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Full text of "A few memories"

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iderson to attempt Juliet, but in doing so we ink she overestimated her strength. In a less acting character she would have encountered ver obstacles, and her audience would not have pected so much from hen Miss Anderson dem-strated her possession of very decided talents, deli, if properly cultivated, will fit her to shine
the highest ranks of the dramatic profession, d her performance last night shows her pos-ssed of nerve and energy. With these, success n be obtained upon the stage, and if Miss An-rson adopts the profession we shall look to see r make her mark in it, believing her possessed
too good common-sense to let ambition run ray with her judgment, and at the same time imated with an energy that will carve her way the highest point."—The Commercial (Dramatic iticism), November 28,1875.
Those who have been in print when young turally remember the feeling of importance they perienced on first seeing their names in a public irnal. I was but sixteen, and it seemed to me at a name so prominently put before the world the Louisville press would be immediately nous throughout the length and breadth of the