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Full text of "The Covername ''TENOR'', ''BAS'', and ''CHETA'' in ---Traffic"

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THE  COBEBMAMES  "TENOR",    "BAS",  AND  "CHETa'"   (?) 


1,  General,     a.  The.  eomnm  RaBsewsmta.     Measages  from  New  Tork 

to   Moscow   encrypted    by  the   BTsterflHMt  occasionally  "*e   reference 
to  a  place  known  as  DEREVNIA.     Tola  word   (derived  from  DEREVO  'tree; 
wood1   and  oognata  with  Knglieh  TREE)   wtu   'the  country*   (as  opposed 
to  town,  Latin  EDS),    'a  country  estate',  or  'a  village  (without  a 
church) ' .     In  translations  hereafter,   to  distinguish  Country  in  the 
sense  of  Latin  RUS   (whence  RURAL)   from  Country  in  the  sense  of  Latin 
TERRA,   RECIO   (Russian  STRAJtA*,   the  covername  for  the  United  States), 
the  word  Countryside  will  be  used  for  the  former;  hence.  Countryside 
will  refer  to  Mexico  and  Countrj  to  the  U.SU. 

It  is  known  that  DEREVNIA  Is  Mexico  because  of  a  series  of 
messages  (not  reported  on)   involving  HENRI  (Henry).     Thus,   on  26  May 
1944  we  read  "HENRI  during  his  mtay  in  DEREVHIA,, •■     Then  on  H  June  there 
is  a  painstaking  arrangement  for  a  rendezvous  between  HENRI  and. 
"our  aan"  (not  New  Tork's  man,  who  is  HENRI,   but  presumably  some 
MGB  man  or  other)  at  the  entrance  of  the  aovie  house  TEREBA,  AVENIDA 
<x&Af-&e*ix  — *JUAH  DE  LETRAN;   this  was  evidently  the  aovie  house  of  that  name 
(Cine  ■Teresa")  owned  by  Exhibidores  Metropolitanoe,  S.A.,   at 
sAvenida  San  Joan  da  Letran  109  In  Mexico,  Federal  District.     Finally, 
on  10  August  19U»   we  read,   "HEMRI  has  returned  to  Tyre  JBew  YorkJ 
from  DEREVNIA"  and  "HENRI   (?in?)  DEREVHIA  and  —IT—  their  organ 
'LA  V0Z'."     ("La  Vos"  is  a  Communist  newspaper  of  Mexico,  Fed.  Dist.) 
On  HENRI  see  further  seotion  A. 



JSFr  - 

■  n*Bt 

The  adjective  DEREVENSKOT  ooeurring  in  the  message  being  reported 
on  (literally  'country  ..,,  rural;  Tillage  ...')  must  therefore  amount 
to   ■latxlou1.     It  will  here  bo  translated  Rural. 

b.  The  frrarpff  CHETJ  £?}..     In  order  to  extrioate  the  text  of 
the  translation  aa  much  as  possible  from  a  tangle  of  parentheses  and 
question  marks,   it  may  be  well  to  dispose  of  the  nana  CHETa*  in  the 
preliminaries.     CHETA  means   'pair*  or   'couple*.     It  is  not  oertaln 
that  the  name  involved  is  CHETa\  but  it  is  certain  that  it  begins  with 
CHE  followed  by  a  consonant  no  earlier  in  the  Russian  alphabet  than  S, 
and  ends  in  A. 

c.  The  real  names.     John  Seating   (Russian!     DZHON  KITING)  is 
presumably  John  F.  Keating,  a  lawyer  of  Manhattan  Borough. 

David  Hiles  (Russian:     D-EsTD  RAILS,   with  the  ■hardn  E)   is 
identified  as  an  adviser  of  ■KAPITAH"   (Captain),   who  ia  known  on  other 
evidence  to  be  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt. »    Accordingly,  he  Is  David  K. 
Kiln,  Administrative  Assistant  to  the  President. 

The  question  arises,   why  Boosevelt  ia   mentioned  by  cover-name  and 
Hiles  not.     A  survey  of  the  traffic  ae  a  whole  suggests  that  a  covername 


like  KAPITAN  serves  a  different  purpose  froa  covernames  assigned  to 
agents.     The  latter  are  presumably  designed  to  protect  the  person  of 
the  agent  directly;  the  KAPITAN  type  and  names  like  DEREVHIA  merely 
obscure  the  sense  and  thereby  afford  indirect  protection  to  the  agents 
and  sources,   or  baffle  foreign  intelligence  organs   concerning  Just 
That  intelligence  la  being  transmitted. 

This  protection  often  wears  a  little  thin.     Thus,   the  State 

a*  BrtSJ1;  ^*Tf*I*ffT*J  **«*  '2«    ^tW  Covernaaa.        U 
mm  Elated    information  in  Diplomatic  Traffic  JwawmYs-Mn1'   IS  Santa mhar  1% 

"  18  September   19A7. 

..  -'J 

Department  is  coverod    by  the  name  BANK,   tod  quite  likely  the  Secretary 
of  State  had  a  covername*    too,   but  Robert  Daniel  Vurphy  has  do 
covername.     Hence  we  read  In  a  message  of  19  [l8j  October  1944* 
n MURPHY  in  telegrams  to  the  BANK  of  26  and  27  August  — 2F--  Rumanian 
king  Michael  concerning  the  presence  in  Rumania  of  troops  of  the 
Island  [Great  Britain]  and  the  Country  ly.S.A.J    ffor  moral  support.. •'" 


2.  The  first  message.     Hew  Tork-Hoscow  message  786  of  1  June  1944* 

To  vfKTOR  (Victor], 

In  reply  to  your  telegram  no.  2066, 

There*  are  three  ( ?poaeibilities  of  getting?)    (?e  transit 
visa?)  for  CHETAi 

1,  The  nerval  way— when  *Te*DR*  will  do  £or  "make^j  everything 
himself.    It  will  take  « 3F—  will  —in—. 

2,  Through  the  lawyer  JOSH  KEATING— somewhat  quicker  will  cost 
300-400  dollars.     Both  manners  are  lengthy  because  they  will  be 
connected  with  checking-up   [or   "verification^. 

3,  Through  "KAPITAN'a"  adviser  DAVID  MILES— will  take  3-4 
days  —IF—  500  dollars.     Around  KITES  there  is  a  group  of  his 

S  Lends  that  arrange  any  business  for  a  tribe.     Through  them 
NOR  gets  —  £F—  and  has  already  paid  them  up  to  6000  dollars. 
Whether  NILES  himself  takes  the  bribe  la  not  precisely  known. 
T.   (has)  discussed  with  thorn  (?payment?&  — 13F— 

in/to  the  Countryside  [pER&NIA  .  Mexico].     —9?—  Rural  £=  Mexican^ 
visa  an!  a  ticket  to  the  Countryside,     T.  declares  that  success 
in  the  last- mentioned  way  is  100-percent  and  there  is  no  ohecklng-up, 
I  recommend  the  third  method. 

Before  we  begin  to  act  for  CHETA  it  is  indispensable  to  get 
a  Rural  visa  and  to  communicate   (?immediately?)  for  — 1U—  T.  the 
amount  of  the  deposit  [or  'bond*!  paid  in  in  the  Countryside. 
Immediately  upon  receipt  of  the  Sural  visa  and  sanction  to  — 2U~ 
T.  will  buy  a  through  ticket  from  — 9P—   (?protection  ofjO   the 
covername  Henry  JGEHRIHj  —10—  Rural  visa.     T.  —IF—  meet  CHETA 
in  *-3F—  later  in  the  Countryside  — 20f— 

*L**V?1      [  Ko  indentations  iMicated  in  original.     Paragraphed  by  translator 

tr^R*V  for  clarity. 

ft*     -M\t       L  ft 

*  *  - 

-\^  ■■# 


3.  Xb£  aecond  Maw».     Hew  York-Moscow  ..esaage  1509  (in  part) 
[internal  no.  85lj  of  23  October  19U-     (The  oatanaible  message  1509 
is  really  a  string  of  three  ehort  onea.     The  second  one  reads  as 

follows t) 

(?Hot  received?)  by  us  — 7F—  (^arrangements?)   of  BAS 
concerning  CHETA's  arrival  —3?—  I  *■  carrying  to  the  point 
that  I  have  gotten  in  touch  -2U—  plant  (henceforth  "SI") 
— 1*—  Ephraln  [TEFREHJ,   who  personally  (?presented?)  —IP- 



23  October 

This  message   is  in  a  very  unsatisfactory  shape,  but  it  does  show  that 

almost  five  aonths  after  the  previous  Message  there  was  still  talk 

of  CHEtI's  arrival  (PRIT&D,   hence  arrival  by  conveyance,   presiusably 

from  abroad) .     Of  coarse,  this  night  be  a  different  arrival,   perhaps 

even  back  frost  Mexico. 

T&OR  ia  not  mentioned,  but  a  certain  BAS   (weaning   'bass'fr  ia. 
It  will  be  observed  that  T&CR  and  BAS  are  closely  related  in  meaning, 
and  it  is  not  impossible  that  BAS  is  a  new  name  for  T&OB,   THoUgh  on 
the  other  hand,   this  relation,  if  significant,  nay  simply  mean  that 
T&OR  and  BAS  have  similar  positions  in  the  ring.     The  code  group 
identified  as   ■BAS1'  does  also  occur  In  a  message  of  26  Hay  19U  that 
also  mentions  HEHRI  (see  section.  K  below) ,   but  it  is  not  certain 
that  It  belongs  there  (error  in  decryption?)  or,  if  it  does,  what  it 
means  there. 

The  covernaae  SI  ray  be  a  spelling  for  the  English  na*e  of  the 
Latin  letter  C.     It  doe*  not  occur  eleewhere. 


The  word  ttauliM  "plant,"  ZAVOD,   is  possibly  a  sovernas*  for 

some  organisation  or  agency. 

The  cover name  TEFR£M  doee  not  occur  elsewhere. 

4.     The  names  G^MRIH  and  h£krI.     In  the  first  message   (section  2) 
occurs  the  phrase  "the  eovernaae  oiNRIH".     The  only  other  occurence 
of  G&HIH  la  in  the  message  on  changes  in  covernanea  (798  of  5  October 
19U#   previously  reported  on),   where  TIM  is  changed  to  G&RIH.     Since 
the  message  here  being  reported  on  is  dated  1  June  19U,   It  is  problematic 
whether  the  save   naming  is  involved  in  each  instance. 

It  should  be  pointed  out,   however,  that  there  is  a  aovernane 
H&RI.     G&RIH  ia  the  fom  usually  ffsem  bestowed  on  Hussians  when 
they  are  named   "Henry"  j  S&EI  (and  also  G&RI)   are  forms  representing 
a  foreign  name.     How,  H&RI  went  to  Mexico  and  later  returned  to  Hew 
Tork  (see  aecUon  la).     The  range  of  dates  for  the  occurrence  of  the 
oovername  K&JRI  is  from  26  May  to  10  august  19U>. 

H^RRI  will  be  made  the  subject  of  a  separate  report. 

