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\0/^^i^^ OR, mA**)&*J*< 7 
'?,„<> EASY and NATURAL f%>> , 




By John Wesley. 
• \\\ 

Homo fum : humani nihil a me alienum puto, 
TIicFourteenth Edition, corrected and much enlarged.- 


Printed by J RUKSHANK, in Thin 

ftru . brkJioufe. 70. 


■ 23 



ABORTION, page 19 
Ague, ibid, and 20 

Anthony's (St.) Fire, 21 

Apoplexy ~) 

Appetite (Canine) f" 

Afthma J 


■ ldnefs 

Bleeding at the Nofe 
ling of a Wound 
Blood (fpitting or vomit-' 

islood coagulated 
P eafts (Hard) 

--Sore and fwell'd 

rn or Scald. 
£ ncer 

a Cough or Hooping 

Cholera Morbus 
Chopt Hands and Lips 

Q licks of various Sorts 
C jnfumption. 
( oftivenefs 
( oughs 
C camp 





z 9 



3 2 




Delivery (tocaufe an eafy) 

Diabetes <* 3 6 



'.ar Ach 37 

Bits (diforders of the) 3 8 

Eyes (diforders of the) 3$t04l 

Falling Sicknefs 

Falling of the Fundament 

of the Womb 





Green Sicknefs 
Gums wafting away 

Head ftopt 
Heart burning 

Hypocondriac and Hyfte- 
rick Diforders 



Iliac Paflion 


Joints (Pain in the) 


King's Evil 
Kidney's (Stoppage in the) 








Legs fore 



Lightning, Damp, or Suf- 
focating (for one feem- 
ingly Killed with) 

Lues Venerea 




Mad Dog (Bite of a) 




s 55 










Milk coagulated 

to increafe 


Nervous Diforders 

Pain in the Back 


Palpitation of" the Heart 




Poifon'd (to one) 

Prick or Cut that fefters 







Ring Worms 

Running at the Nofe 


Scald Head 
■Scrotum (Inflammations 

of the) [ 

Scorbutic Atrophy, Pains, ( °4 

and Sores 8 

Shin broken 

Sjickiftinefs in the Morning } 6 5 
Skm rubbed off 
Small Pocks 
Sore Moutlx 
Sore Throat 
Sting of a Bee, or Nettle 

Stich in the Side 
^icknefs (accidental) 

} 6 3 

ring } 1 





Stomach (Pain on the) 


Stoppage in the Kidneys 



Sweating (profufe) 

Swelled Glands 



Swelling (white) 

Teeth, (Diforders of the) 
Tefticles (Pain in the) 
Thorns, &c. to draw out 

Torpor or numbnefs of I 

the limbs J 

Twifting of theGufs 7 

Tympany or windy dropfy 5 


Vein or Sinew cut ~) 

Vertigo or Swimming in l -_ 

the Head 
Vigilia, Inability to fleep -* 
Viper or Rattle Snake (bite 




of a) 

Vomit (aneafy and fafe) 
Vomiting to ftop 
Urine (Bloody) 
— — by Drops with Heat 

and pain 
Urine (Involuntary) 


(Soppreflion of) 

Uvula inflamed 



Weaknefsin the Ankles 



\ 7 r, 




HEN Man came firft out of the Hands 
of the great Creator, cloath'd in Bo- 
dy as well as in Soul, with Immortality and In- 
corruption, there was no Place for Phyfick,. or 
the Art of Healing. As he knew no Sin, fo he 
knew no Pain, no Sicknefs, Weaknefs, or bodi- 
ly Diforder. The Habitation wherein the ange- 
lick Mind, the Divinte Particula.Aura abode, al- 
<tho' originally formed out of the Duft of the 
Truth, was liable to no Decay. It had no Seeds 
of Corruption or Diffblution within itfelf. And 
there was nothing without to injure it : Heaven 
and Earth, and all the Hofts of them, were mild, 
benign and friendly to human Nature. The en- 
tire Creation was at Peace with Man, folong as 
Man was at Peace with his Creator. So that 
■well might the Morning Stars fing together, and 
all the Sons of God fhout for Joy. 

2. But fince Man rebelPd againft the Sove- 
reign of Heaven and Earth, how entirely is the 
Scene changed ? The incorruptible Frame hath 
piit on Corruption, the Immortal has put on 

>rtality. The Seeds of Weaknefs and Pain, 
of Sicknefs and Death, are now lodged in our 
inmoft Subfcance : Whence a thoufand Difof- 
ders continually fpring, even without the Aid 
of external Violence. And how is the Number 


L 1V 
©f thefe increafed, by every imng round anout 
Us? The Heavens, the Earth, and all Thing, 
contained therein, confpire to punifh the Rebels i 
againft their Creator. The Sun and Moon fried | 
unwholfome Influences from above ; the Earth 
exhales poifonous Damps from beneath : Thr 
Beads of the Field, the Birds of the Air, the 
Fifties of the Sea, are in a Sate of Hoftility:! 
The Airitfelf, that furrounds us on every Side, 
is replete with the Shafts of Death: Yea, the 
Food we eat, daily faps the Foundation of the 
Life, which cannot be fuilained without it. So 
has the Lord of All fecured the Execution of 
his Decree, " Dufi thou art, and unto Dufi Jbalt 
* ( thou return.** 

3. But can there Nothing be found to lefTen 
thofe Inconveniencies, which cannot be wholly 
removed? To foften the Evils of Life, and pre- 
vent in Part the Sicknefs and Fain to which we 
are continually expofed ? Without Queftion 
there may. One grand Preventive of Pain and 
Sicknefs of various Kinds, feems intimated by 
the great Author of Nature, in the very Sen- 
tence that intails Death upon us: " In the Sweat 
of thy Face fhalt thou eat Bread, 'til thou return 
to the Ground." The Power of Exercife, both 
to preferve and reflore Health, is greater than 
can well be conceived : Efpecially in thofe who 
add Temperance thereto ; who, if they do not 
confinethcmfelves altogether to eat either "Bread, 
* c or the Herb of the Field," (which Gon does 
not require them to do) yet fteadily obferve both 
that Kind and Meafure of Food, which Experi- 
ence fliews to be moft friendly to Health and 
Strength. 4. 

4. 'Tis probable Physick, as well as Religi- 
on, vras in thefirft Ages chiefly traditional : E- 
very Father delivering down to his Sons, what 
he had himfelf in like Manner received, concern- 
ing the Manner of healing both outward Hurts, 
and the Difeafes incident to each Climate, and 
the Medicines which were of the greateft Effica- 
cy for the Cure of each Diforder. 'Tis certain, 
this is the Method wherein the Art of Healing is 
preferved among the Americans, to this Day. 
Their Difeafes, indeed, are exceeding few ;' nor 
do they often occur, by Reafon of their conti- 
nual Exercife, and ('til of late, univerfal) Tem- 
perance. But if any is fiek, or bit by a Serpent, 
or torn by a wild Beail, the Fathers immediately 
tell their Children what Remedy to apply. And 
'tis rare, that the Patient fuffers long ; thofe Me- 
dicines being quick, as well as generally infalli- 

5. Hence perhaps it was that the Antients, 
not only of Greece and Rome, but even of barba- 
rous Nations, ufually affign'd Phyfick a Divine 
Original. And indeed it was a natural Thought,; 
That He who had taught it to the very Beafts 
and Birds, the Cretan Stag, the Egyptian Ibis-,, 
could not be wanting to teach Man y 

Sanclius his Animal, mentifqae capacius altce : 

Yea, fometimes, even by thofe meaner Grea- 
ts : For it was eafy to infer, " If this will 
heal that Creature, whofe Fleih is nearly of the 
fame Texture with mine, then in a parallel Cafe 
it will heal me," The Trial was made. The 

A Cure 

C vi ] 

Cure was wrought. And Experience and Phy- 
fick grew up together. 

6. And has not the Author of Nature taugh 
us the Ufe of many other Medicines, by what 
is vulgarly term'd Accident ? Thus one walking 
fome Years fmce in a Grove of Pines, at a Tins 
when many in the neighbouring Town were af- 
flicted with a Kind of new Diftemper, little 
Sores in the Infide of the Mouth, a Drop of na- 
tural Gum felj from one of the Trees on the 
Book which he was reading. This he took up, 
and thoug htlefly applied to one of thofe fore Pla- 
ces. Finding the Pain immediately ccafe, he 
applied it to another, which was alio prefently 
healed. The fame liemedy he afterwards im- 
parted to others, and it did not fail to heal any 
that applied it. And doubtlefs numberlefs Re- 
medies have been thus carnally discovered in e- 
very Age and Nation. 

7. Thus far PI yfick was wholly founded on. 
Experiment. The European, as well as the Ame- 
rican, faid to his Neighbour, Are you fick I 
Drink the Juice of this Herb, and your Sicknefl 
will be at aa End. Are you in a burning Heat? 
Leap into that River, and then fweat 'til you 
are well. Has the Snake bitten you? Chew, and 
apply that Root, and the Poifon will not hurt 
you. Thus antient Men, having a Ktt'e Experi- 
ence, joined with common Senfe, and common 
Humanity, cured both thcmfelves and thel 
Neighbours, of moft of the Diftempers to whid I 
every Nation was fabject. 

8. But in Procefs of Time, Men of a philofc 
r" Leal 1 urn weie not feiisfied with this. They 


C yn ] 

be»an to enquire, How they might account for 
thefe Things ? How fuch Medicines wrought 
fuch Effects ? They examined the human Body, 
and all its Parts ; the-Nature of theFlefh, Veins, 
Arteries, Nerves ; the Structure of the Brain, 
Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels ; with the 
Springs of the feveral Animal Functions. They 
explored the feveral Kinds of Animal and Mine- 
ral, as well as Vegetable Subftances. And hence 
the whole order of Phyfick which had obtained 
to that Time, came gradually to be inverted. 
Men of Learning began to let Experience afide ; 
to build Phyfick upon Hypothecs ; to form 
Theories of Difeafes and their Cure, and to fub- 
ftitute thefe in the Place of Experiments. 

<•). As Theories increafed, fimple Medicines 
were more and more difregarded and difnfed : 
'til, in a Courfe of Years, the greater Part of 
them were forgotten, at lead in the poiiter Na- 
tions. In the Room of thefe, Abundance of 
new Ones were introduced, by reafoning, fpe- 
culative Men ; and thofe more and more diilicult 
to be applied, as being more remote from com- 
mon Obfervation. Hence Rules for the Appli- 
cation of thefe, and Medical Books, were im- 
menfely multiplied ; 'til at length Phyfick be- 
came an ience, quivc out Oi the Reach 
of ordinary Men. 

10. Phy .> now began to be had in Ad- 
miration, as P rfons who were fomething i&ore 
than hum«i . £ id Profit ati cided tlieir Em- 
ploy, as v ■ • fo that they, had now 
two weighty Reaf( is r keeping the Bulk of 
Manki^a a. u Diilau^c, that they i^i ht not pry 


[ viii J 

into the Myfteries of the Profeflion. To this Tmc 
they increafedthofe Diiliculties by De/ign, which 
began in Manner by Accident. They filled 
their Writings with Abundance of Technica 1 
Terms, utterly unintelligible to plain Men. 
They affected to deliver their Rules,«and to rea- 
fon upon them, in an ablirufe and philofophical 
Manner. They reprefented the critical Know- 
ledge of Anatomy, Natural Philofophy, (and 
what not ? Some of them infilling on that of A- 
ftronomy and Aftrology too) as neceflarily pre- 
vious to the understanding the Art of Healing., 
Thofe who underftood only, How to reftore the 
Fick to Health, they branded with the Name of 
Empiricks. They introduced into Practice. A- 
bundance of compound Medicines, confifting of 
fo many Ingredients, that it was fcarce poilible 
for common People to know which it was that 
wrought a Cure : Abundance of Exoticks, nei- 
ther the Nature nor Names of which their own 
Countrymen underftood : Of Chymicals, fuch 
as they neither had Skill, nor Fortune, nor 
Time, to prepare : Yea, and of dangerous Ones, 
fuch as they could not ufe without hazarding 
Life, but by the Advice of a Phyfician. And 
thus both their Honour and Gain were fecurcd ; 
a vail Majority of Mankind being utterly cut off 
from helping either themfelves or their Neigh- 
bours, or once daring to attempt it. 

1 1 . Yet there have not been wanting from 
Time to Time, fome Lovers of Mankind, who 
have endeavoured (even contrary to their own 
Litereff) to reduce Phyfick to its antient Stand- 
ard : Who have laboured to explode out of it 


[ ix ] 

11 Hypothcfes, and fine-fpun Theories, and to 
make it a plain intelligible Thing, as it was in 
>hc Beginning ; having no more Myftery in it 
ihan this, " Such a Medicine removes fuch a 
Pain." Thefe have demonftrably fhewn, That 
neither the Knowledge of Aftrology, Aftronomy, 
Natural Philofophy, nor even Anatomy itfelf, 
is abfolutely neceflary to the quick and effectual 
Cure of moil Difeafes incident to human Bodies: 
Nor yet any Chymical, or Exotick, or Com- 
pound Medicine, but a fingle Plant or Fruit du- 
ly applied. 80 that every Man of common Senfe 
(unlefs in fome rare Cafes) - !!!?^ prefcribe either 
to himfelf or his Neighbour ; and may be very 
fccure from doing Harm, even where he can do 
no Good. 

12. Even to the laft Age there was fomething 
of this Kind done, particularly by the great 
and good Dr. Sydenham : And in the prefent, of 
his Pupil Dr. Dcver, who has pointed out fim- 
ple Medicines for many Difeafes. And fome 
fuch may be found in the Writings of the learn- 
ed and ingenious Dr. Cheyiie : Who'- doubtlefs 
would have communicated many more to the 
World, but for the melancholy Reafon he 
gave one of his Friends, that preft him with 
fome PafTages in his Works, which too much 
countenanced the modern Practice, " O Sir, 
We muft do fomething to oblige the Faculty, or 
they will tear us in Pieces." 

13. Without Regard to this, without any 
Concern about the obliging or difobliging any 
Hlan living, a mean Hand has made here fome 
little Attempt toward a plain and eafy Way of 


[ xii ] 

know your Diftemper, (which is very eafy, ui 
lefs in a Complication of Diforders, and then you 
would do well to apply to a Phyfician that fears 
God) Firft, ufe the firft of the Remedies for that 
Difeafe which occurs in the enfuing Collection ; 
unlefs fome other of them be ealier to be had, 
and then it may do juft as well.) Secondly, Af. 
ter a competent Time, if it takes no effect, ufe 
the fecond, the third, and fo on. I have pur- 
pofely fet down (in moft Cafes) feveral Remedies 
for each Diforder ; not only becaufc All are not 
equally eafy to be procured at all Times and in 
all Places : But likewife becaufe the Medicine 
which cures one Man, will not always cure ano- 
ther of the fame Diftemper. Nor will it cure 
the fame Man at all Times. Therefore it was' 
neceflary to have a Variety. However, I have 
fubjoin'd the Letter / to thofe Medicines, which 
are faid to be infallible. — Thirdly, Obfer 
the Time the greateft Exactnefs in your 1 
men, or manner of Living. Abftain from • 
mixt, or all high feafon'd Food. Ufe plain 1)1* 
et, eafy of Digeftion : And this as fparingly ai 
you can, confident with Eafe and Strength. 
Drink only Water, if it agrees with your St 
mach, if not, good clear Small-beer. Ui 
much Exercife daily, in the open Air, as yc ! 
can without Wearinefs. Sup at Six or Seven ol 
the lightefl Food : Go to Bed early, and rife b< 
times. To perfevere with Steadinefs in th > 
Courfe, is often more than half the Cure. 1 
bove all, add to the reft, (for it is not Laboi 
loft) that old, unfafhionable Medicine, Prave 
And have Faith in God, who " Jdlleth and mal 


t xiii ] 

eth alive, who bringeth down to the Crave and 
bringeth up." 

16. For the Sake of thofe who defire, through 
the Bleffing of God, to retain the Health which 
they have recovered, I have added a few plain 
eaiy Rules,- chiefly tranferibed from Dr. Cheynh 

I. i. The Air we breathe is of great Confe- 
quence to our Health. Thofe who have been 
long abroad in Eaiterly or Northerly Winds, 
fhould drink fome thin and warm Liquor going 
to Bed : or a Draught of Toaft and Water. 

2. Tender People mould have thofe who lie 
with them or are much about them, found, 
fweet and healthy. 

3. Every onethat would prcferve Health mould 
be as clean and fweet as poilible in their Houfes, 
Cloaths, and Furniture. 

II. 1. The great Rule of Eating and Drinking 
is, To fuit the Quality and Quantity of Food to 
the Strength of our Digeftion ; to take always 
fuch a Sort and fuch a Meafure of Food, as fits 
light and eafy on the Stomach. 

2. All pickled, or fmoaked, or falted Food, 
and all high-feafon'd is unwholfome. 

3. Nothing conduces more to Health, than 
Abftinence and plain Food, with due Labour. 

4. For ftudious Perfons, about eight Ounces 
of Animal Food, and twelve of Vegetable in 
twenty-four Hours is fuilicient. 

5. Water is the wholfomeft of all Drinks ; 
quickens the Appetite and ftrengthens the Di- 
geftion moft. 

6. Strong, and more especially fpirituous Li- 
quors, arc a certain though flow Poifon. 

B 7. 

[ xiv ] 

7. Experience (hews, there is no Manner of 
Danger, in leaving them off all at once. 

8. Strong Liquors do not prevent the Mif- 
chiefs of a Surfeit, nor carry it off fo fafely as 

9. Malt Liquors (except clear Small Beer of 
a due Age ) are exceeding hurtful to tender 

10. Coffee and Tea are extremely hurtful to 
Perfons who have weak Nerves. 

III. 1. Tender Perfons mould eat very light 
Suppers ; and that two or three Hours before 
going to Bed. 

2. They ought conflantly to go to Bed about 
Kine, and rife at Four or Five. 

IV. 1. A due Degree of Exercifeis indifpen- 
fably neceffary to Health and long Life, 

2. Walking is the befl Exercife for thofe who 
are able to bear it. Riding for thofe who are 
not. The open Air, when the Weather is fair, 
contributes much to the Benefit of Exercife. 

3. We may ftrengthen any weak Part of the 
Body byconftant Exercife. Thus the Lungs may 
be ftrengthened by loud fpeaking, or walking 
up an eafy Afcent. The Arms or Hams by 
ftroogly rubbing them daily. 

4. The Studious ought to have ftated Times 
for Exercife, at Jeaft two or three Hours a Day ; 
The one half of this before Dinner, the other 
before going to Bed. 

5. They mould frequently fhave, and frequent- 
ly waih their Feet. 

6 . Thofe who read or write much , ft ! learn 
it Handing $ otherwjfeit will i ' < ; r 


C ** ] 

*]. The fewer Cloaths any one ufes, by Day 
or Night, the hardier he will be. 

8. Exercife, firlt, mould be always on an 
empty Stomach ; fecondly, mould never be con- 
tinued to Wearinefs j thirdly, after it, we mould 
take Care to cool bv Degrees * Otherwife we 
fliall catch Cold, 

9. The Fkfh-brufh is a moft ufeful Exercife 
efpecially to ftrengthen any Part that is weak. 

10. Cold-bathings is a great Advantage to 
Health. It prevents Abundance of Difeafes. It 
promotes Perfpiration, helps the Circulation of 
the Blood, and prevents the Danger of catching 
Cold. Tender People mould pour Water upon 
the Head before they go in, and walk in, fwift- 
ly. To jump in with the Head foremoft, is too 
great a Shock to Nature. 

V. 1. Coilivcncfs cannot long confrft with 
Health. Therefore Care mould be taken to re- 
move it at the Beginning ; and when it is remo- 
ved, to prevent its Return, by foft, cool, open- 
ing Diet. 

2. Obftru&ed Perfpiration (vulgarly called 
catching Cold) is one great Source of Difeafes. 
Whenever there appears the leaft Sign of this 
let it be removed by gentle Sweats. 

VI. 1. The Paiiionshave a greater Influence 
on Health than mod People are aware of. 

2. All violent and fudden Paffions difpofe to, 
or actually throw People into acute Difeafes. 

3. The 'flow and Lifting Paflions, ftich as Grief 
andhopelefs Love, bring on chronical Difeafes, 

4. 'Till the Pafiion which canfed the Difeafe 19 
calm'd, Medicine is applied in vain. 

B 2 5. 

C xvi 3 

5. The Love of God, as it is the fovercigft 
Remedy of all Miferies, fo in particular iteffecr 
tually prevents all the bodily Disorders the Paf- 
iions introduce, by keeping the Pafiions them- 
selves within due Bounds. And by the unfpeak- 
able Joy and perfect Calm, Serenity and Tran- 
quillity it gives the Mind, it becomes the moft 
powerful of all the Means of Health and long 

London June ir, 


1. "J" T was a great Surprife to the Editor of the 
j[ following Collection, that there was fo 
i\\iit and large a Demand for it ; that nine Im- 
prefiions were called for in four or five Years ; 
and that it was not only republiihedby the Book- 
fellers in a neighbouring Nation, but alfo infer t> 
cd by Parts in their public Papers, and fo propa* 
gated through the whole Kingdom. This en-i 
couraged him carefully to revile the whole, and 
to publifh it again, with feveral Alterations, 
which it is hoped may make it of greater Ufe to 
thole who love common Senfe and common Ho^ 

2. Thofe Alterations are ftill in Purfuance of 
my firft Defign, To fet down cheap, and fafe* 
and eaiy Medicines ; eafy to be known, eafy to 
be procured, and eafy to be applied by plain un- 
lettered Men. Accordingly, I have omitted a 
Cyniidorablc Number which, tho' cheap andfafe, 

.7 ere. 

were not fo common or well knows j ai^. . -^ 
added almoit an equal Number, to which that 
Objection cannot be made : which are not only 
of l'mali Price, and extreamly fafe", but likewife 
eaiily to be found, if not in every Houfeor Yard, 
yet in every Town, and almoit every Village 
throughout the Kingdom. 

3. Is is becaufe they are not fafe, but extreme- 
ly dangerous, that I have omitted (together with 
Antimony) the four Herculian Medicines, Opi- 
um, * the Bark, * Steel, and the various Prepa- 
rations of Qu.ickfilvcr. Herculian indeed ! Far 
too ftrong for common Men to grapple with. 
How many fatal Effects have thefe produced, e- 
ven in the Hands of no ordinary Phyficians ? 
With regard to four of thefe, the Inftances arc 
glaring and undeniable. And whereas CKiick- 
hlvcr, the fifth, in its native Form, as innocent 
as Bread or Water, has not the Art been difco- 
ver'd, fo to prepare it, as to make it the mod 
deadly of all Poiions? Thefe Phyllcians have 
juftly termed edged Tools. But they have not 
yet taught them to wound at a Diftance : And 
honeft Men are under no Neceility of touching 
them, or coming within their Reach. 

4. Inftead of thefe, I have once more ventur- 
ed to recommend to Men of plain unbiaffed Rc'a- 
fbn, fuch Remedies as Air, Water, Milk, Whey, 
Honey, Treacle, Salt, Vinegar, and common 
Engliih Herbs, with a few foreign Medieires, al- 
moft equally cheap, fafe and common. xVnd this 
I have done on that Principle, whereby I defire 

B3 'to 

* Except in One Inftancc, 

[ fcVai ] 

to be governed in all rav A&ions, " Whatfoevd 
yc would that Men mould do unto you the fame 
do unto them." 

5« At the Requeft of many Perfons, I have 
likewife added plain Difmitions of mod Diilcm- 
pers j not indeed accurate or philofophical Diii- 
fiitions, but fuch as are fuited to Men of ordina- 
ry Capacities, and as may juft enable them, in 
common, fimple Cafes, to diftinguifh one Dif- 
eafe from another. In uncommon or complicat- 
ed Difeafes, or where Life is more immediately 
in Danger I again advife every Man, without 
Delay, to apply to a Phyfician that fears Goe/ 

B*isto*> Oft. i6, 1755." 






t Abortion (to prevent.) 

S E daily a Decoction of Lignum Guaiacnm. 

2 For an Ague * ' 

5. Go into the Cold Bath juft before the Cold Fit. 

s. Or. take a handful of Croundfell, fhred it fmall, 'put it 
into a Paper Bag, four Inches fquare, pricking that Side 
which is to be next the Skin, full of Holes. Cover this 
•with a thin Lir.en, and wear it on the Pit of the Stomach, 
renewing it two Hours before the Fit : Tried. 

A", Or, apply a Handful of Yarrow in like Manner : 

£. Or, a large Onion flit : 

6. Or, boil Tarrrvo in new Milk, "till it is tender enough to' 
fpread as a plaifter. An Hour before the cold Fit, apply 
this to the Wrifts, and let it be on 'till the hot Fit is over. 
If another Fit comes, ufe afrefh Plainer : this often cures a 

9. Or, drink a Quart of c&ld Hater, juft before the cold Fit. 

THfcn go to Bed and fweat : 
8. Or," make fix middling Pills of Qohuebi, Take one a 

little before the cold Fit : Two a little before the next 

Fit : 

," * Art Ague is, An Intermitting Fever, each Fit of which is precedt^ 
br a col J Shivctittg, and £o<i$ off in a Sweat, 

Fit: The other three, if Need be, a little before the 
third Fit. I never knew this fail : 

9. Or, two Tea-fpoonfuls of Sal Prunella an Hour before 
the Fit. It commonly cures in thrice taking : 

10. Or, a Tea-fpoonful of Spirits of Hart/born, inaGlafsof 
Water : 

1 1 . Or, eat a Lemon, Rind and all : 

12. Or, drink a Pint of Decoction of Camomile, fweetn'd 
with Treacle. Take it warm in Bed, andfweat two Hours. 

// is proper to take a gentle Vomit before you ufe any ofthefe Medi- 
cines . If this is taken t<wo Hours before the Fit is expecled it 
generally prevents that Fit, and fontetimes cures an Ague : Ej pe- 
dal ly in Children. 7/ /'/ a Ifo proper to repeat the Medicine 

(whatever it be) about a Week after, in order to prevent a lie- 

3. A Tertian Ague f 

13. Boil a Handful of Ribwort in Whey. Drink this warm 
an Hour before the Fit comes, and lie down and fwcat t 

14. Or, ufe the Cold Bath. (Unlefs you are of an advanc- 
ed Age, or extreamly weak) But when you ufe this, on 
any Account whatever, it is proper. 

1. To bleed or purge, before you begin ; 

2. To go in cool ; to immerge at once ; to flay in only twa 
or three Minutes, (orlefs at firft.) 

2. Never to bathe on a full Stomach 1 

4. To bathe twice or thrice a Week at leaft, 'till you have 
bathed nine or ten Times : 

5. To fweat immediately after it (going to Bed) in Palfier 
Rickets, and all Difeafes wherein the Nerves arc oburucled: 

6. You may ufe yourfelfto it, without any Danger, by be- 
ginning in May, and a t firft juft plunging in, and coining 
out immediately. Tho' many have begun in Winter, with- 
out any Inconvenience. 

4. A Quartan Ague. J 

15. Apply to the Suture of the Head, when the Fit is com- 


f That is an Ague which returns every other Day In this uie light 

and fparing Diet 011 the Dav between. 

\ That is, an Ague which raiiles two Days coining on, Monday f Aid- 
poft) and again vn Tbvrfdtr 

( *« ) 

Tng, Wall Jutj Flowers, beaten together Leaves and Flow- 
ers with a little Salt. "Keep it on 'till the hot Fit is over. 
Repeat this if need be. 

16. Ufefrcg Exercife (as Riding or Walking, as far as you 
can bear it) an Hour or two before the Fit. If pofiible, 
continue it 'till the Fit begins. This alone will frequent- 
ly cure. 

17. Or, apply to the Wrifts a Plaifier of Turpentine : Or of 
bruifed Garlick : 

1 8. Or of bruifed Pepper, mixt with Treacle. 

5. St. Anthony's Fire. * 

19. Take a Glafs of Tar-Water warm in Bed, every Hour 
wafbing the Part with the fame. 

Tar-Water/'/ made thus. — Put a Gallon of 'cold Wafer to a £>uart 
of Norway Tar. Stir them together with a fiat Stick for five 
or fix Minutes. Jfter it has food cover d for three Days, pour 
off the the Water clear, bottle and cork it. 

20. Or, drink a Pint of Sea-Water every Morning forfc^n 
Days. It feldom fajJs, 

2t. Or, take a Decoction of Elder- Leaves, as a Sweat ; 

22. Or, ofiuiid Ihiwe, applying to the Part a Cloth dipt in 
Lime Mater, mixt with a little camphorated Spirits of Wine. 

Lime-Water is made thus. — hifuft a Pound of good quick Lime, 
in /is Quarts of Spring- Water for twenty -four Hours. Decant 
an a keep it for Ufe. 

23. Or, take two or three gentle PuFges, Noacute Fever 
bears repeated Purges better than this, efpecialiy when 
it affeds the Head. 

24. Or, (ufing the Internal Medicine at die fame Time) 
apply a Plait'ter of Venice Treacle : 

2 j. Or, wafli it with Water wherein Eran is boiled : 
26. Or, boil a Handfull of Sage, two Hamlfulls of Eldtr^ 
leaves (or Bark) and an Ounce of Mum in two Quarts of 
Forge Water, to a Pint. Anoint with this every Night. 


* St. Anthony's Fire is a Fever attended with a red and painful Swel- 
ling, full of Ptmples, which afterwards turn infa/wi . on th^, 
fome other Part of the Body. The fooner.the Eruption is, ftie 

left Danger. Let your Diet be o'oiy ^ater-Cruel, or BurJcj-Brjth, 

with roaflcd Apples. 

( M ) 

6. The Apoplexy. J 

27. To prevent, ufe the Cold Bath, and drink only Water. 

28. In the Fit, blow Powder of white Helebore up the Koie, 
and fix x Cupping Glafs* without fcarilying, to the Nape 
of the Neck and another to each Shoulder. But fend for 
a good Phyfician immediately. 

29. If the Fit be foon after a Meal, do not bleed, but vo- 

30. Rub the Head, Feet, and Hands ftrongly, and let two 
ftrong Men carry the Patient upright, backward and for- 
wards about the Room. 

31. A Setoa in tfee Neck, with low Diet, has often prevent- 
ed a Relapfe. 

7. Canine Appetite. * 

32. u If it be without Vomiting, is often cured by a fmall 
Bit of Bread dipt in Wine, and applied to the Noftrils." 

Dr. Schomherg. 


8 The Afthrtia. J 

33. Take a Pint of cold Water every Night, as you lie dowfi 
in Bed : 

34. Or, a Pint of cold Water every Morning, nvaJJ.vng the 
Head therein immediately after, and ufing the Cold Bath 
once a Fortnight : 

35. Or, half a Pint of Tar-Water twice a Day : 

36. Or, drink a Pint of Sea-} Voter every Morning: 

37. Or, live a Fornight on boiled Carrots only. It feldom 

38. Or, a Spoonful of Nettle-juice, mixt with clarified Honey. 
30. Or take an ounce of \ Qiiickfilver every Morning, and a 

Spoonful of the Gas of Sulpher, in a large G lafs of Spring- 
Water at Five in the Evening, and at Bed-time, 'till you 
are well. L 


J An Apoplexy is, A tot;il Lofs of all Senfes, and voluntary Motion, 
•ommonly attended with a (Iron* Pulfe, hard Breathing and Snorting. 

* An infatiable Dcfirc of Eating. 

K An Afthma is a Difficulty of Breathing, from a Diforder in die 
Lungs. la the common (or moift) AHh'na i xhc Patieat fpits much. 

( »3 ) 

40. For prefent Relief. Vomit with a Quart or more of 
, warm Water. The more you drink of it the better. 

Do this whenever you find any Motion to vomit, and take Care #/- 
viays to keep your Body open. 

9. A Dry Convulfive Afthma. 

41. Juice of Radijl?es relieves much ; fo does 

42. A Cup of ftrong Coffee, 

43. Or, Garlicky either raw or preferved, or in Syrup: 

44. Or, Tea made with tiyffop, Ground-Ivy, Daify-Flonvers 
and Liquoriflo ; 

45. Drink a Pint of neisi Milk Morning and Evening. 

That has cured an inveterate Af.lmia. 

46. Vfe the Cold Bath thrice a Week : 

47. Or, beat fine Saffron final], and take eight or ten Grains 
every Night : 

4S. Or, dry and powder a Toad. Make it into fmall Pills, 
and take one every Hour 'till the Convulfionsceafe. 

49. In any Afthma, the beft Drink is Apple-Water. 

io. To cure Baldnefs. 

50. Rub that Part Morning and Evening, with Onions, 'till 
it is red j and rub it 'afterwards with Honey. 

1 1. Bleeding at the Nofe (to prevent) 

51. Drink Whey largely every Morning, and eat Raijtns 
much : 

52. Or, apply to the Neck behind and on each Side, a 
Cloth dipt in cold-Water : 

53. Or, wafh the Temples, Nofe and Neck with Vinegar : 

54. Or, chew Nettle-Root, fpitting out the juice : 

55. Hold a red-hot Poker under the Nofe : 

j6. Or, fteep a Linen Rag in JJjarp Vinegar, burn it, and 
blow it up the Nofe with a Quill. 

12. Bleeding of a Wound. 

57. Make tight Ligatures on the Arms." 

58. Or, apply Tops of Nettles bruifed : 
fo. Or, L.eavesof All-kal bruifcd : /. 


( *4 ) 

*<5o. Or, fpread the Afics of a Linen Cloth thick on an^ 
ther Linen Cloth, and apply it : 

61. Or, ftrewonit the AJbes of a Linen Rag, dipt in fhar 
Vinegar and burnt : 

62. Or take ripe Puff -Balls. Break them warily and fei 
the Powder. Strew this on the Wound and bind it on. 
—This will abfolutely ftop the Bleeding of an amputat 

Limb without any Cautery. 

13. Spitting Blood. 

63. Take half a pint of ftew'd Prunes, at lying down f< 
two or three Nights : 

/>4- Or, a Glafs of Decoction of Onions : 

6s. Or, four Spoonfuls -of Juice of Nettles every Morning 

and a large Cup of Decoction of Nettles at Night for & 

Week : 

66. Take frequently a fpoonful of the Juice of Nettles anr. 
Flantam Leaves, and iweetened with Sugar Candy : 

67. Or, three Spoonfuls of Sags-juice in a little Honey, Tin 
prefently flops either fpitting or vomiting Blood : 

68. Or, half a Tea-fpoonful of BarbadoesTar on a Lump 
of Loaf Sugar at Night. It commonly cures at Once. 

14. Vomiting Blood. 

69. Take three Spoonfuls of Sage-juice in Honey, 

70. Or, two Spoonfuls of Nettle-juice.- (This alfo difTolvci 
Blood coagulated in the Stomach.) 

71. Or, one Spoonful of the Juice of Quinces : 

?2. Or, a Quarter of a Pint of Decoction of Nettles and 
Plant ane two or three Times a day. 

15. To diffolve coagulated Blood. 

73. Bind on the Part for fome Hours a Pane made of Black 
Soap and Crumbs of white Bread : 

74. Or, grated Root of Burdock fpread on a Raff: Rene* 
this twice a Day. b 

16. Boils. 
75* Appty a little Venice Turpentine: 

:». 0: 

( *5 ) 

*6. Or, a Plaifter of Honey and Wheat-Flour : 
^7 . Or, of Figr : 

78. Or, a little Saffron in a white Bread Poultis, — - 
'Tis proper to purge alfo. 

17. Hard Breafts. 

79. Apply Turnips roajled 'till foft, then maftVd and mixt 
with a little Oil o/Rofes. Change this twice a Day, keep- 
ing the Breaft very warm with Flannel. 

18. Sore Breads and fwelPd. 

go. Boil a Handful of Camomile and as much Malloivs in Milk 
and Water. Foment with it between two Flannels as 
hot as can be borne every twelve Hours. It alfo diflblves 
any Knob or Swelling in any Part. 

19. A Bruife. 

81. Immediately apply Treacle fpread on brown Paper : 

82. Or, clarified Honey : 

83. Or, rub it with one Spoonful of Oil of Turpentine and 
two of Neats-foot Oil : 

84. Or, apply a plaifter of chopt Par/ley mixt with Butter : 

85. Or, a Fomentation of Verjuice and Camo7nile Flowers. 

20. To prevent Swelling from a Bruife. 

86. Immediately apply a Cloth, five or fix Times double, 
dipt in cold-Water, and new dipt when it grows warm. 

21. To cure a Swelling from a Bruife. 

87. Foment it half an Hour, Morning and Evening, with 
Cloths dipt in Water, as hot as you can bear : 

88. Or, apply Sea-weed. 

22. A Burn or Scald. 

$9. Immediately plunge the Part into cold Water. Keep it 
in an Hour, if not well before. Perhaps four or five 
Hours : 
'yao, Or, if the part cannot be dipt, apply a Cloth four 
Times doubled, dipt in cold Water, changing it when it 
grows warm : 

C 91. 

( ^ ) 

91. Or, apply a hruifed Onion : 

02. Or, Tin&ure of Myrrh : 

93. Or, Oil and Parjley ftampt together , 

94. Or, apply Oil, and ftrew on it powder'd Ginger. 

23. A deep Burn or Scald. 

95. Apply black Varnifo with a Feather 'till it is well : 

96. Or, inner Rind of Elder well mixt with frelh Butter.' 
When this is bound on with a Rag, plunge the Part in- 
to cold Water. This will fuipendthe Fain 'till the Medi- 
cine heals. 

24. A Cancer in the Breaft. f 

97. Ufe the Cold Bath. (This has cured many.) This has 
cured Mrs. Bates of Leicefierjlnre, of a Cancer in her 
Brealt, a Confumption, a Sciatica, and Rheumatij'm, 
which fhe had near twenty Years. — She bathed daily for 
a Month and drank only Water. 

Generally nvhere Cold Bathing is necejfary to cure any Difeafe, Water 
drinking isfo, to prevent a Relapfe. 

98. If it be not broke, apply a piece of Sheet-had beat very 
thin, and pricked full of Pin-holes, for Days or Weeks 
to the whole Breaft. — Purges fhould be added every third 
or fourth Day : ^ 

99. Or, take a mellow Apple, cut off the Top, take out the 
Core, fill the Hole with Hogs-greafe ; then cover it with 
the Top, androaft the Apple thoroughly, take off the Pa- 
ring, beat the Pap well, fpread it thick on Linen, and 

lay it warm on the Sore, put inga Bladder over it. 

Change this every twelve or twenty four Hours : 

100. Take Rorfe-purs and dry them by the Fire 'till they . 
will beat to a i'owier. Silt and infufe two Drachms in 
two Quarts of Ale; drink half a Pint every fix Hours, 
new Vlilk inn. — It has cured many. 

ply Coofe dung and Celandine beat well together, 

a fi ie Rag. It will both cleanfe and heal 

r e. 102.- 

_A (jHftf'mr* hari, round, uneven, nair.ful Swelling, of a blacfc- 
*f/6 f %AJ^tC >!<>»■/ the V uns round which feem ready to burft. It 
ij C0rn/j*i\\y tf-firft ^th a Swelling about as big as a Pea, which 
*6t4 rifiifCiflriJ ^ auch fain, nor change the Colour of the Skin. 

( *7 ) 

102. Or, a Poultis of wild Par/nips , Flowers, Leaves and 
Stalks, changing it Morning and Evening. 

103. Or, live three Months on Jpples and Apple-Mater : 

104. Or, take half a Dram of Venice-Soap twice a Day : 

105. Or, take Brimjione and Gas of Sulphur, as Art. 39. — 
This has cured one far advanced in Years. 

25. A Cancer in any other Part. 

106. Apply red Onions bruifed : 

107. Or, make a Plaifter of Roch-Allum, Venegar and Honey 
equal Quantities, with Wheat-flour. Change it every 
twelve Hours. It often cures in three or four Days : 

108. Or, ftamp the Flowers, Leaves and Stalks of wild 
Par/nips, and apply them as a Plaifter, changing it every 
twelve Hours. It ufually cures in a few Days. 

16. Cancer in the Mouth. 

309. Boil a few Leaves of Succory, Plant ane and Rue, with 
a Spoonful of Honey, for a Quarter of an Hour. Gargle 
with it often in an Hour. 1. 

j 10. Or, with Vinegar and Honey wherein half an Ounce of 
Roch-Allum is boiled : 

in. Or, take an Ounce of Flour of Sulphur, and half an 
Ounce of Roch-Allum finely powder'd. Mix thefe well 
together with pure Honey, and apply often. 

27. Chilblains (to prevent.) 

112. Wear Flannel Sicks : 

113. Or, wafh the Feet with Flour of Mufard. 

28. Chilblains (to cure.) 

114. Apply Salt and Onions pounded together : 

II J. Or, a Poultis of roafed Onions hot. Keep it on two or 

three Days, if not cured fooner : 
116. Or, hot Turnip-parings roafted, changing them twice 

or thrice a Day. 
ill 7. Waih them (if broke) with Tinclure of Myrrh in a 
little Water. 

C 2 


( - ; 

29. Chin-Cough or Hooping-Cough. 

118. Ufe the Cold Bath dally: 

119. Or, rub the Feet thoroughly with Hog's-lard, before 
the Fire, at going to Bed, and keep the Child warm 
therein : 

120. Or, rub the Back at lying down with old Rum. It 
feldom fails. 

121. Or, give a Spoonful of Juice of Penny-royal mixt with 
brown Sugar-candy, twice a Day : 

122. Or, half a Pint cf Milk warm from the Cow with the 
Quantity of a Nutmeg of Conferve of Rofcs diiTolv'd in it 
every Morning 

30. Cholera Morbus, i. e. Flux and Vomiting. 

123. Drink two or three Quarts of cold Water, if ilrcng ; of 
luarm Water, if weak : 

124. Or, boil a Chicken an Hour in two Gallons of Water, 
and drink of this 'till the Vomiting ceafes. 

g I. Ch opt Hands (to prevent.) 

1 2 J. Wafh them with Flour of Mujlard: I. 

126. Or, in Bran and Water boiled together: 

127. To cure, wafh vn\\\foft Soap mixt with red Sand : 
123. Apply Oil of Myrrh. 

32. Chopt Lips. 

129. Apply a littl« Sal Prunella. 

33. A Cold. 

1 30. Drink a Pint of cold Water lying down in Bed : 

131. Or, a Spoonful of Treacle in half a Pint of Water : 

132. Or, to one Spoonful of Oatnual apd one Spoonful 
Honey, add a Piece of Butter of the Bignefs of a Nutmeg 
Pour on gradually near a Pint of boiling Water ; drinif 
this lying down in Bed. 


( 2 9 ) 
34. A Cold in the Head. 

133. Tare very thin the jellow Rind of an Orange. Roll it 
up infide out and thruft a Roll into each Noftril. 

35. The Colick (in the Fit.) 

1 34.. Drink a Pint of coldWater 1 

135. Or a Quart of warm Water : 

j 3.6. Or, as largely as poffible of warm Tar-Water r 

137. Or , a Pint of Water in which a red hot Flint is quenched: 

1 38 . Or, drink largely of Camomile-Tea : 

1 39. Or, of Decoction of Mallows : 

140. Or take thirty Drops of Spirit of Turpentine, in a Glafs 
of Water: 

141. Or from two Scruples to half a Dram of Tellow.-peel of 
Oranges powder'd, in a Glafs of Water : 

143. Or beat together into a Cake one Part of ftoned Rai- 
fins of the Sun, and three Parts of Juniper-Berries ; eaC 
more or lefs according to the Pain : 

14.3. Or, take from forty to an hundred Drops of Oil of A- 
nife-feed, on a Lump of Sugar : 

144. Or, apply outwardly a Bag of hot Oats. 

36. Colick in Children. 

14 J. Give a Scruple of powder'd Anife-feed in their Meat. 

37. Bilious Colick. j| 

146. Give a Spoonful otfweet Oil every Hour. 

This has cured one,, judged to be at the Point of Death. 

J47. Or. boil an Ounce of bruifed Anife-feed in two Quarts 
of Water, 'till half is boiled away. When it is cool, in- 
tufe an Ounce of Manna, and four Drams of Glauber's 
Salts. Drink as much of it as you can. 

38. An Habitual Colick. 

xa.% Wear a thin foft Flannel on the Part. 
* * C 3 39, 

11 This is generally attended with vomiting agreeftith or a frothy Mat- 
ter, with a feveri(h Heat, violent Thirft, a bitter ^Taftc in the Mouth, 
and little and high -coloured Urine. 

( 3° ) 
39* An Hyfterick Colick. * 

J 49. Mrs. Watts, by ufing the Cold Bath two and twenty 
Times in a Month, was entirely cured of an Hyfterick 
Colick, Fits, and convulfive Motions, continual Sweat- 
ings and Vomiting, wandering Pains in her Limbs and 
total Lofs of Appetite. 

150. In the Fit, drink half a Pint of Water with a little 
Wheatflcur in it, and a Spoonful of Vinegar : 

1 5 I . Or, a G lafs full of Vinegar : 

J 52. Or take 20, 30 or 40 Drops of Balfim of Peru in fine 
Sugar : If need be, take this twice or thrice a Day : 

151. Or, in Extremity, boil three Ounces of Burdock-Seed 
in Water, which give as a Clyfter : 

154. Or, five Grains of Laudanam, in any proper Clyfter, 
which thus injected gives inftant Eafe. 

40. A Nervous Colick. j 

155. Ufe CcLi Bath daily for a Month : 

J 5 6. Or, take Qyickjilver and Gas of Sulpher, daily for a 
Month: As Ait. 39. 

41. Colick from the Fumes of Lead, or White 
Lead, Vcrdigreafe, &c. 

157. In the Fit, drink frefh melted Butter, and then vomit 

with ivan?j Water. 
I 58. Or, give Clyfters of Oil or fat Broth. 
159. To prevent or cure, breakfuft daily on fat Broth, and 

ufe Oil of fleet Almonds frequently and largely. 

42. A Consumption. 

100. Cold Baths ng has cured many deep Confumptions. 

161. One in a deep Confumption was advifed to drink no- 
thing but Water and eat nothing but Water-gruel, without 
Salt or Sugar. In three Months Time he was perfectly 


* Is attended with a violent Pain a out the Pit of the Stomach, with 
great finking of the Spirits, and often with grecrilh Vomitings. 

{ This is frequently term'J the dry Belly-ucb. It often continues fc- 
veral Days, with little Urine, and. obftinate Coftivcncfs. 

( 3' ) 

162. Take no food but nevj butter- Mill, ehurn'd in a bee- 
tle, and M f hite-Bread. — I have known this iuccefsful : 

163. Or, boil two Handfuls of Sdrrel in a Pint of Whey. 
Strain ir, and drink a Glair, thrice a Day : 

164. Or take a Spoonful of Syrup of Fox-glove, Morning 
and Evening : 

165. Or, turn a Pint of fkim'd Milk with half a Pint of 
fmall Beer. Boil in this Whey, about twenty Iv)-teaves, 
and two or three Sprigs of Hyjfop. Drink half over Night, 
the reft in the Morning. Do this if needful for two 
Months daily. — Tills has cured in a defperate Cafe : 

166. Or, take a Co-xu-kee! from the Tripe-houfe ready dreft, 
two Quarts of new Milk, two Ounces of Hartjhorn-Jbavhigs 
two Ounces of lftng-g!afe, a Quarter of a Pound of Sugar- 
candy, and a Race of Ginger. Put all thefe in a Pot ; and 
fet them in an Oven after the Bread is drawn. Let it 
continue there 'till the Oven is near cold ; and let the 
Patient live on this. — I have known this cure a deep con- 
sumption more than once. 

167. Or, every Morning cut up a little Turf of frefh Earth, 
and, lying down, breath into the Hole for a Quarter of 
an Hour. I have known a deep Confumptton cured thus. 

168. Or, take half a Pint of fkim'd JVM, put one Spoonful 
of the beft Rum, fweetened with a little Sugar or Sugar 
of Rofes; take it new Milk warm, lying in Bed an Hour 
after it: And ufe for common Drink eight Parts Water, 
three Parts fkirn'd Milk, one Part Rum, fweetened with 

' a little Sugar. . 

169 " Mr. IMaJfers of ' Kvejkam, wasfo far gone in a Con- 
fumption, that he could not ftand alone. I advifedhim to 
lofe fix Ounces of Blood, every Day for a Fortnight, if 
he lived fo long; and then every other Day -then every 
third Day; then every fifch Day, for the fame Time. 
In three Months he was well.'V-Dr. Dover. 

170. Or, throw Frcnklnccenfe oft burning Coals, and receive 
the Smke daily thro' a proper Tube into the Lungs : 

171 . Or finoke Ba'fam of 'i'olu, nke Tobacco. 

42, Convuliions. 

172. UfetheCo/*/ Bath: _•__.. , , , . , 
17T Or, take a Tea-fpoonful of Valtmn-rwt powder d in 

( r- ) 

a Cup- of Water every Evening : 
174. Or half a Dram of /!/#//* powder'd, every fix Hours 
drinking after it a Draught of llrong Infufion thereof. 

44. Convulfions in Children* 

17 j. Scrape Plow Roots frefh digged. Apply what you have 
lcraped off to the Soles of the Feet. It helps immediately. 

45. Convulfions in the Bowels of Children. 

176. Give a Child a Quarter old, a Spoonful of the Pelli- 
tory of the Wall, two or three Times a Day. It goes thro' 
at once, but purges no more. Ufe Syrup, if Juice can- 
not be had. 

46. Corns (to prevent.) 

177. Wafh the Feet often in cold Water. 

47. Corns (to cure.) 

178. Apply frefh every Morning the Yeqfl of fmall B'eer r 
fpread on a Rag : 

179. Or boil the Juice of Radifoes, 'till it is thick enough 
to fpread asaPlaifter. Shift it as it grows dry : 

180. Or cleanfe from Earth the Root and Herb of Houfc 
leek ; crufh it with your Fingers and apply it. Renew it 
every three Hours, for twenty four Hours : 7. 

181. Or, apply frefh Ivy-leaves daily, and in fifteen Days- 
they will drop out. 

48. Coftivenefs. 

182. Rife early every Morning: 

183. Or, boil in a Pint and half of Broth, half a Handful 
of Mallow-leaver chopt : Strain this and drink it before 
you eat any Thing elfe. Do this frequently if needful: 

184. Or, breakfaft twice a Week or oftener, on Water-gruel 
with Currants : 

18 y . Or take the Bignefs of alarge Nutmeg of Cream of Tar- 
tar, mixt with Honey, as often as you need. 

49. A Cough. 
186. DrmkaPint and a half ofW</#Wr lying down in Bed: 


( 33 ) 

IS 7- Or mix an Ounce of Ufifeed Oil, with an Ounce of 
white Sugar -candy powder 'd, and take a Tea-fpoonful 
whenever the Cough comes : 

188. Or, make a Hole thro' a Lemon and fill it with Honey. 
Roaft it, and catch the Juice. Take a Tea-fpoonful of 
this frequently : 

189. Every Cough is a dry Cough at firft. As long as it 
continues fo, it may be cured by chewing immediately 
after you cough, the Quantity of a Pepper- corn of Peru- 
vian Bark. Swallow your Spittle as long as it is bitter, and 
then {pit out the Wood. If you cough again, do this 
again. It very feldom fails to cure any dry Cough. 

50. An Afthmatick Cough. 

j 90. Take Spanijh Liquorice two Ounces, Salt of Tartar half 
an Ounce : Boil the Liquorice in three Pints of Water to a 
Quart. — Add the Salt to it when it is Blood warm. 
DiTak two Spoonfuls of this every two Hours. — It feldom 

51. A Coniumptlve Cough. 

191. Slit ten or twelve Raiftns of the Sun, take out the 
Stones, and fill them up with the fmall tender Tops of 
Rue. Take thefe early every Morning, failing two or 
three Hours after : 

192. Or, boil a Pound of Raijitis ftoncd in a Quart of old 
Verjuice to about a Pint. Then add a Pound of brown 
Sugar-candy, and let it funmer into a -Syrup. Take near a 
Spoonful every three or four Hours. 

193. To (top it for a Time, at lying down keep zWttltjlick 
Liquorifh fhaved like Horfe-mdijb, between the Cheek and 
the Gums. — I believe this never fails. 

52. A Convulfivc Cough. 

194. Eat preferv'd Wa I nuts : 

I9?. Or, boil a handful of Bay-leave* in Milk, turn this 
with white Wine, and drink a Draught of the Whey often. 


( J4 ) 

53. An Inveterate Cough. 

196. Waft) the Head in cold Water every Morning : 
197- Or, ufe the Cold Bath. It feldom fails : 

198. Or, take half a Pint of Dccoftion cf Onions Morning 
and Evening : 

199. Or, a Spoonful of Juice of Onions : 

200. Or, take peeFd Turnips three Pounds, Sugar one Pound, 
put them in an Earthen Pot clofecover'd for twenty- four 
Hours. Strain the Juice and take two or three Spoonfuls 
Morning and Evening ; 

201. Or, mix the Juice of boiled Turnipfwkh fine powdcr'd 
Sugar-candy, 'till it is a Kind of Syrup. Swallow a little 
of it Drop by Drop from Time to Time : 

202. Or take a Spoonful of Syrup of Horehound Morning; 
and Evening : ° 

203. Or, put a Scruple of Sperma-Ceii into the Yelk df a 
new lmd Egg, and fup it up in the Morning fading. 

54. Pleuritick Cough. 

204. Powder an Ounce of Sperma-Ceti fine. Work it in a 
Marble Mortar with the Yolk of a new-laid Egg Mix: 
them in white Wine, and take a fmall Glafs every three 

SS- A Tickling Cough. 

20 j. Drink tfWwhiten'd with Oatmeal four Times a Day 
206. Or, keep a Piece of Barley-Sugar or Sugar-candy con- 
ftantly in your Mouth. 

56. Violent Coughing from a fharp thin Rheum. 

£07. Work into old Conferve ofRofes, as much as you can of 
pure Olibanum, powder'd as fine as poffible. Take a Bo- 
lus of this twice or thrice a Day. It eafes preiently and 
cures in two or three Weeks : 

208. Or, ufe MM -diet as much as poffible. 

57- The Cramp (to prevent.) 
2 °Ld Tie y ° Ur Gart ° r **** under 5" our Knee at S° in g t 

g to 

2 13 

( 35 ) 

210. Or be eleftrijied thro' the Part which ufes to be affect- 
ed. Thisgenerallyprevents itfora Month. Sometimes for 
a Twelve Month. 

58. The Cramp (to cure.) 

211. Stretch out the Limb immediately : 

212. Or ftretch out the oppofite Arm and clinch the Fill : 

213. Or, chafe the Part with Hungary -Water : 

214. Or, \sith reflijfed Spirits of 'Wine : 
Ci 5. Or, apply boiled Nettles hot : 

216. Or, take half a Pint of Tar-water Morning and Even- 

59. A Cut. 

217. Keepitclofed with your Thumb a Quarter of an Hour. 
Then double a Rag five or fix Times ; dip it in cold Wa- 
ter, and bind it on. 

60. Deafnefs. 

218. Be eleflrifed thro' the Ear : 

219. Or, ufe the Cold Bath: 

220. Or, drop into the Ear a Tea-fpoonful otfalt Water: 

221. Or, of Juice of Ground-Ivy : 

222. Or, three or four Drops o£ Onion-juice at lying down, 
and ftop it with a little Wool. 

61. Deafnefs from Wax. 

223. Syringe the Ear with warm Sage-tea : 

224. Or, put in wild Mint bruifed, with the Juice, chang- 
ing it often. 

62. Deafnefs with Head-ach and Buzzing in the 

2^ Peel a Clove of Garlick ; dip it in Honey, and put it in- 
to your Ear at Night with a little black Wool. Lie with 
that Ear uppermoft. Put the fame in the other Ear the 
next Night. Do this, if need be, eight or ten Days. 

62. A Settled Deafnefs. 
226 Take a red Onion, pick out the Core ; fill up the Place 
*-*" with 

( 3« ) 

with Oil of roafted Almonds. Let it fland a Night ;, Drop three or four Drops in- 
to tiie Ear, Morning and Evening, and flop it with 
black Wool. 

64. To caufe an eafy Delivery. 

227 Peel, flice and fry a large white Onion in two or three. 
Spoonfuls of the beft Oil, till it is tender, boil this with, 
half a Glafs of Water : Strain and drink it in the Morn- 
ing farting, for two or three Weeks before the Time of 

6$. A Diabetes. * 

228 Drink Wine boiled with Ginger, as much nnd as often 
as your Strength will bear. Let your Drink be Milk 
and Water. All Milk Meats are good : 

229 Or, drink three or four Times a Day a Quarter, of a . 
Pint of Allum PofTet-drink. — Putting three Drams of Al- X 
lum to four Pints of Milk. — It feldom fails to cure in eight 
or ten Days. Dr. Mead. 

66. The Dropfy. J 

230 Ufe the Cold Baih daily, alter purging : 

231 Or, drink nothing but Lemonade : i. e. Lemon, Suga 
and Water : 

232 Or, take as much as lies on a Six-pence of powder' 
Lan:rel-Leaves , every fecond and third Day. It worl 
both Ways. 

233 Or, mix half an Ounce of Amher with a Quart oilVk 
Vinegar. Heat a Brick (only red hot) and put it into 
Tub. Pour them upon it, and hold the Parts fwell'd 0-1 
ver the Smoak, covering the Tub clofe, to keep in the 
Smoak. The Water will come out incredibly, and the' 


• 1 A D t bete ii* a / rec l u J ent and lar ge Difcharge of pale Urine, attended] 
with conlhtnt Thirft, and a Waiting of the whole Body. 

i A Dropfy is a preternatural Collection of Water in the Head Preaftj 
Belly or all over the Body. It is attended with a continual' TH, ft!' 
1 Jdlk Z ?ltS ' y° u P"*i' with your fin Ser . ThcUriuel 

( 37 ) 

Patient -be cured : 

234. Or, cover the whole Belly with a large new Sponge 
, . dipt in ftrong Ume-lVhler, and then fquej/ed out. Th;«: 

bound on, often arres, even without any fenfible Eva- 
cuation of Water : 

235. Or, apply green Dock-leaves to the Joints and Soles of 
the feet, changing them once a Day : 

'236. Or, abThiin from all drink for thirty Days. 'To e;tfe 
your Third: hold often on your Tongue, a thin fmall 
Slice of 'toaited Bread dipt in Brandy; or waih the 
Mouth with juice ofLemons. 
237. Ty.>--ix>ater drank twice a day has cured many : 
23?. Or, eat a Cmfl of Brad every Morning failing : 

39. Or, drink half a Pint of Sea-nvater, Morning and E- 
vening : , 

40. Or, mix a Pound of the coarfeft Sugar with a Pint of 
Juice of PelHtory of the Wall bruifecl in a Marble Mor'.ar. 
Boil it as long as any Scum rifes. When cool, bottle 
and cork it. If very bad, take three Spoonfuls at Night 
and two in the Morning.— It feldoms fails : 

J4I. Take a Spoonful of the Juice of Artichoke- leaves, Morn- 
ing and Evening : 
842. Or, three Spoonfuls of the Juice of Leeks and Elderr 
, le jves : I. 

143. Or, half a- Pint of Decoction of Butchers Broom, in- 
termixing Purges twice or thrice a Week. The proper 
Purges is ten Grains of 'Jalap with, fix ofpowder'd (Jirfr 
ger. It may be encreas'd or lelfen'd according to 'the 
Strength of the Patient : 

144. Or, take a Spoonful of whole Mujlard-feed, Night and 
Morning, and 1 drink on it half a Pint of Deroclion of 
green Broom-to^. This works both, by Stool and Urine : 

45. Or, bod two Handhils of Elder-roots in a Quart of 
ber.- Strain it and drink a large Glafs" thrice'a Day 
for thirty Days. It frequently cures in that Time. 

67. The Ear-Ach. 
L6. Rnb the Ear Hard for a Quarter of tin Hour : 
Or, be elettrifed : 

D 248. Or. 

i J8 ) 

■348, "Or apply to it a hot Roll: 
£49. Or, put in a roaJltdFiq, as hot as may be : 
4$Q. Or, blow the Smoak of Tobacco ftrongly into iti 
a lj 1 . Or drop in Juice of Goofe-Creafe. 

r58. Ear-Ach from Cold. 

P52. Boil Rue, or Rofemary, or Garlici, and let the Stean 
go into the Ear thro 1 a Funnel. 

dp. Ear-Ach from Heat. 

-3^3. Apply Cloths four Times doubled and dipt in eel 
Water, changing them when warm, for half an Hour. 

70. Ear-Ach from Worms. 

354. Drop in •warm Milk, and it brings them ou^s 
,.255. Or, Juice of Wormwood, which kills them: 
^56. Or, Oil X)f bitter Almondt. 

7 I. Noife in the Ears. 

357. Drop in Juice of Onions : 

,358. Or, fill them with bruifed Hjjbp. 

72. Hard Wax in the Ear. 
-359. If beft difTolv'd by 'warm Water. 

73. Eyesblear*d. 
460. Drop into them Juice of Crab Applet, 

74. A Blood-fhot Eye, 

&61. Apply Linen Rags dipt in eoldWater for two orthn 

Hours : 
j2j62. Or, blow in white Sugar-candy finely powder 'd : 
063. Or, apply boil'd ffy/op as a Foultis.— This has a we* 

deriul Efficacy. — 

( 3? » 

75» A Bruife in the Eye* 

«^4- Apply as a Plaifter Conferve ofRofer : 
26s- Or, a Pafte of black Soap and white Bread Crumb/. But 
take Care it get not into the Eye. 

76*. Burning Eyes, or hot Rheum. 

366. Apply a thick Apple paring, lying down in Bed T 

77. Clouds flying before the Eyes. 
$67. Take a Dram of powder'd ife/o/y every horning. 

78. Blindnefs. 

n 68. Is often cured by £!?/</ Bathing ; 
369. Or, by ele/iri/ying. 

79. Eyes dim or decay 'd. 

270. Ufe Eye-bright Tea daily : 

271. Or, powder'd Eye-bright, both in Meat and Drinfc. 

80. Bull Sight. 

.3? 2. Drop in two or three Drops of Juke ofrefft/j Applet- 

81. Films. 

273. Dry Zebet bum Occidentals ; i. e. Stercus humanupi, flow- 
ly ; powder it fine, and blow it into the Eye twice or 
thrice a Day : 

274. Or, mix Juice of Ground-ivy with a little Honey, and 
two or three Grains of Bay Salt. Drop it ia Morning 
and Evening. 

82. Hot or Sharp Humours. 
£?: Beat the White of an Egg into Water, i* which raes 
fine Sitear, and drop it into the Eye< 

8 D 3 *;A 

£ ) 

2 7 6. Or drop in Juice of &«>x Morning and Evening r ■ 
37*. Or, boilapfendful oTITramU " <> '•'- " t,! 

'/«w in a Quart fe* Spring Water 'to a Pint. Drop this 
. lyijixo the Eye.' This iikewite fpeedvly cures any. 

"83. Eyes infram'd. 

278. Applv as a ?axxkkfaird,rea/?edor rotten Apple! warm J 

279. Or [Voxm-wood tops with the F^ of an Egg: This 
will hardly fail. ' J 1 

2S0. Or, bear up the White of an Egg with too Spoonfuls I 
of&#/7<? R^-nvater into a white Froth. Apply this orr 
a fine Rag, changing it fo that it may not grow dry, j 
till the Eje is weir. 

84. A Lachrymal .Fiftula. || " J 

28 r . Apply a Pouki-s of fine leaves of Rue : 

282. Wafh the Eye Morning and Evening with aDecocUl 

on of Quince /e<ives : 
2B3. Or, take a Dram of Betony- leaves powder'd daily. 

85. Pearl in the Eye. , N 

*8iV A ppl.y aDiopof juice of Celandine with a Feathm 

thrice a Day : 
23$. Or, of tbrse-leav'd 'Grafs, It commofcly cures in fevetj 


Otf. White Specks in the Eye, 

286. Going to Peel, put a little Ear Way. on the Speck.- 

This has cured many : 
2^7. Or, a Drop of'thq Juice of ?en,h-i : 
288. Or, of hy juice : Afterward* blow in. a little powder'd 


j| T(. : ,s D'.foida- in tU inner Coru-rr rf ific Lvo, cmui'v* the Tejrs 
8a.w involuntarily 

( 4* J 

87. An excellent Eye-Water, 

289. Heat half an Ounce of Lap',, Caliminaris red Tiet, *nd 
quench it in half a Pint of French ^hite Wine, and as much 
Kvht: Rofe Water: Then Pound it imail and infufe it. 
Shake tho Bottle when /on ufe it. It cures Sorenels, 
Weuknefs, and mod Difeafes of the-Eye. I havekaowi* 
ie cure total Blindacf*. 

83. Another, 

190. Infufe in Lime-Water a Dram of Sal Armoniac povr- 
der'd, for twelve Hours ; then drain and keep it for (J ie. 
'This alfo cures moil Diibrders in rdie Eyes. 

89. Another, 

291 • Boil very lightly one Spoonful of white Copperas fentp'd 
and three Spoonfuls o£ white Salt, in three Pints of Spring; 
Water. When cold, bottle it in large Vials withouc 
draining. Take up the Vial foftly, and put a Drop or 
two in the Eye Morning and Evening. 

It anfivers the Intention of almojl all the preceedi/tg • 
It takes away Rednefs or any Sorenefs whatever : It cures 
Pearls, Rheums, and often Blindnefs itfelf. 

90. Weak Eyes* 

292. Mouren the Eyelids Morning and Evening witk 
ca)nphor at ed spirits cfWine, keeping them fhut. 

293. Waih the Head daily with cold Water, 

91. The Falling Sicknefs. {j 

294. Be eleclrificd : 
295-. Or ufe the cold Bath for a Month daily : 

D 3 


|| In the falling Sicknefs the Patient Falls tot he Ground, either quite 
iiitT, or convu'ieJ all over, utterly fenfeleis gnalhing his Jtctli, 4a t± 
fearing at the Mouth, "* 

, . ( V J 

296. Cr, bilce a Te'J-fpoorifu! of P.iony Roifdtied and grfflj 

ed fine, Morning antMKvening for three Months : 

297. Or, Take a Spoonful of the Juice of tine, Morning. 
and Evening tor a M ontn : 

29K. Or, half a Pint of Decoction of Lignum Guaiacuw,- 
Morning and Evening : /. 

299. Or, of Tar -water i or three Months : 

300. Or, take four Drops of Laudanam fading, for fix of 
feven Mornings : 

301 . Or, ufe an entire Milk Did for three Months. It fcl- 
dom fails : 

302. Or, take half a Dram of powder'd fttijfelto every fix- 
Hours, drinking after it a firong Infufion of iMijjcito : I. 

303. Or, the Quantiy of a Nutmeg of Conicrve of white! 
Piony Root, daily for three Months : 

304. In the Fit, blow up the Nolo a little /•■sWwV Gin 

305. Or, Les.V2$ot' .-(//arakacco powder'd. 

or. The Falling of the Fundament. 

;c6. Apply a Cloth covered thick with Brick Dujl: 

307. Or, boil a Handful of red' Roje Leaves in a Quarter oi 
a Pint of red Wine'. Dip a Cloth in it, and apply it 
hot as can be borne. Do tins 'till all is u ed. 

93. A Falling down of the Womb.- 

308. May be cured in the Manner fail mentioned. 

94. A Fever. 

309. Drink a Pint and a half of cold IVater lying down ii 
Bed : i never knew it to do Hurt : 

310. Or, a large Clai's of Tar-water warm, every Hour 

311. The bed of all Juleps in a Fever, is this :Toaft a lar 
thin Slice of Bread, without: burning; put it hot into 
Pint of cold Water ; then fet it on the Fire till it is pret 
hot. In a dry Heat it may be given cold ; in a m( 
Heat warm ; the more largely the belter : 

312. Or, for a Change, ufe Pippin or Wood forrcl 'Tea, 
PitfinPoJftt Drink: QtJVvod-forrel Pejet Drink: 

( 43 ) 

3*t'3. -Or, Decoction of Violet-leaves : 
514. Or, of St rantoberry- leaves t 

315. To prevent catching any infectious Fevers, do not 
breathe near the Face of the lick Peribn, neither iV a How 

■ 'iir Spittle while in the Room. 

95. A Burning Fever. 

316. Stamp a Handful of Leaves of Woodbine ; put fair 
Water to it, and ufe it cold as a Clyftcr. It commonly 
cures in an Hour : 

317. Or, fmear the- Wrifts, five or fix Inches long with 
warm Treacle, and cover it with brown Paper. 

9 6. A Continual Fever. 

3; r 8 . Tf not very violent, take a Dram of Sal Prunella; every 
four Hours, in warm Water till it abates. 

97. A Hec~cick Fever. 

319. Drink only thin Water-gruel, or boil'd Milk and Water, 
The more you Drink the better.- 

98. A High Fever. 

220. Attended with a Delirium and Vigilia, has been 
'cured by plunging into cold Water; which is a fafeand 
fure Remedy in the Beginning of any Fe. er. 

321. Such a Delirium is often cured by applying n*arm> 
lamb's Lu--gs to the Head. 

99, An intermitting Fever. 

322. Drink warm letumade in the Beginning of every Fit : 
It cures in a few Days : p 

"32;. Or take a Tea-fpconful of Oil of Sulphur in a Cup of 
Balm Tea, once or twice a Day. 

100. A Fever with Pains in the Limbs. 

'224 Take twenty Drops of Spirit of tfartfiorn in a Cup of 
i n .' Water 


( 44 ) 

Water twice or thrice in twenty four Hours. : 
325. Or, in ftrong Camomile-Tea, lying down in Bed. 

1 01. A Rafh Fever. 

526. Drink every Hour a fpoonful of Juice of Groitn&M 
It cures in twenty- four Hours. 
Ufe the Deception, when you have not the Juice.- 

102 » A Slow Fever. 
327. Ufe the Cold Bath for two or three Weeks daily. 

103. A Fiftula. 

5 2$. Grind an Ounce of 'Mercury Sublimate, in a Glafs Mc 
tar, with a Glafs Peftle, as fine as poffibie. Put it int« 
a Glafs Bottle, and pour on it two Quarts of pure Spring 
Water. Cork it clofe, and for fix Days Ihake it well e- 
very Hour. Then let it fettle for twenty-four Hours. 
Pour it oS clear ; filter it in a Glafs Funnel ; and keep 
it for Ufe clofe ftopt. Put a Spoonful of this Water in 
a Vial, and add two Spoonfuls of clear Spring Water:! 
Shake them well together, and drink it fatting. It works 
both by Vomit and by* Stool, but very fafcly. Keep* 
Tourfelf very warm, and walk as much as you can. The! 
fir;t Time neither eat nor drink 'tiil two Hours after it 
has done working. Take this every other Day. In forty 
Days ihis will alio cure any Cancer, -any-old Sore, or King's- 
Evil, broken or unbroken. After :he firft or fecond Vo-I 
mit you may 'u,fe Water gruel, as in other Vomits*— 
Very Weak P erjjpns Jhould not ufe this, 

104. A Flux. 

329. Ufe the cold Bath daily, and drink a Draught of Wa- 
ter from the Spring : 

330. Or, fit over Camomile-Flowers boil'd in Milk : 

231. Or, receive the Smoke of Turpentine caft 6n burningj 
Coals. This cures alfo the. Bloody-Flux., and the Falling 
of the Fundament :■ 

t^uj 332. 

( 45 )' 

5A2« C^ &\nk trf0 or. three Quarts of warm Wot?, 

33 ;. Or, put a large brown Tbaft into three Quarts of 

r " Water, with a Dram, oitockif^ql, and a Dram of Salt of 

Worm-wood. Drink it all in as fhort Time as you con-' 

I v'eniently can. This rarely fails to cure all Fluxes, Chole- 

Morbus, yea, and Inflammations of 'the Boiveh : 

134. Or, take a Spoonful or Plar.t'ain feed bruifed Morning 
. and Evening, till it ftops : 

135. Or the Leaves of it boiled in fmall Broth : 

336. Or, three 01 four Ounces of its Juice: 

337. Or, a fmall Nutmeg powder'd in the Yolk of an Egg: 
£38. Or, a Dram of the Seed of Flux-weed in two or three 

Spoonfuls ol Broth : /. 
•339. Or, ten Grains of fyecacuanah three Mornings fuccef- 
I lively. 

105. A Bloody Flux. 

3 40. Apply a Suppofitory of Linen dipt in ^ajia Vita x. 

• r, drink cold Water as largely as poffible, taking no-" 
thing elfe til! the FJux ftops : 

I r, take a large Apple.; and at the Top pick out all 

. the Core, ;mJ fill up the Place with a Piece of rfmey 
Comb ; (the Honey being drained out) roaft the Apple in 
Embers and eat it, and this will ltop the Flux immedi- 
ately : 

343. Or, thirty Grains of powder'd Root of 67^/- 11/// at 
Night, twice or thrice a Week; It is juft as good as 
Rhubarb in mod Cafes : 

.344. Or, Decodtion of Primrcfe leaves Morning and Even- 
ing : 

34 s- Or, grated Rhubarb, as much as lies on a Shilling, 
with half as much of grated Nutmeg, in aGhifs of white 
Wine, lying down every other Night. 

106. The Gout in the Stomach. 

$46. " DifTolve two Drams of Venice Treacle in a Glafs of 
Mountain. After drinking it go to Bed. You will be 
eaiier iu two £iouri», and well iu futeeu." Dr, Uevet . 

5 S 7 - 

c 4* r 

357. Bbit a Pugil ofTanfey in a Quarter of a Pint ofMoun* 
tain. Drink it in Bed. I believe this never fails. 

548. To prevent its Return, diifolve half an Ounce of Gum 
Guaiacum, in two Ounces of Sal Volatile. Take a Tea- 
fpoonful of this every Morning, in a Glafs of Spring 

Tiu helps any (harp Pain in tht Stomach* 

Dr. Boerbaavty 

107. The Gout in the Foot or H?nd. 

£49. Apply a, raw lean Betf-Jlcak. Change it oace in twelve 
Hours, till cured. 

108. The Gout in any Limb. f. 

-3 ro. Rub the Part with warm Treacle, and then bind on a 
Flannel fmear'd therewith. Repeat this if Need be, once 
in twelve Hours. This has cured an inveterate Gout J 

'35 1. Or, Dry Sage in the Sun for a Day. Apply this, and 
in one Night it will eafe the Pain. 

•352. Or at fix in the Evening, undrefs and wrap yourfelf 
up in Blankets. — Then put your Legs up to the Knees in 
Water, as hot as you can bear it. As it cools, let hot 
Water be poured in, fo as to keep you in a ftrong Sweat 
till ten. Then go into a Bed well warm'd and fweat till 
Morning. — I have known this to cure an inveterate Gout. 

109. The Gravel. 

JC3. Eat largely of Spinarh. 

354. Or, drink largely of <warm Water fweetned with Tloneyi 

355. Or, of Peach leave Tea : 

3,6. Or, of Pellitory of the Wall Tea, fo fweetned : 
357. Or, infufe an Ounce of -wild Par/ley Seeds in a Pint of 
.•white Wi»e for twelve Days. Drink a Glafs of it falling 
three Mornings. 

; 110/ 

•f- Regard not them who fay, The Gont ought not to be cured. TfacJ 
*gc*n Is (€tj»t4. I koow it cannot by their regular Prej~cri}tbi.ii. 

'( 47 > 

lie. The Green Sicknefs, 

58. Take an Ounce of Quick jlver every Morning. — As 
rt. 39. 

. Or, a Cup of Decoction of Lignum Guaiacum, Morn- 
ig and Evening. 

. To kill Animalcula that caufe the Gums to 

wafte away from the Teeth. 
. Gargle thrice a Day with Salt and Water, 

112. The Head-ach. 

.( ■ Rub the Head for a Quarter of an Hour : 
*HK. Or, be electrified : 

ifo • Or apply to each Temple the thin yellow Rind of ft 
■mon, newly pared off: 
Or, p( fcr into the Palm of the Hand a little Brandy, 
with fome Zift of Lemon, and hold it to the Forehead t 
Or, if you have catched Cold, boil a Handful of 
i'femary in a Quart of Water. Put this in a Mug, and 
hold your Head (cover'd with a Napkin) over the Steam 
as hot as you can bear. Repeat this 'till the Pain ceafei. 
}66. Or, drop Juice of Pimpernel/ into the Ear : | 

?6?. Or, fnuff up the Nofe camphorated Spirits of Lavender* 
}68. "Or, Juice oiGround-Ivy : I. 
}6c?. Or, a little Juice of Horfe Radijh : 
170. Or, drink half a Pint of ftrong Decoction of Grott*d~ 
7 ; Morning and Evening. 

1 13. A Chronical Head-ach. 

. Keep your Feet in warm Water a Quarter of an Hour 
efotv. y»u go to Bed ; for two or three Weeks : 
. . Or, wear tender Hemlock- leaves under the Feet, chang- 
ing them daily : 
I73. Or, order a Tea-kettle of ctld Water to be poured ofi 

your Head every Morning in a flender ftream : 
$74. Or, apply to the Head bruifed Cummin -feed, fried 
with sua EgfiNi 


( 4'' ) 

375. Or, take a large Ten-cup full of CSrdfo Tea without; 
• Sugar fatting for fix or (even Mornings ; 
370. Or, boil 1 irewMilk and ilrain it. Break] 

fait on this five or fix VV«eks. /. 

114. Head- ach from Heat^ 

•.3 7 7. Apply to the Forehead Cloths diptirf cold Water tot jA 

378. Or, beat white Poppy- feed to Powder; mix this wM 

Yolks of Eggs, and apply it to the Temples and tffl 


115. A Nervous Kead-ach. 

379., Dry and powder an Ounce of Marjoram and half 
Ounce of .'iflarabitcca *, mix them, and iakethem asSnu 
keeping the Ears and Throat warm. This is of great Uii 
even in a Cancer : 

380. Or, take half a Dram of Powder'd Alarum MorniD 
and Evening in any Liquid. 

1 16. An Hemicrania. J 

381. Ufe cold Bath/ ng: 
.382. Or, apply to that Part of the Head, fhaved, a Pla 

ter that will (tick : with a Hole cut in the Middle (' 
as big as an Half-penny : Place over that Hole Leave 
•V- .Ranunculus, bruiied and very moift. It is a gentle Blif 

1 17. Stoppage in the Head. 

385. Snuff up Juice of Primrofe, keeping the Head wan 

118. The Heart-burning, jf 

38 4. Drink a P in t of cold U afe'r : 

285. Or, drink (lowly of Decoction of Camomile flowers',. 


■ ,* 

i That is, an Head ach which afTVcts but one Si4.c of the Head. 
,• 11 A (harp knawingPaiu at the Orifice of the Stomach. 

( 49 ^ 

38 A. Or, chew five or fix Pepper Corns a little ; then fwallow 
them : 

387. Or, take fix Almonds and twelve raw Pens and eat them 
together : 

388. Sometimes a Vomit is needful, of Ipecacuannah, or Car- 
dus Tea. 

119. The Hiccup. 

389. Swallow a Mouthful of Water, Ropping the Moutk 
and Ears : 

TOO. Or, take any Thing '.hat makes you fneeze : 
. Or, a little canded Ginger.: 
■». Or, two or three p'referv'd Damfins. 

120. Hoarfenefs. 

i ■ \. Rub the Soles of the Feet before the Fire, with C,w- 
tick and Lard well beaten together, over Night. The 
Hoarfenefs will be gone next Day : 

294. Or, take a Pint of cold Water lying down : 

39 y. Or inftead of Supper eat an Apple, and drink half a 
Pint of Water. 

206. Or, fwallow flowly the Juice of Radijhes : 

Or, take a fpoonful of Sage juice Morning and Evening. 


121. Hypocondriac and Hyfteric 

208. Ufa cold Bathing: 

399. Or, take an Ounce of Quickfilver every Morning. 

122. The Jaundice. 
i0 o Wear Leaves of Celandine upon and under the Feet : 
401. Or, take a fmall Pill of Cajlile Soap every Morning for- 

L iS oV,°^mu D cn y LSi 

4 diree Mornings fading; tnd -^^of^ ' 
aos Or, halfaPintofftrongDecoclionofiV.//^. 

K'. Or, boil a lage Burdock root in two Quarts ot Wat* 

( 5° ) 

io three Pints. Let it ibak therein for twenty- four Hours 
■sover'd clofe. Drink a Draught of this three or four 
"Times, and it will not fail. 

123. The Jaundice in Children. 

40;. Take half an Ounce of fine Rhubarb, powder'd. Mix 
with it thoroughly, by long heating two Handfuls of 
good well cleanled Currants. Of this give a Tea-fpoonful 
every Morning. 

124. The Iliac Paflion.} 

406. Apply warm Flannel foaked in Spirits of Wine : 

407. Or, hold a live Puppy conftantly on the Belly. 
— Dr. Sydenham. 

408. Or, immerge up to the Bread in the ivarm Bath : 

409. Or, take a Decoclion of the Seed of Dill in Oil and 
Water, and then a Bit of Bread dipt< in Water : 

410. Or, Ounce by Ounce, a Pound w.a Pound and a half 
of Quick/iker. 

125. An Impofthume. 

,411. Put the White of two Leeks in a- wet Cloth, and fi> 
roaft them in Afhes, but not too much. Stamp them in 
a Mortar with a little Hogs-greafe. Spread it thick Plaf- 
ter-wife, and apply, changing it every Hour, 'till all the 
Matter be come out, which it will be in three Times. /. 

126. Pain in ths. Joints. 

412. Drink Decoction of Herb Robert, and apply it as a 

127. The Itch. * 

413. Warn the Parts affected with Jlrong Rum : 
4* 4- 

i Tu this violent Kind of Cholic the Excrements are thrown up by the 
JStouth in vomiting. 

* This Diftemper is nothing hut a Kind of very fmall Lice which 
•burrow under the Skin. inward Medicines are abfoluuto 
HvCdlefs. Is it poffible any I'hyficiaji Ihould be ignorant of thii I 

( 5' ) 

4 ■ 4- O r > with flrong Decoction of Dock-root for nine or rca- 

Days : 
I 5. Or, of Hyffop, four or five Days : 
416. Or, anoint them with black Soap : 

7. Or, fteep a {hire half an Hour in a Quart of Water 
mixt with half an Ounce of powder'd Brimflone. Dry ic 
flouly, and wear it five or fix Days. Sometimes it needs 
repeating . 
418. Or, mix Powder of ivbite Helebore with Cream for 
three Days. — Anoint the Joints three Mornings and E- ' 
venings.- — It feldom fails. 

. Or, mix a little fine Bay Salt, and as much Flour o£ 
Brirnftone, with a little fiveet Oil. Rub it well in the 
Palms of the Hands, and dry it in. — It commonly cures 
in three Days. 

>. Or, beat together the Juice of two or three Ltmom, 
with the fame Quantity of Oil of Rofes. Anoint the Parts 
affected. It cures in two or three Times ttiing : 
1 . Or, mix an Ounce of Ginger finely powder'd •with a 
Quarter of a Pound of Ircih Butter. Ufe it Morning and 
Evening. — It cures in four or five Days. 

128. The King's Evil, jj 

?. Take as much Cream of Tartar as lies on a Six-pence, 
t very Morning and Evening : 
. Or, drink for fix Weeks half a Pint of a ftrong Decoc- 
.Mi of Devils-bit : 
4.24. Or, of Ground- liy : 

425. Or, of dead Nettles : 

426. Or, of Colts-foot : Mean time, apply the Herb beaten 
up with powder'd L: nfeed and Hogs-lard, to the Sores, 
renewing it twice a Day : 

427. Or, ufe Lime-Water for common Drink : 

8. Or, the Diet-drink mentioned Art. 538. — 

I have known this cure one whole Breaft was a$ full of 

Holes as an Honey-comb : 

E z. 4^9- 

II ft commonly appears firft. bv the Thicknefsofthe Lips; then con»« 
1- ui Swellings, in the N«ck cbieny;, liken twmnj S-tes^- 

( 5* )' 

42?, ©r, feta Quart of Honey by the Fire to melt. Whea 
it is cold, ftrew into it ;i Pound and a half of Quick-LitwA 
beat very fine, and fearfed through a Hair Sieve. Stir 
this about till it boil up ofitfelf into a hard Lump. Teat 
this when cold very fine, and fearfe it, as before. Take 
•f this as much as lies on a Shilling in a Glafs of Water 
every Morning falling; an Hour before Breakfaft, at 
four in the Afternoon, and at going to Bed : 

430. Or, take two Spoonfuls of Juice of Water Parfnipsy 
with two Spoonfuls of Milk, every Morning fatting, 
for the fix Summer Months. Two Hours after, Break 
faft on Watergruel with a little Bread, 

It cures the Scurvey in three Months. 

129. Stoppage in the Kidneys. 

4 3 1 . Take twelve Grains of Salt of A?nbcr in a little Wateiv 

130. The Legs inflam'd. 

433. Apply Fullers Earth fpread on brown Paper : 
I: feldom fails. 

4^3. Or, boiled Turnips mix'; with Mutton-fuet : 

434. Or, rub them with warm juice of Plantane. 

131. Legs fore and runing. 

43c W:-ifh them in Brand; and apply Elder-leaves, changing 
them twice a Day. This will dry up all the Sores, though 
the Leg were like an Honey-comb. Proved. 

132. The Leprofy. { 

436. Ufe the cold Bath : 

437. Or, wafh in the Sea often and long : 

438. Or, waft the Parts with Juice of Catamint.i 

439. Or, mix well a*n Ounce of Pomatum , a Dram of pow- 

" der'd 

$ In this Pifcafe the Skin in ninny Parts is covered with rough, whil 
tilii. icaiy Puftulcs, and it' theie are rubb'd oft, with a Kind or' fcaljf 


r 53 > 

iei'd Brlmjfone, and half an Ounce ©f &*/ Prunella ; and 
anoint the Parts fo long as there is need : 

440. Or, add a Pint of Juice of Houfeleek, and half a Pine 
of Verjuice, to a Pint and a half of Poflet drink. Drink 
up this in twenty-four Hours. — It cures alfo the Quiufey, 
and all Sorts of white Swellings on the Joints : 

44 1 . Or, drink for a Month a Decoction of Elm- Bark Morn- 
ing and Evening. 


133. The Lethargy. 

442 . Snuff ftrong Vinegar up the Nofe : 
.4 1 . Or, Powder of white Hellibore ; 

444. Or, take half a Pint of Decoclion of Savoury, Morning 
and Evening : 

445. Or, of lnfufion oilVater-Creffes. 

134. Lice (to kill.) 

446. Sprinkle S/wz//7.> Snuf over the Head : 

447. Or, waih it with a Decoction of Amaranth. 

135. For one feemingly kill'd with Lightning, 
or a Damp, or Suffocating. 

448. Plunge him immediately into cold Water :. 

449. Or, blow ftrongly with Bellows down his Throat.— 
This may recover a Perfon feemingly drowned. 

130. Lues Venerea. 

45-0. Take an Ounce of Quick/ilvcr every Morning, and .1 
Spoonful of Gas ofSuiphttr in a Glafs of Water at Five in 
the Afternoon. I have known a Perfort cured by this, 
v. hen fuppofed to be at the Point of Death, who had 
been infected by a foul Nurfe, before me was a year old. 
— I infer t this for the Sake of fuch innocent Sufferers. 

1 37. Lunacy. 

ftfX. Give Decoction of Jgrjmony four Times a Day : 

E 3 4ja. 

( 54 ) 

452. Or, rub the Head feveral Times a Day with Vinegar, 
in which Ground- Ivy-leaves have b^en infufed : 

453. Or, broil Juice of Ground* Ivy with /^r/ Oil and IVhifc 
lYine into an Ointment. Shave the Head, anoint it 
therewith, and chafe in warm, every other Day for three 
Weeks. Efruife alio the Lc ives and bind them on the 
Head, and give three Spoonfuls of the Juice warm every 
Morning. — This generally cures Melancholy. 

138. Raging Madnefs. || 

454. Apply to the Head Cloths dipt in cold Water : 

455. Or, fet the Patient with his Head under a great Wa- 
ter-fall, as long as his Strength will bear : Or, pour Wa- 
ter on his Head out of a Tea-kettle : 

456. Or, let him eat nothing but apples for a Month. 

1 39. The Bite of a mad Dog. 

457. Apply Afhes of Trefoil mixtwith Hog's-lard. This has 
cured one that was bit on the Nofe : 

458. Or, plunge 'into cold Water daily for twenty Days,' 
and keep as long under it as poffible. This has cured, 
even after the Hydrophobia was begun : * 

450. Galen faysi none ever failed of a Cure who took two 

Spoonfuls of Ajbei of €raiv-Fi/b daily /or forty Days : 
460. C r, apply Juice of Drai •, out- 

aud drink of the fame Morning and Evening, 
or fix Days : 

powder'd Liver-ivort four Drar 
two Drams. Divide this into four Parts, and take one 

in warm Milk for four Mornings farting. 

j 40. 

; is a fnre Rule, that ill Madmen are C wards, and may be con- 
by binding only, withoi - - 

a Nervous Disorder, what Wonder, if it 

( 55 ) 
140. The Meaflcs. { 

462. Drink only thin Water-gruel, or Milk and Water, the 
more the better: or, Toafi and Water ; 

463. If the Cough be very troublefome, take frequently a 
Spoonful of Barley-Water fweetned with Oil of fwcet Al- 
monds newly drawn, mixt with Syrup of Maiden-hair : 

464. After the Meafles, for fome Weeks, take Care of 
catching Cold, ule light Diet, and drink Barley-water 
inllead of Malt-drink. 

141. Menfes Obftru&ed. 

465. Take half a Pint of ftrong Decoction of Penny -Royal e- 
very night ac going to Bed : 

466. Or,, a Spoonful of juice or Syrup of Brook lin/ehlom- 
iijg and Evening : 

* r .n . Or, &Tea.-fyoonfulo£Columbine-Jeedf powder' d thrice 
a Day . 

468. Or, boil five large Heads of Hemp in a Pinto! 

to half. Strain it, and drink it going to Bed two or 
three Nights. It feldom fails. 

469. Or, take from eight to twelve Gi'ainsof Celomed, in a 
pi!!, for two or three Nights taking Care not to - 
Cold. It vomits and purges. 

470. Or, burn a little fi Jntimony on hafing- 
Diih of Coals and receive the Smoke by atu: ael in a 
few Minutes it will takeEfFect. 

Let any of t reft Medicines be ufed at the regular Time u near a: 
can be judged. 

142. Menfes Nimii. 

47 T. Drink nothing but cold- Water, with a Spoonful of 
fine Flour ftirred in it. At the Time drmk a Gl fs of the 
ro lde •• you can get, and apply a thick . 

in cold Water : 

472. Or, put the Feet into cold Water : 


t Thi ■ y :l violent Cough, often four- 

teen Days beforcthered Spotscome out. p 

( 5« ) 

473. Or, apply a Sponge dipt in RedlVine and Vinegar : 

474. Or, bleed in the Arm. Stop the Orifice often with 
the Finger, then let it bleed again : 

475. Or, boil four or five Leaves of Red Holy Oak in a Pint 
of Milk, with a fmall Quantity of Sugar. Drink this in 
the Morning ; if the Perfon can afford it, fhe may add a 
Tea-fpoonful of B aim of G Head: — This does not often fail: 

476. Or, after a tenWRhubarh Purge, boil the Peel of feven 
Seville Oranges in three Pints of Spring Water to a Quart. 
Take ten Spoonfuls fweetned with white Sugar, four 
Times a Day : 

477. Or, ufe daily Decoction, Syrup, or Powder of Horfc- 
tail Nettles, or Plantane. 

143. To refolve Coagulated Milk. 

478. Cover the Woman with a Table-cloth, and hold a 
Pan of hot Water juft under her Breaft ; then ftroke it" 
three or four Minutes. Do this twice a Day 'till cured! 

144. To increafe Milk. 

479. Drink a Pint of Water going to Bed : 

480. Or, drink largely of Pottage made with Lentiles. 

145. To make Milk agree with the Stomach,. 

481. If it lie heavy, put a litde Salt in it ; if it curdlJ 
Sugar. For bilious Perfons, mix it with Water. 

, 146. Nervous Diibrders. 

482. Are of two Kinds ; 1, Thofe which proceed from the 
Nerves being comprefs'dby the Swdlin gof the mufculal 
Fleih : Or, 2, When the Nerves thcmielves arc diior- 
der'd: In the former Cafe, Temperance and Abftemiouf- 
nefs will generally cure : In the latter when the Nerves 
perform their Office too languidly, a Good Air is the 
firft requisite. The Patient al. hould rife early, and 
as loon as the Dew is off the Ground, walk : Let his 
Breakfaft be Mother of Thyme-Tea, gather 'd io June, ufmg 


( 57 ) 

I 'f as much as we do of common Ten. It mould be 
(Vunk with the fineit Sugar ; and Cream may be added 
if he pleafe : Coffee mull be avoided. "When the Nerves j 
pre too fenfible, let the Perfon breathe a proper Air. Let 
him eat Veal, Chickens, or Mutton. Vegetables fhould 
be eat fparingly ; the molt innocent is the French Bean 
whilft young, and the beft Root the Turnip. Wine 
ftiould be avoided carefully : Sofliould all Sauces. Some- 
times he maybreakfaft upon a Quarter ol an Ounce of the 
Powder of Valerian-root infus'd in hot Water, to which 
he may add Cream and Sugar. Tea is not proper. When 
the Perfon finds an uncommon Oppreffion, let him take 
a large Spoonful of the Tincture of Valerian- foot. 

Tke Tinfiure fhould be viade thus. Cut to Piteetjix Ounces of 
wild Valerian-root gather d in June, and f red) dried. Bruife 
it by in a Mortar, that the Pieces may be /plit, 
hut it jhould not be beat into a Powder : Put this into a ^uart 
ong white Wine ; cork the Bott'.e and let it Jiand three 
[•/, Jl:aking it every Day ; then prefs it out and filtre the 
Tincture thro' Paper. 

482. Take alfo as much as will lie upon a Shilling of the 

Powder of Mifleto, twice a Day, v. hen the Stomach is 

mult empty, farting two Hours after it ; then once a Day, 

afterwards every other, or every third Day, 'till 

t vre ' r . no more Need of Medicines. 

Let this J . ■ t be gather d in May, and the Leaves and Bark dry- 
ed carefully in the free Air, without Sun, till they are brittle. 
Let them then be reduced to a fine Powder, and kept in thai 
Form. Dr Uvedale. 

484. But I am firmly perfuaded, there is no Remedy in Na- 
ture for Nervous Diibrders of every Kind, comparable 
to the proper and condant Ufe of the Electrical Machine. 

147. An oldftubborn Pain in the Back. 

4* . Steep Root of Water-Fern in Water, till the Water be- 
. omes thick and clammy. Then rub the Parts therewith 
Moraing and Evening. 

( 5* ) 
148. The Palfey. || 

•486. Ufe the cold Bath, if you are under Fifty, rubbing an<! 
fweating after it : 

487. Or, fhred white Onions, and bake them gently in an 
earthen Pot, 'till they are foft. Spread a thick Plainer 
of this, and apply it to the benumb'd Part, all over the 
Side, if need be. /. 

488. Or, take Tar-water, Morning and Evening : 

489. Or, boil white and red Sage, a Handful of each in a> 
Quart of white Wine. Strain and bottle it. Take a fmall! 
Glai r s Morning and Evening. This helps all Nervous, 

490. Or, apply to the Parts boil'd Sage-leaves hot : anc 
drink Decoction of Sage Morning and Evening : 

491. Or oi Water- dock, applying the boil'd Leaves.. 

149. Palfey of the Hands. 

492. Wafh thejn often in Decoclion of Sage as hot as yc 
can bear : 

493. Or boil a Handful of Elder-leaves, and two or three 
Spoonfuls- of Muftard feed in a Quart of Water. Waih. 
often in this, as hot as may be.. 

150. Palfey of the Mouth.. 

494. After Purging well, chew Muftard feed often : 

49 j. Or, hold in your Mouth half an Ounce of Spirit of La- 
vender : 
4y6. Or, gargle with Juice of Wood-fage, 

151. Palfey from working with white Lead or 


497. Ufe warm Baths and a Milk Diet. 

152. The Palpitation or Beating of the Hearts 

498. Drink a Pint of cold Water : 


K A Palp is the Lbfs ef Metiwn w Feeling, er feeth in any p»rtic»iar 
J ... oftbeiioitr. 

( 59 ) 
499- Or, apply outwardly a Rag dipt In Vinevmr - 
5d. Or, be eletirified : £ ' 

Or, take a Decoflion of Mftbtr-wrt every Night. 

153. The Piles (to prevent.) 

-2. Wafli the Parts often with cold Water. 

154. The Piles (to cure.) 

503. Apply warm Treacle : 

; -4. Or, of Tobacco- leaf frcetfd in Water twenty four Hours* 

-5. Or, a Poultis of boil'd Brook-Lime. It feldom fails • 

c-6. Or, a bruifed Onion ikin'd ; or roafted in Afhes. Is 

perfectly cures the dry Piles : 
507. Or, Leeks fried in Butter : 

Or, Varnifh. It perfectly cures both the blind and 
, bleeding Piles. Z, 

155. The inward Piles. 

9. Drink largely of Treacle and Water-. 
10. Drink a Spoonful of Juice of Yarrow, or, of Leeks, 
three or four Mornings. I. 

156. The Plague (to prevent.) 

I . Eat Marigold Flowers daily, as a Sallad, with Oil and 
/ inegar : 

.2. Or, a little of the tops of Rue with Bread and Butter, 
every Morning : 
■ 3. Or, infufe Rue, Sage, Mint, Rofemary, Wormwood, of 
each a Handful, in two Quarts of the fnarpeft Vinegar 
over warm Embers foreightDays. Thenftrain it through 
a Flannel, and add half an Ounce of Camphor, diffolved 
in three Ounces of rectified Spirits of Wine. With this 
wafh the Loins, Face, and Mouth, and fnuffa litttle up 
the Nofe when you go abroad. Smell to a Sponge dipt 
herein, when, you approach infected Perfons or Places. 


( 6o ) 
157- The Plague (to cure.) 

5*4 Cold Water alone, drank largely, has cured it-! 

515 Or, an Ounce or two of the Juice of Marigold'. J 

516 Or, take a Dram of Angelica powder 'd, evc.j I 
Hours. It is a ftfong Sweat : 

517 Or, after Bleeding fifty or fixty Ounces, drink \M 
largely o£ Water fharpened with Spirit "of Vitriol. 

518 Or a Draught of Brine as foon as feized ; fweat in T M 
take no other Drink for forhe Hours. 

5J9 -Ufe Lemon-juice largely in every Thing. 

158. ThePleurify. * 

X20 Apply to the Side Onions roafted in the Embers, mot 
with Cream ; 

521 Or, take out the Core of an Apple, fill it with what 
frankinfence ; ftop it clofe with tne Piece you cut out. 
and roaft it in Afhes. Mafli and eat it. /. 

522 Or, a Glafs of Tar-water, warm every half Hour : 

523 Or, of Decoction of Nettles ; and apply the Herb, h<x ; 
as a Poultis : 

S2± Or, a plaifter of Flour of ' Brimjlone and White ofauEm 

159. To one Poifon'd. 

X2K Give one or two Drams of difiilled Vcrdigreafe. \tlfy- 
mits in an Inftant. 

160. A Prick or Cut that fetters. 

ki6 Apply Turpentine. 

161. An eafy Purge. 

527 Drink a Pint of warmifh Water failing, walking afitf 

it : 
428 Or, infufe from half a Dram to two Drams oiDamfl. 

5 lb 

* A Plearify is a Fever atended with a violent Puis ia the Side, 
a Pulfe remarkably hard. 

( 6l ) 

Rofe-lcaves dried, in half a Pint ©f warm Wa'er for 

twelve Hours : 

£29 Or, inrufe three Drams of Sena, and a Scruple of Salt 

of Tartar, in half a Pint of River Water fur twelve Houxs. 

Then ilrain and take it in the Morniner. 


162.' A ftronger Purge. 

530 Drink half a Pint of ftrong Decoction of Dock- fleet : 
£31 Or, two Drams of the powder'd Root of Monks Rhu- 
barb, with a Scruple of Ginger. 

163. The Quinfy. * 

532 Apply a large White-bread Toaft, half an Inch thick, 
dipt in Brandy, to the crown of the Head till it dries. 

533 Or, drink a Quart of cold Water lying down in Bed: 

534 Or, fwallow flowly white Rofe-water, mixt with Sy- 
rup of Mulberries : 

535 Or, Juice or Jelly of black Currants, or Deco&ion of 
the Leaves or Bark. /. — (See likewife Art. 592-) 

164. The Rheumatifm. { 

536 Ufe the Cold Bath, with Rubbing and Sweating : 

537 Or, rub in warm Treacle, and apply to the Part a 
brown Paper fmeared therewith : Change it in twelve 
Hours : 

52$ Or, drink very largely of warm Water in Bed : 

539 Or, Tar-water Morning and Evening : 

540 Or, fteep fix or feven Cloves of Garlick in half a Pint 
of white Wine. Drink it lying down. It fweats and 
frequently cures at once : 

541 Or, mix Flour of Brim ft one with Honey, equal Quanti- 
ties. Take three Tea-fpoonfuls at Night, two in the 
Morning ; and one afterwards Morning and Evening, 

F > till 

• The j^itinfy is, A Fever attended with Difficulty of Swallowing, 
ind often Breathti 
•\ Rheumatical J^ins are generally moil violent as foon as you afe 

( 62 ) 

till cured. This fucceeds oftener than any Remedy I 
have found: 

542 Or, take Morning and Evening as much Lignum Guai- 
acian powder'd, as lies on a Shilling : 

543 Or, as much Flour of Sulphur, walhing it down witha 
Decoction of Lignum Guaiacum : 

'544 Or, live on new Milk Whey and tt/vV,? Bread for four- 
teen Days. Tnis has cured in a defperate Cafe. 

165. To reftore the Strength after a Rheumatifra. 

545 Make a Rrong Broth of Cow-heels, and wafh the Parts 
with it warm twice a Day. It has reftored one who wa« 
x^uite a Cripple, having no Strength left either in his 
.Legs, Thighs or Loins. 

1 66. The Rickets (to prevent or cure) 
£ 46 Waft the Child every Morning in cold Water, 

167. Ring-Worms. 

547 Rub them with Oil of Paper : 

548 Or with Juice of Houfe-leek : 

549 Or, wafh them with Deco&ion of Soap-wort ; or HuH' j 
*ary-Water camphorated. 

168. Running at the Nofe. 

550 Snuff up a Tca-fpoonful of Spirit of Hartfoor* : 

169. A Rupture. 

^jl Take Agrimony, Spleennvort, Soloman's Seal, Strawberry* 
roots, a Handful of each; pick and wafh them well; 
flarap and boil them two Hours, in two Quarts of white 
Wine in a Veffel Clofe flopt. Strain and drink a large 
.Glafs of this every Morning, and an Hour after drink 
another. It commonly cures in a Fortnight. A good 
•'JVufs meaa Time is of great XJfc. 

J 70. 

C «3 ) 

170. A Fn & Rupture.- 

^2 Take Dccoftion of Plantant- leaves, Morning and E- 

553 :)r, dry a Spoonful of f '/ by f.he Fire ; boil 

it in Milk, and take half a Pint ever}- Morning. 

1 7 1 . A Ruptiirein Children. 

55 A E°" -Ah dried in an Oven andpow- 

d~r\\ j n ; , pj at thv$c Quartersof a Pint. Feed 

the Child conftaritly with Bread boil'd in this Milk. 

172. A Windy Rupture. 

j J 5 Warm Cow-dung well. Spread it thick on Leather, 
'R.rovjva^iam&Cummin-feedi on it, and apply it hot. Wh«a.-. 
cold put on a new one. It commonly cures a Child 
(keeping his Bed) in two Days. 

173. A Scald Head. 

556 Anoint it with Barladoes Tar, 

1 74. The Sciatica. * 

j 5 7 Is certainly cured by taking a Purge in a few Hours af- 
ter it begins : 

558 Or, ufe cold Bathing, and fweat, together with the 
Flelh brufh twice a Day. 

5-59 Or, apply Leayf&of Ranunculus bruited, for fix Hours. 

560 " Many have been cured in four or five Days, only 
by drinking half a Pint oicoldlVatcr daily, in the Morn- 
ing, and at four in the Afternoon." 

561 Or, apply pounded Roots of Burdock and erf Elicompane 
cold. This ufually cures, if kept on twenty-four Hours; 
but it gives Pain : 

562 Or, boil Nettles till foft. Foment with the Liquor, 

F. 2 then 

. * The Sciatica is aVieleiit i'^n m di* Hip, chiefly ifctfee Joint •£ 

the Ti.kili Bone. 

( 64 ) 

t^en apply the Herb as a Poultis. — I have known this 
cure a Sciatica of forty five "Years (landing. 

563 Or, boil Calamint ; apply this as a Poultis, (hifting it 

daily. Mean-time drink a Decoction of it Morning and 

564 Or, apply Flannels dipt mfiale Lie, boil'd with Salt as 
Lot as you can bear, for an Hour. 

'i 75. Inflammations or Swellings of the Scrotum. 

565 Wafh it thrice a Day with ftrong Decoction of Jgri- 

ij6. A Scorbutick Atrophy. } 

566 Ufe sold Bating : Which alfo cures all 

177. Scorbutick Pains. 

178. Scorbutick Sores. 

567 Put half a Pound offrefh fhaved Vrgnum-iit * and half' 
an Ounce of Sena into an Earthen Pot, that holds fix 
Quarts. Add fire Quarts of foft Water, and lute the 
Pot clofe. Set this in a Kettle of cold Water, and put it 
over a Fire, till it has boiled three Hours. Eset it ftand 
in the Kettle till cold. When it has ftood one Night 
drink daily half a Pint, new Milk warm, fatting, and at 
four in the Afternoon. Waft with a little of it. In three 
Months all the Sores will be dried Up. 

179. The Scurvy. f 

56$ Live on Tun:ips for a Month : ' 

569 Or, an entire Milk Diet, for fix Months: 

570 Or, take Tar-<water Morning and Evening for three 
Months • 

.. 5 7 i 

\ Such a Degree of the Scurvy, ascaufesthe Flffh to waftr away, like 
a CoHJuTHption. 

f The i.V/;irv is known by Heavinefs ofBody, Waerinefs, Rottenncflj 
01 Gums, and yellow, lead or violet-coloured Spots on the Legs. 

( (>s I 

57 T Or, Infunoa of Horfe-Radijh : 

572 Or, Deeo&ion of great Water-fioch 

SI 3 Or, three Spoonfuls of Nettle juice every Mcrtmi«r: 
574 Or, infufe dried Dock-rods in your common Drink : 
'575 Or, ufe Infufion or Powder of Wall-rue, Morning and 
Evening.— See Art. 430. 

576 Or, pound into a Pulp Sevil Oranges fliced, Rind and 
all, and Powder Sugar equal Quantities. Take a Tea- 
fpoonful three or four times a Day. I, 

577 Water and Garden CrefTes, Muftard, and Juice of 
Scury-grals help in a cold Scurvy : 

578 When there is a continual fait Tafte in the Mouth, 
take a Pint of Lime-Water Morning and Evening. 

180. A Broken Skin. 

579 Bind a dry Oak-leaf upon it. 

181. The Shingles. { 

580 Drink a Pint of Sea-ivater every Morning for a Week; 
toward the Clofe, bathe alfo. 

182. Sickifhnefs in the Morning. 

581 Eat nothing after Six in the Evening. 

183. Skin rubbed off. 

582 Apply pounded Self-heal. — It feldom needs repeating, 

184. Small Pocks. 

583 Drink largely of To'aji and Water : 

584 Or, let your conftant Drink be Milk and Water mixt. 

58 j The heft Food is Milk and rfpphs : 
•586 Or, Bread dipt in Milk and Water. 

587 Take care to have a free, pure, and cool Air. There- 

F 3 lure 

I A Kind of Ring-Worm, which ijicirelts the jtody, like a jfck, 9& 
an Hand's Breadth. 

( 66 ) 

fore open the Cafement every Day, only -do not let it 
chill the Patient. 
v 588 If they ftrikein, and Convnlfions follow, drinkaPinl 
of coldWaKer immediately. This inftamly flops the Con 
vulfions, and drives out the Pock. 

185. A Sore Moutht 

589 -Apply the White of an Egg, beat up with Loaf-fugak 

590 Or, gargle with Juice of cinquefoil.. 

186. A Sore Throat. 

591 Take a Pint of cold Water, lying down in Ked : 

592 Or, apply a Chin-ftay of rcajied Figs : 

593 Or, a Flannel iprinkied with Spirits of HartJl;orn m 
the Throat, and rub Hungary <water on the Top oi lh 
Head : 

594 Or, gargle with Rofe-nx<ater, and Syrup of Mulberries • 

595 Or, fhuffa little Honey up the Nof'e. 

596 An old lore Throat was cured by living wholly oa 
Jpfles and Jpple-water. 

187. A Sprain. 

597 Hold the Part in very cold Water for two Hours : 

598 Or, apply Cloths dipt therein, four Times doubled) 
for two Hours, changing them as they grow warm: 

599 Or, bathe it in good Grab-verjuice : 

600 Or, {loop it with one Spoonful of Brandy, to one c'" 

<;, and four of Water : 
1 601 Or, boil Bran in Wink Vinegar to a Poultis. Appj 
this warm, and renew it once in twelve Hours : 

602 Or, boil e : ght Ounces of Caftile-Scup and ;is much .?.:_) 
fait in four Quarts of Water. Put the Part fprained in- 
to this tor half an Hour ; or, foment with it : 

603 Or, mix a lictle Turpentine with Flour and the Yolk J 
an Egg; and apply it as a 'Plainer. This cures in 
defperate Cafe. 

604 IVeaknefs remar.iag after a Sprain, is cured by foment-' 
' ii)g the Part daily with Beef-Brim* 

( «7 ) 

1 88. A vencmous Stingy. 

Apply a little Venice Treacle : 
Or, a Poultis of bruifed Plantane and Honey. , 
foj Or, take inwardly, one Dram of {/lack Currant-leaves. 
' powder'd. It is an excellent Counter poifon. 

189. The Sting of a Bee. 
60S Apply Honey. 

190. The Sting of a Nettle. 

609 Rub. the Part with Juice of Nettles. 

191. The Sting of a Wafp. 

610 Rub the Part with Bruifed Leaves of Houfe-leckt 

6 1 1 Or, of IVater-crejj'cs : 

612 Or, of Rue : 

613 Or, apply Venice Treacle* 

192. The Sting of a Bee or Wafp in the Eye. 

'614 Apply Cardans bruifed, with the White of an Egg, 
Renew it if it grows dry. 

193. A Stitch in the Side. 

6 1 5 Apply Treacle fpread on a hot Toaft. 

194. Frequent or violent Stiches. 

(>\ 6 Drink Decoction of Nettles, and apply the Herbs hot : 
617 Or, boil two or three Sprigs of Penny-royal in a Pint 

of Milk. Drink the Milk, and apply a Poultis of the 

Herbs hot : 
1 8 Or, Take a Tea-fpoonful of Irijh Slate finely powder'd. 

>5. Accidental Sicknefs, or Pain in the Sto- 

[o Vomit with a Quart or more of warm Water. Do this 


( <» ) 

twice or thrice, omitting a Day between. 

i 9 6. A Pain in. the Stomach from bad Digefiion. 

620 Take fatting, or in the Fit, half a Pint of Canipmm 
Tea. Do this five or fix Mornings : 

621 Or, drink the Juice of half a large Lemon immediately 
after Dinner every Day : Dr. Mead. 

622 Or, from twenty to forty Drops of Elixir of Vitriol in 
Sage Tea, twice or thrice a Day : 

623 Or, in the Fit, a Glafs full of Vinegar. 

197. Cholerick, Hot Pains in the Stomach. 

624 Take half a Pint of the Decoction of Ground-ivy, with 
a Tea-fpoonful of the Powder of it, five or fix Mornings. 

198. Coldnefs in the Stomach. 

625 Take a Spoonful of the Syrup of the Juice of Carduus 
Benediflus, fading for three or four Mornings. /. 

199. Pain in the Stomach, with Coldnefs and. 

626 Swallow five or fix Corns of 'white Pepper, for fix or fe- 
ven Mornings. 

200. The Stone (to prevent). 

627 Eat a thin Slice of dry Bread every Morning : 

628 Or drink a Pint of ivarrfi Water&nily jufi before Dinner. 
After dii'charging one Stone, this will prevent the gene- 
rating of another. 

629 Stoop down, and raife yourfelf up again, If you feel 
Pain, as if cut thro' the Middle, the Pain isnotfromthe 
Stone but Rheumstifm. 

630 Beware of Coftivenefs. Ufe no violent Diuretics. 
Mead is a proper Drink. 

631 In the Fit, flice a large Onion; pour half a Pint of 
warm Water upon it. After it has flood twelve Hours, 


( <9 ) 

drink the Water. Do this every Morning till you are 

201 In a Raging Fit. 

632 Beat Onions into a Pulp, and apply them as a Poultis, 
Part to the Rack, and Part to each Groin. It gives 
fpeedy Eaie in the moft racking Pain : 

633 Or, give a Clyfter with Oil of Turpentine, 

202. The Stone (to eafe or cure.) 

634 Take Decoction of Agrimony Morning and Evening. 

635 Or of Camomile. 

636 Or, boil half a Pound of Par/nips in a Quart of Water. 
Drink a Glais of-this Morning and Evening, nnd life no 
other Drink all the Day. — It ufually cures in fix Weeks: 

637 Or, take daily four Pints of Lime-water, made by 
pouring four Quarts of Water on a Pound of frefh cal- 
cined Oyjler-Jhells and Cockle-Jhells . 

638 " Or, take Morning and Evening a Tea- Spoonful of 
Onions calcined into white Afhef, in while Wine. Aa 
Ounce will often diffalve the Stone." 

639 Or, take a Tea-fpoonful of Violet-feed powdered, 
Morning and Evening. It both wades the Stone, and 
brings it away :' 

$40 Or, burn the dried Shells of Kidney Beans to Powder. 
Put two Tea-fpoonfuls of this into a half Pint Tea pot. 
Pour boiling Water on it at Night. In the Morning pous 
it off clear, warm it again, and drink it fweetened with 
Honey. Do this daily every other Fortnight till cured. 

203. The Stone in the Kidneys. 

641 Vfe xhe cold Bath: Or, drink half a Pint of Water eve- 
ry Morning : 

642 Or, Decoction of Speedwell largely 

204. Stoppage in the Kidneys. 

643 Take Decoction of Juice or Syrup of Gmmd-voy Mottl- 
ing and Evening : 

6 -!4* 

( 70 > 

644 Or, of Pellitory of the Wall: 

645 Or, of Juice of RadtJ 

646 Or, half a Pint of Tar-tvater. 

205. The Stranguary. 

647 TJfe the cold Bath: 

648 Or, drink largely of Decoaion of Turnips fweetened 
with Honey. 

649 Or, of warm Lemonade : I. 

650 Or, of Decoaion cf Maflmtt ; 

65 1 Or, of Decoaion of red Nettle- feed : 

652 Or, Take a Tea-fpoonful of calcined Egg-jhells, Morn- 
ing and Evening. 

206. Sunburn, (fmarting.) 

653 Wafh the Face with Sage-tea . 

207. To ftop profufe Sweating. 

654 Drink largely of cold Water. 

208. Swelled Glands in the Neck. 

655 Take half a Pint of 'Sea-water every other Day, 

209. Swelled Legs. 

656 Bathe them every Morning in cold Water, and take 
eafy Purge twice a Week : 

.658 Or, take IVorm-iuoocF, Southernwood and Rue^ ftamp then 
together, and fry them in Honey, till they grow dry J 
Then apply them as hot as you can bear. 

210. A Swell'd Throat. 

659 Gargle with DecocYion of Netties : 

660 Or, of Primrofeleqzes. 

2 1 1. A white Swelling (on the Joints.) 

661 Hold the Part half an Hour every Morning, undfl 


( 71 ) 
:hc Stream that falls from a Mill ; or under a Pump or 
Cock. This cures alio any Pains in the Joints. It 
feldom fails. 

Or, apply a Poultisof Wormivcod fryed with Hogs Lard. 

212. To difiblve white or hard Swellings. 

Take white Rofet, EUer F/oivert, Leaves of Fox-glove and 
)fSt. John's Wort, a Handful of each: Mix with Eogs- 
■J, and make an Ointment. 

213. To fatten the Teeth. 

Chew often Roots of Brook-Lime : 
■ )r, put powder'd Jllum the Quantity of a Nutmeg, 
Quart of Spring Water, for twenty-four Hours' 
TJ :n ftrain the Water and gargle with it : 
466 f, r, boil fo much of Jllum therein. Strain and keep 
for Ufe : r 

Or, gargle often with Phylljrea leaves boiled with a 
little Allum, in Forge -nuater. 

214. To clean the Teeth. 

iixxb them with JJJjes of burnt Dread. 

11$. To prevent the Tooth-ach. 

669 Warn the Mouth with cold Water every Morning. 
>r, rub the Teeth often with 'Tobacco i4jbet. 

216. To cure the Tooth-ach, 

67 1 Be electrified through the Tooth : 

672 Or, rub the Cheek a Quarter of an Hour : 
Or, put a Clove of Garlick into the Ear : 

674 Or, Parjley much bruifed, with a little Bay Salt: 

67 j Or, a Piece of Plantane root, frefh digg'd up, and 

walhsd : 
676 Or, layroafted Parings of Turnips, as hot as may be, 
tiiad the Ea>r : 


( 7* 1 

67.7 Or, put a Leaf of Betony bruifed, up the Nofe : 

678 Or, lay bruifed or boil'd Nettles to the Check , 

679 Or, a Bag filled with A?/ Camomile Flowers : 

680 Or, lay a Clove of Garlick on the Tooth : 

68 1 Or, chew the Root of the yello^v Water Floiuer de ±. . :BL 

682 Or, gargle with Decoction of Mulberry Leaver : 

683 Or, put into the hollow Tooth, a little Cotton- cat 
in Lucatellus Balfam : 

684 Or, a Drop or two of Oil of Cloves on Cotton : 

685 Or, diflblve a Dram of crude Sal Annoniac in vm 
Drams of Lemon-juice : Wet Cotton herein and apply! 

686 Or, apply to the Cheek Gum Tacamabac fpread oil Silk: 

687 Or, keep the Feet in nuann Water, and rub them \«f. 
with Bran, juft before Bed-time : 

^88 Or, take an Ounce of Rob of Elder in Broth, andg*. 
gle with it. 

2 1 7. Pain in the Tefticles. 

689 Apply Pellitory of the Wall beaten up into a I\ 
changing it- Morning and Evening. 

2 1 8. To draw out Thorns, Splinters and Bq 

690 Apply Nettie Roots and Salt : 

691 Or, Turpentine fpread on Leather. 

219. The Thrufli. * 

692 Mix juice of Celandine with Honey, tothe Thicl 
Cream. Intufe a little powder'd Saffron. Let this 
mer a while and fcum it. Apply it (when needed) 
a Feather. At the fame Time give eight or ten Cl 
of Rhubarb. 

220. Torpor (or Numbnefs) of the Limbs 

693 Ufe -the cold Bath, with Rubbing and Sweal 

Little, whitiflj Ulcers in the Mouth. 

( 73 ) 

2 2i. Twifting of the Guts. 

694 Many at the Point of Death have been cured by taking 
one, two or three Pounds of ^uickfiher in Water. Pareur. 

222. The Tympany or Windy Dropfy. * 

695 Ufe the cold Bath, with Purges intermixt : 

696 Or, mix the Juice of Leeks and of Elder. Take two 
or three Spoonfuls of this Morning and Evening. 

223. A Vein or Sinew cut. 

697 Apply the inner green Rind of Hazle frefh fcraped. 

224. The Vertigo or Swimming in the Head, 

698 Take a Vomit or two : 

699 Or, Ufe the cold Batk for a Month : 

700 Or, drop Juice of Pimpernell into the Ear Morning and! 

701 Or, in a May Morning, about Sun-rife, fnuff up daily 
the Denv that is on Mallow Leaves : 

702 Or, apply to the Top of the Head, (haven, a Plaifter 
of Flour of Brimftone, and white of Eggs : 

-703 Or, drink Morning and Evening half a Pint of De- 
co&ion o£ P rimrofe-root : I. 

704 Or, of &7£fwalhing alfo the Head, therewith: 

705 Or, take every Morning half a Dram of Mujlard-feed. 

225. Vigilia, Inability to Sleep. 

706 Apply to the Forehead for two Hours, Cloths four 
Times doubled, and dipt in cold Water. I have known 
this applied to a lying-in Woman, and her Life faved 
thereby : 

707 Or, ufe the cold Bath. It cures even in defperate Cafes: 

708 Or, apply to the Head Leaves of water Lillies : 

709 Or, a Poultis of Henbane and Poppy-feed, beaten toge- 
ther : 

710 Or, ufe fmall Dofesof Camphor. It is both fafex and 
jfurex than Opium* 

G 355 

( -74 ) 
226. Bite of a Viper or a Rattle-Snake. 

^Il Rub the Place immediately with common Oil. Quere, 
Would not the fame cure the Bite of a mad Dog ? Would 
it-not he worth While, to make the Trial on- a Dog ? 

227. To prevent the Bite of a Viper. 
512 Rub the Hands with Juice of Radijloes . 

228. An Ulcer. 

713 Dry and powder a Walnut Leaf, and drew it on, and 
Jay another Walnut Leaf on that: 

714 Or, boil Walnut-tree Leaves in Water with a little Su- 
gar. Apply a Cloth dipt in this, changing it once 
in two Days. 

229. An Inward Ulcer. 

515 Drink Tar-water Morning and Evening : 
716 Or, Deco&ion of Pimpernel. 

2 30. Ulcer in the Bladder or Kidneys. 

5? 17 Take Decoction of Agrimony thrice a Day : 

Jfl8 Or, Decoclion, Powder, or Syrup of Horfe-tail. 

231. A Fiftulous Ulcer. 

519 Apply Wood Betony bruifed, changing it daily : 
720 Or, Leaves of Water Dock bruifed. 

232. A Bleeding Varicous Ulcer in the Leg, 
$2 1 Was cured only by conftant cold Bathing ; 

233. A Malignant Ulcer. 

J23 Foment Morning and Evening, with a Deco&ion of 

Mint. Then fprinkle on it finely powder'd Rue : 
723 Or, apply Juice of PiwfrrwIlWikl with the tferb. 


( 75 ) 
2 34* A Stubborn Ulcer. 

724 Burn toAfhes (but not" too long) the grofs Stalks 
which the red Colexvorts grow. Make a Plaifter with t 
andfreih Butter. Change it once a Day. 

72; Or, apply a Poultis of boW'd Par/nipt. This will cui • 
even when the Bone is foul. 

235. An eafy and fafe Vomit, 

726 Boil half a Handful of Artichoke-haves in a Quart o^ 
Water. The more you drink of warm Water after it 
the better : 

727 Or, a Dram and a half of Primrofe Root ft vder'd : 
It is beft if gather'd in Augufl. 

728 Or, infnfe three Drams of RadiJJj-feed in a Quart of 
warm Water for twelve Hours. Squeeze oifthe Water, 
and take it. 

236. To flop Vomiting. 

729 If the Vomiting be not the Effect of a Medicine : after 
every Vomiting drink a Pint of warm Water : 

736 Or, apply a large Onion flit, to the Pit of the Stomach: 

731 Or, take a Spoonful of Lemon-juice and fix Grains of 
Salt of Wormwood : 

732 Or, infufe an Ounce of Quickfilver in a large Glafsfull 
of Water for twenty-four Hours. Then driak the Wa- 
ter : /. • 

237. Bloody Urine. 

733 Take a Quarter of a Pint of Sheept Milk twice a Day : 

734 Or, halfa Pint of Deco&ion ofAgrmonjf: 

73J Or, of Decoction of Yarrow. 

238. Urine by Drops with Heat and Pain. 

7;6 Drink nothing but Lemonade; 

737 Or, beat up the Pulp of five or fixroafted Applet with 

G 2 near 

( 7« ) 

Bear a Quart of Water. Take it lying down. It com- 
monly cures before Morning. 

239. Involuntary Urine. 

738 Ufe the cold Bat h .- 

739 Or, take aTeafpoonful of powder'dy^r/wflwvin a lit-, 
tie Water Morning and Evening. 

740 Or, a, Quarter of a Pint of Allum-Poffet-Drink every 

240. Sharp Urine. 

741 Take two Spoonfuls of frefh Juice of 'Ground-Ivy. 

241. Supprefllon of Urine. 

742 Drink largely of warm Lemonade: 

743 Or, take a Spoonful of Juice oiLemoHs, fweetn'd with 
Syrup of Violets : 

744 Or, a Spoonful of Juice of Radifloes : 

745 Or, two Spoonfuls of Juice of Onions : 

242. Uvula inflamed. * 

746 Gargle with a DecocYion of beaten H snip -feed : 

747 Or, with Decoction of Dandelion. 

243. Uvula relax'd. 

748 Bruife the Veins of a Cabbage-leaf, and lay it hot on the ' 
Crown of the Head. Repeat, if needed, in two Hours: 1 

749 Or, gargle with Decoction of Water Dock: 

750 Or, with Infufion of Muflard-feed : 

244. Warts. 

751 Rub them daily with a Radijb : 

* This is uiually called the Palate of the Mouth. 

( 77 ) 

7J2 Or, with Juice of Dandelion : 

753 Or, of Marigold Flowers ; • 

754 Or, Water in which Sal Jrmoniac isdiflolved. 

245. The Whites. 

755 Feed fparinglv. Ufe Exercife conftantly. Sleep mo- 
derately but never lying on your Back. 

756 Firft bleed. Then purge thrice with twenty Grains of 
Rhubarb and five of Calomel : 

757 Or, boil four or five Leaves of the white Holy Oak, in 
a Pint of Milk with a little Sugar. Then add a Sea-fpoon- 
ful of Balm o/Gilead. Drink this every Morning. /. 

758 Make Venice Turpentine, Flour and/w Sugar, equal 
Quantities, into fmall Pills. Take three or four of thefc 
Morning and Evening. This alfo cures molt Pains in the 
Back : 

759 Or, Quickfilver and Gas of Sulphur, as for an Afthma, 
This feldom fails : 

760 Or, after Purging, take about fifteen Grains of Cerufe 
cf Antimony in. white Wine, twice or thrice a Day. 

246. A Whitlow. 

761 Apply a Poultis of chew* d Bread. Shift it once, a Day : 

762 Or, a Plaifter of Ground-Ivy ftampt. 

247. Weaknefs in the Ankles. 

763 Hold them in cold Water a Quarter of an Hour, Morn- 
ing and Evening. 

248. Worms. * 

764 Take a Spoonful of Salt in a Glafs of Water every 
Morning : 

G 3 "M 

- A Child may be known t.have the Worms, ty Chnlnefs, Palenefs, 
fcollowErs, Itching of the Nofe, Starting in Seep, and an unufaUf 

-gft KUk< 

( 78 ) 
Or, a Dram and a half of Nitre in,Broth : /. 
Or, a Spoonful of Juice of Spear-mint : 
■ ; <>J Or, of Juice of Lemons : 

768 Or, a Glafsof Onion-water : 

769 Or, boilan Ounce of ^/V^/wr in half a Pint of Spring 
Water. Ufe this for common Drink : 

770 Or, take two Tea-fpoonfulls of Worm-feed mixt with 
Treacle for fix Mornings : 

771 Or, a Dram of powder'd Fern-root, boil'd in Mead. 
This kills both the flat and round Worms. Repeat the 
Medicine from Time to Time. 

249. Flat Worms. 

772 Take Filings of Tin and red Coral, of each an equal 
Quantity : Pound them together into a very fine Powder: 
Of which one Drachm, made into a Bolus with Confervt 
of the Tops cf Sea-ivorm-<wood, is to be taken twice a Day. 

250. Wounds. 

773 Apply Juice or Powder of Tarrotv. I. 

774 Or, bind Leaves of Ground-Ivy upon it : 

775 Or, bruifed JFfyfbp , with a little Sugar : 

776 Or, Wood-betony bruifed. This quickly heals even cut 
Veins and Sinews, or draws out Thorns or Splinters. 

777 Keep the Part in cold Water for an Hour, keeping the 
Wound clofed with your Thumb. Then bind on the thin 
Skin of an Egg-fliell, for Days or Weeks, till it fall off it- 
felf. Regard not tho'it prick or (hoot for a Time. 

251. Inward Wounds. 

778 Infufe Yarrow twelve Hours in warm Water. Take a 
Cup of this four Times a Day. /. 

252. Putrid Wounds. 

779 Wafli them Morning and Evening jvith warm Decepti- 
on of Agrimony. If they heal too fora, ar. d a Matter 
gather underneath, apply a Poukis of the Leaves pound- 
ed, changing them once a Day, till well. 

253. Wounded Tendons. 

380 Boil Comfrey Roots to a thick Mucilage, and apply this 
as a Poukis, changing i; once a Day. 

" CO LD- 

t* 79 ) 


Cures Young Children of 

J Coughs, 
Cutaneous Inflammations, Pimples, and Scabs, 

Inflammations of the Ears, Navel, or Mouth, 

Suppreflion of Urine, 
Want of Sleep, 

It prevents the Growth of Hereditary 
' Gout, 
King's Evil, 

It cures every Nervous, f and every Paralitick Diforder : 
in particular, 

The Afthma, 


+ And this, I apprehend, accounts for its frequently curing^ Mite o/ 
« mad Dog; efpecillJy if it Le repeated for tWCHty-fivc W thirty Pajs 

( 8° ) 

Ague of every Sort, 



Cancer , 

Chorea San&i Viti, 


Coagulated Blood after Bruifes t *' 




Complication of Difternpers, 

Convulfive Pains,* 




Flour Albus, 

Violent Fevers, 

Gout (running) 

He&ick Fevers, 


Hyfterick Pains,* 



Involuntary Stool, or Urine,* 


(Old) Leprofy, 


Lofs of Apetite,* of Smell,* Speech,* Tafte,* 

Nephritick Pains, 

Palpitation of the Heart, 

Pain in the Back, Joints,* Stomach,. 




S iMca,* 

.its, (at the Beginning) 
Scorbutick Pains,* 
Swelling on the Joints, 
Stone in the Kidneys, 


[ 8r ] 

Teunus° f thC LimbS ' ^ Whe " thcUfe ° ftllCm is ]oft > 



St. Vitus's Dance, 


Varicous Ulcers, 

But in all Cafes where the Nerves are obftrutfed, (fuch 
as thofe marked thus*) you fhould go to Bed immediately 
after, and fweat. 

'Tis often ufeful, to ufe the h»t Bath a few Days before 
touufethe Cold. 

Wife Parents fhould dip their Children in cold Water e- 
Tery Morning, till they are three Quarters old ; and after- 
wards their Hands and their Feet. 

N. B. No Child fhould ever be fwath'd tight. It lay 8 

the Foundation for many Difeafes. 'Tis beft to wean 

a Child at about feven Months old. They fhould lie in the 
Cradle at leaft a Year. No wife Parent fhould fuffer a 
Child to drink any Tea ; (at leaft, till it is ten or twelve 
lears old) or to tafte Spice or Sugar*Milk, Milk-porridge, 
.nd Water-gruel are the proper Breakfaft for Children. 

Wafhing the Head every Morning in cold Water, pre- 
Tents Rheums, and cures Coughs, old Head-aehs, and fore 

Water-drinking prevents 





Hyfterick Fits, 





To this Children fhould be bred up from their Cradles. 

C '82 J 

Eletlrifying in a proper Manner, cures 

St. Anthony's Fire, 


Blood extravafated, 


Coldnefs in the Feet, 

Contractions of the Limbs, 




Feet violently diforder'd. 


Fiftula Laery malis, 






King's Evil, 

Knots in the Flefh, 

Lamenefs, _ 



Pain in the Stomach, 

Palpitation of" the Heart, 



Ring- Worms, 





Swelling of all Sorts, 

Throat rfore, 



C 83 ] 

Nor have I yet known one fmgle Inftance, wherein it 
lone Harm : So that I cannot but doubt the Veraritv of 

winch have affirmed the contrary. Y 

ifting Spittle outwardly applied every Morning has * 
jometimes relieved, and fometimes cured 6 


Corns, (mixt with chew'd Bread and applied everr 
Morning) * r J 

Cuts, (frefh) 

Eye- lids, red and inflamed, 
Scorbutick Tetters, 
Sore Legs, 
Taken inwardly, it relieves or -cure* 
Falling Sicknefs, 
King's Evil, 

Swelled Liver, 

e beft Way is, to eat about an Ounce of hard Bread 
. a-bifcuit, every Morning ; fafting two or three Hours 
XX f „ T T1 J 1S h™ 1 * 1 ^ done in ftubborn Ctfesfor a Month 
♦riu Weeks. 



