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Pose after pose was tried, but the judges in front had something to say against each. I went to my dressing-room on the eventful night in tears; but, clashing them aside, I resolved to make my own statue in my own way. Though it was already six o'clock, my mother bought and hastily made the drapery which was necessary for the new effect. In my white Greek clothes, with swollen eyes and tear-stained face, I worked for an hour before the long mirror, when suddenly the statue that I wanted stood before me. The audience received it with round after round of applause, and Mr. Gilbert acknowledged himself satisfied with his new Galatea. This success I thought was deserved not for any excellence on my part, but because of the suffering I had undergone during the many rehearsals. When driving to and from the theatre I had often envied the old women sweeping the street crossings.
Wishing to discard "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and get a one-act play from the author of the " Bab Ballads/5 in order to have a complete Gilbert bill, we induced him to give us his powerful little piece entitled " Comedy and Tragedy," which had not yet been acted. The fine speech of Clarisse describing what an actor is did not