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SALT  LAKE CITY                             217
V blank seized my mind. Having visited a new r every day for four weeks, I could not think n what town we had just come, and foolishly wered, " I — I don't know." His reverence ked surprised; and wishing, no doubt, to re--e my embarrassment, asked if we were to rein long in---------. On being told that we wrere
ring that night, he naturally inquired where we •e going. In my confusion I again foolishly wered, " I—I do not know," He looked at me h much wonder, and, with a distant " Good-rning," went back into the sacristy. My friend re was interrogated in the same way, and an-ired much as I had done. The astonished ler then left hurriedly, thinking, no doubt, t his church was in the possession of two aped lunatics.
\fter visiting all of the important Eastern and
ny of the Southern cities, we toured through
West.    At Salt Lake City we found our old
nd, General  McC------, who, during our stay,
k us about in an army ambulance drawn by mules. I had had many such drives in earlier ,rs, but they were particularly enjoyable after a iod of ultra-civilization in London. Like Hans ristian Andersen's Little Glaus, one felt like