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ie wished it to be put in a room where it would sound well," as she had composed a piece of mu-c in honor of the poet's birthday, and meant to lay it to him on her own instrument.
Longfellow was a great lover of music, and /agner appealed to him strongly. We heard sev-:al operas together in Boston after my engage-tent there. He generally arrived before us, •med with flowers and full of delightful anticipa-on. On one of these occasions some one sent a lagnificent bouquet to our box. Not knowing ie donor, I did not take it up. He insisted on iy doing so. " Put down my simple ones," he dd, "and take up these beautiful flowers. It will ratify the giver, who is no doubt in the house; y never to miss an opportunity of giving pleas-re. It will make you happier and better." Kind-ess was the keynote of his character. No incon-snience to himself was too great if a good turn > any one was at the end of it.
A few months before his death, being unable irough illness to leave the house, he sent for 5 again. The usual warm welcome awaited us. uncheon over, he showed me a " new toy," and ied to be amusing; but there was a veil of sad-ess over him, and I noticed how feeble he had