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J. F. Rutherford, of the New York City Bar 















" Ye( once more I shake not the earth only, 
hat also ke^en * * * thai those things ivhich can- 
not he shaken may remain," — Heh* f 2:26,27* 




CERTAIN leading- clergymen, represent- 
ing numerous church denominations, 
such as Episcopalian, Presbyterian, 
Baptist, Methodist, Christian, Lutheran, 
United Brethren, and certain Catholic 
bishops, priests and prelates, have united in 
their cause of action against ONE MAN. 
They are assailing him from every conceiva- 
ble quarter, using all possible means, foul or 
fair, to destroy that ONE MAN'S inBuence 
and power. They seek to enlist every possi- 
ble agency, willing or unwilling, to aid them 
in their unrighteous conflict. They have 
precipitated the biggest ecclesiastical dis- 
turbance ever known. The noise of their 
battle is beard to the uttermost parts of the 
earth and their dust is blinding many people. 
The Ecclesiastical Heavens are being shaken 
with great violence. Who will fall.'' Who 
will remain unshaken ? 

As statements of judges and attorneys 
have been quoted by these allied forces, and 
without warrant used as a pretext for their 
attack, and used also as a basis for peculiar 
newspaper stories, the -writer of this booklet 
feels duty bound to review the case and 
publish the facts to the world. 






]HIS is the day of big things! Big enterprises, 
big trusts, big alliances and big fights! A 
big battle always creates much noise and 
attracts some attention. This ecclesiasti- 
cal disturbance is no exception ! 

In every great controversy there must 
be at least two parties. Usually one is 
wrong and the other right. Each will 
claim to be right. Each one may be conscientious. Con- 
science, however, is not always a safe moral guide. It will 
depend on whether or not that conscience has been educated 
according to the Divine rule. It is sometimes difficult for 
even the unbiased to determine who has the right of the 
controversy. There is one Guide we can always safely follow. 

Jehovah governs the Universe by fixed 
laws or rules, which we call principles. 
The man who acts in harmony therewith is governed by 
principle. The one who acts contrary thereto is controlled by 
passion. The parties to a great fight may be foreshadowed, arid 
the right or wrong thereof be determined, by the application of 
these fixed principles. 

Most men claim to be conscientious, and we credit them 
with so being, but their conscience is often guided by the 
wrong influence. To determine the right of the controversy 
we must ascertain the Divine rule and apply it. The majority 
are measurably controlled by other men; therefore, to that 
extent controlled by passion and not by principle. For this 
reason the man who occupies an honorable position among 
men holds a place of great resfwnsibility. 

A Minister of the Gospel occupies a 
most honorable position, A good man 
in such a place is a power for good, but 
when a Clergyman uses the garb of his 
sacred office to accomplish a selfish purpose, or to vent his 


6 Servants of God or of Satan? ■ 

spleen against one with whom he differs, he not only violates 
his obligation to God, but degrades himself and dishonors the 
cause of Christianity. 

There are but two Great Masters — God and Satan. Every 
person serves one or the other of these Masters. God puts in 
operation good principles always. His Law furnishes an ab- 
solutely perfect guide. Satan exercises an evil power always. 
He is the father of falsehood, misrepresentation and abuse. 
Do all clergymen serve the same Master? "Ye are servants' 
of him whom ye obey." " If any man have not the Spirit of 
Christ he is none of His." (See Appendix for further proof 
on this point.) 

HOLY WRIT SAYS, Every Clergyman is presumed to be 
"SPEAK EVIL OF ' ^ Christian. Sometimes this is a vile 
NO MAN" presumption. Plainly God's Word 

says to Christians, "Speak evil of no 
man." "Who art thou that judgest another!" "Thou shalt 
not bear false witness." "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, 
saith the Lord." Sad indeed it is to see professed Christians, 
contrary to these Divine rules, resorting to slander, mis- 
representation and vilification of a Christian gentleman who is 
giving his life to teaching the people to follow Christ. Even if 
the charges made by them were true no justification could be 
found in the Scriptures for uttering them, but when the charges 
are made in utter disregard of the truth.and with the avowed 
purpose of doing injury we are constrained to ask. Are these 
the servants of God or the servants of Satan? 

Every great man and every good cause has mortal 
enemies. Great truths are dearly bought. Great refor- 
mations have had to fight every inch of the way to triumph! 
For nearly a half century the defendant in this case has been 
a shining light in the world, battling for good, that the eyes 
of men might be opened to a realization of the goodness of 
God manifested in His Plan towards mankind. He has fear- 
lessly held forth the light of Biblical Truth, and as it has shone 
with increased brilliancy his assailants have become more 

LIGHT ATTRACTS There is a reason for every wilful act. 

BUQQ BiQ BUGS There is a controlling motive back of 

LITTLE BUGS ' this great fight. Jesus said, "Darkness 
BLIND BUGS ' ^^^^® ^^^ Light." Error abides in 

darkness. The brilliancy of a light 
attracts blind bugs — big bugs as well as lesser ones — which 
vainly try to destroy the light and usually succeed in destroy- 
ing themselves. As the defendant herein has held forth the 
light of Divine Truth and led thousands of honest Christians 
away from error, away from the bondage of various man-made 

Tke Unholy Alliance 7 

systems and out of darkness and into the glorious light of God, 
his enemies have exhibited a greater degree of ferociousness 
toward him. 


ENEMIES FOR ' ^t ^^ a well-known fact that for cen- 

/^cKiTiiDiec wftw turies Catholics and Protestants have 
BECOME STRANGE ^^"^ .^^^f^^ enemies, and the Ec- 
BPD FELLOWS clesiastical Heavens have long been m 

'turmoil because of the mortal combat 
between them. In the controversy we are here examining, 
Catholics and Protestants have united in a campaign of 
persecution. Enemies for centuries now become bed-fellows 
— strange bed-fellows these! Doubtless many who are fol- 
lowing their leaders, however, are blind, and verily believe 
they are doing God service, by assaulting the great light bearer. 

The public press exercises a mighty power, either for gcod 
or for evil. It has been a marvelous factor in the education of 
the people; therefore a. power for good. When, however, the 
press is used by selfish and designing men as an instrument for 
the destruction of the good name of a fellow-man it then be- 
comes a power for evil. A few unscrupulous newspapers, 
headed by The Brooklyn Eagle, always willing to be used as 
instruments for the promulgation of sensational and scandal- 
ous matter, have joined the aforesaid alliance and taken up 
the cudgel against One Man, the defendant. 

The vulgar and the scandal monger, eager to ply their vo- 
cation, have joined the ranks and are performing their part. 

SAME OLD GAME ^^^^ °^ ^^^^ motley brigade, and con- 
OF THE PHARISEES stituting the real brains thereof, are 
AGAINST ONE MAN «rtam keen, mtellectual, far-seeing 
AGAINST ONE MAN ^^^ designing men, who, without. au- 
thority from the Lord, have taken the title of "Reverend,"- 
"Doctor of Divinity," "Cardinal" or "Priest." Long have 
these rested in ease and comfort, as the Prophet describes 
them (Isa. 56:10, 11), while their poor parishioners have fed 
upon husks until they are famished. — Amos 8:11, 12. 

Long have these designing men kept their flocks in bondage 
by keeping them in the dark. Now God's Day of Reckoning is 
at hand. Seeing their berths of comfort and popularity in 
danger, the walls of the Babylonish systems crunibling, while 
many of their former supporters are hastily withdrawing in 
obedience to God's command (Rev. 18:4), these men, without 
regard to religious belief or sectarian affiliation, in sheer desper- 
ation have joined hands against ONE MAN, the defendant, 
and have summoned to their aid all whom they can induce, 
cajole or coerce, and are exerting all their power in trying to 
stem the tide of Truth rapidly rising against them, striving to 

8 Object of Attack 

save their positions of ease.' The ONE MAN has turned the 
light upon them, exposing them to the gaze of the people. 
" Darkness hates the Light." This Unholy Alliance is strain- 
ing every nerve and sinew to destroy this ONE MAN, his 
influence and his work. It is the same old game of the Phar- 
isees. It is history repeating itself. 

EVEN GOOD JOHN "^^^ same class assaulted St. Paul and 
WESLEY'S WIFE persecuted him to the death. Martin 

JOINED HIS Luther and other great reformers were 

PERSECUTORS Victims of a like element. The great 

and good John Wesley was another vic- 
tim — his own wife joining his persecutors. The same Phari- 
saical class defamed the Lord Jesus when He was on earth. 
They called in question the legitimacy of His birth, applied 
all manner of vile epithets to Him, denounced Him as an 
enemy of the government, and finally caused His crucifixion. 
Having in mind that similar treatment would be meted out to 
His faithful servants, Jesus said, "The servant is not greater 
than his Lord; if they have persecuted Me they also will per- 
secute you." 

This case will be of special interest to lawyers and others 
who have in mind the illegal trial of our Master. Verily, 
human nature has not changed, even in this twentieth century 
of enlightenment! 

PAPAL ROME AND In the case here we see Greek CathoHcs, 
HER MONGREL Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Gentiles 

PROGENY AGAINST ^"^ J^^^' Prssbyterians and Metho- 
^NF MAN dists. Baptists, Lutherans, Congrega- 

ONE MAN ^ tionalists, etc., etc., not only in Amer- 

ica, but in Canada, in Europe, and from the four corners of the 
earth, united for the avowed purpose of overthrowing this 

The fight against Martin Luther seems a pigmy compared 
with this one. In Luther's case it was Papal Rome against one 
man. In this case it is Papal Rome and all her mongrel prog- 
eny against One Man. 

Who is the ONE MAN, the defendant 

LIVING PREACHER He Is the most talked of preacher in 
the world. He preaches to more peo- 
ple than any living man. Even his enemies concede that 
much. The Editor Afield of The Continent a member of the 
unholy combine and one of its spokesmen, recently said of 
Pastor Russell : 

"His writings are said to have greater news- 
paper circulation every week than those of any 
other living man ; a greater, doubtless, than the 

Ordination Cards 9 

combined circulation of the writings of all the 
priests and preachers in North America; greater 
even than the work of Arthur Brisbane, Norman 
Hapgood, George Horace Lorimer, Dr. Frank 
Crane, Frederick Haskins, and a dozen other of 
the best known editors and syndicate writers put 
Herein lies one of the causes for the attack by the allied 
forces. Some history will here be recalled with interest. 
PREACHERS' ^^^ nearly three hundred years after 

UNION AND HOW ^^^J*^^" .Luther's day there was a 
ORDINATION gradual development of Protestant de- 

CARDS TO PREACH nominational chufches. Trouble would 
start in one denomination; a division 
would result; some would withdraw, 
and the seceders would organize a new denomination. Each 
seceding class became known by some sectarian name, such 
as "Baptists," "Methodists," " Campbell ites,' "Congre- 
gationalists," "United Brethren," "River Brethren," "Christ- 
adelphians," etc. Each sect, by its own authority, au- 
thorized certain persons to preach, and seemingly no one had 
any special objections to this until about 1840. 

The Bible teaches that THE Church is one, the Body of 
Christ, whereas the Protestant Systems, each claiming to be 
"The Church," number nearly two hundred. Because of this 
apparent inconsistency, they feared that all their organiza- 
tions would be brought into disrepute, and therefore there 
should be some alliance between all of them; hence, in 1846, 
the "Evangeiiccd Alliance" was formed. While allied, each 
sect formed its own Ordination Boards, which boards exercised 
the power of ordaining or authorizing others to preach. 

One of the rules resulting from this Alliance has been, 
and now is, that no one shall be allowed to preach unless he 
has received an ordination at the hands of one of these "Or- 
daining Boards" already existing. Anyone attempting to 
preach without being licensed or formally ordained by one of 
these "Ordaining Boards" is branded as a scab preacher. 

This Alliance has become virtually a Preachers' Union, 
and an edict has gone forth that if anyone desires to preach he 
must get a union card (ordination) ; otherwise he is irregular. 
Some of the independent thinkers have held aloof from this 
Alliance, claiming the right to worship God according to the 
dictates of their own conscience and to exercise the liberty of 
free speech. 

uci I eiDr; /-rtwe '^^^ defendant herein, Pastor Russell, 
HELL-FIRE GONE, ^^ refused to accept such man-made 
COLLECTIONS ordination, recognizing the Scriptural 

COM E SLOWLY method provided by the Lord, and none 

10 Seats Free — No Collections 

other. He has refused to be forced into the Combine; hence 
the Combine seeks to force him to quit preaching. 

One of their strong men engaged Pastor Russell in debate, 
hoping thereby to discredit his scholarship and teaching. 
This acted as a boomerang to the allied forces, because the 
debate exposed the fallacy of the doctrines long taught by 
these systems, causing many of their flocks to flee .from them. 
One- honest member of the Alliance who heard that debate 
said to Pastor Russell, " I am glad to see you turn the hose on 
hell and put out the fire;" Hell-fire gone, the collections come 

PREACHERS' Then Pastor Russell adopted a kind of 

ALLIANCE IN trade-mark on all of his announce- 

DESPERATION ments — "Seats Free, No Collection" — 

ASSAILS "SEATS ^^^ ^^^ Alliance concluded that this 

FREE AND NO ^^^ ^ reflection on their constant beg- 

COLLECTIONS" ^'"S for money, and therefore another 

AnvFRTi«;pn rv ^^"^^ ^°^ ^"S^""- ^°^ ^°"^^ ^''"'^ ^°^ 

ONE MAN ^^^ P°°^ fellows have had great diffi- 

culty in inducing the people to part 
with their money. Their congregations have been reduced to 
a handful, while thousands flock to hear Pastor Ruscr-Il. The 
people prefer to go and hear the ONE MAN where the "seats 
are free and no collections," and where they can get some com- 
forting food. 

Unable to successfully combat the shafts of Bible Truths 
shot forth by this great modem religious reformer, his enemies 
have resorted to the old device of throwing sand in the people's 
eyes by attacking his private life and business methods. 

If a bad man reforms and becomes a preacher for one of 
these systems his past deeds are forgotten and he is heralded 
as a hero in their cause, no matter what he believes, nor the 
character of the language used to express his belief. 

But, when a good man, such as the defendant herein, who 
has a clean private life, boldly proclaims "the faith once de- 
livered to the saints" and exposes the errors of the Dark Ages 
which have long held the people in bondage, all conceivable 
charges are trumped up by his enemies, and these magnified, 
for the manifest purpose of preventing the people from seeing 
the Truths he is teaching. 

SOME NOTABLE ^'^ "°^ understand me to say that all 

EXCEPTIONS IN ^^^ preachers are in this Unholy Alli- 

nB^A/MJcoe. ance. There are exceptions. Thus 

iiwuAi V A) I lAMnc *s the rule proven. There are some 

UNHOLY ALLIANCE • y-i, • ^^ ^, ■ ^t. ■ • 

good Christian gentlemen m the mmis- 
try who are, no doubt, doing the best they know to serve the 
Lord, but these are taking no part in this unholy warfare. 

Creation Photo-Drama 11 

The active members of the Unholy Alliance, however, have 
grown desperate. Their operations are not confined to a single 
community. They have carried the fight into every State in 
the Union; every province of Canada; throughout Great 
Britain; the European Continent; China; Japan; India; 
Australia and the Islands of the Sea. 

Members of this Preachers' Union or Alliance caused thou- 
sands of extra copies of th'eir favorite medium of slander and 
libel — The Brooklyn Daily Eagle — to be printed and sent all 
over the world. As soon as announcement is made that Pastor 
Russell is to be in a certain city to speak, this reprint^ of the 
Brooklyn Eagle puts in its appearance and is freely distributed. 

Some people are deceived into believing that the Brooklyn 
Eagle is one of the greatest papers printed; whereas, although 
published in the great city of New York, its regular circulation 
is only about 25,000. 

POPULARITY OF It is awell-known fact that Pastor Rus- 

THIS MAN sell's ycrnions arc publislicd each, week 

PROVOKES in hundreds of newspapers in different 

PREACHERS' parts of the world. This provokes the 

UNION members of the Alliance, and in nearly 

every country of the world they have held meetings and passed 
resolutions denunciatory of Pa^stor Russell and his work; and 
they try to coerce the newspapers, by threats of boycotting 
and other means, to cease printing his sermons. 

As an illustration, we cite the four-column editorial in the 
Evening Journal, of Wilmington, Delaware, December 4th, 
1914, setting forth how the Ministerial Union tried to force 
that paper to cease the publication of Pastor Russell's sermons. 
There are many similar occurrences throughout the country. 

OVER 9 000 000 Pastor Russell, the defendant herein, is 

SEE HIS CREATION the author of the Photo-Drama of Cre- 
r^r,*»*A cDcc ation. It is a wonderful production. 

DRAMA FREE ^, -n-ui ^ i_ ■ ■ -^t. 

The Bible story, begmnmg with cre- 
ation, is set forth in an orderly manner to modern times. 

This beautiful story is told to the people, assembled in 
public halls, by means of a phonograph, or talking machine, 
and illustrated by many artistically colored stereopticon views 
and motion pictures. It has attracted wide attention through- 
out the world, and I am authoritatively informed, by the man- 
ager of the Photo-Drama, ikat nine million persons have see?i 
this great exhibition, in America alone, and that, too, "Seats 
Free and No Collection /" 

The Photo-Drama of Creation is the greatest educa- 
tional philanthropy that has been given to the world. The 
money to finance it was .contributed by many persons who 
are anxious to teach the present generation the wonders 

13 Religious Intolerance 

of the Bible. Had the preachers done their full duty, it 
might not have been necessary to have the Photo-Drama, 
but "Godmovesinamysteriousway His wonders to perform," 
and so HE is using many untitled and humble-minded persons 
to spread the Message of glad tidings concerning Christ and 
His Kingdom of blessings, and pointing the people to the near 
end' of Babylonish reign. 

If our forefathers, who laid the foundation of the American 
Government as a land of religious freedom, could see the relig- 
ious intolerance manifested by this combine of ministers, they 
would turn over in their graves. The methods adopted in their 
frantic endeavor to crush Pastor Russell and his philanthropic 
work are shocking to every fair-minded, Hberty-loving person. 

SAMPLE METHOD Laurel, Mississippi, is the scene of ac- 
OF PREACHERS' ^1°"- ^^r Nicholson, Manager in 

jil^.Qj^ Charge of the Drama, rented the 

Opera House at this place from Mr. 
Taylor, the owner, In which to exhibit the Photo-Drama. The 
two gentlemen were standing in front of the Opera House pre- 
paring for the advertisement. Mr. Taylor was delighted 
with the opportunity of having such a wonderful exhibition 
given in his house, and was congratulating himself, when 
along came the leading Methodist minister of the place, who 
is designated "The Boss of the Preachers' Union" there. 

Learning what was about to take place he becanic enraged, 
shook his fist in Mr. Nicholson's face, exclaiming in angry 
tones, "You try to show these things in this town and you will 
have the biggest fight on your hands you ever saw ; better get 
out of town, and get quick! '^ Mr. Nicholson proceeded, un- 
daunted by this threat, to prepare for the exhibition. The 
Ministerial Union at once held a meeting, in which all engaged 
in denouncing Pastor Russell and the "Drama," except the 
Episcopalian minister, who stood firm for religious tolerance 
and common decency. The union passed resolutions against 
the "Drama" and Pastor Russell; then called upon the Mayor 
of the City and Chief of Police and induced them to notify 
the "Drama" Manager that it should not be exhibited in that 

The Ministerial Union then used its power with the Elec- 
tric Light Company, and induced its owners to cut off the 
electric current and refuse to furnish such to be used by the 
"Drama." Their influence was brought to bear upon Mr. 
Taylor, the Opera House owner, to such an extent that he tore 
down the advertisements which, by his own direction, had 
been placed upon the billboards. The Photo-Drama Man- 
ager then went to Judge Beavours, the leading attorney of the 
city, and appealed to him for assistance. He is a "Lawyer of 

"Haberdasher" 13 

A MODERN ^^^ ^^^ School," who is willing to fight 

GAMALIEL for the right. He at once informed the 

Electric Light Company and the city 
officials that he would apply to the courts for an injunction 
against them, and have them restrained from unlawfully 
exercising their power. 

This frightened the city officials and the Electric Light 
Company, and the preachers weakened. They decided to not 
further attempt to prevent the exhibition of the Photo-Drama. 
The Mayor sent word to the Manager, saying, "Go ahead, 
only don't knock us or the preachers." They feared the 
result when the people should see the pictures and know they 
had been so woefully misrepresented. The people came and 
were delighted, some saying, "We cannot understand the 
ministers' opposition!" 

And thus this Unholy Alliance continues its fight against 
the ONE MAN, who, like a mighty ship in a storm, majes- 
tically rides the waves, keeping steadily on his course to the 
goal. While the storm of persecution rages, the common 
people crowd the halls where he goes, eager to hear, in this hour 
of peril, the message of comfort that he brings to their hearts. 
The scope of his work and his influence continue to grow, and 
members of the Preachers' Union gnaw their tongues, rage and 
imagine vain things. 

The defendant. Pastor Russell, is my friend. I have known 
CHARGES hi"i for fifteen years or more, and for 

SPECIFICALLY several years have represented him as 

EXAMINED ^^s \Qgs.\ counselor. I have carefully 

AND COMPLETELY investigated every specific charge that 
REFUTED ^^ beenmadeagainsthim. Beingfarail- 

iar with the facts, especially relating to 
the charges against him that have been adjudicated in the 
courts, I deem it my duty to the public that I publish these 

Pastor Russell needs no defense amongst those who know 
him. These lines are more especially to advise the public. 

Sneeringly, his opponents refer to him as a "haberdasher" 
and "seller of shirts." It is true that when Pastor Russell 
was a young man, and before reaching his majority, he was 
engaged in the mercantile business, selling Gents' Furnishing 
Goods, and his business ability was demonstrated by the fact 
that he soon was operating five different stores. 

If it is a disgrace in the eyes of the Preachers' Union for a 
man to labor with his hands, then surely they are welcome to 
all they can get out of it. Pastor Russell was in good com- 
pany. ,We are reminded that St. Paul was a practising lawyer 
for a time, and a successful one, too, and that he also made 

14 Corporations 

tents to provide his temporary necessities. Jesus was a car- 
penter. Blessed is he that labors. 

His enemies charge that he has organized various corpora- 
tions through which he conducts his religious work, and that 
PASTOR RUSSELL ^^ ^^^^ these asa means of personal and 
INCORPORATES financial gain to himself, and that the 

BIBLE SOCIETY corporations are merely blinds by 

which he deceives the people. What 
are the facts? 

In 1884 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was 
organized, and was incorporated under the laws of the State 
of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of the mental, moral and 
religious improvement of men and women, by teaching the 
Bible by means of the publication and distribution of Bibles, 
books, papers, pamphlets and other Bible literature, and by 
providing oral lectures free for the people. 

NO VOTE EVER Tiiis is a non-stock corporation ; il 

CAST AGAINST P^^^ no. dividends, no salaries, and no 

PASTOR RUSSELL °"^ ^^^ ever, as its books clearly show, 
reaped any financial benefit therefrom. 
It is supported entirely by voluntary contributions made 
by those who are interested in the promulgation of Bible 
Truths. Its work is exclusively religious. For each con- 
tribution of $10.00 the contributor is entitled to one voting 
share. While there are nearly two hundred thousand shares, 
and it would be an easy matter to elect some other man as 
president, there never has been cast a vole af^ainst Pastor Krtsscll. 

At the last election he was absent, his own votes were not 
cast, yet more than one hundred thousand votes of others were 
cast for him as president. The contributors and voters are 
men of strong character and many of them of superior financial 
standing, scattered throughout America and Canada. Such 
loyal supporters as these testify to the high esteem in which the 
president of this institution is held. Like other corporations, 
its business affairs are controlled by a Board of Directors. 

In 1909, the work of this non-sectarian religious corporation 
having largely increased, and Greater New York City being 
ANOTHER ^^ most accessible place from which 

CORPORATION *-° *^i''^ct its work, both in America and 

NECESSARY foreign lands, it was deemed, by Its 

Board of Directors, wise to move the 
headquarters to Brooklyn. 

I was consulted about the matter and advised that under 
the laws of the State of New York the Watch Tower Bible 
AND Tract Society could not have the same privileges as it 
enjoyed under the special statute of Pennsylvania, under 
which it was organized, and suggested the advisability of 

Corporations 15 

the organization of a similar corporation in New York State. 

This suggestion was followed, and the Peoples Pulpit 
Association was organized under the Membership Corpora- 
tion Law of New Yoric for the identical purposes for which the 
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society exists. The 
Peoples Pulpit Association holds title to the property in 
New York wherein the work of said Society is conducted. 

Later it became necessary to have a European corporation 
in the interests of the work, a large portion of its activities 
being in European countries; hence a corporation was formed 
GREAT BRITAIN under the laws of Great Britain with 

CORPORATION headquarters at London, under the 

1^ B_ g ^^ name of the International Bible 

Students Association. It was organ- 
ized for the identical purposes for which the parent cor- 
poration, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 
was originally organized, and all three of these corporations 
are practically one and the same. All contributions are 
made to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, which 
finances all the work of the three corporations named. 

Throughout the various countries of the world are classes of 
Bible Students who, independent of all sectarian creeds or 
systems, regularly assemble at their homes or public halls, for 
the purpose of Bible study, and these are known as "Asso- 
ciated Bible Students," because their work and study are in 
harmony with that conducted by the aforesaid corporations. 
None of these are corporations for profit; they pay no divi- 
dends, no salaries, and no one has ever reaped any financial 
benefit therefrom, but all funds thereof are used for the pro- 
mulgation of Bible Truths. 

Much ado has been made by his enemies about business 
UNITED STATES Corporations with which Pastor Russell 

INVESTMENT ^^ connected, particularly with refer- 

COMPANY ^^^^ ^° ^^^ United States Invest- 

ment Company. 

The fact is that this company was never a corporation in 
the strict sense of the word. It was a limited partnership or- 
ganized under the Statutes of Pennsylvania. Its capital stock 
was $1,000. Pastor Russell furnished that $1,000 out of his 
personal means. 

This company was organized for the purpose of taking title 
to certain property which it did take over and afterwards 
disposed of, and every dollar that was received therefrom went 
into the treasury of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract 
Society, and was used for its religious work. 

Pastor Russell did not receive one cent profit therefrom, 
nor has any other person ever reaped any pecuniary profit 

16 Capital — Income 

This company has been out of existence for more than two 
years, and does not own anything today, even its "capital stock 
being expended by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract 
Society in its religious work. 

There is no corporation in existence anywhere in the world 
in which Pastor Russell owns a single share of stock, nor in which 
anyone else holds any stock for his use or benefit. 

PASTOR RUSSELL'S When Pastor Russell closed out his 
WEALTH business, many years ago, he had 

upwards of a quarter of a million 
dollars. The greater portion he freely spent in the publica- 
tion of Bible literature, which was distributed to the people 
without charge for the purpose of enlightening them con- 
cerning the harmonious Pl^n of God as taught in the Scrip- 
tures. The remainder of his wealth he transferred to the 
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in harmony with 
and in fulfilment of an agreement between himself and wife 
made before their domestic troubles began. 

Pastor Russell now has no money, no bank account and 
owns no property aside from a few personal effects, nor does 
anyone hold any property or money for his personal benefit. 

His life for the past forty years has been devoted exclusively 
to religious work, during which time he has received as a mone- 
tary compensation his meals and a modest room in which to 
work and sleep, traveling expenses and $11 per month for in- 
cidental expenses, which amount is supplied by the Watch 
Tower BiblG and Tract Society. 

The charge that he has used these corporations for his 
personal and private gain is absolutely false, as the books of 
the corporations abundantly testify. Every dollar tf'at comes 
into his hands he accounts to the Society for the same. 

As an illustration, it was incidentally shown in a lawsuit 
in which the books of the Society were necessary as evidence 
that on one occasion Pastor Russell was on the opposite side 
of the continent from New York when he was handed a draft 
for $10,000, payable to his own order and which he could have 
cashed and appropriated to his own use, but, on the contrary, 
he sent the draft at once to the Treasurer of the Society, 
authorizing him to indorse his name thereon and cash it for 
the benefit of the work of said Society, which was done. 

On the occasion of the above lawsuit a committee of five 
gentlemen, experts, were appointed to audit the books of the 
corporation, and not one penny was found as having been 
misappropriated by Pastor Russell or anyone else. 

I know these facts because it was necessary for me, as 
counsel, to go over the audit. 

Domestic Affairs 17 

Pastor Russell was married in 1879. For the first thirteen 
years of their married life he and Mrs. Russell lived happily 
together. They were both engaged in religious work, and had 
been even before their. marriage. A semi-monthly religious 
journal, The Watch Tower, was published, of which Pastor 
Russell was and still la the editor. She became dissatisfied 
with his manner of conducting this journal and attempted to 
dictate the policy thereof. Being the head of the house, 
Pastor Russell would not submit to his wife's dictating the 
manner of conducting his business affairs. Without notice, 
DOMESTIC ®^^ voluntarily separated herself from 

TROUBLES him in 1897, nearly eighteen years after 

their marriage. For" nearly seven years 
she lived separate and apart from him, he furnishing her a 
separate home. 

In June, 1903, she filed in the Court of Common Pleas at 
Pittsburgh a suit for legal separation. They had been actually 
separated for nearly seven years. In April, 1906, the cause 
came on for trial before Justice Collier and a jury. 

It has been remarked by a number of lawyers who have read 
the record in this case that "no court has ever before granted a 
separation upon so slight testimony as appears in this case." 
The record discloses nothing exciept a misunderstanding be- 
tween husband and wife, and which at one time was adjusted, 
by mutual consent. The issue being submitted to the jury 
they evidently concluded that, being already actually sepa- 
rated for a period of seven years, a legal separation might as 
well take place. 

There never has been an absolute divorce of either of the 

GREATEST FISH Upon "the trial of this cause Mrs. Rus- 

STORY EVER ^^'^ testified that one Miss Ball had 

»«*MitcA/^-riiDcr^ stated to her that her husband said, 

I. am like a jelly-fish, I float around 
here and there. I touch this one and that one, and if she 
responds I take her to me, and if not I float on to others." 

All this matter the Court struck from the record and would 
not permit it to go to the jury. In his charge to the jury the 
Judge said: "This little incident about this girl that was in 
the family, that is beyond the ground of the libel and has 
nothing to do with the case because not being put in it, and 
it was condoned or allowed to pass." 

It is manifest that this "jelly-fish" story was entirely the 
product of Mrs. Russell's imagination, and other facts which 
appear in the record conclusively show that it could not have 
been true. 

18 Domestic Affairs 

Pastor Russell emphatically denied that any such thing ever 
occurred. It would seem unreasonable that any man would 
make such a statement about himself. 

But the most conclusive facts disclosed by the record show- 
ing her statement to be untrue are these: Miss Ball came to 
them in 1889, a child of ten, and was taken into the home of 
Mr. and Mrs: Russell. She was treated as a member of the 
family. She was an orphan. She kissed both Mr. and Mrs. 
Russell good night each evening when she retired. They 
treated her as their own child. (Court Record, pages 90, 91.) 

Mrs. Russell testified that the "jelly-fish" incident trans- 
pired in 1894, when the girl could not have been more than 
fifteen years of age. (Page 15, Record.) 

Mrs. Russell lived with her husband for three years thereafter 
and was separated from him seven years longer before suit was 
filed, or ten years after the alleged incident before she filed her 
suit for separation. In her complaint, or bill for separation, 
no reference whatever is made lo the Ball or jelly-jish incident. 
Her husband had no notice that she intended to make such a 
charge, and when upon the trial it was intimated by her coun- 
sel that he expected to prove such, counsel for Pastor Russell 
asked for a continuance of the case, which the Court denied. 
Miss Ball was then living and Mrs. Russell knew where she 
was and could have procured her as a witness, or have had her 
deposition, in court. No attempt was made to procure her 
attendance or her deposition. 

Pastor Russell could not have had her there to testify be- 
cause he had no notice or intimation that his wife would at- 
tempt to bring such into the case. It is but reasonable to con- 
clude that this jelly-fish story was manufactured for the oc- 
casion. Truly it is a great fish-story! 

A n iNPHFR Another point that conclusively shows 

that the "jelly-fish story/' or Miss Ball 
incident, was manufactured and untrue is this fact: Three 
years after the alleged incident Mrs. Russell herself selected 
and called together a committee of three before whom she 
and her husband met to discuss their differences and tried to 
arrange them. 

Two members of that committee testified at the trial that 
all the differences of Mr. and Mrs. Russell were discussed and 
that their trouble grew out of the management of the paper, 
or journal. The committee decided against Mrs. Russell's 
contention, and, in their language, the two "kissed and made 

The Miss Ball or jelly-fish incident was not even intimated 
to this committee. (Court Record, pages 79, 113-116.) 

Domestic Affairs 19 

MRS. RUSSELL ^^ the trial of this case Mrs. Russell's 

TESTIFIES HER counsel made mention that Mr. Russell 

HUSBAND WAS ^^ '^ ^ toom with Emily Matthews, a 

NOT GUILTY member of the household, and the door 

was locked; To this Pastor Russell at 
the time made answer under oath (page 92, Record of Testi- 
mony), as follows: 

"I said (to Mrs. Russell), 'Dear, you understood all about 
that. You know that was the room in which the slops were 
emptied and the water was carried, and that was the morning 
that Emily Matthews was sick, and you told me of it and asked 
me to go up and see her, and when they were running out and 
in with water pails I turned the key for half a minute until I 
would have a chance to hear quietly what she had to say, and 
there wasn't the slightest impropriety in anything that was 
done. I would just as soon that everybody in this room 
would be present.'" 

Mrs. Russell did not deny this statement in her testimony, 
and therefore, being undisputed, it must be taken as the true 
and correct explanation. It shows not the slightest impro- 
priety on his part. 

That Mrs. Russell herself did not believe and never has he- 
Heved thai her husband was guilty of immoral conduct is shown 
by the record in this case where her own counsel (on page 10) 
asked Mrs. Russell this question: " You don't mean thai your 
husband was guilty of adultery? " Ans. " No. " 

It is seen that the court properly took away from the jury 
the consideration of the "jelly-fish" incident to which she 
testified. These are the facts which Pastor Russell's enemies 
distort, and upon which they charge him with immoral con- 

There was no testimony produced upon the trial of this 
case that had any tendency to show that Pastor Russell 
had been morally derelict in the slightest. No witness testi- 
fied against his moral character, and no witness in any court 
has ever yet uttered a word of testimony tending to show any- 
thing against his morality. 

PASTOR RUSSELL Shordy after the trial of the above 
EXONERATED IN ^^^^ ^^^ Washington Post published 

SEVERAL COURTS ^^^ aforementioned "'jelly-fish" story 
in connection with the name of Pastor 
Russell, and charged that he was guilty of immoral conduct. 
Thereupon Pastor Russell filed suit for Hbel against the Post, 
which case was tried before a jury. The instructions of the 
court on behalf of the defendant, the Post, were manifestly 
erroneous and prejudicial, but notwithstanding this the jury 
brought in a verdict exonerating Pastor Russell, but allowed 
him only one dollar damages. 

20 Miracle Wheat 

Pastor Russell thereupon appealed to the Superior Court, 
which court reversed the judgment of the lower court and re- 
manded the case for retrial, that a jury might have opportu- 
nity to assess larger damages. The case came on for trial the 
second time and after plaintiff had put in a portion of his tes- 
timony counsel for the Washington Post offered a compromise 
and the case was settled by the defendant, the Washington 
Post, paying io Pastor Russell a substantial sum of money, to- 
gether with all costs in the case, aiid the Post thereafter pub- 
lished his sermons. 

Thus he. was completely exonerated by two different courts 
concerning the "jelly-fish" or immoral story. 

Still his enemies persisted in trying to get this before the 
public. A preacher in New Jersey wrote an article to a Chi- 
cago paper, the Mission Friend, charging Pastor Russell with 
immorality, and as proof thereof cited the Miss Ball or ' ' jelly- 
fish" story. Thereupon an action of libel for damages was 
filed by Pastor Russell's counsel against the Mission Friend. 
The case came on for hearing, and after argument of the legal 
questions involved the Court decided in favor of Pastor Rus- 
sell. The only question that remained to determine was the 
amount of damages to be allowed Pastor Russell. 

Counsel for the Mission Friend then sought a compromise 
or settlement. Pastor Russell not desiring "blood money," 
but merely that his good name might be vindicated, agreed to 
the compromise upon the following terms, which were carried 
out, to wit: 

The Mission Friend paid all the costs and published a re- 
traction admitting that it had wrongfully published the Miss 
Ball or "jelly-fish" story concerning Pastor Russell, further 
stating that Pastor Russell is a Christian and a gentleman of 
the highest integrity and moral standing and entitled to the 
respect and esteem of all good people. 

MIRACLE WHEAT Pastor Russell's enemies charge that he 
NOT NAMED BY ^old a great quantity of ordinary seed 

PASTOR RUSSELL, wheat under the name of "Miracle 
NOR DID HE EVER Wheat," at one dollar per pound, or 
REALIZE ANY sixty dollars per bushel, and realized 

MONEY FROM IT therefrom an enormous sum of money 
which he appropriated to his own use. 
This is not only an exaggeration, but a glaring falsehood. 

In the year 1911 J. A. Bohnet, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 
and Samuel J. Fleming, of Wabash, Indiana, each having a 
quantity of Miracle Wheat, together presented to the Watch 
Tower Bible and Tract Society the aggregate of about 30 
bushels with the proposition on their part that the wheat 

Miracle Wheat 21 

should be sold at $1.00 per ppund and all the proceeds arising 
from the sale thereof should be received by the Watch Tower 
Bible ano Tract Society as a donation from them, to be used 
by said Society in its religious work. The wheat was received 
and sent out by the Society, and the gross receipts therefrom 
were about Sl,800. • 

Pastor Russell did not get a penny_ of this. His connection 
therewith was this, that he published a statement in his journal, 
The Watch Tower, giving notice that this wheat had been 
contributed and could be had for a dollar a pound. 

Pastor Russell did not discover the wheat, nor did he name it, 
nor did he receive any personal benefit therefrom. Nor was the 
Society of which he is president guilty of the slightest miscon- 

Had this same transaction occurred with some Catholic or 
Protestant church no one would ever have thought of making 
any fuss about it. But the Preachers* Union seized upon it 
as another means of persecuting Pastor Russell. 

PREACHERS' ALLI- It is a wcll-known fact that the Brook- 
ANCE EMPLOYS lyn Daily Eagle is given to making un- 

BROOKLYN EAGLE warranted attacks upon others. Its 
FOR SYSTEMATIC persecution of the late lamented Dr. T. 
ATTACK UPON DeWitt Talmage is an instance. It 

PASTOR RUSSELL may seem the part of wisdom to divert 
attention by charging another with 
wrongdoing. The Eagle has not such a reputation as a good 
man would desire. 

Pastor Russell's teaching was not interfering with The 
Eagle^ but was enlightening the people and thus interfering 
with the Preachers' Unholy Alliance, and some of its members 
deemed it necessary to do something. The Eagle was em- 
ployed as an instrument to do the job. The Eagle was willing 
and ready to begin the attack. Hence, on March 22, 1911, The 
Eagle published an article ridiculing the religious work in 
which Pastor Russell was engaged (fol. 936). On the same 
day it -published another article ridiculing "Miracle Wheat" 
and various persons engaged in growing it. On September 23, 
1911, it published an article announcing that the- United 
States Government was about to take up the matter of Mira- 
cle Wheat, intimating that the Government Inspector would 
ask to be furnished with a sample of Miracle Wheat sold at 
Pastor Russell's Tabernacle, to be tested, "that the faithful 
and a waiting world may learn more fully of the astonishing 
merits of this precious grain" (fol. 981). 

As a matter of fact, the Government had been experiment- 
ing with Miracle Wheat for more than three years at that time. 

22 Miracle Wheat 

which shows that The Eagle was trying to mislead its readers 
and prejudice them against Pastor Russell by inferentially 
charging that he was selling a fraudulent wheat. 

On the same date The Eagle published a libelous cartoon, 
and words in connection therewith, directed against Pastor 
Russell and his alleged relationship to Miracle Wheat. 
Pastor Russell sued The Eagle for damages. The facts given 
here are taken from the record of the trial of that case in the 
Supreme Court of Kings County, New York. Figures appear- 
ing in parentheses, thus (fol. 774, etc.), refer to folios of the 
printed record of the case now on file in the Appellate Division 
of the Supreme Court of New York. 

The chief Issue raised by the pleadings in this case was 
whether or not the wheat in question was superior to ordinary 
wheat. Eleven witnesses testified to its superior quality over 
other wheat. 

Following are the names and addresses of the witnesses: 

Kent B. Stoner, Fincastle, Virginia; Joseph I. Knight, Sr., 
1067 38th Street, Brooklyn, New York; Isaac L, Frey, Lower 
Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania; Frederick Widener, Belvidere, 
N. J.; Henry D. Ayre, Cleveland, Tennessee; William Pray, 
Mansfield, N. J-; William I. Tomlinson, Kirkwood, N. J.; 
Edward W. Hunt, Stratford, N. J.;_Dr. Joseph A. Carlton, 
Palmetto, Georgia; J. A. Bohnet, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 
Samuel J. Fleming, Wabash, Indiana. 

The eight first named never heard of Pastor Russell or hi.s 
religious teachings prior to the trial of this case, but had been 
experimenting with Miracle Wheat and found it far superior 
to any other wheat, 

rtoiniwAi Di ANT The testimony showed that in the year 
OF MIRACLE ^®°^ ^^- ^- ^- ^^°"^^ noticed grow- 

WHEAT HAD 142 '^^^ ^^ ^^^ garden in Fincastle, Virginia, 
an unusual plant, which at first he mis- 
took for a kind of grass known as parlor 
grass, but which, upon further observation, proved to be wheat. 
The plant had one hundred and forty-two stalks, each stalk 
bearing a head of fully matured wheat. 

Mr. Stoner had never prior to that time seen a wheat 
plant bearing more than five heads. 

The unusual yield from this single plant prompted him to 
save the grain, which he planted the following Fall (fols. 73- 
75). For several seasons he continued producing this grain, 
and in 1906, about two years after discovering it, because of 
its remarkable producing qualities, he named it Miracle 
Wheat (fol. 81). 

In 1908 or 1909 Mr. Stoner called the attention of the 
witness, J. I. Knight, to the unusual qualities of the wheat 

The above U ■ pbotOEraph of One Stool of Miracle Wbeat grown In 1912 
in the zarden of Mr. K. B. Stoner, PIncajtIe, Va., within two feet of the Wen- 
tical spot where the orlzlnal stalk of Miracle Wheat waa discovered. It Is 
erown from one zraln and was six feet tall at the time this photoeraph was 
taken and was not then fully grown. 

24 Price of Miracle Wheat 

and it was arranged that they should grow the wheat on 
shares and. market it after accumulating a sufficient supply 
(fols. 86, 127, 129). Mr. Knight received a forty-five per cent. 
(45%) interest in the whieat. They agreed to withhold the 
wheat from the market until 1912 (fol. 128), but subsequently 
decided to sell in August, 1911 (fbls. 128, 125). 

MIRACLE WHEAT ^j^^^ ^"^^^"^ .!?^^ arrangement wilh 
SOLD BY ^^' Stoner Mr. Knight went to 

OTHERS AT $1.25 Europe and exhibited the wheat in 
___ oniiNrv ' the agricultural departments of va- 

PER pouMu riouscountries (fols. 129-131). Neither 

Mr. Knight nor Mr. Stoner had ever corresponded with Pas- 
tor Russell, nor had any acquaintance with him or with any 
of his associates prior to the time of the trial (fols. 82, 154). 
Prior to his meeting Mr. Knight, Mr. Stoner had sold some 
of the wheat, always at $1.25 a pound (fols. 80, 83). . In 1908 
he sold four pounds at $1.25 a pound to Joseph A. Carlton, 
a dentist of Palmetto, Georgia, the owner of a 256-acre farm 
(fol. 162). I:it 1909 he sold two pounds to Frederick S. Wid- 
ener, of Belvidere, N* J-, for from somewhere between two and 
five dollars (fol.:396), Mr. Widener gave some of this, to Isaac 
L. Frey, a farnier of Lower Mt. Bethel. Neither he nor Mr. 
Frey had any connection with Pastor Russell's work (fols. 
395, 387, 383). 

William I. Tomlinson and Edward Hunt, farmers of New 
Jersey, also experimented with this wheat. 

All of these persons who thus bought their wheat directly 
or indirectly from Stoner, the discoverer of the wheat, or 
froni Knight, his partner, found it to have remarkable, re- 
producing qualities (f6,ls; ,385-392, 396, 470,- 1, 478-480). 

OVER 80 BUSHELS The first plant found by Stoner had 
np MiRAri F o'^^'' 4,000 grams to the stool. In 

WHEAT TO THE *^^ ^^^^ °^ ^^^ .^^ planted 1,800 

» ___ grains, and each grain yielded an aver- 

age Qf 250 grains. The average re- 
turn from ordinary wheat iathls section was about ten grains 
for each grain of seed (fols. 75-78). Mr. Stoner found that a 
peck to the acre, that is 15 pounds of Miracle Wheat, pro- 
duced over forty bushels (fol.. 88). He has raised as high as 80 
bushels of Miracle Wheat to the. acre (fol. 92) . 

Thus it is seen that Miracle' Wheat produced twenty-five 
times as much as ordinary wheat in proportion to the amount 
sown. Mr. Stoner had experimented with Red Wonder, 
Fuldz and Old Mediterranean wheats. The productiveness 
of Miracle Wheat was found to be due to its large stooling 
qualities (fol. 95). For these stooling qualities it needs more 

Merit of Miracle Wheat 25 

room than the average wheat, requiring 16 inches between 
the rows, and about four times the space of ordinary wheat. 
If sown like ordinary wheat Miracle was a failure, for room 
was essential (fols. 97-99, 104). A four by four-inch space, 
such as the Government allows, is too small to allow for the 
normal stooling of Miracle Wneat (fol. 104). When he has 
observed common wheat planted in competition with Miracle, 
the spaces between Miracle planting have been about four 
times the space between the other wheat plantings. This 
was as he recommended (fol. 155). 

Widener, when he sowed Miracle, counted 22 to 28 stalks 
to the grain (fols. 396, 397). Mr. Frey raised a bushel and a 
half of wheat from a quart of grain (fol. 383), and the follow- 
ing year, 1911, raised 108 bushels from 16 to 22 quarts of seed. 
He seeded about 15 pounds to the acre (fols. 383-392). 

MIRACLE WHEAT ^^- Henry A. Ayre, a farmer of Cleve- 
TAKES FIRST land, Tennessee, with thirty-five years' 

PRIZE AT SEVERAL experience, bought some Stoner (Mir- 
g^^^g FAIRS ^^^^ Wheat in the fall of 1909 or 

1910. He sowed one-half bushel to a 
scant seven-eighths of an acre and reaped a little over twenty- 
six bushels per acre. His is a poor wheat section, where the 
yield of ordinary wheat is about 8 bushels per acre. 

Mr. Ayre_ found Miracle Wheat hardier than ordinary 
wheat, standing the winters better and stooling much more 
than any other wheat he ever saw. It stood a freezing winter 
whererye had frozen out (fols. 299-402). He had the sur- 
rounding farmers raise this wheat for hira under contract 
(fol. 407). He raised as large as 64 stools from one plant of 
this wheat. 

Miracle Wheat took first prize for him in the Fall of 1910 
at the Appalachian Exposition, for Tennessee, Georgia and 
North Carolina, and also took first prize at the State Fair in 
Tennessee, and at his county fair (fol. 406). He grew Ex- 
hibit 6, a stool of Miracle Wheat containing 49 stalks (fols. 
408, 943). 

MIRACLE WHEAT William Pray, a farmer of Mansfield 
STOOLS BETTER Townshlp, N.j., who was unacquainted 

THAN OTHER '^'\^PH''H?7u" ^^^ ^^?' '^'^^ ^*°o' 

^^g^y or Miracle Wheat for three years. He 

grew Exhibit 30, containing over 80 
stalks grown from a single grain. He had been a farmer for 
twenty-five years. An acre of ordinary wheat which he sowed 
with two bushels yielded 17 bushels, whereas an adjoining 
acre which he sowed with a half bushel of Miracle Wheat 
yielded 25 bushels. He never saw anv wheat stool as Miracle 


Merit of Miracle Wheat 

Wheat did. To this is due its superior producing qualities 
(fols. 464-466). The usual practice of farmers In his section 
is to sow two bushels of ordinary wheat to the acre, and he 
knows of no way of getting better results (fols. 467, 468). 

William I. Tomlinson, 
who had been a farmer 
for nine years, in Kirk- 
wood, N. J., in 1909plant- 
ed Miracle Wheat in com- 
petition with ordinary 
wheat— 16 acres with Mir- 
acle Wheat at a half bush- 
el to the acre, which 
yielded 32 bushels to the 
acre, and 20 acres of or- 
dinary wheat at' one and 
a half bushels to the acre, 
which yielded 21 bushels 
to the acre. He is not a 
follower of Pastor Russell, 
nor a believer in any of his 
doctrines (fols. 470, 471). 

Edward W. Hunt, a 
farmer of Stratford, N. J., 
for many years, who does 
not know Pastor Russell 
and was not connected 
with him in any way, ex- 
perimented with Miracle 
Wheat. He first sowed, a 
bushel of seed to an acre 
and a half, which pro- 
duced 56 bushels, part of 
the crop having been de- 
stroyed. In 1911andl912 
he planted Miracleincom- 
petition with Amber 
Wheat. He planted 10 
acres with Miracle, three „,„«)* whert produced by Edward mc 

pecks to the acre, and the Cleery, 24« W«b«ah Ave, Lo* AneelM, Cal. 

yield averaged 34M bush- fSy"' " "'""* '" ^"' '"'^' "" ^'"'- 
els peracre.or 345 bushels 

in all. He planted 18 acres with Amber Wheat, a bushel 
and a half to the acre, and the yield was 325 bushels 
in all, or a little more than 18 bushels to the acre. Both fields 
were alike, stood side by side, and the conditions were the same. 
The original plant of Miracle Wheat, discovered and named 
by Mr. Stoner, contained 142 heads of well-matured seed, 

Miracle Wheat and Pastor Rttssell 27 

grown from one grain (fol. 74). A bunch of wheat grown near 
Los Angeles, California, of the same Miracle Wheat was ex- 
hibited before the jury and put in evidence (foi. 158). It 
contained 118 stalks and as many heads of well-developed 
wheat standing more than six feet tall, all grown from one 
grain. (See illustration.) 

PASTOR RUSSELL'S ^^ November 23. 1907, H. A. Miller 
FIRST KNOWL- Assistant Agncultunst of the United 

-n.^^ Ar- ...BA/«i c- States Government, filed in the De- 

EDGE OF MIRACLE _^ ^ r a • i^ ^ iir l- 

WHEAT partment of Agriculture at Washing- 

ton, D. C;, a report upon the wheat 
being ^rown, upon Mr. Stoner's farm, highly commending 
said wheat (fols. 1185-1188). The public press throughout 
the country at the time took notice of this report. Pastor 
Russell's attention was called to it, and on March 15, J908, 
he published in his journal, The Watch Tower, some press 
comments £md extracts from the aforementioned Government 
report. This was Pastor Russell's first knowledge of Miracle 
Wheat, which wheat Mr. Stoner and others had been experiment- 
ing with for three years or more. 

Dr. Joseph A. Carlton, of Palmetto, Georgia, reading in 
Pastor Russell's Watch Tower the aforementioned notice, 
purchased from Mr. Stoner four pounds of this wheat for 
which he paid Stoner $1.25 per pound, or $75 per bushel (fol. 
169). He planted a pound and three-quarters to. one-fifth 
of an acre, took accurate account of the yield, and found 
that it was eight bushels and 24 pounds, or 504 pounds. 
Georgia is not a wheat State (fols. 162, 163). Yield of ordinary 
wheat in that State is from 5 to 20 bushels to the acre (fol. 164) . 
In 1910 Dr. Carlton reaped 62>^ bushels of lyliracle Wheat 
from a little over two acres (fol. 165). From one single grain 
in his field 71 stalks -were grown (fol. 168). 

Mr. Bohnet got a peck of. this wheat from Dr. Carlton. He 
sowed 14 pounds to one-half an acre and reaped 8 bushels. 
One-half of this he sent to Mr. Kuesthardt, of Port Clinton, 
Ohio, editor of the Ottawa Zeitung, a German county news- 
paper. Samuel J. Fleming, of Wabash, Indiana, got five 
pounds of seed from Bohnet and '20 pounds from Kuesthardt, 
and sowed 25 pounds to about one-acre of land, and although 
it was late in the season his yield was 34 bushels. Average 
yield of ordinary wheat in that section (sowed a bushel and a 
half to the acre) is about 20 bushels (fol. 234). 

MIRACLE WHEAT Thu8 the testimony showed that or- 
YIELD8 12 TO 20 dinary wheat sown at the rate of six 
TrMES MORE pecks to the acre produces on an 

THAN ORDINARY average 20 bushels, whereas Miracle 
^^g^y Wheat sown at the rate of one peck 

to the acre produces from 40 to 80 

1^ *"^ 


Eaglets Lone Witness 29 

bushels to the acre, showing that Miracle Wheat yields from 
12 to 20 times more than ordinary wheat. 

Pastor Russell having no .personal knowledge of the 
wheat, counsel did not call him as a witness. He was in 
court, ready and willing to testify, but counsel did not call 
him for the reason above stated. 

The Brooklyn Eagle, to offset all this .testimony of prac- 
tical farmers and wheat raisers, produced but a single witness, 
namely, Mr. Ball, of the Agricultural Department of the 
United States Government, who was neither a farmer nor 
wheat raiser. Mr. Ball testified that he was "connected ,with 
the U. S. Government with the Department of Agriculture 
as an Agronomist and Acting Cerealist in charge of cereal 
investigations" (fol. 732). His imposing title was about his 
only recommendation. He produced a memoranda of ex- 
periments with Miracle Wheat, supposed to have been made 
at the Government station, by persons whom he was unable 
to name. 

DONATION There was absolutely no testimony in 

PROCEEDS KEPT A the case showing that Pastor Russell 
YEAR TO REFUND, had induced a single person to purchase 
BUT NO ONE Miracle Wheat. Not a word tending 

WISHED MONEY ^^ ^^°^ *^^* anyone was defrauded, 
_ . _j. On the contrary, shortly after the pub- 

lication, of the libel by the Brooklyn 
Eagle, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society pub- 
lished broadcast over the country and sent to each purchaser 
■a notice that if anyone was dissatisfied with his purchase he 
might have his money returned, and the identical money 
arising from the sale of said wheat was held for a year for the 
purpose of refunding. Not a single person asked to have his 
money refunded. 

Upon the trial of this case, counsel for the Brooklyn 
Eagle severely ridiculed the religious teachings of Pastor 
Russell, The jury, being largely composed of men of strong 
religious prejudices, arid at least one of them an atheist, dis- 
regarded the testimony of the 11 practical farmers and wheat 
raisers, and the several exhibits of Miracle Wheat actually 
produced and shown to them, and decided the case, in favor 
of the Brooklyn Eagle, upon the unsupported testimony qf one 
Government official who never raised a grain of wheat in his 
life. The case was at once appealed and is now pending in the 
Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. 

Much ado has been made about the Watch Tower 
Bible and Tract Society, of which Pastor Russell is presi- 
dent, disposing of a small quantity of seed Miracle Wheat ai 
one dollar per pound, which had been donated and the price 
fixed by the donors, whereas the evidence conclusively shows 


Miracle Wheal at World's Fair 

that Messrs. Stoner, Knight, Carlton and others had been 
selling the same wheat at $1.25 per pound, which was not only 
considered legitimate, but a very reasonable price in view of 
the extraordinary quality of the wheat and the small quantity 
in existence. 

It cannot be conceived how anyone can honestly hold up 
Pastor Russell to ridicule for the connection that he had with 
Miracle Wheat. Neither he nor the Watch Tower Bible 
AND Tract Society did anything in the slightest manner 
reprehensible, but, on the contrary, their conduct was open 
and aboveboard and proper in every way. 













Kdnsds rdlsed in I9r4 twice as much ^^ 
wheat ds her neareat compettlor. and j^n 
Ihirleen per cent more than iiny pllier R|gS 
state has ever produced irii) single ^'''^^i* Mr| 





Miracle Wheat Grown by W. A.. Jarrett, Columbus, Kansas, Represents the 
State of Kansas at World'i Pair, San Francisco, 191s, 

I. B. S. Ass'K. 

Dear FriendB. — A copy of Uie Chicago 
Doily Tribvne recently came to my'notice 
containinE articles, the object of whrch was 
an attack upon the Association, and espe- 
cially upon Pastor Russelt. Among other 
points of attack was Mintde Wheat, and 
thinking that some Information on the sub- 
ject might b of vaiue to you in meeting 
this attack; I enclose herewith picture and 
data relative to field of Miracle Wheat I 
grew last year. Thia picture, among thou- 
sands of others, of the best fields raised in 
the State, was sent to the Secretary of the 
State Board of Agriculture. J. C. Mohler. 
From this collection was to be chosen the 
one which would represent the State at 
the World's Fair, which convenes the 20th 
of this month. 

Now, the judges in this matter did not 
know that this was Miracle Wheati henc« 
they had nothing to bias their decision. 
So Miracle Wheat received the award. 

I grew seventy acres of this wheat and 
planted and cared for it in the regular, 
ordinary way and had no trouble in dis- 
posing of It to my neighbor wheat-growers 
last fall for seed, at S2 per bushel. 

In this section of the country we have 
to sow more to the acre than in some local- 
ities;' hence we could not follow the 
twenty pounds to. the acre rate of seeding, 
but some we seeded at the rate of one- 
half bushel and some at the rate of three- 
quarters of a bushel per acre, and we found 
the three pecks to be the better. 

My field yielded forty-nine bushels to 
the acre, more than twice the average yield 
of wheat in this vicinity and in many In- 
stances more than three times as much. If 
this information is of any vaiue to you or 
any of the friends who may have charge of 
the matter of setting these things straight 
before the public, I am thankful for the 
opportunity to furnish the same. 
I am your servant, 


The Ross Libel 31 

REV. ROSS Rev. J. J. Ross, of Hamilton, Ontario, 

IRRESPONSIBLE published a libelous pamphlet against 

FINANCIALLY Pastor Russell. A warrant was issued 

for the arrest of Ross. He evaded the 
officer for some time and even failed to keep his appointment 
at his church to prevent the officer from taking him into 
custody. Finally, he was taken before George E. Jelfs, Police 
Magistrate, on the charge of criminal libel. Upon a hearing 
he was committed for trial. Upon motion, the Superior 
Court quashed the commitment because of a technical error 
in the proceedings. Ross was again taken before the Magis- 

When the case came on for hearing the second time Pastor 
Russell, who was a necessary witness, was away on an extended 
trip in Panama and other parts of the South, filling appoint- 
ments previously made, and had no notice of the date of hear- 
ing. Ross and his counsel tried to make it appear that Pastor 
Russell was evading the trial. As soon as Pastor Russell 
returned to Brooklyn and heard that he was wanted he 
immediately notified the Magistrate that he was ready to 
corne to Canada. He did go and gave his testimony. Again 
the Magistrate committed Ross to appear before the high 
court to answ;er an indictment to be preferred by the Grand 
Jury. When the case came on in that court the Judge of 
the court in charging the Grand Jury relative to its duties, 
among other things, said to. the jury: "Unless the jury finds 
that this alleged libel would cause a breach of the public 
peace in Canada then no indictment should be returned, but 
the parties should resort to civil suit for damages." The 
jury returned "no bill," and it is manifest that they could 
not have done otherwise under this charge of the Court, for 
the reason that Pastor Russell lived in Brooklyn, New York, 
and Rev, Ross lived in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and it 
would be physically impossible for the libel to cause a breach 
of the public peace when the parties were so far apart. . 

Thus it will be seen that the issues were never tried and 
never determined. Pastor Russell did not resoi-t to civil 
action for damages, for the reason that he was advised that 
such an action would be useless, since Ross is irresponsible 
financially and could not be compelled by such a proceeding 
to publish a retraction, 

ROSS PAMPHLET Thereafter Rev. Ross published another 
FULL OF pamphlet against Pastor Russell which 

UNMITIGATED for unmitigated falsehoods and mis- 

FALSEKOODS representations of facts certainly has 

not an equal. Selecting here and there isolated paragraphs 
from the court records, he twisted them, added to, misrep- 

How 1. 

Ilflw a. 

liov/ i. 

Row )- 


• i — I. A. Hott-iMTi, U.D^Tkantoa. Mua.i J. W, UoiBfc Sojii^ Ttnro, M. B.i M.B, Dtri, T»hW. OtiM*. C»l i ^4_ ji] i *'jp. M.^; '^"■"t". ?..i O. W. Etibi. HolirtE. N, B,: A. r. 0b*r4. MebiU OroiB"rill, Cl-i O. TT. 8tnnbM«i, Mfr-, Dimont, Qh 
-»— I.I- H-^'^n. P»rnC1otUI, BoilaB. Mu>.; A. B. LceOraiii. PliAU«Fi,pt<ir, Wiu, T.i.; J. P niv.ull. M*''" A")^.: ll- ST's*'*, Mn;''™'"'''". ^^ Idii]b«, Via 

« S— W. ril!. M- D, WH.=l.i,ton N.C: T. O. M«ft.J«.SpHMB^aj M*M.: E. D.Do«,lui.rj5trUr..C;M^^ K.J-: ""■*»■. M.w"'''^"', Km ; II. E, DJIu. l»r.d«l(;k. ffkli ; M.fl, Worknir, Rib, B«U»i. Mii«-i F, W. V. Kail.=, Mebl..Tot«Ifl, 0, 

• J_w BfiuiMB, 6»Im Wn-. HlcilimgDJ,Vti /. »'. P1*fiif>>. PI,o>W, Grthin-.n, CI, I K. fl, McUii.. Ally. Trs" w=- .. yj, _ "'■• »ii">.l.. I»d.i O. a<U<r, Wfi.. M»vil. P».l P. {ta*li1, kllaliler, Kio OrKini. I.i.i F. J. KI*liiIiiiu.Orfr. Euwb. P«.t 
IFni,_Co.,p,,il. ArlJ,b?FO. W"«- _. „ . __ .. _._ _ _ ^ Ikrfrnl'' f" ^ ■-*■*»;.- .. ^ - 

n'."K"b-.PrlK»lon, W, T*.! R. D. Teik, Offlta M('.. Phni, Pa.^ E II . M«ton, M . U- Fs ul ^k*"*"' 
Buvi-f Fdl-. P..: W. H. Bf>4r?id. Mchl.. ai. p.ol. Mi=- _ - n.Ci -*■ '■«-, 

"■ M. tj-i Chliin, 111.! w. E. Sbilt, D. o.. Fiiufannh, Fi-i J. Bv wniu 

1 vin<u,>,ckti>iBiiii.( J. u.L... 

i.Ua-l.t felJtf.Slirk, »irf.,Bi 

34 Concerning Alimony 

resented and made them appear entirely different from their 
true meaning. This could not have been accidental on his pari. 
For instance, among other things, he charges: "He (Pastor 
Russell) sought to evade payment fixed by the court by fleeing 
from one State to another, making it necessary for his wife to 
get an extradition order, which she did, and which led to the 
condemnation of the cunning pastor by a third court, and the 
increase of the alimony." 

Rev. Ross probably did not know that extradition pro- 
ceedings cannot be resorted to to enforce a money judgment. 
No "extradition order" was made, nor were there any extra- 
dition proceedings. But probably Rev. Ross thought the 
people would believe his statement, even though false, because 
he is recognized as a Minister. 

Upon the hearing of the question of alimonyj the Court 
adjudged that Mrs. Russell should receive from her husband 
the sum of $100 per month. This order was made March 4, 

1908. The amount of alimony was never increased. 

In the forepart of the winter of 1908 arrangements were 
made to transfer the main office of the Bible Society's work to 
Brooklyn, New York, for the reasons heretofore stated. Some 
time was required to accomplish this work, but the removal, 
which was open and aboveboard, was completed in March, 

1909. The Pittsburgh papers made mention of the removal. 
Pastor Russell remained in Pittsburgh until everything was 
removed that was to be removed, himself being the last one of 
the office force to leave Pittsburgh. No attempt was made to 
interfere with the removal, as indeed there could not have 
been any successful attempt. 

In December, 1908, Mrs. Russell filed certain suits to set 
aside the transfer of property made by her husband to the 
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and to enforce 
the payment of alimony. Prior thereto, at a hearing of the 
testimony on the alimony branch of the separation case, Pastor 
Russell had testified that before the organization of the Watch 
Tower Bible and Tract Society, both he and his wife 
having consecrated theif all to be used in the religious work 
in which they were engaged in serving the Lord, it was agreed 
between them that all of his property should be turned over*to 
the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, for that 
Purpose. The property was his and he had the right to do 
with it as he pleased. That after their separation, acting in 
good faith and in harmony with their said agreement, he had 
transferred his property to said Society, and that he had not 
the means with which to pay the amount of alimony allowed by 
the Court. The personal property had already been exhausted 
by the Society, and the real estate was incumbered. 

A Tribute of Esteem 35 

Early in April, 1909, and after said Society and Pastor 
Russell had removed to Brooklyn, the aforesaid cases came 
on for hearing on motions, Mr. Carpenter and myself appearing 
on behalf of said Society and Pastor Russell. After hearing 
the motions, the Court took the matter under advisement and 
afterwards decided, it, holding that Mr. Russell's transfer of 
the property to the Society was a fraud on his wife and that 
the alimony must be paid. As it is well understood, a man's 
act may operate as a legal fraud against another, even though 
he acts in absolute good faith. Besides, court decisions are not 
infallible, as we all know, because "rendered by imperfect 
human beings. At the time of the rendition of this, decision, 
Pastor Russell's residence was in Brooklyn, but he at the time 
was in Europe, on his semi-annual lecture tour of Great Britain. 
He had not been advised of the decision of the Court upon this 
point. He stated to me prior thereto that he would be glad to 
pay Mrs. Russell , but he had no money, wli ich fact I knew to be 

M RS. RUSSELL During the absence of Pastor Russell in 

NEVER Europe, as aforesaid, five men, his per- 

DEFRAUDEDOFA sonal friends, without his knowledge, 
CENT BY HER ascertained the amount of money 

HUSBAND required to meet th,e judgment of 

alimony. They raised more than the 
necessary amount among themselves, placed it in my hands 
and sent me to Pittsburgh to pay this judgment. I went 
to Pittsburgh and with Mrs. Russell's attorneys settled 
all the litigation, paying to her every cent, interest included, 
which the court had allowed her, together with all the court 
costs. These facts appear from the court records. Mrs. 
Russell has never been cheated or defrauded out of one penny by 
her husband^ but has received everything that the court allowed her. 

We submit that the furnishing of more than $10,000 by his 
five friends to relieve him of a judgment as above mentioned, 
and that without his knowledge, is a strong testimony of the 
high esteem in which Pastor Russell is held by those who know 
him. These gentlemen are of high standing, and if necessary 
I will give their names and addresses to anyone upon request. 
I wonder how many preachers who are assaulting Pastor Rus- 
sell could find five men who would voluntarily do so much for 

The charge that Pastor Russell procured certain property 
worth S40,000 to be sold for $50.00 and to be bought in by said 
Society for the purpose of defrauding his wife out of her dower 
is far from the truth and is in keeping with many other false 
charges made. 

A wife has no absolute dower right in her husband's prop- 

38 Biblical Educaiton 

erty while he lives and if she dies first her inchoate right of 
dower dies with her. Where the husband owns property on 
which there is a valid mortgage and the mortgage be foreclosed 
and property sold, and at said sale brings no more than the 
mortgage debt, then of course there would be no dower for the 
wife even though she survived the husband. 

Pastor Russell owned a piece of property in Pittsburgh on 
which there was a valid mortgage. He conveyed this property, 
under previous agreement with Mrs. Russell, to the Watch 
Tower Bible and Tract Society subject to said mortgage. 
Thereafter a creditor levied an execution on this property and 
sold it at public auction after due notice according to law. 
Pastor Russell had no title to or interest in the property at that 
time because he had previously conveyed it to said Society. 
The Society, in order to prevent a cloud being cast upon its 
title by sheriff's deed to another, bid in the property at sheriff's 
sale, it being the best bidder. This sale and the sheriff's 
deed gave said Society no more title than it previously had, 
but merely kept clear the title it already had. 

Years later the aforesaid mortgage was foreclosed and the 
property sold by the owner of that mortgage and at this sale the 
property brought only the amount of the mortgage debt and 
costs. The sale under the mortgage eliminated any dower 
or other interest Mrs, Ru^ell might ever have had in the 
property. Even had her husband still owned the property at 
the time of the sale under the mortgage her inchoate right of 
dower would entirely have been eliminated because the pur- 
chaser at that sale got a clear and perfect title. Neither Pas- 
tor Russell nor the Society bid at said sale. It is therefore 
clear that Mrs. Russell was not defrauded by any one. 

Ross charges Pastor Russell is unlearned because he is not 
agraduate of some theological school. I venture the assertion 
that I can name a hundred living men who never even saw the 
outside walls of a theological school who know more about the 
Bible and its teaching than is taught in any theological college 
in the land. Pastor Russell is not a graduate of a theological 
PASTOR RUSSELL ^0"^^^- ^ ^^e greatest lawyer this 
GREATEST LIVING cp^^^O' has produced— Benjamm. Har- 
BrBLE STUDENT "^°" — never attended a law school. 

Theological colleges teach theology and 
not the Bible. Pastor Russell knows the Bible better than 
any other living man. . 

Upon this point we quote with hearty approval the words 
of Dr. G. W. Bull in his learned treatise of "The Gospel of 
John," as follows: 

"An Irregular (John 7:15). That is what they all 
say. The crime of Christ was that He had not taken a course 
in their college. 'Whence hath He learning' ' There are 

Kidnaping Falsehood 37 

some professional policemen who must protect all learning; 
medicine, law, gospel, or what not. If you never went 
through their schools of learning you are a freak, and there is 
something suspicious about your good sense. These, men 
thought there was only one way of learning — they would ask a 
certificate of the sun! There are many schools and school- 
masters in God's uhiverse. Cease your critidsm of any 
Christian scholar. Let him learn in his own way; the King- 
dom of God is going to make great progress when some of these 
high brows are removed to Heaven. Sometimes a man's 
utterance of profound Truths is stated in poor grammatical 
form, and the philosophers are puzzled by his power. They 
wonder where he got it: I do not know — probably his alma 
mater was his mother's knees — then let him speak. Remem- 
ber today: ' God hath chosen tlie weak things of this world to 
confound the mighty.' " 

The other charges of Ross are equally untrue and have been 
heretofore answered herein, except, however, with reference to 
Pastor Russell's ordinatidn, which he has clearly answered 
through the public press and in his sermons. 

Here is a sample showing the length to which ministers and 
certain unscrupulous newspapers will go to malign Pastor 
Russell : 

KIDNAPING STORY ^'^'ss Ruth Galbraith, of Atlantic City, 
COMPETES FOR ^* J-; ^® ^^^ Owner of certain property 

FIRST PLACE ^^^^ ^^ trust by a Trust Company of 

WITH FISH STORY Philadelphia, Pa. Her mother desired 
to use the daughter's income, which, 
of course, she had no right to. Through the Trust Com- 
pany's Attorney at Philadelphia, Miss Ruth began an action 
in the Orphans' Court to have her monthly income paid over 
to_ some other person for her benefit, in order that she 
might live separate from her mother. The reason for living 
apart was because there lived in the home an elder brother 
who was a consumptive, and while her mother was amply able 
to provide a servant to look after the invalid son Miss Ruth 
was required to do this, and not wishing to be exposed to the 
disease objected. 

Her half sister, Mrs. Hollister, resided on Orange Street, 
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Miss Ruth went there to visit her. 
Mr. and Mrs. Hollister accompanied her to Philadelphia, Pa., 
on several occasions, at the hearing in the Orphans' Court of 
the aforesaid case. On a few occasions while in Brooklyn, 
Miss Ruth, together with her half sister, had a meal at the 
Bethel Home. 

Some of his ministerial enemies, learning of the proceeding, 
started the story that Pastor Russell had kidnaped Miss Gal- 
braith and was holding her in his home, and then some of their 

38 Biblical Education 

erty while he lives and if she dies first her inchoate right of 
dower dies with her. Where the husband owns property on 
which there is a valid mortgage and the mortgage be foreclosed 
and property sold, and at said sale brings no more than the 
mortgage debt, then of course there would be no dower for the 
wife even though she survived the husband. 

Pastor Ru^ell owned a piece of property in Pittsburgh on 
which there was a valid mortgage. He conveyed this property, 
under previous agreement with Mrs. Russell, to the Watch 
Tower Bible and Tract Society subject to said mortgage. 
Thereafter a creditor levied an execution on this property and 
sold it at public auction after due notice according to law. 
Pastor Russell had no title to or interest in the property at that 
time because he had previously conveyed it to said Society. 
The Society, in order to prevent a cloud being cast upon its 
title by sheriff's deed to another, bid in the property at sheriff's 
sale, it being the best bidder. This sale and the sheriff's 
deed gave said Society no more title than it previously had, 
but merely kept clear the title it already had. 

Years later the aforesaid mortgage was foreclosed and the 
property sold by the owner of that mortgage and at this sale the 
property brought only the amount of the mortgage debt and 
costs. The sale under the mortgage eliminated any dower 
or other interest Mrs. Russell might ever have had in the 
property. Even had her husband still owned the property at 
the time of the sale under the mortgage her inchoate right of 
dower would entirely have been eliminated because the pur- 
chaser at that sale got a clear and perfect title. Neither Pas- 
tor Russell nor the Society bid at said sale. It is therefore 
clear that Mrs. Russell was not defrauded by any one. 

Ross charges Pastor Russell is unlearned because he is not 
agraduate of some theological school. I venture the assertion 
that I can name a hundred living men who never even saw the 
outside walls of a theological school who know more about the 
Bible and its teaching than is taught in any theological college 
in the land. Pastor Russell is not a graduate of a theological 
PASTOR RUSSELL college. The greatest lawyer this 
r-ocATca-r i ix/iwr country has produced — Benjamin Har- 
BIBLE STUDENT nson — never attended a law school. 

Theological colleges teach theology and 
not the Bible. Pastor Russell knows the Bible better than 
any other living man. 

Upon this point we quote with hearty approval the words 
of Dr. G. W. Bull in his learned treatise of "The Gospel of 
John," as follows: 

"An Irregular (John 7:15). That is what they all 
say. The crime of Christ was that He had not taken a course 
in their college. 'Whence hath He learning'' There are 

Kidnaping Falsehood 37 

some professional policemen who must protect all learning; 
medicine, law, gospel, or what not. If you never went 
through their schools of learning you are a freak, and there is 
something suspicious about your good sense. These , men 
thought there was only one way of learning — they would ask a 
certificate of the sun! There are many schools and school- 
masters in God's* universe. Cease your criticism of any 
Christian scholar. Let him learn in his own way; the King- 
dom of God is going to make great progress when some of these 
high brows are removed to Heaven. Sometimes a man's 
utterance of profound Truths is stated in poor grammatical 
form, and the philosophers are puzzled by his power. They 
wonder where he got it; I do not know — probably his alma 
mater was his mother's knees — then let him speak. Remem- 
ber today: 'God hath chosen tlie weak things of this world to 
confound the mighty.*" 

The other charges of Ross are equally untrue and have been 
heretofore answered herein, except, however, with reference to 
Pastor Russell's ordination, which he has clearly answered 
through the public press and in his sermons. 

Here is a sample showing the length to which ministers and 
certain unscrupulous newspapers will go to malign Pastor 
Russell : 

KIDNAPING STORY Miss Ruth Galbraith, of Atlantic City, 
COMPETES FOR ^' J-; ^^ ^^^ owner of certain property 

FIRST PLACE ^^^^ ^^ trust by a Trust Company of 

WITH FISH STORY Philadelphia, Pa. Her mother desired 
to use the daughter's income, which, 
of course, she had no right to. Through the Trust Com- 
pany's Attorney at Philadelphia, Miss Ruth began an action 
in the Orphans' Court to have her monthly income paid over 
to_ some other person for her benefit, in order that she 
might live separate from her mother. The reason for living 
apart was because there lived in the home an elder brother 
who was a consumptive, and while her mother was amply able 
to provide a servant to look after the invalid son Miss Ruth 
was required to do this, and not wishing to be exposed to the 
disease objected. 

Her half sister, Mrs. HolUster, resided on Orange Street, 
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Miss Ruth went there to visit her. 
Mr. and Mrs. Hollister accompanied her to Philadelphia, Pa., 
on several occasions, at the hearing in the Orphans' Court of 
the aforesaid case. On a few occasions while in Brooklyn, 
Miss Ruth, together with her half sister, had a meal at the 
Bethel Home. 

Some of his ministerial enemies, learning of the proceeding, 
started the story that Pastor Russell had kidnaped Miss Gal- 
braith and was holding her in his home, and then some of their 

38 Ministerial Grievance 

mediums of publication, headed by The Brooklyn Eagle, 
caused to be published that Mrs. Galbraith had instituted a 
habeas corpus proceeding in the Orphans' Court at Philadel- 
phia against Pastor Russell to recover her daughter, Miss 
Ruth, from the Bethel Home. Other newspapers, giving 
credence to the story, republished it throughout the country. 
Anyone, upon second thought, would know that a court in 
Pennsylvania would have no jurisdiction to issue a writ of 
habeas corpus directed to a man residing in the State of New 
York, and this, of itself, should have been sufficient to have 
given the story the " earmarks " of a falsehood. In fact, Pastor 
Russell was never a party to any procedure in connection with 
this matter; no habeas corpos proceeding was ever begun 
against him; Miss Galbraith at no time was in the custody 
of Pastor Russell or anyone else at Bethel Home, and no writ 
of habeas corpus was ever issued for the purpose of recovering 
Miss Galbraith from the Bethel Home. Furthermore, Miss 
Galbraith was never in the Bethel Home except for a brief 
period while taking a meal there. 

Mrs. Galbraith, the mother, who for some years has 
been a member of a congregation to which Pastor Russell 
preaches, thinking that her Pastor could, render her aid, sent 
him a telegram requesting such. Thereupon he addressed 
a letter to her saying that her telegram had been received at 
ten o'clock at night; that he did not know where Miss Ruth 
was residing, and was therefore unable to render any assistance. 
This is all the connection that Pastor Russell ever had with the 
matter, and out of this the aforesaid false statements were pub- 

For the past forty years Pastor Russell has been- pointing 
out Scriptural proof showing that the great International wars 
would be upon the earth in 1914, just exactly as they have 
come, and that shortly thereafter Messiah's Kingdom would be 
established. His teachings have emphasized the nearness of 
BECAUSE *^^ Kingdom of Messiah. Members of 

HE TEACHES ^^^ Ministerial tJnion scofi at this, 

THE PEOPLE endeavoring to keep the people from 

knowing about and entering into the 
Kingdom, It might be well for them to take heed to the 
words of the Master, who said, "Woe unto you, Scribes and 
Pha:risees, hypocrites, for ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven 
against men, for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye 
them that are entering to go in." 

It has ever been the rule of those entrenched in error to per- 
secute others who bring forth Light and Truth, exposing error. 
Why was Jesus persecuted by the Scribes, Pharisees and Sad- 
ducees? Because He taught the people! He said to them that 

Ministerial Grievance 39 

because of their selfishness they persecuted and killed the 
prophets whom Jehovah had sent to teach the people. . 

Again has Dr. Bull well said: 

"Classes and Masses (John 7:47-50). The patron- 
age back of a man or a movement is often responsible for. the 
prejudice against him or it. The cultured will often condemn 
a form of religion which is favored by the common people; 
in turn the common people will look in scorn upon the religion 
of the 'silk stocking society.* Yet again, the blind reverence 
for bosses and the aping of aristocracy will make a man attach 
more importance to the infidelity of ' upper-tendom ' than to 
the weighty credentials and perfect character of Jesus Christ 
Himself. The question here is not a form of worship, but it 
concerns the very person of the Son of God. About this 
there can be no difference without eternal issue. I can 
understand why those in authority wanted to silence Him; it 
was not because of the conservatism of scholarship, but be- 
cause He was undermining their influence and reducing their 
hank account. They need not lay their opposition to the 
friendship of Jesus for the under world, but to their own false- 
ness to the upper world. Nevermind to what class you belong, 
follow Christ if you have to walk alone in the procession, or 
walk next to the man you never meet except at the Throne of 
Grace. Remember today: 'Behold, how pleasant it is for 
brethren to dwell together in unity.' " 

The Apostles taught poncerning Jesus and the resurrection 
of the dead, and the Priests, Sadducees and Pharisees perse- 
cuted them. Why? "They were grieved that they taught 
the people." — ^Acts 4:1-5. 

PREACHERS ^^ '^ because Pastor Russell was at one 

CANNOT HOPE TO time engaged in secular business, or 
FOOL ALL THE because he was connected with some 

PEOPLE ALL business corporations several years ago, 

T H E T 1 M E ?^ because they are especially interested 

in his domestic relations, that the Min- 
isterial Union persists in persecuting him? No, indeed ! 
PLE! But the preachers cannot "fool all the people all the 
time." Many of them are becoming wise concerning the 
methods of the preachers. The time has come for the people 
to know the Truth ! They will be taught. 

BE WISE, YE Some _of^ the Apostles were restrained 

PHARISEES °^ ^-'^^'^ liberty and were brought before 

the Priests and Pharisees, who said to 
them, "Did not we straightway command you that ye should 
not teach in this Name?" Among that ancient order of Min- 

40 Profitable Advice 

isterial Unionists was one wise Pharisee, Gamaliel, who said 
to his brother ministers on this occasion, "Take heed to your- 
selves what ye fntend to do as touching these men ; * * * and 
now I say unto you, refrain from these men and let them alone; 
for if this counsel or this work be of man it will come to 
naught, but if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it." (Acts 5 :28-39.) 
Be wise, oh ye modern Pharisees! There are some wise ones 
amongst you who have admonished you to let your modera- 
tion be known. Would it not be well that you heed the ad- 
monition of the learned Gamaliel? 

From a personal and painstaking examination of every 
charge that has been made against Pastor Russell, I am thor- 
oughly convinced and confidently state that he is the most un- 
justly persecuted man on earth. Notwithstanding this his 
good work continues and thousands testify to the blessings 
received therefrom. For many years he has stood forth to 
battle for the right. He is prematurely aged from his arduous 
and unselfish labors in behalf of mankind. He is loved most 
by those who know him best, and while he has some relentless 
enemies his stanch and substantial friends are numbered by 
the thousands. Probably his course is almost run, but — 













'PtDtecdst, it 

ttb apintuii lul 
gVt, lire and iiai 

Kni^wd it iiioold, 



ye/ in the Momiiig. 

era, piiffed u]> with prid«. jusumed liflw ind offica, a^ 
h«gan to lord it over GoJ'* hi:rilogc, Then l.y dcgru 
there cum: into cxislence»»lX:tUl class called " the tlorgy, 
whoicgaidcd thernsclvei, anJ were n-ffudcd by othcn^- 
the proper juida W failh and pr»aicc. aside froru ihc M 
or Cod. Thra in lime the great »«tcm of l-apic} ik«« 
Tekjped by an nndue respcft Cot tl« icichmgi of EiUible 
m«, and a nesloft of the \Votd of the infalUWe Cod 

"Scrioui indeed have been the ei d results brought about bjr 
thi^ Degka of imlh. A. all kno- ho'h the chuidi ai^ 
j;.>wii".^ -nrlrf ir«i almost wholly ensUved by that sjs- 
lip the tiaditwni and erecilj of men 
iMuid blessed iXrVtt for liberty and 
nVhit b kno>ni m The-Rclbimatioa. 
iampions for ha Word, imong *lioni 
, Melanchthon, WydKTe. Knoi and 
- - ^ 


owing that they were buJt upon 
)n\\ and opposed to God* Wc 
Ijeiridlicrenla were called ProteSanls, , 

edjfc'i'"' rapx^r. ■"'1 claimed tW; 


iffiHRiFi*^^t^d»>' of ^I": RefonnaUt)n.*»lkrfj. 

IjUtk progr«, beo^M ^ 
y J»ve halwd "''^'PftffiffB 




Danlil faeM ihiEbelliu. He 
in[t[ltred willi Lht tyslen al 
trill pridiud by i'a under 
CouostllDrs ind Cipiimi,-->rho 
(anipired Id bive him killed, 
Thej inlliiEntfd Ihe king lo 
ilECiee (hit nhosoever ihoutif 
ttiy ID ni' God txcepi tht 
King shDuld be asl iniD the ica 
ol lions. Dinjel cDntintied lo 
priy to HIS God, The coiupi- 
nton reported this to the Kinj 
%Bi inducul him lo cist Diniti 
into ) deo ol lions. GoditniKis 
ineel ind shut the Moos' moulhs 
(hit ibey did not hLiti Diniel. 

ThE kint dused Dinlert ii:- 
cusers to hi an isio the den dI 
lions ind Ihey were dcti rayed. 

piilliPI!-!^' ;l 

■ET^ nf-ilrlE'lf^r-,,^- |M|nr^r| .jEjIipi 


It is the rule, upon the trial of a case, to introduce testi- 
mony as to the character and standing of the parties and of 
material witnesses, for the purpose of affecting the credibility 
of the witnesses on the guilt or innocence of the party charged 
with wrongdoing. 

One of the star witnesses in this controversy, one that is 
always energetic and a more than willing instrument of the 
"THE EAGLE" A Preachers' Unholy Alliance, is the 

WILLING TOOL Brooklyn Eagle. It is not our purpose 

herein to assume the position of judg- 
ing, but the reader will note with interest the opinion ex- 
pressed by The New York American concerning the standing 
of the Brooklyn Eagle. 

For some days the New York newspapers have been ex- 
posing a scheme engineered by ex-Senator Wm. H. Reynolds 
and associates to defraud the City of New York out of a large 
amount of property, and men prominent with the Brooklyn 
Eagle have been linked up with this matter, according to the 
daily press. Senator Reynolds is notorious in the City of 
New York as a promoter of such schemes. The New York 
American, one of the best-known papers in the United States, 
on April 2, 1915, editorially said: 

ITS TALONS "Commenting upon the extraordinary 

CAUGHT ^^ manifested by the Brooklyn Daily 

.Eagle in the defense of the Marginal 
Railway scheme engineered by William H. Reynolds and associ- 
ates, The American yesterday expressed .these opinions: 

'"The code of honor of newspapers should be, and usually is, 
as high as the code of honor of judges. That code forbids a news- 
paper man to have any private interest in any public bill he 
advocates or approves. 

"'The editors and directors of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle are 
debarred, under this rule, from advocacy of any of the many 
speculative schemes which ex-Senator Reynolds and his Realty 
Associates are endeavoring to foist upon the taxpayers of New 
York through a too easy Board. of Estimate. 

■"'We understand tha.t The Eagle is promoting a mass meeting 
to push these schemes.'" 

Continuing The American said: 
"The American did not mention the Marginal Railway grab, 
although The Eagle is now active in promoting it. That is only 
one, though for the moment the most prominent, of Senator 
Reynolds' speculative schemes. As to the interest of persons 
connected with The Eagle in the series of interwoven Reynolds 
enterprises, the following facts drawn from the Directory of 
Directors are instructive: 

"Geoi^e F. Dobson appears in that directory as Managikg 
Editor of the E^gle. He is listed also as director in the 

Character Witnesses 45 

Estates of Long Beach, of which mr. Reynolds is president 


"Mr. Dobson is secretary and treasurer of the Hanover 
Theatre Company, OF which Reynolds is director. He is 
secretary, treasurer and director .of the Laurelton Land 
Company, of which Reynolds is president and director. 
He is secretary and director of the Metropolitan Jockey Club, 


"Mr. Dobson, for many years The Eagle's managing editor, 
and now its editorial writer, hardly appears as an unbiased judge 
of the real estate operations of Senator W. H. Reynolds. 

"Again, the Bush Terminal Company is vitally interested in 
the Marginal Railway project, standing to profit lai^ely ifthe 
deal is consummated. Irving T. Bush, the president, is a direc- 
torintheEstatesof Long Beach; Frank Bailey, director, is presi- 
dent of the Realty Associates, an organization already involved 
in real estate transactions with the city, and of three Reynolds 
companies besides, associated with these partners of 


"And finally, in the Kings County Register's Office, in 
section 21, of liber 19, page 124, appears the name of William 


EAGLE,' along with those of other political and real estate specu- 
lators, as a guarantor on a certain $50,000 bond given by the 


The Brooklyn Eagle is an adept in the practice of the old 
scheme of throwing stones at some innocent person who is in 
the public eye, thereby hoping to divert the attention of the 
people from its own wrongful schemes. 

These matters are worthy of consideration in determining 
the weight and credibility of the testimony given by it.- 

As to the character of the various ministers allied in this 
persecution of Pastor Russell, and the weight to be given to 
their testimony, we refer the reader to the Appendix. "By 
their fruits ye shall know them." Careful reading of the par- 
allel columns of the pointed Scriptural quotations set forth in 
the Appendix will enable the reader to properly weigh the testi- 
mony of the parties hereto and the credibility to which they 
are entitled, 

VIRGINIA'S ^^* ^* ^' Sooner, of Fincastle, 

GOVERNOR SPEAKS lTT'h^°r%''^\^'^l'^^^-u'\ 

behalf of Pastor Russell m his libel 
case vs. the Brooklyn Eagle, testified that in 1904 he discovered 
theoriginal stalk of wheat which he afterwards named "Miracle 
Wheat," growing in his garden; that it matured 142 heads all 
grown from one grain. He further said, "A good many names 

46 Character Witnesses 

were suggested and I finally adopted the name 'Miracle' 
Wheat (fol. 73-81)." In answer to a question as to who sug- 
gested the name, Mr'. Stoner replied, " I never saw Pastor Rus- 
sell in my life until this morning, and never had any corre- 
spondence with him in any way. I had no suggestion from 
him at all; whoever named it (the wheat) was some person 
connected with me who was interested in the wheat" (foK 
g2— Court Record). Mr. Stoner sold this wheat at S1.25 
per lb., or $75 per bushel (fol. 162). 

As to the character and integrity of Mr. Stoner, we publish 
the following photographic copy of a letter signed by the Gov- 
ernor of Virginia: 

CUU SI « .SMAR «0 N 

(Commonuieflltl; of ©irjmta 


October 23, 1907. 


K. B. Stonftr, of Flnoaatle, Botetourt oountyi 
Virginia,- tii« originator of the nen variety of wheat, la per- 
sonally Vnown to me, and I unhesitatingly teetlfy to hie char- 
aotir and Integrity ae a man. Any and all atatefflents of faot 
sad* by hia are entitled to full faith and credit. 

Very re epect fully, 

Oovernor of Virginia. 


Prof. S. A. Ellis, Southern educator and writer, after review- 
ing the works of Pastor Russell, prompted by the slanderous 
attacks of certain designing clergymen, made a voluntary 
examination of each of the charges, and then wrote an editorial 
tribute, which we clip, as follows: 

I lift my pen, not in defense oi any doctrine, creed or dogma, but in 
defense of a man, in defense of fairness, justice and righteousness. Pastor 
C. T. Russell, of Brooklyn.'N. Y., stands out prominently as a target .for the 
pulpit and reli^ous press of the country today. I believe there is no one 
more bitterly persecuted, harshly condemned, wofuUy misrepresented and 
misunderstood than this fearless, conscientious man of God. 

No infidel writer, such as Hume, Voltaire or Ingersoli, ever suffered 
such ruthless attacks as have been made upon Pastor Russell. 

Whether this persecution and misrepresentation is due to prejudice or 
ignorance of this man's real character and writing is not for me to. say, 
but I believe both are elements that play a part in the widespread criti- 
cism uttered both from the pulpit and the press. 

Naturally, men will resent any attack made upon the creed of their 
persuasion, for they hold to their religious creed and affiliations with more 
tenacity than they realize, until some strong mind, backed by Scripture 
proof, begins to uproot their doctrines by showing theirinconsistenciesand 

This is what Pastor Russell proceeds to do. The fact is, very few of us 
have taken the pains to examine, critically, by the light of the Divine Word, 
the doctrines handed down to us by our fathers. This accounts for the 
fact that Methodist parents raise Methodist children and Baptists raise 
Baptist children, etc. 

I am amazed beyond measure to read so many fallacious statements 
published regarding the character and writings of this man. He has been 
called a "gray bearded egotist," a "bigot," a "haberdasher," and many 
other uncomplimentary terms have been applied to him, and statements 
made which I know to be without foundation. 

He is chained with teaching heresy. An article by a minister was 
recently published in a religious paper, in which he gave a lengthy criticism 
of Mr. Russell's writings, referring to them as heresy (apparently forgetting 
that, there was a time when his owri denominational views were considered 
heretical). This article not only misrepresented Mr. Russell, but showed 
a lack of critical comparison of his writmgs with the Scriptures. 

Mr. Russell was further charged in the same article with denying the 
Atonement made by Christ between God and man. Nothing could be 
further from the truth. 

Mr. Russell's first sentence in his volume, entitled "The Atonement 
Between God and Man," is as follows: 

"The Atonement lies at the very foundation of the Christian religion." 
He sets forth the philosophy of the Ransom in such a clear, logical way as 
has never been done before by any other theologian, presenting such an 
atray of Scriptures as would satisfy any fair-minded, thmking man. 

His private life also has been assailed by the same class of critics. These 
charges also are seen to be without foundation, when we seek the origin of 
such reporis. No one who knows anything of his labors in theological 
research will ever sneer at Mr. Russell. He is not to be measured by com- 
mon standards. When you look at his matchless labors, his scholarly 
attainments, his donations to the world, in his writings, bis time, his labor 
and money spent for the enlightenment of others, all flippant criticism 
becomes contemptible and mean. Unselfish, liberal and courteous to 
Christians of all denominations, but fearlessly condemning, in unmeasured 
terms, the errors and inconsistencies in their creeds, as he sees them, 
Pastor Russell ranks with immortal benefactors, and is stamping his opinion 
on the world as no other man has done since the days of the Reformation. 


JpittHbursIf (flmtgrtgattan of Sibb Wt^tnlB 

ta JixttbnJ^ auA. ^eaiila/d cnxLa'L&AfnjBn^ oi aaol conduct atuL minl&t'i.aiian. onA heA.JLu oetaitgAA tutfilnai/ut 


XhiV CjfvM*tlaa4' (JUlvkwI' iVaw. UO^ aL ZwfiJfiM/v 

•dChalimaD wtdSacratBTT of Iha CflBir^ffation hvrabr cartLfrllutt|}i«fi>r«aQlDara>elatl»a waa oakalBoW'tr 

CATJON QF &1BLL STUDENTS m aMtatljni dvlilAtCuTiaflaHBLl, JSJ„ Plitiburxli.Ph^ Mllk*31it 

• ibauuad Bibla 3lu.d*nu praiant In ealabratloB of llia 30lli AaainnuT aftlia 

Wa,(liauDd. ^ -- _ __ . , 

itfct OFtobvr, 1912 A. Dl, at vhkh etara i*»a abaut 
Putorjita ef lb* lald Char!*!. T. RuwalL of laid! eanarBaat 












**1@P' it WtPiSOltlf U, Sff M* GMgrfffeh'c^n of tfianoemhd SihU Shdenh tf &reafer t}i*u> ^»k a»9tml>lfd e/ ih* 
Sroolrfifn Si^ernaeie ifiio ffA Jai/ o} tfipnl. tP. If, jqiS, «t ^alfouv ' 

Qhaf we t^kt ih*ff opparfumfi/ /» unanimaUa/jf ond ua^uai^Qt^ tJtfirtia cut feut aod tilrem Jor oar MoV'fJ ^aifer^ 
Ghitrltff D, ffii9*rff. 

5hof ntfif atrViM kh ffh fffr oa ^-ogfar oj ifiitr O^tfirrffaft'ttn, uv me 0foa /* reeora fiaf af no ^otfortJ SUvUon hat 
ihtrr ^ra a v^lt tHaf fljVfw' him, nor evrn a Jeaire fa do «o. 

Sh^f we e^fife*9 oar d*tf* oppmiefi&n t^ hig unflrmg devotion, JaUhfuf Jierviee, imae^iah and p^n^takiry ^itfhral 
oversri^fif oj fhh Gongreffofian. 

Sfiof nv teeo^>*t in him ihe ^eafeti fcwnj rxptmtnf tff Sert'pfura/ Orufh, fte A<» detfoftd Aitt /Ift and tdl h!tr faienfm fo 
pfficfaming (he Qoaptf i^ ihe fCinffdom of Chnai, 

QkAi U¥ Ofd/a* &od }w having rased him up, end we are grafi^al for Ihe ofrptrrfanrfi/ qt havi'f^ any part wifh km m fht 
arrvtee qf fhe Jvord. ife are fffoa/t/if to tear tui/k Aim tfle reproaehea tflof eome upon an faHftJut aerfon/a of Qod, 

Ohaf uv M^f io fealjf^ h Hit paritl/ <^ hh t^ and ike aweefness qf .ainWf he eJuMtfO mmtfetU, SlVF dignifi'rd^ tut lartdf 
ami^lef hufjtrmj ^mpoihelie, urf deiirmlned ; timple, ytf wi^aefju^f, i/ef Uvmffi h* f(ando a hwer qf ahtag^ for StuSl and 
righfeoMmeaa. ^ Jind eemitned m h!m tkt h'^ttl eUmenio </ Giriafiaa eha-aefer, 

Qhof loe tfefi^f to aphfffd h'o hondf in ^r grttif fighf fit W making to tprtod ihr Oruth roarenu'ng tfflraauJi'o fSihgJoin, 
ihrovghfut the worlJ, and fhe Ueatti^ I'l will iftms (o ihe ptopte, 

Wa Ii4raby f«rfiEy that the (crcguinN retolution wM onMtif>M*ly vdoplod ty lli« CDng:ra£ilion o( ASSOCIATED BIBLE 
STUDENTS eF GREATER NEW YORK CITY ihii 7ih d.K &( April, A. D. 1915. 

^./. -^M-^^ 




Board ol Elders ol Greater New York Consreeatlon ol Associated Bible Students, 
ol whfch Charles T. Russell Is Pastor. 
1. B. W. BrenooUen, 3. A, I. Rltahle, S. R. H. Hicib, 4. J. D. Wri«ht, B. Dr. L. C. Work. B. H. I.. 
Mitohall, 7.W, B. V»a Ambwreh, 8, W. M. Wisdom. B. W. F, Hudalnn. 10. F. F. Cook, II. F. H, 
RobbOB, 13. l.F. Hoikini, 13. D, J. CohBti, 14. C. J. Woodworth, 16. J. F, Stepheaion, 16. P. B. Thorn- 
ton, IT. R. Q. Jolly. 18. J. E. Gr»y, IB. J. G. Kueho, 30. A. E. Bucssu. 31. F. C. DetwiUr, 23. H. C. 
Bookwdl, S3. M.StuTseoD, 24. A. H. Maomillu. 




Board of Deacons o( Greater New York ConsrcKatlon of Associated Bible Students, 
of which Charles T. RusseU Is Pastor. 

1. E. H. Herniofiar. 3. P. h. Sobacre, 3. Cbr. J. JeoMD, 4. A. Peanan, 6. L. M&ttiliaa, 0. R. Montcrn. 
7- L. T. Cohen, 8. C ChrLstide*, 9. A. B. Bain, 10. 8. W»«n»w«ki. 11. E. B. Kint«iD, la J. D* Ceccn, 
13 C. Porria, 14. J. NftHiin. IB. W. J. HolHBter, 16. R. B. Kent, 17. Q. Shell. 18. C. G. LJpplncott, 10 
a. F. Herde, 20. Dr. 9. A. Smith, 21. C. E. Mye™, 83. J. C. Edw»rde», 23. L. B«mford, 24. H. Herb»t 
26. R. Mitohell. 38. M. Mitchell. 37. J. A. BsBuerleiD. 38. A. R. Goux, 29, T. M. Bedwiti, 30. J, L. C»1ii 
31. J. E. AndarnoD, 33. C. Garlaon, 33. C. A. Pr«ilay, 84. G. Olendon 3S. C. Qlndroi, 38. W. T. Bmker 
37. I,. Ncwmsn 38. W. Amlenon, 39. K. J. Martin. 40, P. W. Piaenker, 41. C. W. Rek, 43. L. Clouith 
43. J. L. M«ycr,44. J I,. ToLiko. 41, .1. Coolldra, 40. H. Holme., 47. J. Gre«rei. 4B. W. Bird. 49. F. Mendo! 
OO. W, A. Bimdo. 


We here present the signed testimonials of some well-known 
gentlemen, residing in various parts of the United States and 
Canada, who have known Pastor Russell intimately for sev- 
eral years, and whbse testimony should far outweigh that of his 
enemies. Many hundreds more good men, tried and true, 
would gladly give similar testimony as to the good character 
of Pastor Russell and the high esteem in which he is held 
amongst the people who know him, but such would be merely 
cumulative, hence we limit the number: 

Washington, D. C, AprU 3, 1915. 
Dear Ms. Ruthbbfosd: 

It has come to my attention that you are receiving testimonials con- 
cerning Pastor Russell from a number of highly respected gentlemen in 
various parts of the country who have known Pastor Russell lor years and 
who know hie character to be above reproach, and who also are well ac- 
quainted with the manner in which he is regarded in their respective com- 
munities by people who know him. I beg the privilege of adding my 
hearty testimony in his favor. I wa s present at the trial of the libel case of 
Pastor Russell against the Washington Post and know that before that 
court all the charges made against him were proven untrue, 

I regard Pastor Russell as a great benefactor to mankind, and to my 
personsu knowledge he has for many years been unselBshly giving his life 
in faithful service. 

Several years ago I became much interested in Bible study, and was 
anxious to nnd out what is the plan of God. I consulted a number of 

Sreachers, read a great deal of literature claiming to explain the Bible, 
ut concluded that none of the exfjlanations were satisfactory or reason- 
able. About the time this conclusion was reached I obtained a copy of 
tJie first volume of Studies in the Scriptures, never having seen the author 
or anyone who knew him. Before reading many pages of this wonderful 
book it became very clear that the writer understood his subject and 
possessed the faculty of making it plain to others desiring to understand. 
1 learned that he was the author of six volumes, all of which I read. After 
a careful reading of these books in connection with my Bible I learned for 
the first time that God has a harmonious plan which He is developing in the 
interest of mankind, just such a plan as one would expect a great and wise 
God would have. 

I have known Pastor Russell personally for years and have had oppor- 
tunity to learn of his private life and character. I candidly state that he is 
the cleanest and purest man with whom I have ever come in contact, and 
I am sure his life is entirely devoted to the Lord and his service and that 
he has been and is a great benefactor of mankind. 

It gives me pleasure to write this letter, and you are privileged to use it 
in such a manner as you see fit. 

Brigadier General, U. S. Army. 




Personaily and intimately {or many years. 

The charges made against him 
by certain unscrupulous enemies 
have no foundation in truth. They 
are due to jealousy, ignorance, 
prejudice or hatred. Pastor Rus-' 
sell's life is open, clean and pure. 
His moral character is entirely 
above just reproach; his business 
methods fair and righteous; his 
teachings a blessing to mankind. 

He is the greatest exponent of 
Biblical Triiih in the world, and a 
mighty power for good; lieiice a 
target for the agencies of darkness 
and error. His teachings and pure 
life have made us better men, better 
Christians, and filled our hearts with 
greater love for Cod and our fellow- 
men. We take pleasure in giving 
this testimony. 

1. A. C. Northrop, Acriculturiat. Littla Sioux. I>.: 2. C. n. Ward,. Merchant, Cuuiborikbd, Md.: 3. R. D. 
Stikicbla. Auditor, Buffalo, N. Y:; 4. N. E. Nelson. MaDufaeturor, DuaucoDe, P>.: 6. G. F. Wiiauu. Altorney. 
Okl»hom» City, OkU.; 6. W. M'. Hiibco. Pomoloriit. Uma, O.; 7. C. H. AndersDO, Morohant. Bullimore, Md.; 
S. E. B. lleDGki, PublJihor. Pbiladelphia, Pa.: 9. Q. L. De Fieic Contrmotor, Dallai, Tex,; 10. H. A. Gueonei, 
Auditor, BojIod, Ma».: 11. B. W. Kitohic. neil Eatate. Pilmsnton, Ont.: 12. J. W, Sboracy, Mauufaelurer, 
ToroDlD, Ont.; 13. II. M. FIIgS. Sates Minicer, OaiiUDd. Csl.; 14. W. ti. Scott, Contraelor. WavDubun, Pm.; 
IS. O. O, Smith. Secretary lo Mayor. Tampa, Fla.; 16. 8. T. Acollonio. Manulacturcr, Providence, R. I.; 17. 
R. E. Slraeler. Miniitar. Providenea, R. I.; IB. C. E. Kcrnay, M. D., Dayton, O,: 10. F. P, SbermaD. Accountant. 
I.oi AnideB, Cal.: 30. K. J. Pritchard. Ins. Supt., Lawrence, Ma».: 31. F. \V. Maaton. Mmnulacturer. Toronto, 
OdI.I 93. A. D. Vandervaer, Merchant, Yosken, N. Y.; 23. C. N. Stem, Sloekoan, CblcsEO, III.: 24. J. F. Mll- 
baunia. Teacher, Elwood. lod.; 3S. A. W. Smith, Div. Eocr., Columbu*. O.; 36. J. B. Hoavalar, Timv. Rbd., 
St Louia. Mo. 

Portraits of Other Prominent Business Men Who Participated In the Above 
Testimonial Will Be Found on Page* 3Z and jj. 


In October, -1911, Pastor Russell delivered ia lecture at 
Mothenvel!, Scotland. On that occasion Professor David 
Dall, a noted Mental Scientist of the British Institute of 
Mental Science, for his own pleasure made a character sketch 
of Pastor Russell, afterward sending him a copy thereof, which 
appears from the following: 



Dear Pastor Russell: 

I take pleasure in sending you herewith a character sketch of your- 
self as a souvenir of your visit to Motherwell, which please accept with 
my best wishes. 

It is a source of great satisfaction to me that you have been spared- so 
long. I prize your worth and esteem you very highly. I earnestly hope 
that the best of Divine blessing may continue to descend upon you, and 
that our Heavenly Father may still grant you many useful and happy 
years. Yours faithfully, David Dall, 

(Of the British Institute of Mental Science, etc. H. M. Phrenologist). 

(Taken in Town Hall, Motherwell, Scotland, October 30th, 1911 , 
by ProL David Dall, D. Ph., Mental Scientist.) 

I have much pleasure in giving a sketch of the genial and fatherly 
head and physiognomy of Pastor Russell. He is just one of those men 
whose appearance, intelligence, suavity, wit, goodness of heart and sound- 
ness of head do credit to his profession. Well up in years, he has a youth- 
ful, kindly and sympathetic nature; fatherly and benign in counsel, moral 
and spiritual in his mfluence. In religion his "doxy" is broadened by the 
effulgent light of Bible study. His temperamental development is ver>- 
even. If there is a predominance of either, it is found in the motive, which 
supports an intense energy of mind that cannot dream life away, but must 
be practical. 

I find the head of Pastor Russell to be a large one, and the brain gifted 
with an uncommon degree of activity. A full basilar region is accompanied 
by the powerful endowment of the moral, intellectual and spiritual natures. 
His physiognomy gives a large face, a large, broad nose with ample nostrils, 
large mouth and chin — all that the face can indicate of a powerful constitu- 
tion he has. The animal vital nature, as a whole, is amply developed; his 
head also is broad, which indicates general force of mind, strength of feel- 
ing and stamina of character. His eyes are large and stand out fully, which 
indicates a communicative disposition. 

Benevolence is a leading faculty, manifesting itself in liberality of 
sentiment to all mankind, deep desire for the welfare of others, combin- 
ing warmth of sympathy with rare simplicity of purpose. His perceptive 
region, as a whole, is exceedingly active, an endowment rendering his 
range of observation extraordinary; while his memory of faces and forms 
is marvelous, as is also his power to analyze, compare and draw rapid in- 
ferences. Here is a mind able to steel itself against difficulty or attack, 
yet full of gentleness and amiability. An intense sense of duty, together 
with the. conviction that each, moment is precious and of important value, 
seems to pervade his entire nature. In him dwells the soul of a patient, 
charitable, but equally determined reformer — a practical mind, seeing far 


56 Regarded by Others 

ahead, possessing lar^estores of philanthropy, discernment, judgment, 
talent and efficiency, giving him gifts as a teacher, yet also prompting him 
to natural desire after self-improvement. His natural refinement, taste and 
imagination, with large language, qualify him to express himself in a free, 
easy,_ graceful style, enabling him to present many unpleasant truths in a 
pleasing and acceptable manner. 

As a preacher of the Gospel, his services have found a wide acceptance. 
As a lecturer he is especial|y successful. He is not a violent or enthusiastic 
orator. He is an effective, quiet, illustrative speaker — arresting and 
riveting the attention of children as well as adults. The young find in him 
a "guide, philosopher and friend " — the old a sage counselor whose thoughts 
are tinctured by experience and perfected by principle. Under such a 
mentor Gouls grow and minds expand, observation becomes keener and the 
perceptions rfiarper. He has ^eat magnetic force, is full of electricity, 
and consequently he imparts lite and vivacitj; to every word he utters, 
whether in public or private. Pastor Russell impresses and controls the 
minds of his hearers without making an effort to do so, for his utterances 
are like sparks that kindle a fire in the souls of those who listen to him. 

Mr. William M. Wright, of Pittsburgh, learning that Pas- 
tor Russell was preparing a chapter of one of his books treat- 
ing the Great Pyramid of Egypt, procured a copy of the 
manuscript and mailed it to Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth, F. R. S. 
E., F. R. A. S., ex-Astronomer Royal of Scotland. Prof. 
Smyth's reply follows and is self-explanatory: 

Clova, Ripon, England, Dec. 21, 1890, 
Wm. M. Wright, Esq., 

. Dear Sm: — I have been rather longer than I could have wished in 
looking over the MS, of your friend, C. T. Russell, of Allegheny, Pa., but I 
have now completed a pretty careful examination, word by word. And 
that was the least I could do, when you so kindly took the pains to send it 
with such care between boards by registered parcel, with every page flat, 
and indited by the typewriter in place of the hand. 

At first I could only find slips of the said typewriter, but as I progressed 
through the pages the powers, the specialties and the originalities of the 
Author came out magnificently; and there were not a few passages 1 
should have been glad to take a copy of for quotation, with name, in the 
next possible edition of my own Pyramid book. But, of course, I did noth- 
ing 01 that sort, and shall wait with perfect patience and in most thankful 
mood of mind for when the author of Millennial Dawn shall choose his own 
time for publishing. 

So I merely remark here that he is both good and new in much that he 
says on the chronology of various parts of the Pyramid, especially the 
First Ascending Passage and its granite plug; on the Grand Gallery, as illus- 
trating the Lord's life; on the parallelisms between the King's Chamber 
and its granite, against the Tabernacle and its gold; and generally on the 
confirmations or close agreements between Scripture and the Great Pyra- 
mid, well commented on. 

In the meanwhile, it seems that I am Indebted to you for your kind 
pft long ago of the first two volumes of Millennial Dawn. I did not at the 
time get further than the first half of the first volume, finding the matter, 
as I thought, not quite so new as I had expected. But after having profited, 
as I hope, so much by a thorough reading ,of this advanced Pyramid chapter 
of the third volume, I must take up the first two volumes again, de novo. 

The parcel will go back between its boards, registered. I remain, with 
many thanks, Yours respectfully, C, Piazzi Smyth. 

Regarded by Others 57 

The Paxton, Illinois, Daily Record recently published the 
following letter addressed to that paper by Rev. W. S. Gar- 
lough, Pastor of Christian Churchy Bloomington, Illinois: 

" I have read a number of articles in the Christian Standard during the 
past few months concerning Millennial Dawnism as taught by Pastor 
Russell. We have all heard the criticism of the Pilgrim Fathers, how, 
having left their own country and endured all sorts of hardships for the 
sake of religiojis freedom, they . hemtelves became the worst of bigots and 
persecutors of those who later disagreed with them. The treatment ac- 
corded Pastor Russell by the disciples of Christ is very similar to the 
actions of those early fathers. Since reading Pastor Russell's Studies in the 
Scriptures (the first and fifth volumes more than once), I have read all the 
articles and tracts against his teachings I could find. In not a single in- 
stance does the writer reply in the same Christian spirit which character- 
izes Pastor Russell's wfitings. In some instances the writer resorted to the 
only weapon left to the man without an argument — ridicule. Others 
either willingly misrepresent his teachings or do not know what he does 
teach. Asa rule they do not touch upon the real subject matter of his 
Studies, but attack some minor subject that Russell himself would not hold 
as a matter of faith, but as being of a more or less speculative character. 

"To my mind Pastor Russell presents the most Scriptural, clear 
and soul-satisfying conception of the person of Jesus I have ever heard 
or read. The same is true of Man, his Creation, his Experience with Sin, 
God's Plan for his Redemption, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Man's 
Future Destiny. Now, if any good brother feels that Pastor Russell's 

thought until it is proven by the Open Book, then just as carefully, prayer- 
fully, and with the Christian spirit shown by Pastor Russell, let him take 
up his task, and in a logical, Scriptural way, step by step, show his brethren 
that the teaching of Pastor Russell is incorrect. Then will he have done 
something worth while. But sp long as Pastor Russell is attacked in the 
present manner no one who his Studies will be convinced of the 
error therein, if error there be. Let no brother deceive himself into think- 
ing that he can successfully thwart the teaching of the six volumes of 
Scripture Studies in a few articles in the Christian Standard, or even in a 
tract such as Haldeman's and others. 

"One thing Pastor Russell's books will do, if carefully read by any 
earnest, thoughtful Christian, is that they will promote Bible study more 
and more. The reader will proportionately lose his interest in worldly 
things. It will not be necessary to preach to him that he should not go to 
the theatre, play cards, or dance, for he will have no desire to do those 
things, as well as many other things in which most Christian people in- 
dulge. It will not be necessary to solicit money from him 'for the Lord's 
work; it will be forthcoming without solicitation. It would seem that 
until some brother is able to present the Gospel and provide ' meat in due 
season' that does this work as well as Russell's Studies in the Scriptures 
it might be well to look inward for the beam, not outward for the mote, 
and let his Studies continue to do that which most preachers admit they 
are not able to accomplish. Give Pastor Russell a square deal! 

"W. S. Garlough, Pastor Christian Church, Bloomington, Hi." 

58 Another Minister's View 

Copy of a letter sent to Rev. Moorehead, author of a book 
attacking Pastor Russell and his doctrines, comes to our at- 
tention. . We have not learned if it received a reply. The 
spirit of the letter is kind and moderate, hence we publish it. 
It is in marked contrast with the various slanderous attacks 
made upon Pastor Russell by his several ministerial enemies. 
The letter follows: 

Rev. William G. Moorehead, D.D. 
Dear Dr. Moorehead : 

I read some time ago your article in the seventh volume of Fundamentals 
on the teachings of Mr. C. T. Russell. I felt like writing you at that time 
but did not. Recently I read the.summary of your article in one of my 
religious papers and have had an increasing impression to write you. I 
hesitate to do so because of the high regard I have always had for you as 
one of my teachers of twenty years ago, and also because of the high esteem 
in which you are held in the company of Biblical expositors and Christian 
workers jn genera!. Yet I feel also that in the interest of truth and fairness 
your article should have some attention. 

I feel that this article from your pen is unworthy of a man like you. I 
cannot understand why such a careful student as yourself should make 
statements such as you make in this article, when they are so manifestly 
and greatly in error. 

In addition to reading five of the six volumes of his "Studies" care- 
fully, and the sixth volume in part, I have also read many other pamphlets, 
magJizine articles and sermons of Pastor Russell, and also every criticism I 
have found or heard of in opposition to his teachings. I was one of his 
critics for about fifteen years, and I based my criticisms upon reading 
about half of one chapter of one of his books. A few years ago it occurred 
to me that I. might not understand bis full thought, so I took time to inform 
myself on the subject I had been criticising, and when I obtained more in- 
formation I became an admirer of his work, though I do not agree with him 
in all his conclusions. I have reached the conclusion concerning the authors 
of the criticisms that I have read that they do not know any more about 
Pastor Russell's teachings than I did in the days when I was so liberal with 
my condemnation. They all remind me of the testimony of the two wit- 
nesses who offered testimony before the Jewish council when Jesus was on 
trial. They said, "We heard him say: I will destroy this temple that is 
made with hands^ and within three days Iwill build another made without 
hands.'" Now Jesus had said something like that — though essentially 
different. These critics seem to have read Pastor Russell's works with the 
same methods and motives that Thomas Paine, Robert In^ersoll and others 
of their class read the Scriptures and criticised them. This seems very un- 
fortunate since it has been done by men who have been eminent for Chris- 
tian character and leaders of Christian, thought. 

Coming now to your article: Icannot take up all the mistakes you have 
made in this, but will confine myself to those lying on the surface. In the 
opening sentence you assure us that in the series there are "six rather bulky 
volumes, comprising in all" some two thousand pages." On page 123 you 
speak of "a careful reading of these volu mes," so we conclude that you have 
read them allcaref ully. (This is what you should have done before putting 
yourself on record in criticism of them.) I note that in your reference to 
and quotations from these books you confine yourself to the first three 
volumes, and chiefly to the first two. I note also that you quote a single 
sentence, or part of a paragraph, giving only a partial presentation of the 
author's thought, and then proceed to. criticise it. This is a most unfair 
method. It reminds me of an article I read a few years ago in which the 
writer was opposing the doctrine of the total depravity of man, and as a 
proof text he quoted John 9:3, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his 
pEirents," and said Jesus taught that here were at least three persons 

Another Minister's View 59 

who had never sinned. Your method with Pastor Russell is identical. 

Under the heading, "Ninth Error," in your article, yoii say: "One of 
these, the ninth error, essential and fundamental in" Christianity, is the 
person and work of the Holy Spirit. There is a strange and ominous silence 
regarding this most important subject very apparent in the writings of 
Pastor Russell. A careful reading of those volumes, comprising more than 
one thousand pages, has discovered but one solitary reference to the 
Spirit; it is a casual mention of the Spirit in connection with the Day of 
Pentecost. The statement is simply made as a historic fact, or rather as 
an event which marks a stage in the development of the Christian Church, 
Not one word of teaching has the writer found in Pastor Russell's works as 
to the distinct personality of the Spirit, or as to His supreme agency in the 
salvation of sinners." 

Now I must say frankly, though courteously, that I cannot understand 
how, or why, a man with your record for accuracy could be so careless or 
dishonest as to make such a statement. In your opening statement you 
say, "There are six volumes of two thousand pages;" and here you say 
that you have given these volumes a careful reading, and count but ONE 
thousand pages, and then you make a bold and erroneous statement — that 
theauthorignores the Holy Spirit I A judge would not think of rendering a 
verdict with only half the evidence in, but you speak boldly in condemna- 
tion of Pastor Russell when you are only half way through his books, 
r^ow, if you have given these volumes a "careful reading," I do not see 
how you missed in the fifth volume, pages 163 to 300, where the author 
entation of the person and work of the Holy Spirit, in connection with the 
redemption of the race of man, How can you explain this? 

It IS true that Pastor Russell may teach some things concerning the 
Holy Spirit that you will not agree with, but he does not ignore the Spirit, 
as you say he does. It is evident that in making this criticism you were 
careless, to say the least, and this should make those who are seeking the 
Truth very cautious about accepting your statements without verification. 

Another mistake which lies on the surface in your article is found on 
page 125, where, in reference to Pastor Russell's lecture on the subject of 
"To Hell and Back," you say: "Crowds have listened with no little 
satisfaction to his assertions that there is no hell, no eternal punishment, no 
hopelessness after death." Now I have not heard Pastor Russell speak at 
any time, nor have I read this particular lecture, but if he in this lecture 
teaches that there is no hell, and no punishment for the finally impenitent, 
then he in this lecture flatly contradicts what is very clear in all his writings. 
I have never read an expositor who speaks with more clearness and earnest- 
ness of the eternal punishment to be meted out to the finally impenitent. 
It is true that he does not believe in a literal lake of fire of burning brim- 
stone, and that men are eternally tortured in this, but in this he is not out of 
l>armony with thousands of other good, orthodox teachers. 

Now, in closing, I want to say that you need have no concern about one 
of your pupils following Pastor Russell. I have his books in my library 
and consult them freely, as I do every other good expositor I can find, 
and afford to buy. I have passed beyond the early stage of the disciples 
who wanted to forbid some to teach or cast out devils because they " follow 
not US." I have received unlimited aid from you, and also from Pastor 
Russell. I do not feel like saying with vou that he is "being used of the 
evil one to subvert the Truth of God.' My. church ofHctals still regard 
me as sufficiently orthodox that they can go to sleep and allow me to con- 
tinue preaching to the congregation. 

With kindest regards for you and highest appreciation of the help I 
have received from you, I am. 

Yours in His service, 

Secretary Samaritan Institute. 


The Divine Measuring Rod. 

To enable the reader to more completely measure the 
parties to the controversy hereinbefore described, and to 
determine the weight to be given the testimony of each, we 
append hereto some pertinent Biblical quotations. The Divine 
measuring rod is always the infallible one — "By their fruits ye 
shall know them." 

These Scripture texts, assembled by C. J. Woodworth, 
compiler of the International Bible Students' Manual, show, 
in "deadly parallel," who are the servants of Satan and who 
are the servants of God. 

"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants 
to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey?" — Rom. 6:16. 


Lovers of Money. 

"Feed the flock , , . not for filthy 
lucre."— 1 Pet. 5:2. 
"I have coveted no man's silver or 
gold."— Acts 20:33. 

"The priests thereof teach for 
hire."— Micah 3:11. 
"Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye de- 
vour widows' houses." — Matt. 23; 

"Teaching things which they ought 
not, for filthy lucre's sake." — Tit. 

"Shepherds that cannot under- 
stand; they all look to their own 
way, every one for his gain," — Isa. 

"He that hath no money; come ye 

. . . without money and without 

price." — Isa. 55:1. 

" Jesus went into the temple of God 

and cast out all them that sold and 

bought in the temple." — Matt. 21; 


Lovers of Titles. 

" His watchmen are blind ; . . .they 

are all D D s."— Isa. 56;10. 

"As being lords over God's herit- 
age."— 1 Pet; 6:3. 

"And love the uppermost rooms at 
feasts, and the chief seats in the 
synagogues, and greetings in the 
markets, and to be called of men 
Rabbi, Rabbi."— Matt. 23:6, 7. 

" He that humbleth himself shall be 
exalted."— Luke 18:14. 
"Praise ye Jehovah, . , , reverend 
is His name."— Psa. 111:1, 9. 
"Call no man your father upon the 
earth; for one is your Father, which 
is in Heaven. Neither be ye called 
masters; for one is your Mastei;, 
even Christ."— Matt. 23:9, 10. 

Lovers of Church Federation. 

"Behold, they shall surely gather 
together, but not by' Me." — Isa. 

"For a certain man named De- 
metrius, a silversmith (typifying 

the money-loving clergy) 

brought no small gain unto the 
craftsmen; whom he called to- 
gether with the workmen of like 
occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know 
that by this craft we have our 
wealth. '-Acts 19:24, 25. 

"Associate yourselves, O ye people, 
and ye shall be broken in pieces," 
—Isa. 8:9. 

"Gird yourselves and ye shall be 
broken in pieces. Take counsel to- 
gether and it shall come to naught; 
speak the word and it shall not 
stand. . . . Say ye not a confeder- 
acy, to all them to whom this peo- 
ple shall say, A confederacy ; 
neither fear ye their fear." — Isa. 
8:9, 10. 12. 



Lovers of Ignorance. 

"I will send a famine in the land, not 
a famine ol bread, nor a thirst for 
water, but of hearing the words of 
the Lord."— Amos 8:11. 

"My people are destroyed for lack 
of knowledge; because thou hast 
rejected knowledge, I will also re- 
ject thee, that thou shalt be no 
priest- to me; seeing thou hast for- 
gotten the Law of thy God." — Hos. 

"And the vision of all is become 
unto you as the words of a bojk 
that IS sealed, which men deliver 
to one that is learned, saying, Read 
this, I pray thee; and he saith, I 
cannot; for it is sealed." — Isa. 

"If ye continue in My Word, then 
are ye My disciples indeed; and ye 
shall know the truth and the truth 
shall make you free," — ^John 8i 
31, -32. 

"In that hour Jesus rejoiced in 
spirit, and said, I thank Thee, O 
Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, 
that Thou hast hid these things from 
the wise and prudent, and hast re- 
vealed them unto babes." — Luke 

"But God hath revealed them unto 
us by His Spirit; for the Spirit 
searcheth all things, yea, the deep 
things of God . . . the things that 
are freely given unto us of God, 
which things also we speak." — 1 
Cor. 2:10, 12, 13. 

Lovers of Human Ordination. 

"Which receive honor one of an- "Nor of men sought we glory, 

other, and seek not the honor that neither of you^ nor yet of others." 

cometh from God only." — John — 1 Thessalonians 2:6. 


Lovers of Long Prayers. 

"Pharisees, hypocrites', ye lor a "God Is in Heaven, and thou upon 
pretense make long prayers." — earth; therefore let thy words be 
Matt. 23:14. few."— Eccl. 5:2. 

Lovers of Slander. 

"Whosoever hateth his brother is "We ought to lay down our lives for 

a murderer." — 1 John 3:15. 
"They shall reproach you and cast 
out your name as evil." — Luke 6:22. 

"Deceit is in the heart of them that 
imagine evil."— Pro V. 12:20. 

"An evil man, out of the evil trea- 
sure, bringeth forth evil things." — 
Matt. 12:35. 

"Speak not evil one of another, 
brethren." "Speak evil of no 
man."— Jas. 4:11; Tit. 3:2. 
"He that hideth hatred with lying 
lips, and he that uttereth a slander 
is a fool.';— Prov. 10:18. 
"A wicked doer giveth heed to false 
lips; and a liar giveth ear to a 
naughty tongue." — Prov. 17:4. 
"Doth a fountain send forth at the 
same place sweet water and bitter?" 
— James 3:11. 

"Full of envy, murder, debate, 
deceit, malignity; whisperers, back- 

the brethren."—! John 3:16. 
"But I say unto you, love your en- 
emies, bless them that curse you." 
—Matt. 5:44. 

"Love suffereth long and is kind; 
. . , thinketh no evil." — 1 Cor. 
13:4. 5. 

"Agood man jOut of the good treas- 
ure of the heart, bringeth forth 
good things."— Matt. 12:35. 
"I will take heed to my ways, that 
I sin not with my tongue. ' — Psa. 

"We know that we have passed 
from death unto life, because we 
lovethe brethren." — 1 John 3:14. 
"The tongue of the wise is health. 
The lip of truth shall be established 
forever."— Prctv. 12:18, 19. 

"He was oppressed, and He was 
affiicted, yet He opened not His 
mouth." — Isa. 53:7. 
" Love rejoiceth not in iniquity, but 
rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all 



biters, haters of God, despiteful, 
proud, boasters."— Rom. 1:29, 30. 
"Their throat is an open sepulchre; 
with their tongues they have used 
deceit; the poison of asps is under 
their lips."— Rom. 3:13. 

" Whoso privily slandereth his 
neighbor, him will I cut off; him 
that hath a high loolc and a proud 
heart will not 1 suffer."— Psa. 101:5. 

"Report, say they, and we will re- 
port it. All my familiars watched 
for rny halting, saying, Peradven- 
ture he will be enticed, and we shall 
prevail against him and we shall 
take our revenge."— J er. 20:10. 

things . . . endureth all things." — 
1 Cor. 13:6,7. 

"My doctrine shall drop as the 
rain. My speech shall distil as the 
dew, as the small rain upon the 
tender herb and as the showers 
upon the grass." — Deut. 32:2. 

"Let the words of my mouth, and 
the meditations of my heart, be 
acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my 
strength and my Redeemer." — Psa. 

"Lord, who shall abide in Thy 
tabernacle? He . . '. that speakeih 
the truth in his heart, he that back- 
biteth not with his tongue nor 
taketh up a reproach against his 
neighbor." — Psa. 15:1-3. 

Lovers of Self. 

"They arc greedy dogs, which can 
never have enough." — Isa. 56:11. 

"All their works they do for to be 
seen of men." — Matt. 23:5. 
"Having' men's persons in admira- 
tion, because of advantage." — 
Jude 16. 

■ His watchmen are blind . . .sleep- 
ing, lying down, loving to slumber." 
—Isa. 56:10. 

"They bind heavy burdens and 
grievous to be borne, and lay them 
on men's shoulders, but they them- 
selves will not move them with one 
of their fingers."— Matt. 23:4. 

"Woe be to the shepherds of Israel 
that do feed themselves! Should 
not the shepherds feed the flocks? 
Ye eiat the fat, and. ye clothe you 
with the wool, ye kill them that.are 
fed ; but ye feed not the fiock. The 
diseased nave ye not strengthened, 
neither have ye healed that which 
was sick, neither have ye bound up 
that which was broken, neither 
have ye brought again that which 
was driven away, neither have ye 
sought that which was lost." — 
Ezelc. 34:2-4. 

"Be content with such things as ye 
have."— Hcb. 13:5. 
"Let not thy left hand know what 
thy right hand docth." — Matt. 6:3. 

"Hath not God chosen the poor of 
this world?" — James 2:5. 

"Therefore, let us not sleep, as do 
others; but let us watch." — 1 Thess, 

"Ye remember, brethren, our labor 
and travail; for laboring night and 
day, because we would not be 
chargeable unto you, we preached 
unto you the Gospel." — 1 Thess. 

"Take heed therefore unto your- 
selves, and to all the flock ... to 
feed the Church of. God ... I have 
coveted no man's silver, or gold, or 
apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know 
that these hands have ministered 
unto my necessities, and to them 
that were with me. I have showed 
you all things, how that so laboring 
ye ought to support the weak, and 
to remember the words of the Lord 
Jesus, how He said. It is more 
blessed to give than to receive." — 
Acts 20:28, 33-35. 

Lovers of Nightmares, 

"Because ye have said, We have 
made a covenant with death, and 
with hell are we at agreement." — 
Isa. 28:15. 

"O death, I will be thy plagues; O 
Sheol (hell), I will be thy destruc- 
tion." — Hosea 13:14. 



"Lying children . . . which say, 
Prophesy not unto us right things, 
speak unto us smooth things, 
prophesy deceits." — Isa. 30:9, 10, 
"His watchmen are blind, they are 
all ignorant; they are all dumb 
dogs, they can not bark, talking in 
their sleep." — Isa. 56:10 (margin.) 
"Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut 
up the Kingdom of Heaven against 
men; for ye neither go in yourselves, 
neither suffer ye them that are en- 
tering to go in." — Matt. 23:13. 

"In the latter days ye shall consider 
it perfectly. I have not sent these 
prophets, yet they ran; I have not 
spoken to them, yet they prophe- 
sied . ■ . Behold, I am against them 
that prophesy false dreams, saith 
the Lord, and do tell them, and 
cause My people to err by their lies 
and by their lightness." — Jer. 23 :20, 
21, 32. 

' ' And the heads of the horses (hobby 
horses — creeds of the dark ages) 
were as the heads of lions; and out 
of their mouth issued (sermons on) 
fire and smoke and brimstone. By 
these three was the third part of 
men killed (stupefied, asphyxiated) 
by the (threats of) fire and by the 
smoke and by the brimstone which 
issued out of their mouths, for their 
power is in their mouth." "If any 
man worship the (papal) beast and 
his (protestant) image, and receive 
his mark in his forehead (mind) or 
in his hand (pocketbook) the same 
shall drink of the wrath of God, 
which is poured out without mix- 
ture into thecupof His indignation, 
and he shall be tormented with 
(nightmares of) fire and brimstone," 
—Rev. 9:17-19; 14:9, 10. 

Lovers of Czars, 

"The kings of the earth who have 
committed fornication (union of 
church and state) and lived deli- 
ciously with her," — Rev. 18:9. 

''Saying peace, peace, when there 
is no peace." "Come ye, say they 
; . . tomorrow shall be as this day 
and much more abundant." "She 
saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and 
am no widow, and shall see no sor- 
row." "And thou saidst I shall be 
a lady forever; so that thou didst 

"If any man speak, let him speak as 
the oracles of God . . , that God 
in all things may be glorified." — 
1 Pet. 4:11. 

"The prophet that hath a dream, 
let- him tell a dream, and he that 
hath My Word, let him speak My 
Word faithfully."— Jer. 23:28, 

"What is my reward then? Verily 
that when I preach the Gospel, I 
may make the Gospel of Christ 
without charge . . , that I might 
by all means save some." — 1 Cor. 

"From a child thou hast known the 
Holy Scriptures, which are able to 
make thee wise unto salvation 
through faith which is in Christ 
Jesus, . , . profitable for doctrine, 
for reproof, for instruction in right- 
eousness, that the man of God may 
be perfect, thoroughly furnished 
unto all good works." — 2 Tim, 3; 

"Beloved, let us love one another; 
for love is of God; and every one 
that loveth is begotten of God, and 
knoweth God. He that loveth not, 
knoweth not God; for God is Jove. 
In this was manifested the love of 
God toward us, because that God 
sent His only begotten Son into the 
world, that we might live through 
Him, Herein is love, not that we 
loved God, but that He loved us, 
and sent His Son to be the pro- 
pitiation for our sins. Beloved, if 
God so loved us, we ought also to 
love one another . . . There is no 
fear in love; but perfect love 
casteth out fear; because fear hath 
torment. He that feareth is not 
made perfect in love. We love Him 
because He first loved us," — 1 John 
4:7-11, 18, 19, 

Popes and Kaisers. 

"I have espoused you to one hus- 
band, that I may present you as a 
Chaste Virgin to Christ." — 2 Cor. 

"Prepare war, wake up the mighty 
men." (Joel 3:9.) "For thus saith 
the Lord God of Israel unto me; 
Take the cup of this fury at My 
hand and cause all the nations, to 
whom I send thee, to drink it. And 
they shall drink and be moved, and 
be mad, because of the sword that 



not lay these things to thy heart 
. . , thou that art given to pleasures, 
that dwellest carelessly, that sayest 
in thy heart, I am, and none else 
beside me; I shall not sit as a 
widow, neither shall I know the loss 
of children."— Jer. 8:11; Isa. 56:12; 
Rev. 18:7; Isa. 47:7, 8. 

"Yea, the stork in the heaven 
knoweth her appointed times; and 
the turtle and the crane and the 
swallow observe the time of their 
coming; but My people know not 
the judgnient of the Lord . . . The 
pen of the scribes is in vain. The 
wise men are ashamed, they are 
dismayed and taken; lo, they have 
rejected the Word of the Lord; and 
what wisdom is in them?" — Jer. 

I will send among them ... all the 
kings of the north, far and near, one 
with another and all the kingdoms 
of the world, which are upon the 
face of the earth . . . Drink ye, and 
be drunken, and spue, and fall, and 
rise no more, because of the sword 
which I will send among you." — 
Jer. 26:15, 16, 26, 27. 

"Let us be glad and rejoice and 
give honor to Him, for the marriage 
of the Lamb is come, and His Wife 
hath made herself ready. And to 
her was granted that she should be 
arrayed in fine linen, clean and 
white; for the fine linen is the 
righteousness of saints; and He 
saith unto me, Write, blessed are 
they which are called unto the 
Marriage supper." — Rev, 19:7-9. 

No one who is familiar with the work Pastor Russell is 
doing can read the foregoing Scriptures thoughtfully with- 
out understanding why he is most cordially hated (and lied 
about) by those whose shortcomings, as a class, are being 
exposed. It is a case of ONE MAN against the crowd. 
Probably, in due time, the crowd will succeed in securing 
his measurable defeat; any other outcome would be strange; 
but, BUT! B-U-T ! 

"Speak, historyl who are life's victors? Unroll 

thy long annals and say, 
Are they those whom the world called the 

victors, who won the success of a day? 
The martyrs, or Nero? The Spartans who fell 

at Thermopylae's tryst. 
Or the Persians and Xerxes? His judges, or 

Socrates? Pilate, or Christ?"— 

W. W, Story, 

Till! pkoipliUt pMtpkld lu tay uddieii: — 

T«D C«st« per Copy. 

Elgbt Dollar) par Huudrad. 

By (f«lght or exprwi aolleat Tlv» OolUra pet Hunilrvd. Addrau: 

J. T. nUTHERFORD, Box 51, 

Kiw Vork City, U. S. A.