opercuiar spine well developed. Head contained 3 4-5 to 4 times in the length. Depth 4 to 53. Eye 4 to 5 in the head. Dorsal fin IX to X-10 or 11. Anal II, 6 to 8. Scales 5-55 to 63-11, present on the cheeks, opercles and back of the neck; breast and top of the head naked. Length 2 to 3 inches. Very common in the state. Numerous specimens have been taken from the Upper Minnesota River and tributaries (Woolman & Cox, 1892); Red Lake River at Crookston (Woolman, 1892, Report U.S. Fish Comm., 1893); Upper Mississippi and tributaries (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-5); West Okabena Lake at Worthington and Des Moines River at Windom (Cox, 1894). Etheostoma coeruleum Storer. Blue Darter. Rainbow Darter. Soldier Fish The males with many dark blotches on the back, these connected by dark lines or spots; sides with 12 bright blue, oblique bars; caudal fin orange, the first and last rays blue; soft dorsal orange, edged with blue, a blue line at its base; spinous dorsal orange, red at the base, blue at the tip; ventral fins deep blue; throat and breast orange. The females were very much duller in color and with very little blue or red. Body rather stout, compressed, back a little elevated; head large, compressed; mouth oblique, lower jaw not reaching beyond the upper, maxillary reaching the eye; a row of palatine teeth present. Head contained 3} times in the length. Depth 44. Eye 4 to 44 in the head, not as wide as the length of the snout. Dorsal fin IX to XII-12 to 14. Anal II, 7 or 8. Scales 5-40-10; cheeks, back of the neck and breast usually naked, opercles scaled. Length 23 inches. Not common in the state. The only specimens known were taken from the Blue Earth River and ponds near the Minnesota River at Mankato (Cox, 1891). FISHES OF MINNESOTA Ti Etheostoma flabellare’ lineolatum (Agassiz). Fan-tailed Darter. General color rather dark; body covered with a series of small dark spots which form a series of fine longitudinal lines and which are aggregated in some specimens so as to form several broad cross bars; a dark line usually present across the opercles and through the eyes; soft dorsal and caudal fins barred with fine dark lines, other fins plain. Body rather heavy, not greatly compressed; head pointed; mouth oblique; lower jaw projecting beyond the upper; body deep posteriorly, the anal fin broad and fan-like. The fins all low; the first dorsal in the male 4 of the height of the second and the spines each with a fleshy tip. Head contained 3 3-5 to 4 times in the length. Depth 4} to 54. Eye 4 to 44 in the head. Dorsal fin VIII-12 to 14. Anal II, 7 to 9. Scales 9-40 to 65-14; head naked; lateral line straight and not complete; a black scale on the shoul- ders. Length 24 inches. Not common in the state. But one specimen has been taken and that from the Des Moines River at Windom (Cox, 1894). Genus BOLEICHTHYS Girard. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF BOLEICHTHYS. A. Cheeks and opercles scaly. : . ’ : 4 ; fusiformis, 71 AA. Cheeks naked, opercles scaly. . ; , : : A : exilis, 72 Boleichthys fusiformis (Girard). Color olivaceous, upper parts dotted with darker colors, lower parts lighter; upper part of the head dark, sides with red dots; a dark line extending forward and one downward from the eye; 4 dark spots in a vertical row on the base of the caudal fin; dorsal and caudal dotted and barred with dark colors; spinous dorsal bright blue, a red band across it in the middle. Body elongate, compressed; head long and narrow; snout short and decurved, shorter than the eye; mouth large and terminal, lower jaw not ex- tending beyond the upper; upper jaw not protractile. Head con- tained 34 to 4 times in the length. Depth 3% to 6. Eye 4 in the head. Dorsal fin IX or X-9 to 12. Anal II,6to8. Scales 3-43 to 60-12 ctenoid; cheeks scaled; opercles, back of the neck and breast also usually scaled. Lateral line incomplete and located high up on the body. Opercular spine well developed. A variable fish. This species is but little known to the state. It is listed in the University museum as Boleicthys eos from Minneapolis, April 24, 1879, by T. S. Roberts. 6 72 PRELIMINARY REPORT Boleichthys exilis Girard. This species differs from B. fusiformis in having naked cheeks. Color yellowish brown, dotted with black; dorsal and caudal fins barred with black; a black spot on the top of the head; a black line extending from the eye to the lower jaw and one forward towards the snout. Body compressed. Head contained 33 times in the length. Depth 54 to 6. Dorsal fin IX or X-10 or 11. Anal II, 7 to 9. Length 1 to 2 inches. This species, which must be rare in the state, is listed from the Red River of the North in Jordan & Evermann’s Fishes of North and Middle America, I, 1103, the data having been taken from specimens in the Mus. of Comp. ZodL, N. Y. Other data are needed to estab- lish permanently the presence of both B. fusiformis and B. exilis. Genus MICROPERCA Putnam. Microperea punctulata Putnam. Least Darter. General color olivaceous, much shaded with dark brown, which color forms indistinct bars on the sides and many irregular mark- ings; soft dorsal and caudal fins barred; dark lines radiating from the eye; shoulder with a dark spot. Body short, compressed, the back elevated; head not very large, snout decurved; mouth ter- minal, oblique, jaws equal; maxillary extending to below the eye. Vertical fins short; anal spines well developed. Head contained 33 to 4 times in the length. Depth 43 to 5. Dorsal fin VI to VIII- 9 or 10. Anal JI, 6. Scales 34 to 39-9, no lateral line present; back of the neck, cheeks and breast naked; opercles with a few scales; scales ctenoid. Length 1 to 13 inches. This little darter is probably rather common in the streams and lakes of the Upper Mississippi, where a few specimens have been taken. Its very small size makes it difficult to collect. Specimens are now recorded from Pine Creek, Crow Wing County (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892); at Grand Rapids (Woolman & Cox, 1894). Family SERRANIDHE. The Sea Bass. Body compressed, oblong, covered with scales, these generally ctenoid. Mouth rather large; upper jaw protractile; maxillary bones broad. ‘Teeth sharp and present on the jaws, vomer, tongue and palatine bones. Gill rakers armed with teeth; a slit behind the fourth gill; pseudobranchia well developed; lower pharyngeal teeth pointed; gill membranes free from the isthmus; branchios- tegal rays 7; cheeks and opercles scaly; opercles with two flat FISHES OF MINNESOTA 73 spines; lateral line not extending on the caudal fin. Dorsal spines stiff; ventral fins thoracic; pectoral fins well developed; air-blad- der present; stomach with pyloric ceca; intestine short. But one genus and one species known in the state. Genus ROCCUS Mitchill. Roccus chrysops (Rafinesque). Striped Bass. White Bass. White Lake Bass General color silvery, yellowish on the under parts; sides with narrow, dusky, longitudinal lines. Body compressed, deep, back elevated; head rather conical; mouth medium sized, horizontal, jaws about equal in length; eye about equal to the snout; maxil- lary extending to the middle of the eye, no supplemental bone; a deep notch in the subopercular bone; preopercle serrate; head scaly. Gill rakers long and slender, X+14; longest dorsal spine contained 2 times in the head. Head contained 3} times in the length. Depth 34. Eye 5 in the head. Dorsal fin IX-I, 14. Anal III, 11 or 12. Scales 10-55 to 65-15. Base of the tongue as well as the jaws, vomer and palatines with teeth. Length 15 inches. So far as recorded this fish has been taken at but one place in the state and that is Big Stone Lake, where it is reported as com- mon. Several specimens were taken at this place in the summer of 1892 (Woolman & Cox). Family SCLENIDA. The Drums. Body compressed, much the shape of a bass, somewhat elongate. all parts well covered with ctenoid scales, the scales extending over the bases of the vertical fins; lateral line well developed, ex- tending on the caudal fin. Head large, covered with scales; teeth present on the jaws; no supplemental maxillary bone; upper jaw somewhat protractile; pseudobranchia well developed; a slit be- hind the fourth gill; gill rakers present; branchiostegal rays de- veloped; gill membranes free from the isthmus. Dorsal fin deeply notched, the soft part much longer than the spinous. Anal fin with 1 or 2 spines. Ear bones (otoliths) well developed; air bladder large; pyloric ceca few. Carniverous fishes which have the power of producing a peculiar grunting sound, supposed to be made by forcing air from the main portion of the air bladder into one of its smaller divisions. The family is represented in the state by but one genus and one species. 74 PRELIMINARY REPORT Genus APLODINOTUS Rafinesque. Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque. Sheep’s-head. Thunder Pumper. Drum. White Perch. Croaker. Silvery in color, some specimens almost white, while others are quite dark; upper parts darker than the lower. Body oblong, snout blunt, the back much elevated and compressed; mouth large, horizontal, the lower jaw not extending beyond the upper. Or- dinary teeth slender and closely crowded in velvety bands; pharyn- geal teeth well developed, blunt and closely set to each other (paved). Preopercle slightly serrate. Dorsal spines strong and high, covered with scales at the base; anal spines two, the second very strong. Head contained 34 times in length. Depth about 3. Dorsal [X-1, 30. Anal II, 7. Lateral line with 55 scales. Length 2 feet. A very interesting fish on account of its power to produce a grunting noise. Rather common in the state. A very large speci- men was taken from a pool in the Little Minnesota River at Brown’s Valley and a number were taken from Big Stone Lake near the same place (Woolman & Cox, 1892); numerous specimens from the Minnesota’ River have been seen in the markets at Mankato, and it is often caught in Lake Washington, near the same place, where its grunting is frequently noticed (Cox, 1891-5); two specimens have been taken from the Red Lake River at Crookston (Wocolman, 1892, Report U. 8S. Fish Comm., 1893). Family COTTIDA. The Sculpins. Body elongate, the head very large and much depressed; eyes placed high in the head, the space between them being narrow; the upper edge of the opercle with one or more spinous processes. Teeth present on the jaws and usually on the vomer and palatines; upper law protractile; maxillary without supplemental bone. Gill rakers short, tubercle-like or even absent. Body naked or covered with scales, prickles or bony plates, never entirely scaled. Lateral line present; pectoral fins large; ventral fins thoracic; pseudo- branchia present; generally 4 to 8 pyloric cca. This family is represented in the state by one genus and one species. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 75 Genus COTTUS (Artedi) Linnzeus. Cottus ictalops (Rafinesque). Miller's Thumb. Blob. Muffle-jaw. General color dark brown or grayish, lighter below, often barred or dotted. Body rather stout, tapering towards the tail; head large and much flattened above, wide through the opercular region; preopercle with a sharp, short spine, which is directed backwards and upwards; subopercle with a spine which is directed forwards. Skin smooth, except just back of the pectoral fins, where it is often covered with sharp prickles; lateral line present. First dorsal fin low and weak; pectorals very large, about equal to the head in length. Head contained 3} times in the length. Depth 4 to 6. Dorsal fin VI to VIII-16 or 17. Anal about 12. Ventrals each I, 4, Length 8 to 7 inches, usually small. A common fish in the northern part of the state. Numerous specimens have been taken in the Upper Mississippi and tribu- taries (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893-5); Upper Mississippi (Woolman & Cox, 1894). Family GADIDE. The Cod-fishes. Body long, rather slender; heavy anteriorly, compressed pos- teriorly. Scales small, or even wanting, cycloid; gill membranes free from the isthmus. Dorsal fin very long, extending almost the entire length of the back and in some species divided into two; no spines present in any of the fins; caudal fin rounded; ventral fins inserted far forward. Four gills, with a slit behind the fourth; no pseudobranchia present. Pyloric ceca numerous in some species; air bladder generally well developed. This well known family is represented by but one genus and one species in the state, it being the only species found in fresh water. Genus LOTA (Cuvier). Lota maculosa (Le Sueur). Burbot. Lawyer. Ling. General color dark olive, much mottled with blackish; lower parts yellowish; general color becoming more yellowish in the adult; young often with a red band on the dorsal fin, the outer edge of the fin dusky. Body long and heavy ante- riorly, compressed posteriorly; head rather small, depressed and broad, and a barbel on each of the anterior nostrils; mouth moder- ate, lower jaw not projecting; maxillary extending to the posterior edge of the eye; jaws set with weak teeth, which are very numerous 76 PRELIMINARY REPORT and arranged in bands; vomer with a crescent shaped band of teeth, palatines toothless. Scales very small and imbedded in the skin, extending on the vertical fins. Gill openings wide; gill mem- branes free from the isthmus. Dorsal fins two, the second longest. Kye very small. Head 4%. Depth 6. Dorsal 13-76. Anal 68. Ventrals each 7. Pyloric ceca 30. Length 2 feet. Rather common in the state, but not often found in large num- bers. Numerous specimens have been taken from the streams and lakes of the Upper Mississippi, Lake Vermillion (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1893-5); specimens are recorded from the Red River of the North at Moorhead and from the Red Lake River at Crookston (Woolman, 1892, Report U. S. Fish Comm., 1898). SUMMARY. In the preceding pages are listed and described twelve orders, twenty-five families, sixty genera, one hundred and four species, and six additional varieties. The following list shows the distribution of these species and varieties among the various families and or- ders. There are no definite data concerning two of the species (Ameiu- rus lacustris and Leptops olivaris), but they have, no doubt, been taken in the Mississippi and its tributaries. Where a variety form alone is represented and not the species, the variety is enumerated as a species, but when the typical species and the variety occur, the variety is enumerated as one of the six referred to above. CLASS MARSIPOBRANCHIL. ORDER HYPEROARTII. Family PETROMYZONIDE. The Lampreys. Genus Ichthyomyzon Girard. I. coneolor (Kirtland). I. castaneus Girard. CLASS PISCES. ORDER SELACHOSTOMTI. Family POLYODONTID. The Paddle-fishes. Genus Polyodon Lacépéde. P. spathula (Walbaum). ORDER CHONDROSTEI. Family ACIPENSERID_®. The Sturgeons. Genus Acipenser Linnzus. A. rubicundus Le Sueur. Genus Schaphirhynechus Heckel. S. platorynchus (Rafinesque). 78 PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER RHOMBOGANOIDEA. Family LEPISOSTEID. The Gar-fishes. Genus Lepisosteus Lacépéde. L. osseus (Linnzus). L. platostomus Rafinesque. ORDER CYCLOGANOIDEA. Family AMIIDZE. The Bow-fins. Genus Amia Linnezus. A. calva Linnzus. ORDER NEMATOGNATHI. Family SELURID®. The Cat-fishes. Genus Ictalurus Rafinesque. I. punctatus (Rafinesque). Genus Ameiurus Rafinesque. A. lacustris (Walbaum). A. natalis (Le Sueur). A. vulgaris (Thompson). A. nebulosus (Le Sueur). A. melas (Rafinesque). Genus Leptops Rafinesque. L. olivaris (Rafinesque). Genus Noturus Rafinesque. N. flavus Rafinesque. Genus Schilbeodes Bleeker. S. gyrinus (Mitchill). S. exilis (Nelson). ORDER PLECTOSPONDYLI. Family CATOSTOMID®. The Suckers. Genus Ictiobus Rafinesque. I. cyprinella (Cuvier & Valenciennes). I. bubalus (Rafinesque). Genus Carpiodes Rafinesque. C. carpio (Rafinesque). FISHES OF MINNESOTA C. difformis Cope. C. velifer (Rafinesque). Genus Cycleptus Rafinesque. Cc. elongatus (Le Sueur). Genus Catostomus Le Sueur. C. catostomus (Forster). C. commersonii (Lacépéde). C. nigricans Le Sueur. Genus Moxostoma Rafinesque. M. anisurum (Rafinesque). M. aureolum (Le Sueur). Family CYPRINIDZE. The Minnows. Genus Campostoma Agassiz. . C. anomalum (Rafinesque). Genus Chrosomus Rafinesque. C. erythrogaster Rafinesque. Genus Hybognathus Agassiz. H. nuchalis Agassiz. Genus Pimephales Rafinesque. P. promelas Rafinesque. P. notatus (Rafinesque). Genus Semotilus Rafinesque. S. atromaculatus (Mitchill) Genus Leuciscus Cuvier. L. nachtriebi Cox. Genus Abramis Cuvier. A. cerysoleuceas (Mitchill). Genus Notropis Rafinesque. N. anogenus Forbes. N. cayuga Meek. N. heterodon (Cope). N. blennius (Girard). N. hudsonius (De Witt Clinton). N. hudsonius selene (Jordan). N. whipplii (Girard). N. cornutus (Mitehill). 80 PRELIMINARY REPORT N. cornutus frontalis (Agassiz). N. jejunus (Forbes). N. atherinoides Rafinesque. N. dilectus (Girard). N. rubrifrons (Cope). N. umbratilis (Girard). Genus Rhinichthys Agassiz. R. cataractze (Cuvier & Valenciennes). R. atronasus (Mitchill). Rt. atronasus lunatus (Cope). Genus Hybopsis Agassiz. H. hyostomus (Gilbert). H. storerianus (Kirtland). H. kentuckiensis (Rafinesque). ORDER APODES. Family ANGUILLID®. The True Eels. Genus Anguilla Shaw. A. chrysypa Rafinesque. ORDER I[SOSPONDYLI. Family HIODONTID®. The Moon-eyes. Genus Hiodon Le Sueur. H. tergisus Le Sueur. Family DOROSOMID®. The Hickory Shad. Genus Dorosoma Rafinesque. D. cepedianum (Le Sueur). Family SALMONIDE. The Salmon. Genus Coregonus (Artedi) Linnzus. C. clupeiformis (Mitchill). Genus Argyrosomus Agassiz. A. artedi (Le Sueur). A. prognathus (H. M. Smith). A. nigripennis Gill. A. tullibee (Richardson). Genus Cristivomer Gill & Jordan. C. namaycush (Walbaum). C. namaycush siscowet (Agassiz). Genus Salvelinus (Nilsson) Richardson. S. fontinalis (Mitchill). FISHES OF MINNESOTA 81 ORDER HAPLOMI. Family UMBRID/&. The Mud Minnows. Genus Umbra (Kramer) Miller. U. limi (Kirtland). Family LUCIIDZE. The Pikes. Genus Lucius Rafinesque. L. lucius (Linnzus). L. masquinongy (Mitchill). Family PQZCILIID®. The Killifishes. Genus Fundulus Lacépéde. F. diaphanus (Le Sueur). ORDER HEMIBRANCHII. Family GASTEROSTEID 4. The Sticklebacks. Genus Eucalia Jordan. E. ineconstans (Kirtland). E. inconstans pygmzea (Agassiz). Genus Pygosteus Brevoort. P. pungitius (Linnzus). ORDER ACANTHOPTERIT. Family PERCOPSID€, The Sand Rollers. Genus Percopsis Agassiz. P. guttatus Agassiz. Family APHREDODERID_®. The Pirate Perches. Genus Aphredoderus Le Sueur. A. sayanus (Gilliams). Family ATHERINID®. The Silversides. Genus Labidesthes Cope. L. sicculus (Cope). Family CENTRARCHID®. The Sunfishes. Genus Pomoxis Rafinesque. P. annularis Rafinesque. P. sparoides (Lacépéde). 82 PRELIMINARY. REPORT Genus Ambloplites Rafinesque. A. rupestris (Rafinesque). Genus Apomotis Rafinesque. A. cyanellus (Rafinesque). A.ischyrus (Jordan & Nelson). Genus Lepomis Rafinesque. L. megalotis (Rafinesque). L. humilis (Girard). L. pallidus (Mitchill). Genus Eupomotis Gill & Jordan. E. euryorus (MacKay). E. gibbosus (Linnzus). Genus Micropterus Lacépéde. M. dolomieu Lacépéde. M. salmoides (Lacépéde). Family PERCIDA®. The Perches. Genus Stizostedion Rafinesque. S. vitreum (Mitchill). S. canadense griseum (De Kay). Genus Perea (Artedi) Linnzeus. P. flavescens (Mitchill). Genus Percina Haldeman. P. caprodes (Rafinesque). P. caprodes zebra (Agassiz). Genus Hadropterus Agassiz. H. aspro (Cope & Jordan). H. guntheri (Eigenmann & Eigenmann). Genus Boleosoma De Kay. B. nigrum (Rafinesque). Genus Ammocrypta Jordan. A. pellucida clara Jordan & Meek. Genus Etheostoma Rafinesque. E. zonale (Cope). K. iowe Jordan & Meek. E. coeruleum Storer. E. flabellare lineolatum (Agassiz). FISHES OF MINNESOTA Genus Boleichthys Girard. B. fusiformis (Girard). B. exilis Girard. Genus Microperea Putnam. M. punctulata Putnam. Family SERRANIDZE. The Sea Bass. Genus Roccus Mitchill. R. chrysops (Rafinesque). Family SCL-ENID_®. The Drums. Genus Aplodinotus Rafinesque. A. grunniens Rafinesque. Family COTTID®. The Sculpins. Genus Cottus (Artedi) Linnzus. C. ictalops (Rafinesque). Family GADID®. The Cod-fishes. Genus Lota Cuvier. L. maculosa (Le Sueur. ) 83 INDEX. 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