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Full text of "A few memories"

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WILL not plead the apology for publishing these few recollections, that friends—I might add, strangers—have urged me to do so. That excuse is worn threadbare, and it would not be true to say that it is that which has induced me, after five happy years of married
'e and retirement, to write this short memoir. I have, as m well aware, no literary skill, and assuredly do not wish r further publicity, lam content to be forgotten, except by :h friends as I hope will always keep a place for me in their irts. But it seems to me reasonable to believe that my ex-rience may be of some service to those who have, or think y have, an aptitude for acting. I have written these pages re for young girls (who may have the same ambitions that '.ad) than for any one else: to show them that the glitter the stage is not all gold, and thus to do a little toivards mak-r them realize how serious an undertaking it is to adopt a ? so full of hardships, humiliations, and even dangers. I have omitted from this volume numerous interesting