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Marine Biological Laboratory — 
Swope Center a8 
_NMF Aquarium 
National Marine 


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% ‘. 1926-1937 

1938-1949, ae xe rie 
1950-1965 oe 


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1970-1975 . 
pO haa Pe MPR RR EER a 
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1978-1986 3 

(Acting Director) 


100 Years Exploring Life 

The Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole 


100 Years 
Exploring Life, 1888-1988 

The Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole 

Jane Maienschein 
Department of Philosophy 
Arizona State University 

Selection and arrangement 
of photographs by 

Ruth Davis 
Archivist, Marine Biological Laboratory 

Jones and Bartlett Publishers 

Editorial, Sales, and Customer Service Offices 
Jones and Bartlett Publishers 

20 Park Plaza 

Boston, MA 02116 

Copyright © 1989 by Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the 
material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form, 
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage 
and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. 

Printed in the United States of America 
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

Maienschein, Jane. 
100 years exploring life, 1888-1988 : the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole/ 
Jane Maienschein with selection and arrangement of photographs by Ruth Davis. 
p. cm. 
Bibliography: p. 
ISBN 0—86720—120-—7 
1. Marine biological laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.) — History. 

I. Title. 
QH91.M237 1989 88-8529 
574'.072074492 — dc19 CIP 

Printing of text by Lancaster Press, Inc., 
Lancaster, PA. 


Foreword vii 
Preface xiii 

Arriving in Woods Hole 1 

Friday Evening Lectures 3 

Louis Agassiz 6 

The Anderson School at Penikese 9 

Summers in Woods Hole’ 11 

The Origin of the Marine Biological Laboratory 19 

Living Here 27 
Housing 29 

Whaling and Fishing 31 
Commercial Resources 33 
The Science School 39 
Food 40 

Weather 45 

Buildings and Budgets 49 
Buildings Old and New _ 51 
Funding and Control 64 

The Library and Publications 73 
The Library 75 
Publications 82 
Rare Books Room and Archives 84 

The People 87 

Students 89 

Administrators 92 

Edwin Grant Conklin and Charles Otis Whitman = 93 
The Tradition of Research 96 

Leaders 98 

MBL Personalities 99 

Cooperative Administration ina Community 101 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Jobs and Fellowships 102 
Minorities at the MBL 104 
MBL Staff and Children 112 

Doing Science 117 
Collaboration 120 

Early Days of Marine Biology 122 
Techniques and Equipment 124 
Problems 126 

Organisms 131 

Collecting Organisms 134 

Out of the Lab 151 

Boating Trips and Beach Parties 153 
Marriages 157 

The Beach 157 

Drama _ 159 

Music 160 
The MBL Club 162 
Singing 164 

Walking, Biking, and Running ~—-166 
Fourth of July, Diving, and Sports 167 
Gardening 169 

Sailing 170 

Meals, Movies, and Diversions 170 

Friends and Relatives 175 

Thanks for the Memories 185 
Sources and Acknowledgements 185 

Epilogue 189 
The Marine Biological Laboratory Directors — Front Endpaper 

Nobel Laureates Affiliated with the Marine 
Biological Laboratory Rear Endpaper 


IMAGINE A WARM SUMMER NIGHT in mid-August. You are standing on a dock at 
midnight in the light of a full moon, peering down into the dark water below. 
The surface of the water ripples as if it were alive. As your eyes grow 
accustomed to the moonlit darkness, you realize that the water is alive. You 
are watching the mating ritual of thousands of writhing, swirling polychete 
worms as they seek out their mates under the influence of the full moon's 
light. A timeless event unfolds before you, connecting you back to primeval 
oceans, where ancient progenitors of these polychetes repeated a similar 
ritual, before any human eyes were there to see. Before you is an expression 
of life at its most fundamental, its most dynamic, its most breathtaking. Like 
thousands of students of marine embryology who stood on this dock before 
you, you will always remember this scene and the institution that led you to 
it: the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 

In 1988 the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) celebrated its centen- 
nial. As it enters its second century, the MBL not only looks back to a great 
past, but forward to a great future as the United States’ premier biological 
research institute. It is therefore fitting that its unique story be told at this 
time. In this well-researched, sometimes humorous, always human “biog- 
raphy” of this eclectic institution, historian of science Jane Maienschein has 
caught a glimpse of what it is that has made the MBL so special to all who 
have spent any time there. 

Essayist Lewis Thomas has described the MBL as a “National Biological 
Laboratory,” an institution that brings together each summer a collection of 
biologists from across the United States and abroad. From its founding in 
1888 onward, the MBL has indeed served as a gathering spot for biologists 
who come to Woods Hole not only to work with their favorite marine 
organisms, but also to converse with each other and exchange ideas in a way 
that seldom happens in the more limited confines of university biology 

Almost from the beginning, the MBL attracted international as well as 
American investigators, becoming increasingly a ‘World Biological Labora- 
tory” since the turn of the century. Unlike its European counterparts, where 
the focus has always been almost exclusively on research, often by only the 
most established senior investigators, the MBL has always had a diversity of 
programs and personnel. There is, of course, a major emphasis on re- 
search. In addition, however, the MBL has always been equally devoted to 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

teaching, running a number of summer courses for graduate students or 
others seeking to learn about a field or refresh that knowledge. Nobel 
laureates and high school teachers have been involved in the same MBL 
course during a given summer. 

Through its research and its courses, the MBL has served as a nerve 
center for the development and propagation of biological knowledge in the 
twentieth century. For this distinction it owes a debt to the great European 
biological stations established a generation earlier: Roscoff and the Stazione 
Zoologica in Naples (1872), Villefranche-sur-mer, and Plymouth, England 
(1888), among others. It also has roots in two earlier American precedents: 
the Annisquam Laboratory of the Woman's Education Association of the 
Boston Society of Naturalists (established 1879), and Louis Agassiz’s Anderson 
School of Natural History on Penikese Island (established 1872). Like every 
great centenarian, the MBL has drawn upon this heritage to create its own 
unique personality. The biographical history of that personality is the subject 
of Professor Maienschein’s volume. 

While everyone who has spent any time at the MBL agrees it is unique, 
it is not so easy to capture and characterize that uniqueness for others. 
Some have emphasized the intellectual atmosphere, the constant interest 
and attention to science, and the thirty-five or more Nobel laureates who 
have at one time or another been directly associated with the institution. 
Others have emphasized the MBL’s playful and relaxing aspect, referring to 
it as the “summer camp for biologists.” Still others have emphasized its 
social and sociological side, the fact that the MBL has nurtured the creative 
development of countless biologists in this country and abroad over the 
century, and that many people’s affiliations later in life came from contacts 
they made with colleagues at the MBL as students or young investigators. 
(Many biologists even met their spouses at the MBL, either in courses or 
through research work.) 

But, of course, none of these qualities by itself fully captures the 
MBL's uniqueness, since the MBL is, in a sense, a combination of all of 
them. It is a place where lots of science gets done — often very good science. 
In the early 1900s, for example, T. H. Morgan brought his fruit flies from 
New York to Woods Hole every summer just because the atmosphere for 
doing research and for exchanging ideas was so exciting. More recently, 
neurobiologists from NIH, Harvard, Columbia, and the University of Cali- 
fornia have used marine invertebrates, such as slugs, to study the neuro- 
logical basis of behavior. The MBL is, indeed, a center for much of what is 
at the cutting edge of biological research today. At the same time, it is very 
much a place where people combine play and work, where discussions 
about repeated sequences of DNA, or neurotransmitter mechanisms, are 
punctuated by swimming, tennis, or boating. Yet the conversations are 
always resumed, often with fresh insights brought about by periods of 


Lie ix 

relaxation and play. It is also a place where careers are made, and where 
new associations, professional and personal, are formed. Many collabora- 
tions have resulted from joint research work begun, or largely carried out, 
at the MBL. The uniqueness of the MBL lies in its combination of so many 
vital qualities. 

I recently discussed the subject of the MBL's uniqueness with my 
colleague at Washington University, Viktor Hamburger, student of Nobel 
laureate Hans Spemann in the 1920s and himself an eminent embryologist, 
who spent a number of years as instructor, and later director, of the 
embryology course at the MBL (1936-46). I asked Professor Hamburger 
what he thought were the unique features of the institution. He replied that, 
for him, the uniqueness lies in the pastoral setting that allows people to have 
ongoing conversations with colleagues undistracted by the constant inter- 
ruptions of daily life in the university. In addition, Hamburger noted, the 
MBL provides scientists the opportunity to observe each other’s experi- 
ments first-hand, and to discuss different interpretations of data on the 
spot. The MBL provides an opportunity for doing science and for thinking 
in a relaxing atmosphere that fosters creativity. To Hamburger, this is the 
secret of the MBL’s uniqueness — that it spawns creativity. 

My own experience with the MBL dates back some twenty years when, 
as a graduate student in history of science, I discovered one of the Labo- 
ratory’s most unique features: its magnificent library. Even though I was a 
student at Harvard, which has one of the most complete libraries in the 
world, I still found the MBL Library to be a special treat. Not only were the 
library’s journal holdings more complete in many cases than Harvard's, but 
they were much easier to use. All numbers of every journal are housed 
under one roof and are arranged alphabetically. The library is open 
twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and no one checks you in and 
out or stamps the books you borrow; the library runs on the honor system 
and works surprisingly well. Few books are lost, stolen, or misplaced. 
Another very special feature of the MBL Library is its reprint collection: 
300,000 individual reprints, arranged by author and covering all aspects of 
biology between roughly 1880 and 1966. For a historian, this is a goldmine 
of information. 

After spending my first summer using the library full-time, I discov- 
ered—in a way close to my own heart—one of the MBL Library's most 
treasured features. Here was a complete set of the Journal of the Royal 
Microscopical Society, or the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 
dating back to volume 1, in 1665, sitting on the shelves for browsing. (Some 
of the older, more valuable and fragile items have now been removed to the 
newly-renovated Rare Books Room and Archives.) These same journals had 
been perused in the past by Lillie, Morgan, Conklin, Harrison and other 
greats in early twentieth-century biology. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

In the two decades since, I have never failed to feel the excitement of 
this library each day—as much, perhaps, as the embryologist still feels each 
time he or she looks at a developing ctenophore or sea urchin embryo. I am 
reminded of the tribute Stephen Jay Gould paid to the MBL Library in his 
book, Ontogeny and Phylogeny, written partly in Woods Hole over a decade 
ago: ‘Where else could an idiosyncratic worker like me find a library open 
all the time, free from the rules and bureaucracy that stifle scholarship and 
‘protect’ books only by guarding them from use. It is an anomaly in a 
suspicious and anonymous age.” 

It is difficult to capture these many and varied facets of the MBL's 
personality in one book, especially one aimed at a general audience of 
nonspecialists. If you have spent one or more summers at the MBL, you 
know some of the magic that it holds. But to someone who only knows of 
the MBL, or is just learning about it, the qualities that make it so special to 
its friends may seem elusive, almost mystical. 

It is a testament of Jane Maienschein’s knowledge of the MBL and to 
her historical and verbal skills that she has captured much of the magic of 
the institution in a very down-to-earth way. She has truly written a biography 
of the laboratory. Professor Maienschein has chosen to write not so much 
of the Nobel laureates or of the detailed scientific accomplishments that 
have made the MBL's first century so eminent, but of the people—the 
everyday people, scientists and nonscientists alike—who have made up the 
life of the Laboratory and created its very special personality. 

This is the story of an institution written in highly personal terms. The 
Nobel laureates are there, as they should be. So, too, are the directors, 
trustees and others who have given special parts of their lives to guiding and 
managing the institution. But it is the working scientists and support 
staff —the collecting crews, the technicians, even the doyens of the Mess 
Hall—whose story Professor Maienschein paints with such clarity and 
humor. The work-a-day activities of people from every facet of MBL life 
occupy the main focus of Professor Maienschein’s attentions. It is, after all, 
the activity of everyday people that makes up the real spirit of any institution. 
That spirit existed from the beginning at the MBL, before there were Nobel 
prizes or year-round administrative staff. In many ways, it would have been 
easier to write a book that traced only the illustrious individuals who figured 
prominently in the MBL during its first century. The more difficult task, 
which Professor Maienschein has carried out so well, is to portray that 
history in terms of on-going, everyday activities. 

Although Jane Maienschein has served as principal author, in a very 
real sense this book is a collaborative effort. Some of the collaborators are 
long deceased, but their voices are heard in the quotations from archival 
sources, both published and unpublished, that Professor Maienschein has 
included. Others of the collaborators are still very much with us, and they 


Lh xi 

have collaborated by providing interviews and personal recollections that 
always add so much to historical accounts. 

Certain collaborators have added their own very special touches. In 
particular, MBL archivist Ruth Davis, along with Robert and Millie Huettner, 
has been invaluable in selecting the photographs to illustrate the volume. 
This history of the MBL, therefore, is the work of a team of researchers, and 
presents the best of their collective effort. 

As a result of this collaborative approach, Professor Maienschein’s 
book is unique in its own right. It is intended as a living testament to an 
institution with a special mission and a special history. It is not a sequel to 
or replacement of F. R. Lillie’s book, The Woods Hole Marine Biological 
Laboratory (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1944), which has been 
reprinted in a special edition for the MBL centennial by Lancaster Press. 
Nor is Professor Maienschein’s book an official centennial eulogy, an essay 
in self-aggrandizement of the sort that often accompanies the celebration of 
institutional anniversaries. Rather, it is what any good biography should be: 
a loving but frank portrayal of a special friend. 

Like all celebrities, the MBL has had its ups and downs. The ups have 
far outnumbered the downs, but the downs have been there nonetheless: 
the perennial financial problems, disagreements within the corporation 
about its own mission, and even controversial proposals to have the MBL 
managed by other institutions. But the MBL has managed to come through 
these bad times more or less unscathed, retaining, as Jane Maienschein 
shows so well, its essential magic. 

This book is aimed at the specialist and the nonspecialist alike. It is 
written so as not to presuppose any particular background, or any famil- 
iarity with biology or the MBL itself. As a personal history, it should be 
accessible not only to biologists who know the MBL first-hand, but also to 
the curious reader, the Cape Cod visitor, or the foreign dignitary who wants 
to know something about American scientific research institutions. It may, 
therefore, disappoint some research biologists, who might wish that there 
were more detailed descriptions of the scientific work of the past or present 
at the MBL. It may also disappoint some staunch MBL regulars, who would 
like to see more details of local history and institutional lore. It may even 
disappoint that special breed of modern historian of science, the institu- 
tional historian, who prizes quantitative data— graphs and tables of num- 
bers of investigators per summer, numbers of dollars spent, square footage 
of lab space utilized. All that would be largely irrelevant, however. It would 
not reveal nearly so well as does Professor Maienschein’s more personal 
account what it is that really makes up the spirit of the MBL. No book can 
be all things to all people. One must take this portrait of the MBL on its 
own terms. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

A special feature of Professor Maienschein’s book is the many and 
varied illustrations that accompany it. This book is really more of an- 
“illustrated biography” than a standard history. Included are many unusual 
photographs and prints taken largely from the MBL Archives and selected 
with great care by archivist Ruth Davis. 

In line with Professor Maienschein’s overall approach, most of the 
photographs are candid, rather than posed, portraits. The illustrations 
attempt to capture the liveliness, the spirit of intense work, humor, play, and 
family that make up so much of life in the MBL community. Selected from 
all periods of the MBL's history, the illustrations attempt to show, in 
contemporary terms, the kind of scientific work, physical atmosphere, and 
personal relationships that existed in 1888, 1910, 1940, 1980. If a picture 
is worth a thousand words, Professor Maienschein has lengthened her 
text considerably by including this array of fascinating and informative 

In conclusion, this institutional biography is written from the perspec- 
tive that could only have been written by a professional historian who also 
has an extended and loving relationship with the MBL. It is as fitting a way 
as I can imagine both to look back over the MBL's distinguished past and to 
glance forward to its equally exciting and promising future. 

Fall 1988 


THE MariNE BioLocicaL LABoraTory began in 1888. As first director Charles 
Otis Whitman said, it was a mere germ, only barely fertilized. The first year 
brought a simple cellular form with only seventeen “ids in its protoplasmic 
body—two instructors, eight students, and seven investigators (all begin- 
ners). The two instructors could be likened, with no great stretch of the 
imagination, to two polar corpuscles, signifying little more than that the 
germ was a fertile one, and prepared to begin its preordained course of 
development.” This fertile germ then underwent various cleavages and 
began to assume a multicellular shape. With growth, it advanced to the 
tadpole stage. It encountered troubles along the way, just as any growing 
individual does. Fortunately, these troubles have never proved fatal. 

Whitman saw the MBL as a living being. It still is today—a being made 
up of all the cellular individuals who visit and work there. The life of the 
organism is part of the life of the individual members and visitors. This book 
is about the MBL’s first one hundred years of life. 

This work represents a biography of the MBL, which has had a life very 
like any other individual, with its cycles of adolescence and growth and 
maturity and maybe even metamorphic stages as well. Indeed, this is really 
an autobiography, a reflective sketch of a full and rich life told through 
recollections and reflections recorded within the archives and the people of 
the MBL. This is only one of the many autobiographical stories that could be 
told; other times and other efforts will bring additional perspectives. If 
anyone feels that something has been left out, he or she is invited to write 
down those stories and facts and deposit them in the MBL Archives. This 
story reflects what lies in the current public and archival record. 

As an autobiography, this is not the sort of study that provides a litany 
of vital statistics and details from birth to death in precise, chronological 
order with everything in its proper place. Rather, this is an effort to present 
the spirit of the MBL's life, that spirit of cooperation and cross-fertilization 
of ideas that makes science a living process. This interactive life is some- 
times pervaded by a certain untidiness and even unreality. Recorded mem- 
ory occasionally may bring seemingly insignificant details into sharp focus 
or forget others. Sometimes the past comes into clearer focus than the 
present. So be it. The life recounted here is an important one, and the 
quirks of the storytelling mirror are quirks in the life itself and in its records. 

What, exactly, is the MBL? Biologist-writer Lewis Thomas has called it 
a virtual National Biological Laboratory for the United States because so 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

much of import has been accomplished here, by so many leading biologists 
from all over the country. Yet the MBL is not officially that. It is not funded 
by the government, nor does it have direct governmental connections. It is 
an independent research and teaching laboratory, owned and governed by 
its scientists, and it has been so since the early years. The MBL welcomes 
biologists from all over the country and from many foreign countries; one 
recent year brought representatives from over 325 American and nearly 75 
foreign institutions. 

This rich diversity of scientists clearly goes beyond any self-conscious 
sense of unique national identity or externally imposed purpose. Rather, the 
MBL is a group of first-rate individual scientists, working in concert with 
their own goals. These goals converge on producing the best biological 
research possible, so that the underlying purpose is one of advancing 
science. The MBL is a haven for science and as such serves as a special 
resource, nationally and internationally. It is more a valuable treasure than 
a national laboratory in the most familiar and limited sense. 

Yet what, exactly, is the Marine Biological Laboratory, and where did it 
come from? It is mostly Marine. The majority of researchers still use marine 
organisms. Some of these are not strictly local; a few could easily be flown 
back to Idaho or Kansas and need not be studied on the spot; and a small 
number of workers do not really even work with marine organisms. The 
MBL has embraced a wider variety of life forms as the evolution of biological 
work has carried researchers elsewhere. Yet the bulk of work at the MBL 
remains marine and directed at marine-based research problems concern- 
ing development, heredity, physiology, and evolution. 

The work is also largely Biological, though not exclusively. Chemistry 
and physics creep in as they relate to biological questions. Historians have 
begun to join the group of researchers, carrying out their own historical 
research projects using the unique collection of resources available. After 
the recent inaugural history course in connection with the MBL's centen- 
nial, several of the students cancelled their vacation plans in order to stay 
and do research in this surprisingly outstanding library. Occasional artists 
arrive, and journalists, and sociologists, to carry out their own brand of 
research, not in biology but about biology and biologists. Yet Biology remains 
the central mission. 

As a Laboratory, the place also has evolved to embrace a wider range 
of work centered on biological research. Some of the researchers at the 
MBL actually use the library as their laboratory, a few even making the 
mistake of never going outside to explore the variety of life there. Some take 
the institution as their lab, looking over the shoulders of scientists to 
investigate the process of doing science. But most still come to the MBL to 
carry out their laboratory work in biology, experimenting on marine organ- 
isms as they have for a full century. In recent decades the MBL has become 


Dh XV 

a year-round laboratory as well, with some outstanding researchers choos- 
ing to pursue their life’s work here. One recent wintry day, someone put 
warm woolen hats on artist Elaine Pear Cohen’s fine sculpture of scientists 
talking, which represents the MBL spirit and resides at a major corner in 
town. It evidently appeared that the scientists needed additional warming 
resources to continue through winter. 

At first the MBL was just a summer operation. It began in 1888 as part 
of America’s response to the general move toward research at the seashore. 
Little was known of marine life before 1800, but that began to change from 
two directions. The laying of transoceanic telegraph cable brought many 
questions about marine life. Common opinion had held that the pressure of 
water would prevent any life from existing at very great depths in the seas. 
People expected to find neat layers of different sorts of living beings, below 
which would lie a layer of skeletons from those human bodies lost and 
buried at sea, and below that perhaps a layer of gold coins, and anchors, and 
other items lost overboard. Yet when the deep sea cables broke and were 
hauled up for repair, they had numerous living organisms securely at- 
tached. Life forms must be able to live down there after all, and the drive 
quickly developed to explore those depths and to discover those living 
organisms ‘‘where no man had gone before.” Perhaps the sea even held 
very simple and primitive organisms that would help to illuminate the 
perfection of nature's design, thought researchers in the middle of the 
nineteenth century, before Darwin. 

In the late nineteenth century, after Darwin had put forth his evolution 
theory and after German biologist Ernst Haeckel had convinced so many 
people that the right way to pursue biological science was to trace the 
evolutionary relationships of organisms, biologists moved to the seashore. 
Haeckel believed that all of life arose from very simple primitive organisms 
resembling single cells. The question was, which organisms appeared first 
and which later, and through what series of changes? The key, Haeckel 
convinced a number of researchers, lay in marine organisms. Sea life, he 
believed, was more primitive and therefore more basic in evolutionary 
history. Studying the similarities and differences, especially of early embry- 
onic development of a range of marine organisms, became the accepted 
practice in biology. Besides, knowing the phylogenetic history, as it was 
called, would reveal the ancestors of the vertebrates and of man. This, after 
all, is something we care about. So to the seashore they went. 

Those few hardy pioneers therefore moved to the seashore to inves 
tigate the structure and function of the various peculiar aquatic species. 
They asked: what lived in the water, and how did those forms relate to 
terrestrial organisms? What could marine life reveal about the marvelous 
diversity and distribution of life? The European approach to the sea cen- 
tered on facilitating research into just such questions. In contrast to the 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

dominant research-oriented Naples Zoological Station in Italy and other 
European labs, the Americans sought to establish a teaching as well as a 
research laboratory, a place where landlocked and uninitiated students 
could experience scientific investigation with living organisms at the sea- 
shore. As the founders wed their two goals together the MBL emerged. That 
MBL has trained a hundred years of biologists, directly and indirectly. Each 
summer hundreds of students come from all over to take courses taught by 
teams of hundreds of internationally known lecturers (yes, there really are 
at least as many lecturers as students). One-time students often go on to 
become lecturers in their turn, or they help to start and sustain other 
marine laboratories and schools elsewhere, many of which have carried on 
some of the MBL tradition. 

So the MBL is just that: the Marine Biological Laboratory, with a life of 
its own and an identity that defies neat and tidy circumscription. It is a place 
where people learn to love being part of the process of doing science, and 
where the science benefits too. And it is an exemplar for community 
research in biology, a hotbed of intense, dedicated biological research. It is 
a place where one can look out into an audience gathered for a lecture and 
see two new MacArthur Fellows sitting next to each other, where National 
Academy of Sciences members abound, where there are several NIH Merit 
researchers together, where department heads and Nobel Prize winners 
congregate. More importantly, it is a place where those recognized by such 
external distinctions sit and discuss the same lectures and the same re- 
search data or course outlines as young assistant professors, eager graduate 
and undergraduate students, enthusiastic high school students, and some- 
times even the children. For this is a place to learn the sharing and 
cooperation that makes cross-fertilization of ideas possible, to ignore or 
overcome the boundaries existing elsewhere in the research world. It is a 
place to return to and to work for and to care for. This book is a story of the 
MBL, told through the words and images of its people, both past and 

Charles Otis Whitman on the beginning of the MBL, Laboratories and Marine Research,” American Zo- 
“Address to the MBL Corporation,” August 11, ologist (1988) 28: 1-34. 
1903, Whitman Collection. On the Naples Zoological Station, see Charles Kofoid, 
Lewis Thomas on the MBL as a national laboratory, The The Biological Stations of Europe (Washington, 
Lives of a Cell (New York: Viking Press, 1974), pp. D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1910), pp. 7-34. 
58-63.° Also more recent articles by Christiane Groeben, 
On early marine work, see the symposium papers by such as ‘Anton Dohrn—the Statesman of Darwin- 
Keith Benson, Ralph Dexter, Jane Maienschein, ism,” Biological Bulletin special historical edition 
and Robert Terwilliger, ‘The History of Marine (June 1985), 168 Suppl.: 4-25. 

*Materials are in the MBL Archives unless otherwise noted. 

Arriving in Woods Hole 

The Yalden sundial, given in 1934 by Charles R. Crane. MBL Archives. 

Rs A at iT Se St ns 

a a LS 

The Scientists, sculpture by Elaine Pear Cohen, at the corner of 
School and Water streets. Photograph by Sally Bruckner, courtesy of 
Elaine Pear Cohen, MBL Archives. 

James P. McGinnis injecting a lobster, 1958. MBL Archives. 


RIDAY NIGHT in the summer, the cars roll into Woods Hole. Eager families 
arrive for their ferry reservations to Martha’s Vineyard. They have waited a 
long time for this week to come, and they arrive early in anticipation. 
Steamship Authority officials direct their cars into line. But hours remain 
before the scheduled departure. The family locks the car and wanders the 
streets of Woods Hole, this little piece of land at the bottom of Cape Cod. The 
main street takes them past restaurants, specializing in seafood of course, 
then past the grocery store. But what are the red brick buildings? Is there 
some business or factory here, they ask? Only the business of science. 

As they move down the street, they may see a sundial on a little plaza 
near the water. An MBL benefactor, plumbing magnate Charles R. Crane, 
gave the Yalden sundial, which was designed to keep extremely accurate 
time — reportedly to within one-half minute throughout the day— for Woods 
Hole’s particular location. A lobster provides the sundial with its local Cape 
Cod flavor and a scientific twist. There is a small hole in the lobster, it is said, 
because the stone engraver obtained his specimen from the MBL Supply 
Department rather than from a local fisherman. Reportedly Harvard biolo- 
gist George Howard Parker initially told the engraver that the claws were not 
lifelike enough. He recommended a visit to the supply department. The 
chosen model had a little hole in the back of the carapace, where it had been 
injected. So does the sundial’s lobster. 

Friday Evening Lectures 

Very few of those waiting for the ferry make the turn past the lobster down 
MBL Street, to the brick and wooden buildings and to the Eel Pond. Those 
few who do so on a Friday night will see people converging from all 
directions on the main lecture room of the MBL, in the Lillie Building. 
Individuals trickle in from the library floors above, some with books in hand. 
Groups of people wander over from the laboratories across the street or 
down the hall, often chattering away about what is working or not 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Crane Building from the old Cayadetta dock, August, 1923. 
Norman W. Edmund Collection, MBL Archives. 



Lillie Auditorium during the 1940s, with 
director Charles Packard sitting in the 
center background. MBL Archives. 


Charles Otis Whitman, first director of the 
MBL and architect of its form of 
governance of, by, and for the scientists. 
MBL Archives. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

working in the lab. Some people drive in from their cottages, often trans- 
porting those whose age has made them feel no longer comfortable walking 
the familiar distance at night. Bicycles roll up carrying young researchers, 
students, and maybe even a few teenagers. Assorted people sail or row in 
after a day on the water. Maybe a couple will even be returning by ferry from 
a day on one of the islands. 

These people are all gathering, as the MBL community has gathered for 
one hundred years, to hear the week's Friday evening lecture. Some nights 
the subject may be so technical that a few tired listeners doze off after their 
long day in the lab. At other times a brilliant lecturer will enchant everyone 
with carefully chosen examples, beautiful slides, and a persuasive explana- 
tion of why this work matters. This latter type of lecture is what the Friday 
evening lectures have always been about. 

From the very first years, director Charles Otis Whitman felt that even a 
specialized modern laboratory such as the MBL should have a time when the 
entire community would come together to consider the major scientific 
problems of the day. Individuals should learn from each other, he urged. 
People should cooperate even as they pursue their separate research. 
Regular lectures to address the key problems, as well as to discuss the most 
effective methods of approach and the best available explanations, should 
also be able to illustrate to the public what marine biological research is 

With time those lectures have become somewhat more specialized and 
more technical, but always with emphasis on presenting the latest concerns 
of the day. Recent years have spawned additional series of general lectures, 
by journalists on one day and by historians and philosophers on another. 
Discussing science forms an essential part of MBL life, so the visitor should 
not be surprised to find all those people moving willingly inside to sit in a 
lecture hall and listen, even on a perfectly gorgeous and inviting summery 
afternoon or Friday evening. 

In fact, the tradition of lecturing to the public as well as the scientific 
community about biological topics has been a major part of American 
culture and science for a long time. Boston in the nineteenth century had its 
naturalist Louis Agassiz, who may well have initially helped to inspire the 
MBL’s Friday evening series. 

Louis Agassiz 

Agassiz came to this country from Switzerland in 1846 to give a lecture tour. 
He loved to travel and to explore the world and had somehow heard about 
the delights of lecturing in America. No one worried that his English was not 
perfect. Science was gaining popularity, and the word that he was a fine 
speaker was enough for an agent to book a tour for him. In Boston Agassiz 


Louis Agassiz at the blackboard. 
MBL Archives. 

spoke to a crowded audience of 1,200 people. When he occasionally had to 
pause and grasp for the proper English word, he also grasped the chalk and 
began to draw. Sometimes using both hands, Agassiz drew organisms that 
came alive on the board behind him, entertaining the audience further. 

Naturalists in the nineteenth century had to draw, because they often 
spent a high percentage of their time meticulously depicting what they had 
seen in order to communicate it to others who had not. Naturalists who 
could not draw had serious trouble. Or those who found painstaking 
watercolor work carelessly washed away by drops of seawater falling from 
wet hair after a swim could lose a precious investment. They could not 
simply photograph what they saw, not until the very end of the century, and 
then only with poorer clarity than the eye could see. They did not have the 
remarkable advanced technology, such as video microscopy, being devel- 
oped today. The photographer that the MBL first added to the staff in 1897 
did not replace practical everyday drawing for quite some time. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

A tremendous popular success, Louis Agassiz liked the United States 
and determined, after the death of his first wife, to settle in Boston. There 
he married Elizabeth Cabot Cary, later president of Radcliffe College. In 
1847 he became established at Harvard University, where he founded the 
Museum of Comparative Zoology. Always an opponent of evolution, his 
students once suggested to him that a debate between evolutionists and 
nonevolutionists might prove illuminating, all in the spirit of open scientific 
discussion and the search for truth, of course. Agassiz reportedly responded 
“rather evasively’ that “personally I like Mr. Darwin very much; he is my 
friend.’ Someone then pointed out that ‘““Darwin’s son Frank [Francis] was 
once told that Agassiz did not accept evolution. “That's all right,’ said Frank, 
‘father does not believe in the glacial theory.’ ” Agassiz was very proud of his 
glacial theory, which held that much of the geological change that the earth 
has experienced has resulted from the cycling of glacial epochs. Apparently 
Agassiz chose not to pursue the discussion further at that point. 

) Three sketches from Frank Leslie's journal of 
August 23, 1873, showing scenes from the 

{ Anderson School of Natural History at Penikese: 
Louis Agassiz at the blackboard with chalk in hand, 
Wi gentlemen dissecting a fish, and a room in the 

SY ladies’ dormitory. Drawings by Albert Berghaus, 

_*; MBL Archives. 


In 1873 Boston, like much of America, was in the throes of popular 
enthusiasm for science when Agassiz arrived. The publicity in the second 
half of the nineteenth century for the notorious race for dinosaur bones by 
Yale’s Othniel Marsh and Pennsylvania’s Edward Drinker Cope had inten- 
sified public awareness of evolution theory and zoology generally. Nature 
study had gained great popularity here and abroad. Furthermore, the public 
wanted education in science, for themselves and for their children. Boston 
school committees mandated that there should be more science teaching in 
the schools, because there was little done officially, especially in biological 

But who was to teach science? Who was to teach biology? Because 
biology at the time meant primarily natural history, and because natural 
history of organisms cannot be learned simply by peering at textbooks, any 
attempt to introduce biology into the schools meant having to teach the 
teachers. “Study nature, not books,” Agassiz preached, explaining that he 
would not allow textbooks into his classroom. But how were these school 
teachers supposed to study nature? 

In 1873 a student of Agassiz, Nathaniel Shaler, suggested that Agassiz 
offer a summer course for teachers. Yet the great popularizer had too many 
projects demanding his time and was no longer a young man. He was not 
sure. Besides it would take money to set up a school. He had enough trouble 
getting sufficient funds to keep his own Museum of Comparative Zoology 
(MCZ) at Harvard going in proper style. And where would such a school be? 
Giving a public lecture to generate support, he began to wonder out loud 
about the possibilities. As he appealed to the Massachusetts legislature for 
funds for the MCZ and for the summer school, it began to look as though 
a school might be possible, on Nantucket Island. 

The Anderson School at Penikese 

Then some of the ever-popular Louis Agassiz’s concerns found their way into 
the New York newspapers, including the Times and Tribune. In response, a 
wealthy New York businessman, John Anderson, wrote to Agassiz offering 
land on the island of Penikese, off the coast of Woods Hole, plus his own 
house there for Agassiz’s personal use: a gift valued at $100,000. He also gave 
$50,000 to serve as the base of a permanent endowment to open a summer 
school of natural history for teachers. 

As reported in Nature, Anderson wrote to Agassiz that the school “may 
be destined in future ages not only to afford the required instruction to the 
youth of our country, but may be the means of attracting to our shores 
numerous candidates from the Old World, who may find here, in the school 
to be established by you, those means of fitting themselves for the teaching 
of Natural History by Nature itself. Which by a strange oversight, appears to 

10 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The Anderson School of Natural History on Penikese Island. The large building 
(center left) housed laboratories on the first floor and dormitories on the 
second. It burned to the ground in a spectacular fire in 1891. MBL Archives. 

have been overlooked in the schemes . . . of education here.” Agassiz and 
Anderson agreed to hold summer sessions on Anderson's Penikese property 
and winter sessions in Cambridge, in effect making the school the educa- 
tional branch of the MCZ. After Agassiz had accepted and the final official 
papers had been signed in a fancy ceremony in New York, Anderson 
declared the event as ‘‘the happiest moment of my life.” 

The Anderson School opened in 1873 as planned, even though the 
construction of the main teaching building and the dorms continued up 
until the very last minute. Embarrassingly, too many people wanted to 
attend, perhaps in part because the price was so reasonable, with no tuition 
and only a percentage of the value of bedroom furniture to pay for room, 
plus board at cost. At first Agassiz had expected few applications and had 
simply accepted everyone who applied. But then some of the later applicants 
looked much more promising than the earlier ones. So Agassiz wrote a 
remarkable letter asking the earlier ones to surrender their places in favor 
of those later and better-prepared students. Evidently, in the face of such an 
unorthodox appeal, some did. The final select group of some forty students 
included a number of women who were ‘very schoolma’my in appearance,” 
and the ‘gentlemen were not one whit behind,” the press reported. The 
press attended the school’s opening in force, for Agassiz recognized a good 
show and invited them in. Students, relatives, and members of the press all 
gathered in New Bedford* to take a special steamer to Penikese for a day. 
Agassiz was giving a scientific party. 

At the laboratory of the new school, he presented a dedicatory address, 
which was widely acclaimed as “inspiring” and “beautiful” and as a ‘‘silent 
prayer,” immortalized in John Greenleaf Whittier’s often-cited ode ‘The 
Prayer of Agassiz,’ which reflects the ideals of the time: 

‘Unless otherwise indicated, all places mentioned are situated in Massachusetts. 


On the Isle of Penikese, 

Ringed about by sapphire seas, 
Fanned by breezes salt and cool, 
Stood the Master with his school... . 
Said the Master to the youth: 

‘We have come in search of truth, 
Trying with uncertain key 

Door by door of mystery; 

We are reaching, through His laws, 
To the garment-hem of Cause...’ 

After the dedication the group enjoyed a feast. Then the reporters left the 
island to file their enthusiastic stories praising this great moment in Amer- 
ican education and in American science. Only then, as one student put it, did 
the small group of remaining teachers-turned-students realize that they 
were settled on a barren island only two-thirds of a mile long and one-third 
of a mile wide. Without distractions, science would occupy the summer. 

That summer's experience on that tiny island made a major difference 
to American science. Among those inspired by the island school was Alpheus 
Hyatt, destined to run his own teachers’ school for the Boston Society of 
Natural History and to provide the motivating force for the founding of the 
MBL. There was also David Starr Jordan, who became the first president of 
Stanford University and sought to build it into a western scientific empire. 
Also among the students was Charles Otis Whitman, who taught at Boston’s 
English High School. During this summer of 1873, and the next when he 
returned to Penikese as an advanced student under Agassiz’s son Alexander 
(who took over the school for one year after Louis suddenly died), Whitman 
decided to become a professional biologist. That meant he would have to go 
to Europe to pursue a doctoral degree, with all the resulting difficulties for 
one from a “sober and pious” but definitely not wealthy family from Maine. 
But he had made up his mind, and Whitman was a stubborn and dedicated 
man. He went to Germany in 1875, where he received his Ph.D. for work on 
the embryology of leeches. After a two-year stay in Japan, he returned to the 
United States. He directed the Allis Lake Laboratory in Milwaukee, chaired 
the department at Clark University, and made his way to Woods Hole, full of 
ideas and energy, and ready to head the Marine Biological Laboratory when 
it began in 1888. 

Summers in Woods Hole 

Mt. Holyoke professor and former Penikese participant Cornelia Clapp 
arrived in the very first year of the MBL, in 1888, and found a quiet, tiny 
village. Ferry service from Woods Hole to Martha’s Vineyard had begun in 
1749, and hotels and summer estates had begun to appear by 1872, but only 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

a few tourists and summer visitors had arrived yet by 1888. It was not until 
after the pungent guano works closed and was torn down after 1889 that 
Woods Hole really began to attract a significant population of tourists and 
others seeking refuge from the cities in seaside resorts. 

In those days, one generally arrived by the train that first chugged into 
Woods Hole in 1872, though by mid-century one could have arrived after a 
pleasant overnight trip from New York by paddle-wheel steamer. Isabel 
Morgan Mountain, daughter of Columbia biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan, 
recalls that the family set out from New York for the summer in Woods Hole 
in great style. They took baskets of plants to grow in their Woods Hole 
garden, perhaps some mice to study, their English Setter, a pair of love birds, 
and the usual assortment of baggage and children. By train, whether the 
more local or the fancier “Dude” train, the trip took a little more than two 
hours from Boston, straight into Woods Hole along a track that brushes right 
up against the sand dunes and overlooks the water in a few places. When 
autos first bumped their way down the Cape, the trip was considerably 
longer; now it takes maybe one and a half hours, except on a Friday or 
Sunday in the summer tourist season. Now that the train is gone, bicycles, 
baby buggies, and pedestrians frequent the paved pathway where the tracks 
once lay. 

Taking the train to Woods Hole made an impression on many new- 
comers, for there they often met other scientists and their families on their 
way to the summer haven. Second MBL director Frank Rattray Lillie 
reminisced in his unpublished autobiography that it was during the train trip 
that he first learned what the MBL was really about. Lillie had signed up to 
work as a graduate student at Clark University under Whitman. Whitman 
had suggested that he get himself to Woods Hole for the summer to begin 
work. As Lillie made his way from his home in Toronto to Woods Hole, he 
learned from fellow passengers that he would be expected to enter into the 
cell lineage research of the day. This work was dedicated to tracing, in a 
variety of organisms, what happens to each cell as it undergoes a series of 
divisions. The only real choice for a student, the others explained to Lillie, 
was which ‘‘beast’” he would choose to study, and not which questions he 
would ask or which techniques he would employ. Those were set. For the 
sort of comparative enterprise that Whitman wanted, everyone had to 
standardize as many factors as possible. 

By the time Lillie arrived in 1892, the MBL community all found housing 
in local boarding houses. The very first year, however, no one had made any 
housing arrangements for the students, and the choices were slim. Nor was 
there anywhere obvious to eat. In fact, when investigator Cornelia Clapp 
first arrived there really was no MBL. The carpenters were still working 
frantically on the one building and the director had not yet arrived. Even- 
tually, the small group of students and instructors made arrangements for 


Richard and Robert 
Huettner at the train 
station in Woods Hole in 
1930. Photograph by 
Alfred F. Huettner, 
MBL Archives. 

Although the date, location, and 
person in this picture are 
unknown, there is no question 
about where the freight was 
heading. F.R. Lillie papers, 
MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The Nantucket, sidewheel ferry 
boat in Woods Hole Passage, 
with Devil's Foot Island in the 
foreground. MBL Archives. 

rooming and boarding at one of the few houses willing to take in strangers 
that first year. Or as Clapp reported, some took their meals in the “dark, 
dingy hole” of a dining room at the railroad station. They then picked their 
way through the glacial boulders toward the simple wooden building with 
its general open laboratory. 

By 1902, in contrast, when student Beamon Douglas spent the summer 
at the MBL, it seemed to him that nearly every house in town eagerly took 
in boarders. He reported that “the modest sum of three or four dollars a 
week secures a large room, comfortable though simply furnished, with 
sufficient lamp oil, bed linens, and water for the most exacting.” By then, the 
homeowners were often so glad of the opportunity to take in additional 
income for a few months that they rented out all available space to the busy 
and generally well-behaved scientists and themselves occupied the unrent- 

William Procter in front of Old Main, 1923. Photograph by 
Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

_ ee 

The embryology class, 
1894. Left to right: 
Henrietta L. Graves, Ellen 
Appleton Stone, Gilbert L. 
Houser, Wesley R. Coe, 
Julia Haynes; second 
row: Frances Crane (later 
Mrs. Frank R. Lillie), 
Charles S. Bacon, 
instructors Frank R. Lillie 
and Oliver S. Strong; 
Cresswell Shearer behind 
Lillie and Strong. 
Photograph by Baldwin 
Coolidge, MBL Archives. 

able odd corners and closets. Douglas did not consider the prices unfair, 
but he regretted the crowdedness. Because the families took in so many 
roomers, Douglas felt that ‘association with them is not an unalloyed joy, 
and the student usually prefers to limit his acquaintance to the members of 
the laboratory mess.” As one of the popular autograph books of the day 
suggested, ‘‘the Woods Hole landlord prefers his guests not to use his porch 
to entertain their callers’ — another reason to stick close to the laboratory as 
the number of marriages among students and instructors at the MBL testifies 
to the interest in ‘“‘calling.” 

A later story illustrates the sorts of concerns that the Woods Hole 
community long held about those scientists. When one biologist announced 
to his landlord that he intended to marry and return with his wife to live in 
the same home, the man asked what the new wife’s name would be. When 
informed that she would take her husband’s name, the landlord was 
reassured. “Oh,” he said, ‘thank goodness that there are some people going 
to be here not living in sin.” 

Another feature of Woods Hole that has impressed visitors increasingly 
in the twentieth century is the lush greenery and flowers. Because the 
Cape’s winters are moderated by the water, the area does not suffer much. 

16 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Old Main as it looked in 
1892, set amidst the 
moraine which forms this 
part of Cape Cod. 

MBL Archives. 

The thick woods, protected by a series of agreements against wanton 
development in Woods Hole, provide a lovely place to take an evening's 
stroll—or to wish one could when the land is barricaded off as privaTe. Yet 

as Henry David Thoreau had pointed out with regret in his book Cape Cod, 
by the mid-nineteenth century the Cape had few forests any more. The 
sheep had eaten what people had not burned or cut (and the gypsy moths 
came along a few years later to carry out the last stages of deforestation). 
Thanks to the Boston merchant Joseph Fay, who sought to attract other 
summer residents to the area, the forests returned to Woods Hole. Fay 
planted an impressive twenty thousand mixed pine, larch, spruce, and birch 
seedlings to bring back the trees. Within fifty years, the forest around Woods 
Hole had reached a second growth or oak stage, and in the twentieth century 
the mature forests have returned, even though the population wishing to use 
and enjoy them has also expanded. 

Today, as from the beginning, the MBL researcher typically first arrives 
in Woods Hole along with the ferry visitors in the summer. The streets are 
filled with “ice cream people,’ dressed in shorts or bathing suits and 
wandering casually about the streets slurping drippy cones; and “lobster 
people,” whose bright red skin shows that they have spent a little too long in 
the sun on Martha’s Vineyard and who want one last lobster dinner before 
heading home; and children, impatient to board the ferry because there 
seems to be little for visitors to do in Woods Hole; and dogs, black dogs. 

No helpful signs indicate which way to turn. If one has arrived by bus, 
the best bet is to walk away from all the people gathered around the ferry 


dock. If arriving by car, one often waits for the upraised drawbridge (which 
replaced the old arched bridge around 1910) to go back down and thereby 
complete the main street over the Eel Pond. The new arrival then moves 
cautiously down the street toward what must be the MBL. Of course, 
sometimes it is not the MBL because the newcomer first passes the buildings 
of that other major Woods Hole research center, WHOI (the Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution). Finally, the researcher finds MBL Street and 
feels secure in the knowledge that this, at last, is the right way. But then, if 
driving, where does one park? For, since the automobile first arrived in 
Woods Hole, success has filled the parking lots with cars offering an ever 
more impressive range of license plates. Somehow, with careful planning, 
remote parking lots and shuttle buses, and “ethical parking” (don’t take 
even a foot more than you need), they all fit in. 

After a student or researcher arrives today, finds a place to stay, and 
has had time to walk about and explore the landscape a bit, the question 
asked back home may resurface. Why do biology by the seashore? Why 
come to a marine laboratory anyway? Why Woods Hole and why the MBL? 
Some have expressed scepticism about the excuses for going to the sea. The 
British zoologist E. Ray Lankester, for example, found that ‘spasmodic 
descent upon the seashore” particularly suspect and too like a mere 
summer vacation. Today a few admit that they do not really need to be in 
Woods Hole to do their work. Some marine organisms can be flown around 
the country, as witnessed by the number of live lobsters leaving Boston’s 
Logan Airport. But why not work at the seashore? The relative simplicity and 
diversity of marine organisms makes them particularly useful for under- 
standing life processes. Most researchers really do need to be beside the 

Windswept and bare, 
Penzance as it looked in 
1909. Gideon S. Dodds 
Collection, MBL Archives. 

18 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 



<q The drawbridge into Eel 
Pond, with the MBL 
vessel Dolphin coming 
through. MBL Archives. 

seashore to get the fresh materials in sufficient quantities. The community 
sense of life at the MBL stimulates the participants. The relaxed atmosphere, 
the sense of open conversation, and exchange of ideas appeal. Their children 
love it. Above all, the MBL is a unique center for intense biological research 
in a community of leading researchers. They all return. 

The Origin of the Marine Biological Laboratory 

Why was Woods Hole the chosen location for the MBL? Actually, someone 
who arrived before 1896 would have had to ask ‘why Woods Holl?” — its 
official name until that time. Considerable debate about the name — whether 
named by Norsemen or referring to a hill or someone's family name— 
circled the small town. Then in 1896 the United States Post Office decided 
that it would be Woods Hole, much to Whitman's annoyance as he had 
named several local species “‘hollensis.” 

Woods Hole was chosen for the MBL location essentially because of 
Spencer Fullerton Baird and Alpheus Hyatt, both immortalized by streets 
named after them in Woods Hole today. Baird served as first (and unpaid) 
commissioner of the U.S. Fish Commission, as well as secretary of the 
Smithsonian Institution. He was the sort of fellow who would walk twenty or 
thirty miles while a young professor at Pennsylvania’s Dickinson College just 
to get a book. When Baird saw Woods Hole in his search for a permanent site 
for the Fish Commission, he recognized its strengths. As lifelong MBL 
embryologist Edwin Grant Conklin later put it, Woods Hole had wonderful 
“natural advantages,” namely the “numerous harbors and lagoons, with 
muddy, sandy, or rocky bottoms, while the coast is so broken by bays, 
promontories, straits and islands as to afford the most varied habitats.” In 
addition, the tidal currents churn up the food and oxygen supplies in the 
water and produce bountiful collections of organisms from the nearby Gulf 
Stream as well as the northern currents. The freshwater ponds provide 
alternative supplies for materials, Conklin noted. Enthusing further, he 
suggested that you “add to these things the fact that Woods Hole is readily 
accessible by rail or boat, that the climate in summer is delightful, the 
bathing excellent, the mainland and islands charming, the sound with its 
continual procession of ships always varied and interesting, and you have in 
Woods Hole not only an ideal place for a laboratory, but also an ideal place 
for summer residence.” Given that Baird had spent some time exploring up 
and down the coast and that he shared Conklin’s enthusiasm for this small 
town (with its seventy-five buildings in 1871), it should not surprise us that he 
chose Woods Hole for the Fish Commission operation. 

Full of energy and ideas, Baird wanted to build a major research center 
in Woods Hole. He had local friends who encouraged the enterprise and 
helped to secure the land, including a plot right across the street from the 

20 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

hi wey 


Old Fisheries Building with Crane and Candle buildings behind, 1923. 
Norman W. Edmund Collection, MBL Archives. 

Fish Commission building intended for a future research laboratory. As it 
became clear that the Fish Commission could not do everything by itself, 
Baird encouraged others to join him with a teaching laboratory in Woods Hole. 

Baird’s friend and Harvard graduate Alpheus Hyatt ran a teacher's 
school of natural history up the coast in Annisquam. Hired by the Boston 
Society of Natural History and supported by the Woman’s Education Asso- 
ciation of Boston, the energetic Hyatt and his assistant and instructor 
Balfour H. van Vleck had conducted a summer school each year beginning 
in 1879. At first they met at Hyatt’s house, but after two years of that they 
acquired another site. Sometimes the students proved less than inspiring. 


Once Mrs. Hyatt wrote to her husband, who was away at sea with a group 
of students, that the students left in Annisquam, particularly the women, 
were dreadful and that both she and van Vleck almost despaired of teaching 
them anything. But a few prospective professional naturalists also happened 
into the course, including Thomas Hunt Morgan (in 1886) who later became 
a major figure at the MBL and the MBL's first Nobel Prize winner. 

Hyatt kept the school going, despite discouragements, until the Wo- 
man’s Education Association decided it was such a success that they should 
no longer need to fund it. They had always insisted that they would try the 
school as an experiment, and if it succeeded it should become independent. 
That time had come. Hyatt was evidently ready for different arrangements. 
He loved exploring and traveling and was a fine naturalist in the style of the 
day, but perhaps he had had his share of discouragingly elementary students 
by then. Besides, the waters of Annisquam were becoming seriously pol- 
luted. Baird invited Hyatt down to visit, as he had before, and laid the 
prospects before him to locate a laboratory and school in Woods Hole. The 

Left: Spencer Fullerton Baird, first commissioner of the U.S. Fisheries, 1871-1887, and 
founder of the Woods Hole Fisheries. Paul Galtsoff Collection of the Fisheries, MBL 
Archives. Right: Alpheus Hyatt, first president of the MBL Board of Trustees. MBL Archives. 

22 & 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


—— — 

fF = -1 
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g wr yn) Se 
rer F rrr YL 6 4 
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Sketch of the laboratory 
at Annisquam, made in 
1884 by an unknown 
artist. Windpower 
provided the laboratory 

with its water for aquaria. 

MBL Archives. 

land next to the Fish Commission remained available. Baird promised that 
the Fish Commission would help with such potentially troublesome neces- 
sities as supplying organisms and running sea water. The Woman's Edu- 
cation Association agreed to donate whatever equipment and materials 
Hyatt had accumulated for the school. Because Hyatt had already invested 
considerable energy and money of his own in the Annisquam venture, the 
new prospects for reinforcements in the form of personnel and funds must 
have appeared very attractive indeed. 

The enterprise took shape, with the expressed purpose of raising “such 
a sum of money as will secure for teachers of Biology and the general student 
ample opportunities for the practical study of marine forms. It is hoped that 
a sufficient amount may be raised to offer additional facilities for original 
investigation.” The group of supporters and future trustees set out to select 
a site and to raise money for a new biological laboratory on Cape Cod. Woods 
Hole may have appealed to them for financial as well as environmental 
reasons since land here was cheap at this time. 

In 1887 and 1888, as the planning took place, the town boasted its very 
own guano factory, an ingenious business that turned local waste products 
into valuable fertilizers and provided jobs for the townspeople. (The guano 
came first from local ships returning from the Pacific islands, then from 
nearby islands.) Begun in 1863, the Pacific Guano Company saved the town 


from the post-Civil War economic depression suffered elsewhere through- 
out the United States over the next few years. As one man noted, “the 
concept, and the product, reeked of ingenuity.” That was the problem. 
Producing fertilizer was a great idea, and using otherwise worthless bird 
droppings made sense, but it smelled awful. At its height, around 1879, the 
factory employed 150 to 200 workers and processed 40,000 tons of fertilizer. 
In 1887, it still served as a strong aromatic deterrent to tourist development, 
but its end was near. Cheaper fertilizer elsewhere doomed the plant, so that 
it closed in 1888, causing a local depression. 1887 and 1888 were good times 
for the wealthy to move into Woods Hole, as the smell was leaving and 
before the land increased in price and when the economic conditions would 
have provided cheap labor for household help. 

The group from Boston liked Woods Hole. They decided officially to 
form the Marine Biological Laboratory, with Hyatt as first president of the 
board of trustees, and to move to Woods Hole. With $10,000 raised over the 
winter months, they incorporated on March 20, 1888. 

They really did not have enough money to hire a director and a teacher. 
First, the trustees sounded out Williams College biologist Samuel Clarke. He 
responded to the effect that they must be crazy. ‘‘Let us consider some of 
the points:” he wrote, ‘the offer is, for me to pay my expenses to Wood's Hole, 
to continue paying my expenses through the summer and my return ex- 
penses home; also to take all the burden of organizing the Laboratory, 

Guano factory is to the left in back. The legend on the back of this picture reads: ‘This 
point of land, sometimes called Refuge Point, was given to the U.S. Fish Commission by 
Joseph Story Fay.’’ MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

adjusting it to the conditions there and in Boston; the receiving of and 
answering of applications, the reception and settling of those admitted; the 
labor of giving lectures, arranging courses and providing material; and the 
establishment and preservation of a cordial feeling between the U. S. Fish 
Company and that of the Laboratory—as well as between all those in the 
Laboratory.” He declined. 

The trustees then decided to offer the directorship to William Keith 
Brooks, who was probably the most well-placed biologist in America at the 
time, with his professorship in zoology at the research-oriented Johns 
Hopkins University. He had attended Agassiz’s Anderson School and had 
then organized his own Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory for his students 
at Hopkins. However, one member thought that Brooks might possibly 
accept the position for no salary and bring the support of Johns Hopkins as 
well. Optimistically, they offered Brooks the job. Then they waited; and 
waited throughout the spring and into the summer months. The time came 
closer to announce and then begin the first summer session in 1888. Finally, 
Brooks declined. He saw no reason, he explained, to have another labora- 
tory in Woods Hole. The Fish Commission was there. That was good enough 
for his few professional students. And he really did not see the point of having 
a teachers’ school. 

Besides, it was clear from his actions at Hopkins that this shy and 
retiring man did not want to teach biology to women. And women there 
would be. That was understood from the beginning. In fact, the original 
board of trustees included women from Boston. Natural history was re- 
garded as a “safe” subject for women, and women teachers wanted to have 
experience in the laboratory and the field just as much as men did. As long 
as the purpose of the MBL was seen as educational and as providing a place 
for both students and investigators to work together in a community setting, 
women promised to play a significant role. 

Today, women have indeed begun to fulfill that promise. Thirty to fifty 
percent of students enrolled in courses are women, though a much smaller 
percentage participate as course instructors or primary laboratory direc- 
tors. In fact, after the early years the proportion of women students remained 
well over half until the 1930s, when it dropped off radically, and has 
gradually risen only in recent decades, as is generally true elsewhere in the 

So, having to teach women and teachers, and a strong conservative — or 
pragmatic — streak kept Brooks from accepting the directorship. The trust- 
ees decided to make the next offer to Whitman, the only other American 
who had directed a biological laboratory, though admittedly an inland 
facility: the Allis Lake Laboratory near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Almost im- 
mediately, Whitman accepted —at no salary. And he continued as director 
until 1908, at no salary, and sometimes at considerable expense from his 


own pocket. Whitman had ambitions to build biology in the United States 
and to gain a more important professional position than that at the Allis 
Lake Laboratory, and he had a vision of what biology should be like and 
what a marine laboratory could do. He worked hard and sacrificed much 
to put that dream into effect, to create a unique national research place 
where students, researchers, and scientific leaders could meet and com- 
municate and exchange ideas. He wanted to create a vital organism that 
would grow and mature. To him the MBL and Woods Hole offered the 
perfect opportunity. 

Modern visitors to Woods Hole often do not appreciate the reasons 
behind the choices. Indeed most never have any sense of the very real 
people and ideas behind those street sign names in town: Spencer Baird, 
Hyatt, Whitman, Conklin, Clapp, Lillie and, yes, even Brooks. Tourists roll 
through town all summer without ever realizing why all those people are 
going to the Friday evening lectures and without understanding the striking 
number of important contributions to biological science that have begun in 
this spot. 

Woods Hole as it looked in 1886, before the MBL began. 
Photograph by Franklin Gifford. MBL Archives. 

26 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


One biography of Agassiz is by Edward Lurie, Louis 
Agassiz (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
1960). Another is by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, editor, 
Louis Agassiz, Life and Correspondence, 2 vols. 
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1886); pp. 765-776 dis- 
cuss the Anderson school and the drain that it 
caused on Agassiz’s life. 

A series of pieces in the Tribune Popular Science in 
1874 details the school’s coming into being, as do 
articles in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 
Nature, Science, and other journals of the day. 
The centennial program for Agassiz’s school, Au- 
gust 13-17, 1973, also included important discus- 
sion of the school’s history. See also articles by 
Ralph Dexter, especially ‘From Penikese to the 
Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole— 
The Role of Agassiz’s Students,’ Essex Institute 
Historical Collections (April 1974) 110: 151-161. 

The records of the Boston Society of Natural History 
record the progress of the Annisquam school — its 
success in attracting students, costs, teachers, 
problems, and such. 

Related discussion of the role of nature study and the 
place of women in natural history appears there 
and in most popular science publications of the 
1860s and 1870s. A more sustained and scholarly 
treatment of women scientists is Margaret W. 
Rossiter’s Women Scientists in America (Johns 
Hopkins University Press, 1982); see especially pp. 
86-99 on the MBL. 

For more on Whitman, see Edward S. Morse’s Memoir, 
National Academy of Sciences, Biographical Mem- 
oirs (1912): 269-288, and an article by Frank R. 
Lillie in the Journal of Morphology (1911) 22: 

Lillie’s unpublished autobiography, dated 1926 (?), is in 
the Lillie materials at the MBL. 

Isabel Morgan Mountain has written an unpublished 
history of her house, on the site of the old Morgan 
barn. This discusses the fire and Morgan's exper- 
iments. She has also generously provided other 
valuable information and insights during an in- 
terview in summer 1987. 

Cornelia Clapp on the early years: ‘Some Recollections 
of the First Summer at Woods Hole,” Collecting 
Net (July 7, 1927): 3, 10. 

Beamon Douglas, ‘‘My Summer in Wood's Hole,’’ New 
York Medical Journal (1902) 76: 265-269. 

Joseph Fay’s stories about the possible arrival of Norse- 
men on the Cape appeared in the Collecting Net 
and in “Track of the Norsemen,” 1873 (?). Also 
recent historical publications about Woods Hole 
consider such historical stories. 

E. Ray Lankester on marine laboratories, “An American 
Sea-Side Laboratory,” Nature (March 25, 1880): 

E. G. Conklin on the advantages of Woods Hole, “The 
Marine Biological Laboratory,’ Science (1900) 12: 
233-244, quotation p. 235. 

Baird’s interests at Dickinson College are recorded in 
the excellent archival collections there. On Baird 
and the Fish Commission, see Paul Galtsoff's The 
Story of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bio- 
logical Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 
(Washington, DC: Department of the Interior Cir- 
cular, 1962). 

On Woods Hole see Harris W. Clark, “A History of 
Woods Hole and Adjacent Waters,’ March 1975, 
MBL Archives. 

Concerning relationships of the MBL to earlier Amer- 
ican efforts, see Dexter (reference chapter 1, #6) 
and articles in the special issue of Biological Bul- 
letin (June 1985) 168 Suppl., especially Jane 
Maienschein, “Agassiz, Hyatt, Whitman, and the 
Birth of the Marine Biological Laboratory,’ pp. 

The letter describing the purpose of the prospective 
MBL was written by the “Committee on Location” 
(B. H. van Vleck, W. G. Farlow, and S. F. Clarke), 
April 15, 1887. 

Samuel F. Clarke discusses the directorship in a letter 
to William Sedgwick, December 18, 1887, and in 
the MBL trustees’ minutes from 1888. Discussion 
of Brooks's hesitations appears in letters in the 
Johns Hopkins University and the Museum of 
Comparative Zoology Archives. 

The only summary history of the MBL is Frank R. 
Lillie’s The Woods Hole Marine Biological Labora- 
tory (Chicago: University Press, 1944); reprinted in 
Biological Bulletin (1988) 174. 

iving Here 



Day's work over: part of the 
fishing fleet tied up at Sam 
Cahoon's dock. MBL Archives. 


Ges THAT PEOPLE do come to the MBL to stay for a part or all of a summer, 

what is life in Woods Hole like for them? We could say different things for 
different people, of course. Some people have had lovely formal homes, 
complete with servants, while others have been happier living in rustic 
camp fashion. Some seek privacy away from the lab, others seek continual 
involvement. Some live outdoors as much as possible, others inside. The 
wealth of detailed descriptions of Woods Hole life—housing, eating, work- 
ing, dealing with weather problems, and such — illustrates the richness of 
summer living in this active small community. 

Now new arrivals no longer have to take their chances scrambling about 
town for housing when they arrive; there is no hope of such belated success. 
Instead, they must plan ahead and make their reservations early, often by 
February if they plan to stay all summer or to bring the family. And they need 
plenty of money if they intend to rent a cottage in town rather than to secure 
housing through the MBL itself. Rents for summer cottages have sky- 
rocketed on the Cape in the past decades, especially as new building codes 
for Woods Hole have prevented much of the sort of wanton and irresponsible 
growth that has occurred elsewhere along the seashore. 

If you were not too fussy, ten or twenty dollars covered a full week's 
costs nearly up to World War II. In the early 1940s, that time of the three- 
cent stamp, summer houses sold for about $3,000 to $5,000, while a student 
could get a week's board at the MBL mess hall for seven dollars and a cot in 
the simple but adequate Drew House for two dollars per week. No longer do 
these prices apply! Nor do many people feel comfortable with the sort of 
musical beds approach that Philip Armstrong, anatomist/embryologist 
and later MBL director, recalled of his early years. When he was locked out 
of his room in town, he headed for the men’s dormitory and plopped down 
on any empty bed to sleep. When the occupant showed up, he simply 

30 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

moved on to another. Others slept outside, on the roofs. People have since 
then acquired a taste for privacy and also for baths and showers, which 
were all rare in those early days at the MBL when even running water 
remained a treat. : 

Since those early years, the MBL has made an effort to provide housing 
for its community, with the trustees perpetually concerned about how to 
raise funds to provide sufficient dormitory space for students. At first stu- 
dents and investigators alike boarded out in town. Then the development of 
what had once been the small island of Penzance Point, after the demise of 
the guano works, provided opportunities for those who could afford the 
property in the growing resort community. Various other arrangements have 
arisen to provide housing as well. One woman recalled when the men 
students roomed on the lower floors of one house, and the women on the top 
where they could dry their hair and hang up laundry in the sunny cupola 
atop the building. 

For a while in the early 1900s students found themselves rooming in the 
old stone Candle House. The ‘Hotel Majestic” they called the structure, 
though it smelled a bit odd and clothes had to be hung from rafters for lack 
of closets. The building is beautiful now that it has been renovated and 
turned into a modern and even air-conditioned administration building. In 
the bunkhouse days that beauty was harder to see. Built in 1836 at the height 

“Hotel Majestic,’ summer 
quarters for many students 
in the early days. 

MBL Archives. 


At the fish trap, 
1909-1910. Torpedo- 
shaped car in the 
foreground was used for 
bringing back the squid. 
It was towed behind the 
collecting boat and 
served to keep the squid 
alive. Gideon S. Dodds 
Collection, MBL Archives. 

of Woods Hole’s whaling activity, the building had housed the quantities of 
whale oil brought in to make spermaceti candles, before the discovery of oil 
in western Pennsylvania and before gas lamps became popular in the 1850s 
to replace whale oil as a source of lighting. The smell of whale oil lingered 
into the bunkhouse days, and at times was tinged with the odor of the 
formalin from the supply department downstairs in the basement. 

Whaling and Fishing 
Whaling and fishing had been prominent parts of Woods Hole life before 
science and tourism came to dominate. Though the town never offered as 
major an operation as Nantucket, Woods Hole did send out its whaling 
vessels to collect oil in the early and mid-nineteenth century. After the MBL 
began, fishing played an important part of Woods Hole life, as it did along 
much of the New England coast. Old-timers and not-so-old-timers recall 
fisherman friends, often extremely well-educated and fascinating people, 
coming over for an evening chat after a good day and bringing along a 
collection of quahogs, scallops, fish, and even a few odds and ends that they 
thought the biologists might like — either to eat or to study. 

New Yorker George Scott recalled one time when friends took him 
along on a trip to do some bottom fishing. As Scott reported, ‘That trip gave 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

us everything: Hove to for a day in rough weather, and fishing ruined for 
several hours by aggressive sharks tearing a hole in the bag of the net in the 
trawl as it was brought in, letting out the fish which were devoured 

Whaling provided good stories also. In 1899, Ulric Dahlgren (a Prince- 
ton University histologist apparently of Viking descent) organized a sword- 
fishing party. The vessel Vigilant had a traditional ‘pulpit’ at the bow for 
watching the fish, and the remaining necessary equipment. Dahlgren made 
up a party including embryologist Edwin G. Conklin, cytologists Edmund B. 
Wilson and Thomas H. Montgomery, Japanese artist K. Hyashi, and a few 
others. Expecting a two-day trip, they loaded food and water and set off for 
the open ocean in the light wind. As the wind picked up, they sailed around 
Gay Head and out to sea, accompanied by a rosy sunset. After a night 
without much sleep, the group arose for a breakfast of bacon, eggs, 
hardtack, and coffee, then sailed on. Soon came the excitement they had 
hoped for. Spotting some sort of cetacean in the distance, they moved 
toward it. When they got close enough, Dahlgren speared the creature 
with a dart and iron but not the harpoon. It turned out to be a whale. The 
whale was not happy and thus dived into deeper water, returning in a few 

Dahlgren decided then that he would try to wear out the whale, and he 
put out a dory. Two men set off in it, with two sets of oars and a 300-foot 
piece of rope. They caught up with the barrel attached to the dart and iron 
and grabbed hold. Securing the rope to their harpoon rope, they were thus 
tied to the whale. The whale headed at full speed for open ocean, with the 
dory and two biologists attached. Normally calm and collected, Wilson stood 
on board shouting “I'd give a hundred dollars to be in that boat.” But then 
the Vigilant fell behind and lost sight of the disappearing dory. While help- 
lessly waiting for the men and dory to return, those remaining set about to 
catch the swordfish they had intended to capture, but instead harpooned 
a giant marine sunfish, Orthagoriscus mola. With some difficulty they 
wrestled that fish on board, which distracted them for a while. They then 
finally recalled their missing friends, who had disappeared more than 
two hours before. 

The men resolved to set out in the second dory in search of the first, 
because the Vigilant was completely becalmed by then. But they had no oars 
left. The first dory had left with both sets. They tried boards, which did not 
work. Concerned about the two men with no food or water out in the hot 
sun, they tried frying pans as oars, but the handles were too short. They then 
found two brooms and set out, “sweeping the Atlantic.’ Fortunately, the 
other men returned to sight and the sweepers could give up their absurd 
effort. The whale had moved around so much with his diving and resur- 
facing that the rope had frayed and broken. Dahlgren estimated that they 

2 | LIVING HERE nN 33 

had been towed about ten or fifteen miles before that though. As Conklin 
reported, their evidence suggested that the whale was a finback, and prob- 
ably even Dahlgren would have failed to wear him out. 

This “fishing expedition of a lifetime” all ended by 11:00 a.m., much to 
everyone's astonishment, as they observed that people back in Woods Hole 
would just be going to church. As a student at Hopkins, then a professor at 
University of Pennsylvania and later head of biology at Princeton, Conklin 
loved telling stories: especially this one, where he stalked up and down the 
beach wielding a harpoon. He also observed that the group never quite 
wanted to embark on such an adventure again, even though the sunfish 
provided a great wealth of parasites for a number of research projects back 
in the lab. They all felt that a second excursion would be anticlimatic. 

Commercial Resources 

The more normal fishing enterprises also provided fresh fish in the shops 
that used to line Water Street. Now, as in most of America, MBL folk 
generally hop in their cars to drive to the nearest town, Falmouth, for the 
bulk of their groceries, buying only smaller items in the small Woods Hole 
store. But within the recent memory of many, Woods Hole housed a meat 
market and several groceries, which provided a variety of fresh food. Sam 
Cahoon’s fish business provided dockside seafood for the village, ‘‘a place of 
distinctive and pleasant smell, which was a blend of fish and smoke and 

34 A 

Behind Sam Cahoon's 
fish market on the dock, 
where much of the 
processing took place, 
circa 1930. Photographs 
by Alfred F. Huettner, 
MBL Archives. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

steam,” the latter two from the train yard next door. Once a popular actress 
was in Woods Hole for a visit. She rowed over to the town from Penzance 
Point, the fashionable lower tip of Cape Cod, to get some fish; but she had 
forgotten her money. She announced that she was the actress Katharine 
Cornell, expecting her familiar name to be sufficient. The generous and 
honest Sam Cahoon responded that, in fact, he had never heard of her but 
that did not matter to him. “Give the lady her fish,” he said. 

In addition to fish markets, the town had its drug store, dry goods shop, 
and even its own hardware store, the latter run by Edward Swift. The 
popular Mr. Swift recalled when the whaling ships were built in Woods 
Hole, as well as when the first train had arrived and when the last train left. 
In addition, a few informal businesses kept things happening at times. 
Rumrunners during Prohibition added excitement, especially when they got 
news of a coming raid and had to toss the wooden crates overboard for later 
retrieval. Town boys tried to get there first. Woods Hole was a busy town, with 
an active commercial life and a scientific population growing side by side. 

World War I brought changes in Woods Hole. The Great War ended with 
a heroic burning of the Kaiser at a grand bonfire, very inspiring to the 
local youth. During the war, Woods Hole had a few exotic exiles, including 
one Russian family who built their own house by hand, and the future 
president of Czechoslovakia. Following the war, people began to build more 

2 | LIVING HERE nN 35 

houses, sometimes ordered prefab from Sears and Roebuck. Even this did 
not provide for the influx, however, so that during the 1930s the younger 
researchers found it difficult to find a place in Woods Hole and increasingly 
looked elsewhere, as others have done more recently for the same reasons. 

The second world war brought its own post-war building expansion 
and relative financial security so that more people could afford to buy 
summer housing, or even permanent housing. Nobel laureate Albert Szent- 
Gyorgyi, for example, arrived during this time (in 1947). He had visited the 
lab in 1929 but would not have recalled it in particular, he said, because he 
had visited so many marine laboratories and had not spent long in Woods 
Hole. Except that his hosts then had prepared a clambake, complete with 
lobsters, for the distinguished European visitors who made their way down 
the coast from the International Congress of Zoology in Boston. When 

Albert Szent-Gyérgyi on the beach at 
Penzance. MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Szent-Gyorgyi suddenly had to leave Hungary in 1947, ten years after having 
received the Nobel Prize for his work on vitamin C, he recalled the lobsters 
and the lab. Here was a laboratory where he could rent research space and 
not have to owe anybody anything. He moved to Woods Hole for good and 
made a great impact on the MBL. As recent director Paul Gross put it, 
“During the height of his career, when I was a student here, he was for 
many of us the paradigm of the scientist as the spearhead of culture.” He 
was, in short, “the very model of a man.” 

Szent-Gyorgyi rented a house for a year, then decided to buy. The real 
estate agent was not much more optimistic than a realtor might be today, 
insisting that there really was nothing to look at. Szent-GyOrgyi persisted, so 
the agent drove the car around to point out the remote possibilities. When 
he saw a boarded-up house on Penzance Point that he simply had to have, 
the agent insisted that it was too big. In addition, Szent-Gyorgyi’s money was 
all tied up in Hungary. He bought the house anyway, complete with furni- 
ture, lovely china for twelve, glassware, and silverware, all from the very 
gracious and generous former owners. Many MBL houses have been ac- 
quired in similarly unorthodox manners, though seldom so fully equipped 
and with so little immediate money down. 

Yet that increased desire among scientists to own houses also put 
pressures on the existing housing, so that there were far fewer places to 
rent in town. The MBL was going to have to provide for its visitors. Today 
those visitors may find themselves in any of an increasing number of 
rooming houses owned by the MBL, and embryonic plans for a second 
modern dormitory building are taking shape. Some of today’s housing is in 
noisy old wooden buildings with rooms rambling everywhere, so typical of 
remodeled Cape Cod houses. Others are brick buildings with rooms ar- 
ranged along the long hallway in 1920s fashion, when the brick apartment 
building was constructed in 1926 to meet the perennial housing shortage. 
Inevitably, these will probably make way for larger and more modern 
facilities that will use the space more efficiently or provide more laboratory 
space as well. 

Some visitors, including those who arrive for shorter times to use the 
library or to work briefly in someone else’s laboratory, find themselves 
assigned to the more modern Swope Center, built after the post-World War 
II “marriage boom.” Swope features private bathrooms and a hotellike 
atmosphere, quite a luxury compared to the old wooden dormitory days. 

Swope also has a built-in wake-up calling system, despite its absence of 
telephones. The bell tower next to the Eel Pond and associated with St. 
Joseph's Church rings the traditional calls at 7 A.M., noon, and 6 p.M., thanks 
to Frank Lillie’s wife, Frances Crane Lillie. In 1929 she presented the tower, 
with its small chapel and garden areas, to Woods Hole, calling for the 
regular ringing of its two bells, Mendel and Pasteur, The Mendel bell— 


The bell tower. MBL Archives. Richard Huettner, 
son of the scientist-photographer, standing in the 
doorway of the bell tower, 1930. Photograph by 
Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

representing the patient biologist who carefully counted his sweet peas in the 
monastery gardens and who saw the basic foundations of genetics forty 
years too soon—rings first, calling “I will teach you of life,—and of life 
eternal.” Pasteur, French chemist, microbiologist, and vanquisher of mate- 
rialist ideas about spontaneous generation of life, responds, ‘“Thanks be to 
God.” The 7 a.m. call gets everyone to the fixed-schedule breakfast on time 
and back to work for another busy day. 

In the increasingly expensive and tourist-influenced Woods Hole 
Village, providing housing is essential for the MBL to attract researchers and 
students. To attract instructors for the courses and advanced researchers 
with children in a time of relative prosperity, where people are not used to 
the crowded quarters and primitive conditions that most visitors endured in 
the early years, the lab found it had to provide real housing instead of just 
rooms. Thus, over the years, houses have been added on the old Fay 
property or in Devil’s Lane. 

In 1916 the Fay family, always friends of the laboratory, sold twenty-one 
acres of wooded, hilly land to the MBL at a very favorable price. Called the 
“Gansett property,” this land was laid out in lots with the understanding that 
buyers must give the MBL first option on resale and that the trees must be 
preserved. The Devil’s Lane property, acquired in 1925, had similar condi- 
tions, though it originally included land that some thought might best be 
used in the future to develop chemical and physical laboratories to operate 
alongside the biological lab. The MBL sold parts of the Devil's Lane and 
neighboring properties acquired later and has built some housing there 
itself for rental purposes. As recently as 1986 twenty new houses joined the 
earlier cottages at Devil’s Lane. Distinctly designed to remain inconspicuous 

Some of the new houses 
built for summer 
investigators, 1986. 
MBL Archives. 

2 | LIVING HERE Li 39 

The Children’s School of Science on 
MBL dock, 1953. Photograph by 
Alicia Hills. MBL Archives. 

and essentially anonymous, they remain simple but adequate and have taken 
considerable pressure off the already crowded facilities. 

In both the Gansett and Devil’s Lane areas, as in much of the rest of 
Woods Hole, the designers named streets after the early scientists. In 1986, 
MBL biochemist Seymour Cohen and Ruth Gainer piloted a project, carried 
out by a group at the Children’s School of Science, of providing a historical 
guide to the people behind the street names in Woods Hole. 

The Science School 

The Children’s School of Science, known informally as the Science School, 
is a unique Woods Hole institution. Housed in what was until very recently 
the Woods Hole public school building, this summer school attracts chil- 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

dren back year after year. Special courses for different ages, a range of field 
trips, and an informal atmosphere make kids want to go to school during 
summer vacation. 

The Science School began in 1913 with the efforts of Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. 
Morgan, Mrs. Lillie, Mrs. Warbasse, Mrs. Conklin, Mrs. Calkins, Mrs. 
Crampton, and others—a virtual who's who of MBL wives. They wanted 
to provide summer supervision and activity, including singing and dancing, 
but also an introduction to science, with nature study and even research. The 
women joined in the organization and developed planning committees until 
they hired a proper teacher for the program which opened for business in 
1914. Every year thereafter the school has had a full schedule, with the 
exception of 1916, when a polio epidemic kept it closed. The group decided 
not to open at all that year, though they paid the teacher anyway. A few 
people felt that they should close during World War II, but the leaders 
decided that however few children there were, then more than ever they 
needed some stability and activity. An impressive number of Children’s 
School alumni have gone on to such careers as scientific research, teaching, 
or medicine, happily encouraged by the school. 

The summer school accumulated quite a nice library as well, for which 
the regular winter administrators hesitated to take responsibility. So each 
year, most of the summer school books were taken off to the Woods Hole 
community library, once called the Social Library. Just a few remained 
behind for the public school teachers to use during the year. The school had 
eight grades for a while and then six. As Woods Hole children grew up, they 
took the train (and later the bus) to the Falmouth school each day. Now all 
the students commute to Falmouth for their full school careers. 


Returning to fundamental matters: the families, especially summer visitors, 
must consider such obvious questions as where to eat. Those with cottages 
can cook at home. If, that is, they have a car, are willing to walk or take a bus 
to Falmouth, or like the limited diet allowed by the indispensable Food Buoy 
on Woods Hole’s main street. They can enjoy the restaurant offerings in 
town, or purchase a meal ticket or a single meal at Swope. 

Not so many years ago, the majority of the community still ate at least 
lunch in the dining hall. Even many people with houses often ate “in.” The 
community was together then, and the students mixed comfortably with 
instructors and the occasional Nobel laureate. Not so much any more. 
Students eat there, along with those researchers who are staying only a 
short time or who are single or who are staying in the dorms without 
cooking facilities—or those rare, delightful few who want to carry on the 
community experience of older times when everyone met over meals. The 


that the first permanent building, Crane, was dedicated. Ida H. Hyde Collection, MBL Archives. 

The Mess in 1953. The face had changed, but the Mess was still used much as 

ri oa 
aati. f 


F TITS AR ry ei 

: Tiki 

. ae 
Inside the Mess, 1953; 

Mr. Martin checking 
tables. Photograph by 

Alicia Hills, MBL Archives. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


existence of so many alternatives elsewhere draws busy people away from 
what used to be a life center of the MBL. 

During the time of Old Main, the original set of attached, simple gray 
wooden buildings built one at a time in 1888, 1890, and 1892, most people 
at the MBL ate at the Mess. One young wife recalled that other women were 
astonished that she chose to cook at home rather than to join the others at 
the convenient Mess. She responded that her husband had married, in part, 
precisely to get such home-cooked meals. He was not fond of the insti- 
tutional food. Others recalled the food as very good in those early days, 
especially the inevitable Saturday night baked bean dinner. Originally 
housed along with several rooms for investigators in what had been the Fays’ 
gardener’s cottage at Little Harbor, the Mess soon moved nearer to the main 
building. Rebuilding the Mess became a priority when it was destroyed 
by fire in 1920. 

The growth of the population demanded the flexible approach of the 
Mess, with everyone eating together, family style. Sometimes notations on 
napkins attested to the exchange of scientific ideas there. After meals, 
people would continue the conversations begun inside. This was a time for 
people to break from the individual research and to enter the community, to 
eat in leisure and then to gather on the porch talking, to bring the parts 
together into the living MBL whole. 


Modernized service at 
the Mess in 1953. After 
Miss Belle’s retirement, 
meals were served, no 
longer by waiters, but 
Photograph by Alicia 
Hills, MBL Archives. 

Once the Mess building was built, it served as the central meeting place 
until replaced by Swope. Only once did the MBL crowd gather somewhere 
else to eat for any length of time. During World War I, the Navy took over 
some of the MBL's buildings, including the Mess. Woods Hole was a good 
site because it already had the government's Fish Commission buildings 
and the deep water that Baird had long ago selected to enable the Commis- 
sion’s large ships to dock. In addition, the small town at the bottom of the 
Cape was relatively isolated and secure. Yet when the Navy moved in for the 
winter of 1917-1918, the MBL trustees vowed that they would make all 
efforts to keep the place running the next summer. They believed that ‘‘it 
is the duty of scientific men not called directly to war service to maintain 
their scientific activities.” 

In 1943, the Navy returned once again to set up a temporary base in 
Woods Hole. They took over the old lecture hall, the old botany building, the 
apartment house, and Penzance Garage on the wharf, in addition to the 
Mess. MBL arranged for alternative boarding at the Nobska Inn, now the 
Woods Hole Inn, which was not really large enough to hold everyone at 
once. In addition, the general rationing and shortage of meat and butter 
made the fare less satisfactory. Because somewhat less than half the usual 
number of researchers and students had come to the MBL for that wartime 
season, the effect was less serious that it might have been. Yet Woods Hole 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

old-timer Dot Rogers recalls that she had the only car around and had to 
make many emergency trips to Falmouth hamburger stands to keep people 
happy. Fortunately, the lab managed to sustain the usual assortment of 
collecting trips, Friday evening lectures, and library facilities, even while 
researchers ate elsewhere and had to forego special seminars from visitors 
who could not travel without rationed gasoline. 

At an earlier time, the Mess had been rather more formal. Each table 
had a host, and the same group sat together through the season. The 
tablecloths remained in place through the week. One host devised a plan 
whereby anyone who spilled food onto the cloth would have to cover the spot 
with an appropriate coin. At the end of the summer, they took the collected 
money and had a fine party for all. Later Harvard biologist George Howard 
Parker and his companions raised the ante so that the spill had to be covered 
by a dollar bill, with the money used to buy jam and other luxuries— even 
one season hiring an organ grinder, according to some perhaps fanciful 
reports —to supplement the substantial but uninspired mess. 

“Miss Belle” (Downing) ran the Mess for many years after 1940, and 
insisted on white linen tablecloths and fresh flowers every day, even if she 
had to go out and pick daisies herself. She determined where people would 
sit. She mixed the senior scientists and the younger researchers and students 
all together at a table, including developmental biologist Ernest Everett Just, 
who was one of the very few black biologists at the MBL. This caused quite 
a shock for one southern student, who recoiled at the expectation that he 
would have to wait on a black man at dinner; it just felt wrong. Then when 
Just asked him what he wanted to study and invited him to visit his lab, his 
hesitation passed and his prejudice dissolved. No one thought of moving 
after Miss Belle made her assignments, so people sat with the same group 
long enough to get to know them. And they met people from all different 
aspects of MBL life. 

Students earned enough money to pay their expenses in courses by 
waiting on the tables in those days before the disruption of war; eventually 
economic necessity turned the operation into a cafeteria. Singing has always 
played an important entertainment role at the MBL, and waiters found 
themselves immortalized in numerous offerings. Even Alfred Romer, later 
director of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, and Yale 
biologist J. P. Trinkaus, an MBL researcher for nearly fifty years, earned 
their way at the MBL as waiters. One set of verses to the tune of “John 
Brown’s Body” went: 

Johnny was a waiter at the Mess of MBL 

And the trials of occupation there would be hard to tell 
It was a busy life with him when everything went well, 
Alas when it did not. 


cHoRUs: Oh, the joys (trials) of being a waiter 
With everybody late or later, 
While their appetites grow greater 
At the Mess of MBL. 

Early every morning when his dreams were at their best, 

The alarm would sound beside him and disturb his peaceful rest 
And with an awful effort he would manage to get dressed 

and eat his breakfast first. 

Then he would take his stand beside the table with his tray 
And carry in the mackerel for breakfast every day, 

And in and out the dining room would swiftly make his way 
To bring the people food. 

Trinkaus points out that the waiter had considerable power since he could 
give the obnoxious people cold coffee or burned toast. 

Today, the dining hall in Swope has no morning mackerel, as it once 
routinely did, nor tablecloths nor waiters for everyday meals, and no as- 
signed tables. No Miss Belle reigns in Swope. Whatever the advantages of the 
more freewheeling system today, it is clear that something has been lost 
socially. Today people may spend ten minutes, eating silently, or the stu- 
dents may eat together at one table and the instructors together at another. 
Social mixing at the MBL has become more haphazard as the style has 
changed and the community has grown. Even in the winter, when storms 
batter the Cape and occasionally close off the bridges and shut off the 
population—even then people have lost the habit of comfortably sitting 
down and talking with people they do not know. 


In September of 1938 the Mess was closed for the winter season as usual, 
but the MBL had not yet completely shut down. A few people remained 
working in the laboratory. On the 17th they heard reports that a tropical 
storm was headed from the Bahamas toward Florida. That storm then 
moved northward on the 20th, toward Cape Hatteras, bringing high winds 
and water. The conditions would deflect the storm out to sea from North 
Carolina, the weather bureau reported. By midmorning of the 21st, the 
weather station in New York realized from observing the rapidly dropping 
barometer that a major storm was on the way north rather than out to sea. 
But they had no authority to issue official warnings. Only the Washington 
office could do that, and their information indicated no cause for concern. 

With no preliminary warning of more than a seasonal gale, Woods Hole 
did not worry. By 4 p.m. when the electrical power went out in the labora- 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The basement of Lillie, flooded during 
Hurricane Carol, 1954. MBL Archives. 

tories, notifying the scientists and other workers of something unusual, the 
water had already begun to rise rapidly. Over the next few hours a storm 
wave brought water rushing over the breakwater and into the Eel Pond next 
to the MBL's main buildings. As the pond rose to levels no one remembered 
having seen before, streets flooded and the supply building filled with four 
feet of water. 

Maria von Bertalanffy recalled even thirty years later the horrors of that 
day. She and her husband, Ludwig, were working in the lab when they 
noticed the storm suddenly brewing. They went outside to take pictures of 
the dramatic skies and rising waves. Then they noticed that water was 
actually rising in the streets and that their rented room on the first floor of 
a house on Main Street might very well get wet. They decided to go home to 
move things to safety. But as the winds and water rose rapidly, Maria took the 
camera back to the lab first, intending to join her husband at home as soon 
as she could. She returned to the flooded spot on Main Street and began to 
cross the rising waters. As she struggled a voice urged her back, but she 
ignored it. Then a powerful hand grabbed her, and the Coast Guard man 
ordered her back to the laboratory building. A dozen or more people 
huddled together there, each with his or her own worries. Soon someone 
came and told them they would have to leave, to go across the street. 
Evidently batteries in the basement had gotten wet and were emitting what 
were thought to be toxic fumes. The group clung to each other to struggle 

2 | LIVING HERE 7 a7 

across the street against 100-mile-per-hour winds and waited tensely in the 
familiar Mess building well into the night for relief from the storm and word 
of relatives and friends. News of drownings and of lost houses and boats 
began to come in. Finally, relief arrived when the wind picked up from the 
north; water flowed from the Buzzards Bay side through the streets of 
Woods Hole and out to sea. Maria’s husband arrived safely, at last. Then it 
was time for everyone to assess damages and to compare stories. 

Water had rushed into the basement of the brick buildings. Chemicals 
of all sorts floated around chaotically in the dark, deepening water. The 
carefully gathered animals in the collecting cage next to the dock had 
escaped as the high water released them. The reprints in the library base- 
ment absorbed water, turning an estimated 15,000 to 25,000 of them into a 
worthless, soggy mess. Main Street had had knee-deep water, and the 
drawbridge foundations had shifted and cracked with the flood. But the 
rushing water from Buzzards Bay pushed back to safety many of the boats 
that had nearly been beached on Woods Hole streets. 

In total, the MBL suffered only about $20,000 damage, and the Carnegie 
Institution, which had befriended the MBL before, quickly came forth with 
the money to make repairs and replace supplies. But outside the MBL there 
were drownings and great financial loss. Individuals lost their boats or 
suffered damage to the contents of their basements. There was also such 
great devastation along the train track into Boston that no one around at that 

Receding water in Eel Pond after Hurricane Carol had passed, 1954. MBL Archives. 

48 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

time would ever forget it. The MBL bricked up windows in the basement to 
keep out the flow of water in future storms, and the walls are waterproofed 
periodically. Yet water can still rush right through the bricks in high winds. 
Pictures hanging on many Woods Hole walls remind people that things have 
not always been so tame as they seem on a peaceful summer day. 

Looking toward Penzance 
Point during 1938 
hurricane. F. R. Lillie 
papers, MBL Archives. 


Material from Philip Armstrong, George Scott, and Al- 
bert Szent-Gyorgyi comes from taped interviews 
at the Woods Hole Historical Collection (here- 
after: Historical Collection). George Scott, Histor- 
ical Collection interview, recalls the fishing ad- 

Conklin was a marvelous storyteller who retold his 
stories many times, so that a number of people 
cite them. One published version of Dahlgren’s 
whaling expedition appeared in “'M.B.L. Stories,” 
American Scientist (1968) 56: 121-129; ‘The Whal- 
ing Expedition of 1899,” pp. 121-126. 

A number of people told me that Cahoon’s was next to 
the train depot. Similarly, many people in per- 
sonal communications recall the story about the 
popular Sam Cahoon and Katharine Cornell. 

Woods Hole during the wars is especially remembered 
in the interview with Robert Kahler, Historical 
Collection. Newspaper clippings and other notes 
of various sorts in the Archives confirm the im- 
pressions of what life was like during both wars, 
as do MBL trustees’ minutes and annual reports. 

Paul Gross, “Report of the Director,” 1986 annual re- 
port, Biological Bulletin (1987) 173: 43. 

Discussion of the bell tower and of other details about 
the building and development of the MBL are 
included in the MBL trustees’ minutes and the 
annual reports. See also Collecting Net (July 6, 1929). 

Most unpublished and published accounts of the MBL 
prior to World War II, as well as the various inter- 
views, mention the Mess and its importance as a 
central place to gather, to see everyone, and to talk 
interminably about science. Dot Rogers and Donald 
Lahy recalled events related to the Mess during an 
interview to clarify details in summer 1987. 

Songs come from old MBL songbooks and single items, 
largely undated, that people have sent to MBL over 
the years. 

An interview with Elsie Scott, Historical Collection, 
provided information about the Children’s School 
of Science, as did numerous items in the Collecting 

Trustees’ reports for the war years record the official 

The Falmouth Enterprise discusses hurricanes. Also, on 
the hurricane of 1938, Maria von Bertalanffy, 
“Hurricane in Woods Hole: Thirty Years Ago,’’ in 
the MBL Archives. 

Buildings and Budgets 

Aerial view of Woods Hole showing the buildings of the three 
scientific organizations: Fisheries, MBL, and WHOI. MBL Archives. 

Los WAS on ae . % — an 

The Swope Center, which opened in 1971. It houses up to 168 

people in its 84 rooms, and the dining room seats 362 at one time. 
Photograph by F. P. Bowles, MBL Archives. 

_—— — SSS OE 

Fe PERSON ARRIVING at the MBL first encounters Swope, the check-in center for 

the entire laboratory as well as a major dormitory and dining hall. Until 
1981 check-in took place in the Lillie Building, and if one arrived after 5 p.m. 
or on a weekend, he or she had to wait patiently until the watchman 
returned from his appointed rounds. It is still easiest to arrive during a 

Buildings Old and New 

The short-term or winter visitor will usually stay in the modern Swope 
Center. With the increased housing demand after World War II, the MBL 
decided to build a new dormitory. After various disagreements about 
location and several changes of plan, MBL friend Gerard Swope, Jr. pur- 
chased a piece of land on the Eel Pond. The replacement of the ‘‘Do-Re-Mi” 
houses there with the large, concrete Swope building in 1971 made a major 
change in the landscape of Woods Hole. As one nostalgic old-timer griped, 
the place was getting to be less unique and more like any old ordinary 

Students enrolled in courses congregate mainly in the Loeb and Whit- 
man buildings next to the original site of Old Main. Landscaped with 
outdoor tennis and paddle tennis courts, these buildings provide modern 
lecture and laboratory space. The teaching laboratories are large, well- 
equipped rooms not unlike the original general laboratories except in detail 
and equipment. 

There are advantages to the relatively modern design of the newer 
buildings. For example, in the 1940s and 1950s the older buildings caused 
trouble for the unsuspecting researchers who had begun to embrace the 
new and exciting work with radioactive isotopes. The isotope containment 
room where researchers kept experimental specimens was on the south 
side, which climbed in temperature as the summer afternoon progressed. 
The researchers kept their control samples back in their labs, away from 

52 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Do-Re-Mi houses on the left, circa 1929. Photograph by Matthew Steiner, MBL Archives. 

the isotope room so as not to contaminate them, but many of their 
laboratories were on the much cooler north side of the building. People 
obtained shockingly unexpected results until someone finally noted that it 
was the five or more degrees Fahrenheit of difference in control and 
experimental samples, due to the sun, that was producing the unexpected 
variations. It took quite a bit of wasted research during that time to teach 
some of the enthusiastic isotope physiologists to take better care in con- 
trolling environmental factors. The new buildings have solved many of the 
most obvious problems while maintaining the characteristic unpretentious 
MBL style. 

They have also managed to avoid the fire hazards that characterized 
the early wooden buildings. MBL worker Robert Kahler recalled a time 
when he was a boy and his family was returning from a picnic. They saw 
men on a roof, pulling on a hose reel and trying to put out a dramatic fire 
in the barn belonging to Columbia University embryologist Thomas Hunt 
Morgan, which was located on a lot down Buzzards Bay Street from the 


Equipment used in 1955 to 
measure the electricity 
produced by the squid neuron 
by means of radioactive tracers 
supplied by the Atomic Energy 
Commission. Photograph by 
Fritz Goro, Life Magazine. 

Morgan home. The neighbors ensured that the rented cow escaped, he 
recalled, though someone else pointed out that the experimental mice did 
not fare so well. A cow seemed more important to the town residents. 
Another time, the neighborhood awoke to the smell of smoke and the 
flurry of activity as people rushed about. The sky glowed red from the 
flames when the Mess burned. Everyone went to work to keep the burning 
and flying embers from catching the whole town on fire. Even up on the 
golf course, long glowing embers found their way from the intense fire. 

54 rN 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The use of radioactive tracers. 
In 1955 this was so newsworthy 

that even Life magazine took 
an interest. Photograph by 
Fritz Goro, Life Magazine. 

Evidently, oily rags in the Fish Commission’s machine shop had started 
burning; then there was nothing anyone could do until the brand new fire 
truck arrived. The water pressure was low, and even when the truck came, 
they kept it at a distance because it was so new and nobody wanted it to 
burn. Fires have become considerably less of a peril in today’s brick and 
concrete buildings. Attention has been paid to protecting laboratory space 
in particular. 


Instructors in the courses generally receive their own laboratory space 
as part of their compensation for teaching. As invertebrate embryologist 
Winterton C. Curtis noted when he was asked to travel from the University 
of Missouri (not so easy in those days) to teach the invertebrate course in 
1908, ‘‘the call of the MBL was always ‘the call of the blood’ for me. Then 
too,” he added, “I needed the money.” Not that very much money has ever 
been involved. Access to lab space clearly offers an extremely important 
incentive. It not only eliminates a major cost, but it also provides the 
opportunity for instructors to pursue their own research while teaching a 
dedicated group of highly selected students. 

At first, the MBL followed Baird’s model and the Naples model of 
encouraging subscribers to the summer labs. A university would attain the 
status of cooperating institution by paying for a table or a laboratory, then 
send one or more researchers to occupy it. This meant the same labs for 
the same people year after year, providing reassuring stability. With time, 
more institutions such as Oberlin College set up scholarships allowing them 
to send a student or investigator each year. Some Catholic orders reserved 
space to send a priest or a nun each year to work at the MBL. The MBL 
allocated space to those institutions that paid without regard for who could 
use the space to best effect. Many of these programs have been discontin- 
ued in recent decades for various reasons, including the MBL's desire to 
exert greater control over who uses its limited resources. As a result, since 
the 1950s, lab space has often been assigned on an economic basis. If you 
can pay, you have a lab. If you can pay more, you have a bigger or 
better-located lab, perhaps in the Whitman or Loeb Building. How to deal 
with the requests, which often surpass available lab resources, has become 
a problem for the administration and the Research Space Committee. 

Though many of the new students have no idea who Whitman and 
Loeb were, it is fitting that these more modern structures carry the names 
of men who cared about the educational function of the MBL as well as 
about research. Whitman always demanded that the MBL must include a 
mix of investigation and instruction, whether in elementary natural history 
or more advanced techniques and methods. The auditorium in the Whit- 
man Building holds lectures for classes and special weekly seminars on 
neurobiology, cell biology, and other topics of wide interest, as well as, more 
recently, public lectures in the history of science and discussions of science 
writing. Whitman would have approved. 

Physiologist Jacques Loeb also would have liked the fact that his 
building combines research and course work. Although personally contro- 
versial in many ways, as historian Philip Pauly has recently shown, Loeb also 
had a well-documented dedication to introducing sympathetic and com- 
mitted young investigators to research. As the first instructor in physiology 
at the MBL—indeed Whitman enticed him to set up the entire physiology 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Jacques Loeb with his family at their 
home in Woods Hole. Conklin 
Collection, MBL Archives. 

department at the MBL—Loeb had the opportunity to introduce students to 
new and exciting research not normally part of zoological or natural history 
programs. One Woods Hole native recalled the times that Loeb impressed 
the youngsters by heating glass over a bunsen burner and then bending it. 

By the mid-1890s, Loeb’s study of the effects of altered seawater salt 
concentrations and of artificial parthenogenesis attracted wide attention; by 
1900, even receiving consideration in the popular press as well as profes- 
sional journals. Students wanted to learn how to ‘control life” as Loeb had 
done by artificially stimulating the beginning of the fertilization process with 
chemical manipulations. One enthusiastic beginning student went to Loeb 
“with more zeal than knowledge” and reported that in the sea urchin 
Arbacia he had discovered that the eggs had an interesting ability to repel 
other organisms. Loeb explained to him that the eggs have a layer of nearly 
invisible jelly around them. He suggested that the young man apply india ink 
to dye the jelly and make it visible. The next day, the enthusiast returned with 
a marvelous discovery: india ink produces artificial parthenogenesis (or 
makes the egg act as if it had been fertilized by sperm when it had not). Loeb 
patiently pointed out that the fellow must have diluted the powdery ink in 
tap water—which does produce parthenogenesis because it changes the 
salt concentration of the water to an abnormal level. To Loeb india ink had 
meant the powder; to the student, the liquid. That young man reportedly 
learned to reflect more deeply about the hidden factors that might not seem 
important but might turn out to be the keys to a major discovery. Loeb 
helped to turn many eager students into scientists. 

As his student (later University of California professor) W. J. V. Oster- 
hout recalled, many students shied away from the sharp criticisms Loeb 


offered at times but when they did finally approach him “they were won 
over by his kindness and anxiety to be helpful.” The teaching laboratory 
building at the MBL is therefore appropriately named after this outstanding 
scientist, even though he spent much of his life in a research, rather than a 
teaching, position. 

In fact, the current Loeb Building lies across the street from, and 
replaces, Loeb’s own laboratory building, built and equipped for him by the 
Rockefeller Foundation after he went to work at the Rockefeller Institute for 
Medical Research in 1910. The Rockefeller Foundation set up a suite of 
offices for its own people as well, presumably the better to carry out their 
fund-raising efforts on behalf of the MBL from 1919 to 1924. It was called 
the Rockefeller Lab until its demise. 

The communal class laboratories have always provided the opportu- 
nity for students to work things out together. They can talk about the 
problems or the new ideas they are having, then get suggestions or try them 
out with colleagues working on similar research. This is the sort of oppor- 
tunity for cross-fertilization that the MBL is all about. Late at night a visitor 
can find earnest prospective biologists at work, worrying through some 
problem or other and exploring how to get things to work next time. Such 
dedication has typified student behavior throughout the hundred years, 
although today’s enrollee experiences far more distractions at the MBL and 

Laboratory in Old Main around the turn of the century. Standing in 
the center is Leonard W. Williams, instructor. MBL Archives. 

58 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The general zoology lab 
in Old Main with Leukart 
charts and drawing on 
the blackboard. 

MBL Archives. 

elsewhere in the modern world. Easier transportation makes it all too 
simple, for students today may forge out into the real world, whereas earlier 
decades found them comfortably confined to Woods Hole. As long-time 
MBL embryologist Cornelia Clapp wrote in 1888, it was even a bit dangerous 
to venture outdoors at night because of the large boulders left by the glaciers 
that had once covered the Cape. These cluttered the MBL land and kept 
people indoors, at work. 

In those early days, most of the students in the courses were neophyte 
researchers. High school science teachers or college teachers without 
much research experience, they delighted in the introduction to diverse life 
forms and to serious science. More advanced students signed on as inves- 
tigators and pursued their own work, directed by the senior staff. With time, 
the students in courses have become increasingly advanced, and those 
wide-eyed, eager beginners go elsewhere. Very few undergraduates popu- 
late the MBL courses, though the recent program to involve high school 
students in doing their own research at the MBL demonstrates that 
seventeen- and eighteen-year-olds are perfectly ready for scientific work and 
may even be more curious and more willing to try new and risky things 


William P. Procter 

standing with his bucket 
on the marsh of Great 
Harbor. MBL Archives. 

William Procter at his lab table in Old Main, 1923. 
Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

than some older students. Students have an enthusiasm and resilience 
which has benefitted the MBL throughout its 100 years. 

In the early days of introductory courses, nearly everyone congregated 
in the central classrooms or around the lamps at night in the laboratory to 
draw and to record the observations of the day. If it was cold, they lit up 
bunsen burners to drive off the chill. The shared general laboratory for 
students made the close collaboration and exchange of ideas almost un- 
avoidable. The initial wooden building was designed with lots of windows to 
let in the light for microscopic work, and was organized around a central 
site for seawater where organisms resided away from the disturbing 

This century has brought photography, photocopying, and round- 
the-clock lighting to allow microscopic observations at any time of day or 
night. One no longer has to worry much about exposing the embryos to too 
much sunlight, which might speed up or artificially alter development. The 
laboratory designs in the new building reflect the advances, because win- 
dows no longer have to function as the major source of light for micro- 
scopic work. But people do continue to make changes, such as adding 
aluminum foil to create light-controlled environments or air conditioning for 
midafternoon comfort. 

The buildings now are designed with separate lab spaces for research- 
ers. People from different parts of the country working on similar but 
different problems find themselves not shoulder to shoulder or through 
only an open door from others, but in the next lab. In the earliest years in 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Old Main even people in the separate thin-walled rooms upstairs knew what 
the others were doing. Now researchers have more privacy, enough that 
they may never even see or meet each other. More people, with their special 
needs and interests, have brought changes. 

The separation does have advantages in our increasingly specialized 
world, which demands continued output and progress of its students — not 
that those early leading researchers did not produce as much and as high 
quality work as any competitor today. Working together in one lab can bring 
inconveniences such as noise and lack of privacy. University of North 
Carolina embryologist Donald Costello reported that when he had worked 
at the MBL when M. H. Jacobs was director, he caused problems with the 
noise from his centrifuge. Jacobs felt that eight linear feet of counter space 
should be enough research space for anyone. Costello found himself in a 
room with twenty-six other researchers, though his own eight linear feet did 
not actually connect with anyone else’s. His work required centrifuging, and 
the typical centrifuge of the day put out a terrific racket. Since he ran it for 
up to twelve hours a day, nonstop, the noise drove him a little crazy. He 
would go out to sit by the waterfront and recuperate, but not all of his 
labmates could do the same, as some were engrossed in projects that 
demanded their constant attention. Costello asked Jacobs to give him a 
separate place for at least his centrifuge in order to spare the others; but the 
director responded that no one should object to the sounds of science. Only 
investigators with significantly more research stature were entitled to pri- 
vate work space in those close quarters. In fact, considerable effort went 
into planning whose laboratory space would be where in the building. 

When Old Main went down, reportedly because its old wooden struc- 
ture no longer met fire codes, many people mourned its demise. “Can't we 
spray it with something?” supporters asked. With a grant obtained to 
construct a new building and inspectors’ reports militating against remod- 
eling, the old building fell. Pieces of its familiar shingles reside among family 
treasures in many Woods Hole cottages. Old Main was a place for everyone 
to know what everyone else was doing. It began in 1888 as one 63-by-28-foot 
two-story frame building, erected at a total cost of $1,600, on land costing 
$1,300 for a 78-by-120-foot lot. Whitman then added another section in 1890, 
and another in 1892. The total reportedly cost about $3,000 and, as Costello 
suggested, with that initial investment ‘‘probably more significant scien- 
tific work was done than has ever been done in any $3 million building 
ever created since.” That building, one might reasonably claim, trained 
the first generation of American experimental biologists. 

Other separate wooden buildings of the same unassuming style fol- 
lowed thereafter, with an alarming regularity that threatened the trustees’ 
sense of economic well-being. Certainly, the MBL did continue to attract 
more and more people each year, but that might be only a temporary 


XA oe 
Old Main in 1888. It was constructed for a total cost of $1,652 in just under three months’ time. MBL Archives. 

success. These trustees, who had made themselves legally and financially 
responsible for the Laboratory, worried about Whitman’s enthusiasm for 
expansion. Only later did the Laboratory begin to acquire other gifts of land, 
including their first piece of waterfront property in 1902. After that, various 
gifts and purchases, most notably from Charles R. Crane, extended the MBL 
holdings and made expansion more secure. 

Besides augmenting the MBL's operating budget, Crane also donated 
funds to the MBL to construct a new laboratory building, the Crane Build- 
ing, which was erected in 1913-1914 as the first permanent (brick) MBL 
structure. In the dedication speech for that new building, Crane also 
proudly referred to the spirit of research that inspired him to want to 
contribute. “Without that spirit no amount of bricks and mortar and 
organization would be of any great service, but with that spirit the laboratory 
has been able to accomplish a great deal with very simple means.” That 
spirit represented freedom and cooperation and democracy, Crane con- 
tinued, and the time had come to give it “a more substantial body.” 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Crane and Lillie then accumulated further funds to add on another 
wing, creating an impressive L-shaped brick edifice. The new wing was 
called the Brick Laboratory for a while and only much later the Lillie 
Building. The Crane and Lillie complex, now often mistakenly simply called 
Lillie, was a fairly straightforward brick building: upright, solid, sturdy, 
reliable, with all the necessary conveniences. When they added a section to 
the library just before 1940, they had to scrounge around all over New 
England to get the required materials as the impending war had made 
things tight. They managed to complete the project just before World War 
II began. The Lillie and Crane buildings are more functional and restrained 
than fashionable or ostentatious. They are solid and have served their 
purposes well and promise to continue doing so, which is what really 

Like Lillie himself, the Lillie Building now serves as the rather austere 
and quiet control center for the MBL. The mail room is located in the 
basement, as are the chemical supply room, the equipment room, and 
other, unheralded functional rooms and their staffs that make the MBL run. 
Laboratory equipment arrives at the receiving room and thus begins its 
MBL life in Lillie. The administrative offices used to reside in Lillie until 1981, 
down the hall amid the clutter of laboratories and other offices. Recent 
remodeling of the Candle House has provided a more appropriate, fancier, 
and more modern setting for the administration, now removed from the 
bustle of everyday science. 

Lillie also houses the large auditorium, where the MBL community 
congregates for the famous Friday evening lectures. In the early days, when 
Whitman was impressing his vision of the MBL on the place, the evening 
lectures served a somewhat different purpose than they do now. Then they 
were directed at problems. Rather than reporting research results, they 
were designed to discuss ideas of research approaches more generally. 
Because a high percentage of the community shared overlapping research 
interests, the lectures could appeal to nearly the entire audience. The 
modern listener shares the silent presence of many of the MBL greats, 
whose names are inscribed on the refurbished mahogany chairs in the 
auditorium. One can gaze at Crane's portrait on the wall, marveling that he 
really does not look like such an imposing person, even though he did 
silently and single-handedly save the MBL during its worst economic years. 

Outside the Lillie Auditorium, around the corner, sits a bronze statue 
of Confucius. Mr. Crane had served as minister to China in 1920 and 
brought back Confucius for the MBL. Originally placed in the Crane wing of 
Lillie, Confucius has wandered, at times to the MBL beach and even to 
Nobska. For a while he sat watch near the watchman’s desk, and now he 
has returned to his original location. Tradition holds that a researcher who 
places a penny in Confucius's hands will have rewarding research results, 


The itinerant statue of Confucius in the 
lobby of Crane. MBL Archives. 

whereas those who fail to observe the custom will only publish in the 
Journal of Negative Results. Children in the know regularly check to see if 
Crane Building and there are any coins in place, and researchers caught putting pennies in 

Candle House in 1923. explain that they are only ‘‘for the children.” 
Photograph by Alfred F. 

Huettner, MBL Archives. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Funding and Control 

The original trustees tended to have a conservative vision of what was 
possible or expedient. The group included Hyatt, of course, and several 
other professors of zoology or botany in Boston (William Farlow, Charles 
Minot, and William Sedgwick), but also representatives of the Boston Society 
of Natural History's ancestral links to the MBL (Florence Cushing, Susan 
Minns, Samuel Wells). At first, this mixture of scientific and nonscientific 
individuals enthusiastically supported the MBL projects. They raised money 
by giving lecture series and sponsoring concerts and other popular events 
of the time, and they circulated announcements of the Laboratory session. 
Whitman helped with much of the fund-raising as well and gave his own 
time, potential salary, and additional monies to help the MBL. 

Every year, Whitman presented his expanding plans to the trustees. 
Sometimes he just went ahead and made commitments and spent money 
without official permission. Some of the trustees began to rebel. They 
fretted about the increasingly professional and research-oriented direction 
of the MBL and about what some saw as Whitman’s desire for increasing 
control, as well as his tendency not to worry very seriously about running at 
a deficit. At the same time, the number of trustees gradually grew larger. 
Some were added because of their scientific reputations; others, because 
they were important people and held the prospects of providing financial 
support, or because they had particularly endorsed the basic idea behind 
the MBL summer school. The balance began to shift away from the natural 
history school plans of the original group and increasingly toward the more 
expansive and less locally oriented idea of developing a leading research 

Major changes came about in 1897, following a minor revolution. After 
the 1896 session some of the trustees concluded that Whitman had finally 
overstepped all reasonable bounds in spending funds without official per- 
mission. They refused to provide further funds and even threatened to close 
the Laboratory altogether. Eventually, the crisis was resolved at least long 
enough for the summer session to continue more or less as planned. Fewer 
students did attend, however, because the trustees’ disagreements had 
delayed the announcements, and people simply did not know whether the 
MBL would even exist in 1897. School teachers had to make plans and often 
had only limited financial support to attend such a school; they could not 
afford to wait until the very last minute. This disagreeable state of affairs 
simply could not persist. So the scientists, with Whitman at the helm, staged 
a quiet revolution. 

At the corporation meeting in Woods Hole in 1897, the group voted for 
changes. The MBL Corporation has always played a role in directing the 
laboratory and technically owns the facility, but that role received consid- 


eV OE Map serine arn anbene: 

MBL from across Eel Pond, early 1930s. The large brick building to the 
right is comprised of Crane and Lillie; immediately to the left is the 
supply building, with Candle House behind. Photograph by Alfred F. 
Huettner, MBL Archives. 

erable strengthening with the decisions of 1897. Previously, the corporation 
had included the official incorporators, consisting of a few scientists and 
those representing the Boston Society of Natural History and the Woman's 
Education Association, of course, plus voting participation by “All who aid 
in [the laboratory's] support by subscribing to investigator's tables.” This 
included a number of subscribing schools and societies. By including the 
subscribers in the corporation rather than focusing on those who actually 
occupied the tables, that governing group was weighted toward adminis- 
trative and institutional representation. 

With the troubles of 1897, Whitman and his supporters, such as the 
influential Columbia University and American Museum of Natural History 
paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn, decided that the scientists should 
exercise greater control. They particularly distrusted the strong Boston 
representation on the board of trustees. Though Whitman consistently 
envisioned the MBL as a national facility, as he stressed over and over again, 
some trustees thought he really meant to take control himself. 

This conviction about the principle of control by the scientists for the 
scientists, while widely praised in the years since, probably had less impor- 

66 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The Chem Room, 1952. Photograph by 
Alicia Hills, MBL Archives. 

Candle House in the early 1920s before 
Lillie was added. It has served the MBL as 
a supply area, dormitory, administration 
headquarters, and lecture/meeting space. 
MBL Archives. 


The supply department when it was in Candle House. MBL Archives. 

tance in the 1897 reform than Whitman’s eagerness to rid himself of those 
hopeless Bostonian ‘“‘old maids.’’ He was not at all opposed to women as 
scientists. Indeed, his own wife, Emily Nunn Whitman, had studied as a 
biologist in Europe and the United States and had taught at Wellesley 
College. But those Boston women trustees were not scientists, and he felt 
that they failed to understand what would make biology work. In short, they 
did not share Whitman’s vision for a national biological station that would 
embrace advanced research as much as it did teaching. 

In 1896 and 1897, Whitman and his cohorts plotted change. They set up 
a reorganization committee. They officially appointed L. L. Nunn of Tellu- 
ride, Colorado (Whitman’s brother-in-law), as a trustee. Mr. Nunn then 
made a generous offer to provide financial security for the MBL's deficit for 
that session. But, he insisted that 

I make this offer upon the condition that your present director, Dr. C. 
O. Whitman, directs the affairs of said Institution in accordance with his 
best judgment during the said season, and that Mr. L. Wilcott Allen, or 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

some other person acceptable to me, be employed as Assistant- 
Treasurer at Woods Hole, with full authority to collect and receive all 
revenues and income from said operations, and to supervise and direct 
the expenses incurred in said operations, with the understanding that I 
am not to be responsible for any expenses, except those incurred with 
and by the knowledge and consent of said Assistant-Treasurer or of 

Nunn had already placed $500 in the hands of Mr. Allen to guarantee the 
opening of the lab. Mr. Nunn’s hard-hitting, straightforward western style 
appropriate to silver mining in Colorado did not sit well with all of the 
proper Boston trustees. They wanted to retain control themselves. On April 
12, 1897, they voted to open the MBL for the summer but to reject Nunn's 
offer. It seemed, after all, that they could find enough money for the 
purpose without giving up control to Whitman or to any such outsider as 

The trustees as a group wanted to retain control of their laboratory, for 
which they had initially accepted legal and financial responsibility. In con- 
trast, Nunn endorsed Whitman's desire for more leeway as director and for 
not always having to have everything approved by the trustees. 

On August 6, the trustees met once again in Woods Hole. After con- 
siderable worry about financial details, they voted to add new members to 
the corporation. One hundred and fifty new members joined the list. These 
people included mostly investigators and students at the MBL and sig- 
nificantly swelled the ranks of scientists in the governing body. Then 
4:20 p.m. came closer. The Boston trustees had to leave to catch the last train 
of the day if they were to avoid an expensive overnight stay. This left the 
balance of scientists, who lived in Woods Hole for the summer. Of the 
nonscientific Boston group, only the secretary, Miss Anna Phillips Williams, 
stayed. She found herself in a sudden and shocking minority. The real 
changes began in what must have been a positive and emotionally charged 

First, the new majority voted to pay for salaries in priority to other 
bills —a shift of the position held by the trustees as a whole. Then they voted 
to move the annual meeting from Boston to Woods Hole during the 
summer—over Anna Phillips Williams's objection. They called a special 
meeting of the new corporation to change the bylaws, to be held in ten 
days — against Anna Williams's lonely objection. The group then voted to 
appoint a committee to revise the bylaws—over Miss Williams's continued 
objection. She was not appointed to the revision committee. 

The crisis had passed. Most of the Boston trustees quit. And at the 
special meeting the new corporation changed the bylaws so that the group 
of trustees had to become more responsive to the scientific community. 


Whitman and his supporters had won, so that the MBL became an organ- 
ism on its own, in their view not so dependent on the action of that nucleus 
of restrictive conservatism represented by the nonscientific Boston trustees. 
With the help of Mr. Nunn’s money, the MBL could continue to grow and 
flourish in the manner to which Whitman wanted it to become accustomed. 
Building and expansion continued apace, and all was well — briefly. 

But running a “national” laboratory proved horrifically expensive. What 
the MBL, like any aspiring institution, really needed — and still needs to this 
day—was a solid major endowment. For a while it appeared that Helen 
Culver, who controlled the Hull fortune in Chicago, which had also sup- 
ported Jane Addams’s Hull House project, had provided just such an 
endowment. She had donated one million dollars to the University of 
Chicago, with the intention that it also be used to provide classes for 
Chicago's less well-to-do West Side and to support a national marine 
laboratory, among other biological activities. Her correspondence makes 
her intentions clear. She hoped to support the MBL as well as the University 
of Chicago because advisors had convinced her of the value of both. As 
plans unfolded for the projects at Chicago, however, it became evident that 
her money would not stretch as far as she and her advisors had hoped. Her 
donation came in the form of real estate, and prices had dropped pathet- 
ically in a short time. In addition, building prices had risen so much that 
providing a modern laboratory for the University of Chicago finally took all 
the million dollars, as well as an additional gift from Miss Culver. The MBL 
gained nothing but moral support from the Hull fortune. 

By 1900 the continued difficulties in raising money, the demands to 
expand the laboratory, and the desire to include more advanced (and more 
expensive) investigations combined to make Whitman even more anxious to 
obtain financial security. L. L. Nunn and a group of businessmen repre- 
senting the University of Chicago made an offer that it seemed unlikely the 
MBL could afford to refuse. The group offered a considerable sum of 
money in exchange for some simple expectations of financial accountability 
to them. The offer seemed very attractive. Stubbornly and perversely it 
seemed to Whitman, the MBL board nonetheless refused. Whitman felt that 
some of the trustees had impugned his integrity with their implication that 
he and Chicago were trying to take over control of the Laboratory. It seems 
clear that this charge was unfair to Whitman, who had after all served as 
director all those years with no salary and often at some considerable 
personal expense. Whitman wanted to place the MBL on solid financial 
ground. But the Nunn proposal was unacceptable to the MBL’s leading and 
trusted scientists. 

Whitman, in turn, opposed an attractive proposal by the Carnegie 
Institution in 1902 to fund the research of the laboratory. The Carnegie 
Institution by this time was beginning to fund various sorts of biological 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

projects. Supporting the MBL seemed within their purview. But Whitman 
and others did not want to give up the independence of the laboratory and 
felt that Carnegie money would mean Carnegie control. The MBL trustees 
did not accept the Carnegie offer, though they did receive three years’ worth 
of support in meeting expenses from the Carnegie people. 

Whitman retired as MBL director in 1908, in part because it was too 
much trouble to haul the pigeons that he had begun to study back and forth 
from Chicago to the Cape each summer, in part because there was no 
longer any pressing reason to go to Woods Hole, and in part because he had 
tired of all the battles. His personally trained assistant, F. R. Lillie, took over. 
Whitman had directed Lillie’s dissertation, which was begun at Clark Uni- 
versity and completed at the University of Chicago. Then he had exerted 
considerable effort to hire Lillie at Chicago. Though not successful at first, 
he eventually managed to attract Lillie to Chicago from Vassar. Lillie became 
assistant director at the MBL and assistant chair at Chicago, in many ways 
simply taking over control when Whitman no longer wished to have it. 

Lillie had money, and Lillie attracted money to the MBL. In fact, the 
MBL owes much to Lillie and to the new booming business of indoor 
plumbing. Lillie’s brother-in-law was Charles R. Crane, a wealthy business- 
man associated with plumbing and porcelain fixtures. From 1904 to 
1923, Crane helped to make up the MBL’s deficit, amounting to roughly 
$20,000 per year in the 1920s. 

In fact, the MBL began really only in the 1920s to attract any major 
endowment and financial assistance, well after Whitman's death in 1910. 
During that period, it gained sufficient support both to enlarge the 
facilities and offerings and to secure what was then a substantial endow- 
ment. The National Research Council (with many MBL researchers as 
members) supported work at the MBL and called for financial invest- 
ment by others. The Rockefeller Foundation, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 
personally, and the Carnegie Institution all made liberal contributions, with 
various conditions for support to be provided by the MBL itself. That 
indispensable benefactor Charles R. Crane met these conditions brilliantly 
and thus put the MBL on a “high plateau of security.” 

The successes of the 1920s took the MBL from one original wooden 
building to a physical plant worth $1.5 million, with an endowment of over 
$1 million. Even that magnificent sum proved insufficient to do much more 
than desperately tread water during the Depression, when annual income 
fell and attendance dropped drastically from 1931 to 1935, but it did keep 
the MBL afloat. Then came the great period of government funding (but not 
government control) with the strengthening of the National Research Coun- 
cil, then the advent of the National Science Foundation and National Insti- 
tutes of Health to replace the private Crane, Carnegie, and Rockefeller 


A painting of benefactor Charles R. Crane, which 
hangs in Lillie Auditorium. MBL Archives. 

During the building years of the 1920s, Crane wrote to Rockefeller to 
express his pleasure at being involved and his satisfaction with the results, 
emphasizing the important spirit of the place: “These scientists were strug- 
gling and accomplishing marvelous things with most meager equipment, 
making many sacrifices — It seems to me that the precious thing to preserve 
was the spirit of the organization, a spirit everywhere recognized although 
hard to seize or to imitate.” His generosity and the great successes with 
fund-raising helped to stimulate the General Education Board to add its 
contribution, giving substantial funds to help the library purchase back 
series of journals and to provide an endowment. They also gave another 
$250,000 to support the dormitory and apartment house projects, which 
provided the first MBL housing facilities with winter heating and with 
housekeeping facilities for families. The 1920s proved an active time of 
strengthening finances and resources at the MBL as in much of the rest of 
the United States. Further financial relief came only well after World War II, 
as building grants have allowed the MBL to expand physically and to gain 

72 rN 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


Donald Costello, in a transcript of a taped interview at 
the University of North Carolina, 1967, mentions 
the importance of such factors as temperature for 
isotope use. 

Robert Kahler’s interview, Historical Collection, gives an 
eyewitness account of the various fires, which are 
referred to by a number of other interviewees as 
well. Isabel Morgan Mountain, in her valuable un- 
published history of the Morgan barn property and 
in a 1987 interview, places the fire in historical 

Winterton C. Curtis recalls his being drawn to the MBL in 
“Good Old Summer Times and the M.B.L.” and 
“Rhymes of the Woods Hole Shores,” Falmouth En- 
terprise (August 12, 19, 26 and September 2, 9, 1955), 
reprint in MBL Archives. 

Laboratory allocations and the desire to change the sys- 
tem are discussed in MBL annual reports and 
other archival notes. Whitman often discussed his 
views on education in MBL annual reports and in a 
number of documents and letters both in the MBL 
archives and at the University of Chicago Archives, 
as well as in lectures in the Biological Lectures of 
the MBL. 

Philip Pauly’s excellent Controlling Life (New York: Oxford 
University Press, 1987) provides a provocative and 
important account of Jacques Loeb’s work and of 
his role at the MBL. Also see Pauly on the MBL's 
place in history, “Summer Resort and _ Sci- 
entific Discipline: Woods Hole and the Structure of 

American Biology, 1882-1925,” in Ronald Rainger, 
et al., editors, The American Development of Biology 
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 
1988), pp. 121-150. 

Other Loeb stories, by W. J. V. Osterhout and by others, 
are on file in the MBL Archives. 

Donald Costello discusses his early times at the MBL in 
his 1967 interview, deposited in the MBL Archives. 

The initial building bill resides in the Archives, along with 
other documents about costs. 

On the 1897 and other crises, see Lillie’s history (Notes 
Chapter 1), MBL trustees’ minutes and annual re- 
ports, and papers in the Biological Bulletin Supple- 
ment. See also “A Statement Concerning the Marine 
Biological Laboratory at Wood's Holl, Mass.,” Sci- 
ence (1897) 6: 529-534 from disgruntled trustees 
and “A Reply to the Statement of the Former Trust- 
ees of the Marine Biological Laboratory,” October 8, 
1897, as a separate publication because they did not 
feel that they should air MBL business in public. See 
also Conklin, “The Reorganization of 1897,” Collect- 
ing Net (August 17, 1935): 209-211; and Jane Maien- 
schein, “Early Struggles at the Marine Biological 
Laboratory over Mission and Money,’ Biological 
Bulletin (1985) 168: 192-196. 

On later support from Charles Crane and others, see MBL 
annual reports and Collecting Net throughout the 
1910s and 1920s. Also a letter from Crane to J. D. 
Rockefeller, Jr., December 22, 1923, records his 
affection and respect for the spirit of the MBL. 

The Library and Publications 

Across the street from the library in the Lillie Building. Photograph by Hugo Poisson. MBL Archives. 

The Marine Biological L: 
ZO» Nol. 2, No. 5 

Grass Fellows 

Do It All 

See Page 8 


MonpayY MORNING ToUR through the MBL campus reveals one area of espe- 
cially intense hustle and bustle. Carts of books, with their request slips 
indicating desired page numbers to be copied, line the halls outside the copy 
room. Piles of volumes to be reshelved cover the countertops. MBL scien- 
tists and students have busily put the library to use over another weekend, 
as always. Even on a stormy weekend night, with the wind blowing wildly 
and setting up an unsettling moan throughout the building, people work 
quietly in various tucked-away corners of the library stacks. Today the quiet 
clicks of word processors at all hours augment the sounds of turning pages. 

The Library 

In many ways the real center of the MBL lies in the library, run since 1962 
by head librarian Jane Fessenden. No locked doors or guards or stern looks 
interrupt the researcher who comes to work in the library. Instead, library 
readers meet friendly faces and cheerful smiles. Some people think the 
library staff is not serious enough because they seem to have too much fun. 
They are always there, ready to help with even the smallest questions. They 
also make it clear that they believe a library is there to be used, and not 
primarily to be preserved for some unsuspecting and very possibly unap- 
preciative posterity. Anyone with a legitimate purpose, who gets prior 
permission and who follows the rules, may use the MBL Library at any 
season of the year and at any time of day. 

At first, the head librarian was a scientist who volunteered to take care 
of the books. Then the lab hired an assistant, and then a full-time librarian 
who would listen to the scientists and set up the operation the way they 
wanted it, someone who would want to go to them for advice about their 

The scientists respect this valuable resource, as they always have. Some 
take it for granted: of course they can run in, find what they want on the 
shelf, have it copied, and get back to work quickly and easily. Some of these 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The main reading room, as it looked in the fifties. Recently 
refurbished, it is now called the Bay Reading Room. 
MBL Archives. 

researchers might even claim that the MBL Library is a useful convenience 
but hardly the real core of the research center. Yet they too publish their 
results, in journals and books that become part of the long-term scientific 
world housed in the library. 

Each year scores of scientific researchers recognize the value of that 
resource. They come to the MBL as library readers to write books, revise 
textbooks, or complete long reviews. One recent year found more than 150 
readers from many states and countries working on a wide range of histor- 
ical and biological projects. People go to great effort to spend a sabbatical 
year in the MBL Library, where more than 400 years’ worth of biological 
literature is kept. As Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has said, ‘“The 
library at the MBL is an institution that has its own humanity and seems to 
me more an organism than a place.” 

As such, it has been the recipient of practical jokes. In 1926, at the height 
of the first major American bout with creationism in the wake of the Scopes 
trial, the editors inserted the following item into the MBL’s newspaper, the 
Collecting Net: 

We were shocked beyond measure last Sunday morning when an ex- 
haustive search failed to reveal that classic book on evolution —the Holy 
Bible —in what is supposed to be one of the finest libraries of its kind in 
the world. The situation was untenable. It could not be allowed to stand. 

Fortunately the Trustees of the laboratory saw fit to severely censor 
[sic] the Librarian at a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon called for 
that purpose. The Editorial Staff wish to commend the Trustees for their 
prompt and efficient action in relieving the situation. 


The library stacks when 
they were in Crane 217 
before Lillie was built in 
1924. MBL Archives. 

Creationism attracted attention again a few years ago with a lecture series 
on science and religion and a recent speaker who asserted that no honest 
scientist can possibly be religious. And numerous books about science and 
religion continue to appear on the library shelves. 

The first year, the MBL Library began as a handful of books in the back 
corner of the downstairs general laboratory room. By the second year, a 
healthy collection of 343 volumes occupied the library corner. Over the next 
years, Cornelia Clapp served as librarian for the slowly expanding collection 
that moved from corner to corner in search of sufficient space. During the 
crisis of 1897, the trustees ordered Whitman to stop spending money. 
Notwithstanding the injunction, he asked Clapp to continue ordering jour- 
nals. The trustees then informed her that she could pay for them all herself. 
With that in mind, Clapp nonetheless did order the volumes, which were, in 
fact, paid for. Yet the uncertainty illustrates the tenuous basis of the MBL in 
its earliest years and the scientists’ commitment to maintaining that library 
as a vital organ essential to the life of the MBL. 

In 1914 the MBL hired an official assistant to the librarian for the first 
time, when the library moved into more substantial, fire-protected sur- 

ara) 14 wed > 
:—- 4 

4 dan 

78 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Cornelia Clapp, early librarian, shown here circa 1933 with the 
board of trustees, of which she was a longstanding member. 

roundings in the new Crane Building. They used a wheelbarrow to haul all 
the books across the street. For the first time someone was actually paid to 
run the library. In 1919 Priscilla Montgomery took the assistantship role. 
She became librarian in 1925 and continued in that position for many years. 
The widowed wife of University of Pennsylvania cytologist T. H. Montgomery, 
she was part of the MBL community and understood what the scientists 

During that time, the library and its holdings continued to expand, even 
during World War II, and moved into larger quarters in the new Lillie 
Building when it opened. A section of that building was specially designed 
for stack floors. There the library remains, now complete with up-to-date 
computerized interlibrary loan and other searching services. Further ex- 
pansions and additions have continued to help the facilities keep pace with 
demand, more or less. 

Open windows bring in the fog, which threatens the books at times, but 
the staff keeps the books and bound periodicals in order, properly on the 
shelves, and in good condition so that the volumes are often in far better 
shape than those in a fancy, environmentally controlled setting where they 
are never used. Leather-bound books like to be handled, and respectful use 
over the century has caused little damage beyond normal wear. The greatest 


A quiet place to work: one of 
the sixty-eight desks located in 

the MBL Library stacks. 
MBL Archives. 

miracle is that the system works. Loss due to theft is lower than in almost 
any other institutional library in the country. The absent-minded professor 
may wander down the hall to jot down a reference and intend to bring the 
volume right back. The book is therefore temporarily lost and unavailable to 
other readers, but such books almost always find their way back to the 
library — eventually. 

Sometimes books return in an unorthodox way, as they did one time 
during World War II. University of Michigan cytologist and botanist William 
Randolf Taylor occupied an upstairs room of one wing of Old Main, the 
room at one connecting corner in the U-shaped building. The false ceiling 
had openings in it, which raised the curiosity of the small number of 

80 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

students still in attendance during the war. The students wanted to know 
what was inside the false ceiling. Taylor responded that there were probably 
only dead birds, which aroused the curiosity all the more. So the students 
pulled up benches and crawled in for a look. They found books. Bushels of 
books. Some had long since been replaced when they were discovered as 
missing, but here they were, bird-stained and rain-beaten. Nobody recorded 
what happened to the unexpected treasure. 

What is more amazing, however, is that the journals remain in their 
proper places. The staff checks carefully to ensure that volumes are not 
misshelved. The researcher can generally find nearly all of the material 
sought, though the journals sit on the shelves in alphabetical order by title, 
which sometimes sends the reader to each of five different stack levels in 
search of any particular subject. Because of the tradition of gathering books 
and continuing journal subscriptions even during tough economic times, 
the MBL Library has full runs of a large number of rare journals. Roughly 
80 percent of the journal titles go back to the first volume. In 1924 and 1925, 
the General Education Board’s gift of $50,000 provided sufficient funds to 
purchase back sets of incomplete runs, which filled out the collection. In 
addition, the board provided an endowment for library use. 

A recent $2.5 million matching grant from the A. W. Mellon Foundation 
provides a further endowment for the library and puts its operation on a 

The card catalogue when it 
was in the main reading 
room. MBL Archives. 


Recent periodicals, kept available in the main (Bay) reading room 
until there are enough to be bound, a process that takes only two 
weeks. They are then put in the stacks. MBL Archives. 

more secure financial basis than it had been on. These endowments are 
appreciated, for as demand has increased, so have costs. When the Woods 
Hole Oceanographic Institution was founded in 1930, the two institutions 
agreed that having two separate, overlapping libraries would be foolish. The 
MBL would run the MBL-WHOI Library, as it has been called since that 
time, because the MBL already had one, and WHOI would buy books and 
journals and contribute to operating costs. In those beginning years, there 
was not much of a science of oceanography, so the addition did not require 
a host of new journals and books. But time has changed that, so that during 
the last decade expansion has also dictated a more formal arrangement 
between the two institutions. 

In addition, the MBL is now the official library for the National Marine 
Fisheries Service, originally the Fish Commission. In the early years, the 
Commission men wandered over to look through the MBL's book corner. 
They then set up their own facility. Only recently did the U.S. government 
put the library out for bid, at which point the MBL was officially given the 
contract. In addition, the library belongs to the Southeastern Massachusetts 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Consortium of Hospital Libraries. This gives same-day access to a wide 
range of medical journals that the MBL would not otherwise have. 

In 1983, the library undertook a use survey of the journals, with 
financial assistance from the Rockefeller Foundation. For ten months, 
readers recorded every time they used a journal, and the staff compiled the 
results—for every bound volume and current periodical in the library, not 
just some selected samples. The survey showed that the full complement of 
holdings are used actively, even seemingly obscure, very specialized, and old 
volumes. Furthermore, even those volumes used relatively rarely prove 
valuable in special circumstances. Scientists find the completeness of the 
collection, with its current holdings of 160,000 journal volumes, a resource 
matched by very few other places. 

One problem that demanded a solution by the mid-1970s was that of 
space. All those different runs of journals, each slowly increasing in size, 
take ever more space. Careful evaluation and management provide predic- 
tions for expansion. With the help of generous grants, the MBL recently 
undertook renovation and remodeling of the Lillie Building, including the 
library. Eleven laboratories were removed to make room for the library 
expansion, and a modern climate-controlled rare books room and archives 
was built. Everything had to be moved —by hand. And everything found an 
adequate new home except the old reprint collection. Not enough space, 
they said. The once extremely valued and fully catalogued collection of 
reprints lost its appeal as the dust gathered and as copy machines made 
private collections easier to acquire. History-conscious researchers miss 
this wonderful unique resource of more than 250,000 reprints, now largely 
languishing away in a storage hallway, but most of the materials are available 
in the original journals. And eventually, the librarians insist, the collection 
will find a new space. 


Since 1908, when Lillie effectively took over as director of the laboratory, the 
MBL has been following Baird’s example at the Smithsonian and has 
exchanged copies of its journal, the Biological Bulletin, for other journals. 
In the 1940s, the library acquired roughly half of its 1,200 titles that way. Now 
the exchange accounts for about 600 of the 3,000 periodical titles currently 

The Biological Bulletin began after Whitman decided to begin a new 
American publication. This happened before the MBL began, when Whit- 
man was director of the Allis Lake Laboratory near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 
A businessman from a business family, Edward Phelps Allis had wanted to 
do biological work. Advice from England and America led him to set up his 
own laboratory and to hire a director/teacher. When Whitman took that 


part, he suggested to Allis that an American journal would prove extremely 
valuable, and that it was a disgrace that none existed. Allis promised 
support, and Whitman began editing the new Journal of Morphology. 
Designed to carry long papers with what Whitman regarded as the requisite 
degree of detail and quality, the journal proved very expensive to run. 
Conklin’s dissertation in 1897 cost $2,000, and others must have come close. 
Whitman never settled for less than the best possible, however, so the 
journal continued publishing excellent and finely illustrated articles until it 
had to close down briefly because of the deficit. Fortunately, the Wistar 
Institute resumed publication soon after. 

In addition to the Journal of Morphology, Whitman soon recognized 
the advantage of having a companion publication for shorter articles that 
could be published quickly. This took the form of the Zoological Bulletin. 
After two volumes in 1897 and 1898, however, Whitman and his cofounder, 
Harvard entymologist William Morton Wheeler, decided to transfer editor- 
ship to the MBL and to change the title to the Biological Bulletin. Its 
three-dollar price for three hundred pages produced a per-page cost that 
remained about the same into the 1940s, after which it joined the escalating 
world market. It has always been intended as a general journal, never 
restricted to MBL research or researchers (only 9 percent of the articles in 
the most recent year were by MBL scientists), and includes work on a variety 
of biological topics. More recently, it has published papers from special 
symposia and the set of abstracts of papers presented at the General 
Scientific Meetings held each August at the MBL. 

With these two publications in his power and as leader of the MBL, 
Whitman became a very influential figure in American biology. In addition 
to these periodicals, the MBL also issued Biological Lectures in order to 
publish the Friday evening lectures under his directorships. With time, of 
course, numerous other journals have appeared, including a considerable 
number begun by MBL researchers. 

One such periodical was the Collecting Net, begun by Ware Cattell. 
Cattell was an unusual individual who specialized in electrophysiology and 
inspired various enterprises, such as this popular newspaper. The paper 
was put together each week by Dot Rogers and a friend on their way over 
to the printer in New Bedford. They worked on the boat ride over, delivered 
the copy, waited for the printed papers, and returned with them in a short 
time. The more recent version of the Collecting Net is put out by the Public 
Information Department, under the direction of George Liles, and serves 
to inform the wider MBL community of activities there. The first run of 
those wonderful mixtures of science and gossip resides in the Rare Books 
Room and Archives of the library. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Rare Books Room and Archives 

In fact, the Rare Books Room is one special and little-known feature of the 
library. Accoutered with Louis Agassiz’s intriguing leather-covered swiveling 
table, this comfortable area houses many marvelous collections of photo- 
graphs and archival materials as well as the extremely valuable rare books 
and journals, many of them gifts from appreciative MBL alumni. One recent 
addition came from T. H. Montgomery's sons and includes volumes detail- 
ing Captain Cook’s voyages. Few students find their way to this room, but 
scholars wanting to check out the history of a subject or to find illustrations 
of the MBL or of work done here can make arrangements with the archival 
staff to use the materials. 

In 1986 WGBH, one of Boston's public broadcasting stations, sent a 
team of photographers and writers to do a special show on the MBL. They 
also chose the MBL to photograph for a different set of shows a number of 
rare prints and book illustrations dating back to 1560. When asked why the 
MBL, especially when Boston has its own libraries with some of the same 
rare volumes, the crew replied that the MBL staff was so friendly and 
helpful. Some of the Boston facilities wanted to close off their materials 
rather than to make them available to the public even through film. By 
contrast, the MBL Library’s attitude of respectful sharing for purposes of 
scientific research is historically typical of the MBL. 

One day not long ago, three topnotch scientists sat at Agassiz’s desk in 
the reading room of the Rare Books room. Photographs of former great 
researchers hung on the walls. One of the scientists was redoing his cell 
biology textbook and expanding the historical parts of the introductory 
section by rereading the classic texts that reside in the Rare Books Room. 
Another knew that work very much like what he was doing in his lab had 
been done at the MBL in the 1890s by E. G. Conklin, and he was checking 
the earlier papers in the bound reprint collections. The third was a visiting 
historian looking for a photograph to illustrate an upcoming lecture in 
Paris. At the same desk sat a first-rate science writer, pursuing his own 
study of global ecology, quietly reading books by Agassiz, Alexander von 
Humboldt, and other nineteenth-century writers who worried about the 
history and dynamic process of the earth as a whole. The researchers spoke 
briefly, curiously looked over each others’ shoulders for a moment and 
exchanged ideas, admired the rich written and photographic resources 
around them, and then settled in for another typically intense day of research 
at the MBL. 



Jane Fessenden has helped clarify many episodes and 
provided many leads for discussing the history of 
the library. The MBL annual reports have a library 
section which provides information for each year; 
they also document the statistics of journal use and 
loss rates. 

Stephen Jay Gould is quoted in a library flyer, n.d. 

The Collecting Net story about the Bible appeared August 
26, 1926, p. 5. 

William Randolf Taylor's interview, Historical Collection, 
discusses the finding of books in the ceiling. On 

Whitman and journal publication, see Ernest J. 
Dornfeld, ‘The Allis Lake Laboratory,” Marquette 
Medical Review (1956) 21: 115-144. See also Pamela 
Clapp, “The History of the Biological Bulletin,” Bio- 
logical Bulletin (1988) 174: 1-3. 

Dot Rogers told us in a 1987 interview about riding the 

boat over to get the Collecting Net printed each 

Details and data come from the MBL Library’s official 
records, MBL Archives. 


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The People 

Collecting party at Cuttyhunk Island, 1895. Captain Veeder (on the 
right, with a child on his shoulders) had served the MBL for many 
years and had grown up at Cuttyhunk. Photograph by Baldwin 
Coolidge, MBL Archives. 

¥ o@ 
es. 4 _ Le mal 
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Collecting isn't all work aboard the Dolphin (1952). 
Photograph by Alicia Hills, MBL Archives. 


Ox LITTLE BOY, about five, happily asked his father at a recent MBL Day after 

they had toured labs and looked around, ‘Dad, can I come here to school 
when I grow up?” That is the point of the MBL: biology at the seashore is 
attractive to a wide range of people. 


Political and economic changes may dictate which people are able to attend 
MBL sessions and which accents will predominate at the lunch tables in any 
given year, but the MBL tradition persists. Students come and mingle and 
learn, and then return as teachers to the familiar surroundings to do 
research with their own students in tow, or they send their students to take 
courses on their own. The MBL perpetuates itself that way, as new genera- 
tions learn about the laboratory from its people. 

Donald Costello, for example, reported that he wanted to attend the 
protozoology course at the MBL after his sophomore year in college. He 
applied and received a rejection. Embryologist Lester Barth advised him to 
go anyway and offered to give him a ride to Woods Hole. Barth thought that 
Lewis Victor Heilbrunn, with whom Barth was working, would probably set 
Costello up to work too if only Costello could afford the $50 required 
minimum fee. Because Costello had worked for the previous two summers 
as an Office boy in a die manufacturing firm to earn money for his education, 
at forty cents per hour for forty-five hours per week, he had accumulated 
enough to embark on this zoological adventure. Once in Woods Hole, he 
discovered that he could sit in on all the lectures at no cost and could absorb 
the atmosphere of, as well as the ideas in, the place. This atmosphere kept 
him coming back for most of his summers, sometimes bringing students of 
his own and even instructing in the embryology course for about ten years. 

Other students arrive in more conventional ways, applying and becom- 
ing accepted to their first courses. Often today they are far more advanced 

90 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

By the 1950s, specimens were 
collected primarily by the 
supply department, but some 
classes continued to make field 
trips to study natural habitats 
for themselves. MBL Archives. 

Mary R. Huettner, wife of the 
scientist-photographer, collecting at 
Sippiwissett Marsh. Photograph by 
Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 


Ue WR rn = ’ ee ae iP Sc << ye 

Embryology class, 1897, including Gertrude Stein, front left. Photograph courtesy of WHHC Archives. 

in their careers—and far more specialized and sophisticated in their de- 
mands — than they used to be. Rarely do high school teachers seeking their 
first experience with living organisms populate the courses, as they once 
did. Nor do many people arrive so casually as Frank Lillie did when 
Whitman invited him to come on down to Woods Hole for the summer to 
begin his graduate career. No longer are there as many eager novices to be 
enthralled by their first invertebrate collecting trips to Tarpaulin Cove or 
Sippewissett Salt Marsh. 

Most of today’s neurobiology students, for example, are much more 
advanced and dedicated to their sophisticated coursework. They simply do 
not have time to experience what it is like to wade one’s way through the 
meandering streams of a salt marsh and to become mired down in mud so 
that other students have to help pull you and your rubber waders out with 
a loud sucking smack. A few do head out on a Sunday morning to catch 
bluefish. Yet only rarely do the busy students have much free time to explore 
the intertidal areas nearby and to gain respect for the fragile ecological 
balance, though they may find time to play the time-honored pranks of 
attaching a crab’s claw to someone's ear or a lobster to a long skirt (or to 
a pair of shorts today). Many still attend courses on their way to fame in 
other fields, as Gertrude Stein did while she was briefly a medical student 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

at Johns Hopkins in the 1890s. Overall, a more advanced group of dedicated 
researchers come today. 

The late night gathering around the bunsen burners to cook clams, 
lobsters, crabs, and occasionally even the ubiquitous snails is more likely to 
begin with a trip to the fish market or the supply department than to the 
beach, as it used to be. Strict regulation of marine fauna as well as laboratory 
specialization has dictated that. But that regulation has been stimulated by 
ecological and embryological research carried out at the MBL and other 
marine laboratories. Times change. Details change, but students do still 
come to the MBL for their courses with the same eagerness that they always 
have. If there is sometimes less lighthearted fun and more dedication in 
their work here, that reflects the changes of science and of society as well. 


To the students involved today in their own research and coursework, it is 
not always obvious who the leaders are. The MBL has a scientific director 
who organizes courses and laboratories, but that is no longer sufficient. 
Now a full team of administrators has filled in, doing jobs that either did not 
exist in earlier times or that the director himself carried out. Conklin once 
remarked that his role as chairman of the biology department at Princeton 
for decades was not particularly difficult; he just borrowed a secretary one 
afternoon a week and polished off all the business. Whitman never even had 
a secretary at the MBL, much to the regret of those who had to read his 
rather difficult handwriting and his undated letters. In those days the 
trustees had to approve all financial decisions, even to spend as little as $1.98 
for postage or $3.04 for alcohol (and much administrative effort seems to 
have gone into acquiring alcohol until World War II, not so readily available 
in pure form then as it now is). Today, we have a group of business 
managers of various sorts to run the laboratory. Some are required to 
guarantee conformity to legal requirements regulating animal care, scuba 
activity, liability coverages, and such. Others keep up with the expanding 
physical plant, increasing course demands, sophisticated equipment needs, 
or complicated financial arrangements. This complexity makes it harder to 
tell just who is in charge, though the scientists, in the form of a corporation, 
still officially hold control. 

For a long period until he retired in 1986, Homer Smith served as 
business manager of the MBL. As the only major year-round employee, he 
must have appeared to the public as “Mr. MBL.” In fact, one year when 
photographers came to take the necessary set of pictures to portray the 
activity of the laboratory, they came in midwinter. They found few scientists 
at work in their labs, surrounded by the fancy equipment the photogra- 
phers sought. Only Homer Smith was at work. He was persuaded to play all 

5 | THE PEOPLE 7X 93 

the roles of the MBL in addition to his own. The result appears as a series 
of Mr. Smith shots: in the laboratory doing research, at the electron 
microscope making observations, reading diligently in the library, and so 
forth. The prototypical dedicated scientist at work, in other words. Did 
anyone notice that it was the same indispensable Homer Smith each time? 
The MBL spirit normally resides in the population of researchers, students, 
and administrators working together rather than in any one man. 

Edwin Grant ConkGin and Charles Otis Whitman 

In earlier years, when there were fewer people, the leaders stood out more 
clearly. Whitman—solemn, dedicated, with his shock of white hair and 
upright stature —inspired trust. He was clearly a leader, those earliest 
students recognized. Edwin Grant Conklin recalled his first encounter with 
the already well known man. Conklin was a student at Johns Hopkins under 
William Keith Brooks, and Brooks continued to prefer the Fish Commission 
to the MBL. As a result, Conklin found himself in Woods Hole at the Fish 
Commission table doing research in 1891. Brooks had sent him up to the 
seashore to begin his embryological research and had advised him, when 
Conklin asked, to study the siphonophores. Upon his arrival in Woods Hole, 
Conklin asked where he could find some specimens. Nowhere, came the 
reply. Woods Hole had no siphonophores. Thus thrown onto his own 
resources, and without a telephone to ask instantaneously for further 
guidance from the home advisor, Conklin turned to the plentiful and 
efficiently compact local slipper snail Crepidula. 

As he began to study the development of Crepidula from its earliest egg 
cell stage, Conklin observed the morphological details of cell division and 
nuclear as well as cytoplasmic activity. Conklin found the earliest stages of 
development fascinating. He turned closer and closer attention to them, 
thus embarking on what became known as cell lineage work, in which 
researchers meticulously traced the detailed changes in each cell as it 
underwent division. They thereby charted the lineage of each cell as it 
became increasingly differentiated towards its eventual role in the adult 

One day, Conklin reported, Columbia University cytologist Edmund 
Beecher Wilson walked across the street to talk with him. Wilson had also 
studied with Brooks at Johns Hopkins but had completed his Ph.D. roughly 
a decade earlier. He had already achieved a reputation with his careful 
cytological and embryological work. Conklin was thrilled that Wilson was 
visiting and he was even more excited when he learned why. Wilson had 
been working on his own cell lineage studies, using the marine worm Nereis 
instead of Conklin’s Crepidula. Perhaps they could make a close compar- 
ison of the two organisms and their changing cleavage patterns. Such a 

94 A 

E. G. Conklin in 1920s. Photograph by 
Julian Scott, MBL Archives. 

Edmund Beecher Wilson, cytologist and 
MBL trustee. Photograph by Alfred F. 
Huettner, MBL Archives. 

5 | THE PEOPLE Lik 95 

comparison might reveal useful keys to evolutionary relationships among 
the simple marine organisms, which might in turn help to illuminate those 
pressing traditional morphological questions about the origins of the ver- 
tebrates and of humans. Conklin and Wilson did compare results and found 
striking and informative parallels. Many of the cell divisions proceeded in 
nearly identical ways, with deviations occurring as needed to produce the 
structural differences in the two adult organisms. 

Wilson also reported that Whitman wished to talk with Conklin about 
his work. Whitman had been one of the first to suggest that looking at the 
early cell stages might be useful to answer important evolutionary ques- 
tions, and he was interested in what he had heard of Conklin’s work. 
Conklin went when invited, of course, and explained what he was doing. 
Whitman asked what he intended to do with the work, and Conklin re- 
sponded that he did not know. In fact, he rather despaired of finding 
someone to publish his dissertation, especially since Brooks had said that 
publication of Thomas Hunt Morgan’s dissertation the year before had used 

Thomas Hunt Morgan, 1923, the first 
Nobel laureate with MBL connections. 
Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, 
MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

up all the Hopkins money available for such purposes. Whitman offered to 
print it in the Journal of Morphology, which he edited, thereby solving 
Conklin’s problem. 

But Whitman insisted on color plates with great detail to show every 
aspect of cellular development, which entailed considerable careful prep- 
aration and additional expense. It took Conklin six more years before his 
work finally came out in print in 1897. All the colored plates and the sheer 
length raised the cost of printing to the remarkable sum of $2,000. At one 
point, when Conklin feared that this meant the end of the project, he 
expressed his concern to Whitman. Whitman saw no problem, character- 
istically responding “After all, what is money for?” 

Whitman’s support, and the community of sympathetic workers that 
he found at the MBL demonstrated the vital way that the MBL influenced 
science. Other researchers soon joined in the cell lineage work, and Conklin 
moved across the street to become a loyal MBL investigator and later trustee 
until his death in 1952. Whitman taught students and colleagues to look 
closely, to see details, and to draw carefully. Conklin’s own teacher, Brooks, 
ridiculed Conklin’s masterful job, suggesting that he did not see the point of 
such mere ‘cell counting.” Yet Conklin did not just count cells, and Brooks 
came to accept Conklin’s own insistence that he was a “friend of the 
egg” —the whole egg, both cytoplasm and nucleus together. Conklin’s view 
had its influence on later embryology classes, which had become increas- 
ingly specialized and reductionistic by the 1930s. Students recall Conklin’s 
decades of visiting lectures and his dynamic emphasis on the egg and on the 
whole cell and cell interactions. 

The Tradition of Research 

Costello later adopted Conklin’s traditional emphasis when he undertook 
work on Nereis, the same worm that Wilson has studied. Wilson, who 
suffered from crippling arthritis, died in 1939, but his wife continued to 
spend her summers in Woods Hole. When the young Costello met her and 
explained that he was studying the embryonic development of Nereis, she 
responded happily, ‘Oh, my husband loved that egg.” But, she reported, the 
problem was that with Nereis one has to collect specimens and then start 
observing at night. That meant that even the year they were married, he was 
spending his nights collecting and watching in the lab. “That,” she recalled, 
“was very distressing.” Years later, when Costello met her again at a party, 
she recognized him as the young Nereis fellow and asked what he was 
doing. When told that Costello was still examining the nature of cleavages in 
the Nereis eggs, Mrs. Wilson responded that “E. B. would have liked that.” 
A classic paper of Wilson's on germinal localization in the molluscan tooth 


shell Dentalium appeared in the first volume of the Journal of Experimental 
Zoology; Costello's paper on Nereis is in the one hundredth volume. Clearly, 
Costello felt very proud to belong to such a tradition of cell lineage studies 
begun by Wilson and Conklin so long before at the MBL. 

In fact, he insisted to me when I was a fresh graduate student in the 
history of biology that I should study Nereis myself. But he did not want me 
ordering eggs or worms from the supply room. Rather, it was essential to 
take Costello's own net and his light and obtain special permission to go to 
the MBL dock at night. There in early summer, shining the artificial light 
into the water mimics the full moon and stimulates the beautiful and 
complicated mating maneuvers. The male and female worms begin to 
dance toward the light. They trace out intricate spiral patterns in the water, 
becoming more and more frenetic with time. Eventually the moment comes 
when the females release their eggs and the males release their sperm into 
the water, which suddenly becomes very cloudy. The embryologist can 
either grab the worms just before that point or collect some of this water 
and run for the lab to start watching cell division. The realization that simple 
observations are extremely difficult to make, and that it is very tedious to try 
to reproduce the meticulous cell lineage work that was done with simple 
equipment a century ago is instructive. The sense of following the same 
tradition of research as Wilson, Conklin, Costello, and others is also inspir- 
ing. Some recent returnees to cell lineage work have similarly felt the 
pleasure of participating in such traditions. 

Geneticist Tracy Sonneborn epitomized the feeling and the excitement 
at the MBL when he wrote to his aunt and uncle. He wanted to thank them 
for their generous twenty-first birthday present and to tell them what he had 
done with the money. As a student at Johns Hopkins under Herbert 
Spencer Jennings, Sonneborn had enrolled in a summer course at the 
MBL. He wrote from Woods Hole in 1926: 

If you could only know the childish delight and wonder and amaze- 
ment which I have been experiencing the last few nights, you would be 
certain [that I will never grow up]. I just wrote to mother about it, but I’m 
going to write it to you because I want to be sure you hear. 

I've been staying up over my microscope the last few nights watch- 
ing a new living being formed! Can you believe that? Well, it's absolutely 
so. I've collected certain marine animals whose mating reactions are 
governed by the moon; at full moon and for the first quarter thereafter 
they spawn. It is a simple matter to collect them at night with a flashlight; 
they are strongly attracted to the light, just like moths and swim right up 
to you so that they can be scooped out and brought to the lab. When I 
am ready, I allow them to mate. Right away, I take a drop of water 
containing hundreds of eggs and thousands of sperm and put it under 
the microscope. Then I can see the whole drama in all its details. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

The sperm swim up to the egg, penetrate it and fuse with it. This 
act of fertilization completely transforms the egg so that it’s [sic] whole 
substance undergoes a reorganization. It soon begins to divide: the 
single egg-cell transforms itself; right before your eyes, gradually but 
surely, into two cells. More rapidly, each of these divides in half and there 
are four cells. Now things happen apace. In a little while there are 
hundreds of cells developed from the single cell; and wonder of won- 
ders, the organs begin to take form, whip-like locomotor appendages 
appear. Then you think you're seeing illusions from too much staring 
and gaping: it can’t be true. The things are actually beginning to swim 
around! But you become convinced that such is actually the case. Can 
you realize the thrill of seeing the whole process of the formation of a 
new creature? It simply makes you gasp. Do you wonder, then, that I still 
feel the amazement and wonder of a child when I see such things? 

Aren't you glad that your gift is helping me to buy the instruments 
that make it possible for me to see such things, and to retain the 
immortal astonishment of a child at how things work, and to keep me 
wondering why? Perhaps, but this is almost too much to hope for—I 
may even help to find out the why and how of some of these wonderful 
things, with the aid of those instruments. 

The only flaw in carrying out these studies today is that the current 
emphasis on the giant squid axon has introduced some squid into the Eel 
Pond. These animals like to eat the unsuspecting Nereis in the midst of the 
worms’ sexual activities. Ethicists somewhere probably worry about 
whether the observer is morally guilty for provoking the attack. 


In those early decades of collecting on the dock, there were a few leaders 
who clearly stood out. Conklin, Wilson, Morgan, Loeb, Montgomery, Har- 
vard’s George Howard Parker and Yale’s Ross Granville Harrison joined 
Whitman and Lillie as top men. To one admirer, it seemed that the senior 
scientists in the beginning were “real luminaries in science’ and made a 
lasting impression. Later there seemed to be many more scientists who 
stood out in different ways rather than as leaders overall, but that change 
was largely due to changes in science and the structure of science rather 
than to anything about the MBL itself. With time it became much more 
difficult for individuals to master all the concepts and problems of the day 
the way those leaders seemed to in the early part of the century. Research- 
ers saw with some regret the moves from general biology, concerned with 
concepts pervading the field, to what one observer called the more special- 
ized ATP Age and later the DNA Age. In addition, the pressures to ‘publish 
or perish” and the greater rewards for publishing ahead of the competition 


Lie 99 

have made many scientists think twice before openly discussing their ideas 
and innovations, thus cutting off free discourse. Science changes, and so do 
the individual scientists’ roles. Today there are some administrative leaders, 
some brilliant fund-raisers, and some world-class scientists. Very few people 
have the time or energy to excel in all areas. 

In those earliest years, Whitman, Lillie, and the others could represent 
MBL leadership both scientifically and administratively. These were all 
exceptionally strong men, with a conviction as to what a biology program 
should be like and about how to effect such a program at the MBL. Those 
were simpler times, when they could feel confident about what they were 
doing and could urge inclusiveness rather than always being forced to make 
exclusive decisions. These men towered far above the others in leading the 
MBL and American biology. They took canoeing and hiking trips together, 
attended meetings together with long train rides to talk things through, and 
they edited the Journal of Experimental Zoology together. These men were 
close friends and made up the sort of unique group that rarely comes 
together. They were also recognized as world leaders in biology generally. 
Their presence at the MBL helped show the international scientific world 
that this was a leading place for both research and teaching excellence. 

MBL Personalities 

There were others who stood out through force of personality as well as 
scientific excellence. Columbia’s Thomas Hunt Morgan was highly re- 
garded, for example, not only for his work on regeneration, heredity, sex 
determination, and later genetics, but also as a popular member of the MBL 
crowd. He was known, at least to some of the Woods Hole community, for 
his clean white shirts. The story, greatly exaggerated according to his 
daughter Isabel but told by several local sources, was that his mother 
insisted that her son’s shirts should be a priority for laundering. He must 
have clean white shirts, rather than the more typical detachable collars, to 
wear each day to the lab. This vehement demand impressed the launderers 
in town. 

Even such prominent people could be the subject of friendly jokes. 
Paul Reznikoff recalled a party at Columbia attended by a number of MBL 
people. Morgan, who was later to win a Nobel Prize, appeared at the door 
and asked what people were drinking. Cocktails, was the reply. Morgan 
asked for one, though it seemed to the partyers that he was not used to such 
drinks. As he began to feel the effects, he asked Reznikoff, “Young man, why 
don't you change your name?” ‘Well, Dr. Morgan, I really don’t see why I 
should,” Reznikoff answered. Morgan rejoined with alcoholic wisdom, “Oh, 
I see, I see; that’s your name and you want to keep it.” “Well,” Reznikoff 
responded, ‘that’s probably a good reason. Now you tell me, Dr. Morgan, 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Robert Chambers, cell 
biologist. MBL Archives. 

why don’t you change your name?” After all, Morgan was named after a 
“bloody pirate.” The students might have pointed out Morgan’s relationship 
to a Confederate general as well. It is always reassuring to “have something” 
on the great leaders. 

Columbia's cell biologist Robert Chambers provided even more fond 
amusement to the MBL community. At the end of the season one year, he 
and his wife were rushing to make the train on time, as the family often ran 
late. The laboratory community had pitched in to help get all the Chambers's 
belongings to the station, because very few people had cars in the mid-1920s, 
and those who did often used them to help others. When they reached the 
station, the Chambers couple suddenly realized that they had left their son 
Bobby home in the bathtub. Mrs. Chambers kept the engineer busy talking, 
while the young helpers hurried back to wrap the baby in newspapers and 
bring him to the train. 

Robert Chambers was evidently the prototypical absent-minded profes- 
sor. A favorite story concerned a day back in New York, but it could have 
happened in Woods Hole. Chambers had taken all the family’s umbrellas to 
be repaired and had forgotten to retrieve them. When he went off to 

5 | THE PEOPLE N 101 

Columbia in the morning, his wife insisted that he must stop and pick up all 
six on his way home. Chambers rode the street car to work, then absent- 
mindedly picked up the umbrella next to him as he prepared to disembark. 
The lady next to him said, ‘“Hey, mister, that’s my umbrella.” With sufficient 
apology and a charming smile, he persuaded her that he had simply made 
a mistake. That evening, he entered the street car with his six repaired 
umbrellas all wrapped up to take home. There was the same lady. She said, 
“Oh, say, you had a good day today, didn’t you?” 

Cooperative Administration in a Community 

The MBL has always attracted a variety of people, able scientists with various 
personality quirks that make the community more interesting. From the 
beginning Whitman stressed that the MBL was a community, consisting of 
specialty cells organized into a functional, cooperative whole organism. As 
second director, Lillie chose to perpetuate that view. Whitman imposed his 
vision of the MBL by running the place in a dictatorial manner and making 
as many of the decisions as possible himself. Lillie held far more meetings 
but brilliantly used committees to work things out. Lillie reportedly had little 
patience with interminable arguments, where everyone saw the positions 
early on and realized the points of disagreement. Instead of listening further 
and working to effect some compromise, he appointed a committee, 
naming the most vocal people on the extremes of a question and giving 
them the task of bringing forth a proposal. 

The system generally worked and produced the sense of cooperative 
administration through committee work. However, perhaps it worked too 
well in the early decades, because it made people want to stay and be part 
of the MBL. The same people loved Woods Hole, bought summer places 
there, and returned summer after summer. With so few housing openings 
it became too difficult for many, especially married, new researchers to join 
the group. This created a shortage of new leaders by the 1930s, and it took 
new housing and new resources to attract new blood. Perhaps the same 
sort of closure could happen again, unless more housing can be provided 
to keep young people coming back and bringing their own students, who 
will in turn keep coming back. ... The MBL is trying to meet this critical 

Nonetheless, the sense of a community of research has persisted and, 
indeed, represents the spirit of the MBL. New people have always managed 
to squeeze in among the “regulars.” The decision in 1940 to rotate course 
instructors more frequently than the nine years then typical, reducing the 
post to no more than five years, helped to bring in enthusiastic and 
energetic recruits. The wonderfully appropriate sculpture of a group of 
three scientists engaged in eager conversation, created by Elaine Pear 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Cohen and entitled ‘‘Woods Hole: The Scientists,’”’ depicts the atmosphere. 
And the story from 1929 about Maurice Rayon, the botanist who worked on 
silkworms, illustrates the importance of community. Someone heard that 
an unpleasant person was coming to occupy the one empty research table, 
so the botanists invented Dr. Rayon and kept his correspondence and 
research going for a while until the crisis had passed. The table was 
therefore “occupied” and safe from the undesirable visitor. No one knew 
just who had done what or who was in the know. 

Today the institution has become too successful and too large to rely on 
such a cooperative, community approach any longer. Those who call for a 
return to the old times probably do not understand the complexities of 
funding and publicity central to any modern research institution. Those 
who long for those old times have many sympathizers, but perhaps little 
foundation in reality. The current system of committees and helpful ad- 
ministrators at all levels has made many things run more smoothly. 

Jobs and Fellowships 

One thing that has not changed appreciably is the diversity of people 
attracted to the MBL, some bringing with them little more than a desire to 
be here. One young student, Arnold Clark (later a geneticist at the University 
of Delaware and a long-time MBL regular), was so eager to learn biology that 
he arrived with no job, only ten dollars, and no place to stay. He went to the 
head janitor, T. E. Tawell, to ask for a job. Tawell replied that things were 
very tight just then and asked whether Clark could wait for a while, maybe 
two days. In two days, Clark returned and was given a job sweeping the 
floors of Lillie at five in the mornings. He would arrive at that time, have a 
glass of grapefruit juice with Mr. Tawell, then get straight to work, finishing 
in time for his morning class and laboratory work. One morning he had to 
return to the Lillie Building in midmorning. To his dismay, another fellow 
was sweeping the very floors that he had swept only a few hours earlier. He 
dejectedly asked Mr. Tawell what he had done wrong. “Nothing,” was the 
answer as Tawell explained, ‘Well, Arnold, you're not the only one around 
here who needs a job.” 

Others found jobs in the collecting department. When Horace 
Stunkard arrived from the midwest, where he had been told that he must 
go to a marine station for a season in order to receive his degree, he had no 
job either. He applied to George Gray in the supply department and 
obtained a position helping with collecting, despite his landlubber’s igno- 
rance of marine organisms. He learned fast; he had to. 

Fortunately, various granting agencies have arisen in the course of the 
twentieth century, so that investigators now arrive with National Science 
Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), or even Guggenheim 

5 | THE PEOPLE Lie 103 

And still they sweep. Janitor sweeping out 
Lillie auditorium, 1952. MBL Archives. 

Polly (foreground) and Ruth Crowell, 
longtime MBL employees. Photograph 
by Alfred F. Huettner. MBL Archives. 

104 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Fellowships under their belts. Students may apply for a number of special 
scholarships to attend courses or may receive fellowships to carry out 
research. MBL advocates have recognized the importance of such funds for 
scientific work, as when Columbia physiologist Harry Grundfest appealed to 
the community to write to congressmen to urge passage of the NSF bill. 
And generous donors have set up important privately funded fellowship 

Just one of several such programs that reflect the MBL spirit so well is 
the Frederick B. Bang Fellowship. Bang, a physician, was Professor of 
Pathobiology at Johns Hopkins, studying infectious diseases. On his way 
back to Baltimore from doing research at Mt. Desert Island in 1950, he 
stopped in at Woods Hole to visit a colleague, who insisted that he and his 
family stay for a few days. They did and were hooked from then on. When 
Bang visited the Marine Resources Building, he was astonished that they 
simply threw away the dying animals, which were of no interest to the 
researchers who needed healthy living specimens. With his interest in 
pathology and immunology, he was amazed at the waste. He saw a potential 
gold mine of research material in these discarded animals. The next year, the 
family returned to Woods Hole, bought a house, and continued to return 
thereafter. Bang and his wife, Betsy, loved their work at the MBL. Thus, when 
Bang died in 1981, the family sought to make it possible for other research- 
ers to work at the MBL on the immunology, pathology, and infectious 
diseases of marine invertebrates. Their story is typical of the sorts of 
cross-fertilization of disciplines that occur here, and the ways in which the 
effect carries on. 

Another such fellowship was the Lucretia Crocker Grant, named after 
an influential Boston educational reformer, and designed to help teachers 
learn natural history. This grant program provided an opportunity for many 
women at the MBL, as many of them were school teachers. With fewer high 
school teachers coming to the MBL, the Crocker fellowship recipients have 
changed a bit over time. 

Minorities at the MBL 

Only recently have larger numbers of women begun to enter the domains 
of investigation and instruction in their own rights rather than as students 
or as adjuncts to husbands and advisors. At first not all of the women were 
well received. Some were the brunt of unfriendly practical jokes. For 
example, a group of men saw one of the women, a rather hefty person, on 
the floating collecting dock with her heavy and voluminous skirts on, 
bending over to haul up a sample. They casually stepped together onto the 
dock, which thus sank several inches and soaked the poor woman, whom 
they did not really like. She probably did not like them much either. Others, 

5 | THE PEOPLE nN 105 

Sister Florence Marie Scott, 
1964. She was a corporation 
member and trustee from 1902 
to 1965. Loaned by Jane 

such as Cornelia Clapp, have been more fortunate and more integrated into 
the community since the very first years. 

Examples of women researchers from the middle of this century 
include the popular and respected Sister Florence and Sister Elizabeth. 
Both spunky and dedicated researchers, they have inspired many fond 
reflections. Sister Florence, who returned to the MBL for over thirty years, 
was so popular that she once said that she almost dreaded walking through 
town. She knew so many people and always stopped to chat so that it took 
a very long time to get anywhere. When George Scott insisted on calling her 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

E. E. Just in Old Main, 1923. 
Photograph by Alfred F. 
Huettner, MBL Archives. 

“Sister Scott,” since that was her last name, she retaliated by calling him 
“Great Scott.” She had a fine sense of humor and told wonderful and not 
always proper stories. She and Sister Elizabeth helped to break down any 
prejudices that nuns could not do science. 

Sister Elizabeth was also admired. Early one morning she went to the 
MBL floating dock behind the supply building to check on her organisms. 
When she stepped on a plank, it somehow rolled and she fell into the water. 
Nobody was around, so she calmly grabbed onto a nearby piling and hung 
on until someone came to rescue her. The collecting crew solicitously 
insisted that she be taken home in a truck, though she did not want to get 
it all wet. When she arrived at the house where she was staying, Mrs. Smith 
kindly helped her into a hot bath and took care of her. Sister Elizabeth 
explained that she appreciated all the attention, but said “You know what I 
really would like to have had would have been a drink of whiskey!” 

Black students and researchers have also found a place at the MBL, 
though not perhaps in the numbers or quite as early as they might have. 
Kenneth Manning's study of Howard University embryologist Ernest Everett 
Just and early twentieth-century times at the MBL indicates how uncom- 
fortable Woods Hole could be for blacks in the teens and twenties. It was, 
of course, a reflection of racism in the society as a whole, carried over to the 
MBL community as well. It is clear that many scientists held the highest 
respect for Just’s biological work on fertilization and the cell surface. As 
Paul Reznikoff recalled, Just was “one of the most remarkable men” he had 
met, a meticulous researcher who was always ready to give up his own 

5 | THE PEOPLE 7 107 
——— a eae ae 

valuable time to help anyone with experimental work. While Reznikoff's 
group was getting about 60 to 70 percent successful cleavage, Just would get 
98 to 99 percent. They asked him how he did it. In his typical way, he showed 
them. He kept his starfish and sea urchins in a covered bucket, even during 
the very short time it took to move them into the lab. He thus avoided the 
accelerating and confounding effects of the sun. 

Foreigners have always been officially welcome, though the relative 
proportions of visitors from different countries have changed significantly 
with time. The wars and depression brought refugees to America, among 
them many excellent scientists, but the MBL did not have sufficient re- 
sources to take them in in substantial numbers. Refugees often arrived with 
nothing to support their research or even to live on, but helpful scientists 
did sometimes adopt some of them and gave them space in their labs. 

Japanese students have played a prominent role at the MBL at various 
times, beginning in the earliest years when Whitman’s student Shosaburo 
Watase attended. Whitman regarded Watase as probably the leading cytol- 
ogist in America and promoted him at the University of Chicago and the 
MBL. Spending his summers in Woods Hole, Watase evidently felt himself 
well treated and comfortable, despite his imperfect English. In Chicago, he 
met with less hospitable treatment as the administration criticized his 
teaching and failed to award him promotions. This leading cytologist even- 
tually left the United States and the MBL to return to Japan. 

In the early years Whitman also hired Japanese artists for the summer 
staff, to help with drawing and final coloring of plates. Eventually they found 
American artists and photographers as well. Whitman's connection with 
Japan dated to the years he had spent teaching biology at the Imperial 
University of Tokyo. He had had only four graduate students and fairly 
limited facilities to work with, but all four became published, successful 
professional biologists. Whitman gained tremendous respect for the Japa- 
nese people but not for the University of Tokyo bureaucracy. He left his job 
in Japan partly because they told him that his students could not publish 
their own work under their own names. The professor's name must be 
given as author. Whitman rebelled against what he saw as a gross stupidity 
and helped to have the papers published in other, more tolerant journals 
elsewhere. In Japan, he nonetheless acquired a love for the people that set 
the atmosphere of acceptance at the MBL. 

A framed notice on the wall of the library's card catalog room also tells 
of the sympathy between Japanese scientists and the MBL. The handwritten 
sign reads: 

This is a marine biological station with her history of over sixty years. 
If you are from the Eastern Coast, some of you might know of Woods 
Hole or Mt. Desert or Tortugas. 

108 rN 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

If you are from the West Coast, you may know Pacific Grove or Puget 

Sound Biological Station. 

This is a place like one of those. 
Take care of this place and protect the possibility for the continu- 

ation of our peaceful research. 

You can destroy weapons and the war instruments. 

But save the civil equipments for Japanese students. 

When you are through with your job here notify to the University 
and let us come back to our scientific home. 

— The Last One to Go 

This had been addressed to the submarine squadron occupying Mikasi 
Laboratory. When Costello saw the poster, which had found its way to the 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, he thought the brushed handwrit- 
ing looked familiar and had a friend look up an old Japanese friend of his 
from the MBL, Katsuma Dan, to learn if he had made it through the war. He 
had. And Costello was right, the poster was Dan's. 

Katsuma Dan had come to the United States to work on a Ph.D. with 
cell biologist L. V. Heilbrunn, even though Dan knew little English. Dan and 
his wife, Jean Clark Dan, were very popular, so that the MBL community 
sympathized as the Dan family in Japan suffered various political problems. 

This ts @ marine biota gicel 
Station with Cer Ki story of 
Over sixty years, 

on are from The Sesterh Gest 

Some of yen might kien Woods We ov 
Init Desert ev Torfagns. 

if you are fr™ the Was Coast 

yu may Know Faerfie rove or 
iM at Soand Diolspren Nalion, 

This place i Sa place Gk, ane of these, 

Toke qe as ple and prolee 
the possi b/ gor He continuation 

pot jee f¢ research. 

24 can destre 
& weap ons and 
the War Ne he fem 

Bul save He civel cenipnents 
fer ny ead tiderats 

(hen Kon are Threug& 

with sar job tere 
hatify ops University ana 

Lt Us CoMm< back to aur 
scientific hone 

The fast one To g0 

5 | THE PEOPLE Li 109 

Sears Crowell and Emperor Hirohito 
examine some hydroids and 
nudibranchs, 1975. MBL Archives. 

Japan had been a strictly closed country, and Dan told Costello that his father 
and uncles were brought up to believe that they would be beheaded if they 
went into a foreign country. Japan was opened when his father was about 
sixteen, however, so he was sent to study engineering in the United States, 
where he and his brothers attended Harvard and MIT. They then returned 
to introduce American engineering and mining methods to Japan. When 
Katsuma Dan arrived in turn years later, he and Costello shared a lab at the 
University of Pennsylvania. They drove together to California one year, in a 
car that boiled over at every hill, and they then went on to the MBL together. 
At the University of Tokyo Dan later taught cell biologist Shinya Inoue, now 
a leading year-round MBL researcher. 

After the Dan era, the emperor came to the MBL. In 1975 Emperor 
Hirohito proposed to visit the United States. Where did he wish to go? To the 
Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, undoubtedly leaving a host of 
diplomats scratching their heads and scurrying for their Massachusetts 
maps. A marine biologist himself, he wanted to see the famous laboratory. 
But the MBL is not accustomed to fancy dress and formal company. They 
fixed up the men’s room, which had languished away for years and had 
acquired a layer of grime and intellectual graffiti. They polished the floors 
and covered them with red carpets. They prepared tea for the honored 
visitor and presented an impressive array of fancy local cookies. The em- 
peror came, took part in formal receptions of WHOI and the MBL, and 
graciously signed his name in a guest book and in one of his own publica- 

110 A\ 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Emperor Hirohito autographing a copy of his book, Some 
Hydrozoans of the Bonin Islands, in 1975. Left to right: Paul Fye, 
James Ebert, and secret servicemen. MBL Archives. 

tions (now in the Rare Books Room). When the time came for the scheduled 
tea break, the emperor instead rose and said ‘‘Let’s get on with the science.” 
The group then looked through the microscopes at the hydroid specimens 
that had been prepared by Indiana University biologist Sears Crowell and set 
up in the library. Security remained tight around Woods Hole and especially 
in the MBL library that Saturday, and people brought out and fit themselves 
into suits they probably had not used at the informal MBL for many years. 

W. J. V. Osterhout reports a rather different sort of special visit years 
earlier when President William Rainey Harper of the University of Chicago 
came to visit around 1900. Chicago was a major research university and an 
important supporter of the MBL. Harper was quite a dignitary by MBL 
standards of the time. Captain Veeder, who took charge of boating expedi- 
tions, arranged a clambake at Naushon Island for the distinguished visitor. 
One of the guests was introduced as a general in the Grand Army of the 
Republic. He pulled out his flask in that late nineteenth-century time when 
few proper people imbibed (at least in public) and proceeded to become 

5 | THE PEOPLE Lh 111 

quite genial. He even became sufficiently playful to throw a slice of water- 
melon, which promptly landed on Harper’s stiff formal white shirt. The next 
day Jacques Loeb was to take Harper to the train. Since they arrived early, 
Harper decided to get a haircut. He could not understand why Loeb so 
strongly resisted his having his hair cut. Finally Loeb broke down and 
escorted Harper to the barber, who was that very general, in no shape to cut 
anyone’s hair. 

In another incident a photographer concluded that Loeb was trying to 
poison him and vowed never to return to such a crazy place as the MBL. 
This man was helping Loeb with some difficult photographic work. He 
insisted that he was ill and could only work if he had some whiskey to help 
him. Loeb recalled that he had seen a bottle in Whitman’s lab with a 
well-known visiting scientist's card of thanks attached. Because Whitman 
did not drink whiskey himself, Loeb assumed that he would be willing to 
oblige the photographer. Whitman was happy to do so. It turned out, 
however, that the visiting scientist had never really left any whiskey. Instead 
Lillie and Parker had filled some old bottles with seawater and left them on 
Conklin’s desk with a leftover card of the scientist's. Conklin had recognized 
the joke and had responded that there must have been some error and that 
the bottles were surely intended for Whitman. Thus they had been carted 
off to Whitman's lab, where Loeb found them. Salt water it was, and Loeb 
had to find other help to complete his photographs. 

E. G. Conklin and son in a 
moment of relaxation together. 
MBL Archives. 

112 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

E. B. Wilson with sons of the photographer. Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

MBL Staff and Children 

In addition to the scientists, the administrators, and the librarians, the MBL 
has a host of other people who keep things running year-round. These 
people are truly indispensable, even though they are often not accorded the 
attention they deserve. From the watchmen to the janitors, to the collecting, 
dining hall, electrical, buildings and grounds, chemical, and mail room 
staffs, and all in-between, this considerable and influential group includes 
individuals who are fascinating in their own right. One finds a buildings 
supervisor who was born and has always lived in the same house in Woods 
Hole and whose family has worked for the MBL since the beginning. Or a 
watchman who has traveled around the world and has read more widely 
than most academics. Or the administrative assistant whose grandmother 
owned houses next to the Eel Pond and who herself worked cleaning rooms 
at the lab years ago. Or the janitor who, as a native Latin American, has a 
wealth of information and more than a few ideas that he would like to teach 
the U.S. government officials about Central American life, history, and 

One other group of MBL people to whom visitors should listen if they 
want to get at that much-touted MBL spirit is the children. MBL children are 

5 | THE PEOPLE nN 113 

Lilian and Isobel Morgan with chicken. Photo- 
graph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

T. H. Morgan with daughters Lilian and Isobel, 
1918. Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, 
MBL Archives. 

114 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

unique. Recently two young boys, probably about ten years old, were talking 
at the MBL beach. One reported that his family was going to Australia in the 
fall for his dad’s sabbatical, and that it was going to cost them each over 
$1,000 for airfare. But that was okay, he said, because they were going to take 
it off their grant. The other boy asked why they were going. “Well,” came the 
ten-year-old’s reply, ‘‘the animals are different colors there and they develop 
differently than the ones here.” The other boy reported that his family was 
just going to North Carolina for their leave the next year. ‘That's not so bad,” 
the first one replied, ‘‘we went there once for my mom's sabbatical and it 
was neat too.” Children do not talk like that in the less stimulating “real” 

Neither do children out there choose to spend their summers in 
school, let alone to study something serious like science. But many MBL 
families find themselves drawn back to Woods Hole even in years when they 
meant to stay home or go elsewhere. The children do not want to miss their 
friends or a session of the Science School, held in the old schoolhouse 
building. There they take classes of all sorts, with a liberal dose of seashore 
field trips included. Ten-year-old Science School students know more about 
marine organisms than many professional biologists in other parts of the 
country. Then as the children get older, they often work at the MBL, maybe 
in the supply department, as Whitman’s and Conklin’s sons and so many 
since have done, or in the Mess, or cleaning dorm rooms, or more recently, 
in the library or photocopy room. Perhaps it is the enthusiastic response of 
the children that captures and perpetuates the MBL spirit best. 

Unknown child on the beach. Photo by Alfred 
F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

5 | THE PEOPLE Li 115 

;  . ; 4 > , % * 
FiS kids: Rebecca Jackson, Tracy Goldsmith, Eric Hallstien, John Gagnan. Photograph by George Liles. MBL Archives. 

The new “FiS Kids’ program to promote Futures in Science for high 
school students and their teachers promises to involve more of the local 
youth in science at an early age. During the first year, the four selected 
students pursued sophisticated projects. Each got negative as well as some 
positive results. Each expressed with enthusiasm the value of the experience. 
These students learned early what science is about: it is not always so neat 
and tidy as it seems from most preprogrammed elementary laboratory 
exercises, but it is a lot more fun and exciting. With the cooperation and 
support of the MBL Associates, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the 
Monsanto Corporation, and the Falmouth school district, this program 
exhibits a remarkably successful cooperation of public, private, and institu- 
tional interests. ‘Get the younger generation involved in science, and keep 
science young” is the motto here. 

116 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


Donald Costello, discussed his first arrival at the MBL in 
his interview recorded in the MBL Archives. 

Conklin, on his first years at the MBL, in “Early Days at 
Woods Hole,” American Scientist (1968) 56: 
112-120, as well as in other writings and even a 
phonograph record made during an interview at 
Princeton toward the end of his life in the 1950s. 

Conklin loved talking about what science was like in the 
early part of his career. In a more formal account, 
Conklin discussed William Keith Brooks in his 
Memoir for the National Academy of Sciences, Bio- 
graphical Memoirs (1910) 7: 25-88. He always con- 
sidered himself a “friend of the egg—the whole 
egg,” aS many students have recalled. See also J. 
Bonner, with notes by Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., “ ‘What 
is Money For?’: An interview with Edwin Grant 
Conklin, 1952,” Proceedings of the American Philo- 
sophical Society (1984) 128: 79-84. Conklin’s, as 
well as Wilson’s, Morgan’s, Whitman’s, and other 
bound collections of reprints, including their clas- 
sic early papers, are housed in the MBL Rare Books 

There were, in fact, other “top men” besides those 
named here, but these men returned year after 
year, served as trustees for long periods of time, 
worked as journal editors, and generally continued 
to play the most active roles in all facets of MBL life 
for a long period of time. More information about 
each of the men is available in the archival collec- 
tions at each home university or at such central 
collections as the American Philosophical Society. 

Robert Kahler’s Historical Collection interview, recalls 
Morgan’s white shirts, though Isabel Morgan 
Mountain questions whether the story was over- 

Tracy Sonneborn, letter of August 2, 1926, to his Aunt 
Bella and Uncle Jake, printed in Collecting Net (July 
1987) 5: 14. 

Paul Reznikoffs Historical Collection interview discusses 
the cocktail party and Chambers’s stories. Many 
people fondly recall Chambers's superb idiosyncra- 
sies, often chuckling while relating stories so many 
years later. 

University of Chicago records as well as the Lillie Collec- 
tion at the MBL demonstrate Lillie’s management 
style. Sears Crowell provided an account of Mau- 
rice Rayon, the phantom botanist, in a story told by 
Hannah Croasdale, MBL Archives. 

Arnold Clark told the janitorial incident in an interview 
while in the MBL Archives one day, while Horace 
Stunkard recorded his arrival at the MBL in his 
interview in the Historical Collection. 

Betsy Bang, personal communication in 1987 and 1988, 
provided information about the Bang family’s ar- 
rival in Wood’s Hole and about the Frederick B. 
Bang Fellowship Fund. 

Sister Florence and Sister Elizabeth are remembered in 
George Scott's interview, Historical Collection, as 
well as by Donald Costello and a number of others. 

The fullest discussion of Ernest Everett Just’s stay at the 
MBL appears in Kenneth R. Manning's extremely 
well-written biography, Black Apollo of Science 
(New York: Oxford, 1983). Whitman's experiences 
in Japan are discussed in biographies of Whitman 
as well as in his unpublished account “Zoology in 
the University of Tokyo,” all available in the MBL 

In his interview deposited in the MBL Archives, Donald 
Costello recalled his times with Katsuma Dan, and 
a number of documents recall Dan's role at the 

During Emperor Hirohito’s visit, James Ebert was direc- 
tor of the MBL. Records in the MBL Archives and 
Ebert's own recollections show that, even with lim- 
ited resources, he managed to pull off the event 
gracefully and without problem—no easy task for 
an informal place without real precedent for state 

W. J. V. Osterhout discusses University of Chicago pres- 
ident Harper's earlier visit and the whiskey bottle, 
in his Loeb stories sent to the MBL Archives in 
1948. Also see Conklin, “M.B.L. Stories,” (Notes, 
Chapter 2: “The Story of the Whiskey Bottles,” 
pp. 128-129. 

Doing Science 

Tarpaulin Cove, lighthouse and bell, 1896. Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 


Captain Veeder aboard the MBL collecting vessel Cayadetta, 1923. 
Norman W. Edmond Collection, MBL Archives. 


ABORATORIES TODAY house all sorts of exotic-looking paraphernalia. In some 
cases, the equipment even spills out into the halls, with large, heavy-duty, 
impressive-looking apparatus designed to sterilize or rotate or otherwise 
manipulate the required materials for the intricate operations that make up 
science. Fancy high-powered computers have appeared, for example. Or 
Shinya Inoué’s unique six-foot light microscope, which is both large and 
complex, but which makes it possible to observe details of living organisms 
instead of the frozen and prepared dead specimens required for the more 
typical electron microscopy. Elsewhere, bright yellow signs on some doors 
declare the radioactive goings-on inside. Much of twentieth-century biology 
has become complicated and expensive, often requiring teamwork. Of 
course, this does not keep the researchers from personalizing their space 
with posters, favorite photographs, or even afternoon coffee or tea breaks. 

Afternoon tea poured by Mrs. Albert 
Svent-Gyorgyi. MBL Archives. 

120 A\ 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


Scientists often find that they need a particular tool or a particular proce- 
dure which is not readily available. They cannot always just locate the item 
in a handy mail order catalog and phone in an order. So the scientist 
becomes part designer and engineer. And each MBL researcher learns 
from the others. One cell biologist reports that his work in embryology 
depended on finding a functional probe of a particular sort to perform 
delicate operations. Only in talking to a neurobiologist on the MBL beach did 
he realize how to solve his technical equipment problem. Other examples 
abound: there is the neurophysiologist working on the horseshoe crab 
Limulus exchanging ideas with the expert studying the workings of the fish 
retina; they collaborate on analyzing what the brain tells the eye to do. The 
salt-marsh ecologist learns from the physical chemist about uptake of 
various chemical nutrients. Or the cell biologist studying cell motility in- 
spires others to look more closely at the effects of osmotic pressure. The 
light microscopist with his unique equipment makes it possible for the 
expert on growth of the sperm’s extending acrosomal tip in fertilization and 

An early laboratory. 
MBL Archives. 


 * 121 

A 1980s laboratory. 
Photograph by M. Rioux, 
MBL Archives. 

development actually to look and see the tip moving and extending. These 
research collaborations are possible here because of the unusual mixture of 
people who might not normally even meet each other, let alone talk and 
exchange technical ideas. 

Indeed, this sort of cooperation makes the MBL what it is, a sort of 
extended “laboratory without walls,” to borrow Albert Szent-Gyorgyi's term. 
While scientists elsewhere in the world are sometimes cautioned not to 
discuss their work in order to avoid being scooped or to avoid priority 
disputes, the MBL has always thrived on open exchange among a growing 
group of scientists and students. Back in their academic winter homes, a 
neurobiologist or embryologist may be able to talk with only one or two 
other people who care about the same general questions. As Yale cell 
biologist J. P. Trinkaus put it recently, one tremendously exciting thing 
about summers at the MBL is that so many of the top people in neuro- 
physiology; cell, molecular, and development biology; and a few other fields 
are gathered together. The researcher is bound to find someone who 
understands and will share ideas while walking down the hall, to the beach, 
or to the library. As neurophysiologist Robert Barlow points out, “If some- 

122 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

thing is not working, 99 times out of 100 someone here at the MBL will have 
something to help.” The absence of teaching responsibilities and of many of 
the more mundane administrative chores allows researchers intense con- 
centration on those problems of shared interest during the summers. MBL 
workers seem to collaborate far more often with other MBL scientists than 
with their longer-term colleagues back at their winter quarters. And they 
generate an astonishing array of well-attended special symposia and collo- 
quium series all summer long. 

Late in his life, Lillie worried that the intense summer research away 
from the home lab encouraged quick descriptive work and did not allow the 
careful development of more sustained research programs, particularly 
demanding experimental programs. It is a problem to pick up and move for 
the summer, but the “intellectual rejuvenation” and the opportunities for 
exchange of ideas and techniques, as well as the ready availability of fresh 
marine material, far outweigh the disadvantages. 

Early Days of Marine Biology 

The sophistication of the problems and of the equipment today is a far cry 
from the earliest days in marine biology, when the Frenchmen Henri 
Milne-Edwards and his friends Victor Audouin and Jean Louis de Quatre- 
fages took to the seashore with only their nets, lots of baggy jacket pockets, 
and an assortment of collecting bottles. German physiologist Johannes 
Miller then took his group of students to North Sea holiday spots and added 
a small boat and larger collecting nets in order to make what he called 
pelagic sweepings. With such simple equipment, a few men sought to learn 
about life in the sea, life that they had only recently begun to recognize for 
the richness and diversity it exhibited. 

One of the students who made the pilgrimage to the North Sea with 
Muller was ardent evolutionist Ernst Haeckel, who sought to find the 
earliest life forms in the ocean. In turn, he too took his students to the 
seashore. In his desire to establish a permanent marine station, one of those 
students, German Darwinian Anton Dohrn, founded the Naples Zoological 
Station in Italy in 1872. Dohrn did not envision any simple system of nets and 
collecting bottles. His grand laboratory instead contained a magnificent 
public aquarium downstairs and wonderfully modern research laborato- 
ries upstairs. Visitors could gather there from all around the world, as long 
as they had a serious research purpose and as long as they or a sponsor 
subscribed to a table for their use. 

Our friend Whitman was the first American at the Naples Station, 
though as a guest of Dohrn’s, since no Americans had subscribed to a 
research table yet. Then came Emily Nunn, later Whitman's wife. Wilson 
arrived a few years later, followed by a steady stream of other Americans, 


a. A me f vein 2 ; Re L Pic ; S ra BD : : : 
Seated: William Morton Wheeler, W. A. Setchell, Charles O 

hats off: instructors, 1892. 
Whitman, Hermon C. Bumpus, Sho Watase. Standing: Pierre A. Fish, Jacques Loeb, Edwin O. 


Hats on, 
Jordan, Charles L. Bristol, Edwin G. Conklin. MBL Archives. 


b chaticaie 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

many of them MBL researchers as well. Whitman, Wilson, and others 
advised their students to venture to Naples, even after they had their own 
MBL to satisfy their research needs. For Naples afforded two real advan- 
tages, which complemented what the MBL offered: a different set of 
organisms to work with and an international group of scientists using the 
absolute foremost of contemporary research techniques. Dohrn made sure 
that the Naples station had sufficient funds to guarantee the best equipment 
and materials needed. As a result, in the early years, biologists said, ‘For 
techniques, go to Naples.” Very soon, the MBL became a mecca on its own 
for the latest in techniques and ideas. 

For techniques, Whitman determined after his trip to Naples that the 
Americans needed a manual for marine biology. As usual when he per- 
ceived a need, he met it. In this case, he wrote the handbook in question, 
concentrating on microscopic techniques for preparation, preservation, 
fixing, and staining of specimens. With its emphasis on detailed cytological 
study of fixed materials, his Methods of Research in Microscopical Anatomy 
and Embryology of 1885 offered the latest word at the time. E. E. Just’s 
methods book or Donald Costello and Catherine Henley’s handbook or W. 
D. Russell-Hunter’s introductory texts for study of marine invertebrates 
filled a similar need for students of embryology and invertebrate biology 
years later. In fact, a significant number of the standard biological textbooks 
have been written by scientists affiliated in some way over the years with 
the MBL. 

Science at the MBL looks much different today than it did in those 
earliest years, and yet there is a continuity to the changes that provides 
perspective on each shift of emphasis. The return of the same people in 
different but related roles year after year, and the continuing concern with 
some of the same problems and organisms has ensured the persistence of 
MBL traditions. Against that background of stability (at times embryology 
has dominated; at other times, physiology), the problems, equipment, and 
other details have become more specialized, more sophisticated, and 
more expensive. Techniques and equipment, problems, and organisms 
make up scientific research. 

Techniques and Equipment 

In the early years, a microscope with the latest lenses and dissecting stand, 
a collection of glass dishes and slides and plates, the appropriate stains, a 
microtome to slice up specimens (which could be shared with others), and 
a few other odds and ends made up the basic equipment kit. By concen- 
trating the sorts of research around several central areas of concern, the 
laboratory could provide what people needed even with their increasingly 
complicated demands. Keeping the researchers and students well supplied 


has always been a priority, and a continual challenge. Much of the official 
correspondence has concerned keeping up with the growing demands for 
supplies and equipment. 

Something as apparently simple as running seawater in the laboratory 
is necessary to keep specimens alive, for example. Yet keeping the plumbing 
system working with 500 gallons of seawater running through the pipes 
every minute (with its potential contaminants and corrosive salt) has always 
proven difficult. As one of the men responsible for keeping the system 
working recently put it, ‘A valve just won't work with a starfish the size of 
your hand sitting inside.” 

Another problem is getting and keeping male and female organisms 
separated when they all come in together in the same bucket. The re- 
searcher wants to control development and to start fertilization when he or 
she is ready, and not when the animals want to begin. This control makes 
it possible to observe any chosen stage of development, even the earliest, 
including the fertilization process itself. For one hundred years, many MBL 
researchers have concentrated on these early processes, to determine both 
the patterns and the incredible processes by which two tiny germ cells 
manage to become one complex, coordinated adult organism. 

Further equipment helps to turn the individual scientist's observations 
into a public record in the form of drawings or photographs. Initially, 
familiar pens (often crow quills) and India ink made the requisite drawing 
possible. Others used the simple but effective camera lucida to make their 
drawings, until photography replaced much of that work in this century. 
One student reported that he had had to identify and draw by hand clearly 
one hundred specimens of protozoa for Gary Calkins’ protozoology course. 
The first fifty or so were easy, he said, but the last ten were awful to find, 
identify, or to represent accurately. 

Making observations takes some equipment, whether a basic com- 
pound microscope (for only a few individuals have ever used simple mi- 
croscopes for serious scientific work, even when those would have been 
just as good) and stains and drawing paper, or maybe an electron micro- 
scope and advanced videotaping equipment. Since the 1970s, Carl Zeiss, 
Inc., has helped to provide the very best microscopic equipment for MBL 
students and researchers. They loan equipment in exchange for the chance 
to try out new ideas with the demanding and sophisticated but respectful 
audience. This program has helped to continue the MBL tradition of 
making available the very best equipment, which from the very first years 
has featured Zeiss equipment. 

Besides microscopes, there are the chemicals, procured from the 
chemical room. And special glassware, for a while produced by first-rate 
glassblower from the University of Pennsylvania, James Graham. In recent 
decades, researchers have added radioactive isotopes and the necessary 

126 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

accoutrements. There are also autoclaves to sterilize equipment, which the 
research of the early decades here did not generally require; and centri- 
fuges, bigger and faster and more efficient than those Costello used in his 
first years here. Complicated specialized equipment appears as well. People 
sometimes have to improvise to meet their particular needs. NIH and NSF 
grants finance a high percentage of the increasingly complicated require- 
ments of today’s workers. 

Of course, sometimes the innovations can prove profound while re- 
maining simple. Syracuse University’s Robert Barlow notes that his own 
neurophysiological work on the brain of Limulus suffered from the serious 
problem that he needed to remove the brain yet keep it alive for at least 
several days. For obvious reasons, it usually dies under such circumstances. 
Somehow he had to prevent coagulation of the blood without producing 
toxic side effects. He could not think of any solution until he happened to 
meet a colleague in the MBL mailroom and described his frustrations. Well, 
his friend suggested, why not cool a saline solution, cool the brain, and 
replace the blood with the saline solution to inhibit clotting. Then do the 
required measurements and studies while the brain stays alive and cool. 
The suggestion worked, and the very first time brought measurements over 
a four-day stretch. 

MBL techniques and equipment represent an amalgam of the tradi- 
tional and modern, sophisticated and makeshift. Walking down the halls of 
the lab buildings and peeking through the doors, a visitor can see tables, 
chairs, seawater tanks, glassware, and other basic equipment from an 
earlier century alongside such things as ultracentrifuges and Inoué's 
fantastic-looking ultimate (for now) light microscope. The more than 
100,000 square feet of space for instruction and research are filled with a 
full range of equipment and with people to use it in the most creative and 
innovative ways. 


Just as techniques and procedures have constantly changed, the sorts of 
dominant problems addressed over the years have also evolved. In the 
earliest years, most researchers worked on a set of closely related prob- 
lems. They asked “big” questions such as how organisms develop and what 
their development tells us about their evolutionary relationships. On the 
first question, which occupied much of their attention, the MBL group held 
an almost exclusively epigenetic position. This meant they believed that an 
organism begins as a virtually unformed, though organized, collection of 
matter and gradually becomes differentiated into the right kind of organism 
during the developmental process. 


Some MBL embryologists, such as Whitman, were intrigued by the sort 
of quasi-predeterminism that German biologist August Weismann sug- 
gested in his chromosome theory of heredity, with its collection of deter- 
minants, ids, and idants. They found equally intriguing Weismann’s and 
Wilhelm Roux’s mosaic theory of development, according to which the 
various pieces of the developing organism act as separate bits of of a mosaic, 
each predestined by heredity to become a particular body part. Yet they still 
sought an in-between, essentially epigenetic viewpoint; extreme predeter- 
minism remained a horror to most MBL scientists. Morgan, for example, 
saw as anathema Weismann’s idea that inherited germinal material (or 
germplasm) might actually determine, in some mechanistic and prepro- 
grammed way, how an organism develops. Such an idea is not true science, 
he suggested, but just pushes the question of how development occurs back 
to a ‘shadowy, ancestral past.” Others at the MBL declared that Weismann’s 
speculations seemed as futile as ‘sorting snowflakes with a hot spoon” and 
could not possibly explain how development occurs. Still others condemned 
such predeterministic ideas as a “scientific misdemeanor.” 

To the MBL researchers, it seemed obvious that the internal organi- 
zation of the egg itself and its response to environmental stimuli direct 
development. Inherited nature plays a role in development, of course, but 
so does nurture —as biologists a bit later would have put it. Problems of 
development and heredity reigned in the first years at the MBL. DNA 
changed the picture that nineteenth-century researchers had had of the 
undifferentiated egg, of course, and made it seem more predetermined. Yet 
many MBL biologists today would still stress, along with Wilson, Conklin, 
Morgan, Loeb, and others, that development is every bit as important as 
predetermined heredity in guiding the differentiation process that turns the 
germ into an adult. 

For the first half-century of MBL researchers the question, ‘‘does each 
organism develop epigenetically or by preformation?” could have been 
rephrased as: does the egg in some way already possess the organization 
that the adult then assumes? In particular, how much is cell division of the 
fertilized egg determinate, or fixed, and how much is indeterminate, or 
subject to change as conditions vary? Cell biologists today pursue similar 
questions. The laboratory of Raymond Stevens, for example, explores the 
biochemistry of microtubules, asking what role they play in cell division and 
cell processes. Shinya Inoue explores in detail the process of mitosis and cell 
morphogenesis, looking at each morphological bit of the cell. Richard 
Whittaker’s group examines the way in which the genes control cell differ- 
entiation. Others at the MBL have extended cell lineage study to other 
organisms, such as the nematodes, to discover exactly what each cell does 
at each stage of the developmental process. Each of these laboratory 

128 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

research programs addresses the basic problems and uses techniques 
developed by MBL scientists over the course of a century. 

Rachel Fink provides an excellent example of blending the old and the 
new with her work on development of toadfish eggs: she became intrigued 
by the eggs after reading about the work of Cornelia Clapp a century ago. 
These eggs adhere to a solid surface, which makes them useful for various 
sorts of experimental work that tests the relative effects of internal and 
external changes in directing development. Clapp had looked at the impor- 
tance of gravity for determining the embryonic axis, for example. Fink 
decided to study these eggs with current techniques to explore twentieth- 
century problems. Her work demonstrates the MBL tradition in going 
beyond the earlier work, to combine tradition and innovation in a progres- 
sive, productive way. 

Traditional views certainly held that environmental factors can exert a 
major influence in development, just as internal inherited material does. 
Researchers such as Jacques Loeb, who emphasized the physiological and 
physicochemical processes of development, began the continued call for a 
stronger epigenetic and environmentalist position. To Loeb, it seemed that 
the female did not even require any male input. The egg did not really need 
any sperm to get it going along its proper developmental pathway; a simple 
change of salt concentration in the seawater could do the trick by initiating 
artificial parthenogenesis. Chemical environmental factors gained top bill- 
ing with him and his entourage of graduate students and assistants well into 
this century. 

Morgan agreed with this physicochemical orientation, as he embarked 
on studies of regeneration and sex determination right up until 1910. Then 
his first work in genetics abruptly confronted him with problems of heredity 
rather than of physiology and development. Others have carried on the 
physiological programs, including Lionel Jaffe, who uses a vibrating probe 
to analyze the role of ionic currents in development and regeneration, for 

Within the context of discussion about the relative importance of 
epigenesis and preformation, and about morphology and physiology, came 
other debates about the relative roles of cytoplasm and nucleus in heredity 
and development. A number of European researchers had begun by 1900 
to accumulate data from observations made with improved equipment (oil 
immersion lenses and effective microtomes, in particular) and techniques 
(stains, fixing agents, preservatives). These studies suggested that there 
might be something important in the nucleus. Indeed, that stainable mate- 
rial in the nucleus— appropriately labeled as the chromatin — might retain 
its autonomy in the course of cell divisions and might have something to do 
with heredity. Because the only thing inherited directly and as a whole from 
one generation to the next is the egg, and because this generation of 


scientists rejected vitalism (see description below), it seemed that the egg 
must hold all the material necessary for development. Or at least everything 
necessary to respond appropriately to external influences that direct devel- 
opment. Because development must be some combination of epigenetic 
response and inherited action (or else evolution could not work), something 
about the egg must be inherited and organized in some way. Either the egg 
cytoplasm or the nucleus was important — or both. 

That is what the MBL researchers argued in the 1890s and for the next 
century: that both heredity and environment play essential roles in directing 
development. Conklin and Watase reminded those who claimed priority for 
the nucleus that the mitotic apparatus, necessary for the cell to divide, 
actually resides in the cytoplasm and directs the cells’ cleavage patterns. The 
nucleus cannot survive, divide, or do anything interesting by itself. Even 
modern biologists might do well to recall that Wilson's great ctyological 
work and his classic The Cell in Development and Inheritance (1896, 1900, 
1925) stressed a balanced view of the nucleus and cytoplasm that was 
characteristic of the MBL. Geneticists began to draw attention exclusively to 
the nucleus, so that some forgot about the cytoplasm (though Morgan never 
did). Others, especially the embryologists, became so distracted by the chase 
of elusive chemical “organizers” (or substances thought to direct develop- 
ment by organizing the material in the proper way) that they ignored the 
nucleus and heredity. Yet other prominent MBL scientists such as Conklin 
continually stressed that they remained friends of the cell—the whole cell, 
and the whole egg, and the whole developing organism. Recent work in 
developmental biology, some of the best done at the MBL cr by MBL alumni, 
has returned attention to that lesson: do not forget the cytoplasm in the rush 
to identify inherited bits of material in the nucleus. 

Also it is important to pursue both zoology and botany, the MBL has 
insisted with varying results. From the beginning, the idea to include both 
carried the day. After all, the trustees wanted to establish a marine biological 
laboratory. Yet those very first years were really dominated by basic devel- 
opment of animals and by invertebrate studies. Despite the trustees’ inten- 
tions and Whitman's agreement, it took a while before botany really became 
established, and it has never gained the status that zoology enjoyed. Indeed, 
the botanist who had declared that the Johns Hopkins University program 
in biology contained ‘plenty of lobster, but hardly enough vegetables to 
make a decent salad” might well have leveled the same criticism at the MBL. 
A botany course existed for many years, until the loss of its energetic 
director brought its demise. The head of the supply department, George 
Gray, made collections of the organisms attached to the buoys near Woods 
Hole (especially plants) over several years. As there is no lack of interest 
among students, such a course may well be revived in the future to help gain 
the balance that the founders said they wanted. A short course on the cell 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

and molecular biology of plants run by coordinators from the University of 
Georgia has filled that role and has attracted great attention for the last few 
years. In addition, the various ecology programs, such as the marine ecology 
course, may replace more traditional botanical courses. Recent work on 
algae and cell biology of plants also continues the interest in botanical 

While botany and zoology have been somewhat unequal partners at the 
MBL, the attention to morphology and physiology has been much more 
balanced. In the earliest years, morphological work predominated. This 
meant a concentration on the structure of organisms rather than on how 
they work in life. Structure could_be studied by fixing and staining the 
organism to determine exactly how it was made and of what parts. Study of 
function requires devising some way to see inside the living organism, or 
inventing clever manipulative or experimental ways to gain information 
about those internal workings. 

When Whitman attracted Jacques Loeb to the MBL, they thereby 
introduced physiological work at all levels of instruction and investigation 
into the mainstream of MBL work. Whether he was more determined to 
include physiology or to enlist Loeb is unclear, but Whitman encouraged 
both with great enthusiasm. He particularly endorsed Loeb's experimental 
work on artificial parthenogenesis and on regeneration. Though he did not 
agree with all of Loeb’s conclusions or with the popular newspaper pub- 
licity about ‘controlling life,” he was undoubtedly delighted that Loeb’s 
successes attracted others to similar research and to the MBL. To the MBL’s 
benefit, Loeb inaugurated the chemical study of developing organisms as 
well as physiological work, and he attracted a host of medical researchers 
and medically related issues to the lab. Today neurophysiological study, 
pursued by many people from medical schools as well as from biological 
programs, is one of the specialties of the MBL. 

Early on, and probably again today, most MBL researchers are mech- 
anists and materialists: they believe that life structures and processes 
consist of material and mechanical (including chemical) action. They also 
generally believe that biologists can explain living structure and function in 
terms of material, mechanical explanations. This does not, however, imply 
that they are also all reductionists; they do not all insist that life can be 
explained in terms of the component parts of the organism. In fact, it may 
be the interactions of the parts, or some sort of wholism, that explains 
biological functions. During the years from 1910 through the 1930s, one 
alternative view of living process was vitalism, which gained attention 
especially through the writings of former experimental embryologist Hans 
Driesch. Though most biologists at the MBL were not fully persuaded of the 
vitalistic insistence that something more than mere material and mechanics 


exists, issues of mechanism versus vitalism were quite hotly debated during 
that time. 

Today less attention is given directly to such metaphysical and episte- 
mological concerns. Most problems tend to be more specifically expressed 
than they were earlier: in particular, which pathway makes this cell-cell 
interaction possible? What does this chemical do in this phase of the 
neurophysiological action? Or maybe: what is the quantitative ecological 
balance over a small defined area? The problems are better defined. 
Impatient with the opportunities that nature provides, biologists have 
turned increasingly to manipulative experimental work. These sorts of 
questions have recognizable answers in a way that the broader and more 
far-reaching problems of the 1890s often did not. They yield more easily to 
what we generally count as progress. But such questions do not evoke 
animated discussion by the entire community in quite the same way either. 
Times change. Now the Friday evening lectures still attract people from the 
community at large, but some people in the audience admit that they only 
rarely understand what is going on and what the major question is. 


Sometimes this focus on getting answers to increasingly specific questions 
has meant that scientists have lost track of the organisms they are studying. 
Some of the more intently focused of the “squid visitors’ may not be able 
to identify what their chosen research subject eats or when they mate, for 
example. Perhaps it does not matter that they do not know. Certainly it 
keeps the brain less cluttered, with more room for biochemical details or 
neurophysiological modeling. As one researcher put it, “So what! The squid 
has the giant axon. That is really all that matters” — because it works so well 
as a model to address the current pressing problems of neurophysiology. 

Similarly, Jacques Loeb was rather disinclined to gather animals him- 
self and far preferred to have someone else get his specimens for him. It did 
not really matter to him exactly where the animals lived or what their 
feeding habits at the bottom of some pond might be, as long as they 
provided useful models to answer the questions at hand. He was not 
attracted to the idea of wading about in the mud or slipping about on the wet 
algae of the intertidal zones. Other researchers were more inclined toward 
the traditional concerns about behavior and life-style, as is characteristic of 
natural historians such as Just, and they ridiculed Loeb’s attitude. A true 
scientist must know his beast, Just insisted. Today, a range of different types 
of researchers coexist, exploring different sorts of questions with different 
sorts of approaches and generating the MBL’s vitality with cross-fertilization 
of ideas. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

When a student first arrived in the 1890s, people asked not what 
problem the research would address, but rather what organism. One had 
to choose carefully because some choices, like Lillie’s selection of the 
freshwater clam Unio, sent the researcher off to less pleasant or less 
accessible sites to collect specimens. Today’s easier transportation makes it 
possible to roam up to Barnstable Harbor to explore life in the mud flats, or 
to Sippewissett for the salt marsh. Collectors may tap the colder waters or 
move on to the warmer currents of the Gulf Stream. And thanks to the 
efforts of private ventures and then the Army Corps of Engineers, since 1914 
the researcher has been able to explore life along the Cape Cod Canal, with 
its fast-moving currents and access to clear, deep water. Lots of starfish find 
their ways into collecting buckets from the canal. 

Choosing which organisms to study can be one of the crucial decisions 
in biology. Some creatures simply do not like to perform in a laboratory 
setting. Others only behave in the relevant way in certain months of the year. 
In particular, embryological studies have to begin in early summer for many 
marine organisms. For those organisms that are fertile for only a short time, 
the researcher has to work frantically, collecting all possible material. After 
the short mating season he or she can then begin a more leisurely process 
of preparing and observing the materials collected. Occasionally, this means 
that the hectic season has passed and the would-be observer has discovered 
a fatal flaw in the preparations that makes the materials useless. A season 
might thus be lost for serious research and for publishing any papers, on 
that problem at least. Until very recently, squid have only been available 
during the summers, because they come close to the shore then and are far 
easier to collect and bring back than when they migrate further out to sea 
in the winter. 

The selection of organisms for study has changed over the century, of 
course. At first, logically enough, people went to the seashore to study 
exclusively marine organisms. Then Whitman began to haul his pigeons 
back and forth from Chicago to Woods Hole to carry out behavioral studies 
on birds as he had earlier studied leeches and freshwater mudpuppies. 
Morgan turned to the abundant and highly variable fruitfly Drosophila for 
study of sex determination and heredity. The subsequent explosion of 
interest in genetics encouraged the use of fast-breeding, controllable spe- 
cies, for which most marine organisms did not qualify as well as Drosophila. 
Columbia geneticist Donald Lancefield recalled that he first arrived in 
Woods Hole to become assistant to Charles W. Metz, (who moved from 
graduate school under Morgan at Columbia to Cold Spring Harbor and on 
to the University of Pennsylvania). Metz was then working on Drosophila but 
not on the most popular D. melanogaster. He gave still another species, D. 
obscura, to Lancefield as his pet subject thereafter. Morgan and others also 
brought teams of fly researchers with them each summer, so the MBL had 


its fruitful fruitfly era, to be followed later by a period dominated by 

The early 1960s brought intense neurophysiological work on the highly 
visible and relatively simple giant squid axon. As supply department head 
John Valois explains, this is because ‘two very thick nerve fibers, or axons, 
run down the sides of the squid’s mantle. These fibers coordinate a system 
of muscles that enables the animal to shoot water through a siphon under 
its beak, propelling it through the water like a torpedo. But it’s the axons 
themselves, not the squid’s behavior, that bring biologists here. Fifty years 
ago J. Z. Young discovered the axons. He was the first to penetrate one with 
a tiny electrode to measure the electrical transmission of nerve impulses. 
Much of what we've learned since then about our own nervous system 
comes from work on this animal.” 

Valois explains that the demand for squid has escalated from maybe 
fifty per month in the 1950s to two hundred (up to four hundred) small ones 
per day. Currently, about one third of the MBL demand for marine animals 
is for squid, today’s martyr to science as sea urchins, frogs, and guinea pigs 
have been in the past. The collectors devised special traps and other tricks 
to gather enough squid in the beginning. Recently the national popularity of 
seafood has helped. People eat so many of the fish that normally eat squid 
that the squid have increased in population and are easier to collect now. 
Because squid do not remain alive in traps for more than twenty-four hours, 
the increased supply and better collecting methods have saved the day. But 
even the vigilant supply staff still occasionally has trouble meeting the 
increased demand during peak season. A sort of marine farm to provide 
cultivated and more controlled specimens, which Whitman and other 
directors have envisioned since the 1880s, could help to solve the problem 
and may soon come to fruition. 

Beasts of study are chosen for different reasons. One man, who liked 
peace and quiet, elected to study the cytology of a particular algae that had 
to be scraped from the rocks around Woods Hole about midnight. Another 
researcher wandered into the MBL community by accident, because the 
Massachusetts Department of Entomology sent him to study corn borers. 
Long-time MBL researcher Sears Crowell says that he initially wanted to 
study the coelenterates Tubularia and their growth patterns. Or maybe 
Hydra, which have enormous regenerative powers. But, he feared, “the 
smart guys probably knew about all there was to know’ about those two 
types of organisms. He chose other coelenterates instead. He later realized 
that hosts of questions remained unanswered about the old familiar friends as 

The earlier tendency to divide up the world so that each person chose 
an organism and then asked a familiar set of questions of it has changed. 
Instead, people in this century have increasingly concentrated on the same 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

few organisms because they provide such excellent material for the ques- 
tions at hand and because the more that is known about these few, the more 
that can possibly be known about the larger problems for all organisms. 
These few serve as systems to model general phenomena. With a smaller 
number of productive organisms, then, researchers began to ask many 
different questions. Thus the comparisons made and the spirit of commu- 
nity cooperation were different than those that prevailed in the early 

Collecting Organisms 

Whatever the organism, obtaining specimens is a crucial part of research at 
the seashore, as elsewhere. In the first year of the MBL, collecting took place 
with the help of boats and nets on loan from the Fish Commission, because 
the MBL did not even own any waterfront property. Furthermore, the MBL 
itself had only two rather insignificant green dories passed on from Annis- 
quam, which could not go very far in this area of swift currents and 
changing tides. Collecting under the relatively calm nearby docks or near 
the shore remained the order of the day. Then, in 1890, the MBL added to 
its menagerie of small dories the thirty-five-foot Sagitta, available for longer 
collecting expeditions. Then they hired a captain to take charge. 

Captain John J. Veeder immediately struck everyone as a perfect 
choice, and he served admirably as collector and captain until he retired 
years later in 1933. During his term of service, he directed all collecting trips 
by student groups, organized class picnics, demonstrated time and time 
again that he knew how to put on a real clambake, and as the record books 
always say, never lost anybody. In fact, he was a sufficiently good seaman 

The crew of the collecting boat 
Cayadetta, 1925: Jack Goldrick, 
deckhand; John J. Veeder, captain; 
William D. Curtis, deckhand; Ellis M. 
Lewis, chief; Paul A. Conklin, fireman 
and oiler. MBL Archives. 


Xen : 

Invertebrate class on board the Vigilant at Woods Hole dock, 1896. 
Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

Setting off on a collecting trip, about 1893. MBL Archives. 

136 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Tarpaulin Cove, 1896, 
after lunch (note the 
ladies’ black umbrellas). 
Photograph by Baldwin 
Coolidge, courtesy of 
SPNEA, Boston. 

Lighthouse at Tarpaulin 
Cove, 1896. Courtesy of 
SPNEA, Boston. 


Collecting under docks, 
circa 1910. Photograph 
by Gideon S. Dodds, 
MBL Archives. 

that he avoided any serious troubles and on many occasions rescued 
stranded or swamped tourists who lacked his experience or good sense. 

Students in the courses those early years generally did their own 
collecting. They went out once or twice a week to dredge and gather the vast 
variety of life forms to take back to the lab. Until recently the introductory 
invertebrate course adopted a phylogenetic approach, proceeding through 
the phyla while studying as many species as possible in each. As the classes 
grew larger, they ordered a great variety of specimens from the supply 
department to supplement their own smaller collections. Some students 
recorded that they were expected to eat what they collected and studied, but 
that dictum probably found greater compliance for lobsters and crabs than 
for starfish or flatworms. 

With time, researchers as well as some of the courses turned increas- 
ingly to the collecting crews for their materials. Veeder served as official 
collector and helped to provide transportation or to gather species that 
proved more difficult to find or that localized further away, though the 
service remained limited at first. For several years it was possible to 
purchase materials from a competitor, though. ‘Colonel’ F. B. Wamsley 
learned his trade while working for the MBL, then briefly set up a winter 
supply business for himself. Early mornings might find the two competitors 
out scouring the choice locations. The MBL staff of collectors tried hard to 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

When the dredge comes up. “Dr.” Spenser 
explains things, circa 1909. Photograph by Gideon 
S. Dodds. MBL Archives. 

keep ahead of Wamsley and generally succeeded. Then the MBL hired the 
Colonel, a South Carolina school superintendent who loved escaping to the 
northern seashore for his summers. At the MBL he wore his grubbiest 
slacks and just kept chopping off the bottoms as they ripped and frayed. He 
was a master at locating and preparing a variety of species, and many people 
recall his sitting and repairing nets for the next outing. 

Despite the augmented staff, the old MBL was never like the Naples 
Zoological Station, where a researcher placed his order and received his 
animals shortly after. Gradually, the collecting group and the supply de- 
partment did develop, so that they supplied most of the laboratory workers’ 


special needs. And eventually they began to take on more and more outside 
orders as well. In 1896, for the first time, the MBL reportedly shipped about 
$125 worth of specimens to Williams College to inaugurate the winter sales, 
which escalated thereafter. 

Under Lillie’s directorship, the MBL entered into business with the 
General Biological Supply House. In 1913 a graduate student at the Univer- 
sity of Chicago, where Lillie headed the program, saw a biological market 
and began to fill it. Morris Wells first mailed out forms to biology teachers 
the next year. He processed his few orders in his parents’ basement, 
provided earthworms or frogs or fetal pigs and brains from Chicago 
slaughterhouses, for example. Then with a Ph.D. and eventually an assistant 
professorship at Chicago, he expanded his business. In 1918 he incorpo- 
rated, with the help of Lillie’s father-in-law, Charles R. Crane, who then 
bought 51 percent of the stock. Crane presented this stock as a gift worth 
$18,000 to the MBL. The stock value kept expanding so that forty years later 

“Colonel” Walmsley and his nets. MBL Archives. 

L ita is 

ae (IF 


140 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Mending nets in front of Old 
Main. MBL Archives. 

it was worth well over a half-million dollars, with dividends that also 
exceeded that amount. 

Yet this business relationship was not an unalloyed joy. It meant that the 
MBL collectors spent time preparing things like thousands of pickled 
starfish and dogfish and less time in gathering specimens for classes and 
investigators. Great business, maybe, but problematic science. Then the 
emphasis shifted back toward priority for MBL scientists, and finally the 
MBL sold its stock to obtain additional funding for building projects. 

William Procter with skiff at Great Harbor, 1923. Captain John Veeder in the wheelhouse of the Cayadetta, 
Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 1923. Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

6 | DOING SCIENCE i * 141 

Collecting. MBL Archives. 

Generally, supply directors are happy about the reduced demand, as 
they want to avoid overusing the resources. Veeder, for example, was always 
careful to avoid overcollecting and threatening the balance of his region. He 
preferred to collect sea urchins, for example, at the water’s edges. He felt 
that supplies were abundant there, whereas if he disturbed the sea bed, the 
population might not be sufficient to ensure fertilization of the eggs and 

Seining. MBL 

142 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

MBL group pulling in the seine with a catboat. The picture appears to have been taken 
at Quicks Hole, with Pasque and Naushon in the background. MBL Archives. 

might fail to replenish itself. John Valois as current supply director has 
followed a similar ethical dictum. 

In those early years, the “second-hand steam yacht,” the Sagitta, went 
out twice a week with students on board. One experienced collector on the 
Sagitta reported that the ship was not perfectly designed for the demands. 
There was little deck room for standing or walking, and the boat rolled very 
badly even in the rather calm protected waters near Woods Hole. The 
Vigilant, which arrived in 1896, proved much more popular, even if not a 
perfect ship. This two-masted sailing boat was purchased from a Portu- 
guese swordfisherman and had an interesting shape, pointed at both ends 
in a manner not typical of American ships. As a result, students called it 
Amphioxus, because it looked so much like the long, thin Brachiostoma of 
that name. On collecting trips, the group of students and instructors 
gathered on board and nearly filled the decks. They began with the Sagitta 
towing the Vigilant off the shore. ‘Those collecting trips,’ Winterton Curtis 
reported, “to dig for worms at Hadley Harbor, collect along the shore at 
Tarpaulin Cove, dredge off Nobska, angle for urchins and starfish in the 
Sound, wade the flats at North Falmouth, or new blue crabs at Waquoit 
were the highlights of that summer.” Everyone hoped that the wind would 
be up and the ship could sail confidently all the way home without the slow 
and tedious steam help. 


“Doc” Hilton extracting flatworms from a 
conch, circa 1952. MBL Archives. 

George Gray with a shark. 
Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

144 A\ 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

James P. McGinnis preparing a dogfish. MBL Archives. 

At other times, the students would go out in small rowboats. Curtis 
recalls that when he served on the staff of collectors, Gertrude Stein 
attended one of the MBL summer sessions. She had been enrolled as a 
medical student at Johns Hopkins but had already decided against a medical 
career. She did not make a particularly flattering impression to Curtis: “For 
us that summer she was just a big, fat girl waddling around the laboratory 
and hoisting herself in and out of the row boats on collecting trips.” 

The supply department followed the Mess in hiring students to help 
with the increasing work load, as the MBL expanded its extramural speci- 
men supply business. Most students quickly learned to wait on the tables. 
Learning to sail and to collect marine organisms—and all the other little 
tricks of the trade —took longer. One young man recalled his arrival at the 
MBL in 1914. His faculty advisor in lowa had urged him to go to the MBL for 
the summer. When he responded that he had to work during the summers 
in order to attend school during the academic year, he was advised to write 
and ask for a collecting job. He did, and he received a job. He had to learn 
a lot, and once lay awake all night in his Candle House bunk practicing the 
proper knots for making a running boat fast after a particularly embar- 
rassing day. The captain’s commands earlier in the day to ‘‘take a line” and 

7% 145 


mm iy: 


SS ag ee GE = : 
ph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

On board the Vigilant, 1895. Photogra 
Collecting trip at Quisset, 1897. Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

146 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Collecting methods, revolutionized by the introduction of scuba diving. MBL Archives. 

“make fast” had rather escaped his landlubber vocabulary. He said he knew 
that a line was the shortest distance between two points and that he had 
better do something quickly, but it took him a while to make any further 
sense out of such phrases. He did catch on eventually and returned to the 
MBL year upon year thereafter, much later even arriving with the help of 
more substantial funding from the National Science Foundation. 

Others joined the department with greater expertise. Sears Crowell had 
grown up nearby and often visited his grandparents in Woods Hole. At 
sixteen, he hired on as ‘specimen boy,” the one who carried the specimens 
around in buckets to the laboratories. Then he advanced to driving the 
rubbish trucks to the dump. Then finally he began actually collecting. One 
of the jobs involved working with Wamsley to preserve specimens from a 
pond next to the Martha’s Vineyard golf course and walking near the greens; 
the golfers never did figure out what was going on with those strange men 
carrying buckets. Crowell gained experience and appreciation for the col- 
lecting process, which evolved with time, becoming more efficient and 
requiring fewer collectors as scuba diving replaced more random net 
dredging for some organisms. 

John Valois, when he took over as supply director, was accused by his 
predecessor of spying on him and of following him around. True, but he 
had to. Each collector had his own tricks in the game and kept them secret. 


7 147 

—_—_—_——__:«SO _ O_O _ 

John Valois with visitors, 
Ronald and Margaret 
Hicks, the Lord Mayor of 
Falmouth, England, and 
his wife, 1986. 

MBL Archives. 

They did not keep records of their choice sites and went to some trouble to 
keep them unknown. But if Valois was to take over, he wanted to know where 
to find things. So he resorted to such tactics as recording the mileage of trips 
to collect particularly difficult organisms in order to guess just where the 
collecting must have taken place. He wanted to learn the system and to bring 
order and organization into the complex collection enterprise. 

Sometimes the collectors went out in search of an unusual catch. One 
year, before he became assistant director at the MBL, Ulric Dahlgren agreed 
to deliver a live shark to the New York City Aquarium in Battery Park. The 
shark expedition began successfully. The team did catch the desired crea- 
ture, then crated it up and began to tow the crate along behind the Vigilant. 
They made it back to the MBL and showed off their prize. But as they began 
the long trip to New York, a squall came up. Given the Vigilant’s imperfect 
sailing capabilities, both boat and crate tossed in the waves, and the crate 
broke loose. Look as they would the next day, the crew could not find it. Only 
later did they learn, from a friend in New York who had seen a newspaper 
report, that a shark in a crate had washed up on Long Island and had died 
shortly thereafter. 

Students went on more normal collecting trips and on the annual picnic 
into this century, with Veeder in control. The good captain protected 

148 A\ 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888—1988 

Laboratory glassware. Today's glassware 
comes from the Chem Room, but in 
earlier days the MBL had full-time 
glassblowers, including Jim Graham. 
MBL Archives. 


his charges, including his ships, and would not set out when the weather 
threatened; with him in charge there were no more exotic whaling stories. 
His policy was always to leave on time, not waiting for stragglers, especially 
if the tides or weather were turning. Once even the supervisor of the 
department, George Gray, was left behind on Naushon Island. He caught a 
ferry back later, but he was not pleased. Another time a wealthy student did 
get the better of Veeder’s schedule. He was partying with friends and missed 
the Cayadetta’s departure. His friends flew up in a float plane and dropped 
down right in front of the boat. Veeder had to take him on board. Otherwise, 
the captain ruled. 

With time, more demands on the collecting crew and the increasing 
size of the MBL population curtailed most such participatory collecting 
jaunts, and eventually put an end to annual class picnics on nearby islands. 
Probably the Coast Guard would not quite approve those days of the 
nonchalant approach to sailing trips anyway; only rarely did anyone use a 
life vest of any sort. Many long-time Woods Hole residents have their own 
boats now, often small sailboats or motorboats, in this time when scientists 
make a little more money than when Whitman urged that no one should 
become an academic biologist if he expected to make a reasonable living at 
it. Money does not attract workers to science, of course. As Szent-Gyorgyi 
suggested, it has to be a love of science that drives someone to become a 
successful scientist. That, he says, and an average, but not necessarily 
above-average, intelligence. What matters is that “you think about it, that you 
love it, that you live in it, and that’s your life.” 


Shinya Inoue’s scientific work is discussed in ‘Exploring Whitman's manual was Methods of Research in Micro- 

the Universe of the Cell,” MBL Science (Summer 
1986) Vol. 2, No. 2: 2-7. Examples of current science 
come especially from J. P. Trinkaus and Robert 
Barlow, during personal interviews and through 
notes, summer 1987. 

On early marine work see American Zoologist (1988) Vol. 

28, especially Jane Maienschein’s “Why Do Re- 
search at the Seashore?” 

On American biologists in Naples, see Jane Maienschein, 

“First Impressions: American Biologists at Naples,” 
Biological Bulletin 168 Suppl.: 187-191; and Philip 
Pauly, “American Biologists in Wilhelmian Ger- 
many: Another Look at the Innocents Abroad,” 
unpublished paper presented at the History of Sci- 
ence Society meeting, 1984. See also Whitman, 
“The Advantages of Study at the Naples Zoological 
Station,” (1883) Science 2: 93-97. 

scopical Anatomy and Embryology (Boston: S. E. 
Cassino, 1885). For more recent publications see 
Ernest Everett Just, Basic Methods for Experiments 
on Eggs of Marine Animals (Philadelphia: Blakiston, 
1939); Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley, 
Methods for Obtaining and Handling Marine Eggs 
and Embryos (Woods Hole: Marine Biological Lab- 
oratory, 1971); and W. D. Russell-Hunter, A Biology 
of Lower Invertebrates and A Biology of Higher 
Invertebrates (New York: Macmillan, 1968 and 
1969). E. B. Wilson’s classic work is The Cell in 
Development and Inheritance (New York: Mac- 
millan, 1896, 2nd ed. 1900, 3rd ed., 1928). Keith 
Benson, ‘The Naples Stazione Zoologica and its 
Impact on the Emergence of Marine Biology,’ Jour- 
nal of the History of Biology (1988) Vol. 21: 331-341, 
discusses the importance of techniques. 

150 rN 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

On Lillie’s concerns about the MBL, see James Ebert, 
“Cell Interactions: The Roots of a Century of 
Research,” Biological Bulletin (1985) 168: 83. 

On Valois’s comments on squid as well as the problems 
of maintaining the seawater pumps, see James 
Shreeve, ‘A World Center of Basic Biology Cele- 
brates a First Century by the Sea,” Smithsonian 
(June 1988): 90-103 and the full manuscript, which 
is longer. 

On the role of Zeiss: ‘‘Carl Zeiss and the MBL,” Collecting 
Net (July 1987) 5: 8-9. 

Robert Barlow discussed his scientific work in a per- 
sonal interview in 1987. 

Epigenesis-preformation and nuclear-cytoplasmic or 
internal-external roles in development were hotly 
discussed issues, as revealed by the Biological Lec- 
tures. See Jane Maienschein, editor, Defining Biol- 
ogy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986) 
for reprints of some of those key essays, including 
William Morton Wheeler’s overview of epigenesis 
and preformation discussions. The classic discus- 
sion of such issues appears in Jane Oppenheimer's 
Essays in the History of Embryology and Biology 
(Cambridge: MIT Press, 1967), and Philip Pauly’s 
Controlling Life (Notes, Chapter 3) has very helpful 
sections as well. The centrality of mechanism- 
vitalism debates is considered by W. C. Allee, Allee 
Correspondence 1905-1938, Ed Banks Collection, 
University of Illinois at Urbana. Thanks to Gregg 
Mitman for bringing this latter item to my attention. 

Pauly also discusses the work and ideas of Whitman 
and Loeb in an unpublished lecture, MBL Archives. 

On Loeb’s view of collecting and Just’s reaction, see 
Manning’s biography of Just, Black Apollo of Sci- 
ence (New York: Oxford, 1983). 

In personal discussions, John Valois and Sears Crowell 
have provided particularly useful insights into 
changes in the types of organisms studied and the 
types of questions asked over recent decades, as 
have several of the interviews, Historical Collection. 
Also, Donald Lancefield discusses early choices of 
organisms, Historical Collection. 

MBL annual reports discuss the General Biological Sup- 
ply Company, as does Lillie’s history (Notes, Chap- 
ter 1). 

On Dahlgren and the shark, Conklin, “M.B.L. Stories,” 
pp. 127-128 (Notes, Chapter 2): ‘The Shark Story,” 
pp. 127-128. See also Curtis, “Good Old Summer 
Times,” pp. 4-5 (Notes, Chapter 3). 

A number of people recall Wamsley, also mentioned in 
Lillie’s history (Notes, Chapter 1), and Curtis's 
“Good Old Summer Times,” pp. 3-4 (Notes, Chap- 
ter 3). 

On Whitman and journal publication, see Ernest J. Dorn- 
feld, ‘‘The Allis Lake Laboratory,” Marquette Med- 
ical Review (1956) 21: 115-144. 

James Graham and his glassblowing appear in Collecting 
Net stories. 

Out of the Lab 

Square dancing at the MBL Club. MBL Archives. 

Woods Hole 




7 * 153 



Canoeing at Hadley Harbor. 
Photograph by Alfred F. 
Huettner, MBL Archives. 

NE DAY TWO MEN decided to canoe around Martha’s Vineyard —all the way 
around. A look at the map will illustrate what a distance that is, but equally 
important is the fact that one side of the island is covered with tall cliffs and 
offers absolutely no place to land. The fellows succeeded, just as a neuro- 
physiologist recently succeeded in swimming the roughly ten miles to New 
Bedford one day. The MBL community plays as intensely as it works. The 
energy and camaraderie carry over from labs to seaside activities. 

Boating Trips and Beach Parties 

For a while in the early decades of the century, the young men and women 
spent a great deal of time canoeing around the harbor or around the 
Elizabeth Islands. Canoeing was the big fad at the time. They would paddle 

154 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Canoeing: a sport so popular 
that in 1926 The Woods Hole 
Index devoted a chapter to it. 
MBL Archives. 

over to an island, then walk to the far end to have a picnic, Isabel Conklin 
reports. That was all tame and ordinary enough, though sometimes thrilling 
if the weather got a bit rough. One time, at a party for men only, three 
canoes headed back in the heavy fog to return to the MBL. After a few close 
calls and some considerable time heading out blindly into the bay, the group 
found the shore and resigned themselves to continuing the long way, closely 
hugging the shore. 

Alfred H. Sturtevant and 
Alfred F. Huettner standing by 
their canoe, 1923. 
Photograph by Alfred F. 
Huettner, MBL Archives. 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB Li 155 

Beach party. 
MBL Archives. 

The MBL “boys” would also make a game of swimming across the little 
space of water, the “gutter,” between the tip of Penzance Point and Devil’s 
Foot Island. Just a short space, it seems. But when the tide is changing, the 
current rips through that narrow space and makes swimming a challenge. 
Boating through the hole proves even more challenging, and a young man 
of the 1920s would occasionally try to get his “girl” to try running the hole 
with him to see if she trusted him well enough. 

Beach parties and boating trips have, of course, remained common 
among the group of young people in Woods Hole. An announcement posted 
in the post office invited the community to Mrs. Crane’s annual birthday 
picnic on Juniper Point throughout the early decades of the century. One 
guest recalled the memorable event, complete with a choir from the 
Russian Cathedral in New York and sometimes a balalaika performance or 
a dance by a popular summer dance school. The MBL group also gathered 
for Mrs. Lillie’s picnic trip to Tarpaulin Cove. As the MBL group grew too 
large to fit all together on one annual outing, the classes began to have their 
own separate picnics; then other informal groups formed as well. As the 
original researchers became established and bought their own houses in 
town, and as they returned year after year for their family’s summer 
vacation, the children grew up. Many established close ties with each other 
and with the town, so that some have decided to remain in Woods Hole, or 
to retire here, or to visit as often as they can with their own children or 
grandchildren. Even those who have not become scientists themselves have 
often returned for the atmosphere here. 


Early MBL beach attire. Though 
fashions have changed, the 
essence of MBL gatherings at the 
beach remains the same. 

MBL Archives. 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB Li 157 


Quite a few families have actually begun in Woods Hole. Wilson reportedly 
introduced Morgan to Bryn Mawr undergraduate student Lilian Vaughan 
Sampson, whom Morgan later married. Conklin met his wife while she was 
a student in one of the MBL courses, while others met at the Mess or while 
waiting tables, for example. Conklin noted that he had begun to generate a 
list of MBL marriages until he realized that it was longer than a ‘Catalogue 
of the Ships of Homer.” If “marriages are made in Heaven,” he remarked, 
then “there is certainly a large branch office in Woods Hole.” Furthermore, 
he enthused, such marriages were eugenic and likely to last since the 
participants shared interests and companionship very generally. 

One Woods Hole proposal had unusual complications. During the first 
war, the Fisheries area was closed off by a marine guard. Anyone who 
worked there could only be reached by written message. Accordingly, an 
MBL scientist asked for a messenger to deliver a note to a woman at the 
Fisheries. The note, it seems, contained an invitation to go canoeing that 
afternoon, at which time the scientist proposed. 

The war did not interfere with the important business of life, though 
sometimes science did. It was not always easy being an MBL spouse or child. 
Summer resort housing did not offer as many conveniences as at home, the 
nonscientist spouse (usually the wife) often felt left out of the interminably 
scientific conversations, and it was hard having a husband who was away 
working in his lab at all hours. New brides found the circumstances 
particularly unsettling, though they either adapted and fell in with the 
different style or else left. 

The Beach 

As families have learned to relax and enjoy, MBL folk have taken an ever- 
more-active interest in the beach. A sunny afternoon finds the MBL beach 
full of teenagers and older sunbathers of all sort, though these are busy 
scientists so that many choose early mornings and late evenings for their 
swimming. One non-MBL Woods Hole resident complains that she does not 
like the MBL beach. People there talk in funny accents about things that are 
not comprehensible, she laments. And she is right; this beach on Buzzards 
Bay, which was donated in 1936 by Edward Meigs and enlarged with an 
addition by Oliver Strong in 1940, is unusual as a beach. No penny arcades; 
no cotton candy; no hotdogs here. This is the MBL beach. 

As Lewis Thomas has so ably written, it is a special place. Scientists do 
not set aside their research work and forget about it for a few hours of fun 
on the water's edge. They take their work, in their heads, in their books, or 
scribbled on a bit of paper, with them. Many a dilemma has been resolved 

158 rN 

MBL beach. Photograph 
by Alicia Hills. 
MBL Archives. 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

or an attack set up through a conversation at the beach. Wonderful solu- 
tions to troubling problems find their expression in the MBL sand: whether 
a technical trick for getting something done or planning some exciting 
cross-disciplinary symposium that would not occur elsewhere, where peo- 
ple would not even have opportunities to talk to each other. 

Some people go in the water, and when the tide is high and the wind 
calm many addicts can be found moving back and forth, back and forth, 
swimming those laps to which they have become so accustomed in their 
civilized university pools back home. Then there is the time when Szent- 
Gyorgyi swam from his place on Penzance Point over to Juniper Point, 
some considerable distance. A friend had promised him breakfast any time 
he wanted to swim over. Unfortunately, his friends were out of town, and 
the woman renting the place was not at all amused. She would certainly not 
provide any breakfast and would barely let the dripping Szent-Gyorgyi use 
the telephone to call a taxi. 

At the MBL beach, when the Portuguese man-of-war or some other 
tyrant makes a visit, some people head out of the water; others rush for 
their collecting nets and scoop up samples to show the children or to 
investigate themselves. The other beaches are altogether another matter. 
There people are more likely to talk about normal things. They may bring 
their picnics or their wind-surfing equipment and settle in for a relaxing 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB TN 159 

afternoon reading a spy novel. Some fishermen cast off from the rocks 
below the lighthouse. The difference in atmosphere represents more than 
just the different sides of the spit of land on which Woods Hole sits. 


Beyond the beach, the MBL crowd has become involved at various times 
with other outlets for recreational energies. One year in mid-century a 
group of young scientists and friends agreed to help raise money for the 
Woods Hole library and the MBL Club at the same time. They agreed to 
perform a vaudeville type skit entitled ‘Tea for Several.’ They had a 
magician, and they sang songs for the other acts. But the play was the thing. 
They had used local people as models for their characters, and some 
complained. A few also complained that the show was vulgar—thereby 
demonstrating that they had probably never seen a vaudeville act and that 
the standards of the Laboratory and the town dowagers were not always in 
perfect sympathy. 

Another performance much earlier had had a different ending. History 
suggests that Englishman Bartholemew Gosnold had first arrived on Cape 
Cod and the Elizabeth Islands in 1602. Nobody noticed in 1902 that it was 

J. K. P. Purdum as Gosnold in 1907 
before the fall. Sumner family 
papers, MBL Archives. 

160 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

E. B. Wilson making 
music with his daughter 
Nancy. Photographs by 
Alfred F. Huettner, 
MBL Archives. 

time to commemorate that event of three hundred years before. When they 
finally did take note a few years later, they decided not to miss the 
opportunity altogether. Woods Hole would enact a landing by Gosnold, with 
Fisheries fish culturist J. Purdum playing the part of the hero. As George 
Howard Parker told the story, a group rowed the serious Purdum to shore 
in an old boat, properly decorated for the special occasion. ‘A plank was put 
out on which he was to walk to the beach to greet a second body of villagers 
dressed as Indians. Just as Mr. Purdum stepped onto the plank, a volley was 
fired unexpectedly from the stern of the craft.’ As a result, instead of 
landing in appropriate style on the beach, Purdum fell unceremoniously into 
the sea. Nonetheless, the hero “waded out of Great Harbor and he com- 
pleted his part of the performance without cracking a smile.” 


Music, including classical music, has always played another central 
role in Woods Hole and in MBL society. In those early years, Wilson was a 
first-rate cellist. Indeed, he had made a hit when he visited the Naples 
Zoological Station as much because he knew and loved music as because of 
his outstanding cytological research. His daughter became a professional 
cellist, but the Wilsons were really just the first of a long series of MBL 
performers. Frank's younger brother, Ralph Lillie, was a marvelous pianist 
and often played for friends. And Al Romer and Ricky Harrison (Ross 
Harrison’s oldest son) often shared songs that they had learned, respec- 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB WN 161 

Jelle Atema, musician and scientist, 1986. FT" 

MBL Archives. ¢ | 

. (FY 

Fifties student making quiet music in the laboratory 
while others sit at lab tables. MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

tively, while tramping through England or while visiting German relatives. 
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi allowed that he was not particularly gifted as a musi- 
cian himself but that he had grown up in a musical family. His mother 
reportedly decided against a career as an opera singer, on the advice of 
Gustav Mahler, who told her that she did not have the necessary physique 
for a singer. 

Today, the piano in Swope rarely sits idle in the evenings, and people 
sit outside on the lawn listening to the music wafting out the windows. A 
recent celebration of the work of Woods Hole artist Alix Robinson included 
a series of concerts, for which as many people may have sat outside on the 
grass as inside in the formal seats. The regular Sunday evening concerts 
always attract a full crowd as well. So many MBL people have said that 
the musical offerings in the little town of Woods Hole remain one of the 
major drawing points. The official centennial schedule included a perfor- 
mance by premier flutist Jean Pierre Rampal of composer Ezra Laderman’s 
“The MBL Suite,” composed for the occasion. Music gives a cosmopolitan 
and educated air to the setting, although the MBL music sometimes clashes 
with that blasting from the large radios of the vacationers waiting for the 

Hurdy-gurdy music can clash too. One story goes that Conklin, who 
had no musical ear at all but who knew quite well that Wilson did, hired a 
hurdy-gurdy man to play outside the labs. The man was playing down the 
street, complete with monkey and tin cup. Conklin then hired him to stand 
under Wilson’s window and keep playing his grating music. ‘Don’t stop, 
even if the man inside says to,” Conklin insisted; “he just doesn’t want to 
pay. I have already paid, so keep playing.” 

The MBL Club 

On a slightly different note, the MBL Club and Woods Hole itself also include 
a healthy dose of sea chanties, and folk singing of various sorts reflecting the 
changing times. The MBL Club also offers dancing for the community, 
sometimes with general events and sometimes with boisterous and popular 
teen dances. In the early years, dancing more often came in the form of a 
visit from Josephine the Bear, since before 1918 the people at the MBL did 
not dance much. Only when World War I brought the first temporary naval 
base to Woods Hole did dancing become a regular feature. Sailors liked to 
dance, but more importantly, with the sailors came a victrola, and that 
victrola attracted dancers. World War II had an effect as well, since gas 
rationing kept people at home looking for something to do. The uniformed 
servicemen attracted attention to light-hearted dancing, even as the MBL 
rented out buildings to the war effort and as the planes flew overhead. Then 
as society became more liberal, and as the MBL Club provided a familiar 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB VN 163 

MBL Club mixer. 
MBL Archives. 

and comfortable place to relax, people began to use it more often. In recent 
decades, the old firehouse down the street has hosted occasional ballet 
classes or folk dancing sessions as well. 

The MBL Club opened in July 1914 in the building of the old yacht club. 
As with so much of the MBL, the building was a gift from the indispensable 

Josephine and fans. C. D. 
Whitman stands at the 
top of the stairs on the 
right. MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Charles R. Crane, who felt that the young men and women needed a place 
to meet, as the laboratory crowd and the wealthy summer crowd did not mix 
much then. There was relatively little social life for the students and young 
investigators who were not married and did not have houses. The MBL Club 
promised to remedy that. 

Actually, the MBL Club should have opened in 1913 with the gift of the 
building, but researchers needed the space for laboratories until the next 
year when the Crane Building was completed. Very soon thereafter, the 
directors introduced denatured alcohol for their ‘‘teas.’’ Magazines made 
an appearance a few years later. At first the Club offered a place for a few 
workers to gather for a smoke in the evening, but as people’s living quarters 
grew more scattered they turned to the quiet, relaxing setting of the Club to 
gather and talk. They might discuss a recent book or movie for a while, but 
conversation inevitably drifted back to the latest scientific idea or technique. 
While the director, Merkel H. Jacobs, in 1930 officially applauded the MBL as 
a place of individualism but cooperation and a ‘‘center for healthy critical 
interchange and stimulating contacts of individuals,” others seem to have 
partaken of the lighter attractions there. 

The MBL has continued to provide a place for people to gather 
informally. At first everyone at the MBL could gather on the front porch to 
talk or sing and smoke. Later they could still all fit into the boat for a picnic 
or together in the Mess. As time progressed, more and more people have 
come, of course. They have also come at irregular times, with staggered 
schedules so that everyone is not new all at the same time. “Other people 
all seem to know each other, but I don’t,” someone complained recently. 
Some people are in more of a hurry when they are here, trying to squeeze 
in visits to old friends with time in the library or collaboration with a 
colleague in the lab. Some noted the speeded-up pace and the crowded 
calendars as the centennial year approached. People live farther away so that 
not everyone is in easy walking distance of the main buildings anymore, 
which produces greater anonymity than before. Yet the MBL Club has 
nonetheless continued to provide a setting for social interaction during all 
that change and hurry, whether on Sunday morning over newspapers or 
with dancing and singing. 

Singing became a favorite evening activity right away, and the founders 
intended singing to serve as a central focus of the Children’s Science School. 
It did, but no longer does everyone know the same songs. There is no 
common repertoire so widely shared as in earlier times, so singing at the 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB ie 165 

MBL Club involves a good deal of learning the words as well as the notes. No 
longer do groups join in enthusiastic chorus to sing to the tune of ‘Tipperary’: 

A fish-like thing appeared among the Annelids one day. 
It hadn't any parapods or setae to display. 

It hadn't any eyes or jaws or central nervous cord 

But it had a lot of gill slits and it had a notochord! 

It's a long way from Amphioxus 
It’s a long way to us. 

It's a long way from Amphioxus 
To the meanest human cuss 
It's good-bye fins and gill slits, 
Welcome skin and hair 

It's a long way from Amphioxus 
But we came from there. 

My notochord shall grow into a chain of vertebrae 

As fins my metapleural folds shall agitate the sea, 

This tiny dorsal nervous tube shall form a mighty brain 

Students remember such songs from the MBL, but also from other places, 

as the MBL community took its lessons elsewhere. One former student 

recalls studying biology at Harvard from Museum of Comparative Zoology 

director Alfred Romer. He came in, sat on the desk, and sang the whole 

song, with its various verses, about the long rise of vertebrates from the 

lowly Amphioxus. It worked; many years later she still remembers the lesson. 
Another favorite went to the tune of “Sweet Marie”: 

It's a question to my mind, sweet Marie, 

What in annelids you find, sweet Marie, 

Can you number and confirm all the segments of a worm? 
Do you know the mesoderm, sweet Marie? 

Cuorus: Sweet Marie, look and see, 

Look and see, sweet Marie, 

Tell me what without the lens you can see. 
Do you think you'd better try 

With your own unaided eye 

To distinguish nuclei, sweet Marie? etc. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Walking, Biking, and Running 

In addition to these basic Woods Hole pleasures, walking takes its place as 
a favorite. Earlier generations may have hitched up their skirts and doffed 
their coats and ties to head for a relaxing break at Nobska Point or farther 
north. Or they may have headed up Mowing Hill toward what is now the golf 
course. From there, you could see all of Woods Hole without the trees to 
interfere. A few took off on long Sunday treks, some wandering twenty or 
more miles to explore the Cape, covering ground now occupied largely by 
roads and development. Of course, now people are more likely to drive to 
a public park or somewhere else “official” to do their hiking, often forget- 
ting about their own back yards. 

Walking is more dangerous today along the streets where cars drive 
faster and there are no shoulders or only healthy fields of poison ivy to dive 
into. Yet the bike path provides an easy walk into Falmouth, winding along 
the beach and through humid dense greenery. A visit to the wildlife sanc- 
tuary at Quissett Harbor is also well worth the walk, especially at sunset as 

Mary Huettner at Nobska Light, 1920. 
Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, 
MBL Archives. 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB 7% 167 

the elevated rocks there provide one of the truly spectacular and uninter- 
rupted views toward the west. Walking home along the narrow unlit road at 
night takes some courage and agility but can be executed successfully. 

Bicycling and running have largely replaced walking for many, of 
course. Isabel Morgan Mountain conjures the image of six Morgans stream- 
ing down the hill on their six bicycles in the early part of the century. And 
over the years many people have encountered the question, what to do with 
those bicycles during the year when they return to their other home. At 
various times bicycles have probably spent the winter stashed in most 
Woods Hole garages and storage sheds. 

Although there do not seem to be quite so many sweat-soaked runners 
as there were a few years ago, the streets and bike path do boast a healthy 
number. Many are training for the famous Falmouth Road Race, which 
occurs every August. In its first years the race occurred at noon on a 
Sunday. But the increasing thousands of competitors and doctors’ warnings 
about the effects of running in the beastly heat and humidity, which 
occasionally do occur, moved the time to earlier in the day. The race, 
which begins in Woods Hole, winds past the Nobska lighthouse and along 
the beach, and ends in Falmouth, is quite an event. 

Fourth of July, Diving, and Sports 

The Fourth of July parade is also an event, sort of. Hardly a fancy parade in 
the traditional sense, this annual stroll down Main Street is more a mean- 
dering than the patriotic exhibition typical of most small towns. Everyone 
can join in, and many do. People dress up in all sorts of outlandish outfits. 
Then the parade just peters out: no fancy reviewing stand; no dignitaries to 
watch and bow or raise their hats appropriately. Just some good old fun 
reminiscent of a different era, and maybe some watermelon or other 
refreshments afterward. Sometimes boats also get decked out like they 
used to. 

The Fourth of July used to include diving contests, and Isabel Conklin 
recalls one particularly exciting year. All year the dock had a lot of fishing 
and diving going on, with diving practice from the bridge as well. But that 
Fourth of July one of the women, a very good swimmer, shocked the crowd. 
She had on a proper bathing dress, of course, complete with the requisite 
sleeves and ruffles. Then as she prepared to dive, she suddenly pulled off 
her suit. Underneath she had on body tights, or what were in those days 
called “Annette Kellermans.”’ 

Years later, when a visitor revisited Woods Hole after a long absence, 
his hosts took him all around the labs, the Mess, and the other various 
buildings, as well as to the beach. Then he was asked what he found most 

168 A\ 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

e 2 ‘ ’ Bee et -s 
ea = al ee Me ee 

The Cayadetta “dressed” for the Fourth of July and about to set out on a picnic, 1932. 
Donald Zinn Collection, MBL Archives. 

different about the MBL. After a minute, he responded, ‘Well, I tell you my 
boy, I really think it’s the change in the bathing suits that the girls are 
wearing now.” 

Other activities take groups out on the fields. Horseshoes was a 
popular sport in the 1920s especially. Then baseball and softball gained 
attention, made possible by the generous gift of a town ball field from the 
Fay family. This undeveloped piece of tucked-away land finds many users in 
the summer months. Sometimes it has been soccer that has attracted the 
most enthusiasm; otherwise, frisbee or other games. 

Tennis is a necessary part of life for some at MBL, perhaps even 
required to stay healthy and alive. Not often does one find an empty court 
on a calm, comfortable summer day in Woods Hole. And the really windy 
days make for interesting play and even more amusing watching. The tennis 
courts next to the MBL beach were given to the MBL along with beach 
property and are operated by the Tennis Club, whose notebooks in the 
Archives attest to the officers’ meticulous accounting. Tennis is big at the 
MBL, so that developers will probably have trouble removing the courts to 
put in new lab buildings if they want to— unless they provide alternatives 
elsewhere. Of course things have changed. With growth and progress, the 
tennis courts no longer lie right behind the Mess Hall. So not everyone 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB i \ 169 

gathers around to watch the interminable after-dinner games or the final 
matches of the annual tournament as they used to. Not everyone in town 
even knows who the chief leading competitors are this year. 

Poker games are popular, too, though perhaps not on grounds of 
health. The ongoing games bring people together and, once again, provide 
an opportunity to discuss science and to bring together that cross- 
fertilization of ideas and innovations that is the MBL. A biochemist and a 
neurophysiologist might have some clever ideas about neuromuscular 
action over a straight flush, for example. 


Gardening fills the time of many Woods Hole residents, though most 
summer scientists do not choose to invest the time or the energy in a garden 
that they miss for so much of the year anyway. Because of the humidity and 

E. E. Just throwing horseshoes, flanked 
by Calvin Bridges and Donald 
Lancefield. Photograph by Alfred F. 
Huettner, MBL Archives. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

bountiful growth, however, people with land generally have to cope with the 
plant population to some extent. Pulling weeds, trimming trees, trying to 
keep back the poison ivy and scratchy wild Cape Cod roses: all this takes 
time. Those MBL kids, who pleaded to spend the summer in Woods Hole 
in order to see their friends again and to take courses again at the Science 
School, may find themselves on enforced garden duty. Many yards reflect 
the attention given, however grudgingly, and reward the casual walker out 
for an evening stroll in the balmy air. Sometimes a scientist has embarked 
on botanical experiments at home. Morgan, for example, bred various 
plants (such as verbena) as well as mice and occasional birds during his 
Woods Hole summers. 

On a more formal and scientific note, the herb garden next to the bell 
tower offers a quiet place for sitting and thinking. Designed by landscape 
architect Dorothea Harrison (one of Ross Harrison's daughters) and kept in 
shape for a while by her and her friends, the garden receives less attention 
from visitors these days, but has been well tended by someone. Another 
Harrison offspring, Richard Harrison, became an artist of a different sort, 
doing architectural work and drawing for the New Yorker, for example. The 
scientific interest in order and drawing rubs off on the talented children in 
various ways. 

After a busy day of walking, singing, visiting gardens and neighbors, and 
swimming, many people would love to take a sail. If only they could get to 
know someone important or generous, they could. The Eel Pond is beau- 
tiful with its complement of sailboats. Perhaps all that opulence bothers 
some of the more politically egalitarian scientists, but the recent invasion of 
those sailboats is not likely to stop for that reason. Of course, smaller boats 
have been around for a long time. More than one MBL worker has 
purchased a boat to get around the choice collecting sites well before 
investing in land or even a car. Each winter some of those small boats find 
their way to the bottom of the Eel Pond, alongside old-fashioned discarded 
microtomes that some people used as anchors and other odds and ends. 
Occasionally the ice and storms sink larger and more expensive boats as 
well. Spring cleaning has its own meaning at the seashore. 

Meals, Movies, and Diversions 

After all that activity and a possible sail, anyone would surely be hungry. 
Outdoor grills give evidence of the swordfish dinners or the occasional 
clambakes out of doors. Lots of good, relaxed scientific discussions take 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB 7X 171 

Winter at Eel Pond, 1971. MBL Archives. 

place over a whiskey sour, a shrimp cocktail, and a slice of fish. The visitor 
who wants a break from Swope food or who learns that no meals are served 
there on Sundays may head for the Black Duck Restaurant for breakfast or 
brunch. There one can sit down to a gigantic meal next to the water and 
watch the occasional ducks, or gulls, or on a warm summer's day a 
well-behaved mother skunk and baby as they scurry under the dock. Or one 
can go to the Fishmonger for an ice cream cone. Or the Food Buoy for a 
yogurt, soda, and candy bar. Or to the liquor store. There are other, more 
tourist-oriented places as well. Other times call for a group invasion of the 
Captain Kidd Bar—with its unique mixture of sailors, tourists, and scien- 
tists — for a restoring libation after a particularly tedious or inspiring lecture, 
or for no reason at all. 

After such a busy day, especially the young folk and teenagers may want 
to take in a movie. If the MBL is not showing one or if it is too familiar, one 
can head for Falmouth. Groups used to hop the train or take a bus, or even 

172 A\ 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 




Main Street, Falmouth, circa 1932. Photograph by Alfred F. Huettner, MBL Archives. 

to hire a taxi for twenty-five cents—to see a twenty-five cent movie. Others 
walked into Falmouth for the big show. Once a group persuaded the 
absent-minded Robert Chambers to drive them over. Afterwards the group 
disbanded because some wanted to walk back and others decided to get an 
ice cream cone first. Chambers got a ride with another group, forgetting his 
own car. The next day he notified the police that someone had stolen his 
vehicle. Soon they reported back to him that it was found in front of the 
movie theater and that he had better move it immediately since it was 
illegally parked. 

Woods Hole does not offer much variety, but it does offer simple 
diversions. For a number of years after Prohibition, people gathered to 
watch the Dude train roll in from Boston, for example. It was always 
amusing to see who had enjoyed the bar car a little too much this time. In 
Woods Hole, one really does not need much more in the way of entertain- 
ment. Scientists are supposed to stay in their labs working, emerging only 
on occasion for such breaks as mentioned above, are they not? They do at 
any rate. The fact that some types of scientific work allow breaks may help 

7 | OUT OF THE LAB [he 173 

explain why particular people have chosen the work they have. Fortunately, 
the library reader can register for a reserved desk (or as a general reader) 
and can settle into the stacks to work in a place that allows adequate 
opportunity for staring out the window too. Especially the desks on the top 
floor: all look out toward water in whichever direction. “Oh, I was just 
thinking, outlining the next chapter,” the daydreaming reader can claim. In 
contrast, taking even a visual break from most labs back home requires 
actually leaving, thereby admitting even to oneself that one is doing some- 
thing other than working. At the MBL, though, the pace is intense, with few 
real breaks in the ongoing pursuit of science. 

Life and research go on, even when other people are visiting the beach 
or sleeping. During the summer, someone is at work somewhere in the 
MBL at almost any given time of the day or night. That, too, is part of the 
spirit of the place. Though the researchers and the supporting staff no 
longer have to get by with quite the meager resources once at their 
command, they still have to work hard to keep up the elusive spirit of the 
place that grows out of the camaraderie and the perpetual discussions of 
science that go on in so many different settings during the day. Admittedly, 
things are not what they used to be; in many ways they have become even 
better as the community has expanded. 

The Dude Train, 1895. Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

174 rN 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


Isabel Conklin and others in their Historical Collection 
interviews discuss the importance and popularity 
of canoeing. On proper canoeing technique for 
Woods Hole in particular, see E. V. Cowdry, “Ca- 
noeing in the Vicinity of Woods Hole,’ The Woods 
Hole Index (August 1926) No. 2: 1-5. 

W. C. Allee, in notes on the MBL in University of Illinois 
Archives, describes Mrs. Crane's birthday parties. 

George Scott, Historical Collection interview, recalls the 
Purdum and Gosnold adventure. 

Many of the Historical Collection interviews refer to 
Woods Hole as a place where marriages were 
made, including references to Conklin’s comments 
on the subject. 

On music: Wilson’s love of music was legendary; other 
information comes from Historical Collection in- 
terviews by Szent-Gyorgyi and Isabel Conklin in 

In a personal interview, Sears Crowell recalled the 
hurdy-gurdy story, though he cautions that his 
memory may not have the details just right. 

On the MBL Club and the role of singing, many people 
today attest to the continuing interest, also docu- 
mented by numerous items in the Collecting Net 
(see informal index, MBL Archives, for specific 
references). Several informal songbooks exist in 
the MBL Archives. 

On changes in the bathing suits, see the Reznikoff inter- 
view, Historical Collection. 

A number of those interviewed in the Historical Collec- 
tion and later attest to the role that movie-going 
played, while Paul Reznikoffs interview tells the 
Chambers's stories, Historical Collection. 

Road to Penzance, circa 1910. Ida H. Hyde Collection, MBL Archives. 

Friends and Relatives 

Eel Pond: carrying sails out to spritsail. Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

‘COU is 


View from the roof of Lillie, looking toward the ferry dock. MBL Archives. 


9, HE MBL spirir is not confined to a few acres of MBL property. Rather, 
because the spirit is characterized by a free and cooperative exchange of 

ideas and beyond usual boundaries, the long-term development of many 
ties to other people and other institutions spreads that spirit widely. 

Most obviously, thousands of students have spent time here in hun- 
dreds of courses. Thousands of instructors have taught those courses. 
Thousands of investigators have pursued research here joined by a host of 
workers and visitors and library readers and staff members. The fact that 
Japan's Emperor Hirohito chose, of all places, to visit the MBL attests to its 
sphere of influence. People from all over come through for tours of the 
place they have heard about. Not all the people who have become part of the 
MBL's 100 years have stayed long; but they nonetheless visit the place and 
take away something, if only a photograph or T-shirt and a vague sense of 
what goes on in this place of science, which they then describe to friends 
back home. 

In the 1920s, Theodore Dreiser visited the MBL at the urging of a friend 
from the Rockefeller Foundation. He found just what his friend had prom- 
ised: an exceptional place. Expounding in a manner typical of the period, he 
enthused about what he saw as the unbiased and pure work before him. As 
he put it, “The patience, earnestness, and, I assume, honesty of these men 
and women impress me more than anything else I have seen in America.” 
The community was embarked, he thought, on a marvelous and beautiful 
search, ‘the most honorable and respectable employment of man,” like 
going into battle or like hunting or exploring a house with locked doors and 
no keys. “My compliments to the workers of the Marine Biological Labo- 
ratory of Woods Hole! A profound and reverent obeisance.”’ 

As the century progressed and the “ring of marine stations around the 
globe” that Naples station director Anton Dohrn once envisioned has 
gradually appeared, many people have appealed to the MBL for advice and 
guidance. Naples set the standard at first, with superior facilities and 
equipment. But at Naples, investigators worked in their wonderfully quiet 

178 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

rooms upstairs, while the public passed through the open aquarium down- 
stairs, paying their admission fees to support the cause of science above. 
The Naples station did not teach courses or bring the extended coterie of 
assistants and graduate students that very quickly became a vital part of the 
MBL. The MBL offered a model (though not always a perfectly successful 
model) for integrating instructional and research purposes, and other 
stations have followed. Within the century, the coastal states and most 
countries of the world that touch on a seacoast, as well as many that do not, 
have built their own marine stations. Often they have followed the MBL 
model, seeking to foster that spirit of free interchange and cross-fertilization 
among students, teachers, and independent researchers. Others have pur- 
posefully diverged in whatever ways to develop some other goal. 

As these many stations have grown, they have often appealed to the 
mature and experienced MBL for advice: how does one get the seawater 
system to work without corroding all the metal fixtures or polluting the 
environment with toxic metals, for example? How does one procure large 
numbers of specimens without overfishing the local waters? How does one 
combine the various desirable functions of a marine laboratory at reason- 
able costs to the participants, without going too heavily into debt? Some labs 
have had wonderful benefactors who have given them more solid and 
long-term financial security than the MBL has so far achieved. Many are run 
by a single institution such as the excellent Friday Harbor Laboratory at the 
University of Washington, or the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the 
University of California at San Diego. The MBL has resolved time and again 
to remain independent, as a truly national and even international facility, but 
at great cost at times. Only a solid endowment will ensure the successful 
continuation into the second century of the myriad quality programs and of 
the free atmosphere of open discourse. The MBL must learn from others 
how to pursue such a goal. 

In Woods Hole, the MBL also has a vital host of friends and neighbors. 
Many of the wealthy land owners, beginning with the influential and gen- 
erous Fay family, have given money, land, and advice at critical junctures. 
Charles R. Crane followed, then Carnegie, Rockefeller, and more recently 
the Grass, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur, and Andrew W. Mellon 
foundations, along with many other donors to make the laboratory's 
continued growth and improvement possible. Individuals from Penzance 
Point, the Cape, and elsewhere have generously donated time and money 
to the MBL’s well-being. This support is essential, but probably not suffi- 
cient without a solid permanent financial base. Even the crucial substantial 
grants for many researchers from the NIH and NSF cannot cover all the 
ever-increasing expenses for sophisticated world-class science. 

Equally important for the MBL’s well-being are the local families who 
have contributed indispensable employees. Some have begun as maids or 


collecting crew assistants and have risen to head their departments. Their 
energetic actions in hurricanes, at the beginning of summers when many 
people rush in at once wanting everything immediately set up just right, or 
in other times of need demonstrate their work well beyond the call of duty. 
Many of these people, some second- or third-generation MBL, believe in the 
MBL as an important place of science and want to be part of it. So many 
cases abound — of the specimen boy who rose to become instructor or even 
trustee, the waiter who became lab director, the dining hall chef whose 
father ran the earlier food service, or the local youngster made head of his 
department. Many of these people could have made more money else- 
where, but they have made their own generous contributions to the MBL. 

The MBL Associates is a supportive group that has arisen since 1944 
out of similar affections for the place. People associated with the MBL but 
not all as researchers or course instructors have wanted to help. Special 
projects such as the Futures in Science “FiS kids’ program or the orga- 
nizing of photographs or acquiring of rare books for the Archives and Rare 
Book Room have attracted the attention of the MBL Associates and other 

Aside from its many invaluable friends around the world, the MBL also 
has an important set of close relatives. Without Spencer Baird and the Fish 
Commission, the MBL Supply Department could not have come into exist- 
ence as such. It was Baird’s enthusiastic encouragement of Hyatt, his 
arranging for the original land to be given, and his generously supplying the 
seawater, collecting boats, and much equipment in the early years that 
made the MBL happen. (Baird actually set up the agreement but died before 
the MBL opened.) Baird’s supporters, who had subscribed to tables for 
their students to do research at the Fish Commission, did not see the point 
of encouraging this competition. In particular, Brooks at Johns Hopkins 
University and Alexander Agassiz at Harvard remained skeptical or even 
hostile towards the new enterprise. Who needs two labs in Woods Hole, they 
asked, particularly when one funded by the federal government would be 
far better? Who cares about teaching students and high school teachers, 
when research really matters? Baird did recognize the value of the MBL 
enterprise and without jealousy paved the way for what he realized might 
become competition for Fish Commission research. Through the twentieth 
century, the relationship has remained relatively distant because of the 
Fisheries’ government mandate to pursue practical work more than re- 
search and teaching of biology. Yet the institutions have continued to 
cooperate in a variety of ways, loaning each other boats or other equipment, 
or even scientists at times. 

The Coast Guard has remained even more autonomous, because of its 
very distinct functions. Yet MBL crews and the Coast Guard crews have 
helped each other in important ways over the years. And MBL scientists 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

have always enjoyed visits to Nobska Lighthouse, run since 1939 by the Coast 
Guard when it replaced the old Lighthouse Service. 

The MBL’s relationship with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- 
tion (WHOD) is the closest. In fact, WHOI is really the MBL's younger sibling. 
It began when MBL director Lillie and Wickliffe Rose, president of the 
General Education Board, decided that an east coast oceanographic re- 
search center might be in order. The Pacific United States had its Scripps 
Institution of Oceanography. Since it was not clear exactly what sort of 
eastern establishment should be developed, the National Academy of Sci- 
ences set up a study group. As a result of that group's report and subse- 
quent developments, January 1930 brought the official incorporation of 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 

Why, Woods Hole people often ask today. Woods Hole is so crowded 
already and as WHOI has expanded it has had to set up a second, separate 
campus site, the Quissett Campus. Lillie reported that Woods Hole “which 
had from the first been regarded as the most likely site, was definitely 
selected, on account of its geographical advantages and the scientific good 
will and co-operation assured there.” Also the existence of a library was a 
major attraction. Lillie, as leader of the MBL and inspiration for WHOI, 
clearly sought to keep both in Woods Hole. 

Lillie reported that the MBL Board of Trustees wanted to donate a 
piece of land to WHOI in the first place. It later turned out that they legally 
had to be paid for the gift, but that commitment nonetheless set the stage 
for the two labs to be neighbors. Yet later, when the Oceanographic wanted 
to expand and buy the MBL’s Penzance Garage property, then-director 
Philip Armstrong reported, the MBL did not agree. Experts and real estate 
specialists from Washington came to assess the properties and concluded 
that Woods Hole had “too little land’”’ and ‘‘wouldn’t develop a well- 
integrated campus.” The Navy took the property anyway by eminent do- 
main, then released the land to WHOI. Such actions, given the very limited 
amount of land and especially deep waterfront property, temporarily cre- 
ated some hard feelings and stimulated a bit of sibling rivalry. Fortunately 
any such feeling has largely dissipated. 

Some MBL old-timers felt that the Oceanographic had “sort of ruined 
Woods Hole.” It seemed so much more crowded than it had before, with so 
many autos and so many people. The smaller MBL has sometimes envied 
the large endowment and the solid financial basis of the grown-up little 
brother. At other times it has been disdainful. The World War II “booms” 
heard frequently off the shore broke windows and set people complaining. 
Even if the experimental explosions were part of the war effort, why here in 
Woods Hole? they asked. During World War II, WHOI thrived while the MBL 
shrank. More recently, directors and staff have worked at building stronger 
cooperation to enhance the whole Woods Hole scientific community. 


Crane Laboratory viewed from Eel Pond, 1923. Norman W. Edmund Collection, MBL Archives. 

MBL picnic: coming home, early 1890s. Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

Ny Al 

182 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

What the nostalgic criticisms and occasional frustrations have failed to 
appreciate is the fact that someone would have been there anyway. It is 
better to have scientists, with many shared purposes and common interests. 
As the various parties involved now realize, the community is stronger when 
the diverse groups share activities. 

MBL science is relatively small-scale science, done largely by visitors. 
They have grants, of course, and assistants and equipment. And MBL does 
have absolutely first-rate work in cell biology, physiology, the neuro- 
sciences, and other fields, so that it is one of the world leaders in those 
areas. Yet overall the MBL remains on a much smaller scale than the 
Oceanographic. WHOI was set up with intended connections to the various 
armed forces and other government and private groups. It employs a much 
higher percentage of permanent year-round researchers and staff. It re- 
ceives large government contracts for a wide variety of types of explor- 
atory work. 

When the Titanic came to town in 1986, in the form of wonderful 
photos, folios, artifacts, and lots of stories, the MBL welcomed the WHOI 
team back and congratulated the conquering heros. A few may have felt a 
little irritated by all the attention (‘that can’t be real science’), perhaps 

MBL says Bravo! Photograph by M. Rioux, MBL Archives. 


briefly wishing for some of the limelight themselves before they settled 
enthusiastically back to their own work. Brothers and sisters are like that: 
fond of each other, annoyed with each other, and usually, deep down, 
supportive and fiercely loyal to each other. Especially in winter, when 
crowds thin and paces slow down, cooperation in the scientific enterprise 
prevails. People from WHOI and the MBL attend brown bag lunches 
together. Some serve as trustees and on advisory groups for both institu- 
tions. There seems to be no point to being competitive in this little town at 
the end of Cape Cod when the wind is whipping through and the ice collects 
on boats and water. 

As a result of the generally supportive scientific atmosphere, the U. S. 
Geological Survey has set up offices here, as has the Sea Education Asso- 
ciation. The National Academy of Sciences has established a conference 
center in a beautiful old house on the water nearby. 

The Fisheries, WHOI, USGS, SEA, and MBL scientists work together in 
various ways, expanding the spirit of scientific activity and making Woods 
Hole a special place for science. The Fisheries and Aquarium serve more 
direct commercial and public purposes, WHOI carries out government and 
private research, while the MBL provides for independent scientific re- 
search and instruction at all levels. Here is specialization and cooperation: 
just what Whitman insisted should provide the basis for effective science. 

Eel Pond, looking toward the golf course, 1895. Photograph by Baldwin Coolidge, courtesy of SPNEA, Boston. 

184 A 

100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 


MBL annual reports provide information about the 
course members over the years, both names and 
numbers of participants. 

Theodore Dreiser's visit was discussed in the Collecting 
Net (July 21, 1928). 

Ralph Dexter on marine laboratories, (Notes, Preface) 
discusses the list of current facilities. 

On other activities and groups in Woods Hole, see the 
recent publications: Mary Lou Smith, editor, 
Woods Hole Reflections (Historical Collection, 
1983) and Mary Lou Smith, editor, The Book of 
Falmouth, A Tricentennial Celebration, 1686-1986 
(Falmouth Historical Commission, 1986). 

Paul Galtsoff, The Story of the Bureau of Commercial 
Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mas- 

sachusetts (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of 
Interior Circular No. 145, 1962). Curtis, “Good Old 
Summer Time,” (Notes, Chapter 3) recalls the 
sharing of equipment between the USFC and 

Lillie’s history (Notes, Chapter 1) still provides the best 
look at the early years of WHOI, quotation on p. 180. 
Editors Mary Sears and Daniel Merriman’s Ocean- 
ography: The Past (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1980) 
also provides information about the Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution and insight into the his- 
tory of the Woods Hole establishments, including 
WHOL, as well as about the history of oceanography 
more generally. 

Armstrong discussed his reactions in his interview, His- 
torical Collection. 

Yacht visiting Woods Hole. MBL Archives. 

Thanks for the Memories 

Sources and Acknowledgements 

Discussion in this book is based primarily on materials found in the MBL 
Archives, mostly written, documented sources. Often the same event or fact 
appears in more than one place. Some stories come, with permission, from 
tapes of interviews made by the Woods Hole Historical Collection during the 
1970s and 1980s. And a few items emerged from interviews that took place 
at the MBL. 

I chose not to try to acquire new material by interviewing everyone in 
the MBL community, but instead spoke only with a few of those who have 
been around for many years in order to verify information or to fill in details. 
This project, then, is autobiographical in that it is based on information 
chronicled within the MBL records. It is not an attempt to provide a more 
detached or analytic biographical treatment. I hope this book will facilitate 
other such projects. 

In particular, I wish to thank the Woods Hole Historical Collections for 
generously sharing their transcripts of taped interviews with MBL scientists 
and staff members. Interviews with Philip Armstrong, Isabel Conklin, Sears 
Crowell, Robert Kahler, Donald Lancefield, Paul Reznikoff, George T. Scott 
and Elsie Scott, Horace Stunkard, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, and William Randolf 
Taylor proved very valuable in filling out details and putting much of what we 
had learned in the dry, archival form of official records into personal terms. 

In addition, Betsy Bang, Bob Barlow, Sears Crowell, James Ebert, Jane 
Fessenden, Donald Lahy, Dorothy Rogers, Homer Smith, Susie Steinbach, 
J. P. Trinkaus, and John Valois helped fill in details about times and attitudes 
during their respective careers here. Undoubtedly, others would willingly 
have helped if this had been a different sort of project and if they had been 
asked. Again, as a historian, I encourage everyone who has some further or 
alternative piece of the story of the MBL to record that information and 
deposit it in the Archives for future researchers. 

Aside from the specific references given below, quotations or other 
information often came from the official records of the MBL. Frank Lillie’s 
The Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, published in 1944 and re- 
printed by the Biological Bulletin in 1988 (v. 174), is extremely valuable for 
historical detail. I have not reiterated the many facts and chronologies 
included there. 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

In addition, the annual reports and the trustees’ minutes contain 
invaluable information, though seldom as much of the story behind the 
official, sanitized conclusions as one would like. The Lillie Papers, given to 
the MBL Archives by the University of Chicago, contain his correspondence 
in preparing his history and help to fill out some of the discussion between 
the official lines. Other collections of letters and assorted documents give 
additional perspective. The Collecting Net provides insight into the less 
formal, human side of MBL events. 

The official records contain myriads of wonderful data: who came, 
what schools and what countries they represented, for what purposes, how 
many women, what research they published, what lectures were given, and 
so forth. There are even compilations of statistics for the early decades. 
Quantitative historians should take note of this largely untapped resource. 

Many photographs included here also come from the MBL Archives. 
Most have resided there for some time, the product of past professional and 
enthusiastic amateur photographers. A few have been given recently, in 
anticipation of centennial projects. It is hoped that other people will con- 
sider cleaning out the attic and adding to the extremely impressive collection 
of many thousands of photos. Each photo collection given recently has been 
kept intact by donor or photographer to maintain the integrity of the 
collection. For earlier materials, given over many years and sometimes with 
no official records kept, every effort has been made to identify photogra- 
phers and donors. MBL archivist Ruth Davis has done all the hard work of 
sorting through the thousands of photos, selecting the most appropriate, 
identifying them, and putting them in order. 

The earliest formal photographs were taken by professional Boston 
photographer Baldwin Coolidge. The MBL evidently hired him to take 
representative but interesting formal group pictures beginning in the very 
first years. Many of the glass plate negatives of this first-rate photographer's 
work are now held by and provided to us courtesy of the Society for the 
Preservation of New England Antiquities. An apprentice of Coolidge's, 
Howard S. Brode, who was also a student at the MBL, followed him around 
and took similar shots. Brode’s photos make an informative contrast, as 
they were never quite as effective. For further discussion of Coolidge, see 
Jane A. McLaughlin, “Baldwin Coolidge, Photographer 1845-1928,” Sprit- 
sail, Journal of Falmouth History (1987) Vol. 1 No. 1:0 5-25. 

Then comes the highly informal collection of Gideon Dodds, given in 
the form of a photo scrapbook, which documents life at the MBL in the 
1920s. Other similar informal photo albums provide other individual 
pictures. In addition, Isabel Conklin recently donated a set of photos 
depicting life around Woods Hole, including pictures of her father, who 
played such an important role in the early life here. 

—— eee 

The Public Information Department, over the years, has accumulated 
a set of pictures. Unfortunately, many were taken by unnamed staff mem- 
bers in connection with one or another publicity project then underway. A 
series for Life magazine, for example, or some for a WGBH program or a 
special ceremony or exhibit: photos taken for many different reasons and 
by many different people have found their way into the Archives, and some 
of those are in this book. 

In working on this project, we added a few new discoveries as well. 
Undoubtedly there are others to be made. Elaine Pear Cohen provided the 
photograph of her bonded bronze 1980 sculpture, ‘Woods Hole: The 
Scientists.” The sculpture resides in the collection of Dr. Virginia Peters, on 
the corner of Water and School streets in Woods Hole and was photo- 
graphed by Sally Brucker. Deborah Day, archivist at Scripps Institution for 
Oceanography, sent the photograph of Purdum as Gosnold. 

Perhaps the most exciting find, because of its quality and extent, is the 
work of Alfred Francis Huettner. An accidental meeting with MBL Associates 
Robert and Millie Huettner, now of Woods Hole, revealed that Robert's 
father had, in fact, taken many of the beautifully artistic photos of peo- 
ple and activities at the MBL during the early decades of this century. 
Many people have long wondered who had made such excellent portraits 
as those of E. B. Wilson and T. H. Morgan that reside in the Archives and 
have hung on MBL walls and have been printed in biographical works on 
these men. Now we know. The Huettners have negatives as well as quality 
prints that beautifully illustrate the MBL life and people. They have 
generously shared those with the MBL, and modern prints and negatives 
are now also on deposit in the Archives. An exhibit of Huettner’s work 
graced the Meigs Room walls during the centennial summer, and the prints 
are now scattered throughout the MBL. For more discussion of Alfred 
Francis Huettner, see Collecting Net (August 1987) 5#5: 4. 

In working with the historical collection of photographs and preparing 
modern negatives and prints for archival purposes and for this volume, 
Linda Golder and Linda McCausland have provided invaluable help. Linda 
Golder heads the photolab at the MBL and has been very helpful in 
providing quality copies of older materials from the MBL collection. Linda 
McCausland, a professional photographer in Orleans, Massachusetts, has 
worked with the old and fragile materials requiring special care. With her 
previous experience at the Eastman School of Photography working with 
archival photos, she has provided the expertise to prepare negatives and 
prints of far better quality than the original, sometimes faded and yellowed, 
prints we have had in the archives. The careful work of both these highly 
qualified women has really made the photographic side of this project 


100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

Thanks also to everyone else who has helped, perhaps without even 
realizing it: to those who have contributed materials; to those who have 
come in and been asked abruptly ‘who was this” or “where was that’; to 
those who have cheered for the project (especially John Pfeiffer, who egged 
Ruth and me on at discouraging times; the watchmen who offered support 
early on Sunday mornings or late at night; Jane Fessenden, who would not 
let us quit; and Joel Davis, who provided much needed sustenance at critical 
times); to those with good editorial advice, especially Phil Pauly, Richard 
Creath, and Garland Allen; to Public Information director George Liles, who 
provided much information and editorial assistance; and to centennial 
coordinator Pam Clapp, who really single-handedly kept things going at 
crucial points. I especially appreciate the support and coordination of 
Jones and Bartlett's editor, Joe Burns, for steering the book through to 
publication. Special thanks go to publisher Don Jones for his support and 
overall direction. I would also like to acknowledge Jones and Bartlett's 
production director, Maureen Cunningham Neumann, and her able staff, 
Rafael Millan and Anne Benaquist, for their skill and expertise in design- 
ing and creating this book. Most of all, thanks to everyone who has been 
part of the life of the MBL and who has therefore contributed in some way 
to this autobiography. This book has really been a community project in 
the spirit of the MBL. 


IN THE EARLY 1970s the American Institute of Biological Sciences pub- 
lished a collection of essays to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of AIBS. I 
served on the editorial committee of that volume, which included twenty- 
one chapters written by leading scientists from nearly every area of biology. 
We asked our eminent authors not to look back over AIBS’s first twenty-five 
years, but to look forward and speculate about the problems biologists 
would be tackling in the next twenty-five years. The resulting essays were 
provocative, ambitious, and, for the most part, wrong: nearly everything we 
hoped to accomplish in twenty-five years was accomplished within a decade. 

Although it is always difficult to look forward in science with any 
precision, an anniversary— especially a centennial anniversary—is an ap- 
propriate time both for looking to the future and for remembering the past. 

At the Marine Biological Laboratory, recalling the past has occupied 
numerous historians, philosophers, scientists, and writers over the last few 
years. Among those who have undertaken historical projects, Jane Maien- 
schein and Ruth Davis have produced one of the most accessible and 
personal portraits of the MBL. Professor Maienschein’s text and archivist 
Davis's pictures recall the men and women of science who founded the 
MBL, and the subsequent generations of investigators and students who 
came to work in the village that served as the crossroads of American 
biology. These, of course, are the stories you'd expect to find in a popular 
history of a science institution. Less predictably, 100 Years Exploring Life 
remembers the nonscientific side of life at the early MBL: conversations in 
the old mess hall, songs sung by students at the MBL Club, canoe races, and 
amateur whaling expeditions. The book remembers people like Charles R. 
Crane, who rallied to the support of the fledgling laboratory in its early 

As you read about the sense of adventure and discovery that prevailed 
in the laboratory's early days, you begin to understand why Woods Hole 
residents who were not themselves directly engaged in science nonetheless 
welcomed the MBL— donating scarce parcels of land, erecting new build- 
ings, lobbying with foundations on behalf of the sometimes financially 
pressed laboratory, and, on many occasions, writing checks to cover 
year-end budget shortfalls. In the early part of the century, the local 
community— everyone from merchants to boardinghouse owners, from 
fishermen to captains of American industry— understood that the MBL 

190 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

brought to the village a vitality and an intellectual excitement that wasn't 
to be found in ordinary fishing villages and oceanside resorts. 

So one part of our centennial celebration has involved a long, lingering, 
often affectionate look back to see whence we have come. An equally 
important part of the centennial has been our effort to look forward, to ask 
what role the MBL will play in the next decades of American biology. We are 
entering our second century concurrent with the advent of the Age of 
Molecular Biology. The galloping progress that overtook the 1971 AIBS 
predictions has, if anything, picked up its pace, and today biologists are 
developing new tools and new applications at an unprecedented rate. 
Already, the powerful new tools of molecular biology have brought vastly 
improved techniques for fighting and preventing disease, refinements in 
fertility and population control, and the genetic engineering that has made 
possible the most profound developments in agriculture since humankind 
first domesticated plants and animals many thousand years ago. The revo- 
lutionary progress in our understanding of life on the most basic and useful 
levels will surely continue through the end of this century. 

Fortunately, our task in looking forward is not to set a timetable for 
specific discoveries, but to clarify the role the MBL will play in modern 
science — an enterprise several orders of magnitude larger and vastly more 
complex than it was in C. O. Whitman’s time. We must build the twenty- 
first-century MBL without losing sight of the nineteenth- and twentieth- 
century MBL. We must keep alive the old MBL—the informal, cooperative, 
adventuresome, free-spirited laboratory so affectionately described in the 
pages and photographs of this book. 

The centennial look forward has involved a broad cross section of the 
community and expert consultants, including summer investigators and 
year-round scientists, neurobiologists and cell biologists and ecosystems 
analysts, our colleagues in the Boston University Marine Program, histori- 
ans, friends from business and industry, national science policy leaders, 
community leaders from Woods Hole and Falmouth, and our friends in 
state government. Because we have had input from so many people who 
harbor so much affection and concern for the MBL, we can say with some 
confidence where the MBL is headed. 

Clearly, our world-famous summer programs of teaching and re- 
search will remain our raison d’étre. We will continue to modernize our 
facilities and to introduce new biological approaches in our summer 
courses and in our summer research programs. 

We will continue to provide tutorial laboratory courses at the cutting 
edge of science. Given that the faculty and students who populate these 
courses are among the leaders in their fields throughout the world, it is 
unlikely that the same courses could be given at any one university. The 
MBL community is committed to the continuation of these one-of-a-kind 



courses, where the next generation of biologists is trained in the use of 
modern biological techniques and the value of marine organisms. To make 
this possible, we will seek over the next decade to raise endowment funds 
to cover course expenses that are not covered by current tuition or grants 
from foundations and the government. 

We intend to enlarge the year-round research program and provide 
additional up-to-date laboratory space to accommodate the increased year- 
round staff. The expanded year-round programs will provide a stable base 
for summer programs of research and education. We anticipate developing 
a year-round critical mass in neurobiology, cell biology, and developmental 
biology, all with a common theme of molecular evolution. These areas will 
complement our already strong and still expanding year-round Ecosystems 
Center. The expanded year-round programs will share the modern ap- 
proaches of molecular biology and molecular genetics. 

The development of genetic engineering has brought a scientific rev- 
olution that is dominating the last quarter of our century in much the way 
physics dominated the first quarter. Genetic engineering has made possible 
new kinds of biological experiments that yield precise information about the 
basic mechanisms of life. Our new ability to compile libraries of genetic 
information has made it possible to compare organisms and to explore the 
evolution of life on a level that is providing new understandings of health 
and disease. 

The powerful new tools of molecular biology can be used to work on 
a wide range of biological problems—from general questions of phylogeny 
to very specific questions, such as of the origins of neural receptor sites. 
Recognizing the power and range of molecular biology, we intend to 
develop, in cooperation with our sister institution, the Woods Hole Ocean- 
ographic Institution, a center for molecular evolution that will serve as the 
basic platform on which to integrate the disciplines of neurobiology, cell 
biology, and developmental biology. 

Along with the exciting across-the-board advances in late twentieth- 
century biology, another recent development holds great promise for the 
MBL: the growing recognition that many biological disciplines can be 
studied through the use of marine models, which offer good views into 
basic life processes and reduce the need for use of warm-blooded animals 
in research. Easy to study, inexpensive, elegantly simple and remarkably 
diverse, marine plants and animals are attracting increasing interest from 
federal agencies and private foundations. With its long history of educational 
and research programs and its continuing reputation as the nation’s pre- 
mier marine laboratory, the MBL will remain in the vanguard of biological 

We plan to develop facilities and expertise for culturing, rearing, and 
studying the genetics of those marine animals that are so valuable as 

192 A 100 YEARS EXPLORING LIFE, 1888-1988 

biomedical models. At the same time, to complement modern molecular 
approaches, we will need an updated and modernized facility for the warm- 
blooded animals required for the preparation of monoclonal antibodies. 

This merging of basic research, biomedicine, and marine biology 
builds upon the traditions celebrated in Jane Maienschein’'s text and the 
photographs selected by Ruth Davis. Readers of 100 Years Exploring Life will 
note that our plan for the next few decades is not a new venture, but a 
reaffirmation of the MBL’s mission and a focusing of its resources. 

Of course, while we are expanding programs and modernizing re- 
search facilities, we will continue to nourish our traditional programs and 
resources. We will maintain our relationship with the Boston University 
Marine Program, a remarkably symbiotic arrangement that for nearly two 
decades has added to traditional MBL strengths in cell biology and neuro- 
biology, provided us with another window on environmental science, and 
given us a continuous tie to academia. 

Professor Maienschein’s text devotes an entire chapter to the MBL 
Library, a facility beloved by several generations of scientists and historians. 
We will continue to operate this unparalleled marine and biological science 
library, which is jointly supported by the several institutions within the 
Woods Hole scientific community. Maintaining an up-to-date library is a 
major challenge. Much as biological research has been profoundly affected 
by the techniques of molecular biology, library and information science has 
been changed in our era by the burgeoning mass of published data and by 
computerized information storage and retrieval techniques. Several private 
foundations are working with us to update our library facilities and to 
network our library with major libraries across the country. 

In our centennial year, we have paused in our work to acknowledge the 
contributions made by generations of MBL students, faculty, and investiga- 
tors. But while we have honored our past, we have kept a focus on the 
future — looking forward and backward at the same time. This dual process 
of remembering whence we came and deciding where we are bound will 
continue beyond the centennial year, as it should in an institution as 
venerable and vibrant as the MBL. 

Woods Hole 
July 29, 1988 


















August Krogh 

Otto Meyerhof 

Otto Warburg 

Thomas Morgan 
Otto Loewi 

Nobel Laureates 
Affifiated with the Marine Biological Laboratory 

MBL Connection 


Library reader 

Visiting Lecturer 

Corporation Member 
Corporation Member 

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Corporation Member 

Herbert Gasser 
Isidor Rabi 

Hermann Muller 
John Northrop 

Wendall Stanley 
Selman Waksman 
Fritz Lipmann 
Axel Theorell 
George Beadle 
Joshua Lederberg 
Severo Ochoa 

Donald Glaser 

Corporation Member 

Corporation Member 

Individual Investigator 


Corporation Member 
Individual Investigator 
Corporation Member 



Discovery of capillary motor-regulating 

Relationship between consumption of 
oxygen and metabolism of lactic acid in 

Nature and mode of action of the 
respiratory enzyme 

Role of the chromosome in heredity 
Discovery relating to the chemical 
transmission of nerve impulses 
Biological combustion processes with 
special reference to Vitamin C and 
fumaric acid catalysis 

Researches on differentiated function of 
single nerve fibers 

Resonance method for registration of 
magnetic properties of atomic nuclei 
Production of mutations by x-irradiation 
Preparation of enzymes and virus 
proteins in pure form 

Preparation of enzymes and virus 
proteins in pure form 

Streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective 
against tuberculosis 

Coenzyme A and its role in intermediary 

Nature and mode of action of oxidation 

Genetic recombination and organization 
of the genetic material of bacteria 
Genetic recombination and organization 
of the genetic material of bacteria 
Mechanisms in the biological synthesis of 
RNA and DNA 

Development of the bubble chamber 


















James Watson 

John Eccles 

Alan Hodgkin 

Andrew Huxley 

Konrad Bloch 
Keffer Hartline 
George Wald 
Salvador Luria 
Max Delbriick 
Bernard Katz 
Howard Temin 
David Baltimore 

D. Carlton Gajdusek 

Baruj Benacerraf 
Paul Berg 
David Hubel 

Torsten Wiesel 


Individual Investigator 
Individual Investigator 

Individual Investigator 
Corporation Member 
Corporation Member 
Corporation Member 
Individual Investigator 


Library Reader 


Library Reader 


Discovery concerning the molecular 
structure of DNA 

Ionic involvement in excitation and 
inhibition in the peripheral and central _ 
portions of the nerve 

Ionic involvement in excitation pad 
inhibition in the peripheral and conta a f 
portions of the nerve 

Ionic involvement in excitation and NS 
inhibition in the peripheral and central i ee 
portions of the nerve . 
Mechanism and regulation of cholesterol 
and fatty acid metabolism . 
Discoveries about chemical and physical 
visual processes in the eye : 

ase i 
Discoveries about chemical and physical aes 

visual processes in the eye “ah ag ‘ 
Replication mechanism and the Benet tre 
structure of viruses ag : 

Replication mechanism and the genetic ony 
structure of viruses . a3 
Transmitters in the nerve terminals and ys 
the mechanism for their storage te a; As 
Interactions between tumour viruses and 
the genetic material of the cell ; 
Interactions between tumour viruses and — 
the genetic material of the cell eae 
Discoveries concerning the origin and 

new mechanisms for the dissemination of — 
infectious disease 
Identification of histocompatibility Mrs 
antigens and elucidation of their action __ 
Development of methods to map 
structure and function of DNA 
Processing of visual information by the 


Nore: All laureates were awarded the Nobel Prize in the category of medicine or physiology with five exceptions: Isidor Rabi and 

Donald Glaser won prizes in physics, and John Northrop, Wendall Stanley, and Paul Berg won prizes in chemistry. 


Mie 0 Ya ¥2 MILE 


ISBN Oe Sb?e0-be0~?