G3 A Soc ssOsoae= ae APRS 1929 ZOOLOGY OF THE INVERTEBRATA LOOLOGY OF THE INVERTEBRATA A TEXT-BOOK FOR STUDENTS BY ARIHUR HE. SHIPLEY, MA, FELLOW AND ASSISTANT TUTOR OF CHRIST'S COLLEGE AND DEMONSTRATOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LONDON ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK 1893 C— YRERETS (CLOJOOXS C609 ey, ’ CAN BAGIKEITL 6 PREFACE In this book I have tried to give such an account of the Invertebrata as might be useful to students in the upper forms of Schools and at the Universities, who are already acquainted with the elementary facts of Animal Biology. The volume is in no sense a work for advanced students, and hence no references to original sources have been given, and the names of the various investigators who have promoted our knowledge have been mentioned as sparingly as possible. In order to keep the book within reasonable limits, I have not described fully certain types which are dealt with in the admirable elementary text-books of Huxley and Martin, and Marshall and Hurst; but, with this reservation, I have en- deavoured to describe some one example of each of the larger groups, and then to give a short account of the most interesting modifications presented by other members of the group. The last few years have witnessed a great extension in our knowledge of the structure and relationship of the Inver- tebrata. The earth has been ransacked for new forms, and improvements in microscopes and in technique have facilitated a more minute and thorough examination of these forms in the laboratory. This increase in our knowledge has neces- sarily been accompanied by a rearrangement of material ; many intermediate forms have been discovered, and unexpected relationships have been revealed, and these have entailed a revised classification. vi ZOOLOGY These facts have led me to treat the subject largely from a morphological standpoint, touching but lightly on the Histology, Embryology, and Natural History of the forms described. More space has been, as a rule, devoted to those animals which are regarded as intermediate between the larger groups than to the more specialised members of the groups. Any system of classification is to some extent a matter of personal judgment. I do not suppose that adopted here has any finality, but I hope the tables given will be of use to the student as expressing the results of the most recent research. In preparing the volume I have been much helped by numerous friends, to whom my best thanks are due. Dr. D. Sharp, Dr. Hickson, Mr. Beddard, Mr. J. J. Lister, Mr. F. G. Sinclair, Mr. C. Warburton, and Mr. MacBride, have all given me the most generous assistance, and, above all, I am most deeply indebted to my friend Mr. 8. F. Harmer, who has in the most kind way read through the proof-sheets, and whose careful revision has saved me from many errors. To the Delegates of the Clarendon Press I owe thanks for permission to use Fig. 133, taken from Rolleston and Jackson’s Forms of Animal Life. Uerr Fischer of Cassel has kindly given me leave to use some reductions from the admir- able diagrams of Professor Leuckart; these occur in the groups Echinodermata and Arthropoda, and are acknowledged under each eut; similarly the firm of Wieweg and Son have been good enough to allow me to use four figures taken from Vogt and Yune’s Lehrbuch der Praktischen Vergleichenden Anatomie. I am also indebted to Messrs. Macmillan and Co. for their kindness in allowing me to use Figs. 37, 89, and 90, all of them taken from Professor Parker’s Hlementary Biology. ARTHUR E. SHIPLEY. Curist’s CoLLEGr, CAMBRIDGE, March 1893. CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . CHAPTER II PROTOZOA CHAPTER: Il MertAzoOA—PORIFERA CHAPTER IV CoELENTERATA CHAP BER Vi CoELOMATA CHAPTER, Wi PLATYHELMINTHES CHAP PERF Wil NEMERTEA CHAPTER Vill NEMATODA CHAPTER IX HIRUDINEA PAGE 36 115 131 viii ZOOLOGY CHAPTER xX CHAETOPODA CHAPTER XI GEPHYREA CHAPTER XII BRACHIOPODA CHAPTER XIII POLYZOA CHAPTER XIV Mo.uusca CHAPTER XV ECHINODERMATA CHAPTER XVI ARTHROPODA—-CRUSTACEA CHAPTER XVII PROTOTRACHEATA CHAPTER XVIII MYRIAPODA CHAPTER XIX INSECTA CHAPTER XX ARACHNIDA CHAPTER XxXI CHORDATA PAGE 138 W779 189 224 253 300 310 321 388 423 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION PROTOPLASM is the name given to that colloidal, jelly-like substance which forms the basis of all life on this globe. Every living organism consists of protoplasm and the products of protoplasm. Whilst life lasts it is continually renewed from food which passes into the organism, and which, by the action of the protoplasm already there, is built up into new protoplasm. At the same time other portions of the protoplasmic body of the organism are being broken down, and the products thus formed are either thrown out from the body as excreta, or remain in the body, either stored away as useless, or in most cases performing some useful function, such as that of protecting the organism by forming a cyst or shell or internal skeleton. The protoplasm of living beings is arranged in a series of units or elements, termed cel/s, and with very few exceptions each cell contains one or more specialised portions of proto- plasm which take up staining material more readily than the body of the cell, and which are termed nuclez. An organism may consist of but one cell with its nucleus or nuclei, but more commonly it is composed of an enormous number of cells, connected together, and each dominated by a single nucleus. In either case, whether the organism is unicellular or multicellular, the cell is capable of an extraordinary degree of differentiation, and may assume the most diverse forms. In the multicellular beings similar cells are massed together into aggregates which form the various tissues composing the body of the higher organisms. In unicellular forms the cells 1 2 ZOOLOGY composing the body sometimes remain in connection with one another, but they never form definite tissues, and the cells of such an aggregate are physiologically distinct and independent of one another, the whole forming a colony of unicellular beings. The organic world has developed in two diverging direc- tions, one corresponding to the animal the other to the vegetable kingdom, and though there is no difficulty in distinguishing the higher forms of these two kingdoms, it is often by no means an easy matter to determine whether some of the lower forms should be grouped with the plants or with the animals; hence any scheme of classification is largely dependent on individual opinion. There are a number of characters which if met with in an organism would justify us in claiming it as an animal, but in many cases one or more of these animal features are absent, and again other features may be present which, as a rule, are only found in plants, so that it becomes at once evident that the line between animals and plants, at any rate in their lowest forms, represents no scientific frontier, but is an arbitrary boundary which is apt to be shifted, now forward now backward, according to the opinion of the various investigators. The most important morphological difference between plants and animals is perhaps the presence of a cellulose coat which encloses, at any rate during some part of its life, the vegetable cell. Cellulose is a substance which has a definite chemical composition, and which, though practically universal in plants, is very rarely met with in animals. Another constituent found in all green plants, but rare in animals, is chlorophyll; the presence of this enables the plant in sunlight to take in carbon dioxide, which serves as part of its food; chlorophyll is, however, not found in all plants, the Fungi, an important section of the vegetable kingdom, being devoid of it. The physiological differences between plants and animals are more striking than the morphological. Plants can live upon much simpler compounds than animals; they can absorb their nitrogen in the form of nitrates or simple compounds of ammonia, and their carbon in the form of carbonic acid, or some othersoluble compound; thus they can live on liquid inorganic food INTRODUCTION 3 which may enter the organism at any point, and consequently plants require no mouth or digestive cavity, or organs for the pre- hension of food. Animals, on the other hand, require more com- plex compounds; their nitrogen, with scarcely an exception, must be supplied in the form of proteids, and their carbon in the form of starch, sugar, or fat. Some of these compounds are not soluble, and hence an animal must ingest its food in a more or less solid state; and to that end it is usually provided with a mouth and digestive tract, with organs for the prehension of food, and with locomotor organs so that it may find its food. Since the food of animals does not exist in nature except as the products of living beings, it is obvious that animals are ultimately depend- ent on the plant world for their means of subsistence. The broken-down products of the protoplasm are usually excreted by special organs set apart for this purpose in animals, but in plants the waste products are either diffused from the surface of the organism, or are stored away in the plant. There are no special excretory organs. In both plants and animals the most lowly organised beings consist of one cell, and the unicellular organisms are termed the Protophyta and Protozoa respectively. The Metaphyta and Metazoa, or the multicellular plants and animals, consist of a number of cells arranged in more or less definite tissues, but even these multicellular beings pass through a unicellular stage, that of the ovum, whose repeated divisions after fertilisation give rise to the cells composing the body of the animal or plant. The Protozoa are therefore the simplest and most primitive animals, and it is natural to place them at the bottom of the animal kingdom. Animal Kingdom SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM ( ( Proteomyxa . Protomyxa, Vampyrella. Myxomycetes . Chondrioderma, Fuligo. Tehes Nuda—A moeba, Pelomyxa. * | Testacea—Arcella, Difflugia. Labyrinthulidea GYMNOMYXA Perforata — Rotalia, Globi- gerina. * | Imperforata—Gromia, Orbi- tolites. Heliozoa.. . Actinophrys, Actinosphaerium. Radiolaria . . Acanthometra, Collozowm. Reticularia Lissoflagellata —Zuglena. PROTOZOA Flagellata . : { Ghosts as Codosiga, Proterospongia. Dinoflagellata Rhynchoflagellata — Noctiluca. CoRTICATA .< Ciliata Heterotricha—Stentor. Peritricha—Tvrichodina, Vor- ticella. * | Holotricha — Paramoecium, Opalina. i ; Hypotricha—Luplotes. Acinetaria . Acineta, Dendrocometes. [ Monocystidae hic Monocystis. | Sporozoa _ | Gregarinidea Polyeystidae Wee Clepsidrina. orifera. Coecidiidea— Coccidiwm. ACOELOMATA eset Platyhelminthes. Nemertea. Nematoda. Hirudinea. METAZOA Chaetopoda. Gephyrea. Concerts Brachiopoda. Polyzoa. Mollusca. Echinodermata. Arthropoda. \ Chordata. Note.—In the tables of classification those groups which are not described in the text are printed in italics. After the title of the minor sub-divisions of the group, the name of one or more typical genera belonging to that sub-division is added in italics. CHAPTER II PROTOZOA CHARACTERISTICS.— Unicellular, or uf composed of more than one cell, such elements not arranged in tissues. Food ingested by a special mouth or by any part of the cell substance. Reproduction never takes place by ova and spermatozoa. Some forms are colonial. Group A. GYMNOMYXA. The Protozoa have been divided into two groups, the Gymnomyxa, corresponding with the old group Rhizopoda ; and the Corticata, which comprise the Infusoria and Gregarin- idea. The former group includes all those forms which, like Amoeba, have, during the dominant phase of their life-history, no limiting membrane. Their protoplasm is consequently exposed, at any rate at one portion of their surface, and tends to run into processes or pseudopodia, which vary in appearance in the different species. Food may generally be ingested at any point of the naked protoplasm. Although the amoeboid condition is the one in which these organisms most frequently occur, they may pass through other phases, such as rounded spores enclosed in a membrane (chlamydospore), naked spores with a lash-shaped pseudopodium (flagellula), etc. Not infrequently two or more individuals fuse together, and this fusion may be the precursor of repro- duction. When the bodies of numerous amoebiform indi- viduals run together to form a large mass of protoplasm, the result is known as a Plasmodium. 6 ZOOLOGY The classification here adopted is taken from Lankester’s article on Protozoa. Ciass I. Proteomyxa. The simplest forms of Gymnomyxa are grouped together in the class Proteomyxa. As an example of this class the life- history of Protomyxa aurantiaca, a minute organism found in 1867 by Professor Haeckel, living on the coiled shells of the Molluse Spirula, in the Canary Isles, may be described. Many of these shells were found bearing on their white surface a minute globular mass of an orange-brown colour. Each globule or cyst consisted of a central mass of protoplasm, surrounded by a structureless membrane; in the older cysts the central protoplasm appeared to be segmented into a num- ber of parts, each of which, on the bursting of the membrane, escaped in the form of a flagellula or pear-shaped swarm-spore. These moved actively about by the lashing of their whip-like pseudopodium, and soon underwent a change in form; instead of one pseudopodium which acted as a flagellum, they devel- oped several, and then moved about like so many amoebae. After creeping about for some time, these amoeboid organisms fused together and formed a plasmodium, which in some cases attained such a size as to be visible to the naked eye. The plasmodium gave rise to many branching ragged pseudopodia, by whose aid it ingested great numbers of diatoms and other food particles. It was much vacuolated, although none of the vacuoles were contractile. After crawling over the Spirula shell for a time the plasmodium retracted its pseudopodia and became spherical; it then surrounded itself with a cell wall, and the contents of the cyst thus formed broke up into flagellulae in the way indicated above. No nucleus has yet been observed in any phase of the life-history of this organism. Other genera have been described which live parasitically upon Spirogyra (Vampyrella spirogyraec) or Diatoms (Archerina Boltoni, described by Lankester). In the latter chlorophyll corpuscles are present, and seem to dominate the cell body in a manner suggestive of a nucleus, which is otherwise absent. PROTOZOA 7 Cuass II. Myxomycetes. The Myxonycetes differ from the Proteomyxa in their spores being always coated (chlamydospores), and in the fact chat these are formed in definite cysts (Fig. 1, B), sometimes supported on columns, or in naked groups called sori. They Gale A. Plasmodium of Didymium leucopus (after Cienkowski). x 350. B. Spore cyst of Arcyria incarnata (after De. Bary). differ from all other Protozoa in being rarely aquatic; they usually live in the air, in damp places. Their plasmodia may attain a great size, several square inches in area, and form the largest masses of undifferentiated protoplasm to be met with. They live on organic particles; they are often of brilliant colour. The life-history of most of the Myxomycetes is a repeti- tion of that of Protomyxa: in some the flagellula phase is omitted, the chlamydospore giving rise directly to an amoeboid 8 ZOOLOGY organism, provided however witha nucleus. These amoebulae may multiply by fusion, but ultimately they run together and form the plasmodia (Fig. 1, A), which form the dominant and characteristic phase in the life-history of the Myxomycetes. Fia, 2. A, A portion of the plasmodium of Bad- E. Amoebulae formed by meta- hamia, x 3%, showing a pseudo- morphosis of flagellulae. podium (1) commencing to enclose F. Two amoebulae fusing to a piece of mushroom stem. After form F”’, Lister. G and G’. Stages in the formation of a B. Spore of Chondrioderma. three-celled plasmodium. C. Spore of Chondrioderma dehiscing. H. A small plasmodium. D. Flagellulae which have emerged from (B-H., after Cienkowski.) the spores, Chondrioderma difforme, the species illustrated in Fig. 2, has a small plasmodium, easily visible to the naked eye. This species occurs commonly on old bean-stalks. The plasmodia PROTOZOA 9 may be easily obtained by soaking some dried bean-stalks in water for twenty-four hours, and then keeping them in a moist chamber for ten days or so; at the end of this time plasmodia may be observed crawling over the stems, etc. The sulphur-coloured Fuligo (Aethalium) is a genus which is met with in considerable masses creeping over the tan in tan- yards ; others occur in rotten wood, decaying bean-stalks, and dung. The spore cysts may or may not be stalked, and the pro- toplasm enclosed within them does not all become spores, but the remnant forms a meshwork of fibres differing in details in the various genera. This network, termed a capillitiwm, serves to support the spores, and possibly helps in their escape when the surrounding wall gives way. The walls of the cysts may be strengthened by the deposition of calcium carbonate. The coating of the spores is of a cellulose nature: a substance usually associated with the vegetable kingdom, but not unknown among animals, especially amongst the Protozoa. At times the plasmodia contract and surround themselves by a cyst, and pass through a quiescent period. This condition is known as the sclerotiwm. Myxomycetes are capable of retaining their vitality for long periods of time in a dried-up condition; they resume their active life again when supplied with moisture. About 300 species of Myxomycetes have been described, chiefly by botanists, who regard these organisms as being allied to the Fungi. CLass III. Lobosa. The individuals of this group are those Protozoa in whose life-history the amoeboid phase predominates. The pseudo- podia are lobose, thick, blunt processes of protoplasm, which are never filamentous and never anastomose. One or more contractile vacuoles are found, and it is stated that urates have recently been demonstrated in connection with these vacuoles in some Amoebae. The amoeboid individuals may conjugate from time to time, but do not form plasmodia. They some- times encyst, and the cyst is a resting one (hypnocyst) and not a reproductive one (sporocyst). The usual form of repro- duction is fission, which may pass into gemmation. The dis- fe) ZOOLOGY tinction between the endoplasm and ectoplasm found in these and other Gymnomyxa is more apparent than real, and depends only on the presence or absence of food and other granules, the actual protoplasm of the organism being of one consistency. Some of the Lobosa have acquired the power of forming shells, and this affords a convenient character by which we can divide the class into two orders: (1) the Nuda, and (2) the Testacea. Order 1. Nuda—The most familiar example of the former order is the Amoeba, of which there are many species quite distinct from the amoeboid spores of the Myxomycetes, which are often taken for Amoebae. The various species differ one from another in the nature of their pseudopodia and in the character of their nuclei. In some species the former are little more than low eminences, standing out from the general surface, in others they are long finger-shaped processes which stream rapidly hither and thither. Some members of this order, as the Amoeba princeps and Pelomyxa, have numerous nuclei scattered through the body: in the first-mentioned form these arise by the gradual “fragmentation” of the original nucleus. Such a multinucleated condition is constant in some species. In some cases the soft protoplasmic body has been observed to contract away from, and to lie within, a very thin cuticular membrane, which maintains the outline that the Amoeba possessed the moment before contracting; this cuticle is not usually visible, except in Lithamoeba, when it exists it must be very attenuated and elastic. Pelomyxa is one of the largest of the Lobosa, the species P. palustris having a diameter of more than 2 mm. The external protoplasm is clear and produced into pseudopodia (Fig. 3). The inner mass is crowded with vacuoles, and contains in addi- tion to the numerous nuclei (5, Fig. 3) a number of refringent bodies of unknown function (6, Fig. 5),and many food particles. It has been observed to set free minute amoeboid spores, which probably grow into new Pelomyxas. Order 2. Testacea.—The shell which encloses the proto- plasmic body of these Lobosa may be soft and cuticular, and may then be strengthened by grains of sand adhering to it, or it may be hard. In either case the protoplasm can be extruded from an aperture in the shell. Arcella (Fig. 4) is a common PROTOZOA II genus found in the soft debris at the bottom of clean ponds and ditches, and on the surface of aquatic plants. The shell is chitinoid, and arched on the upper surface, flat on the lower, so Fic. 3.—Portion of a Pelomyzxa, highly magnified. 1. Clear external layer of protoplasm, ectoplasm. bo . Central protoplasm, crowded with granules, etc.—endoplasm. . Pseudopodia. . Refractive bodies. . Nuclei. a Oo — WwW . Cylindrical crystals scattered through the protoplasm. that it is somewhat dome-shaped or hemispherical in form. In the centre of the flat surface is a circular opening through Fie. 4.—Arcella vulgaris, Ehr. Shell. . Protoplasm within the shell. . Protoplasm without the shell—pseudo- podia. . Nucleus ; there is more than one. . Contractile vacuole. . Aperture of shell. . Space where the protoplasm has with- drawn from shell. . Gas vacuoles. oo bh) STD OE ioe) which the protoplasm protrudes in the form of blunt pseudopodia. The protoplasm within the shell encloses more than one nucleus, several contractile vacuoles, arranged round the circular I2 ZOOLOGY border, and numerous food vacuoles. In addition we find one or more contractile vacuoles which enclose no liquid, but a gas, possibly CO, This gas vacuole serves as a hydrostatic balance ; when it disappears the Arcella sinks. Two individuals are sometimes found lying with their flat surfaces applied to one another in the process of conjugating. This has been in some cases observed to precede reproduction, which takes place by the constriction of small portions of protoplasm, either from Fic. 5.—Arenaceous Moraminifera. a. Exterior of Saccammina. b. The same laid open. c. A portion of the test more highly magnified. d. Pilulina. e. Portion of test more highly magnified. the protruding pseudopodia or from the protoplasm enclosed in the shell. In the latter case the abstricted portions escape through the shell mouth and grow up into new Arcellae. Difflugia is a genus with a soft shell strengthened by the presence of sand particles and diatoms ; the various species have various shapes, some being flask or urn shaped, and one is slightly coiled. Ciass IV. Reticularia (Foraminifera). In these Protozoa, the pseudopodia are filiform, and anas- tomose into a fine reticulum, along the strands of which gran- PROTOZOA 13 ules may be seen streaming, evidence of the active movement of the protoplasm. They are never entirely naked, but are enclosed in a shell, which may be chitinous, calcareous, or com- posed of agglutinated sand grains (Fig. 5). There may be one or many nuclei, and a contractile vacuole has not been observed in most cases. Their method of reproduction is not very well known; it may take place by fission, or by the formation of buds. There are both marine and freshwater representatives, of this class. The enormous variety of forms under which the shells of the Reticularia present themselves, and their importance in building up large masses of chalk, limestone, ete., have always attracted the attention of naturalists. The class was formerly divided into two groups: the Perforata, those whose shell is pierced by numerous fine pores all over its surface, through which the filiform pseudopodia find exit ; and the Imperforata, Fic. 6.—Globigerina, as cap- tured in the tow-net near the surface. without the minute pores, but with one or more larger openings, for the exit of the protoplasm. This division is, however, tending to be obliterated. Many of the shells consist of one chamber only (monothalamia, Fig. 5), others, as they grow in size, accom- modate their increased bulk by the addition of more chambers (polythalamia, Fig. 7), and it is chiefly the marvellous variety of ways by which the new chambers are added which 14 ZOOLOGY produces the great divergency of forms. In some cases the protruding pseudopodia deposit a secondary shell, which obliterates the outline of the primary shell, and usually masks Fic. 7.—Globigerina bulloides, as seen in three positions. its form. The mud at the bottom of the Atlantic and other seas is composed to such an extent of the calcareous shells of Globigerina bulloides (Fig. 7), which, when the protozoan dies, sink to the bottom, that it 1s usually known as Globigerina ooze. Oy SERA) eee Fic. 8.—Globigerina ooze from 1900 fathoms. The living Globigerina (Fig. 6) floats at the surface of the sea, the protoplasm extending round the shell and forming a much vacuo- lated envelope to it. Some slight idea of the enormous number of these organisms which must have lived to build up the foram- iniferous rocks which extend from the Palaeozoic times onward may be formed from the fact that D’Orbigny estimated there were 160,000 shells in a gramme of sand from the West Indies, and Schultze gives 1,500,000 in 15 grammes of sand from PROTOZOA 15 the coast of Sicily. The nummulitic limestone of the Medi- terranean basin is composed of the calcareous shells of eo Fic. 9. 1. A piece of Nummulitic limestone from 2. Vertical section of Nummulites. the Pyrenees, showing Nummulites 38. Orbitoides. laid open by fractures through the median plane. Nummulites, 1 Foraminiferan, which sometimes acquired the diameter of a shilling. Other species, such as Fusulina and Fic. 10.—Rotalia with pseudopodia extended through the pores of the shell. Rotalia (Fig. 10), also took a large share in building up the imestones of the Old World. 16 ZOOLOGY Gromia is a form found in both fresh and salt water ; it has a membranous shell of the imperforate type, with an opening at “I Fic. 11.—Gromia oviformis, Duj. . The shell. . Protoplasm inside the shell. . Protoplasm outside the shell. . Numerous nuclei. . A Diatom surrounded by pseudopodia. . Pseudopodia anastomos- ing. . Ingested diatoms. one or both ends, from these the protoplasm passes out and forms a layer round the outside of the shell, from which the fine reticulating pseudopodia arise. The shell is thus completely imbedded in protoplasm, both inside and outside. In Lieber- PROTOZOA 17 kiihnia (Fig. 12), an allied form, the pseudopodia anastomose to a great extent and form a close reticulum. Fic. 12.—Lieberkiihnia, with reticulate pseudopodia, CLass V. Heliozoa. Mostly spherical in form, sometimes supported by a siliceous skeleton, and with radiating stiff pseudopodia. The protoplasm of the body is very. vacuolated, and contains one or more nuclei. Near the surface of the body one or more contractile vacuoles may be observed. With few exceptions, they inhabit fresh water. Actinophrys sol, the sun animaleule (Fig. 13), is one of the common microscopic objects found in still fresh water. It may be met with floating amongst the leaves of submerged plants, and presents a globular body which undergoes slight changes of outline, and is usually very vacuolated. The single nucleus occupies a central position, the contractile vacuole is on the surface, and food vacuoles containing portions of algae, infusoria, etc., may be seen throughout the body. The pseudopodia are stiff and hair-like, and are supported by an axial fibre; they can be withdrawn into the body. When they come in con- tact with a particle of food they bend slowly over it, and bring it near to the surface of the protoplasmic body, when it is swallowed with the surrounding drop of water, and thus a food 2 18 ZOOLOGY vacuole is formed. Encystment rarely takes place. Actinophrys and another genus, Lhaphidiophrys, have been observed to form Fic. 13.—Actinophrys sol, Ehrb. From Bronn. 1. Nucleus in centre of body. 4. A mass of food in a food vacuole. 2. Axis of pseudopodium extending into 5. Superficial vacuolated protoplasm. cell as far as nucleus. 6. Deep, finely granular protoplasm. 3. Contractile vacuole. colonies by incomplete fission. Reproduction commonly takes place by fission, but in some cases spores have been observed ; those of Actinosphaertum being provided with a siliceous shell. This last-named genus (Fig. 14) is much larger than Actino- phrys; it contains numerous nuclei, situated in the deeper protoplasm. The pseudopodia are supported by an axial ray. Rhaphidiophrys is usually found in colonies ; it has a skeleton of siliceous spicules, matted together round the body, each spicule lying tangentially to the surface. Acanthocystis has siliceous rays arranged radially ; they are of two kinds: short ones, which are forked at their outer end, and long stout ones. They are attached to the body by a small disk. Finally, leading on to the condition found in the Radiolaria, Clathrulina (Fig. 15), PROTOZOA 19 a stalked genus, has a spherical siliceous shell perforated by numerous openings. Fra. 14.—A portion of A ctino- sphaerium Kichhornii, Ehrb., highly magnified, seen in optical section. From Bronn. 1. Nuclei. 2. Ectoplasm. 3. Endoplasm. 4 . Pseudopodia with axis. 5. Food mass in food vacuole. Fic. 15.—Clathrulina elegans, Cienk. x 150-200. From Bronn. 1. Stalk. 2. Shell. 3. Pseudopodia protruding through apertures in shell. 20 ZOOLOGY Criass VI. Radiolaria. Organisms which are either spherical or with one principal axis whose body is divided into a central mass containing one or more nuclei and a peripheral portion, by the presence of a membrane known as the “central capsule.” This is perforated so that the intracapsular protoplasm is continuous with the extracapsular protoplasm. A well-developed skeleton, in most cases siliceous, is present. This consists either of loose siliceous spicules or of a continuous skeleton which may take the form of lattice-work spheres, arranged con- centrically, and united to one another by radial spicules, which project beyond the sur- face of the body. The skele- tons of Radiolarians occur in vast numbers on the floor of some seas, forming a layer of siliceous ooze (Fig. 16). The skeleton may be wholly outside the central capsule, or it may be partially within it. Numerous fine pseudo- podia radiate around — the Fic. 16.—Radiolarian ooze from 4475 body ; these unite to some fathomieini@antral Pacific: extent, nodes of protoplasm being found at the point of union. > > Hee ee Ss - Sd See) oo) aw 2:3 a 6 x Su on ra 3 Fale) TAT ve) S| os aes AS = an SCA Ss & al o ou =| Oy dD: wir 3) Bins ESE 3S .o e's MOO PRODI Oey aoa ye ee ie Sha --Seg ay SLSaE BLAS mpc aon seS 60 Sse 3 ; A Oo > -o- ao SO; isin S2 ghia g aes ons 3 sese2ien 50 Rom Pia oa a No S S&S a erage ees 8 of BRAD OS eo MOBS Owe AH Heo5eL Pe Ssn Od Sh) wes oo SPR eg RSARE tow 2 OF 9 OE Ss PEaRHoOoOr qq HaGdidonr dD. PLATYVYHELMINTHES 97 termed proglottides, which increase in size as they recede from the head. The body of a tapeworm may be divided into three regions: (i.) the head, (11.) the neck, and (iii.) the segmented trunk. The head of 7. saginata (Fig. 66) is spherical in shape, and bears on its sides four well-developed suckers. Other species, as 7. soliwm, in addition to the suckers, are provided with a double cirelet of chitinoid hooks, which assist the suckers to attach the worm to the inner surface of the alimentary canal (Fig. 66, C) of its host. The head is mobile, and can shift its point of attachment with ease. The neck is the region immediately succeeding the head ; its most anterior half is not segmented. The first trace of division into segments is the appearance of shallow grooves which separate the various proglottides one from another. As they grow backward the proglottides increase in size, and those situated a foot or more behind the head are sexually mature. The surface of the body is covered by a thin clear struc- tureless cuticle, the layer of cells beneath this, corresponding with the ectoderm of other animals, is composed of long-tailed cells, the tails running down into the parenchyma. The body of the tapeworm is practically solid, the coelom being repre- sented by poorly-developed splits in the parenchyma. The muscle fibres are arranged in longitudinal trans- verse and dorso-ventral bundles. The outermost layer, the longitudinal, is not a very definite layer, but consists of a number of unstriated fibres scattered through the parenchyma. The transverse muscles lie immediately within the longitudinal ; they serve to divide the parenchyma into a central and a cortical portion. The dorso-ventral fibres run from one sur- face to the other, and are very irregularly arranged. The muscle fibres are non-striated, and often branched at their ends. The animal has very considerable powers of extension and contraction. The parenchyma is composed of ill-defined connective tissue cells, amongst which are scattered, especially in the cortex, a number of ovoid calcareous corpuscles (Fig. 67), about whose function little is known. They have been vari- 7 98 ZOOLOGY ously regarded as excretory in nature, and as material for counteracting the acidity of the digestive fluids of their host. The excretory system consists of an annular ring in the head, from which four ducts corresponding in position with the suckers pass backward. Two of these soon disappear, and the other two pass down one on each side of the proglottides, just inside the longitudinal muscle layer (Fie. 67). These 10 get) (22 abies ii "W) ~ ui alhl \) my r" { y \ AVG TeR PANY i Lor) ito VAY! \ itl) NN |. Riis \ HV Ah inlA AG (liyave j(o aan ht oN YA fy soft. | Iyi! f at) Gi) i -O Fic. 67.—Transverse section through a mature proglottis of Taenia. 1. Cuticle. 6. Ovary. 2. Tailed cells of ectoderm. 7. Follicle of testes with sperm morulae. 3. Longitudinal muscle fibres cut across. 8. Longitudinal excretory canal. 4. Layer of circular muscles. 9. Longitudinal nerve cord. 5. Split in the parenchyma which lodges 10. Uterus. a calcareous corpuscle. 11. Oviduct. two lateral ducts coalesce at the posterior end of the last proglottis, and open there by a common vesicle. A transverse vessel at the posterior end of each proglottis serves to place the two longitudinal ducts in communication. The main ducts are provided with valves, which only permit the flow of fluid towards the external opening. Z 9 oa? ys Fra. 70.—Bothriocephalidae. A. A segment of Bothriocephalus latus, showing the generative organs from the ventral surface. Excretory vessels. Cirrus. Cirrus pouch. Vas deferens. Vaginal opening. Vagina. Shell gland. Oviduct. Ovary. COICO CTU ACO; ROE 10. Yolk glands. 11. Their duct. 12. Uterus. 13. Uterine opening. The testes are not visible from this side. x 23. From Sommer and Landois. B and C. Marginal and lateral view of B. cordatus, showing the cephalic grooves. x 5. From Leuckart. D. Ciliated larva of B. latus. x 60. From Leuckart. organs in Taenia are met with in Bothriocephalus latus, the largest Cestode which inhabits the human intestine; it may 104 ZOOLOGY attain a length of nearly ten yards. ‘The head is flattened, and bears two lateral slits; the genital pores are not on the side, but on one surface of each segment. The male orifice is distinct, and in front of the female, and the uterus has an aperture for the exit of the ova, behind the female orifice through which the spermatozoa are introduced. The asexual stage has been found in certain freshwater fish. This parasite is chiefly met with in Russia and Central Europe. Certain genera, as Amphilina, found in the body-cavity of the Sturgeon, and Amphiptyches in the stomach of the Chimaera, have flat bodies with one anterior sucker. Their embryos are ciliated, and their female reproductive organs closely resemble Fic. 71,—Tetrarhynchus. A. General view of the worm. x 4. B. Head, showing the suckers, proboscides, and excretory canals. x 25, C. Portion of a proboscis showing the two forms of hooks, highly magnified. All after Pintner. those of Trematodes. They are therefore looked upon as con- necting the latter class with the Cestoda. Ligula is another genus in which the segmentation into proglottides does not occur. Although, if the proglottides be not regarded as distinct individuals, there is no alternation of generations in Taenia saginata, i some other species this phenomenon is brought PLATVHEEMINTHES 105 about by the formation of many scolices from one proscolex. Thus, in Zaenia coenurus, the bladder-worm which gives rise to the “staggers” in sheep produces several heads, and thus several scolices are produced asexually, which in their turn, if they attain their right host, reproduce sexually. The Zaenia solium, which is common in man, has its bladder-worm, Cysticercus cellulosae, in the pig; it 1s, however, also found in man, and is the cause of considerable disturb- ance, often ending in the death of the host. Zaenia echinococeus, which is found in the sexual form in dogs, exists in the Cysti- cercus condition in man. The genus 7etrarhynchus is curiously modified, it appears to be flattened in a plane at right angles to that of other Cestoda. The head bears four long hooked proboscides, which can be protruded from two disks; each of the latter seems to be homologous with two of the suckers of Taenia. The Cestoda are divided into seven families : Family I. Amphilinidae—Amphilina, found in Sturgeon. 5. II. Caryophylaeidae—Caryophyllacus, found in intestine of Cyprinoid fishes, + III. Pseudophyllidae—Bothriocephalus, Liqula, Archigetes, found in fishes. 0 IV. Diphyllidae—Zchinobothriwm, found in Selachians. 3 V. Tetrarhynchidae—Tetrarhynchus. 55 VI. Tetraphyllidae—Anthobothrium, Calliobothrium, found in Sela- chians. » VII. Taeniidae—Zacnia. Cuass II]. TREMATODA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Platyhelminthes with a cylindrical or flat leaf-like body, devoid of segmentation. Their adhesive organs are tn the form of suckers. Hooks are rarely present. The excretory system ends internally in flame cells, and opens to the exterior by a contractile vesicle, or by two pores. They are parasite and hermaphrodite ; both reciprocal and self- fertilisation occur. The embryo may develop directly, or it may pass through a series of stages, in some of which asexual reproduction takes place. Fasciola (Distoma) hepatica, commonly known as_ the liver fluke, is found in the liver of diseased sheep. It is about # of an inch long, and has a flattened leaf-like shape. 106 ZOOLOGY A. Fasciola hepatica, from the ventral surface (x 2), the alimentary and nervous systems only shown on the left side of the figure, the excretory 1. Right main branch of the intestine. Bren /2. only on the right. A diverticulum. Lateral ganglion. Lateral nerve. Mouth. Pharynx. Ventral sucker. Cirrus sac. Left anterior dorsal excretory vessel. . Main vessel. . Left anterior ventral trunk. Excretory pore. B. Anterior portion, more highly magni- eR eee Sh LS) Ee fied, Cirrus sac. Ductus ejaculatorius. Female aperture. Ovary. Oviduct. Penis. Shell gland, Anterior testes. Uterus. Vasa deferentia. Vesicula seminalis. . Yolk gland. . Its duct (from Marshall and Hurst, after Sommer). C. Genital sinus and neighbouring parts. ie 2. Ventral sucker. Cirrus sac. PLATVHELMINTHES 107 The cuticle which covers its body is inflected at the mouth, and at the genital and excretory pores. The nature of the cuticle, like that of Cestodes, is a matter of dispute, some authorities looking upon it as a basement membrane, whilst others hold the view that it is a metamorphosed layer of cells. It is perforated by numerous fine pores, and is produced into many backwardly-directed spines. The intestine, which consists of two main branches giving off numerous secondary ones, is hned by a layer of amoeboid cells, and the digestion of the solid food, such as blood cor- puscles, is intracellular. The reproductive organs are similar to those met with in the Cestodes, with the addition of a channel known as the Laurer-Stieda canal, whose function, although the subject of much debate, still remains uncertain. The canal is given off from the common duct of the yolk gland, just before it enters the substance of the shell gland to unite with the oviduct. The canal opens dorsally upon the surface of the animal. Two views have been held as to its use: it is regarded by some as the duct through which the spermatozoa enter the female organs, and in Polystoma (Fig. 74, B) this has actually been observed ; on the other hand it has been urged that in some species, notably in Fasciola, it is too minute for this purpose, and the second view has been propounded, that it acts as a valve, and permits the escape of an excess of the secretion of the yolk glands, or of spermatozoa. The method of fertilisation in the liver fluke is not very definitely settled, probably self-impregnation takes place. The life-history of the Fasciola hepatica may be briefly summarised as follows. The sexual form lives in the liver and bile ducts of sheep and other domesticated animals. Its fertilised eggs develop to some extent in the uterus, and o 3. Genital pore. D. A ciliated internal end from the ex- 4. Evaginated cirrus sac (? penis). cretory apparatus. 5 ral aA . Is a nae 2 ee 1. Orifice of the flame cell (highly 6. Vasa deferentia. ae ; = same aie magnified). 7. Vesicula seminalis. 8. Ductus ejaculatorius. E. Egg of Fasciola hepatica, x 330 (from 9. Accessory gland (from Sommer). Thomas). 108 ZOOLOGY Fic. 73.—Five stages in the life-history of Lwsciola hepatica, all highly magnified. D. E. A. The free-swimming embryo. B. C. The young redia, the digestive tract The sporocyst containing young rediae. shaded. An adult redia, a daughter redia, two cercariae, and germs. The free cercaria. The figures have the same significance throughout. Nearly ripe cercariae. Cystogenous cells. Daughter rediae. Limbs of the digestive tract. Head papilla. Eye-spots. Same degenerating. Germinal cells. Cells of the anterior row. OO NI OUR we tO 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Ze 18. 19: 20. 21. 22. 9° “v0. Embryo in optical section, gastrula stage. Pharynx of redia. Digestive sac. Oesophagus. Lips of redia. Collar. Processes serving asrudimentary feet. Embryos. Trabeculae crossing body-cavity of redia, Birth opening. Morulae. Oral sucker. Ventral sucker. Pharynx. All from Marshall and Hurst, after Thomas. PLAT VHELMINTHES 109 are cast out from the body into the bile duct in such quanti- ties that it has been computed that each fluke produces half a million eggs. The further development of the embryo only takes place outside the body, and at a low temperature. If these condi- tions be present, at the end of two to three weeks the ege gives birth to a free-swimming ciliated embryo. This is a conical larva, provided with a double eye-spot, and rudiments of an excretory system in the form of ciliated funnels (Fig. 73, A). If this embryo is fortunate enough to be born in a pond or ditch, it swims about looking for a certain species of water snail, Limnaca truncatula. If it fails in its quest, it dies in eight or ten hours; on the other hand, if it succeeds, it immediately sets to work to bore into the soft tissues of the snail. This it effects by elongating its head papilla into a pointed structure, and revolving on its axis by means of its cilia. When once it has forced an entrance into the tissues of the snail, it loses its cilia and becomes a Sporocyst.. This is an oval sac of cells, whose wall is covered with a cuticle and contains circular and longitudinal muscle fibres, and is lined by an epithelium (Fie. 73, B). The Sporocyst may multiply by transverse division. Within its body certain germinal cells arise, and these ultimately form a Ledia, which bores through the walls of the Sporocyst, and makes its way to the liver of the snail (Fig. 73, C and D). The walls of the Sporocyst close up, and the process is repeated ; but if too many Rediae are produced they may cause the death of the Snail. The Redia is a cylindrical larva with a terminal mouth, which leads through a pharynx into a blind stomach lined with a single layer of cells. A little way behind the mouth the surface of the body is raised into a circular ring, and posteriorly there are two projections which assist the larva in its movements. The excretory system is well developed, and the cells lining the body-wall give rise to the germinal cells. These latter may produce fresh Rediae, but as a rule they give rise to Cercaviae: organisms which differ from their parent by the possession of a forked alimentary canal, two suckers, a tail, and certain cystogenous cells. The Cercariae escape from the Rediae through an opening just behind the collar; they are at first active, and make their way out of the body of the snail 110 ZOOLOGY into the water (Fig. 73, E). They then swim about for a time, and ultimately settle on some water-plant, or during a flood on the grass, and by means of the cystogenous cells envelop themselves in a cyst. If they are then swallowed by the grazing sheep, they make their way to the bile duct, and there develop into the sexual Fasciola hepatica. It is thus evident that in the life-history of this Trematode there is an alterna- tion of generations, during which there are several occurrences of asexual reproduction. LIFE-HISTORY OF FASCIOLA HEPATICA. Sexual Adult (Sheep). | Ciliated Embryo (Water and Snail). Sporocyst (Snail). Sporocyst (by division). Redia (Snail). = a | tedia (by gemmation). Cercaria (encysted on grass). Sexual Adult (Sheep). The disastrous effects which this internal parasite pro- duces on its host are evidenced by the fact that it is caleu- lated that one million sheep are annually lost in the United Kingdom from what the farmers call “liver rot” alone. The TreMAToDA are divided into the Monogenea and the Digenea. A. The Monogenea develop directly, without the intervention of asexual forms. They inhabit therefore one host only, and are with few exceptions ectoparasitre. Amongst the exceptions to the last statement, is the species Aspidogaster conchicola, which inhabits the pericardial cavity and the nephridia of the freshwater mussel (Anodon) (Fig. 74). A very curious Trematode inhabits the gills of the minnow. Its embryo is ciliated and free-swimming, and is termed a Diporpa; it, however, soon loses its cilia and settles down on the gills of its host. At first it lives singly, but after a time two individuals come in contact, and one seizes the dorsal papilla of the other by its ventral sucker; they then twist round so that the ventral sucker of the second is PEATYVHELMINTHES To able to attach itself to the dorsal papilla of the first, and in this condition there is an actual fusion of the tissues of the Dj) = MHavpose® C Fic. 74. A. Diplozoon paradozum, two united individuals. B. Polystoma intergerrimum. x about 100. After Zeller. C. Microcotyle mormyri. x 7. E. Two views of the chitinous framework of a sucker of Aine belones, highly magnified. After Lorenz. F. Aspidogaster conchicola. x about 25. After Aubert. G. Gyrodactylus elegans. x about 80. After Wagner. suckers and papillae. This double organism is known as the Diplozoon paradoxum (Fig. 74). Polystoma intergerrimum, another of the Monogenea, is common in the bladder of the frog (Fig. 74). It lays its eggs in the spring, and by protruding its body from the anus of the frog, manages to deposit them in the water. The young larvae 112 ZOOLOGY after a short free life attach themselves to the gills of a tad- pole. When the gills atrophy, the larvae proceed down the alimentary canal and eventually reach the bladder of the young frog. Here they take five or six years to reach maturity. This Trematode has at its hinder end a disc, round which are grouped numerous hooks and suckers. Gyrodactylus elegans has a similarly-situated triangular plate which bears two large hooks in the centre, and sixteen smaller ones round the edge, by means of which it attaches itself to the fins of sticklebacks and other freshwater fish (Fig. 74). Its most remarkable feature is that it is viviparous, and its embryos before they leave the body of their mother have already developed their embryos inside them; and the latter may contain their embryos, so that four generations may be included under the cuticle of the sexually mature animal. B. The Digenea have always one, and usually several asexual intermediate generations intercalated between the sexual, and their life-history usually involves residence in two distinct hosts. The asexual generations usually inhabit some Mollusc, more rarely they attack fish. The sexual forms are found in all classes of the Vertebrata. The genus Distoma includes more than three hundred species, eight of which infest the human race. One of the most dangerous human parasites is Bilharzia haematobia; it is remarkable amongst Trematodes for its sexes being separate. The mature worms are found in couples, the female partly enclosed in a gynaecophoric canal or groove on the under side of the thicker male. They inhabit the blood- vessels of the bladder and give rise to considerable disturbance in the system. Their eggs escape with the urine, but their future fate is not known. Leucochloridium paradoxum is parasitic in the body of a snail, Suceinea putris; it develops two sacs which grow into the tentacles of its host, which may ultimately be ruptured by the increase of these structures. Both the Cesropa and the TREMATODA have been consider- ably modified by leading an endoparasitic life. They have lost their locomotor organs, and are dependent on cilia or on PLATYHELMINTHES 113 the boring hooks of their larvae for a change of host; as some compensation they are amply endowed with organs of adhesion in the form of either hooks or suckers. They have further Fie. 75.—a, Bilharzia haematobia, the thin female in the gynoecophoric canal of the stouter male, x 15 (after Leuckart). 6, Distoma macrostomum, showing the digestive, and the greater part of the genital apparatus, with the cirrus pro- truded, x 30. c, Snail (Succinea), the tentacles deformed by Leucochloridium, nat. size. d, Leucochloridium removed from the tentacle, nat. size (after Zeller). e, Bucephalus polymorphus, highly magnified (after Ziegler). .f, Portion of a sporocyst containing Bucephali in process of developement, x about 50 (after Lacaze Duthiers). acquired the power of producing an enormous number of eggs, a necessary provision when the remoteness of their chance of hitting on the right host is taken into account; this power of propagation is further increased in many cases by the asexual 8 114 ZOOLOGY budding of the embryos. In the Cestopa, the group in which parasitism has left the deepest mark, the whole alimentary system has disappeared leaving no trace, and the food is absorbed through the skin. In both groups the sense organs, for which they can have but little use, are very poorly or not at all developed. There can be little doubt that the Cestopa and TREMA- TODA are connected, or that the former have become more modified and departed farther from their common ancestor, than the latter. Lang’s researches lead him to look for the ancestors of the TREMATODA amongst the TURBELLARIA, and especially amongst the Triclades, which group contains some species not easily distinguished from the ectoparasitic Trema- todes, but for their ciliation. CHAPTER VII NEMERTEA Palaeonemertea—Carinella, Polia. NEMERTEA~ Schizonemertea—Lineus, Cerebratulus. Hoplonemertea— Tetrastemma, Geonemertes, Malacobdella, CHARACTERISTICS. — This class is characterised by a ciliated ectoderm, which at the anterior end of the body is sunk in, and forms a pair of ciliated grooves or pits. There is a protrusible introvert, which may be armed with hooks and spines, opening above the mouth. A nerve comnvissure sur- rounds it. The nervous system consists of two cerebral ganglia, gwing off two lateral nerves which extend through- out the body, and may unite above the anus. The alimentary canal is not branched, but may bear lateral caeca ; it ter- minates in an anus. The generative organs are simple and paired ; the sexes are usually distinct. With few excep- tions, the Nemertea are marine. The Nemertines are mostly found amongst seaweed and coral rock, and they are frequently of the most brilliant colour. Pelagonemertes is, however, pelagic, and like most pelagic organisms is transparent, and JMJalacobdella is parasitic, living in certain Lamellibranchs. A few inhabit fresh water, such as Tetrastemma aquarum dulcium from North America, and an unknown species of the same genus recently found in England. Two species of TZetrastemma and two species of Geonemertes are terrestrial. Probably the members of no class vary so much in size as do the Nemertines; many of them are quite small, whilst others attain the length of many feet, and Professor M‘Intosh records finding a Lineus marinus which measured thirty yards, and even then was only half uncoiled. They possess extreme 116 ZOOLOGY powers of contractility, but are very easily broken into frag- ments. Tetrastemma flavida, which may serve as a type of the class, is a pinkish Nemertine an inch or more in length, which is found under stones or in fissures of the rock when the tide is down. It occurs in all European waters from Scotland to the Red Sea; it is extremely delicate, and the slightest touch may serve to break it. The ectoderm of this animal is columnar and ciliated. Beneath the ectoderm, and separated from it by a basement membrane, is the thin layer of circular muscles, and this layer in its turn surrounds a thickish layer of longitudinal muscles Fig. 76.—Diagrammatic section to show disposition of parts in a Hoplonemertean (such as Tetra- stemma). After Hubrecht. Cellular portion of integument. Basement membrane. Circular muscular layer. Longitudinal muscular layer. Lateral nerve. Cavity of proboscis sheath, Proboscis. Intestine. Lateral blood-vessels. Dorsal blood-vessel. Connective tissue. SS) SE) ESTED SES oS) I a (Fig. 76). From the latter, fibres arise and pass in various directions through the body, certain of these are especially conspicuous, running in a dorso-ventral direction between the diverticula of the alimentary canal, and these give the body the appearance of being segmented, but the bundles of muscles are not very regular, nor are they always opposite each other. A layer of diagonal muscle-fibres usually occurs within the longitudinal. The integument of Nemertines encloses a more or less solid mass of parenchyma, in which the various organs of the body are embedded. In this there are two kinds of spaces. Firstly, there is the space into which the proboscis is with- drawn, and the blood-vessels. These contain a fluid in which corpuscles float, and they represent that kind of coelom known as an archicoel. And then there are the spaces in which the NEMERTEA 117 generative cells arise, and certain spaces found in one or two species between the diverticula of the alimentary canal. The morphological value of these spaces is still under discussion. They do not contain a corpusculated fluid. The mouth is situated on the ventral side, and is sur- Fic. 77.—Diagram of the organs of a Nemertine. I. from below. II. from above. After Hubrecht. 1. Mouth. 6. Brain lobes. 2. Intestinal diverticula. 7. Longitudinal nerves. 3. Anus. 8. Proboscis. 4. Ovaries. 9, Proboscis sheath, 5. Nephridia. 10. Proboscis pore. rounded by swollen lips, it leads into a muscular oesophagus which soon opens into a spacious stomach. The stomach has a wide lumen, and it occupies a large part of the animal; it 118 ZOOLOGY is produced into a certain number of lateral diverticula, but these do not seem to be very definite in number or size (Fig. 77). The stomach is lined by a layer of cells which are capable of assuming very different outlines at different times; they often break away from the wall and are seen floating in the lumen of the digestive canal. There is no special muscular coat, but some of the muscle-fibres running through the parenchyma are attached to the walls of the stomach. In most Nemertines the alimentary canal is ciliated. The anus is terminal. Fic. 78.—Introvert of a Hoplonemertine, ; with stylet, ‘‘reserve” sacs, and The most characteristic muscular bulb, After Hubrecht. organ in the Nemertines is the A. Retracted, Cet ; ‘ : : Bo Werte introvert or proboscis, which consists of the hollow eversible anterior end of the animal. In its retracted condition this is invaginated into a cavity, the lumen of the proboscis sheath, just as the finger of a glove may be inverted into the glove. The cavity of the proboscis sheath is a closed one, and full of a corpusculated fluid; the walls of this cavity, ae. the pro- boscis sheath, are extremely muscular, when they contract the pressure of the fluid drives the introvert forward and it is everted. In many Nemertines the proboscis sheath extends the whole length of the animal, and only ends just above the anus. The method of the eversion of this proboscis is interest- ing; when it begins to protrude, it is the walls of the organ which first grow forward, and the extreme end of the proboscis —often armed with a spine—is the last part to appear, and is therefore only to be seen when the proboscis is fully ex- tended. It is retracted by a special muscle inserted into the tip of the proboscis behind the spine, and arising from the base of the proboscis sheath; when this contracts, the first portion to disappear is the tip. The aperture through which the proboscis appears is either terminal or ventral, but almost NEMERTEA 119 invariably in front of the mouth; more rarely it opens with it (Malacobdella). Tetrastemma has a well-developed spine at the end of its proboscis, and on each side a couple of small secondary ones. Certain glandular structures open by a duct near the base of the spine, and possibly secrete a poison. In those Nemertines in which the introvert is constantly in use, the walls of the proboscis sheath are extremely muscular; and this defensive organ can be shot out with the greatest velocity, and at times with such force as to break off. When this is the case, it retains its vitality for some time, and crawls about independ- ently. This may be accounted for by the enormous develope- ment of nervous tissue found in its walls. The animal is capable of reproducing its lost introvert. A closed system of blood-vessels lined with an epithelium is present (Figs. 76 and 80). It comprises a median dorsal vessel 5 Fia. 79,—Anterior portion of the body of a Nemertine. After Hubrecht. = Bram. . Lateral nerves. . Proboscis sheath, . Proboscis. ore wd . External aperture through which the intro- vert is everted. The mouth and oesophagus are indicated by dotted lines. which runs along the body just below the proboscis sheath, at the posterior end this divides into two branches above the anus, and the branches run forward as two lateral trunks situated in the longitudinal muscle layer. At the anterior end the three trunks again unite, and from their point of union give off a loop which in many species encircles the proboscis sheath. The dorsal and lateral trunks in most forms communicate by transverse vessels which le between the diverticula of the alimentary canal. The blood is colourless in Tetrastemma, but in some other species it contains haemoglobin. 120 ZOOLOGY It is stated to flow forwards in the lateral, and backwards in the dorsal vessel. The nephridia of Nemertines are paired and situated anteriorly (Fig. 77). Their ducts open to the exterior by one or more openings on each side of the body, and they always lie above the nerve trunk. These ducts are lined by a single layer of ciliated epithelial cells, and are sometimes much branched ; their inner ends vary a good deal in different genera, and there is considerable discrepancy in the accounts of different observers. In the freshwater TZetrastemma the ends of the branched ducts are said to terminate in flame cells, and Fic. 80.— Diagrammatic sections to show disposition of internal organs in (I.) Carinella, a Palaeonemertine, and (II.) a Schizonemertine. 1. Cellular portion of integument. 2. Basement membrane. 3. Circular muscular layer. 4, Longitudinal muscular layer. 5. Second circular muscular layer in I. 6 . Second longitudinal muscular layer in IT. 7. Nervous layer. 8. Lateral nerves. 9. Cavity of proboscis sheath. 10, Proboscis or introvert. 11. Intestine. 12. Lateral blood-vessels. 13. Dorsal blood-vessel. 14. Connective tissue. the whole system is compared to that of Turbellarians. The system is embedded in the parenchyma. In Carinella a portion of the wall of the lateral blood-vessel is modified to form the internal end of the nephridium. This forms a spongy gland which is continuous with the duct, the latter is also stated to open at two points into the blood-vessel. The central nervous system consists of two pairs of ganglia in the head united by two commissures. One of these, the NEMERTEA 121 smaller, lies dorsal to the proboscis sheath, the other between the proboscis sheath and the oesophagus. It will thus be seen that the proboscis is surrounded by a nerve ring, a re- lationship to the nervous system which is usually confined to the alimentary canal of Invertebrates. The dorsal and ventral ganglion are separated by a deep eroove. The dorsal half gives off nerves to the eyes and fore part of the head. The ventral half is continuous with the main lateral nerve trunks. These two trunks run back on each side of the body, embedded in the layer of longitudinal muscle fibres. In Schizonemertea there is a third lobe borne on the dorsal aspect of the brain; and in Hoplonemertea this lobe may be distinct and connected with the brain only by a nerve. In some species it is hollow, and its walls ciliated. In the last-named subdivision the longitudinal nerves give off numerous segmentally-arranged nerves, but in the Palaeo- and Schizo-nemertines these are replaced by a delicate plexus which lies between the external longitudinal and the circular muscles (Fig. 80). The main trunks may unite above the anus in the Hoplonemertines, as in Peripatus and Chaeto- derma. A median nerve runs back from the supra-proboscidian commissure and supplies the proboscis sheath and proboscis. The sense organs in Tetrastemma consist of four eyes which seem to be little more than pigment spots devoid of lens or other accessories. A ciliated groove exists on each side of the head; each of these leads into an oval sac which comes into close relationship with the cerebral ganglia. These are the lateral organs, and their nature is the cause of much discussion. They appear to arise in the Schizo- and Hoplo-nemertines partly from the epiblast of the skin and partly from the oesophagus. In the Schizo-nemertines, where the nervous system is coloured red with haemoglobin, they have been regarded as_ respiratory organs; but this does not explain their use in the other two subdivisions, and they have been variously regarded as sense pits and as excretory organs. The arrangement of their ex- ternal ciliated openings affords a useful basis for classification. Tetrastemma, like most members of the class NEMERTEA, 1S dioecious. The ovaries and testes are arranged along each 122 ZOOLOGY side of the body, alternating with the diverticula of the ali- mentary canal (Fig. 77). They consist of sacs which arise in the dorso-ventral muscles (dissepiments), and are at first closed. The ova and mother-cells of the spermatozoa are prob- ably derived from the cells lining the walls of these sacs. When the reproductive cells are ripe, each sac opens to the exterior by a dorsally-placed pore. The eggs are often de- posited in mucous tubes secreted by the skin. Geonemertes palaensis, Tetrastemma hermaphroditica, and T. Kefersteinit, are hermaphrodite ; and Prosorhochmus Claparedit and Monopora vivipara bring forth their young alive. Among the ciliated ectodermal cells of many Nemertines, a number of unicellular glands occur; their secretion forms a copious mucus, which usually takes the form of a tube, in which the animal lives for a time, and which may be strengthened by grains of sand, ete. The opening of the mouth is beneath or behind the cerebral ganglia, and in Akrostoma, Malacobdella, and some others, the proboscis opens into the dorsal side of the mouth. The proboscis may be armed with rhabdites, and some observers have described nematocysts in Cerebratulus, etc.; these obser- vations, however, have not been confirmed. The morpho- logical nature of the proboscis and its sheath affords matter for much divergence of opinion. It is usually regarded as a developement of the anterior protrusible and retractile part of the body which occurs in the Turbellarian Proboscidea, Hubrecht, who has advocated a relationship between the NEMERTINES and the CHorDATA, regards the hypophysis cerebri of the latter as representing the proboscis, whilst the notochord represents its sheath. The latest writer on the subject, Biirger, lays stress upon the fact that the opening of the pro- boscis is never quite terminal, and on the relationship it holds to the mouth. He is inclined to regard the organ as a great developement of the Turbellarian pharynx, which has ceased to open into the alimentary canal, and has acquired a hollow sheath into which it can be withdrawn. In the Palaeo- and Schizo-nemertines the blood-vessels break up into a series of lacunar cavities in the head. In Drepanophorus the corpuscles are red with haemoglobin. NEMERTEA 123 In Langia the lateral cords approach each other dorsally : an arrangement which, according to Hubrecht, might result in the formation of a dorsal cord such as is found in the Chordata. The group as a whole is carnivorous, the larger species feeding on the tubicolous Chaetopods. They have the power of breaking up into pieces when irritated, and it is said the Schizonemertines can reproduce a head in connection with the various fragments. The NEMERTEA are classified as follows : (i.) Palaeonemertea.—WNo deep lateral slit on the side of the head. No stylet in the proboscis. Mouth behind the level of the cerebral ganglia. Carinella, Polia. (ii.) Schizonemertea.— A deep longitudinal slit on the side of the head, which leads to a ciliated duct which passes down to the cerebral ganglion, Lateral nerve trunks between the longitudinal and inner circular muscle layer. Haemoglobin in the nervous system. Mouth behind the level of cerebral ganglia. Lineus, Cerebratulus, Langia. (iii.) Hoplonemertea.—One or more stylets in the proboscis. Mouth generally in front of cerebral ganglia. Lateral nerves internal to the muscular layers. No deep longi- tudinal slits on the side of the head. Akrostoma, Drepanophorus, Tetrastemma, Geonemertes, Malacob- della. The older classifications divided the group into two sub- divisions : the Anopla and the Enopla. The former corresponded with the Palaeo- and Schizo-nemertines, the latter with the Hoplonemertines. CHAPTER VIII NEMATODA CHARACTERISTICS.— Animals with an elongated unsegmented body, tapering at each end. A well-developed cuticle is secreted by the epudermis. A digestive system is present, und the excretory system takes the form of lateral ducts which open antervorly by a median ventral pore. As a rule, they are dioecious, and many are endoparasitic ; among the parasitic forms an alternation of hermaphrodite and bisexwal generations may occur. A ciliated epithelium is universally absent. The Nematoda are colloquially known as thread-worms. The order contains a great number of species, many of them parasitic ; in fact, there are said to be as many species of para- sitic Nematodes as all the other endoparasites together. About twenty different species attack man, and they occur in almost every organ of the body, often inducing sufficient trouble to cause death. The free species are usually small, often microscopic. The parasitic forms are as a rule larger, the Guinea worm, Milaria medinensis, which lives in the subcutaneous tissues of men and horses in the tropics, attains a length of 6 feet, and the female Hustrongylus gigas, which lives in the kidneys of mammals, may be 3 feet or more long. Ascaris lumbricoides inhabits the human intestine and stomach, and is not uncommon in children. It is a white cylindrical animal pointed at each end. The female measures from 9 to 14 inches in leneth. The male is about half as long; it is rarer than the female, and may be distinguished by its curved hinder end, and the presence of two bristles in the neighbourhood of the anus. The mouth is terminal and surrounded by three lips, a NEMATODA I2 ur median dorsal one bearing two tactile papillae, and two lateral. The anus is a transverse opening close to the hinder end. The excretory opening is minute ; it is situated on the ventral surface, a little way behind the anterior end of the body. The female generative pore is also in the middle ventral line, about a third of the total length of the body from the head. The male generative organs open with the anus. The integument consists of a _ well- developed cuticle, which is turned in at the various openings. The hypodermis which lies under this cuticle is a granular layer of protoplasm, with scattered nuclei, Within this layer are the longitudinally-arranged muscle - fibres (Fig. 82). These are very peculiar cells, that part of them next the hypodermis is transversely striated, and con- tractile; the inner half, however, which is turned towards the coelom, is granular, and contains the nucleus of the cell. This mus- cular layer is broken up into quadrants by the presence of a dorsal, a ventral, and two lateral areas. The coelom, which is bounded by the granular portion of the muscle-cells, contains a fluid, but it is doubtful if this is corpusculated. There appears to be no splanchnic mesoderm surrounding the ali- mentary canal, and the coelom is probably not homologous with that of a Chaetopod, for instance. The alimentary canal runs straight from the mouth to the anus. The mouth leads Fic. 81.—A lateral into an oesophagus lined by an infolding of vee Siegen ee chitin, whose walls are very thick and yuris, to show the disposition of muscular, and its lumen is triradiate in the various organs. : ae Revor Caleb. transverse section. The oesophagus is 1. Mouth. 2. Oesophagus. 3. Enlargement of the oesophagus armed with chitinous teeth. 4. Intestine. 5. Opening of the segmental tubes (placed by mistake on the dorsal instead of the ventral surface). 6. Testes. 7. Vas deferens. 8. Cloaca. 9. Papillae. 126 ZOOLOGY separated from the intestine by a slight constriction. The latter is often flattened dorso-ventrally, it possesses no intrinsic muscles, and is lined by a layer of columnar cells (Fig. 82). On both the outside and the inside of the canal is a thin cuticle, apparently secreted by the columnar cells, and the internal cuticle is perforated by a number of minute pores. The rectum is of smaller diameter than the intestine, its walls contain muscle-fibres ; in the male the vas deferens opens into it, and its posterior end thus forms a cloaca (Fig. 81). There is no vascular system in Nematodes. The excretory system consists of two tubes, which run along the lateral line Fic, 82.—Transverse section through about the middle of the body of Ascaris. Slightly diagrammatic. 1. Dorsal median nerve. 7. Accumulation of granular protoplasm 2. Ventral median nerve. round— 3. Cuticle. 8. Lateral excretory canals. 4, Hypodermis, a granular layer. 9. Intestine. 5. Muscle-cells, the striated outer border. 10. Uterus with eggs. 6. Muscle-cells, the granular nucleated 11. Ovarian tubules. inner part. of the animal, separating the longitudinal muscles of each side into a dorsal and a ventral portion (Fig. 82). Almost a third of the body-length from the anterior end these two canals give NEMATODA 127 off transverse branches, which unite, and open by a minute pore in the ventral middle line. The canals end blindly, their walls consist of a granular protoplasm containing nuclei con- tinuous with the subcuticular protoplasmic layer, and of an internal refractive layer. They contain a fluid. The granular layer of protoplasm which hes between the cuticle and the longitudinal muscles is also heaped up in the middle dorsal and ventral lines, thus forming a ridge sur- rounding the dorsal and ventral nerves. This separates the dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles into two lateral halves. The nervous system consists of a ring surrounding the oesophagus, which may be swollen into an inconspicuous ganglion on the ventral side. The ring gives off anteriorly six short nerves which run towards the head; of these two are lateral and run in the lateral line, and the other four are arranged symmetrically, one each side of the dorsal, and one each side of the ventral middle line. ‘The ring gives off posteriorly a dorsal and ventral median nerve, the chief nerves in the body. The ventral nerve stops in front of the anus, where it bears a ganglion. The dorsal and ventral nerves are connected at intervals by lateral commissures, which usually arise alternately. Probably four smaller nerves also pass backward from the oesophageal ring, lying in the same lines as the four small nerves which run to the head. The nerves all lie in the granular protoplasm surrounded by the longitudinal muscles. The sexes are separate. The male reproductive organs lie in the hinder third of the body (Fig. 81). The testis is single, and consists of a long tube which winds about in the body-cavity, and at its lower end opens into the long vesicula seminalis. The testis is lined with a layer of nucleated protoplasm. The mother cells of the spermatozoa arise from a central rachis ; when they break off from this they divide into two and then into four, each quarter then becomes a spermatozoon. Whilst in the body of the male, the spermatozoa have a rounded out- line, but when introduced into the female they exhibit amoeboid movements. This peculiarity, together with the absence of any tail to the spermatozoa, is characteristic of the group of Nematodes. 128 ZOOLOGY The testis opens into a vesicula seminalis of a much greater diameter than the testis tube, its lining epithelium throws out processes into the lumen which resemble pseudo- podia. These possibly perform the same function as the cilia which usually occur in the vesicula seminalis of other animals, cilia being entirely unknown in Nematodes. The vesicula seminalis opens into a ductus ejaculatorius, with muscular walls. This ductus opens on the dorsal side of the rectum. On each side of it is a sac containing a chitinous spicule which is protrusible, and is doubtless used in copulation. The female organs are double, and consist of ovaries, oviducts, uteri, and a vagina, the latter opening on the ventral middle line. The ovary consists of a tube in which the egg cells are formed in enormous numbers as stalked structures borne on a rachis. The oviduct differs from the ovary only in containing free ova, it leads on each side into a uterus in which numerous spermatozoa are found, and where the fertilisation of the ovum takes place. The two uteri unite, and open by means of a short vagina to the exterior. The eggs are laid in millions, each surrounded by a smooth shell. The embryos develope in water or in damp earth, and are probably introduced into their human host by the drinking of dirty water. The majority of Nematodes are parasitic, at any rate during a portion of their life, but a good many lead a free existence in damp earth, moss, and decaying matter, or in salt or fresh water. These are mostly minute forms, and are capable of withstanding a considerable amount of desiccation. The free- living forms, with certain others that inhabit plants, are included in the family Anguillulidae. Tylenchus tritici does great damage to corn crops, its presence leads to the grains of corn being replaced by a dark brown gall. Inside this gall a small cluster of these minute worms are found. When one of the galls is sown with the seed, and rain follows, the parasites leave the gall and infest the young plants. The parasites pair within the gall on the corn ear, and eggs are laid within the gall. Amongst the Nematodes which are parasitic in animals, NEMATODA 129 Ascaris nigrovenosa has a curious history. It is a common parasite in the lungs of frogs and toads, and in these hosts the parasites are hermaphrodite. Their eggs pass into the ali- mentary canal of the Amphibian, and eave the body, the embryo then developes into a bisexual form known as the Rhab- ditis generation; in this form the ova develope in the uteri, and the young embryos, making their way through its walls, devour the whole interior of their mother until only the cuticle remains, they then emerge and live in mud or water until swallowed by a frog, when they resume the first form. Oxyuris vermicularis inhabits the human intestine, and is particularly common in the caecum; its ova when laid con- tain embryos already mature, hence it spreads with great rapidity. The ova are swallowed, and the solvent action of the gastric juice sets free the young embryos in the stomach, whence they pass into the intestine. Filaria sanguinis hominis passes its larval life in the body of mosquitos, but the sexual female inhabits the lymphatic glands of man in Australia, India, China, and Egypt, giving rise to elephantiasis, ete. The embryos circulate in the blood and give rise to further disease; they are readily sucked up by a biting mosquito, and in this way the parasites are doubtless disseminated. Trichina spiralis (Fig. 83) is a very minute Nematode which encysts in or between the muscle fibres. The adult worm lives Fic. 83.— Trichina encysted . ioe - amongst muscular fibres. : ita tas SS FATT ((((((((( © 2 mc la cin aA After Leuckart. i cc (( ([e«« (as (( CUCM Ce in the alimentary canal of man and of other carnivorous mam- mals; it is viviparous. The young bore their way through the wall of the intestine of their host and encyst in the muscles. They do not become sexually mature unless eaten by some animal,—often a rat, and sometimes a pig,—in which case its flesh is liable to become “ trichinised,’ and may carry the disease Trichinosis to man. 130 ZOOLOGY Nematodes are usually arranged in several families, as the Ascaridae, the Filariidae, the Anguillulidae, the Strongylidae. The grouping of these families into larger subdivisions is a matter of considerable difficulty, and no system which has as yet been proposed has met with general acceptance. CHAPTER IX HIRUDINEA Rhynchobdellidae—Pontobdella, Clepsine. Hirudinea Gnathobdellidae—Hirudo, Nephelis, CHARACTERISTICS.— Animals with a ringed integument, a certain number of the annuli or rings corresponding with each true segment. A posterior ventral sucker formed by the Jusion of some of the posterior somites is present. The coclom is much reduced by the ingrowth of connective tissue ; it communicates with the vascular system, and contains the same fluid. The mouth is anterior, and usually surrounded by a sucker; the anus ws dorsal to the posterior sucker. Hermaphrodite, with genital openings ventral and median, the male in front of the female. Mostly aquatie and blood sucking. Amongst the Triclade Turbellarians a certain segmentation begins to appear, and reaches its highest point in Gunda seg- mentata, where the alimentary canal has 25 lateral divert- icula, there are 25 testes and 24 pairs of vitellaria, and the dorso-ventral muscles are arranged segmentally. In the Nemertines we also find every stage from entirely un- segmented animals to those in which the alimentary canal, the generative organs, the blood-vessels, the muscles, and even the proboscis sheath, present a certain repetition of parts which is called segmentation. It is usual, but by no means universal, for the segmentation of the various organs to agree, so that one segment of the body contains a segment or repre- sentative of each system of organs. Very often, however, some segments of one organ may be suppressed, or fail to develope ; and again many segments of one system of organs, as, to ZOOLOGY for example, the segmentally-arranged nerve ganglia, may fuse together, and thus the segmentation becomes irregular, The Hirudinea are the first group in which segmentation forms a distinctive feature. The integument is ringed, and in the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, five annuli correspond with a segment, in Pontobdella four, and in Lranchellion three. The limits of each true segment are, however, marked out by the arrangement of the colour bands. A cuticle corresponding with the mucous tubes of Nemer- tines is formed from the secretion of unicellular glands; it is constantly being worn off and replaced. The body-cavity is much reduced by the great developement of muscles and connective tissue, and in the medicinal leech its chief remains form the dorsal and ventral sinuses, it is, however, more conspicuous in the Rhynchobdellidae. The bodies of those forms, such as Clepsine and Nephelis, where the muscles are strongly developed and the connective tissue is sparse, are peculiarly firm and rigid, but forms lke Aulostoma, and to a less extent Hirudo, where the connective tissue predominates, are extremely limp and flabby. The cells of this connective tissue are embedded in a gelatinous matrix, and they may assume the following characters : (1.) fat cells, or cells crowded with fat globules, common in Clepsine; (ii.) elongated branched cells crowded with globules which are not fat, these pass into fibres at times; (ill.) pigment cells; (iv.) vaso-fibrous and botryoidal cells, forming a tissue which is composed of certain rounded cells crowded with brown pig- ment and arranged in rows; by a change in their interior, channels arise which pierce the cells, and these ultimately open on the one side into the closed system of blood-vessels, and on the other into the coelomic sinuses. The botryoidal tissue appears to pass into the vaso-fibrous tissue by the cells dividing and becoming small, and the walls becoming very thin, and the nuclei of the cells dropping out. Many of the minute capillaries thus formed run between the columnar epithelial cells of the ectoderm, and here the oxygenation of the blood takes place. In Nemertines the vascular system is one with the coelomic. The space which contained the corpusculated fluid HIRUDINEA 133 was the space in which the inner ends of the nephridia lay, and was archicoelic in its origin. In Hirudinea this space is divided into two: a series of spaces lined with an endothelium, the true vascular system ; and a series of sinuses with no special Fic. 84.—Diagrams of transverse sections: I., through Clepsine ; II., through Hirudo. A. G. Bourne. a Alimentary canal. Dorsal sinus. Nerve cord. Ventral sinus. Lateral sinus. 6. Ovary. 7. Dorsal blood-vessel. 8. Inner end of nephridium, 9. Testis. 0 1 ) oUe cot . . Lateral blood-vessel. . Nephridium. 12. Vesicle of nephridium. cellular lining, and enclosing various organs of the body, the coelom. These two series of spaces open into one another directly in the Rhynchobdellidae, and through the botryoidal tissue in the Gnathobdellidae. In Clepsine (Fig. 84, I.) and Pontobdella the dorsal sinus contains a dorsal vessel, the ventral sinus contains the nervous system, a ventral vessel, the ovaries, and in Clepsine the inner ends of the nephridia. There are also two lateral sinuses in which in Pontobdella a lateral vessel is found. In Hirudo (Fig. 84, IL.) there are a dorsal and ventral sinus, and two lateral vessels. The ventral sinus encloses the nervous system. The ovaries and testes lie in special sinuses. The internal end of the nephridium is placed in the testis sinus in those segments in which both occur. The alimentary canal of Leeches falls into five sections: G.) the muscular pharynx, which may possess two or more commonly three jaws, and numerous glands whose secretion in Hirudo serves to prevent the blood upon which the animal lives from coagulating; (ii.) the oesophagus and proventri- 134 ZOOLOGY culus, which in Hirudo is enormous, and produced into eleven pairs of lateral caeca—it serves as a storehouse for the blood ; (ii.) the digestive stomach, usually very small; (iv.) the intes- tine ; and (v.) the rectum. Sections (i.) and (v.) are formed by epiblastic invaginations. The alimentary canal of Aulostoma is ciliated ; an interesting peculiarity, since this leech does not live on blood, but on small water-worms, etc. The Rhyn- chobdellidae have a protrusible proboscis. The nephridium in Pontobdella (Fig. 85, I.) is a continuous Fie, 85.—Diagrams of the ne- phridia in (I.) Pontobdella and (II.) Hirudo. A. G. Bourne. if; 1. Funnels. 2. Branched network. 3, Caecal tubules, 4. External opening. ne . Funnel. . Ducts in testis lobe. . Ducts in main lobe. Pon Ducts in caecal end of main lobe. Ducts in apical lobe, OK . Unbranched tube passing to exterior, . Vesicle. ~I 8. External opening. network of fine tubules, which is spread through the greater part of the body. This network opens at intervals into a blood sinus by 10 pairs of internal funnels occurring in the segments 9-18. The lumen of the funnel is usually occluded, a condition HIRUDINEA 135 which is even more pronounced in Hirudo, The tubules con- sist of simple or branched cells with an intracellular lumen, they unite at intervals, increase in size, and open by an inter- cellular duct at 10 external pores, Sranchellion and Piscicola probably possess a similar nephridial network. Clepsine and Hirudo have paired nephridia distinct from one another. The funnel in Hirudo lies in the same blood sinus as the testis (Figs. 84, IL, and 86); it consists of lobed ciliated cells, and its lumen is always occluded. The ducts leading from the funnel are much branched and intracellular, they at length unite and open into a vesicle which leads to the exterior (Fig. 85, II.). In Mephelis and Trocheta the funnel lies in a hollow of the botryoidal tissue. It has recently been maintained that the structures, usually ciliated and often oc- cluded, which are found at the inner ends of the nephridia have nothing to do with those organs, but may take some part in maintaining the circulation of the blood. The nervous system consists of two cerebral ganglia and a ventral chain, which in Hirudo contains 23 gangha (Fig. 86). The cerebral ganglia give off nerves to three minute ganglia which supply the jaws, and also nerves to the eyes and goblet-shaped sense organs. A number of simple eyes are found in the head in most forms ; in Piscicola they are also found in the posterior sucker. The ventral nerve-chain lies in the ventral blood-sinus (Fig. 84, IT.). Leeches are hermaphrodite; the genital openings are ven- tral, median, and unpaired, the male being in front of the female. In Hirudo there are nine pairs of testes, arranged in segments 8 to 16; in Nephelis the testes are numerous, and seattered irregularly. They open into short transverse ducts, which unite into a longitudinal vas deferens. Each of the latter becomes coiled at its anterior end, forming an epididymis, and the two unite to form a single short duct. This opens to the exterior by a muscular protrusible penis, at the base of which prostatic glands are usually found (Fig. 86). The true ovaries are filamentous bodies contained in capsules. These capsules, usually called the ovaries, occur in Hirudo in the seventh segment, one on each side of the nerve cord. The internal openings of the oviducts perforate the walls 136 ZOOLOGY of the capsule, and lie in its lumen. The cavity of the capsule also contains certain amoeboid corpuscles, and probably repre- is 7h ie eee oa. Fig. 86.—Hirudo medicinalis, opened along the median dorsal line, slightly diagrammatic. A. G. Bourne. 1. Cerebral ganglion. 2. Oesophagus. 3. Ist postoral ganglion. 4, Penis. 5. Epididymis. . Ovisacs. . Vas deferens. 6 7. Glandular enlargement of the oviducts. 8 9 . 2nd pair of testes. 10. Lateral vessel. 11. 9th pair of nephridia. 12, Vesicle near external opening of nephridium. 13. 23rd ganglion. 14. Posterior sucker. sents part of the coelom. The oviducts unite and pass into a muscular vagina, their walls are glandular, and secrete an albuminous fluid in which the eggs float in the cocoon. The segments on which the reproductive organs open form the clitellum, which consists of certain segments with glandular walls, the secretion of which hardens and forms in most forms a cocoon in which the fertilised eggs mature. In Clepsine the eggs are attached to some foreign substance, and the female sits over them till they hatch, and then they attach them- HIRUDINEA 137 selves to her body. Nephelis deposits its cocoons on water- plants, Aulostoma and Hirudo in damp earth. Leeches are usually inhabitants of fresh water; sometimes they live in salt water, and more rarely on land. They usually move in loops by the aid of their anterior and posterior suckers, but they can swim well. The land forms are most common in Asia south of the Himalayas, and in the East Indies and Australia. A gigantic form, Macrobdella Valdi- viana, lives underground in Chili, and is said to reach the length of 24 feet. They are, with few exceptions, parasitic, living on the blood of Vertebrates. The HrirupINEA are divided into two groups: (i.) Rhynchobdellidae.— Cylindrical or flat, elongated body with both suckers well marked, fore part of the body retractile, forming a proboscis. The vascular and the coelomic spaces are in direct continuity; the blood does not contain haemoglobin. Pontobdella, Clepsine, Piscicola. (ii.) Gnathobdellidae.—Mouth sucker-like, pharynx armed with three jaws. No proboscis. The vascular and the coelomic spaces are in indirect continuity. The blood contains haemoglobin. Hirudo, Aulostoma, Nephelis. CHAPTER X CHAETOPODA Archiannelida, Naidomorpha—JNais, Chaetogaster. ongocasta{ becoming — Lumbricus, Megascolides, Eudrilus, Perichaeta. Errantia—WNereis, Aphrodite, Eunice, Tomopteris. Sedentaria—Arenicola, Sabella, Capitella. Chaetopoda Polychaeta CHARACTERISTICS.—Segmented animals, with a more or less pro- minent prostomium or region in front of the mouth. Loco- motion effected by cilia, or by setae implanted in the body wall or borne by lateral processes of the body termed para- podia. Hach seta ts the product of a single cell. The segments are divided externally by grooves, internally by septa. A pair of nephridia are typically found in each segment. The Chaetopoda are divided into three sub-classes: the ARCHIANNELIDA, the OLIGOCHAETA, and the POLYCHAETA. ARCHIANNELIDA. CHARACTERISTICS.— Marine worms with small prostomium. The segmentation of the body is externally marked by rings of ciliated cells, and by slight grooves. There are no setae or parapodia or branchiae, but the head bears one or more pairs of tentacles. The longitudinal muscles are in four bands. The nervous system retains its connection with the hypodermis throughout life. The head bears a pair of ciliated grooves. The Archiannelida comprise a group of minute marine animals, which are to some extent intermediate between the Turbellarians and the Chaetopoda. The group includes four genera: Polygordius, Protodrilus, Histriodrilus, formerly known as Iistriobdella and classified with the leeches, and Dinophilus. CHAETOPODA 139 Protodrilus Leuckartit is a small worm-like animal found in the sand at Pantano, an inland arm of the sea in the neigh- bourhood of Messina (Fig. 87). It creeps about in a Nemertine- like manner by means of the cilia which clothe the body. The segmentation is shown externally by two rows of cilia on each segment, and by slight grooves which separate neigh- bouring segments from one another. The number of the segments increases with the age of the animal. The head bears a pair of hollow ciliated tentacles, into which a section of the coelom extends (Fig. 87). The ectoderm consists of cubical epithelial cells, amongst which the ducts of many uni- cellular glands open. The cells lining a shallow groove which runs all along the ventral aspect of the worm bear specially long cilia. There is a double row of cilia on the head in front of the mouth, and an anterior and a posterior circlet upon each segment. Protodrilus, like Poly- gordius, has no circular muscles ; the longitudinal fibres are yg, 87.—View of Protodrilus Leuckartti. arranged in four bands, two dorso-lateral and two ventro- lateral. An oblique longitudinal muscular septum running from each side of the body to near the ventral median line divides the and two lateral portions (Fig. 90). The alimentary canal consists oe eh After Hatschek. Tentacle. Ciliated pit. Oral cavity. Muscular appendage of oral cavity. Alimentary canal. body-cavity into a median of a ciliated oesophagus 140 ZOOLOGY and an intestine. On the ventral wall of the oesophagus a U-shaped tube opens; one limb of this tube is enormously en- larged, and is very muscular. A somewhat similar stomodaeal musculature occurs in the pharynx of most Chaetopods, and would seem to be comparable to the odontophore of Molluses, and with the ventral part of the muscular pharynx in Turbellarians. The intestine is moniliform, there being a constriction between each segment. It is supported by the transverse septa and by median dorsal and ventral mesenteries (Fig. 90). Its lumen is ciliated. The anus is terminal. The vascular system consists of a median dorsal vessel, which sends a branch along each tentacle. Other branches bring the colourless blood back from the tentacles, and these then fuse to form the median ventral vessel. Certain lacunae between the epithelial cells of the intestine and its musculature appear to Fic. 88.—View of a ne- Supply the dorsal vessel with the fluid it phridium of Protodrilus eontains. Leuckartii. After Hat- 6710 : : schek. The nephridia consist of an internal 1. Internal opening funnel (Fig. 88), from the edge of which a 3 i ee large cilium depends into the lumen of the 3. Cilia of anterior ring tube which is ciliated ; this passes through of the segment. . a0 5 4. Cilia of posterior &® Septum, as in ZLumbricus, and finally ring of the seg- opens to the exterior on the lateral line. 5. Basin The nervous system remains in the skin (Fig. 90); it consists of a cerebral mass, with circum-oesophageal commissures, which pass into two ventral cords. The latter are separated from one another by the ventral groove, but are connected by trans- verse commissures. Protodrilus is hermaphrodite, Polygordius dioecious; the ovaries lie in the first seven segments. The ova are derived from some of the cells lining the coelom in the neighbourhood CHAETOPODA I4I of the ventral middle line (Fig. 90). The testes are similarly built up from peritoneal cells, situated on both sides of the oblique septa, in the segments which succeed the seventh. pig) wy Ht Hat Fic. 89.—Polygordius neapolitanus. (After Fraipont.) A. The living animal. x about 5. D. Portion of body, showing B. Anterior end of the worm seen from the 1. Segments separated by grooves. right side, more highly magnified. 2. Grooves. 1. Prostomium. E. Ventral view of posterior end, show- 2. Peristomium. ing the last three segments. 3. Tentacle. 1. Segment. 4, Setae on tentacle, 2. Groove. 5. Ciliated pit. 3. Anal segment, C. Ventral view of the same. Numbers 4, Anus, as in B. 5. Ring of papillae. 6. Mouth. Histriodrilus, which lives parasitically upon lobsters’ eggs, is somewhat more highly organised than Protodrilus. The body is differentiated into regions, the nervous system has 142 ZOOLOGY distinct ganglia in each somite, the stomodaeal muscular bulb is armed with three teeth, and the sexes are separate. ZN Rei LAK A 10 002C ony Tel BIT: ney SS 7 Pe { Tider ——— is} 12 12S Fic. 90.—Polygordius neapolitanus. A. Transverse section of a male Poly- 9. Oblique muscular septum covered gordius, with coelomic epithelium. 1. Cuticle. 10. The testes. 2. Ectodermic epithelium. 11. Ventral nerve cord, continuous 3. Muscle plates. with 2. 4. Parietal coelomic epithelium. B. A spermatozoon. : 5. Visceral coelomic epithelium. C. Horizontal section of a mature female 6. Ciliated endodermal epithelium. Polygordius. 7. Dorsal blood-vessel in dorsal mesen- 1, 2, 3, and 6as in A. tery. 12. The septa. 8. Ventral blood-vessel in ventral 13. Ova. mesentery. The body-wall has undergone partial histological degeneration, and is ruptured in two places to allow the escape of the ova (13) which crowd the coelomic space. Polygordius is the largest of the Archiannelids. PP. lacteus is 40 mm. long (Fig. 89). The longitudinal ventral CHAETOPODA 143 groove of Protodrilus has in this genus closed in, and forms a canal within the nerve cord. ed blood occurs in this genus, and the dorsal vessel gives off lateral branches, which, however, end caecally. The sexes are distinct, and the ovaries or testes arise in the posterior segments (Fig. 90). The last member of the group, Dinophilus, is a minute marine animal. ‘Two species, J). gigas and D, taeniatus, have recently been described by Weldon and Harmer from the coast of Devonshire and Cornwall. The body consists of a head or prostomium, which bears two eye-spots, and whose cilia are uniform or arranged in two preoral circlets. The mouth opens on the second segment or peristomium, and then follow five or six segments, and finally a postanal unsegmented tail. In both the above-mentioned specimens the entire ventral surface of the animal is uniformly ciliated, and each segment has one or two bands of cilia. WD. vorticoides is uniformly ciliated all over. The nervous system is in contact with the skin. The coelom is traversed by strands of connective tissue in D. gigas ; and in D. taeniatus there are more definite spaces connected with the inner ends of the nephridia. In D. gigas an excretory system of the Platyhelminthine type, with flame cells, has been described, but in D. taeniatus and D. gyrociliatus, 5 pairs of nephridia are found, each with a triangular appendage hanging into the lumen of their ciliated duct. The sexes are separate, and in the male YD. taeniatus the fifth pair of nephridia appear to have become modified and form vesiculae seminales. A penis is present, and seems to be inserted indifferently into any part of the skin of the female. There is little doubt that Dinophilus should be classified with the other members of the group Archiannelids; on the other hand, its median genital pore, the presence in some species of the Platyhelminthine excretory system, and the method of fertilisation adopted by PD. taeniatus which is paralleled in the Polycladida, support the view of the Platy- helminthine origin of these worms. THE OLIGOCHAETA. CHARACTERISTICS.— The Oligochaeta are characterised by the ab- sence of antennae, parapodia, branchiae, and cirrhi. Their 144 ZOOLOGY pharynx is devoid of armature. They are hermaphrodite, and their reproductive organs are confined to a few segments. Their ova are laid in cocoons. Their developement is direct. The Oligochaeta were at one time divided into two groups: the Terricolae, which live chiefly on land, and the Limicolae, which are mostly aquatic. Recent research has, however, broken down the structural barriers which were believed to exist between the members of these two groups. The oligochaet worms are now arranged by Benham in a number of families, which allow themselves to be grouped in two divisions: (i.) the Naidomorpha, in which asexual repro- duction takes place; and (ii.) the Lumbricomorpha, in which it does not. The earthworm is the most familiar example of the latter subdivision. One of the most curious features found in many of the Oligochaets is the dorsal pore. In Lumbricus this pierces the skin on each segment in the middle dorsal line, and places the coelom directly in communication with the exterior. The pores occur in this genus on all the segments except the first six or seven. They are closed by a sphincter muscle, and opened by an anterior and posterior longitudinal band of muscles. They are found in several species of the Oligochaets,—Lumbricus, etc., —but do not occur in Polychaets. Megascolides, a gigantic Australian worm, measuring from 4 to 6 feet in length, ejects through its dorsal pores the milky coelomic fluid with which it coats the walls of its burrows. The function of the modified skin of certain segments which constitutes the clitellum is to form the cocoons in which the eggs are deposited. It may completely enclose the body, and is then known as a cingulum, or it may be incom- plete. In the aquatic forms it only includes one segment : that on which the vas deferens opens. The capsulogenous glands also found in the skin give rise to the albuminous fluid found in the cocoon in which the ova and spermatozoa are deposited. This secretion serves to nourish the developing embryos. The septa which divide the body internally into segments are almost absent in Acolosoma; only one, dividing the head from the body, is present. CHAETOPODA 145 The setae vary a good deal in number and shape in differ- ent species (Fig. 91), but each is the product of a single cell which les at the base of the sac from which the seta protrudes. The alimentary canal of many of the lower Oligochaets is ciliated; in Lumbricus the lining epithelium from the mouth to the gizzard secretes a cuticle, but the intestine is lined by Fic, 91. a. Penial seta of Perichaeta ceylonica. 6. Extremity of penial seta of Acan- AA ‘s A x thodrilus. After Horst. A , A c. Seta of Urochaeta. After Perrier. ARK A USK d. Seta of Lumbricus. A\ ee e. Seta of Criodrilus. KA f Aah modified retractile cilia. Criodrilus, which inhabits the mud, and Pontodrilus, which lives on the sea-shore, have no gizzard ; both these genera are also without nephridia in the anterior 10 or 15 segments. The typhlosole which is so characteristic in the intestine of Lumbricus (Fig. 92) is also absent in the latter genera as well as in Megascolides. In Rhinodrilus it forms a spiral fold running round the intestine. The blood is contained in a series of closed vessels. The plasma of the blood is usually coloured red by haemoglobin which is dissolved in it, and not confined to the corpuscles. Numerous flattened corpuscles float in it. The coelomic fluid found in the body-cavity contains colourless amoeboid corpuscles. The nephridial system of leeches shows how a single pair of nephridia in each somite, distinct from all the others, may arise from a scattered network. In Oligochaets a similar series of stages in the developement of a single pair of nephridia in 10 146 ZOOLOGY each segment is found, and has been described by Beddard, Spencer, and others. Perichaeta aspergillum has a nephridial network of fine tubules which permeates the body. It is doubtful if any internal funnels opening into the coelom exist in the anterior segments, but they do in the posterior half of the body, and here they are very numerous. On the other SS Sepa, SON] \, AB AY \} WN ly A VZRAAAZY AD NAS NGNAINIS BE 1 Fic, 92.—Diagrammatic transverse section through one of the posterior segments of Lumbricus. Partly after Marshall and Hurst. 1. Nephridium. 8. Typhlosole. 2. Funnel of nephridium. 9. Dorsal blood-vessel connected by a 3. Nerve cord. vertical branch with typhlosole, 4, Epidermis, and by branches with intestinal 5. Circular muscles. blood plexus. 6. Longitudinal muscles. 10. Supraneural vessel. 7. Dorsal and ventral pairs of setae, 11. Infraneural vessel. On the left side are indicated the chief vessels given off from the main trunk to the body-wall and nephridium. After Beddard. hand there are numerous openings to the exterior, both an- teriorly and posteriorly. This network is continuous, and shows no trace of segmentation. In P. armata there is a similar network of fine tubules, but in addition there is in each segment a pair of large nephridia which pierce the septum in CHAETOPODA 147 front and open into the preceding segment by a well-developed funnel. In Megascolides there are a great number of minute nephridial tubules, consisting of a short straight tube and a longer coiled tube, scattered all over the inner surface of the skin. These small nephridia have an intracellular duct, and are well supplied with blood-vessels. They open to the exterior, but no internal opening has been found. In addition to these smaller nephridia, the posterior half of the body has in each segment a pair of large nephridia, with an internal funnel-shaped opening. When: these large nephridia are traced forward through the region of the middle of the body, it is seen that they first lose their internal funnel, and then gradually decrease in size, and ultimately merge into the smaller nephridia. Thus the specialisation of the nephridia appears to commence posteriorly. The small and large ne- phridia are connected by a longitudinal duct. The next stage towards the condition found in Lumbricus is when the network becomes discontinuous at the septa, and does not spread from segment to segment. This stage is almost reached by Deinodrilus, and quite by Acanthodrilus and Dichogaster. Then, as is shown in the case of P. armata and Megascolides, certain of the tubules of the network enlarge, and form large nephridia, and the network gradually ceases to be formed. Two pairs of such large nephridia exist in each segment in Brachydrilus; one pair then disappears, and the condition of Lumbricus (Fig. 92) is attained. The aquatic Oligochaets have one pair of nephridia in each somite; the funnel is absent in Chaetogaster. In certain land worms the nephridia of the anterior seg- ments become modified, and undergo a very remarkable change of function. In Acanthodrilus dissimilis, in Dicho- gaster, and in Digaster, all three possessing a_nephridial network, some of the tubules on each side of the pharynx become connected with a duct which opens into the buccal cavity. In Megascolides we have a similar change of function. The walls of the pharynx are pierced by a number of tubules, with an intracellular lumen, which opens into the cavity of the alimentary canal, and whose secretions pass into the pharynx. In every respect these tubules resemble the tubules 148 ZOOLOGY, of the nephridial network. This extraordinary change of a nephridium into a salivary gland is paralleled in the Arthro- pod Peripatus, in which developement shows that the salivary glands are modified nephridia. Three giant fibres, consisting of a sheath with a clear con- tents, occur dorsal to the ventral nerve cord in nearly all Oligochaets. Connections have been recently traced between them and the nerve fibres. Their function was formerly thought to be solely for the purpose of support; hence they have been termed the newrochord, and have been compared with the notochord of the Chordata in their physiological action. The Oligochaets are hermaphrodite: in the CHAETOGASTRIDAE the spermatozoa develope in the coelom, in Lumbricus the Fig. 93.—Genital segments of Iumbricus (slightly altered from Howes’ Biological Atlas). The left side represents the immature, the right, the mature condition, so far as the male reproductive organs are concerned. After Beddard. 1. Anterior pair of testes; the second pair are in the next segment. . Seminal vesicles. . Spermathecae. Vas deferens. Ovary. Oviduct. Receptacula ovorum. Nephridia. Nerve cord. IO OP oD Ser fe) testes become enclosed in special vesiculae seminales which are outgrowths from three of the septa (Fig. 93). In these vesiculae the spermatozoa mature. In the aquatic Oligochaets the ova ripen in the coelom or in an egg sac similar to the vesiculae seminales of Lum- bricus. The testes are usually four in number, but there may be only one pair, as in Geoscoler. There is a single pair of ovaries, CHAETOPODA 149 which are very constant in position, being with hardly an ex- ception in the 13th segment. In Hudrilus (Fig. 94) the ovary is enclosed in a muscular sheath. The ciliated oviduct passes through the sheath, and ends in a funnel-shaped mouth in the ovary. The muscular sheaths of the oviduct and ovary are Fie. 94.—Female reproductive apparatus of Eu- drilus. On the right side the spermatheca has been cut away to show the contorted oviduct, 4. 1. Ovary. 2. Spermatheca. 3. Gland opening into conjoined duct of sper- matheca and oviduct. After Beddard. 4. Oviduct. continuous. The oviduct is convoluted, and opens to the ex- terior on the 14th segment, together with a spermatheca and a small glandular body. The opening of the oviduct in Peri- Fic. 95. —Diagrams of various earth- worms to illustrate external char- acters. A, B, C, anterior segments from the ventral surface. D, hinder end of body of Urochaeta. A. Lumbricus; 9 and 10, segments contain spermathecae, the ori- fices of which are indicated ; 14, segment bears oviducal pores ; 15, segment bears male pores; 32, 37, first and last segments of the clitellum. B. Acanthodrilus ; 1, orifice of sper- mathecae ; ? , oviducal pores ; 3, male pores, C, Perichaeta; the spermathecal pores are between segments 6 and 7, 7 and 8, and 8 and 9, the ovi- ducal pore on the 14th, the male pores on the 18th segment. In all the figures the nephridial pores are indicated by dots, the setae by strokes. chaeta 1s single and median. The various positions of the genital apertures, and their relations to the nephridia and setae in various genera, are shown in Fig. 95. In the aquatic Oligochaets the nephridia are not found in those segments which lodge the reproductive organs and their ducts; in the terrestrial forms they coexist. Some of the setae in the 150 ZOOLOGY neighbourhood of the reproductive segments are modified and assist In copulation (Fig. 91). Certain of the aquatic Oligochaets multiply asexually by fission. In Aeolosoma, in many respects the most primitive of the Oligochaets, one of the segments enlarges, forms a pro- stomium, and then breaks off from the anterior half. In the NAIDIDAE and the CHAETOGASTRIDAE, a “zone of fission ” is formed between two segments when the worm has reached a certain size. This zone divides into two halves; the posterior of these forms a head for the posterior set of segments, the anterior gives rise to a series of new segments forming the tail of the anterior animal. In this way chains of zooids are formed. These at length are set free, and differ from the mature worm only in the absence of the reproductive organs, clitellum, and genital setae, which they acquire later. No asexual reproduction is known amongst the Lumbrico- morpha, but they possess a considerable power of reproducing lost parts. THE POLYCHAETA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Marine worms, with numerous setae in bundles borne on parapodia. The head is distinct, and usually bears tentacles and palps ; the somites of the trunk carry cirrhi and sometimes branchiae. As a rule the Polychaeta are dioecious and have an indirect metamorphosis. The Polychaeta are divided in (i.) the Errantia and (ii.) the Sedentaria or Tubicola ; these subdivisions are characterised as follows : (i.) The Errantia are free and carnivorous, with a large pro- stomium, which usually bears tentacles and eyes. The body is rarely divided into regions ; the parapodia are large ; the pharynx is protrusible and provided with ehitinous jaws or with papillae. APHRODITIDAE, EUNICIDAE, NEREIDAE, SYLLIDAE, ALCIOPIDAE, TOMOPTERIDAE. (ii.) The Sedentaria are tube-building worms, whose. tube may be fired. Body often divided into regions. Prostomium and para- podia small ; pharynx never armed with teeth ; vegetable feeders, CHAETOPODA I5I ARENICOLIDAE, CAPITELLIDAE, CHAETOPTERIDAE, TERE- BELLIDAE, SERPULIDAE. The Polychaeta include a vast variety of worms, which either swim about freely in the sea or inhabit tubes, from the open mouth of which they often protrude the anterior end of their bodies. They are very generally brightly coloured, and many of them, especially the fixed forms, with their feathery tentacles and branchiae, are objects of great beauty. With three exceptions, they are exclusively marine; a few are pelagic, and, as is usual with such a habit of life, their body is trans- parent. One or two only are parasitic, one living in the coelom of the Gephyrean Bonellia, another in the branchial cavity of a barnacle, Lepas. Arenicola piscatorum, the common lugworm, is a member of the sub-division Sedentaria, which tunnels out tubular passages in the sand, boring down into it with its head, and then turning the anterior end of the body up again, thus assuming the shape of a U. It can be dug up in considerable quantities in sandy places round our coasts when the tide is low; its presence being indicated by numer- ous little heaps of cylindrical sand castings, the undigestible remnants of its food. The worm may attain the length of ten or more inches, and is of a blackish-brown colour with a tinge of green. The body of the animal is divisible into three regions (Fig. 96): an anterior or neck of 6 segments, a middle or gill-bearing region of 13 segments, and a tail region of variable - c Fic. 96. — Areni- length, in which the segments are not well gota piscatorwm. marked. The chief characteristic which separates Polychaetous from Oligochaetous worms is the presence of parapodia. These, when typically developed, are lateral outgrowths of the body-wall of each segment, into which the coelom is con- tinued. The parapodium is usually divided into a dorsal and a 152 ZOOLOGY ventral half; the notopodiwm and the newropodium respectively. Each of these may bear (i.) a bundle of bristles, the setae ; (i1.) in the midst of the setae, a single large bristle, the aciculum; (iii.) solid fleshy prolongations of the body-wall, containing a nerve, and probably tactile in function, the cirrhi; (iv.) respiratory organs, processes of the body-wall well sup- plied with blood-vessels, and sometimes containing a prolonga- tion of the body-cavity, the branchiae. These last are borne as a rule only by the notopodium. The parapodia are not well developed in Avenicola. The first nineteen segments bear each a small notopodium in which a bundle of setae spring, and on the ventral surface a small neuropodium, which bears a row of hooked bristles. The gills borne on the 7th to the 19th segments are feathery branched structures, through whose thin walls the red blood is visible. The tail bears no parapodia. Each of the segments of the body is divided into five small rings: an unusual feature in Chaetopods, recalling the annula- tion of the HIRUDINEA. The integument consists of the same elements as are found in Lumbricus: (1.) a cuticle, (i1.) an epidermis of columnar cells crowded with pigment cells, (i11.) a continuous sheath of circular muscles, (iv.) a layer of longitudinal muscles, much broken up by the presence of the bundles of setae, etc., and (v.) a lining of peritoneal epithelium. The coelom is very spacious; at the anterior end of the body it is traversed by three septa, which mark the limits of the first three segments. There are no other septa in the first nineteen segments, but the tail is divided into as many chambers as there are rings by vertical septa. The body is further partially divided into three divisions by two longi- tudinal incomplete mesenteries, which run obliquely from the side of the body to near the middle ventral line. The central division lodges the alimentary canal, the lateral contain the nephridia. This dividing up of the body-cavity recalls the arrangement in the Archiannelids. The coelom is full of a corpusculated fluid, in which, during the breeding season, the ova and spermatozoa are found in great quantities. The alimentary canal runs in a straight line from the CHAETOPODA 153 mouth to the terminal anus. The pharynx can be protruded, and is then seen to be covered with papillae. The mouth opens into the oesophagus, which bears at its hinder end a pair of long glandular bodies, possibly homologous with the calciferous Fic. 97.—Anterior end of Avrenicola piscatorum laid open by a median dorsal incision to show the internal organs. After Vogt and Yung. . Proboscis beset with papillae. aan i2759 90) moo tb et . Oesophagus. . Muscles which retract the oesophagus. ES DABLST ae. . Diverticula which open into the hinder end of the oesophagus, 5. Stomach. 6. Intestine. 71 and 71°, 1st and 13th, or last, branchia. . Masses of chloragogenous cells. . Heart. 10. Dorsal blood-vessel. . Vessels to and from the branchiae. at = ral | 2 ws | | an om om a = re 1 Ain ASUAY AMEE, Na | si 7 i! to . Nephridia. glands of Lumbricus (Fig. 97). The intestine, which traverses the gill-bearing region, is coloured yellow by the presence of yellow chloragogen cells in its walls, resembling the similar cells on the walls of the intestine in Lumbricus. These cells con- tain concretions, which seem to be set free in the coelomic fluid, and are possibly excreted by the nephridia. The walls of the intestine are somewhat wrinkled, and are rather thin. The 154 ZOOLOGY lumen of the alimentary canal is usually distended with sand, which is eaten in large quantities by the worm for the sake of the small amount of vegetable debris which may be mixed with it. At the commencement of the tail the intestine passes into the rectum, which is supported by the numerous septa of this region, and ends in the terminal anus. The blood-vessels consist of (i.) a dorsal vessel (Fig. 97), which at the anterior end anastomoses with the ventral vessel —the blood flows forward in this; (ii.) a ventral vessel under- neath the alimentary canal, in which the blood flows backward ; (ii1.) a subintestinal vessel which les in the wall of the intestine parallel and dorsal to (i1.). In the first six of the gill-bearing segments this vessel receives the efferent vessels from the gills. There are also a pair of small lateral vessels which end anteriorly in the heart. The heart consists of a pair of enlarged, muscular, con- tractile transverse vessels, which le in the sixth segment. They receive blood from the dorsal, subintestinal, and lateral vessels, and by their contraction force it into the ventral vessel. There are numerous capillaries given off from the chief vessels to supply the various organs of the body; the blood is red. The blood in the ventral vessel is mainly venous, in each of the thirteen segments which carry gills this vessel gives off a pair of afferent branchial vessels, one of which passes to each gill. The gill consists of a number of branching fila- ments, into each of which the body-cavity is prolonged. Up one side of the filament runs the afferent vessel; down the other side courses the efferent vessel to open in the seventh to the twelfth segments into the subintestinal vessel, and in the thirteenth to the nineteenth segments into the dorsal vessel. The nephridia are twelve in number, a pair being found in each of the last four segments of the neck and the first two of the gill-bearing region. They consist of the usual funnel-shaped opening into the body-cavity, of a large vesicle which opens to the exterior, and of a glandular swelling which opens into the vesicle, and is probably the secreting portion of the apparatus. In the breeding season the whole organ is crowded with ova or spermatozoa. CHAETOPODA 155 The nervous system consists of two small cerebral ganglia, which are connected by circum-oesophageal commissures with a ventral cord which is embedded amongst the longitudinal muscles. This gives off a number of lateral nerves, and is supported by two giant fibres, but does not exhibit any divi- sion into ganglia and inter-ganglionic connectives. Arenicola has no eyes, but it possesses what are not com- mon in Chaetopods, namely otocysts. On each of the cerebral ganglia a small hollow vesicle is found. The walls of this consist of connective tissue with a lining of very columnar cells, probably ciliated. The vesicle contains a fluid in which a number of concretions—otoliths—float ; a special nerve passes to its walls. The whole structure is strikingly like the otocyst of many Lamellibranchs. Arenicola is dioecious, and the ovaries and testes occupy similar positions in the male and female. The ova and spermatozoa are formed from certain of the peritoneal epithelial cells, which become in the breeding season heaped up round the bases of the nephridia. They break off and float in the coelomic fluid, and jy4 98, ova originating from leave the body through the nephridia. the lining epithelium of a 1 1 ee : parapodium of Tomopteris. The head of Avenicola is not After Gegenbaur. provided with any special appendage, but in those worms which lve permanently in fixed tubes, the anterior end of the body often bears the branchiae, and is usually provided with tentacles. TZerebella is provided with numerous tentacles, into which the coelom is prolonged ; they are exceedingly extensile, and stretch out in the form of a network all round the worm. Behind the tentacles are situated the branchiae. The appendages of the prostomium are sometimes distinguished by the name antennae from those of the peristomium, on which the mouth opens, which are termed the tentacles. Ventrally-situated palps, probably tactile organs, are also common on the head. In some of the Serpu- lidae a modified tentacle on the head forms an operculum, which closes the tube when the worm is retracted. The division into different regions, which is well marked 156 ZOOLOGY in Arenicola, is even more conspicuous in some worms, @g. Chaetopterus ; but it is not a general feature of the group. Aphrodite, the sea-mouse, is a Polychaet of oval outline, its notopodia bear a number of hairs, some iridescent, and others which are matted together into a feltwork covering the whole animal. This worm is further protected by a number of plate-like elytra, also borne by the notopodia, but situated beneath the feltwork ; they may be modified cirrhi, but the two structures exist in some of the seg- ments. Elytra are also found on Polynoe. The nature of the tubes of the Sedentaria is very various. It may be soft, or of a parchment-like con- sistency, and it may be strengthened by a deposit of grains of sand or shell, or it may consist entirely of the latter, very skilfully agglutinated together. The SABELLIDAE (Fig. 99) and SERPULIDAE, which live in fixed tubes closed at the lower end, have a ventral ciliated band, which is grooved in the former family, whose function is to carry up the undigested matter ex- truded from the alimentary canal, and pass it out of the tube. In both subdivisions of the Poly- chaeta the pharynx is often protrusible ; Bea Savelin vacteolouat and in many Errantia it is armed Mont. After Montagu. | With stout teeth, which in some species of SYLLIDAE are said to be traversed by the duct of a poison gland. In the HestonrpaE (Fig. 100) and a few others a pair of diverticula from the oesophagus,resembling in position the gland- ular appendages of Arenicola, contain air, probably secreted from the blood. The resemblance of these structures to lungs has been noticed by many observers. Those families provided with such structures have as a rule no branchiae. Another family of worms, the CAPITELLIDAE, are provided with a CHAETOPODA 157 “siphon,” that is, a tube which opens at both ends into the alimentary canal. The siphon never contains food, and its function is probably respiratory. A similar structure runs from one part of the alimen- tary canal to another in the Echiuridae, and in Echinoids. The CAPITELLIDAE and some other families are without any blood system. In other worms the principal vessels are similar to those deseribed in Avenicola ; the red blood of some forms is due to haemoglobin dissolved in the plasma, in others the blood is green or almost colourless. The typical arrangement of the nephridia, one pair in each segment, is often interfered with. They usually fail in the anterior segments when there is a large pharynx, and in the tubicolous forms their number is usually much reduced: eg. eight pairs in Pe eee ae Terebella and six pairs in Arenicola. The hae ce genus Capitella are remarkable for having several pairs of nephridia in each segment, the number increas- ing in the posterior end up to six or seven pairs in this genus. The nephridia are themselves subject to much variation ; one nephridium may have several funnels, and may be con- nected by a tube with another, and sometimes the organ breaks up into small tubules. The whole arrangement recalls the excretory system of some of the earthworms described above. The ventral nerve cord of some of the tubicolous Poly- chaeta has its right and left half divaricated, and connected by numerous transverse commissures. ‘This is well shown in Serpula, and in a less degree in Sabella. Eyes are very generally present, and are usually confined to the prostomium. Poly- ophthalmus, however, has a number of lateral eyes, a pair to each somite; whilst Branchiomma bears them on its branchial filaments. Otocysts, such as those of Avenicola, are rare. The Polychaets, with some exceptions, are dioecious. The generative organs are usually developed in relation to a blood- vessel, which no doubt serves to nourish them; in the Seden- 158 ZOOLOGY taria they often correspond in number with the nephridia. Their products ripen in the coelomic fluid (Fig. 98), and usually escape through the nephridia, | they may however escape by Vea rupturing the body-wall, Im- ah pregnation takes place exter- nally. The eggs are sometimes laid in small masses of jelly ; REE 4 a ie sometimes they remain under \ps the care of the parent, under the f ie } elytra in Polynoe, in a cavity in 1s the operculum in some SER- : oe PULINAE, and attached to the tube amongst the TEREBELLIDAE. Asexual reproduction is not common ; it occurs, however, in the SERPULIDAE and SYLLIDAE. In the former family a head is formed by one of the seg- ments in the middle of the Fic. 101.—Parent body, and the animal then stock of Autoly- divides just in front of this. tus cornutus. After A. Agassiz. In some of the SYLLIDAE, Autolytus, for example, one of the posterior segments, usually the last, gives rise to a new individual; this may be repeated, and chains of zooids are formed (Fig. 101). These zooids break off, develope generative organs, and reproduce sexually. As the original worm was without sexual organs, this genus exhibits an alternation of generations; a very uncommon phenomenon in Chaetopods. It is further complicated by sexual dimorphism, the i sur an Db ae .& \\ Wl ps ‘ ia a h Ary y, y \ Ca ee ey, =. . Css BE Beas Fic. 102.—Wereis pelagica, L. After Oersted. male worm being in many respects different in appearance from the female. A somewhat similar phenomenon occurs in Nereis (Fig. 102), one form being known as Heteronereis: this genus is polymorphic, for in addition to the male and female forms, hermaphrodite individuals also occur. CHAPTER, Xi GEPHYREA { Achaeta—Phymosoma, Sipuneulus, Phascolion. | Chaetifera—Bonellia, Echiurus, Thalassema. Gephyrea CHARACTERISTICS.—Subeylindrical marine animals, with very slight indications of segmentation. The anterior part of the body is either retractile, forming an Introvert, or it bears an extensile Prostomium. Setae or chitinoid hooks usually present. The nervous system consists of a circum-oesophageal ring and a ventral non-ganglionated cord. No special re- spiratory or locomotor organs exist. A closed vascular system is present, and the coelom is spacious. Nephridia are present, and serve as a rule as ducts for the exit of the reproductive cells, as well as functioning as excretory organs. The Gephyrea are divided into two sub-classes : I. The Achaeta, characterised by the anterior end of the body being retractile. The introvert is withdrawn into the body by special retractor muscles in the same way as the proboscis of a Nemertine. No setae are found, but the introvert is usually armed by rows of chitinoid hooks. The mouth is anterior and terminal. II. The Chaetifera have a segmented larva, but the segmenta- tion is lost in the adult. There is a long extensile prostomium which is easily broken off. A pair of ventral setae are found. Anus terminal; special branching organs open on the one hand into the coelom, and on the other into the rectum, they possibly function as nephridia. One to eight anterior nephridia serve as genital ducts. 160 ZOOLOGY The Gephyrea Achaeta include ten genera; of these Phas- colion and Phascolosoma occur in our seas, the former usually making its home in the shells of dead molluses, the latter living at the bottom of the sea half buried in sand. The largest genus of the class is Phymosoma; it Fic. 103.—Semi-diagrammatic view of the right half of the head of Phymosoma varians, seen from the inner surface. 1. Mouth. 8. Brain. 2. Lower ventral lip. 9. Circular nerves at base of ridges 3. Oesophagus. bearing hooks. 4, Portions of the coelom, seen in three 10. Sense organ at base of ridges bearing places. hooks. 5. Blood sinus in lower lip corresponding 11. Rings of hooks. with 4 in Fig. 105. 12. Retractor muscle. 5’, Blood sinus surrounding brain, and 138. Extensile collar. opening into 5”, the dorsal vessel. 14. Pit leading to brain. 6. Skeletal tissue surrounding mouth. 15. Lophophore. 7. Ventral nerve cord. 16. Eye-spot. contains twenty-eight species, which, with very few exceptions, are confined to the tropics, in many respects it resembles Phascolosoma, and, as its structure has been lately worked out, it will form the most convenient type for description. GEPHYREA 161 Phymosoma varians is a West Indian species found em- bedded in the soft coral rock, in which it bores tubular passages, probably dissolving the soft rock by some chemical excretion. Its colour is brownish-yellow. In its extended condition it is about 5 cm. long and about $ em. broad, tapering at each end. ‘The anterior half of the body, the introvert, can be withdrawn into the posterior half, just as the finger of a glove can be invaginated into the hand. The mouth is terminal, and is at the end of the introvert. Dorsal to the mouth is a crown of eighteen or twenty short tentacles arranged in a horse-shoe, the lophophore (Figs. 103 and 105). The dorsal ends of this horse-shoe are continuous with the dorsal ends of a thickened lower lip, between which and the crown of tentacles or lophophore the mouth opens. The mouth has therefore the form of a crescentiform slit. In the hollow of the horseshoe-shaped lophophore the skin is wrinkled and pigmented; close beneath it, and in direct con- tinuity with it, les the bilobed supra-oesophageal ganglion. About 2 mm. behind the mouth, a very extensile fold of tissue forms a ring-like collar round the base of the head. ‘This collar can be produced so as to cover in the whole head. The introvert is distinguished from the rest of the body by the presence of numerous rows of minute chitinoid hooks (Fig. 103), which alternate irregularly with certain papillae to be described below. The integument consists of the following layers: (i.) the ectoderm, (i1.) circular muscles, (i1.) longitudinal muscles, and (iv.) peritoneal epithelium. The ectoderm is a single layer of cubical cells. Those covering the lower lip, and that side of the tentacles turned towards the mouth, bear cilia. The ectoderm of the concave side of the lophophore and its hollow is crowded with black pigment, and at two places it is con- tinuous with the substance of the brain. Over the rest of the body the ectoderm secretes a thick cuticle, which is only broken by the presence of the skin papillae. These papillae are very characteristic of the Gephyrea ; they are formed by the ectoderm becoming folded into the shape of a double narrow-mouthed conical cup. The outer layer of cells resembles the ordinary ectoderm ; the inner, how- abil 162 ZOOLOGY ever, are enlarged wedge-shaped cells which almost fill up the cavity of the cup. They form a secretion which passes out through the narrow opening. The mouth of this is protected by special horny plates, modifications of the cuticle. The papillae are scattered all over the body, and as they stand out from the surface, they give the animal a rough appearance. Within the ectoderm is a layer of circularly-arranged muscle fibres broken up into circular bands in the introvert, Fia.104.—The body of Phymosoma varians laid open by an incision a little to the left of the median dorsal line, so as to show the internal organs. The introvert is retracted, et Opening of introvert. Position of brain, the two eye- spots are shown. This marks the level of the head. Dorsal vessel. iS) Left dorsal retractor muscle. Left ventral retractor muscle. Generative ridge. Ventral nerve cord. Nephridia. Coiled intestine. Rectum. Spindle muscle. NS SUR go se So — C=) and forming a continuous sheath in the trunk; internal to this are the longitudinal muscles, continuous in the introvert, but arranged in about twenty anastomosing bundles in the trunk. Within this layer, the coelom is lined by flat epithelial GEPHVREA 163 cells. From the longitudinal bundles four stout muscles arise, two dorsal and two ventral. These pass to form a muscular ring ensheathing the oesophagus, just behind the head. They are termed the four vetractors, and their function is to draw in the introvert. The alimentary canal consists of a straight oesophagus, into which the mouth passes without any armature, and which in its turn passes into a coiled intestine. Both these parts are ciliated, the cilia of the oesophagus being continuous with those of the lower hp and tentacles. The intestine is coiled round a special “spindle” muscle, which arises from the extreme posterior end of the body, passes up the axis of the coil, and joins the longitudinal muscles of the body-wall near the anus (Fig. 104). A short rectum passes to the anus which terminates the alimentary canal, the anus pierces the body-wall just behind the line of division between the introvert and the trunk. The vascular system is closed and is confined to the anterior end of the animal. Its most conspicuous part is a vessel which lies on the dorsal side of the oesophagus between the retractor muscles. The vessel is closed behind, and gives off no capillaries. At the anterior end it opens into a large sinus into which the brain protrudes; from this sinus a circular vessel is given off which runs round the lower lip, and when full of blood, it serves to distend the latter. Another part of the vessel runs along the base of the lophophore, giving off branches into each tentacle. It is possible that the blood may become oxygenated in the tentacles, but the chief function of the whole system is to distend the tentacular crown and lower lip. The fluid in this system is corpusculated. The coelom is very spacious, and contains a corpusculated fluid which bathes all the internal organs. The corpuscles are larger than those of the vascular system. The contraction of the circular muscles of the skin forces this fluid forward, and in this way the introvert is everted. The nephridia, or excretory organs, of the Gephyrea are often termed “ brown tubes.” In Phymosoma they are two in number, one on each side of the ventral nerve cord (Fig. 104). They have the form of elongated sacs, which hang down 164 ZOOLOGY into the body-cavity. At their upper ends the sacs are attached to the body-wall, and open to the exterior a little in front of the level of the anus. Each sac consists of two portions: a posterior glandular part lined by large glandular cells, which give off vesicles containing their excretion, and a muscular non-glandular anterior half, which opens both on to the Fie. 105.—Diagram showing relation of nervous system, vas- cular system, and oesophagus in Phymosoma varians. Partly after Selenka. 1. The brain, represented rela- tively too small. 2. Nerves to skin of preoral lobe. 3. Lophophore ; each tentacle is represented by its blood sinuses and its nerve. 4, Blood sinuses of lower lip. Or Oesophagus. Dorsal blood-vessel. Su ge Ventral nerve cord. exterior and into the coelom. The opening into the latter space is situated close to the external opening, and is guarded by a frilled, funnel-shaped lip, thickly ciliated. The wall of the organ contains many muscle fibres, and it is capable of considerable change of form. The nervous system consists of a bilobed brain in con- tinuity with the epidermis of the concavity of the lophophore (Fig. 105). It gives off a pair of lophophoral nerves, which run along the base of the tentacles, sending off a nerve into GEPHYREA 165 each. Laterally the two lobes are continued into stout nerves which embrace the oesophagus, and fuse to form a ventral cord. On each side the ventral cord is supported by two longitudinal muscles, and the whole is loosely attached to the ventral surface of the body-wall by muscular strands. The cord shows but slight traces of double origin, it bears no ganglia, but ganglion cells are uniformly distributed on its ventral surface. It gives off a series of lateral nerves, which form complete rings round the body, situated in the skin (Figs. 103 and 105). Two pits of large ectodermal cells, crowded with dense black pigment, have sunk on each side into the brain. They are hollow, and contain a coagulum in dead specimens. They are usually spoken of as eyes. Phymosoma is dioecious. Both the ovary and testis are formed of a ridge of the peritoneal epithelium which runs across the body at the base of the ventral retractor muscles. Certain of the cells of this ridge break off and float in the coelomic fluid. In the female they become ova, in the male they are the mother cells of the spermatozoa. The ova grow a good deal whilst in the body-cavity, and secrete a thick egg shell; ultimately they leave the body through the nephridia. The spermatozoa derived from one mother cell always remain connected as long as they are in the body-cavity, and in this condition are taken up by the funnel-shaped internal openings of the nephridia. The ova are fertilised externally in the water. Certain of the Gephyrea achaeta differ in many points from Phymosoma. Sipunculus has no lophophore, and the mouth is surrounded by a frayed fringe, which, like the tentacles of other forms, is well supplied with nerves and blood-vessels. Many species are without the hooks on the introvert. A layer of oblique muscles les very commonly be- tween the circular and longitudinal fibres. The capacity of the dorsal vessel, which acts as a reservoir for receiving the blood when the tentacles and head are retracted, is in- creased in some species of Phymosoma by a number of lateral diverticula, and in some Sipunculids by the addition of a 166 ZOOLOGY, ventral vessel. Stpunculus and Phascolosoma have remarkable bodies known as “urns” floating in their coelomic fluid. They are bell-shaped structures, with a ring of cilia round the mouth, anda nucleus. These remarkable corpuscles are formed by the division of certain large cells on the wall of the dorsal blood- vessel, they were formerly thought to be parasitic Infusoria. The Achaeta have no special organs of locomotion, and probably do not move about much. Sipunculus and Phas- colosoma usually live half embedded in the sand, which they swallow in large quantities. Phascolion lives in empty worms’ tubes or in molluse shells, and its body is often permanently twisted, accommodating its shape to that of its home. Phymo- soma lives in holes or passages in coral rock, or in holes between stones. Asa rule the members of this subdivision occur only in comparatively shallow water. The Gephyrea chaetifera are provided with a_ pro- stomium, which may acquire enormous proportions. In bonellia it may, when fully extended, attain a length of 2 or 3 feet, whilst the body is only 14 to 2 inches long. In this genus it is bifid at the end. In Hehiurus, Bonellia, and Thalassema there are a pair of large chitinoid hooks placed anteriorly on the ventral side of the body, and in some species of Echiwrus there is one, sometimes two, posterior circlets of setae, each seta originating from a single cell, like those of the Chaetopods. Bonellia viridis is coloured a bright green by a pigment termed “bonellein,’ which is not identical with chlorophyll. The mouth in the Chaetifera lies at the base of the pro- stomium, which is ciliated and grooved, and is doubtless used to catch minute organisms for food; the intestine is looped and the anus terminal. In Bonellia, Echiwrus, and Thalassena a “siphon” or collateral intestine, such as is found in the CAPITELLIDAE and ECHINIDS, is present. Branched organs open into the rectum in most of the Chaetifera. At the end of each branch is a small funnel- shaped ciliated opening leading into the coelom. The cells lining the tubes of these branches have been seen crowded with excretory granules, and they may possibly function as nephridia as well as serve to regulate the amount of fluid in the coelom. GEPHYREA 167 The vascular system is more complex in the Chaetifera than in the Achaeta. The dorsal vessel in Hehiwrus opens behind into a circular blood-vessel which surrounds the oeso- phagus. At its anterior end it enters the prostomium and runs to the tip of this organ, here it splits, and the two branches return, one down each side of the prostomium, till they have passed the mouth, when they unite to form a median supra- neural blood-vessel. This is connected with the peri- oesophageal circular ring by a transverse vessel. Haemo- globin has been detected in the coelomic corpuscles of Thalassema., The last-named genus may have from one to four pairs of nephridia, according to the species, Zchiwrus has usually two pairs. The nervous system, like the vascular system, is continued into the prostomium, running all round the edge, and finally uniting below the oesophagus, thus forming a circum-oeso- phageal ring, which gives off the ventral cord. In no place is the nerve ring or cord thickened to form anything like a ganglion. In #ehivrus and the female Bonellia the coloemic epi- thelial cells which surround the ventral vessel enlarge and form the reproductive cells, which are thus favourably situated for receiving nourishment. There is a very remarkable dimorphism in the genus Bonellia. The female is a fair-sized animal, with a body 2 inches long, but the male is a microscopic planarian-lke organism which lives in a recess of the nephridium of the female. It is from 1 to 5 mm. long, and is ciliated all over. Its intestine is not functional, and it ends blindly both in front and behind. The spermatozoa arise from the coelomic epi- thelium, and escape by a modified nephridium. A nervous system; but no vascular system, is present. The male larva is said to cling to the prostomium of ‘the female, and thence to pass into the mouth, where it undergoes its final changes, then it creeps out from the mouth and into the nephridium, where it spends the rest of its life. Another genus, Hamingia, has a similarly degenerate male, which also lives in the nephridia of the female. 168 ZOOLOGY: Those members of the armed Gephyrea whose developement has been investigated show unmistakable affinities to the Chaetopods. Their larvae exhibit a metameric segmentation, but the somites disappear early. Traces of segmentation are retained in the adult in a few cases, such as the four pairs of nephridia in one species of Zhalassema, the double ring of setae in Eehiurus Pallasii, and possibly in the rings of hooks and circular nerves of many forms. A connecting link between the Gephyrea armata and the Chaetopoda may exist in the curious worm Sternaspis. This animal, usually classed with the Chaetopoda, retains a well-marked segmentation ; and its blood - vessels, whilst resembling in their disposition the more important vessels of the Gephyrea, open into a well- developed system of capillaries. On the other hand the looped intestine, one pair of brown tubes, retractile anterior end of its body, and—in Sternaspis spinosa—a long bifid prostomium, de- scribed by Sluiter, are all features shared in common with the Gephyrea. The unarmed Gephyrea have an abbreviated developement which shows no traces of metameric segmentation, but this hardly seems a sufticiently important difference to warrant the breaking up of the group. CHAPTER XII BRACHIOPODA Ecardines—Lingula, Crania, Discina. EE EERUSEOES Testicardines—Argiope, Terebratula, Waldheimia. CHARACTERISTICS.—Coclomata devoid of organs of locomotion, and usually fixed in the sand on to some foreign body, by a peduncle. A bivalved shell encloses the body. The valves are dorsal and ventral, and in one subdivision are hinged to one another. They are lined by dorsal and ventral extensions of the body-wall, termed the mantles ; these often bear chitin- oid setae round their edges. A lophophore surrounds the mouth, bearing ciliated tentacles. The alimentary canal is ciliated, and receives the secretion of two branched glands, the liver ; it is in one sub-division aproctous. One, rarely two, pair of nephridia exist. Exclusively marine. The existing Brachiopoda are interesting as the survival of what in early geological time was a very widely distributed and very numer- ous group of animals. The two genera Lingula and Discina extend from the Cambrian, the oldest group of the Silurian rocks, to the present day; and, judging by their shells, they appear to have undergone but little change during the vast period of time which must have elapsed since they lived. They are found in great numbers, both of indi- viduals and of species, in these older Fic. 106.— Waldheimia cranium. A. Ventral, B. Dorsal valve. Paleozoic formations; but the group seems to have been most flourishing in the Devonian seas, for upwards of 60 genera and 170 ZOOLOGY 1100 species have been described from Devonian rocks, Since this epoch they have dwindled, and at the present day not more than about 100 species exist. Argiope (Cistella) neapolitana is a small Brachiopod found attached by a peduncle to pieces of rock at a depth of about 70 metres in the Mediterranean. The dorsal and ventral shells entirely cover the body except the peduncle, which projects through a “beak” formed by the ventral or larger shell. The Fic. 107.—A longitudinal vertical median section through Argiope neapolitand. Ventral shell. Canal containing blood-vessel. Sub-oesophageal nerve ganglion. Pow Por Mouth. OO Stomach. 2 Peduncele. “I Plexus of blood-vessels. Median crest on dorsal shell. i Organic membrane which has separated from shell during the process of de- calcification. dorsal shell is rather the smaller; both are of a brownish hue with small white spots. The body of the Avgiope lies almost entirely in the dorsal shell (Fig. 107), and is supported by certain ridges which this shell bears on its inner surface. The BRACHIOPODA 171 whole animal is about 2°5 mm. long, and about the same in breadth. The shells are secreted by the body-wall or by the mantle. Since the body les chiefly in the dorsal shell, the larger part of the latter is secreted by the body-wall, and the dorsal mantle is of small extent; on the other hand, the greater part of the ventral shell is lined by a fold of integu- ment, the ventral mantle. The substance of the shell is composed of minute calcare- ous spicules kept together by a network of organic fibrils (Fig. 107). The shell is pierced by numerous canals, whose outer ends are somewhat enlarged and covered with a cuticle. Since the mantle is formed of a duplicature of the body- wall, it is necessarily double, and the body-cavity extends into it, in some places this space lodges the reproductive organs. The mantle sends a prolongation into each of the canals in the shell, which is continuous with some of its blood-vessels. These prolongations contain blood- corpuscles, and doubtless serve to nourish the organic fibrils which keep together the calcareous spicules of the shell. The lophophore occupies a considerable part of the dorsal shell, and forms a large part of the body- wall. Its shape is oval, its border running parallel to the edge of the shell, except at the anterior median line, ; a where a narrow deep in- Last Fic. 108.—Waldheimia flavescens. Interior dentation almost divides it of dorsal valve, to show the position of the into two, and thus gives lophophore. A portion of the fringe of : cirrhi has been removed to show the it a somewhat horse-shoe brachial membrane, and a portion of the shape. The indentation is spiral extremities of the arms. 3 F : A. Position of mouth. occupied by a median ridge in the dorsal shell (Fig. 107). The lophophore carries round its edge, on the dorsal side of the mouth, from 70 to 100 tentacles; at the base of the tentacles is a ciliated 172 ZOOLOGY groove, whose other side is formed by a lip which also runs round the edge of the lophophore (Fig. 109). The tentacles are partially ciliated as well as grooved, and any particles of food they come in contact with are carried down the groove to the mouth, which opens in its posterior median line. In other genera the lophophore stands out from. the surface of the body and becomes curiously coiled and rolled up, as in Waldheimia (Fig. 111), in which animal it is supported by a calcareous loop. The mouth is a transverse slit leading into a_ short oesophagus; this is attached by mesenteric strands to the Fic. 109.—Transverse section through the middle of Avrgiope neapolitana. The section includes the posterior limit of the lophophore, but is anterior to the brood pouches. 1. Stomach. 7. Ventral shell. 2. Gastroparietal bands. 8. Vascular canal in shell. 3. Ovary in dorsal shell. 9. Canal at base of lophophore, which 3’, Ovary in ventral shell. sends a branch into each tentacle. 4, Dorsal adjustor muscle. 10. Lip forming with the tentacles a 5. Occlusor muscle. groove. 6. Left mesentery; posteriorly this 11. Dorsal shell. fuses with the right to form a single mesentery. end of the median projection of the dorsal shell, and it opens directly into the globular stomach. On each side of the aliment- ary canal is the liver, composed of six or seven thick tubules, which unite and open into the stomach by a broad mouth. The lumen of the liver is often full of secretion, it is lined by vacuolated cells. The stomach opens behind into a short intes- tine which has no anus, and which, like the rest of the aliment- BRACHIOPODA 173 ary canal, is ciliated. The alimentary canal is supported by a median sheet of connective tissue, the mesentery, which passes from it to the ventral shell’ (Fig. 109), and by two lateral sheets, termed the gastroparietal bands, which pass out from the stomach to the sides of the body-wall. Owing to the peculiar relations of the animal to its shell, the body-cavity becomes very complicated, it is partly pro- duced into the mantles which line the shells, and here the reproductive organs partially lie. At the posterior and lateral regions the body-wall is pushed in, in such a way as to form two lateral brood pouches, which lie behind the level of the lophophore, and are enclosed by the shell. The embryos undergo the early stages of their developement in these pouches. The coelom is traversed by four bundles of muscle fibres, two of which open and close the shell, the other two move the shell Fic. 110.—Waldheimia flavescens. Diagram showing the muscular system. After Hancock, 1. Ventral valve. 7. Divaricators. 2. Dorsal valve. 8. Accessory divaricators. 3. Calcareous loop. 9. Ventral adjustors. 4. Mouth. 10. Peduncular muscles. 5. Extremity of intestine 11. Dorsal adjustors. 6. Adductor. 12. Peduncle. on its peduncle. ‘The latter are termed adjustors, and a pair arise from each valve of the shell and are inserted into the peduncle. By their contraction they raise or depress the shell, and by contracting alternately they may also serve to rotate it. The occlusor muscles have a double origin from the dorsal shell, 174 ZOOLOGY but the two parts unite to form a single tendon, which is in- serted into the ventral shell. The divaricators are very small. They arise from the ventral shell, and are inserted into the dorsal valve in such a relation to the hinge as to cause the shell to open when they contract. Additional muscles are found in other members of the group, those of Waldheimia and Lin- gula are shown in Figs. 110 and 113. tunning round the edge of the lophophore, at the base of the tentacles, is a canal which is probably continuous with the general body-cavity. It gives off a branch into each tentacle, and the latter are probably extended by the entrance of the coelomic fluid into them (Fig. 109). There is a closed vascular system containing a corpus- = VUOHAOSSO'TD mUnpryaug et ee “DAYOD.LOLIIT \ > + pinetdostiy ‘mdmu..vg—(epodorayoF]) VIZUeye Ny ByerpouRlqosAz Vy mitts : ‘pupnypgy wMnruwong—eiyueda | (eyurqowerqosorg) _ UPN LOIN —BIFUBJAdoy vanauoydaryg yaoaousIsvy VOSNTTION “DIAM “‘Dyainssry ‘8140 HET —VvyRUIpOURLGOSAT “punsapojany) “ruauoary ‘wopyg—vino{dos] uajoag ‘uapog ‘snpyhpy “nou ‘njvopoupy—VLVIHONVUMITTANVI— VW TV HddOOdII “NOILVOIMISSV'IO CHAPTER XIV MOLLUSCA CHARACTERISTICS.— Unsegmented Coelomata, with a primitive bilateral symmetry. Their body is soft, and is dorsally produced into a fold, the mantle, which usually secretes a shell. The ventral part of the body forms, as a rule, a muscular process, the foot, which may be modified in various ways, but whose function is usually to assist in locomotion. Respiration is typically carrved on by a pair of vascular processes, which project from the body-wall, and are termed the ctenidia. Near the base of these organs is a modified patch of epithelium, whose function is olfactory, and this has been termed the osphradium. The portion of the body-cavity in which the heart lies, the pericardium, communicates directly with the exterior by means of the nephridia. The heart is systemic, and the circulation partly lacunar. The nervous system typically consists of a pair of cerebral ganglia in the head, a pair of pedal ganglia in the foot, and a pair of pleural ganglia in the body. The last pair are wnited by a long commissure, the visceral nerve cord, which may become twisted. The sense organs comprise the osphradia, otocysts in connection with the pedal ganglia, tactile tentacles on the head, and in many cases eyes. The developement includes a characteristie larva, the Veliger. The phylum Mollusca includes a large number of animals which exhibit the greatest variety of structure and habit. The majority of them are marine, some inhabit fresh water, and many are terrestrial. The group includes the class Cephalopoda, the members of which are the largest, and at the same time the most ferocious of invertebrates. Some members of the 190 ZOOLOGY phylum are pelagic, and consist of the most transparent and delicate tissues, others are sessile, being fixed either by cords secreted by a gland in the foot (Mytilus) or by the surface of the shell (Ostvea), whilst, again, others bore long funnel-shaped passages in the rocks or in submerged pieces of wood, ete. The very various animals which compose this phylum may be separated into two main divisions, according as to whether they retain a well-marked prostomium or not. Those which have lost a definite cephalic region have probably done so in correlation with a sessile, inactive hfe. They form the division Lipocephala. The other division comprises those Mollusea which possess a well-developed head, associated with a toothed lingual ribbon, capable of a biting or rasping action, borne on a cushion and moved by certain muscles, the whole apparatus constituting the odontophore. This organ has given a name to the division, the Glossophora. Division I. LIPOCEPHALA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Mollusca with rudimentary prostomium, no odontophore, and no eyes. Hither sessile, or with very feeble powers of locomotion. This division contains but one class, the Lamellibranchiata. CuLass Lamellibranchiata. Lipocephala which have retained the primitive molluscan bilateral symmetry. The body is laterally compressed, and the mantle is bilobed, each lobe secreting one valve of the bivalved shell. The two valves, right and left, are united by a dorsal elastic ligament. The ctenidia or gills are largely de- veloped, and by the currents their cilia create, assist in bringing food to the mouth. The foot is usually plough-shaped, and contains part of the viscera. It may be used for boring in sand or rock, more rarely for crawling. ‘The pericardium, part of the coelom, is in communication with the exterior by means of a pair of nephridia. The generative glands are simple, and have no accessory organs connected with them. In the common freshwater mussel, Anodonta cygnea, the shells are equivalve. Each valve is composed of three layers: MOLLUSCA 191 (i.) the periostracum, or outermost layer—this is thin and horny, and not calcified, and is formed by the thickened free edge of the mantle; (i1.) the prismatic or middle layer, con- sisting of closely-packed calcareous polygonal prisms—this is also deposited by the edge of the mantle; (iii.) the nacreous or mother-of-pearl layer, which lines the inside of the shell— it is composed of laminae of calcareous matter, and is de- posited by the whole of the surface of the mantle and body in contact with the shell. It is this last layer which, when deposited in concentric layers round foreign particles, such as grains of sand, etc., produces pearls. The shells of some Lamellibranchs are not equivalve, e.g. the oyster, Ostrea, which is attached to rocks by means of its larger valve. In Pholas there are additional calcareous plates inserted dorsally between the two valves; and in Teredo, the mollusc which does so much damage by boring into wood, the valves fail to completely cover the body, which secretes a calcareous lining to the tube in which it lives. The valves of the shell are kept in apposition by adductor Fria. 116.—Section through Anodonta, to show mechanism of opening and of closing the valves. After Lankester— Zoological Articles reprinted from the Encyclopedia Britannica. 1. Right valve of shell. 2. Left valve of shell. . Hinge. em ch . Elastic ligament. Or . Adductor muscles. muscles. These may be two in number, an anterior and a posterior, or the posterior may alone persist (Monomyaria). The edge of the mantle is thickened, and in some genera it bears tentacles and eyes. Posteriorly it is notched in such a way as to form two apertures, which remain open when the 192 ZOOLOGY edges of the remainder of the mantle are in contact. These openings form the dorsal and ventral siphons. In some Lamellibranchs, eg. Mactra, Cyclas, etc., these notches, by the fusion of their edges, are converted into tubes, which in some genera attain a length of several inches. The ventral siphon serves to admit fresh water, bringing with it oxygen and food, and the dorsal siphon gives exit to a stream of water which carries away the waste products and generative cells. The foot is not developed in the OSTREIDAE, and is small in Mytilus, the marine mussel. In the cockle, Cardiwm, and in 7rigonia, it can be suddenly bent, and by this means the animal jumps along. In Solen the foot is suddenly retracted, and in this way water is violently forced out of the siphons, and the animal is propelled forwards. Pecten flies through the water, with its dorsal surface downward, by the flapping of the valves of its shell. The foot often bears a special gland, which secretes a number of horny filaments known as the byssus, which serve to anchor the animal to the ground. This structure is well seen in Arca and in Mytilus. The mouth, which is median, and ventral to the anterior adductor muscle when the latter is present, lies in a groove formed by the anterior and posterior labial palps. These are ciliated structures, which resemble to some extent the gills, and doubtless serve to convey minute organisms to the mouth as food. The alimentary canal is ciliated. The stomach gives off a caecum, which in many genera lodges a crystalline style. The function of the style is obscure, but it appears to consist of an albuminoid material. The intestine is coiled, and leads to a straight rectum, around which the ventricle of the heart is often folded. A fold of the intestine, or typhlosole, increases its surface. A paired gland, the so-called liver, pours its secretion into the stomach. Two auricles return the arterialised blood to the ventricle, which in Arca is double; the ventricle gives off an anterior and posterior aorta, which distributes the blood all over the body. The blood from the mantle is in Anodonta returned directly to the auricles; the rest of the blood is collected into MOLLUSCA 193 a vena cava in the floor of the pericardium, and is thence sent through the nephridia to the gills and returned to the auricles. The circulation is partly lacunar, the blood being contained in irregular splits in the tissues and not in distinct vessels. The blood contains amoeboid corpuscles, and is usually colourless ; two species, however, Solen legumen and Arca Noe, contain haemoglobin in their corpuscles. The gills consist primitively of an axis, which is fused to the body for the greater part of its course; this contains an efferent and an afferent blood-vessel. The axis gives off two series of filaments, which hang down parallel to one another, thus forming two lamellae. The filaments of both series may be bent up, forming V-shaped structures, those of the outer series having their free ends external and next to the mantle, whilst those of the inner series have their free ends internal and next to the foot, so that each series forms a gill with an outer and an inner lamella. In Mytilus and some others the outer and inner limbs of each filament are connected by certain pieces of tissue termed interlamellar concrescences. Neighbouring filaments are kept parallel to one another by an arrangement unique in the animal kinedom. Each filament bears certain patches of ciliated cells, and the cilia of two opposite patches are interlocked, in the same way as a couple of brushes when put together. In more complex genera these ciliary junctions are replaced by interfilamentous concrescences, and in Anodonta the interlamellar and interfilamentous concres- cences are developed to such an extent as to leave but narrow passages through which the water circulates. The free ends of the filaments of the outer lamella of the external gill, and of the inner lamella of the internal gill, very frequently fuse with the contiguous organs, the mantle, or the foot. Between the lamellae of each gill a certain space is de- veloped which is more or less continuous with that of the other gills. This epibranchial space often serves to lodge the developing ova, it communicates with the dorsal siphon, through which the waste products leave the animal. Each gill filament contains a blood-vessel, and it is often stiffened by two rods of a chitinous material. Its outer epithelium bears cilia, which serve to create a current of 13 194 ZOOLOGY water, which enters the pallial chamber by the ventral siphon. The nephridia of Lamellibranchs are usually known as the Organs of Bojanus. There is a single pair, and each con- sists of a glandular or secretory portion which has an opening ' t ' ‘\ 4116 46) 11 19 Fic. 117.—Diagrams of a Schematic Mollusc. After Lankester—Zoological Articles reprinted from the Encyclopedia Britannica. A. Dorsal view, showing the heart, 9. Internal opening of nephridium. pericardium, generative organs, 10. External opening of nephridium. and nephridia. 11. Opening of genital gland. B. Ventral view, showing the nervous 12. Cerebral ganglion. system. 13. Pleural ganglion. C. Lateral view. 14. Pedal ganglion. 1. Mouth. 15. Visceral ganglion. 2. Nerve ring. 16. Foot. 3. Oesophagus. 17. Anterior aorta. 4. Liver. 18. Gill. 5. Anus. 19. Tentacle. 6. Pericardium. 20. Auditory vesicle. 7. Heart. Ventricle. 21. Olfactory ganglion, 8 in A. Auricle. 22. Abdominal ganglion developed on 8 in C. Wall of pericardium. the visceral loop. into the pericardium, and of a ureter which opens to the exterior in the neighbourhood of the orifice of the generative glands. In the oyster the kidney is much less compact, and its secretory part is scattered through the body, even reaching the mantle. MOLLUSCA 195 The nerve ganglia are usually rendered conspicuous by their bright orange colour. The cerebral ganglia, which lie one on each side of the mouth, probably represent the cerebral and pleural ganglia of other molluscs; they are united both with the pedal ganglia in the foot and with the olfactory (parieto-splanchnic) situated on the ventral face of the posterior adductor muscle. A pair of auditory vesicles, lined with ciliated cells and containing a single otolith, are usually present close to the pedal ganglia, and are innervated by a nerve from the cerebro-pedal commissure, which probably comes from the cerebral ganglia. Tactile papillae or tentacles are common round the edge of the mantle. In some cases the tentacles have been modified and form eyes, which attain a great degree of complexity. In Pecten, Spondylus, etc., these eyes have a remarkable resemblance to the vertebrate type of eye, inasmuch as the optic nerve passes in front of the retina, and the retinal elements are thus turned away from the light. The epithelium in the neighbourhood of the olfactory ganglion is modified to form an organ of smell, by means of which the quality of the water flowing in through the ventral siphon may be tested. The Lamellibranchs with few exceptions are dioecious. The generative organs are branched glands usually situated in the foot, though in Mytilus they occur in the mantle. The generative cells are formed in the caecal processes of the gland, and they leave the body by a right and left simple duct which is continuous with the walls of the gland, and in some cases opens into the duct of the kidney (Spondylus, Lima, and Pecten). Division II]. GLOSSOPHORA. CHARACTERISTICS.—WMollusca with a prostomium more or less developed and a buccal cavity armed with a rasping tongue, the radula, which together with its accessory parts constitutes the odontophore. The Glossophora comprise three classes : (i.) Gasteropoda. (ii.) Scaphopoda. (iii.) Cephalopoda. 196 ZOOLOGY CLASS Gasteropoda. CHARACTERISTICS.— The GASTEROPODA have a foot which is in the main a crawling organ, it is simple, median, and has a broad flat surface. The foot is often divisible into three divisions, termed the pro-, meso-, and meta-podium. The Gasteropoda are divided into two sub-classes : i. Gasteropoda Isopleura. CHARACTERISTICS.— The Gasteropoda Isopleura retain the primi- tive bilateral symmetry of the group. The body is elongated, the mouth anterior and the anus posterior. The viscera generally are paired and bilaterally symmetrical. This subclass includes six genera, which are distributed amongst three orders. The best-known genus is Chiton, in which the shell is metamerically divided into eight parts. The gills or ctenidia are also metamerically repeated to the number of sixteen or more, and at the base of each is a patch of olfactory epithelium, the osphradium. Chiton, like Chaetoderma, another member of the subclass, is dioecious, in the former the generative cells escape by special ducts. In Meomenia and Chaetoderma, however, they leave the body by means of the nephridia. The nerve ganglia are not very markedly developed, but ganglion cells are scattered all along the well-defined nerve- trunks. In some Chitons, eyes furnished with a lens, retina, cornea, etc., have been described as existing on the shell plates. ii. Gasteropoda Anisopleura. CHARACTERISTICS.—Jn the members of this subdivision the head and the foot have retained a bilateral symmetry, but the visceral hump with its included organs has undergone a twist which has resulted in rotating the anus and posterior part of the viscera to the right. The angle through which the anus has been twisted varies in different groups ; tt may be as much as 180°, and in this case the anus lies above the middle line of the neck. One of the ctenidia is usually atrophied, and one of the nephridia specialised as a generative duct. The MOLLUSCA 197 mantle developes a shell, which often increases the asymmetry of the animal by being spirally coiled. This shell is often capacious enough to shelter the whole animal, thus forming a kind of house into which the animal can withdraw. The foot is usually provided with a mucous gland. The Gasteropoda Anisopleura are subdivided into two branches: Streptoneura (Prosobranchiata) and Euthyneura. Branch A. STREPTONEURA. CHARACTERISTICS.— The first branch comprises those Molluses in which the torsion has proceeded to such an extent that the anus has become anterior, and the right gill and osphradium have crossed anteriorly to the left, whilst the left gill and osphradium have come round posteriorly to the right. As a consequence one limb of the visceral nerve loop is pulled over the other and a figure of & is produced. This branch includes two orders: Zygobranchiata and Azygobranchiata. Order 1. ZYGOBRANCHIATA. CHARACTERISTICS.— The first order includes all those forms in which, although the torsion is complete, so as to bring the anus near to the anterior median line, the atrophy of the cten- udium of one side has not usually taken lace, and the generative cells leave the body through one of the nephridia which still retains its renal function. No accessory generative organs occur, and the visceral hump is coextensive with the Soot. This group includes three families. The best-known genera are Haliotis, known as the Ormer in the Channel Islands, where it forms an article of diet, Fisswrella, and Patella or the limpet. Patella vulgata, the common limpet, is protected by a conical dome-shaped shell, whose average length is about two inches. The edges of the shell are not quite smooth, and their inequalities generally correspond closely with those of the rock upon which the animal is situated. Limpets are usually found between the tide-marks, and if they wander away from the spot on which they usually occur when covered by the 198 ZOOLOGY tide, they are stated always to return to it before the water has again receded. The visceral hump is covered by the conical shell. The body-wall at its edge is produced into a fold, the mantle. The ventral surface of the animal consists of the muscular oval Fic. 118. Diagram of a vertical median section of a Limpet, Patella vulgata. After Lankester—Zoological Articles reprinted from the Hncyclopedia Britannica. 1. Mouth. 10. Heart in pericardium. 2. Odontophore. 11. Nephridium. 3. Radula. 12. Opening of larger nephridium. 4, Radula sac. 13. Branchial efferent vessel (vein). 5. Buccal cavity. 14. Branchial afferent vessel (artery). 6. Laminated stomach. 15. Salivary gland. 7. Intestine cut across. 16. Generative gland. 8. Liver. 17. Edge of the mantle. 9. Anus. foot, between which and the mantle a groove exists which lodges the gills. The foot is attached to the shell by a circular muscle which is incomplete anteriorly. A distinct head exists, and this carries a pair of tentacles with a pair of eyes which appear as black specks near the base of the tentacles. Above the head the groove between the foot and the mantle deepens into a large pallial cavity. Into this, not in the median line, but slightly to the left of it, the anus opens, and on each side of the anus lie the openings of the renal organs (Fig. 119). On the neck are also situated two small bodies representing the ctenidia, which are fully developed in the allied forms Haliotis and Fisswrella; in connection with these a patch of olfactory epithelium, the osphradium, has also been discovered. The function of these ctenidia, the original breathing organs, has been assumed by certain folds of the mantle forming the actual gills. MOLLUSCA 199 The mouth leads into the cavity of the buccal mass, this is partially obliterated by the developement of a large ventral 5). 6. Uc cS 1. Head. 8. 2. Tentacle. 3. Mantle skirt. 9. 4. Muscles forming root of foot, and 10. adherent to the shell. ale Fic. 119.—Side view of anterior end of Limpet, Patella vulgata. Part of the mantle is cut away to show the contents of the pallial cham- ber. After Lankester—Zoological Articles re- printed from the Encyclopedia Britannica. Small nephridium. Large nephridium. External opening of small] ne- phridium. External opening of large ne- phridium. Anus. Rudimentary ctenidium. Pericardium. mass, over which the tooth-ribbon or radula works. The ventral mass contains certain cartilaginous nodules, and is very i} ' ’ ! 9 Fia. 120.—Vertical section through the neck of Patella vulgata. After R. J. Harvey Gibson. Mouth. Buccal cavity. Palatal tooth. Radula. Odontophore. OUR oo No Anterior cartilage. Oesophagus. Radula sac. Foot. Ose ice muscular. The radula, which runs over it, is continued into a sac, from the blind end of which it grows (Fig. 120). The radula 200 ZOOLOGY and its sac attain an extraordinary length in the limpet, often twice the length of the animal; they lie between the viscera and the muscular foot. Two pairs of yellowish salivary glands pour their secretion into the buccal cavity by two ducts on each side, and many mucous glands also open into it. The oesophagus leads from the buccal mass into the stomach. The walls of this organ are much folded, it receives by numerous ducts the secretion of the liver. The latter is a large organ occupying the greater portion of the space in the visceral hump, and enveloping a considerable proportion of the Fig. 121.—Semi-diagrammatic view of intestinal coils of Patella vulgata. After R. J. Harvey Gibson. 1. Buccal mass. . Rectum. Crop. . Stomach, oO FP cw ND . Coils of intestine. alimentary tract. The intestine which passes from the true stomach makes a loop and then again enlarges into a second stomach, which is bent upon itself; after this the intestine coils in a most complicated way and ultimately ends in a rectum, which opens to the exterior on the anal papilla in the anterior pallial chamber (Fig. 119). The whole alimentary canal is lined throughout by ciliated cells; the extent of its convolutions are shown by the fact that it may attain a length of over fourteen inches, in an animal a little more than an inch long. The heart consists of a single auricle and ventricle, in the allied forms Haliotis and Fisswrella two auricles exist. It is enclosed in a pericardium situated in the posterior angle of the anterior pallial chamber. A large vessel, the branchial vein, runs on each side round the edge of the mantle at the base of the gills; anteriorly the two vessels unite and empty into the auricle. A muscular valve separates the auricle from the ven- tricle. The cavity of the latter is much broken up by strands MOLLUSCA. 201 of muscle fibres; it opens into the left and right aortae, the former supplying the circular muscle. Both aortae soon termi- nate in lacunar spaces, from whence the blood presumably passes to the gills. The blood is colourless, and contains amoeboid corpuscles. The nephridia are paired, but the right is much larger than the left. They open to the exterior by small renal papillae, situated one on each side of the anal prominence, and also, according to some observers, internally by two minute pores into the pericardium. ‘The existence of the reno-peri- cardial openings has recently been denied, both in Patella and in Fissurella. Haliotis and Trochus possess a left reno-peri- cardial duct only. The left kidney lies between the rectum and the pericardial chamber. The right kidney, which is aborted in other Anisopleura, occupies a large space in the visceral hump. In part of its course it is closely applied to the generative organs, and when the ova and spermatozoa are ripe they are stated to burst into the lumen of the kidney, and so to leave the body through the renal papilla on the right of the anus. The lumen of the kidney is much broken up by ridges which project into it from its walls. The ridges are covered with glandular epithelium, which is partly ciliated ; in the substance of the ridges numerous blood-vessels ramify. The nervous system is very complex, it comprises several pairs of ganglia, the most important of which are the cerebral, the pedal, and the pleural. The cerebral ganglia are situated at the base of the tentacles, they give off nerves to the eyes and to the tentacles. The two ganglia are united by a com- missure above the pharynx ; they also give off a commissure on each side which passes to an anterior superior buccal ganglion. From each buccal ganglion two commissures arise, one uniting it with the similar ganglion of the other side, the other pass- ing posteriorly to a posterior superior buccal ganglion, which is in its turn united with the similar one on the other side. Thus the buccal nervous apparatus consists of a square of commis- sures with a ganglion at each angle. ‘The cerebral ganglia are connected with one another by a commissure which runs underneath the buccal mass ; this bears two small ganglia—the inferior buccal ganglia. 202 ZOOLOGY From the posterior end of each cerebral ganglion two com- missures pass backward, the outer one passing into the pleural ganglion, the inner to the pedal. Each pleural ganglion is connected with the pedal of its own side, and the two pedals are united by a pedal commissure. The pleural gives off two stout nerves. The outer of these soon splits, one branch going to the gills and mantle, the other to the circular muscle which attaches the animal to its shell. The second nerve given off from the pleural forms the origin of the visceral loop. This is a nervous loop, which, starting at each end from the pleural ganglion, forms a figure of 8 twist. In its course it gives off a nerve to an olfactory ganglion lying at the base of each of the rudimentary ctenidia. The olfactory nerve going to the left ctenidium arises from the loop near to the right pleural gan- clion, that to the right ctenidium arises near the left ganglion. This twisting of the visceral loop is characteristic of the Streptoneura, The pedal ganglia give off each two large nerves, which supply the muscles of the foot. The tentacles have a tactile function; at their base the eyes are situated—they consist of a pair of pits sunk in the surrounding tissue. The epidermal cells lining these pits become modified and deeply pigmented, and are connected by an optic nerve with the cerebral ganglia. A similar simple eye, consisting of an open pit lined with pigmented cells, is found in Nautilus. Limpets are dioecious ; the position of the generative glands is similar in the two sexes (Fig. 118) between the muscular foot and the digestive organs, rather near the posterior end. Like other members of the Zygobranchiata, the generative glands possess no ducts, and their contents leave the body through the right nephridium. Order 2. AZYGOBRANCHIATA. CHARACTERISTICS.— The cartilaginous skeleton. The cerebral ganglion on the dorsal side of the oesophagus gives off a pair of nerves which end in the superior buccal ganglion, from which a pair pass to the inferior buccal ganglion, both lying on the surface of the buccal mass. In connection with these ganglia there is a well- developed stomatogastric system. lLaterally each cerebral ganglion is continued into two very stout optic nerves ; these expand into the optic ganglia, situated at the back of the eye. The cerebral ganglion gives off two circum-oesophageal com- missures, which pass down to the nervous mass on the ventral surface of the oesophagus. This mass is composed of three ganglia very much fused together. Anteriorly le the pedal MOLLUSCA 219 ganglia, which give off ten large nerves, one to each arm; they also supply the siphon. The auditory nerves also arise from the pedal ganglia, although their fibres may be traced to the cerebral. The pedal ganglia are partially marked off from the fused pleural and visceral by the presence of a small foramen through which a blood-vessel passes. From the pleural por- tion of this compound nerve centre a stout nerve passes to the stellate ganglion, situated at the angle between the mantle and the head. It can be seen shining through the integument when the mantle cavity is exposed. From this ganglion nerves radiate to the muscles of the mantle. The visceral half of the fused ganglion gives off a pair of stout visceral nerves, which unite to form a loop. These visceral nerves supply the gener- ative organs, the kidneys, and other viscera, and each sends a stout branch to a ctenidium. The eyes of Sepia are of great complexity. They have a striking but superficial resemblance to the Vertebrate eye, and fundamental differences exist between these two types of visual organs. Anteriorly the eye is covered by a transparent cornea, which in Sepia is closed. The cornea is protected by certain folds of skin, which can cover it in by the contraction of a sphincter muscle, and there is also a horizontal lower eyelid. Within the cornea is the anterior chamber of the eye, into which the folds of the iris project; they partially cover the lens, which consists of an outer and an inner part separated by a membrane. The lens is supported by the ciliary body, which with the lens occupies the anterior half of the retinal chamber. The retina, which completes the wall of this chamber, is two- layered, and the nerves which pass to it from the optic ganglion enter the retina posteriorly. The auditory apparatus consists of two otocysts sunk in the cephalic cartilage. Their cavities have an irregular shape, and are lined by an epithelium, which is ciliated in places, they contain an endolymph, in which a single spherical otolith floats. An olfactory function is attributed to two small invagina- tions of the skin, situated one just behind each eye. The sacs open to the exterior by a small sht-like aperture; they are lined by a ciliated columnar epithelium, amongst which are 220 ZOOLOGY certain special sense cells, each provided with a single sense hair. This organ is supplied by a nerve which arises from a special ganglion situated near the base of the optic ganglion. No osphradia corresponding with those of other Molluscs have yet been described in Sepia. Certain large cells crowded with pigment, situated in the subepidermal connective tissue, play an important part in the life of a Cephalopod. Attached to these cells, which are called chromatophores, are a number of radiating muscle fibres; when these contract, the cavity of the cell enlarges, and the contained colour becomes diffuse; the chromatophores contract by their own elasticity, and when contracted the colour is concentrated. The whole system is under nervous control, and the colour of the animal may change with startling rapidity In the Sepia and other members of the group this faculty is used as a pro- tection, the colour of the animal tending to assimilate itself to that of the surrounding rocks or sand. In addition to the chromatophores, the subepidermal tissues contain other modified connective tissue cells known as iridocysts; these cells are so modified as to produce iridescent colours by the diffraction of light. Sepia is a dioecious animal which lays eggs. The male is usually somewhat smaller than the female, and its arms are relatively longer; the fifth arm on the left side is hecto- cotylised, that is, it is modified in connection with the process of depositing the spermatozoa. It is thickened at its base, and almost devoid of suckers. The testis lies at the extreme end of the visceral hump, in a capsule—part of the coelom— into which opens a more or less coiled vas deferens, the walls of which are much folded, and provided with numerous glandular diverticula. Whilst passing down this vas deferens the spermatozoa are divided up into packets, and_ the glandular walls secrete around each packet a_ cuticular spermatophore. Finally, the sperm duct opens into a large receptacle known as Needham’s sac, in which the spermatophores are stored up; they pass to the exterior by the genital pore situated to the left of the anus, and they are deposited in the hectocotylised arm, and are possibly introduced by it into the mantle cavity of the female at the time of oviposition. MOLLUSCA 2 i) — The spermatophores are complex structures about 2 cm. long, they have a receptacle in which the minute spermatozoa are stored up, and a long tightly-coiled spiral, thread, the ex- pansion of which explodes the capsule, and the spermatozoa rush out. In the female the ovary occupies the same position as the testis in the male; the cavity of both these generative glands communicates with the pericardial portion of the coelom, though partly shut off from it by a septum. A cushion projects into the lumen of the ovary, which bears ova in various stages of developement ; from the ovary the oviduct, which is ciliated, passes to its external opening to the left of the anus. Accessory glands are present ; of these the most important are a large pair of nidamental glands, which deposit the substance of the egg capsules; in Sepia there is a second smaller pair of i fi pie ery a Vi ‘i am sil jet NG Wye Fic. 129.—a, Male of Argonauta argo, with the hectocotylised arm still contained in its enveloping cyst, four times enlarged (after H. Miller). 6, Hectocotylus of Tremoctopus violaceus (after Kolliker), nidamental glands, as well as the large ones. The egg capsule is prolonged into a stalk, by means of which the eggs are kept together, and the collection of eggs somewhat nespid tiles a cluster at grapes. In Sepia one of the arms in the male is slightly modified, and probably assists in the deposition of the spermatozoa, but in tv to to ZOOLOGY certain Octopods this modification is carried much further. In Argonauta argo the third arm on the left, and in Ocythoe tuber- culata the same arm on the right, becomes detached from the male, and is placed in the mantle cavity of the female. It carries a small sac charged with spermatophores, and was at one time looked upon as a parasite, and the name /Zectocotylus was given it. The male, after losing its arm, always reproduces it again. In the female Argonauta the eggs are earried about in the shell; this is the only member of the Octopoda which has a shell, and it does not cor- respond with the shell of other Cephalopods, but is formed from the expanded ends of the two dorsal arms. In other Dibranchiata the shell varies from the external coiled chambered shell of Spirula to the horny pen of Loligo. Even in Spirula (Fig. 125) the Fic. 130.—Argonauta argo, the Paper shell is partially sur- Nautilus, female. The animal is repre- sented in its shell, but the webbed dorsal rounded by folds of the arms are separated from the shell which mantle, and in other forms they ordinarily embrace. ie aitalciceshade riser fae gether so that the shell comes to le in a closed sac. In the Tetrabranchiata, Nautilus and the extinct Ammonitidae, the shell is external, and chambered. The animal lies in the last-formed chamber, and closely fits it. The chambers are separated from one another by septa, and the whole is traversed by a membranous tube, the siphunele, which is a continuation of the integument of the animal. The chambers are full of a gas probably secreted by the dorsal integument, and they doubtless serve as a float. In Nautilus the fore-foot is broken up into certain flattened MOLLUSCA N N wo lobes, which differ in their arrangement in the two sexes. The lobes bear at their edges cylindrical tentacles, which can be retracted into muscular sheaths. Probably the tentacles cor- respond to the suckers in the Dibranchiata. In some species of cuttle-fish the suckers are replaced by hooks, or both may coexist ; the arms in the Octopoda are usually connected by a fold of skin forming a web, which is no doubt of use in swim- ming. The arms of Architeuthis, a gigantic form, sometimes attain the length of 40 feet, and the total length of the body and arms may measure 60 feet. The beak which guards the mouth is calcareous in Nautilus, and horny in other Cephalopods. The possession by Nautilus of two pairs of auricles which open into the single ventricle is correlated with the two pairs of ctenidia. There are in this same animal two pairs of nephridia; this repetition of parts is almost unknown in Mollusca, the only other case being the gills and shells of Chiton, and it is therefore par- ticularly interesting. The chief nerve ganglia in Nautilus are band-like, and hardly to be distinguished from the commissures which con- nect them. The nerves to the mantle are numerous, and are not aggregated into one stout cord as in the Dibranchiata. The same animal is provided with a pair of osphradia, situated at the base of the anterior ctenidia; these organs have not yet been discovered in other Cephalopods. The eye of Nautilus is one of the most remarkable organs found in the order. It has the shape of a kettledrum.; the tense membrane, which is external, being pierced at its centre by a minute hole, which leads into a dark chamber lined by the retina. The latter is bathed by sea water, which enters through the minute pore. The mechan- ism by which images must be formed on the retina resembles that of a pin-hole camera. CHAPTER XV ECHINODERMATA Asteroidea—Asterias, Solaster, Brisinga. Ophiuroidea— Astrophyton, Ophiopholis. Crinoidea—Comatula, Pentacrinus. Regulares—Zchinus, Toxopneustes. Clypeastroidea—Clypeaster, Rotula. Spatangoidea—Spatangus, Brissus. ( Actinopoda—Holothuria, Cucumaria, Deima. ( Paractinopoda—Synapta, Ohirodota. Echinodermata Bebencides Holothuroidea CHARACTERISTICS.— Animals with a primitive bilateral symmetry, which is in the adult replaced by a more or less regular radial symmetry, usually pentamerous. The skin 1s hardened by calcareous deposits, which may take the form of scattered spicules or of plates which build up an almost complete shell, but in all cases they are mesodermic structures, A well- developed coelom is present, and part of it becomes cut off Jrom the rest to form the water-vascular system, which ws both locomotor and respiratory in function. The five radial vessels of this system correspond with five areas, the “ambu- lacra” ; the angles between them form the “ interambulacra.” The alimentary canal usually opens to the exterior at both ends, but an anus may be absent. The sexes are usually distinct, and developement is nearly always associated with a metamorphosis. They are excluswely marine. The Echinodermata are divided into five classes : I. ASTEROIDEA. II. OPHIUROIDEA. III. CriInompEA. IV. EcHINOIDEA. V. HOLOTHUROIDEA. ECHINODERMATA tN i) wt Ciass I. ASTEROIDEA (Starfishes). CHARACTERISTICS.—Lehinodermata whose body is flattened dorso- ventrally, and is produced into arms or rays, which are usually jive or more ir number. These arms are longitudinally grooved on the ventral surface, and the tube-feet lie in this groove. The madreporie plate is dorsal and interradial in position. The alimentary canal sends caecal diverticula into the arms. The generative organs are interradial in position at the base of the arms. Pedicellariae usually present. Asterias rubens is one of the commonest of starfishes, and is constantly left stranded on our shores by the retreating tide. Its body consists of a central disk, from which five arms or radii project. The surface on which it habitually rests or moves, and on which the mouth opens, may be termed the ventral, the upper and more convex, where the anus is situated, may be called the dorsal. From the mouth five grooves radiate along the arms, these are the ambulacral grooves, and they lodge the tube-feet; between each two grooves, and consequently interradial in position, are five sets of oral spines, which project over the mouth and perhaps assist in feeding. If the tube-feet be removed from each ray, it will be seen that the ambulacral groove is formed of two rows of ambulacral plates, situated right and left of the middle line of the radius (Fig. 131). Each right plate is so placed as to form an angle, open ventrally, with the corresponding left plate, and between the adjacent plates of each side certain pores exist which give exit to the tube-feet. The groove is covered in by the integument, and lodges two radial canals, of these the most ventral is divided by a vertical septum, and is called, for reasons mentioned below, the “ peri-heemal” space. The dorsal canal is the radial trunk of the water-vascular system. At the outer end of the ambulacral plate a series of adambulacral ossicles are situated, and these support three rows of moveable spines. Those spines which are nearest to the centre of the disk form the oral spines mentioned above ; these are borne by the first adambulacral ossicles, one set on each side of an inter- radius. At the distal end of each arm the ambulacral plates end in 15 226 AOQOROGN4 a single ossicle, which supports a terminal tentacle bearing a number of pits of pigmented cells, called collectively the eye- spot. Between this single ossicle and the other ambulacral Fic. 181.—Diagram of a transverse section of the arm of a Starfish. 1, Epidermis. 12. Adambulacral ossicle. 2. Mesoderm. 13, Radial trunk of water - vascular 3. Perihaemal space in the skin. system. 4, Peritoneal lining of body-cavity. 14. Radial trunk of blood vascular 5. A branchia. system of Ludwig. 6. Paired caeca from intestine. 15. Radial nerve connected with plexus 7. Mesentery supporting caeca. under epidermis. 8. Spine. 16. Ampulla of tube-foot. 9. Ossicle in skin. 17. Tube-foot. 10. Pedicellaria. 18. Perihaemal space. 11. Ambulacral ossicle. 19. Coelom. plates all the new plates appear. The tentacle at the tip of the arm, together with the eye-spot, is surrounded by a circlet of spines. On the dorsal surface of both disk and arms numerous spines are scattered, and amongst them many pedicellariae (Fig. 131). These must be regarded as modified spines; they consist of a basilar plate and of two blades which snap against one another like the two limbs of a pair of forceps—in some of them the blades cross one another as they do in a pair of scissors. The function of these pedicellariae seems to be to catch hold of foreign bodies, and so keep parasites from settling ECHINODERMATA 227 on the skin or penetrating through the branchiae into the coelom. On the dorsal surface of the disk, situated interradially, lies the madreporic plate, through which the water-vascular system communicates with the exterior. The two arms which lie right and left of this plate are termed the “ bivium,” and contrasted with the other three or “ trivium”; in mapping out the various organs of the body these will be found to be convenient terms. The anus lies near the centre of the dorsal surface of the disk. The skin is formed of (i.) an outer cylindrical epithelium with nerve fibrils at the base, (i1.) an intermediate connective tissue layer with some muscle fibres,—this is the matrix for the spines and plates,—and (111.) an inner coelomic epithelium, which is ciliated; this last lines the true coelom or enterocoel, a spacious cavity containing the alimentary canal, the generative organs, ete. The coelom contains a fluid in which amoeboid corpuscles float. The angle which the two series of ambulacral plates in each arm make with one another is floored in by the outer layer of the integument, the nerve plexus of which is thickened and forms the radial nerve (Fig. 151). The cavity thus formed is the radial perihaemal vessel or blood-vessel of French authors ; it is divided into a right and a left portion by the presence of a median mesentery. This mesentery in this species, but not in others, has a certain amount of glandular tissue in it, which Ludwig describes as a blood-vessel. On the dorsal surface of the starfish numerous delicate processes of the skin may be seen projecting above the general level of the body-wall. These thin-walled extensions of the integument are known as dermal branchiae; the coelomic fluid passes freely into them, and they doubtless serve as respiratory organs (Fig. 151). It has been recently shown that some of the amoeboid cells of the coelomic fluid (phagocytes), when they have eaten any particles which it is desirable should be ejected from the body, make their way to the walls of these dermal branchiae, and force a passage through them to the exterior, whence they are washed away. Besides the enterocoelic ciliated body-cavity, there are a 228 ZOOLOGY number of vessels. They constitute the blood system according to French authors. The radial one has already been mentioned ; the five radials unite with a circum-oesophageal ring, which is stated to open into the body-cavity by five interradial pores. Inside this is another ring-shaped vessel, into which a large sinus surrounding the stone canal—the axial sinus—opens. Besides this there is an aboral pentagon which sends off inter- radially pairs of vessels which dilate and surround the genital organs. The mouth is situated centrally on the ventral surface, surrounded by a ring of nervous matter. The mouth leads by a short oesophagus into a large stomach, the walls of which are folded in many saccul. When the starfish attempts to devour young molluses or shellfish which are too large to be taken in at the mouth, these sacculi are protruded and enclose the prey. They are retracted by special muscles. The walls of both the oesophagus and the stomach are ciliated, and the eversible portions contain many glands, the secretions of which possibly exercise a paralysing effect on the prey. The stomach is followed by a pentagonal pyloric portion with its angles situated radially. From each angle a short duct passes to the base of each arm, and here opens into two large hepatic caeca, which occupy a large portion of the space in each arm and extend to its tip. Each caecum is supported by two dorsal mesenteries. From the pyloric portion a short rectum passes to the anus, which is in the next interradius to that bearing the madreporic plate, and is almost central. The rectum gives off two short caeca, which lie in two neighbouring interradii —that between the left and central arm of the trivium, and between the left arm of the trivium and bivium. The water-vascular system consists of a circumoral ring which gives off five radial vessels, one running along each arm, and a single interradial stone canal, which passes from the circumoral ring, and opens to the exterior at the madreporic plate, which is calcified. The madreporic plate is marked externally by a number of radial grooves; at the bottom of each of these is situated a row of pores; these open into a series of tubules, which collect into an ampulla, and this in its turn opens into the lumen of the ECHINODERMATA 229 stone canal. The stone canal is lined by a ciliated epithelium, surrounded by calcified connective tissue, a ridge projects into its interior, and the free edge of the ridge may bifurcate, each half then folding back upon itself. The circumoral ring bears nine glandular bodies, composed of branching tubules lined with cubical cells, and opening into the ring. ‘These bodies are known as Tiedemann’s bodies. The stone canal opens in the position where the tenth of these bodies should be. It is possible that the corpuscles which float in the fluid of the water-vascular system are formed in these bodies. The radial vessels which pass along the arms lie ventral to the ambulacral plates, between them and a transverse muscle which runs between each pair (Fig. 131). Opposite each tube-foot the radial vessel gives off a transverse branch. Each branch passes between the ambulacral ossicles, and opens into a vesicular expansion, the ampulla, situated in the coelom. From this another vessel passes to the tube-foot. The con- traction of the ampulla forces fluid into the tube-foot, and so extends it. At the tip of the arm the radial tube ends in an unpaired terminal tentacle, at the base of which is a thicken- ing beset with eyes. The tentacle has a very well-developed nervous layer. The blood system described by German authors is founded on misinterpretation. They describe a radial vessel, an oral ring, and an aboral ring, and a connecting heart lying inside the corresponding organs described above. The radial and oral vessels are nothing but the thickened septa of the true vessels, the heart is a solid glandular organ, and the aboral vessel is the genital rhachis, partly degenerate. The rhachis is in connection with the so-called heart. The nervous system is diffused all over the body, but better developed in some parts than in others. The epidermis contains numerous sense cells, prolonged at their bases into nerve fibrils; these are not very abundant on the dorsal surface, but along the ridge which lies between the tube-feet, and in a ring which surrounds the mouth, both sense cells and nerve fibres exist in great quantities. The triangular ridges which occupy the ventral surface of the arms unite in a ring round the mouth, and constitute the central nervous system 230 ZOOLOGY (Fig. 152). The outer cells of this ridge are mainly sense cells, and ganglion cells and nerve fibres occur at their bases. The nerve layer is also well developed on the tube-feet. Fra. 132.— View of blood-vascular system of a Starfish as described by German writers. Modified from Ludwig. 1. Cireumoral ring. 2. Radial vessel with branches to am- pulla. 3. Heart. 4, Circumoral ring. 5. Dorsal end of heart passing into the skin. 6. Vessels to intestine. 7. Paired vessels passing to generative glands, Asterias rubens is dioecious. The generative organs con- sist of five interradial pairs of glands, which are alike in both sexes, and when mature each extends into two neighbouring arms (Fig. 133). Except during the breeding season, the size of the glands is inconsiderable. Each gland opens to the exterior by a single duct, which terminates in a_ perforated plate situated dorsally and interradially. The various glands are connected together by a genital rhachis, and they are supplied by the above-mentioned genital vessels, which dilate to form a sinus round the glands. Fertilisation takes place externally. The Asteroidea are mainly inhabitants of shallow water, though a considerable number of species from great depths have been described. The arms are usually five in number; one species of Solaster has, however, thirteen, and Lrisinga has nine to twelve arms, which are more sharply marked off from the disk than is the case with other Asteroidea. The same genus is devoid of dermal branchiae, of eye-spots, and of ampullae at the base of the tube-feet. The family ASTROPECTINIDAE is, with one exception, charac- terised by the anus being absent, and by the tube-feet being ECHINODERMATA to Fic. 133.—The common Starfish (A sterias rubens), dissected to show motor, digestive, and reproductive systems. After Rolleston and Jackson. 1. Central radius of trivium. 9. Ampullae of tube-feet. 2. Right arm of trivium. 10. Ambulacral plates, inner surface. 3. Left arm of trivium. 11. Pyloric portion of stomach. 4. Left arm of bivium. 12. Duct leading from stomach to paired 5. Right arm of bivium. caeca, 6. Madreporic plate and canal. 13. Cardiac division of stomach bulging 7. Arborescent ‘hepatic’? caeca, two in into arm. each arm. 14. Anus. 8. Generative glands. to to ZOOLOGY arranged in two rows on the ventral surface of each arm, and not in four, as appears to be the case in Asterias. Their tube-feet have pointed extremities, and not a sucking- disk. Besides the ampullae on the radial vessels, additional Fic. 184.—Solaster papposus (upper surface). reservoirs for the water-vascular fluid usually occur on the circumoral ring; these are termed /Polian vesicles, and are usually five or ten in number. It is doubtful whether the vesicles which occur near the right position in Asterias rubens are really Polian vesicles, that is, opening into the ring, or whether they are the first pair of ampullae of each radial vessel. In one species, Cribella oculata, some of the openings in the madreporic plate lead into that section of the body- cavity which surrounds the heart and stone canal, instead of into the latter canal. The Asteroidea have great powers of regenerating lost parts. Arms broken off grow out again from the disk, and even the whole disk may be regenerated from a single separated arm. ECHINODERMATA to 1os) Oo Crass II. OPHIUROIDEA (Brittle Stars), CHARACTERISTICS.—Lchinodermata with a central disk bearing long slender arms, into the cavity of which no part of the alimentary canal is prolonged. There is no anus. The madreporic plate is ventral, and usually is an oral plate. There is no ambulacral groove, and the tube-feet are lateral in position. This class is allied to the Asteroidea, and is sometimes included with the latter in a single class. The Ophiuroids, however, differ from the Asteroids in the sharp dis- ie tinction between disk and germany arms,a condition approached ‘% % by Brisinga, m the absence of any digestive diverticula in the arms, in the ventral position of the madreporic ‘ e WU AAda gant, MN aes plate, and in the almost khnantiiiee universal absence of pedi- cellariae. In the adult also the ectoderm is absent ex- cept on the tube-feet. FS The arms are long and slender, in most cases they are protected by four rows of plates, a ventral, a dorsal, and two lateral, the tube-feet protrude between the ventral and lateral; they have no ampullae. The nervous system has sunk under the skin, and is protected by the ventral plates. Dorsal to it is the radial blood-vessel, and dorsal to that the water-vascular vessel. In a transverse section of the arm, the greater part of the space 1s occupied by the ambulacral ossicles. Originally paired, these have fused and become single; they are grooved dorsally and ventrally. The dorsal groove lodges part of the coelom, the ventral the above-mentioned vessels and nerve cord. The mouth is armed with certain modified ossicles; it is central in position, and leads into a spacious stomach, which Fic. 135.—Ophiopholis bellis (upper surface). 234 ZOOLOGY is produced into five radial and five short interradial caeca. The walls of the stomach are lined by a ciliated epithelium, Fic. 136.—Diagram of a transverse section of an Ophiuroid. 1. Radial nerve, with lateral branches. bo So-called radial blood-vessel. Radial water-vascular trunk. Tube-foot. Ventral plate. oo oO Lateral plate. Ambulacral ossicles. Dorsal plate. Cs) CONT OD Dorsal portion of coelom. ~_ <= Muscles. pao = . Lateral nerve. 12. Origin of lateral nerve. and are supported by connective tissue strands, which traverse the coelom to the body-wall. There is no anus. The water-vascular system consists of a circumoral ring, which bears four Polian vesicles; in the fifth interradius it gives off the ciliated stone canal, which is simple and un- calcified, this passes to the madreporic plate on the ventral surface. In Astrophyton there are five madreporic plates, one in each interradius, and five stone canals. The radial vessels which arise from the ring bear no ampullae, but give off branches which pass directly to the conical tube-feet. Cor- puscles tinged with haemoglobin occur in the water-vascular fluid of one species. The true vascular system resembles that of Asterids. The aboral ring has, however, an undulatory curve, being ventral in the interradii. MacBride has recently proved that both the axial sinus and the aboral ring are involutions of the coelom. The so-called heart is nothing but a genital stolon, whence the genital rhachis grows out. The genital stolon in the earliest ECHINODERMATA 235 stage is a mere thickened ridge of peritoneum, so that here, as in other Coelomata, the generative cells are derived from the lining of the coelom. The circumoral nerve ring, like the radial nerves, has lost its connection with the epidermis, and has sunk into the body. 1 en rT TTF ATEN TNT ATTN RTT TNTCATTIAMMATHAEEKTTANAT a SSS —o , Ls . unin i> 7 : Fae ay ENS iM “i 714 13 oe Ve4 /} so a AN . b SSC ieee’ 7 p we aN i |¥ | > Ara a a e) ) ) a, eaten | AED 1" a oae 141 10" 6 Fic. 137.—A diagrammatic vertical section of an Ophiuroid, after Ludwig. The circumoral systems of organs are seen to the left, cut across, their radial pro- longations cut longitudinally, to the right. 1. Body-wall. 101. External interradial muscle. 2. Mouth. 10?. Internal interradial muscle. (The line 3. Body-cavity. should point to the dotted tissue. ) 31, Body-cavity of the arm. 11. Water-vascular system: to the left 4, Oral ossicles. the circumoral ring, to the right the 5. Torus angularis. radial vessel. 6. Oral plate. 12. Polian vesicle. 71. 1st ambulacral ossicle. 13. Nerve ring and radial nerve. 7°, 7°, 74. 2nd to 4th ambulacral ossicle. 14. So-called blood-vessel. 81, 8°, 8°. 1st to 3rd ventral plate. 14 (to the right). Genital rhachis enclosed 9. 1st oral foot. in aboral sinus. 10. Transverse muscle of the 2nd joint. 15. Radial perihaemal canal. The radial nerves in the arms are frequently segmented, a ganglionated swelling occurring corresponding with each ossicle. The generative organs consist of numerous caeca which open into a genital bursa. The bursae are ten in number, and le one on each side of each arm; they open ventrally by a slit- like aperture at the base of each arm. A genital rhachis con- nects the generative organs, which are surrounded by a blood-sinus, as in Asterids. Amphiura squamata is hermaph- rodite, and it is stated that when certain internal parasites, Orthonectidae, infest the coelom, it ceases to produce eggs, but produces a greater number of spermatozoa. Some of the Ophiuroids give off a phosphorescent light from the back of their arms. Ophiopholis bellis (Fig. 155) exists in great numbers in the 236 ZOOLOGY northern European seas. Like many other members of the class, it is brilliantly coloured. The different specimens of the same species exhibit a surprising amount of variation both in their colour and markings. Crass III. CRINOIDEA (Sea Lilies). CHARACTERISTICS.— The dorsal or aboral surface usually prolonged FI x Ie into a jointed stalk, by which the animal is fixed. The calyz, consisting of the disk and arms, in some species breaks off from the stalk and leads a detached existence. The jointed arms bear lateral pinnules. The tube-feet take the form of ten- tacles arranged in groups on the disk, arms, and pinnules. No madreporic plates exist, but certain holes lead from the water-vascular system into a ramifying system of vessels, whence others open to the exterior. The skeleton of the Crinoids is composed of a number of ossicles with a very definite arrangement. The topmost seg- ment of the jointed stalk is termed the centro-dorsal plate ; in the Comatulidae, which lose their stalk when adult, this persists as the central aboral plate, and bears several whorls of cirrhi which have a root-like appearance. The stalked forms, such as Pentacrinus caput Med- usae, also have numerous cirrhi, arranged in whorls on their stalks. From the centro-dorsal piece five radial plates radiate; these are continued by second and third radial ossicles, and the last of these bears two brachials (Fig. 138.—Pentacrinoid larval forms 141). These brachials form the of Comarda. Natural size and first of a series which form the axis of each of the ten arms. The growing point of the arm forks at short intervals, and one ECHINODERMATA 237 branch of the fork alternately, right and left, remains small and constitutes a pinnule, a method of branching which occurs in plants, and is termed by botanists scorpioid dichotomy. The arms and _ their pinnules have a grooved ciliated ventral surface, at the disk the grooves of the two arms: of a pair unite, and the five grooves thus formed run to the Wy mouth. The arms are " flexible, and the free Crin- CoO te =f oids swim through the sea 2, Ce SY &F pay by the graceful undula- ; aS Be : \s S on DS tions of these processes. eet iG . Hd, say OOS In atransverse section 4 ME EH hy + ROR Seas aN Zon L qaqaacacs< co oa ase of the arm the following parts may be distin- guished: dorsally a large brachial ossicle which is D> =; CAI traversed by an axial Ei g . se nerve, the contiguous We S| 5 - : oh g ossicles being united and sh g : Sid 9 moved bya pair of muscles HY EY & = DY 4 4 (Fig. 140). Ventral to HH EE & . . O +4 the ossicle is the body- Q ENS: g : . 7 FO cavity broken up _ into “ee four ; SPACES: which com- Fic, 139.—Pentacrinus caput Medusae. municate atintervals. One After Guttard, of these is dorsal, one ven- tral, and two lateral, the ventral portion is traversed by the sterile generative rhachis. Below these coelomic spaces lies the radial water-vascular vessel which gives off alternating branches to the nonsuctorial tube-feet. At the side of the ambulacral groove some spherical bodies of unknown function are situated, these are termed sacculi, and consist of a membrane enclosing a large group of spherules. 238 ZOOLOGY The pinnules resemble the arms, with the exception that the generative rhachis has become functional, producing either ova or spermatozoa. The rhachis, both in the arms and in the 10 1 Fia. 140.—Transverse section of a Cri- noid arm (partly diagrammatic). After Milnes Marshall. Ambulacral groove. Ambulacral nerve. Ambulacral water-vessel. Tube-feet. Pinnule. Coeliac (dorsal) canal. Subtentacular (lateral) canal. cot oO OP ON EF Ventral canal: contains genital rhachis. Muscles connecting the joints of arm. Axial cord. H aS Its branches. 12. Branch to pinnule. pinnules, is surrounded by a blood-plexus, and the whole is enclosed by the ventral division of the body-cavity, which is relatively much larger in the pinnules, corresponding with the enlargement of the rhachis. The generative cells escape through a series of special pores. At the tips of both arms and pinnules all the sections of the body-cavity communicate with each other. The mouth is central, and the anus is interradial in position and on the oral surface of the disk; the alimentary canal is coiled, and lined by a ciliated epithelium. The coelom in the disk is much broken up by strands of connective tissue which support the viscera. The mouth is surrounded by vascular, water-vascular, and nervous rings, which each give off extensions into the arms (Fig. 141). The water-vascular ring gives off numerous ciliated canals which open into a series of vessels which communicate with the exterior by a series of ECHINODERMATA 239 ciliated pores which traverse the integument. This system represents the stone canal of Asterids. In one species of Hm cob Fy v0. Fig. 141.—A longitudinal section through the plane of the mouth and anus of Pentacrinus decorus, Wyv. Th. After Carpenter. Mouth. 6,, 62, 63. First, second, and third radial Alimentary canal. plates. Anus. 7,;, 7g. First and second distichal On the left, the axial cord of the (brachial) plates. ray; on the right, extensions of 8. The more or less calcified connective nerves from the axial cord into tissue in the body-cavity. the plated perisome of the ventral 9. Central vascular axis of stem. side. 4;, ambulacral nerve. The 10. A cirrhus. central nervous mass is shown at 11. Genital rhachis. 4, near the basal plate. 12. Ligament between the ray joints. Basal plate. 13. Radial water-vessel. The black plexus of blood-vessels in the centre of the figure is the plexiform gland, containing the genital stolon. Rhizocrinus there is one canal and one pore in each interradius, but the number is much increased in other Crinoids. The five genital strands are continuous with a central genital stolon, which here, as in Asterids, has been mistaken for a heart by German authors. Around this stolon are numerous vessels, which in the central capsule of the dorsal nervous 240 ZOOLOGY system dilate into chambers which give off vessels to the cirrhi. Above they communicate with a plexus of vessels around the oesophagus, this plexus communicates with the distal portion of some of the stone canals. The chief nervous system is situated dorsally ; it consists of a mass of nervous matter lying within the circle of basal ossicles, and giving off a large nerve to the stalk, which supplies branches to all the cirrhi, and five radial nerves, each of which divides into two, and the resulting nerves supply each arm and govern their movements. This system is con- tinued into the pinnules; it is probably connected here and there with the ambulacral system of nerves, whose function seems to be mainly sensory. This dorsal or anti-ambulacral system may be derived from concentrations of a subepidermal nervous system, such as exists in Asterids, which have sunk into the body. Crinoids are attacked by an order of highly-modified Chaetopods, termed Myzostomidae. These occur only on the Crinoidea, and live parasitically either on the disk or arms ; their presence often causes local abnormalities of growth, pro- ducing swellings sometimes termed galls. The order includes two genera, Myzostoma and Stelechopus. Extinct Crinoids seem to have suffered from the same parasite. Crass IV. ECHINOIDEA (Sea Urchins). CHARACTERISTICS.—Spheroidal o7 heart-shaped Echinodermata, sometimes flattened dorso-ventrally. The calcareous ossicles take the form of definitely-arranged plates usually immovably united by their edges, and of moveable spines. The number of radii always five in recent forms. Mouth and anus present. A ciliated ectoderm covers the body of the Echinoids, beneath this is a nerve plexus. The calcareous plates which constitute the shell of the animal are developed in the con- nective tissue of the integument. The apical series of plates consists of a dorso-central piece surrounded by ten plates ; five of them, the radials or ocular plates, bear sense organs, the alternating five, interradial in position, are pierced by the genital pores. The ambulacral plates abut against the radials, and it is ECHINODERMATA 241 between the most dorsal ambulacral and the radial plates that new ambulacral pieces are intercalated. One of the ambulacra Fic. 142.—A portion of the shell of Echinus gracilis. After Agassiz. a. Ambulacral plates. b. Poriferous zone. c. Interambulacral plates. is regarded as anterior, and an interradius is posterior ; in those forms in which the anus is not central, it lies in this posterior interradius. Adopting this orientation, the madreporic pores are usually found on the right anterior genital plate. Both the ambulacral or radial and the interambulacral or interradial areas are composed of a double row of pentagonal plates, firmly united with all the contiguous plates. Each of the ambulacral plates is formed by the fusion of several small plates, the pore-plates ; these latter are pierced by two holes, Fic, 143.—Spine of an Echinid. After Leuckart. 1. Spine. 2. Basal knob. 3. Circular muscle of spine. rs . Ligament. through which two processes from the water-vascular system pass and fuse to form one tube-foot. Both the radial and interradial plates bear calcareous knobs, upon which long spines are articulated; these are moved by certain muscles attached to their base, and form important locomotor organs. Pedicellariae, with usually three jaws, are also present. Some 16 242 ZOOLOGY of these are provided with glands which open to the exterior near the tip of the jaws; the glands are said to secrete a sticky fluid by means of which the Echinoid attaches to itself pieces of seaweed, etc., which screen it from observation. The smaller Fic. 144.—Pedicellariae of Kchinus saxatilis. After Gegenbaur. a. Open. 6, Closed, pedicellariae serve chiefly to clean the surface of the body, and some of them serve as locomotor organs, and to catch passing worms, etc. They are well supplied with nerves, and some of them have in addition a special tactile organ. The peristomial area immediately surrounding the mouth Fic. 145.—View of Sea Urchin, with part of the shell removed to show the course of the alimentary canal (from Leuckart). After Cuvier. 4 1. Mouth, surrounded by five teeth (dis- 5. The siphon. placed). 6. Oral vascular ring. . Lantern of Aristotle. 7. Aboral sinus. . Oesophagus, coiled intestine, and 8. Blood-vessel accompanying intestine. rectum. 9, Ampullae at base of tube-feet. 4, Ovaries with oviducts. ww bo ECHINODERMATA 243 is soft and membranous, with scattered ossicles. The mouth opens into an oesophagus, surrounded in the Regulares and Clypeastroids by a complicated masticatory apparatus known as Aristotle’s Lantern. The oesophagus extends into the inter- radius of the madreporic plate, and opens into an intestine which takes a spiral course, finally opening by the anus, which may be nearly central in position or quite eccentric. The intestine is accompanied by a second tube, the siphon, which may have been pinched off from the intestine, into which it opens at each end. The whole is held in position by numerous strands of connective tissue. The body-cavity is spacious and is filled with a fluid in which amoeboid corpuscles float, similar to those found in the water-vascular system. The circumoral water-vascular ring lies at the dorsal end of Aristotle’s Lantern. The ring gives off in each inter- radius a diverticulum or Polian vesicle, and in each radius a radial vessel which runs along the inner surface of the ambu- lacral plates ; it bears a number of ampullae, which open, as a rule, by two ducts into the tube-feet, these vary much in structure; when suctorial the sucker contains calcifications. In the interradius of the madreporic plate a stone canal, which may be membranous or calcified, passes to an ampulla which opens by the madreporic plate. The blood system of Echinoids is still involved in obscurity. There is a circumoral ring adjacent to the water-vascular ring, giving off two vessels which run one on each side of the intestine, and there are probably radial vessels, and one or more vessels accompanying the stone canal. Glandular tissue representing the so-called heart of other forms is developed in the wall of this structure. In the Regulares ten buccal gills are usually found pro- jecting from the peristomial area around the mouth; these are hollow arborescent diverticula of the coelom, resembling in essential structure the dermal branchiae of the Asteroids. There is a circumoral nervous ring situated in the angle between the base of Aristotle’s Lantern and the peristome ; this gives off five radial nerves, each of which ends in a sensory prominence of the epidermis, which traverses the ocular plate. 244 ZOOLOGY The radial nerves send branches to the tube-feet, from the base of which a nerve passes to the sub-epidermal plexus of nerve LLL Ze Fic. 146.—Diagrammatic vertical section of a Sea Urchin (from Leuckart), After Hamann. 1. Mouth. 10. Aboral sinus containing so-called 2. Intestine cut short. blood-vessel. 5. Siphon. 11. Circumoral water-vascular ring. 4. Rectum. 12. Oral nerve ring. 5. Anus. 3. Tube-foot with ampulla. 6. Ventral vessel on intestine. 14. Radial nerve. 7. Dorsal vessel on intestine. 15. Radial water-vascular vessel. 8. Stone canal. 16. Polian vesicle. 9. Madreporic plate. 17. Muscles. 18. Ocular plate. fibrils, which ramify all over the body just outside the calci- fications, and govern the movement of the pedicellariae and spines. : The generative organs typically consist of five arborescent glands, though the number is often reduced, lying interradially, and opening on the genital plates. In the young they are all connected by a circular genital rhachis; they become very conspicuous in the breeding season. The pore plates of the paired ambulacral areas are in the female Hemiaster philippii extended and depressed so as to form four deep oval cups. In these the eggs are deposited ECHINODERMATA 245 and the young develope, being kept in position by some of the spines bending over them. SSS S = — —— —S-= SSS SS SSSSSSS ONS \ —————S = Sf es — —S== ge << SS Z Fic. 147.—Spatangus purpureus. The Echinoidea are divided into three subdivisions : Gi.) Regulares.—Sphacroidal or flattened circular bodies. Ambulacral and interambulacral areas equal in length. Central mouth and subcentral anus. Complex masticatory apparatus—Aristotles Lantern — present. Echinus, Toxopneustes. (1.) Clypeastroidea.—Shield-shaped, often flattened bodies. Central mouth, with Aristotles Lantern. Very broad ambulacra, with their dorsal ends forming a peta- lod rosette round the apical plate; small tube - feet. Anus excentric. Clypeaster, Rotula. Gu.) Spatangoidea.—/rreqular heart-shaped bodies. Mouth and anus excentric. No Lantern of Aristotle. Ambu- lacra petalord, and the anterior one unlike the others. Spatangus, Brissus. Ciass V. THE HOLOTHUROIDEA (Sea Cucumbers). CHARACTERISTICS.— Lehinodermata with elongated bodies, usually pentagonal in cross section. The integument is leathery, 246 ZOOLOGY and contains small scattered calcareous ossicles. The mouth is surrounded by a circlet of retractile tentacles, into which the water-vascular ring sends extensions. The madreporie plate usually opens into the body-cavity. The anus is usually terminal. The body of the Holothurians is elongated along an oral- apical axis. The ambulacra are five in number; they may be equally developed, or three of them, the trivium, may be flattened and form a creeping sole upon which the animal rests; the bivium is then con- vex. This occurs in Psolus and in all the Elasipoda. When this specialisa- tion of radii takes place, the tube-feet are modified on the trivium. In other cases the tube-feet are scattered all over the body, and in others—the Synaptae—they are entirely wanting. The skin is covered by an ectoderm with an external cuticle; within this is a layer of connective tissue, in which cells laden with pigment and cal- eareous ossicles are scattered. This layer also includes a nervous plexus. The connective tissue sheath surrounds a muscular layer whose fibres run in a circular direction, and more inter- nally are five radial bands of longi- tudinal muscles, one running along each ambulacrum, and lying beneath the water-vascular vessel and nerve ; anteriorly these bands are attached to the pharyngeal ossicles, which are radial and interradial in position. The ossicles in the integument are always small in size; they may be simple spicules, or may assume a number of very elegant forms in the different genera. In the Elasipoda they exist in the mesenteries and in the walls of the alimentary canal, as well as in the integument. The coelom is large, and is lined with ciliated cells; a special section of it surrounds the pharynx, and in the outer Fic. 148.—Holothuria papulosa. ECHINODERMATA 247 walls of this the pharyngeal ossicles are formed; these are notched for the passage of the radial nerve and water-vascular vessel. In some of the Synaptae the alimentary canal runs nearly Fria. 149.—Spicules of Holothuroidea. After Semper. q fea a and. Anchor and anchor plate of OWE Synapta indivisa. Semper. 4) =I c. Spicule of Chirodota rigida. J Semper. d. Wheel spicule of Chirodota vitiensis. Griffe. e. Spicule of TZhyone chilensis. Semper. Jt, g, th. Anchor and anchor plate of Synapta godefroyii. Semper. i. Spicule of Rhopalodina lageni- formis. Gray. straight from the mouth to the anus, but as a rule it forms a coil with three limbs. The mouth is situated in the centre of Fic. 150.— Diagram of a transverse section through the body of a Holothurian. From Leuckart. 5 11" 12m 9 diac 1. Dorsal surface, dorsal interradius. 11’, 11”, 11”. The mesenteries of the 2. Ventral surface. three limbs of the intestine. 3. Left dorsal radius. 12’, 12”, 12”. The three limbs of the 4. Right dorsal radius. intestine. 5. Right ventral radius. 13. Respiratory trees, the left surrounded 6. Left ventral radius. by a rete mirabile of blood-vessels. 7. Radial nerve. 14. Two tubules of the generative organs 8. So-called radial blood-vessel. lie to the right of the genital duct. 9. Water-vascular vessel. 15. Ventral blood-vessels. 10. Radial muscles. a peristomial area, and is in the Elasipoda directed ventrally. The mesentery of the first descending limb of the alimentary canal is situated in the interradius, in the middle dorsal line, ZOOLOGY sane SUUREEEUIIRIT OS™ -_=- ae r- | 94 je=ea di = Fia. 151.—View of the internal organs of a Holothurian which has been cut open ie to a ew) along the middle dorsal line. 6. Radial ossicle of the calcareous ring, into which the longitudinal muscle is inserted. Interradial ossicle of the calcareous ring. Radial water-vascular vessels. Circumoral ambulacral ring. Polian vesicle. ice) Coy From Leuckart. Two stone canals ending in Madre- poric plates; the upper one is attacaed to the dorsal mesentery, the lower one hangs freely. Circumoral blood-vessel. Ventral blood-vessel. Dorsal blood-vessel. Anastomosing branch between dif- ferent parts of the ventral blood- vessel. ECHINODERMATA 249 that of the second or ascending limb in the left dorsal inter- radius, and that of the third or second descending limb in the right ventral interradius. The pharynx is followed by a stomach with muscular walls; the intestine forms the longest portion of the alimentary canal ; the posterior end of the rectum, or the cloaca, is rhythmically contractile, and takes in and sends out sea water; special muscles run between it and the body- wall. Certain appendages known as respiratory trees open into the cloaca. These are sometimes regarded as homologous with the two interradial caeca which open into the rectum of Asterids. They are branched structures, usually two in number; each terminal ramification opens by a fine tube into the coelom, and they doubtless serve to introduce sea water into that space. Their function is probably in part respiratory, and they re- semble in structure the similar organs in the armed Gephyrea. In some species some of the basal ramifications of the respiratory trees are modified into the so-called Cuvierian organs. In these the peritoneal covering becomes glandular, and when the animals are irritated they are discharged into the water through holes torn at their base in the cloacal wall, and swell up into long tenacious elastic threads, which serve the purpose of entangling their enemies. At times, when much disturbed, the Holothuroidea will throw out their whole intes- tine through the anus; but it is probably regenerated. The water-vascular system consists of an oral ring, which gives off five radial vessels, these run at first upwards and out- wards, and give off branches to the oral tentacles; the tentacles may increase in number with age. The tentacles assist in the pro- cess of feeding, either shovelling in mud or sand—in which case 11. Anterior part of alimentary canal. 19. Generative organs. 12’, 12”, 12”. The three limbs of aliment- 20. Opening of generative duct. ary canal, 21. Circular muscles in body-wall. 13. Cloaca. 22. Right dorsal muscle. 14. Cloacal opening with five teeth. 23. Right ventral muscle. 15. Radiating muscles of cloaca. 24. Median ventral muscle. 16. Organs of Cuvier. 25. Left ventral muscle. 17’, 17”. Respiratory trees. 26. Left dorsal muscle. 18. Dorsal mesentery with free posterior margin. The tentacular ampullae are omitted ; the mouth is in the centre of the divided tentacles. ZOOLOGY to un ° the intestine, like that of the Gephyrea, is full of sand—or en- tangling food particles; and in the latter case the tentacles are then thrust into the mouth, which removes any nutritive particles. The radial vessels pass through notches in the radial ossicles of the pharyngeal calcareous ring, and run along the ambulacra giving off tube-feet outside the bundles of muscle fibres. They are absent in one group, and devoid of tube-feet in others. The ampullae of the tube-feet are embedded in the circular muscle layer in the Elasipoda, and in many of this group the stone canal opens on the dorsal surface, and in others it lies in the tissue of the integument; in other subdivisions it is supported by the mesentery, and the madreporic plate opens freely into the coelom. It may or may not have calcareous walls; the fluid in this system contains numerous corpuscles. The vascular system consists of spaces in the connective tissue not lined by an epithelium. There is a circular space round the pharynx, just behind the water-vascular ring. This Fie. 152.—Sea Cucumber Cucumaria crocea (Falkland Islands) bearing its young. After Sir Wyville Thomson and Murray, ‘‘ Challenger’”’ Narrative. communicates with a dorsal and a ventral intestinal vessel, and these two are connected by numerous anastomoses round the walls of the alimentary canal. ‘The dorsal vessel is in connec- tion with a plexus which surrounds the left respiratory tree. There are no radial vessels. The circumoral nerve ring gives off five radial nerves, and nerves to the tentacles. There is a nerve plexus in the skin ECHINODERMATA 251 and the tube-feet. In Synapta ten auditory vesicles contain- ing numerous otoliths have been described at the base of the radial nerves. The generative organs are either a single gland situated at the left of the dorsal mesentery, or a double gland, one on each side of it; the glands are continuous with a single duct, which opens in the dorsal middle line close to the base of the ten- tacles. With one or two exceptions, the Holothuroidea are dioecious. The young of one species, Cucumaria crocea, found near the Falkland Isles, are attached in rows on each side of the dorsal ambulacrum. The early stages of developement ap- parently take place rapidly, and the embryos are arranged in position by the tube-feet of the ambulacrum. In the East Indies some species form an article of com- merce under the name of Béche-de-mer. They are dried and sold to the Chinese, who use them in the preparation of soup. The Holothuroidea are classified as follows : I. Actrnopopa.—Ladial canals present in the water-vascular system. a. Aspidochirotae—7he tentacles are peltate in form, respiratory trees are present. Holothuria, Miulleria. b. Elasipoda.— Tentacles as above. The dorsal tube-feet produced often into very long stiff processes. Respira- tory trees rudimentary or absent. Stone canal sometimes opens to the exterior. Deima, Elpidia. ce. Dendrochirotae.— The tentacles have a dendriform shape. Cucumaria, Thyone. d. Molpadiidae.— The tentacles are simple or pinnate. The radial canals bear tentacles, but no other tube-feet. Molpadia, Caudina. II. Paractinopopa.— The tentacles are pinnate. No radial canals, no tube-feet, no respiratory trees. Synapta, Chirodota. “VOINHOVUY | ( Vd0dvxa}] | | r VLVAHOVEL ‘eqyeuttayuy 4 V@Od VITAL LVLVaHOVULoLong J ‘snasvUug ‘snpjas jy —epodostny ‘SMUD J, —epodosiuy DuUnUoly ‘snimuruny—epodiydury “snurvo.ng —eIndyoRlg epodosy } ‘snonjsp” ‘sninbng —eantovyy re | — BOVIJSOLYILV ~VAOdOUH LUV ‘sasfiqy—epodoztyog “nypnbgy—epodoyzeuloyg ‘woonaT ‘suhijspyg—eoovuny ‘mynganN * vovrysoqdarT “‘nurjnoong—reeydoaoozty yy ‘sndaj0aj0ug —epody ‘adidio) py —eleuLMLopq Vy ieee vovlqysoovloy], ¢ VAOVISNAO * erpadupaug ‘srunjpng ‘sndaT—eorwore1oy J, *SNYJUDIDAPUOY) —BILYISBLBT ‘DyIUDDY ‘sdop hp —eyeul0zsotyyeUr) ‘saqjadowhiy ‘snynbop—eanryouerg | VOVULSOOVIVIY vpodedoony epododog [ YOVUISOWOING | * wpoorrysQ | J ‘nurpriwdlg ‘srdhg “pLopowloT ‘nprs ‘nvuydong—reiaoopryy |. vpodorpAttq Z C mpnuunry ‘mwoysgy ‘sndp—epodormoursrg “NOILVOIMISSV'TIO CHARTER] Xavi ARTHROPODA CHARACTERISTICS. — Bilaterally symmetrical Coelomata, with a chitinous exoskeleton. Their body is segmented hetero- nomously. The segments usually bear a pair of jointed appendages, those in the neighbourhood of the mouth are modified im connection with the prehension and mastication of the food. The nervous system consists of a brain or. supra-oesophageal ganglion, a ring round the oesophagus, and a ventral, usually segmented, nerve cord. A heart is typically present dorsal to the alimentary canal, blood enters it through a series of lateral ostia ; the coelom is reduced, and to some extent replaced by a haemocoel. The sexes are typi- cally distinct, and the pared genital glands usually open by paired ducts. Cilia are universally absent from the group, with the single exception of Peripatus. The Arthropoda may be divided into two large groups, according to the nature of the breathing organs: (i.) the BRANCHIATA, which breathe by gills and are typically aquatic ; and (ii.) the TracnEaTa, which breathe by tracheae or lune books, and are typically terrestrial. The Branchiata include but one class, the Crustacea. The Tracheata include four: (i.) the Prototracheata, (ii.) the Myriapoda, (iii.) the Insecta or Hexapoda, and (iv.) the Arachnida. The first three classes may be grouped together as the Antennata, and opposed to the last class, the Arachnida. 254 ZOOLOGY I. BRANCHIATA. Ciass CRUSTACEA. CHARACTERISTICS.— Aquatic Arthropods, which breathe either through the general surface of their skin or through specialised extensions of the same, the branchiae or gills. Two pairs of antennae are found, and the appendages are as a rule biramous. A limb-bearing thorax is either free or united with the head. The usually segmented abdomen may or may not bear appendages. Some of the limbs are modified to form jaws. The gills ave usually extensions of the basal joint of some of the appendages. The whole group, both in its internal and external features, 1s, with few exceptions, rigidly bilaterally symmetrical. The Crustacea are divisible into two series: (A) the Entomostraca and (B) the Malacostraca. A. ENTOMOSTRACA. A. The Entomostraca inelude many comparatively small and simply-organised Crustacea, the number of whose segments varies within wide limits. A large carapace, which may enclose the whole body, is often present. The demarcation between thorax and abdomen is often shown by the opening of the generative organs. Paired compound eyes and an unpaired simple eye often coexist. There is no masticating stomach. The developement almost always includes a Nawplius stage. The ENTOMOSTRACA consists of four orders : 1. PHYLLOPODA. 2. OSTRACODA. 3. COPEPODA. 4, CIRRHIPEDIA. Orper 1. PHYLLOPODA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Crustacea, with usually elongated and well- seymented body, partially covered by a shield-like carapace, which may be laterally prolonged to form a bwalved shell. The number of segments and appendages varies greatly, but there are never less than four leaf-like lobed swimmang-feet. ARTHROPODA 255 The Phyllopods are divided into two sub-orders: (a) the Cladocera and (0) the Branchiopoda. a. Cladocera.—The Cladocera or water-fleas are all small. Their body is laterally compressed, and their carapace takes the form of a bivalved shell, within which the larger part of the body lies concealed. A pair of large biramous antennae are used as swimming organs. The Cladocera include many species common in freshwater streams and inland lakes. Daphnia pulex and Daphnia longispina occur frequently in ditches and ponds in England, and although they are of minute size, 4 or 5 mm. in length, they form a convenient type of this sub-order. The sexes differ both in size and structure, and it will be convenient to describe the female first, and afterwards to mention those points of differ- ence which the male presents. As is usual in Crustacea, the body of Daphnia is divisible into three regions: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The large bivalve shell which encloses the body like the valves of a Lamellibranch, is an extension of the dorsal surface of the cephalic segments. The head is provided with a pair of antennules, uniramous, very small, and bearing olfactory hairs ; a pair of antennae which are biramous and very long and are used for swimming; a pair of mandibles; and one pair of maxillae. The larva has two pairs of maxillae, but the second pair disappear before the adult stage is reached. The thorax consists of five segments, which are free from the shell. Each segment bears a pair of lamelliform swimming-feet. The abdomen is three-jointed, and carries no appendages ; it is curved forwards ventrally, and terminates in an unsegmented post-abdomen or telson. The abdomen bears dorsally several processes which assist in enclosing the brood pouch, a space left between the dorsal side of the thorax and abdomen and the shell. The post-abdomen on which the anus opens bears two long dorsal tactile setae, and ends in two hooks or styles. Appendages of Daphnia. 1. Antennules, uniramous and small. 6. 1st thoracic swimming-feet, 2. Antennae, biramous. 7. 2nd $3 5 3. Mandibles. 4, Ist maxillae. 8. 3rd 3 a 5. 2nd maxillae, disappear during 9. 4th 55 Fy larval life. 10. 5th By ts 256 ZOOLOGY The head bears a large median compound eye, which is formed by the fusion of two originally lateral eyes, and behind this lies a single simple eye. \ oe | MI As A2 Fic. 153.—Side view of female of Daphnia similis. After Claus. 1. Antennules. 9. Heart. 2. Antennae. 10. Brood pouch. 3. 1st pair of legs. 11. Shell gland. 4, 2nd pair of legs. Th. 3 and Th. 5. 8rd and 5th thoracic 5. 3rd pair of legs. segments. 6. 4th pair of legs. A.1, A.2, A.3. Ist to 38rd abdominal 7. 5th pair of legs. segments. 8. Hepatic diverticulum. An upper lip guards the entrance to the alimentary canal, and the mouth lies between the two-toothed mandibles; the ARTHROPODA 257 digestive tube passes straight through the body, with hardly any change of diameter, to terminate in the anus in the post- abdomen. The only structures which open into it are a pair of small curved caecal processes which are given off near the anterior end, and which are usually regarded as liver diver- ticula. The heart, which is much shorter than is usual with Crust- acea, is correlated with the small size of the animal. It con- sists of an oval sac, the muscular nature of whose walls is very evident. The sac is suspended in a pericardium which con- tains blood; this blood enters the heart through a single ostium on each side, and is forced out by the rhythmic contractions of the organ through an anterior opening. Although there are no blood-vessels with distinct walls, the blood follows a definite course, flowing in channels through the various parts of the body and shell. The blood contains amoeboid corpuscles. A coiled gland, which ends blindly at its inner end, opens to the exterior in the region of the second maxillae (Fig. 153). This is termed the shell- or maxillary gland, and it is the characteristic nitrogenous excretory organ of the Entomostraca, as opposed to the antennary gland of the Malacostraca. In Estheria the gland terminates in a vesicle, the walls of which are lined by flat epithelial cells, and it has been suggested that this may represent a portion of the primitive coelom, just as does the vesicle at the inner end of the nephridium in Peripatus. The larvae of some Phyllopods possess an anten- nary gland as well as a shell gland, but this disappears before the adult stage is reached. Many species of Daphnidae, e.g. Sida, have also a neck gland ; these animals swim on their backs, and the neck glands secrete a sticky substance which enables them to attach themselves to foreign bodies. The brain in Daphnia gives off two stout nerves, which pass forward and almost immediately fuse to form a large optic ganglion, which supples the compound eye; it also gives off nerves to the simple eye, to a curious sense organ composed of an aggregation of ganglion cells in the neck, and to the first or olfactory antennae. C -4 Th SS as 4 | 2 Iv A eS, om Sy V/ y Ss ‘Y [ Wk : Wan. - === ’ J 3 any 6 Ny m \ ih aN ae “| 4 Fic. 164.—Squilla mantis, seen from the left side. After Leuckart and Nitsche. 1. 1st antenna. 8-10. Ist to 3rd biramous swimming- 2. 2nd antenna. legs. 21. Scale, exopodite, of 2nd antenna. 11-16. Ist to 6th abdominal _ legs, 3. 1st maxillipede. the anterior five pairs bearing 4, 2nd maxillipede. branchiae. 5, 3rd maxillipede. 17. Branchiae. 6. 4th maxillipede. 18. Penis. 7. 5th maxillipede. 19. Eyes. teristic appendages of this order; there are five pairs of them, turned forward towards the mouth (Fig. 164). The anterior pair are thin and feeble, but terminate in a small pair of sub- chelae which help to hold the prey; the second pair are the largest appendages of the body. Their terminal joints are strong and toothed, and shut down upon the penultimate like the blade of a knife into its handle; this arrangement has been termed subchelate, and it exists in all the maxillipedes of this group. The three succeeding maxillipedes are smaller, and terminate in small rounded subchelate joints. The three free thoracic segments carry biramous swimming-feet. The six abdominal segments also bear each a pair of swimming-feet, which are remarkable for carrying the gills on the external ramus. ‘The first pair are modified in the male in connection with reproduction. The elongated condition of the heart, which stretches from the thorax through the abdomen, is doubtless correlated with 284 ZOOLOGY: this position of the branchiae; in each segment it gives off a pair of lateral arteries, and in front it ends in ophthalmic and antennary arteries (Fig. 165). The liver extends into the abdomen, and is divided into ten pairs of caeca. HYMENOPTERA Formicariae—Formica, Oecodoma. AcULEATA 4 Vespiariae—Vespa, Polistes, Hwmenes. Apiareae—Apis, Bombus. CHAPTER XIX TRACHEATA Cuass III. INSECTA CHARACTERISTICS.— Tracheata whose body is divided into three dis- tinct regions: head, thorax, and abdomen. The head carries the antennae and three pairs of mouth appendages. The thorax is conyposed of three segments, each with a pair of legs, and usually the posterior two segments bear each a pair of wings. The abdomen ws devoid of limbs, and consists of a varying number of segments; ten may be made out in some species, but the number is often less. The class Insecta includes an enormous number of species, probably far more than the whole of the rest of the animal kingdom put together. The single order of beetles—Coleoptera —contains more than 120,000 described species, and there is reason to believe that the flies—Diptera—are as numerous or even more so. At the present date, the total number of named species of insects must be very nearly a quarter of a million. The principles on which this enormous amount of material has been classified and brought into order rest upon (i.) the structure and arrangement of the mouth parts, (i1.) the charac- ters of the wings, (ili.) the relation of the first thoracic segment —the prothorax—to the rest of the thorax, and (iv.) the degree of metamorphosis. The arrangement of the mouth organs is intimately con- nected with the food of the insect; by the modification or suppression of some of the three pairs of oral appendages or parts of them, a very great diversity of structure is produced, 21 22 ZOOLOGY Lo) which is of the utmost value in any system of classification. The character of the wings, and the relation of the prothorax to the rest of the thorax, are connected with the powers of flight. In some sub-orders wings are entirely absent, and in others, although they are fully developed, they may be thrown off, as in the ants, and in the workers amongst the white ants or Termites. The degree of metamorphosis which an insect under- goes in passing from the egg to the adult, though possibly a good criterion for phyletic relationship, is of less use for practical purposes of classification, inasmuch as it assumes the life-history of the insect to be known, and this is by no means always the case. The Insecta are divided into eight orders— 1. APTERA. ORTHOPTERA. NEUROPTERA. LEPIDOPTERA. HEMIPTERA. COLEOPTERA. DIPTERA. HYMENOPTERA. bo OS Can a ale a se Before considering the subdivisions and characteristics of these orders, it will be advisable to obtain an insight into the structure and anatomy of some fairly typical insect form, and the common cockchafer, J/elolontha vulgaris, one of the Coleop- tera, both on account of its size and its frequency, will form a convenient type. The cockchafer is about # to 1 inch long, and the chief divisions of an insect body into head, thorax, and abdomen are easily recognised. The head bears a pair of antennae, and three pairs of mouth appendages. The antennae differ in the two sexes; they consist of ten segments, the first of which is known as the scape. In the male the last seven joints, and in the female the last six joints, are flattened out into a series of plate-like processes, which have given the name Lamellicornia to the subdivision of the Coleoptera to which the cockchafer belongs. They are much longer and larger in the male than in the female, and in both, each lamella bears an enormous TRACHEATA Lo) Go number (some thousands) of shallow pits lined by specialised sense cells connected with nerves, which apparently function as olfactory organs. Immediately behind the base of the antennae lie the com- pound eyes. Appendages of Melolontha, 1. Antennae. 5. Ist pair of legs, prothoracic. 2. Mandibles, without a palp. 6. 2nd 5 mesothoracic. 3. 1st maxillae. 7. 8rd 53 metathoracic. 45/2nd 5; = Labium. The oral appendages comprise the typical insect mouth parts, a pair of mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae. The anterior part of the head forms the clypeus, and this is con- tinued into a hinged portion, the /abrwm, which overhangs the mouth. On each side of this orifice les a mandible, a_biting- jaw of pyramidal shape, whose opposed edges bear a number of teeth. The first pair of maxillae are behind the mandibles ; Fic. 185.—View of the posterior surface of the head of Melolontha vulgaris. After Strauss-Durckheim. 1. Eyes. Opening into head for oesophagus, nerve cord, ete., to pass through. Base of the cut-off antennae. Ist maxillae. Maxillary palp. Labrum. Labium (=fused second maxillae), Labial palp. bo WS OUR go each consists of a basal piece which articulates with the head, the cardo, this bears another joint, the stipes, and the stipes terminates in an inner piece with one tooth, the dacinia, and an outer piece, the galea, with a row of teeth. A maxillary palp is inserted into the distal end of the stipes. The second pair of maxillae have fused together and formed a plate-like lower lip, the labiwm. ‘This consists of a mentum and sub- mentum, and it carries a pair of labial palps. The function of both pairs of palps is sensory. The thorax is made up of three segments, called respect- ively the pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax; each of them carries on its ventral surface a pair of legs. The anterior pair are directed forward and the two posterior backward. Each lee consists of the following segments, a cova, a trochanter, a femur, 324 ZOOLOGY a tibia, and the five-jointed tarsus, the distal joint of which carries two claws. The dorsal part of the prothorax forms a broad shield, the pronotum. The mesothorax bears dorsally the anterior pair of wings, which are horny and hard, and are termed e/ytra; they afford a protective covering to the membranous posterior wings, and to the abdomen as far as the eighth segment. The meta- thoracic wings are membranous, they stretch out at right angles to the body and are used for flight, at other times they are folded under the elytra. The superficies of these wings is divided into a number of small areas or cells by the presence of chitinous tubules, in which tracheae and nerves ramify ; these “cells” are of great importance in Insect classification. The third division of the body, the abdomen, is by far the bulkiest ; it comprises eight segments, each composed of a B Fic. 186.—A male Melolontha @ vulgaris, seen from above, slightly enlarged. After Vogt and Yung. Head, stretched forward. Prothorax. Mesothorax, scutellum. . Metathorax. . Abdomen. . Anterior wing (elytron) of right side, turned for- ward. 7. Posterior wing of right side, expanded. 8. Maxillary palps. 9. Femur of third right leg. 10. Tibia of third right leg. 11. Tarsus of third right leg. a oP wre dorsal plate, the tergum or notum,and a ventral plate, the sternum, the soft integument which connects the sides of these successive plates is pierced by the apertures of the six pairs of abdominal stigmata. The eighth tergum is prolonged into a long bluntly pointed process, which overhangs the openings of the alimentary canal and generative organs (Fig. 186). The alimentary canal of the cockchafer is about six times as long as the body, and is therefore necessarily thrown into loops more or less coiled (Fig. 187). This is unusual amongst Arthropods (though common in Insects), in which the digestive tract is as a rule a straight tube, running directly between TRACHEATA Oo wn mouth and anus. The mouth is overhung by the labrum, and has the mandibles and first maxillae on either side; behind it is bounded by the labium or fused second maxillae; the mandibles cut and crush the food, which is held in position by the maxillae. The passage of the food into the mouth is assisted by a hairy prominence on the anterior surface of the labium. The mouth leads into an oesophagus which pierces the nerve mass, and then swells into an inconspicuous crop; this Fic. 187.—View of male Melolontha vulgaris, from which the dorsal integument and heart have been removed to show the internal organs. After Vogt and Yung. 1. Cerebral ganglion. 10. Malpighian tubules, brown portion, 2, 1st thoracic ganglion. with caeca. 3. 2nd and 3rd thoracic ganglion. 11. Malpighian tubules, distal end. 4. Fused abdominal ganglia. 12. Tracheae with vesicles. 5. Oesophagus. 3. Testes, opening into coiled vasa 6. Mid-gut. deferentia. 7. Small intestine. 14. Penis. 8. Colon. 15. Single vas deferens. 9. Rectum. opens into a brown mid-gut, in which the processes of diges- tion are mainly carried on. The mid-gut passes into a finer tube, the small intestine, which receives the Malpighian tubules, and this in its turn passes into the colon, which has on its inner side six longitudinal muscular ridges; this opens through the rectum to the exterior. With the exception of the mid- gut, the alimentary canal is lined with a thin layer of chitin, continuous at the mouth and anus with the exoskeleton, and this is cast at the ecdysis of the exoskeleton. In Melolontha neither salivary glands nor hepatic diverticula are described. The Malpighian tubules are four in number; they are very 326 ZOOLOGY long, and are closely applied to the outside of the alimentary canal (Fig. 187). Each of them consists of a free end, which is usually white, and of a brown portion which bears numerous small side diverticula, giving the tubule a feathered appear- ance; they open into the small intestine. The cells lining the tubule contain crystals of uric acid, which are excreted through the rectum. The tracheal system, which carries air to every part of the body, communicates with the exterior by eight pairs of stigmata. The first two of these are situated close behind the base of the first and second legs, between the pro- and meso-, and meso- and meta-thorax respectively. The remain- ing six are found on the soft integument which unites the terga and sterna of the seven anterior abdominal segments. Each stigma is surrounded by an oval ring of chitin, and the opening can be closed by the action of certain muscles. It leads into a large trachea, which in the first thoracic stigma swells into a considerable vesicle ; from this two branches pass off and enter the head. The most dorsal of these unites with its fellow of the opposite side, and the single trunk gives branches both to the eyes and to the brain; the other branch also unites with its fellow, and supplies the antennae and mouth appendages. A third branch arises from the same enlargement and runs to the anterior pair of legs, and several smaller branches supply muscles. Besides these, a stout branch runs backward and opens into the main trachea of the second stigma; this bears in its course many oval tracheal vesicles (Fig. 187), and gives off branches to the elytra; two or three other branches with vesicles also pass backwards, and one of them supplies the second pair of legs. The main trachea from the second stigma gives branches to the membranous wings, the third pair of legs, and longitudinal branches which open into those of the adjacent stigmata. The abdominal tracheae are very regularly arranged; the six stigmata on each side open into a trachea, which immedi- ately divides into a dorsal and a ventral branch; these arch round, pass backward, and meet together again in the main trachea of the next segment. The dorsal and ventral arches of the last stigma unite to form a ring, and at the point of TRACHEATA 327 union give off a trachea to the generative organs. Each of the dorsal loops of the system thus formed breaks up into six or eight smaller tracheae, which pass dorsally, giving off fine branches to the various viscera, and frequently terminating in vesicles ; the ventral loops also give off smaller branches, and each of the last six gives rise to a long trachea, which passes backward and opens into a large swelling in the fifth abdom- inal segment; similar branches come from both sides of the body, thus the right and left tracheal system is in communi- eation within the body. Each trachea consists of a tube of very thin transparent chitin, which is strengthened and kept expanded by a spiral thickening of the chitin; this gives the trachea its character- istic spiral appearance. The chitin is secreted by a layer of polygonal cells, with conspicuous nuclei, which surround the tracheae. The vesicles are simply oval swellings on the tracheae. The finest branches ramify between the cells which compose the various tissues, and thus in a tracheate animal the cells are directly supplied with air, and are not dependent upon the blood for their supply of oxygen. Owing to the complete intercommunication of the various tracheae the whole system could be filled with air from any one stigma, so that if anything rendered the supply from some of them inefficient, it could be made right by the others. The vesicles when charged with air doubtless serve to render the body of the beetle lighter during flight. The heart of the cockchafer les in the median line immedi- ately beneath the dorsal integument; it consists of a tube closed behind but open in front, with contractile muscular walls. In the abdominal section of this tube there are eight pairs of ostia, with valvular lips; through these the blood enters the heart, and by its contractions is propelled forwards. The ostia mark the hmits of the eight chambers into which the heart is sometimes said to be divided ; anteriorly it is continued into a vessel, the so-called aorta, which passes as far forward as the head and then suddenly ends with an open mouth. The heart is lodged in a space, the pericardium, whose dorsal wall is formed by the terga of the various seements, and the ventral by a pericardium or pericardial membrane. The alary 328 ZOOLOGY muscles, which correspond in number with the cardiac cham- bers, and have a wedge-shaped outline, are attached at one end to the integument, and at their broader extremity to the pericardial membrane; when they contract the latter is de- pressed. This membrane consists of connective tissue, pierced by numerous oval apertures; when it is depressed the blood in the body-cavity passes through it, and at the same time the diastole of the heart taking place, the blood enters through the eight pairs of ostia, and at the systole is forced forward and so out of the open mouth into the body-cavity again. In this way the blood, which is a colourless fluid with amoeboid corpuscles, is kept in circulation. The body-cavity of Insects is to a great extent occluded by the various viscera, but in addition to the alimentary canal, generative organs, etc., there is a considerable amount of a tissue, known as the fat-body, which is formed primitively from mesoblast cells lining the integument. This fat-body is especially abundant in the larvae, where to some extent it acts as a storehouse for reserve material, particularly in those Insects which pass through a protracted pupa stage; it is also found in mature Insects, and is usually present to a greater or less extent on the pericardial membrane. In the Tracheata, where the air is directly conveyed to the cells of all the tissues, the blood has to a great extent lost its respiratory function ; it is still, however, of the utmost importance. It bathes all the internal organs, and these, as is usually the case when organs are surrounded by nutrient media, do not form solid compact masses, but are branched and subdivided as much as _ possible. The food which has been digested in the alimentary canal is thus distributed by the blood into which it passes, the fats are stored up by the fat-body, and the nitrogenous excreta, the urates or uric acids, are either conveyed straight to the Mal- pighian tubules, or are stored up in the cells of the fat-body. From time to time these cells break down, and then the stored- up urates are taken by the blood to the Malpighian tubules, and from them pass out of the body. The body-cavity in Insects, as is probably the case in all Arthropods, is a haemo- coel, and the true coelom is probably confined to the lumen of the generative organs. The developement of a tracheal system TRACHEATA 329 of breathing, and the consequent absence of a respiratory function of the blood, has taken place concurrently with the formation of a new method of ridding the body of its waste nitrogenous matter. In most other Coelomata this is effected either by means of tubules ultimately ending in flame cells, or by nephridia, and these two methods are connected by inter- mediate forms; but in the true Tracheata the nitrogenous matter leaves the body by caecal diverticula of the alimentary canal, formed usually from the proctodaeum, but sometimes from the mesenteron. These Malpighian tubules receive the matter they are to excrete either at first hand from the blood, or the urates, etc., have been stored for a time in the cells of a mesoblastic tissue, the fat-bodies, and, when these disintegrate, the nitrogenous matter is carried by the blood to the tubules, and thence passes through the rectum to the exterior. The nervous system of Jelolontha is very concentrated, instead of the double nerve cord enlarging into a ganglionic wes Ge ws soup ----8 Fre. 188.—View of nervous system of Melolontha | vulgaris. After Vogt and Yung. . Cerebral ganglion. 2. Sub-oesophageal ganglion. . Ist thoracic ganglion. \ = SS == » —— ' \ v ' ' ' H Oo oO fF WwW WY He ae — . 2nd thoracic ganglion. | 1 Aili | Ke ak . ord thoracic ganglion. Zi ih ee ; : 2 || Mi aN 6. Fused abdominal ganglia. Ui —— FH | — { N = Hi = | 7. Nerves to antennae. —7) |) WW NW =e] = | 8. Optic nerves. 5 | ee See - ; = f Ss --10 9. Origin of sympathetic nerves. . Abdominal nerves, a pair to each segment, ; which split into an anterior and posterior y | branch. UM mele oe mass in each segment, the ganglia are to a great extent fused into a central mass, from which the nerves radiate. The supra-oesophageal ganglion occupies a considerable part of the head; it consists of two well-marked lobes separated by 330 ZOOLOGY a slight groove. Each lobe is continued laterally into a stout optic nerve, which supplies the compound eyes; besides this it gives off a nerve to the antenna of its own side, which branches abundantly in the lamelliform segments, and a third nerve to the labrum or upper lip. Two short commissures encircle the oesophagus, and unite in the sub-oesophageal ganglion, which also lies in the head; this ganglion supplies nerves to each of the mouth appendages, the mandibles, and first and second maxillae. From the sub-oesophageal ganglion two commissures pass backward, and enter the first or prothoracic ganglion, which gives off nerves to the thoracic muscles and first pair of legs. Close behind this is a large ganglionic mass, formed by the fusion of the meso- and meta-thoracic ganglia, its double origin being shown by a transverse groove (Fig. 188). This compound ganglion supplies nerves to both pairs of wings, and to the posterior two pairs of legs. The abdominal ganglia are all fused into one mass, which is withdrawn into the thorax, and lies in the metathorax immediately behind the ganglion of that segment; indeed, it seems as if part of the abdominal nervous system is absorbed into the last-named ganglion, which is said to supply nerves to the first abdominal segment ; the remaining seven pairs of nerves arise from the abdominal mass, and pass backwards to their respective segments, where they split into an anterior and a posterior branch. In addition to the central nervous system, there is a small sympathetic system, which consists of the following parts. A pair of fine nerves arise from the supra-oesophageal ganglion and fuse in the middle line, and so form a minute triangular ganglion lying in the head (Fig. 188); from this a median unpaired nerve passes back and forks over the crop, and the branches unite into a small ganglion again. There are also two pairs of minute ganglia which innervate the heart and tracheal system, these are situated just behind the supra- oesophageal ganglion. Like all other Insects the cockchafer is dioecious, and the female may be distinguished from the male by having six lamelliform segments in its antennae, whereas the male has seven. TRACHEATA 331 The testes lie in the fourth and fifth abdominal segments ; they consist on each side of six small flattened bodies, each of which has a short duct. The six ducts unite into a single vas deferens, which is much coiled; just before the vasa deferentia of the two sides unite they are rather swollen, and form vesiculae seminales, they then receive the secretion of two coiled accessory glands. The united vasa deferentia open into an extremely large and complicated ejaculatory apparatus, which can be protruded just below and in front of the rectum. The ovaries consist of six tubes upon each side; their inner tapering ends are united into a strand of tissue which is attached to the tergum of the first abdominal segment; the ova arise from the endothelal cells which line these tubes. The cells are undifferentiated at the inner end of the tube, but as they approach the oviduct they assume more and more the character of the ripe ova; between each two eggs is a mass of cells whose function is to afford nourishment to the ova, which attain a considerable size. The six tubules on each side unite into an oviduct, and the two oviducts fuse and form the vagina, which opens just in front of the rectum. A small accessory gland and a sper- matheca are present, and, in addition to these, a large bursa or sac, into which the penis is introduced during fertilisation. The adult cockchafers may be seen flying about in the dusk during the months of May and June; they live upon the leaves of deciduous trees, and at times do a good deal of damage by denuding the branches of their foliage. The female deposits her ova, in clumps of about thirty, several inches below the surface of the ground. Each ege gives rise to a larva with a brownish, hard, chitinous head, and a white body of twelve segments, the last two of which are swollen into a “sack.” The three segments immediately succeeding the head are each provided with a pair of four-jointed legs. The larva creeps through the earth, and lives on roots, in this way often causing considerable loss to the agriculturist. The larva lives three years, and in this time grows to a considerable size; at the end of the third summer it burrows to a depth of about two feet in the ground, and there forms a spherical cell; in this it turns into a brown chrysalis. The pupa thus formed is a pupa bo ZOOLOGY Os Os libera, that is, its appendages are free, and not hidden under a covering, as is the case with the Lepidoptera. The pupal stage lasts till the following spring, and in the interval the individual has undergone great changes; its nervous system, with a gan- glion in each segment, has become concentrated, its wings have developed, and its appendages have assumed their adult form. The perfect insect or imago emerges from the pupa some little time before it appears on the surface, but during the month of May in its fourth year the mature cockchafer makes its way above ground, and is found hanging underneath the leaves of the trees which serve it as food. The life-history of Melolontha affords a good example of a complete metamorphosis, with its larval, pupal, and imaginal stages. The egg gives rise to a larva which has little or no resemblance to the adult insect, and the change from the vermiform larva to the winged insect is effected during the period of quiescence which constitutes the pupal stage. Many insects undergo a similar metamorphosis, whilst the young of others are but miniatures of their parents. Intermediate con- ditions between these two extremes are not uncommon, and the variations which the life-history of the various orders of insects present are of use in the classification of this class. Orper 1. APTERA. CHARACTERISTICS.— Wingless insects whose body is covered with scales or hairs. The segments of the thorax are not fused together. The mode of progression is either running, or springing with the aid of an apparatus borne on the ventral side of the abdomen. There is no metamorphosis. The Aptera form the most primitive order of insects. This order consists of a few genera, which are grouped in two sub- orders, (i.) the Collembola and (i1.) the Thysanura, differing considerably from one another. Sub-order 1. Collembola. The members of this group are widely distributed, but very inconspicuous. Specimens of them may be found under TRACHEATA 333 stones or dried leaves, on roofs, ete., and some of them live on the surface of the water, upon which they move actively. The head bears a pair of antennae with few joints (4-8). The prothorax is usually compressed; there is no trace of wings, and no evidence that the group ever possessed them. Each of the three thoracic segments bears a pair of legs with four or five joints. The abdomen is short; the Sminthurinae have apparently only two or three segments, the Podurinae six. On the ventral side of the first abdominal segment is a structure known as the “ventral tube”; this in Podura and Lipura is a simple tubercle, but in other genera it takes the form of a tube, which in Sminthurus is divided into two halves at its end, from each half a long delicate tube can be protruded at the will of the animal. The ventral tube is essentially a protrusible part of the integument, it may be compared with somewhat similar structures in the Thysanura. Its function is possibly an ad- hesive one. The springing apparatus consists of a forked process borne on the fifth, or, as is stated in Podwra, on the fourth segment; this process is directed forwards, and in those species which jump the best, it is retained in position by two chitinous hooks which form the “catch”; these hooks in Tomocerus are borne on the third abdominal segment. The spring acts by the process pressing violently against the ground, and the insect is thus propelled into the air; the process is then folded under the abdomen again, and retained in position by the catch. This saltatorial apparatus is absent in some species, as Lipura, Anura, ete. The nervous system consists of the usual chain of ganglia, but the number in the abdomen is reduced. In Sminthurus and others there is only one abdominal ganglion. Eyes may be absent or present, in the latter case they consist of two little groups of at most eight simple eyes. The mouth appendages are, as is usual in insects, a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae; the first pair are provided with palps, and the second are partially fused into an under lip. All the mouth appendages can be withdrawn into a cavity, and in this respect the Collembola resemble the Myriapod Scolopendrella. The alimentary canal is a 334 ZOOLOGY straight tube stretching between the mouth and anus. It is at present unsettled whether any salivary glands or Mal- pighian tubules exist. The heart, which les in the middle dorsal line in Macro- stoma, is said to have five pairs of valves. The blood is yellowish and corpusculated. It seems doubtful if a tracheal system exists in many of the Collembola, but in the larger Sminthurinae a pair of stigmata open on the under side of the head, a very unusual position; from these bundles of tracheae radiate. Like all other Insects, the Collembola are dioecious; there is very little external difference between the sexes. The developement is direct. Sub-order 2. Thysanura. The Thysanura are of larger size than the Collembola, and have to a much greater extent the appearance of insects. One of the most familiar genera is Lepisma, often termed the “ silver-fish,’ a quickly-running, silvery-gray insect, which infests old chests of drawers and disused cupboards. It is a nocturnal insect, and hides away during the winter. The genus Machilis is found in woods, etc., or on rocky sea-coasts, where it lives between stones or in clefts of the rock, but it loves to run on warm sunny places. Campodea is found under fallen leaves or stones in shady places and in loose earth. Japyx also shuns the light; it is found widely distributed in Europe, but not in cold places. The number of abdominal segments is always ten, and the abdomen ends in three long many-jointed processes or cerci. The three thoracic segments each bear a pair of legs; in Machilis the coxae of the two posterior pairs of legs bear pecu- liar processes, which externally resemble certain paired processes found on the ventral surface of the abdomen in different species of Thysanura. These processes, however, are regarded by some authorities as the representatives of abdominal limbs ; in Machilis they are found on the second to the ninth seg- ments, in Japyzx on the first to the seventh, in Lepisma only on the eighth and ninth—in the last-mentioned insect the TRACHEATA 335 coxal processes are wanting. Similar processes occur internal to the base of each of the twenty-two pairs of legs in Scolo- pendrella. Some very remarkable spherical protuberances of the integument near the middle line are found in JMMachilis and Campodea, projecting between the abdominal appendages. They are twenty-two in number in the former genus, a pair pro- jecting behind the sterna of the first, sixth, and seventh segments, and two pairs behind those of the second, third, fourth, and fifth. These protuberances appear to be extended by the forcing into them of some of the blood. They have special muscles which retract them, and as a rule they are found in the retracted condition. They probably serve as respiratory organs. They are absent in Lepisma and Japyx. The number of ganglia in the abdomen is eight, except in Campodea, where only seven have been described. In the last-named genus the nervous system is in intimate connection with the hypodermis. Machilis has a pair of large compound eyes. The Thysanura are all provided with salivary glands and Malpighian tubules, and the heart has nine pairs of ostia. The tracheal system is fairly well developed; in Machilis a pair of stigmata are found on the meso- and meta-thorax, and on each of the abdominal segments from the second to the ninth ; the tracheae do not anastomose. The primitive position of the Aptera is shown (i.) by the absolute absence of wings, (ii.) by the direct developement,—this is, however, shared by several other orders of insects,—(iii.) by the presence of abdominal appendages, (iv.) by the very slight developement of the cuticle, and (v.) by the general resemblance of some of the genera to the larvae of higher forms. This is recognised by the application of the term campodiform to the larvae of most insects with direct developement, and to some of those, e.g. certain families of beetles, with indirect. OrpER 2, ORTHOPTERA, CHARACTERISTICS.—Lnsects with direct developement. Prothorax Sree. Lbiting mouth parts. Wings usually unequal, the anterior pair small and hard, the posterior membranous. 336 ZOOLOGY The insects grouped together in the order Orthoptera are all of a fair size, and compared with the beetles and flies are comparatively few in number. They may be classified in two groups: (i.) the Dermaptera, comprising the earwigs, and (ii.) the Orthoptera genuina, which include the cockroaches, grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, etc. 1. Dermaptera. FORFICULIDAE. — This family consists of the earwigs, the most familiar of which in our country is the genus Forficula. The body is elongated, the head flattened, with filiform antennae, round eyes, and no ocelli. The prothorax is free, the anterior wings short and horny; the posterior, which are folded longitudinally and transversely beneath them, are membranous. ‘The abdomen has nine segments, and termi- nates in a pair of forcep-like processes which have been homo- logised with the cerci anales of other forms. These insects are nocturnal in their habits, concealing themselves in flowers and fruit during the day. The female watches over her young. The remaining groups of the Orthoptera—the Cursoria, the Gressoria, and the Saltatoria—are usually grouped together as the Orthoptera genuina. 2. Orthoptera Genuina. I. Cursor1a.—This sub-order comprises the various species of cockroach which are found all over the world. The body of these insects is flat and oval, the pronotum is large, the antennae long, the legs are adapted for running, and the tarsus is five-jointed; a pair of ringed cerci anales are present. There are about 800 species of cockroaches: some, as for example Polyzosteria, are wingless ; others, as Heterogamia, have the females wingless; whilst Blatta (Phyllodromia) and Periplaneta, the species found in Europe, bear wings in both sexes, except P. orientalis, the female of which is wingless. Cockroaches avoid the light, and are nocturnal in their habits TRACHEATA 337 and fond of heat. The eggs are laid in a capsule or ootheca, which is variously shaped in the different species; it is often carried about by the female protruding between the terminal segments of the abdomen for some days before it is deposited. II. GRESSORIA include two very remarkable families of Insects, the Mantidae and the Phasmidae. Their legs are adapted for walking. The Mantidae have their anterior pair of legs modified to form predatory organs. The toothed tibia can be folded down against the femur, as the blade of a pocket-knife into the handle. This subchelate appendage is used in capturing other insects or spiders for food. The prothorax, which bears these enlarged appendages, is very much elongated. The abdomen is elongated and oval. The commonest colour of these Insects is green. The eggs are laid in regular clumps on sticks or stones. Mantis religiosa is found in South Europe ; the devotional attitude in which it sits, with the anterior legs raised, has obtained for it the name of the praying insect ; many legends and superstitions centre around it. The Phasmidae are mostly tropical insects of large size which’ feed on leaves. ‘They are slow in their movements, and escape observation by their very extraordinary resemblance to various natural objects amongst which they live. The genus Phylliwm of the East Indies mimics various forms of leaves, the veins on the wings resembling the venation of the leaf, and in some cases the legs bear flattened leaf-like expansions which in- crease the resemblance; others have holes in their wings and a dried appearance which simulates that of a tattered, withered leaf. The genus Phasma includes many species of an elongated shape which closely resemble dried twigs; one species attains the length of 12 inches. Ceroxylus laceratus is covered with tufts of processes which give it the appearance of a mossy twig. The whole family affords a very striking example of protective resemblance. III. SaLratortaA.—This division includes all those forms which have the legs modified for jumping, such as the grass- hopper, locusts, and crickets. It may be divided into three families : 1. Acridiidae or Grasshoppers.—The body is compressed, 22 338 ZOOLOGY with a large vertical head. The antennae are short, and the hind legs are enlarged for jumping ; the tarsus has three joints ; o Sa ware ttatrE Fic. 189.—Pachytylus migratorius. Natural size. they produce a chirping noise by rubbing their tibia against a vein on the anterior wing, and their auditory organ is situated on the first abdominal segment. The female has no projecting ovipositor. The eggs are laid in cocoons in packets of 50 to 100 at a time. Some of the grasshoppers are very voracious, and as they move in immense swarms, they occasion very considerable PRACHEATA 339 damage. One species, Acridiwm migratorium, which is found all over Europe and Asia, moves as a locust swarm, and devours every green thing which it comes across. Fria. 190.—Acridium peregrinum. Natural size. Some species attain a large size, measuring four or six inches in length. 2. Locustidae.—The Locusts are usually of a green or brown colour; they have long filiform antennae, and their wings lie vertically along the side of the body. The auditory organ is situated upon the tibiae of the anterior pair of legs ; the tarsus is four-jointed. The female bears a pair of long, sabre-like processes which form the ovipositor; this bores into the ground, and the eggs are deposited by it. The stridulating noise of the male is caused by drawing the rough vein of the left anterior wing over a file-like structure situated on a vibrat- ing membrane at the base of the right. 340 ZOOLOGY Locusta viridissima is one of the commonest European forms. 3. Gryllidae.— The crickets have a shorter and more Fic. 191.—Mole cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris). 1. Eggs. bo Young just hatched. 3. Larva after first moult. 4. Adult, nat. size. cylindrical body than those of the two preceding families. Their antennae are long and filiform. The male produces an f aS > eae NY NY Sy wae Win SSy wwe | Fig. 192.—Rocky Mountain Locust (Caloptenus spretus). a. Females in various positions ovi- d,e. The earth partially removed to il- positing. lustrate an egg mass already in b. Egg pod extracted from the ground place and one being placed. with the end broken open. J. Shows where such a mass has been c. A few eggs lying loose on the ground. covered up. TRACHEATA 341 irritating noise by rubbing the short anterior wings against the posterior. As in the preceding family, the auditory organ is on the proximal end of the anterior tibia. The tarsus is three- jointed. The females are usually provided with a straight ovipositor, and the males attach a spermatophore containing semen to the genital orifice of the female. Gryllus campestris is the field cricket, and G. domesticus the house cricket. Gryllotalpa vulgaris, the mole cricket, leads mainly a subterranean life; it is of a brown colour, and has its two anterior legs short and thick, and adapted for digging. The female lays from 200 to 300 eggs in a nest the size of a hen’s egg, situated some inches below the surface of the ground. The Orthoptera genuina, from their habit of moving in immense swarms and devouring all the green parts of plants dock lad = SRP PTE IIo r$ Fee = Fic. 193.—Caloptenus italicus. Natural size. which come in their way, are Insects of great economic 1m- portance. The females usually lay their eggs in waste and inaccessible places termed in America “ mauvaises terres” ; the young larvae when hatched make their way to more cultivated districts. As an example of the enormous number of these insects, it may be mentioned that in the spring of 1882 over 1300 tons of locusts’ eggs were destroyed in the island of 342 ZOOLOGY Cyprus, and over 12,000 tons of locusts. Various species compose the locust swarms in different parts of the world. Acridium peregrinum does. much harm in India and Algeria. Swarms of Caloptenus spretus, another of the Acri- diidae, have been known to clear off every green thing over 300 square miles in Colorado in less than six weeks. In Minne- sota 300 ege capsules, each containing thirty eggs of this species, were found on an average in every square foot. These figures give some idea of the astounding numbers of these locust swarms. : OrpeER 8. NEUROPTERA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Insects with membranous wings, both parrs alike, with the veins forming a more or less close network. The mouth parts are, as a rule, of the biting type. Meta- morphosis complete or inconrplete. The Neuroptera form a rather heterogeneous collection of Insects, which, however, resemble each other in the character of their wings. Many of the subdivisions of this order have but little in common, and it is difficult to group them into sub-orders ; it will therefore be advisable to consider a few of the more important forms under the designation of their families. Family 1. Termitipar.—The white ants flourish most abundantly within the tropics; certain genera, however, as Calotermes, and some species of Termes, occur in subtropical and temperate climates. The antennae are short; the abdomen of nine segments is oval and flattened, unlike the linear abdomen of most of the Neuroptera. The wings when at rest are unfolded, and le flat upon the back (Fig. 194). The TERMITIDAE, like the more highly organised ants and bees, live in communities, and the individuals have undergone considerable modifications, correlated with their particular functions in society. The sexual forms are winged; the apterous members of the community are either larvae, which, unlike the larvae of the Hymenoptera, take an active share in the work of the nest, or are neuters, 7.e. individuals with sexual glands, which, however, do not reach maturity, and TRACHEATA 343 which are apparently functionless. The neuters may be workers with small rounded heads, or soldiers with greatly enlarged heads and most formidable mandibles. Fic. 194.—White Ant (Termes bellicosus). A. Winged male, B. Soldier, C. Queen. The communities live as a rule underground ; some species construct nests of such size and strength as to serve as watch- towers for the big game of South Africa. These nests are 12 to 15 feet in height. Others live on tree-trunks, etc., and cover the branches with little tunnels built of pellicles of clay which they bring up from below, and line with excrement. They invariably work in the dark, building the tunnels from the inside; if anything breaks down part of their work, the workers disappear, and the powerful “soldiers” take their place and defend their home. Those of the larvae which are not destined to become workers or soldiers acquire wings, and a few weeks afterwards they leave the nest, and pair whilst flying in the air. They then fall to the ground and lose their wings; in this condition a number of them perish, but some of them, guided by a few 344 ZOOLOGY neuters, will succeed in founding a new nest. In this a special chamber is set apart for the queen, whose body swells enor- mously. It may attain a length of more than 3 inches, and is distended by an enormous ovary. The queen lays eggs at the rate of 80,000 to 90,000 a day, and these are carried away and cared for by the workers. In Termes lucifugus, found in South Africa, the larvae which mature in the spring become kings and queens, those which mature in the summer become complementary kings and queens, and replace the functional ones if occasion arises. The king dies in the autumn, but, although the queen ceases to lay eggs during the winter, she survives, and resumes the ego-laying in the spring. The nests of Calotermes are the most incomplete; there is no special chamber for the queen, and their home consists of passages tunnelled in trees. Family 2. TurrpsmpaAzE.—A family of very small, usually black insects with fringed wings. Their body is long and Fic. 195.—Corn thrips (Zhrips cere- alium), female. Magnified. narrow, their antennae long and slender, and their mouth parts suctorial. Thrips cerealium does a good deal of harm to wheat crops, others injure flowers, etc. They are sometimes regarded as a separate order of Insects, and called the Thysanoptera ; other authorities place them with the Hemiptera. Family 3. EPHEMERIDAE—The Ephemeridae or May-flies spend but a short part of their life in the imago condition, at most only a few hours. They are delicate insects with a long body and a ten-jointed cylindrical abdomen which ends in two or three very long anal filaments. The imago takes no food, its mouth parts are rudimentary, and the oral cavity is stated not to open into the alimentary canal. The ducts of the reproductive organs do not unite in either sex, but open independently, one on each side of the ninth abdominal seg- ment in the male, and between the seventh and eighth in the female. TRACHEATA 345 The larvae are aquatic, and feed on other insects, etc.; they have well-developed mouth parts. The tracheal system is closed, and the larvae breathe by means of plate-like gills, which are borne to the number of six or seven pairs on the anterior abdominal segments. The tracheae ramify in these eills, which are moved about in the water, and possibly serve to some extent as locomotor organs. These gills have been regarded by some authorities as structures from which the wings of Insects in general may have originated. The larvae moult very frequently, in one species more than twenty times, and live two or three years. They pass into a pupa stage, and from this a winged insect emerges, this is the subimago, it takes a short flight, and then casts its skin, and gives exit to the imago. The male fertilises the female on the surface of the water, and shortly afterwards the latter drops her eggs into the stream or pond, and then dies. Family 4. LrpenLuLipAE—The dragon- flies are large Fic. 196. A, The anterior portion of the body of Aeschna cyanea freed from the puparium. B. The tail being extricated. 346 ZOOLOGY: insects with a thin cylindrical abdomen, but an enormous head and thorax. Many of them are strikingly beautiful. The generative organs of the male open on the ninth abdominal segment, but there is a kind of vesicula seminalis on the second Fic. 196. C. The whole body extricated. D. The perfect Insect (Aeschna cyanea), the wings having acquired their full dimensions, resting to dry itself, preparatory to the wings being horizontally ex- tended. segment of the abdomen, into which the semen is transferred, and is thence introduced into the females. In some species the female then flies over the water, touching it at intervals TRACHEATA 347 with the end of her abdomen, and depositing an egg at each dip, or in other species she deposits the eggs on submerged water-plants. The larvae are very voracious, and feed upon other insects, their lower lip or labium is peculiarly modified into a structure known as the “ mask,” this can be suddenly shot out, and serves to capture food. The larva of Agrion has at the end of its abdomen three leaf-like gills, but other species breathe by their rectum, the walls of which are richly supplied with tracheae. The entrance and exit of the water is controlled by three valves, which can be opened or closed at will; in some species the sudden expulsion of water serves to propel the larva through the water. This anal respiration recalls a similar change of function of the posterior part of the alimentary canal in some Crustacea (see p. 268). The pupa stage, which precedes the - Imago, is in the Libellulidae an active stage, and is sometimes termed the “nymph” (Fig, 196). Family 5. MyRMELEONTIDAE.—The ant-lion, Myrmeleo, in the imago condition has clubbed antennae, a small prothorax, a large mesothorax, and wings of equal size. The larvae live at the bottom of little conical sandy pits, which they ex- cavate ; they lie par- tially embedded in the sand at the bot- tom of the pit, and seize with their powerful mandibles any insect, ete., which happens to stray over the edge. The mouth is closed, and the food is sucked in through perforations in the mandibles. It is stated that the proctodaeum of the larva does not open into the alimentary canal, but is modified to form a silk gland, which serves for the spinning of the cocoon in which the pupa envelops itself. Family 6. In the Family Hemeropupae the larvae of Chrysopa and Hemerobius, which are known as Aphis lions, feed on Aphides. They also have the proctodaeum modified to form Fic. 197.—Ant-lion, Myrmeleon formicarius. 348 ZOOLOGY a silk gland. The larvae of another genus, Mantispa, are para- sitic ; they pass their life in the ovisacs of spiders, into which they burrow to devour the ova. Family 6. PHRYGANIDAE.—This family is sometimes placed in a distinct sub-order, the Trichoptera; it comprises the insects popularly known as caddis-flies. The head bears long filiform antennae, and a pair of hemispherical projecting eyes. The prothorax is small; the wings have few veins, and are longer than the body; the posterior pair can be folded. The wings are covered, as in the Lepidoptera, with microscopic hairs or scales. The mouth parts are rudimentary, more especially the mandibles, and the first maxillae and labium are modified. The resemblance of this family to the Lepidoptera is further marked by the general appearance of the imago, which approximates to that of some members of the Micro- lepidoptera, and of the cylindrical larva and quiescent pupa ; the latter resembles that of a moth, but has free limbs and wings. The larvae known as caddis-worms live in tubular cases, which they build up of particles of sand, shells, or bits of erass or other plants, the material varying in different species. At times they are wholly retracted within these cases; at other times their head and thorax project, and they walk about carrying the case retained round their abdomen by two recurved hooks. Like the EPHEMERIDAE and LIBELLULIDAE, some of the larvae have their tracheal system closed, and carry tracheal gills. They are either carnivorous, and then very voracious, or purely herbivorous. The case is closed at both ends at the end of larval life, and serves as a cocoon for the pupa, which developes into the imago out of the water. The female deposits her eggs in gelatinous clumps on sticks or stones in the water. Orper 4. LEPIDOPTERA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Lnsects with suctorial mouth parts, which take the form of a spirally rolled proboscis. The four wings are similar, and are covered with minute scales. The prothorax is fused with the mesothorax. The metamorphosis is complete. TRACHEATA 349 The Lepidoptera are a very homogeneous group, contain- ing a large number of species. They are familiar to every one as moths and butterflies. The head is large, and covered with hairs; it bears com- pound eyes, and sometimes ocelli are also present. The antennae are straight, but vary a great deal in their details. The mouth parts have undergone very remarkable modifications; the labrum and mandibles are aborted ; the first maxillae are each elongated into a very long, grooved, closely-jointed struc- ture, and when this is opposed to its fellow the whole forms a closed tube, which, when at rest, is coiled under the head lke a watch-spring; in many species the two halves of this proboscis are held to- gether by a number of minute hooks. The maxillary palps are rudimentary, except in Fic. 198.—Silk-worm moth, Bombyx mori. the Tineidae, where they are A. Female. B. Male. well developed. The second maxillae or Jabium form the spinnerets in the larva or caterpillar, but they disappear in the imago; their palps, however, persist, and are large and hairy. The thoracic segments are all fused together, the wings are large, and the © rior and posterior of each side are occasion- ally hooked together.. In some of the Geometridae the wings are aborted in the females. The scales which give the beautiful colour to the wings are morphologically hairs, which are flattened out, and variously marked. The legs are weak, the tarsus five- jointed. The abdomen has ten segments, some of them con- cealed, it is covered with hairs. The internal organs show the following modifications. There are only two thoracic ganglia. The two anterior abdominal 350 ZOOLOGY ganglia of the caterpillar abort, and the next four or five per- sist. There are eight stigmata, the anterior between the pro- and meso-thorax, the remaining seven in the abdomen; the tracheae which arise from the latter bear air vesicles. The length of the proboscis varies, and is said to correspond with the position of the nectaries in the various flowers upon which the Lepidoptera feed. The nectar is sucked up the hollow tube formed by the maxillae by the action of a suctorial stomach which communicates by a short stalk with the oesoph- agus. There are as a rule six Malpighian tubules. The sexes are usually distinct, the male being in many cases the more beautiful. A few Lepidoptera are partheno- genetic. This phenomenon occurs sometimes in the silk-worm moth Bombyx mori, and in some of the Psychidae. The eggs Fic, 199.—Larva of Bombyx mori. are usually laid on such plants as the larvae, when hatched, feed upon. The larvae are commonly known as caterpillars; these bear three pairs of five-jointed thoracic feet, and, in addition, Fic, 200.—Head, pro-leg, and leg of Bombyx mort, larva. two to five pairs of unjointed pro-legs, which may occur on the third to the sixth abdominal segments, and on the last. These TRACHEATA 351 pro-legs as a rule terminate in a ring or semicircle of chitinous hooks. The larval life may endure from a couple of weeks to three years; it is followed by the quiescent pupa stage. The pupa may be suspended by the hind- most pro-legs, and this position may be rendered the more secure by a rope of silk round the thorax, as in Pieris, or the pupa may be enclosed in a silken cocoon, as in the silk- worm, or simply buried in the earth, as in the Sphingidae. The pupa has the hmbs of the insect enclosed in a common covering, and is hence known as a pupa obtecta, as opposed pyc, 201.—Cocoon to the pupa Libera of the Coleoptera, in which of Bombyx mori. the limbs stand out freely from the body. The Lepidoptera may be divided into two sub-orders : Sub-order 1. Microlepidoptera. CHARACTERISTICS.— These are usually very small and delicate moths, with, as a rule, long setiform antennae. The cater- pillar has eight pairs of legs, terminating in a circlet of hooks —“ pedes coronatt.” They are as a rule secluded during daylight. Many of their larvae burrow in the mesophyll of leaves or buds, or form tubular cases by rolling the leaves together. The following families may be mentioned : Family 1, PTERoPHORIDAE.—Small moths with a long slender abdomen and long legs. Their wings are hairy, the anterior pair are usually more or less cleft, and the posterior pair are divided almost to their base into three (Pterophorus), or into six (Alucita), separate lobes. They form no cocoons, but the larva attaches itself by its tail to some leaf or twig, sheds its skin, and becomes a pupa. Family 2. TinerpAr.—tThis is a very numerous family. The Tineids have bristle-like antennae. Both the maxillary and labial palps are well developed. The narrow wings are frmged with hairs. Many of the larvae burrow in leaves, others live together in nests, and they usually spin slight ZOOLOGY Los) unr ie) silken cocoons. Many of them are destructive: 7’inea sarcitella is the clothes moth, 7. tapezella the fur moth, 7. granella lays its egg in grains of corn and the caterpillars devour the grain. The genus Solenobia is parthenogenetic. Family 3. Torrricipar—tThe leaf-rollers have short palps and oblong anterior wings. They are as a rule larger than the Tineids. The moths fly at night, and lay their eggs on the buds of the trees, which are attacked by their larvae. The caterpillars roll the leaves into cylinders, and in these turn into brown pupae in silken cocoons. Tortrix viridana is common on oak-trees. Retinia buoliana attacks pine-trees. Family 4. Pyratmar.—The members of this family bear long slender palps. They are as a rule gregarious, and fly in the twilight. The larvae have a glassy appearance, and bear but few hairs. The female of one species, Aphomia colonella, creeps into bee-hives and deposits her eggs there; the larvae, which are found in great numbers, devour the honey, to the ereat detriment of the hives. Sub-order 2. Macrolepidoptera. CHARACTERISTICS.— Lepidoptera of large size, with a complicated system of nervures on the wings. The feet are generally, though by no means always, provided with a semicircle of hooks—* pedes sub-coronatt.” I, GEOMETRINA. Slender moths, whose large thin wings lie horizontally when at rest. The antennae are bristle-like, and in the male sometimes toothed. The caterpillars have a varying number of pro-legs, usually two pairs, and their manner of moving has given them the name of loopers. When at rest they fix themselves by the hindmost legs and raise the anterior half of the body; in this position they may remain for hours, when frightened they drop, but remain attached to their base by a small thread of silk. They either spin cocoons under leaves, or form brown chrysalids under the earth. Many are injurious to fruit trees, as Cheimatobia brumata, TRACHEATA 353 the female of which has rudimentary wings. Midonia piniaria attacks Conifers. II. NOCTUINA. The group includes the forms popularly known as owlets ; it is the largest group of the Lepidoptera, containing over 2500 species. Most nocturnal moths of fair size belong to it. The antennae are long, sometimes pectinate in the male. The fore- wings are small, and the larger posterior wings are folded under them when at rest. They are usually of a dull colour, and there is almost always a round spot and a kidney-shaped patch in the middle of the anterior wing. There is little variation between the sexes, or between the different species in the moth, but the caterpillars differ considerably. The latter are striped and barred, naked, or more rarely hairy ; they usually have five pairs of pro-legs, but some have four. The pupae are usually underground, enclosed in earthen cocoons. The eggs are laid singly, and the larvae are not gregarious. The Noctuina include numerous families, amongst whom the Plusiidae, the Agrotidae, and the Ophiusidae may be mentioned. III. BOMBYCINA. The members of this group are often termed spinners. They are large unwieldy moths, often very beautiful and strange in form. ‘Their body is usually very hairy (Fig. 198), the head is small and sunken, and the mouth parts are reduced and sometimes obsolete. The antennae are setiform, in the male pectinate; the last-named sex are as a rule more brilliantly coloured and more active than the sluggish female. The wings of the female Orgyia are reduced, and are absent altogether in Psyche. The eggs are laid in groups, and are covered with a woolly substance; the caterpillars have sixteen legs, and are usually hairy. The cocoons are made above ground, the naked larvae forming theirs of silk, the more hairy kinds mixing their hairs with a slighter amount of silk. The sexes are usually very distinct, and the females attract the males from great distances. Parthenogenesis occurs in the family Psychidae. 23 354 ZOOLOGY This group contains a number of well-known moths, such as Lasiocampa quercus, the oak egger; Bombyx mori, the silk- worm ; Cnethocampa processionea, the processional moth ; Cossus ligniperda, the goat moth, etc. IV. SPHINGINA. The hawk-moths or humming - bird moths are large Lepidoptera with short bodies and long powerful wings. Their flight is swift and sustained, and they fly usually at twilight. The antennae are short and taper to a point. The proboscis is very long, and can suck up honey from the depths of a flower without the insect alighting. The sexes are as a rule alike. The caterpillars have sixteen legs, and the last segment bears an anal horn or tubercle. They elevate the anterior portion of their body like a Sphinx, and remain for hours in this posi- tion; as a rule they are brightly coloured, and their skin is smooth. The pupae form rough cocoons of earth underground, and the proboscis is usually free. About 400 species are known, many of which are tropical. Sesia apiformis, the clearwing, has transparent wings and a bee-like appearance; Acherontia atropos is the death’s-head moth ; Sphinx ligustri the privet moth. V. RHOPALOCERA. The butterflies are mostly brightly coloured, and are diurnal in their habits, loving the sun. The majority are easily dis- tinguished from the moths by their clubbed or knobbed antennae. Their body is small, and the abdomen is, relatively to the rest of the body, considerably smaller than in the moths. The legs are slender and often reduced, rendering walking a matter of some difficulty. The wings are held erect when the insect is at rest, and the anterior is never linked to the posterior by a bristle and socket, as is often the case with moths. The caterpillars have sixteen feet, and are naked or hairy, with varying markings and tubercles. They do not form cocoons, but turn into chrysalids with an angular contour; as a rule these are suspended to a twig or stalk by a silken TRACHEATA 355 band which cuts into the thorax; they are sometimes orna- mented with bright metallic spots or patches. A few species, as Vanessa, hibernate, but most butterflies pass the winter in the larval or pupal state. The cycle of their developement does not extend over a year, but there may be two generations in a twelvemonth. The genus Papilio contains over 300 species; P. machaon is the swallow-tail. The family PrertDAE contains the numerous “whites.” Vanessa cardui is the “ painted lady,” and V. io the “peacock,” Apatura iris the “ purple emperor,” ete. OrpDER 5. COLEOPTERA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Jnsects with masticating mouth parts. The anterior wings are horny, and in some cases fused together. They do not overlap, but meet together in the middle line, forming a straight suture. The prothorax is moveable. The metamorphosis 1s complete. The order Coleoptera has received more attention at the hands of entomologists than any other order of Insects, and the number of species of beetles named and described far out- numbers that of any other group. The beetles form a fairly homogeneous assemblage ; and although they vary considerably in size and shape, they do so to a much less degree than the Orthoptera or Hemiptera. It is a comparatively easy matter to recognise a beetle. As a rule they are sombre in hue, but some of them show very beautiful metallic colours, especially after rain. ‘Their outline is usually oval, but it may be linear or almost round. The head is well developed, and may be free or partially hidden under the projecting prothorax; it bears antennae, which are usually two-jointed and of very various shapes. The antennae are in many cases different in the two sexes. With the excep- tion of a few blind species which inhabit dark caves, beetles usually have a pair of compound eyes; in the GYRINIDAE or whirligigs, which swim half immersed in the water, the eye is divided into two halves, one for seeing in the air and one for the water. Ocelli are as a rule absent. In the weevils and some allied families the head is elongated, and the mouth and 356 ZOOLOGY oral appendages are at the end of a long snout. The mouth appendages are of the type described in Melolontha; as a rule the maxilliary palp is four-jointed, the labial palp three- jointed. The prothorax is well developed, the mesothorax small, and the metathorax of fair size. The legs are usually adapted for running, but in some cases they are flattened for swimming or strengthened for digging. The number of joints in the tarsus is usually four or five, but it may be smaller, and this variation forms the basis for grouping the various families into sub-orders. The anterior wings or elytra, when at rest, meet in a straight line which terminates anteriorly at a small triangular area of the mesothorax termed the scutellum, often invisible except when the wings are opened or the prothorax extended. In some families, as the STAPHYLINIDAE, the wings only extend over the anterior abdominal segments, leaving the larger part of the abdomen exposed. In rare cases they and the hind wings are absent, as in the female Lampyris. The elytra are in some species fused together, and the posterior wings are then feebly if at all developed; flight is therefore impossible. In the more normal forms the beetle, when flying, extends the elytra at right angles to the body, and keeps them in this position motionless (Fig. 204). The ventral surface of the abdomen is more strongly pro- tected by chitin than the dorsal, which is covered in by the thick elytra. The hinder segments are often invaginated, and form a recess connected with the openings of the generative organs. One or two genera of the ELATERIDAE, and almost all the LAMPYRIDAE, are provided with phosphorescent organs, usually in both sexes. In the males of the latter order, the light- giving structures shine through the ventral surface of the two posterior abdominal segments; in the former they are placed in the prothorax, and on the suture between the thorax and abdomen; in both cases they consist of numerous fatty cells, with a very rich supply of tracheae and nerves. Beetles usually lay their eggs in the neighbourhood of the food which will afford support to their larvae. The latter are TRACHEATA 357 either free-living, somewhat Myriapod-like grubs, with three pairs of well-developed legs, or are soft, white, almost legless larvae, which live in the earth or burrow in timber, ete. The pupae have their limbs and wing-cases projecting— pupa libera. They may be free, or enclosed in rough cocoons of earth or wood-chips. The very numerous families of the Coleoptera may be arranged in four groups, corresponding with the number of joints in the tarsus. These divisions have but a slight scien- tific value, but are useful in dealing with such an enormous number of species as are found in the Coleoptera : (i.) The PENTAMERA, with five joints in the tarsus. (ii.) The HETEROMERA, with jive tarsal joints on the two anterior pairs of legs, and four on the posterior. (iii.) The PSEUDOTETRAMERA, with one joint of the five- jointed tarsus very small and ineonspicuous. (iv.) The PSEUDOTRIMERA, with one joint of the four-jointed tarsus very small and inconspicuous. Under each of these subdivisions a few families may be mentioned. Sub-order 1. Pentamera. Family CrcINDELIDAE—Tiger-beetles; these have very large heads, broader than the thorax, with prominent eyes, long curved mandibles, and slender legs. They are usually of a brown or green colour with a metallic sheen, and are often ornamented with spots or patches. They frequent sunny places, such as the sandy margins of streams, and their larvae are found in tubular passages in the soil. These larvae are provided with two tubercles ending in hooks, which are outgrowths of the ninth segment, and which serve to hold them to their tubular dwellings; the anterior portion of their body projects from the surface of the ground, in order to seize any prey which comes within their reach. Family CARABIDAE.—A very large family, whose limits are difficult to define. They are predaceous insects, with running legs, and their hind wings are not infrequently absent. They are 358 ZOOLOGY found amongst grass, or under stones or bark, and as a rule roam about at night. Their larvae are found in the same situa- tions as the beetles; they are rather broad, and their terminal segment is usually provided with two processes. Family DyriscipAE.—Water-beetles, sometimes known as “ water-tigers.” Some are large oval beetles, others are quite minute, their hind limbs are flattened, covered with hairs, and adapted for swimming. Their antennae are devoid of any sensitive pubescence. ‘The first three joints of the tarsus are in the males of the larger forms modified to form a plate-like organ. The larvae are very voracious; the mouth is closed, but the large pincer-like mandibles are perforated, as in Myrmeleo, and the juices of the fish, tadpoles, or other aquatic animals which fall into their clutches are sucked up through these. The genus Dytiscus is furnished with nine pairs of dorsal stigmata, and the beetles breathe by coming to the surface of the stagnant water in which they live, expiring the used air through the last large pair of stigmata, and tak- ing in a new supply under their elytra. Family STaPHYLINIDAE.— This group includes the rove- beetles and devil’s coach-horses. They have long linear bodies, with very short elytra, which leave the five or six posterior abdominal segments exposed. They inhabit damp. places under stones, manure-heaps, etc., and are often found amongst moss or leaves, or amongst fungi. Many of them live in ants’ nests. Some tropical species of this family are viviparous. Family SCARABEIDAE or LAMELLICORNIA.— This family contains 700 genera and over 10,000 species of beetles. The antennae end in lamelliform plates, such as have been de- scribed in Melolontha vulgaris. The body is as a rule thick and squarish, the legs often short and fossorial. Many of them attain a gigantic size. The larvae are thick fleshy grubs with a horny head and the posterior segments swollen out, baggy, and incurved. Family ELATERIDAE.—Skip-jack beetles with serrated an- tennae, and an elongated body rather flatly arched. There is an articulation between the pro- and meso-thorax, and when the prosternal spine is suddenly brought down into the TRACHEATA 359 mesosternal cavity, it causes the beetle, if lying on its back, to be projected into the air, whence it usually falls on its feet. The larvae are known as “ wire-worms,” and are very destruc- op Fie. 202.—Elater lineatus, the “ skip-jack ” beetle, with its larva the ‘‘ wire-worm.” One of the larvae is enlarged to show the markings on the terminal segment. tive, feeding on the roots of grasses and other plants. They are long cylindrical grubs generally of a reddish-brown hue, and are extremely tough and tenacious of life. later lineatus is the common skip-jack beetle. Sub-order 2. Heteromera. Family TENEBRIONIDAE.—An ill-defined family, with many mimetic forms. The elytra are rounded at their ends and cover the abdomen, the hind wings are frequently wanting. The larvae are linear, flattened, and horny, and resemble wire- worms. Many of these beetles shun the light and are sombre in colour, some have an unpleasant smell, and others are covered with a powdery secretion. The larva of Yenebrio molitor is known as the meal-worm. Family Metomart.—The head is bent forward, the legs are long, and the bodies are elongated and soft. The beetles are frequently found on flowers. The larvae are parasitic. The larvae of Meloe attach themselves to the bodies of various species of bee; they are thus conveyed into the hives, where they feed upon the food provided for the larvae of the bees. The larvae pass through a metamorphosis which is more com- plicated than is usual in insects, this is termed hypermeta- morphosis. Lytta vesicatoria, the Spanish fly, is used as a vesicant. 360 ZOOLOGY Sub-order 3. Pseudotetramera. Family CURCULIONIDAE.—The weevils are easily recognised by the prolongation of their head into a snout; the antennae Fic. 203. . Balaninus glandium, magnified. . The same, natural size. . The larva, magnified. ™ oF bh - . The same, natural size. 5. Head and snout of the female magnified to show the arrange- ment of the antennae. 6. The same parts of the male. are usually bent, and lie partly in a groove at the side of the snout (Fig. 203). The mouth with its appendages is situ- ated at the extremity of this prolongation. Their bodies are often minute and hard; they feign death when disturbed. Their larvae are white, fleshy, footless grubs, with thick jaws ; before transformation they spin silken cocoons. The number of species is very great, about 10,000. Salaninus glandium lays its eggs in hazel-nuts and acorns; its larva feeds upon the substance of the nut. Family ScoLtytipAr.—This family was formerly sometimes called the Bostrychidae ; it includes beetles of small and incon- spicuous size, whose rounded head is sunk beneath the pro- thorax, which is large, and forms almost half the body. The larvae resemble those of the preceding family; they have no legs, but their skin is ridged, and bears short hairs. These beetles and their larvae live in societies, boring passages in the wood of trees, on which they feed. In this way incalculable damage is done to forest trees, etc., especially to Conifers. The female lays her eggs in recesses of the passage she has made, TRACHEATA 361 and each larva as it hatches out continues the recess into a long tunnel; in this way very peculiar markings are produced, which are characteristic of the various species. Bostrychus typographicus. Family CERAMBYCIDAE.—Often termed Longicorns, they are large showy beetles with oblong cylindrical bodies and long, usually eleven-jointed, recurved antennae. Their eggs are laid in crevices of the bark, and their larvae often bore passages in the wood; they may live one to three years, and then form a cocoon of chips near the mouth of their tunnel. Cerambyzx heros, Saperda carcharias. Family CHRYSOMELIDAE.—The leaf-beetles are oval in shape and convex dorsally; they are as a rule small, and of bright colours. The larvae have always three pairs of legs; many of them burrow in the soft mesophyll of leaves; they fix themselves by their hinder end to leaves before pupating. Chrysomela decemlineata is the Colorado beetle. Haltica Fic.204.—Haltica nem- nemorum, the turnip-fly, and H. oleracea, fly). (he aps which attacks cabbages, also belong to this family. Sub-order 4. Pseudotrimera. Family CoccrnELLipAE.—The lady-birds are hemispherical in shape, usually of a red or yellow colour, with a varying number of black spots. They lay long yellow eggs, usually in the proximity of plant-lice, which are eagerly devoured by the larvae when they hatch out. The larvae are soft-bodied grubs beset with tubercles; they attach themselves by their pointed tail to leaves, and cast their skin; this they do not throw off, but remain in it during the pupa stage (coarctate pupa). The beetles pass the winter under bark, etc. OrpER 6. HEMIPTERA. CHARACTERISTICS.—Jnsects with mouth parts adapted for pierec- ing and sucking, in the form of a jointed rostrum. Two pairs of wings, which may be alike or may be different. Metamorphosis incomplete. LoS) ON to ZOOLOGY This order comprises numerous insects familiarly known as bugs or lice. They present very great variety of form, some of them having short soft bodies with almost every trace of segmentation lost, whilst others are large and hard. The mouth parts are adapted for taking up fluid. The labium is modified into a joimted sheath which guards the other appendages; at its upper end the hollow structure is closed by the labrum. Within the tube thus formed lie four rigid stylets, which represent the two mandibles with sharp- ened tips, and the two anterior maxillae of unequal length with serrated edges. The maxillary palps are absent and the labial palps are very small. The antennae are short and three-jointed, or long and multiarticulate. The eyes are usually small; sometimes two ocelli are present. In the larger species the body is very often flat and angular in outline. There are usually four wings, rarely only two, and sometimes they are entirely want- ing. In the former case the anterior wings have their basal half horny and their distal half membranous, whilst the pos- terior wings are membranous (Heteroptera), or both pairs are membranous (Homoptera). The legs are usually of the walking type, the tarsus is two- or three-jointed. The lateral margin of the abdomen is greatly developed in some species. The stigmata are usually conspicuous ; in the aquatic species there are a pair at the end of the abdomen, often borne at the tip of long processes. The Hemiptera in most cases emit a fluid with a very dis- agreeable smell. This is secreted from a pair of pores on the under surface of the thorax, near the coxae of the middle pair of legs. This objectionable fluid is defensive in function. Other members of the group produce considerable quantities of wax, which is secreted by unicellular cutaneous glands. The young resemble the adults, but are without wings. The males of the CocciDAE alone form pupae within a cocoon, and thus undergo a complete metamorphosis. The Hemiptera are divided into three sub-orders : 1. HETEROPTERA. 2. HOMOPTERA. 3. PARASITICA. TRACHEATA 363 Sub-order 1. Heteroptera. CHARACTERISTICS.— Zhe Heteroptera have the proximal half of their anterior wings horny, the distal half membranous ; they lie flat, overlapping one another. Many are apterous. The prothorax is large and free. The proboscis arises from the front part of the head, and when at rest lies against the thorax. A few families may be mentioned : Family NoroNECTIDAE (water-boatmen).—These insects always swim on their back, which is convex, like the bottom of a boat, whilst the ventral surface is flattened. The legs are long, especially the posterior pair, which are flattened for swimming. They fly well, but can scarcely walk; when dis- turbed they dive beneath the surface, carrying a supply of air for respiration beneath their wings. They remain for some time under water, holding on to aquatic plants, ete. Family NEPIDAE (water-scorpions).—The members of this family are provided with a pair of long tracheal tubes at the end of their abdomen. Their body is flat and oval (Vepa), or elongated and linear (Ranatra); their fore limbs are raptorial, their hind limbs adapted for swimming. They are carnivorous, living chiefly on the larvae of aquatic insects and young fish. Their eggs are laid in the water, on stems of plants or under stones. Family HyproBaTIDAE.—Aquatic insects of oval or elon- gated form, which run rapidly on the water’s surface, and are usually found in colonies. The antennae are four-jointed and unusually long. There are often two adult forms found at the same time—one kind being winged, the other wingless. This family includes the Halobates, a marine insect found swimming on the surface of the sea in the tropics. It feeds on dead animals which float on the surface, and is said to attach its eggs to the Sargassum sea-weed. Family Repuvupar.—A very large and diverse family, including many insects of brilliant colour and some of con- siderable size. The proboscis is short and three-jointed. They are predaceous, and live for the most part on the blood of 364 LOOLOGY other insects, though they occasionally attack other animals. Several species, as Opsicoetus (Reduvius) personatus, attack the bed-bug. Family TinciTmDaE.—The members of this family are for the most part small; they are found in considerable numbers on leaves and shrubs; their appearance is very characteristic. The anterior wings have the appearance of a network, and processes resembling them project from the sides of the thorax. The proboscis and antennae each have four joints. Family ACANTHIIDAE.— The family includes Acanthia lectularia, the bed-bug, a flat oval insect devoid of wings. The proboscis has three joints, the antennae four. It is very ten- acious of life. Many species of the same genus live upon birds. Family CapsipAE—A very numerous family, whose mem- bers are active both in running and flying. They are mostly of a medium size, oval in outline, and convex. Their body is usually soft. Many of them are frequently found in fruit. Family PENTATOMIDAE.—In this family the scutellum is very large, often equalling in size the area of the abdomen. It is a large family, the members of which are brightly coloured. They are often found on shrubs, and live on caterpillars or leaves. Sub-order 2. Homoptera. CHARACTERISTICS.— Both pairs of wings alike ; when at rest they lie flat, unfolded, overlapping one another. The wings are often absent. The head is usually continuous with the pro- thorax, so that there is no neck. This group contains a number of species very diverse in their structure, and often with extremely complicated - life- histories, in which parthenogenesis and “alternation of genera- tions” play a great part. Family CrcapIpAk (Cicadas).—These insects are well known from the chirping noise they keep up. They are usually of large size, with an extraordinarily broad head fused on to the prothorax, with two large eyes at the angles, and three ocelli. The anterior wings are larger than the posterior. The male is provided with a kind of drum on the under side of the base of TRACHEATA 365 the abdomen. These drums are furnished with a curiously ribbed surface, and the characteristic noise of the Cicadas is said to be produced by the vibrations of the ribs set in motion by air forced against them. The females have stout ovipositors ; in Cicada septemdecem the females lay their eggs in slits which they cut in young twigs, the larva hatches out in six weeks, drops to the earth, and buries itself. It remains underground till the seventeenth year, when it emerges, be- comes adult, pairs, and as soon as the eggs are deposited disappears. Family FuLGorIpAE—The antennae are bristle-like and three-jointed. The insects are very diverse in structure, many of them have the most extraordinary outgrowths of the upper part of the head. These protuberances may equal in size the rest of the insect’s body. Fulgora candelaria and F. lanternaria are stated to be phosphorescent, but this appears doubtful. Some species excrete wax from their abdomen in such quan- tities that they have a commercial value in China. Family CERCOPIDAE (Frog-hoppers).—The anterior wings of these insects are opaque. Their three-jointed antennae end in a bristle. The head is triangular, with two ocelli. bel 12. 2) ”? 9? The appendages which are found on the ventral surface of the body commence with a small three-jointed pair of chelicerae, placed one on each side of the upper lip, which overhangs the mouth. The next five pairs of appendages are leg-like, and are arranged round the mouth; they consist of six joints—the proximal one or coxa is enlarged, and its anterior border is TRACHEATA 301 produced into a process which helps to surround the mouth and form a biting organ. In the female of L. polyphemus, the first five of these appendages are chelate, but in the male the first is enlarged but is not chelate; in both sexes the sixth appendage terminates in a number of elongated flattened plates, and this limb is used in the burrowing or digging operations in which the animal delights. All these append- ages are borne on the prosoma; the seventh appendage, or the first mesosomatic, consists of a semicircular plate-like structure hinged on to the body and bearing on its posterior face the two genital pores. ‘This genital plate or operculum folds over and almost covers the five succeeding appendages, which are also plate-like, but, hke the former, exhibit traces of a double origin. Each of these, from the eighth to the twelfth, carries a pair of respiratory organs, in the form of branchiae composed of a great number of thin plates like the leaves of a book. Behind the twelfth is the unsegmented metasoma, which bearsno appendages. An internal skeleton or endosternite, in the form of a plate of fibro-cartilage, lies between the alimentary canal and the elongated nerve collar. It is not connected in any way with the exoskeleton, but gives origin to a number of muscles.