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218                           A FEW MEMORIES
shouting out, "Whoa! look at my six horses!" (mules in this case), as, whipped up by the blue-coated, brass-buttoned soldier, they flew through the broad streets. We played " Pygmalion and Galatea" there. The house was largely composed of groups of women with one unfortunate husband sitting in their midst. One of the stage boxes was quite filled with women, while in the foreground sat the newest wife, with the husband of them all close beside her, the old ones literally obliged to take back seats. The play was received with enthusiasm until Galatea's lines to Pygmalion, " Then I will be thy wife," to which he answers, "That may not be; I have a wife. The gods allow but one;' when I grew cold, awaiting the effect of a doctrine so opposed to Mormon practice. But, fortunately, their only sign of disapproval was a rigid silence from that moment to the end of the performance. Their resentment was so deep that Gilbert's most amusing lines, which were always received with roars of laughter, failed to elicit even a smile.
Salt Lake City, lying in a grove of fruit trees, with wide streets, through which clear mountain streams flow, is, I think, one of the most beautiful cities in America. There is an excellent view of