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Moreshvara R&mch&ndra K&le, B. A., 

Au&or of the * Higher Sanskrit Grammar^ $e. $& 

4th Edition, revised. 




y. ■-■■h a .^"i> l v> + -f ■ u ■ ■ ^ - - ■ ■■■ ■" ■ ' ■ 




under Act XXV of 1867. 



Printed by C. S. Deole, at the Bombay Vaibbav Prow, 
Servants of India Sodetfa Home, Sandhmst Road, 

Girganm, Bombay, 


PublUhed by D. V. & V. N. ' Mnlgaokars, Proprietor*, 

Gopal N»rayen & Co., Kalbadevi Road, Bombay. 

■s? - 




h ■ ¥ 


This Smaller Sanskrt Grammar, which is prepared at 
the request of Messrs. Gopal Narayen & Co., is specially 
intended for the Matriculation and the ordinary College 


students. Its plan of arrangement is the same as that of 
the 'Higher Sanskrt Grammar.' In it the more intricate 
rules and matter which was thought quite unnecessary for 
the students for whom it is intended have been omitted. 
The chapter on the Conjugation of Verbs has been almost, 
the same as in the 'Higher Sanskrt Grammar', Frequen- 
tatiye verbs only being omitted. The last chapter contains 
but the commonest rules of Sanskrt Syntax. Those who- 
desire a more thorough knowledge of Sanskrt Grammar 
may use 'Higher Sanskrt Grammar.' The wording of many 
rules has been the same in both, so that the two grammars 
may be used side by side. 'Any suggestions as to alteration/ 
or improvement will be thankfully received. The students- 
will find reason to thank Mr. Viaayakrao Narayen, pro- 
prietor of the firm of Messrs. Gopal Narayen & Co., for 
having published this Grammar which greatly facilitates 
their task. In conclusion I hope this Grammar will meet 
with the same success as the 'Higher Sanskrt Grammar.*" 

r ■ 

, r 

Girgaon t Bombay, 

M. R. KALE. 
20th January, 1901 



This is almost a revised reprint of the first edition. A 
few words of irregular declension and some ^unimportant 
roots have, however, been taken off. The wording of a few 
Tules has been changed so as to make the sense clearer. My 
sincerest thanks are due to Prof. S. ■ B. Bhandarkar, k.a. 
whose remarks in his report on the book made the work of 
revision coasiderably easy. The learned Prof, read the 
book with a care that at once bore testimony to his high 
sense of duty and sound scholarship (an accurate knowledge 
of Sanskrt Grammar, such as characterised the old Sastris) 
and pointed out all the misprints and a few inaccuracies 
*hat had found their place in the book notwithstanding 
my best care and also made several important suggestions. 
AH that was left to me, therefore, was to ■ make the 
necessary corrections and act on those suggestions. I have 
also to thank Messrs. Gopal Narayen & Co., for their 
having carefully made a copy of the said report and sent 
the same to me for use. Any suggestions as to improve- 
ment, curtailment &c. ffill be most thankfully received. 

*Girgaon Back Ed. ,__..„ 

JUL. J*. -&> 

16th July 

tf., Bombay. 1 
,1913. ) 


m ' 

'• ■ - 

Chaptbb. _:o: PiGHi. 

L The Alphabet and ^Classification of Letters 1 
II. liules ofSandhi ... . — ■ ... 9- 

1, Combination of Final and Initial Vowels ... 9* 
.2. The Coalescence of Final Consonants with 

Initial Vowels and Consonants... ... 12 

III. Declension ... ... ... 17 

1,. Bases ending in Vowels ... ... 19 

2. Bases ending in Consonants ... ... 33 

IV. Pronouns and their Declension ... ... 62 

V. Numerals and their Declension ... ... 75 

VI. Degrees of Comparison ... ... 82 

VII. Compounds ... ... ... 84 

1. Dwandwa or the Copulative Compounds ... 85 

2. Tat pur us ha or the Determinative Compounds. 89- 
S.Bahuvrihi or the Attributive Compounds ... 103 

4. Avyaylbhava or the Adverbial Compounds ... 109* 

5. General Rules Applicable to Compounds ... Ill 


VIII. Feminine Bases ... ... ...112' 

IX. Taddhita Affixes ... ... ... 118- 

■ I 


X. Indeclinables ... -*,. ...125 

XI. Conjugation of Verbs ... ... ... 13L 

Special or Conjugational Tenses and Moods ... 132 

1. Boots with Unchangeable Bases ... «. 133- 

2. Boots with Changeable Bases ... ... 144 

General or Non-Conjugation al Tenses and 

Moods . ... ... ... 181' 

The Two Futures and the Conditional . ... 184- 





The Perfect «. "' ...216 

The Aorist ."••*. "" "" 240 

The Benedictive .« •" M " ^ 

The Passive — "" "252 

Derivative Verbs ..« - '" 25g 

$. Causals — "* ,.T 25S 

4. Desideratives ••• ••- "' 266 

5. Nominal Verba ... ■■•■• "' . 

XII.- Verbal Derivatives ■«. " ■ ••• '" 

Participles of the Present Tense... »■ gj 

Participles of the Perfect .» ■" " 

Past Passive Participles - '" *'* 

Past Active Participles - - _ 

Participles of the Future Tense •» ••• gj 

Potential Participles ... «• '** W 
Indeclinable P. Participles^ ... ^ , ,v-.g' 

Krdaatas or Nouns formed by K*t Affixes ... 293 

... ... 295 

XIIL Syntax ... ... , -.^ 

Concord ... —■■ „ •■•' fin0 

Gk»vemment or Oases of Nouns ... — ^ 

Pronouns ..■*.. — S15 

Tenses and Moods — — V 318 

■ , ■ ■ i 


.*• •■" 

J* ■■ 

*■- '■- 


A . 

■ ■ * ■ 




The Devana'gabi Alphabet. 

§ 1. San-sket, the sacred language of the Hindus, is written 
in the Da van agar? Alphabet from left to right. 

(a) MarUhl, Gujarath?, Beng&li and other characters are also 
employed iii writing Sanskrfe in their respective provinces. 

§ 2. The Devanagari alphabet consists of forty -six letters, 
thirteen vowels' and thirty-three consonants, which represent 

■ L 

nearly every kind of Bound . . These are represented by the 

following symbols— 

Vowels— * a, srr ^ % i,j 1, s u, 3r '«j ^t h ^ *', MS ]. 
q- e, $■ aij aft o, and sft act. 


Consonants— ^ k, ^ kb, q; g, ^ gh, ^ n; ^ 9. e£ §&, 
*t U 5C J*, ^O* 5L*a, T. 4? ?L 4^ < ?i ^t» Wth, 
^d,^ dh, ^■nTS.P* ^PW^b ? ^bb,^ m; ^ y, ^V«V 

a j 

§ 3. The thirteen vowels consist of nine simpla vowels, vis. $T> 
*HT, ST? I, *> ^> W , *£> &> and lour di P tll011 g*» »**. t» ^V *ft *ft- 
(o ) The vowels are also divided into— * 

(1) Short vowels :— h> f , *> ^, and *£i *""* 

(2) Long vowels:— *r, ft •$", ^£ » T*%>.'*fc*ft- 

(£ ) Each of these vowels may be; again of two kinds, #$■,- 
afHlffi qff or nasalised, and «wi+fll34i or withonfc a nasal sound, 

1 F 

2 Sansk^t Geammae. [ § 4-6 

§ 4, The consonants are divided into sparshu or mutes, 

k ■ ■ 

antastha or intermediate ( the semi-vowels ) and u'shman or 


sibilants, arranged as below. Anaj is added to these for the 
sake of pronunciation. (See §18. a) 

■ L 4 

(a) Mutes, which for the sake of convenience are divided 

into five groups each of five letters, cia. — 

( 1 ) ^^ or the group gr—-8R, ^,^r, q-;^. 
(2 ) ^rf or the group ^— ^, ^, sr, £, sx. 
( 3 ) 5*tf or the group £--*, *, :y, *, or. 
(4 ) *** or the group w— -?r, «r ( *, *, W- 

.< 5 ) <W^r or the group t— it, qr, *. *T, T- 

< 5 ) Semivowels— *, *•/ w, *. 

<») Sibilants— jr f *fr ST- 

<d) Sonant aspirate $■ 4 

§5. Besides the vowels and consonants givan above there 
are in Sanski-t : — 


(a) Two nasal sounds called <anu8wara' and 'anun&sika'* 
The one is represented by - ». «. a dot placed above the letter 
after which it is to be pronounced; .*. g, ^; the Other, by w , i.e. 
a dot within a semi- circle placed above the letter after which 

f ■ . ' ' H 

■ j i 

it is pronounced; a. g. •§. 

(5) And a sort of hard breathing known as Visarga (ge- 
nerally called Visarjantya by Sanskyfc grammarians). It is 
denoted by the sign ; t. «. two vertical dots placed after the 
letter after which it is to be pronounced. In pronunciation it 
is a harder aspiratethan %. The Visarga is not an original 
character but only a substitute for a final *r s, or r r 

§ 6. The first two letters of thefive classes and the sibilants 
«re ' tfcb&wrtif Or hard eonsonantt. The rest are called sonants 
& vtift tontonanis. AH vowels are also soft. 

§ 7.9 ] 

The Alphabet. 

r J 

§ 7. The first and third letters of the fire classes are unaspi- 


lates, while the second and fourth ones are called aspirates. 

§ 8. The organ ta of pronunciation are the five parts 
-situated in the month, viz. the throat, the palate, the roof or 
upper part of 'the palate, the teeth and the lips. 

§ 9. In the following table is given a complete classification 
•of all these letters according to the organs with which they 
are pronounced. 

Note— In this table the nether stroke is omitted. It should 
$>e supposed to be present. 


The Five Classes. 










Simple L^. 
- vowels ^P" 
S St LgJ tho *S 8 ' 






■ w 



j ■ 
























' F 

The Unguals are called cerebrals in some European grammars 
«q-and<g*are both guttural and lingual; aff and aft are guttural 
And labial; ^ is dental and labial. " The nose is the- -organ of 

^pronunciation of the anusvara. : '■"■'■ 

i, d . 

*r thonghn^t a &emi-vowelis pnt here as it la a guttuial. 

f Jivhamaliya and Upadhman!ya are terms given to a sort of 
fcaU visarga prononced before k, kh, and p, ph, respectively. 

4 SANfcKBT Grahhab. [ § 10-13 

'- * " ' r 

LI J ' L 

§10, Those lettera are called g^r or homogeneous whose- 
place of pronunciation In the mouth and the effort required to 
pronounce them are the same or equal. ^Letters which are not 
?T^t or similar are called »TCTOT 0T heterogeneous. 

. ■ " r ' •> 


§ 11. A swara or vowel is that which can be pronounced 

L a 

without the help of any other letter ; & vyanjana or consonant 

■ ' r ' 

is that which is pronounced with the help of a vowel. Th & 

■i "i 

consonants, therefore, are written with a slanting nether stroke- 

■ L 

■ ' E f 

to denote their imperfect character. 


■i a 

(a) Henoe the consonants are given, in the bve tern of P&nini,. 

J ' r ' 

with an st added to them for the sake of pronunciation. 

.- - -- -: ■ " - ■ 

i i ■ J - n 

(h) Ii will be seen that there are no separate names for the- 


letters of the Sanskrt alphabet, except the two mentioned before- 
vis. Anusw&ra and yisarga, and Ref which is the name some- 
times given to ^ . The word $]f is therefore used as an affix 
to denote a particular letter ; e. g. arerrc the letter <ar/ 3TSffrc 
ths letter <*', &c 

1 ■% 

§ 12. A vowel by itself, or a consonant, simple or conjunct 
with a vowel added to it, is called an Ahthara or syllable. 



§13. The forms which the vowel signs assume when added 
to consonants and the changes, which some letters undergo* 

r n ' i L -' F ■ ■ ' 

when compounded are given below, under ( a) and ( J ). 

1 ' - ' . r *■ 

(a) sr Added to a consonant is denoted by the removal of 
the nether stroke; as ^+8T=gf ka. The remaining vowels- 
iphen 'compounded with consonants become r,f% % ., , ftJ ,v? f 
>\VV reS P ec fc vel ys a8 W + W=OT*a,^ 
ly gfr ktf $- kty ^ k«, fr k?> f kf, b| kl. % ke, % kai, eft ko,. 


1 13 ] The alphabet. 5 

Exception : — q? when following upon ^ remains unchanged, 

j ■ 

■ j 

( b ) In compounding consonants they should be taken in 
the order in whioh they are pronounced; the last consonant 
takes a vowel, the preceding ones generally losing their 
perpendicular stroke when combined; e. g. 'tsna' ought to be 
written as *$, 'nna' as o% &o. Some letters, however, change 
their form slightly and otherB entirely when compounded' with 

■ ■ i- 

other consonants; a. g m &q lpaj =sr tra, «r s§a; j{ gra, &c. ^ 

■i i 

immediately preceding another consonant, (or the vowel ^) Is 
denoted by the sign-written above the following consonant, 
as&rka.. It is then necessarily called a ^ ref . 

<S) In the oonjunots jp; ( ^ + ^ ) ksh, and jr (3^+3T n ) jna* 
the component elements are scarcely discernible, 

(d) A few consonants are written, in two ways; e. g. ■&, 7 
tra; nr, *>> kra; ^r, ^, stha; *$, %, ktaj , ^r, ^, fltra. 


{ O . The following are the principal conjunct on sonants :- 


■ ■-'". ■" " r ■ 

f? k-ka, ?3<ir k-kna, q^k-kya,?*? k-kaa/*tf k-ta, w*t k-tha ? 
^dr k-t-ya, qpT or #. k-fr-ra, ive* k-t-va, qv% k-th-ria, a? k-na, 
^aj k-n-ya, ?»t k-ma/?«r k-ya, * or g? k-ra, '^g- k-la, gr k-va, 

■ ■ j 

$r k-sha, ^ k-Bh-na, ** k-ah-ma, $q k-sh-ya, $7 k-sh-va. 

5gsf kh-na, tgtr kh-ya, 13 kh-ra. 

. -^ 

■?* g-dba, it g-na, t* g-ya ? 5 g-ra, «*rg-r-ya, ^ g-la, *q- gva, 
■g- gh-naj^iT gh-n-ya, sit gh-ma, s?r gh-ya, sr gh-ra, e^ gh-vai 

|F EL-ka, |g ii-k-ta, g; n-k-sha, jg n-k-sh-ya, ^ fl-kha, jr 

■ ' ■ _ 1 

fi-kh-ya, y h ga, w n-gha, sf n-gh-ya, g n-gh-ra f a? n-na, fr 

6-ma, 'su fi-ya, - 


gwr gh-ya, ^ $h-ra. * 

Sir j-ja, ssrj-jba, g- jna> *T j^-ya, 5T j-J»aj 5* H** ST t«fr 
3? j-va. ■ ■ ■ 

^ n- $a f g^ 5-$ha, ^ fi-ja. 

4-ma, «r 4-ya, a* #»-yai f &***• 

oj n-ta, off ^-tha, wy n-da, «nr n-dha, wj n-na, «*r n-ma, wa/ 
n-ya, ?«; n-va. 

?^v t-ka, ^ t-k-ra, tT t-tayv* t-t-ya, <g- t-t-ra, ^ t-t-va r 
«I t-tha, s* t-na/??ir t-n-ya 7 st t-jia, sr t-ma, ***r t-m-jra, «T 
i-ya, ^ 01"% t-ra, «r or-g^ t-r-ya, ?*; trva, sg* fc-sa, srt t r a«na, 
S5RT t-a-n-ya, g^T t-s-ya. 

s^ th-na, «r th-ya, vr th-ra. 

■ ■ * ■ ■ 

3C d-ga, qj d-gba, y d-da, qj- d-ya, ;gr d-d ha, ^t d-dh-ya, 
3-d-dh-va, jr d-na, 5 d-ba, jr d-bra, ^ d-bha, ^q d-bh-ya r 
IT d-ma, si d-ya, jf d-ra, sr d-r-ya, % d-va, sot d-y-ya, a; d-v-ra, 

«T dh-na, t*sr dh-n-ya, w? dh-ma> ifl- dh-ya, jj dJwa, 3$ 
dh-rya, w- dh-va. 

-•.* ™ ,, t- i 

*% n-ta> wsr n-t-ya, s* n-t-ra, s$ n-da, ȣ n-d-ra, v^ n-dha, 

»3T n-dh-ya ? .5$r n-db-ra, w n-na, *jt n-p-ra, 511 n-ma, «r a-ya>. 
e{ fi-ra, sgf ii-sa. . ■ ■ '. 

5T p-ta, ?c^ t-p-ya, *r p-W, «T p-pa t c* p-ma, cij p.ya, jf p-«> 
3 p-la, c? p-sa, e^q- p-8-va. 

■ , ■ i' ■ -j . . . ... ' - 

3&r b-ja,$b-da, sq-b-dha, «^b-na,«f b-ba, s*r b-bha, 33 b-ya, 
W b-ra, 37 b-va / «r bh-na, wgf bh-ya, $r bb-ra, *j bb-va. 


§ 13-14 ] The Alphabet. 7 


. wr m-na, it m-pa, wr m-p-ra,.*^ m-ba,** m-bha, s*r m-ya, ^ 
m-ra, u m-la, *^ m- va. 

«* y-ya, IT y-»j «T y-ra. 

zftr-ba, $ r-kha, if r-ga, &o.; 3? r-k-sha, rq r-g»ya, t£ 
r gh-ja, e^ r-t-ya, &o.; ^ r-k-sh-ya, t£ r-tt-ya, ^ r-t-ff-ya, 
^ r-d-dh-a. 


pgff lka, ?tr 1-pa, fjt 1-ma, &q 1-ya, sy 1-la, s^ 1-va, 
«T v-na, «^ v-ya, ?r v-ra, sj ▼-▼*• 


*J £$a, S3* ^g-ya, W ^>», *£T S-ya, 'il &-ra, **r & r--ya, W* £-!■» 


^i-va, 383 sv-y a , =^r ^a. 


■ L ■ 

e ah-ta, g*r sh-tya, s sh-t-ra> ^q sh-t->ya> f ah-t-va, 
ST sh-th^ra, g*r sh-th-ya, coy sh-ua, wif ah-u-ya, tff shpa, 

i " ■ - J " r J - 

*sr sh-pra, «n sh-ma, tar sh-ya. 

*sffs-ka, s^ s-kha, ^g s-ta, *fcr s-t-ya, ^r or ^ B-fera, 
^f s-t-vftj «q* ah va, ^q- s-tha s $v s-na, ^pit s-n-ya,^ s-pa, w 
s-pha, ^ s-ma, ^ s-ya, ^T s-ra, f* s-va, ^g- s-sa. 

■ J" 

3T *'?»* If h -n», ST ma, % r-ha, f hra, ^ 1-ha, gf h-va. 
Some times five consonants are found in conjunction ; e, g, 
^?J r-t-s-n-ya, as in ch i ^-4 - 

• A 

§ 14. As sandhi is of primary importance in 9anakrfc > virama 
or pause can be indicated only at the end of a sentence. The 
signs of punotuatioD, therefore, are only two,] and||. The 
former is used to mark the close of a sentence or the first half 

of a sloka, or poetical stanza; the latter is employed to denote 
the close of a sloka. 

■ ■ * ' 

(a) The sign called Avagraha (and which represents half Sf 
Ardhakara) is generally employed to mark the elision of short 


Sanskso: Grammas. 

[ § 14-18 

a* after fr or *t «. g. %$R (%+arfir)i .«TfftdtS < aRT«t + HR!ET )- 

The double mark $sis sometimes used to indicate the elision 

of srr aft« initial long Hfi WT+ am&==9«IT W$t- 

(6) The mark o is sometimes used to show that something 
is omitted, and which is to be understood from the context; 

*. y. H* may stand for ar^r, esTPff for qrftPTOt: jTOffs & e * 

§ 15. Short vowels when followed by conjunct consonants 
are said to be prosodially long. 

§ 16. The vowels st > n;, afr, and the syllables an; and stw 
are called Gnna; the vowels arr,^V aft and the syllables arn; 
and srttT are called Vrdhi. The Ghma and Vrddhi vowels and 
syllables that are substituted for the simple vowels will appear 
from the following table :^ 

. Simple V. 





". '*.'.' ■ 




■' '*■."■■. 










§ 17. The three semivowels gr, (^ and g; axe sometimes 
nasalised and tben they are written with the anuria si fat sign 
over them, as ^, &, ^. 

i _ _ m "* 

§ 18. The numerical figures in Sanskrt are :— 

■ : --. \ '"'".' *» *» ■■■■■V v, :V : V®, < V *.-'" 

■l,-»i. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. 

These are combined to express figures precisely in the same 
way as in English. \\% 125, <ty* 540, &e. '--.".. 

. 1 . 

§ 19-21 ] RtriiBS of Sandhi. 9 

h ■ ■ 


■ r ■ 



Rules of Sakbhi or Euphony:. 

J ' ■ - . ..--■' i * - ^ ' 

L ■ ■ 

J ' 

§ 19. Sandhi (from ^together and qr to join) is the anion 

or blending together of two letters coming in immediate 
contaot with each other. 

3 - ' 

a r ■*■ 

r ■ 

j j ■ ■ 

(a) Sandhi is necessary in the case of the internal structure 


of pada t *. e. a verbal root or a nominal base and the termina- 

■ "i 

tions, prepositions and roots, and a componnd word; while in 

the case of sentenoes ». e, in the case of the final and initial 

■ ' ■ ■ ■ 

letters of the different words occurring therein, observance of 


Sandhi rules depends upon the will of the writer.* 


J L 

■ L L ■ 1 ■ 

§ 20. If a simple vowel, short or long, be followed by a 
similar vowel, short or long, the substitute for them . both is 
the corresponding long vowel; e. g. fsar + &[R: =%S3trft:; srgv+ 

eager to gain knowledge; tl%+'VY=V^r-^H-f«^s-9[ifh(Ai 

' , ■ ^ ■ ■ - 

^:=^T5t: the strength o-f an army; ^+3B3r=*i|g;j fr+ 
§ 21 . When af or arr is followed by ^, s, m~ or ^j, short or 

■ ' 1 1 " * ■ 

long q> aft, an; or if$U substituted for both* e. g. ^T+Jp*: — 

3^Wr=^#ftW; fiWT+3»$: =ff^5:; IfFT + 5^T = *npN^Ts 

f%?*rr s*n% Tr^r a w ftroi*pl*jSt 

10 Sanbk*t Gbamjub. [§21-fi$ 

■ L J 

■ ' r ■ 

■ i - ■ 

(a) Exceptions ;— Vrddhi substitute takes place in the- 
following oases :'— 

* " ■ - r r " _ 

■ j ■ 

■ i j - 

■ j 

(1) When jria followed by gjyoi arttisfN'ii slfffc*. (2) When 

1 J. 

W¥T is f olio wed by g;^ifr; Wffrtf°ft an army consisting of a 

■i ■ 

particular number of chariots, horse-warriors &c, (3) when w 
is followed by ftand$ft^;*$t:;*fift one acting wilfully; *t^ 


r ■ 

wilfully; and (4) when the sr or ayr of a preposition is followed 

* ~ ' ■ - " 

by an initial *£ of a root-form; sr+^r«SI%=i?r«^F^- 


1 j ' 

§22. When ar or s^ is followed by q* or $ and aft or aft, 3 1 
or aft takes the place of both; w,s;+ 4 q g flfrq j £<T+ $*9$s=grte*f r 

■ ■ 

(a) Exceptions :— 


' ' r ■ * 

■ \ ■■- ■■ -; , ■ ■ . ■[_ . ■ - ■ 

(1) If a preposition ending in 3? be followed by a radical q- 07 

1 ' ■ J 

a% the latter is substituted; sf+ q*l%=!*srlt; W+afhrRj=3qt- 
srfiu. (2) ar followed by afj-andan (P"P"0 * a dropped? ^r7T?+ 

«if ^:=Am#4ir»ft^^^ (») Vrddju 

substitute is optional when final ar is followed by aftS"; e.g. 
ft*%+ vfte'* =fa*t[te: orHpsjfe:. (4) *PT+faT=T*far. 

, L I ■ ■ 

(4) When the following ssts of words are combined the final 
vowel or the final consonant with the preceding vowel of the 

■ ■■ - ■ 

first word is dropped; e. g. igm + argfs^ssr one who roams from 
one house to another; a woman of bad character; ^fjrra^+ 87^:= 
sflH^T: the white line left on the head by the hair parted on 

either side; ( sffarstf in" other cases )j <m^+ »T*^: =<tf!Wete 
name of the celebrated writer of the Mahabhashya ( a com- t 

mentary on p&nini's grammar); ^+atff;==9P?£i~ a spotted 
antelope or a kind of bird ;( ^nmp in other <jaaes ), 

" - ' ■ i i - - 

§ 23. When f, 3, sj?, and 35, short or long, are followed by 

§23-27 ] Rules or Sandai It 

■ ■ ■■ ■ 

■i , 

dissimilar vowel, sr, g", j;, and w, are respectively substituted 
for them e. £. ffa + Mt4=$*«n? i ?fa+ ^r6T=S*$ST^j *r#4- 

Bhr:=^r^r:; ^+9frirfcr:=wra?Rr 


ar^, aTT9j and STT^f are respectively substituted for them; ffc+" 
(a) q;or g^at the end of a word and preceded by ar or arr is- 


optionally dropped when followed l>y a vowel or a soft con* 

L ■ 

sonant; f^Knr=ctfft or & qrftj fawft+ tf.^iftwiftf or f^T 

i j , j 

f?iP«t+^Tei:=f^rrs , W: orf*r«nr . WHP intent on getting: 
money; ^+**^:=$qi?^i or jj^r^cfi: longing to see the- 



Note: — Two vowels brought together by the dropping of an> 
intervening consonant or visarga do not combine. 


§ 25 When q- or sff at the end of a word is followed by ar 
the latter merges into the former, and the sign <&' is sometimes 

i L ' z. c ■ ■ 

written in its place; *. g. ^t+vn^itiN't ft*"fr+*PI»ftw*!Wv 


§26. The sft of »it followed by ^ is changed to sr^, an& 


to ar? when followed by jsjr. and 3T^T» nt*^: =ir*ljfa» a mea ~ 

r ■ 

sure of length (generally four miles); 4| , +fqc:=:i!%VK:' a- 

stout bull; ifi" + *WP = TTOT • a bull-eyed window. 

§ 27. No Sandhi takes ^iace in the following oases :— 
(*) When a dual form (whether of a noun, pronoun or 
verb) ends in $, gf, or qr e. ^. ^ft+q^ft^ft »?tfh similarly 

(&) st^J" and ar^r ( forms of the pron, sr^ )- followed by a 
vowel; 0. g. ar«ft+f *P =*Tlft ^TT«*5 s*l Hrei%. 


12 Sansk&t Gbamsiab. [§27-80 



(c) Particles consisting of one vowel, tod. those ending in 

**•»■•. fh st+st^=3t artffc r'ipfe ?--Av$ srtr £*rr . 

j ■ ■ 

1 L I I 

Note: — These vowels are termed pragfhya* 

n. The coajlesoehoe op pinal consonants 



§ 28. When & or a sonsonant of the dental class comes in 

t ■ ■ ■ " ■ 

-contact with ( i.e. whether it precedes or follows '■)— r 

(a) g- or a consonant of the palatal claas, *rjg substituted for 
^ ( original or substituted for a visarga ) and the correspond- 
ing letter of the latter class for the former; e. g a ^jr: 4- ftsfrfcT 

—tfHfMlTO Eama collects- ^'+Pf^=HftWC Reality and 
fenowledgej ^nf^^+*T^=^Tfi r ^^'' Be viotorioas, or Krshna; 
.1BFJt+M , «nIW ( we § 36 ). 

V (5) With ^or a consonant of the Ungual elas^ is substituted 
for g- and the corresponding letter of the latter class for the 
former* *pr:+TO:=OT«rS:: B&ma, who is sixth ;;rjjr^+£rgfi$:= 
TPfft^ Rama goes; ^=3?^=^^ a commaatary on that; 
^f*Bt+lhj%=' , «rfifeoiNS%0, Krshna, thou gosst; ^+frr= 
^ET one who pounds, 

1 r ■ , 

j ■ ■ 

§ 29. But if a letter of the Ungual class coming at the end 

1 1 " r ■ 1 

■ " w ■ ■ 

-of a word followed, by w or a letter of the dental class,: the 
■^ and the; dentals eixaept the «f in *rpjj-, if *jfir and srirfr remain 
unafleoted as *r* + ^3: = tr^^r: ( see also § 40 ); ^+ fc q^r 
-those six; but fr be praises ( $£-+ tf J since the ^ is not at the 

■end of a words; ^ff + STra^T^TK; so «P"T^ftr ninety-six, 
quu|4| j: six towns.- 

§ 30. If a letter of the dental class be followed by qr it does 

not substitute its corresponding Ungual; H^+TO : =^r ? TO': 
iisth good man. 

8 31-37 1 Bulbs of Sandhi. !$• 

§ 31. When a consonant, except a nasal or a semivowel, is 


followed by a soft consonant or a vowel, it is changed to the soft 
unas pi rate ( 3rd letter ) of its class; 0. g ^r?7-f*^%=*t **l 4 ^far 

*v * 

(a) If a ctrosonant, except jr or g , coming at the end of a w^r$ f 
be followed by a nasal, the nasal of its class is optionally sub- 
stituted for it; ^r^+ g*|fc=£HJTiR:; or &&gafti this Murari;: 

*f+*TOr:=*fHmr- or * !T 'TOT I sixmonths. 

But if the nasal belong to a termination the change is neces- 

- ■ ' -"• ■ •■ ■' -■' - i-fytesw' 

saty; ^+ jrnr=?rw{nr that alone? TTS+W^SOF* Hfo. .,. ,. r ,, 
granr^* ft bull ' is an exception. 

§ 32. A letter of the dental class followed by ^ is changed. 
to ?5, the nasalised ^ taking the place of w. $3+t*3P=9BtV* 
dissolution into that; ft?r^+foj^= iq 3, ^^ * 9 1^1 a learned man, 



.' "'''-' • 



L L 

§33. Any consonant except a nasal or a semi-rowel, is changed 


n ■ _ r 

to the firBt of its class when followed by a hard consonant, and 
to the first or third when followed by nothing; 0. g, ^zpr+. 

■ r 

3fr?3=Zfli^cJTFcr the end or border of a direction; ^T^-l; 

r ' *■ 

§ 34. The ^ of ^n* and FF^is dropped after the preposi- 

r " ■ , 

tion^j ^+^rpf=^* r PT<i *n^+Wnf=3TFH*W[. 

■ ■ . P 

■ 1 j 

§35. 3 coming after any of the first four letters of a class 
is optionally changed to the fourth letter of that class; «.y. 
^r^+^;=^rTfR:or^rt^: the possessor of speech, Brhaspati. 

§ 36. ^preceded by a word ending in any of the first four 
letters of a class and followed by a vowel, a e e mi- vowel, a- 
nasal, or ^is optionally changed to ^; «.-g\ gq^+f^rv=?f^rT*- 
and ?rfaOT ii similarly ^gr+^fesTrsg^S^T or a»&**l3iH- 

§ 37/ ^at the end of a word is changed to an onuitoara. 

14 SAKSK#C GbAMMAB. [ § 37-41 



I J ■ 

J a a 

L ■ ■ 


-when followed by a consonant; %^4-?n$==^f $s£;bnt ij^+^fof 
=*rv3r% as it is not at the end of a word. 

j ■ 

■ L 

(a) ^r , and ^ not at the end ot&pada, are turned into an 
*anuswfca when followed by a consonant except a nasal or a 


semi-vowel or tj STr*^+ ^-H l 4>W he will overcome, «r^rr^ 
+1^=^rat^T- Bat *f*J& as %i* followed here by ^r which -is a 

*emi-vowel; *rr^+*T^^='frerwrBSfft as !£is at the end of 

?a pa&a. 

_ _ _ ' 

§ 38. An anuswara followed by any consonant $£, ^, ^ or 
^ is changed to the nasal of the class to which the following 
letter belongs, necessarily when in the middle and optionally 

■ ■ r 


■when at the. end of a wordj when followed by ar>ar>?£> it is 
changed to the nasalised ^, a*, $ respectively; e. g. 3T^f+ 

or ^b^t; ^?^; or ^^ppgt: &o. 

§ 39. If ^ or orjbe followed by a sibilant, ^ and ^respectivly 

are suffixed to them optionally; and the first letter of a class is 

-optionally changed to the second letter when followed by a 

sibilant; 5ffS[+TO:— Jfrs^g"^ STRP^TB': and snaTgsrs': the sixth 

anan gone before; £*T5+TO: — Jprtf*Tffi? g *l u 4ff 8 • and g*^o5«r8 , : 
■the Bixth good counter. 

§ 40. If ^ or g; at the end of a word be followed by ^,% is 
-optionally inserted between them; v «r^"+^r?f:==^ , 0?i(f: or 
-S^^H*^*:;^-W:=^FB': orifc^j that good man. 

§41. 3^, ^and g;at the end of a woroVand preceded by a short 
•vowel are doubled when followed by a vowol; Ji^g^f sttot = 

:U^^I«Hrthe individual soul; g*rgr+ f^: == ^^""fifw: the best 
Counter; so Qfragftrv 

§42^46 ] Bulks of Saetdhi. 15 

- _ 

T , 

: § 42. ^coming after ^ short or long, £ or ^ in the same 
word, is changed to ^eten though a vowel, a semi-vowel except 

r ^^ 

■§£, a nasal or a letter of the guttural or palatal class, or s, 
-comes between zg, 3; or ^ and arj nfl+rT+^ntTj ^jr+!Tr="JK D rrj 
T^ffthr This change does not take place when % 
■ends a word. 

■ ■ "i 

Note: — The number of intervening letters is not limited; 


§ 43. ^preceded by any vowel except aror9?r, a .semi-vowel, 
a letter of the guttural class or ^ generally becomes qrj tt%+ 
^"ST^I* 9T§» + 3 = W%' 

(a) The initial ^ of roots having a s£> 5£ or ^ generally 

remains unohanged, ^iTC^j ^«M- 

§ 44. The ^or^ra; is changed to &u anuswara and visarga 
when followed by a form of the root ff } ^+3^=^551^; 
^^ITr; &o The same happens when j^ is followed by sfrferar 
and gsr ; ^grfqrff:, $e$*:. 

§ 45. ^at the end of a word (excep^ir^r^,) is changed to 
Anusw&ra and visarga when followed by ^, ^,£, ^q^/ar 
themselves followed by a vowel, a semi-vowel, a nasal or 7: 

*rnre*r=*rBb<9ii^H; <n^+4|£ii==?ifeg*RO but ittii^eftfa. 

( a ) The ^ of ^\% followed by qfrr^ undergoes the same 
•change; ^T*C+ 371X= Sift^n - ^- 

§48. ^r after any vowel becomes <c^; this change is optional 
when a long vowel at the end of a word or a grammatical 
iorm, except that of the particle m and the preposition $rr 
precedes it; «. g. ra+SfT2rr=fg««T^ri f^TO ttf&fter^** 

18 SjUTSKBT GSAMMAB. [§47-62 

§ 47. ^ at the end of a word, whether followed by any letter 
or not, the a of ^p^and ^ followed by a hard consonant or 
by nothing are changed to visarga; %^+^=^: 7 fq^=f^r:}. 

j ■ ■ 


§ 48. Yiaarga followed by ^, g£, is ohanged to ^, by £, s; ? 
to 5, aad by ^, g> to g;; %1r;: + *ncfr=?fo«Tfa; OTtffcrcfc 
ftv$ + ^raT=f^ B ^rr?rr3 ^4 optionally to ^, v , or ^ when 
followed by theBe;n*r: + ?«rRfr==Tm:^rmr or Tr*T5Wmr»ff?: + 
<S%=?fT:§*t or sR-^fa. 

■ j 


§ 49. Yiaarga ( except that substituted for £ ) preceded by 
short st and followed by short »r or a soft consonant is changed 
to 3; (which when combined with the preceding Sf becomes 

aft; ftw:+«T^f:=f%f?+^+aM:=flr^r^:, *r*T:+*r5®fir= 
'Cl*il *wUi} but 5im: (x)-f aT5r=3Tr?rrw, 

§ 50. Yiaarga preceded by ?rr and followed by a vowel or a,. 
soft cosonant is dropped; it is also dropped when preceded by 
*T and followed by a vowel except «r; f*P "H^FTO!?? $*p-t- 


§ 51. Yiaarga preceded by a vowel except «r or arr and 
followed by a vowel or a soft consonant is changed to^j ?f^: + 

*r«rf*r=$fH*lti *r5: + 3^Rr=*lf^ftr. But the visarga of ?ft: 
is dropped before all vowels and soft consonants; *ff *. + ar^3= 

fa - ■ " * ■ I " ' " ■ "■.' 

( <z ) The ^ of ar$^ not followed by a declensional termina- 
tion is ohanged to ^; 8t?^=st^=3T^: nom. sing,; $T?W; when 

followed by Tin the change is optional; sr?qf?r or Sff^fiT fcn& 
lord of the day; the sun. 

a ii- ■ 

§ 52, 3; or ^followed by ^ or ar respectively ia dropped and 
the preceding at, f or gy if short ia made long; ^^H-CT^^r 

■ "i 
J r 

§53-56 } Declension. X7 

+ ■ " 

a ■ j 

§63. (a) The initial ^of roots, except that of q^iaoonj., 
*n^ » 1^ t Ht% ^ *nd a few others, ia changed to t after a pre- 
position containing jr *. g, ^f^rr^; but JITOff% &c. 

TO is 


(*) The ^ of the preposition ft is similarly changed to oj; * 

■ L 

■ "i 

1 L J i 

Exercises ;— (a) Join according to Sandhi rules: — wif^* 1 " 

f*rafa **>■ stctp^ i ^tr^ *rra i *r: nr*q-. **: fierce spit: t«i$- 

%1^H 5 ^f^frt i *PT^ WPP! Hf^T+RNn^; f%+ WT*. 

L ■ J 

(5) Separate the words *.— 

■1 r - r 1 

; frortsn <rfong?r:; sr^^n «?wi wrapr; *rerar;*H 

■k .' 

^rnrjjr; nrw*; £«bwh 



ji 1 

» ■ 

§ 54. In the present chapter Declension or the inflection of 

n _ , 

nouns, substantive and adjective, will be considered. * 

■ - "_ -■ * -■'""■ ■'" ■"■ 

§ 55. The crude form of a noun ( any declinable word ) not 

j - 

yet infieoted is technically called a Pratipadika ( sjrf^inf^ ). 

t - 

§ 56. A ndun has three genders; a ma? online gender (mas.) 
a feminine gender (fern.) and a neuter gender (rieu*). No definite 

* -- '.r - d > 

rules can be laid down for the deteiminali an of gender in 
Sanskrit which, therefore, must be learnt from the dictionary. 

S> S. G. 2. .' ,"";. 

18 Sansket Grammae. [§57-61 



■ * f 

j a 

L ' 

| 57. There are three numbers: — Singular (sing.), dual (da.) 
and plural (pi.). The singular number denotes one, the dual 
two, and the plural three or more. 

§ 68. There are eight cases in eaoh number: — Nominative 


{Horn, or N. ), Vocative (Voo. or V.), Accusative (Ace, or A.)/ 

- J J . - " 

Instrumental (Ins. or I.), Dative (Dat . or D.), Ablative ( Ab. ), 
Genitive (Gen. or G. ), and Locative (Loo. or li). These 
•express nearly all relations between words in a sentence. 

' iV. B.—These genders, numbers and cases will, for the sake 
■of convenience, be denoted by their abbreviations enclosed into 
brackets after each. 

§ 59. Sup (^t) ie the technical term for acase termination 

in Sansktt. Declension consists in adding the case termina- 
tions to the crude form or base.: 

L h 

§60. The following are the .normal case terminations 



Mas. and Fern. 

■ L 

Neu. ' 

r ■ 



Sing. Dual Floral 

Sing. Dnal Plural 

N. V. 



N.A. K f . * 

" » V 

The rest like the ma?. 



* » wrsc 

■ "i 

L J 





f ■""»■'■' * 

*■ " J 1 
, 1 

J ' m ■ 

- r 

j , ■_ 
j ' ■ 

■ J 1 - L 

§61. The "Vocative is considered to be a differeat aspect ol 
the Nom. and is identic U with it in the dual aod plnral. It is 
therefore supposed to have no separate terminations of its own. 
In the sing, it sometimes coincides with the original stem 
sometimes with the Nom.; at other tinus it differs from both* 

J 62-64 J DECLENSION, ; 19 


J L 



* ■ ' ■; 

n ' ■ r " *■ 

§ 62* Declension is, for the sake of convenience, divided into 
ibwo classes:— 


1 L L 

- ' 

I. Bases ending in towels. 

1 h i ■ 

^ B 

II.. Bases jsndingin consonants. 

■ - - _ ■. , " ^ -■ 

§63. The declension of Adjectives does not, in general, 
■differ from that of substantives. It will not, therefore, be 
given here separately; the points of difference only Trill be 
noted. Adjectives take the gender, number and case of the 
substantives they qualify. 


■"■"- . _ ■ ^ ^ 

■ ' i - i ' ' - ■ " h 


- ■ ' ■ : "■'■'. ■ 

Not«% — The variations and modifications, which the general 
terminations, given above, undergo when applied to several of 

_ _ ■ L 

-the vowel bases are so numerous that it has heen thought 
advisable not to notice them; here, as being tedious, but simply 
-to. give the forms and leave the students to find them out for 
themselves. Every word declined here shoald be considered a 

i ■ ■ ' r 

model and words alike in form should be declined similarly to it. 

, r , r 

■ j ■ 

Ncitins ending in s? Mas. and ■J&m.. 

.n ha 

§64. TRT . '»- B&ma gi* n. knowledge. 

Sing. Dual Plural Sing. Dual Plural 

3*. tntf *n™ ^nrr- ^- =dH^. 5f^ *wiPi 

V. ■ *pc ■. ■■■'■»* ,./'■".. « ■■.■ ;■ ■; T-: .agrpr ■'■■/■ : -;» -/■ ■".»;. . 

I. ^rft°T>wr^R ^ -.The rest like *r* 

20 Sansket Grammar. [ § 84-66- 

Ab. WJI< w w 

G. MMHI y*iWh .^njronj,-. 

Decline all other nonna ending in «r mas. and nan* 

Noons ending in srr Mas. and Neu. 

§ 65. *to\mas. a cow-herd. 


The final stT is dropped before a vowel termination beginning 

16 Ace. 

pin. ./■; 



n. v. 




1 - - ■ * * . ■ i ■ 







■i ■ 

*ft , rw 




.. ■"■. 


■i ■ ■ 






* Decline similarly fa^TI tlie prote 
a conch-shell-blower, qta qr one w 

*a*tqr one -who innalea smoke, ^h^t 

and other compound nouns derived from roots ending in 'arf* 

§ 66. mfem. the goddess of wealth. 








99 99 





i. own* 


d. tur$ 


Afa. ^TWT: 


a. „ 



r — 


Decline all other fern, nouns in MT similarly. 

§ 67. Irregular base: — The Voo. sing, of «r*qr, 'a mother' 

g 68. Several adjectives in st, follow the declension of 
pronouns, for which flee the chap, on Pronouns. 

Nouns endir 
£ 6& fft &e.— 

ig in I and 7 mas. tern, and neu 

■ ^ 

J i _ "■ 
. . i j ■ i 

v at" 


fft mas. Hari, 


Dual Plural 

N. *fc: 


V. ^r 

- " " + 

A. fftq ' r 


'X. 9ft°rT 

sft^rra, ff^fi 

3>. fSt 

„ *fl>*n 

Ab. fjt= 

tt » .-.■■.' 

<*. „ 

f«ff: fifNr^ 

» ffts ,.."■■■ 


nft fern, intellect. 


Dual Plural 

N* «rftri 

*wfr .**Wf 

T- *ft 

-A, qf$(4jL 

» *nft: 





i- *ww ifts*^ 

TRfft : 

D, 3s£f <"**$ > 


Ab. *$ft or tpeqnr: » 

G-. »|%: orqsqr: »^: 


L. ivdtoiqni'nr „ 


35 inas» a preceptor. 


V. 5ft » 


A. 3^ 5^: 


I- jpw «i£**rre 


D. *j*% » 

_ .■ 

Ab. *Jjn: »" 


G* ■'■-""» «pf: 


I*. 5^ *» 

: -OT 

^g fern, a obw# 

w 1 

■ ■ t 


■ H 

V. tt „ 


A. ^3^ „- 

H : 

I. ^tr ^5«iwc 


■ ■ ■■ a , 


Ab. t^ffr:? ^5fT: » 


G. ,, „ -Wfc 





-1 ^^^ 

3THC neu. water. 


a ■- 


v. ^pT^irft » 


a. gfi^ «. 


[ § 6» 

*■>. W\ 




Declension. , 


I- fliRii 



D. 3lft$ 


Ab. flftor: 


#• jrftv 



I*. qiftfa 




llnetu honey. 


H- *s 


V. »pftoi 

■ "I » 


A. i^ 


I- «g?rr 



D. jj^r 



Ab, n^r: 






L. '^f^T 



§ 70. Adjectives ending in f and 3" when used with neuter 
nouns are optionally deolined lite mas. nouns in ^ and ^ in the- 
Dat, Ab. Gen. and Loo. singulars and Gen. and Loo. duals; e. g- 
!gf%r nen. white, pure; 5$ neu.j heavy »— » 



l .--jfr- 





a ■. _ 

■ " .»"■.■ 

1 h ■ ■ 



1 * 1 





■ X 




■ ? » \ 



?T^ : or.ajfaip. 

. n " 


.IP 1 ^:* jBftrft^.. 



3j*ft or gftpr 

W . ft 


U . SAtf SK#r Ghamkab, [§70-71 







Decline all otter nouns and adjectives ending in f and ^ 
maa. fern, and neni similarly. . 

§ 71. Irregular bases : — ■ 

J* . ■. 

*I$ 1 Tr 









■ii**"^ '** 



i r ■ ■ 

3*** : 

5tfc> 5JF*: 



■ i 

"FT:* !F* 


^or gsfSr 

« » 




^TC mas. a Mend. 

■ - 


ra i - ■ 



L ' ■ ■ ' ■ i 



^nsrr^ _ >» 





^PsSt » 



<i*teS4» - »j 

" ■ }> 


»'...'■ wwn 



"H Pa si 

■1 " 


'iw mas* a master. 

■ _ ■ 


iffr Tift tw: 



*tfr ..■»,.- <ra*: 


A,'- ; : 

tf<fac » i t^Nc 

\ ' 







§71-73] Dbglbnsiok. 25 

D- w* ■ „ qftNi* 

fc Ab. qtf: 

«.; V 

§ 72. Compound nouns ending in irf% such as agjrft &n. are 
declined like 5ft regularly. 


a ■. 

Words ending in f and 3T mas. and fern. 


§ 73, srfl"/- a river, ^r/. a woman, a bride. 

"1 L 1 ■ 

«n& fern* 

N. . q$r *wft s w : 

V, Hft j, '■"■»'.■-"■■ 

■ * ' ■ 

lift: V H^IHL 















Decline all other fern, nouns in f similarly. 

(a) the words w^fr the goddess o* wealth, irfj- a boat, and 
g^ft a lute, do not drop the ^of the Norn. sing. e.g. ^:&c. 

* ' ■ ■ ■ 

N. *S? **& W : 

■i— "iff » 



Sanskrit Gbamkab. 

[ § 73-75 



D. 1*» 


Ab. vtsjr: 



G. » 



l. rora 



Decline '^ a mother-in-law, *rgr an *™y> ^r^^r the. jujube- 
tree, ^^ a phlegmatic woman, *RT\ rice gruel, ^rs^ ft class 
of compositions, and other feminine nouns in 3? similarly. 

§ 74. Has. nouns ending in f : — 

1\ti *lf*Pfi% *Rrl" STCKPfc 'an antelope as fleet as the wind'; fr. 
TOf+VH+f TTnadl IV. 1^- 




A.- ' 


-1 k 









■':■■■ 99 ' ■': 

r ■, 


m. J 


j ■ 

JWJ*4I : 





■ r — 

Decline (?tT^j 3^ tf^y^T* « way or a horse, (qifit £faT 
*j& ) <P& tbe sun, &c. similarly. 

r '. _ - ■ 

■1 a ■ 


Boot nouns ending $ or 3J mas. fern. nw. 

■ ■ ■■ r , r 


§ 75. Rules of 8andhi—(a) The ending f or 3, short or 

1 , j 

long of nouns derived from roots with the affix ft^(o) and of 
^.ia changed to fB\ or 5^ before the vowel terminations; the 
fern; nouns of this description are optionally declined like spfr 
in the Dat. Ab. Gen, and Loc. singulars and the Gen. .plu, 

(6) But if the ending f or 7 of a many-vo weled noun having 

n ■ ■ 1 ■ 

a root at the end be not preceded by a radical conjunct consonant 




or the root noun has a preposition termed irfll < '♦ ** w *M«A 
to the root ) or a word governed by the root preceding tt, H i» 
changed to 5 or %? except in the c*e© 0* (fRf «** »*3*j*-- •*#*■$ 

in st. 

4t f em* 

4 j 

wRv irtpft ■■"*»;' maBv and *em.; tl*e> 
endinff in rft is made up by adding 


Decline similarly $f& , «tffaj; 

58 Sanskrit GeaMmae. [ § 75 * 

sjfir neu. like grR. ^^g neu. likeKg 

I< JT^arr-f^TT &o. option- I. i^t^qT-^rr&c. optionally 

ally like the mas. before the like the mas. before vowel 

vowel terminations. terminations. 


mft mas.; e.g. 




# ■ 

A.b. $v*rr: ** *> 

7 J i 

5*fr ( 5§ ^IHlfSi ) mas. 

N. V. gtf: gf^ gf^r: 

I. gf*OT S*Krr* giftPr: 


|£fa neu. like gift. 

■ -1 

F ill" 



£75-76] Declension. 28- 

!•■ 9f^rr-9f%Pfr, &o< optionally like the mas. before 
the vowel terminations} Gen. Dual gf^t:-%:. 

t ' 

F _ " ' i ' 

^3*i&,w*. self -existent. . 

N. V. srtf«r W^^ ^5^: 

A. ^4*<IH. .j? 99 

D. CV^B^ »> 

Ab. ^^?: ,, „ 




D. 7qT*V .■".■■■»■" «rtf^*^: 

Ab. *qfwrr: „ '» 

Decline similarly jrg; , ^H^., <jpfl£ a widow remarried, &c. 

■ '■ ■'■■ : : : ii'../:.' 

Wy&ia. a woman. 

A. 'remt-tfrec 99 v ^fc <*.. f^rr- firth- sSNrac 

§ 76. Has. words ending in g» not derived from roots; e. g*. 
Kg the name of a Gandharva* 


Sanskst Geahmab. 

[ § 76-77 

N. V. 

















-35 : 





5©f : 






Nouns ending in sp mas. fern 

h a ■ 

. andnsu. 

, Nouns derived from, roots with the affix £ (t£c[ 


. 133 and 2. 

135.)* suchaa i 

Sf# a maker, &o. 

■the word* ^ i, «nr» tff .W«H» W> *&■•« TORS-- a 

■ ■ j 

^TRr change their ^ to srrin the Nona, sing, and to am; 
!Kom. dual and pi. and Aee. sing, and dual. 

^TF? mas. the creator. 

S. 9WT 












■ - * -■ 


ii. ^rrerfr 



■ ■. 




"Decline similarly ^,'Wg-, q#, *rrt£, 3315 &o. 

Xfc:\ : "*W :; ; : 

J ■ . . h ■ . 




4 . 

§ 77-79 ] DECLENSION 31 

■ ■ 1 


Deoline similarly ^ri, 5fe, gjr^ &o. 

^Hj and other fern, noons should be declined like ^rs: except 
in the Ace. pin. which is formed by adding ^ before which 
-the ^ is lengthened; e. g. ^TO : - 

§ 78. Nouns expressive of relationship like ffo m. a father ? 
^rr^ f. a mother, $f m, l a husband's brother y &o. with the 
exception of ifa* a grandson, *rj a husband, and $hj a sister, as 

also the words ^[ one who praises ( Un. II. 92 ) f a man 
( Un. IL 98 ) and tfszfe a charioteer, change their qf to arf in 

ihe Nom, sing, and to sr^r in the N. dual and plural and Ace: 
*ing. and dual; e. g, 

L ' ' 1 " " 

1 L L ' 

r ■ 

■ N. Rfw f^rd fair. N. jiptt .ired 1 -. Jjrerc* 

a. farc^ »■'■■'■■ fosrc 'A*;, tor*. » top 

Decline similarly vn? a Decline similarly m% a has- 

brother, snUTt? & son-in- band's brother's wife, gf^r a 

lawi^f, sfesr^f .«nd^. daughter, and snfs^ or sfprpi. 

The Gen. pin. of or is |r«rp3(. 

S 79. The word 'igtk a j ickal, is declined like a won 
in 3£ necessarily in the first five infleofeious and optionally 
before the vowel terminations beginning with the Ins-, sing. 
-except that of the Gen. pin- the vdo/ Bgfcffc ■■». g. 

/ ■ 

l& ^&ht i^tero stern 

';'■ /^iwy -;"■■'■ :-...„■ -; ' v '.'.' „ ■■■■■■/'. .'-'■;''■-■■■ 

32 Sansebx GRAMMAR. [ § 70-81 

I. ^rfr-^n' «K^«TRC *&f fa* 

Ab.$Rjg:-fRf£i': » « 

a L 

( « ) «!$ becomes spfg in the fern, also (by f^ntf *r Pan- 
VII. I. 96. ) which with the fern. term. $ becomes ajftR- and is- 




§ 80. Here simply the termination! should be added and 
san&hi rales observed. 


r ■ 

j j 

A. tot .,'■■■"■ ■'■'»"■■'■ ^1. crtt *i*^ra *rPr 

»> »> 

1 ■ ■- 

Ab. ^^: „ ,, G. j, -.jCrth OWWL' 

Thenen, s^(sTfnCTCTn^TS^)onangea to nft should be 
declined like qrft except before the consonantal terminations,* 
when it should be declined like t m. 1 ' . 

■V -V :■'^^'/'■Wo^.6nd|ngM.^.ancl^i^..■■■ 
'fi 81. Vrddhi (aft) is substituted for af? of woide ending is 
a#T in the first, five inflections except the Ace. sing; STT i* 

■ L 

substituted for af? fr the Ago. sing, and plural. Nouns ending 

1 ' ■ " " n n i i ■ r 

In Mt are regularly declined. . 


8-84 ] Declension. 


*ft mas. £em. 

*■ * ... 

T$h mas. 


a bull or a cow. 

1 ■ F ■ 

the moon. 


&V-«ft: ■ff'rft-.- »ir*: N. &V. 

* ■ 

*t5t: T^fqr J«4I4: 




*rer tf»*nt«ftft: I. 

*wrar ^h-^r^T^r: 


1% j/ . *?*»■*: . D. 

*wi%. » Tc^wy: 


*Tfc ?, ■ M Ab. 

■ b 1 ■ " 


» Tft: T*TO <*. 

» *wrwn 4 t*Hi^ 


Tfa » wfrj L. 

T&ift „ *tft$ 

Decline similarly qjfr fern. 

Decline einsilarly j^:/. a boat, 
a ship. The neu. g?fr ( gar 5?h 
if^I^) changed to £? should 
be declined like nu. 

— *■ 

-i-^ -■ 

■ V Section" II. " "■■ * : : *■ 

■ "i 

.' Bases aNDiNG' ijt Oonbonakts, '■ -;.' 

■ , "i 

§ 82. Bases ending in any of the first fonr letters of, a class, 

and in % *;, £, K».'X> ^» aud ?• ^ e deolension of these bases 
consists, for tie most part, in adding the general.. case termv 
nations and observing the rules ot sandhi. 

§88. Bases ending^, w,' and .*fc* : - t- 

■* > 

.. 4 

ir. ■": 

-' I 

§84. (a) After finals, the go! the loc' pi. is changed tog- 
(A) ^(optionally changeable to 5^) may optionally be inserted 

_ ■ _ _ _ 

-■ - j ^ ij 

between !^and. S M m .$ r *m%l$f^l.<otmffi .W*t*M-*JR- 
loo. p], of g^oj^one who counts well. 

S. S. r G. 3. 


34 Sansket Gbamhab. [ §85-87 

§ 85. Bases ending in ^ , ?^, it, % ff, ff , ^ ar» ?(> *£» f, * > «d' 

.. §86. (a) As a general rule the ^ of the nom. singular is 
dropped after a oonsonant. If there be a conjunct consonant at 
:the end of a word the first consonant only is retained, except 
when £ forms the first member; as ?^-r£. 

■ r 

(b) The final letter is ohaaged to the first or third of its 
olaaB when followed by nothing, to the third when followed 
by a soft consonant and to the first when followed by a hard 
•consonant and remains unchanged before a vowel termination. 

(c) ^ is prefixed to the final before the £ of the Nom. and 
Ago. plural in the case of neuter nouns ending in a consonant 

•except a nasal or a semi -vowel; bat not in the case of a noun 

derived from the frequentative base. 

§87. Paradigms:— • 

srtfN/. a holy stick. 

The rest like. *rfa$. 

. . .' ■ n 

* Or-^; thfc third letter should always te supposed to be 

§87-89] DECLBNSiom 35 

Decline similarly. w|^, j^gr, qftb'tRff* frqfot, nflpPL , 


Nom. sing. Nona. dual. I, dual. Loc. plu. 

1 ■. a 


N.'V. A. N..V. A. 

■ L 

$rc^ $R3Y sfcfSs «Tfflr*T^ ■•rflwfl; wrRm^r 

'S3R. sjspfr 31^ wfig^ snftfft tpftjf^ 

The rest like the mas, 

§ 88. Bases ending in ^, <%, ^ , or $j and -^, ^ j," 

§ 8P. (a)«q; or ^ is changed to ^ when followed by a 
bard consonant or by nothing, and to tt when followed by a 
■eoit ooneonant. 

L ■ 

.■■■»■■ .'■'-■ 

(b) The ending $r or 3 of root nouns and the final of ». 

'TCafc ^r ^ i ^ » "^ 'W^ are changed to ^ when followed 
by any consonant except a nasal or a semi- vowel or by nothing" 
the ^ h changed to s or ^ whea at tho end of a word, and. to 
7 when followed by a soft consonant. The ^ of qfoirer is 
similarly changed to £j>r 3; 

■ "i ■ 

changed to ^ as also the qt of 3^ 'a bold or impudent man' 
and the $;of such words aa f^rajC&o. The^ of sftfc*^ ia 
-changed to §?. 

r ■ ■ 

(d) ^ may optionally be inserted between ?; and the IiO© 
$1. ternv«. 

r^ir ■ ■ r - 


Sansebt Gbammab. 


(0) Before vowel terminations the final ^ may optionaly be- 

<shangea to ^ . ;: 

§ 90, (a) ? is changed to a* when at the end of a pada or 
when followed by a consonant except a nasal or a semi-voweL 
(5) In the case of roots beginning with ^ it is changed to 7. 
under the same circumstances; (c) when forming part of the- 
roots 55, 33 ,^ and Iritis optionally changed to ^ *. *• 
to ^or sr; (d) and in the case of the root 5f$ it is changed to- 
w under the ahoTe-mentioned circumstances , 


. § 91. When a mono-syllabic root ( or root noun) begin* 
with jr, *£, or w and ends with s£, £, ^, ^or ^, the %, *£» or 
a-, is respectively changed to ^, ^, ^, before w or v^ or when, 
followed hy nothing or when the final soft aspirate is changed 
to an nnaspirate letter. 

- J ■" ■■■-_"' 

§ 92. Paradigms-^/, speeohjtnil shining, 55 becoming 
faint &o. 

I F 

- (■- 

*"^ V .' 


K". v. ^ qrrsrt . «rifw: 

^■."f-rtaC. ;wfr 

a. *f^ > » 

. A,' <M*^ „ 

x ^r^r ^f**^*. srfar 

r» wr ■".•,*&* 1 

■ -v " 

Ab; ^rq-: 7, u 

■ 1 

Ab. cr«r: j, 

O. -wrj:. ^^ VFXOi 

&'. v ^fSb 

L» ■«rrft" '-■"'">»■■ : -■■■ wiff 

£- : *erPr - *r*fr 

Deoline similarly TOftra? 

- Beeline similarly 




. ■■■'.»•.■" 

■■-..:■■',:... .;■ 

- ■■■■*■ 

33953;, ff^^^ and words end- 
Jag in %& _ and in ^ and ^ 

f^Tf and root nouns eri^ng; 


S .93 ] _ Declension: 37 

■ i ' F i 


N. sing, N. dual. I. dual. Loc. plu. 

f»ta^ fim%[ fiw^tt f^r^^fra &w& 

■^^ ^ ?T5ft ST 1 **!!^. 

WL/-'. W l 3 ^ v**A V& 

&o. &c. <fec. 

1 * * ■ ■ ' 

fSr$j, fts Arch" fo^r**, ftsy. » 

■ ■ 

55 mas. 

I. str: 3**rr*, ^in*. - list's aBf= 

T ##■ 

Ab, gf : 

Decline similarly f^, *$5 > ft?, f? *«•; e.g.— 

'. N. sing. N. dual. In. dual. Loo; .plu. 


3$ Sanskst GbaMmab. ■. [8-W-H 


The neu. forms of these have no peculiarities other than 
those mentioned above; *. g* 

N. V. A. 

■ tfr 


' The remaining forms like those of the mas. or fern. 

Ibsegtjlar Bases. 

■■ _ . . 

§ 93- (1) The ^r of g*rcrr£ 'Indra* is changed to qr before 
the consonantal terminations} e t g. 

§ 94. The qrT of root nouns ending hi qig is changed to 3f 
before the vowel terminations beginning with the Ace. pla.j 
«. g. f%*%$\% m. the sustainer of the universe, a lord : — 

A- f^iwif^; , 5 fa&r* 

Ab. ; f^fo; „ ?» 

- L 

§94-97] Declension, S& 

Decline similarly fsir^ , *m*n?; , WTO? > *$$m% > &e- The 
Ago. pin. Inst. sing. &c. of vr%f%, are vm: 9 wbt &c. 

§ 95. The 5 of STPtf?/ 'a shoe' is changed to q^ before ^ 
and to ^ before the w of a termination ; e. g. Nom. 441 -Mj ^TT- 
sflShsTR*:; Ins. sing, and dual ^"TR^r? ^TR^irrBj Loe. 

&UHf% d4M$": ? 3' < IR?8r- 

§ 96 SRlf m. an ox. 


Ab. sRf?: ;» >, 

^ !- 

^ra$K n. ( 3Tt*w sr^r; srflu^ ) 

N. V. A. WT3& Wrf^ WTff ft 

The rest like «r?^[ mas. 


§ 97. Nouns derived from the root spv-' to go ' D J" means of 
Such affixes as f%^/f|rff&o. stidh aa .jnjjr ( 5rr-ST33f ) eastern, 
3CT3ST ( fffa-^ ) western, sn?^B7 ( Sf-aTSf ) a companion, 
&fa* < ftrttW ) going away, srwra ( ^-sm ) going with 

1 i ' 

or well, f%«q^r ( f^r^-iT3? ) all-pervading, **3aT northern, 
ar?^ following, &o.—> 


Sanskkt Geammae. 


(«) In the Nona, sing. «n^[ becomes ar^. The nasal of «rs^ 
is dropped before all terminations beginning with the Aoo. plu, 
and the preceding semi-vowel is changed (to its corresponding 

■ ■ ■ i- 

long vowel before the vowel terminations after which st is 
dropped. When ar>^ is not preceded by a semi-vowel its aj* 
is changed to f if not preceded by a long vowel ; otherwise it 
remains unchanged, fflF&Pir becomes frKV under similar 

circumstances. In other respects these words are declined 
like words ending in s q> 



D. - 



N. V* jr^ 





2ST* "v. finf?t 

r ™ 

SESiaar mas 







*rcfNr : 


■ 1 








§ 97 ]'■'".■ Deci^nsion"* it 

The forma of the rest should be similarly made up; e. g. 
N. sing. ST.' pin. A. pin; Inst, dual Loc. plu. 

L ' ■ ■ 

"■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ 


The neu. forms should be similarly made up. 

N.V. A. srr^ flrtSY w% 

WW! 1 


The rest like the mas. 

r ■ 

«f3g means 'to worship' or 'honour', the nasal 



minations; e. g. 

^sns^t Mas. 

43/ Sansksw GltAaniAE. ; (§97-95 

A. scra^. ;» HPS: 

&c. &e. 

* - 

L - iif^r irnif: 3rs&°* 








>> .' ' 




&c &0. 

The rest should be similarly declined. 

- " m 

n.v.a. f^ fir** ft#§i 

■*'■■.- * 

xBases ending in ^ 

§ 98. The penultimate st of nouns ending in ^ is lengthened 
in the Norn. sing, if it does not belong to root nouns. 

^*sS4Ht the moon. 

...d ^— i 

* k 

*■ TUT *, - ■ .- ■ ■ ■ ff 

A. r ^ F8E*f fl^ ^tjPwK ■..,, 


tt ■ if . 




§ &8 } Declension* 4£ 

Decline similarly %t^ the god Brahma, qttto good-minded r 
$$H^ ill-minded, a-+H3[ anxious-hearted &c, 

■■ ■ ■ 

i|tf6^neu. the mind. 

■ * ■ 

N. V. A. JpT: *H«J1 ITT^T 

Decline similarly <ro^ milk, q-q^ age, st^j; Protections 
fame &c, ^i*r^ good, ^PC^j 3^^» &c. 

(a) Nouns in f^ 7 ^r, or afj^ such as 331$!^ flaring up- 
wards, ar^^H; blind, ^N?3^ long-living, $fa[ an arm &o. are- 
similarly declined j e. g. 

N. sing. N. dual I. sing. Inst. dual. Loc. pin. 


N, V. A. < «TO= ST^tf 

*r: ■■**.■■ *ft 

■ B-1X T 

% J- 

Decline similarly ^qlRi^ lustre, $fa^ an oblation, ^r&3[ the- 
eye, otw a bow &o. 

33^ ( 18f5 3^ ) one who wears a garment well. 

■I . ' 

Mat. iVew: 

. . - . . L 

N-gsr: stoK^^* N.v.a., ^i^^rfcr 

The rest like ■BRCfl^ The rest like jpr^ 



similarly ftwjnT^, PT°¥»TO 

t -"■ 

§ 99. The Norn. sing, of a^*^ time,q^r^ *' 
SP5RSC name of S'ukraoharya, is ST^f r, J$#r « 
•tiyely ; the Voo. sing, of 7^ is i^p^ ^pr 
•other forma are regular. 

§ 100. Feminine nouns in ^ simply add the terminations 

^RTT^C. f . splendour. 

*. - 


N. HT: 




I- *rrcrr 




£. >m% 














■ 1 

















S#: .. 







1 n 

The rest like the mas. 

§ 102. The penultimate f or 7 of the words f^tf^C wishing 
-to read, tf$9T m« f. a companion, fcp|fr£ wishing to do, gj^r one 

§102-103] .;. Dbomksion, 46- 



stepping well, Hlffc^f. a blessing, ^3^ cutting well, and also 
of fin; speech, ijj; a yofce, 5^ R town, all fern, is lengthened 

ha i ■ 

before consonantal - terminations; their final is changed to- 
visarga in the Norn. Sing. e. g. ftwf*^— 

A. ftTf**l< Finfi^u f^MteH: 

The remaining forms should be similarly made up by adding- 

r *ri r . 


the terminations. 3r5£g, and the folio wing words should be- 
similarly declined. 

f ■ 

N. sing. N. dual. I. sing. I. dual. Loc. pi a, 

Fir**, fw: f%*^ 

Phc/v"'-":*. "" .'*ftft'-.-.flrcr- ***?* *ft$ 

L - , , 

ending in an^lRlf and gf3f 

p * 

4 ~* 

§ 103. 8T is lengthened in the Norn, sing., and ^ is inserts 

-eflbetw^W^^'tW*^!^^^"*^ ^ ve inflections} the 
tnaTfc is dropped ffc tW NOm; ; sing.; the ar of »?f^ is lengthen^ 

a .-. .1 -~^» - ■- *,- 

ed before this ^except? in ih& Voc. sing. 

1 ■ L ■ ■ 



1*T9[ mas. talented. 

j _ ■ ■ 



-. _ 



77 » 



M >fiW 



WhRpsrr^ *ftwf^: 



» ^fl M4H ' 


99 97 





„ *W% 


.■ ■ 



V. A.*t^ 

^FTcfi" 4faf*^ 

The rest like the mas. 

r i ■ _ i - B i ■ ' 

Decline similarly fcqnr^, nfht^, fftp*5, «T»m> »TO» 

l .r 

*T59(map. great. 

k 1 

A. 1?F^ T$F5K 1J?T : * 

The rest like *ftim. 

■ ■ ■ , 

' - .Afew. ■ 


N. V- A. ^Hflf^ft JTO^r. Tie rest like the mas, 

■ , ■ ■ j 

§ 1C4. Partioipial bases ending in «T^:— 

' " ' i k 

Tiw declension of these does not differ from that of not 

■. a ■ 

■ except in the Norn. sing, mas, in which the «r of af» 


§104] - Declension. .47 

the Aoe. nen., ^ is inserted before the filial q; necessarily in the 

■ ■■ ■ 

«ase of the present participles of the roots of the 1st, 4th, and 
10th classes, and of oansal, desiderative and nominal verbs, 


^optionally in the case of those of the 6th class, of roots ending 
in 8TT of the 2nd class, and of those of the^Fnt. Par. in ^r^ or 
«qrat, and not at all in the case of the remaining participles of 
the present tense. 

WRU being. «IW eating 

The rest lika.flfflV The rest like ^fff5 

Decline all other pattioiples of the Present and Fa. Par. ii 
the mas. similarly. . 

N, V. A. tfi«. ; 

The rest like 

5*3^ JOT SftfNtfi" g*f?*r 

,■ , , r 


Decline *r*rg-, afN^ 7 ^tTOti T^frfat > JYWrab £frnt» &0j 

■ "i , ■ "i 

like aim; «Rn^a»/Hie«'^; ^s^, qp^-^TO'tiraK'* * 

L L I " 

■i r n ■ n 

3ike sww. 

r "- -"■ ' - ■ 

JV. .B. The /em. of these ends in f* ( before which\ is inserted 
«s before the f of the Nen. dual ) and has no declensional 


■ ■ j 

snrr th( 

*■ - 

\ r 

,43 &AN8KBT Gbamhab, [ § 104-K 

w ' 


(S) ^ is not inserted at all In the case of the participles < 
the Pre. of root of the third class and of the Paras m. Fr 

quentative and the participles mnt> *I*W> ^^TT^j *faRO ai 
^1^) ^N*ra and %s?ra; in the case of the Horn. Voo. and Ac 
pin, lieu., however, q; is optionally inserted ;^ 

H '. J , h . 

Mas.- :'■''■"'■ 
ffgj giving STO^ worMng. 

. "" ' - . ' " r ' ' 

n. v. 44^ roft 9^: N, v. wnrac *rr*nft *rr*r« 

* . 

Neu. . - 



Nouns, ending in 3R[and ^ — 

■i ■ 

§ 105. ^ib dropped in the Nom, sing, and before all conso] 
antal terminations. In thetcase of mas. nonns the precedin 
ar is lengthened in the first five inflections and f in the Noe 

sing. only. !3Jhe sr and f are lengthened' in the pin. of the Nom 
Voo. and Ace. of neuter moons. The$r is dropped before th 
vowel terminations beginning with the 3j^ of the Ace. pu 
except when it is preceded, by a conjunct consonant haying 
or er for its latter member-, it is optionally dropped in the Xioi 
sing, of mas, and neuter noons and in the Nom., Voo. and Ac* 
dnal of the" latter. 

In the Voo. sing, the g; of natt. nouns *a optionally retainec 

Nouns ending in 3W(. -i 
|T!I^ mas* the creator. 

K^* ^ . %- r n ■#*. v - ! 

■2fc> «f?n\v JHWHf W$H1> 


§ H>5 ] 

























j ■ 

Decline similarly arro^ the self, 7593 a saorifieer, ^jif^ T 

<I*K mas. a king, 

^- wrr ^TsrHV totpt: 

G« » Tift: n^riH 


Decline similarly ^-jt^ fern, ft boundary ? g$r^ a carpenter, 
«rft^gwatnea8,»if^,wflp^ 7 arfapRC &o., 5?rm; auspioir 
ous named, j^Jj^&c; a. y. 

Norn. sing. Ago. pin. Loo. sing. 


s. s. G. 4. 

SO Saksksx Gbammab. [ § 105-106 



gTPT^ i£H\H\ 


' a 


N. A. 5«r 


The rest like the mas. 

Decline similarly ^H a ^ de > 'i'K an armour, vtf^ a House, 
gold&o., ^r^ happiness, st4^ aporb, jest, sr^T^, tpj^ a joint ftc 


fflH< nea. 



^T* s rl"-H 1 *i»<i 

*n ,j nT% 









TPn^" 1 

5 TP% 





. J» . 

- ■ ■ 


Decline similarly saffa^ the sky, fft*^ the bladder, spp^ love, 
OTT^ a hymn, qre^( lustre, a house &c. 

Irregular Bases. , 

§ 106. *£(%, srzrira; and nouns ending in ^ lengthen their a* 
in the Nom. sing. only, the f of ^ is changed to q^. when 
immediately followed by ^ and its g; to ^ when the; st is not 
dropped e.g. 

■ m - ' h 

_ 1 

^^ mas. 'the sun. ' 

■Nv vbjx trvfl' <ttt: 

V.\ ^ 





: -Declension. 





, i*p%1 















. ■ ■ 

., name of Indra. 


>> 99 

A. fTf°ra; ,? IW* 

p. fsrt 


WMH^ m. name of a deity. 

v. a?&r^ ,99 , 


The rest like fljn;. 

§ 107. The q- of *%fy mas, a * dog,' «|s^ was. a young ma», 
«nd H ' M^*3. mas - name of Indra, U changed to ^ before vowel 
terminations beginning with that of the Ace. pin. 

N. »qr ^rI "sit: 

V. *q^ 

»J ■ 9.J 


Sahtsket Gbajumab. 


A. **ut% 

Ab. <$pr: 


» . 






L. *reftft 







N. V. A> 







§ 108. 3Tf^ ». meaning ' a day • changes its final to ^ (and 
nally to rwarja ) when followed by consonantal termination* 
r by nothing ; in other cases it is declined lite 5?m.. 

108-110 ) 





9Tf : 







r , ■ 






' *W 



■. a 






■ ■ ■ ■ 
■ ■ i ■ ' 




**S*S- : 3 

. 1 

§ 109. st#^ m. a horse is declined like a word ending in 3 
in all oases except the Norn., and Voe. singulars; e. g. N. soft j 

•fWk *r$s?j:j T. 3^, sr$*ft, vifaft A. af^ara;, stf^, 

^t ; Inat - ar&rr, sr$irara; , arffic: &o. 

i. - ■ ■ 

t*A['iM». is declined as ^,^ ^1 Norn. Voc. 
A00.5 the rest like srf^ mas. 

§ 110. Words ending in $^— 

*hR< m. an elephant. 





Decline similarly $rftf^ the moon, ff^S^ one 

, 1 1 ■ i ■ ■ - 1 ■ ■ 

^f^ a wealthy man, $fl3^ an elephant, gfrq^t 
garland, aflWH 1 ?^ and all other words in ps? 





"1 1 g. 








■ j a 







L * ' 

54 Sansket G-bamhar. [ § 110-112 

«P<m.»*j *if*rc 



qfte a road, trfirw 

handle, and ^t $%3f name of India, are irregular. They drop 
their fa( before vowel terminations beginning with the Ace. pin.. 




■- i 

■ ^ 








r l 
















Decline similarly *rfq^ ana* s ggffo^; t fle latter word, how- 


ever, does not insert the ^in the first? five inflections; #.'$.. 


Bases ending in q-^ or fT^— 

§112. These are the Perfect participles derived form roots 
with the affix q^ to which the intermediate f is prefixed in 
some oases. They have ^ prefixed to their final ^ in the first 

r m r . .. t ■ - \ 

five inflections, the penultimate a? being lengthened before it- 
In the Nom. sing. m. the ^is dropped and the Voc, sing, ends 
in 3^. ^ is substituted for ? (before which the preceding 

, ■ "i 

short f, if any, is dropped ) before the vowel termination* 
beginning with those of the Ace. pin. and before the f of the 

4 , 

§113] Deoghnsion 55 

Horn. Yoo. and Ace. dual of neater nouns. The final ^ of a 
root which is changed to ^ before «n^ reappears before this 
m the final ct is ahanged to y before the consonantal termi- 
nations and in the Nona. Voe.-and Ace. sing, of the neuter. 

J^S^tn* a learned man. 
N. faux fTC?$ft ftfta- 1 

A. f%fta^_ n ^S^ : 

I- ftw Rutwn Atft* 

l>. fair « ftt-iw : 

Ab. ftgcr: .■.:■'■'■ » » 




N. V. A. fajq; firs^fl 1 , r*Wr% 

The rest like the mas. 

Decline similarly *tP*^< o* *HM*L one wil ° ^as ^ one > 
•Sferq^r one wil0 naB s ^ood, ft-flq+^one who has carried, ^gg^ 
one who has heard, %f$q^one who has sat* «. g. _ 

Kom, sing. Nom. dual. L sing. I. dual. 



h ■■ 4 + -m 

*ff$*K 'WWW 

56 Saksket Gbamhab. [ § 113-114 

Bases in sr^ 

§113 Comparatives in 33^ or £«rqf are declined like bases 
in ^ in the first five inflections and the Voe. sing, and like 
mouns in ar^ in other respects; e.g. 

«fcrecX comparative of sRi^r ) more praiseworthy. 

N. %*\% $«I?{ft ! $8ffcr: 

I. ^^r %it»*rra: $*tft* 

The rest like ^ipi^> Decline all comparatives in fara flU *b 
«*T^hre(> W^NTO[> g I q?q-H &c. similarly. 

■ Neu. 

The rest like »prg\ Decline «. nouns in fro similarly. 

■ ■* 

Wokdb of Irregular DsCaaassiJON. 

§ 114. arftq- n. a bone, fRr »■ cards, gfaq; ». a thigh, and 
SrfSg- n. an eye, become sr^, ^^ , «W3 and 3T^eT< respectively 
before the vowel terminations beginning with the I. Sing, and 

and then they follow the declension of nouns in ?; in other 
jrespeets they are declined like mf*. 


















fc-117 ] Dbocension. 

D. arc** 



Ab. sre*r: 





Ii- 3#^*^ 




$fq- and others should be similarly declined. 

■-; § 11$. afT /., water, is declined in the plural; it lengthens 
itaarintheN. and changes its t to ^ before consonantal 

terminationB; vn^-WrilftvvnNVtiV 1 *"- »TCn*-3F3- 

§ H6. f^is changed to #: in the N. and V. sing, and to 
-w before the consonantal terminations^ *ft: f^ |$w: 27. 3f¥<n^, 
L dnal. q^ L. pi. 

§ 117. The words 3Rr/ old age, «T5fT «». one not getting 
old, and frsfc a god, optionally assume the forms snsr, , WFOT 


; sitr. 

N. srcr 

»ITj 5f^9T 

srer, srw 

V. 9ft 



A. SHT^? SfT3^ 



I. SfT^CTj »K*ff 



D. Mil $9 *f*% 


Ab. srcrepj *I<W 


if ■ 

G- „ 

SRWfrj »f ^aV: 


3j. ^nr^r^j ^ra% 

"■ F 

* » 


Decline ftsfc like xtH 

and ^f^jprac— 


N- ft^fc 




£ Pfw9T-PfwT 



53 Sansk^t Geamhak. [ § 1 17-1 18- 

<*• Pl4<«l-ftafar: ^*^T:^rot: Pts ftp T W. -ftrafonq; 

8T^T m. lika 

§ 118. The words q^, je*, mfer*r, TOT. STO nftrr, a^^ 

*£?& ^(t ^*> 3T9T, WW, *ftr , «nRT and ^r optionally as 
same the forms ^ , ^ , ^ f qr^ CjyftK> HOV-fT; 
^ftflO T^C; 3$^, STra^? Tf^ ? 3^, and ^ before all termina- 
tions beginning with the Aoc. pin. 

$^m. an arm. 
.*-■ sir* *hft tf*r: 

Ab. fhr;-«or: "'.;,■'■.' „ 

■ ■■ 


ft^FTf. night, 

v. ^ „ 

§ 118 ] sDE0£BNSIOHV 5fr. 

^T«$ lieu, a summit, a table-land. 









wjpfc *-[fr 



^T3*^nx» *3**n^ 

*n*[Pt**> ?5^ : 


^3%* 53^ 

314*4^1 wjpc 

<ni**i •> '^*^r* 


* M 'i*^ ! » ^|H* 





wd^l-i ^gpff- 

■vw^mt v$n\<K 





The remaining words should be similarly declined according" 
to the declensions which their various endings follow:— 

■ . ■ 

TT? m. a foot. 









»» " 







inr*wnfc -*ttriir^ 




'TIJWfc* q$h 

J ■ 

■ ■ 

■ ' 

3*tT zn. a tooth. 







f 5 *^ 


■■ ■ n ■ - 


s^fry >, wr 



^»%» $fa 

Vwf; fflt : 

■ LI ■ 



3n§5>r /. the nose. 







■■■ 99 ■■' 

5 ffl%«sr- » to- 


Sansket Grammab. 

[ §118 








*ire m. a month . 


*ra^ »irar: 


1W n, the heart. 


5**> s**^il^r 

3T*£sr n. bl 

I II* 

N. V. 

a*?*?-*!: sTsrsft 





ar^TT-arw stst**^. ar^r^rr^ arsf^-sref*: 


3*S#-H& „ 




1 1 i B 

&f m. soup. 






y$n~qmr ^rp-sr^, f«p*H^ 



^j ff^-^f^ ^tc.^nr: 



sff^n. the fiver. 



TfT^-i; Tfreft 



: >* " " '■■ > ■ 


§118-119 ] DEduBNsroN-. . e£ 

n. water. 



3TT^T n. the month. 

«. v.m*n arret wwft 

A- » » » -srraift' 

*?fa n. flesh. 

I- ifffo if^rr *ror**rnj vn^vr^ writ:* hiT^h - 

g?RT f. an army. 

A, s^PTF*. „ „ «*: 

§119, The following suffixes are sometimes -added to- 
Dominal bases to express the meanings of cases. 

•62 Sansket Gbammak. [§119-122 

(a) The suffix ^ added to the base of a noun gives it the 
sense of the Ab.; as JFTTVTP 'from carelessness/ TCgft: ' from 
-the real state of the thing, in reality/ grirw: e from knowledge'; 

(b) The suffix ^ is used to denote the meaning of the Loe. 
«ase and. is generally added to pronominal adjectives; as *pr 'in 
that place, there'; q&sc <in every place, everywhere ', &e. 


§ 120. A few nouns such as 53; 'earth', f^ 'heaven/ ^^[ 

* a year of an era', sfttra; 'setting/ bj^ 'ease,' srq^ 'a bow/ ^ft?r 

* hail, farewell/ &e. are indeclinable. 



1 j j ■ 

§ 121. The folio wing words are commonly used as Pronouns 
in Sanskrit;— g*T, fa 5 *, 3<T, ST*, 3T**T, *F*&R, $3T, %*T, '*$, TC» 

am, sfsrr, srrt, am, are*, w, ?rc , 5? »■ Ta^» ss 1 ** ar?^» TO 

it, 1«H1> ST^Tf » *TO> an^ Rro; as also qrat, ^fTcTiT> STtlT, *?R, 
and ?m?, ?ra*T derived from f%^» ^ and srt by the affixes are?* 

and areR. 

1— Personal Pronouns. 

§ 122. The pronouns «TCT^> 'I'-JWI^ *Thou, * and Hq^v 
■* Tour honour ■' :— 

N.B, The declension of the first two of these pronouns is 
-the same in all the three genders. 

. '-\2ST-."'" arrercc **ra; 

UMS ] 



I. w*r 



D- *w* » % 

*irar**m, ^ 

»iw«i^) *p 

Ab. its 


G. ipr, $ 

**w41-*? *?r 

M**tr*^ , T 

Ij. 3ff^ 




3**^ m. f. n. 


N. ^ 



A. ?wg;,?*r 


^HK? 7: 

I. syarr 



t>- i**p*,?r 

l^P^r^., ^R 

yip*!^* v 

Ab. ^gr 


G- wr».'^ 

5TO*:> *ttW 

5*hmi< ? ^' 




H?^ to *> e daolined like irea;-TOr^ *TT^ *n*S' **"., *3?3^ 
^T^tTf WT A. &o. 9nr*T^> *PnPI^> (sea Syntax, Pronouns) 
•are similarly declined. 

■ r ' 

j ■ , 1 

2 ^Demonstrative Pronotins. 

§123. The pronouns ggthat or he, she, it,' 3-3$ 'this' 
f%*Z * this ' and sto£ 'that*. 

(a) The Norn. sing, of the first two is respectively ^; and 
<pr: mas. and ^f and ipftfim. In other eases they beoome-cT 
and <j|r in the mas. and are declined like nouns in ST except in 
the Norn, pi., D. and Ab. sing., G. pi. and L. sing, the termin- 
ations of which are $• , ^, ^h^ , f^ra aud rerct; and ar and q^jr 
in the fern, and are declined like nouns ending in arr execept 
in the D. and Ab. sing. G. sing, and pin. and L. sing, the 
terminations of which are ^ , 33T§> WTCC.* *TO aQ d ^rr^. All 
pronouns ending in sr and arr aIe similarly declined, tnr is 
substituted optionally for q-^ in the Aoc, Inst, sing., and Gen. 

and Loo. duals. - 

64 Sanskbt Gbammae. [ §125- 

n^ mas. 

N. *r: ft 

A. ^ ft HT^ 

Ab. «tHI4L « » 

&• *TC* TOT-" ?Nrc 


I. ?WT «n*«ri^. *Trf*T: 

B. H^ »» W*T 
Ab. <K*f: w „ 


N. arid A, ^ > Wfr 
The following oaBes like the masj 

| 3H3( mas. 














■■ " ■ ■ ■ 



Declension- . 































** ■ 


% ■ 




The rest like the mas. 


Note: — The Viiarga of ^n and qav is dropped when followed 
by any letter except ar in which case the usual sandhi takes 

place; sr *T«gg; *[i WHIlft; but 'rft&rent *°-5 HIT- ^: (m the- 

r _ 

Visarga is final )- * 

(*) ff^ and afa^ are irregularly declined; ff^ also substi- 

tutes <pr optionally like q^ 


N. arast 



A. ^^-dtt^ 





d;- ar^r 



Ab, sfpTfu: 

■. i 


S, S. G« 0. 

" " 


Sansk$t Gbamkab. [ § IM 

.1*. sTft** » "W 


Ab. amr » .'» ■ 

ii. src»n^ *» 8TO 


The reBfc like the ma*. 

3*3^ Mas. 

L. araf^roc » 



1*. «Rft «*5 srg;: 

A, 3Pjg^. ".'■»» ? * 

AJb.- »igwWv" : ■ 'ft'". ""-.;" 









§122-123 ] Declension. 67 


N. &A. «ff: 3*5 srg^r 

The rest like the mas. 

3 — The Relative Pronouns. 
1 123. The pronoun ^ 'who, which 7 ; — mas. base q: 

jfoan, base «rr 

». *: 


A. «ru: 


" I. - *r 


D. *& 


Ab. ir^rgr 


<3r. w& 

!** : 

L- ^I^ra; 

" ■ 



w. *r 


A. ^. 


I. **r 


D. «K$ 



G. 3 , 


■"I*- 444K 




N. & A. *Rt 


The rest like the maj. 

■ ■ 




Sanskiit Gbakmab. [ § 124-125 

4.— The Interrogative Pronouns. 

5124. The pronoun f^K*, mas. base ^fem. baae «m— 


N. *: 



A. g^ 


*■ %3" 



I>. ES& 



Ab - 3?**n^ 

5 J 


G. gf^ar 



jL. 3Tfnr^ 




N. m 



A. sfff^ 



i. sff^r 



B. ««* - 



Ab. gr?arr: 



<*• ^rror: 



l*. sfws, 





. ■ 




The remaining cases 

like the mas. 


P-— Reflexive Pronouns. 

§ 325. The fense of the reflexive pronouns is, in Sanskrt, 
expressed by the word arr^< self 'which is invariably used in 
the masculine gender and singular number, and by the reflexive 
adverb «*( to add emphasis >...,. grf jurorf «„& 5^ 
*mh « They all f she wives of Daa'aratWi a«« s„'j._-._ .. 

& 125-130] Decehnsion. 


w«V were guaraea oy dwarfs"; so *r or ST frcnTOqftw tmHR 


6. — Indefinite Pronouns. 

§ 126. Indefinite pronouns are formed by the addition of 
fa*k or ^T or arfr and sometimes of f^; to the various cases 
of the pronoun ^ in all the genders; e. g. gtf*^, *&&, a 
certain one, SRfrf*, gpTTft", gMl«K , 3T*rrft; SRrft^ &o. Sometimes 

>un ^ is prefixed to f^j as *r: qifflrfoHt »^; ^ % 

§ 127. The terminations given above are also added to 
derivatives of ft^ to give them the sense of indefiniteness; 

aa «4n^q; at sometime, gR^r^T, *rRrf%$ 8ome > 9?f^ some " 
where &c. 

7 — Correlative Pronouns. 

§ 128. Correlatives are formed by the affixes ^q: added to 

3r§r, a^ and o-^; and padded to %%*% and fer^in the sense of 

'asmuehas;' and ^ or ^ in the sense of 'similar to'; 3^ > 

^g^ and ^ become ?rr, *r*rr and arr respectively before these, 

^^ r 

and f^ and ftp* $ and fqy before ^ and f and qft before f^r 
like that, f^r like this, rar^how much &o. 

r J ■ 

§ 129 The affix ariK ia added to ^ ^ and f^ to show 
number or measure; «. $r. ^ft 'so many' qfa 'as many', and *jf% 

■i ■ 

'how many.' These are declined in the plural only, and take no 
termination in the Nom. and Ace; #.< #. Nom. and Aee. ^rf%; 
Inst. q^ifSft; the rest like nouns in y, 

8— •Reciprocal Pronouns. 
§130. Reciprocity is expressed by the repetition of the 
pronominal adjectives af?*, f^ and <n% «. g. ST^tRTj ?tffcR;, 
and TOW- These are generally used in the sine, and also 

70 Sansket G-eahuab. [ §130-131 

adverbially; e. g. 7^ Sg»j*«r#* 60.. -(Bag. VII. 14)-, 
*TOft. i%^% &c. They are more commonly used as the first 
members of compounds; as siwft»4|jRHr*|JM F &y r &°- (En. I. 
4* ). n ft< H< Nr : ( Sis. X. 24 ) &e. 

9 — Possessive pronouns. 

§131, Possessive pronouns are formed by means of the 
secondary affix $q added to 35, (j?p£, arCT^and 3£t*nx; ? And «r 
and fsr added to arcr^ and $w^ changed respectively to qpfajr 
*nd cfraj^r in the fling, and snw^T and aitarajr in the pin. 
before these; e. g. 


Sing. Plu. 

JT^ar 'my, mine' arotfar ' our ours * 

^TOT » arrctfrajr . _ w 


Sing. Plural, 

a^hrr * my, mine ' a^qa^r *onr, ours * 

'inrtftajir » *iiHi* r iHi ■»....■.' 

■ j ■ 

M^s. Fern- 






■ 1 



*thy, thine' 

V 011 ** yours* 

'thy, thine' 

'your, yours'" 

r ■ 

| 131-133 ] Decusnsion. ?I : 

<fchy, thine' 'your, yours* 'thy, thine' 'your, yours.' 

ana*. ^a». mas. fem. 

«#T ftfNf <f#* SWffTT 

JV. 5. There are delined lite nouns ending in ar, W o r f 
regularly. ^ is a possessive pronoun by itself and is decline* 
as such. 

10 — Pronominal Adjectives. 

§ 138. sro < another, arwrat « either of two,' f?TC ' other,*' 
and trtffTm * one of many,' sfi^rt 'who or which of two/ 3RPT 
<who or which Of many,' qrarc who or which of two,' *IOT 
who or which of many,' wr: ' that one ( of two )/ H3W ' I***"- 
one ( of many )' are declined in all the three genders like- 


f , 

N. 3r*fc: *rtrr} *wrt 

I J J I r ■ 

K. mm *sfc *mv 

' Neu. . . 

j _ ■ ■ , 

_ r _r , r ■ r 

■ J ■. 


r ^^ "i 

N. &. A, cftcfC^, ^^ «MKlfl-; 

§183. Decline *tf, f^, W (declined in the dual only > 
and WT ( which has no dual according to some grammarians) 
both meaning 'both,' **rc *ad fqRJrc '.one of two/ like #£ 
except in the Norn, and Aoo. sing, of the neu. which is formed. 

by *aaing *$ *. S* 

WC mas. * all V 

A^ *pf* ^F *nfa -■■.■■.'■■' 

.72 Sanskbt Gbakmab. [ § 133-136 

I. **T 



D- *r?^ 



Ab. 4j4*HI4 



G- ^r4vi 



N. *i4ftw< 





















■ ^#tot; 











J , , 

N.&.A. *#* *ft ^t 1 

The rest like the mas. 

£ 134. ^q\when it does not mean "a class " or " wealth " 
is a pronoun and is declined like g^ m.f. ».; but it forms its 
Nom. pin. and Ab. and Loc. sing, optionally like XXH when 
mas.; as ^ or ?qj: c one's own. 7 Nom. pin,; but ^r* ( people of 
one's class ) only ( declined like n*T )• 

§. 136. ars^ is a pronoun ( and therefore declined like ^ 
f. n. ) when it means u exterior, outer; or what is to be worn 

outside, as a garment" except when followed by*rt; it is 
optionally declined like nouns ending in sr in the Nom. pin, 
and Ab. and Loo. sing, of the mas. ; e.g. si?g^ $RITr «TT TOty 
^fc-H^Kf VTqrcJnT: ( garments ). But apq^prf ( outer ) 3ft. 

- 1 ■ ^ B 

ji 136. %q; meaning ' half ? is a pronoun, but it is optionally 

J 136-139] Dbolbnsion. 73 

, "i 

r ■ 


declined like uh in the Nom. plu. mas.; in other respects it is 
declined like 3$* 

■ ■ ■ 

§ 187. qr» <r£ * prior, eastern 7 , snr * posterior, western', 
ff%°T * southern f f ^?rr; « superior, northern, subsequent 7 , sptT 
Mother' and aroc 'inferior, lower 7 , when they denote relation in 
space, time or person with reference to a particular thing or 
point of time &c. and are. not a name, are pronouns and are 
then declined like *nJ; but they are optionally declined like 

XfH in the Noi 

era?: Ab. "J^g^^id,, qjfr^int^JP 

^S^Rf- *«•; Dnfe ff^tr: *m?KP ( skiIful;musiciauB ) and 
not sf^t; for ^TT does not show any relation here; so StHT* 
^7: and not gfjt, as 3'TO- is a name here. 

■ I J" 

§ 138. sm, nTTj SfFTj 9T& ^TW, aud words ending in 
the termination ^zr, optionally form their Nom. plu. like that 

of pronouns; e. g. spr^-smTP j SKf^q^-^TT«rr:, fttfr-ftSRF: &c. 


h , ■ 

11 — Pronominal adverbs. 

■ j 


§ 139. The pronominal adverbs that are most commonly met 

1 a r *■ a 

with are derived from the pronouns grf^ qm, ot, |^> f^fiTC* 
and 3?$ and the pronominal adjectives «gj|, q^ &e, by means of 
such affixes as 3^ , sr, &c. added in the sense of the Ab. or the 
Loo*; $r? 3pfl^> f§ & c * showing time, qt^ showing point of time, 

■ "i 

place or direction, «rr, s^, arrff &c., expressing direction, qr, 
it &o. expressing way or manner &c.; is. g. 

m„. ...... ............ ...«nr taen i wn^fht".** ^at fcime » sffc 

then, therefore- qtrr ao; vpr there, 
53: thence, thereupon, therefore; &c. 

j ■ ■ a 

■ 1 - " Ti 1 ■ h 

.« -»^K bow; y&Q tfans r spr- her*§ 

74 Sansk^t Gbahmab. [ § 139-140- 


siff: therefore; 73: from this, hence} 
STgwr now; ff here. 

**»£...*.... <£af$stow; *«r^ thus- anr; hence,. 

therefore; *nr here. 

^f; *f$ when; 3T3T when; 3j*rr »*; W 

where; *H|: whence, since, because. 

..flWC— ...q»if when; g^fT when; gr*T^ towj- 

p where ; «£ where, ^j: where; . 
whence- g»$ whence, how. 

«* ^for always; ^r always- s^fa: 

1 J ■ 

everywhere, on all sides; wJt 
everywhere, in all places. 

IT-..-. irf^: farther on, beyond &o. 

^». ...... ......;:, g^^ra; before, in front &o. 

w.«... ••!*:> rancor snrosni:, *wsr:> 

Sp^TR^ do WBj below. 

*rrc • -.««** ar^ar^ or awTOrrac* WW,. 

behind, below, downwards. 


3TK - TOT3 from behind, afterwards,west- 

r r 

SfiPT — ... •■•-^TTT? ^flnTT^? ^°rnt to or in . : 

■--;■.- ;, 

the south, on the right side. 

WK- .......... ...tTOCT;??^, 3Mtrit *<><>r in the 

■""■.; north, &c. 

§ 140. When a pronominal word is used as the subordinate 
member of a compound, or is at the end of anlhst. Tat., or of 
a sentence having the sense of the Inst. Tat., or at the end of 
a Bwandwa, it is not declined like a pronoun; e.g. sr fSaal^f : *& 
*ffifcr«fc "IW **Rl*wTfl and not o^#^ ; or «rf3Rt3t JS^/HRr- 

S 140-141 ] 



SUfar or »n%!T %fi* and not iTrergtf&J ^^jfafcamp* &°-» in the 
case of a Dwandwa oomp., however, it ia optionally declined. 

like a pronoun in the Norn, pin.; as 3<*foiftft or -to*: 1 


§ 141. 


















T 3 *^ 































1 *W??ra; or q<&Mf3^l$ 

gfFrf^srf^ or T^rvrf^rRr 
i srrtWfc or itsftafttra; 

. i. 

•^becomes tftnooeaaarily when followed by %$, (subati- 

F ■ I 

tuted for $nf) and $*p^, and optionally when followed by qr 
after which ^ is changed to 5 and tq- to s> * r g. ^t31. 


Sanskbt G-bajehab. 










48 v* 


49-. W TTTOrfifa^-or 

50 V 

51 H 

52 tt 


irrar^ or 

53 m^ 


^W^^r^rgr or 














VK T3T«rre 

^ fT^TE' or ft'srfi' 

^ =3rar:'n% or f^r«rHr 

$» wife 
%* arOTfi* or 

^ *Pfqfe or 

^ $rcnri% or taaft 
•I M^WHfii or ftrorft 



•* BTCRRfl^ or 3Tff98ft 
** *rTOHfa or ^H^ft fir 

41-143 ] 




H '4\ l£4iHftRf 




32 *V fH#RT 




33 <| wi^Hid 



M uu i^r% 

54 <rv e q§t*ftf?f 




85 *t <naraftfa 



«r?R3i% or STSJprfrf 

Be ^ retftfi* 




87 <9 wrrsfrra 

<fgfhr?rsi^ &c 

88 €€ vfgjmffi 

100 ^QO 

^r?r ««w. («?tfo zb.) 

89 ^ ^qr^fifa 



f^Fff «ew or $■ ^ 


&e. 300 


90 V sfq^ /bot. 

a j 


°* *if* ^rarft 

91 u copnft 

1000 \oo* H?5T «fi». 

92 ^.'imtiror 


or f^RRT nets. 

93 ^3 ^4Hqft or Brref?? 

- ' 

10,000 afgfl m. «. 100,000 ?*$r neu. or vagffim., ST^rm. ».,.. 

grH£/e»»., a?ff «e«. ; arssr w«.,^ *»■ ».? srercsr *»«&> ^ .«of^ '..' 

5rsr*T *»aa.» ar^qr ng«., 7f%£| and TO*f *s#. Each of these is ten 
times as great as the preceding. 

■ ■ ■ ■■ ' 

§ 142. The cardinal numbers between f%5rf% and r%$^ f%^ 
and y y frffaq. &o«? U will be seen, are mads up by prefixing T^r 
fjf, &e. up to «r?? to the lower . The ninth intermediate number- 
may also be made up by prefixing tjshH , 3?* or q-^jvT to the 
higher. Xn these compounds f$, pr and ttE% &*© changed to 

' * i ' ■ 

■ ■■ i , ■ i 

ST, gpr:, and arcr necessarily before fi^rtft and f^i^, and 
optionally before the rest, except af^fit before which they 
remain unchanged. 

§ 143. The cardinal numbers between 100 and 200, 200 and: 

■i ■ 

300, &o., are generally expressed by means of arf^gr added to 
the number showing the excess and then optionally prefixing 

'78 Sanskbt Geammab. [ § 143-146 

the whole to 100, 200 &e ; e. g. ipfirfttf Vft' or SSfffRflK^ 

ioi, sTTwrfsra? srw or 0f?irrf^r^i us, <osrrcnrftrarotf *°. 15 °- 

r ^^ 

-After 1000 this 3TW7 may be repeated with every multiple of 
ten or hundred; e. g. ft-3R3Czrftrc&|£*|cf!ft%'{I$34. 1892, (icfciw- 
^«qiRy$fa^^T#rfa*«y^HM^$UlfSr#r SW^. 177639, &e. 
Similarly StT* may also be used instead of arf^ffj e - 9* **§'*- 
H^[%\&T\mH5lHi± 754. Or these may also be at times, express- 



ed by the copulative particle qj; as ^r ^ OTTI^, ftofiftl 720. 


§ 144. The Tad. affix ar may be used, instead of $rf^> in 
'the case of the cardinal numbers ending in ^r^ s *-be numeral 
f^ptlfcT and thoae ending in qjq> t. s. in the case of the numerals 
111-159, 211-259. 311-359, &c. before which the final 
sr^, *rfft and ajq; are dropped; e.' g. n^r^f SRT*. 1H» f%# fltf 
•120, <p»^n|t ^ 150, -gq*<f ^rt 217, f§Rf ftrctf 330 and so on. 

L ■ 


§ 145. (a) The ordinals from q-^, rtv P& ^"gt an( * ^9L are 
^irregularly formed. They are sprsr, ffcsfor, g;*ffar, «erg*J, and «rgr 
respectively; for sny*,; srRFf and afrit* and for «s|TOI> 1# and 
4<)*l are also used, ( b ) The ordinals from other numerals up 
to 35r^ inclusive are formed by dropping the final g; and 
adding jr and after %%% up to q"^f ^ by simply dropping the 
^. The ordinals from i^JfltS above are formed fay adding *r*r 
or by dropping the fs of fifm$ and the final consonant of the 
■rest; In the case of compound numerals, if there be a final 
vowel, that vowel is changed to sr, while the simple ones 
•ending in a vowel t, e. sn% ? Wtm, WRfrfSr and itqfn form their 

r _ ■ 

ordinals in the first way only; as ^H"*T 7th, jr^r 12th; fqftr or 
ftllfcn 20th- ^fifer-iffRm 23 rd; «^rff?T, ^r^fiSfTrrf 40th 

but ufam only; u;^q?: or q ' ^ Mi fiaq : &o« *rcr has invariably 

j , , ■ 

■ L 

1 L 

Declension of the numerate (cardinals and ordinals). 

§ 146, t&i, ( n^f/« m ), ft ( ST fem, ), fa ( flBt^fim.^ and <*r^ 

§146-148] Declension. 7 q 

<' , VH^^Sw.)weaU«ljeetiTeS'Mia , .teke the gender, number 
and case of the nouns they qualify. 

§ 147. q-Sfr, when a numeral, is declined in the sing, and fa- 
in the dual only . ft is considered as ^ and they are both 
deolined like ^ in all the three genders ; 0. g, 


■ ■ 

, mas. 

1 * 


fim. $, nm. 
















■ * 


The rest lib 






the mas. 









aeu. (f^T^ N- A. The res 

it^T when it does not meai 
ural also ; e. g, fffi q% so 

§ 148. f*r and ^33; are i 


«ww. /am. "feb.- .jj^' 

■A.. #q; „ A. TOp 


D.Ab. ft**: fi^«r: D.Ab. rat$ : 

■Ir— ft5.-.': :-.ft*|J. I*, fit 'Wlf 

80 SUSSEX GteAJIMAB. [ § 148-161 



N. V. A. sftfSr N. V. A. TOfft 

The rest like the mas. The Test like the mas. 

§ 149. Tsg^ — Hqq^l< - These are also adjectives agreeing- 
in ease with the nouns to which they are applied, ■ : They are 
deolined in the p]. and are uniform in all the three genders. 

N. V. A* qssr srv;? $&~&{£t 

^TH^fj =T^ and the following cardinals upto H^^AK o*ght 'to 
be declined like q*^. 

■ M 

§ ^O. ^H H«fd; ftiffft »nd other cardinal numerals up to 
5T3«rafsT are all feminine substantives. The numerals srt , m^m 
&c. (for gead. see § 143. ) have no declensional peculiarities. 
They are declined in the sing, and so used with a plural noun y 
e. g. frqi3q|ftNffl u t|t 25 Brahmanas ; q^r^rfF^sr^r ot ifq^ 
*^trft«r STcfcr rft: or mfa: by 111 men or women ; ^siffiT^tor 
^qf&: with Es. 999, &p. They may be made to have duals 
and plurals by being used as fixed standards of counting; #. g. 
OTOTlPff f%5T3T: many twenties of Brahmanas; $5ft.iff{NI^ 
two hundreds of women &e. 

§ 161, The ordinals are declined regularly except :— 

J . 

§ 151-153 ] Numerals. 81 

TO* ( sea § 139 ), fipfte auo 1 K&* are optionally declined 
like pronouns in the D*t. Ab. G-u. and Loc. sing; *. g, 

fttfN*¥t» fWNnr- &o. WHri*wr-fVft^fn &o. The fem. of 

a wffrw is formed by adding axr and of ^»*f 


Numeral Adverbs. 

§ 1*2. («) sconce, ffc: twice, fir: thrice, «*$: four times* 
from T^% onward adverbs of frequency art formed by adding 
^rw: before which final ^ is dropped ; «. ^. ^fi^r: five 
times, &HfT*?: seven times &c. 

(*) <Hrer or^rv*^ in one wav or part ; far or |^r or fpf 
in two ways or part* ; faff or iNr or %^ in three ways, &c, 
^gtfin fonr ways *frr or sr^rr ia six ways, ijnrar, aafff^r, &o. 


(«) TTOi: 8in gly> one DV one 5 fiC*T ! ^o and two, by twos; eo> 


§ 153. Other derivatives from the numerals: — 

(a) By the Taddbita affix gr whiuh is added to numerals 
ending in *njC, and ^, and f?r ( often with v rddbi of the first 
vowel );*. g. r^s;: bought for. five ( Bs. &c ), nmtRwsRz 
bought for forty ; so f^Trj^r: bought for twenty (coins, &c )j 

1 j 

(5) By means of the Tad. afl&x qq in the sense of 
«oon»tstiog of parts " or * collection; " «. g mwq ( «gwg-^r 
fim, ) consisting of four parts or a collection of four; so 
<HCT* ( /««.-«& )» 3«T is optionally changed to srq- after fir and 
f^T ( before which the final f is dropped, e. g, g^r or fy^ 
( -ifrfem. ) twofold, consisting of two parts or a pair; w*r or 

faff* ( -*ft ./**» ) threefold or consisting of three parte, a, 
collection of three, a triad. 

(«) By means of gff and ar^ 0. y. «r^ a collection of six; wagqr 
a collection of five, $$rw a collection of ten,' a dec ad. &o. 

3. s. a. 6. 

■82 Siasrsx^T Gbammab. [ § 154-158 



§ 154. $r and tpr are the most common terminations of the 
comparative and superlative degrees respectively.* They are 
added to that crude form of words which they assume 
before the Inst, dual termination; e. g. spr^rairRrSF^T Wf: 
rfyfli:; WT^wRrT^T Bg: &%W-\ similarly i£F$-%ttK, $f<n; 

§ 155. Betyre these the final y and gj of a pratipadika ate 
optionally shortened; e.g. iftZKT or f^tf, Mhwr or f^rer. 

§156. «r: and cnr when added to verbs, and indeolinables 
except when used adjeeti vely, assume the forms of TO 3 ? and 

tftlPOTt; so gOT^t &c; but ^^BS adj. ( higher ). 

§ 157. §T3gg > is another termination of the comparative 

-degree and %& of the superlative.* These are added to adjec- 
tives of quality only. Before these the last vowel of a word 
of more than one syllable, with the following consonants if 

any, is dropped; e. g. <$f-55tfHrg> «Bl8; ^S-T^^ , Tfeg"; TO£- 

r ^ 

158. The possessive affixes at the end of words and the 

- affix ^ are dropped before fir^rand f? aQ d then these fcermi- 
> nations are applied subject to the above rule; e. g. i{f$m^ 

talented^rtffar^, iPlS'; ^Mlfa^-Wni^j ^PTOi *lPwt'^ ! fN'C» 

- so ^n?ra^» #r*M *">*» stf*^ one having a garland &e. 

■ j 

* Properly speaking these terminations show the excess in 
-which the excellence of one thing oyer another or more lies 

f§ 159-161] Dbgbbes OP OOME4.BlSIOir. 8S 

§159. tis substituted for the 3? (short) of a base, pre- 
ceded and followed by one consonant, before ftOT, $? and the 
Tad. aff. fi^j a. y. 




B£*r < thin* 



53- 'strong, firm' 



'Mfttja 'head, chief 


41*1*1 ft 8 

■^ 'broad' 


■ j 

5J5T 'much' 



^S ' 8 °' fe> 



But effsg 

j ■ ■ 1 - n ■ _ 

r ■ 

■§ 160. The words m ar, 5^, r%ir and ^sf drop their final 
■syllable (*". «. the final vowel with the preceding consonant 


L - ■ 

•only ) and rnr^ its ^ before these and their vowel takes its 

:guna substitute, 0. g. ^fW-^[+i^[=^r!'4-t«r^ and then 

•■^pftsr^i 30 ^n^Tffi see the list below. 

g 161. The following is an alphabetical list of the irregular 
comparatives and superlatives that are commonly met with;— 

Positive Comparative 


L - 

*Tf3*rer '*««' %<fta^ 

u w :■■ ■ : 1 say 

355 'wide 7 ^fNr^ 


ft3i*quiofc' ■ \. %**<"■ 


; ajjf 'mean, small' vHNr^ 

■ "i 

g$ 'heavy' >rfN^ 

j ■ j r 


tf#'long' SP*N^ 

wf^re 1 

-3* 'distant' *#**( 

t r 

TOCT 'praiseworthy' ^WO'WIf'^ 

Siw or «%w 

■ Jm ~ * * H " J 1 ■!' i| id i V i |, 4/ m 

t * ■ 

84 ' Sanskbt G-kawmab. [ § 161-164 

TO 'firm, well' spft*^ Blffa 

'old' *«ifa^, s*ra^ qfiv, «>* 

jr^rssff <great lovely* f^freg; iftff 

ffcr* 'steady' . ^^ &V 

^ *Mg, large' S«tffa«; **&& 

farr'mnoh.' * &<m 

g*r 'short' ff*ar^ KRry 

§ 162. Sometimes the terminations g? andtp? are added to* 

a comp, and snper. in f^^ and f% to intensify the meaning;- 

* ■ - 





g 163. In Sanskrt simple words, whether substantives, adjec- 
tives, verbs or indeclinables* have the power of entering into* 
combination with one another and forming what are called 
* SamasaB 9 * compound words or in short, compounds. 

■ - h 

(a) A compound thus formed may farther be compounded 
with another simple or compound word and this again may 
become the member of a new compound. 

§ 164. In a compound, as a general rule, words are simply- 
joined together, without aiy ; relation between the component 
fSfrts being actual' y expressed; the whole oompoanfl word has the 

* From a^ with tf^ to throw together. 

4> 161-169 ] Compounds. 85 

power to express the various relations that exist between the 
several parts. The last word only takes the case termination 
required by its grammatical position in a sentence, the 


remaining words ( those ending in a consonant ) generally 
assuming their forms before the consonantal case terminations: 
<• 9- fir^+sTT:=f%£53PT: ( see below ), TT3r^+3^:== 

§ 165. Final vowels or consonants ( modified as mentioned 
«bove ) of preceding members of com pounds combine with the 
initial letters of the succeeding members according to the 
usual rnles of Sandhi. 

§ 166. In a few cases, the intermediate members retain their 
•case endings in which ease the compounds are called *alutf 
($rg^)» «. £. %«rprTft*: a fool, *f§f%*: name of the eldest 
Pandava, &e. 

§ 167. The expounding of a Samasa ( t. *. giving its 
Vigraha-vakya ) consists in the expression of the various 
relations existing between the objects or ideas denoted by the 
•various members of a samasa by means of the proper cases or 
subordinate sentences. 

§ 168. Compounds are divided into four principal classes:-— 

(1) Dteandwa or Copulative, (2) Tatpurusha or Determinative, 
-(3) Bahuvrthi or Attributive and (4) Avyayilhtoa or Ad-. 


. ■ r - - L . ■ .. -. ■ . . - ( 


§ 169. A Dwandwa compound consists of two or more, 
'nouns which, if not compounded, would be connected by 
the copulative particle *v ( and )• as { i Mfrvft which is equal 

* This is true only generally speaking. For there is a fifth 

■class of compounds. »i a. q$ ^rr-oom pounds not governed by 

■any of the rules given under the four classes bnt explained on 

.general principle that any subanta pada may be compounded 

with any other aubant a pada. 


86 Sansebt Gbammar. [ § 169-172" 

to ^pr: «q- $*nr: ^-; qif*rqr* wbioh is the 6am© as qr<fi" n Trfr 
^r. There are three species of the D wand was; viz. g^^Kjyg , 

§ 170. When the several members of a Dwandwa com- 
pound are viewed separately it is called Itaretara Dwandwa;. 
*. S- H^Hfl ft fl fefc*' 'Out down the Dhava and the Khadira. 

, ■ r 


trees.' In this species each member is of equal importance •*. 0. 
has its own independent meaning. It takes the dual or the 


plural according as the objects denoted by it are two or more 
in number; the gender of the final noun is the gender of the 
whole; as *£$£«* a cock jr^jft a pea-hen «er ar^A H ^J i rSfr ( f em > 


dual of fs^); but *S!& ^3^5*** JJ^UuiehI- fA; tnrsy sswra 

r "i , l 

r "i 

Exceptions — ipsre *Ft*T T sTV^g^ (mas. dual) a horse and' 
a mare; st?3T trfipsr •t$ftPT-' ( *&**. sing. ) day and night. 

l 1 " r r 

§ 171. Samahara Dwandwa is that species of Dwandwa 
which implies an aggregate or the things enumerated in- 
which constitute a complex idea. It is always singular and 
neuter. Thus ^ I gK I Hft lTq^' does not merely mean <food r 


' r *■ 

sleep and fear' but all that characterises animal life. In this 


species the meaning of the different members is subordinate to- 

\ r r 

the collective sense of the whole compound. 

1 ' 

§172. A Dwandwa compound of words denoting limbs of 

the body of an animal, parts of an army? inanimate objects- 

( things £S3nf*r and not qualities ), names of rivers differing in 
gender, as also of countries ( and not villages ), insects, and 

animals between which there i? natural antipathy, is always of 

r r 

j , 

this class; qpft ^r ffT$ «T TrFTTr** hands and feet; tf^ffiTO 

§172-175] Oompotods. 87 

■i , , , 


3TOftgr*T 'f W l * I ^1 <l^ chariot-warriors and horse-xneu; lfpfPf 
fried barley or rice sr m»g^aj a kind of sweetmeat VT HHI*^f& > 
bat ^t ^ KQPSt WW& form and flavour . as these denote 
qualities; tfirf =q- srW^ nTTtfta^ the rivers G-anga and Sonaj 
but 4*fM^> aa these a0 not differ in gender; ^^'y ^C*hf 
*g* ffigA^N^ names of countries; bnt gUH^Urtfo^l ( two 
villages of that name ); JTsfTV %9FSTV H^^ch ^: ( two namea 
of the same gender ); n^rr a loose ^ f^TT a nit ^r ^nf^^X; 
W^g n^tt-a j s< l i*f$<*H a anft ke an ^ a11 ichneumon, &c. 

§ 173. When words ending in 3? and implying relationship 
by blood or literary avocation are compounded together the- 
last but one word changes its ^ to 3Tf. The same happens 
when the word crar follows a word ending in sp under the same 
eireumstanoes; ffaT ^ "tfHT ^ ffafTftttd', *wo priests so called* 

«tar =* Star ^ ^er *t z*m ^ ft^rn^^f^ran::; (butif tw<> 

words be taken at a time the sff may, at every step, be changed 

into ajr as ftcrr ^r <ffar "ar fftrrifarft *fr ^ ^rwr ^rfftrrrNfr- 

also mmRqfl ( P&n. VI. 3. 32 ) and ftipfl ( Vide § 177 a ). 

h _ ■ § 

J ■ 

§ 174. (e) When the names of deities well known to be 
in constant association with each other are compounded, aft is 

- . n 

j j a 

substituted for the final vowel of the preceding word, except 
in the case of the word wr^; a. g t fJr^TTF 3 !?* 4&4.T*M'HlTi 

J L J ■ 

<&U|4M>n) &o: but at^rqr^ or qrMlft* 

■ L ■ 

■ I ' 1 J 

"l "■ ■ 

"I ■ 

(ft) The word ajfrr followed by the word *frir or ^ar 
lengthens Its £; as sr#rtf4V/ wft*^. 

§ 175. When a Samahara Dwandwa ends in a consonant of 
the palatal class or w, ^ or 3, «r is added to it; *r« ^ *7f> ^ 

88 Sanskht Gbammab. [ § 175-178 

q i frH^ ir, speeeh and skin, <r4 T 4iH h<< a bark and garland, STififsr- 
ffc ?Tftamc« VlfaPTOt * n umbrella and shoas, &c. But qrfz^r- 
^|f ( as it is not » Sam. Dwa. ). 


§ 176. The following compounds are instances of irregular 
I) wand was :— 

(a) sffa- gfSrfr *T Sfmsr^ajr ar ftTOift*^} heaven and 
earth; so urrryifc 5Tr*ra"% ; *^+^$= rHTfff^aff *&» goddess 
■of dawn and the snn. 

(J) ^qT+Tra=WP*PTf?r> 1*f&, and *r*Tcfr husband and 

*T f^fr T HV$T*. all imaging • day and night', 77?-^ (^T^+ 
^Tr^) Rt and the Sanaa verses, T^p7# ( *n£+**^ ) speech 

and mind, ( the ^ of <j h^ dropped and af added is the final of 
*iw^ irregular by Pin. V. 4. 77.) 

r _ 

I 177. When several words of the same form ( or dis- 

I r 

similar in form but of the same import ) are compounded 


together only one of them is retained with the necessary 
number ; e. g. nirsj CITO »i4h n*P» TPW rjim {^r: j this 
-called ^{t^^Sr- *u tllt) oa9e of words of tue mas, and fern. 
genders the one of t'ie mi*, gander is retained ; as $£Y ^ ^g^ 
^Si; similarly ^rfHV,^pr>, *r*f)r, &o. 


(a) This principle is further extended to some words 
dissimilar in f »rm, as in the following exam plea : — ^rfwr 7 

war* wwl i.jw ff?rr ^ Tsft, -qnw r>*r Tf^V (see also 

I 173 ). «r*£* **gnff »*£/> ( also 'VW'qgr? J. *r *? *rr <? «)r» CT 
^iTfrls^ ift; 9 ^r ^9j Wr or WK Id th* ewe of words of the 
OTflfl. and nau. gender tuat of the neu. gander is retained; as ger 

r ^ ' " 

_ r 

§ 178. The following roles should bs observed in arranging 
the various members of a Dwandwa compound :— 

$178-180] Compounds. 8P- 

( 4 ) A word ending in £ or 7 should be placed first, and 



when there are more than one of such words, one of these 
should he placed first, the rest being arranged according to the 

r ■ 

will of the speaker or writer. fftfdv fftRvrcf :, cftgcgjr-:-. 

( b ) Words beginning with a vowel and ending in ST onght 
to precede others; as aTOC^Tgr: or f ?3F^qT- This role should 


have preference even over the above rule ia case both would 
ba simultaneously applicable; as fTgrifr. 

( c ) A word that has fewer syllables should be placed first 
and in ease there are more words than one having an equal number 
of syllables, the one that has more short syllables should l>e 

placed first 5 s. ff. fSrc%*rt!r, «ft«Uf8*A ^^RTW^, &e.; the 
name* of seasons and stars, under this latter circumstance, 

H ■ ■ 


-should be arranged according to their astronomical order ; as 

^*TOfa$rcrcr?crr:» ^f*RftflfWh &*- Ala° a *° r * of more 
"important significance should preoede others* as ^PTCTH^fh 

(d) Names of tho four castes of men should be arranged 
according to their order, beginning from the highest and so 
-should be the names of brothers beginning from the eldest; c« g. 


§ 179. When a compound consists of two members and the 
tfirst determines the sense of the other, or is attributive to it 
"that is called * Tatpurusha. ' . ■ ■ ' 

§ 180. According to the grammatical nature of the first 

or attributive member the Tatpuiush is divided into six 

^varieties: — (1) Tatpurusha proper or the Inflectional, (2) Na% 

90 Sakskbt Gbammab. [ 1 180-1S& 

L I 

r , 

or, the Negative Tatpurusha, (3) Karmadkaraya or the apposi- 
tional including 'Dwigu', (4, 5) Pradi and Gati or the prepo- 
sitional compounds and (6) Vpapada. These are either nouns, 
adjectives or adverbs. 

§ 181. The final vowel of a feminine noun ending in any 
of the affixes an? f or 37 and forming the second member of a- 


compound used adjeotively is shortened ; the aft" of ifr is 

r J 

changed to 3 under the some circumstances; « # £ a irf8 , 4 i vRftal ,sa: < 

mn&fcm: ( Tat. ); STft^rw:; (Tat. ); qgjij: same thing bought 

for five cows; «rg^- qfT^r *#r^ sfg*^: many-veined %$: j. 

( Bah. ); f^m *R$t TS^r f^T^: having variegated cows > &c. 
but ^^rpTcr^jfi^-; as the f is not final. 


.■'(.«) If the final f or 3? be not a fern, termination it. 

■ r 

remains unchanged; gg ifr: top ^r g*lfr sr£*F*fhfrpft. 

r * - - 

j , 

1 Tatpurusha. 


§ 182, The first variety consists of such Tatpurusha com- 
pouuds as have the attributive member in any one of the* 
" oblique oases, when dissolved. There are six sub-varieties of 
this corresponding to the six oblique cases. 

■ ■ r r 

_ j 

L - , 

§ 183. ( a ) A noun in the Accusative case is compounded 

with f^sr, arSto TRrar? *m> ar*TO. smr and srnnn as ^r** f^w: 

fi^rf^r- one who has resoited to Krishna (as his refuse);: 
sPOT^**? 1 *!**:. <«»▼*«>. has overcome pain; $*£ anw 

' J _ 1 _ J L 

^grq^r: one who has obtained happiness. 

■ l ■ 


(5) A word expressive of the duration of an action or state 

"l r ' 

is compounded with another expressive of the action or state, irt. 

r , ■ 

the Accusative ease ; 0, g. *re$ ggr $?j$3T3.' happiness lasting* 
for a moment'; ^-sfcctf trre: <faw * H q: residence for a year &o. 

§183-184} Compounds. 91 


■ , "i 

_ r _ 

(c) Sometimes a preposition or a word denoting a period of 
time may take the place of the Accusative; as ^f lffrj T ff 'half' 
done;' ffrcnrftft: ( Mfc t H^*^ : ) * what marks the commencement 


of a month as the new moon/ 

§ 184. A noun in the Instrumental may be compounded- 

(a) with another expressive of an effect produced by what is 
denoted by the noun in the Instrumental case, and with arif ; as- 
**#&<**** *ST°¥: ST&rtHJJu-g: severed by means of a knife ; %|M)*T 
srf: i-TP2rnf: wealth obtained by means of grain. 

■ ' ■ ■ 

(5) with verbal derivatives when the Instrumental has the 

B r ■ i 

sense of the agent or the instrument or means of the action; as- 
Jjfl^'rm: fferm: saved by Hari; ^f^: ^^n^5f: torn with 
the nails &e. 

(e) . with the words ^, ^<r^r, ^r*r, gr^ and words having tho- 

sense of gPT, «IW*» -ftyT/ftefc ^T and v&r, as 3ir$7 3$; 
fWrijfci "TOff SftP ■lIOT^n ."Ufce the mother; ft%W- equal to 
the father; qr^or gpf TC^rf; so *rpriWer (loss by one bw»A«, a 
particular weight); erp^T %&$'• ST^n*?: a quarrel (in words );: 
M rq r<H^ °i:; 3pn¥*r; aTTOtWW- 'thin by the discharge of 
religious duties;' TOfa W3K- "iren^i.' younger by a month/ 

■i - i ■ 

(d) with another noun signifying an article of food or some— 

■ j 

thing eatable, the noun in the Instrumental case denoting some 
kind of condiment used to season it or another article of food 

sjtrra qfesrftfr 

*£fcT ^Pff: ST^Tr 

' F " B "" 

(«) Sometimes &$ may take the place of the Instrumental^ 
as nrdsn:— done by one's self; 

■92 Sanskpf Grammas. [ § 185-188 

§ 185. Instanced of the Aluh of the Instrumental (L 0. in 

which the noun in the Inst, does not drop its case term., — M51OT 

^S^ aT^fHTfrOTC 'done honestly'; STpTOTfrt^ 'done with might;' 

J^rfJlT? 'one havingan elder brother;' 3!?rqrra?: 'blind from birth;* 

3JI4H4; followed by an ordinal number retains its case ending; 

§ 186. A noun in the Dative is compounded 


(a) with another expressive of the material of which the thing 
•expressed by the n oun in the Dative case is made; as ^qPT 3TV 
^TfTC; ' wood for a sacrificial post. ' 

(8) and with the words ytf, wfa, f^if, g^ and tfijra-. The 
•compound with H^f is a nityawm&sga and tabes the gender and 

■1 1 

number of the ncun it qualifies, fcirnr V^ f£*n*f: %T> broth 
for a Brahman*; flm* ?* firsrrof *«rn£ (water groel); f^TFV 
ftft^rrS Wi^^^fSr: aprefa: au offering to the hku'ta* 



§ 187. Instances of the aluk of the Dat. <rr^$<r^ qT^HI^Tj 

wtotoi, -frr<«ft'irer< 

.■ _ 

§ 188. A noun in the Ablative case is compounded— 



■ "i 

(a) with words expressive of fear or rather with the words 
*Tar, ajhr, and aft; as ^frr^ *ra ^tWtW* *«« from a thief, f^ra^ 
*fep 774V?: afraid of a wolf; &o. 

■ 1 ■■ 

(6) and in a few oases with the words vftn, sx<fhr, g^r, qftfw, 
*nd 3TT?^r;a3 33rr3^<T: $Qrtift: deprived of happiness; qffnqqrRr 
sniff: ^TO*1»: 'transcending thought;' tfih^-rh :; a=s;?fqftw: 
•alien fxom heaven, as a sinner;' d^y i HMW : afraid of waves/ 

§ 189-193 Compounds. 9& 

§ 189. A noun in the Genitive may, ai a general rule, be 
compounded with any other noun; tfjir: g^sp il^SIVV- tne 
king's man ( an officer or a servant ). 



§ 190. (a) It is not compounded with verbal derivatives 
ending in ^ and st-jt and denoting the agent of the action; ^TTT 
TOT, and not ncir«n **** *T*rr; sTrfSTW <Tr^f: &e ; bat f^rf- 

I r 

iilprtC V3jpft%5Tr as tha *T^» here does not denote the agent. 


Exceptions : — Bat a compound is allowed iu the case of the 
words ;srr«T3r one who employs, as sacrificing priests * £ipg> 
qf?TOrnfi. Tf^T^fr a waiter at meals, ¥*T?ir a servant who 
bathes his master or brings bathing water for him, STtarrTO; 
37OTs^i one who destroy?, *far,*r£ when it does not mean *a 
holdar', and others not v*ry important; SCW^nr^V* fr^iT*"'" 

trsprfHrrnr &0 ! Vraftar; v«fc &c; but ^*$ *$ « the 



§ 191. ^r, am, tr>3T, SrTC and afr'J aeu. are compounded 
with nouns in the Genitive expressive of the whole and are 
placed first, *. g. 3;? 3TKOT yfrrw :» the *»*© part of the body ;.. 
ariresirRr:; 3TO*W*r:; &v v3 fto**T : **&**!*; but wmf;;- 
( as 3T# ia ma9 « bere ). 


N. B. In order that the above rule should hold, the noun 
expressive of the whole mast denote a single object; hence ?f: 
the first among pupils 9npwr, sir-? ftanfcn^ balf of a number 
otpippalti', &e. and not igi&m: &e. 


.' *■ ft " ii-' . - , r 

§ 192. A word expressive of a part is compounded with 
another signifying a period of time and is placed first; sru$ 
•Tg: VMrg: mid-day ; &raT|H "l*Wr; &©» 

§ 193. A word expressive of a period of time that has 
passed since a certain occurrence is compounded with another 
expressive of the occurrence ; as m£t mTOT 1BT *ra^ TOT >FRr* 

94 Sanskut Gbammab. f 8 193-198 

-'one since whose birth a month has elapsed/ so S fogJUff :; 

§ 194. Instances of the aluh of the Gen, f^prffinr: a *ool, 
^r^T^f^R 1 : skilful speech, tr^Rfc?: * on0 wn <> *obs another in 
his very presence, while he is looking on;' hence 'a goldsmith,' 
■a 'rogue.' PHtHItt: 'Indra'; gr^rra: 'the lord of speech, 
Br/haspati'; with <pr the aluh is optional when reproach is 
Implied; as fr^TT: jsr: or $r*ftj*r: a bastard, a knave; but 


§ 195. A noun in the Locative is compounded with ^r^y, 
1#> f3T?T* a rogue, sr^TT, qg, qf&StT, J*5W, •qr**, ftj°r? flP^j 
^s^T, TO, and 5F*; as ar%^ >§ta&: arsrET?*^: skilled in dice; 
STrerr^T^r: dried in the sun; $m4tath': cooked in a pot; 


'a kind of poetic composition' ; &o. 



§ 196. Instances of the aluh of the Ijoc. ij^jr: £ a boasting 
ooward/ *f$*4i 'a house hero/ 'a carpet knight, 7 MM*W 
'clever in eating onlyj i. e. a good-for-nothing fellow;' 

TT^TftH:; ^ffar^C; &<*. gf^fgT: '&**& in battle/ ^rdtor ( W% 
a kind of grass spTff am?) f an elephant'; qjSfepr: 'one who 
whispers into the ear, a spy '; #=^t f a heavenly being'; q%$f^ 
* a lotus '• a&^ro? , M^SI^ I-i &<*• 

2. Nan ob the Negative Tatpubtjsha. 

■ r _ ■" ■ _ J 


r ^^ 

§ 197. The negative particle sr, changed to ar before a 

• consonant and ar^ before a vowel, may be compounded with 

any noun to form the Negative -Tatpurusha ; as w ^r^T°f : 

sr^Tfpr: one not a Br&hmana. ^ w%: WRT-; STO^C. non-existent 

or not good, ftc. 


§198. The ^r is not changed to a? or ^ in the following 

■ cases; ff$TT£ 'that which does not shine,' 'a cloud;' w<rr^ (pre. 

p.) one who does not protest'; w%fr: ( one who does not 

-know/ wgF*?: [ w &S[ifffil ] name of a demon slain by Indira; 

-*f£rer: ( sr j>^9r f or the mongoose is supposed to belong to no 

$.198-200 ] Compounds. 95 


'particular species of quadrupeds ); vfrf .'[ si ^TRT i that which 
leaves no cavity' or 'does not go to heaven being burnt down 

with the dead body]; 5^3? [ T «fr 3*n^ ] ; nmt ( * «T*ft% ) 
that which does not move from its proper place, hence a star ; 
-^5": [ T 5BT*^Tf?r 'that which does not go far off from water ]; 

: *rra? : [ T $ 9T* *T «T^ btS*W; ], TiT when it does not qualify an 
animal retains its ^ optionally; as «rir: or srir: <a mountain' or 
: a 'tree'; but 3TT: f^SS"* ' a Sudra that cannot move. 9 


N. /?. It should be noted that some of these are Bahuvrthi 


3. Kabmadba'baya ob tke Appositiokal Compounds. 

■i ■ 


§ 199. Fanini defines a i Karmadh&raya ' as ^T MHlfa^iiT : 
^T9T^ > : or a T&tpurasha both members of which are in the 
•same case relation *'. e. have the same case when dissolved. 


§ 200. ( a ) A word expressive of the standard of compa- 
rison ( gq r n r w ) may be compounded in a Karmadharaya with 
-.another denoting the common quality or ground of comparison 
as cpT 3*3* ^CTt: tWA*ll*li dark like a cloud.. Such compounds 
■are called 3<Rr?F**fc?efi , folT^ s - 

i j - ■ 


(8) Similarly a noun denoting the person or thing compared 
( OTife ) ma y De compounded with words indicative of excel- 
lence such as em*?* F%& e T ? 5r> SfiTT^? &?• uo mention of the 

n r J t 

-common attribute ( of similarity ) being made; as tj^fr sqrgp jw 
■j^qmifci : a man like a tiger ( t. «. as bold as a tiger ) g& ^*£ 
^7 ffiS^^ft - a moon-like face t. e. as delightful as the moon- 
3^ 5Rt?fiTTS^mTW^&c.; these are called ^Hl-ft'dW^ifarnrs 


N t e 1— -The difference between the two is this : — In the 
-former the common quality of comparison is actually express- 
ed: while in the latter it is left to be understood; in faot if it 
3>e expressed there can be no compound; as^q-: sqr^i f? ^K'. 

"96 Sanskst Gbammab. [ § 200-204* 

Nola 2— The above Karmadh&rayas may be dissolved as* 
g*SFfT*Rr:5*S*FSr:;5*sr%* ***# ^qgWd ffr *o. Dissolved 


either way there will be no difference in the form of the com- 
pounds 5 bat there will be difference both in the meaning and 
in the figure. In one case prominence will be glveu to ^z% or 
the moon and the figure will be « Vpama ( a simile )', while in 
the other to g^r or the face in which, case the figure will be 
Ru'pa&a. Compounds like qrf qr <RT <T r fT*T^j RTOT <Pf *H 
PnmT# are termed STT^ttWi^Ha^hHiCTros . 

1 j 

§ 201. An adjective may be compounded with the noun it 
qualifies in moat eases; as qfc? ^ tff¥<rtT ^T *tfesfel$ a blue lotus 
&c.)bat ^"^vr^ff ^rfaffT^W^ where the com p. is necessary. 
Such compounds are called fTtfTTTtrf irfqiTtrs. 

■i , 

§ 202. As a general rule in such compounds the qualifying- 
word is placed first ; but words in apposition to f=fr^^> ITf 
and aggr? »*« placed first ; e. g. ^Tf?nr^r: * an eminent king',. 

§ 203. Names of quarters and numerals form a Kara, com- 
pound with any mhanta ( a declinable word ), but only when 
the whole compound is an appellation; e. g. ^nrfcr: 'Name of a 
constellation of stars', 'TTrsa Mijor'; q^TTTr:* &c; ^TgYPT- 
^pfr ' Name of a town in the East'; but ^rftr f$TT 'Northern 
trees'; T& fflVraP &c- The compound is forbidden in other 

g 204. The particle ?gr forms a Ear. compound with any- 
other words; fr^sr: ( §rf?*r?f. jsqs ) a bad manj a^*:, &o. 

* These are gods, men, gandharvas, serpents, and pitrs according: 

■ r r 

toaome; and Bruhmanaa, Kaflatriyas, Vajehyas, S'udraa and 

r ■ ■ i j ■ 

das or barbarians according to others. (Vide Shankarachafya on- 
Brah. 8u. 1. 4. 11-13. ) 

r J 

§ 204-207 ] . Compounds, 97 

(a) q» is changed to ( 1 ) 373 when followed by a noun with 
an initial vowel in a Tat., by c*T and at* ail <* D J IP* . ' denoting 
a species; 7 ^R<HH?*q : <kiW - 'a bad horse;' so grfcT 'coarae 
food;' but 375": 'having bad camels '( a Bah. coznp. )*nrrj 
s^rir; « a bad chariot'; gjf^r: * speaking ill, a bad speaker ;' 

ch-^m ' a kind of grass '. 

(2) qrr when followed by g^q- or sjs; and meaning 'a tittle* 
f«f3r* 3»nn* ' a little water ', j^cgs*: cfai^s:? but Bsf**re: tg$qi 

l^CT": or grT5^:. , 

(3) and optionally to ^rr or 3f^ when followed by s^i ^n^tf 
tfrMJVM and ^fW" by (1), all meaning ( lake-warm.' 

§205. Two adjectives may also be compounded into what 

is called the fr<frfrTZTO3i<farX9 5 *3 9J£$*T:r $re KUO rs» 

(a) Two participles expressive o£ two oonsecntive actions 

of the same individual may be compounded together, the one 
expressive of the previous action being placed first ; a^rlf ^Trf' 


«T 3i l 4afatf : irranj^r: ' first bathed and then anointed, similar- 


ly <ft3t3T<fc[ ' first drunk and afterwards vomited out/ 
Tffcprf&r?:, ^Nsn%S^r: ( Bag- H. 1. IV. 41 ) &o. 

■1 ■ 

(b) A past participle is compounded with another with the 

negative particle prefixed to it ; ^cTTfT^i 'what is done and 
not done' i.e. 'partially done,'. 


§206. The word 5%^ ' little ' is compounded with any 
other word except a verbal derivative, and even with a verbal 
derivative when it expresses a quality ; as f orf^np^: ' a little 
brown,' JNri^ reddish, &c. 

§207. The following are the more important of the 
compounds given by Pan. as irregular under the class jj^rtsaj- 
=95frrf^ 5 *&^rsY33*rC«r ^5-4^* « a cunning peacock,' sa 

S. S.G. 7. 

98 8aksk{lt Geammab. [ § 207-210 


gH*4*H> :;g^ ^ 8WT^ ^ 3YTmtf so sqifref^ < high and 
low', 'groat and small;' ^n% f%*R *m ^-' «tF%*2T«Ts» ^rfifrr wtf 

ftfT fa^Tpr*. ( These are nttya-«aa$iat ); wffor RflW f^f 
*T33 sprrf3rtfhr% ^rr anfi dfl«M l that in which are constantly 
uttered the word ' eat and drink'; ^TTftpft^cf r j &Tt art ?f?T «rerf 
■fllWHflMfi frfoTfr m M$H4 * (H<h \ that in which are uttered the 
words 'I alone, I alone'; hence hard competition, &c; ar^ q% sr? 

■$ftfr jrarf f?RzrRr*Tf^hTt ot Hl^f^rr; so arTsTssf^ffr 'great 

•self-conceit or pride' ( Bhatti. V. 27 ); 'vaunting' (By. 1. 84) 
j&e. Also ghlP^^fieh *P*t to fight */ q-^&T aocident, &o. 

§ 208, In some Karmadh&raya compounds the last member 
-of the first word, which is itself a compound word, is dropped; 
*- frti&ifk*'' TTfSw: WT^Trf^: 'a king who likes vegetables;' 

■ j ■ 

^1?f»if 5ITSPT: ^3rreT°n &c These compounds, though they 
should be properly called "ZTttamapadalopi" are popularly 
■designated "Madhyamapa&alopiJ 9 Any comp. requiring a simi- 


lar explanation is classed under this group ( 5rT3r?]f§(3Tf$ )* 




§ 209. When the first member of a Karmadh&raya com- 
pound is a numeral, it is called 'Dvigu.' 

1 j 


§210. A Dvigu compound is possible when a Taddhita 
affix is to be added to the compound so formed ; spotf tirffarrfr- 
T^ Wiy* : 'the son of six mothers, K&rtikeya'. Or when the 
■compound itself becomes the first member of another compound 
as q?a *rpr: vr q*q aroj- «nq^ir:.' 


(5) and when the compound denotes an aggregate; in this case 

§ 210-812 ] Compounds. 99 


at is singular; aa ipwtt S^TTTf HWt: f^g? ^ ' the three 
worlds ( taken collectively );' bo TOMM^ j TOVft^; &c 

i' ■ ' " * 

■■ ■ 

Pbepositionai, Compounds. 

4 Prodi. 

§211. Those Tatpurusha compounds whose first member 
is a preposition are termed Pradi by Sanskrt grammarians; 
■some of these prepositions combine with a following noun ia 
the Norn., some with a noun in the Ace. &c; 0. g. 37113: srpTPT: 
irprrjf: 'an eminent teacher 7 , jriRr: sttFf srr^: **r:, <a chariot 
"that has passed a road}' ^irc e^pf OTt?: 'taken to a path- 
way' (Vide Bhatti. III. 45. )j ir$£f ^f: jrsra: 'strong or 
•exeeaaiye wind/&e.'arf^F^JTrwf srfSPTP?: 'excelling a gar- 
land' (in fragrance of beauty), Br^W^ Vi X&rf *rarftrc*r: 'a 

■ ■ r 

-chariot- warrior who has no rival or equal;' so arflprnr * exceed- 
ing measure,' vffitwi &o. ar^fr?: qfr fewq r »HchTEh g= 'attracted 
by the cuckoo'; ? R*hh : sTf^raffira <P?wprT: *tired of studying'; 
tf^Wrsrr: gftsiFSsrr fk&Simf*^ 'gone out of KauSambi'; so 

;(a) A compound with prepositions which govern cases (qpj- 

<r«r:rr2r^ is farhiddATi: ^ irf5r_ 


5 Gatu 

' I * II 

§ 212, Compounds of the following words with verbal infle- 
«clinables are called ' Q-ati- compounds.' — 

■ 1 r 1 

j ■ j , 

N. B. — G-ati is the term applied to prepositions and certain 
•other adverbial prefixes when immediately joined with verbal 
.forms or derivatives. 

(*)^fto*&& and srrf^;; ^-rQ'-irwr having accepted; 
-.^jg&tr becoming manifest. 

(b) The words ^ and arcr^ showing respect and disrespect 
respectively, the prepositions sra in the sense of 'adorning 7 , qr:. 

100 Sanskbt Geammae. [ § 212*-214 



*T*# and fifty, as 3?r5fr^ 'having adorned'- but sref ff^r doing: 
enough (qqfafttirf: Sid. Kan. );vr£Ej^ < placing in the front;' 
fqftiger becoming invisible; 9Kg*ro. 

(e) These compounds are also formed with nouns, derived 
from roots, for their second members; 0. g* WR&mi 'setting of 
the sun,' $($ffl{% reception, showing respect, ffamn-i q« E K V 

6. Upapada Ookpotikds. 


§ 213. When the second member of a Tat. Oomp. is a root* 
noun derived from a root which takes a particular Krt affix by 
virtue of the presence of the first member, it is called an 

■ 1 j 

tfpapada Tat,; as §v% ^rehfff^ JTWRKTV '* potter'; so ^rr% 
4»mft l5 H I H*V < one who chants a verse of the Sanaa -veda; jrftf 


SEPIsra'n^ HT^EPt: 'desirous of meat'; similarly 3T«5»t& ( one>- 




■■ N. B» The latter member of such a compound must neither- 

be the conjugated form of a root nor a separate verbal derivative^ 

«. 0. formed independently of the first member; e.g. q^p-j^ i» 

not an Upapada Tat., as the word qr can be independently 

formed; it is a Gen. Tat. la^frfcT ^; *T?Pfff ^fC- T3lW *a clondr 
or 'the female breast.' . 

; r 


L a 

§ 214. The word 3Tipfr5 at the end of a Tatpurusha compound 1 

%• ■ 

changes its final to 3T when preceded by a numeral or an indecli- 
nable;. as ^sr^psft smr-TTOT ?^w ?r$ 'wood measuring two* 

$■215] ; Compounds. ■ 101 

§215. The following words, when at the end of a Tatpurasha, 

>drop the final vowel, together with the following consonant if 

there be any, and add sr nnder the circumstances mentioned:— 

1 4 ■ 

(a) trfir when preceded by a numeral, an indeclinable, a word 
•expressive of a part of the whole/ each as ^f^^TTO &«•»' <> r *>y 
-the words qfi t $m& and gw*r; as f?ft: *T5%: mifn : %*FTKan 

aggregate of two nights (Dvi.), MftoKf^i" nftrifRrerV tnafc nas 
^passed a night; the dead of night; <ri tf%: ^jfcPT the first part 

of the night; ^ nfln W^R:, #«5*r3T tTPP *J*8*U«KM:> 3"^- 
TI^T- an auspicious night. 

r ■ 


■i I 

N. B. The same change takes place when xifa is preceded by 
-«T5^in a Dwandwa; as af^ar Xtf$F% Sf^TT?" 

, (&) XTsrq;, STf^and *fan as to*: tHTf qfTOsr: a great king; 
^rarjorr CT5TF TOTnr:, ^nt a?f : VTOlf : an excellent day; q^ *% 

^T*? =" 1PTO> $ ^T#: HHVQ< : OT : > 80 *** : i Wf h &<*., *°af W 

-S ,T ^r* ( see below § 218 b. ) a: holy day, Q^ar^S., f^^C *m 

J J 


r I I 

Exception-**^ when preceded by an indeclinable; or a word 
•denoting a part of the whole, or by ^ or by a numeral with a 
Taddhita affix addecl to the whole compound, becomes ar^f; as 
"WRfflinWTf : aT«zrgfv exceeding a day (in dnration) «f^%: fore- 
noon, wS^i the whole day, H^^ncrf?:, f*T*IXg^ Hf : *&%'•> 
1&&(kM '- &e.) with ^prftf the change is optional; as ^isq f q r g :; 
or— $:. 


, j 


- N. B. The ^of the substitute is changed to «t; when preceded 
by ^ belonging to the first member ending in sr; as onf^r:; but 
^mirtf *HP <rcrg: ( as to ends in arr ). 

r ' B r 

. ( c ) srf%«t a thigh becomes ^pm after *^ fjf> $*T and a 
word denoting an object to which the thigh is compared; gfit* 
^rft> yrayf^ 4 > rt% q* ri a thigh like a plank. 

102 Sanskbx Gbammab. [ § 31 6-21$ 

§ 216, The following words have an ar added to them. when, 
at the end of a Tatpurusha compound : — 

(a) iff except when a Tad. afE. is added and then dropped;- 
*■ 9- *M*U|q: an excellent ball, q=g*Tq" ( a collection of five cows) 
as in <T33*ra>CT*'j bnt f|^: exchanged or bartered for two oows. 

, r 

(3) *3Fft ( a measure of corn ) at the end of a Dviga or when 
preceded by «rt| takes the 3T optionally, the final f being 
dropped before it; flransj;~ftj ar^R^-i^. 

<*) ?{ism preceded by ffc or ft in a Dvigu, optionally takes- 
ar except when a Tad. aft. is added and dropped in which case 
the final f is dropped; g q ^ '-fcT ' two handfuls'; bat 3P*rriT$r- 

" § 217. All the rales given above for the change of the finals 
of the Tat. compounds do not hold good in the case of the Neg. 
Tat.;*, g. * XJW Mmt one not a king; sr ^^T STOSTT &o- 


(a) But in the caseof the word qf%% the final %%U optionally 
dropped and sr added; sjtpf or STq^TP ' absence of a road *. 

1 j 

qrf$r^ when so modified in a Tat. is nen. ( stop as a Bah. ), 


Gbsdbbs of Tatptjbttsha Compounds. 

§ 218. As a general rale a Tatpurasha compound follows the- 
gender of the final noon. 

■ r ■ 

, ■ r 


(a) Compounds with sirt and armr for their first member 
and Fradi compounds follow the gender of the words they 
qualify; iUU*0ft4h: *&:, SfTOvftrNrr ^fc PlUhtalf^C 3$*: &c. 

(5) A Tatpurasha ending in ■■sj*, 3TS and «Tf ia masculine^ 
exeept when n? is preceded by a numeral, and v* byyar and 

§218-219] Cotfpcmiros. 10$ 


that ending in qq ( substituted for qf$r^ Vide § 244 ) preceded 
by a numeral or an indeclinable; as ^rwrf cp?rr: f^qf**^, f^5?T: 
WTP fa IT^ a bad or a wrong way; but gq^ir: ST^TT^r: as 
they do not end in trsr. 




(c) A collective Dvigu is neu.; bat that ending in wr i* 
generally feminine and that ending in *TT is optionally so, in 
which case it takes the termination f ; q^gq-^ a collection of 

five cowsj ^rarprt wfarref *r*nsrc: nr?*ftft ; but qr^Tr^j f%$^*ra> 

^5^ra.j &c q^T^HT, q'SS^sT?^. The ^ of final s^ is dropped 
and the Dvigu is optionally feminine, <?3?9$ff'-$r^ 


(d) A Tatpurusha ending in &fi(X is neu„ when the objects 


casting the shade are many ; 3$gerf &m\ fg^r^C- 

(e) A Tatpurusha having for its first member a synonym of 
*TST^( and not ^rsr^ itself ) or the words ^r^ or ft?rre and 
q&{f for its latter member is neuter ; f^PFQb f f(TO> * 
king's council ; but sm^TH t^:^PJ:> fW^WT*. also that 
ending in ott when it means ' a multitude '; as ^Ti^mh. ' aa 
assemblage of women'; but sht^ptt in the sense of qtrVlCT- 



§ 219. A Bahuvrthi compound consists of two or more 
nouns in apposition to eaoh other the attributive member 
being placed first and attributes or refers that which is expHB-; 
ed by its second member, as determined or modified by what 
is denoted by its first member, to something denoted by neither 
of the two ; «. g. *rff*T5 : * one whose arm is great ; * qfara^t: 
'one whose garment is yellow 7 , when dissolved, it must 
have the pronoun q^ in any one of the oblique cases: as jr$F^ 

104 &ANSKSX GbAMMAB. [ § 219-222 

■ m 


A Bahuvrfhi compound partakes of the nature of an adjective 
and assumes the gender of the substantive it qualifies. 

■ ■ 

N. B, The difference between a Karm. and a Bah. comp. is 


this: — In the case of the former one of the members alone is in 

, j 


apposition to the substantive it qualifies, while in that of the 
latter the whole compound is in adjective; e. g. q^4 pT- TW:; 
here one of the members viz. S^rPT* * s i a apposition to spy: and 
therefore, the comp. is a Karm.; but in *ujmffj g? the whole 
oomp. qualifies Nala. 

F a 

§ 220. Bahuvrihi compounds are divided into two classes; 

- (a) That is a fiamanadhikarana Bah. in which both the 
members are in apposition to each other i.e, have the same 

■ i j ■ ■ 


( OTFT) case relation ( arpfcTfT ) when dissolved. There are 
six kinds of this according as the 3T^is in any one of the six 
oblique oases $ *. g. nm TO? '^ TO} mtflnH *TPT.' } 5fg: ,.W 

*ffcp 35TP vfoi*\ h .«fl<|iWl 1W-- 

§221. A Vyadhikarana Bah. is that whose members are 
not ( fq- ) in apposition to each other i. *. are in different oases 
when dissolved. A Vyadhikarana Bah. is not allowed in any 
caae except in the Genitive and Locative; as ^r& tHt" I^T 

': is not allowed. 

..- $ 222. .The negative particle 3T or ar^and prepositions may 
sometimes, form Bah. compounds with substantives. The verbal 

§ 222-226 ] Compounds. 105 

derivatives used to express their sense may be optionally 

retained; itfNwR: 3*T: ^rcar ST «r^T;3 fN^T T" *** * &&** 
ruthless; vjjrgr <*«• *! * ? ^3T CT sifeh*-^ *: with the neck uplifted; 

*f%T^ sftfatf tot e fasffftsp dead &c. A.lso srRl44HWg*r:, &c. 

"^rfer ^ TOT m fRtfuftcr 'ft: a milch-cow ( where srRff i" 
aa indeclinable meaning 'having '). 

■i i 

■ j ■ 


§ 223. The particle ^ may be compounded with a noun in 
-the Instrumental case in a Bahuvrihi when there is equal 
■participation in some action; in this case 9? optionally 

becomes h; as 3^T ST$ ^33*: or *S* : ' 

§ 224. The compound of an indeclinable or a numeral or of 

STFiirer? *T£C or srft&r with a numeral, is a Bahuvrihi. In the 
formations of such compounds the final vowel except that of 
•^f and iror, or the final consonant with the preceding vowel of 
the latter numeral and the atftr of fqT*ri% are dropped and s? 
added; SfSTPTf spff*!' % fifcr *t 34^411: 'about ten' ». 0. nine or 

1 1 ' l 1 ' j r 

eleven; ft *r *rft *T f$*t: ' two or three'; fc *F sftf* *T RMU% 

■ 1 1 ' 

IStCTpn'Tfl'Hwr: ' tejl repeated twice* i. e. twenty; sopr?OT: &e- 
^JtKPmi amrsrfifOT 'nearly twenty', fi^Rr: *Tttr: *iftf3r$rr: 

r ■ 


*not far from thirty', stf^ thqWHflf qp 'more than forty'; but 
WW*:> 3*T*Frr:; ^nK preceded by 37 or fSr does not drop 
-any letter but simply has an ar added to it; =Br«ft sjr ^evrclr ^ 

j j 

§ 225. Two names of directions may form a Bahuvrihi 
compound and signify the point or direction between them; 
-^•WW! Sljfeww. f^ttrWnf ffjtavqf* so *TlVg<tf i &e. But if 
the words thus to be compounded are not the names of 

■i ■ 1 r 

quarters, no compound is possible; as T^IPT (°* Indra ) 
■ j l JPnW (of Eubera) M^fli lP ? ftf$ 'the point between the 

1.Q6. Sanskst Gbammab. [; § 225-22* 

East and the North; and not ^qfhKftd 1 , as theae are not the 
names of the Eastern and Northern quarters. 

§ 226. (a) The words sTr^T and ^rf^r, both meaning parts 
of the body, change their final to sr when at the end of a Bah. 
compound— 3^*5^ ST^rTi" TOT ST sl&snQr: '°ao whose eyes 

^ ■ 

are like lotuses'; ^Hf *TC*t 3* qfhNW* ' one having long 
thighs', 'spindle-legged 7 ; spi% ^ •TArt TO*f: W War$ft fcfr)i 
^JHT^Tr %3^fS": 'a bamboo stick with big eyelike holes'; but 

'ftTOft*? 1 OTSZ^ '* cart with long poles'. 

(]>) sr»rr and jfar change their final to 3^ when preceded 
by the negative particle, and f^and g - -; a^^HH I srsfT ^Rir 

ar^WT^:; having no progeny ; fffr j^TT TOT * fann: *av- 
ing. bad progeny ; OTH^TT %VR *TW ST S^W- ' o* g° od intellect f 
similarly f3fqr:/a^rr;. 

§227. (a) qp¥ when preceded by a single member in a 
Bahuvrihi becomes *pj^> ^^TFf >7#: TOT 7 W^TPwff 
similarly ^frpwfr ( sse Hal. M&d. I. 6 ); bnt <?&'• *$'■ *r«fc *j?*P 
^T MW^ ^j * KMH < HhT may also be correct if TOW oe regarded 
as one word compounded in a Karmadharaya. 

(b) q^ at the end of a Bah. becomes ^F?^[ as arfaswf qg- 
sfor^s srf^sr^TT 'one whose bow is strong', so «ETrN^T 
( WST ff *?nfa) one whose bow is made of horni. e. the God 
Vishnu. This change is optional when the whole compound 

is. a name; 3Rra?CT"3:. 

§ 228. At the end of a Bah. Compound- 
ed ^rrw is changed to 5 necessarily when preceded by sr or 
^jsrj and optionally when preceded by gp4 ; *Ffk g f ifl*fl ' ^^T 0" 
U^:; one having the knees -wide apart *. #. bandy-legged; ?$fp» 

§228-230] Compounds. lor 

(*) 5frarr becomes 3ffl%:, 5^ ^rrax tw sr i^srri^: one- 

whose wife is young; a^irrfSr: Kt. one whose wife is the earth;, 
*. e. a king, &o. 


(c) »r?g beoomes irffeq- when preceded by g^, gpr or 5, or 
when the compound involves comparison; ^%qz irwq": ^e?r *T 
S^q*: 'whose amell is spread above.' ^fttrr^?: 'having a re- 
pulsive smelP, g»rf^:; TSR* $T »F*|: ^^T^<RT*rf^T 'that 
which has the smell of a lotas'. TMb change of arr?^ is possible 
only when the smell referred to is inseparably connected' 
with ( looks like a part; and parcel of.) the object denoted by 
the other member; as gTrfaj *rwf srfrya? *t ( which receives it* 
odour from the lotuses &o. grown in it ); fliffi qrqfrffi; but 
SfPTTT *P^r *R*T 5»F^ air^.' 'a perfumer dealing in sweet 
smells', vpq- is also changed to trf^q- when it means 'a parti- 
cle of, 'a little'; as g;q^ ir?^: j^^% ?f^ ^nr^ H^pl* i so 
*£ * Hlfr r& dinner in which there is a scanty supply of ghee, &c. . 


§229. ^s^r is changed to w^j when preceded by g or ^^ 
meaning *a friend* or <an enemy' respectively; *fhnr $$af 3reT 
H g$$ t& Wend', £$^ 'an enemy,; but jj^s^r: >one who has 
got a good heart' t. e. 'one who is able to appreciate merits',-- 
&c.; g^^: 'a man of wicked intentions'. 

■1 i 


■ L 

§ 230. Two nouns, the same in form, in the Loo. and mean- 
ing 'something that can be seized', or in the Instrumental, 

j r 

meaning 'weapons or things used'as weapons,' may be com- 
pounded in a Bah: when the sense is 'the fight thus began 7 and 
the reciprocity or exchange of action is to be expressed. In such . 
compounds the final vowel of the first member is lengthened 
and the second member takes f before which its final: 
vowel is dropped. The compounds so formed are of the nature 
of Avyaylbh&vas and are indeclinable. A final 3 takes guna 
substitute before the final fy e.g. %$fr %§3 ■*lfl*9*f,Wf s fiP^ 

:108 Sansebt Gbammab. [. § 230-234 

- ^isi r ^Rr i& battle in which the warriors fight seizing each 
-other's hair'; *ro%^ ^ofv %%*%$ $^f srj^ 3<T3T$f"3r; similarly 

^ffrgfo S*ar?fl?r» STgTOfa, S^wrs^j &<M bnt if the instru- 
-ments need by both the parties be not the same, no compound 

:ia possible; gr Ei a^M will therefore be wrong. 

§231. The following Bahuvrihis are laid down as irregu- 
lar; tyHHI *Tl d<^| QITRP w. 'one haying an auspicious morning 
or a day having an anspieions dawn'; (see Bhatti. II. 49.) gt^ 
r ij: «f$ar %*%t 'having an auspicious morrow', ^fr^pf fiftFCT Sf$3":- 

§232. The words ^g;, ^rf5^, s^s^, ffa, wrf^-^", and 

"S^VWJS* TOQ[> IT and ?*S*nr when used in the singular, have 

a 37 added to them, when they form the latter member of a 

Bah. eomp; sqjj ( expanded, well-developed) &%: q^r swilT^pj 

pRraf^ir: 'one fond of ghee'; &c to: 3*1^ TOT *f& ¥*&** ? 
'haying one man only', &c. When Jg; and the words following 
it are used in the dual and the plural they take sr optionally; 

, r 


^^ ■ "i 

(a) 3T^T takes the final sr 9 necessarily when preceded by ar^ 
-and optionally in any other case; qw^r; 'useless'; bat 3?qT§- 
-'t$^ 'meaningless'. 

■i I ' 

§ 233. A fern; Bah. ending in f% takes this gff necessarily; 

^Rf^W *»rfr 'a dty having many • ascetics'; *5Trf*ffSirr Wtt ; 
-<an assembly having many eloquent speakers in it'; but 
*IOT*€r orqg j f fo g ^fE qrq: ( Vide § 262. below ). 

§ 234. As a general rule, when the final word of a 
"Bahuvrihi oomp. does 'not undergo any addition or alteration 
mentioned in the foregoing rules, it optionally takes the affir 


4fi.WW*W *-*'■'<>* ^gbty glory* but <nrir?*«r: *oy 

§235-230] CoKPOTnsD& 10&* 

§23-5. But if the last word of a Bah. be a feminine noun, 
ending in % or gj no * capable of changing to f n or ^$. before-- 
the vowel eaae terminations, or if it 'ends in 3? it necessarily^ 

takes gr ; f^ ^rjJ *j^r crg.f^^ctV spt^; 9firffa)t%$r:, 5ft?&~ 

*w: TOT ST CTTO^ff-*; ba6 g*ft: ^fris an exception; Sf^ftqr:. 

§. 236. The 37 ia not affixed in a few esses; as fq^| ^T si^T- 
f*T^:» *S*TI§: ( having many veins ) zf^u 

§ 237. When the first member of a Bah. is a feminine nonn ■ 
derived from the mas. by the affix air or f f it reassumes its mas... 
form when followed by another fem. nonn, except when the 
second, member is an ordinal number or one of the words ffcriV 

fsflirrj *« i «ir«fi , > sttt? *^r» «ai«4ii x $ftar> *T*?r &c. 3 as f%rsrr 


I- - I 

■ ■ n " 

§ 238. An Avyaylbhava compound consists of two members^ 
the first of which is generally an indeclinable (a preposition or 

-I ■ 

adverb ) and the second a nonn; the whole being treated like 
the nom, sing, of nen. nouns; the compound so formed is 
indeclinable; a. g. 3*fq^ft in Hari; ar q 1 ^ R h' according to one ? s- 
power; &e. 

| 239. The final letters of an Avya. undergo the following 

j ■ 


L I - - m 


.-; (<j) A final long vowelis shortened and final q- or qr is changed 
to f , and aft or aft to gr ; as iftqwfs *TT: TOllfl *r ^iYTr: HfM*R*- 
f^ihxr^: in a protector or cow-herd 5 ar^rq-OT after Vishnu, ^irg- 


■»eara,cpw>&0. ■/-.'■■■ 

:110 Sansxrt Gbammae. [ § 239-240 

(5) Final q; or mas. or fern, nouns in ST3[ is dropped, and 
optionallay that of neu. nouns ending in 3^ ; CT+TT3Hr= 

(0) 97 is optionally substituted for the final of rpfr and frrf^ ; 

(d) 3? is also optionally added to all nouns ending in any of 
-the first four letters of a class ; ?TOf^7^-f3^- 

(0 aria added to the final of srjr^ , ipf^ , s*TPT? 7 a^ff > ft* , 
v fl^ &C-5 W&- ^nftlg HWH i 9>T?^C ? aT Hft^q. &c. 

(/) H% becomes sr^r when preceded by srj%, u-^ ( changed t6 

§ 240. The indeclinable forming the first member of an 
Avyayibhava may have various senses:-— -(1) the meaning of a 

«ase,as^ir sflraifSFsfo ^fr^rfWrr^ ; BTR^sfr erorarat &c -> 

*<2) ^l4i<4 or nearness, fars^: *rjfrTg<n%w near Vishnu; iffrnrp 
■HHlH^t r ^ ; (3) ^r^T or a prosperous condition; JTSEfrf 
s^ngr: gTO^ where the Madras are in a happy condition ; ( 4 ) 
s^f^: or a bad condition ( fttm 5lt%: ); wrrTT ^ri%f ^^ 
where the Yavanas are in a bad condition; (5) aprr?: or absence 

•of ; jrf^re^ir^: f^%^ where the flies are not present at 
all ; perfect loneliness or. quiet ; (6) sr^zr: or the lapse or 
; passing of ; f%HW 8^93 : sri%f|*T^ after the cold season; so 
ST^fT^^ ? stRr^bTH^ &c (7) aT?r*irr% or unfitness of time; 
fSrCTH*5ri^«T^r^«rl%R^past sleeping time; as STfcTR*- 
gT^rtr^sr:; (8) 1*0%. or after; fat^t: i^r^ 9*3^*3; (9) 
qfrgrar or fitness ; as gr^gg atl ^ H^ tj M^ in a fit or correspond- 
ing manner ; similarly sr^'T^agfeoftbly or conformably to ; 
&c, ( 10.) ^farr or repetition ; a? arS" *X$ !fj% H&f$\ in 

■ r 

*very ease, a^^HJft srerf-f ; ( 11 ) ST^lt^f^T or th« 

§240-245] Compounds. Ill 

mon-tranBgresaion of, ^F<ff | Hr§9a*ir *m HMl rh according to one's 
^ower; 3prn%fSr &e.y (12)aTTg?J§ or succession in order; szj-g^j 
^ng^N" ST35J&TC according to seniority; 943*1*^ &o. and 
(IS) *rrar^ or entirety, fulness; as a^^HU^-WI ^"T^. in 
a manner including »'. 0. not leaving oat, grass. 

General Bulbs Applicable to. All Compound b. 



§ 241. The words *6^[ , S* 7 ST* and §^ ^non it does not 
■mean 'the yoke of a carriage 7 , and TfSrq; which drops its final 
^, at the end of any compound, take the augment *T; as 
WTtfsf:— ^ half a Bk; f^^: %: fa*S3^» fs^nsrf TO a lake 
with clear water-, ns«rgTT burden or responsibilities of govern- 
ing a kingdom, T*?r<T«fi* $5T : a country having pleasant roads; 
&T$P7: the yoke of a carriage. 

m m 

§242. The ar of a^ris changed to £ when preoeded by 

■ j 

§ 243. (a) 8# 

*rarwfa *nro 

"bull-eye-shaped window. (5) iruf^ when preceded by a preposi- 
tion drops its final x*, OTfl: aT*Trif> JTf^: «n*r *r ms*: a car- 

■ r . ' 

riage that has gone a certain distance; a long distance. 

■ L 

a i 

§244. *^ preceded by VNTC( ufo 1 OTBC by *ro> ^ and 
3^ have a final sr added to them; snjrrt^ the majesty or 
glory of a Brfthmana, sra^rw ?T*r: .VTftfflrt slight darkness; «p^ 

" r 

:W aT^WrPrtf pitchy darkness. 

* . 

L 1 - 

J " 

§ 245. vr is added to the final of the following compounds. — 

-armrenrrR ^^rrit srer («+TO;+iT)?raH{: destitute of 

112 Sanskbt Grammar. [§ 245-240 


four; ^r%* M fir:%TO* real, never failing bliss, Moksha;. 

^7 «TTS: S^TTl^C the P er * od °* human Ii*a- W? "^ «T^T 
*rran^$k. and the Yajua Vedas. TOrarcft.-VOT ^ imfNr: 
a young bull; similarly JTftST:. 

§ 246. ^?^T beoomes 77 necessarily when followed by ^TW 
and fa; VCTTO* standing in water; 3^T$*.; and optionally when, 
followed by a word beginning with a simple consonant and 
denoting a vessel to be filled with water, and by j^sx, f^=f fee.;. 

■ * 

^gj—^^rwT:; g ^»q : or aroi^to 9OT^p or 

§ 247. The following compounds are olassed under the- 
head of a^HfC ( the first Word of the group ). Any compound 


whose formation cannot be explained otherwise is included into 
this list. *TO 3ft S^fT^U here the^of^srg; Is dropped),. 

wind, tir; jfer'tfraAr ISRftft TT ^Er:; (here i^or^ oomeaga- 
irregularly ); f^TOftrlr f%f"j «l*^rer WW «j«taui qffNr 

m%m: srwr^r: » cloud. 



Jftumnxrai Babes. 

1 j a 

§ 248. A feminine base may be derived from the masculine 
by means of the affixes sn? f > 3T and Rr — 

- - u ' ■ 


§ 249. Before the affix f— 

(a) nouns ending in consonants assume that form which they 

■i ' r 

take before the termination of the Inst, sing,; qc^-SflsHt, 

f^tflr, &c. There aie some exceptions, as sr#q;— art°ff, fee. 
: (5) the preceding a? is dropped; as.iffc— ifrft,. st??^— afNft 

249-251 ] Feminine Bases. 113 

(c) the final ^ of the words $£$, «rvp^r and i^nr is dropped; 

(i) in the case of the participles of the Present and the 
nture, g; is inserted, as in the Nom. dual of the neu. ( Vide § 
05 a. h. ) 

§250. A pratipa&iha ( see § 54 ) ending in st generally 
)rms its feminine by adding srr, fsfrar— f^TT, =£$°T— $qfal> 
rsr— 3tht» < pdcKI »'&<M ^Jsf aot preceded by q|q(and expressing 

class takes an* In the fern.; ^j£f a woman of the ^jgf caste. 

(«) Bat if it ends in ^, the member of a termination, the pre- 

ading «r is changed to f; srft^n", 3HK3iL &«•; TOOT* and the 
rords ending in the Tad. affix s*r with 9? suffixed to it, change 

ieir at *0' t similarly ; *nf^*n\ ^TTT^^rr; ff r "%afsur» a woman 
f this place. Exceptions — sr fil**W 'a table-land', 3 T Vq^l 
ae land at the foot of a mountain, ^TKSnsrsfTr 5 TO*fc 


§ 251. A pratipadil-a ending inq^C> except f%3rc and S53T* , 
;r, src preceded by tpp, arq^:, 3T*t and jjf ; the nominal bases 
tiding in T£Zf, nominal and verbal derivatives formed by the 
ffiz si causing Vxiddhi or Gnna, such as ar)qir:>iTfar:, a^H^rf*:, 
"R3!t:> ^rrf^Tv &o-, words ending in the Tad. affixes g93V 
S" HPT, an ^ f ^7 ( with some exceptions ) and in the krife 
ffix sqr, form their feminine in f when they are not used 
djecfcively ; e. g. ifNrarfr conducing' to pleasure ; q-^gjft &o. 

ft*, frsrtfr sr^rfr &c, dh$fti t*Wh *o. §*&. sftefr, 

SK''$*mf:> im^rr^ ^.> .^BMNlfr-fl'rfT measuring or 
eaching as far as the knee, &c, sutfJS^tt W$f*tHx f &c. 

1 1 ■ _ ■ 1 


■ ■ j 

(a) Words expressive of the stages of age, except the last, 
hose ending in the Tad. affixes if and *sr, and the words *ffc j 
aCT and others take J in the fern.; STtfT-rfv^ft, gtRK-gnrQ &e.; 

- 1 1- 

« - o rv 

114 Sawskpi Gbuoub. [ § 251-254;, 

ftto *S#> lifrr jiWh mrnnft, f^efn^ &e.s &K bas at^cr 

and £^. 


§ 252. The following pratipadikas form their feminine in 
J under the circumstances mentioned — 5rreT? when it qualifies 
ff% ' maintenance/ ^rsy 'a natural site/ srpr 'a Aty* elephant', 
$fcr when it refera to garment or means ' indigo / and sfi^t 
4 a knot of hair •/ as mnM<fl ( f 1%: ) but srmST snrft ; **rpfr 
•Tfrf%wr ^ j W8t *TOT «. «■ * ground artificially prepared f 

•*fi«-fli' t^rr ^r^r iwf :, #*& tp* ° r 5 ft<*r (w*wn * name), cmO 

4 a braid of hair/ but «h«K ' l 'variegated', sftqr has ^Ht-otT- 

§ 258. The feminine of nouns denoting 'a male' is' formed 
by adding f when the wife of that male is meant; vfK^T #T 

j ■ 

«frtr i ^ 'wife of a fcudra. 7 

■ j 

(a) But not of nouns ending ia m^ ; as ifrrrfc^TT 'the 
wife of a cow-herd ' ( bat ifftn? has iffar^T ), B< J vj ' |l l "rtchl * the 
wife of a horse-groom.' 

(5) &£r bas *rqf 'the divine wife of Surya'; but wff i, e. 
arstft ' who was a mortal. 1 

? * ■ 

§ 254. The words ^f, «/$% »TO *T%, *& $3, and an^rpf, 
If* and SKvq 1 both implying fastness '; 3Rr meaning ' bad or 


■spoiled, barley/ 3r*5T when the feminine denotes the alphabet 
•of the Tfavanas, iflg;? and --afroi form their fern, in f but 
inserts^ before this f ; *. j?. $*XPft 'the wife of Indra'; 
Wrpft ( the wife of Varuna', &o. firfjfr ' a vast sheet of ice% 


tsfto^rpf)- ' an immense or extensive forest', ?ct T^t ^WPflv 
* qmx f^W**T s rpfr ; but ir^ft 'the wife of a Tavana or a 
Tavana woman 5" srr^ratft ( and nofc-5ft )■/ the wife of an 

§i 254-260 ] Feminise Bases. 115 

A'eharya or a holy teacher'; bat srraraf '» woman who teaches, 
* spiritual preceptress*. 

(a) The words trrg*? and ^trpdrrq' insert this Sff^ optionally ; 

4 Hfl«*l4i'j W5WT5 ^TP^^Rrpft, ^rwrnft? 'the wife of a preceptor'; 
$rat gTrri^rpft- or 3<TTWJT3rr '* female preceptor'/a woman who 

L ■ 

herself performs the work of an ^rrtarra'; in the case of a^ 
-and $rf%*r> W3[ is optionally inserted before the, $■, when no 
wife is meant* antf — swiHh '* mistress or a woman of the 
Vaia'ya or trader clasa*; q Rw , ^IwHr 'a woman of the 
Kshatriya or warrior class'; srqf 'the wife of a. Vaishya*, 
SlfSpft 'the wife of a Kshatriya.' 

§ 255. Noons ending in a? and not having q^ for their 
penultimate, except $?r, q-q^r a wild ox, *^m and q^r take f- 
when 'class, is implied; t. 0. f qwr 'a S'ndra female' (also the 
*wife of a $qK, see § 254. above )• similarly argfaft, ^ST^flS, Ac. 

§ 256. Pratipadikas expressive of colour, and having q^ for 
'their penultimate, except «T%3 black and crn^T &<*•> and the 
-wordfq^r^, form their feminine in arr or f 1 before which the *r 


11s changed towjnTgrr or rr;ft 'variegated', from ^79* ftflsir, 

■*HHh ftanfr fircnf r; b^t srftrfjT, qffevn %?r has ^r. 

(o) but if the pratipadika has no ^ for its penultimate, it 
dimply takes £; 3r?*rnfr variegated, m*& 5 but ^smj, stftar- 

, r 

§ 257. The feminine of ^ and ?TC is ■TfQ', and of <pr <niT. 
§ 258. The feminine of words expressive of relationship is 
irregular; ^g^-^^ j fq^-JTHC, &e. 

§ 259. The feminine of <mf is qf^r meaning^the sharer with 
her husband in the fruit of the sacrifices performed by him/ 

§ 260 The words a??3^ and qf<^ *o>m thrir feminine in 
-f but have a q; prefixad to this |; ar?3$3?r e a woman big with 

116 Samskbt Geammae. [§260-267* 

a child'. qrH^stfr ' a woman whose husband is living'. Bus if 
the word qfcT means 'a lord or master of f only is added; as- 
qf^Trf^r fv{r (the earth having a king). 

■ a t 

§ 261. Adjectives ending in j f short or long, have no- 
other f roxns for their feminine; as ^rj%:, g^]*:&c, 

■ *■ rf ■ 

§ 262. Adjectives ending in ? not preceded by a conjunct 

consonant take f optionally; e. g. gf-3!f :-$$> ^-^"ft'-fr ^'S-*^^^ 
bat ^ra?: only, as the gr is preceded by a conjunct consonant. 

§ 263. If a compound has for its last, member gj^ and for 
its first a word signifying a standard of comparison, it forms 
its feminine by adding^; t**jfc:: (7*^3-7 3^ $^rr:) plantain - 
thighed; gR^f}^: having thighs (beautifully tapering) like the 
trunk of an elephant. 

■ " " "* 

§ 264 The feminine of 1T3 « TTT^*? 'Tsrr^' or 1^3; and of 

g 265 A prattpa&ika ending in short ^r or ^ forms its fe- 
minine by the addition of f ; qif-qnff, VPT^ffepft,' g%, 

N.B. Words like *f^, ipflfr far? f^j, &c. being them- 
selves feminine do not take this termination. 

* ' ■ 

(a) ig?% forms its feminine by adding j% before which the 
final ^ is dropped; ^tf:. 

j ■ 


§ 266. If a pratipadilca ends in 3^ it changes its 5 or r be- 
fore f 5 tfhr^-'ftsfc -fltfst^SO the night- g^PTjyf^jr^r atflr- 

^kW L . L L . 


! ?5T»ra- : s?rT. 

f 267-271 ] Feminhtb Bases. 117 

if the word ending in sr^ be such as drops its a* before the 3ft 
of the Inst, sing, [it takes f also optionally '&. g. affiil*!^- 

§ 268. A Bab. oomp. ending in spm takes f in the fern. 

B F 

before which ^ ia substituted for the final s^; tft^r gr$: H&TT- 
^T : < ftsftaY having a large udder; ^^fsfr (3ee Bag. I. 84 ). 

§ 269. When a compound has for its second member a 
word denoting a limb of the body of an animal and having no 
-conjunct consonant preceding its final vowed, the fern, is 
formed by the addition of an or f* 3Tr5%$rr-5fr ( a woman 

, r 

fraving abundant hair'; £%5TMEfh 'SRr^tHsft; hut WW^ 



having beautiful ankles; g^sjsfr <> r gSctrr ( ^TT ^T stfeWT 3T ); *>** 

■ "i ^^ 

: ^5^r ^Tr^ST 'an edifice with a beautiful front.' 

(a) If the words, however, denoting the limb, have more 
-than two syllables, the fem. is formed in a^ 1 alone; -g^sWHl, 
having large hips; ^•^^c^r &c. 

i t - ■ ■ ' i i 

§270, Of Bah. compounds having for their last member 
one of the words ^nfSPffr* 3$*, afte, sfrn, $?*r, W% *Ep» **W> 
^TTsr, gin* and vs& 9 the fem. ia formed either in an* o* §-, 
i&5H l fe f5KT -5ft; ■ ft ' flff r-ft 'a woman having a slender waist'j 
RHtai- St ' with a lip as red as the bimba fruit'; ffi «t& *r^r; 
WtT&f^fWt-^f 'one having long legs, 7 hence ( a she camel;' 
^pr-ifT ( ifrti a*?F *W: *T ) fair-bodied; ^ST-^ &c- 

■ r 

§ 271. Participles of Farasm. roots take $ in the fem. ( for 

r "■ 

the insertion of ^ see § 249. c. ) and so do adjectives ending in 


L ■ 

& consonant; Tns#; ir^-^, V !*)<#> %%&? $**(*$, ffsffc &<*• 

118 Sansr*! .Gbakiub. [ § 272-275 



Some of the most common Tasdhzxa Assises. 

§ 272. The terminations used to form derivative bases, in 
Sanskxt, are distinguished into (1) Kft, (f»^)or Primary 
Affixes and (2) TaddhUa («f^rj) or Secondary affixes. Krt are 
those affixes which are added to verba, and the Nominal bases 
formed by their means are called Pbdiaby Nominal Bases;. 
while Taedhzxa affixes are those which are added to substan- 
tives, primary or derived from roots, and the bases formed 
with them are called Secondary Nominal Bases. 


| 273. The Taddhita affixes are added in various senses. 
They occasion various changes in the words to which they are 


added. The following general observations should be paid 
attention to. 

(a) As a general rule the first vowel of a word takes its 
Yrddhi substitute before the terminations 9|y f^ f ■$ <fcc; as 

(5) Before terminations beginning with a vowel or ^r (1) the 
final sr? *TF> f an ^ f are rejected; (2) ? and ^ take their Gana 
substitute; (3) afr and a$ obey the ordinary rules of Sandhk 
STPOTffi + H= VTPCT3 *». ». 'belonging to Asvapati 7 , &c; *jg+- 
ar=JTR^: 'a descendant of Hanu'; «fr+tr=*raf * belonging to a 
cow/ so %r5s;fr.sft, &c. 

r ■ 


1 ■ 

(c) In the case of derivatives from compound words some 
times the initial vowel of the second Word takes its Yrddhi 
substitute, and sometimes the Yrddhi is double; ^nf^E 
'belonging to the last year 7 ; similarly ^ i q irtch &c; *ffcf| fr. 

35?^ , ^TFT f wm gapr &o. 

jjp273 ] Taddhita Affixes. 119 

(d) If the initial vowel of a word be preceded by the sr and 
3^of a preposition, the vor? is first changed to fw or 3? 
before V^ddhi substitute can take place; as *qr4K<°f +3T— 
^^raTTT+3r=|?rr^rT:; S* I *f3r=^ , S+aT='Effa^j similarly 
^*Nlfe* *r. 39^3 ; gfat !?< 33T &<>• 

(«) Before consonantal Tad. affixes, a final ^ is generally 

rejected; the final q; with the preceding vowel is sometimes 

dropped before vowel terminations and such as begin with 3"; 

!^(-fT«f » n«T^-n5r%, &c-, aTr?^-*rrwr or arrctfcr. There ar© 
various exceptions to this latter part of the rale; . *. g. iM«-q 

fr. CT5I^ &c. 

■ r 

1 Miscellaneous Affixes. 

■ ■ j 


ST— is added in the sense of: — (1) 'the son of; as s^ijt: aT3^7 

5«rr^ aftTTT: ' the son of Upagu'; so ?T^r: from 
*%&n T&R* SPI^ ^fr TT^ ' the daughter of the 
mountain', &e. ( 2 ) « the descendant of; as $ *W& 

vfiW&Z S*T^ afi"^: *»- descendant of IJtsa;' ^s^^r 
'frmTczr ^Jr sfhePr 'a female descendant of Utsa', (3) 

' dyed with;' f fef^TT rtf STft£ S^tf ' a garment dyed 
with turmeric'; (4) made of;' ( ^T&f^»N:: t^fns* 
' made of the fir tree;' (5) 'belonging to,' &e. ; f?^ 

a^ %a;: 'belonging to a god;' ^i r *4 l ft m& '°* 
aand;' srefcf ?# sft? %W '* woolen garment,'; ilrsir; 
'belonging to the sultry season,' %^: *noctnraal/ 

^n^^: 'yearly'; &c. 


■ ■ j 

■i ■ 

sy^ — forms derivatives with various significations: — (l)$eiTgr: 

iffeJTVH 1 : 'produced in the hot season.' (2) SflX ^^ 
'a forester,' 'a wild man.' 

3Tm?— is added to the words f^f and *n^ in the sense of 'the 

father of;' ftg: jfagr ftWHfi <a paternal grandfather,' 

120. Sakskax Geammae. [ § 273 

TOTPIf: ' a maternal grandfather. ' (1) && is added to 
ffra in the sense of 'the brother of; 7 qrjj: ^rrST Trgw: 
* a maternal uncle, ' (2) and szr is added to ftjr^ au ^ 
^Tij in the sense of i the brother and the son of ' 
respectively; fag: sfRrr faSFV"' * paternal uncie', ^|h: 
**: «rrssar: * a nephew '. 

??F(^,S3T, z% 9 ) — has various senses: — (1) ^TOp- *n*ti 

^TTrC^f^^?: 'the son of Bevati'; (2) 'happening or 
given onoe a month, monthly, lasting for a month ', 

&o. *rrt^ #J?T *ftr mf%3f %<FT S^sfr wr; similarly 
^ifSr^T Hff: &c (3) 'gathering together', ^^n*:; (4) 

'asking'; £??rrff T^ftf^ Jt wfftC - ( o n « who ask » 
another whether he had an auspicious ablution 7 ; so 

U*& 41 4*? T^^«fn% qta ft l MR-fr : '°^« who asks another 
. *■ " whether he had a comfortable sleep'. ( See Rag. VI. 
■■'.- SIX. 14). 



V*\ (V&%) — forms abstract nouns when added to the words 

W> S£> *RX, 93><l?»&3, Vt,J** 'iftjc, 1ST* $5T, *». 
and to the words expressive of colour; before this 

term, these undergo the same changes as before the 

t^ of the comparative and are always mas.; as 

STpr'TT 'greatness', ^*n" 'softness', r?f*r*rr 'thinness', 

qfCTT '■ dexterity ', *' sharpness ', &c. srfejfr? iff^RT, 

* . 

L ■ 

■1 I 

<qoir — jjTf^oir ' produced in or relating to the rainy season ', 

fr. urf^. 

, r 

zaeq, ^ar and $jffa, ( sff^T*, ^r, |^hn^ )— »*e added to 

express 'near equality with, little inferiority to'; 
f%3«r: fa*a£T f%C?3OT:—^^*fiw: 'almost learned'; 
&HK?hfru .: 'nearly equal to Kumftra in valour; > 

.■ a ■ 

: » ^trapOT ' nearly dead ', &e. 

$373] TAddhita Affixes. 121 

3T (Z§? Sjgi* ) — ifl added to adverbs of time in the sense of 

'relating or belonging to,' *rr*T TCCT^OTi WW?:? 


UWP5 xtt^stt:; ftrosp; ^tera=f:> W?rc:> ^ronr:; 

and to the word ^ changed to sj-^st:, 
^ST, STO and unr, ( W%> f«RT^[» HTSpq; ) are added in the sense 

of 'meauring as much as/ sng srqnr STTO 3rr3W-**W 

— HR" 55RT 'water reaching as far as the knee,' &c. 
3TO ( »Wff ) — is added in the sense of (1) 'made of; ^f: f^TIT*- 

g«^ 'made of earth/ ^Sinr 'made of wood/ &o.; 

and (2) in that of 'profusion or excess'; ■&$ TF&k 

m l 

^f^HHf sftfinfr mr : ' a sacrifice consisting for the most 
part of clarified butter, 7 STvTJW &c. It is not added 

to words denoting 'an article of food or a covering.' 
^ ( ^£» ^jt^f °*T ) — is added to nouns with different mean- 

J L 

fcg* (1) *J*rraf HT§: *W a « courtier/ (2) forms 
abstract nouns, ^FS*r, t l H I M^ , 9n>$i it is added to 
— (3) » mH< in the sense of 'born of the race of, 
cnPY: ' a man of the Kshatriya class. ? ." In the 

L L ¥ L 

■ 1 

derivatives given hereafter jf should be considered as 

■ ■ - - X 

added in the sense attached to each word :— ^j^f 


r theft ? from ^sr; 3^3?: ' born of the breast ' ( also 

r *■ ' 

SJTW: fr. ^<f^+3T ) f*. *KQ} TW ' fit for the nose% 
from HU^ch l; %^ ' drawing a chariot, a horse/ ?grq 
' harnessed to the yoke, a ball; ' qq^i ' of equal age, 
a friend/ jre? 'what is weighed in a balance: and 
fonnd equal/ hence ' equal 5 , fr. ^r; s^r*^ («-MI^ I 4 - 
"irt*') ' 3 a »*; '* W* ( *Rr 3TT* ■)-*■ wholesome; * ^ 
C^Hf W\*& HH l ^m i d, ) '.' agreeable to the heart/ ip^ 
( q H PH^d ^»^T 7T) 'consistent with <Z&»rma/ or 
'obtained justly; , «$: (atafrflft)- f a a »" e ° T 

122 Saxskpt Gbahuab. [ § 275 

bullock yoked to the pole of a carriage'; *rs?f ( q^r 
fW" ) ' proper or fit for a oow, got from a cow '; &o. 

2 Affixes showing- possession* ( JW*ffa ). 

an? and STTff — are attached to 7T^( in the sense of 'speaking 

much or speaking badly'; qT^Tf£ : or ^r^TW: a prattler, 
a garrulous or talkative person. 

39 — is affixed to qrc3?T and other words in the sense of 'that 

is obtained or possessed by'; «HH.*I STOT *NHcTP 
?TR:i%^ spr: ' the sky studded with stars '; tfi&Tft *R«r 
*taKnft 9T*ft <*(*«: WR'-i similarly sffenr, gfetr,. 

^ and yq? ( $f%, sq; )— are added to words ending in ar, and 

to the words sftr?, m^r, ffr &o.; fog 1 : &4t€||*efift 

■ r i ■ i 

Sp*^ or tffcffff *one who has a staff/ i-rftq;, gf5sT^ 
j :fe^ &e.; ^-f^, 4)Hl°h 5 fflft^ ITTfa^T. 
^r— is added to 3^ &e. ; qrfcft, 3d$9r ' having a broad 

chest'; qfgpey 'muddy,' fitfrlfo 'sandy,' ^r^R^r 

frq^ — is added to the word ^fx[ in a good sense, as art? 

or atfc? is added in a bad sense; qrr^T^. * eloquent, an 

J L 

«T^( *{§*) is the general term, expressing possession; it is 

added in the sense of ' it has that or that is in it \. 

L _ 

«.?. gTreTmiftMHI ^*3ffi %qr* 'possessing oows/ 
&o. It is specially added to the words ^, ^t, quj 

iW».-*nfc #| t TO » nd ST» <*WIV &c. ; SWT^- 

* These affixes have, besides this, various other senses, such 
as excess, excellence fte.;' q flPH m ti ti n S' f^torqffififtrr^ I «T«r- 

§ 274 ] Tabdhua Apfeces, 12£ 

§ 274. (a) The K of the termination n^ is changed to % 
when affixed to words ending in ^or ar short or long, or hav- 
ing either for their penultimate; f%3^ * rom T^>3.> fiTO*^> 
W^'ft^j ^T^ra:> TTCT^j &o.; Jcrajw^+^sngrs^i as <|J|*«ir%_ 
%*r: '& country having a good or just king'; (Cf. Bag. VI. 22.) 
=^r«nr^j as U^T^^r: 'a country governed by a king'; 3S3T 
+ ^=rgSF*^OT. 'the sea',=^gr^ ; as 3f9prr^( qs: ) '» i*r 
containing water/ 

(b) ^ also becomes ^ when added to words ending in 
any of the first four letters of a class; f^vgeqr^, frfs^TFJ OT ~ 
'possessing lightning' «. 0. 'a aloud', &c. The g; of ft^ *° * s " 
not changed to ^ as it is not at the end of a q$- 

^— is added to qr°f , Tf , gfa, TO ?nr» <tfS> *ST> 3*3" and £3!;- 
<Tr°3T 'possessing paleness *. e. pale;' *j^ 'sweet*, &c- 

&%— is added to wrjrr, ^IT, stst and words ending in ^; *rrer- 
j%^ <a magician' &c, ^nf^. 'talented', ¥rf*er^ 'possess- 
ing a garland', %srf^ 'lustrous', &c. 


(SRT'Sj — i* inserted before the final vowel 0: 
bles without any change of meaning; 

■1 , ■ 


r , ■ n 

ot ( ^jflj- ) — has the sense of the Ablative; sm^P 'from the 

beginning', w*^:, *TOT; *<fas & c -5 sometimes this 
is added in the sense of the Gen.-, as f^r 

'the gods declared themselves on the side of Arjuna';. 
(■SftKO— *ft«K 'on all. sides'; nftv.'on both sides'. 

124 Sanskrt Grammas, [ § 274 

^— is affixed in the sense of 'equally with 7 or (2) 'like to' 

when the equality or likeness refers to an action* 

srrSFto gN" 3TO°r^ft%) bat *%*t §*$: -P^: and not 
*re^ ^jy: ; similarly ^T^nSE; H^cr^rrfiPT qg^TO 

-WSC— *f*TC. ' little by little'; gg$r: &o. 

j%q- — is added to nouns or indeo Unable e to express that a per- 
son or a thing, not being like what is denoted by the 
base to which it is added, becomes or is made like it. 
(a) Before this the ending sr or arr is changed to f, 
but not that of indeclinables; final sr or ^ is lengthened 
and qg* changed to ^r; final ^ and the ending conso- 
nant of STS^,jh^, *n^, .*&%> ^^ and t^pg; are • 
dropped and then the preceding rules are applied- 
After this the termination is dropped and the verbal 

a r 

or other forms of fr, *r and 37^ are added to the base 
regarded as a preposition; 3Tfr«or: fr«or: OT^Tet # <ft(1Rl 

^awaisreTr «nreir> snsrr -y*q«4% srefbrera; similarly 

T^r^Tf^; ftaT-Jjmf: e tbe day is changed into the night, ' 
ftTT^ir ^rnr: 'the night has become like the day*; 

««<«iltq'Rt > ^Wf^s€n^r ft^tfNrdfto f%r.3fNr?ifrr* *fco. 

1 ■ 1 1 j 


■i "i 

^Trg^— is optionally affixed like f-sf but when the change meant 

is complete; ( f»*# ^^ arfsr: *r*q«l3 ) STftTW?^ '" 
completely changed to fire*; ( also 3T3T*?7r% )i *TC*7Hr^ 
ghOfri 'completely reduces to ashes.* In the eases of 
this affix the forms of to with ^v are also added 

§274-276] I2JDB0LIKABI.BS. 125 

^T?l% Wl^ ; fcr^ also conveys the sense of ' making 
oyer or delivering something to another'; as yj^m^- 



w ■ 

I Prepositions. 

§ 275. A preposition, styled ' Upaaarga or G-ati/ in Sanskrt ? . 
is an indeclinable word, haying an independent meaning and 
prefixed to verbs and also to their derivatives. These preposi- 
tions modify, intensify and sometimes totally alter the senses 
of roots; e. g. v& 'to strike,' stt^ 'to eat, to perform as & 
sacrifice/ sfe 'to contract/ fag Ho sport/ qft% 'to avoid', &c. 
Sometimes they are prefixed without any alteration in 
the sense. 

§ 276. The following are the prepositions ( upasargas ) com- 
monly prefixed to roots:— 

grf<|w*beyond, over/ gJMsbH: 'overstepping* or 'going beyond/ 

srnrcnSf/a gift/ &c, 

I I L 

3jf^_f ver ; above/ &c; atf^TO: 'going np, acquisition/ afftr- 

qjft: 'high office or power/ srf^rqr: 'censure, 3 - &«. 

a*g— 'after, behind, along/ &c. ; arspFTO 'following/ a^f^: 

'imitation/ ai«g?T?: 'favour/ &c. 

&OT— 'away from, away', sniPH * the.aat of taking away/ar^ 

.'to plunder, seize/ &e., s^cRH;: 'harri^ wrong/ &a 

126 SAHSKgtT G&AHUAB. [ § 276 

STf* (sometimes ff*) — 'near to/ 'over/ 'taking to/ &&; STTPT^ 


'to be resolved into or reduced to/ srRnTR or ftqrf 'a 
covering/ sp^PT 'destruction/ &o. 

3TPT — 'towards, near to/ &e.; Sfftrot'to go towards/ STPfPT: 

'noble descent or family/ arftlTPT** 'self-respect/ 3TPP3; 
'to defeat/ &o. 

**r* — ( sometimes q-; see «rf^T and ft. note ) — 'away, off, down/ 

■ r 

Ac. arq- or— qmT? 'to plunge into/ HqTOr.: ' descent', 
srottftT 'reproached/ *PTH*r 'to disrespect,' &e. 

p all round, a little/ &o.; 3TTO5? 
aTRtTC: 'form or shape (within dm 


-^■_ £-<upon>, &c; ^rq; 'to go up/ ^r*rs Industry', W W * \ - 

'pouring out, hence a gift, a general rule.' &o. 

^q- — 'near to, towards, by the side of,' &c; v^OT 'to go near 

to/ *qffnft/. 'aa obligation/ STtffi 'death/ 3*T**rpf 
-'praise, worship/ sqftft t comparison/ <fec. 


TSrX — ^ a ^ nar ** *° ^ e ^ one '» &c " £?rciT: 'bad conduct/ gcq;? 

'hard to be done/ f :*r? 'difficult to be borne/ &o. 

-ft-— 'in, into, great, opposed to/ &o.; frfr 'to insult/ fS)%^ <a 


house/ pt^T 'a heap, a great collection/ ftfcr 'drunk 


in/ ftftV * command, 1 &c. 

•f^-^-'out of, away from, without/ pt:^ 'to issue out.' 

ftjfa: 'a passage out/ f^fTT- 'out of ». «. free from 
blame/ fiR tf as 'without doubt/ &o. 

* The sr of STft and 3K may optionally be dropped. 

$. £76-8.78 ] - . Iitoeoijnabkbs. 127 

■ r 

<trrj— < away, back, opposed to/ &o. TOfT ' to 'eject, to despise, 

<reran?: ' to aet bravely/ TCPTtT 'gone away/ -'TO**: 
' what is opposed to victory, defeat/ &e. 

*jft— -'all round, about/ &e.; iffw 'to pko© a11 toanA, sY e. 'to 

put on or wear/ <rftf*: 'a wall, &e. that surrounds,' 
<rff«rpt: 'ripening, maturity/ qft*mr 'counting aU 
round ». e. a complete enumeration/ fee. 

^f — towards, back, in return, in opposition to/ &e.; uftHK 

•to go towards/ JrraHTspT *a speech in return, an. 
answer/ irftMffcffrc: 'an act in opposition to' t\ •> *a 
remedy/ &o. 


•'apart, separate from, reverse to/ &c; f%^?t ' to movo 
apart/ ftg^ 'to be separated/ ft&, op p. of m 'to 
sell/ &e. ^sometimes this has an intensive force- as 

* ■ j 

■ i ■ ^ 

^together with, excellent, full/ &0.5 tfip*. 'to-be united/ 
&*r?3 'perfection/ *fc|rfa 'refinement/ *fcre •destruc- 
tion, contraction/, &c. 


^__ <well/ 'thoroughly/ &o.-, (in this sense it is opposed to 

S^);Sfpf*donewell/ &mfim 'thoroughly trained, 
well-governed/ &c It is also used in the sense of 
'very, excessively/ ^r^. very great. 

■_ _ 


J 277. Two or more of these prepositions may also be 
*6mbined and prefixed: e. g. *twm*R to enter into with 
resolution. q gMMi^ ' to eome in close contact with'; &c. 

j '■"'■.' 

_■ a 

§ 278. There are several other words, also styled Gati by 
■Sanskrit grammarians, used prepositional ly. These are prefixed 
to certain roots only. We give the more important of 
them below. 

128 Sanskbt Grammab. [ § 278-281 

(«) W> WT£:> ft***, *&» STORfMri some ouher words majr 
he optionally prefixed to ^r or remain separate : fPR^K^ ^%fT 
or ?% fT to bring under subjection/ STRTRtfT or 3TCTr^ 'to- 

make manifest/ &o. 

- 1 

4 n i 



(h) spsn; is prefixed to roots meaning 'to go', qr, ^ and' 
similar roots; ar?(TOfc' 'disappearance', SR^fe" 'vani- 
shed from sight 7 &c. 



(c) arerct is prefixed to roots implying motion; mmnq 

'setting', ar^R"* 'set/ ar^^ 'to cause to set, to lead 
to destruction', &c. 

(d) srrf%: and «T£ : are P r en«d to ^-, ar^ and ig; and Rrc^C 

ton , qrr and similar roots, and optionally to frj STff^"- 
«5fiT°f> arrm^f 'manifestation/ STTf^T* arrf^jT 'mani- 
fested* &o ; fsrefaw 'vanishing out of sight/ fa-Cm 14 
'dis appearance, ' &c. 

(«) 5^: is prefixed to fr, $? TOT, &o. gr^ffiT 'placed before,, 
headed by/ <r?f*r6r 'gone in the front/ &c* 



§ 279. Several nouns, substantive and adjective, may be- 
prefixed to the roots ^r, aj, and sr^ to form what are 
called in Sanskrt 'chvi-derivatives' ( Vide, Chap. IX. 

sec III. ) ^°T+5(^or«;=^wfl4*iA u Hlc, TOf*l|=fiptfaQr»- 

Such nouns are also termed *QatiJ 

' ■ 

■ "i ■ 


§ 280. Xitke prepositions may be further used the words 
to which the Taddhita affix ^J^. is affixed; srf?rg7S$r 
*to consign to flames/ ¥TCT9r*¥ep 'reduced to ashes;' 
TTSTBT^fir 'made over to the king/ &e. 

It, Advebbs. 

*■ i i r 


i l ■ ^ ■■.-■, 

, L 

■ ■ "i 

| 281. Adverbs are either primitive or derived from nouns, 
pronouns or numerals. As adverbs may also be further used 

h ■ ■ 

§281-283] 129 

■ ■ .■ .■ 

1 j 

the Ace. sing. neu. of nouns and adjectives, and sometimes 
the sing, of the other oases also; q?np^ truthfully/ SJ 'softly/ 

m A 

g*ri; 'happily/ m% 'quickly', ftq** t 9m^'n*iji^''$nfai 
'strongly', aj^: again &c 5 5:$* 'painfully', g^r, ^f 

'virtuously, justly', ji^fa** **rc°l> *nft% nrt*T, Sjftsjr &c, 

f^^nr, f^TPIT* ( foralongtime',3fdiTr*for the Sake of ; ^iq; r 
'forcibly', $qfa^ *EIfaffg> 3fttrrat £TT^> TOft[-4fcd w f^TCT?C *for a 

m 1 ■ l ■ _ m _ " 

long time', ftr^ f 3TOI, &e. &C; $gflft 'properly/ ^ jj*jfo 
*T^> «r^, 1?^ 'a* onoe', *gprft agfe, «#t, spirftr 'near', &. 

III. PABKOiafr. 


§ 282. Tbe particles are either used as expletives or 
intensives; some of these are ftfar, ?g^ % g, 5, 4J, f§ &e. 

.■ . 

§ 283. The following particles are used with certain words:- 
STT — *Tf fl ' a wonder.' 
m— m$W- *» bad man', sfM 1 uke-wann', ctsr* 'a little water/ 

■ j - 1 1 h 

^*^ 'a bad deed/ ' 


> . -i ■ 

^tr— is generally' used as an expletive. Used with a farm of 

the present tense of a verb, it gives it the sense' of the 
past tense; as v&fa $rf< 0. arvrqig. When used! with 
the particle in it has an intehalve foroe; ae m^ qft% 

a«— is added to f% and some indeclinable* and asks a question 

or implies a doubt; fsfifelrf, *TT$f^ &c. 

j.-i- l 

^ft— is used with $" and its derivatives like a preposition in 

the sense of 'acceptance'; ^fianr:, ^ftfRre • &o. 

S. S. G. 9. 


ISO SAtfSKET Geahmae. f § 284-285 . 

.-Vi-:. ':.' 4 *4 v -jy OoKjftruooiiOiTS^ 

1 "F 

■*■ * ■■ ' ■ ■-"■•-■-' " ■ ■ tti.'r 

§284. The following are the, principal conjunctions in 

. ■-:, ■ .V"" ■ ■■: -., •■■ .- „■■■-: .■■* ■ ■'■■-..'■ '■.■■.■ ■■,-*. 

Sanakrt:— . 

(d) Copulative ST«T> Wfi"? 31T? ^> f*W y &0- ■ '.' ; . . '..' 

- it 


(J) Disjunctive wr, *r..*3fe &o. . 

■■■■■-{■'■ *" ■ L ' "" 

(e), Adversative awTF, £, f%g» f%*T &°- . 

1,1 , - % . > 

(«> Oansal Rf, «a: , %^,; &p. 

(J) Interrogative STrft, HTfW?*^? SG» OTfifh f$fi> fCT* fSffg^r 

(y) Affirmatives and negatives »r^, arsrf^> ^TT^? ar^T &<*- 
(A) Conjunctions of time-^T^-W^j **r-«fr : ^bo- 
(i) aro and f^r ate used to mark the beginning and the close 
'■' k o* a work respectively. - 

f i' 

V. Intbsjbotions. 

§285. (a) These are— aTT, *, *, <F, fc f afc ,**f, ***f» ; ilijb 
TO , «, fr, fTST> &«• expressive of wonder, grief, regret, &c. 
(*) faW. > faW> &c. expressive of contempt, jfrw.'i 

* ® ^fff^^^wjng. grief.. ^ ^_ ; , ; 
, ■'■■(«) fHPVWjr**- «SP?«mJ*!> °* M»ge r ? «?ntempt, &o. 

/«r1 There are some interjection* which oall attention. Of these 
(1) some are need in a good sense, such as *np ? art, «rfr, 

/2 , l while others indicate disrespect or contempt; as arv, a^, 

^ 9 *fc'i^ ; «i. 


F. j ^ H ^ ^. J "4 

^ 1 ' I 

^ r - 

;■. ■ .ff .: ; ; 


§-286-890] OdSauG-inoN of Visbbs. 

t: - P l 


■^ h 

* ^ 

- . F-h ■_*"_, 




-% 28,6. There are in Sanskrt two binds of verba, Primitive 
<and Derivative. 

, -V 

^ 287. Primitive verbs or roots are those which originally 
•exist in the language, while derivative verbs are those which 
may be derived from a parent stock— a root or a noun. 

1 - 

„ §288. The Sanskrt verb has (a) six Tenses (sursr: ) and 
^f our Moods (antf: ) which are as follows :— ^PTr:: or Present; 
wg: or Aorxst; m^tH^ : or Imperfect; qf^fTgnr: or Perfect; 

«HH*ltH*iftw|^ or 1st Future; affte^ or 2n ^ Enture; err^T or 
Imperative, ftfqv or Potential; arrcft: orBenediotivejandtf^: 

-or Conditional, 

■ "i 

(6) Three Voices { rotan ):-^-the Active Voice (qr$f? sjo), as 
^R: «^ ^Tf^, the Passive Voice ( q;#or ire ) as fft«*r "^ 
-*T$3$> and the Impersonal Construction ( qft jro ) trvfr *FT%- 

*T- - I 

( 1 J Transitive verbs are'eonjtrgated in the active and pas- 
sive voices and intransitive verbs in the active and the imper- 
sonal form. -. * '"' 

(c) Two sets of personal terminations, the one called 
-<ParasmaipadV, the other 'Atmauepada'. Some roots take 
exclusively the Par. terminations and soma the Atm. ones; 
•while there aire others which take either. Several roots again, 
though Paras maipadi, take the Atmariepada and »i« versa, 
when preceded by certain prepositions or in particular senses* 

+ - 

. § 289. In each tense and mood there are three numbers: 
lingular, dual and plural, with three persons in eaon. 

■ r 

■ g 290. In four of the tenses and moods given above, viz. the 
Present, the Imperfect, the Imperative and the Potential, the* 



[ § 290-292 

verbs undergo peculiar modifications ( f^ftiTO ) and these are, 
therefore, called Oonjugational ( q n § q |g t g ) or Special tenses 
and moods; and the remaining Non-Gonjugational ( STpNlg^? ) < 
or General. In the former the characteristic mark and termi- 
nations of eaeh are mostly added to a special base formed from- 
the root in various ways, while in the latter they are com- 
bined with the root itself. 

(a) The base ( sjf ) of a root is that form which it assumes' 
before the personal terminations. 

■ "i 

j - ■ 

§ 291. When a root is capable of talcing either pada, the 
rarasm&ipada (lit. word for another) should be used when the 
fruit or result of the action of the verb accrues to any other 
person or thing than the agent, and the Atmanepada (lit. word 

for self ) when it refers to the agent. Thus fa^p Tf^rft will 

i ■ ■ d ■ 

mean Itevadatta sacrifices for another ( his Yajam&na ) 7 v 
while $ro*n *3!% will mean 'Devadatta sacrifices for himself/ 
This rule, however, is not rigidly observed. 


- r . k 




y . 


- h - ". 

r" 4 



. F ■ 

, t 

J^psent ; imperfect, Imperative arid < BatatbUl 

| 292. • "Wrfch re^trence to the various modifications which* 
the toot na^erg(?iE)9 in the Special tensas aad moods the' verbs- 
are divided into ten eonjngational elasaee by Sanekrt gram-- 
marians, each, class being denominated after t the xoot whioh. 

292-295] Conjugation of Vebbs. 133 

(i> **rfo (2) ntf*, (3) ^1?^, <4) f^rft (5) wift (6) §*n?» 

(7) s»nft (8) <nfrf|, (») **rft, and (10) ^rf$. 

§ 293. The roots contained in the first nine classes and 
a few of the tenth are primitive roots, while almost all roots 
of the tenth class, the Oansals, Desideratives, Frequentative^ 
and Denominatives are comprised under the head of Deri- 
vative roots. 

§ 294. These ten classes may again be conveniently divided 
into two groups, the first comprising the 1st, 4th, 6th, and 
10th classes, and the second the remaining. In the first the 
base ends in ar and remains unchanged throughout; while ia the 
--second it does not end in ar and is changeable. 



( 1st, 4th, 6th, and lOtK, classes ). 

§ 295. Terminations :• 

' "■ 


■r resent. 

* " Atm. 

S. D. 

P. S, D. 


1ft S% 

*$ V *t 


2 ftr .*W[ 

* ■;'■■■" % /: «*v ; 


■."■*■"» free 

■ arf^T ■'.%•:. ■ S«t ,. 


4 ' ■ 


■ 's/' : ; : :. : d.: t '- 

: '" P.;''- '''";' ;S.;"'. ; " D. 

1 »f< T 

*x st^. 

'. $f% .■'. ' '■: $ :■ ■ t**l*l ■ 




134 ,: Sanskbt Geajoiab. [ § 295-29* 

, a d 



S. D. P. 

1 anfa «TTT 3TR 

2 — * tp* * 

3? 9T*. 


S* D. P. 

5 fa: t?TK 




L ■ 






















Note:— Terminations beninning with vowels may be* 

called Vowel terminations; those beginning with consonants, 

, r 

Consonantal termitations. 

Formation of the base of the roots of the first group:— 

§ 296. ar is added on to the roots of the First. or wrrft- 
class before the terminations. Before this sr the penultimate- 
short and the final vowel of a root take Guna substitute 0. g. 


§ 297„ g- is added on to the roots of the Fourth or f^qriT 
class before the terminations; the radical vowel remains on- 
changed before this; 0. g. §^T-ff*r=aiq--f-^+flr=^^fcf. , 

r^ -- 

§ 298. sr is added on to the roots of the sixth or §TTr$ clas * 

* m^is optionally added in the 2nd and 3rd person singulars when- 
the Imperative has a benediotive sense. 


§298-300 ] OoHiirpAyiosr ob- , IVmfsqb. . 13& 


before which the penultimate vowel remains unchanged, and 
the final if, ^, short or long, ^ and ^ are changed to f^ , 3^,. 

r J ' "" i ■ 

ft^and $*; respeotivly$ «. $. 1^+fa=f^+W+i%=fi8r<n%v 
§ 299. Boots of the tenth or ftfl class add sre before the 


personal terminations. Before aro (1) the penultimate short 
vowel takes the Guna substitute; and the final vowel and the 
penultimate 3T ? not prosodially long ( with some exceptions, 
see § 307 ), take their Vrddhi substitute; e. g. ^C+f%=^;+ 

^rftf; but fWT+KT+fiF=1 Ui f^f^ &?• 


JV. i?. A vowel is said to be prosoaially long, when being 
short, it is followed by a conjunct consonant. 

§ 300. (a ) The preceding sr is lengthened before a conjuga- 
tional termination beginning with a semi-vowel, a nasal, or 

(5) The final ar is dropped before terminations, beginning 
with sr; T*+BTi5lff=SR|f*«r, **. 



- .-1!' 


sfrP. A. 'to carry.' 

Par. Atm. 

l ^iPt «tm*J s fwn i^ - =nrn% hwi^ 

2 h^Rj '.wr- 


136 &ANSK$T Gbammab. [.§301 


§301. The augment bt is prefixed to roots in this tense. 
This sf is replaced by srr in the case of rootB beginning with a 

h B ■ ■ ■ 

vowel; this arr forms Vrddhi with an initial vowel; e. g. 

■ w 

similarly t^HftHT; SSRsft^ > ^BJ-Hfan qt^-3Tr=#C» &c - 

- " "" 

(a) When a preposition (srorT) is prefixed to a root, the 
augment aj or aft comes between the prep, and the root; s.^. §; 

with 31, 3TP?T^. 

^,P. ''to know/ S^A'. 'to see.' 

- J" ' ■ _- - - . 

i afaTr^^ sritw awNrnr *%% $srr*ft ifrwrf^ 

P. sfir A. 


Imperative. ; 

sj P, « to be. ' aw A. 'to get/ 

d -- - l.t-W 

1 'Wrf't f*w *WFT CT WiTfW WTRf 

^ P. ( to remember/ gsr.A^to rejoice/ 

i w^ /iwT sror ' H1WS Wlf 

■i ■ 

§301 ] CONJUGATION 01 VeBBS. 157 

5 *»ftq: hXwh ***s: ^far Sftror* *fft*^ 

IV Class. 



a^P. to be pleased' ^i A. to fight. 

2 sroflr gora:- 3**** w*& T^ 

Imperfect. ^ I 

1 S?m^ a|§WTRf H^piff **&% STWIPfl? 


^ i**d* 3**ar^ s^^tt ^arerrac ^rtrc 


. h r^. 

r* ■ 

L L-/fc, 


■VI. Class, 



f&trF. A, 'to throw.' 
Present, . 

■i a 

i f^pnft f^rcr*: f^nrpTJ fiff^ Hf^nft 

•Hereafter the optional forma in ai^ will not be given as the 
*tudent can easily form them by adding ffi^to the base if he has 
to eipreas the sense of tbe Benedictive. 

138 SANSK^X GaAMMAE. [:S~W. 

1 Hwf^r firPT-* f^4V Rr# ;, fiiW %7*%: 

2 ftnrfit faro flref^r ftrcfr ft9% fin* 



i atf$n^ *rftr , Tr^ arflrcpr viRft mAwR atf^nnril" 
2 st%t: arf$rarcc w^rro ii%tot: atWton^ arftTMX 


i f%rnf*r fknts f^rffa ftfo ntrrrw f^ncpit' 

2 flnr flnra^ raw fi^ f^wra. far^r 


1 WI«K ffir^r IWh Ri%t ftrtqffc Rrfafc 

X Class, 
*jp; P. A. 'to steal. 

V sftron^ ^ntv ^rcarnr: ^pw ^frotr^t ^T*r*i^ 

2 ^lOlftl ^iT^T* ^ITW *<lk4| , & ^h$*fr ^fc«P"% 

3 ^tatr% %roRr: ■qtcn^ ^tofa ^t!C^% ^ffc«F^ 

. Imperfect. 
■■ . Par- ■ - 

1 sr*fft*s ar^cff? *r4toff* 

3 •rtkflfli, «tttoi^ .■«r^rafit ; 

§ 301-303] COKJTTGATXOIT OF VbBBS 188* 

■-■''; Aim, 

3 b*^Tw«i ar^c^rir^ 

Par. Impsrativs. Atm. 

1 **H*III^ *ft*W ,llWW ^tA ^U^l^ ^U*W* 

■ L 

3 ^tacsj *ftar?rrc ^l<fl«T& ^trorr^ ■flOwm Hi km^i ^ 

■i "i 

r " 


j ■ 

1'^WNws ^fk%T. q ro% i r -^?i*i*4 ^c^rft ^K%*rf|"" 

The forme of other roots should be similarly made up. 

§ 302. eg- ( long ) of a root, penultimate or final, when it 
does not take Guasa or Vriddhi, is changed to f^ and to si; 
if a labial or q precedes ; and f or 7 is lengthened when. 
^r or ^ is followed by a consonant ; e. y. ^ 4. P. 'to become 

old' tftfc vnfft*, fte.; fr 6. P. fotftT, «ri%*a> * 6 -i *<»* P5 
does not become long as f^ is followed by af; ^ 10 P. A. 

§303. The penultimate j f gr, ^ or 55 of a root foUoed by 
^ or a* is lengthend when a consonant follows ; 0. g. y# 1. A. 

'to measure, to play 7 , 3T$ftHft similary g^ I. P. to faint, 
. P. to thunder, to shine, lengthen their penultimate 
vowel 5 f^7 4. P. $sqffi J similarly f^ has )§patf?f? fe^ 


Sanskbt Grammar. 

[ § 303-304 

Boots of the 1st, 4th, 6th, and 10th, classes 
which fobs! their bases ibrbgulaely. 



I Class ( *7r?V: ) 

•$% 'to protect, ^ftrorflr. 

'to go/ fir*sr*nt. 

q«£/to praise,' Torpn^, but qfor^ 

when it means 'to rejoice at, 
to transact business, &o. 

: ^K ^- *° conceal, *T$rir. 
Si^ A. <to wish/ qfpmfr 

t§* P. 'to spit,' ^^n%. 

1?°* P, 'to kill, to hurt, ^oft%. 

«Hg^ P; 'to pervade/ s^rRT 8T- 
Wjft- < 5th corij. ), 

*rkP. <to pare/ fnaft, srHffir- 

^tg^ 'to reproach; to pity/ 

" r M |A *S 

m Ml M v - 

rqsg- P. 'to please/ f^fftf^ 
f^P. 'to see/ i^nt. 
^t P- '0 go %-^ft . 
-£ P. to run, Wift. 
V^ P.-to pesish, ( A. in the 

conj. tenses ) tffa& 
•^ sit, to perish> &c, 


jj^P. 'to go/ J|^$fti. 
q^ P. to restrain, 3r3@tfl* 
qT P. 'to drink/ Fph§. 
STT P- 'to smell/ Pri^Ri - 

wrr P. 'to blow/ qwft* 

■ r 

**rr P. 'to stand/ ftrefa. 
5T P. to think, >rai%. 
*T P. 'to give/ 3T&f^ 
. ^ with sfr 'to sip/ 3Tr3T*TF%- 
«mSK> *-wr^A. 'toshine;' *ra% 

^ P. 'to roam/ ^rflr, sr^HTr 

5E^ P. Ho walk/ nrr, spFtfftr 

^ P. A. 'to desire/ ?5*n%%, 

^H P. 'to adhere/ ^fa. 
^■^T A. to embrace, ^m%- 

r».P. A. to dye, ^n%, CSrW. 

^ P. 'to be olean/ JTRffrT- 
&. A. 'to be adequate/ ^^ 

sr^ A. to yawn simre. 
as^sr A. to blush, cjssr^- 
fl^ P; to be ready ^rssrffiv 

§ 304, There are a few roots which add a penultimate nasal 
-before all terminations usees earily; e. g* fSj^to out Pf^n^yST^ 
*ogo s^ > ^torollintbaballfqp^W, &c. 

S 804-305 ] 

Conjugation os* Verbs. 


IV Class (%!3*r:). 

S^ P. <fc© go' sn**r%. 
sjr^ A. *to be born' 5TR%- 
^rcr, P. to be pacific STP*Tra- 
g^ P. »'to desire* 3I*3f%- 
uw^ P. c to pacify' *j*tfRr. 
^s;P. to be wearied *fr*qf5t 
ST*; P. to endure $rPHl§- 
^^ 'to to be weary'. CT*trfct 

i^ P. to be intoxicflited ifvn^. 

w^ P. 'to endeavour* TOn% 
UHlH, bat when followed by 
a preposition, except &% it 

belongs to the 4th class 
alone; ^JH**!^ *fa*n%; but . 
S«WI$ only. 

sfr P. 'to sharpen* ^gfft. 

^ P. «to out 7 gsrfa. 

# P. Ho put an end to* ^ft. . 

$> F. to out sift. 

tifl^[ P. tofall^^,^arft.. 

L a 


t^ P. A. to colour TOVflF-%. 
^ P. to be unctuous ftrft- 
cirgt 'to strike, to pierce' 

§ 305. The following roots belong to the 1st and :the 4th, 
classes :-~~grrs£, *«r$t, SRP&aH meaning 'to shine/ ^ A. to fiy^ 
^t *ff*, ST^ to fear, &%, tgl%to spit, 5^ to be pleased, ffc^ to 
embrace, ^ to be angry or vexed, *r^ to endeavour (this with 
any other prep, than ^ belongs to the 4th class alone), fys^ 
(1) to turn out auspiciously, (4) to auoseed; *T*T 1 A. P. to bear 
snH*(^) to WW; to be dyed, s^to curse, jpj.1. P. 4.A. 
to know, .ot 1. P. to bewail, 4. ;P. A # to be afflicted, jjj^ ^ 
1 A. 4 P. and J$ff 1. 4. P. to perspire, I Aj to be anointed^ 

- * 


Class (g^T^: 

f^ P. to wish fvartt 

jgp^ P. to cut 

jr P. mth ^ wad qft, ?f- 

P. to deceive ftvft; 
ft^F P. to go ftvjBWftt. 

fl*C p - to be ready sjRsrrtT, 



Sansk&t Gbabimab. ' 

[ §305-306 

■f^ P. to suffer pun fi<P^I% 

*r P, to swallow frnrf^r? fawflt- 

^ P. to cut; .fsqft; ^efit- 
sj«^P, to ask 37$ft» 
-s^ P^ A. to fry £ 55n3-3 
jT^t; P. to bathe, ffssift. . 
^rs^ P. to cut, f mft, 

f^jCT. to anoint f&*<*j%-% 
5«T TJ. to break or out wsgfa-% 
fr^* U. to obtain ftWft-%. 
f^ V. to sprinkle f%39l5-^ 

f^P.jtpionn.l^FRr. . 

gw P. to fill with, to confine 

§ 306. (a) The following roots belong optionally to the 1st 

and 6th classes:— f^ 1 P. 6. U. {to plough, to draw, *<% 1. A. 

6 P. to reel, to whirl or move to and fro, to kill, ^ P. to sit 

down, jSfrwP. 1. to sprinkle, * to open, the eyes, g^ P. 1, to- stir, 
to churn r 6. tocpver, to adhere, g^[ Ij, A. to cheat, 6. XT. to 

release, to.leave &c. 


<Y _■?«■ 

(5) The following roots belong to the 4th as well as to the 
*6th olasi-.rfaj* 4 P. 6. TJ. to .throw, m 4 P. to confound,, 6/ U. 

take away, ?j*t4 P. to covet, to be perplexed, 6 A. to perplex, 
^sr 4 A. to let loose, to send forth, 4. T 6. P. to create. 

' r 

Class (^S<l^: 

*v\ ?■ * to shake* ^rw?n% 


'— wiRJi 

1 ■- 

h ■ * 

*' This root belongs to the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 7th | olasBes t with 
■different senses. All these are given in the following couplet. 



fr*n«tf ffisrfr fn% ift fa% ffair^r 1 

■ r ■" 

f T^e following stanzafrpm the ' Kavirahasya' gives the various 
-cUsses'to which this root' belongs :— 

\r j 

% 307-309 ] Conjugation of Verbs. 14S 

§ 307. The following roots of the 10th class preserve their 
-vowel unchangedj-arsr to sin, gjsrto tell, are. to send, to throw, 
to pass, *T3;to count, «r$ U. to filter, A. to throw, ^- to choose 
•or seek, to get, %^^ to sound, jr^ to honour, ^ to compose,*^ 
to taste; t? to forsake, ^to speak ill of, to deceive, ^ to 
-scream, q^to weave, ( but qra*I% when it means to tear &c. ), 
^ to thunder, ir^to sound, q^ to go, W* to sound, <r^ A. to 
-go, ^ to conceal, Wfl[ to dwell, ^j* or ^ to be weak or lax, 
■e*^ to spend, *j$ to desire, s^to seek? ff* to pity, to be weak 
-trjg A. to take ( also in^Rr when can. of qf ), §^ to make 
happy, and others less common. 

§308. Some roots of the lObh class exclusively take the 
Atmanepada ». 0. even when the fruit of the action expressed 
tty them does not accrue to the agent. These aret-ir^to request, 


-to desire, rot-tp be conscious of, to think, te to bite, H?gr to 
-support a family, JT^r to counsel secretly, ^ to search, to hunt, 
to seek, snf and *rw to reprove, *r^ to look at, to inspect, jrtw 
to rep'roach, q^ to drop down, q^ to deceive, £qr to gratify, 
T^to bewail, and j%^ to know, to be conscious of. 

6 309. The following roots belong to the 1st and 10th 


3PV fit f to unite » ^° restrain, ar^ to worship, sfr to melt, 
^ to abandon, to avoid, f to cover, 3j, to grow old, ft^ to 
.separate, to jpin, f^ to leave a residue, «^ to^burn, ^ to be 
©leased or sa^sfiedi **£ &■*!&£ together, ^ to kill, ft^to 
kill, ^ with an to go, to assail, 5f" to cover, tfjr to please, 
arrr to Obtain, *^td inform, *^[ to speak, ■jft'C to honour, to 
-worship, ^ A. to obtain ( H*ffj also according to som e ), *rf to 
^censure, JffiT to eeek,^ to. clean, ^ to endure,; t$^ to brave, 

to overcome. .>.*,. .■■,..-..■>-. '■■- 


Sanse?.! Geahmar. 

[ % 810=41]| 


Boots with GhAksBablb Bases, 

( find, 3rd, 5th» 7th, 8th, and 9th, Glasses. ) 


§310. Terminations: — 


The terminations of the Present, the Imperfect and the- 
Imperative axe the same as those for the first group. The 
termination of the 2nd per. sing, of the Imperative is ft. The- 
termination of the Potential are as iinder :— 

1 *r^ 

2 *n£ 

a ^ 



r \ 





■ H 


i » . 

- - K- ■ ■ - 

w ■ 


- 1 . L. 

1 ^ *im 

a-, w w«jr 

8 qre *WSW; 

The same as those given* 
for the first group^ 



J311. 'iThe hase of the roots of the 2nd grotrp of OOnju^a* 
tip^al classes; nnder^oes , many modifieations With regard! .jo 
-*hipji the timinations are .divided into two sets; one '■«t..-.if 
.ea^^strong/the^ier 'weak,' T^ehase taring the strong 
terminations miry he caltea The strong bwe^ anoY that 
taking &e weak one, *The weak hase.' :,m» : ^: 0J 

J . r 

§311-316 ] Conjugation of Vbbbs 145 

(a) The strong terminations are:— 

The singulars of all persons of the present and the Imperfect,. 
the third person singular and all numbers of the first person of 
the Imperative, in the Paraamaipada, and all numbers of the 
first person of the Imperative, in the Atmanepada. 


(ft) The rest are weak. 


§312. Before strong terminations the penultimate short 
and the final vowel of the base take their Guna substitute. 

Fifth, Eighth, and Ninth Classes. 

§ 313. g and 5 are added on to the roots of the 5th and 
8th classes respectively. 

■ 1 

j 1 * ' 


§ 314. The final 3 of the base is optionally dropped before 
^and^if it be not preceded by a oonjuct consonant. It is 
changed to 3* before a weak termination beginning with a 
vowel, if preceded by a conjuot consonant, and to ? in other 
oases. The f^ of the Imperative 2nd pers. sing, is dropped after 
3- not preceded by a conjunct consonant. 

r 1 - ■ 

§ 315. In the ninth class iff is inserted between the root 
and terminations, qj becomes ^before the weak terminations 
beginning with a vowel, and ;fr before the weak terminations 

j - 1 

beginning with a consonant.- 

§ 316. (a) The penulimate nasal of a root is dropped be- 
fore srr &c, as qsrrfo iTVrfhr:, *Twfir: &c. from ir^ 'to put 

(5) In the case of roots of the ninth class ending in a con- 

- P . . . ■ . - -■ 

sonant, the imperative second person singular termination is 
•TPT instead of f$jj as §^t°T from 5^. 'to steal'. 

" " S. S. G. 10. 

146 S^nsket Grammar. [§316 




r ■ 

g P. A. 'to press out juioe ' &c. 
Parasm, Pretent. Attn, 

1 SPftPr gg*:, g**: 53*t:> gsjr: g^r g3*t, 9*3% Q3*$> gwfc 

s gqtf$r gav g*-qPfl g$$ 


1 TST^ a^H* 3*55* «T^frq" *4g&4l%» BTQ^Tft 

2 Msprf: w^prK ^rg^s *n*g*ir: Hirers, «g«|*^ 

■■ ■ 


j , 

. -. L 

1 gsraTf% st^tw g^TH gi^ ^nT^ grsraf 

2 g«j g^n^ g^s g^" 
s g*ff§ gg^ra. gssrg g-j^rra; g^^rarac ^^n^. 


■ ■ - ■ i 


i gsnrrtc ^I5*n* g^in g«ft«r g^tftaft g*#Tl% 
2'gg^n g^rcffic g^ira gsfrrn tMtartn^gs^ta^ 

^T<Par. 'to aooomplish.' »r^A. 'to pervade/ 



i *rr«fff*r *rr*5*: ot*^: *rat *r»flfc arwirfc 
i smtftfa vn^r: srr*3*r *w^ ^^ *&*& 

$ $16 ] CONJUGATION 03? VbBBS. 147 


■ h " 


1 tMfliMw* sTrnmnr Brora* »n?ift *rr?prf% HWrfi 

2 errand: arariira* s^rrt an^wr: 3Trsrenrp*.«w*p*»; 
■• «TOT^f^ smr^cTRC stotot^ srnrcr suOT^awsm 


r J 

1 onwift srra^Rr *rra«rr*r sn$ anrarat arsiflrrct 


■l ^nwrr^. wsraw OTSRire M*rite raMI srgafaft 
5 onmj: ^rnwRRC *rra*mr stspftqr: wrftaro^ *F*r#*^ 

Vin Glass. 

?P^ P. A. to 'stretch*, 

P. Present. A. 


w " _ 


swiff .) *nF*ftf 

" ■ 


i irwrfir stot «pr*pr a^t ^nrrat srcrr^ 

148 Sansk?x G-eahmab. [ § 316-317 

m ■ 

3 H#lg 33*IP*. ^^3 dddl*k Q«41UI4lt ^fli4 

r ■ - , 

1 flYTOt, ajninr ^41*1 ?F^fa" SF*ff*l? H^ftHft 

§ 317. Irregular base.— -3? P. A. 'to do* is changed to *ff^ 
before the. strong, and ^ before the weak terminations. The* 
^ is necessarily dropped before 3^ and ^. 

P. Present. A. 

1 artlf* J* I* S*. ','** 

3 chOm t»w 3*^*9 :_¥^ ^J# $$i 

- r 

Imperfect ; 

1 **&% «** «W* «** «■*** «f #* 

3 srsr^R: *r3^*TR. sTf^st ^t^s «t^Nit^, a^pftr 



i gr^Pr ^r^w *rar* 3ftt 3?c*ri% v^fR^ 



*'&&< &f* T 1 ** ** wfo® : 'artWr 

-r ^ *■ 


§ 317] CosrnraAiiON of vebbs. 249 


IX Class. 
g&P. A. 'to buy'. 


P. Present. A. 

1- tfNTTH WSWta: ljMhn Sffa" wr'Ti^) *tTr"fl*i5 

2.fS»rri% *Hfcr gfrrfhr ufKft afar* ssWfct 


i. areftapa; wisHta «T«tfHta wvffi* arrfHtaft mMMk 

F ' 


n ■ 


2. sfaftft stfHhr* sfMfa *M«* ^Kror* tfWNra: 
3.a?h*ng gsWhrrar 3?N*w *ft°ffon* afhtnrrc^ sftw* 



l- afWferr* nfWhrr* afMNr* sfWfor s&nfaft ?tfWfaft 
5, nfWNn flfrtfNrra* *#w« sfrtfiwr: ^<fatror**Kto* 

^r^ * P. to obstruct or to stop*' 

Present. Imperfect. 

1. ^wrrPt w*fa: wi«ftf : *tot«tth srenpfft- " mw*yr 
5. ^t*rrfir ^p^t: «Nhr w*r»ir: arsrMfarcc amppffor 
s.«jwrrfa «p**n wrfrr areawir^ sw«ftar* awa*^ 

1 . 

Imperative." Potential 


i. «jwitRt wit* mswt s*t«fl*rc(. \wwfNw '*a«fNm 

150 Sakskut Gbamuas. [ § 3 17-32 i- 


§ 318. la the case of the root §j^the s^of scr is not changed 1 
to w: as ^wnfo £wft?r:, ««ri%, &c. 

§ 319. The roots gr 'to know' and ^n" -to become old' assume 
the forms 5fr and fir respectively ; as 5TRri%— ^Jft> f^RItS" *o*- 

§ 320. The ^ of i?$ is changed to m ; as q$rft; ajugU^?- 
*PI#* j 3T*J^iir, &o- Imperf. 1st. per. 

| 321, The roots ft *fc sft csft, ^ , ^, f£, ^, f , »r ? 5| , | , j * 
$'¥'?' ^> and *w 7 have their finals shortened necessarily p, 

^nd Ht,lft, and jfr optionally in the Special Tenses ; as ^TTT%- 

r ■ 

§322. The roots ^* to go by leaps, to raise,' ^fct, < to- 
obstruct,' ^F*( And ^pw 'to obstruct,' belong to the 5th and 
9th classes ; as tfiwrfr, *^*l)cl , ^fttfa 7 **<$ 9 &«• 

Second, Thzbd and Seventh Glasses. 


§ 323. Special rales of S&ndhi of the finals of roots and 
the initial letters of terminations :— 

. + 
j , 

(1) The ending 3 of a root takes its Yriddhi substitute 
when followed by a consonantal strong termination ; as w+ 

(2) The final f or gr, short or long, of a root is changed to far 
or ^before a vowel weak termination, 

■ i * ■ 

(3) Tne ending ^ of a root is changed to 5^ when followed by 
sasy consonant, except a nasal or a semi-vowel, or by nothing ^ 

V " \ 

§ 323-325 ] Conjugation or Vubbs. 151 

and that of roots beginning with ^ to «r under the same cir- 

(4) The initial ^ and *r of a termination are .changed to 
•q, a soft aspirate ( 4th letter of a class. ) 

(5) ? or ^followed by ^ is ohanged to q^. 

(6) ^ and ^ when followed by a consonant are ohanged 
to the nasal of the class to which the following consonant 
belongs, and to an Anu&wara when followed by ^r, g;, ^r, or ^. 

(7) The ending % of a root, short or long, not preceded 
by a conjunct consonant is changed to ^ before vowel weak 
terminations, when the base consists of more than one syllable; 
see aft 3rd cl. 

■i .■ 



(8) The ending s^ of a root is optionally changed to ^ or 
Visarga in the Imperfect second pers. sing, and the ending *r 
to $ or f before the termination q^and optionally before ^. 

■ L r 

■i , r 

(9) When a conjunct consonant having 3 or be for its 
first member is at the end of a word or is followed by a oon~ 
sonant except a nasal or a semi-vowel, the 3^ or gr is dropped. 

■ ■ r 


■ ■* 

N. B, — The usual Sandhi rules t. 0. those given in the 
2nd and 3rd Chapters should be observed.' 

- "n h ■■ 


■ ■ L 

L ' 

I ■ I T I 

J , 

, . r *■ 

§324. The second person sing, termination of the 
Par. Imperative is f^ when the base ends in any consonant 
except a nasal or a semi-vowel 5 also in the case of the root 5 
3 P. to sacrifice. 


§325. The w and q; of the Imperfect 2nd and 3rd pers. 
sine, are dronned after a consonant. 

152 Sanskbt Q-bammab. [ § 326-328 

Second or ( 3T?rf| ) Class. 

§ 326. In this class the terminations are directly added to 
the root. 

§ 327. In the case of roots ending in srr, the termination of 
the third person plural of the Imperfect is optionally 33^. 



* to go ' 



l ^nffc" 

qfti *FT 

a=Rr^. STZtW 8TTTT 


«rnr: «rw 

arar: arara^ awr?r 


TFar~ «fl1^cr 



1 «nf*r 

iRTRc, jiiji'w *rnrre 


*rr: *ra 

irar: ^traraiac ^raw 

3 *nf 

^rrsm^ *rci 

»rnn^ TT^TRrr^ ^rj: 

Conjugate similarly igqr P- 'to tell,' fr P- 'to out/ qj P. 'to 
protect/ sjr P. 'to fill', pot P. 'to eat', st P. 'to fly/ 9fr P. 'to 
shine/ *rr <to measure', *T 'to give*, ?yr 'to give or take/ gr 'to 
blow/ 3|r 'to cook', and $rr <to bathe'; all P. 

§ 328. In order to exemplify the rnles given under §323- 
326 we will give the forms of the regular verbs ifly g, snw, 

fa ^1^, *tr£> to^ *&> fts*t and fsrw. 

tf P. 'togoV 

Present. Imperfect, 

1 ^ft afta* #t; mt^c anfa *T#r 

'§ 328 ] 

Conjugation of Veebs. 


"* %fa ^tar: sffar 



according to some ). 


1 441 A 





«ffara" 4)414 




^farra* 4fara 




#hrnrr* *!ta : 

3 P. ' to praise.' 




5*: 3*t: 

2 i#f^r 


l ^*n% sraw tot 

■2 3ft 

3?RL 3*T 



Conjugate similarly ^ P. 'to sound' % V 

P. 'to sharpen/ % P. 'to attack/ g P. 'to J 
seas supremacy', and ^5 'fco drop out, distil'. 

5T15 P. * to be awake/ 

1- SfPTR 
^ *4Hlf8l 


■HIT*! 5 


• See § 335. 

154 SAtfSKBT Gbajomae. [§ 32$ 

Imperative. Potential. 

i- ir«Kn% «i'i«ki«t ^TRrnr ^rnprraL an^ra srfprrc 

2. *h*ji*^ «ii^v^ ^rppi sn^pn": 3tpe«ji ti< *n^fRp 

$r A. 'to speak/ 

Present. Imperfect. 

Imperative. Potential. 

^A. * to speak. 5 

Present. Imperfect. 

!• ^" ^rw% *n*$ sy^ri% *rro*tf$ sraiHift' 

3. ^ *wpfr "ro^ srqfc srrorarat. h^ot 

f ■ 

Imperative Potential. 

3>^A, Vto go/ 

Pr9«^ Imperfect. 

j; 328 ] Conjugation or Vbbbs. 15fr 

2. grt* spar* «^ wrasr: •wwjh. 

Imperative. Potential 

i. *% wwrat *rcrm§ **fa w<IN* **rfr 

|g P. A. f to milk. ' 

p. Present. A. 

1- Stfa Jfi PP * S§? 5* 


i.*$m. «nw ^s^ ^^ 8 ^gft «rprft 



i. tffrf* *ter* *tanr fit "^"^ ^ptI 




tot* pirn |#* -jW* J*"*" 

* For the change oi 3£to ^see § 89. (i) wpra. 
\ For the change of ^to i^vide' § 91. 

156 Sanskst Gbammab. [ §328 

f^£ to be similarly conjugated ; f and if being substituted 
:&*.* and aft respectively. 

f&5 P. A.< to lick.' 

P. Present. A. 

1 3f$T ffejp ffcw: fw? 


1 a^ra stfcHg arffew srffcfe srfafgfs aifow* 

8 ^tfw w*ter* atf^ arrfhr arfafrsr* arfo?s 

.fata A. 'to purify.' 

Present. Imperfect. 

i fSr# ftwgql Pt3;s^ arf*rf%r srfa^fl uftw*ft 

-2 ptrfr f*nsir$ fa$p% arfo^^ *rfSrsrra*arft^TO 

s |5f£ Pr«!Rr flrsn* a#r^w »?f*narcrpa; siftm 

-JfejMrofwf.-- Pofcnfia*. 

i f%# fSrsrrat ftnsrrct ft**" fttftaft Miftal 
:2 f?i^T fsraiwrs. flf*urat-. ft*tf : fasftararr* <Wfo*3. 
3 f^r^rapT fHwm frwrc PniRf ftdhrm* Pnita; 

F ■ 

ftr-ftr^*.!^ ^L should be similarly conjugated. 

Ibbegulab Bases. 

» - i ■ i ^ ■ — m 

Many of the roots of the 2nd class are of irregular conjn- 
sgation. We will treat of them in alphabetical order. 

§ 329-830 ] Conjugation <a Verbs 157" 

§ 329. *T^ P. 'to eat' forms the 2 and 3 per. sing. Imperf. as> 
«Tf*j: &nd STTC^ respectively. In other respects it is regular. 

L ■ 

Present Imperfect* 

i. arftr arr *re* *• «*m s*t* *trt 

2. «rf^r a*sr: ara 2. srrf: STTrRC •rra- 

arftr »W *T?ff^r 3 - *TT3^t "TTtITBC 3*!*X 

Imperative Potential. 

awrR 8Tsrc iww I- snrr^ snira; mrm 

§ 330. 3f% P. 'to breathe/ srs^' to eat/ ^P. « to weep/ >q^- 
P. 'to sigh' and ^r P. 'to sleep' take the augment % before the 
terminations beginning with any consonant except ?r; in tho! 
case of 2 and 3 per. sing. Imperf . they insert f or ar; e. g. 

sr^C P* **° hreathe'. 
Present Imperfect 

-i. iri%^r st^t arf3pr: »tt^ snfSfcr anfsnr 

2. srftft stFW! STFW amfp-sipT: STtT*^ arrft^ 

3. BTprfrT aTfttT ar*F*T STnff^-STI^C «TTR9R. 8TR^ 

Imperative. Potential, 

L'/ipirft apw "*mi*r sT^rra: a^rr ar^mr 

s. atf3r£ arnrar^ ar^ a*-cn^ a^rar*; 

Conjugate ^» «q^ and ^ similarly; as ^fqRj 3 sing. Pre. 
STC*ft:-<r: 2 sing. Imperf. 5 *rcrffa-qg3 sing. Imperf.; .mrf* X 
Bins. Imp.; *a;fafe 2 sing. Imp.; .^% 1 sing. Pot* Ac. agrraffc 



[ §330-332 

S aing. Pie. vr«ft:-«' 2 8in S- Imperf ., w^-«?£ 8 "ag- 
Imperf., »raft 1 aing. Imp., **fcrf* 2 ■*»*• Im P«> "^ s sill g- 

imp., «w*ra; i fl^g. Pot.-, &o. m* *$*•' *ft*n i Pre -> **fa* 

1 sing. Imperf. Mtffr-*: 2 sin g- Im P erl wNM* 3 sin S- 
Imperf., dsrft 1 sing. Imp., *R?f 2 skg. I*P-> ^$3 3 Bi **- 

Imp., 3g«n^ 1 tf»S- Pot - &0 - 

§ 831. am P. 'to be'— drops its st before weak terminations 
*nd ^ before a termination beginning with ^ and **. It is 
irregular in many reapeots. 

1 arft* 









1 a?W^ 

^8 w^rai 





vim «Tre«r 



i srorPr srewr srer* 

-8 BR5 




i*m w^ 5wnT 

- ^ 



§ 832. sire: A- 'to sit'— also drops its ^ before t* 

*§ 332-384 ] Conjugation of Verbs. 



Pretent Imperfect. 

l mt% am*t wft srrfa *mnt amm? 
-3 an# arrcrra - «mi% arrw avreraH »mw 

Imperative. Potential. 

l «?r§ arrara^ antral arrsfor arraffaft arrffaft 
^ arrcw arrerrer^ am^c, arr#«Tr= aff^ftra i h. ^ro'Ksrc 

Conjugate ^ A. * to dress ' similarly. 

§ 333. The f of the root % P. 'to go* is changed to ^ before a 
weak vowel termination ; jrf% fg - : srf^T 3 P er - Era* STTOX ifa Ipr 
1 per. Imperf. ; $: 2 sing. Imperf. arorpf, ffe 71 1- 2. 3. sing. 
Imp. 3T?5 3 pi. Imp. 

*$ with atf^ A. • to study', &c, is regularly conjugated s as 

^+^=STRr+aTT +**+* =ar^^Pr 1st. fling. Imperf. 

Pr*w»*, Imptrfeet, 

■i ■ 

larwr* arqfcfc ■*&>$ ' ' : *«ftAr *«Wt - - *r»4ta» 
^ar^ ; -irtN» ■■•!** »r*r arU^rar^ arOtar 

Imperative. Potential. 

l ar«& *iyr*nfc .aroroft ■.«*p$ SfNr artfhffaft" ar^NW^ 

§ 334. |^ A. 'to praise' and $^ A. ( to rule' have an f added 
4o them before terminationB beginning with ^ or %.?, except 

that of the Imperf. pin. 

• ? with an^T P- * to remember ' should be conjugated like 
ff. srfsrcftr 3rd pi. Pre. 


Sastskpt Grammar. [ S 884-835- 


Preant. "* Mporfiet. 

it* ti* w w 2!L 22 

3 ft «n» .1* ** i ** rara - *** 

*U tm' t»»w.- «*n s ' «*** £** 
stsr* t^R W**. Ww ^rar* Wh* 

f-r to be similarly conjugated ; $fifa f*n*t tfW 2 P*e.;%Rr 
1 sing. imperf.;^r: 2 Bing. Impart;^ 3 sing. Imperf.* 

^w 2 pi. Imperf. |% 1 sing. Imp.? «*»**. 2 pL Imp.* 
ftffaS sing. Pot. &e. 

| 88.5 WiRT p - ' t0 aHne '— wrq^, **&, .■**!*.> *fil?r ."j* 
4rrTr drop the< oi the 3rd per. plu. termination when added 
to tlem. In the Imperf. they take s* « 3. pi. termination. 
Imp. 2 fling, of WTO is wrrf%-fti ** d of ^ srrflT- 


Pm#m. Imperfect. 

■i i 

i^riHT wsr: -wre*- *tw*s. «www ™^ 

rajmftw.'- Potential. ■ 

twerwtfa w*rc w^ wot* *ra^r - ^'^ 
s Wfcft wsa* ^rarrcs wnw: w**r?w «m»i*W 

' -V^g^-Bee spt" 1 * **FST^ above— 

§335-337 ] CONJUGATION OF Yeses. 161 


Present. Imperfect. 

2. srftrfr 5riw«r: *rf|PT »T5refc-*nren ar^ilrcrac. arsrfajsr 
s. >n ftifi r *ftnr: Wi% sT^Rffarsrsrer^ arsrflrar^ st^: 

Imperative. PoUntial. 

I. ^renfar snsrrr ^nm ^re*rr^ wwrr sts^tt 

§336. ^ftgrl*. *to'*e poor'— drops its srr before weak 
terminations beginning with a vowel arid changes it to * before 
those with an initial consonant. 


Present. Imperfect. 

1. tfxrA tf*?**! *RfiW* «i*tops N iRfoi h^RiSh' 

2. ffaTftr ^it^' ffffr* «nftKn i nftftdH; «*ftit*r 

Imperative. Potential. 


1. tffttrfsr ajfcCTC ^fatR tftffcTR. * Rfl«n tfcfNnr 

s-qMQ *f$&sm*ft*3 *RT&4HL tftfaro* tfsBcs: 


fi S37. few P. A. 'to haU'^-takes g^ optionally in the im- 

perf. 3 pi. 

« p. Present A. 

2. $F*r ftsr: ft* f ^ .'*[|J 

S. ITe ft?: 1«#5 .W-- "^ »f* 

S.8. G. 11. '- 

162 Saksxht Gbammab. [ § 3 37 -S 38 



1 «ftr^ «rft 1 T sr/fcwr Wff% 3Tffc**& atffcwrff 

1 L ■ 



l fl^n^ ft**nr ffcwrnr fMra f|^rf% fltftaft- 

§338. 5f P. A. 'to speaV— takda the augment f before 
-consonantal strong terminations* 

P. Present. A. 


■ "i 

1 wffft srr: WV g> 9R^ W«? 

: » frCrft-nrr wijarr^f! WTi^Nrrs: .ifr'wiA wft" 



^ »k *k ' •» 9*. Bt 

^ •* *• *s» *» *» ■ 



11 H i 

$ 338-340 ] 

Conjugation o* V: 




1 *j*ir^ 

-8 ^rant 

§339. 9^. P. 'to cleanse,' substitutes Vriddhi for its 
▼owe] necessarily before strong terminations and optionally 
•before vowel weak terminations. 

' Present 








■ - j 

L L 





8 m% 


§ ?40. T5[ 1*- ' to speak '—is deficient in the 8 pla. Pr 
according to some in the whole plaral, and according to oth< 
In third person plurals. 

a ■■ 






2 tf$r 


_ j , , 





trot <r*^ 


154 SANBKttT GBAHHAR. [ § 341-M?" 

g Ml. . qfft p - ( to wish '— changes its * to * before weak: 

Present. Imperfect. 

1 *ft* TOT *W ***** *$& *?' 

* *f* «e: *vX** sr**-^ srrero *n*i^ 

... • 

Imperative Potential. 

l ^i#r *3TT tow 

2 afe 3CTT 3* TOT ***W* **«m 

s ^5 «st< to^jj **s«rra; wwrei^ *%3 ■ 

8 842. fa* P. * to know ' takes optionally the terminations- 
of the Perfect in the Present Tense. Its Imperative forms are 
optionaUy made up by adding STWC to it and then appending 

■■ i ii ■ 

%Ue forms of the Imp. of fr- 

p resen t T Imperfect. 

i %ftr-%* fH'-ftz ftw>Pm *&** ***** ^^ 
3%i%-%* fan-tag: taf£9-ta : «w** *ftm* *m : 


i %fr?sT %?i* *?w taiiqpnift Fhe wwh fangrow 
a fafe fawt fa* Rww fa^f** jHto«« 

»^ fari^faf tar«S$i frori's^K. Awto^ 


h ■ 

1 faira. farw farm 

2 fair: fairs*, fainr 
8 fan^ farrarac tap 

$843-345 ] 

Conjugation op VitBBfi. 


^rng^ * P. 'to govern, to teach', &c — changes its 
§■ before consonantal weak terminations. See *3rejm. 

1 *rr£* 







§ 344. ^fr A. 'to lie down' go nates its vowel before all 
terminations and prefixes ^ to the terminations of the third 
Iper. pi. except that of the Potential. 

1 OT 




3 Ararat 


Potanfia J. 






■ , w 

§ 345.. w A. 'to give birth to' — doea not change its vowel 
tbo Q-nBa before strong terminations- 





* W^[ with art A, should be conjugated like 3HH. 

166 Saksx&x Gbamhab. [ §345-846- 

* ^ s*r& srt *T3J 'n^rot^- *nrw 

Imperative. Potential. 

2 ^pr stop* 1!** s#*r: srfknqrrn cft*c 

3 S 3JI1^ WTO ^3R. ^fa Jjfi'^WHk 9fl^t 

§ 846. S3 P. A. 'to praise', g P. 'to grow' and $ *to 
sound* have $- optionally prefixed to the consonantal 

■i i 

^3» -t a A+ 


m 1 

Par. Atm 

3 Sftfflr 

























— #\^> 


1 •PTO »T^^ ang»r *R<£ft a?*$9i$ stc3<t$ 

* arofit «re|pir*r *re§*ra: ttfQtr strops. »ngi?r 

■ 1 


L ■ ■ 

I "■ 

I *WItY **WW ?WW Wf *9TO% WJP&" 

§ 346-347 ] OOKJTXaATIOW o* Vssbs. 16? 

*St*H3 *i€i«*i *spfar *f3fcr 

3 ?dfe *3*rac *3TO *5^rci *3*rirct *3Wm 


Conjugate similarly ^ and ?. 

< * :. ' ~ " ■ 

j , ■ 

■ r i i 

§ 847. f^ P. A. 'to kill'—! drops its ^ before a weak termi- 
nation beginning with any consonant except a nasal or a 'semi- 
vowel, and its ar before a weak vowel termination, the 3 then, 
changing to h. The Imp. 2 sing, is »rf$. 

^ P. 'to kill; to go.' 
Prestnt. Tmporfiet. 

1 $frr fi^: s*»p **f** •lf*T WH 

Imperative. Potential. 

1 **nf** s^rr* s^m ***r* wr 

Prisent. Imjurfiet. 

■ L 

16S SansxIH ORAMStiB. [§347-350 

3 *3 Hftr tft &&$ nut dm 

Imperative. Pttmtiah 

s s**m msm sram e^r?r «ft*rai< «fte 

§ 348. ^ A. *'to conceal 


Pntnti. Xmptrfiet. 

1 sr% ^$ s*% *m$ sr^ft «rspft 

2 3% 3P*r^ ^% s Tf^ : sTS^TRC ^S^m 

*-l* 5^t% BT^% *tot a?g*ram argr^r 

*a <s *o « *o « 

. Imperative. Potential. 

Third or Juhofcyadi Glass. 

§ 349. (a) The base ia formed by reduplication of the root. 

(jb) The third person plural termination loses its g;. 

(0) The Imperfect third person plural termination is ?m 
before which the final 3fT o* roots is dropped and the final ft 
g-, and ^t short or long, are gonated. 

1 ■ ■ b ■ 

Bnles of Reduplication :— 

§ 350. The first vowel of a root together with the initial 
consonant, if any, is reduplicated i. 0. doubled; as sn^=q*rqv 
after reduplication; 3t^—33^[ &c. 

1 350-356] Conjugation of Vbbbs 1** 



Note:— The first portion of a reduplicated syllable is called 
'the reduplicative syllable; 7 e. g. the first q- in q^* ot ^ ra * ■* 

§ 351. If a conjunct consonant begins a root, the first con- 
sonant only with the following vowel ia reduplicated; «. g. 

§ 352. If the first member of a conjunct eonsonant be a 
sibilant ($j, ^ or ^) and the second a hard consonant, the 
-hard consonant is reduplicated; SfJ-wJ.* §£!&$£$. &°* 

§ 353, A radical aspirate ( 2nd or 4th letter of a class ) is 
changed to its corresponding unaspirate in the reduplicative 
syllable; as ft^fofot , w-gj, j^VK ' &c " 

| 354. A guttural is changed to the corresponding palatal 
(subject to the above rule ) and ? to «rj «. g. «^-*<*H"^^^> 

§355. A radical long vowel becomes short and 3g is 
changed to sr in the reduplicative syllable; as tfr-TST? sfrflNfc 
%t~*%%t &c. 

§ 356. The penultimate qr or §■ and art or aft become ^ and 
3f respectively in the reduplicative syllable; %ar : f*r%3;> 3^— 

gffrigr &c. 

" ■" m 


1 J 

P. ' to sacrifice/ 

Present. Imptrfect. 

3. ^rfc 5f«: 


170 Sasskbt GiuaotAR. [ S 356-361 



Imperative. Potential, 

1 ^OTlft *£S*T»; 5|¥*T*r ^£4IH 

^r P. £ to be ashamed. 9 

Present. Imperfect. 

1 f*rSPf f^n&r: j%jbr: «4PU64< *Tffctff* »?f»?fita 

* frmf* f3*r* ***** ,rfl * ******* arfstf* 

Imperative. Potential. 

* nisfliP 1 ! f»nprnc Rhwi f^nSNr^ Pnf^nr ftn£r*pf 

S fW5" f^fi«^ ftrffessj f^nSm^ ftniNra'C" frtfi; 

Irregular bases :— - 

■ h 

§ 357. The vowel of the roots irr, fr to go' ag, er, or v 'to- 
fill" and ^ is changed to f in the reduplicative syllable. 

§ 858. The f of the reduplicative syllable of f*V£, f%^ 
and f%<£, takes its Gutia substitute before all terminations and 
the radical g- is not gunaied before vowel strong terminations. 

1 * 

§ 359. 3J and Sff drop their srr after reduplication before 
weak terminations; a^ becomes ^ ? before ^, %^, w and jr. 
The Par. Imperative % per. singulars are %f^ and §f^ 

§ 360. *fl- optionally shortens its vowel before consonantal 
weak terminations. 

§ 361. iff and ar *to go* assume the forms f^ and fo^ 
before vowel terminations and ppft and f*r«J before con- 
sonantal terminations. 

§362] Conjugation of Verbs. 17t 

§362. gr 'to abandon 7 assumes the forms *rfc or fr# 
before consonantal weak terminations except in the Pot,, and. 
Vf% before vowel terminations and those of the Pot. Taa 
Imp. 2 sing, is vffTfc 5tft$ and srfrf^- 



3£. Par. 'to go.' 
Present. Imperfect. 

1 f*r3 upr* f^nr: £«re^ 

2 x*fi f^r: f^v *v %?** %** 
» rift rov t*n% «*:. *?w«r. w 

Imperative. Potential. 

1 iroft wmr twpt sfrrac i**w f^rrw 

» f*f* tsar* 1^5 fl^t TO^raro TO- 

ifT P- A..' to place, to hold. * 

P. PfMSM*. A. 


l' vnk% ww wn qft* v*r*k wn\ 

*3fo TO* TO W fVf«rf^ «RP9C 

* W15 tot* wi tot* **rarv Tiaro 

172 Sanskbt G-bahmab. [§362 




i ?w?p* ?p*rpr vam vfte **fcrft rfuft 

ST to be similarly conjugated. The forms of$r will be 
obtained by changing «r to t£ wherever it oocurB. 

PT^ P. A . to 'cleanse'. 
P. Present. A. 

1 Sftfsw *tfa&i: %f?*jt: s^^r stftsvfe 

2 'WW #fror: %fsrw Spt^ qfasrra: $&**% 


1 sreftvq 'si^Tta* B^fSf^ir s^rmnr aref^c? inftwt i t 

2 ^S? ^ ^^^ ^^» a^l%wr: vftftsiftl^ BRPFMfflC 

8 si^fira^^ia^aT^^: «|%(%^ s^rf^rraT^ qftft^ra 


l %PrarrS? itr%3rr^ 3ftnm *f*r# %f*rsrret stfnrwt 


L ■ J 

■ L 

1 *«tfu4nr %ras*rar %t%^ipt 3fl*fl« r' 5fo4faMg ^ftWinft 

•Conjugate 1^ P. A. similarly. 

fP. 'to fill, to protect/ 
Present. ; Imperfect, 

5 962] 

Conjugation or Vbbbs. 


2 f^TFT 

fasr Put 



2 ftgfs foj?m fass 
5 faig f^fsnc. frog 

ft ^ ML 

^"P./to protect, to fill.' 

S faro 







1 Ritift 



.*jft$jfi^ arfa$ : 

■n - 


aft- P. *to fear.' 





1 f^Rtfft' -'f&pww- APTO* 


■ r 


. F 

t r T ■ 


RNlfll^ RPflWW rTWTPT 
f^f5RfR[ J*lPl1W Pff^fTf 


^74 ■fcuraqra Gbajikab. [ § 363 

* MWt Mhi*, Mm WNr* MNnn* ftpftaro 
ftftfl ftftmi WW f¥**r: fanrcni* W**m 
s f^rs iMhmr f*>*g Mta* Mhram **«* 

^ P. A. 'to hold, to maintain. 1 


■ j ■ 

P. Present A. 

l RprfSr flm* ^pn fW f*i*t fir**ft 

Thrift foi*: f*3* **»?* f*** &P* 

a nntit nr*r. fwfa f*3* fa*** ft** 

r ■ 

■i a a 



, L 

I mIspt^ srf^fT wm uiWr srf^flr «rRraprffc 

j a 

I i 



■ ' "■ r 

1 f§Mxtft flr*rnr ftwr frqfc ftmr*$ ftrrrnrt 

2 fav% Hrs** f*;?* -f%?c* fr *nn* fag*** 
'* f**$ fkiisx fa*1 far?*rat hrarei^ praam: 


■ 4 

L ■ 

1 f^f^ nrf^rr finj-*r* npsfN" f«r#*ffc rcrfhtft 

■ ■ ■■ ■ 

»5T A. *to measure, to sound.' , 

Pre tent* Imperfect. 

1 fift WN* frfcit «^W «Mnffc atf*rfhtf* 
2 f*w?s farm* iMNf wfttfhrr: *?f*reRn^ srMta^ 

$ •& ] Conjugation of Vssbs. 175 


Imperative. Potential. 

1 ft§ Rmn^r ffc*p?l ftrffcr firffclf fcpfNf 

fT A. 'to go' should be conjugated like this. 

fa^ P. A. ' to pervade .' 

P. Present. A. 

I %>?** M*|s ti*«T: tf%% *ft«fc %frw?f 

* W*r %fV?: %fre trs* %fa*r^ Vfcrfc 



i «Mr^ «**?*«* s?€i%wr 8T#i^rt aitft**ft *ftfWt 

L , 

J 1 


1 j 


i %fr*rfa %?**tt tf*<*m tfMK %ftrro% %ftr*rat 
* %%S %F*ct* %f^5 %Aer^ tr?«rrat* 4frni^ 

■i i 


■ "i 


i %f**vr* Sf%**n- lft««R %f**?a: %r?^t Sf^Tmft 
2 *ft«vr: qfrcrra^ %ft**nr -vftfhvr: %MNnn^'tMh^ 

3T P. to 'abandon,' 

Present. Imperfect. 

* * 

1 snfflft *r#v; «rrfta» snEr^r^ «Hnftr *pn#* 

«rftf: srftu: --*nntv stiff* 


176 Sansebt Grammar. [ 862^364 

2 s^n% sr^hr: *r£hr *raiP' «r*r#tp^ ar^nphr 

3 sf?ri% *n&r- *r?fir annsngt »r*#iwt 

Imperative. Potential. 

1 srfrpr *rsrf ^r^r* *itiui «*sjii *«ih 

2 srerf? srwr^ snfn* *niP ^rsjnK *isii*t 

• *W3 ^r*rw^ sifg ***jk *»*IWK 

Seventh os $i*rf$ Olabs. 

S36S. In this class the base is formed by inserting sf 
between the radical vowel and the final consonant before the- 
strong, and ^before the weak terminations. 

§ 36 4. (a) The original nasal of a root is dropped. 

(5) In the ease of the root 3^, w is changed to % before 
consonantal strong terminations. 



VfS^P. to 'anoint/ &c- 


Present y Imperfect. 

t r *■ 

Imperative. Potential, 

1 arrsirf^ OT31T* sr^rsrm - a^s^r^ sfssqw 



§364 ] Conjugation op Verbs. 177 




'to kindle/ 























L , 










2 few 






3 f^rat *swp* 




3$^ P. A. 'to pound/ 
P. .Prewn*. A. 

■ ■ l 

2 @UTf3ff S 5 ^! 


1 aTOT5* areps «n^r «ns^ M#?ft «RS^rfe 

2 ar^r: sng?ff ^ iT^^r ar^^rr-' argainrra «ra*3PS 

■ i h ■ 



1 ^FOT*. spot* ^«rrir j si 5 *^ 3pft*f$ 

r § ■ 

S. S. G. 1 2. 


Sanskbt Gbammas, 


pfc^ P. A. to break, 5?? P. to be wet, fe^A. to suffer pain, 
fejrP. A. to cut, f^P. to spin, to surround, ?j£ P. A. to 
kill, to disregard, and fwA. 'to know, to consider' should be 
similarly conjugated. g«jfft 3rd, sing. Pre. of 3*?; fr°n% 3rd 

sing. Pre. of fjg^, &c 

5^ P. 'to kill.' 




2 5^% 


***#M OTfTtT 














M ■ 4-. 




■FSM w 

Iter* firo 

ffarra; ffsromt R** 

% * t 


3^; P.A.'tojoiQ.'" 

: Preset, 


3>^f^ff . ^**V $^* : 

— J 

$.364. ] Qq&svqasodn Gb Vbebs. 17* 


3 5f% SS^wr* 4J*$W -S^T |W^ 5*E?^ 

-8 glfci $3^7** : J-mII^ 5^* 3*1^ ^«« 

■ t F 


j .... „ , . 

1 34445(4^ STJSS? »lg«fe4 STgf^l SJfSS^nF 15*5»rit' 

■2 ai|[ H"^-rr am^^Hitti arg^i? a *3R^wr: sr^strn^ wi^*wt^. 

■i "i 


1 J«I*IIM 9*1*114 TfTflT 

^sf ^B ^B 



%**«im ^jss^cra &>wiih 

L a 

ifce similarly 3fS3£ P. 'to break/ 5^ P. <t 
f%^ P. *to shake/ 'to tremble/ arid ^ 

K^r P. A. 'to evacuate/ 

P. Present. A. 

- -4 

'1 K"!^ 

2 **<*% 'ft** ftw fr# terror -Rn%' 

■ ■ ■ , ■ ' ■ - ■ 


1$Q> „ _SAN8KaT Gbammab. ■ [$ 36f 

- ™ * 


2 Rf**r Rs*ra[ Rw . ftw Rwufh, ft*wr^ 

s R"»t^ Rfcuw R*i«isi Rrarc; R^rar^. fNrai^ 



Conjugate similarly f^ P. A. ' to separate ' qsar P. to 
contract, and <j^ P. 'to touch,' 

■ ■ ' r 


^ P. A, *to obstruct/ 

J i 

P. PrwnU A. 

"S.-rt^ar ^5 : ^5 sw s*9Pir 

R^ ^F 5«*RiT ^ $w?rW &e& 


1 * i - " _ 

■ r 

I MOT*** *R»* «f?*nr artf&r sresMrff hs^w 

3 sre°f3;^ ««-4l< ara*^. «$*? aresisiniratSTSwmr 


i ^rerffi' ^"T«w $rgr»r 5^ .vronft sro*!^ 


I &**X% &**tt ^WTT* m 5»™t ^NNri? 


8364-360 ] CkfctttroAanoN op Vinos. IS* 

Pr*w»*. Ivtptrfiet. 

i-fWfcr far- ftw *rftws* Hftsr vft^jr 

Imperative. Potential. 

■ ■ j 

i f^rarpr (fawn fprnm fiNrrcr, f&arnr i|wr 

5 f$**3 ffsir* ftsps ffwrac ft**mra; ff?f: 




j - i i m 

§ 365. In the Non-oonjugacional Tenses and Moods and in 


the formation of verbal derivatives generally, the augment % 
is prefixed, necessarily or optionally to terminations beginning 
with any consonant except q* in the case of certain roots. 

j ■ 

r J 

-Such roots as take thiB augment f necessarily are called Set 
< tf fzi, «• with f ), snoh as take it optionally are called Wet 

■ r ' ■ H 

( *T+7? )> an<J taoao *kat do not ? are oalled Anit ( arq^ and f? 
*.«. without f ). 

r ■ "i 

§ 866. (a) All derived roots and roots of the 10th are 
always set. 

1 _ r J . i 

- H 

(6) Of the monosyllabic roots ending in a vowel those given 
in the following couplet ( K&rika" ) are Set and the rest Anit. 

■ w 

i. e. roots ending in long ^ and long ?£ and the roots 5, $, 


lag ^ftpKKW JGteA^BEAB. ^[§366- 

A. ) are set. 

(o) Of monosyllabic roots ending in a consonant th&- 
following 102 are Anit', and the remaining Set; ' 


V&" t^[ gfa - ft^[ s^f^t^r^ijfttt *<c^ Marfan i 

f^^*%mM*^ wkvz&z.vt^^vtit ifai i 


fists'?. TteCI^CH"* fa*[ fa"5;fi^ u^ f^ 5 *^^ ^fa" : *' 

( <Z ) The following roots are Wet. 


irrrS' m^ift Jir&te st^A" f£j«ri% 5^^ 1 

t«T*%J ^§*i|RnBwSf TOW: <riN' «ti«-4rfll ^ II 

*fetrafttc£Hi (fa ^?% s^fiirwrr 1 


*™*~ -1 

^lir f%OT% *p3^ %^r & >*ra?r 1 

5*67-375 ] Conjugation of Vebbs, 18$ 

§ 367. Boots ending in qv % and aft are to be treated as. 
loots ending in 3jr. 


§ 368. Boots of the tenth class preserve their ar^r (*-** 
*TO" with the final sr dropped) with all the changes that the 
root undergoes before it in the General tenses. 

§ 369. The roots irq; gq^ fc^r, qar, ir^, q^r, and «E^ 
preserve their conjugational bases optionally. 

§ 370. sr^ and a; substitute for themselves ar and ^ 

§371. Neither Guna nor Vrddhi,is substituted for the 
vowel of a few roots of the 6th class even before a strong 
termination except the sr of the 1st and 3rd person sing, of 
the Perfect, the arar of the causal and the f of the 3rd person 
sing, of the Passive Aorist. In the Perfect 1st person, sing, 
however, such of them as are capable of taking Vriddhi, take 
Vriddhi alone and not Guna and the others optionally take 
Guna j as *gm, gfRTj %£&? 31&i ( 8ee Sir Dr * Bhaadarker's- 
2nd Book of &ans. p. 81). These are gr^, 55^, sg^, ^ , *$<> 
3*> *3jT?3T> %> Hb T and a few more n0 * often to be met with. 

§ 372. The root %fts^ assumes the forms 55^ and ars^ in 
the Non-oonjugational Tenses . 

§ 373. The penultimate ^ of ^^ and p{ is changed to t 

r ■ - a 

before a consonantal strong termination in the Non-conjuga- 

■ ' ' ' - J . - * . r ' 

■i r 

tional Tenses. 

§374. The intermediate f is weak in the case of the root 
f^( 6 A., 7. P. and optionally so in the case of gpj. 

§ 375. The root %f$gj drops its arr before a non*conjuga- 
tional termination except in the Desiderative and the Aorist 

1 1 H 

where it retains it optionally. 

1$4 Sajtsxht Gbakmab, [§876-37* 


. Thb two Futubbs Ain> ehe Oondhional. 



(1) Firtt future («ff). 

| n a 

§376, Terminations:— 

2 sn% «w: arcs 2 «rt <rrer$ «r^ 

^ ar *n:> src: ■ s ar «rSr *rc-" 

■ m 

^ r - - f 

§ 377, To these terminations the augment f is profited in 
the eaae of Set roots, optionally in the case of Wet roots, and 
not prefixed at all in that of Anit roots. 


£ 378. All these terminations are strong. The final vowel 
and the penultimate short of a root, therefore, take their 

Guns substitute before these. 

■ ■ .. ■ . ■ 

- ' r . 

■ "i ■ 1 

§379. Anit roots with a penultimate sp change it to ^op- 
tionally before a strong termination beginning with any 

■ r 

consonant except a nasal or a semi-vowel; jgq ^M f ffe r 


fT P. A, 'to give' Ac. 


i *rerfi*r tiarar: frtnw- 1 frarir' snrrc*^ sraref? 

2 fRTT% HfllW ^r«*rt*f 2 -ejl « I *l 4MI4H$ 3T*m£ 

■ L I 

?ff P. A. 'to carry'— %*rrflT, «taTC*:> **IIW &c-i Wfc 

-* The forms of the Firei future maybe derived by adding to 

-the Norn. sing, of the noun of agency derived with the affix 5 the 

forms of the Present Tense of the root are; 'to be 1 in the let and 

■ ■ l 

2nd persons. The forms of the Nom. are the forms of the 3rd per* 

r , ■ 

■ ■ J 

This is also called the Ferinhraatic Future. 

£§ $79-885 ] Conjugation of Vbbbb. 185 

<ra;P- — 4flwft4 hRkiiw mRiww &<*• 

Ibbegulae Bases. 

■ | 380. The roots f^j ^,g^,f|^ and ^adnrit^ optionally 
ub the first Future; *. g.-l sing. irfagrfa JTClfoi af**lt* 

§ 381. to is optionally Parasm. in the First Future and 

when so it rejects $. qrf^mf^, feB«*M l 3» SR^Wlfar * aing, &e. 

§ 382. The augment f as added to irjg is long in all Non. 
- conjugational Tenses, except in the Perfect; vflfl l fcq 1 sing. 

§383. The intermediate % is optionally lengthened in the 
ease of $ and roots ending in long «£, except in the Perfect 
-the Benedietive Atm. and the Aorist Par.; ^f^nf?*T> ^Aniftr 
.1 sing.; ^fiftflliv**, «fa{)<llRH 1 sing. 

■ i l ■ 

§884. ^ is inserted before the ending consonant of the 
<:root «ft^ before which q; is dropped/ and after the vowel of 
•^W.» when they are followed fay any consonant except a nasal 


-or a semi-vowel; ?sw, &<*•> to> ifaOT. The fl[ of ij^ is 
-changed to ^ when not dropped. 

(2) Second Future (^)and (3) Conditional (c^). 

-". . " ' J - r H 


r ■ 

§ 385. Terminations of the Second Futare : — 

■ * 

Parasm. Atm. 


— 5 These terminations, it will be seen, are obtained by adding those 
-of the Present to m t with its sr lengthened before initial % and ^, 
and dropped before a vowel. 

186 SAtfSK^T Gbaiqeae. [§385-38$' 

2 s*flr m: s**r 2 3*3- *«%' **n£ 


s sqfi-r ^ra: wf% 3 wit ^fitf 

§ 386. Terminations of the Conditional:— 

§387. ^ is substituted for the ending ^ of a root when 
followed by any Non-personal termination beginning with ^ 
( »'. 8. a termination not expressing number and person suoh as • 
f*T, st^, &e., as w, in the case of the 2nd fat. ). 



§ 388. $ is to be prefixed or not, or optionally to the- 
terminations given above, according as the root is Set or Anit 
or Wet, Before these terminations the final vowel and the- 

■ ■ l 

penultimate short take their CtuDa substitute. 

§ 389. In the Conditional the augment a? is prefixed to- 
the root as in the Imperfect. 


Second Future. 
ST^ 5. P. w*^ 1 A. 

1 SR*HPr STWT^ *U$*IW: 1 85^ <A"-W|«|$ &t>HUH$ : 

2 ^rflr srsw: *rwr 2 &&& bw%*t 

3 5R*lfir ^R^ra: V$Vf*$ 3 &a&fc <A<43ft 


1 STO^ra. «RTWR" 9WIWI 1 aTW^i *lrtmNf| WSHflHft 

* These are obtained by adding the terminations of the Imper- 
fect to **. ' 

§ S8&-3&3 ] OoMfJUGATIOIT OF VeBBS. 187* 

2 are**: atomm bto*to 2 araTsapTP «rw*$*irc sroew**^ 

Iekeqtjlab Bases. 

§ 390. jpi, P.? ?^ and anit roots ending in sr admit y in 
the Second Future and the Conditional ; *r^ P. ( also that 
substituted for f * to go ' and with arfa c to remember' ) also 
admits it in the Desiderative. irf^wrrfa, 3Pl* yi P T> 9tR«Ui*l» 
&Cp Sec. Fa. 1. sing.j smf^rq,, srff?TOq> ^«hRVUU &<V 
Oon. 1. sing. 

§ 391. The roots sr^, fg;, fi^r , sp., and-TO*S,> optionally 
take Paiasmaipada terminations in the Second Future, 
Oonditional and the Desiderative. They reject the augment 5 
when Parasmaipadi • gtf^r 5 "^ *iH*5> <*h-whh 5 flRWlj-- 

W-*WI$ ; 1. sing. 2nd Fa. ; 3TSRffc7S% , W i H^U BT^CT* 5 

; ar*f$«8f 5^?^; «T*rf§*t> srtW*5.J" 
\ STO**^, ar^«WT , 1 sing. Oond. 

§ 892. The roots ^, ^,^,^s and ^ take f optionally 
when followed by an ardhadhatuka ( non-conjugational ) 
termination beginning with ^ except in the Aorist ; ^~ 

*f&*fl if^STj 5»cW?f*f ; ^*lfl^H,afeh«*4« 1 Oond. &o. 

§ 393. In the case of f with Sflft& iff is optionally substi- 
tuted for ^ in the Conditional and the Aorist. y is substituted 
for the final vowel of the verba ff 3. P-> LP. *nv$t, T»^T> W? 
$3rr,?rr( substituted for f 2 P. and ^ with ijfq* ), <rr, ^r, and^j- 
before a consonantal weak termination. All terminations- 
added to qr substituted for 5- are weak. 


Bahbkh Gbammab. 

[ § 393-304 

1 «t^b$ 



1 spapft«% 

3 arwprJ^ra 

i ■ 



■i ■ 

§ 394. We give below the first pen. sing, of some of the 
r roots of more difficult conjugation. The student should find 
out the various rules by which to arrive at them. 


52. p. 



1st Future. 

2nd Future. 



r "i 





WUdlfi-H % 














5T a s?f^^r^-Rir 



























■■ - 

§ 394 J 

Conjugation- op Yeebs. 



-npora. : JBirat -buture. 

Second Fnfcnn 

a. Conditional. 

^^ wctRt 



**X ; ^■rtlfar 



■^ <nn% 



*<*»*•* *«h«^lR*f 



^C ^TfFT 



«*K *fl^rfl*r 



*RC H^dft 



^ offtuiRH toiiA* 

^t^rfa ?n*aj?i% vratfcqqt 



«rrof^» sr^^ 

*r^ with H^^Ts^I% 



^ $Sff$T 



f$t serfifr 



^ TCjiRf 



^ to dwell ^w^T 



f? S^ftff 



^f jRpftr 



"Wet roots. 


■ 1 




- 1 r 

J L 

r , 

■ ■ i * L i 




■ w ' 

■ "i 


Jl^g %?%RTrfe 


1 T ■ ' " 

r ■ 


♦"When the ^substituted for the g; of the roots ^rg and qr &» 
dropped the preceding sr ii changed* to aft. - J 



Sanskbt G&uocab. I 


.1st Fature. 

2nd Fature. 
















3* \ 



*lf«>4i fk 













^Puifc ^sri% 


*WFT^, art 

[ S 394 

*r^ nfiwi$*r? %srr©r, *fSr«3ifw» T^wft »rsrfsr««rat» arr^r^ 

i ■ i j 

53; tflfiSd i HN**terf^r, 4fifi$**iiflr» at*fft£««r^ 


r "■ 



•The finAi^of the roots 5^, c^, f?q^, and *g£, is changed 
to ^ or £ when followed by any consonant except a nasal or a 
=■ emi-vowel, or by nothing. See § 90. 

f| 304-897] GaNTOaA-croN op Vebbs. 191 


3oots. 1st Future. 2nd Future. Conditional. 

^r-^r^nt-^R^r?^ *rft**, drafts* ar^f^, amreftct 

^[ F. A. & ^ P, to be similarly conjugated. 

(4) the Pebkeot (fwgj- 

§ 895. There are two kinds of Perfect, Keduplicative and 


§ 396. The reduplicative Perfect is formed of all mono- 
syllabic roots beginning with a consonant, as well as of those 
beginning with the vowels * or m , and ? , * and ^ short. 

Exception-*^, m , ^^ ^. JThese take the Periphraatie 
Perfect necessarily. 

§897. The Periphrastic Perfect is formed of all roots 

Wiming with any vowel except tr or w which is naturally 

or prosodially long, and of roots of more than one syllable 

t-ropts of the 10th class and other derivative roots included X 

Exceptions :^^and ^ whioh take the BedupHoative 

192 Sansk$t G&ahhab. [§S9S%40* 

| 898. The roots 3^, ft^j *mj, #* tr»?f f *** fft*T 
take both the Perfects. 

The Beduplicative Perfect;. 


§ 499. The root is reduplicated according to the 
laid down, at p. p. 168-169. 


§'400. Paraam. Terminations. Atm. 


§ 401, TTnaugmented 1% becomes |- when preceded by any 
vowel except sr or an - . When the intermediate f is added, 
the change is optional if the % is preceded by ^, ^ , ar> 'q^or 5^ 


§ 402. The Farasmaipada singular terminations are 
strong; the rest weak. Before the strong terminations the- 
penultimate short vowel takes its Guna subs tit ate. The final 


vowel and the penultimate H take Vriddhi necessarily in the 
third and optionally in the first person singular. In the 2nd* 
person singular the final vowel takes G-ona substitute and the- 
penultimate ar remains unchanged. 

■ j 

§ 403. ^Special rules about the admission of the inter- 
mediate f before the terminations q, 35 T? q$, if, § and *%. 

r 1 r J 1 n 1 

(a) All roots, whether set or anit, except ^r, qj, sj, f , *jj r ff, 
5 and gj admit f. But ff with 5^ and f admit it before 5£ff 

*a *hM»i1*l* q*RW- 


%4*fl |fftwi^?L*W^fl firfS" %q^*$3 H 

"> .- 

a J 

§403-408 ] Oojrjtrakss<Hr o»~. Vhbbs. XVt 



(5) Anit roots fending in short ^, except if and *£ reject it 

before *r ; as ^ipf from 55; but VtfRv from 35*, OTtfCT from *? . 

(e) Anit roots with a final vowel or with a penultimate «r 

1 ■ 

admit it optionally before *r. 

§ 404. When the initial f or g- of a root takes Guna or Yrddhi 
substitute, the reduplicative r or 7 is changed to far or ^j 

1 ^ m 

otherwise the two vowels combine to form long f or ^ as 

§ 405. When the base consists of more than one vowel, the 
final g 1 , short or long, is changed to ^ before a vowel weak 
termination and f tof^or^as it is preceded by a conjunct 
consonant or not- as ro+f? ==$§&? 1 dual- f5ir%+3*:=ftrf*r- 

§ 406, Boots ending in arr take *n instead of sr in the 1st 


and 3rd per. sing, and drop their final srr before vowel weak 
terminations, and before such as take the augment f ; as %$f, 
fffofffflst Per., f$r«r, qfev[ 2nd Per. sing, of fr. 

■ r 

§ 407, G-una is substituted for the vowel of roots ending 
in *£ preceded by a conjunct consonant, and in long sg£ and of 
the roots *g t q?«^and srpj before the weak terminations; as 

limRv 1 dual, from 33 &c ct, ^ and cr optionally change their 

. -* ■ ^ .•* 

vowel to Gurta before the weak terminations, and shorten their 

*■-..-■■ . * 

^ when they do not; as ^rofov srfaCTj 1 dual of sr &c; 

* § 408. Monosyllabic roots having a short ay -for their pen- 
ultimate change it to q- and drop reduplicative syllable before 

j _ n - ■ 

1 j 

the weak terminations and before *r when it takes f, provided 
their initial letter undergoes no change in the reduplication; 


*-> **-***+ 1*=**+ f*= WW 1st dual, ^TH* S sing.; €^T ? 
?RR^ 2 sing, of ^r^; bufe^ixf^lst- suig- of iT^aa the *r U 

Si S* G» JLo# 

184 ■ S:an8K$t GaAMKiB, ' [ §408-^412 


"■ , 

changed in reduplication; witf3|*r 2nd dual of *r*£ as the ar 

-here is prosodially long. 

Exceptions :-Rdots beginning with q- and the roots ^ and f^ . 

§ 409. qj is inserted after the reduplicative syllable in the 
case of roots beginning with «r and ending in a conjunct con- 
eonant and in that of ar-*. 'to pervade' and qr^ to go-- The 
reduplicative «* is changed to btt; a¥3^-«r«J^+3T=a¥+^+ 
srs^+arsafiR^+aT^HRS^; similarly str$ 1 sing, of aff ? 
STRfc of srgr, &e. 

■ L 

*\ ' ' _ 

h^ T ■ ■ 

S 410. The change of a semi-vowel to its corresponding vowel 
is called Sampraaarana. Samprasarana generally takes place 
before weak terminations in the case of the following roots : — 
^,*<50 **/*£> *^ to dwell/ t*^r> fe-fo 4fe «iv ,; OT» 
^j^,^?^^'^* 11 * 5 ^ ** the oftBe of the 
Perfect the roots q*$, sf. and «^, form an exception. 

§ 411. Before the strong terminations of the Perfect, 

^^ r 

SampraaaraQa takes place in the reduplicative syllable only. 


The reduplicative syllable of *?i«r is always .fa. 

■ H ■ f 

■ L 

(a) The vowel following Sampraaarana is dropped. 



■ ■ r 



L J 

§ 412. The roots that reject % altogether in the Perfect. 

P. fr 'to do. 7 A. 

. * 

s'<tarf <**5 : **& ' ^m ■to*" "fffif 


Conjugate similarly ^ f % and fj the 2nd per. sing, of f 



5 412-418 ] Conjugation op Vubbs. 195 

Bat ^ with ^ ( *fc|f base. ) 



8 ^HHtK' 




Conjugate similarly g* 5, *!• 
§ 413. Boots that admit y— 
(1) Set roots ending in a vowel 

P. 1 9. ■* to choose. ' A, 

*?' ^» S* &0 * ^ ba iimilarl y conjugated; totc-tos, SSctfT* &e. 

|T 9. P. 6 to tear/ &c. ^ 2 P. *to sharpen.* 

- • 

1 srttc *r*rf^ srsrft* ! iw* ^$S[farf tfjgfti' 

*RTC flf^PT 5rfHw fS*W 

■3 tatrrc *rarc$s w?: s i*f*tt isirfg: 


'Conjugate similarly qr and 7. ?g to be similarly conjugated. 

•sonant now. (Vide § 407.) 


■ "i 

P. ^- 2. 'to warble/ <to go, '&xk A. 


r a 

Conjugate similary |R, jP t 

* ■ 

tffr 2. A. ' to He down.' • 
P. f%r < to resort to. * A. 

^^^ r 

m m ■ ■ 

* ftrare fitPwigi ftffr^: 3 nffWt f^rf%wi% RifMRfc 

r ■ ■ ■ 

(2) Anit roots ending in a vowel: — 

■ P.-' 

5T 1. *to g£ve-* - A„ 

■ * 


1 sfir wr 
3 stf ^1 : 

■ _■ 

. .. ■ ■ * ■ 

i * ■ ■ 

^ 1 P. 'to sing/ 

, . 

j a 

■ ■ , i , i 

■i , , 

Alt other roots enaing in *|r, q-, \ aadsfrto be - aXmiliiriy- 

-colligated. ^-r3rct per. 31^, w% : , ^ J? $ to <fiufc'Srdper.< 

* t 

f I P. 'to go.' 

■ ■ 

ift P. A. 'to carry.' 
Par. Atnu 

"2 f3prf3nr-flf*PT Pfw: f**?*' See ^ft'fco lie down' above- 

. I ! : . . , v 

^ P. 'to remember.' 

; 8-'*PHI* * " «FVTS: ■-'"£ 


i ■ i 

^ v^ % .*. ' * 

' - . . . 

*(3 ) Anit roots ending in a consonant. 

i ■ — r 

^ 5 P. 'to be able.' 


1 ■ " _ - ■ r ' - 

*'flW-:"'. ^*tf W *%* ^?#": *^ 


•■-■• P. ^6 ttoreleMfe.'- : - ^M* 

193 Sanskbt Gbamma*. [§41$ 

ftf 1 P. A. f to purge;' 1 P. 'to separata/ 

" * ■ i ■ 

i R^r RRPh f^^f%r*r 1 RR*3 RRP*is % ftftf^ff^* 


2"-fRflf«i ftH^3 : Rft^ * RRfa$ ftPC^T*r RRft*^ 
•. Rfc*r RR'trg: .Rffg: 3 RR^* RRmit ffRf^ft 

Conjugate fa^ 7. P. A. fa^ 6. P. A. fto£ 3. P. A., ft^ 
3. P. A. 3^ 7. P. A. ^ 7. P. A. tg% 7. P. A. and 

©there having f or ? for their penultimate, similarly ; f%^-f%^r 

■ T t 

1 ring, feftftr, anal-, f|ftfr«r 2 fling. &o. %j-— **ljfa t 1 fling; 
^ftf**r 2 fling, ftc 

i ■ 

_ i 


**$; 6 P. 'to aak/ 

1 towbt wftw "hhIWt 

3 TO«3" 

STOC 1 P- 'to abandon/ 

s wiftm craw ?wisr*j; "sht^t 

I a , 

3 wnr totoj: 

a|3^ 7 P. 'to break' or 'to destroy.' 

.1 4HH" 9*if*nr . JWR**ft 

»f»Ri wot: spto- 

§413] Conjugation of Verbs. 19S> 


P. ^^6 <to fry.' A. 


2 *»rfSfa **ntf^ *rfir^ 

S^tf ^H^a: *w: S sr^ w^rRr **rf^ft 


P. ^3£ 4. 6. A. 

1 war toot h^tt 1 h^^t 

^4. P. <to see.' 
should be conjugated like ^sr ; 7fn§%r, $$g* 2 sing. 

P. (te-7 'to cut/ A, 

■■ ■ * 

2 f^feT^T W*5W NF^si faft»ft*l fcf%d«j3 MVSR^ 

3 Pn%c f^rf*fffgs r^f^aj: f%r^s% f*rf%&*r^ Piftsf^ 

t r 

^4 'to go/ ^1. 6 P. <fco deoay. 

J L 

■■■ ■ 

Conjugate ^ A. ^ P. ^P. *pr P. A. *w P. ^ A. &% 
A. if^P. ^P. t^ A. qr? P- 1? p - similarly; *r*-itfSflr 2 sing. 
sn[-tft*-TOWT 2 sing. sRf^^T-snr^ 2 sing. ^-^T-^m 

2 aing. snr^i?3j-siq*r, &c. 


206 1 . SiNSKET GEAKMAB. [ §415 

1 P. 'to drop.' **a;9 P. 'to bind.' 

1 ***•* ^fCTPfT ■SSSrfNr l'WT 3^f«*T Wf*>*T 
*HW^ir ..^mre? TOP* *.«PwwiWi: **** 

3 ^^f ^W^: TOP?: & ^^T *W§: **w 


+ da 

CT^.^9 5, P. 'to grow, *3t^® P" ' fco touch' 

to accomplish.' 

19^ and ft^ *>o be similarly 

conjugated. ",-.;_ 

■ ■ L 

(4) Set roots ending. in a consonant, 
sp? I P. 'to be glad,' ralA. <to salute.' 

2 fRT^T ^Fqw; st*** & iraPtf «W?f^ **f***% 

f^4. 1. P. 'to danced g^ 1 A. <to rej 

* m j 

1 *H$ iff*** sfff^T 1# SffNt 35*^*1 

3 snril Hg«g: ^?f j 3 5g$ 35?fW 53^1 

a*| 1 P. 'to afflict.* %*w 6 P. <to go/ 


1 WT* SIFlK^ wrf^* 1 9TR«# -ifRftOT'. *Tnf$9* 


-- l. 

P. *^1. P. A. « to worship.' 


3$nu£ii ] Oo»yuei3ttos of Vebbb. 201 



Swrraffcr sirr% an?r# 2 srnrffc WHrft *n*f%*% 

^1P. 'to vomit/ ..f|lA. 'to give.' 


■3 tot mm* vrs' s wt -mft : **fi^ 

gpff 6 P. # to be crooked. * *s% 6 P. 'to flash forth/ 

'to cheat.' 'to throb.' 

S^te "OTSS^^SS- 3 a# 

— r 

§ 414. Boot* taking 4)uuiivi (regular and irregular)— 

■ " - ■ ■ i 

P. ^ 1. 'to worship.' A. 

* fwrsr fug: f$: 3 £* . frn* iW* 

^» 1. 2. P. Ho speak.' ^1. P. 'to dwell, 

l ?wre sRf^rv asf^r i-w atftw arf*pr 

*'wiflnr' 3T^r: 3T* : 2 3*ftW ^rqy: 3»* 

■h k 


* TOT 3T^gi T5 : s WRT 3r^g: 

P-- q*£ 1. 'to sow seed/ : ■; A. 

* &m atfr* ^rfar i'W. ^?fa*t srftrifc 

■ " TOT .. . . 


+ I 

*5^as a Suietitnte for wmay ;alBO be. conjugated m the Atm.- 
*• £■ ^Tj grfaltj ^Prat I Per. &o. 

■.■i:.j.- -,:::- H —-..-.■l. : m ■-. :-:.». 

202 SAHBxpx Gbammak. [ § 414 

■ - L r t . 

P. *? 1. P. A- 'to carry.' A. 

3tf^T arfl* 1 3$ 3>ft*% arflflt 

q% 1. P. 'to speak.' (A. in soma senses.) 

1 STTT-3ST *fifr srfSpT 


*± ^- 

■ r ■" 

2 4*1 $4 3T$tjp 3f^ 

2 *'ft^ 


8 3*lf ^g: a^ 



■i r 

*?^2. P. Ho sleep.' 


1 ■ r 




'to grow i 


1 g«?R* ssfa* y&ftn 

1 i^wii 


1 affair 




2 ffraffTT ttS4u; HOT 

2 f^fnrnr 



■ l i 

9& 2. P, <io desire/ sjraS.P.'to deceive, to surround,'" 

i «*r*i-OT*r wds* <**Rw l ftwrra* ftftfa'T (^ff^nr 

a X 

x " i J " ■ * 

3 3TO sK$ia- 3TB : 3 f^s^nr ftftqg: fafa^: 

* When a root capable of taking aampras&rana beginfi -with . a* 
conjunct consonant, the conj. consonant witn the vowel is redupli- 
cated before a strong termination. '■-:. 

S 4M 1 

OoiTJTJaiTXON or Vbbbs. 


, *? 9 P.* A. <to .take?' 

i ininMflw. *r>iftf sngfiT I fiS ^njRfffc ^IWfc 
2 snrf^r 

3 ^nrrar 

*i^f3? *pj$j 

2 afpf% 4^$l4t 

3 «n^ JF^fH *fjW 

1 ftsTPT f^sap* 
3 f%s*N** 

. fl Wf > ^5TT 


s^£ 4, P. .'to pierce.' 


PD*1'P. 'to a well' 

faff f 

fsif'f f 

%t IP. A. (Regular.) 



2 7fra-fft*T 

3 ^f^ 

ffaf fPR 

ffg*: ff 
f*g: f£: 

1 ?% 

2 fff* 





^ (Irregular). 

1 *fW 



3rf%f^ s»fajft 

1% is to be optionally considered as sgin the Perfect. 

1 i j * 

f % optionally assumes the form g*^ before the strong and &^ 

■_ ■■ - i , 

or 3^, before the weak terminations of the Perfect. 

l204 " ' - ■' SAHSKaX GRAXKA&, [ § 414*416 

P. «%• 1 P, A. A. 

■ L 

* fa«(W PffN? W^PT 1 faafr fafN^ft W^Wf 

2 ftnrfira franr far 2 ftf&rq RmiQ faf^M-f 

P. _ Iff * P * "*" **» caI1 -' A - 

3 gfrf WR& : *&£.' S5* 

- I" 

§ 415. Wet roots:— 

§ 416. The roots tf » ^ and ^ admit f necessarily before con- 
sonantal terminations except tr; ^jr-^qK^ ^Wf^T 1 dual and pi.* 
but wiRq, -3*<r$ 2 sing; fqfttr? §i*hr 2nd sing, of * &b. 

'^3^ 1. 7. P. 'to contract, to shrink.' spy 6. P. 'to eat.' 

J 1 

■ ■ i " i ■ * ■ ■ 

* «J becomes ftwra before strong terminations and faff before 
4he weak ones in tbe Perfect. 

f % is to be considered as 5 in the Perfect 

, r r 

» r 

§ 410 ] Conjugation of Verbs. 205 

■ ■■ 

8 «?w trcras: .wrap 3 TO*T row «rarv: 


*|S53[ to be similarly conjugated. 

L ■ 


^ 1. 2, P. 'to purify.' h*^ 7. P. Ho anoint/ 

S TJW$ flgJTS: 1?| r: ® WTO HR^fgs 

f^ 4. P. 'to be>eV ipp^; 1. A. 'to distil', 

I'WE* f^rfeft^ f^F$sft*J 1 ■HHI^ 4JH|fcq^ <mfiVHji 

* f*r£f*«r Wsra: SNffef 2 ^f)%%^^^rv 

ta* 4. P. <fco destroy/ fiprl. P. 



i tow **?*** xx$m i fW* flrftfw AftA* 

S TOW TOW V^p". *IWr.\ Aftvn: %ft$: 

' r * n 

J ■ i "" i 

^t 1. P, 'to be able.' gq^4. P. 'to be pleased.' 

* to. and *&£ insert; a nasal whenjtheir final is followed by a- 


Sanskbi Gbahhab. 

[ § 416 

2 ^r&m 

* ^ 

8 «*#* wn* ^ffir 

gpf 1. A. 'to be ashamed.' 

5 %fifr ^r«rr^ Ww 

5^ to be similarly conjugated. 
EfT^4, P. 'to forgive.' 

I topt s wf*R 5 rof*r' ! r 

-3 3ft %*n% %^ 

9^1. A. *to lorgive, 

■***■ ■rot**! ■roflNI 
w»*$ ISP***" 

%^ P. 'to be afflicted. 

3 ^OTT ^$ng: *CH&: 
sr^5. A. 'to pervade.' 

srnr«r wrfiret «TRffim% 



2 stpSW 


f* fe^r Nfl?**: fafatt 

ar^l.P 'tooeeupy.' ^' 


wi'*l ^?ra ; 


J , 

* f 




*H ^ 

* See §379. ■"■■ t See § 419. 

§ Boot 3 ending in ^ change ittp ^ when followed by ^ or %. 

J 8ee§884. 

4*6 ] OONJUG-AHOSf OF VSKBft. 2<>7 

■ «p ^ • 

Hmr «rnwf : arnraj* s ftwrift fSpjr^g: ^j^5: 

■i a 

?q^and 3^ 'to pare/ should be similarly conjugated. 
«n^ 1. A. 'to enter.' i[|lA. 'to take.' 

ijf 2. A. is Set and should be 

conjugated as sueb, jjj| 10 P_ 

A, takes the Periphrastic Perl 


jtj£ 1. *to conceal.' A. 






^$W WU# ^K5«ft 


^p^ : 

^s? ?..«sWot^' .^gfrfrt- 



m*r : . w^f.. 


^!TO : 

^J?: 3 3*ft- ^T?r% .OTfiR . 

"'■ W 

6. P. 'to kU'L> ^t 6 P. to kill/ 





. 53TSF H^f -*£j? 

«OT : 

-31? 2 ifR^T 3??$*j: :*£f 

Hj¥." " . 



11?:. 3 ».«?? " *i*& ffiff: 

* Wnen %^ or ^ is dropped the preceding sj, f or ^ is 
mgthe&4. Sse also § 90. 


2 $? Sanskst Gbahmar, [fi 416r41T 

■» " r 4 


:$( 4. P> 'tobear malice.' ^ 6. P. <to hurt, tokdl. r 

■ j 

2 istft* 5P¥ : 35? ■■• 3«rff*r sra?^: treat? 

* ■ 

g$ to be similary conjugated, fg to be similarly conjugated: 
3tf|* *S5f * dual; gqtfftr, gi&r, *IT$?-?f5 1 dual; 

gtfro. 2sbg.&c. *rfK**r2nd sin^ 

fa 4. P. 'to love/ 

»'Wrtf fcrffcrfg: mffars: 

■ r ■ 

r to be similarly conjugated. 


■i ■ ■ 

Ibbegtoxjlr Bases, 

§ 417. The 9T of the roots ^ w ,'^ ( ^ and ' ^ - it* 
dropped before vowel weak terminations, (exeeot those of the- 
variety of the Aorist ), in which ease the g of ^ is changed; 
to sr a£d sr*. andip^ become ^and ^respectively. 

r ■ ■ 

i *r*rm *tf*OT straw 1 sr^nr srnr^ *rf!r*r 

* The final ff> of the roots ggj,.^ nqrud'^ is changed 
*° ^or^ when followed by any consonant except a nasal or a- 

semi-vowel or by nothing. ■''.'"■'.- 

$ 417-418 ] Conjugation op Vebbs. 209 

■ a 1 


* *mnt irji spy $ srepr tith: nj; 

1 w^ *tfirafe wf?T«r| See h^ below. 

p. ^r^ a. 

l -wr* nfcm ^fas** 1 *&& ^Rprff ^fowft 

* TOpr ^^nj: 'to*: 3 ^% 

§ 418. sr^-^t is optionally substituted for in the Perfect 







s •trr 






§ 419. The roots m t ^, *r^r W*.-» and •W& 1 ! 1 w 5 ej. P,> 
to offend, neceisaxily, and aj, *T^, ^[, q^r, shft *|9|>. JgRftV 
*«PR& W('i!^ W* optionally obey § 408. 

w 1. P. *to cross.' <tf^ 1, P. f to bear iruifc.' ' ... 

1 *WFC %H? Hftw 1 4*1*4 %fc£Y '%|Hh 

• Vide § 422. 
S. S. G. 14. 

P. ^ 1. *to serve/ &o. A. 

l uvea* vrftRrT *rf*ftr* 



Sf 4 P. 'to be old.* M%1. 4. P. 'to wander.' 

, "i 

l'HW *nrfor *t*tik* i topt *raf*r* sroRw 

■ ■ ■ ~ * 

¥fl^ 1. 4- A. *to shine/ $^ P. 

2 wsriftft totstt^ sraiPsr*t 2 i&rwm wwu: *rew*r 

tfsit $srtf- Wi«% 3rPr*r ***£: *** 

* ww* wsrsrtft <irarftft' 3 ^ri wpr§: 9^5; 

-*fT3> W&> ***** *» sf»uUrij e >njngate& 

■'■','."'.■■'' './■*■ 

§ 420. g forms its base irregularly as *ro :— 

l^r *$ft* *#*r : ' 


QomuQAnox os Vkbbs. 211 

'■"■■.-■ 4 * 


§ 423. far and ft are respectively changed to fa and ftn and 
j^T optionally to ftr in the Perl 

f*r ft 

■l faronr Drf**» far*** l f&rar* nrfanr 

3 frm* il***w: Ar«i» » firew 

3 &«fti«i-Ri|^ifl f%99$ : ?ft**3: fro^r 

§ 422. «rfj V and 5% admit f necessarily before «r. 

■ _ ■ ■ i ■ 

* irre *nft» «TTH?r For «f^ and *% Me p. p. 2 

n 1 1 ■ 

3 to*3t *ni^3ni: 

*See § 384, 

* -L 

812 Sas-skbt Gbajoiab. [ § 428-42* 

§ 423. f 2 P, 'to go' lengthens its reduplicative * bef or* 
the weak terminations. 

1 v*n> t^ $fk% if*w 

3 f*W t*fl! 

t ■" 

§ 424. The base of ; with arft 'to study' is arftsmr 

ufasrWt Hf^mc^ mRrprf*n^' 

§ 425. 37<£ forms its base as 3^55- Xts vowel is opti 
it gunated before a strong termination when it takes « 


2 3^5f^ -*33tr^ vrfoR^ 

8 5$a% 4iJMifi isfs^it 

§426. sprf and e^fr are optionally substituted for ^r^in. 
the Perfect, and necessarily in the other Non-oonjugationa h 



3OT and tot take both the Padai. . 

■Pbt ' ; " ■ 

1 Vfpretr:''. .;. 



nwnit. -...■-■ 


2 Ml jj**l*f j ■■'■ 

J -H- ■_ 

j ■ 

F m 



S 426-481 ] 

Conjugation of Verbs, 


8 W^ 























t r 


*m^vr^ ■ 





■ .■ 

$427. %1. A. 

' to protect ' assumes 

the form f^fir i 

Perfect ; fl^J", R'P^q3> 1 sing- and dnal 


§428. ^ after reduplication assumes the form f$5p£; 
f^r, 1 sing. fSqfift 2 siiig. 

§ 429. The root sg^r takes Satnpraaarana in the reduplica- 
tive syllable in the Perfect ; ftaqit 1 & 3 sing, fr^f^ 2 sing. 

§430. Foi 

see § 374; fa^, RRftv, fvfirfatir la* 
:*ftPnr'-3 per'&o. 


■ r 

§ 431. The Periphrastic Perfect is formed by adding m% 

i _d 

-to the root and then adding the forms of the reduplicated 

■i i 

Perfect of £T> ^ or tr^ as terminations; when the forms of ay 
are added, a Parasmaipadi root takes the Partfsmaipadi forms 

i ' m 

and Atmanepadi one takes the Atmanepadi forms. 

2U Sanskrt GbaxKab. [ § 48£ 

■ L 


§432. Before sm^ the final vowel and the penultimate? 


short, except that of f^[, 2 cl. take their Guna substitute. 



fS" 2 A. 'to praise 






f ctatffe 




f smrag:: 






Ml HI ^4: 

3: fcf*3&* 

i&j i$Z? ^kM.9 &°- r *° b©' similarly conjugated. 

53^ sing. 

■1 ^N"£» ^TRW *4fl*|<V &°V 

2 ^N^ ^rHFfe«r {vtagfta &cv 

s ?«rl^% $*Rre ratagr &c 

»T^ — to be similarly conjugated. 


also iwjI4I& »M-wi«W> &o. 
gn^— to be similarly conjugated. 

■gs^-1 P, 'to bum/ 

* ■ ■ 

1 - ■ "-"iii , ■ 

1 *$t*r ^f^ ^JM 4 * 

$ m 4as j 

OONJU»ATIOK or Tbbbs. 


2 s^ffirr 


^■wrf "tost : ? &o tfmH* &°> 

afafwg:, &c aitafff*F &*. 

i ■ 

f^[ to P. 'to know' 


3 MvINC 

SFJr-*!*?! *!» irNMN'SKTCj &<*. 1 sing, artgftq, 
HtlNlN** &e. 1 dual, spftffisr, ^«f?«*r» Jftw uta q ft &°« 2 sing. 

«*7-S^T, «^TO *»-l sing. 
ftTOg— -ftfrvB 1 , or Hl*54!^l^*Kj &0. 1 sing, 


*^— %% ° r wrHPCTT &e. 1 «ing. 
^— smrf <> r wflqHft? &o. 1 sing- 

■ j a ■ 

§ 433. When arrets added to the roots ifr, fr £ and f , they 
are first reduplicated as in the third conjugation; e. g. 


8A2T8K9T QtBA.JOlA.Vt, 

[ jj 433-436 

»ft 3, P- 'to fear.' 

r^r^N"^ : &<*• 

3 faperpr 

1 Hash? f^rs^r 

3 f»rsRr 
1— ^rr, F^N^rc-^-anH 3 ring; f-^r*, ^$*Nrairre- 

*$*— a?TO 3 sing. 


frB^ltagrilj & c ' 

(5) THE AOBIST fe^) 

L ■ 

'■ §434. There are seven Varieties or Forms of the Aorist. 
The augments sr is prefixed to the root as in the Imperfect. 

First Variety or Form. 

§ 435. The terminations of the First Variety are the same 
as those of the Imparl, except that of the third person plural 
whiohis^: — 

1 *H 

2 * 


$436. The radical arr is dropped before ^. 

$497-442 J Conjugation of Vbbbs. 217 

§437, {, C3T, 3r, qr, and roots assuming the forms of ^r 
*nd ^r (Vide § 367.), <rr 'to drink' and % take this variety. 

' § 438. The roots srr, % ^, ^ and $t belong to this 
Variety optionally. They optionally take the Sixth Form. 
*% takes the Third Form also. 


# . 



* ararr^ 







2 aror: arorsKC sranr 

® aTWT^ 



s arora; trorm^ bt&: 

§ 439. »r takes 3?^ instead of 3^ in the 3rd per. pi. and 
<ohanges its vowel to 3*3* before the vowel terminations; 0, g. 
«r^^, 8T^8T, a?*W, 1st per; a?sgng- ? spjfrr^j **gFi 3rd per. 


§ 440. Ttf is substituted for ^ in the Aoristjefrrf^, anrr% } 
^TTPT> 1st per. 5 f with stf^r 'to remember 7 ays i|4 | T»c t 3TWTifF«I, 

§ 441. This variety is exclusively Parasmaipadi. «j, gr and 
■TOT take the fourth Variety in the Atm. a^ when Atm. takes 
the fifth; and % with arf^ Atm. the fourth. 

■1 ■ 

Second Variety or Form. 


§ 442. In this Variety a? is added on to the root and then 
the terminations of the.Imperf. of the first group of conjuga- 
tional classes are added, viz : — 

Par. Atm. 

218 Saxsk$? G&AHttUt. [ § 443-44T 


r a 

§ 443. The preceding st is dropped before 9^ f ar^ , and n*(f 
sad lengthened before ? and q. The radical rowel, except a- 
final ^f short or long, and the ^ of ?&> does not undergo 
Guna or Vrddhi substitute. 

* ■ 


§ 444. This Variety is Parasmaipadi with a few exception* 
suoh as ^ with g^, 35ZTT, ?^, and wg; 'to throw' with qft.. 
The roots f^, fa% and' £ take this form in the Par. and 
optionally in the Atm. in which they also take the Fourth 

§ 445. The penultimate nasal of a root is dropped; as W^— 
WTCr^> S3F^-s<*<M<C> &c. 

§ 446. The roots sr^ , i&q?, q^, ^ , 5TT^ ? f% and ^ become 
mt>.«Kj T^» $t%> Rf^» T» ™* I » respectively; «. ?. 
STrW^jS^areC^STW^? STrafSq", &o- 3rd sing. 

§ 447. The roots given in the following couplets ( Karikas> 
belong to this Variety necessarily :^ 

g*7fin srrfit: TF^rr: ^*-*msg«rf^f*n h $ « 
wan to fr^Rift' ^ftreK* Rs i 5* *fr i 

■ * r 

in r ■ , ar 

§447] OoffJUGAasotf o# Va: 


tsTr- P- ^^rwith^r^ a. 

i 3T3&pc arc^r? anssrre * a*e^ araraft sr^nrffc" 

1 arrest antra smnr i *Rft srercraflr smrnm? 

2 a?rc: aTTt^ am?r 2 ^*resrr: g nft mm sprrw^ 
5 a*n$ arrorns, am^ s mrur *r*n^at^ 


^ S 'P. 'to go.* 

1 am*. aRrtw arornr 

2 are*: . arror* ar^r 

F ' i ■ 

8 aWT^ vflrarnc am* 

p. " ■ -. fcl*: ■ .■ . A. 

^2P 4 ( also that substituted for ?r Par. and Atm. ) 
2 ar#q".* artlM^< atfHti 2 arfrwr: apr^n^ st^N"^^. 

'220 Sansk^t Gbamscas. [§447 



P. ffc^fc A. 

1 stffc^s arftrerar atf^rre l srfa# arf^srT^it wrflreprf? 

2 srra^: arf^rse srf^RT 2 sr^^rr: «T^r%«rra wftt*rm 

P. n*£* A. 

2 atf§*7: «Tf%m^ arfo'TO 2 «r^qr: «fjsn*TiX _«*ffr<W^ 

8T^ 4. P. «t^ **th *ft- A. 

- *?rai^, *rre*n 1 ^ *tr*tt*f i mlA tr^terrai^ wwwH 
-*.«nw wwcm, am*r?r 2 urtoran t^^t^ T*rft«M*. 


■i v 

■ "i 

We give below the 3rd per. sing, of the rest. 

' r r n 

'."■.-'.■■ '■ ■ 

Boots. Roots. 

^ | ( 5. P. A. )— aroSKS: TS^-SPT^ 

^4 P. 'to coIleetZ—arhrg: fl^i. A. 4. P. 'to be unctuous, 

5^[— HOT* to melt'— Brfi^g; 

§? 4. P. 'to wallow.'— h^s^ ft^j fc. p. a.— arfinft- 

q^— smRC sjfc 1. P. 'to perish.* 'to decay/ 

{§^4. P. 'to be wet.'— srf|5$3 

ffcrf 4. P. 'to be,,— stfsqra 

* fc^> f%% and 1 take also the fourth Variety in the Atm. 

srf&ff, 3*f*TcF* 3TgRcT. 

a. + 

f ^ 4. cL takes the Fourth Variety in the Atm. sr^ 
3rd sing - 

JfeA.t»fees*he fourth, or Fffth Variety; arfor, sftfr* 

-- ■ ■ 

■ - i ■ ■ ' 

■3rd sing. ■ ... ;\ ■ ." ■ ■ 

■, - 




TO? 4. 5. 'to proper 1 — imf^ 

Tpr^4. P. 'to covet' spp^ 
^4 P. 'to hurt'— ift^ 

TO— *ij^ 

faff— MTO^ 

^3^4. P. 'to be co&fosed' 

ftf^4. P. Ho throw*— STf^i?^ 
5»T— h«h<j, 

5*£— 4. P. 6, P. A.*— H$TO 

^ 4. P. 'to kill'— wrslRg: 




F J 

wit— ■nnni 


*I^ 1 P. f to be confused or- 
agitated/— srg-irn 


f^ 4. P. e to be thin' — 'iTfftra^ 

f^4. P; to fall'— xfg^ 

1 ■ ■ " F ■ ' 

f^ 4. P. 'to ehoose'— 3TTO3, 

55T 4. P. 'to bathinty'-vnraf_ 
5^ 4. P. 'to be spoiled/-r&c. 

■ * ' 1 

g^— -4, P. 'to burn'— H^R. 
ft^ 4. P. 'to injure, to kill' — 

^4. P. 'to be angry or vexed'*' 
f%*j 3 P.A. 'toipread through* 

■ ■ 

*gi^ takes the Fourth Pom in the Atm. srgff. 
jft^ Atm. takes the Seventh Variety, STftga. 

2%% . Sansest Gbamjcae. [ § 447-^8 

■sg*r 4 P. «to divide^— B|^^ change form/ ftTtftRf. 

■fSr^— sffftmc s^4P. 'toout'ar^ns 

^v 4 P. 'to be dry'— ij^qg- ^ 4. P. *fto strive' VW8% 

^^ 4- P. 'to embrace' — Hf^T^ . f%% — same as Rr£ 

-tree— Z P. *» eat*— irq^ S ( f ) ^— Slf ( I > SSL 

-ar^4^ P. 'to release'— ranr^ OTfr— stRpt^ 

^$ 4. P. 'to throw awaj* V[QW£ 

i * 

■ to 4 P. 'to decay, to perish' &T?9^ *$-~3ig5^ 

L W ■ 

-^g;— 4. P. 'to be straight' sw^K f^-Hftr?^ 
;feg4'P. 'to go, to direct/ 


a ■ r 

^E£^4. P. 'to 't^0w/-rtng3£ 

■■-"'. ■ ■ ' 


§448. The following roots belong to the 2nd Variety 


optionally ; they optionally take the Fourth or Fifth Variety 
=as they are Anit or Set. 

r _ 

. r 




IRoote, Ssing. Optional forms. Boots. Ssing. Optional forms 

"ft *?^ »rfirftwra.* fa*ac— «rf**r^ *n*jta, srf^s 



*jf*t takes the fhird and FiW Yajietiea besides the 2nd. 

S 448-4L5Q ] CONJUGATION of Vsebs. 225 

$ft©t*. 3 ring, Optional forms. Boots. 3 sing. Optional forma. 


§449. The following roots, which are all Atmanepadi, are 
-conjugated in the Parasmaipada when they belong to thia 

Variety. In the Atxuanepada they take the Fourth or Fifth 

"Variety according as they are Anit or Set. 

j ■ 

Boots 3rd sing. Optional forms. Boots 3rd sing. Optional forma 

* .•* i ■ ■ 

•reft* $re*— spftra:, wftig? 

■ ■ 

- ^ ■ H 

J , 

Third Variety or ^orm 

- - ■ ■ 

M _ ■ | 

§ 450. Terminations: — 
Th3 sane as those of the Sad Variety. 


Sansk$t Gsammab. 

[ § 451-46$ 


§451. Boots ending in ar^ ».*♦ of the tenth class, causal^ 
and some denominatives, the root g^and the primitive roots 
fir, 5 and ^r, when expressing the agent take this Variety 
necessarily, and the roots ^ and Pf do it optionally. 


§452. (a) The root is reduplicated before it takes the- 
angment and then the terminations are added as in the 2nd 

■ i i " j r -*- - ■- 

■. , 

(&) Pinal f and 7 are changed to f«[ and a*r before ar and 
final srr is dropped. 


■ , t ■ 

PffP. A. <togo/ &o. 





1 arM^roc 

2 arfaftr*!: 


3 «rftri$ra?r 





, r 

1 ■- '1 

■ r 

gpnr also when it takes aw; see § 369 -). 3 sing. 

■1 , 

1st. and t 6thi 

(tee p. 222 foot note) V— QT?93? (^ also takes 
Varieties besides this). 

1 453. Boots of the Tenth Class, Oansals &o:— 

(a) The sr«r of the base is dropped ( the vowel changes tak- 
ing place before it being retained ) and the penultimate Vowel 
la shortened ( 7 and 0; being shortened to f> and aft- and 

aft to*). . 

§453-454 ] OoNJuaATiox os Vkbbs. 2g$ 

' *Y 

• The base so modified is then reduplicated according so the 
general rules; *nW ( Oau. B. of ^) sz^r^ajgfcz^ after 
rednpHcation; ^ar (from f^)=%=f^=fcr?*r3> &*' 

- L ' * . 

■ L ■ 

(J) f U substituted for the sr of the reduplicative syllabi* 
if the syllable following it be short, and not prosodially long; 
the $• of the reduplicative syllable is lengthened if not followed 
by a conjunct consonant; thus ^rarsf^TI^fagr. f^-f^^. 

^Tfa^i S^sra^^StS^f^?^^ the | is not lengthened as it i» 
followed by a conjunct consonant; ^*d=m-n vg only, as q- is 
followed by a syllable prosodially long. * 

L ■ ■ 

(c) Roots having a penultimate ^-, short or long, optionally 
substitute it, the long ^ being ©hanged to the short one. m 
causal base s^^S after dropping srff and fg^ hy this; 

■ "i 

(&) To the base so prepared the augment ar is to be prefixed 
and the terminations added as in the 2nd Variety, er^hrvar 
from $; ar^f^ag; from f^Rtf ar^SS^ from 335*5 s^FT^-*, 
from^^iH^^, ar^ma: from f^ ; arF^ftl^ , snffcsra * 
* rom f*^» 9^7$$* ^ arfrfl^ trom i^&a. 

. § 454, Bases with intial vowels:— 

J « 1 J 


* m.r r 

(a) If a root begins with a vowel and ends in a tingle 
consonant, the consonant is reduplicated and ^ added to it in 
the reduplicative syllable; *I£f=Sf&r=i|&3^. 3ft?Z£^; 3TTT= 

h -■ 

(b) If it ends in a conjunct consonant with a nasal, or sr or 
3£ for its first member, the second member of the conjunct is 

s. s. a. 15 

226- S.AJJSK9T GSAMMAS. [ § 454-469 


reduplicated; &%=&*$$= 3fs$? and finally arrfN^-<T " 3 Bi ?85 
similarly sff i >l$<£ from "«T^, *lf fSM^ fcoa ar^j; &o. 

§ 455. Boots in ?, short or long, substitute 3 ( changeable 
to 37 like f) for ^ in the reduplicative syllable, provided it be 


not (immediately) followed by a labial consonant of a semi- 



vowel or ^ followed by a* or stT? ? — 3T^«T3>&, <pH^3r^-sr> 

£ «to bind' artfta^, 5-3T*to3*-3 , g>*nttCTO3> &«• 

(a) The roots g, w, y, 5 'to go% 5 to swim and ««£ optionally 

♦retain the %; sTra^T^or argsraq, s?Rr«TSR[or arfPT^t "*lft!Fnj 

-J 456. The roots *r^, *rra> «rr*, #r » sfcz , >fh*> <8^ 

Ttj^j ^6 P. A, Ho cut/ |j, w«r , g$.and gj 4 P., shorten thetr 
penultimate optionally; 1. sing:— Hfaw^ or sr* VEPOTt* 3T#r*r^ 

or amrtrab *T#re^ or »r^*Tr^, ttfffim or viffttat, 
snftf^rax or y P»ian<K » *rtftws or nftftar*', artffagx or 

•iPN?* ^ » •Tfrfa^ or 3T^*rr°r^, W^^o* ST^pfr^, ar^f^or 
vnttTO. (we §458. below), '•f&g£< or «T^^^? snw^sr^or 

M L 

• § 457. The sjof the reduplicative syllable of ^r. f j?^;, jpr, 


^TCyTO and ^q^is not changed to-fj %§" and ^g^ optionally 
change their f to «k 1 sing. sj^rr^-, sr^f^ , 9*9*^* HTO- 


§ 458. The roots % and jf^t take Samprasarana; f^ does it 

^ — F 1 ■ _ ™ 

optionally; ?^— iTf^T^i Pi— H^tf*^ ST^rS^. 

§ 459. The roots sr^, ^ ST^ ^-'«I^> tgg*3^t TO **X> 
%^ ^ and grTDToaerve their vowel unchanged (f.a. the shorten- 
ing of the penultimate, the substitution off in the reduplicative- 

syllable &c. do not take place in their case); qsq^ *| %im4> gf^? 

■^— *T8«4*t^ , »PHFra> smrct? *rw?<* * 


§460. The roots qr^ g^, aftf> OT£, §w, WT^, *tr^ f 
^> iCT^t £h£, . wN;, t^, ^, bt^» &f$, %r and others,- leas 
important, do not shorten their penultimate; 3 sing. HgW^ »; 

'■ - rJ 

§ 461. Boots which form fchir Oauaal Aoriafe irregularly- 
-* with srfSr * to study 7 — sryrrf^fg;, ST*.*3ft*H^; 
* to remember' STMfaftirqgr. 

qr 'to drink* srfrsra 5 (W *o protect' forms Ha Oauaal 
Aorist regularly as •rfrcRra)* 

* fc r 



H ' 

1 ar^NffT^ 


■ r 


•3 irihirar 



Far. ■ ■ . W^ ■■'.■■ -A.tjn* " 

a MfSrcror. hRphu iriiroror qflpAr-qf^ivifl n flNwift 

228- Sanse^t Grammar. [ J 461-464 



2.*tffapr: srftprWJC arf^nnr »ifiM4*ii: ^fa^qra^MRWFF*^. 



Par. *jt Atm. 

l sr^3* srf^icnr M^fcnr irw^ *ri^rei$ t^miiH- 


j r 

Sixth Variety or Form. 
( Only Parasmaipadi. ) 

JV. B. — The Sixth and Seventh Varieties are given here* 
before the Fourth and Fifth as it is more convenient to do so-- 

| 462. Terminations of the Sixth Form:—* 


"■i.ftras, fa**: ■fa*W. 

-**■■ fire* fa* 

3 ^N^ RlHiflE, firs: 


§ 46$. Boots ending in arr ( including those that change* 
their final to srr X the roots ^,*^, and intake this Variety; 

g 464. The roots ending in syr which are restricted to the* 
JFirat, Second and Third Varieties do not take this Variety m 





n J ■ 


1 »f4r«ii«( 

a j 



3 «R^Rt 



" ^ with fir-5OTfc«r^ ^tfa*** ***%**» &c» sr^— i?4Rra&- 

r ^^ 

fc. ( see § 433 } # ■ 

§465-488 ] OoiOTGunoH of Vsbbs. 220 

Seventh Variety or From. 
( Paras m. and Atm. ) 

§ 465. Terminations: — 

Far. Attn. 

-.■ L .... . 

1 ^^ ^rw *cr*r i ftr %ref$ ^thi? 

* ^ *)dl^ ^ . 3 ^?r "tin I*, 

§ 466. Anit roots (Wet roots also in their. Anifc character ) 

■ ' ' ■ 

•ending in ^,% 9 ^ and f ? and having y ? ^ysp or ^ for their 
penultimate, take this form. WQ is an exception; it, therefore, 
takes the Fourth Variety. 

J 467. *g$[,3dt, and ^optionally belong to this Variety; 

§ 468. The roots 53, fc$, j%f and wfc when Atmanepadi* 
-drop the initial ^r or ^j" of the terminations of the 1st dual, 2nd 
and 3rd sing, and 2nd pi. optionally. 


■ w 

p. ' m a. 

'■■■■' ,- . -. ■■* ■ 

_ ■■ 


1 arif^ *Tff$nra stfrare .1 *rft% wtawfl *ti$ekih/3 
2.*rftan ; . »rfl$r?rat. afffcsnr 2 *ift8&Tr: s!ft*rr«rrcc. •Tf&r**^ 

1 1 — ' ■ h 

P. % A, 


■ M 

■-■■■■■■■ wgff 

1 L ' ■ 

*_. 1 


Sansk^t Grammar. 

{ § 40 

5 «Tfa^ *rftiiHW^«?f^rac . & arfiraT 'JTfaprtn^. *Tf^r**r 


55 to be similarly conjugated. 

F « 





l srfi&gw, arffcaffre *iftatji4 * 3Tfo$r arfcJBaTfft 3rf&$rprft r 

■ r 

2 arfosn ariSwra*. stffcw 

3 •STfwgKt VlfWWft srf&sr^ 

snSlff 5 ^ 


?.;*^Sr.:.. ^rssrnrf?; sfjwflfc' 



l _a*!¥rc. .-'sigffl* arprw 

h - 

Th . -1 

3 ^Jltf^ VftHNWC 3T1SRC 

■ — v 

Soots. 1 sing. 

- * - -■ 

Hoots. 1 sing. 

*ro— ^rasp*,* wnnnsv arerrarac 

-, h rf -h 

* 5^ being a Wet .root optionally takes the Fifth Variety; sftfc- 

,^j "«*W*t &o. 

1 -■ 

* . 

- *f* Wet roots whioh belong to this Variety optionally take the Fifth, 

§468-471] Conjugation of Vebbs. 2S 

Boots. 1 sing. Roots. X ting. 

ff^— ttyfriHH? si^fan *&kv$Hj " fir? — nftnrac 

Fourth Variety or Form. 

§ 469. Terminations: 

Parasm. Atm. 


i. *re ct - ct 1. fir **i% *jrft 

1. fir 


2. **rr: 

3 : 

3. sr 

3- ^r^ 'Wf^ 5: 3. ^r Trent wr 

§ 470. (a) Anit roots not belonging to any of tfie preceding 
Varieties take this Form. Anit roots that optionally take 
any of the preceding Vareties and Wet roots optionally Belong 
to this Variety. 

j ™ -11- ■* .. _ , ■ . ■ 

* + 


j ■ 

(1) Sg and g ( when Parasmaipadi, belong, to the Fifth 

1 - ' . 

(2) Boots ending in sg- preceded by a conjunct consonant 

may take the Fourth or Fifth Form in the Atmanepada. 

■ . - '■■.,■■■'.■■ 

(8) srssr, and ^ Par., take the Fifth Form only . *x A. may 

take Fourth or the Fifth Form. .'■;;■ 

(4) Of Set roots f and those ending in ^ when Atm. belong 
to either ( 4th or 5th Variety ). ^5 and ie% when A. belong 
to the Fourth. , 

' w . . - 

n r J 

■ r 

§ 471. (a) la the Paraamaipada the radical vowel takes its 
Vrddhi substitute; ifte&tf^, frM*Rr<ffo, ■'TOWWk/ ■&<>•;. 

232 Sakskat Gbauhab. [ §471-47* 

(5) In the Atmanepada Guiia ia substituted for final y or #, 
short or long; final ^ and the penultimate rowel remain un- 
changed; final sg is changed to fjr or i^r in accordance with. 

(c) Penultimate 3? of Anifc roots is optionally changed to %} 

. 0) *^ia changed to f^ under the. circumstances mentioned 
for the change of *% to % (see §401) and also when preceded 


§ 472. After a short vowel, and after consonants, except nasals 

1 j 

and x, the 3- of terminations beginning with ^ and ^ is 
propped. ^—3Tgg; Spaing, $r— 3TfTtrf: 2 sing.; q^-aTTr^S 
*«* fifar" atffc*n":, stfSTC, 2, 3 sing. Atm. &c. 

P. ^ A. 

i.'mra* tow to** ar<rt%- sttwt? srraffc 

2. aTTOjft: snTPRPt imw BfTWr: •TTOTO^ M****^. 

Conjugate similarly other Anifc roots ending in consonants. 
&&?*&*&£ P. 1. sing.} H%i% Atm. 1. sing.; ro—vpfhra ,. 

«lg%.-l. tJBg.P.-&. A.; ^-areras. 1- «ing. ; f5t-*nrHEn*> 

jwtfir x sin K- P- a.; jps^snn^ i. sing, nwngtt sprre^wre 

2. per. &c. ^-sttW^I sing. BrrNfl": 2 sing. Sftfel 2 per 
dual. &c; s^r— STOPR^r * sing.; 3^*3^2 dual &c. 

flrP- f^r with fa Atm; 

?•" ^riHwi *r&*T ST3TWT «Htf*r «r^«^ «q3«4j($ 

J . 

L ■ 


Conjugate similarly f% ? sft, <fl* &©.; gj, ^ 9. P. A; &e. 

**T— ST'l^j ST^Pr 1. sing. # 9 P. 4. A. aiSN^. 1 «ng* 
: «^f^?BT«t^r 1 sing. g-ap3K^, &o. 

P. * A. 

1 *»«m^H 31*1*3 8T5CT*£ STfjfa' s^TOf|f arfjwfrf 

^ ^*nT: &4=hi^ aro»r£ srfran sTfrerar^ sref^c 

*& P. A. to be similarly conjugated. Conjugate f A. similarly. 

f A. ^ A. 

1 *r^fft srataft sr^taft i 3tsft^ *rarM arasM 

ai*hna^ sraFR-T stbert 

■ - r t 

■5 a^jte at^tTOTRt, sT^N?r 3 srarreffg^ arairsfcj, bt*tt& 

srosfroy •nEiCTS arsons: 


5^ Par « Atm. aqpffo &o, 

L ■ 

r ' ' n r _ . 

1 *CTrK Wn^# WR-3 Conjugate similarly apr, a^ ( *TO&?- 

■ ii ■■ 

■ "i 

■ ■ _ i ■ 

* Also takes the YI Variety when it 'substitutes 337 lor 
its final 

t S? 5 ^ 1ST and aj^also take the Til Variety ; 31^ and 5^ 
-take the II and V besides this. 



Sanskbt. Gbammab. 

[ § 472^475 


^ i. p. 


* , 



j- - 

1 awrsr* 
3 winfr^ 


arte *riteT= 

■ i - % 

smarmy *T^Ff5^ 


1T5 A - 


m h 


F ' . 

aJ^with jf. A. 

■ L 

- J 

l TOfcRr" ■■■.'' ~" 

■ ' ji 

■ . ^ 

sjPS^to be similarly conjugated 3rsjf% * "fog- & c - 
Irregular Aorists of the Fourth Form. 

: § 473. Bjr, %?r, and roots assuming the forms of ff and *jr 
( Vide | 367. ) and ^rr substitute f for their final vowel in the 
Attn. This f does not take its Guna substitute. In the Par. 
these roots take the first Variety (Vide f 437). 

■ §474. f^ drops its nasal before the Atm. terminations. 
, ■: It .takes tiie Fourth. Form in the Atm,. optionally* but takes 
>fce fifth Form both in the Par. and Atm. in which case re 
is aabst ttnted for it; and its ar does not take Vriddhb 

■ ' * 

| 475. *PC and *p< with *t 'to marry' optionally drop their 

stakes the V Variety since It is Set. 
t Also 'takes. the V Variety. , 


0oxn& j&z<#r 07 Vbebs. 


nasal 7 when they take the A tm, terminations. ^^ "when it- 
means *to give oaf (as faults of others ) necessarily drops its- 

§ 476. The third person sing, of q^ is artf?^- 5R 4 * ^" 
takes the termination f optionally in the third sing, before* 
which the penultimate 3 takes Gfana. 


1 aTTS% 

f w A. (with «fr). 

'■' h 



'f V. 

3 WW 

^a^ with 33* 


n * 

-. ' 

\ ■ "J 


■ ' ■ 

with^wtpbe similarly conjugated; 9*rqfr%> '-.^npRf 
OTr^ftj^TWWI? f aaal ? ^f^?rf:i ^JT^TT: 2 sing, fc 

* T 

■i ■ 

H IMI ■ riHHHI **■_■» 



386 BAtfszftc Gbamkae. [ § 476-478 

*! A - 

1 &TOI% 

*W*Wft •WWlft 

2 srr?«rr: 

*m^JVI^ 344^MIH 

3 tWlft 

*IM*tlWI^ aTT^cf 

s wfth»tfSr* A, 

l «p*iftf<r 

arwrnrs*^ Brweffafli 

? ar^r^rsrr: 

srwr»ffar*rn(. srwRftf^. 

3 srwpfts 

ar^tfrafflfr^. spatffrqtr 

i 9^lf%r 

Sp^^^ff ... 8T*3|^I?fif- 

2 «p£gr: 

st^thtr: «rt^§^ 

s sp^ 

arwfarar^ sf^Wr 

•^«n — wi'Rtift l 


■ - ■■ 

^r— "stflft 

■ ■ r i 

*rr— arf^ft 


■ * 

Fifth Variety or Form. 

■ i- i ' 

§ 477. Terminations: — These are obtained by prefixing the 
augment f to the terminations of the fourth Variety, dropping 
the ^ in the ease of the 2nd and 3rd per. sing.; «. g. 

■ »* i 


Par, Atm/ 

i f^ ^ s*»r l %f*( f*qfl ^tri^ 

2 f: %z* «v 2 fffr: HfnTR S*TO 

* ... n 

§ 478. All roots not restricted to any of the pteoeding 
Vido §3»3i 

- *" 

§ 47M79 ] GoNTOamoN of Vebbs. 28T 

Varieties take this Variety. Consequently it is peculiar to Set 
roots ( Vide § 470 ). 


r ■ 

§479* (a) In the Paramaipada, the final "f> •» *C *&£ 
^, short or long and the penultimate 9? of roots ending in £ 
or w and that of 3^ and 3^ take their Vrddni substitute? 
necessarily- §— »1<4iRm<» V$— wmftmb &o. 

■ ■ t 

(5 ) The penultimate short vowel of a root takes its Guna- 
substitute; 3^-aT3?ff^^ &«« 

(c) Vriddhi is optionally substituted forthepenulimatesir, 
not prosodially long, o'i roots having an initial consonant and.- 

not ending in ^ or w ; qa^-wr*^ SFTffffq^? I^TTft^t— 



(<J) But the vowel of roots ending in 5, ^, «r and of the 
roots spj, 1^, ^rrq> f^t SK?j **o cover/ or ' to surround,' to 
*to churn/ 5yrr 'to stick' or 'cling to/ f^ and g^ <to sound ot- 
to be diminished,' takes its Gnna substitute* 

H ' J 

j *■ r m t 

^ l ^ 

( $ ) In the Atmanepada the final vowel and the penultimate- 
short take their China substitute, w— $T«f%S" ? ^[-atftf^r. 



3j— srarfa^i siag- aTOfrffoj S$— ararftq^, Par. arorfW 

8 sing vmlffit Atih. i sing. 

a^-^arsrr*** 1 sing, srarfrg; aregftsp-ster: 2 sing. 

^, 9.^T^r^T9C, sr^ft^l sing. 3 sing. 

1 fling arcsftc j» A. «r4ftA-in6ft 1 sing. 
3 sing. 9Ttf***fo aT*nS«*i% &o. 

5 and |— P. 3T*rf*«flK 1 sing. armlsr: or sr*#sr:: 

3T^KN^ S fling- 8 aing- &c. 

■ • See § 38a ~~ T ~ " ~ 

438 Bxsbk&x Geamkae. [§479-481 

■ j 


^-snrf§r«r*& 1 ring. mr^ ^— 8T«Ef*r«rcti sing.^npftoc 

S sing. 3 sing. 

^- a|qfl«t«U STff^ 1 sing. fl^r-STSnf'fcr* 1 sing, gr^ffo 
Far. and Atm. 3 sing. 

w l . r- 


■ v 

For the optional forms of these roots see the preceding Variety. 

■ * ■ 

■ j 

L ■ 

r *■ 

^— argRrq** Ising. wqfl^ ^— ^ff^ 1 sing, gntfj^ 
3 sing. 8 sing. 

^P|-— arsrnrfw^j * ring- | pf*t~****i W< -1 SIIl s* src*RRt 

wrnrtk 3 sing. 3sin i^ ...-:■ _ 

-3T3^— ^II^N^ I sing. 3 8ing 

nmfat s sing. „«*«*. 

*^— ararrfrre* i sing, stjtt- x Bing< 

T ^C— *3TRrf^nw: 1 sing. W— 3rOTl%^ 1 sing. 

W-arofSp^ ,iTlft^l- sing, ^"^P*** 1 _«ing- 3Perfk 

~3T— STOrf?^, 1 sing. *H^0 <JL 

3 sing. 

- 3 , *£— •raf!m& 3rq^ft% 1 sing. 

TTf— apfrftft 1 sing. aTTTftf 
gqrj- — STiffarfa^* ^ffff^flC 3 sing. 

1 sing. SC— STOrf**! , traftPr 1 sing. 

Irregular Aorists of the Fifth form. 

J r 

■ L 

§ 480. The roots H%,W% 7 i$ :%f%&n& c^rg^ optionally sub. 
£titute.$ for fff (3rd Atm.). 

§ 481. Roots of the 8th class ending in or or ^ optionally 
drop their; nasal and substitute «JT^ and ? f or . the ter- 

; > Yide§374. 
t VideS 369.; 

r ■ ■ , a 

4 OT lengthens its ? before f. It also takes VII Variety. 


minationa f^x: and ^5 of the 2nd and 3rd person, sing. Aim* 
q% lengthens its vowel after dropping ^. 

| 483. The vowel of gj^ takes Yriddhi optionally in the 
Parasm, t. 0. optionally takes Ghiua snbstitntej also it does not 
*ake Ghxna or Vriddhi optionally before f (Vide § 874). 

§ 483. The grr of ^ftfris optionally dropped in the Aorisfc 
find consequently it takes the Sixth and Fifth Varieties - 

■ Paradigms. 

■ ■■ ■ " ■ 

■ W ft I ■ I ■ ■ 

..-■ ** . . 

Par. : 

1 sitffi^. srtajfft** aft^r^r 

l sJHftsspa; *!HSft«T ilhSfira---- s^fftq^ aft-r^T siHftwr 

* sfNHK WNfftsi^ »rMifas» sft«fcR^ ^r^TST^slHf^: 


>r ► 

1 «ftaWif s^jfi^i? stI^gm?^ 

3 aft$f%sr Wyfa»imn< *fliifft*w ;~ 
-1-vftiM^ MtfBroft ;;«**fr«if» 

■^R5r— «T?ftRt^> STfftsN:- f(7— aT^hWl sing. 3T$ft?, 

grafts, wtf* : - *T#ft 3 sing. 

240 SjUstbkpt fiauous. [ § 488-48^ 

■i a 

m^- Msrfaft srofast wnflr- see— a^pefo snafTO artffc 

■i r 

Boots of the 8th Glass. Boots of the 8th Class .. 

arrrttf i «t»g- Atm. Mif*r- w*tp; srrfrff* iwir 2 & 
-wniffrafcsnft* «lrii 2. Ssing. 

& 3 sing. Atm, ^— a^rft^^> *nft*^; * sin 8- 

ftnC— erifftCTC 1 sing. Par - *«• aT^rf^ 1 s«g. Atm. 

sr^ffti^ i sing. Atm. ar*rf%sr:, »wtin» arefro - 

a?$f^:;STf^:;^fTO Sf^f2 & 3 sing. Atm. 

sjf^g 2 & 3 sing. Atm. s^— si 4 1 ft 44^ W5rf*r^ 1 sing, 
^—g^rro ar^Pn^ Par. Par-arof^, 1 sing. Atm*. 

aTOfSrftr, Aim. 1 sing; SRf- ireftgTV' 1*11 *1lw STOPfe 
f^Tiara^v^^rSTTO ^TTU 2. & s sing. Atnv 


2 and 3 sing. Atm. 

(6) The Benedioxivs (9TT$ftf§^) 

§ 484. The Parasmaipada terminations of this mood may be> 
obtained by perfixingsrr^to'those of the Imperfect, dropping 
iU final ^r before the ^ and ^ of the 2nd and 3rd per. sing., 
and adding 3^ in the 3rd pi.; and the Atmanepada ones by 
prefixing «ff to the terminations of the Atm. Potential and 
also to the w and *r occurring in them. These therefore are:: 

Par as am. Atmane. 

2 sen ^ srar--.- 2 tfrer; *JTm«iF(--4ta^ 

$ 485-402 ] OoNJiraATiOH ov Vkbbs. 241 


(a) Parasmaipada. 

§ 485. The Far. terminations are weak and therefore- 
occasion no G-una or Vrddhi change in the root. All root» 
reject the augment f . 

§ 486. The final f or 7 is lengthened; final qg- short, not 
preceded by a conjunct consonant, is changed to rj and 
final «£ changed to f^ or to gj^ when preeeded by a labial 
or 7, before the Far. terminations of the Benedictive, and 
the * of the Passive; fr*R*fg> *§-*3[*Tra;; fT-fearr^, fr-*tfNfo 

■ ' ■ ■ 

¥ ■ " - ' ■ 

§ 487. " bjj preceded by a conjunct consonant and the root 

" - ¥ ■ 

3? are changed to G-una under the same oircum stances; w- 

§ 488. Roots capable of taking Saraprasarana take it : ?jr^r 
substitutes f for its vowel. 

§ 489. A penultimate nasal is generally dropped. Some 

1 j ■ 

of the roots dropping their nasal are:— srs^r, sn3Q> 

^w^j^* 1 !.? wwr?^j^^»*^7^>^, and^?. 


§ 490. aj, qr, and roots assuming these forms, *ir, W* 
%, ijr *to drink/ $r * to abandon' and # change their final 
to <r. Final an ( also that substituted for q- &o., see § 367), 
if it be preceded by a conjunct consonant, is changed to or 

optionally; TT-^TT^i 'qrt*U> $-*Nra: 1 *&-%?rr^ <" ■WOT^a 
&o. but uj 'to protect* qT3T3* 

fc ■ ' ■ - 1 

■■ - " J "1 

§ 491. Bule § 804 should be observed; ffSMfH*ra\ 


§ 492. (o) y is prefixed to the terminations after Set roots 
and optionally after Wefr ones. 


242 . Sakskbt Geammak. . [§492-493 

■ r 

(J) Roots ending in q^ preceded by a conjunct; consonant, 
the root f and roots ending in ^ ( long ) admit of £ optionally. 

^sfcfT k* 8 ^fafpfte only. 
(c) The intermediate $ is lengthened in the case of the root 

* ' ■ ■ i 

§ 493. The Atm. terminations are strong. Before these the 
[final vowel and the penultimate short take their Gtana substitute; 
but when the intermediate f is not prefixed to the terminations, 
the penultimate vowel and final eg remain unchanged and 3£ is 
■changed to Jj; or to 3T?; if a labial precedes; F^"— ^te, «" — 

^-sf^'ftHyg^-sgftc &c. 

(<z) tffcs^ becomes disaccording to § 471 (d). 

1 n n a 




Par. Atm. 

j ■ ■ ' 

■ ■ r 

i ^tfNrcr^ ^NrreT *ft*w * ^«fli %^faft *Nfaf^ 

Par. *r Atm. 

a^ ■ 


1 ^41141-H ^f *pl9r 1 *rf%'ft^ qft4Nft T#%^"*iftf 


Par. fT A * m * 

1 flimra^ ftrara tore* l srafa ^ffift . gpftaft 

2 fear: ftraito^' ftR^rcsr '* friter: ipfaren* ftftfn 

3 ftroro fa*iwN< f^rj: 8 grafter frfNrcvr^. ^w^ 

Sf Par. *5 *««/ 

i otSot - 'wife wilw l «riNnt *nfa «nftw 

§498-495 ] Conjugation of Yebbs. S43 

*wtf:. mferat **r*ifer 2 an& arefai^ . anifej 
1 t3ft«S«i c«R4Uft ^R*ft«ft 1 sa^hr *stftaft 


Conjugate ^ Par. like *%. 1 sing. 

^r^— f^RtraVf ^iftar y£4 A.— ^pgfa, ' 

■ L L 


§494. Irregular Benediefeives, 

■ j i i ■ 

(1) % 'to go'— fror^j but after a prepoeitions vftrcrat ; 
Atm. ^rfr^. (2) ^wheu joined with prepositions shortens 
Us 37 before weak terminations beginning with *rj ■MMflimi . 
<3) *SftC, sr^and^ obey § 499 in Par,- Jsr^rr^ m^%i 
Ac. (4) *p* with ^ drops its ^optionally j white or *frr^fe. 

i " + 


$495. Every root in every one of the ten conjugational 

244 Sanskbt Gbammae. [ § 4W~498 : 

classes may take a Passive form conjugated like an Atnaanepadt 
root of the IV Glass. 

§ 496. There are three kinds of Passive Verbs:— ( X > the- 
Passive properly bo called ( zf&fa sr* ) aB xxfa K«^ ^N% ( 2 ) 

■ Mm 

Impersonal Passive (Hr^ff*) *w «p^ It is gone/ and (3) 

Reflexive Passive ( <h&ftJR. 5p). as afft^: <r^9$ ^ioe is oookedV 


1 j ■ 


L ■ J 



§ 497. Formation of baser 


( a ) ? is added to the root ( original and not its substitute 
before the eonj. sign ), which is weak ( i. e. no Gnna or Vrddhi 

substitute takes place before it ); ir^T*3> ^ft— 'fN", f%% — PfaF 

r ■ ■ ■ 

Boots of the tenth class, however, undergo Guna or Vrddhi as 

J L . ■ _ L 

before s^5 g^—^tSr, B(T!5r^n^«r. 

(£) Before q roots undergo the same changes as they do 
before the Par. terminations of the Benediciavej f^f— sfN > ff— 

*5rf*F«r )j ^— «f> *n|— *j$r* &©• . 

■ H 

( c ) The final sir ( original or substituted ) of ^r 'to give', %,, 
%'nt,$,m ttxAtlt 'to drink' ^t and fr <to abandon/ J» 
changed to f ; in other cases it remains unchanged $^r and ff— 

§ 498. The Passive base is conjugated like a root of the; 


IV class in the Atm.* e.g, 

r , 7 



■ Present; 


^S? W*fc i*rp# 


OoiraueATioN of Vbbbs. 













2 argrqqn 



5 T^TO 






2s 3?W 



3 grarar^ 








2 gr^vr: 






«pa^ Present. 


2 siroraF 








346 Bansk^t Gbamhab. [ § 498-600 

3 Jjtifo ffaStalflf^ 

§ 499. (a) The roots ^RC, *F*> *ft f wd ^> optionally 

drop their g; and at the same time lengthen their «r» ^T^S^'ra* 

(b) ^ <to lie down' and f*? form their bases as -jpar and qgfj. 
(«) 3^ shortens its 57 when a preposition is prefixed to it. 
(£) Sfer drope its final rowel before *r. 

(0) s? and «m substitute for themselves q^ and gr. q^ also 

substitutes 377. 

§500. To assist the student, the 3rd sing. pre. of soma 
roots, regular as well as irregular, is given below : — 

Boots. S sing. Boole. 3 sing. 





*T 1. 2. 




qr 'to drink' 

qT 'to protect' 




fr A. 










■. ■ 

§ 6KW-501 ] Qqbsvqaxiox ©p Vebbs. 247 

Boots. 3 sing. Boots 3 sing. 



5# WH^ 3f^ 


























a ■ 





TO«I%j H*«l^ 

^g[ 'to d 

ress 7 3$q 










*«ft> 3Tf*3% 

*c '■' 






ft^ .'4Nr& ^ with ^ srgsj% 

&e. &c. 


(1 ) Tht Perfeot. 

§ 501. (a) The BednpHoated Perfect of a root in the 
Passive is formed in the ordinary way, every root beisg- 

oonsidered Atmanepadi; sfi^-fSp&TJ *r— ^^In f*F^— f^f=f*$; H?£- 
- ( ft ) The Periphrastic Perfect of the Passive does not differ 

248 Saxsk?t Gbammab. [ § 501-502 

from that of the Active, except in that the Auxiliary verba 
take Atmanepadi terminations necessarily; t$;— t$rfaas> feftf- 

( 2,3 ) The two Futubes, ( 4 ) the Conditional and 


§ 502. (a) The forms of the two Futures, the Conditional and 
the Benedictive of the Passive are made op in the same way as 
those of the Active, every root being supposed Atmanepadi; 

Id***®; 9*^fa &o. 

(6 ) Boots ending in a vowel* and the roots $^, srg, and 33^ 
optionlly form the two Futures, the Conditional and the Bene- 

L , J ■ 

J J 

diotive of the Passive by changing their vowel to Vrddhi and 
appending the Atmanepada terminations of those tenses with ^ 
prefixed to them invariably; in the case of roots ending in err 
{ and in it, !$r and gft changeable to an) sc is inserted between 
the root and this f, as jr- ^ifltoft , ^rafe STr^* SF^i «nrrA«t 9 

fli^i tiMta *NNb similary %— grfawt, ^ran*; &c» 

m-r^lferitt* fw> Hffa*^. ?R^t; V|V(lftv4t> Mf &(*% f MlfH^fl; 

^fa^fa 1 aing.; *r^— imlaTtt? <r|hn^; **rf$*% *$«$; *wift*%j 

l ■ r 


s***ft**o *rrf5tfto ifftffa; &e.j ^c-^Rrart, *er| > %ffc%? ss%* 
•nflrab «RCvt5 sffnffo ssfto *». 

_ _ r ^_^_ _ 

■1 , i 

* £ and tj take Vrddhi in this case though it is usually 
forbidden with them; see § 371.; g3j;takes Guna only. 

f The 5^of f^ is changed to q- immediately before ^ and before 
the % added in the Passive, &c. 
■ £ In these optional forms of the Passive the ? is not lengthened. 

$ 503 J OoHTOOAXXOX op*Veebb. 24$ 

(6) The Aorist. 

§ 503. (o) The Passive of the Aorist of roots belonging 
to the IV, Y and VII Varieties is made up similarly by 
appending the Atmanepada terminations to the base: *[-sp|fSffaj 

^=a*ffa; w-arf$rfo Tf-sn%; RvtuRAr. tat-ciNta **. 

( h ) Boots belonging to the First, Second, Third and Sixth 
Varieties take Fourth/ Fifth or Seventh Varieties in the 

1 F 

Passive, in accordance with general rules ; ^trr-afferft 

-l. eing.53n— W5rni%; ^— srsrrRr^; f^-*r**?arf$r; *3-n5ftf*rs 

r r 

(c) The third per. sing, of the Aorist Passive of all roots 


is formed by adding %x— 

(I) Before this f the penultimate ( prosodially ) short 

takes its China substitute and penultimate ar and the final 

-vowel take their Vrddhi substitute; the ar of 3[^and of Set 

roots ending in a^ except *q^ with any 3rat > *** flffb remains 

unchanged; f^-sr^r; but p^^Ri Q£-vrM%$ l^-»l«fb 

*5-*rertti ^Ts^rf*; but snc-rarfai n^-srirnfts but *x- 

Bf^i ^^with sir — WlfA ^J^-STSFTftj &°- 'ft-ar'rnSft ^5- 

( 2 ) Boots ending in an original or substituted ( L a. of 
roots in q;, \, aff ) insert ^ before this f ; ^T-3T^T, VqpnfiV 

■ a J " L 

r *■ 

( 3 ) ^, and t^ insert a nasal before their final consonant 
so that their penultimate ar cannot take Gtuna or Vrddhi 
^substitute; a^rfNf Wfl *| . 


(4) 55^ without a preposition does the >ame optionally 
and with a preposition necessarily; suffer, a?5rf3r, but srRrfcr> 


SasSk?z Gbammae. 

[ § 503-50* 

(5) spsr 'to break' forms arq^H or sr*nf§r* »nd *REr*raft 
and srorr^in the sense of 'to observe/ 

(6) ^ takes Vrddhi; ^lengthens its vowel; ST>nT%> s?qffc» 

( 7 ) f 'to go' has sprrfa; with «rfa> «T**rf3r, or awpnft. 

( d) the roots mentioned in § 369 will have two forms; ar^- 

( « ) § 602 ( b ) holds good in the Passive A of 1st except 
in the 3rd sing.; the optional forms must be made up by 
appending the Atm. terminations of the V Variety as the 
roots necessarily take f$ fr-Hfffai aTfrfaRFS *fl"-i*%flr* STTTfaftf ? 

fr-srfif^, sreirftfSr; s^-srercr, aiqrfrfo «nftfc i sing* 

: iI^«Plf rfav STOfff* * sing. &e. 

§ 504. Boots of the Tenth Glass :— 

■ , "i 

(a) The s^; ( i. «. sra with the final a? dropped) is optionally 

dropped in .the General Tenses, except in the Perfect. The- 
Aoriat forms, except that of the 3rd sing,, are made tip by 

■ ■■ l 

adding the terminations of the Fifth Form ; ^-1 sing.* ^ft- 


L ■ 

fWfc^ftft** 2nd Fa.; sr^ftfrfa" H^tftftr. Aor. ^tMN» 
■^MiS Ben. 


| (6) Soots which do not lengthen their penultimate sp 

L a 


lengthen it optionally in the general Tenses of the Passive,, 
except in the Perf., when sfff is dropped; Sfiftr-STefTOftft 
irajf«rf%? 34*HU$> Aor. 1 sing. &c 

( c) The 8 per. sing, of the Pass. Aorist is formed by drop- 
ping srj[ necessarily and adding f ; <$W»f*rhc =«rttfti iftr- 
srflfos S-*T<TTft, &<*.; OC-*Ttft, *TOft Aor. 3 sing. qr^_^^_ 
«rr,ff£r Aorist 3 sing. &o. 






1 P.'toknow.* 


1st Futvr*. 


2nd Future^ 


3 sreff€p33 

1 •mffWr 





N. B. The Passive forms of roots of the tenth olass do> 
not differ from the Passive forms of Causals for whieh see the* 
paradigms of gg^oau. given in the next section* 

_._*. v - 

V I 


i n i 

3$% BAftSgffE QkawwaT^. [ § 505^-508 

■^ _ _- 


_.lL ■ p. ' "-_, 

■j ^. n. v" v 

■ ' * i4i r" ^ ^ 

- \ 


.-■'. " and 
Theib Conjugation, 

'§ 505. The Derivative Verbs are divided into four classes. 

(1) Oausals; (2) Desideratives; (3) Frequentatives and 
(4) Denominatives or ( Namadhatns ). These, with the 
*exeeption of (8) will be given in the present Section- 

' I Oatjsals. 


§ 506, Every root belonging to any one of the ten 
Oonjugational classes may have a causal form which is con- 
jugated like a root of the Tenth class. 

J V 

■ L ' - ' .\ r - ,. ■ 


§ 507. The Oausal of a root implies that a person or a 

■ ■ L 

thing causes or makes another person or thing to perform the 
action or to be in the condition, denoted by the root. It is 


also employed, sometimes, to convert an intransitive verb 
. into a transitive one. 



r ■ 

r "i 

( a ) Formation of the Oausal Base. 


J L 

8 508. The Oausal Base of a root is formed like that of a 
-root of the Tenth class. In the case of roots of the Tenth 

■ ■■ ■ 


-class the causal form is the same as the primitive. The 
Causal form takes either Pada. Thns from gtj comes the 
causal base %^, %qqrft ' he causes to know'; $&-$fhraftr* 
<he shakes or agitates;' TpT-irorarirT ' he causes to count;' sf}-- 
•fPrai^ 'he makes another lead or carry'; 3? Ho do' and s 'to 
flcatter'-^tr^m 'he causes to do or scatterY^— gfcpTft, &e. 


* The Atm. form should always beundtrstood when not given. 

■ "1 ■ 

§509-512] Conjugation ot Veebs. 253" 


■ L L ' ' 

■ J 

" J 1 ■ - 

§ 509. Boots ending in *r^, except ir^, 'to go, ' &o. m%_ 
< to love.' ^ < to eat/ igv^ when it means * to see/ and «r^ 
when it does not mean < to eat% and a few others such as q^, 

■i ■ 

SRT j Sa*^ » hit 'to cling to/ 8?^, ^ra> «^w j TK &c. do not. 
change their vowel ; q^-ifinf^ , 5ra^fclf4f3 > ^?>MA*J|3l j *T^- 

<fP(iftr 5 SW. ' to see ? ^TRUfir ; hut ^iroiSt, in other cases;. 
«ra(-*ir*Prilfr, &c.. ^ ' to eat * has *PTC?cr- 

(«) The roots q^, spj; ? q^and ^8^ lengthen their vowel; 
optionally when not preceded by a preposition ; wq-^ 1 — - 

§ 510. Boots ending in 3Tr ( T/ ^" or ^ changeable to err } ■ 
see § 490 ) insert the augment <r before apr ; the roots q? < to 
go/ and £t 'to be ashamed / do the same and their vowel 
takes Guna substitute. fiqzrfcr form ^r, % or sj; >tfppifa-?t> f*. 

% or qr i irt«n% fr. $• &o. s£— H$an9 ; §— %<rafty 

J ■ 

§ 5ll # (a) fir ' to conquer/ and ift ' to buy,' also insert tr 
but after changing their final vowel to STT ; WTRTf^, aaH^Hl . 

■ L , 

1 J. 

(5) The Roots % ? =¥tr 'to cook/ and gr shorten their 
vowel necessarily, .and *& and ^rr optionally, before they 


j - ■ ■ * 

insert qj CTTCft* &°- *BWi%i *WTW1%1 HM4p& Hll^lft* 


§ 512. jfc ' to pare 'to sharpen,' §T < to cut/ *Ff 'to finish,* 
% 'to call/ b^ < to cover/ f ' to waive/ and *rr ."* to drink ' 
insert ^instead of <tj vnnrftb 'U|VI4% TRPTfo TPSPlRr &«• 

(a) try < to protect/ and % when it means r to shake/ insert 
t^and ^ respectively before arq ; ^ri^fi * he protects/ 
qT3nrftr ' he shakes.' 


Sansk^t Geammae. 


§ 519. The roots st*, *^ t t*r, and w& Insert a nasal 
before their final ; 5PTOft-%> ^WfMb &o. 

g 514. The roots $*, f**^, V> TOi ^C «* - TO *»▼• 
two forms in the Causal ; ^frraftr-%-, *ft<TRPlflr-lt ; fa*»«ff*<4k 

§ 515. ^fticr drops Its final vowel before anr j sfti^fit-^. 

ri n 

§ 516. The following roots form their Causal base iwegu- 


gff ' to conoeal ' 
fa 5ol. 'to collect, 

7 ,10ol. 

.■grrij 'to awake 1 
OT— 'to sin, to be 

TTOi%> with arft 'to remember'- 

arfaimfir,- 'to study' aTw*nrarft 

with JTftT-4«U^R|. 

ijjjprf§-% t tie causes to conceal. 

^TrTTi^-Tirj ^r wn%-% » collect. 

oTTTTTrW he rouses 
<£TOn^Mt he caasea to sin ; 
hut ^31%-*?toi$-% in 

the sense of 'he corrupts or 

makes depraved.' 

tgf|?rf?r te causes to shake. 

sflrarafir ,? ,? ,? please. 

TT«Plfi)r-% frightens with. 
TTTOk *ffa*T§ he inspires fear. 

■ ' ■ 1 h 

-,«to f ry'-^r^rftr-%j VWrtRrt he causes to fry. 

.'to wipe 

- ( to dye' — t^Hfftf he dyes or paints j also in the sense 

of 'he propitiates or satisfies 9 ; of. sffrrft *T$ H 
roqft' Bh. Ni. Sa. 3. But' tffvft only 
in the sense of * he hunts deer* ; ( "Vide Ki. 

-^5— 'to grow*— df*rf%-%, ^nrffa % he plants or causes to 

grow. -, ■.-■*'' 

^jr— Ho take 7 and, 

rs 'to shake' 
zft 'to please' 
ifr 'to fear'— 


, r 

§ $16-518 ] Conjugation of Thbbs. 255 


the sense of 'melting an unctuous substance/ - 

^r-4o Mow'— qiroftr &e causes to blow or move. . 

qnraft he shakes. 


■ L 

f^q— 'to smile' — fi^mmfii 'he causes a smile by, or astonishes 
or frightens; R^m^ 'he astonishes.' 

OT— 'to fall'— ^rnrafc he causes to fall, cuts down, 

^Ifft^ KT ac causes to go. 
f^r 'to be' OTTOft ne accomplishes or prepares, 

accomplished %^n% fle makes perfect, fto. with reference to 

sacred rites or things only; as %wH nvt$ W &c. 

■f^'to strike or kill* — ?mprf% Ac causes to strike, &c 

§ 517. The Oausal base is conjugated like the base of a root 
■of the 10th or Ohur&di class in all the ten Tenses and Hoods 
•of the Parasmaipada, the Atmanepada and the Passive. The src 
with the final H dropped is retained, as remarked before, in 

r r 

the General Tense, except the Aorist and the Benedictine, and 
is dropped before the «r of the Passire. The formation of the 
Aorist of causals has been fully explained along with that of 

■ i j 

the roots of the Tenth class, at §§ 450-461. 

§ 518. Paradigms; — the 3rd. per. of all the Tenses and Hoods 

■ r 

in the Par. Atm. and Pass, of fjrj Oausal base *hTC< 

* - ■ 

Special Tenses. 
Par, Atnu 

^hrcft tffaw ^N'tfo *fa*Rfr wh*3fa ^^%, 

256 Sansk&t G&uoub.- 


- Imperfect. 


aitPWS MlH*MI* 





!-"■ r 

$tw$ *N*rare *t*R^r *fwrra> 

•iN $ W*C ^W'Wf 

- " Potential. 


*<fo* *N3Hra. €^3: *&&* 

General Tenses, 

■ F> 


■ ■ ■ r 


■"■ ^ 

*r*refa*Tt&c. 4t**taii3> 


Atm. "'.'■■' 

■ r 1 " ■ ■ * 

1 ' 1 ' ■ ' 1 " 

qN*cNa? stmrtM**& 


1st Future. 


Far. & Atm. 




2nd Future. 


^toftpraifa *NfS|*W 


■ _ 1 t 1 ■ 



: Par* 

■ ■ 

y^Nfiimq, .i*t!iNPi*m* 

H$NP*MIH> &°*v 


' ' 

m*?nRi*% *tftefawH*ft 

*<4lNfa^lHf$» &°. 

p. Aorist. 

' A - ■'■ 

W 1 


§ 518 j 







*twft *h*t *«r^ 


^V^tfra,, 3rt%rac €Mtor 


1 ^Nfain% 


1st Future. 
2nd Future. 


■ i F 





iT>**i ft 

For the various Irregularities, &e. see the third Variety, 

258 SA3rss?T Gbahsias. {[ § 519-521 





§ 519. Any primitive root of the ten classes, as well as any 
-causal base, may take a Desiderative form*, which, like the 
«ausal case, is conjugated in all the ten Tenses and Moods of 
the three voices. 



§ 520. The Desiderative expresses the idea that a person or 
thing wishes (oris about) to perform the action, or to be in the 
condition, denoted by the root; Pnff^rf% 'he wishes to study* 
from qzj 33^ft 'he is about to die;' fr. >j, fro. 

Note: — A root takes a Desiderative form only when the 
Agent of the wish and of the action expressed by the root is the 

■ , r j 

tsame; so f^pstrp *I^3 31% t**tt/iS *J5i *nd not RT7F^n%J also the 
flense of the root must he the object of the wish; mhHh r=sf% 

r- n 

«an not, therefore, be equalto f^rof^qft. 



(a) Formation of Base. 

■ i j 

■ r 

§ 521. The Desiderative base is formed by reduplicating the 
zro ot according to the general rules of reduplication given at 

j m ■ 


§ 350-356, and § 454 (a) (5), and by adding ^ (which may be 
-changed to ^ according to the rules of Sandhi) to it. The ar 
of the reduplicative syllable is changed to f < . g. q^.qrrar— 
ftq*+ ^-farf^. ty *&* following. 

j ■ 

i J " p " " i 

N. B, The ^ of a primitive root is not changed to \\ when 
the characteristic ^ is changed to * . flr-f*rtrter> fW^[-f%%^ 

<^+*); ■faH^rafa*.* ^-sss.; hut s*rr-#sr^; «rw»r- can. of 

«<«nftnti *§ however forms gs"«n%. 

* Or the notion of desire may be conveyed by means of the 
»*> nj .*• 9' ftoia*f& o* **fti S^3fa 'ae wishes to read/ &o* 

* ■ ■ 

■ ■ r 

£ iSMSS ] Xkaautumam 6* Vhsbs. 


.$ 622. To this q^the augment * is to be prefixed • after Set 
*oots, optionally after Wet ones and not after those that are 
Anit, subject to the following exceptions :— 

(1) Boots ending in tj, =p and «, short or long, and the 
roots vq and $5 do not take *; 3-335 (Tide § 533 b. ) 9 

Exceptions :— ^ 'to go% ^ *to scatter?, *r no swallow', r A. 

-to accept', ? 6A. 'to hold', aod % A. * to purify ' admit of T ; 

the intermediate f is not lengthened in the case of arandir; 

( 2 ) fa* «T335L» 5I^> a*3 ar?^ t^ 6 T necessarily. 

( 3 ) f^> fsr > ^C> W=^ and 5^ do not admit of ^ in the Par. 
< see §891). In the Atm. they admit T; the last two do so 
optionally. |«H%1«aft, faffrtiT, &o. 

(4) Roots ending in ^ ( long ) and f^and the roots sforr, fy t 
J***"* %>1, *? , St* <to prosper', *wr,3R^, fT^(»".«. OTof 
•the 10 cl. and optional Can. Base of =rr), ***to give', **, ^ 

&Z* TC> t&> «*» »*& f^ ( Vide § 302. ) take f optionally. 

(5) The roots **, «m and 3 take %m «» Par. and reject it 
?n the Atm. 


r J 

■ n ■ n t 1 ■ 

§ 523. Ofce radical vowels undergo the following changes 
■before^: — 

r ^^^^ 

(a) The ^ with f is strong and without * weak. 


olds good in the one 

penultimate ar of a^ and «p^ 
_ / and f or 5- with grfa *to remem- 
'her' or 'tostnAj 9 ) are lengthened and final ^, ghort or long. 

ohanged to fj; or to ^r after labials when the^ is uniragmented-, 


28fr : 

Sastskbt Gbammab. 

[ § 528-526- 

4 ■ 


(o) The roots $v , ft^and 3? do not ohange their vowel to- 
China; and the roots ifij, ^^ and j|*^ take Samprasarana^ 

^ft^» fflW^ wsft*? fa*K» sa^c » fW*Bv. 

(d) Boots with an initial consonant, and having f or 3 short 
for their penultimate, and ending in any consonant except ^ or 
gr, change their vowel to Guna optionally when. 3* U prefixed 1 

§ 524. The formation of Desiderative bases of causals and of ■ 
roots of the Tenth class does not differ from that of primitive 

Ait. § 455. should be attended to in forming Desiderative* 
from Oausals and roots of the Tenth class. 

§ 525. Roots in their Desiderative forms take the same» 
terminations, Farasm. or Atra. that they do in the primitive'. 
The roots giy^r, ^g and $f£ take Atm. terminations in the* 

■ "i ■ 

§526. The following roots form their Desiderative base*. 
Irregularly. — 

Boots Desi. Base 

3^ 'to eat* f£rqrtC( 

5* 'to go* (also with stf**) f^mf^ 
to remember. 


f with arf^ 'to study' srf^fr?ri^ 

Pre. 3 Sing. 

■_,f>.r; Ti.^i 

*f 2 P. substitutes ^/except in the sense of* to understand;, 
srtftftqft he wishes to understand. 

f 5 586 




Desid. base. 

3 sing, pre. 

=^p^ *io prosper 7 





**' . 


^ «■* ^_ 

'^T^ with g% A. 


^f^nra% . 

-aj— f to swallow 9 





~ft 'to gatie*' 



a ■ m 

"faT 'to conquer' 


^5^10 cl. & optional > 


can. Base of ^r— 5 




^|T opt. can. B. of gr 


St% 'to stretoh' 


farf^o* HJMi^ 

ititfiifsk flraf- 


0* ftmPr^ 

^fo fi^PlMR 

-4h' ( tokiir' 


. ■ 


&<% ^fl*^ 

famiS 1 , ^Nn% 








fa --f>— H 1 

1 wki 5^ 

T> -TV— r r-, 


-ST 'to give* 





ft^% r- < 


- 1 ' 


iqjb RftfN; 







• ^"' 



Sanskbt Grammas. [ § 52ft 


Desid. base. 

3 sing. Pre-.. 



1 -■ 















■ j 


f*S n *"C 







srr 'to measure' 


PJfc*iRb- fireft 



3331% > 'he desires for 
*fR3% "5 liberation* 


hpi, S 

1 "i 


33$lf^ lie wishes* 



ft^QrfcT ; [free? 



■ph. .. «-> • 'rv 







U^'to injure/ to 



propitiate', 'to kill' 

*.$ftSWB[ ■ ■ :, 


*£' "■" ■ 






S^8.P. A. to 




_■ .1 


, i ■ ■ 





jf^- <to throw* 


. rsrerenr 

^trarbav, of fa 


W raftift. 

5 82tf-529] OoKffuaATiOMr of Vebbs. 263- 


Eoota. Desid. base. S sing. Pre. 

SKIT^ optional,, „ ^x ggfc-nflK ^5TOf%^!*% 

wrm can. )? ^^ §nrrrf%K ^wimOwft^f 

>» » 

If siwWlu. ^?r^pn^- 

( 5 ) Conjugation of the Deslderative Base. 

Oonjugational Tenses. 

§ 527. a? is added to the base in the conjugational Tenses 
and then it is conjugated like the special base of the 6th class, 
in the Active and Passive. 

m . i 

■f r 


Non-Oonjugatlonal Tenses. 


§ 528. ( a ) The Perfect is formed like those of the 
eansals by adding srp^ to the base &c. 

( 5 ) In the Aorist the Desiderafcive Bases take the termi- 
nations of the Fifth Variety. 

( o ) In the Benedietive the Parasm. terminations are 
added without 3- and the Atm. ones with the intermediate f - 

(d) The remaining tenses have no peculiarities. 

§ 529. In the Passive, the Aorist 3rd sing, is formed 
according to § 508 0. The forms of the remaining tenses are 
made up in the nsual way. 


< 3rd sing. ) 

Tenses. Par. Atm. Passive- 

Presnt. ^If^MRl JtRftiA 

* These roots do not change their g^to 1- 


Saksk?t Gbakuab. 

[~§ 529- 





F. Future 

See. Future 



Boots. 8 slag. Pre. 

■ r 


ij i P. A. f^fttf*-* 

C&B *** #\ -^> ^ ««. fc 






ft graft 



» Rwraft'ift^ $proft< 

fa*rcft«rft-%> 3m*ft«ift-% 

•' - ■■■v- 

J L 

J 539-5321 Cohtogatiok of Vbebs. 265 

r ■ ■ 



HE. Nominal Vebbs. 

§ 530. Verbs may be formed from nominal bases by means 
-of certain affixes. These are sot very much in. common nse and 
-are generally used in the Present Tense. They have various 
-meanings. They sometimes convey the notion of performing, 
■practising, or using, or treating like the thing or quality 
^expressed by the noon and are used transitively} sometimes 
they express the idea of acting, behaving or becoming like the 
person or thing expressed by the noun; and at others they 
^express the sense of desiring or wishing for the thing expressed 


by the noun. These will be arranged here under four heads, 
-according to the affixes by whioh they are derived. 



( A.) By means of the affix ^ (99^) and 

conjugated in Paras m. 


l i 

§ 531. When the sense of wish is to be expressed, a nominal 
verb may be derived from any Subanta or nominal stem by 
affixing *r to it. 

, § 532. Before this tr,, 

(1) final Hand Stf are changed to j$; g^ «frejpn f*8tlt— Spft- 
^(3sr+*=3ft+«c+f*r) *he visheB for a son/ 

r J 

( 2 ) final f and « are lengthened;: 3ifc— 5i4taft 'he wishes 
for a poet/ : 

w (8 ) final qr is changed to ff, g^— g^fafa. 

(4) final aft and ajt are changed to STff and mw ; aft— -trsirft; 

(5) a final nasal is dropped and the proceeding vowel is 

266 &isrsi$T Gbammab. [§5S2-58ft 


changed like an original final vowel; *T3TC(— <ersfaftr ^ »W» 
for a king.' 



( 6 ) in other cases the final consonant remains unchanged- 
TT^r— *T«*nr <he wishes for words;' ft?— f^^ (faffo acoord- 
ing to some) 'he wishes for heaven;* .^^Mft *a wishes,, 
for holy sticks 7 &c. 

S 58S - ^ and ar^ are prefixed to the affix *; and then it i» 
added to any nominal stem in the sense of to ardently wish for 
that which is expressed by the noun 5 ^ m^ ?^fa IQtxft or 
**&fa 'he wishes for honey;' so tf^nt, ?t*rcqft, &e. 

§ 534. sra* has snFTRft 'he wishes to eat;' and sro*fhf?r 
«he wishes to possess food;' s^r has «jiqft..<]», wishes to 
drink water* and *&imft 'he wishes to possess water'; and h* 

n*«9*rraft 'he wishes to acquire money/ and ^fafl% 'he 
wishes to be wealthy/ 

1 L ■ 

r , 

J L 

§ 5S5. This affix is sometimes added in other senses than, 
that of wish : — 


§586. (a) It is added in the sense of 'treating or consider- 
ing Ufa,' *. y. 5^j^ gpj^ < he treats ^ pup ^j ag a son ^ 

f**rtf% ft^f^ *he treats the Brahmana like Vishnu'; irorfNft 
aprf ft^: 'the beggar considers his but a palace;' ^$*ft snsrfc 
Kim 'the king in his palace considers himself to be in a hut.' 


(») It is added to *&^ and f^w in the senses of 'adoring/ 
and 'striking withfwonder' respectively; wroft ^ 'he adore* 
toe gods;' ft^fc% ^Rra; <he strikes the people with wonder;> 
it is also added to ^ in the sense of ' practising;' ?nTWRr. 

§ 537-640 ] Conjugation of Vskbs. 26T* 



§ 587. Id the general tenses the affix ^ ( 9tp^ and fsaj- to 
be given hereafter) is dropped when preceded by a consonant;; 

gfimNi^ l i Pert 1 sing, q&tftm *ftft*vf$ 1st. and 2nd? 
Fat. 3 sing, front ^f ^| %; bnt qsfhrrerart fcom q^JWt. 

(B) By means of the affix ±h\*-q ( gfiTf*^ ) cuid 

conjugated in Parasm. 


§ 538. To express the sense of wishing for that which, is 
denoted by the noun, the affix gn**T is also added like the 
above, and the base so derived eonjngated in the Par. as 
before; JJ4T4il*4ilt'he wishes for a son;* ^q^STP^ir 'he wishes - 
for fame;' tlftfchl+qRt <he wishes for ghee.* 

■ r 

"'■ * 

■ J I I L 

(0) By means of the affix fer (o) and conjugated in Far. 

■ L 

■ 1 

§ 539. Nominal bases are formed without the addition of 
any affix; the characteristic signs of the tenses and moods and 

r ■ ■ 

the personal terminations being added immediately to- the 
nominal base. The bases thus derived convey the notion of 
acting or behaving like that which is expressed by the noun, 
and are conjugated in the Parasm. 


j i 

. n 

§ 540. The penultimate «j of a noun ending in a nasal is 
lengthened. The base is treated like a root of the 1st con- 
jugation, its last vowel only taking Guna before sr. If the 
base has a final sr it is dropped before this on or - ( nam9 °£ 
Vishnu) fs; arr^fir, arfr 'ae acts like Vishnu;' ^wr— 
ff«nrrftr 7 'he acts like fr^T* ( |rwrn% 1st ■"*•> Sift"— 9f93irfa 
'I act the poet or behave like a poet;' f% — tprflr 'he behaves 
like a bird'; *nafT— fRCTft 'be or it acts like a garland' ( Perf . 
Hfa te ch'K, &c.); frg — fi<K l R | **» acts like a father;' ^— *r^ 
'acts like the earth' (Perf. 3*rr? &°- aa H, is ta « base ); n^ 
CTSTFfft 'he acts like a king;' qftft— <T*ft?rf& *it;serves as 
road,' &o. sc^fHnt from ?&$&% name of Xndra. 

:268 8ak6k^t GEAM3CAE. [§541-64$ 


(D) By means of the affix q- ( jp^gr ) and 

^^ r 

conjugated in the Atm. 

§ 542. The affix 3- ( jf^ ) is added in the same sense as 
above to nominal stems and the nominal verbs so derived are 
■conjugated in the Atm. 

§ 542. Before this affix the final st of a nominal base is 
: lengthened; an remains unchanged • other final letters undergo 

1 i 

the same changes as they do before the other q ( ^r£ ). 
The final w of a noon is changed to afr optionally and that 
of ajmi^ ^ aft^T^ necessarily; %&* f& arr*Tf%, f^TRSft 

- 'he acts like $tvr;' 2f5ng[ — ^TT^j ^^re^it, 'he behaves like one 
who is famous/ (k\H — f^PT% f^f*3% 'h« acts like a learned 

- man', &0.5 but sfter^— sfrsfprll 'aots like one who is lustrous' 
v ( powerful )f stc^^t-— 3fc^r«|% 'she behaves like an Apaaraa.' 

(a) A feminine noun not having 5r ior its penultimate drops 

its fern, term.; ^JTT^T •TTWRT— ^nTR% *ne behaves like a 
girl;' 9ft"ffa srr?0% 3ft°rre<t 'ehe acts like a female freer;' 

■ r 

'U$fapiT!% ^T^r% 'she acts like a stout woman'. Bat 
' *nf*ra»T %<t MHift <irf*raTO* 'ahe acts like a female cook/ 
-and not <|HniiP*$- 

■ L 


(*) W& has < W HHt H<t5for% a** ^<dNr*r '»*« aotB like 


a co-wife; zrrnt has 537^ 'she behaves like a young woman.' 

1 'r ' ■ 

§543. The affix q is added to a few nouns such as jg^r 

~<mueh', q^ 'slow% <rf&33 'learned/ 3173^ 'generous-minded'. 

J3»IPF€[ 'agitated/ &c in the sense of 'besoming what it was 

iot before/ or 'what it was not like before/ a|$r: *rq"r% 3{sjt?«I 

'1 1 ■ ■ ■ 

-'what was not much, now becomes much/ d«-*HM*l 'he (who was 
.mot agitated before ) becomes agitated;' similarly ^*H|*l3 > & °- 

- 1 

. m h ■ ■ 

§ 544-547 ] Oonjtjgakoit o* Vbbbb, S6?f 

§ 544. The following are the different senses in which the 
affix qra^ia used'in the particular eases given below. 

(a) to <7^-H used objectively ; ^-m^ * is rummating.' 1 

(9) to ^jwT * tears/ 3^tr< ' heat/ and %sr > in the sense of 
'sending forth, vomiting-/ q|Hm3 'he sheds tears/ but gsm^% 
'gives out heat / Q^mfr * sends forth foam.' 

(«) to g^r, f :*?r and others In the sense of ' experiencing or-' 
enjoying / ^%?^ ^auft *he enjoys happiness •/ to* 3$- 
*%33% * he shows the happiness of another'; $r:^rPKT. 


( d ) to w$ 9 |*y qi«f , gi^r ** fair day, 1 and |f$r 'a cloudy 
day ' in the scnce of * making or doing-* ^psf ^Rj ^|«4nQ * ho- 
makes a Bound' ( also 3T«?3f% oa ^- ); -^Rdl^d &e. 


(E) By means of the affix f ( f&r^ and fftra ) 
and conjugated in Paras m. and Atm. 

§545. Verbal bases are formed from the nouns given below: 
by the addition of the affixes $ (far^ ) and f (f^[) with vari- 
ous senses ; those derived by means of f&rs^ are conjugated inv 
Atm. and those by f^ in the Par.; e. g. *rr*? with ^, *Hf<^ ■ 
ar% ' collects together the vessels / go?— 503^ I PH^ ' he 
shaves M&navaka / ft^f-fir^rnf STSf^'he mixes boiled rice- 

■ ■ ■ ' ' ■ 

with ( curds, curry, &c. )/ HOT3A «^3R^ mixes salt with- 
condiments ; *^ — tjq ' frnfll ' ne clothes with garment/ 

§ 546. r is changed to srft when added to ^ar, srq\ and. 


§ 547. f is further added in the following oases ;— %srar 

«rf^nt vrfAnnfii ; #w raraft *<rtf "rent ? 4A&: smsfe 

3<{»ta4 1% ; &e. &o. 



370 Sanse^t Gbammab. f § 547-549 

The various changes taking place here • before the affix *t 
?the student will easily notice as irregularities. 



Prikabt Nominal Bases 
Derived by means of the Krt Affixes. 

§ 548. The krt Affixes are added to roots, or to their 
modified forms, to form nouns, adjectives and indeolinables ; 

-.*• g* ft— ^rit? *s& 3»tt? i£*3> 3rfc**rat? ^fr*^, frssr, ^t^> &»* 

These are called^ Kridantas or Primary Nominal Bases as 
-distinguished from the Secondary Derivatives formed with 

the Taddhita affixes. 


■i , 

■■ r ( Declinable and Indeolinables ) 

I Partieiphs ( Declinable ). 

L . r I - 

( A ) Participles of the Present Tense. 
§ 549. The participle of the Present formed by 

■i ■ 

-the addition of the affix sp^to that form of a root, primitive 
-or derivative, which it assumes before the third person plural 
termination of the present Tense. If the base end in ar the gr 
is dropped j *. g. Pre. 3rd pi. P. Ptc. 

^(lcl.>H*+3rf% H^rge=^ 'being 1 

^(*oL)— f^y-3TF?r ft^+ar^ft^, hating, 

Similarly ^r( 7. cl) 5»^ preventing 

^fr( %. el, ) m going, fr ( 8. <& ) sfe doing. 

$ 649-552 ] Conjugation osr Vebbs. 271 


5 ( s ol - ) ^^sacrificing. ^ ( 8. ol. ) a*^ stretching &c 
■M ( 6 «l) «^^ea*WMrting. 3ft ( 9. ol. ) d^TS. buying. 

3X. ( 9 * ' ol - ) S 50 !^ stealing &o> e P! ( 10 ol ) ^TT^ stealing. 

$T$n can. of sriq^ #N*T^ * causing to know. ' 
■J^lfa*i desid. of f*r, f ?rf^T^ ' desiring to know.' 
|%^'derid. of fr, ft?^; * desiring to give;' &c. &c. 

(a) The term, sr^ is optionally changed to sj^ when added 
to the root f^; &RX or ftW[ 'knowing/ 

, ■ 

§ 550. The declension of the Participles in «r^ has been 
-treated of in § 104. 

i n ' J ' r 

■ ' L 

■1 I 

§ 551. The participle of the. Present. Atm. ia formed by 
adding btr to the root which undergoes the same changes before 
;ii ? as before the termination st% or ar!% of the 6rd pi. pre.} 
SfTC is changed to jrw in the case of roots of the 1st, 4th, 6th 
and 10th classes, and all derived roots, or rather when the base 
ends in ar, before which the ar of the base remains unchanged. 

■*■ j ■ i ■ i r ■ ■ 

i ' t r f *■ i 

*• 9* 7^( *• ol - )-WffW e growing/ ^ (1. el) ^v^rn' 'saint- 
ing./ tfj" ( 2. cl. ) ^nTR * lying down :' fix ( 2, cl.) r%«TPT ; S* 

a ■ i 

with m ( 2. cl. ) BTrsrrsr * wiling '; *r( s. cl. > ^nr ■ holding'; 

■ ■ ' r 

« ( & cl. ) s^pt; f^ ( 4. ol. ) sfts^qpT ' playing'; g ( 5. cl. ) 
U#tfH f extracting '; g^; (6. cl. ) ^HH ' giving pain >; $v (7.oL) 
j$w^' obstructing'; 'sjr (8. cl.) jpfr ''doing*; *% ( 8. cl. ) 
^T?qrnr 'Btretohing'; ?fr («>. ol. ) afftrsr 'bnying'; ^ ( 10. cl. ) 

■ ■ ' " ■ 

^r^TTT ' stealing's &c. TO ( 1 el. )— can. <taft--4tapnvr 

< oansing to know/ desiderative spfrftsft— ^pftftqwr 'being 
■ deairoua to know / &o. 

1 ■ ■ ' j 

§ 652. The srr of 3THT ia changed to $ in the case of the 
**oot vffii ( 2. ol. ) 'to sit ;' Pre, Pte. 3?r#5r* 

27S Sabksbt G-bammab. [ § 558-555 

553. The participle of the Pre. Passive is formed by adding 


IK? to the Passive base in *r ; *. ff. .JWRPT * who or what is* 
known', aTOTr* 'what is eaten % #OTT* 'who or what is given' 
<i^HH ' who or what is gathered', f^PSPTPr * who is done', m- 
eflj^im - 'what is scattered', ^tfwr 'who or what is stolen', 
^r— oan. Pass. ift^HR * who or what is caused to know', Des- 
Pass. g ^Rimmm 'who or what is desired to know', &o. 

§ 554. The participles formed according to § 551-3 arc 
declined like nonns ending in st »- f- and n. 

<B) Participles of the Perfect. 

§ 055. The terminations of the Perl, and the Past parti* 
ciplea are weak. The penultimate nasal is generally dropped* 
( as in the Benedictive, or Passive. ) 

§ 556. The participle of the Perf ., Par. and Atm. is 1 
formed by adding respectively f ^r and 3TR generally to that: 
form of the root which it assumes before the termination of* 

i ■ 

3rd per. plural. If this form consists of one syllable only or 
when the root ends in any **r has the intermediate {- added to 
it. q^ also takes f . j is optionally prefixed to s(^ in the case 

of the roots *T^> ?^, f^, f%^and fa^ (6 d. )- *R[ and *5% r . 
and *rat, and %% when they do not take f, form, this participle' 

from that base which they assnme before the 2nd per. sing., 
terminations e. g. 

1 j 


■i ■ , 

r ■ 

Boot. Perf. Base ( 3rd pi. ) Perf. Pto. 

X to go $!£ f^ft^ who or what weal 

aft to carry ft* RpffOT » carried. 

§556] Vbbbax DuBivlriTES, * 27S 

Roots. Perf, Base (Sid PI.) Peri. Pto. 

^nnr^ v cooked. 
3*f%^B[ ft spoke. 
tf^ra^ ?, sacrificed. 
Wra^„ threw. 

, t praised. 

,• did. 

q^ to COOk 


T^j to speak 


ap&^ to sacrifice 


ST^T to throw 


3<| to praise 


^t to do 


^T to give 


5p^ to eat 


^^ to see 


f^ to know, &c. 


fqp?^ to enter 


%f&% v gave,.&c. 
T%'r*T i r, ate. 

» saw. 

Rft4*k. PrRrt?T€C ;* knew, &o. 
ftfaflrag> faft*TOC „ entered. 

■i ■ 


and $^-3rfa^ ? 9R^T^r. 
(a) For the declension of these participles see § 112. 


P ■ n B i " 

sft to carry prsft R^TFT 

5T to give ^ ^r»r 

" ■'■_"* i ■ ■ 

qp^ to cook q^[ ^T* 

^ to sacrifice f^ fsTFT 

ar to do w ^"wpt 

T^[ to speak 

^j to .praise 5g SS^HT 

w * j.' 

g to hear 'Q9'" tJg<W*T 

&o. &c. &o. 

■ ■ " " ■ m 

' m ' H 

a _■ 

('$) These are declined likenonns ending in «f m.f t n, 

274 Saksk&t Gbahmab. [ § 557-562 

■ # 

§ 557. Boots ending in ar ( also a and st in § 419 ) form 
their Perf. Par. irregularly; T^is added to the root, which 
then undergoes the changes mentioned in § 301, and is finally 

reduplicated; when a root is Atm, it is first reduplicated and 
SOTT afterwards added, the final ^changing as before: sr+q^ 
=3SW; by reduplication f%3ft#3C- ^— by reduplication 
^T|T+STr!r=^rrai?:-l-aTr j T=^F?Jn o r; similarly £-fatfra^» af*rer°r J 

^-fWtf^, ^rRfCTTj ^-ss^, 5^ror5 &o- 

§ 558. The Perfect Participle is not frequently used. The 
only participles that are most commonly to be met with are 
those formed from the roots ^[, 3"^j^If and £. 

§ 559. The participles of the Periphrastic Perfect, Par. and 

m a . 

Atm. are formed by the addition of the Perf. Participial forms 
of the auxiliary verbs ^r, s^ or ^ to the base in 3THt> 

( C ) Past Passive Participles. 

§ 560. The Past Passive Participle is formed by the addition 
of the affix q- to the root; 0. j. ^r — ^-rg c bathed', fsF-jvnr- 
* conquered', sft — -ftg 'carried', fj-gjri 'heard', gr-*r?r 'become', 
^•^T * taken away ', c^-^qrff ' abandoned*, f^-f^r 'thought 

■ r ■ 

or meditated upon 7 , &c. 

§ 561. Boots capable of taking Samprasarana take it before . 
the affix 3. 


§ 562. The affix 3 is weak. 

1 L 

Exceptions : — 


(«)-. The roots ^ Rq^ 1 cl. ^ and 3* admit of the Gru£& 

$562-565 J Vebbax Debivatives. 275 

-change before 3 when f ia prefixed to it 5 £ I. A. also does the 
■same when it takes ^ ( Bee § 567 b ). 

■ r ■ 

(ft) Such of the roots of the 1st class as have 7 for their 
.penultimate change their vowel to Ghma optionally, when the 
affix ?r is added with the intermediate f and the P. F. Parti, 
oiple is used impersonally, or when it conveys the sense of 
beginning to perform the action or undergoing the condition 
expressed by the root ; £t£''to delight ' $f|3, but < to begin to 
delight* qsjftt or iritftr i similarly, s^-qqfa or snftprff &o. 

§ 563. . The. penultimate radical nasal is generally dropped, 

5 564. The augment $ is prefixed to this 9 in the case of 
•certain roots, optionally in the case of some and not at all in 

r I 

the case of others. 


§ 565. As a general rule, all roots ending in a vowel, and 
suoh as take $* optionally before any termination, . and Anit 
roots ending in a consonant generally, do not take j; the rales 
of Sandhi given in the foregoing chapters that are applicable 
in paxtioular cases ought to be observed : — 

Boots. P. P. Pto, Boots. P. P. Pto. 

covered sn^— fa^f pierced 

woven ^str — gg slept 


s%— *fhf covered w^—w^q- obtained 


jf—gS called &o. g^—STS" bound 

spoken f$T— SS" seen 

concealed 3T$i;—s|E" cried out, &o. 

*% substitutes 3? for its 5. 

■ ■■^^r^i- ■■ . 

>i i> 


Saksk^t Geammae. 

[ § 566-5'60 

gsjfj— 3£ wiped off, &o. 
f%sr— f^g: accomplished, &c. 
?f?^— T5" perished, &c. 

1*— W g rown 

fq;— frf happened, completed, 


r ,t. 

faMtr hated. 



ST«^— ^ff as sea 



Exceptions : 

*^-3** Borne 
^-CrS" endured 

M"3^— *TOT destroyed! 

f^--*^ licked 

5?«^lf? o> wr fainted 

bound - 

dropped. . 

— ■> 

3fm r iprr and fRSTT 

tj*- »" 

first two takes Guna substitute, and the last two drop their 
final ; qfk% ^Hlftti 9 ft"W > 3ras?V»- 


; (l) qft ta|ces $ though it admits of f: optionally in the Desi- 


derative ; TOf?- 

i (ey The Anit xoots ^ and ^gt admit f before if and wn: ~ 


§ 566. Set roots (subject to § 565), and all derived roots*: 
admit of x ; roots of the Tenth class and caixsals reject their 

final aj?p— 

Boots. P. P. Pto. Roots. 

^ra^rf^f 'suspected. 
3^—*f|a 'spoken.' 

jy^— irfiw Increased.** 
**— »rfiW taken.' 

"■ F 

p. p;ptc. 

iRT—iTf^ 'spread.' ".._\; 

■i ■ 

« made to know,* . 
fTO&$<des.:B. of Wf peptf]%; 

'desired to do/ — * 

* Tide 5 348. 

§,566-569 J Vbbbal Dhbivaiives. S77 

r a 

Exceptions :*— ^r ,< f^^ <to know, to observe/ &c, 5r5£, 
^t? 3H> fT^and *jgv$ Ssfriftrrfc 5|£ > ^fc efhr? *rfr, 1^» * ) 

N. B. There are many Set roots which reject the inter* 


mediate $5 but as some. of them form their p. p. participles in «r 
and others irregularly, they will be given, in their proper 
^places. :■..■■ ' » 

§567. The following roots insert ^ optionally :—• -'■''* 

■''(*) ?^> W*> St »^> ST1» m^> S* > ^*» 3^" with ^ , and 
CTt( with arr i <fr*cf> *ftv ( See § 577.")} ^psr , ^rfas > $4 ( See 

■S'56»),5^ari?TCiWfiW5-«™rj«ftiri sera, jrffcn $£> sfan 

*Pf ( See § 569 ), ^ftff i gfjgg > «" *&?* • q ? am*F*r 7 srrWft^' 
■'"<*) Jj^tod.j take fbefore-* ana 1 ?*n f$PSt fmfali 1?; 

(<j) The following roots admit of f optionally before ?r when 
*he P. P* Participle is used impersonally, or conveys tha 
■sense of beginning to perform the aotion or to undergo tha 
state expressed by the root ; s«r, ^ , ^, t^y, f3f$, '«*$# 
-fttrg, 1. 4. el.; fa^V&fcn or nfc&f: #: 'Ohaitra has begun 
to perspire' q^fttr.or irR^pi^T '-lie has perspired', &o.f H?3 
4 el. has fttf^t also. 

• . N. B. When the participle is not uaed in the sense given 
tjtbove these roots reject $■. 


§ 568. (*) araer in the sense of 'to worship-* takes j • 3TFW* 
-< worshipped' ;>but sr*l?: 'gone'. 

(fi) fq^and *T^ rejeot ^ when they express the idea of 
"immodesty or rndeness'; vz *rude' ? fq-^r^T *ill-mannere67 $ but 
^RrT * over-powered, trifled with', &e. fasrfatT ' tormented or 
ill-treated'. . 

_- a 


§ 569. sr is substituted for 3* when it immediately follows 
a fmal^ or 33 this final ? is also changed to %; fte-fim, sr- 
^3H^(Se 6 §579'). 

278 .Sianxia Gsammab. [ § 56&-57S-- 

Exception a: — 

(«) ft? has PttT when it means « a part, a portion' ; fSrer ifc j 
other eases. 



(*) ftj^* P. A. takes 3 in the sense of 'fit for enjoyment' p 
or 'famous'; fro 'wealth, property', farf: ' famous'; fr*r in 

other oases. 

00 IS" » T and *£Sf£ ; *nr, 33$ 'filled' (also 30} when it 
means the same as | ), ^. 


§ 570, Boots. ending in s^r ( £, $■ and aft changeable to an) 

and beginning with a oonjunot consonant containing a semi- 
vowel also substitute if for 3 ; $g « to ran, to sleep', jpror • «& 
'to fade' ***pr* ^ccMnrFT ' ooUeoted to a mass', &o. 

r " L ■ " 



Exceptions :— ^rr * to name', &o., ^ ' to contemplate', s^ 

and fp oqm, «rra, &c. 

§ 571. The roots given at § 821 and szrf substitute sr for 31 
Roots. P.P. Ptc. Boots. P. P. Ptc- 

ft to flow, to move ^far y to scatter sftdf ( 

^r to shake ^rsr <r to fill, to gratify <j^ 

» to out ^f * to choose rf 

^ to go $*$ 5KTi to grow old sjfrt 

§ 572. 5 substitutes 7 for 7 and lengthens its vowel ; spr,. 

■1 1 1 - 

41 4 

^ " r ■ 1 

§ 573. The following roots substitute ;r for sr :- 

F J 

Roots. P. P. Participles Boots. P. P. Participles^ 

<ft 4 A. to fly %}w j 3^fc fa 1. p. to grow, to swell w*f 

e to torment $* w 4. A. to bring forth, 

*%4A. ?$fa to produce TO. 

§ 578-580 ] Vebbal Derivatives. 279 

Roots. P. P. Participles. Hoots. P. P. Participles • 

?ft 'to perish', &o. ^r vn% 6. P. j^JT 

?r to go 7 $fs¥ s*^ 6. P. to 

fr to abandon, ffr=T $^ $ror 

— JW VTO[ 'to be ashamed' „ 

*rsq; 'to break/ *j*T 1%^ 4. A, f%gr 

§ 574. (a) ^j- when it means 'to incur debt 7 substitutes ?r; 
qpir 'debt'; but =£$, when it means 'to go'. 

(5) p^ takes qr "when it does not mean 'to gamble'; q«r a 
sport in which nothing is staked; but u?f 'gambling.' 

§ 575, The roots g^, Rrqr 6. A., if, ^r, and ■$ take »r or ?r; 

3*T or^T, V&( or fe^r, srr* or grr?r, srTT or STO, and gm or fr?f. 
§ 576. czrfTT has qjq 1 when it is used with 'one's own limbs'; 
tfr^t g«f; chtTT or cffa in other cases. 


§ 577. (a) Boots ending in a nasal lengthen their penultimate 
vowel before a weak termination beginning with any consonant, 
except a nasal or a semi-vowel, or when followed by nothing; 

(£) Anit roots ending in a nasal drop it before <r; q*^ to think, 
&o. jr?r; flf^t 1- P- { to sound, to serve', &o. ?r?r, *l*t-qrrT> ^C*1Tff- 

§ 578. The roots t^%, »t^ ? and ^, drop their naaal and at 
the same time lengthen their vowel; qjrra"? »TTW? OT3. 

§ 579. A radical ? preceding or following a vowel is some- 

r ^^ 

times changed to g? before ^ or sr; when it ia preceded by ^ it 

is dropped, ^—37^. *^— g<fc gfc—^ fa?— ^?r> ftf *Jjr or 

^JT (See §578. 6.). 

§ 580. y 'to give', and % form their P. P. Ptc. as ^j the ^ 



I § 580t-583 

P. P. Pfcc. 

of 3rf is dropped after a preposition ending in a vowel; sfrT; in 
this latter case the preceding y or g- is lengthened; sfr% ^tTj &°* 
^ may optionally be retained also, srfrr, &f ??3r> gfrf &<*. 

§ 581. The following roots form their P. P. Participle irre- 


galarly : — 

sr^ to eat. 

&f to Split. 

$r to out. 
v?r to pat. 


qf? to cleanse. 
3*^ to faint. • 

fK or f? with 

^f to sharpen 
^ to delight 

?CTft orf&ft 


>fter or qrfte 

^tJ or ^f&ft 

■ r 


STTFT or f%fl 


q^r to cook. 

in* to drink. 
<GH to expand. 
*jt to measure. 
^ to barter. 
§* to be thin. 
IJ- to sing. 

P. P. Ptc, 




8T?. to protect. oTrttT 
ffiRtp be lean. ^r 
SJT^to be intoxicated s|fa" 


^T tocOok<*nft, *rpir) 
but ^ft 'boiled' 

„ with, f^ f^r*^ (here the 

^ is not changed, to ^), 
VKHT to grow ^frft 

?qr with f^ clever, f^s^^r 

§ 582. The participles in ft or «r follow the declension of 
nonns in Bf . 

L i r n i ■ 


. The p. p. participles have not always a passive force : — 

■ i J n 

L ■ 

§ 583. The affix ft added to roots having the sense o f 'sitting 
or going, or eating' shows the place where the action takes place* 

j a 

$t &&«AM4 3TTraft **bi- is the place where Mukunda U3ed to eit'; 
X$ '^fft't'ir^f- 'fcbfc * 8 tne P atlt Vy which the husband of Kama 

5 588-587] Vjskbal Bebivatives. 281 

need to pass'; £tR 3<ftt $PT?9Czr, 'this is the place where An ant a 
took his food', &c. 

% 584. P. P. Participles have sometimes the sense of neater 
$bstraot nouns; as srf^q^' speech', ^rptf 'sleep', ? f%T# 'laugh- 
ing'; similarly (&$, *i%, &o.; See Bhat VIII. 135. 

§ 585. The P. P. Participles of roots meaning 'to think 
or to wish/ 'to know', 'to adore', and of the roots fP^, afr, 

_ n _ _ 

-&o. have the sense ol the Present Tense; n^T* fftr: *he is 
honoured by the king', ^gf qfsra: &o. ra: stflr: 'the fire is 
kindled', so sffcj &o„ 

(D) Past Active Participles. 



§ 586. Past Active Participles are derived from the Past 
Passive Participles in ^f or sf by adding t6 them the affix 3^; 

i ■ h 1 ■ 

(j£) Participles of the Future Tense. 

J L 

§ 587. The. Participle of the simple Future, Active as well 

■ r 

as Passive, is formed from the third pers. singular form of the 

L a 

second Future of a root. The Parasam. Pfco. is formed 
simply by dropping the final y and the Aim. and the Passive 
ones by substituting hjh for the final 5; *. g. 



■ r 


Boots. Par. Attn. Passive. 

«T — 3tfr**l3, *h"R*^nrt' ^iR*<i*«^> or cniR^mT 

282 Sasbxbb Gbamhab. [J587-6W* 

Similarly firef^Desi. Base pf qs%— fttf^s^, f^T^RPT &c- 

§ 588. These participles are declined like words ending in 
^ and 3f. 

(F) Potential Pabticiplss (and Verbal Adjectives ). 
| 589. The Potential Participle is formed by means of the- 


anises spar, *pffa and n, added to a root|or derivative verb. 

This is Passive when the verb is transitive and impersonal 

when the verb is intransitive. It is also nsed like an adjective 
when denoting fitness, &o. 

j ■ 

( 1 ) Participles in flsq- and spfhr* 

i _ r t 

§ 590. The anises 353- and spfcr are added to roots or deri- 
vative bases in the sense of must be, fit to be, &c. Before these 
the ending vowel and the penultimate short of a root take 
their Guna substitute. Before 333 Set roots take f, Anit 

■1 a 

foots do not, and Wet roots take it optionally. Before ar^tar 
penultimate ^r is always changed to 9^ and not to ^( as 
sometimes it is ) e. g. 

Roots. Potential Ptc. 

V~~ fRT^> IpBn what must or ought to be given. 

fa" — MH^I, ^^Rnr what mast or ought to be searched into &c«~ 

gg— ^fas*, ^NNr' » ,» heard. 

q^— H(^ 4 t>q , *i <»fj^ „ „ be. 

ff— $[3*3* ^Fcftf j, „ done. 

M-iRw4 03'fN' » " »'--." known. 

h . 

§ 590r-592 ] Verbal Derivatives. 28^ 


Potential Fto. 

^[*— wrewrj ii*rft«r 




^^__^ giq, ^at^pr 




^g^ — iSs^» tsrNt 


*res«r* wwn*fN 




«[$— flrarwfc qjptta 






§ 591. The final are of roots of the tenth olaas and of 
Musals ia dropped before SFfta- To Desiderative bases it if* 
added without any change; «. g. 

qpr— grcpfN 'what must or ought to be told.' 

- ^ftoft* „ stolen. 

^ppr Oan. of §>£— %r**%*r » » made to know. 


Base of spar $ ^faT%3T ?, » desired to know. 

(2) Participles in «r( ^, w^and <r«i^ ). 

§ €92. The affix ^( *fi£) is added on to the roots ending- 
in a vowel in the sense of 'fit for or fit or ought to be\ . 
Before this *r the radical vowel undergoes Guna substitute- 
and final an (<5> ^ and aft changeable to srr) ia changed to o> 

m i " 

what is fit or ought to be given. 
„ „ sucked. 

» » sung. 

w ■ . » out - 

* Tne =ff or ^^ is cnaugea to srj^ against § ov.u* 

■fThe ? of 3T^ ia lengthened instead of being Gunated before 
a strong termination beginning with a vowel. 

* , 


£U 8&8BK$i Gbammab. [ § 592-598 

„ ,, collected. 

;&— %a; » > t led or carried, 

§ 593. Roots haying St for their penultimate and ending 
in a consonant of the labial class take the affix gr; ^p£— ^TO 1 ; 

• *R£— wwr, vJr~ *T» &°* 

J T " ' ,x r 

I 594. ^ is inserted when wi is preceded by sq- if the 
. meaning be 'to praise'- 3<r^ua;i ^rg: 'a Sadhu ought to be 
■ praised 7 ; but ?qcg>*r ^ 'wealth ought to be acquired'. 

§ 695. The roots g^ 'to kugh at', ^ 'to kill', ^ 'to 

r ■ ■ 

: look for, to ask', srgv'to strive', *n*, w§, and" ^ take the affix 


15 *w4" 'what is fit to be laughed at% ^nWT what ought to be 
skilled, &c. 

■ ■ - 

1 r , ■ r , 

■ j ■ - j - J r : 

'■ j r n . 

§ 594. The roots tt^, q^y'^ft and Betake the affix 3- when 

„ not preceded by a preposition; in .the latter case they .will 

- take wargr) *TS[— TOT 'what ought to be spoken or told'; so 

-TOy^r W*%', ^ with srr may take this affix, if it does not 

■mean a preceptor; STT^^ff^r: *a country fife to be gone to', 

bat Sirorf: ' a preceptor' formed with the affix vq^ (q). 


§ 597. f^ takes the affix ^ optionally before which q^ 
is substituted for it; ^+sr=fj*n 'what ought to be killed 7 ; it 
optionally takes ozrg^ in which case m% is substituted for it; 

J " r J 


- J 



§598. The roots j 1.2. P. 'to go', *$, srr^, I 5 P. A* 
■h|, sj^, and roots haying ^ short for their penultimate axcept 

*i ■ ■ - 

^jq^and <q^ take -the affix aprq^( a; ) i n *&« aame sense as a^. 
When a root ends in a short vowel, g^ is inserted between the 

L ■' r n n 

:ifiaal vowel and the affix v; e. o. r— rear 'worthy of being 

S 598-605 ] VbrbAIi DEBTviTiVBS, 285-- 

P F 

approached '; '^wr' ' deserving praise', «re^-ftPtF e A* *o be 
instructed '; f-^??* i f — «mwr» *Efc—V* ' worthy of being 
served '; UMCT 3 TC~^I** ' fit to te inoreaaea as wealthy 
&c.' f butsffecq- (*K£*+*raJ 'able';^— ^s$ (13+^) 
1 that ought to be teased or hurt*. 

§ 599/ The root ^, §f ana rrj^taKe tnis amx optionally * 
^-^3 'praiseworthy'; 55— £W 5 *&— OT" ; optionally 
they take the affiix <nRt( to be given hereafter); $w, fteT>*fter- 

i ■ J 

~§ 600. 5^' also takes the affix optionally ; fszr ' what is fit 
or ought to be.cleansed'; optionally it takes o^ before which 
the final ^ is changed to *r ; HFT- 

§ 601. ^ 

or excavated'. 

H ■* 

6 602. w 1- cl. takes this affix when the partioiple so 
derived does not form a name ; apirr: « those who ought to be 
nourished or maintained, hence servants', &o. 

£ 603. The roots ^ and f take both sj*r* and 
8RT§ i !**> *$' what ought to be chosen, best', &o, 

a r 

g 604. srsrinthe sense oi 'to be harnessed 7 ta&es tne 
affix .ajq^ud changes its final to %', %**: *ft: ' » bull to be 
WnPflfled to the yoke '; in other senses it takes the affix «W j 

j 605, Roots ending. in qr, and those ending in a consonant 
(see § 593) take the affix wq^ (*) in the same sense as *R\, Before 
thifaffix the ending^ and ^of a root are changed to ^ and 
*r respectively and the final Vowel and the penultimate a? take 


'-286 Saksk^t Gbammae. [§605-608 

Vyddhi substitute 5 aad other penultimate vowels generally 
take Guna. 

.. $T— 3» r§ ' what ought to be done', *j— >tp? ' what ought to 
te worn', ^ — qr$f, f*— ■?!■** 'what ought to be impelled', 
4fee. ; s^ — qr^r ' what is arranged, a sentence '; q^ — ITOsi 
* what is to be cooked', ^ — m*j£ ' what is to be purified', &o. 

§ 606. The root ?fcr when preceded by sfTf ' with ' takes 


the affix war^ before which the penultimate gr is optionally 
-changed to Vrddhi j ^TT *T? TC«ta£*t ^s^raff arm^T or. 

r ■ 

'^T^rr ' the day on which the sun and the moon are with each 

■ "i 

Other *. «. are in conjunction'. 

§ 607. (a) The roots q^, ^r% , «^ > H^ W|*C and ^[ *° 
-not change their w or 5£ to q? or »r before eqqr • srrsir, *rpHb 

^«r, g^fj carrs?? ^rwr- 

(5) q^does not change its ^ to ^ before o*rj when the 
meaning is ' what ought to be spoken, speech'; q^f hut stfTO 

■i ■ ■ 

'& sentence'. 

(c) w*£ when it is preceded by q> and f% takes the affix o^ 
in the sense of ' what is possible or capable of ; and does not 
«hange its ^ to ^; **^ *TW iflfN*:, Pt*^ WW ft*fc*:' 

: l - ■ ■ ■■ 

(d) $^has ^?f meaning 'food/ and *ftr^ < what is fit 
be enjoyed'. 

§ 608. Boots ending in s> short or long, the affix uqif 
*the sense of * what ought or must necessarily be done''; w. 
$fsit * what must necessarily be cutoff'; q-resj 'what xnn 
^eoMsarny be ptcriaed'; e with an— 5TT*n , *4', 5 f to mix' to& & 

§ 608-61 ] Vbbbaji. BEBirATrvBS. 2&7 

(<*) The roots ^ and w^also do the same; 3fc$ ' what mast 
-necessarily he sown'; srrczni- 

IL Indeclinable Participles. 

(A) Indeclinable Past Participles. 

§ 609. The Indeclinable Pa L > Participles are of the nature 
<of gerunds. They are formed (I) by affixing ctrr'to. the simple 
root j or (2) by adding 3r when the root is compounded with 
prepositions or words used preposition ally; jt^— jr*f r ' having 
gone;* ^ with a?w— $T3?nr 'having experienced/ &c. 

i j 

I. Indeclinable Participles formed with cqrr. 


§ 610. The Indeclinable Past Participle or gerund in c^r fc 
formed of all roots or derivative verbal bases to which no pre- 
position (nor a prepositional word) is prefixed. Before the 
affix can*, a root assumes that base which it does before the g or 
«T of the Past Passive Participle ; e.g. 

sgfr to know ^rRr Sgrrwr 

a I 

v togive <nr tot 

L ■ 

**rr to stand f^Rr fer*W 


^T to "go *R fTHfT 

-^r to abandon $* ffaf 

mr to place ft*r ftwrr 

Slmilarly—ftr 'to conquer' — f^ror; $/*° pnrify 7 — nft^i or 
•^pr; ^ 'to be'^n^r; ff 'to do'-fr^Ti $ 'to eross'-^qf ; j*o fill'- 

288 &ASTSK9T Gbammab. .[§610-412* 

, F 

■i ■ 

■■ . n 

g-ptf; %— wr> 3^— &&zr, ar$— *p**n. w^— srrorr; is;— 
tstt; w«cr^*w; w^-ftrf r &o. &o. 

§ 611* When the intermediate f is inserted, the preceding- 
vowel takes its Guna substitute; fa — srfa^Tj y^-flifasTG snr- 

(a) The roots ^, §sr , fjqr and ^^ take Guna optionally;. 

£frCT or $f«fc?r; ^Tn^N or HTqW; frfaw or ^rffc^Ti <E^ — 
*tf<FOT or srffc*r. 


■i ■ 

(ft) But the roots ^r, -ag^ , ^*, gs^, and ff^, the roots* 
mentioned in § S71 and f%^ 7 cl. do not take Guna ^ — ^Psi^O 
'having rejoiced;' 3^ — £j%YqT> grfSpSTTr gfaKffc fe^—f^Rl^r 


- ' ' ' " r ' 



§ 612. Wet roots, except spar which takes % necessarily, and 

;?, h and sr which reject f, the five roots given under §380, and 
a few others admit off optionally before c^r; e. g. ^ 'to- 

j a 

pleanse'-^nT^erTj lp; "HS" 'to enter'-irrflssr, ITgT; *E5 *° conceal 

desire' nf*R*r or (gr; ^ '*• endure'— ^f^T <> r $t%T', §* '** 
covet'— (see § 615 below ) ^iPf^T, jf^IT or w*t.^T. 

srs^ <to go', fto worship', 9reF3*fr < having gone', Stf^rT 
'having worahipped'. V . 

■P 4 

ot to kill «TOT or $ff&ror 

^rq; to dig ^R^Tr or I5OTT 

iR^tostretch - . ' : ' qftar or *«fr ' ' 


§ 612-615 ] Verbal Derivatives. 289 

L a 

1 W 

' ' r * 

ant to go &e. EFftsrr, sff*sr, ^ip^r* 

^4 P. to be straight, &c. rflreqfr or ^c^r 

^ 1 A. to be. qffeft or fsqrr, &«* &«■ 

But ^^--^^r, *f — ^r^r, s;— 3?*r? ^— s^r. 

§ 613. The roots f%i, #, ^ft, ^and aj, set roots ending in 
consonants, roots of the 10th class and all derivative verbs. 
admit % before VfT] roots of the 10th ol. preserve their ^rzr 

1 j 

before «rr; fa— *qfasjr; ^r—sfaWj 3f— *Tre*sr or 5rer^,?r^— 

<qfcftrar> a^r— sraft^TS Wr 08 *- *Nflfe*n dee - 3*NW*w- 

§ 614. (o) The roots ^»^r and ;?ap^ do not drop their 
nasal; &&$— *qR«*Vtt ***%— W^T, TOT*?^. 

(i) The penultimate nasal of roots ending in ^ or cr- and 
that of qs^r 'to roam abroad', 'to deoeive*, and t*3?E£' to tear out' 
are optionally dropped; *r^— *r^*r**rr, qftrvrr. £*£. gforarr' 

■ r ■ 

l j *■ 

■ "■ 

(c) Roots ending in ^ such as jt^T > *«r , ST3? >" **r**3C » *<*• 

and the root <(j9S[ optionally reject their naaal before 737; H*^- 

*fae*r or *^^rr, vs^r-vwtt or *wn srs^; — sff^r^r, «TKrar 
or ar^rr* 

" (d) h^ acd sr^ insert a nasal optionally; jfofTj or fr^Tf ; 
qftrafi *f£T or sffT- 

I r n j ■ -. 

§ 615. Gtma is optionally substituted for the penultimate^ 
and 3 of roots beginning with any consonant and ending in any 

*The arirlen gthened/optionaUy before <iu 


> 4 

290 Baxbk&s Gbahmar. [§ 615-618 

i . r 

^ I 


except a;; ffc^— f&ftwr brfefcvn Ffe?rfl5?***r or%ff**r and 
also fJF^Ti ^— ft, P. gtf^rr or 5frf$Wf ; ^— ^Kl^T? ^ffa^T S 
ft*— ftfa«*r, *ft«fr and f*|r; so ^, &c 

2. Indeclinable Participles formed with *. 


§ 616. When a root is compounded with one or more pre- 
positions or words prefixed to verbs like prepositions, the In- 
declinable Participle is formed by affixing tbj immediately to it; 
the *f is changed to ?ar after a short radical vowel (even when it 
combines with the final vowel of a preposition to a long 


vowel ); «. g. 


•tff with an— Wf W % with a— 5wr 

fa with fjr^— fitf^Br ^ fr with *r*— tf*frar 

fir with ft-— fttffa $• with ffe^r— f^fr^^r 

f^ with ft^--fafi*T 1 with 9J3*-jRm 
5- with grf^- — srtft*^ &0 - &g* &o- 

§ 617. The rales given at § 302, 303,367, 410 and 489 
Apply to the root also in the gerund in sr:— 

ftf^with sr—irffc* aj^with *— %m* 

LI _ _ 

« with 9T*— aff^t ^ with jr— sfH«r 

I with arr^STrcrja; »T5 with fa— f%i£ij 

^r^rwith fir— firvuqr |r with nr— srnrsr 

■ ft, »ft, Hf mnd "- # with ?tr— CTfnt 

^ with qfcrqftwjir ift with fa— fasfa or-fsj^RT 

% with »n— srrcnr &o. &o. &c. 


■ J 918. Boots of the 8th class ending in a nasal, except to 

' 1 _ j 

# ?t ohanges its final to f optionally. /n^f^r also. 

% 6.18-626 ] Verbal DebiyAkybb. 291 

tract the roots qqyq^ and %^, drop their nasal necessarily • 


T^,^., ^arflC and ^, doit optionally; <r^ with ft — ftftt?; 
^ with stt— 9OTOT) irt with pf— ft^wr or fs^S* ; J& 


with ft— f$K r n o* f%t&r ; *ra;; with ir— spr** or stt^t, &o. 

S 619. The roots *bt^, ^r^ and *jq;, drop their ^ optionally 
lengthening their $r before q ; firero , ft^r* > im**, JT3TT* 
and 1444*4, !KII4. 

§ 6£ 0. r% lengthens its f before the affix ^ , and 5rr*| 
changes its final vowel to Guna ; sr$fN, TOPT^- 

, j 

§ 621. $-, sot and s$ do not take Sampraaarana ; jprro; 
ffS^ra < having become old'; ST^r^T * having covered'; bat z% 

m 1 

with <nr or ^r^ takes Sampraaarana optionally ; q ftwf f' jf or 

§ 622. The roots mentioned under § 393 do not change 
their arr to f j TRW, 5P*PT> smr^, &c, 

§ 623. Boots of the Tenth class and causala preserve their 
ar^, before q-if the syllable immediately preceding it (i. 0.9T^) 
be proaodially short ; if not, it is dropped; ^tfr— sNff; 
^ftt^r— srqt^ ; fr— oau ftm$ 5 *fr can. with sTT— MPTr^> &c . 

but ir^— f^ipro, *w*» wmw. 

am- can. may retain its arsr optionally, srrejr 


§ 625. Deaiderative bases add n immediately ; ^ Des. 
(B) The Adverbial Indeclinable Participle or 

r i ^ ■ i 

The Gerund in arq. 

a E 

1 j 


-B 626. There is another Indeclinable Partioiple having the 

1 L J L J 



f £ 626-623 


same sense as that in sqr formed with the affix a^. Before 
this the root or the derivative verb al base generally undergoes 
the same changes which it underg oes before the f of the pass. 
Aorist 3rd. Sing, j ffr-^fm^ ' having carried or led', ST-^pra. 
1 having given', *— ht^, ft^—%«re, *£— -TO^* *IX-^T*ra; '• 
or *TPT^> &o. 

, ■■ 

§ 627. This participle is generally used at the end of com- 
pounds j g- ^rstrtf f*P ' he was pelted to death'; qf^fiftt 3$3T 
( Tile. I. ) 'She was taken a captive'* ^rgftgrf *3^ftftf *T ( Bh* 
atti. I. 2. ) t He totally exterminated his enemies ', fingrot^ 
Tff?3rqr% ' He feeds every Brahmarta that he knows or comes 

1 r "i 

1 * ■ 

, j 

^^ ^^ L ■ 

(a) This gerund is repeated to express the idea of repefci- 
tionj B.g. Jj*pf **r^ 'having repeatedly heard'; OTTWC, %# 

"(<?) The Infinitive. 

§ 628. The Infinitive U formed hj the affix a^ with the 
same effect as the sr of the First Future ; e. g. 


% to go 
otj to go 

^T to give 
*fr to carry 

^T to do 
*s to shake 
% to choose 
If to ping 

*F*to go 




<T^ to cook 

?p^ to compose itfN^ 

$*; to cover *rftpc or ifif^ 

'irf*g* .or 4tm 

^ to bear 
^r to beat 
&c. &a 


§ 629 ] Vbrbat. Daaiv^Tiviie. 293 


Some of the Common Krt affixes forming nouns. 

( Substantive and Adjective). 

§ 629. Tiie following are a few of the most common Krt 
affixes : — 

*T — forms nouns, generally of the mas. gender, from roots with 
or without prepositions, expressing the state or condition 
denoted by the root, or the agent of the action. Before this 


the vowel of a root undergoes Guna or Vydhi substitute; some- 



times it remains unchanged, rarely it is shortened; e. g. ^- 
W 'a spy', $—**: *birth', far— srar:, afr — W*> ^ with f^ 
Str?^:, ^— d*r:, cHt w ^ ^—3 , ?!R: * tying down with the 
face upwards', ir^ with aTr-3TT*H' 'acquisition, the Veda', sr^ 
with OT-OTSrrq": Secret whispering into the ear', ^ with an- 
HOTT 'length', frr— ^p or if^r: f a wise man', ©3*— Wj: 'a 
cover', ^r*&9;: 'the lip', ^— ^fir*:, sft with qR— Tft^T: 

^marriage', f|^—%^r:, f with 3* a*d srfa— OTwfan? 'a pre- 
ceptor'; similarly, i%— -*r: 'a Brfihmana' &o., fl^r-sfft: '**»« 
jsun', ^ With ^-^q > : 'a multitude', q^-TTSRv *J3»T* 'what 
can be easily done', ijf — ^:, «rr? : ' an alligator', *^ar-?PT: ** 
forest conflagration'; sometimes the nouns are fern.; ^xr+TFT 
=$TO!V 3TT*[— TTTflff * wakefulness'; 3 ^;— ^srr 'cleansing', 

( h ■ 

379?— is added in the sense of the agent; before it the penulti- 


r ■ 

mate vowel of a root takes Guna, while a penultimate ar 
generally and a final vowel take Vrddhi; ^sf-ssra 1 :, q^-qraqn 

r. . ■ j - , 

'one who cooks', &*$—&(*$%, sc^-SR^ sft-TRWTj $7*nTO 

294 Sanskst Gbajuiab. [ § 620 

r ■ 



■ 1 

'what purifies, fire', fljf— %fgr 'one who splits', ^MTrosfiV 

r ^^ ■ 


a?w— -forms neu. nouns (sometimes fern, and mas. also when it 
denotes the agent ); «P3r*Prf, **£*•#> *Mfrt, $-*TR+*: 
'a singer', i^r-lr^sr, YK-VWf '& vehicle', ^-^pnf> aTT^— 
aTRSFf, *WT ■with 52rr-53rTO3rpf, qz-^^r, f^-^TTSTT, &c 

vr^— .forms neu. nouns; the radical vowel takes Guna* fc^-^^ 

'the mind/ ^-Hq^, ^—q-^, &e. 

«TT — forma abstract nouns from desiderative bases; f^fl r qfr 'a de- 
sire to do', f^pffcr ' a desire to conquer', r^ a^T ^T ( * wisn t(> 


know', mraT 'thirst', wgftT 'hunger', &o. 

■ r 

fw^— is added in the sense of the agent of an action. It U 
generally added to roots that have a preposition prefixed to 
them or a noun used as an object of the root; a^sftfr^ 
'dependent upon, a servant', OT-OTfat , duiiJlDn^ 'one 

■i r 

in the habit of eating hot things', irrft^ 'about to be', 


f^rfog; 'dwelling', mraift*^ 'explaining the nature of 
Brahma', ^TOf^ ; ^nT^n%^ ' one who murders a child', 
qf*R[ 'an ascetic', ^Ffnft^j & c - 

■ r 

f— added to srr, iff *nd others assuming these forms; final arris 
dropped; g-qTfa 'fraud, condition', *ffa 'peace', &o. 

a j a ■ 

¥— is added to Desideratire bases; f^^T 'desirous of doing', 
fafspft"! 'desirous of conquering'; and to a few other roots ; 
WSj-ff 'hopeful'; fog 'a beggar', fa$, ?$, & e . 

fff^o, &c— sometimes nouns are formed without the addition of 
any termination* rj^ 'a king', q^ st?t? 3: 'one who begets', 
fVq%5^ 'the creator', ffoyrr, *SWTFT 'a flash-eater a demon*,, 

§ 829-63. j Syntax 295 



f^'an enemy', B?f frf^p^ (ft. f*r) 'a worshiper of fire% 
flST 8 ^ <a g&iment', &e. 


fn — forms abstract nouns. Before it the radioal vowel 
generally undergoes the changes it does before the «r °* 

the p. p. participle; ^-Trfifc t*rlfa, WT-fc*tt% ^-flVftfy 
TMfifa 'drinking', ^-^ft, *^-3?%, g-gfa, 'the ear', 

Wfa, fa*f%> ^— S!§ 'creation', sfMFTfrT *ead\ 3^-fft 
(also ^f^r a weapon); somtimes fif becomes fJr; r$ — r<7|T*T 

f — efifSr scattering, ^$r% cutting, 


a J 

^ — is affixed to any root like the ^r of the 3rd sing, of the 
First fnt. and denotes the agent; fr-3Tsh *Iflc-iF& *n£-§f£ 


gr— is added to a few roots; sft— %#, *T^-*I5f ? *n^-*rr#j *g- 

s^nfr, "r^— «rw^;, ir— tt^# ^— ^#? &«• 


sr— 4s added to ar%^r^ T^and *T^r* ^j *l«irr, ^*T> and sRpr* 

f-H is added to srq., qj*^, f|*, ff^, &c; to 'bowing, yielding', 
5PHr 'tremulous', fipsj 'ferocious'. 

sit— -is added to f^r and sr^; ftpcqr 'victorious' spqt perishable. 



■ j l 


, j 

§ 630. Syntax in Sanskrfc is principally concerned with 
Concord and Government; it also farther takes into account 
the use of participles, the tenses and moods, and particles. 

These will be treated of very briefly here. 


L ■ 

§ 631. There is no article in Sanskrit. The word SffB?^ 

296 SakBKST GbammAb. [ §6S 1-638 

and, the pronoun ot ot./.». are used in its place, 3TPsg^sit: 
'a certain man'; g-^rsrr 'the king', 

§ 632. The singular or the plural may be used to denote a 
class; Jttfbjw srr;: ^r?:; ^r^TTr: ^s*rp. 

(a) The daal sometimes denotes male and female of the 
same class; firafr rf^, *&&, &c.' 

(5) The plural is frequently used as a mark of respect and 
by speakers and great persons in the first person; $f?PHl*l*"U- 
nr^r 'So says the venerable giankaraoharya'; sfsrtfq' ftrtrftoft 
*We (the speaker) too are masters of speech i. *. language.' 

(a) Names of countries when the word %$r is not added and 
words signifring members of are used in the plural; 

(<?) The words $hj:, feraHTP, WW," ^P, WPj. 'flTTT*, &<>- 
aroustd in the plural. 



§ 633/ The verb must agree with its subject in number and 
person; h? irJBrfr'I go',W3r°rK*r«S*r: TwoBr&hmanas go,&o. 

(a) When two or more subjects differing in number are 

connected by 'and' the verb must be plural; gr??fr TT^WPBEr ^f 
spg: l Sometimes the verb agrees with the nearest subject in 

number; ar^J uf$TO sV*. €?*% *T?fa STRlfrY 1*3* I^M 
{&) Bu| when they are connected by 'or' the verb will 

§ 63S-685 ] STsrrAX.' 297 



agree with the one nearest to it; *pr: *nf%afr ^r 5T*rg ' l et R*tta 
■Or Govinda go'; ?r ?rr f% ^TWSKT «rr TOT?^ *rff«j * let Mm or 

■ L 

these boys take the fruits'. 

■ , n - 


§ 634. ( a ) When a verb agrees with two or more subjects 
■of different persons connected by ' and ' the first person las 
preference over the second or third, and the second over the 
third; s*jt$ TR3ta?9rrctzrra- ' Rama, yon and I shall do this'. 

( b ) When a participle is used as the predicate, it must 

r ^^^^^^ 

Agree with the subject in number and gender; ^r <?r JrTT^T^ * He 
said that', ^r 9§-rira4f ( She said that', %qf 3*wft TiWTfar 
■Their bonds were cut off'; ekp} fjT5f 'Tbe work is done'. 

( e ) When an adjective or a noun is used as the predicate, 
•a form of the roots gr^ or ^ may be used with it or may be 
omitted; the adjective used predioatively agrees with the 

subject in number and gender; words like 3TrW> 1TW» HTSpr, 
^rpf, q-f&c. retain their gender and number* gapq: £«&r: a 
good servant is diffioulfc to be obtained- gig?r: pfa: irqfcr^ a 
good son is the object of his father's pride; 5ET*7f : T^H*?! 
riches are the abode of miseries; *r 9 TOIP aTprflTTSpP &o.» i» 
these oases the verb agrees with the subject in number and 
not with the noun used predieatively; ^nrf: STTT^f ^rf ^F?T 
and not atf^T? '■*»•". 

§ 635. When a substantive or au adjective is used predioa- 
-tively with verbs of incomplete predication such as' to grow, 
±o seem, to be, to appear 9 , &o, the substantive or adjective so 
used must agree with the subject in case; ott ft f*WP this is 
my resolve. ^w«ft[HI^^ M. 

SS8 EUKKKflP Gbamhab. [ § 635-639 

(a) The same applies to transitive roots of incomplete- 
predication used passively; %;r ^ f^3T<^ *QW. ff?r: by that 
(sage) the oat was made ( transformed into ) a tiger, &o. spf f£ 
fT*!j: H*BT& a king is thought to be Vishnu. 

§ 636. When an indeclinable used with an adjectival force- 


takes the place of the verb, the object governed by it is put in 

the Nominative case. «r CT*T3*I3*IT$ ^ ^ *!TO : ( Anargha- 
r&ghava. YII. ) It is not proper for you to show disrespect 

to the monkeys. fa*rw*fc sh^tf **3 ■BSlTOtsnP* ( Ku. II. 
55. ); it is not fit to cut down even a poisonous tree having- 

firsfc reared it up ; here the indeclinable gr ^M is equivalent to 

§ 637. An adjective, participial or qualitative, must agree ■ 
with the substantive it qualifies in gender, number and case}- 


STTO^OTi a handsome man; $r<T?qT 5ft a beautiful woman; 
«<M*a«; a g r « afc calamity ; 5% cr^a*:; ftffH WQ&rftH) *T^Mr 

Bat numeral adjectives of fixed gender and number remain 
unchanged; q$ WW*n: a hundred Brahman aa; ^ f^r^: a hun- 
dred women; ft^rflr: ronfilft twenty children. 

§ 638. When an adjective qualifies two or more substan— 



tives, Vs agrees with them in theirs ombined number: when the 
substantives differ in gender, the adjective will be masculine 
when the substantives are, masculine and feminine, and neuter 
when they are masculine, feminine and neuter- ^rarr KTltfr *st' 
<g<q^Ral ^r: the king and his queen are of laudable conduct;. 

^sj«r: Fulfilment of duty, satisfaction of desires, pride, joy,,. 

anger, happiness and long tf fe, all these proceed undoubtedly 
from wealth. 

§ 638-642 1 Syntax., 



(a) Sometimes the adjective takes the gender and number 
of the substantive nearest to it, when the particle ^ is used p. 
*$*: *&&•• ZFJ} ^&m*T *l ^-Dejection, quarrel and a* 

itohing sensation prevail all the more they are attended to. 339 

«fi3N frfWt" ** *er S^TTI^ ^ (f*ftfa) By whose valour we have* 
become happy and bo have the three worlds. 

§ 639. The relative agrees with its antecedent in gender- 
number and person, the ease of the relative and its antecedent 
being deter minied by their relation to their respective clauses;. 
^WrffcT fa^f 3" BfT; giH I H Ti He who has wealth has a noble* 
family; jr* ff^r$£ VtW i &«■ 

§ 640. When the relative has for its predicate a noun. 

■ "i 

differing in gender from the antecedent the relative generally 

■ r 

takes the gender of the -antecedent noun, the demonstrative- 
pronoun following that of the noun it qualifies ; TC^prrttftcg^ 
ft TOT f ^frrPTf SPTIV Non-endurance of the merits of another 
is but the nature of the wi eked ; %*$■ f£ ar?^T *r$ftMc6^1- 



§ 641. Karaka is the name given to the relation subsisting- 

■ 1 ■ ■ ■ - _ 

between a noun and a verb in a sentence. There are six: 
£&rakas in Sanskrit belonging to the first seven oases,, 
except the Genitive, which is/ therefore, no| a K&raka oase_ 
These are qytf, *&, sps^r, tf JT?PT, *TOr?R, a*d arf^TT. 

■ ■■ 

§642. There are several indeelinables in Sanskrt which? 

300 Sansket Grammar. [ § 642-647 

Also govern cases. Oases governed by indeclinable are called 


^papadavibhaktis, as distinguished from those governed 

- ^ 

by verbs which are called Karakavibhaktis. In cases where 
both are possible the latter predominates over the former 

although tnr^ alone would govern the Dative. 

The Nominative Oabe. 

r , , 




§ 648. The Nominative forms the subject of a verb and 
denotes the agent. In the Pass, construction it denotes the 
object or the action expressed by the verb ; THT* J|-ogfa ; q?; 

Tek Accusative Oabe, 

§ 644. The Accusative denotes the object u e. the person 
-or thing upon whom or which the effect of an action takes 

■ r a 

$laoe ?R%T?T. He worships Hari. 

. r 
■ ' * ■ 

§ 645. All transitive verbs govern an Accusative; Tctfro^r- 
qfe«i ll rf She collects flowers. Several transitive verbs govern 
what is called in English a factitive object besides a direct 

■ ■ r 

one j ^fjR %cT(T $*5T Having made Kumara the leader ( of the 

forces ); ?a*KT SRRTSFJn* a?3r ^grrc He made his son Aja by 
. name. 

■ j 

- §.646. Intransitive roots govern the accusative of nouns 
-denoting space or country, or duration of time and distance; 
If^^ftfsf He sleeps in the country of the Kurus ; ?r% ^ffflT- 
-3R% ftTOT^ HTO3. There he dwelt for some days; ^r$f srf%S% 
He walks for a Kosa * $£)-<$ .gTRBT H% the course of the river 
is winding f or a kosa ; but jn^T^T ftX>sfra He studies twice a 


■ -.■•■■ 

§ 647. Boots having the sense of motion, real or metapho- 
rical, go vern the Accusative of the place to which it is directed; 
nrpfr iTOlt he goes to a village; arf^i^r fr^TTC ^r^with his 

§ 647-652 ] S-yhtax. SOt 

bow Strang he roamed ail over the forest* *rWT fT^T'lfa be goes- 
to Krahna ( thinks of him ) mentally. 

(a) When the motion is real the Dative also may be used j- 

■ r 

r ^^ 

§ 648. The roots #, ^rj- and arrs with arfo govern the 
Accusative of the place where the action takes place; srf^t^ 

§ 649. f%$t with atfSrfJT governs the Accusative; sfftftft' 
9% 3 RHI*iH. H e pursues the path of goodness. 

§ 650. The root q^£ preceded by the preposition ct? KI3r 
srj^T or an governs the Accusative case; ?<r-*T!£-Hftr-an-TCftr 
%^v£$ft:: Hari dwells in Yaikuntha. 

§ 651. The particles 3TO«:, ^f^.Y *lf<lft, Ufa:, *fW|flr' 
and fgr^, %TpT5T:» <TR:3:, HTOT; ft*qr> $T a*d nfo meaning <to> 
and granr 'between', and 3T*tTC°F 'without', ' regarding to ' 


^rsof aft 1 !!: 

worlds* sr^N? &h£ TCITc?: Patftla. is below the world; so 

■ _ j 

srafc 5?tWCV-ft^ft sn^JCT^ fie upon you rogues; *mff ^PBWr— 
ftftt^T pT^tRi goeVnear to the village. f?jf qgH*flq«ttfo i with, 
reference to queen Vasumati, &o. 

§ 652. The following prepositions are used with the 
Accusative— "■ 

( a ) 3T5 'just after, after' &c. sjFh 'close to' and ^pj 'near, in- 
ferior to'; «. 0. sHf TP?5% every thing of thee is after mine; V{* 
frot tps^c ^q: the son imitates Ms father; 373^ -■*--% fqf' 
your act is not like that of a hero ( lit. is inferior to his ); 37 


■$0$ Sansk^t Grammar. [ § 652-655 


the Accusative in the flense of 'towards' or when they refer to 
particular things : firft— $rf*r — grg — qft— J?m PPSfrfl^ f%&% £he 
lightning flashes towards the mountain, f$rqf3r-trft &o. fforfa- 

§ 653. The roots given in the following Karika govern a 
double Accusative:— §ai % ^°?4roMT^fc^lUP^«^rw^ ( 

gfir%5POT^Kf'nf *mr «llvA«$tq«r^ II •• «- the roots jg; to milk, 
TfT^to beg, T^to eook, $oq? to punish, $er to obstruct, sp^r to 


-«sk, f^* to eolleot, wto speak, ^TT^to instruct, fsr to win ( as 
* wager ), vp^to churn, and 3^ to steal; as also stf, ^, 3^ and 
4ff ; and the synonyms of these; «rf ftfrq' 7^: he milks ( draws 
milk from ) the cow, qffr *ITO% ?3qf he begs the earth of Bali; 


§ 654. When these verbs are used in the passive, the 
secondary object in the esse of the first twelve roots and the 

J a 

-principal one in that of the last four is put in the Nominative 
-case, the other Accusative remaining as before ; t^g: qift £$Ftj 

tow *i4 «rar% sftftr^rr, srtfsn s*?f w§r %fc &o. %sr *rrc: *n*f 
4Np% fifcr% fr«v5% in^^f) &°. 

r "i 

■ "i 

§ 655. In the case of the causal of roots implying motion, 
^knowledge', 'eating 7 , roots having tome literary work fo r 


■ r 

<with arr and w^ with ft 

*■ r 

in the Accusative ease. 

«lhm«4ftsd !«fr V H % 4R«ftiRr: I Sid. Eau. 

$ 655-659 ] Syntax. " 303 



That venerable Hari is my refuge wlio despatched the 
■enemies (of the gods) to the next world, explained the meaning 
•of tbe Vedas to his (followers), made the gods drink nectar, 
taught Veda to the Creator and seated the earth (made it rest) 
on waters. 

*fcrf% f ft »HWrar he makes the devotees see Hari; srsrofST 

§ 656. The primitive subject of the verbs f and |r, of srftn^ 
and ^^ when used in the Atm. is either put in the Accusative 

or tbe Instrumental; OTOrft qhT*tiV*r *[*$ £*$* VT 3*3^ he 
oanse* the servant to take or w*ave a mat; srf^qT? ?% fsNcf 
%$ *TrK H^JW 7T °e makes the devotees bow down to, or see, God. 

The Instrumental Case. 

■ J. 


§ 657. The Instrumental case primarily expresses either 
the agent (when the construction is passive) or the instrument 
or means by which an action is done; tr? irr^PT aTSTRtfT TO? 
WFrefraffq 1 thou wast disrespected by me, not knowing thy 
greatness. n^TT *rr°fr W<St «f*ft 

(a) The instrumental is also used adverbially; sr^^r V^MN? 
lovely by nature; jn%T ^r%^»: he is almost a ritualist • ijftvr 


Tr^T Gftrgya by family name. 


§ 658. The root ft^ <to play' however governs the Aeon- 
eative or the Instrumental of the instrument used; srsf: ^T 
STSTT^ ^wtfs He plays at dice. 

- ; 

§ 659. When the accomplishment of an object is to be 
expressed, the Instrumental of words expressing the length of 


time or space required for it is used; H^ ^f^T ^ TTWWn the 

{portion was studied by him in a day or a Eos a. ( i. e. by going 

over it). 

304 Sanskrit Gbakxab. [ § 660-665 



J 1 


8 660. Words expressing some defect in a limb of the 
body govern the Instrumental of the defective limb ; ar^JF 
sprar: blind of one eye , so qr^sf ^Sl* &c - 


§ 661. A characteristic attribute expressing the existence 
of a particular state or condition is put in the. Instrumental f 
srsrfl: 51W : &® * s an ascetio ( which is apparent y from his 
matted hair. 

8 662. The Instrumental is also used to express the cause 
or the object of an action ; y^r fET tffc: Hari was seen by 
( virtue of ) merit ; %srmr§T <piqffir thou art to be punished 
lor that fault ; arwprSNr <TCrft He dwells for the purpose of 

8 663. The Instrumental is used with words expressing 

the idea of:— 

(a) excelling j *gfa #IR rf# O^ 'w^ atfl one J T 011 
excel your ancestors in that (devotion ). 

( J ) resemblance, likeness, equality ; 5&^T ffireU*il4<lld 
resembles his father in voice, fa*$*rr ^V^t *ftt eqn*l to 

■i ■ 

Vishnu in valour. 
( o ) swearing ; TTOfaTSfsrr ■" 

myself -, *nPrgrf?r sftfaift I 

rd) rejoicing , being pleased, i&mf arc? TS*r39r*r*l 
j&gtffcr lam pleased with thee by thy devotion to your 
preceptor and compassion upon me ; OT^: SIST^Tn^ g«rffc 
a low person is satisfied veith little. 

V ) Motion (the conveyance or the part of the body on 
v/Mck a thing is oarried being put in the Instrumental case )r 
ife^C&i he mores about in a chariot, 

■■■..■/■/■) Price (Teal or metaphorical ) at which a thing ia 
nought V.qffr a&er: < bought for a hundred (Rs. or so).' 


g 664*665 ] Ststax. . . . S05 

§664. The following words also govern the Instrumental 
case : — 


. ( a ) Words expressing the idea of use or need, snoh as, f%, 
m*> *T&> ST^5T% and the like, and the root $• with f% used 
in the same sense ; q?fr faff 7: &c— What is the use of his 
wealthy who &o. ^Sfsr gjpf JT yfl^OTm -— 'Even the rich some- 
times stand In need of grass'. 

(6) The particles h@} and 3^ meaning 'enough'; HH" 
3f$|w, 'Enough of jour weeping ( do not weep )'; f$ *1W^F 
*Away with overpressing *' st*j is also used with a gerund $ 
W* sr«r«fT ^rsflT . ' Away with mis understanding 1 . 

F " 

CO Particles expressing * accompaniment ' such as I3rn& 
«f*fc 9fr> TO &e;; 8TTW BT% *PTr *fft ( Bh. YIII. 70 ), ^ ^rsii 

«nfcflr JTW: Bag. XIV. 63; stt^ ftroftr 'tf 'riMimR* 

6a. I. 27. &c. 


■ 1 1 ' ~ ' n ■ J _ ■ I ■ 

( (J ) Words meaning 'having or destitute of; 3m;gTfr>i|ffi : 
( Hfliqij Ufa trq°i: ) ' though possessed of wealth, 1 &o. qftvr 
'^j-sp ' destitute of wealth'. 

. .i " J 

Thb Dative Oabb. 

§ 665. THe primary sense of the Dative ease is Samprad&na 
V#w*pt). The indirect object of the root jrris called Sampra- 

- fJ 

dana { also the person or thing with reference to whom r or 
which an action is done ; ftsffV it WSlfk * He gives a cow to a 


Brahmana' j s^rir #ro?r 'prepares for battle', 

<v 7" — ... . T. -.-J 

,. (o) Bnt in the case of tbe root irsj^ the proper object « 
put in the Instrumental case and the indirect object in tip 

1 ~ 1 ■ ■ ' ■ ' 

Accusative ; Tgsrf tit^irit * He sacrifices a ball to Budra*. . 

306 &aitsk£t Geammab. [ § 66&-66T 


: § 666. The Dat. is used in construction with the follow- 
ing roots : — 
(a) ^ and others having the same sense suoh as ^^ &c. 

f C% *hl% *rt%: ' Hari likes devotion'. TSTCPT T writ 
( d ) The root WT3C, 'to. praise', sr 'to hide', $*jr 'to stand', and 

qq^fto swear', govern the Dative of the person to whom some 
object or feeling is to be conveyed; *ftfV f^r*T $rr^-^-ftT5%- 

OT^ *r 'A. eowherdess flatters Krshna or apparently conceals 
her feelings from him or waits for him or swears before him'; 
but n^4 Wl^ H^ ' A minister praises his king'. 

1 j 

(c) The person to whom something is due in the oase of the 
root 3" 'to owe', and the person or the thing desired in the ease of 
nv, are put in the dative oase :— f gjlre^ £ WTOTCT ^ 'You owe 
me two sprinklings of trees' (§».); §*$*?: *;$3ftr ^He longs 
for Sowers'. 

(<*) S»9L>£f» $«§and srgnzrand others having the same sense 
govern the Dative of the person against whom the feeling of 
anger, hatred, &o. is directed; f ^ Sf^^%-|wf^f-|^f?r-9T^5r% 
qrr { Sid. Kau. ) 'He is angry with Hari, or bears hatred towards 
him, or is jealous of him or finds fault with him' ( Sid. Kau. ). 
But grer and ^preceded by a preposition govern the Accusative 
ease } ftr W 3g»«n% ' 'Why do you get angry with me; f^r- 

■HWH&A<lf 5 ti5*a *ttfa ( Mu. I. ) * He always endeavours to do 
harm to my body*. 

(0 g with in% and an meaning ' to promise ' governs the 
Dative of the person to whom a promise is made after solicita- 

tn^k: I &id. Kau. 
§ 667,; The roat ?ft with -trft 'to hire as ra servant' &c 

■* ' 

:g 667-670 ] Syntax. §07 

■ L 


-optionally governs the Dative or the Inst, of the price at 
iwhich he is fated; *r%sr SRTPT ?T tf^Str: I #id. Kan. 

r ■ 

§ 668. The Dat. may be employed (a) to denote the 
fpurpofle,-for which anything is done, or the result to which 
anything leads or for which anything exists ; g^j fr ? f^ «r?rft 
^He worships Hari for final beautitude'; >jRMHM < h ^Hrl yj Hqft 
WR% *T ' Devotion leads to knowledge'; f^ $j5 < WO od for a 
4aorifioial post'; &o. 

(5 ) With the word f$sr ; jrrer*TC fW * good for a Brahman'. 

■ ' ■■ ■ ■ ■ i ^ 

( o) To denote the object of an infinitive of purpose when 
not actually used ; if&qt *rff% '•- *- ( <frSri% affljS ) goes for 

LB a 

i( in order to -bring ) fruits. 

. - - - 4 

( d ) And further to express the sense of the infinitive of 

7 . ... 

•the same root; srpfra iTffil 'goes to perform a sacrifice'- **P7T* 

^prrflfar ( Ra ?- J - 7 ' ) 'Who had amassed wealth in order to 
\give it away'; &c. 

- ■ ■ h i n 

§ 669. The particles spp, ^ffcr, Wff and are* meaning 'equal 

fto, a match for' govern the dative ease; fjtj} TV fjprt 'Bow to 
rthat Sambha 7 } ir*rp-qY twfc 'Hay it be well with the subjects?' 
WT^nm r 'This offering to Agni'j t*^**'*^: artf 'Hari is a 

■ i l ' 

r ■> f 

match for demons'. . 

- ■ ■ - . L \ ■ *- 

( a ) But when fr is ttsed with to:, it becomes the principal 
verb, and therefore governs the Accusative case; HH^flfiV 
^tj^ *He bows down to the gods'. . 

(J) Words having the sense of ar£ such as ir*;, »&, 
j^r: &o. and also the verb srgr are used with the Dative} 

§ 670. With verbs of telling, such as <ro, ^ny *f*r ^*t 

.308 Sansk?? Gbahhab, f§ 670-67$ 

ftftf can. &o, and of sending snob as $ with % 3^ with fajj. 
Ac the Dative of the Indirect object is used} ^^fiftn 1 'Haying; 
told his precentor'. $«& ^fa; fa^e: ijf^ m A messenger wa* 
sent to Baghu. 

The Ablative Case. 

S wi- 

j. no prtutupai seuae ox cue Amative case is STTWT 

01 < motion away from *; hence the noun front which the* 


motion, real or conceived, takes place is put in the Ablative- 
case ;,iinn*r*rftr 'He comes from a village '; qroformfft: 'He* 
falls down from a running horse'. 
J! 672. The Ablative is used with-^ 

(«) Words having the sense of ^gc«r 'dislike', fau* 
'cessation, pause', and spjrj ' swerving from'; HN I ^|4 i l 'He- 
hates sin'; sfrfcft ftfrRr 5 mfsfennomc' (Meg. I. ) 'careless 
failing in the discharge of the duties ( of his office ).' 

( 5 j And words expressing fear or protection from fear $, 
^ftntHffi 'She is afraid of the thief; tots: Wr%. 

(a ) That from which one wishes to hide oneself is also put. 

in the Ab. 3<ri%*rer*^pNr f*3Wfr jf He hides himself from, 
the preceptor. 

■i ■ 

F t 

( d ) That from which one is kept off is also put in the* 
Ablative; mmftmqft 'wards off from sin'j a&wfj- ajf WstfSr 
'He ' keeps off the eow from barley'. 

5 673. ( a ) In the case of f^r with W the thing unbearably 
is put in the Ablative case'; si^ ^Hi^HHTq fr ' He finds study 
unbearable or difficult'. 

:' (5) 'The teacher from whom something is learnt regulars- 
is put in the Ablative ease; Wf^Mff*^ 'He learns from* 
the preceptor'. 

§673-675] Syntax. - 309 


(e) Similarly the original causa in the case of *c% to be 
born, and the source in the case of q; are put in the Ablative; 
•HIV SWF: sfJTRPft The creation proceeds from Brahman; 
flprcrft TfT 9TOft The Ganges rises from the Himalayas; 
•^MltcfelqiPMUST From desire anger is produced. 


■(d) The place or time expressing distance is put in the Ab. 
-ease; the distance in space being put in the Nom. or the Loo. 
and that in time in the Loo.; **I^*rr$r %snf %rsf*r *r (Sid. 
Kau. ) the village is a yojana from the forest. 

a r 

§ &74. The words ife*, $?rc aud others having a similar 
-sense, the particles srrnqc/near ot distant', ^> 'without', words 
expressive of direction used with reference to time or spaee and 
■those derived from the rood st^ at the end of compounds, and 

indecUnables ending ia arr and srrf^ are constructed ^th the 
Ablative; ars^r f^W ftrcr *T florae, different from Kjshna. 

STTOaprra. near or away from the forest; nim«^ ^^PCi" 7T to the 
<east or the north of the village; srrf£ xr?*£?r TPTT^to the east 
or to the west of the village; STrwrr^T^ before the day dawned; 
^f^lT T^°*Tf^r WTO fco the south or in the southern direction 
-of the village; 3^KT OCTETS ( Bhatti ) to the north of the sea. 

(a) Words like srfft, vtttW> wftii ifWC, ■*♦,'<*> *•• ■» 

used with the Ablative; the first word may also be used with 

•adverbs of time; swrfiTrrsPitfi from that day; nn^ *m-5T?fa 
eince then. 

■■ - 

" - - - 

■§ 675. The Ablative is used with— .,.-.. 


" " J 

r . 

(a) The prepositions ar<T and qft meaning 'away from, wifch- 
<tnt', and %TT meaning 'as far as or including; comprehending/ 
«TT* <rft fsWiMt f€t tv: it rained everywhere, except in the 
country of Trigarta: «TT <rfttr*rctfal*f until the learned are 


L r 

S10 Sansk$? Geammae. [ § 675-6T& 


0) STRT meaning 'the representative of, in exohange for or 



giving in return f or'j jjgj-g: ^rsorpirf^ Pradyumna ia the repre- 
sentative of Krishna; ft$»*r: srf*rawgf?r Jrnt^He gives beans- 
in return for sesamum. 



§ 676. The Ablative is used with comparatives or words- 
having a comparative sense; *rf%flTnr^ 5TRHnf: %&Tt% the way 
of knowledge ia more efficient than that of devotion. 


r r 

§ 677. The indeclinablas s«?3j? , .fair and . wwr govern the- 
Ablative, fhe Accusative and the Instrumental cases; ^VRjL- 
^pn"fl r Tr *RT^, ^ *r^ en* different from or without B&ma. 

| 678. The words sft^ <a little*, bt^T a little ^r^?" 'diffiouUy 7 * 
when used adverbially are used in the Ablative or the Instru- 
mental} ^%^ *3ftro7 g^ff: let off with little- similarly w&&t 

1 ■ L - J J 

«T^Tn^R: ? ft^T f^TgT W* : ^ one w **k" difficulty. 

(a) ^ and srfsffSR and others having the same sense, are* 
used in the Ablative, the Accusative and the Instrumental 
eases; ifm&t |^ra^$t 3$°f *r away from the, village: so arf^ffTK 
W^f% «Tf^cTlR qr near the village. The point of distance* 
may take the Ab; or the Gen.; *rpn^-TOT ^T ^t £^- 

The Gehitive Case. 


§ 679. The G-enitive, as already remarked, is not a Karaka 
ease. It t therefore, expresses simply the relation of one noun to' 


another in a sentence, such as that of a servant and his master 
(a relation which is other than that expressed by a Karaka- 

# | * ' ' 

oase)j Tf%t gw:, ^srprimfrj %*q&t WW* *©.'ii»»4 even in those: 

- ■ - 

eases where the- G-enitive is used in the sense of other oases it 

■ " . ■*■'■ ■■- • ■■ • 

expresses simple relation or ^t^a? onlv j aa fa Vjf *TCTO5 *T§- 

§680-684] Syntax*" 811 


§680. Words ending in ^ and showing direction and 

r ■ ■* 

others having the same sense, snch as stffft j lM fi g K% , **%'•> 
aT9OT^> gen S*Wr^j TOTu> «i%, &c. are used with ^ihe 
Genitive ; wm% ffiTTtP, 3rTC*r: &o. to the south or the 
north of the village, &c. 

- - -"- ' - » 

§ 681. Verbs imply 'to think of, to remember', suoh as ^r 
with B?f«r 5 ' to be master of such as f ^ , ^ with sr, &o. and 

r ■ ■ 

'to have compassion on' suoh as fw , &c. govern the Genitive 

of their object. .sr*r*r3 fosr** *«-*l*til»H^ ^I(N : ( Ma'l. 4. ) 
The great king has mastery over his daughter ; TTTOTtf ST^HfrS 
fl*T HfTp ( &*■ H. ) I have lost all power over my limbs ; 
TOR? 33RPT* taking pity on Ra'ma. 

' § 682. "Words having the sense of fr^: *• »• denoting 
frequency of time, such as Rp, fSr:, trey^t &c. govern the 
Genitive of the time in the sense of the Locative ; TS^^T^ 
^rsnr^ taking food five times a day ; ^c# %$R, &c. 

"" ' n ' ' ' ' , 

§ 683. The Genitive is used subjectively and objectively 
with Krdantas or primary nominal bases derived by means of - 
the K*t affixes ( *. e a is used in the sense of the subject or the 

■ . A 

object of the action denoted by the Krdantas ); $s°TCS $fa : 
an act of Krshna *. «. of which Krshna is the agent ; spra: 


%&ft the oreator of the world ( which is the object of the 
action, denoted by the noun ^. ). 

' - - ' ' - ' . ' ' ' 

t a ) When the agent and object of the bases derived by 
means of Krt affixeB are used in a sentence, the object >is. put 
in the Genitive case and not the agent: 3TPS*i *Plt_ *H$f ^ftVi 
The milking of cows by one who is not a cowherd is a wonder. 

§684. With superlative* the Iioc. or the Gen. and. with 

312 SansSb? GeAMMAb. [§684-687 

words having the sense. of superlatives, the Gen, is used ; ^aff 

*5 *T 8IRTT: 4*.'! 3 4**faJ"lftmtt«fH l 3 (Rag- V. 4. ) the 
chief of sages, the authors of the Mantras, 


The Locative Oabe. 

§ 685. The place where an action tabes place with 
reference to the subject or object is called Adhikaran (*rf^3frc°r) 
and is put in the Looative case; 3ff£ 9tt$t sits on a mat; 

■ r ■ 

^TTPTt aftf^T T^fft cooks food in a cooking utensil; gpfr 
qpnif^r tells ( something ) into the ear : 4$t f*5T arftff, &c 


The Looative also denotes the time when an action takes 

h ■ 

pltoe ; fqrsrr^W Fmm *F$ ( Rag- n. 15. ). 

■ L 

(a) Verbal derivatives in f^ and having the sense of the p. 
participle govern the Locative of their object ; a^t&cft' m i ^Vfr 

*■ r ■ 

one by whom grammar is studied ; ijfnfr M^ljj^ by whom 
the Biz Angas were mastered, &c. 

($) The object or purpose for which any thing is done is 


put in the Locative case when the thing desired is intimately 
connected with that on which the action takes place, ^rft 
#faf *fN ( 3bh. ) He kills the tiger for his skin. 



• § 686; The Looative or the Genitive is used with words 
$!lf*r^ a master, fa, srf^Tfta l°"l>*TOpr an Heir, mf$%> ffflr$r 
a witness, and sqjr born for : qfti tftg- $r sspft the master of 


Mne ; gftrar: or gftsqf f*q*: the lord of the earth ; sftj int 
If JF^jn ffK? a cowherd is born for oows. 

■ H 

§ 087. The words STT^B and ^ntr? meaning 'appointed or 
charged with' are construed with the Locative or. the Genitive; 

i ' 

■Ifl^KS JTOft *T ff^prt" fftl?nTW *r appointed to worship 

§687-692] Syntax. 



4he performance of an act. 

- h ■ 

§ 688. When an object or an individual ia to be distinguish- 
ed from » whole class, the Locative or the Genitive is used; 


"( a ) The words *TS and f^T "a construed with t hejoo. 
^hen the sense of adoration is to be conveyed; nmft srrgf^fr 
^ reverentially disposed towards his mother. With the 
prepositions *$, qft and srft these are used with the Accusa- 
tive; «rr#5°it «rr nmt *ftr 1*3 it- 

§ 689. With the words nftrcr and 5ar*S3f the Locative or the 
Instrumental is used, sftRr^Gfflt *T *ft«TT f?fr *T "tent upon 
Hari; TOT tf**^ wfr rtW -W«hT«W A woman gets 
anxious ( or restless ), when her husbandjoes abroad. 

§ 690. Verbs having the sense of 'love, regard for, attaoh- 
wbWmh «-l*ti **^» ****** ^, &o, and their 
derivatives generally govern the Locative; flm -gV fa*rf* ft 

father loves his son; arfaf % «mftflft -*«5 (&• 1 ) I nave a 
sisterly affection for them-, vtf% WT (Mai. HI. 2) He takes 

pleasure in solitude; W **ftr "( Bhaft. I ) devoted to his 


§ 681. The root cr^ with ** <to offend' is generally 
•construed with the Locative and sometimes with the Genitive. 
*fif*rff* T*rif m*m *&*™ .famM*.** offended some 
-one deserving respect. 

The genitive and the Locative absolute. 
§ 692. When the action done or suffered by a person or thing 
indicates another action i. e. when the time of the happening 

814 Sansk$t:Gbambcar. 

[ £692-60* 

of the one action which is apposed to be known indicates that 
of the second action which is not known and which is deter, 
mined by it the Loeattve absolute should be nsed; %r pp*. 
TT§TO: He went away while the cows were being milked. 
yy 1 ^ the ni « ht ^8 ended; |r<fr irijfe^; W 
mm ^f%T whence can there be obstacles to our religion* 
ntes when thou art the protector of the good ? 

, ■ r 

§ 893. The Locative and Genitive absolute may be need to- 
express the sense of the EnglUh particles 'when, while, since 
although' & e . and may thus supply the place of a pluperfect 
tease :jrftw^r% ( Bag. XI. ) when he had departed; wfSrwr. 
! *!RWni<*i«if when the moonlight is quite dear, q-s; «*> 
IWlt 9^r: while they two were thus talkine 

1 6M. When contempt or disregard is to be shown, the- 
gen. abs.( and sometime, the loo.ab.)is nsed and may be 
translated by 'notwithstanding, inspite of > &o.; ^ ^ ^ 

3T*T ^r *T mxrftx >» <">nwd a reolnse inspite of his «on'» 
weeping; ^^, : f^,,^ fw, &0> 


§ 695. The Pronouns j^and p** hare no gender. (The- 
other pronouns follow the gender of the nouns they refer to > 
The shorter forms of these pronouns are not used at the 
begmning of a sentenoe or line of verse, they are also not used 

^mediately before the particles ,, „, f , ^ ^ aad ^ 

w l>«Wy^ and not ?r ww &o. 

l -j n. r 


§ 696-699 ] Syntax. • 8ft* 



and ought to be treated as such; ?wt% *rfa iW Tr*^5 y° a way 
also, go there. When respect is to bo shown, s^r and ^r ar£ 
prefixed to «r^ aooording as the person with reference to whott. 
ifris used is near, or at a distanoe or absent, aT^T^f ^SFT^TT: the 

j r ■ 

venerable KSshyapa ( who is near); yf*Tre# ajM^hfl^M'TCK 

H r " 

May you occupy ( lit. ornament ) this seat; *psr*T*r3" ITK?fr la<Ir~ 
Irftvatl ( who is not present V 



Section III. 

1 ■ " * ■ 

r a 

The Present Tense. 

J " ,^ . - - - 

§ 697. The Present tense shows that an action takes place 

■ ■/■'-■ 

of is going on at the present time; aj^HI-^ P? "*JrtT 3=T: he*e 


comes (is coming) thy son. 

■ ■ K 

§ 698. . The Present tense may farther be used to denote — (1) 

a ' r - L ' " n n " 

'immediate futurity'; qy$r Jlfts^Rr when wilt thou go? qT 
iT^ITH Here I go (»'. «. shall go); (2) an action which is recently 
completed: gffgj ^ H<H I « ,H iq fffr-3T *HHI*&tft r when didst tho^ 
come from the city ? Here I come t . *. ( have come just now )r 

■■'■■■. " ' " ." i : ■ ' 

(8) in narrations for the Past tense. ^|* sr^^cir^ the vulture 
says '"Who art thou' ? (4) and sometimes to denote a habitual or r. 

repeated action; trtg^^nA sfhfir- 

§ 699. With interrogative* the Present is of ten used i** 

the sense of the Future ftrqrtTft ». «- (vftv*rft).JE *T*Blft •• *• ■-.. 
(*rPWtft) What shall! do ? Whither shall I go ? 


--S16 SANSKtfc Gbahmab. [ §700-705 

J L 

* | 700. With the indeolinables arm «** W tho Prewnt 
expresses the sense of the Future; 4U4-9tlg4$% •• *• **** rise. 
§ 701. The particle ** when used with the Present converts 

it into a Past tense; srf^srftr W there lived; tfop SRTCft* 
tf^WPff^r** the citizens ran in hundreds. 

Impebfegx, Pbbpect and Aoeisx. 

§ 702. In Sanskrt there are three tenses denoting a past 

r ■ r 

: action, pis. the Imperfect, the Perfect and the Aorist. 
■Originally the Imperfect denoted an action done previous to the 
-current day, the Perfect referred to the remote past and was 
-used to narrate events not witnessed by the speaker, while the 

a h ■ 

. Aorist simply denoted the completion of an act, an act that 


* was done during the course of the present day. The three 

■ ■ L 

•tenses are now used without distinction. 

■i - _ 


§ 70S. In the 1st person the Perfect shows that the speaker 
'was in a distracted state of mind or was unconscious when the 

J r 

event took place, or that he wants utterly to deny something 

that he has done; ?$5r<Tf JjlWMiW TOlftr«ITC"(fe. XI. 39.) 

Being frenzied I prattled much, I am told, before him; erR*^- 

' <?TO: fifa, Didst thou dwell in the country of the Kalingas ? 

- f m£ *hirtf J l^HH X never went to Kalinga. 

■i r 

§ 704. The Aorist ought to be used when the idea of the 

• continaousness or nearness of an action is to be implied; ^rsj-- 


: W i wl*W q i (Sid. Kau. ) gave food throughout his life. 

r "i 

§ 705. The Aorist is used with the prohibitive particle iff 
-or nfw, the temporal augment h being dropped, and has then 

j ■ ■ 

- the sense of the Imperative; ^fr jrrt don't go; iff U**;: don't 
aigrievei 3ft ^riff; g*r: «f%Rt aever do so again. . 



j h - J .hn 

Jj.706-,708'] . SyhtaxI . . -Sir 

The Two Futubjss, 


. § 706. The difference between- the . two Futures is thia- 
that the First or Periphrastic Future expresses futurity not 
of this day, while the Second or Simple Future expresses- 
futurity generally as also that of to-day. It is also employed 
to denote repent and future continuous time; *%: iZrqrfe}. 

ftqw i -ft qforo qrererer *jgsqgr—( B. IV,) SakuntU will. 

go ( goes ) to-day. ^rra^talW ? l&f*t He will give food 
throughout his life. 


( a ) The simple future also expresses hope, intention &e., or - 
bo me times gentle command} q^j^f*; antmft. ^ir I wish ta- 
ofEer a sacrifice; H *n*K 5K R «gr% then you will do it. 

The Imperative Mood. 


§ 707. The Imperative Mood does not express merely com- 
mand but also entreaty, request, a blessing, courteous equiry^. 
f gentle advice, ability, &o. ir*ff (?#) 9943? Go to Ku|umapura^ 

■ L 

OTCTTCT^ Oh God! forgive my faults, &c.-^?|qf^ n^^C serve* 
your elders; gffr * I «**W< 3 Please, be thou my messenger^ 

qsf^r: mmril <wa Ma y Iain P oar do * n in time > 3*" 

fj»Wnq WH I Wt i -V^SftT gW**fr<Wg W* I request to teach- 

W ■ L L *r 

my son. 

Thh Potential Mood- 

J u. h 

- - ■ ■ 

§708. The Potential Mood expresses the sense of direction- 
or command, pressing invitation, leanest, courteous ena^uirjr,- 
and prayerj^SlW one should perform a sacrifice; f? *m*.3J$r3 
Tour honour should take food here; <£W*Uim3|4l4K you majr 
teaoh my son (as an honorary duty ), f% ^r^CTtfcffa m *H%- 
What,ohP shall! barn the "Veda or logio f" 

tsi8 Sansk£t Gbakmab. [ § 708-712 

■time', the potential participle may also be used for the 

H ' 

h L 

atential; HWf TOS**? *<V 

, L 

1 L 

(6) The Potential o* the Potential may also be used 
L..a s ***** rt f ftaniiHlitv ia imnliedi wri* ?* wfc: or qngSTOr 


^ajj: thoncans.t (art able to) carry tne loaa; 

§ 709. When words having the sense of 'wish*, such as ^, 
-%^&c are nsed the Potential or Imperative is used; f*BTf*r 

Stf M ^ «HI* ( Sid. Kan.) I wish your honour will 

-drink Soma. 

The Benedictivb Mood. 

§ 710. The Benedietive Mood is used to confer a blessing 
-or to egress the speaker's wiBh : ^ 3fts*rr^*r«ra; may you 

:iiv« toogi : -n^ ^^ 

The Ookdepcokaii. 

I-' "* " * 

" ■ ' r l 

6 711. The Conditional is used in the conditional sentences 
:in which, the Potential may be used, when the non- 
performance of the aotion is implied or in which : the falsity 
■ of the antecedent is involved as a matter of fact. It expresses 
i both future and past time. It must be nsed in both the nnte* 
^sedent and the consequent clauses} gfft^»n?«iTWrr 
w^ppj^^If there would be plentiful rain, then there 

.«™U ha abundance of corn? nf$ «*lWl*W«^^r*?ra*f*W 

„*^t^f^^^ f**ft^ Hadst thou stained (whieh tho* 
>Wj& B ot) the sweet fragrance of her breath, would you have 

Ma any liking for tnls lotus r 

/;■*&.■*■* *w: The Participles. 

-.- ± 

^V 4 L 


-ifep& AU declinable participles in flanskyt partake of th* 

§712-718) Syntax.* 319 

nature of adjectives ( see § 637 ). They are largely employed 
to take the place of the Fast and Future tenses and moid 
•especially of passive verbs. When so employed they follow 

the same rules of syntax as are laid down for the roots from 
which they are derived. 

§ 713. The present participle is to be used when content- 

■i 4 

?poraneity of action is to be indicated. It is often idiometically 


used to express the sense of * while' or i whilst ' in English * 
«R*?I 'TOC while wandering in the forest ; fq^Tf^lj^ f%%RT 
ff» While he yet wore the marriage string. 

§ 714. The roots str^ and ^rr are generally used with 
■present participles to show the continuity of the action denoted 
t>y them ; <R[«ff ^ §3% STTC% used to kill animals. 
■ § 715. The use of the perfect participle is very limited - 

it is used in the sense of 'who or what has or has been done;' 

W j 

■^-^fartW sfirftTOi ^ bim who had halted in the vicinity of 
the city. 

§ 716. The past passive participle is very frequently . used 
-to supply the place of a verb ; sometimes in conjugation with 
the auxiliary verbs ar^ and *r ; the past passive participle 
agrees adjeottvely with its object in gender, number and case, 
the agent being exaotly like the verb in past tense ; tfr grpsT 

, j 

r ■ ■ 

^rlt by him the work was done; ^rr€ gnwi^-he.-dld the work; &o . 
§ 717. In the ease of past passive participles of intransi- 
tive r6ots the agent is put in the Nominative case; *r$r 3ftf$$)r 

■ L - 


^mr^RTf then the king of demons wept ; ^*2f ^cfftwr: &o. 
§ 718, The future participle is used in the sense of the 

r ■ 

simple future ; grf^arw, going or about to do : tffftcqvrra about 


-to do or what is about to be done, trgq^nt 3l*RPPTraC wish- 
ing to follow the daughter ot WHSge. 

320 Sansk&t Grammas. [§719-72^ 

§ 719. The Potential passive participle is need in the- 
sense of what should or ought to be done; besides this, this* 
participle yields the aense oi 'fitness, obligation, necessity^ 
capacity', &o. 7 the agent being put in the Instrumental ease f 

■jfffcWTfH^I fTOT STfftpf sjrffalT 7 011 ought not to make this 
attempt which involves the risk of your life- iq$; vigB&ffaz 

religious duty ought to be followed ; &o. 

j ■ ■ 

■ . ■ I . 

§ 720. The neuter forms avftftn? rod vrfstf are used imper- 

■ ■ ^ i ■ 

aonally in the sense of 'being/ or 'what must be or in all 

m ■ 

probability is', the noun or adjective coming after it being in 

the Instrumental case : *nr %Trift *K^H TfctRt there must: 

J ■ L 

be some cause. 

■ u. 

S 721. The past indeclinable participle in Sanskrt corres- 

ponds to the participle in 'ing/ having the sense of the- 

perfect participle in English } f^ w&n fa&m haying said 

he stopped. 

The Infinitive Mood. 

- * 

§ 722. The Infinitive in Sanskrit generally expresses the- 


purpose or that for which an flation is done and thus corres- 
ponds to the infinitive of purpose or gerund in English. The- 


infinitive in Sanskrit thus involves the sense of the Dative* 
and may, if desired, be replaced by the Dative of the verbal 1 
mouh derived from the root ; TpfoCTra *«HI*HI«»dL went to 
the Yamunft to drink water; here jjt^ may be replaced by qRTO 


■ ■■ 



■ ■. 

Pre.-Present; Impera.-Imperative; Imp.-Imperfect; Pot.— 
Potential. Pert— Perfect; F. Fafc.-First Future; Fufe.-Second 
Future; Con.— Conditional; Aor.— Aorist; Ben. — Benediotive- 

Can.— Oausal; Des. — Desiderative* P.— Parasmaipada; A. 

Atmanepada; U.— Ubhayapada; Pass. — Passive; Pp. — Past 
passive participle; Inf.— Infinitive. G-er. — Gerund ox indeo. 

p. in w « q, 


STB^, 5 ft 1 P. to reaoh, to pervade", to accumulate; Pre. 8 
Sing. wvftRT—«T«r?r 2 Sing. ar^Wt—^fftr 1 Sing. 

.-nwrwe— arrsn*;. tape", srrvfrg— «*?;, 8T9g/$— wit, 
*m*rrt-sr$rf ?*r ; Pot. «T^n^-HSg^ wivn^Tsn, 

W5SK— M$ftC*. Per* amTSfT F- Fat. arf^-^rcr Fat. 
«Tft«^%— ar^rffT Oon. arrflrwra:— «rim£ Aor. sm^ 
( W%|ET'9t— snsm 8*d Dual anf^:— HTS:3rdPl.).Ben. 
sr^rr^ Des. STfaf^fiKatfWft. Pass. Pre. arvrVAor. 
8Tn% Can.— Pro. arflprw— % Aor. ^f^^;— jt Pp. a*^ 
Ger. srf^rr — 3T§T Inf. 3T%!& afptr 

«T|^-.P:re. arft P«r't 3TPl$ F. Fut. arffflr Fnt. ar^rt Aor. 
S..6..G. 21. 

822 Saxsk^t Gbakma-b. 



9TO 1 P. to go, to worship; Pre. Sfg^fa Peri. anTOI F. Fut. 

arf^nr Fut, ari^rar% Ben, h**T^ ( may he go ), ar^nq; 
( May he worship )* Aor. arn#3. Oon. arr^T^T* 0att - 

*ra*m— % Dea. arftafro% Pp. atf^r, arW Ger. arf^^r 

or srec^r ( when it means to go ). 

BT^r 7 P. to anoint, to decorate, to go; Pre. 3TCI% Imperf. 

srnr^-*r Iropera. ; ar=T*I ( a?^f^ 2nd sing. ) Pot. arssa^ 

Perl srrTO F. Fut. e*fw~- aT^r Fut. srfowrit, 3^1% 

- Oon. 8Trr%«?ra:, *n^$*ra; Aor. atreft^ Ben. STS^Rt B® 8 - 

sT^f%^i% Pass, pro, yravft Aor, arrf%r Oau. Pre. arsraftf- 

ST-a^ Aor. arrf^srg;-^ Pp. arw Ger. arf^wr, anF?aT,«r^r 

- * , -vS 1 - 

QT1 1 P. to roam, to warider; : Pre. arsf?* Perl axf* F. Fut" 
aTftffl", ^Fut. 3^wr<% ;AoT.aTf#^Beii.3Tsrr^ Dea. affa£tf$r 


r _ ■ 

«TT4. A. to breathej Pre. «roaft-Pert srr^ F. Fut, arft?rr Oon. 

9^ 2 P. to eat; Pre. a*% Imparl 3rd & 2nd sing, arr^, W?: 
Perl arr*;, sr^F/Fut.ST^rrFut. am«n%OoD. aiT^Ao*. 

arra^BeB. snrrt G«n;— Pre. arr*«(t3so arra:«rr?r 'a?^- 

^^r ^ frroft Pass.— Pre. arait 

Pert arft— *r«lj- Aor. %rrfi Pp. sr**, arer (f ood) Ger. sfrrtsr. 

a^ 2 P, to breathej to lire? Pre. arftfo lap. arrsft^, arrc^Perl. 
str F. Fut. arftar Oon.. arrf^^q; Aor. arpff^ Ben. an^RC 
Dea. a^fa^ Oau/Pre. aTPHTtiHt Pass. Pre. gp*i% Aor. 
arrfflT P- p. st^RT/ 

sr^ 4. A. t live- p^^^ Per.aTr%.F. Fut. arf^ir sams 
as war. 

* &&§ in the flense of «to worship' does not crop its nasal 
fcef ore weak terminations. 

Dha^ittkosha. 823 

3T^ 1 A. togoj Pre, snrcfe with to— q?rra% Pert sn^F. 
Fut. Sffajr Aor. atffag- Ben. stfSrqfite Des. STfaSresT Pass. 
Pre. srti^r Aor. arTR- Oan. Pre. qflpraft-^ Aor. snfaSRC-flr 
P« P» aTRH. 

«r4( X P. to woraMpi Pre. gr^fa Per*, stpt* F. Fat. ^f%9T 
Fat. ST!^r«rftr A or; arr^ Ben. a^^Des. 4rf%f^r<T|% Oau. 
Pre. *Hr*ftH* Aor. 5rf%^-tf Pass. Pre. h^ Aor, 9TTf% 
Pp. bt^T. 

?9T^ 10 U. to woiship; Pre. 3T^Tf^r-% Per*. aT<faT*qw7-*rrcr~' 

'wm-^av. Fut. ar^Timr Fat. sr^Wft—Sr Oon. 
■»*r*Wi**?t-flr Aor. srrBr^-s Ben. arofg ' irvfaqfe 

Des.- 'irft*rft*ft-it Pass. Pre. &r«|t Ger. sr^Ptfr. 

■ L 

T3T^ 1 P. to procure, to take; Pre. ar^fi* Petl. SffPnf F. Put. 
arSmr Fat. arfWfa Aor. snsfr^ Ben. »r«*ftt Des. 

arf§rfW«rf% Oan. Pre. sr^sfftt-trAor. gcnfSrsf^ ff P.p. srfSm. 

^T^ 10 A. to request, to beg. Pre. 3r«f*«J Perf. spfanssfc P. F. 
ST<ffa<rr Fut. 3ftrfa**lr Aor. arrfoflr Ben, W4f^«frS' Des. 
arfSureqe* Pass. Pre. w4§ (also, 3T*jfart) Aor. ajrf^ 
P. p. arftTtT 

*r%* 1 P->o go. to beg; Pre. sftft Perl grrsrf F. Fut. stffffr 
Oon, aflfS'ttr^ Aor. arrfr^ Ben. a?^ Des; a?f§f*nrf?f Oau. 
Pre. srr&ffiMJ^fgvw Pass. Pre. zmk Aor.srrft 
P. P- at^cT ( Witf asked? anrar°f near X 

■ ' ■" m I ■ 

t«t^ 10 XT. to injure, toburt. Pre. 8T%*rft-^ Peri ari^rraraTt -*b. 
Fut.ST0^«tfir Aor. anf^-^ Beb. awfi^, »T$ft%s De*. 

" n <.. ... » . 

..-■■-.- •"*: ..;•■■ 

' -- 

asTg IP. to worship, to desert*? Pre. Mpjjft Perf. «nsif F. Fut. 
- srfilOT Ow. sfr^sira Aor. arjngfa Ben. ar*rfet Pes.^ 
> «Tf§fiOT^ P**s. Pre, ar&« Aor, arris; **• P- *ifiht . 

324 Sansk?x Gsammak. 



-«rf -10 IT. to worship; Pre. arfafa— % P«'. mhl^W— *TW 
- sgsffTC— n$ F. Fat. ST#%«rr Aor. nrfr^—s Ben. njjfcr. 

«r$ft<ft? Des. arf§rf$*f*-% Pass. Pre. H*fr Aor. wrft 

P. P- STftrT- 

«r^ 1 P. to defend, to protect, to do good to, to please, to- 

a r 

know ( and a variety of other meanings ). Pre. areft Perl. 
srr*F. Fut: **f*aT Aor. grrff^ Ben. ars?mi Oau. sfrarrfa^. 

% Des. wf*fa«rf*r Pass. Pre. sr^& Aor. snfe-'P. p *rffcf. 

4 ■ 

«pf3t 6 A. to pervade; Pre. 3T5f*T Perf. arr*T% F. Fut. srftrar 

stct Fut, «iftra%— «nn% Oon. srrftrofl, wwr Aor.. 


SHlfSTff-^Trcr Ben. s*s#£-3Tfa*r?S Oan, Pre. Hnff*fa-% 

■ L 

Aor. wftrer^-g .-Dei* »Tf%rflrT% Pass. Pre. ST^r Aor.. 

*rrfa P.p. 3TC ..Gkr. •ifin-T STft. 

"I r - L L J L ■ 

ww 9 P. to eat; Pre . ar^nnr Impera. 2nd sing. 3TSTR Perl, ixr^r 
F. Fat. srftmr Aor. w^ffa Ben. 3T5ST< Bes. arftrfifl^fifc 

P. p. srftra Ger. irftror. 

w*r2P.tobe; Pre. s^fe Impera. 2nd per. fling, jrf^f Perf;. 

vg^» F. Fut. *riW Fut. w*rfa &o. 

' F 

^-4F. to throw; Pre. arerfa Perf. stt^ F. Fnt. arfotnr 
Oon. •nf^PC. Aor. snW^Ben, src*rq;Des. "T%f%*rlT Oau* 
Pre. wfOTfa— % Aor. srr%9^-« Pass. Pre. STWff P. p. 

■ l i i 

w^ Ger. srf^ff °* *m*T Inf. ai?fc£, 

-..■■'■■■ 3ff — . . ■ ■ 

■ r 


- i r ■ 


. _ F 


npr&F. to pervade, to obtain; Pre. wrtrfjlr, wffltfo smftftT 
1st, 2nd & 3rd sing, (sw^?: 1st dual. *TT^f^T 3rd pin- > 
Imperi-3TBfra 3rd sing. irnrsw 1st sing, wre?* 1st dual,. 

* afcis substituted for 3*^ in the non— oonjugational tenses,. 

Dha'tukosh^. 325 

r a a 

3rd plu. sncf^. Imperat, 3rd sing. STTSfh? *■* *kM5. 
smrerfSr 2nd sing. HT^ft 8'd Plu. STreg^S" J Pe*l sjPTP- 

Pu6.arnn'Ptifc.aTn^m%Oon.aTrcwq:Aor. stpt^Dw. fegffc 

Oan. Pre. snroriHI A or. arrffir*— ft Pp. «?Ta Ger.ane^l 

«m[2A. to sit; Pre. srreT Perl atfSR^— ar*«T—3Trcr P- 

Fut. arrflrar Fnt.'mfiw% Oon. Hrfa**^ Aor. sttRtb: 

Ben. arft^fc Pass. Pre. STTW% Oau. Pre. WEraft des- 

vnftftrift Pre - P- *n^r ?. p- nifta 

f IP. to go; Pre. snrft Imperl afr^ Perl fqro F. Put. 
gOT-Fat, gcqra Oon.q;*^ Aor," $4^ Ben. fSsrracDes. 
ftfjrefa Oan. Pre. smptft— ^ Pass. Pre. ih^ Aor. arrl** 

Pp. f*. 




fJB. P. to go ; Pre. gft Perl $irr?r F. Fut. <r?|r Fat. jrcqft 
Oon. §«^ Aor. 3T1T3:. Pass. Pre. fqft Aor, afirrfo CUa. 
Pre. -vp^fe-ft ( with srfsr, sisirr«r*rfli— *t ) Aon gr jfkfl^-?! 

Des. MiftqRr ( with srf^f — qRMHWWi P. p. ?*. 

r *■ 


* with arr? 2 A. to frtndy ; Pre. 8T^J% Perl srflr^ F. Put 

•r^ir Pnt. arUr«n% Oon. sn-^iftos— ^tera Aor. vp*. 

*fte-ar£s Ben. aps^e. Pass. Pre. ar^V^ Aor. spannfa 

.arwn^r ( 3rd dnal. sr^w^^rar^- 3T^WhmR[. ? s^'TT- 

-'Anranti spSteranO F. Put. ar**rf^— w$*ir Fut. 

far*TO— 8?*%*^ Ben. STwtrftnftsr, an^ft* Oati. Pre. 
■■■WNWft Aor. gp>*|f^/9rw^*nra; P. p. ST^RT. 


fw 7 A. to shine, to kindle ; Pre. £5% Perl f7tff3Ef$a' — 9WS- 
"*$* F." Put. ffNSF Fnt- ffN**t Oon. ^fSimv A 
%fcjeBen. » fMfe Des. ff»*ftrt% Pass.-Pre. raw A 


■i , 


^* Can. Pre. f s^f^— % Aor. ijfi^-— s Pp. f^ Ger. 
I &*m, ^^ Xni f fag* 


f^6 wish j Pre. f«5fr -)?«£fivF,-^.f«iH{f^fir 

f ^4 P. to go, to spread; Pre. f«*f*r J Fut. <?ft«$ffir Qjwl $Stant~ 
Aor. foftq Pea. ij fa ffrM R i Ben. f**^ Pass^Pre. -*<«& 
Aor. $fa Oaa. Pre.— 4yq^--.% Aor. 3"fa«P£— tf G** f gTr 

Sffcsr Pp. f *. 

L _ r ■ - 1 - ■ i * 



J^ I A. to look at, to see ; Pre, f$r% Perl, f OT^-TOMrrer 

P. Pat. ff^nrr Fnt. fflr^ oon. Sftrsara Ben. fffcnte 

Aor. §fgre Can.— -Pre. fgrafa— % Aor. Ifflra^v - Pes. 
tftf^TT% Pass. Pre. &*ft Aor. ^r Pp. ff&S G«r. i%«rr* 


$£_ 2 A. *o praise ; Pre. || Imperf . 2nd pi i^ Impera. 2nd 
Sing, fffccgr Peri &5T3N?— ^T— 3TRT F, Fut. ffaTT Fat. 

ife^ Con. l^ftanr Aor. ^^ fien - tft^fte Pass- P«> 
f*ftr Can. Pre. fe^fa-?* Aor. $flr^-*r <3«*. ff^*r 

***■ ifei* Pp. i^Rr- 


fs? 10 XT, to praise Pre. f^^ffa— % Put. jsftmft— % Aor. 

Ben. f^ftt? S^ftuflH Des. ^f&jftqft- 

f«£ 1. P. to envy ; Pre. fcfRr ?«*• fsqfeairrc &e. Put. fl^«rf% 
Aor. jtstftP.p-ifiqv. 

fa$ A. to command, to rule, to possess j P*e. |% Perl, f m^ 

— «ffier-W^T. F. Fut. ff^rr Fat. f ftrwr% Con. ^fc*TO 
. Ben. $ f^Rre" Aor. §f%e Pass.— Pre. f^ir% Aor. i£ftr 

„ Can.— Pre. f^rofft— IT Aor. ^r^— ?r Des. ffcrftrqt 


J ■ ■ 

■ L 


% 1 A. to aim at; Pre. $*% Perf. fffga%-gq W -^^ P. Put ft 
fl^rr Fat. Jfiparer Oon. %ffc«m Aor. .tyj|g Ben. ffHteDes. 

^ i?^tf^% P» tt - P".— f^fft-^l Aor. £r%^-g P. p. ff^ti* 

DBA'TJJKOSim- £27 


«^ 1 P. to sprinkle, to wet; Pre. ^m Perf. ^TT^UR— 


*r$j— 3Trt P. Pat. ^Unr Put. g-r%<*ri% Oon sfrffc*^ Aor . 

afhft* Ben. 3$*^ De3. sfaftrqfr Pp. *%*. 
3^1 P. to go, to move; Pre. afterflr Imperf.afo^Perf.*^ 
P. Put. sftftsTCrr Fnt - sftftn^tf^ Oon; srH^ra Aor. ajtefar 

Ben. to^ Dei. sfrf^fe^T Pass. Pre. 3*gat%0au. — 

Pre. siterefa-* Pp. srtf^r, gf^?r. 

35f[ 6 P. to abandon, to avoid; Pre. 3531^ Perf . 335$rr33HifT— 

arw-Hsr^ P. Put. sfergr Pot. 3f%sr*iflr Oon, *ftt%ir«*ns: 

Aor. ift5#^Bea. ^^fig^ffi Pp> 

3* 1 P; to burn, to punish, ; Pre. affafa P«ri. 3*fTT, aftarwn* 

■ r ■ 

—*Tra— 3P£T P. Put. afjprar Put. arrftpRrfa Con. arif%rc*^ 
Ben. ^jff^Aor. afi^ Ppl sftf«ro, Sftpj, Ger. aftfttCT* 

3»$ 2 U. to eover, to hide ; Pre. 3r>flfa, s^ftfir, 3j£?t Perf 

3»*fnr-5TT, sr^F- Put. srfftm, 3rcf*ttr Fut. *& 

f^Rhfr ^fa^fa— % Aor* sft$#^> sfi"rWfa.» aft^far , 

afl^ftftj BU^jfig" Ben. 4t£<mdCf ^4fWte o r ^^NrsftH Oau.— 
Pre. ^mfaqfa— % Aor. sft^-^r Pmb. Pte.-g?^r 
P«f. 3^*$ Apr. atHft P. Put. gp^rgr, ipSfffarr or 
3^Ff^fT Ben. g^frsfrs'* gr^fifasfte", ^"iftftftg Oon. ajtf- 

■ft^w, s+Hlfamd? s?)ijfa«t*i P- p. arijsr Qq*. 3sf -4-f*rPw- 

■ j 

3*3 l A. (sometimes P. ) to conjecture, to reason, to 

. infe* Pre. 3^% Import sft^ Perl ^ft^ir &e. P. Put. 

3jftHT Put. ^sqfii Oon. aftf^Pt A<w. sitffcS Ben. 

328 Sanskbt Geammab. 


Sft^fe. Pass.— Pre. gr$nT Aor. wtft Oau.— Pre. ^qqfd- 

% Aw. iltnnnt- 1 * p P- Sift* Ger ' *>fin*r. 

■i ■ 

3£ 1 P. to go, to get, Pre. qpsBfa Aor. srrsffa; ? Perf-STR P.Pat- 

qr, 3 P. to go; Pro, f^fS Aor. arrt^ S WJr Fat- 3TTC- 

«qft Con. *rrf^rt Ben. wfts. Pass .-Pre. 8**?$ Aor, «rrft 

Pert, wt P. i^t. Mftsr— *nft Fa*. «n^^— Blft^iw 

Ben. arrMrs-*r*e Oau. Pre. arfqft-^r < Aor. stfrq^-?r 
3>es. srftfarfa Pp. *ff5 Ger.^sj. 

a£^£ 6 P. to become kard, to fail in faculties, to go; 
Pre. s|t*Bfa Imperf. srr«&^Perf. STR^ P. Put. sp^ERrr. 
Fat. effffcgs^ Aor. grr^^ Ben. ^«easff^ Oau. Pre. 
5£*OTf*T-& Aor. artf^*^— * Des. aEf^ffcgSrtft Pp. 

1 l j r ' 

q^* 1 A. to grow, to prosper; Pre. ir^if Peri. q-tn^%— ^jq- 
— 3TRT P- Fut. iff^n" Fat iff^r% Oon, qrftcqv Aor.-.. fftg 
Des. qf^f^fa Ben. ^f^flc Pass.— Pre. ^wr% Aor. Sjfa 
Can.— Pre. ip^Rr— % Aor. §f^-H(r Pp. qftx. 


gjw^— 1 P. 10 U. to be anxious or eager* Pre. sKvsftr, 

L L H ■ 

35?^ 1 A. to praise, to boast ; Pre. 37*3% Perf, ^fc^ P. Put. 
gjfernT Pat. chR^^ft Oon. ajefcRtiMM Aor. arotf^rg 
Ben. asfferftff Des. Fbrasffcra*! Oau. Pre. ^sgr^r— ^ Aor. 

1 j 

'•wwrot— t Pp. .txffenr 

m 10..U. to tell; Pre. ajr*T*TfcT— % Perf . qrTOTOfflt &«- 

. "I 

• With OT-#Ptfr. 

Dha'txjkosha. 32* 

P. Put. swfaWT Put. spsrf^irfer— % Oon. ar^lW^^—^ 

g»*rft*te Pass, pre. q?t*% ( also qrarcq% ) P. p. srftm* 

3ff*T 1 A. to shake, to tremble; Pre, gi*T% Perl ^j*^ P. Fat. 
qrffemr Put- ^f*TMT% Oon. BfSRfNwra Aor. ST*tf*ra Ben. 
3»ffcT«fts Oau. Pre. gr*T*rr% ( alone ) Aor. SF^effnr^ D« 8 - 
fa^ri^Wft Pass. Pre. q?*% P. p. differ*, 

x ■ 

r ■ r 


^1. A. to desire; Pre. wmft Perf. «q-sfo S^riprrgg^j &c. 
P. Put. dg wft w> ^irPmr Pa*. «Plfrnr%, Vfcarit 0on - 

*rarFrf^**re, srsftfforer Ben. qrrnfttfte* *fa^te Aor. ar*ft- 


qj»r?r, vrntfnr Oau. Pre. qn ^q ft-fr Aor. sr^Nfrars, 

gr«r%, Aor. srarrft P- p. stfs <*«*. a^55rr-grr?^r ? «rafc- 

■ ■ 


^R3£'l A, to count; Pre- qr^ Perf. ^r^% Aor. srctfl*?, 

gjgr 10 U. to count, to consider &o. Pre. ^T^rfTr-tt Aor. 

srsrer&a;-^ Ben. ^vF^fa:* wwfWte Des.. PnBsfWMi 

P. p. tnftta- 

- ■ 


^yr|F 1. P. to desire, to wish; Pre, 3rT£f3 Perl ^T9iT|£ P- ^ ,nfc « 

^rf^Sr Fa*. 9tTf|p*m Oon. 8T5CT^«^ Aor. H^T^k Ben, 
^Ig^n^Bes. f%^r&<n% Pp. sfTT 

^T^ 1 & 4- to shine; Pre. ^na%> qfflR(«3l P«'. TO1$ P. Pat. 
grrRrar Put. artful* Oon. aTSJTffipE^m Aor. arorftrc Ben. 
SCTf^rfte Des. P5RTrfa«r% Oau. Pre. <ffrer*Tft-% Pms. Pre. 

3tpct% Pp. 4jirav' Go*. wiRw* snetot* 

j , 

■ ■ r 


qgf^ 1 A, to cough; Pre. qfrcc% Perf. SKrcrrgafe &e, P. Put; 

qnftrar Put. ^TfaroSr Oon. moA^w A6r # wra&ftrc Ben. 

qfrftrq'te D « 8 - 'N*lRlM9 Oau. P'o. ^fRRn^-% Aor. 

* Jr J 


$30 8a2*85$t Gbammab. 

■ 1 

gr 1 A. to sound; Pre. $rav} Pert. <^% F. Fut. sftpur Fat. 
^fi* God, H^RT^m Aor. wJSfe. 



^2 P. to sound; Pre. s^fg Per* . <gsRT* F. Fut. 5Rfar ^fe. 
^t*$fc Con. srefrezHt Aor. arohfo. 

^ 6. A, to sound; Pre. frofrPerl w$% F. Fut.^ir Aor. 9^9. 

$s 6. P. to curve, to bend; Pre. $*/% Perf. ■^ts F. Fut. 
ftf&tf Fut. a?fcB*i% Oon. sr^fe^ Aor. a?f^ Oau. Pre. 
3?te*r!§-% Aor. »T3|£sq>*r Bes. *^f^qf% Pp- yftw- 

r ' 

k*P. to be angry; Pre. ^c?jr% Perf. fasfa F. Fut. g&flrar 
Fut. s^ftctrft Oon. ftjthlft <**($, Aor. *t^T$. Ben. $t4Uq, 
Be*- , 59Kff*TTr% Oau. Pre. sfiFWfa^ Aor. ar^?g;-*r **P> 

r ■ 

H 9 P. to tear, to expel; Pre. greqiftr Perf. ■g^ft F, Fut. 
SRtfTOT Fut. q?fawrf% Aor. ar^fta; Pass. Pre. «p«Rt Aor^ 

■ ■ r 

, : 8T^f«r Oau. Pre. g£t*pa;ft-% Aor. . «re{f!>J^-fr *>ea 

^ehlfaiUfc *si*fa*rw P.p. ^Rw- 


$5 4 P. to embrace; Tre. ay**Rr Pert, ^tfftr F. Fut. aftftqr 
Pat. 3tt%«3!§ Oon. 34«&ft|t4^ Aor* s^gi^ Ben. g^WI<. 
Oau. Pre. sM^ Aor. ar*£*ia;-?r Bes. jgrj%qr% r 
w£tf%mf||} Pp. §rf%9. 

- u 

■ ■ l 

ff 8 17. to do; Pre. 3TCri%-^Ctt Pe**. <TOrT—- *Pfc F. Fut. g^ 

■i , 

Fut. 3ffftc*ji%— $ Oon. Sf^rfts^— g Aor. ar^n^ffa;— QTfl'V 
Ben. ftwrg;— $*«■ Pan. Pre. Mt Aor, »re»rft (3rd 

dual antfftwrra., Mfpsrera. )» &■ Fut/^^fgt Put- 

*RiR*«<3-$lirrRRfr Ben. 3m?qfe — f»«fte Oon, *ithlR«4<|— 
- /TOfctRr Oau. Pre. %r^|%— % Aor. ^^4^ g Dea" 
* flraWSfc-% Pp. aj*r &er. frw Ini qR§^. 

.f^-6 P. to cut, to divide;Pre. f^igr Pe**- *f«R# P. PnMsfiar* 

Dha'tukosha, 8817 

IT , 



Fut. vffictfRf Oojj, ST*ft«3i3 Aor. ar*F?ffo Ben. fraTRC 
Des. f%ran*n?i-pTfTOfir Oao.-,Pre. ^^ft-^t Aor. 

, &f *5F$3-s, ar^TlW^-W Pass- P«. ^^t Aor. qptft P P- 
g»g^7. P. to surround; Pre* ^[tJ other forms like those of the 

L ■ 

above root. 

fi^ 1 P. to draw, to pull* to plough; Pre. gpffrT Perf. *p$$~ 
F. Put. apgf, *sr Pat. SfiSfiftff, «mfa Oon. SHR*^ — 

«ms«ii^ Aor. 'mnffa> mmfc» arff^Des. f%frajRr 

Gau.- Pre. qf&ftNl Aor. 9^^^—^, ar^r^tfq^ Pass. 
Pre. ^r% Aor. •renffir.Pp.'$7 <?•*. VJT- 
$* 6 P. to pour out, to scatter; Pre. ^1% Perf. 4fgffTC F. Fat. 

r " 

9Tfajr> srtfar Fn*. stf^fa-gtftecftr Oon. ar^rf^ra:- 

r *■ 

ar^tf **$. Aor » «rarr<ht Ben. i$mf% Des. fe«ftYft Pass.— 

e».— *MRr- Oau. Pre. 3»rc:*rTfr— % Aor. irfhraHr Pp— 

sfr$ Inf. «ft-tHK 

r n 

£T 9 U. to injure, to kill; Pie. fr*rrf% $<fl$ Pe"ri."/TOfc n*pt 
Fut. qjft-ft-«3j$— % Aor, sr^rtk, 3T8FrR-ft-ff, STa^Ben. 

^frtra,, «hR*fi(K Des. f^ift- ft-qfifr%, fa*i*Sfir P-p- ^rt'- 

r "i l 

|?q 10 XT. to name, to glorify; Pre. «grfai%— ft Perisftfefsn*- - 

*%% F. Fut. sffrffttrr Fnfc. ^r*fif3farr%.-^ Oon. 94 *1 $Rt**id- 



Pasa. Pre. efit$it Pp. 4tffa« 

Vcpr^l A. to be fit for, to be able; Pre. chfrMH P«4. ^**-*l 
(' ■NWW . ^^5c%' 2nd sing. ) F. Fut. qr^nrT, *&m 
Fut. 9rfv*|ujti, 4h<M*4JHj 5*ec£Q]{T Aor. 3T3^<T3; sjcfaM&L " 


f*TTO*lfa Oau. Pre. ^Hjqfii- ft Pp; *OT Gen. 5Kf^T?Tr,* 

■ 3S2 SAHskfA Grammar. 




~&S*% 1 P. to cry, to weep; Pre. a»?ff?jr Perl *&&% F. Fut» 
thfcw r Fut. qn%w^r Oon. syafSaM^ Ben. f^nr^ Aor 
•TW*^ Oau. Pre. *fi5^r%-% Aor. aT^gj?^-?r Des. 
f^grf^«rft Pass. Pre, m**fa Aor. sTBR^f Pp. SRf^ST. 


■ , j 



g^ 10 IT. to sound or cry out continually; Pre. . a^q ffi — ^ 
Perf. ^VKmrar^gV &c P. Fat. jps^ftrgr Fut. ^fiimft 
-% Oon. sj4>*4 14 tiling Aor. sr^FF^-cf P.p. %pq|«(. 

■ , r ^ r 

1 L 

r ^3^ 1 TJ. &. 4 P. to walk, to step; Pre. mw% JETwfffc Pe**. 
•TOT* F. Fat. gtfirar Fut. ajf*t«rf% Oon. «r^R^^ Aor. 
srerifa; Ben. g^rst *>es. |%ajf?iqf% Oau.-Pre. jeTO%-% 
Aor. trfpfiift^r Des. HTSRf*rafo Pass. Pre. gp*^ Aor. 

arasf*r P.p. &t*g Ger. ^Rf^r, wr5^r, gs^*r. 

- *\ ■ * 

-^^ ( with grr)— Pre. aTfgffir^ Perf. 9Tr^3?> F. Fut. STPRSOT 
Fut. Bfrstift Oon. »rra»TOcr Aor. btt^cT Ben. $rr#&re 


aft 6 TJ. to buy, to purchase, Pre. SKprrfo aWft Perf. farayr* 
f%f%*F. Fat. &sr Fut. ifcc*ffi4t Oon. ar%^ -3 Aor. 
stM^j a^H" B©»- esters %%5" Des. f^rafarfrr-% Pass.— 
Pre. ^falt Aor. STSsflr Oau. Pre. gjrTOfa-S Aor. arfcuroi- 


r ■ 

J ■ II 


L ■ ■ 

^sSt^ 1 P. to amuse oneself, to play; Pre. i£fc1% P©**- f^TV 
F. Fut. ?fin%*rr Fut. sflf^rfa Oon. arifi^^ru: Aor. 
STS^a;Ben.^te*rra;Des. ftififMfc Pass.— Pre. gftnrc* 
Aor. vngtfe Oau,— Pre. g?te*tfir— % Aor. «ff*nstv$—« 
Pp? rtfaW.G®*. fcpft^cqi Inf. *i7W*g<. 

r ■ 

j ■ 


P. to be angry; Pre. iparfir Perf. *ppfa F. Fut. sfr^r 
Fut. a?Ns*fa Oon. stow^ Aor. srapra; Ben.^^r^ Pass. 
Pre. fw^T Aor. srafrfa Oau. Pre. strotfMt Aor. «Tg«<R( 
-H Des. gjja^Yst Pp. ^*f. 

Dha'tttkoSha. 333- 

r ■ 


1 P. to ory, to lament ; Pre. gjftrfa Perl - "5^T F. Fnt^_ 
fKfSr Put. wtetVfa Oon, «T^r^rqcBeu. $**r^ Aor. »?^rg: 
Can.— Pre. gfftraffr— ** Aor. M^^^ra;— BT Des, ffnffft 
Pass. Pre. s^jlr Aor. argftftr Pp> ^ff G-or, ggr Inf. 

1 & 4 P. to be fatigued or tired ; Pre. $m\rt, ^r*qfa Perl, 
n^nr P. Fnt. gffrgr Put. 3jf**sqf?r Oon. *rwflr«*g; Aor. 
arsf*^ Ben - W**r3. Oau. Pre. $»prf%-% Aor. srfa&Ri^ 
Des, f*s£r*rafa Pass. Pre. &nft Pp. $ro Ger. f^iftsr*- 

f^ 4 P. to become wet ; Pre. f|&«rfw Per! fa%f P. Put. 

sfcRsr* %^ir Fat. %^r^, l^r?^ Oon. *ri6ft?*3> »%«^: 

Aor. srf^f^ Ben. fuSTT^ Oau. Pre. jpf^ftHt Aor. 
.viMflftTO.Des. pElff -|rf^rf%, P*fg??*=rftr Pass. Pre. f$*j% 
Aor. *r%r%Pp. RgrT Ger. f|?f^r, wft^T, flFt*r la! 


f|g^ 1 P. to lament ; Pre. f|F?Et Per! f^fe^ F. Put. f^f^ir 
Put. fi&T***^ . Oon. arffcrfN^ Apr. 8?%?^ P.p. 

fe^ 1 A. to lament*, Pre. fe*& Per! f*rfi&5% P. Put, 
f^P^rr Aor. arfef^fB". 

4. A. to be afflicted, to suffer; Pre. ffp^ira Pet! farf&$ 
F. Put. ^ftjar P«t. l?ftr«*% Oon. ar«TO<*rer Aor. srilf^ff 

Ben.$3f^r?.Oau.Pre.|g-5rarfM* Aor. 9tf^%^-?r Dee. 

NflF-fe-ftRt Pass. Pre. Tm*ft Aor. arlgftr Pp. f|£ff, 


f|^ 9 P. to torment, to distress ; Pre. f^nf*T Perf. fa|r$r 

P. Put. t?flf&r> Isct F»t. sftrorRr, fe^^rfcr Oon. sr&r^rat 

8%$*rs Aor. MW#^ arfSSST^ Ben. fls5*jg; Pp. ft?ftRr r 

fer Ger. f^ft^rr fwfr. 

rol P. to boil/ to digest- Pre. srarffcr Per! ^pr P. Put. 


-'334 Sanskbt Gbammae. 

V frf^rar F^t.wftwrfi don. arijpfts^ Aor. srgrfr^ Ben- 

=-$r^ 8 TJ. to hurfc> to break, to kill; Pre. $rf|ftb Writ 
Impera. 2nd sing. ^, ^^ Perf ^r% *f$ft F. Put. 

isfim Fat. sgrfSt*^— % Oon. srgrf^jqr-sr Aor. s^pftq;, 

wgrftff, *w?r Ben, gri^i^, s^tf;* Dea. f^$f3nrffi-St Pp. 

■■■ . 3W" ' 

■■ " n ■ - " ■ 

F ■ ■ - . - 

; ^1 W" ^- *° Beil ^> to direct ; Pre. $TTOf% — It Perl. ^T^T^^flT 

F. Fut. $PTf*rsT Fut. $F<i^f?r % Oon. 8?^nf5rK^-?r 

Aor. ar^^-?T Ben. wilt, ^ft<fts Boa f^«iftri!rf?r-% 


- r ' ■ ■ ' " 

-3IH 1 A. to allow, to suffer ; Per. $.ir% P^rf. «q-$f% Aor. aT$t?fe 
ST^rF- Fut. ^ar/ ^r Fut..$fts*jfc, ^% Con. 

f*83T3% Oau.— Pre. ^f^T— % Aor. atf^ri^— a Pass* 
Pre. $**&■ Aor. wjft Pp. %$+$, Ger. ^fjfc^r, %1*mx Ial 

ri r 4 

■ i h 

r^ 4 P. to endure ; Pre. %*qft Perl ^§pr F Fut $ft«TT, $*ST 
Fut. gftrofa, $fc?fei Qon. aT3fa*3$— H^W8C Aor. HSTO^ 
Ben. «s*^T5 Dea. fcgfrqft . f*T$fofa Pp. $F3. 

" L ■ 

■ "i 

-:^r 1 P. to flow, to distil , Pre, #tf?j Perf. srgrrc F. Fut. grffcrr 
Fut. ^B^^rGon. BT^TC^^Aor. ar^f^ Des. rW^ft 

■ a j i & j. 

■ i i i L ■ 

..... ,,-...■ 

;^ wash, to cleanse, &o. Pre. $73-?%-% Perf. 

STTwqra*rrr-^ F. Fat. sm^i^sr Fut. qmw*qfa— St Con. 
*^^r^f^«^— w Aor. ^f^^wfr^ir Ben. #iw«nfcfipfie 
..'■"■■ = Be*. -foGraRft%3 Fp- grip* 

■H* ^ 

fiTO * ■?• *° Bn »ke, *° move 5 F* 6 * ST»?& P« r - ^OTW F. Fut. 

jj^rrFut $f&«rf% Con, srgrfasqg; Aor. H^Ttffet Des. 

Dha'tttkosha. 835 

r r t i 

- r J " ■ 

f$r l P. to deoay. Pre. afnrftr ) P«rf. f^rsr* F. Fat. %*r Put* 

,f% 6 S\ to dsstroy ; Pre. ftohfrl §**ift Oon. sr§rs*q Aor. 

ftr P. to dwell; Pre. ftrtrirftr ) ST«M^ Beft. 'vltw Oau. 

P'*- SfTRWfiT-% Aor. 'cpftlffTO* Des. f^r?ft$nf? Pass. Pre. 

gfantAor. arwrfSr Pp. r%a, ^fHr Ger. f$*rr. 

^ror 8 U. to kill i Pre. ftritRf, SWffir, fa^, %<J*Peil r^isK 

faffc^ P. Put. |rf^qr Put. %Prs^-% Oon. bt^tV^— ?r 

Aor. 3?^%, srtf»fff, HRjTS Pp. faff Ger. flr-^-R^T, 

^g> - 

Wrr. ■■.*■■ 

1 - . . . 

1^4 p. throw, to .cast;. Pre. f%c^m Per*, fat* P. Fat. 
%8T Fat. |rcfint Oon. ar^R". Ben v facing: Aor - 
ST^fe Can.— Pre. %^«n%— % Aor. // arf^ftn^-fl Des. 
N^a-f^r Pass— Pre. f%ca% Aor. aj^Rr Pp. i%ff. 

- r ' k i ■ 


f§t^6 T7, to throw j Pie. Rnft—f Pert ftf<r, F^rt F. Fufe, 
^ Fufc. %qnfe<%' Aor. sifcrffc, 9T%3 Des. f^ra^n^ %. 

faja^l. 4. P. Pre. %*fa, *ftwrt% Perf. f%r%a; Fufc. ^fasiffa Aor. 

argNH Des. faa>?*«rfa, f*«£?rA Pp. *f<f Ger. $tf^sr, 

■i i i 

^jffa 1 A. to be intoxicated ; Pre. afla^ Peri fWr% F, Fat. 
$fr%m Fut. tf)f%nrft /Aor. 3J$frf|*s: Oau. Pre. affaajfo 
Aor. qfarffax-x .Dei..-ft*ftf%*tt Pp- *#*. . 

- - - . 

^ 1 P. to spit; Pie. BJfefif Perl f%^T F. Fat. tftf%3t 

Aor, a* *#*ffct., ■■' 

7 U- to strike against, to pound ; Pre. gprfrr? ajpft Perii- 
^ffT? •itil.'P- Fat. M^TT Fat. *[frNflr% Aor. anffh^, 


s^r 4 P. te fee hungry j Pre. aj&ijftr Perf- )tjjft*. ■?." P**. ajfcgr 
//^XtoMfcHftr Oon, n^f^rt Aor. srg^ Be»- «^r$. 
; ; Oaa,— Pre. ^rr^i%=% Aor. arog*^ Pass. P*e* gpsr?t 
Aor. arajtfa Pp- «f^T Ger, tfffofr «tar • 

336 Sanskbt Geammab. 


jg*rl A. to be agitated 5 Pre. qjfafr Peri <*§% F. Put. ?ftf3raF 
" Fut. $frfa«qfo Aor. «»SHqt, WffifnTff Oau. Pre. «StH*f*H* 
Des. 1$-5sH*He P. p. SPtaj $f*m- 

4 & 9 P. to tremble ; Pre. $wrRr, igwrrRr Perf ■§#* F.Fut.. 
8fftfH?TT Fat. stfroRr Oon. ST^fSjsi^ Ben. sjwjra, Aor. 


^T3gP7 Aor. arafa^? 

1 TJ. Pre. ^fifr— % Perf. «^ffR, ^5^ F. Fut. siPwrFut 
*rf*psari%— % Oon. a^f^j^— ^ Aor. «r*Spfta, STCfPfts: 

ar^rf^er Ben. 5gr«rni— *srr*rg" , *srt%tfte p«bs. Pre. ^twrt- 
^nsff Aor sn5frf% Oau. Pre. *?rpnrfa— % Por. areter^— ?T 
Des. B na Pmrd— % Pp- ^rra, <*«. ?srr*f r, *3?*r**r- 

*£T3T 1 P. to eat, to devour; Pre. ^ItTcT Pert <qrOT? F.Fut.; 
«giRfll Fut. ^li^^ld Oon. st^tRf 5 ^ A.° r - *TOTPflg; Sen* 

^rr«n^ Pp- <aif*ci- 

%^ 6 P. to strike, to affliotj Pre. f^fflf Perf. f^^ F. Fut* 

«hn Fut. ^t^fa Oon. «n^arg: Aor. ai4tafl<, DeB - 

faRBHiill Pp- few- 


fi$w 4 & 7 A. to be depressed, to suffer pain or misery. Pre* 
fcTO?T, f%5% Perf. f^fal F. Fut. sTtTT Fut. &<;*% Aor fc 
STpffrT Des. f%jf?3Hl3 P. p. fa^T 

mtt 2 P. to,relate, to tell: Pre. *nrrf<r P«*f. "TO^, «*n5% Pp. 
tgCTft- It is defective in the non-conj. tenses and moods* 

■ r 

1 I l r ■ 

»!<£ 10 XT. to count, to enumerate ; Pre. irTORf—% Perf. 
iroRrPBT^Tt— ■**> &°- 3P. ^Pitfc iraflar Fat. iprftcirft— % 

ar«nrq^ r <i- q Oon. trsftr^aHr, Aot. s^ppir^— *r Ben. 

.■■.■''".."«wrftWTf ftn°P!«r Pass. Pre. iptf. 

DHA'TUKOStfA. 837 


^ * P ' t o l pea ^ to aayi Pre - i*^ Perf - *w F - Fat r if^rr 

Fut. nftsiffa 0on - ST*rft5^ Aor. HT^j SRTfta; Ben . 
W^Bea. flmfi^Rr Oau.— Pre. irr$3ftr— % Aor. 
iTsfor?^— *r Pass. Pre. ira% Aor. arirrftr Ger. *rfir**F In*- 
iftj^ Pp- Tfaf. 
ir^ 1 P. to go i Pre. iF®f§ Perf.^nrpT F. Fat. ir^r Fat. 
•iftrmft Oon. Sfirfirrcrg; Aor. ar^Hd, Ben. vp^r^ Be§, 
RmfimS' Pass.— Pre. »j**^ Aor. srrrrfH Oau.— Pre. 
ipnrf%-% Aor. arsffapm— cT Pp. *ra Ger, *r^r Inf. irpg^, 

*r£ 1* A. to blame ; Pre. iff) Perf. 5pf| F. Fat. irftsr Fat. 

nf$s»fa Oon. vrnffam Aor. sr»rr?S Ben. qff qfe Can. — 

Pre. irfctf*— % Pp. *rf&. 
«T? 10 U. to censure, to reproach; Pre. TrHftr— % Perl 

Aor. aT3r*r§3-5r. 

»T>^10 U. to hunt for, to seek; Pre. *f*qTTf%— gr Perf. 

*f^flh£9irT— ^ &«■ F. Fat. nt<Tf«mr Fat. ifrqf^Biff^ 

— ft Oon. STTT^qft^jra— 5T Aor. aTJT^^—^ Pp. ir%f^ 
Ger. ifttf^OT. 

- - ■ r ' 

nr^ 1 A. to dive into, to bathe ; Pre. w%% Perf. grrrfo p. p a t. 

*rrf**rr, Trar Fat. infenrft, '*m&ft Oon. 3Tn-rftK»rcr. mrajro 

Aor. STTTlfSff, ipir* Ben. *rrffctfte, mft? Oau.— Pre. 

. »n?*ftr— ft Aor, arwNrfat-cr Pp. mw, mf$* Ger. mflsrrv 
infr inf. nri%^, tii^,. 

j - - 

*r^ 1 P. to defend, to protect ; Pre. TfrTOTJTi Perf. snjttr, 

4nrant«TT *•■» P- P«*. *frrrfacrx, *ftf*rar, ifftrr Fat. %^r- 
Bob. ^jfrqif^fo »jtffa^fr> ^*ii^tif?t, . ^rcsrffi Pp. 

ipf 1 A. to oensure; Pre. jrroijft Perf. 3nregtsa% F. Fat. 
ott^&ct Fnt. sj«T?c*r<iq% Oon. $rgJ£ft|W|<| Aor^ ST gUj^ g 
Ben. r-ff*jft4v Pms.— Pre. ^rc^fr Pp. ^farcr. " " 

8. s. a. 22 

338 SANSfcftT GbAMSUB. 

ait^4P. to be oonfused or disturbed; Pre. fpvrft Per*. giftr 

F. Put. 5tif*nrr Aor. *nr<T5 Das. f$-%-fa*flr. 



*R[1U. to cover, to keep secret i Pre. ?r^f— % Perf. ^f, 
s-rjfcF. Put. nflsrr or ifar Fat. l(f|«arit-%* ^ftnRl— % 
Aor. (V) sprfftr , softs' Aor. (VII) srssreu Mfsra, SHE* 
Ben.2r?n^,^ftcorgr^ff Des. ST£$rf*r—% Pass.— Pre. 
mg* Aor. argrft Oau.-Pre. i^fa— % Aor. 
Pp. rjrflr Gen. ^r-^r-fl?^, Ufr In*, £r?S*, ^fH- 

■ L L — 

L , 

^rj[ 1 A. to take, to seize 5 Pre. qfit Perf. srjffc P. ^Fut. irff W 
or »iit Put. *rp?«*% o>w5^ Oon. »Hlf|^r«r— SPTS&rJAQr- 

ar*Tf$e> stitot Ben. .tf$4iv— ^fre Des. f^prn|q%, f*rf$fa 


row, to swallow, to emit ; Pre. fatfa or frtafil* 

;* A. «fipA')f Perf - srort °* frrw P. Pat. irfarr, 
nffc— s&— m F^. *rft— tf— *arfilr or irfo— «&- 

Pass.— Pre. »fhJ% Aor. H*Tfft or'.nurffc Pp. ifK. 

ot 9 P. to call out, to speak} Pre. frrrRr Peri srirrr; P. Pat. 
»lftW or jrffar Aor. aTTTdtj; Pp. ifW- 

r — j 



$ 1 P. to sing} Pre. irRft PerrVsrjft F, Fat. irmr Pat. vrr^rf% 
Oon. «TJTR^ Aor. ST*rrsr?c£ Ben. ^rr^ Des. fsprafa Pass. 
Pre.-sfc&Aor. arnT^T Oau.— Pre.irrqqfo-% Aor. anfr- 
iTT^-cr Pp. *ffa <*« aR^r i with a preposition— jrirr*. . 

* . ■ 


*F*£9 P. to tie, to fasten; Pre. irvrrft Impera. 2nd sing. ipipr 

■ *■ n - 

L ■ J 

r ■ ' ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ 

_* The ^ of this root is optionally changed to ^ when 
followed by a vowel termination. 

Bha'tukCsha. S39 

a r 


Perf. spr^r (*or other forms see. EC. G. ) F. Fat. 

*rfarerr Fat. ijfar«$?*j o->n. OTfS*i«*tff Aor, srir^g; Ben. 

qt^f^Pass. — Pre, qwr?t Aor. grirf&q Cfta. — Pre. q?%rqftr 

■ i j ■ 

— ft Aor. H^nF«T^— ST Pp. qfa«T 0er. jtfSfc^r, qfcmrr.' 

i ■ i j 

fr*t£ 1 A. to be croaked : Pre. qrq% Perf. 9rq^ F. Fat. qf^trar 
Fat. qfSqsq> Oon. ST*rr£3T 5 35 Aor. srqf^qff Pass.— 
Pre. q5*»q% Pp. qfsfcrir. 

qwrjLG U. to string together ; Pre. q?qq?lr-% Perf. qegrqr^r- 
qrrt-^%. &o. F. Fat. <Firft3r Aor. sj»prptrar-g Ben. 

■q^- 1 A. to swallow ; Pre. qg^ Perf. sr*T§" F> Fat. qfeqr Fat. 
qf%*q%Oon. 3ptf|r*qsr Aor. srqfaff Ben. qfcqfe^Pp. 

-qcr&'.'iffirar or qsqr. 
^r "10 'U, to eat, to take ; Pre. qraqitHl Aor. arfsrq^— *r. 

■ n r - ■ 

jq$ 9 TX. to take hold of, to seize ; Pre, g^rrfo fr^rtt Impsra. 

2nd fling, irfror Perf. srqr*, 5r*r£ F. Fat. " q$gf Fat. 

'qfhqfa— ?* Oon. ^qfrsqer— *r Aor. af*^, srqfr* Ben. 

PEJT^i q^fS Des. f^r^^TT%-% Pass.— Pre. n^f* Aor. 

arqrfl Oaa — Pre. ^ifM* Aor. aTFSrqsgrtf Pp. srftar. 

u ■ 

*$ 1 P. to he weary. Pre. *ejrqfa Perf. sp 1 ^ F. Fat. t^rti 
Fat, TFj-r^rft' Oon. srrnrcq^ Ben. starrer, ; a7 *nrra t Aor 
sTrfrTgrff Des, fa JWimd T Pass.-r-Fre. >grqt Aor. ararfa- 

F h 

Oau. Pre. TWrWI^-tj ^<mr?T-& i with si— nr^trq^-^; 
Pp. ^R Ger. T^r^r, ^»^nr Inf - Tffrg. 

1 . * 

■.■■■■■. *r. 

*rw 1 P. to eat ; Pre. tRff^r ( in the perf. it is eoDjugated as a 
substitute of STf) F. Fut. qRrr Fut. tr^irfiOon. m***rgr 

Aor, STTO£ Des. ^Tqr?6fff Pp. q?sr. 


34a Sansb$t Geammab. 

J ■ 

r "i i 

^1 P. to sound, to declare ; Pre. ^psrfff Fell. «MtM F. E 
sftf^rrFut. %f^fa Oon. s^Tf**^ Ben. $*«&* A 
aT5^5.or3T^ftwOau.— Pre. sftaqffc— % Aor. «T^fTO: 

Pp. ff«RTj 4tf«m> °* isv 

1 _ 1 

■i i 

fH;' 10 U. to proclaim aloud", Pre. %wfir— % ■ Peri, 

■$&*&*&—* i*.:*°. F. Fat. ^firgr Fat. Oqftt^fiMt 

Oon. $rtr*fa«*sr— <T Aor. mrem-is Pp. §far^ 

■ "i 

m£ 6 P. & 1 A. to move to and fro, to whirl'; Pre. y<J|{<T, ^JRj 
■" Peri 'gf4, ^^f F. Fut. ^far Fut. ^r 6 ^— S 0°*- 

ar^rsir^— ?r Aor. sTfjfi^, srfPre: Des, ^tgAvfiMte 

Pass. Pre. jafb Aor. sfsfSr Oa*. Fre. ^jr^f-^% Aor. 

^^rJrar— st Pp. ^?r. 

^1 P. to grind. Pre. qffo Per*, sntf Fut. qfW^T Aor. 
srsjfrw Oau. Pre. ^rft-% Aor. srif^sfh^t* Fp. ^T- 

H . - * - 

i J ' F ' 

5rr 1 P. to smell ; Pre. f*rafa Peri 3^ F. Fut. srrcrr Fut. 

srrsqfsrOon. H^RTH Aor. gnrr*> anrrcR*. Ben. STRTra:,. 

--;\%^r^Des.f^rjBf^Fa8B. Pre. ^r«T% Aor.. arsm^ Oau.— 

Pre. srrmr%-cr Aor. arftrsrqH^ 3rr%i1r*3r?r Pp* smr 


"S^fna; 2 XJ. to shine, to be prosperous; Pre. ^grrftcT-Ht Impera. 
2nd. sing. ^*rrpH^ Imperf, 2nd sing, error, mQr%; 
Pert ^jffrcrre^n: &<*- ?. Fut. ^OT^faf Fat. ^ i famfa 
Oon. ST^rrRf^T^Aor. ar^5nnSr£ *Troifae: Oau.— Pre- 
■^WRWftHlr Aor. ST^N^TRra.— ^» sr^rorer^— S Pp- 

■ ft _ 

^* 2 A. to speak, to tell, to say ; Fre..«B;£ Perl, ^gf, to4}, 

* This root is defective iii the Eoa-conjugational tenses. 
When it mean? " to leave ", it does* not substitute wmi: «• 

■» i 


1 o ■ 

Dha'tukosha. 841 . 


nwrjEfht* aTroresr Ben. .«qT*ra> ^iwrj wnrra:* *%*ra;> 
^stoRc* «Rrr€re Pp. *s*ra, tort- 

^Hl p - to drink, to eat- with an* to flip; Pre. ntfpf («?TCPI#) 

Perf. ^rrjr p. Put. ^Prw Fut. ^pr«^ Oon. a?^r«^ 
Aor, ar^-ift^ dan. P*e. *rriprf<r Aor. aHN^Des. ftfn- 

Profir Pre. «(rr?Tr Ger. *rp^r or ^ftcw. 

■ 4 

^ 1 P. to walk, to perform, to eat j Pre. «SR^r Pwf. •srsfTC 
IF. Fut. ^farr Put. ^fts^Ri Oon. amft^ra: Ben. ^k 
Aor. sf^rft^ Dea. f^rft^fSr Pass.— Pre. *ep$ft Aor- 


1 P. & 10 U. to eat, to chew} Pre. Vffa, ^«rf5T% Per£. 

sr^ffa;, sr^rt^-^r Pp. ^ffq-. 

^1P. to stir; to shake* Pre. ^wfsr Perf. <tct<* F. Fut- 
^fereir Aor. arnr^ Oau.— Pre. ^r^zrf^-% F. Put. *araf 

Hrtrr Aor. sWfa^-g p p . ^f^r. 

f^- 5 U. to heap up, to collect- Pre. pT*fH*T> f**$[ Pe*. f^sCTT 
if^T^ra, f^^, ftpwj-F. Fat. %?ir Pat. ^MflMfr'Oon- 
^fr^wrg^i Aor. *rl$tay H^S Bea. .4fl-WP(»- Wte" DfiS - 
f*Rftqfct-% Paaa.— Pre. *fM Aor. ar^r Pp. Nv- 

J^ 10 U. to gather, Pre. ^*fMt, *mfa~% Peif . -^nnrr^^K 
ft^.l'JP. to notice, to understand; Pre. 'eftiftr Perf. ps;^? 

P. Put. ^rar Put. ^ffasrfir Oon. ' nfrfim j a Aor. sr^N: 

Ben. f^rr^Des. f^%Rnrflr Oau.— Pre. ^cft— % Aor. 
,»flftf*Rrat-* Paaa.— Pre. ft?q% Aor, ar%Rr Pp. f^S 

1^?^ 10 IT. to think, to consider; Pre. f3rtraf^~% perf . P^T^r- 

tet Sansk?t Gbahxab. 

". ■ 

4rarc* < a% &o. f. Fat. faffirar Aor - ^Hrot* Benv 

''fcwWfc RftMfe Pass. Pre. fSFfcTCt Abr. B?f*f^f Pp- 

W 10 TJ, to direct, to throw j Pre. *^^rt%— ^ Per*. ^toOTST- 
3TTC— ^% &c, F. Fut. ^irffasr Fat «*tsfa«*Rf— it Oon- 

L I 

«P^^wq^—3 Aor. spggfg-tr Pp- *W4*.- 

.-.^**1 P. to kiss; Pie. <g*?flr Perf. ^f** F. Fat„ <gpfcTOr A*>*.. 
M^-ffa Pp- ^fN*. 

^»^io tr. to-feisB, to toaoh; Pro. «§RT2n%— % Peff. ^rvrora- 

■ "i 

«TC— fib &o. F. Fat. <f^Rrar Aor. $r£$**3 Pfc ^f*w- 

wrlOU: to steal, to rob, to tatfe; Pre. *«fft?n%-% Pfcrf*" 

^fiT«rra*rt-^» &^- f. Fut. nfcfarar Fut. ■sftftroft-fc 

j i ■ ■■ 

Oon; s^ttf^^T Aor. «pP5q^r Ben. <*faTa:j "ftT- 

MfE Dea. fSftcfoRHt Pass*.,— Pre.. ^^ Aor. artlftr 

Pp- ^tR?r Got, qjHftcqr*'.' 

i 4 i r 

^4.10 IT. to reduce to powder, to crush. Pre. =*afai%-% Perl- 

^fanmsR^fc &«• F. Fut. ^forr Fut. ,wfl%c*fr% 

Oon. ar^fr^^-rT Aor. *nH7fe*« P P- ^jffo- 

m 1 P. to- drink; to euok; Pre. «o^Rr Pre-, g^qr F;. Fut_ 
^fStHT Aor. jg^m Pp. 'vpnr-. 

-^ 6 P. to hurt, to kill; Pre. fsgfir Perl <tt$ F. Fat. *fihnv 
Aor. sraff^ De8. Frafiffft, f^f*sf*T Pp« f*. 

, r 

4^1 A, to itir. to make effort)' Pre. ^H^ P«£ Wft F. Fut 
^feerrFut, ^fs^it Oon. sr^ffecw Aor.'irtftr Ben.. 


^tf^fe Pase. Pre. ^g«ra Pp. "tferT- 


^5 -1 A. to drop down; Pfe. : -«nt P«'*- ^*& F, Fut. wfforrr 
Fut. *sfar?t Oon. gr^fisinr Aor. 9TOte Ben. ^Mr 

^■* Pp. «pr- 

DHA'TTTKOSflA.. 843 




-1 . 

*5£^ 1. P. to flow, to drop down ; Pre. *siftafifr Perf . •groffa F. 
Fut. ^tf^rTT Fat. ^qtRtcqfir Oon. 8 H 3 iRi*q qt Aor. 

*r«3?r^, irahffot Ben. ^Nn^. 

k ■ 

g^ 1 TT. to cover ; Pre. s^T-% Perf, *3*3T?, n«5^ F* Fat. 
sRp Aor. ar*W?K ? BTtOTfi^ , *rarf$S; Pp. 3^. 

^ 10 U. to conceal ; Pre. ot**I%-% ?***. «tfmnn7~-*&r 
&o. F. Fat. OTtfSrer Aor. srf^rsa^-ff Pp. 5TR1T- 



ffcr^ 7 U. to cut, to mow ; Pre. f^rf%, fes% Per'- FTOf ■> 
f%[f%9| F- Fat.%^T Fut.<%«tqftr-% Oon, sps@*wg:-?r Ben, 

!CTHT3> fe^Nf Aor. arf^y^w, s?«&c<n<i * arf^B^T Pp» fiwr 

gf 4 P. to out 5 Pre. szrft Per*. «^e# F. Fut. ®m Fat. 9raft 
Qon. sr^erre*!^ Aor. sre^rsL , srs^THfa: Dea. fc^&T3]ft 
Pp. ffra or fes ^er SPOT o r T%^T Paafl* p "- BW>» 

, r 

, r 


■ L 

.'■'..-. '.".■' . '. 

r "i ■ 

i - ■ - 

51^2 P. to eat, to consume ; Pre. *rf$rft Perl. irw F. Fut. 

*rf§rar Fut. 5rf&«sft Oon. ST3rftrs*3. Aor. arsr^ Ben. 
^r^^rriOau. — Pre. srsr^rft Aor. 5T5nr$|w Pp. srfsrct. 

«r^ 4 A. to be born ; Pre. srrgifr Perl ^ F. Fat. 
^Hdf Fut. 3rf?ps^ Oon. srirfjrsjf 3 Aor. ^SfRMTOft? 
Ben, yffrftg D«. f**tftNpd Pass:— Pre. ap^ or«rr^% 
Aor. Hnrfit Qau t -~Pre. srsrarfa Aor. afrfrwm Ger. .'irPpqr 

"-.'.■ PPr^FW. "■ 

- ' ■_ 

r ■ 

^qvX P. to mutter ; Pre. 5f<rRf Perf. srsrpT F. Fut. srftrcrr Fat. 
srftcqft Oon. vrerftc*^ Aor. »m<ffc3. or srenfta: Ben. 

■ ■ r ■ 

grgfrct P«s- fr mfl q fa Pasa.— Pre, 3rcnW Aor. STSflft 
Oau.— Pre. OTf*fiHt Aor. 9rsfN<T3rW Pp. *lfta'- 

844 SanSk^t Gbammab. 



stst 1 A, to yawn ; Pre, m**ft Perf . srsp^- F. Fat. srffeirqr Aor. 
" ST^rfwra Ben, 5rf*»rft?r>6S. f%srf*1«T% Oa*u— Pre. arwwfa 

n r L 

Aor. HsrsrawPp, srwr. 

i 1 

ST^l P. to murmur, to prattle; Pre. sreqft P« rf • ST^T F« P**. 

srf&mr Fut. ^rf^?*^ Oon. sTsrf^r*^ Aor. st^tt^ 

Pass. Pre. 3T?cq$ Aor. srof^T Pp. srf^qrcr. 


stpe 2 p. to awake ; Pre. srnrfS Perf . *rsrr»rrc-*]T; srnrcwint 

F.Fut. ^nnforr Put. srr*rR«*ff& Oon. smHTK Sgfr Aor. 
sprni^fajBen. STTT^ti? Des,i±| SfHlRfnt. Pass.-Pre.srm*!^ 

Aor. Hsrrnrft Oau.— Pre. 5^*%—% Pp. srmfar. 

f^T* 1 P. to conquer- Pre. *rarr% Pert- ffcpfr* F. Fat. %«r Fut. 

^sarRj Oon. m^cq^ Aor. *x&ft^Ben. sftsrrat De3 « fMtaft 
Can.— Pre. ^rar^— % Aor. ar^^rtr^— ?f Pp. fSrg Ger. 

fsr^r Inf . %rg^. 

L J 

*fts IP. to live j Pre. *fhTcf Pet*. f^rsfrr F. Fat. $ffatf Fat. 
sftftt^ftr Oon. srsftRrssrg; Aor. arsf^ Pass- Pre. sfoqi* 
Aor. arsftfa Oau. Pre. gft^fa— % Ger. sftftS*T In*. 

^ 6 A. to like- Pre. ^q% Perf. tot% F. Fat. ^ff^tTT Aor. 
ST^ftfaff Pass. Pre. ^sgfa Aor. spftft Oau. Pre. ^t^Rr 
^% Aor. Sflsrsj^— g- Pp. srgr. 

^gtgr 1 P. & 1 U. to think, to examine; Pre. sffaRr %q?n%-— % 

Peri CTsfrr, ^nmi h m iK-^qfc ^- Fut. vitftvr, efrirfamr 
Aor. srsftft^ «t^3^c.-?t Pp. sjf%?f> *frf*r?r. 


2 A. to yawn; Pre. ^«r% Perf. 3T5£*% **. Fat. 3f/**rar 

Fat. ^f*H«r% Oon. i^^H's^nr Aor. ar^Te Pp. sjfwrcr 
or ^5^. 

L ■ 

P. to grow old; Pre. sffHhH Perf . srsflT F**- srfenysrifar 
Fat. Sfftsqrflt, 5f#Hir% Oonv'*nift«V^ mrti«TO Aor, 

* It ie Atm. when preceded by the prepositions ft or tftr. 

j , 

■ r 


^HnS^-prsrac Ben. sffafa; Ees. fM*iftMf8i f^rrfl^Rk 

fSnfWfa Oan.— Pre. sr^f^-% Pass. Pie. vftft Pp. sfrf 

■ r 

L P. & 9 P. to wear out; Pre. 9n7*l or ^rrftf Pert SCTTC 
P. Fat. >ftgr or srtfsr Aor. srsrpfat Oau.— Pie. 

10 TT. to grow old; Pre, qrr^rf%— % Perf. vmWUWilC— 

"sat&e. P. Fnt. 5TTt^r«r Aor. yi^flfcii^ r p p- snfor- 

■ '■--'■ 

10 U. to know* to cause to know, to see, to please; Pre. 

inmRr- % Pert sgrwre^T-^ &«-, E 1 - Fut. srrRm 

Fat. . fl M ftsgljfr -fr Oon, aT*PTRl^-?r Aor. ■vfanBSQV- 

Des, j^Hf?r-^j f3rfPift ,B ^-^ Pp- ^rav *rfaav 

3^T 9 U. to know; Pre. -srprijft, ^rNfif Imperat. 2nd sing. 

wr^tf*, srrfta Perf. sr^h «iir-F. Fnt, ?rmr -B>t. 
■irRvrflH^ ' Oon. sr$rrerar?r Aor. srs&r^ :' arirrei Ben. 
snrre& ffara:» aerrtfte Des. f*nBrwrRi-% Oam-rPM. gw^flH 

%, ^pnfiHT-Aor. ar^nnra:-^ Paa«. Pre. 33^ Aor. 

a^^rrf^ inf. gtg^ Ger. frr^T Pp* s^ra- 

^rr 10 TT. to direot ( with grr )j Pre. jaT<r*rffi-% Perf. 

serPTTrsrwrc-n* * . Fat. frnrfSRir Fat. ^rrqfatarfMr Oon. 
aT^ntf* B *g;-*r p*sb.— Pre- 3ctt«t% Pp- srrfar- 


3g^f 9; P. to become old; Pre. f ^Hlftt Pert f*rssfrF. Fut. 

^qror Fit. sirrcuftr Oon. ars^R*^ Aor. H9tftf)£ Ben. 

^r^Des, f§Ere*T9i% Pass. Pre. sft?r% Aor. «rafft Oau, 
Pre. ssrrwft-% Pp- *fl* Ger. ^ftar. 

^^ 1 P. to burn, to glow; Pre. -573ft Perf. srs^rw F. P**- 
fcqfft^ l Fat. 99;f&c«n% Opn- 3TVNf^*l4, Aor. ST^Trffa^ 
Oau. Pre, 3TOirft-3l $41444^-%? with it:— i|gqd<lffr-3t 

846 Sansk&x Gbammab. 

■' * 

■ L 


tfr 1 A. to fly, to go; Pre. qrft'Pert fe$r P. Fat. tyRnrr Fat. 
gfrc^l Oon. srcftcinr Aor. 'vr*ftff .'Ben. grf^ftff Defc 

firaf*re% Pp. SffSpJ or sffcr. 

^4A. to fly, to go; Pre. ^fa% Perf. Rr* &c v Pp. tffo 

■"■ *'~~ ■■■■ " 
{ft; 1 A. to go, to approach ; Pre. Jtaft Perf. jrf% F. Fat* 

SH^cTr Put. *fcftt&4(3 Ooil 3*?ri*hMHJ Apr, sffh^? 
Ben. rf^rsfte Oaa.— Pre. sfoprRH*, Aor. arjarfc^ 
Pp* AflfW. 

■ , L 

1 ■J 

■ ' J , 

IRa;l 'Pi to enfe, to wound; Pre. *r$rfrT Perl wnjt F. Fut. 
flfaw'or ^gf P 11 *. TlRtwifa, wvfir Aor. aratfta;, STaTSftr 
Ben. ^^T5 Pp« TO <*er. srf^T or ggr. 

i i * 

S^ 5 P. to pare; Pre. rf$-"urrf ( for the other forma see the* 
above root). 

1 ■ l i 

^ 1 P. to goj Pre. tpgRf Perf. 3333 F. Fat. flf^TT Aor * 

apreffa P. p. .wrfltf. ?r/^^rj g^rr. 

*?& 7 P. to contract, to shrink, Pre. *!rf^ Perf. 333* F. Put. 
«R£SKT> Stf^Rrr Fat. *r^*ffa, *Tf3a«sr% Oon. ST^^T^- 

sreflgc** 0a *- Pre- wiflNt j>«, finrf^rftr, Rtfsrffr 

■ r 

Pass. Pre, m% Aorv-vrqftv Pp-.affci*. 

■ - F " ■ i 

^ 8 T7. to spread, to go; P*e. «%ft, %$jk Perl WW, $*T F. 
Fat. dfafll Fat. «|ftuiRj-% Oon. aT?rf%*^-?r Aor. sr^fl^^. 

■ W I ■ 

: ; arnnte* Wlfasv «ra?T Ban. v^m, trf%$£ Bea. ftafaftr-^* 

fiNtoftt-^k* Rl*lR*l Rt-% Pasa. — Pre. fl?*r%, nra% Aor. arvflft 

Dha'ttjkoshX. ME" 

r _ ■ 

l ■ r 

a j ■ 

Oau.-r-Pre. ff^ih-) Aor. HcFlcTT^— * Pp. «Rf <*«- 

$<rl. P. to shine, to heat; Pre. wftt P«*« grfr ^ Fut OTT 
Aor. iJiftrcft* Ben. acjjrs Dei, 'f%n«ef%r Pass.— Pre. w*& 
Aor. a^H Oau.— Pre. VTTOft-% Aor. aT*ffa<T3r*r P P* W- 

1 j , 

?pr 4 A. to trouble, to be powerful; Pre, *p=ifa Perf. |ft F. Fuf~ 
3gr Fut. toA Con. arooppi Ben. a«*ft* Aor ; ^^ Pp«*S- heat; Pre. ^q-qft--g Pert grwna^TC— ^> F ~ 

Fut. grafter? Aor. trffcmt— *r DeB - RwwRwfi~"fr ^ 

J , a 

^4 P. to be suffocated, to be fatigued; Pre. qpqftr-.PeEL 

topt P. Fut. jH^PcrrPut. afjtwrfa P<"». 3nrf»r«*rc(. Aor. 

^ 10 IT. to guess, to suppose; Pre. $lr*fa— ^ Perl - T^N 3 *" 

&o. P. Fut. arfe^err Fat- .rijflwfcr* 0on - 

-vnflfcft«*nt-w Aor. tfofpfaMr Pp. *f%*r Ger. *%iV*sr. 

^^ 1 P. to threaten, to censure; Pre. $a?fa Perf. m$t P- Fa *- 

tfSnrr Fut. iiflroffr 0©n.aT*rf%*aa Aor. *Mfc Pp-*f*ii- 

3^ 10 A. to blame; Pre. '«#(% Perf. tpfawkl?. Fut. rfMr 

Aor. snm^r Pp. qffar- 

«fa 1 P. & 10 U. to decorate, to assume; Pre. *Nrft y W3Rr-%~ 

Perf. Mfe. tfcranran:-^ -*. ***• »ftrar» rf^rf^rar Aor. 

«Mtaf irfMhra^a p P- «Rra 


gff3«rrAor. araflrff, snrrftr Oau.r-Pre; nrW*T— ** Aor 

■ aRrcrraqt-tr- ■■'-■. 

fft^ 1 A. to endure, to fluffier with courage j Pre. ftfttft P*rf 

348 Sansk^t Geammab. 



f^nSRT Aor. arfaferfSre Ben. MUMfe Dea - 'M*** Oaii.- 

Pre. ^r«rRr— %. 

5^ 6. TJ. to strike, to wonna; Pre. s^fir— 3" Peri gtituy ggt 
F.Fut. ^rar Fat. ^^rf^_^ Oon. if^OT^— «T Aor. 

«T^^^, ^3^ Ben. g«rfg^n^fre Dos. gg«Hlflr-- fc **■■• 
P».f<«i> Aor. jNRffit Can— Pre. rff^ffT— % Aor. 3*33- 

^— ?r Pp. far Gw.jpuj. 

1 j 

3*5,1. P. & 10 U. to weigh, to examine; Pre. vM%». sftOTfa— - 

% (iw*tf!r-%) Perf ^ffw, #^rr9t^rc-^^ F- Pot. 
wifwerr, 'Si rtHi 4 1 Put. atfwwjfa, StsPr^rft— % Oon. ar^tffc- 


*^P£» ST^wf^*^— *T Ben. cfMji^> tfcvfirfts Aor. »r?ffr- 

*^K> *fgg«^— *f Pass. — Pre. jwft/Sfwfa Pp. ^f^T- 

5^4 P. to be pleased or satisfied; Pre. gwrfwf Peri gsrPT P. 
Put. , SNrr Put. AtoRt Oon. arafc^ Ben. p*|£ Aor. 
«fgq«[ Oan.— Pre. iftTOfr— tt Aor. grggpt^— <T Pass:— 
Pre. 3^% Aor. anttfr Pp. g8" Ger. wgr Int gtg^. 

, 1 l in 

• ^r 4. P. to become satisfied} Prei ^<3n% Peri ?Rpf P. Fat. 

?rf5crr ? *<*& *nrr Pat. *ffaira> TOfft, apwffir Oon. snitf- 

«^, mrc4v, *T^c^ Aor.arqijq-, urtrffa, sran^fac, 

s^rn^ffg; Ben. iroretDea. f?Rrf$«lf<r, fafp^fiir Pp. |pr Inf. 
.^tlP.&lOU. to light, to kindlej Pre, *«*, rfqRr^fr 

Peri erctf, ?T^r9f5RTC-»^ &o. P. Fut. tffcrr, afamr 

Aor. srirffs, srfSprf^s Pp. sr<m, ?rffo. 

--^4 P. to be thirsty; Pre, fRjftf Peri ?r?Nf P.- Fut. stftar 
Pot. ?tf$terfr Oom'tRrffa^ Apr. HfTcl Ben. 3*sn3 0wL 

1 ■ j 

'— Pre. afoflr— ft Aor. • irftara[.--iri a^^—* Pp. qjfar 

Dha'tukosha. 349 

, j 


35 7 P. to injure, to kill; Pre, sofffc Pert <r?n? F. Fut. *rf$3T 

■.....'. Fut, rri^n^ Oon. $T*tf$53T^ Aor. gp^fa^ Ben. ciSJItU. I*©*- 

fSOTfit? -Rlift^fil Oau.— Pre. crt^f— ^ A*>r. afficl^X 

«r€rart-?Ti ?*■■- p «- £31% Aor. ar*rft Pp. <zfa <*er. 

irfihsr in*, affe*. 

■ "i 

■ "i 

J P. to kill, to hurt; Pre, qgfo Perf. SRT$ P. Put. gffar , 

iis? Put. <tf|«rRr trtfft Aor. anif r< sresrg; Pp. sr Gfer. 

5 P. to kill; Pre. ^fRr Pert ?rt ? P. Fut. tftcTT, g*T Fut. 

w 1 P. to cross oyer, to swim; Pre. ^xm Perf. g^ F. FuV 

*ffcrr, Hfltfr, Fut. Hftsarfrr, ctftorar 0on - «fnft«^c. aRrirav; 

Aor. afcrrft^Ben. tfhfa Des. fafltfra, fli^rftsrrt, fimtf^fo- 

- """ "Fttii-Pre, ' #*r Peri. IftF. Fat ?rrr??rr, afarr, .'rtlrer; 

■ ■ r 

Aor. a^fa Ben. fltfaftff, rrfttfte, rfftnff Oau.— Pre*. 

■ inwrt^ Pp. ft* G«. «Wf. ■ 

n ■ ■ b 

a j 

r ' *■ 

■ j ■ ■ 

«f^ 1 P- to abandon; Pre. «rsff% Po*'. eramrF- Fnt. wprr 
Fut. nrn(fH Qon. HfTO3. Aor. srfSTCftu! Ben. ' «n*T£ 
Oau.— Pre.- cronrfr- % Aor. srf^rsr^— ?T Pass. Pre.. 
^q% Aor. ar^TrfW Pp. nr*l? Ger. ttrror Inf. ?**». 

ITT 1 A. to be ashamed; Pre. ^u% Perf. ^ F. Fut.' ?rffcir, sraf 
Put. ^froA, ?fCCT?r Ooij. atWT7«arfT, ar^'Wr.A.or. spfafff, 
*pra Ben. ^frfte, *tf)W Oau.— Pre. srtprftr— % Aor # _ 

«|fimH P P- *** ( * er " *ft**T> TOT Inf. qftOT-HTOi. 

s^ I & 4 P. to tremble, to fear; Pre. ^fa, miftrPetf. (hintf 1 *: 
,:■;:. Put, ftRitt M. *frj^ -Cton.- «T*f*l«*3 Aor. «PTRfau 

=850 8a»0X#t Gbahmab. 

■ j 

■ r j 

spr^ Ben. u^RL Pass .—Pre. i&fo Aor. arwrftr Oau.< 
Pre. mnft|t-4r Aw. H^Prera:-^ Ep. tot Ger. qftrerr 

■ , .■ ■ 

inf. ivftnFt* 

■ ■ j 

r , 

J _ J " " i ■ h 

^1^ 10 0. to hold, to oppose; Pre. jnmflMt Perf. -mtfTCTC 

; F. Fat, *rrerfarrr Apr. ^rf^r^rB^— ^r Pp. tt!^- 

; to tear, to break; Pre. gmfr—; JSflr P«*i gift? F. 
Fat. srftgjr Fat. J^n^ Oon. aiffcwr^ Aor. ..*£&£ Ben. 
HOTT^Oau. P«. "iftlfft:— t Aor, srg^^- g Ptaw. Pre. 

.' s ^- v. ■- i ., - »: 

_■ ■ ■ ■ 

gagcF Aor'..'affhBt : 'Pp» fl^t Ger - $fe*nv 
^10 A. to tear; Pf*.'4frr«& p « rf * tfSWSI* *• Fat. ^rfaRrr 

Aor. *Tg££?r Pp. ^flt^r- 

l" ■ . - ■ ■ ■ " '-■ 

# 1 A. to proteot; Pf e,jrr?ra Perf . ?fa F. Fat. *rr?rr Fufe. Afi^t 
ban. HSTf^Rf AoivHTOff Baa., arete Oaa»-Pre. «5rnreftr-% 

Aor. .tiftarrc-* Pa98 * pi,e - Wl * Aor * ***$* ^- *w 


Inf. qT^. 

■ r 

*qr 1 A. to hurry, to move with speed; Pre. *$*% Perjf, <r*qft 
F. Fat. vffim Aor. srcqr^ff Ben.^^vO.aa. Pre. ?*t*Rr 

*■ r 


Aor. aronra(— tr Des * RrafWr p p- *3ft*r> ^pr. 

h ^ V 

, r 



f%^ 1 TJ, to ahbie, to glitter; Pre. %nft-% Perf. fofaftftft 
F, Fat. ^r Fat. ^**rfcr— % Oon. ar^(f^— g Aor. 

*rf?wn— ?r ?p- faff. 


i i ' i * ■ 

^ 1 P. to bite, to fltiag; Pre. f*n^ Perf. f f fc F. Fat. fa "gut. 
^^A *ff InL 


wjmV&B* tb fitted to; panlab; Pre. ^ygfRf^fPerf . qug q | » q gu< ; 


■ L 

Dha'tukosha. 361 

-*fc &o. F. Pat. ^vffftffT Fat. go gflimffi— t Oon. HT^T- 
ftmrac—* Aor. '«TO°«^-ti Pp. af&ro. 

^p 1 A. to give; Pre. a^r Pert T«ft F. Fat." fforr Fat. jft. 
c*S Oon. »T?ft«TO Aor. artfSc" Ben. ffitfte Das. f&ft^ 
Oau. Pre. ajfqflr— % Aor. arfl^T^— *r pp. tf^r. 

*ȣ 5 P. to hurt, to go, to deoeivej Pre. ^jftft p flr f. ^^ 
F. Fat. ^ f* Wr Fat. tffrr^rfer Oon. artffcr*^ Aor. 
»T?wffa Des. f^^rRr, iftssftr, faffcraft Pp. a?q- Ger. 

^f*»wr — $B^r 


jrq 4 P. to be tamed, to conquers Pre, *r*$ftr Perf . s^r* 
F. Put. ff^rr Fat. erjfrwtfSr Oon. aTCft*** Aor f STf^Pp. 
fftff or ^rs^ Ger. ^fas^r or $r?^r. 

I I L , 

^T 1 A to pity, to protect, to love, to go, to give; Pre. $q% 
Perf. ^panfe, &o. F. Fat. fftnrr Fat. ?ra*73 Oon. 

sf*nnwra Aor. arffaff Des, fM^nril Pp. tfnr. 

^ffctT 2 P. to be poor or needy; Pre. ^ferjfiT Perf. tf&TCRirc 
or ^ftft F. Fat. sftfiftr Aor. STtffcffa; or ^ftroffat 
Ben. fftSWr^Des. fttffcefefo ftfRffrvflT, Pp. ^ftftv. 

^w IP. to burst open, to expand? Pre. qtffa Perf. f^ F. 
Fat. tffcgr Aor. »rtfaffat Oau.— to eat, to tear. Prei 
*W*i%, arotfS Aor. arfo^"* Pp. *f§W. 



^5 1 P. to burn, to pain, to. *fftr Perf. fT r$ F. Fut. ht^ 
Fut.* Pon. ^^^ Aor. Hfrar?^ Ben. ?W r^ Dea. 
f^rrll Oou.— Pre. frfsnt— ?! Aor. •r^f^— 9 Pass 
P". wrfa Aor. stffrfj Pp. jr* Gar. {iTtrr Inf. s*W- 

-*T 1 P. to give; Pre. v*&ft Perf. ^ F. Fut. mr I 

852 Sahskbx Grammar. 

" r i 

fTCzrftT Oon. aro^r^. Aor. sr^Ben. ^^ Des. ftsgft 
Pass. — Pre. s^ipl Oau. — Pro, frTOft — % Aor. wrfM^r^W 

Bp. s^r <*«• ^TT int. ^rw- 

, J 

1 - ' " I J 


^T S P. to cut; Pre. frfa" ( see above for the other fornis ),. 

L 1 

L ■ 

- _ H 


ff 3 U. to give, to put; Pre. s^ftfSr, ^ Perf. <ra^, $% P. Put.. 

frar Fat. jroift-Ht Oon. srtrau;— ?r Aor. a^qr arf^p 

Ben. %qr^, grafts Des. f|?Hlt— % Pp. fW ^er. f^r Inf.. 
ajg^ Pass. Pre. ^frr% Aor srofSr. 


ffc«r 4 P. to shine, to throw, to play, to sell, tp trifle witlu 
to rejoice, to be sleepy; Pre. $sa^ Perf, flf^ F. Put. 
^T?IT Aor. arl^ Ben. im^ Des. fqqfa, ftlrflrqiSf 
Pass.— Pre. ^N% Oau.— Pre. *}«mfa— ft Aor. sf^j-farg^ 


r i i J - 

■ - J 

f$? 1 P. & 10 A. to cause to lament, to vex; Pre. Vjq'ftr and? 

■- ^|ft Perf. F^'-ftwa ■sjwnwi' etc. 

f|^ 6 U. to produce, to grant, to allow; Pre. f^fa— % Perf, 
R^T f^T$ *"• E" 1 *- tw Pnt. sftqfMT Oon . 9f<r*sruV«r Aor_ 
Hf^rq^r B( » n - ft^^t fttfte, des. ftftiortft-% Pass.— Pre. 
ft3q% Aor. n%fir Gau.— Pre. ta*rft-$ Aor. HeSft^RC-rT 
Pp. f*^ Inf. ^ Ger. f$£r. 


to % U, to anoint, to pollute; pre. sjfc*, f|r^ Itnperf. Sincfe 
and 3rd sing. iftv^C Perf. fvjta ftftftP- Fat. fr^ r Put. 

^revfa-% 0on * «w^-«r Aor. •tftav arfasnr, •rft*«r Ben, 

ff^rra>nrefte D * 8 * WrerRr-it Oau.— Pre..$f«nfr-% Aor. 
»T*3ft*u;<r Pass.— Pre. ftfj% Aor. «K^ Pp. fe>n» Ger.. 
fl-ruff Inf. %*m. 

j ■ 

^ 4 A. to shine, to burn; Pre. '^Nlft Perf . fl^fft P. Put.. 

tfFKir Aor. a*ftFte, H*}ft Ben. 4Mte ifa-- MfHMt 

Oft«.-«Pre. #«!%-% Aor. wftftq^-tT & *Tf*WNu;-?r Pass* 

Pre. afrc^r Aor. artffa Bp. tfff. 


L ■ ' 

L ■ I , 

£■ 5 P. to burn, to distress, to give pain; Pre. f?tf?lr Perf . ipr? 

F, Fut. ft<jr Put. $«^ftr Oon. ^pfterq; Aor;ar^fN:Ben. 
fTCS. Des. ggqft- Oau. Pre. *mf*HT *Aor> STSTT^-tT 
* Pi»B8: — Pre. $?r% Aor. 3rf|fc Pp* $5T or $jjv 

5^ 4 P. to be wrong, to be impure; Pre. fcqrfrT Perf. j^-q- 
P. Put. ^fef Oon. ST3t$^ Pat. ^^ Aor. VTf^C. Emu 
J*TOtOau.- Pre. $qirftr— 3; $ftqfq--% ( to make depraved) 
Aor. arcf^-a" Pass. Pre. 5*3% Aor. arfffa Pfc- I& 

5$ 2 TJ. to milk, to make profit; Pre. $frqv 3*^ Perl g^f, 

fa " ■ " r 

33$ P. Fat. (rfa*r Fut. ^^fit— t-Ao^.tipnt, **prar> 

Apr. srfg^-ff *«■- **».£»* Apr. arfrf* Pp. 5** Ger ' 

F . ' 

5; 4. A. to suffer pain, to be sorry; Pre^ j?r% Perf. -jj^* P. Pat. 
tf%^ Put. tf%^ Oon. artf*"^ Aor. artj^ Ben. ^^ 

JJes. $£q*r Uau.— Jb're. ^ra^RT— ^ Aor. aTf^TCr- rW 1 
Pre. ^?r% Ao'v STfrf% Pp. ^T M. ^i%5^. 

A. with arr> to honour; Pre. aftfgq^: Perf. sirot 
*n*ftwrif Aor. 3TTf5T Ben. arrets. . 

i. P. to be glad, to be proud; Pre. gcqro Pe*f . $$$• P. 
WtTTj 3Hh sF5fr Put. ffRttqRf, $$$Rfc JFWfct Oon. ; ; 

ST3P=^Ben. gcqr^Dea. . fttffaft- or f^c^ Gau. Pre 

^rf?r— % Aor. .BT^vTCr^^^^^-r^'^-^' 66 ' 

...... .... - .. rt 

e^l P, ;.10 U. to kindle; Pre. fSRf, -rftft-r t £$*% $$ifc ; 
?<faT2ar*nr &o. Put. 4HM|Rf> ^faMrftj-^ Aor^ 

s- s. g. 23 

*' Fi- 

■■:".n ■ : :? /- 

364 Sansk$c Gbammab. 

jh ■ 4- 


f-jl. P. to Bee. to visit, to know; Pre. cf^rfa Per. f^f F. 

rut, ?[cr Fut - «*rfa Oon. anss^ Aor. trofc> snrrtffc 

Ben. 333(3^ Des, f^$$r% Oau:— Pre. s^ft— % Aor. spft- 

SSr3r*r> sjff^-*r Pass:— -Pre. f^i% Aor. *rqf% Pp. $e 

Ger. 5fr Inf. *^- 

f 9 P. to tear, to aivicfe; Pre. f«nft P«'*«>Wrt F. Fut. *jfcrr, 

f&m Fut. tf*«*Pf, fftsarftr Oon. ar^s^ , 3T*<tem Aor. 

wrtnS^Ben. <Wra:De8. ^f^rfiT, ft*^^, ft*Hfa P«w*- 
Pre. #$S Pp. *jr*. 

■% 1 A. to protect, to cherish; Pre. ^q% Perl faff . F. Fat, ejnfr 

Con, st^RT Aor. aj^r Ben. ff^fe I>e8. f|?g% Paas:— 

£re. ^N% Can:— Pre. >ppr^r— ^ Aor. ST^rm^ Pp- *TS|. 

r ■ 

% 1 P. to purify, to be purified- Pre. vrafrr Perl ^ F. Fat. 
^TOT 'Fnt. sre^flr Oon - *TSts*< Aor. BTfrtffa: Ben. SPTTqc 

Des, ft$rcff?r Pass:— Pre. $nr% Oau.—Pre. ^prqfir-% 


^f 4 P. to cut/ to divide, to move; Pre. srftr Pref. fff F. Fufc. 

^RTT Aor. arsr^ Ben. $37^ Des. f^crftT Can:— Pre. 

^TWf%-% Pp« f^?T* 
^ 1 A. to shine; Pre, gjft$r Perf. j^s^r F. Fat. sfffttar Fat. 

tftfaw^ Oon. sm^^Rr Aor. starts* a^g^Ben. sftfa- 

«ffc Dee. ftqft<W, f$*ffi?ra% Oau.— Pre. *fhr*rilr-% Aor. 

*T5*i*TOrsr Pp- sifw^r- 


5T 2 P- to ran, to sleep; Pre. jfrtt Pert ^ F. Fat. srgr Fat. 
ICfCTft Oon, 4*141*4^ Aor. 9fttui<k 

5 1 P. to ran, to rush, to melt, Pre. $raf% Perl jjrpr F. Fut. 
iftrr Fut, ft«r(it Oon. *n&**^ Aor. st^S. Des. ^jrfir 
Pa«tt--Pre, .nf Aor, anrrfir Oau:— Pre. smfifr Aor. 

**ftiCTf&» <> r *ii*to Pp. -fir-- 

T>SJLivxos±A.. 355 


1? 4P - to ba V malioe or hatred; Pre. prfir Pert. sJfcF. Fat. 

ftftw, jfrw-rr, fr*r Fat. iff***™, ijtaftr Oon, snM^r^ , 

arerfc^ Aor. s^fg;Oau:— Pre. shiwAr— % Ac»r, STfgTC 
W Pp. f^ or sr Ini. ftM t fc™* 

flfe 3 U. to hate; Pre. ff|, fti Pert. f$fc«r, f^ft% F. Fut. fer 
Fat. I^rflr-^ Oon. Hfc**3r?r Aor. arffcfrg^Ben. ftsgr^ & 
fi&ftePasa:— Pre. ft^r^ Aor. s^tPr Pp. f$* Inf. $5*. 

* " .. * 

^T.3 U. to put, to grant, to produce, to bear; Pre. wrfa, ^% 

Ferf- dh **F. Fat. unrrFufe. >ns*fir-% Oon. srcren; 

Aor. ar^raC, arr^T Ben. ^*j^, *fpfo- Pes. fasaft-% Pass;- 
Fre, ifaft Aor. imft Oau. Pre. «mr^r-^ Aor. ar&rc^r 

-*fl* 1 P. to flow, to run; Pre. tjr^r Pp. ^rf^r. 

^T^ 1 TT. to run, to wash; Pre. *r*T%-* Perf. fW,?*r*F. Fut. 

^rf%?rr Fut. «nr>«cftr-% Oon. «raiftnri-v Aor. sftrrfta: 
sprffae Pp. mftv-' *iis <*«*. *flf*w or ^^ 

5 P. to delight, to please; Pre. fasftft Pert f^f^ F. Fut. 
ftf^mr Aor. arf^fa; Ben. ft«*na Pp. ptf^g. 

■ - ■ ■ / ■ 

' J 

j ■ 

U. to shake, to exoite Pre. $%fir, $& Perf^ y^a;, 
53% F. Fat. ijfcrr Fut. *8«rft-% Oon. >^^-^ Ben* 

*i*ra; SHfhr Aor. srqftfr^, sntfer Pp. s*r- 

U. fc6 P. to shake; . Pre. qift-*, £^Peri. fOT, $j> 
(flfr* 6, 2nd Bing.);F. Fut. v^rjf Fut. qfevqft QDn. ***_ 

fc 9. U. toshake;Pre v ^S;'^r5 3 qiR r ,^ P«* ™ r 

356 Sanse^t Gbammab. 

■ J 

■ r 

H J 

fc I ■ ' 

1^ F. Fut. 4rw.#; *flrar Pat. '^ItaNHr ,'*fc**fMl Oont 

g 10 U. to shake; Pre. gqgr%-% Perl, v wlq^re -^qfe &o- P** 

j ■ 

Pot. ^ ;rfSttrr Aor. ,-ii^pn^r -;Pp.:fftw- 

^1 P. to heat, to be heated; Pre. gqpiRr F*rf- S^T, ^4WN«h U 

T ^ . - ' 

&o. F. Fat. igffor? tsfaTfSftlT Pnt. ^f^rt^tj ty4ri<IHf9 0on„ 

3Pgfr*s?j 9 *r$4 \XH*m ^ Aor. 9p^ff^ M^jRft^ 



■ig<<4l 1 Wft a '*A» &<>• F. Fat. u^RHr Pp. *apr?r. 

■ r ■" 

U. 6 A. to be, to hold; Pre. scfthfti 'fir*t Perf. f^FC, ^ F 
Fat. tjsft Pat. qft^rffl-% Oon, mftmc-v Aor. vrwffe 
sr§3T Ben. flr^ & vtffc Des. frjtf ft-t Pp. fS. 

) U. to hold 7 to bear, to support; Pre. tnT^fcT-% Peri 


^K^niirc-* &<*. F. Fut. wir^rar Pp. «rftw.- 

^ 5 P. to be bold, to be confident, to be proud or brave; Pre* 
t|WTr??r.Porf. ^ F. Fat. gffor Fat. itfWfa Oonv 

mCM' Aor. »prtfqc.Pp' fff-- 

^ IP, & 10 TJ, to offend, io insult, to conquer; Pre. i?qf% 4fc 

,_■■■ '-qfaANt P« Pnt. *ffar, -lAMar Aor. gr^g> tftifqaro- 


% I R to suck, to draw dway; Pre. v^rftr Perf. $i$| F. Fut. 

" j . ■ 

■■';->sraf Aori.snr^;8T^r^, ar^a: Ben. ^^rra Des. BraRr 

r'l . 


■ V - H I 

->flfat Aor. srqU^r Cau;— Pre. qprafir- 

x '.-lb 

si 1 ' 



DhaYpkoshx 357 

" i ■ * ■ 

■i "i 

, 1 



L ' ' ' 

yft 1 P. to exhale, to blow, to throw away ; Pre. mffi Perl.. 

*uft P. Put. wmrr Fut. 'tqraft Put. vrwra*: Aor* 

afMTRff^ Ben. '«nrnrr^ , *%^ra: Des, ftwTRrf^ Pass.— Pre. 
WTR§ Aor. stwTTI% Oau. Pre. isimft— % Aor. srftung;— 

v} 1 P. to think of, to ponder over ; Pre. ugrafif P«'* ^wft 

P. Pat. wirar Pat. v^rre^r Oon. srwrrera; Aor. st^tt^ 

Ben. *%sn^ or vvrarit DeS - ft**F*fll p08S - Pre - «TR% 
Aor. sr^rr% Oau. Pre. ^rpr^r— ^ Aor. a tf^ WTT^— W Pp. 
«TRT Qer. fcqror Inf. vqrgqv. 

*^1 A. to fall down, to perish; Pre. i^rlr Perf. ^F. 

P"*- *#f*mr Fnt. vtRp«lcr Con. srffecqtt' A'or..'-«rt4wat 
or vrMilftFE Deal. f$ujfa^r Pass, tv^rt Pp.**W- 

*3^ 1 P. to sound, to echo, to thunder; Pre. t^fflr Perl. ^UTT7 
P. Put. ^fjRrr Put. sa^fsgftr Oon. er^I*^ Aor. gri*^,, 
•nwfKi Oau: to ring a bell Pre. ^pfffc— %» t^Prtfo— $ 

■ l ' ■ * 

Pp. MtHd« 

*f^l P. to dance, to act; Pre. *&?% Perl jpm? P.."FuV. qfar 

j ■ 

Pnt. qffecqfr Gon» arrears Aor. «r$3. *F*rfK».0«i. P*«. 

r ■ 

.-^ufa— % (to act), sneqftr-^t Pp. ifer. 

*T5, 10 U. to speak i Prej HK^R t 

. _ ■ ■ ■ n *■ 

•q^ 1 P. to be pleased, to thrive; Pre. sFffit Pert *PfT ^ 

Put. ^f?rr Aoc 3T^^ftgc. Ben. sis^rg; Oau. Pre. sfSfufa 
only. Des. ft qfiyq ffi Pass. Pre. tot% P. p. irf^. 

■ " "i 


^1 P. to sound, to thunder; Pre. s^fa Pert spTfT P- Put, 
sjflgr Aor. VRT^ «Pnfa Oau. Pre. s^r^ft— % Des. 

iftSfftM^T Pi P-" *lf^?. : 

S58 Sanskbt Geammae. 



iT^ 10 U; to shine, to tell; Pre. srfwft— it- 

■ r - " - r . ' L . 

x ■ J 

3PI. I P. to salute, to bend, to sound; Pre. srffRf Perl. sr*fre F«- 
Fat. srsgr Fat. 5fof% Oon. BTif^ Aor. spfafft^ Ben. n*0% 


Des. fSpfafa Oau.:— spntRr, sflTORr Pass.:— Pre. sp^% 

r *■ 

Aor. aprnff P- p» ^"3 Gerviraf Inf. H*d^ . 

?T^ 1 P. to bellow, to roar, to sound 3 Pre. sr$% Perl *r*r$ PL 
Fnt- ^^ Pnt. qff«^ Oon. ir^B^ Aor. «T«T#a: P. P- 

i - ■■ 

■ ■ - 

?T^ 4 P. to be lost, to perish; Pre. st^tRt P«rf- Trrw F. Fut*." 

*rf3rer, 4er Fnt, srrcTOfa— if$*frr Oon.arTftraJt— stfws; 

Aor. arsr^ Ben. s^^rni. Des. ftJmnrPl wft Hft Can: — 
Pre. ifraraf%— % Aor. s*sfrrtr3-*r Pp. TO Ger. ifgr, sf^r or- 

;Tf 4 U* to bind; Pre. *«!%— It Perf- TTT*, «ft> C^fa* *T5 sfrf*^ 
2nd sing.) P. Fnt. ^r Fh s^^rfa— f* Aor. gH reft q^HT^ 
( »rrr^T^ W CWIH t rq Dual ) Ben. H?ng, **#* Oau. Vxe-, 
HUtMlH — § Des. HH^fa— % Pp- 5^5 Inf. sfq^. 

Pt<% 3 U. to wash, to nourish; Pre. Wrfirff) %f*T% Peri. fiftsr 
AMr F. Fnt. %*ct Fat. %wm— % Aor. vfikm^, t^rfe. 
3TfSrar Ben. fSrsqr^, fJ^ftff Des. ftfroft— % P. p. fs^.. 

Th>< 2 A. to wash, to purify; Pre. ffrfj; Perl ftft% Aor.. 

Qrftfsas" Des. Rrfrf^r^ Pp. Prf^wr- 

■i i 

^1P. to blame; Pre. f^^ Pert fifr* Fut. fsrfS^fa 
Aor, arf^fr^F* P. ftf^fW* 

■ j 
j , 

?flr 1 XJ. to lead, to carry ; Pre. «r*fr% Peit faror, ftt 
F. Fut. W Fnt. 3r«*f%— % Aor. «$4h£ «^ff Ben. 9J)qr^ 
Me-.Chkv. Pre. n mfft— ft Des. fSrftafir-^ Pp. ifa. 

DhA'tTTKOSEA. ^59 

sfrj^Perf. jrtptF. Fnt, sff%*r A or. 

*ntrfhi Dos- H«t>cftr 

■1 I 

a^ 6 U. to drive or impel; Pre. fJgft^-ft'Fert sffffe-ipRt 

Fnt. vfr^ra^r — % Aor. ar*htfhr, it^t Oan. Pre. ifft*iir-% 

Aor. 3T^^-?T Des. 3^rnt-% i>. p. £tT, g«r. 

35 4 P. to dance, to represent on the stage; Pre. ^Hrftr 
Perl sprf F. int. srf&rr Aor. a^ff* Ben. '^nc'Def. 
PWf$Hftl— fSl^sffr Pass :— Per. ^?jr% Aor. arqft Oan: — 
Pre. si^irnJ-— Aor. sr%a^, arm** Pp. ^T- 

■ ™ ■■ ■ 

- --■ . 

qfc 1 U. to cook, to bake, to digest; Pre. f*rr1|— % Pert, 
irqpr, %^ Fnt. q^RT Fnt. qtj*ft— % Oon. STR^— £ Aor. 

armfi^j srra Ben. TOr^, qtffe Des. frftrft— % Pass:- 

Pre. to& Aor. srofft Oan :— Pie. qpeprfft— $ Aor. 

1 ■ 

q^ 1 P. to read, to stndy, to describe; Pre. qafa P«**. TO*, 
% Fnt. afsfrr Fnt. qf%v«rf^ Oon. grqffcwra; Aor. »rq^ 
or srrrafrw Des. fircfcsftr Pass:— Pre. qea% Aor. arqrri* 

_,'^ h>. 

Oan:— Pre. qjff^ffr% Aor. arftqa^-Kf Pp. qffftf Ger. qfff*qr 
qor 1 A to bargain, to bet or stake at play; Pre. <re% Perf. 

q^ 1 A. to praise; Pre. <rWlA Perl. w^imH^K , &c. ^r 

- * " r . ',* / - 

F. Fnt. qfarcrr, q^rfinir Fnt. q^rfrcarfo qPrwrH' Aor. 

. ■ 

wnife atMphs Ben. TTT^rrej qpnfte Pp. q^rfanr. 

■* j 

q^ I P. to fly, to alight, to faU; Perf. qgft Perf. qq^ 

j 1 a 1 1 1 f .■ ar 11 ■ , 

~ Fnt. qftRtr Fnt. qft**rfa Oon^ srrflrsm Aor. fTOR£ Bi 

3$0 SAareaair Gbasemcab. 

. H # 

S^T^Des, taaft.fcltaAr Pass:— Pre. <rwrt Aor. 
WTfa Oau:— Pre. qTtmfir^-% Aor."*pftTOf-^*P- Tfal 

qfiwr ^ n **' | ri%a'5; 


<r?^*m Opi^ sn^*r?r Aor. STOlft Ben, q^fteDes, fJ*tf«l 

Paaa;— Pre. to% Aor. srqrft Oau: — P re - .fWlRT— ■ % Aor. 
s^fa^--*? Pp. W Ger v u*rr' Iȣ l^pt- 

tr^ 1 A. to praise; Pre. tpn^tft Peri §%, qqr^3R& &c 
2?. Fut. qf%*n", ^Hlfaflr Fufe HH^j --M^ftM|fif : Aor, 

s^rf^re* srwffa Ben. qfWre, H«n*wri Pp- <Tnnr, *hiAq> 

1 L 

■ J J 

<tf 1 P. to drink, to absorb; Pre. fttsrnr Perf . qft P- P Q k TOTT 

■ ■ i J ■* 

■Fat. qT^nT Con. sr<m*n( Aor. «rtn^. Ben. ^arrgc I)oB - 

fc famfi- Pass:— Pre. tffafc Aor. btttPT Oau:— Pre. 

J ■ L 

qr 2 P. to protect, to rule ; Pre. qrftj Pert 5*8" F. Fut. qnrr 
Pot. qr^Rr Oon. wrers Aor. srqrtffa Ben. q^S Des. 
f^Tra^ Pass. Pre. qr^[ Oau:— Pre. qiWZttft— *t Aon 


srfrrwac— h Pp. qr?r- 

qrjr 10 U. to finish, to get through or over; Pre. qrraffrt— % 
Perl MK^I^*K — ^% F. Fut. qirRrffr Fut. qrcfSresnfHt 
Con. stmfa**qc--?r Aor. amiTI.— cT Pass;— Pre. <rpf?f 

Pp- qiftq; 


qtR 10'TJ. to proteot; Pre. qT«NrRr— % Peri. qrsrqtT^TTT— "fllW, 

■■ ■ ■ 

&c. F. Fut. qraftftT Aor. srfhmgt— ft Pass:— Pre. H \ v mS 
Pp- *Iff%Wf Gter. iu$fij«r. 

*w S -t '■ ■." „ 

pw 7 P. to grind, to Jrarti Pre. Rr& Peri , flftq- P. Fut. ^T 


Slflt %n. B^r^ Aor, frf^ 

r J c 

Dha'tttkosha . 861 

Pre. f^% Aor. aftffcr Can:— Pre.^snrfir— % Pp. ft* Ghsr. 

Hi ■ ■ ■ 

*frj 10 TL^to press, to hurt, to oppose- Pre* <rh^rf%— W Pert. 

F; Put. <fterrSraT Fut. likfamti — 3' 0on - 

srftef^rar^ Aor. ^ftFraa;— sr; srf<r<fteg:--s Pp» <ftf^ 

;OT 4 P. to nourish, to develop, to bear, to show; Pre. <r**Rt 

■iter Put. $r**ni Ood. arfte^ra 

*TH^ Ben. TOngr 


^t.1 & 9 P. to nourish, &o. Pre. tfN^ 5^°n!% Perf. Tqt*T P* 
Put. qfft^r Fut. <fif*r«*lfa Aor. arft^ Pass:— Pre. tor* 

Aor, srftpT Can:— Pre. »n^rf^-3 Pp.**- 

■ ■ ■ r 

Tjt^lO IT. to maintain, to promote; Pre. ifraftl — % Pert. 

A. to purify, to winnow, to invent; Pre. to%, Perf. $£% 
P. Put. qftrar Aor. snf** Des. faqftq% GanV-^Pre. 

■rr^iflr-^ Pp* ot, trf^sr &**» sy^r? 7fa*4f. 

r ■ 

j j ■ ■ ■ , 

■ ■ r 

tT 4 to purify- Pre. 3*n%, 3sftt Perf. 3^, 3^ Pat.^^rRr 

Aor. Hqr<fg[, arrRff X>es. gsjrfir— % Pp. sjr. 

h P - ' 1 t h _ . ^ 

-qsr 10. U. to adore, to receive with honour to present with; 

Pre. <£roilr— *t Perf. ^nrr'^TK— ^^ &0. P. Fat. ^srftwr 
Put. <j3rf^rf^% Oon. 9^^*35^ Aor. grgprq-g Pp. 

<£^r(r G«r. ^mr inf. i?rftg«(. 

^ 4 A. to kill, to satisfy, Pre. ^ Pert g^ P. Pat. ^r 
Aor. «r^t» a?^ Oans— Pre. "jjntffr— % Aor. st^j** 

1 '-Pp. 5?T« ' 

^ 10 T7. to fill, to cover; Pre. y^r-4r Perf. ' wljI^k- 

362 Sanskrit Gba-wmab. 

■i r ■ 

I ■ "■" 

■ ' r - , . 

«q^ F. Pot. CTf^rar Jfat- ^lRiuiRhI Oon. *^cft^rac 

Aor ' **$3TO"ff Pp- ^?r-Pa8B. Pre. ^. 

. _ r ^ 

i "■ 


S 3 F. to bring out of, to protect, to fill ; Pre. ftpTfl? ( ftufK 
pi.) F. Fut ifflf Aor. arqr^Defl. *^Rr Ben. f^CRC 

^ 6 A. vith srr to be engaged; Pre. sqrftat Pert. &W& 
Aor. «irr^. 

■ - j 

^q* 2 A. to oeme in contact with} Pre. 3% Pert. 33$ F. Put* 
qffor Aor. &T?f%g Pp. S?w. 

?%7 P. to unite, to join; Pre. juifty Pert inr^ F. Fut # qrf%3T 
Aor. sprtfa/Pp. SFK Ger.\tf%s*r Iat <tf%m. 

5^; 1 P. & 10 IT. to hinder, to join; Pre. q^T & V#qrRr-%. 


■1 ■ 

^ 8 P. to fill, to blow, to protect; Pre. ftqfi}-- Perf, nrqrr; F» 
Put. irftgr, ir^r Fat. qftsirfSr, <rfh*flr Aor. srrpfht Ben * 
t?fa; Defl. ssjffo fttrffcrfa fatffafir, Pass. Pre. ^ft Cta; 
—Pre; m*rfcr-% Aor. st#T^-?T Pp. $f , #fcl Ger. *** 

c^rg; 1 A. to grow, to swell, to increase; Pre. cqprt Pert factf 

■ j 

F. Put. <*hPhI Fut. e^rftcqtt Oon. aTBqff5rcq7 Aor. 

»r B «nf^r, tfMirnifi Pp. carjw, <ftw. 

n r 

■ J J 

*% 1 A. to grow, &o. Pre.* c^rq% Pert qx^ F. Fut, eajfajr-.-Fat. 
<3TTCTft Oon. srorer^ Aor. arofCT Pp- <ffc- 

j ■ ■ - H ■ 

3|^[ 6 P. to ask, to seek for; Pre. s^sfa Pert vspe^ F. Fut 
HCr Fnt. jrajrfa Oon. »T3r**3 Aor. srm^C Ben. ^fapuRr; 
Pea- P mfolMftl Pas«.— Pre. &&<$ Oau:— Pre. Jr"raftr% 


gcr Int JJgH 

J J. 

Bha'iukoshI. 3e3M 


H*£l A. to become famous, to increase, to rise; Pre. jrq^f Perf- 
q-ST^ F. Put. sif^UTT Fat. 3f%T=*% Oon. iWft«W Aor ~ 

■i ■ 

STJTfaff Oau.— Pre. qirqfc— % Aor. WTO^—* Pp- .*flW«-' 

iff 2 P. to fill; Pre. srrf% Perl tr^ F. Fnt. sn«r Aor. itHI^Hr. 

jft 4 A. to feel affection, to be satisfied ; Pre. sjfafr F« rf - ftflfa 
F. Put. for Aor. a^s Ben. Stfte P P- ifN- G« r - ***r 
Inf. $gq. 

S& 9 U. to please, to take delight in ; Pre !JHrftf> jfi°fl^ Perf - 

IWhfc Ftf?$ F. Put. ta-Fnl. ^rm-^ Aor. arMfc & 

arte Ben. sfarra: & Wte pp* J ftw- 

H^l P. to burn; pre. gfaflr perl tf^q-F. Fut. gfftaT Fut. 

gffts^fa Con. sritfawrcc, Aor. arir^p-p- ss <* er « »Rw#- 

$?ft ** r? sir- 

m<& P. to burn; Pre. geirft Apr. STjjsRt, Pp- SPS Ger * £faW*~ 
aw 9 P. to sprinkle, to fill, to be wet; Pre. ffWTTft Apr. argMtay 

cm- 2 P. to devour, to eat; Pre. c^rf^r Perl qc^ F. Fut. 
'«emr Fut. qgraft Oon. HHI 1444V Aor. wrorifa Ben., 
vomn > <%*T3 D«- ftermffi Faa» :— Pre. <*rra% Oau.— 

r J _ f 

Pre. i^rr^f^ Aor, aift^rq^ Pp. ^rnr. 

* ., ■ . ■ ■ ■ 

■ 1 , 

■i "i 

■^ 1. P. tp burst open, to split ; Pre. qrwftr F. Fut. <PftfW 
F. Fut. qrffcgr Fut. qn§**ffi Oon* sffRj*^ Aox, Sf4il<flC 

q^ 1 P. to go, to bear frcit, to result, to be suooesaful; Pre^_ 

qj^ftf &<*- Pp» "fc-RWi" 
ww 1 P. to open, to blow ( as a flower ) ; PivVTffft P«*. SSP3T 

, n i " r 

~ 56 * SANftK|tT GEAMMAE. 


r ■ 

v ■*■ : *t. fffew -Wfc $f8r«rf» Oon. sigff^w^ Aor. *i$$^ 

L ■■ 


» P. to bind, to attract, to form ; Pre. toRt Peri 9^ 
JV Fut;^ Fat. **CTft Oon. ^H«^r^ Aor. 8THR?^ 

Ben. <tOTt-De8.-frrari|r P»m : --P»>-W» Oan. Pre.-* 
«p*TOl%— % Aor.g^w^r Pp. ^ Ger. ^^f. 

9 . ' '. 

^^rl A. to oppress, to torment r Pre. ^q% Perf. 3^ 
*. Put. ^f^ F ut . qrftctft Oon. sttt^Hv Aor. ^e 
Can. Pre.— *nran*-^Aor. sr^T^-t Pass. Pre:---™% 

^rf^T Grer. *rf^r Inf. Ylftra 


^ ^*« V — 9 m % V ^ K ^^^ ^^ — ^^ ^ 

ftf*r a #^- Fat. ^f^n 1 Pat. Aftcqft-t.Ooa. •Af^nf 

?TAor. s?f^, *ffrR^, ST^rftff Oau. Pre:— wNvRT— : % 

Aoj. a%^— *. 

-ft* A. to know, to understand . Pie.guft Perf. 3^- F. Fat. 
^T Fut. jf^^u^ Oon. srsfNWtT Aor. a^, atf^ Ben. 
S** Des. ¥S ?gt Pass. Pre:— 5^^ Oan. P»:— frprf* 
(only ) Aor. sm^; Pp, ». 

-3J2 TJ. to speak ; Pre. 'tflftfrtj*, air? Perf. 3^, g^ p. p nt . 
TOT Fut. T^lW-% Oon. *TW^— 5 Aor. a^Bra^-^ Ben. 
'■'■f«»WCf n(hr. Pass. Pae. 7^ Can. Pre:— srrom— % 
Aor. a^fhr^— g Pp. ^^j Gep. ^^f inf. y^ a 

■■ ■ 1 _ 

^lOir. to eat, to use np, to bite; Pre. w*f?r— % Perf. 

, Dha'tukoshjL 365» 


j - l - "i 

Pre. h^ Pp. 5Tf^T Ger. 9r$fcc?r Iaf. HWfaa*. 


Pre. H^Tf% — ^ Perf. m*, 3*3* P. Put. v&n Put. *%irfa-& 
Oon. ar^arq;— ?r Aor. ar*rr#g; , gpRff Ben. h^t^ , TOjfter 
Des. f^5T«u^r— % Pass. Pre, H5*% Aor. spJTiyF Can. 'Pre.. 
' qpraf%~-% ' Aor. s^rsr^—^ Pp. *hu Gar. vf&w Inf.. 

r ■ , ■ ■ 

afssr 7 P. to split, to disappoint 3 Pre. sprf^? Per. q-TO P- Pot. . 
H^fff Put. H^Ttt Gon. 9TT3£S*ra; Aox. sprfejfct- Ben.. 
TOmg Des f^FSTKr Pass. Pie. ?f$q% Aor, *?*&*, aRrf^r 
Oau. Pre. ^s^fir^ Aor. aiwssrg;— g P£. sfflT Ger^ 

^n—^firar in*- ^f^g^r 

apq; 1 P. to speak, to call ; Pre* nwf% Perf. sprpf P ■ "Put; qftarr- 
Fut. HfSrofir Aor. gpr^j ^*rrift^ Pass. Pre:— «ra*fo 
Aor. srsfTf^T Pp. Hfa*T Ger. sff^T^r- 

, n x r 

i ' ' ■ r J 

^^ "i 

«T^ 10 A. to menace, fo threaten, to abuse, to deride $ Pre*. 

H««f^ Perf. roNiranft' P. Pa*. n?*Ffasrr Aor. sm*&|* 
Des. fin«#jin« Pp. *rf^m- 

- r ■ ■ 


HT 2. P. to shine, to appear, to be • Pre. »rrft JPerf. q^P, Put. 

■ ■ ■ j 

*Trar Aor. srerffa Pass. Pre:— *rR$ Aor. Sfsrr^Oan. Pre*_ 

nrmft-% ■Aor.w«nfiain^— ^ P. p. *mr, 

.HTW 10 U. to divide ; Pre. itimrfiMf Perf. jjrgr^n^TR— ^^ 

1 " " ■ i." , m 

P. Pat. vmfSrar Ao*. aTOTrsrefc— <r Pp. irfsre. 

an^ 1 A. to say, to speak about, to call, Pre. ^rsr^ Pert qiflfr 

P.Pat. Hrf^rr Aor. ar>rr)%ff Pp* ht/^. 

^|f^ I A, to shine, to be bright ; Pre. *?ra% Perf. g^r^- Put. 

3166 Sanskrit Gbakmab. 

.1 -. 

<*%fcl A. to beg, to obtain, Pre. fiftr* ***■ faft& P. Fut, 
fitfmi Fut.fHftrsq$ Aor. affaire Ben. fSfftpfte Pp- 

-|5w 7 U. to separate, to break down; Pre. f3pn%, ftR* Perf. 


Wr/faPrtF. Fut. ^rr Fa*. SiraiftHJ Con, *r^^— ?r 

Aor. nf^, mWN » *Tf*HT Dm. ftfcgAr-t Pp. fa*- 


7% 3 P. to fear, to be anxious about ; Pre. fsrSrfr Per. ftprr* , 
pprahpfirt &<>. P. Put. Sferr Fut. 3r**fa, Oon. aPT*^ Aor, 
ar^fra; , Ben. ifprra; I>es. fatffafir Pass. Pre. *fhm Aor. 

.spnft Oau. Pre. qHHifc HPT^, tfPT^ Pp. iffcr. 

?fr*r 7. 17. to protect, A. to eat, to consume, to enjoy, P. to 
rale, to govern ; pre. w?rf^r, $% Perf. gqfer, f^r F. Put. 

.•vmt Pat; 5r$*ft— ir Oon. 5nf|^g--^f Aor. ar^«ft^» 

-ST^ Ben. £5^,w^Dea.jv£|%—Sr Pass. Pre.wsqfr 
Aor. sr^f^r Oau. Pre:— iftiRlfr- Sr Aor. STfg^-- ?T 


■ j a 

=a£ 1 P. ( ready Atm. ) to be, -to live, to be born * Pre. *t*t%— % 
Pert *$*, *$? P. Fut. irfar Fat. qfasq-f%_% Oon. 
*P*ft^r-tf Aor. sr^r, ar*rf*S Ben. arerr^, itfStfte: Oee. 

gigiftrt - Fmi. Pre:— ^rt P. Fut. *r^rr, vrftnr Fat. 

rfroib *rrfa**% Aor. *r infa Ben, *rrf*«fte, qfrfte, Dan. 
Pre;— *rr**rfa— % Aor. arifaqra^-tf Pp. aj[?r Inf. igft^. 

=g£.10 U. to adorn ; Pie. w^f^—% p 0T f. yi^N sffT^— ^T% &o. 
F. Fut. agrqrfSprr Pp. wfro- 

=a| 1 XT. to nonriab, to fill ; Pre ^Rr— $ Per. **rn:— *% F. Fat. 
: itfarFut. Hftwrlt— % Aor. snirffik «r^ Des. f^$fa-% 

■ J ■ 

Bha^tueosba. 367 

aj 8 U, to hold, to support ; Pre. f^THS & fth£% Perf- q^TT and 
«$ and f^^rcKsRTC— ^tb _ *«. F. Fut. to> Fat. qftatfr 
— % Aor. *T*rtffo «*£* Dob. fcqftqft or, fttiRt P*^-' 
F*e, faqfc Aor. awrft Oau.— Pre. su^fa—^ Aor* 

B ■ % 


zjfa 1 A. & 4 P. to fall, to decline, to escape; Pre. ^foft, SR^ftf 
Perf. ^r, snfa F. Fut. tfftrerr Aor. irtrat, Htffaff Des. 

finff*ra%--# Pp. «rc Oer. *for*?r & «§t. 


^T^l & 4 P. to roam about, to totter, to surround; Pre. vprfcT 

& srofo sreRr Per*- tot* F. Fut. *f*rcrr Fut. srffcrsqftr 

Aor. iTstfta ( 1 P. ) WST3 ( * P- ) Oau.— Pre. ?mft 
Pp. SFS Ger. sfitor* W^TT. 
^TO[ 6 UV:to parch; Pre. ^ssrRr— % Perf. **p#, TO53T, ipNf* 

ir«r«% 9 F. Fut. *rcr, toT Fut. sr^Rr— fr, ^f^_% ^. or . 

wmffa. «T*m^, ara*> 3PTS Ben. vg£W^, «r$fte, *Rffe 

Pasa.— Pre. vs^ar^, Oau.-^Pre. ^f^w^f%— %,; *T#?rRr--% 

A,or. STTOSST^-ftj »w»i**f<Jrs Pp. ^"ff. 

, J 

^TT^ *• A. to ahine, to beam; Pre, «rT5T$ Pe**. W ^ F. 
Fat. M \ (Mm Fat. *tf*r**$ Aor. arerftre Oau:— Pie- 

L a 

•HI*mTH-% Pass. Pre. ^f^T% Aor. ^TOff^T Pp. W|5T?T> 
=*n^l & 4 A. to abine; Pre. IjrerV WF&fit Perf. tot$, %£ 
F. Put. *Tf$nrr Aor. arwftc Ben. snftpftff Dea. ffcjr- 

f$re% Pp- vrf%ra« 

A^T^-to shine; flame aa above. 

H.': "■■'.■■■'' ' 

p . P ■ 

, ' - ■ H - 


^fcj^l P. to ohurn, to stir; Pre. H^ftr Perf- mu*f F. Fut. hPtw 
JNfcSfowfll ^ or - iMht Pass:— Pre. inar% Aor. mtft 

368 SAXSfc^T Gbahmab. 


, ■ "i 

apjpr F. Fut. qftar Fut. Hft^rfa -A.or. ^TfrtK-aTii^V^ 

' t mi a 

Oau:— Pre. *n$*f*f Pp. *m- 

A. to please; Pro. m^t Perf - TT^ltn% F. Fufc. TTC- 

Tajf^r Aor. srerw Pp- *nftsr- 

, A. to know, to think ; Pre. vfbr Peri ffit *. Fat. w 
Fat. <^A 0<> n - a**re*rer Aor. wfer Ben.iftfte Pes. frpfafc 
Oau:— Pre. *TR*fir— ?F Pp- *TC1 <*er- *n?r^T, ^^T- 

i^ 8 A. to consider, to esteem; Pre. i?g^ Perf . ffl f. 

qfanx Fut. *ff% B ^t Aon ar<rcr> ar^fas K «pptt^ ^Hftar: 

2nd sing. ) Ben. ufWfe Des. mfotit ( other forma like- 
.. those of the above root. ) 
q^lO A. to be proud; Pre. *jprat P«f. jtrtHs' P. Fut_ 

HHfSrtT Aor. srfiripnr Ben, »TRi^fte Bes. ^rrRtt^t 


^ 10 A. to consult, to advise, to speak; Pre. n*5r*ft( some- 
times jftoRi also ) Pert. »F3RHr* F. Fat. ti^ H^ r Fut.. 
«frfq*q% Aor. srm^ Pp- Hf5^?T Ge*- HH^I* 

^^ 1 and 9 P. to churn, to agitate, to crash, to destroy, to- 
tearoff; Pre. *r*nRr & *rwnfa ?«**• *pf*t F. Fnt. jfftqr 
Fat. iff^^' Aor - »THHft^ Ben. . ni^rac Des. ftiffo<tfir 

h r . 

Pass. Pre, nvqll Oan:— Pre. H?sr*lf<M* -A- '- 3Ti*i**J<-?r 

Pp. n fan 1 G° r * qf**wr— hRt^t- 

a» 6 P. to bathe, to sink, to purify; Pre. *(&mf$ Perf. *jts*t 
F. Fut. if^fRr Fat. q^rft Aor. STOT^ftq^Ben. H55TOC 
Des. fk*t%f% Oau:— Pre. ' * fRfSRTllr— % Aor. spwa^— -j. 



i J 


1 ■" ■ 

«re^& Oon. sritrcsv Ao *- snirtfta; Ben. #«rwL 

i - 

< m 

F ■ l 

. DH^EtTKQSHA . 369 


r ■ 

Des. ft^|% Pass:— Pro. ift^ Aor.a^frft' Oau:-Pre. ^ 
ftr% Aor. sr^qr^-HET Pp, f^cr <*er. fltor. 

*- r * ^ r ■ - 1 

& 4 A. to measure, &c., Pre. f)pft%. & o qr*r% P er f. tft 
F. Put. irnrr Fut. Htk*& Aor. STTOS Ben, HT#ff Des. 

»IRC 1 A. to seek knowledge ; Pre. jffaNRt Perf. jffofcrfa^— 

arrays F. Pat. ifafr%ar Aor ; »r4Wraff Pass-ire. 
«fotN*% Pp, jftafrcre. 

»flijE 1 P. to seek, to chase; Pre. «rr$Rr Perf. imrf P. Put. 

*rrfrhir Aor. awnfN P es * Pmri^ri%. 

*int 10 U. to aeek for, to go, to decorate; Pre. tfrrfqft.— % 
Perf. H r ifaKfr K-^S, &c, P. Put. *r#fa9T Aor. anwnf^T 
« Ben. JfF*Tt, *rff*$fer Pp. *rrfa. 

i_ ■■ 

qh£l0. U. to purify, to wipe ; Pre. irpfaft— : % Perf. *TT?fcta- 
WTC-^fc, F. Put. ^TifRpw Aor. sp^Tsf^-ST Ben. TTS^, 

Tr*f*«fte Pp. *n9fo 

' ■ ■ 

ft 5 U. to throw, to soatber, to measure; Pre. fcftfqy pj^> 
Perf. jpJr, fa*^F. Put. jjRTf Fnt. *rr^rf%— % Aor. afirreffa^ 
•Hrrev -Ben. ifkl^i wrtfte Des. fifteft— iT Pass*— Pre; 
jfaj% Oau. Pre. jrr**fa— % Aor. «pfrra<--« Pp. fa*. 

f8^ 1 A. to be unctuous, to melt, to love ; -Ptq* ife % Perf, 
ftffi%F. Fut.irf^r Aor. atffopj;-. |ftf^ Des. flfir— ft 

ft^ft Pp. fa*, 3f*s v 

■ , L 

|*^4P, to meH, &e.; Pre. iftrfa Perf, ftfa P. Fut, tff^r 

ft^fe U. to join, to be united, to come together ; Pre. fSraftT- 

% Peri faifa, f*rf*r# F. Put. Sfogr Put. JtffcsarRr— fr 

^ i Ora^'VtWn^r-ff Aor. .spfr&g;, wpflfoe P'ass— Pre. ft**§ 

;. Aor. ar^ Oau:— Pre! fcitffe-%: Aor. spftft^--^ 

& ■*..-■ . t ■ ■ . ' ■ ■ ' , -:i j 

S. 8. G. 24 

S70 Sanies Gbammab. 

*&, &o. P. Put. ftstfirar -4&.*<Mto*BQ^-2?'[fM*m 

«" . > " ' 

I _ F J - u 

,g> g tF. to kill, to lessen, to change, to be lost ; Pre. •ffcrfty 

jtfft Perf. *mh f*3r P- Put. irnrr Aor, »r*n^, *ptoi 

Ben. affarq:* TTCfte Dm. ftwrtHfc Pass- Pre. "fMi O 
Pre. *(FCTfrr3 Pp« % Oer. *ffar. 

aftw 1 F. to close (as tiie eyes ), to twinkle, to be closed or 
^ shut ( aa the eyea or flowers ) p to meet, to cause to shut. 
Pre. *f)*Rr. P«rf- ft*W ■ ?• P"*- ^^T Aoj. spftsfo 

^6X7. to loose, to set free, to leave, to abandon* ] 

-*f Perl g^, sg4r P. Pat. jffcw Fat. %**rRr 
ST5*T^> ****! Ben. H^TT^j f #rsr Dee. ^gsjft Pp. 

i 1 ■■* 

jra- 1 A. to rejoice, to be glad : Pre. $t*ifr Perf. gg$ F. Put, 

"" iTf^TT Fat. *rft***r Aor. sritffts Pen. »ftft<te Defl. 

55f^%, 5*** PP. 5^- 


g^ 10 U. to mix, to blend; Pre, *Trf*ft—% Pari* 
^ F. Fat. ifr ^R ldr Aor. 8T55^— ?r. 

g&l P. to faint, to become senseless* to grow, to prevail - 
~ .NPre,fp£fr Perf. g^ F. Put. , ftfqnr Aor. BT^gf^ 

Pp. 'jfWcTjfn. 

n^ fi 1 P. to steal, to carry off ; Pro. *rw»rrfer 2nd sing, g^pr 
Perf. 5?PT F. Fat. ififtar Fat. 3*rr%rszTf% Aon itf^ 
, Ben. wc^frw Des. OT-ifh-Fraft Pp* SfacT Ger - gfa*^, qT*F?»; 
Inf. Htf*nrc. 

to 4 P. to faint, to swoon, to fall, to err, to be foolish, Pre. 

V r 5«rrt £erfc S^f F: Fat. «ftf^ *tf T *r, «ihtt Pnt. tnf^sBjr%, 

q^f^ Oon, H^ff^nir-H^^^ Aan fijvglt Baa* gwraC 

K . 

. r h 

DHi'TUKOSEi. _37i 


r L ■ - 

''^WSbfa'*S^'^^*.tt?te.!wfa dan. 
~™-tff «fV% Aor. i^nqui Pp. g^, ^ Ger. g _ 

^ 10 XT. to plant, to spront; Pre. 33*%-% Perl" gRWrr^c 

— ^* F - Bta*; sesftrar Aor. arg^-* pp. ^j, .... , 

3fcl P. to rob, to plunder; Pre. Jgtrft Pert g™ Aor. Wfr 

^ 6 A * to die, to perish; Pre; ftq% Perf. ip^ ft. Fat. ^ 
Pal qftsarRr Aor. s^ Ben. ^fcr Des. g^fo Pass.— 
P*e. fsrolfr Oaua:— Pre. m^^Aor. ttf)^% Pp„ 
^ Inf. *$£ Gter. q&j, 

' ■■".»-■■■-'*-'. 

^ 4 P. tb Beek/tO imnt, to examine; to beg; Pre: ' ^rqffc Per . 

;,;. _?*$■& Fut.itfjhrr Fut. tflfaftr Aor. mi^.Pp. tfiray. 

■ 10 f^ to ■■**» &0 *' ^ re - S 1 ™^ Perf - 5*rer3TO -JV Put. 
^*iRi«nFat. firftiq%- Apr. ari^iRr. 

^2 P.; to wipe off, to rub; Pre. *rr& Pert mrf p. ■.. p u t. 

*tfflrav wf Fat. infjtarffr, wfo Cos. HflfH^rk-- 

«nre^ Aor. sttTstt^, «nrafoc Ben. gsiiT^ Des. f^rRr, 

.Pi'HifSrHRr Pass; — Pre. 35Jt% Aor, miflr Gau5~Pre. 

*r*nt— % Pp. as, wrfSra. 

*. ' 


■flSJIO; U, to, to adorn; Pre. jTnforftr-^ perf # . ^ 
arr^BRm:-^* F. Fat. mrfam Fat ^rffi^rt-%i Aor, 

:^nC-9. P, to pres$,,to eras h, to kill, to rub off. Pre. 5|^,Per£ 
HH| : F.-, Fat. ..iftar- tfnfc- ,«&*& Oop. wrff^; Aor. 
9Ti^ Pass.— Pre. 5^ Aor. ar»rf$ Oau.— Pre. Jrf^-t 

Aor. spfts^-?r> sm^-cT Pp- ?Rf?r. 

^m 6 P. to toneh, to oonsider; Pre. toRT Pert jrjnf F. Fut. 

— r— — ■ , ' ' ■ i : ; — - ' -' - ' ■ ' ; "> ' 

• ^^ l^is ^rasmalpadi hi the Perfect, the two Futures and 

onal. ."■■'■■ ." , ..■'•.: i 


5' I ■ i-*. 



$1% SAifaB^T Geamhab. 


*reF> «[€t Fnt. <i^$% 9: fr^fei Aor. srortffcc, 3tw#^, 

aTJ^TS, Des. prorRr Pass:— Pre. jj^j% Aor. sntfij Oau:— 
Pre. *fofft— % Aor. «nft^j— *r, «ppr^— « Pp. *[* 


r ^^ 

ajjj^l P. to sprinkle; Pre. *pfft Peri. *!*$ F. Put. Jfffar Aor. 

vrmff^. Pp* 1?- 

1 . j i r 

n t r 

1 L 

■ L 

^r 1, 4 U. to forgive, to bear, to pardon; Pre. irfRr-%, *F*ftw 
— % Peri *&$, qg% P. Put. irffar Put. ^f^uffr- ^ Aot. 
•nrffo «Prf4tr Pass:-— Pre. gwq% Oau.— Pre. *fofo— ?► 
Pp. 1$ra G-er. q<3fqe4l7 3f*TCTT? 1WW« 

■ - ■" 

3^10 T7. to suffer, &o.; Pre, jr$*f|r-%, Perf. M^ l ^K -"-^^ 

b &g. F. Put. qtffcnir Aor. *rfVs*ur-3> scnr^t^r. 


it I A. to exchange, to barter; Pre. q*3t Perf. jj% F. Put. qrffF 
Put. JrrOTT Aor, ajirraf Ben. *rrtffe Des. fkv^t Pp. POT 

F I 

»rr 1 P. to think, to repeat in the mind ; Pre. Trcft Perf. t\*4\ 

F. Fat. wrr?rr Fut. *^r^rf?r Aor. arwrr^ra Ben. wrnrn;, 

*farrg; Des. Prrraffc Oau.— Pre. wrrq^f^— ^ Aor. 
'•fPW^t-HI Pass.— Pre. «rpa% Pp. *5TO. 

vltag or j^g" 1 P. & 10 XT. to speak barbarously ; Pre. *&«5fc 
and vftv^^f^-— ft Pert fi*^-^ and serB^Jrm^TC— s gW 
Pp. f*rt& and *%fcsjrer> 

S$ 1 P. to fade, to grow weary, to be sad; Pre. *wnrj% Per£ 

*fwV F. Put. *pjrfrr Put. »^?^ Aor. ar*f*n£h; Ben*. 

*vrara> *$*n* Oau.— Pre. *wnrBjRr^-% Pp. mvr* 

' ~ - . 


';"'■.'';. 4 •*;■-.. 

asr 1 U. to sacrifice, to make an oblation to, to give; Pre* 

v, i|3if%^ Perf. f^nr, |^. F. Put. nm Put. «r**rf?r-% Oon- 

■ fftJWttr- « Aon wrtffc, arajS* Ben. f «qiS, jNfc 

■ h 

4 n - 

Dha'tttkoshjw 37S: 

i%ra$rflr-^-%. Pftfls: — Pre. ^sarfr Aor. ^nrrf^r Can:— . 
P". *rSRfa— % Aor. irfhrw^-BT P P- S* <*er. *gr* 

*1^ 1 A. to attempt, to strive after, to labour/ &c; Pre. *ra?fr 
Perf.Sftf F. Put. *tf*Rn Put. srfa*^ Aor. a^ffe Ben. 
ifWItt Bes. J44fd<l3 Pass. — Pre. ir€q% Aor. srorf^ 
Oan:— Pre. ^rr^flHJ Aor. arz n gra < -3 P P- fl <*•*• 
srft^qr, 3TWT- 

*F3£ 10 U. to restrain, &c; Pre. 3 ^3 pHt Pert ^TOH^filT- 

^ft> &o. F. Put. q~*iftw Put. ^F3r^r«!rft-% Aor. tT**mq> 

-3 Pass; — Pre. q??tr% Pp. ^r^rtT Ge*. ^ ^M^ tr- 

3T^ 1 P. to cheek, to restrain; Pre. 3r*^j% Perf . ^qm F. Fat. 
3r*ar Fat. *fcsfa Oon. sra^ Aor. sr^^K Ben. *rK*r^ 
Des. f%^^ Qau:— Pre. ^r^fa-^ Aor. snfhrag^-eT Pass.- 

. .■ Pre. q*?r% Pp. *TcT G-er. q^r. 

^w 1 & 4 P. to strike, to endeavour; Pre. ^g"f%, ^T^li% (with. 
5^-4mqfo *Nxn3;. *>ut with any other preposition 
*rearf% alone as *ra**rfH) Perf . *&m F. Put. ^ferr Put. 
q^nm^ Aor.' vtbtq^ Can:— Pre. 3WH*fRHt Pp- «R5T Ger. 

^f 2 P. to go, to invade, to pass. away; Pre. srrflr Perf. ar% 
F. Put. «rHrr Put. ^r^ Aor. araNfaBen. *mrra; Des. 
fSpiTOm Pms:— Pre. *TT*RJ Oaui— Pre. zrpr^%-^% Aor, 

Pp. *re <*«. «ffl, sptr iu*. srnra- 

^I^[ 1 U. to beg, to demand in marriage; Pre. arr<qf^-^ Perf. 
"«ni*, TOT^T P. Put. *rrf%sr Put. 3rjftTs*rt-% Aor., 

arapflra., Bf«m^re Ben. qT**rrgt-^rfa*fte ban:— Pre. 
tfre^fiH^ Apr. anram— *? Pp. ■^rf^nr Go*- *rrfa^r ini* 

sj 2 P. to join, to combine; Pre. ^f^r Perf. g^f F. Pat.«rf^r 
Fnt. *ftGirft Aor. grirr^. Ben. ^RC D « 8 - F55^J ftwfi- 

^ft Pass.— •P*a...grt Aor, ajjrtrcr 0<ra: — ***■ vrswrW— % 


874 SJlNSK$t Gbammab. 



1 I _ _ J 

5^4. A. to concentrate the mined; Pre. 35$% Pert £«r# "E 
qffaKTFuti ^t«g^% Oon," Wfiwr Aor. Hgw Ben. 

Pp- 3* v- 


' - ■ i * 

gt^ 7 17. to unite, to appoint, Pre. ffifig ,gf% Perl q^far 
F. Pat, ^Nrr Fat. -^taft^ Aor. srg^> srafcfatf 

- Pass:— Pre. 35^ Oau:— Pre. *ft3nrftt-% Aor. &tfr?prqc 


f^ 10 U. to join, &o. Pre. ^T^^-% Perl ^rSRTOTfrc 

F, Fut. ^sri^sr Fut. -titirftafiHt Aor. nigpnc^v' Pip- 

g^4 A. to fight; Pre. guft Perl arg% P. Pat. ^j Pat. 
3Tta3T?f Oon. QT^^Tcf Aor. arg^r Ben, gecfte Pass: — Pre. 

- £^$t Aor. snfif* Oau:-— Pre "sf^qffc-l^ Aor. arfH*a; 
V Pp- %^» 


<f 1 P. to move, to flow; Pre. ^f^ Pert, t$f F. Fat. t$Qr 
Aor. arfcfra; Oan. Pre. twft— % Pp- tft3- 

^ 1 P. to protect, to avoid; Pre. t^rf% Perl *o»r P. Fut. 
tf^ Put. tf^rfr Aox. ausfta; Ben.*$*rr<j; Pass:— Pre- 
ss*?* Oau:— Pre. <$**%-% Aor. am«5Rfc-*f Pp. tffcm. 


^ 10 XT. to arrange, to make, to write ; Pre. t^Tsrffl-^ P«'£ 
<qRUa*K ^rfcF. Fat. *^fSr3T Fut. y*Tfl|M|ft -% Aor.. 

h + 

^^ 1 & 4 U. to be coloured, &c; Pre. ^n%-%» *^f%-% Perf » 
tt5l> t*3l F. Fut. ^trt Fut. X^wflM r Oon. ■ sn^t^-V- 
Aor.ant^jan^firBen. t«im^ *tfte Des. R ygr ffi- fr 
Oau: — to dye, ftp.; Pre. *5r*H%— it Aorr-ar^sig^g;; to hunt- 
deer, Pre. *»Rrffi--ar Aor. at^srq^r Pass:— Pre. ro%. 

; Pp. $*£ &er» *$*93B?r> itT*9r„ 

^£ IP. to shout, to call out; Pre. <sfa Perl ^ F. Fut. tf&TF 

Aoi.>ff^Pp.rfor. «: / 


T^4 P. to hurt, to to destroy, to subdue 5 Pre. ?>srfo ^ erf - 
XK*Z P. Put, tf*<rr, t^r Pat. *fawrfSr, jKsjftr Con. 3Ttf«r- 
«^— HT?CTg: Aor. j«rc«ra: Pass-Pre. sttfr Aor,.«itfc 
Oan.— Pre. ^prfif— % Aor. iro^;— 3 Pp. t^. . 


C*r 1 A. to begin ; Pre. ^ Pert ^ P. Put. t*srr Put. 

Oon. 3T<<^m Aor. iftsq- Ben. vcgfte Bes. ftc$% Oan.-Pre. 

*»rater-% Aor. ar^t**r^— «f Pp- *©*• 

1 _ ■ , 

x ■ 


^* 1 P. to play, to rejoice at, to take rest ; Pre. tfl% Per'. 
^ P. Fat. t*cTT Put, &*% Oon. arfc^ Aor. srfcff Ben. 
fcfe I>e8. fttffc*r Pass.— Pre. T*ir|r Can.— Pro. SffTfa— % 
Aor. artfrsg;— ?r Pp. TO Ger. ^^r, STTC**; am*** 

1 L 

^ 1 P, to roar, to make a noise, Pre. ^ftf Pert *^r*j ^ -^ ufc ' 
Cf^rgf Aor. ST^^ WRft^ ; Pp* tf%S- 


tf 10 U. to leave, to abandon; Pre. c^ftr— % P* r '* 
^rrgaRirt— ^ P.. Pat. t^ftftr Pat, *5ft**rRt--fc Aor - 
*TO$3.— *T Pp- *f%$ &er. TffrcOT- 

*r2 P. to give, to bestow* Pre. *rf*r Perf. *& F. Put. mr 

■ , L J I - - 

pp. ^ra» 

*f^ 1 XT, to shine • Pre. TT5rf?r-% Pe**- TOST* wr^"* ^T P« ^ at . 

•"■■ tt^rtt Pat. ^rfii««rflr— % Aor, s*eNfta, arof^re Ben, 
XF&nn, j <ifii*fl g De*. rerrf«ref!t— % Pp. trf^re Ger. 

■ ■ - L 

1 I ■ 

?Cpi 4 P. to grow ; Pre. CH^1% 5 P. to propitiate, to perioral 
todestory; Pre. *Mtft Perf. t<ra Pat. qTS^fa Oon. 
STOTSCT^ Ben. trwrRt Aor - WPSfat ( MtRTO dual ) Des, 
ft*rafi* ( ftnflt wishes to kill ) Pp. tTsBT- 

» 1 - 

1 _ L 

ft^ 7 TJ. to empty, to clear, to deprive oV to give up ; Pre. 

•■ ftrftr, ft^% Pert m*t, m% P. Pat \m Pat. ^^?rfH- 

% Oon. ^4*3-^ 'Aor.- •rft , TO> si^itffa* atf^ff Ben. 

r i - '" 

*It is Par. when it is preceded by fa, sht* fft & ^T. 

97& Sansk$x Geammab. 

•■■' ■%%, fogfe Pass— Pre. ffc^-Aor.vfth' Oa 

" ^rft-^ Aor. arftfNra;— ?r Pp. f**r G«. ft***r 


h 4 

ft? 1 & 10 P. to divide, ttl leave ; Pre. ^qr*?, jhraft P««- 

fi$% ^mivmik Pp- W^w- 

? 2 P. to ery, to hum as bees, to sound in general; Pre. *ff%, 

■vAflr Port tow P. Pat. tfitar ?■*- ^^rf% Aor. *m*ta 

Ben. «5TOT^ Des. ^qffr Pass.— Pre. ^^ Oau.— -Pre. 
<l Wfir^-% Pp« $5T» 

^ 1 A. to shine, to like; to be pleased with ( a person ) 
Pre. <fci% ?**t* 5?% 3P- ^at. df*mr Pat. tff^rarir Aor, 
Sf^rT , airfare Dea. $sf*r*3> $frflnft Oau. Pre. tfTORr- 

^ 2 P. to ory/to weep, to roar ; Pre. ftfjtf^Perf.$ftf 'P. Fat. 

tifatr ^Aor^H^^ySTO^Ben. ssirS.Daa. 55f^ft Pass. 

Pre. ^a% Aar. sfftf^ Oau.— Pre. fl^qfa — fr Aor. ST5$9^r 

^r 7 TT. to oppose ; to hold up, to bind ; Pre. $mi^ , ^s^ Perf. 

. STfa, ^ P- Put. fr^r Pat. ^ur^— ^ -Aor. «TO£ y 
«Tr^TH , ar^^r Ben. q*aHf$Gste Dm- 5$*SI%— ** Pass— 
Pre. *5«ar% Aor. wfr? Oau— Pre. th^J^— % Aor, vmra^- 

^ I & 4 P. to be angry; Pre. *taft, ^sqft, Perf. stf «r P. Put. 

mm, *tter Aor. nMMt ( i ) am^ ( 4 ) p P . w . 

<5jr 1 P. to grow, to increase, to rise ; Pre. Kfeffi Perf. q$m 
Pi Put. thnr Pat. Cfeqtf^ Ben. 55^ Aor. BT^T^Oau. Pre. 

*feifft— %» *prf?Mr Des- $$wi5 Pp< ^s. : ; 

* ' 


^1017. to form, to consider, to' fix 5 Pre. ^?3rrf-~% Perf, 
^mWilt-^ "fc Pa*. -.flnAmr Aor. M^rg;--* Pp, 

^PftTt" v: & '>■'?■■.'?■■ ■■ ■■- - 

•■■•■ ■..■•..■ ..■,.' 

" ^ 


DHA % TUKOSKi. 37? 



^^10 U. to notice, to define; Pre. snEPn^-V £?«**• .BOTP*- 
3JTT— < q%, &o. P. Put. m&ftm Aor. STW?5Srar-9 Pp- 

t ■ ■ " ' 

1. ■ - * 

^^ 1 P. to attach, oneself to, to tonoh, Pre. ri' i | Ri [Perf, gr«*pr 

P. Put. g fi r ^ r Aor. arevfat Pp. -«nr- 

■ r 

•^ X U. to spring, to leap; Pre. wqfit — % P« rf - SfrSfa— % F * 

*•**. tfRrar Aor. «r^^5, aftfft? Pp. <£fa*. 

^3j; 6 A. to be ashamed, to blush; Pre. rfl^rlt. Perl &w$*t 

^1 P. to talk in general, to wail; Pre. ^<rftr Perf. ssjprF. 

Put. 3ft9r Aor. ^r!»4]d;, SfWPft^ Gau.--Pre. wnrafa 

Aor. ax^n^— ST Pp. tSpta- 
^p^ 1 A. to get, to take, to have, &o. Pre. ?y*i% 2* err . ^% ^ 

Pat. 3*qr Fut. ^cpr% Aor. aT€T«t? Des. fomft Pp. ?ra^- 
-^.1 and 4 XT. to wish, to long for; Pre. arqflf— ft and ttatifvi- 

% Pert *mq, %^ P. Fnt. wf%RTT Aor. sr?y^, VTSnftoC 

tflttftflT Pp. <s{V<l> 
■&w 1 P. to shine, to embrace; Pre. mtffa Perf. &$?pg Pi Fut 

al^rr Aor. a^?^:— srar^Oau:— Pre. wre*rf%— % Aor 

•3F^ 1 A. to be ashamed, to blush; Pre. tS^Hri Perf. iatWl 
P. Fat. crf^rtfr Aor. am^TE" Pass:— Pre.. ws^Oau. 

1 - S " 

e- «553f?|f^r— % Aor. ar&cTOsnt— SI Ppvsmy v 

J P. to take, to obtain; Pre. 3ffft P«*f. ^^ P. Fat. ^rcTT* 
.9 P. to write, to touch, to a Mrdj Pre. fr**sf*t 

?er£ fts&K P. Pnt, 3ft&R Aor. gr^^Des. AfipaMRl > 
flR&ftSPSfa Pp. f&faa Ge'- fafiSnqT, %(^WT- 

3J? 8an^k?t Gbammae. 

■ i r L r 

L a 

f^6 IT, to anoint, to cover, to stain, to kindle; Pre. ffrrftT 
, % Perf. ffc^cr, MM-' F. F*t. %$rr Aor, mRt^, ar^F 
Oan.^Prei ^TORMf Aor. arg^ft^— 3 Pp. fo*. 

f&f 2 tJ. to lick, to taste; Pre. $ffr, «ftfc Perf. f&$y$, fsjjfa^ 

F, Vnti.Mr Fat.%$^— % Aor. atf^rg;— ?r, *r&* Ben. 

?ft 1 P. to melt, to dissolve; Pre. riqfa Peri. f%9f8f- 
# 4 A. to stick, to He on ; Pre. tffant P*e. f&*% & Fat- fcfc 
HKFrFat. §eq%, ?7T^i% Aor. sr&gr, STOrer Ben. fttflVr 

«5niW Pan. P'e. &r&3rftr— %> W(*inT<i — W> ttl.<HlRH%* 

( ^bftft — ^) Bea. ^W Pp.^toGter. wft^T? ftm^r 

■ ■■ " ■ 

j ■ 


5ft 9 P. to adhere, to melt; Pre. fSWrHtr Perf, ffr&m, &3t F- 

Fui, %flr, ^jRn" Fut. &e*fflr, *4lt4?«l Aor,; ^§<4K, ^TffRft^r 
other forms like those of the above root. 



1 r 

■js^l P. to pinole, to pall, to tear off; Pre. ttsrfq Perf, g&m 

#.#**. §f§Wff Aor. arg^ Pp. §ft*r. 

^ ..■*.- 

w^l P. to roll, to wallow, to take away; Pre. cSteft Perf. 
<73fe F. Fat, rj|fidl Aor. HSt^tat Dea. ^wf^qf^, <£3ff^fcT: 
Oau:— Pre. £teqf)f-% Aor. ar^sgj— g-, s*g£te^-?r Pp. 

g$4. P. to roll, &c. pre. ftSErf^r Perf. g$tz F. Fut. ?ftf£sr Aor. 
. 3|§3^; ( see the above root for the other forms ). 

^10 U. to speak, to shine; Pre, Ht^fa — H Peri ^^n^fTT 
'.-... ^—^fe &c. F, Fat. rtjifiifli Aor. ar^s^-^T- 

■ L 

^1 P. to srike, to knock down; Pre. sftflr Perf. £>£fc F* 
- Fat. £tf*5r Aor. »R5|rf}^ Gau:~Pre. wfyarit— W Aor* 

_ .1 

Pp. 5jfiflt rflfifl- 

.' ; 

Dha-'iukobha. 379* 

■ ■ "i 


«g£ 1 A. to go, to roll on the ground, Pre, $&% Perl g*g£ 
F.Fut. c3tf&3r Aor. Bf^T^— sr^tf^S' Pp. RP-^-fsff. 

Jfff 6 P. to wallow ; Pre. §f*r% Pert. ^^ Pp.'^for. 

£^10 XT. to rob, to plunder ; Pre. wte^fMt P«r*. ©faJTRa^TC 

r , 

$*4 P. to confound, to be destroyed Pre.$G*rf% Perl wsstT 

F. Fut. wri^cn" Aor. sr?hffc^ Pp. jgpr. 

J ■ n 


g^6 TJ. to break, to take away ; Pre jj^fclr-% Perl §*s]rq, f*g<r 
F. Fut. !?tW Aor. srwq^, ar^T.Ben.gc?rfg;, ^c^e Des. 

^ Pass.~Pre ; $gc«ft Aor. STcJrft Oau. 

«5l4*lRr-% Aor. *l^5^— Hi ^^cilH^— ^T Pp» |J8V 

g?£4 P. to covet, to be perplexed; Pre. ^«if§r Perf.^pfrsfc 

F. Fut. stf^cTT> *¥r**T Aor. arg^ Oau.— Pre. ^gfa— % 
Fp/gscr. ■ 

■ L 

^9U, to divide, to out off ; Pre. §«TrftT; Jpfl^ F^rf. g&ftj 
?g?5%, F. Fut. 3ft3r Aor, «tcTT^ > swfas ? en * ^TTH *~ 
«5fSpftt Des g?|5r%— % Oau.-^Pre. WTTOftr-^ Pp* 5*T* 

WfaF 1 A. to see, to perceive; Pre. rt|*d Perl gi£i% F. Fut. 

cftfti<n' Aor. «t^Br? Pp. wtf^rer. 

rff^lO XT. to behold, to shine ; Pre. rfrchqfa — % Peri. 
t*l*hflh*eHH-^*ri> F- Fut. ^raKftqr Aor. STHsfafT^-tT. 

cft^l A. to see ; Pre. #Hnfr Perf. ^f% F. Fut. aftf^ffr Aor. 

*nSifac Pp- Wtt%?T- 

^pq^lO U. to speak, to shine > Pre. rSTq^rf^—^ Perl Hr^srpg- 
^nT--^%— affH^^i^ F. Fut. wt^TcTr Aor. aigdl M d.— ?f- 

, i 


■ ■. ,-.- " ■ ■■': ■■■■.■' ■■■■ v.;v ■;■ 

2 P. to speak, to relate ; Pre. ^frff Perl 5Farc F. Fut. 

StRT Fut. TOft Aor. ar^l^ Ben. ^wstT^ Des. f^^rRp- 
Oau.— Pre. *rnft— It Aor. 'qifl^j^ '.Vp..W*t ?«■*• P- 
ijft^;, Pre, P. ip^f. 

■ L 

^ 10 XT. to apeak, to read -, Pre. ^«r»%-lr Pert *T**rt*TC- 

<**, &o, p. Fat. 5 r^%?H' Aor, iffrr^-?r Pp.*rf*r. 

^> 1P ' *° *0/ to arrive at f Pre. *^ Perl; ^ P. Fat. 

^ 1 apeak, to tell ; Pre. ^ Perf . *** P. Put. qf*9T 

Aor. ar^Des. frr$<rft Pp. *f^. 
-^ 1 TT. to inform . Pre. ^-Uf Perf . ^ g# Aor, 

q^ 8 A. (sometimes P. > to beg, to seek for ; Prtf ^ 
**% Fut. ^r«rej Aor. grsR^, BT7<r Pp. ^f. 

^ 1 A. to salute, to adore ; Pre. w?^ Perf. ^^ F, Fat. 
^?rr Aor. srtf^ Pp. -qf^g. 

■^1U. to bow, to weave, to shave; Pre *rrfa-W Perf;.^, 
3FTF. Fut. ^ Aor. ap^ , am Ben. w Kt ^fte 
Pass— Pre. ^eq% Pp. ^sr. 

-** LP. to vomit, to pour out, Pre. qnft Perf. ^rr, F. Fat. 
^TAor. ar^rg; Oau.— Pre. ^Wf?T^, >q^--$ A6r] 

ar^mgr—w Pp. ^F?r. 

-** 2 P- to wish, to shine ; Pre. ^fe Perf. s^r F. Fut. ^W 
.■ -^ or - *mft^, 8TTT#5 Ben. 35^ Pass.— Pre. 75*3 Pp. 



1 J L ■ ■ 

^ 1 P. to dwel^, to be ? Pre. ygfo Perf. ^ m F. Fat. TO r 
Aor. wtwfa. Ben. mim Des. fir«r**rfa Pass.— Pre. ?c^ 
Oau.-Pre. ^^-^ Aor. ar^TOg;-^ Pp. ^fs^r. 

^ 2 A. to wear, to put on ; Pre qft Perf. 77$ F. Fut. qftnrr 
Aor. fttfte Pp. *ftr*T, 

*jf L# to carirj, :tp ^>»r along- Pre. wfe-W Part ™« 

3$ F. Fut. *fer Put. ^n^^ Aor. a^r^^ 



L ■ 

■ 1 

B«n. *wrat, flNte-Dea- nrrof^r— ^ Oau.— Pre. to^-^- 
Aor. arfts^-Sr Pp, g^. 

P. to blow, to go, to kill; Pre. »jfa Port ^ F. Put. 

^T?rr Aor. M^ffa; Ben. *nrR£ 0*^:— -to cause to blow 
Pre. a^ofa— & &;— to shake wrsr^/%— ^ Pp. *r«r. 

*I*^1 P. to wish, to desire, to seek for; Pre, 3T5^f% P«rf„ 

*prrs$F P. P Q t. qifs-s*ii Aor. arrr^s^Pp- *rf*OT' 

■ , ■ ' H 

TO^IO.U. to scent; to make fragrant; Pre. *;rararB-fl Perf. 
^WTR3^R-^%> &o. P. Pat. q|*|Pv4| Aor, afte^T^-ft. 


ft^ 3 U. to separate, to distinguish; Pre. %%f^7, %ft%r, Perf . 
fat^T, faff %- See the following root- 


f%^ 7 XT. to separate, &o. Pre. ftqRtf, fa^T Pert fa%^> 
Y^Tft P. Pat. t^KT Aor. srft^a;, arWfa: > STfa 5 *? Ben. 

fa^ra^ fasftff Pp. fa**?- 


a r 

ftsgr 6. P. to go; Pre. f%*sfir, ft«ffRri% P«rf. fafrsff, f^^^qrr^ 

<ercrrr&o P. Pat, fafierar, fa*srrf*?rr Aor. stf^^ht- 

•iRWI^ffc^ p - p. faF^*r» fa*Sli*Ki- 

f%^£ 10 U. to shine, to speak; Pre. fa-aaqifr— % Pert ft«&qr> 

f%ej 3. U. to separate, to distinguish; Pre. ^w> 4f*M& Perf.. 

; f^,fa^ 

1 ■ j ■ 

jftq[ 6 A. to shake, to tremble- Pre. fastft Perf. fafa^r F* Pat. . 

fafsrar Aor. srfaftv Pp. fa*f< 

■ i . _ j r *■ 

1 n r B 

fl^ 7 P. to shake, to fear. Pre.. f^Rh Perf . fae>r P. Put,. 

. ^pnrrAor. ©rf^^ra.Pp- Pbr. 

* " P - 

, r 

|%^ 2 P. to know*, to regard; Pre. %fa, ft ?«**• Rr^Tr fafNWfTC 
&o. Aor. ejfrffaBen. ftsrfaPp. fe^fas Oau:— Pre. t*qf%%- 

jprgr 4 A. to happen, to be; Pre.- fa*fit Pert faf3t #• Fq*- 
3Nlt Aor. atf*^ Ben. fa*^ Pp. ft*. 

r I 

-582 Sansk^t Gbammab. 

■ L 

f^ 6 U. to get, to find, -to feelj £re. f^fa— % ;Perf. ftftf, 
ftftfc F. Put. ^f$ar, %TfT Aor* arf%$3> aritrfc 3T^C Ben. 

f^rra^ 3f4*Qff> faMis- 

■■■far 7 A. to know, to consider; Pie. f^% Perf. ?^ft% Pp. 

.-H -n 

fl IT. to choose, to beg, to cover, &c; Pre. frfrt — % 5 XT. to 
o choose, &c. Pre. f*T|f^ 3$% 9; XT to choose, &b. Pre. 

I°rrf?r> f^fl%) Perf. 5^rr ? q , S P. J^t- gfccrr> ^fcrr Aor. 

awrfl^j afsrtei 8TTOSr> *Tia Ben. fsraigu arf^te f^te Pp* 


f^; 7 P. to avoid, -to choose, to hurt; Pre, $<TI% ?e*#- t . Wtf 

F. Fut. ^f§OT Aor. s^ff^ Pp. f*|?. 
fg* 1 A; to exist, to tive on, &c. Pre. q^Perf. ^ F, Fat. 

^FSrerr Pat. >ra**^ **&if*t Aor. sr^/ 3T*ffe Ben. 

fjf3*TC Des. f^rf§q%» RrfSSfSr Oau*— Pre.:^f«n$~-3 Aor. 

^f* 1 A. to grow? Pre. fSt Pert ^ F. Fut. qf%qr Fat. 
*f%«afo ?«^r Aor. STf^ srar% Ben. f f^ Das. 

f%^f*N#> Pis^fa Pp. f^ - - 

-w. 9 U. to choose; Pre. f *TTr%, ffi% Perf. ^^K, ^^ F. Fat. 

sftm> ifrm Aor. srenfter., 3r*ft?, ar^tfc, a^ Ben. f]q^j;> 

■•■% 1 U. to weave, to cover- Pre. 3>*f«r— ir Perf., s^r*T f gj^r, ^%, 
qjjt, qf F. Fat. «rmr Aor. arqt^, BWR?T ?«*• ,3r*Ta> 
^refte Des 1%^^—% Oau:— Pre. *r*?rf?r— % Pass:— Pre. 

*f^l A. to tremble, to quake; Pre. ^fr Perf. fa%$ !F. Fat. 
SftsrAor. w%?^S Oatt:— Pre. -%q^Aoh 8|f^^ Pp. 

^,1 A. to surround. Pre. $z§ Perf. fa^f.F, ; Fut f ^rr Aor. 

Oau:— Pre. t^^r-% Pp. aflfw. 

I inn 

* It is also Parasmaipadi in 2nd Future, Aorist, Conditional 

*s4Bw>. .'. : *■■ •■■■^■rt-.v 

DHA'XUKQSaA, : gga 

*q% 1 A. t o be gorry^to tremble; Pro. «pr§ Pert fterq- F. Fat. 

sSTftw Fut. *n|V«fa Aor. srsqft? Cau. Pre. s^nrflC 

only, Dos. ftarftrcft Pp. sqfSftr- ; . 

**PT4 P. to hurt, to pierce; Pre. fa**rfa Pert from? F. Fat. 

•. ^*r Fa t. «re?*r% Aor. *rs*?mfa; Ben. fawng; Des. 

f**r*5rf% Pass:— Pre. fr*3& Oau.— Pro. s*mroft_% 
Pp. f%s£. - 

^xu.lo cover, to sew; Pre. *RrfSr_a Pert ftsirpr, fee% 
F. Fat. ^rtt Aor. 3*5*^, ^g^^ Ben. f^pr , s^fa- 
Des. f^rnjft— fr Pass:-Pre. ^hrcT Oau. Pre. sarrTOfa-% 

Pp- ^fcr. 

5T^l_P. to go, to pass away ( as time ); Pre. srsrfa Perf^r^ 

f. F*t. srf^rar Fat. stf^ft Aor, arwr*^ *>es. frstf^rfr 
Pp. srf»r?r. 

3*^6 P. to cut, to tear, to wound; Pre. gr^ Pert ^^ F. 
Fut. cTf^mr, srerr Aor. annfrac> antfSfft^Ben. f^rr^ Des. 

f^r^srflr, ^^rf% Pp. svr. 

■" 1. 


^tg; I P. to praifle, to hurt; Pre. tfgrt Perf. 'qr$fj F. Fut. 
^^?rr Aor. ST^ftg; Beu.^j,f^ Paaai— Pre. ^WT Pp. 
^TRT Gar. tffgerr, TO^r- 

^ f U. to be able, to bear; Pre. *rerj%^ Perf. ^^ ^ 

F. Fat. sr^nir, ?r^r Aor. »TO5iraL> hsre-, W*re Pp. 


^ 5 P. to be able, to endure; Pre. n&fa Pert snare* F; Fat. 

W^TT Aor. 8T(ET^ Ben. ^PRTt Dee; ftrerft Paas^Pfe! 

*T^ °au:— Pre. *rrar*lt— % Aor. ar^(a^r-?r Pp. W&. 
#$f 1 A. to doubt, to be afraid; Pre, jfaft Pert 9^% I*. IFut, 

^Ffrr Aor. i^fe P£. tffanr. 

<$T^ 1* P. ( but Atm. in coajugafional tenses ) to perish, to 
. JdeeayjPre. ifoft Pert ^fTTf F- Fat. ^mr Fut. *Rfc*fo 

Aor. \vmm Ban. qrsrrfc Des. Rr^F^r^r— Oau:— Pre. 

*TRT*I%— %, to causa to go w$*ft— t Pp. *rw. 

»- *- r t 

,384 S4PSK9X. Gbammab. 

igcr^and4 TJ. to curse, to sweat; Pre. *nri%— %, ^SfarA 
Perf. ^RTTT-%^ F. Put. «r«T Aor. STOTesfac— HOT Ben. 
*Rrr^> *P*&C Pass:— Pre. «RRt Can:— Pre. WPlfa— % 

Aor. ar^hrra:— ft Pp. ot. 


TOt.4 P. to grow calm, to stop; Pre. 3rr*3ftr P er ** 'JTOTW F- 
Fut. ^f*mr Aor. sra^ Ben. sr*ST5. Pass:— Pre. ^*^ 

Pp. srta Oau: — Pre. ^fr*r«rf%r— %, *rr»nri^— %• 

qw 2 P. to teach, to govern, to advise, to punish; Pre. wf^T 
Perf. fTVrer F. Fat. *nfa?jr Aor. *rfa^. Beu - fa«*T^ 
Des. fa$rftr«tf<t Pass^Pre. fa**** Pp. fas Ger. wfassj, 

fil^ 1 A. to learn; Pre. f$r$r% Perl. faRr§- F. Fat. faftref 

Aor. ufaf^r* Pp. faflra. 

ftfq- 7 P. to leave, to distinguish from others; Pre. ftRffe" 
. "Perf.fafc* F. Fut, tar Fat. $r**f?r Aor. stRm^ Ben,. 
„' fa«OTaVl>es. faRm% Oau:— Pre. ^«r&— % Pp. fas. 

^2 A. to He down, to Bleep; Pre. fr% Perf, f$i^ F, Fut» 
*rfarar Aor, srarfSfS Ben. tfHte D*s- fa^rnr^ Pa£ 
Pre. J&cafa Aor. araifar Oau:— Pre. ^r^rf%— % Pp. wf^T- 

1 i l n 

^ 1 P. bewail, to regret; Pre. sfNfeT Pert, ^rr* F. Put- 

*fffa<rr Aor. st^Nts Des. ;^-srr-f^«h% Pp. tf*rffj -tift*-- 

^4U. to be Wet &c; Pre. ^—% Perf. ^Tit«*-^% F*. 

Put, ^ftPnr Aor, «t^^ ari?r^ta> arwtf^rH- Pp. ^e- 

^ 4 P. to be pure; Pre. jpirftr Perf. g^Ttf F. Fut. *nt$r Aor. 
ar^^ Pass:— Pre. ^mr* Aor. srofrfa Oau:— Pre. *rto*H% 

— % Aor. aR33I*gL— T Pp- SF5« 
U^4. P. to be dried, to bo languished; Pre. ^rfa Perl, grtffr 

F. Fut. $m Aor. sr^r^ Oau;— Pre. ^**fl%— ^ Pp. areqr,. 

4 -■ 

W 9 P. to tear, to hurt, to kill; pre. ^prrrt Perl, tot P. Put. 
■ \ . qfcm, ^Aor. srenfa Pass:— Pre. tfK?* Pp. *M.. 
jBf 4.P.,tosharpen>tomake thin; Pre. viTcf Perl. *reft F„ 
; FuC ^rmr Aor. ar^rav H$TTtffci; Des. fawniRr Passj-^Pre. 
*pft Oau;— Pre. ^jprfir-^ Pp, w*T, Am. .,"'.. y ; :J 



^ 1 P. to ooze, to trickle; Pre. "forRtPerf. %*fa F. Put. 

^tf%mr Aor. «j^rth;, sr^ra; Pp. litre* sftfito. 

=5^4 P. to take pains, to mortify, to be fa tig Jed; Pre. W3f*t 
Perl ^r^TPr F. Put. ^j?Rff Aor. STOHB; ^P- ^^ Qer-. 

sifter, **rpre7r. 

gfT 2 P. to cook, to sweat, to dress; Pre. «nf% Perf- ^psft P. 

Fut. wr Aor. irsrrcifa; Oau:— Pre. smrf?r— t ('snnrfa— 

$ to cause to sweat, ) Pp. ^ntfc 3TTT- 

r ■ 

f$r 1 U. to go, to reach, to cling to; Pre. =?reftr-% Perf. ftrsmr, 

Mkfo P. Fut. STR^TT Aor, arf^W^ Bon - ^"9C> *rf3t<8* 
Des. f^atfSrefa— % Pass;— Pre. saffa^ Aor. sf=sTrf*T Oau:- 

Pw. srnrcftHt Aor. srfesr^E^r Pp- ftm* 

# frU. to cook, to dress, to boil; Pro. ^farrra/ ^T°ftt Per*. 

RrrTj rerf^-F. Pit. £gr Aor. *Hi«fao ares - . 

£ 5 P. to hear, to obey; Pre. ^wil 1*3 Perf. %psixq F. Pat. sftHT 
Aor. 3T4^3 Ben. ^r^ Des. 3J$|TO Pass:-Pre. ^jsra- 
Aor.^rfa Oau:-Pre. MIW*Ht Aor. aT^spTu^l or 

smrsr^-^ Pp - ggtr- 

WT^ 1 A. to praise, to flatter, to boast of; Pre. WR% Perf. 
^R?r% F. Put. WTftraT Aor. anarf^r Pp. 8Tpra. 

f^ 1 P. to burn; Pre. V^T Perf. ftriff«T F. Put. &ftffT Aor. 
f^ 4 P. to embrace, to cling to, to join; Pre. Ry^Td Perf. 

foito F. Pit. farer Aor. ttflrW., srflrW Pp- f&s* - 

i ■ " - ■ ■ ' i ■ b 

m 2 P. ta breathe, to hiss: Pre. 'qfaffr Perl ?pqr^ F. Put. 

■qftrar Aot, BT^ra 

f^ IP. to Bwell, to increase, to go; Pre. >qftf<r Perf. fr^rrYy 
flT^rarP. Fat. *qf¥flr Aor. "97*133 — H^ffay STfaf^TS 


J* 6 "" ^I^r^Des. Rp^fii^ Pass;— Pre. ^H Oau;— Pre. 

8. S. G. 25 



ft^ 1 & 4 P. totf pit, to sputter; Pre. fhrftr & £taft P«t 
WtVi AtvV. Fat. Sffaar Aor. mr*r< Ben v *«|rg; Bes. 
ftifcqfr or ssqqftr barn— Pre. f^fo Pp. S^flf. 

i i * . _ _ ■ 

j . 

, r 

+ -lb" ■ ■ 

■ ■ * ■ 

^ 1 P. to embrace, to cling to, to fasten; Pre. HaTRT Perf.- 

;«REf9«r F. Pat. ^tKT Aor. STflfeffe Ben. *RHfra: Pa": 
Pre. *r«*% Aor. srefsar Pp.-***' 

TO[ 1 P. 6. P. to sit down, to rest, to sink down, to decay, 
to be languid, to be helpless; Pre. tffaflr Per*. CTETTC P- 
Fat. -3TW Aor. sre^ Ben. mtl^ Des. ftm^fa Pates. — 
Pre. srat Oau:— Pre. ^r^rf^^-% Aor. artffarja-fl Pp. «5T. 

SpTrq; 10 U. to serve, to worship, to gratify;' Pre. 9HTSraftM!f- 


g^ 1 TT. to beoome ready; Pre. HFztfft — ^ Perf. atrsvr-^rr 

P. Fat. ^rfssrar Aor. eros^t? stoats' Pp. nf^wg- 

3$ 1 A. to bear, to suffer, to allow, to forbear* Pre. %%*{ Perf. 
H R Fu«, afar, «fcrAor. sraffe Ben. _*ftfa» Bes. 
f%oT?Trt Oan.— Pre. ar^ir^r— % Aor, s^ftff^HT Bes. 


^r? 4 P. to be pleased, to endure; Pre. ^Sjft; (see above for 
the other forma ). 

^r^r 5 P. to finish, to accomplish to conquer; pre. gTffrfffe Perf. 
Sr*m* P. Pat. ar^T Put. ar^fa Aor. sraw^ Bes. 
fcTC*ft Oau:— Pre. «rwft- % Pp. OP5- 

OF^IO XT. to appease, to comfort, to soothe* Pre. WFtCTft- 
% Pelf. frnWtf^lT-^fti &o. P. Fat. afRtftraf Aor. 

b - 

Dha'tukosha. 387 

, r 

f|p^ <* U, to sprinkle, to water, to pour in, to impregnate! 
Pw.Rnafa— i| Perf. ftft*r, foft^- F.EW. ^rt Fut- 

%wf*r~-% Aor. arftrgr^, MRT^T, STfarSJBen. ftr**rg> 

f^Rftc ^ea. ^rftRh% Pass-^Pre. ffc*q§ Aor. af%f%|- 
Oau.— Pre. t^rffc-% Pp. fcr^f. 

-I " 

Rps( 1 P. to go, to drive off, to turn out auspiciously; Pro* 
%*tffc Perf. ^q^ F. Fut. g-fasr Aor. srlhft^ Ben. fa^rr^ 
Oau,— Pre. g^fa—^ Aor. 3T^nT^— ?T Pp. f$T£- 

f%TMT 4 P. to reach, to attain one's name; Pre. f^TWlfrr Perf. 
Ufa* P. Fat. %^r Aor. vfam Der. fofSpsrfa Pp. Rt^C 

faar4 P. tp sew, to write, to join; Pre. tfharRf Perf, f%ft% F. 

Fat. %f%*f Aor. ar#^ Ben. ^siri^ Pass.— Pre. *fr«sr% 
Pp. ^T Ger. §f^^r, ^re^r. 

#^f 1 A. to sprinkle, to go, to move; Pre. HT^% Pe**« f^rNff; 

F. Fut. titfam Aor. »r€r?%rff Pp. *nfi*?r. 


g 1 P. to permit; Pre. ^ffftt Perf. gqrr? F. Fat. ^far Aor. 

Pp. 3*r. 


■ ■ r 

3 5 U. to sprinkle, to extract juice; Pre. ^%TfT, g^% Perf. 

WWtt W%fr $ Fut. #!rr Aor. aropfac* ^TOte Ben - S*rri> 
#fl"C Des. gflflffi—^ Pass:— Pre. ^«r% Aor. aranf^ 
Oau:— Pre. qjr*nf*r— f Aor. s^qq-— 3 Pp. g?r. 

■ ■ ■ - ■ . ■ 

^2 and 4 A. to bring forth, to produce; Pre. ^ and ^3% 
Perf. g^f F; Fut. ^tcTT, %tft*T Aor, ar^te, *TOfaff Ben. 

€Kte, sfa^te Des. §^% pass.— ?re. 3?rar Aor. arsrrRr 

Qau— -Pre. ^r*aftr— % Aor. ar*j?r$^r Pp. SC*. 

" ■■■-, . ' ■"* '•■■■ 

Q^ 10 U. to pierce, to point but; Pre. g^nfcT — & Perl" 

^wnrarre^^ir F, Fut. ^?tf A 01 - W^r*5 p P ' 


QT 1 A, to strike, to pour out, to deposit, to destroy; Pre* 

S88 Sansk^x Gbahmab. 

■ j 

■ ■ L L 

^gt Perl. g<^ F. Fut. g$;«f Aor. H^^C Des, S3fN% 
Oau:— Pr^f^fRr— % Aor. iflagraf-*- 

1 - x 

^ 1 P. to go, to approach, to rnn ; P re - ^Ttftf (also ^rtflt 
when it means 'to run/ ) Perf. srerrrF* # u '- *W? Aorl 
sTOT^fe Ben. feme Dea- RT?fWf% Oau.— Pre. *nT*rf<r— fr 

■ j ■ 

' . F " - . " - - 

^_6P. to create, to put on, to let loose, to shed; Pre. $r$fft 
Perf. 5^ F. Fut. «cf. Fut. 5T$*rfit Aor. -frarrfl-Binu 
^sifRt Dee. f%^«ffftr Pp. ^S Oau. Pre. sfjsfirftr, 

F n ' 




^ 1. P. to creep, to go; Pre, ^tfRt Perf. ^H? P- Fat. g^tf, 
5THT Aor. »T^7^ Ben. ^c^p^ Des. R f ^M3f% Oau: — Pre. 

fpfafar— % Aor. arro^— ?r, srtftaT^-^ Pp. ot« 



r r 


^ r 

%? 1 A. to serve, to pursue; Pro. %q% Perl. ftr4% F. Fut. 
^rr Aor. wrafts Des. fMfrrt Oau:— Pre. %**&— % 
Aor. srf^%^— h Pp. %Rftr. 

^fr 4 P. to destroy, fro bring to an end; Pre. ^n% Perf. g^ff 
F. Fat. ^rrar Aor. aTHrgL,3TSr^Ben. %*rra;Des. fa*rrari% 
Pass.-— Pre. ^faffr Oau: — Pre. ^rr^ftf-W Pp. ftm.- 

^T^ 1 P. to sound, to thunder, to sigh; Pre. ScTfrfrT Perf. q^OT 
F. Fut. *afair Aor. vraipftai aiwfhfDeB. fcfcfffirofa Oau. 

Pte. ywwR-% Pp. **rf%er v 

**jj£ 1 A. to make immovable; Pre. sf*rar Port KQfit F- Fnt< 
?g^RTr Aor. utffttr Pp. Ssft*. 

^5^5 & 9 P. to fix firmly, to support; Pr6.&p%fr . ft 9!»qrRr 
P«ri^*rF. Fat, ^fS^T Aor. sre^* Sfwft^ Ben - 
WWCT^Des, Rrcqf«rtfcT Pass: — Pro. *3*er% Oau:--Pre. 

. .ctapfr-& Pp. m*% Ger. *wPr**r> w*wrr- 

^5 2 TJ. to praise, to extol, to worship by hymns; Pre. ^TrRr? 

ri H 

Dha*tukosha. 88$ 


1 L 

Mltof. ^t> ^ftt Perf. gm> g^ F. Fat. ^iftrr AorjWff- 
*raU «TOfe Ben. e^r^, SWnflfff Des. §£qffe3r Pass.-Pre- 
^jq% Aor. $ftgrr% Oau.-^Pre. ^rpr^-fclior. ngsTO-fT 

• TJ. to spread about, to scatter, to cover; Pre. ^%fiii> 
Sf^T Perf . hsto, TOft . F. Fut. g^ff Aor. srerpftq;, 

«TOfe W£3 Ben. ^r^ s ^te, ^f^ftff Dm. RkJIJIW 
Paas.-Pre. srifa Oaa.-Pre. ^f^qflf— %. 

TJ. to spread, to cover ; Pre. ^«nf«r, *atfft Perf. a^rrtj 

ireft F. Fat. «qftfir».9Aw Aor. «rerfhb inMs, -«nci(tt» 

vrefffBeni «fiNf*i SrrfWfe, «R4fo Pass.— Pre. *frft 

Pp- ^W- 



1 P. collect into a heap, t» spread about, to sound ; Pre. 
SSSrefif Perf. a^gft F. Pat. ^egferr Aor. 3 ^*31*^ Ben - 

*ggrara;> ^»grrai Pes- RnwwRi pp-'ww- 

-^rf 1 P. to stand, to wait, to be at hand, &o.; Pre. ftgfc 
Perf. a*?ft F. Fnt. ^TfiTr Aor. a^qr^ Ben. ttfrrrqv Des. 
RtSmRr Pass. — Pre. *cffcr% Aor. irerrfc Oaa.^Pre. ^serpr- 
3rf%-$ Aor. sff^fU^q— *r pp. f&ft Gar. ft%4«q|* 

■ ^T 2 P. to bathe, to perform ablation ; Pre. ^frftr Perl, ^t 
F. Fat. ^JTrrr Aor. ararsft^ Ben. .«ra*, %«n^ De&. 
f%*°rrerfa Oaa. Pre. 5TPrafa-% Pass.- Pre. gr^Aor. Vftdfo 
Pp. '«!*.'■ 

■i r 

" ■ ■ k ■ " 

■i - ■ i 

'"ftl^i P. to have affection for, to be kind to- Pre. f^rfrT 
Peri. fa«%F. Fat. #f|sr, ■**«& &*f Aor. grRjrf^ Pp- 

>-. far* Gar- f^Frl^T, £f$«7r, ftrai) ^ifr. 

■ r ■ 

^T^ 1 A. to throb, to go; Pre. ^3% Perf. <&q?$ F. Fat. 
*<rf^r Apr. HfTf^?v ,■'..".- 

-^p|;l A, to contend with, to challenge; Pre. 3^jft Perf, <rcpf 
F. Fat. *rf*fcff Aor. ST?qffSrc Pp. -*rffc 


390 SArfSKBT Gbamiiab. 

^ 6 P. to t«fewh, to come in contact with* to afiect, to washf 
Pre. ^5^^erf.; trwg- P. Fat, TlA STSX Aor. BTWnSr^; 
srcTOT^r^Wk^ Ben - ?I^ITt3C **efl. ft*OTfa Pp^^tH' 0*u;— 


^ 10 U. to envy; Pre. *3*^^rPerf. *^nsj^-^ F. 
Pa*- saffaffT Aor. s*fts^-3 Pas8;-Pre. ^reft Pp. ^ftff. 


^;6P. to tremble, to throb, to straggle, to flash, to akine-. 
P'e. *$*Rr Per*, gtAlTC P. .Fat. ^"ft?rr Abr. «R]ffi^ .-Pp. ' 

■i - ■ 

l ■ 

R*l A. to smile, to bloom} Pre. *ir*r$ Pert, faffert P. Pat- 
*fc?ff Aor. aftftg Bee. %**fa^r Oaa.:— Pre. ?mnrrifc 

^ 1 P. to recollect, to think upon; Pre. CTtfif Pert *JCTIT P. 

Pat. *jrgf Aor. srwrsffa; Des. ^p$^ Paaaj— Pre. **ri% r 
Pp. *S<r Cans— Pre. ^^ftr—^. 

33»f 1 A. to ran, to trickle, to flow oat ; Pre. ^q*^ Pert 
^*3%P. Pat. CTffepir, **P*rr Pat. ^arpc^arft— %, &if$*fo 
Aor. a???tfq[» sreffts:, 3n=*?f Ben. w^ffe, * sr*?sfte Des. 

Oau.-Pre* jqs y ar fe — |f. 


^ 1 A. to fall down, to sink, to hang down, to be pleased y 

Pre. #g% Perf. ^f F. Fut. ^mr Aor. arsi^ST, «nroqC/ 
Ben. tff^pfte Paas.-Pre. $&ft Pp. 3R9 Ger. tff*T?fr> *n-e*T- 

f IP. tp'.flowi to trickle away ; Pre. mfa Pert gsr* F. Fat. 
sfKrr Aor. si^^r^^ Ben, ^«rrgC.Oaa.-Pre. 9tfmRr Aor,. 
*W**K> MftTO«lc£ Pp. w?r. 

W i ■ 

^f«^l A. to embrace ; Pre. ^r% Pert to$> TO* -P? P**. 
..; s^ffr Aor. ar^Nr Ben, sfsJte Dea. ftrswfr Paas.-Pre^ 
^rsqlt 0«».— Pre; ^rarf^r— t Pp. W^F. 

Dha'tukobha/ 3ffl 

■i ■ 

.-^3; 1 P. to sound, to make a noise, to sing; Prejj) >CTf% Perf. 
3reOTT F. Fufc. ^fTO' Aor. srcrffc > ^RTpfe^P- ?^W- 

^t 2 P. to sleep, to repose; Pre. tqfrftf P«". fc^TPf F. Fat. 
SW Aor. a^c$r^ Ben. ^cirr^ Des. ggcgftr Pass:— Pre; 
S 5 ^ Pp. 58". 

L ■ 

:CTft[ 1 A. to taste; Pre. CT9% Perf. ^rtTPt' Aor. amifte Pp* 

f^ 4 P. to sweat, to perspire; Pre. flro^r Perf . f^tf F. 
Fat. $%^rr Aor. 3Tf^¥?t Fp. ft*lft*lj ftW- 



J L 

■ . - - . ■ - 

j ■ 

■ j 

, r ■ 

i^T 2 P. to kill, to 'beat, to hurt, to conquer, &c.; Pre. f f% 

Petf.^R' X '$ut'.'f63r Aor. grqiftg; Ben. 3-1.^3 Des, 
firqfcrfr Pass:— Pre ^ir! Aor. srsnfSr, srrf^f Can:— Pre. 
^ra^f%— % Aor. srsfteRt— ?T Pp f 3 Ger. ^?^r. 

•^ir x P. to smile, to laugh, at, to excel, to bloom, &c ; Pre. 
ffT% Pert Sftm F. Eut. ^RTT Aor. snpfto: Pa«s:— Pre. 
f^% Oau:— Pre- ^r^ET^Tf^r— % Aor. sr3fn?^--fr Pp. ^f^r. 

j^T 3 A. to go, to attain, to get; Pre. fZtfft Perf. sft P, Fut. 
SHir Aor. srtffo KffW Des. 'farfrarit Pass:— Pre. fp(3> 

Aor. antft Pp. tra- 

^T 3 P; to abandon; Pre. *n?rf%r Perf. *& F. Fat. $rar Aor. 
8T?r^rg; Ben. |^r^ Des ''ftmrft Passx-Pre. $«r$ Oan:- 
Pw. srrrffir-^ Aor. araftfq^— g Pp. $* Ger - f$«IT- 

■1 ■ ■ ■ 

ff ^ 1 P. to Mt, to injure; Pre. fj^fgf Perf. ftrffa- F. Fufc* 
f%f%$T Aor. 8rft^iPas8:--Pre. ft**fr Aor. *ifjfa Pp. 

9 3 P. to offer, to perform a sacrifice, to eat ; Pre. agfffir Perf. 
=&S M 1 .^LMI*Mik F. Fut. f^T Aor vr^faBen. g^TS; 
Dei. ^[^Rr Oau:— Pre. frawft— ff Aor. •T^f'8^— w 

392 Sa£tsk?it Gbammab. 

■■ i ■■■,■■ ■ ■ --i 

^ 1 TT. to ta^, to load, &c; Pre. ftfir— ^ ?erfc WT * .■# 
P. JFnt. ^ Aor, sr^^, 3153 Ben. ''fjftflKV fifts: Dflfc 

9.2 A. to takeaway, to conceal; Pre. bj^ Perf. ^jg^ F. Fat. 

ft 3 P. to blush, to be ashamed; Pre. f^r$j% Perl. ft|g<u^%kr 
fSrSpr &©., F. Fat. g^r Aor. sifc^Ben. ^irr^Des. f*n&- 
*jfa Pass:— Prew gN$r Oau:— Pre. >T?rRr— % Aor. vflltftr 


|f 1 XT. to call by name, to invoke, to call upon) Pre; ^t^T-^ 
% Perf. sgsw, ^S% F- Fa*- gmr Aor. 3fg$— *f, Sfgrar 
Ben* pmt,. glW Des. ^^!r Pass.— Pre. ^pfe Aor. 
aTgifc Oan:— Pre, grsRCfa— % Aor.; - arqpnfVl ( H^H^ 

V.-. H| ) Pp. 19 <*e*. f^^r.