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Full text of "The optick glasse of humors or The touchstone of a golden temperature, or the Philosophers stone to make a golden temper : wherein the foure complections sanguine, cholericke, phligmaticke, melancholicke are succinctly painted forth and their externall intimates laid open to the purblind eye of ignorance it selfe, by which euery one may iudge, of what complection he is, and answerably learne what is most sutable to his nature"

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Td the right wor/hjpfull» 

wife, and learned Knight , Sir 

T.^. Wlfhcth event of 
all felicity, 

■Rivatftudy wemay notun- 
fitly fay repreniftcth the 
veffeJ, wife parly aod com- 
munication gives the vent 
andcafie flow ^ and Secretarifhip the 
falcrthconeloadcsthe mcraory> the 
ocherlcnds the fmooth delivery 5 the 
Jaftperfeds the judgement, and wins 
chiefcft glory. Sothat ftudious dili- 
gence , without writing and confe^ 
rencCjisthe dul pidure o^Harpocrates 
thegod offilence> who is feigned to 
C wcare 

7he EpiflU 

wear a wolves skin full of cars & eyes, 
butfealing up hislippes with his forc- 
finger^as mute as marble Nifihmnd fo 
wming without both^is the picture of 
Poetraich)\^erc withour mcafurejarid 
Wie without weight, as lavifliin tong 
as54/^^.Thchieroglyphickof atrue 
Scholer is the harejthar flecps waki ng 
with her eys open, and wakes flceping 
medirate vvhen he is in ad/on , and to, 
pra(5tire when he is in meditation." Or^ 
asother-Erablemifts havelimd forth a 
right ftudenr,evcr to have one eie fliut 
atid another open, having in his right 
hand Phefphorm , with his mottoiri 
one woxd-Vigiloimd Hejperus mthc 
other hand, with this word -Dcrmi^y 
r6intimare,that he fliould divide the* 
day & nifi^ht forpra<5^ifeand fpeculati- 
onjtoequdize the timesof both at hi-sf 
fitcer opp<)rcunity .-Jieithcrco a<5^ De^ 

^fieritfii {vrhofotni^ht worthily havfi 
l^jughcat his own tolly) that put out . 
his own eycs,to become a continual!, 
contemplator. Nor to bchke Nkidi^ 
who as records 5 forgot his ^/'W.i- 

meat, by being toointenc on his pain- 
ting : as Twift torrents oft run theirt- 
felvcs dry by too much motion , fo 
(landing pooles doputrifieby no mo* 
tion. There is a fairc tra^bctweene 
Scylla, 8c chary hdts for vvifdora to tra- 
Vers in : a happy orb betwixt Saturn 
2ndZuMd, for Phaeton to guide his, 
qbach in,fo between all a<^ionand al- 
together contemplation foraftudenc 
toconverfein. For conferring, I doe 
paffcit over,as that whetco I feldome 
have beene beholden , yet much affe- 
^Irngicand knowing that it brings 
great accrument untowifedomc and . 
learning : as conceraing my ftudy and- 
fcadingjic hath bin but mcanc, I muft 
nscdseonfclTe, and my writing very 
HI 2 penU-« 

fhe Epi/ik 

|jenurioiis in regard of theirs , if/h&] 
havemriched whole reamcsof paper 
wirhthe Indian Mine , and golden 
cha£iirc of their invention ; yet for 
that module of thefc habiliments in 
me,I have ever bent my judgement,fo 
far as in it lay, to limit all thefc unto 
their peculiar timcs5objcd^s,& places, 
& havctendred my endeavor to have 
efpecially two^thc one correfpondent 
unto the other, neither to adlD^w^- 
cHt»s nor Nicias , but by inrcrcourfc 
tomix my fwcccer meditation, with 
bitter, yet profitable & better aiSion* 
And as in other things of greater or 
leflTe moment, fo in this al fb, the abor- 
tive iflue ofmy wit , begot of that 21- 
boundancc of love I owe unto your 
felfe, whofe manifold kindnelTes if I 
fhould bury in oblivion, I might wor- 
thily feem ingratefull, if remembriwg 
I flibuld nor in fome fort requite , I 
might feem odious & refpe^lesbath 


of mine own good natncj^ your bet- 
ter defert : thelarcr wherof ismuch, 
'Jretthc firft much more , a delicious 
fVuic that grows from the tree of gra« 
titude. The Eleans therefore , fayrh 
Piufamtts , did paint forth the three 
Grdces^hoXdin^ thefe three things in 
their hands, — Refam. Myrrhum^ r 4- 
lum : to intimate that from thankeful- 
nes proceed ^ fruits. Fiffl-, thefwreet- 
ncs of a good name, Oiadowed out by 
the Tweet fmelling Rofe. 2. Thepro- 
fitredounding from it, infinuated by 
the My rrhc branch. And Iaftly5chief 
comfort and hilarity, fignificd by the 
cocca! bone, which efpecially is com- 
petent toy ong age.-which three com- 
prifeall //r/y^^z/fj three goods. How- 
foover [may feem to aime at the firfl:, 
as may beinferd by precedent fpcech, 
a! way highly prirJnga good name^as 
aprctious ointment, vaporing forth 
2 ifragranc fmell , and delicious 

jiiov in all mens noftrils : and at the 
Juil deftrous of mynt j^:^ delight- 
f^t C<i«tf ptniKnt & cQirmifort, iflwi^g 
^ora my thankful ties, y^t for the o- 
thcr,more freeing to Sycophants & 
crucn-catching parafi-ts, it moves B^^t 
once within the Zodiack of my cxpc- 
^ation, lonly facisfying my felf with 
the fortner,Neither did I in the waine 
of my judgmentattemptthiSjtodraw 
in the perfuming breath ofvaine-glo- 
yy,topufFeup my felf with fclfc-con- 
ceitalike tjie cham^li&n^yjhich is 
^r4terfulmones^ nothing butluflgs * 
->iitonely thinking to breake the ice, 
haply to wade fiirther,and to employ 
.my felfin greatisr tasks , as fitterpp- 
portuqity 0ial obje4tK;t felf unto 
if the pfcfined terra & Jimit of my life 
permitrand <yithaIio lieif of gratitude 
J-toprcfci^t your ielfe with this Jittle, 
j^k^pbichfcepjesmuGhi.iftfegard of^n-iy 
vWantSj^lfb^ur, asjntich fcems-littlc 


in rcfpedofyour ever kind favor. For 
this, as alfo your other endowments^ 
•ray pen might worthily fil whole pa- 
ges; but your fplcndcnt vertues c:jn 
cafily be their own Hcraulds, to Jim 
forth their own armory rand to extol! 
in prefenceis more glaveringand poi 
cticaI,thanrruelo 'ing and p:uhetical. 
This only my afFe(5lioncanot conceal, " 
your gratious demeanour , generous 
carriagejCorreoos nature, ftudious en- 
deavor, and wifdomefor mannaging 
your felfe each where(whcn you hap- 
pily wcrca flounfbing brancfr^engraf- 
tcdin the fruitfull Olive tree of this 
cm Athens , that thrice famous Uni- 
• verfityof Cambridge) where firft the 
fympathizing adamants of my affe- 
^ion, your continuance after in all 
ftudious anions 5 conftan cy in your 
fiivors and kind difpofition(for I muft 
needs fay as he Q^KAugufm^ — i?^- sm.Aurtl, 
m t» quidcm ddrecif iendas micitiaty 
^nuHi- ^4 ad 

5 k Bpiftle 
4d nthendas vero eonftdnufsimus) 
thcfe incited mee to caufe that which 
as a rparkelay fhroudcd in embers ia 
qiy brcft5to exhibiv it felf more appaj- 
rantly in this Jittle flame. ^ 
Take this my endeavor,! pray you, 
in worth 5 chcrifhand foftcrthis de- 
formed brood of my braine^in the lap 
(if I may fo rearm it)of your good li- 
king.and in love cfteem it Eiir, though 
badly penfild over,to wi(h as Ddpbm 
faid to Pm, > 

If the happy Damept of vlyffes cfi. 
rc^lnot the wandering planet of my 
wit within the decent orb of wifdom, 
my ftaramering pen (ceming far ever- 
gon witfe fupcrfluity of phrafc, yet 
^ wanting 


wanting matter , I aofw^r with the 
Poet ODC only word inverted ; 

Quf n6n efi (jodit , eras wAgU aftm 

Hec that is Hewers Jrus for fkciilty to 
day5may be a rich Cr(pfus for inventi- 
on to morrowias it is with cogitations 
fo with adions, the fecod relifh more 
of wifedon). Pcrfe^ion requires tracfi 
of time ; ^^mesC^j>ipfiiI was not built 
thefirftday : nor was Zeuxuhisffe- 
ie/ta Cuddenly limm'd forth with one 
pencil. Lookenot on thefe rapfodi- 
zedlines,! pray you, with a pittying 
eie.-Ihad ratherfar be envied than pit- 

Mili$r eB invidentia, cemmiferatiene : 
Setter by much is a cafe hatefull than 


The Bpiftk 

wofull. Now will I humbly take my 
leave , committing you to the tuition 
of that heavenly Tutor, whofc pupils 
We are all. 

From my Study in S, lohnt ^ X*C alend^ 

Ever mfiff devoted UHt$j9u 
. . J - ' iHAUfAithfuhefft^ 

To the Reader, ;^ 

MfTvledgf cottCCA^edand not hrO" 
chedfor-a ffihlie^ut ufe^ is like to 
apeer/ejfe gem interred tn the 
cepter of the earth , whereof tfo 
TKAn kyie^es h*^^ hethat hidit -.yet ii therea 
due reaard te had,^eft at any time it prove 
^iortiveyfor.the galdijt tongjue of wiftdome^ 
that relifieth ali , not By imagination , i;fit 
true judgment (rf>hofetaI},}ie^er.ean he^- 
phifitcated)/'iyes, tis better net to be divuL 
gedat all\ than prtproperoufly hfore-jde 
time. Thou mAjfi fayper/idventfirey that in 
^th*i IhekV^jfwnatedthe, Amygdala orsj^^tr Plin.Nat. 
.mond tree J^^lVAyy thatfo hafitly huds att^d 
.hriugJ forth- h^r fruits Or Uh the Lapwit^ 
beiyi^ Jatfi)M^ched, it -were rvit^ 
\the fheil«»my heady that I have [oared dfo 
-aiove my pitch Attempting an Eagles flight 
mth the wings of aff^ren, in the high firtvg 
tjde of -An ^er'Tveeningopinionyfi^ewtngHn" 

To the Reader. 

ptattolnf judgment , theu mdyfi tearme me oh 
^ C£j. Homers Tncrfitcs, dfxt^ofsns , orasi: wat 
faid of Trajan the Emferenr^rohen he vaun. 
ted of hit Parthian trochee before the gods p 
be fStyy^fAiyoi <ua^o» li Klyuy, mere rejpElinf^ 
a fbundof words^tha a founder matter it felf^ 
thsu mayfi eondemn me for many an error 
efcape in thefe my ruder Itnet : I kpotv right 
welthottttfefi not togape after gudgeons — ■ 

Mm. Pracda canumlcpns cft,va(lo$ ncn itnplct hi- 

The Hares repaft for Hounds ^ the vafer 


It doth not fatiafe, 

GfntleReader^ca!lthii to mind p'Sof 

f/L(^lJih<t^(m^V^m<f«.^oui,'ft is fareafitr not 
to like^ than to d^ the like. But hifwfoever 
'* ' thou dofi either Hncivillj prejndttate my la- 

bour with a finifier conceit ymtfctnfiruiMg my \ 
npeaningy or uncurteonjly cenfuriof my tna* 
bility » impeaching my good name for fame \ 
things that doe dif^afte thy delicate pa/late^ 
Jafta nobis eft alca, / have fet all at fix and 
feven , and J intend by the LMufes favour 
hdppily to gA9n,thaugb unhappily I have be* 


To the Rcadcf. 

Notvfiithfianding IrviUaJfoi/c my frlf, 
^andmak^ an/tver unta thy former, cither fe- 
tcret fmmifesy or open cazi/s. For the fir SI, if 
'/ have imitated the Almond tree,it h to keef 
in fi ore A hitter almond for the pr/iting par- 
rat that licenttoufijthM Jpeakethof me-^rvho 
{*f alrvayes like the feol^a conf mant wheu hee 
\fhoHld he A Mftte, and a mute vhen hepjouU 
■be it con/otutnt. Jn that I feem to foare aloft 
toohigh^ givente leave to ujt Aufonius his 
\VfiordsHntoVz\x\vCit , jet a little inverted ; 

Dicis me Icarnm efle,baud belle, nam ^yyj,K. 

fummalicappetam (fpcro) ut nondccidanij pmi.Ep,\^ 

Ihope^fiall not prove an ajptnnglciTUS, 

nor another Tbalcs tn Diogenes LaeTtius, 

ytho yvhil^ he lookt high and vcas contempla. 

ting on the fiars , fell groveltHg tnto a deepe 

dttch, for the thirdj much appertaining to 

every hrain-fieke Narciffus^)' doe altogether 

difilaim that^fince it never fo much at inji- 

nuAted it felfe into thehofom of my magtna^ 

tton, my Gemus not de firing to hee perfumed 

With fmokie praife^or foon-vani(hing vnl^ 

gar glory, chiefly ujhered by felf- conceit, For 

my taint with Thctfitcs and Trajant/««/^,/ 

vil only ufefor my defend thst fiuch «f Jo* 

cafte f9 Eccoclcs, 

To the Reader/ (2M'^VM^«pict 

rhaniila. j^^^^^ ^j- ^^^(^yjpoy^ 

Old age ( inrvhfe hrefi long experience 
hath treafxred Hp great ftore ofwifdome )caii^\ 
jpeak^ejar m»re retfelj andexailly than y an- 
ger yeares^ For the lafi: of all^oiny error covi- 
fftitudj [anfrvert tt may be an error of tgne- 
ranee f ?en to theeg et it is an ignorance of the 
error ttnfeen to me ^tv hereof if privatly thoU , 
demandefl a re^^fm^ I canjdoubt not y<ind -wilt goodfir thy full fatiifaUton, if re a- 
.fo'Mwili ffi.tia fie thee. Tetifnst, give leave} 
tint 0 thy h'trflj and tome invention , if for 
nought elff bnt this, in that I derogate f ont 
no mans due defer t^nor feeke to tradnce any, 
unta thetr Itjift dtjparagement j 

5 pinivii Blift not with * Critick brcdth my teder hud, 
My vulgar Mufe fcfpedsa common good: 
For thcc my pen ft touts on this paper liagc^, 
Thouf?h it do a£l withouten acquipage. . j 
quench thy learned thirftj mean to drainr 
The. Hippo cr'^ni.^a fountain of my brain. 
^^y wifh isgood,my adi know is ill ; 
The firlt's a ntotrntaicthis a k)wly hill . f 
With carping fingers let me not be fcanel, 
Poifc not the gift,buc Weigh the givers h5d, 

I am 

To the Header. 

lam well fHrt^that thou wilt here expeSi 
with Ang.PoI. TAx^ xo<>'fltxrt(v35,Tot (fij^jcj- 
vct xoJv®s 5 tlfiJt »/> Vulaar things uttered af» 
ter a new fort , afid novelty after a vnlgar 
fort^ withofit affeUatioH : that f fhonld bee a 
rich eloquent merchant of exottcH^ and new- 
foftiid phrafes : that-I/hitild intraverfe and 
interlard my fetches with itveiy conceits 5 
inrich thy leArned ears with rtght Athenian 
jewels^ i luminate the eye of thy under ft an-- 
ding with the luftre of R^etoricall colours : 
that the whole work^faotild bee mixt with an 

Omnc tulit punc^ura. And furely f§ 

far as each thing ts conlonant and harmoni- 
call to judgment willtender my deavor^to 
be [utable tothy [choller^like exf elation : 
for if fo be wijdome do not manage and tem^ 
per all, the Mufes, which are pure ehafte and 
uy jotted virgins ^il turn to meer curtefans. 

If /udgmcnt tread not on the heels of wit, 
And curb invention with his golden bit. 
Twill nc'r look back unto his proper want. 
Bat ftil his fte ps wil be exorbitant. ; ■. ^ 

**I dare not pre fume ^nor wiltrajhly ^ng^i^* 
my credit to thee (cpirteous ceufurer ) to fro. 
thee Awphoraaj , ne Urccus «xctt , A 


J O ttie Kcacicr. 

mti»;ain^ lefiit 6ringforthth*it ridicuiotii 
fffuc ift the (Able : to premife thee Ariftarnc-^ 
t\^shislL.2L\^jxhom hetearmes Shot TrfouctAoVf 
aU face ^ for her fufer-eminem beamy & por^ 
traUHrCtadmirable fjmmetrie of parts, mefi 
decent and eye.fleajing lineaments «f her 
Whole body j lefi' that I beget an Ethiofian^or 
a L^ba\h,who was termed aU nofedtke Mar- 
tials Tongilianjo/w^o/w he thn^ Jpeaketh, 

Tongilianus habct nafum, fcio,non nego, fed 

NilpraEter nafum Tongilianus babet^ 

Tongilian has a goodly nofejiwis, 
Bnt nought be fides a nofe Tongilian is. 

And tid doubt itwill bee lik^r thi later than 
^he former Vcnos had her mole , Helena 
her fain, Cyilthia herJpotSy the Swan her 
jeaty feet, the cleairefl day fsmechMd : nay^ 
thereis noihin^ybHt if we oHce eye it over, fa 
abJolHtely perfeUf not the fmoot he fi writer 
of all J {at leaf A Critic ke perufmg of htm ) 
fsr fame blemijh and imperfeHion^ merits not 
either Ariftarthus his bluckeptle , or Motnus 
htsjponge, Jfiathefairefi things befuch de^, 
ffVn^if^i^^^TV mAf^ morefinimt md) then bee 
. . ' fonnd 

To the Reader. 

foundijt this ojf -fpri»g of my hrmyic , rchicif 
dare mt fcarcclj wake cc?»pare rt'iih tkefou* 
left ? lool^for better und more generoM v/ine 
of the old vine tree ^ for as Pliny ftiith^ vetU- 
ftioribus fempcr vitibus vinutn n7cJius, no- 
Vellis copioHus : f ecu Id either arro- 

gate the former , er challenge tht later mto 
my fclfe. "But I coyJdr.ct -pajftbly pleafe all 5 
for as the Poet jpeaks to one Lcdotus, 

Qui poflis rogo te placcre cundis. 
Cum jam difpliccas tibi vcl uni ? 

jure^thnt at leafi J fhould not pleafe my 
felf. I might heiter fit a many humor s^in fif- 
ti'/ig out (omemore f leafing poetic all Jt^hjeEl^ 
more correfpondent to their fancy and my fa- 
culty-^(vs inireatingmerrilj of Jems hew dif- 
covered I fie with Lucian ; to invent ivith him 
feme fuch hyperbolic all lies as that ^/Hercu- 
les and Bacchus , T^hofefoot peps tverefonnd 
to be the bignes of anacreof gromd : to teU 
of flies pifmtres as big as 12 Elephants, 
to fi-aight feme pamphlet dc lapfu Vulcani , 
ivho as Homcr writes, was falling out of hea- 
ven into the I fie Lemnos ua.^ <5 ' iiyutp^a rehole 
day • to makefome merry prognofticatten of 
ftrange wonder sthM are 1 0 e?tffse^ as them of 
A Jo2- 

To the Reader. 

Joachimus Fortius Ringclbergius,c4/>ij«/^- 
ted in that chapter rvhofe titie — Ridicu- 
laqii^dam & juGUiida. Not /j/f*«^' ^7 
fe/fein thefe grand fhjficall matters^ I Knoyt 
thejeare appertinent to the Mafes alff ■ - 

Ovid his Nux,r^f Cukx Marc rrrit : 
Erafmus M in folly dy e his wir, ( Moufe x 
Thefiofr fight Homer made , and of dame 
^nd Janus Doufa prau^d Pcdiculus. 
Hubaldus on bald men didverjifie j 
Ii^ an. g^^^f, efwhofe nnmhrs words hfan with C' 
'o^T''^ Bcza ;»M.>VNihil, Apuleius fA/^Afle. 
In Epigr. Plutarch Grillus,w^c> by Circe changed wasi 
Aul.GcU* quartan agne'^vfox'mc did commend, 
i7.«*« Hts durlinq fbarrotv fo CatuUuS penAi 


Sunt ctia Mufis fua ludicra.niifta Camaenis 

Tragicall Melpomene her felf wilnow and 
then put on thecomiealt ft art up. Sage Apol- 
lo laughs once yearly at his own hear dies na- 
f^dface. The modefl Mufcs have their mad^ 
defl revels^the darkefomfi water has his gli- 
ding fireames : wife men wii fomettmss play 


To the Rcacfcf. 

tfith childrens rattles. 

But I have already emfloyd feme etnl^e^cim 
led hours ttikenfrom the treajnry of the Mu- 
fes golden time ; to the gilding over of thi 
like rotten fu^je^s^ us they that have bin tn^ 
timate jcith me^are not ignorant ^ oi tnmy 
Tcttigomurmoniachia, a century of Latine 
epigrasj an EchojC?" fome other trifles, T*hicb 
I durfi not let come abroad in the chil cri» 
ticalairjefi haply they might have Bin fret" 
tifht for want of learnings true cloathing. 
Now have J chofe to mingle my delight with 
more utility , aiming not only at vptt but ffife^^ 
dom. itfMoyp the Paracelftan wU utterly con- 
demnemy endeavour for bririging the 4 
mors on the [lage agatn, they having hifi the 
offo long ago, and the rather^bec-aufe I once 

treat not of their 3 minerals ^ Sal, Sul* 

phur ^ Mcrcurius, rA*? Tria omnia 0/ their 
tjuickjilver ycits^ which they Jay have chiefe 
dominion in the body(tt confiBing efthe")at^ 
are the caufes of each difeafoyandcure all 4- 
gam by their Arcana extra Sed out of them. 
But lyfeigb it not, feeing the tongofanad* 
verfary canet detract from verity. If any the 
likf carpfi/h nfhatfoever chance to nible at my 
credit Jae may perhaps fw billow down the firatp 
hookjif reproch anei infamy en he be awarti 

To the Reader. 

« Mitti, in iDfhicb he canrnt like the * Scolopcndra C^ft 
Diofc. up again at hh pleafurc ) I dottbt not bnt to 
1*1^.^.4 ? . hfive him in m firing. Reader, thine eies are 
to take their tHrn ma garden i tvherein are 
gromngmany -weeds, jet [ome flours ipajfe by 
the former mth kind filence^cul^ctit , and ga- 
ther the later for thine fwn fcicnce : andper- 
hapt thoH mayfi diBil the fweeteB tvater fio 
the bitterefiwormewoody as Maro built his 
walls by Ennius hts rubbtfij. Ifthon thy felfe 
haft better ^ . 

Candidusimperti,finon,hisuccrc mccum. 

fdemquipridem. Thine if mine. 

T. W. 

The Titles and Contents of the 

fcverall Chapters , as they are 
handled in this prefent 

1 F Selfe- knowledge, 

2 That the S$ule [ympAthizeth 
mth the hdy and follomih her crafti 
And temper. 

5 whether the interndl f Acuity may be 
knevfn by the ext email phypegnoiny 

4 That A Diet is to be obftrved of tvery 

5 Bow Man derogates from his excels 
lencie by furfet , And of bis untimely 

6 of Temperaments, 

7 of diver fity of wits^ according to the 
divers temperature of the body . 

^3 of 

The Table. 

S of the fpirits. 

$ of A Choleric k complex ififf, 

10 of a Sa»gtti»etemperAtHre. 

11 o f the Phlegmatic kbnmor. 

1 2 of a Melancholy complexion . 
1^ of the conceits ofMeUncholj . 

14 of the Dreames which accompany 
each complexion. 

15 OftheexaBefi TemperatHreef all^ 

the Cleft to the whole Workejn verfe. 

3?t— r 

Of SelfeknQ'fi?k(ige, 


S Hejiod in his iheo genie 
fay tJi, that the ougly night 
Ttxfcj*' v7t\o^ y Irixre 

begat two foul monftcrs, 
Somnum S omnium I'iiQ 
wc may not unfitly fay. 
That the invclopedand deformed night or 
ignorancc(for the wart of that celeftial No[^ 
cete:pfHm) begets two mif-ftiapcn Mon- 
ftcrs (which as the Sefia's inky humour, dec 
makemrbulcnt thcchryftaliincft fountain in 
man) Somatalgi(izx\6. Pfjchalpa^ the one 
the difcrafieofthebodyjthe other thcinala- 
dic and diOcmperaturc of the fouJe. For he 
that is incanoped & intrenched in this dark- 
fomc mifty cloud of ignorance, (bccing like 
the one-footed Indian people .Ja«;jo^/^/,**iinfter. 
wHofc foQt is fo big , that it (hades them fr6 
A 4; the 

2 imuiajje of 

the rayes of the Sun ; or rather like the Cj^- 
cl0ps,\vhcnVljps had bereft him of bis 
one eye) he hath no true lamp of difcretian, 
3s a polc-ftar to direct the (liipof hislifeby, 
cither in relpeft of hismortall orimmortall 
part, from being hurt ied upon the (helves & 
mally rocks of mfcUcity. Of what high c- 
ftecm & pricclefle value this rare feif know- 
ledge is,and ever was,itis v^cry corjfpicuous 
§c apparent unto the dimrneft apprcbenfjo^ 
of all, if it do but juftly balUncc in the fcali 
pf common reafon,wifdom,vvho hath ever 
affedionatly erabraced itjand to whom it is 
ftil indearedjthc heavenly (ourcc or Springs 
head from whence it was derived, as^lfo 
the happy efF^cls it alway hatli ingendre^l. ' 

Divine Pythagoras^ whom worthily the 
floud^^jf'ff fqlutcd andcalkabyhis namci 
as one admired of it for his flood or elOr^ 
quenccand^idrrentofwiredom , his.jtjindjc; 
being thcinrichcd Exchequer and Treafury 
of rareft qualities, notqnelyhad this'Cjoi- 
<fcn poede ever on his tongues cnd^ as" tll^^ 
4aintiefi: deliey hee could prcfcnt unto jjjj;-, 
ning care ^but alfo had it emblem'd forthiji 
yl/<«^r^^,giying breath unto the filvcr, {^ixti'ea 
(bywhicli isintitnated Phtlautia ) vvFijch 

Humors. j 

jcallavvay from her. Y ca,he had his celefti- E caek def' 
allfcntcncc, y/^SSi aeotorov, which dcfccn- 
dedfrom the heavens, engraven on thefron- ^vSSjffe- 
tifpeece ofhishcart, cvtrmcrc in an appli- 
cative pradifc, efpccially for himfclte . 
which hce.tcarraed, Jh? wife phyfitians 
medicinary prcfcript fortihp double health 
ar.d welfare of m n. Yccfententious /Ule- ^^^unrdAn 
nander ^ that rich vcind Poct, feemes .at 
leaftto coiitwdiifl this heavenly fawe : for 
pondering with himfelfe the depraved de- 
iigcanorot \v:orthy ir.en , the trothiefle in- 
conrtancy and, perfidioiifneflc of our baire- 
brain'd Ufom : die inveigling and adft- 
tnantizing fockty of foir.e^ who being pol- 
luted and infefted with the ranke leprofie of 
ill, would intangle othcr^ : The vaporous 
and Vatinian deadly hate^j wNch is ufually 
raafqiied and lies lurking under the fpeciotis 
and faire habit of entire amity •• weighing 
with himielfe raany things fafliioned out of 
(the fame mould, he thus fpoke, ov KctX^set- 

ivieethinkes, faith hee, that is not foweH 
rpoken. Know thy fclfe., as this, Know 
others. • ■ ; 

. How focver he nj^ant, w c muft not ima- 
gine tha^he-fJid it to impeach any wifcj tJ^is 


4 Humors, 

fagc and grave fentencc wbich ( as that aifo 
of his j is an oracle in its proper obj ec^t, and 
Phtoin Al- highly concerns the good both of the ad^ivc 
cibiad. and paflivc part of man. Though S ocrat es in 
Plata would have it only to be referred un- 
to the f">ul, to have no relation at all unto the 
body, thoagh falfely. For if the foule by 
reafon of fympathillng with the body,is ci- 
ther made an onY.uTt'd^ Kxikivg , er a ^^o.$6- 
TTiig olSiTfiic,, either a nimble fwift footed 
Achtllfs.ov a limping flow- paced OedipHs^ 
as hereafter we intend to declare, good rea- 
fon the body fas the edifice and hand- maid 
ofthefotilc)fhouldbeknowtie as apart of 
T^V/)/«w,fbrthegoodof thefoulc. There- 
fore /»//<2»theApoftata,whohadaflood of 
invention, although that whole flood could 
not wafhor ridfeaway thaton fpotof his 
Athcifme,he (though not knowing him 
right) coiild fay the body was the chariot 
of the foulc, which while it was well man- 
nag'd by difcrctio i the cunning coachman,* 
the drawing ftecds, that in oar head-flrong 
and untamed appetices , bceing chccktin by 
thegoldenbit of temperance-, fo long the 
foul Qiould not bee tofled in craggy wayes, 
by unequall and tottering mption , much 
Icffc be in danger to bee hurl : d downc tho 


Humors. j 

flccpy His of perdition. If we do but try the 
wordsat theLydian or touch-ftoneof true 
wifdom, wbich diiudicates not according to 
external fcnablancesjbut internal exigences, 
they wilfure go for currant, whether you re- 
fpcdl the fonle as principall , or the body as 
fecondary, Fbrthefirft, we may fint^le out 
thatfpcechof A^apus : But wee, Omen^/,^^^^. - 
(faith be) let us difciple oar felvcs, that c^ch^apeti ad 
-jnc may throughly know hirafelfc : for he Tupiv. imp, 
4.hat perfcdly knoweshimfclfjWnows God, ^^iP^*^ 0^- 
andhcthatknoweshim ftiallbcc made hkcp^^^f ,r^^^' 
unto him,and bee that isthis , fliall be made * ^'^'^'^ 
worthy ofhim : moreover, he that is made 
worthy ofhim . ftiall do nothing unworthy 

ifforeiyvroicif «f g Sl XctXS , but fhall meditate 
upon things plcafant unto him , fpeakirtg 
whftthcmcditateth,and pradlifing what he 
fpeaketh. For the lali, that onely of T^/Zy, C^C' Office* 
valetneCo fHjientatur notieia fui corp. 
the perfeft and found eftate of the body (as 
wee may conftantly afTcver of the foule) 
is maintained by the knowledge of a 
mans owne body , and that chiefly by the 
doeobfervation of fuch things as may ei- 
ther bcc obnoxiotis, or an adjument to 
nature , may bee either the cordiall and 


6 Humors. 

pretious bal am thcrof, or cU its balcfull and 
deadly Aconituin. For he that in the infan* 
cie oi his knowledge thinks that Hjofciamut 
and ^/V«w,heml©ckand hcnbancarc fitali, 
ment to his body. becaufc they bcnutrimem 
to birds, may haply at length cure the Dog- 
ftar o( his own indifcrction,for inflaming bn 
letfe diftemperd brain with his unhappy diC-^ ' 
aftrous influcnce»For it is vulgarly faid, that! 
Hyolcic.mHs ^ (^tcuta homwes perimunf, 
avihpts ahmemum prabent ; they tWOlrc 
poifonromcnithoafoufontobirds ; as Sc*- 
/<^<?r relate* alfoi ! .S; r.., o: 

I grant that the moft direct aim of wifc- 
domin this Nofpe teif-fum, looks chiefely on 
the mind^as thcfeircft markjyet often eica & 
aimes at this other necrlTary objeft, which 
cunningly to his itcountcd equal skU,though 
the one far furmoant the o^er,«fpecial care 
is tobc had as well of thechriftali glaflTc , ta 
favc it from cracking,as of the ^t^ua caeUfiit 
infus*dfrom putrifying. 'i Irinf.i: 

Bstt primarily itconcernsfhcfoulcias^ for 
them who arc tainted with the Vrotoflajii 
felf love and love of glory , who being lifted 
up with the handoffortuncto die top ofiU'* 
turespreheminencc, aspctty gods d® direct 
thcirimaginationsferrc beyond the level of 
' hnmi- 

The ClaJJe of 7 

humility j being Cvvolnc with tyitipaniiing 
pride too much; admiring themfclvcs wicfci 
Narcffffn , who wasinamored with hisowni 
bcauty,of whom the poet thus fpcaks, 

Dnmi^Jttimfedarccpipit Jitis aheracrevity q 

whiles at ths foufitaine bee his thirfi *gan 

\ tAn Ocean ef felfe-love did htm ore- 

Prcud i^rachne, who wil needs contend 
ivich more cunning C^Unerva^ox fpinning, 
hke Marfyoi and Thamirtu , who ft rove 
ihe one with y^poilo for raufickes skill , the 
other with the Mufcs for melodious finging. 
Too common a ufc among al fclf- forgetters; 
for as lu/tanhith , each man is vvontto ad- 
mire his ownc a£^ions, but to abate the value 
and derogate from the eftcem of others. For 
thofe again who with CjUucw prefer ^aA- 
xfa ;^pocr««inr , the regard of the body, be- 
fore the welfare oF the fuper- elementary 
fouljWhich chiefly fliould be in requeft ; for 
as the Stoic k faith , It is a figne of an abjeft £ 
mindc to bearc our braines about neceffaries 
foro«4viiccorp«> a fpcciall care ftiould ra- 

g 7 he yiiilJeo/ 

thcr;bcbacl over the foiile, as miaris over 
her iiaudmaid , thcfc want xhat yvS3« ere- 
ctwror. i 
Now for the body,ic ae well levels at it : i 
for thole who diftcmpcr and mifdict them- ; 
feivcs with untimely and nnwontcd furfct-* s 
ting, who make their bodies the noyfotne ] 
fepulchres of their foulcs , not confidering , 
thdtatc of chcir enfeebled body, what will ; 
be accordant to it, nor weighing their com- ; 
picxion, contrary perchance far to the Difli i 
they feed upon : nor forefeeing by true i 
knowledge of themfelves , what will en- ; 
dammagc and impaire their healths, infcd 
the conduit pipes of their limpid fpirits, 
what will dull and ftupific their quicker 
inteliigence,nay,dirablcall the faculties both a 
of foule and body, as inftancc might bee gi- [ 
venof many, to them that have had but a| 
mcerc glimpfe into the hiftories and anti- 
cnt records of many difh mongers, whp 
running into exceflc of ryot, have like farall 
Mach.on. P areas cut intwo the lines of their own lives 
J>» "Dcip. z$PhiloxeniM the Djthirambicke Poet (of 
^tUns. zAthendtiu fpcakes, De//?»o/i8»)who 

devoured at Syracnfa a whole Polypus of 
two cubits longXaveoncly the head of the 
fiii, at one mealc, whom (being deadly fick 

" ' of 

The Glajfe of p 

of the audity Jtbc phifitian told that he could • 
not polTibly live above fcvcn houres: whofe 
wolvifh appetite notwitbftaoding would 
notiUntit feifc even in that extremity , but 
hce uttered the (e words (the more to inti- 
mate his vulture-like and mfatiatc paunch) 
Since that C/><7ro« and ty^tropos zxz conri'd 
to call me away from my delicics , Ithinkc 
it beft to leave nothing behind me, where- 
fore let me eat the lefidue of the PolypM ; 
who having eaten it cxpit'd. Who had the 
mxnQQHX<f>oi.yoihy ^hryfiffMs , as tAthe- 
nxHs records : and of others hce was called 
f jXi';^9«g,and fiK'oS a;rvo5 oi Arifiotle, And 
what of others ? who although they did not 
fo fpecdily , by ignorance of their eftate,cur- 
tailc their ownc dayes by untimely death, 
yet notwithftanding they haveliv'das dead 
onto the world , and their foules dead unto 
thcmfelvcs. BienyfiHs Heracieota, that ra- 
venous gourmandi(ing Harpy y and inlatia^ 
ble drainc of all pleafant liquours , was 
grownc fo purfie , that his fatneffe would 
not fufFer him to fetch his breath , becing in 
continuall fcarc to be ftifled : although 
thers affirmc, T hat he cafily could with the 
ftrong blaft of his breath have turned a- 
bouc the faylc* of a winde-Mill .* whofe 

lb 7 he 9ici[feof 

• foul by his fclf- {gnorancc,not knowing what 
repaft was molt convenient for his body A 
was pent up and as it were fettered m thcfe ' 
hiscarpi,asin her dungeon, Alexander 

AthcK. Ki"g of ligypt was fo groflfe and fat,that hcc 
was f^in 10 be upheld by two men. And a 
many mo by their vsoKv(p&.y{a.znd wcAw'sroffia 
byexcelTiue eating and drinking, moreiip- 
on nnecr ignorsncejthan rebellion againft na- 
turcphyficall dyer, and difcretion; did make 
their foules like the fatncd flicepe , wherof 
Johannes Z,fff relates, which he fee in Egypt, 
forne of whofe tails weighed eighty pound, 
and iomcan hundred and fifty pound, by 
which weight their bodies were immovea- 
bk.unlerTe their tailes like traines were car. 
rirdin whecl-barrowes. Or like the fatncd 

SciiU3t.i99 hogg Scaliger mentions.that could not rnove 
for fat, and Were fo fcnfcleflTe, that myce 
tnadenefls in their buttockes they not once 
feeling thcra. 

Butthofc which I whilome named, and 
millions befidcs , never comCto the full pc-^ 
riodoFtheirdayes J <lying foon,becaufe a« 

SenMcont. Seneca faith, they know not ihat they live 
by deaths , and arc ignorant what rcccit of 
food into the body ( whofe conftitution 
thcyarcas'ignor-antof alio ) Vi'iM bring cn- 


Humor si 1 1 

datnagemcnt bo;htoit and to the heavenly 

For thebody, that y\u>h (ndLurli is requi- 
fitc , that as the meager ene is to be fed vvicfa 
fparc dyct.fothe malTierand n7oregyantIy 
body njuQ: bee maintained with more Urge 
and lavifh dyct. For it is not confonant to 
reafon , that Alexander C?'iacecio^z.wX An» 
g^fi''^ C'^pir,vjho were but little men , as Petrd^^i 
I*anirchiayih,znd fo low- ftatur'd V/yfcs 
fhould have equall dyet in quantitie witli 
C^^iloy Hercuus, Ajax^ and fuch as At he- Athenieut 
n<im makes mention of: as Afiidamas and^'^.'o. 
Hercdortis, thefiril of them being fo capa- ■^s'tsvocr^'i 
cions florrackr, that he eateas much alone 
as vvaspreparcdfor ix men : and the later 
/f(fW;?r^rf,a firong tided Trumpeter, who 
was 3 els and a halfc long, and could blow 
in two trumpets at oncejofwhom Athena- 
'M fpcak cs, Thcfe might well farce & cram 
their miwes with fa- more aliment, bccaufc 
their ventricles,cels,veinesjand other organs 
of theirbodics were farre liioreample and 

And again It is foveraigne in this rfgard, 
becaufe in the Ful fireame of appetite or bra- 
very many wiU take upon ignorance, rather 
the fumptuous ciii h prepared for FittHim ,by sumrMi 
B hk 

11 The Glajfe of 
hisbrothcr,wbichonedifli amounted to a- 
bovc feven thoufand eight hundi cd and xii . 
Plinli- 11. pounds, perchance arankc poyion to their 
Mat', hift, natures ; than Efinr and Sonchm^V^o (avo- 
tie and wholfome herbs , which poorc He- 
cale let on the tabic as a fallet before hungry 
Thefem^thc bcft difh of meat (liC could prc- 
fcnt unto him) agreatdcalc pcracVenturc 
more conduciblrtb their healths. But they 
are as ignorant what they rake as CambUs 
was,whobeirg given to Calirimargijme^^i 
zAthemw relates in his fore- mentioned 
booke, in the nigl t did eat up his own wife,' 
andinthemor«ir; grinding her hands in his 
devouring jawts , flew himfclfe , the fad 
being fo hainous and note-worthy : as alfo 
they are pilgrims and ftrangers in the know- 
ledge of theu b )dily eOatc , which ever or 
often is an occaficn of over cloying their 
Ventricles, withfuch meatcsas are an utter 
ruin, and downfall to their healths, as ill or 
worfe than Toxicnm ; for although they do 
notcftfoonesinforcethe fatallend, yet in a 
fhort progrefle of rime , they are as furc 
puUies to draw on their unexpedcd dcfti- 

Without this knowledge of our bodily 
naturcjWcareVikctocrafie barks , yet bal- 


laft with prizeleflc raerchandiTc, which are 
tolled to and froupon tbcmaine of igno- 
rance fo long, till at length we be fliattcred 
againft the huge rotk of intenipcraiice,and 
fo lofc our richcft fraught, which is our 
fculc. This ought ever to controule and 
curbe in our unruly appetites : it ought tobc 
like the i oets zAut&medon ^ to reyne our 
fond defires in, which reignc in us : for as 
Seneta faith, y»«? qukdam nocitura impe- $^atcA. 
trantihm,^c, fo Wee may {iy, (nnt qua^^c benefic; 
dam noeitura appetentil^ ta^asthcrc bee ma- ^*P. 
ny things which are obnoxious to the askcr, 
if he chance to obtaine them ; fo are there 
many nutriments as dangcrotjs to man that 
babiflily covctsthemifor if he fquarc not his 
dyct according to the temper o(- bis bodyjin 
choice of fuch fare, as may banifti and ex- 
pell contagion and violencie from nature, 
or be a fpeciall prefervativc in her fpotlefTc 
and untainted perfedion-meats are fo farre 
from holding on the race of his life , as that 
they will rather haften it down farre loonct 
unto the hemiiphere of dcath,ihan he expe- 
fted. A cholericke man therefore C by this 
j/ySSt creawriv) knowing himfclfe tobc over* 
poyz'd with Its predominancie, nay, but e« 
irenforeftcipg hjscorporall nature to have 
B 3 apr«*-^ 

14 The Glajfe of 

apropcnfion or inclination to this humour, 
he muft wifely defeat and wain his appetite 
of all fuch dainty morfels (though the more 
delicious and toothfomc ) and del ude his lon- 
ging thirfl: of all fuch honey-flowing meatcs 
and jiot wines as arepoyibn to hisdirtcm- 
pcraVure, and whichin traftoftime wil ag- 
gravate this hnofiourfo much, till it gene- 
rate and breed cither a hedicke fever, mor- 
tallconfuir.ption, yellow jaundice, of any 
the like difeafe incident to this complexion ; 
and fo concerning all the reft. For a bare 
(Nofce) is not futficiently competent for 
the avoiding of death, and to rnaintaine a 
crafis, but the living anlwerably according 
to knowledge : for wee fee many exqui(ite 
Phyfkians, and learned men of fpcciall note 
(whofeexbibitories to themfelvcs doc not 
parallel their prcfcripts^ advice to others, 
who arc good PhyficiatiSjhut no pliable pa- 
tients : ) to make a diligent fcarchand fcru- 
tinie into their O vvne natures, yet not fitting 
them with coriefpondcncic of dyet ; like 
LucUm Apothecary, who gave phy fick un- 
to others tor coughing, and yet hchirafelfc 
did never leave coughing, CunUts qnl cavit 
n9n ctuvet Hie Jibi ; 

' While hee cursed others fee ncglcclcd 

Humors. i j 

hiinfelfc. We may rightly fay T^ut*>ys is their 
Of and ^ifAfxttTA their Tr^fxaTet, 
1 Crapula fit efca^ dcltcix eorum damna : 
thatis, their dyct is luxury, and each dclicy 
made their malady. And yet none do more 
inveigh againfl furfet and reifdiet than they, 
butthcyarc likethe MuJipula,oi whom i^Orm^pollo 
is fayd in the Hieroglyphicks, that flieufcdi» Hiero^ly 
to bring forth her iHue out of her mouth, ^^'V^. 
and fwimming with them about her, when 
Hie is hungry (Tiecf wall oweth them up a- 
gaine ; fo they in externall fliew fpic out 
the name of furfet, banifliing it farre from 
them, but by their accuftomable deadly 
luxury, againe they embrace it, and Img it in 
their armcs fo long, till fome incroching dif- 
eafeor other, having had long dominion and 
refidence inthem.bc pafl: cure ofpbyficke : • 

Non eft in medico fempef releietur ut ccgcTy 
imerdum dcCld pita vdet arte fnnlum, 

No cartbly art can cure dccpe rooted ill, 
ti at c^/culapiM with his heavenly skill. 

So then, the moft cxaft felfe-knower of 
all, if hce doe not containc himfelfe within 
R -» the 

|6 The Glajp of 

the territories and precin^ls of rcafonablc 
appetite, the ^7''?<'/^^''<«of the wifcr diet ift, 
if contorting with mifdietcrs, he bathe him- 
fclfc in the muddy (Ireames of their luxury 
and ryot, he is in the very next fuburbes of 
(death it felfe Yet for this , 1 confcile that 
the filvcr breaft of T^l^nis is not vitiated and 
polluted by others kennel- muddy thoughts 
and turbulent adions or affedfions, no more 
than the river exf/^^^w^ahat riinncs ihorow 
the fait fea,is tainted with the brackifh qiia- 
litie of the fea » no more than the Salnmanm 
der is fcorchtjthough dayly converfing in the 
fire ; or chart Zenocratcs lying with Lavs \% 
defiled, (ince hee may well doe it without 
impeachment tohis chaflity : fo may the bc- 
roicali and generous fpints converfc with 
unftayd appetites, and yet not have the leafl 
taintoftheir cxccfTc, but by their diviner 
XJSlof ':e teipfur»~} may be their ownc gardi- 
ansjboth for their cclcrtialland alfo earthly 
part : yet wc know, aliqaid wa/i propter vi. 
\ cinum m<^iHm, the taint of ill comes by con- 
\ forting with ill, and the bcft natures and wi- 
^ fcfl: fclfc knowers of all may be ticed on or 
^1 conftr^ined to captivate and inthrall their 
freedom of hapjjy fpirit,and tQ rebel againft: 
\ ihcttQW^c knowledge. 


Humors, \7 

I wiHi tViercforc in conclufion, tFicmcan- 
cft , if pofliblc, to have an infight mcothcir 
bodily cftatc { as chicfely they ought of the 
foulc) whereby they may fhun fuch things 
as any wayes may bee ofFeniivctothc good 
of that crtace,and may fo confequently (be- 
ing vexed with none, no not the Ical^ mala- 
die) be more fit not onely tolivc, but to live 
Wei : fo as the Poet faid of death, — ^ to 

die IS not ill, but to die ill • fo contrariwifc of 
life we may fay, it is no fuch excellent thing 
tolive,aswell tolivc: which nodouhtmay 
be eafily cfFecled,if they doe abridge them- 
felvcsof all vain alluring lufts, and teather 
their appetites within the narrow round 
plot of diet, left they r unne at randome, and 
breakc into the fpacious fields of d^zdly 


The G/aJfe of 


That the fofile fjmpathiz,eth with the Bo. 
4)^ Andfollovoeih her crajis and temperature, 

JN^cittir terrs fordism undaflueiis , fayth 
the Poet •• iPa water current have any vi- 
pinity with a pritrifiedand infefted foyle, it 
is tainted with his corrupt qmh'tic. 1 he 
heavenly foule of man, as the Artifts ufual- 
ly aver, femblable wife, doth fee! as it wcrc 
by a ccrtaine deficiencie,theill affsacd cra- 
fis of the body ; fo that if this be annoyed or 
infc^led with any fecolent hurnor , it fares 
not well with the foule3thc foule her fclf as 
maladious. feelesfome want of her excel- 
jencic , and yet impatible in regard of her 
Tubftance, through the bad difpofition of the 
organs J the malignancie of receits , the 
unreffnednefTe of the fpirits doe feem to 
arFe^: the foule : for the fecond , which 
caufeth the third , marke what Horace 

- . ^uincorpvAor.ujlim 

tieitefyiii^itiis anmum iuoquepr£^/a-v n una. 


Hmim. tp 

The maW furcharg^droith fsrmer crudities, 
^eifhs down our (pints nimble faculties : 
Ottr ladoied fettle <vs plungedtK the mire. 
Lies nigh extinU, tho part of heavens fire, 

TotbiscffcL^isthat fpcech of Demscritw, T>emocr. & 
who faith that the bodily habit being out of ^^"'J'Vg 
temper, the minde hath no lively willingnes ^/o/eaa/w 
to the contemplation of vertuc : that being ^ 
enfeebled and overfhadowed , the light of 
the fouleis altogether darkened : heavenly 
wifdomc as it were fympathizing with this 
earthly mafTe , as in any furfct of the bcfii 
and chokeftdelicates, and alfo of wines, is 
cafily apparent. Vmnm, of its owne nature, 
is Cif we may fo cerme it) Divimtm , be- 
caufe it recreates the tyred fpirits, makes the 
mind far more nimble and a£lijall,andafpi- 
ring to a higher ftrain of wit , ra; fd^ f iTio- 
ocova.;, a;j;ref (pl^oya. lyU^^yidX^Xe- 

nopho^,\t ftirs up mirth andchcercfulnes, as- 
oylc n^akes the blafing fiame, yet by acci- 
dent the unmannag'd appetite dcfiring 
more than reafon,it doth dul the quicker fpi- 
ritSjftop the pores of the brain with too ma- 
ny vapors and groifc fumes, makes the head 
totter, lullabces the fences, yea, intoxicates 
thevcry foulewitha plea0n§ poyfoR : as 


20 Th g/affe of 

XctjotyUn. thcC^mcXemphon favcs, It happens unto 
h'^ men as to tender plants, and iatcly ingraffed 
i'"'^^^ ' ^^^^'i^^ '^^^^ S'-<^wtb from the 
Zrhe^Ju^ earth , Smv -c^o 6 Se^g cto r« tiyav «3f «)«5 ^or.^;, 
refor^/x in &c. witcn God doth water and drench thera 
his ' • hooli , vifh an immoderate fhoure , they neither 
(h :>o!: ou- right,nor hardly have any blowne 
Zphi^'' biolTomes, but when the earth doth drinke 
' fomuch as is competent for their increafe, 
then they fpring upright, and flourifhing do 
yeeld their fruit in their accuftonicd time : 
fofarcthit with the bodies, and by fequcll 
with the foul cs of men,ifthcy pourc in with 
the undifcreet hand of appetite , they will 
both reele to and fro , and fcarfe can wes 
breath, at left we cannot utter the leaft thing 
that reliilieth of wifedome, our minds mall 
needs follow thctcmpers,or rather the dif- 
tcmpcratures of our earthly bodies, 

P/ato , in whofe mouth the Bees as in 
their hives make their hony combs, as, forc- 
intimating his fweet flowing eloquence, 
he vvcighing with himfclfe that thraldome 
the fouie was in being in the body, and how 
it wasaflF. «9:ed,and as it wcreinfcftcdwith 
the contagion thereof, in his Phsdrus, as I 
remember, difputingofrthc ]<!^<ea's of the 
mind, faid, that our bodies were the prifoni 


Humors, ti 

^ brldewels of eur fouls, wberin they lay soTuUdn in 
as manacled and fettered in gyves. Yea fur- avEpifeto 
ther he could avouch in his Cratylus,and al- ^"^^^^H^j, 
fo in his G orgias, S ocrates having broughty^^^^' ; f^^^^^ 
forth a fpcech to ^<«//<V//?j-, out of Euripides, (rdtxAroi 

S?? xaT9ttveiv, 70 xatrSctvei* ^iJv, tolive is J^^o-^a^ 
to die, and to die is tolive ; he fayth there, (^c.gor- 
that our body is the very grave of the {oule,^i(W. 

TO iuev ffSjtxot (faith hejS^Vv »/uSy aS/xsi.And 
fure it is, that whiles this mind of ours hath 
his abode in this darkefome dungeon thi« 
Tile manfion of our body, it can never ad 
his part well , till it ftep upon the heavenly 
ftage, it will be Iikc/<?in O-vid, who b;:e- 
ing turned into an heifer , when flree could Ovid.Mi-] 
not exprelfe her mind to Imcw her father tmor^h^^, 
in words, 

LxtteraproverhUi qum^esinpulvirtduxit, 3, 
Corporis indicium mutati trijie peregit. „ 

Her foot did fpeake as on thcfnnd fhe ranged. 
How flie,poore fool,yvasfrom herfelfeftranged." 

Ourfouleinthebody, though ic bee not fo 
blinde as a Batt , yet is it like am Owle , or 
Batt before the rayes of Phoebus , all dim- 
med and dazled ; it fec§ as through a latiffe- 

It Tfe g/a/fe of 

window. Being freed from this priron,and 
once having flitted from this ruinous Tene- 
ment, this mud- wald cottage, it is a Z«<»- 
cem : within cL LMoIervarpe , without it is 
an all-cy'd Argus : within an one-cy'd Cy- 
clops , without a bcautiftill Nireus : within 
an (L/Ethiop'tAH Therjicesy without an high 
foaring Egle : within a heavy S truth to 
Camel fts,2Ln (tyEjlridge^ who hath wings,as 
he in the Hieroglyfhtcks witneffeth , 
propter voUtum,fed cur/ufn-^not for flying, 
but to hclpe her running : yca,as fparklcs hid 
in embers, doc not cafl: forth their radiant 
light,and the Sun inveloped in a thickc mi- 
ftic cloud, doth not Hluminate the center 
with his golden treffcs :. fo this celeftiall 
fire, our foule, whiles itremaincsinthc lap 
of our earthly Prometheiu , this maffe of 
ours, it mufl: needs be curtained and ovcr- 
flnadowed with a palpable darkncfle, which 
doth overcaft a fable night over our undcr- 
ftanding , efpccially when in the body there 
is a current of infectious humours , which, 
doc flow over the veincs, andingrofleihe 
limpid fpirits in their arteries , the 
minde niufl; needs bee as it were over- 
flownc witha Deuc^Uotfi flood, and bee 
quickened asaTillytoyling Leander in the 


HelUf^ottt, What made the mindc of Qre- 
ftes fo out of temper that hec kild his o vvne 
mother, but the bodily Crafis ? What made 
HeraGlcitus die of a dropfie, having rovvkd 
himfelfe in hearts ordure ? What made Sc~ 
crates having drunke the Cicuta at At hens y 
to give. his HltiwHTn vale to the world , but 
that? What caiifedthat redowbted famous 
c2L^td.vntTheinifiocles^\\Vi'm^ dainke Bu]/s 
bloud, to take (as we fay ) his long journey 
to the Eljfidn fields ? and many others to 
have C9m*d unto their long home (as may 
befcTcnein the ancient regilters of time) and 
many to have bcene diftraclcd and frantick? doubt, and the cvill 
habit of the body , wherewith the foulc 
hath copulation ■ Plot in the great Plato- 
»j/?,hee b'uilied often, that his foule did 
harbour in fobafe an Inneas his body was, 
ioPorphyrte affirmes in his life : becaufc 
(as hee fayd in another pla^e) his foulc 
roufl: necdcs bee afteftcdwith the contagi- 
ous qualities incident unto his body. The 
cunning' ft fwimmer that cvef was, Delim 
Iiiirfelfc , could net fticvv his art, nor his 
equall ftrokc in the mudde : a candle in the 
Unterne can yecld but a glimmering light 
tl^rough an impure and daijccfomc home r 

24 1[kGlalJe of 
the war-Iikc Steed cannot fetch his friskcsi 
take his carreers, and fhew his curvets, bee- 
ing pent up in a narrow roomc : fo is it with 
the princely foule , while the body is her 
raanfion, faid hee : but this belongs to ano- 
ther T^v/T/, and fomerhing before, concer- 
ning the {'oules excellencie , having taken 
hct flight from this darkefome cage , more 
ncere unto the fcopeat which we muft aim. 
Hcare what the Poet fay thin the xv of his 

<^uodq^ ma£Uniiritm,funt qui noncorpcratantuia 
Vcruru animai c;im vakant mutareliquores: 

■ • Cui qu£fo ignota eft ohfcxme S.-ilmacis mdi ■ 

^thi0pefque/ac«?3 ? qnos fi quU faucibvA bauftt 
^utfunt^autpaiitur mirum gravitate foforem. 

Sdlmacu Itisawondcrmcat that waters can 

yphere the ""^"^sinsforme the members and the mind of man- 

vyurhdrid *'VVhoknowethnot the uncleane Sdlmacian^NtWi 

Hemeiphro. fen where Sun-hamt Mduritamans dwell? 

Mtm Tvere " Whifhcaufe a frenfie, being gulped do wne, 

hound tigC' ^"^'^^ fences with a: flcepmg fwoone. 


Wee muft not imagin themindcto be 
pafliblc , beeing altogether imraateriallj 
that it felfe is affeded with any of thefc 
corporall things , but onely in refpeft ot 
^inQrumpnts, which ate the hand-maids 



oftbefoulc :as if the fpirits bcc inflamed, 
the parages of the humours dammed up,- 
the brainc llutfed with fraoaky fumes/ r any 
phlcgmatickc matter , the bloud too hoc 
and too thicke , as is ufuall in the Scythians, 
and thofc in the Septentrionall parts , who 
are all men endowed with the leaft portion 
of wit and policic : and becaule thefe 
kindc of people doc as it were crofle the 
highway of my invention , I will trcatc 
a little of them, neither bcfide that which 
wc I- avc in hand , bccaulc it will tonfinnc 
the fore- written words Xenopbon con- 
cerning wine. Whom doe wee evcrreadc 
of moretoquafFcandcaroufe , more to ufc 
ftrongdrinkc than the Scythians, and who 
more blockiOi , and devcyd of wit and 
rcafon ? nay there was never any learned 
man but onely tAnacharfis , who was in- 
bred there ; which want no doubt is cau- 
fed by their great intemperance. For ail 
"Writers well-nigh agree in this, that they 
will, as the Poet fayth, addiurmmftellam, 
or firehue pro Ilio potare , drinkc till their 
eyes Pcare like two blading ftarrcs, as we fay 
in our proverbe. zyitbenam that lingular Athnxm 
fcholLrof lo manifold reading , after hcc^'^.io. 
had rehcarfcd HiredYa^mQX^ oi Chom- ^^'Pf 

t6 rheGlaJJiof 

Ms faith )^ tL/^xot 0^' 5i A(xx&)vcr,&c The Lace^ 
dentoatans when they would drinkc in the 
cups extraordinarily, they did ufe this word 
<ohiJnvti<jai, to imitate the Scythians^whlfh 
alfo he notes out of Chameleon Heracleotet 
in his booke riif/ iw^Sv^r : when alfo they 
fhould have faid to the P Inccrfta^'Q-iax^o'yov 
powre in, they ufed thi word EV:!T«o3tcrov. 

Howfoever wee reade of feme particu- 
larSjitismanifcft if wee pcrufcthe hiflo- 
ries , that the raoftof them arc the grcaicfl 
bouzers and buifards in the world : they 
bad rather drinke out their eyes , than that 
the wormes fhould eat them out after thcif 
death, as Sir Th ^ More jca.i\s upon Fufcus 
^^f^* in his Epigrams : and of all men tliey 
f erderc ' leaden conceits and droffie wits, 

'eft caufedefocciUly by their exccITive intern- 
potando, pcrancc, which thickjieth their bloud , and 
g«am lit corrupteth their fpirits,and other organs 
meafcrvem^h^^gjj^ the foLiIe Oiould cbiefely fhcvv 
piaii, lu. operation, (jivc me leave to IpeaKe 
mmavcr- a little of the ayre, hovv it received in- 
Hiicali*. to the body, doth cither greatly advan- 
tage, or little availe the mind. Itiscertaine 
that the excellcncie of the foule followes 
the puritic of the heavens, the tempera- 
ture of the aire : therefore bccaufc BoiotU 


had veryafennifli foiljagroffe and unrefined , . '. 
aire, the ancient waters ro decipher &: flia- ^aybeiL 
dow out a cul wit many one , were wont thrcdby the 
to (ay, BoEOticfim htc habet ingentHm^ Ihis nvchcativg^ 
man is as wife as a wo d-cocki l-iis wit's in a av^Tp'tg dtfi- 
con (uinption,his conceit is as lanck a?, a (hot- ^ <9kv. 
ten herring. I do not concord with the poet -^thn^KiQ; 
in that ix\ ial verlc,but I doc carry the com- 
ma a little furthcr^and fay, 

(^(jelnm nen ^animum mutant qui trans marc 

At Icaft if laiufl: needs take coelHm for airc^ 
I wilHay, 

The ajreto vary ^ not only found, 
'But Tp 'tt^s aforreiner tnforrein ground. 

The ayre hath his etymology from the 
Greeks word aca,to confilis of 
(fxL and wui^oijbecaufc the learned fay, that if: 
is the beginning and ending of mans life :fot 
when wee begin to live , wee are faid to in- 
fpire,when we die ,to expire. As the priva- 
tion of the aire deprives vs of our being, and 
the aire being purged and clenfed from hi« 
peftilent qualiti«s,caufeth our well-being; (o 
C th«^ 

28 IheGlaJfeof 

theinfcftionoftbeaire, as in the cxtingui- 
fliingof fonie blazing comct,the emaatiotl 
of noyfome vapors from the bofomc of the 
earth, the difaftrous conftellation orbad a- 
{hc&. of fome malevolent planer.thc damp- 
ing fume ?. that the Sun elevates from boggcs 
and fennilli grounds the inflammation of the 
aire by the intenCe heat of the Sun (as when 
in Homers lliad^ Phmbtis is feigned to fend 
forth his direful airowcs among the Greci- 
ans, & to bring in the pelHience upon themj 
this infection coufcrh our bodies Hrftto bee 
badly qualified , and tainted with a fpiccof 
corruption , and foby confcqucnt our very 
^n.sylv. foulcstobciU atfeaed. ^£neM Sylvtm in 
c^.<)%.dt A- his Colmograpby writing of the IcHTcr c^/f'*, 
Ciamrnore* records a Grange thing concerning the ayrc 
being pu:rified': he faithjtbat hard by there is 
a place termed Os TliuoniHm, in the valley 
ofacertainc niountam, where Stmbo wit- 
ncfleth that he fent fpav row s in ,w iiich forth- 
with as foon ai they drew in the venomous 
noyfome aire,fcl down dead. Nodoubtbut 
the corrupted aire would have had his ope- 
ration upon other more excellent creatures 
than were thole little birds , if they durft 
have attempted the entrance in. But to a 
queftion,VVh3trca(bncan be alledgcd, that 



thofc who dwell under the pole, ncere the 
frozen Zone, and in the Septentrional] cli- 
matCjOiOuId have fuch gyantly bodies,&yct 
fuch dwarfiCh wits,as many authors doe re- 
port of them ? and wc fee by cxpeticnccin 
travcll , the rudenefTe and fimplicity of the 
people that are feated far North , which no 
doubt is intimated by a vulgar fpcechjwhen 
we fay fuch a matt hath a borrcll wit , as if 
wc (^id^yoreale in^eniurn ; wherof that old 
Englifli Prophet of famous mcmory(whon3 
one fondly tearmed Allfions ballad- maker^ 
the cannicatcbcr of tinie,and the fecond difli 
for fools to feed their fpleen upon)G'. Chati' 
cer took noticcwhen in his prologue to the 
Franklcins talc he faycs. 

But firs, hecmfe I <ima barrel mdn^ BortU 
tyft my beginning frB I you befeech. 
Have me excptsd of my rude jpeech. 

The philofophers to this queftion have 
e Kcogiratcd this anfwer ; to wit, the excee- 
ding chilncflc of the aire „ which doth pof- 
fcfic the animall fpirits(the chief attendants 
of the foulc to execute the fnni^ion of the 
agent undcrflanding) with contrary quali- 
ties, the firft being celd and dry, the laft hoc 
C 7, and 

JO The Glaffe of 

and moyftjthough this rcafon mofl; availc for 
our purpofc, Tpcaking how the mind can be 
afFeded with the aire, yet 1 muft needs fay 
1 thinke they are befidc the cufliion: others 
affirm, and with more rca(on, that they arc 
dul wittedjcfpecially by the vehement hcatc 
which is included in their bodies, which doth 
inflame their fpuitSjthicken their bloud,and 
thereby is a caufc of a new gro{re,morc than 
airy lubfl:ancc,con;oyned with the fpirits : 
for extreame heat doth generate a grofTca- 
duft ch0ler,which cornes to be mixt with the 
bioud in the veinesi and that it brings a con- 
dcnfation and a coagulation to the bloud. 
For their extraordinary heat , it is apparent 
by their fpecdy concoclion and by the exter- 
nal! frigidity of the aire , that dams up the 
pores of the body fo greatly, that hardly aijy 
heat can evaporate. This alfo,by deep wels, 
which in winter time be luke-warm, and in 
fummer feafon exceeding cold. Now to 
provcthat where the bloud is thickned,and 
the fpirits inflamed , there ufually is a want 
of wit,the great P eripateaan himfelfe af- 
firmethictobeatruth,whcrche fayth that 
Bulls, and fuch creatures as have this humor 
thjckjare cominonly devoid of wit,yct have 
great fl:rcngth5and fuch living things as have 


Hmms. J I 

attenuated bloud and very fluid, doe cjccll in 
wit and inftatice is given in ylri- 
fiotle of Bees. VVe muft note hcre,that this 
is fpoken ot the remoter parts ,necr unto the 
pole , led: we derogate any thing from the 
praife of this our happy Illandfanother bli(- 
full Eden for pleafarc ) all which by a true 
divifion of the climesjsfcituatedinthe Sep- 
tentrional part of the world, wherein there 
are and ever have bin as pregnant wirs , as 
furpafling politicians. as judicious undcrftan- 
dings , as any clime ever yet affardcd under 
the cope of heaven. 

But I do here paflTe the limits of laconifm, 
wheras I fliould in wifdome imitate the E- 
gyptian dogs in this whole trad:ate, who do 
drink at the river iV«7w Ko/p^ctXf^ag yd xXo- 
Tiifjuii, in haft and by ftcalth, left the Croco- 
dile fliould prey on them, and who doth fit- 
ly carry the name and conditions of the cro- 
codile,no writer is ignorant of. I will end 
end therfore with the iteration of the thefts, 
that the foul follows the temper of the bo- 
dy ,and that while it is inherent in the body, 
it can never partake fo pure a light of under- 
ftanding, as when it is fegregated and made 
a free denizen in the heavenly city and free- 
hold of the faints, 

C 3 forp" 

p ^he giajjiof 

Corporis in gremio dwn ^r 'ttHSy&c, 

f^hen our imfrifon'd feule once more Seeing 

qins fcale the tttrret ofetermt:e. 
From whence it otice br ought y& captive 

JBy this ufurping tyrant ccrfsjoerbane^ 
which ftibjugates her unto fottijh n>ill, 
^And fchool's her under pajfions want ofski^ % 
ThenJhaHourfottle, nfiw choaktwith fhnny 

with Angels frolick^in apurer aire : 

This low NADIR of darkles mtijl it Jhend, 

Till it aloft (0 ty radiant ZENIT^ 


Humors, J J 

CAP. Ill 

iVhether the internnll faculty m^y heknovenc 
hy the extertuiH fhyfiognomy , 

Socrates^ that was tearmed the Ath nian 
Eaglcjbccaufc h could lookc (Ic adfafl:- 
ly upon the Sunn , or ch' rather for his 
quicke infight of underflandiHg , when a 
certaine youth bceing highly commended 
unto him for his rare parts , and admirable 
endowments^ though he had the piercing 
t yes of lyncew^ and could have more than 
coii jedured his qualities , becing prcfentcd 
unto him, hee aid not lookc untohiis out- 
ward feature and exrernall hew , fo de- 
murring to haverendc-cd his approbation 
of him , but he accoftcd him with thcfc 
words, Locjuere fuer^Ht te videam^Xz^S 
hear thee reafon , youth , that I may fee 
what sin thee: (to which Z/>/^ clluding 
in a certaine Epiftlc of hls^'^idere & non 
locjHi^noH -videre eft ; to fee one and notcon- 
ferre with him, is nottofce. j ^W^^^ j in- 
finuatcd thus much unto us , that a man 
may be a Nirem in outward femblance, 
^ ' C 4 and 

J 4 The piaffe of 

and yet a. Therptes in his inward effencc,like 
the Empcrours table, whofe curtaine was 
drawn over with I , ions & Egles, but on the 
table were pourtraied Apes, owls tc wrens. 
Or like the golden box that kept T^eroes 
beard , perchance the eye of his underftan- 
Fm^Ar- ding was dazlcd, as when Ennptdes gave 
V^t'^' him //^^^c /fif?^ works called 2xorei^^tt, de- 
manding of him !us ccniurc;who answered, 
Diog.Lmt^ T' at which T conceive is rare, and fo I think 
of that which I do not conccivc.-havmg that 
deep infightand (ingular wifaom which A~ 
polh*s oracle J id mani eft to be in him , hec 
might eath have percciv'dtheformer,&: con- 
ceived the later. But not cunning Zc 
phyrits jadgemen aUo tainted concerning 
Socrates hiinlelf-e? who feeing his deformed 
countenance, calledhimanideotanda diz- 
zard, and an cfFemn ate pcrfon ; and was 
^ laught to fcorn of ti lem that (iood b v For his 
painsrbut So rates faid,! augh uouZophjrus 
is not in a wrong box , fijr Inch a natural was 
I framed by nature, though I have by the 
ftudy of wifiome and philol )phy correded 
that which was d -fec^live in nature. { he 
philofopher faith, efi m^tx ammt^ the 
eye- IS the cifement of the f -uie, through 
which we may plainely fee it , better than 


Humors . ?5 

tAntijlhtnes his pride through the chinks of 
hiscloake. Butourufuall faying is, thatthc 
tongue is the herauld of the mind. the touch- 
ftoneof the heart .could a man difcern wife 
VlyjfesovXy by his conntcnauceiHcar what 
Homer fay es of him, // 3 . 

— 'AAX' ore S% sroXyVvTJS ^ou-ojl^e- 'oSvosiv^ Hom.lijLi, 

^' A'KX6L%ifx(piiiyjL(TxiP'^ctiSfei pun eoixig : 

'AM,' ore p ^Tct T8 Ateya^v?' g^^ko; la, 
Kouj l^eavif act^soortK houoTO. ^«/Mff«MO"j», 

that difcreet Vlyffes up cttdfi^and^ 
^nd j VP ay d the golden fcepter tn huhand. 
Immovable both he and it reere found, ^ 
fixing a bathfull viCage on the ground : 
Atofi Itkean ideot rofe hp fro his fiool^ Cfool; 
Thou might/} have deemd mn^ ^ 
But when hee Jpokfy his pleat eom words did 

Like to thicks fallirig flakes of winter [now, 
lie any couth his wits fo hig hly jirain^ 
%As wifs Vlyjfes in hi^jlowing vain. 


36 7h G/affe of 

Which alfo Trjphiodorns the Egyptian 
Poet that writ of the facking of Troy , fcts i 
down elegantly to the fame ctfcdl of "Oljj- 


^O^y0J«l7XCtf/?c<.T0J5SfJ5 Afijiv^ 

m 2m. npSm SfJ £?^x« xe^'eoff ovu tixS pi |oi?t*.c, 

By him impetuoui CMinervA fiood^ 
^ud drencht his throat Tvith honey -Ne Bar 
' flood: 

A mope-eydfool heriftng,firft rvm deemed, 
Becaufe rvith TcUhs te confult he feenfd : 
ratltng murmur oft his voice affords^ 
# Opening thff ore-flowing Jpring'head of his 
words : 

l,ike torreti ofmel-it flfioui fno n ''fore th'' fun^ 
Hid Jacred Htppocrene gins to run. 

So ^Jopethc witty fabulift, as wee raay 
rcadc in his lite, what deformity wantedhc 
,^ externally ? and what beauty had he not in- 
ternally ? likewil^ g^ih.on whom Tuliy, 


Humors, ^ 7 

fleeing his ill fliap'dlims , and his excellent 
wit) bad this conceit, In^enitim Gdlixe ma* 
le habitat: Galbaes wit lodges in a bafe Inn. 
And Sappho that learned poetrefle had the 
fame naturall default for her outward linea- 
ments, yet had more rare gifts of mind:fliec 
thus fpoke of her felfe : 

Ifigemofffrffta damnarependo me^e. 

Th^iSfavsr, and deformity of face^ 
fVith vertues inward beauty f do grace. 

Againe, all is not go^d thatgliftreth, c- JfTmoiu- 
very Pcrfian nofc argues not a valiant ^/Vw,- 
WC often fee plumb earn macharam in aurea " 1/ "'^'^ ' 
vagina, and the Cynick fayd m D . Laerti- career jLiuf'L 

concerning a yongman, that was well«x/«>v HU 
proportioned^and fpokc ill, A leaden ra- ^<^'«'- ^^P'- 
pierin a golden /heath. Wrincklcd ^^^^^ ll^lfl^-^^ 
and rugged browes lurke under fnioothpo75eCot 
paint:thc fair brancht Cypres tree fruitlcs 8cftl,'(^ Qon^ 
barrcn.-a putrified nutmeg gilded overrDio. ftUar-p.ioi 
fffedes his brazen armor lliine like goldraxE- 
fops larva (O equate caput cerebrum non 
W^/) a rare head, but no brains : Many a 
gaudy outfidcand a baudy deformed infide; 
avvQodcnleginafilkcnftocking : foafaire 

3 8 TkGlaffeof 

andbeautifuIlcorps,buta fouleugly mind 
Wc fee a beautiful Parts , of whom C olu. 
thtuthc Theban faycsjwhen Hellena. carried 
him to her chamber. 

Her eies could never be glutted with gazing 
on him:& yet his judgment was in the wain 
in giving the golden ball to fading beauty, 
which is but a pleafant poyfon,only a letrcr 
of commendation, as Seneca cals it,a dumbc 
praifc, yea a very fomthing of nothing. But 
howfoever it come to paffe that in fome par- 
ticulars itholdeth thus,it is not true in gene- 
ral! : for as a fox is known by his bufli, a lion 
by his paw, an affe by his ears, a goat by his 
beard focafily mayaman bedifcerned, I 
mean the cxcellencie of his fouhby the beau- 
ty of his body, thcendowmenrsofthe for- 
mer, by the complements of the later. W hen 
I do gaze with a longing look on the comli- 
ncCfc of the feature without, I am more than 
half perfwaded of the admirable deccncic 
within : as when I fee the refplcndent raycs 
oftheSua,itbcwraiesthcSiin hath a com- 
pleat light within : the clearer and fairer the 
fountainc is to the eye , the fwcetcr it will 


Humors. ]9 

prove unto the taftrthe pUrcft waters arc di- 
ftilled from the choiccft flours: foul vices ace 
not the of-fpring of fair tacesja vulgar weed 
illiics not from the filkc-wormcs fmoothcr 
thred:the Hyblsean Bee fucks no fweet ho- 
ny out of the poyfonous hemlock: when we 
fee a body as framed and wrought out of the 
purcft virgins waxc, as tempered with the 
cunning hands of beauty and favor, inrichcd 
with the very prodigality of nature , which 
Nature and beauty itfclf would be abafhcd 
and even blufii to behold, fhall wee fay this 
golden mine affords leaden mcttal ? "Rarani 
facit mifiuram cum (apentik forma , faith 
Petronm Arbit. and the Other, 
fulchro ventens e corpore virtpu. Doe thcy 
fpeake as though it were a wonder, a rare 
thing to fee wit,wifdoroe, and vertue jump 
inone with beauty ? let him fpeak,thatday- 
ly fees not the contrary : I think (though not 
ever ) wife men will j udge ever according 
to the proportion of members, not laugh ^.^ x}itmaii 
fondly ,as they did at the Embaffadours that ^^^^r^m hit 
were deckt and adorned with pretious lo/rfce 
pcarlcs, foolifhly f doring their pages hxto^ia. 
thenifelveSjWhomthey deemed to have bio 
the Hmbafladours, for their plaincneffc. 
There's none fo bUndJjut t^ptU^fs fpcda- 


40 7ke GlaJJe of 

cics vvil make bim fee, ifa man be endowed 
with wifdom,and have Tirejlas bright lamp, 
of iindtfrfhnding, the true candle of EpiSc 
m,whichistobc held at a far gveaier pricey 
but he may eafily fee by them, tvhat a man 
is at the firit glance, his inward vcrtucs by 
his outward i^iffs : and Socrates no davbt 
could eath have yeeldcd wcU- nigh as fin- 
cere a judgement concerning him, of whom 
we whilome (pake , by mcerely beholding 
of hisbeautifLilllincaments, as by hearing 
of hisfpecchcs ornaments. Buthccdidit 
perchance to be a pattern of true knowledge 
toignorancc, who hath not a judicious cyC, 
and which is prone to cenfure too far by the 
o'ltward re.'eroblancc : or elfc to inflrudl 
knowledge it fclfe in this, that al way to fee 
is not to know. 

Who canot fee alfo the deformity of the the blemifhes of the body ? though it 
be not a truth in every particular, as not in 
tlie former. Hcarc what the poet affirnies in 
an epigram upon a low-pac d lurdain, 


T'ard^ es inget^ioat pedihui, matura eienlm 
^ Exter 'ms Jpecithefi cj^cdUtet interin-s. 

Itffjf leaden heeis no golden-wit doth jfjow, 

Humors, 4 1 

Par inured gifts bj eutvtarA Urns Vfe kn&w^ 

Who could not have caft Therfites hh wa~ 
ter,\vith but once looking upon tbc urinal,as 
wc Tay^feeing in his body fu great dcfonni- 
ty, he fare woald have averred, that in his 
foul there was no great confornaicy.'bce bad 
one note efpccially , which is a badfigne in 
Phyfiognomy, which Homer reckons as one 

Acmmnato erAt caf ite , his head was rnadc 
like a brsch Ikeplcrharp & high crownM, 
which among all phyfiognomcrs imports an 
ill aftected mind . W ho is ignorant, that men 
of greater fize arc feldom in the riggt cue,in 
the witty vain? who knowes not that little 
eys dcnotate a large chcveril confciencc ? a 
great head,a little portion of wit?gogglecys 
a ftark-ftaring fool ? greet ears to be a kin to 
iVi^^jtobeea metamorphos'd Apnleita t 
fpacious brcaftedjlongUvM ? a plainc brow 
without furrows to l^ liberall ? a bcautifull 
face moft commonly to note the beft com- 
plexion ? Who knows not that ftea*xoTefOt 
ff*^xi,&c they that be foftflcflit arc more 

4* The GlaJJe b/ 

wife, and more apt to conceive. And <^^-^ 
bertm faycs.that thcfe art the figne^ of a Wit 
asduIasapi:;oFlf:ad, to wit, tlucke nailcs, 
harllihaircandagrofTehardikin thelaft 
whcrof was verified in Polidorits a foole, of 
whom <ty£lian makes mention . who had 
fuch a hard thicke skin that it could not bee 
pierced through u ith pricking. Whois not 
acquainted with this o^ t eP ilof ^pher^that 
va.x'^A yetg^p Xe^rloTftro?' *« r/xra t^lor , a fat 
belly hath a lean in§eriy,becaufe much meat 
afFei5lsihe fubtil fpirirs with gro'Te and tur- 
bulent fumcs which doc aarkcu the under- 
ftanding. And this is fct down by a mouernc 
Enghfh poet of good n6tc,pithily in 2 vcrfcs 

Fat pmnchet make leane fates , and grower 

Enrich the ribs ^ bm bankp-uft qttite the 

Wherfore the Ephori among the Lacede- 
monians were wont(not as irtaxerxes did 
lafli the coats of his captains when they had 
ofFcnded)to whip their fat fools naked, that 
they might become Icanc ; faying un- 
to ihem , That they were neither fit 
for aftien nor contemplation , untill they 


tlmotsl 4) 

ifitc disburchcncd of their foggCi 


that a djct fliorild bee ohferved of 
evtry efi&, 

THc ancient AphohOnd is, Ml^^ nttdtct 
vivity mif :re vivit, he that obftrves i 
(h-if^dyctisfcldomeatcafc : which finiftcr 
cxpofition is not to bee approved. R ather 
thus, he that hTcsunder the hand of the un- 
skilfoU Empirick is ever iii fcareand peril of 
death : for unlcflTe the phyfirian wifely ob- 
fervetbedifealcQfthc patient, hoWhec li 
aftc^ed, the time When, thcclimstc where, 
the quantity hovv mnch, his age & ftrcngth, 
his complexion, with every circtiir.(hnce,hcr 
may prekribe a potion or poyfon foir anan- 
tidotum or prefcrvativcThercforc as Die-. 
n}Jiw the Tyrant would never have his 
tard {havedjbe<;an(e he feared the razout 
might cut his throat , fo ufing hot burniiTg 
coles vvhcrewich he ofceiifinged his haires t 
fo were it good for every patient not to bec 
t<}e vci^ousjbotfcarto fall into the hancfe 
i^the inexpert phy fitian J m^9\K onpirica!^ 
C a* 

44 Tfe Glajfe bf 
as a\fo tbc mctbodift or dogmatift if they 
chiefcly noted to give ufuall probaturas ip 
try conclufions , that will in a trice bee as 
<i^y?«/^;>i/« his druggcs , cither adfAnita- 
or to health or death : ( fuch 

as Hermocrates was in the Poet , of whom 
MivtXt 6. Andragoroi but dreaming in hisflcepc,dicd 
ere mo nitig, hec ftood in fuch fcarc of 
him : ) whereas in tnic Phyfickc there is 
a time vvnh diet for preparation, a time fof 
operation , another for evacuation , and a 
time for reftauration : thefecs^nnot on a fud- 
dcn he all per formed without ^at hazai d 
of the patients Utc, and the agents credit. 
Bticasitis apointof wifedomc not to ap- 
prove of loTOc , fo it is a fondlings patt to 
difallo w al\ ;chicfcly (o to Hand in fcarc of 
all.ashcdidin y^grippa^ who never faw the 
"hyfitianbut he purged : and it is mccrc 
folly at an exigent , either not to crave the 
helpc of the Artilt , or PiOt to ufe a phyficall 
diccif it hcprelribcdby wifcdomc ; wee 
muft not imagine that any man in an cNtrc* 
fnity,if he live f^edictiythiX. hec lives miftre. 
ForPhyfickcin time of need, and a g(J- 
<4cndier, is the only means under heaven to 
prolong the daycs of man Which othcrwifc 


Humors. 4J 

ivould be abbreviated : I do hot (})eakc a- 
gainft the divine limitatJbn ; What faith the 

Pone guU metkSi ut fit iibi longior ktAs; 
Ef[ r cuph foHw fftt nbipMrca mantUi 

Let meager appetite be reafotts page. 
Let hungtr en diets goldtk jiage : 
Let faring bits go doivne fPith mernmenti 
Long Uve thou then tn th' Edcn if content i 

. Thus the vcffes ire to bee tindc^ftood^ 
thoi^hthc covetous Incnbos of the world 
who live like TAntalM4,tmerHnd»s fiticuio- 
fit have appropriated the feiifc to rlicir owri 
tifc,aftcra jcliingroanncfj faying it ihould 
not bc^«/tf ,but <?«rt>.refcrringalfo parta w4« 
nns idavaritiM; 

fine 4hh metOi ut Jit, 2^ ff; fheaihfijsn 

to Martial j 

iVtthironUfbes fconrge thi qaddir.iooid, ^J^^^tlte 
Thefightof,trev.vettheelLgoldr ^^^J^ 
MdrPt/t thoM Uve in health merj cheare^jUgellig 
Th:n Uve in wealthy and give ntt 4 dg^eere, opts: 

Soihcy will imdcrfttnd p»rca manttx ^ 

^5 The Glafe of 

but this by the Wav. Tcmpctancc and < 
dyct fliouldbee ufe*in all things , left that 
wcclcaving the golden mcanc , and with' 
corrupted judgements embracing the Ica- 
dcncxtrcamitic (killing with JxtonaQ^ 
dow for the fubftancc , a mccrc cloud for 
fu»9 ) fwimming as it were with the eddy 
and current of our bafe humours , wee doe 
pcrifli on the feaof voluptuoijfncflc , long 
before wee come to our wiflied port. Bwt 
fuiian the Apoftata faycs in his Mifop,^ Sfn^ 

flTtor Uiizdxtajivi, VVc all ftre Inch Dul- 
lards , lhaCweonely hearcof the name of 
temperance, butwhat value itis of, what 
liappy cffwd it hath,we arc altogether igno- 
raat,at kaO: wc never u{c it. W e be like to 
the Athen'utns , of whom ^naximAtidtt 
r?.yd, that they had good lawcs,but ufed ill; 
wc nciiriili lerpcntsinour ownbofom, out 
vi'c affctSlions , following their fwinge fo 
long, till they i ting us toocath. 

A diet confifts properly in a temperate 
life of meats and drinkes , fccondarily of 
flc«pe, Venns^ vefturc , mirth, and cxcr- 
dfe. Firftwcemuft obfervc a diet in our 
feeding , to cat no more than will fufficc 
pftt«re» though at one lime more than ano- 

Hmors, 47 

rher, as the provcrbc runncs t A little in 
the morning is enough , enough at dinner 
is but little, a little at night is too much : 
wc niuft not at any time' or occafion cram 
our mavves with Perfian dclicatcs, and glut 
ourrdvcs like Epicures with delicious vi" 
ands : noteate liijc the z.y^griqentines , of 
whom PUtofayeSi oi A^xfaydfTini qimSc- 
fiU9i oBfj OLiti Ct6)ffO/M6ro{, S^-xi^ari i\ tig elm 
fi3»jifo'ft8yci So iy£liam alfo tcftiHct ofthemi 
A^rigeHtini adificMt efuidem 4jHafi fimprr 
viSiuri^ convivAKtttr (juafi femper moritnri: 
they build as if they might ever live, and 
banquet as if they were always about to die. 
Wc muft call to mind EfiSietus his faying, 
fti ^f) rh (xSfAAy wee rauft ufe fuch things as 
fcrve our bodies, uiho the ufe of our foales, 
as meat, drinke, array, and the like • not to 
fatisfic our beaftly appetite. Herein is our 
ficfaultin this,when wc make our'Jo^i, Jo- 
pa , that is , oar dyct our farfet , as wee 
(poke of fome before. For dtinkes, wc 
moft not like bouzers caroufc boulc after 
boule to Bacchtu his diety , like the Grcci- 
ans.nor ufe fmaller cups in the beginning of 
our banquet,more large and capacious bculs 
at the later end : we muft not like Z^/'/M^^ 
Innkcoutich^h^no-fnadd^ : we«ftihift 
D 3 net 

48 fhi GUp of 

not fo highly account wine as Brito did^ 
who made his ftomackc the caskc or wind* 
p.V'ultem, vcflcljofwhom W^^<«^thu5 fpcaks : 

^f(<if Zr'itotamfrftiofaviti^crfdtt, 

Vt ventre i»faci<it c^dffWMmphoram^ue, 

^' . .^M ■ 

So the Ccmcdy , S^^ap tu {age»ant dtCM, 
Mi>i vinum foletejfe. Chium. PMlwurtu call$ 
the ol4 wife a flagon or ftonc bottle for 
(yr^^^. wine. We wil, having (ogoDd an occafion 
\,fc6r^^i' to fpcikc of fo good a fub/eCl: , injcidcntly 
X rcat a little of wine, of the v^.Ttacs tl crco^, 
whether it be alfo good, and diet drinkc for 
1^11 complcjuons -. fufifcr me a little, tsm joio^ 
(fU4>m/eri9. o'nipj,Wiiie, faith P/4fo in his 
C*'ii///i*,itcometQf Qi»jcr(5, bcpaufc it fills 
the mindwith variety of opinion and co»^ 
ceit,&C. foecmdi c^/ices tjuepty &C. Of it i(; 
derived, i»o •?o»«(yt95,othclpc, which 

mff proves ouatof aixi 

It will hclpe if thou drinl^eft i^. 1 ha5 
Pqct fajth^ , 

1^ 654?* Qi^pitlmt hvft giycn (Uonj 
" i V wine 

Hwmru 49 

wines unto mortali men to difpdl cloudy 
cares, Hevrj Stephane in the imitatiiSip 
that old vcrfcin the Peet, thus fpcaks : 

Null* fslHs IjmphlsytnH ttfofamw emnes. Hen. Sttfk, 

in parodijs 

A fig for Thalcs watery elemt nt, 
iy jcas Tvine ive crave , TfUs adjumint^ 

•i-And for wine , cfpccially for larger c/e«. 
draughtSjC/fw^Kjfayesa yongman in the ^^-^f 
hot meridian of his age ought to bee abftc- 
Biious.'and he wils fucb a one to dine fomc- 
times with only dry things .and no moifture, 
much leflc diftcmperatly hot, that fothc fu- 
pcrfluous humidity of his ftoreack may bee 
vacuated. He (he wcs alfo that ir is better (if 
a man do drink)to take wine at fuppcr,thaii 
at dinner , ycta Httic modicum '» /xl^fi t^fj 
23p£&i; x^aT^fM*', »on adcantumelU crater At^ 
And for old meii they may ufe it more la- 
vifjily , by rcafon of their difcrect reafon and 
age, wherewith as he fpeakes.with a double 
anchor caft into the quiet haven, they can 
more cafily abide the brunt of the tempeft 
of dcfircs , which is raifcd by the floods of 
their cbriety. 
Of all complexions, thenacan of wine 
D 4 i» 

^9 fheGla/feof 

is (overaigne forthephlegmatick,?ndhclp| 
the oKlancbolicke : for tl\c other two hot- 
ter, it little rather {crycs for inflamroatioq 
th^nconfervation, mboththcfirfl: ithclpcs 
concQ^liou , inr^ifcfi a liyciy heate into fbe 
fDCiiummed faculties, chceres up the dul and 
drowpipg fpirits, puts to flight the lablc 
night of fond phanfics,piirges out the fccijr 
ient Ices of melancholy, rehnesand parif?es 
tlie inward p^rts, opens itip qbftruflians of 
thp vc)ties,Uke Medea s dtu^s , makes ooQ 
y ong againe, it will make of a puling Herat 
c-'.itw , a laughing Democrat , and it will 

^, J'houjaifithj patertis Uughing Dcmocrifcj 
^ut ^'hi/ethou laugh fi thtts^rs fal trickjy^g 
TbQt^'''rt the Ifcholde^ ftntoWexzfXnQ (dovpv^ 
i, ^acchu§ fajfcs, tears he hathlet^t tp tke^^ 
J, A^fre to jet out (hj mirth 4ndjo/liej. 

fAp^ver. p'^tKo^j Itc. fayth Xe-49fheyi(\\\ thp placc be? 
vi-a,mM' foic mcnioncd ) Wine luUs aflcepc tho 
fommmpT,- "^^^^^ ^'^^ LMundragorM j- 

vocant. A' ^g^f«« forrQwand ^oguifli, 3n4 calmcs the 
fi/?.i:/o»j;;.rougheft tempcn: of whatfocvcr mpre vc* 

Humors, J I 

yrwin, making him voyd of all perturbati- 
e^, as Creta is free from infeding poyfonr 
Itis likethc Lapif ^lchymichtu,thz Phipi 
i^opbers ftonc , which can convert a Ica- 
i|cn paffion into any golden fwect content ; 
which palHon gocth chiefdy hand in hand 
with melancholy , they bccing combined 
an4 Unckt together like the ^emedi of 
lliffacrates , who never but by violence 
were dif-/oyned the one from the other,' 
Wine is divcrfly tcarmed of the Poets, The 
wit« pure Hippocrene , the very Hcli* 
conian (Ireanje, or Mufcs fount , wherein 
they bathe their ^cautiou^ limmci , as in 
the transparent and limpid (Ireamcsof Pa- 
radifc, or the GAlaxie or niilky way itfelf, 
of them ceLe^^iall Twimmcrs : Itis an tXm 
traded f/xx^i-, a Balfame, a quintcffence, 
the Rojfolis 10 recall the duller fpirits tliat 
fallen as it were into a fwounc. Invent 
tion and fmooth utterance doc follow BdC" 
chffi , as the Heliotropium OX ^ A^tha it ^ 
v/oofit to move with the Sunnc : for if . » 
thf: wit be manacled in the brainc, as pent 
^ inclofcr prifon, or the tongue have a 
ib^jle-like delivery, her fpecch fecmin^ 
»s aftaid to encounter with the beucr$ 

ij^s^lmfm, W41C wiU the en^ 

■ ----- ^ 

^1 7 k g/affi of 

<s nimble footed as Heraclttm waj , wha 
cpuld runnc upon the toppes of cares of 
come without bcndjng their blades : and 
the other as fwift as winged Pegaf^i 
words flowing with fo extemporary a 
ftrcame^that they will even aftond the hea- 
fer . Wine is another Mercuries C aduceut^^ 
to caofc a f wect confcnt and harmony in the 
actions ofthc foulc, if it chance there bee a 
mutiny, to ch^rtne (bceing ofthe nature of 
the Tvrpeda)ind call all molcflation and dif- 
union into a dead flecpeias the Fife is worn 
j^r'tp to phyficke the vipers fting;or as Orfheta 
his hymnc did once allay the Argonautickii 
ftorme. It is called of the Hcbrewcs, T»> 
Jaiiii^ fayc^ onc , <JHafi t2? P 3 T, Jaad npu 
phfjh , the hand of the foulc, or T ' D \ 

the right hand of the minde,becaufc it 
makes any conceit dextcricall , one of the 
tvvothing^forvvhich a pregnant Poet (as 
imagine or Homer, 2{afo, or any other) e-i 
■-^'^*rpccially is tobeadmiredjas ^ri/?<;p^.faithi 
•^"^ who brings in ^^fchilta asking oiEuripi-L 
dtf, why a Poet QUgjht to be had in fo high 

eflccmc ? Whoanfwcred , A«|iSTyTp| 

H/'ixajxJ y^Zitr'toA : That it»for his dexte- 
fitic of wit, and bis taxing and difciplining 
^ Wortd with his all-daring fttyricall ptn: 

it makc^Wm right eloquent, and Tpeak with 
I lively grace 5 

0 <jMaMtHm dtkes duUif^tcnndU Bttfcho ? Frtl Milk 

}{»w much to wit dathDtthyrMmiw ojrr. 
Since aficr vfincibeehhiitgfi wit d»tb flaw f 

It makes a Poet have a high ftriinc of in- 
vention in his works , Fijrrc beyond the 
¥ulgar vejnc of ^^ua pot ores, water drin- HtfrTr^./i.?* 
kcrs.ThisinTettcd //<7w?<rrwitha — - /*»•- 
iibu4argHitt«yy &c. The Mufesare com- 
mended for a ' vina oluernnt , C^r, 

^*to had his - — S<£pt mero inedluit vir- 
tM, This made the Caflalianift ©r Poet of^j'-^-'*- 
yore, to be cftcemcdand learmcdthe — ^ofVpoen 
per fc A of allArtifls,the fumma totmlu ef plaifelooi^ 
wit: thefeconddini^theinarnialadindruc- ^^eM 
kct of the Mnfci : the gods Nepenthe of SylviM^ 
afoulehalfc dead with melancholy : the 
fcaven noouth'd Nilm , or fevai flowing 
£uripw^of Facultic-. the lo^d- ft one of live- 
ly conceit : the paraxon darling, and one eye 
^(Minervm^ as Ltpjita termes him. Yet 
moderation isprefuppofed, fbrthae is no 
I lliiiig > whofe emtncncc may not Invc as 


54 '^^^ 9^^^ 

iacoiwcnicncc , as the LinK hath a qm'ckt 
eye, butadull memory , fo the Poly puaif 
fn&vU adgufium^ but dtgictlu ^ ad f omnnm : 
and much more in things is their inconvcnir 
cncc , whofc eminence is made inconve- 
nience : fo,much wine raviftctb thetaft, 
butbewitchcth and ftupificthall the other 
fcnfcs, and the foulc it fclfe. Take it fp4- 
ringly,anditraptsone up into an Elyfium 
of diviner contemplation , not inthralling 
thcmindc (ascxccffe is wont) butendcni- 
iing it into an happy freedomc and ample 
liberty. n j 

. Aa Apoftroph.tothc Po^ttranflatcd. 

The quench thy thirfiin th* HeHcaniaffriHg^^ 

Vn'oofe the fetters of thy frifonedOraiytc t 

y 9 let inveutitn €afetr ottcealaft^ 

in dlevolto*s imitation y 

Wtth Sxif^iys nimble genius, 

Sejenda vulgMr expttlation .* 

Then mount t§ th' higkeft region •f concei$3 

And there apfeare f th* g^^tg multitttdt^ 

Ji fiery meteor^ or a bUxAng jidrre, 

Which hap may caufe a feuury afwif^ 


fe'^N^iiiiiigcIibofatcs out €Qnf9^onmott 


thanflecpe.ctcrcife,and wine,fay the Pbilo- 
pheWj but the wine muft be gcnerojnm^ 
not vAffa, , it muft not have loft his 
head. C Coior, 

Three things note in the -8 Odor^ G. i 
goorfneflcof wine: S^for^ ^ 

■ si hate tru% haheat tnm ^Cos'^dieitur^ ex Heidelftl^ 
prier/ftu liter u harum ^r^cedentinm vom^unnhU 
' cnm ; Then is it pure, and the whctftonc oT^'Pj^'^^P^" 
\ a maos wic, when it hath a fre/h colour , a i^filHy 
fwcct fuming odour, and a goodrelifhingo'^ rtij,f^ 
nfte. T hat there is a great help in itagainft calix. non ' 
iftfifenchGlfj it may appear by Zeno the crab iduherat, 
fticcd Stoick,wbo was a^e<f ov «9r<tS^$,moved 
with no afFc^^ionalmoft, but as foonc 33 bee 
had taftcd a cup of Canary, he became of 
apowting Stokke, a merry Creckc, merum 
maroremadimit : ^aechm \% awi^C Colle- 
gian,who admits meriment,andcxpelsdrc- 
rjmcnt: forfow carries too pale a vifige to 
cwifort with his Clar^ deity : bnthowfo^ 
ever! havcl^okcn largely of the praife oft 
«j and fomcwhat more merrily than per* 
haps gravity requireth , I wifti all, as in all 
drtnkes,foinwincefpccialIy, to obfcrvea 
diet, for the age , the complexion , time 
ofttwyeare, quantity, and cyciy cxrcum^ 


56 IheClajJidf 

There it alfo a diet in flccpc, wc muft n« 
tcakcour fclvcsupon our beds of downe^ 
and {nort Co long* 

ttr^ta. I»d«mitHm qnod dejp umare fa/ernftm 

Sttjficity& quint a dum lineatagitur Mmhaf 

as would fiifficc us to flcep out our furfct till 
high noon. Wc muft not iniitate C'^'^neitm 
7):^liTe. J^^rifpn s Dormoufc,of vviion=i he reportsy 
Totambi that flic could not be awqkc,til being boiled 
dormiturhy- in a lead, the heac caufcd her to wake out of 
tmstdrpir.' her riccp,having flept ai whole winter, Wc 
j-mporefd nJullnotOccp like .W^wW fools, who wit 
^ua me ml ncvcr have enough till he come to his long 
ni^fomn-ui Ocep. Ritcher mull Wcc take the DclphinS" 
to be our putteriic, who dorh in flccping al« 
waycs move ffotn the upper brimme of the the bottoin. Like the Lion,which 
al.waycs moves hjs tailc inflecping. Anjlom 
tic,ns Miirfitt affirmcsj^sothcrsiboih Alex* 
an.iit^\z great, and alfo lultAn the Apofta*, 
ca, were wontto deep with abrafcnBallin 
their fiftsjthcn- aims ftr ctcht out of bed, un- 
der which there wa^ placed a brstfen V«f* 
fell, to the end that when through drowfi'* 
nes they begincof^ilanecp the ballof brafTof 
failing out of their hands ©n the fame net- 


fall the noifc might kccpc them frotn flcrpc 
immodcratly taken : which men of renown 
and fame do lo greatly deteft, as being 211 ut- 
ter enemy to all good exploits, and to the 
foulc it fclfc. The Poet lulJStnUgcr thus 
fpcakcs of flecpc in the difpraifc of it : 

fr»mj)tas hebetdt femniculofa vita mentei, Tul.SatJ t 
yivum fepeiit »am^ hominem hac mortis ^^^^or^idu^ 
imago t 

. Sleep duls chefhatpeftconceit^thisitiisige 
of deaih buries a man quick^How we oughc 
to demean our fclvcs for flecpcj whatbcdf 
are moft ht to rcpofc out limbs upon , what 
quantity of rcpaft we muft receive, a5 alfo 
the inconvenience tl at redounds unto our 
bodies by iminoderat deep } excellent is that 
chapter o^C'lemeMs^in the 2 of his Pedagog. 
Pirlt , he advifcth ustofiiun<*>'^5o»^» fttt- [itm„2,fe- 
AttKoWp«t4,beds ibftcr than flcep it fclf, atfir- tiaj*cap.^» 
niing that it is dangerous and hurtful to lie 
on beds of Down, our bodies for the foftncs 
thereof xafl«r»p A5 &)[aH(XATfiiv«7r?$rTa>', 
as falling and (inking do wne into them, as 
into a va(^, gapingi and hollow pit* Thefc 
beds arc fo Birrc from helping concoAion, t 
that (hey inflate the oaturaU hcacc, an<l ^ 


5*? "IkGiaJJiof 

putri/ic the nouridimcnt. Againforflc^pfii? 
itmuftnotbca rd'olucion of the body-, bnt» 

arcmiflion, and as hce faith, ^{TrtyifTiJe 

may eafily be awaked : which may cafily be 
cffeflcd,iF we doc not ovcrballifc our fto- 
mackswithfuperfluity, and too delicious 

The manner alfo of flccpe nmft bee duely 
regarded , to fleepe rather open niouthM 
than Qiut.which is a great help againfl: inter- 
nall obftrutSions , which more cnfweeten- 
cth the breath , Vecrcateth the fpitits, com- 
forteth the braine , and more cooleth the 
vehement heate of the hc^.rt. Sleeping on 
oar hatkc is vef y d^igerous and unwhoi^ 
^oniG , as ait Phyntians affirmc . becaufd 
itbegettcth a lapcraboundance of bad hu4 
moiiTS, generates the ftonc, isthe caufco^ 
a Icthargiie in the backc part of the beadj 
pTocurethdK mnning of the rcines , efpeci- 
ally if a man he hot, as upon feathers^ 
which grcatiy impaircs mansftrcngth, and 
afFNicfts him with a vitionskindc of foakiog 
heace ; it is aMb the meancs to bring the 
0//fceE- Sphia/tesy which the vutgar fort tca^me 
hemll f^«n<ght-niarc,or the riding of the witch, 
mre, wbioh k nothing cKg bsc a^iiMfc pro(«d« 

Bumm. ' Ji> 

flingof groflc phlcgmc in thcorifitc of th* 
(lomacke , by long furfcc > which (cndi 
up cold vapours to the hinder eels of the 
moyftncd brainc , and thereby his grolfc- 
ncffc hinders thcpafl'agcof tlic fpirits dc- 
fccndirg, which alfo catjfcs him that is af- 
fcftedj to imagine. hce fees fomething op- 
preflfchim and lic heavily Upon him, when 
indeed the fault is in his brainc , in the bin* 
dcr partcnely, for if it were and had pof- 
feflionofthc middle part, the fancie /liould 
be bihdred from imagining : which alfo 
fccmcs tobd tainted with darkforirc funicsi 
bccaufc it formes and feigncs to it fclfe 
divers vifions of things which have no cxi- 
ftcnccin verity , yet it is altogether obfcu- 
red : and it may bee proved fpecially to 
lodge in that part, I meane in the head, 
bccaufc of die want of lootion in that pare 
cbiefcly. this difcafc never takes any but 
while they lie upon their backcs. 1 here 
is another diet for Ventti , wee fliuft not 
(pcnd our fclves upon Common turtczans : 
We muft not be like SparroWes,which as th<j 
Philofopher faycs, goetoit eight times in 
anhourc • nor like Pigeons, whichtwtin 
are feigned of the Poets to draw the 
Chariot of Cjfhtrda , for their f^acitie i 
* E but 

6o The Glajje of 

hut rather like the Qock-dove,who js called 

■pxlum^^es .(TjHon'am parcit lumhis 5 as cOntra- 
riwift cslpimba^fitiippe cotic lumhoi^ bccaufc 
flicis a vcncrous birdjit were good to tread 
in Coz^-wtf/jif^hisftcpsFor chaflityj& fcUovv 
fakr. M ix, Xenocrdtes cxampIc,who as Frtd.MtticmA^ 
^Milkm^'r reports, Was caufcd folic with a curtcfart 
' ' "^'"'^'^^^ a\l night: for cl^c triall of his chaftity : whom 
Che curtcranr-tfirmedm the morfJing, 
honunem fed uifi^p.-tcm ^ropc dormt([e , not 
ro have Uydby h:r as a man, but as a flacky 
For oiir e>;crcire,whercin a diet aUois ca 
Hrc refpcdcd , it mu(\ nc ithcr bee tco vehc- 
rticntjtior too XCVCA({t,adruborem,non esdftt' 
db*-em^ tohcat, n .tiWcat. There be two 
Orherithc one of nucrimcnt,thc other of at- 
ryfe, which are in phy ficke to bee had in ate- 
coant,whichfor brevity I paftcovcr , mA(\ 
/em eytP77-,^shc faichj/« Kttmmo peccare ^ejukm 
nofi peccare in maxlmo. But note hcrc.that 
rfic lirfl: diet is wot onely in avejiding fupefr 
liuity of meats, and furfct of dr:nkes,but sclfo 
in efchcwiti^fuchasarc mod obnoxiouSjarid 
leaft agfee5t)'e v^Mth our'happy rcn^pcrafe 
ftatc : asfcfr a cbolcrick Eanfo abfiain frbfri 
faltjfco^ched dry mcats,from muftdrdj^nd 
fuch likethi^?;'? wil aggravate his malig- 
^afithts'QO'jr/aH hotdrinlcs and cjifiartjing 

wines ; 

HwHori. <?l 

wines: for a fanguine to rernine from all 
wines, becaule rhty ingendcr fopcrHuous 
bloud, which vvitbotit evacuation vvil breed 
either the frcnfiejChc hemoroids,j^*!'^«^ Z-^^- 
gHiytt^^du[\-]CS of the braifid, or any fuch diP- 
cafe. Forphlegmatick men to avoid all thin 
fheumatick h'quors.told fneat^and fiifny, as 
fi/L and the like, which rnay beget cfu'dities 
in the ventricle, the Lethargy, dropfes, cl- 
rarrhs,rheumes, and fnch like. For a mcJan- 
choly man in like manner to abandon from 
himfdfe all dry and heavy meats .which may 
bring an accrument unto his fad huinorj fo a 
roan may in time change and alter his bad 
complexion into a better. We \t7ill thcrfore 
conclude, that it is exceflent for every com*- 
plcxion to obfervc a diet , thlt thereby the 
foulCjthishcavenly created forme, feeing it 
hath a f/mpsthy withthebody .may ejiccutfe 
hfrfurd-ions freely, being notmolefled by 
tliisterreflrfaUmafie , which cthcrwifc will 
tc a burri^en ready to {lipprcffe the foulc. 

6t The Glajji of 

CAP. V. 

Horv imtn derogates jrom his exeeUencie 
by jHrfettund of his Mntimety death. 

AS Natures workcroanfliip is not little 
in the greatcfl , fo it may bee great 
in the Icaft things : there is not the ab/cfteft 
nor ftnallcft creature under the firmament,' 
but would aftonifh and amaze the beholder, 
if hce duely confidcr in it the divine finger i 
of the univcrfall Creator : admirable arethc! 
workes of art even in leHcr things, ^-y^ 
oi> oX'iycf nofXoi Sfix^niai > Littie rporkj Jhcif i 
forth great artificers. The image of AieX' i 
-^Wtfrmounted upon his courier, was fo: 
wonderfully portrayed out, ti]at bceing no 
bigger than might well be covered with the 
jilarf.r/f<j5nai!cofa finger, he feemed both to jerk tlic 
Priami ftecd , andtoftrikc a terrour and an amafc- 
reinii ini- mcnt into the beholder. The whole lliadi 
mcuvlj/f' ^<?wtfr werccomprifedintoa compen- 
Muitipliei ^'^"^ nut-ftiell, as the Orator mcntiooi; 
parttereofj' andO^/^r^w/inthc fccond of hisDifticl^s, 
ilitipeUaja- The K^odes did carte out a (hip in every 
seKte, poyntabfolute, and yet fo little, that the 
wings of a flic might cafily hide the whole 

Humors, 6^ 

ftip. P/^jf^Z/rf/ merited great prayfe for his 
Scarabcc, his GralTc-hoppcr, his Bcc, of 
which, fayth every one, though it Fulian in dn 

were framed ofbraflc by nature, yet his iTtff'fi'^ 
(lid addc a life and foulc unto it. None of all lllf^T 
thcfc workes , though admirable to the eye cf^uxaL 
of Cunning itfelfc, miy enter into the lifts dria, 
of compare wi^h the Icaft living thing.much 
idfe with that heavenly workc of workes> 
Natures furquedry and pride . that lictle 
world , the true patterne of the Divine 
Image, Man, who if hcc could hold him- 
fclfe i n that pcrf edion of foulc and tempc - 
rature of body, in which he was framed, and 
lliould by right prefer vc hirofelfc, excells all 
creatures of the inferior orbs,from the high- 
eft unto the loweft ; yet by diftempering 
his foule, and mif-dieting his body inordi-- 
natcly,by furfet and luxury ,hc far comes bc- 
hindc many of the greatcft.which are more 
abdincnt, and fomc of the IcfTc creatures, 
that arc Icffc continent. Who doth more ex- 
cell in wifdom than he } who's more beau« 
tiiicd with the ornaments of nature ? more > 
adoi n'd with the ad juments of art ? indow- 
cdwith a greater fum of wit ? who can 
better preface of things to come by natural 
uafes ? who bath a more filed judgc- 
E 3 mcnt ? 

64 Olafji of 

ment ? a foulc more aftivc , Co farniHicd 
withall che gifrs of coatempiation ? who 
hath a deeper iniight of knowledge botli, 
for the Creator and CrcaCurc ? who bath 4» 
body more found and pcrfed ? who can 
ufc fo fpeci^ll tnvines to prolong his 
daycs in thjs our earthly Paradifc an4, 
yet wc f:c , that for fill this ej^CL-llencie gnd 
(ilperctriV.ience , through a dif^empcrate 
Ijfe , vvant of good advice a ad circLimfpe- 
4*ion , by embracing fuch things as prove 
bis bane (yea foni^tiaicsin a bravery j lie 
abridges hii owne daycs, pulliog downe* 
qntimely death |ipon his ownc head : hcc 
liever b»';nds hii fludy and pidcavour to 
kecpe his body in the (amc rpode] and tem- 
per that it fhould bee in. Mans life, layth 
y^> (/?(7^/e,isnpHcldby twoflafifcs •• the one 
is^tfl^Tv.;, natcirall heate, the other is ^yfp- 
t;-i;, radicall moifture : now if a man doe not 
with all care feekc to obicrvc an equall por^ 
tiqn and mixture of themboth, fo to iKanagc 
them that the one ovorcosne not the other ; 
^rl(:otJi^>» the body is like an inRrument of mufickc, 
4: id^ptud- th^t when it hath a dilcordancy in the ftrings, 
^iT/jrewa-j^ ^ont to jarre , and yeclds no melodious 
T! y^^^' and fwcet harmony , to go unto the Philo- 
fQphcrs c^/i]z fiii^ip :^oi-ic heape i? like th9 



^sois of a burning lampe ^ the mciriurc like 
thcfoiefonor oyle ofthe lamp, wlicrtvvith 
it contin ucs L arning. A s in the Ja mp,if r here 
benocalymmctry and juft rreafure of ihc 
one vvich rhc other, they will in a iliorc time 
the one ot them deftroy the other. For if the 
beat be too vehernent,and the oiletoo iiule, 
the later is fpccdiiy cxhauTiedjand if the oil;; 

too abouadant and the I.eatc too rcmiflc, 
thcfireis quickly fuffDcated, £vcn fo it lares 
with thefc two in the body of man : man 
mu'lftnvcagainft his appcnte with rcafon, 
to Ihun fuch things as do jiot iiand with rca- 
fon i whatfoevcr will not ksepc thefc 
in their equality of dominioiimuftbe avoi- 
ded unlefle we wil baleJy Tub, eel our fclves 
lofonddclire, which is (aswecfay; eyq: 
with childc. To what end is rcafon placed 
in the headas in her tower, but tliat fhc may 
rule oyer the atfi^dions, which are fityated 
far under her : like ^olt^ , whom T/r^i/ 
feineth to fit in a high turret, holding tha 
lircptcr, and appcafing the turbulent windp, 
which arc i'ub/ed uato liini.Thus Maro dc- 
l|j:ribcfi him : 


66 The Glaffe o f 

Sfeptra. tenensy moBit^ daimoj, ejf* tempfpi^ \ 
trot, I 
W c raud: cfpccially bridle our untame^f i 
4ppctitc in all laxury and furfcf, which will 
faddenly cxtinguiih our natural 1 flame > and 
fuck up the native oilc of our lively lampc 
crc wee be aware , and die long before the 
f ompleat ^gc of man , as many moft excel- 
lent men we read of.bave brought a violent 
deathuppn themfelvcsjlong before the leaf 
of their life wa«cxpireditliough not by that 
means: for death u of two forts.either nata- 
yall or violent. V|oIent,as when by furfct,by' 
mif-dict, by fvord by any fudden accicJcnti 
man cither dies by his own hand, or by the 
hand of another. This i^thiitdeachwhertof 
Hmer ffcaUs t 

Cepit Ulit purpurea mors & vielentapareiu 

He died fuddenly by one forcible ftrokc : 
fo purple death ii to be undcrftood, of Pu^' 
pt&ea or Af*rtf^,the pUrplc-fifli, who yeddi 
her par pie-dying humour , beeing but once 
ftruckcas tbcv that be learned know,f or this 
accidentary death ittftince might be given of 

Humors. 67 

'jfndenett died, bccing clioakcd with the 
Icernell of a Ray fin ; Smpcdocles threw 
himfelfc into <t^tnas flakes , to ctcrnifc 
bis mcmorjr. Euripides "w as devoured by 
Thractan CurrC8. ^fchilm was kild with 
a Tortoife fticll , or as fome write , with a 
Pcskc that fell upon his head while hcc was 
writing. AnaximAnder was famiflicd to 
death by the Athenians, Heraclitm died of 
A dropfic, being wrapt in oxen dung before 
the Sun. Diogenes died by eating ww Po" 
fypfts, Lncreti* fheathed her knife in her 
owne bowels, torcnownehcrchaftity. Ee- 
that worthy Roman mirrour, rather 
than he would ranfome his own life by the 
death of many, fuffered himfelfc to be rould 
todeathinahogfticad fijl'offliarpc nailcs. 
>^/f»4»i^rdrownd in the Pyraran haven, a< 
Ot/«^inhis/^Af witneflcth. Stcratrs was 
poy foncd with chill Cicuta. Homer ftarved 
himfclfjfor anger that he could not expound 
the riddle which the fifliers did propound 
pntohim; when he demanded what they 
had got,they anfwercd, 

f9^bat We have taken, if c b^ve left behind. 

68 Tfc gialfe of 

trhat s n9t take»,ahut m thou majfifinde, 

Enpolis the Poet was drown'd,&c» For 
a namrall death, every man Unowes, »t is 
when by the courfe of nature a man is coroo 
to the full period of his age fo that with aU 
moft a xniradc, a man can poffibly live no 
longer : as allthofe Decrepits.whora PUu-^ 
fwcalls filiceynij^ capHUrijyftnes Achernn' 
tict,a{\ old men , that dying arc Jikcncd to 
apples, that beeing mellow, of their ownc 
accord fall from the trees. Such a one,as A'fj- 
m<* PompUim was, the prcdccelTor of 7«/- 
^hi-yf.Ha- Ifu Ho^T-tlias in the kingdoEns,whoin Dh- 
licam-Ub ^i jtyfifu Haltcarnajf^tu highly praifed forhis^ 
antiq. Ko' virtues, at length comming to fpcakc of hi$y 
So Ahraha death, fays : but firit,hc lived long with per-, 
expiravit ^c^. fenfe,nevcrunfortunatCjand heeciidccj 
t7i cfr'hie his daycs with an cafie death, being withc- 
bo^njcmo red awav withagc : which end happeneth 
25 « " ^oit late nnto the fangume, than to any 
other complcxion,and the fooncfl: comes up- 
ofl a melancboltcke confticution. Few die 
naturally , but wife men who know their 
tempc j5 well, many die violently by thcm- 
idves. like foolcs who have no infight intc> 
ihemfelvcs : efpccially by this great fault of 
rpifet,p{irrly by the ignoj ancc pfthcir o\yijp 

Humors. ^9 

ftate of completion, and partlv the eyes of 
their reafon being blind-fold by their Ufci- 
vious vvantonncffe aijd luxury , amid their 
greaccd jollity. 

For variety of meates and dainty difhcs 
are the nurfes of great furfct and many dan- 
gerous difeafcs : to rhe which that fpcech of is futablCjWherc he faith.that gouts, 
Tiilicks,exulcerations of thelungs, brop- 
fies,and fuch like, which in rich men arc ufu- 
ally refident, are WoKunlMy S'einym dTtoyo. tuc-inSom* 
^'A.tbeoff-fpringof fumprnous banquets: or Gal- 
fo alfo did ylntiphunes the phyfitian fay , as f Semens 
wereadm ^/^w<?>?x. ^ 

Surfet is an overcloying ofthe ftomacke 
with meats and drinks properly, which hin- 
der thefccond concodion, and there fefter 
and putrifie^corrupting the fpirits,infe(5l:ino; 
the bloud and other internall parts » to the 
great weakening and enfecblingof the bo- 
dy , and often to the feparation of the foul : 
improperly of anger j Venf<fs^znd the like; 
a|l which in a parodc , imitating Vtrpl^vjz ^ 
may itl ^owne , but cbiefelr touching 

afedihtii imi*. 

Vif^ ardor Jnxitf^nmt^e^ CKeC-yfifraceHu 

■ ^ " ' " ' ■ " Dira 

70 Tfo giajje of 

tnton allu. Vcnm.maftcs generitiHcerperelptElm 

fum eji ad C'^^foris infeefuitftr tubes fttneft^^vaporum^ 
wrba Arijf. Nfibes ohenebrant fuHto fenjit^ ayiimumjj, 
%\iyoi Fnmatis crap/tU cereOro mox ittcftbat Mr a: 
tlt^ft/ni * Intonuere txt*^& crthrU angoribM ^Iget^ 
mirv{v InfaHfiAm^gutoft intent^Htiltd mortem, • 

J'i*)iexo- Of all finncs, this gluttony and gour- 
^vy^aty. mandifing putrificth and rotteth the body, 
and greatly difaMcththc foulc : it is termed 
^fr^ni-k'u c*'^pf*l'*toi xfltpctand 5TrfU», of ftaking the 
ciem^pr^. hcad,bccaufc it begets a refolution of the 
i. fine wcs by cold, bringing a palfev. Or 
for this , when nature is overcharged,8: the 
ftomacke toofiill fas he faith in his Theatre 
df4 monde jail the brains arc troubled in fuch 
TCu at ^ ^^^^ ^^^y execute their fun:lions 
T)moni!m ^^^^ o^^t. For as IfocrMes Writes, the 
minde of man being corrupted with exceflfc 
and furfet of wine , hcc is like unto a chariot 
,) rnnning wfthout a coach-man. This fault 
of luxury was in SArdanapalus , whofc 
belly washis god, and God his enemy : in 
VttelliHs who had fcrvcd unto him at one 
fcaft 20 oo fiflics and 7000 birds : in Helto* 
gabalw the centre of all dainties , who at 
one fopper was ferved with ^oo oftrichcs : 
111 L^aximUnw^who did catcvcry diy 40 


Humort. J i 

pound of fldljjand drink j gallons of wine. 
Concerning ravenous caters, learned Athe- 
nttu is abundant and copious:thi$ no doubt 
was in the pricfts of JBaifjiioH^who worlhip- 
ped god Bel only for god Belly. Great was 
the abftincncc of AurcUantu ths Empcrour, 
who when he was fickc of any malady ( as 
Tl.Vopifiw records ) never called for any 
Phyfitian , but al waies cured and recovered 
himfelf by a fparing thin diet : fuch temper 
ranee is to be ufcd of al them that have judg- 
ment to cxpcll and put to flight all dy fcraucs 
anddifeafcs whatfocver,left by not preven- 
ting that in t mc which will cn{uc,we be fo chauctr •/ 
far fpcnt that it is too late to feek for help. Troilm. 

Xnt too Ute comes the EUUmatj^ 
frhenmenthe C'c^rfe nntothegrMve d^e 

Ecquid ofHS Cratero magnos fromittere ^ 
montes ^ If ihouwouldft give wholc moun- 
tains for the Phifitians' s too late fincc 
thou art part cure. Let judgment and difcre- 
tion therefore ftay thy fond affc^Hons and 
lufts, let them be like the little fi(k Ethi^ 
neu or Remora^ which will caufc the migh- 
U'eft JltAl^nt4»49 or highcft fliip to ftand 

?i rheClaJfeof 

Echiit loo\e fiill upoiT the Turging waves : lb thou iliuft 

y^/a'^"/}^^'' ^'^^ ^^^^^ Hiippcof thydefirc, in the 
^'lim' ®^^2nof worldly plcafurcs , Icfi: it going on, 
O'c. it hath thou make fliipwrackc of thy life and good 
his name, name. ^ 

OlTro TOO 

lx«v T&s Whofocver propheficth thusvforctcllctli 
•'ttWs. truth , yet he is accounted vaine and top 
fliarp unto the Epicures of our agc,as who- 
focver in any prophefic. So Euripides, of 
rather Tircjias in EUrtpideJ his Phamjft, 

Irlie l^ocf Per/^iii is tills "Prophet , ^hat 
.foretels of death and a fuddcn cndtothem 
that arc given to luxury andfurfet. 

Turgidus hlse.pulU at^ulb^ ventre lAvniuY^ 
Gutturc Julphure/u lentc exhalatenephites: 

SX'cuttt e manibic^^denieJ cyepuerereteBJ, 
'Ontta cadunt hki'itUnc'pHlmentAriA UUris 
iJinc t kb^i^randel <& , t^ndetf}^ beaitilttt alto 


Humors'. 73 

fV'tih fiirfet s t^mpnny he gtnn(ttg ftt>elt. 
All eft Uvers in Sdint BuxtOHS tvell ; 
5) yreAthi»g belketh out fnch fulphure aires ^ 
As Snn exhales fiom thefe Egy tntft mares ^ 
VtathsJhHddyifigf.tTvhile efUfl^inghee doth 

With chil^e^e fmites the Borple out of his 

'^rinnittg with alt difcovered tieth he dics^ 
exf ndvc Tf^its Hp his oily crudities. 
Hence isi the folemn dole full comet calts^ 
^nd dimmer taptrs n at (finer a li : 
At legthhis vehemet malady betngc^ilmedj^ 
Ins holloTv tomb with jpice he lies embalrHcd^ 
But Cajfa»dra may prophcfieof the Pe- 
king of the city, & bid the Trojans be war- 
ned of the wooddcn horfe , as Trjphtodorm 
fpeaks,Ti|era/ (T^pj^oj <Wc5, tc feme wilftcp 
out as Priam did, too fond in that, yea not a 
fcw,and wil cry with him,fiftj}ra nobu vd- 
jtut,thou art a faifc ptophct. 

Wilt never bee tired, or cured of this 
phrcnctical difcafe ; butwasnot(thou Epi- 
ciirc)thc Cjclops his eie put ont,as TeUmm 
Enrim^ |)rophccicd to hiRi,yetth€ CjcUps^ 

74 IheGlaJJe of 

as the Poet vvitncffctli, laught him to fcorn* 

« He Uneht Us jleeve^knd faid t9 TeUmHS^ 
" Fondling thott erreji^thtts tn ttllitt^ us, 

t\^o\\ that art yNX^t^eUmns fpcaks tothcc» 
that bciDg fore- Warn'djthou may ft be fore- 
arm' d : byphyfickingthy fclfethou mayft 
live Wichthe fcwcft, and out-live the moft, 
not addicted to this foulc vice of Gaftri- 
margifrn andbcHy-chcar, like Smyndyrides^ 
who when he rid a fuitcr to C 'ljfi^enes hii 
daifghtcr.caried vvithhim athoul'andcooks^ 
asmany foLilcrSjandfo manyfifhcrs, faitEh 
.^i. ^lidn , althougli ^theunHS fay he carri- 
o/tf/. ed wr(h him but an hundred ot atl. Thif 
Smyndyrides was (o given to mcatc, wine, 
andfleepcthathc bragdhec hadnotfccne 
thcSiftine either rifmg ot fetting in twenty 
ycares , (as the fame Author reports) when 
It is to be marvelled how he in that diftcra- 
pcr could live out twenty. W e mud not like 
the Parafit, make our ftomacks cosmeterium 
ciif^rum , left WO make our bodies /^;'»^«"^'''* 
AnintATHTH, D»m osdeleUatur ccrndtmenm 
fi^i^nima necarnr csmedentif, Gre^frj QUI 


of Ludolphm . 

Too much dothblunt the edge of the fliar- 
pefl: wir , dazlc , yea clcarc extinguifti the 
bright and ciearc beames of the undcrfian- 
ding, as Tlaofomfw in the fifth of his Fkil. Mhtti. in 
reports, yea it doth fo fetter and captivate ^^ "^ 
thefouleinthe darkfomcceU of difcontcn- i c' 
tedncflc, that it never can enjoy any pure ait 
to rcfrcfh it felfcjtill it by conftraint bee for- 
ced tobrcake out of this ruinous Gaole , thai 
diftempercd and ill aftei^cd body , which 
will in a moment come to pafle, if a man be 
inclined to luxury .the fudden ihortner of the 
days. 1 would Willi that every one that hatb 
wifdom could ufe abftinence as wel as they 
know it : but it is to be feared, that they thaC 
never have attained to that pitch of wife- 
dome, ufe abftmencc more , though f.hey 
know it lefTe. 

, 'O 

y6 The Glaffe of 


■Of Temperaments* 

WEE muft know that all naturall bo- : 
dies have their compofition of thd \ 
mixtnrcof the Elements, fire, aire, wa^i 
tcr , earth : now they are cither equally 1 
poisM according to their weight, in their i 
combination, as ;u(l fo much of one element , 
as there is of another , throughout the qua- . 
ternio or whole number : as imagine a dii* \ 
plum,quadruplum,or decuplum of earth, fo : 
much juft of fire , as much of aire, and the ; 
like quantity of water , and no more , then i 
they be trucly ballanccd one againft another 
in our underftanding : when there are as 
Riany degrees of heate as of cold , of dri- 
neffe as of moifturc, or they bee diftempc- 
rateorunequall, yet mcafured by worthi- 
neffe, where one hath dominion over ano- 
ther r as in bcafts that live upon the center, 
earth and water do domineere : in fowles 
commonly aire and fire arc predominant : 
Or thus, where the true qualities are inhe- 
rent and rig'itly givca unto their propev 

humors] 77 

fiib/cfis •• as in the heart Well tempered* 
heate confilU moiflure rules in thebrain> 
havinghis true temper , cold in the fattc» 
drincfleinchc bones. The firft is rearmed 
Euxpaei* or Tf^feratntntum ad fondns, 
which is bund in none , though they have 
never fo excellent and luipafling a tempera* 
cure ; only imaginary, yet in fome fort held 
tobecxtantby The other is cal- 
led Temper amentum adjufittiam^which di- 
ftributes every thing to it own, according to 
the equity of parts. Of the pre dominion of 
any elcmcnt,or rather the qualities of the c- 
Icmcnt , the coiir;plexijn hath his peculiar 
denomination : as if the element of fire be 
chiefetaine, the body is fayd to be chole- 
ricke : if aire bcare rule^ to befanguine : if 
Water be in hij vigour, the body is fayd to 
be phlegmatickc if earth have his domini- 
on , to bee melancholicke. For choler is 
hot and dry , bloud hot andmoift •* water 
cold andf^lll^arth cold and dry. Thefe 
four cornPI^^Ire compared to the four 
dements : fecondi^. to the four planets,^*?^^ 
fupiter^Safurn^ iftn^ : then to the foura 
winds.thento the four fcafons of they care: 
fifdy unto the 1 2 Zodiacall fignes, in them 
feurctrblicities : laftly tothcfourc Ag?s 

7? The Glcijfe of 

of man : all which arc deciphered and lim- 
med oat in their proper orbs. 
< Bestro fquarc my words according to the J 
vulgar eye, there be nine temperatures are ^ 
blazond out among the phyfitians : 4 fimplc] » 
according to the f our efirft qualities, heatcj ^ 
dtineffejmoifturei cold neOe: the other fourd ^ 
be compound, as hot and dry, hot and moiftj ^ 
cold and moid -&c. the contrarieties bee irt - 
nobody accordi.ig to their emincncie and ' 
valour, but only e 'mparati vely : as hot and ^' 
cold is ajTresable to no nature , accordihg tU 'J,' 
their predominancies-dry and naoif^ compe* 
cent to none , not in the height of their d^!i^| 
grces : foe as mpoUticall affaires, one king- 'J 
done or feat cannot brooketwo ^'onalch^, 
of compeers, as Lttcttn faith , Cmniffj foti^^ 
fias Impa.tiens confortis er t^r^c, • " 

• No potentate admits an cq lall : yea tho*'* 
row civil garbcils and murinies, their eager 
contention ruinatei, and often diflolvcs th« ' 
fincws of the com monwesfe- So happens j 
itinthcnaturall body , wn«S the qualities ' 
arc cqualizM in ftrcngth , there mult need*' 
be aflion and re-adion, a bulling & flrug-' 
ling together fo long,til there be a corqucft 
of the one, which no doubt wil foon diflever 
the parts,and rend afundcr the whole cotfi-' 
^ ' pound. 


pound : yctthcfc twaine may (I mean dri- 
neffc and moifture, or cold and hot^tdc 
pctent to the lame fiibjc^^ , by comparing 
them with others in other rubjcd:s : as mah 
isboth hot and cold hoc in regard offuch 
bodies as are of a cold conftitutionj as in re- 
gard of the female fex,which abounds with 
moil-ure. Hot in compare with an A-flc, 
which is reported among the Philofophers 
to be of an exceeding cold ccmftitution : 
which may evidently appearc by his flowb 
pace, by flioocs made of hh skin , by that 
chill water of the Are^dtan Nonacrk^ 
which for the cx.reame coldneflTe cannot 
be contained in any vcflcU fave the hoofc cff 
an Aflc. Man is hot, in comparing him 
with the Salamander, the Torpedo, andthe 
^iraiita. Gold in refpefl- of the Liott, tlie 
Struthio^cawelOT Ofiridge,\N^\c\\ will con- 
codiron; cr Leather, iht Sf/arrow^CQcke^ 
Fi"£on,2ind Dag andthefearcrathcttobc 
termed diftemperaments. 

The ninth and lail is called Tempera^ 
mentum ad pond'ts , of which wi fpakc erft, 
not in any btit onely in conceit. But hovr 
C^fery temperature is good or badjandhow 
their mixtures implye an excellent and 
IfealthfuUora difeafedeQate : as if in mans 
F 3 body 

8o Ibi (jlajje of 

body riic chicfc valour of fire concurrc wfth 
the tenuity of water : or the groflcft fub^ 
ftance of water with the purclt tenuity of 
fire be coiyjoined ; or the tlrength and quint- " 
CfTenccof tire , with the thickert part of hu- 
saourmUnginone jor thcpureit and rareft 
parts of fire, Iwith the thinncftand clcareftf 
fubftancc of water ? what temperature all 
thefc import, lookc ////?/?i?f. in his booke de l 
^itius rat tone, lih.l. fett./^. A temper alfo ^ 
as it is ufually taken, maybe referred to the it 
equall proportion of radical heat,to in-brc4 " 
jnoitture, when they arc hke powerfull , toi{ 
the excellencie and purity oi the bloud , to? 
the fubtilty ofthc fpirits,to a fupple,foh and ii 
tender skin, to moUified and fmooth haires,: 
to the amiable and beau tifull featurc,to affa- 1 
bility and gracious delivery of fpecch , to 1 1 
buxome, pliable, and refined wit, to a wife ; 
moderation of anger , to the valliallizing of i 
the rebellious affccHons: all which when we 
fee to jump together in one, or the moft of 
them, we fay that man or that body hath a 
mod happy temper , a rare compofition , a 
fwfcr complexion. 


an;... CAP* 

Humors* t\ 

CAP. Vir. 

of diverjities of ivit^ and mp^ according 
to temfers^ 

PLiny makes mention of King Pyrrhus, 
That be had a little prctious pearlc of 
diversrcfplcndant colours, commonly tcr- * f^^J^ii 
Bicd the Achates ^oi our skilful Lapidaries: Fel 
wherein were admirably coadunited the trarcb and 
nine Hellicoman Ladics,and A folio holding C'^rdan. 
hisgilden harpe. Our foule, that princely 
Pjrrhus or ■^v^oc, p(^aM,that igneus vigor ^thc 
quinteflence or vertuc of heavens nrc, as 
IhePocts call it,hath this rare gem as an yf- 
f/^^r^/ daily to confort with it: wherein is 
not only abowrefor the Mufes to difpoit 
themfelvcs in, but alfo an harbour for wife 
%/4'pollo to lodge in, to wit, our acute, plca- 
fant and aftivc wit,which can apparel it felf 
with more variable colours,and fuitit felfc 
with more rcfemblances than either the^*- 
mlionoi Poly fits ; and like an induftrious 
Bccjtakingher flight into the fragrant fields 
of Minerva , can gather fuch hony-fuckk 
from the fweeteft flowcrsjas may feaft with 
F 4 delicious 

Si Jhe Olaffe of 

cleHcious dainties the hungry cars of attentive * 
ftuditorSjif they deign but to let their earea 'i 
(as oticc divine Piata's mouth was) bee the it 
hives or cells wherein to (lore up their ho- t 
ney combes •* if they wil fufFcr them to be i 
as vcffels ready to receive and entertaine n 
the Ne(5lar-flowing words of wit. It is il' 
called among the Grecians, Elfvict, andhec i 
that is poffeflfed of it is termed lofviii, excel- ■ 
ling in aftive nature, acute, having ;* quickcij 
infight into a thing, a lively coceit of a thing j I 
that can invent with eafefuch witty policieii " 
quirks and ftratagems, as he that is not of lo^* 
(Tbarpawkt would even admire, never can t 
compaffe. It hath his featix imelUEluagen^^ 
if<^,inthea(?l:ive undcrfUnding, which doth: 
offer they^^'c^^'j- and Idaas of objects to the: 
paflfive,thcre to be difcerned and judged ac-; 
cording to their rcall eflcnce. As divers and 
themoftare indowed with wits , fo moft 
nine wits are divers in nature. There is a Stmii 
pfrffits ufu^ an or apifh wit,an ^rcAdian wit,a Rsfcian 
alt at thii y^[t,afcurrU wit, an <ty£fiigmatical/ wit, an 
Obfcene wit , an ^moltcAn or cmbczled 
? wit,a Chance-medley wit,and laftly there is 
afmirk quick and dextcrical wit. They that 
hayc the fi;rft,daonly imitate, and doapifli- 

Humors, 8 J 

counterfeit and referable a poet or an Ora- 
tor . or any man of cxcellencie in any thing, 
yet can they never climbe up to rhc top of 
poetry , whither his wit afpifcd whom they 
(doe imitate, and as it was once fayd, that it 
isimpoflible to get to the top oi Pythagoras 
his letter, without Crcpftn golden laddetjin- 

Hand facile emergHHt 

^Horti virtrttibus oh fiat ^ res attanfia domi. 
No Eagle froves he^hnt a fiHj T»ren^ 
That foars without art /Inire's golden pen. 
That learning cannot cl mb without golden 
ftcps:fo they can never attain to hishighftram 
with their bafc leaden inventions, but are 
conftrained either foolillily to goe on unto 
the Catafirophe ^ or with difgrace and infa- 
my ("being tired in the race of their own fan^ 
cics}tomakc a full period long before tho 
Cataffrophe. Thus AcctM La^eo was SLm' 
pifli imitator of Homer : an Arcadian wit is 
meant of him , ct^m fono intempefiivorndtt 
afellm^whtn^ man imagins he fings harmo- 
nioufly,or the Nightingalsfugrcd notes , ot 
like one of Camvii fwans, when indeed hcc 
proves no fwan, butrather a filly fwain. 
Ledaos (Ireptt anfer ttt inter olores, 

Hee is like a lo^d fack-but , intcrmedled 


84 '^Jy^ 9(^IJ^ 

withMmuficke : he braycs like an Arca- 
dian Aflcjhec IS conceited without rcafoii;, i 
ashe was, who among the devout offering* 
iZa ^Jl to the Egyptian OiL^.Apu: or Scraps , offc. 
red up a great bottle of hay . Or when a 
inan is wictv like Pint arc hs Arte , not confi- 
dering theintertunat event his wit wil have. 
Flmard) tells of a pretty jeaft ; an Oxc 
chanced to pafle through a frcQ) river laden 
with fait ; which becing decpc , the water 
meke J inuch of the fait in the facks. W hich 
the AfTe p srcei ving>that he was much light- 
nedof his burthen, the next time thacheo 
came that way, the water not being fo high, 
the Affc wittily coucht downe to cafe him- 
felfc of his weight;whofe policy the roaftcr 
efpying, afterward revenged on this maner; 
lading the Affe with wool! and fponges, 
who according to his wont did dip the facks 
as before in the water, but whenhce came 
out, he found his load far more aggravated, 
infomuch it made him groan againe. Wher- 
fore ever after hec was wary left his packc 
Jt)ight touch the water never fo little . This 
is alfo called mother wit, or fooUih wit, or 
no wit : like that which was in a certaine 
Country Gentleman, whom the Qupene of 
ft^ri^^1fP?eung,a|id knowing him to be a 

Humors, .8 J 

man of no great wifcdomc, demaundcd of 

him , when his wife fhould be brought to 

bed : who anfwcrcd,Even when your bigh- 

ncHfc fhall command. Sucha wit wasinthe , 

RuftickjOf whom we reade in the Courtier, nd 

that he meeting a herd of goatb by the way, 

and cfpying one of them among the rctt to 

have a longer beard than any of the reft, hec 

wondring at the gravity of the goat, as pre- 

fcntly amafcd,hc ftoodftocke ftil,and cried, 

Loefirs, methinkesthis goatisas wondcr- 

full like Saint P^«/,as ever I faw- ARa/ci- 3 \ 

Wit is onclv in gcfture, when one can far 
more wittily cxpreflc a thing by dumbe ex- 
tcrnalladion, than by a lively internal] in- 
vention, more by gcftures than jcafts. This 
was in that pantomtmicall Eefcitts , who 
could vary a thing more by gefture,than ei» 
thcr TuUy could by phrafe,or he by his witty 

The fourth wit belongs to V&ntoUbvu , a . 
fcurrilc wit, that jcalh upon any, howfoe- strephfid^s 
ver, when and wherefoevcr, contrary to all iM^rt/?.6» 
urbanity : as he that jeafted illiberally upon NBi«. 
the Chorus of goddefles in ArifiofhaM, It 
Was in SextHs Nxvins, mentioned by TuUy i 
itwasalf0inP^^//>the /efter , whofaidin 
ZfHopho»fbcci»k laugbtcx ^ out «f rcqucft. 

h6 7hs g/affe of 
my art goes a begging, "^t« yxp Sya <f^y- \ 

^ZTvi''' : I can be as loon (p rakfc j 
incarncft An t^m^m>ictcafi wit is when \ 
one rtnvcs to fpcik obfcu-^cly >and yetall the | 
light ot his own rcafbn or othcrs,cano!: iHu- , 
minate the dark fcnfc : yet oftentimes by a , 
witty apprehenlion it ir.ay rellifli a filed and , 
fmooth wit.. I his was in TecHm CabalLH*^ . 
who cotnming into C'l^eris fchoole, Semca 
being then aif > orcienr^hc on a fudden brake 
out into thcie fpecchcs , Si thrax ego epm 
Fnfius efem. Si pantomhita B athillw ^fi e- 
qum MtnuCon, To which Seneca, anfwcrcd 
the foole according to his folly in thcfc 
words: .V* cloACd ejfes;magniM e(]es.Thc O^- 
/f^»ris when a .nan ufes too broadajcaft, 
when his conceit rchrhe* not inathalt earc: 
as oftentimes ^'ifr^'^/, wbaiaid, »o/oca-^ 
jlran m.»s ltbellos'2i^ ^ufon 'tts-, ?etromns^ 
CatulliM ^^v\A PerpHi in one place cfpeciaU 
iy,though wifclv interpreted of the learned; 
in them who think their wit and poetry ne- 
ver founds well till this , cum carmtna. lum^ 
hum intrant, e^c, which is to be accounrcd 
tile canker- wormc of true wit , and altoge- 
ther reprov able 111 any poct^ though his jeft 
i)e.ijcver Cj witty. 

X yet 

Yet C4/Af///« (peaks in the Apology of 
this fault. 

]!^ArK CAfium ejfe decet 

Pium foetam iffHm^ 

Verficnlos tim mlnecejfe eft (jui tunc^^c^ 
For it behoves a poctlimfcit to be vertuous 
tnd chaft , for his verfcs it is not lb greatly 
material. So in another place, 

iafctva f i? nohu pagtna, vtta proha. 
What it niy page be lafcivious , fo that my 
life be noticandalous ? Yet ScAl'ger wiiciy 
replies againft this fonder Ipeech faying, lul.s caljib. 
Judens tnhonel^is numeris funderevcrjHS , 'i.SpJ^orj'i-^ 
Muftf^pudicis e^HaJimmcHlas d,:re imp^di- 
Lafctva, quaji pagi»a fityV/ta pro6ara: (cm 
Im^nrus erit,ejuoiha^>et vas^ f under efnc* 


Which is He that prefumcs withhia all- 
daring put torth lewd pamphlcts^a- 
morouslovc-fongs, and wanton elegies to 
fet up a vcncrious fchool , blurring and llai- 
ning the pure unfpotted name o^ the Mufes 
With his impure blcmifhes of art , let l>im 
firga fool a ma flc, and relinc that his life « 
antaintcd, though his hncs be Iccherous.hcc 
isa nieer pander,abaua to all villany (he vef- 
fel being vented and broacht, rcils the taltc 
•what liquor iiTuetb from x(. £utnotwi(h- 

. ' " ftanding 

88 rkGlajft of 

ftandinglconfefle, apure,chaft and undcfi- 
Icd mindc is nor allured to fin by thefc plea- 
fing Poeticall baits, they arc no inccntivct^ 
unto him, any wife to make him be intang- 
kdin the nets of'invcigling vcncry.aftabTe^ 
mind canot be moved or fliakcn with theft? 
blafts of vanity, it may fay with LifjtHs con- 
cerning Petronim ;^rhner, loci ejus me de-^ 
leBiAnt^ urbamtM capit^ctetera nec in amf»» 
nec in Tnorihm meis majorem relins^Httnt U- 
ifem, c^uam jolet in ^umine vefligtptm cjmffAi 
His lively conceit revives my drooping 
heart, his plcafant fpeech raviflics and in- 
chaunts mee ; for his ribauldry it leaves no 
more imprcflionin my memory, thanaflo- 
tingbargcis woonttolcavebehinde in the 
ftreame. Thefc are the words^fo neerc as I 
can call them to mindc , but for moft natures 
they are prone to vice, and like the Camx- 
lion, ready to take a colour of every fubje(3: 
they are refident on . 
^ An AutoUcan wit is our t o read- bare hu- 
merous Cavialero's , who like chap-fallen 
hacknies feed at others rack and mangcr,ne- 
ver once glutting their mind« with the hca- 
v«ily Ambrofia of fpcculation, whofc 
brains arc the very brokers fiiops of all rag* 
gcd invcntions'.or rather their heads bee the 


Humcrsl 8p 

hlock'houfes of all call and ont-caft piccci 
of poetry : thcfc beyour piokc-bstcb curtc- 
jan wits,that merit(as one jeafts upon them j 
after their deceafc to bee carted jn Charles 
wainc. They be tcarrncd not Laurcat , l>u€ 
poetslorcatjthatbewortliyto bcjirkt with 
the ladies of the vvitrieft Epigramraatiftg* 
Thefe arc they that like to rovicig Dunkirks 
or robbing pirats, fally up and dovvne in the 
Printers Ocean,wafted to and fro with the 
iacenftant wind ofanidleligitbrainc : who 
fif any new work that is lately come out of 
prefTcas a bark under failc, fraught with any 
rich merchandife appeare unto them ) doc 
play upon it oft with their filver picccFj 
boord it incontinently, ranfackc it of eve- 
ry rich fcntencc, cull out all the witty fpcc* 
ches they can find, appropriating them 
to their owne ufe. To whom for their 
wit we will give fuch an applaufe , as once 
Homer did unto ^moLjctu , whopraifcd 
bina highly, Hower \n 

For cunning thcevery , and for fetting 
a jolly acute accent upon an oath. The 8 
WjsX i« ClMMfc^mtdUj wit , which is in 

■ " ~ him 

po IheGlajfeof 

him that utters a conceit now and then , Vt 
Eleph^intes partunt^ and whcn he is delive- 
red of it, as of a fairc yongIing> or rather a 
foul fondling , that broke out of themca- 
niiigs of his braine,and fnarled in pieces his 
ptH m.iter^ like a viperous brood, hee laughs 
and kicks Ukc Chry/tppHs, when hee faw an 
aneeatfigs:& (its upon hot cockles till it be 
blaz'd abroad,and withal intrcats his neigh- 
bors to makeboncHres for his good hap, and 
caufeth all the bcls of the parifti to ring forth 
the peal of his o wnc fame,while their earcs 
do chime & tingle for very anger, that heare 
them. Tl elaitkindcof wit is in the pureft 
tempered body of all, that rich vein chat is 
mivt with tru2 learwng : whereof Horace 

E^onec flndinm fine divite vena^ . 

iVtff rude qtiidfrojtt vidgetngeniHm^alteri* 
' us (ic 7 
Alterafojcit opemres ^ conjfff^t amice, '■■ 

Tt is that wit wherein the nine fifters 
of Parnaflfus doe inhabit : the pure quintef- 
fcnce of wit indeed , that kcepes a come- 
ly obfcrving the timcthc place, 
the matter, fpbjed, the objcd:, and cvcrjr 
ftigular circumfti»nc«, it itMke^y^rijhtles 

Humori. p i 

^^if oicA, which he defines to be Jt>?ojx«a c> 
jTwaiTxg;fla) xfof^f^ » Sudden as aflafli oflight- 
'ningjto dazle the eyes ofawiftied object, 
and yet premeditating in matters of nio«^ 
roent, wherein gravity and lagenefle is t6 
bcrefpe(5lcd : thisisatrucu i[,cvcrpilloU 
proofe, having a privy coat of policy and 
fubtilty, lofliendicfrom all the acute ftab- 
badocsof any acute Obj\ (!^ionift , it never 
wants variety in canvaifiug any (ubjcdl ; 
yea, theaiore it urter^, the mere by farrc 
isfuppeditated untoic It is like the vine, « 
which the oftcr it is ptuncd , the more du* 
ftcrsof fweet grapes it will ever aflfoord j 
It's like the feven mouthed Nilus, which 
the more it flowes in the Channell, the 
fafter ftill it fprings from the head. I 
confelTc this wit may be glutted too much 
with too much of any obfcct , and foo- 
ncr with an irkefome cbjcft , as the Phi- 
lofopher fayth , any furpafling object de- 
praves the fcnfc, foit may be fpoken ot wit ; 
the nofe may be overdoid with the fragran- 
teft flower in Akinow his garden , though 
itfmel never fo cxadly : & more with fmels 
hard by port 2^/£/«»/iw<?.Thefightraay fur- 
fet on fair iVir^c ?^^,and quicklier with f o wlc 
T^trfitcs^ The appetite may bee cloye4 

9t TheGlaJfeof 

withbeautifiUl Lais, whowds all face, and 
tnovc with Mopf a, who was all lips ; this 
pure wit may furtet on cy^mhrojia it felfe, 
and fooner on cars meat and doggcs meatc j 
and though it be like unto Nilw , as the 
oiouthcsof Nilw ^ foic alfomay be dam- 
nncd up, crp:cially with foiTiic grofle terrc- 
ftnall matter : and though it do much refem- 
blc the vine, as the vine miy be pruned too 
offjfoit alfomaybe dulled with too much 
comcmplation : this wit difda{ns,beeingftl 
great, that any the greateft things fliould 
empire over it jflowing Nafos wit,no doubf , 
was more than cGufinc gerraan to this, who 

IngcrAo nam^^ ipfe mso valeo v 'tgeoque 
C'f^far tn hoc fottiit inrU habere nihil, 

ty^ demy 00$ s my heaiveti s afpiring wit: 
C<efdr OKly man could not baniflj it, 

Thelikcftraincofwitwas in Z»f/W»,and 
lHliAn\ whofe very images are to bee had 
in high repute , for their ingeniofity, but 
tobe fpurnd at for their grand impiery :and 
in many more, whofc workcsarc without 
cpRipare, and who doe worthily aierit 



forthis,if for nothing elfe, to bee cano- 
nized in the regifltTs of fiiccceding times, 
yea to be charaderized and engraven in the 
golden tablets of our memories^ Pcriclei 
who was called the rpring head or wit, the 
torrent of clcqucncC) the Syren of Greece, 
was endowed with this Ipcciall gift, hee 
had a copious and an aboundant faculty by 
reafonof this, in his delivery. Of whoai 
lulian ( whom I cannot too often men- 
tion) in a certaine EpifUe to Pro^hjimi 
fpeaking to him thus, fayes, I dofalutc 
thee , O Proariftt*s , a man I muft needs 
confedc fo plentifulUn fpeech, iWep oi tiq* 
rafxci h Toh viSioii; , hke to the Egyptian 
fields J Pencil omnino fimilem cloquentia^ 
ntfi (juo i G raciam non fermifceoi • altogc- 
thertobe compared unto Pericles for thy 
admirable eloquence, onely thisexeeptedi 
that thou canft not with thy flowing tongue 
fet all Greece on an uprore* So tyfnzelns 
Pol ttamis in his CMifcellAh^^ an excellent 
fpeech of P^-r/V^jjinhispraife^out of 
lii his Comedy wliich is intituled or 

94 '^'^ ^l^Jfi 

The goddcffc of Eloquence and per- 
fualion was the porcreflc of his mouth , 
or fate in all pompc upon his lips , as 
on her royall Throne, heo among all 
the rou:oF cunning Rhetoricians, did let 
the auditors bloud in the right veine , his 
words did moove an after- pafTion (faith he) 
in them. Many bcfides hadthefe excellent 
farpaflingvcines , of whomwemayreadc, 
if we periife the biftories and other writings 
of famous men. This wir is cvera conlort 
with judgement^ , yet often I confcfi"c,the 
judgement is depraved in wit ; for wee 
mull know , though Vernm znd Fd/fumbe 
thcobjeds of undfcrftanding , every thing 
is not difccrned or undcrltood according to 
thefe two , as they are properly either 
Vgrnnx or Falfum : for the agent under- 
ftanding , convcighing the fpecies of any 
thing, Cas imagine of any fubtill Utraia- 
gem) unto the paflive, the paflive doth not 
alway judgcof It accordingly : for if they 
feemc good and true at fir(l view, yet af- 
ter Wee have den urred upon there any 
fpaceofrime. they are found neither trutf. 
ftof good, but altogether crude and impcr- 

Humors, py 

fedl. my ccnfurc of wit without 
iudgenient , it is like a flowing eddy or high 
fpringtydc without banks to limit the wa- 
ter. Thefe wittcs arc fiich , as Lip/fu 
faith in his politicks ("as I remember^ are 
the downe-falland utter ruineofa well or- 
dered coinmonwealth. Hce faith that thefc 
who are (SfctJ eJcj flow and of a dull wit, dee 
adminifter a comraonwealth far irorc wife- 
' ly, than they which arc of a /Larper conceit. 
His reafon is in a gradation: Thefc great wits 
•are zgfica, of a nery nature ; hery things arc 
ever adiive in motion ; motion. brirgs in in- 
novation, and innovation is the ruinc of a 
kingdome. This is the fence, though I can- 
not cxa(5lly remember the very words :but 
chat which I firft aimed at, wil I now fpcak; 
by the cxcellencie of the wit is commonly 
fliadowedoutchepurenefTc of the tempe- 
rature , for where there b a good wit,thcrc 
is uiually ap!j axf t^e^atTjf , the fcnfe of fee- 
ling molt exaa:,afoft temperate flcfli,which 
indicate alfo abundance of fpirits,not turba- 
lent and drollie , but pure and refined, 
vyhich alfo doe ever infinuatc no leaden 
but a golden temperature, thcfe two arc 
ordinarily infcparablc complexions : An<i 
becaufc tht Spirit* , - both in regard of 
G 3 their 

^6 Ih Qlajjiof 

their copioufnes & fubtilty do tnaitc a fwect 
harmony of tbe (bule and body , and arc the 
notes ofa rare wit, and a good crafis ; wee 
mean now to treat qi tbefn fticcinifHy . 


Of the Spirits, 

THc Poets Arachnc doth never weave 
her intangling web ncerc the Cy- 
preflc tree : The emblem is well known 
of the Scarabee , that lives in noylome 
excrements , but dies in the middle of 
Ventts rofe. So the Owle ftiunneth the 
fplendent raycs of Pho^hus , delighting 
more in the dark efomc night. ' The worft 
wee fee doe ever aflFeit the worft : oui 
grove'ing bafe affections , oar dull coni 
ceits, blindfoldc<I ignorance, our aguilli 
/udgements, timorous cowardilc, flowncs 
and dulneffc in contemplation, our inabilitie 
of invention , and whatfoever graund ca- 
pitall fomcn torealon there be, doc never 
take up their lodging in any b^aurious Innc, 
i meanc in ^ body happily attempered; 
where the {pin'tt are fubtill anc| of a pure 

Humors. 9/ 

con(litation,but have their manfion in a fmq- 
ky tencmentjor fomcbafer cottage , that is, 
ir.apollured/ickly & corrupted body,which 
is both flethoricum^ pneumaphthiricuWy & 
cacochymienm^ where there is a fulnesand 
repletion ofinfcaed and malignant humors, 
where the fubcill fpirits be not oncly tain- 
tedjbute^ e corrupted a ith puddle humors, 
with groflcr fuming vapors , whofe pitchy 
company , the dcarc chry ftalline and rarihed 
fpirirs can by no means brooke,as beeing di- 
fturbersoftheirnobleftaflions. Thcfe fpi- 
rits the more attenuated & purified they be, 
the more that ccle iiall particle of heavens 
flan^ c,our reafon,tl.4t in^'^oveable pole 1 br 
by the which wee ought todirefl the wan- 
dringcourfeofalJ ouraffcaions, yea farrc 
fDore t doth bear dominion, & rhew forth 
her noble and furpiounting exceliencic in 
thismaOe of ours. The more aboundant they 
all our internal gifts are morcinbaunced 
and flourifh the more ; where the ipirits arc 
apparelled with their own nature , and not 
attired or rather tired by any extraordinary 
ill means,which will never be accordant to 
their feemly decency , the foule of man is as it 
were in a r/^J^jf^/'^tcmple of dclight,which 
grove for fairc flouriflungmcadcs, for thf 
• G ^ plcafam 

'jS The QIaffeof 

plcafant fhade of bufliy Pmes , for pirh? 
Jing brooks and gliding ftieams of whol- 
(btnc water, for a fweet odoriferousair, 
for the melodious harmony and chirpe- 
ing of vocall birds , for the fragrancie 
of medicinablc flowers and hearbcs, for 
^11 plcalurcs that might feal: and delight 
the fences, and draw the very foulc in- 
to an admiration of the place, of all o- 
thcr did furpafle , as the Typographer 
B/£lian* maketh mention. But now wee meane 
to relate of the diverlitte of Spirits, both 
in a generall and fpeciall acceptation. 

1. A Spirit is taken for oar breath in 
refpiration , as Ga/en fayth, firft progno- 
ftic If (fayth hec) farrc from treatable, 
luiov'tm it implyes a paine and an mflammation 
/i.j. about the Dtaphragma, Tis often among 
^ntiqJeetLij^Q Poets taken for winde , among chcPhi- 
Iofophers,foran abftra{a forme, pre D^" 
moKe^ vel bono vel mala. It is uftd for a 
Savour, and for lofty courage. In none 
of thcfe fences we arc to take it in this 
place, but for a fubtilc pure aery fub* 
ftance in the body of a man, and thus it 
may be defined : 

^ne/nbj^mtk ixtenuijfltm^^ parte JknguinU 

Humors, 95» 

frodntla^ cttjm adminictiU propyicf valea,t 
anim t producere a^i^. A fpirit is a nioft 
fubtill,aery, andlightfome fubftancc, gene- 
rated of the purcft part of bloud , whereby 
the foule can eafily perfornie her fundions 
in the naturall body. They have their origi- 
nall and off -fpring from the heart, not from 
thcbraine, as foroc hold. For they beeing 
fo pure , afrtd elaborate into the nature of 
ayre, cannot be generated inthebrain,bee- 
ingby nature cold, where nothing is pro- 
duced but that which is vaporous. Again, 
Cerebrum lExangue : the brain is blood- 
leflc , as it is evident by anatomy, neither 
hath it any veines to make a conveyance 
for that|hqmor : therfore it is rooft proba- 
ble , that where there is the intenfeft heate 
to extract thefe fpirits from the blond , and 
to rarifie them , converting them into an 
aery fubflancc , that from thence they 
(houldhave their efficient caofe. For the*) 
fpirits in fpecialljtbey are of three forts, vi- , 
tall, natarall,and animall : vitaUin the heart, \ 
naturall in the liv^er , animall in the brainc« ^ 
Vital, bc-au(e they give power of motion 
and puHbn untothe artreries ;wh{ch motion 
any living creature hath fo long as it hath a 
being, and that being dWna:, the life alfo i« 

!Oo The Glaffe of 

extinct, a. Natural itithc liver, jo that they 
yceld habilitic of executing fuch a£^ions as 
chicfely conccrn,notCStt, but ^aopt/rei, as 
nutrition and generation of the hke. 3. A- 
nimailinthebraine, and though the fpirits 
proceed from the heart,yctare they difflifcd. 
through the whole body,in the arteries and 
veins, and there in the brain they arc termed 
aniinall, becaufe they impart a faculty to the 
nerves of (eiice and reail motion, which arc 
peculiar to every living creature. The con- 
duits of the fpirits are the arteries and veins, 
the arteries carry much fpirit:> & littlcblood, 
and veins much bloud and little fpirit,yet are 
each of them the receptacle of both. For the 
cherifliing and ftirring up of thz fpirits.thefc 
things cnfuing are greatly available, Fir(l,an 
illummatedpurc aire, purged from all grof- 
fer qualities : fecondly, a choice of fragrant 
fmells ; thirdly,mufical harmony and merrir 
ment, as Ludovicut Q<tl.%odlgAo'Cn wrir^*: 
a neceflary fourth m^y bee annexed, that is, 
nutriment, for it roufes up and lightens the 
fpirits, therfore the Philofopher in his Pro-; 
blemsftithjthat^o/wtf mnlto Uvier 
agiUorjejuMo : after mcat,a man is far 
more light and nimble than while hec i s fa- 
fling;foa merry pleafant vcm is more light 


Humors, loi 

tt^an onetbatisfadfand ainantliatis dead, 
is far heavier than one alive. There be other 
things alfo very intermiflion 
of meditation,a due regard of motion , that 
it be neither too vehement, and focorrupt 
the fpirits:now mean wc tofpeakc in order 
of the complexions, 

CAP. 1X» 

Of A cholericke complexion. 

C Holer is termed of the Greekc word 
xo^»,of the Latins bilis it is not only ta- 
ken for the humor, but fometimcs for anger, 
as in Theocritus : 

Bitter anger appear*d in his face or in his no- 
ftrils. So the Latincword is as much as an- 
ger. Plant, fames & mora bilem in nafum 
conciunt : for anger firft appears in the face 
or nofc, therefore the Hcbrcweshave the 
fame word for ira and naftu, th&t is aph, 
which is agreeable to that of Thcocr. afore 
men tioned.and that of Perjlus, 

JrAcaktt nafo^rugofa/^fan»^, Ttrffit,^ 

S(j we fay irt our Englifli proverb, when a 


I©l Ike GlaJJe of 

plan is tcifl:y,and anger wrincklcs bis nofc, 
fuch a man takes pepper in thcjnofc tut yel- 
low cholcr is an humour, contained m the 
hollow infcriour part of the liver, which 
place is called ^oXm^ozos xogt;, of Galen ; 
whofe forme is long,aixlfjniewhat round, 
ending with a fo«?«,hardby theftemof th<5 
vena cava , which ftrikes througli the liver, 
from whence all the veins are derived tho- 
row the whole body : it takes two flendcr 
veins from that ftem,wbich makes this pro- 
bablcjthat the choler may infed the bloodj& 
caufe the -^norbm itlerictu or jau'idife todif- 
perfcit fclfc oyer all the parts of the body; 
there is a double procciTion or way of cho- 
Icr,«rjto the dmdentim & intrals,downward, 
or into the ventricle upward, the vacuation 
is eafiein the former ,but difficult in the later. 
If the lower padage bee dammed up with 
the thickc fediments of grafTe cholcr, a$ 
oftentimes it commeth to paiTe, then it af- 
cendsintothe ventricle, and there procures 
excretion, binders the concQt5i:ion,cvcr cor- 
rupts fome part of the nutriment (without 
alongfaft) and takes away the ftomacke, 
yet others thinke that cholcr is generated 
in the ventricle alfo, thatitisalfo a veflc( 
•pcto receive it. This humour infedlg the 

Humors. 103 

vcincs, ftirrcs up fudden anger, generates zVefiUib,^, 
confumption with his heat , fhortneth thc^^'-^-^'c <^o'"- 
hfc, by drying up the radical! moillurc. e^- P^' 
rtft-etle^zx]d after him Phny^ with many ino* 
doaffirmc fliat thole men which want the 
vcficle of choler, are both (bung and cou- 
ragious, and livc long- Yet P'eja/iwfyyth 
(although hce imagins that there may bee 
lome conveyance of choler from the liver 
intothc duodenttm^ lothat it donot before 
gather intoa vcficle j he could iind by expe- 
rience none fuch hitherto.N. any things there 
be which caule this maladicus humour to ac- 
crue to (ucb a meafure, that it will be uyiAv 
tiy Ti,an incurable thing; among which wc 
will note feme. All fat of meats, faith G GdAn lib. 
len, and fuch as arc burnt , are both hard to fiipfoc. k 
concod,having no fwcet /uicc,and do great- ^/^'J/"^^'^" 
ly incrcafe the tholerick humour, for the a- ^^^^ '^^ Z^^' 
crimony thatisinthcm. Ailidnde ofO/fr^,©2; 
or fait meats, are not onely ill for this com- 
plexion, but almoft for all, as the Phyfitians 
doe affirmc : and Athen&pu to this purpofCii/fce«.g. 
faith, ?iotxf<vav J^,&c. allkindof poc hcarbs^^^p^f/. 
& brinifh-natur'd meats are obnoxious to 
the ftomacke, beeing of a gnawing,nipping 
& pinching quality. Again, dulce vwu nen 
fU uio»4HmficK0eh/ff, fwect wine is not 


104 7hr GLJJe of 

wholfom for cholerickcomplcxiofts as f^if* 
f Derates witiiefles. They arc called pcrocho- 
/>,whohavca redundance of yellow bitter 
cholcr Antinotu no doubt did partly fortbis 
dilTuadc Vly^cs froni drinking fvvcct wine: 

Butho\^focver, this fwcet wine doth not 
only hloetv t«v iff^vVy and i?To yoiev , as the 
fame ^omer{pezks, //.S. asalfo4^^^e'>r<w 
notcsj/i. I ,Deip,b\it alfo is a great generator 
of cholcr : yea, all fwcet meats arc nurfcs of 
this huraor^honyefpecially is cholcricke:for 
fwect winesthis is (//i/tf^/firltreaCon ; fitft, 
in that much calidity doth make bitter thcfc 
fv\ cet humorsjand againjbecaufc fuch wines 
bcnfLially chickc, neither can they fpcedily 

Egifsrw/lepafTe by the Oureteres into the bladder : 
afoH wherby it comes to pafTe that they doc not 
nSSv ^^^'^'^^^'"^^h^^^'^inthcirpafla^c, but rather cn- 
GatLz. de ^^^^^^ power of it, fuch wines bee The- 
ftn.tutnh.r^Hm, Scyhlites, n-,dch fwect, thicke, and 
Gdkli 7. 6, black as Galen calls them.© violent 
& much motion is not good for that com- 
mtM, picHonras qalenzX^o faith, much eating is 
alfo dangerful for this humor.Then al thing* 
that doc dry up the moifturc of the body, »s 


Humors, toy 

watching and care, Sec. ngilantia m^ximi 
txicc4t corpw^dnh Ga/tft!so doth care even 
confumc and burn the body : cura therefore 
'is called, ejftaf corurens. 
- To thcfc I may iffociat & joyn our adultc- 
rat Nicotian or T obaco, fo called of the Kn. 
Sir AVfo/ that firft brought it over, which is 
the fpirits Incuhnsjih^i begets many ugly & 
deformed phanraficsin the brain, whicn be- 
ing alfo hot and dry in thcfecond, cxtcnuats 
& makes meagre the body extraordinarily^, 
whereof it may bee cxpeded , that I at this 
inftant fo wcl occafioned fliould write fora- 
tl]ing,and fure not impef tincntto the fubjeiJt 
We have now in hand. 

This then in briefc I wUl relate concer- 
ning it. Of its own nature not fophifticate,it 
cannot be but a fovcraign leafe^s Monardu 
faythjcfpccialiy for externall malladiousul- 
cersrand fo in his fimplc it is (oicacochjmi^ 
€ali bodies, and for the confumption of the 
Iiings.andTyflick, if it bcinixed with Colts 
fbotdricdj as it hath beenc often experien- 
ced. But as it is intoxicated and tainted with 
bad admixture, I muftanfweras our lear- 
ned fitracelfw did , of whom my felfc did 
dcmaund , whether a man might take it 
WUheucinipcchfncrKtohisheaicb;who re- 

io6 Ihe Glajfe of 

plecf, as it is ufcd it rauft needs be very per* 
nicious, in regard of the iminoderat and totj 
ordinary whiffcefpecially in rcfpedof the* 
taint ic receives by compolition : for (Taitll 
he) 1 grant it wii evacuate the ftomaci{,and 
purge the head for the prefcnt, of many fe- 
culent and noy (ome humors, but after by hi^i 
attradive vertue itproveth Cacias httmeru^ 
leaving two ponda of water ( as he tearmed 
them) behind it , which are converted into 
cholcr, one in ti e ventricle , another in the 
5^^*^^-^- °fbraine.Which accords with that of gerard 
fmts,c.6i their herbalift, in his lecond beolt of Plant%. 

ca.6^.o[To()aco^ OX Henbane ok Pern^ and 
Trmid^tdp'ifQx he affirms that it dpth indeed 
evacuat & eafe one jday,butthe pCN tit doth 
generate a greater flow of humors : even as 
awel((aithhe)yecldsnot fomiich water as 
when it is moil drawne and emptied. Again, 
it ismoft obnoxious of all to a (pare and ex- 
tenuated body, byreafonof fetting open the 
por;2s,into the which cold doth enter : and 
we know, as faith, /f .6.<'jp.4o 5. citing 
the Voci^cuji^ finguli verfm funt ifli fingu- 
U tefttmonia, every of whofc particular 
vcrfes is to him AxioiKaticall^ as he faycs» 
,*w>ifi5 Ae^TTttiyfCTj TToAefitwTotTO/i' : That 

it , €<»ld is a banc and deadly enemy to 

Humor si 107 

a thin and fpare body .And Hncc that phyfick 
is nottobe ufcd as a continual alioicr^but as 
an adjumcnt of drooping nature at an extrc- 
nHty^and bcfide that,feeing every nafty and 
biCcTjfelli^ ufc the pipe , as infants theic 
red coralsjcver in their inouths,and many be- 
fides of more note and eflecin take it more 
for wantonncs than want,as Gerard Cpcaks, 
I could wifli that our generous fpirits could 
pretermit the too ufuall, not oniit the phyfi^ 
call drinking of it. I would treat u ore copi- 
oufly of it, but that many others, cfpecially 
gerarJ^and Monardis in his book intituled. 
The joyfull newcs out of the new found 
world, or Weft Indies, which -fr<</w^ro» 
tranflatcdjhave cafed me of that labor ,fo chac 
I may abridge my fpeech. 

Choler istwofold, either naturall or not 
naturaU;the natural choler is tWofold,eithcc 
that which is apt for nutrition, as of thefe 
parts which be proportionable unto it in qua- 
lities hotanddry,& this is difperfed into the 
veins,and flows throughout the whole body 
mixed with bIood;thcothcrexaemental,nn- 
fit to nourifh, which purgedas a fuperfluous 
humor from the blood , is received into the 
vcfide or vcfTell and bladder, that is the re- 
ceptacle of choler, incermcd the gall . And 

^- H ihi« 

io8 TheGlaffe of 

and this ufually when the vcfTell isdJfchar- 
gcd, diftils from thence into the duodenum 
firft , then into the other intrals, &c. that 
which is not naturallGf four forts, Aexr3(i<r>rpj 
5TfacroflJ'«5, W(i'aTC(^J^5if,»wJilS. Thefirftis Vi" 
teHina bilisy of the colour of an egge yolke, 
fer.caUsit generated of palew eoloar,ovcrheated with 
vitmbUis^ the acrimony of unntaural caliidity .The fe- 
cond is Porracta, of a lecky nature or green 
colour. The third caruleA^ of a blewifh or a- 
2ure colour. The lad xruginofa^ of a rufty 
colour. And all thefe are generated in the 
ventricle, by ftiarp tart & fwcct nutriments, 
as leeks, muftard, burnt meats, bony, fo fat 
meats, andilHuchas ingendcrnoifonmeffe 
upon the ftomackc. W hcrupon comes our 
common dilcafc called x.a.fiia.'KyiA : forfor- 
tQw & vehement exercifc caufc the yelloW 
choler to flow in the ventricle , by which 
men beinig griped and pinched with painc 
within, do labour ofthis evil, which indeed 
hath a wrong name given it: for it is only an 
affedion or paffion of the orificcof the ven- 
tricle, the mouth of the ftomackc, not of the 
hcart,as Galen witneflcth.' Now todifcem 
C<ii.aeHr/). *"^no^acholcrick complexion, hccis al- 
CP/tfMc-'^aycs either orengc or yellow vifag'd bi- 
treUwx caufshc is mofl: inclincdto the yellow jaun- 
dice ; 

EJumml 1©9 

dice : or a little (warthy , red haired, or of ^ 
brownifti colour ; very mcger and thin,foon 
provoked to anger,and footie appcafcd, not 
like theftone ^y^sbeftos, which oncebccing 
hot cannot bee quenched hec is Icanc faced 
and (lender bodied, like Bruttu and Cajfins^ 
H c is accordi ng to his predominate element 
of fire, which is moft full of levity , moft 
inconftant and variable in his determinati- 
ons, eafily difliking that which he before ap- 
proved : and of all that this com-* 
plcxionis counted to furpaflc, is, the choic- 
rick man for changeableneffc is reputed a* 
mong the wife to be moft andifcrcct and un-* 
wife. And indeed inutablenes and incon- 
(bncic are the intimates and badges where 
by fools arc knowHi 

iyije men belike unto qttadrangledfienet, 
ButfeoUs {liks turning gUffes) 4re fickli 

And if at any time he prove conftant and 

fttfdfaftjit is as Fortune is , confirm in 

levitAte fua, ftablc in his iRftabiUty. Let w 
now dcfcend&om fire to aire. , 
Ha Capi 

life TheGlafJitf 

CAP, X. 

Of A fanzine temferature, 

THe purpk Rofe whofe high encomiuni 
that witty poctrcfTfc Sappho in a witty 
C?^^?0nce fang, did not merit to be adomca 
with fach bcautious titles of words , to bee 
hmM out with fuch lively colours of Rhcto* 
rick, nor to be inverted with fuch a gorgious 
and gallant fuic of poetry, as hi« golden cra-t 
fitjthis happy tcmperature,and choice com- 
plfixron, this fangtlinhumorji^ worthy oft 
panegyrical tongue, and to be liin d out with 
the hand of arc it felfe. Sappho thus fpcak«th 
of therofc. 

Of flaX^ds <iv38av,&c. 

Which wc may turne and change (at 
iWrufc oa this manner: if there were a Mo*- 
narch or prince to bee conftittited over sti 


Humors. Ill 

tcmperatarsc, this purple fanguine com- 
plexion fliould , no doubt , afpirc to that 
high prehcmincnce of bearing rule : for 
this is the ornament of the body , the 
pride of humours , the paragon of com- 
plexions, the prince of all temperature, for 
bloud is the oyle of the lamp of our life. If 
We do but view the princely fcarlct robes he 
ufually is inverted with , his kingly throne 
feated inthemidftof our earthly city, like 
the Sunne amid the wandring planets : his 
officers (Imeane thevcines and arteries) 
which are fpredthorowoutihe whole F*/*- 
tela, ycadilpcrain ever>' angle to execute 
bis command, and carry the lively influence 
of his goodnes .reviving thofc remote pact*, 
which without his inftucnce would other- 
wife be frcttifht with a cbilneffe , and in ^ 
fliort time be mortified : If we doc but caft 
oureyesupoiithefe glorious manfions , the 
fumptuous palaces wherein he doth inliabit 
the Drf^^/i^coftly labyrinths wherein hec 
takes his turr)s : if we confidcr his wile fub- 
till Counfellors which dayly confort with 
him for the good eftate of his whole King- 
dome , the ltmpid fpirit$,thc very feat otdi^ 
vine Reafon it felfe , the Fountaincs i»€. 
odicic If wee marke thJs, That hi?; 
^ H 5 dcpaf- 

Ill The piaffe of 

ideparting is the procuring of a civill muti- 
nie and diffenfion between our loul and bor 
dy , and that his mcere abfencc brings in a 
diffolution of a ceinporall politicall ftatc:if 
we weigh his excellent qnalities he is en- 
dowed with , wherein contifts the union of 
the parts of the whole,! mean heat & moy- 
fture : if we note his dclic a e viands, his de- 
licious fare he feeds upon in his purity ; his 
Majeftyinafpringfo high, his humility in 
as it were dcbafing bimielfe fo low , as to 
take notice of the loweft fubjeft , the niaft 
inferior part, to kiflceven our toe (as it 
isintheproverbe ) to doe us good: If we 
note the mighty Potentates that rebel and 
wage waragainft him , to ruinate his king- 
dome, as Acrajia , Angor , inedU : all in- 
continence and intemperance of Bacchut^ 
Ceres, and yentu,Care,Famin,iiridlhc\\kc, 
If we poife allthefetogcther,and many mo, 
we cannot butimaginc that the bloud is eir 
tfaer a celeftiall majcfty , or a terreftrial dei- 
ty, that among all the humours it doth farrc 
excellall , and that hce which is pofleffcd 
with a fanguine pure complexion, is gra- 
ced with the princelieft and beft of all. For 
the extcrnall habit of body . for rare fea- 
ture^ihcy go beyond all that have this tem- 

I Humors, 1 1 j 

per, being moftdcckt with beauty, which 
confiftsina mixture of thefe two colours, 
I white and red : And for the gifts of the 
wihdc , it is apparent Hkcwire to the un- 
derftanding, that they do furpafle all, having 
fuch pure tempered and refined fpiritsmei- 
therdo Ithinkethat melancbolikc tnen^ac- 
cording to zArifiotle , or cholcrickc men, 
according to the opinion of Fetrns Crint~ 
tPt£ y are enriched with a greater trcafure 
of wit. For if the foulc do follow the tein- C 
pcrature of the body , as certainly it doth, 
they then tnufl: needs excell for invention, 
who have this bcfi: complexion. Their {pi- 
tits furc have the mod cxad tensper of all, 
wherewith the foulas being in a paradife, ig 
chiefely delighted . Among all the humours 
the fanguiiie is to be preferd, faith the Anti- 
quary ;firft, becauCe it comes neereft unto the 
principles & groundworks of our lifcjwhich 
hands in an attempered heate and moiflure. 
Secondly, becaufe it is the matter of the fpi- 
rits, whereofchi fely depends our life, the 
operation of our vegetative and animal ver- 
tue, yca,itisthe chiefe inftrumcnt where- 
with our reafonable foulc doth operate: for 
this is the PhilofopherscZ/wwAr; In the ele-r 
raentscon(i(^s the body, in the, body the i 
H 4 bloud. 

114 9^^lfi^f 

bloud, intlie bloud tbc fpirits, in the fpiritJ 
foule.Thirdly ,becaiife it is a nutriment for aj 
and fingular parts , of what qualities foevcr. 
It is termed in Hebrew CDl [angnis^^Qx his 
nutrition,and fure it is as it were the dam or 
nurfe from wbqfc teats the whole body doth 
pick out and draw life. 

Fourtbly,in that this humor being fpcnt, 
our lifcaUo mull: needs vaniOi avvay.there- 
forefome Philo(ophers, as it is well known 
to the learned, did not oncly furmile, but 
conftantly averrc that the foule was bloud, 
becaufe it being etfufed, thefoulcalfo doth 
flit from the body ; but that was a madde 
dreame , and no doubt ifthe fouiKl of judg- 
ment had awoke them, tbey would have 
confeflcd themfclves to have been enwrap- 
ped in a cloudy errour. Thzy alfo that af- 
firme men of this conflitution to be dullards 
andfooles , and to have a pound of folly 
to an ounce of policie, they themfelves do 
feeme not to have f j much as a dram of dif- 
cretion, and doe erre the whole Hea- 
vens. I confefTc a fanguinc complexion 
may be f© , as any other in their dyfcrafic, 
et not as it is a pure fanguine complexion, 
lit as there is mixed with the bloud, ei-' 
thcr the groflfc fedimcnts of melaftchofyf 


Humors. 115 

or the lenta materies pituita^ tough phlegm, 
when the bloud is alfo over- heated by rca- 
fon ofhotcholcr, or any other accidentary 
caul e which generates a (urplufage of bloucf, 
and indues the fpirits with a grofnefTe , and 
too hotaqua\rty more than their nature can 
well fuftain with keeping their perfection 
and purity. 

From whence the bloud hath hisoriginall, 
as it is apparently known,cr pecially to them 
which are skildintheaiitorfie of anstomy ; 
the feat or fountain of it is Vera cava^a great 
hollow vein which ftrikcs through the liver, 
from whence it is convciedby many cifterns, 
pafT'ages , and conduit-pipes throuj^hout 
the whole body ; like fprayeg and bran- 
ches from the ftcmmc of a tree. It hath his 
cffencc from the chy mus or / uice of our ali- 
ment concodl^ed : his redneffe is csufed by 
the vertue of the liver, aflimilating it unto 
his own colour. 

Tofpeak more orthecnernal habit & dcr 
meanorofman that hath this complexion : 
he ever hath an amiable lookc, a flourifhing 
frefli vifage,a beautiful colour, which as the 
poct faith,doth greatly commend one, if all 
othcrthings be w Wng. 

u6 TbeG/afeof 

Nec miHor his aderat fublimis gr dtUforntie^ 
^M<^ velffi dejint C£tera cttn^a^fUcct, 

(^ofyjtl.Gal. With vermes grA^d^fM debonair rvM 
cfbi)h/clfc. ' pyhich ( a/Uefac'd) m&re highly dignifie. 

They that are of this complexion are very 
aflFable in fpecch,and have a gracious faculty 
in their delivery , much addided to witty 
conceits, to a fcholerhke l{$9:;TeXt*,b?ing/^- 
cetoji, not ^c^fo//; quipping without bittter 
taunting : hardly taking any thing indogton, 
except they be greatly moovcd , with dif- 
grace especially : wifely fecming either 
to take a thing fometimcs more offenfively, 
or lefiTe gricvoufly than they doc , cloaking 
their true paffion. They bee liberally Win- 
ded , Uicy carry a conftant loving affedion, 
to them chicfely unto whom they bee indea- 
red, and with whom they arc intimate, and 
chained in the linkes of true amity , never 
giving over till death fuch a convcrft friend, 
except 0n a capitall difcontent. Thpy arc 
ycry hairy : their head is commonly abraji 
or amber-coloured, fo their beards: they 
arc Bwch delighted with a muficall confcnt 



and harmony , having io fwcct a fympathy 
thcmfelvesoffoUlc and body. Andbut for 
one fault they are tainted with, they might 
Well be termed Heroes hemmumy and that is, 
(byreafonof that lively abounding humor) 
they arc fomcvvhat too prone to Vcncry, 
which greatly alters their blefled (late of 
conftitution,drinks up their loHmidum radi- 
cale, enfeebleth the divineft power , con- 
fumes their pith,and fpends the fubftancc of 
the braine ; for (perma is p'005 ■■.yM(pa.\y , as ^tillic, 
manyPhilofophers not without great rea- 
fonalTever : not tereoMcoSim Oiy^guu^^^nttz- J^^J 
fore, as Afacro^if^ {zkh, Hippocrates calls 
liv atwHatciyy (xix^y iSmM^iei. f .th^t coitus eji 
fmrvtM morhpts comiti ilis^ and but for this 
they were fupereminent above all men, but 
their rare qualities and admirable vertues do 
more than counterpoife this nacurall fault. 
For his refolution,he is like the c^ter,immo- 
vable , never caried away with the heady 
ftrcara of any bafc aflfedidn , but lies at the 
anchor of conftancy andboldnes.He is never 
lightly variable , but being proudly harneft 
with a fteely heart,hc wil run upon the pufli 
of great danger,yca hazard his life againft all 
the affronts of death it felfc : If it ftand ei- 
ther with the honour of his fovcraigne^^ 

ii8 TheGlaffeof 

the welfare and quiet of his countrey > the 
after- fame and renown oFhimfelf:cUe he is 
chary and wary to lay himfclfc open to any 
danger, if the finall end of his endeavor anc| 
toilc be not plaufiblc in his demurring judg^ 

CAP. xr. 

Of the Pblegmaticke humor, 

THis Humour is called of tticgrecians 
^Xey/xoL, and of the Latines ufually Ti- 
tteitA^ which y/e?i«^notethisfotearmed, 
^uafi petens vltdm^ by reafonof the extrcatn 
cold moifture it hath , being corrcfpondent 
c6the watery clement, whereby it doth c<- 
tinguifli the naturall heat in man and being 
carried with the bloud , by his groffe fub- 
ftance doth thicken it , and ftop the current 
andpafTagcsofthcbloudjatleaft doth taint 
it tvith a contrary paflfive and dcftru- 
^ivc quality. Yet of all the humours, 
the Phyfitians fay, and it is not improbable* 
this commcth fleereft unto thebeft ; for it 
is a dulcet hufnour , which becing conco- 
fted, is changed into the efCence of bloud, 
and fervcs cfpccially for the nutriment of 


Hmiors, i ip 

Phiegmatickc parts, as the braine, the 
Nucha or Toft pappe and Hiarrow of the 
thine bone : but this is natural! ; which of 
aU thefe humours doth iooncft digrefle into 
another grofl'c cold nature, which will in 
proccfle of time prove that pernicious hu- 
inor whereof ^ w fpeakes,therc is then 
to be noted phie^ma. naturaU^whcrcoi wee 
fpoke even now, & ^oa naturaiejo^ which 
thefe proceed, /^/^^^jw^, I ^^^jfz/w. 2 Cjlyf- 
feumy^ Salfum,^ Acetofpim^<^ Tenue^ and 
fome others. For the firft,that which is thick 
is a crude fubftance,by multiplication in the 
ventricle, the bowels or brain, or the bloud ; 
whereof ////j/wr^^f j- advifeth men to eva- 
cuate themfelves by vomit every monetb, 
in his booke Devilhy^ratione prtvaterum. 
But for the bowels it needs not fo much, as 
for the braine and ventricle, for Nature 
hath fo ordained , that the yellow choler 
that flowes from the gall into the dnodeKum^ 
fliould purge tfcc entrailcs, and wafhaway 
thefe phlegmatickc fupcrfluicies , and this 
in omc wilTturne to the 1 amre of Gyj>feum 
fhlegma , which is of a flimicr, and in time 
of a more obdurate nature , infomuch that 
k Will grow as bard as a pJayfter, with 
loisg teimimBg in one pUcc , like len- wa- 

no IheGlaffeof 
tertbatturnes into the nature of mud : andt 
thins it that ftrycs in the /oints, and caufcs 
the incurable knotty gout, whereof the Poet 

Ovid,Pont» Solvere nodiofam nefrit medk'tn4 pod/u 

Necformidfitis auxiliatur aquis. 

This was alfo in a woman whereof CeL 
Rodiginiu makes mention : I rcad/aithhcc, 
amongft the learned, of accrtaine kindc of 
phlcgme like unto plaifter,bruifcd into wa- 
ter , which in a fliort ^pace abiding in the 
joints of the members , growcs as hard as 
plailterftoneitfclfc : we have, faith hee, an 
example of a womaojwhieh was gricvoufly 
vexed with an itch in the fpondles or joints 
of the backbone and reins : which flic rub- 
Robbing very V£hemently,andra{ingthe skinne, 
**• ^ * fmall mammocks of ftonc f el from her,to the 
number of eighteen, of the bignes of dice>& 
Colour of plaifter. 
3 ' There is falfum^ of a faltifli nature by the 
admixtion of brackifli humours and of cho- 
ler,whichbeinginthe ventricle, caufeth an 
hydropicallthim, and fomcwhat excoriates 
thcintrals. Pl*H« 'm hisTliflv^wi^rpcakethof 

Sumors] Hi 

this : f ^sj'iwtt &c. for phlegm bccingby 
nature (harp, and of abrinilh quality, is the 
off.fpring of all difcafcs which confift of a 
fluxiie humor, and according tothc diverfity 
of places whither this brackifh humor doth 
inlinuatc it fclf,the body is tccnd and acdoid Hip.nb.^ 
with divers and manifold maladics.So Hif-jUtibm*} 
■poctates fpeaks of this , ro Si <phtyfxxt. SfijxKn 

Tojri^j, kXnot. Bitter and fait phlegms where* 
foevcr it ftlls into unwonted places, it doth 
c> ulcerate. There is alfo >^i«?f<'/»w/'^/^'^«'. 
fliarp and tart , which alinoft is of the fame 
nature with the former jcaufed chief y of the 
mixture of me-lacholy indued with the fame 
iquality.The lalt is called T^fww^jwhichis vc- 5 
ry vvaterife and thin of fubftance.which wc 
ordinarily term rheum, which comes of the 
word pi», to flow ; there be three kindes of 
it . the firft is called Branchm , which hath 
his current from the head into the jawcs ; 
the fccond is called em*<«or0Xtv»«, which 
runs from the noftrils, wee call it the pofe, 
thereupon blennus is ufed for a foolc, homo 
obe[£ naf-is : as contrariwifc hemo emun&it 
naris for a wife man.The laft iscalled c*rwr, 
rhusyoimitti andp<§> whofc matter iiach 

Ill 7he Clajfe of 

ria^ tbebreaft, and the roomes that arc 
contiguous, which ufually is a caulc 
the cough. For the humors make anop- 
pilation in the lungs , and iiop the pores, 
whence our breathing aire doth evapo- 
rate, and whither it becing drawne in> 
doth pierce and betake it fcifc , thereupon 
tliere is made a refultation , and a (irugling 
with the humour and the aire , which 
caaferh the cough : Though it may hap- 
pen alfo, the cauie becing mxhc afpera ar~ 
reria, as it is well knowne to them that 
are but initiated into phyficke.Though Htp- 
Hii) pocrates feemes to fay , All cough breedes 
f/anfc»5,/f- in the mid- Way of the artery, not in the 
i^jngs^ yj^^g Ylis words : For the 
fpirit which weatrra£l(faythhe) is carried 
tothclungs, andisfcnt backe by an iKvyo^ 
or regurgitation > and when the rheum di- 
ftiVingdown,doth meet the rpiritafccnding 
ia the artery , the cough is caufcd ■» and the 
pHlegmaticke matter cafl up , which cau- 
feth an cxafpcration in the artery by the hu- 
mour which lies in the internali hoUowes of 
the cxtnberanccs of our artery .: which cau- 
fech great heat to bee ingendred there, 
bythccoughingttiotion, whidi heatdrawcs 
aiiicccdent phbgme ^ frotntbe i^raine Ml 


morcprocuiingan cxtrcamc coughi AU 
phlegme is generated of crudity jthough it do 
atcraft ibmc bad accidcntary quality ,wherc- 
of it huh the dcnomii.atioiijand the phy fiti* 
ans arc of that opinion ,that natural phlegme 
concofted will turn to bloud.Sfii ^^M faith of 

toy tP?J otTti'nimff : phlegnie is not ingcndrcd 
the firft afc:r uieatj but the firft after our ali- 
ment is bloud, phlegtnc is the Hrft after con- 
co(flion ; for the place or receptacle of 
phlegme J it is not determinate , but it is 
evident that it hath his manfion in the braine, 
and the ventricle, and the bloud. Where iri 
the firft if It be not evacuated in time, but ftii 
be fuffbred CO accrue and dung together , it 
will breed a dj{odU^2S\di will indangcrthc 
whole nature , by damming up the pores of 
the bra:n,and there generating an Epilepfic^ 
Apoplexy, Lethargy, Vertigo, oranyfuch 
difeafc that proceeds from fuch cold quali- 
ties and other bad humours, which tuch^ LeonMch- 
fii^ fpeakcth of at large : as aUo for the la- °defm, 
tcr in the ventricle and bloud , if it bcc*''^'W''^.^wfl. 
not purged forth, it will grow to fuch ^'^^f'^^'^^^ 
pafTe, that moCt ©four nourishment wil be **^^ 

converted mo pWegmc , our veincs Will 

n4 theGlaJfeof 

be potTcfTcd with a clammy humour whic'j 
may hinder the courfe of the bloud, corrup- 
ting the fpirits, and bringing a mortifying 
cold over all the body : or ic wil grow in the 
ventricle to fuch a ma(re,that ic wil at the rc- 
ceitofany hotmoifturefcnd up fuch an af- 
ccnding foiTic,that ic wii be ready toquirken 
and Ihfle us* Inftancc might be given of ma- 
ny that have bin troubled with the matter ofc 
ic above meafure. One lately was fo cloyed 
with this humor.that as he fate in his chairc, 
he fuddenly Was furprifed with the (urging 
foiTicwho fwoonedashcfatc , and having 
oile of cinnamom(which isa fovcraignheip 
for itjsniniftrcd unto him ,at the length came 
to himfclfejby the heat of the oil which re- 
vived him, and voided a great abundance of 
roping phlegm,by the loofning vertucofthc 
fame- For the intimates of this complexion, 
they by nature are alwaies pale coloured^, 
flow paced/irowfie headed. of a weak con* 
Oitntion, for the dcbilicy of naturall heat : 
they be alfo dull of conceit, of no qnicke ap- 
prchcnfion, faint hearted, moftfub/ec^to 
impoftumes^mild of naturcfcldom infenfed 
with anger, vextmuchwith wrinchingand 
griping in the bowels, fore tormented with 
thegricvoiis pain of the wind cholick . 


tJiimorsi t tf 


Of a Me I anchoiicke complexion, 

THcmdancbolick man is faid of the wife, 
to be atttdsHi '^«f^f»«o;;,cithcr angel oF 
heaven. or a fiend of fcchfor in whomloevcr 
this humor hath dominion jthe foule is cithct 
rapt up into an Elyfium or paradifc of bliffe^ 
by a heavenly contemplation jot into a dire- 
ful hellish purgatory, by a cynicall mcdirati- 
onrlikc unto a huge vcffel on tlic rolling fea, 
that is cither hoift up to the ridge of a inainc 
billow . or eft hurried down to the bottomc 
of the fv^a vally :a man is ever lighily caft into 
a trance or dead (lumber of cogitations , by 
rcafon of this fad heavy humor,aIvvays ftoi- 
callyvifagedjiikc gout headed Archefilas^^ 
them of whom the Poet fpeaks, 

<t/£rumni>fi^ Solanes ^ 

oh flip capite & figeniet Inniine terrafff, 
MnrwurA cHmJecftm & rabiofa ^lentU rO' 

v^i^ exporreBo tratimntur verba UheUo: 
t/£groti veteris meditantes fomnia gigni 
Dcniht/o nihil tin mhilum nil pojfc rtvtrti. 

/a liks 

ii6 TheGlaJfeof 

. Like pum^lsH-headed Soloniftg they /ookf. 
The dttll earth is their conttmplatien hoke ; 
They madly mnrmttre in thefelvesjor ronth. 
They heave their tvords with Leavers fiom 

their mom h : 
They mn(in{[ dream on th* antick^axioWf 
Nought's fiam'd of nought^ to nought ne 

oH^ht may come. 
Of all the Four^ this humor is the moft un^. 
forcunat and grcatelt enemy to life^bccaufe 
his qualities being cold and dry , do moft of j 
ail difagrcc kom the lively qualities , heato* 
and tnoifturc: either with his coldncs extin- . 
guiftiing naturail inherent heat, or with his 
dniics fucking up the native moifturc. The 
melancholicke man thcrcf<pre isfaidto bee^ 
borne under leaden Saturn , the moft difa- 
ftrous and malignant planet otall.wlio in his. 
copuhtion and conjunclion with the belt, 
doth dul and obfcurc the bcft influence and 
happielUonftellation. Whofe qualiticsrhe 
melancholicke n an is indowed with, being 
himfclfe lcadcn,lumpifii,of an extream cold 
and dry naturc,which cuts in twain the thrcd 
ofhis life long before it be Ipuii • infoinuch 
that he may rightly fay with Hecubif^xhovi^ his (licfpoke of a living death;, 
Hecuba, TiQrAK iyuytTr^h Sav«V : 

I ait. 

Humors, 1 27 

I am dead before the app©intcc( time of 
death. For this humor if it be not oft helped 
with mirth or winc,or fome other accidental 
caufe which is repugnant to his ctFcdl, it wil 
caufe nature to droup, and the floure of our 
life to fade in the budding prime. Thcfc 
means to cberifh, fortcr, and prolong our 
life, are like the rayes of the Sun, to raifeand 
lift up the hyacinth or violet , being patted 
down to the earth with fudden droppes of 
raine^wherof the Poet fpeaks, 

^Alis flos vtoU/eupttrpHrei hyacinthi 
Demirtitprejfoi rore vel tmhff genM, 

Mox^ tdem radijs folis tefefaEltis amici 
t^ttelit muUo Utw konsreeafut^^c, 

Lik^asthe Hyacinthwith fur pie hew ^ 
Ha}3!7s downe his hedd, ore-drencht with fil- 
ver dew, 

Andeftwhen^oXhciS drmke up th' driz- 

ting ra'tKe^ 
iritb fmilingcheare* gins loekefuU pert 


Even fo thefoulc being prcflcd downe 
with the ponderous weight of mcUnckolic, 
1 1 3 and 

u8 7he ginffeof 

fiad as it were a thrall unto this dumpifii hu- 
mor , is rowzed up witb wine andmcrimcnt 
cfpeciaUy,and infranchis*d again into a more 
ample and heavenly freedom of contcmpU- 
tion. This humor is termed of inanyj^^aSoji- 
... fmii,2LS o^AuL gd, (()o\: C<tl. Hhod, and 
xt U 7 ■ ' ' others; who aver that thofe that are born uii- 
fioc l^'ffic, der .y/«f«r;«^fnelancholicketnen,as5<2f/^r» is 
the highefl: planet of all , fothey have the 
H Rhod, moQ; afpiring wits of all Divine P^are af- 
firmcs, that thofe have moftdcx erical wits, 
who are wont robe (lird ui> with a heavenly 
fury;hcfaith,^«/?r<i poeticas fores^^c. hcc 
that kno!;kes not at the portal of P octs Inne, 
as turiotisandbefidehimfclf, is never like to 
be admitted in. A man muftnot with the 
foolc in the fablcrap qt the wicket with the 
five-penny nayle of modcfty,if he meanc 
to have entrance into the curious rcomesof 
invention. Seneca fayth, Nullum jff mag^ 
num ingen'mni Jin'^ m xtura dement :a : wit 
pevcr I cliflies well un!e0c it taftc of a mad 
humour , or t' ere is never any furpaffing 
wit which is not incited with fury. Now 
pf" all complexions, Melancholy is OeSiro 
pertitn ,furo¥e concitata^mo^ fubjcit unto 
foriousfits : whereby they conclude,! hat 
aicjancbolickc men ore endowed with the 

Humors. up 

rardl wits of all. But how fhallow this 
their reafon is, he that hath waded into any 
dspth of reafon may cafily difccrne. They 
might proove an Aflc alfo of all other crea- 
tures moftmclancholicke, and which will 
bray as if he was home mad,to be exceeding 
witty. They might iay this as well , That 
hQQZukSathrne is the flowcfl: planet of all, 
fo their wits are the flowcft of all. I con- 
feflc this. That oftentimes theraelancho- 
like man. by his contemplative faculty, by his 
aflidmcy of fad anclferious meditation, is a 
brocher of dangerous Matchiaveliifme , an 
invcntorof Ihratagems , qairkes, and poli- 
cies, which Were never put in pra(5life , and 
which may have a happy fucceflc in a king- 
dome, in mil itary affaires by land, in naviga- 
tion npon the fca, or in any other privat pe- 
culiar place : but for a nimble, dextericall, 
fmirke , pregnant extemporary invention, 
forafuddeniyx/vojoi, a pleafant conceit, a 
comicall jeaft, awittyboord, forafmuggc 
ncatllile, for delightfome fentences , vcr- 
niihcd Phrafe* , queint and gorgious elo- 
cution, for an aftounding Rhetoricall vein, 
for a lively grace in delivery , bcecan never 
bee equivalent with a fanguine complexi- 
on, which is the paragon of all, if it go 
I ^ not 

?iota(\ray from his owne right temper an4 
happy crafisj nay the former muft not fq 
much asftand at the barrc , when the later 
with great appJaufecgn enter into the lifts; 
Heetnat wiflies this humour whereby hcc 
might become more/ witty .is as fond as De- 
mecrittiiy who put oat both his cy s volunta- 
rily ,to be given more to contemplation. Of 
all nacn wee count a melancholickc m^n t^e 
very fpongc of all fad humours , the zA- 
qna forti4 of merry company , a thumbc 
under the girdle , the contemplative flum- 
berer, that fleepes waking, &c. But ac- 
cording to phyfickc there bee two kindes of 
melancholy , the one feqaeftred from all 
admixtion^the thickcfl and drieft portion of 
blond not aduft , which is called naturall, 
and runncs in the veffcls of blond, to bee 
an ahment unto the parts which are melan- 
§4. Jljbfli. cholid^ely qualified, as the bones , griHles, 
|t.57.f^-^ finewes, &c. The other is xotTetJcexetcjjMMvn 
fAt\<i.yyo\i'i, , which is a combuii black cho- 
ler, mixed with TaUifb phlcgmaticke hu- 
moMr, or cholcrickc , or the worR (anjjuinc. 
Jfyoti dcfire to know this complexion by 
their habit and guifc : They arc of a black 
fwarthy viftgC , dull paced , fad CQuntc- 
ffankd, harbouring hatred long in theit 


Humors. i^t 

brcafts, hardly incenfctJ vvitb anger, and 
if angry , long ere this paflion bee appea- 
led and mitigated , crafty headed , con- 
ftant in their determination, filing their 
eyes ufually on the earth, while a man 
recites a tale unto them : they will picke 
rhcir face, bite their thumbcs , their eares 
will bee fojourners, like CleorAenes in 
I ^Int^rch , ^A*tintu^ efl m Peleponefo : 
] their ^ivit is a wooll-gatherings for laugh- 
ing they be like almoft to Anaxeigor/u , of 
whom \y£li(in fayes,:ToT o« yeXa, he never 
la'jght jthey be much given to a folemn mo- 
nadicklife, never wcl-nigh delighted with 
confort j very fubjc^^; to paflfions , having a 
drop of words, and a flood of cogitations, u- 
fing that of Pythagoras , -noWoi^ c'Ktytiy 
dwof o^lyoii ^ToWa-they are cold in their ex- 
ternall parts , ota kind nature to them with 
whom they have long converftiand though 
they fecmc for fomc diflikc to alienate their 
minds from their friend, yet are theycon- 

But for the firft kindc of melancholy, 
it is ever the worthier and better. This 
they call the cle£luary and cordiall 
the luindc , a rcftorative confervice of 
the Encmoty , the nurfe of contempla- 

I J2 The Glaffe of 

tion,thc pretious balm of wit and policy ;thc 
enthufiafticall breath of poetry ,thc foyfon of 
our phanta(ies,the fweet flcep of our fenfcs, 
the fountain of fage advice and good pur- 
veyance J and yet for all this itconicsfar be-> 
bind the pure fanguinecomplcxion.Neithcr 
do I think it is to be adorned with thefc ha- 
biliments of words,and pranckt up with fuch 
glorious titles as ufuaily it IS, of whom wee 
doufually treat of it. For the Iater,itcaufcth 
men to be aliened from the nature of man, 
and wholly to difcard themfelves from all 
fociety, but rather like hermits and old An- 
chorits, to live in grots,cavcs,and otherhid- 
den eels of the earth •• thefirrt: may be com- 
pared to an Eagle, quaalri^tme voUt : fed 
t^rdijfimefe ehvat-;\;^h\(h (barethhigh, but 
is long ere ffie can raife up her felfe.To Oe^ 
dipHs^Q^ whom Euripides faith, 

« f »•* ay*o<?o5, fceyoif poitSr, 

So this melancholy caufcth one look to be 
on earth creeping, yet their minds foaring a- 
lofi: in hcaven.The later to RtrfwtH AhJck, 
f the fond Rhetorician ) of whom the 
Poet fpeakcs, that there was no difference 
bctwccne himfclfc and the ftonc ftatue, 


Humors, 13 j 

but that it was harder, and hcc foftcr. 

Z^nurn hos di^mile efi^ mollor iHefftit. 

Or to iV/o^^,when flic was converted in- 
to a marble image by Lttona . for he that is 
poffeflcd of this melancholy, hath both foulc 
and body as glued unto the earth. The chiefc 
place of this humor i« the fpleen,though it be 
in many other divers places.- Now for all 
thefe humors, it is good for amanfirft to 
make a wife fcrutiny, whether bee be incli- 
ning to the ejcceflc of any of them , then to 
ufc a dict^and to rejed luch nutriment as wil 
increafethis humour which is predominant 
in him : for the natures of all ufiiall meats, 
fruits,liquors,fpiccs,herbs,andfuch likejit is 
eafie for a man of reading or j udgment. per- 
fectly to be acquainted with, or at lead to 
give a guefle at their properties & qualities. 

For this purpofe Maftcr ^<?^^^»hath made . 
an abftract of our ancient authors , not un- 
worthy to be perurcd,intituled the haven of 
health,whcrin is fet downc a crttorion ofu- 
{iiall qualities and predominant propcrtkct, 
inherent in the forcnaroed rubje<5ls. 




of the conceits of meUmholj, 

ErneVnu dcfcribes this later kind of me- 
lancholy , which is feculent and adufl, C6 
be metttii alienAt 'to^ fjna laborantes vel co*. 
gitam^ z>el locjuHKtHr^ vel ejficiunt ahfurda^ 
^ongei^ a, ratione^ eonfilio abhor re ntia^ea-m 
q'4e omnia cum mnn mcsjHtia : a loflc of 
wit, wherewith one bccing afFeded, cither 
imagins , fpeaks , or doth any foolifli zdii- 
onSjfuch as are altogether exorbitant from 
rcafon , and that with great timoroufneffe 
and forrow. They that bee accloycd with 
it, are notoncly out of temper for their Or- 
gans of body , but their minds alfo are 
fo out of frame, and diflra<5l , that they 
are in bondage to many ridiculous paffions, 
imagining diat they fee and feel fuch things 
as no man clfe can cither perceive or touch: 
^nft.lih,-! ,\\^Q to him in Anfletle, of whome the 
we/ror/^r.4.phjjQjQph^r faycs it happened unto him, 
dbf. ISAiorovTi, &c. who being purblind j 
thought he alwaies law the image of one as 
hec was walking abroad, to be an advcrfe 
objsd unto hiin. Wc will treat€ of fomc 


Humor Sk 135 

tiicrry cxampks,whcrof we read in Galem 
^^de locU H^eB:ts^ jn Laurent ttu L/^-'eM' 
ces cap.'j. de morhis meUnchol^ \x\tALtiH5^ 
Scaliger, Agrippa^ ayithen^Hi^ and Others. 
There was one poflcft with this humor, that 
tooke a (troBg conceit, that he was changed 
into an earthen vcfleil ; who carneftly en- 
treated his friends, in any cafe not to come 
ncerehim,left peradventure by their ;Ull:lipg 
of him he might bee (hak'tor cruflit to pie- 

Another fadly fixing his eies on the 
ground, and hurcklirg with his head to his 
flioldcrsjfoohflily imagind,tbat AtlM being 
faint,& weary ofhisburthen^wouldftiortly 
let the heavens fall i^pon his hcadjand break 
his crag. 

There is mention made of one that pcr- 
fvvaded himfeifc he had no head, but that it 
was cut off. The phyfitian Philotintu to care 
hiiii,caufcd a heia vy ftecl cap to be put on his 
head, which weighed fo heavy, and pincht 
him fo gricvoufly, that he cried amaine, his 
beadak'd : Thou haft then a head belike, 
quoth PhUotinH6, lulius Scaltger relates a 
merry talc of a certain man of good eftc«mc, 
that fitting at the tabic at meat, if he chanced 
CO hcarc the luce played upon 9 took fuch a 


^6 TheClaJfeof 

conceit at the found or fojuethmg die, 
that he could not hold his urine, but was 
conftraincd eft , topiflc amongft the (Iran - 
gcrs Icgges under the table. But thisbe- 
loHjs^s to an antipathy more. 
lul.Scal. There was one fo melanchohcke ,that he 
confidently did affirmc his whole body was 
made of butter ; wherefore hte never durft 
come neerc any fire,lcft the heat lliould have 
irelted him. 

C'tppf^ an Italian King,beholding & won^ 
dring at in the day time , the fight of 2 great 
bulls on the Theatre , when he came home 
tooke a conceit hec Should be horned alfo y. 
wherefore flccping upon that (trong conceit^ 
in the morning hee was perceived to have 
teall homes buddingforth ofhisbrow,only 
byaftrong imagination, which did elevate 
fucfa grolTe vegetative humor thither, as did 
ftrve for the growth of horns. 
TeterMef- Wcteade of one thatdid couftantly bei 
cniCorncU leevc thathec was the fnufFc of a candle, 
^^"^'tui wlicrefoTehc entreated the company about 
-himtoblowhard, left hec fliould chance to 
^ goeout. 

Another upon his death bed greatly groa- 
ned , and was vexed within hiisfclfeai^ove 
meafure with a phaat«^c s who being de* 


Humrs, i 

mandcd why he was fo forr o\v ful;and bid- 
den withall to call his minde upon hcav^cn, 
anfwcrcd,thac hcc was well content to die, 
and would gladly be at heaven, but hec dtirft 
not travel! that way , by reaCon of many 
theevcs which lay in wait and ambuflifor 
him in the middle region,an3ong the clouds. 

There was an humerous melancholy {chol- 
Ier,who being clofe at hisftudy , as hee wa» 
wiping his rheumaticke nofc,prefentIy ima- 
giBcd that his nofc wa?? bigger than his 
whole body , and that the weight of it 
Weighed downc his head,fo that he altoge- 
ther was afiiamed to come into company. 
The Phyfitians to cure him of this conceit, 
invented this means:they took a great quan- 
titie of flefhjhavingthe proportion of a nofe, 
which they cunningly joined to his face 
whiles hee was afleepc then beeing wa- 
ken, they rafed bis skinne with a rafour till 
the bloud thrilled downc , and while hee 
cried out vehemently for the paine,the phy- 
fitianwith ajirkc twitchtit from his face, 
and threw it away. Of his conceit that 
thought himfelfe dead , it is related of ma- 
ny,vvhowas cured after this manner : they 
furnirhc a table with variety of diflics, and 
caufed three or fourc m white linnen 

ij8 TheClaJJeof 

fiicetstofit downcand cat the meat iii his 
prefencc: who demanded what they were; 
they anfwcred that they were ghofts. Nay 
then, replied he, if Spirits cat,then I thinkc I 
may cat too, and fo he fell roundly to his vj- 
duals, having not cat any in a {even night 

There was one that teoke a conceit he was 
8 god ; who vva> thus cured of his maladie ; 
he was pent up i i an iron grate, and had no 
meat given him at ail, only they adored him, 
and oSrcd to his deity the fumes of frankin- 
cenfc, and odours oF delicate difhes which 
aiwaics pa!"t by him. W hofe deity grew at 
length {o hungry , that he was fam to con- 
feflfc his humanity, unleifc he meant to have 
bin Pcarvcd. 

The like reade to be reported of Me^ 
necrates^ who being a great phyfitian , and 
doing many wonder full cares , had fuch a 
iWciling pride, and ovcr-wccning opinion 
of himfelfc , thait he eftcemcd himfclfe a 
god : wherefore he thus wrote to Phdlf 
King of fJMacedan , MevfixpaxM; $to$ ^ihiTr- 
TTca iv^^eti; Thou rilkft in C^Ucedoriy I in 
medicine : thoucanftdeftroythofe that are 
Well,ifitpleafe thee, I canreftorc health to 
tb^tn that ars ill ; I can deliver the (Irong 

Humors, ijp 

Trom fickncs,if they w il obey my precepts, 
fo that they may come to the pitch of old 
age ; I Iripiter give life unto them. But it is 
apparent by /tthe^iaiu^thsit he did this as be- ^t^enji,^: 
ficshimfelFe with melancholyjfor thefcbee^'''^-^ 
his words : ^po; ov /t;«Act)^ttA£vrit 2;Ti?flXev i 
*cA»3-5T05, MevexfttTCi wj/tajvav ! that is, Vnto 
whom being poffeft with this mad humor of 
melancholy, PA*//^ writ an Epiftlc thus j," 
Phi/ipjto Meneeratesfamtatemmemii, his 
right wits. 

There was one that perfwaded hirnrelfc 
he was fo light,that he got him iron fhooes< 
led the wind fhould have taken up his heels. 

Another ridiculous foole of Venice ve- 
rily thought his ihoulders and buttocks were 
made ofbrittleglaflciwherforc hcfliunncd 
all occurrents, and never durft fit downe to 
meat, left he fhould have broken his crack- 
ling hinder parts : nor ever durfl walkc a- 
broad , left the glafier fhould have caught 
hold of him, and have ufed him for quareli 

and panes. ; * 

Butofallconcsitferffikrnou8fc<ole^j heei^ 
moft woithy to' bc'cancfhized in the chfoni- 
dcs of our memory, thatchofe rather to die 
than to let his urin go,for he afTuredly belec- 
ved that with once making water he fhould 
K drown* 

140 lyClaJfefif 

drownc all the houfes and men in the town 
where hee dwelt* To the making away of- 
which conceit, and to make him vent bis 
bladder, which otherwise would in a fhort 
time have cauled him to die s they invented 
this quirk, to wit,to fet an old ruinous houCc 
forthwith on fire, the PHyfitians caufed the 
bells to ring backward, and intreatcd a many 
toruntothefire:prefcnrly one of the chieFc 
inhabitants of the town came running poft- 
haft to the fickc man , and let him under ftaiid - 
the whole matter : fhewing him thefire,and 
withall defiring him of all favor , very ear- 
neftlyjand with counterfeit teares,toIet goe 
his urine and extmguiQi this great flame, 
which otherwife would bring a great en- 
damtnagement to the whole town, and that 
it would burne alfo the boufc up where bee 
did dwell. Who prefcntly not perceiving 
theguile,^ndmoovedby the mans pittifua 
lament and outcry , fcnt forth anaboundant 
ftceams of urin , and fo was recovered qf his 
malady. Divers other pleafant c\amplesare 
recited of antient writers, but our fhort- 
breathingpeii haftens to the races end. 
1., • • i-r^ri':.' 


Burner si 14^ 

of the dreams ofcomfie^ioMS, 

THc pocticall writers make mention of 
two forts of dreamcs the one procee- 
ding exehnrnea^j^t other e fort a cornea^ib 
the former gate fabulous and falfe events 
doe iffuc , from the latter true and full of 
foothfaftnefre: which C^inthui the Thcban* 
Poccin his Hel.nes rape thus defcribcs. 

Which r«n?y/,.in the 6 of the z/£nead, at 
the end chustilfo paints forth, Maro.6:. 

. ^ . . ' " 9^ne44^ 

Sunf gemiit» fomni poru , ^Harkni altera 


^ 'ornet^^qHitverisfAciliscidtnr, txitta ttmbris 
jilteracanSntiperfeU^a nitent Elefhanto t. 
$edfal/k miffH^ftinfomma manes. 

K % Whi«fe 

V^i TheGlajJi of 

Which 2 gates, maugre this my waiward 
and dampifli Geniui^ which hales nic at this 
inftant from my poeticall throne, I will thus 
defcribc in our tongue ; 

fVhere jlnmhtHg Morphem woMt thert betn 

two gates y 

Tvpfxt Both dull Somnium in Iwr cabbin lieSy 
Wh9 halfe ajleep^hard at the danning rpaitf, 
T'o aafiver etirnol^ttfrnal phantajies : 
■Of born it liyVhence pye doth prophefie * I 
IVhence not^ tt is of burmjht Ivorj^ ' 

luc'ia. in hit Of thc(c Hefner, Od. i p;^ little after Pt- 
^dlui, vrjf^e/ope s dvcSfBofth^gooic • Aitfomtisinhvi 
^omnium, £pfjcm* Hor.carmt'^.i'/, LucUti,P latOy znd 
o/dui Iwcte "^^"^ Others make mention. And true it 
port<e , two that all dreams be either true or fallc, cithcf 
goldengates. progooilicous ot fome event to fall out , or' 

falfe illunons : as when wc drcame we have 

(torfe of gold with and all our gold is 
. turned into coles.. '-But tadraw n. ore ncerc 
.unto our pur pofe, dreams be of three kindes, 

as foach.FoxHHi ,Kingtlb^gu<Ati , Fatally 


.^ajffH orpc»tcnc«ous , whieh dofore-di^ 
vsiirc,an[d ate>ftit werc prophets toprefage 
andforcteil wehts that lhafea^)pcn unto us, 


Hmors. I4j 

whether they be allegorical or Bot : fucha 
dream is called S^tifor, of (5v and «j>« , as the 
(choolcmcnfpeakc, becaufe they forefliew 
an exiftcnc thing to come as we would fay . 
It is termed 3e6ar6,u;T?o»,and o^tpijcfpccii- 
aliy i{ they be in a high meafurc. althoug 

deny that any dream is fcnt of God, 

For this is the difference betwce^ae cVo«|- 
viov and ^>iafo«^,faith »S«i<5/.that theiiru k^a«- 
/uctvrov )^ iuiiyoc octycf iwTixovuthelaft forop- 
prophefies. Thcf..^ ^v«f a or fatall dreaius be 
progiiofticousof either good or badfiicccs, 
as this ; Hec»ha dreamed that flice had ^ 
brought forth a burnine torch, which wa« an 
intimate of Paris , who was then in bet 
wombe, and who{h >uldinaftcr~timc«bc 
the deftruclion and fire- brand of Troy, 

So Cafdr Dictator dreamed he hadcopu- 
fation with his mother , which did unclond 
aj by a filentoracie,thattheearththc mother 
of all things ftiould bee under bisrfub/e. 

jP^»^^^<f dreamed of twenty ^^^^ t^^How.rjO^f 
came into her hall , and did pecke up all 
her wheat andthat an Eagle came from an 
high lUQuntaine, and feifing upon them did 
efSfoonekilthcm. Which wasaflb^dow of 
K 3 Vly^c^^ 

144 7"/^ 

Vlyjfes Cby^thc Eagle) whofhould put tht 
fuiters of /'«'«f/<?pf to flight. 
Kerol^ ^fitages faw in his flcepe a vifion of a 
Jufiin. Vine, which did fpred ir felf from the womb 
of his only daughter, by whofe flout ifliing 
branches al Afia was overfhadowed.Which 
foretold by the Augurs,was a (Kadow of Gt- 
rui , by whofe meanea ^y^fiy^ges fhouldlofe 
Jpuleitii de Socrates in Dto : LatrttM drcs^tncd, 
4oim Plat. hccfaw a young Cygnet waxe flidge 
l.i.erLtfw. 1^ his bofome, and eft Seeing winged, 
to flie aloft, and fill the aire with melo- 
dious Carols. Which did as it were pre- 
divinc the admirable eloquence of i?/<jfo^hi8 
ftbolcr. ■ c^ ;^'"C t ' ^:J:r.;i1n' 

Thehiftory is Well knowne of Crosfm 
his dreames ; Whereof Pertelot fpcakes 
to Chaunttclere , in the merry talc of the 



JjCtQrctinSjtvhich wm of Ly^iaKmgi ' 
Dreamt he not that he fate upon a tree, 
. . fFhich fignijied that he fijould hanged bee. 

Many more be rehcarfcd ititbat place, which 
is worthy to be read: wberin the poet fhcws 
himfelfe both a Divine, aa Hiftorian, a Phi- 


Humors.' 145 

lofopher and Phyfitian. Intreating of dreams, 
We wil not intermeddle with thefe,the omi- 
nous and fatal dreams wee read of in the fa- 
cred writ One portentous dream I wil recite 
which comes to my memory, and which I 
my felf heard related of the party that drea- 

' " There was one that dreamed fhe was wal- 
king in a greenifli mead , all fragrant with 
bcautifull flours and flourifliing plants, who 
v/hilefl: (he wondrcd and flood as amaz'd at 
the glory oFthe fpring,an ancient fir, all wi- 
thcr*d and lean-faced with oldncs, the very 
emblem of death, made toward her with a 
green bough in his hand, Oiarpningitat the 
end; who as fhe fled away from'his purfuit, 
Jartcd it ofre at her,the branch 3 times cora- 
ming very neere her, yet did not touch her at 
at: who whe he fee he could not prevail with 
his aim, vaniQied eft away & left the bough 
behind,and (lie as aftounded & affright with 
the dream,prefently awoke.Now mark the 
fcquel of it: within 3 daycs after fhe was for 
her recreation fake walking in ag,reenifhin- 
clofure hard by a pond fidc,& on a fudde he'r 
brain was fo intoxicat& diftempered, 
thcr with a fpice of a r<fr^/^f,or whatama- 
zipg difcafe foe ver,I know not,but£he was 
^ K ^ hurried 

1^6 Ikgiaffeof 

hurried into a (^ecp pond with her head for- 
wardjbeingin a great peril of drowr.iiig,and 
if fhq had not caught fad hold by chance of 
a branch that hung over the water, fliec had 
(acen drowned indeed. 

Thefealfoare fatalldreamcs : as when 
We di eame of Eagles flying over our heqds, 
it portends infottunateneffe. Todrcame of 
marriages, dancing, and banqueting, fore- 
tells fomeof our Idnsfoll^es are departed ; 
fodreame of filvcr, forrow , if thou haft it 

fiven thy fclfe : of Gold , good fortune ; 
, 0 lofe an axle-tooth or an eye, the death of 
fome fpecialj friend. To drcamc of bloudy 
teeth, the death of the dreamer : to weep 
inflcepc, joy : to contemplate ones face 
in the water, and to fee the dead, long life. 
To handle lead, fome mclancbolike difeafc. 
T,o (eea harcjdeath. Todrciimeof chickens 
^nd birdsjcompionly ill luck. All which,and 
fl thoufand more, I will not aver to be true, 
y et becaufe I have found thc qi or rpany of 
th'crn fa tall, both by myne ownc and Qt;hers 
cJfpcriencc, and to be fet downe of learn/^d 
|iien I and partly to (hew whfitan ominou^ 
dream is , I thought goocl to name them ia 
tfeis chapter. 
Vaine drcawics beej,wfciEtDL^ man imagines 


Humors. 1 47 

hce dctb fuch things in his flecpe, which hcc 
did the day before, the fpccics being ftrong- 
ly fixed in his phantafic, as it hce having 
read of a Chimera, Sfhmx , Tragelaphm ^ 
Centattrm^ox any the likepocticallfiflion, 
fees the like formed in his pha,ntarie, accor- 
ding to their peculiar parts : and fuch as 
when wee dreame wee arc performing 
any bodily cxercife, or laughing, orfpeak- 
ing, &c. Thcfe alfo may be fetall, as if ^ 
we dreame we doe BOt any thing with the 
fame alacritie , with the like cunning, and 
in the fame cxcellencie in our flecpe, as 
Wee did them in the day time , they 
foreflicw fome perturbation of body, fo 
fayth the Phyfitian in his treaty of dreams : 
for hee faith that thofe drcames which''-' 
arc not adverfe to diurnal] aftions , and 
that appearc in the purity of their fub- 
jccls, and eminencic of- the conceived 
fpccies, are intimites of a good ftate of 
health : as to fee the Sunnc and Mpone 
not cclipfed , but in their fheene glory r 
to journey without impediment in a plaine 
foilejto fee trees fliooc out, and ladened 
with varietic of fruits , brookes Aiding in 
fwcct meades,with a foft murraurc , cleare 
waters , neither fwelling too high,nor ru n- 

14S The GlaJJe of 

'nin^' nigli the channel!, thofe fomctimes 
^ire%aine , and portend nothing at all 

^fomctimes they hgnifie a lound tempera- 
ture of bodv. 

• "■■ Thclaftkinde, which is mofl apperti- 
n^nttoourtrcatife, isadreaiijc naturall : 
This arifeth from our comple -ions , when 
humours bee too aboundant in a wight ; as 
if one be cholericke of complexion , to 
dieame of firc-workcs,cxhalations,comets, 
ftfeking and blazing meteors, skirmiftiing, 
ftabbing,and the like. If fangninCjto dream 
of beautifuU women , of flowing ftreaincs 
ofbloud, of pure pur pie colours. Ifphleg- 
marickCjto dreameof furrouiiding waters, 
of Iwimming in rivers, of torrents and (ud- 
of falling downc from high turrets, of tra- 
velling in darke folemne places , to lie in 
caves of the earth, to dream of the divcLof 
black furious beafts. to fee any the like terri- 
bleafpeas. ; 

ay^lbcrti'tf magn'-^ dreamed that hee 
tfrunke blacke pitch , who in the morning 
When hee awoke did avoid aboundance of 
blacke choler. 

\ Concerning thefe forenamcd Complexio; 
pate dreamcs, lookc Hipfocrmes deitifom* 

Humors, 149 

ffiisjt^.^. I&titthefe may belong more un- 
to a dillerriperatureby a- mtemir iec in any 
complexion confufedly, \lian to anaturall 
complexion indeed . as when a man after a 
tedious wearifome iourney doth i' flame his 
body with too much wine, in his fleepe hee 
fhall fccfircs, drawne fvvords , andftrangc 
phantafma*sto affright him, of what com- 
plexion foevcr he be. So if vvc overdrink our 
felvcs vvcfiiaU dream (our nature being wel 
nis overcome) that wee are in great danger 
df drowning^ in the wavcsrfoif wee feed on 
any groffe meats that lie heavy upon our fta- 
mack:,and have a fpepfy or difficult con- 
coflion , we fhall dream of tumbling from 
the top of high hils or walSj& awaken with- 
all before wee comc to the bottom, as wee 
know by experience in our own body ,thogh 
notofamclancholickeconfiitution ; yet it 
fhould feem too,that this humour at that in- 
ftant domineers erpecially, byrrafon of the 
great tickling of our fplecnein falling from 
any high roome , which we eath perceive 
when we awake fuddenly out of that^ircam. 
They that arc defirous further to quenchtheir 
tbirfl: concerning this point, let them repaire 
to the fountaines, I mcane to the plentifull 
writings of fuch learned authors, a$ write 

1 50 The Glaffe of 

of dreams more copiouny,a»of CW^^that 
writes a whole trcatife infomniis, and the 
Alphabet of drcamcs, andi'^^^^ Martyr., 
fart. I,^ , and many others. 


Of the exatlefi temperature of aU^ 
wWo/Leinnius Jpeaks* 

THcy that never have rclliflied the ver- 
dure of dainty dclicates,think homely 
faro is a f?:cond difh,raith the Poet:they that 
never have been ravilhcd with the fcnfe be- 
reaving melody of v^/'<»^(?,imagin Pans pipe 
to be furpaflingmu(ick:they that never have 
heard the fweet voic'd Swan and the Nigh- 
tingall fing their fugred notes, do perfwade 
ihciBfeives that Grafhops and Frogs with 
theis brckekekex coax can fing fmoothly, 
when they croukharfhly -as Charoa in ArU 
floph, bidding BacchwsiS hec paft to hell in 
h is boat o vc r Acheron to row hard , for then 
he fliould hcare a melodious found of frogs. 

Singing like fwans before their death ; fo they 


Humors, 151 

^hat have never fecn in any, or at Icaft never 
contemplated this heavenly harmonical cra- 
fis , this excellentand golden tempcratnrc, 
this temperament Adpndpu^^o furroife that 
there cannot be a more perfe(?l crafis and 
fwcet complexion, thanthofe that are vul- 
gar to the c6moncye:vvhen indeed there 18 
nocomplexion,no temper that is perfect and 
pure to any eyc,though the fanguinc doe ex- - 
cell all the reft : 

^antti lent A jolent inter vii^nrna Cufrejp, ' 

As far as the high and beautifiill Cypres tree 
peers over the limber fhrub & lower Tama- 
risk- This golden temperature n uft be onely 
underftood and fcen with the internal cics of 
rcafon, feeing it hathnotarcali exiftcncc. 
Which wee may defcribc notwithftanding, 
to (lie w how neer he that hath the beft,coms 
nic unto the bcft;& how far he that hath the 
worft doth wander & digreflc from the beft. 
Hcwbomwc are taking in hand to blazon 
out according to our meaner penfil, may be 
likened to Qtceros & ^intUiAns orator, to 
Xenophons Cjrmjio Arifiotles Felix^ to Sir 
Thomas Moors EutopiaJCo Homers Achilles, 

to the Stoicks pcrfcft man, to Enri^ides hit 
iluu^ -J faappy 

t§4. IheGlajJeof 

happy foul^in the end of his EleUra^ and in 
his Hectii^ajwhctc he faith j 

Hccubaher K eije; cJ' oA3t«ToLTO^ 

Euripides. ' ' ' < t. 

I^cisina moft happy cafe, to whom never a 
cjay there happens any ill. There was never 
any.(jf thefe in the fame perfeflion they are 
defcnbeu; who is fo happy ? nay, whoon 
earth almoll cannot fay with the fycophant 
in ArtfivphAneiy 

Arlft. in hii TfyvKfUoSctn^cav re'^a'"?, % 

Scxn.i. vl:,..-). .1,. ; 

iamthriccuBhpppy, and four times and five, 
times, ai>d 1 7 times, and an hundred times. 1 
N one of thefeCI fayjarelimd out,as if therd' 
were the like incmineneie and dignity, but 
cjther for atteclion , or aiiuncofplory , by 
their applaufive defcription,or,elfe for a dem 
i^rexo fliew ifcyhat they ought to be ; fo this 
temperature muft bee depainted forth of us, 
not according to his exiftency, as if there, 
were the like extant,but according to a kinct 
of cxigency,asit Oiould be inherent. Tho 
ragp (hen thac bach thisci^s \^ abColute in thct 

Humors, ijj 

equall poize of the clcments:he is fayd to be 
perfcd according to the pcrfcd fquare of 
P'^/jfc/etn^^vvho (is Fabiuft reports) tor his 
cunning did merit a name alx)ve all niortall 
mcn,forcarving images, being calicd the Ar- 
chetjppis of allarrihcersdnthis cucrafy there 
is an abfolutc fymmetry, al\vcetconfcnt, a 
harmony of the hrll qualities , in the whole 
fubjeaa conrpiration of all faculties-. Hee 
that is endowed with it, all his fences are. 
vigorous and lively, all his innate powers da • 
pcrforcne their duties without indammage- 
menteach to other, and without in)pcach- 
ment to the whole . His material parts have Hip.dcviff. 
IJctTo: XeTToTctToo^ ^ ^o^Jjd^of^OTgpoT, which li,ufeQ,/^> 
implies that there is aoyxfaffi? oyfljoxaTM : 
His brainc is neither moift nor dry, his mind 
acute, induftrious, provident, his mancrs in- 
corrupt, witfingular, dextcricall, pregnant, 
admirable : his memory tiable , like unto 
Seneca s , who witnefTeth of himfelfe, that sen. in pro- 
hee could eafily have recited by heart many% ad 2)<* 
things, ufqne ad miraculnm , to the ad- 
miration of all men. Like unto C^fars, 
who could fpeake two and twenty lan- 
guages , write , invent , and underftand a 
tale told, all at one time • his nature calmc, 
not cxpofcdtothc blaft of yitioiir. pertur- 


154 IheGiaJJeof 

bationSi as he it not raHi and heady in 
his attempts , fo is hee no procraftina- 
tor , but in all entcfprifes making choice 
of wifedomc and judgement his Dele- 
gates , his difpofition is fo generous, that 
without allcompulfionhewill raineinhis 
head-ftrong and untamed appetite with 
the bridle ot reafon. Hee is neither puffed 
up with profpcrity , nor ©f an abjed and 
drooping carriage byadverfity , though he 
bctolFed never To upon the furging waves 
of fortune : hee holds faft the helme of 
confidence , never in the leaft daunger to 
fmkc downc to the gulfy boitome of de- 
fpaire. Being in a peckc of troLibles, hee lo- 
fesnota graine of courage and true forti- 
tude, tor patience he is another vff/^,thac 
will cage a whole world of injuries without 
fainting; in whom are affedlions,but they be 
all ufdd in their proper objcds, hcfollowes 
not their ftreairiihe is witty ,not addifled to 
fcurriliry, all his conceits are fcafoaed with 
the fait of difcretion,asthey taft not of a(cc- 
nical le vity/o they rellifli not a cynicall gra- 
vity and fevcrity. In matters of moment he 
demeans himfelfe as a grave nmj>irc, with 
al wife dcportmeht he ballances al his words 
arid deeds with gravity and difcrction, his 


Humors. 15$ 

tongue is the aflier of his fagc advicctepcn- 
tance, which ufually lies at the doorcofrafti 
folly, never once comes fo much as within 
the prccinds of his court : for his chaftity he 
is an admirable prefident and pattcrnc , his 
chryftall eyes and {\rcet countenance,arc the 
heranlds and cbaraders of his gracious and 
compcnable, andvertuous mind ; his very 
nod is vices fcourgejn his whole habit, co- 
lour,lineamcnts,beauty,portraitHrc,therc ap-*, 
pears an heroical ma jefty .there fliines an ad- 
mirable dccencie, infomuch that he may ea- 
fily allure the greedy fpc(3:ator, not onely to 
ftand admiring of him, but withall intirely 
to embrace & love him. His head is not ob- 
lique & angulatibut right orbicular : his hair d 
not har(li,buc Imooth andfofc, his forehead 
not harbouring in the wrinkding pale cnvy^ 
but like theirs rather, 

ThymeUm ^eSlant cUnforem^ C^tO"^ 

Hfc8 face is not ovetfpred with the clouds o£ 
4ift;Qnt€nt at any time , but having a lovely 
amiable afpC(fl full of all pleafance, wherein 
the fnowy lilly and the purple rofe do ftrivc 
for prchcmjacncc anddominion . In bis life 

i 5<5 The GUjfe of 

he is neither a Democrittts, who cvct 
laughc,noraii H^r4c//f «*,alwaiesblubbring, 
asthcPoetTpeaks of them, 

. . t 70-; : ' ■ 

P erpetfto rifk pttlmonem agitare folebAt 
Democrhm^qptoties a iiminc mover at firtum 
Frohihpiit^fedem ; fie v it ctntrarins alter, 

The one each where tvith ever- kinc^n^ vain 
'i^hc bellows of hi-s breath he tore in tivaitt i 
The other^ith a double- jlucedeje 
Didfacrifiie his tears to vanity. 

His gate alfo is fagc & grave, not affcftcd & 
ft routing like a ftage- player .-his whole body 
(as Mdrlo{2kh o^Leander) as ftraight as 
C erces wand: who is all gratiotis to behold : 
like Achilles^ of whoHl AfaxtmnsTirr/oHS 
fayesjhe was not only to be extoldfor his ex- 
ternall and golden locks, (for Euphorbw in 
like manner had faire yellow hair ) but bc- 
caufche was adorned with alivertue : In 
whom, as Afufens faith o(Her&, there was 
above the ordinary number among thepocts, 
to wit an hundred Graces : he is all favor}a9 
Amarantha in the poet was all Venw : 

Hie AmaranthajacetfqHt fifat verafdterif 

Humors. 157 

Aht Venerijlmilis^zel Venw ipfafnlti 

Here AmarailLha lieSyV>h$ was of right ^ 
Like sVcnus or certes Venus htghr. 

Like EfheJlusEHthjmic^s^o{ vjhomyichi/' 

/w T'*^*'^ faith, that he was xaAo; ovAchUXdr^, 

f*afaxtoj5offov p'o(?67rn Iv ^oupSivoijras faira-^'^-^'P 
mong vciQ^yZs Kodope amongft the Virgincsj 
like Pindars Aletmedony of whom he iaycs^ 

I iii r icrofSv xetAoj, hya, FindarO, 

He wascomelyand fair vifdg*d.anddianot 
(hadow his beauty by any bleaiifli of bada- 
ftion. In whom both for internal! and cxtcr- 
nall goodfas it was once fpokc of that wor- 
thy Emperor C^faarhiffs )znit piety and ^e- ^Y-^^^j 
licity linked themfelves together , the for- 
mcr forcing the later.-who covered not only ' ' 
his head with the crownc, and clad his liros 
in purple, but embclliHit his mind alfo with 
precious oroamehts ; who of all other £m- 
perorSjCmpyr'd over his own perfon,tyran- 
nifiug as it were over the democratic of bafc 
afFcrflions. Vet morefor his generous fpirits 
andfingular wifdom^for that internal beauty 
Li hec 

158 TkeGl^feof 

He islikcto Socrates, of wliom Xeuophon 
in that pithy Apo'ogy faith, E'^w (M^ xa.7n.' 
voSp. When I do call to mind th man him- 
fclfe, his wifdomc, his generous mindCjnci- 
ther can I not remember him , nor remcni- 
bring of hini,not highly extollhiro : and this 
I will fay, that if any of them which have a 
zealous defiteto obtain vcrtue, doconverfe 
with any with whomhcc may more profit 
himfclf, him fure I judge moft worthy orthc 
fellowfhipof the gods. To wijidcup our 
fpccch with a patheticall place of the Poet. 
For all abfolutcncfTc he is like unto that fa- 
mous Stilicon , of whom Clmdtan in his 
Panegyris faith : firfl: inferring this (which 
agrees with that fpeech of OMax. lyrhifis, 
concerning the goddelfesan the 24 Serm. in 
fome fort) that all good hap is granted to no 
man:fome is graced with this be iuty on this 
part,fomcon that,none have all favor, fayth 
he highly in his praife that others having but 
the compendium of excellency ,he alone had 
it inthegreateft voluoics : 

f-a te mixtA fln- nty c^.quA divifa be fit OS 
EjjiciHtit^cdUe^n tefiesi 


Allthofc gifts which aredifperfcd among al, so Avfeluf 
arecombined in thec,and whofc fcveral par- Pol.fms of 
eels and as wc n^ay fay very drops to tafte o n ^'^^j. 
were happiwes, they all concur in thee.thou ^/ "Jl, 
haft the courfe and full ftreame,wherby thou e0*'z. ia' 
maift even bath thy felf in blifl'c. cobo Anti- 

Now my pen wilneedes take his Icavtfof iuanon,^ 
his fair love the paper , with blubbering as i"^*"^ 
you fee thefe ruder tears of inke:Ifthcre be ceiUre alii' 
any parergeticall claufes , not fating true magmm 
.iudgmcntj& as impertinent to this our trea- putantMU 
tife,as furcly fomc there be,I muft needs in- ^^^y^H^^ 
genioufly confeflc it as a default. mimm' 

That I may fpeake , though not with the 
v ry words,yct according to thefcnfe of A- 
gathon'm AthenauSy to make a by- worke a 
work, is to make our work a by-work: Yet 
ami not plunged over head and eares in P^- 
rergAs^ They arc (if it Were fo that I made 
much ufc of them) but as our poetical Epi^ 
f«detans^2i& Kf^i/hathin bis C«/e'A:,wherof 
lofefb Scaliger'm^\s book intituled ^^r^- 
nis appetjMx^ind in bis comment upon thefc 
WordsQ*»^tfr f «^ impU Lotos impia^ x\ the 

l6o The GUjJt of 

Culex faith ralltbefc the Poets defcriptiont, 
although they be nothing but V (iYerg(i,T^QX:>- 
withftanding they fill up the greatcft roomc 
of the pages of this Poem jfo that there is the 
leafl: portion of that which is mbft competec 
and requifit. So in Camllas defcription of 
his Ptilvinar CatuLwmcs moft of theconi- 
plaint of •^r<W«i.',oF the three fatall ladies, 
but of god Hym'.n and of mariage fcarfe any 
whir at all. So in this C«/<f.v, faith hee, arc 
tfiany words written inthcpraife of the ru- 
ralUifc, thefhephcardshappincs , thclina- 
ming out of plants,&c. but ot the Gnat hec 
fpeaks leafl of all: for,faith he,'» pt^uratam 
teutti, hijt payerga adbtkneris , quJ dignum 
oculispropotti potejl ? in £b Uttic a toy unleCfe 
there were obitcrs, what would be worthy 
riewing ? Which faying may not much bee 
unHttingourpurpofc : Though the Poets 
have a great prerogative to arrogate whac- 
loevcr : i account this piUnra tenuis in 
regardof it felfc. And if not,I hope I may 
inrcrniddle now& then athingincidently 
by the way , fo it be not wholly out of the 
way. I know fome felfc- conceited natold, 
and fome jaundice- facd ideot, thatufesto 
d<jpravc a-nddetra 1: from mens wotthineflc, 
by their bafe obloquyCthe very lyme-twiggc 

Humors^ i6t 

our flying fame) and that with Ariflarchns^^ 
re»dc over and over- read a book , oncly 
fnarlc at, like curious currcs,and malignc the 
AuthQr,not to cull out the choiceft things to 
their own fpcciall ufe :like venomous Spi- 
ders, extrading a poifonous humor , where 
the laborious bees doe fip out a fweet profi- 
table juice : fome {uch I fay , may pcradven- 
turcbe moovcdatthcfe Pare.rga*s & other 
efcapes , as though they alone were Italian/erw.i# 
Magmficos indgvcAt Turkes for ^^crctari- ^r^^^^^j 
(hip. But if they be grecved, let their toad-^^g^ ' 
fwoln galsburft in funder for me, with puf- 
fing choler ; let them turn the buckle of their 
dudgeon anger behinde,lcll the tongue of it 
catch their own dottrill skins, I weigh them 
notanifle. W hen they have fpoke all they 
can,(illyfouls,thcy can work therafclves no 
great advancement and mc no great difpa- 
ragcment. Buthere will wee now caftour 
happy anchor,being in the road and haven 
of our expectation : this little Barke of ours 
being fourft in cumberfome waves, which 
never tried the foming mainc before, hath 
toiled long enough upon the Ocean. F^^r^/// 
bcginneth low to Weft , yea now is gone 
downetovifitand callupthedrowfie Aati. 
podes : If the radiant morn of favor do greec 
L 4 «s 

i6i The GUfe of 

us with fcrenity of countenance, wc mean to 
Ittcmpt a further Indian voyage, and by the 
happy means of our helm-miftrcfTc Miners 
t/^jWeel fraught and ballide our little ^Jjip 
with a golden traffique , what unrefined 
mettall foevcr flice is now ladened withall. 
Jn the mcanc time wee wil lay in morgage ^ 
piece of our fallowed invention , till our 
Jjankrout faculty be able to repay 
^ac deeper debt we owe 
Jo learning. 

The Clofe* 

AS fiarir^ Phahus rp'ith his riiiAvtface,, 
Etithroni^'din agolden chaireof ftate. 
The Koatchirg candles oj the night doth chafe 
To feefieout bidden cehjiil paffioMatei 
So man in richejl robes of nature dreji, 
7)oth quiteohfcure the glory ef the reft. 
lVhats\ue9 thing is feeneyti hath his psere : 
The Citty a Sovereigne^the Heavens a S unne. 
The Birds an Eagle . Beajls a Lion feare : 
The Flo-aersa Rofe,in th'lims ahart doth rtonnej 
The Worlda Center : Qenterhath a Man 
Her lording, primate, metropolitan, 
, This man's a little world the Arttfts fay^ 
Wherein awifeiatelligence doth dmell. 
That reafo'n hight rfhich ought to beare the fvtay^ 
The fiheares our lims in motion that excelh 
The con fort vebich by moving hence dothfall^] 
Teelds harmony to both avgelicall. 
Mans rarer gifts if we doduely fern; 
Sage i»ifedome,peercleJe wit, and comely feature , 

feemes a very 'Demi-God^ne man, 
Embellifhed with all the gifts of nature 
His heavenly foule is in his earthly mold. 
An orient pearte within a ring of gold. 
His comely body is a beauteous Jnnc, 
Budtfairely to the owners princely minde, 
fVhere wandring vertues lodge oft lodged with fn^ 
Such pilgrims l^ndefi entertainment finde. 
An ^nne /aid 1,0 no, that names unfits 
ISit}} theyftaj « piiht, bm dwdlin it. 

1^4 TUeClofc^ 
Man u tie Cmerfwefl wonderment, 
tf^bi waxetb prmd witb thU her cMrri^, 
Anddul^f herfelfewith Arras ornament, 
r«y bim to tread y as an a lofty fta^e. 

For him onu yearelyjhe herfelfe doesdtiht 
IVitlireeneft Smurald to refrefhhufgbt. 
The heavens erefuUof fadder tnguifhment, 
That they enjoy not fucb a veorthy wight r 
The earth ii full of dreary Ittv^iJhment, 
That Heavensenvy her that's hers by right. 
The Sun that ftrives alldey with bim for grace. 
At night for Jhme isfaine to Jhroudhuface, 
Tairt CyntWs often in the fining waive, 
And oft her glory u at full againe, 
ithen he but daines to view her diety. 
if^lam inveloped in mify cares. 
She now di^layes herbright difhevildbaires. 
True image of that high celefiiaU power, 
KcfoaO to Angels in thy happy ftate, 
trhofe happy fouk fhwldbe a pleafant bowre 
for SanftityMr felfe to recreate, 
^ right Pandora hath enriched thee 
With golden gifts of immortalitie. 
Thmman U madeithough be himfetfe detb mttr, 
tty that alluring ftn of luxury : 
And from hiiexftllencywendethfar^ 
By lettirgloofethereinsttveneryj ' 
Hfi foule in iufl/tl death away it bent, 
tike ^Efopes pearle k in a dunghillpent. 
teB\e oi tlx fable night with jetty hew, 
Iit,darines muffles up thegladfome day, 
AndCyn\.\\\% inher cloudy cell doth mew, 
fhe the night sfoule vtfigefhould bewray^ : 
S»no}fimeriotrifing asadampe, 

iuite extinguifi^reafons burning lamp. 


The cio&: 

C hiefe fot-mAfi unto man 2t UviPi ryoti 
Which maizes him beinferior unto man. 
For when the appetite ore-runs hu dyett 
Thefoule-infeebledpowersfuU little can, 
Ofgloriou/i creatures greater is the f<tlt, 
(Corruption cf the left h worfi of all' 
Reafonsfair'ft turret highly feated is, 
(Seat of the fotilesf over, rvhich doth mofiestceU) 
JVithin lil^e turnings of Meander 'tis, 
(Or labyrinth) rvhere Rofamund diddioelli 
A triple Vfall tb' ^natomijisejpie. 
Before jou come where Rofamunddoth ite. 
The frji is made of Elephantine tooth, 
Stroi'gly compaiJ, his fgure circular. 
The wall rough cafi,andyet the wor^e kJMOOtfJ, 
Thefairefi things not ever objeO are. 
So cloudy curtains drswn oretVaxur dsf^, 
(^s' eye-lids) cover Vbxhm JIumbring etc, 
tht other twain are not fo fironglypight> 
They rdtherferve for comely decencie, 
jind teach m that a prince within doth ft, 

That things more highly prii*d are more pent tn. 
Left they might he entie'd with flattering fin. 
So tVhorn-mad Bull muft keep the golden fUecc, 
^n bowreoj brapfair Danae mufi he pent » 
The 'Dragon w at chy cur fruit Hefperides. 
The all-eyd Argus muft faire lo tent ' 
The labyrinth clofe peerlejfe Rofamund : 
Thefragrantfl rofe muft thornes envtronround. 
The wall which framed is of ivory, 
A glorious double ca/ement dothcont&m. 
Each arfwering both in uniformity y 
^ndboth the faireft objem entertoine ^ 
TheOpticknerves tht iiliirieswherem 
The rwleiothmlie>^^d thefifree objects mn. 

i6& TheClofc. 

Within thh pillacc rvall agoddejf : pure , 
Whom Ratio ail the learned SLhoalmcn call, 
Clofilyher felfe within doth here immure^ 
A Godde/fe /ober,rpife,celefiiaU : 

Who iittivg though -within her regdl chairc. 
Oft head- jlrorg appetites her over beare. 
Riot the metropolitan of fmnes 
Laies daily ftcgt againfl thu goodly tovere ', 
jind firfi by pleaiing baites Riot begins. 
Then by conftraint the 'virgin to deflotvre r 
The torvre at length u rail ^ battery. 
Which could not be orecome by flattery, 
jiy me '.fofaire a fort to be throwne dotvne, 
Thtt it fo fairejvo larger time may lafl : 
Thatluji Jhouldbe impaldwith reafons croivnet 
That rav'neus Riot Jhouid this palacerpafi. 
That Jhee the mijlrejfc of our lawleJJ'e -will 
With uncleane excejfe thtes her feife Jhouid ^iU » 
Ay mon/ier Jinne of pleafing luxury. 
The very heilici^feaver 0/ the foule : 
The h arbingerof rvofullmijfery , 
Sweet poyfon quaft our ofagolden horelt, 
Vhrenjk of appetite , blind Cupids gime. 
To catch ourbrain-ftclie ^moretto's in. 
The Lethe of a fiabk memory .• 
The wild fire of theroif.the mint of reotsl 
jlfallivg ftci^neffe to our treafury : 
Ornate, that eretvithir religion gees, 
^n Epicure that huggeth fading joy. 
Before eternity with leafi annoy . 
Riot's a barl^e in th'mindsunconjlantTaaine, 
Tefl to and fro with wafts of appetite. 
Where reafon holds the helme with csrefuUpaine, 
But cannot Jleare thb laden l^eele aright ' 
Here wife dome as agallijlaue ii pent , 
^courg'd with dijitace, andfed mthdifcontmr . 


The cior«: 

Mo-iaedth it is to taJ^e the^cUen peece : 
The all cy'd Argos //bW ajluepe u cajl. 
The :^uU}{cey^dT)rpgons Jldineby Htrculcs : 
fairt Danae is dejloipr'dthtn^h neare fo chafi. 
By clues ofrvmdtrg pleafures jiiiTp is found 
A trad to ({ill thtkefeft RofammA. 
Abandon avd jhai^ehands neith riot tkev, 
Oncckt hiinnctin thy fairs paUce rejl : 
Happy's that fouk that doth vot riot Jien, 
That lirepes not open hcufefor fiich aiuefl : 
Who U-vei to have his Urns Teithfatneffelin^i, 
There lives vithiyi his Urns amcoger mmde^ 
defeat the fe dainty Ims afiaontcd fare, 
JVean thou thy appetite -while it isyourg, 
Lefi that itfurfetirg thy flute impaire, 
IVtth that tTvo- fold port-cuUis cf thy toifgtie'. 
Stop thou the Tvayleft too much enter in. 
The foe of vertue, hut thefrietidof fin. 
Who hunts nought clfe in tb'Aprillof his dstieSi 
"Xut Perfian fare, toowanton merriment, 
A Winter formejinMay^his lifefhaH crtf^f, 
Hisfatallandhis }>inirg dreanment : 
The only meed that comes by luxury, 
Js fervileneedfullevd,and obloquy. 
Till fond def re be banifJyt from Tvithin ^ 
Agaitjfl his leige a rebell he ifillrife, • ' ' _ 
Ztraw ?70t thecurtaineo're this Jlumhririfin, 
That light of reafon may him eft fur p rife X 
^'■F^ifW^/^mjfettiil^oJncrhimtie, ' 
Heele dreame on ?iought buthellifh villank. 
When Morpheus doth a jleepe thy fenfesluU^ 
Vfe Jlcepe -with fober moderaticn : 
I'oolittUjyfeaiensinpit -jtoo mush doth dull i 
A?jd greatly hinders contemplation. 

Who f^eepes agolden meane isfure tofinde, 
Abealtbfullbodj andath^mfuUminde. 

liZ CataftrophcLca«ti. 
*DdifnsGrmas Nymphs, ouryouth to entcrtaitKi 
VmillouT wit am reach an El<t firaine. 

/ ^mor£ Cmes fiher fwans that-fmctly^vi, 
fye Baucis and Fbikmon prefem biirg, 
Grcai'^\\ik\x%, though Hc<;ale were notable, 
Vouihf(^'d acceptance of her meaner tshk' 

' Renowmed Artsxitxcshumlly fooli 
The prefent of Cynetasfrom the broofi. 
Our power u oi adrop^andlittle an; 
Vet this Jii^ce.j^ur /Hind's an ocean ; ' 
"E>^ tkpgour Mufe^if now you daign to/pare, 
Shec tfeedyfiure'ar^Tvith'mre deitciouf-ftre. 

f I N I s- 


The Optick Giasse of Humors 
Thomas WaUdngton 
Cambridge, 1639 
National Library of Medidne 
Bethesda, Maryland 


The fill] leather cover was soiled and abraded. The upper cover was detadied. The 
sewing was intact. The laid paper text was flexible. There were minor tears. 


The edges of the text block and heavily soiled leaves were sur&oe deaned with 
grated and solid vinyl erasers. The leaves were repaired with Japanese paper and 
wheat starch paste. The brokm joint of the cover was repaired with watercolor 
toned Japanese paper applied with wheat starch paste. The leather was consolidated 
with hydnn^-meth^oelluloRe (Kluoel G) in ethanol. 

Conservation C«iter for Art and Historic Artifitctt 
Accession #91.850 
March 1992