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LAST  AH'KARAXCK ON  THE STAGE              257
to go through. Donning the statue-like draperies of Ifennione, I mounted the pedestal My physician, formerly an officer in the army, said that ht* hail never, even in the midst of a battle, felt so nervous as when he saw the figure of Hcrmi-one swaying on her pedestal up that long flight of stairs. Kvery moment there was an hour of torture to mi1! for I felt myself growing fainter fainter All my remaining strength was put into that last effort. 1 descended from the pedestal, and wan able to speak all but the final line. This remained unuttercd, and the curtain rang down on my last                  on the stage.
Tin* following November (1889) I became en-to Antonio  F, de  Navarro, whom I had known for many yeans and in June of 1890, at the little Catholic church at Hampstcad, London, we were married.    Many and          Inducements
have Mtu-e         frequently offered me to act again,
»* II fit mute trap dicr pour briller dans le monde, f'uwbii'it je         aimer ma retraite profonde; I'mtf            hcureux, vivons cacbtfs."
I? a loud hum, which I was afterwards told was a great burst of applause from the audience. The pastoral scene came to an end. There was only one more act(where, as a child, I had re- run of " Hamlet." InLIN. Mr. FULLER MELLISH.