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as a a Be ay a a Tale 
Tesh Reference: 3/PPDE/T11 
I « ify 

To: Nieacor 
Hot Fiz 25th July 40 

I have set representatives of the I GROUP [cRUPPA Imsj[i]. This ‘ 
is [a] [4a] . (a44a]), 

« He reported that be had 

been detailed to organise work with me, bot that he had not yet obtained a 
eingle oontast. I cams to an agreement with bie about the work and pointed 
out the importance of speed. He (INTELLIGENTALA [INTELLICENTs[Ya}[iv]) 
reported the following: 


HITLER's speech [vy] will net make « great imprescion here, Tha 
press bas taken it unfavourably. Ha comgiders that the 
SAUSAGE-DEALERS [KOLBASNIET |[vi) were given their answer earlier 
by CHURCHILL since the BAUSAGE-DEALERS' conditions passed to 
the British threugh EhOsthoe [vii] and witsom [viii] proved 
uacceptable, HALIFAT's speech [iz] was not oly an addition- 
al answer to the SAUSACE-DEALERS but [also)[b] the cutlins of 
a political programs, The slogan "For Christianity" is 
gisiler to ope of the ooméitions in BOOSEVELT's declaration on 
the freedom of religion, will also depress PETAIN, FRANCO and 
the Pope and has an anti-fascist edge [to it][b]). ISTELLICc- 
ENTSIA considers that there is ap anti-SAU0SAGE-DEALE® sood in 
the army and the knowledge [of this)[b] is so strong that the 
Conservative Party is afraid of risking talking about peace. 
They eight start talks if Britein were to suffer some serious 
defeat or the SAUSAGE-DEALERS start effective bonbing. 
CHURCHILL continuss to stay the main figure of the war in the 
SAUSACE-DEALEES" eyes, but he intends [o] but is supporting 
CHAMEERIATN's group so as to give the anti-sa0SicE—DEALER mood 
ne chance &kfteereloping into a movement of the left. 


2. Generale InceEsime [x] end Goer [xi] were removed from the 

leadership because at a parliamentary [C% secret session] on 
the question of the onuse of the defeat in FLANDEES the Kinister 
of Supply proved with desuments phat the Expeditionary Foros’. 
(ExarEnrrsi¥a] was supplied 100 percent in scaardanse with tifs 
inastructions of these generals, who are persemJly responsible 
for the [BX develepment] of the mechanised armies, 

Ho. 200 hance [xi] i 

Hotes: [a] ‘The translation of this could possibly be *(In] this is", 1.0. 
im this group is; the plerel "representatives" in the first 
sentence is certainly correctly recovered and seems off ptherwise. 

[b] Inserted by translator. 
[e] Part of the text has ebvicusly been omitted here. 

Comente: [4] x GROUP: Not identified; ase also M@SCOW's No, 450 of 7th 
September 1940, and LONDN's Nos, 895 of 16th August 1940, 
987 of 6th September 1940, 1071 af 26th September 1%0, 
1099 of 2nd Oeteber 1940 and 1165 of 16th Oeteber 1940. 
“ [aa] Bee also 
LOMDON"s Hos, 895 ef 16th August 1940, 967 of Gth September 
TO, 1099 of 2nd Osteber 190, 1149 of 11th Osteber 19,0 
and 1165 of 15th Ostober 1940. 

[iv] reLLrcEeersza: (44). 
[wv] HOTLER's speech: te the REICESTAG on 19th July 1940. 
[vi] SAUSACE-DEALERS: the Cermans. 
[wid] ZhOsthom: Not identified. 

~ [widt] WILSGN: Sir Horace WILSON, Chief Industrial Adviser to 
CHANPERLAIN. He acted as a special envoy betwee the 
latter and HITLER. 
[ax] HALIFAL's speech: the Earl of HALIFAT's speesh ef 22nd July 
1940 on the radio, 
[x] ROESIDE: General IRGHEIDE, Chief of the Imperial Cenerel 
Staff. <a 

[xi] GOBT: General lord GORT, commnder of the British 

meST et toe Ser LL | 5/Prre ny 

[xit]) Bath: Possibly Simon Devidevish KRINER, those official 
post was Searvtary te the Serist Military Attaché in = 
MDG. Be wes appaizted in 1957 amd is thengkt to have 
left semetioe in 1946. ‘The cowermeme BAECh cosers os « 
LiNDGN eddresses and sigeatery beteees Ind Bare 1940 and 
10th Oeteber 1940, after uikish it is superseded by the 
corermane ZIG.