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Full text of "Minutes of Annual Meeting, 1841"

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e  U'ic  '.'CI',  uut.'iulkbcit  3£iti'n  f)ci' 
unter  uns  g$raud;lict)  unit,  vcr; 
fammetten  ficb.  tic  alrcn  ©ruber 
nud)  bicfed  3abr  roiebev  t<en  Oft 
unb  2Befr,  rem  Subcn  unb  -Nor* 
ben,  in  idljrtidw  SStfaimrttuflg*  unb  jtvar 
bep  ©rtfer  Sffiillnmi  SOcfller  in  Werner* 
fet  (Seugtnr  tyennfnfoania,  mo  om  28. 
unb  29gf?en9Jla»  3<.  £>.  1841.  fclgenbt 
•jJunftc  uorgelegt,  unb  in  ernfttidje  Sra'di 
guitg  gfRommen  rcorben  finb  : 

1.  06  es  redit  unb  erfaubt  wart  nap) 
htm  foangetio  ftfbSDcitgtieber,  2otterie*B*t* 

re!  tufciyfen?  '  .  , 

Stngefetjenr  ba§  atSdne  «rt  sen  epic! 
urn  ©eifinn,  n>o6eij  anberc  notbroenbig 
ferlteren  miiffen*  es  u  nr  c  d)  t  unb  gdnjlict) 
uncrlaubt  fen  fur  eineu  ©ruber. 

2.  Ob  bie  ©ruber  bft#$uj}iMi&«n  fl« 
nan  nadi  beni  Gtytngetiuiti  i^v.x  1 

SCngefebsn,  naeb,  fanner  Unterttbung  unb 
lleberlegiing,  bafj  bas  ftufroafdien,  tvie  eS 
bis  bieb>  ben  ten  ©rubern  gcubt  njorben 
i<l,  bem  aBevt  gemaf,  feu*  unb  bafj  bie  lie* 
bungj  fo  weit  itnr  bis  ji|t  baben  Icrncn  fen* 
nen,"  tuf  feine  Xkife  »abef[crt  voerben  ton? 

3.  Ob  bie  ©ruber  em  9icd;t  baben, 
ftreunbe,  bie  nidrt  9Ritgtieb«  finb,  mit  uns 
sum  ?Cbenbmal)l  bes£Srrn  nieberuijni  \\ 
laffen,  vrenw  9iaum  ba  iff  ? 

Mngefcben,  baf„  intern  roir  ben  recbten 
linterfd)ieb  madien  pifeben  bem  Slbeni* 
niabt  unb  ber  ©cmeinfdwft  tes  Seibes  unb 
©lutes  ^Sfu  6l)#i,  man  ntcbte  einju* 
voentcn  baben  f  ennte,  ftmmbe  jum  Slbepb* 
maid  mmtaffen,  roenrt  9iaum  rorbanben  i|r. 

4.  Ob  es  fdiicflid)  fet;  fur  Sebrer,  beubeS 
beutfd?  unb  englifd)  ju  reben  in  SBerfftmm* 
lungen,  roenn  nur  einige  roemge  englifcbc 
9)lM$ri«bcr,  unb  bie  9)vehrbeit  ber  (Semens 
be  beutfd)  finb? 

Sfrwefeben,  bag  es  red)t  unb  unfrewicbr 

1     ifr,  bas  eoangelium  jit  nerfiinbigen  alien 

SMfern  fo  »W  roir  eermoaen,  bod)  fo,  baf; 

.  in  folcbem  $att  nid)t  ju  mete  3eit  mit  bem 

engrtfdxn  aufgenommen  roerben  fottte. 

5.  06  ein  ©ruber  ubereinftimmenb  mit 
bem  e»angetium  bie  SBobltbat  bes  ©efe* 
fees  fur  unixrmogenbe  ©djutbner  in  %m 
fprud)  nebmen  bitrfe  ? 

9(ngefet)en,  baf;  es  $d!(e  gebm  mag,  ino 
bie  SBerroicftung  in  Scbutbeii  unb  bie  %oU 
gen  bacon  fcineSroegg  bem  eeangetium  ge* 
m&%  finb,  unb  roo  bie  ©emcinbe  fotdje  nictjf 
uls  ©ruber  batten  {ennte,  —  unb  baf,  es 

8  it  n 
from    time   immemorial, 
old  Brethren  iissembleal.heni- 
selves   this   year  again   from 
Ea«t  As  West,  &  from  NortH 
andiSonth  in  yearly  meeting 
With  Brother  William  Miller  in  Somek- 
BSt  count)  ,  Pennsylvania,  where  on  the 
.'Hili    of  May  A.  D.  1841.    the   fol- 
:ts  v,  ere  presented,  and  taken 
into  serious  consideration  : 

1.  Whether  it  would  be  right  and  al- 
io according  to  the  Gospel  for  mem- 
■  buy  lotter;  -tickets  ? 

Considered,  that  as  a  species  of  gamb- 
ling for  gain's  sake,  whereby  others  must 
necessarily  lose,  it  is  wrong  and  not  al- 
lowable at  ail  for  a  brother. 

2.  Whether  the  Brethren  practise  feet- 
washing  strictly  according  to  the  Gospel  !- 

Considered,  after  much  conversation <fc 

reflection,  that  feetwashing  as  practised 
hitherto  by  the  Brethren  is  accordi 
the  word,  and  that  the  mode,  as  far  as  ho 
could  learn  until  now.  could  in  no  wise 

3.  Whether  the  Brethren  have  aright 
to  admit  friends,  who  arc  not  members, 
to  sit  down  with  us  at  the  Lord's  supper, 

e  is  room  ! 
Considered,  that,  making  a  proper 
tinctton  betv,  een  the  supperand  the  cran- 
mimiiJn  of  the  body  and  blood  of  Jesus. 
Christ,  there  could  be  no  objection  to 
admit  friends  to  the  supper,  when  there 
is  room. 

4.  Whether  it  is  proper  fur  teachers 
to  speak  both  german  and  english  in  mee- 
tings, when  there  are  only  a  few  english 
members,  the  majority  of  the  church  be- 
ing german  ? 

Considered,  that  it  is  right  and  ourdib 
ty,  to  preach  the  Go3pel  to  every  nation 
as  far  as  we  are  able,  yet  so.  that  insuch 
a  case  not  too  much  time  ought  to  be  ta- 
ken up  in  english. 

5.  Whether  a  brother,  consistently 
with  the  Gospel,    can  take  the  ben- 

the  law  for  insolvent  debtors? 

Considered,  that  there  may  be  cases. 
where  the  invoiviug  at  first  and  the  con- 
sequences thereupon  are  not  at  all  com- 
patible with  the  Gospel,  and  where  thti 
church  could,  not  hold  such  as  brethren, 


gdile  ge6cn  mag,  wc  ein  SBrubcr  burd)  Uns 
gliicf  in  fotd)e  llmfrdnbe  fcmmeit  fnnn, 
unb  reerni  cr  aufriditig  rodte  in  feincr  Gr* 
r'ldrung,  fo  mod)te  felbft  ber  Sfnfprud)  fur 
bie  2BoljttI;af.  bes  @efe§eS  ;u  entfdjulbigtn 
fenn.  3n  alien  fo(d)M  fallen  bat  inbeffen 
bie  ©emeinbe  bie  ©adje  ju  untcrfucben/  unb 
nadj  SSefinben  ju  urtheilen,  unb  roenn  bie 
©emeinbe  feine  Durd)fid)t  hat,  rote  in  ans 
bem  fatten  2£e!tefre  »en  anbevn  ©emeins 
ben  ju  ipiilfe  ju  rufen. 

6.  06  0Rita,Ueb«  ocr  ben  Stall)  ber  ®;t 
meinbe  ge6rad)t  unb  geridjtet  roerben  fens 
net:  fiir  ein  23erond)en,  auf  ausmdrttges 
3eugni§  aflein? 

%na.tftl)tn,  baf,  reenn  ein  ©erucftt  (@es 
fdjren)  w'oanben  iff,  b.ijj  ein  "-Sruber  uncrs 
bcnt(id)  roanbbjj  obet  ein  QScrbredjen  began* 
<\cn  {jtAtt  d  tie  ^fiid)t  iji  bee  ©emeinbe, 
alid)e  33ruber  an  ben  Ovt  ju  fenben,  n>o 
bflji  ©erud)t  feinen  Urfprung  genemmen 
hat,  itm  bie  2ad)e  ju  unterfud)en.  -23cnn 
nid;ts  gefunben  wirb,  bast  bee  95efd)ulbig* 
unti  ©runb  gibt,  unb  bai>  SOtttglieb  leugnet 
fDkl)e  nacfy  einer  gtnauen  llnterfud)ung,  fo 
fonnte  man  rueiter  nidjtu  titun.  gctlte  ins 
beffen  einiget  2Serbad)t  in  ben  SONtgliebem 
«roecft  roerben  burd?  bag  allgemeinc  33es 
traaen  be«  Qiefcbulbigteii,  fo  mag  bie  @cs 
meinbe  foldhem  SQJirglieD  ratben,  nid)t  jum 
£ffd)  bes.fpSrrn  btnmjunahen,  bis  bie  @a* 
die  aufgefiart  ifi  jum  "Sergnugen  ber  @vs 
meinbe.  Sf&er  ein  ?Jcitglieb  gdnjfid)  d'usjus 
fdydejjcn  auf  ausrodrtiges  Seugnife  allcm, 
fcurbe  nid)t  fur  rccrjt  unb  billig  angefeben 
nad)  txm  (£t>angclium. 
*7.  Ob  es  DJtitgliebet'n  erlaubt  roerben 
mag,  -^atentsiKedito  ;u  criangen  unb  juoers 
i'aufen  fttrihre  eigene  (Jrfinbungen  ? 

'.'Ingefehcn,  baf;  es  nid)t  ratbfarn  ifr  fur 
SlJlitglieber,  patent  *  Dtedire  aufjunetymen 
unb  ju  wrfaufen. 

8.  Ob  ein  Seller  bas  Kedrt  hat,  bai 
93rob  ber  ©emcinfdr/aft  «i  6red>en  einer 
fVanf  en  ^Serfon,  bie  nidjt  Sftittjlieb  ber  ©es 
,meinbe  iff  ? 

2Cngefe!)en,  baft  ein  Secret  feine  Soils 
mad)t  bat  in  .6em  Gyana/:iium,  fo!d)e$  (ui 
t;;un,  fonbern  ban  cr  eine  foKbe  ecele  auf 
tr,?  Sr6armen  ©Ortes  in  Cijrifro  JSfUf.u. 
auf  bie  ijebingungen  unb  SSer(;eiffungert 
tieS  Sjiangelium'g  meifen  follte. 

9.  Ob  ein  Ciener  ('Jjcfud.'bruber)  3c«gs 
nig  geben  mag  ju  bemy  n»ao  ein  Setyrerges 
rebet  l^at,  rodljrenb  ein  obejt  meljrerc  Seljrer 
gegcnrodvtig  finb,  bie  md)t  geretcr  beben, 

,    ilni  jitmiXtbcn  ann'erbern'.' 

—  and  that  tSiere  may  be  cases,    where  T- 
brotlier  by  misfortune  may  be  brought  to 
such  extremity,  and  if  he  were  honest  in 
his  declaration,   his  application    for  the 
benefit  of  the  law  mig;!it  even  be  excusa- 
ble ;  In  all  such  cases  however  the  church 
lias  to  investigate  the  matter,  and  judge     ^* 
accordingly,  and   if  the  church  is   at  a 
loss,  to  call  in;  as  in  other  cases,  the  as-     . 
sistaoce  of  elders  from  other  churches.  ' 

6.  Whether  members  may  be  brought       , 
before  the  council  of  the  church,  and  be 
judged  for   a  crime,  only   on   testimony 
fiom  without,  i.  e.  from  persons,  that  are     . 
not  members  of  the  church  .;? 

Considered,  that  when  there  is  some 
report  abroad  of  a  brother  walking  disor- 
derly, or  having  committed  a  crime,  it  is 
the  duty  bf  the  church,  to  send  somebre-  ' 
thren  to  the  place,  where  the  report  has 
originated,  to  investigate  the  matter  If 
nothing  be  found  establishing  the  charge, 
and  the  member  denying  the  same  after 
a  close  examination,  nothing  more  can 
be  done.  If  there  should  however  some 
suspicion  be  created  in  the  members  by 
the  general  conduct  of  the  accused,  thj 
church  may  advise  such  a  member  not  lo 
approach  the  Lord's  table,  until  the  mat- 
ter is  cleared  up  to  the  satisfaction  of  the 
church.  But  to  disown  entirely  a  mem- 
ber on  testimony  only  from  without,  was 
not  considered  right  and  just  according- 
to  the  Gospel. 

7.  Whether  members  may  be  permit- 
ted to  obtain  and  sell  patent-rights  for 
their   own  inventions! 

Considered,  that  it  is  not  adviscable 
for  members  to  take  out  and  sell  patent- 

P.  Whether  a  teacher  has  a  right  to 
break  the  bread  of  communion  to  a  sick 
person,  that  is  not  a  member  of  the 
church  ■ 

Considered,  tha.ta  teacherhas  not  any 
authority  in  the  Gospel  to  do  so,  but  that 
he  should  direct  such  a  soul  to  the  mercy 
of  God  in  Christ  Jesus,  and  to  the  terms 
and  promises  of  the  Gospel. 

&  Whether  a  deacon  (visiting  brother) 
may  give  testimony  to  what  a  teacher  has 
said,  while  there  is  one  or  more  teachers 
present,    that  have  not  spoken,    ;u: 
him  to  speak  • 



I  3-] 





(    < 


5(.ngcfeben,  bag  cr  incite,  roenn  ba;u 

10.  £56  eirt  5Racbfelger  3£fu  poiirifd)eit 
SSerfammtungen  6et>roobnen  biirfe?  l 

Stngefebm,   bag  ea  gar  nid)t  gejiemenb 
*    «fi  fur  Srtiber,  bic  ber  SS3eIt  abgefagt  ba* 
ben.   ' 

11.  06  el  cinem  Siitglieb  bcr  Slni/t 
G> 1)  r  i  ft  i  anfrdnbig  fee,  al8  ©efdmorner 
(3ur»mann)  ju  bicnen  in  ben  ©ecicljteit 
tmferes  Sanbes? 

2(ng,e|ehen,  bag  e§  am  Oeffrn  rodre,  gar 
nid)t  ju  bicnen,  fel6(r  in  burgcrtidien,  feis 
ncsroegS  aber  in  pcinlicbcn  (QEriminafs) 
fallen.  ' 

12.  5Bftg  ju  tfjun  ift  mit  cinem  33ruber 
ober  9)citg(ieb,  bag  in  cine  anberc  ©emeinbe 
jiebt,  o()ne  einSeugnig  »on  feinerSQttrgu'eb* 
Kbaft  mitjubringen*  unb  \>&,  roenn  ibm  ein 
foists  abgeforbert  roirb,  baburd)  fid;  belei* 

Stngefeljen,  bag,  rote  offers!  r-or  bicfem  enf* 
fdjicben  roorben,  cs  erforberlid)  ill  furSJiits 
gticber,  bie  von  ciner  ©emcinbe  in  bie  antes 
re  jicben,  cin  Scugnig  ober  Certificat  mit« 
:ubringen,  roie  fie  franben  in  bcr  ©emcinbe, 
I'on  roannen  fie  famen,  unb  bag  fie  nicbt 
belcibigt  fii!)(cn  foilten,  roenn  barnad)  ge« 
■  fragt  roirb.  (gcilten  fie  fid)  fortrodhrcnb 
rocigern,  cin  Scugnig  fid?  ju  r-erfdjaffen,  fo 
bdtte  bie  ©emeinbe,  in  roctcfye  fie  gejogen 
finb,  ba»  9ted)t,  fid)  ibrcs'  granbes  ju  ear* 
fid)crn,  ebe  fte  fold;e  uoUig  file  SWitglieber 

IS.  Ob  cin  Q3rubcr  ober  Stfiifglicb  liber* 
einfrimmenb  mit  bent  (Jr-angebo  geridjret 
rocrben  tonne,  c!;ne  cin  SSerhor  ju  I;aben 
»or  bcr  ©emeinbe,  mit  bem  SKedjr  fid)  feU 

ber  ju  »ertl)eibigen  ?  _. : 

Stngefefyen,  bag  fein  93ruber  fur  irgenb 
fine  Q3efd)ulbigung  for  ben  fliatb.  ber"@cs 
meinbe  gebr«d)t  roerben  fottte,  obne  bag  t& 
'  iimi  t'ori;cr  angefagt  roorben  ift,  unb  obne 
bie  Ijreflbeit  ju  l;aben,  Oenm  2>erI;or  bcr  3<u* 
gen  gegenrodrtig  ju  fenn,  roie  aud)  fid)  fcU 
ber  ju  pertbeibigen  nad)  bem  Sr-angelio. 

14.  2Begcn  bem  ©ebraud)  ftarfer  @e* 
trdnfe  rourbe  esS  angefeben,  bag  es  cin  gros 
fccS  Ucbet  ift,  roeldje's  ju  Safier  unb  gSerkcs 
d)cn,  jur  iBcrftorung  beg  ^riebene  unb  SScrs 

Considered,  that  he  may  if  re 

q -jested. 


10.  Whether  a  follower  of  Jesus 
attend  political  meetings  i 

Considered,  that  it  h  not  becoming  at 
all  for  brethren,  who  have  renounced  th3 

11.  Whether  it  is  becoming  for  a 
member  of  the  church  of  Christ  to  act  as 
juror  in  the  courts  of  our  country.? 

Considered,  that  it  would  be  best  not 
to  serve  at  all  even  in  civil  -  ,  but  by  no 
means  in  criminal  cases. 

12.  What  is  to  be  done  with  a  brother 
or  member,  who  removes  into  another 
church,  without  bringing  a  certificate  of 
membership  along,  and  who  being  asked 
for  it,  is  offended  by  the  request? 

Considered,  that,  as  it  has  been  deci- 
ded often  heretofore,  it  is  requisite  for 
members,  that  remove  from  one  church 
into  another,  to  bring  a  testimony  or  cer- 
tificate along  of  their  standing  in  the 
church,  from  whence  they  came,  and 
that  they  ought  not  be  offended  at  being 
asked  for  the  same.  Should  they  refuse 
still  to  procure  a  certificate,  the  church 
to  which  they  came, would  have  a  right, 
to  ascertain  their  standing,  before  recei- 
ving them  to  full  membership. 

13.      Whether  a  brother  or  member 

could    be   judged   consistently    with    the 

Gospel,   without  having  a  hearing  beforf 

the  church  with  privilege  to  defend  him- 



Considered,  tliat  no  brother  ought  to 
be  brought  before  the  council  of  the 
church  for  any  accusation,  without  hav- 
ing previous  information  thereof,  &  with- 
out having  the  privilege  of  being  present 
at  the  hearing  of  the  witnesses,  and  also 
of  defending  himself  according  to  Gospel. 

niogcne!,  unb  511m  9Serberben  1'eibcS  unb 
in  Seele  fiihrt,  unb  bag  ©tieber  ber  @e* 
meinbe  (Sbrifri  won  bem  (Mraud)  bar-on 
iH'frcbcii  fclltcn  atiogenoiimien  aBSWebijin. 

14.  Concerning  the  use  of  ardent  spir- 
its it  was  considered,  that  it  is  a  great 
evil,  leading  to  vice  and  crime,  to  do 
struction  of  peace  and  property,  and  ti> 
the  ruin  of  body  and  soul,  and  that  mem- 
ber^ of  the  church  of  Christ  ought  to  re- 
frain from  the  use  of  it  except  as  medi- 


1-1 J 

15.  Sic  ndtfjfie  jjdf)rlid}e  Serfammluno. 
fcetreffenb,  fo  rear  Slnfprucfji  gemad^t  root* 
ben.  ror  biefem  ton  ber  gvoataras®emeinbe 
in  biefem  <2uut,  unD  biefe§  3ahr  »eii  ber 
9Jfot>iccon»©cmeiribe  in  Chic,  unb  son  bcr 
<Pfeiff.rMs@«meinfce  in  jKarntanb/  unb  — 
mil  fcin  ?fnfpruf!i  tiefesmat  son  SroatAs 
ra  gemacrjt  raurbe, —  fo  fcfcbfofen  bit  iBrii* 
ber,  in  jabrliitcr  iBerfammlung  fidi  ju  wr« 
,  fammeln,  geliebt  e?  ®Dtt,  ndcbftes  3d)r, 
duf^ftngfteri  Is  10.  piit  unferrt  Snibern 
nn  bcr  ^feifftjef  in  Warnlanb,  jur  2>«« 
quernlntfeit  ber  ofitii!;en  ©emeinben,  mit 
ber?i(>fiibr>  uns  aufs  fblgenbe  Sohr,  menu 
fie  ihren  Mnfprucb  roieberhoten,  mit  unfern 
83iubern  in  Ohio  ju  oerfammeln. 
•  llnterfir-riebm  oon 

JDanici  (Berber* 

3Dav>i&  Pfautv 

£  bftfrian  Jiang, 

Daniel  21rnol5, 

(Seorg  ^oorff 

21t>riU>am  5?anf, 

jtobanneo  ^art/ 

3ob«nneo  prcie, 

JDaniel  Keidjcr?/ 

^cinrid?  ^urtj. 

lu.  In  regard  to  the  next  yearly  mi'i-- 
ting,  application  having  been  made  here- 
tofore from  Swatara-church  in  this  state, 
and  this  year  from  Mohiccon-  church  in 
Ohio,  and  from  Pipecreek-church  in  Ma- 
ryland,— no  application  being  made  this 
year  from  Swatara. —  the  Brethren  con- 
cluded to  meet,  God  Willing,  in  annual 
meeting  next  year  on  Pentecost  164:2. 
with  our  Brethren  at  Pipecreek  in  Mary- 
land, in  accommodation  of  the  Eastern 
churches,  with  the  intention  of  meeting 
the  year  following,  if  the  application  is 
repeated,  with  our  Brethren  in  Ohio. 

Signed  by 

Daniel  Gekber, 
David  Pfoutz, 
Christian  Long. 
Daniel  Arnold, 
George  Hoke, 
Abraham  Yakut, 

John  Hart, 
John  Price, 
Daniel  Reichard, 
Henry   Kurtz. 




» i