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♦jiiiuiiii)ioiiHiiHiioimiiiniK3iiiHiiimic3mmimiomimuiit3miiuiiiii[]imitiiiiiuji!m!niiiiiic3 iiiimioimimmiicjiiiiMiiiiiiioiiiiiiitiiiioiiiiiiiiiii| 

I Prices for HARRIS HOMES | 


Prices on all building materials are advancing by leaps 
1 and bounds. They will continue until the conclusion of Peace 

Then the great demand due to rebuilding devastated areas ot 
Europe will keep them up for many years to come. 

The prices quoted below possibly will never be offered 
you again. They are far the lowest that can be obtained if 
you take into consideration the high quality of material we 
furnish. Here are a few of the many good qualities of Harris 
Homes. Clear Lumber for outside and inside finish. No. I 
Yellow Pine dimension lumber. Double floors upstairs and 
downstairs. Three coats of Paint. Simplest Bundling System. 
Easiest Construction. Guaranteed quantities throughout. 
| Remember, we furnish material either IMPROVED 

CUT-TO-FIT or NOT CUT-TO-FIT. Our Guarantee holds 
§ good in either case. t | 

A Harris Home is within your reach. Fill in the infor- | 

mation blank in back of book. Order plans if you like. Get 
our complete information and Delivered Prices. Quotations 
are Free. A temporary charge of $2.00 is made for Plans. 
I Read our Free Plan Offer on Pages 6 and 7. 




























Cut-to-fit Not Cut-to-fit 






















































ri0 ' ' Cut-to-fit Not Cut-to-fit 



























SI, 681 
































Not Cut-to-fit 



GARAGES, pgs. S8-S0. Add 5% 

i Harris Brothers Company I 

ImtmammmmmmmmimmaM mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmfmm — 

Home, Sweet Home, be it ever so 
humble, there's no place like Home. 

To Every Wise Man and 
Woman Comes the Natural 
Desire to Own a Home 

©HIS Company realizing the 
needs and demands of the pub- 
lic, from many years of experi- 
ence, presents herewith a handsome book 
of carefully selected plans of moderate- 
priced homes at prices so reasonable, 
that a home is easily within your reach 
even though your means be limited. 

The character of these homes, and the 
quality of the material we supply is such 
as to at once convince you of the desir- 
ability of purchasing from this Company. 


35th and Iron Streets CHICAGO 


Harris Brothers Company 

CAPITAL STOCK, $10,000,000 
Incorporated 1893 

Certificate of ©ntonbittonal (guaranty 

TUTIiJo fifFtt ar Jmtoo absolutely and without reserve, that we will furnish 
SlWlK VL-liaWUUtt for eac tj anc i every or( i er f or any design shown 

in this book, at the price quoted, sufficient material to build same in a good 
substantial and workmanlike manner, strictly according to the Blue I rint 
Plans, Specifications and Material List furnished. 

TUTIUo tfFtmr?mf-i>i> and a g ree that in the event of tnere not being suffi " 

VWtU VUUilUUlUX cient material, to reimburse our customer for any 

purchase he may make on account of shortage or error — we to be notified of 
such shortage or error, however, and to have the right first to furnish the miss- 
ing material ourselves, or authorize our customer to purchase it at our expense. 

7l7f£t> rtFttm* nttf-00 to furnish with each order for any of our designs, 
VWillC KklUUttUUX fu ji directions in the form of an itemized list of 
material, showing just exactly the number of pieces, feet, size, grade, style, 
finish, etc., of the material furnished, designating the purpose for and the 
place in which it is to be used. 

717190 rtPttnt»mtti>o to furnish with each shipment an itemized invoice, 
ViHtlt KtlUUttUUX showing just what is in the shipment, so that our 
Customer may check the material received against our invoice. If anything 
is short, notify us at once. After this has been done and the amount re- 
ceived is found not sufficient to complete the job, then, if the error is ours, 
we still hold ourselves responsible. HARRIS BROTHERS COMPANY 



Liberal Terms for You — No Cash in Advance 

We do not ask you to pay us cash in advance in any instance 

In all fairness, you cannot however, expect us to ship you, perhaps a stranger, 
a valuable carload of material without some evidence of good faith on your part. 
We have, therefore, printed our terms of shipment in plain, easily understood 
language, giving you' four different methods by which you can order. 

Whether or not you send cash with your order, you are protected in every way 
by our guarantee. The advantages of sending cash in full with order are the earning 
of the cash discount and the saving of delays and annoyances in getting possession 
of the material at your end of the line. Oar cash discount is allowed only when lull 
remittance is sent when you order. The printed prices of Harris Homes in this book 
are free on board cars Chicago. Freight paid prices quickly quoted by return mail. 
Take your choice of the following terms, mentioning the number when you order. 

count of 2 per cent will be allowed only 
when full remittance is sent with order. 

Torrrxt D Pay as y° ur building 

lerrm u ^ up If you are 

arranging with a Building Association, 
Banking House or Trust Companv t< 
supply you funds to complete yo"r build- 
ing, we will accept payment in the follow- 
ing manner: One-third with order; one- 
third in sixty days from date of order; 
balance ninety days from date of order. 
Satisfactory guarantee of payment to be 
furnished by customer. 

Tprmv A No cash with order. We 
i ci i nd sx. wi]1 ship you mater i a i 

without any cash payment whatever. 
Payment must, however, be covered by 
special terms guarantee blank (blank sent 
on application) which gives you 5 days 
time to inspect and unload before paying. 

Tpvm <? R Ten to 25 per cent cash 
1 ™ " lb " with order (depending 
upon distance to be shipped and amount) , 
balance to be paid straight C. O. D. 

Term? d Two per cent special 
1 e ' fn * U discount. A special dis- 


Twenty- Five Years' Study 

IF you knew 25 years ago what you know to-day, wouldn't it be wonderful! ? 
Think of the many worries, mistakes and losses it would have saved — the 
next best thing is to profit by the experience of others. The wise man does 
it — the unwise jump in head-long and pay, and the wise man profits by their 

Beware of those who freely use the word "standard" and do not live up to it; 
those who deceive you in floor measurements by not showing actual measurements 
either of houses or rooms, and many other deceptions you may find out too late. 
You will find no such deception here in this book; our constant aim being to give 
you the fairest, cleanest and most straightforward home building offer possible; how 
well we have succeeded we must leave to your judgment when you have read it 
over carefully. 

For 25 years we have been dealing and experimenting in building material of 
all kinds, studying economy, quality, grades, etc. — handling everything. From a 
modest beginning, we have grown until today we place before you the unmatched 
facilities and money-saving advantages of the world's largest "Direct-to- You" 
Building Material Plant. Through all these years we have been improving and 
perfecting "The Harris Way" Home Building Plan. 

Industrial Housing 

This problem is confronting almost every manufacturer today — it is 
so serious that the Government itself has taken a hand in it. 

Let us help you solve this perplexing problem, either with a selection 
of some of the many low priced, medium sized, easily built Harris Homes, 
or with Specially Planned Houses to meet a specific price, or better yet 
with our "PBESTO-UP" Sectional Houses (see back pages) with which 
we have given immediate relief to more than one large corporation in dire 
straits for lack of labor due solely to insufficient housing facilities. 

Write and tell us the kind of labor, how many, whether families or 
individuals, and how fast you need houses, addressing Department 38-75. 

We Are Originators of Modern Building Methods 

Ours was the first real helpful home building service. Like practically every 
great invention or advanced method, "The Harris Way" Building Plan owed its 
birth and development to necessity. Years ago we clearly saw the useless and 
unnecessary waste of money, time, labor, material and other serious and expensive 
short-comings in the ordinary old fashioned methods. Thus "The Harris Way" 
was originated and it has been developed step by step until today our work has 
become the home builder's standard. 

In our earlier career we were incorporated under the name of The Chicago 
House Wrecking Company. For years we were known to the public, under this 
name, as the Bargain Mart of the world, but as time passed we were, by reason of 
the great savings made on new lumber and mill-work, material purchased for cus- 
tomers, forced into the new material business and we realized that the old name 
gave the wrong impression. Millions of dollars have been spent by us to acquaint 
the buying public with the old name, still the four Harris Brothers, the men who 
built this great institution decided that their best interests demanded a change of 
name that would not mislead. Remember we famish new material only. 



Page 2 


Page 3 

An Interior of Harris Home Combining Charm, 
Comfort and Economy 

THIS photograph truly shows a Harris Home. It is the interior of our No. 1517 
as built by one of our many Ohio customers. It demonstrates the ease with 
which you can secure the material to build your Harris Home and what a beauti- 
fully finished job it will make. . . 
There is no hard and fast rule about the interior of any Harris Home, changes m location 
of doors and windows, as well as the heights of windows can be made to suit personal 
tastes, or the requirements of furniture and fixtures, without interfering with the Sensibly 
Cut-to-Fit System. This is frequently impossible under other so-called Cut-to-£it 

Additions of interior fittings can be made wherever desired by the customer. The Bookcase Colonnade 
shown in this picture is our "Modern;" the Sideboard our "North Shore; 1 ' the Beam Ceiling our 10-S-545 
with i-nvp omilted and the Lighting Fixtures our "Sunshine set. 

NoTonly < customer -purchase the Building Material for his Harris Home, but also Plumbing, Heating 
Furni ure Rugs, and other fittings that go to make up a first-class new home. You can do the same and 
get GUARANTEED QUALITY at not only a saving in time, worry and inconvenience, but money as well. 

SAVED $600.00 

_, . T11 . . Ohio. 

Harris Brothers Company, Chicago, Illinois. . . 

Gentlemen;— I am mailing you to-day under separate cover, exterior and interior photo- 
graphs of my new Bungalow. , , .„., ., 

1 hardly need to tell you we are proud of our new home, as the photographs tell the story. 
On all sides we hear the expression "It is the prettiest little hungalow in this part of the country 

I accepted your proposition, as you know, placed my order for all building material, 
including the "built in" conveniences and the hot water heating plant, with your company. 

Judging from 
estimates given by 
other builders, I 
saved at least $600. 
I surely appreciate 
the privilege of hav- 
ing had the pleasure 
of doing business 
with acompany from 
which I received 
prompt and cour- 
teous service. 

Wishing you 
success, I remain, 

Yours truly, 

The handsome bathroom breathes 
comfort, health and cleanliness at 
every turn. 

Name and ad- 
dress furnished on 

This snug and cozy kitchen means 
less tired feet, better meals, and 
smiles instead of frowns. 


Page 4 


What It Means to You 

HERE are ways and ways to build a home — 
you may "Let the other fellow do it" and — 
pay. You may go about it in a tedious and 
piece-meal manner, about as follows: First, 
you hunt an Architect, then the Contractor, 
then the Builder, then the lumber yard and mill work 
factory, then other supply houses — and after many pro 
and con arguments on price and quality, in about 60 or 
90 days, you may be ready to proceed with your building, 
and after you are through with it all — then perhaps a 
lawyer to clean up the mess. 

"The Harris Way" means just the opposite. You 
can order everything right from your little desk or 
writing table — it is but a matter of a few postage stamps and the swift U. S. Mails. 
Everything is in writing, therefore dependable, instead of verbal promises, such as 
may be made you by eight or ten different local dealers supplying material. 

"The Harris Way" means to get the best of more than twenty-four years 
study and experimenting in building material values of all kinds. The men, whose 
genius has developed this wonderful home building plan, have accomplished all you 
could wish for. Building a home today — a modern house that will be both good 
to look at and pleasant to live in, is no longer a tedious expensive, mysterious under- 
taking when "The Harris Way" guides you to its completion. "The Harris 
Way" means to build in a sensible, sound and economical manner. "The Harris 
Way" means highest quality of material for the price; correct grades, improved and 
approved methods of construction; complete elimination of waste and the passing 
to you, yourself, all the complete facts and figures — enabling you to be master of 
every situation — and the building of a home becomes at once a simple matter. 

Distinguishing Details of The Harris Way Plan 

Liberal Terms ^ ne HAJJRIS WAY means absolute protection to you be- 
— cause yon need no t pay one cent until every representation made 
has been proved to your satisfaction. Read carefully the liberal Terms of Payment 
as fully outlined in preceding page of this book. You will then clearly understand 
that the many advantages of "The Harris Way" begin right here and continue to 
help you at every step to the end. 

KnOW ^Vfiere YOU re At "The Harris Way" means a tremendous saving in 

— ^-^-^^— ^— ^^^— ^— ^— time, worry and preliminary expenditures because 
we furnish the Blue-Print plans as clearly explained in our Free Plan Offer before 
you buy — not after. That's the only way to learn the true facts and clearly see 
how thoroughly every detail is covered by us. The risk is all ours. 

Money Back For Waste " The Harri £ Way " m f- a £ s + £ n - entire + e 1 ™^ 13 / 1011 

& of waste. To accomplish this important leature, 

it is necessary that our designs be planned and figured carefully and correctly by 
experts. We gladly refund the purchase price on any waste material. 

Cut-to-FU Sensibly " The Hatfis Way" means a much lower first cost, 

sL means better material furnished cut- to-fit in a manner 

that enables you to get a perfect job with tight and close-fitting joints. You 
won't have to apologize at every turn for poor material and ill-fitting joints, or 
for any other reason. 

Saves Time and Trouble "J he Harris Way" is the common-sense way, 

that you can easily understand — no magic. 

Everything carefully thought out for you. The result is a quick, easily erected 
building which is completed in record time. 

Come and Visit Our Plant 

"The Harris Way" means that our latch 
string is always out to you. We have nothing 

bad to hide and lots of good things to show. Our tremendous success has been built 

up by our open and above board policy. 


Page 5 

Our Free Blue Print Offer 

HAT is the best advertisement we could have? 
The answer is simple — a satisfied customer — 
and right here is where we give you your first 
taste of satisfaction. We recommend, and you 
should, by all means, first have an opportunity 
to inspect every detail of the plan of the home 
you contemplate building — hence our Free Plan 

To send our valuable Blue Prints, out free and 
promiscuously, would cheapen them and cheapen your 
home. They are intended for prospective Harris Home 
builders only, and surely our Free Plan Offer following is 
as clean and fair as it can be made. It is as follows: 

We will send you a complete Blue Print Plan outfit 
as described below, all postage prepaid, upon receipt of 
a temporary deposit of $2.00 as evidence of good faith 
on your part. If you sent us the order, we will hand 
you hack the $2.00 you have sent us. Our liberal offer 
is made because we want YOU to be convinced beyond 
a question of doubt of the safety of ordering your house 
from us, and our plan offer is made solely to benefit intend^ 
ing home builders. 

Our $2.00 Blue Print Outfit Consists of 
the Following 

1. Basement Plan. 

2. First Floor Plan. 

3. Second Floor Plan. 

4. Front Elevation, 

5: Right Side Elevation. 9. 

6. Left Side Elevation. 10. 

7. Rear Elevation. 11. 

8. Detail Sheets. 

Material List. 
Delivered Price. 

After making you the above Free Plan Offer, which alone is much more than 
other concerns are willing to let you have before you send in your cash, we make 
you an additional incomparable Free Plan Offer; taking you a tremendous step 
further — a step that has never been attempted by anyone — we propose to furnish 
you the complete Simplified "Sensibly Cut-to-Fit" Blue Print Plans, explaining 
everything and showing you so clearly, step by step, what real Sensibly Cut-to-Fit 
means — from these plans you yourself can tell at a glance how easy and simple it 
will be to build your home quick and correctly. Construction points of excellence 
are at once made clear to you, and it will be an easy matter for you to follow the 
specifications; be your own superintendent, heretofore practically impossible, except 
by men specially trained for this purpose. 

Our Wonderful Free Complete Cut-to-Fit 
Plan Offer 

You must first of all take advantage of our $2.00 Plan Offer, per above. With 
our $2.00 Blue Print Outfit in your possession, you will be able to determine whether 
or not the house suits you; whether the price comes within your means, and if such 
is the case, you will, of course proceed with your building. 

Assuming then that you are satisfied with the plan of the House and the price, 
the next step would be to order your material; but, before doing this, you may wish 
to investigate the Sensibly Cut-to-Fit System to find out for yourself whether it is 
really as good as we say it is. Thus, in order to enable you to do this and satisfy 
yourself of the wonderful advantages of this system, we offer you the following: 

For $10.00 and upwards (depending upon which Harris Home you 
select) sent us as an initial deposit on your order, we will forward you the complete 
Cut-to-Fit Blue Print Plans and Material List, covering all material for the house, 
as described in this book. These Plans cost us from $250.00 to $500.00 each to pro- 
duce in their present state of perfection — and we ask but a small temporary deposit, 


Page 6 

assuring us that you mean business — we hand you back the deposit by crediting 
you the entire amount on your order. 

Following are the Detailed CUT-TO-FIT Plan3 furnished under our 
Free Offer, shown on opposite page: 

1. Basement Plan. 9. 

2. First Floor and Porch Joist Plan. 10. 

3. First Floor Room Plan. 11. 

4. Second Floor Joist and Porch 12. 

Ceiling Joist Plan. 13. 

5. Second Floor Room Plan, 14. 

6. Front Elevation. 15. 

7. Front Elevation Framing. 16. 

8. Right Side Elevation. 

Right Side Framing. 
Rear Elevation. 
Rear Elevation Framing. 
Left Side Elevation. 
Left Side Elevation Framing. 
Second Floor Ceiling Joist Plan. 
Rafter and Roof Plan. 
Longitudinal Section (showing 
house sawed in two — so to speak 

Real Helpful Rlue Prints U * der the Agoing extraordinary Free Plan 

^^ offers, you can secure, before you purchase, 

not after, all the assistance you need for the proper and economical construction 
of your building. Our Blue Print Plans are the result of many years of experience. 
They have been planned, studied and estimated by men who have been on the 
job for years and who know what they are about. 

A/fniprin / 1 i<ii Our material list is complete in describing fully the items needed 
iviuitiiui l^idi and the purpose for which they are to be used . with the aid 

of this list, our Catalogue, the Blue Print Plan outfit, the whole plan of building will 
at once become easily understood and clear. Think of the value of having in your 
possession a list describing every door, window, every piece of lumber, moulding, 
millwork, etc., etc., and all the hardware down to the last nail. Do you realize 
that to be in possession of a list of this kind is worth many hundreds of dollars to 
you on the cost of your building? 

Pneitivp A rrurnrv Because of our strict guaranty you can readily understand 
rwnuvK ^vvluuvj how important it is to us that our material lists be posi- 
tively accurate, our plans correct in every detail and that sufficient material is 
furnished in every instance. Thousands of home builders are saying good words 
foi us and the already large list of satisfied Harris Home Owners continues to grow. 

DpliiiPrPtJ Prirpa Without any obligation on your part, we will gladly name 
utuvei cu rnvd you D ELIVERED prices to your station; safe delivery of 
every item guaranteed and everything to be shipped free of all freight charges. 
You will then know what the material will cost you to the penny. 

Ttpvprtpd Plan? We w »l furnish Beversed Plans for any of the Harris Homes 
i itvzi &vu, rm>M ghown - n this book A Reversed pi an means that the rooms 

will be just opposite from the way they now appear. If Reversed Plans are desired, 
it will be necessary for you to get two sets of plans, one as illustrated in this book 
and one reversed. An additional charge of $1.00 is made for Beversed Plans. 

RpnnrrUnn Chnnnpc Write us, tell us what change you think is necessary to 
neyut uiny ^iLUfiycz better suit your requirements, we wdl gladly arrange to 

take care of same whenever possible. 

Special Plans to Order 

The same experienced expert designers who 
produced the Harris Homes in this book 
are at your service — FBEE — if you purchase 
your home from us. Write and tell us what 
you want, either before or at the time you 
take advantage of any of the following offers: 

Offer No. 23-L-l— For $5.00 and upwards, 
■we will take your own pencil sketches and make correct 
pencil plans and name you a guaranteed delivered price, furnishing a complete descrip- 
tive list of material, guaranteed price and quantities. If you order final Blue Prints 
or material, the amount you have paid will be credited on same. 

Offer No. 23- L -2— For $20.00 and upwards, we will furnish Blue 
Print Outfit of your own home, equal in every way to Blue Prints furnished for Harris 
Homes. This offer does not, however, include Cut-to-Fit Blue Print Plans. Such plans 
will be furnished when houses are ordered in quantities, sufficiently large to warrant. 

Offer No. 23-L-3 — Under this offer come Blue Prints, Plans, etc., of 
buildings of every kind and description — Factory Buildings, Warehouses, Garages 
(Public and Private), Barns, etc., etc. Write us fully what you want, it being 
understood that any charges made for such service shall be deducted from the 
amount of your order for the material if placed with us. 


Page 7 

Cut-to- Fit or Not Cut-to-Fit 

The Question of the Day 


That's the question. 

In many localities there is a prejudice against 
Ready-Gut houses — due to those that have gone 
before; such houses having been in many in- 
stances not only "misfits" but deceits of the 
worst kind in both quality of material and 
standard of construction. Had there been none 
but Harris Homes, as we offer, Sensibly Cut-to- 
Fit received, such prejudice would not exist. 
Therefore, do not confuse or condemn before 
you have investigated the wonderful and real 
"dollars in your pocket" advantage of "The 
Harris Way," as is fully explained in this book. 
A Harris Home in your locality will perma- 
nently repair such prejudice. 

It is impossible to please everybody, but it is possible 
to at least try to please the great majority. With that end 
in vie w we have given the "Gut- to-Fit' ' or ' 'Not Cut-to-Fit' ' 
question the broadest consideration, and in order not to 
deprive any prospective customer of a Harris Home, we 
offer the opportunity of ordering either way. 

Sometimes the owner himself builds and orders the 
Cut-to-Fit method, believing it is the best for bim, be- 
cause, even though he may not be a thorough carpenter, 
he can build a Harris Home faster and with better 
results than under any other method, due to our wonder- 
ful clear and simple Blue Print Plans, Specifications, Mate- 
rial Lists, and system of marking and bundling. All the uninteresting hard physical 
labor has been performed by us with modern machinery and trained men. What 
is left to be done on the job is the interesting and lighter work — hence greater speed 
and pleasure in the working. 

Sometimes the carpenter is keen and quick to see the advantages of "The 
Harris Way" Cut-to-Fit system, and sees he can make a better profit, build the 
house faster and better satisfy the owner as well, but the owner does not want 
to order his material Cut-to-Fit. 

Then again there is the customer who lives in a territory where carpenters are 
very scarce or practically unobtainable. In such localities the Cut-to-Fit home 
is the answer. 

Where houses are built in quantities, five or more at a time, The Harris Way 
Cut-to-Fit is of untold advantage. The speed with which houses can be erected 
in quantities is marvelous and the saving in labor cost likewise. 

However, every buyer has a right to decide for himself what he wants and 
how he wants it, and it is our aim to serve him correctly, economically and 
satisfactorily in either way. 

When Ordered NOT Cut-to-Fit 

When Harris Homes are ordered Not Cut-to-Fit, material will be 
shipped in identical grades, quantities and under the same guarantee 
as our Cut-to-Fit Homes, the only difference being that the material 

■will be shipped in regular standard stock lengths, such that will cut to best advantage 
with the least possible waste, excepting, however, Window Frames, Door Frames and 
Inside Door Jambs, which will be shipped "knocked down," but manufactured in our 
shops here ready to put together when you receive them. 


Page 8 

A Page to the Carpenter 

The Man Who Does the Work 


HO do you think is responsible for "The Harris 
Way?" — you, of course. 

It is true we have experts who have made a 
life study of building material, construction, 
plans, houses, etc., etc., but these experts do not 
presume to tell you that they know more about 
the work of actually constructing a house than 
you do — that is your life's work. We have 
combined the knowledge gained by your life's 
work and our life's work, and the result is "The 
Harris Way" Sensibly Cut-to-Fit and bundling 
em. Answers to the hundreds of letters we sent out to our car- 
penter friends, asking them a page of questions on the subject, 
determined the system and confirmed our own opinion in the matter. 
Still you may have ideas of your own. Perhaps you would rather have one 
piece outside studding, instead of two — or some other preference — just let us know 
what it is and we will try our best to accomodate you. We try to maintain a bond 
of pleasant business relations when you are once a customer of ours and consider 
you one of our big family to whom we can talk regular "home talk" and who will 

In developing our Cut-to-Fit System, we have taken into consideration that 
you, the carpenter, have good common sense and judgment. We are not going to 
try and tell you that you can buy a Ready-Cut house with every single item Cut- 
to-Fit, and then all you will have to do is to sit by — and Presto! up she goes. We 
realize that you know better. 

We do know, however, and are not afraid to say, that the heavy work, such 
as cutting to exact length the Joists, Studdings, etc., etc., as well as framing the 
entire roof, can be done by our trained men and modern machinery, faster than 
you can do it by hand on the job. We know that we can manufacture and cut 
to exact length the Door and Window Frames, Inside and Outside Trim for same; 
Door Jambs, Inside Door and Window Trim and Stairways correctly, because 
the size of such doors and windows, control the size of the material to be cut, and 
measurements therefore, do not vary and the ceiling heights control the stairway 

We would not tell you that you could make a saving, or better time, or a better 
job if we furnished you the Siding, Sheathing and Flooring Cut-to-Fit, because we 
are aware that you know that this is not true, and that more time is wasted 
unloading, checking, counting and sorting these items, and consulting the Blue 
Print to find the place where these small pieces go, and then on top of it, find that a 
you have to saw off two or three inches anyway. 

You know also that some concerns selling Ready-Cut houses are advertising 
to furnish houses complete Cut-to-Fit, charging for same in their high prices, 
and when they arrive you have to cut half of the items all over anyhow — not so with 
us. We believe in being honest with you, giving you credit for good common sense 
and using some of it ourselves. 

The Harris Way will enable you to earn more money, because it is the most 
practical way for you to buy material; the least trouble for you to handle, and the 
least expensive to buy. It is the safest for both you and the owner; the speediest 
for you to build with, and the fastest to put the profit for your labor in your pocket — ■ 
by our method you can build two houses, instead of one — earn two profits — get 
credit in your neighborhood for being an up-to-date live wire— a reputation for fast 
and good work, quality of material and lowest in price, and always earn a bigger 
profit and still save money for the owner. 

Some of the Many Good Reasons Why You Should 
Buy a Harris Home 

Clear lumber outside and inside, No. 1 Yellow Pine Joist and dimen- 
sion lumber, double floors upstairs and downstairs. Three coat 
paint job, paint included. Guaranteed quantities throughout. 


Page 9 

Read What the Man Who Built the Above Street 
Full of Our Houses Says 


Harris Brothers Co., Chicago, 111. 

Gentlemen: — We are sending yon this letter which you are authorized to use m any form ol pubiicity 
you may see fit to send out. . , , 

Perhaps our best recommendation for your material is the fact that within twelve months we have 
ordered erected and sold forty-eight of your various house designs, built mostly in accordance with your 
plans, although often changed slightly as to outward appearance and in some cases arrangement ot rooms. 

We are sending you under separate cover a picture which you may wish to reproduce, showing sixteen 
or seventeen of the houses that were part of the one order given you for twenty designs. I he houses 
have given entire satisfaction and have been good sellers. 

In buying material and building in this way we found it enabled us to undersell other builders at least 
$200.00 which is no inconsiderable amount when competing for business in a city the size ot Cleveland. 

As to quantity furnished, we have never had any complaint As you remember, one or two shortages 
occured owing to cars being broken into and I wish to thank you again for the promptness in which this 
was corrected and duplicate material furnished. 

Trusting this expression of our satisfaction may be of use to you, we r , em ai Q TT ,„ rQ „ „ TT uT^rr, 

Verv truly yours, MATHEWS & GILrJEKl. 

E. G. Gilbert. 

Proofs of Wonderful Savings and Service 



Many Maine people are interested in this house, 
one man even coming from New Hampshire to look 
it over, and I am anxious that it should go up 
smoothly, especially as I expect to erect another 
house next year, and the lumber is certainly 
superior to any I could procure locally. 
Yours truly, 
(Signed) H. L. SIMMONS. 


New Hampshire. 

I had the pleasure of erecting one of your houses, 
with stock furnished by you. I have been in the 
building business for nearly forty years, and I never 
put up a building with better lumber outside and in, 
than that one. This last Fall I put up one . . . 

house here, from the I couldn't help 

but see the difference. The slock was poor 
quality — run short on a number of things, whereas 
yours was all first class and had enough. 

Will you kindly send me as soon as convenient 
your latest. Cut-to-Fit Plan Book of One Hundred 
Harris Homes and oblige. Yours respectfully, 

'SAVED $700.00" 


A letter to Whom it may concern: 

My wife and myself went to Chicago, 111., and 
bought a house from the Harris Brothers Go. and 
the carpenters and all that handled the lumber 
unloading or seen lumber said it was the best 
lumber they had ever seen. As we made a close 
estimate on the lumber and adding freight charges 
we realize we saved about $700.00 on the bill to 
the best of our knowledge. 

You may tell Armstrong I sent his name in. 

Very truly yours, (Signed) J. L. HILLMAN. 



Enclosed find a photo of house Design No. 163. 
I wish to state that the material was as repre- 
sented, and I saved several hundred dollars in 
getting the lumber from your firm. 

If I ever build again I will not hesitate in giving 
you the next order. Yours truly, 




I am certainly well pleased with my house I 
bought from your firm. It has certainly made up 
very pretty and has been the talk of the town. 
Numbers of people come to see it. It seems to be 
a special place to visit on Sunday. It is now 
nearing completion. We expect to move into it 
in about a week. I added something to it from 
your plans. I put an 18-inch wall under it instead 
of 12-inch. I made the chimney from the fireplace 
with stone all the way up. I made the piers at the 
front porch of stone with cement caps on them. 
I made the rear porch 7 x 12 feet. 
Yours truly, 
(Signed) THOS. A. HOPKINS. 



You will find enclosed the picture of my resi- 
dence, the material for which was purchased from 
Harris Brothers. 

Found the material satisfactory in every par- 
ticular. . 

As I have spent several hundred dollars with 
this Grm, if you want an honest square deal, see 
Harris Brothers. 

Yours truly, 

(Signed) OSCAR LAIR. 


Page 10 


-N. Y. 

Our "Harris Way" house, Design No, 127, was 
completed about October 1st, and we have been 
occupying it since that time. I want to say in the 
beginning that we are completely satisfied with the 
house and everything connected with it. Our 
material was first class in all respects, and there 
was a great plenty of it to complete the house in 
every detail, and with the few changes we made in 
the original plans we have one of the prettiest 
houses to be found in the city. 

As to the Heating Plant (hot water) we are 
having one of the coldest winters we have had in 
many years, and we are just as warm and cozy all 
over the house, including the attic, as one could 
wish for. _ The plant was installed just as you 
furnished it, and according to your "blue print" 
plans. I am not going to tell you that we are 
getting this result without using any coal, but I 
will say that we are getting to use less coal than 
we have before in a number of years, and we are 
warm all the time. Why, I am sitting in the attic 
now, writing this letter, and have neither coat nor 
vest on and I am very comfortable, so much for 
the heating plant. 

I have the highest regard for your firm in all 
my dealings with you and am always glad to make 
it known. You are at liberty to refer to me at 
any time you desire. I hope to have further deal- 
ings with you as my needs require. 
Sincerely yours, 

(Signed) A. W. YOUNG. 


"SAVED AT LEAST $500.00" 

■ Pennsylvania. 

Now a few words about the house, to say that 
I am pleased with it would be putting it mild. 
I am certainly delighted with my place and I 
think I have just as fine a little home as there is 
in Freedom. I can also say and be truthful that I 
saved at least $500.00, and perhaps more by 
building the Harris Way. 

If you have any inquiries from my district and 
will refer them to me I will not only be glad, but 
will be proud to show them my home. Thanking 
you for past favors, I remain. 

(Signed) N. P. KYSER. 



As to the lumber for Harris Home No. 161, the 
rough lumber we placed outside. All the finish 
lumber was packed in cellar, so did not sort samfe 
until yesterday. 

The contractor says it is the finest lumber of ' 
its kind that ever came to Independence. It is so 
good to deal with people that look to the interest 
of their patrons. Everything is complete and 
perfect, even better than you advertise. 

We appreciate and thank you. 
Yours truly, 
(Signed) LYLE B. BROWN. 

"SAVED $25.00— $150.00- 




We are very much pleased with the material 
both in quality and quantity. It is belter lumber 
than is going into many of the other houses being 
built around here. Yours truly, 




Your lumber and all other material is O. K. 
Cannot be equaled in any lumber yard here. Have 
sold the last bungalow and it is a dandy. People 
tell me 1 used too expensive material on them, 
but when I tell them the price they don't believe it. 
(Signed) Mr. WM. V. SCHMITZ. 


New York. 

I feel that I can't say enough in praise for the 
lumber which you had sent me for my barn. It 
is a fine quality with plenty of it and to spare. The 
neighbors say it is the nicest, lot of lumber they 
ever saw and last, but not least, it is a great saving 
to anyone who has to build. It is also a great 
pleasure to deal with a firm whom you put con- 
fidence into. Yours respectfully. 


Will say right here that we saved $25.00 on 
just the hardwood for the first floor, $150.00 in 
plumbing, and $100.00 on heating. 
Yours truly, 
(Signed) Mrs. E. T. JACKSON. 



My house is ready for the lathers now and I 
expect to get it wired this week, if possible. In 
another thirty days it will be ready for paint and 
finish. When it is finished I expect to send you 
a picture of it as we have heard many favorable 
comments on your lumber as well as the plan of 
the house. It is a beauty. We have the porch in 
front as well as the chimney outside finished in 
native stone laid up with rough face and a six foot 
wide step. The brick is rougb faced red with rake 
out joints pointed up in white and it makes a very 
fine appearance. Very sincerely yours, 




Your millwork is simply beautiful. 
The best I ever received from any Company 
heretofore. Yours truly, 

(Signed) L. T. MAUS. 

U<jTE — The complete, address of the writers of the above testimonials are omitted purposely to save them 
unnecessary annoyance from unscrupulous lumber dealers and the idly curious. To those who wish to investi- 
gate further and in good faith, the correct Post Office address will be cheerfully furnished. 


Page 11 

Improved Sensibly Cut-to-Fit 
and Bundling System 


The Harris Way 

j » 


I HERE is nothing new under the sun," so the saying goes, but nevertheless many 
improvements are made over old methods and old systems. "The Harris Way" of 
building your home is the newest, most economical and best of its kind. We have 
wonderfully simplified the task of building your home. 

35 Bundles or 368 Pieces! 
Which would you prefer? 

Our wonderful bundling and simplified numbering system means a big saving right 
from the time you unload and check your material until it actually goes into the house. 
For instance, take figure 9 on the drawing on the opposite page. The explanation tells you 
it is Window Framing, which consists of 11 pieces to each opening; a few less for door 
openings. An average two story house has from 35 to 40 door and window openings which -t 
under other Ready Cut systems means you have to check out, handle, sort and hand up to 
the carpenter on the job about 368 pieces of lumber as against our 35 bundles. Our bun- 
dles are properly marked, showing the size of opening and whether first or second floor. — 
Think this over. Many other equal labor saving features— read the following pages care- 

A glance at the drawing on the opposite page, even though you are not familiar with 

details of lumber and construction, will convince you that "The Harris Way" of building 
your home has so many advantages that you cannot afford to purchase your home from 
anyone else, because we furnish better material, better construction and a great saving in 
the cost of labor. Experience produces the best — that is why we firmly believe our way— 
"The Harris Way"— is the best. It is based on nothing but experience and common sense. 
Let us explain the high standard of "The Harris Way" Cut-to-Fit Construction. The 
drawing on the opposite page shows how and where the material is used. We will start 
from the foundation. 

FIGURE 1 — Shows the strong Yellow Pine 
Posts we furnish to hold up the Girders on which 
your Joists rest. 6x6 sound one-piece timber for 
posts, makes construction work more simple and 
economical than the old method of building 
masonry piers. When comparing our prices with 
others, be sure this part of your building is included. 

FIGURE 2 — Shows the Girders "Built Up" of 
three pieces of 2 x 10 or 2 x 8, depending upon the 
size of joists in your building. These are to be 
spiked together, the joints broken so as to form a 
continuous tie from one end of the building to the 
other, which is impossible where two or mort, 
pieces of solid timber are used. Built up girders 
are 33£ % stronger than solid timbers; ask any 
architect or authority on construction and he will 
substantiate our statement. 

FIGURE 3 — This is the "Plate," usually a 2 x 6 
plank solidly imbedded in mortar on a cement, 
brick or stone foundation. Or can be fastened 
with a bolt about every 8 or 10 feet, meets 

with practically all building ordinances. If your 
building ordinance requires a heavier plate, we 
can furnish it. 

FIGURE 4 — See how Floor Joists are properly 
placed 16 inches on centers or 14% inches apart, 
as is everything else, such as Studding, Rafters, 
etc., on our standardized building. This insures 
equal bearing and ease of construction. All Joists, 
Headers and Tri mm ers for Stairway openings 
accurately Cut-to-Fit, positively eliminating ex- 
pensive corrections of possible errors when making 
this opening to take our Cut-to-Fit Stairway. 

FIGURE 5— Box Sills. All First and Second 
Floor Joists are tr imm ed with Headers of the same 
size as the Joists to insure absolute rigidity at the 
ends of joists; also to give proper support for 
weight of outside walls. 

FIGURE 6 — Bridging. This article plays a very 
important part in strengthening your building. We 
rut the bevel accurately — all you do is nail them 
firmly between the joists. 


Page 12 

FIGURE 7— Double floors, both first and second 
floors. If either is not wanted, credit is allowed. 

FIGURE 8— Outside Studs and Inside Studs 
are of the same length — no trouble to sort out. 

FIGURE 9— Window Framing. Double Top 
and Bottom Plates for all window openings. 
Costs more but makes a better house. Each 
opening set, bundled and plainly marked. No 
hunting for pieces. 

FIGURE 10— The Harris Way Corner— much 
better backing for your Lath — makes a solid sub- 

stantial corner — prevents ugly plaster 
cracks. This is positively the highest 
type of construction, giving solid nail- 
ing for sheathing and corner boards. 

FIGURE 11— Box Sheathing. Laid 
diagonally — sufficient quantity fur- 
nished. No other method of applying 
sheathing gives better bracing for the 
frame of your building. Can be laid 
horizontally if desired. 

FIGURE 12— Roof Construction. 
No skimping in construction. Raft- 
ers spaced 16 inches on centers. 
Roof boards properly spaced, cov- 
ered with shingles laid 4J^ inches to 
the weather. Hip, Jack and Valley 
rafters marked and bundled in 

FIGURE 13— 1^-inch thick Casing 
for Window Frames — not %-inch. Less 
than lJ-^-inch thick will not make a 
satisfactory job. 

FIGURE 14— l>£-inch thick Cprner 
Boards — not K-inch. Watch this im- 
portant part of the construction; you 
are entitled to it. 

FIGURE 15— Shows Building Paper 
for between the Sheathing and Siding: 
also supplied for between sub-floor on 
both first and second floors. This in- 
sures a warm and dry building. 

FIGURE 16— Shows Siding, Drip 
Cap and W T ater Table. We include 
material for 3-coat paint work, this 
gives absolute protection to outsicc 
siding and trim. Where we show 
stucco exterior, Byrkets Patent Sheath- * 
ing Lath is substituted. This con- 
struction is highly recommended by 
Patent Plaster Mfg. Concerns. 

FIGURE 17— Finished Flooring. Absolutely 
clear grades, lounged and grooved. 

FIGURE 18— Cellar Sash, Frames and Hardware 
included. When comparing our price with others, 
see if this basement material, the cellar stains 
and outside cellar door with complete frames and 
hardware are included. 

FIGURE 19 — Double strength glass for all win- 
dows 24 x 24 or larger. 

FIGURE 20— No. 1 Soft Pine Lath. 

FIGURE 21— One-Piece Full Length Outside 
Stud — can be supplied when preferred. 

The foregoing are the essentials or important points of construction in any house. 
The material we furnish for this work, as well as interior finish, (beautifully grained clear 
lumber) is explained in detail in our Material Specifications on pages following, and 
thoroughly detailed in the Blue Print Plans and Material Lists you may obtain under 
our liberal Free Plan Offer, as outlined on pages 6 and 7 of this book. 


Page 13 

General Specifications of the 

Material We Furnish for 

Your Harris Home 

While the specifications below are our standard, there 
is no hard and fast rule why you cannot add, omit or 
change material wherever your own ideas make it pre- 
ferable to do so. All our Harris Homes, however, are 
designed to be built along the standard of these excellent 

TO ENABLE you to realize the wonderful completeness of our 
Harris Homes, we furnish for your convenience, the following 
brief general specifications of the material furnished. However, 
with each set of Plans of the Harris Home you select, a descriptive 
material list, showing exactly every item that enters into the construc- 
tion of your home is furnished. 

You get this information before you buy; so there is no possible 
chance for you to be deceived. You can check up to the very last 
nail what goes into your house, as our catalog numbers are given on 
the material list, and there is nothing left to imagination or guess work. 
This method is far superior and safer for you than a lengthy book 
specification without proper material catalog to check up with. 

Cut-to-Fit Framing AH Framing Material 
Material is furmahed "Cut-to- 

Fit" or "Ready-Cut," which means 
the same guaranteed in correct sizes and dimen- 
sions, in accordance with accepted standards of 
first-class building construction throughout, as 
follows: The pieces are framed, notched or bevelled 
to the correct sizes, ready to be nailed in place 
without any cutting by the carpenter; every piece 
marked; construction standardized hy spacing all 
members, such as Studs, Joists, Rafters, 16 inches 
from center to center, and therefore always 14 % 
inches apart. This is most important — satisfy your- 
self what others have to offer before buying. Cuf- 
to-fif Girders furnished ready to nail together. 

Cut-to-Fit First We furnish correct size re- 
CT w'j. quired for your building, 

floor Joists either 2x10 or2x8or 2x6 

No. 1 grade Yellow Pine, surfaced and edged. 
Spaced 16 inches on centers. 

Cut-to-Fit Box Sills for To correspond 

_. jo j n with size ol floor 

First and Second Floor j i sLs , No. 1 grade 
Yellow Pine, surfaced and edged. 

Cut-to-Fit Second Of correct size required, 
~, T . , either 2 x 10 or 2 x 8 or 

Floor Joists 2x6 No. 1 grade Yellow 

Pine, surfaced and edged. Spaced 16 inches on 

Cut-to-Fit Attic 2x 6, 16 inches on centers, 
— , I'm. No. 1 grade Yellow Pine, 

t loor Joists surfaced and edged. 

Cut-to-Fit 2 x 4 or 2 x 6, as may be re- 

s, ., . i . . quired, 16 inches on centers, 

Ceiling Joists ft Q x grade Yellow Pine, 

surfaced and edged. 

Cut-to-Fit Porch 2 x 6 or 2 x 8, depending 

Floor Joists u p? q f ze of P° r f • sp * ce ? 

16 inches on centers, No. 1 

grade Yellow Pine, surfaced and edged. 

Cut-tO-Fit 2 x 6, 2 x 8, 2 x 10 or 2 x 12, 

Pnrch Beam doubled, tripled, or trussed. 
forcn aeam ^ may be requiredi No l 

grade Yellow Pine, surfaced and edged. 

Cut-to-Fit 2 x 4 or 2 x 6, as may be 

Porch Rafters required, spaced 16 inches on 
centers, No. 1 grade Yellow 
Pine, surfaced and edged. Jacks and Hips 
marked and bundled in pairs. 
Cut-to-Fit Porch 2 x 4 spaced 16 inches on 
Bulkhead Studs ^nters, in No. 1 grade 
Yellow Pine. 

Cut-to-Fit Outside 2x4 spaced 16 inches 

i r_„;ja c*„J» on centers, No. 1 grade 

and Inside Studs ^^ ^ gurfaced 

and edged (standardized) ; no time wasted to find 
a certain piece or certain number. All Inside and 
Outside Studs are of the same length, as are also 
the "Cripples" above or below the window and 
door openings. See details in illustration, page 9. 
This applies to double stud outside wall construc- 
tion, as shown in illustration. 

Cut-to-Fit One Piece Where full length 
Outside Stud Outside Stud ia 

preferred and ordered 
on two story houses, the studding will be notched for 
ribbons, but door and window openings will have 
to be cut on the job. 


Page 14 

General Specifications — Continued 

Cut-to-Fit Roof 2 x4 or 2 x 6, spaced 16 
Rafters inches on centers. No. 1 

grade Yellow Pine, sur- 
faced and edged. AH notches, bevels and plumb 
cuts, are accurately cut-to-fit by us. Jack, 
Hip and Valley rafters come to you bundled 
in pairs. 
Cut-to-Fit Headers, Cripples F °r win- 

and Door and Window Studs dow and 

openings, inside and outside walls and partitions; 
furnished of correct size and dimension to match 
balance of construction in No. 1 grade Yellow 
Pine, surfaced and edged stock. Headers doubled 
above and below openings with studs to double up 
at side of openings. This insures extra strength 
and solid nailing for outside and inside door and 
window trim; prevents sagging and bulging of 
framing. Each opening set bundled and size 
plainly marked instead of 11 pieces to hunt 
for you have just 1 handy bundle. 

Cut-to-Fit Stair For Stair Open- 

Headers and Trimmers in ^ s > furnished in 
dimension s lock 
to match size of joists, No. 1 grade Yellow Pine. 
Doubled at all openings to insure extra strength, 

Cut-to-Fit Stair Land- Bundled and 
ing Joists and Headers kTl grade" Yeb 
low Pine, surfaced and edged. 

Cut-to-Fit 2 x 10 or 2 x 12, No. 1 grade Yel- 

Stair Horses \ ow . Phl «' f may be required, 
». . ■■ . furnished for Cellar, Grade, 

Mam Stairs, Attic Stairs, Front and Rear Steps 
with rise and run accurately cut. 

Cut-to-Fit In No. 1 grade 

Double Cross Br id sine Yel] ow Pine, one 

. .. . s s row double cross 

bridging every eight feet. 

The following items are notfurnished "Cut-to-Fit," 
for reasons that a better job and at. a saving, not only 
m first cost, but also in labor, can be made by 
doing the little cutting that is necessary right on 
the premises: 

Wall Plates, Girder Posts, Par- 
titions and Outside Wall Plates. 

These items require little or no cutting and de- 
mand such an accurate fit, in order to make a 
correct job, that it is better and more economical 
to ht them on the premises. Ask any carpenter. 

Sub-Flooring, First Square edge and sound 

and Second Floors i 11 ^ Yellow Pine 
Lumber, surfaced to 
standard size and even thickness, furnished for 
both first and second floor, to be laid diagonally 
or square. Can be cut and> fitted on the job in 
less time than to hunt a marked piece and locate 
the place to put it, and you do not pay for labor 

Roof Inch lumber, square edge and sound 
Rnardv surfaced to standard thickness, 1x4 
nouras No 2 grade Ye llow Pine. Correctly 
Bpaced to prevent shingle rot. 


Wall or Box Square edge and sound inch Yel- 
Sheathing ' ow P' ue Lumber, surfaced to 
standard size and even thickness, 
to be laid diagonally or square. Shiplap furnished 
at a small additional cost if desired. 

Attic For all designs having stairway to 

Flooring attic . 1x6 tongued and grooved. 
Yellow Pine Flooring (No. 2 grade) is 
furnished to cover space as shown on plans. 

Fin ish Inch lumber, (3 i£ inches face) CLEAR 
Flooring and FREE from KNOTS, beautifully 
grained Yellow Pine, tongued and 
grooved is the standard furnished. Quarter-sawed 
or other woods priced on application. 

Shinnies To be Washington Red Cedar Shingles, 
s Best Quality 5/2 Clears, or Extra *A* 

quality, as may be specified. The quantity we 
furnish is sufficient to lay the shingles exposed 
4j^ inches to the weather. 

Siding We f,lrnish CLEAR and FREE from 
° KNOTS siding of best woods; as may 
be specified in our Bill of Material, generally giving 
the customer three kinds to choose from. 

Lath For tne Latu we furn "sh No. 1 Quality 
Soft Pine Lath. 

Grounds 1 x 1 surfaceu l No - * Yellow Pine or 

Porch Columns, Newels, Rails and Balusters 

Material and a " P° rc h material is furnished in 
STOCK, which makes the best possible finish for 
the purpose. Columns and newels of the proper 
lengths furnished ready to set in place. Rail and 
Balusters furnished in correct lengths to be cut and 
fitted on the premises to make a satisfactory job. 
For porch flooring we furnish Clear Quarter Sawed 
Fir or Clear Flat Sawed Fir Flooring, as Material * 
List may specify, all in full length. 

Exterior We furnish all corner hoards, all base 
Finish boards, cornice boards, mouldings, 
etc., etc., and other exterior finish in 
STOCK. Porch ceiling and cornice soffits in 
5^-inch thickness, matched and beaded stock, 
suitable for oil finish. Step threads and risers 
shown on Blue Print included — when ordering, be 
sure to tell us if you need more steps than showrf! 
This part of your building material should be cut 
and fitted on the job, in order to insure a perfect fit 
and to prevent water from getting into and under 
open joints, causing quick -rot and rapid decay. 
A perfect fit would be impossible-were the material 
cut to fit anywhere else, should the house accident- 
ally be built slightly out of trues — and is where 
there a house that isn't? Think this over carefully. 
next page, ) 

Always millions of feet of 
lumber at our yards 

Ready for immediate shipping 
of your home 

Nine R. R. Tracks. • Capacity 
fifty cars per day 


Page 15 

General Specifications — Continued 

Cut-to-Fit Outside Door We furnish all 

and Window Frames °" Lsi ^ e D , oor 

and Window 


4M inches OUTSIDE CASINGS, Alt shipped in 

the knocked down ready to nail together, carefully 

marked and bundled; one frame is shipped already 

"set up" — makes work easy on balance. 

Window Windows and sash furnished with 
Sash glass in place. All windows fur- 

nished bored and grooved, ready to 
receive sash cord. All windows are \% inches 
thick, check rail and glazed as specified. Sash 

Cut-to-Fit Inside Furnished with proper 
Door Jambs head P' ece — iambs be- 

ing grooved (dadoed) 
ready to receive head piece, all clearly marked and 
bundled. All clear lumber. 

Cut-to-Fit Main stairway CUT-TO-FIT ma- 
Stairway teripl, consisting of stringers housed, 
ready to receive the treads and 
risers. Treads and risers are clear, beautifully 
grained lumber. Angle newels, rails, balus- 
ters, etc., all finished and sanded. Carefully 
packed, marked and bundled. Cellar and Attic 
stair treads and risers cut to right length in 
No. 1 Yellow Pine. Rough stair horses are 
furnished ready cut for correct run of tread 
and risers for all stairs. 

Doors All doors mortised to receive locks. 

Mortised A ^ig saving. All inside doors clear 
"A" quality, 1% inches thick, sizes 
and styles marked on plans and specified in the 
List of Material. The outside front door to be 
glazed and of 1% inch thickness. 

Cut-to-Fit All material for this work to 

Interior Trim be CLEAR, FREE from 
Georgia Pine (unless Oak or other woods are 
specified), including all door and window trim, 
baseboard, carpet strips, base blocks, chair rail, 
hook strip, picture moulding, etc. Alt materials to 
be entirely suitable for natural wood finish, or any 
of the many beautiful stain effects now so deserv- 
edly popular. Detailed full size on sheet with 
Blue Print Plans. All Ready-Cut, except Base 
Board, Picture Moulding and Chair Rail, which 
must be cut when set in place to make a good job. 

t/„„ j„, _„ _ We furnish mortise door locks for all 
nar aware front , md inside doorg all of appr(> 

priate design; all door butts, sash lifts and 
fasteners to match. We also furnish the neces- 
sary sliding door hangers, sash weights, cords, 
pulleys, base knobs, coat, and hat hooks, common 
and finishing nails, etc.. for the completion of 
the job. No advertising appears on door knobs. 

Building We furnish sufficient building paper to 
Paper cover the entire outside walls of the 

** building, and for between floors on 

both first and second floors. This paper is a 
standard good quality as used in best construction 

Galvanized Under this hranch of building work 
Ifon we f u . rrl ' s " a U the necessary down 

spouting, guttering, in slip joints 
requiring no soldering with necessary fittings, 
itashings, tin shingles, etc., and all in the best 
galvanized iron. 

Three Coats We furnish Harris guaranteed 
Paint quality painting materials for all 

our houses, three coat work. 
Consisting of priming coat and two coats best 
quality Lead and Oil Prepared Paint for exterior, 
body, trim and porches. One coat filling stains and 
two coats Guaranteed Varnish for all interior trim. 
Mineral paint for sheet metal work, shellac and 
putty. Paint for floors of all porches, but no other 
Door or roof paint. 

Byrkits Patent When furnished is to be api 
Sheathing Lath P lied ll d j rectl y to the studding 
& on all houses showing stucco 

plaster exterior. Made from inch lumber tongued 
and grooved, keyed out to form light grip on stucco 
plaster. The use of Byrkits lath is demanded by 
many of the largest Patent Stucco Manufacturers 
when guaranteeing their stucco, as being better 
than metal lath or common wood lath. 

BUnds blinds are shown for decorative effect 
only and are not included in our price. 
Prices of Blinds, if wanted, quoted on request. 

Ceiling First story 9 feet in the clear, second 

Heights 8 ^ eet ^ inches in the clear is our 

° standard throughout, with but very 

few exceptions where it has been found necessary 

to deviate. 

Recanitulation The above w "l S ive Y ou a 
recapitulation generaI idea of thp high dans 

of material we furnish. We do not include masonry 
material of any kind except the lath. 

Special Quotations 

Plumbing See pages 93-95 

Heating " " 96-97 

Fixtures " " 98-99 

Screens ~\ 

Storm Sash [ See Our Building 
Shades [ Material Catalog 

Cabinet Work J 

Important — Shipments From Chicago 

When you order your Harris Home, it will be loaded right here in Chicago, 
where you may come and personally inspect the loading. We have our own Lumber yard 
and Planing Mill, Millwork Warehouse and Factory, Hardware, Paint, Plumbing and 
Heating Departments as well as all other departments handling material generally 
going into a house. All can be loaded into one car at one time. 

Do you realize what this means to you in the way of saving in 
freight and handling charges at, your end of the line, as against having your lumber come from 
one point, Mulwork from another, Hardware from another and Paint from still another, each 
with their extra hauling, handling and freights to be paid, as well as accompanying delays— 
and on top of it get the material you need first last, or vice-versa? When you buv a Harris 
Home this is avoided. 

Insist upon knowing where your material comes from and in how 

many shipments, before you place your order anywhere else. 

Chicago enjoys low freight rates and exceptional railway facilities. 


Page 16 

Harris Home No. L-1000 

The Size 
27 ft. x 41 ft. 6 in. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE is a model bungalow of the charming California type. Viewed* 
from any direction a passing glance is invariably turned to a look of prolonged 
admiration. With its wide over hanging eaves supported by heavy decorative 
brackets, the unique treatment of the side porch with its exposed rafters, this 
bungalow is graceful in structural lines, picturesque and substantial in appearance. Many 
types of the California bungalow are not practical in climates where the winters are severe. 
In developing this design our architects have exercised utmost care to combine the fasci- 

n a t 1 II fT TO'lt llT'On *"if r. tnnn /^,n.lif ^~ 1 1 

nating features of a true California bungalow 
with a convenient, comfortable interior and 
properly constructed for any locality. 

Just off the veranda, a large living 

room occupies the entire front— it is flooded with 
light from front and side by well placed casement 
sash. A cheery fireplace adds both beauty and 
hospitality. A wide cased opening leads to the 
dining room. Here we have a large well lighted 
room with a pair of French doors opening on 
the veranda and swinging doors leading direct 
to the kitchen with the pantry conveniently 
located between. Handy access is made to the 
basement and rear porch from the kitchen; note 
the provision made for the ice box. A well 
planned hall to which all rooms lead. There are 
two bedrooms, each with a good sized clothes 
closet, and bathroom properly located between 
them concluding a perfectly arranged interior. 

This pleasing home is a good example 
of the utility, beauty and economy secured by 
careful attention to detail and a proper sense 
of proportion — carefully figured and planned to 
be built, without waste, of material sensibly 
Cut-to-Fit "The Harris Way." 

it- a 



Page 17 


Harris Home No. L-1003 

The Size 
18 ft. x 26 ft. 

4 Rooms 
Bath or Pantry 

THERE is probably no better specimen of small bungalow offered. 
Study the picture carefully. Note the strict harmony even in the smallest 
details. Here is a case where exterior plainness, perfectly handled, has resulted 
in a striking economical exterior. Note the broad roof with its wide overhanging eaves 
properly supported by decorative brackets — the tasty porch. 

A glance at the floor plan shows the living 

rooms properly placed on one side and the bedrooms 
on the other, with the bathroom at the rear. A hand- 
some arts and crafts front door leads to a spacious 
apartment intended for the living room and dining 
room; doors lead to two good sized bedrooms at the 
side and the large kitchen at the rear. The same 
high grade material is furnished for this home as 
specified for all of the larger, more pretentious, Harris 
Homes — sensibly Cut-to-Fit "The Harris Way," for 
great economy, and time saving. 

In the back pages of this book you will 
find illustrated and described the beautiful doors, 
windows and millwork, as well as hardware and other 
items we furnish. Also plumbing and heating in- 

Read carefully our Free Blue Print Plan Offer 
in the introductory pages of this book, it will give 
you much valuable information and explains in detail 
how we have simplified the matter of your building 

TLOOD PLAN > our home - 


Page 18 

Harris Home No. L-1503 

The Size 
26 ft. x 40 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE is the beauty of all beauties, and not only does this apply to* 
the exterior appearance, which really speaks for itself, but equally as well for 
the interior. The plan of the rooms is perfection itself. The building of such 
a Harris Home carries with it a pride of ownership that bespeaks of solid 
citizenship, dependability, comfort and sensible good taste. 

The broad inviting front porch and the spacious living room are true 
adjuncts to a successful bungalow and to a real home. 
As we enter this room we are impressed with its beauty. 
There is a handsome mirror door included that leads 
to the second floor. The view through to the dining 
room is wonderfully charming. The dining room has a 
long broad window seat backed by four attractive 
casement sash. Just the place for a few shelves for 
flowers and drooping vines to help cheer up the dull 
gray winter days. 

The bedrooms are of ample size with plenty 
of window space for light and ventilation. Bathroom 
is conveniently placed between the two bedrooms. 
Each bedroom has a closet. The kitchen is arranged 
for every convenience with entry, pantry and plenty of 
room for everything. 

The best yet — there is room in the second 
floor for three fine bedrooms, each about 12 feet by 12 feet, 
and a small bath or toilet. Entrance to second floor is 
right out of the living room, and entrance to basement 
is directly under main stairway. Wherever we show 
attic stairway we include attic floor and joist heavy 
enough to enable to finish rooms on second floor. 

Read our Free Plan Offer, as well as the 
wonderful good quality and the completeness of the 
material we furnish as described in the first pages of 
this book. 

P O D.C H 





Page 19 

Harris Home No. L-1009 

The Size 
20 ft. x 28 ft. 

4 Rooms 
Bath and Pantry 


THIS neat, trim bungalow, as pictured here, shows how very attractive 
a really small home can be. It is a splendid model of good arrangement and 
convenience with utmost in economy — material sensibly Cut-to-Fit "The Harris 
Way." Designed along low broad lines, with its well planned porch, the exterior 
is very pleasing. Note the massive porch columns and exposed rafter ends — the well 

placed roof dormer. 

A well planned interior is quickly noted. 
From the porch, entry is made into the living 
room, well lighted by the attractive leaded front, 
window and the window at the side. From this 
room you are impressed with the splendid arrange- 
ment of the rooms — the living rooms on one side 
and the two bedrooms on the other, with the 
bathroom centrally located for convenience to all 
rooms. Common sense features are found every- 
where in the construction. This home has been 
highly satisfactory to all who have built it. Let 
us send you the complete scale plans and full 
details. Learn the many advantages of "The 
Harris Way" home building system, and our Free 
Plan Offer as is fid] y described in the introductory 
pages of this book. Also do not fail to note the 
handsome millwork, doors and windows we furnish 
for Harris Homes, also plumbing and heating 
illustrated and described in the back pages. 

This Harris Home will prove an agree- 
able surprise to you when built on account of 
its low cost, comfortable interior and attractive 
and substantial outside appearance. 



Page 20 

Harris Home No. L-1005 

The Size 
24 ft. x 32 ft. 

5 Rooms 
Bath and Pantry 

NEW and popular Harris home because of its impressive exterior and 
It is a typical bungalow in the fullest sense of the word with its wide pnf- 

A 1 

A. JL jecting eaves and half-enclosed porch, extending across the entire front. For. 
convenience in lay-out, economy in cost of construction, and cost of material 
.it has no equal. All modern conveniences and all on one floor, consisting of living room 
or parlor, dining room, kitchen and two good sized bedrooms. 

The kitchen is directly off the dining 
room, saving the thrifty housewife a good many 
steps. The largest of the two chimneys as shown in 
the picture is in the living room specially designed 
for a modern fireplace and the small chimney is in 
the dining room corner directly adjoining the 
kitchen, so that the matter of stove heating is taken 
care of properly and very conveniently. 

Another feature not usually found in 
bungalows of this size is a convenient stairway to 
the basement. The steps are located directly off the 
back entry, giving entrance to cellar from both 
outside and inside — a real convenience. The bay 
window arrangement in dining room and the large 
window in the living room, the windows in the 
bedrooms and the two separate windows in the 
kitchen afford a flood of light over the entire house. 

Not a single thing has been overlooked. 
The material has been carefully selected and is fur- 
nished "The Harris Way" for utmost economy. 
To those requiring extra room, this can easily be 
arranged for by finishing off a couple of rooms in 
the attic. 



Page 21 


Harris Home No. L-1008 

The Size 
26 ft. x 20 ft. 

4 Rooms 
and Pantry 

A FOUR-ROOM cottage of the bungalow pattern, with a nice porch in 
front. This home has been carefully planned with a view to the requirements 
of those wishing a small home conveniently arranged for utmost comfort. The 
wide projecting eaves and extreme simplicity that stamps the bungalow pattern, 
the low, wide dormer in the roof and the colonial windows, make a pleasant 

This design has grown in rapid favor as a surburban home and in many 
cases has proved to be a profitable investment from every point of view. Built with ease 
and great economy and without waste, "The Harris Way." This house is of moderate 

size and within its limited space all modern 
conveniences are, of course, impossible, but 
the design may be developed along more im- 
posing lines and may be made a comfortable 
and convenient modern home. 

Ample closet and pantry room is 

provided for, in fact the pantry can easily be 
converted into a bathroom and a kitchen 
cabinet which are now so complete as to con- 
stitute pantry and kitchen outfit in one, 
used instead. 

You can get the Rlue Prints and 
full particulars, under our Free Blue Print 
Plan offer as outlined in preceding pages of 
this book. See the back pages for additional 
information on doors, windows, interior trim 
and hardware we furnish. Also note low 
prices on plumbing, heating and lighting 



Page 22 

Harris Home No. L-1024 

The Size 
26 ft. x 31 ft. 6 in. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE is an inviting bungalow. Good taste is displayed every- 
where in the well balanced combination of new features. The low, flat roof 
with its wide projecting eaves is supported by massive square brackets, giving 
a substantial and pleasing effect. The front door and windows indicate the 
care exercised to harmonize all details. Can you picture this cozy bungalow properly 
set amid trees and surrounded by the natural improvements that come within a short 
time? Viewed from a standpoint of attractive- 
ness and good arrangement it cannot be improved 

An examination of the floor plan shows 

an interior with all that is best in comfort and 
convenience. Entry is made direct to the large com- 
modious living room. Here we find a well placed 
coat closet just inside the front door. A wide 
cased opening leads to the dining room, well 
planned with a cheerful bay window and swinging 
door leading to the kitchen and pantry. A door 
leads from the kitchen to the back porch. Note 
the excellent location of the bathroom, between 
the two bedrooms with doors leading from each. 
Each bedroom has a clothes closet of ample size. 

Our bill of material specifies everything 

furnished to be of excellent quality and by taking 
advantage of our liberal Blue Print Outfit Offer 
on the first pages you get full details of everything 
that goes into your house. You can study the 
merits of this home and the advantages of "The 
Harris Way" in your home at your leisure. 


Page 23 

TlQDV ?Lftll- 

Harris Home No. L-1016 

Size, 20 ft. x 26 ft. 

5 Rooms 

HERE is a cozy, one story, bungalow-type cottage. Neat, compact, 
very economical to build and maintain, and yet attractive. 
This home, in connection with many of our other Harris Homes, 
has certain features recognized as necessary in the economical construction of 
a house. The rooms are well laid out, and while for the size of the house they cannot of 
course be large, yet, there is a way of planning rooms in a small house that enables the 
owner to get the full use out of every inch of space. 

In this house the living room and 
dining room are practically one, giving the 
appearance and impression of being much 
larger than they really are. A swinging 
door leads to the kitchen, thus giving you 
the three rooms mostly used, planned in the 
handiest possible manner. 

This cottage is easily heated with 

stoves or furnace, well lighted, and all rooms 
are conveniently arranged to take care of the 
usual necessary articles of furniture. 

If this plan interests you, we sug- 
gest that you take advantage of the liberal 
"Free Plan" Offer as outlined in the intro- 
ductory pages of this book. 

The same high quality of material is 
furnished for this neat Httle Harris Home, as 
for the others, and you will not be disappointed 
in either construction, material, or appearance, 
but what will please you most of all, will 
be the low price at which it can be built. 

How you can get Free Plans of this Harris 
Home is fully explained in 1he introductory pages erf 
this hook and in the last pages you will find examples 
of the handsome millwork, doors, windows, plumbing 
and heating equipment that our customers use when 
they build "The Harris Way." 



Page 24 

Harris Home No. L-1021 

The Size 
23 ft. 6 in. x 33 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

Complete Fur- 
nishings at Very 
Low Prices 

THIS homelike, restful, cozy cottage has a host of admirers gained by 
the attractiveness and the economy with which it is built. Properly planned 
and designed to be built without waste of any kind. 

Note the pleasing lines of the exterior. 
Consider what comfort you will get in the shade 
of the roomy porch across the front — and don't 
overlook the good sized back porch. Our designers 
have taken great pains to arrange the interior to 
meet the desires of the most particular. Wide 
cased openings are planned between the main rooms, 
adding to the comfort and roomy effect. A seat 
may be placed in the projecting bay window if 
desired. Note especially the location of the bath- 
room — easily reached from the dining room, kitchen 
or chamber. 

This cottage is especially adapted to 

people of modest means and good taste. The 
price at which it may be built enables almost 
anyone to secure a home. Don't pay rent. The 
rent will pay for your home and the natural rise in 
value of real estate holding will net you a good 
profit. In the meantime, you will enjoy the satis- 
faction of living in your own home. 

You can increase the big saving on your 
home by including our complete guaranteed plumb- 
ing equipment and dependable Heating Plant. We 
will gladly quote low delivered prices. 

Take advantage of our liberal Blue Print 
Plan Offer and get the scale drawings, specifications 
and full details of this ideal cottage. 



Page 25 


Harris Home No. L-1002 

The Size 
22 ft. x 32 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

THE demand for homes of the bungalow type with good-looking 
exteriors and well planned room arrangements at a reasonable price is completely 
fulfilled in this design. Many architects, in their zeal to originate distinctive 
bungalow designs, lose sight of these important points. 

This Harris Home reveals an exceptionally compact, attractive bungalow 
for the small family, very attractive and yet very easily built. There is a wealth of good 

taste displayed in the outward appearance. Ample 
covered porch space, a well placed entrance and neat 
window arrangements with the ever popular pergola 
effect across the front to balance the design. The 
massive square columns furnished for the porch and 
pergola are intended to be supported by brick 

The floor plan shows properly placed win- 
dows in all rooms for good light and ventilation. The 
rooms are all of good size and well arranged to save 
as many steps as possible for the busy housewife. 
This home will be cool in summer and easily heated 
in the cold weather. Good sized clothes closets adjoin 
the bedrooms. There is no waste of room in the entire 
layout, giving full benefit for every inch of space. 
Large living room, dining room, and two good sized 
chambers. The kitchen and bathroom conveniently 
placed. Cellar stairway is shown to the rear of the 
house, right off the kitchen, protected from all outside 

This is an ideal bungalow from every stand- 
point and is easily built with great economy. 



Page 26 

Harris Home No. L-1023 

The Size 
25 ft. x 35 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE we show a desirable bungalow. Planned with close attention 
to compactness, without loss of space anywhere, this home is built at a sur- 
prisingly low cost. Nothing lacking in exterior appearance or interior con- 
veniences. This home is one of our material arguments why you should build 
"The Harris Way." 

The rustic siding and stucco treatment of the exterior is indeed striking. 
Note the comfortable porch with its massive corner pillars and side entrance giving an 
exclusive and private effect. The well proportioned 
roof with its dormer adds to the general appearance. 

A well planned interior is seen in a glance 
at the floor plans. Through the vestibule we enter 
the large living room, which is made cheerful by the 
cozy fire-place and leaded glass windows at front and 
side. A wide cased opening leads to the well planned 
dining room with its leaded glass top sash and inviting 
seat in the bay window. A door leads to the central 
hall and here we have a very desirable arrangement; 
convenient access to this hall from all rooms. The 
bathroom is located off the hall between the bedrooms. 
There is a handy swinging door between kitchen and 
dining room. 

The windows and wall space are properly 
arranged for the sink and other kitchen furnishings. 
Doors lead from the kitchen for handy access to the 
basement and rear porch. If the second floor is 
finished off at a later date provision has been made 
for a stairway leading up from pantry over the base- 
ment stairway. 

A view of the charming exterior, the features 
for comfort in the room arrangement and, best of all, 
the economy with which this bungalow can be built, 
make it uncommonly attractive. 

[LOOH |LA/1 


Page 27 

Harris Home No. L-1002 

The Size 
22 ft. x 32 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

THE demand for homes of the bungalow type with good-looking 
exteriors and well planned room arrangements at a reasonable price is completely 
fulfilled in this design. Many architects, in their zeal to originate distinctive 
bungalow designs, lose sight of these important points. 

This Harris Home reveals an exceptionally compact, attractive bungalow 

for the small family, very attractive and yet very easily built. There is a wealth of good 

taste displayed in the outward appearance. Ample 
covered porch space, a well placed entrance and neat 
window arrangements with the ever popular pergola 
effect across the front to balance the design. The 
massive square columns furnished for the porch and 
pergola are intended to be supported by brick 

The floor plan shows properly placed win- 
dows in all rooms for good light and ventilation. The 
rooms are all of good size and well arranged to save 
as many steps as possible for the busy housewife. 
This home will be cool in summer and easily heated 
in the cold weather. Good sized clothes closets adjoin 
the bedrooms. There is no waste of room in the entire 
layout, giving full benefit for every inch of space. 
Large living room, dining room, and two good sized 
chambers. The kitchen and bathroom conveniently 
placed. Cellar stairway is shown to the rear of the 
house, right off the kitchen, protected from all outside 

This is an ideal bungalow from every stand- 
point and is easily built with great economy. 



Page 26 

Harris Home No. L-1023 

The Size 
25 ft. x 35 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE we show a desirable bungalow. Planned with close attention 
to compactness, without loss of space anywhere, this home is built at a sur- 
prisingly low cost. Nothing lacking in exterior appearance or interior con- 
veniences. This home is one of our material arguments why you should build 
"The Harris Way." 

The rustic siding and stucco treatment of the exterior is indeed striking. 
Note the comfortable porch with its massive corner pillars and side entrance giving an 
exclusive and private effect. The well proportioned 
roof with its dormer adds to the general appearance. 

A well planned interior is seen in a glance 
at the floor plans. Through the vestibule we enter 
the large living room, which is made cheerful by the 
cozy fire-place and leaded glass windows at front and 
side. A wide cased opening leads to the well planned 
dining room with its leaded glass top sash and inviting 
seat in the bay window. A door leads to the central 
hall and here we have a very desirable arrangement; 
convenient access to this hall from all rooms. The 
bathroom is located off the hall between the bedrooms. 
There is a handy swinging door between kitchen and 
dining room. 

The windows and wall space are properly 
arranged for the sink and other kitchen furnishings. 
Doors lead from the kitchen for handy access to the 
basement and rear porch. If the second floor is 
finished off at a later date provision has been made 
for a stairway leading up from pantry over the base- 
ment stairway. 

A view of the charming exterior, the features 
for comfort in the room arrangement and, best of all, 
the economy with which this bungalow can be built, 
make it uncommonly attractive. 

[LOOl fLA/l 


Page 27 

Harris Home No. L-1019 

Size 30 ft. x 45 ft. 
Including Bays 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

ABUNGALOW where beauty, comfort, convenience and economy are 
combined to best advantage. 
This certainly is a beautiful home. The roof over the main part 

slopes gradually down, curving out at the wide eaves, and continuing on with a grace- 
ful bend, forms the covering of the porch. The cornice is of the style known as 
rafter finish, the exposed rafters making a very pretty effect. The regular weather- 
boarding is used for the outside and Washington cedar 
shingles for the roof. Paints or stains, properly used, 
will aid to further beautify this home. The six 
columns of the front porch are of large diameter and 
are set on piers. All of the windows have upper sash, 
with divided lights — a recognized feature of many 
artistic residences. The outside chimney is another 

The wide living room with windows 

halfway across, the charming little den with its fire- 
place, its inglenook and casement windows. A beau- 
tiful design, you say! Yes, and a home, too. Who 
wouldn't enjoy just such a home? 

The dining room is large and well 

lighted, a swinging door connects with the kitchen. 
One noticeable feature is the entire absence of dark 
corners — you can literally flood the rooms with 
light. If you put in a furnace or heating plant 
the fireplace will not really be needed except to 
radiate good cheer. Our blue print outfit offered 
on preceding pages gives full information. 


Page 28 

Harris Home No. L-1004 

The Size 
22 ft. x 36 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 


THERE are so many good features in this striking Bungalow, we 
scarcely know where to begin our description. Its trim, well balanced appearance 
will command attention in the finest locality. The arrangement of rooms, sub-, 
stantial construction and select material furnished will undergo the most rigid 
inspection with no possible criticism. The ease and economy of building this design with 
material sensibly Cut-to-Fit "The Harris Way" completes in this Harris Home an offer 
unusual and attractive in every detail. 

Probably the most pleasing characteristic of 
the exterior is the front porch. The stone rails and 
splendid arrangement of columns is certainly effective. 
The front door and detail of the windows match perfectly 
in a straight, line style. A neat effect is gained in extending 
the main roof down over the window; this does away with 
the customary extra bay window roof — better construction, 
more attractive and economical. 

The room arrangement is excellent. There is a 
wide cased opening connecting the living room and dining 
room. There are two large bedrooms with good sized 
closets. The kitchen is placed in the rear of the house with 
an entry or vestibule, which is so desirable for protecting 
the kitchen in stormy weather. Note the stairway to cellar 
conveniently located off entry. The bathroom is privately 
located, yet convenient to all rooms. 

The interior trim is beautiful, yet inexpensive. 
Our Free Blue Print Offer, as explained in the introductory 
pages of this book, gives complete details of the interior 
trim, specifications, descriptive list of material, etc. 
Send for it today. 




Page 29 

Harris Home No. L-1025 

The Size 
25 ft. x 42 ft. 

5 Rooms, Bath 
and Sun Parlor 

BUNGALOW admirers will find their highest ideals sensibly incor- 
porated and fully realized in this pleasing home. Both the exterior and interior 
show a keen regard for all that is modern in room arrangement, design and con- 
struction. Stucco and siding for the outside walls in this fashion is always pleasing 
and desirable. The hip roof with its wide overhanging eaves, the sunken panel porch 
columns and large fireplace chimney are characteristic of true bungalow designing. 

The light, airy sun-parlor with its many 
French windows is probably the most outstand- 
ing feature of the excellent interior. Examine 
the floor plan. The well placed vestibule leads 
to the living room. Tasty leaded casement sash 
are placed on each side of the "homey" fireplace. 
French doors lead to the sun parlor. There is a wide 
cased opening to the dining room; this room receives 
an abundance of light from the well placed bay win- 
dow. Here the window seat gives a tone of comfort. 
The kitchen and pantry have been planned with a 
careful consideration for convenience and light with 
the proper wall space allowance for the usual kitchen 
furnishings. There are two bedrooms, one of them 
large enough to accommodate two full sized beds, 
with room to spare for other furnishings; good sized 
clothes closets. The bathroom is placed in the center 
and conveniently reached from any part of the house. 

Carefully selected material furnished sen- 
sibly Gut-to-Fit "The Harris Way." All use- 
less and unnecessary "extras" entirely eliminated. 
Get the blue prints, specifications and all details as 
offered under our Free Plan Offer in preceding pages. 
See the splendid method of Harris Home construction. 
OOIL £|_Art Clearly explained. 



Page 30 

Harris Home No. L-1007 

The Size 
40 ft. x 26 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

THIS modern bungalow was selected as the best example to properly 
represent the many advantages of "The Harris Way" home-building systems 
During the Iowa Fair at Des Moines and other big expositions, thousands viewed 
this simple, dignified bungalow. 
It has been built so many times that it seems a waste of space to dwell 
on the many desirable features and the economy with which it can be finished. Considered 
from a standpoint of construction, the plans clearly show simplicity and common sense — 
all the merits of economy of a square house — no freakish projections. The interior, as 
indicated by the floor plan, is arranged for all that is best in convenience to the housewife 
and comfort to the family. 
Such a design as this is splen- 
didly adapted to a variety of 
pleasing arrangements. 

It has a living room, 
dining room, kitchen, pantry, 
three bedrooms and a bath- 
room on one floor, and is in 
every way a complete and 
modern home. The fireplace 
in the corner of the living 
room adds cheerfulness to the 
surroundings. All the rooms 
are of easy access from the 
living room of the house. It 
will especially recommend it- 
self to people of good taste 
and moderate means, as an 
ideal home — will find a ready 
tenant or sale. 

You can increase the big 
saving made on your home by in- 
stalling our guaranteed plumbing 
and heating systems. Get our low 
estimate for this material. 



Page 31 

Harris Home No. L-1001 

The Size 
25 ft. x 36 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Attic 


HERE is a wealth of character to this attractive Bungalow, both in 

appearance and arrangement of the floor plan. Our architects have completed 
a design that embodies the good looks of larger homes at a surprisingly low build- 
ing cost. 

The popular straight line 
details. Note the careful correct 



effect has been carefully followed in all front 
harmony of the front door and windows. The perfectly 
proportioned dormer matches the front and emphasizes 
the numerous attractive features which the architects 
incorporated. The spacious porch extends across the 
entire front. 

The front bedroom which is often used as 
a library, nursery or music room is provided with two 
entrances — one from the hall and one from the living 
room. The front clothes closet can be opened to the 
vestibule, if desired. A cozy fireplace is planned for 
the living room. A large cased opening connects the 
living room and dining room. Note the handsome 
window extension in the dining room with its well 
placed window seat. The stairway affords direct 
access to the basement from the kitchen or dining 
room as well as up to the attic from the dining room. 
This stairway could be turned around without any 
extra charge, opening into the kitchen. There is 
plenty of room in the attic for two extra rooms which 
you can add later on, if wanted. Heavy attic floor 
joist and attic flooring have been provided for and are 
included in above price without extra charge. 

The low price of the material, the excellent 
grades furnished and the big saving of labor and time 
when you build "The Harris Way" makes this an 
economical and desirable home. Read our liberal 
FREE Plan offer in the first pages of this book. 


Page 32 

Harris Home No. L-1508 

Size 26x16 ft. 5 Rooms and Batli or Pantry- 
All Harris Homes Are Furnished 

"Cut-to-Fit" or "Not Cut-to-Fit" 

See Introductory Pages 

Harris Home No L -1509 

Size 30x20 ft. 5 Rooms and Bath 

All Harris Homes Are Furnished 

"Cut-to-Fit" or "Not Cut-to-Fit" 

See Introductory Pages 

THESE Dutch Colonial Homes have so many good features that one 
does not wonder at their growing popularity. The graceful exterior, well placed 
dormer, wide projecting eaves, pergola porches and the excellent room arrangement 
in both sizes are features of unexcelled architectural designing. Examine the floor 
plans. Here we have room arrangements with utility and comfort everywhere. The reception hall properly 
located in the center leads directly to the stairway to the floor above and a handy coat closet for the outer 
garments. To the left is the big living room with its cheerful fireplace. To the right the dining room and 


Below we show floor plans of the No. L-1508 




Below we show floor plans of the No. L-J509 

30- 0' 

I -5T0OP 



Page 33 


Harris Home No. L-1518 

Size 21 ft. x 22 ft. 
Including Bays 

5 Rooms 

and Bath 

HERE, Young Housekeepers — beginners in matrimony — is a dandy 
plan for a couple just starting to make their first home. A more attractive 
home cannot be built within the price. This is simply another example of the 
skill used to such good advantage by our expert designers in combining the 
artistic and the practical. And this is done, too, without adding a single item of expense 
over the cost of an ordinary plain cottage of the same size. That is where you benefit 
by»the co-operation of our architects and designers. 

Step inside and find a cozy three-room layout on the lower floor with 
an exceptionally well planned stairway arrangement, so planned that virtually no space 
is wasted. Under the closed stair that leads to the upper floor we get access to the base- 
ment. This cellar-way leads out of the rear entry which connects with the kitchen; one 

end of this entry is used as a 
pantry. A handy little closet 
occupies the recess between the 
stairway and the entry, thus 
taking up all the space for prac- 
tical purposes. The bedroom 
on the main floor can be con- 
verted into a dining room. 

Upstairs there are two 
fair sized chambers, hall and 
bath. By doing without this 
hall, one of the bedrooms 
could be made larger. There 
is also plenty of closet space. 
The stairway leads directly 
under the rear dormer and the 
front dormer makes the space 
for the bedroom. 

This is a delightful 
little home— for an investment 
it will net you a handsome 

•TT^^r ZZLOZX?- 



Page 34 

Harris Home No. L-1502 

The Size 
26 ft. x 26 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

A COMFORTABLE cottage with the charming lines of a bungalqw. 
Especially desirable on account of its compactness, ease of construction and 
desirable either as a home for the individual purchaser, or as a real estate 
dealer's or builder's investment. By reason of its simple construction it may 
be sold at a splendid margin of profit. 

As a home it has many splendid features. The first floor can be arranged 

in many different ways by" simply shifting partitions, without increasing the cost of 
material or cost of construction. 

The hanging rafters at the gables and front porch are supported by 

brackets as shown in the illustration. This departure from the conventional emphasizes the 
individuality of this design, while it effects a considerable saving in material and labor. 

This design has four 

good sized rooms on the 
first floor and two addi- 
tional bedrooms and two 
closets on the second floor. 
Off the hall towards the 
front is a large and well 
lighted bathroom. This 
gives the house every 
essential convenience. 
Add to this economically ^ 
planned home the saving 
in time and labor with 
material sensibly Cut- 
to-Fit, without waste, 
"The Harris Way," this 
and many other features 
of economy explain the 
big saving which is yours 
when you build a Harris 




Page 35 

Harris Home No. L-1514 

The Size 
25 ft. x 22 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

WE BELIEVE that in this plan we offer the extreme limit of comfort 
and utility possible in a house constructed strictly along economical lines, at 
the same time keeping in mind a good looking home. "The Harris Way" home 
building system. Sensibly Gut-to-Fit material increases your savings. 

The first floor plan is well laid out with a large living room and dining 
room so arranged as to be thrown practically into one large living room measuring about 
25 ft. long and 12 ft. wide. The living room and dining room are conveniently located. 
The kitchen can be reached either through the living room or dining room and is of ample 
size so that a stove, sink and kitchen table can be conveniently placed without crowding. 

The stairway to the second floor is located away from the front of the 
building, and placed in this manner gives direct access to the second floor without the 
necessity of passing through the living room. A door at the bottom of the stairs is pro- 
vided to prevent heat and 
cooking odors from pene- 
trating the bedrooms. 

The stairway to the 
basement is located di- 
rectly along side of and 
under the main stairway. 

One feature we 
have in this plan which is 
not generally found in a 
building of this size is a 
bedroom on the first floor 
which is very convenient. 

The second floor con- 
tains two large bedrooms and 
bath. Each bedroom has a 
large size closet. _ The entire 
house is exceptionally well 
lighted and ventilated by plenty 
of good sized windows. 

Let us figure on your 
Home Furnishings 

*=ze:cc3/¥X} izcacs^ 



Page 36 

Harris Home No. L-1513 

The Size 
20 ft. x 20 ft. 

5 Rooms with, or 
without Bath 

WE PRESENT this Harris Home with justifiable pride for the 
wonderful value it gives you. While our prices on larger, more complicated 
designs clearly show big savings, we are able to effect a still greater propor- 
tionate saving on such a common-sense, simple home as this. With our easily 
understood plans, specifications and details, and material sensibly Cut-to-Fit "The Harris 
Way" the building of this home is easily completed with great 
economy and satisfaction. 

Five dandy rooms — all conveniently arranged. 
Entrance is through a vestibule immediately off the main 
stairs, lighted with a pretty leaded glass casement sash. The 
living room is connected with the dining room by a handsome 
cased opening, enabling you to throw these two rooms prac- 
tically into one. Very convenient for large social gatherings. 
Kitchen is of a convenient size; plenty large enough for a small 
family and while the arrangement of the floor plans shown does 
not include any pantry, it will be an easy matter to provide a 
kitchen cupboard, also a row of shelves may be placed inside of 
the cellar stairway on the wall just off the living room. 

The bedrooms upstairs are of ample size. Note 
carefully the excellent provision made for light and ventilation. 
This little house contains fourteen sash and windows. 

Plan "B" with bathroom arrangement. This requires a 

dormer with extra _ window and door._ If 
wanted we will furnish same at an additional 
cost. See price list. 

Plan "G". We can also furnish 
this house 4 feet longer; this additional 4 feet 
has been equally distributed over all the rooms 
on the first floor adding an excellent pantry in 
the kitchen. On the second floor a hallway is 
shown using extra space in the bedrooms. 
Room on this page does not permit us to show 
plan with last named changes, but if you are 
interested in the larger house mention Plan 
"C" and you will better understand the 
changes mentioned. Extra cost for these 
changes over regular price is shown on 
price list. 

Second Floor— PLAN 

■J tCQ/MPnooa PLAfl • 


Page 37 

Harris Home No. L-1521 

Tlie Size 
22 ft. x 26 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 

SOMETHING new and different. If you knew the amount of care, 
thought and energy consumed in perfecting this splendid design, you would be 
just as enthusiastic in its consideration, as we are in placing it before you. Probably 
never before has the planning of any home been so carefully handled. Even the 
smallest details of construction were carefully considered to produce all that is best in 
quality and appearance with greatest economy. 

The first floor'plan shows reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, 
pantry, rear porch, and a grade entrance all conveniently arranged. Wide cased openings 
lead to the living room and dining room. Direct access from the kitchen to the hall saves 

the necessity of passing 

Study These Plans 

fi&5T Tlcxdu. Plan Second Plooel Plan 

through the dining room 
and living room to get to 
the front hall. The hand- 
some open stairway to the 
second floor adds beauty 
and spaciousness to the 
interior of the living room. 

On the second floor 

there are two excellent bed- 
rooms with good size closets 
and bathroom properly placed. 
The bedrooms are very large, 
having sufficient space to ac- 
commodate two beds without 
crowding. The Gambrel roof 
makes it possible to finish the 
7| bedrooms with square ceil- 
ings — showing no slope of the 
rafters. If desired, the rear 
bedroom could be easily divided 
into two rooms by a partition. 
The roomy closets can be cut 
down a little in size if three 
moderate sized bedrooms are 
desired in place of the two 
extra large ones, as shown in 
this plan. 


Page 38 

Harris Home No. L-1520 

The Size 
24 ft. x 29 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

WE GALL this modern bungalow our "Triumph," for it combines all 
that is new and desirable in modern bungalow architecture, perfectly blended 
in a striking exterior and an interior that cannot be surpassed for comfort and 
utility. Nothing lacking and nothing overlooked by our architects and de- 
signers in their successful efforts to produce this ideal American home. 

A study of the floor plans reproduced below, reveals an interior that will 
appeal to persons of common sense and good taste. Considering the step-saving arrange- 
ment in and about the kitchen, the generous dimensions of the living room and dining 
room, and the well planned second floor, we cannot see where this design could be im- 
proved. Although you will note the front door opens into the living room, this can be 
changed to open into the 
den; the den would make 
a perfect reception hall. 
On the second floor you 
will find the bathroom and 
three good sized bedrooms 
with plenty of closet space. 
Unlike many homes of 
this type, the ceilings of 
all second floor rooms in 
this Harris home are 
square, showing no cut 

The location of the 

kitchen and bathroom in- 
sures every possible saving 
in plumbing installation. 
Note our low prices for 
this material and the guar- 
anteed heating plants in 
back pages of this book. *l*iR-=>t • Tlodr. ■ Plan 


Pane 39 

Harris Home No. L-1510 

The Size 
24 ft. x 28 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

A WONDERFULLY attractive home is our No. 1510. Here is a 
home that will hold the attention of the passerby. It has just enough ornamenta- 
tion, of the substantial kind to add distinction and character, keeping it far above 
the common run of similar houses. Its attractiveness does not end with its exterior 
appearance, but only begins. The interior is a delight to the eye, and a joy to the house- 
wife, whether she has servants or not. Every detail has been carefully studied to enable 
the owner not only to furnish this house without waste of money, material and labor, but 
also to live in it without wasted footsteps and energy. The broad spacious porch, the 
full width of the house, is easily glassed or screened in. 

We enter the house through a vestibule that affords protection against 

the weather, and to the right is the large, handsome, well-proportioned living room, con- 
nected to the dining room with a cased opening. Particular attention is called to the 

number of handsome and 
well arranged windows. 
The kitchen is just the 

right size; pantry conveniently lo- 
cated, with plenty of light, and even 
a broom closet provided. Entrance 
to the cellar is directly under the 
main stairs through the side of the 

The upstairs has three 
large bedrooms, each with a closet 
that is a delight and comfort. 
Nothing has been skimped in the 
way of light and ventilation. The 
bathroom is well located, and in- 
stallation of plumbing (see back 
pages of this book) cost low, be- 
cause it is directly above the 

This Harris home is just 

one delight after another, and if it 
comes within your price, you must 
send for Blue Print Plans at once. 
Read our "Free Plan" Offer as 
printed in the introductory pages 
of this book. 

co or 



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o o r 



Page 40 

Harris Home No. L-1505 

The Size 
22 ft. x 30 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

CAN'T you imagine half a dozen families of your acquaintance in this 
truly ideal home and although the families differ in the number of members, in 
taste and individual needs, yet they each "just fit" in every case. The Browns 
enthused over the beautiful living room with its attractive semi-open stairway — 
they could scarcely wait to entertain their friends at dinner for the cased opening, simply 
suggesting a separation of the dining room and living room, fairly breathed of gracious 

Mrs. Experience pronounced the kitchen perfect — large enough and small 
enough for convenience, all the space she needed designed to save unnecessary steps. She 
especially appreciated the common, convenient hall from which she had access to the 
living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and down the stairway to the side yard through 
the grade entrance. 

Mr. and Mrs. Newly Wed, 

imagined themselves on that per- 
fectly dear porch, just private 
enough to be right. They also ap- 
preciated the attractive roof with 
its handsome dormer window on 
each side and while they did not 
need all the space provided, yet 
how delightfully the house was 
arranged for guests.. 

Mr. Man of a growing family 
found plenty of room on the main floor and 
in the three generous sized rooms on the 
second floor with the convenient bedroom 
on the main floor, plenty of sleeping quar- 
ters for the family and guests. His neat 
little wife exclaimed with pleasure when she 
peeked into the generous closet in every 
room and was more than delighted with the 
convenient arrangement of the bath and the 
linen closet. Imagine your family in this 
attractive well planned home. 

Read our Free Plan Offer and 

look over the illustrations of the doors, win- 
dows, woodwork, plumbing and heating 
shown in this book. 




Page 41 

Harris Home No. L-1500 

The Size 
24 ft. x 28 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

NATURALLY this Harris Home appeals to the average person 
who wishes to retain the bungalow type in a story and one-half construction. 
The low broad roof with its sloping dormer, which extends over the 
large front porch supported by two massive square stucco columns, also the side 
bay, the brackets, the narrow bevel siding above sill line and the heav y> bungalow siding 
below, gives this Harris Home an appearance that will leave a permanent impression on the 
mind of the passerby of a good house, substantially budt without frays or freaks, that is a 
credit to the word "Home." The broad spacious front porch invites us to come in. 1 he 
vestibule and half open stairway take up the right end of the handsome living room, with 
its two double windows in the front, two sash on the side, between which a fireplace can be 
built, or if the fireplace is not wanted, it is just the space for the piano 

g-4-'-"" TLOoa Plan ^tcowp Tloor, Plan 

The dining room is sepa- 
rated by a wide cased opening 
suitable for our bookcase colonnade. 
Note the bay window seat and triple 
windows which furnish an abun- 
dance of light. This room will 
prove one of the brightest regard- 
less of how dull the day. Kitchen 
is of ample size, correctly arranged 
as to pantry and_ entrance to 
cellar, as well as exit to stoop in 

Going up the semi-open 

stairway we arrive in a centrally 
located hall with entrances to all 
chambers, our designers have more 
than taken care of the proper win- 
dow spacing and closet room. The 
bathroom is directly accessible from 
all chambers. 

Excellently built with ma- 
terial purchased, Improved Sensibly 
Cut-to-Fit "The Harris Way" as 
is fully explained in the introductory 
pages of this book. Do not fail to 
read our Free Plan Offer, it safe- 
guards you. 


Page 42 

ft s f" 




Harris Home No. L-1504 

The Size 
24 ft. x 26 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

IT IS easy to enthuse over this wonderfully planned Harris Home. A 
close analysis of the plan and building lines, only lead you to see more plainly than , 
at the first exclamation of approval, that every point deserves this enthusiasm first 
expressed. It is truly a cosy bungalow type and even if that lot you have in mind 
is only thirty feet wide the house will fit and look well. 

The handsome front porch, the sloping roof with return cornice on same 
and the handsome dormer, are only a few of its distinguished features. The many ad- 
vantages of a porch extending across the entire front are easily seen and appreciated. 
Convenience of family and guest is taken into account in the interior . Even the clothes 
closets in the reception hall is not overlooked. 

Unusual features in a house of this size are the French doors leading from the reception 

hall to the living room and space for 
one of our handsome bookcase colo- 
nades on either side of the cased 
opening between the living room 
and dining room. 

A better planned kitchen 

and pantry would bo hard to find. 
The twin windows in the kitchen 
are a joy to the housewife as well as 
Lhe well planned furniture spacing. 
Note especially the door from the 
kitchen to the reception hall, from 
which one may pass directly through 
the grade entrance. This grade 
door also gives access to the base- 

Each of the three cham- 
bers, well planned to accommodate 
all your bedroom furniture, opens 
into a common hall. The bath- 
room conveniently located,_ is 
planned to save all cost possible 
in installation of plumbing. 


Page 43 

Harris Home No. L-1517 

Size 30 ft. x 26 ft. 
Including Bays 

6 Booms 
and Bath 


OU like this modern bungalow aa it is pictured here and doubtless 

wonder at the very low price. Among the many desirable features of this house, the 
interior arrangement is the most important. Bungalows with six rooms or so, on one 
floor are expensive and many wonder why. This is easily explained when you 
consider that it will take a double sized roof and founda- 
tion, compared to a model such as this, with the bed- 
rooms, bathroom, etc., conveniently placed on the second 
floor. The material furnished sensibly Cut-to-Fit "The 
Harris Way" means the lowest price on material and 
very low labor cost. Keep this saving in your pocket. 

The floor plan is everything that can be desired. Large 
living room with den adjoining. The dining room is of ample size; 
between the dining room and kitchen the pantry is conveniently 
located. The stairway arrangement is very attractive. At the start 
there is an archway ; the stairway runs to a landing well lighted by a 
pair of leaded casement sash. An abundance of windows and leaded 
casement sash are provided for, which permit more than enough 
light and perfect ventilation. On the second floor we have the two 
A view of living room from 
dining room 

large bedrooms, a large closet in 
each, the ceilings showing no cut- 
off, there is a good sized hall 
and a large bathroom with linen 
boxes. Study the floor plans care- 

The exterior is strikingly 

handsome. The plain sloping 
roof, the spacious full width porch 
with its graceful arches, are practical 
and attractive features. If possible, 
native stone should be used for 
the porch and chimney — no matter 
how rough or broken. Rough 
brick or cement blocks may also 
be used with the desired result. 

1 ■■ ■ 



Page 44 

Harris Home No. L-1516 

The Size 
32 ft. x 26 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 


.,:* t '. 



YOU can build this artistic bungalow in the finest locality with a feeling 
of pride, for it lacks nothing in exterior elegance or interior arrangement, 
dollar you invest in this bungalow will show in the 
beautiful exterior or in comfort and convenience. 
Study the picture above and you will find many very pleasing 
features too numerous to mention. 

From the central hall the real elegance of the 
well planned interior is seen. The roominess of the interior 
is emphasized by the wide cased openings leading to the rear 
hall, reception room and dining room. To the left we enter 
the hospitable living room with its fireplace. A pleasing 
feature is the arrangement of well placed high leaded glass 
windows and the bay window at front. Through a cased 
opening we enter the den. Note the cozy seat in the bay 
window. The location of the pantry between the kitchen and 
dining room is very convenient with its swinging doors. Ac- 
cess from the kitchen to the grade door at the rear, also to the 
basement and rear porch is facilitated by well placed doors 
The second floor 

has three good sized bed- 
rooms with an abundance 
of closet space and a large 
bathroom properly situ- 
ated for convenient access 
from any part of the build- 
ing. Plenty of windows 
will be found for light and 

You'll be surprised at 

the ease and big savings in actual 
dollars of your money that are 
yours, if you build of material, 
sensibly Cut-to-Fit— "The Har- 
ris Way." 

A comer in living room with just 
a glimpse of the den 


Page 45 

Harris Home No. L-1523 

The Size 
32 ft. x 28 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE is a bungalow that has been received with a warm welcome 
in every section of the country. Although our architects primarily designed 
it with care and attention to every requirement for the farm, city and suburban 
home builders will find it difficult to find a more generally satisfactory plan. 
This is one of those clean cut homes that is substantial from every viewpoint. The 
exterior detail, splendid proportions, size and arrangement of rooms — the excellent material 
and correct construction will stand the test of time — for you Build-To-Stay, "The Harris 

Our plans show an excellent arrangement of rooms in the basement for the furnace, 
fuel, vegetables, dairy and laundry. Now take a careful look at the first, and second floor plans. Note 
especially the large size of all rooms, the convenient arrangement and how all available space has been 

utilized. Just off the living 
room we have planned a 
room which can be used aa 
a bedroom or office, a wide 
cased opening connects the 
living room and dining room. 
Well planned doors leading 
from the kitchen to the back 
porch and stairway to the 
basement or second floor. 

Three good sized bed- 
rooms with roomy closets and 
the bathroom are found on 
the second floor. The bath- 
room is placed at the head of 
the stairs directly accessible 
from all parts of the house. 
The second floor ceilings are 
square, showing ao slope of 
the rafters. 

Our Free Blue Print 

Plan Offer explained in the 
first pages of this book ena- 
bles you to see the blue prints, 
specifications and learn full 
particulars of this Ideal 
•flR_«M Flood. PlaivI-- Home. 


Page 46 

rtoocL ■ Pla ri 

Harris Home No. L- 15 01 

The Size 
24 ft. x 34 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

IN this Harris Home is incorporated about every convenience that you 
could wish for. Study the floor plan carefully and you will see there is nothing 
lacking for a house of its class and cost. 
The exterior view shows a good, solid substantial appearing bungalow. 
Front porch is of stucco, the balance of the house, siding, all neatly trimmed with corner 
boards; heavy cornices, facia and a wide sweeping roof, the lines of which are broken by 
two handsome hip dormers. 

We enter the reception hall and to the right is the beautiful half open stairway, lo 

the left a pair of handsome French doors with divided lights to give us just enough of a glimpse of the parlor 
or living room to make us want to get inside and see the balance. The living room and dining room orf 
sen Jated by a cased opening where a handsome colonnade may be placed. These two rooms can be used 
prSally as one and indeed give a feeling of roominess that is seldom experienced in a bungalow of this s.ze. 

There is a good size bedroom 

with Unen closet and a great big clothes 
closet, on the first floor. Kitchen is pro- 
perly laid out with a pantry big enough 
for the largest family. Bathroom is 
conveniently located as is also the en- 
trance to the cellar and the grade en- 
trance from the outside. 

On the second floor there are 

two fine bedrooms with large closets 
and storeroom enough to store trunks, 
goods and chattels to your heart's 

This Harris Home will prove 
one of lasting satisfaction to the 
owner. Read our wonderful Free Plan 
Offer in the introductory pages and find 
out for yourself what excellent quality 
of material we furnish, and in the back 
pages you will find illustrated and de- 
scribed the handsome interior wood- 
work, finishings, plumbing and heating 
fixtures, and hardware, etc., etc. 


Page 47 




Harris Home No. L-1522 

Harris Home No. L-1511 

The Size 
24 ft. x 29 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

The Size 
24 ft. x 34 ft. 

6 Rooms, Bath 
and Storeroom 

THIS popular addition to the aristocratic "family" of Harris Homes, 
with its elegant exterior and room arrangement, was designed on account of the 
many requests for a larger home of the bungalow type. The broad sweeping lines 
of the true bungalow have been preserved by extending the roof out over the porch. 
Two well placed dormers at both front and rear, designed in careful detail and perfect 
harmony, add greatly to the general appearance and roominess of the interior. These 
dormers enable us to design square ceilings in all of the rooms on the second floor. 

All rooms are of excellent proportion. At one end of the living room 
there is a large "cheery" fireplace. Just enough of the handsome stairway shows at the 
other end of the living room to break the long line, adding a decorative and desirable 

feature. Note the well 

-jMr^e: planned bay window with 

its comfortable window 
seat. The kitchen is planned 
for convenient access to all 
rooms, basement, side grade 
door and rear of the house. 

On the second floor 
there are three large bed- 
rooms and closets galore. 
The bathroom is conveni- 
ently reached from any part 
of the house and is placed 
over the kitchen for 
economy in the installation 
of plumbing. The interior, 
trim and mill work is 
modern and up-to-date 
style. Get the complete 
plans and all details of our 
liberal offer as explained in 
the first pages of this book. 

-riEL^T - TLOO Cl- PL A.-M 

d tCO Nl D ■ F LOOQ_- P L h Kl 


Page 48 

IN THIS cozy story and one-half bungalow we have combined the many 
conveniences and exterior beauty of higher priced homes, with economy everywhere. 
In the old days, with old methods, the many pleasing characteristics of bungalow con- 
struction would result in useless expense and a prohibitive price. But with our easily 
understood plans, clear specifications and material sensibly cut-to-fit without waste, "The 
Harris Way" you can realize your highest ambitions. Such a home as this, with good 
taste displayed everywhere in the exterior designing and a splendid interior, should appeal 
to the most exacting and especially so when you consider its low cost. 

The low pitched roof with its well placed dormer, the wide eaves, ancjj 

heavy columns supporting the porch roof are features that add their charm to the general 
appearance. The convenient porch 
extending across the entire width 
has been carefully handled to har- 
monize in detail. 

Looking at the floor plans we 

find an unusually pleasing arrangement. 
The living room is connected with the 
reception hall by a pair of handsome 
French doors. This room is unusually 
well lighted, not only from the handsome 
triple front window, but also by light from 
the reception hall and the two windows on 
the side. A handsome cased opening leads 
from the living room to the dining room. 
The bathroom is properly placed. There 
is also a convenient grade entrance. 

The stairway leading to the 
second floor ends in a small hall from 
which doors lead to one good sized bed- 
room. Another room can be finished in 
the future, there is plenty of room. Read 
our Free Plan Offer and interesting Ma- 
terial Specifications in this_ book. Also 
note our low prices on plumbing and heat- 
ing outfits. 




Page 49 

Harris Home No. L-1507 

The Size 
24 ft. x 24 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

Planned for Investments That Pay. 

THE most successful cottage design offered today. Built again and 
again for homes and sure paying investments as evidenced by the reproduction 
above — showing but one of three erected by one man. Here you will find every 
dollar invested, clearly shown to best advantage in the completed building — all 
practical and economical modern methods being employed to give you all that is best in 
material, construction, arrangement and exterior appearance at the lowest possible figure. 
You'll be surprised at the ease and economy with which this design can be built with 
material, Gut-to-Fit "The Harris Way." 

The interior is designed in a simple, convenient arrangement for genuine 

home comfort. The first 
floor has four rooms of 
good size; the second floor 
two chambers and bath 
with ample light and 
proper ventilation. 
Plenty of closet space 
properly situated. 

This house is 
planned wi th one chimney 
and can be heated by 
stoves, or heating plant. 

Our low prices on 
heating plant and com- 
plete plumbing equipment 
for this home will interest 
you. Write for them, 


Page 50 



Harris Home No. L-2001 

The Size 
20 ft. x 28 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE is a Harris Home that is very popular indeed. Justly so 
because of its attractive exterior and unusually well planned interior. Mot an , 
inch of space is wasted. No nooks and crannies to hide away dirt and vermin. 
Just a nice, clean, substantial looking home. When built The Harris Way, 
stays well built and remains a high valued property indefinitely. 

The delightful possibilities of this handsome living room, with its semi- 
open stairway is apparent to every woman. The proper placing of doors and windows 
assures plenty of light and ventilation and you see at a glance its necessary accommoda- 
tion for your furniture. The cased opening between the living room and dining room 
adds to the hospitality of these two real "Living Rooms. , 

Viewed from every angle the kitchen indicates that convenience has 
been the watchword. A swinging door between the dining room and kitchen, another 
door connecting the kitchen and living room, and plenty of light, proper space tor necessary 
kitchen furniture, access to the base- 
ment and stoop, all mean time and 
steps saved in this busy workshop 
of the home. 

Upstairs there are three fine 
bedrooms, and the bath directly over 
the kitchen, reducing the cost of 
plumbing installation to a minimum. 
And such closets! They alone are 
enough to win any woman's heart, 
but don't, overlook the clothes chute 
right in the linen closet. This home 
can be economically heated and re- 
quires but one chimney flue. 

Like all Harris Homes, this is a 

substantial house, built of high-grade guaran- 
teed material — a lasting monument to the 
good sense and good judgement of the owner, 
and a paying investment. 

Admirably suited for a 25-loot lot. 
Grade entrance, giving access to kitchen and 
basement. Handsome semi-open stairway in 
the living room. 


Page 51 

Harris Home No. L-2016 

The Size 
22 ft. x 33 ft. 6 in. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

YOUR friends and family will appreciate the privacy of this beautiful 
porch, accessible only from your living room. Such a desirable feature is seldom 
attempted in a home of this kind. A "real living room," demands sunshine and 
space. A bright and sunny room is assured by the double glass doors, flanked on 
both sides by a pair of casement sash, spreading practically across two-thirds of this living 
room. The cheer of the room by night or on gloomy days can be well imagined in noting 
the centrally located fireplace. Nothing that might add to cheer and comfort has been 
overlooked in this room, 21 x 13. 

Every possible means of saving steps has been taken into consideration. 
This is shown in the direct connection of the dining room and kitchen by the swinging 
door and again in the door leading from the kitchen, to the passage, making a direct passage 
to the stairs. 

There are four bedrooms on the second floor, with bathroom. All of the 

bedrooms are of ample size and 
each is provided with a closet. 
The bathroom is very conveni- 
ently located. The matter of 
lighting and ventilating is pro- 
perly taken care of. 

A combination of cement 
plaster and shingles is used for 
the outside wall construction. 
The plaster reaches to the second 
story windows. The porch walls 
also are built up in the same 

Our big money saving 
prices on guaranteed plumbing 
material and dependable heating 
systems will interest you. 

•riiivST- ri_aoB.-PLAN.- 



Page 52 

Harris Home No. L-1519 

The Size 
24 ft. x 28 ft. 

6 Rooms 
and Pantry 

HERE is your ideal town or farm house — convenient, compact and , 
economical in cost of construction. Note the low price. Stop and consider 
this — a big one and one-half story house, containing six rooms, conveniently 
arranged, all of good size and of fine material. 

We invite a comparison of the material we furnish for this design with 

any estimate on a simdar design. We are confident that our price, quality of material 
considered, will be by far the lowest. The first floor, you will note, has a parlor and a 
kitchen, big enough to be used for a dining room and kitchen. A good sized bedroom, 
containing a large closet connects with the kitchen. There is a very inviting porch 
around the entire front and side of the house, back to the kitchen, with an entrance there. 

The upper plan of this house shows three good sized bedrooms, each 
containing a spacious closet, and all entrances located conveniently to the stairhall, which 
means a saving of many steps, 
as well as a saving in material 
and space. 

A bathroom is not shown 
on the plan, but can be placed 
very nicely where the two large 
closets now are located off these 

A study of the plan will 

convince you that this is a splen- 
did design to build. Although 
our price on this design is ex- 
tremely low, material is fur- 
nished in every instance as out- 
lined in our general material 
specifications described in first 
pages of this book. 







c?titiVrO. 1Eo>3fi3 


35th and Iron Streets, 
Page 53 


Harris Home No. L-2007 

The Size 
21 ft. 4 in. x 30 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

A NEAT, comfortable and substantial appearing house. All rooms 
are of ample size and planned with a view to economy as well as usefulness. 
We enter a well lighted reception hall of good size with <j handsome stairway 
to the right. Entrance to the parlor is had through a cased opening, also to 
the dining room. This gives the entire first floor a cheerful and home-like appearance. 
The dining room is well lighted, having two large windows on the side and one large 
sash window in the rear wall. The kitchen is of ample size with pantry large enough 

for all general purposes. 
Entrance to the basement 
stairway is directly under- 
neath the main stairs and 
conveniently located. 

Separate entrances to 
all rooms on second floor, 
large closets and good sized 
bathroom. The entire house 
is well lighted, well ventilated 
and partitions are so arranged 
that the chimney can be 
placed to permit heating 
either by stove, furnace or 
steam heat. 

This design is entirely 
suitable for either country or 
city lot and as a home or 
investment should yield ex- 
cellent returns, as the price 
is certainly within the reach 
of all. 




Page 54 

Harris Home No. L-1525 

Size, 20 ft. x 25 ft. 6 in. 6 Rooms 

Including Bays and Bath 

THE wise man builds for comfort and convenience, but never loses 
sight of economy. "The Harris Way" builds to stay and makes every dollar 
count, but does not sacrifice quality or looks to save a few cents. This design 
wm appeal to the practical, far-sighted home bidder. The outside is designed to 
«hnw to the best advantage without unnecessary expenditure of money for useless orna- 
menUkm The SaESmEered effect helps to distinguish this house from the ordmary 
Same cottage The front porch is large, and is designed for handsome stone cement or 
brick colunuis. A beautiful bay window affords a splendid view from the living room 
nnH makes a well-lighted interior. . . . 

A compact and well arranged interior. A reception hall with open 
stairway on one side and on the other is the large cased opening to the hying room. 
Another cased opening leads to the dining room and from the kitchen to the dining room 
is a swinging door. 

There is a passage from the 
front hall straight back to the kitchen, 
a great convenience; access to the 
basement is had from the pantry under 
the main stairs. Upstairs there is 
space for two good sized bedrooms, 
bathroom and plenty of closets. The 
dormer on the roof extends over the 
bathroom part, allowing for square 
ceiling of full height. 

Provision is made tor good 

light and ventilation; this house is 

easily heated, and by following our 

correct methods and with the aid oi 

our Blue Print plans and plain in- 
structions, you can have an up-to-date, 

trim, neat looking home, with all the 

conveniences at a cost that is not 

beyond the limit of the most modest 



'T7&S5 T-JlD3DJ^ 


Page 55 4 

Harris Home No. L-1515 

The Size 
20 ft. x 28 ft. 

7 Rooms and 
Reception Hall 

A STRONG, compact home of generous dimensions designed along 
original lines containing more available room than many houses of large dimen- 
sions. Easily built with great economy of material sensibly Cut- to-Fit without 
waste, "The Harris Way" — our time, money and labor-saving home building 

In interior arrangement the house has all the conveniences possible for 

its size. Attractive living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor besides front 
hall. The main stairway is of open design and modern construction landing directly in 
the center of the house on the second floor. The second floor has four bedrooms all of 
good size, with closets. One of the rooms — preferably the one over the kitchen — may be 

converted into a bathroom. 
The house is well lighted and 
ventilated. Note the compact 
room arrangement for perfect 
plumbing installation and 
uniform heating. You can 
increase the savings on your 
home by taking advantage of 
our low prices on plumbing 
equipment and complete 
heating plants. 

This design is excep- 
tionally desirable as an in- 
vestment proposition, and 
has been built again and 
again by real estate operators 
who are quick to appreciate 
values. It is a very attrac- 
tive house, will rent readily 
and sell with ease. 




Page 56 

Harris Home No. L-1524 

Size, 21 ft. 6 in. x 28 ft. 
Including Bays 

6 Rooms 
and Bath 

IT IS simple in its lines, yet attractive from every angle, very compact t 
with all space used to the very best advantage. It is distinctly a house for a man 
who wants to make a good investment, or build a comfortable home. 
The reception hall is of a good size, with a handsome open stairway 
leading to the second floor. The hall is well lighted, with a window on the side and a 
glazed door in front. The hall connects directly with the living room by a large cased 
opening. If desired, this cased opening and partition can be omitted, and a living room 
made across the entire width of the building. The upper sash of the large window in the 
front of the living room is glazed with leaded glass. The dining room is of ample size, 
and provided with plenty of light 
and ventilation by a handsome 
triple bay window and casement 
sash. The kitchen can be reached 
directly from the hall without mak- 
ing it necessary to pass through 
the living room and dining room. 
The inside stairway to the basement 
is directly off the kitchen. In the 
rear, we have the pantry and rear 

On the second floor there 

are two large chambers and a bath, 
all arranged directly off the hall. 
Plenty of closet room. 


Page 57 


■ rf!r fywp-r/r<-np- 

Harris Home No. L-2017 

The Size 
28 ft. x 26 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

HERE is a home that anyone could feel justly proud to own. With 
a semblance to the ever popular Colonial home, the straight lines and massive 
proportions, create a substantial and dignified exterior— truly a modern American 
design. Note the well planned flower box above the side bay; convenient 
access to this flower box is had from the second floor windows. _ The stucco panels be- 
tween the second floor windows and siding below the belt course, unite in a pleasing contrast. 
Study the floor plans. From the porch we enter a vestibule properly 
located for direct access to both the living room and dining room. A full view through 
the living room is had of the spacious fireplace and mantel and stairway leading to the 
second floor. Note the alcove to the right of the vestibide— may be used as a cozy corner; 
being large enough to accommodate a couch or davenport. There is a convenient step 
saving arrangement in the kitchen and dining room — the well lighted butlers' pantry, 
properly located with double swinging doors. Large kitchen with windows, doors and wall 
space arranged for the best location of the sink, table, range, etc. 

The stairway to the second floor leads into a central hall, from which all 
rooms are accessible. Here we find a good sized bathroom and four bedrooms, each with 

a clothes closet of ample size 

Perfect light and ventilation 
is assured by the number and 
location of windows- — one at 
the end of hall lights the 

In designing this home 
our architects have combined 
to best advantage, a beautiful 
exterior, a convenient in- 
terior, all that is best in con- 
struction with great economy 
in material sensibly Gut-to- 
Fit, without waste, "The 
Harris Way." 

-fitst - Tlooi- 

OtCOflU- I LOO I- 


Page 58 

Harris Home No. L-2028 

Size, 24 ft. 6 in. x 31 ft. 
Inclusive of Bays 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

Beautiful Lighting Fixtures 
for Every Purpose at Very 
Low Prices 

EVERYTHING about this design, from the imposing exterior to the 
most minute interior details, shows the extreme care and study of our deagnfrs. 
The massive porch across the entire front, the sohd looking roof dormer and the 
wide projecting eaves create a substantial and lasting appearance. Viewed from 
any angle this design is very impressive. With the many advantages gamed through 
our years of careful study you can build and own your home with great economy. 

A glance at the floor plans shows seven rooms, hall, pantry, bathroom 
and four closets, modern and convenient in arrangement. From the spacious full width 
porch entrance, we proceed , 

into the hall at the left of the | zzl-a j- 

living room. The living room 
is well lighted by having five 
windows. To the left of the 
dining room is the kitchen and 
between these rooms a pantry. 
There is a door leading from 
the kitchen to the back porch 
and forward into the hall. 

The second floor has 
four bedrooms of good size, 
well lighted and ventilated. 
Doors from all bedrooms lead j 
directly into the hall. The I 
closets are properly and con- - 1 — 
veniently placed. Everything 
has been arranged to meet the 
requirements of a modern 
home. Built for a home or as 
an investment this design will 
meet your highest expectations. 




Page 59 

Harris Home No. L-2004 

The Size 
24 ft. x 28 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 


UILT on the Square"— is there a better or truer description of this 
house? You know before you even glance at the plan that there is not one inch 
of space wasted. 

The first outside detail to merit attention is the clear span front 
porch, the substantial colonial columns carrying out the "Square Built" plan. A belt 
course breaks the plainness of the exterior wall and individual taste can be used in painting 
the upper half a different color or shingles can be used to the belt line. 

Now for a glance at the plans to confirm our statement, that not an inch of space is 

wasted. The reception hall shows an inviting glimpse of the stairway and the coat closet— such a con- 
venience—should not be overlooked. An attractive cased opening divides the parlor and dining room as 
the reception hall and parlor. While you may have appreciated the window arrangement from the 

outside, to be most appreciated 

ia . (-)■■ they must be seen from the interior. 

Can you imagine a better lighting 
arrangement, a chance to obtain 
more sunshine than through the 
cottage window and two pair of 
casement sash in the parlor? Fol- 
low this with a glance at the spread 
of casement sash all in a row in the 
dining room. The arrangement of 
the kitchen and pantry is ideal, 
clean cut, square and therefore of 
necessity sanitary. 

The plan of the second 

floor meets your expectation. Four 
large bedrooms and the bath opens 
out of a central hall. No crowding 
of furniture is necessary — each room 
has its closet and the same ideal 
arrangement of windows for proper 
lighting and ventilation is apparent 
in all rooms. If this house appeals 
to you be sure and read our Free 
Plan Offer. 




Page 60 

Harris Home No. L-2008 

The Size 
20 ft. x 28 ft. 

7 Rooms 
and Bath 

THIS Harris home has been developed along the lines of a modern home 
and provided with every essential convenience possible in the limited space avails 
able. There are three good sized rooms on the first floor, in addition to the front 
hall, and so arranged as to make communication between them especially easy. 
On the second floor, we have three bedrooms and bath, besides the usual closets. Also 
the large front room can be divided so as to have a child's room or sewing room by merely 
moving one partition and adding one door, the extra cost of which would not amount 
to over four or five dollars. 

This is also a house that can be changed into a two-family house at very 

little extra expense, leaving three rooms on the first floor, and by placing a partition in the 
large bedroom upstairs giving four 
rooms on the second floor. Changing 
this house so as to be suitable for two 
families would cost little extra, com- 
pared to the income it will bring. 

With a chimney placed in the 
center of the house, all rooms may 
be easily heated in the most eco- 
nomical manner either by stove or 
heating plant. 

The price at which we are sell- 
ing the material for this design is excep- 
tionally low and will enable anyone to secure 
a comfortable and modern home for very 
little money. The material we furnish is of 
a quality that is in keeping with the general 
character of the design, Sensibly Cut-to-Fit, 
"The Harris Way," for great economy in 
time, material and construction. 

The low prices on complete 
plumbing equipment and heating plants for 
this home will interest you with their big 




Page 61 

Harris Home No. L-2023 

The Size 
25 ft. 10 in. x 29 ft. 6 in. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

I^HIS house is one of the most popular designs ever built. With its 
good looking exterior and the advantages of the square type for a well planned, 
roomy interior, can be most economically constructed with material Cut-to-Fit 
"The Harris Way" — a home-building system that eliminates waste of every kind. 
Eight rooms and bath, with pantry, vestibule entrance and large hall; the hall communi- 
cating directly with kitchen, parlor and dining room. Note carefully the four, good 
sized, well ventilated bedrooms and bath conveniently placed on the second floor, and 
the large closets with which all the bedrooms are provided. 

It is an ideal house in many respects. Just the thing for a medium sized 
family and well suited for country, town or city. It is extremely popular with the class of 
people who desire comfort, and neatness of design generally well laid. Examine the 
floor plans below. We do not know of any design with more comfort, convenience 
and good arrangement. 

Read the first pages of this book. 

LO" J 

'Pl-t^T l~LOD{^ TLJUl- 

O LOO * D.^LCO^-f Hi- 

To be sure, it will take a little of 

your time — but the building of 
your home will be done just 
once, so it's well worth your 
while to know you're on the 
right path. Read what "The 
Harris Way" means to you, the 
liberal Blue Print Plan Offer 
and how completely you can 
get all details. Learn how the 
material is prepared for lowest 
building cost. 

Such details in arranging 
the rooms for economical plumb- 
ing and heating installation have 
been carefully attended to by 
our architects. 


Page 62 

Harris Home No. L-2003 

The Size 
24 ft. x 30 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

'Home Sweet Home. 

CAN you imagine a more attractive home than the one shown above? 
The exterior, a combination of siding and shingles artistically finished with thrqe 
coats high quality paint that we furnish with every Harris Home. Imagine this 
house painted say — canary yellow body, soft brown shingle stain above belt- 
course, with white trim, and it brings out the distinct architectural beauty of this home. 
In designing this home, our architects were most generous in the amount 
of space alotted for porches. The private porch may easily be screened or fitted with 
glazed sash, as it has no fancy curves or angles. 

The interior arrangement is decidely original, this you realize immediately after enter- 
ing the imposing front entrance and passing through a vestibule into the reception hall. Of course the elegant 
open stairway and necessary coat closet are first to be admired. Glancing through the French doors ta-'the 
right the fireplace gives a sprightly air of '" 

The many windowed 
dining room and cheerful 
kitchen will please every 
housewife, also the large pan- 
try and convenient stairway 
to cellar. 

On entering the recep- 
tion hall one desires im- 
mediately to mount the stair- 
way, it is so inviting. Now 
let us view a most conveni- 
ently arranged second floor. 
A linen closet is essential. 
You will find it there and the 
bath also accessible from all 
rooms. Every one of _ the 
four chambers are spacious, 
all have large closets with 
plenty of shelving. 

Words cannot describe 
the real value and bene- 
fits that can be derived from 
such a well arranged home, 
so if you are attached to any 
part of this Harris Home, 
read our Free Plan Offer in 
the introductory pages of this 


Page 63 



Harris Home No. L-2030 

The Size 25 ft. x 36 ft. 8 Rooms 

Including Bay and Bath 

HERE'S "something different" from the general run of two-story 
one-famrly residences-unusually good proportions and balance have been 
attained. Note the substantial treatment of the spacious front porch with fts 
tW „„fij ' supported by massive round Colonial columns. Viewed from any anele 

lSSl 8y T etry tmd - mP T S r lines make h an ideal ^e for anylS g 
th j£ \ S "? > e rece P tlon hal1 » splendid view meets the eye. Just ahead 
SToom 1 "tKSTi? -° th l/f * he / ide -sed opening leading to the spac^ 
3nJ ^f + 7i? rece P tl0 . n hal1 ls we " lighted and made attractive by a leaded glass 
Notf jhe conven ient coat closet just off the reception hall. Here we notice a 

convenient common sense 
arrangement — without dis- 
turbing the living room or 
dining room, entry from the 
front can be made direct to 
the second floor, kitchen or 
basement. The living room 
and dining room are large 
and well lighted with well 
placed bay windows. 

Direct exit from 

kitchen is had to the back 
porch, and well planned grade 
door at side. 

The bathroom is properly 

located — handy to all bedrooms and 
the first floor. There are four large 
bedrooms with an abundance of 
closet space. Note the airing porch 
off the rear bedroom — can be used 
as a sleeping porch. 

Designed to be built, with- 
out waste — material sensibly Cut- 
To-Fit "The Harris Way." Let 
us send you the plans and full de- 
tails. Read our liberal Free Blue 
Print Outfit on the first pages. 


QOi f IM 

Page 66 

Harris Home No. L-2024 

The Size 
30 ft. x 30 ft., including Bays 

8 Rooms 
and Balli 

HERE is a real home — a plan designed with purpose. Nothing 
overlooked, nothing slighted. A design unsurpassed in comfort, convenience 
and roominess, the natural result. This is really a large home planned to 
accommodate a large family and yet it can be built at a surprisingly small 
cost — material sensibly Gut-to-Fit without waste "The Harris Way." See the full two- 
story bay windows at front and sides, the handsome dormer, the massive colonial full 
width porch, and the roof with its wide projecting eaves. These desirable features create 
an inviting and substantial appearance. 

Entrance is made from the porch to a convenient reception hall. From 
this hall you can proceed directly to the main stairway and the upper floor or straight 
back to the kitchen without disturbing the other rooms. Just to the right we enter 
the large commodious living room. Beyond the living room you enter the dining 
room of ample size. The pantry is placed between the kitchen and dining room with 
swinging doors. The stairway into the basement is directly under the front stairway. 
The large cased openings between the dining room, living room and hall add greatly to 
the roominess of the interior and set off the splendid main stairway admirably. 

The landing of the 
stairway to the upper floor 
is directly in the center of 
the house. The bedrooms 
are properly situated and 
designed with windows pro- 
perly placed for perfect light 
and fresh air. Note especially 
the two large bedrooms 1ak- 
ing in the second floor bay 
windows. Many commenda- 
ble points will be found in 
this design that assures 
utmost comfort and perfect 
arrangement without resort- 
ing to a freakish, poorly 
balanced exterior. 

ae-coNn flxk> 


Page 67 

7 tj|\ K 'U x '-"-' 

IH i»™ \ CLOS | 

Harris Home No. L-2009 

The Size 
26 ft. x 26 ft. 

7 Booms 
and Bath 

WHAT is more attractive than this well designed, properly propor- 
tioned, hip-roof house? Planned for very economical construction with a well 
laid out interior. The upper half of the exterior wall is covered with shingles 

•ii 4- ■ i!™? * — lower half wilh bevel siain 8- Thi s can he easily changed and we 
will furnish all siding or all shingles, whichever is desired, without extra charge. 

The interior arrangement offers some unusual features, one of which is 
a room hack of the living room. It can be used as a library or chamber. If this extra 
room is not desired, the partition between can be taken out, making a living room 25 
feet long, the full length of the house. 

The location of the dining room, in the front, is another excellent feature. 
Plenty of light is assured. The stairway to the second floor leads directly out of the dining 

room ; a door is provided 
at the bottom so that 
the entire upstairs may 
be shut off. The kitchen 
connects directly with 
the dining room and is 
of good size. If a rear 
porch is desired the ma- 
terial can be furnished at 
very little extra cost. 

The second floor con- 
tains three large bedrooms 
and bath. Each bedroom is 
provided with a spacious 
closet. The second floor can 
also be rearranged so as to 
give four bedrooms and bath. 

High grade material 
is specified throughout. Sen- 
sibly Cut-lo-Fit "The Harris 
Way" — without waste — saves 
time and labor expense. Get 
the plans and specifications 

Zi^cs 2* rrnaass' jscstt 

•^z:c;oj?£Z5-ez.c£b? -JS^HF 


Page 68 

Harris Home No. L-2022 

The Size 
25 ft. x 31 ft. 6 in. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

A PLEASANT, inviting Harris Home. The graceful roof with its 
wide flaring eaves and uniform porch roof gives an air of perfect harmony. Note* 
the roomy full width porch supported by stately columns; the front and side . 
bay windows properly placed for perfect light and ventilation. 

The first story is finished with beveled siding — the second story, shingles. 
Of course, this may he changed to suit your desires. The rooms are generous in size and 
arranged for utmost comfort and convenience. The large cased openings between the 
dining room, living room and reception hall complete the spacious effect of the interior 
and give a clear view to the 
handsome modern stairway 
leading to the second floor. 

The landing on the 
second floor ends in a hall 
properly situated at the cen- 
ter of the house — no waste 
room in long halls and no 
dark corners. Direct en- 
trance to this hall is had 
from the bedrooms and bath- 
room. Plenty of windows for 
fresh air and light. 

Read our Free Plan 
Offer in first pages of this 
book and our unbeatable sys- 
tem of furnishing material, 
at a big saving in actual dol- 
lars of your money. 


S£-COfi£> f-LQJR 


Harris Farm Home No, L-2031 

The Size 
30 ft. x 36 ft. 6 in. 

9 Rooms 
and Bath 

THE culmination of suggestions received from many farm and countrv 
oiks through a period of several years, are embodied in this home Jlcorporated 
n this plan. Inspect the floor plans-read the splendid arranJerTn, ^ +T 
interior and learn why this is the model farm or country home g ' ^ 

We will start in the basement, which extends under the entire house- thi» 
boiler room is properly located in the rear. A stairway from the first floo HireeHv «„* 

-d ThTottrio^h VoTt si n m^rr t k one A^ ™™te^J& 

^ourexceUent rooms conveniently arranged with the wash room and the 

pantry constitute the first 

The kitchen is large 
and well planned; the pantry 
will hold a large amount of 
supplies. The back porch is 
situated between the pantry 
and wash room, affording 
.protection against the sun's 
heat and winter blasts. On 
the second floor you will find 
four large bedrooms, each 
with its own closet ; also linen 
closet and an airing porch. 
The bathroom is properly 
located to simplify the 


Page 72 

CO/VO fLOOH. ?L4g 

Harris Home No. L-1015 

The Si;e— 20 ft. x 20 ft. 4 Rooms and Pantry 
All Harris Homes Are Furnished 

"Cut-to-Fit" or "Not Cut-to-Fit" 

See introductory pages 

Harris Home No. L-1014 

The Size— 22 ft. x 22 It. 4 Rooms and Pantry 
All Harris Homes Are Furnished 

"Cut-to-Fit" or "Not Cut-to-Fit" 

See introductory pages 

Harris Home No. L-1013 » 

The Size— 24 ft. x 24 ft. 4 Rooms and Pantry 

HERE is another cottage admirably suited for the Industrial Com- 
pany, Real Estate Developers, Mine Owners, and Investors who want quick 
return for their money. 

We are offering it in three different sizes 20x20 ft., 22x22 ft. and 24x24 ft., 

al! arranged alike, the only difference being that the size of each room increases. 

Material is all furnished exactly the same as our other Harris Homes. Price can be 
reduced by changing the grades and in many instances such high grade material as we furnish for our Harris 
Homes is not necessary in an undertaking of this kind. When ordered in quantities of six or more, there 
is an opportunity for still greater reduction on account of saving in freight and handling charges. 

If we furnish you this cottage "Sensibly Cut-to-Fit" we believe that a good carpenter 
and helper can easily complete the smaller cottage in a week and the other two in a proportionately short 
length of time. . ,, 

If the style of this house and room arrangement appeals to you, write us at once tell 
us your plans and we will gladly give you full information by return mail. Read our Free Plan Offer in this book. 

-ll-O" — — — r 



No. 1015 

No. 1014 



No. 1013 


Page 73 

Harris Home No. L-1012 

Size, 16 ft. x 20 ft. 

3 R< 

HERE is a dandy Queen Anne type cottage. A simple easily built 
easily maintained floor plan, can be divided into four rooms by making two 
rooms out of the living room if preferred, but of course, for this size house they 
will be rather small. This is an ideal cottage to develop real estate with, simple 
to build, low in price and easily sold. 

Also it should appeal to Mining Companies, Manufacturers, Garden 



Plot developers and the Farmer who is just begin- 
ning. There is not a piece of unnecessary trimming, 
but everything is good and substantial and the 
same kind of good material is furnished that we 
furnish on our regular Harris Homes. 

Price can be reduced by changing the 

grades and when ordered in quantities there will be 
a still further reduction on account of saving in 
freight and handling charges. 

The neatly trimmed porch and the two 
large divided light front windows give this cottage 
an attractive appearance not usually to be had in 
a house of this cost. Each room has plenty of 
windows for light and ventilation. 

These houses like any of the other of 
the cottages can easily be built on posts instead of 
foundation. Can be economically heated by stoves. 

If you are interested in this cottage, see 
our Free Plan Offer in this book, write us, tell us 
your plans and we will gladly give you full informa- 
tion by return mail. 


Page 74 

Harris Home No. L -1011 

The Size— 28 ft. x 14 ft. 

2 Re 

All Harris Homes Are Furnished 

"Cut-to-Fit" or "Not Cut-to-Fit" 

See introductory pages 

Harris Home No. L-1010 

The Size — 28 ft. x 26 ft. 3 Rooms and Pantry 

All Harris Homes Are Furnished 
"Cut-to-Fit" or "Not Cut-to-Fit" 

See introductory pages 

THERE is always a large demand for small houses especially so with* 
the tremendous increase of the various industrial operations throughout this 
country at the present time. Something that will prove good and substantial 
and yet not a penny wasted in material or construction and with this in mind, 
we offer you this modified type of Jenny Lind cottage, much in use by mining and other 
industrial corporations. 

This is a neat square-lines design with a spacious front porch that is 
not only attractive, but big enough to live in during the summer months when screened. 

No. 1011 is the two room house. 

No. 1010 is the three room and pantry plan. This gives an excellent 
cottage, plenty of space in each room. Pantry may be converted into bathroom if pre- 
ferred by reducing the size and there would still be enough room for a pantry where the 
closet is now designated. 

Our price includes material strictly according 
to our regular Specifications as printed in the introductory 
pages of this book. By 


changing the grades of ma- 
terial and ordering these 
houses in quantities, much 
lower prices can be made and 
if you are interested in in- 
dustrial houses, would sug- 
gest that you communicate 
with us at once as that is one 
of our specialities. 

is-y * w-o- 


Plan No. 1011 

FL00£ <=> PLAN 
Plan No. 1010 


Page 75 

Harris Home No. L-2005 

The Size 
36 ft. x 30 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 


I AN T you fancy the feeling of pride and satisfaction as 
you drive up to this beautiful Dutch Colonial home on a sun- 
shiny day, the flowers in bloom, the children welcome you with 
their joyous shouts as you "skoot" the car into the driveway? 
1 ou lump out on the porch, and as you walk into the living room you 
cannot help but he impressed with its spaciousness, its cheery fireplace at one end flanked 
on either s,de with a casement sash and at the other end by a triple window through which 
the flowers peep up from the flower boxes, and next you spy the handsome French doors 
separating this room from the reception hall— you are carried away with its beauty 

To the right is the dining room, just the right size, properly laid out and 
separated from the kitchen by a butler's pantry. The kitchen, big enough for the largest 
family, plenty of space for everything, windows conveniently placed, providing more than 
the necessary light and ventilation, in fact, this holds good throughout the entire house 
Up an easy stairway we go and find an ideal second floor. The bedrooms 
are large plenty of closets, bathroom bright, sweet and clean, the Maid's room with wash 
;. , - , , stand and toilet all its own. Owner s room has two closets. A linen closet and broom closet 

is also provided, and now, what is there left to be desired? Nothing, but to send for the Blue Print pSSs 

right away. 

3G- O' 

Read our interesting Free Plan Offer in 

the introductory pages, the wonderful advantages 
ot the Harris Way" and do not overlook the mill- 
work and interior furnishings shown on last pages. 
Write us immediately. 




Page 76 

Harris Home No. L-2011 

The Size 
34 ft. x 24 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

DEAR friend, let's walk through this Colonial Home— pretend we 
are owner and builder on our tour of final inspection, assuming we have a set of 
Plans Tnd Specifications in our hands. We have examined the foundation walls, 
ana found the work well done. Now as we step upon the porch and observe the 
^Pllpnt workmanship made possible only on account of the high grade material supplied 
SSdK^dS? B m^th surface of the siding, and thick casings of the frames, covered 
with guaranteed paint, three coats work. ^ 

Now we will go inside; of course the house was built correctly "The Harris Way, all 

noticing the handsome colonial windows, that simply flood the room with light, 

ThP Hininp room kitchen and pantry are arranged to be an everlasting joy to the nouse- 

ine dining room, Kinueu <mu ^ a , J , ,.„„/(]„. where we find four big bedrooms, bath and 
wife. A handsome semi-open stairway eads up the se ond 1 loor w ere w enna h stairway, joists 

a good size closet for each bedroom wirt plenty f^^S^^ZS, dear wood on all interior trto- 
^^elpproSSaria^U^X^^n? that prevails throughout the entire house gives us pride 
and joy as we receive the keys to move into our new home. _ 

How von can set Free Plans of this Harris Home is fully explained in the introductory 
p^Ttnfe^fanfL^lasSi you will find examples of .the i-dsome miUwork doors, wuidows, 
pfumbing and heating equipment that our customers use when they hmld The Harris Way. 




Page 77 

Harris Home No. L-2002 

The Size 
34 ft. x 22 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 


I I tained after" it'is buiiraToinT'tW^ 1 ' ^n^ ^^ally built 'and mSin- 
*" A it is too late. T^X^Hsta^ 
solidity, comfort and convenienTr^ 
of the former. t6 ' raUler than the gaudiness and show, at the expense 

,oo^tl.h C at^fX P w POrting the entrance P° rch ' Z™ « splendid first impression of the 

wa> '/ol^T^Z^LZt o f % haS a g ° 0d Sized cIothes *-«* and just enough of the stair- 

^^^^Z^S^Z^^^St fa fr^ wHh its cheerful 

a room a homelike appearance. P ' vlctrola > bookcases, and other furnishings that go to give 

s^Vt &JSiil«5l2S SfheTe" uo^hSf °h the ^^ ° r to the b -ement 

veSiy ^:te b d. thr0 ° m " ° f 80 ° d size and c - 



Page 78 

Harris Home No. L-2019 

The Size 
34 ft. x 24 ft. 

7 Rooms, Bath 
and Sleeping Porch 

THE picture of this true Colonial Home tells the story better than 
words— but not so well as the finished house itself. A home of this type has many* 
commendable features that quickly win the admiration of those who know. 
Perfect balance, in strict keeping with the Colonial type, describes the pleasing 
exterior. The large brick chimney at the end speaks of the cheerful fireplace in the living 
room. The entrance is both imposing and inviting, harmonizing with the main roof. 
Entering the vestibule we find it well lighted and made attractive by leaded side-lights. 

In the reception hall we are impressed with the roominess of the comfortable interior. On one side we have 
planned the commodious living room with its cozy fireplace. To the left the dining room, kitchen, butlers 
pantry and regular pantry, in a step saving, convenient arrangement that will appeal to every woman. Just 
ahead we find a convenient clothes closet, an entrance leading direct to the kitchen, and the stairway leading 
to the second floor. ■ » 

Convenient access to all second floor rooms is had from a centrally located hall. The 

bathroom is easily reached from both floors. Besides a well planned linen closet off the hall there are three 
good sized bedrooms and the much wanted sleeping porch. _ 

When you have considered the beauty, utility and generous proportions oi this home 

vou will doubtless wonder at our very low price. Read and learn the advantages of "The Harris Way" 
sensibly Gut-to-Fit Home Building System where the usual waste of building is converted into dollars- 
dollars of your money saved. Our low prices on Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating will interest you. 


Page 79 


Harris Home No. L-1018 

The Size 

24 ft. x 32 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 


ERE is a charming California bungalow that has all the conveniences 

one could wish and in addition thereto a distinctive charm of its own. 

The broad spacious porch covered by the main house roof with 

its tour strong supporting brackets and the divided light window in the gable takes it 
out of the ordinary class by a wide margin. 

We have reception hall, living room, dining 
room, kitchen, and two bedrooms, each with a large 
closet, and bathroom conveniently placed. The living 
room and dining room are separated only by a cased 
opening, in which a colonnade, bookcase or sliding doors 
may be placed, if owner cares to go to this additional 
expense However these two rooms can be thrown 
practically into one and give an air of roominess that 
is not generally prevalent in bungalows of this size. 

The kitchen is just the right size, nicely 

spaced for the sink and stove and with a pantry that is 
riijht at hand and roomy enough to permit large storage 
space, plenty of light and still be of convenient access 
from the kitchen. 

There are plenty of windows, especially do 
not overlook the spread of triple windows in the dining 
room. These and the living room windows will flood 
these two apartments with ample light on the darkest 

This is an easy bungalow to build when you 
build the "Harris Way". Read carefully the intro- 
ductory pages of this book, they are of great value to 
you it you intend to build, especially our Free Plan 
utter, our Specifications and in fact all the introductorv 
pages. J 


i. i*age 80 

Harris Home No. L-2018 

The Size 
26 ft. x 28 ft. 6 in. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

U-0-*<73' J-B- Jl'O ^ LI 6' 

AN ELEGANT big home. Look at the generous porportions— can 

Z\ you imagine just what a big roomy house of this kind would cost you if built with , 
/V old-time expensive methods? The Harris way of supplying material sensibly 
Cut-to-Fit, our tremendous lumber and manufacturing facilities, explains in part 
how we make this big saving for you. 

All the comforts and conveniences of a welkordered home are here. 
The porch extends across the entire front of the house. On the lower floor we have recep- 
tion room, parlor, dining room and kitchen. The dining room is at. the rear with double 
windows on two sides. There are four bedrooms upstairs and a large bathroom. The 
bedrooms are all of good size and arranged without waste of space, all opening conven- 
iently to the bathroom and 
hallway. Each room is well 
supplied with closet space. 

There is an outside 
door at the grade line, giving 
easy access to the basement. 

Economy in the sav- 
ing of plumbing material and 
perfect heating plant installa- 
tion has been given careful 
attention. Note the perfect, 
arrangement of rooms for this 

You can get all details 

of material and construction, 
with scale plans, by taking 
advantage of our liberal Free 
Plan Offering outlined in be- 
ginning of this book. 


Page 81 

s . " nl 'I , ■ 

Harris Home No. L-1017 

The Size 
24 ft. x 36 ft. 

5 Rooms 
and Bath 


UST the dandiest size rooms ever planned. Nothing cramped or skimpy 

about them. This Harris Home is truly a bungalow that will make the heart 
glad. Unusually attractive, solid, substantial and comfortable appearance from 
the outside and the same carried on right through on the inside. 

The living room is 16 feet long and connects with the dining room with 
a cased opening, giving this part of the house an exceptionally roomy appearance. In the 
cased opening between the living room and dining 
room a book case colonnade, a pair of French doors or 
solid sliding doors can be placed. A handsome spread 
of windows take up almost the entire dining room 
side, flooding the room with light. 

The kitchen adjoins the dining room and is 

well laid out for all necessary furniture and fittings, 
with plenty of light from two windows and one glazed 
door. The pantry is exceptionally handy and large. 
The bedrooms are also unusually large, rear bedroom 
having a closet 3 feet 9 inches wide by 4 feet 9 inches 

The material we supply for outside walls of 
this bungalow, to be covered with stucco finish, is 
Byrkits Patent Lath instead of our usual standard 
wall construction. If however, you prefer standard 
wood walls with either wide or narrow bungalow siding, 
this change can readily be made and we will gladly 
quote you prices accordingly. 

The porch must not be overlooked,, it is 

handsome and well balanced; its square lines make 
screening and glazing easy, giving a splendid outdoor 
living room. 

Read our Free Plan Offer as outlined in 
the introductory pages of this book. Also the many 
merits and safeguards of the "Harris Way." 



Harris Home No. L-2029 

The Size 
24 ft. 6 in. x 32 ft. 

8 Rooms 
and Bath 

A CLE AN cut family residence typifying the ideal American home. 
Strength and beauty characterize every fine. The low pitched roof with its* 
uniform dormers and wide projecting eaves, the harmonious porch roof and 
" perfect balance of the entire exterior all combine in an impressive effect. Siding 
up to the belt line and stucco for the balance. Probably the most conspicuous feature 
of the exterior is the typical craftsman's porch finished with ever pleasing full length 
balusters. The modern French windows in the upper floor lend a certain charm to the 
general appearance. 

From the reception hall we see the well planned, modern, open stairway 
leading to the second floor. Entry to the spacious living room is made through a wide 
cased opening. Note the large 
dining room with its corner fire- 
place and cheerful bay window. 
To the rear we note the atten- 
tion given to the convenience of 
the housewife. A large serving 
pantry, well lighted at each 
end, is conveniently located be- 
tween the kitchen and dining 
room. The kitchen is well ar- 
ranged, large and light. A bed- 
room can be added downstairs. 
On the second floor 

there are three bedrooms, each 
with its large closet, a well 
planned bathroom, alcove 
room, and a balcony that may 
be used as a sleeping porch. 

Nothing "skimped" 

and nothing lost in material, 
time or labor. This partly ex- 

f Jains the economy and satis- 
action which is yours if you 
build "The Harris Way." 

f"IL5T pLOOt pLA/i 

iELO/ID fLODtt fLfl/1 


Page 83 

Two-Apartment Home No. L-2033 

The Size 
30 ft. x 37 ft. 

5 Rooms each 
and Bath 

HERE is a two-family building which has been evolved from ideas 
and suggestions we have been collecting for some time. A building of this kind 
is a much better investment than two separate houses. All of the unpleasant 
features of the ordinary two-flat building have been carefully avoided. A 
building of this kind will rent quickly and stay rented. The owner can live in one of the 
apartments and collect good rental from the other. 

The combination 

of bevel siding and wood 
shingles, with the slate 
coated shingles specified 
for the roof, produces 
substantial and artistic 
effects. The porch is 
unusually handsome 
and impressive and it is 
just as practicable as it 
is impressive. The ar- 
rangement of rooms is 
novel and original, too. 
On the first floor direct 
access to all rooms 
and the basement is 
facilitated by the well 
planned central hall. 
The spacious living 
room and dining room 
are connected by a wide 
cased opening. The 
back porch has been 
well planned, leading 
directly downward to 
the basement. 

The interior has 

beautiful doors and 
trim. Complete plans 
for this building are 
offered as fully ex- 
plained in the first pages 
of this book. 

hem Tloor Plan Second Floor Plan 


Page 84 

Two Apartment Home No. L-2026 

The Size 
22 ft. x 41 ft. 6 in. 

Each, 5 Rooms 
and Bath 

develop a two-family 
flat design for invest- 
ment purposes where 
every dollar expended must clearly 
show, is quite a problem. Not only 
is the amount of the builders' in- 
vestment an important considera- 
tion, but to be attractive to tenauts 
and suited to any local ion a house of 
this kind must be good to look at, 
and pleasant to live in. To these 
ends our designers have bent their 
efforts and the popularity of this 
house with builders everywhere 
shows how well we have succeeded. 
In many cases the owner occupied 
one apartment and rented the other 
with splendid results. The many 
advantages of "The Harris Way" 
Cut-to-Fit system, in labor and 
material economy brings the cost 
down lo the minimum. 

Each apartment has five 

rooms, bath, pantry and the neces- 
sary closets. Large windows and 
plenty of them all properly placed. 
Private porches are provided both 
in front and rear for each family. 
The location of the bathroom and 
kitchen reduces the cost of installing 
and maintaining the plumbing. 
The question of heating, too, has 
been considered — note the compact 
arrangement of the rooms. 

Our low prices on Al 

plumbing equipment and guaran- 
teed heating plants will interest you. 

Dependable Heating Plants 


Page 85 

Harris Home No. L-2032 

The Size 
26 ft. x 42 ft. 6 in. 

6 Rooms and Bath, Up 
5 Rooms and Bath, Down 

IN this big, imposing design you have a practical and durable com- 
bination of features. A two-family residence with a full set of living apartments 
on each floor. Many persons object to building two-family houses on account of the 
appearance. Not so with this design. In no way has it the appearance of anything 
except a one-family residence. It will rent faster and at a higher price than any ordinary 
double house. The two floors are identical in arrangement with the exception of the 
small bedroom usptairs over the vestibule and reception hall. 

The exterior, viewed from 
any angle, is pretentious. The large 
gables with wide cornice and pro- 
jecting eaves lend an air of dignity. 
The plain colonial columns sur- 
mounting the stone piers at the 
front are in keeping with this style 
of construction. 

Both living rooms are large 

and well lighted; the dining rooms 
also are of good size and with plenty 
of light. These rooms are connected 
by means of cased openings. All 
bedrooms are provided with closets. 
Each kitchen has a pantry properly 
located, where light can penetrate. 

The plan shows an outside 
rear stairway for the convenience of 
the family upstairs. Entrance to the 
basement is gained under the back 


Page 86 

Harris Store and Flat No. L-2014 

The Size 
22 ft. x 36 ft. 

5 Rooms and Bath 
1 Store Below 

THE successful small store man not only "lives on" his business but 
"with it." This well handled plan has been designed to meet the common sense, 
demand for a building properly combining your business and home quarters. 
The convenience and time saving of such a combination as this must be apparent. 
ManY desirable features of construction and arrangement have been displayed to advantage 
bv oiir architects. The arrangement shown here provides for a storeroom covering the 
entire first floor with the exception of the stairway entrance, the space thus used serving 
a double purpose, affording also means of access to the basement. 

On the second floor is a full set of housekeeping rooms, five in number, 
besides the large hall and bath. _ The upstairs arrangement may be arranged to exactly 
suit your needs. Should the time 
come when you do not require the 
upper floor for your own use, the 
property still will prove a good in- 
vestment as it can be turned into a 
renting proposition with no change 
at all. Note carefully the plan. The 
two floors can be kept entirely sepa- 
rate so the business of one need not 
be known to the other. 

This building as planned is 

22 feet wide by 36 feet long, just 

right for a twenty-five foot city lot. 

The main entrance to the store is 

a large, heavy door, glazed with plate glass, 
placed diagonally in a recess at the corner 
of the building, giving practically the full 
worth of the room for the front plate glass 
show windows. Another show window flanks 
the entrance on the right side. It is in- 
tended that this building shall occupy a 
corner lot which is always desirable, though 
not absolutely necessary. Changes as to 
front can be made to suit owner. R ear 
porches for the convenience of both floors. ^ PS^X T.LOD& 


Page 87 

Stco^P TLcop. 

12x14 ft. 

Harris Garage No. L-400 

HERE is the most economical garage that can possibly be built. 
Despite Us low price, is of convenient size and has plenty of light and 
ventilation. AH material, except siding and roof sheathing, fur- 
i o wished Cut-to-Fit, ready to nail together. Wall plales are 4x6 
studs I x 4; miters 2x4 with the necessary collar beams to support them; tongued 
and grooved roof sheathing, 10-year guaranteed prepared roofing. "Novelty'* 
or Drop hiding, when finished, having the appearance of regular house siding 
It will pay lor Hself m less than a year's garage charges, to say nothing of the 
added convenience, privacy and safety. The main doors are 8 ft. by 8 ft 
admitting the largest touring car with top up, or limousine body. There are three 
windows; these swing up on the inside to permit easy screening, also a side door is 
provided to get in and out in bad weather without the necessity of opening the 
large doors All material is No. 1 stock. Our price covers the large doors 
already made up, ready to set, in place. Floor is not included 



Harris Garage No. L-402 


HANDSOME garage surprisingly low in cost. 
Large enough for two full sized touring cars to go in and out 
conveniently. All material, except siding and roof sheath- 
ing, furnished Cut-to-Fit ready to nail together. Large 
doors; wall plates are 4x6; studs 2x4; rafters 2x4 with the necessary 
collar beams to support them; tongued and grooved roof sheathing; 
10-year guaranteed prepared roofing. "Novelty" or Drop Siding, 
having the appearance of regular house siding when finished. 

The main doors are 6 ft. by 8 ft. each, making a total 
opening of 12 ft. wide by 8 ft. high, admitting the largest touring car 
with top up or limousine body and permitting one machine going in 
and out without disturbing the other. There are five windows, these 
swing up on the inside to permit easy screening, also side door is 
provided to get in and out in bad weather without the necessity of 
r,£f,? ln f . - g ? doors - A1 ! material is No. 1 stock. Our price covers the large doors already made up, 
ready to set in place. Floor is not included. 


Page 88 


14x20 ft. 

Harris Garage No. L-401 

THIS splendid garage is furnished in three sizes, two feet 
wider than the garage illustrated at the top of opposite v*&, f°V£^ 
hip roof. All material, except siding and roof sheathing iurmsluxl 
CuMo-Fit ready to nail together. In many instances the builder _ s 
desirous of matching up as near as possible the general ^.^.^"JS 
house ind this 14 ft wide garage is of ample width to give a hip root a very iieai. 
anT attraclive appearand lolid and substantial construction t^ghout 
Good material; plenty of light and large entrance doors with m*\ in then ■ VVdU 
otites 4x6- studs 2 x 4; rafters 2x4 with necessary collar beams to support tnem. 
Tongued and 'grooved 'roof sheathing; 10-year gauranteed _ roofing Novelty 
or Drop Siding when put on has the appearance of regular house «dmg. j^main 
doors are 8 ft by 8 ft., admitting the largest touring car with top up, or iiniousmr. 
body Windows swing upward on the inside so as to be easily locked and screened. 
Price covers the krge* doors already made up, ready to set in place. Uoor » 
not included. 

Harris Garage No. L-403 

THIS yvett planned garage has plenty of room 
for two big cars and an abundance of ^J^™' 
work bench and spare equipment. All material, 
excent siding and roof sheathing, furnished Cut- 
to Fit reTdy to nail together. Rolling doors .sliding back 

f„""od ",d grooved roof ahealhiw 10-year S"»">"'« J . 
roofe T'-No»=V,or Drop Sid.™ «he„ J»Ji°° *£ JJ 

4mipnrance of regular house sidmg. the main d°or> are 
appearance otreg ^^ rolled back 

11 ft wide by 8 ft high and permitting one car to pass m and 

car with top up, or limousine body. Windows swing U P W <" 
on the insu?e so as to be easily locked ^acreened. I rice 
covers the large doors already made up, ready to set ,n place. 
Floof is not included. 


Page 89 


Clear Kiln Dried Stock. Selected for Beauty of Grain 
and Smoothness of Finish 

^ wr HTriTlIoZs &rL? PreS - n ' al T° flhe hands0me 7 " te "- Trim used 

Back Band Trim 

This is our regular "Back 
Band" Trim and our Two 
Panel "Seattle" Door. The 
Baseboard is Round Edge 
with regular standard Base 
Shoe. All smoothly finished 
and easily kept clean. Note 
particularly the neat effect, 
the continuous lines and ar- 
tistic appearance. A delight 
to the eye of the critical home 

3 Member Cap Trim 

This style is known as "3 
Member Cap" Trim because 
t the door and window caps are 
made of three members, the 
Cap, the Head Casing and 
the Fillet. The door and win- 
dow casing is round edge, 
smoothly finished. Base- 
board is moulded, with stand- 
ard Base Shoe. Base Blocks 
are used with door trim. 
The door is our regular Five 
Cross Panel "Portland" Door. 

Craftsman Back 
Band Trim 

This is the "Craftsman 
Back Band" Trim so called 
on account of the Moulded 
Casing with the Back Band 
added, gives a very handsome 
appearance. The door is our 
beautiful Olympia One Panel 
guaranteed door. Baseboard 
is round edge with stand- 
ard Base Shoe. 


Page 90 

Attractive Doors and Windows 

Carolina Douglas Washington 

WE SHOW above three of the most popular types of front doors furnished with our 
Harris Bungalows, Cottages and fine Residences. Space prohibits reproduction of all, that is -why 
of course we have our Building Material Catalogue. All our doors are guaranteed and it is an easy 
matter for you to tell just the kind of a door your Harris Home will have, because the bill of material you will 
receive with your Blue Print Plans tells the exact catalogue number, the size, the style — much easier and 
safer for you than verbal promises or a trip to the lumber yard or planing mill. 


ERE are some of the windows in use 


are our catalogue numbers and of course with 
your Harris Home list of material before you 
and our Building Material Catalogue and the Blue 
Prints you can tell exactly the excellent quality, 
style and number of windows we are including in 
your Harris Home. In addition to the doors and 
windows shown on this page there are also included 
in many designs French Windows, French Doors, 
Casement Windows and Sash as well as Art Glass 

All such articles are clearly proven to 

you before you purchase so that you do not have to 
guess at anything. That is why we furnish 
Material Lists and our Building Material Cata- 
logue with our Free Plan Offer as outlined in the 
introductory pages of this book. 




Page 91 






Appropriate and hand- 
some in design is all the 
hardware used in our Harris 
Homes. It is impossible to 
show all on this page. We 
illustrate the three most pop- 
ular designs of front door sets, 
of which you may have your 
choice. You ma y feel assured 
that all items, including lock 
sets, push plates, sliding door 
locks, etc., will match in de- 
sign. No advertising appears 
on the door knobs. 

The smaller items shown 
on this page are selected at 
random to give an idea of the 
completeness of the material 
supplied, you may have your 
choice — either Brush Brass or 
Antique copper finish — everything 
is included right down to the last 
nail to build atrictly sccording to 
the Blue Print Plans. 

Harris Cupboard 

Harris Sash Lock 

Harris Cupboard 

Harris Double Acting Ball 
Bearing Floor Hinges 

Ha D or L B u S t e ts Pin Rubber dipped Base Harris Casement Harris 



Ball Bearing Sliding 
Door Hanger 




See Specifications Page 16 


^~C f"~x x"x I Cft- — 



Page 92 

s ! *'S 

ini & Heating- 
from tlieVtorkTs greatest Stock! 

HatrisHomeBuildei* zm 
Save About 
Half ' 

Designed and Planned 
for Each Harris Home 

Harris Heating Systems ami Plumbing Equip- 
ment are just as necessary as the doors and win- 
dows, to properly complete your Harris Home. 
Our architects carefully consider every detail of 
the plumbing and heating at the time Harris 
Homes are planned. The size and arrangement 
of rooms, wall space, height of ceilings, number 
of windows and stairways are considered to 
insure proper and economical installation. 

So, when you have decided upon your Harris Home, 
remember, the plumhing and heating problems have been 
figured for you in advance. Simply tell us to name you 
our prices for the plumbing material and the kind of healing 
system you prefer. We will then send you specifications 
and complete illustrated descriptions of the guaranteed high 
grade material we furnish. The wise buyer is quirk to 
realize the convenience, time and money saving in getting 
everything at one time, from one place, in one shipment. 

The items on this and the next few pages from our com- 
plete Plumbing Outfits have been very popular with Harris 
Home Builders everywhere. These low money saving 
prices are typical of everything in our big stock. 

Take Harris Home No. 1517 

For Example: we furnish com- 
plete Plumbing Equipment for this 
house for $176.00, including the Mar- 
lowe bathroom outfit shown on page 
90, sink and range boiler shown on 
this page, with all necessary pipe and 
lit tings. ^s*s for the new FREE edi- 
tion of our Plumbing and Heating book. 


Popular Selections 
from Our Complete Outfits 

Laundry Stove $14.00 

Hollow water heat- 
ing fire pot. Tapped 
for 1-inch pipe and 
ready to attach to 
pressure boiler or tank. 
Tested to a pressure 
of 125 lbs. Diameter 
lire pot 11% hi. 

17X204— 2 -hole 
stove with 9-in. lids, 
pouch feed. Top 20 in. x 22 in. .$14-00 

17X102 — 4-hole stove with 8-in. lids. 
Top 25 in. x 22 in $15.50 



Standard galvanized 
range boilers, made of 
full weight material and 
extra well riveled. Guar- 
anteed for a working pres- 
sure of 85 lbs. Furnished 
complete with stand, gal- 
vanized cold water tube 
and galvanized hoiler 
union couplings, threaded 
for iron pipe. Tapped 
for the entry of cold water 
and the outlet of hot 
water. Bottom opening 
for drain. Height of 
boilers on stands, 75 in. 

Order No. 




One-Piece Laundry Tub One-Piece Kitchen Sink 


Made of a composition of Portland Cement and 
crushed granite, moulded in one solid piece; top 
edge protected by a zinc rim. Rounded corners 
inside. Fitted complete with lead "S trap, 
polished brass ^-in. flanged bibbs, brass strainers, 
brass plugs and waste connections cast in the tub. 

No. Length Width Depth . Pnc 1 ?_ 
5X1907 48 in. 24 in. 16 in. $12.85 

5X1908 54 in. 24 in. 16 in. 13.95 

5X1909 60 in. 24 in. 16 in. 14.00 


$29.25 V 

Porcelain enameled sink, back and drainboard, 
all cast in one piece. Wide, handsome, roll rim de- 
sign in pure white. No cracks or corners to col- 
lect' grease and dirt. Fitted complete for lead 
pipe connections, faucets, trap, strainer collar 
and wall hangers. Drainboard on either left or 
right side. Iron pipe connections, 75 cents extra. 

5X1791 — One-piece sink, 44 in. long $29.25 

5X1793 — One-piece sink, 48 in. long 30.75 

5X1795— One-piece sink, 52 in. long 32.25 


Page 93 

The "PENROSE" Bathroom Outfit $70.00 

The "ROYAL" Bathroom Outfit $105.00 

*«— »■ 




afm-^nH mi— Nt|i 

For the 



+" "— + 

The "Penrose" Bath Room Outht, although primarily designed for the small 

bathroom, where space is limited, is equally attractive to those looking for a low priced 
bathroom outfit of unusual merit. 

■ . Tne . Batn Tul > patterned with a 3-inch roll rim, is five feet long; heavily coated on the 
inside and oyer the roll run with white porcelain enamel. Complete with all fittings, including nickel-plated 
Puller combination bath cock and supply pipes. 

The Closet Outfit includes a mahogany finished copper lined tank with durable 
positive action; vitreous China closet bowl in Syphon Wash-Down pattern. Seat and cover are finished 
in mahogany to match the tank. 

• i T ^f Lavatory is cast in one piece and coated with porcelain white enamel; equipped 
with nickel-plated China index, low down compression faucets, "P ,f trap, supply pipes and all fittings; size 
ol lavatory 19 inches on each side, with 8-inch back. 

The "MARLOWE" Bathroom Outfit $75.00 

»|i„ ,,„ a „j. 




*■ — ■* 

With Harris 
dome Builders 

tJ««^K« hi ua|t 

The "Marlowe" has proved to be one of the most popular bathroom outfits 

we have ever offered. Thousands of Harris Home Builders have chosen it in preference 
to all others. ^ 

■ Th u e ?? th Tul ? is five , feet lon S' and is c °ated on the inside and over the 3-inch roll 

3 Z\,«l«%Fr }n 1 en . a . mel - N ,°- 4 ^ nickel-plated combination Fuller bath cock with indexed handles 
ana all other fittings, including supply pipes are furnished. 

vi.J^rP'T* 1 < ?* x S fi \ comprises golden oak copper lined tank, with sure action; white 
vitreous China bowl in Syphon Wash-Down pattern. Seat and cover are finished to match the tank 

"e Lavatory measures 21 inches by 18 inches, with an 8-inch back, in deep "apron 
Sfe o££ sVpTy P p?pes a anVTfittTii P ° rCeIain wbite mamAi C ° mplete ™ th loW d °™ indexed &*» 


Page 94 

«fr J — ™ — "■ — "fr 






Bath Tub 

This splendid Bathroom Outfit meets every demand of those wishing newest 

features of design at an unusually low price. 

The Pedestal Bath Tub, five feet long, heavily coated on the inside and over the rim 
with white porcelain enamel; outside of tub painted. Roman or lifting waste, nickel-plated compression 
bath cock and all fittings are included. 

The Closet Outfit includes white vitreous China tank with Douglas rubber ball flush 
valve; Syphon Jet white vitreous China bowl. Seat and cover are furnished in either mahogany or white. 

The Lavatory is a massive "Serpentine" design, 18 inches by 24 inches, with deep 

apron; compression faucets with China index, nickel-plated trap, supply pipes and all fittings. 

The "CORONATION" Bathroom Outfit $140.00 

•|» — •> — .. — •■{• 

Deep Apron 



4— — + 

t|»u Hy— — n*^— <:«Ji 

Bath Tub 

«|» ■■——HI H«|« 

Nothing has been spared in the "Coronation" Bathroom Outfit to embody all 

that is best in design and quality — still we are able to offer it at a comparatively low price. 

The Pedestal Bath Tub is cast in one piece, and is heavily coated both inside and out 

with white porcelain enamel. All fittings are furnished, including nickel-plated indexed Fuller double bath 
faucet, Roman lifting waste and supply pipes. 

The Closet Outfit includes Mission style white porcelain tank with perfect flush 

mechanism; Syphon Jet pattern vitreous China bowl. 

The Lavatory furnished is an elegant deep apron pedestal design, heavily coated 

with white porcelain enamel from top to bottom; all fittings, including nickel-plated Fuller low down basin 
faucets, Roman lifting waste, supply pipes and connections to wall. 


Page 95 

Heating Systems Accurately 

Figured by experts when each Harris Home is planned 
— The right amount of radiation for cold weather comfort 

All Harris Home Builders are quick to see the many important advantages we are 
able to offer by specializing upon Warm Air, Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems for 
Harris Homes — no one can compete with us upon any material for our own houses. 

With our thorough and complete engineering service, we are able to give you the 
positive assurance that the Heating Systems we supply for your Harris Home will be 
right— correct in every detail— accurately figured in advance at the time your Harris 
Home was planned and verified time and again when installed. Our Heating Systems 
ha.e been thoroughly tested and tried under all conditions by countless thousands of 
satisfied Harris Home owners in all parts of the country. 

Harris Warm Air 
Heating Systems 

The low expense of installing our Warm Air Heating 
Systems have made them very popular with Harris 
Home Builders, where the first cost of heating equip- 
ment is an important consideration. This method of 
heating your home eliminates all the objectionable -1 
features of the old fashioned stove, taking the dust and 
ashes from your living rooms. Pure, fresh air is taken 
into the heating jacket, where it is heated, moistened 
and passed to all the rooms. The constantly changing 
air currents prevent stagnant air pockets, filling every 
nook and corner with fresh, pure, moistened, warm air- 
perfect ventilation. The heat is easily and quickly 
controlled by regulating the fire with the drafts and 
check. We supply these Warm Air Systems in all sizes. 
The prices we are able to make, including registers, hot 
air pipes and all guaranteed high-grade brand new 
material required, will surprise you. 

A Typical Example: 

We furnish a guaranteed, Warm 
Air Heating System, with regis- 
ters, hot air pipes, and all neces- 
sary fittings for Harris Home No. 
1023, complete for $125 

AH newest and best features of 
design and construction will be 
found in the "Harris" Furnace. 
Nothing has been spared to make, 
them the most efficient heat pro- 
ducers and fuel savers on the 

Harris Warm Air 
Pipeless Furnace 

An Inexpensive Heating Plant for the Small Home 

The advantages of these Warm Air Pipeless Fur- 
naces for the average bungalow or small home are being 
rapidly realized. They are quickly and easily installed— 
no expert knowledge required. No pipes or fittings of any 
kind are necessary. Only one register directly above the 
furnace is all that is needed to heat all rooms. No smoke, 
d'i-t, dust or ashes: no unsightly smoke pipes. If you have no base- 
ment, a small excavation is alt that is required. Moistened, warm, pure 
air is quickly distributed to all rooms. Furnished complete, in five 
sizes, at very low prices, with simple installation instructions. 

Take Harris Home No. 1023 as an Example: 

We furnish the Harris'Warm Air Pipe- 
less Furnace, with a heating capacity 
sufficient to comfortably heat Harris 
Home No. 1023, five good sized rooms 
and bath, all complete, for $80 


Planned for All Harris Homes! 

No useless expense for radiation you do not need 
—Their efficiency proved by thousands now in use! 

When you buy your Harris Heating System with your Harris Home you are positively 
assured by our past experience and our money back guarantee bond that. 

Firm- The nrice of the Heating System we furnish will show a big safng. Our 

material nfeded to install a perfect Heating System in your home. 

Second: Your Heating System will heat your home perfectly, at all times, in all 
weather" to any temperature you want for your greatest comfort. 

Steam and Hot Water 
Heating Plants 

We recommend our Hot Water Heating Systems for 
anv average sized residence. They require less luel and 
lesl attention to keep an even temperature in your rooms 
than any other system of heating your home. Althougn 
he cost of installing a Hot Water System 1S somewhat 
more than you will be called upon to pay for a Warm Air 
or Steam Heating System, your fuel economy will soon 
nav you for the difference in the first cost. In colder 
climates where there are quick drops in temperature, re- 
quiring quick heat, the Steam Heating Plant is best. 
The climatic changes in your section of the country, 
the stvle and size of your home and all details are care- 
fully considered when your plant is hgured. Harris 
Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems are the best 
systems you can get for your Harris Home Our low 
estimates for all guaranteed brand new material offer 
big savings. 

Note These Savings: 

We furnish a guaranteed, Hot 
Water Heating System, with all 
pipe, valves, fittings, radiators, pipe 
covering, heat generator and either 
gold or aluminum radiator bronze 
for Harris Home No. 1023, com- 
plete for ^in- 
complete Steam Plant for Harris 
Home No. 1023... $306 

If You Intend to Install Your Plant— 

We Supply Blue Prints and Simple Instructions 

Our instructions and blue print plans take you through the entire process, 

explaining everything very clearly in plain language and simple diagrams, easdy under- 
stood by anyone. No expert knowledge required. Our engineers figure everything in 
advance. We tell you how to do best work successfully, with the least trouble and expense. 
Our system incorporates every possible short cut-takes in everything de- 
sirable, eliminating all unnecessary work. We take into consideration the knowledge of 
the average person. Our aim has been to make our plans and instructions so simple that 
anyone who can read will have no trouble in understanding them thoroughly. Simply 
tell us which Harris Home you have decided upon, mention the kind of heat you prefer, 

and we will do the rest. 


l*age 97 

Our "Perfection" Hot Water and 
Steam Heating Sectional Boilers 
offer all that is best in material and 
workmanship. They are designed 
for greatest efficiency — steady, sure 
heat — perfect regulation and low 
fuel consumption. 


Colonial" Eight-Piece Lighting 


95 For This Handsome Outfit 
With Two Bedroom Pendants 

When considering house plans it is well also to plan the Ughtine 
If you have electricity in your home or can secure SS 
from some Electric Company who has wires neL you it woS 

ctnteStf £S&S ^^ "" ^ ^ 

Artistically finished in brush h™« *«™??i L y 5, harged for the s «me quality, 
nickel; and the porch ^ fished dS black S'SSW 1, Whi ? h JS * niflhed 
wired complete. Glass inc udod fex^nr K„ ? ? d th ?, 1 P eather - All are 

gas, specify No. l-PB-51 Elecfric kIF, 4,^P^ ,a ? I J s) " M y ? L1 do not have 
Shipment made promptly ■ ^^ullv r T^£ eil ? ant V??£ ad of combination, 
guaranteed. P P *' caretulJ y Packed, from Chicago. Safe arrival 

No. l-PB-97— Eight-PieceCoIonial Combination, $20.95 

Sunshine" Nine Fixture Li g h ^j£ Set 

Nine Fixture Combination $ / 2 J-95 
With Two Bedroom Pendants *-J^t 

Kitchen Pendant— One gas 

and one electric light. 4K-in 
canopy. Length, 36 in. Spread; 
am. Brush brass finish. (Fur- 
nished without gas,75c cheaper. ) 
No. l-PB-51. Price $325 

Bathroom Fixture — 4 y 2 i 

canopy. Extends 6 in. Nickel 
finish. Artistic crystal globe. 
Useful for any room where a 
bracket fixture is needed. 
No. l-PB-52. Price... $1.25 

Any Fixture 



Bedroom Pendant— 36 in 

long. 4^ in. brass canopy! 
Brass plated steel chain. Brush 
brass finish. Crystal roughed 
inside globe. 
No. l-PB-54. Price. . . . $2.25 

This beautiful set is composed of fixtures 
whS are especially well made finished 1 and 
attractive. The semi-indirect parlor fixture No 
l-PB-96 gives a very soft diffused fight, which 
ndds greatly to the cheer and comfort of the 
nvni/room Prices include fixtures wired com- 
pete whrf glass as shown. (Butt* or lamps not 
Furnished). g Shipped from Chicago, carefully 
packed. Safe arrival guaranteed. 
No.l-PB-98 — Nine Fixture Set $34.95 

Any Fixture Sold Separately 

Kitchen Pendant— One gas 

and one electric light. 4J-S ."}. 
canopy. Length 36 in. Special, 
8 in Brushed brass finish. 
(Without gas light,, 75c less 
No. l-PB-51. Price *3-» 

Porch Fixture— 3M-1IJ- 
band. Finished dead black, with 
porcelain sign receptacle to 
■withstand weather. 6-in. Crys- 
tal roughed inside globe. 
No. l-PB-53. Price $1-30 

Porch Fixture— SJ^ m< 
-!L d - F,n,sh ed dead black 
with porcelain sign receptacle 
to withstand weather. 6-inch 
crystal roughed inside globe. 
No. l-PB-53. Price. ... $1.30 

Parlor or Dining Room 

Shower. 14-in. spun . brass 

P a . te j £ teel . chains brass 
plated Brush brass finish. 
Length. 36 in. 
No. l-PB-55. Price.... $6.15 

Hall Pendant— Steel brush- 
ed brass plated. Length, 13 in 
Keyless socket, if so ordered, 
for ceiling. Can be used on side 
wall if desired. 
No. l-PB-57. Price.... $1.65 

Bathroom Fixtu- _ 
43^-in. canopy. Extends 
6 in. Nickel finish. 
Artistic crystal globe. 
Useful wherever brack- 
et fixture is required. 
No. l-PB-52. 

Price $1-25 

Dining Room Shower. 

f he same dimensions and gener- 
al description as No. l-PB-55 
at the left except two chains 
and lights instead of three 
No. l-PB-56. Price. . . $5.50 


Page 98 

Bedroom Pendant — 

Length, 36 in. 4^-m. spun 
brass canopy. Brushed 
brass finish. Wired with 
key socket. Can be had 
with keyless socket it so 
ordered. t -, 

No. l-PB-58. Price.. $ 

Dining Room or Parlor 
Shower— Length 36 in. 12-m. 
brass pan. 4^ -in ..brass canopy. 
Sond brass chains. Finished 
brushed brass and black. 
No. l-PB-95. Price » 8 -" 

Hall Fixture— Adam 

design. 4^ -in. brass 
canopy. Extends 6 in. 
Finished to match par- 
lor and dining room 
fixtures in this set. 
No. l-PB-59... $2.35 

Parlor Semi-Indirect Light— 

36 in long. Solid brass chains. 
Brassbowfhooks. Finish, brushed 
brass and black, the same as No. 
1 PR-95 15-in. white bowl. One 
light. " (Two lights, 30c extra. 
Three lights, 60c extra). 
No. l-PB-96. Price *V.v» 

Hall or Bedroom Pendant 

— 4U-in. spun brass canopy. 
Steel chain, brass plated, b-in. 
spun brass holder. 8-m crys- 
tal, roughed inside, globe 1- 
piece prismatic reflector. Key 
less socket. 
No. l-PB-60. Price. . . $6.95 

No.T-PB-58. Price.. $2.25 No. l-fP-W- »,« r TlTTlNOlS 

^^^^^^^^:^ and Iron Streets, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 

Page 99 

r\ Up-In-A-Day |T| 
Pat'd Apr. 2. 1918; Sept. 3. 1918 M 





Guaranteed from Foundation to Roof 

Other Patents Ponding 



Sections, Ready to Go Together. No Joints Show. 

Here is an example of the wonderful value of our PRESTO-UP Houses 
This , little beauty is 18 feet wide by 28 feet long; has four rooms, BaTh 
Pantry and Closet. Handsome Porch, 14 feet front and 12 feet at side 
Can be erected ready to move into by two men in two days. 
Send for our Presto-Up Catalog No. 38-LD. 


(PRESTO-UP SYSTEM-Pat'd Apr. ^IQl^Vep, 1 [Y 9 lf. olr 

Pat's Pending) 
The US. GOVERNMENT has purchased both Houses and Garaaes built 
Teton' 8 T nd 7 ful Pre !}°-VP Astern for use by the War, So and 
Aero Departments as well as large Steel, Coal and Industrial Cor Dora 
tions, so they surely will be good enough for you. naasirial ^orpora- 

A^^P^ d ^e^?^o^ , ^^ d fr rr f ° Undation 1° roof - wind »■* 
A * buildings of their kind mad? tS Th and Garages are the most wonderful 
(Patents Pending w ♦ today - The 7 are bu,It under the Presto-Up System 

saass? «sa rSSSSr 55 - « rttt fcc "a- 



Pan* 100 





No Visible Joints Where Sections 
Go Together 

Buvs this Presto-Up Bolted-together Garage, ready to drive 
™L car into You can put it up yourself in an afternoon-only common 
sense «qu&d: ThiTprice is forNo. 38-L-l, other sizes priced below. 

F| Up-In-A-Day [| 
Pat'd Apr. 2. 1818; Sept 3, 1818 ■ 
nthnr Patents Pending 

Own YOUR OWN Garage -Stop Paying for Inconvenience 

" * f ] lave as your awn. 

Send for "Presto-Up" Catalog 38-L 



FRONT DOORS— Are 8x8 feet (size of each 
door, 4x8 feet). Guaranteed lion- sagging con- 

S SIDE DOOR— Is furnished a»d placed as shown 
in illustration, unless ordered to the contrary by 
customer. . , , or , ■ ,„i n „- 

WINDOWS— The window sash are 20 inches 
high and 32 inches wide, divided into tfiree 

lights. Rabbetted to move up and down; easily 

SC PAINT— The stock color is medium gray, 
white trim, one good coat. . 

CEILING HEIGHT— The ceiling height is 
eight feet in the clear. 

ROOFING— 15- year guaranteed 3-ply Keel or 
Green Slate Coated Roofing. 

PRICES of "Presto-Up" Garage Models "A" and "B 

Size Model A 

9x12 feet $92.00 

9 x 14 feet J05.00 

9x16 feet 1W-J0 

10x14 feet "3.00 

10 x 16 feet 12»- 00 

We aim to have a con 
fully, tagged and marked 
for freight paid prices 


Model B 


Size Model A 

10 x 18 feet $144.00 

12 x 14 feet 128-00 

12 x 16 feet 145.00 

12 x 18 feet 160.00 

Model B 






Shipments are crated care- 
cars CHICAGO. Write 
ed front doors. 



Page 101 


General Information 

A Street Full of Our Houses . . 10-11 

A Page to the Carpenter 9 

Barns (Send for Special Barn 

Cut-to-Fit or Not Cut-to-Fit. . . 8 

Doors and Windows 87 

Free Blue Print Plan Offer 6-7 

Guarantee 2 

General Specifications . . . 14-15-16 

Hardware gg 

Improved Cut-to-Fit 12-13 

Interior Trim gg 

Lighting Fixtures 94-5 

Painting Material 

(See Specifications) 16 

Plumbing and Heating 89-93 

Special Plans to Order 7 

Terms 2 

The HARRIS WAY . .... . . . . . 5 

Twenty-Five Years Study 3 

Harris Homes Classified 

r> Page 

Bungalows, One Story .... 17 to 32 
One and a Half Story 

34 to 49 
Farm. 20-21-22-24-25 

Garages, Cut-to-Fit 84-85 

"Presto Up" (Sectional) 97 
Houses, Colonial. .73-76-77-78-79 

Industrial 18-20-22 

24-33 to 38 incl., 


One and a Half Story 33 

to 50 incl., 53-55-56-57 

Two Story. . .51-52-54 58 

to 72 incl., 76 to 83 incl. 

Farm 46-51-53-61 

„ m 62-65-68-72 

Two Family. ., .80-81-82 
Summer Cottages, (See page 96 
and send for "Presto Up" 

House Catalogues 96 

Store Building 33 

Harris Homes Numerically 





















1021. . 

1023 . . 

1024. . 
1500. . 
1502. . 

. . .26 
. . .29 















. .25 














1510. . 



1514. . 

1515. . 

1516. . 

1517. . 



1520. . 

1521 . . 

1522 . . 

1523 . . 

1524 . . 

1525. . 
2001 . . 
2002. . 
2003 . . 
2004 . . 

. . . .43 
. ... 50 



2007. . .. 
2008. . .. 
2009. . .. 
2011. . . . 


2014. ... 
2015. ... 
2016. . . . 
2019... . 




2028 .... 






Garages 88-89 

"Presto Up" 101 


Page 102 



(Information Blank on other side) 

•lo Harris Brothers Company, 

Thirty-Fifth and Iron Streets, 
Chicago, Illinois. 

Dear Sirs: 


Date - ~-~ - 

Please ship me laid down FREE on Board Cars at my Station 

.... (State) 

R. R. 

fCut-to-F \ No . 

as shown 
HARRIS HOME ( Not Cut-to-Fit ' ' 

No Han Book No --, complete with Doable 

"J/and Thr^cZt' Paint Outfit, with the strict understanding that all materi^ m ^ 

^^buading strictl/according to the Pians, or I hold you to account for the same 
Double floor for second floor on all Homes, with rooms above first floor, is mciuded 

in your price. 

Three Coat Paint Material is included. 

I want 

(State color here) 


.for outside walls 
.for outside trim 

I also want.. 

Also the following changes and additions: 

(State color here) 
stain for Varnish finish for inside trim. 

I enclose $— - — 

part, and how balance will be paid) 

payment (here state if in full or 

Ship (when). 

(Sign here name).. 





(Order Blank on other side) 

If you will kindly answer the following questions it will enable us to under- 
stand your wants better and it does not obligate you to send u an order of aw 
kind. It is merely a sort of "Let's get better acquainted" beginnfng between us! 

Harris Brothers Company, 

Thirty-Fifth and Iron Streets, 
Chicago, Illinois. 

Gentlemen : 

I intend to huild about... 

(State time) 

Please quote me Freight Paid by you price on Harris Home, No Page No 

I want it CUT-TO-FIT rj I want it NOT Cut-to-Fit □ 

Designate which by X marked in the square which is wanted and we will quote accordingly 
My shipping point will be 

I expect to take advantage of terms of payment (see Plan Book 

page 2). 

I am enclosing $ _ _____ for P]ans for Harris Home Nog 

I intend to have a basement, □ Yes, □ No. 

I intend to heat home by hot air, Q steam, □ hot water, Q or stove. Q 

I intend to install Plumbing, □ Yes, Q No. 

I intend to install Electric Light Fixtures, □ Yes, □ No. 

Designate which by X marked in the square which is wanted and we will quote accordingly. 

If there is any additional information you desire, such as changes in mans 
or materia or anything else that you want to know, kindly use the following 
lines and if there is not sufficient room, write us a letter and ma 1 S tE 
blank. Our most careful and prompt attention Is assured. 





Bo F. D. ..„ P. o. Box.. 
