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[uite. as bitterly as did my venerated guardian, Dater Anton, my cup of unhappiness overflowed. Ill my early successes were clouded by the aliena-ion of such unique friends. My satisfaction and lelight may be imagined when, after years of es-rangement, Father Boucher met me with the same rust with which he had honored me as a child, ,nd heartily gave me his blessing.
It was also at Louisville that the highly com->limentary "resolutions" passed by the Senate of Kentucky, and unanimously adopted by that body, yere presented to me. They were the State's :rowning expression Qf good-will to their grate-ul, though unworthy, countrywoman.
There have been so many conflicting reports .bout my illness that season—which was only the latural result of overwork—that I am glad to be ible to give an accurate account of those last lights of my stage career. The strain of living o many lives in one, added to the wear and tear >f constant travel, was beginning to tell upon me. \t Cincinnati I felt too weary to act, but went hrough the engagement there; and, to my sur-)rise, was told by every one that my work was )etter than usual. At Washington (it was in-tuguration week, and Mr. Harrison had justitticed summer-house (where, as a child, I had re- run of " Hamlet." InLIN. Mr. FULLER MELLISH.